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Muscle and Sensory Testing FOURTH EDITION
Nancy Berryman Reese, PT, PhD, MHSA, FAPTA Professor and Chairperson, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas
Table of Contents Cover image Title page Copyright Contributors Dedication Preface to the Fourth Edition Acknowledgements 1. Overview of Muscle Strength Assessment Factors Affecting Muscle Strength: Relationship of Muscle Strength With Age and Sex Approaches to Muscle Strength Testing Selection of the Appropriate Testing Method
Noninstrumented Muscle Strength Testing: Manual Muscle Testing Manual Muscle Testing Versus Manual Muscle Screening Reliability of Manual Muscle Testing Validity of Manual Muscle Testing Considerations in the Performance of the Manual Muscle Test Further Exploration: Patient Positioning—Gravity-Resisted Versus “Gravity-Eliminated” Further Exploration: Palpating Muscle Contraction Further Exploration: Stabilization Application of Resistance Further Exploration: Lever Arm Length Grading Scale 2. Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing: Upper Extremity Scapular Elevation Scapular Adduction Scapular Adduction—Alternative Test Scapular Adduction and Depression Scapular Adduction and Downward Rotation Scapular Adduction and Downward Rotation—Alternative Test
Scapular Abduction and Upward Rotation Shoulder Flexion Shoulder Flexion—Alternative Test Shoulder Flexion and Adduction Shoulder Extension Shoulder Abduction—Frontal Plane Shoulder Abduction—Scapular Plane Shoulder Horizontal Abduction Shoulder Horizontal Adduction Shoulder Horizontal Adduction—Alternative Test I Shoulder Horizontal Adduction—Alternative Test II Shoulder Medial Rotation Shoulder Lateral Rotation Elbow Flexion Elbow Flexion Elbow Extension Forearm Supination Forearm Pronation Wrist Flexion and Radial Deviation Wrist Flexion and Ulnar Deviation
Wrist Extension and Radial Deviation Wrist Extension and Ulnar Deviation Finger Flexion (Metacarpophalangeal) Finger Flexion (Proximal Interphalangeal) Finger Flexion (Distal Interphalangeal) Finger Extension Finger Abduction Finger Adduction Thumb Flexion (Metacarpophalangeal) Thumb Flexion (Interphalangeal) Thumb Extension (Metacarpophalangeal) Thumb Extension (Interphalangeal) Thumb Abduction Thumb Adduction Opposition of Thumb and Fifth Digit 3. Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing: Head, Neck, and Trunk Neck Flexion Anterolateral Neck Flexion Neck Extension
Trunk Flexion Trunk Flexion—Alternative Test: Leg Lowering∗ Trunk Rotation Trunk Extension Pelvic Elevation Muscles of Mastication Muscles Of Facial Expression 4. Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing: Lower Extremity Hip Flexion Hip Flexion, Abduction, and Lateral Rotation Hip Extension: Prone Test Hip Extension: Supine Test Hip Extension—Alternative Tests Hip Abduction Hip Abduction with Flexion Hip Adduction Hip Medial Rotation Hip Lateral Rotation Knee Extension
Knee Flexion Ankle Plantar Flexion: Weight-Bearing Test Ankle Plantar Flexion: Non–Weight-Bearing Test Ankle Dorsiflexion and Subtalar Inversion Subtalar Inversion Subtalar Eversion Metatarsophalangeal Flexion Interphalangeal Flexion of Toes Metatarsophalangeal Extension Interphalangeal Extension (Great Toe) 5. Techniques of Functional Muscle Testing Functional Muscle Testing for Older Adults Upper Body Tests Upper and Lower Body Combination Tests Patient Position: Knee Extension Lower Body Tests Gross Motor Tests Advanced Functional Muscle Testing Lower Extremity
Upper Extremity Spine Reliability Validity Summary 6. Techniques of Pediatric Muscle Testing History of Muscle Strength Testing in Children Current Concepts of Pediatric Muscle Strength Testing Variations in Muscle Strength Among Populations Best Practice in Assessing Muscle Strength in Young Children Head Movements Trunk Movements Upper Extremity Movements Lower Extremity Movements 7. Handheld Dynamometry for Muscle Testing History General Utility Clinical Utility Values
Special Consideration in Pediatrics Summary Scapular Elevation Scapular Adduction Shoulder Flexion Shoulder Extension Shoulder Abduction Shoulder Horizontal Abduction Shoulder Horizontal Adduction Shoulder Medial Rotation Shoulder Lateral Rotation Elbow Flexion Elbow Flexion Elbow Extension Wrist Flexion Wrist Extension Hip Flexion Hip Extension Hip Abduction Hip Adduction
Hip Medial Rotation Hip Lateral Rotation Knee Extension Knee Flexion Ankle Plantar Flexion Ankle Dorsiflexion Subtalar Inversion Subtalar Eversion 8. Techniques of the Sensory Examination Sensory Testing General Principles of Sensory Testing Pain Light Touch Monofilament Testing Temperature123 Vibratory Sensation (Common Tuning Fork) Vibratory Sensation (Graduated Tuning Fork) Proprioception Abnormal Responses to Sensory Testing
Muscle Stretch (Deep Tendon) Reflex Testing Biceps Reflex Brachioradialis Reflex Triceps Reflex Quadriceps Reflex Achilles Reflex Abnormal Responses to Muscle Stretch Reflex Testing 9. Techniques of the Remainder of the Neurologic Examination: Coordination, Mental Status, Cranial Nerves, and Superficial Reflexes Cerebral function (Fig. 9.1) Cerebellum: Balance and Coordination (Fig. 9.2) Cranial Nerves Cranial Nerve II: Optic Lesions of the Visual Pathway Cutaneous Reflexes 10. Observational Gait Analysis as a Screening Tool Normal Gait Cycle Appendix A. Average Joint Ranges of Motion
Appendix B. Muscle Innervations by Spinal Cord Level Appendix C. Muscle Innervations by Peripheral Nerve Index
Copyright 3251 Riverport Lane St. Louis, Missouri 63043 Reese: Muscle and Sensory Testing, 4th edition ISBN: 978-0-32359628-2 Copyright © 2021 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own
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Contributors Melissa Allen, PT, PhD, DPT, NCS, CEEAA , Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas William D. Bandy, PT, PhD, SCS , Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas Loretta Knutson, PT, PhD , Stockholm, Sweden
Guest Researcher, Karolinska Institute,
Chad Lairamore, PT, PhD, NCS, GCS, FNAP , Chair/Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Western University of Health Sciences – Northwest Campus, Lebanon, Oregon Venita Lovelace-Chandler, PT, PhD , Pediatric Certified Specialist Emeritus, Faculty, Pediatrics Post Professional DPT Program, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Provo, Utah Gary Soderberg, PT, PhD, FAPTA , Professor Emeritus, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Dedication In loving memory of my mother, Geneva Irene Haynes Berryman (1922– 2009), who taught me that anything worth doing is worth doing well and for my dad, Steve Berryman, who at 92 is still my hero.
Preface to the Fourth Edition Health care professionals encounter individuals in need of neuromuscular assessment on a daily basis. Patients with weakness, sensory loss, balance problems, coordination deficits, gait disturbances, and myriad other issues all require neuromuscular assessment. Muscle and Sensory Testing is designed to provide students and professionals in health care disciplines the tools they need to provide accurate assessment of the muscular and neurologic systems. Muscle strength assessment techniques covered in this text include handheld dynamometry, manual muscle testing, and functional testing for screening muscle strength. Comprehensive coverage of the components of the neurologic examination also is included, providing the practitioner with techniques and interpretive comments necessary to become proficient in examining the nervous system. Each of the techniques presented in this text is an essential part of the repertoire of examination tools for all practitioners who deal with patients with neuromusculoskeletal disorders. The first seven chapters of Muscle and Sensory Testing address muscle strength testing from birth through adulthood, using manual, dynamometric, and functional testing techniques. Chapter 1 deals with the history of manual muscle testing, differences in muscle strength between the sexes and changes with age, reliability of muscle testing, and basic guidelines for performing the muscle test. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 cover manual muscle testing for the extremities, head, neck, and trunk. A variety of functional tests related to muscle strength are described in Chapter 5 for both the sedentary and active individual. Chapter 6 presents techniques of muscle strength assessment for the pediatric population using developmental and functional testing
techniques. The use of the handheld dynamometer for examining muscle strength in both adults and children is presented in Chapter 7. The remaining three chapters of the text cover the neurologic screening examination (Chapters 8 and 9) and the use of observational gait analysis as a screening tool for muscle testing (Chapter 10). The first edition of Muscle and Sensory Testing was designed to provide a single source for examination techniques of both the muscular and neurologic systems. The second edition expanded on the concept of the first edition to include case studies and clinical notes as a basis for application of testing techniques and a means of fostering critical thinking. A DVD containing a videotaped demonstration of all examination techniques in Chapters 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 was included with the second edition of the text. The third edition included a significantly heavier emphasis on evidence for many of the techniques included in the text and an expansion of Chapters 5, 7, and 8. For the 4th edition of Muscle and Sensory Testing, references were updated throughout the text to reflect the latest evidence in the literature. Additional “Evidence for Practice” boxes were added to support examination techniques throughout the text. Chapter 5 underwent major revision and now includes primarily examination techniques based on research evidence. The alterations made to produce this fourth edition of Muscle and Sensory Testing have resulted in a text that is much more strongly based on published evidence. Mastery of the techniques presented herein will provide the clinician with a significant number of tools needed to perform a thorough and efficient examination of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Nancy Berryman Reese
Acknowledgements As with any project of this magnitude, the work of numerous individuals has contributed to the production of this book. My sincere thanks goes to the editorial staff at Elsevier Science: Laura Klein, Dominque McPherson, and Lauren Willis, who provided valuable support and encouragement during the project. I am indebted to my contributing authors, Melissa Allen, PT, PhD, DPT, NCS, CEEAA; William D. Bandy, PT, PhD, SCS; Chad Lairamore, PT, PhD, GCS, NCS, FNAP; Venita Lovelace-Chandler, PT, PhD; and Gary Soderberg, PT, PhD, FAPTA, whose continuing scholarship and expertise provided an invaluable addition to this text. For this edition, Seth Foley did the photography for all new and revised examination techniques, and I appreciate his fine work and organization. Many thanks to those who were models for this edition, including Melissa Allen, Mikel Thacker, Betty Wilcox, and James Wilcox. Models in the previous two editions and DVD included Davis Allen, Joseph Beck, Nick Barnes, Richard Byrum, Tyler Hollingsworth, Sherry Holmes, Ayana Rayanne Johnson, Kelly Kasserman, Laura LaMastus, Verdarhea Langrell, Mark Leon, Crystal Miller, Morgan Mourot, Martye Murphy, Katie Nicholson, Mackenzie Ann Powers, Frankie Pratt, Chaney Prock, Myla Quiben, Angela Raines, Elizabeth Reese, Nicole Reese, Sarah Runnells, David Smith, Robyn Smith, Cully Taylor, David Taylor, and Ann Winston. Assistance and research support for the 4th edition was provided by Nancy Bond, Mackenzie Cale, Melissa Carter, Lauren Petrisin, and Lindsey Wade. Their assistance was invaluable during this process. In addition, I remain grateful for the following individuals who assisted with previous editions: Amber Bates, Allison Burba, Tegan Fischer,
Hannah Hix, Kelly Kasserman, Anguel Kehayov, Elizabeth Reese, Chris Schoolfield, Ann Winston, Abby Wisnewski, and Betty Young. I would be particularly remiss were I to fail to thank the people who have provided me with emotional and financial support during the completion of this project. On a daily basis, I am the recipient of continuous encouragement and help from my colleagues in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Central Arkansas. Nowhere is there a more supportive group of faculty and staff, and I consider myself privileged to be able to work with such outstanding individuals and even more privileged to be able to call them friends. Most importantly, I am eternally grateful to my family for their unending patience, tolerance, and love. I am truly fortunate to have a husband and children who have stood behind me through good times and bad, parents who taught me well, and an extended family that supports me in all my endeavors. I am grateful to God for all the wonderful blessings He has given me. Nancy Berryman Reese
Overview of Muscle Strength Assessment Nancy Berryman Reese
Although attempts to quantify human muscle strength have been occurring for hundreds of years, 44 agreement on the definition of muscle strength is not evident in the literature. Some authors use the term muscle strength to refer to the ability of muscle to develop tension 152 or torque. 30 Other authors provide a more restrictive definition that limits strength to force generated over a single unlimited episode against an immovable resistance. 96 Still others advocate the use of muscle power as a substitute for muscle strength. 148 In recognition of the fact that human muscle must be capable of force generation in a static position and through a range of motion (ROM), the term muscle strength will be defined herein according to Knuttgen and Kraemer 94 as “the maximal force a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specified or determined velocity.” Tests of muscle strength have been, and continue to be, performed for many and varied reasons. Strength may be tested in relation to athletic performance, a practice common at least since the time of the ancient Greeks with the original Olympic Games. In a health care setting, strength concerns are more often related to the diagnosis and treatment of disease and restoration of function. Muscle strength testing is an essential component of the examination of all patients, particularly those with musculoskeletal or neuromuscular pathology. Numerous such pathologies leave the patient with less than optimal
muscle strength and control; clues to diagnosing such disorders are often found during examination of muscle strength. For example, muscle testing is used in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) to help determine the level of the lesion and degree of damage to the cord. Patterns of muscle strength loss may help differentiate between two possible diagnoses (e.g., C6 radiculopathy vs. median nerve lesion). Strength testing may be used to determine a patient’s ability to perform activities of daily living or to assess an injured athlete’s ability to return to competition. Strength testing also has been used to predict risk of mortality. 35 , 123 , 131 , 150 , 141
Factors Affecting Muscle Strength: Relationship of Muscle Strength With Age and Sex Muscle strength does not remain constant over an individual’s life span. Rather, it demonstrates a pattern of gradual increase during childhood and into young adulthood, followed by a gradual decline through the remainder of the person’s life. Many researchers have examined muscle strength development in children. Several of these investigations report a strong relationship between the steady increases in muscle strength and increases in muscle size experienced during growth and development. ∗ Among the most predictive factors of muscle strength in both sexes are muscle cross-sectional area, 43 , 87 height, † weight, ‡ and age. § Muscle strength in boys is greater than that of girls from as early as age 9 or 10 years 4 , 162 and appears to be due, at least until puberty, to body mass and height, both of which are larger in males than in females as a group. 43 , 140 However, longitudinal studies indicate that at about the time of peak height velocity, the rate of increase in muscle strength in males becomes disproportionate to body mass and height increases, whereas the rate of muscle strength increase in females remains proportionate. 127 , 130 , 149 This disproportionately high increase in male strength has been attributed to plasma testosterone levels, which rise rapidly around the
time of peak height velocity || Increases in muscle strength appear to continue until sometime between ages 20 and 30 years. 5 , 7 , 15 , 33 , 121 Strength then shows slight declines until the fifth or sixth decade, when rates of decline in muscle strength increase. ¶ Declines in muscle strength do not appear to be consistent between muscle groups # or between men and women. 70 , 85 , 121 , 136 Loss of isometric muscle strength from ages 20 to 80 years has been reported to range from 32% to 52% in women 33 , 84 , 121 , 138 , 189 and from 34% to 60% in men. 33 , 121 Declines in muscle strength have been reported by some investigators to start later in women than in men, ∗∗ whereas other researchers report an earlier decline in muscle strength in women. 31 Although the reasons for declines in strength associated with aging have not been fully elucidated, possible mechanisms are varied. Total muscle mass declines with aging, with reductions estimated to be somewhere between 20% and 40% between the third and ninth decades, ∗ although such declines may be ameliorated with physical activity. 13 , 93 , 116 , 178 Some investigators have reported higher levels of strength decline than can be accounted for by decreased muscles mass. 42 , 64 , 122 Changes in muscle quality (ratio of strength to muscle mass) are believed to account, at least in part, for the additional declines in muscle strength with aging. 42 , 64 , 122 Motor neurons in the spinal cord also are lost during the aging process, particularly after age 60 years, which may account for some of the declines in muscle force. 171 Additionally, the number and size of muscle fibers and motor units are apparently reduced with aging, contributing to a decline in the contractile capabilities of the muscle. † Decreases in muscle strength have been associated with increased mortality risk in numerous studies. 35 , 123 , 141 , 150
Relationship of Muscle Strength with Pain and Other Factors
Numerous individuals have examined the effects of pain on muscle strength. Muscle guarding has long been described in the literature as a typical response to musculoskeletal pain. 146 Muscle strength testing is contraindicated in many instances of acute pain. In cases in which pain is present and strength testing is still indicated, an understanding of the effects of pain on muscle function is necessary for the accurate interpretation of the results of testing. Multiple researchers have reported decreases in muscle strength in individuals with acute or chronic pain. 11 , 58 , 66 , 72 Some of these studies compared muscle strength in symptomatic and control groups and reported significantly lower anterior cervical muscle strength in individuals with neck pain, 161 hip adductor muscle strength in male soccer players with groin pain, 112 , 169 and elbow flexor and extensor muscle strength in the affected upper extremity of individuals with lateral epicondylalgia as compared with the unaffected side. 34 Other investigators have used experimental induction of acute pain using thermal, chemical, electrical, or mechanical means that induced a pain response without accompanying tissue damage. Results indicated significantly decreased muscle strength when pain was present but not during nonpainful conditions. 50 , 51 , 68 , 72 Various potential mechanisms have been linked with this decrease in force production, including changes in motor unit recruitment patterns and motor unit firing rates, 53 , 54 , 173 , 174 as well as centrally mediated mechanisms. 55 , 67 , 99
Approaches to Muscle Strength Testing Using the definition of muscle strength as “the maximal force a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specified or determined velocity,” one can measure muscle strength in a variety of ways, depending on the velocity of motion and type of resistance used in the test. Although a variety of methods of examining muscle strength exist, there are basically three different approaches to muscle strength testing that are described in the literature and used clinically: isotonic, isokinetic, and isometric testing.
Isotonic strength testing has traditionally been defined as the testing of strength using a constant external resistance. 25 However, the term isotonic (Greek, isos: “equal” and tonos: “straining”) is a misnomer in this situation, because isotonic properly refers to constant muscle tension, a situation that very rarely occurs in muscle, rather than constant external resistance. Regardless of the misuse of the term, isotonic strength testing typically involves the use of free weights or resistance machines and may use testing techniques such as the onerepetition maximum (1-RM), which is considered by many to be the gold standard in muscle strength assessment. 96 However, such testing may prove overtaxing to the subject, because several repetitions of weight lifting normally are necessary as the examiner attempts to discover the maximum weight that the subject can lift or move. 25 Additionally, such testing may be time-consuming, lack the portability of other muscle strength testing methods, cause injury, and tests gross strength of muscle groups rather than strength of individual muscles. 76 Isokinetic strength testing was developed in the 1960s. It involves measurement of muscle strength by having the subject provide resistance through the ROM at a constant velocity. 126 Isokinetic dynamometers generate an isokinetic torque curve; muscle strength is determined by measuring the highest point on the curve. 41 Because peak torque is normally used to define muscle strength when using isokinetic dynamometry, the result is measurement of strength at only one point in the ROM (although isokinetic dynamometry is capable of providing strength data throughout the ROM). 9 , 184 Reliability of isokinetic testing is high, provided that testing protocols are followed strictly. 29 , 45 , 147 Like isotonic testing, isokinetic testing tests gross strength of muscle groups rather than strength of individual muscles. Isokinetic testing costs may be prohibitive, with the price of instruments estimated at approximately $50,000. Isometric (Greek, isos: “equal” and metron: “measure”) testing of muscle strength involves having the muscle generate force against an immovable resistance so that muscle length remains the same
throughout the test. Thus factors that can confound a muscle test, such as variability in muscle length and velocity of joint motion, are eliminated. The two most commonly used methods of isometric muscle testing, manual muscle testing (MMT) and handheld dynamometry (HHD), are highly portable and inexpensive, with MMT requiring no equipment other than the examiner’s hands. A disadvantage of isometric strength testing is that, because muscle length is held constant, isometric testing provides muscle strength data at only one point in the ROM.
