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English Pages 84 Year 2004
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Nanocapsules Zhi-dong Zhang Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, and International Centre for Materials Physics, and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China
CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Background 3. Synthetic Methods 4. Spectroscopic Characterization 5. Physical Properties 6. Biomedical Properties 7. Concluding Remarks Glossary References
1. INTRODUCTION Everyone can understand the meaning of the word “capsules,” when one takes medicine that is in the form of capsules. We are familiar with capsules where the medicine is inside, with a shell outside, which is used for prolonging or improving the absorption of the medicine. Nanocapsules are capsules of nanometer size (i.e., 10−9 m), which are normally composed of a core and a shell that are made of different materials. One can understand nanocapsules, when one imagines the reduction of hen eggs to nanometer scale. The shell has a number of names depending on the research field or industry, which can be referred to as a membrane, a wall, a covering, or a coating. The internal core material also goes by a number of terms such as payload, core, encapsulant, fill, active ingredient, internal phase (IP), or internal ingredient. For the purposes of this chapter we will refer to the terms shell and core. The word “nanocapsules,” or “nanoencapsulations,” started to appear in the literature in the middle of 1970s, most of which was related to the topics of controlled release of drugs [1–5] and new drug carriers [6–13]. The word “nanocapsules” (or “nanoencapsulations”) emerged in the literature for carbon encapsulating materials at the beginning of 1990s [14–22], after the discovery of fullerenes ISBN: 1-58883-062-4/$35.00 Copyright © 2004 by American Scientific Publishers All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
[23, 24]. Indeed, the discovery of C60 and successful preparation of the material in macroscopic quantities initiated extensive investigations of fullerenes [23, 24], carbon nanotubes [25, 26], carbon-coated nanocapsules [14–22], and a wide range of carbon-based materials [27, 28]. Recently, there has been extensive and increasing interest in the field of nanocapsules as well as nanoencapsulation. Actually, nanoencapsulation is a more precise derivative of a well-developed process, called “microencapsulation,” which encloses very small-sized core materials, either solids or liquids, in the coating materials. This technique has played a significant role in a variety of industries for many years. These include medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, agricultural, plastic, paper, photographic printing, paint, adhesive, and computer industries. During nano/microencapsulation, very thin coatings of inert natural or synthetic (polymeric or others) materials are deposited around nano/microsized particles of solids or droplets of liquids. Products thus formed are known as nano/microcapsules, depending on their size scales. The unique feature of nanocapsules is the diminutive size of the coated particles. The particle size usually ranges from several nanometers to 1 micrometer. The coated particles between 1 and 1000 nanometers in diameter are referred to as the nanocapsules. Various types of physical structure of the product of nanoencapsulation, such as mononuclear spheres, multinuclear spheres, and multinuclear irregular particles, can be obtained depending on the manufacturing process. The most common structure formed is the mononuclear sphere. The spherical surface is the smallest surface among all other shapes for the condensing/nanoencapsulation process, which is usually with a minimum free energy. Thus it is the common surface for most nanocapsules. However, other shapes are still possible, since the symmetry of the crystals could become dominant in a certain case. The most applicable nanoencapsulation procedures include: physical techniques such as arc discharge, heat evaporation, laser/electron beam heating, sputtering, etc.; chemical techniques such as chemical vapor deposition, solid-state reactions, sol–gel, precipitation, hydrothermal
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Edited by H. S. Nalwa Volume 6: Pages (77–160)
78 process, solvent process, latex process, oxidation process, polymerization, etc.; physicochemical techniques such as coacervation-phase separation, etc.; mechanical techniques such as air suspension, pan coating, spray-drying and congealing, and multiorifice centrifugation. It is understandable that nanocapsules can possess the same (or similar) physical properties as those of nanoparticles. The activities in the field of the nanocapsules/ nanoparticles could date back to the pioneering work of Japanese scientists Kubo [29], in theory, and Uyeda et al. [30–35], in experiments. Kubo [29] predicted in his theory that the thermal behavior at low temperatures of metal particles could be evidently different than that of bulk materials, because the average energy gap close to the Fermi energy could be much larger than the thermal energy kB T (where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is temperature) because of the discontinuity of the energy levels in the limited systems. Using a transmission electronic microscope (TEM), Uyeda et al. investigated systematically the crystallographic structures of various metal and nonmetal ultrafine particles (or nanoparticles) prepared by evaporation and condensation technology [30–53]. Because of their high surface activity, almost all nanoparticles possess the core/shell structure with a shell of oxides and thus belong to the nanocapsule category [30–53]. The exception is nanoparticles (like pure oxides, carbon) without the core/shell structure. Nanocapsules are matters in intermediate states between bulk and atomic materials which offer an opportunity to investigate the dimensionally confined systems in basic research areas. Various abnormal phenomena, such as magic effects, quantum size effects, surface effects, hyperfine structure etc., in the nanocapsules, alter the physical behavior of the materials. The optical absorption, thermal resistance, melting points, and magnetic properties of the nanocapsules could be quite different than the bulk counterparts. Nanoscale magnetic capsules are expected to have potential applications in various areas such as magnetic recording, magnetic fluids, superconduction, and medicine. The study of the preparation, structure, and physical properties of the nanocapsules has become very important in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology [54]. Furthermore, as the word “nanocapsules” originated from medicine, the medical and biomedical field is the most active one studying nanocapsules, driven by the motivation of discovering new drug carriers [1–13]. In this chapter, we give a comprehensive review of the advances in the area of the nanocapsules. We outline the theoretical background on this topic in Section 2, which describes energy levels, quantum effects, magic effects, surfaces/interfaces, and metastable phases in nanocapsules. In Section 3, we represent the most applicable nanoencapsulation procedures including physical, chemical, physicochemical, and mechanical techniques. In Section 4, we show the physical properties, including optical, electronic, magnetic, and dynamic properties, of nanocapsules. In Section 5, we concentrate on the biomedical properties, including artificial cell and red blood cell substitutes, drug delivery and controlled release, etc. of nanocapsules. Section 6 is for concluding remarks.
