Oceanic Observations of the Pacific: 1952 [Reprint 2019 ed.] 9780520339705

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Oceanic Observations of the Pacific: 1952 [Reprint 2019 ed.]

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Oceanic Observations of the Pacific







P R E S S •






Consultants to Editori«1 Board: Elbert H. Ahlstrom, Biological Labor»tory ot tbe B u r t u of Commercial P l i h t r i M , La Jolla; I t o m i * 8. Austin, Biological Laboratory of tbe Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Washington, D. C. ; Richard R. Flamine, University of Washington, Seattle; Eu««ne C. LaFond, U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego; John P. Tully, Flshaiies Reeearch Board of Canada, Pacific Ck e s i s t i sphlr Oroup, Nanaimo

The editors suggest that this volume be cited as: Scrippe Institution of Oceanography of the University of California IMS Oceanic Observations of the Pacific: IMS. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press

University of California P r e s s Berkeley sad Los Angeles California

Cambridge University Press London, England

Manufactured in the United States of Amsrioa

Preface Oceanic Observations of the Pacific is a medium for publication of oceanographic data collected in the Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas by the cooperating agencies. At the present time these agencies are Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, San Diego, California; Biological Laboratory of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Honolulu, Hawaii (formerly Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations); Biological Laboratory of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, La Jolla, California (formerly South Pacific Fishery Investigations); Biological Laboratory of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Seattle, Washington (formerly Pacific Salmon Investigations) ; Department of Oceanography of the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; InterAmerican Tropical Tuna Commission, La Jolla, California; Pacific Oceanographic Group of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Nanaimo, British Columbia; United States Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, California. Certain cruises were carried out jointly as California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CCOFI). The agencies cooperating in the CCOFI program are the Scripps Institution, the Biological Laboratory of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, La Jolla, the California Department of Fish and Game, the Hopkins Marine Station and the California Academy of Sciences. A grant from the National Science Foundation has supported part of the cost of preparing these data for publication and most of the printing cost. The present volume contains observations made in 1952. For each oceanographic station, values of temperature, salinity and oxygen are tabulated at observed and at standard depths. Computed values of density, specific volume anomaly or thermosteric anomaly, and geopotential anomaly are also tabulated at standard depths. In addition, some observations of phosphate and silicate are included. The positions of serial observations and the numbers of bathythermograph observations made in 1952 and during the period 1941 through 1952 are shown on charts. Information concerning each cruise is summarized in a table.


DESCRIPTION OF OBSERVATIONS Significance of Reported Océanographie Data Notes on Particular Cruises Summary Cruise Information Bibliography CHARTS

Page x x x xU xxi xxvii



1. General location chart 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Station Station Station Station Station Station Station Station Station Station Station Station

positions, positions. positions, positions. positions, positions, positions. positions, positions, positions, positions, positions,

CCOFI, Cruise 5201 CCOFI, Cruise 5202 CCOFI, Cruise 5203 CCOFI, Cruise 5204 CCOFI, Cruise 5205 CCOFI, Cruise 5206 CCOFI, Cruise 5207 CCOFI, Cruise 5208 CCOFI, Cruise 5209 Gulf of California, CCOFI, Cruise 5209 CCOFI, Cruise 5210 CCOFI, Cruise 5211

14. Station positions. Scrlpps Institution of Oceanography and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, RV Horizon on Expedition Shellback

xxvii xxviil xxvili xxlx xxix XXX XXX xxxi xxxl xxxii xxxii xxxl li xxxlii


15. Station positions, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, RV Spenoer F. Baird and RV Horizon on Expedition Capricorn


16. Station positions, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Honolulu, Cruises 14. 15. 16 and 17 of RV Hush M. Smith


17. Station positions, Pacific Oceanographlc Group, HMCS Sault Ste. Marie on Cruise NP-52-1


Page 18. Station positions, U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, USS Marysvllle on Expedition Shuttle


19. Station positions, University of Washington, Cruise 1 of RV Brown Bear


20. Station positions, University of Washington, Cruise 4 of RV Brown Bear


21. Station positions, University of Washington, Cruise 7 of RV Brown Bear


22. Station positions. University of Washington, Cruise 9 of RV Brown Bear



23. Bathythermograph observations, North and South Pacific, 1952


24. Bathythermograph observations, North and South Pacific, 1941-1952


25. Bathythermograph observations, Indian Ocean, 1941-1952


26. Bathythermograph observations, Antarctic Ocean, 1941-1952 27. Station plan of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (formerly California Cooperative Sardine Research Program) from February, 1949, to January, 1950, inclusive, with equivalent numbers according to present station numbering system



Explanation of Tables


1. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CCOFI) CCOFI5201 CCOFI 5202 CCOFI 5203 CCOFI 5204 CCOFI 5205 CCOFI 5206 CCOFI 5207 CCOFI 5208 CCOFI 5209 CCOFI 5210 CCOFI 5211

1 28 60 104 159 192 232 274 304 334 358

Page 2. Scripps Inatitution of Oceanography (SIO) and later-American Tropical Tuna Commission (1ATTC) Expedition Shellback


3. Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) Expedition Capricorn


4. Bureau of Commercial Fiaheries, Honolulu (HBL) HMS-14 HMS-15 HMS-16 HMS-17

491 507 527 537

5. Pacific Oceanographic Group (POG) NP-52-1


6. U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory (USNEL) Expedition Shuttle


7. University of Washington (UW) BB-1 BB-4 BB-7 BB-9

591 593 597 607


several months and evaporation occurred before titration. The extent of evaporation has been estimated by comparing the results of these two cruises with earlier and later data in the depth range of 500 to 1000 meters, and also a comparison was made of the IOmeter samples titrated immediately at the end of each cruise with the corresponding surface samples titrated much later. These comparisons show evaporation from nearly all samples. The mean of the resulting change of salinity was 0.0431 for the RV Horizon data and 0.060)1. for the RV Crest data. However, evaporation was not uniform since depth-by-depth and station-by- station differences from the more dependable data varied somewhat. For the Horizon the standard deviation was 0.0791 and for the Crest it was 0.0141.

Routine field measurements of océanographie parameters by conventional methods are usually subject to at least the following random errors: depth

14 m (in the upper 1000 m)






±0.04 ml/L


10.05 to 0.1 ug at/L All salinity values of these two ships, except the IOmeter data, are marked "E," indicating that evaporation is known to have occurred.

A recent analysis of the precision of field measurements of temperature and salinity is that of Wooster and Taft (1958). It should be noted that the above estimate of salinity precision refers to analyses by Knudsen titration.

On Cruises 5201 through 5210 salinity samples were titrated manually; on Cruise 5211 salinities were obtained by an automatic device which determined the end point by measuring the electrical potential. The random e r r o r s in the manual method are estimated to be about 0.0251 (root mean square); those of the automatic device, about 0.0501.

Interpolated values at standard depths are known with less precision, and the resulting uncertainty in specific volume anomaly and thermosteric anomaly at standard depths due to random e r r o r s in field measurements of temperature, salinity and depth is of the order of three centiliters per ton. Therefore, in this publication series it is the practice to report specific volume anomaly and thermosteric anomaly to no more than one part in 105 (one cl/ton) andgeopotentlal anomaly to no more than the nearest dynamic centimeter.

Expedition Shellback The purpose of Shellback and associated Expeditions Shuttle and Shortcut (Operation Co-op) was to obtain an extensive and systematic set of oceanographic observations from the eastern tropical Pacific. Prior to 1952 only a few observations were available from this area.

It should be noted also that computations of salinity (from measured chlorinity) and density (sigma-t, specific volume anomaly and thermosteric anomaly) r e ported in this volume have all been based on the empirical equations and tables by Knudsen (1901) and Ekman(1908). Because of the inadequacy of our present knowledge of the equation of state of sea water (Eckart, 1958) and the uncertainty of the relationship between chlorinity and salinity (Carrltt and Carpenter, 1959), it is possible that these computed values differ systematically from the absolute values. However, in the upper thousand meters at least, Reid (1959) has shown that the influence of such systematic e r r o r s on the accuracy of computed geostrophic flow is significantly smaller than the Influence of e r r o r s in the determination of temperature, salinity, pressure and position.

After return of the expedition it was discovered that the salinity bottles had not been adequately sealed. Analyses of the samples showed numerous abnormally high salinity values, indicating that evaporation had occurred. Because of the random nature of this evaporation and because a large percentage of the samples was affected, it was decided to discard all of the salinity values. Expedition Capricorn Expedition Capricorn was the fourth of a series of oceanographic expeditions into the deep Pacific sponsored by the Navy Department and the University of California. Most of the work was done between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn; hence the name, Capricorn. The principal aim of the expedition was to study the floor of the deep Pacific basin.

NOTES ON PARTICULAR CRUISES California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations

In addition to geological and geophysical exploration, certain biological, physical and meteorological observations were made because the sediment blanket is so closely interwoven with the life and movement of the water above the sea floor and, also, the movement of ocean water is affected by the atmosphere above the sea.

It has been found that on the first cruise of 1952(CCOFI 5201) nearly all of the salinity data obtained by two ships are subject to substantial e r r o r . The water samples were stored with unsatisfactory seals for


Cruises HMS-14, HMS-15, HMS-16 and HMS-17

Expedition Shuttle

No correction of depths for the four cruises of the RV Hugh M. Smith presented in this volume has been necessary since no error was made in the original computations at the time of processing. (An error reported by ThomasS. Austin, 1962,had been made in the calculation of later data of the EV Hugh M. Smith and RV Charles H. Gilbert reported in Special Scientific Reports, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fisheries Nos. 168, 180, 201, 217, 238, 252, 315, 358 and part of 164.)

The USS Marysville of the U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory made observations in the eastern tropical Pacific on Expedition Siuttle as part of Operation Coop. The final processing of the data was done by the Data Collecting and Processing Group of the Scripps Institution. Cruises BB-1, BB-4, BB-7 and BB-9 Interpolation of values at standard depths was performed by the IBM Type 650 Magnetic-Drum DataProcessing Machine in the Research Computer Laboratory of the University of Washington, using the three-point Lagrange curve based upon one point above and two points below the desired depth. Corrections were made for any peculiar interpolations which resulted from use of this method in the upper layers.

Cruise NP-52-1 Interpolation for values at standard depths and determination of calculated depths were carried out by machine program at the U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, D. C. Interpolations were made by the three-point Lagrange method (U. S. N. Hydrogr. Off., 1960; Nat. Oceanogr. Data Center, 1962).




Dates of hydro, c a s t s


Black Douglas" Crest Horizon

20-28 i 9-22 i 16-19 i

9 43 3

11 2 0

18 5 11

0 0 0

38 50 14

0 0 0

163 92 65


Black Douglas

13-25 ii







149 e


6 - 1 5 ii







181 e


6-21 ii







188 e

Black Douglas Crest

24 iii-3 iv 7 - 1 6 ili

15 17

24 6

5 23

0 0

44 46

0 0

136° 125 e

E. W. Scripps

20-29 iii







57 e

Horizon Paolina-T

5-17 iii 5 - 6 ili

26 0

14 2

7 0

0 0

47 2

0 0

171° 24 e

Black Douglas

5-22 iv







248 e


2-23 iv








E. W. Scripps

26-28 iv









4-23 iv







258 e

Black Douglas

9-20 v







E . W. Scripps Paolina-T

14-17 v 20-26 v

6 9

8 12

0 2

0 0

14 23

0 0

21* 72e

Spencer F . Baird

9-25 v







154 e


Number and depths of hydrographie stations 0-500 m 500-1000 m 1000-2000 m >2000 m Total

T and Sobs at 10 m

No of BTobs








PO 4 -P

Depth determination Usual No. No. P Btls w/U Nansen btls tberms/btl therms

Surface T underway

Plankton tows

Surface currents

Other measurements and observations

IS 15 15

34 50b 15b

Marine mammal watch Marine mammal watch Marine mammal watch









10-day sampling of spawning fish off Cedros Island for f e cundity, availability and food studies and age and size determinations; marine life watch 10-day trajectory study to evaluate methods for measuring currents and to determine time variation in biol., chem. and phys. properties within a given water type; radiosonde obs; marine life watch Marine life watch

0 45

15 11

64 48b



0 47 0

47 0

0 0

15 13

112 GEK

32 GEK

9 6






46" 0

















14 7

13-16 13-16

24° 30b





84 GEK

Marine life watch Obs of gray whale in and near Scammon and San Ignacio Lagoons; marine life watch Anchor-sta and close-grid upwelling study off Pt. Conception; marine life watch Marine life watch GEK and Thermitow obs between Pt. Conception and San Diego to study countercurrent and eddy system 24 anchor stas and hourly BT obs during special close-grid survey off Baja Calif.; marine life watch 6 anchor stas with Thermitow and hourly BT obs during special close-grid survey off Baja Calif.; radiosonde obs; marine life watch Hydro, stas at 2-hr intervals to study upwelling Special hydro, casts, vertical plankton hauls to 75 m, GEK and hourly BT obs while vessel followed drift buoy through closegrid area during special closegrid survey off Baja Calif.; marine life watch Collection of sardine eggs and larvae to study spawning; marine life watch Marine life watch Marine life watch Microplankton hauls; marine life watch




Dates of hydro, c a s t s



8-21 vi




130 8

Spencer F . Baird YeUowfin

6 - 1 8 vi 3-14 vi

18 13

18 34

44 47



10-23 vii






9 - 2 3 vii





8pencer F . Baird

2-12 vii





Black Douglas Crest

8-19 vili 9-19 viil

17 20

18 18

41 46

0 0

119 128

E . W . Scripps Spencer F . Baird

9-14 viii 12-17 viii

22 26

0 0

22 26

0 0

330 99

Black Douglas

22 ix-6 x





4-14 ix




4 - 1 9 ix




8-22 x



8-19 x

Black Douglas Crest

8-21 xi 6 - 1 8 xi

Horizon a

18 v-25 viii






Number and depths of hydrographie stations 0-500 m 500-1000 m 1000-2000 m >2000 m Total

T and Sobs at 10 m

No.of BTobs



130 '













14 27

23 25

7 0

44 52

164* 2411





SIO/IATTC Shellback






Depth determination Usual No. No. P Btls w/U Nansen btls therms/btl therms

Surface T underway

Plankton tows





44 47



10 10

56 64 b








64 b




62 b

39 46

15 16

10 10

41 47 b

0 25

5 5

3 3













44 49

16 16

10 10






8urface currents 47 GEK

Radiosonde obs; marine life watch Marine life watch Marine life watch

89 GEK; drift cards released, all stas drift cards released, all stas drift cards released, all stas

Radiosonde obs; marine life watch Microplankton sampler used, all stas; marine life watch Carbohydrate determinations; marine life watch

39" 27b

47 GEK

Marine life Radiosonde watch Marine life Marine life


110 GEK

Marine life watch


16 GEK

Hiermitow measurements; 12hr radiosonde series, Sebastiin Vizcaino Bay; 12-hr GEK series, Sta. 120.90; marine life watch Marine life watch

75 GEK

12-hr GEK series, Sta. 60.110; marine life watch Marine life watch

47 thermograph

45 40" 44 48 b



204 b 197 c


Other measurements and observations

55 GEK

521 GEK

watch obs; marine life watch watch

Marine life watch 12-hr GEK series, Sta. 120.90; sardine specimens off Baja Calif, for chromatographic studies; marine life watch

Samples for Si03~Si determination at 102 stas; special detailed oceanographic studies in the Peru Current, the Gulf of Guayaquil, the Gulf of Nicoya, the Galápagos Islands and on the north edge of the countercurrent; direct measurements of vertical distribution of velocity at 8 stas using current cross from drifting ship; 170 radiosonde obs; 37 productivity experiments run using radioactive tracer technique; on 2 stas special casts to collect O2 isotope ratio samples; continuous record of bottom topography; 17 midwater trawls; continuous log of biological obs




Dates of hydro, casts

Number and depths of hydrographie stations 0-500 m 500-1000 m 1000-2000 m >2000 m Total

T and Sobs at 10 m

No. of BTobs

SIO Capricorn

Horizon 1 Spencer F . Baird

13 x 195214 ii 1953 21 xli 19524 ii 1953


607 1





Hugh M. Smith

27 i-7 iil









Hugh M. Smith

28 v-20 vi









Hugh M. Smith

27 vi-4 viii









Hugh M. Smith

6-15 ix








HMCS Sault Ste. Marie

6-17 iii








USS Mary avilie

24 iv-3 vi








POO NF-52-1

USNEL Shuttle





Depth determination Usual No. No. P Btls w/U Nansen btls therms/btl therms

SurfaceT underway

Plankton tows

Surface currents








126 GEK







35 d

24 GEK






335 GEK









15" 30 1 30J






12 a


15 b







shallow, 3 deep, 8


Two-ship study of the deep Pacific basin by seismic shooting, echo sounding, coring. magnetic surveys, measurements of heat flux; various biol., geol. and meteorol. obs (midwater trawls and chain-bagrock dredge hauls, exploration of coral reefs and collection of flora and fauna by divers; from the Marquesas to San Diego 7 series of phyto. samples on sta between surface and 100 m and 4-hourly subsurface samples underway, radiosondes, air temp, and pressure soundings to 4000 ft, air samples for fixed nitrogen content); water samples for O2, PO4-P, SiC)3-Si and Alk.; 3 successful lowerings of bottom temp, gradient recorder (1 over Easter Island Rise); underwater photography

Depth recorder in irregular operation; bird and fish-school logs 4 midwater-trawl hauls; surface trolling; continuous nighttime depth recordings; Hardy plankton recorder in operation during daylight hours between Honolulu and Sta. 1; bird and fish-school logs

3e 4 pairs ' 3 pairs8


Other measurements and observations

Surface drags; GEK at magnetic equator

Surface trolling between Honolulu and Sta. 1; bird and fishschool logs Surface trolling during daylight hours; depth recorder in operation nightly during most of cruise



Dates of hydro, casts


Brown Bear

14-15 iii









Brown Bear

29 iv-6 v









Brown Bear

3-13 vii









Brown Bear

19 viii-2 ix









Number and depths of hydrographie stations 0-500 m 500-1000 m 1000-2000 m >2000 m Total

Tand Sobs at 10 m

No.of BTobs


General Methods Unless otherwise indicated, subsurface temperature by paired protected reversing thermometers; salinity by Knudsen method; dissolved oxygen by Winkler method aboard ship; inorganic phosphate analyses by the molybdenum-blue method (Wooster and Rakestraw, 1951). When available, specific information on accuracy is indicated by footnotes. Absence of such information does not necessarily imply that the nominal accuracies have been achieved.

CCOFI a CCOFI thermometer calibrations indicate the temperature accuracy to be 0.02°C; field tests indicate a salinity accuracy of ± 0.025&(root mean square). This accuracy was achieved on Cruises 5201 through 5210, but the root mean square was estimated to be ± 0.050%> for Cruise 5211. See Notes on Particular Cruises for information concerning methods of titration on Cruises 5201-5211 and evaporation on Cruise 5201. b Oblique plankton tow to approximately 140 m (200 m of wire out, or less in shallow water) taken with a 30XXX net, 1.0 m in diameter at mouth by approximately 5 m in over-all length with detachable cod end of 56XXX nylon grit gauze, c Half-hourly lowerlngs between station lines along the coast. d Oblique plankton tow to approximately 424 m (600 m of wire out, or less in shallow water) taken with a 30XXX net, 1.0 m in diameter at mouth by approximately 5 m In over-all length with detachable cod end of 56XXX nylon grit gauze, e Half-hourly lowerlngs between station lines along the coast and hourly between stations on the station lines. f One oblique plankton tow to approximately 42 m (60 m of wire out) and one to approximately 98 m (140 m of wire out) taken with a 30XXX net, 1 . 0 m in diameter at mouth by approximately 5 m in over-all length with detachable cod end of 56XXX nylon grit gauze, g Half-hourly lowerlngs between station lines along the coast and hourly between stations on station lines except when net tows were made between hydrographicstations. In this case o n e B T o b s e r vation was made at the time of the net tow in lieu of hourly lowerings. h Shallow plankton tows to various depths (3 horizontal surface, 22 vertical to 10 m, 2 to 20 m, 2 to 30 m, 3 to 40 m, 1 to 60 m, 2 to 90 m and 4 to bottom—25 to 40 m) taken with a 30XXX net, 1 . 0 m in diameter at mouth by approximately 5 m in over-all length with detachable cod end of 56XXX nylon grit gauze. 1 Beginning with the first station, half-hourly lowerings between station lines inshore and hourly between stations and between station lines offshore. ] One 10-hour horizontal surface plankton tow in Turtle Bay taken with standard one-meter net. k Six shallow oblique plankton tows to depths of from 6 m to 21 m (10 to 30 m of wire out) taken with a standard one-meter net. These tows were made in Santa Maria Bay, Magdalena Bay, Almejas Bay and Concepción Bay and lasted from 2 to 7 hours.











Depth determination Usual No. No. P Btls w/U Nansen btls therms/btl therms


Surface T underway

Plankton tows

Surface currents










81 GEK







25-hr GEK time study







84 GEK


Other measurements and observations

1 piston core

SIO/IATTC a Thermometer calibrations indicate the temperature accuracy to be 0.02°C. b Quantitative plankton tow with a one-meter net hauled obliquely from a depth of 300 m to the surface. c Qualitative microplankton tow with a 17-cm net hauled vertically from 100 m to the surface. SIO a BT observations every two hours en route to the Marshall Islands. b Oblique macroplankton haul from 150 and 450 m, using a one-meter net. c Vertical microplankton haul between the surface and 50 m, using a net of No. 20 mesh size. HBL a One only in Nansen bottle at the surface; two per bottle at other depths, b Thermograph in operation through Station 16. c Oblique plankton hauls to 200 m taken at each hydrographic station with a net 1.0 m in diameter at mouth; duration, 30 minutes, d Oblique plankton hauls to 200 m taken with a net 1.0 m in diameter at mouth and 0.656 mm in aperture size; duration, 30 minutes, e Oblique plankton hauls to 200m taken with a net 1.0m in diameter at mouth and 0.3mm in aperture size; duration, 30 minutes, f Phytoplankton samples taken at 10 and 20 m, using two Clarke-Bumpus samplers five inches in diameter at mouth; duration, one hour, g Simultaneously with the first three pairs of phytoplankton samples collected at 10 and 20 m with Clarke-Bumpus samplers, three pairs of nets, 1.0m in diameter at mouth and 0.31mm in aperture size, were towed at depths of from one to two fm; duration, one hour, h Oblique plankton hauls to 200 m; duration, 30 minutes. i Collections made using Clarke-Bumpus samplers at three levels with simultaneous surface tows. The samplers were 5 in. in diameter at mouth and 0.31mm in aperture size; duration, one hour, j Surface tows made simultaneously with Clarke-Bumpus collections, using a net 1.0 ft in diameter at mouth and 0.31 mm in aperture size; duration, one hour, k Oblique plankton hauls to 200 m taken with a net 1.0 m in diameter at mouth and 0.65 mm in aperture size; duration; 30 minutes. 1 Surface phytoplankton hauls taken with a net 1.0m in diameter at mouth and 0.31mm in aperture size; duration, 30 minutes. POG a Observations at top 6 depth intervals and bottom 6 intervals, b Fjarlie bottles (Fjarlie, 1953). c Five unprotected thermometers between 60 and 160 m; 5 between 200 and 1000 m. d At BT observation. UW a Dissolved oxygen by the modified Winkler method described by Thompson and Robinson (1939). b On deep stations. c Bucket temperatures in conjunction with BT observations. d Inorganic phosphate by the method described by Robinson and Thompson (1948), except that the color intensity was measured by an electric-eye photometer rather than Nessler tubes (Ford, 1950).


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342 339 335 333 330 316 307 228 187 162 145 126 113 100 91 84 69


CREST; February 9 , 1952; 11£5 GCT; 29°12'N, 115°39'W; sounding, 900 fm; wind, 150°, cloudy; isea, rough; wire angle,, 00'. 33..42 5. 39 0 ' 15,.8 33.42 5.39 0 33..42 3. Olu 327 10 • 15 .45 33.42 10 15.45 33.40 33..40 5. 73 20 15..3 25 5. 85 30 15,.2 33.40 5.77 50 33.,48 4. 94 50 14..7 33.48 5.85 33..31 ; 75 75 33.31 4.94 11.49 33..70 3. 48 231 12 .D 100 100 33.70 10.21 33.. 95 .. 2. 69 190 11,.49 3.48 165 150 10..33 33.93 2.74 9.42 34..07 2. 30 169 203 0. 92 140 200 9..48 34.06 2.33 8.75 34. 33 298 0. 48 120 250 34.22 1.62 397 7.75 34. 40 9..09 34.34 0.90 34. 37 0. 33 109 300 8..72 491 6.76 0. 27 400 7..70 34.40 0.48 590 6.04 34. 38 99 34.37 0. 33 83 500 0.33 784 4.92 34. 42 6..68 73 600 0.27 977 4.32 34.,47 0.52 5..98 34.38 0. 78 700 34.40 0.29" 1180 3.56 34.58 58 5..32 800 0.33 4..87 34.42 1000 0.57 4..13 34.48

24..81 24,.83 24..81 24..84

314 313 315 312

335 327 326 324 308 268 231 194 171 153 138 119 108 98 89 83 71


0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 11335

force 4; weather, 24,.60 24,.68 24..69 24..72 24..89 25..30 25..70 26..08 < 26..33 26.,51 26..67 26.,87 26. 99 27. 09 27. 18 27. 25 27. 38


0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.46 0.57 0.66 0.74 0.88 1.01 1.12 1.22 1.32 1.49

wiftd, 210', foroe 4; weather, 5.76 5.75 5.76 5.71

CCOFI 5202

0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.23 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.79 0.91 1.02 1.12 1.22 1.39

CREST; February 9, 1952; 0805 GCT 29°05'N, 115°59.5'W; sounding, 900 fm; wind, 180°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, rough wire angle, 01°. 0 15.9 '33.48 5.68 24..62 333 0.00 0 33..48 5.68 33.,46 5.68 329 10 15. 65 33.46 5.68 24..66 329 0.03 10 15. 65 20 15.,7 33.46 5.73 24..65 330 0.07 25 33.,46 5.76 30 50 33.,46 5.73 15.,5 33.46 5.76 24..70 326 0.10 5.67 50 15. 2 33.46 5.73 24.,76 319 0.16 75 33.,46 5.67 24..81 315 0.24 33.,31 5.14 272 75 15.,0 33.46 100 12. 18 ' 5.14 33.,75 3.73 100 12. 18 33.31 25..26 272 0.32 152 9. 77 198 3.80 0.44 2.35 166 150 9.,82 33.75 26..03 199 199 9. 44 34.,11 200 34.12 2.35 26..38 165 0.53 0.93 9.,43 294 8. 88 250 9. 18 34.27 1.40 26..54 150 0.61 7. 76 34. 34 0.59 125 ! 395 0.90 141 300 34.32 26..64 0.69 489 6. 85 34. 36 0.38 111 8.,80 99 400 7. 70 34.34 0.58 26..82 124 0.82 5. 92 34. 36 0.28 588 0.37 0.95 500 6.74 34.36 26..97 109 787 4. 79 34. 42 0.38 82 27.09 67 600 5.,82 34.36 0.28 98 1.06 4. 02 34. 51 0.62 979 0.30 27.,18 89 1.16 0.77 57 700 5. 20 34.38 3. 52 34. 58 1180 0.40 27.,27 800 4. 72 81 1.25 34.42 27.,43 1000 3. 94 34.52 0.65 66 1.42





I 13.50





I 13.70


S ml/L










CREST; February 9, 1952; 0225, 0255 GCT; 28°43'N, cloudy; sea, rouf^i; wire angle, 06°, 06°. 5.41 0 33.55 3.97u 334 10 15. 99 33.49 5.68 25 33.53 33.53 5.69 50 74 100 153 200 294 393 486 584 777 969 1173

I 13.60


13. 54 10.,78 10..23 8..99 7..88 7..02 6..11 4..93 4..23 3,.62

33.53 33.34 33.86 34.14 34.29 34.34 -

34.38 34.42 -


5.63 5.36 3.56 2.00 1.13 0.69 0.41 0.32 0.34 0.50 0.73

295 207 177 146 126 100 83 63







dyn m

116°38'W; sounding, 1950 fm; wind, 170°, force 3; weather,

0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000

16. 2 15. 99 16. 0 15. 9 15. 8 15.,7 13. 54 10..85 10,.23 9..57 8..90 7,.80 6..89 5,.99 5..30 4..84 4 .12

CREST; February 8, 1952; 2106 GCT; 28°23'N, 117°16.5'W; sounding, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 12°. 5.67 0 16.5 33. 64 0 5.69 330 16.20 10 16.20 33. 60 10 16.1 5.69 20 33. 62 24 5.64 16.0 30 33. 51 49 50 15.6 5.61 33..47 73 15.2 75 33. 40 282 13.12 ¡>,62 98 100 13.00 150 33. 55 9.91 215 5.38 150 9.91 197 10.30 34.,18 175 4.23 200 10.30 145 34..34 289 9.16 2.04 250 34..36 9.85 385 7.96 126 0.99 300 9.01 7.00 34..36 113 477 0.59 400 7.79 101 6.20 34..38 574 0.38 500 6.79 34..42 85 766 5.11 0.28 600 6.02 957 4.26 0.50 700 5.46 34..52 0.69 63 3.69 1159 800 4.93 1000 4.10

33.55 33.49 33.52 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.34 33.82 34.14 34.24 34.30


5.69 5.69 5.63 5.36 3.68 2.00 1.42 1.10 0.65 0.39 0.31 0.32 0.37 0.54

24.61 24.61 24.63 24.66 24.68 24.71 25.02 25.90 26.26 26.45 26.61

334 334 332 329 327 325 295 211 177 159 144

0. 00 0. 03 0. 07 0. 10 0. 17 0..25 0..33 0..45 0..55 0..64 0..72

2150 fm; wind, 200°, force 3; weather, 33.64 33.60 33.62 33.62 33.51 33.46 33.40 33.55 34.20 34.30 34.34 34.36 34.36 34.38 34.40 34.43 34.49

5.67 5.69 5.70 5.68 5.63 5.61 5.61 5.38 4.10 2.70 1.90 0.90 0.52 0.36 0.30 0.30 0.56

24. 61 24. 65 24.,68 24.71 24.,71 24.76 25.,17 25.,86 26..30 26..45 26..62 26..82 26..96 27,.08 27,.17 27 .25 27 .39

334 330 327 325 324 319 280 215 173 159 143 123 110 99 91 83 70

0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.45 0.54 0.63 0.71 0.85 0.97 1.08 1.19 1.28 1.45

CREST; February 8, 1952; 1622 GCT; 28°06'N, 117°51'W; sounding, 2000 fm; wind, 200°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, rouf^i; wire angle, 00°. 0.00 336 33.55 5.66 24.59 0 16.3 33.55 5. 66 0 0.03 24.62 333 16.07 33.53 5.59 10 333 16.07 33.53 5. 59 10 0.07 5.62 24.65 330 16.0 33.54 20 33.55 5. 63 25 0.10 24.66 329 16.0 33.56 5.63 30 5. 59 33.58 50 327 0.17 24.68 33.58 5.59 50 16.0 33.64 5. 59 74 24.72 323 0.25 33.64 5.59 16.0 75 323 5..58 16.00 33.64 98 0.33 24.75 321 15.90 33.64 5.58 100 248 33.42 4.,73 152 11.32 0.47 4.80 251 33.42 25.48 150 11.48 192 33.80 3..48 9.61 198 26.12 0.59 9.57 33.81 3.41 191 200 149 34.10 2..00 8.20 294 26.40 164 0.68 33.98 2.68 250 8.65 120 0..75 7.19 34.29 395 144 0.76 34.12 1.90 26.61 300 7.98 0,.32 109 34.36 490 6.72 26.87 119 0.89 34.30 0.71 400 7.15 0,.29 99 34.36 5.88 588 1.01 26.99 108 6.62 34.36 0.32 500 0,.32 82 34.43 787 4.91 0.30 27.10 1.12 34.36 98 600 5.78 0 .52 72 34.47 980 4.19 1.22 0.30 27.18 89 5.26 34.39 700 0 .77 3.60 1179 0.33 27.27 81 1.32 4.85 34.44 800 0.57 (27.37) (72) (1.49) 4.11 (34.46) 1000





S t









S t.

CREST; F e b r u a r y 9, 1952; 2040 GCT; 2 8 ' 5 6 ' N , 114*41'W; sounding, 40 f m ; wind, m i t t e n t light d r i z z l e ; s e a , m o d e r a t e ; w i r e a n g l e , 02*. 0 15.87 5.79 314 33.73 0 15.87 33.73 33.71 10 33.71 315 15.85 10 15.85 5.68 20 15.80 33.75 33.75 5.76 311 20 15.80 5.67 15.77 33.82 33.82 305 30 30 15.77 50 33.66 5.04 296 14.78 33.66 14.78 50 CREST; F e b r u a r y 9, 1952; 2232 GCT; 2 8 , 4 8 ' N , 114*56.5'W; sounding, slight; w i r e angle, 00°. 0 15.31 323 33.44 5.86 0 15.31 10 15.44 4.56u 319 33.53 10 15.44 310 20 15.62 33.71 5.83 15.62 20 30 15.47 5.80 312 15.47 33.64 30 50 279 13.81 33.62 3.89 50 13.81


«t g/L




dyn m

2 8 0 ' , f o r c e 3; w e a t h e r , i n t e r 5.79 5.68 5.76 5.67 5.04

24..82 24..81 24..85 24..91 25..01

314 315 311 305 296

0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.15

52 f m ; wind, calm; w e a t h e r , cloudy; s e a , 33.44 33.53 33.71 33.64 33.62

5.86 5.83 5.80 3.89

24.72 24.76 24.86 24.84 25.18

323 319 310 312 279

CREST; F e b r u a r y 10, 1952; 0225 GCT; 28°38'N, 115°16'W; sounding, 111 f m ; wind, 260°, f o r c e 3; w e a t h e r , p a r t l y cloudy; s e a , slight; w i r e angle, 0 0 ° . 15.77 0 33.51 5.77 24..67 328 15.77 33.51 5. 77 328 0 10 15.96 33.73 5.74 24..80 316 316 33.73 5.,74 15.96 10 15.70 33.84 20 5.46 24..94 302 301 33.84 5..18 15.63 25 33.84 277 30 15.60 4.95 24..97 300 33.80 4..23 14.37 50 50 14.37 33.80 4.23 277 25..20 3..59 13.08 74 33.80 13.00 3.58 25..48 251 226 75 33.87 2.,90 11.95 98 100 11.90 33.89 2.87 25..77 224 2..53 208 33.98a) 120 11.38 (34.17) (26..17) (186) 187 150 (10.91) (1.71) 10.94 34.16 1. 72 148


I 17.3

0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.15 117.3 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.15 0.22 0.28 (0.38)

CREST; F e b r u a r y 10, 1952; 0600 GCT; 28°28'N, 115*35.5'W; sounding, 570 f m ; wind, 250°, f o r c e 2; w e a t h e r , m i s s i n g ; s e a , m o d e r a t e ; w i r e angle, 0 4 ° . (0.00) (24.70) (326) 0 (15.50) 33.46 33.46 0 33.42 24.69 326 0.03 10 15.39 326 33.42 10 15.39 (0.07) (24.74) 20 (15.30) 33.46 (321) 33.46 5.,74 25 (0.10) 33.46 (24.76) 30 (15.20) 5. 78 5.,84 (319) 33.40 51 33.40 5. 83 (24.78) (0.16) 50 (14.90) (317) 33.46 5. 63 75 (14.00) 33.46 5. 63 (25.02) (295) (0.24) 75 3.,94 264 33.75 13.51 101 100 33.75 4. 10 (25.34) (264) (0.31) (13.50) 2. 13 190 34.11 10.90 155 11.00 34.08 2. 30 26.08 194 (0.42) 150 166 34.36 1. 12 10.56 202 26.37 167 (0.52) 200 10.60 34.36 1. 16 0.,75 143 34.40 9.32 297 34.40 0. 87 152 (0.60) 250 9.88 26.52 127 34.45 0. 44 400 8.48 34.40 0. 72 143 (0.67) 300 9.29 26.62 0. 38 114 34.32 6.85 496 127 34.45 0. 44 26.79 (0.82) 400 8.48 0. 38 99 34.36 597 5.94 6.79 34.32 0. 38 26.93 113 (0.94) 500 0..30 91 34.39 5.44 693 0. 37 600 5.90 34.36 27.08 99 (1.06) 82 0.,37 34.43 797 4.88 34.40 0. 30 27.17 90 (1.16) 700 5.40 82 0.,48 4.55 34.38 894 34.42 0. 38 27.25 83 (1.25) 800 4.85

I 17.4

a) Loose bottle cap; value f a l l s on p r o p e r t y c u r v e .



















dyn m


CREST; April 9, 1952; 1259 GCT; 30°58'N, 118°05'W; sounding, 1000 fm; wind, 340°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, missing; wire angle, 10°. 0 0 33. 35 6. 00 14.9 33. 35 6. 00 24. 74 321 0.00 5. 77 321 10 14.80 10 14. 80 33..32 33. 32 5. 77 24..74 321 0.03 25 33. 35 5. 87 20 14.7 33. 35 5. 85 24..79 317 0.06 30 33. 35 4. 54 249 14.3 33..35 5. 76 51 11. 04 24.,87 309 0.10 75 3..98 50 11.2 33. 35 4. 57 33. 35 25..48 251 0.15 9..98 33..68 3..46 207 75 10.5 33. 35 3. 98 98 25.,60 240 0.21 100 148 9..42 33.,95 2..79 178 9.93 33. 70 3..43 25..97 204 0.27 164 150 196 9..10 34.,07 2. 29 9.41 33. 96 2..75 26..26 177 0.37 150 243 34..12 2. 02 200 9.05 34. 07 8..41 2..25 26.,40 163 0.45 34..22 134 250 288 7..82 1..37 8.34 34.,13 1..95 26..56 148 0.53 300 388 7.,00 34.,27 0..67 119 7.69 34.,23 1..26 26.,74 132 0.61 483 34.,31 0.,36 107 400 6.90 34.,27 6..27 0. 61 26.,88 118 0.74 0..30 97 500 0. 33 585 5..71 34..36 6.16 34.,32 27..02 105 0.85 600 (5.65) (34.,37) (27, 12) (95) (0.96)


CREST; April 9, 1952; 0753 GCT; 30°41'N, cast; sea, slight; wire angle, 16°. 0 5.30 33.,37 328 9 15. 28 33.,37 5.49 24 33..37 5.64 33..37 5.67 48 33..26 5.76 72 95 33..19 5.07 214 3.91 145 9.,90 33.,57 2.96 187 33.,87 230 8.,58 34..04 2.46 159 274 8. 07 34.,09 2.12 147 366 34., 40u 7. 33 0.96 454 6.,46 34..23 0.70 116 34. 31 0.40 548 5. 82 102 735 4. 90 34. 42 0.35 83 922 4. 18 34. 43 0.54 75 1122 34. 47 3. 62 0.73 66



°47.5'W; sounding, 1700 fm; wind, 290°, force 3; weather, over0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000

15..4 15. 3 15. 0 14.,7 14. 6 13. 6 11.,8 9.,79 8..95 8.,34 7.,85 7.,00 6..08 5.,56 5..06 4..60 3.,90

33..37 33..37 33.,37 33.,37 33.,37 33.,25 33.,19 33.,61 33.,94 34. 07 34. 14 34.,20 34..27 34. 35 34.,41 34. 42 34. 44

5. 30 5. 50 5. 64 5. 65 5. 67 5. 74 4. 95 3. 74 2. 76 2. 32 1. 84 0. 79 0. 53 0. 36 0. 35 0. 37 0. 64

24..65 24..67 24..74 24..80 24,.82 24..94 25..24 25..92 26,.32 26.,51 26.,64 26.81 26..99 27.,12 27.,22 27.,28 27.,37

330 328 322 316 314 303 274 209 171 153 141 125 108 96 86 80 71

0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.31 0.43 0.53 0.61 0.69 0.83 0.95 1.06 1.16 1.25 1.41

CREST; April 9, 1952; 0255 GCT; 30°20.5'N, 119 °27'W; sounding, 2050 fm; wind, 340°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 09°. 0 33.57 5.60 0 15.9 33.57 5. 60 24,.69 326 0.00 10 15.86 33.58 5.60 324 10 15.86 33.58 5. 60 24..71 324 0.03 25 20 33.57 5.58 15.8 33.57 5. 58 24,.71 324 0.07 50 15.54 33.58 5.62 318 30 15.7 33.57 5..59 24,.74 322 0.10 74 33.57 5.67 50 15.54 33.58 5. 62 24..78 318 0.16 15.23 33.57 5.60 75 15.3 98 312 33.57 5. 66 24..82 313 0.24 150 4.43 100 10.64 33.51 230 15.19 33.57 5. 59 24..85 311 0.32 196 9.10 33.91 3.37 176 150 10.64 33.51 4. 43 25,.70 230 0.46 242 2.60 200 8.65 34.02 161 9.06 33.92 3. 28 26..28 175 0.56 290 8.19 34.11 2.18 148 250 34.03 8.58 2. 50 26..45 159 0.64 34.16 130 300 388 7.15 1.38 8.07 34.12 2. 09 26..59 145 0.72 6.34 34.29 0.49 110 400 7.00 486 34.18 1. 25 26.,79 126 0.86 589 5.83 0.46 97 500 34.38 6.26 34.31 0. 49 27.,00 107 0.99 600 (5.80) (34.39) (27.,12) (96) (1-10)


















"t g/L




dyn m

CREST; July 10, 1952; 0930 GCT; 34034'N, 121°55*W; sounding, 2000 sea, slight; wire angle, 00° . 0 313 14.99 0 14.99 33..48 6. 54 10 10 14.96 6.69 313 14.96 33.48 302 20 14.45 20 14.45 33..48 6. 60 30 13.70 35 33.53 6. 00 50 9.97 50 9.97 33..30 5..35 235 4.,91 225 75 9.04 65 9.31 33..29 100 80 8.97 33..49 4..10 205 8.86 187 150 8.42 8.88 33..71 3. 38 98 7.77 176 200 122 8.56 33..80 3..04 7.22 2..27 250 150 8.42 33,.98 161 2..19 300 6.96 195 7.84 34..03 149 400 6.09 34 .03 1.,70 141 241 7.28 5.47 7.04 34..12 500 288 131 1..74 0..74 600 (4.89) 386 6.20 34 .15 118 104 482 5.57 34 .24 0..52 34 .24 0..35 97 586 4.98

fm; wind, 300°, force 3; weather, cloudy;

CREST; July 23, 1952; 1756 GCT; 34°25'N, 120"32.5'W; sounding, 70 slight; wire angle, 04°. 0 33. 72 4. 30 0 11. 43 11. 43 228 10 10 33..73 4. 42 226 11..34 11. 34 20 10..94 20 10. 94 33. 72 3. 72 220 30 9. 86 30 9. 86 33. 80 3. 04 196 2. 22 184 50 9. 38 50 9. 38 33.86 2. 21 75 9..18 75 9.,18 33.,90 178

fm; wind, 330°, force 3; weather, fog; sea,

33. 48 33..48 33. 48 33..52 33..30 33..37 33..72 33. 98 34..03 34..04 34..13 34..16 34..24 (34.24)

33.72 33.73 33.72 33.80 33.86 33.90

6. 54 6..69 6. 60 6..20 5..35 4..35 3..31 2..27 2..17 1..71 1..69 0..68 0..50

4.30 4.42 3.72 3.04 2.22 2.21

24. 82 24. 83 24..94 25.,13 25..65 25..86 26..16 26..43 26..57 26..65 26..76 26 .90 27..04 (27..11)

25..72 25.,75 25..81 26..06 26..19 26..25

313 313 302 285 235 215 186 161 148 140 129 116 103 (96)

228 226 220 196 184 178

0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.14 0.20 0.25 0.34 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.69 0.80 (0.91)

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.15

CREST; July 23, 1952; 1553 GCT i 34° 19'N, 120°48'W; sounding, 350 fm; wind, 330°, force 3;, weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 02°. 5.53 0 5. 53 0 12..08 33.63 25..53 246 0.00 12.08 33. 63 246 10 11.,74 33.64 5.19 25..60 239 0.02 10 11.,74 33. 64 5. 19 239 20 33.67 5.64 25..68 232 0.05 25 11..28 33.,68 5. 65 228 11..45 30 10.94 33.70 5.60 25..79 221 0.07 50 9. 53 33.78 3. 53 192 50 9.,53 3.53 26.10 192 0.11 74 9..42 33.83 3..06 187 33.78 33.90 2.,54 75 9..40 33.83 3.05 26..16 186 0.16 98 9..21 178 2. 19 33.91 2.52 26..26 177 0.21 148 9..00 33.,99 168 100 9.19 2. 02 33.99 2.17 26..35 0.29 34..04 161 150 8.,98 168 196 8.,76 200 34.05 2.00 160 241 8.,54 34..16 1. 58 149 8.,75 26..43 0.38 1.57 289 8.,17 34.,15 1. 55 144 250 8..49 34.16 26..56 148 0.46 1.52 0. 99 300 34.16 26..62 142 0.53 341 7..70 34..21 133 8..07 7..25 34.21 0.79 127 0.67 7..32 34. 21 0. 81 400 26..78 389 128 (6.45) (34.20) (0.42) (0.80) 34..20 0. 65 124 500 (26.88) (118) 439 6..95 489 34.20 0. 43 119 6..54


CREST; July 23, 1952; 1303 GCT ¡34° 03'N, 121 °05'W; sounding, 500 fm; wind, 300°, force 3;; weather, overcast; sea, slight; wire angle, 15° 0 4. 95 273 0 13..19 33.55 4.95 25..25 273 0.00 13..19 33..55 25..25 273 10 5.,38 273 10 13..19 33.55 5.38 0.03 13..19 33..55 20 13..03 5.22 25..31 267 0.05 19 13..05 33..58 5..23 268 33.58 5.10 34 12..64 5. 07 259 30 12..82 25..36 263 0.08 33..59 33.59 4..63 249 50 10..70 33.48 4.20 25..67 233 0.13 48 11..59 33..48 62 10,.09 3. 54 75 9..92 33.62 3.81 25..91 210 0.19 33..55 218 210 100 9..35 33.70 3.15 26..07 195 0.24 76 9..91 33..62 3..81 150 8..68 33.93 2.49 26.35 168 0.33 95 9.50 33..68 3. 29 199 26.50 2.80 200 8..59 34.10 1.81 154 0.41 118 8,.95 33 .75 186 1.09 2,.52 169 250 7..89 34.20 26.68 137 0.49 146 8,.70 33 .92 300 7..39 34.21 0.91 26.76 129 190 8,.65 34 .07 1..99 157 0.56 26 .85 235 7,.98 34 .18 1..23 139 400 6..49 34.16 0.88 121 0.69 7,.62 0..90 500 34.25 0.42 26 .95 112 281 34..22 132 6..26 0.81 34.14 0,,97 124 376 6,.56 34 .24 0..46 114 473 6 .36 576 5.84 34 .25 0..40 106













CREST; July 23, 1952; 0656, 0730 GCT; 33°43'N, 121°52'W; sounding, overcast;; sea, moderate; wire angle, 17°, 20°. 372 0 0 32..93 5.62 15..88 15..88 9 32..92 5.32 373 10 15..87 15. 88 372 20 19 15..81 32..92 5.38 15..80 30 33 14. 74 32..90 5.33 351 14. 87 50 47 5.23 323 13. 58 13..93 33..06 5.22 60 12. 69 33..07 299 75 11. 52 4.20 274 100 9. 61 73 11. 60 33. 13 90 3.57 239 150 10. 22 33. 29 8. 62 200 111 9. 30 33..52 3.45 208 8. 25 250 180 33. 80 3.02 173 7.79 8. 32 224 34. 03 152 300 7. 27 8. 11 2.03 142 400 7. 58 34.,07 1.72 6. 23 268 363 34. 14 1.00 124 500 5. 50 6. 61 457 114 5. 75 34. 14 0.62 554

5. 30

34. 20


S t







dyn m

1900 fm; wind, 320°, force 4; weather, 32..93 32..92 32..92 32. 90 33..07 33. 14 33. 40 33. 68 33. 92 34..06 34.09 34. 14 34. 16

5..62 5..33 5..36 5..34 5..23 4..10 3..49 3..25 2. 65 1. 83 1..47 0. 83 0..53

24..21 24..20 24..22 24..40 24..80 25..26 25..79 26.,17 26..41 26.,59 26..69 26..87 26.,97

372 373 371 353 315 272 222 186 163 146 136 119 109

CCOF 5207


0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.25 0.31 0.42 0.51 0.58 0.66 0.79 0.91


CREST; July 23, 1952; 0040 GCT;a> 33°25'N, 123°14'W; sounding, 2200 fm; wind, 290°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 04°. 0 16.92 380 33..13 10 16.55 33..12 373 25 16.47 33..12 371 50 13.67 33. 09 316 74 12.68 33..11 295 11.09 260 98 33..21 121 9.76 33..39 225 145 9.13 33. 61 199 8.67 169 33..77 180 8.45 193 33. 91 166 217 8.16 33. 97 158 241 7.88 34..04 149 261 7.62 34. 06 143 271 7.60 34. 03u 140 291 7.54 34. 09


CREST; July 23, 1952; 0134 GCT; 33°25'N, 122°35'W; sounding, 2200 fm; wind, 290°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 12°. 0 16.86 5.44 0 16.86 5.44 10 16.56 5.11 10 16.56 5.11 25 16.53 5.03 20 16.54 5.06 15.26 30 49 4.95 16.50 5.02 12.72 72 5.50 50 15.08 4.96 96 11.21 4.43 75 12.55 5.49 8.87 145 3.27 100 10.70 4.29 8.44 2.74 191 150 8.82 3.23 236 7.88 2.25 200 8.32 2.64 280 7.53 1.85 250 7.75 2.13 6.47 300 378 1.14 7.34 1.70 467 6.08 0.59 400 6.37 0.98 5.44 562 0.41 500 5.84 0.51 4.63 748 0.33 600 5.24 0.40 4.04 933 0.39 700 4.81 0.36 3.50 1131 0.69 800 4.46 0.34 1000 3.85 0.46


a) Bathythermograph calibration cast.




















C R E S T ; J u l y 22, 1952; 1849 GCT; 33°09'N, 123° sea, moderate; wire angle, 1 0 ° . 33.22 0 17..00 5.61 376 33.21 5.75 376 10 16..97 20 33.21 16..85 5.56 373 33.13 5.47 367 35 16.33 14..25 33.01 5.77 333 49 64 12. 92 32.93 5.92 313 32.98 5.65 304 78 12..62 97 33.01 5.38 289 11. 94 120 10..21 33.11 4.83 253 148 9..18 33.31 4.08 222 193 33.85 2.94 174 8..64 240 8..18 33.99 2.38 156 7. 62 34.04 286 2.03 145 34.11 1.20 384 6..55 126 480 5..62 34.17 0.80 110 97 582 5,.12 34.26 0.45


at g/L

«T cl/ton

AD dyn m

; sounding, 2000 fm; wind, 310°, force 3; weather, cloudy; 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600

17.00 16.97 16.85 16.70 14.10 12.90 11.65 9.13 8.58 8.04 7.48 6.38 5.50 (5.08)

33.22 33.21 33.21 33.17 33.00 32.96 33.02 33.37 33.88 34.00 34.05 34.12 34.19 (34.28)

5..61 5..75 5..56 5. 49 5..81 5.,67 5. 32 4..00 2..83 2. 29 1. 94 1..10 0..74

24..17 24. 17 24..20 24..20 24..64 24..85 25. 14 25..84 26..33 26.,50 26..62 26. 83 27..00 (27.,12)

376 376 373 373 331 311 283 216 170 154 142 123 107 (96)

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.18 0.26 0.34 0.46 0.56 0.65 0.72 0.86 0.98 (1.09)


C R E S T ; J u l y 22, 1952; 1320 GCT; 32°49'N, 123°54'W; sounding, 2240 fm; wind, 310°, force 3 ; weather, o v e r c a s t ; sea, rough; wire angle. 0 7 ° . 17.65 33.30 5.00 0.00 0 17..65 33. ,30 5. 00 385 0 24.08 385 10 17.64 33.31 24.09 384 0.04 10 17..64 33. .31 5 . 48 384 5.48 17..62 5 . 39 365 20 17.63 33.54 5.42 24.27 367 0.08 25 33. 56 17.60 50 15..18 33. .30 5. 08 331 30 33.55 5.35 24.28 365 0.11 24.64 74 14..13 33.21 5. 41 316 50 15.18 33.30 5.08 331 0.18 14.07 33.21 5.42 98 12..60 33. 12 5. 47 293 75 24.81 315 0.26 149 9 .65 33. ,30 4 . 21 230 100 12.30 33.12 5.46 25.09 288 0.34 150 4.21 0.47 195 8..52 33. 69 4 . 21 184 9.59 33.31 25.72 228 240 7..96 200 33.72 4.19 26.22 180 0.57 33. 92 3 . 27 159 8.45 287 7..38 141 250 7.83 3.15 26.50 34. ,05 2. 85 33.96 154 0.66 300 384 6..26 34. ,04 1. 82 127 7.22 34.05 2.76 26.66 139 0.73 400 1.65 0.87 476 5..69 34. .16 0. 91 111 6.13 34.05 26.81 125 0.79 574 5,.06 34. 22 0. 57 100 500 5.54 34.17 26.98 109 0.99 766 4..48 34. 39 0 . 43 600 4.96 34.24 0.53 27.10 97 81 1.10 0 . 62 700 0.45 1.20 953 3..90 34. .47 69 4.63 34.34 27.22 86 1150 34. .52 0 . 76 800 4.40 34.41 0.42 27.30 1.29 3,.46 61 79 27.42 67 1000 3.77 34.48 0.68 1.45


SPENCER F . BAIRD; July 12, 1952; 1326 GCT; weather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 0 11.23 33.48 242 10 11.05 33.48 239 20 10.91 33.58 229 30 9.60 33.63 204 50 9.38 33.78 190

°01.5'N, 1 1 9 ° 0 2 . 5 ' W ; sounding, 292 fm; wind, 040°, f o r c e 1;

SPENCER F . BAIRD; J u l y 12, 1952; 1145 GCT; weather, c l e a r ; sea, slight; wire angle, 0 3 ° . 0 12.96 33.63 262 10 12.02 33.69 241 20 33.57 243 11.66 35 9.84 33.58 212 50 33.72 9.46 196 65 9.37 33.85 185 80 9.34 33.86 183 99 9.33 33.94 177 122 9.28 33.99 173 152 9.15 33.96 173 200 8.66 34.02 161 247 8.76 34.21 149 295 8.57 34.23 144 396 7.34 34.24 126 494 6.48 34.28 112 5.80 598 34.31 102

0 57'N,


0 10 20 30 50

0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600

11.23 11.05 10.91 9.60 9.38

33.48 33.48 33.58 33.63 33.78

25.57 25.60 25.71 25.97 26.12

242 239 229 204 190

0.00 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.11

119°11'W; sounding, 410 fm; wind, 360°, force 2; 12.96 12.02 11.66 10.65 9.46 9.35 9.32 9.17 8.66 8.75 8.53 7.30 6.44 (5.79)

33.63 33.69 33.57 33.57 33.72 33.86 33.94 33.96 34.02 34.21 34.23 34.24 34.28 (34.31)

25.36 25.59 25.56 25.75 26.06 26.19 26.26 26.30 26.43 26.56 26.61 26.80 26.95 (27.06)

262 241 243 226 196 183 177 173 161 148 144 126 112 (101)

0.00 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.12 0.16 0.21 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.54 0.68 0.80 (0.92)























dyn m



SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 12, 1952; 0608 GCT; 33°35.5'N, 119*50.5*W; sounding, 200 fm; wind, 320° force 4; weather, clear; sea, moderate; wire angle, 28°. 330 0 15.55 33.41 24.65 330 0.00 0 15.55 33.41 12.82 33.30 284 10 12.70 33.30 25.16 282 0.03 9 237 20 10.90 33.40 25.57 22 10.68 33.42 243 0.06 10.17 222 30 25.69 44 33.51 10.48 33.46 231 0.08 217 196 50 9.97 33.54 25.84 0.13 66 9.28 33.68 33.82 176 75 8.95 33.74 26.16 186 0.18 89 8.68 100 8.62 26.32 171 8.46 34.07 155 33.88 0.22 136


SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 12, 1952; 0119 GCT; 33°18.5'N, 120°26'W; sounding, 580 fm; wind, 320° , force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 22°. 322 0 33.44 24.74 322 0.00 0 15.25 33.44 15.25 33.51 307 10 14.75 33.52 24.91 306 0.03 9 14.78 25.21 277 13.97 33.55 288 20 13.40 33.55 0.06 18 30 25.40 259 0.09 32 11.60 33.36 258 11.75 33.38 247 0.14 10.92 33.33 248 50 10.88 33.34 25.53 46 60 10.75 33.67 220 75 9.40 33.55 25.94 207 0.20 100 9.42 33.55 208 33.72 26.12 190 0.25 73 9.08 197 9.26 33.66 150 8.45 26.43 0.33 91 33.98 161 8.79 33.78 181 200 7.77 34.02 26.56 148 0.41 111 250 34.00 26.64 141 0.49 136 8.58 33.91 168 7.09 152 8.14 34.04 300 34.04 26.74 131 0.56 176 6.58 34.00 146 400 34.14 26.88 118 0.69 218 7.48 6.08 500 5.73 259 6.99 34.00 139 34.25 27.02 105 0.80 124 351 6.26 34.09 5.95 113 442 34.18 544 34.31 98 5.53


SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 11, 1952; 2012 GCT; 32°55.5'N, 121°11,W; weather, cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 03°. 0 16.30 33.24 6.17 0 359 16.30 5.97 10 15.76 33.14 354 10 15.76 20 15.50 33.15 6.32 20 348 15.50 35 14.71 33.17 6.02 330 30 15.21 33.22 50 50 13.13 6.33 296 13.13 33.24 280 75 65 12.35 5.78 11.60 80 33.23 263 100 10.72 11.36 5.43 99 10.74 33.49 233 150 4.83 9.13 10.11 33.49 4.77 200 123 223 8.54 152 33.69 4.27 192 250 9.08 7.65 199 8.54 33.96 3.22 164 300 6.96 247 7.71 34.00 149 400 6.09 7.00 500 295 34.06 2.30 135 5.48 600 396 6.12 34.13 0.96 119 5.18 495 5.50 34.24 0.56 103 0.39 606 5.16 34.28 96


sounding, 2000 fm ; wind, 320 33.24 33.14 33.15 33.16 33.22 33.23 33.49 33.68 33.96 34.00 34.07 34.13 34.24 34.28

6.17 5.97 6.32 6.11 6.33 5.55 4.83 4.31 3.20 2.27 0.94 0.55 0.39

24.35 24.39 24.46 24.53 25.01 25.31 25.67 26.09 26.40 26.56 26.71 26.88 27.04 27.11

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 11. 1952; 1603 GCT; 32°39,N, 121 °53'W; sounding, 2160 fm; wind, 320°, weather, cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 03°. 0 15.61 33.03 5.91 359 0 24.34 15.61 33.03 5.91 10 15.34 33.12 347 10 5.98 15.34 33.12 24.47 5.98 20 14.96 33.06 6.07 344 20 14.96 33.06 6.07 24.51 35 13.88 33.08 6.25 320 30 14.25 33.07 24.67 6.19 50 12.83 33.05 6.17 303 50 6.17 12.83 33.05 24.94 65 33.00 5.71 282 75 11.48 10.65 33.02 5.35 25.32 80 10.20 33.10 100 5.06 253 9.43 4.19 33.38 25.80 99 9.46 33.37 4.22 221 150 8.59 33.83 26.29 3.09 123 8.90 33.61 3.41 195 200 8.16 34.03 2.46 26.51 152 8.57 33.84 3.06 173 250 7.70 34.04 2.06 26.59 200 8.16 34.03 2.46 300 153 7.12 34.12 1.48 26.73 7.72 34.04 248 2.08 146 400 6.20 34.10 0.83 26.84 7.17 296 34.12 1.52 133 500 34.22 0.52 5.78 26.99 397 6.22 34.10 0.84 122 600 5.29 34.25 0.34 27.07 496 5.80 34.22 0.54 108 601 5.28 34.25 0.33 100

force 2; 359 354 348 341 296 267 233 193 164 148 134 118 103 97

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.30 0.41 0.50 0.58 0.65 0.79 0.90 1.01


force 2 359 347 344 328 303 266 220 174 153 146 132 122 108 100

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.24 0.30 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.63 0.76 0.88 0.99




















"t g/L




dyn m

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 11, 1952; 1126 GCT; 32°17'N, 122°37'W; sounding, 2280 fm; wind, 270°, weather, cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 17°. 5.80 0 0 16. 56 33.03 380 16. 56 33.03 5. 80 24. 13 32.97 6.03 352 10 32.97 9 15. 03 15. 00 6. 04 24. 43 6.17 20 14. 82 19 14. 84 33.03 343 33.03 6..18 24. 51 32.94 6.30 30 14..55 33 32.96 6..28 24. 52 47 12. 68 33.10 6.29 296 50 12.,75 33.13 6..24 25.02 62 273 75 10. 45 11. 64 33.16 5.88 33.12 5..20 25. 43 10. 40 255 100 9. 89 76 33.12 5.16 33.34 4..60 25.,70 94 235 150 10. 00 33.30 4.86 8. 89 33.74 3..20 26. 17 117 4.02 208 200 7..92 33.91 2..75 9. 10 33.48 26..45 187 7. 56 144 33.72 3.24 250 8. 92 34.06 1. 73 26..62 189 33.87 2.93 164 300 7..40 8. 06 34.15 1..37 26. 71 235 7. 60 146 400 6. 32 34.02 34.25 1..02 26. 94 280 7. 52 34.12 1.42 138 500 5..68 34.27 0..58 27..04 117 377 6. 50 34.22 1.13 0.67 104 472 5. 84 34.28 103 576 5. 33 34.22 0.43

force 2; 380 351 343 343 295 256 230 185 159 143 134 112 103

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 9, 1952; 0521 GCT; 33°28'N, 117°47'W; sounding, 280 fm; wind, 320°, force 2; weather, clear; sea, slight; wire angle, 19°. 350 0 0 16. 65 33.47 6..70 16. 65 33.,47 6.70 24.44 350 333 10 15..25 9 15..80 33.45 6..86 33.,45 6.84 24.74 321 24 33.45 5..52 246 20 12. 21 33.,45 11. 32 5.95 25.37 262 210 9..80 33.60 30 10..65 48 3. 59 33..46 4.40 25.66 234 192 9..76 71 9.,55 33.79 3. 33 50 33..62 3.57 25.94 208 180 95 9. 36 2..82 75 9. 53 33..81 3.21 33.91 26.12 190 170 100 9.,18 34.01 2..62 9..32 33. 94 2.77 118 26.26 177 147 9.,13 34.00 2. 33 (34..00) 170 150 (9. 12) (2.28) (26.34) (170)

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.30 0.41 0.49 0.57 0.64 0.77 0.88

0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.23 (0.32)

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 9, 1952; 0700 GCT; 33°24.5'N, 117°56.5'W; sounding, 200 fm; wind, 320°, force weather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 08°. 0 18.15 33.49 5.93 382 0 33.49 5. 93 24 .10 18..15 382 10 18.16 10 33.48 5.96 383 18..16 33.,48 5.96 24.09 383 25 11.87 5.87 20 33.48 253 13..25 33.,48 5. 91 25..19 279 50 9.72a) 33.65 3.40 30 10..50 205 33. 49 5. 15 25..71 229 74 9.56 33.82 2.80 190 50 9.,72 33..65 3. 40 25.97 205 99 9.38 33.98 2.43 175 75 9.,55 2. 78 33. 82 26.13 190 100 (9.36) (33.99) (2.41) (26.29) (174)

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.19 (0.24)

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 9, 1952; 1053 GCT; 33° l l ' N , 118''23. 5'W; sounding, 610 fm; wind, 270°, weather, clear; sea , moderate; wire angle, 28°. 0 16.66 33.37 357 0 5.96 16. 66 33. 37 5. 96 24..36 9 16.67 33.38 5.89 357 10 16.,67 33.38 5. 91 24.37 14.02 20 22 33.30 6.50 307 15..00 33. 31 6. 45 24..69 44 10.59 33.42 4.67 236 30 12.,13 33..32 5. 61 25 .28 65 9.77 3.72 211 50 33.58 10. 33 33. 45 4. 40 25..71 87 9.33 33.81 2.99 187 75 9..55 33. 67 3. 32 26..01 131 9.12 34.04 2.24 167 100 9..23 33. 92 2. 69 26..26 171 9.00 34.12 1.92 159 150 9..08 34. 08 2. 09 26..41 211 1.55 8.66 34.19 149 200 8.,77 34..17 1. 67 26..53 252 8.37 34.24 1.16 141 250 34. 24 8. 39 1. 18 26..64 337 127 7.78 34.31 0.76 300 8.,07 34. 29 0. 90 26..73 420 6.90 117 34.28 0.53 400 7.,09 34. 29 0. 59 26.,87 509 107 6.35 34.33 0.33 500 6..41 34. 33 0. 34 26..99 5.72 34.32 100 600 596 0.33 5..70 34. 32 0. 32 27.07 694 5.20 34.43 0.31 86 700 5.,17 34. 43 0. 32 27..23 890 4.43 34.42 0.38 78 800 4.,74 34. 43 0. 34 27..27 1000 (34.42) (27..34) (4.,10)

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.34 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.70 0.82 0.93 1.03 1.12 (1.29)

a) Mean value of 9.65 and 9.80°C. 248




force 3 1 357 357 326 270 229 201 177 163 152 141 133 119 107 100 85 81 (75)





















dyn m

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 10, 1952; 0004, 0025 GCT; 32°54.5,N, 118056'W; sounding, 910 fm; wind, 270°, force 4; weather, clear; sea, rough; wire angle, 13°, 15°. 33.37 0 5. 98 359 0 16.74 24. 35 359 0.00 16..74 33..37 5.98 33.37 6. 05 357 10 16.66 6.05 24.36 357 0.04 10 16. 66 33.,37 349 20 16.31 5.99 24. 45 349 0.07 20 33. 38 5.99 33.38 16. 31 5. 64 265 30 13.08 33.39 5.81 25. 15 282 0.10 35 12..16 33..40 4..67 225 50 10.39 33.54 4.65 25.,77 224 0.15 33.,53 49 10. 44 75 9.45 33.75 3.25 0.21 26. 09 193 206 100 0.25 3. 84 9.16 33.93 3.10 26. 28 175 64 9 .63 33..62 190 3. 22 150 8.28 34.00 2.50 26. 47 157 0.34 33..78 78 9..40 177 3. 13 200 8.01 34.12 1.72 144 0.41 97 33..91 26. 60 9..20 2. 96 165 250 7.71 34.17 120 34..00 1.33 26. 69 136 0.49 8..83 157 7.42 147 34..00 2. 54 300 34.25 1.14 127 0.55 26. 79 8..30 146 400 34.27 34..11 1. 80 6.73 0.72 26. 90 116 0.68 193 8..05 1. 38 138 240 34..16 500 6.11 34.29 0.33 27. 00 107 0.80 7..78 128 (5.57) 34..24 1. 19 600 (34.35) (27.11) (96) (0.91) 286 7..50 0. 82 117 34..27 383 6..84 0. 35 109 34. 28 481 6..22 97 34.34 0. 29 585 5. 64


SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 10, 1952; 0441 GCT; 32°40'N, 119°31'W; sounding, 600 fm; wind, 270°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 44°. 6.04 319 0 14.49 33.26 33.26 6..04 24.76 319 0.00 0 14..49 33.27 6.21 319 10 14.49 7 14..50 33.28 6..27 24.78 318 0.03 315 6.39 14.44 33.31 20 33.31 315 19 14..45 6..38 24.81 0.06 6.12 283 13.73 33.30 30 33.30 24.95 0.09 36 12..79 6..23 301 258 5.66 50 12.03 33.37 33.39 5..78 25.34 264 0.15 54 11..78 4.91 235 70 10..56 33.42 75 10.20 33.44 4..65 25.72 0.21 228 100 102 33.60 3. 88 26.04 198 0.27 8. 90 3.84 196 8.94 33.58 125 33.82 150 33.93 3. 21 26.44 160 0.36 8. 64 3.65 176 8.11 151 200 7.97 2..09 26.56 148 0.44 8. 11 33.93 3.20 160 34.06 175 34.00 250 34.12 1. 34 26.73 133 0.51 8..08 2.66 154 7.16 231 7. 54 34.11 300 34.14 1. 11 26.79 127 0.57 1.45 139 6.80 286 6.80 34.13 1.22 127 400 34.23 26.90 116 0.70 6.53 34.21 121 500 34.27 0. 48 26.99 0.82 348 6. 80 0.82 6.09 108 417 6.44 34.23 115 500 34.27 6. 09 0.48 108


SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 10, 1952; 0825 GCT; 32°25'N, 119°57.5'W; sounding, weather, clear; sea, moderate; wire angle, 23°. 33.17 0 16.23 5. 73 0 33.17 362 16.23 9 16.24 33.12 10 5. 79 366 16.24 33.12 18 16.10 33.12 6. 17 20 33.12 363 16.04 32 33.10 30 5. 95 15.35 33.11 50 13.29 33.04 312 50 6. 42 13.29 33.04 64 12.74 32.99 6. 01 305 75 11.75 33.02 77 33.02 5. 81 282 100 11.58 10.01 33.03 99 10.06 33.03 5. 38 256 150 8.68 33.75 118 9.47 33.28 4. 78 200 228 8.30 33.92 141 33.62 8.76 3. 69 192 250 7.61 33.95 185 8.44 33.91 3. 06 166 300 7.10 33.99 233 7.84 33.94 3. 07 155 400 6.54 34.15 274 2. 36 7.31 33.96 147 500 6.02 34.26 372 34.11 1. 06 127 6.68 469 34.23 0. 59 6.20 112 575 0. 29 5.56 34.31 99


518 fm; wind, 320°, force 4; 5 .73 5 .81 6.16 5 .97 6 .42 5 .83 5 .34 3 .45 3 .06 2..82 1..93 0..90 0. 49

24.31 24.27 24.31 24.46 24.84 25.12 25.43 26.21 26.40 26.53 26.63 26.83 26.99

362 366 362 348 312 285 255 182 163 151 142 123 108

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.25 0.32 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.67 0.81 0.93


