Selection of the Appropriate Testing Method No single method of examining muscle strength is appropriate in every situation. Therefore the examiner needs to have an arsenal of muscle testing tools available and the knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of each method so that the optimal tool may be selected and the desired information may be obtained for each patient. In some cases, selection of the testing method may be limited by constraints such as the patient’s condition, equipment availability, or other factors; thus the data obtained may be less than perfect. For example, because children younger than 3 to 4 years do not have the ability to cooperate with complex testing situations such as those used with MMT, HHD, or isokinetic testing, 129 muscle strength testing is best accomplished by observing functional activities (see Chapter 6) in such patients. However, the data obtained are not as quantifiable as those available with methods such as HHD or isokinetic dynamometry. These types of compromises are frequently necessary in assessing muscle strength; the examiner must make the judgment as to the best testing method in each situation. Generally, the following guidelines will assist the examiner in choosing the best method of muscle strength assessment. 1. Select the tool that is most appropriate for the patient’s strength. Patients with significant weakness are best assessed using MMT or functional muscle testing. 111 , 135 HHD and
other instrumented forms of muscle testing typically are not sensitive enough to detect very low levels of muscle strength, 69 although there is some evidence that isokinetic dynamometry using the continuous passive motion mode may be effective in measuring strength in very weak muscles. 170 Conversely, patients with muscle strength levels in the range of 4 or 5 using MMT would optimally be tested using HHD or isokinetic dynamometry, because MMT does not allow clearly quantifiable discrimination between gradations of muscle strength in these ranges 46 , 155 , 156 , 175 (see Validity of Manual Muscle Testing). 2. Select the tool that is most appropriate for the patient’s age. As mentioned previously, methods of muscle strength assessment requiring the following complex instructions or concentrated attention are not useful in patients under the age of 3 or 4 years as a rule, although cognitive and attention skills of the individual patient may expand or contract that age range. Additionally, elderly patients may not be able to tolerate certain positions or may lack the motor control or balance to perform certain tasks required of some testing methods. Such limitations must be considered in selection of the testing method. 3. Select the tool that fits the testing environment. Sophisticated equipment may not be available or practical in all situations. For example, in the home environment, the examiner is unlikely to have access to an isokinetic dynamometer, whereas a handheld dynamometer may be readily available. 4. Select the testing method for which the tools are available. This rule goes almost without saying. Obviously, isokinetic dynamometry cannot be performed without access to an isokinetic dynamometer. 5. When more than one reliable testing method is available, select the method that provides the most quantifiable data. Many methods of muscle strength testing contain a large subjective component. Objective, quantifiable data are
preferred when making assessments about a patient’s strength or inferences about changes in patient status. Use of quantifiable methods of strength testing results in more reliable normative data on which to base patient strength assessment. Methods of assessing strength may seem almost as numerous as the reasons for testing. Strength testing methods that use more cumbersome or sophisticated instrumenstation, although described briefly elsewhere in this chapter, are beyond the scope of this text. Readers are referred to sources cited at the end of this chapter for more in-depth discussions of these types of muscle testing. 78 , 95 Most of this text is devoted to a description of noninstrumented and minimally instrumented methods of assessing muscle strength. Such testing methods are portable, economical, easily learned (with practice), and applicable to a wide range of patients. These methods include MMT, covered in Chapters 2 to 4, and HHD, covered in Chapter 7. Due to the complexity of testing techniques and the time required to perform comprehensive muscle strength testing, screening examinations for muscle strength often are used to reveal areas of weakness requiring further investigation. Manual muscle screening and some of the functional muscle tests described in Chapters 5 and 6 of this text are examples of screening examinations for muscle strength. In many instances, assessment of muscle strength occurs as part of an overall assessment of nervous system function. For this reason, techniques for assessment of other nervous system functions, such as peripheral sensation, reflex testing, and cranial nerve integrity, are included in Chapters 8 and 9. The remainder of this chapter, as well as Chapters 2 through 4, is devoted to a discussion of MMT, and Chapter 7 is devoted to HHD.
Noninstrumented Muscle Strength Testing: Manual Muscle Testing
Credit for the first published description of MMT in the United States is generally attributed to Wilhelmine Wright, 188 an assistant to orthopedic surgeon Robert W. Lovett, M.D. Lovett first used manual and then spring balance muscle testing in his treatment of patients with poliomyelitis in the early twentieth century. 105 , 107 , 117 Wright apparently was instrumental in developing the MMT techniques used by Lovett along with publishing a description of them. 185 Initially, the system of grading muscle strength used by Lovett was based on three possible classifications: normal, partially paralyzed, or wholly paralyzed. Later, this grading system was modified by the Medical Research Council (MRC) of Great Britain 81 to include the grades of normal, good, fair, poor, trace, and totally paralyzed, 106 becoming known as the Medical Research Council System. This grading system was published in the handbook Aids to the Investigation of Peripheral Nerve Injuries, now in its fifth edition. 134 Since the time of Lovett, several individuals have contributed to and modified his muscle testing method. In a 1927 article in the American Journal of Surgery, 108 LeRoy Lowman, M.D., recommended a grading scale for muscle testing that included the use of numeric grades (0–9) and plus/minus designations for the grades of fair through normal. In the 1930s, the Kendalls (Henry O. and Florence P.) introduced the concept of percentages in grading manual muscle tests. They published their work on muscle testing in a text that is now in its fifth edition and is widely used in the United States and other parts of the world. 89 In the 1940s, a second major manual of muscle testing was published, authored by Daniels et al. 39 These authors included positions for testing the muscle both against gravity and with gravity “eliminated” and used a grading scale from zero to normal, much like the one used by Lovett. What has come to be commonly known as the Daniels and Worthingham method of muscle testing was later published in a somewhat modified form by Hislop and Montgomery 75 and is now in its 10th edition. 6 Numerous additional modifications of the MRC scale have been proposed, 17 , 81 , 109 , 180 although the original scale remains in widespread use.
Several individuals have examined the reliability and validity of MMT (see discussion to follow) and have made strides toward improving the standardization of muscle testing techniques. ∗ Concerns over the lack of quantifiable data available from MMT led to the development of instrumented forms of muscle testing, such as the HHD and the isokinetic dynamometer. 9 , 41 , 132 These instruments are quite useful in certain situations (particularly when the patient’s strength is in the good to normal range). However, MMT remains the method of choice for assessing the strength of patients whose muscle test grades fall below fair. It is also the most convenient and inexpensive method of strength assessment currently available. MMT remains the preferred method of strength assessment when determining motor scores following SCI according to International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) and American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) standards. ∗ MMT also is one part of a proposed three-tiered system for assessing the presence of residual voluntary motor function in the upper extremities of patients with cervical SCI. 28
FIG. 1.1 Manual muscle screening of triceps brachii muscle. Note lack of specific patient positioning in regard to gravity.
Manual Muscle Testing Versus Manual Muscle Screening Performing a manual muscle test involves extensive time, effort, and attention to detail to ensure that the results obtained are as accurate as possible. To avoid biasing the results in a manual muscle test, the patient’s positioning, along with the examiner’s technique, must be standardized and adhered to. Owing to the extensive time and effort needed to perform a comprehensive manual muscle test, manual muscle screening frequently is used to provide a quick overview of the patient’s muscle strength. The information thus obtained can help the examiner identify potential areas of strength deficit that then can be investigated further with more standardized methods of strength assessment. During manual muscle screening, muscle strength is assessed by placing the patient in positions of convenience rather than in specific positions in which the muscles are working against, or
outside the influence of, gravity. The strength of muscle groups then are tested through manual resistance supplied by the examiner, allowing rapid, although crude, assessment of muscle group strength. Screening of muscle strength is part of the upper- and lower-quarter screening examination. It is useful as a survey of the overall strength of a patient prior to functional activity or training in activities of daily living. 110 Figs. 1.1 to 1.4 demonstrate differences in the testing techniques used in manual muscle screening versus MMT of the triceps brachii (elbow extensor) and biceps femoris (knee flexor) muscles. Manual muscle screening is a valuable tool for the rapid survey of gross strength but does not provide data that are accurate or quantifiable enough for diagnosis of neuromuscular disease or for evaluation of patient progress in terms of strength gains. In addition, because MMT does not have high sensitivity, its use as a screening tool may result in missed strength deficits unless those deficits are significant. 22
FIG. 1.2 Manual muscle testing of triceps brachii muscle. Note positioning of patient so that muscle is acting against gravity.
FIG. 1.3 Manual muscle screening of biceps femoris muscle. Note lack of specific patient positioning in regard to gravity.
FIG. 1.4 Manual muscle testing of biceps femoris muscle. Note positioning of patient so that muscle is acting against gravity.
Resisted movement testing, used to differentiate between contractile and noncontractile sources of musculoskeletal pain, also uses a form of MMT. 37 , 110 During resisted movement testing, the patient’s joint is placed in a midrange position; isometric testing of muscle strength is performed to uncover any muscle weakness or pain that might be present with resisted motion. The presence of weakness with or without pain during isometric contractions performed in such neutral joint positions points to a muscular contribution to the musculoskeletal pathology. However, owing to the lack of strict adherence to gravity-resisted versus gravity-eliminated positioning during resisted movement testing, the information obtained about muscle strength cannot be graded or quantified any further than application of the terms “strong” or “weak.”
Reliability of Manual Muscle Testing A limited number of studies investigating the reliability of MMT have been performed. One of the earliest investigations occurred during the 1952 gammaglobulin field trials for the treatment of poliomyelitis. 102 Lilienfeld et al. 102 reported on the interrater reliability of a standardized protocol for MMT by comparing experienced examiners both with novice examiners and with other experienced examiners. Although only descriptive statistics were reported, the authors found complete agreement (assigning of the same MMT grade) between examiners in 60% to 66% of the tests and agreement within plus or minus one full grade in 91% to 95% of the manual muscle tests given. Similar results were reported by Blair 18 in a later study. However, in the studies of Lilienfeld et al. 102 and Blair, 18 the MMT scores were modified by applying a weighting factor for muscle bulk, which makes comparison with later studies difficult. Somewhat lower levels of reliability were reported by Iddings et al., 77 who examined both interrater and intrarater reliabilities of MMT.
These authors reported levels of complete interrater agreement of 41% to 51% and agreement within plus or minus one full grade of 87% to 93%. Intrarater agreement was somewhat higher, with complete agreement occurring in 54% to 65% of the tests, whereas agreement within plus or minus one full grade was reported in 96% to 98% of the tests. The examiners in the study by Iddings et al., 77 unlike those in the studies of Lilienfeld et al.102 and Blair, 18 did not use a standard MMT protocol. Each examiner was allowed to use the MMT technique of choice. No weighting for muscle bulk was included in this or any subsequent report on the reliability of MMT. In a study designed to improve the standardization of MMT for use with patients with chronic renal disease, Silver et al. 160 examined the interrater reliability of a standardized protocol of MMT based on the techniques described by Daniels et al. 39 Like the previous authors, Silver et al. 160 reported their results only in terms of descriptive statistics and found complete agreement among examiners in 67% of the muscle tests performed, with agreement within a one-half grade occurring in 97% of the muscles tested. The apparently stronger reliabilities reported in this study (97% agreement within a one-half grade vs. 95% within one full grade reported by earlier groups) may have been due to the strong emphasis placed by Silver et al. 160 on standardization of the technique of muscle testing and grading used. At least three groups have used inferential statistics to analyze the reliability of MMT in the normal population. Wadsworth et al. 182 measured the intrarater reliability of MMT using five muscle groups: shoulder abductors, elbow extensors, wrist extensors, hip flexors, and knee flexors. Muscle testing protocols were standardized, and the examiner performing the testing had 8 years of clinical experience. Test-retest reliability coefficients were 0.63 for knee flexors, 0.74 for hip flexors, and 0.98 for shoulder abductors. Because grades on both test and retest for wrist and elbow extensors were the same, correlation coefficients for these muscle groups could not be calculated. In an article published in the same year as the study by Wadsworth
et al., 182 Frese et al. 59 reported the interrater reliability of manual muscle tests of the gluteus medius and middle trapezius muscles. Interrater reliability coefficients ranged from 0.04 to 0.66, including muscle test grades below 3 (fair). Although one would expect somewhat lower interrater reliability than intrarater reliability, the reliabilities reported in the Frese et al. 59 study are quite poor. Differences in design between the studies by Wadsworth et al. 182 and Frese et al. 59 may account for much of the variation seen in the reported reliabilities. Examiners in the Frese et al. 59 study did not use standard techniques for muscle testing but were allowed to test each muscle using the technique with which the examiner was most comfortable. The muscle testing techniques of both Kendall et al. 89 and Daniels and Worthingham 40 were used, but the two techniques use different methods of positioning the patient and resisting the muscle, particularly for the middle trapezius. Additionally, the examiners participating in the Frese et al. 59 study had an average of 2.3 years of experience compared with the 8 years of experience possessed by the examiner in the study by Wadsworth et al. 182 No mention was made in the Frese et al. 59 study of the establishment of intrarater reliability before the investigation of interrater reliability. A study that examined both intrarater and interrater reliabilities of MMT in the healthy population was published by Brandsma et al. 24 in 1995. These researchers focused on reliability of MMT for the intrinsic muscles of the hand. Comparison was made of MMT scores obtained by one experienced examiner in a test-retest situation (intrarater reliability) and by two experienced examiners on the same group of patients (interrater reliability). Both intrarater and interrater reliabilities were calculated using Cohen’s weighted kappa. They ranged from 0.71 to 0.96 for intrarater and from 0.72 to 0.93 for interrater reliability, results similar to those reported by Wadsworth et al. 182 and appreciably higher than those reported by Frese et al. 59 Reliability of MMT in individuals with musculoskeletal and neuromuscular pathology also has been examined. In a study by Florence et al., 57 physical therapists, all possessing 16 to 20 years of
experience, performed manual muscle tests on 18 different muscle groups in males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A standardized method of muscle testing was used, and a modified MRC scale was used in grading the muscles. Intrarater reliability was calculated using Cohen’s kappa; results for individual muscle groups ranged from 0.65 to 0.93. The intrarater reliability of MRC grades 0 to 5 ranged from 0.80 to 0.99, with the highest reliabilities found in grades below 3 and the lowest reliabilities in grades 3+ (0.80), 4− (0.83), and 5− (0.83). In a later study, another group of investigators examined the interrater reliability of performing MMT on a group of 12 children with varying types of muscular dystrophy. 49 Muscle testing was confined to those groups previously shown to be tested reliably 57 : shoulder abductors, elbow and hip flexors, knee extensors, and ankle dorsiflexors. All examiners (n = 12) underwent 3 days of training by an experienced tester, and a modified MRC scale was used to grade the muscle tests. 49 Examiners were divided into three groups of four testers for assessment of interrater reliability. Initially, reliability between the three groups ranged from 0.62 to 0.76; thus an additional training session was scheduled. Interrater reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients [ICCs]) averaged 0.90 subsequent to the additional training. Intrarater reliability was reported for one of the three groups of examiners, averaging 0.95 ICC over the 2 years of study. Paternostro-Sluga and colleagues 135 used a modification of the MRC scale as well as the original scale when examining the reliability of MMT in a group of 31 patients with lesions involving the radial nerve or the C7 nerve root fibers. Strength testing of the wrist and finger extensors was performed by five specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation using a strictly standardized protocol. Both intrarater and interrater reliability was calculated using weighted kappa values, with kappa values between 0.61 and 0.80 considered substantial agreement and values above 0.80 considered “almost perfect agreement.” Intrarater reliability was reported as almost perfect agreement, with all kappa values above 0.80. Interrater reliability was somewhat lower, with kappa values ranging from 0.77
to 0.81. Other groups of investigators have examined the reliability of MMT in patient groups with pathologies such as juvenile idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (JIIM), 74 , 79 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, 181 and a variety of illnesses resulting in a stay in the intensive care unit (ICU). 52 All studies examined interrater reliability of MMT. Reliability was reported as excellent in ICU survivors, “almost perfect” in 95% of muscles tested in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and anywhere from excellent to quite variable in children with JIIM. 74 , 79 Some studies that have examined reliability of MMT in individuals with pathology have used a collapsed method of scoring muscle strength. One group of researchers used the MRC sum score, which was defined by the authors as the “summation of the strength of six muscle groups tested on both sides according to the MRC scale.” 92 The six muscle groups included in the sum score were the shoulder abductors, elbow flexors, wrist extensors, hip flexors, knee extensors, and ankle dorsiflexors. MMTs of these six muscle groups were performed bilaterally on a group of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome; then, the MRC scores (0–5) for all muscle groups (six per side) were summed to achieve the MRC sum score. Calculation of ICCs for interrater reliability for both more and less experienced examiners resulted in ICCs of 0.98 and 0.96, respectively, for the two groups of examiners. Collapsed scores of muscle strength are frequently used in studies examining muscle strength in patients following SCU. Several studies have examined the reliability of the motor examination component of the ISNCSCI, which uses MMT to examine the strength of 10 upper extremity muscle groups (5 on each side of the body) and 10 lower extremity muscle groups (5 on each side), grading each group on a 0to-5 scale. 3 A total motor score is then calculated by summing the scores for all 20 muscle groups. Upper extremity muscle scores (UEMSs) and lower extremity muscle scores (LEMSs) may be calculated by summing the scores for just the upper or lower extremity muscles, respectively. Both intrarater and interrater reliability for total motor scores and for UEMSs and LEMSs have been
reported to be excellent among trained examiners. 113 , 128 , 154 Most of the studies just cited indicate good intrarater reliability for MMT. In instances in which lower intrarater reliabilities are reported, the examiners failed to use a standardized protocol for MMT. 77 A similar observation can be made regarding the conflicting data reported for interrater reliability. Those studies reporting lower interrater reliabilities used a research protocol in which each examiner was allowed to use one’s own method of MMT. 59 , 77 Higher interrater reliability was achieved when a uniform method of MMT was used by all examiners. ∗ Clinicians should be aware that, unless standardized methods of MMT are used, the reliability of MMT will suffer. 7
Validity of Manual Muscle Testing Validity has been defined as “the degree to which an instrument measures what it is purported to measure.” 36 One method of assessing validity is to perform correlational studies in which two different tests are administered to the same group of patients. 124 Several researchers have compared MMT with muscle testing using HHD, strain gauge, or isokinetic dynamometer to determine whether a correlation exists between these forms of muscle testing. † Beasley 14 was the first to examine the correlation between MMT and HHD. He compared the two methods of muscle testing on the knee extensor muscles of a group of normal and postpolio children aged 9 to 12 years. The results of Beasley’s study, 14 which included only children with knee extensor muscles of grade fair or higher, found poor correlations between MMT and HHD scores, particularly in muscles with grades of normal or good. The children in Beasley’s study with as much as a 50% reduction in knee extensor strength were assigned an MMT grade of normal. The same MMT grade was assigned to muscles with as much as a 20% to 25% difference in strength as measured by HHD. ‡ Studies performed subsequent to Beasley’s study 14 have
demonstrated similar problems with correlation between MMT and HHD, MMT and strain gauge, and MMT and isokinetic dynamometry above an MMT grade of good (4). § However, for muscles with an MMT grade below 4, high correlations have been demonstrated between MMT and HHD 19 , 21 , 73 , 133 , 157 and between MMT and strain gauge. 2 Schwartz et al. 157 also demonstrated that specific MMT grades (from poor-plus to good) correspond to discrete ranges of myometry scores, indicating that “although MMT is a subjective measurement of strength, there are associated underlying objective parameters as represented by myometry data.” § The high correlations exhibited between MMT and HHD for muscles with an MMT grade below 4 demonstrate that both methods of testing measure strength, a good indication of the validity of MMT. That MMT has predictive validity has been reported in a number of studies. MMT scores at 72 hours after SCI have been shown to be good predictors of functional muscle recovery at the zone of injury 26 and of functional status of patients with quadriplegia at rehabilitation discharge. 98 ASIA motor upper extremity subscale scores have been reported to explain as much as 72% of the upper cord score of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), and ASIA lower extremity subscale scores may explain up to 66% of FIM lower cord scores. 114 Motor scores also have been demonstrated to be superior to neurologic level in predicting feeding score on the Quadriplegia Index of Function in patients with SCI. 115 In another study involving patients with quadriplegia, MMT scores of six shoulder muscles were shown to have a very strong correlation (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of 0.95) with the FIM motor score and the FIM transfer score. 62 Strong correlations between MMT scores and FIM scores also have been reported in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 177
Discriminative validity of MMT has been demonstrated in placebocontrolled trials involving patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy. In two separate trials, increases in strength were detected by MMT in patients who received pharmacotherapeutic agents but
not in those who received placebo medication. 27 , 38 Testing of a subset of muscles using MMT has been selected as one of the core set measures to assess myositis disease activity in children and adults by the International Myositis Assessment and Clinical Studies Group and by the Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation. 125 , 143 , 144 In individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), MMT was superior to scores of maximal voluntary isometric contraction in detecting disease progression. 165 Scores from MMT, but not from grip strength or pinch strength, were able to discriminate between patients with upper extremity peripheral nerve injuries and healthy volunteers. 1 In summary, MMT is a valid method of measuring muscle strength as substantiated by several groups of researchers. MMT is designed to measure the entire range of muscle strength, from 0 (no evidence of muscle contraction) through 5 (movement through the complete ROM against gravity and maximum resistance). Other forms of muscle strength testing, such as HHD and isokinetic dynamometry, are limited in their ability to accurately assess the lower grades of muscle strength. However, when MMT scores exceed grade 4, MMT loses much of its ability to discriminate between gradations of strength, whereas HHD and isokinetic dynamometry retain their sensitivities in these ranges. In instances in which documentation of strength levels is critical above an MMT grade of 4, the examiner might be well advised to use an alternative form of measuring muscle strength, such as HHD or isokinetic dynamometry. 46
Considerations in the Performance of the Manual Muscle Test MMT is designed to measure muscle strength, which has been defined as the ability of the muscle to develop tension against resistance. 96 , 152 The amount of tension generated by a muscle in a given situation will vary according to a number of factors, including number and firing rate of motor units activated, length of the muscle at the time of
contraction, muscle cross-sectional area, fiber type composition of the muscle, point of application of resistance, stabilization techniques used, time of day, and the motivational state and body temperature of the subject. ∗ Although the anatomic and physiologic factors influencing muscle strength cannot be controlled in a testing situation, many factors—such as patient positioning, stabilization, point of force application, and use of motivation—can and should be controlled. These factors should be standardized for each muscle test to maintain consistency and to optimize the validity and reliability of MMT. †
Instructing and Motivating the Patient Patients should be provided with explicit instructions before performing any examination technique, including strength testing. Studies have indicated that standardization of instructions may improve the reliability of the results of strength testing. 30 Such testing techniques require the full cooperation and best effort of the patient, factors that are likely to be enhanced as the patient’s understanding of the purpose of the test increases. Before beginning the procedure, describe to the patient exactly what will be taking place and why the measurement must be performed. If any testing apparatus is to be used during the procedure, show the patient the tool and explain, in layperson’s terms, its purpose and how it will be used. Instruct the patient in the position to be assumed, again using layperson’s terms and avoiding terms such as supine or prone. Explain to the patient the necessity of exerting maximum effort during the examiner’s resistance of each movement for the results of the testing to be meaningful. Detailed explanations of every step of the procedure should not be provided initially, as this will only confuse the patient. A brief, general explanation is best at this point; further explanations may be given once the procedure is in progress, remembering to use layperson’s terms with all explanations provided. An example of initial patient instructions is as follows: Ms. Bates, I need to measure how much strength you have in the
muscles that straighten your elbow. This information will tell me how much your strength is improving and will give me an idea of what changes we need to make in your plan of care. At a certain point during the test, I will push against your arm and will ask you to try to keep me from bending your elbow. When I do that, I want you to try as hard as you can to keep me from bending your elbow. I will need you to lie on this table on your back so that I can test your muscles.