2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1. Introduction Nanocapsules have physical properties that differ from those of bulk materials. One of the main origins of such differences is the discreteness of the energy levels in the limited systems. According to the energy band theory, the energy levels of a bulk metal are in general continuum (or socalled quasi-continuum) because the number of electrons in the bulk is infinite. For limited systems, like clusters, nanoparticles, and nanocapsules, the limited number of electrons leads directly to the discreteness of the energy levels. When the energy gap is larger than the thermal, magnetostatic, electrostatic, photon, or condensation energy of the superconductivity, the quantum size effect would result correspondingly in different (thermal, magnetic, electronic, photon, or superconducting) behavior of the limited systems. In bulk materials, the cyclic condition and the translation symmetry in three dimensions lead to the plane wave character of electrons. When the size of limited systems is comparable to or even less than the optical wavelength, the de Broglie wavelength, the free path length of electrons, or the coherence length of the Cooper pair, the cyclic condition and the translation symmetry would be broken down, which also affects the physical properties of the systems. The quantum interference of electrons in the confined states could become more pronounced in the nanocapsule systems. The magic number effect is a character observed in the small systems, like clusters, nanoparticles, and nanocapsules. The lack of symmetry of the atoms located at the surfaces/interfaces affects the chemical and physical properties of nanocapsules. The typical core/shell structure could also contribute to the behavior of nanocapsules. Furthermore, the metastable phases could exist in nanocapsules, which could result in different properties of nanocapsules. In this section, we introduce several concepts and topics, such energy levels, quantum effects, magic effects, surfaces/interfaces, and metastable phases, which are particular for the nanoparticles/nanocapsules. Understanding these topics and their differences from those of bulk materials is extremely important for studying the properties of nanocapsules.
2.2. Energy Levels The prediction of discontinuous energy levels was a breakthrough in the area of limited systems. The limited number of electrons results in different characters of electrons in the systems with a limited size. Two basic assumptions of Kubo’s theory are [29, 55–57]: (1) the Poisson distribution of the energy levels close the Fermi surface is held, while the Fermi statistics is invalid in the nanoparticles; (2) the electronic neutral is valid, because it is extremely difficult to take (or put) one electron out from (or in) a nanoparticle because it is necessary to overcome the extremely large Coulomb energy. Considering the effects of the discreteness of the energy levels on the physical properties of metal particles, Kubo and co-workers [29, 55–57] proposed a famous relation, =
4EF ∝ V −1 3N
for the gap between the nearest neighboring energy levels, where EF is Fermi energy, N is the number of the conduction electrons in the particles, and V is the volume of the particles. If the particles were in the shape of balls, from Eq. (1), one would have a relation of ∝ d −3 . Therefore, the energy gap increases rapidly with decreasing particle size. Because the average energy gap close to the Fermi energy could be much larger than the thermal energy kB T at low temperatures, the discreteness of the energy levels would affect obviously the thermodynamic properties of the materials, and thus the specific heat; the susceptibility of the particles would differ evidently from those of bulk materials. It was found that the specific heat and the susceptibility of the particles depend on the parity (i.e., odd–even) of the number of the electrons in the systems. It is evident that this kind of the quantum size effect becomes much more pronounced only if the following condition is satisfied: the gap of the discreteness of the energy levels is larger than the thermal energy kB T , the magnetostatic energy, the magnetoelectric energy, the photon energy, etc. It was estimated that the temperature for a metallic particle of 10 nm showing the quantum size effect is about 2 K; that for a particle of 2 nm could be room temperature. Several groups tried to modify Kubo’s theory in order to detect the effects of different distributions of the energy levels and to reach a better agreement between the theoretical and experimental results [58–62]. For details of this topic, readers are referred to the review article by Halperin [63].
2.3. Quantum Effects It is well known that besides the quantum size effect, other quantum effects could be very pronounced in limited systems, like thin films, chains, and particles, when at least one of the dimensions of the systems could be negligible compared to others. When the size of the nanoparticles as well as nanocapsules is reduced to be less than a certain critical value, the systems could be treated as zero (or quasizero) dimensional ones. In these cases, the quantum effects become dominant, which originate not only from the discreteness of the energy levels but also from the quantum interference as well as the quantum tunneling in the systems. The cyclic condition and the translation symmetry are lost, when the size of the systems is comparable to the optical wavelength, the de Broglie wavelength, the free path length of electrons, or the coherence length of a Cooper pair. Actually, the breaking down of the translation symmetry leads the wavevector of electrons to not be a “good” quantum number. In the limit case of large nanocapsules, one could treat the wavevector as a “pseudo-good” quantum number and deal with the problem approximately using bulk theory and perturbation theory. In the limiting case of small nanocapsuels, such a concept and the corresponding approximation are not valid anymore [64]. The limited systems could be treated as quantum wells, in which the electrons feel the energy/potential difference between different materials when they move. The energy of electrons moving in a quantum well is quantized according to quantum mechanics. If the electrons move in two or more quantum wells separated by spacers, the quantum well interference
79 between the wells may be either neglected when the thickness of the spacers is thick enough or very pronounced when the wells are close enough. It is easy to find the solution of the quantization of the quantum well states in a single quantum well in any textbook on quantum mechanics [65–67]. Recently, the quantum interference in double quantum wells was studied systematically within the framework of the effective mass model [68]. It has been found that several types of quantum effects (e.g., macroscopic quantum tunnel effects, Coulomb blockade, and quantum tunnelling [69]) occur in the nanoparticles.