"t g/L




dyn m

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 10, 1952; 1343, 1428 GCT; 32°00.5'N, 120°43'W; sounding, 1980 fm; wind, 320°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 16°, 10°. 0 33.14 5.72 0 16. 16 33.14 5.72 24..30 16. 16 363 363 10 10 16.16 33.15 5.75 362 16. 16 33.15 5.75 24..31 362 20 33.07 6.04 24 15.68 33.06 6.21 359 16. 15 24..25 368 53 307 30 15. 13 6.17 13. 29 33.11 5.88 33.06 24..47 347 50 77 33.15 5.86 13. 49 33.10 5.91 24. 85 11. 89 278 311 107 10. 26 33.33 4.58 237 75 12. 00 33.15 5.86 25. 17 280 159 100 10. 59 8. 74 3.86 33.28 4.70 25..53 246 212 33.92 150 4.02 8. 44 2.66 165 8. 86 33.65 26. 10 192 271 200 7. 62 34.02 2.22 146 8. 53 33.90 2.85 26. 35 168 319 7. 11 1.71 7..89 34.13 131 250 33.98 2.38 26. 51 153 7..32 300 34.10 1.92 26. 69 136 425 34.14 0.95 400 5. 86 115 6..06 34.14 1.11 26..89 117 34.20 0.57 500 531 5. 38 105 5..51 34.17 0.65 26. 98 109 637 4. 98 34.31 0.39 92 600 5. 10 34.27 0.44 27.11 97 843 4. 34 34.41 0.44 700 4.,78 0.40 78 34.35 27. 21 87 1052 3. 72 34.49 0.68 800 4. 48 0.42 66 34.39 27..27 81 1257 34.55 0.97 1000 3. 29 57 3..86 34.47 0.60 27. 40 69 SPENCER F . BAIRD; July 10, 1952; 1843 GCT; 31°47'N, 121°19'W; sounding, 2000 fm; wind, 270°, weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 18°. 0 16.43 33.21 5.72 364 0 16. 43 33..21 5. 72 24.29 10 16.41 10 33.21 5.68 363 16..41 33..21 5. 68 24.30 19 15.87 15.96 33.11 5.83 361 20 33.,11 5..84 24.35 33 15.00 33.09 342 30 15.19 33..09 5. 95 5.98 24.48 47 14.05 33.15 6.00 50 13.,76 33.,15 319 6. 01 24.83 62 12.42 33.13 6.01 75 289 11.,10 33. 20 5. 10 25.38 11.00 33.20 5.02 259 100 9.,71 33.,35 4. 29 76 25.73 94 9.93 33.31 150 4.48 233 8. 90 33.,72 3. 29 26.15 117 33.45 3.83 200 9.28 213 8.,14 33. 93 2. 72 26.43 144 33.69 3.35 250 7. 61 34. 03 8.96 190 2. 14 26.59 189 33.89 2.90 300 7. 12 34. 05 8.28 165 1. 74 26.68 234 34.01 400 34. 10 7.76 2.25 149 6. 24 0. 98 26.83 279 7.32 34.04 1.93 141 500 5. 64 34. 18 0. 59 26.97 376 6.40 34.08 1.15 126 471 5.80 34.16 0.68 113 574 5.22 34.24 0.43 100

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.25 0.32 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.67 0.81 0.92 1.03 1.13 1.22 1.39

force 2; 364 363 359 346 313 261 227 187 160 146 137 123 109

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.25 0.31 0.41 0.50 0.58 0.65 0.79 0.91

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 10, 1952; 2330 GCT; 31°25.5 , N, 121°59.5'W; sounding, 2000 fm; wind, 320°, force 3; weather, clear; sea, moderate; wire angle, 11°. 33.10 5.72 0 0 17.59 398 17.59 33..10 5. 72 23.94 398 0.00 10 15.95 33.10 5.76 10 15.95 33. 10 5. 76 24.32 361 361 0.04 25 15.72 20 33.08 5.76 358 15.78 33..09 5. 76 24.35 359 0.07 49 14.42 33.08 6.10 30 15.64 33. 08 5. 85 24.37 331 356 0.11 73 12.80 33.03 6.41 303 50 14.33 33,.08 6. 12 24.66 329 0.18 97 12.00 33.12 5.60 282 75 12.75 33..03 24.94 6. 40 303 0.26 9.49 100 11.93 148 33.48 3.68 214 33.,15 5. 39 25.19 279 0.33 33.80 2.92 150 9.45 193 8.76 179 33..49 3. 65 25.89 212 0.46 240 200 8.69 8.26 33.99 2.35 158 33. 85 2. 83 26.29 174 0.55 285 7.41 34.00 2.23 250 8.09 145 33. 99 2. 33 26.49 155 0.64 34.14 381 6.53 1.08 123 300 7.27 34. 01 2. 10 26.62 142 0.71 474 400 6.37 34.,15 5.81 34.16 0.61 113 0. 95 26.86 120 0.85 500 569 5.33 34.25 0.39 101 5.66 0. 54 26.97 34.18 110 0.97 760 0.34 82 600 5.20 34. 28 4.56 34.38 0. 37 27.10 97 1.08 3.94 34.44 948 0.58 72 700 4.79 34. 35 0. 35 87 27.21 1.18 1150 3.48 34.51 0.76 62 800 4.42 34. 39 0. 39 27.28 80 1.27 1000 3.80 34..46 0. 64 27.40 69 1.44








°2 ml/L

















dyn m

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 11, 1952; 0413 GCT; 31 '07'N, 122°39'W; sounding, 2080 fm; wind, 270°, weather, clear; sea, slight; wire angle, 06°. 0 5.52 395 0 18.06 33. 29 5.52 23.97 18..06 33..29 371 10 24.22 10 17..44 33.42 5.84 17.44 33 .42 5.84 20 20 17..21 5.66 361 17.21 33..48 5.66 24.32 33..48 30 35 33..40 5.67 361 17.03 33..43 5.65 24.32 16..95 340 50 16.22 5.78 24.55 50 16..22 33..48 5.78 33..48 5.80 321 75 15.52 5.85 65 15..68 33..58 33. 58 24.78 15..44 5.86 316 100 14.25 33..50 5.63 25.00 80 33..58 14..30 5.64 298 150 9.90 33. 28 4.79 25.65 99 33..50 5.54 268 200 8.79 4.04 26.21 123 11..98 33. 31 33..77 235 250 3.32 26.47 151 9..88 33..28 4.78 8:oi 33..95 182 300 26.60 33..77 4.06 7.40 34..00 2.59 199 8..80 26.80 33..94 3.38 158 400 6.29 34.,07 1.66 246 8. 06 7..48 2.62 146 500 0.62 294 34. 00 5.83 34..22 26.98 (27.07) 395 6..32 34.06 1.73 126 600 (5.40) (34.27) (0.45) 5. 86 34..21 0.64 110 493 34. 27 0.47 100 597 5..42


force 2; 395 371 361 361 340 317 297 235 182 157 145 125 109 (100)

CCOFI 5207

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.26 0.34 0.48 0.58 0.67 0.75 0.89 1.01 (1.12)

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 9, 1952; 0055 GCT; 32°55.5'N, 117°19.5*W ; sounding, 65 fm; wind, 300°, force 2; weather. partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle , 09° 0 16.02 7.13 335 0 24.60 335 0.00 33.48 16.02 33.48 7.13 217 10 10.14 4.00 10 10.14 4.00 25.84 217 0.03 33.58 33.58 9.88 33.63 209 20 209 0.05 20 3.68 9.88 33.63 3.68 25.92 9.70 33.69 3.24 202 30 9.70 3.24 26.00 202 0.07 30 33.69 50 9.48 2.77 189 50 2.77 26.13 189 0.11 33.81 9.48 33.81 9.40 74 33.93 2.58 179 75 (9.40) (33.93) (26.24) (179) (0.16) (2.58)


SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 8, 1952; 2245 GCT; 32°48'N, 117 "31'W; sounding, 360 fm; wind, 320°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 22°. 18.20 394 0 5.82 394 0 33.35 5.82 18.20 33.35 23.98 16.62 33.32 6.15 360 10 33.32 6.20 24.36 357 9 16.50 13.71 33.30 301 20 6.52 25.02 295 18 6.56 13.40 33.30 11.44 255 32 33.36 5.60 30 11.76 33.35 5.82 25.37 261 10.60 33.42 236 50 33.44 4.54 46 4.81 10.38 25.69 231 33.57 60 10.00 3.90 215 75 9.71 26.05 197 33.75 3.18 9.72 197 74 33.75 3.19 100 9.49 2.73 26.18 184 33.88 92 9.52 33.84 188 150 26.37 2.86 9.08 34.04 2.38 166 114 9.44 33.93 180 200 34.17 1.87 154 2.62 8.90 26.50 140 9.12 34.01 169 250 144 2.48 8.50 34.22 1.43 26.61 8.99 2.04 183 34.13 158 300 8.20 34.24 26.67 138 1.08 227 8.70 34.21 1.63 148 400 7.62 34.31 0.68 26.81 125 8.35 271 34.22 1.27 142 500 0.47 114 6.91 34.33 26.92 364 7.84 34.30 129 0.78 458 7.28 34.33 0.55 119 564 6.12 34.34 0.39 103


SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 8, 1952; 1700 GCT; 32°30'N, 118 ' 1 3 ^ ; sounding, 880 fm; wind, 320°, force 2; weather. overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 05°. 0 17.45 371 33.43 5.85 0 371 17.45 33.43 5.85 24.22 14.77 10 33.35 6.41 10 318 14.77 33.35 6.41 24.77 318 20 13.55 33.30 6.14 298 20 33.30 13.55 6.14 24.99 298 13.22 35 33.44 5.99 281 30 33.42 6.04 25.12 285 13.36 50 12.31 33.43 5.43 265 50 12.31 33.43 5.43 25.33 265 65 10.95 33.39 4.89 244 75 9.74 33.43 25.79 221 4.06 80 9.54 33.49 3.92 214 100 3.50 194 9.15 33.68 26.08 9.17 99 33.68 3.53 194 150 8.87 33.96 3.06 26.35 169 123 8.95 33.82 3.20 180 200 8.61 34.14 1.93 26.53 152 153 8.79 33.97 3.02 167 250 8.27 34.22 1.60 26.64 141 201 8.60 34.14 1.92 151 300 7.89 34.27 0.90 26". 74 132 249 34.22 8.28 1.62 141 400 34.27 0.63 26.86 120 7.06 295 7.93 34.27 0.92 132 500 6.28 34.33 0.39 27.01 106 397 7.08 34.27 0.65 121 600 5.67 0.30 27.11 96 34.36 496 6.30 34.33 0.40 106 601 5.66 34.36 0.30 96

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.34 0.42 0.50 0.57 0.71 0.83

93.40 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.09 0.15 0.21 0.26 0.36 0.44 0.51 0.58 0.71 0.83 0.94























"t g/L




dyn m

SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 8, 1952; 1121 GCT; 32 °10'N, 118°53'W; sounding, 660 fm; wind, 320°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 01 0 6. 24 0 15.66 33.48 6.24 15.66 33..48 328 24.68 328 10 6. 04 10 15. 66 6. 04 15.66 33. 48 328 33.48 24.68 328 15.62 327 20 15..62 6. 05 327 20 33.48 6.,05 33.48 24.68 30 15. 57 33.47 5. 81 35 33.,47 5..61 286 24.69 326 13.56 4..77 237 50 11. 09 33.52 4..77 25.63 237 50 11.09 33. 52 75 9..55 33.69 3. 31 26.03 199 65 9.78 33. 54 3..88 214 3. 32 26.21 80 9.36 33.,71 3..24 195 100 8.,76 33.76 182 8.77 182 150 8..39 34.04 2..12 99 33..76 3..32 26.48 156 7..91 8.64 2..61 200 34.13 1..54 26.63 142 123 33..91 169 250 7..57 152 34..05 2..09 155 34.16 1.,07 26.70 135 8.36 142 300 7,.13 34.21 0. 96 26.80 199 7.92 34 .13 1..57 126 247 400 6..48 0. 54 26.94 7.60 34..16 1..09 136 34.28 112 5,.91 0..40 294 34..20 0..98 127 500 34.33 27.06 101 7.18 5..31 34.34 0..34 27.14 397 6.50 34..28 0..56 112 600 94 495 5.94 34..33 0 .41 102 600 5.31 34..34 0 .34 94 SPENCER F. BAIRD; July 8, 1952; 0530 GCT; 31° weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 32°. 0 14.86 33.26 6. 26 327 33.30 14.87 6. 33 324 8 17 14.59 33.25 6. 41 322 30 13.63 33.33 6. 62 297 43 12.91 33.31 6. 09 285 55 12.71 6. 21 33.31 281 67 33.29 5. 81 271 12.08 33.57 5. 04 83 10.86 229 33.77 100 10.09 3. 93 202 120 9.33 33.99 3. 16 174 151 8.43 34.06 2. 53 155 34.14 184 8.05 2. 13 143 7.87 34.22 1. 63 135 218 296 7.28 34.22 1. 19 127 34.29 0. 83 378 6.81 115 470 6.28 0. 68

0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.21 0.26 0.34 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.68 0.79 0.90

•N, 119°34*W; sounding, 1960 fm; wind, 320°, force 2; 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500

14..86 14. 86 14. 33 13..63 12..82 11..35 10. 09 8..44 7..96 7. 64 7..25 6..68 (6.11)

33.26 33.30 33.26 33.33 33.31 33.32 33.77 34.06 34.18 34.23 34.22 (34.31)

6. 26 6. 35 6. 45 6. 62 6. 16 5. 44 3. 93 2. 55 1. 84 1. 48 1. 18 0. 78

24. 68 24..71 24..80 24..99 25..14 25..43 26..00 26..49 26..66 26..74 26..79 (26.94)

327 324 316 297 283 256 202 155 139 131 126 (112)

0.00 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.22 0.28 0.37 0.44 0.51 0.58 (0.71)

SPENCER F . BAIRD; July 8, 1952; 0045 GCT; 31 0 29'N, 120°14.5'W; sounding, 2050 fm; wind, 310°, force 2; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 22°. 0 16..87 33.19 6.05 24.18 375 0.00 0 16.87 33.19 6.05 375 10 16. 30 33.19 6. 28 24..31 362 0.04 10 16.30 33.19 6.28 362 5. 82 0.07 20 16. 25 33.19 24.32 361 19 16.25 3.3. 19 5.84 361 16.22 24..37 357 30 33.24 5. 77 0.11 33 16.21 33. 24 5.75 357 50 15.,06 33.23 5. 80 24.62 333 15.04 33. 22 5.80 334 0.18 46 15. 60 5. 98 24..84 312 15.32 33. 52 317 75 33.68 0.26 61 5.76 13. 30 33.34 5. 60 25.,07 290 0.34 73 15.60 33. 68 5.99 312 100 4. 35 0.47 33..57 5.67 150 9. 34 33.28 25..74 226 91 14.82 303 33.84 3. 59 172 0.57 11.15 33.,10 269 200 8.,50 26.,31 112 5.48 137 250 7,.88 33.97 3. 11 26..50 154 0.65 9.73 33..15 4.89 242 7. 20 2. 44 177 3.77 300 34.01 26..63 141 0.73 8.81 33..67 189 400 6..54 34.14 1. 12 26..83 123 0.86 219 8.26 33..91 3.45 164 34.24 0.,67 0.99 500 6..06 26..97 110 260 7.74 33..98 2.99 151 34..05 132 352 6.70 1.77 444 6.37 34.21 0.74 116 34..25 546 5.74 0.63 105




















62 ml/L











PAOLINA-T; July 18, 1952; 2303 GCT; 26°54.5'N, 114°05.5'W; sounding, 44 fm; partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 03°. 0 0 15.,74 33. 69 5..99 314 15..74 33..69 10 4..66 274 10 13.,78 33..68 13..78 33.,68 20 12. 62 33. 78 2..94 245 20 12..62 33..78 30 222 33..86 30 11..70 33..86 2..21 11..70 201 50 34..21 51 11.,97 34. 22 0..47 11..95





dyn m

wind, 330°, force 4; weather, 5.99 4.66 2.94 2.21 0.49

PAOLINA-T; July 18, 1952; 1815 GCT; 26°40.5'N, 114°31.5'W; sounding, 2100 fm; wind, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 03°. 33.54 5.71 374 0 17..93 33.54 5..71 0 17. 93 10 5.77 373 10 17..90 33.54 5. 77 17..90 33.54 367 20 20 17,.76 5.85 17..76 33.58 5.,85 33.58 294 30 13..82 33.42 5.96 17..50 33.53 5.,94 35 260 50 33.40 4.87 12..25 33.40 5..50 55 11..89 4.02 75 10..80 33.59 3. 96 70 33.59 220 100 10..37 33.59 10..09 33.69 3. 70 85 3.88 190 150 9..62 33.83 9..50 34.15 2. 45 115 3.38 174 200 9..33 134 9..59 34.04 2.84 34.31 1..70 158 250 0. 92 164 9..43 34.22 2.16 8..80 34.37 140 300 34.34 1.45 8..52 34.40 0.,58 219 8..82 135 400 278 8..74 34.39 0.68 7..68 34.47 0. 36 126 500 0. 33 327 8..22 34.41 0.52 6..94 34.45 107 600 442 7..38 34.50 0.28 6..15 34.38 0.,32 104 550 6..53 34.40 0.38 660 0.25 96 5..74 34.37

24..82 25..23 25..54 25..78 26..00

314 274 245 222 201

0.,00 0..03 0..06 0,,08 0..12

320°, force 3; weather, 24.,19 24..20 24.,26 24.,29 25.,32 25.,73 25..94 26..39 26..55 26.,68 26.,74 26.,93 27..02 27.,07

PAOLINA-T; July 18, 1952; 1103 GCT; 26°21'N, 115°07.5'W; sounding, 1775 fm; wind, 330°, force overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 19°. 16..05 33.43 5.96 0 16.05 33..43 5..96 24.55 0 340 10 16.08 33.40 5.89 10 33.40 5,.89 342 16.08 24.52 20 15,.96 33.43 6.04 20 15.96 33..43 6. 04 338 24.57 30 34 15..72 33.57 5.97 322 15.77 33.,57 5.,98 24.72 53 15..06 33.55 6.06 310 50 15.50 33,,56 6. 05 24.77 12.20 67 33.31 5.69 75 33..35 5.,12 25.29 80 100 33.41 4.87 10.79 33..66 3..66 11.,70 256 25.79 102 10..74 33.71 3.55 217 150 10.30 34..15 1.,73 26.26 122 10..54 2.65 200 10.24 34..48 0..93 33.88 201 26.52 10..31 250 0.,48 149 34.14 1.74 178 9.74 34..51 26.63 10..24 34.47 300 34..49 0.,45 194 1.01 153 9.08 26.73 400 7.92 34..45 0..39 247 9..77 34.51 0.49 142 26.87 500 6.62 34..36 0.,41 288 9..24 34.50 0.46 134 26.99 600 0.,36 391 34.46 119 5.98 34,.39 27.09 8,.02 0.38 492 6..68 34.36 0.42 109 600 5..98 34.39 0.36 98

374 373 367 364 266 227 208 164 150 137 131 114 105 100

0. 00 0.,04 0..07 0.,11 0.,17 0.,24 0..29 0.,39 0.,47 0.,54 0..61 0..74 0,,85 0.,97

3; weather. 340 342 338 323 318 269 221 177 152 141 133 119 108 98

0.,00 0. 03 0. 07 0. 10 0.,17 0. 24 0.,30 0.,40 0.,49 0. 56 0. 63 0..77 0. 89 1. 00

PAOLINA-T; July 18, 1952; 0437 GCT; 26°03'N, 115°46'W; sounding, 2100 fm; wind, 320°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 17°. 33.64 5.24 0 19..80 33.64 5,.24 23.80 0 19. 80 411 411 0..00 10 33.69 5.35 409 10 19..84 33.69 5..35 19.,84 23.83 409 0..04 20 19 19.,83 33.67 5.37 410 19.,83 33.67 5.,37 23.81 410 0..08 30 34 19.,83 33.62 5.37 413 19.,83 33.63 5.,37 23.78 413 0..12 5.60 60 5..60 48 19.,27 33.78 388 19.,08 33.78 24.09 383 0..20 33.71 5.62 75 15.,92 33.63 5..94 61 24.73 322 0.,29 75 15. 92 33.63 5.94 322 100 14. 72 5..00 33.62 24.99 298 0.,37 94 15. 07 33.61 5.38 306 150 11. 03 33.90 2.,52 25.93 0.,50 208 117 13. 02 33.69 200 10.,85 4.15 259 34.28 1..52 26.26 177 0.,60 145 250 11.,22 33.87 2.79 213 9.,57 34.24 1..42 26.45 159 0.,68 10..86 300 192 34.28 1.53 177 9.,07 34.34 0..84 26.61 144 0.,76 239 9.,73 34.23 1.51 162 400 8. 20 0..27 34.48 120 26.86 0.,90 257 9,,44 34.25 1.33 500 0..28 156 6.,99 34.41 26.98 109 1.,02 387 8. 36 0.27 600 (6.13) 34.48 123 (34.38) (27.07) (100) (1.,13) 485 7. 17 34.42 0.29 111 588 6. 20 34.38 0.18 101








«T cl/ton










«T cl/ton

PAOLINA-T; July 19, X9S2; 10X3 GCT; 26'29'N, 113°29'W; sounding, 42 fm; wind, 320°, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 03°. 4.80 313 0 16.,26 33.86 4.80 24.83 313 0 16.26 33.86 10 4.72 25.05' 292 15.22 4.74 294 15..12 33.81 9 33.81 2.89 233 20 12..09 33.82 2.87 25.68 232 19 12.11 33.82 33.86 25.73 33.86 2.65 227 30 11..98 2.65 227 30 11.98 49 11.88 34.21 1.32 200

AD dyn m

130.30 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.08

PAOLINA-T; July 19, 1952; 1621 GCT; 26'19'N, 113*48.5'W; sounding, 1275 fm; wind, 330°, force partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 28°. 24.67 0 16.43 33.70 33.70 328 0 16.43 24.60 10 16.34 33.58 335 16.35 33.58 9 20 16.20 33.54 24.60 16.23 33.54 335 18 30 33.51 24.65 329 15.89 15.82 33.51 31 25.22 50 12.70 33.38 13.73 33.34 298 44 33.80 25.68 75 11.98 33.48 57 34.30 26.02 100 12.21 33.64 240 11.78 68 26.32 150 11.70 34.56 220 11.96 33.96 83 34.64 26.44 200 11.39 34.31 198 101 12.20 34.56 26.46 250 10.95 34.52 181 123 12.08 300 10.26 34.53 26.56 169 11.70 34.58 161 26.77 400 8.88 34.51 34.64 159 200 11.39 26.93 500 7.78 34.49 159 241 11.04 34.57 34.52 142 329 9.82 125 8.64 34.51 420 7.55 34.48 111 522

1; weather,

PAOLINA-T; July 19, 1952; 2002 GCT; 26°08.5'N, 114°09'W; sounding, 1650 fm; wind, 300°, force partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 10°. 33.52 5.50 24.01 0 18.59 5.50 391 0 18.59 33.52 33.48 5.45 24.06 386 10 18.28 33.48 5.45 18.28 10 33.48 5.41 24.09 20 18.17 33.48 5.39 383 24 18.13 18.14 33.48 5.42 24.10 5.74 345 30 33.51 49 16.58 33.51 5.75 24.51 50 16.48 14.93 33.54 5.81 308 73 33.54 5.80 24.89 14.90 4.74 75 33.42 98 33.44 4.50 25.50 190 100 11.45 34.02 2.55 147 10.51 34.07 2.47 26.16 160 150 10.48 9.70 34.25 1.77 192 1.70 26.49 200 9.47 34.27 1.34 146 34.33 237 9.18 250 9.15 34.36 1.13 26.61 0.60 137 9.04 34.42 282 26.70 300 8.94 34.43 0.51 124 8.24 34.44 0.37 378 8.10 34.44 0.32 26.84 400 34.44 0.20 115 470 7.62 34.44 0.20 26.96 500 7.29 34.43 0.22 97 6.20 567 34.44 0.23 27.14 600 5.95 0.28 77 5.11 34.53 762 34.51 0.24 27.26 700 5.38 34.54 0.49 68 4.37 958 34.54 0.31 27.34 800 4.95 64 34.52 0.55 3.74 1159 34.54 27.42 1000 4.23 0.51

2; weather,

328 335 335 330 276 232 199 171 159 158 148 128 114

391 386 384 383 343 307 249 186 155 143 135 122 111 94 82 75 67


0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.22 0.28 0.37 0.46 0.54 0.62 0.76 0.89


0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.27 0.34 0.45 0.54 0.61 0.69 0.82 0.95 1.06 1.15 1.24 1.40

PAOLINA-T; July 20, 1952; 0020 GCT; a ) 25°58.5'N, 114°28'W; sounding, 2100 fm; wind, 320°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 00°. 19.23 0 18.98 10 18.92 25 50 18.11 75 16.05 100 13.81 12.19 125 10.83 150 10.30 175 200 9.77 9.72 225 9.26 250 270 9.15 9.13 280 300 8.43 a) Bathythermograph calibration cast.

CCOFI 5207





















PAOLINA-T; July 20, 1952; 0325 GCT; 25°48.5'N, 114°47. 'W; sounding, 1950 fm; wind, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 00°. 5.54 407 0 19.29 33.53 5. 54 0 19.29 33. 53 10 19.32 5. 73 5.73 404 33.57 10 19.32 33. 57 20 19.29 5. 64 5.64 403 33.58 20 19.29 33. 58 30 19.10 384 33.59 5..77 18.55 33. 59 5.88 35 50 33.65 6. 02 33.65 6.02 358 17.58 50 17.58 6.10 75 15.80 33.60 6. 06 33. 66 65 100 14.34 33.51 6.04 319 5..68 80 15.53 33. 56 150 10.69 3.,45 5.68 298 33.81 100 14.34 33. 51 200 3.90 235 9.69 34.12 2. 50 33. 68 125 11.68 250 3.23 200 8.89 34.15 2. 23 164 10.42 33.,87 167 300 34.30 2.43 8.48 1. 50 205 9.60 34. 13 400 0.,88 2.21 153 7.52 34.33 255 8.80 34. 16 136 500 0. 63 1.44 6.77 34.38 305 8.43 34. 31 0.83 121 600 0. 42 7.44 34. 33 6.16 34.38 410 0.61 107 510 6.70 34. 38 99 0.38 620 6.04 34. 38

"t g/L




dyn m

330°, force 2; weather, 23.,85 23.,87 23.,88 23. 94 24.,36 24..74 24..99 25.,92 26. 34 26..49 26.,67 26..84 26.,98 27.,06

407 404 403 398 358 322 298 209 170 155 138 122 108 101

0..00 0..04 0..08 0..12 0..20 0..28 0..36 0..49 0..58 0..67 0..74 0,.88 1..00 1..11


PAOLINA-T; July 20, 1952; 0935 GCT; 25°28'N, 115°26'W; sounding, 2050 fm; wind, 330°, force 3; weather, clear; sea, rough; wire angle, 13°. 5..66 426 33.77 0 20..76 33..77 5. 66 23.64 0 20..76 426 0..00 5.,47 426 10 20..82 33.79 20..82 33.,79 5. 47 23.64 0..04 10 426 5.,35 426 20 20..81 20..81 33.78 33..78 5. 37 23.64 0..09 24 426 374 5..81 30 20..80 33.,76 5. 39 23.63 0,.13 50 17.,86 33.51 428 5..92 312 33.64 50 17..86 33..51 5. 81 24.19 374 0..21 73 15..48 4..77 15..46 33.80 75 5. 92 311 0,.29 33.,65 24.85 98 197 100 34.23 1..80 14..10 33..83 4. 48 0..37 152 11..83 25.28 270 34..22 0,.49 201 10,.89 150 1. 85 26.03 199 34.42 167 11..88 1.,18 34..42 249 10..30 34.52 200 1. 19 26.36 168 0..58 0..70 150 10..93 34.,52 9..58 0. 69 26.55 150 0..66 297 34.52 250 10..29 0.,50 138 34..52 0. 49 34.42 300 26.68 137 0..74 399 8..14 0,,36 124 9,.53 34.,42 0. 35 400 26.82 124 0..87 495 7..09 34.43 0.,24 109 8..12 34.,43 0. 24 597 6..30 500 7..05 26.98 108 1..00 34.42 0.,26 99 34.,42 0. 27 5,.12 34.54 0.,37 600 6..28 27.08 99 1..11 795 76 34.,49 0. 32 27.22 993 4.,26 70 700 5..63 86 1..21 34.50 0,,49 34.,54 0. 38 1214 3..70 800 5..10 27.32 76 1..30 34.58 0.,79 59 1000 34.,50 0. 50 27.39 70 4..23 1..47


PAOLINA-T; July 21, 1952; 1133 GCT; 26°01.5'N, 112°49.5'W; sounding, 50 fm; partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 00°. 0 20.72 33.,94 0 20.,72 33.94 5.97 413 10 15.17 33..97 10 15. 17 33.97 4.09 281 13.44 34. 05 20 13. 44 34.05 1.58 241 20 30 34.30 30 12.89 34.,30 12. 89 0.97 212 34..40 50 34.40 0.20 202 50 12.75 12. 75



wind, 160°, force 1; weather, 5..97 4..09 1..58 0..97 0..20

23..78 25..16 25..59 25..89 26..00

413 281 241 212 202

0.,00 0.,03 0,,06 0,.08 0.,13

PAOLINA-T; July 21, 1952; 0700 GCT; 25°45'N, 113°22'W; sounding, 240 fm; wind, 160°, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 02°. 6.00 0 18.64 33.69 6.00 0 18.64 33. 69 379 24..13 0.00 379 10 6.37 10 17.57 33.71 6.37 17.57 33..71 353 24..41 353 0.04 4.54 263 20 14.50 5.80 25 13.10 33..66 33.67 25..07 290 0.07 220 30 12.70 50 11.45 33..83 33.67 4.15 25..44 255 0.10 50 11.45 33.83 75 11.43 34. 13 2.26 198 25..80 220 0.14 1.72 182 75 11.43 34.13 101 11.16 34..28 2.26 26.,04 0.20 198 100 154 11.75 34.,70 0.23 161 11.17 34.27 1.75 26..20 183 0.24 0.17 155 150 11.60 202 11.48 34.,72 34.68 0.27 26..44 160 0.33 252 11.25 34.,72 0.16 151 200 11.49 34.72 0.17 26..49 155 0.41 0.19 144 250 302 10.86 34.,72 11.28 34.72 0.16 26.,53 152 0.49 300 10.89 34.72 0.19 26..60 145 0.57









°2 ml/L










P A O U N A - T ; Jul; 21, 1952; 0029 GCT; 25°29 , N, 113° partly cloudy; sei. rough; wire angle. 07°. 0 19.00 5. 87 405 0 33.46 10 10 17.47 33.49 5. 68 367 6.,07 360 20 20 16.97 33.42 30 15.84 33.40 6. 03 337 35 50 50 15.11 33.47 6. 23 317 75 5. 54 65 33.36 100 4. 85 252 80 11.64 33.45 150 11.54 33.84 3. 33 221 99 200 1..76 193 123 11.49 34.21 250 10.80 1. 56 171 153 34.35 0. 41 155 300 201 10.87 34.58 0. 25 400 10.31 146 251 34.58 500 0. 52 133 300 9.45 34.56 600 0. 46 116 403 8.18 34.53 0. 37 105 502 7.22 34.50 0. 38 92 6.27 34.52 606


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dyn m

P A O U N A - T ; October 9, 1952;0536 GCT; 30'18'N, 116°23.5'W; sounding, 1050 f m ; wind, 300°, f o r c e 4; weather, clear; sea, v e r y rough; w i r e aigle, 18°. 0 33.,37 5. 04 416 19..19 10 5. 45 414 19. 17 33..39 5. 32 19 19..17 33..40 413 5. 25 385 33 17. 49 33,.25 14..71 33. 19 5. 18 329 52 5. 21 297 66 13..00 33.,17 79 5. 14 274 11..96 33..22 4. 35 230 102 10..08 33. 39 124 33..68 3. 29 9. 37 2. 76 180 150 33..91 159 197 9. 18 34..16 2. 10 144 9. 07 34..33 1. 19 251 134 295 8. 40 34.,33 0. 98 399 7. 20 34.,32 0. 74 118 502 6. 50 34.,36 0. 62 106 5..52 93 608 34..38 0. 35

0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600

19.,19 19..17 19..17 19..15 15..00 12..20 10..20 9. 37 9..16 9. 08 8..29 7. 18 6. 52 5..58

33.,37 33. 39 33,.40 33..39 33.,20 33..19 33..37 33. 91 34..18 34..33 34. 33 34. 32 34. 36 34. 38

5,.04 5. 45 5..32 5..26 5.,19 5..18 4.,53 2.,76 2.,04 1. 21 0. 97 0.,73 0. 63 0. 38

23.,75 23..77 23..78 23..78 24..61 25.,17 25..67 26. 23 26. 47 26. 60 26. 72 26. 88 27.00 27. 14

P A O U N A - T ; October 9, 1952;0933 GCT; 30°10'N, 116°45 , W; sounding, 1690 fm; wind, 310°, f o r c e partly cloudy; sea, v e r y rough;wire angle, 22°. 20..03 0 33 .49 5,.23 428 0 20.03 33 .49 5.23 23,.62 20,.00 432 20.00 33 .42 10 33,.42 5,.21 10 5.21 23..58 19..71 33,.42 5,.23 425 20 19.68 33..42 5.24 18 23..66 31 5,.30 425 19.51 33,.35 19.,50 33,.35 30 5.30 23,.65 16..40 5..97 358 50 16.10 33..27 5.97 49 33,.28 24,.42 14..40 5..98 323 13.40 33 .40 61 33.,19 75 5.79 25..09 74 13.,44 33..40 33..40 5.,83 288 100 11.08 4.08 25..54 94 4..60 250 150 9.50 3.32 26. 18 33. 39 33. 88 11. 32 116 33.,64 3.,63 200 34.,12 2.58 26.,45 8.98 140 250 8.97 33.,39u 3..44 34. 34 1.36 26. 63 9. 79 34..07 300 26. 72 186 2. 90 163 8.90 34. 45 0.78 9. 00 237 34. 27 1. 70 147 400 7.70 34. 44 0.53 26. 90 8. 97 0. 85 27. 03 281 34. 45 134 500 6.36 34. 37 0.53 8. 97 385 7. 93 34. 45 0. 52 600 (0.31) (27. 11) (5.63) (34. 36) 119 0. 57 488 34. 38 105 6. 48 594 34. 36 0. 32 5. 68 96

416 414 413 413 334 281 233 180 157 144 133 118 107 94


0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.28 0.34 0.45 0.53 0.61 0.68 0.81 0.93 1.04

4; weather, 428 432 424 425 352 288 246 184 159 142 133 116 104 (96)

CCOFI 5210


0.00 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.29 0.35 0.46 0.55 0.63 0.70 0.83 0.95 (1.05)

P A O L I N A - T ; October 10, 1952; 1724 GCT; 29°48.5'N, 115'51'W; sounding, 40 fm; wind, 300°, f o r c e 3; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angfe, 05°. 0 5.91 16. 25 33..33 351 0 16.25 33..33 5,.91 24.43 351 0.00 10 5.99 16. 14 33..30 351 10 16.14 33..30 5,.99 351 24.43 0.04 20 14. 22 33. 22 6.15 317 14.22 24.79 20 33.,22 6,,15 317 0.07 30 33. 24 5.97 13.47 13. 47 301 30 33. 24 5.,97 24.96 301 0.10

I 10.33

P A O U N A - T ; October 10, 1952:1512 GCT; 29°42'N, overcast; sea, imoderate; wire ingle. 13°. 0 33 .34 5 .54 18,.03 390 10 18,,04 33 .37 5 .52 389 ) .50 20 18..01 33 .35 389 34 15.,46 33 .37 6 .08 331 ) .82 50 12,.97 33,,19 295 63 12.,25 33.,33 5 .25 271 78 11.,57 1,.64 33,.47 249 97 11. 00 33..53 1..07 235 121 33.,68 Ì.,88 148 9. 51 33. 89 Ì.,14 184 2, 30 193 9. 28 34. 14 162 238 8. 72 34. 25 I. 68 145 284 8. 69 34. 38 0. 96 135 382 8. 13 34. 42 ' ) . 55 124 477 7. 08 34. 39 ). 39 112 582 5. 90 34. 38 ). 31 97

I 10.35

115°55.5'W; sounding, 650 f m ; wind, 300°, f o r c e 3; weather, 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600

18 .03 18 .04 18,.01 17,.90 12 .97 11,.67 10,,95 9.,49 9..22 8.70 8. 64 7. 98 6. 76 (5. 75)

33 .34 33 .37 33 .35 33 .36 33..19 33,.46 33..54 33. 91 34. 16 34. 29 34. 39 34. 42 34. 39 (34.38)

5 .54 5 .52 5 .50 6 .00 5,.82 4,.67 4..04 3,.08 2..19 1.,43 0.,88 0. 52 0. 37

24 .02 24 .04 24.03 24,.06 25,.02 25,.48 25,.67 26..21 26.,45 26..63 26..72 26. 84 26. 99 (27. 12)

390 389 389 386 295 251 233 182 159 142 133 122 107 (96)

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.42 0.51 0.58 0.66 0.79 0.91 (1.02)



















CTt g/L




dyn m

I 10.40

PAOLINA-T; October 10, 1952; 1110 GCT; 29°33 N, 116°16'W; sounding, 1350 fm; wind, 290°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 16°. 5. 22 423 0 19.65 33.42 5. 22 23..67 423 0.00 0 19. 65 33..42 5. 20 427 10 19.65 33.37 5..20 23. 63 427 0.04 10 19. 65 33..37 425 33.37 5. 24 19. 58 33..37 5. 21 20 19.56 23. 66 425 0.09 19 407 19.17 5..50 34 5. 70 30 33.36 23..75 416 0.13 18. 78 33.,35 369 50 16.70 0.21 17. 00 6. 04 33.31 6..08 24. 31 362 48 33..31 6. 28 329 75 13.89 33.30 6. 06 24. 92 305 0.29 62 15. 14 33..31 304 11.97 4..75 25. 42 257 76 13..88 33 .30 6. 04 100 33.46 0.36 4. 82 264 150 9.72 33.70 3..80 201 94 12..36 33 .46 26. 01 0.48 2..21 4. 56 200 9.39 34.14 26..40 163 0.57 116 33 .46 4. 10 206 250 9.07 34.29 1. 44 26.,57 147 0.65 144 9.,78 33..64 9. 44 34..09 2. 39 168 300 8.55 34.36 0..97 26..71 134 0.72 188 153 400 7.66 34.41 0.,54 26..88 0.85 233 9. 23 34..25 1. 69 118 139 34.42 0..36 107 0.97 279 8..77 34..34 1. 10 500 6.93 26. 99 7..85 34 .40 0. 61 121 376 471 7..20 111 34 .42 0. 39 97 574 34 .42 0. 30 6. 12

I 10.50

PAOLINA-T; October 10, 1952; 0355 GCT; 29°14,N, weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 10°. 5.17 434 0 20.21 33.46 10 20.20 33.44 5.20 436 5.71 30 18.07 33.30 394 5.99 326 59 14.91 33.28 12.37 5.47 267 84 33.42 3.76 222 119 10.54 33.60 2.77 157 177 9.24 34.20 237 152 8.91 34.20 1.68 1.52 296 34.23 355 0.74 121 7.69 34.38 466 6.80 34.38 0.33 109 585 5.94 34.36 0.27 99 0.41 5.20 34.40 88 696 34.54 0.45 69 926 4.40 60 1148 3.62 34.56 0.78 1360 3.17 0.99 54 34.58

I 10.60


l i e ' S e . S ' W ; sounding, 2150 fm; wind, 340°, force 4; 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000

20.21 20.20 20.15 18.07 15.80 13.22 11.30 10.40 9.14 8.81 8.26 7.30 6.54 5.83 5.18 4.79 4.14

33.46 33.44 33.38 33.30 33.28 33.32 33.51 34.00 34.20 34.20 34.24 34.38 34.37 34.37 34.40 34.46 34.55

5.17 5.20 5.40 5.71 5.95 5.74 4.43 3.27 2.23 1.64 1.49 0.50 0.30 0.29 0.41 0.42 0.51

PAOLINA-T; October 9, 1952; 2105 GCT; 28°55'N, 117°37.5'W; sounding, 2100 fm; wind, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 28°. 0 20.75 5.21 442 0 20..75 33.,55 5.21 33.55 440 8 20.73 33.57 5.28 10 20..72 33. 57 5.20 20.67 33.55 440 20 20.65 33.,55 5.27 18 5.28 33.57 5.21 437 30 20..61 33.,57 5.21 31 20.61 6.15 332 50 14..90 6.21 48 15.58 33.39 33. 39 61 13.74 6.37 290 75 33.,46 4.91 33.46 11..82 10..10 74 12.03 33.46 4.93 258 100 33..47 4.25 95 10.32 4.54 228 150 9..00 33..88 3.40 '33.46 115 9.64 33.64 3.84 204 200 34..17 8. 69 2.18 3.57 250 34..20 1.84 138 33.82 8. 24 34.02 2.95 161 300 7..34 34..18 1.47 180 8.66 223 8.72 34.27 1.75 144 400 6..67 34.24 0.73 34..38 261 7.86 34.18 1.86 138 500 6..24 0.39 353 6.94 34.20 0.94 124 6.42 0.55 109 446 34.31 6.10 34.43 0.23 96 548

23.55 23.54 23.51 23.98 24.49 25.07 25.58 26.12 26.49 26.54 26.66 26.91 27.01 27.10 27.20 27.29 27.44

434 436 439 394 345 290 241 190 155 150 139 115 106 97 88 79 65

0.00 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.20 0.28 0.35 0.46 0.55 0.63 0.70 0.83 0.95 1.06 1.16 1.25 1.41

320°, force 3; weather, 23.48 23.50 23.51 23.53 24.77 25.45 25.76 26.26 26.54 26.63 26.75 26.89 27.05

442 439 439 437 318 254 224 177 151 142 131 117 102

0.00 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.28 0.34 0.44 0.52 0.60 0.67 0.80 0.92














"t g/L


6ugh; wire angle, 06°, 0 6 ° . 4.,08 330 15.60 33.43 4.,68 15.60 33.43 0 24.65 0 4.,56 331 10 15.60 33.42 4..56 24.64 15.60 33.42 10 4,,53 33.42 4..53 33.42 318 20 14.98 24.78 20 14.98 13.74 33.39 4..26 30 25.02 4,,26 295 50 12.08 33.27 4..07 25.25 30 13.74 33.39 4 .07 33.27 273 75 10.95 33.33 3..49 25.51 50 12.08 3 .4!) 249 33.33 75 10.95

317 317 314 308 265 210 188 165 153 140 130 117 103 93

0. 00 0. 03 0. 06 0. 09 0. 15 0. 21 0. 26 0. 35 0. 43 0. 51 0. 58 0. 70 0..82 0..92

wind, 310°, 330 331 318 295 273 249

0..00 0..03 0..07 0..10 0..15 0,.22






















dyn m

1LACK DOUGLAS; November 13, 1952; 0124 GCT; 34°19'N, veather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 13°. 0 15.30 33..40 4..72 326 0 4..73 322 10 9 15.28 33. 44 326 20 20 15.28 33..39 4..65 30 33..40 4..66 321 34 15.06 4..21 280 50 12.72 33..33 48 75 33..33 3..74 265 62 11.88 33. 46 3..21 233 100 10.60 76 199 150 9.75 33..74 2..53 95 200 33..81 2..18 191 9.59 118 179 250 9.20 33..89 145 1..89 167 300 190 9.06 34..02 1..72 154 400 8.70 34..13 235 1..39 141 500 34..24 8.38 1..20 281 130 34. 19 380 7.32 1..13 34..23 0..55 115 6.42 475 0..39 98 5.20 34,.26 577

120°48'W; sounding, 410 fm; wind, 310°, force 4; 15..30 15..29 15..28 15..26 12..62 10..75 9..68 9..15 8..98 8..61 8..17 7..13 6..13

33.40 33.44 33.39 33.40 33.33 33.45 33.76 33.90 34.04 34.18 34.24 34.20 34.24

1LACK DOUGLAS; November 13, 1952; 0519 GCT; 34°09'N, veather, partly cloudy; Bea, rough; wire angle, 17°. 0 4. 66 347 0 15.21 33.09 10 15.20 4. 69 348 33.07 10 345 20 15.14 33.09 4. 58 24 30 4. 55 289 11.78 32.97 48 50 10.38 3. 95 255 72 33.12 9.90 222 75 33.45 3. 06 95 100 178 2. 01 9.14 33.89 146 150 161 8.84 34.06 1. 44 192 200 34.08 1. 28 151 8.28 237 250 139 7.66 34.12 1. 05 282 123 300 0. 61 34.18 374 6.72 400 34.31 0. 38 106 6.20 463 500 0. 24 101 5.60 34.29 557 90 600 0. 23 34.32 743 4.84 700 0. 23 930 4.16 800 0. 51 3.63 131 1000


sounding, 1190 fm; wind, 310°, force 2;

15.21 15.20 15.15 14.40 11.52 10.32 9.77 9.12 8.75 8.08 7.44 6.59 5.95 5.42 5.02 4.61 3.95

33..09 33.,07 33..09 33.,08 32.,97 33.,17 33.,49 33. 91 34.,06 34.,09 34. 13 34.,23 34..30 34.,30 34..31

JLACK DOUGLAS; November 13, 1952; 1203 GCT; 33°49'N, 121°51'W; veather, clear; sea, rough; wire angle, 23°. 17.34 394 0 4.36 17.34 33.08 0 10 17.32 4.39 395 33.06 9 17.32 20 17.32 395 33.05 4.38 17.32 18 392 30 17.29 4.39 17.26 33.08 33 13.56 5.03 323 50 32.96 50 13.56 11.66 298 75 32.97 4.89 64 12.26 283 100 10.98 4.77 11.65 33.02 76 9.12 272 150 33.04 4.34 11.05 98 224 200 8.86 3.90 9.46 33.33 118 201 250 8.12 33.59 2.81 9.18 142 300 7.52 174 9.04 33.93 1.84 185 400 6.39 156 8.24 34.01 1.69 232 500 5.87 146 270 7.94 34.09 1.38 6.72 34.11 128 362 0.98 6.04 34.19 0.50 113 459 34.29 0.30 102 5.68 564

4. 72 4. 72 4..65 4. 66 4. 13 3. 25 2. 44 1..86 1. 65 1. 30 1..20 1..00 0..50

4.66 4.69 4.60 4.58 4.53 3.85 2.95 1.93 1.41 1.21 0.96 0.54 0.31 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.32

24..69 24..73 24..69 24.,70 25..20 25..63 26..06 26..25 26..39 26..56 26..67 26..79 26..96

24..48 24..46 24..49 24..64 25,.12 25..49 25..83 26..27 26,.44 26.,57 26,.69 26..89 27.03 27.09 27..15

326 323 326 325 278 236 196 177 164 149 138 126 111

347 348 345 331 285 250 217 176 160 148 136 117 104 98 93

4.36 4.38 4.39 4.39 5.03 4.75 4.30 2.52 1.79 1.52 1.26 0.78 0.41

23..98 23.,97 23.,96 23.,99 24.,72 25.,14 25.,28 26.,09 26..34 26.,53 26..66 26.,84 26.,98

394 395 395 392 323 284 270 193 169 151 139 121 108


0.,00 0..03 0,.06 0.,10 0..16 0.,22 0..28 0.,37 0,.46 0..54 0,.61 0,.75 0..88


0,,00 0.,03 0.,07 0.,10 0.,17 0..23 0..29 0,,39 0.,48 0.,56 0.,63 0..76 0.,88 0.,98 1.,09

sounding, 2020 fm; wind, 320°, force 5; 33.,08 33.,06 33..05 33.,08 32..96 33. 02 33.,05 33..68 33. 95 34. 05 34. 10 34. 14 34. 23



0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.27 0.34 0.45 0.55 0.63 0.70 0.84 0.96













°2 ml/L









BLACK DOUGLAS; November 13, 1952; 1806 GT; 33°29'N, 122°32'W; sounding, weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle,02°. 0 17.58 33. .16 4. 41 393 0 17, .58 33. ,16 10 33, .16 4 . 41 17.56 393 10 17, .56 33. .16 33. .14 4. 34 394 25 17.56 20 17, .57 33, ,14 33, .17 4 . 61 50 16.72 373 30 17, .58 33. ,14 33. .01 4. 84 74 12.65 302 50 16, .72 33. ,17 11.92 33. .12 4 . 56 281 75 98 12, .61 33. 01 33 .33 3. 71 224 151 9.42 100 3 3 . ,13 11..90 33 ,84 2. 56 173 199 8.57 150 33. 33 9. .46 2. 14 155 246 8.02 33. .98 200 8..54 33. ,84 34. ,04 1. 86 142 292 7.42 250 7..97 33.99 0 . 91 124 34. ,13 391 6.57 300 7..35 34. 05 0 . 46 34. ,21 112 484 6.05 400 6. .52 34. 14 0 . 26 100 34. ,28 500 582 5.47 5..96 3 4 . ,22 0 . 29 34. .34 86 774 4.64 600 5. .38 3 4 . 29 0 . 39 69 34. ,48 700 962 3.97 4. .94 3 4 . 30 0 . 54 34. ,53 61 3.54 800 1158 4. .52 3 4 . 36 1000 3. .85 34. 49 BLACK DOUGLAS; November 14, 1952; 0032 G(T; 33°09'N, 123°13'W; sounding, weather. partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle,)5° 4.64 398 33. 10 0 0 17.61 17.61 33.10 4.35 396 33. 12 10 17.59 10 17.59 33. .12 390 4.43 33. 19 20 17.54 20 17.54 33.19 4.47 33. 21 388 35 17.52 30 17.53 33. .21 4.37 33. 08u 50 50 17.55 17.55 33. .21 4.84 33. 01 352 64 15.19 75 13.40 32. , 9 5 79 13.11 32. 95 100 11.97 32. ,97 3ir> 4.89 98 12.08 32. 97 150 9.52 33. ,19 295 4.84 122 10.86 33. 01 200 8.62 33. ,73 4.4!) 271 150 9.52 33. 19 250 8.11 34. ,03 3.71 236 196 8.69 33. 70 300 7.60 185 34, 13 2.71 242 8.18 34. 01 400 6.53 155 34, ,20 2.26 288 7.74 3 4 . 12 500 1.70 141 5.78 3 4 . ,27 386 6.66 3 4 . 19 600 (5.07) (34. ,34) 0.98 121 483 5.90 3 4 . 26 0.56 106 587 5.18 34.33 93 0.43 BLACK DOUGLAS; November 14, 1952; 0616 GCT; 32°49'N, 123°54'W; sounding, weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, : 0 ° . 0 17.49 33, .12 0 4.33 394 17,.49 33.12 9 17.48 33. .12 4.24 394 10 17, . 4 8 33.12 24 17.45 33, .09 4.43 395 20 17, . 4 5 33.10 47 17.39 33. .09 4.34 394 30 17.43 33.08 70 14.42 33. .13 4.89 327 50 17, . 3 5 33.09 93 11.97 32. .98 4.93 292 75 13, .90 33.13 142 9.37 33. .33 3.51 223 100 11, .49 32.98 186 9.01 33. ,84 2.19 180 150 9..26 33.41 229 8.62 33. .99 1.57 163 200 8. .89 33.89 272 8.26 34. 11 1.28 149 250 8. . 4 5 34.05 34. 21 362 7.46 0.94 130 300 8, ,04 34.15 450 34. 22 6.36 0.61 115 400 6. .97 34.22 542 5.65 34. 24 0.41 105 500 5. ,92 34.23 727 4.82 34. 32 0.31 90 600 5. .38 34.26 913 4.20a) 34. 46 0.41 73 700 4 . ,93 34.30 1113 3.64 34. 47 0.60 67 800 4 . 55 34.38 1000 3. ,92 34.47 a) Mean value of 4 . 1 5 and 4 . 2 4 ° C .









dyn m

2060 fm; wind, 3 2 0 ° , force 2; 4.41 4.41 4.35 4.38 4.61 4.84 4.52 3.71 2.54 2.12 1.78 0.87 0.42 0.27 0.28 0.30 0.43

23. .99 23. .99 23. .97 23.97 24.20 24. .95 25.18 25. .76 26. ,30 26. .51 2 6 . ,64 2 6 . ,83 2 6 . 96 2 7 . 09 2 7 . 15 2 7 . 24 2 7 . 42

393 393 394 395 373 301 280 224 173 153 140 123 110 98 93 84 67

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.28 0.35 0.48 0.58 0.66 0.74 0.88 1.00 1.11 1.21 1.31 1.48

2400 fm; wind, 3 0 0 ° , f o r c e 3; 4.64 4.35 4.43 4.47 4.37 4.90 4.81 3.71 2.68 2.17 1.61 0.90 0.52

23. .93 23. . 9 5 24.02 24. ,04 24.03 24. , 7 5 2 5 . ,04 2 5 . 64 2 6 . 20 2 6 . 52 2 6 . 67 2 6 . 87 2 7 . 03 (27. 17)

398 396 390 388 389 321 293 236 182 152 138 119 104 (91)

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.29 0.36 0.50 0.60 0.69 0.76 0.90 1.01 (1.12)

2250 fm; wind, 3 3 0 ° , f o r c e 3; 4 . 33 4 . 26 4 . 41 4 . 44 4 . 37 4 . 92 4 . 86 3 . 25 1. 99 1 . 42 1. 17 0 . 80 0 . 50 0 . 36 0 . 32 0 . 34 0 . 49

23.98 23.98 23.97 23.96 23.99 24.78 25.14 25.85 26.29 26.48 26.62 26.83 26.98 27.07 27.15 27.26 27.39

394 394 395 396 393 317 284 215 174 156 143 123 109 100 92 82 69

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.29 0.36 0.49 0.59 0.67 0.75 0.89 1.01 1.12 1.22 1.32 1.49
















"t g/L

T cfton

AD dyn m



BLACK DOUGLAS; November 12, 1952; 1212 GCT; 34°01'N, 119°02.5'W; sounding, 130 fm; wind, 08% force 2; weather, cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 00°. 0 351 0 16. 28 33.34 4..69 16..28 33.34 4..69 24.43 151 0. 00 10 33.35 4.,69 349 10 16..24 16.,24 33.35 4..69 24.45 >49 0.,04 25 13. 48 33.25 4..71 300 20 14..70 33.27 4..70 24.72 ¡23 0.,07 50 33.26 3. 94 262 30 12..60 33.24 11..42 4..70 25.13 '84 0.,10 50 74 11.,08 33.31 3.,73 252 11..42 33.26 3..94 25.37 0.,15 :62 10..74 3..56 243 75 99 33.36 11..04 33.31 3..72 25.47 52 0.,22 10..44 231 100 10,.74 122 33.45 3..18 33.36 3..53 25.57 43 0.,28 150 152 9.,67 33.75 2..37 197 33.72 00 9,.76 2..41 26.01 0.,39


BLACK DOUGLAS; November 12, 1952; 1011 GCT; 33°57'N, 119°10.5'W; sounding, 380 fm; wind, 08°, force 2; weather, clear; sea, slight; wire angle, 0 7 ° . 33..35 0 16. 61 33.35 4..87 358 0 16..61 4..87 24..36 ',58 0.00 4..66 359 10 16..64 33..34 10 16. 64 33.34 4..66 24..35 159 0.04 33..36 20 16. 58 4..63 356 20 16..58 4..63 :56 33.36 24..38 0.07 14. 13 317 30 15..40 33.,27 35 33.20 4..86 4..81 24..57 0.11 :37 50 4..28 276 50 33. 19 11. 96 33.19 11..96 4.,28 25..21 76 0.17 3..86 257 75 10..70 33.,32 64 11. 24 33.28 3,.55 25..54 45 0.23 10. 66 243 100 9..85 33..49 33.34 3.,49 3.,09 25..82 78 19 0.29 222 150 9..62 33.,85 97 9. 94 33.47 3.,15 2.,18 26..14 88 0.39 200 34.,08 121 9. 54 33.66 2.,74 201 9,,21 1. 70 26.,38 65 0.49 34.,13 149 2..18 188 250 8.,39 9. 62 33.85 1..40 26.,55 49 0.57 300 34. 22 195 9. 25 34.07 1.,72 166 8..18 1. 05 26..66 39 0.64 8.64 154 400 7..49 34.30 241 34.11 1..44 0. 50 26..82 24 0.78 8. 25 34.20 142 500 6..54 34.32 287 1. 14 0.,28 26..97 10 0.90 7. 66 0.,54 126 600 (5.68) (34.40) 383 34.30 (27.,14) 93) (1.01) 0, 30 114 477 6. 78 34.31 0. 23 580 34.39 96 5. 83


BLACK DOUGLAS; November 12, 1952; 0405 GCT; 33°37'N, weather. partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 04°. 33.35 0 0 4.44 361 16.76 33.34 10 10 16.74 4.46 361 20 20 4.72 14.64 33.31 319 30 4.30 30 12.73 33.21 289 50 50 33.33 3.69 249 10.97 33.54 75 9.74 2.91 213 75 100 100 2.34 184 9.17 33.81 125 8.96 33.91 2.14 174

119°52'W; sounding, 130 fm; wind, 300 ° force 3; 16..76 16..74 14.,64 12.,73 10.,97 9..74 9.,17

33.35 33.34 33.31 33.21 33.33 33.54 33.81

4.44 4.46 4.72 4.30 3.69 2.91 2.34

24.33 24.32 24.77 25.08 25.50 25.88 26.18

61 61 19 89 49 13 84

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.21 0.26

BLACK DOUGLAS; November 11, 1952; 2142 GCT; 33°17'N, 120°33.5'W; sounding, 750 fm; wind, 32°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 11°. 0 33.16 4.55 365 0 16.32 33.16 4.55 0, 00 16. 32 24.28 65 10 10 33.19 4.51 361 16.24 33.19 4.51 24.32 0,,04 16. 24 61 20 33.22 24.50 20 15. 55 33.22 4.64 344 15.55 4.64 44 0..07 30 33.18 4.73 315 14.40 33.21 4.72 24.74 0,,10 34 14. 00 21 50 12.40 33.09 4.65 299 33.09 4.63 25.05 0.,17 49 12. 77 92 33.19 63 33.10 4.21 269 75 10.80 3.75 25.42 0.,24 11. 18 56 100 9.93 77 10. 77 33.22 3.63 254 33.60 2.71 25.89 12 0.,29 150 33.58 2.79 214 9.22 33.89 2.04 26.24 0,,39 96 9. 98 79 200 2.42 201 8.18 33.96 2.02 26.45 0.,48 119 9. 76 33.71 59 180 250 7.73 34.08 1.60 147 9. 30 33.89 2.06 26.61 43 0. 56 300 33.94 2.05 162 7.65 34.17 1.03 26.69 192 8. 30 36 0. 63 1.80 145 400 7.10 34.26 236 7. 76 34.06 0.56 26.84 22 0. 76 34.14 1.19 139 500 5.73 34.21 280 7. 71 0.47 26.98 0. 88 08 7. 35 34.27 0.58 124 375 469 5. 92 34.20 0.51 111 570 5. 58 34.31 0.34 99
























dyn m

BLACK DOUGLAS; partly cloudy; sea, 0 16.82 10 16.48 20 14.54 30 13.68 50 12.18

Novemer 9, 1952; 1920 GCT; 33°28.5'N, 117°46.5'W; sounding, 48 fm; wind, calm; weather, slight;vire angle, 00°. 0 16..82 33.36 33. 36 4. 53 361 4. 53 24.,32 0. 00 361 10 33. 33 4..65 356 16.,48 33.33 4. 65 24.,38 356 0. 04 324 20 14..54 33..21 4. 66 33.21 4. 66 24..71 0. 07 324 303 30 13..68 33.. 26 4..73 33.26 4.,73 24..93 303 0.,10 273 50 12..18 33.29 33. 29 4,.21 4. 21 25..25 273 0. 16


BLACK DOUGLAS; Novemer 10, 1952; 0745 GCT; 33°24.5'N, 117°55'W; sounding, 330 fm; wind, missing; weather, fog; sea, slight; v'ire angle, 00°. 17..38 33. 38 0 4.58 373 0 4.58 24.20 373 17.,38 33.38 0.00 4.68 372 10 17. 37 33. 39 4.68 24.21 10 17..37 33.39 372 0.04 33.30 4.80 339 20 17..25 33. 33 4.78 24.20 25 15..60 373 0.07 30 50 33.23 4.72 282 14.,90 33.,27 4.82 24.68 0.11 12..42 327 10,.92 3.88 246 50 12..42 33. 23 4.72 25.16 282 74 33.36 0.17 10,,85 33.54 3.40 220 75 33..37 3.85 25.55 244 98 10..14 0.24 100 10..10 33.,57 25.84 2.13 187 3.32 217 0.29 151 9..68 33.88 2.09 169 150 33..88 2.14 26.15 199 8..76 33.94 9,,68 187 0.40 200 33.,94 34.05 1.47 153 8..74 2.08 26.35 168 245 8..25 0.49 1.43 144 250 8..21 34..06 1.45 26.53 289 7..96 34.11 152 0.57 0.96 135 300 7..91 34..12 1.30 26.62 340 7..73 34.19 143 0.65 400 7..37 0.83 126 34,.28 0.75 26.82 124 387 7..46 34.27 0.78 0.52 119 500 (6..63) (34.31) (26.95) 434 7,.12 34.30 (112) (0.91) 113 483 6,,76 34.31 0.27


BLACK DOUGLAS; Novemer 10, 1952; 1230 GCT; 33°11'N, 118°23.5'W; sounding, 620 fm; wind, 180°, force 1; weather, cloudy; sea, sligt; wire angle, 15°. 373 0 17..50 33.41 4..46 24.20 0 17.50 33..41 4. 46 373 0 . 0 0 10 33.,41 4. 46 373 17..47 33.41 4..46 24.20 372 0.04 9 17.48 20 14.45 33.,26 5. 10 319 15..60 33.31 4..98 24.56 24 339 0.07 30 33.,19 3. 99 263 13..10 33.23 5.,00 25.02 294 48 11.18 0.10 50 10.04 33.42 3. 33 227 10..96 33.19 3.,94 25.40 259 72 0.16 10.01 75 10.,02 33.44 3.,25 95 33..62 2. 76 212 25.75 225 0.22 100 10,,01 144 9.34 33..94 2. 04 177 33.67 2.,67 25.93 208 0.28 160 150 9.,15 33.95 188 8.66 34,.04 2. 01 26.29 174 1 . 94 0.37 200 8.49 34..15 149 8,,62 34.08 1 . ,89 232 1 . 54 26.48 156 0.46 250 275 7.91 34..19 1 . 17 138 8..25 34.16 1 . 39 26.60 145 0.53 0 . 59 122 300 7..75 367 7.34 34..30 34.22 1 . ,00 26.72 133 0.61 0 . 32 400 455 6.79 34..35 111 7..15 34.32 0 . ,48 26.88 118 0.74 100 500 6..43 34.37 0 . ,28 0 . 547 6.09 34,,38 27.02 105 0.85 0 . 23 93 600 5,.72 0,,23 640 5.48 34..38 34.38 27.12 95 0.96 731 34..44 0 . 21 82 700 5,.13 34.42 0 . ,22 27.22 4.98 86 1.06 4.31 34,.46 0 . 31 74 800 4..67 34.45 0 . ,23 923 27.30 78 1.15 1000 (4.10) (34.46) (27.37) (72) (1.32)


BLACK DOUGLAS; Novemer 10, 1952; 1737 GCT ; 32°54.5'N, 118°56'W; sounding, 960 fm; wind, 290°, force 1; weather, cloudy; sea, sligt; wire angle, 00° 0 0 16.46 4.53 346 16,,46 33.46 4.53 24..48 0,,00 33.46 346 10 16.40 10 16.40 33.47 4.58 344 33.47 4.58 24.,50 344 0..03 20 14.06 20 14.06 33.32 4.93 306 33.32 4.93 24.,90 0,,07 306 33.33 265 30 12..50 33.32 4.40 25..21 35 11.91 4.06 277 0..10 233 50 10,,72 33.49 50 10.72 33.49 3.45 3.45 25..67 233 0..15 75 9..62 64 9.90 33.53 3.00 217 33.60 2.82 25,,94 0..20 207 100 9.54 33.65 2.74 202 9,,01 33.87 2.45 26,,25 79 178 0,,25 150 9.03 33.87 2.48 178 8..56 34.01 2.14 26.,43 98 160 0,.34 170 200 8..78 34.32 1.30 26.,64 122 8.80 33.93 2.23 141 0,,41 160 250 8.,53 34.37 0.92 26..72 151 8.55 34.01 2.13 133 0,,48 34.30 142 300 197 8.77 1.33 8..09 0.80 243 8.62 0.94 135 400 7,.30 34.37 0.46 500 289 8.16 34.32 0.85 132 6..50 0.25 387 7.40 600 34.49 0.49 (5,.74) 482 6.64 112 34.31 0.26 586 5.86 34.36 0.21 98






















dyn m

ILACK DOUGLAS; November 10, 1952; 2255 GCT; 32°38.5'N, 119°29'W; sounding, 680 fm; wind, 260°, force 1; veather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 03°. 33..44 0 16.07 4. 64 24. 55 339 33.44 4.64 339 0.00 16.07 0 33..47 10 15.42 4.,76 24.,72 323 0.03 15.42 33.47 4.76 323 10 20 14.20 33. 37 294 4.,74 24. 91 306 0.06 13.55 33.35 4.68 25 30 12.70 33.,35 4..54 3.32 232 25. 20 278 0.09 33.45 10.46 50 50 10.46 33..45 3..32 0.14 3.01 205 25..68 232 9.84 33.67 75 9.84 33..67 3. 01 0.20 197 75 25..96 205 33.67 2.69 9.32 99 100 9.31 33..67 2..68 161 26..05 197 0.25 33.96 2.05 8.33 152 8.37 33..95 1.73 150 2..08 26..42 162 0.34 34.05 148 7.93 200 34..05 200 7.93 1..73 26..56 0.42 133 148 7.41 34.16 1.31 247 34..16 250 7.41 1..32 26.,72 133 0.49 1.18 129 34.19 294 7.28 7.22 34..19 300 1..13 26..77 128 0.56 34.23 0.49 116 6.48 391 400 6.42 34..24 0..48 114 0.69 0.35 103 26..92 5.92 34.31 184 5.85 34..31 0..33 0.80 500 27.,05 102 0.28 97 5.56 34.33 582 34..34 600 5.46 0.,30 0.91 90 27,.12 95 5.10 34.36 0.33 677 5.01 34..38 0..32 87 1.01 700 27,.20 0.29 81 4.72 34.42 776 34..43 800 4.62 0.,28 27,.29 79 1.10 0.41 71 4.06 34.47 970 (34.47) (70) (1.26) 1000 (3.98) (0.48) (27.39) ILACK DOUGLAS; November 11, 1952; 0344 GCT; 32°25'N, leather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 05°. 0 4.79 334 33.39 15.66 0 10 4.87 322 15.16 33.41 10 20 4.91 300 33.32 13.76 20 30 280 12.00 33.15 4.36 35 50 260 33.14 4.04 50 10.78 253 75 10.80 33.24 4.08 64 230 100 33.41 3.11 10.19 78 210 150 2.84 33.55 97 9.59 200 186 2.47 9.00 33.76 120 250 1.83 168 33.99 8.98 148 153 300 34.12 1.79 8.64 194 400 141 34.21 1.03 8.22 239 133 500 34.21 0.91 7.68 286 600 119 34.28 0.65 7.02 384 105 0.39 34.32 6.15 479 97 5.62 34.34 0.28 583

119°57.,5'W; sounding, 450 fm; wind, missing; 15.66 15.16 13.76 12.40 10.78 10.30 9.42 8.96 8.59 8.08 7.59 6.87 6.02 (5.55)

33.39 33.41 33.32 33.19 33.14 33.37 33.58 34.00 34.14 34.21 34.22 34.29 34.32 (34.34)

4.,79 4.,87 4.,91 4. 66 4. 04 3. 15 2.,80 1.,82 1.,75 0.,98 0,,87 0,,60 0. 37

ILACK DOUGLAS; November 11, 1952; 1017 GCT; 32°04.5'N, 120°39'W; sounding, 2060 weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 11°. 4.41 0 17..34 33.41 370 33.41 4. 41 17.34 0 33.40 4.45 10 17..30 369 33.40 4. 43 17.30 9 4.44 20 33.45 17..30 4. 42 366 17.32 33.45 24 .4.49 33.44 30 17.,32 4. 79 292 33.41 13.66 48 4.77 33.67 50 12.,50 33.41 205 2. 68 9.82 7.3 2.65 33.68 184 75 9.,65 2. 52 33.76 8.92 96 2.49 100 8.,89 33.78 162 33.99 2. 19 8.53 146 33.99 2.14 150 8.,49 148 34.06 1. 74 7.98 191 200 7,,90 34.07 1.68 1. 41 138 34.13 236 7.62 34.15 1.24 250 7..53 0. 98 130 34.19 7.32 281 0.90 34.19 300 7..17 0. 65 117 34.23 6.58 377 0.54 34.26 104 400 6..47 0. 29 34.34 6.16 166 34.36 0.28 500 5..93 92 34.40 0. 23 5.56 561 34.41 0.27 600 5.,33 79 34.45 0. 29 4.74 746 34.44 0.29 700 4.,91 0. 43 69 4.15 34.51 934 34.47 0.36 800 4.,57 0. 58 60 34.54 3.52 134 34.52 1000 3.,95 0.47

24..61 24. 73 24.,96 25.,13 25.,39 25.,65 25.,96 26. 36 26.,53 26..66 26..74 26.,90 27. 03 (27.,11)

334 322 300 284 260 235 205 167 151 139 131 116 103 (96)

370 369 366 367 270 201 182 161 147 135 128 113 99 89 82 76 66


90.60 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.15 0.21 0.27 0.36 0.44 0.52 0.59 0.71 0.83 (0.94)

fm; wind, 340°, force 2; 24,,24 24..24 24..28 24..26 25..28 26..00 26..20 26..43 26.,58 26.,70 26..78 26.,93 27.,08 27.19 27..26 27..33 27,.43

CCOFI 5211


0..00 0,,04 0,,07 0,,11 0.,17 0,.23 0.,28 0.,37 0,,45 0,.52 0,.59 0,.71 0,.83 0..93 1..02 1..11 1..26












BLACK DOUGLAS; partly cloudy; sea, 0 15.88 10 15.20 20 14.80 30 13.74 50 12.18 11.64 74 98 10.99 122 10.61









dyn m

CCOFl 5211

BLACK DOUGLAS; November 8, 1952; 2218 GCT; 32°10'N, 118°53.5'W; sounding, 840 fm; wind, 300°, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 00°. 0 16..80 33.09 4.47 381 0 16 .80 33..09 4.,47 24,.12 381 0.00 10 16..46 33.09 4.34 373 10 16..46 33.09 4.,34 24..20 373 0.04 20 16..41 33.15 4.41 368 20 16,.41 33..15 4..41 24..25 368 0.07 35 15..45 33.08 4.56 352 30 16,.25 33..11 4..51 24.,26 367 0.11 50 14..44 33.06 4.59 333 50 14,.44 33..06 4..59 24..62 333 0.18 64 13..38 33.14 4.49 306 75 11,.45 33..01 4..25 25.,17 281 0.26 79 33.00 11..25 4.08 278 100 10..50 33.,23 3..40 25.,51 248 0.33 98 10..60 33.22 3.43 251 150 9..68 33.,80 2..40 26.,09 193 0.44 122 9..79 33.44 2.93 221 200 8..47 33..88 2..29 26.,35 169 0.53 150 9..68 33.80 2.40 193 250 7..94 34. 04 1.,87 26.,55 149 0.61 197 8.,50 33.87 2.31 170 300 7..43 34..11 1..09 26. 68 137 0.68 242 8..06 34.03 1.94 152 400 6..84 34.,24 0.,58 26. 86 120 0.82 288 7..52 34.09 1.16 140 500 6..28 34. 32 0. 32 27. 00 107 0.94 385 6. 93 34.23 122 0.62 600 (5.59) (34.34) (27.10) (97) (1.05) 109 481 6..40 34.31 0.33 584 5.,70 34.34 0.23 98