Patient Positioning Proper positioning of the patient during muscle testing is essential in ensuring that the appropriate muscle is being tested and in preventing substitution by other muscles. The choice of a preferred patient position for each MMT is based on several criteria. For a position to be considered optimal, all criteria should be met. Although this is not an exhaustive list, the major criteria in selecting a preferred patient position for measurement of muscle strength are as follows: 1. The distal joint segment should be placed in the desired position in relation to the pull of gravity. Gravity plays an integral part in MMT, and the patient’s ability or inability to move the designated part against gravity determines the position in which the patient should be placed for the muscle test. Patients who are able to move the appropriate joint actively through the complete ROM against gravity are placed in the so-called gravity-resisted position for testing. That is, the patient is positioned so that the distal segment of the joint must move against gravity to complete the ROM. An individual who is unable to move the distal segment of the tested joint through the complete ROM against gravity is placed in the so-called gravity-eliminated position to test the muscle (see Clinical Comment: Gravity-Eliminated Testing Position). 2. The patient should be positioned so that the proximal segment of the joint is most easily and optimally stabilized. Stabilization of the proximal joint segment is of critical
importance during MMT. Stabilization may be provided via several avenues, including use of a firm testing surface, patient positioning, muscle activity by the patient, and manual holds by the examiner. 183 The origin of the muscle being tested must be firmly fixed so that maximal contraction against the insertion can occur, although stabilization over the muscle belly being tested should be avoided. Failure to provide such fixation may cause underestimation of strength by the examiner owing to the patient’s inability to produce optimal force with the muscle or may result in substitutions by other muscles in an effort to compensate for an inability of the agonist to generate sufficient force. 71 , 152 , 164 , 183 The examiner should be consistent in the use and technique of stabilization each time a muscle test is performed. 3. The patient should be positioned so that the motion to be performed is not restricted in any way. Motion should not be blocked by external objects, such as the examining table, or by internal forces, such as muscle tightness in the antagonistic muscle group. 4. The joint should be positioned at the beginning of the ROM for the movement to be performed. Such positioning allows observation of the movement through the complete ROM, an observation that is necessary to accurate grading of muscle strength. 5. The patient should be positioned so that the examiner’s body mechanics are optimized during stabilization and application of resistance. The examiner should not endure undue stress in providing stabilization of the proximal joint segment or while resisting the distal segment (gravity-resisted test only). Aids to patient positioning—such as the use of a high-low examining table, a stool for the examiner, or other devices—may be needed to facilitate optimal body mechanics for the examiner. 6. The patient must be able to assume the position. In some cases, this criterion cannot be met (see Case 2.1, Chapter 2);
thus an alternative position must be used. In any instance in which an alternative position is used, the examiner should design the position so that it adheres to the previous five criteria as closely as possible.
Further Exploration: Patient Positioning— Gravity-Resisted Versus “Gravity-Eliminated” The following activities are designed to help the student evaluate and design preferred and alternative patient positions for muscle strength testing. B o x 1 . 1 Clinical
Com m ent: Gr avity-Elim inated Testing
P osition The term gravity eliminated has been commonly used with reference to MMT for many years. However, the term is rather misleading in that gravity is not eliminated; rather, the effects of gravity are lessened in this position. The examiner positions the patient so that movement of the distal joint segment is neither directly resisted nor directly assisted by gravity. 1. Without looking at the specific manual muscle tests described in this text, design a testing position that would allow each of the muscles listed in Item 2 to work in the following scenarios: a. Against gravity b. In a “gravity-eliminated” position c. With gravity (assisted by the pull of gravity) 2. The following muscles are to be tested: a. Biceps brachii b. Pectoralis major c. Semimembranosus d. Peroneus longus 3. Apply the criteria for positioning (listed in the previous section) to each of the positions you devised. How well does
each position meet the criteria listed? Make modifications to your devised position as needed so that it adheres more closely to the positioning criteria.
Further Exploration: Palpating Muscle Contraction The following activities are designed to assist the student in detection of muscle contraction via manual palpation. 1. Ask a partner to sit in a comfortable chair without arms. 2. Position yourself in front of and to one side of your partner, with one hand on the superior aspect of your partner’s shoulder and the other hand (fingertips) on the anterior aspect of your partner’s arm (see Fig. 2.90). 3. Ask your partner to strongly contract the elbow flexors (partner’s elbow will flex) while you palpate the muscle contraction. 4. Now, ask your partner to contract the elbow flexors weakly, producing little or no movement of the elbow. 5. Have your partner repeatedly perform weak contractions of the elbow flexors while you palpate the entire length of the biceps brachii muscle. Determine where along the muscle the weak contraction is best detected. 6. Repeat the exercise for the knee extensors (see Fig. 4.67), palpating the quadriceps muscles over the anterior aspect of the thigh. B o x 1 . 2 Clinica l
Com m ent: Muscle Palpation
An examiner should always confirm a contraction of the muscle being tested by palpating the muscle during the patient’s active movement. Palpation is critical for very weak muscles, especially if little to no active movement is produced (grades below 2). Additionally, palpation of the muscle during active movement by the patient assists the examiner in ruling out the possibility of
substitution by other muscles.
Further Exploration: Stabilization The following activities are designed to help the student appreciate the effects of proper versus improper positioning on the muscle strength test. 1. Perform a gravity-resisted test of the muscle groups listed next, first including and then excluding the stabilization described. Refer to the page numbers provided for a description of each test. a. Elbow flexors, pp. 98–105 according to provided chapter 2 on cloud sharing portal b. Shoulder horizontal adductors, pp. 74–84 according to provided chapter 2 on cloud sharing portal c. Hip lateral rotators, pp. 275–278 d. Knee flexors, pp. 283–286 2. As each muscle group is tested, observe the results of the test with and without stabilization. Answer the following questions. a. What differences do you observe in each situation? b. Is the patient able to generate a more forceful contraction with the proximal joint segment stabilized or unstabilized? c. Do substitutions by other muscle groups occur more often when the proximal joint segment is stabilized or unstabilized? 3. Would stabilization of the proximal joint segment be more or less important in a patient with muscle weakness? Why?
Application of Resistance Testing muscles with MMT grades above 3 requires the application of manual resistance by the examiner. In this text, the “break test” is used to apply resistance. During a break test, the examiner applies
resistance against the patient’s body part, increasing the resistance applied until the patient’s muscular contraction is overcome by the examiner (the patient “breaks”) or until maximum resistance has been applied and held for 4 to 5 seconds. 20 , 30 , 164 Both “make” and “break” tests are used in MMT, and both have been found to be reliable, although more force appears to be produced by muscles tested under the “break” than under the “make” method. 20 When applying resistance, the examiner should generally apply the force perpendicular to the distal end of the distal segment of the joint being tested. With the exception of a few cases, resistance should not be applied any further distally than the distal end of the bone on which the muscle being tested inserts (e.g., resistance for the deltoid should be applied over the distal end of the humerus). Although this technique may result in a shorter lever arm for the application of resistance, the possible confounding of the results that can occur when one applies resistance over weak distal joints is avoided. For most muscle tests in this text, resistance is applied at the end of the gravity-resisted ROM. In many cases, this is not the strongest point in the ROM for the muscle being tested. 16 , 186 However, application of force at the end of the gravity-resisted ROM provides a consistent point for the application of resistance and may help prevent the examiner from overestimating the patient’s strength, a documented tendency in MMT grades above 4. 14 As maximum force generated by the muscle changes significantly with muscle length and joint angle, 10 , 65 , 164 the examiner must exercise extreme care to apply resistance at the same point in the ROM each time the muscle is tested. To do otherwise would result in an unreliable muscle test.
Further Exploration: Lever Arm Length The following activities are designed to help the student understand the effects of lever arm length on the perceived strength of the muscle contraction. 1. Perform a gravity-resisted test of the muscle groups listed next,
using the two different points of resistance described. Refer to the page numbers provided for a description of the patient positioning and stabilization for each test. a. Shoulder abductors, pp. 62–69 according to provided chapter 2 on cloud sharing portal i. Resistance just proximal to elbow ii. Resistance at wrist b. Scapular adductors (middle trapezius), pp. 24–31 according to provided chapter 2 on cloud sharing portal i. Resistance on scapula ii. Resistance at wrist 2. As each muscle group is tested, observe the results of the test for each resistance point used. Answer the following questions. a. Does the patient seem stronger or weaker when using the more proximal resistance point? The more distal point? b. Would changing the position of the intervening joint(s) make a difference in the results when the distal resistance point is used (e.g., flexing the elbow)? 3. Could pathology involving the intervening joint affect the results of the muscle test when the distal resistance point is used? If so, how? Table 1.1 Muscle Test Grades Number (and Letter) Grade
Word Grade
No evidence of contraction by vision or palpation
1 (Tr)
Slight contraction; no motion
2− (P−)
Poor Movement through partial test range in gravityminus eliminated position
2 (P)
Movement through complete test range in gravityeliminated position
2+ (P+)
Poor plus Movement through complete test range in gravityeliminated position and through up to one-half of test range against gravity
3− (F−)
Fair Movement through complete test range in gravityminus eliminated position and through more than onehalf of test range against gravity
3 (F)
Movement through complete test range against gravity
3+ (F+)
Fair plus
Movement through complete test range against gravity and able to hold against minimum resistance
4 (G)
Movement through complete test range against gravity and able to hold against moderate resistance
5 (N)
Movement through complete test range against gravity and able to hold against maximum resistance
B o x 1 . 3 Clinical
Com m ent: use of Resistance Dur ing
Mm t If a patient is able to move through the complete ROM when placed in a gravity-resisted position, one knows at that point that the muscle test grade is, at minimum, a 3. Manual resistance is then applied by the examiner, and the muscle’s strength is assessed according to the scale in Table 1.1. Resistance is not applied to a muscle that is unable to move through the complete ROM against gravity.
Grading Scale As discussed, a variety of methods have been used in grading the MMT. The scale used in this text is a modification of the MRC scale in that either numbers or words/letters can be used (Table 1.1). Plus/minus designations are included at some points, but extreme caution is advised when assigning plus/minus grades, especially when the testing is being performed by a novice examiner. The accurate use of plus/minus designations requires considerable skill and experience in the art of MMT. Definitions for each grade are provided in Table 1.1 with the corresponding number/word designation. One should be aware that grades above 3 tend to be much more subjective than grades 3 or below because of the inability to precisely define the amount of force that constitutes “maximum,” “moderate,” or “minimal” resistance. Additionally, evidence indicates that there are serious questions regarding the ability to differentiate strength differences in the grades above 3 or to identify losses in muscle strength of up to 50%. ∗ Given the subjectivity of muscle grades above 3, one should be particularly careful regarding the method of application of manual resistance. To maintain consistency in testing, each individual examiner must not deviate from the amount of resistance that the examiner defines as maximal, moderate, and minimal. One might be tempted to assign a grade of 5 to the triceps muscle of an elderly female who “breaks” under moderate resistance, rationalizing that this patient’s strength is probably normal for someone of her age and gender. Such allowances and rationalizations result in poor reliability of MMT both in repeated tests by the same examiner (intrarater reliability) and between tests by different examiners (interrater reliability). By maintaining a consistent definition of each level of resistance, an examiner is able to ensure that reliability in testing is maximized. ∗ Table 1.2 Format and Rationale for Manual Muscle Test
1. Explain purpose of procedure to patient.
Patient needs to be fully engaged in process to achieve accurate strength measurement.
2. Place patient in gravityresisted position.
Assume that patient can move against gravity unless patient is known to be unable to do so, then use gravityeliminated position.
3. Stabilize proximal joint segment.
Proper stabilization of proximal muscle attachment allows tested muscle to produce optimal contraction and decreases likelihood of substitution by synergists.
4. Instruct patient in Shows patient exact movement expected specific movement to be and allows assessment of patient’s performed while available ROM. passively moving distal segment through ROM. 5. Return distal segment to Patient must return to starting position so starting position. that full movement can be performed actively. 6. Ask patient to perform Muscle is palpated to confirm presence of movement while muscle active muscle contraction. is being palpated and stabilization maintained. 7. Apply resistance (only if Resistance is applied only if patient is patient can complete able to complete movement against ROM against gravity) by gravity. moving palpating hand to appropriate position Since palpation is no longer necessary, for resisting the muscle. palpating hand should be used to apply
resistance. OR 8. Reposition patient in gravity-eliminated position (if patient is unable to complete ROM against gravity), and repeat steps 3 to 6. Do not apply resistance.
Patients unable to move against gravity should be retested in a position in which the resistance of gravity on the movement is lessened. If patient is unable to complete movement against gravity, resistance is not appropriate.
9. Assign appropriate muscle grade.
Grade should be assigned based on scale in Table 1.1.
ROM, Range of motion.
The use of numerals as grades for muscle testing should not lead one to think that muscle test grades are interval measures. Michaels 124 defines an interval scale as “one on which the categories are numeric units and the intervals between the units are assumed to be of equal size.” The intervals between muscle test grades are not equal; therefore the MMT grading scale is more appropriately classified as an ordinal scale. The range of strength contained in grade 4 is highly variable. Some authors have estimated that the muscle test grade of 4 encompasses as much as 96% of total elbow flexion strength. 17 , 81 , 109 One should not then consider that the difference in strength between the muscle test grades of 5 and 4 is equivalent to the difference in strength between the muscle test grades of 4 and 3. Such assumptions are invalid and cannot be made regarding ordinal data. Table 1.2 provides a format and rationale for performing a manual muscle test. The use of a standardized procedure for all muscle tests will assist the examiner in achieving consistency, which is critical in establishing reliability of MMT. B o x 1 . 4 Clinical
Com m ent: Range of Motion
The criteria for assigning a strength grade during MMT are based in
part on the patient’s ability to perform the movement in question through the complete ROM. Complete ROM refers to the total range of movement possible for the joint being tested unless the patient has some structural impairment making complete movement at the joint in question impossible (e.g., loose body in the joint). In such a case, the patient’s available ROM becomes the complete ROM for the joint.