2.4. Magic Effects The main feature of magic effects is the existence of magic numbers in elements, clusters, and nanoparticles. For elements, it was found that the protons and the neutrons each form particularly stable systems in an atomic nucleus when the number of either kind of nucleon is one of the so-called magic numbers 2, 8, 20, 50, 82, and 126, which relate to the stability of nuclei and the shell structure of atoms. Nuclei with these magic numbers of protons or neutrons exhibit certain properties which are analogous to closed shell properties in atoms, including anomalously low masses, high natural abundances, and high energy first excited states [70]. Analogically, the magic number has been observed in the systems of clusters and nanoparticles, with regard to their stability. It has been observed that the clusters of some size are much more abundant than others. These clusters containing certain a special number of atoms seem to be much more stable compared to others. These numbers are also referred to as magic numbers. It is understood that factors such as bonding energy, configuration, symmetry, geometry, surface, etc. could affect the magic effects, with respect to the miminum of the total free energy of the clusters or the nanoparticles. Only the more stable clusters/nanoparticles are found to be abundant. Thus, the magic numbers indicate the stability of certain clusters/nanoparticles [71, 72]. The magic numbers seen for rare-gas clusters like argon, krypton, and neon are well understood [71–73]. These magic numbers correspond to nicely close-packed structures that can be formed by packing spheres. The special stability of rare-gas clusters is due to the geometric close-packing of atoms in the clusters. Because spheres can be packed snugly together in certain configurations, one would expect the atoms of inert gases, such as helium, to cluster together in similar tightly packed groups. The numbers of spheres or atoms in these geometrically and energetically favored clusters are termed “magic.” One would expect, for example, the number 13 to be magic because this would be the number of spheres fitting tightly into a 20-sided solid. When clusters of helium atoms are “weighed” with a mass spectrometer, the number 13 is strongly favored; so are 19, 25, 55, 71, 87, and 147. Some of these experimentally derived magic numbers can be predicted theoretically, but some theoretical magic numbers did not turn out to be magic in reality, notably 7, 33, and 43 [74]. The clusters of various metals show the magic numbers which are very different from those of rare gases. The clusters of alkali metals, like lithium, sodium, potassium, and
80 other metals like aluminum, are stable when the total number of free electrons in the cluster is 8 20 34 40 58 [75, 76]. Notice that what is important here is the total number of free electrons, not the number of atoms in a cluster. This can be understood with the help of the so-called jellium model, in which one assumes that the outer electrons of the metal atoms are loosely bound so that when a cluster is formed, they can move around everywhere in the clusters and are not bound to a particular atom [75, 76]. The atoms without their outer electrons are positively charged ions. So the free electrons “see” a jellium of positive ions in the cluster and move around in the positive jellium. If one tries to theoretically solve the problem of free electrons in a positive jellium, one indeed observes that the clusters are energetically most stable when the total number of electrons in them is 8, 20, 34, 40, 58, etc. Another example of the magic effect is related to the members of the fullerene family, among which C36 , C60 , C72 , etc. are much more abundant than others fullerenes [23, 24]. Evidently, the magic effects become less pronounced when the size of the clusters or the particles becomes larger enough. A similar effect was found to be at work on surfaces, where vapor atoms can stick in clusters of specific sizes [77, 78].
The interfaces in the nanocapsules could be distinguished as: (1) the interface between different crystal grains of one phase, (2) the interface between different crystal grains of different phases, (3) the interface between the shell and the core, etc. For the small nanocapsules, it is possible that only a single phase exists in the core and the interface of the second type does not exist. In the limited case, the interface of the first type may not exist in the very small nanocapsules. In nanoparticles without the core/shell structure, the interface of the third type cannot be observed. However, in some cases, all interfaces of the three types may be observed in a nanocapsule with a large enough size. The surfaces/interfaces play important roles in the physical properties of the nanocapsules, because the environments of the atoms at the surface/interface are totally different than those of the atoms inside the grains [80–83]. The physical behaviors of the atoms located inside the grains could be very close to those of atoms in bulk materials. The properties of the atoms at the surfaces/interfaces could differ from those of bulk materials, which are partially due to the lack of structural symmetry of these atoms, similar to what happens in thin films [80–83].
2.6. Metastable Phases 2.5. Surfaces/Interfaces The surface phenomenon is one of the most common ones in nature. Everyone can see in daily life the direct consequence of surface effects: water droplets automatically tend to be in the shape of balls. Surface effects originate basically from the surface energy, which is mainly ascribed to the crystallographic asymmetry of the surface atoms bearing the noncompensated forces from other atoms. Surfaces effects become much more important when one system is of nanocapsule/nanoparticle size [79]. The smaller the size of the particles, the higher the surface energy because of the larger specific surface area. The specific surface area is defined as the surface area A per the unit volume V of matter, AS =
A ∝ d −1 V
where d is the diameter of a particle. When the diameter of the particle decreases, the specific surface area and the number of surface atoms increase evidently. For instance, when d = 10 nm, 20% of the total 3 × 104 atoms are located on the surface; when d = 4 nm, 40% of the total 4 × 103 atoms are the surface atoms. The large number of surface atoms, the high surface energy, and the lack of atomic coordination number lead to the high chemical activity of the surface atoms. Because the surface atoms possess less stabilized chemical bonds with neighboring atoms, they are very unstable and thus can combine easily with other atoms. The tendency to be stabilized results in the high chemical activity of the surfaces of the nanoparticles. It is very common for the metal nanoparticles spontaneously to burn in air. It is also a fact that the atoms at the surface of the inorganic particles could easily absorb the atoms/molecules, like gases, water, etc., in air. However, after the formation, the shells of some nanocapsules could prevent the particles from further oxidization.
It is well known that the saturation evaporation pressure P ′ of a small liquid droplet with a radius r is larger than P of a liquid surface with an infinite radius, which is described by the famous Kelvin equation [79] ln
P′ 2M = P RTr
where is the surface tension, M is the molecular weight, is the density of the liquid, and R is the Avogadro constant. A similar conclusion could be derived for the crystals. Namely, the saturation evaporation pressure of a small crystallite is larger than that of a bulk crystal. The saturation evaporation pressure affects the melting point and the solubility of the crystals. The smaller the crystallite, the lower the melting point and the higher the solubility. In saturated liquid, small crystallites can be spontaneously dissolved or melted, while large ones can spontaneously grow. On the contrary, it is easy to understand that the process of solidification or crystallization can be more difficult for the smaller crystallites. It is difficult to form a new phase out of a phase, which results in different kinds of supersaturation phenomena, like the supersaturation of a gas or a solution, the superheating or the supercooling of a liquid or a solid, etc. From the thermodynamic point of view, all types of supersaturated systems are in the nonequilibrium state. The matter formed during such procedures should be in the nonequilibrium state. Of course, the phases could remain in such a state for a long period, which could be defined as metastable. A metastable phase is a phase that does not exist in equilibrium conditions. It is not the thermodynamically most stable phase but rather a temporarily stable one in a certain condition. The metastable phase forms under conditions corresponding to a local minimum of the free energy. The large energy barrier between this local energy minimum and the lowest energy minimum hinders the formation of
the equilibrium phase in the sense of the dynamics. Nanoparticles as well as nanocapsules usually form in nonequilibrium conditions and consequently the phases formed can be metastable. It was found that in rare-earth transition-metal systems, the formation and phase transformation of rareearth metastable phases depend sensitively on the structural symmetry of the metastable phases [84]. It is understandable that the structural symmetry of the metastable phases would be one of the most important factors that govern the formation and the phase transformation of the metastable phases in nanocapsules/nanoparticles.