BLACK DOUGLAS; November 8, 1952; 0130 GCT; 32°15.5'N, 117°09'W; sounding, 23 fm; wind, 150°, force 2; weather, cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 00°. 0 17.28 33.23 4.47 381 10 17.26 33.43 4.27 366 30 17.66u 33.35 4.18


BLACK DOUGLAS; November 8, 1952; 0336 GCT; 32°11.5'N, 117°17'W; sounding, 730 fm; wind, missing; weather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 04°. 0 18.05 33.43 4.34 384 0 18,.05 33.43 4..34 24,,08 384 10 33.44 4.43 10 18.03 383 33.44 4..43 24,.09 18..03 383 20 33.33 4.30 390 20 17.96 17..96 33.33 4..30 24,.02 390 35 33.26 30 15.76 4.77 346 17..75 4.,61 24.,05 33.29 388 51 33.18 4.44 291 50 12.70 12..80 33.18 4..48 25..04 292 64 33.24 4.27 260 75 11.23 10.,55 33.33 3.,70 25..58 242 33.36 100 79 10.42 3.35 238 10.,10 33.57 2. 62 25.,84 217 150 98 10.10 33.56 2.65 218 9..91 33.86 2.,00 26.,10 192 120 10.00 33.65 2.59 209 200 34.16 1.,21 26. 38 9.,63 166 148 9.92 33.85 2.03 193 250 34.23 9.,25 1..13 26. 50 155 193 300 0.,93 9.70 34.13 1.23 169 8.,82 34.21 26. 55 149 400 239 9.32 34.23 156 7.,42 34.21 0.,63 1.18 26.,76 130 284 9.00 34.22 1.00 151 500 0. 39 6..68 34.34 26. 96 110 383 34.19 0.67 133 7.58 477 6.84 34.32 0.42 114 579 6.13 34.39 0.23 99


BLACK DOUGLAS; November 8, 1952; 0911 GCT; 31°55.5'N, weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 00°. 0 0 17.,35 33.41 4.45 370 10 10 17. 32 33.44 4.49 367 20 33.40 4.89 334 20 15.68 35 11.80 265 30 33.31 4.68 50 10. 75 33.39 3.45 241 50 64 10. 28 33.52 3.13 223 75 79 9. 87 33.62 2.83 209 100 98 9. 36 33.75 2.55 192 150 122 9. 18 33.84 2.37 182 200 161 250 151 9. 02 34.09 1.83 300 197 8. 60 34.14 1.50 151 243 8. 69 34.30 0.98 141 400 290 131 500 8. 37 34.37 0.69 389 7. 22 34.32 0.51 119 600 104 484 6. 47 34.38 0.26 586 5. 89

0..00 0..04 0.,08 0. 12 0.,18 0.,25 0. 31 0.,41 0. 50 0.,59 0. 66 0. 81 0. 94

117°50'W; sounding, 520 fm; wind, 250°, force 1; 17,.35 17,.32 15,.68 12..80 10..75 10,.00 9,.34 9,.02 8,.60 8,.69 8,,25 7,.11 6..36 (5,.82)

33.41 33.44 33.40 33.33 33.39 33.60 33.76 34.09 34.15 34.32 34.36 34.33 (34.38)

4.45 4.49 4.89 4.80 3.45 2.90 2.54 1.85 1.47 0.92 0.67 0.48 (0.26)

24.23 24.26 24.61 25.16 25.59 25.88 26.11 26.42 26.54 26.66 26.75 26.90 (27.04)

370 367 334 281 241 213 191 161 151 139 130 116 (103)


0.00 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.35 0.43 0.51 0.58 0.71 (0.82)




















BLACK DOUGLAS; November 8. 1952; 1529, 1549 GCT; 3 1 ° 3 5 . 5 ' N , 118 o 30.5*W; force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 01°, 0 1 ° . 4 . 33 364 0 17. 24 0 17.24 33. 45 33.45 4 . 39 10 17. 22 10 17.22 33. 40 368 33.40 4 . 33 368 20 17. 22 33.39 20 17.22 33. 39 4 . 53 30 17. 12 35 16.52 33. 34 356 33.38 12.87 4 . 70 296 50 12. 87 33.15 50 33. 15 3 . 96 259 75 10. 65 64 11.42 33. 30 33.36 100 10. 11 33.57 3 . 62 239 150 9. 96 34.03 78 10.58 33. .37 2 . 58 219 200 9. 90 34.20 98 10.12 33. 55 199 250 9 . 55 34.23 122 10.02 33. .79 1. 97 180 300 34.22 150 9.96 34. 03 1. 43 8. 69 34. 19 400 7. 68 34.25 196 9.93 1. 07 168 9.64 34. 23 0. 84 161 500 6. 89 34.28 242 600 (6.23) 8.82 34. 22 0 . 99 149 (34.31) 288 132 387 7.80 34. .25 0. 68 119 482 7.00 34. ,27 0 . 39 6.32 34. 31 0 . 24 108 586


CTt e/L




dyn m

sounding, 1280 fm; wind, 250°, 4. .33 4. .39 4..33 4..45 4.,70 3.,70 2 52 1..43 1..04 0..85 0. 95 0..62 0,.34

24. 29 24. 26 24. 25 24. 26 25. 01 25. 58 25. 84 26. 22 26. 36 26. 45 26. 58 26. 75 26. 89 (27.00)

364 368 368 367 296 241 217 180 167 159 147 130 117 (107)

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.40 0.49 0.58 0.65 0.80 0.93 (1.05)


CREST; November 6, 1952; 0410 GCT; 31°42*N, 1 1 6 ° 4 4 . 5 ' W ; sounding, 150 fm; wind, 300°, f o r c e 1; weather, c l e a r ; sea, calm; wire angle, 0 8 ° . 5.,76 385 0 17.91 33.37 5..76 24.07 0 17. 91 33.37 385 0.00 15..63 6..31 343 10 15.63 33.26 6..31 24.51 10 33.26 343 0.04 288 20 12.60 33.23 6.,09 19 12.,78 33.23 6. 19 25.12 285 0.07 5..45 272 30 11.88 33.27 5. 41 29 11..95 33.25 25.29 269 0.10 255 50 11.32 33.33 5.,16 25.44 50 11..32 33.33 5..16 255 0.15 4..80 248 75 10.87 33.32 4. ,74 74 10..90 33.32 25.51 248 0.21 3.,55 222 99 10..44 33.58 100 (10.43) (33.59) (3..51) (25. 80) (221) (0.27)


CREST; November 6, 1952; 0510 GCT; 31°40'N, 116°47 , W; sounding, 250 fm; wind, 300°, partly cloudy; sea, c a l m ; wire angle, 0 8 ° . 0 33.39 5.75 383 0 17.86 33.39 5.75 17.86 10 5.81 382 10 17.83 17.83 33.39 33.39 5.81 33.37 5.95 364 20 17.79 25 16.96 33.38 5.91 5.85 293 30 14.67 33.34 50 12.88 33.19 5.96 74 5.12 268 50 12.88 33.19 11.66 33.23 5.85 98 10.54 33.54 3.92 226 75 11.61 33.23 5.09 184 100 10.50 147 9.70 33.92 2.28 33.56 3.65 170 192 9.64 34.10 1.94 150 9.78 33.94 2.24 34.11 9.37 34.20 1.51 159 200 9.61 1.88 238 287 8.66 1.19 143 250 9.16 34.22 1.40 34.26


24.10 24.10 24.10 24.78 25.04 25.31 25.76 26.18 26.34 26.50

383 382 382 317 293 267 224 184 169 154

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.31 0.41 0.50 0.58

CREST; November 6, 1952; 1013 GCT; 31°21'N, 117°27'W; sounding, 1000 fm; wind, 280°, f o r c e 1; weather, c l e a r ; sea, calm; wire angle, 1 1 ° . 33.37 5.90 382 0 17.77 33.37 5 . 90 0 17.77 24. 10 382 0.00 10 17.72 33.41 5.84 378 10 17.72 33.41 5 . 84 24. ,14 0.04 378 25 33.24 6.43 345 20 17.60 33.41 6 . 34 24. .17 15.66 375 0.08 49 12.40 33.22 5.98 282 30 14.80 33.23 6 . 42 24. 67 0.11 328 4.64 239 33.22 5 . 89 73 10.27 33.31 50 12.08 25. 21 276 0.17 97 3.96 220 75 10.22 33.31 4 . 60 25. 62 9.89 33.48 238 0.24 8.82 33.90 3.24 172 100 9.78 33.50 3 . 89 25. .84 217 150 0.29 8.79 8.82 33.90 196 34.11 2.23 156 150 3 . 24 26. 31 172 0.39 242 8.42 34.19 1.53 145 200 8.74 34.12 2 . 13 155 26. 49 0.48 260 8.52 1.10 250 8.44 34.25 1. 37 141 34.30 138 26. .64 0.55 384 7.24 0.62 122 300 8.17 34.30 0. 26. ,72 133 0.62 34.28 474 6.54 0.37 110 400 7.14 34.29 0 . 59 34.32 26.,86 120 0.75 6.35 571 5.84 34.34 0.28 100 500 34.32 0 . 34 26.99 107 0.88 87 664 5.36 0.27 600 5.72 34.37 0 . 26 27. .11 34.43 96 0.98 77 763 4.78 34.49 0.34 700 5.15 34.45 0 . 29 27..24 84 1.08 860 4.42 34.52 0.40 70 800 4.64 34.50 0 . 37 27. 34 74 1.17 OD


f o r c e 1; weather,







2 ml/L












CREST; November 6, 1952; 1522 GCT; 31°01'N, 118°06'W; sounding, 960 f m ; wind, 320°, partly cloudy; sea, smooth; wire angle, 00". 353 0 16..37 33.34 5 .91 0 33..34 5. 91 16. 37 353 10 16.,38 33.35 5..96 10 5..96 16..38 33..35 20 33.31 5,.96 5..96 355 16.,36 20 16..36 33. 31 30 16.,10 33.18 6..20 35 6..45 306 13. 42 33. 15 50 33.16 5..93 5..93 285 12.,30 50 12..30 33. 16 10..58 33.42 4..55 5..32 260 75 65 11..38 33..27 100 10.,13 33.57 3..70 10. 44 4.,37 231 79 33..45 9..90 34.04 219 150 1..95 10..18 33. 56 3.,78 98 2..95 197 200 8..96 33.99 2..63 122 9..90 33. 79 179 250 9..23 34.28 1..45 150 1. 95 9..90 34..04 34.24 300 8. 49 1..32 197 2..64 168 8..98 33. 99 7. 38 34.19 0..93 1. 49 151 400 244 9..24 34. 28 144 500 6..65 34.32 0. 42 8.60 1.,33 290 34. 24 (34.31) 600 (5.88) 7. 45 34. 19 0. 97 131 390 0.,48 113 485 6..77 34. 32 104 5.,97 34. 31 0..26 588

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f o r c e 3; weather, 24..41 24..41 24..39 24. 35 25..13 25. 64 25. 83 26. 24 26. 35 26. 54 26. 62 26. 75 26.95 (27.04)

353 353 355 359 285 236 217 179 168 151 142 130 111 (102)

CCOFI 5211

100.50 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.29 0.39 0.48 0.56 0.64 0.78 0.91 (1.02)

CREST; November 6, 1952; 2005 GCT; 30°41'N, 118°47'W; sounding, 1600 f m ; wind, 280°, f o r c e 2; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; w i r e angle, 10°. 17.,40 17,.40 377 0 33..32 5 .83 377 0.00 0 33.32 5. 83 24.15 17..08 17,.08 10 33..34 5 .88 24.24 0.04 10 33.34 5. 88 369 369 16..64 33.,34 6 .05 16..39 6. 09 355 20 24.35 359 0.07 25 33.32 287 15.,70 12..54 6. 05 30 33.,30 342 50 33.19 6 .12 24.53 0.11 74 10.96 4. 75 247 50 12. 54 33.,19 0.17 33.35 6..05 25.10 287 9.96 3. 74 216 75 10.,85 33..35 4.,74 98 33.55 25.54 245 0.24 180 9. 93 33.,60 149 9..85 34.01 2. 30 100 3..55 212 25.89 0.30 34.16 1. 89 163 150 9. 84 34. 02 2..29 26.23 179 0.40 194 9..47 240 34.26 151 200 9. 43 34. 18 1..81 26.43 161 0.48 1. 39 9. 18 250 34. 26 26.55 150 284 34.28 1. 33 143 9. 08 1.,37 0.56 8.,72 300 34. 28 1.,28 0.64 382 34.30 0. 88 122 8. 49 26.66 139 7. 38 0. 42 115 400 7. 25 34. 30 0.,76 26.85 0.77 476 34.26 121 6. 62 34.32 100 500 34. 27 0. 40 26.95 0.90 576 0. 33 6. 40 112 5. 75 34. 36 670 34.43 0. 32 86 600 5. 63 0.32 27.11 96 1.01 5.,26 34.40 0. 37 84 700 34. 43 0. 32 770 4. 82 5. 14 27.23 85 1.10 34.40 0. 55 800 4. 72 34. 40 0. 37 968 4. 12 76 27.25 83 1.20 1000 (34.40) (4.02) (0.63) (27.33) (75) (1.37)


CREST; November p a r t l y cloudy; sea, 0 18..35 10 18..36 20 18.,31 35 18.,36 50 16..63 64 14..80 78 13..72 97 12..78 119 11..27 146 9. 50 191 8. 66 238 8. 13 284 7. 46 382 6. 72 476 6. 05 579 5. 52


7, 1952; 0105 GCT; 30°20.5'N, 119°27'W; sounding, 2000 fm; wind, 310°, f o r c e moderate; w i r e angle, 06°. 5..66 0 33 .36 33.36 396 18 .35 5 .66 23.95 5,.81 403 10 33 .28 5,.81 33.28 18 .36 23.89 33.36 5..86 396 20 18,.31 33,.36 5,.86 23.96 33.39 5..76 395 30 18..34 33..38 5,.80 23.97 33.27 6..27 364 50 16,.63 33,.27 6..27 24.29 332 33.18 6..43 75 13,.90 33.,19 6.,37 24.83 309 33.19 6..37 100 12,.59 33.,20 6.,10 25.10 33.20 6..35 291 150 9..42 33..57 4. 35 25.95 33.37 5..35 251 200 8.,57 33. 91 3.,44 26.35 7. 94 33.52 4. 49 211 250 34. 02 3..08 26.53 3. 47 171 300 7.,35 34. 09 33.89 2. 01 26.67 34.00 3. 31 155 400 6. 58 34. 16 1. 07 26.84 2. 30 34.08 140 500 5..92 34. 24 0. 64 26.98 34.14 1. 16 126 0. 72 34.22 111 34.31 0. 39 98

3; weather, 396 403 396 395 364 313 287 206 168 151 138 122 108

0.,00 0.,04 0. 08 0. 12 0. 20 0. 28 0. 36 0. 48 0. 58 0. 66 0. 73 0. 87 0. 99










CREST; November partly cloudy; sea, 0 18. 29 10 18. 31 24 18. 48 48 16. 78 72 14. 18 95 13. 44 145 9. 92 9. 03 192 235 8. 46 280 7. 65 372 7. 14 460 6. 01 553 5. 52 643 5. 08 740 4. 68 930 4. 12









7, 1952; 0552 GCT; 30°01'N, 120°06.5'W; moderate; wire angle, 15°. 0 5. 64 402 10 33. 27 5. 59 405 20 33. 28 6. 10 380 30 33. 09 329 33. 05 6. 35 50 5..84 286 33. 43 75 4..83 229 100 33. 37 4..01 184 150 33. 79 3..40 163 33. 96 200 2..67 142 250 34..08 127 34..20 1..01 300 0..60 108 400 34. 26 0..34 99 500 34..30 0..35 91 34..34 600 0..35 83 700 34..39 73 34..45 0.,50 800 1000






dyn m

sounding, 2000 fm; wind, 320°, force 3; weather, 18. 29 18. 31 18. 42 18. 42 16. 27 14..20 13. 14 9. 82 8. 95 8..08 7.,57 6..74 5..82 5..29 4..84 4.,45 (4.03)

(33. 27) 33. 27 33. 28 33. 28 33. 08 33. 16 33. 43 33..37 33..82 34..00 34.,11 34..22 34. 28 34..32 34.,37 34.,41 (34.47)

5. 64 5. 61 5..58 6. 16 6. 35 5. 69 4..74 3. 92 3..15 2,.33 0..84 0.48 0,.35 0,.35 0..39

(23.90) 23. 89 23..87 23.,87 24. 23 24.,75 25.,17 25.,73 26. 22 26.,50 26..66 26..86 27.,03 27..12 27,.22 27. 29 (27.,38)

(402) 402 404 404 370 321 280 227 180 154 139 120 104 95 86 79 (70)

(0.00) 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.29 0.36 0.49 0.59 0.68 0.75 0.89 1.01 1.11 1.21 1.30 (1.47)


CREST; November 8, 1952; 0328 GCT; 31°05'N, 116°25'W; sounding, 40 fm; wind, 220°, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 00°. 5..80 392 0 33.39 5,.80 0 18.24 33. 39 18,.24 24..00 392 0..00 381 5.,84 10 17.90 33. 43 10 17,.90 33.43 5..84 24. 12 0..04 381 353 6..19 20 33.37 20 16.48 33.,37 16,.48 6..19 24.,41 353 0. 08 6.,58 308 33.20 30 13.68 33. 20 30 13.,68 6..58 24. 88 0. 11 308


CREST; November 8, 1952; 0049 GCT; 30°55.5'N, 116°45»W; sounding, 1020 fm; cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 12°. 0 17. 75 33. 33 0 17. 75 33..33 5.,88 385 10 17. 46 33..29 10 17.46 33. 29 5..88 381 20 17. 40 33.,34 20 17. 40 33.,34 5.,91 376 35 33.,27 30 17. 07 33,.32 16. 37 6..20 358 14. 48 49 14.,52 33..11 50 33.,11 6..59 331 75 11. 82 33.,14 63 13..26 33.,12 6..55 306 100 10. 84 33.37 77 11..74 33.,15 6.,00 275 150 9. 14 33..75 95 10. 99 33.,30 5..20 251 10. 30 4..23 200 8. 50 34.,03 118 33.,55 222 250 34..30 145 9. 26 33. 73 3,.81 192 8. 82 189 8. 62 33.95 3,,33 166 300 8.26 34..30 234 8. 93 34.29 145 400 7. 27 34..34 1.,72 279 34..29 500 6. 34 34..32 8.,44 1..30 138 377 34.,35 7.,54 0,,71 121 471 6. 55 34.31 0.,47 111 574 5. 90 34.35 0,.29 100


5. 88 5..88 5. 91 6. 11 6.,62 5. 99 4.,81 3.,76 2. 92 1. 54 1.,13 0. 64 0. 42

24.08 24. 11 24. 17 24..23 24.,65 25.20 25..56 26. 14 26. 46 26. 62 26.,71 26. 88 26. 99

CREST; November 7, 1952; 2149, 2211 GCT; 30° 45.5'N, 117°05 . 5'W; sounding, 850 fm; wind, 200°, weather,, overcast; sea, smooth; wire angle, 16° , 15°. 0 17.78 "33.37 5,.83 382 0 17. 78 33.37 5.83 24.10 372 10 17. 18 10 17.18 33.32 6,.02 33.32 6.02 24.20 20 361 20 16.86 33.38 6,.05 16. 86 33.38 6.05 24.33 339 34 15.10 33.16 6..48 30 16. 45 33.27 24.34 6.43 307 48 13.05 33.04 6,.50 135 180 225 269 365 460 561


wind, 280°, force 2; weather,

9.38 8.68 8.92 8.38 7.47 6.60 5.80

33.87 34.01 34.23 34.28 34.33 34.34 34.39

3.12 2.92 1.60 1.18 0.67 0.45 0.35

183 162 149 138 121 109 96

150 200 250 300 400 500

9.30 8.79 8.63 8.08 7.15 6.27

33.91 34.13 34.26 34.30 34.33 34.36

3.05 2.29 1.33 0.96 0.57 0.38

26.24 26.49 26.62 26.73 26.89 27.03

a) Hiis value is calculated with respect to the 150-decibar surface rather than the sea surface.

385 381 376 370 330 278 244 188 158 143 135 118 107

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.18 0.26 0.33 0.44 0.52 0.60 0.67 0.80 0.92

force 3; 382 372 361 360

0. 00 0. 04 0. 07 0. 11

179 155 143 132 117 103

0.00a) 0.09a) 0.16a) 0.24a) 0.37a) 0.48a)



















CREST; November 8, 1952; 0735 GCT; 30°25.5'N, 116°12,W; clear; sea, calm; wire angle, 00°. 0 6.33 350 0 16. 04 33.29 10 6.50 337 10 15.,44 33.29 6.47 319 20 25 14.,60 33.30 50 33.27 5.37 288 30 12. 94 74 12..12 33.37 4.64 266 50 75 33.49 3.75 249 98 11. 64 209 100 11..24 33.93 1.89 148 194 10. 88 34.21 1.43 182 150 162 200 242 10. 01 34.29 1.40 250




«T cl/ton


dyn m

sounding, 550 fm; wind, 120°, force 2; weather, 16.04 15.44 14.92 14.20 12.94 12.10 11.62 11.23 10.80 (9.90)

33.29 33.29 33.30 33.30 33.27 33.37 33.50 33.95 34.23 (34.29)

6.33 6.50 6.49 6.42 5.37 4.61 3.50 1.85 1.43 (1.40)

24.45 24.58 24.70 24.85 25.09 25.33 25.52 25.94 26.23 (26.43)

350 337 325 311 288 266 248 208 180 (160)

CCOFI 5211


0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.23 0.29 0.41 0.51 (0.60)

CREST; November 8, 1952; 0934 GCT; 30°20'N, 116°23,W; sounding, 900 fm; wind, 180°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 15°. 6.27 359 0 16..36 33..26 0 16..36 33.26 6.27 24.35 0.00 359 15..77 33..27 10 15.,77 33.27 6.37 345 10 6.37 0.04 24.49 345 333 20 14..85 33. 18 20 14..85 33.18 6.61 6.61 0.07 24.62 333 14..56 34 14.,37 6.16 315 30 33..26 6.44 33.28 24.75 321 0.10 300 13..64 48 13..78 33.33 5.40 50 33.,33 5.35 24.99 297 0.16 62 12..92 5.23 285 75 33. 33 33.31 11..68 5.23 25.37 261 0.23 10..87 5.24 261 100 33. 56 76 11..70 33.33 3.99 25.70 230 0.30 96 4.17 240 150 10..68 34. 14 11.,08 33.48 184 0.40 1.88 26.18 10. 33 200 10.,22 34.,31 118 33.85 3.52 200 164 1.53 26.40 0.49 145 10. 66 186 9.,13 34..27 34.11 1.93 250 26.55 0.57 1.58 150 34..37 190 10. 49 34.34 1.55 166 300 8. 66 1.03 26.70 135 0.64 7. 72 234 9. 32 1.64 156 400 34.39 34.23 0.59 120 26.86 0.78 140 6.62 278 8. 82 34.34 1.26 500 (34.36) (26.99) (108) (0.90) 34.39 0.66 125 373 8. 06 34.36 0.50 112 466 6. 94 567 6. 08


CREST; November 8, 1952; 1232 GCT; 30°10'N, 116°43.5'W; sounding, 1450 fm; partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 00°. 33.41 5.74 389 0 0 18.20 18..20 33.41 33.28u 10 10 18.24 5.76 18..24 33.41 20 17.89 33.40 5.80 383 20 17..89 33.40 33.27 5.84 30 17..41 35 17.39 381 33.27 33.17 50 15.54 6.38 348 50 15..54 33.17 33.15 75 64 13.42 6.48 306 12..84 33.20 12.72 289 100 10..93 33.21 6.13 33.22 78 97 11.21 33.22 5.66 261 150 9..82 33.73 4.90 234 200 120 10.18 33.36 8. 56 33.94 33.72 3.39 202 250 34.04 148 9.88 8.,03 8.62 33.94 3.37 167 300 7. 46 194 34.13 34.03 2.94 400 241 8.11 152 6. 63 34.28 288 7.60 34.11 2.13 139 500 6. 27 34.35 6.67 34.27 0.95 115 600 (5.69) (34.39) 388 483 6.36 34.34 0.47 106 587 5.76 34.39 0.34 95


wind, 280°, force 2; weather, 5.74 5.76 5.80 5.83 6.38 6.24 5.58 3.35 3.34 2.78 1.93 0.85. 0.44

24.03 24.02 24.10 24.11 24.46 25.05 25.42 26.01 26.38 26.54 26.69 26.92 27.03 (27.13)

389 390 383 381 348 292 256 200 166 151 136 114 104 (94)

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.27 0.34 0.45 0.55 0.63 0.70 0.83 0.95 (1.05)

CREST; November 9, 1952; 1213 GCT; 29°50.5'N, 115°52'W; sounding, 50 fm; wind, 350°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 02°. 0 17.,04 33,.39 364 0 17..04 5.98 33.39 5..98 24.29 364 0.00 10 16. 52 33.,45 6.13 348 10 16. 52 33.45 6..13 24.46 348 0.04 5.49 321 20 15. 32 33. 47 20 15. 32 33.47 5,.49 24.74 321 0.07 30 14. 99 33..36 5.49 322 30 14. 99 33.36 5..49 24.73 322 0.10 50 12. 71 33. 42 4.70 273 50 33.42 12. 71 4..70 25.25 273 0.16

I 10.33




521 I






02 ml/L














dyn m


CREST; November 9, 1952; 0929 G C T ; 29°39,N1 116° 13'W; sounding, 1180 fm; wind, 340°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 30°. 6. 01 375 0 17. 12 33. 26 0 17. 12 33. 26 01 24. 17 375 0.00 374 10 17.,05 9 17.,08 33. 27 6..06 33. 27 6. 11 24. 20 373 0.04 6..50 20 15,.38 33. 26 338 15..26 33. 26 6. 53 24. 60 18 335 0.07 14,.53 6. 57 325 30 14,.64 31 33. 20 33. 21 6..57 24. 69 0.11 326 50 45 13,.08 33. 17 6..20 298 12..52 33..16 5..76 25. 08 0.17 289 55 5..38 281 75 11,.41 33.,40 4. 65 25. 48 12..09 33. 16 251 0.24 4.,97 264 100 10..75 33. 69 3. 42 25. 82 219 68 11..58 33. 27 0.29 10..40 4.,15 238 150 34. 02 2.,78 26. 14 84 11,.18 33. 52 188 0.40 200 103 10,.65 33.,73 3..30 214 9..52 34. 22 2..08 26. 44 159 0.49 2.,86 197 250 9..40 34. 38 125 10,.26 33.,87 1. 22 26. 59 0.57 146 162 9 .69 2.,76 177 300 8..59 34. 39 34..02 1.,01 26.,73 133 0.64 200 2,.08 159 400 7,.53 34. 34 0..73 9 .52 34..22 26..85 121 0.77 1,.30 147 500 6,.65 34..36 239 9 .46 34. 37 0..43 26..98 108 0.89 0,.93 324 34.,38 128 8,.22 7,.41 0,.67 120 411 34.,34 34..36 0,.42 107 511 6,.56

I 10.40

C R E S T ; November 9, 1952; 0612 G C T ; 29°30'N, 116°33'W; sounding, 280 fm; wind, 340°, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 23°. 0 0 18.,15 33. 35 5..76 393 18..15 33.35 5.76 9 33.,33 5.,76 394 10 18..13 33.33 5.78 18..15 20 17..95 5,.91 392 33.28 5.89 23 17.,83 33..26 5,.89 384 17.,75 46 17..53 33.,27 30 33.26 5.92 50 17..51 33.27 317 70 14..18 33..21 6,.34 5.95 90 12.,33 33.,03 6..03 295 75 13,.70 33.16 6.33 100 5.74 10..02 4,.35 227 11..69 33.04 136 33..42 174 2,.77 9.,59 34. 01 176 150 9..52 33.60 3.70 200 2,.22 9..52 34.15 2.36 216 9. 39 34. 20 159 34..24 250 260 8..43 1,.53 141 8..67 34.23 1.76 300 34.37 0.97 309 0,,91 125 8..12 8.,07 34.39 358 7.,97 34.,39 0,.77 124



force 3; weather, 23.99 23.98 23.99 24.02 24.09 24.85 25.15 25.96 26.39 26.59 26.78

393 394 393 390 384 311 283 205 165 146 127

0. 00 0. 04 0. 08 0. 12 0. 20 0. 28 0. 36 0. 48 0. 58 0. 65 0. 73

C R E S T ; November 9, 1952; 0133 G C T ; 29°17'N, 117°01'W; sounding, 1750 fm; wind, 340°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 10°. 0 5.,76 392 0 33.47 18..51 33.47 18..51 5.76 24.00 0.00 392 10 33,,37 5..74 399 10 33.37 5.74 18.,49 18..49 23.93 399 0.04 25 33,.33 5..80 395 20 33.35 23.97 18.,18 18..25 5.78 395 0.08 49 18. 04 33,.29 5..81 394 30 18..13 33.32 5.80 23.98 394 0.12 73 15..44 33..31 6..34 335 50 33.29 18.,03 5.83 23.98 394 0.20 97 297 13.,46 33,.29 6.,01 75 15..37 33.31 6.33 334 24.61 0.29 149 10.,64 33 .62 3.,79 222 100 13.,29 33.30 5.85 25.04 293 0.37 197 9.,07 3.,40 150 10.,60 33,.84 181 33.63 3.76 25.80 221 0.50 244 34..00 3..22 200 8. 19 156 9..00 33.86 3.40 26.25 0.60 178 290 7. 72 34..09 2.,40 143 250 8.,14 34.02 3.15 26.50 154 0.68 386 6.,76 34..22 1..02 120 300 7..62 34.10 2.22 26.64 140 0.76 477 6..58 34,.36 0..37 107 400 6.,73 34.24 0.86 26.88 0.89 118 575 6. 02 34,.41 0..24 97 500 6..45 34.38 0.32 27.03 104 1.01 5. 45 0. 29 668 34,.40 91 600 5..87 34.40 0.24 27.12 96 1.12 767 4. 95 34 .45 0.,33 81 700 5.,28 34.42 0.29 27.20 87 1.22 963 4.,16 34,.53 0..57 67 800 4..81 34.46 0.38 27.29 79 1.31 1000 (0.62) (27.44) (1.47) (65) (4.,04) (34.54)






i .







S t







dyn m




;, 1900 fm; wind, 330°, force 4; weather,


CREST; Nivember partly cloidy; sea, 0 8. 69 10 8. 48 20 8..30 35 8..21 50 6. 58 64 5.,01 78 4. 44 97 .2. 88 121 1. 66 150 .1. 12 197 0 . 94 0 . 04 243 289 8. 74 387 7. 66 483 6. 48 586 6. 13

8, 1952; 2125 GCT; 29°00'N, 117°33'W; moderate; wire angle, 02°. 399 0 33..43 5.78 389 10 33. 50 5.72 392 33..41 5.78 20 387 30 33.44 5.78 6.33 352 50 33.42 324 75 33. 34 6.48 307 100 33..42 6.22 280 150 33.,37 5.58 33..51 4.12 248 200 250 33.,88 2.44 211 34..18 1.50 186 300 34..28 163 400 1.85 34. 22 500 1.85 148 34. 32 600 0.97 125 34. 28 112 0.55 34..38 0.30 100

CREST; Nivember partly clody; sea, 0 8.00 10 7.98 20 ,7.98 6.81 31

9, 1952; 1701 GCT; 29°22.5'N, 115°18'W; sounding, 32 fm; wind, 330°, force 3; weather, moderate; wire angle, 01°. 33.,52 33.52 6.10 377 0 18,.00 6. 10 24.16 377 0.00 17,.98 33..55 33.55 6.15 374 10 6. 15 24.19 374 0.04 17,.98 33. 49 33.49 6.15 378 20 6. 15 24.14 378 0.08 33.45 5.82 355 30 16..93 33. 45 5. 90 357 0.11 24.36

CREST; Nivember partly cloidy; sea, 0 7.94 10 7.90 20 7.76 35 6.98 55 3.27 69 1.28 83 0.79 105 0.90 128 0.95 155 0.71 205 0.18 260 9.47 306 8.91 415 7.85 522 6.62 632 5.80

9, 1952 ; 1948 GCT; 29°12'N, 115°39'W; sounding, 700 fm; wind, 340°, slight; wire angle, 02°. 6.19 6.19 380 0 17,.94 33.45 33.45 6.19 33.47 6.19 378 10 17,.90 33.47 6.16 17.,76 6.16 33.49 373 20 33.49 6.05 33.41 5.97 30 17,.35 361 33.46 287 14,,53 5.60 33.37 5.41 50 33.37 3.90 33.51 4.33 241 75 10..90 33.58 3.40 100 10..86 2.28 220 33.89 33.68 150 10..77 1.84 33.95 2.18 202 34.18 190 200 10..24 1.23 34.12 2.01 34.25 250 9..60 34.19 1.76 181 34.33 0.92 1.19 167 34.26 300 8..98 0.75 34.38 34.34 0.87 150 400 8. 02 34.38 0.48 34.39 0.74 137 500 6. 85 0.37 34.38 0.45 123 600 0.33 34.38 6. 00 34.40 0.35 106 34.38 0.34 94 34.41

33.43 33.50 33.41 33.44 33.42 33.42 33.37 33.88 34.19 34.28 34.22 34.31 34.28 (34.38)

5. 78 5. 72 5. 5. 75 6. 33 6. 30 5.,47 2. 44 1. 50 1. 86 1. 80 0. 87 0. 50


18.69 18.48 18.30 18.23 16.58 14.57 12.66 11.12 10.88 9.82 8.63 7.48 6.39 (6.11)

23.92 24.03 24.00 24.04 24.42 24.87 25.22 25.90 26.19 26.44 26.59 26.83 26.96 (27.07)





0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.27 0.35 0.47 0.57 0.66 0.74 0.88 1.00 (1.12)

I 13.30

force 4; weather, 24.12 24.15 24.20 24.27 24.84 25.71 25.96 26.20 26.35 26.52 26.66 26.80 26.97 27.10

CREST; Nivember 9, 1952; 2245,, 2314 GCT; 29°02'N, 115° 58.5'W; sounding, 1020 fm; wind. 320°, © weather, ¡artly cloudy; sea,, moderate; wire angle, 18°, 17 0 9.23 6 .02 394 0 33.68 19 .23 33.68 6.02 23.98 10 5,.95 394 10 9.16 33.66 19 .16 33.66 5.95 23.98 20 8.22 5,.92 379 20 33.56 18..22 33.56 5.92 24.14 34 6.00 33.37 6.,15 343 30 16,,85 33.41 6.12 24.35 53 3.00 33.24 5,.93 292 50 13,.63 33.25 5.99 24.93 66 1.58 33.24 5..54 75 266 11,.48 33.46 4.05 25.51 1.44 80 33.51 3. 96 244 100 11,,30 33.58 3.82 25.64 0.80 103 33.60 3. 78 226 150 10.,12 34.05 2.44 26.21 0.23 126 33.83 3. 16 200 200 9..91 34.30 1.44 26.44 0.10 153 34.08 2. 30 179 250 9. 48 34.28 1.17 26.50 200 9.91 34.30 1. 44 160 300 34.41 8. 82 0.93 26.71 253 9.44 1. 14 154 34.28 400 7. 63 34.43 0.55 26.90 298 8.86 34.40 0. 97 136 500 6. 53 34.40 0.37 27.03 0. 52 403 7.58 34.43 115 600 5. 90 34.42 0.28 27.13 504 6.48 34.40 0. 36 103 612

399 389 392 388 352 309 276 211 184 160 146 123 111 (100)

CCOFI 5211

380 378 373 366 312 229 206 183 169 153 139 125 109 97

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.18 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.79 0.91 1.02

force 5; 394 394 379 359 303 248 236 182 160 154 135 116 104 94

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.31 0.42 0.50 0.59 0.66 0.79 0.91 1.02 375

XOFI 5211























"t g/L


dyn m


CREST; November 18, 1952; 2023 GCT;a> 28°55.5'N, 115029'W; sounding, 570 fm; wind, 010°, force 4; weather, clear; sea, moderate; wire angle, 15°. 0 16. 93 7 16. 91 17 16. 89 27 16. 88 36 16..88 45 14. 09 50 13..58 55 12..97


CREST; November 18, 1952; 2101 GCT;a> 28°55.5'N, 115°29'W; sounding, 570 fm; wiai, 010°, force 4; weather, clear; sea, moderate; wire angle, 05°. 0 16. 98 10 16. 91 20 16. 90 30 16. 90 40 14. 20 50 13..07 70 11..92 89 11..31 108 11..52 117 11..14 127 11..16 130 10..72


CREST; November 18, 1952; 2151 GCT;a> 28°55.5IN, 115°29'W; sounding, 570 fm; wind, 010°, force 4; weather, clear; sea, moderate; wire angle, 09°. 17.27 0 10 17.19 25 16.93 50 12.91 73 11.72 96 11.28 119 11.18 141 11.36 164 10.29 187 9.12 210 8.98 234 9.70 253 9.18 263 8.99 282 9.18


CREST; November 10, 1952; 1611 GCT; 28°56'N, 114°41'W; sounding, sea, moderate; wire angle, 02°. 0 18.05 33.51 5..60 379 0 18.05 10 5..63 10 18.04 18.04 33.48 381 20 17.54 20 17.54 33.49 5..52 368 30 16.51 33.42 5..54 350 30 16.51 50 4..49 280 50 13.18 33.45 13.18


CREST; November partly cloudy; sea, 0 17.79 10 16.90 20 15.90 30 15.64 50 14.18

33.51 33.48 33.49 33.42 33.45

5.60 5.63 5.52 5.54 4.49

24. 14 24..12 24..25 24..44 25..18

379 381 368 350 280

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.18

10, 1952; 1356 GCT; 28048'N, 114'56.5'W; sounding, 50 fm; wind, 320°, force 4; weather, moderate; wire angle, 02°. 5. 98 367 0 17.79 33.59 33.59 5.98 24.26 367 0.00 10 16.90 33.48 6..00 355 33.48 6.00 24.39 355 0.04 33.44 5..77 336 20 15.90 33.44 5.77 24.59 336 0.07 324 15.64 33.52 5..61 30 33.52 5.61 24.71 324 0.10 5. 09 50 33.50 296 14.18 33.50 5.09 25.01 0.17 296

a) Bathythermograph calibration cast.


40 fm; wind, 320°, force 3; weather, clear;















CREST; November 10, 1952; 0648 GCT; 28°38'N, 115°16'W; sounding, clear; sea, slight; wire angle, 04°. 0 5.86 389 0 18.,57 18.,57 33.53 10 33.57 386 10 18. 54 5.88 18.,54 5.80 327 20 16.,70 25 15.,56 33.46 5.50 274 30 14.,70 50 12..92 33.46 4.07 74 256 50 12. 92 12..36 33.56 98 33.70 3.65 228 75 12.,34 11.,35 122 1.89 201 100 11..35 11.,71 34.15 10.,96 150 10.,96 34.11 1.82 191 150




"t g/L




dyn m

132 fm; wind, 310°, force 4; weather, 33. 53 33.,57 33.,50 33.,45 33. 46 33. 56 33. 71 34. 11

CREST; November 10, 1952; 0353 GCT; 28°28'N, 115°35.5'W; sounding, 550 fm; cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 10°. 19.44 395 0 19.44 33.74 0 33.74 5..75 19.40 19.40 10 5..83 393 10 33.75 33.75 16.90 25 16.28 33.54 5.,72 336 20 33.65 14.62 4. 86 299 30 16.03 33.54 49 33.57 12.12 14.55 74 33.44 4. 93 261 50 33.57 99 12.48 33.79 3. 49 242 75 12.12 33.44 11.84 189 100 33.80 149 34.35 1. 34 12.48 10.71 171 11.80 197 34.32 1. 47 150 34.35 10.30 157 200 10.68 34.32 242 34.42 1. 01 9.76 34.42 0. 76 148 250 10.23 34.43 288 9.47 340 8.76 0. 74 137 300 34.40 34.36 385 8.38 0. 58 130 400 8.18 34.39 34.39 7.70 434 0. 50 120 500 (6.90) (34.41) 34.39 484 7.08 0. 39 111 34.40

5.86 5.88 5.83 5.76 5.50 4.04 3.57 1.82

24.03 24.07 24.45 24.86 25.24 25.43 25.73 26.11

389 386 349 310 274 256 227 191

117.35 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.17 0.23 0.29 0.40

wind, 340°, force 4; weather, 5 .75 5,.83 5,.79 5,.55 4,.83 4..92 3..40 1..34 1..44 0..96 0.,74 0.,54 (0.35)

23.97 23.99 24.52 24.64 24.99 25.38 25.59 26.14 26.32 26.49 26.59 26.79 (26.99)

395 393 342 331 298 261 241 188 171 155 145 127 (108)

sounding. 30 fm; wind, 330°, force 5|; weather, clear;

CREST; November 11, 1952 ; 0525 GCT; 28°13'N, 114 °34'W; O sea, moderate; wire angle, 00 0 19.36 33.55 5.17 407 0 10 19.38 33.56 5.31 407 10 20 19.38 33.55 5.26 407 20 30 19.37 33.56 5.22 406 30 50 19.37 33.55 5.22 407 50

sounding, 50 fm; wind, 360°, force 3; weather, clear;

CREST; November 11, 1952;; 0907 GCT; 28°03'N, 114 °54'W; sea, moderate; wire angle, 01 0 0 19.12 33.55 5.31 401 0 10 19.14 33.55 5.31 402 10 20 19.15 401 33.56 5.23 20 30 19.09 5.27 400 33.56 30 50 17.80 33.55 5.19 370 50

sounding. 44 fm; wind. 360°, force 4; weather, clear;

19.36 19.38 19.38 19.37 19.37

19.12 19.14 19.15 19.09 17.80

33.47 33.49 33.39 33.42

33.55 33.56 33.55 33.56 33.55

33.55 33.55 33.56 33.56 33.55

5..64 5.,61 5. 59 5. 21

5. 5. 5. 5. 5.

17 31 26 22 22

5. 31 5. 31 5 . 23 5 . 27 5 . 19

24.00 24.02 24.34 24.74

23.84 23.85 23.84 23.85 23.84

23.90 23.90 23.90 23.92 24.23

392 390 360 322

407 407 407 406 407

40l 402 401 400 370

I 17.40

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.31 0.42 0.51 0.59 0.67 0.81 (0.94)

CREST; November 10, 1952 ; 2305 GCT; 28'23'N, 114 °15'W; O sea, moderate; wire angle, 05 0 18.48 33.47 5.64 392 0 10 18.48 390 33.49 5.61 10 20 16.85 360 33.39 5.59 20 30 15.17 322 33.42 5.21 30

18.48 18.48 16.85 15.17



0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 120.30

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20 120.35

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20



521 I
















C R E S T ; November 12, 1952; 0657 GCT; 27°43'N, 115°33'W; sounding, partly cloudy; s e a , moderate; wire angle, 2 0 ° . 407 0 0 5..40 19..74 19..74 33.,68 10 19..77 33 .70 5..41 406 19..77 9 5.,40 410 20 19..76 23 19..75 33..64 5. 99 313 30 47 14. 22 33.,27 19..30 5..04 270 50 70 12..24 33 .35 13.,65 4.,02 241 75 12..05 94 11..43 33 .55 2. 21 184 100 10.,80 144 10. 24 34..04 164 150 10..19 188 9.,74 34 .20 1..89 151 200 9. 62 231 9.,37 34..30 1..51 274 34 .46 0..90 136 250 9..29 9..17 34..47 0.,45 123 300 365 8..32 8..93 34 .47 0.,30 111 400 452 7..51 8..03 0.,25 102 500 6..85 545 6.,30 34. 39 635 5..73 34..40 0..28 94 600 5,.97 700 730 5..14 34 .45 0..30 83 5..33 0. 62 72 4..82 922 4.,30 34 .49 800 1000 (4.00)



at e/L




dyn m

1250 f m ; wind, 350°, f o r c e 4; weather, 33..68 33.70 33.,70 33. 57 33..27 33. 39 33.,61 34.,06 34..22 34..39 34.,47 34..48 34.,42 34..39 34..44 34..48 (34.50)

5. 40 5. 41 5..40 5..44 5.,97 4. 85 3.,75 2..16 1..78 1..27 0..77 0.,38 0..26 0.,26 0. 29 0..36

23.84 23.85 23.85 23.87 24.94 25.35 25.75 26.21 26.43 26.61 26.73 26.88 27.00 27.10 27.21 27.31 (27.41)

C R E S T ; November 12, 1952; 1012 GCT; 27"31.5 I N, H S ' S I T V ; sounding, 2000 f m ; wind, 360°, f o r c e c l e a r ; s e a , moderate; wire angle, 16°. 5.33 404 0 19.82 0 19..82 33.75 33.75 5.33 23.88 403 10 10 19..75 33.73 5.38 19.75 33.73 5.38 23.88 410 19 19..32 33.49 5.39 20 19.30 5.42 33.48 23.81 34 16..61 33.31 5.91 360 30 17.40 33.33 5.78 24.16 5.91 320 50 14.27 48 14..68 33.31 33.31 5.91 24.85 291 62 33.27 5.05 75 12.55 33.49 3.93 13..06 25.33 12..44 33.50 3.95 262 100 11.35 33.67 76 3.15 25.70 3.55 237 94 11..40 33.59 150 10.13 34.00 26.17 2.49 117 11..26 33.94 2.36 209 200 9.86 34.32 1.14 26.46 187 143 10..20 33.99 2.53 250 9.26 34.41 0.80 26.63 1.34 187 9..98 34.27 163 300 8.47 34.36 0.73 26.72 145 400 231 9.56 34.42 0.81 7.39 34.40 0.40 26.91 34.37 0.81 138 500 6.57 34.41 276 8. 82 0.24 27.03 372 7..55 34.39 0.48 118 465 6. 96 34.41 0.24 108 567 0.24 5..88 34.39 96 C R E S T ; November 12, 1952; 1455 GCT; 27°15'N, 116°34'W; sounding, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; w i r e angle, 0 8 ° . 0 19.01 33.42 5.33 408 0 19.01 10 5.33 407 10 19.02 33.43 19.02 5.32 25 33.45 405 20 18.99 18.98 5.98 353 30 18.90 49 16.08 33.26 73 14.22 33.23 5.98 316 50 16.00 279 98 12.12 33.19 5.51 75 14.12 9.74 3.41 11.97 151 33.75 198 100 199 9.24 34.10 2.40 164 150 9.78 246 8.80 34.23 1.66 148 200 9.24 292 8.38 34.23 1.09 141 250 8.77 387 7.42 34.33 0.66 121 300 8.30 6.72 0.36 480 34.33 111 400 7.33 576 5.99 34.39 0.26 98 500 6.57 0.27 668 5.42 34.43 600 88 5.83 4.94 0.29 79 700 768 34.48 5.26 963 4.21 34.53 0.53 68 800 4.83 1000 (4.08)

407 406 406 404 302 263 225 182 161 143 132 118 106 98 86 78 (68)

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.26 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.59 0.67 0.80 0.92 1.03 1.13 1.22 (1.38)

4; weather, 404 403 411 377 311 265 230 185 157 141 133 115 103

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.26 0.32 0.43 0.52 0.59 0.67 0.80 0.91

2000 fm; wind, 350° f o r c e 3; weather, 33.42 33.43 33.45 33.45 33.26 33.23 33.19 33.73 34.10 34.24 34.23 34.33 34.34 34.40 34.45 34.49 (34.53)

5.33 5.33 5.32 5.43 5.98 5.97 5.40 3.47 2.36 1.62 1.05 0.61 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.32 (0.59)

23.83 23.84 23.86 23.88 24.43 24.82 25.21 26.02 26.40 26.58 26.65 26.87 26.98 27.12 27.23 27.31 (27.43)

408 407 405 403 351 314 277 200 164 146 140 119 109 95 85 77 (66)

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.28 0.36 0.48 0.57 0.65 0.72 0.86 0.98 1.09 1.19 1.28 (1.44)







°2 ml/L








12, 1952; 1931 GCT; 26°52,N, 117°10'W; sounding, slight; wire angle, 11°. 0 33.58 5.25 410 19. 57 33.55 5.23 413 10 19..60 5.23 411 20 19..60 33.58 33.46 5.34 400 30 19..24 5.96 336 50 17.,38 33.35 313 14..40 33.29 5.88 75 100 33.26 5.56 285 12.,54 257 4.94 150 10..62 3^.38 220 200 10..13 33.65 3.36 9..44 34.07 1.92 183 250 8.74 34.29 1.53 156 300 140 7. 55 34.37 0.87 400 34.32 0.55 125 500 6..74 34.39 0.26 111 0.40 34.38 98




"t e/L




dyn m

2000 fm; wind, 340°, force 4; weather, 33 .58 33..55 33.58 33 .52 33..40 33 .30 33 .26 33..70 34,.12 34..32 34..38 34..32 34,.39

5. 25 5..23 5..23 5. 30 5.,70 5. 91 5. 44 3.,16 1 . 87 1. 29 0 . 82 0.


CREST; November partly cloudy; sea, 0 19.,57 10 19..60 20 19..60 34 18..82 64 15..62 77 14..28 12.,72 96 118 11.,64 10..67 145 191 10.,27 237 9.,60 282 9..01 7..66 381 7.,02 473 5.,91 578


0 . 29

23..81 23..78 23..80 23..85 24. 22 24.,81 25. 16 25..85 26. 26 26. 53 26. 69 26..83 27. 00

410 413 411 406 371 315 282 216 177 151 136 123 107

CCOFI 5211



0.04 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.29 0.36 0.49 0.59 0.67 0.75 0.88 1.00

CREST; November 13, 1952; 0017 GCT; 26°32.5'N, 117°48'W; sounding, 2000 fm; wind, 360° force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 20°. 20.12 0 33.67u 5.,16 417 0 20.12 (33.88) 5.16 (23.90) (402) (0. 00) 20.12 20.12 9 5. 22 402 10 33.88 0.04 33.88 5.23 23.90 402 20.10 23 5.,19 403 20 20.11 33.86 33.88 5.19 23.90 401 0.08 47 20.09 33.73 5..25 412 30 20.10 33.84 5.19 404 23.87 0.12 16.84 70 33.50 5.,80 352 50 19.60 33.69 5.29 23.89 403 0.20 93 16.18 5. 63 315 16.70 33.52 33.81 75 5.81 24.47 347 0.30 12.20 144 33.37 5.,07 267 33.81 100 15.96 5.58 24.86 310 0.38 150 (11.71) (33.37) (25.40) (259) (0.52) (4.93)


CREST; November 13, 1952; 0503 GCT; 26°13'N, 118°28'W; sounding, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 15°. 0 33.85 5.09 0 20 .84 422 20.84 10 10 20,.85 33.81 5.08 425 20,.85 20 20..86 33.91 5.08 20 20,.86 418 34 33.82 20..84 5.10 424 30 20,.84 49 33.75 5.07 50 20.81 429 20..79 63 33.70 19.,92 5.38 410 75 17..19 77 17. 04 33.55 5.73 100 353 15. 50 95 5.64 15.,70 33.48 150 328 12..06 119 14. 32 33.39 5.42 200 306 9..94 146 12. 24 33.53 4.43 250 256 9..26 190 10. 16 33.93 3.04 191 300 8. 90 235 34.11 2.37 9. 36 165 400 7..91 280 9. 06 34.25 1.50 500 150 6. 76 377 34.33 0.61 8. 23 132 472 7. 02 0.37 34.38 112 573 6. 16 34.35 0.34 103


2000 fm; wind, 020°, force 6; weather, OD m

33 33 .81 33 .91 33 .88 33 .75 33,.56 33,.46 33.59 33.,97 34. 17 34..27 34. 34 34. 38

5.09 5.08 5.08 5.09 5.06 5.73 5.60 4.28 2.90 2.05 1.29 0.54 0.35

23..68 23,.65 23..72 23..71 23..62 24..39 24..70 25. 50 26.,18 26. 45 26. 58 26. 79 26. 98

422 425 418 420 428 355 326 249 185 159 146 127 108

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.21 0.31 0.40 0.54 0.65 0.74 0.82 0.96 1.09

CREST; November 14, 1952; 0439 GCT; 27°24'N, 114°39.5'W; sounding, 38 fm; wind, 330° force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 05°. 0 19..73 33..71 5..26 404 0 23.87 404 0.00 19.,73 33 .71 5.26 10 19..76 33..69 5..31 407 10 19..76 33,.69 0.04 5.31 23.85 407 20 19. 56 33. 35u 5..30 20 19.,56 33. 66 5.30 404 23.88 0.08 30 16. 72 33. 60 5.,81 342 30 33.,60 16.,72 5.81 24.53 342 0.12 50 14. 82 4..89 298 33. 64 14..82 50 33.,64 4.89 24.98 298 0.18




























C R E S T ; November 14, 1952; 0234 GCT; 27°18'N, 114°47'W; sounding, c l e a r ; s e a , slight; wire angle, 24°. 0 0 20. 77 33. 91 5. 08 416 20. 77 5. 14 419 10 20..79 9 20. 80 33..88 5. 12 20 20.,75 23 20. 73 33..87 418 5. 70 338 30 20. 20 46 15..78 33. 37 5..16 50 15..00 282 68 13. 00 33. 38 3..98 249 75 90 12. 22 33..62 12.,65 0. 78 188 100 12. 24 34. 46 12. 20 138 167 150 12.,02 10.,77 34..40 1. 10 181 154 0.,42 200 10.,76 10.,79 34..58 228 0..64 143 250 10.,38 272 34. 49 9.,76 0.,52 138 300 9..48 323 9. 35 34.48





dyn m

250 fm; wind, 340°, f o r c e 4; weather, 33. 91 33.,88 33..88 33. 81 33 .37 33..41 33. 89 34..46 34..46 34..56 34..48

5..08 5.,14 5..12 5.,27 5..69 4..80 2,.92 0..84 0.,82 0..55 0..58

C R E S T ; November partly cloudy; s e a , 0 19.94 10 19.93 20 19.88 35 19.52 55 14.81 69 12.32 83 11.28 106 10.20 130 9.86 156 9.65 206 9.40b) 261 8.68 308 8.46 416 7.50 521 6.37 630 5.70

13, 1952; 2145 GCT; 26°58'N, 115°31'W; sounding, v e r y rough; wire angle, 08°. 5. 41 410 0 19. 94 33.71 5. 43 409 10 33.72 19. 93 5. 44 415 20 19. 88 33.62 5. 47 406 30 19. 80 33.62 321 5. 99 50 16..30 33.33 4. 44 261 75 11.,85 33.49 237 3..82 100 10. 36 33.56 3. 46 208 150 9..68 33.71 185 2. 86 200 8. 87 33.95 2..23 170 250 9.,40 34.11 1..49 152 300 34.29 8..51 141 400 1..13 7..67 34.29 34.38 500 6. 58 0.,60 132 34.39 117 600 5. 84 0.,34 34.43 0..27 99 34.37 0..28 96

C R E S T ; November partly cloudy; s e a , 0 19.96 10 19.94 20 19.84 17.04 30 50 13.91

14, 1952; 1605 GCT; 26°55.5'N, 114°06'W; sounding, 40 fm; wind, 300 moderate ; wire angle, 0 2 ° . 33.76 0 19.96 33.76 5..26 5. 26 406 33.73 5. 28 33.73 10 19.94 5. 28 408 19.84 33.78 5.,25 33.78 5. 25 402 20 17.04 33.60 5. 05 33.60 5. 05 30 349 33.62 50 13.91 33.62 4.,14 4. 14 281

C R E S T ; November partly cloudy; s e a , 0 20.90 10 20.80 20 20.77 35 16.32 50 15.34 64 14.05 79 12.56 97c) 11.24 120 11.56 146 11.72 190 10.90 234 10.66 280 10.04d) 379 8.63 477 7.46 580 6.24

14, 1952; 1917 GCT; 26°43.5'N, 114°29. ,5'W; sounding, 1750 rough; wire angle, 03°. 33.74 0 20.90 33.74 5. 07 432 20.80 33.76 33.76 5. 07 10 428 20.77 33.73 33.73 5. 12 429 20 33.37 6. 01 350 30 20.72 33.72 324 50 15.34 33.43 33.43 5. 92 33.35 5. 69 304 75 12.77 33.31 33.30 4. 94 279 33.51 4. 09 240 210 33.99 2. 49 34.19 1. 74 198 34.41 1. 07 168 156 34.52 0. 63 34.60 0. 46 140 0. 25 131 34.42 0. 26 115 34.41 0. 24 99 34.41

a) b) c) d)

"t g/L

23. 75 23. 72 23. 73 23. 82 24. 74 25..25 25. 71 26. 19 26. 42 26. 56 26. 65

416 419 418 409 322 273 229 184 162 148 140

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.44 0.53 0.61 0.68

2000 fm; wind, 340°, f o r c e 4; weather, 33.71 33.72 33.62 33.62 33.40 33.53 33.66 34.08 34.17a) 34.41a) 34.37 34.39 34.43 34.38

5. 41 5. 43 5..44 5. 45 5. 83 4. 05 3. 56 2. 38 1. 53 1. 23 0..67 0. 36 0. 30 0. 27

23.82 23.83 23.76 23.78 24.47 25.50 25.87 26.31 26.51 26.61 26.72 26.86 27.05 27.10

410 409 415 413 347 249 214 172 153 144 133 120 102 97

0. 00 0. 04 0. 08 0. 12 0. 20 0. 27 0. 33 0. 43 0. 51 0. 59 0. 66 0. 79 0. 91 1. 02

f o r c e 3; weather, 23.85 23.83 23.89 24.45 25.16

406 408 402 349 281

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18

fm ; wind, 350°, force 3; weather, 5.,07 5. 07 5.,12 5. 90 5. 92 5.,05

23.58 23.63 23.61 23.62 24.71 25.15

432 428 429 428 324 282

0.00 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.20 0.28

The temperature inversion indicated by the bathythermograph observation accounts for these salinity v a l u e s . T e m p e r a t u r e s of 8 . 8 ° C at 195 meters and 1 0 . 0 ° C at 220 m e t e r s indicated by bathythermograph. P o s s i b l e posttrip beginning at this depth. Alternate value, 1 0 . 1 1 ° C .

















"t g/L

AD cl/ton

dyn m

CREST; November 15, 1952; 0038 GCT; 26°23'N, 115°08'W; sounding, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 08°. 0 0 20.68 33.74 5.16 426 20.68 10 20.72 10 20.72 33.75 5.21 426 20 20.70 33.67 5.17 432 20 20.70 35 15.46 33.45 6.02 325 30 16.53 284 50 14.34 55 13.68 33.52 5.06 249 75 11.30 69 11.74 33.51 4.28 84 10.95 229 100 10.85 33.59 3.81 33.87 2.89 206 150 10.45 109 10.78 2.54 185 200 10.48 133 10.26 34.03 33.96u 1.37 196 250 9.91 160 10.58 1.54 179 300 9.21 10.38 34.14u 211 34.14u 0.41 400 7.82 267 9.68 168 500 6.87 9.00 0.36 132 313 34.48 114 600 6.01 420 7.58 34.45 0.29 0.20 97 525 6.64 34.51 0.24 91 633 5.73 34.44

2000 fm; wind, 330°, force 4; weather,

CREST;1 November 15, 1952;2250 GCT; 26°29'N, 113°29'W; sounding, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle , 03°. 0 20 .92 0 20 .92 33.80 5.17 428 20 .60 423 10 20 .60 10 33.76 5.23 377 20 18 .53 5.36 20 18 .53 33.69 347 30 16 .82 30 16 .82 33.56 5.13 14 .28 5.64 310 50 14 .28 50 33.33

44 fm; wind, 350°, force 4; weather,

CREST;1 November 15, 1952;2014 GCT; 26°19'N, 113°49'W; sounding, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 01°, 0 0 33.74 5.06 449 21 .56 21 .56 10 10 33.72 5.04 443 21 .28 21 .28 20 33.75 20 21 .26 5.08 440 21..26 5.07 30 21 .21 30 21..21 33.70 443 50 33.39 5.85 50 16.16 345 16,.16 75 33.47 5.34 75 14 .01 14..01 294 100 34.01 2.91 237 100 13,.10 13,.10

180 fm ; wind, 360'

33.74 33.75 33.67 33.49 33.51 33.53 33.78

33.80 33.76 33.69 33.56 33.33

33.74 33.72 33.75 33.70 33.39 33.47 34.01

CREST; November 15, 1952; 1712 GCT; 26°14.5'N, 114°10.5'W;; sounding, 1260 cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle,, 06°. 0 21..58 33.81 5.00 444 0 21..58 33.81 10 5.01 454 10 21..59 21.,59 33.68 33.68 25 5.04 444 20 21.,50 33.78 21..53 33.77 50 33.77 17. 42 33.43 5.78 370 30 20..17 74 33.34 5.85 307 50 17. 42 14.,14 33.43 33.54 4.37 75 14. 10 33.34 98 11. 88 249 200 100 151 10. 50 33.88 2.86 11.,78 33.55 198 10. 56 34.40 1.43 163 150 10.52 33.86 246 9. 28 34.27 1.49 152 200 10. 55 34.40 290 137 8. 96 34.40 0.97 250 9.25 34.27 388 34.44 0.34 300 34.41 8. 37 126 8. 92 480 7. 63 34.44 115 400 34.44 0.18 8. 28 578 6. 23 34.47 0.21 500 7. 47 95 34.45 670 5. 54 34.49 0.21 85 600 6. 04 34.48 770 5. 04 34.49 0.26 79 700 5. 39 34.49 963 4. 20 34.49 0.49 71 800 4. 89 34.49 1000 (4.07) (34.49)

5.16 5.21 5.17 5.94 5.42 4.08 3.11 1.79 0.63 0.45 0.40 0.30 0.23 0.23

5.17 5.23 5.36 5.13 5.64

5.06 5.04 5.08 5.07 5.85 5.34 2.91

23. 64 23. 64 23. 58 24..49 24..99 25..60 25..87

23.62 23.68 24.16 24.47 24.86

130.30 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18

428 423 377 347 310

449 443 440 443 345 294 237

130.35 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.29 0.36

fm; wind,, 340°, force 3; weather, 5.00 5.01 5.03 5.15 5.78 5.84 4.31 2.92 1.44 1.46 0.90 0.32 0.18 0.22 0.23 0.26 (0.56)

23.45 23.35 23.44 23.80 24.23 24.90 25.53 25.99 26.41 26.53 26.69 26.81 26.94 27.16 27.25 27.31 (27.40)

444 454 446 411 370 306 247 202 163 152 136 124 112 92 83 78 (69)


0. 00 0. 04 0. 09 0. 12 0. 19 0..26 0. 31

426 426 432 346 298 240 214

force 1 ; weather» 23.40 23.47 23.49 23.47 24.49 25.02 25.63

CCOFI 5211


0.00 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.30 0.37 0.48 0.57 0.65 0.73 0.86 0.99 1.10 1.20 1.29 (1.45)















COMPUTEt o2 ml/L










CREST; November 15, 1952; 1201 GCT; 25°50'N, U 4 ° 4 6 ' W ; p a r t l y cloudy; sea, m o d e r a t e ; w i r e angle, 08°. 0 5. 09 424 0 20.62 33.75 424 10 20.62 33.75 5. 11 10 20 18.87 20 33.65 388 35 33.42 5. 34 299 30 14.06 50 4. 53 50 13.01 33.55 269 64 12.64 33.67 4. 02 75 253 79 11.26 33.50 3. 91 241 100 98 3. 30 220 150 10.78 33.68 2. 47 187 200 121 10.29 34.01 149 167 250 10.03 34.23 1. 73 194 300 9.63 34.30 1. 09 155 241 9.39 0. 54 145 400 34.39 0. 46 288 8.81 34.45 132 500 387 7.87 0. 23 34.49 115 600 483 6.86 34.41 0. 21 107 585 5.92 34.44 0. 25 93


"t e/L

àj> cl/ton

AD dyn m

sounding, 1820 f m ; wind, 330°, f o r c e 4; w e a t h e r , 20. 62 20. 62 18. 87 15. 20 13. 01 11. 40 10. 71 10. 01 9. 62 9. 28 8. 70 7. 73 6.70 (5.81)

33.75 33.75 33.65 33.46 33.55 33.52 33.71 34.24 34.31 34.40 34.46 34.48 34.41 (34.45)

5..09 5.,11 5..12 5..29 4..53 3..95 3..25 1..71 0..99 0..52 0..43 0..23 0..22

23.67 23.67 24.04 24.76 25.29 25.57 25.84 26.38 26.50 26.62 26.76 26.93 27.02 (27.16)

424 424 388 319 269 242 216 166 154 142 129 114 105 (91)

CREST; November 15, 1952; 0652 GCT; 2 5 ' 2 9 ' N , L15 0 23.5'W; sounding, 2000 f m ; wind, 330% f o r c e p a r t l y cloudy; sea, m o d e r a t e ; w i r e angle, 16". 0 20.06 5. 34 410 0 33.75 20.06 33.75 5,.34 23.81 9 20.10 5. 35 406 10 20.10 5,.36 33.81 33.81 23.85 33.60 5. 50 397 20 19.41 5,.46 23 19.09 33.69 23.94 5. 96 30 48 15.91 33.27 348 18.16 33.50 5,.64 24.11 71 33.19 5. 91 300 50 15.75 5,.98 13.26 33.26 24.49 33.21 5. 40 263 75 12.64 92 11.28 33.19 5,.89 25.08 100 10.50 139 10.15 33.74 3. 10 205 33.24 5,.09 25.51 177 10.20 34.24 1. 64 169 150 9.90 33.92 2..48 26.15 217 9.55 1. 25 150 200 9.82 34.31 34.36 26.46 1..41 256 9.28 34.47 0. 89 137 250 9.32 34.46 0..94 26.66 339 0. 40 300 8.66 34.45 129 8.98 34.46 0..59 26.72 420 7.80 0. 28 114 400 7.99 34.49 34.48 0..31 26.89 504 7.10 0. 18 104 500 34.50 7.16 34.50 0..20 27.02 583 6.19 0. 18 94 600 34.48 6.06 34.48 0,.20 27.16 666 5.58 0. 21 86 700 5.36 0..23 34.48 34.48 27.24 836 4.56 34.47 0. 40 76 800 34.47 0..34 4.78 27.30 1000 (3.75) (34.47) (27.41)

410 406 398 382 345 289 248 188 158 139 133 117 104 92 84 78 (68)

CREST; November 16, 1952; 0332 GCT; 26'05'N,L12°48 , W; p a r t l y cloudy; sea, m o d e r a t e ; w i r e angle, 08°. 0 20.87 33.84 5.08 424 0 10 20.87 5.13 424 10 33.83 20 20.70 5.17 421 20 33.82 357 30 17.76 33.71 5.46 30 50 15.45 33.64 5.28 311 50

424 424 421 357 311

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.40 0.48 0.55 0.63 0.75 0.87 (0.98)

3; w e a t h e r , 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.27 0.34 0.45 0.54 0.62 0.69 0.82 0.94 1.05 1.14 1.23 (1.40)

sounding, 40 f m ; wind, 310°, f o r c e 5; w e a t h e r , 20..87 20.,87 20..70 17.,76 15..45

33.84 33.83 33.82 33.71 33.64

5..08 5,.13 5..17 5..46 5..28

23.67 23.66 23.70 24.36 24.85

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.19

CREST; November"l6, 1952; 0605 GCT; 2 5 , 5 4 . 5 ' i ; 113°07.5'W; sounding, 103 f m ; wind, 300°, f o r c e 4; w e a t h e r , c l e a r ; s e a , m o d e r a t e ; w i r e angle, 08°. 0 21.37 33.93 5.12 430 0 21.37 33.93 5. 12 23.60 0..00 430 10 5.10 10 21.37 33.94 429 21.37 33.94 5..10 23.61 0. 04 429 5.12 20 21.38 33.98 427 20 21.38 33.98 5..12 23.64 0. 09 427 30 33.71 5.36 402 30 19.63 19.63 33.71 5..36 23.90 402 0..13 49 15.91 33.58 5.43 326 50 15.90 5,.43 33.58 24.70 325 0. 20 4.10 73 13.84 33.77 269 75 13.75 33.78 3,.98 25.32 267 0. 27 13.14 2.64 100 96 33.99 239 13.06 34.07 2..25 25.68 232 0. 34 119 12.75 34.35 1.17 206


















Oz ml/L

"t g/L





dyn m

40 fm; wind, 330°, force 3; weather, 34..01 33. 91 33..95 33..93 33. CO

CREST; November 16, 1952; 1335 GCT; 25 , 34'N, 112'19'W; sounding, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 03°. 441 0 22..02 0 22..02 34.01 5..01 449 10 22. 04 10 33.91 4..98 22..04 4..99 446 20 22. 04 20 22..04 33.95 5..00 30 22. 04 22..04 33.93 448 30 50 17. 53 17..53 33.89 4..94 339 50


CREST; November 16, 1952; 1022 GCT; 25°20 , N, 112*45.5 122°26'W; sounding, 2410 fm; wind, 060°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 50°, 20°. 27,.24 0 4.50 0 27.24 4.50 9 27.24 4.51 10 4.51 27.24 23 27..22 4.49 20 27.23 4.50 26.77 51 4.60 30 27.19 4.52 75 23..46 3.38 50 26.84 4.60 103 14.,34 0.12 75 23.46 3.38 100 14.80 0.15 98c) 15..44 0.39 150 0.14 12.43 14. 06 109 0.12 200 11.54 0.10 12. 06 166 0.14 250 11.01 0.08 197 11. 60 0.10 300 10.46 0.09 271 10. 80 0.08 400 9.22 0.09 337 10. 04 0.11 500 8.06 0.10 404 9. 17 0.08 600 7.15 0.12 541 7. 62 0.12 700 6.37 0.11 696 6. 40 0.11 800 5.67 0.13 868 5. 21 0.17 a) b) c) d) e)

Alternate value, 2.86 ^g at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 2.84 and 2.91 Mg at/L. Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Alternate value, 2.68 ng at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 2.87 and 2.94 Mg at/L.