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References 43, 119, 127, 130, 149, 158, 162, 168.
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References 8, 43, 86, 87, 120, 130, 145, 149, 162, 168.
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References 7, 12, 31, 32, 90, 104, 151, 163, 167.
References 7, 12, 32, 33, 82, 90, 103, 104, 121, 151, 163, 167, 179.
References 5, 60, 90, 101, 171, 176, 180.
References 60, 61, 80, 97, 100, 101, 137, 172.
References 14, 18, 19, 24, 27, 38, 49, 52, 57, 59, 62, 73, 74, 77, 79, 92,
102, 113, 114, 116, 128, 135, 153, 154, 157, 160, 177, 181, 182 . ∗
References 23, 56, 91, 154, 166, 187.
References 18, 24, 49, 92, 102, 160.
References 2, 4, 14, 19, 21, 47, 73, 157.
References 2, 4, 14, 19, 21, 47, 73, 157, 163.
References 2, 4, 19, 21, 47, 133, 157.
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References 10, 16, 65, 83, 164, 183, 186.
References 14, 19, 73, 153, 157, 159, 182.
References 14, 19, 73, 153, 157, 182.
Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing Upper Extremity Nancy Berryman Reese
Scapular Elevation Upper Trapezius, Levator Scapulae (Fig. 2.1): Option I (see Evidence for Practice Box at end of This Test) Attachments ∗ Upper trapezius
Origin: External occipital protuberance, medial third of the superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Spinal portion of the accessory nerve (CN XI); ventral rami of C3, C4
Function Scapular elevation; upward rotation of the scapula (in conjunction with the inferior fibers)
Levator scapulae
Insertion: Lateral third of the clavicle
Nerve root: C1–C5
Origin: Transverse processes of the upper four cervical vertebrae Insertion: Vertebral border of the scapula between the superior angle and the root of the scapular spine
Peripheral nerve: Dorsal scapular nerve, C3, C4 Nerve root: C3, C4, C5
Scapular elevation, adduction, and downward rotation
Note: Unless otherwise noted, all anatomic information was derived from the Clemente edition of Gray’s Anatomy. 9
FIG. 2.1
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with arms at sides, no back support, hands not in contact with supporting surface (Fig. 2.2). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilization is unnecessary during this test. Palpate upper trapezius near its insertion on the clavicle (see Fig. 2.2).
Examiner Action Turn patient’s head away from the side to be tested. While instructing patient in motion desired, elevate patient’s acromion toward the occiput as far as possible while simultaneously abducting patient’s shoulder on the tested side. Return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient abducts the ipsilateral shoulder to 90° and elevates acromion toward occiput as far as possible (Fig. 2.3) while examiner maintains palpation of upper trapezius.
FIG. 2.2
FIG. 2.3 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance simultaneously proximal to the elbow in the direction of shoulder adduction and over the posterior aspect of the occiput in the direction of anterior and contralateral neck flexion (Fig. 2.4). Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient abducts shoulder to 90° with accompanying elevation of the acromion but against no resistance. For Grade 2
Patient elevates arm and acromion through partial range of motion (ROM) against no resistance. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.2). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Evidence For Practice Option I is one of two testing methods that have been shown to produce the greatest amount of electromyographic (EMG) activity (measured as a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction) in the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle. 3,9,18 Ekstrom and colleagues 11 reported no significant difference in the level of EMG activity generated in the upper trapezius when comparing the testing methods of Options I and II, whereas McLean et al. 21 found significantly higher levels of EMG activity in the upper trapezius when testing the muscle using the methods described in Option II. Both options are included here as viable tests for selection by the examiner.
FIG. 2.4 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Upper Trapezius, Levator Scapulae (See Fig. 2.1): Option II (See Evidence for Practice Box Following Option I) Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with arms at sides, hands not in contact with supporting surface (Fig. 2.5). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilization is unnecessary during this test. Palpate upper trapezius near its insertion on the clavicle (see Fig. 2.5). Examiner Action
Turn patient’s head away from side to be tested. While instructing patient in motion desired, elevate patient’s acromion toward the occiput as far as possible. Return patient to starting position.
FIG. 2.5
Patient Action Patient elevates acromion toward occiput as far as possible (Fig. 2.6) while examiner maintains palpation of upper trapezius. Resistance Apply resistance simultaneously over superior aspect of acromion in an inferior direction and over posterior aspect of occiput in the direction of anterior and contralateral neck flexion (Fig. 2.7).
FIG. 2.6 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.7 Arrows indicate direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity.
Patient Position Prone with arms at sides; head in neutral rotation. Shoulders may be supported anteriorly by examiner, and a towel may be placed under upper extremity (UE) to reduce drag against supporting surface (Fig. 2.8). If support of shoulders is necessary, palpation will be impossible with bilateral test. Then, right and left muscles should be tested separately. Stabilization/Palpation Stabilization is unnecessary with this test. Palpate upper trapezius near its insertion on the clavicle (Fig. 2.9). Examiner Action Move patient’s shoulders toward ears as far as possible, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient performs active shoulder elevation while examiner maintains palpation of upper trapezius (see Fig. 2.9).
FIG. 2.8 Shoulder support (if needed) and towel under arm to reduce drag against supporting surface.
FIG. 2.9 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
Scapular Adduction Middle Trapezius (Fig. 2.10) Attachments Middle trapezius
Origin: Spinous processes of the first through fifth thoracic vertebrae and intervening supraspinal ligament Insertion: Medial
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Spinal portion of the accessory nerve (CN XI); ventral rami of C3,
Function Scapular adduction
border of the acromion process of the scapula; the spine of the scapula
C4 Nerve root: C1– C5
FIG. 2.10
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3)
Patient Position Prone with UE in 90° shoulder abduction and full lateral rotation, 90° elbow flexion. Patient’s head is turned to contralateral side (Fig. 2.11). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over opposite thorax to prevent trunk rotation. Palpate middle trapezius between vertebral border of scapula and spinous processes of lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae ipsilaterally (see Fig. 2.11). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s scapula through full range of adduction while keeping UE positioned as described earlier. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.11
Patient Action Patient performs active scapular adduction (accompanied by horizontal abduction of arm) while examiner maintains stabilization of thorax and palpation of middle trapezius (Fig. 2.12). Resistance Apply resistance over lateral aspect of scapula in direction of scapular abduction. Palpating hand is moved to lateral aspect of scapula to apply resistance. Patient is graded on ability to keep scapula, not humerus, fixed during resistance (Fig. 2.13).
FIG. 2.12 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
FIG. 2.13 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with shoulder abducted to 90° and in full lateral rotation, elbow slightly flexed. UE should be supported on a firm, smooth surface. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 2.14; starting position of UE not shown).
FIG. 2.14 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of opposite shoulder to prevent trunk rotation while palpating middle trapezius between vertebral border of scapula and spinous process of lower cervical and upper thoracic
vertebrae (see Fig. 2.14). Examiner Action Move patient’s scapula through full range of adduction while UE slides along table, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient performs active scapular adduction while UE slides along table. Examiner maintains stabilization of thorax and palpation of middle trapezius during patient’s motion (see Fig. 2.14).
Evidence for Practice Lateral rotation of the humerus is critical during this test in order to achieve maximum activation of the middle trapezius muscle. EMG studies have shown that when the middle trapezius is tested using the method described here but with internal rotation of the humerus, its EMG activity is significantly decreased. 9 The highest EMG activity (measured as a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction) of the middle trapezius has been shown to occur when the shoulder is externally rotated and horizontally abducted. 4,9
Common Substitution 1. Patient may rotate trunk toward ipsilateral side; can be prevented through stabilization of thorax. 2. In presence of middle trapezius weakness, contraction of posterior deltoid will still allow horizontal abduction of humerus. Care should be taken to observe scapula for movement so that horizontal abduction of humerus is not mistaken for scapular adduction.
Scapular Adduction—Alternative Test
Middle Trapezius Lever arm in this alternative test is increased by applying resistance on forearm rather than scapula. Application of resistance on forearm requires strong posterior deltoid and triceps muscles. This test is advocated by Kendall et al. 18 Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Prone with UE in 90° shoulder abduction and complete external rotation, 0° elbow extension. Patient’s head is turned to contralateral side (Fig. 2.15). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over opposite thorax to prevent trunk rotation. Palpate middle trapezius between vertebral border of scapula and spinous processes of lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae ipsilaterally (see Fig. 2.15). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s scapula through full range of adduction, keeping UE positioned as described earlier. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.15
Patient Action Patient performs active scapular adduction (accompanied by horizontal abduction of arm) while examiner maintains stabilization of thorax and palpation of middle trapezius (Fig. 2.16). Resistance Apply resistance over dorsum of distal forearm in direction of horizontal adduction of arm. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance. Patient is graded on ability to keep scapula, not humerus, fixed during resistance (Fig. 2.17). Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) See p. 27.
FIG. 2.16 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.17 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Scapular Adduction and Depression Lower Trapezius ( Fig. 2.18 ; See Evidence for Practice Box Following This Test) Attachments Lower trapezius
Origin: Spinous processes of the 6th through 12th thoracic vertebrae and intervening supraspinal
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Spinal portion of the accessory nerve (CN XI);
Function Scapular depression, upward rotation of the scapula (in conjunction with the superior
ligaments Insertion: Tubercle on the medial end of the scapular spine
ventral rami of C3, C4 Nerve root: C1–C5
FIG. 2.18
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5 and 4)
Patient Position Prone with UE in approximately 130° shoulder abduction, 0° elbow extension. Patient’s head is turned to contralateral side (Fig. 2.19). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over posterior aspect of opposite thorax. Palpate lower trapezius between root of scapular spine and spinous processes of lower thoracic vertebrae (see Fig. 2.19). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s scapula through full range of adduction and depression by elevating arm off table, keeping patient’s shoulder and elbow in position described earlier. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.19
Patient Action Patient performs adduction and depression of scapula by elevating arm, while examiner maintains stabilization of thorax and palpation of lower trapezius (Fig. 2.20). Resistance Apply resistance over lateral aspect of scapula in direction of scapular abduction and elevation. Palpating hand is moved to lateral aspect of scapula to apply resistance (Fig. 2.21).
FIG. 2.20 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
FIG. 2.21 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient elevates arm through full available ROM with accompanying scapular adduction and downward rotation but against no resistance. For Grade 2 Patient elevates arm through partial ROM against no resistance. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as
described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.19). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Evidence for Practice The highest EMG activity (measured as a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction) of the lower trapezius has been shown to occur when the muscle is tested in the position described earlier. 4,9 This test also involves significant activity in the middle fibers of the trapezius muscle, as demonstrated during EMG studies of numerous investigators. 3,4,9,19
Scapular Adduction and Downward Rotation Rhomboid Major and Minor ( Fig. 2.22 ) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Rhomboid major
Origin: Spinous processes of T2– T5 and intervening supraspinous ligament Insertion: Vertebral border of the scapula between the spine and the inferior angle
Peripheral nerve: Dorsal scapular nerve Nerve root: C5
Adduction, downward rotation, and elevation of the scapula
Rhomboid minor
Origin: Spinous processes of C7 and T1 and the
Peripheral nerve: Dorsal
Adduction and elevation
inferior aspect of the ligamentum nuchae Insertion: Base of the spine of the scapula
FIG. 2.22
scapular nerve Nerve root: C5
of the scapula
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Prone with UE behind back. Shoulder in medial rotation and adduction so that dorsum of hand is in contact with ipsilateral gluteal region. Patient’s head is turned to contralateral side (Fig. 2.23). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over contralateral thorax. Palpate over ipsilateral rhomboids between vertebral border of scapula and spinous processes of C7 to T5 (see Fig. 2.23). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s scapula through full range of adduction and downward rotation while raising dorsum of patient’s hand away from back. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.23
Patient Action Patient performs scapular adduction and downward rotation (dorsum of patient’s hand should not be allowed to remain in contact with body). Examiner maintains palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (Fig. 2.24). Resistance Apply resistance on vertebral border of scapula in direction of scapular abduction and upward rotation. Palpating hand is moved to vertebral border of scapula to apply resistance (Fig. 2.25).
FIG. 2.24 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
FIG. 2.25 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with arm to be tested behind back. Shoulder in medial rotation and adduction so that dorsum of hand is in contact with ipsilateral gluteal region. Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over ipsilateral shoulder girdle to prevent trunk rotation while palpating rhomboids between vertebral border of scapula and spinous processes of C7 to T5 (Fig. 2.26).
FIG. 2.26 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
Examiner Action Move patient’s scapula through full range of adduction and downward rotation while raising dorsum of patient’s hand away from back. Return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient performs scapular adduction and downward rotation while examiner maintains palpation and stabilization (see Fig. 2.26).
Common Substitution 1. Tipping of scapula anteriorly; occurs via contraction of pectoralis minor muscle and can be detected by movement of humeral head toward examining table. 2. Rotation of trunk toward side being tested; can be controlled by careful stabilization of thorax.
Scapular Adduction and Downward Rotation— Alternative Test Rhomboid Major and Minor Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5 and 4) Patient Position Prone with UE in 0° shoulder adduction, full elbow flexion, full forearm pronation. Patient’s head is turned to contralateral side (Fig. 2.27). Stabilization/Palpation No stabilization necessary; palpate ipsilateral rhomboids between vertebral border of scapula and spinous processes of C7 to T5 (see Fig. 2.27). Examiner Action
While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s scapula through full range of adduction and downward rotation while keeping patient’s elbow flexed and forearm pronated. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient performs active scapular adduction and downward rotation by extending and adducting humerus. Elbow and forearm are maintained in original positions. Examiner maintains palpation during patient movement (Fig. 2.28).
FIG. 2.27
FIG. 2.28 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance against distal end of humerus in direction of abduction and flexion (Fig. 2.29). Examiner grades muscle on basis of scapular, not humeral, movement. Note: If shoulder extensors are weak, resistance should be applied on scapula. Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient extends and adducts humerus through full ROM with accompanying scapular adduction and downward rotation but against no resistance. For Grade 2
Patient moves arm and scapula through partial ROM against no resistance. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.27). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
FIG. 2.29 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Attachments Serratus anterior
Origin: Anterosuperior aspect of the upper eight or nine ribs Insertion: Anterior surface of the vertebral border of the scapula
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Long thoracic nerve Nerve root: C5–C7
Function Scapular abduction, upward rotation of the scapula (inferior fibers)
FIG. 2.30
FIG. 2.31
FIG. 2.32
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with arms at the sides without back support (Fig. 2.31). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder. Palpate serratus anterior over lateral aspect of upper eight or nine ribs, between lateral border of scapula and mid-axillary line 10 (Fig. 2.32). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, elevate patient’s shoulder to 125° flexion, ensuring that patient’s scapula rotates upward during the motion. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive
movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient performs active scapular upward rotation by flexing shoulder to 125°. Examiner maintains stabilization of ipsilateral shoulder and palpation of serratus anterior during patient’s movement (Fig. 2.33). Inspection of scapula for “winging” of vertebral border also should occur. Resistance Attempt to “de-rotate” the patient’s scapula by applying resistance above patient’s elbow in the direction of shoulder extension while simultaneously applying resistance to the inferior angle of the scapula in the direction of downward rotation. The examiner’s palpating hand is moved to patient’s scapula to apply resistance (Fig. 2.34).
FIG. 2.33 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
FIG. 2.34 Arrows indicate direction of resistance.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient elevates arm through 125° shoulder flexion with accompanying upward rotation of scapula but against no resistance. For Grade 2 Patient performs shoulder flexion and upward rotation of scapula through partial ROM against no resistance.
For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.32). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Evidence for Practice Options I and II for testing of the serratus anterior that were contained in previous editions of this text have been eliminated in this edition in favor of the test described earlier. The modification of the serratus anterior test included here is based on research that demonstrates low EMG activity in the serratus anterior muscle during tests involving the resistance of scapular protraction and the highest levels of EMG activity when the muscle is tested in the manner described here. 9
Shoulder Flexion Anterior Deltoid, Coracobrachialis ( Fig. 2.35 ) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Anterior deltoid
Origin: Anterosuperior aspect of the lateral half of the clavicle Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Axillary nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Flexion of the shoulder joint
Origin: Coracoid
Peripheral nerve:
Flexion and
process of the scapula Insertion: Medial aspect of the middle third of the shaft of the humerus
Musculocutaneous nerve Nerve root: C6, C7
adduction of the shoulder joint
FIG. 2.35
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with UE in 0° shoulder flexion and adduction, 0° elbow extension, palm facing trunk (Fig. 2.36). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder, taking care to avoid pressure over fibers of anterior deltoid. Palpate anterior deltoid over proximal, anterior aspect of humerus (see Fig. 2.36). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s arm through full range of shoulder flexion. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient flexes shoulder through full ROM, keeping forearm in neutral position, while examiner stabilizes ipsilateral shoulder and palpates anterior deltoid (Fig. 2.37).
FIG. 2.36
FIG. 2.37 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Examiner returns patient’s UE to 90° shoulder flexion and applies resistance just proximal to elbow in direction of shoulder extension. Palpating hand is moved to distal humerus to apply resistance (Fig. 2.38).
FIG. 2.38 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Side-lying with arm to be tested uppermost and supported on a powder board. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 2.39). Patient begins motion in 0° shoulder flexion, with palm facing trunk (not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder while palpating anterior deltoid over proximal, anterior aspect of humerus (see Fig. 2.39). Examiner Action
Move patient’s arm through full range of shoulder flexion, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient flexes shoulder through full ROM, keeping forearm in neutral position, while examiner stabilizes ipsilateral shoulder and palpates anterior deltoid (see Fig. 2.39).
FIG. 2.39 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Alternative Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) In cases when a powder board is not available, grading for muscles below grade 3 in strength should occur as follows: For Grade 2 Patient moves arm through partial range of flexion against no resistance.
For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.37). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution Biceps brachii long head; patient will rotate humerus laterally during shoulder flexion. May be controlled by maintaining neutral position of humerus during test.
Shoulder Flexion—Alternative Test Anterior Deltoid This test is designed to minimize activity of biceps brachii (accomplished by flexing elbow) and pectoralis major (accomplished by maintaining shoulder in partial abduction) during shoulder flexion. Thus relative activity of anterior deltoid is theoretically greater in this testing position (similar to test recommended by Kendall et al. 18 ). Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5 and 4) Patient Position Seated with UE in 0° shoulder adduction and slight lateral rotation, 90° elbow flexion (Fig. 2.40). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder, taking care to avoid pressure over fibers of anterior deltoid. Palpate anterior deltoid just distal to anterior aspect of acromion (see Fig. 2.40).
Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, elevate patient’s arm 90° in a plane halfway between flexion and abduction, maintaining elbow in flexion and shoulder in slight lateral rotation. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient elevates arm in oblique plane, halfway between flexion and abduction, while maintaining elbow in flexion and shoulder in slight lateral rotation. Examiner maintains palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (Fig. 2.41).