3. SYNTHETIC METHODS 3.1. Introduction Nanocapsules are nanoparticles with a core/shell structure. Nanocapsules consist of two major parts. The inner part is the core material comprised of one or more active ingredients, which may be solids, liquids, or gases. The outer part is the coating material that is usually a high molecular weight polymer (or a combination of such polymers), carbon, or oxide. The polymer can be chosen from a wide variety of natural and synthetic polymers. Normally, the coating material must be nonreactive to the core material, preferably biodegradable, and nontoxic if used for medicine. Other components, such as plasticizers and surfactants, may also be added to the nanocapsules. Nanocapsules can be prepared by various methods with different mechanisms, including physical, chemical, physicochemical, and mechanical ones. The structural, physical, and biomedical properties of nanocapsules depend sensitively on the processes used for sample preparation. For instance, the preparation procedure could control the size of the nanocapsules, the size distribution of the particles, the thickness of the shell, the size of the grains, the morphology of the nanocapsules, etc. Different nanocapsules may need to be synthesized by different types of preparation techniques. Some methods may be suitable for synthesis of only some typical nanocapsules. In this section, we describe the most applicable nanoencapsulation procedures, including physical methods such as heat evaporation, arc discharge, laser/electron beam heating, sputtering, etc.; chemical methods such as chemical vapor deposition, solid-state reactions, sol–gel, precipitation, hydrothermal process, solvent process, latex process, oxidation process, polymerization, etc.; physicochemical methods such as coacervation-phase seperation, etc.; mechanical methods such as air suspension, pan coating, spray-drying and congealing, and multiorifice centrifugation. In this section, we concentrate mainly on the preparation procedures and leave the detailed description of the physical and biomedical properties to next two sections.
3.2. Physical Methods The physical methods for synthesizing the nanocapsules could be separated into two categories: breaking down and building up. The breaking-down process means to mill mechanically the bulk materials to be particles. In general, the breaking-down process could be employed to produce
81 particles of about 1 m in size and it is difficult to prepare nanoparticles and nanocapsules with sizes below 100 nm. We shall not discuss this type of the process in detail. The building-up process synthesizes nanoparticles and nanocapsules through the nucleation and growth processes of the elementary particles, like ions and atoms. The buildingup process is one of the most effective processes for the formation of nanoparticles as well as nanocapsules, which satisfies the conditions requested for the preparing nanoparticles: (1) clean surfaces; (2) controllable sizes and narrow size distribution; (3) easy collections; (4) stability of the particles; (5) high efficiency for production; etc. The basic principles for the building-up process are at first heating metals in gas atmospheres of several hundred to thousands of Pa and then condensing. Depending on the heating procedures, the build-up process could be of several different kinds, such as evaporation, arc discharge/plasma, laser heating, electron beam heating, sputtering, etc. Depending on the gas atmospheres, the final production could be different kinds of nanoparticles/nanocapsules.
3.2.1. Evaporation Evaporation in gases is a method that evaporates metals, alloys, or ceremics so that the atoms bump each other and also atoms of inert gases, or they react with active gases. Condensation in the cold gases results in the formation of nanoparticles (or ultrafine particles as defined in some literature many years ago) and nanocapsules. Heating by a resistance heater or a high frequency induction furnace is the simplest method in laboratories for evaporating the metals [29–41]. The resistance heater can be made of graphite, tungsten wire, or other kinds of metal wires. In the earliest experiments, metals were put in a tungsten basket inside a vacuum chamber and then evaporated in argon atmosphere of 1–50 Torr [30]. The metal smoke deposited on the water-cooled inner wall of the chamber. Figure 1 shows iron and copper smoke [35]. The nanoparticles were collected by a TEM mesh grid for observation by a TEM. The crystallographic properties of various nanoparticles, such as Mg, Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd, Sn, Au, Pb, and Bi, were investigated systematically by TEM observations. It is a common fact that for all metals, the size of the particles is reduced with decreasing atmospheric pressure [30–35]. It is interesting to note that usually a shell of oxidations (commonly in amorphous) of several nanometers forms on the surface of the nanoparticles. The different metal nanoparticles have different crystallographic structures. For instance, Al, Bi, Sn, and Pb particles are balls, Mg particles are hexagons, and Cr particles are bodycentered cubic (bcc) structures. Magnetic particles, like Fe and Co, can align as a necklace or a chain [30–35] due to the existence of stable magnetic moments and magnetostatic forces. Dipolar interaction plays an important role on such alignment of magnetic nanoparticles, which may become dominant compared to the van der Waals attraction and steric repulsion that usually lead to a close-packed arrangement [85, 86]. The magnetic domains in the particles were observed by means of Lorentz electron microscopy [87–90]. The character (i.e., the shapes and colors) of the metal smokes was found to depend on the gas pressure/density
Figure 1. Iron and copper smokes. The smoke looks white for all metals and no color is observed. A beautiful color, however, characteristic of each metal, is seen in the neighborhood of the heater. (a) shows iron smoke in 50 Torr of helium, which has a typical candle-flame shape with inner, intermediate, and outer zones. The bright intermediate zone implies that the smoke is denser there than in the dark inner zone. In the case of iron, red light is emitted from the neighborhood of the heater. (b) shows copper smoke in 30 Torr of argon, which is thinner, because 30 Torr of argon is denser than 50 Torr of helium. The blue color is seen near the evaporation source Adapted with permission from [35], R. Uyeda, in “Morphology of Crystals” (I. Sunagawa, Ed.), Ch. 6, p. 367. Terra Scientific, Tokyo, 1987. © 1987, Terra Scientific.
and the temperature/velocity of evaporation [35, 39, 42, 43]. The shape of the metal smoke can be candle-fire-, ring-, tulip-, and butterfly-like. The color of the smoke can be purple (for Al, Ag), green (for Au), red (for Be, Co, Fe, Ni), blue (for Cu, Nb, W), orange (for Ti), green plus orange (for Cr, Fe), yellow plus green (for Mo), etc. [35, 43, 46, 49, 50]. Granqvist and Buhrman obtained nanoparticles with an average size of about 10 nm by evaporating Al, Mg, Zn, Sn, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, and Ca in argon atmosphere of 0.5–4 Torr by applying a facility with a graphite heater [91–96]. Increasing one of several factors (velocity of evaporation, temperature of the evaporating materials, evaporating pressure of the materials, press of inert gases) would increase the size of the nanoparticles/nanocapsules. Evaporation by a resistance heater is usually suitable for producing a small amount of the particles in laboratories, while heating by a high frequency induction furnace could be applied for producing a large amount of materials in the industrial scale. The advantages of the latter method are the stability of evaporation temperature, the homogenous melting alloys, the high energy power supply, etc. For details of the crystal habits and crystal structures of nanoparticles, the reader is referred to Uyeda’s book [35] and other original contributions [30, 36–53, 97–101].