Si0 3 -Si






Mg at/L

ug at/L





Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; May 26, 1952; 2052, 2238 GCT; 11°52,N, 121°55'W; sounding, 2430 fm; wind, 030°, force 6; weather, rain; sea, very high; wire angle, 40°, 25°. 0 4,.50 28 .01 0..28 0 .5 0 28..01 4..50 0..28 0.5 28..02 4..50 8 0,.31 0 10 4..50 28..03 0,.32 0 22 28..06 4..52 0..33 0 20 28..05 4..52 0,,33 0 32 4..52 28..03 0.28 0 30 28..04 4.,52 0..29 0 4..49 50 28..01 0,.28 0 50 4. 49 28..01 0.,29 0 66 23..53 3..89 0.,57 2..7 75 20..45 2.,05 1..08 10 84 16..96 0.,53 2,.14 16..2 100 14..50 0.,31 2..37 22 126 12,.86 0,. 14 2..49 25..4 150 12.,17 0. 14 2..50 27 168 11. 88 0.,17 2.,48 28.. 1 200 11.,47 0.,32 2. 45 29 210 11..36 0..33 2.,44 28..6 250 10.,91 0..31 2. 46 31 10..87 252 0.,30 2.,47 31..3 300 10.,45 0. 22 2. 60 34 334 10..14 0.,15 2. 66 35.,8 400 9. 37 0. 10 2. 62 42 421 0.,11 9. 12 2. 62 43.6 500 8. 23 0. 15 2. 78 51 520 8. 00 0.,17 2.,85 54. 4 600 7. 09 0. 14 2. 88 65 700 6. 26 0. 22 2. 96 74 7. 09 600 0. 14 2. 88 64.,8 800 5. 64 0. 30 2. 96 81 0.,22 702 6. 26 2. 96 74.,0 1000 4. 72 0. 44 2. 94 93 804 5. 62 0. 30 2. 81 81. 4 1200 3. 94 0. 83 2. 83 109 857 5. 31 0. 26 2.97a) 87. 5 1500 3. 25 1. 40 2. 70 130 0. 28 906 5. 09 2. 88 90. 5 2000 2. 39 1. 89 2. 48 147 954 4. 90 0. 43 2.94b) 93. 4 2500 2. 16 1.78 2. 39 156 1008 4. 68 0. 44 2. 93 93. 2 1212 3. 91 0. 87 2.83c) 111. 2 1535 3. 19 2. 14 1. 96 2121 2. 52 150. 3 1. 78 2712 2. 30 2. 35 156. 6 HORIZON; May 27 , 1952; 1955, 2235 GCT; 8I°54'N, 121°02'W; sounding, force 4; weather, rain; sea, very high; wire angle, 00°, 47°. 0 27,.96 4.,50 0,.25 0 0 27.96 10 28,.10 4.,50 0,.24 0 10 28.10 24 0,.27 28.. 18d) 4. 49 0 20 28.15 43 28..17 4. 49 0..25 2,,5 30 28.18 63 26..52 3. 64 0,.60 0,,5 50 28.13 82 21.,96 1. 86 1,.43 6.,5 75 23.90 17.,11 105 2. 08 1,,39 11,.2 100 18.28 12,,28 158 0. 49 2.,21 26.,3 150 12.48 210 11..42 0. 50 2.,25 28.,1 200 11.54 265 10.76 0. 59 2.,26 34.,2 250 10.92 300 10.56 407 10.,07 0. 35 2. 52 35. 1 400 10.11 452 9..56 500 8.79 496 8.,86 0. 11 2. 78 47. 3 600. 7.47 547 8.,11 0. 11 2. 94 54. 2 700 6.53 573 7. 76 0. 10 2. 92 56. 9 800 5.85 600 7.,47 0. 11 2. 93 58. 5 1000 4.88 627 7. 24 0. 11 3. 00 60. 7 1200 4.13 656 6. 94 0. 15 3. 03 65. 5 775 5. 98 0. 16 3. 12e) 78. 3 976 4. 95 0. 39 3. 12 91. 3 3. 52 1376 1. 23 2.82f) 117. 5 a) b) c) d) e) f)


°2 ml/L

Alternate value, 2.88 ng at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 2.90 and 2.98 ng at/L. Alternate value, 2.74 ng at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternate value, 27.67°C, not used in interpolation. Alternate value, 3.05 ^ig at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternate value, 2.75 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation.

2410 fm; wind, 140° 4,.50 4,.50 4..49 4..49 4.,44 2.,40 1.,92 0.,55 0..50 0..58 0.,55 0. 28 0.,20 0.11 0. 17 0. 18 0. 42 0. 82

0,.25 0..24 0..26 0. 26 0. 26 1. 16 1. 85 2. 19 2. 24 2. 26 2. 33 2. 52 2. 70 2. 93 3. 07 3. 11 3. 11 (2.98)

0 0 0 1 2 2. 10 25 28 30 32 35 48 58 71 80 92 105





°2 ml/L





Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L



HORIZON; May 28, 1952; 0833 GCT; 8°44'N, 120°44'W; sounding, 2310 weather, cloudy; sea,, very rough; wire angle, 11°. 0 28.27 4,.42 0 28..27 9 28.32 4,.49 10 28..32 23 28.31a) 4..52 20 28,.31 52 24.08 2.,76 30 28.,31 76 19.80 2.,68 50 25..15 104 14.24 0..23 75 20..05 156 11.86 0..50 100 14.,70 207 11.08 0,,57 150 12.,00 266 10.38 0..67 200 11.,16 310 9.98 0.,67 250 10. 54 419 9.28 0.,41 300 10.,05 520 8.30 0.,08 400 9. 40 623 7.15 0.10 500 8. 55 824 5.62 0.,32 600 7. 36 1026 4.64 0. 73 700 6. 53 1220 3.96 1. 03 800 5. 81 1000 4. 76 1200 4. 03

°2 ml/L





Mg a t / L

fm; wind, 180°, force 4;


4.42 4.50 4.53 4.30 3.30 2.68 0.28 0.46 0.56 0.64 0.66 0.49 0.12 0.10 0.16 0.29 0.67 1.00

HORIZON; May 28, 1952; 1811, 1905 GCT; 7°41.5'N, 120°27'W; sounding, 2160 fm; wind, 160°, force 5; weather, rain; sea, high; wire angle, 30°, 27°. 0 28.22 4.58 0 0.28 0 28 .22 4.58 0.28 0 8 28.22 4.55 0.25 0 10 28,.23 4.55 0.25 0 25 28.25 4.54 0.26 2 .2 20 4.54 28 .24 0.26 2 37 28.09 4.55 0.24 1.3 30 4.55 28,,25 0.26 2 26.63 57 4.64 0.25 0 .4 50 4.62 27..18 0.24 0 7 .6 76 3.32 0.81 20.22 20..28 75 0.72 3.80 7 95 1.03 1.82 17 .6 14.72 14..19 100 0.85 1.93 20 141 0.32 2.21 28 .1 11.98 150 11.,75 0.33 2.23 28 2.27 188 0.51 11.13 29,,2 200 10.,95 0.64 2.26 29 238 0.97 30,. 1 10.52 2.21 250 10. 41 0.97 2.22 30 286 2.30 10.13 0.93 30,.2 300 10.03 0.85 2.34 31 381 9.34 0.40 2.53 38..0 400 9. 16 0.33 2.56 39 482 0.18 2.73 57..4 8.48 500 8. 32 0.18 2.77 49 582 2.87 7.26 0.19 58.,5 600 7. 06 0.19 2.89 60 6. 16 700 0.30 2.89 72 453b) 8.86 0.33 2.64 42.,7 800 5. 53 0.56 2.95 82 544 7.82 0.20 2.71 53. 8 4. 59 1000 0.71 3.00 97 732 0.37 5.96 2.90 74. 7 1200 3. 87 1.15 2.97 111 828 5.35 0.62 2.97 85. 0 1500 2. 98 1.59 2.93 130 875 5.09 0.67 2.99 88. 0 2000 2. 14 2.22 2.81 148 924 4.84 0.66 2.99 91. 6 971 4.70 0.72 3.03 95. 8 1019 0.71 4.52 3.00 98. 1 1113 4.18 0.99 2.92 104. 9 1396 3.23 1.43 2.94 124. 7 1866 2.26c) 2.10 2.87 143. 8 2367 1.92 2.44 2.65 156. 1


a) Alternate value, 27.97°C, not used in interpolation. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. c) Alternate value, 2.38°C, not used in interpolation.









°2 ml/L





Mg a t / L

Mg at/L



HORIZON; May 29, 1952; 0622 GCT; 6°49'N, 119°55'W; sounding, 2240 weather, cloudy; sea, high; wire angle, 32°. 0 27..99 0 27, 99 4.,55 10 4..59 28..01 8 28..00 4..59 20 28..02 20 28,.02 4..49 30 28..02 44 27.42 50 25, 06 3,.89 26.,98 63 21..90 2..83 75 86 18.,66 100 0,.26 15.,15 126 13..06 0..54 150 12..04 167 11..50 200 10,.81 10..62 0..88 213 250 10,.14 1..06 10.,16 252 300 9.,77 9..56 0..98 338 0,.47 400 9.,10 8.,92 421 500 8..14 505 8..07 0..23 0,.43 600 7..03 672 6..40 700 6.,21 0..76 849 5,,36 1.,20 800 5..62 1037 4,.44 1000 4. 63 HORIZON; May 29, 1952; 1755, 2000 < force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; 4.,52 0.30 0 28 .20 4.,50 0.27 9 28.,21 4.,52 0.27 26 28,,22 4.,52 0.32 38 28..20 60 26,,46 4.,13 0.50 3,.49 0.74 79 23..80 100 17,.64 2..75 1.14 147 12..14 0,.78 2.18 0,.76 2.29 195 11..05 10,.20 1..05 2.31 243 292 9..80 1.,37 2.26 380 9.,15 0..87 2.48 0..41 2.72 482 8.,16 590 7,,22 0,.29 2.85 585a) 665 704 746 784 827 909 1172 1672 2220

7.,42 6..62 6..24 5,,98 5,.80 5.,52 5,.00 3.,99 2,,69 1.,99

0,,27 0..49 0..46 0,.62 0,.50 0.,55 0.,71 0..98 1.,91 2..36

2.80 2.87 2.88 2.92 2.93 2.98 3.00b) 2.93 2.64 2.56

o2 ml/L


Mg a t / L

Mg at/L

fm; wind, 180°, force 5; 4.55 4.59 4.59 4.56 4.43 3.35 1.45 0.39 0.87 1.05 1.04 0.59 0.24 0.31 0.48 0.67 1.06

; 5 ° 5 2 . 5 ' N , 119°20'W; soureiing, 2250 fm; wind, 160°, e angle, 30°, 46°. 0 0,,2 28..20 4.52 0.30 0..2 0,,4 10 28,,21 4.50 0.27 0..4 0,,0 20 28.,22 4.51 0.27 0..0 0..0 30 28.,21 4.52 0.28 0,,0 1,,3 50 28,,02 4.38 0.40 0.,2 4,,0 75 24.,25 3.64 0.70 3..5 17,,64 2.75 10,.6 100 1.14 10. 6 27,.0 12,,05 150 0.78 2.15 27 29,,3 200 10..94 0.78 2.30 30 31,,7 250 10,.13 1.10 2.31 32 300 9.,73 1.35 2.27 31.,3 31 37..4 400 8..93 0.75 2.53 39 47,,7 500 8.,00 0.37 2.75 49 7.,16 68. 2 600 0.29 2.85 56 6. 29 700 0.46 2.88 65 55.,1 800 5.,70 0.51 2.94 75 61. 9 1000 4. 57 0.83 (2.99) 94 65. 9 1200 3..94 0.98 (2.91) 112 69.,7 1500 3. 17 1.02 (2.72) 128 72.,7 2000 2..16 1.79 2.57 154 76.9 85.1 109.8 136.1 166.3

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. b) Alternate value, 2.91 ng at/L, not used in interpolation.


PO 4 -P





HORIZON; May 30, weather, overcast; 0 28..00 10 28..02 24 28..05 53 25.48 76 20..82 104 15..08 12, 96 155 205 12..23 260 11. 42 307 10. 92 9..57 415 519 8. 71 624 7. 17 828 5. 50 1030 4. 42 1224 3. 73

02 RNL/L


Si0 3 -Si



Mg at/L

Mg at/L



O2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

1952; 0915 GCT; 5°02.5'N, 119°21'W; sounding, 2250 fm; wind, 120°, force 2; sea, moderate; wire angle, 09°. 4.58 0 28.00 4.58 10 28.02 4.59 4.60 20 28.04 4.60 30 4.60 4.58 28.05 3.02 50 25.90 4.59 1.64 75 20.83 3.01 1.61 100 15.50 1.66 1.00 150 13.10 1.62 0.92 200 1.04 12.28 250 11.56 0.94 0.78 1.20 300 10.98 0.78 0.64 400 9.73 1.16 0.38 500 8.89 0.76 0.74 600 7.46 0.40 700 6.43 0.50 1.18 5.67 1.56 800 0.69 1000 4.55 1.12 1200 3.82 1.52

HORIZON; May 30, 1952; 1740, 1909 GCT; 4°06'N, 119°07'W; force 2; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 12°, 0 26.50 4.61 0.58 2.3 0 10 26.50 5.2 4.59 0.59 10 24 26.50 2.0 4.63 0.67 20 43 25.88 4.64 3.1 30 0.78 20.01 61 7.4 1.23 50 3.28 1.80 79 1.76 18.9 75 15.89 2.01 1.36 19.3 100 102 13.99 1.07 153 13.03 2.07a) 23.6 150 12.60 1.25 2.11 23.4 200 203 0.93 2.25 25.4 258 12.01 250 11.64 0.77 304 2.33 27.2 300 1.00 2.37 410 10.16 31.7 400 512 8.70 2.78 0.51 44.8 500 617 7.14 0.69 2.94 63.5 600 700 473b) 9.35 0..60 2.45c) 38.9 800 6.84 653 1.,07 2.78 54.5 1000 757 5.93 2.87 65.7 1..36 1200 5.16 2.90 852 1.,30 78.3 1500 4.95 2.94 899 1,.34 81.2 2000 2.92 85.0 946 4.81 1.,35 4.57 994 1..36 2.97 90.5 1041 4.37 1..41 2.90 90.7 1136 4.05 1..52 2.90 102.2 1428 3.18 2. 65u 2.90d) 125.6 1933 2.40 1. 70 2.74 142.9 2469 1.87 2. 26 2.60 154.3 a) b) c) d)



sounding, 25°. 26.50 26.50 26.50 26.50 23.80 16.92 14.07 13.06 12.63 12.08 11.67 10.30 8.86 7.35 6.45 5.56 4.53 3.87 3.01 2.35

2350 fm; wind, 130°, 4.61 4.59 4.61 4.63 4.53 1.92 1.37 1.06 1.24 0.98 0.77 1.00 0.52 0.60 1.30 1,.34 1..38 1..58 1.,70 1.,73

0.58 0.59 0.64 0.69 0.84 1.68 1.99 2.06 2.10 2.23 2.32 2.37 2.51 2.70 2.84 2..89 2,.91 2,,90 2..81 2.,72



2.,3 5..2 2. 8 2.,4 4.,7 18. 5 19 24 23 25 27 31 43 51 59 72 90 109 119 144

Alternate value, 2.15 tig at/L, not used in interpolation. Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Alternate value, 2.54 (ig at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 2.87 and 2.94 Mg at/L.







PO 4 -P







ag at/L

Mg at/L



°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; May 31, 1952; 0334, 0329 GCT; 3°11'N, 118°53.5'W; sounding, 2230 fm; wind, 100°, force 4; weather, clouidy; sta, rough; wire angle, 38°, 52°. 0 26.00 4. 58 0 26 00 4.58 26.00 4. 61 8 10 26 00 4.60 26.00 4. 55 20 20 26 00 4.55 4. 47 41 25.03 30 26 00 4.47 18.29 2. 59 59 50 21 80 3.60 15.47 1. 72 78 75 1.74 15 60 13.70 1. 67 119 100 14 20 1.68 157 13.13 1. 36 150 13 22 1.36 200 12 66 1.07 12.98 1,36 170 250 12 30 0.90 12.66 1.. 08 202 300 11 65 0.95 0. 86 12.10 270 400 9 75 0.59 11.02 1. 05 335 500 8 19 0.36 0,57 9.68 403 600 7 03 0.60 0. 33 7.64 543 700 6 18 1.05 6.22 1. 06 694 800 1.20 5 44 866 4.98 1.27


HORIZON; May 31, 1952; 1j09, 1234 GCT; 2°18'N, 118°29'W; f o r c e 3; weather, clomdy; sta, rough; wire angle, 27°, 48°. 4„.61 25.,30 0.68 7..6 0 0 4. .58 0.67 25..30 6..8 9 10 4...60 0.67 25..32 6..8 25 20 21..98 3...81 0.91 10.,1 37 30 2. .38 17.,44 1.44a) 17,.8 58 50 1., 62 14..58 1.72 26,,3 77 75 97 100 26.3 13.,86 1.75 1., 63 143 27,.0 150 13..38 1., 74 1.77 189 200 12..92 1., 27 29.,3 1.86b) 234 12. 40 32.2 250 1.95 1.. 27 278 300 11.92 36.,0 0., 77 2.05 367 40.5 400 11. 69 2.16 1.. 33 466 500 8.,56 2.52 58,,9 0.. 41 565 6. 98 70,.6 600 0. 85 2.70 700 421c) 800 9..29 2.40 36.,4 1.02 581 6.,90 1000 2.72 53. 8 1. 05 661 1200 6.,24 1. 35 2.69 59. 0 699 6.,02 2.84 63.,0 1500 1. 23 741 5.,82 67.,3 2000 1.. 13 2.86 779 5..58 2.94 70.,7 1. 12 822 5.,37 74.,3 1. 18 2.93 903 2.84 4..81 1. 55 82.,8 1163 2.82 104.,4 3.,82 1. 72 1656 2.,78 1. 99 2.73 133.,7 2201 2..00 2. 53 2.58 149. 8

sounding, 2130 fm; wind, 130°,

a) Alternate value, 1.11 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Mean value of 1.8:3 and .90 Mg at/L. c) Overlapping casts:; recoiciliation of property curves when necessary.


4.61 4.58 4.59 4.57 3.53 1.63 1.64 1.72 1.13 0.82 0.91 1.22 0.44 1.17 1.23 1.13 1.66 1.74 1.90 2.29

0..68 0,.67 0,.67 0,.70 1,.21 1..72 1,,75 1..77 1..86 1.,99 2.,07 2..32 2.,59 2.,74 2.,84 2. 94 2.,84 2. 2.,75 2. 63

C4 00

25,.30 25..30 25.,31 25..30 19,.15 14,.68 13..80 13,,32 12..80 12..23 11,.51 9..63 7,.99 6..68 6,.02 5..46 4.,31 3.,73 3. 09 2. 14

7.,6 6..8 6..8 8..0 15.,0 26.,0 26. 3 27 30 34 37

55 63 73 92 107 125 145





02 ml/L


Si0 3 -Si



ng at/L

H« at/L



HORIZON; May 31, 1952; 2157 GCT; 1°24'N, 118°02'W; sounding, 2155 weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 16°. 0 24.52 4 .42 0 24 .52 4 .43 10 24.38 10 24 .38 29 24.11 4 .31 20 24 .27 2 .13 56 16.88 30 24 .08 84 14.09 1.84 50 18 .50 110 13.26 1,.45 14 .62 75 164 12.30 100 13.49 217 11.74 1,.13 150 12 .52 0 .81 269 11.61 200 11.85 10.92 323 0,.38 250 11,.67 423 9.40 0.48 300 11..27 529 7.81 0,.86 400 9.,73 630 6.68 1,.51 500 8..25 866 5.33 1..85 600 6..92 1047 4.40 1,.82 700 6..26 1250 3.60 1,.92 800 5..70 1000 4.63 1200 3..76

°2 ml/L




tig at/L

Mg at/L

fm; wind, 110°, force 3;


4.42 4.43 4.39 4.30 2.29 0.94 1.60 1.26 1.16 0.94 0.50 0.43 0.68 1.36 1.70 1.83 1.82 1.88

HORIZON; June 1,, 1952; 1456, 1627 GCT; 0°20,S, 117°10'W; sounding, 2300 fi force 5; weather. partly cloudy;; sea, rough; wire angle, 20°, 25° 24.94 0 4. 43 0 24.,94 4.43 9 24.93 4. 45 10 24..92 4.44 24.60 28 4. 19 20 24.,77 4.34 19.30 56 2. 89 30 24.,55 4.12 84 16.42 1. 82 50 20.,30 2.96 112 14.94 2. 79 75 17. 17 2.80 169 12.24 2. 19 100 15. 50 2.78 226 1. 83 12.09 150 13. 00 2.36 200 12. 18 2.03 276 11.82 1. 24 250 1.50 11. 94 332 11.68 0. 95 300 11. 77 1.10 439 0. 60 8.93 400 10. 03 0.64 551 7.29 1. 16 500 7. 85 0.85 1. 58 658 6.44 600 6. 87 1.35 877 5.00 1. 89 700 6. 13 1.67 1090 4.02 1. 96 800 5. 44 1.83 1298 3.62 1. 94 1000 4. 36 1.96 1200 3. 74 1.94








°2 ml/L





Mg at/L

Mg at/L



°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 2, 1952; 0012, 0130 GCT; 1°23'S, 117°05'W; sounding, 2310 fm; wind, 090°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy;1 sea, rough; wire angle, 17°, 22° 0 25.53 4.59 0.,74 1.6 0 25.53 4.59 0..74 10 25.50 4.60 0.,74 3.1 10 25..50 4.60 0 .74 24 25.26 4.56 0.,76 1.4 20 25..40 4.59 0..74 2.71 43 18.12 1. 42 9.7 30 21,.10 4.41 0..80 62 1.69 15.56 1..76 14.2 50 17.,35 2.13 1..66 1.82 81 13.92 1.,78 18.0 75 14..40 1.78 1.,77 103 12.92 1.36 1.,96 20.5 100 13..01 1..92 1.40 155 1.27 2. 04 12.18 22.3 150 12. 22 2..03 1.26 206 11.86 1.15 2.,11 24.3 200 11. 90 2..10 1.15 260 11.60 0.89 2. 16 29.9 250 11. 65 0.96 2..14 304 11.21 0.43 2. 40 32.6 300 11.,27 0.45 2..37 407 9.58 0.49 2. 55 37.8 400 9. 68 2..54 0.48 507 7.90 1.02 2. 67 48.1 500 8. 01 1.96 2..66 615 6.34 1.76 2.71a) 53.6 600 6.,54 1.73 2.,71 700 5..79 1.92 2..66 1.79 608b) 6.56 2.,42 48.1 800 5.,48 1.94 2..57 808 5.46 1.95 2. 56 66.6 1000 4. 37 2.07 2..63 910 4.80 2.04 2. 57 78.5 1200 3.,67 1.96 2.,70 2.04 959 4.56 2.64c) 83.0 1500 3..14 2.20 2..54 1015 4.32 2.10 2. 64 88.0 2000 2. 26 2.40 2.,55 1065 4.14 2.12 2. 63 1. 88 92.9 2500 2.85 2.,47 1119 4.02 1.94 2. 68 98.1 1224 1.97 2. 70 3.58 110.9 1548 2.24 2. 60 119.7 3.08 2117 2.10 2.59 2. 54 146.0 2695 1.76 3.02 2. 41 149.2



HORIZON; June 2, 1952; 0845, 0930 GCT; 2°19'S, 116°50'W; sounding, 2340 fm; wind, 080°, force 5; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 25°, 35°. 0 25.47 4.57 0 25.47 4.57 4.59 9 25.48 10 25. 4.59 27 4.57 20 25.48 25..48 4.58 53 16.09 2.28 30 25..48 4.54 14.07 1.84 50 78 18..25 2.60 1.71 104 13.64 75 14..14 1.36 1.09 149 12.90 100 13..71 1.75 12.34 1.36 200 150 12..89 1.09 245 11.87 0.73 200 12..34 1.36 292 0.60 11.61 250 11..85 0.70 384 0.50 10.12 300 11..56 0.57 478 8.80 0.58 400 9.,91 0.48 569 7.31 1.24 500 8.,40 0.72 767 5.60 1.83 600 6..94 1.39 700 6..05 1.74 945 1.78 4.68 800 5..41 1.82 1.94 1145 3.90 1000 4.,44 1.80 a) Alternate value, 2.80 ng at/L. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. c) Mean value of 2.60 and 2.67 (jg at/L.


1. 6 3. 1 1. 5 2. 5 11. 5 17 20 22 24 29 33 37 49 53 58 66 87 107 119 141 148





°2 ml/L





pg at/L

Mg at/L



»2 ml/L




ng at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 2, 1952; 1712, 1837 GCT; 3'12'S, 116°28'W; sounding, 2280 f m ; wind, 090°,. force 5; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 27°, 46°. 0 25.26 4.57 0.77 1.8 0 4.57 25.26 0 .77 1..8 9 25.26 0.79 4.58 2.2 10 25.26 4.58 0 .79 2..2 22 25.24 4.58 0.78 2.3 20 25.25 4.58 0,.78 2..3 24.90 4.52 38 0.80 2.0 30 25.22 4.55 0 .78 2..1 55 20.81 3.48 1.15 5.9 50 22.00 4.35 0,.87 3. 5 71 14.86 2.08 1.60 14.2 75 14.53 2.01 1..63 14..7 90 14.06 1.86 1.71 15.1 100 13.86 1.81 1,.73 15..5 134 13.28 1.76 1.79 17.3 150 13.04 1.65 1,.84 18 178 12.78 1.36 1.96 20.0 200 12.62 0.86 2..14 22 224 12.46 0.41 2.25 24.3 250 12.17 0.27 2..29 27 260 12.05 0.24 2.31 28.1 300 11.51 0.20 2..39 31 347 10.79 0.17 2.49 34.0 400 9.68 0.19 2.,60 38 438 9.08 0.28 2.65 40.9 500 8.28 0.67 2..61 43 7.71 539 1.00 2.59 43.9 600 6.93 1.43 2. 75 49 700 6.01 1.54 2. 86 59 441a) 8.95 43.7 0.26 2.79 800 5.37 1.59 2. 88 69 605 6.86 1.47 2.76 49.0 1000 4.49 2.00 2. 83 82 687 6.10 2.84 57.2 1.53 1200 3.68 2.09 2. 86 101 726 5.85 1.62 2.88 62.3 1500 2.99 2. 16 2. 82 121 769 5.54 1.61 2.86 65.7 809 5.33 1.58 2.88 69.8 853 5.13 2.84 72.7 1.72 936 4.76 1.94 2.82 78.1 1205 3.67 2.09 2.86 102.3 1711 2.64 2.19 2.76 135.2


HORIZON; June 3, 1952; 0230 GCT; 4'06'S, 116°06'W; sounding, 2325 fm! Wind, 060°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 48°. 4.55 0 25.39 0 25.39 4.55 25.39 4.53 6 10 4.54 25.39 4.57 25.38 18 20 25.38 4.57 4.50 36 25.34 30 25.32 4.56 20.36 3.40 52 50 23.50 3.60 15.30 1.84 67 75 14.73 1.66 13.94 1.58 96 100 13.80 1.61 127 13.36 1.64 150 13.10 1.53 13.07 1.50 153 200 12.70 1.24 1.34 178 12.81 250 12.44 0.76 1.00 233 12.56 300 11.85 0.20 295 11.94 0.21 400 9.96 0.33 10.84 0.20 355 500 8.29 0.47 0.47 486 8.48 600 7.01 0.66 620 6.76 0.73 700 5.92 1.18 5.24 776 1.80 a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.


























Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; June 3, 1952; 1104, 1224, 1335 GCT; 5°09'S, 115°41*W; sounding, 2360 f m ; wind, 090°, force 3; weather, missing; sea, rough; wire angle, 45°, 45°, 40°. 4. 62 0.50 0 0 26..93 4. 62 0.50 0 0 26.93 0 10 4..58 0.50 26.94 4..58 0.50 26..96 0 8 0 20 26.,97 4..58 0.51 26.98 4..58 0.51 0 17 4..57 26.96 4..57 0.50 0 30 26.,96 0.50 0 30 26.94 4..57 0.52 0 50 26.,94 4..56 0.51 0..2 42 4.,55 0.51 0.2 75 24.,13 4.,53 0.78 26.94 1. 00 55 24.44 4.,57 0.73 0.5 100 20.,80 4..00 1.06 2..2 71 150 13.,37 1..46 1.28 3.2 1.98 17 110 18.63 3., 19 1.,41 1.97 11.2 200 12.,17 1..65 1.99 129 14.52 24 2.07 250 11..45 0..65 23 1,.64 2.00 23.6 300 10..69 0..74 2.36 197 12.21 30 400 0..37 2.65 11.67 1..62 2.02 22.1 9.,17 40 235 0..35 2.54a) 34.2 500 7..97 0..85 2.69 42 330 10.22 8.80 0..42 2.68 41.6 600 6..96 0..99 2.76 428 48 7.71 1..04 2.60 42.5 700 6.,10 0..99 2.84 526 59 2.86 800 5..33 1..43 71 43.4 4..41 2.77 7.93 0..95 2.68b) 1000 1..86 84 534 61.4 2.74 5.96 0..99 2.88 1200 3..77 2..16 719 91 5.23 1,.46 2.86 72.2 812 4.94 1..60 2.85 76.0 857 4.72 2.83 80.5 909 1..74 1..81 2.82 83.7 954 4.53 2.77 83.5 1004 4.38 1,.87 1104 4.06 2,.08 2.75 91.3 3.24 2,.21 2.72 108.2 1428


HORIZON; June 3, 1952; 2052 GCT; 6°01'S, 115°13'W; sounding, 2290 f m ; wind, 080°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 27°. 27.09 4. 57 0 27. 09 4.57 0 4. 61 10 27. 07 8 27.08 4.61 27. 06 24 27.06 4. 62 20 4.62 4. 58 30 27. 05 4.61 48 27.03 4. 63 50 27. 03 4.59 72 24.18 19.90 3. 75 75 23. 72 4.57 96 13.14 1. 02 100 19. 40 142 3.43 11.94 0. 26 150 12. 80 0.80 188 200 11. 77 0.27 234 11.33 0. 30 279 10.73 0. 20 250 11. 11 0.26 9.53 0.29 300 10. 45 0.20 368 8.07 400 8. 96 0.60 459 1. 41 7. 63 7.14 1. 59 500 1.57 550 5.67 1. 10 Q00 6. 69 1.47 742 700 5. 94 4.64 1. 69 1.15 933 2. 08 800 5. 34 1.23 1122 3.93 1000 4. 37 1.85 a) Mean value of 2.51 and 2.58 Mg at/L. c) Mean value of 2.63 and 2.70 Mg at/L.






°2 ml/L











HORIZON; June 4, 1952; 1022, 1201 GCT; 7 °00'S, 114°59M force 2; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, li 0 27.00 4..38 0.46 0 0 10 27.00 4..60 0 .4 0.46 10 24 27.01 4..67 0.47 0..7 20 27.00 43 4..59 0.46 0..2 30 62 26.70 4..64 0.49 0,.5 50 81 22.81 4..52 0.75 0..9 75 104 20.75 4..38 0.74 2..3 100 14.91 153 1..99 1.71 16..2 150 202 12.15 0..75 2.23 23..2 200 254 11.44 0..31 2.43 28..8 250 299 10.76 0. 40 2.48 31..5 300 403 9.42 0..33 2.60 36..9 400 505 7.98 0. 77 2.68 41..6 500 615 6.89 0..87 2.74 47..0 600 700 459a) 8.74 0. 57 2.52 40. 9 800 7.49 548 0. 94 44. 8 2.58 1000 5.91 733 1. 02 2.76 62.,3 1200 5.29 828 1. 52 2.70 70. 6 1500 875 5.04 1. 71 79. 0 2.69 2000 4.77 923 1. 93 2.69 79. 4 2500 972 4.51 2. 13 2.68 88. 2 1020 4.32 2. 18 2.67 90. 7 1117 3.89 2. 35 2.62 99. 0 3.10 1416 2. 51 2.56 111.4 1925 2.26 2. 71 2.44 108. 2 2.42 2466 2. 99 143. 8 1.85

°2 ml/L


PO4-P Mg


14..42 7..31 6. 40 5. 18 4. 30 3. 29 2. 42 1. 92

200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1500 2000



sounding, 2360 fm; wind, 060°, 25°. 27.00 4.38 0..46 0 27.00 4.60 0..46 0..5 27.01 4.65 0..47 0.,7 27.00 4.63 0..47 0. 6 27.00 4.53 0..46 0. 3 19.80 4.57 0..73 0. 8 4.43 21.28 0..74 2..0 15.40 2.14 1..64 15.,0 21.22 0.81 2.,21 23 11.49 0.32 2..42 29 10.73 0.40 2.,48 32 9.45 0.33 2.,59 37 8.03 0.74 2.,67 42 7.01 0.85 2. 73 47 6.16 0.94 2. 76 58 5.44 1.38 2.,72 69 2.17 4.38 2. 68 90 3.54 2.43 2. 60 104 2.90 2.55 2. 54 2.19 2.76 2. 44 (1.83)

HORIZON; June 4, 1952; 1322, 1605 GCT; 7°00'S, 114°59'W; sounding, 2360 fm; wind, 060°, force 2; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 15°, 37°. 202 12.51 299 10.84 403 9.49 505 7.92 161a) 578 665 847 1034 1324 1824 2344



(12.55) 11.46 10.83 9.52 8.00 7.09 6.11 5.45 4.45 3.70 2.87 2.23

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.







°2 ml/L











P04-P Mg


SiOg-Si Mg


HORIZON; June 4, 1952; 2330 GCT; 6°08'S, 114°30'W; sounding, 2370 fm; wind, 060°, force 4; weather. partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 25°. 0 4.55 27.12 0 27.12 4..55 9 27.10 4.61 10 27.10 4..61 23 27.08 4.61 20 4..61 27.08 4.57 49 27.04 30 27.07 4..59 4.84 70 25.18 50 27.04 4..57 95 20.67 4.16 75 24.37 4..77 139 14.52 1.88 100 20.05 3. 92 12.20 181 0.78 150 13.50 1..61 0.30 228 11.40 200 0.,50 11.83 267 0.27 10.86 250 0..27 11.08 358 9.56 0.36 300 10.37 0. 26 0.71 444 8.38 400 8.96 0..54 1.02 533 7.34 500 7.71 0..95 5.90 708 1.13 600 6.71 1. 06 891 4.82 1.46 700 5.94 1.,12 1080 4.09 1.96 800 5.31 1. 28 1000 4.35 1. 73 HORIZON; June 5,, 1952; 0711, 0744, 0910 GCT; force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, very rougl 0 4 .69 0.84 25 .72 2.0 9 4,.71 4.7 25..72 0.85 21 25..75 4,.72 0.83 1.8 37 4..67 0.82 25..65 2.3 53 25..61 4,.63 0.82 2.3 24..79 68 4..74 0.69 1.3 87 4..28 20..02 0.86 1.6 127 13..66 0..30 2.31 15.3 164 12..19 0..14 2.45a) 26.3 217 256 351 448 552

11.,67 11.,06 9.,76 8. 59 7. 54

0,.22 0,,30 0..28 0..49 1.,27

2.50 2.50 2.60 2.65 2.63

540b) 742 842 890 943 991 1044 1146 1466 2047 2643

7. 46 5. 59 4. 97 4.,77 4. 50 4. 29 4. 13 3. 84 3. 02 2. 20 1. 82

1.,24 1.,33 1.,60 1.,74 1.,78 1.,89 1.,91 2. 11 2. 39 2. 65 3. 00

2.26 2.47 2.75c) 2.75 2.74 2.73 2.72 2.68 2.62 2.54 2.46

29.0 31.5 36.7 41.6 41.9 45.9 65.9 74.7 78.7 83.7 88.6 99.5 174.2u 115.7 140.8 146

°21'S, 113°52'W; sounding, 2365 fm; wind, -e angle, 32° . 37°, 36jO 0 4,.69 25,.72 0,.84 10 4..71 25 .73 0,.85 20 25,.75 4..72 0..83 30 25..67 4..70 0,.82 50 25,.64 4..63 0,.82 75 23 .74 4..67 0,.84 100 16..45 3.,79 1..60 150 12..47 0.,17 2..38 200 11..84 0.,20 2..48 250 11..14 0.,30 2.,50 300 10..42 0.,28 2.,54 400 9.,05 0.,33 2. 64 500 8.,04 0. 91 2. 64 600 7.,06 1. 27 2. 64 700 6.,03 1. 30 2. 68 800 5.,15 1. 47 2. 73 1000 4.,26 1. 90 2..73 1200 3.,70 2. 18 2. 67 1500 2. 94 2. 41 2. 61 2000 2. 24 2. 63 2. 55 2500 1. 87 2. 88 2. 48

a) Alternate value, 2.38 pig at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. c) Alternate value, 2.68 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation.


°2 ml/L

110°, 2..0 2..8 1..8 2.,1 2. 3 1..3 5 23 28 31 34 40 44 51 62 72 91 107 117 140 145











pg at/L

Mg at/L



o2 ml/L

PO 4 -P


Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 5, 1952; 1630 GCT; 4°29.5'S, 113021'W; sounding, 2280 fm; wind, 090% force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 40°. 0 25..22 4 .53 0 25.22 4.53 25..20 8 4,.58 10 25.20 4.59 22 25..20 4..64 20 25.20 4.63 41 25..10 4..60 30 25.15 4.64 62 19..36 2..94 50 25.04 4.46 82 15..75 1,.90 16.27 75 2.12 122 13.,09 0..80 100 14.35 1.25 161 12..66 0.,70 12.80 150 0.71 199 12. 27 200 12.26 0.68 237 12. 01 0. 60 250 11.84 0.55 308 10. 84 0..20 300 10.99 0.20 389 9. 48 0.,20 400 9.31 0.23 466 8. 42 0..60 500 8.06 0.82 6. 66 638 0.,85 600 7.03 1.34 820 5. 14 700 6.06 1.44 1. 43 1006 4. 26 1. 91 800 5.26 1.43 1000 4.28 1.90 HORIZON; June 6, 1952; 0000, 0125 GCT; 3°38'S, 112'49'W; sounding, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 21°, 31°. 0 25.16 4.65 0.84 2.9 25.16 0 9 25.02 4.64 2.5 0.88 10 25.01 26 24.86 4.64 24.90 0.86 1.8 20 39 24.68 4.60 0.86 2.2 30 24.84 16.82 61 2.38 1.54 7.4 50 18.90 83 14.84 1.47 15.42 1.82 15.8 75 13.54 104 1.15 1.97 20.0 100 13.74 12.95 0.68 2.09 155 22.3 150 13.00 12.47 205 0.48 2.20 24.7 200 12.49 12.04 0.27 255 2.35 27.4 250 12.06 11.34 0.18 2.43 30.4 303 300 11.42 0.22 398 9.36 2.58 39.2 400 9.33 502 7.86 0.85 2.61 44.8 500 7.90 607 6.67 1.39 2.72 51.8 600 6.74 700 6.04 560a) 7.19 0.89 2.76 49.1 800 5.55 1.53 756 5.78 2.78 49. lu 1000 4.49 855 5.14 1.71 2.82 75.8 1200 3.75 902 4.86 1.66 2.82 80.5 1500 3.01 4.64 1.55 955 2.85 87.1 2000 2.30 1.65 1003 4.48 2.89 91.6 2500 1.91 1056 4.33 1.68 2.92 94.0 3.92 2.00 101.0 1158 2.86 1482 2.20 3.03 2.80 121.7 2075 2.23 2.61 2.68 143.3 2668 1.82 3.01 2.63 145

2265 fm; wind, 110°, 4 .65 4,.64 4,.64 4 .63 4,,00 1,.68 1,,21 0,,71 0.,50 0..28 0.,19 0,.23 0,,84

1. 64 1. 65 2. 08 2. 21 2. 54 2. 94

0.84 0.88 0.87 0.86 1.16 1.74 1.94 2.08 2.19 2.. 34 2.42 2.58 2.61 2.71 2.76 2.80 2.89 2.85 2.79 2.69 2.65


44 2..8 2,.4 2..0 2. 1 4. 2 13.,5 19 22 24 27 30 39 45 51 60 70 91 104 123 141 145

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliaiton of property curves when necessary.










PO 4 -P




Mg at/L

Mg at/L




HORIZON; June 6, 1952; 0828, 0857 GCT; 2°47'S, 112°13'W; force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 05°, 0 24..07 4.,43 0 10 24..07 4. 43 10 30 23.,95 4. 39 20 58 18..34 2. 69 30 87 13..79 1. 67 50 116 1. 69 13..29 75 0. 86 171 12..73 100 226 12..30 0. 30 150 283 11..77 0. 26 200 250 336 10.,50 0. 20 300 444 8.,39 0. 84 400 0. 98 556 7..18 500 1. 48 663 6..08 600 884 1. 64 700 4.,97 1. 96 1096 4. 16 800 2. 07 1302 3.,57 1000 1200


HORIZON; June 6, 1952; 1609, 1732 force 2; weather, clear; sea, very r 4.,40 0 0.72 23..42 4..40 0.74 9 23.34 4.,14 22..66 0.76 28 41 3,.91 0.85 22.,40 64 2,.66 1.38 18.,46 87 14..90 1,.41 1.79 109 13.,45 1.,50 1.83 164 12.,38 1..38 1.94 12.,04 218 1..20 2.00 271 11.,76 0..72 2.20 326 11.,53 0,,55 2.24 430 9.,33 0..65 2.49 540 6.,88 1,,68 2.49 650 6.,24 1,,79 2.50 497a) 593 792 892 943 994 1045 1096 1199 1513 2034 2578

7. 84 6. 57 5.,60 5.,20 4.,74 4. 50 4. 33 4. 12 3. 76 3. 09 2. 28 1. 87

0,,90 1.,79 2.,04 1.,72 1..89 1,.85 2.,08 1..94 2.,05 2.,15 2..45 2.,85

2.62 2.64 2.68 2.82 2.80 2.84 2.81 2.78 2.77b) 2.73 2.68 2.52



Mg at/L

ng at/L

sounding, 2780 fm; wind, 120°, 09°. 24..07 4.43 24..07 4.43 24,.03 4.42 23..95 4.39 20,,85 4.02 15..35 1.78 13,.48 1.66 12,.93 1.39 12..51 0.47 12..09 0.27 11..50 0.24 9..13 0.60 7,.78 0.87 6..69 1.23 7,.85 1.50 5..34 1.56 4.,50 1.84 3.,83 2.05

; 1°56'S, 111°48'W; sounding, ; wire angle,, 17°, 18e 3.8 0 23.42 5.0 10 23.31 37.6u 20 22.93 3.2 30 22.10 9.5 50 22.26 16.0 75 15.92 18.9 100 13.91 23.6 150 12.47 28.1 200 12.15 28.4 250 11.85 27.9 300 11.65 37.3 400 10.39 48.2 500 7.39 59.0 600 6.50 700 6.00 55.6 800 5.57 52.7 1000 4.47 63.0 1200 3.75 74.7 1500 3.13 82.3 2000 2.33 87.7 250b 1.90 89.6 96.3 105.3 121.7 147.1 150.3

2200 fm; wind, 120°,

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. b) Mean value of 2.73 and 2.81 iig at/L.



4.40 4.38 4.29 4.12 3.62 1.64 1.45 1.42 1.28 0.92 0.58 0.58 1.35 1.79 1.87 2.03 1.87 2.05 2.14 2.43 2.77

0..72 0..74 0..75 0..76 1..01 1.,62 1.,82 1.,91 1.,98 2, 12 2. 23 2.,43 2. 49 2.,49 2. 55 2. 69 2. 84 2. 73 2. 73 2. 69 2. 56

3..8 5..0 4.,7 3. 9 4.,3 12. 8 18 23 27 28 28 34 44 54 62 63 88 105 121 146 150





°2 ml/L











°2 ml/L

SI 0/1 AT TC

PO 4 -P Mg




HORIZON; June 7, 1952; 0010 GCT; 1°00'S, 111°24'W; sounding, 2210 fm; wind, 120°, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 45°. 0 23.,38 4 .38 0 23..38 4.33 6 22. 85 4..29 10 22..70 4.27 19 22. 34 4,.21 20 22..30 4.20 39 21. 03 3..86 30 21..59 4.04 53 19. 87 3,.30 50 20.,10 3.44 72 19. 21 2..75 75 18.,80 2.71 110 15. 05 2..15 100 15..65 2.19 150 13. 48 2..85 150 13..48 2.85 192 12. 80 2..78 12..59 200 2.62 226 12. 12 1..71 250 11..93 1.23 311 11. 38 0..44 300 11. 53 0.52 392 9. 74 0. 64 400 9..60 0.64 476 8. 24 0. 78 500 7..86 0.86 644 6. 40 1. 49 6..71 600 1.28 818 5. 50 1. 93 700 6. 10 1.66 1007 4. 34 2. 02 800 5. 59 1.90 4. 40 1000 2.02 HORIZON; June 7, 1952; 0715, 0855 GCT; 0°08'S, 110°40'W; sounding, 2140 fm; wind, 120°, force 1; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 53°, 62°. 0 23..00 4.33 0 .76 5.6 0 23 .00 4.33 0.76 6 22..96 0 .80 4.33 10 22 .45 4.9 4.32 0.84 21,.88 14 4.13 0,.88 20 21,.15 6.5 3.73 0.86 21 21,.09 7.9 3.79 0 .93 30 20.33 3.71 1.01 20..33 30 3.71 1,.01 50 16 .00 10.3 2.58 1.37 43 16,.71 2.57 1,.33 15,.00 14.6 75 2.96 1.33 54 15.66 2.68 1,.38 100 15.8 14,.37 1.31 3.03 3.04 82 14.80 1,.31 16.0 150 2.71 1.52 13..20 112 14.,95 3.02 1..31 200 12.1 12..44 1.70 2.26 141 2.77 13.40 1..48 18.0 250 12.,13 1.93 1.46 167 12.,86 2.61 1..58 17.5 300 11..78 0.70 2.16 227 12. 24 1.89 1,.81 21.2 400 9.,15 2.56 0.46 297 0.73 2.,15 500 11. 86 25.6 7.,99 0.74 2.64 389 9. 39 0.42 2.,54 40.3 600 7. 12 1.17 2.66 700 6.,17 2.66 1.43 7. 84 516 0.80 2. 65 800 46.8 5.,64 1.51 2.76 634 6. 84 1.33 2. 66 76.Ou 696 6. 18 1.43 2. 66 62.3 726 6. 13 1.41 2. 72 63.0 760 5. 79 1.59 2. 79 64.3 5. 66 1.51 798 2. 76 68.6 830 5. 50 1.62 2. 76 69.8 899 5. 08 1.80 2. 76 76.7


5..6 5..4 7,.3 10..3 15. 6 16 14 18 19 23 26 41 46 55 62 69















Mg at/L

Mg at/L



02 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; June 7, 1952; 1925 GCT; 0°43'N, 110'13'W; sounding, 2090 fm; wind, 140°, force 2; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 50°. 0 4.17 22.53 0 22.53 4.17 6 22.24 4.14 10 22.23 4.13 22.20 18 4.12 20 22.19 4.11 34 21.84 3.99 30 22.15 4.04 50 16.60 2.27 50 16.60 2.27 67 2.03 15.18 75 14.75 1.85 96 13.73 1.59 100 13.45 1.60 125 12.76 1.82 150 12.52 2.42 2.44 153 12.49 200 12.34 2.13 179 2.29 12.42 250 12.24 1.80 1.94 228 12.28 300 12.10 1.20 281 12.19 1.51 400 10.32 0.43 335 11.82 0.68 500 8.36 0.50 447 9.20 0.42 600 7.14 0.96 559 7.63 0.71 674 6.48 1.59


HORIZON; June 8, 1952; 0126, 0255 GCT; 1°27'N, 109°40'W; sounding, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 28°, 40°. 4..60 0.92 0 23. 50 7.4 0 23,.50 4..61 0.95 8 23..48 6.5 10 23,.47 26 4.,54 0.91 9.4 23..32 20 23,.43 0.92 4..42 38 22.79 15.8 30 23.,28 1.26 58 3..13 10.1 18.,73 50 22,,69 1.71 77 15.,74 1,,87 16.9 75 16..05 96 2,,01 1.72a) 27.5 13.,66 100 13..48 143 12. 46 21.4 1..80 1.86 150 12,.43 189 12. 24 1..60 1.94 27.0 200 12..22 234 12. 14 1..39 2.04 23.6 250 12..08 281 0..94 11. 97 2.15 25.7 300 11,,83 376 10.,54 0,,57 35.1 400 2.38 9..99 481 8. 39 0.,66 2.64 44.6 500 8.,19 7. 20 593 1.,15 2.67 53.6 600 7.,14 700 6,,54 496b) 8.30 0. 71 2.65 43.6 800 5.,70 673 6. 73 1. 34 2.66 54.0 1000 4.,42 764 5. 90 1..66 1200 2.66 63.0 3. 70 808 5. 64 1. 69 2.72 68.0 1500 3. 12 859 5. 11 1. 82 2.76 74.7 2000 2.,25 902 4. 89 1. 80 2.74 79.6 2500 (1. 84) 953 4. 64 1. 78 2.78 86.0 1050 4. 23 1. 86 95.9 2.78 1358 3. 36 1. 86 118.6 2.78 1921 2. 39 2. 35 2.68 141.3 2. 80 2496 2.52 150.3 1. 84

2040 fm; wind, 120°, 4,.60 4,.61 4,.58 4,,52 4,.22 1,.87 2 .00 1..76 1..54 1,.25 0..82 0..59 0,,73 1.,18 1.,46 1..68 1. 82 1. 86 1. 96 2. 45 (2.81)

a) Mean value of 1.69 and 1.76 Mg at/L. b Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.


0,.92 0,.95 0 .92 0,.91 1.,04 1 .70 1..73 1..88 1,,96 2..08 2.,19 2..44 2..65 2.,67 2..66 2.,71 2.,78 2.,78 2.,77 2. 66 (2.52)

7.4 6.6 8.0

27 24 28 37 46 54

91 109 126 143 (150.4)





°2 ml/L



Mg at/L



Mg at/L



2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; June 8, 1952; 1011 GCT; 2°16'N, 109°12'W; sounding, 2085 fm; wind, direction missing, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, smooth; wire angle, 48°. 26.27 0 4.64 0 4.64 26 .27 6 26.29 3.85 10 26 .29 4.65 4.67 20 26.30 26 .30 4.67 18 40 24.92 4.60 30 26 .10 4.66 50 20.84 3.46 50 20..84 3.46 16.32 2.37 75 66 15..30 1.86 14.00 100 98 1.48 13..95 1.48 129 13.42 1.72 150 13..05 1.64 160 12.94 1.41 200 12..63 1.49 182 1.60 12.78 250 12..10 0.85 12.34 233 0.96 300 11..33 0.81 280 11.66 400 0.73 9.,51 0.67 330 10.91 500 7,.90 0.93 0.73 426 8.99 600 7.,03 0.55 1.09 534 7.59 0.84 674 6.48 1.47


HORIZON; June 8, 1952; 1815, 1957 GCT; 3°01'N, 108°43'W; sounding, 2055 fm; wind, direction missing, force 4; weather, missing; sea, missing; wire angle , 20°, 32°. 0 26.90 4.62 0.49 1.4 0 26.90 4.62 0 .49 1..4 9 26.86 4.60 0.50 1.4 26.85 10 4.60 0 .50 1. 4 27 26.84 4.62 0.52 1.8 20 26.85 4.61 0,.51 1..6 41 26.56 4.62 2.2 30 26.84 0.62 4.62 0,.53 2. 0 62 18.78 10.1 2.91 1.42 50 23.95 4.53 0,.92 4. 0 85 15.45 18.0 1.84 1.83 75 16.15 1.93 1,.78 17 14.62 106 1.94 1.83 17.6 100 14.78 1.89 1..83 18 157 2.21 1.81 18.4 150 13.66 1,.81 13.52 2.19 18 1.80 200 207 2.68 22.5 12.83 1.91 12.72 22 0.83 26.3 250 0.87 259 12.15 3.03a) 12.24 25 0.73 3.15 30.4 300 311 11.18 11.42 0.77 30 410 0.26 3.49 45.2 400 9.37 0.27 44 9.18 0.78 3.62 53.8 500 7.62 0.64 514 7.45 52 3.69 600 619 6.48 64.1 6.63 0.88 63 700 5.87 0.93 71 290b) 1.86 2.38 29.0 800 5.25 11.66 1.58 79 0.72 57.2 1000 524 7.01 3.04c) 4.45 1.69 3.,02 93 709 0.95 3.03 1200 3.74 1.85 5.82 71.8 3.,00 109 3.05 1500 805 5.21 1.29 78.8 3.17 3.16 2. 97 127 851 4.97 1.50 3.00 81.2 2000 2.40 2.19 2. 78 144 2.94 2500 1.87 900 4.80 1.65 87.5 2.71 2. 65 155 1.66 3.00 948 4.62 90.2 999 4.46 1.69 3.02 92.9 1.77 1096 4.08 3.00 101.3 1404 3.32 1.96 3.00d) 122.8 2.80 1960 2.44 2.17 143.3 2534 1.84 2.75 2.64 156.6


a) b) c) d)

Mean value of 2.99 Overlapping casts; Mean value of 2.98 Mean value of 2.96

and 3.07 Mg at/L. reconciliation of property curves when necessary. and 3.10 Mg at/L. and 3.03 Mg at/L








PO 4 -P

Si0 3 -Si






ng at/L

Mg at/L



O2 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

HORIZON; June 9, 1952; 0505, 0605, 0635 GCT; 3°57'N, 108°08'W; sounding, 2125 fm; wind, 140", force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 00°, 02°, missing. 0 27.75 0 27..75 10 27.76 10 27.,76 30 27.78 20 27..77 19.94 58 30 27,.78 87 17.11 50 20..80 116 14.86 75 18..35 100 15..90 13.36 172 150 13..79 227 12.62 200 12..99 284 11.95 250 12..37 11.00 341 300 11..68 9.18 448 400 9..99 7.50 562 500 8.,35 600 7.,10 6.33 673 700 6.,14 4.96 894 800 5..46 4.14 1106 1000 4.,54 3.45 1315 1200 3..83 HORIZON; June 9 , 1952; 1428, 1703 GCT; 4 0 56'N, 107°29'W; sounding, 2100 fm; wind, direction missing, force 3; weather, missing; sea, missing; wire angle, 00°, 15' 28.17 4.55 0.33 0 0 0 28..17 4..55 0.,33 0 0.37 4.57 0 28.,18 10 4..57 9 28..18 0.,37 0 28.23 4.57 0.37 0 20 4..57 0.,37 23 28..22 0 1.3 27.,31 4.58 0.43 4..58 41 30 28..19 0. 39 0.,2 4.00 5.4 21. 48 1.04 4,.40 60 50 26..40 0.,51 2. 9 17. 61 2,64 1,51 79 75 2..90 18..05 1. 42 11..0 11.9 15.,30 102 100 1..81 1. 82 16. 5 15. 10 1.83 16.7 1.78 150 155 13.,27 1..47 2. 07 21 13. 17 1.43 2.08 21.1 207 200 12..59 1..09 2. 14 23 12. 51 1.07 2.15 23.8 264 250 0,,90 12.,05 2. 24 26 11. 92 0.86 2.27 26.5 311 300 0,,61 11.,57 2. 33 11. 48 0.87 2.34 29.0 28 419 400 10.,00 0..35 2. 55 39 9. 58 0.40 2.63 40.7 526 500 8.,10 0..29 2. 90 7. 79 54.4 51 0.31 2.95 633 600 7. 03 0..60 2. 90 6. 72 0.76 2.88 60.5 59 700 6. 24 0.,86 2. 90 66 339a) 800 0.,92 31.0 5. 66 2. 94 75 11.09 0.65 2.36 1000 4. 64 626 6. 85 0.64 0.,99 3. 03 93 2.88 59.8 839 78.7 1200 3. 82 1..36 2. 95 5. 46 0.92 2.95 113 947 1500 4. 94 89.6 3. 00 1.,79 2. 90 132 0.91 3.02b) 2000 2. 23 2.,15 2. 75 999 4. 64 3.03 95.6 149 0.98 1055 4. 42 1.15 3.02 98.6 1106 4. 22 1.26 2.99 104.0 1162 85.7u 3. 97 1.30 2.96 1270 119.0 3. 58 1.52 2.95c) 135.5 1603 2. 82 1.82 2.88d) 2. 03 154.3 2196 2.50 2.68 a) b) c) d)


Overlapping casts; Mean value of 2.99 Mean value of 2.91 Mean value of 2.84

reconciliation of property curves when necessary. und 3.06 ug at/L. and 2.99 pig at/L. and 2.91 ^g at/L.





°2 ml/L







PO 4 -P


Mg at/L

Mg at/L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 10, 1952; 0451 GCT; 5'50'N, 106°50'W; sounding, 2080 weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 06°. 0 0 28..45 4..53 28.45 10 28.46 9 28..46 4..56 20 28.47 24 28..47 4..61 25..80 30 28.46 51 4..20 74 50 25.82 18..06 1..87 14.,03 75 18.00 102 1..39 100 11. 49 1..10 14.32 153 10. 69 150 11.65 204 1..87 200 10.,32 0..95 10.73 260 250 307 9. 93 0..88 10.38 300 10.00 414 8. 90 0..52 400 9.04 517 7.,91 0..25 500 8.07 621 6.,97 0..39 600 5. 48 0.,62 7.15 823 700 4. 56 1.,05 6.32 1025 800 5.61 1219 3. 79 1..29 1000 4.67 1200 3.85

fm; wind, 110°, force 2;


4.53 4.57 4.60 4.60 4.40 1.86 1.43 1.10 1.01 0.96 0.88 0.58 0.27 0.36 0.46 0.57 0.99 1.28

HORIZON; June 10, 1952; 1113, 1227 GCT; 6°41'N, 106°31.5'W; sounding, 2050 fm; wind, m i s s i i « ; weather, missing; sea, missing; wire angle, 06°, 10°. 0 28.96 28.56 4.55 0.32 0 4,.55 0.32 0,.2 0.2 10 28.58 4.57 0.30 10 28.58 4..57 0.30 0 0 20 28.64 4.55 0.30 29 28.66 4..55 0.30 0 0 30 28.64 27.42 0,.5 4.56 0.30 43 4..73 0.41 0.1 50 24.95 4.67 1.02 17.82 1..24 15.. 1 8.4 66 1.89 90 13.87 0.,34 2.33 24.,1 16.15 1.20 20 75 2.20 114 12.54 0.,50 2.31 27..5 100 13.02 0.38 26 2.33 171 11.44 0.,91 2.23 28.,1 150 11.80 2.25 28 0.81 10.79 0..91 2.29 30..4 228 11.05 29 200 2.25 0.91 285 0.,96 35.,1 10.26 32 250 10.56 0.94 2.32 341 9.80 0.,69 2.28 36.,5 300 10.14 36 0.90 2.32 8.74 0.,13 449 2.78 48. 8 400 9.24 0.34 2.47 43 562 7.44 0. 11 2.98 63.,7 500 8.15 50 0.13 2.95 668 6.30 0. 21 2.98 73. 8 600 6.99 67 0.19 3.03 700 6.04 0.25 3.01 77 511a) 8.02 0..13 2.92b) 51..3 800 5..40 0.53 3,,13 86 611 0.,21 3.04 6.86 68..2 1000 4..37 102 1.01 3,.08 3.14 815 5.31 0.,54 87,.5 1200 3.,67 1.25 3.,11 118 920 4.70 0.,69 3.09c) 95..9 1500 2.,75 1.57 134 3.,04 972 4.48 0.,93 3.09 101.,0 2000 2.,16 2.42 2.,82 149 1024 4.26 1.,07 3.08 103.,7 2500 2.60 1.,88 2.,80 159 1076 4.06 1..10 3.05 108.,7 1127 3.88 1.,18 3.10 112.,5 1231 3.58 1. 28 120. 4 3.11 1547 2.77 1. 86 3.02 136. 4 2074 2.12 2. 48 2.80 149. 8 2624 1.82 2.80 2. 60 161. 1 a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. b) Mean value of 2.88 and 2.97 Mg at/L. c) Alternate value, 3.16 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation.




Z m

T °C

°2 ral/L


PO 4 -P Mg


SiOg-Si Mg


Z m

T °C

02 ml/L

PO 4 -P Mg


SiOj-Si Mg



HORIZON; June 10, 1952; 1847 GCT; 7 0 25'N, 105'55'W; sounding, 2000+ fm; wind, 120°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 23°. 0 28. 58 4..55 0 28.58 4.55 10 28..48 4..56 10 28.48 4.56 27 28. 50 4,.53 20 28.49 4.55 54 23. 27 2,.86 30 28.49 4.51 79 15. 64 0. .93 50 24.20 3.84 105 12. 68 0, .64 75 16.90 1.01 157 0,.37 11. 98 100 12.80 0.68 207 0..30 11. 30 150 12.08 0.40 10. 69 258 0..42 200 11.37 0.30 310 10. 08 0..61 250 10.78 0.42 411 9. 10 0..27 300 10.16 0.59 516 7. 76 0.,07 400 9.22 0.32 619 6. 63 0..09 500 7.96 0.09 829 5. 11 0..52 600 6.83 0.08 1034 4. 24 0.,78 700 5.96 0.27 1233 3. 50 1. 14 800 5.28 0.48 1000 0.74 4.39 1200 3.62 1.10


HORIZON; June 11, 1952; 0539, 0703 i weather, missing; sea, missing; wire 0 4..52 28..43 0.36 10 28..44 4..55 0.39 30 28.,50 4.,56 0.40 45 26.,97 4..41 0.58 69 19.,58 1,,47 1.98 14..45 0..79 93 2.32 117 13. 16 0..47 2.47 174 0,.55 11.,46 2.49 0..56 229 10.,82 2.51 287 10. 20 0.,40 2.57 343 9. 62 0..35 2.75 0. 14 451 8. 30 2.91 563 6. 96 0.,14 3.04 673 6. 14 0. 25 3.10 506a) 605 807 909 960 1011 1064 1117 1220 1533 2056 2602

7. 38 6.57 5. 12 4. 76 4. 52 4. 32 4. 15 3. 98 3. 66 2. 94 2. 06 1. 80

0. 18 0. 12 0. 40 0. 62 0. 79 1. 60 1. 17 1. 07 0. 90 0. 90 2. 25 2. 55

3.10b) 3.32 3.44 3.46 3.34 3.21 3.24 3.28 3.10 2.94 2.84 2.71

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation b) Alternate value, 3.18 Mg at/L.


; 8°13'N, 105'27'W; sounding, 1650 fm; wind, missing; le, 08°, 10°. 0.,4 0 4,.52 28 .43 0.36 0.,4 0..2 10 28,.44 4..55 0.39 0. 2 0,.5 20 28,.47 4..56 0.40 0. 3 1..8 30 28,.50 4..56 0.40 0. 5 13..1 50 25,.90 3,.80 0.78 4.,0 14..8 75 18..30 1.,24 2.07 15 22.,1 100 13..94 0.,67 2.39 20 25..4 150 11,.97 0.,49 2.48 24 29. 3 200 11..14 0..56 2.50 27 32. 2 250 10,,58 0.,50 2.53 30 300 35. 6 10.,05 0.,38 2.61 37. 6 400 0.,24 2.87 8..94 53.,3 500 7..66 0. 17 600 75.,1 6.,63 0. 12 700 5.,95 0. 27 78 62. 6 800 0. 39 5.,16 88 70. 0 1000 4.,36 102 1200 88. 6 3.,73 115 94. 0 1500 2.,98 -2.95 132 97. 2 2000 2.,14 2.85 154 102. 8 2500 1..83 2.74 162 107.3 110.2 116.5 134.3 156.1 163.1 property curves when necessary.





°2 ml/L


Si0 3 -Si



Mg at/L

Mg at/L



HORIZON; June 11, 1952; 1400 GCT; 9°05'N, 104'54'W; sounding, 1650 weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 08*. 0 28.50 4.51 0 28.50 10 28.50 4.56 10 28.52 24 28.52 4.56 20 28.52 53 24.88 3.49 30 28.51 76 18.42 1.03 50 26.05 104 0.11 75 13.68 18.43 155 12.31 0.26 100 14.05 204 11.57 0.38 150 12.42 0.42 259 10.86 200 11.51 305 10.20 0.18 250 10.96 410 8.66 0.08 300 10.26 0.07 512 7.30 400 8.81 617 6.38 0.15 500 7.45 0.34 819 5.18 600 6.50 1022 4.34 0.76 700 5.84 1219 3.64 1.15 800 5.27 1000 4.43 1200 3.71

O2 ml/L


PO 4 -P


Mg at/L

Mg at/L

£m; wind, 180°, force 3;


4.51 4.56 4.56 4.53 3.99 1.04 0.18 0.24 0.37 0.44 0.23 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.22 0.33 0.71 1.12

HORIZON; June 11, 1952; 2055, 2222 GCT; 9°53'N, 104°28.5'W; sounding, 1300 fm; wind, missing; weather, missing; sea, missing; wire angle, 10 09°. 0 28 .74 4.55 0.36 0.4 0 0.,4 28.74 4.55 0.36 10 28 .68 4.53 0.41 0.4 10 0.41 28.68 4.53 0.,4 25 28..60 4.50 0.42 0 20 28.63 4.50 0.42 0 4.60 0 39 28..34 0.70 30 28.54 4.53 0.44 0 24.,86 3.57 58 1.08 4.9 50 26.75 4.32 0.92 1, 5 77 19.,16 0.94 2.18 13.5 0.27 75 19.50 2.14 13 14.,96 0.12 96 2.60 23.6 2.60 24 100 14.63 0.12 12.,56 146 0.20 2.46 26.5 150 12.49 0.22 2.46 27 191 0.36 2.46 28.8 200 11.,82 11.73 0.38 2.48 29 237 11,.34 0.50 2.51 30.1 250 11.22 0.50 2.52 30 284 0.42 10,,92 2.53 31.3 300 10.71 0.35 2.54 33 380 9..58 0.11 2.80 43.4 400 9.26 0.11 46 475 0.11 8.,19 2.97 57.1 500 7.79 0.10 61 575 6.,78 0.09 3.07 78.5 600 0.10 6.55 75 700 5.83 0.26 81 477a) 8. 20 0.12 57.4 800 5.14 0.43 89 574 6.,76 0.11 72.0 1000 4.30 0.93 3.54 103 673 6. 02 0.19 2.45b) 79.4 1200 3.79 3.54 1.08 116 766 5. 38 0.45 3.52 84.1 1500 2.96 1.44 3.43 140 814 5. 08 0.43 3.49c) 91.1 865 4. 89 0.54 94.0 3.46 913 4. 66 0.66 3.48 98.6 960 4. 44 0.89 3.52 101.3 1154 3. 88 1.05 3.54 112.1 1.37 1443 3. 09 3.45 137.0 1939 2. 14 2.12 3.29 154.8 a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. b) Alternate value, 3.56 Mg at/L. c) Alternate value, 3.37 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation.















Mg at/L

Mg at/L



°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 12, 1952; 0641 GCT; 10°45'N, 103°47'W; sounding, 1650 fm; wind, 220° weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 23°. 0




23 51 72

28.45 25.96 18.72

98 146 193 245

13.82 12.51 11.90

290 391 488 587 785 984 1182

11.14 10.74 9.37 7.92 6.86 5.44 4.64 3.82

4. 55 4. 56 4..57

0 10 20

28..41 28..43

4.,55 4. 56

28..44 28..44 26..60

4. 57 4. 50 4. 13 0. 47

4. 03 0.,55 0. 10 0. 21

75 100

0. 21 0. 25

150 200

13..73 12..45 11..77

0. 16

250 300 400 500

11..07 10,.61 9..24 7.,76

0. 14 0. 08 0. 09

600 700 800 1000

6.,75 6..01 5..36 4.,57

0. 14 0. 24 0. 34 0. 62



30 50

0. 08 0. 08 0. 14 0. 32 0. 59 0. 92


force 4;

0. 10 0. 21 0. 22 0. 24

HORIZON; June 12 , 1952; 1330, 1451 G C T ; 11°40'N, 103°24'W; sounding, 1650 f m ; wind, missing; weather, missing; sea, missing; wire angle, 27°, 42°. 0 27..96 4.56 0.46 0.5 27..96 0 4. 56 0..46 0. 5 0.40 9 27.,99 4.51 0.7 27..99 10 4. 51 0..40 0. 8 0.54 26 4.50 0.9 28.,04 20 28.,03 4. 50 0..53 0. 9 0.45 0.7 39 28.,02 4.51 30 4. 50 28.,04 0,.55 0.,8 60 25.,99 4.13 0.72 1.4 27.,75 50 4. 45 0..51 0. 8 81 19..56 0.88 2.24 75 21,.80 0. 75 12.8 1..94 9 14..92 0.07 102 2.67 100 23.6 15,,50 0. 07 2..66 23 0.11 152 12.58 2.62 27.7 150 12. 52 0. 11 2,,62 28 202 0.15 11.,80 2.68 29.3 200 11.,83 0. 14 2.,68 29 252 0.20 11. 10 2.65 32.6 250 0. 20 11. 13 2.,65 33 303 10.54 0.15 300 2.80 35.1 10.,57 0. 16 2.,79 35 401 9. 30 0.08 2.95 47.3 400 9.31 0. 09 2. 95 47 61.7 504 7. 96 0.08 3.10a) 500 8. 02 0. 08 3. 14 61 6. 81 0.07 615 3.24 70.0 600 0. 07 6. 95 3. 23 69 700 402b) 480 648 740 787 835 885 933 1030 1326 1819 2336

9. 24 8. 23 6. 46

0.09 0.09

3.02 3.16c)


5. 88

0.14 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.19

3.33 3.41

5. 56 5. 32 5. 14 4. 88 4. 34 3. 33 2. 30 1.84

0.36 0.91 1.82 2.43

3.38 3.44 3.49 3.53d) 3.44e) 3.62f) 3.04 2.87g)

47.3 57.6 75.8 80.5 85.7 89.6 93.4

800 1000

6. 06 5. 50 4. 46

0. 13 0. 20 0. 30

1200 1500 2000

3. 69 2. 96 2. 04

0. 67

3. 38 3.,39 3. 46 3. 54

1. 26 2. 06

3.40 2. 97

98.3 108.5 130.1 154.3 162.4


Mean value of 3.05 and 3.14 Mg at/L.


Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.

c) Alternate value, 3.30 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. d) Alternate value, 3.60 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. e) Alternate value, 3.36 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. f) g)


Alternate value, 3.72 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternate value, 3.04 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation.

