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English Pages [176] Year 1992
s~FFJ"iii·: pf~Xi:i~;~> ~ Stur:_geon, .Jury ,Decides .
' Walter Htllaberg and Allred Olson, 'both of Navarino, wet'e found not guilty 'of Ulegal tlshlng charge~ yesterday· by a clrc"'it court JUry. With Judge Joeeph R. McCarthy presiding the May term of circuit court · got underway ;yestc:rday atteruJ>On.i . Tht• game law. case came up 1trom p lower court on an a.ppeal ; filed by Louis w. :cattau, coun1 eel for the ·detenda..-its, The arl n':!!l was made on April 21 by Wai·d~na o. K . Johnion an cheese soup • a nd lemon puddill&', were demon· a tra ted. Mrs. 'Ptd Cbr11UaN10n baa been elecl,•d a~retary •nd treas· urer ' The next meeting w1ll be held a t t he home of .w,.. H arry Eng o n November 12. J
Father, Four Sons Set Up Military Record
Dinner at Navarino
The Navarino Homemakers club . '!'el at I.he hom e of Mni. Mary '
Enckson last week and a dlscua· alon on Importance of milk, butler : a nd chee1e In the diet wu led b)'
, \Attend Norwegian
THROUGH -+-f ROM CRANDON . 1..,..11.. Tri, tf ti.. Oflcial Wu MU• LM.t
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. N't 2l liSMd:;r-;• 6U. l1e lfta wUl "'" ltwJ'J Horth Cru.~ Dlw-k CtN:lt over Wl.IOlitaW.
Northtrft rallwa1. A tovr of' tupec· Uon by th• rallway orfid•lt wu rn.ad•
lu.t we.ls lft a 1p.lead.kt private car, la 0.. part7 • n• tht. of the ....i. r ...i. BlKlt Cr.t1r N..U. Sh..aw&ao, the,. were O.k~ aad
App1eun 111:4ft ln O•• ear whom w.,-.• AUK\,.\ Schub.an, ot 01h\:011h, JOMph Ht..le , John Ooftway, (J.MrrJM1uot., end 0 . \'r Sd1.lder ot Apsd .. t-., Tbt 1!" lhc 11;\h '.
The lrnslws h iwe worked out 11 p lun ' ' ' " cummova rlno. Hiiiiker work· ed on rh,. Suir route httwren Hil·
l>c.r sa1c.J.
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nl•cem ber.
t"()r t.iur y,.1r·1 P• C\'ll"IU• to
JOHN lfi)LMij IS
Durmi; the ni&ht the life boot. ~JI · N uv :anno, o ue o r the five known ryif1g t he 1hrcc Amer1tttn ti> bum pc.•,t aurvlvors. 1 S c n t.:m1t Wilh1.:r, who is v blllng into ti box· ll w as hnulcd abo11t·1t. n nw u l l he home o! h is fi3ncee, Miu and lhc J14rs:c piece: of ,·:rnv••~ "' t.hujo11e Wi1kln)tm. dau ghl ~ r ot i( w ....s U>4.!t'i ~s a bl"nkcL ·rhc m~ht Mr. and Mni.. T um WllkiuJ.On. 308 E. w •.t:s told, wild a st.rong wind v. ...~ franklin ~Ln."Ct. W::i$ on C.orrc11dor blowrng. When morning came. \ he when 1t fell to lhe J~ps almo,.t rncn d1scovcrrd to . their de?lit;hl ttu-ca Y y o s trong wind, they m :1d