3.2.2. Arc Discharge/Plasma The formation mechanism of nanoparticles/nanocapsules in plasma is that matter clusters with high activity exist in the plasma, which could exchange rapidly the energy with the
reacted matter clusters, beneficial to the reaction between them. When the reacted matter clusters leave the high temperature in the flame tail region of the plasma, the rapid decrease of the temperature lets the clusters be in the saturation state in dynamic equalibrium; thus they are dissociated. The rapid cooling/quenching leads to the nucleation of crystallites and the formation of nanoparticles/nanocapsules. According to the method of production, the plasma can be of two kinds: direct current arc plasma and high frequency plasma. Direct current arc plasma uses the direct current arc in inert/active gases to ionize the gases, generate the high temperature plasma, and melt the materials. The cooling, reaction, and condensation of the evaporating matters lead to the formation of nanoparticles and nanocapsules. The high frequency plasma is produced by induction coils outside the quartz tube, which can generate the magnetic field with MHz frequency. The advantages of the high frequency plasma method are: less contamination because no cathode is used, the use of reaction gases, and enough space for plasma so that the reaction and heating are sufficient for the plasma matter. The direct current arc plasma and the high frequency plasma methods can be combined in equipment for industrial purposes. There has been great interest in the incorporation of foreign materials into fullerene structures (C60, nanotubes, nanoparticles, onions), which has been driven by the potential applications of the filled fullerenes, which lie in diverse areas such as optics, electronics, magnetic recording materials, and nuclear medicine. In particular, the onion structures of extreme strength may offer excellent protection of their encapsulated nanomaterials for applications. The arc vaporization/discharge method has been widely used for the formation of fullerenes and related materials [102]. One of the remarkable properties of fullerenes and related materials is that they have hollow structures with a cavity of nanometerscale diameter; outer cages are made up of single or concentric multilayers of graphene sheets. When foreign materials, such as metal atom(s) or nanocrystallites, are trapped in the inner cavity, unusual physical and chemical properties are brought about. The structures of carbon polyhedral particles stuffed with YC2 , synthesized by arc discharge of carbon rods containing yttrium, were studied with a TEM [103]. The YC2 crystals with typical sizes of a few tens of nanometers were wrapped by multilayered graphitic sheets and were protected against hydrolysis. It was demonstrated that a finely focused electron beam opened the graphite cage. A growth model of the carbon nanocapsules stuffed with metal carbides was proposed. Then the encapsulation of metals in multilayered graphitic capsules was studied for all the rare-earth elements (Sc, Y, and R = La, Ce, , Lu) excluding Pm by using electric arc discharge [104]. Most rare-earth metals (Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Lu) were encapsulated in the form of carbides, but the others, Sm, Eu, and Yb, were not. The metals in the former group that were encapsulated had vapor pressures definitely lower than those in the latter group. In the case of thulium (Tm), whose vapor pressure was intermediate between the two groups, only a trace amount of encapsulated carbide was formed. The volatility of metal played an important role in the metal encapsulation process.
Crystallites of scandium carbides, nesting in multilayered polyhedral graphitic cages, were produced by evaporating a scandium–graphite composite rod in helium gas [105]. The encapsulated scandium carbide was identified as Sc15 C19 , instead of dicarbide RC2 , the form of carbide commonly found for other rare-earth-based nanocapsules. The size of the capsules ranged from about 10 to 100 nm. Morphological features of the outer graphitic carbon, multilayered and polyhedral, were quite similar to those for the capsules protecting RC2 (R = Y, La, Ce, , Lu) [104]. Experiments aimed at the encapsulation of foreign materials within hollow graphitic cages were carried for iron group metals (Fe, Co, Ni) [106–114]. For iron group metals, particles of both a carbide phase (M3 C, M = Fe, Co, Ni) and also a metallic phase [-Fe, -Fe, hexagonal close-packed (hcp) Co, face-centered cubic (fcc) Co, fcc Ni] were encapsulated in graphitic carbon [106, 107]. Sometimes, metallic nanocrystals of Fe, Co, and Ni were in the fcc phase, and no trace (or a trace amount) of the bulk equilibrium phases of bcc Fe and hcp Co was found [108, 109]. Especially for Ni, exotic carbon materials with hollow structures, bambooshaped tubes, and nanochains as well as single-layered nanotubes were discovered [110]. Figure 2 shows high resolution TEM (HRTEM) images of the shell/core structure of Ni(C) nanocapsules [109]. The particles were nominally spherical in shape and typically 10–100 nm in diameter. The core Co metal was protected against oxidation and coalescence. Evaporation of Fe, Ni, or Co with graphite in a hydrogen atmosphere resulted in graphite encapsulated nanoparticles. Similar experiments in helium led to nanoparticles embedded in an amorphous carbon/fullerene matrix. Comparing the experimental results in helium and hydrogen, a mechanism for the formation of encapsulated nanoparticles was proposed [113, 114]. The hydrogen arc produced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules, which can act as a precursor to the graphitic layers around the nanoparticles. Direct evidence for this mechanism was given by using methane (CH4 [113] or pyrene (C16 H10 [114], a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecule, as the only carbon source to form encapsulated nanoparticles. Pyrolysis of hydrocarbon
Figure 2. HRTEM images showing the shell/core structure of Ni(C) nanocapsules. After [109], V. P. Dravid et al., Nature 374, 602 (1995). © 1995, Macmillan Magazines Ltd.