FIG. 2.40
FIG. 2.41 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to elbow in direction of shoulder extension and adduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal humerus to apply resistance (Fig. 2.42). Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position.
For Grade 3 Patient elevates arm through full ROM against no resistance. For Grade 2 Patient elevates arm through partial ROM against no resistance. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.40). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
FIG. 2.42 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Shoulder Flexion and Adduction Coracobrachialis Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5 and 4) Patient Position Seated with UE in 0° shoulder adduction and full external rotation, 90° elbow flexion, full forearm supination (Fig. 2.43). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of shoulder. Palpate coracobrachialis along anteromedial aspect of arm in its upper third (see Fig. 2.43). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s arm into shoulder flexion (90°) and adduction, taking care to maintain external rotation of shoulder, flexion of elbow, and supination of forearm. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient flexes and adducts humerus while maintaining external rotation of shoulder, flexion of elbow, and supination of forearm. Examiner maintains palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (Fig. 2.44).
FIG. 2.43
Resistance Apply resistance over anterior aspect of distal humerus in direction of shoulder extension. Palpating hand is moved to distal humerus to apply resistance (Fig. 2.45). Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient flexes and adducts humerus through full ROM against no resistance. For Grade 2
Patient flexes and adducts humerus through partial ROM against no resistance. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.43). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
FIG. 2.44 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.45 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Shoulder Extension Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Posterior Deltoid ( Fig. 2.46 ) Attachments Latissimus dorsi
Origin: Spinous processes of sacral, lumbar, and lower six thoracic vertebrae and the supraspinal ligament via
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Thoracodorsal nerve Nerve root: C6– C8
Function Extension, adduction, and medial rotation of the shoulder
the thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and lower three to four ribs Insertion: Floor of the intertubercular groove of the humerus Teres major
Origin: Posterior surface of the inferior angle of the scapula Insertion: Medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Lower subscapular nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Adduction, extension, and medial rotation of the shoulder
Posterior deltoid
Origin: Inferior aspect of the spine of the scapula Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Axillary nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Extension of the shoulder
FIG. 2.46
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position
Prone with UE in 0° shoulder adduction and full medial rotation (palm facing ceiling), 0° elbow extension (Fig. 2.47). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over ipsilateral thorax (or scapula if scapular stabilizers are weak). Palpate latissimus dorsi along lateral side of rib cage and teres major over lateral border of scapula (palpation of teres major shown; see Fig. 2.47). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s arm into shoulder extension while keeping shoulder medially rotated and adducted. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.47
Patient Action Patient raises arm through full range of shoulder extension while keeping shoulder adducted and medially rotated. Examiner maintains palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (Fig. 2.48). Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to elbow in direction of shoulder flexion. Palpating hand is moved to distal humerus to apply resistance (Fig. 2.49).
FIG. 2.48 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.49 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position
Side-lying with arm to be tested uppermost and supported on a powder board. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 2.50). Patient begins motion positioned in 0° shoulder extension and adduction, full shoulder medial rotation, and 0° elbow extension (initial arm position not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over ipsilateral thorax (or scapula if scapular stabilizers are weak) with one hand while palpating latissimus dorsi, teres major, and/or posterior deltoid with other hand (see Fig. 2.50). Examiner Action Move patient’s arm through full range of shoulder extension, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient slides arm along surface through full range of shoulder extension while keeping shoulder medially rotated and adducted. Palpation and stabilization are maintained during active movement by patient (see Fig. 2.50). Alternative Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) In cases when a powder board is not available, grading for muscles below grade 3 in strength should occur as follows. For Grade 2 Patient moves arm through partial range of extension against no resistance. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.47). For Grade 0
No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution Long head of triceps brachii may substitute for primary shoulder extensors. In this case, patient will position humerus in lateral rotation. Substitution by triceps may be prevented by maintaining humerus in medial rotation.
FIG. 2.50 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Shoulder Abduction—Frontal Plane Middle Deltoid, Supraspinatus (Figs. 2.51 and 2.52 ) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Middle deltoid
Origin: Acromion process of the scapula Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Axillary nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Abduction of the shoulder
Origin: Supraspinatus fossa of the scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Suprascapular nerve Nerve root: C5
Abduction and lateral rotation of the shoulder
FIG. 2.51
FIG. 2.52
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with UE to be tested in 0° shoulder abduction and 0° elbow extension and forearm in neutral (Fig. 2.53). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of shoulder (avoiding pressure on deltoid). Palpate middle deltoid over superior lateral aspect of humerus (see Fig. 2.53). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s arm into 90° of shoulder abduction. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient raises arm to 90° shoulder abduction. Examiner maintains palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (Fig. 2.54).
FIG. 2.53
FIG. 2.54 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to elbow in direction of shoulder adduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal humerus to apply resistance (Fig. 2.55).
FIG. 2.55 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Supine on firm surface with arm to be tested in 0° shoulder abduction, 0° elbow extension, forearm neutral. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and support surface to reduce friction. Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder while palpating middle deltoid over superior lateral aspect of humerus (Fig. 2.56).
FIG. 2.56 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Examiner Action Move patient’s arm through full range of shoulder abduction, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient slides arm along surface through full shoulder abduction. Examiner maintains palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (see Fig. 2.56).
Common Substitution 1. Long head of biceps brachii: Patient may substitute with biceps by rotating humerus laterally during abduction. Control of this substitution may be achieved by maintaining humerus in neutral rotation during test. 2. In presence of a weak supraspinatus, patient may lean trunk toward ipsilateral side, thus initiating abduction passively.
3. Elevation of ipsilateral shoulder may give appearance of abduction. This can be controlled by stabilization over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder during test.
Evidence for Practice Many authors advocate testing the deltoid and supraspinatus muscles in the scapular plane. ∗ However, in a 1985 study published in the Journal of Biomechanics, Ringelberg 24 reported significantly less EMG activity in the middle and posterior portions of the deltoid muscle during abduction in the scapular plane than in the frontal plane. No other studies were found that compared EMG activity or force production in the deltoid or supraspinatus muscles during abduction in these two planes. Therefore testing the deltoid and supraspinatus in the frontal plane appears to remain appropriate. There is some evidence in the literature for testing the supraspinatus muscle in the scapular plane; this test is commonly performed clinically. See the following test for Shoulder Abduction —Scapular Plane and the Evidence for Practice box that follow for more discussion on testing the supraspinatus muscle in the scapular plane. ∗
References 1, 3, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20.
FIG. 2.57
B o x 2 . 1 Clinical
Com m ent: Deltoid Muscle and C5
Neur ologic Assessm ent The deltoid muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the C5 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the C5 neurologic level includes the following.
Strength assessment of: • Deltoid (pp. 61–64) • Biceps brachii (C5 and C6; pp. 95–98)
Reflex testing of: • Biceps reflex (C5 and C6; p. 509)
Sensory testing of: • Skin over middle deltoid (C5 dermatome; pp. 488, 490–493)
Shoulder Abduction—Scapular Plane Supraspinatus ( Fig. 2.57 ) Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with UE to be tested in 0° shoulder abduction and 0° elbow extension with the forearm in neutral rotation (thumb pointing forward; Fig. 2.58). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of shoulder, avoiding direct pressure over supraspinatus muscle. Palpate supraspinatus over
supraspinatous fossa of scapula (see Fig. 2.58). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s arm into 90° of shoulder elevation in the scapular plane (the plane that lies anterior to the frontal plane at approximately a 30° angle) with the patient’s thumb pointing upward. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.58
Patient Action Patient raises arm to 90° shoulder elevation in the scapular plane, keeping the thumb pointing toward the ceiling. Examiner maintains
palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (Fig. 2.59). Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to elbow in direction of shoulder adduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal humerus to apply resistance (Fig. 2.60).
FIG. 2.59 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.60 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient elevates arm to 90° against no resistance. For Grade 2 Patient elevates arm through partial ROM against no resistance. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.58).
For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Evidence for Practice Elevation of the arm in the scapular plane is a commonly used method of testing the supraspinatus muscle. ∗ However, there is some controversy regarding the best method of isolating the supraspinatus muscle during testing. 2,11,14,22,23 Reinold and colleagues 23 compared EMG activity of the supraspinatus and deltoid muscles (as a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction) during three commonly used methods of testing the supraspinatus muscle: (1) arm elevation in the scapular plane with the thumb directed upward (“full can test”), (2) arm elevation in the scapular plane with the thumb directed downward (“empty can test”), and (3) horizontal abduction of the shoulder at 100° from the prone position with shoulder lateral rotation (“prone full can test”). These investigators reported no statistically significant difference in the amount of EMG activity recorded from the supraspinatus muscle during any of the three testing methods. However, they did find significantly decreased EMG activity in the middle deltoid muscle during the empty can test as compared with the other two testing methods. The authors concluded that muscle testing of the supraspinatus muscle could best be performed with the use of the full can test (as described earlier).23 Research by Kelly et al. 17 also pointed to the full can test as the procedure that best isolated the supraspinatus muscle, while Brookham and colleagues 6 found no significant difference between the isolation ratios of the supraspinatus muscle when using the full can and empty can testing procedures. ∗
References 1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20.
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
Posterior Deltoid ( Fig. 2.61 ) Attachments Posterior deltoid
Origin: Inferior aspect of the spine of the scapula Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Axillary nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Function Extension of the shoulder
FIG. 2.61
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Prone with UE in 90° shoulder abduction, 90° elbow flexion; forearm hanging vertically off side of table. Patient’s head is turned to contralateral side (Fig. 2.62). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over ipsilateral scapula. Palpate fibers of posterior deltoid over posterior, superior aspect of humerus (see Fig. 2.62). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s humerus into horizontal abduction, keeping elbow flexed. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.62
Patient Action Have patient perform active horizontal shoulder abduction while examiner maintains stabilization of scapula and palpation of posterior deltoid (Fig. 2.63). Resistance Apply resistance over distal humerus in direction of horizontal adduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal end of humerus to apply
resistance (Fig. 2.64).
FIG. 2.63 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.64 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with shoulder abducted to 90°, humerus in neutral rotation, elbow flexed to 90°. UE should be supported on a smooth, firm surface. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 2.65; starting position of UE
not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder to prevent trunk rotation while palpating posterior deltoid over posterior, superior aspect of humerus (see Fig. 2.65). Examiner Action Move patient’s arm through full range of horizontal abduction, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient abducts shoulder horizontally through ROM while examiner stabilizes patient’s shoulder and palpates posterior deltoid (see Fig. 2.65).
Common Substitution Long head of triceps brachii: Elbow should remain flexed during test to prevent substitution by triceps.
FIG. 2.65 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Shoulder Horizontal Adduction Pectoralis Major ( Fig. 2.66 ) Attachments Pectoralis major
Origin: Clavicular portion: Anterior surface of the medial half of the clavicle Sternocostal portion:
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Medial and lateral pectoral nerves Nerve root: C5–8, T1
Function Adduction and medial rotation of the shoulder Other functions: Clavicular portion:
Anterior surface of the sternum, cartilage of ribs 1–7, aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique Insertion: Lateral lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
Flexion and horizontal adduction of the shoulder Sternocostal portion: Extension of the shoulder from a flexed position
FIG. 2.66
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Supine with UE in 90° shoulder abduction, 90° elbow flexion, forearm vertical (Fig. 2.67). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over ipsilateral shoulder/upper thorax to prevent trunk rotation. Palpate ipsilateral pectoralis major inferior to lateral third of clavicle on anterior border of axilla (see Fig. 2.67). Examiner Action
While instructing patient in motion desired, horizontally adduct patient’s shoulder by bringing patient’s arm across chest and keeping elbow flexed. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.67
Patient Action Have patient horizontally adduct shoulder, bringing arm across chest. Examiner maintains palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (Fig. 2.68). Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to elbow in direction of horizontal abduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal humerus to apply resistance (Fig. 2.69).
FIG. 2.68 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.69 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated half-facing table with shoulder in 90° abduction, elbow flexed to 90°, arm supported on table. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 2.70; initial UE position not shown).
FIG. 2.70 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder while palpating pectoralis major inferior to lateral third of clavicle (see Fig. 2.70). Examiner Action Move patient’s arm through full range of horizontal adduction, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient adducts shoulder horizontally by sliding arm along table across chest. Examiner maintains palpation and stabilization during patient’s movement (see Fig. 2.70).
Common Substitution Rotation of trunk toward opposite side; can be prevented through stabilization of ipsilateral thorax.
Shoulder Horizontal Adduction—Alternative Test I Pectoralis Major, Clavicular Head This test (adapted from Kendall et al. 18 ) is used to differentiate between the two heads of pectoralis major. Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5 and 4) Patient Position Supine with UE in 90° shoulder flexion and slight medial rotation; 0° elbow extension (if triceps strength is sufficient; Fig. 2.71). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over ipsilateral shoulder/upper thorax to prevent trunk rotation. Palpate pectoralis major inferior to lateral third of clavicle on anterior border of axilla (see Fig. 2.71). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, adduct patient’s shoulder horizontally by bringing patient’s arm across chest while keeping elbow extended. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Have patient horizontally adduct shoulder, bringing arm across chest while examiner maintains stabilization of thorax and palpation of pectoralis major (Fig. 2.72).
FIG. 2.71
FIG. 2.72 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to elbow in direction of horizontal abduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal humerus to apply resistance (Fig. 2.73). Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate a lack of gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3
Patient moves joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient moves joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.71). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution Rotation of trunk toward opposite side; can be prevented through stabilization of ipsilateral thorax.
FIG. 2.73 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Shoulder Horizontal Adduction—Alternative Test II Pectoralis Major, Sternocostal Head This test (adapted from Kendall et al. 18 ) is used to differentiate between the two heads of pectoralis major. Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5 and 4) Patient Position Supine with UE in 90° shoulder flexion and slight medial rotation, 0° elbow extension (if triceps strength is sufficient; Fig. 2.74).
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over contralateral iliac crest to prevent trunk rotation. Palpate pectoralis major inferior to lateral third of clavicle on anterior border of axilla (see Fig. 2.74).
FIG. 2.74
Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, horizontally adduct and extend patient’s shoulder so that patient’s hand approaches opposite iliac crest. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient adducts UE across body toward opposite hip while examiner maintains stabilization of pelvis and palpation of pectoralis major (Fig. 2.75). Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to wrist in direction of shoulder abduction and flexion. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance (Fig. 2.76).
FIG. 2.75 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.76 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated
position. For Grade 3 Patient moves joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient moves joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.74). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Shoulder Medial Rotation Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major (Fig. 2.77) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Origin: Subscapular fossa of the scapula Insertion: Lesser tubercle of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Upper and lower subscapular nerves Nerve root: C5, C6
Medial rotation of the shoulder
Pectoralis major
Origin: Clavicular portion: Anterior surface of the
Peripheral nerve: Medial and lateral pectoral nerves
Adduction and medial rotation of the shoulder
Latissimus dorsi
medial half of the clavicle Sternocostal portion: Anterior surface of the sternum, cartilage of ribs 1–7, aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique Insertion: Lateral lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
Nerve root: C5–8, T1
Other functions: Clavicular portion: Flexion and horizontal adduction of the shoulder Sternocostal portion: Extension of the shoulder from a flexed position
Origin: Spinous processes of the sacral, lumbar, and lower six thoracic vertebrae and supraspinal ligament via the thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and lower three to four ribs Insertion: Floor of the
Peripheral nerve: Thoracodorsal nerve Nerve root: C6– C8
Extension, adduction, and medial rotation of the shoulder
intertubercular groove of the humerus Teres major
FIG. 2.77
Origin: Posterior surface of the inferior angle of the scapula Insertion: Medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Lower subscapular nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Adduction, extension, and medial rotation of the shoulder
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Prone with UE in 90° shoulder abduction, 90° elbow flexion, forearm hanging vertically off side of table. Horizontal position of humerus is maintained by folded towel placed between table and patient’s humerus (Fig. 2.78). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over ipsilateral thorax (or scapula if scapular stabilizers are weak; avoid pressure on tested muscles). Palpate subscapularis deep in axilla along anterior surface of scapula with patient in a prone position (see Fig. 2.78). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, rotate patient’s humerus medially, maintaining elbow in flexed position. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient moves through full range of shoulder medial rotation while examiner maintains stabilization of thorax and palpation of subscapularis (Fig. 2.79).
FIG. 2.78
FIG. 2.79 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to wrist in direction of lateral rotation of shoulder. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance (Fig. 2.80).
FIG. 2.80 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Prone with UE in 90° shoulder flexion, full lateral shoulder rotation, 0° elbow extension, arm hanging vertically off side of table (Fig. 2.81). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over ipsilateral thorax while palpating subscapularis muscle along anterior surface of scapula (see Fig. 2.81). Examiner Action Rotate patient’s humerus medially along its long axis, maintaining
elbow in extension, then return patient to starting position.
FIG. 2.81
Patient Action Patient moves through full range of medial rotation while examiner stabilizes thorax and palpates subscapularis (Fig. 2.82).
Common Substitution During gravity-eliminated test, patient may appear to be rotating humerus medially by pronating forearm. Care should be taken to ensure that motion is occurring at glenohumeral joint.
FIG. 2.82 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Shoulder Lateral Rotation Infraspinatus: Teres Minor ( Fig. 2.83 ) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Origin: Infraspinatus fossa of the scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Suprascapular nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Lateral rotation of the shoulder
Teres minor
Origin: Superior two-thirds of the posterior surface of the axillary border of the scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle of the humerus
Peripheral nerve: Axillary nerve Nerve root: C5
Lateral rotation of the shoulder
FIG. 2.83
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Prone with UE in 90° abduction, 90° elbow flexion, forearm hanging vertically off side of table. Horizontal position of humerus is maintained by folded towel placed between table and patient’s humerus (Fig. 2.84). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over ipsilateral thorax (or scapula if scapular stabilizers are
weak; avoid pressure on tested muscles). Palpate infraspinatus and teres minor below spine of scapula over posterior surface of body (infraspinatus) and axillary border (teres minor) of scapula (see Fig. 2.84). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, rotate patient’s humerus laterally, maintaining elbow in a flexed position. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient moves through full range of lateral rotation while examiner maintains stabilization of thorax and palpation of infraspinatus and teres minor (Fig. 2.85).
FIG. 2.84
FIG. 2.85 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to wrist in direction of medial rotation of shoulder. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance (Fig. 2.86).
FIG. 2.86 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Prone with shoulder flexed to 90° and in full medial rotation, elbow extended, arm hanging vertically off side of table (Fig. 2.87). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over ipsilateral thorax while palpating infraspinatus and teres minor below the scapular spine (see Fig. 2.87). Examiner Action Rotate patient’s humerus laterally along its long axis, maintaining elbow in extension, then return patient to starting position.
FIG. 2.87
Patient Action Patient rotates shoulder laterally through full ROM while examiner stabilizes thorax and palpates infraspinatus and teres minor (Fig.
Common Substitution During gravity-eliminated test, patient may appear to be rotating humerus laterally by supinating forearm. Care should be taken to ensure that motion is occurring at glenohumeral joint.
