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English Pages 306 [356] Year 1988
Second Supplement to
Pseudonyms and Nicknames Dictionary '"V
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Issue Number 2 Cumulates entries from Issue Number 1, , ' which, may be discarded
Edited by Jennifer Mossman
Ref CT120 .P8 Suppl. New pseudonyms and nicknames.
New Pseudonyms and Nicknames
OTHER GALE PUBLICATIONS TRADE NAMES DICTIONARY—Third Edition. 2 volumes. Contains 160,000 alphabetically arranged entries for consumer products and their manufacturers. Product entries give: trade name, brief description, name of manufacturer, and a code identifying the source of the information. Company entries provide company names and addresses. NEW TRADE NAMES, 1982 and 1983 supplements. TRADE NAMES DICTIONARY: COM¬ PANY INDEX. Rearranges entries from TND alphabetically by firm, with separate name and address list of approximately 35,000 companies. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS—Sixteenth Edition, Volume 1, NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE U.S., contains about 15,400 entries in 17 categories. With index to organization names and keywords. Volume 2, GEOGRAPHIC AND EXECUTIVE INDEX. Volume 3, NEW ASSOCIATIONS AND PROJECTS, supplements to Volume 1. With cumulative alphabetical and keyword indexes. DIRECTORY OF SPECIAL LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION CENTERS—Sixth Edition. Volume 1 contains information on over 15,000 special libraries, information centers, and documentation centers in the U.S. and Canada. Detailed subject index. Volume 2, GEOGRAPHIC AND PERSONNEL INDEXES. Volume 3, NEW SPECIAL LIBRARIES, a periodical supplement to Volume 1. Cumulatively indexed. SUBJECT DIRECTORY OF SPECIAL LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION CENTERS—Sixth Edition. A subject arrangement of all entries in Directory of Special Libraries. Five volumes covering these major fields: Business and Law, Education and Information Science, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Science and Technology. RESEARCH CENTERS DIRECTORY—Sixth Edition. A guide to over 6,000 university-related and other nonprofit research organizations in the U.S. and Canada. With indexes of subjects, institutions, and research centers. NEW RESEARCH CENTERS, periodical supplements to RCD. Cumulatively indexed. STATISTICS SOURCES—Sixth Edition. A subject guide to data on industrial, business, social, educational, financial, and other topics for the U.S. and selected foreign countries. Contains over 23,000 references on about 12,000 subjects. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION GUIDE SERIES. Authoritative, comprehensive, carefully indexed guides to the literature of such major business and governmental areas as Accounting, Commercial Law, Computers, Insurance, Communications, Transportation, Public Relations, and Economic and Business History. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY—Second Edition. Provides detailed profiles of the activities and specialties of hundreds of companies, institutes, and special consulting groups that conduct managerial and supervisory training courses for business firms and governmental agencies. Indexes. WEATHER ALMANAC—Third Edition. This reference guide to the weather, climate, and air quality of the U.S. and selected key cities provides maps, tables, and charts for those needing precise weather information. Includes a glossary of weather terms and a meteorological primer for amateur weatherpersons. DIRECTORY OF DIRECTORIES—First Edition. A cumulation of material found in the 1977-78 issues of Directory Information Service, this single clothbound volume contains updated and revised entries for nearly 4,000 directories listed in D/S, plus about 1,400 entries for directories not found in D/S. Covers business and industrial directories, professional and scientific rosters, and other lists and guides of all kinds. Detailed subject index and title index. DIRECTORY INFORMATION SERVICE, inter-edition supplements. EPONYMS DICTIONARIES INDEX—First Edition. Cites sources of biographical information on 13,000 eponymous persons, real and imaginary, plus sources of definitions for the 20,000 terms based on their names.
New Pseudonyms and Nicknames Second Supplement to
Pseudonyms and Nicknames Dictionary A Guide to Pseudonyms, Pen Names, Nicknames, Epithets, Stage Names, cognomens. Aliases, and Sobriquets of Twentieth-century Persons, including the Subjects’ Reai Names, Basic Biographical information, and Citations for the Sources from which the Entries were compiied covers Authors, Sports Figures, Entertainers, Politicians, Military Leaders, underworld Figures, Religious Leaders, and other contemporary Personalities
Issue Number 2 Cumulates entries from issue Number 1, which may be discarded
Jennifer Mossman, Editor Gale Research company • Book Tower • Detroit, Michigan 48226 copyright ® 1981 by Gale Research company
Senior Editor: Ellen T. Crowley Editor: Jennifer Mossman Editorial Assistant: Elwanda Houseworth Production Supervisor: Carol Blanchard Cover Design: Arthur Chartow Computerized photocomposition by Computer Composition Corporation, Madison Heights, Michigan
Gale’s publications in the pseudonyms and nicknames field consist of the following: Pseudonyms and Nicknames Dictionary, First Edition A Guide to Pseudonyms, Pen Names, Nicknames, Epithets, Stage Names, Cognomens, Aliases, and Sobriquets of Twentieth-Century Persons, Including the Subjects’ Real Names, Basic Biographical Information, and Citations for the Sources from Which the Entries Were Compiled New Pseudonyms and Nicknames (A Periodic Supplement to Pseudonyms and Nicknames Dictionary)
ISBN 0-8103-0548-8 ISSN 0272-7366 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 81-82927 Printed in the United States of America
A Word about New Pseudonyms and Nicknames.
Preface to Pseudonyms and Nicknames Dictionary, First Edition.
Editorial Policies and Arrangement of Names. 11 List of Sources Cited. 15 Pseudonyms and Nicknames .21
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