83 compounds on evaporated metal-based catalysts was used to produce carbon shells, hollow fibers, and other hollow carbon forms [115]. A kinetic model for their formation and the mechanisms for obtaining different types of hollow carbons were proposed [115], in which two competing processes, the linear growth rate of the carbon and the catalyst outlet rate relative to the growing carbon, determined the type of hollow carbon. A process of arc discharge was developed to fabricate carbon-encapsulated magnetic nanocapsules in methane (CH4 atmosphere, where a carbon rod was used as the cathode and a metal or alloy block was used as the anode [113]. -Fe(C), -Fe(C) and Fe3 C [113, 116], Fe–Ni(C) [117, 118], and Fe–Co(C) [119–121] nanocapsules were synthesized successfully by arc discharge in methane. Figure 3 presents a HRTEM image showing the shell/core structure of Fe– Co(C) nanocapsules with a graphite shell of about 3.4 nm thickness and a crystalline Fe–Co core [121]. The shell is characterized by curved lattice fringes of interplanar spacing 0.34 nm corresponding to the (0002) lattice plane of graphite carbon [121]. This process was employed to produce nanocapsules with different types of shells and cores only by changing the atmosphere. Fe(B) and Co(B) nanocapsules sheathed with boron oxide were prepared in diborane (B2 H6 atmosphere [122–124]. Figure 4a shows a TEM photograph of Co(B) nanocapsules which arrange as a chain due to the magnetostatic energy, while Figure 4b gives a HRTEM image showing the shell/core structure of Co(B) nanocapsules with an amorphous boron oxide shell of about 4.0 nm thickness and a crystalline CoB core [124]. Amorphous boron nanoparticles and BN encapsulating boron nanocapsules were prepared by arc decomposing diborane and nitriding [125]. Twenty elements were co-deposited with carbon in an arc discharge between graphite electrodes [126]. The majority of them were evaporated from composite anodes that contained the elements or their oxides stuffed into central bores in the graphite rods. The deposits, found in the soot at the
Figure 3. HRTEM image showing the shell/core structure of Fe-Co(C) nanocapsules with a graphite shell of about 3.4 nm thick and crystalline Fe-Co core. The shell is characterized by curved lattice fringes of interplanar spacing 0.34 nm corresponding to the (0002) lattice plane of graphite carbon. After [121], Z. D. Zhang et al., J. Phys. Cond. Matter 13, 1921 (2001). © 2001, IOP Publishing.
(b) Figure 4. (a) TEM photographs of Co(B) nanocapsules which arrange as a chain due to the magnetostatic energy; (b) HRTEM image showing the shell/core structure of Co(B) nanocapsules with an amorphous boron oxide shell of about 4.0 nm thick and a crystalline CoB core with d = 0219 nm corresponding to the (111) lattice plane of CoB phase with a = 3948 Å, b = 5243 Å, and c = 3037 Å. After [124], I. Škorvánek et al., submitted for publication. Image courtesy of J. G. Zheng, Northwestern University, U.S.A.
reactor walls or as slag at the cathode, were characterized. The products fall into four categories: (1) elements that can be encapsulated in the form of their carbides (B, V, Cr, Mn, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo); (2) elements that are not encapsulated but tolerate the formation of graphitic carbon cages (Cu, Zn, Pd, Ag, Pt); (3) elements that form stable carbides, competing with and preempting the carbon supply for the graphitic cage formation (Al, Si, Ti, W); and (4) the iron-group metals (Fe, Co, Ni) that stimulate the formation of single-walled tubes and strings of nanobeads in the conventional arc discharge condition and produce nanometer-size carbon-coated ferromagnetic particles in a modified arc discharge in which metals are in molten form in graphite crucible anodes exposed to a helium jet stream. The criterion determining the formation was discussed, according to one of the four categories. It was apparent that the physical properties, such as vapor pressure, melting and boiling points, the completeness of the electronic shells of the elements, and the heat of carbide formation, were not sufficient to explain the selectivity of the encapsulation without exceptions. A hypothesis was advanced that emphasizes the existence of the carbide, interfacial compatibility with the graphitic network, as well as the transport and supply parameters in the reaction space. Encapsulation of platinum-group metals (Ru, Ph, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt) within carbon nanocapsules and synthesis of singlelayered carbon nanotubes by arc evaporation of metal/carbon
composites were studied [127]. All the platinum-group metals, forming small particles (10–200 nm in diameter), were encapsulated within multilayered graphitic cages. Particles trapped in the cages were single-domain crystallites in normal metallic phases. Ph, Pd, and Pt showed catalytic activity for growing single-layered carbon tubes, but the other metals did not. Fine crystallites of titanium and hafnium carbides encapsulated within graphite cages were formed by arc discharge between a metal/carbon composite anode and a graphite cathode [128]. Encapsulated TiC crystallites ranging from 30 to 150 nm in size were found in carbonaceous materials formed around a cathode. Short, single-walled carbon nanotubes were also observed, extruding from carbon layers with complicated structures surrounding TiC crystallites. For hafnium whose vapor pressure was lower than that of carbon at high temperatures, the formation of HfC crystallites (20 to 80 nm in diameter) was limited within a slaglike deposit, which was also encapsulated in graphite cages. Encapsulation of Cr, Mo, and W in multilayered graphitic cages by arc evaporation of metal/carbon composites under different pressures (100, 600, and 1500 Torr) of helium gas was studied [129]. The encapsulated crystallites were carbides, that is, Cr7 C3 and Cr3 C2 for Cr; Mo2 C, -MoC1−x (NaCl-type), and ′ -MoC (AsTi-type) for Mo; W2 C and -WC1−x (NaCl-type) for W. The effect of helium gas pressure on the formation of the nanocapsules was found for tungsten: Encapsulated tungsten carbides were formed at the highest pressure, but not at the lower pressures. A dc arc discharge was generated between graphite and molybdenum electrodes at 25 kPa of He gas ambient, in order to reveal the relation between nanotube growth and arc discharge phenomena [130]. Numerous multiwall carbon nanotubes and nanocapsules were observed at the cathode spot area of the C cathode. An explanation was presented for the growth of soft-core containing nanotubes and a hard shell in the usual arc with a C-cathode and C-anode electrode system. A form of graphitic cage in nanometer scale, rectangular parallelopiped (or cube), was produced by arc evaporation of a carbon electrode containing calcium or strontium [131]. Both empty and filled rectangular nanocapsules averaging 20–100 nm in size were formed, though the empty ones were dominant. The rectangular cages were made up of multiwalled (5–20 layers) graphitic carbon. The encapsulated materials were -CaC2 (tetragonal), -CaC2 (cubic), and -CaC2 (monoclinic) for C/Ca evaporation, and -SrC2 (tetragonal) and metallic Sr for C/S revaporation. The growth phenomena of different metals encapsulated into carbon cages were studied in emphasizing the effect of carbon and metal supply on the size of particles [132, 133]. Postdeposition annealing was introduced as a process that induces structural rearrangements and thus enables changes in morphologies. Particles made under the same experimental conditions of the arc discharge process were of roughly the same size. The average diameter of the particles produced by using a larger diameter of the metal pool was bigger than those of the particles produced from the smaller metal pool. The annealing provided additional thermal energy making structural rearrangement possible long after the initial deposition process was terminated.