Evidence for Practice Evidence indicates that activity of the posterior deltoid during resisted testing of lateral rotation can be diminished by having the patient actively adduct the humerus while laterally rotating the shoulder. 14
FIG. 2.88 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Elbow Flexion Biceps Brachii ( FIG. 2.89 )
Attachments Biceps brachii
Origin: Short head: Coracoid process of the scapula Long head: Supraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula Insertion: Tuberosity of the radius
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Musculocutaneous nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Function Flexion of the elbow; supination of the forearm; assists in flexion of the shoulder
FIG. 2.89
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with UE in 0° shoulder adduction, 0° elbow extension, forearm supination (Fig. 2.90). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterosuperior aspect of ipsilateral humerus. Palpate biceps brachii over middle third of anterior arm (see Fig. 2.90). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s elbow, maintaining forearm in full supination. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired. Patient Action Patient flexes elbow through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of humerus and palpation of biceps (Fig. 2.91).
FIG. 2.90
FIG. 2.91 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to wrist in direction of elbow extension. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance (Fig. 2.92).
FIG. 2.92 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3)
For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with arm supported on table; shoulder abducted to 90°, elbow extended, forearm fully supinated. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 2.93; initial elbow position not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterosuperior aspect of ipsilateral humerus while palpating muscle over middle third of anterior arm (see Fig. 2.93). Examiner Action Move patient’s forearm through full range of elbow flexion, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient flexes elbow through full ROM by sliding forearm along table while examiner maintains stabilization of humerus and palpation of biceps (see Fig. 2.93).
FIG. 2.93 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
B o x 2 . 2 Clinical
Com m ent: Biceps Br achii Muscle and
C6 Neur ologic Assessm ent The biceps brachii muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the C6 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the C6 neurologic level includes the following.
Strength assessment of • Biceps brachii (pp. 95–98) • Wrist extensors (pp. 123–130)
Reflex testing of • Brachioradialis reflex (p. 510) • Biceps reflex (C5 and C6; p. 509)
Sensory testing of • Skin over thumb and lateral forearm (C6 dermatome; pp. 488, 490–493)
Elbow Flexion Brachialis and Brachioradialis (Figs. 2.94 and 2.95 ) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Origin: Distal half of the anterior aspect of the humeral shaft; medial and lateral intermuscular septa Insertion: Tuberosity and coronoid process of the ulna
Peripheral nerve: Musculocutaneous nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Flexion of the elbow
Origin: Upper two-thirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus; lateral
Peripheral nerve: Radial nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Flexion of the elbow
intermuscular septum Insertion: Styloid process of the radius
FIG. 2.94
FIG. 2.95
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with UE in 0° shoulder adduction, 0° elbow extension, forearm pronation ( Fig. 2.96 ). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterosuperior aspect of ipsilateral humerus. Palpate brachialis medial to distal attachment of biceps brachii and brachioradialis over anterolateral aspect of forearm just distal to lateral epicondyle of humerus (palpation of brachialis shown; see Fig. 2.96). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s elbow, maintaining forearm in full pronation. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact movement desired.
FIG. 2.96
Patient Action
Patient flexes elbow through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of humerus and palpation of brachialis/brachioradialis (palpation of brachialis shown; Fig. 2.97). Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to wrist in direction of elbow extension. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance (Fig. 2.98).
FIG. 2.97 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.98 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with arm supported on table. Shoulder is abducted to 90°, elbow extended, forearm pronated. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 2.99; initial elbow position not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterosuperior aspect of ipsilateral humerus while palpating brachialis medial to distal attachment of biceps brachii and brachioradialis over anterolateral aspect of forearm just distal to lateral epicondyle of humerus (palpation of brachialis shown; see Fig. 2.99).
Examiner Action Move patient’s forearm through full range of elbow flexion, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient flexes elbow through full ROM by sliding forearm along table while examiner maintains stabilization of humerus and palpation of brachialis/brachioradialis (palpation of brachialis shown; see Fig. 2.99).
Evidence for Practice Readers may note that a separate test for the brachioradialis muscle is not provided in this text. Studies that have examined the relative activation of the biceps brachii and brachioradialis during elbow flexion tasks in varying degrees of forearm rotation have shown that the biceps brachii demonstrates much higher levels of activity when flexing the elbow with the forearm supinated, whereas the brachioradialis shows higher activity with the forearm pronated. 5,8 However, differences in activity between the brachioradialis and brachialis due to forearm position are much less likely; in fact, studies have shown that these two muscles act synergistically as elbow flexors regardless of forearm position. 5,12 Therefore one may decrease activity in the biceps brachii muscle by pronating the forearm (thus “isolating” the brachialis and brachioradialis), or one may increase the activity of the biceps brachii by supinating the forearm. However, separating the brachialis from the brachioradialis is probably impossible.
FIG. 2.99 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Elbow Extension Triceps Brachii: Anconeus ( Fig. 2.100 ) Attachments Triceps brachii
Origin: Long head: Infraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula Lateral head: Posterior and lateral surfaces of the humeral shaft Medial head: Posterior and medial surfaces of the humeral shaft
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Radial nerve Nerve root: C7, C8
Function Extension of the elbow; the long head assists in extending the shoulder
Insertion: Olecranon process of the ulna Anconeus
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus Insertion: Lateral surface of the olecranon; superior one-fourth of the posterior aspect of the ulna
Peripheral nerve: Radial nerve Nerve root: C7, C8
Assists in extending the elbow
FIG. 2.100
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Supine with UE in 90° shoulder flexion, full elbow flexion, full forearm supination (Fig. 2.101). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterosuperior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder. Palpate triceps over posterior surface of humerus (see Fig. 2.101). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend patient’s elbow, maintaining shoulder in 90° flexion. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient extends elbow through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of shoulder and palpation of triceps (Fig. 2.102).
FIG. 2.101
FIG. 2.102 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Flex patient’s elbow slightly, then apply resistance just proximal to wrist in direction of elbow flexion. Care should be taken to avoid applying resistance to fully extended elbow. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance (Fig. 2.103).
FIG. 2.103 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3)
For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with arm supported on table, shoulder abducted to 90°, elbow fully flexed, forearm supinated. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 2.104; initial elbow position not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterosuperior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder while palpating triceps over posterior aspect of humerus (see Fig. 2.104). Examiner Action Move patient’s forearm through full range of elbow extension, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient extends elbow through full ROM. Examiner maintains stabilization of shoulder and palpation of triceps during patient movement (see Fig. 2.104).
Common Substitution During gravity-eliminated test, patient may use lateral rotation of shoulder to substitute for elbow extension. Care should be taken to prevent lateral rotation of shoulder during gravity-eliminated test.
FIG. 2.104 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
B o x 2 . 3 Clinical
Com m ent: Tr iceps Br achii Muscle and
C7 Neur ologic Assessm ent The triceps brachii muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the C7 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the C7 neurologic level includes the following.
Strength assessment of: • Triceps brachii (pp. 103–106) • Wrist flexors (pp. 115–122) • Finger extensors (pp. 143–146)
Reflex testing of: • Triceps reflex (p. 511)
Sensory testing of: • Skin over middle finger (C7 dermatome; pp. 488, 490–493)
Evidence for Practice Quantitative measurement of triceps strength in supine and prone testing positions has indicated significantly higher elbow extensor strength in the supine position as compared with the prone position. 1
Forearm Supination Supinator: Biceps Brachii ( Fig. 2.105 ) Attachments Supinator
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus, supinator crest of the ulna, radial collateral ligament of the elbow, annular ligament of the radius Insertion: Tuberosity and oblique line of the
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Deep branch of the radial nerve Nerve root: C6
Function Supination of the forearm
radius, dorsolateral surface of the upper third of the radial shaft Biceps brachii
Origin: Short head: Coracoid process of the scapula Long head: Supraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula Insertion: Tuberosity of the radius
Peripheral nerve: Musculocutaneous nerve Nerve root: C5, C6
Flexion of the elbow; supination of the forearm; assists in flexion of the shoulder
FIG. 2.105
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with UE in 0° shoulder abduction, 90° elbow flexion, full forearm pronation (Fig. 2.106). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize on inferolateral aspect of humerus to prevent shoulder abduction. Palpate biceps on anterior aspect of humerus and supinator on posterosuperior aspect of radius, just distal to radial head. Palpation of supinator is shown (see Fig. 2.106). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, supinate patient’s forearm, maintaining elbow in 90° flexion. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient supinates forearm through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of humerus and palpation of biceps/supinator (Fig. 2.107).
FIG. 2.106
FIG. 2.107 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance along volar surface of ulna and dorsal surface of radius in direction of pronation. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance (Fig. 2.108).
FIG. 2.108 Arrows indicate direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3)
For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with UE in 90° shoulder flexion, 90° elbow flexion, full forearm pronation. Arm should be supported on a flat surface (Fig. 2.109; initial forearm position not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize along posterior aspect of elbow while palpating supinator on posterosuperior aspect of radius or biceps on anterior aspect of humerus (see Fig. 2.109; palpation of supinator shown). Examiner Action Move patient’s forearm through full range of supination, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient supinates forearm through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of distal forearm and palpation of biceps/supinator (see Fig. 2.109).
Common Substitution Adduction and lateral rotation of shoulder may mimic forearm supination during gravity-resisted test. Care should be taken to maintain patient’s humerus in adduction during gravity-resisted test.
FIG. 2.109 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Forearm Pronation Pronator Quadratus: Pronator Teres ( Fig. 2.110 )
Nerve Supply
Pronator quadratus
Origin: Anterior aspect of the distal one-fourth of the ulna Insertion: Anterior aspect of the distal one-fourth of the radius
Peripheral nerve: Median nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Pronation of the forearm
Pronator teres
Origin: Humeral head: Medial epicondylar ridge of the humerus, common forearm flexor tendon Ulnar head: Coronoid process of the ulna Insertion: Lateral surface of the midshaft of the radius
Peripheral nerve: Median nerve Nerve root: C6, C7
Pronation of the forearm; assists in flexion of the elbow
FIG. 2.110
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with UE in 0° shoulder abduction, 90° elbow flexion, full forearm supination (Fig. 2.111). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over inferolateral aspect of humerus, preventing shoulder abduction. Palpate pronator teres along anterior surface of proximal third of forearm. Pronator quadratus is deep and not accessible to palpation (see Fig. 2.111). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, pronate patient’s forearm, maintaining elbow in 90° flexion. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.111
Patient Action
Patient pronates forearm through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of humerus and palpation of pronator teres (Fig. 2.112). Resistance Apply resistance along volar surface of radius and dorsal surface of ulna in direction of supination. Palpating hand is moved to distal forearm to apply resistance (Fig. 2.113).
FIG. 2.112 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.113 Arrows indicate direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with UE to be tested in 90° shoulder flexion, 90° elbow flexion, full forearm supination. Arm should be supported on a flat surface (Fig. 2.114; initial forearm position is not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize on anterior surface of arm, just proximal to elbow, while palpating pronator teres along proximal third of anterior forearm (see Fig. 2.114). Examiner Action Move patient’s forearm through full range of pronation, then return patient to starting position.
Patient Action Patient pronates forearm through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of humerus and palpation of pronator teres (see Fig. 2.114).
Common Substitution Abduction and medial rotation of shoulder may mimic forearm pronation during gravity-resisted test. Care should be taken to maintain patient’s humerus in adduction during gravity-resisted test.
FIG. 2.114 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Wrist Flexion and Radial Deviation Flexor Carpi Radialis ( Fig. 2.115 )
Attachments Flexor carpi radialis
Origin: Medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common forearm flexor tendon; antebrachial fascia Insertion: Base of second and third metacarpals
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Median nerve Nerve root: C6, C7
Function Flexion and abduction (radial deviation) of the wrist
FIG. 2.115
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with forearm supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position (Fig. 2.116). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize on posterior aspect of distal forearm. Palpate tendon of flexor carpi radialis at base of second metacarpal, just lateral to midline of forearm (see Fig. 2.116). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s wrist and deviate it to radial side. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.116
FIG. 2.117 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Patient Action Patient flexes and deviates wrist to radial side while examiner maintains stabilization of forearm and palpation of flexor carpi radialis (Fig. 2.117).
Resistance Apply resistance along volar aspect of bases of first and second metacarpals in direction of wrist extension and ulnar deviation. Palpating hand is moved to metacarpals to apply resistance (Fig. 2.118).
FIG. 2.118 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3)
For patients unable to move through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation (halfway between supination and pronation), wrist in neutral position, forearm supported on a flat surface (Fig. 2.119; initial position of wrist not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize along radial side of forearm while palpating flexor carpi radialis tendon at base of second metacarpal (see Fig. 2.119). Examiner Action Move patient’s hand through full range of wrist flexion, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient flexes wrist through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of forearm and palpation of flexor carpi radialis (see Fig. 2.119).
Common Substitution Long-finger flexors: Care should be taken to prevent fingers from flexing during test to eliminate substitution by flexor digitorum superficialis or profundus.
FIG. 2.119 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Wrist Flexion and Ulnar Deviation Flexor Carpi Ulnaris ( Fig. 2.120 ) Attachments Flexor carpi ulnaris
Origin: Humeral head: Medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common forearm flexor tendon Ulnar head: Upper twothirds of the posterior border of the ulna Insertion: Pisiform bone
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Function Flexion and adduction (ulnar deviation) of the wrist
FIG. 2.120
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with forearm supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position (Fig. 2.121). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize on posterior aspect of distal forearm. Palpate tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris just proximal to pisiform bone (see Fig. 2.121). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s wrist and deviate it to ulnar side. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient flexes and deviates wrist to ulnar side while examiner maintains stabilization of forearm and palpation of flexor carpi ulnaris (Fig. 2.122).
FIG. 2.121
FIG. 2.122 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance along volar aspect of fifth metacarpal bone in direction of wrist extension and radial deviation. Palpating hand is moved to metacarpal to apply resistance (Fig. 2.123).
FIG. 2.123 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation (halfway between supination and pronation) and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position (Fig. 2.124; initial position of wrist not shown). Stabilization/Palpation
Stabilize along radial side of forearm while palpating flexor carpi ulnaris tendon just proximal to pisiform bone (see Fig. 2.124). Examiner Action Move patient’s hand through full range of wrist flexion, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient flexes wrist through full ROM for both flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris. Examiner maintains stabilization and palpation during active movement by patient (see Fig. 2.124).
Common Substitution See test for flexor carpi radialis.
FIG. 2.124 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
B o x 2 . 4 Clinical
Com m ent: Wr ist Flexor Muscles and
C7 Neur ologic Assessm ent The wrist flexor muscles (flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris) are key muscles for examining the integrity of the C7 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the C7 neurologic level includes the following.
Strength assessment of: • Triceps brachii (pp. 103–106) • Wrist flexors (pp. 115–122) • Finger extensors (pp. 143–146)
Reflex testing of: • Triceps reflex (p. 511)
Sensory testing of: • Skin over middle finger (C7 dermatome; pp. 488, 490–493)
Wrist Extension and Radial Deviation Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis ( Fig. 2.125 ) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus; the common extensor tendon Insertion: Base of the second metacarpal bone
Peripheral nerve: Radial nerve Nerve root: C6, C7
Extension and abduction (radial deviation) of the wrist; assists in extension of the elbow
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus; the common extensor tendon; radial collateral ligament of the elbow
Peripheral nerve: Radial nerve Nerve root: C6, C7
Extension and abduction (radial deviation) of the wrist
Insertion: Base of the third metacarpal bone
FIG. 2.125
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with forearm pronated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position (Fig. 2.126). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize anterior aspect of distal forearm. Palpate tendons of extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis just proximal to bases of second and third metacarpals (see Fig. 2.126). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, extend patient’s wrist and deviate it to radial side. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient extends and deviates wrist to radial side while examiner maintains stabilization of forearm and palpation of extensor carpi radialis muscles (Fig. 2.127).
FIG. 2.126
FIG. 2.127 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance along dorsal aspect of first and second metacarpals in direction of wrist flexion and ulnar deviation (Fig. 2.128).
FIG. 2.128 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation (halfway between supination and pronation), wrist in neutral position, forearm supported on a flat surface (Fig. 2.129; initial position of wrist not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize along volar surface of distal forearm while palpating tendons
of extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis just proximal to bases of second and third metacarpals (see Fig. 2.129). Examiner Action Move patient’s hand through full range of wrist extension, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient extends wrist through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of forearm and palpation of extensor carpi radialis muscles (see Fig. 2.129).
Common Substitution Finger extensors: Care should be taken to prevent fingers from extending during test to eliminate substitution by finger extensors.
FIG. 2.129 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
B o x 2 . 5 Clinical
Com m ent: Wr ist Extensor Muscles and
C6 Neur ologic Assessm ent The wrist extensor muscles (extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris) are key muscles for examining the integrity of the C6 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the C6 neurologic level includes the following.
Strength assessment of: • Biceps brachii (pp. 95–98) • Wrist extensors (pp. 123–130)
Reflex testing of: • Brachioradialis reflex (p. 510) • Biceps reflex (C5 and C6; p. 509)
Sensory testing of: • Skin over thumb and lateral forearm (C6 dermatome; pp. 488, 490–493)
Wrist Extension and Ulnar Deviation Extensor Carpi Ulnaris ( FIG. 2.130 ) Attachments Extensor carpi ulnaris
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus via the common extensor tendon; dorsal
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Deep radial nerve Nerve root:
Function Extension and adduction (ulnar deviation)
border of the ulna Insertion: Base of fifth metacarpal bone
FIG. 2.130
of the wrist
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with forearm pronated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position (Fig. 2.131). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize anterior aspect of distal forearm. Palpate tendon of extensor carpi ulnaris on ulnar side of wrist, just distal to ulnar styloid process (see Fig. 2.131). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, extend patient’s wrist and deviate it to ulnar side. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.131
Patient Action Patient extends and deviates wrist to ulnar side while examiner maintains stabilization of forearm and palpation of extensor carpi ulnaris (Fig. 2.132). Resistance Apply resistance along dorsal aspect of fifth metacarpal in direction of wrist flexion and radial deviation (Fig. 2.133).
FIG. 2.132 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.133 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation (halfway between supination and pronation) and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position (Fig. 2.134; initial wrist position not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize along radial side of distal forearm while palpating extensor carpi ulnaris just distal to ulnar styloid process (see Fig. 2.134). Examiner Action Move patient’s hand through full range of wrist extension, then return patient to starting position.
Patient Action Patient extends wrist through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of forearm and palpation of extensor carpi ulnaris (see Fig. 2.134).
Common Substitution See test for extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis.
