New Trends in Hera Physics 2005: proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop [2 - 7 October 2005 at Ringberg Castle] 9812568166, 9789812568168

The purpose of this volume is to gather the latest experimental results from the H1, ZEUS and HERMES collaborations and

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Table of contents :
Contents......Page 10
Preface......Page 6
1. Proton Structure......Page 12
Proton structure measurements at high Q2 and large x......Page 14
Electroweak physics at HERA......Page 24
Inclusive low Q2 measurements at HERA......Page 34
Resummed perturbative evolution at high energy......Page 44
Colour dipole phenomenology......Page 54
2. Spin Physics......Page 66
Exclusive reactions at HERMES......Page 68
Transverse spin effects in single and double hadron electroproduction at HERMES......Page 79
Present understanding of the nucleon spin structure in view of recent experiments......Page 89
3. Production of Hadrons and Jets......Page 100
Measurements of as and parton distribution functions using HERA jet data......Page 102
A new parton shower algorithm: Shower evolution matching at leading and next-to-leading order level......Page 112
Jet production at HERA......Page 135
Multi-jet production in lepton-proton scattering with next-to-leading order accuracy......Page 144
Dijet rates with symmetric ET cuts......Page 155
QCD dynamics from forward hadron and jet measurements......Page 165
Light-hadron electroproduction at next-to-leading order and implications......Page 178
Particle production and fragmentation......Page 188
Soft gluon logarithmic resummation and hadron mass effects in single hadron inclusive production......Page 198
4. Heavy-Flavour Production......Page 208
Heavy-flavour photo- and electroproduction at NLO......Page 210
Physics with charm quarks at HERA......Page 220
J/w photoproduction at next-to-leading order......Page 240
J/w photoproduction at large z in soft collinear effective theory......Page 250
5. Diffractive ep Scattering......Page 262
Exclusive and inclusive diffraction at HERA......Page 264
Diffractive production of vector mesons and the gluon at small x......Page 283
Inclusive diffraction......Page 294
From factorization to its breaking in diffractive dijet production......Page 304
Diffractive parton density functions......Page 314
6. Beyond the Standard Model......Page 324
Beyond the Standard Model at HERA: Status and prospects......Page 326
7. Resonances and Diquarks......Page 336
New resonances in the hadronic final state at HERA......Page 338
Hadron systematics and emergent diquarks......Page 348
8. Future Projects......Page 368
Importance of a measurement of FL(X Q2) at HERA......Page 370
Measurement of the longitudinal proton structure function at low x at HERA......Page 381
HERA and the LHC......Page 391
List of Participants......Page 404

New Trends in Hera Physics 2005: proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop [2 - 7 October 2005 at Ringberg Castle]
 9812568166, 9789812568168

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