The effects of the carbon content, chamber pressure, arc current, and blowing gas velocity on the encapsulation of nickel in graphite layers were observed by systematically varying each of these variables in a tungsten-arc encapsulation setup [134]. The properties of the arc translated into changes in the encapsulated product. A larger and hotter arc resulted in more encapsulation in the final sample. These findings, along with evidence of graphite layers forming on precrystallized particles, indicated that the graphite layers might form by two sequential formation steps. The first step was the simple phase segregation of carbon from a cooling liquid particle, resulting in surface graphite. The second step was the growth of carbon on a crystallized nickel particle, regardless of the temperature at which this occurs. Gold, iron oxide, and germanium nanocapsules encapsulated in the boron nitride sheets were produced by arc melting in a nitrogen gas atmosphere using a tungsten electrode and a boron-based mixture powder [135, 136]. Nanoscale materials created from boron nitride by arc discharge between ZrB2 electrodes in N2 atmosphere were investigated [137]. Boron nitride nanotubes were formed together with Zr-compound nanoparticles encapsulated in boron nitride cages. Concerning the helical structures of the boron nitride tubes, a variety of chiral angles, including the zigzag and the armchair types, were observed. Weak peaks of photoluminescence spectrum were observed from the nanocapsules with germanium nanoparticles [136]. The spatial distribution of the chemical species (B, C, N, and Hf) present in multielement nanoparticles and nanotubes, which were produced by arc discharging a hafnium diboride rod with a graphite rod in a nitrogen atmosphere [138], was investigated by means of electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). For the hafnium–boride metallic particles coated by C/BN envelopes, a model was proposed based on the solidification from the outside to the inside of isolated liquidlike droplets: the carbon phase solidifies first according to theoretical phase diagrams and forms the outer shells. Various boron nitride and carbon nanocage fullerene materials (clusters, metallofullerenes, onion, nanotubes, and nanocapsules) were synthesized by arc melting, electron beam irradiation, chemical reaction, and self-organization [139–141]. Boron nitride nanotubes, nanocapsules, and nanocages were fabricated by arc melting LaB6 and boron/LaB6 powder compacts in a nitrogen/argon gas atmosphere [141]. A guideline for designing the boron nitride and carbon fullerene materials was summarized. B–C–N nanotubes prepared by a flush evaporation method using a dc arc plasma were characterized by TEM and EELS [140]. The nanotubes obtained were divided into three types, such as carbon, boron nitride, or carbon nanotubes surrounded with boron nitride nanotubes. These types of nanotubes were obtained only at temperatures higher than approximately 3000 K. On the other hand, nanocapsules were formed at all the temperature regions, but the nanocapsules obtained at lower temperatures were smaller. The addition of nickel produced a bundle of single-walled carbon nanotubes and boron nitride nanocapsules surrounding nickel particles. Ge and SiC nanoparticles and nanowires encapsulated in carbon nanocapsules and nanotubes were produced by direct current and radio frequency hybrid arc discharge of
85 C, Ge, and Si elements [142, 143]. HRTEM images showed the formation of Ge and SiC nanoparticles and nanowires encapsulated in carbon nanocapsules and nanotubes. The growth direction of the Ge nanowires was found to be (111) of Ge, and a structure model for Ge/C interface was proposed. Silicon–fullerene compounds Si@Cn (n = 74, 86, etc.) and carbon nanocapsules filled with SiC were produced in a modified fullerene generator, where a direct current or radio frequency discharge was superimposed in the periphery region of an arc-discharge plasma [144]. HRTEM images of C3 N36–45 O11–12 H41–42 showed nanocage- and nanotube-like structures, which have cage and tube sizes in the range of 10–500 nm [145]. Electron diffraction of the cage structures indicated a disordered CNx structure, and carbon and nitrogen were detected. Nanocrystalline grains encapsulated in CNx nanotubes and nanocapsules were also observed, and carbon, oxygen, and a little nitrogen were detected.