FIG. 2.134 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Finger Flexion (Metacarpophalangeal) Lumbricals, Palmar and Dorsal Interossei, Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis ( Fig. 2.135 ) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Origin: Tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus First: Radial side of the tendon of the index finger; second: radial side of the tendon of the middle finger; third: tendons of the middle and ring fingers; fourth: tendons of the ring and little fingers Insertion: Radial side of the extensor hood of the corresponding finger
Peripheral nerve: First and second lumbricals: median nerve; third and fourth lumbricals: ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Flexion of MCP joints 2-5; extension of the PIP and DIP joints of digits 2-5
Palmar interossei
Origin: Palmar surface of metacarpal bones 2, 4, and 5. First: Ulnar side of the second metacarpal bone; second: radial side of the fourth metacarpal bone; third: radial side of the fifth
Peripheral nerve: Ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Adduction and flexion of the second, fourth, and fifth MCP joints; extension of the PIP and DIP
metacarpal bone Insertion: First: Ulnar side of the base of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the second digit; second: radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the fourth digit; third: radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the fifth digit Dorsal interossei
Origin: By two heads from adjacent metacarpal bones Insertion: First: Radial side of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the second digit; second: radial side of the proximal phalanx and the
joints of digits 2, 4, and 5
Peripheral nerve: Ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Abduction and flexion of the second, third, and fourth MCP joints; extension of the PIP and DIP joints of digits 2, 3, and 4
extensor hood of the third digit; third: ulnar side of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the third digit; fourth: ulnar side of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the fourth digit DIP, Distal interphalangeal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; PIP, proximal interphalangeal.
FIG. 2.135
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with forearm fully supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers extended (Fig. 2.136). Stabilization/Palpation
Stabilize over distal dorsal surface of second through fifth metacarpals. Palpation of lumbricals is difficult, but contraction may be detectable in palm, along radial aspect of second through fifth metacarpals (see Fig. 2.136). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, flex patient’s fingers at MCP joints while keeping interphalangeal (IP) joints extended. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.136
Patient Action Patient flexes MCP joints while extending IP joints. Examiner maintains stabilization of metacarpals and palpation of lumbricals during active movement by patient (Fig. 2.137).
Resistance Apply resistance with one finger along volar surface of proximal phalanx of second through fifth digits individually in direction of MCP extension (Fig. 2.138; resistance on second digit is shown). Resistance also may be applied separately on dorsal surface of middle and distal phalanges of second through fifth digits in direction of IP flexion (not shown). Palpating hand is moved to proximal phalanges to apply resistance.
FIG. 2.137 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.138 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers extended (Fig. 2.139; initial finger position not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over dorsal surface of second through fifth metacarpals while palpating lumbricals along radial aspect of second through fifth metacarpals (see Fig. 2.139). Examiner Action Flex patient’s fingers at MCP joints while keeping IP joints extended, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action
Patient flexes at MCP joints while extending IP joints. Examiner maintains stabilization of metacarpals and palpation of lumbricals during active movement by patient (see Fig. 2.139).
FIG. 2.139 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Finger Flexion (Proximal Interphalangeal) Flexor Digitorum Superficialis ( Fig. 2.140 ) Attachments Flexor digitorum superficialis
Origin: Humeroulnar head: Medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common flexor tendon, the ulnar
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Median nerve Nerve root: C7, C8, T1
Function Flexion of the PIP joints of digits 2–5;
collateral ligament of the elbow; the coronoid process of the ulna Radial head: Anterior surface of the radius Insertion: Via two slips into the sides of the middle phalanx of digits 2–5
assists in flexion of the MCP joints of digits 2–5 and of the wrist
FIG. 2.140
Grades 5 and 4
Patient Position Seated with forearm supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers extended (Fig. 2.141). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over palmar surface of proximal phalanges of second through fifth digits. With same hand, palpate tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis over palmar surface of proximal phalanges of second through fifth digits (see Fig. 2.141). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s fingers at PIP joints while keeping DIP joints extended. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.141
Patient Action Patient flexes PIP joints of second through fifth digits without accompanying flexion of DIP joints. Examiner maintains stabilization of proximal phalanges and palpation of flexor tendons during active movement by patient (Fig. 2.142). Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance on palmar surface of middle phalanges of second through fifth digits individually (testing of second digit shown; Fig. 2.143).
FIG. 2.142 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.143 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient flexes joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient flexes joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 2.143). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution Flexor digitorum profundus: Patient should flex at proximal joint without flexing distal joint to avoid substitution by flexor digitorum profundus.
Finger Flexion (Distal Interphalangeal) Flexor Digitorum Profundus ( Fig. 2.144 ) Attachments Flexor Origin: Upper three-fourths digitorum of the ulna, the coronoid profundus process of the ulna, and the interosseous membrane Insertion: Base of the distal phalanges of digits 2–5
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Median and ulnar nerves Nerve root: C8, T1
Function Flexion of the DIP joints of digits 2–5; assists in flexing the PIP and MCP joints of digits
FIG. 2.144
Grades 5 and 4
Patient Position Seated with forearm supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers extended (Fig. 2.145). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over palmar surface of middle and proximal phalanges of digit being tested (testing of second digit shown). With same hand, palpate tendon of flexor digitorum profundus over palmar surface of middle and proximal phalanges of digit being tested (see Fig. 2.145). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, flex patient’s finger at DIP joint. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.145
Patient Action Patient flexes DIP joint of digit being tested. (Note: Patient will be unable to flex DIP without accompanying flexion of PIP unless firm stabilization is used.) Examiner maintains stabilization of middle and proximal phalanges and palpation of flexor tendon during active movement by patient (Fig. 2.146). Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance on palmar surface of distal phalanx of digit being tested (Fig. 2.147).
FIG. 2.146 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.147 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient flexes joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient flexes joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 2.145). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
B o x 2 . 6 Clinical
Com m ent: Flexor Digitor um
P r of undus and C8 Neur ologic Assessm ent The flexor digitorum profundus muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the C8 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the C8 neurologic level includes the following.
Strength assessment of: • Flexor digitorum profundus (pp. 139–142)
Sensory testing of: • Skin over ulnar side of hand, particularly little finger (C8 dermatome; pp. 488, 490–493) • No reflex for C8
Finger Extension Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Indicis, and Extensor Digiti Minimi (Figs. 2.148 and 2.149 ) Attachments Extensor digitorum
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus via the common extensor tendon; antebrachial fascia Insertion: Middle and distal phalanges
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Deep radial nerve Nerve root: C6–C8
Function Extension of digits 2– 5; assists in wrist extension
of digits 2–5 via the extensor hood or expansion Extensor indicis
Origin: Posterior surface of the ulna; interosseous membrane Insertion: Extensor hood of the index finger
Peripheral nerve: Deep radial nerve Nerve root: C6–C8
Extension of the index finger; assists in wrist extension
Extensor digiti minimi
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus via the common extensor tendon; intermuscular septa Insertion: Extensor hood on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of digit 5
Peripheral nerve: Deep radial nerve Nerve root: C6–C8
Extension of digit 5; assists in wrist extension
FIG. 2.148
FIG. 2.149
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3)
Patient Position Seated with forearm pronated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers are allowed to extend past edge of surface in a position of flexion (Fig. 2.150). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over palmar aspect of second through fifth metacarpals. Palpate tendons of extensor digitorum along dorsal surface of corresponding metacarpal bone. Palpate tendon of extensor indicis just to ulnar side of extensor digitorum tendon for second digit; palpate tendon of extensor digiti minimi just to ulnar side of extensor digitorum tendon for fifth digit (see Fig. 2.150). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, extend patient’s fingers at MCP joints while allowing IP joints to remain flexed. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient extends second through fifth digits at MCP joints through full ROM. Examiner maintains stabilization of metacarpals and palpation of extensor tendons during active movement by patient (Fig. 2.151).
FIG. 2.150
FIG. 2.151 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance individually along dorsal surface of proximal phalanx of second through fifth digits in direction of flexion. Index finger of palpating hand is moved to proximal phalanx to apply resistance (Fig. 2.152).
FIG. 2.152 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation (halfway between pronation and supination) and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers flexed at MCP joints (Fig. 2.153; initial finger position not shown).
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over palmar aspect of second through fifth metacarpals. Palpate extensor tendons as described in gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 2.153). Examiner Action Extend patient’s fingers at MCP joints while allowing IP joints to remain flexed, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient extends second through fifth digits at MCP joints through full ROM. Examiner maintains stabilization of metacarpals and palpation of extensor tendons during active movement by patient (see Fig. 2.153).
FIG. 2.153 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
B o x 2 . 7 Clinical
Com m ent: Finger Extensor Muscles
and C7 Neur ologic Assessm ent The finger extensor muscles (extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, extensor digiti minimi) are key muscles for examining the integrity of the C7 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the C7 neurologic level includes the following.
Strength assessment of: • Triceps brachii (pp. 103–106) • Wrist flexors (pp. 115–122) • Finger extensors (pp. 143–146)
Reflex testing of: • Triceps reflex (p. 511)
Sensory testing of: • Skin over the middle finger (C7 dermatome; pp. 488, 490–493)
Finger Abduction Dorsal Interossei, Abductor Digiti Minimi (Fig. 2.154) Attachments Dorsal interossei
Origin: By two heads from adjacent metacarpal bones Insertion: First: Radial side of the proximal phalanx
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Function Abduction and flexion of the second, third, and
and the extensor hood of the second digit; second: radial side of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the third digit; third: ulnar side of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the third digit; fourth: ulnar side of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the fourth digit Abductor digiti minimi
Origin: Pisiform bone and the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris Insertion: Ulnar side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the fifth digit; aponeurosis of the extensor digiti minimi
fourth MCP joints; extension of the PIP and DIP joints of digits 2–4
Peripheral nerve: Ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Abduction and flexion of the fifth MCP joint
FIG. 2.154
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Seated with forearm pronated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers adducted and allowed to extend beyond supporting surface (Fig. 2.155).
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over dorsal surface of second through fifth metacarpals. Dorsal interossei are difficult to palpate, but contraction may be detected along dorsoradial aspect of second and third metacarpals and along dorsoulnar aspect of third and fourth metacarpals. Palpate abductor digiti minimi along ulnar aspect of fifth metacarpal (see Fig. 2.155). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, abduct patient’s fingers. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.155
Patient Action Patient abducts fingers through full ROM (third digit should be
abducted toward both second and fourth digits). Examiner maintains stabilization of metacarpals and palpation of MCP abductors during patient motion (Fig. 2.156). Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance along proximal phalanx of each finger individually as follows: on radial side of second digit in direction of adduction; on radial side of third digit in direction of adduction; on ulnar side of third digit in direction of adduction; on ulnar side of fourth digit in direction of adduction; and on ulnar side of fifth digit (abductor digiti minimi) in direction of adduction (Fig. 2.157; resistance for abductor digiti minimi shown).
FIG. 2.156 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
FIG. 2.157 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient abducts fingers through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient abducts fingers through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 2.155). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
B o x 2 . 8 Clinical
Com m ent: Finger Abductor s And
Adductor s and T1 Neur ologic Assessm ent The abductors (dorsal interossei and abductor digiti minimi) and adductors (palmar interossei) of the MCP joints of digits 2 to 5 are key muscles for examining the integrity of the T1 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the T1 neurologic level includes the following.
Strength assessment of: • MCP abductors (pp. 147–150) • MCP adductors (pp. 151–154)
Sensory testing of: • Skin over the medial aspect of the elbow (T1 dermatome; pp. 488, 490–493)
Finger Adduction Palmar Interossei (Fig. 2.158) Attachments Palmar interossei
Origin: Palmar surface of metacarpal bones 2, 4, and 5. First: Ulnar side of the second metacarpal bone; second: radial side of the fourth metacarpal bone;
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Function Adduction and flexion of the second, fourth, and fifth MCP joints; extension
third: radial side of the fifth metacarpal bone Insertion: First: Ulnar side of the base of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the second digit; second: radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the fourth digit; third: radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx and the extensor hood of the fifth digit
of the proximal and distal IP joints of digits 2, 4, and 5
FIG. 2.158
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Seated with forearm pronated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers fully abducted and allowed to extend beyond supporting surface (Fig. 2.159).
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over dorsal surface of second through fifth metacarpals. Palmar interossei may be palpable along the palmar surface of the metacarpals but not from the dorsal surface (see Fig. 2.159). Examiner Action While instructing patient in desired movement, adduct patient’s fingers. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.159
Patient Action Patient adducts fingers through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of metacarpals (Fig. 2.160). Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance along proximal phalanx of each finger individually as follows: on ulnar side of second digit in direction of abduction; on radial side of fourth digit in direction of abduction; on radial side of fifth digit in direction of abduction (Fig. 2.161; resistance for first palmar interosseous muscle shown).
FIG. 2.160 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
FIG. 2.161 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient adducts fingers through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient adducts fingers through partial ROM. For Grade 1
No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Thumb Flexion (Metacarpophalangeal) Flexor Pollicis Brevis ( Fig. 2.162 ) Attachments Flexor pollicis brevis
Origin: Flexor retinaculum, trapezium, trapezoid, and capitate bones Insertion: Radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Median and ulnar nerves Nerve root: C8, T1
Function Flexion of the MCP joint of the thumb
FIG. 2.162
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Seated with forearm supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, MCP and IP joints of thumb are extended (Fig. 2.163).
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize sides of first metacarpal. Palpate flexor pollicis brevis over volar aspect of first metacarpal bone (see Fig. 2.163). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, flex MCP joint of patient’s thumb while keeping IP joint of thumb extended. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.163
Patient Action Patient flexes MCP joint of thumb without flexing IP joint. Examiner maintains stabilization of metacarpal and palpation of flexor pollicis brevis during patient’s active movement (Fig. 2.164).
Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance along volar aspect of proximal phalanx of thumb in direction of MCP extension. Palpating hand is moved to proximal phalanx to apply resistance (Fig. 2.165).
FIG. 2.164 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.165 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient flexes joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient flexes joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 2.163). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution Flexor pollicis longus; patient should flex MCP joint without flexing IP joint to avoid substitution by flexor pollicis longus.
Thumb Flexion (Interphalangeal) Flexor Pollicis Longus ( Fig. 2.166 ) Attachments Flexor pollicis longus
Origin: Anterior aspect of the radius, the coronoid process of the ulna, and the interosseous membrane Insertion: Base of the distal phalanx of the thumb
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Anterior interosseous (median) nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Function Flexion of the IP joint of the thumb; assists in flexion of the MCP joint of the thumb
FIG. 2.166
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position
Seated with forearm supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, MCP and IP joints of thumb are extended (Fig. 2.167). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize sides of proximal phalanx of thumb. Palpate tendon of flexor pollicis longus on volar aspect of proximal phalanx of thumb (see Fig. 2.167). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex IP joint of patient’s thumb. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.167
Patient Action Patient flexes IP joint of thumb. (Note: Patient will be unable to flex IP joint without also flexing MCP joint unless firm stabilization is used.) Examiner maintains stabilization of proximal phalanx and palpation of flexor pollicis longus tendon during active movement by patient (Fig. 2.168). Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance along volar aspect of distal phalanx of thumb in direction of IP extension. Palpating hand is moved to distal phalanx to apply resistance (Fig. 2.169).
FIG. 2.168 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.169 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient flexes joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient flexes joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described earlier (see Fig. 2.167). For Grade 0
No motion or contraction is present.
Thumb Extension (Metacarpophalangeal) Extensor Pollicis Brevis ( Fig. 2.170 ) Attachments Extensor pollicis brevis
Origin: Posterior aspect of the radius; the interosseous membrane Insertion: Base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb
CMC, Carpometacarpal.
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Deep radial nerve Nerve root: C6, C7
Function Extension of the MCP and CMC joints of the thumb
FIG. 2.170
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation (halfway between pronation
and supination) and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, MCP and IP joints of thumb slightly flexed (Fig. 2.171). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize sides of first metacarpal bone. Palpate tendon of extensor pollicis brevis on dorsal surface of first metacarpal bone, just radial to tendon of extensor pollicis longus (see Fig. 2.171). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend MCP joint of patient’s thumb while maintaining IP joint of thumb in flexion. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.171
Patient Action
Patient extends MCP joint of thumb without extending IP joint. Examiner maintains stabilization of first metacarpal and palpation of extensor pollicis brevis tendon during active movement by patient (Fig. 2.172). Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance along dorsal surface of proximal phalanx of thumb in direction of MCP flexion. Palpating hand is moved to proximal phalanx to apply resistance (Fig. 2.173).
FIG. 2.172 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.173 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient extends joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient extends joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 2.171). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution Extensor pollicis longus: Patient should extend MCP joint while keeping IP joint slightly flexed to avoid substitution by extensor pollicis longus.
Thumb Extension (Interphalangeal) Extensor Pollicis Longus ( Fig. 2.174 ) Attachments Extensor pollicis longus
Origin: Dorsolateral surface of the ulna; interosseous membrane Insertion: Base of the distal phalanx of the thumb
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Deep radial nerve Nerve root: C6–C8
Function Extension of the IP joint of the thumb; assists in extending the MCP and CMC joints of the thumb
FIG. 2.174
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation (halfway between pronation
and supination) and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, MCP and IP joints of thumb slightly flexed (Fig. 2.175). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize sides of proximal phalanx of thumb. Palpate tendon of extensor pollicis longus on dorsal surface of first metacarpal and proximal phalanx of thumb, just to ulnar side of extensor pollicis brevis tendon (see Fig. 2.175). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend IP joint of patient’s thumb. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.175
Patient Action
Patient extends IP joint of thumb. (Note: Patient will be unable to extend IP joint without also extending MCP joint unless firm stabilization is used.) Examiner maintains stabilization of proximal phalanx and palpates extensor pollicis longus tendon during active movement by patient (Fig. 2.176). Resistance Use one finger to apply resistance along dorsal surface of distal phalanx of thumb in direction of IP flexion. Palpating hand is moved to distal phalanx to apply resistance (Fig. 2.177).
FIG. 2.176 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.177 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient extends joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient extends joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 2.175). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Thumb Abduction Abductor Pollicis Longus and Brevis (Figs. 2.178 and 2.179 ) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Abductor pollicis longus
Origin: Posterior surface of the ulna and radius; interosseous membrane Insertion: Radial side of the base of the first metacarpal bone
Peripheral nerve: Deep radial nerve Nerve root: C6, C7
Abduction and extension of the CMC joint of the thumb; assists in abduction (radial deviation) and flexion of the wrist
Abductor pollicis brevis
Origin: Flexor retinaculum; scaphoid, trapezium Insertion: Radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb
Peripheral nerve: Median nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Abduction of the CMC and MCP joints of the thumb
FIG. 2.178
FIG. 2.179
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Seated with forearm supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, thumb adducted (Fig. 2.180).
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize volar surface of wrist and second through fifth metacarpals. Palpate tendon of abductor pollicis longus at base of first metacarpal directly adjacent to tendon of extensor pollicis brevis (see Fig. 2.180). Abductor pollicis brevis is palpable on lateral aspect of thenar eminence (Fig. 2.181).
FIG. 2.180 Palpation is of abductor pollicis longus tendon.
FIG. 2.181 Palpation is of abductor pollicis brevis.
Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, abduct patient’s thumb. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient abducts thumb through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of wrist and metacarpals and palpation of thumb abductor tendons (Fig. 2.182). Resistance For abductor pollicis longus: Use one finger to apply resistance along lateral aspect of first metacarpal bone in direction of CMC adduction. Palpating hand is moved to metacarpal to apply resistance (see Fig. 2.182). For abductor pollicis brevis: Use one finger to apply resistance
along lateral aspect of proximal phalanx of thumb in direction of MCP adduction. Palpating hand is moved to proximal phalanx to apply resistance (Fig. 2.183).