79 87 106 122 139 158





°2 ml/L










°2 ml/L

S10/1 AT TC

PO4-P Mg






HORIZON; June 12, 1952; 2210, 2248 GCT; 12°20'N, 102o38'W; sounding, 1730 fm; wind, 270° force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 10°, 15°. 4..56 0 28,.36 0 28..36 4.56 4..53 10 28,.37 10 28 .37 4.53 4..53 29 28,.34 20 28..38 4.53 27,.38 4..57 58 30 28..38 4.53 0..99 86 19,.66 50 28..34 4.56 114 14..85 0..10 75 1.97 26..10 0..10 171 12..59 100 16,.60 0.25 227 0.,08 11..68 150 0.10 13,.50 10,.86 0,.11 200 281 12..10 0.10 337 10..18 0.,08 250 11..30 0.09 0 . .06 300 10..63 0.11 442 8. 550 7.,10 0 . ,08 400 0.06 9.,23 6.,08 0 . ,08 0.07 656 500 7.,76 874 4. 82 0 . 28 600 6.,55 0.08 700 0.10 5..77 1090 4. 01 0 . 49 800 5. 20 0.18 1297 3. 34 0 . 94 1000 0.40 4.,34 0.67 1200 3. 63


HORIZON; June 13, 1952; 0523, 0700 GCT; W l l ' N , 102°07'W; sounding, 1730 fm; wind, direction missing, force 4; weather, missing; sea, missing; wire angle, 27°, 28°. 0 4.53 0.54 0 28 .34 0 4.53 28 .34 0.54 0 4.64 0.45 0 9 28 .34 10 4.64 28 .35 0.45 0 0.60 4.58 0 20 26 28 .36 4.59 28,.36 0.58 0 0 27 .82 4.72 0.51 30 4.63 39 28,.36 0.59 0 0.76 4.85 0 4.82 60 26 .09 50 26,.90 0.62 0 25 .07 4.57 81 0.64 0 75 25,,30 4.71 0.63 0 102 1.30 18 .76 2.06 12.1 100 21,,00 1.96 11 1.53 152 13 .07 0.08 2.68 26.6 150 13,.12 27 0.09 2.68 203 12,.06 0.11 2.66 29.2 200 12.,11 2.66 0.10 29 252 0.11 11,.26 2.76 32.9 250 11..26 0.11 2.75 33 304 10.60 0.09 2.86 37.1 300 10.,65 0.10 2.85 37 402 9.,44 0.06 2.98a) 400 46.3 9,,47 2.94 0.06 48 506 7..62 0.07 3.08 62.6 500 7.,71 0.07 3.07 62 6.,68 608 0.08 3.12 72.7 600 6. 71 0.10 3.22 72 700 5. 97 0.10 3.32 82 309b) 10..62 0.15 2.79 37.4 800 5. 20 3.37 0.16 91 571 6. 98 0.13 3.20 68.9 1000 4. 29 3.34 0.46 108 767 5. 44 0.12 3.35 88.0 1200 3. 65 3.26 0.76 124 868 4. 88 0.23 3.38 96.3 1500 2. 87 3.11 1.28 138 915 4. 71 0.28 3.34 100.1 2000 2. 04 1.84 2.86 154 968 4. 42 0.39 3.35 105.7 2500 1. 82 2.29 2.70 160 1015 4. 25 0.48 3.34 108.7 4. 08 1066 0.49 3.40 111.4 1167 3. 72 0.69 3.28 120.8 1482 2. 90 1.26 3.16c) 137.0 2068 1. 94 3.86 2.82 156.1 2664 1. 81 2.49 2.66 161.1 a) Mean value of 2.94 and 3.03 Mg at/L. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. c) Mean value of 3.12 and 3.19 ng at/L.




Z m

T °C

°2 ml/L


PO 4 -P



Mg at/L

ng at/L


T °C

°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 13, 1952; 1409 GCT; 14°00'N, 101'34'W; sounding, 1930 fm; wind, 310°, force 5; weather. cloudy; sea, high; wire angle, 35°. 0 28..28 4. 50 0 28.28 4..50 7 4..52 10 28..30 28.30 4..54 22 4..63 28..28 20 28.29 4..62 44 4..63 26..18 30 28.07 4..63 22..68 3..21 69 50 25.66 4.,55 92 18..42 1. 22 75 20.30 2. 60 137 13 .60 0. 11 100 17.20 0..86 182 12..30 0. 10 150 13.17 0..10 227 0.,10 200 11.97 0..10 11..60 273 11..12 0. 08 250 11.34 0. 09 348 10..12 0. 07 300 10.82 0..08 0. 07 431 8..80 400 9.30 0. 07 7..73 515 0. 06 500 7.90 0..06 694 6..04 0. 08 600 6.84 0.,07 4..97 0. 26 878 700 6.01 0..09 1067 4..12 0. 41 800 5.36 0.,18 1000 4.37 0. 36 HORIZON; June 13-14, 1952 ; 2346, 0120 GCT; 14°53'N, 101°03'W; sounding, 2000 fm; wind, force 5; weather, rain; sea, very rough; wire angle, 35°, 27°. 0 4. 53 0.61 0.4 0 28.48 28.48 4.53 0. 61 28.50 4. 54 0.64 0.5 10 8 28.53 4.54 0. 64 24 28.55 4. 53 0.70 0.2 20 28.54 4.53 0. 68 4. 61 36 27.24 0.5 30 28.54 4.55 0. 73 54 4. 82 24.26 1.3 50 25.24 4.80 0. 90 71 10.1 19.57 1. 78 2.14 75 19.10 1.32 2.,38 17.44 0. 63 2.62 16.0 100 15.97 88 0.40 2. 74 13.66 0. 17 2.89 25.7 150 0.14 128 12.88 2. 98 167 0. 14 29.0 200 12.48 11.92 0.08 3. 03 207 11.83 0. 07 2.99a) 31.3 250 11.19 0.11 3. 00 247 11.24 0. 11 3.00 32.9 300 10.38 0.11 3. 05 325 9.98 0. 10 3.09 39.2 400 8.90 0.08 3. 19 413 8.70 0. 07 3.20 52.4 500 0.07 7.62 3. 25 514 7.42 0. 09 66.1 600 6.74 0.13 3.38 3. 27 700 6.00 0.13 3. 29 10.04 2.90 303b) 0. 11 40.5 800 5.33 0.13 3. 37 572 6.95 0. 13 3.26 70.6 1000 4.42 0.37 3.41 768 5.52 0. 13 3.34 88.2 1200 3.65 0.63 3. 29 4.96 0. 18 3.42 1500 1.21 868 96.3 3.01 3. 18 916 4.75 0. 24 3.38 100.4 2000 2.20 2.10 2. 94 0. 32 3.41 104.4 2500 2.54 969 4.56 1.86 2. 78 1017 4.31 0. 41 106.2 3.42c) 4.10 0. 50 3.46 112.1 1072 3.74 0. 58 3.32 120.1 1173 1500 3.01 1. 21 3.18 136.1 2106 2.02 2. 21 2.90 157.3 2. 66 2713 1.84 2.72d) 163 a) b) c) d)


Mean value of 2.95 Overlapping casts; Mean value of 3.36 Mean value of 2.68

and 3.03 pg at/L. reconciliation of property curves when necessary. and 3.47 Mg at/L. and 2.75 Mg at/L.

320°, 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 2.1 12.2 20 28 31 33 36 50 64 73 82 91 106 122 136.1 154 162





02 ml/L






Mg at/L




o2 ml/L

PO4-P Mg at/L



HORIZON; June 14, 1952; 0930 GCT; 15°46'N, 100'35'W; sounding, 1850 fm; wind, 110°, force 5; weather, rain; sea, high; wire angle, 40°. 0 4..59 28.09 0 28.09 4.59 28.10 4 .61 8 10 28.10 4.62 24 27.98 4,,69 20 28.05 4.69 44 23.26 2..31 30 27.45 4.45 65 18.02 0..20 50 20.70 1.30 87 15.04 0.,11 75 16.05 0.13 127 13.02 0.,09 100 14.07 0.11 12.24 166 0.,10 150 12.56 0.10 205 11.20 0. 15 200 11.31 0.14 247 10.22 0. 11 250 10.13 0.11 8.96 0. 12 328 300 9.27 0.12 413 0. 08 7.98 400 8.13 0.08 492 7.05 0. 06 500 6.98 0.06 662 5.93 0. 09 600 6.31 0.07 842 4.96 0. 15 700 5.73 0.10 1029 4.16 0. 41 800 5.16 0.13 1000 4.26 0.36 HORIZON; June 18, 1952; 0845, 0546 GCT; 15032.5'N, 99°50.5'W; sounding, 2000 force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 29°, 28°. 0 4,.51 0.67 0.4 27.58 0 27.58 4.51 8 27.59 4,.60 0.64 0 10 27.58 4.63 22 0.2 26.00 4.,82 0.72 20 26.55 4.81 39 21.56 30 23.70 4.64 55 17.66 16.0 1, 29 2.62 50 18.90 2.35 70 15.52 0.,17 22.1 2.77 75 15.00 0.14 90 14.02 0. 13 2.88 24.5 100 13.60 0.15 133 0. 25 12.68 2.88 28.4 150 12.46 0.19 176 12.12 0. 13 2.84 29.3 200 11.64 0.13 225 11.29 0. 17 3.00a) 34.2 250 11.09 0.16 268 10.96 0. 16 3.08 36.0 300 10.56 0.10 367 9.46 0. 13 3.20 48.1 400 8.89 0.13 466 7.94 0. 12 3.40b) 61.4 500 7.60 0.12 575 6.95 0. 11 3.46 64.8 600 6.75 0.12 700 6.03 0.11 307c) 10.28 0.09 3.25 41.4 800 5.51 0,.11 6.92 586 0.14 3.60 72.0 1000 4.63 0,.17 786 5.58 0.11 3.68 88.7 1200 3.96 0..45 886 5.20 0.13 3.70 96.3 1500 3.26 0..17 933 4.92 0.15 3.76 100.1 2000 2.28 1.,87 986 4.68 0.16 3.78 103.5 2500 1.89 2.,38 1034 4.54 0.25 3.78 106.4 4.40 1085 0.30 3.76 110.3 1185 4.00 0.45 3.78 117.0 1505 3.26 0.17 3.64 2.10 2096 2.17 3.24 158.2 2701 1.86 2.40 3.12 161.5

fm; wind, 040°, 0,.67 0..65 0,.70 1,.16 2..42 2..82 2.,89 2. 86 3. 90 3. 06 3. 12 3. 25 3. 48 3. 61 3.66 3,.68 3..78 3..78 3..64 3.,29 3. 14



0.,4 0.,0 0.,1 2. 2 13. 3 23 23 22 32 35 40 52 65 74 83 90 105 118 135 156 162

a) Alternate value, 2.92 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Alternate value, 3.33 tig at/L, not used in interpolation. c) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.









°2 ml/L





-jg at/1

ug at/L



°2 ml/L

PO 4 -P Hg a t / L



H O R I Z O N ; June 18, 1952; 1544 GC'; 14°29'N, 99°33'W; sounding, 1950 f m ; wind, 300°, f o r c e 4; weather, o v e r c a s t ; sea, rough; wir angle, 34°. 0

27 .91







4. 48






4. 50


27. 96
















0. 13






0. 09






0. 11


12. 60




0. 09


11. 95




0. 09






0. 13


10. 79



8. 94

0. 11


9. 16




0. 10


7. 70




0. 13


6. 64




0. 14





4. 38

0. 28


5. 43



4. 55


H O R I Z O N ; June 19, 1952; 0018, Olô G C T ; 13°34.,5'N, 99° 2 2 ' W ; sounding, 1600 f m ; wind, 360°, 0 f o r c e 4; weather, drizzle; sea, rouh; w i r e angle, 14°, 19 4.48 0.49a 27,.73 0 0 0 27.73 0 .49 4.48 0 4.56 0.52 10 27,.74 0 10 27.74 4.56 0 .52 0 4.52 0.57 24 27..78 0 27.77 20 4.53 0 .55 0 4.60 0.78 25,.06 0 43 30 27.77 4.54 0 .60 0 0.98 2.33 61 19..78 11.3 50 23.00 4.29 1 .72 1, 0.14 2.74 79 16..08 20.7 75 16.25 0.22 2 .68 20.




















2 .83










2 .82




































































6. 73

0. 13



















4. 78










4. 55







3.. 12



4. 35










4. 12










3. 60





2. 94





2. 08





1. 84





Alternate value, 0.59 ng at/L, nt used in interpolation.


Overlapping casts; reconciliatioiof property c u r v e s when n e c e s s a r y .


Mean value of 3.5G and 3.65 ug t/L.


Alternate value, 3.71 ng at/L, nt used in interpolation.


Alternate value, 3.43 ng at/L, nt used in interpolation.





°2 ml/L




Si0 3 -Si






Mg at/L

Mg at/L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 19, 1952; 0918 GCT; l a ^ ' N , 99°06'W; sounding, 1930 fm; wind, 180°, force 3; weather, clear; sea, rough; wire angle, 16". 0 28.24 4.40 0 28,.24 4.40 9 28.26 4.48 10 28,.26 4.48 21 28.26 4.47 20 28..26 4.47 50 25.99 4.48 30 28..25 4.48 73 18.76 0.55 50 25..99 4.48 100 14.44 0.27 75 18..55 0.46 150 12.48 0.13 100 14..44 0.27 199 11.74 0.10 150 12..48 0.13 255 11.00 0.13 200 11..71 0.10 300 10.30 0.16 250 11..05 0.12 406 8.36 0.14 300 10..30 0.16 507 7.16 0.13 400 8..45 0.14 608 6.32 0.10 7,.22 500 0.13 806 5.18 0.19 600 6. 39 0.10 1007 4.38 0.48 700 5. 69 0.12 3.74 1199 0.66 5. 20 800 0.19 1000 4. 41 0.47 (3.74) 1200 (0.66) HORIZON; June 19, 1952; 1936, 1737 GCT; 11°38'N, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 0 28.34 4.49 0.64 1.3 9 28.06 4.54 0.60 0 23 28.06 4.54 0.62 0 36 28.12 4.60 0.64 0 55 26.66 4.64 2.7 0.78 1.34 72 2.26 20.36 9.9 90 0.26 2.78 20.3 15.36 139 0.33 2.82 25.4 12.66 183 0.36 2.81 22.3 11.92 225 0.13 2.90 11.30 31.3 266 0.30 2.94 10.82 30.4 355 3.00 9.64 0.13 40.5 442 3.34 8.48 0.09 54.7 535 7.54 0.10 3.44 60.7 504a) 600 795 893 943 992 1043 1095 1198 1514 2048 2582

7.77 6.93 5.42 4.83 4.59 4.42 4.19 3.96 3.66 2.92 2.16 1.83

0.08 0.14 0.17 0.21 0.25 0.35 0.39 0.63 0.73 1.27 2.10 2.48

3.36 3.46 3.56 3.62 3.66 3.67 3.68 3.60 3.56 3.47 3.09 2.95

61.0 67.7 87.3 97.4 101.9 104.8 110.3 114.1 120.8 137.5 152.8 160.2


99°05'W; sounding, 1940 fm; wind, 090", 16°, 15°. 28.34 4..49 0 0,.64 1 10 28.06 4..54 0..60 0 20 28.06 4..54 0,.62 0 30 28.08 4..57 0,.63 0 50 27.75 4..64 0..71 1 75 19.00 0..95 2.,32 11 100 14.28 0..26 2.,81 22 150 12.47 0. 34 2.,82 25 200 11.65 0.,26 2.,84 25 250 11.01 0. 24 2.,94 31 300 10.37 0. 26 2. 95 33 400 9.02 0. 10 3. 17 48 500 7.85 0. 08 3. 26 61 600 6.93 0. 14 3. 46 67. 700 6.07 0. 16 3. 51 78 800 5.37 0. 17 3. 57 88 1000 4.40 0. 36 3. 67 106 1200 3.65 0. 74 3. 56 121 1500 2.93 1. 24 3. 48 137 2000 2.20 2. 04 3. 11 152 2500 1.84 2. 44 2. 97 159

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.








°2 ml/L

P04-P Mg at/L

Si0 3 -Si









PO4-P Mg


SiOg-Si Mg


HORIZON; June 20, 1952; 0232 GCT; l O ^ O ^ N , 98°51'W; sounding, 2100 fm; wind, 120°, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 16°. 0 28..52 4.43 0 28,.52 4.43 9 28..18 4.46 10 28,.18 4.46 23 28.22 4.47 20 28,.21 4.47 49 22..68 2.57 30 28.2 4.42 72 16..42 0.25 50 22..30 2.25 98 13..32 0.11 75 15..45 0.20 146 12..18 0.09 100 13..22 0.11 194 11..58 0.08 150 12..14 0.09 245 0.09 11..00 200 11..50 0.08 286 10..42 0.08 250 10.,92 0.09 0.08 383 9..02 300 10,,21 0.08 0.10 475 7.,75 400 8..76 0.09 0.11 567 6.,73 500 7.,43 0.11 0.11 758 5. 53 600 6. 49 0.11 0.44 954 4. 56 700 5.,87 0.11 0.86 3. 80 1150 800 5. 33 0.16 1000 4. 35 0.54 HORIZON; June 20, 1952; 0856, 1030 GCT; 9°31.5'N, 98'41'W; sounding, 2200 fm; wind, 180°, force 1; weather, rain; sea, slight; wire angle, 11°, 12°. 4.47 0 28,.31 0.53 0 0 28.31 4.47 0..53 0 4.48 10 28 .14 0.54 0 10 28.14 0..54 4.48 0 4.52 25 28,.16 0.58 0 20 28.15 4.52 0..56 0 4.40 44 26,.12 0.75 0 30 28.16 4.52 0..61 0 0.47 63 18,.19 2.57 14 .2 50 24.05 3.70 0..85 1 0.37 82 14 .56 2.70 20,.7 75 15.65 0.43 2..69 19 105 13..22 23..4 100 2.71 13.46 0.23 0.24 2.,71 23 156 12..19 25.6 2.61 150 12.25 0.73 0.70 2. 62 26 205 11..52 2.72 27..2 200 11.57 0.73 0.73 2.,70 27 258 10..82 32,,8 2.91 250 10.93 0.23 2. 89 0.18 32 302 10.,22 3.00 38..0 300 0.10 10.25 0.11 2. 99 38 406 8.,73 3.20 51.8 400 0.10 8.83 0.10 3. 19 51 507 7..32 3.32 64..8 0.09 500 7.40 0.11 3. 32 63 610 6.,44 73.,1 0.07 3.35 600 6.53 0.10 3. 41 73 700 5.80 0.16 3. 49 83 501a) 7. 66 3.42 62.,3 800 0.13 5.14 0.28 3. 53 92 602 6. 52 0.13 3.50 73.,1 1000 4.28 0.64 3. 52 107 801 5. 12 3.53 91. 8 1200 0.28 3.60 1.06 3. 48 119 900 4. 69 3.54 0.45 98. 6 1500 2.94 1.40 3. 22 133 950 4. 51 3.54 101. 9 0.47 2000 2.21 2.21 3. 20 153 4. 28 999 3.52 105. 7 0.63 2500 1.81 2.59 3. 09 157 1050 4. 10 3.54 110. 0 0.78 1099 3. 94 0.77 3.54 113. 4 1200 3. 60 1.06 3.48 118. 8 1508 2. 92 1.41 3.42 132. 8 2013 2. 14 2.14 3.19 153.9 2580 1. 81 2.63 3.07 157. 0 a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.















Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L



°2 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 20, 1952; 1635 GCT; 8°43.5'N. 98°33'W; sounding, 2110 fm; wind, 170°, force 1; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 15°. 0 28..34 4,.46 0 28.34 4.46 10 4..49 10 28.44 28..44 4.49 24 28..48 4..49 20 28.46 4.52 51 23..88 30 3..16 28.48 4.47 74 16..46 0..19 50 24.15 3.45 102 13..77 0..21 75 16.20 0.19 151 12..36 0.,27 100 .13.86 0.11 202 11..70 0.,27 150 12.40 0.27 255 11..03 0..62 200 11.73 0.27 301 10..51 0..63 250 11.09 0.61 400 9..09 0.,16 300 9.80 0.63 7..72 496 400 0.,09 9.09 0.16 594 6..68 0.,11 500 7.66 0.09 791 5. 38 0. 40 600 6.63 0.12 4. 44 995 0.,67 700 5.94 0.24 1187 3.,79 800 ;.08 5.33 0.43 1000 4.43 0.69 1200 (3.74) (1.12) HORIZON; June 21, 1952; 0013, 0145 GCT; 7°46'N, 98°19'W; sounding, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 40°, 20°. 27 .84 0 4.55 0.62a) 0 0 27 .84 27 .86 8 4.57 0 .60 0 10 27 .86 27 .88 20 0 .60 0 20 4.61 27 .88 27 .90 35 4.60 0 30 0,.64 27 .89 22 .84 49 3.31 1.42 3.1 50 22 .45 2 .16 13.0 63 17 .82 1.58 75 14,,20 2 .35 1.27 78 20.2 100 13,.31 13.88 2.,39 1.20 21.2 150 115 13,.06 12,,63 2.,47 155 12 .57 1.11 22.9 200 12,.02 0.81 2..56 198 12,.06 24.8 250 11.,44 2..57 233 11..65 0.95 26.3 300 10,.80 2..62 314 10..61 0.81 30.4 400 9,.32 3,,02 404 0.21 42.5 9..28 500 7,.85 508 7..74 0.09 3..26 57.8 600 6..76 700 5. 98 0.79 332b) 10..34 2. 81 34.2 800 5, 36 610 0.65u 3. 37 6.,69 67.3 1000 4. 39 820 0.70U 3. 42 5. 26 85.3 1200 3. 72 926 4. 77 0.16 3. 47 92.5 1500 2. 97 977 4. 49 0.40 3. 46 100.4 2000 2. 26 1032 4. 26 0.79 3. 42 103.9 2500 1.91 1082 4. 10 0.91 3. 41 100.1 1137 3. 92 1.04 3. 36 111.2 1243 3. 60 1.30 3. 38 119.2 1573 2. 84 1.41 3. 40 121.5 2159 2. 08 2.28 3. 02 150.5 2747 1. 82 2.57 2. 88 160.2


1950 fm; wind, 200°, 4.55 4.58 4.61 4.61 3.20 1.31 1.20 1.14 0.81 0.94 0.85 0.55 0.09

1.16 1.40 2.06 2.47

0.62 0.60 0.60 0.62 1.40 2.34 2.38 2.46 2.56 2.57 2.59 3.01 3.24 3.36 3.39 3.41 3.44 3.37 3.40 3.19 2.91

0 0 0 0 4 19 21 23 25 27 29 42 57 67 75 83 102 116 122 141 158

a) Alternate value, 0.49 pg at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.








o2 ml/L





Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L



o2 ml/L

PO 4 -P


Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L


HORIZON; June 21, 1952; 1144, 1310 GCT; 6°50'N, 98°07'W; soundii«, 1990 fm; wind, 250°, force 3; weather, rain; sea, very rough; wire angle, 32°, 40°. 0 27,.86 4.,54 0 27..86 4.54 27. 88 4.,52 10 8 27..89 4.52 21 4..55 20 27..90 27. 91 4.55 47 26.60 4. 55 30 27..91 4.55 66 19. 38 1..28 50 25..50 4.51 90 15.,13 0..86 75 17..70 0.95 135 0..95 100 12..29 13..75 0.87 174 11.,74 0. 81 150 12..04 0.95 0.. 69u 221 11.,12 200 0.67 11..43 10..68 255 0.78 250 10..75 0.75 9..76 0..29 300 338 10..20 0.54 0.,21 400 418 8..72 8..98 0.21 502 7. 59 0,,17 500 7..63 0.17 661 0.,28 600 6. 32 6.78 0.23 700 6.,07 0.35 869 4. 94 0..71 800 5..40 0.54 904 4.19 1.04


HORIZON; June 21-22, 1952; 2228, 2248, 0012 GCT; 5°46'N, 97°52'W; sounding, 1890 fm; wind, 340°, force 5; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 38°, 43°, 33°. 0 27.,77 4. 55 0,.43 0 0 27.,77 0..43 4.55 0 27..82 4. 58 0..48 0 10 27..82 8 4.59 0,,49 0 23 27.,76 4. 63 0..52 0 20 27.,78 4.62 0.,52 0 27.,02 4. 60 0..48 0 36 30 27..76 0,.50 4.63 0 54 24.,16 3. 99 1.,14 50 2,.9 24..80 4.30 0,,64 2.2 75 20..25 2.87 1,,53 8 67 22.04 3. 21 1..42 5..9 100 14.,35 2.16 1..80 15 83 2. 59 1.,61 150 18. 46 9.,5 12..50 1.76 2..28 23 123 13.08 1. 84 2..07 22..1 200 11..55 1.84 2..26 25 160 12.30 2.,32 22.,7 250 1. 76 11.,02 1.29 2..45 28 192 2.,25 300 10..45 11. 64 1. 90 23..9 1.13 2.,53 31 222 400 11. 34 1. 39 2.,40 26..6 9..25 0.56 2,.84 39 10.64 284 1. 19 2.,50 29.,5 500 8.03 0.30 3,.17 51 358 9. 79 0. 81 2. 62 34..2 600 6. 93 0.31 3. 17 61 450 0. 29 8. 62 3.22a) 45.,2 700 6. 09 0.37 3..20 69 800 5. 33 0.61 3. 28 82 288b) 10. 39 1. 18 2. 51 30.,2 1000 4..33 1.20 3.,23 99 54.,7 536 7. 61 0. 30 3.,16 1200 3. 67 1.53 3. 20 113 710 6. 03 0. 37 3. 21 69.7 1500 3. 01 1.83 3. 07 126 795 0. 59 3. 27 80.,5 2000 5. 37 2. 36 2. 91 148 837 5. 09 0. 70 3. 30 86. 2 4. 82 0. 78 3. 28 89. 6 881 0. 89 922 4. 65 3.,26 93.,1 967 4. 46 3. 22 96. 3 1. 13 1050 4. 16 3. 26 1. 29 103.,5 117. 0 1316 3. 38 1. 65 3. 14 2. 54 2. 01 3.03c) 142. 4 1819 154. 6 2400 1. 92 1. OOu 2.82d) a) b) c) d)


Mean value of 3.17 Overlapping casts; Mean value of 2.96 Mean value of 2.79

and 3.28 Mg a t / L reconciliation of property curves when necessary. and 3.03 Mg a t / L . and 2.86 Mg a t / L .









PO 4 -P

Si0 3 -Si






ug at/L

ug at/L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 22, 1952; 1005 GCT; 4°44'N, 97°31'W; sounding, 1950 f m ; wind, 180°, f o r c e 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea. very rough; wire angle, 46°. 0 25.50 4.71 0 25..50 4.,71 10 25.51 4.69 6 25..50 4..69 4.70 4.,70 20 25.52 21 25. 52 30 25.52 4.66 39 24.48 4.,64 4.64 24..39 50 24.43 58 4. 64 75 22.53 4.52 76 22.50 4.,51 18.70 100 3.55 112 16. 63 2. 44 150 13.90 1.56 144 14.,04 1.,67 1.16 200 12.99 176 13. 26 1. 21 250 12.54 0.98 208 12..92 1..15 12. 26 300 11.75 1.03 272 0.,91 10.02 1.45 400 332 11.,10 1.,27 10.,07 500 8.50 1.18 397 1. 45 7. 92 600 0.97 1. 05 7.08 539 6.01 0.93 6.,02 0. 93 700 698 4.,92 800 5.40 1.10 893 1. 33 HORIZON; June 22-23, 1952; 2313, 0044 GCT; 3°47.5'N, 97°34'W; sounding, 1870 fm; wind, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 18", 14°. 4.64 0 0 26.08 26.08 4.64 0.68 0.,7 0.68 25.96 4.71 9 25.96 4.71 10 0.66 1..1 0.66 25.92 4.70 22 25.90 0..4 20 4.70 0.72 0.71 25.40 25.78 41 0.80 0..5 30 4.69 4.66 0.76 24.15 24.68 4.56 59 4.45 1.02 1..1 50 0.87 77 22.75 4.38 22.72 4.37 1.16 2..2 75 1.14 17.25 2.60 99 17.72 1.70 4.,3 100 2.63 1.71 150 2.08 13.77 1.68 2.08 18. 9 13.75 1.84 149 2.24 1.49 2.16a) 200 1.49 19.,4 13.14 199 13.16 0.97 2.42 2.42 12.60 23. 8 250 253 12.54 0.99 26.,8 300 11.87 0.83 2.47b) 11.84 0.84 2.48 298 400 1.18 2.48 31.,1 10.37 1.16 2.48 404 10.31 0.15 3.03 54.,7 500 0.17 2.99 507 7.98 8.13 600 3.13 614 0.62 3.13c) 63. 4 6.52 6.66 0.58 700 5.88 1.01 3.12 800 0.84 2.,48 27.5 3.08 343d) 11.42 5.33 1.38 3,.13 63.2 6.34 0.73 1000 3.12 636 4.56 1.46 1.51 3..07 78.5 1200 3.13 849 5.08 4.06 1.58 4.74 3,.13 89.3 956 1.33 1500 3.19 1.75 (2.99) 1.47 3.,12 92.5 2000 (2.90) 1007 4.53 2.31 2.29 3..11 96.1 2500 1062 4.36 1.49 1.88 2.77 (2.78) 99.0 1114 4.25 1.59 3.,13 1.57 101.5 1169 4.15 3.,16 2.,99 102.2 1277 3.81 1.61 126.7 2.95 1.84 1613 2.04 149.4 2216 2.52 1.79 2.80 2. 70 157.7 2826 a) b) c) d)


160°, 0..7 1,.0 0..5 0..4 0..9 2..1 4.,5 19 19 24 27 31 54 63 67 75 92 102 117 144 154

Mean value of 2.09 and 2.24 ug at/L. Alternate value, 2.39 tig at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternate value, 3.20 ug at/L, not used in interpolation. Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.







°2 ral/L





ng at/L

Mg at/L



o2 ML/L

PO 4 -P


kig at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; June 23, 1952; 0934, 1022 GCT; 2°42'N, 97°27.5'W; sounding, 1720 fm; wind, 180°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 28", 50°. 0 25..83 4..67 0 25 .83 4.67 8 25,.82 4,.66 10 25 .83 4.66 24 25..84 4,,66 20 25,.84 4.66 45 23,,99 30 25..84 4.49 66 2,.16 18..15 50 22..90 2.38 88 15,.12 2. 24 75 16.,05 2.17 132 14..20 2,,16 100 14..81 2.23 176 13..94 2.,23 150 13,,88 2.01 200 13,,14 1.19 184 13..74 2. 16 250 12,.47 1.11 221 12, 83 0. 99 300 11,,78 1.38 291 11..94 1. 41 400 9..45 0.40 367 10. 40 0. 60 500 7..96 0.29 436 0. 27 8. 76 600 6..86 0.78 590 6. 97 0. 71 700 5.,98 1.10 745 5.,70 1. 57 800 5. 45 1.36 4. 92 928 1. 54 1000 (4.70)


HORIZON; June 23, 1952; 1755, 2002 GCT; 1°53'N, 97°19.5'W; sounding, 1580 fm; wind, 180°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 43°, 10°. 0 25 .92 4,.64 0.81 0 .4 0 25 .92 4 .64 0 .81 0. 4 7 26,.02 4,.69 0.76 0,.7 10 26 .02 4 .68 0 .76 0. 6 4 .65 22 0.77 25,.98 0,.0 20 25 .99 4,.65 0,.77 0. 2 4 .68 33 25 .68 0.85 0,.0 30 25 .98 4,.66 0 ,83 0 49 20,.01 2,.74 1.68 7,,7 50 19,.50 2..40 1,.74 7. 8 63 16,.00 1,.95 1.98 14,.4 75 15,.03 2,.24 1..98 15 80 14,.80 2..28 15,.1 1.98 100 14,.31 2,,27 1..94 16 116 14..18 2..23 1.90 16.,0 150 13..94 2.,10 1..95 16 152 13..93 2.,10 1.96 16. 2 200 13,.35 2,,11 2..13 18 187 2..11 13,.58 2.14 17.,1 250 12..54 1,,92 2,.20 21 220 13,,01 2,.11 2.10 19, 1 300 1..24 11.,59 2, 46 26 291 11,,76 1,.36 2.41 24.,7 400 9.,00 0,,51 2. 88 42 0,,50 383 9..34 2.85 39. 6 500 7..43 0,.65 3..01 51 490 7.,52 0..82 2.96a) 50,,0 600 6.,67 1.,05 3. 08 57 700 6,,13 1. 19 3. 08 64 493 7.,54 0.,72 3.03b) 51. 1 800 5.,56 1. 29 3. 09 72 591 6.,73 1. 03 3.07 56. 0 1000 4. 62 1. 46 3. 21 89 790 5,.62 1. 28 71. 3 3.08 1200 (3.,77) (110) (3. 18) (1. 68) 1. 50 889 5. 13 3.18 78. 7 941 4. 91 1. 63 3.19 80. 5 4. 66 1. 48 991 3.21 87. 3 1043 4. 44 1. 44 3.24 96. 3 1094 4. 26 1. 48 3.20 99. 2 1199 3. 78 1. 68 110. 0 3.18 a) Mean value of 2.93 and 3.00 iig at/L. b) Mean value of 2.99 and 3.07 kig at/L.






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HORIZON; June 24, 1952; 0724 GCT; 0°53'N, 97°11.5'W; sounding, 1840 fm; wind, 140°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 33°. 0 24.62 4.58 0 24 .62 4.58 8 22.48 10 24.62 4.54 22 22.76 4.43 20 23,.40 4.47 44 19.10 3.44 30 21,.50 4.36 66 15.36 2.43 50 3.00 18..00 88 13.92 2.30 75 14..55 2.33 131 12.98 2.20 100 13..42 2.25 178 12.84 2.16 150 12,.91 2.17 222 12.72 1.99 200 2.10 12..78 271 12.30 1.43 250 12.,50 1.70 363 10.28 0.60 300 1.11 11..83 459 8.45 0.58 400 9.,50 0.58 550 7.32 500 7,,85 0.70 0.89 5.92 600 749 1.18 6..93 0.95 4.88 948 1.63 700 6..24 1.08 1137 4.00 800 1.78 5..65 1.29 4..64 1000 1.69



HORIZON; June 24, 1952; 1528, 1702 GCT; 0°06'S, 96'52'W; sounding, 1780 fm; wind, 140°, force 3; weather, clear; sea, moderate; wire angle, 10°, 10°. 0 21.56 4.35 1.26 5 .4 0 21.56 4 .35 1 .26 5 21.42 5 .2 10 4.41 1.26 10 21.42 4..41 1,.26 5 30 20.70 5 .8 4.12 21.17 4..35 1.31 20 1..28 5 45 19.54 7 .6 1.42 30 20.70 4,.12 3.68 1,.31 5 15.75 69 10 .3 3.20 1.69 50 18.90 3.,60 1,.48 8 92 14.80 2.70 12 .8 1.89 75 15.44 3..01 1..75 11 1.96 115 2.74 13.,9 100 14.06 14.56 2..71 1,,92 13 2.03 16.0 170 2.55 150 13.49 2.,00 13.32 2..62 15 2.13 226 2.26 14..9 200 13.01 13.15 2..44 2..07 80 1.07 2.52 282 22.,7 250 12.42 1..81 2.,24 12.82 81 0.43 2.77 339 30..8 300 12.12 2.,64 11.21 0..81 27 3.00 447 8.94 0.46 43..0 400 9.74 0. 43 2. 38 559 0.98 3.02 47..5 7.63 500 8.31 0..69 3. 02 46 1.42 670 6.52 2.98 55.,1 600 7.22 1. 20 3..01 51 700 6.26 1.50 2..98 57 342a) 11.16 0.44 2.82 31.,7 800 5.50 1. 66 3..00 69 626 3.12 6.79 1.32 52. 9 1000 4 .'43 1. 70 3..24 89 838 1.67 3.04 74. 2 1200 5.28 3.68 1. 94 3. 14 74 947 3.20 4.73 1.63 86. 8 1500 3.06 2. 10 3. 09 124 3.24 998 4.44 1.69 91. 4 2000 2.24 2. 44 2. 96 143 3.22 1055 4.06 1.82 100. 1 2500 2. 89 1.88 2. 85 153 1107 3.92 1.96 3.18 102. 6 1163 3.77 1.94 3.15 106. 6 1272 3.61 1.94 3.13 111. 2 1607 2.16 3.06 2.82 128. 9 2207 2.04 2.64 2.92 149.4 2810 1.74 3.04 2.78 155. 2 a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.








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HORIZON; June 25, 1952; 0043 GCT; 1°03'S, 96°33'W; sounding, 1800 fm; wind, 140°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 5 0 ° . 0 22.27 4.72 0 22..27 4..72 7 22.27 4.51 10 22..23 4.,51 20 4.54 22.15 20 22..15 4.,54 37 21.52 4.26 30 21..89 4..45 57 16.42 2.09 50 17..75 2..13 14.99 2.24 76 75 15..00 2..23 2.47 119 13.22 100 13.,71 2..41 13.00 2.20 166 150 13..07 2..25 2.15 216 12.62 200 12.,73 2..16 269 12.52 1.74 250 12..56 1,.96 10.49 372 0.52 300 12..02 1..22 8.60 0.93 484 400 9. ,97 0. .57 1.44 7.15 595 500 8..36 1..01 5.22 1.74 823 600 7.,10 1,.46 1.74 4.34 1048 700 6. ,13 1. 64 3.70 1.96 1264 800 5. 38 1.,72 1000 4. .53 1.,73 1200 3. .89 1. 88 HORIZON; June 25, 1952; 1042, 1244 GCT; 2 ° 1 2 . 5 ' S , 96°32'W; sounding, 1870 fm; wind, 140°, force 5; weather, partly cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 20°, 0 6 ° . 4.63 22.98 0 1.14 1 .8 0 4.,63 22.98 1.,14 1..8 4.65 22.98 9 1.13 2,.9 10 22.98 4..65 1..13 2..9 23.00 4.65 28 1.14 2 .3 20 23.00 4..65 1,.14 2. 6 4.37 22.30 1.23 41 4..1 30 23.00 4..63 1..14 2..4 2.40 15.02 63 1.81 13..0 50 18.55 2.,90 1,,18 7,.3 85 18..0 13.87 2.04 75 14.33 2..35 1.84 1,,94 17. 2 108 18.,4 100 13.38 2.18 13.51 1.75 1,,80 2.,20 18 161 12.82 2.06 18, .4 150 12.90 2..02 2.08 2..08 18 213 2.17 18..7 200 12.68 12.70 2. ,04 2.02 2. .14 19 266 1.59 21, ,1 12.50 2.26 250 12.55 1,,80 2. ,23 20 318 27, .0 12.08 2.66 300 0.29 12.29 0. ,50 2. .48 25 417 9.24 39. ,4 400 0.47 2.88 9.70 0.,37 2. 87 37 528 45. ,7 7.58 3.04 500 1.04 7.93 0. 93 2. 99 45 637 54, ,4 6.55 3.08 600 6.87 1.25 1..28 3. 08 51 700 6.06 1. 50 3. ,05 60 343a) 10.94 2.84 26. 8 800 0.17 5.49 1. 69 3 . 00 68 630 54. 2 6.51 1.44 2.88 1000 4.47 1. 57 3 . 12 93 844 2.99 70. 9 5.28 1.74 1200 3.72 1. 83 3 . 06 107 953 4.66 1.51 3.08 88. 6 1500 3.03 1. 96 3 . 02 122 1004 4.47 1.58 3.12 93. 1 2000 2.24 2. 30 2 . 86 137 1060 4.30 1.69 3.10b) 94. 9 2500 1.97 2 . 80 2 . 71 148 1112 4.13 1.76 3.08 99. 7 1169 3.86 1.78 3.06 104. 0 1279 3.52 1.97 3.06 115. 2 1617 2.76 1.96 3.00 124. 7 2210 2.09 2.52 2.76 142. 9 2809 1.76 3.03 2.70 152.8 a) Overlapping ccasts; reconciliation of property curves when n e c e s s a r y . b) Mean value o)f 3.07 and 3.14 Mg a t / L .








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HORIZON; June 25, 1952; 2116 GCT; 3 o 0 3 . 5 ' S . 9 6 ' 1 8 . 5 ' W ; sounding, 1800 f m ; wind, 140°, f o r c e 5; weather, p a r t l y cloudy; sea, high; wire angle, 23°. 0 23..27 4,.56 0 23,.27 4.56 23.,26 9 4..75 10 23,.26 4.75 26 23,,10 4,.61 20 23 .16 4.69 15.,74a) 53 30 1..95 23,.08 4.52 14, 18 80 1..92 50 17..40 1.98 106 13,.68 1.,70 75 14,.33 1.92 13..12 0..58 158 100 13..74 1.79 210 12,,54 0.,47 150 13,.20 0.67 261 12.,14 0..31 200 12..64 0.47 312 11.,54 0.,23 250 12..22 0.35 410 8.,74 0. 52 300 11..73 0.24 7.,82 512 0. 48 400 8..90 0.49 613 6. 67 1. 03 500 7,,96 0.46 816 5. 38 1. 63 600 6..83 0.95 1014 4. 62 1. 58 700 5. 98 1.40 1215 3. 83 1. 82 800 5..45 1.63 1000 4. 68 1.58 1200 3. 90 1.80 HORIZON; June 26, 1952; 0700, 0834 GCT; 4 ' 1 2 ' S , 96 o 07'W; sounding, 1940 fm; wind, 130", f o r c e 5; weather, o v e r c a s t ; sea, very rough; w i r e angle, 25°, 21°. 23.30 0 4 .68 1.16 2.9 0 23.30 4 .68 1 .16 8 23.28 4 .82 1.12 2.9 10 23.27 4 .81 1 .12 23.22 4 .69 25 1.13 3.1 20 23.24 4 .72 1,.12 22.67 4 .46 38 3.4 30 1.18 23.20 4 .61 1 .15 16.78 2 .08 58 1.92 11.3 50 19.25 3 .45 1,.31 79 14.46 1,.13 2.24 16.2 75 14.60 1,.22 2,.20 100 13.84 0,.90 2.34 20.0 100 13.84 0..90 2,.34 150 0,,44 13.17 2.49 21.8 150 13.17 0..44 2..49 199 0,.32 12.72 2.58 25.7 200 12.72 0..32 2..58 246 12.36 0.,35 2.62b) 25.9 250 12.32 0..34 2,.62 296 0,,22 2.69 11.98 28.3 11.90 300 0..21 2,.70 388 0..16 2.97 9.78 38.5 400 9.50 0.,17 2.,99 492 7.94 0..33 47.9 3.08 500 7.86 0. 35 3..09 594 7.00 0..46 3.20 57.4 600 6.96 0. 59 3.,13 700 6.16 0. 98 3. 16 11.30 0. 19 315c) 3.06 29.2 800 5.55 1. 34 3. 20 571 7.17 0..56 3.12 54.0 1000 4.64 1. 63 3. 19 761 5.74 1. 21 3.18 67.9 1200 3.79 1. 62 3. 06 856 5.35 3.14 1.,48 74.3 1500 3.06 2. 20 2. 89 901 5.20 1. 40 3.16d) 77.9 2000 2.27 2. 39 2. 93 951 4.92 1. 36 3.22 82.1 2500 1.89 2. 77 2. 90 997 4.66 1. 62 3.19 86.8 1049 4.54 1. 71 3.16 87.7 1146 4.05 1. 59 3.14e) 100.4 1456 3.14 2. 14 2.89 118.4 2021 2.24 2. 41 2.93 148.3 2609 1.84 2. 89 2.89 150.5 a) b) c) d) e)


88 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 8 15 20 22 26 26 28 40 49 58 64 71 87 104 110 147 150

Alternate value of 15.51 °C. Mean value of 2 . 5 8 and 2 . 6 5 Mg a t / L . Overlapping c a s t s ; reconciliation of p r o p e r t y c u r v e s when n e c e s s a r y . Alternate value, 3 . 2 5 Mg a t / L , not used in interpolation. Mean value of 3 . 0 9 and 3.19 Mg a t / L .







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Mg at/L

partly cloudy; 6ea, high; wire angle, 24°. 23.,08 4..83 23,.06 4.,87 23..03 4.,85 18.51a) 2,,59 15..28 1.,28 13..83 0..65 12..87 0.,44 12,.49 0.,35 12..20 0..32 0..32 11..80 10,.64 0..15 8.,90 0..34 7,,45 0.,31 5..67 1.,36 4.,61 1.,44 3,.83 1..78

0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000

23.,08 23.,06 23.,05 23.,03 19.,10 15.,65 14..07 12.,89 12. 51 12. 19 11.,76 10.,45 8.,65 7.,21 6.,17 5.,53 4.,48

4.85 4.89 4.87 4.64 3.00 1.50 0.74 0.45 0.37 0.34 0.34 0.16 0.34 0.40 0.97 1.48 1.50

HORIZON; June 27, 1952; 0200, 0226, 0252, 0415 GCT; e'Ol'S, 95°46'W; sounding, 2150 f m ; 140°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 30° . 45°, 40°, 12°. 0 24. 18 1.,16b) 4..69 2,.7 0 24..18 4. 71 1..16 8 24. 20 4.,71 1.,16 2,.9 10 24..20 4. 73 1..16 26 24. 20 4..73 1..15 2,.9 20 24..20 4. 74 1.,16 38 24. 18 4..73 1..12 2..9 30 24.,19 4. 75 1..14 24. 10 4. 65 58 1..16 2..5 50 24..13 4. 73 1..12 76 18. 58 2.,53 1.,76 9..4 75 19..60 4.,68 1..62 92 15. 53 1. 24 2.,24 12..8 100 14..79 1. 00 2.,30 132 13. 01 0..56 2.42c) 22..5 150 12,,80 1. 55 2.,50 172 12. 61 0. 52 2.48d) 200 23.,8 12..36 0. 47 2..59 12. 23 0. 48 2.,62 215 25..7 250 0. 51 11..96 2.,63 11. 91 0. 51 2.,64 26,,8 300 258 11..51 0. 40 2. 69 400 10,.02 0. 23 2.,82 344 10.94 0. 28 2. 75 500 33. 8 8.,60 0. 30 2.,89 600 7.,43 0. 28 3. 10 441 9. 37 0. 23 2..84 40..7 700 6.,32 0. 39 3.,26 8. 04 0. 36 2. 92 47.,2 800 548 5..49 0. 90 3.,26 1000 4..36 1. 52 3. 25 358e) 10.79 0. 24 2. 80 33.,7 1200 3.,76 1. 94 3.,18 640 6. 97 0. 21 3. 26 1500 53.,1 3.,03 2. 13 3.,03 853 5. 20 3. 26 73.,8 2000 1. 15 2.,35 2. 34 2. 94 961 4. 54 1. 56 3. 24 84.,6 1013 4. 32 3. 25 91.,3 1. 51 1070 4. 13 3. 27 1. 57 96.,8 1122 3. 98 3. l O f ) 100..4 1. 57 1178 3. 83 1. 92 3. 20 103.,5 3. 50 3. 14g) 1288 1. 98 111..2 1626 2. 82 2. 20 3..01 125..5 2228 2. 12 2. 49 2. 90 149. 4 a) b) c) d) e) f) g)




HORIZON; June 26, 1952; 1730 GCT; 5°04'S, 95°56'W; sounding, 1920 fm; wind, 110°, force 4; weather, 0 9 27 54 80 104 152 202 249 297 389 486 579 775 970 1170



Alternate value, 18.38°C, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 1.09'and 1.23 Mg at/L. Mean value of 2.38 and 2.48 pig at/L. Mean value of 2.41 and 2.54 Mg at/L. Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Mean value of 3.06 and 3.13 Mg at/L. Mean value of 3.10 and 3.17 Mg at/L.

wind, 2.,7 2. 9 2. 9 2. 9 2. 6 9 15 24 25 27 30 38 45 50 59 69 90 106 121 139





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k® at/L

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HORIZON; June 27, 1952; 1450 GCT; 7°09'S, 95°24'W; sounding, 2240 fm; wind, 120°, force 5; weather, overcast; sea, high; wire angle, 21°. 24,.17 4.69 0 24.,17 4.,69 0 24.,19 4.70 10 4..70 9 24..18 24,,20 4.70 20 24.,20 4..69 28 24..20 4.69 30 24.,18 4..67 56 24,.18 4.69 50 2..46 83 18. 51 22..20 2.56 75 109 14.,68 1..08 2.07 100 15.,27 0,.39 162 12.,34 12,.77 0.50 150 0..58 215 11.,63 200 11,.80 0.53 0.,09 11. 10 268 0.27 250 11..28 0..09 10.,42 323 300 10.,73 0.09 0.,22 427 9.,15 400 9.,49 0.18 7.,87 0,,25 536 500 8..29 0.23 641 6.,81 0..45 600 7..22 0.34 5.,16 1,.25 855 700 6.,31 0.69 4.,19 1..66 1062 800 5..53 1.07 3.,58 1266 1.,82 4.,44 1000 1.54 1200 3..73 1.77 HORIZON; June 27-28, 1952; 2325, 0102 GCT; 8 "Ol'S, 95°25.5'W; sounding, 2250 force 5; weather, partly cloudy; Bea, high; wire angle, 15°, 18°. 24.04 0 4.73 3.1 24.04 0 4.73 1 • 13a) 10 24.06 4.73 2.3 24.06 4.73 1,,13 9 20 24.06 4.74 24.06 4.76 1,.12 2.2 28 30 24.05 4.76 24.02 2.3 42 4.73 1 .13 24.02 50 4.47 20.26 3.50 3.1 65 1,.56 2.50 18.30 9.7 75 1.31 2.,25 15.86 88 0.42 19.4 100 14.05 0.15 2,,82 112 13.48 0.18 23.9 150 12.71 2..78 167 12.50 0.25 0.36 2 .81 200 12.10 27.0 0.38 222 11.86 0.33 11.53 30.4 250 0.26 2,,84 277 11.22 10.97 0.23 300 32.9 10.62 0.21 2,,88 331 0.20 9.84 400 0.20 2,,92 37.8 435 9.42 0.17 46.1 500 8.50 0.17 3,.08 7.84 546 0.25 53.3 600 7.21 3..28 654 6.62 0.33 0.46 700 6.19 0.80 33.3 800 5.39 0.20 2,,99 336b) 10.63 4.37 1.49 51.5 1000 6.96 0.29 3,,14 619 73.1 1.81 3.,17 1200 3.68 832 5.18 0.89 80.1 2.90 2.15 3,,22 1500 4.67 1.25 939 2.57 85.5 2000 2.19 4.41 1.45 3,,24 990 4.21 1.63 3..28 89.3 1046 1.69 3.,31 92.5 1097 4.06 3.,36 97.6 1153 3.82 1.75 3.,35 104.8 1259 3.53 1.86 2.66 2.27 3.,06 120.8 1593 144.0 2.64 2.,98 2191 2.08


fm; wind, 140°, 1.,13 1,,13 1,.12 1.,12 1..18 1..84 2..68 2,,80 2.,79 2. 82 2. 86 2.,91 3.,00 3. 13 3.,17 3.,16 3. 25 3. 36 3. 14 2. 99

3.,1 2.,2 2. 2 2, 2 2..4 5. 8 15 23 26 28 31 36 43 50 57 69 87 102 117 137

a) Alternate value, 1.20 ug at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.








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HORIZON; J u n e 28, 1952; 1142 GCT; 8°57'S, 95°11'W; sounding, 2020 f m ; wind, 120°, f o r c e 5; w e a t h e r , cloudy; sea, high; w i r e angle, 3 1 ° . 0 24.14 4. 66 0 24.14 4.66 10 24.17 4.,72 24.18 4.72 8 24.20 4.,73 20 24.19 26 4.72 51 24.16 4..68 30 24.20 4.72 21.91a) 50 24.16 4.67 76 3.,74 100 16.34 75 22.00 3.87 1..24 0.,14 100 16.34 144 13.21 1.24 189 0.,18 150 13.05 0.14 12.18 0..26 200 12.04 0.22 236 11.63 284 11.24 0.,16 250 11.53 0.24 10.34 0. 21 300 11.10 0.17 378 474 9.00 0.,17 400 10.04 0.20 567 0.,17 500 8.55 7.48 0.15 770 5.60 0.,66 600 7.05 0.21 967 4.60 700 6.14 0.44 1.,22 1162 800 5.44 3.82 0.76 1. 66 1000 4.47 1.30


HORIZON; J u n e 28, 1952; 2028, 2225 f o r c e 4; w e a t h e r , p a r t l y cloudy; s e a , 4. 65 0.99 0 24.21 0.96 9 24.22 4..74 0.96 24.24 4.,75 26 0.96 4.,75 39 24.18 1.36 60 4.,37 20.78 1.34 4.,27 82 18.99 103 16.34 2. 43 2.03 13.06 0. 23 153 2.76 204 11.97 0.,44 2.84 254 0.,41 11.42 2.84b) 0.,46 305 10.96 2.88 9.84 0. 25 400 2.88 0.,39 502 8.40 3.10 601 0.,39 7.12 3.26 266c) 493 660 745 786 831 870 914 1000 1272 1767 a) b) c) d) e)


11.30 8.33 6.46 5.80 5.54 5.26 5.01 4.78 4.40 3.52 2.54

0. 43 0. 36 0. 31 0.,78 0. 90 0.,98 1. 09 1. 37 1. 66 1. 88 2. 34

2.78 3.20 3.36 3.46 3.46 3.44 3.42 3.42d) 3.40e) 3.35 3.20

OD itt

'; 9 ° 5 8 . 5 ' S , 95 °01'W; sounding, 2050 f m ; i; w i r e angle, 27°, 4 2 ° . 1..6 0 24..21 4..65 24..22 4..74 1,.3 10 1..4 20 24..24 4..75 1..4 30 24..23 4..75 1,.4 4..48 50 22..23 1..3 75 19..60 4..32 7..4 100 16..65 2..80 150 13..20 0.,23 17.,5 24,,7 200 0,.43 12.,03 250 0,,41 31.,5 11.,45 300 31.,9 11.00 0..46 0..25 400 9. 36.,7 41.,4 500 8..45 0..47 600 7.,15 0.,50 47.,9 700 6.,09 0.,49 800 28. 6 5..44 0..94 41.,0 1000 4.,40 1.,66 1200 55.,3 3.,72 1.,86 60.,8 1500 3.,03 2.,08 61.9 67.7 73.8 75.6 81.4 103.5 129.8

A l t e r n a t e value, 2 1 . 7 6 ° C , not used in interpolation. Mean value of 2 . 8 1 and 2 . 8 8 Mg a t / L . Overlapping c a s t s ; reconciliation of p r o p e r t y c u r v e s when n e c e s s a r y . Mean value of 3 . 3 8 and 3.46 ng a t / L . Mean value of 3 . 3 6 and 3 . 4 3 Mg a t / L .

wind, 120°, 0. 99 0. 96 0.,96 0. 96 0. 99 1. 21 2. 00 2. 75 2. 84 2. 88 2. 88 2. 88 3. 10 3. 26 3. 42 3. 46 3. 40 3. 36 3. 29

1. 6 1..3 1..4 1..4 1.,4 1.,3 6. 0 17 25 30 32 37 42 48 59 63 81 98 117





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Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; June 29, 1952; 0723 GCT; 9°30'S, 94"08.5'W; sounding, 1980 fm; wind, 120°, force 5; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 30°. 0 23.91 4.86 0 23.91 4.86 23.92 4.80 8 10 23.92 4.80 26 23.93 4.79 20 23.93 4.79 50 23.92 4.73 30 23.93 4.79 74 19.50 4.36 50 23.92 4.73 97 17.03 3.15 75 19.47 4.35 143 13.00 0.07 100 16.65 2.55 190 12.36 0.19 150 12.84 0.07 236 12.00 0.19 200 12.27 0.19 285 11.38 0.33 250 11.83 0.23 379 10.13 0.36 300 11.14 0.34 482 8.98 0.35 400 9.91 0.36 580 7.42 0.12 500 8.69 0.30 782 5.56 0.72 600 7.19 0.14 978 4.48 1.33 700 6.20 0.41 1170 3.72 1.74 800 5.44 0.78 1000 4.39 1.40 HORIZON; June 29, 1952; 1547, 1607, 1740 GCT; 9°00'S, 93'16'W; sounding, 2130 fm; wind, force 6; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 15°, 15°, 35°. 0 23.92 4.79 0.67 0 0 23.92 4 .79 0.67 10 23.94 4.82 0.70 0.4 4 .82 10 23.94 0.70 29 23.95 4.85 0.72 0.5 20 23.95 4 .84 0.71 43 23.93 0.72 4.81 0.5 30 4 .85 23.95 0.72 66 22.42 4.82 0.83 0.5 4 .81 50 23.93 0.74 89 18.46 4.04 1.30 1.4 75 20.80 4 .62 0.94 100 3 .35 15.85 1.68 112 14.39 1.97 2.48 1.6 150 12.79 0,.50 2.57 166 0.25 2.67 12.48 7.4 200 12.03 0..39 2.65 220 11.80 2.64 0.48 25.7 250 11.40 0..43 2.67 275 11.12 0.32 2.74 27.0 300 0..35 10.88 2.76 332 10.52 0.24 2.80 32.0 400 0,.40 9.63 2.81 9.09 439 0.40 2.81 36.9 500 0..32 8.13 2.93 551 3.07 7.48 0.26 47.2 600 7.01 0.,27 3.14 662 6.44 0.31 3.16 55.1 700 6.10 0.,40 3.17 800 5.34 0.,74 3.17 293a) 10.92 0.35 2.72 31.7 1000 4.36 1. 58 3.14 573 7.30 0.25 3.12 49.9 1200 3.66 1. 98 3.06 774 5.50 0.63 3.18 67.0 1500 2.94 2. 01 3.04 872 4.94 1.07 3.15 74.2 2000 2.27 2. 42 2.86 919 4.72 1.21 3.18 80.1 970 4.48 1.43 3.19 80.6 1015 4.29 1.65 3.12 83.2 1066 4.14 1.63 3.11 90.4 1161 3.80 1.96 3.07 98.6 1461 3.02 2.00 3.04 120.8 2005 2.26 2.85 2.43 142.4




0 0.,4 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 8 1. 5 4. 0 20 30 32 35 42 52 59 69 85 102 123 142

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.












Hg a t / L

Mg a t / L



°2 ml/L



Hg a t / L

ng a t / L


HORIZON; June 30, 1952; 0312 GCT; 8 0 4 3 ' S , 92°12'W; sounding, 2040 f m ; wind, 120°, f o r c e 5; weather, cloudy; s e a , v e r y rough; wire angle, 3 0 ° . 0 4,.73 23. 42 0 23..42 4.73 8 23. 42 4..74 10 23..42 4.74 24 4..77 23. 41 20 23..41 4.76 4.,76 48 23..41 30 23,.41 4.77 72 19. 86 3..34 50 23..41 4.74 95 1..86 75 15.,01 19..20 3.20 141 12. 85 0..12 100 14..55 1.52 0..36 150 189 12. 23 12..70 0.14 0..38 200 12..06 0.37 235 11.,70 0..25 284 11..22 250 11,.55 0.35 0..18 386 9. 66 300 11,.04 0.24 486 0..20 400 9.44 0.20 8..18 579 7. 07 0.,15 500 8.,00 0.23 772 5. 58 0..80 600 6..79 0.20 960 4. 58 1..25 700 6..06 0.58 1..81 800 0.87 1145 3..87 5.,41 1000 4.,40 1.37


HORIZON; June 30, 1952; 1105, 1237 f o r c e 4; w e a t h e r , d r i z z l e ; s e a , v e r y 0.88a) 0 23..54 4.69 4.61 0.88 10 23..56 1.02 29 23.,54 4.75 4.72 0.98 43 23..54 1.06 66 22.70 4.48 2.44 89 16.16 0.18 112 13..93 0.44 2.66 12.,34 0.26 166 2.68 0.14 220 11.,78 2.69 272 2.77 11.,30 0.78 0.20 327 10.,62 2.90 0.21 429 9.,10 3.00 539 7. 62 0.13 3.19 646 6..48 0.37 3.31 320b) 593 792 894 942 993 1044 1097 1198 1519 2094 2675 a) b) c) d)


10.74 7. 26 5..63 4. 94 4. 72 4. 48 4. 24 4. 05 3. 72 2. 94 2. 18 1. 84

0.21 0.17 0.86 1.25 1.35 1.14 1.15 1.71 1.86 2.16 2.43 2.97

Mean value of 0 . 8 4 Overlapping c a s t s ; Mean value of 3 . 1 1 Mean value of 2 . 8 8

2.77 3.10 3.16 3.16 3.14c) 3.18 3.17 3.20 3.08 3.02 2.92d) 2.80

'; 8 o 2 0 ' S , 91°13'W; sounding, 2320 f m ; wind, 120°, l; w i r e angle, 12°, 18°. 0 0 23.,54 4,.69 0. 88 10 4,.61 1.3 23. 56 0. 88 0.5 20 23..55 4..70 0.98 30 4,.75 0.5 23..54 1. 02 1.3 50 23..54 4..70 0. 99 11.0 75 20.,30 0,.23 1. 19 100 14.,88 18.0 0..33 2. 59 26.8 150 12.,66 0,.33 2. 68 27.7 200 11.,97 0,,16 2. 68 31.1 250 11.,53 0,,55 2. 73 38.5 300 11. 01 0..46 2. 81 42.8 400 9.,53 0,,23 2. 96 48.2 500 8.,12 0,.16 600 6. 92 71.8 0,.18 700 6. 05 0..53 35.6 800 5. 59 0.89 3. 16 50.9 1000 4..44 1.,50 3. 18 65.9 1200 3. 72 1..86 3. 08 74.9 1500 2.,14 2.,97 3. 02 81.4 2000 2. 36 2..40 2. 95 85.7 2500 1. 93 2..80 2. 83 91.8 92.9 101.0 122.2 145.1 149.4

and 0 . 9 2 ug a t / L . reconciliation of p r o p e r t y c u r v e s when n e c e s s a r y . and 3 . 1 8 tig a t / L . and 2 . 9 7 tig a t / L .

0 1.3 1.1 0.5 0.7 4 15 25 27 29 33 42 46 51 59 67 87 101 121 142 149





°2 ml/L











°2 ml/L


P04-P Mg


SiOj-Si Mg


HORIZON; June 30, 1952; 2125, 2152 GCT; 7°50'S, 90°26.5'W; sounding, 2270 f m ; wind, 140°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, high; wire angle, 30°, 40°. 23.40 0 0 4..82 23..40 4.82 23.40 4 .81 10 23 .40 8 4.81 4..82 20 26 23.38 23..39 4.81 52 23.34 4..77 30 23..37 4.82 77 16.86 2..39 50 23..34 4.78 100 14.36 0..13 75 17..30 2.65 147 12.72 0..20 100 14,.36 0.13 193 12.14 0..38 150 12..66 0.22 200 12..07 0.39 205 12.06 0..39 250 11..73 0.44 249 11.73 0..44 300 11..27 0.22 332 10.94 0..13 400 10..03 0.21 417 9.70 0..21 500 7.,76 0.18 499 7.77 0..18 600 6..85 0.24 6.28 0. 41 673 700 6.,06 0.50 5.02 800 853 1.,10 5.,35 0.88 4.11 1000 4.,33 1048 1. 63 1.54 HORIZON; July 1, 1952; 0428 , 0610 GCT; 7°26'S, 89°31'W; sounding, 2250 fm; wind, 140°, force 4 e weather, drizzle; sea, rough;; wire angle, 22°, 25 0 23.14 4.71 1.14a) 0 0 23.14 4..71 1,.14 0 23.16 9 4.73 1.16 1.4 10 23.16 4..73 1 .16 1.4 23.17 4.74 20 28 1.12 1.4 23.16 4..74 1.4 1,.14 41 23.14 4.73 1.10 30 23.17 1.3 4,.74 1..11 1.4 23.13 23.14 63 4.69 1.16 1.3 50 4,.71 1..11 1.3 84 17.20 1.45 2.30 7.9 75 23.12 3..70 1,.48 3.5 0.14 2.74b) 16.9 14.34 0..19 105 14.06 100 2..76 15 2.84 0.24 24.8 0.,23 156 12.70 150 2..84 25 12.81 25.7 0.56 2.86 200 12.14 0.,54 2..86 208 12.05 26 2.84 261 11.47 0.33 28.8 250 11.60 0,.41 2..84 28 0.23 2.93 31.3 300 11.13 0..26 315 10.96 2..90 30 9.39 0.20 39.4 400 0.,20 414 3.12c) 9.63 3.,12 38 0.18 3.29 47.7 500 8.04 0,.18 523 7.68 3.,28 46 6.60 0.28 3.46 56.3 600 0.,23 636 6.86 3.,25 54 700 6.13 0. 46 3. 19 62 0.20 32.2 5.37 0.,84 325d) 10.81 800 3. 13 72 591 7.11 0.21 52.6 1000 4.45 1. 40 3. 12 88 3.14 792 5.42 0.81 71.3 1200 3.80 1. 68 3. 06 103 4.94 1.14 3.13 895 77.8 1500 3.00 2. 14 3. 00 121 1.25 3.14e) 83.2 2.27 945 4.68 2000 2. 43 2. 87 143 3.12 1001 4.45 1.40 87.7 2500 2. 77 1.91 2. 72 149 4.24 1.54 3.13 92.3 1051 1.57 3.10 95.0 1106 4.06 3.75 1.70 3.06f) 104.0 1213 2.99 123.1 1548 2.90 2.19 2149 2.46 2.83g) 148.3 2.13 1.80 2.66 149.4 2756 3.03 a) b) c) d) e) f) g)



Alternate value, 1.23 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 2.70 and 2.78 Mg at/L. Mean value of 3.08 and 3.15 Mg at/L. Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Mean value of 3.10 and 3.18 Mg at/L. Mean value of 3.02 and 3.09 Mg at/L. Mean value of 2.83 and 2.90 Mg at/L.







°2 ml/L


SiO a -Si



Mg at/L





°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; July 1, 1952; 1401 GCT; 7°00'S, 88°36.5'W; sounding, missing; wind, 120°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 18°. 4.73 0 23. 13 4. 73 0 23. 13 4.79 23. 12 10 23. 12 4..79 10 4.75 20 23. 13 4.,77 23. 14 29 4.71 30 23. 12 23. 14 4.,75 56 0.99 50 23. 13 4.,74 84 16. 40 0.14 20. 60 13. 84 75 1. 67 111 0.27 100 14. 65 0. 32 164 12. 46 0.52 150 12. 72 0.,21 217 11. 88 0.36 200 12. 05 0.,47 11. 40 269 0.19 250 0. 44 10. 82 11. 56 322 0.11 300 0.,25 9.44 11. 05 423 0.13 400 0. 13 7. 74 9. 79 529 0.23 500 0. 12 8. 20 632 6. 55 0.88 600 0. 20 6. 87 842 5. 12 1.44 700 5. 99 0. 41 1042 4. 34 1.67 800 5. 36 0. 73 3. 64 1237 1000 4. 51 1. 34 1200 3. 77 1. 63


HORIZON; July 2, 1952; 0139 GCT; 6°32'S, 87°39'W; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 31°. 1.01 23.00 4.75 0.4 0 0.94 4.75 0.4 23.01 8 1.01 4.78 23.03 0.5 26 1.04 4.75 0.4 23.00 38 1.04 4.79 0.0 22.97 60 81 17.69 1.73 3.1 2.14 16.4 101 14.63 0.18 2.57 24.5 148 12.64 0.17 2.60 25.7 195 12.14 0.98 2.56 242 11.66 25.9 0.75 2.55 28.3 292 0.78 11.11 2.55 38.3 388 9.92 0.12 2.80 494 7.82 47.9 0.21 3.00a) 56.7 6.72 0.52 605 3.13 a) Mean value of 2.94 and 3.06 ug at/L.


sounding, 2370 fm; wind, 140°, force 4; 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600

23.,00 23. 02 23. 03 23. 02 22. 98 22. 96 14. 80 12. 62 12. 10 11. 58 11. 03 9. 65 7. 76 6. 77

4. 75 4. 76 4. 77 4.,76 4. 78 3. 80 0. 19 0. 19 0. 94 0. 74 0. 76 0. 12 0. 24 0. 51

1.,01 0.,94 0.,97 1.,03 1.,04 1.,10 2.,57 2.,60 2.,56 2.,55 2.,56 2. 83 3. 01 3. 13

0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.0 1.3 16 25 26 26 29 39 49 56























Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; July 2, 1952; 1200, 1243 GCT; 6*03'S, 86°43'W; sounding, 2290 fm; weather, cloudy; sea,! rough; wire angle, 18°, 26°. 0 21.41 4. 76 0 21..41 4.76 9 21.42 4. 84 10 21. 42 4.84 28 21.42 4. 86 20 21. 42 4.86 17.11 55 1. 50 30 21.,42 4.84 82 15.15 0. 67 50 19. 50 2.45 13.92 108 1. 10 75 15. 60 0.75 0. 43 100 161 13. 08 14. 19 0.58 213 12.66 0. 37 150 13. 23 0.44 266 12.18 0. 48 200 12. 76 0.38 11.57 320 250 12. 33 1. 02 0.41 419 9.43 0. 10 300 11. 84 0.89 527 7.42 0. 41 400 9. 84 0.17 632 6.37 0. 51 500 7. 89 0.34 850 5.12 600 1. 13 6. 64 0.48 700 5. 93 0.67 1025 4.48 800 1. 28 5. 37 1.00 1223 3.82 1000 1. 52 4. 57 1.26 1200 3. 89 1.48


HORIZON; July 2, 1952; 1908, 2100 GCT; 5°48'S, 85°54'W; sounding, 2240 fm; wind, 120°, force 4; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 28°, 22°. 20,.94 0 4,.83 0 20..94 1.16 1,.3 4.83 1..16 1. 3 20..94 8 4..85 10 20..93 1.36 1,.4 4.85 1..37 1. 4 20..88 24 4..82 1.40 1,.4 20 20..90 4.83 1..39 1. 4 20,,56 37 4.,61 1.52a) 1,.6 30 20..82 4.76 1..43 1. 5 17,.63 58 50 1.,78 2.02 9..4 19.,40 3.65 2..84 6. 0 15,.45 2.07 13..9 75 78 1.,42 15.,63 1.42 2.,07 13. 5 14.,2 14.,91 99 14.,93 1. 76 1.92b) 100 1.76 1.,96 14 149 1. 03 2.20 18..4 150 14. 16 1.03 14.,18 2.,20 18 0. 64 199 13.,67 2.31 21..2 200 13. 65 0.64 2.,31 21 0. 48 2.44 23.,4 251 12.,88 250 12.88 0.48 2. 44 23 302 0. 21 2.66 12.,22 28.,1 300 12. 26 0.22 2. 61 28 0. 27 2.88 36.,7 404 9. 79 400 9. 89 0.26 2. 87 37 513 7. 60 0. 24 3.10 51. 1 500 7. 76 0.24 3. 09 49 624 0. 25 3.17 60. 3 600 0.27 6. 64 6. 83 3. 12 57 700 6. 11 0.56 3. 08 65 0. 17 29. 3 322c) 2.63 800 5. 53 0.90 11. 90 3. 01 72 0. 30 57. 8 607 3.07 1000 4. 59 1.33 2. 98 6. 74 89 0. 98 73. 4 1200 819 5. 42 2.99 3. 85 1.63 2. 94 103 82. 8 925 4. 88 1. 25 2.96 1500 3. 09 1.90 2. 92 120 975 4. 69 1. 28 3.02d) 86. 8 2000 2. 37 2.42 2. 81 141 1031 4. 48 3.06e) 92. 0 2500 1. 94 1. 39 2.82 2. 69 149 3. l O f ) 1081 4. 34 1. 43 95. 0 97. 4 1136 4. 12 1. 54 3.03 1242 3. 75 1. 66 2.88 106. 9 1566 2. 90 1. 99 2.92 122. 2 2145 2. 17 2. 53 2.75 147. 8 2749 1.80 3.00 2.68 149.4 a) b) c) d) e) f)

Mean value of 1.49 Mean value of 1.89 Overlapping casts; Mean value of 2.97 Mean value of 3.00 Mean value of 3.06

and 1.56 Mg at/L. and 1.96 (ig at/L. reconciliation of property curves when necessary. and 3. 06 Mg at/L. and 3.11 Mg at/L. and 3.13 |ig at/L.