3.2.3. Laser/Electron Beam Heating Electron beam heating has been used widely in the fields of melting, welding, sputtering, and micromanufacturing. The electrons emit from the cathode of the electron gun where the temperature is very high due to the application of the high voltage that is necessary for the emission of electrons. Thus the high vaccum must be kept in the electron gun. Actually, the electron gun inside a TEM can be conveniently used for electron beam heating and irradiating of the materials. Another efficient method is laser heating, which has several advantages: the heating source is outside the evaporation system; any materials, including metals, compounds, ceremics, etc., can be evaporated; there is no contamination from/for the heating source. Both the laser and the electron beam heatings are efficient for evaporation of materials with high melting points. A method was developed for formation of carbon nanotubes, carbon nanocapsules, and carbon nanoparticles in which polyyne-containing carbons were heated and irradiated by an electron beam in a TEM [146–149]. The technique was applied to carry out in-situ observation of those formation processes. Though carbon nanoparticles were formed accompanied by carbon nanotubes, carbon nanoparticles and nanocapsules were formed independently of the carbon nanotubes [146]. The carbon nanotubes were preferentially inside of the polyyne-containing carbon films, while the carbon nanoparticles/nanocapsules were outside of the films. The differences on the inside and the outside were discussed to understand the formation process of the carbon nanoparticles/nanocapsules. From in-situ observation, the existence of metal particles, the high surface energy, the high wettability, and the high viscosity of the polyynecontaining carbons were assumed to be relevant to the preferential formation of the carbon nanoparticles/nanocapsules to the carbon nanotubes. Carbon onions were produced in a TEM by electron irradiation of amorphous carbon in the presence of Pd clusters [147]. HRTEM revealed the structural changes of the onion surface, and the atom clouds were observed at the pentagonal vertices. In some onions, Pd atoms were intercalated between the graphite onion sheets, and a structural model
86 for the intercalation was proposed. Electron beam irradiation of amorphous carbon in the presence of Pd clusters was shown to be an effective method for the formation of intercalated onions. Metallic nanocrystals, such as cobalt or gold, were encapsulated by spherical graphitic shells under high-temperature electron irradiation [148]. The irradiation promoted a heavy contraction of carbon onions. The contraction forced the metal atoms to migrate outward through the shells, even without further irradiation. This led to a gradual but complete displacement of the encapsulated crystals. In-situ observation in a TEM allowed shrinkage of the encapsulated crystals and migration of the atoms through the shells to be monitored. The spherically curved graphene layers were permeable to metal atoms. Copper substrates were implanted with carbon ions at temperatures ranging from 570 to 973 K [149]. Carbon onions and nanocapsules were observed together with amorphous carbon layers. Most of the nanocapsules were found to be hollow and rarely included copper nanoparticles. The encapsulating of Cu nanoparticles with graphene layers, the gradual shrinkage of the encapsulated clusters, and finally the disappearance of the clusters (leaving behind hollow nanocapsules) were observed under electron irradiation at 783 K. Statistics of cluster size as a function of ion fluence, implantation temperature, and substrate crystallinity gave insights into the nucleation processes of onions and nanocapsules. One process involved the formation of graphene layers on grain boundaries to encapsulate copper particles. Another process was the nucleation of graphene cages, probably fullerenes, due to a high concentration of carbon atoms and a high amount of radiation damage. Nanocapsules of crystalline boron nitride with diameters ranging from 50 to 300 nm were synthesized by pulsed-laser vaporization of BN, where the laser plume was controlled by the modulated plasma jet flow field [150]. Their shapes varied from polyhedrons to cocoons and the interlayer spacings along the c axis were enlarged according to their size and shape (curvature). Without the synchronization of the laser pulses with the plasma modulation, sootlike BN was obtained. Magnetic Fe3 C and -Fe nanoparticles were prepared by laser-induced pyrolysis of Fe(CO)5 and C2 H4 [151]. It was found that not only was oxygen content of the -Fe particles much higher than that of the Fe3 C particles, but the oxygen was in different states for the two nanoparticles. The oxygen present on the Fe3 C particles was primarily in absorbed form, compared to chemically combined oxygen as in the -Fe particles. Iron carbonitride nanoparticles (20–80 nm in size) were synthesized by laser-induced pyrolysis of a Fe(CO)5 –NH3 –C2 H4 mixture [152]. Surface morphology, structural characteristics, oxidation behavior, and magnetic properties of the iron carbonitride particles were reported. The unilateral lattice expansion of the iron carbonitride compound was interpreted in terms of the structural and chemical bonding features of the iron carbonitride compound. -Fe (bcc) and -Fe (fcc) nanoparticles were prepared by laser-induced pyrolysis [153]. The structures, morphologies, and magnetic properties of the oxide layers covering the iron
nanoparticles were investigated. The iron oxide layers consisted of very fine crystallites of 2–5 nm in diameter, and the layers were nonferromagnetic or superparamagnetic. The iron oxide layer formed on iron nanoparticles at room temperature was Fe3 O4 , rather than a mixture of Fe3 O4 and -Fe2 O3 . -Fe(N) nanoparticles (containing 5.9% N, atomic fraction) were prepared by laser induced pyrolysis [154]. The martensitic transformation temperature of the nanoparticles was much lower than that of the bulk materials with the same composition. The effect of particle size on the transformation temperature was discussed. It was suggested that the hydrostatic pressure resulting from surface tension of the nanoparticles was responsible for the decrease of the transformation temperature. In order to verify the plastic deformation induced martensitic transformation of the -Fe(N) nanoparticles, the effects of pressurization (0.5–4.0 GPa) on the martensitic transformation and microstructures of the particles were presented.
3.2.4. Sputtering Sputtering is a convenient method for preparing films, by which different elementary materials are ionized or heated to form the plasma before depositing on substrates. Sputtering can be employed for preparing the nanoparticles embedded in the thin films, or so-called granular films. The mechanism of the sputtering is as follows: the direct current of hundreds of voltages applied between the cathode and the anode in atmosphere of inert and active gases leads to glow discharge. The ions during the process of discharge bump the target that serves as the cathode, so that the atoms of the target materials could evaporate from the surface. The cooling and the condensation in inert gases and/or the reaction in active gases of the evaporation atoms result in the formation of nanoparticles and nanocapsules, or thin films. The advantages of sputtering are as follows: no crucible is needed; particles of metals with a high melting point can be prepared; the evaporation surface can be large; particles of alloys can be synthesized using active gases; granular thin films can be prepared; the narrow size distribution of the particles can be controlled well; nanocomposite materials can be produced if several different materials are used as targets; etc. The voltage, current, gas pressure, and target are the most important factors which affect the formation of nanoparticles/nanocapsules. A method was reported for fabricating thin films of carbon nanocapsules and onionlike graphitic particles [155], which consisted of cosputtering Ni and graphite and subsequent thermal annealing in vacuum. The films were composed of Ni-filled carbon nanocapsules with graphitic coatings several nanometers in thickness. Ni particles were removed by acid etching, resulting in the formation of thin films composed of onionlike graphitic particles. Electron field emission properties of the onionlike graphitic-particle films were studied. C–Ag thin films were synthesized by cosputtering of a silver–graphite target [156]. The deposition temperature ranged from 77 to 773 K, while the silver concentration varied from 10 to 71 at%. The homogeneously distributed silver nanoparticles, having an elongated shape along the
direction of the thin film growth, formed within a more or less graphitized carbon matrix. A graphitization led to the encapsulation of the silver nanoparticles in graphite-like carbon when the depositions were performed at 773 K for lower silver concentrations without ion-beam assistance and below 573 K for upper silver concentrations with ion-beam assistance. (Ni66 Fe22 Co12 x C1−x nanocomposite films with x = 10–75 at% were prepared by dc magnetron cosputtering [157]. Subsequent thermal annealing was performed in a vacuum (