PO4-P Mg




HORIZON; July 3, 1952; 0518 GCT; 5°18'S, 85°04'W; sounding, 2390 fm; wind, 160°, force 4; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 12°. 0 20.92 4. 54 0 20.92 4.54 9 20.92 4. 57 10 20.92 4.56 4. 33 20 28 20.61 20.87 4.47 1. 75 30 56 15.65 18.15 4.24 82 15.00 50 1. 46 15.89 1.96 110 2. 01 75 14.66 15.12 1.46 100 163 14.36 1. 88 14.74 1.93 150 216 13.81 1. 10 14.45 1.95 0. 56 200 13.08 14.02 266 1.39 12.44 0. 32 250 318 13.29 0.70 417 9.70 0. 14 300 12.65 0.38 0. 16 400 519 7.60 10.30 0.16 0. 44 500 617 6.71 7.83 0.15 0. 89 600 821 5.50 6.85 0.40 700 1027 4.59 1. 30 6.16 0.64 800 5.60 1237 3.72 0.83 1. 64 4.70 1000 1.25 1200 3.87 1.60 HORIZON; July 3, 1952; 1358, 1520 GCT; 4° 48'S, 84° 12'W; sounding, 2180 fm; wind, 160°,, force 3; 25°. weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 12 0 1.45 19.64 4. 85 1.45a) 4. 3 19. 64 4.85 4.3 0 4. 88 1.49 4. 3 10 19. 64 4.88 1.49 4.3 10 19.64 20 4.82 4. 66 1.50b) 6. 8 19. 11 1.51 5.5 29 19.05 14. 0 30 18. 45 4.40 1.53 0. 90 2.14 6.9 42 15.74 50 15. 41 1.13 2.13 15.0 1. 46 1.93 16. 0 66 14.96 2.00 75 14. 76 1.44 1.94 17 14.60 1. 35 18. 2 89 100 14. 49 1.31 2.01 1. 27 2.03c) 18.,0 18 112 14.36 2.20 0. 88 2.23d) 20. 2 150 13. 82 1.01 19 167 13.56 200 0.42 2.40 24 0. 18 25. 6 13. 03 12.70 2.46 221 250 12. 34 0.33 2.45 0. 50 2.42 25. 9 26 12.08 275 300 0.59 2.46 27 0. 61 2.50e) 27.,9 11. 90 331 11.62 400 0.34 2.96 0. 16 41. 0 9. 98 36 9.12 2.86 436 500 7. 97 0.29 2.92 50 0. 47 2.91 51. 5 545 7.40 2.92 600 6. 99 0.53 56 0. 58 2.92 61.,2 652 6.62 700 6. 34 0.64 2.94 66 800 5.,76 0.84 3.02 72 0. 03 2.92 47.,2 8.44 458 f) 1000 4.,58 1.23 3.07 91 0. 52 2.90g) 52.,7 549 7.24 1200 3.,77 1.60 3.01 107 2.97 68. 9 0. 70 736 6.12 1500 3.,13 1.89 2.81 124 73.,8 5.52 0. 89 3. OOh) 833 2000 2.,26 2.70 2.48 148 3.03 77.,8 5.19 881 1. 01 (1.90) (2.58) (150) 2500 (2.83) 84..1 4.94 3.08 929 1. 08 3.07 i) 89. 6 4.67 978 1., 18 93,.1 3.07 j) 1027 4.52 1.,27 101..0 1.. 48 3.06 1124 4.09 120,.4 2.84 3.28 1..82 1423 2.72 146,,2 2.32 2..42 1934 150,.0 2.60k) 2470 1.90 2.,81 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k)


Alternate value, 1.54 (ig at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 1.46 and 1.53 (ig at/L. Alternate value, 1.94 \ig at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 2.19 and 2.27 pig at/L. Mean value of 2.46 and 2.53 ng at/L. Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Mean value of 2. 86 and 2.93 ng at/L. Mean value of 2.97 and 3.04 ng at/L. Alternate value, 2.91 pg at/L, not used in interpolation, Alternate value, 3.00 ng at/L, not used in interpolation, Mean value of 2.56 and 2.63 (ig at/L.

Z m

T °C

O2 ml/L




SI0 3 -SI Mg a t / L

Z m

T °C

02 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

HORIZON; July 3, 1952; 2312 GCT; 4°30'S, 8 3 ° 1 3 . 5 ' W ; sounding, 1890 fin; wind, 1 6 0 ° , force 4; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 1 0 ° . 4.36 19.29 0 4.36 19.29 0 4.40 10 19.28 4.40 19.28 10 4.40 19.20 20 4.40 19.08 28 19.07 4.38 30 2.39 17.61 56 3.70 50 18.52 0.94 14.75 84 1.15 15.60 75 13.80 1.21 111 0.80 14.13 100 0.53 13.19 166 13.32 0.58 150 0.34 12.69 222 0.40 200 12.86 12.04 0.33 276 0.33 250 12.33 11.44 0.45 333 11.81 0.37 300 8.08 0.22 438 11.03 0.26 400 0.43 6.93 550 7.33 0.33 500 0.60 6.30 656 0.52 600 6.62 0.49u 5.21 874 0.60 6.06 700 4.34 2.24u 1084 5.57 800 3.53 2 . 6 lu 1287 4.70 1000 3.90 1200


HORIZON; July 4,, 1952; 0640 , 0 7 1 1 , 0836 GCT; 4° 03'S, 82° 14'W; sounding, 1790 f m ; wind, 1 7 0 ° , force 2; weather, overcast; sea, slight; wire angle , 1 7 ° , 33 35°. 10. 4 3.61 1.88 0 17.29 10.4 17.29 1.88 3.61 0 10. 3 17.26 3.52 1.82 10 10.3 1.82 17.26 3.52 10 10. 4 20 17.27 3.49 1.81 10.4 1.80 17.28 3.48 28 10. 8 1.80 30 17.25 3.46 11.3 1.87 16.96 2.86 42 2.40 11. 5 50 17.03 1.88 12.2 2.06 1.88 15.86 64 13 15.55 2.11 1.88 75 13.1 1.88 2.21 15.39 86 13 1.88 2.42 15.27 13.0 100 1.88 2.44 15.22 107 2.26 18 1.17 14.45 19.1 150 2.27 1.09 14.34 156 20 2.31 0.83 13.80 20.2 200 2.32 0.79 13.72 206 25 2.58 0.24 13.01 250 32 2.65 0.25 12.10 300 23.4 2.55 0.24 13.21 237 2.92 43 0.23 9.45 400 27.2 2.62 0.27 12.45 287 50 2.89 0.42 500 7.99 42.1 2.92 0.21 9.68 388 57 2.93 0.50 7.18 600 49.9 2.89 0.42 8.02 495 3.03 68 0.84 6.27 57.1 700 2.93 0.51 7.18 602 76 1.13 3.08 5.54 800 93 1.36 2.98 1000 4.76 32.8 2.62 0.29 12.43 290a) 110 1.59 3.86 1200 52.2 2.95b) 0.41 7.65 559 131 1.97 2.93 1500 72.5 3.10 1.00 5.80 756 79.0 3.03 1.23 5.26 856 80.1 3.06 1.29 5.06 903 91.3 3.06 1.35 4.91 954 92.5 2.98 4.74 1.36 1002 101.0 3.13 1.31 4.48 1054 106.6 2.96c) 1.50 4.04 1154 126.7 2.98 1.89 3.08 1423 145.1 2.90 2.24 2.42 1862 a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. b) Alternate value, 3.04 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. c) Mean value of 2 . 9 3 and 3.00 ng at/L.








°2 ml/L






ng at/L



°2 ml/L

PO4-P Mg





HORIZON; July 4, 1952; 2056, 2128 GCT; 3°41'S, 81°30'W; sounding, 750 fm; wind, 190', force 5; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 32°, 4 5 ' . 0 18.51 3.75 0 18.51 3.75 18.10 3.43 8 10 17.20 3.28 21 16.10 2.11 20 16.16 2.12 40 1.84 15.52 30 15.76 1.99 59 15.34 1.53 50 15.41 1.65 78 15.25 1.57 75 15.24 1.52 120 15.01 1.49 100 15.12 1.51 157 14.41 1.17 150 14.55 1.27 196 13.68 0.89 200 13.60 0.87 233 13.10 0.84 250 12.76 0.73 0.20 316 11.18 300 11.56 0.27 393 9.36 0.16 400 9.24 0.17 500 7.96 0.40 451 8.46 0.31 600 7.12 0.57 613 7.01 0.59 700 6.30 0.84 783 5.72 1.05 800 5.61 1.07 969 4.76 1.31


HORIZON; July 10, 1952; 0331 GCT; 5'10'S, 81°30.5'W; sounding, 630 fm; wind, 180°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 21°. 1.74 0 16.42 3.75 0 16.42 3.,75 1.74 1.67 3.80 9 16.47 10 16.46 3.,80 1.67 1.72 16.37 24 16.34 3.53 20 3.,56 1.70 1.76 16.16 3.46 30 16.28 3.,53 46 1.73 67 15.34 1.38 1.90a) 50 3.,25 16.06 1.77 1.60 1.93 88 15.14 75 15.25 1.,43 1.92 1.89b) 100 133 14.88 1.87 15.05 1.,68 1.92 150 179 14.56 1.39 2.02 1.90 14.76 1.,84 1.72 200 168 14.63 1.94 13.72 0.,58 2.26 204 13.58 0.52 2.32 250 12.20 0. 30 2.48 276 11.70 0.23 2.55 300 0. 26 11.34 2.60 0.15 400 341 10.44 8.51 0. 22 2.66 2.82 411 8.42 0.23 2.85 500 7.57 0. 33 2.98 0.41 560 7.06 600 6.74 0. 47 3.03 3.06 5.74 700 719 0.75 3.11c) 5.80 0. 70 3.11 HORIZON; July 10 , 1952; 1114, 1147 GCT; 5°46'S,, 81°56.5'W ; sounding , 2990 fm; wind, 140' force 4; weather. cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 20°, 22°. 0 18.45 4.70 0 18.45 4. 70 4.60 10 4. 59 9 18.48 18.48 23 18.46 4.50 20 4. 53 18.46 17.34 2.51 49 30 18.39 4. 42 70 15.62 0.95 50 17.20 3. 48 0.74 75 2. 40 95 14.92 15.44 100 143 13.95 1.13 14.81 1. 90 150 192 13.23 0.55 13.83 1. 02 200 0. 50 13.14 0. 30 12.62 0.33 250 12.49 243 0.18 300 11.30 0. 17 287 11.64 400 9.01 0. 22 0.22 393 9.13 500 0.32 (7.62) (0.34) 493 7.66 a) Alternate value, 1.97 pg at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Alternate value, 1.81 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. c) Alternate value, 3.25 pg at/L, not used in interpolation.











Mg at/L

Mg at/L



°2 ml/L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; July 10, 1952; 1752, 1849 GCT; 6*21.5'S, 82°23'W; sounding, 2380 fm; wind, 150",. force 5; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 19°, 30°. 0 18.58 4.73 1.62a) 8. 1 0 18.58 4.73 1.62 8. 1 10 18.59 1.64 4.78 8. 1 10 18.59 4.78 1.64 8. 1 18.57 24 4.77 1.62 8. 3 20 18.57 4.78 1.63 8. 8 51 16.43 2.14 2.06 12. 8 30 18.53 4.71 1.63 9. 8 74 14.80 0.69 2.22b) 16. 4 50 16.70 2.40 2.05 12. 7 100 14.14 0.94 2.27 18. 0 75 14.78 0.69 2.25 16. 5 149 13.36 0.83 2.31 21. 2 100 14.14 0.94 2.27 18. 0 198 12.80 0.35 2.53 24. 7 150 13.34 0.83 2.31 21 200 12.68 0.36 2.54 25 234 11.97 0.44 2.62 250 26. 1 11.85 0.44 2.62 27 11.64 278 0.42 2.63 27. 2 300 11.36 0.36 2.67 28 379 9.84 0.14 2.94 400 36. 9 9.36 0.12 2.99 39 8.04 476 0.11 3.15 47. 2 500 7.74 0.13 3.16 50 573 6.92 0.29 3.17 57. 2 600 6.67 0.37 3.16 60 764 5.52 0.91 3.10 76. 7 700 5.93 0.69 3.13 71 963 4.66 1.26 92. 0 800 3.16 5.35 0.98 3.11 80 3.82 1160 1.56 3.24 1000 107. 3 4.50 1.32 3.17 95 HORIZON; July 11 , 1952; 0114 GCT; 7'00'S, 82*50'W; sounding, 2370 fm; wind, 310°, force 5; > weather,, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle . 12' 0 17.17 4.55 0 17.17 4.55 10 17.18 4.56 10 17.18 4.56 17.16 29 4.51 20 17.17 4.54 57 16.37 3.04 30 17.15 4.50 85 15.18 1.10 50 16.60 3.56 112 14.03 1.54 75 15.60 1.34 168 0.41 13.26 100 0.90 14.33 222 12.62 0.16 150 0.53 13.48 0.20 276 11.85 200 12.90 0.23 332 0.16 11.16 250 12.20 0.17 439 8.35 0.15 300 11.56 0.17 548 6.86 0.17 400 9.53 0.16 655 6.04 0.46 500 7.39 0.14 870 1.02 4.99 600 6.42 0.31 1079 4.04 1.46 700 5.81 0.59 1282 1.80 3.38 800 5.30 0.86 1000 4.36 1.29 1200 3.62 1.66 HORIZON; July 11, 1952; 0713 GCT; 7°38.5'S, 83' 16 'W; sounding, 2380 weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle , 20° 0 19.72 4.86 1.67 0 19.72 10 19.72 4.90 1.60 10 19.72 29 19.72 4.87 1.58 20 19.72 56 17.04 1.42 2.55 30 19.72 82 14.04 0.15 2.77 50 19.66 109 13.34 0.16 3.11c) 75 14.40 162 12.62 0.21 3.02d) 100 13.54 215 12.04 0.20 3.02 150 12.78 268 11.36 0.20 3.08 200 12.20 321 10.56 0.20 3. l i e ) 250 11.58 424 8.64 0.18 3.37 300 10.90 530 7.39 0.19 3.46 400 9.05 628 6.32 0.26 3.44 500 7.73 845 0.91 4.96 3.44 600 6.58 1051 4.19 1.40 700 5.81 1249 3.64 1.64 3.49f) 800 5.21 1000 4.35 1200 3.76 a) b) c) d) e) f)

Alternate value, 1.69 Mg at/L, not used Mean value of 2 . 1 8 and 2.25 |ig at/L. Alternate value, 3.24 |ig at/L, not used Mean value of 2.98 and 3.06 Mg at/L. Alternate value, 3.04 ng at/L, not used Alternate value, 3.66 pg at/L, not used

in interpolation. in interpolation. in interpolation, in interpolation.

fm; wind , 140°, force 5; 4.86 4.90 4.89 4.87 2.25 0.23 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.23 0.44 0.75 1.30 1.59

1.67 1.60 1.58 1.58 1.80 2.72 3.06 3.05 3.02 3.06 3.09 3.30 3.45 3.45 3.44 3.44 3.53 3.52







02 ml/L











HORIZON; July 2, 1952; 1415 GCT; 8°16'S, 83°42'W; weather, overcast; sea, high; wire angle, 18°. 0 4. 76 19.05 9 19.08 4. 79 4. 79 28 19.05 0. 54 55 15.86 82 13.88 0. 13 0. 18 108 13.64 12.85 0. 20 161 12.07 0. 16 215 0. 19 269 11.52 0. 16 322 10.72 8.47 0. 20 428 0. 16 536 7.24 641 6.54 0. 28 0. 70 857 5.20 4.27 1066 1. 32 3.62 1. 62 1268



PO4-P Mg




sounding, 2450 fm; wind, 120°, force 5; 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200

19.05 19.07 19.06 19.05 18.30 14.00 13.73 13.04 12.26 11.69 11.10 8.99 7.54 6.81 6.15 5.53 4.52 3.82

4.76 4.79 4.79 4. 78 3.65 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.19 0.18 0.24 0.38 0.56 1.15 1.53

I 16

HORIZON; July 2, 1952; 2158 GCT; 9°08'S, 84°11.5'W; sounding, 2470 fm; wind, 140°, force 6; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 20°. 20.,50 4. 97 1.40a) 0 0 3. 6 20.,50 4.,97 1.,40 3. 6 20.149 5. 02 1.39 10 20.,49 9 3. 6 5.,02 1.,39 3. 7 20. 48 5. 05 1.36 20 28 5. 4 20.,48 5.,04 1..37 4. 6 55 20. 47 4. 94 1.36 4. 0 30 20.,48 5. 05 1..36 5. 7 50 82 15.,48 0. 37 2.60 13. 9 20.,48 5.,00 1..36 8. 7 0. 38 110 13.,85 2.60 19. 6 75 16. 50 0.,45 2..60 13 13.,20 0. 48 2.60 22. 1 100 14.,20 0. 36 161 2.,60 18 212 12.,42 0. 19 2.75b) 25.,7 150 13.,36 0. 47 2.,60 22 0. 32 27. 2 200 12.,62 0. 26 263 11.,89 2.76 2.,72 25 0. 48 28. 4 250 0. 26 316 11.,33 2.85 2. 78 27 11.,99 0. 47 3.00 300 0. 45 417 9. 67 35. 6 11.,52 2.,82 28 7.,89 0. 23 3.22 45. 0 400 9.,99 0. 47 2.,97 523 34 0. 29 54. 7 0. 27 3.26 500 8. 18 3. 19 43 695 6.,59 74. 9 600 7. 30 0. 25 833 5.,25 0. 67 3.30 3. 25 50 3.33 89. 8 700 0. 30 1037 4.,33 6.,53 3. 26 55 1. 24 3.24 800 0. 57 1234 3.,66 1. 69 106. 6 5. 51 3.,29 71 1000 4. 50 1. 15 3.,32 87 1200 3. 75 1. 61 3.,26 103

I 17

HORIZON; July 12, 1952; 0540 GCT; 8°58.5'S, 83°37'W; sounding, 2420 weather, partly cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 22°. 0 0 19.48 4.91 19. 48 10 10 19.48 4.93 19. 48 4.88 20 28 19.46 19.,47 15.82 0.51 30 19. 46 55 0.20 50 17. 95 13.94 81 14. 15 107 13.30 0.23 75 100 163 12.86 0.21 13. 43 0.29 150 12. 92 212 12.35 200 263 0.29 12.,44 11.91 0.21 250 12.,03 311 11.21 0.13 300 11. 39 402 9.54 400 9.,59 499 7.75 0.19 500 7.,74 6.70 0.21 594 600 0. 58 6.,65 802 5.48 700 6.,00 1017 4.54 1.13 800 1.55 5.,48 1227 3.86 1000 4.,63 1200 3.,94


a) Alternate value, 1.50 ng at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Alternate value, 2.82 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation.

fm; wind, 140°, force 5; 4. 91 4. 93 4. 92 4. 77 0. 90 0. 21 0. 23 0. 21 0. 28 0. 30 0. 23 0. 13 0. 19 0. 21 0. 36 0. 57 1.,09 1.,50





°2 ml/L





Mg at/L

Mg at/L



°2 ml/L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; July 12, 1952; 1140, 1237 GCT; 8°49'S, 83°02.5'W; sounding, 2450 fm; wind, 120", f o r c e 5; weather, overcast; sea, very rough; wire angle, 30°, 36°. 0 17..87 4. 84 1,.86 2..3 0 17.87 4..84 1..86 2..3 17..89 8 4. 91 7,.4 1..80 10 17.89 4.,91 1..80 7.,4 17..88 26 4. 91 7,.4 1..80 20 17.88 4.,91 1..80 7..4 51 16..36 2..36 1. 60 12..4 30 17.82 4.,87 1..81 7. 6 14. 11 74 0. 20 2..68 17.,3 50 16.67 1..80 2..32 12. 3 13..49 97 0. 24 2..72 21..4 75 14.10 0..20 2. 68 17 144 12..98 0. 35 2..75 23.,9 100 13.44 0,.25 2.,72 21 189 12..50 0. 15 2..81 27. 2 150 12.93 0..34 2. 76 24 200 12.37 0. 15 2. 81 27 230 12. 06 0. 20 2.80a) 28. 1 250 11.80 0. 21 2. 82 29 273 11.46 0. 22 2.,86b) 30. 2 300 11.12 0. 20 2. 90 31 10. 26 362 0. 15 2.99c) 34. 6 400 9.55 0. 16 3. 07 38 8. 48 456 0. 18 3. 20 42. 8 500 7.74 0. 20 3. 22 48 7. 08 548 0. 21 3. 22 53. 8 600 6.65 0. 23 3. 24 59 5. 80 733 0. 37 3. 31 700 69. 3 5.99 0. 31 3. 30 67 917 4. 88 0. 99 3. 28 82. 1 800 5.43 0. 59 3. 31 74 4. 12 1115 1. 44 3. 20 98. 6 1000 4.54 1. 19 3. 25 89


HORIZON; July 12, 1952; 1836 GCT; 8°38'S, 82°22.5'W; sounding, 2430 fm; wind, 130°, f o r c e 5; weather, cloudy; sea, high; wire angle, 30°. 0 17.46 4.55 0 17.46 4.55 8 17.44 4.49 10 17.44 4.50 24 17.35 4.50 20 17.38 4.50 48 15.76 1.26 30 17.34 3.30 72 14.44 0.74 50 16.05 1.22 96 14.06 0.79 75 14.40 0.70 143 13.21 0.23 100 13.96 0.44 197 0.21 12.67 150 13.14 0.24 241 12.09 0.20 200 0.20 12.58 289 11.49 0.19 250 0.20 11.99 383 0.20 10.18 300 11.33 0.20 481 8.20 0.20 400 9.81 0.20 7.24 0.16 576 500 8.00 0.19 773 0.54 5.66 600 7.01 0.18 1.09 973 4.64 700 6.16 0.35 1174 3. 96 1.47 800 5.50 0.63 1000 4.54 1.14 a) Alternate value, 2.68 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Alternate value, 2.74 (ig at/L, not used in interpolation. c) Alternate value, 2. 92 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation.







P0 4 -P





PO 4 -P





Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; July 13, weather, overcast; 0 17.08 9 17.08 27 17.09 52 17.06 78 15.46 104 14.76 154 13.81 207 13.10 263 12.56 312 11.68 413 9.74 519 7.99 622 6.78 835 5.46 1043 4.48 1245 3.69

1952; 0025 GCT; 8°35'S, 81°47'W; sounding, 2630 fm; wind, 130% force 5; sea, very rough; wire angle, 24°. 4.60 1.,86 0 17.08 4. 60 1.86 4.62 1.,88 10 17.08 4. 62 1.88 4.59 1.,90 20 17.09 4. 60 1.89 4.48 1.,94 30 17.09 4. 57 1.90 1.15 2.,35a) 50 17.06 4. 50 1.94 0.87 2. 46 75 15.60 1. 27 2.40 0.66 2,,56 100 14.86 0. 90 2.46 0.21 2.,77 150 13.90 0. 69 2.55 0.27 2.,78 200 13.17 0. 23 2.74 0.13 2.,98 250 12.73 0. 27 2.78 0.14 3.,16 300 11.89 0. 15 2.92 3,.32 0.16 400 10.00 0. 14 3.14 0.12 3.44b) 500 8.27 0. 16 3.29 0.64 3.42c) 600 6.99 0. 13 3.42 3.,42 1.13 700 6.23 0. 27 3.45 0.55u 3.45d) 800 5.65 0. 54 3.46 1.05 3.43 1000 4.67 1200 3.85 3.44


HORIZON; July 13, weather, overcast; 0 17.30 8 17.31 17.30 26 52 16.69 78 15.45 104 14.96 13.72 154 12.73 203

1952; 0810 GCT; 8°27.5'S, 81°13'W; sounding, 2960 sea, very rough; wire angle, 27°. 4.56 0 17. 30 4.62 10 17. 31 4.61 20 17. 30 3.54 30 17.,29 1.29 50 16.,78 75 15. 58 1.43 100 15. 02 0.37 150 13. 82 0.15 200 12. 79


4.56 4.62 4.62 4.58 3.63 1.32 1.42 0.41 0.15

HORIZON; July 13, 1952; 1433 GCT; 8°20'S, 80°37'W; sounding, 730 fm; wind, 150°, force 5; weather, cloudy; sea, high; wire angle, 30°. 0 17.27 0 17.27 4.49 7. 6 4. 49 1.94 7. 6 1. 94 10 8 17.26 4.47 7.,7 17.26 4. 47 1.92 7. 8 1. 92 20 17.27 25 17.27 4. 49 4.49 1. 98 8. 3 1.96 8. 0 30 48 17.00 8.6 17.25 4. 49 4.05 2. 00 1.99 8. 5 50 70 15.74 16.93 3. 95 2.00 1.03 2. 33 14. 6 8. 8 75 15.50 93 14.84 1.39 15.,1 0. 96 2.33 2. 26 14. 9 100 0. 76 138 13.92 0.55 2. 58 19.,4 14.68 2.27 15. 3 150 13.69 0. 49 184 13.16 0.34 23.,8 2.61 21 2. 69 200 12.99 0. 31 2.74 229 12.60 0.24 2. 82 26. 1 24 30.,6 250 12.10 0. 19 274 11.44 0.13 2. 91 2.86 28 300 9.42 0.17 37.,3 10.78 0. 13 2.99 359 3. 18 33 400 0. 21 7.90 0.24 3. 30 46. 4 8.56 3.25 41 446 500 0. 24 532 7.10 0.24 3. 39 52.,4 7.38 3.36 50 71.,3 600 6.53 0. 33 709 0.54 3. 34 3.38 60 5.76 700 894 0.97 3. 33 82.,4 5.83 0. 52 3.35 4.92 70 3. 35 800 5.33 0. 75 1090 1.35 98..6 3.34 77 4.08 1000 4.47 1. 17 3.34 90 a) b) c) d)


fm; wind, 130°, force 5;

Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate

value, value, value, value,

2.42 3.60 3.49 3.58

pg at/L, |ig at/L, |ig at/L, |ig at/L,

not not not not

used used used used

in in in in

interpolation. interpolation. interpolation. interpolation.










Si0 3 -Si




Mg at/L

Mg at/L






Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; July 13, 1952 ; 2036 GCT; 8°46.5'S, 80°50.5'W; sounding, 3100 fm; wind, 140°, force 5; weather, 0 9 27 53 79 105 155 207 258 308 406 507 605 807 1014 1208

partly cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 27°. 17. 48 4. 80 0 17. 49 10 4.,80 17. 46 20 4.,83 30 16. 24 2. 06 50 15. 14 1. 00 14. 73 75 1.,12 14. 06 0..68 100 13. 24 0. 37 150 200 12. 54 0. 20 0. 20 250 11. 44 300 8. 81 0. 19 7. 50 0. 20 400 6. 50 0. 23 500 600 5. 30 0. 71 4. 32 3. 66

700 800 1000 1200

1. 26 1. 62

17.48 17.49 17.47 17.45 17.30 15.20 14.80 14.13 13.33 12.65

4.80 4.83 4.79 2.50 1.04 0.86 0.71 0.41 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.20

6.55 5.87

0.23 0.43 0.68 1.24 1.60

HORIZON; July 14, 1952; 0448 GCT; 9°21'S, 81°12'W; sounding, 2750 f m ; wind, 140°, force 6; weather, overcast; sea, very rough; wire angle, 28°. 0 17.41 4. 78 1.99 17.40 8 4.,79 2.00 17.42 4. 88 26 2.00a) 17.31 52 4. 70 2.02 15.06 78 0. 23 2.74 104 155 206 257 308 409 512 610 813 1016 1215

14.07 13.07 12.64 12.18 11.58 10.06 8.04 6.68 5.18 4.37 3.68

50 74 98 146 192

17.48 14.76 13.78 12.95 12.41

239 288

12. 00 11.51

379 474

10.06 8.42

566 762 956 1151

7.20 5.64 4.52 3.88

0. 17 0. 16 0. 17

2.76 2.90 3.04

0. 12 0. 17

3.06b) 3.06 3.17

0. 38 0. 20 0. 72 1. 21 1. 57

3.38 3.45c) 3.46 3.37 3.33

50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200

17.41 17.40

4. 78 4. 80

1.99 2.00

17.41 17.41

4. 87 4. 87 4. 74 0. 50 0. 14 0. 16 0. 16

2.00 2.00

17.33 15.35 14.17 13.14 12.70 12.24 11.66 10.20 8.29 6.78 5.91 5.25 4.43 3.73

0. 17 0. 13 0. 15 0. 37 0. 22 0. 40 0. 68 1. 17 1. 55

2.76 2.88 3.02 3.10 3.10 3.06 3.15 3.36 3.42 3.45 3.46 3.38

f m ; wind, 140°, force 5;

0.21 0.15 0.20

75 100 150

14. 70 13. 70 12. 89

0.18 0.21 0.15


200 250 300 400

12. 34 11. 79

0.19 0.14 0.18 0.16


11. 35 9. 67 8. 05

600 700 800 1000

6. 87 6. 08 5. 40 4. 34

0.18 0.15 0.22 0.25 0.43 1.11 1.50

a) Mean value of 1.94 and 2.06 Mg at/L. b) Mean value of 3.02 and 3.11 |ig at/L. c) Alternate value, 3.37 |ig at/L, not used in interpolation.


2.02 2.72

1952; 1142 GCT; 9°52.5'S, 81°32'W; sounding, 2600 sea, very rough; wire angle, 30°. 4.53 0 17. 17. 50 10 4.58 4.63 20 17..50 30 17. 50 4.52 50 17.,48 0.18 OS •>*

HORIZON; July 14, weather, overcast; 0 17.49 17.50 8 17.50 25

0. 13

0 10 20 30



11.70 8.92 7.57

5.33 4.39 3.67



4.53 4.59 4.62 4.62 4.52

0.23 0.27 0.33 0.56 1.21















Mg at/L

Mg at/L



HORIZON; July 14, 1952; 1811, 1905 GCT; 10°26'S, 81°53'W; force 5; weather, partly cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 0 19. 10 5. 04 1.69a) 2.,9 0 8 19. 09 5.,01 1.64 2. 9 10 25 19. 08 5. 02 1.64 3. 8 20 50 4.,99 19. 08 1.69 5. 0 30 74 15. 68 0. 62 2.78 13. 1 50 99 13. 88 0. 14 3.14 23.,8 75 0. 15 148 12. 78 3.11 27. 2 100 198 12. 16 0. 26 3.00b) 28. 3 150 200 241 11. 62 0. 20 250 2.91 30. 4 293 0. 15 31. 7 2.96 300 11. 10 387 9. 66 0. 19 3.12 400 36. 9 488 8. 19 0. 29 3.24 42. 1 500 585 7. 10 0. 24 600 3.32 56. 0 782 5. 46 0. 67 700 3.49 73. 8 980 4. 50 1. 08 3.45 800 86. 6 1174 1000 3. 71 1. 61 3.39 106. 6

sounding, 27°, 30°. 19.10 19.09 19.08 19.08 19.08 15.55 13.83 12.75 12.13 11.54 11.02 9.45 8.05 6.95 6.02 5.36 4.43

°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

1811 fm; wind, 140°, 5.04 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03 0.55 0.14 0.15 0.26 0.19 0.15 0.23 0.28 0.25 0.50 0.73 1.14

1.69 1.64 1.64 1.65 1.69 2.79 3.14 3.11 2.99 2.92 2.97 3.14 3.25 3.34 3.43 3.49 3.44

2. 9 3. 0 3. 3 4. 0 5. 0 13. 8 24 27 28 30 32 37 43 58 67 75 89


HORIZON; July 15, 1952; 0138 GCT; 10°38'S, 81°15'W; sounding, 2330 fm; wind, 130°, force 5; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 25°. 0 19.,04 4.,94 0 19. 04 4.94 8 19. 04 4. 96 10 19..04 4.96 4. 99 26 19. 04 20 19.,04 4.98 4.,98 51 19.04 30 19.,04 4.99 76 15. 06 50 1. 17 19.,04 4.98 101 0. 18 13.,48 75 15.,17 1.20 150 12. 64 0. 21 100 13. 54 0.19 201 12. 28 0. 20 150 12. 64 0.21 0. 20 253 200 12. 28 11. 74 0.20 305 11. 06 0. 15 250 11. 77 0.20 406 9. 35 0. 21 300 11. 14 0.15 513 7. 82 0. 31 400 9. 45 0.20 613 0. 25 500 6. 74 8. 00 0.30 600 819 5. 06 0. 82 6. 89 0.26 1021 4. 30 1. 30 700 5. 89 0.47 1220 800 3. 64 1. 64 5. 15 0.79 1000 4. 37 1.24 1200 3. 71 1.62


HORIZON; July 15, weather, overcast; 0 17. 94 6 17.,92 21 17.,93 40 17.,12 58 15. 10 78 13. 48 114 13. 14 150 12. 59 189 12. 22 224 11. 77 293 10. 67 364 9. 26 8. 10 438 588 6. 44 742 5. 40 4. 72 896


a) b) c) d) e)

Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate

value, value, value, value, value,

1952; 0850 GCT; 10°49'S, 80°38'W; sounding, 2570 fm; wind, 140°, force 5; sea, rough; wire angle, 25°. 4. 83 0 17.94 4.,83 1.83 1.83 4. 90 1.80 10 17.93 4. 89 1.80 4. 86 1.80 20 17.93 4. 86 1.80 30 4. 27 2.08 17.75 4. 70 1.85 0. 73 50 2.68 16.47 2. 45 2.43 0. 10 75 2.96 13.55 0. 12 2.94 0. 09 100 3.06 13.27 0. 10 3.03 150 0. 11 3.00 12.59 0. 11 3.00 0. 14 2.95 200 0. 14 12.07 2.96 0. 11 3.01c) 250 0. 10 11.38 3.07 0. 09 3.17 300 10.53 0. 09 3.18 0. 09 400 3.25 8.66 0. 12 (3.29) 0. 13 3.32d) 500 7.37 0. 17 (3.38) 0. 24 3.42e) 600 6.34 0. 26 (3.42) 0. 48 3.44 700 0. 39 5.64 (3.44) 800 1. 00 3.48 5.14 0. 66 3.45 1.78 2.90 3.11 3.42 3.50

ng (ig pig ug pg

at/L, at/L, at/L, at/L, at/L,

not not not not not

used used used used used

in in in in in

interpolation. interpolation. interpolation. interpolation. interpolation.





°2 ml/L







Mg at/L



2 ml/L


PO4-P Mg


SiOg-Si Mg



HORIZON; July 15, 1952; 1528 GCT; 10°59'S, 80°01'W; sounding, 2830 fm; wind, 130°, force 5; weather, overcast; sea, very rough; wire angle, 28°. 0 4.37 0 16.,72 16.,72 4.37 16..70 4.30 10 9 16.,70 4.31 16.,70 20 26 4.28 16.,70 4.35 14.,53 52 0.19 30 16.,67 4.34 14.,16 77 0.39 50 15.,75 0.60 13. 54 103 0.10 75 14.,18 0.19 12.,92 152 0.09 100 13. 11 0.12 12. 33 200 0.09 150 12. 95 0.09 247 11. 13 0.11 200 12. 33 0.09 10. 45 294 0.09 250 11. 09 0.11 383 9. 10 0.09 300 10. 37 0.09 7. 70 478 0.22 400 8. 84 0.12 570 6. 80 0.24 500 7. 46 0.23 760 5. 50 600 0.46 6. 55 0.27 4. 62 949 1.03 700 5. 85 0.35 3. 82 1150 800 1.45 5. 30 0.57 1000 4. 42 1.15


HORIZON; July 15, 1952; 2202 GCT; 11°16'S, 79°20'W; sounding, 3150 fm; wind, 150°, force weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 15°. 17.,48 0 0 17,,48 4.65 1.91 6.7 4.65 1.91 17.,48 9 17.,48 4.69 1.84 10 5.8 4.69 1.84 17,.45 15.,08 20 28 0. 86 2.61 13.9 1.20 2.50 55 14.,39 14,,85 2.42 30 0.73 19.1 0.85 2.61 14.,08 82 14..46 0.53 2.52 50 21.6 0.76 2.43 13.,77 109 75 14..15 0.28 2.61 22.9 0.59 2.49 0.16 29.3 2.90 100 13.,89 0.36 2.58 163 12. 48 29.5 0.13 2.92 150 0.18 2.83 216 11. 80 12.,74 0.14 31.9 200 271 3.05 12.,00 0.13 2.91 11. 13 34.2 0.11 3.19 250 0.14 325 10. 24 11. 40 2.99 3.30 40.7 0.19 300 10.,69 0.13 3.13 429 8. 29 0.11 49.9 400 7. 14 3.35 0.18 3.28 534 8.,80 0.29 3.34 56.3 500 7. 44 0.12 3.34 635 6. 66 0.66 3.40 77.6 600 842 5. 14 6.,84 0.22 3.34 1.34 4. 18 3.35 103.1 700 0.39 6. 16 3.36 1044 1240 1.65 3.28 72.2u 800 5. 43 3. 49 0.56 3.39 1000 4. 36 1.20 3.36 1200 3. 61 1.60 3.29


4; 6. 7 5. 9 10. 0 14. 0 18. 2 21 23 27 29 31 33 39 47 54 62 73 97

HORIZON; July 16, 1952; 0338 GCT; 11°32'S, 78°41'W; sounding, 1410 fm; wind, 140°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 28°. 0 4.71 0 4.71 16..80 16.80 4.71 10 8 16.,80 16.80 4.70 4.38 25 16..80 20 16.80 4.53 3.69 30 50 16.,30 16.80 4.29 72 14.,30 0.25 50 16.30 3.69 99 13.,51 0.15 75 14.18 0.22 12..59 0.17 147 100 13.50 0.15 12. 00 0.17 195 150 12.54 0.17 0.18 243 11. 47 200 11.95 0.18 10. 82 290 0.12 250 11.38 0.17 382 9. 20 0.19 300 0.13 10.66 7. 62 0.33 400 476 8.86 0.23 570 6. 60 0.29 500 7.30 0.32 5. 40 0.52 600 6.37 765 0.29 957 4. 54 1.12 700 5.75 0.35 3. 87 1.51 800 5.23 1151 0.61 1000 4.39 1.22









PO 4 -P




Mg a t / L




Mg a t / L



°2 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

H O R I Z O N ; J u l y 2 0 , 1 9 5 2 ; 2 3 5 2 G C T ; 1 2 ° 2 4 ' S , 7 7 * 5 4 ' W ; s o u n d i n g , 800 f m ; w i n d , 1 4 0 " , f o r c e 5 ; weather, overcast; 0 16.02 8 15.99 16.00 25 50 13.64 74 99 146 192 243 291 386 486 585

12.90 12.63 12.31 11.91 11.49 10.80 9.16 7.76 6.67

sea, v e r y rough; w i r e 4.72 4.72 4.75 0.21

angle, 7.6


7.6 8.1 18.2

0 10 20 30

0.12 0.11 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.24 0.26

30.4 34.2 29.5 33.3 34.4 36.0 38.3 45.2 58.3

50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500

16.02 15.99 16.00

4.72 4.73 4.74

15.97 13.64

4.35 0.21

12.88 12.62 12.26 11.85 11.40

0.12 0.11 0.14

10.66 8.93 7.60



1 3 ..65 12. 42

15.78 13.93 12.46


1 1 . 96

75 100 150

249 296 392

11. 43 10. 8 1 9. 3 2

0. 1 6 0. 1 5 0. 2 0

200 250 300 400

11.94 11.43

427 519 706 894 1087

8., 5 2 7. 20 5 ., 7 7 4. , 7 2 3 . ,94

0. 2 3 0. 4 1 0. 4 7 0. 96 1 . 46

500 600 700 800 1000

0.14 0.16 0.15 0.20 0. 3 7 0.40

6.54 5.82 5.22 4.22

38 36 40 47

0.16 0.25

0. 66 0. 1 8 0. 1 4

10.75 9.17 7.40

18.2 30.5 34.2 29.5 35

0.12 0.11 0.12

H O R I Z O N ; J u l y 2 1, 1 9 5 2 ; 0544, 0617 G C T ; 1 2 ° 3 8 ' S , 7 8 ° 2 9 ' W ; sounding, 3100 fm; wind, f o r c e 5 ; w e a t h e r . o v e r c a s t ; s e a., v e r y r o u g h ; w i r e a n g l e , 2 5 * ,, 3 0 " . 0 1 5 . 95 4 . 84 0 15.95 4.84 9 1 5 . 93 4 . 89 10 15.93 4.90 20 26 1 5 . 94 4. 93 15.94 4.93 4 . 89 30 15.94 52 1 5 . 94 4.92 4 . 08 50 15.94 78 1 5 ., 7 5 4.90 151 199

7.6 7.7 7.9 9.5

0.73 0.19

0.46 0.70 0.98







°2 ml/L





pg at/L

Pg at/L



02 ml/L


PO 4 -P


pg at/L

Pg at/L


HORIZON; July 21, 1952; 1144, 1341 GCT; 12°52.5'S, 79°05'W; sounding, 2560 fm; wind, 140*, force 6; weather, overcast; sea, very rough; wire angle, 34*, 26°. 0 17.19 5.09 1.56 12.8 0 17.19 5.09 1.56 12.6 17.19 8 5.08 1.58 4.3 10 17.19 5.08 1.58 4.1 17.21 24 5.09 1.57 2.9 20 17.21 5.09 1.57 3.0 34 17.20 5.10 1.62 5.6 30 17.21 5.10 1.59 4.8 17.20 55 5.04 4.1 1.66 50 17.20 5.05 1.65 4.5 75 17.12 4.89 1.68 5.6 75 17.12 4.89 1.68 5.6 13.90 93 0.62 2.48 15.1 100 13.68 0.38 2.56 18.0 139 12.84 2.70 0.15 27.9 150 12.69 0.14 2.71 29 12.26 185 0.14 2.72 29.5 200 12.11 0.14 2.71 30 11.71 231 0.14 2.67 30.4 250 11.34 0.15 2.68 31 277 10.76 0.17 2.72 31.7 300 10.38 0.16 2.77 33 9.44 367 0.15 2.82 34.2 400 8.95 0.18 2.90 37 9.18 0.17 382 2.87 36.0 500 7.64 0.28 3.03 42 6.94 564 0.33 45.0 2.93 600 6.56 0.33 3.14 52 700 5.74 0.50 3.16 62 10.24 324a) 0..14 2.76b) 34.0 800 5.22 0.71 3.16 69 6.60 596 0.,32 3.18c) 51.8 1000 4.35 1.24 3.13 87 801 5.22 0. 71 69.3 1200 3.16 3.67 1.59 3.01 102 4.72 906 0.,98 3.24d) 1500 79.9 2.93 1.97 2.87 119 4.54 955 3.23d) 1.,15 86.6 2000 2.26 2.37 2.75 139 4.30 1009 1. 26 3.16 e) 87.3 2500 1.94 2.84 2.66 147 1057 4.14 1. 42 3.12 92.0 3.96 1112 1. 44 3.10 95.4 3.64 1214 1. 61 2.99 103.5 1533 2.86 2. 00 2.86 120.8 2.18 2092 2. 44 142.0 2.74 2687 1.84 3. 02 2.61 147.8


HORIZON; July 21, 1952; 1950 GCT; 13°08.5'S, 79°48'W; sounding, 2410 fm; wind, 150°, force 6; weather, cloudy; sea, high; wire angle, 25°. 0 17,.00 5,.19 0 17.00 5.19 8 16,.98 5,.21 10 16.97 5.20 26 16,.88 5..14 20 5.15 16.92 52 5,,14 16.,75 30 5.14 16.86 78 14.,12 0. 60 50 16.76 5.14 104 0.,15 13.,45 75 14.22 1.40 155 12.,70 0. 19 100 13.55 0.15 12. 16 206 0. 17 150 12.76 0.18 256 0. 16 11. 66 200 0.17 12.22 306 10. 87 0. 13 250 11.74 0.16 402 9. 35 0. 23 300 10.95 0.13 7. 62 503 0. 39 400 9.40 0.23 601 6. 56 0. 60 500 7.68 0.38 801 5. 08 0. 77 600 6.58 0.60 996 4. 26 1. 30 700 5.76 0.67 1197 3. 66 1. 61 800 5.09 0.77 1000 4.26 1.31 1200 (3.65) (1.61)


a) b) c) d) e)

Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Mean value of 2.70 and 2.81 pg at/L. Alternate value, 3.10 pg at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternate value, 3.15 pg at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternate value, 3.08 pg at/L, not used in interpolation.








o2 ml/L


Mg a t / L




Mg at/L



o2 ml/L



pg â t / L

Mg a t / L


HORIZON; July 22, 1952; 0148, 0212, 0345 GCT; 13°26.5'S, 80°30'W; sounding, 2510 fm; wind, 120°, force 6; weather, drizzle; sea, very rough; wire angle. 18° , 22°, 06°. 5.09 0 0 18. 60 0. 96 0 18.60 0.96 5.09 0 10 0.92 0 18. 58 5.16 0. 92 9 18.58 5.16 0 0.2 20 0. 94 27 18.60 5.16 0.95 18. 59 5.16 0.1 30 18.60 0.5 18. 60 5.15 0. 96 0.2 41 5.11 0.96 1.62 4.0 50 18. 57 4.97 1. 08 63 15.94 3.32 1.8 13.0 13.60 1.16 2.35 75 14. 10 1.56 2. 18 10.3 81 12. 83 19.4 100 0.66 2. 59 107 12.62 0.55 2.66 19 150 28.3 12. 24 0.16 2. 90 27 160 0.12 2.92a) 12.18 200 11. 76 0.09 2. 75 29 250 10. 98 0.09 2. 75 2.70 29.3 29 11.56 0.08 213 300 10. 31 0.13 2.77 29.5 2. 84 32 10.76 0.10 264 400 9. 04 0.32 2. 94 33.5 35 0.21 2.88 317 10.14 500 7. 76 0.56 3. 04 39 2.94 35.3 8.70 0.37 424 600 6. 71 0.64 3. 19 42.3 3.12 7.31 0.66 46 539 700 5.,85 0.64 3.,28 55 49.9 0.10 3.11 6.20 653 800 5.,23 0.80 3.,34 68 4.,29 1000 1.33 3.,35 34.6 86 0.11 2.95 342b) 9.87 1200 3.,57 1.64 3.,28 103 47.9 3.22 0.61 635 6.46 1500 2.,90 1.96 3.,09 124 73.4 3.36 0.90 849 4.96 2.44 2000 2..19 2.,94 136 82.1 3.39 4.44 1.26 960 2.90 2500 1.,93 2.,81 142 87.3 3.33 4.24 1.33 1011 3.26 89.8 1.51 1070 4.01 96.1 1.46 3.26 1121 3.88 3.28 101.5 1.59 3.64 1178 109.3 3.18 3.30 1.78 1288 130.7 3.06 2.04 1630 2.68 138.1 2.04 2.71 2.84 2230 148.3 2.80 3.03 2833 1.88


HORIZON; July 22, weather, overcast; 0 18. 38 10 18. 38 18. 37 28 18. 34 55 14. 30 83 110 13. 10 164 12. 11 216 11. 60 10. 90 270 10. 21 322 8. 57 422 530 7. 19 6. 32 634 5.,03 848 4., 12 1054 3.,48 1251

1952; 0911 GCT; 13°43.5'S, 81°08.5'W; sounding, 2630 fm; wind, 140°, force 4; sea, rough; wire angle, 18°. 0 18. 38 5.17 5. 17 10 18. 38 5.18 5. 18 20 5.17 18. 37 5. 15 5.15 30 18. 36 5. 15 50 5.15 18. 34 1. 75 15. 22 3.00 75 0. 64 100 13. 43 1.94 0. 14 0.21 150 12. 30 0. 15 0.14 200 11. 77 0. 15 0.15 250 11. 16 0. 13 10.,53 0.14 300 0. 24 0.21 400 8.,97 0. 42 7.,53 0. 37 500 0. 55 0.50 600 6.,60 0. 88 0.64 700 5.,89 1. 22 5.,30 0.80 800 1. 76 1000 4,,34 1.11 1.63 1200 3..64

a) Alternate value, 3.00 ng a t / L , not used in interpolation. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.






O2 ml/L



Si0 3 -Si



Mg at/L

Mg at/L



°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZOi; July 22, 1952; 1448, 1615 GCT; 14°01'S, 81°47'W; sounding, 2680 fm; wind, 140°, force 4; veather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 18°, 25°. 0 18.09 5.21 1.10 2.9 0 18.,09 5.,21 1..10 2. 9 9 18.08 5.29 1.06 1.3 10 18.,08 5.,29 1..06 1. 2 1.07 0.9 28 18.08 5.28 20 18.,08 5.,29 1.,06 0. 9 41 18.08 5.26 1.07 0.5 30 18. 08 5.,27 1.,07 0. 8 16.89 4.42 63 1.14 3.1 50 17. 90 5.,17 1.,08 1. 2 13.72 1.14 86 2.26 12.2 14. 60 75 2. 00 1.,48 7. 5 107 12.79 0.46 2.59 20.0 100 12. 99 0.,61 2.,51 17. 5 161 12.06 0.11 28.4 2.83 150 12. 21 0. 13 2..82 27 11.39 212 0.13 2.70 30.6 200 0. 12 11. 53 2.,73 30 267 10.64 0.11 2.71 250 10. 92 0. 12 30.8 2. 71 31 2.79 319 9.85 0.18 31.3 300 10. 10 0. 15 2.,74 32 421 8.68 0.23 2.88 35.6 400 0. 23 8. 95 2..86 35 531 7.28 0.44 42.1 500 7. 66 3.04a) 0. 40 2. 97 40 641 6.20 0.51 3.10 51.8 600 0. 49 6. 58 3. 02 51 700 5. 76 0. 53 3. 11 57 0.20 322b) 9.98 2.74 32.9 800 5. 22 0. 71 3. 11 69 594 6.54 50.2 0.48 3.02 1000 4. 37 1. 21 3. 12 85 5.24 0.70 3.11 68.0 1200 796 3. 70 1. 64 3. 01 102 896 4.80 0.98 3.09 77.2 1500 3. 00 1. 93 2. 93 120 943 4.61 1.14 3.11c) 81.9 2000 2. 27 2. 62 2. 72 134 4.38 1.21 2500 996 3.12 85.3 1. 88 2. 97 2. 59 141 1045 4.26 1.27 87.3 3.08 1097 4.05 1.42 3.07d) 90.2 1197 3.72 1.63 2.88e) 101.5 1517 2.96 1.94 2.92f) 120.8 2.72 2087 2.18 2.69 135.5 1.84 2674 3.05 2.56 142.9


HORIZON July 23, 1952; 0156 GCT; 14°09'S, 82°26'W; sounding, 2800 fm; wind, 090°, force 4; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 25°, 0 .8.80 5.,13 0 18.80 5., 13 5..20 8 .8. 80 10 18.80 5..20 .8.80 26 5. 19 20 18.80 5,.19 52 .8.80 5.,16 30 18.60 5.,19 77 :8.80 5. 02 50 18.80 5.,16 :4.53 2. 44 102 75 18.80 5.,07 2.62 0. 15 152 100 14.70 2. 60 202 0. 14 :l.89 150 12.67 0. 17 251 J1.20 0. 12 200 11.93 0. 14 301 0. 16 ».56 250 11.23 0. 12 9.12 0. 17 396 300 10.57 0. 16 7.65 0. 33 496 400 9.06 0. 18 593 6.64 0. 42 500 0. 34 7.61 792 5.40 0. 66 600 6.62 0. 43 991 4.58 1. 11 700 5.94 0. 54 1185 3.88 1. 56 800 0. 66 5.36 1000 4.55 0. 97 1200 (3.83) (1.62) a) b) c) d) e) f)

Alternite value, 2.97 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. Overlajping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Alternite value, 3.22 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternite value, 3.19 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternite value, 3.01 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternite value, 3.00 tig at/L, not used in interpolation.









°2 ml/L





Mg at/L

ug at/L



°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; July 23 , 1952; 0712, 0839 GCT; 14°14. 5'S, 83°06'W; sounding, 2900 fm; wind, 120°, » force 4; weather, overcast; sea, very rough; wire angle, 15°. 25 0 0 18.70 5.12 0.94 0 18. 70 5.12 0. 94 0 10 18.70 5.18 0.96 1.3 10 18. 70 0. 96 5.18 1.3 0 29 18.72 5.22 0.93 20 18. 71 5.21 0. 94 0.6 43 18.72 5.18 0.94 0.2 30 18. 72 5.22 0. 93 0 0 66 18.71 5.19 0.94 50 18. 72 5.18 0. 94 0.2 18.72 5.14 0.97 0.5 88 75 18. 72 5.19 0. 95 0.2 2.34 110 14.68 1.62 9.4 100 16. 05 2.80 1. 10 3.5 162 12.67 0.11 2.88 26.5 150 12. 96 0.13 2. 85 24.5 2.80 217 11.90 0.13 28.3 200 12. 12 0.13 2. 82 28 29.7 271 11.32 0.11 2.81 250 11. 55 0.11 2. 81 29 3.00 10.80 0.13 32.6 300 11. 04 0.12 2. 91 322 31 3.13a) 0.17 35.5 400 9. 72 0.16 3.. 10 426 9.31 35 3.26b) 7.70 0.21 42.8 500 8. 19 0.22 3. 25 532 41 0.40 3.28 55.1 600 6. 80 0.34 3. 28 636 6.34 51 700 5. 93 0.52 3..28 60 3.10 36.7 0.18 800 5. 37 0.66 3.,32 450c) 8.72 67 3.10 45.7 1000 0.29 4. 47 1.24 3. 26 538 7.48 83 3.28 61.4 1200 3. 73 3. 18 0.58 1.73 728 5.78 98 3.34 1500 3. 03 68.9 2.03 3. 00 5.24 0.68 115 826 3.27 2000 2. 21 2. 82 0.90 73.6 2.51 134 875 4.98 3.26 77.4 2500 (1.87) (3.01) 1.08 (2.73) (140) 924 4.78 3.26 1.14 80.5 975 4.61 3.25d) 1.34 84.8 1024 4.34 3.04 111.2 1.95 1427 3.16 2.85 1.71u 132.8 2.32 1937 2.73 139.9 2.99 2479 1.88 HORIZON; July 23, 1952; 1542 GCT; 14°33'S, 84°05.5'W; sounding, 2210 fm; wind, 150°, force 4; weather, drizzle; sea, very rough; wire angle, 18°. 0 5. 09 19.31 5.09 0 19. 31 10 19.33 5.08 9 19. 33 5. 08 20 19.33 5. 08 5.08 27 19. 34 5. 09 30 19.34 5.08 54 19. 33 50 19.33 5.09 19. 24 5. 03 81 75 19.27 0. 35 5.06 14. 62 108 100 15.24 0.47 0. 19 12. 81 162 150 13.10 0.22 0. 21 216 11. 94 12.20 0.20 200 0. 27 269 11. 20 250 11.45 0.25 10. 50 0. 24 321 300 0.25 0. 29 10.78 9.,18 425 400 9.51 0.29 0. 39 533 7.,80 500 8.24 0.34 0. 73 638 6..53 600 6.96 0.64 0. 90 5. 14 856 0.77 700 6.06 1. 42 4.,20 1061 800 5.45 0.85 1. 82 3.,52 1259 1000 1.25 4.46 1.70 1200 3.71 a) b) c) d)


Alternate value, 3.21 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. Alternate value, 3.35 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Alternate value, 3.17 pg at/L, not used in interpolation.







po 4 -p







wg at/L

Mg at/L





po4-p Mg


SiOg-Sl Mg



HORIZON; July 24-23, 1952; 0124, 2320 GCT; 14°59'S, 85°03'W; sounding, 2700 fm; wind,' 140°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 16°, 22°. 0 20..00 0 20..00 0.82 0.4 5..13 0.82 5. 13 0. 4 20..02 0.82 0 10 20..02 9 5.,11 5..11 0.82 0 0.82 20 20. 01 23 20,.01 5.,09 1.3 5..10 0.82 0. 9 20..03 0.82 0 30 20. 01 42 5.,09 5..09 0.82 0. 8 50 60 20..03 5. 04 0.86 0 20.,03 5.,06 0.84 0 5. 03 0.86 0 75 20.,00 79 19..99 5. 03 0 0.86 0 100 19..83 4. 87 0.94 19..87 4.,93 103 0.93 0 150 154 13..37 1. 46 2.33a) 12.2 13.,69 1.,73 2.17 10. 8 2.77 200 12. 04 205 11.,94 0. 14 25.9 0. 16 2.74 25 0. 11 2.78b) 29.2 250 261 11. 10 11.,27 0. 11 2.82 29 300 10.,20 0. 16 2.81 30.4 10. 33 0. 15 308 2.81 30 400 0. 29 34.9 0. 28 415 8.,70 2.85 8. 89 2.84 35 7.,54 2.92 39.4 500 7. 76 520 0. 59 0. 53 2.90 38 600 0. 73 3.04 47.2 624 6. 62 6. 84 0. 76 3.02 46 700 6. 03 0. 78 3.10 54 800 495c) 7. 68 0. 51 2.90 38.0 5. 26 0. 93 3.17 63 45.7 1000 4. 29 6. 71 0. 76 3.02d) 1. 41 596 3.16 80 1200 5. 27 63.2 3. 56 799 0. 92 3.16e) 1. 77 3.14 99 1500 4. 70 70.7 2. 84 901 1. 31 3.17 f ) 2. 17 3.01 121 4. 52 2000 2. 23 952 1. 27 79.6 2. 64 2.84 131 3.18g) 2500 4. 28 3.16 80.5 1. 87 1003 1. 42 2. 92 141 2.81 1050 4. 07 3.16 84.8 1. 57 3. 88 1105 1. 66 3.18 89.3 3. 54 1206 1. 78 3.14h) 100.4 1515 2. 82 2. 18 3.00 122.2 2. 16 2047 2. 67 2.87 i) 131.9 2. 99 142.9 2613 1. 84 2.81


HORIZON; July 24, 1952; 1337 GCT; 13°59'S, 84°59.5'W; sounding, 2790 fm; wind, 120°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 24°. 0 19.91 5.03 0 19..91 5.03 9 19.92 5.06 10 19..92 5.06 27 19.92 5.04 20 5.05 19..92 5.00 30 55 19.96 19.,92 5.04 82 5.00 50 19.98 19.,95 5.01 108 15.53 3.51 75 19.,98 5.00 161 12.66 0.15 100 17.,05 4.46 213 11.85 0.20 150 12. 96 0.24 265 0.14 200 0.19 11.18 12..04 317 10.44 0.21 250 0.16 11. 37 8.94 0.31 414 300 10. 68 0.19 515 7.72 0.42 400 9. 15 0.31 615 6.80 0.51 500 7. 89 0.40 819 5.34 0.82 600 0.50 6. 94 1.50 700 1024 4.28 6. 15 0.65 1230 3.49 1.77 800 5. 47 0.87 1000 4. 40 1.44 1200 3. 59 1.73


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

Alternate value, 2.26 (ig at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 2. 75 and 2.82 (ig at/L. Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. Mean value of 2.97 and 3.06 jig at/L. Mean value of 3.10 and 3.23 Mg at/L. Alternate value, 3.31 pg at/L, not used in interpolation. Mean value of 3.14 and 3.21 pg at/L. Mean value of 3.10 and 3.17 ng at/L. Alternate value, 2.79 |ig at/L, not used in interpolation.















Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L



°2 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

HORIZON; July 24, 1952; 2029 GCT; 12°59'S, 85°01'W; sounding, 2300 f m ; wind, 120°, f o r c e w e a t h e r , d r i z z l e ; s e a , rough; w i r e angle, 18°. 0 19.50 5.01 1.20a) 1.4 0 19. 50 5. 01 1. 20 10 5.09 19.38 1.17 10 1.6 19. 38 5. 09 1. 17 24 19.32 5.00 1.16 1.6 20 19. 34 5. 00 1. 16 52 19.32 4.97 1.17 1.3 30 19. 32 5. 00 1. 16 76 16.98 3.11 1.58 5.2 50 19. 32 4. 98 1. 17 14.32 104 1.58 2.06 9.5 75 17. 50 3. 20 1. 58 155 12.38 0.12 2.59 30.6 100 14. 60 1. 80 1.,99 11.64 206 0.16 2.58 27.2 150 12. 52 0. 13 2. 58 260 10.95 0.20 2.58 29.7 200 11. 73 0. 15 2..58 10.45 0.54 2.58 305 31.5 250 11. 08 0. 19 2.,58 9.20 2.68 410 0.26 35.6 300 10. 5 1 0. 52 2. 58 2.80 510 7.98 0.46 39.4 400 9. 35 0. 27 2.,67 2.93 6.92 0.46 610 50.9 500 8. 10 0. 44 2.,79 0.70 3.03 807 5.36 65.9 600 7.,04 0. 46 2.,92 1.30 2.99 4.33 84.2 700 1006 6. 15 0. 54 2. 98 3.70 2.95 1203 1.61 101.9 800 5. 4 1 0. 59 3.,03 1000 4.,37 1. 27 3.,00 1200 3. 72 1. 60 2. 95

4; 1. 4 1. 6 1. 6 1. 5 1. 3 5. 1 9 29 27 29 31 35 39 50 58 65 84 101

HORIZON; July 25, 1952; 0351 GCT; 11°57.5'S, 8 5 ' 0 0 ' W ; sounding, 2340 f m ; wind, 140°, f o r c e 4; w e a t h e r , cloudy; s e a , moderate; wire angle, 23°. 20. 02 5.04 0 0 20. 02 5.04 20. 04 5.05 9 10 20,,04 5.05 20. 04 5.08 20 20.,04 27 5.07 20. 01 5.04 30 20.,04 55 5.08 2.89 82 16. 32 50 20.,02 5.06 75 109 13. 84 0.05 18.,20 4.54 100 162 12. 23 14.,42 0.29 0.20 150 12.,49 216 0.43 0.24 11. 10. 96 200 268 0.33 11.,65 0.41 10. 34 250 319 0.33 11. 14 0.37 300 419 9. 00 0.29 10.,57 0.33 400 522 7. 76 0.40 9. 24 0.29 500 622 6. 76 8. 02 0.39 0.39 600 827 5. 30 0.68 6.,99 0.39 4. 38 700 6.,13 1033 1.27 0.44 800 5.,46 1236 3. 70 1.64 0.62 1000 4.,53 1.20 1200 3.,80 1.59


HORIZON; July 25, weather, overcast; 0 20.43 10 20.46 25 20.46 20.-47 54 77 15.46 13.50 105 157 12.47 11.83 208 262 11.36 10.74 308 9.40 413 7.92 514 6.69 615 5.31 816 4.37 1021 3.68 1217

4", 00



1952; 1140 GCT; 10°51'S, 85°00'W; sounding, 2220 fm; wind, 130°, f o r c e s e a , rough; wire angle, 15°. 2. 7 0 20. 4 3 4. 92 1. 00 4.92 1.00 10 20.,46 1.01 2. 2 4. 95 1. 01 4.95 20 20. 46 1. 6 5. 02 1. 02 5.03 1.03 30 20. 46 1.04 2. 0 5. 02 1. 03 4.88 50 20. 47 4. 94 0.64 2.28 11. 3 1. 04 15. 60 2. 14 0.13 2.54 19. 6 75 1. 10 100 13. 67 0. 14 2..51 0.13 2.53 26. 1 2.49 25. 9 150 12. 58 0. 13 2..53 0.32 200 0.17 2.44b) 29. 5 11. 9 1 0. 29 2..50 250 32. 0 11. 49 0. 20 2.,45 0.15 2.38 0.20 37. 1 300 10. 85 0. 16 2.,39 2.76 400 0. 19 0.33 2.88 41. 9 9. 58 2.,73 3.05 500 0. 32 2.,87 0.42 48. 6 8. 15 3.12 600 0. 42 0.62 65. 3 6.,85 3.,03 3.03 700 0. 47 1.23 87. 3 6.,06 3.,09 2.90 800 1.61 103.,5 5. 43 0. 59 3.,12 1000 4. 46 3.,05 1. 17 1200 3.,74 1. 58 2.,91

a) A l t e r n a t e value, 1.10 ug a t / L , not u s e d in interpolation. b) A l t e r n a t e value, 2 . 5 6 Mg a t / L , not used in interpolation.

3; 2. 7 2. 2 1. 7 1. 6 1. 9 11. 0 18. 7 25 26 29 32 37 41 47 55 64 85 103






PO 4 -P







Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L



H O R I Z O N ; July 2 5 , weather, overcast; 0 20.56 20.55 10 24 20.52 52 20.38 75 15.18 102 13.71 153 12.73 204 12.15 260 11.52 306 10.92 413 9.43 512 7.94 614 6.83 5.40 813 1015 4.44 3.70 1215

1952; 1808 G C T ; 9 * 5 8 . 5 ' S , 8 5 ' 0 0 ' W ; sounding, 2400 sea, rough; w i r e angle, 17°. 4.87 0 20.56 4.92 10 20.55 4.91 20 20.54 4.86 30 20.51 0.45 50 20.39 0.29 75 15.18 0.28 100 13.80 0.32 150 12.77 0.19 200 12.20 0.31 250 11.65 0.23 300 11.00 0.29 400 9.65 0.34 500 8.13 0.56 600 6.98 1.28 700 6.14 1.65 800 5.47 1000 1200

4.51 3.75

H O R I Z O N ; July 26,, 1952; 0036 G C T ; 9 ° 0 3 . 5 ' S , 8 4 ' 5 9 ' W ; sounding, 2350 weather, cloudy; sea, rough; w i r e angle, 15°. 0 20.01 5.00 1.06 0.5 0 20.01 10 20.02 4.97 1.15 3.8 10 20.02 24 20.02 4.98 1.16 2.3 20 20.02 52 19.58 4.62 1.20 2.2 30 20.00 75 15.17 0.20 2.16 15.5 50 19.67 103 13.86 0.29 2.26 18.0 75 15.17 153 12.92 0.16 2.29 23.6 100 14.00 204 12.50 0.18 2.34 24.8 150 12.96 259 11.90 0.20 2.43 27.0 200 12.54 304 11.44 0.20 2.46 28.8 250 11.99 412 9.69 0.18 2.63 35.5 300 11.49 515 8.16 0.20 2. 84a) 43.6 400 9.85 618 6.80 0.17 3.01 56.3 500 8.40 820 5.25 0.72 3.07 73.4 600 7.02 1021 4.38 1.24 3.02 89.3 700 5.99 1221 3.75 1.66 2.94b) 101.9 800 5.36 1000 4.47 1200 3.81



PO 4 -P



Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

fm; wind, 140°, f o r c e 3;


4 .87 4 .92 4 .92 4.91 4 .87 0.45 0 .30 0 .28 0 .32 0 .20 0 .29 0,.24 0..27 0.,34 0..39 0..53 1..22 1. 63 fm; wind, 160°, force 4; 5. 00 4 . 97 4. 98 4 . 95 4 . 70 0. 20 0. 28 0. 16 0. 17 0. 19 0. 20 0. 18 0 . 20 0. 17 0. 35 0. 66 1. 20 1. 63

1.06 1.15 1.16 1.16 1.19 2.16 2.26 2.29 2.35 2.42 2.46 2.61 2.81 2.98 3.04 3.07 3.03 2.93

0. 5 3..8 2. 8 2. 3 2. 2 15. 5 17. 7 23 25 27 29 35 42 54 64 72 88 101

H O R I Z O N ; July 2 6 , 1952; 0731 G C T ; 8°07'S, 8 4 ° 5 8 ' W ; sounding, 2330 f m ; wind, 130°, force 4; w e a t h e r , cloudy; sea, moderate; w i r e angle, 1 6 ° . 0 19.39 5.18 0 19.39 5.18 9 19.41 5.15 10 19.41 5.15 24 19.40 5.14 20 19.40 5.14 52 15.74 0.68 30 19.37 4.95 76 14.29 0.29 50 16.00 0.77 105 13.34 0.27 75 14.30 0.29 157 12.88 0.20 100 13.41 0.27 209 12.31 0.14 150 12.93 0.20 265 11.72 0.23 200 12.39 0.14 311 11.10 0.16 250 11.87 0.23 418 9.10 0.20 300 11.24 0.17 523 7.56 0.13 400 9.44 0.20 627 6.50 0.23 500 7.87 0.14 830 5.18 0.84 600 6.75 0.21 1035 4.30 1.44 700 5.94 0.42 1233 3.70 1.73 800 5.34 0.74 1000 4.44 1.36 1200 3.80 1.70 a) A l t e r n a t e value, 2 . 7 7 Mg a t / L , not used in interpolation. b) Mean value of 2 . 9 1 and 2 . 9 8 ng a t / L .









°2 ml/L











HORIZON; July 26, 1952; 1420 GCT; 7"10.5'S, 84°58'W; sounding, 2260 weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 11°. 0 20.42 5,,07 1.,10 2.,5 0 20.42 10 20.42 5. 04 1.,10 2. 9 10 20.42 24 20.41 5.,04 1..12 2.,9 20 20.42 53 19.51 4.,97 1..34 3. 8 30 20.40 77 0.,91 15.56 9. 2 50 1.,96 20.03 105 13.98 75 15.70 158 12.34 0. 38 2. 39 24. 8 100 14.29 210 0.,64 2.,34 11.86 26. 8 150 12.46 315 10.82 0. 17 2. 54 32. 9 200 11.95 424 8.96 0. 16 2.,78 41. 4 250 11.49 528 7.40 0. 24 2. 98 52. 7 300 11.01 632 6.46 0. 27 3. 03 59. 9 400 9.43 3. 06 836 5.29 0. 66 77. 8 500 7.77 1040 2.,97 4.28 1. 34 92. 5 600 6.70 1235 3.68 2. 96 107. 3 700 1. 62 6.03 2. 86 1576 2.81 2. 00 131. 0 800 5.47 1000 4.45 1200 3.76 1500 3.00



PO4-P Mg


SiC^-Si Mg

fm; wind, 140", force 4; 5.,07 5..04 5.,04 5.,04 4. 99 1.,20 0. 68 0. 38 0. 60 0. 50 0. 24 0. 16 0. 24 0. 26 0. 37 0. 56 1. 24 1. 59 1. 94

1.10 1.10 1.11 1.14 1.29 1.95 2.16 2.37 2.35 2.39 2.50 2.73 2.94 3.02 3.05 3.06 2.88 2.86 2.89

2.5 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.6 9.0 15.3 24 27 29 32 40 50 58 66 75 92 104 126


HORIZON; July 26, 1952; 2230 GCT; 6'00'S, 84°58'W; sounding, 2140 fm; wind, 150°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 26°. 0 18.31 4.97 0 18.31 4,.97 9 18.30 4.99 10 18.30 4,.99 23 4.92 18.26 20 18.27 4..95 50 2.12 17.35 30 4..80 18.16 72 14.72 1.03 50 17.35 2.,12 98 13.84 1.05 75 14.63 1..03 144 12.92 0.39 100 13.77 1.,03 190 0.33 12.46 150 12.85 0.,36 282 11.50 0.88u 200 0. 33 12.35 0.17 378 9.66 250 11.87 0.,27 470 8.06 0.20 300 11.23 0. 22 0.27 564 7.08 400 9.22 0. 18 5.70 754 0.75 500 7.73 0. 22 947 4.51 1.30 600 6.79 0. 33 1134 1.64 3.88 700 6.05 0. 59 1467 1.99 2.96 800 5.38 0. 89 1000 4.31 1. 43 1200 3.69 1. 74 1500 (2.87) (2. 00)


HORIZON; July 27, weather, overcast; 0 19.08 8 19.06 22 19.06 47 15.98 68 14.34 92 13.70 135 13.29 177 12.93 267 12.00 357 10.26 445 8.42 7.44 533 709 5.93 5.02 884 4.17 1076 1389 3.20

1952; 0558 GCT; 5°02.5'S, 84°59'W; sounding, 2130 sea, rough; wire angle, 30°. 5.11 1.42 4.,7 0 19.,08 1.41 4.,0 10 5.08 19..06 5.11 1.44 2.,9 20 19..06 1.29 2.08 8. 3 30 18.,93 0.84 14.,8 50 2.18 14.,84 0.84 2.24 17. 3 75 14.,23 2.42 20. 3 0.26 100 13.,62 21.,1 0.46 2.44a) 150 13. 15 0.38 2.50 23. 9 200 12.,71 0.12 2.80 32. 4 250 12. 20 3.00 0.14 42. 5 300 11. 43 0.45 3.01 46. 8 400 9. 20 0.68 3.17 63. 2 500 7. 81 1.02 3.18 75. 1 600 6. 82 1.43 3.11 90. 2 700 6. 00 3.02 1.96 115. 9 800 5. 44 1000 4. 50 1200 3. 74

a) Mean value of 2.40 and 2.47 |ig at/L.


fm; wind, 140°, force 4; 5.11 5.10 5.11 4.40 1.07 0.84 0.76 0.32 0.46 0.40 0.28 0.13 0.33 0.54 0.66 0.85 1.27 1.66

1. 42 1..41 1.,43 1.,52 2.,11 2.,20 2.,28 2. 45 2.,50 2.,52 2. 61 2. 92 3. 00 3. 06 3. 16 3.,18 3. 14 3. 07

4. 7 3. 9 3. 0 3. 8 9. 9 15. 8 18 21 21 23 26 37 45 54 63 70 84 101





02 ml/L





MS at/L

Mg at/L



O2 ml/L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; July 27, 1952; 1327 GCT; 4'05'S, SS'OO'W; sounding, 1830 fm; wind, 160", force 5; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 18*. 0 18.76 4.,93 0 18.76 4.93 10 18.77 4.,95 10 18.77 4.95 24 18.78 4..96 20 18.78 4.96 52 18.50 4,,60 30 18.74 4.96 75 16.30 1.,97 50 18.54 4.83 103 14.57 0.,87 75 16.30 1.97 153 13.73 0. 99 100 14.67 0.89 203 13.12 0. 53 150 13.79 0.98 302 11.72 0. 43 200 13.17 0.57 406 8.94 0. 27 250 12.61 0.48 505 0. 41 7.58 300 11.79 0.44 604 6.39 0. 56 400 9.06 0.27 799 5.30 1. 22 500 7.65 0.41 997 4.54 1. 41 600 6.43 0.54 1191 3.87 1. 69 700 0.93 5.76 1531 2.95 2. 01 800 5.29 1.23 1000 4.54 1.42 1200 3.84 1.69 1500 3.03 1.98 HORIZON; July 27,, 1952; 2101 GCT; 2°59'S, 85*00. 5'W; sounding, 1690 fm; wind, weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 23°. 0 19.06 4.54 1.20 5.0 0 19.06 4.54 9 19.02 4.53 1.15 5.0 10 19.02 4.53 23 18.98 4.54 1.13 5.2 20 19.00 4.54 50 17.72 4.07 1.35 7.4 30 18.90 4.53 72 16.84 2.79 1.49 8.5 50 17.72 4.07 100 14.48 1.02 1.94 15.8 75 15.80 1.19 150 13.90 1.37 1.94 16.0 100 14.48 1.02 200 13.30 0.58 2.26 19.8 150 13.90 1.37 300 11.66 0.20 2.48 28.1 200 13.30 0.58 404 8.64 0.17 2.82 42.1 250 12.67 0.25 504 7.58 0.68 2.82 47.2 300 11.66 0.20 605 6.77 0.75 2.88 56.9 400 8.71 0.17 806 5.62 1.09 2.89 71.3 500 7.62 0.65 1007 4.58 1.40 2.92 75.1 600 6.82 0.74 1200 3.91 1.54 2.94 69.3u 700 6.20 0.88 3.00 1545 1.91 2.92 122.2 800 5.66 1.07 1000 4.61 1.39 1200 3.91 1.54 1500 3.12 1.86


140°, force 4; 1.20 1.15 1.13 1.14 1.35 1.49 1.38 1.38 2.26 2.38 2.48 2.81 2.82 2.88 2.88 2.89 2.92 2.94 2.93

5..0 5..1 5.,2 5.,7 7. 4 8. 8 15. 8 16. 0 19. 8 24 28 41 47 56 66 71 75

HORIZON; July 28, 1952; 0505 GCT; 1°56'S, 84°59.5'W; sounding, 1410 fm; wind, 160°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 28°. C 19..90 5.04 0 19.90 5,.04 8 19,.90 5.06 10 19.89 5.,05 21 19,.85 5.01 20 19.84 5,,01 47 18,.36 4.39 30 19.60 4.,99 69 16.,67 2.85 50 18.00 4..08 93 14..94 2.30 75 15.82 2,.60 140 14. 46 2.23 100 14.86 2..28 187 13. 92 1.91 150 14.34 2..19 280 12. 13 0.34 200 13.74 1..73 378 9. 50 0.28 250 12.85 0. 82 474 7. 84 0.51 300 11.58 0. 33 7. 19 569 0.72 400 9.00 0. 33 764 5. 48 1.36 500 7.62 0. 56 961 4. 1.51 600 6.87 0. 85 1149 4. 01 1.55 700 5.92 1. 20 1480 3. 17 1.88 800 5.34 1. 41 1000 4.62 1. 52 1200 3.85 1. 58 1500 (3.12) (1.91) -a ao










°2 ml/L











HORIZON; July 28, 1952; 1242 GCT; 0°53.5'S, 84°58'W; sounding, 1200 weather. drizzle; sea., moderate; wire angle, 22°. 0 22. 72 4. 93 0.41a) 0 0 22.72 22. 72 4. 95 0. 36 0 10 9 22.72 27 16. 08 2. 66 1. 36 11. 2 20 22.68 54 15. 19 2. 28 1. 52 13. 9 30 15.75 80 15. 08 2. 37 1. 54 14. 9 50 15.22 106 14. 85 2. 34 1. 56 15. 1 75 15.09 157 14. 50 2. 24 1. 58 15. 1 100 14.90 1. 88 208 13. 48 1. 56 19. 3 150 14.54 310 0. 56 2. 38 30. 8 11. 51 200 13.67 0. 32 2. 67 42. 3 250 409 9. 05 12.66 2. 70 515 7. 71 0. 66 50. 4 300 11.74 2. 76 617 6. 64 0. 96 58. 5 400 9.23 827 5. 54 2. 79 75. 1 500 7.90 1. 25 1030 2. 80 100. 4 600 4. 38 1. 39 6.81 1227 2. 80 113. 0 700 6.20 3. 70 1. 73 2. 76 2. 89 1. 97 134. 3 800 5.70 1561 1000 4.53 1200 3.78 1500 3.02 HORIZON; July 28, weather, overcast; 0 24. 50 9 24..49 23 24. 34 50 15. 24 71 15. 12 14. 87 98 14. 64 146 194 13. 82 290 11. 74 389 9. 68 485 8. 04 7. 33 581 772 5. 84 964 4. 77 1149 4. 01 3. 11 1488




Mg at/L


fm; wind, 190°, force 2; 4. 93 4. 94 3. 00 2. 54 2. 28 2. 36 2. 36 2. 26 1. 67 1. 04 0. 63 0. 33 0. 60 0. 91 1. 10 1. 22 1. 34 1. 70 1. 94

0. 41 0. 36 0. 40 1. 39 1. 50 1. 54 1. 56 1. 58 1. 83 2..11 2. 34 2. 65 2. 70 2. 75 2. 78 2. 80 2. 80 2. 80 2..77

0 0. 1 6. 0 11. 9 13. 6 15 15 15 19 24 30 41 49 56 64 73 97 112 130

1952; 1926 GCT; 0°02'S, 85°02'W; sounding, 1780 fm; wind, 180°, force 3; sea, moderate; wire angle, 25°. 0 4.,73 24.,50 4.73 4.,75 10 24.,47 4.75 4.,70 20 24.,39 4.72 2.,45 30 22..60 4.65 2. 24 50 15.,24 2.45 1. 90 75 15. 08 1.51 2. 24 100 14.,86 1.93 150 1. 55 14. 60 2.23 0. 45 200 13. 73 1.48 0. 34 250 12.,63 0.76 0. 54 300 11. 53 0.42 400 0. 69 9. 47 0.36 500 7..94 0.57 1. 05 600 7. 19 0.72 1. 37 700 0.90 1. 58 6. 38 800 1. 90 5. 66 1.10 1000 4. 61 1.41 1200 3. 85 1.64 1500 (1.92) (3.08)

a) Alternate value, 0.48 tig at/L, not used in interpolation.


°2 ml/L





02 ml/L



Mg at/L




Mg at/L



2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; July 29, 1952; 0253, 0417 GCT; 1'01.5'N, 84°59.5'W; sounding, 1575 fm; wind, 200°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 20°, 27*. 0 0 24.,85 4..76 0.36 0 24.85 4.76 0 0.36 24.84 24.,84 4,.77 0.46 0 10 4.75 9 0.46 0 24.,84 0.43 0 20 24.84 4.42 24 0.43 0 30 24.70 2.67 52 15.,85 1.,87 1.64 13.9 0.48 1. 3 14.4 50 15.80 74 15.,48 1.68 1.86 1.64 14. 1 1..82 102 15.,11 15.1 75 15.36 1.86 1..97 1.68 1.68 14. 8 100 15.09 150 14.,72 2..00 1.66 14.9 1.98 1.68 15. 1 2.01 150 14.64 1.97 199 13.,76 1..06 19.6 1.67 15. 2 2.40 200 13.69 1.00 295 11. 82 0.,40 29.3 2.03 20 250 12.80 0.63 397 9.,03 0.,28 2.74 43.6 2.24 25 300 11.73 497 7.,96 0.,51 2.82 48.8 0.38 2.42 30 7. 22 400 8.99 0.28 594 0..66 2.85 55.3 2.75 44 500 5.,94 0. 96 2.92 69.7 7.92 0.53 789 2.83 49 7.19 0.67 990 4. 79 88.0 600 1. 35 2.96a) 2.85 56 700 1182 3. 96 2.93 6.51 0.80 1.,59 106.6 2.88 63 5.87 2. 94 800 0.98 1525 1.,94 2.88 132.8 2.92 70 1000 4.74 1.36 2.95 89 2. 86 1200 3.90 1586 2.94 134.3 1.61 1. 90 2.92 108 1500 2.99 1833 2. 57 2. 02 142.9 1.92 2.81 2.90 132 2000 2.36 2076 2. 28 2.80 2.14 2.80 2. 18 148.9 147 2500 2.10 2317 2. 12 156.4 2.36 2. 29 2.74b) 2.74 158 2. 08 2558 2.74 2. 27 158.2 2800 2. 03 2. 49 2.75 159.5


HORIZON; July 29, 1952; 1146, 1217 GCT; 2°08'N, 84'54.5'W; sounding, 1630 fm; wind, 180°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 35°, 30°. 4..69 0 0 25,,36 25.,36 4.69 4.,70 10 4.71 25,,36 25..36 8 4.,73 20 4.72 22 25,.36 25.,36 30 4.72 25.,30 4.,41 4.31 47 24..42 50 23.,55 17. 36c) 2.,60 75 67 16.,20 2.36 2,,15 100 15.,38 2.07 91 15..48 150 14. 70 1.90 135 15..03 1.,88 1.,91 200 1.65 180 13.,81 13. 46 0. 36 250 12. 60 0.52 271 12.,24 10. 64 0. 29 300 11. 77 0.30 358 0.31 0. 36 400 9. 40 437 8. 62 0. 57 500 7. 78 0.53 7. 62 515 0. 91 600 6. 87 0.77 672 6. 32 700 6.15 0.96 841 5. 39 1. 14 800 5. 59 1.09 4. 63 1. 35 1030 1000 1.32 1. 61 4. 78 1374 3. 35 1200 1.49 3. 95 a) Mean value of 2. 92 and 2.99 Mg at/L. b) Alternate value, 2.81|igat/L, not used in interpolation. c) Alternate value, 17.51°C, not used in interpolation.




















°2 ml/L

PO4-P Mg




HORIZON; July 30, 1952; 0002 GCT; 3°00'N, 85°00'W; sounding, 1700 fm; wind, 200°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 28°. 0.41 0 0 25.84 4. 60 0 25.84 4. 60 0.41 0 0.39 0 10 25.80 4. 71 25.80 4. 71 0.39 0 8 0 20 21 4. 65 0.42 25.81 4. 65 0.42 0 25.81 0 25.60 4. 53 0.46 30 25.76 4. 61 0.43 0 46 1.54 10.4 50 19.65 4. 44 0.50 0.3 16.64 2. 37 66 15.50 4. 29 2.,18 1.69 15.3 75 1.62 13.0 90 14.86 100 14.62 1.80 14.09 2.08 18.2 1. 94 16.5 135 1. 23 18.0 150 13.64 1.96 13.93 2.06 18.2 180 1. 95 1. 38 200 1. 72 2.00 0. 44 2.36 24.5 13.42 19 268 12.56 250 12.83 0. 66 10.10 0. 23 2.76 36.9 2.24 23 363 2.85 45.0 300 11.63 0. 30 2.53 8.82 0. 24 29 453 0. 2.82 40 0. 28 2.93 54.4 400 9.66 544 7.72 3.00 0. 24 69.7 500 8.25 50 727 6.08 0. 73 2.88 0. 41 3.02 85.5 600 7.13 2.97 59 910 5.08 1. 03 3.05 99.7 700 6.26 0. 66 3.00 67 4.32 1. 19 1084 3.00 0. 88 128.9 800 5.65 3.01 1406 3.32 1. 62 76 1000 4.67 1. 12 3.05 93 1200 3.93 3.04 110 1. 34


HORIZON; July 30, 1952; 0745 GCT; 3°57.5'N, 85°01'W; sounding, 1640 fm; wind, 230", force 3; weather, rain; sea,, slight; wire angle, 25°. 0 26.13 4.,51 0 26.13 4.51 10 4.,63 4.63 26.11 8 26.11 20 26.10 4. 64 4.64 26 26.07 4.,59 1.87 30 25.96 53 16.68 50 18.15 1.,89 14.80 1.95 78 14.42 1.52 75 14.85 1. 94 104 1.37 100 14.49 1.,60 13.66 153 1.30 150 13.69 1. 37 13.28 206 200 13. 32 1. 31 11.62 0.45 306 250 12.69 0. 94 9.24 0.11 404 0. 50 300 11.75 7.95 0.23 503 400 9.34 0. 12 7.00 0.29 598 500 8.00 0. 23 0.71 5.62 788 600 0. 29 1.24 6.98 980 4.76 0. 47 700 6.22 1.34 1170 3.98 800 5.57 0. 75 1.83 1507 2.96 1000 1. 26 4.68 1200 3.87 1. 37 1500 2.97 1. 82


HORIZON; July 30, 1952; 1526 GCT; 4°55'N, 85°01'W; sounding, missing; wind, 200°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 12°. 0 0 26. 65 4.65 0.38 0 0.38 0 26. 65 4. 65 0 10 26. 64 4.68 0.32 0 0.32 10 4. 68 26. 64 4.50 0.40 0.91 2.9 20 26. 59 1. 2 3. 73 25 23. 37 2.60 1.64 2.00 30 22. 20 5. 5 1. 14 15.8 54 15. 44 1.17 17.1 50 16. 82 1.99 14. 7 1.98 77 14.,29 1. 35 75 14. 32 1.35 1.98 17 2.06 19.1 13. 56 1.,07 106 21.1 100 13. 65 1.13 2.04 2.18 19 13. 12 0. 89 159 2.24 23.4 150 13. 19 0.90 2.17 21 0. 74 211 12.,66 2.23 200 12. 76 0.78 23 0.,29 2.05u 30.8 314 11.,30 250 12. 20 0.58 2.35 2.83a) 44.6 26 9. 26 0. 08 421 2.51 30 54.4 300 11. 50 0.35 0. 23 2.96 524 7.,70 400 9. 67 0.09 2.82 42 0. 32 3.00 65.3 625 6. 73 500 8. 03 0.20 2.95 52 3.06 82.3 5.,46 0. 65 825 600 6. 94 0.30 2.99 62 2.97 92.5 4. 82 0. 99 944 700 0.41 3.03 72 2.96 6. 22 1. 33 114.8 1220 3. 83 800 0.59 3.06 80 139.0 5.,60 2.86 1564 2. 95 1. 75 4.,59 97 1000 1.08 2.96 1200 3. 91 1.33 2.96 113 2.87 1500 3. 09 1.66 135



a) Alternate value, 2.90 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation.





°2 ml/L




Si0 3 -Si







°2 ml/L


PO4-P Mg


SiOg-Si Mg


HORIZON; July 31, 1952; 0050 GCT; 6°00'N, 85°00'W; sounding, 1050 fm; wind, 240°, force 3; weather, rain; sea, moderate; wire angle, 13°. 0 26.88 4..65 0 26.,88 4. 65 10 26.73 4..72 10 26..73 4.,73 20 24.75 4..35 22..46 3. 39 25 30 0.,96 21.30 2..75 54 15.,58 50 16.60 14.,64 0. 70 1..14 78 75 14.74 0. 71 107 13.,78 0. 65 100 160 13.13 0. 62 13.94 0..65 150 211 12.,59 0. 51 13.25 0.,63 200 12.70 0.,55 315 11.,06 0. 37 250 12.07 0.,46 424 8.,74 0. 16 300 11.33 7.,48 0.,39 0., 18 529 400 9.24 633 6.,75 0. 39 0.,18 500 5.,28 7.72 0..17 837 1. 03 600 1042 4.,50 1. 08 6.99 0..28 1240 3. 74 700 6.21 0..60 1. 30 2. 90 800 5.47 0..92 1582 1. 75 1000 4.66 1.,07 1200 3.89 1.,24 1500 3.07 1.,67


HORIZON; July 31, 1952; 0927 GCT; 7 °05'N,, 84°59'W; sounding, 980 fm; wind, 260°,, force ;3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; w i r e angle,, 03°. 0 0 26.,63 4. 56 0,.45 0 26.63 4. 56 0..45 0 10 0.,40 0 26.62 10 26. 62 4. 75 4.,75 0..40 0 20 22. 13 3. 17 1..10a) 24.30 4. 62 25 5.,6 0..42 3. 3 30 15. 71 2..06 21.10 53 0. 98 16.,2 2. 45 1.,56 8. 4 16.43 1. 15 2.,02 0. 73 17. 8 50 15. 5 77 2.,15 14. 40 0. 73 0. 76 2.,18 14.45 2.,14 17. 6 107 13. 78 19. 3 75 0. 75 0. 69 2.,21 21.,6 100 13.89 2.,18 19 160 13. 18 0. 72 0. 50 23. 2 13.29 2..20 21 2.,32 150 214 12. 56 0. 56 0. 20 2.,60 34.,7 200 12.75 2..28 10. 60 23 321 12.00 0. 38 0. 11 2.,90 48. 2 250 2..42 26 432 8. 88 0. 24 0. 18 56. 7 300 11.06 2. 55 7. 54 3.,00 32 539 64. 3 400 9.34 0. 13 2. 81 0. 30 3. 00 45 644 6.66 0. 79 82. 4 500 7.98 0. 14 2. 97 5. 31 3. 03 54 852 0. 23 0. 99 104. 4 600 7.03 3. 00 1062 4. 28 3. 03 61 0. 45 2. 97 120. 8 700 6.26 3. 01 1260 3. 60 1. 41 69 133. 7 800 5.62 0. 69 1607 2. 89 1. 72 2. 90 3. 03 77 1000 4.55 0. 91 3. 04 98 3.77 1200 1. 31 2. 99 116 1500 3.04 1. 62 2. 91 131 a) Alternate value, 1.22 |ig at/L, not used in interpolation.








°2 ml/L





Mg at/L

Mg a t / L



°2 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; July 31, 1952; 1729 GCT; 8°09'N, 84°58'W; sounding, 1729 fm; wind, 260°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 13°. 0 27.64 4. 72 0 27.,64 4.72 10 27. 46 4. 71 10 27. 46 4.71 24 27. 16 4. 75 20 27.,27 4.74 51 30 19. 84 1. 93 26. 10 4.72 75 16. 86 50 1. 08 20. 50 2.10 0. 96 75 102 15.. 39 16. 86 1.08 152 13.74 0. 93 100 15. 50 0.96 202 12. 89 0. 55 150 13. 81 0.94 302 11.,28 0. 38 200 12. 92 0.57 409 9.,08 0. 11 250 12. 15 0.47 510 7. 47 0. 15 300 11. 34 0.38 0. 23 400 612 6.,48 9. 25 0.10 810 5.,34 0. 65 500 7. 59 0.15 1010 4.,43 0. 77 600 6. 57 0.22 700 1204 3.,80 1. 19 5. 92 0.49 1552 2.,94 1. 60 800 5. 41 0.64 1000 4. 48 0.76 1200 3. 82 1.19 1500 3. 07 1.53


HORIZON; August 1, 1952; 0418 GCT; 9°02.5'N, 85°02'W; sounding, 1870 fm; wind, 180°, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 01°. 0.,51 0. 7 0 27. 77 4. 57 0 27,,77 4.,57 0.51 0. 7 0. 50 10 27. 61 4. 72 0.,9 10 27,,61 4. 72 0.50 0. 9 4. 77 0.,49 0. 5 20 27,,50 25 26. 44 4.,74 0.49 0. 5 14.,2 54 18. 24 1. 35 1.,88 30 4.,70 26.,45 0.50 1. 2 15. 70 0. 89 2.,06 50 20.,00 78 18.,2 1. 72 12. 3 1.76 107 14. 74 0. 73 2.,10 18. 0 75 15.,84 0. 90 2.05 18. 0 0. 67 2. 17 100 162 13. 96 18. 5 14..91 0. 74 2.10 18. 1 215 13. 16 0. 51 2.,26 20.,5 150 14.,13 0. 68 2.16 18. 0 10. 86 0. 18 2. 54 30. 4 200 321 13.,40 0. 58 2.23 20 2..86 50. 2 250 432 8. 47 0. 09 12.,46 0. 39 2.35 23 300 539 7. 13 0. 11 2. 92 61. 4 11.,34 0. 22 2.48 28 400 645 6. 48 0. 32 2. 95 67. 0 9.,12 0. 10 2.78 45 852 5. 10 0. 57 3. 01 87. 7 500 7.,50 0. 10 2.90 58 3. 02 600 1059 4. 20 0. 90 106. 4 6.,77 0. 24 2.94 65 3. 05 700 0. 40 1257 3. 64 1. 17 122.,2 6. 10 2.97 71 3. 01 800 5.,42 0. 50 1606 2. 82 1. 69 139.,9 2.99 82 1000 4. 41 0. 82 3.02 101 1200 3.,80 1. 08 3.05 117 1500 3. 06 1. 51 3.02 135






°2 ml/L












HORIZON; August 4, 1952; 0748 GCT; 9'30'N, 85°36'W; sounding, 1120 weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 14°. 0 27. 83 0 27. 83 4.63 10 27. 82 4.70 10 27..82 24 26. 59 4.67 20 27. 70 30 52 18. 62 1.64 25. 10 15. 76 0.85 50 19. 55 76 15. 18 0.77 75 15.. 77 103 100 154 14. 04 0.62 15. 24 150 14. 11 204 13. 18 0.53 200 13. 25 304 0.30 11. 38 250 410 8. 90 0.17 12. 39 7. 43 0.14 300 11. 45 511 400 611 7. 02 0.23 9. 10 7. 52 808 5. 62 0.43 500 7. 09 1006 4. 72 0.64 600 1197 3. 88 0.91 700 6. 37 3. 10 800 5. 67 1538 1.53 1000 4. 75 1200 3. 86 1500 3. 16

°2 ml/L

PO4-P Mg


SiOg-Si Mg


fm; wind, 240°, force 4;


4.63 4.70 4.69 4.47 1.92 0.86 0.77 0.64 0.55 0.43 0.32 0.18 0.14 0.22 0.32 0.42 0.63 0.93 1.47

HORIZON; August 4, 1952; 1544 GCT; 9°28.5'N, 86°38.5'W; sounding, 1710 fm; wind, 260°, force 2; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 05°. 27,.84 0 27..84 4.,58 0.44 0 0 4.,58 0.44 0 10 0 10 26..64 4. 54 0.48 26.,64 4.,54 0.48 0 24 21..09 7.,7 20 23.,30 2. 27 1.48 3.,30 1.12 4. 0 53 0. 99 30 19.,90 16.,35 2.02 16.,2 1. 91 1.66 10. 7 19. 3 50 16. 77 1. 09 14. 80 0. 68 2.12 1.98 16. 0 77 20. 3 75 14.,83 0. 70 14.> 16 0. 57 2.13 2.11 106 19. 1 0. 41 2.20 22. 5 100 14.,25 0.,58 160 13. 35 2.12 20. 2 0. 23 29. 3 150 13. 51 0. 46 212 2.36 2.20 22 11. 96 0. 10 2.64 42. 1 200 12. 27 0. 28 9. 76 2.32 27 316 54. 4 250 0. 16 8. 16 0. 08 2.84 11. 06 2.47 34 428 0. 10 2.93 66. 4 300 10. 03 0. 11 2.60 534 7. 02 41 70. 9 400 8. 54 0. 08 639 6. 36 0. 24 2.96a) 2.79 52 3.01 500 7. 35 0. 09 842 5. 30 0. 43 86. 6 2.91 63 600 0. 20 1051 4. 38 0. 74 3.08 103. 1 6. 59 2.94 69 3.06 119. 5 700 6. 01 0. 28 1247 3. 68 1. 07 2.97 75 800 0. 38 1592 2. 91 1. 59 2.98 134. 6 5. 49 3.00 83 1000 4. 59 0. 67 3.07 99 1200 3. 83 0. 98 3.07 116 1500 3. 08 1. 48 2.99 132 a) Mean value of 2. 92 and 2.99 |ig at/L.







°2 ml/L





ng at/L

yg at/L



HORIZON; AugusL 4, 1952; 2224 GCT; 9°11'N, 87°31'W; sounding, 1750 weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 09°. 27. 04 0 4.79 0 27.,04 10 22. 54 3.61 10 22.,54 1.87 24 16. 56 20 18.,90 48 14. 90 0.61 30 15.,90 13. 98 0.39 72 50 14.,79 13. 51 0.49 96 75 13.,85 149 12. 93 0.45 100 13.,46 0.38 12. 34 196 150 12.,91 0.14 289 11. 14 200 12..29 0.08 389 9. 40 250 11.,66 0.11 7. 93 484 300 10. 94 0.11 583 6. 87 400 9. 20 0.33 778 5. 50 500 7. 75 4. 54 0.59 968 600 6. 73 1.03 1162 3. 92 700 6.,01 1.41 1471 3. 13 800 5. 36 1000 1200 1500


HORIZON; August 5, 1952; 0830 GCT; 9°06'N, 88°32'W; sounding, 1790 weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 01°. 4.63 0.66 0. 2 0 26. 72 0 26. 72 3.01 1.28 7,,4 10 19. 92 10 19.,92 1.43 1.81a) 17. 42 13.,0 25 20 18. 27 0.85 2.06 17. 8 30 50 15. 14 16.,75 14. 12 74 50 15.,14 18. 9 1.15 2.06 98 13. 62 75 14. 11 0.90 19. 3 2. 10 152 12. 75 100 13. 57 0.82 22. 1 2.18 201 12. 07 150 12. 79 0.68 2.28 23. 9 298 10. 90 200 12. 09 28. 6 0.66 2.39 399 9. 76 250 11. 44 0.27 37. 3 2.02 495 8. 34 2.90 52. 7 300 10. 84 0.11 597 7. 12 400 9. 75 0.14 3.02 63.2 795 5. 74 500 0.22 79.4 8. 30 3.11 990 4. 66 600 7. 09 0.52 3.18 98.1 1187 3. 92 0.89 700 3. 18 111. 2 6. 34 1500 3. 08 130. 7 800 1.45 3. 12 5. 71 1000 4. 61 1200 3. 88 1500 3. 08 a) Alternate value, 1.90ngat/L, not used in interpolation.


4. 43 3. 81 (3.07)

°2 ml/L



ug at/L

Mg at/L

im; wind, 250°, force 2; 4.79 3.61 2.32 1.41 0.55 0.41 0.49 0.45 0.36 0.23 0. 12 0.08 0. 10 0.12 0.23 0.36 0.67 1.09 (1.45) fm; wind, 220°, force 1; 4. 63 3. 01 1. 84 1. 12 0. 85 1. 15 0. 89 0. 83 0. 68 0. 68 0. 65 0. 27 0. 11 0. 14 0. 17 0. 23 0. 55 0. 91 1. 45

0. 66 1.,28 1.,80 1. 96 2.,06 2. 06 2. 11 2. 18 2. 28 2. 34 2. 39 2. 62 2. 91 3. 02 3. 07 3. 11 3. 18 3. 18 3. 12

0. 2 7. 4 11. 2 14. 1 17. 8 19. 0 19. 5 22 24 26 29 37 53 63 71 80 99 112 131





°2 ml/L





yg a t / L

Mg a t / L



o2 ml/L




Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

HORIZON; August 5, 1952; 1436 GCT; 8 ° 1 1 . 5 ' N , 88°37.5'W; sounding, 1850 fm; wind, 250 4 , force 3; weather, cloudy; s e a , moderate; wire angle, 10°. 0 26.78 4. 60 0 4. 60 26.78 10 26.38 4. 48 10 26.38 4. 48 25 20.60 2. 84 20 22.75 4. 12 15.60 49 0. 92 30 19.35 2. 10 73 14.37 0. 70 50 15.40 0. 91 97 13.79 0. 64 75 14.32 0. 69 150 13.26 0. 54 100 13.74 0. 63 198 12.65 0. 49 150 13.26 0. 54 293 11.48 0. 58 200 12.63 0. 49 392 10.16 0. 22 250 11.99 0. 54 487 8.47 0. 10 300 11.38 0. 55 585 7.34 0. 14 400 10.00 0. 23 779 5.70 0. 35 500 8.30 0. 10 971 4.78 0. 58 600 7.20 0. 16 1170 3.97 0. 99 700 0. 27 6.26 3.07 1486 800 1. 49 5.59 0. 37 1000 4.65 0. 63 1200 3.87 1. 05 1500 (3.03) (1.49) HORIZON; August 5-6, 1952; 2245, 2312, 0056 GCT; 7°15'N, 88°46'W; sounding, 1880 fm; wind, 220°, force 4; weather, o v e r c a s t ; s e a , rough; wire angle, 2 9 ° , 42°, 0 7 ° . 0 26.82 4.70 0,.58 0 0 26,.82 4..70 0.58 0 8 26.80 4.69 0,.52 0 10 26.,78 4..67 0.52 0 21 25.92 4.31 0,.63 0,,4 20 26,,47 4.,42 0.62 0. 3 45 16.85 1.61 1..74 12..8 30 22,.85 2..03 1.20 2. 8 65 15.04 1.48 1..84 16,,6 50 16,,30 1.,57 1.77 14. 0 89 14.26 1.29 1..94 17,.3 75 14..60 1. 41 1.88 17 132 13.62 0.84 2.,08 19..3 14,,06 100 1.,16 1.99 18 178 13.14 2..06 1.21 19,,3 150 13,,44 0. 98 2.08 19 200 12. 85 1. 00 2.12 21 243 12.13 0.60 24,,8 2.,24 250 12..03 0. 60 2.26 26 328 10.66 0.58 2.,33 300 30.6 0. 59 11. 12 2.30 29 409 9.50 0.14 2.,69 42.,7 400 9. 63 0. 16 2.66 41 493 8.11 0.14 2.,81 53. 5 500 8. 03 0. 15 2.82 54 658 6.42 0.36 2.,91 67. 3 600 6. 92 0. 29 2.87 63 827 5.42 0.50 3. 12 82. 8 700 6. 15 0. 38 2.97 71 994 4.68 0.90 3. 04 95. 4 800 5. 56 0. 46 3.09 81 1000 4. 68 0. 92 3.04 96 1290 3.66 3. 00 1.17 113. 4 1200 3. 93 1. 14 3.02 108 1668 2.64 1.74 2. 92 140. 4 1500 3. 04 1. 49 2.94 129 2. 30 1908 2.02 2. 89 151. 0 2000 2. 20 2. 14 2.86 155 2150 2.03 2.31 2. 82 160. 2 2500 1. 84 2. 44 2.74 162 2394 1.86 2.40 -2. 74 161. 5 3000 (1.83) (2.62) (2.66) (159) 2641 1.83 2.48 2. 72 162. 2 1.83 2888 2.58 2. 68 160.2










o2 ml/L


Si0 3 -Si



ug at/L

Mg at/L



HORIZON; August 6, 1952; 0906 GCT; 6°22'N, weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 33°. 4.64 0 26.65 4.76 8 26.65 4.67 21 26.66 1.57 46 18.76 17.24 1.64 66 14.94 1.70 91 1.30 136 13.76 180 0.97 13.18 270 0.61 12.08 364 10.26 0.29 0.13 449 8.71 540 7.42 0.23 717 6.23 0.54 0.71 896 5.11 1068 4.36 1.06 1.48 1390 3.39




Mg at/L

Mg at/L

I°54.5"W; sounding, 1820 fm; wind, 210", force 4; 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200

26.65 26.65 26.66 26.57 18.36 16.00 14.60 13.56 12.94 12.36 11.54 9.60 7.90 7.00 6.35 5.68 4.64 3.90

HORIZON; August 6, 1952; 1815 GCT; 5°05'N, 88°49'W; sounding, 1650 weather, partly cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 13°. 0 0 4. 63 0.40 0 26.66 26.66 0 10 26.60 10 26.60 4. 69 0.36 4.,67 0.34 0 20 26.59 25 26.57 30 1.68 13.1 26.49 53 17.36 1. 76 50 18.80 77 16.14 1. 51 1.78 13.7 1.87 19.1 75 16.15 105 14.82 1. 34 13.57 1.90 22.5 100 15.00 157 1. 38 2.14 150 208 12.99 0. 65 28.6 13.66 310 0. 31 2.38 40.7 200 13.06 11.56 250 0. 20 2.63 53.5 12.43 418 9.73 300 11.73 522 7.68 0. 28 2.82 53.6 400 0. 37 2.87 62.3 10.13 626 6.78 80.1 500 8.03 831 5.45 0. 74 2.91 600 96.1 6.97 1036 4.58 2.88 1. 06 700 2.82 115.2 6.25 1232 3.78 1. 29 2.74a) 128.9 800 5.63 1576 2.86 1. 84 1000 4.73 1200 3.90 1500 3.02 a) Mean value of 2.71 and 2.78 (ig at/L.



4.64 4.75 4.68 3.38 1.58 1.67 1.66 1.16 0.87 0.69 0.51 0.20 0.16 0.33 0.51 0.59 0.94 1.24 fm; wind, 210°, force 4; 4. 63 4.,69 4.,68 4.,59 2.,70 1. 53 1. 35 1. 37 0. 73 0. 46 0. 34 0. 20 0. 27 0. 33 0. 47 0. 69 1. 02 1. 25 1. 71

0.,40 0. 36 0. 34 0. 35 1. 60 1.,77 1. 86 1. 90 2. 10 2. 24 2. 36 2. 60 2. 78 2. 86 2. 88 2. 91 2. 89 2. 83 2. 76

0 0 0 0. 7 12. 0 13. 7 17. 9 22 28 34 40 51 54 60 69 78 93 112 126





°2 ml/L



PO 4 -P




Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L



°2 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L


H O R I Z O N ; A u g u s t 7, 1952; 0200 G C T ; 4 * 1 1 . 5 ' N , 89°03'W; sounding, 1300 f m ; w i n d , 170', f o r c e 4; w e a t h e r , cloudy; sea, moderate; w i r e angle, 12°. 0 26.37 4.63 0 26.37 4.63 10 26.34 4.74 10 26.34 4.74 25 26.35 4.72 20 26.35 4.74 54 20.51 3.38 30 26.32 4.67 77 15.94 1.68 50 22.00 3.93 106 14.51 1.99 75 16.10 1.68 13.56 156 1.34 100 14.68 1.97 12.99 206 0.99 150 13.62 1.40 306 11.48 200 0.26 13.05 1.04 412 9.48 0.20 250 12.35 0.62 7.97 515 0.23 300 11.56 0.29 617 7.10 0.44 400 9.69 0.20 819 5.56 500 0.73 8.14 0.21 4.53 1021 1.11 600 7.26 0.42 3.84 1215 1.43 700 6.41 0.56 2.90 1556 800 1.88 5.68 0.71 1000 4.64 1.08 1200 3.89 1.44 1500 3.04 1.81


H O R I Z O N ; A u g u s t 7, 1952; 0908 G C T ; 3°09.5'N, 89'08'W; sounding, 860 f m ; w i n d , w e a t h e r , o v e r c a s t ; sea, m o d e r a t e ; w i r e angle, 08°. 0 25..85 0 4.,74 0.30 0 25.85 4.74 25..84 10 10 4.,81 0.31a) 0 25.84 4.81 25.,87 25 20 4..87 0.33 0 25.86 4.86 20..38 53 30 3..40 1.08 7.7 25.85 4.81 77 16.,04 2.,07 13.0 50 1.58 20.55 3.72 1.83 105 14.,47 1.,58 16.6 75 16.25 2.12 1.95 157 1. 18 19.6 100 14.67 1.65 13.,46 0. 94 2.08 22.0 210 12. 98 150 13.52 1.20 0. 32 2.46 30.8 316 200 13.06 1.01 11. 10 0. 30 2.76 46.4 425 8. 46 250 12.40 0.67 530 7. 27 0. 46 2.83 56.3 300 11.44 0.38 632 0. 58 2.88 64.1 6. 53 400 8.98 0.30 2.88 79.6 836 5. 38 1. 07 500 7.54 0.40 2.92 1029 4. 42 1. 31 97.4 600 6.76 0.52 1214 2.92 110.0 3. 86 1. 50 700 6.12 0.76 1555 2. 98 1. 92 2.88 129.8 800 5.54 1.01 1000 4.52 1.29 1200 3.90 1.48 1500 3.12 1.86


220°, f o r c e 4; 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.35 1.93 1.56 1.80 1.93 2.06 2.20 2.40 2.70 2.82 2.87 2.88 2.88 2.92 2.92 2.90

0 0 0 0. 6. 12. 16. 19. 21. 25 29 43 54 62 70 78 95 109 127

8 8 8 3 3 2

a) A l t e r n a t e value, 0.17 Mg a t / L , not u s e d i n i n t e r p o l a t i o n .







PO 4 -P







ng at/L





cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 02°. 4. 79 24.13 24.10 4. 84 23.94 4. 82 20.63 3. 66 15.01 2. 53 14.62 2. 40 13.92 1. 98 13.48 1. 50 0. 42 11.58 0. 34 8.55 7.36 0. 54 6.42 0. 88 5.35 1. 37 4.26 1. 50 3.80 1. 59 2.88 1. 98

0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1500

24. 13 24. 10 23. 98 23. 91 21. 40 15. 04 14. 70 14. 04 13. 58 13. 03 12. 07 9. 15 7. 74 6. 74 6. 12 5. 61 4. 52 3. 94 3. 20

HORIZON; August 8, 1952; 0003, 0041 GCT; 1°10'N, 89°28'W; sounding, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 33°, 10°. 0. 4 0. 50 0 22. 69 0 22. 69 4.81 0. 44 0. 4 4.82 10 22.,67 7 22.,67 4.83 0. 42 1. 3 20 22. 66 19 22.,66 4.62 0. 46 1. 4 30 22. 64 42 22.,32 2.22 1.,46 14. 6 50 19.,50 60 15.,49 75 14. 82 2.00 14. 9 14. 96 82 1. 54 100 14. 62 122 14.,40 2.28 1. 50 14. 8 150 14. 19 200 13.,74 1.75 1. 70 13. 84 211 16. 9 250 2. 14 26. 3 13. 36 314 12.,06 0.56 300 2. 47 12. 47 0.47 43. 6 416 8.,69 400 2. 59 8. 96 516 7.,86 0.68 48. 8 500 7. 95 0.80 54. 7 617 7.,26 2.64a) 600 7. 37 2. 72 70. 4 812 5. 80 1.18 700 2. 90 84. 8 6. 64 4.,88 1.50 1006 800 5. 90 2. 94 106. 4 1189 4.,04 1.88 2. 86 130. 7 1000 4. 91 1510 3.,08 1.96 1200 4. 00 1500 3. 10 a) Mean value of 2.60 and 2. 68 |ig at/L.


°2 ml/L



Hg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; August 7, 1952; 1659 GCT; 2°07'N, 89°12.5'W; sounding, 1290 fm; wind, 170°, force 4; weather, 0 10 24 53 77 106 159 213 320 431 536 642 849 1058 1259 1606



4.79 4.84 4.83 4.77 4.04 2.54 2.43 2.04 1.63 1.02 0.53 0.36 0.37 0.46 1.04 1.29 1.46 1.54 1.78 1260 fm; wind, 180°, 4.,81 4.,83 4.,83 4. 82 3.,25 2. 03 2. 12 2. 26 1. 90 1. 19 0.,66 0.47 0. 65 0. 78 0. 97 1. 16 1. 50 1. 90 1. 96

0.50 0.43 0.42 0.44 0.50 1.53 1.53 1.54 1.67 1.88 2.08 2.43 2.58 2.63 2.67 2.72 2.90 2.94 2.87

0. 4 0.,8 1.,3 1.,3 2.,8 14. 9 14. 8 15.,2 16. 6 20 25 41 48 54 62 69 84 107 130





°2 ml/L





Mg at/L

Mg at/L



HORIZON; August 8, 1952; 0709 GCT; 0°18'N, 89°40'W; sounding, 1140 weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 22°. 0 20. 02 0 4. 60 20..02 9 19. 98 4. 57 10 19.,97 23 18. 92 20 3. 96 19.,35 51 16. 68 2. 83 30 18.,50 14. 90 74 2. 18 50 16.,93 101 14. 60 2. 02 75 14.,89 151 14. 10 100 1. 97 14..64 13. 56 150 203 2. 09 14. 11 12.04 305 0. 76 200 13.,60 9. 48 412 0. 34 250 12.,98 8. 14 300 516 0. 60 12. 16 7. 30 617 0. 85 400 9. 7.0 819 6. 02 500 8. 31 1. 13 4. 72 1020 600 7. 41 1. 46 3. 92 700 1214 1. 62 6. 75 1549 3. 00 800 1. 95 6. 15 1000 4. 85 1200 3. 97 1500 3. 10

°2 ml/L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L

fm; wind, 180°, f o r c e 3;


4. 60 4..56 4..20 3.,70 2.,90 2.,17 2.,03 1.,97 1. 13 0. 88 0. 78 0. 36 0. 56 0. 81 0. 98 1. 12 1. 44 1. 61 1. 93

HORIZON; August 8, 1952; 1207 GCT; 0°03.5'S, 89°35'W; sounding, 900 fm; wind, weather, overcast; sea, slight; wire angle, 15°. 19.90 0 4. 53 0..76 0 0 19..90 4.,53 9 18.32 0,,94 10 3. 75 2..0 18..15 3. 70 15.07 23 2. 29 1,.49 20 13..5 15..75 2..70 51 14.69 2. 00 30 1..58 15.,5 14.,93 2. 19 74 14.52 1. 99 1..62 16..9 50 14.,69 2. 01 14.32 1. 98 1..62 17.,5 14.,51 101 75 1. 99 152 1. 84 1.,65 15.,7 14.06 100 14.,33 1. 98 202 13.49 1. 96 1. 69 16.,9 14.,07 1. 85 150 302 0. 73 2.,15 26. 6 200 13. 51 11.91 1. 96 407 0. 42 2.,36a) 39.,1 9.53 250 12. 86 1. 43 508 8.07 0. 70 2. 50b) 46. 4 300 0. 78 11. 98 610 7.41 0. 87 2. 57 51. 1 400 9. 66 0. 42 833 5.82 1. 22 2. 65 62. 3 0. 66 500 8. 16 1035 1. 53 2. 70 92. 0 600 7. 49 0. 86 4.58 2. 72 108. 2 1228 3.88 1. 60 700 6. 79 0. 99 1568 2.98 1. 96 2. 66 131. 0 800 6. 06 1. 17 1000 4. 76 1. 52 1200 3. 97 1. 54 3. 12 1500 1. 90

190°, f o r c e 2; 0.76 0.99 1.40 1.53 1.58 1.62 1.62 1.65 1.69 1.89 2.14 2.35 2.49 2.56 2.61 2.64 2.69 2.72 2.69


0 1. 8 13. 0 14. 3 15. 4 17. 0 17. 5 15. 8 16. 8 21 26 38 46 51 55 61 86 106 126

a) Alternate value, 2.45 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Alternate value, 2.59 ug at/L, not used in interpolation.








°2 ml/L





Mg at/L

Mg at/L



°2 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; August 9, 1952; 1443 GCT; 2*59. 5'S, 90°06'W; sounding, 1700 fm; wind, 120*, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 27". 0 19..39 4..78 0 19.39 4,.78 4.,76 8 19..38 10 19.37 4,.76 21 19..29 4..76 20 19,.30 4,.76 47 4..16 18..10 30 19,.24 4,.67 67 17..36 3,.64 50 17,.93 4,.08 91 17,,06 3..00 75 17,.22 3,.43 136 14.,17 1.,64 100 17,.01 2..65 181 13.,57 1..52 150 13..92 1..58 271 12..30 0..47 200 13..32 1..43 370 10..02 0..10 250 12..63 0..73 464 8..14 0.,39 300 0.,27 11..70 559 7..18 0.,74 400 9..30 0..14 500 748 5.,73 1.. 19 7,.76 0.,52 935 4.,76 1.,44 600 6..81 0..86 1116 4.,10 1.,68 700 6..04 1..09 1450 3.,10 1.,97 800 5..43 1..26 1000 4..50 1.,53 1200 3..83 1.,76 1500 (2.98) (1.99) HORIZON; August 9, 1952; 2043 GCT; 2'20.5'S, 90° 28.5'W; sounding, 1700 fm; wind . 220°, force 3; weather, overcast;; sea, slight; wire angle, 14°. 0 19. 46 4. 72 0.98 6.5 0 19. 46 4. 72 0,.97 6.,5 10 4. 31 18. 04 1.08 8.3 10 4. 31 18. 04 1..08 8.,3 24 15. 90 1.34 3. 36 13.0 20 16. 16 3. 67 1.,27 12.,2 53 15. 42 2. 49 1.54 13.3 30 15. 79 3. 12 1.,40 13.,2 77 15. 12 2. 38 1.54 50 14.4 15. 49 2. 54 1. 53 13. 3 104 14. 94 2. 57 1.52 75 14.4 15. 14 2. 38 1. 54 14. 4 156 13. 84 2. 50 1.72 15.3 100 14. 99 2. 54 1.,52 14. 4 207 13. 66 2. 19 17.1 1.76 150 13. 91 2. 51 1. 71 15. 2 12. 26 309 0. 29 2.37 27.2 200 13.70 2. 27 1. 76 17 9. 05 0. 36 416 2.60a) 45.0 250 13. 21 1. 10 1. 98 20 7. 60 519 1. 19 2.64 42.1 300 12. 43 0. 33 2. 31 26 621 6. 77 1. 15 2.74 54.7 400 9. 38 0. 33 2. 63 43 824 5. 11 1. 72 2.77 76.0 500 7. 80 1. 10 2. 64 50 4. 26 1026 1. 72 2.80 97.4 600 6. 96 1. 16 2. 72 54 1219 3. 74 1. 84 2.82 108.2 700 6. 05 1. 41 2. 77 62 1559 2. 92 2. 11 2.82 800 128.5 5. 28 1. 69 2. 77 73 1000 4. 34 1. 72 2. 80 95 1200 3. 80 1. 83 2. 82 107 1500 3. 06 2. 08 2. 82 128 a) Mean value of 2.57 and 2.64 |ig at/L.






°2 ml/L


Si0 3 -Si



Mg at/L

Mg at/L



°2 ml/L




Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; August 10, 1952; 0134 GCT; 1*52.5'S, 90'48'W; sounding, 1750 fm; wind, 140', force 2; weather, drizzle; sea, moderate; wire angle, 18*. 0 18.58 4.46 0 18 .58 4.46 10 16.67 3.70 10 16 .67 c 3.70 24 16.18 3.66 20 16..27 3.66 51 15.36 3.01 30 16..06 3.60 74 14.41 2.61 50 15..62 3.07 101 13.76 2.34 75 14..39 2.60 153 13.43 2.52 100 13.,79 2.34 202 13.41 2.53 150 13. 44 2.50 303 12.38 0.85 200 13. 52 2.53 408 8.86 0.36 250 13. 14 1.94 508 7.83 0.94 300 12. 44 0. 89 610 7.12 1.28 400 9. 01 0.36 810 5.26 1.67 500 7. 90 0.90 600 7. 21 1.24 700 6. 30 1.53 800 5. 34 1.64


HORIZON; August 10, 1952; 0836 GCT; 1°12'S, 91°06'W; sounding, 1010 weather, drizzle; sea, moderate; wire angle, 13*. 0 18..91 4..60 0.81 5.8 0 18,.91 10 18..18 4..44 0.88 7.2 10 18..18 24 16..00 3..61 1.13 8.5 20 16..55 53 14.,80 2.,92 1.30 12.2 30 15..67 76 14.,34 2.,80 1.36 13.9 50 14..89 104 14.,03 2. 61 1.38 15.5 75 14.,35 156 13. 78 2.,54 1.44 16.0 100 14.,07 208 13. 07 2. 03 1.60 19.4 150 13.,79 312 0. 64 11. 88 2.16 28.1 200 13. 16 420 0. 47 9. 08 2.47a) 38.3 250 12. 69 525 7. 87 0. 86 2.55 46.4 300 12. 10 628 0. 99 7. 25 2.57 52.6 400 9. 50 832 5. 08 1. 68 2.60 77.4 500 8. 04 600 7. 44 700 6. 55 800 5. 42


HORIZON; August 11, 1952; 1640 GCT; 0*19.5'N, 91*29.5'W; sounding, force 2; weather, partly cloudy; sea, smooth; wire angle, 04*. 0 22.29 4,.78 0 22 .29 10 21.06 4.,67 10 21 .06 24 18.06 3,.98 20 18,.50 53 15.86 3..58 30 17,.68 77 14.84 2.,98 50 16..30 105 14.48 2.,77 75 14,.85 158 13.62 2. 33 100 14..56 211 13.00 1. 86 150 13.,74 317 11.33 0. 44 200 13.,16 428 9.18 0. 43 250 12. 46 533 7.59 0. 93 300 11. 63 640 6.74 1. 01 400 9. 70 847 5.18 1. 44 500 8. 00 1053 4.04 1. 76 600 7. 04 1252 3.76 1. 83 700 6. 33 1597 2.86 2. 08 800 5. 57 1000 4. 20 1200 3. 88 1500 3. 06

fm; wind, 230°, force 3; 4,.60 4..44 3.,82 3..37 2..97 2..81 2.,63 2.,54 2. 15 1. 37 0. 74 0. 47 0. 77 0. 93 1. 18 1. 54

0.81 0.88 1.04 1.18 1.29 1.36 1.38 1.43 1.58 1.83 2.10 2.48 2.55 2.56 2.58 2.60

1640 fm; wind, 180*,

5..8 7. 2 8.,3 9. 2 12. 0 13. 8 15. 4 16 19 23 27 37 45 51 60 73 185

4.78 4.67 4.11 3.90 3.62 2.99 2.80 2.40 1.99 1.23 0.53 0.43 0.80 0.98 1.12 1.33 1.74 1.81 2.03

a) Mean value of 2.41 and 2.53 pg at/L.























PO4-P Mg


SiOg-Si Mg


HORIZON; August 11, 1952; 2203, 2311 OCT; 0°59'N, 91°45'W; sounding, 1270 fm; wind, 240°, force 1; weather, overcast; sea, slight; wire angle, 25°, 00°. 0 22.89 4.89 0. 50 1. 4 0 22.89 4. 89 0.50 1.4 9 22.69 4.89 0.48a) 2. 9 10 22.40 4. 88 0.74 3.1 4.33 0. 86 20 20.07 21 19.74 5. 9 4. 34 0.85 5.8 12. 8 30 47 15.34 3.08 1. 38 17.95 3. 89 1.12 8.0 14.02 2.57 1. 48 19. 3 50 2. 94 1.41 68 15.05 14.0 2.60 13.60 16. 7 75 13.84 2. 58 93 1.,54 1.51 19 2.55 1.,56 15. 5 100 13.57 2. 60 140 13. 52 1.54 16 150 13.36 2.03 1.,79 19.,4 13.50 2. 50 1.58 189 16 0.94 2.,19 200 12.30 26. 8 13.31 1. 90 1.84 20 288 0.40 2.,69 40. 7 250 12.90 2.02 9.56 1. 31 24 391 2.,72 0.58 45.,2 300 11.97 0. 83 2.26 490 8.30 28 0.95 2.,75 50. 0 400 9.40 0. 40 2.69 41 587 7.45 1.32 2.,78 68.,8 500 8.20 0. 45 2.73 46 781 5.91 600 0. 98 2.75 7.35 51 2..78 1.61 103.,9 700 6.56 1. 20 2.76 61 1052 4.22 1.82 2..79 117. 4 800 1. 36 2.78 71 5.78 1243 3.62 2..77 2.10 131.,0 1000 2.78 97 4.46 1. 57 1576 2.94 1200 3.76 1. 79 2.79 115 2.79 1500 3.07 2. 05 128 HORIZON; August 12, 1952; 1154 GCT, 1°39.5'N, 92°05'W; sounding, 1090 fm; wind, 200°, force 4; weather, drizzle; sea, moderate; wire angle, 06°. 4. 74 0 24.72 4 . 74 0 24. 72 4. 76 4. 76 10 24.72 10 24. 72 4. 76 4. 76 20 24.62 24 23. 28 2. 64 30 21.87 4. 68 52 15. 65 16.50 2. 74 50 14. 67 76 2. 44 75 14.68 2. 44 104 14. 21 2. 58 100 2. 56 14.29 157 13. 68 2. 31 150 13.73 2. 35 209 13. 38 2. 23 200 2. 25 13.43 314 11. 97 0. 68 250 12.95 1. 70 425 9. 52 0. 33 0. 85 300 12.21 530 7.,85 0. 58 400 10.14 0. 33 7. 01 0. 67 634 500 0. 50 8.19 5. 36 840 1. 36 600 7.31 0. 62 4.,26 1049 1.,56 700 6.46 0. 90 1248 3.,70 1. 73 800 5.66 1. 24 1594 2.,80 2.,16 4.47 1000 1. 54 1200 3.82 1. 69 3.04 2. 08 1500 a) Alternate value, 0.73 tig a t / L , not used in interpolation.






°2 ml/L











HORIZON; August 12, 1952; 2012 GCT; 1°06.5'N, 93°14.5'W; force 3; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 20°. 0 23 .33 4 .91 0 .53 1 .6 0 23 .00 9 4..88 0.54 1 .6 10 22 .00 4..78 0 .64 2 .0 23 20 51 15 .06 2..84 1 .45 13 .7 30 72 13 .97 2,.36 1 .62 15 .5 50 13..76 98 2..36 1,.62 15,.5 75 13..47 145 2,,31 1,.64 13,.1 100 192 13,. 19 2..16 1,.72 16,.4 150 286 11,.24 0..39 2,.40 18,.2 200 9,.61 0..36 2,.68 40.,0 386 250 8,.09 0..64 482 2..68 300 48.,2 7,.47 579 0,,79 2..68 52.,6 400 5,.74 2..75 764 1..32 71..3 500 4,.89 954 1..61 2..73 84,.8 600 3,.94 1.,78 2.,75 107,.8 1138 700 3.,02 2.,02 2.,75 1481 133,,4 800 1000 1200 1500

°2 ml/L


PO 4 -P


Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

sounding, 1490 fm; wind, 180°, 23 .33 22 .97 22 .25 20 .50 15 .53 13 .94 13,.74 13,.44 13,.09 12,,02 11,,01 9,.36 7,,95 7,.27 6.,22 5,,59 4,,64 3.,71 (3. 00)

4 .91 4 .87 4 .83 4 .69 2 .95 2,.36 2 .35 2,.30 2 .06 0,.84 0,.37 0,.38 0.,67 0,.84 1,,14 1.,39 1.,66 1..83 (2.03)

0 .53 0 .55 0 .62 0 .82 1 .44 1 .62 1 .62 1 .75 2 .08 2 .68 2 .46 2..68 2..68 2..68 2..73 2..75 2..72 2,.75 (2.75)


1.6 1.6 1.8 3.3 13.5 15.5 15.3 13.1 16.6 17 20 41 49 54 64 74 90 114 (134)

HORIZON; August 13, 1952; 1234 GCT; 0°06'N, 95*06.5'W; sounding, 1780 fm; wind, 170°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 10°. 0 23.,52 4. 84 0.46a) 0 0 23. 52 4. 84 0.,46 0 23. 54 0. 54 9 4. 84 0. 4 10 23. 54 4. 84 0.,54 0.6 0. 84 23 19. 84 4. 72 3. 8 20 20. 75 4. 78 0. 69 2.7 16. 24 3. 29 1. 34 51 13. 0 30 19. 06 4. 67 0. 72 6.0 75 14. 54 2. 22 1. 62 17. 1 50 16.44 3. 60 1. 34 12.9 103 13. 36 2. 55 1. 60 18. 4 75 14. 54 2. 22 1. 60 17.1 155 13. 14 2. 41 1. 66 14. 9 100 13. 40 2. 52 1. 60 18.4 207 13. 04 2. 27 1. 72 16. 0 150 13. 15 2. 43 1. 65 15.4 312 0. 27 11. 35 2. 40 30. 4 200 13. 06 2. 29 1. 72 15.7 421 8. 68 0. 50 2. 67 42. 8 250 12. 63 1. 17 1. 90 21 526 7. 53 1. 04 2. 65 46. 4 300 11. 70 0. 32 2. 30 29 (29 6. 86 1. 38 2. 62 52. 7 400 9. 10 0. 40 2. 65 41 834 5. 30 1. 64 2. 69 75. 1 500 7. 73 0. 93 2. 65 46 1037 4. 30 1. 61 2. 70 95. 4 600 7. 04 1. 29 2. 62 51 3. 72 1235 1. 87 2. 66 108. 2 700 6. 28 1. 55 2. 64 60 1579 2. 89 2. 13 2. 67 128. 9 800 5. 53 1. 64 2. 68 72 1000 4. 45 1. 61 2. 71 92 1200 3. 82 1. 83 2. 67 107 1500 3. 06 2. 10 2. 67 123 t) Alternate value, 0.39 ng a t / L , not used in interpolation.







°2 ml/L


Si0 3 -Si



Mg at/L

Mg at/L






Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; August 13, 1952; 2249 GCT; 0°01'N, 96°05.5*W; sounding, 1770 fm; wind, 160°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 09°. 0 24c.17 4..84 0 24..17 4.84 10 24..11 4..88 10 24..11 4.88 17,.93 25 4..15 20 20,.60 4.64 53 15..46 2..98 30 17,.32 3.78 77 14.,44 2..82 50 15,.70 3.03 105 13,.94 2..68 75 14..46 2.84 158 13..13 2..51 100 14..03 2.70 208 12..93 2..22 150 13..21 2.54 310 10,,72 0.,35 200 13..01 2.30 417 0..57 8..62 250 12.,17 1.05 520 7..68 0. 86 300 10,.96 0.39 622 7..00 0. 93 400 8..90 0.51 823 5..56 500 7.,81 1. 65 0.83 1027 4. 12 600 7..14 1.,77 0.89 1220 3.,70 700 1. 87 6.49 1.27 1562 2. 94 2. 12 800 5..75 1.61 1000 4..25 1.76 1200 3.,74 1.85 1500 3.,04 2.08


HORIZON; August 14, 1952; 0635 GCT; 0'01'N, 97'07'W; sounding, 1740 fm; wind, weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 07°. 0 24,.10 4,.72 0 0.48 0.9 24.10 4.72 10 24,.18 4..81 0.54 1.3 10 24.18 4.81 25 18..86 4,.24 1.08 6.7 20 22.25 4.70 54 15..45 2..71 1.58 14.9 30 17.30 3.65 78 14..96 2..83 1.63 15.8 50 15.59 2.73 106 14..33 2.,78 1.72 16.0 75 15.02 2.83 159 13..16 2.,54 1.74 18.0 100 14.47 2.80 210 12.,92 2..20 1.87 18.2 150 13.24 2.58 314 0..38 200 11., 22 2.56a) 31.9 12.99 2.30 422 8.,94 0..42 41.0 250 2.78 12.38 1.36 525 7.,84 0..79 300 2.80 46.6 11.56 0.46 6.,90 628 1..11 2.86 57.6 400 9.28 0.40 829 5. 44 69.7 500 1..76 2.89 8.11 0.71 1031 4.,47 1.,76 2.92 90.7 600 7.14 1.01 1223 3. 73 1. 89 2.87 107.3 700 6.30 1.41 1568 2. 89 2.,17 2.90 128.9 800 5.62 1.71 1000 4.60 1.74 1200 3.82 1.87 1500 3.02 2.14 a) Mean value of 2.52 and 2.59 Mg at/L.


160°, force 4; 0,.48 0..54 0,.69 1..24 1,.54 1.,63 1..70 1,.74 1..84 2.,08 2.,42 2.,75 2.,79 2.,85 2.,87 2. 88 2. 92 2. 88 2. 90

0,.9 1..3 5..2 9..0 14..0 15.,7 16.,0 17. 4 18 22 30 40 45 54 62 68 87 106 121






S10/1 AT TC


Mg at/L








02 ml/L

PO 4 -P



Mg at/L


HORIZON; August 14, 1952; 1359 GCT; 0'01'N, 98°16»W; sounding, 1436 fm; wind, 160°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 05°. 0 23.99 4.75 0 23.99 4.75 10 23.94 4.76 10 23.94 4.76 25 19.15 4.02 20 21.40 4.40 54 16.31 3.06 30 18.30 3.70 78 14.76 2.92 50 3.14 16.65 107 13.90 2.67 75 14.85 2.94 160 13.10 2.47 100 14.06 2.73 212 12.86 2.15 150 13.17 2.50 316 11.02 0.46 200 12.93 2.27 425 8.78 0.47 250 12.45 1.48 530 0.87 7.85 300 11.46 0.53 634 7.06 1.05 400 0.47 9.13 840 5.32 1.86 500 0.77 8.08 1044 4.29 1.77 600 0.97 7.33 3.71 1241 1.93 700 1.37 6.47 2.96 1584 2.10 800 5.62 1.77 1000 4.47 1.77 1200 3.83 1.92 1500 3.14 2.08 HORIZON; August 14, 1952; 2246 GCT; 0°01.5'S, 99°08.5'W; sounding, force 5; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 07°. 0 23..37 4.76 0.65a) 0.9 0 23.37 10 23 .08 4.73 0.70 1.4 10 23.08 19..70 25 4.31 1.08 6.8 20 20.90 55 16..50 3.14 1.36 13.7 30 18.80 79 15,.49 2.90 1.42 6.7 50 16.73 14..08 108 2.79 1.56 11.7 75 15.63 161 13..06 2.52 1.71 10.8 100 14.40 213 12..68 2.00 19.4 1.90b) 150 13.19 317 0.69 2.33 29.3 11..48 200 12.80 425 9..34 0.45 2.66 38.0 250 12.31 530 7..84 0.90 2.78 45.0 300 11.72 634 7. 18 1.03 2.82 52.0 400 9.86 5. 49 838 1.98 2.82 67.1 500 8.16 1044 4..32 1.72 2.87 92.5 600 7.45 1242 3. 68 1.99 106.4 2.88 700 6.68 1583 2. 80 2.20 2.87 130.7 800 5.81 1000 4.57 1200 3.80 1500 3.00


1580 fm; wind, 140°, 4.76 4.73 4.54 4.05 3.26 2.91 2.81 2.61 2.14 1.43 0.81 0.45 0.77 1.00 1.14 1.32 1.67 1.94 2.17

0.65 0.70 0.84 1.16 1.34 1.41 1.52 1.68 1.85 2.05 2.26 2.60 2.76 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.87 2.88 2.88

0..9 1..4 5. 0 8.,8 13. 2 7. 3 10. 4 11. 1 17 24 28 36 43 50 62 74 89 103 125

a) Alternate value, 0.79 Mg at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Mean value of 1.87 and 1.94 Mg at/L.







°2 ml/L





Mg a t / L



HORIZON; August 15, 1952; 0548 GCT; 0 ° 0 0 \ 100°00'W; sounding, 1790 weather, partly cloudy; s e a , rough; wire angle, 1 0 ° . 0 23. 46 4..76 0 23..46 10 23. 11 4..71 10 23..11 20. 16 4..25 25 20 22.,35 16. 38 3.,01 53 30 19..30 77 14. 64 2.,93 50 16..67 105 14. 05 2.,78 75 14.,70 157 13. 05 2. 47 100 14..14 209 12. 89 2.,22 150 13..13 310 12. 17 1..12 200 12.,91 416 9. 26 0.,47 250 12.,68 7. 88 0..93 518 300 12.,29 620 7. 22 400 1.,02 9..62 820 5. 58 1..56 500 8.,01 4. 56 600 1020 1..60 7..36 1215 3. 78 1.,95 700 6.,51 1557 2. 96 2.,11 800 5.,71 1000 4.,67 1200 3.,83 1500 3.,06

°2 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

fm; wind, 160°, force 4; 4.76 4.71 4.50 3.85 3.09 2.93 2.81 2.50 2.29 1.80 1.21 0.48 0.87 0.98 1.30 1.54 1.57 1.93 2.12


HORIZON; August 15, 1952; 1333 GCT; 1°00'N, 100°30'W; sounding, 1810 fm; wind, 140°, force 4; weather, o v e r c a s t ; sea, very rough; wire angle, 0 5 ° . 0.,54 0 24.35 4..67 0.4 0 24,,35 4..67 0,.54 0.4 10 24.42 4..69 0.,53 0.4 10 24.,42 4..69 0..53 0.4 4,.32 0. 74 25 22.80 1.6 20 23,.90 4.,36 0..60 1.0 4..32 0. 98 7.7 55 19.74 30 22..30 4.,32 0,,80 2.2 80 50 15.50 2..62 1. 48 15.5 20,.37 4.,32 0..95 6.4 18.4 15..93 108 13.88 2.,07 1. 66 75 3..04 1.,30 14.5 162 2.,32 1. 70 100 14,.17 2..09 12.86 18.2 1..64 17.8 215 1..93 1. 78 20.2 150 12..94 2. 34 1,,69 12.78 18.0 2. 07 200 12,,80 2.,04 320 12.15 1.,21 26.1 1..76 19.5 430 9.12 0,,44 2. 55 35.5 250 12,,62 1. 70 1..87 22 535 8.09 0..69 2. 68 300 12,,33 2,,01 46.8 1. 37 25 641 1.,07 2. 70 52.9 400 9,,67 0.,54 2.,42 7.08 32 846 2. 82 500 8,,42 0.,55 2.,58 5.28 1.,44 76.3 44 1054 2. 84 7,,48 2..64 4.43 1..59 92.0 600 0.,93 51 2. 78 1253 1..89 110.5 700 6,,46 1. 26 2. 75 60 3.68 800 5..56 2. 80 1. 42 71 1000 4,.64 1. 54 2..84 88 1200 3.,87 1. 83 2. 81 105


HORIZON; August 16, 1952; 0004 GCT; 2°01'N, 101°03'W; sounding, 1830 fm; wind, 150°, force 4; weather, d r i z z l e ; s e a , very rough; wire angle, 0 2 ° . 4.,77 0 25.30 4.77 0 25.30 10 4.77 10 25.32 4.,77 25.32 25 24.69 4.,57 20 25.26 4.66 30 23.40 4.54 55 20.04 4.,50 4.,17 50 20.46 4.50 80 18.93 75 109 19.23 4.35 14.38 1..89 100 15.10 162 2,.28 1.94 12.81 150 13.00 2.22 215 12.60 1,.99 200 12.64 12.14 1.,24 2.08 321 250 12.50 1.77 432 9.02 0.,49 537 8.04 0.,77 300 12.31 1.43 400 0.60 642 9.65 6.88 1.,09 500 5.34 8.39 0.65 848 1.,72 600 7.34 0.93 1055 4.48 1..48 700 6.36 1.33 1253 3.60 1.,67 800 5.64 1.65 2.80 2,,09 1599 1000 4.73 1.54 1200 3.83 1.58















Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L



°2 ml/L



Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L


HORIZON; August 16, 1952; 0758 GCT; 2°50 • 5'N, 101°28'W; sounding, 1750 fm; wind, 160°, force 5; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 10°. 0 25.17 4. 73 0.42a) 0 0 25..17 4.73 0.42 0 10 25.17 4. 80 0.42 2..2 10 25,.17 4.80 0.42 2..2 25.14 25 4. 80 0.44 0..4 20 25..15 4.80 0.43 1..0 54 24.82 4. 81 0.49 1..3 30 25,.14 4.80 0.45 0..5 20.07 3. 85 1.18b) 50 78 4..9 25..02 4.81 0.47 1. 2 16.30 106 2. 69 1.50 10..4 75 20..53 4.25 0.96 4.,7 159 13.40 2. 12 1.72 10..4 100 16.95 2.81 1.47 9.,3 211 12.58 1. 87 150 1.88 16. 6 13..63 2.18 1.69 10..4 314 12.01 0. 85 2.20 20. 2 200 12..68 1.93 1.86 15. 4 421 9.86 0. 50 2.44 26.,1 250 12..40 1.44 2.00 18 524 7.74 0. 80 2.68c) 36.,7 300 12..13 0.95 2.16 20 627 6.62 400 1. 05 2.78 46. 4 10..55 0.52 2.39 25 5.10 828 1. 64 2.74 56. 3 500 8.,15 0.73 2.59 34 1029 4.38 1. 58 2.80d) 75. 4 600 6.,90 0.98 2.75 44 3.84 1221 700 1. 74 2.75 93. 1 5. 94 1.32 2.77 51 1560 2.92 2.79 1. 95 126. 4 800 5.,25 1.58 2.74 55 1000 4. 48 1.58 2.79 72 1200 3. 92 1.73 2.76 92 1500 3. 50 1.93 2.79 120 HORIZON; August 16, 1952; 1638 GCT; 3°54.5'N, 101 °56'W; sounding, 1800 fm; wind, 170°, force 4; weather, cloudy; se a, very rough; wire angle, 24°. 0 26.50 4.63 0 26.50 4.63 26.52 9 4.59 10 26.52 4.60 26.52 23 4.63 20 26.52 4.63 51 26.14 4.56 30 26.52 4.63 73 21.58 2.52 50 26.37 4.57 100 14.90 1.83 75 21.12 2.40 149 13.28 1.93 14.90 100 1.83 197 12.59 1.20 13.24 150 1.93 294 11.12 1.15 200 12.53 1.19 397 9.44 0.68 250 11.80 1.18 495 8.26 0.24 300 11.99 1.14 593 6.80 0.54 0.64 400 9.38 786 5.42 1.20 500 8.17 0.24 984 4.47 1.43 600 0.57 6.76 1174 3.92 1.53 700 0.94 5.99 1514 3.07 1.85 800 1.23 5.33 1000 4.42 1.43 1200 1.56 3.86 1500 3.10 1.84 a) b) c) d)


Mean value of 0.38 and 0 . 4 5 Mg a t / L . Mean value of 1.14 and 1.21 Mg a t / L . Mean value of 2.63 and 2.74 Mg a t / L . Alternate value, 2.89 Mg a t / L , not used in interpolation.






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02 ml/L


Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

HORIZON; August 17, 1952; 0557 GCT; 5 ° 0 3 . 5 ' N , 1 0 2 * 3 2 . 5 W ; sounding, 1730 fm; wind, 170°, force 5; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 19°. 0 26..51 4.66 0.42 1.3 0 26.51 4..66 0.,42 1.3 9 26..52 4.66 0.40 0.4 10 26.52 4.,66 0..40 0.3 22 4.67 26..51 0.42 0.2 20 26.51 4..67 0..42 0.2 25..94 4.67 48 0.46 0.4 30 26.50 4..67 0..44 0.2 70 24..92 4.47 0.60 0.7 50 4.,67 25.81 0..46 0.5 95 16..12 16.9 0.96 2.08 75 23.05 3..00 1..06 2.2 144 1.30 2.14 26.1 100 11..79 14.95 0.,97 2,.10 18.3 190 0.95 2.37a) 29.0 150 11..16 11.70 1. 28 2..16 27 290 9..87 1.10 2.40 32.2 200 0.,96 11.03 2..34 30 394 2.54 38.0 9..16 0.68 250 10.28 1.,04 2..38 31 7..98 498 0.13 2.96 52.7 300 9.80 1.,07 2..41 35 602 6..65 0.20 3.02 67.9 400 9.11 0. 64 2..56 39 804 5. 40 0.77 2.99 79.4 500 7.94 0.,13 2..96 53 1010 4..36 100.1 600 1.11 2.98 6.69 0.,20 3.,02 67 3..78 113.4 1208 1.46 2.96b) 700 5.99 0.,46 3..01 74 1554 2..84 1.92 2.84 136.1 800 5.44 0.,76 2..99 79 1000 4.41 1.,10 2.,98 99 1200 3.80 1.,45 2.,96 113 1500 2.99 1. 86 2..87 132 HORIZON; August 17,, 1952; 1436 GCT; 6°00'N, 103'00'W; sounding, 1670 fm; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 16°. 0 27.04 4.,57 0 27.04 4..57 9 27.05 4.,61 10 27.05 4..61 22 27.04 4..62 20 27.04 4..62 49 4..59 27.06 30 27.04 4..61 72 22.10 2.,75 50 4.,58 27.05 100 13.10 0. 74 75 21.40 2.,30 146 12.53 0. 80 100 0.,74 13.10 201 0. 76 11.88 150 0.,79 12.48 302 10.10 1.,10 200 0.,76 11.89 410 9.14 0. 68 250 10.93 0.,93 515 8.04 0. 17 300 10.14 1.,10 620 6.92 0. 21 400 9.25 0.,72 826 5.22 0. 55 500 8.22 0.,22 1033 4.33 1. 08 600 0. 20 7.13 3.54 1231 1. 36 700 0.,30 6.16 1573 1. 89 800 2.78 5.39 0. 48 1000 4.50 1. 02 1200 3.66 1. 31 1500 2.90 1. 80 a) Mean value of 2 . 3 3 and 2 . 4 1 Mg a t / L . b) Mean value of 2 . 9 2 and 2 . 9 9 Mg a t / L .







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PO 4 -P ml/L



SiOj-Si Mg



HORIZON; August 18, 1952; 0116 GCT; 7°02'N, 103°29'W; soundii«, 1740 fm; wind, 170°, force 4; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle, 10°. 0 27.20 4.63 0.32 5,.0 0 27.20 4 .63 0,.32 5,.8 10 27.20 4.65 0.28a) 0 10 4 .65 27.20 0,.28 0 25 27.19 4.63 0.35 0 20 27.19 4 .65 0.,32 0 54 22.10 2.19 1.48 6..1 30 0 .44 27.18 4 .58 0..4 77 16.18 0.76 2.09 17..3 50 24.60 2..75 0,.96 5..2 12.74 105 0.63 2.26 24.,5 75 16.75 0..84 2..04 16. 8 156 11.52 0.55 2.32 32..0 100 13.00 0..65 2..24 23 208 10.85 0.65 2.40 34..2 150 11.64 0..55 2.,31 31 310 9.94 0.70 2.42 39. 4 200 10.94 0..63 2.,39 34 8.90 0.32 2.67 418 45..4 250 10.47 0..69 2.,41 36 523 7.66 0.17 2.94 57..1 300 10.03 0..70 2..42 39 626 6.74 0.20 2.98 65. 9 400 9.10 0.,41 2. 62 44 830 5.22 0.52 3.04b) 87. 5 500 7.93 0..18 2.,89 55 1033 4.30 0.88 3.02c) 104. 4 600 6.97 0. 18 2. 97 64 1228 3.58 1.33 2.88 120. 8 700 6.14 0..29 3. 01 74 1571 2.75 1.89 2.80 135.2 800 5.42 0.,47 3. 04 84 1000 4.46 0. 80 3. 03 102 1200 3.67 1. 26 2. 91 119 1500 2.89 1. 84 2. 80 133


HORIZON; August 18, 1952; 1014 GCT; 8'05'N, 103°54'W; sounding, 1630 fm; wind, 180°, force 4; weather, rain; sea, very rough; wire angle, 00°. 0 27 .18 4..54 0 27.18 4.54 10 27 .20 4,.62 10 27.20 4.62 25 27 .18 4.,64 20 27.19 4.64 54 20 .32 1..65 30 27.14 4.62 15.,32 0.,63 78 50 22.55 2.10 0.,46u 107 12..86 75 15.56 0.70 0., 89u 11.50 160 100 13.23 0.46 212 10..82 0. 80 150 11.69 (0.84) 9..83 0. 80 318 200 10.97 0.82 427 8.,58 0. 14 250 10.45 0.80 7.,40 534 0. 11 300 10.00 0.80 640 6. 37 0. 30 400 18.90 0.29 847 5. 06 0. 56 500 7.76 0.12 4. 22 0. 92 1056 600 6.75 0.23 1257 3. 63 1. 21 700 5.93 0.36 1601 2. 76 1. 84 800 5.31 0.48 1000 4.42 0.85 1200 3.80 1.12 1500 3.00 1.68


a) Alternate value, 0.49 |ig at/L, not used in interpolation. b) Mean value of 3.00 and 3.07 Mg at/L. c) Mean value of 2.98 and 3.05 Mg at/L.








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02 ml/L



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HORIZON; August 18, 1952; 2035 GCT; 9°00'N, 104°30'W; sounding, 1660 fm; wind, 200°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 18°. 0 27..49 4..62 0..30 0 0 27..49 4.62 0.30 0 27..27 4..60 0..26 0 9 10 27..27 4.61 0.26 0 24 27..27 4..62 0..32 0 20 27..27 4.62 0.30 0 51 18..72 1.,02 1..96 11.0 30 27..19 4.56 0.47 0..8 73 14..32 0..36 2..24 50 17.8 19..90 1.50 1.76 10..8 100 0..49 2..26 12..57 24.5 75 14..20 0.36 2.25 18. 5 2,.26 149 0.,49 27.4 11,.80 100 12..57 0.49 2.26 24.,5 199 0..88 2..23 28.4 150 11..08 11..79 0.49 2.26 27. 5 0.,84 2..28 32.0 296 10..22 200 11..07 0.88 2.23 28. 5 407 8..89 0.,12 2..71 45.7 250 10..64 2.24 0.88 30 2..83 58.5 503 7. 64 0.,15 300 10..18 0.84 2.30 32 0..18 2..84 603 6..62 69.8 400 8..93 0.14 2.69 45 0..33 3.,02 85.3 800 5.,28 500 7..70 0.15 2.83 58 101.9 991 4. 33 0.,74 3.,00 600 6..66 0.18 2.84 69 1174 1.,04 2..94 113.8 3..82 700 5..92 0.23 2.93 77 800 5..28 0.33 3.02 85 1000 4. 29 0.75 3.00 103 1200 (3.,75) (1.08) (2.93) 115


HORIZON; August 19, 1952; 1106 GCT; 10°06'N, 105°01.5'W; force 5; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle,, 08°. 4.,61 0 27..52 0 4.,58 9 27.53 10 4.,56 24 27,.54 20 0.,64 52 19..10 30 0.,32 76 14..40 50 104 13..06 75 0.,24 156 11,.76 0. 64 100 209 11..00 0. 56 150 313 10..08 0. 11 200 423 8..51 0. 09 250 528 7.,22 0. 10 300 632 6..18 0. 20 400 836 4..98 0. 52 500 1040 4.,18 0. 84 600 1234 700 3..64 1. 11 1575 2.,84 1. 81 800 1000 1200 1500

sounding, 1680 fm; wind, 210°, 27 .52 27,.53 27..54 27,.52 20..50 14.43 13,.25 11,.87 11,.10 10..65 10.,22 8..89 7..55 6..46 5..72 5.,15 4..31 3..74 3.,01

4..61 4..58 4..57 4..52 1..35 0..33 0..24 0..61 0..58 0..41 0..16 0.,10 0.,10 0. 16 0.,28 0.,45 0. 77 1.,07 1.,67

HORIZON; August 21, 1952; 0337 GCT ; 11°00'N, 105°29'W; sounding, 1820 fm; wind, 280°, force 3; weather,, cloudy; sea, slight ; wire angle, 08°. 0 27. 49 4. 61 0 27. 49 4. 61 0.36 2.0 0.,36 2.0 10 27.,45 4. 59 0.34 0 10 27. 45 4. 59 0.,34 0 24 27. 54 0 27. 53 4. 66 0.36 20 4. 64 0.,35 0 4.1 53 21. 92 4. 65 1.20 30 27. 51 4. 66 0. 40 0.2 76 0. 19 18.9 50 16. 00 2.32 23. 30 4. 65 0.,96 3.3 104 13.70 0. 08 2.40 75 16. 09 23.8 0. 20 2. 31 18.7 157 2.40 27.0 100 12. 27 0. 23 13. 92 0. 09 2. 39 23 0. 38 29.0 150 208 11. 72 2.38 12. 39 0. 22 2.,40 27 313 10. 35 0. 16 2.61 35.5 200 0. 37 11. 80 2. 98 29 48.6 423 8. 74 0. 10 2.86 250 11. 20 0. 32 2. 45 31 7. 32 0. 09 2.97 63.4 300 528 9. 83 0. 20 2. 57 35 0. 12 3.05 74.3 400 631 6. 36 9. 09 0. 10 2. 82 46 0. 36 3.10 93.1 500 7. 66 0. 09 836 4. 92 2. 96 60 1044 0. 67 3.08 110.0 600 6. 63 4. 08 0. 11 3. 02 71 3.07 137.0 700 1240 3. 47 1. 07 5. 80 0. 20 3. 08 81 1. 63 2.99 800 1586 2. 76 5. 11 0. 32 3. 10 90 1000 4. 24 0. 59 3. 09 106 1200 3. 57 0. 99 3. 07 130 1500 2. 93 1. 53 3. 01





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Si0 3 -Si



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Mg at/L

Mg at/L


HORIZON; August 21, 1952; 1159 GCT; 12°07'N, 106°02'W; sounding, 1850 fm; wind, 210°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 10". 0 27. 85 4.,58 0 27.85 4.58 27..82 4.,54 9 10 27.82 4.55 28. 00 24 4. 59 20 27.96 4.57 52 23.,74 3. 19 30 27.96 4.55 20..02 76 1..28 50 24.05 3.46 104 14.,16 0. 11 75 20.15 1.29 156 12..16 0. 07 100 14.50 0.16 208 11.,40 0. 07 150 12.28 0.07 312 9. 86 0. 10 200 11.52 0.07 421 8. 42 0. 11 250 10.77 0.08 526 7. 32 0. 11 300 10.04 0.10 630 6. 36 0. 08 400 8.70 0.11 833 4. 98 0. 22 500 7.60 0.11 1037 4. 16 0. 44 600 6.63 0.08 1235 3. 54 0. 85 700 5.80 0.10 1579 2. 77 1. 60 800 5.14 0.19 1000 4.30 0.40 1200 3.64 0.77 1500 2.95 1.46


HORIZON; August 21, 1952; 2305 GCT; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; 0 28.,67 4.54 0.40 10 28. 46 4.55 0.42 24 28.,32 4.56 0.43 48 26. 86 4.60 0.50 23. 36 4.52 72 0.75 95 18. 56 0.76 2.18 148 12. 76 0.08 2.54 0.09 197 11. 98 2.56 292 10. 57 0.21 2.68 392 8. 86 0.21 2.80 7. 66 0.11 486 2.92 587 6. 71 0.13 3.02 0.15 781 5. 38 3.10 4. 44 973 0.34 3.14 1171 3. 74 0.75 3.05 2. 92 1.37 1484 2.99

13°05'N, 106°35'W; sounding, 2040 fm; wind, 210°, force 3; wire angle, 07°. 0 0 28..67 4.54 0.40 0 0 10 28.,46 4.55 0.42 0 0 20 28..35 4.55 0.43 0 0 30 28.,23 4.57 0.44 0 2.,0 50 4.60 25.,98 0.52 0. 2 13., 1 75 23.,20 4.50 1.16 3. 3 100 26. 6 17. 48 0.54 2.24 14. 6 27. 2 150 12. 71 0.08 2.55 27 29. 0 200 0.09 11. 94 2.56 27 250 46. 8 0.14 11. 21 2.62 28 59. 9 300 10. 44 0.21 2.69 30 70. 9 400 8. 74 0.21 2.81 44 87. 3 500 7. 51 0.11 2.94 62 103. 5 600 6. 61 0.13 3.03 72 117. 7 700 5. 88 0.14 3.08 81 121. 9 800 5. 27 0.16 3.11 89 1000 4. 34 0.39 3.13 105 1200 3. 66 0. 83 3.03 118 1500 (2. 89) (1.40) (3.00) (122)


HORIZON; August 22, 1952; 0640 GCT; 14°04'N, 106°58'W; sounding, 1980 fm; wind, 160°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 27°. 0 23.,50 4.55 0 28.50 4.55 9 28. 54 4.54 10 28.54 4.54 23 28.,45 4.58 20 28.49 4.57 44 28. 08 4.68 30 28.39 4.60 24. 76 4.30 65 50 27.20 4.67 86 19. 84 1.24 75 22.60 2.30 131 13. 71 0.09 100 16.70 0.60 170 12. 43 0.09 150 13.00 0.09 10. 90 251 0. 10 200 11.81 0.09 9. 68 338 0.08 250 0.10 10.93 421 8. 52 0.08 300 10.20 0.09 7. 46 508 0. 10 400 8.81 0.08 685 5. 86 0. 15 500 7.56 0.10 857 4. 86 0.25 600 6.57 0.13 4. 24 0.50 1039 700 5.76 0.16 1330 3. 33 0.93 800 5. 14 0.20 1000 4.38 0.44 1200 3.74 0.74








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Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L




Mg a t / L

Mg a t / L

H O R I Z O N ; A u g u s t 2 2 , 1 9 5 2 ; 1 4 4 3 G C T ; 1 5 ° 0 0 ' N , 1 0 7 ° 3 0 * W ; sounding, 2 0 8 0 f m ; wind, 1 9 0 ' , f o r c e 3; w e a t h e r , cloudy; s e a , m o d e r a t e ; w i r e angle, 2 5 * . 0 28.12 4.55 0.34 0 0 28.12 4.55 0.34 0 8 28.10 4.55 0 10 0.38 28.11 4.55 0.38 0 22 4.57 28.16 0 0.39 20 28.16 4.56 0.39 0 48 25.94 0.38 4.90a) 0 30 28.10 4.63 0.39 0 68 22.80 4.68 0.66 50 0.5 25.40 4.89 0.39 0 93 17.22 2.29 1.67 11.3 75 20.14 4.10 0.98 2.3 140 13.16 0.11 2.60 27.2 100 16.40 1.64 1.88 14 185 12.20 0.11 150 2.61 29.2 12.90 0.11 2.61 28 10.80 278 0.15 2.68 35.5 200 11.97 0.11 2.61 30 375 9.26 0.11 2.86 45.7 250 11.22 0.14 2.65 34 468 8.02 0.11 2.93 56.0 300 10.43 0.14 2.71 38 400 8.90 0.11 2.89 48 HORIZON; August 22, w e a t h e r . cloudy; s e a , 0 28.33 4. 10 28.30 4. 24 28.16 4. 52 23.78 5. 76 104

19.31 15.00


12.39 11.67 10.21

206 308 416 521 625 832 1038 1233 1578

8.74 7.46 6.14 5.19 4.32 3.68 2.92

1 9 5 2 ; 2 3 1 6 G C T ; 1 6 ' 0 0 ' N , 1 0 7 * 5 7 ' W ; sounding, 2 1 1 0 fm; rough; w i r e angle, 1 0 * . 58


55 60 06 3. 78 0. 44 0 . 12 0. 10

10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200 250

0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

11 10 11 12 15 37

300 400 500 600 700

80 1. 37

800 1000 1200 1500


8.96 7.71

4.58 4.55 4.58 4.72 5.05 3.80 0.60 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11

6.67 5.94

0.12 0.12

5.36 4.47 3.78 3.07

0.14 0.30 0.71 1.30

28.08 24.45 19.35 15.40 12.50 11.75 11.03 10.31

HORIZON; A u g u s t 2 3 , 1 9 5 2 ; 0 7 3 1 G C T ; 1 7 ° 0 0 * N , 1 0 8 * 3 0 ' W ; sounding, 1 8 3 0 f m ; wind, 1 5 0 ° , f o r c e 4 ; w e a t h e r , cloudy; s e a , rough; 0 28.60 4. 50 9 4. 48 28.62 23 27.09 4. 88 50 21.30 5. 10 73 16.39 2. 71 100 14.34 0. 58 149 0. 15 12.68 198 11.66 0 . 12 295 10.40 0. 11 9.00 0 . 16 399 498 7.82 0 . 14 597 6.92 0 . 12

wire angle, 0. 3 1

793 990 1179 1520

98 3. 08

3. 03 3. 00

5.52 4.50

0 . 16 0. 34

3.86 2.94

0. 66 1. 30

0. 32 0. 3 5 0. 53

21°. 0 0.2 0.2

1. 37 2. 20 2 .. 4 3 2. 53 2. 60

0.5 9.4 21.6 28.6 32.8 39.1

2. 2. 2. 2.

49.9 61.4 70.9 88.0

72 85 90

0 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200

a) A l t e r n a t e v a l u e , 4 . 6 7 |ig a t / L .

28.60 28.62 28.00 25.90 21.30 16.10 14.34 12.64 11.63

4.50 4.48 4.67 4.97 5.10 2.47 0.58 0.15 0.12

0.31 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.53 0.94 2.20 2.44 2.53

0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 10.4 21.6 29 33

10.99 10.33


250 300 400 500 600



118.4 137.5

700 800

6.14 5.48 4.47 3.79 3.00

0.13 0.16 0.37 0.70

3.08 3.03

89 106 120




1000 1200 1500


28.33 28.30 28.20

8.99 7.80

0.12 0.11 0.16 0.14

2.57 2.61 2.72 2.85 2.90 2.95 2.99

36 40 50 61 71 80





°2 ml/L



Mg at/L




Mg at/L



HORIZON; August 23, 1952; 1554 GCT; 18*01.5'N, 108°59TV; force 4; weather, rain; sea, rough; wire angle, 25*. 28.23 4.55 0 0 28.22 4.54 10 9 25.80 5.14 20 23 3.64 30 50 19.12 16.52 2.15 50 71 97 13.87 0.68 75 144 12.31 0.09 100 0.10 190 11.65 150 0.10 284 10.52 200 380 9.29 0.09 250 473 7.94 0.09 300 564 6.96 0.09 400 0.12 746 5.66 500 4.77 0.18 927 600 4.07 1106 0.43 700 800 1000

02 ml/L



Mg at/L

Mg at/L

sounding, 1952 fm; wind, 130*, 28.23 28.22 28.03 24.45 19.12 16.10 13.70 12.24 11.52 10.90 9.71 8.99 7.63 6.66 5.94 5.36 4.47


4.55 4.55 5.13 5.06 3.64 1.90 0.60 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.25

HORIZON; August 23,, 1952; 2354 GCT; 19*01'N, 109*30'W; sounding, 1800 fm; wind, 140*, force weather,, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 14°. 0 28.27 4,.57 0.50 0 0 28.27 4,.57 0.50 0 10 28.29 4,.58 0.46 0 10 28.29 4..58 0 0.46 26.78 4,.88 0.60a) 0 24 20 27.80 4,.86 0.55 0 53 19.94 3..15 1.28 6.5 30 25.60 4..82 0.68 0. 15.67 0.,37 2.36 19.1 50 21.13 76 3,.70 1.20 9. 13.72 0..10 104 2.48 26.8 75 15.69 0,.41 2.35 19 157 12.27 0.,12 2.54 29.3 100 0,.12 14.03 2.47 26 0.,11 2.60 33.1 150 0,.12 208 11.65 12.38 2.53 29 10.39 0.,11 2.68 40.0 200 11.77 311 0,. 1 1 2.59 32 2.80 52.0 250 11.17 0.. 1 1 0., 15 2.63 36 419 8.86 7.50 0.,11 2.89 65.0 300 522 10.53 0.. 1 1 2.67 39 625 6.65 0. 10 2.98 76.0 400 0..14 9.14 2.78 50 828 5.34 0.,12 3.04 92.5 500 0.,12 7.76 2.86 62 1035 0. 28 3.10 110.3 600 0.,10 4.39 6.85 2.97 74 3.10 1228 3.76 0. 61 122.8 700 6.13 0.,10 3.01 82 1571 2.87 3.03 139.9 800 1. 29 5.51 0., 1 1 3.03 90 1000 0.,23 3.10 4.51 107 1200 3.84 0. 56 3.10 121 1500 3.02 1. 17 3.03 136 HORIZON; August 24, 1952; 0754 GCT; 20*01.5'N, 110*02-W; force 2; weather, rain; s ea, moderate; wire angle, 16°. 0 26.87 4. 65 0 10 4. 67 26.88 10 24 23.67 5. 30 20 51 18.14 5. 52 30 4. 31 74 14.48 50 102 13.06 2. 43 75 153 12.34 0. 25 100 0. 16 205 11.64 150 309 10.30 0. 10 200 0. 10 418 8.66 250 522 7.42 0. 11 300 627 0. 15 6.32 400 833 4.98 0. 24 500 1036 4.14 0. 40 600 1233 3.57 0. 69 700 1571 2.80 1. 32 800 1000 1200 1500 a) Mean value of 0.55 and 0.66 MS at/L.


sounding, 1490 fm; wind, 160' 26.87 26.88 26.82 22.55 18.52 14.43 13.12 12.41 11.72 11.07 10.44 8.90 7.67 6.58 5.79 5.17 4.27 3.65 2.94

4. 65 4. 67 5. 05 5. 37 5. 52 4. 25 4. 60 0. 26 0. 17 0. 12 0. 10 0. 10 0. 11 0. 13 0. 18 0. 23 0. 36 0. 64 1. 21










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Mg at/L

Mg at/L

HORIZON; August 24, 1952; 1550 GCT; 21°02'N, 110°34.5'W; force 3; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 09°. 0. 44 0 0 0 27. 96 4. 56 27. 97 0. 43 0 10 10 4. 57 0 24 24. 72 5. 08 0.,42 20 4. 61 0.,81 2.,2 30 53 19. 18 50 76 16. 65 3. 24 1.,33 8. 6 2.,04 20. 0 104 13. 94 1. 56 75 0. 54 2.,45 30. 4 100 156 12. 24 2.,55 207 11.,46 0. 34 35.,5 150 309 10.,14 0. 15 2.,64 42.,5 200 0. 15 2.,82 54.,7 250 416 8.,69 7.,40 2.,90 67.,3 300 518 0. 12 0. 15 2.,98 79. 6 400 621 6.,32 3.,06 0. 20 98. 6 500 821 5.,11 0. 38 3.,10 115. 9 600 1022 4.,18 700 3.,66 0. 66 3.,18 126.,4 1216 3.,11 143..5 800 2,,88 1. 22 1558 1000 1200 1500

sounding, 1670 fm; wind, 120°,

HORIZON; August 25, 1952; 0156 GCT; 22 0 18.5'N, l i r 0 9 ' W ; force 2; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wire angle, 11°. 0 4. 64 0 27. 56 10 4. 68 9 27. 30 20 24 23.,90 5. 36 30 17. 93 5. 62 51 50 17. 52 2. 97 75 75 1. 21 103 15. 26 100 12. 12 0. 56 157 150 0. 19 208 11. 61 200 311 9. 66 0. 28 250 0. 18 8. 32 416 300 7. 07 0. 16 518 400 619 6. 30 500 0. 20 5. 21 816 600 4. 30 0. 39 1017 700 3.,79 0. 58 1211 800 1549 2. 98 1..17 1000 1200 1500

sounding, 1800 fm; wind, 120°,

27. 96 27. 97 26. 60 22. 90 19. 64 16. 67 14. 22 12. 37 11. 55 10. 91 10. 26 8. 89 7.,63 6.,52 5.,81 5.,24 4.,26 3.,71 3. 01

27.,56 27.,29 26. 00 22. 95 17. 97 17. 52 15. 54 12. 17 11. 72 10. 78 9. 83 8. 53 7. 25 6.,44 5. 82 5. 29 4. 36 3. 82 3. 09

4. 55 4. 56 5. 06 5. 07 4. 75 3. 30 1. 75 0. 59 0. 35 0. 24 0. 16 0. 15 0. 12 0. 15 0. 16 0. 20 0. 36 0. 64 1. 15

4.64 4.69 5.14 5.44 5.62 2.97 1.32 0.49 0.19 0.22 0.27 0.19 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.19 0.37 0.56 1.07

0. 44 0. 43 0. 42 0. 44 0. 72 1. 32 1.,96 2.,41 2.,54 2.,59 2.,63 2.,80 2..89 2. 96 3.,02 3.,06 3.,10 3.,18 3.,12

0 0 0 0. 3 2. 1 8. 4 18. 4 29 35 38 42 53 65 77 88 97 114 125 140








°2 ml/L




O2 ml/L














O2 ml/L

HORIZON; October 13, 1952; 2201, 2315 GCT; 14° 16'N, 169°25'E; sounding, 2990 fm; wind, 050°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 23°, 23°. 28 .30 0 28.30 0 10 28.32 9 28 .32 28.29 20 28.30 23 30 28 .27 28.28 46 50 28.27 28 .25 68 27 .21 75 28.10 90 14 .20 100 (26.60) 267 9.80a) 150 (23.50) 357 200 (20.05) 8 .00 448 6 .66 250 (15.95) 548 300 11.81 7 .87 : 400 8.93 465b) 6..58 500 7.25 558 5,.73 600 6.23 694 5,.55 700 5.72 738 5..25 800 5.18 783 1000 4.42 5.. 10 827 4..94 871 4..72 916 4.,54 968 3.,95 1110

HORIZON; October 15, 1952; 0123, 0301 GCT; 12°14.5'N, 164°50'E; sounding, 1800 fm; wind, 060° force 3; weather, overcast; sea, moderate; wire angle, 11°, 27°. 0 28 .78 0 28..78 9 28 .65 10 28 .64 24 28 .62 20 28 .63 49 28 .65 30 28.63 73 28 .35 50 28..65 97 27 .01 75 28..23 150 22 .57 100 26 .79 199 16.12 150 22..57 11 .69 246 200 15..95 292 10 .37 250 11,.57 391 8 .70 300 10..20 484 7 .94 400 8..62 587 6,.86 500 7..89 600 6..98 456b) 8,.33 700 6..36 7,.67 549 800 5..77 684 6..41 1000 4. 55 729 6,.24 5.,95 773 819 5..64 865 5..29 911 4. 95 962 4. 70 1110 4..14

HORIZON; November 26, 1952; 2209 GCT; 6°19'N, 168°25.5'E; sounding, 2615 fm; wind, 090°, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, rough; wire angle, 02°. 0 0 28.,72 28.72 9 10 28.70 28..70 24 20 28.,70 28.70 79 28. 48 30 28.70 109 25. 43 50 28.67 163 16. 10 75 28.55 216 10. 94 100 26.40 150 18.50 200 12.10

HORIZON; November 27, 1952; 2145 GCT; 2°55'N, 168°52'E; sounding, 2340 fm; wind, 090°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 26°. 0 0 29 .16 29.16 8 3. 78 10 29 .16 29.15 3.78 23 3. 87 20 28 .99 29.03 3.85 44 28.93 3. 88 30 28.97 3.88 67 28..62 4. 05 50 28.91 3.90 89 28..09 3. 82 75 28.43 4.00 137 26..18 3. 78 100 27.80 3.80 180 19..07 3. 22 150 24.25 3.69 268 10..88 2. 41 200 16.10 2.95 360 2. 35 9..77 250 11.45 2.49 447 8. 66 2. 72 300 10.39 2.37 540 7..92 2. 38 400 9.22 2.51 724 5..98 1 . 78 500 8.23 2.57 906 5. 02 1 . 73 600 7.27 2.12 1103 4. 18 2. 12 700 6.17 1.82 800 5.55 1.75 1000 4.62 1.88


3 4

a) Alternate value, 9.64°C, not used in interpolation. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.













°2 ml/L










°2 ml/L

HORIZON; December 1, 1952 ; 0320, 0043 GCT; 0°02.5'N, 169°00'E; sounding, 2380 fm; wind, 060°, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, slight; wire angle, 10°, 11°. 29..19 4..74 0 29. 19 4.74 0 4..76 10 28..98 10 28. 98 4.76 4.,70 24 20 28..91 28. 90 4.68 30 4..67 49 4.62 28..89 4..62 4.52 50 28..88 73 28. 85 4.,51 99 4.39 75 28..84 28. 60 4..38 152 25. 19 100 28..47 2.98 25..40 200 16. 42 3.22 150 2.,98 267 200 16..42 3..22 13. 44 3.26 250 14..01 3..26 396 10.,04 1.65 490 300 12..40 3..01 8. 82 1.54 1..64 587 7. 04 400 9..99 1.86 1..55 780 2.27 500 8..68 5. 35 7..10 973 4.,66 600 2.18 1174 3. 85 2.29 700 6..05 5..40 800 638a) 1000 4..62 6. 93 1.68 1200 3,.79 1050 4.,51 1.86 1257 1500 3..15 2..21 3.,64 2..59 1567 2.21 2000 2..25 3..01 1 .88 2..83 1826 2.,44 2.49 2500 3000 1..65 3..20 2083 2.,17 2.63 2346 1.,96 2.81 2610 1.,84 2.86 2905 1. 69 3.12 1.,60 3250 3.35

HORIZON; December 3, 1952; 0553 GCT; 2°00'S, 170° 19'E; sounding, 2235 fm; wind, 090°, f o r c e 3 ; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 23°. 0 29..54 4.62 0 29..54 4.62 8 29..38 4.60 10 29. 36 4.60 23 29..31 20 4.58 29..32 4.58 46 29..29 4.53 30 29.,30 4.57 69 29..24 4.53 50 29. 28 4.53 92 29..23 4.54 75 29. 24 4.53 141 28..44 4.20 100 29..21 4.53 187 23..05 2.96 150 27. 20 3.97 276 12..68 3.25 200 21..45 2.98 364 10..62 2.16 250 15..30 3.19 454 9..66 2.68 300 11..83 3.05 7..58 545 2.62 400 10..20 2.37 724 5..76 2.62 500 8..67 2.65 907 4.,71 2.45 600 6.,88 2.62 1101 4..10 2.49 700 5..95 2.62 800 5.,27 2.55 1000 4.,33 2.47

HORIZON; December 4, 1952; 2239 GCT; e'lO'S, 172°55'E; sounding, 2950 fm; wind, 120°, force 4; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 22° 1.,33 3982 3..92 4252 1.,27 4..21 4525 1.,24 4..23 4.,37 4823b) 1.,28 4..38 5172b) 1.,32

HORIZON; December 9, 1952; 1228 GCT; 12°08'S, 175°16'E; sounding, 1750 fm; wind, 140°, force 2; weather, missing; sea, slight; wire angle, 06°. 0 29..00 10 28..99 4.34 108 27,.93 4.16 292 18..01 3.42 387 11,.62 2.71 573 6,.24 3.79 757 5,.26 3.39 1082 3..95 3.23 3.22 1339 3.. 18 1594 2..68 3.24 2112 2..09 3.36 1.,76 2736 3.29 2785 1..74 3.39 1.,71 2833 3.50 600 6..07 3.77 1.,72 3.47 2881 700 5..53 3.51 1. 68 2931 3.45 800 5..05 3.35 1000 4..24 3.25 1200 3..57 3.22 1500 2..84 3.23 2000 2..18 3.34 2500 1..83 3.31

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. b) The last two depths are slightly uncertain because of malfunction of the two unprotected reversing thermometers.












°2 ml/L

HORIZON; December 10, 1952; 2252 G C T ; 16°56.5'S, 175°54.5'E; sounding, 1610 fm; wind, 070°, force 3; weather, missing; sea, slight; wire angle, 33°. 4..54 0 28.15 4,.54 0 28 .15 4..55 10 28.15 4 .55 28 . 16 8 4..48 28.04 4..48 20 21 28 .00 4.,77 30 27.70 4..54 27..05 46 67

26 .21

4. 92

92 137 180

25.88 24 .25 22..25

4.,82 4. 39 4., 16


19..37 15.,56 12.,02

3. 77 4. 04 3. 51

9.,05 5..82 4..64 3. 84

3. 70 4. 19 3. 87 3. 72

352 439 527 702 885 1066

50 75 100 150 200

26.88 26.09 25.70

4..82 4..90 4..75

23.56 21.50

250 300

19.83 17.93

4 .32 4..04 3..79

400 500 600 700

13.56 9.87

800 1000

5.10 4.11

7.36 5.85

3..88 3.,73 3. 61 3. 97 4. 19 4. 05 3. 74

HORIZON; January 12, 1953; 0151 GCT; 16°07'S, 165°13'W; sounding, 3000 fm; wind, 040°, force 2; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 17°. 4. 07 0 29.04 4 .07 29.04 0 10 28.37 3. 99 28.35 3 .98 9 24 28.30 3. 80 20 28.31 3 .83 52 28.27 3. 91 30 28.29 3..81 76 27.69 4. 12 50 28.27 3,.89 104 26.58 4. 16 75 27.71 4..12 152 24.86 3. 79 100 26.78 4..16 202 22.28 3. 66 150 24.92 3..81 299 397

16.58 11.70



589 780 976 1170

6.82 4,,90 4.00 3.42



3. 71 3. 31 3. 03

200 250 300

3. 29 3. 51 3. 29 3. 26

400 500 600 700 800 1000

22.40 19.49 16.52 11.57 8.38 6.67 5.60 4.79 3.92

3..66 3..68 3..71 3. 30 3. 05 3. 32 3. 47 3..50 3. 28













HORIZON; December 19, 1952; 0757 G C T ; 20°23 , S, 178° 11.5'E; sounding, 1960 fm; wind, 310°, force 2; weather, drizzle; sea, slight; w i r e angle, 20°. 0


9 47 94

27.34 24.03 22.41


20.23 17.95 12.06 6.10

281 456 722 899 1078 1453 1550 1642 1741 1840

4.84 3.82

4. 59 4. 50 -

4. 67 3. 93 3.,97 4. 19 4. 63 4. 17 3. 81

0 10 20 30

27..50 27..31 26.,78 25..80

4.50 4.52 (4.54)


23. 85 22. 90 22. 28 21..19

(4.59) (4.65) 4.66 4.25 3.93 3.94

75 100 150


3. 33


20..08 18. 81 17. 40


3.45 3. 46 3. 42 3. 41

400 500 600 700

14. 08 (10.52) (7.80) (6.32)

2.62 2.53 2.41

200 250

800 1000 1200 1500

5. 49 4. 23 3. 41 2. 84

59 117 173 228 337 439 546 649 869 1083 1291

28.16 28.18 28.18 28.29 26.51 22.71 20.15 12.19 8.87 7.32 6.31 5.01 4.20 3.58

4.14 4.22 4.19 3.95 3.83 3.82

0 10 20 30 50 75 100

1.74 2.20 2.40 2.36

150 200 250 300

2.52 2.66 2.47

400 500 600


700 800 1000 1200

28.16 28 .18 28 .18 28.18 28.27 27 .40 26..70 24 .48

9 10


3.98 4.10 (4.28) (4.48) (4.62) 4.48 3.96 3.61 3.38

HORIZON; January 22, 1953; 1557 GCT; 11°59'S1 142°15'W; sounding, 2600 fm ; wind, 040°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, rough; w i r e angle, 08°. 0 10 30


11 12

4.14 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.20 4.13 4.02

21..43 18..87 14..77

3.86 3.83 3.67 2.20

9..79 7..92

2.01 2.37

6..76 5. 95

2.38 2.37

5. 35 4. 49 3.,84

2.63 2.59









°2 ml/L






2500 3000



02 ml/L

HORIZON; January 23, 1953; 1128 GCT; 12°12'S, 142°25'W; sounding, 2440 fm; wind, 040°, force 3; weather, missing; sea, moderate; wire angle, 22°. 0 28.25 4..43 94 26.62 4..59 287 3..60 479 7.96 1..74 927 4.74 2..57 1371 3.20 2.,75 1811 2.41 3..01 2260 1.96 3..24 2761 3..39 1.78 3261 1.61 3..61 3476 1.54 3..41 3589 1.50 3..81 3712 3..93 1.46 3814 1.45 4..02 3922 1.40 3..91 1000 1200 1500




4.44 3.70 2.92 2.18

1.86 1.70

2.60 2.68

2.82 3.12 3.29 3.52

HORIZON; February 2, 1953; 0643 GCT; 14°28'S, 120°24'W; sounding, 2030 fm; wind, 090°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea , slight; wire angle, 10°. 0 26.70 4.58 0 4.58 26.,70 15 26.71 4.53 10 4.54 26..70 35 26.63 4.62 20 4.55 26..70 73 4.74 30 4.59 26. 67 105 24.35 4.63 50 4.68 26.38 144 22.90 4.45 75 4.74 25. 47 19.44 212 4.33 100 4.67 24. 57 278 14.49 3.89 150 22. 62 4.44 8.70 408 0.90 200 20. 13 4.37 546 6.69 250 1.61 16. 65 4.11 678 5.68 1.81 300 12. 87 3.38 819 1.79 5.03 400 0.92 8. 90 1092 3.82 500 2.18 7. 21 1.35 1370 3.13 2.32 600 1.74 6. 21 1655 2.58 2.78 700 1.80 5. 55 800 5. 10 1.79 1000 4. 20 2.05 1200 3. 49 2.23 1500 2. 89 2.48










O2 ml/L

HORIZON; January 29, 1953; 2329 GCT; 10"55'S, 130°30'W; sounding, 2160 fm; wind, 090°, force 3; weather, partly cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 32°. 0 27. 92 4..55 8 27. 68 86 25. 95 4,.54 258 15. 16 3..27 420 1,.28 8. 74 655 6. 33 1,.45 803 5. 23 1,.45 1211 3. 59 1,.47 1618 2. 64 2..69 2046 2. 04 3..13 2529 1. 80 2..94 2923 1. 71 3..49 3013 1. 66 3..61 1. 65 3103 3.49 3197 1. 61 3..53 700 1.45 5.96 800 5.26 1.45 1000 4.32 1.46 1200 3.63 1.47 1500 2.87 2.30 2000 2.09 3.12 2500 1.82 2.94 3000 1.66 3.60 HORIZON; February 11, 1953; 0823, 0554 GCT; 1°03'S, 123°52'W; sounding, 2500 fm; wind, 090°, force 3; weather, missing; sea, slight; wire angle, 15°, 24° 0 25.15 4..61 0 25..15 4.61 9 25.14 4..56 10 25..14 4.56 24 24.89 4.,66 20 25.,00 4.64 52 25.89 4..45 30 24.,79 4.64 75 24.15 4.,05 50 24..51 4.48 101 19.66 2.,75 75 24.15 4.05 124 16.48 2.,54 100 19..85 2.77 150 13.64 2.,06 150 13. 64 2.06 198 1..37 12.33 200 12. 31 1.37 251 1.,65 11.98 250 11. 99 1.65 298 11.74 1. 24 300 11. 72 1.22 401 8.88 0. 84 400 8. 91 0.85 502 7.73 0. 84 500 7. 76 0.84 600 978 4.51 1. 72 700 1177 4.00 1. 96 800 1460 3.10 2. 12 1000 4. 43 1.73 1695 2.62 2. 21 1200 3. 93 1.97 1929 2.34 2. 17 1500 3. 00 2.14 2168 2.02 2. 59 2000 2. 23 2.25 2418 1.92 2. 65 2500 1. 89 2.72 2510 1.89 2. 33u 2652 1.79 2. 97











02 ml/L










92 ml/L

HORIZON; February 14, 1953; 1510, 1247 GCT; 7°58'N, 124°02'W; sounding, 2350 fm; wind, 040° force 5; weather, cloudy; sea, very rough; wire angle; 30°, 40°. 0 26 .45 4..70 0 26.45 4.70 26,.45 4..71 8 10 26.44 4.71 22 4..71 20 25.10 4.71 48 20..42 4..61 4.70 30 21.85 20..23 4..11 70 50 20.40 4.59 14 .42 1 . .57 93 75 20.12 3.85 0 . 30 113 12..84 100 13.65 0.83 0 . .59 134 12 .10 150 11.82 0.67 193 0 . ,70 11..19 200 1 1 . 0 1 0.67 217 10..57 0 . 59 250 10.22 0.56 254 10..18 0 . ,55 300 9.81 0.40 344 9..41 0 . 22 400 8.81 0.13 0 . 11 432 8. 500 7.59 0.13 523 7..32 0 . 14 600 6.62 0.18 715 0 . 30 5..73 700 5.84 0.28 800 5.25 0.40 467a) 0 . 13 1000 8.,06 4.38 0.76 781 5.,34 0 . 34 1200 3.72 1.15 947 4..59 0 . 66 1500 1.52 2.98 1195 3..74 1 . 14 2000 2.20 2.09 1 . 51 1412 3. 18 1630 2.,71 1 . 54 1862 2. 39 1 . 98 2105 2..08 2. 19 2197 2. 02 2. 28 2. 32 2340 1 . 92

SPENCER F. BAIRD; December 21, 1952; 0335, 0550 GCT; 21°59'S, 178°32'E; sounding, 2230 fm; wind, 340°, force 1; weather, missing; sea, rough; wire angle, 07°, missing. 1347 3 .12 1792 2..46

SPENCER F. BAIRD; December 28, 1952; 2321 GCT; 19°39'S, 174°53'W; sounding, 934 fm; wind, 220°, force 2; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 17°. 568 8..48 600 7.70 6..54 700 655 6.09 800 825 5..17 5.33 995 4..29 1000 4.26 1172 3..62 1200 3.51 1261 3..24 1500 2.75 1351 3..04 2..85 1442 2. 71 1533 1625 2. 66

2261 2696 2879 3066 3253 3631

2..08 1..89 1..85 1..84 1..83 1..84

SPENCER F. BAIRD; January 2, 1953; 1350 GCT; 20°08'S, 173°03.5'W; sounding, 5000 fm; wind, missing; weather, missing; sea, missing; wire angle, 20°. 0 27..6 10 27..54 25 27..47 47 26..18 24..44 91 175 21.,51 341 16.,22 505 10.,43 832 5.,03 1000 4.,05 1257 3. 09 2. 17 2139


w CD

HORIZON; February 13, 1953; 0915, 0647 GCT; 4j







to *

fft g/L




dyn m


USS MARYSVILLE; April 24, 1952; 0453, 0311 GCT; 24° 05'N, 118°19,. 5'W; sounding, 2140 fm; wind» 13° a) 020°, force 1; weather, rain; sea, rough; wire angle, 05 0.00 0 17..79 24.55 340 24. 55 340 33..96 0 17. 79 33.96 0.03 17.60 33..96 24.59 335 335 10 17. 60 33.96 24..59 10 17,.60 34..01 332 0.07 20 24.63 17..60 34.02 24..64 331 25 0.10 17..54 24.65 330 24.,75 321 30 34..01 33.87 50 16. 66 0.17 50 16..66 33..87 24.75 321 33.94 24.,78 75 16..77 318 0.25 75 16..77 33..94 24.78 318 15. 98 24..90 307 99 33.86 100 15..94 24.90 306 0.32 33.79 222 33..86 11. 40 25..78 149 150 221 0.46 11,,35 33.,79 25.79 9. 91 34.13 26.,31 172 198 200 34..14 26.32 171 0.56 137 9.,89 9. 29 34.48 26..68 297 26.54 150 0.64 117 250 9.,58 34..36 34.50 26..89 396 8. 07 0.72 300 9.,26 34..48 26.69 136 6. 84 34.47 27..04 102 494 26.90 0.85 400 34..50 116 27.,16 91 8..02 592 6. 06 34.49 500 34.,47 27.05 102 0.96 6..79 1.07 7. 09 27..01 600 6..07 34..48 27.15 92 34.47 106 484b) 700 1.17 27,,13 95 5..51 34..49 27.23 85 6. 22 34.47 581 800 5.,00 34.,50 27.30 78 1.26 5..90 34.49 27.,18 89 629 1000 4..19 34.,53 27.41 67 1.42 5. 67 27.,21 87 677 34.49 1200 3..58 27.52 1.56 5. 33 27.,25 83 34.,58 58 726 34.49 1500 2..89 44 1.75 5.,12 34.59U 34,,68 27.66 774 2000 (27.71) (2.00) 4. 89 27.,31 77 (2.13) (34.66) (39) 823 34.50 4. 67 27,,33 75 871 34.49 4. 29 27.,40 69 968 34.52 3. 67 1163 34.57 27.,50 59 2. 97 34.62 27..61 49 1455 27. 71 40 34.66 1944 2. 20 USS MARYSVILLE; April 24, 1952; missing, 1706, 1852 GCT; 22°35'N, 118°32.5'W; sounding, 2100 fm; wind, 010°, force 1;i weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, missing, 15°, missing. 347 0 . 0 0 34..12 24..47 347 0 0 34..12 24.47 18.61 18,.61 24.,50 344 0.03 34.,10 24,.50 344 10 18.41 10 34..10 18,.41 34 .10 24..51 343 0.07 342 20 18.38 34,.10 24,,52 25 18,.33 0.10 34,,10 24..53 342 332 30 34..09 24,.63 18.31 50 17,.87 24..63 332 0.17 312 17.87 34,,09 34.14 24,.84 50 73 17,.13 24..85 311 0.25 302 75 17.10 34,,14 97 33..92 24,.94 15..99 15.40 25,,06 291 0.33 25 .77 223 100 33..91 33..81 146 11..55 222 150 11.45 33.,81 25,.79 0.46 34.,21 26.,24 179 195 10..65 10.62 34..26 26 .29 174 0.56 26..58 146 200 293 9..63 34,,42 10.10 34.,40 26,.49 155 0.64 34.44 120 250 392 26..85 8..00 9.50 144 34.47 300 34,,43 26..61 0.72 7..02 27,.02 105 491 7.92 34.,44 0.86 27,,17 90 400 26..87 119 593 6..05 34.,50 6.86 34..46 27.03 103 0.98 500 92 105 600 6.01 34,,47 27.,15 1.08 34.,45 27,.02 496b) 6..89 27.,24 84 27,.16 91 700 5.38 34.,48 1.18 596 6..06 34.,49 4.87 1.27 27,,18 90 800 34.,50 27,,32 77 645 5..70 34..45 67 1000 4.11 34.,52 27.,41 1.43 5.,40 34.,50 27,,25 83 696 1200 34..58 27.,52 1.57 747 5., 13 34..47 27.26 82 3.59 58 27.,32 1500 2.84 34..60 27. 60 50 1.76 797 4.,89 34. 51 76 27,,69 2.04 4.,71 27.,34 74 2000 2.09 34..63 41 847 34. 51 4.,46 34. 52 27.,38 71 898 27,,41 67 1000 4. 11 34. 52 27. 52 3. 58 34.58 58 1202 1506 2017

2. 84 2. 08

34. 60 34. 63

27, 60 27. 69


50 41

a) The final processing of these data was done by the Data Collecting and Processing Group of Scripps Institution. b) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.










CTt g/L






S /*w

at g/L




dyn m

USS MARYSVILLE; April 25, 1952; 1010, 0751 GCT; 20°59'N, 119°17.5'W; sounding, 2080 020°, force 3; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate; wire angle, 10°, 14°. 0 20. 12 24. 35 358 0 20.12 34..48 24.,35 34.48 34.44 10 20. 13 24.,32 361 10 20.13 34.44 24.,32 25 24. 34 20. 10 34.46 359 20 20.12 34..46 24. 34 50 34.19 24. 49 345 30 18. 73 20.09 34.46 24.,35 75 18. 28 34.14 24. 56 338 50 24..49 18.73 34.19 100 17. 57 24.,65 330 34.02 75 18.28 34..14 24..56 151 33.99 25. 94 208 100 17.57 34..02 24,.65 11. 40 201 167 11. 16 34.49 26. 37 150 11.41 33.99 25..93 301 9. 67 26. 66 139 200 11.17 34..48 34.53 26..36 120 401 34.49 26.,85 250 10.45 34..54 8. 26 26..53 501 7. 23 108 300 9.70 34..53 34.46 26. 98 26..66 97 602 34.47 27.,10 400 6. 40 8.28 34.,49 26..85 500 7.20 34..47 26 .99 105 494a) 7. 11 27.,01 600 34..47 27,,12 34.48 6.31 27..12 95 700 593 6. 35 34.48 5.72 34..48 27,,20 90 27.,17 800 34.,51 27,,29 643 5. 99 34.49 5.13 693 5. 76 27..19 88 1000 4.34 34..52 27..39 34.48 82 744 5. 45 34.51 27,.26 1200 3.70 34..54 27..47 27..28 80 1500 2.95 34..56 27..56 793 5. 17 34.50 27..32 76 844 4. 93 34.52 74 4. 72 27,.35 894 34.52 70 994 4.,37 27,.39 34.52 61 1196 3. 72 34.55 27,.48 53 1501 2. 94 27..56 34.56 USS MARYSVILLE; April 27 , 1952:; 1023, force 3; weather, overcast; sea, smooth; 0 22.51 34.23 23,.51 10 34.24 23,.52 22.52 22. 54 34.26 23..53 23 47 34.47 24.17 20. 79 71 20.27 34.46 24..30 93 24..48 19. 35 34.38 139 34.01 25..49 13. 75 185 11. 22 34.28 26..19 278 9. 86 34.54 26..64 374 34.50 26.83 8. 49 27..00 474 7.. 19 34.48 27..12 582 6. 43 34.49 435a) 526 617 707 754 800 847 892 939 1079 1369 1886

7.,73 6.,99 6.,20 5.,54 5..32 5..08 4..77 4..62 4..45 3. 89 3..14 2..22

34.48 34.51 34.49 34.52 34.51 34.52 34.51 34.53 34.55 34.58 34.60 34.67

26..93 27..06 27,.15 27,,25 27.27 27,.31 27,.33 27,.37 27,.40 27.49 27,,57 27,.71

fm; wind, 358 361 360 359 345 338 330 208 167 151 139 121 107 96 88 79 70 62 54

0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.26 0.35 0.49 0.58 0.66 0.74 0.88 1.00 1.11 1.21 1.30 1.47 1.62 1.82

0844 GCT; 18° 32'N, 118 °38'W; sounding, 2080 fm; wind, 010°, wire angle, 35 42°. 22.51 34..23 23..51 439 0.00 439 0 10 22.52 34 .24 23..52 438 0.04 438 437 20 22.54 34..25 23..52 438 0.09 30 22.53 34.33 23..58 432 0.13 376 50 20.70 34..47 24..19 374 0.21 363 75 20.20 34.,45 24..31 362 0.30 346 18.55 24..63 332 250 100 34.,31 0.39 34.01 229 183 150 12.66 25..71 0.53 141 11.00 34..36 200 26..30 173 0.64 10.27 123 250 34..51 26..54 150 0.72 34 .54 137 106 300 9.59 26..68 0.79 400 8.19 34..49 119 96 26..87 0.93 7.11 34..49 27..02 500 105 1.05 114 34 .50 27,.14 94 600 6.33 1.16 101 34..51 27,.24 84 700 5.58 1.25 93 800 5.08 34 .51 27,.30 78 1.34 83 1000 4.19 34 .56 27,,44 65 1.51 34..59 27,.53 57 81 1200 3.56 1.65 27,.62 1500 2.85 34 .62 48 1.83 78 75 72 69 61 52 39

a) Overlapping casts; reconciliation of property curves when necessary.











6W; sounding, 1950 fm; wind, 360°; 20 kt; weather * cloudy; wire angle,, 30-40°, 22°, missing. 0.00 0.92 0 11.42 32.38 24,.68 327 11.42 32.38 Oa) 10 11.46 32.42 6.38 24.71 325 0.03 11.50 32.41 6.29 0.88 S 20 6.25 24..76 320 0.06 32.42 6.38 0.96 11.19 32.42 10 11.46 30 264 0.09 0.93 8.51 32.61 6.88 25..35 11.19 32.42 6.25 20 50 32.64 6.69 25..56 244 0.14 1.13 7.18 30 8.51 32.61 6.88 75 6.20 32.83 5.89 25..84 218 0.20 32.64 6.69 1.28 SO 7.18 5.24 193 0.25 100 5.74 33.09 26..10 1.84 150 5.57 33.62 4.17 26..54 152 0.34 5.47 90b) 5.76 32.95 200 3.20 133 0.41 1.63 5.26 33.84 26..75 5.42 33.83 3.56 181 2.37 2.88 250 4.89 33.87 26..81 127 0.48 33.89 2.06 272 4.76 3.17 300 33.92 1.78 26..88 121 0.54 0.69 4.68 453 4.25 34.09 400 4.40 34.03 1.00 27..00 0.65 0.31 3.41 111 647 3.74 34.31 0.57 27..13 99 0.76 500 4.11 34.16 0.37 3.13 600 3.84 34.27 27..24 89 0.85 34.34 0.29 850c) 3.45 0.30 27,.30 0.94 700 3.67 34.32 84 34.47 3.38 2.44 0.58 1348 0.29 27..32 2.89 800 3.53 34.33 82 1.02 1.18 1841 2.02 34.58 27..41 1.18 1000 3.08 34.38 0.35 75 27..48 1200 2.68 34.43 0.46 68 1.32 1500 0.73 27..58 59 1.51 2.25 34.51 BROWN BEAR; July 12, 1952 ; 0126 GCT; 50°30'N, 133°15'W ; sounding. 1720 fm; wind, 320°, 19 kt; weather > clear; wire angle, 20°, 11°. 32.37 6.10 340 0.00 32.37 6.10 0 12.13 24..55 0 12.13 10 32.34 6.19 24.,52 342 0.03 12.11 32.36 6.18 12.12 5 20 32.35 6.14 24..53 341 0.07 10 12.12 32.34 6.19 12.11 30 32.57 282 0.10 20 32.35 6.14 9.48 6.68 25..16 12.11 32.57 50 7.19 32.66 6.29 25.,57 243 0.15 30 9.48 6.68 75 32.85 4.98 222 0.21 7.21 32.65 6.35 6.68 25. 79 49 4.03 100 6.27 33.05 4.01 26. 00 203 0.26 6.29 33.03 98 150 5.79 3.43 26. 46 159 0.35 197 5.44 33.86 2.81 33.56 200 5.42 33.86 2.76 26. 75 133 0.42 1.56 250 5.18 33.94 1.96 26.,84 125 0.49 282c) 5.03 33.98 300 1.44 26..91 119 0.55 4.50 34.14 0.58 4.91 33.99 470 400 27.,02 0.73 4.51 34.08 0.91 108 0.66 437 4.48 34.11 500 617 34.27 0.38 4.35 3.82 600 1771 3.89 2.08 700 3.48 800 3.12 1000 2.53 1200 2.14 1500 1.92 a) Third cast. b) Second cast c) First cast.




m 142

S %>






Mg at/L





°t g/L




dyn m

BROWN BEAR; July 12, 1952; 1424 GCT; 50°30'N, 131°45'W; sounding, 1600 fm; wind, 320°, 8 kt; weather, clear; wire angle, 14°, missing. 0 13.07 32. 04 5.95 0 13.07 32.04 24.11 5.95 381 0.00 5 13.03 5.97 32. 04 10 13.38 32.06 5.92 24.07 386 0.04 10 32. 06 13.38 5.92 20 12.50 32.53 6.66 24.60 335 0.07 20 12.50 32. 53 6.66 30 8.76 32.55 6.69 25.26 272 0.10 30 32.60 8.76 32.55 6.69 50 7.19 6.63 25.53 247 0.16 50 6.71 7.19 32. 60 6.63 75 32.72 6.15 25.69 232 0.22 100 32.,87 100 32.87 6.32 5.69 6.32 5.69 25.85 217 0.27 200 5.55 33. 81 4.13 150 5.93 33.44 5.07 26.35 170 0.37 200 5.55 33.81 4.13 26.69 138 0.45 295a) 4.85 33. 95 1.47 250 5.14 33.89 2.54 26.80 128 0.51 492 4.35 34. 11 0.67 300 4.84 33.95 1.44 26.88 121 0.58 739 3.83 34. 31 0.34 400 4.57 34.04 0.99 26.98 112 0.69 986 3.25 34.,41 0.29 500 4.33 34.12 0.66 27.07 104 0.80 1478 2.38 34.,52 0.91 600 4.13 34.21 0.49 27.17 96 0.90 1975 1.95 34..59 1.31 700 3.92 34.29 0.37 27.25 89 0.99 800 34.34 3.68 0.30 27.32 83 1.08 1000 3.22 34.41 0.31 27.42 74 1.24 1200 2.82 34.46 0.58 27.49 68 1.38 1500 2.35 34.52 0.93 27.58 59 1.57 BROWN BEAR; July 12, 1952 ; 2246 GCT; 50°30'N, 130°15'W ; sounding, 1050 fm; wind, 320°, 4 kt; weather, clear; wire angle, 18° , 15°. 0 13.87 31..87 0 5.91 0.48 13.87 31.87 5.91 23.82 409 0.00 31..87 5 13.68 5.97 10 0.42 13.35 31.89 6.07 23.94 398 0.04 10 13.35 31..89 6.07 0.42 20 11.38 32.48 6.35 24.77 319 0.08 20 32,.48 11.38 6.35 30 9.87 32.56 0.72 6.37 25.09 288 0.11 30 9.87 32..56 6.37 0.89 50 7.75 32.64 6.72 25.48 252 0.16 50 7.75 32.64 6.72 1.05 75 7.06 32.76 6.06 25.67 234 0.22 99 1.50 6.52 32..90 100 6.51 32.91 5.44 25.86 216 0.28 198 5.64 33..83 2.33 150 3.38 6.06 33.49 4.32 26.38 168 0.37 200 33.83 5.62 3.35 26.70 138 0.45 2.71 291a) 4.86 33..92 1.96 250 5.17 33.88 2.52 26.79 129 0.52 490 34..09 3.10 4.06 0.77 300 4.81 33.93 1.89 26.87 122 0.58 738 3.65 34..29 0.29 3.26 400 4.37 34.01 1.22 26.98 112 0.70 995 3.24 34..40 0.27 34.10 3.12 500 4.04 0.74 27.09 103 0.80 1389 2.50 34 .49 600 0.63 3.08 3.88 34.19 0.50 27.18 95 0.90 2.09 34 .60 1788 1.18 2.76 700 3.71 34.27 0.34 27.26 88 0.99 800 3.56 34.32 0.27 27.31 83 1.08 1000 3.23 34.40 0.27 27.41 75 1.24 1200 34.44 2.81 0.44 27.48 69 1.38 1500 2.35 34.52 0.76 27.58 59 1.57 BROWN BEAR; July 13, 1952 ; 0631 GCT; 50°30'N, 129°11'W ; sounding, 1050 fm; wind, 200°, 3 kt; weather, fog; wire angle, 20° , 12°. 0b) 31 .69 10.86 6.89 0 10.86 31.69 6.89 24.25 368 0.00 10.71 5 31 .74 6.97 10 10.58 31.87 7.44 24.44 351 0.04 10 10.58 31 .87 7.44 20 9.20 32.15 5.85 24.88 308 0.07 20 9.20 32..15 5.85 30 8.92 32.23 5.31 24.99 298 0.10 30 8.92 5.31 32..23 50 7.94 32.47 4.91 25.32 267 0.16 50 7.94 32..47 4.91 75 7.02 33.09 4.37 25.93 209 0.22 99 6.36 33 .54 3.89 100 6.36 33.55 3.86 26.38 166 0.26 198 6.01 33 .94 2.24 150 6.21 33.80 2.91 26.60 147 0.34 200 6.00 33.94 2.23 26.74 134 0.41 282a) 5.52 33 .97 250 1.62 5.70 33.96 1.85 26.79 130 0.48 4.71 472 34 .13 0.58 300 5.43 33.99 1.49 26.85 125 0.54 705 4.16 34 .26 0.58 400 34.07 4.98 0.86 26.96 114 0.66 500 4.62 34.15 0.50 27.07 105 0.77 600 4.35 34.21 0.40 27.14 99 0.87 700 4.17 0.57 34.26 27.20 94 0.97


a) First cast. b) Third cast.








PO 4 -P









fft g/L





dyn M

BROWN BEAR; July 13, 1952; 1322 GCT; 50°28'N, 128°39"W; sounding, 860 fm; wire angle, missing. 0 12.70 0 12.70 31.88 6.41 0.48 31.88 12.67 31.87 0.50 10 12.71 5 6.46 31.92 10 12.71 31.92 6.40 0.54 20 11.87 32.37 32.37 30 20 11.87 6.32 0.96 8.92 32.58 30 8.92 32.58 6.55 1.02 50 7.21 32.65 1.19 50 7.21 32.65 75 6.93 32.95 6.56 2.00 100 6.71 33.22 4.70 100 6.71 33.22 2.74 150 200 6.47 33.91 6.66 33.64 2.13 300 5.67 33.97 2.88 200 6.47 33.91 1.81 500 34.14 0.65 3.28 250 6.04 4.81 33.94 750 4.10 34.32 3.40 300 5.67 0.22 33.97 1000 34.39 0.24 3.44 400 3.64 5.21 34.06 1200 34.47 3.44 500 3.13 0.36 4.81 34.14 3.10 1400 2.90 34.51 0.46 600 4.50 34.23 700 4.22 34.29 800 34.33 4.02 1000 3.64 34.39 1200 3.13 34.47

wind, 320°, 1 let; weather, fog;

BROWN BEAR; July 13, 1952; 1531 GCT; 50°29'N, 128°28'W; sounding, 113 fm; wire angle, missing. 0 32,.02 0 12.86 6..34 0.64 12.86 32,.02 5 12.84 32..04 10 6..33 0.61 12.92 32..13 10 12.92 32..13 6..42 0.69 20 11.56 32..47 20 11.56 32..47 6..55 30 0.95 32..63 30 1.10 50 32..63 6..55 7.67 32.,62 50 7.67 32..62 6..38 1.25 75 6.68 32.,71 75 6.68 32. 71 4. 65 2.82 100 6.68 33. 23 150 100 6.68 33. 23 3.,70 1.93 6.41 33. 76 6.50 33. 68 2.43 140 2. 46 6.03 33. 91 2.76 180

wind, 320°, 1 kt; weather, fog;

6.41 6.40 6.32 6.55 6.56 5.59 4.70 3.14 2.13 1.99 1.81 1.14 0.65 0.43 0.27 0.21 0.24 0.36

6..34 6..42 6.,55 6.,55 6.,38 4. 65 3. 70 2. 95

24.06 24.09 24.59 25.26 25.56 25.84 26.08 26.42 26.65 26.73 26.80 26.93 27.04 27.14 27.22 27.27 27.36 27.47

386 384 336 272 244 218 196 164 142 135 129 118 108 99 92 88 81 70

24.14 24.21 24.73

379 372 323

25.48 25.68 26.09 26.54

252 233 194 152

BB-7 145

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.16 0.22 0.27 0.36 0.43 0.50 0.57 0.69 0.81 0.91 1.01 1.10 1.26 1.42 146

0.00 0.04 0.07

















»t l/L




03*. 0 13.,79 32..39 7.68 0 13.,79 24.24 32.39 7. 68 32,.37 7.65 5 13..72 10 10.,69 24.95 32.56 6..45 10 10..69 32..56 6.45 20 8..68 32.96 3..62 25.59 20 32..96 3.62 30 7,.62 25.97 8..68 33.24 2..63 7..62 30 33..24 2.63 50 6..78 33.64 2. 34 26.40 2.34 75 50 6.,78 33..64 6..52 33.73 2..08 26.50 100 33.87 26.64 75 6.,52 33,.73 2.08 6..36 2..16 100 6..36 33..87 2.16 130 1.94 6..33 33..87

369 301 241 205 164 155 143



0.00 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20


0. 00 0. 04 0. 07 0. 10 0. 14 0. 20 0. 24

8 kt;


0.00 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.17 0.23 0.29 0.39 0.48 0.54 0.61 0.74 0.85 0.96 1.05 1.14 1.31 1.46 1.66

a) Times reported are those of the messenger release of the first cast. b) First cast.


uw BB-9












S t




-5 3, 10 cm/g

AD dyn. m


BROWN BEAR; August 20, 1952; 0805 GCT; 48°33*N, 128°14'W; sounding, 1290 fm; wind, 270°, 6 kt; weather. cloudy; wire angle, 09°, 05°. 15. 39 32..48 0 15.39 32. 48 0 23.,97 395 0 . 00 5 32. 54 10 14. 43 32..54 24..22 14.59 371 0 . ,04 10 32. 54 20 14. 07 32..55 24..30 364 0. 08 14.43 32..56 20 14.07 32..55 30 30 32. 56 50 32.,53 32..67 50 32. 53 75 7. 26 32..84 100 7.26 32.,84 100 25.71 231 6.34 33..87 150 33 .48 199 26.27 178 6. 78 200 6. 33 33.,87 298 5.58 33..97 26.64 144 250 5. 93 33..92 26.73 135 34..09 300 5. 57 33..97 495a) 4.56 26.81 128 34..29 400 5. 01 34..03 748 26.93 118 34..42 500 4. 55 34..09 27.03 109 998 3.31 34..18 27.13 100 34..52 600 4. 27 1498 2.46 1.92 34..60 700 4. 00 34 .26 27.22 92 1998 27.29 86 3.,75 34..32 800 27.42 75 3.,31 34..42 1000 34 .46 27.48 69 1200 2.,93 34..52 1500 2.,46 27.57 61


BROWN BEAR; August 20, 1952; 1411 GCT; 48°27*N, 128°58'W; sounding, 1350 fm; wind, 220°, weather, clear; wire angle, 08°, 07°. 32..47 23. 98 394 15. 32 32..47 6. 12 0 15..32 6. 12 0 32..43 14.,16 32..41 6.,18 24.,18 375 5 6. 15 10 14. 16 32..41 20 13,,62 32..40 6. 18 24.,28 366 10 6. 18 6. 40 24.,90 307 32..40 30 10.,78 32.51 20 13.62 6. 18 7..75 252 32.,51 50 32..63 6. 66 25.,47 30 10.,78 6. 40 7..31 32..80 6. 00 25. 67 234 50 7.,75 32.63 6. 66 75 32..99 5. 35 25. 87 216 32..98 5. 39 100 6..94 99 6. 95 33.56 3. 94 169 199 6.,22 33..90 2.,90 150 6.,57 26.,36 33..90 2. 89 140 5.,59 33..96 200 6..21 26.,68 298 1.,86 2. 33 134 250 5..88 33..93 26.,74 4.,70 34..12 0.,72 300 5..58 33..96 26.,81 129 500a) 1.,85 34.,05 117 4.,01 34..27 0. 40 400 5..10 1..19 26.,93 750 4..70 0.,72 34..12 27..03 109 34..41 1000 3.,32 0..32 500 4..42 34..18 0.,56 27.,11 102 1500 2.,40 34..55 0,,78 600 34..24 0.,45 27,.19 95 1..93 34..60 1..46 700 4..15 2000 34.,30 0.,37 27..27 88 800 3..86 34..41 0..32 27,.41 76 1000 3..32 67 2..90 34..48 0..48 27.,50 1200 34..55 0.,78 27..60 58 1500 2..40 34.60 1.,46 27,.68 51 2000 1,.93 a) First cast.


8 kt; 0. 00 0..04 0..08 0., 11 0..16 0..23 0..28 0..38 0.,46 0.,52 0.,59 0..71 0..82 0..93 1..03 1..12 1..28 1,,43 1..61 1..88





S t










6 -5 3, 10cm/g