FIG. 2.182 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.183 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient abducts joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient abducts joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Figs. 2.180 and 2.181). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Thumb Adduction Adductor Pollicis (Fig. 2.184) Attachments Adductor pollicis
Nerve Supply
Origin: Oblique head: Capitate, trapezoid, trapezium, metacarpals 1–4∗ Transverse head: Palmar surface of the third metacarpal bone Insertion: Ulnar side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb
Anatomic information derived from Chang and Blair. 8
Peripheral nerve: Ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Function Adduction of the thumb
FIG. 2.184
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Seated with forearm pronated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, hand and thumb extending beyond supporting surface, thumb abducted at CMC joint (Fig. 2.185). Stabilization/Palpation
Stabilize dorsum of wrist and second through fifth metacarpals. Palpate adductor pollicis between first and second metacarpal bones (see Fig. 2.185). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, adduct patient’s thumb. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 2.185
Patient Action Patient adducts thumb through full ROM while examiner maintains stabilization of wrist and metacarpals and palpation of adductor pollicis (Fig. 2.186). Resistance
Use one finger to apply resistance along medial surface of proximal phalanx of thumb in direction of CMC abduction. Palpating hand is moved to proximal phalanx to apply resistance (Fig. 2.187).
FIG. 2.186 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 2.187 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient adducts joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient adducts joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 2.185). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution Flexor pollicis longus and brevis: Patient should adduct thumb without flexing MCP or IP joints of thumb to avoid substitution by thumb flexors.
Opposition of Thumb and Fifth Digit Opponens Pollicis: Opponens Digiti Minimi ( Fig. 2.188) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Opponens pollicis
Origin: Flexor retinaculum; trapezium bone Insertion: Radial side of the first metacarpal bone
Peripheral nerve: Median nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Opposition at the CMC joint of the thumb
Opponens digiti minimi
Origin: Flexor retinaculum; hook of the hamate Insertion: Ulnar side of the fifth metacarpal bone
Peripheral nerve: Ulnar nerve Nerve root: C8, T1
Opposition at the CMC joint of the fifth digit
FIG. 2.188
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Seated with forearm supinated and supported on a flat surface, wrist in neutral position, fingers extended (Fig. 2.189). Stabilization/Palpation No stabilization necessary. Palpate opponens pollicis along radial
border of first metacarpal. Opponens digiti minimi is palpable along ulnar border of fifth metacarpal (see Fig. 2.189). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, move patient’s thumb and fifth digit into opposition. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient opposes thumb and fifth digit simultaneously through full ROM while examiner maintains palpation of opponens muscles (Fig. 2.190). Resistance Apply resistance simultaneously along volar shaft of first and fifth metacarpal bones, attempting to separate first and fifth digits (see Fig. 2.190).
FIG. 2.189
FIG. 2.190 Arrows indicate direction of resistance.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient moves joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient moves joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 2.189).
For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present. C A S E 2 . 1 spinal
Cor d I njur y
A 17-year-old boy sustained a fracture of the sixth cervical vertebra during a motor vehicle accident. Owing to compression of the spinal cord by the fracture fragments, he sustained an incomplete spinal cord injury at a C7 neurologic level. His fracture site has been completely stabilized, and he has been admitted to the rehabilitation unit at 3 months postinjury owing to multiple medical complications that delayed his transfer to rehabilitation. As a result of prolonged hospitalization, the patient is unable to tolerate an upright position. You are planning your initial examination in which you must determine his level of motor and sensory functioning. Answer the following questions regarding your examination of this patient. Note: This case is continued in Chapter 4: Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing: Lower Extremity and in Chapter 8: Techniques of the Sensory Examination. 1. Given that this patient’s injury is at the C7 spinal level, which muscles would you expect to be free from motor weakness? 2 How would you need to alter the following muscle tests to accommodate for the patient’s inability to maintain an upright position? a. Biceps brachii—gravity resisted b. Middle deltoid—gravity resisted c. Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis—gravity resisted d. Upper trapezius—gravity resisted e. Pectoralis major—gravity eliminated 3. How would you alter your documentation to accommodate the changes in patient positioning described in your answer to Question 2?
C A S E 2 . 2 per ipher al
Ner ve I njur y
A 52-year-old dentist sustained a midshaft fracture of the humerus in a motorcycle accident 5 days earlier. Damage to the radial nerve was evident following the fracture, and the fracture site was stabilized with an external fixation device. The patient now presents to your clinic for rehabilitation and assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs). He brings no information with him regarding the exact fracture site, and he has not had electrodiagnostic testing to determine the extent of radial nerve damage. You are not completely certain what this patient’s functional limitations will be but have a fairly good idea based on your knowledge of the anatomy of the radial nerve and related structures. Answer the following questions regarding your examination of this patient (you may want to refer to an anatomy text to assist with your answers). Note: This case is continued in Chapter 8: Techniques of the Sensory Examination. 1. Provide a rationale for radial nerve damage in this patient based on the anatomy of the radial nerve. 2. Which muscles will you need to test to determine the level and extent of radial nerve damage? 3. If this patient’s radial nerve is functionally severed above the elbow, what muscles would you expect to be weak? Nonfunctional? 4. What movements will the patient be unable to perform because of the muscle weakness/paralysis expected?
C A S E 2 . 3 Manual
Muscle Testing and Musculoskeletal
Exam ination A 34-year-old college tennis coach is referred to you for shoulder pain. After listening to the patient history, you conclude that one objective of your examination will be to rule out injury to the rotator cuff. Answer the following questions regarding examination
of the muscles of the rotator cuff: 1. What muscles make up the rotator cuff? 2. What is the innervation and action of each of the cuff muscles? 3. How is strength assessed in rotator cuff muscles using manual muscle testing techniques? 4. How are the muscles of the rotator cuff assessed using musculoskeletal examination techniques (i.e., special tests)? 5. What does the literature say about isolating the action of the rotator cuff muscles during strength testing and exercise? (Hint: See references in the Bibliography for Chapter 2.) 6. How do the techniques described in the answer to Question 5 compare with the testing procedures described in this text (similarities and differences)? Give examples of when each technique would be more appropriate. 7. Can traditional manual muscle test grades be used to grade muscles assessed using the techniques described in the answer to Question 5? Why or why not?
References 1. Abdelzaher IE, Ababneh AF, Alzyoud JM. Isometric elbow extensors strength in supine- and prone-lying positions. Physiotherapy Theory & Practice. 2013;29:61–66. 2. Bagg SD, Forrest WJ. Electromyographic study of scapular rotators during arm abduction in the scapular plane. Am J Phys Med. 1986;65:111–124. 3. Blackburn TA, McLeod WD, White B, Wooford L. EMG analysis of posterior rotator cuff exercises. Athl Train J Natl Athl Train Assoc. 1990;25:40–45. 4. Boettcher CE, Ginn KA, Cathers I. Standard maximum isometric voluntary contraction tests for normalizing shoulder muscle EMG. J Orthop Res. 2008;26:1591–1597. 5. Brandell BR, Wilkinson DA. An electromyographic study of
manual testing procedures for the trapezius and deltoid muscles. Physiother Can. 1991;43:33–39. 6. Brookham RL, McLean L, Dickerson CR. Construct validity of muscle force tests of the rotator cuff muscles: An electromyographic investigation. Phys Ther. 2010;90:572–580. 7. Buchanan TS, Rovai GP, Rymer WZ. Strategies for muscle activation during isometric torque generation at the human elbow. J Neurophysiol. 1989;62:1201–1212. 8. Chang L, Blair WF. The origin and innervation of the adductor pollicis muscle. J Anat. 1985;140:381–388. 9. Clemente CD. Gray’s Anatomy. 30th American ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1985. 10. Cnockaert JC, Lensel G, Pertuzon E. Relative contribution of individual muscles to the isometric contraction of a muscular group. J Biomech. 1975;8:191–197. 11. Ekstrom RA, Soderberg GL, Donatelli RA. Normalization procedures using maximum voluntary isometric contractions for the serratus anterior and trapezius muscles during surface EMG analysis. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2005;15:418–428. 12. Escamilla RF, Yamashiro K, Paulos L, et al. Shoulder muscle activity and function in common shoulder rehabilitation exercises. Sports Med. 2009;39:663–685. 13. Field D, Hutchinson JSO: Field’s Anatomy, Palpation and Surface Markings. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier ButterworthHeinemann; 2006. 14. Forbush SW, Bandy WD, Garrison MK, Graves LG, Roberts R. Testing infraspinatus and deltoid muscles with new technique to decrease deltoid activity during testing using EMG analysis. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2018;13:896–904. 15. Itoi E, Kido T, Sano A, et al. Which is more useful, the “full can test” or the “empty can test,” in detecting the torn supraspinatus tendon? Am J Sports Med. 1999;27:65–68. 16. Jobe FW, Moynes DR. Delineation of diagnostic criteria and a rehabilitation program for rotator cuff injuries. Am J Sports Med. 1982;10:336–339.
17. Kelly BT, Kadrmas WR, Speer KP. The manual muscle examination for rotator cuff strength. Am J Sports Med. 1996;24(5):581–588. 18. Kendall FP, McCreary EK, Provance PG, et al. Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain. 5th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2005. 19. Kuhlman JR, Iannotti JP, Kelly MJ, et al. Isokinetic and isometric measurement of strength of external rotation and abduction of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1992;74:1320– 1333. 20. Malanga GA, Jenp YN, Growney ES, et al. EMG analysis of shoulder positioning in testing and strengthening the supraspinatus. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1996;28:661–664. 21. McLean L, Chislett M, Keith M, et al. The effect of head position, electrode site, movement and smoothing window in the determination of a reliable maximum voluntary activation of the upper trapezius muscle. J Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2003;13:169–180. 22. Michener LA, Boardman ND, Pidcoe PE, et al. Scapular muscle tests in subjects with shoulder pain and functional loss: Reliability and construct validity. Phys Ther. 2005;85:1128– 1138. 23. Reinold MM, Macrina LC, Fleisig GS, et al. Electromyographic analysis of the supraspinatus and deltoid muscles during 3 common rehabilitation exercises. J Athl Train. 2007;42(2):464– 469. 24. Ringelberg JA. EMG and force production of some human shoulder muscles during isometric abduction. J Biomechan. 1985;18:939–947. 25. Townsend H, Jobe FW, Pink M, Perry J. Electromyographic analysis of the glenohumeral muscles during a baseball rehabilitation program. Am J Sports Med. 1991;19:264–272. 26. Worrell TW, Corey BJ, York SL, Santiestaban J. An analysis of supraspinatus EMG activity and shoulder isometric force development. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1992;24:744–748.
Bibliography Basmajian JV, DeLuca CJ. Muscles Alive: Their Function Revealed by Electromyography. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1985. Bohannon RW. Make and break tests of elbow flexor muscle strength. Phys Ther. 1988;68:193– 194. Brandsma JW, Schreuders TAR. Sensible manual muscle strength testing to evaluate and monitor strength of the intrinsic muscles of the hand: a commentary. J Hand Ther. 2001;14:273–278. Brandsma JW, Schreuders TAR, Birke JA, et al. Intraobserver and interobserver reliabilities for the intrinsic muscles of the hand. J Hand Ther. 1995;8:185–190. Broome HL, Basmajian JV. The function of the teres major muscle: an electromyographic study. Anat Rec. 1970;170:309–310. Brown JM, Solomon C, Paton M. Further evidence of functional differentiation within biceps brachii. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1993;33:301–309. Clarkson HM. Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion and Manual Muscle Strength. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2000. Daniels L, Worthingham C. Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1986. de Freitas V, Vitti M, Furlani J. Electromyographic analysis of the levator scapulae and rhomboideus major muscle in movements of the shoulder. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1979;19:335–342. Decker MF, et al. Subscapularis muscle activity during selected rehabilitation exercises. Am J Sports Med. 2003;31:126–134. Devinsky O, Feldmann E. Examination of the Cranial and Peripheral Nerves. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1988. Escamilla RF, Yamashiro K, Paulos L, et al. Shoulder muscle activity and function in common shoulder rehabilitation exercises. Sports Med. 2009;39:663–685. Filho JG, de Freitas V, Furlani J. Electromyographic study of the trapezius muscle in free movements of the shoulder. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1994;34:279–283. Florence JM, Pandya S, King WM, et al. Intrarater reliability of manual muscle test (Medical Research Council scale) grades in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Phys Ther. 1992;72:115– 126. Frese E, Brown M, Norton BJ. Clinical reliability of manual muscle testing: Middle trapezius and gluteus medius muscles. Phys Ther. 1987;67:1072–1076. Furlani J. Electromyographic study of the m. biceps brachii in movements at the glenohumeral joint. Acta Anat. 1976;96:270–284. Gandevia SC, McKenzie DK. Activation of human muscles at short muscle lengths during maximal static efforts. J Physiol. 1988;407:599–613. Gordon KD, Pardo RD, Johnson JA, et al. Electromyographic activity and strength during maximum isometric pronation and supination efforts in healthy adults. J Orthop Res. 2004;22:208–213. Hellwig EV, Perrin DH. A comparison of two positions for assessing shoulder rotator peak
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Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing Head, Neck, and Trunk Nancy Berryman Reese
Neck Flexion Longus Capitis, Longus Colli, Rectus Capitis Anterior, Anterior Scalene, Sternocleidomastoid (Fig. 3.1)
FIG. 3.1
Nerve Supply
Attachments Longus capitis
Origin: Transverse processes of C3-C6 Insertion: Basilar part of the occipital bone
First three cervical nerves
Function Bilateral action: Flexion of the head on the atlas; flexion of the cervical spine Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine to the same side Table Continued
Attachments Longus colli
Nerve Supply Ventral rami
Function Bilateral
Transverse processes of C3-C5 and the anterolateral surface of C5-C7 and T1-T3 Insertion: Anterior arch of the atlas; anterior surface of C2-C4 and transverse processes of C5, C6
of C2-C6
Rectus capitis anterior
Origin: Lateral aspect and transverse process of the atlas Insertion: Basilar part of the occipital bone
Ventral rami of C1, C2
Anterior scalene
Origin: Transverse processes of C3-C6 Insertion: Upper
Ventral rami of C5, C6
action: Flexion of the cervical spine Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine to the same side
Flexion of the head on the atlas
Bilateral action: Flexion of the cervical spine
surface of the first rib
Origin: Sternal head: Anterior aspect of the manubrium of the sternum Clavicular head: Medial third of the clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process of the skull
Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine to the same side Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI); ventral rami of C2, C3
Bilateral action: Flexion of the cervical spine; in the absence of cervical vertebral stabilizers, it extends the head on the atlas Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the cervical spine to the same side;
rotation of the cervical spine to the opposite side
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Supine with shoulders abducted to 90°, elbows flexed to 90°, dorsal forearms resting on table (Fig. 3.2).
FIG. 3.2
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilization normally is supplied by patient’s abdominal muscles via fixating action on thorax. In patients with weak abdominals, stabilize over anterior aspect of thorax. With opposite hand, palpate
sternocleidomastoid (SCM) from mastoid process to attachment on sternum and medial aspect of clavicle; longus capitis and longus colli on anterolateral surface of cervical vertebrae deep to SCM; and anterior scalene above clavicle posterior to SCM (see Fig. 3.2). Rectus capitis anterior is too deep to palpate. Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, tuck patient’s chin toward chest and flex cervical spine through full available range of motion (ROM). ∗ Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
FIG. 3.3 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.4 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Patient Action
Patient flexes head and neck through full ROM, initiating motion by tucking chin toward chest, then flexing cervical spine (see common substitution for gravity-eliminated test). Examiner stabilizes thorax (if needed) and palpates neck flexors during patient’s active movement (Fig. 3.3). Resistance Apply resistance over forehead in direction of neck extension (Fig. 3.4).
Grades 3 and Below
FIG. 3.5 Substitution by sternocleidomastoid.
There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3
Patient flexes head and neck through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient flexes head and neck through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 3.2). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution SCM; see Box 3-1 Clinical Comment: SCM as a Substitute for Weak Neck Flexors (Fig. 3.5).
Evidence For Practice Flexion of the cervical spine on the thorax is a critical element of this test. Studies have shown that electromyography (EMG) activity in the SCM, anterior scalene, and sternohyoid muscles is significantly decreased if motion is restricted to craniocervical flexion rather than complete cervical flexion as is tested here. 5 , 15 The deep cervical flexors (longus capitis and colli muscles) showed no significant difference in activity between the two testing situations, indicating similar involvement of the deep cervical flexors in both craniocervical flexion and complete cervical flexion. 15 Thus during craniocervical flexion, activity in the deep cervical flexors is significantly greater than that in the superficial cervical flexors (SCM, anterior scalene), whereas during complete cervical flexion, both deep and superficial cervical flexor muscle groups are active. Therefore this test may not reveal weakness in the deep cervical flexor muscles because of potential compensation by the superficial flexors. To better isolate the deep cervical flexors, some researchers have developed tests designed to assess muscle function during
craniocervical flexion. One such test is the use of a specialized isometric dynamometer that tests craniocervical flexion. 16 However, reliability was somewhat variable, and the device is not yet commercially available. Another test designed to maximize activity of the deep cervical flexors was developed by Grimmer in the mid-1990s 7 and is being increasingly used in clinical settings. This so-called neck flexor muscle endurance test 9 involves the performance of a chin tuck followed by cervical flexion until the head clears the table. The subject maintains the flexed and tucked position until the chin tuck no longer can be maintained. Reliability for this test has been demonstrated as good to excellent (intraclass correlation coefficients [ICCs] 0.80 and above) for intrarater reliability 2 , 7 , 9 but was lower for interrater reliability. 3 , 9 Studies have reported significant differences in the ability to sustain the test position for patients with versus without neck pain 9 as well as an association between results on this test and the Neck Disability Index. 12 Since this test is one of endurance, not strength, of the deep cervical flexor muscles, a full description of the test is not included in this text. However, in cases in which endurance of the deep cervical flexor muscles is in question, such as in patients with cervical pain, the neck flexor muscle endurance test would be a useful clinical tool. The reader is referred to references at the end of this chapter for more details on the test. B o x 3 . 1 Clinical
Com m ent: Scm as a Substitute f or
Weak Neck Flexor s Patients with weak anterior neck flexors may attempt neck flexion using the SCM exclusively. In such cases, the patient will be unable to maintain a tucked chin and will flex the neck with the chin pointed toward the ceiling. Such an action is due to the fact that the SCM flexes the lower cervical spine and also (because of its attachment on the mastoid process of the skull) extends the head on the atlas, an action that will become evident when anterior cervical
stabilizers are weak.
Anterolateral Neck Flexion Sternocleidomastoid (Fig. 3.6)
FIG. 3.6
Attachments Sternocleidomastoid
Origin: Sternal head: Anterior aspect of the manubrium of the sternum
Nerve Supply Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI); ventral rami of C2, C3
Function Bilateral action: Flexion of the cervical spine; in the
Clavicular head: Medial third of the clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process of the skull
absence of cervical vertebral stabilizers, it extends the head on the atlas Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the cervical spine to the same side; rotation of the cervical spine to the opposite side
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Supine with head turned to contralateral side, shoulders abducted to 90°, elbows flexed to 90°, dorsal forearms resting on table (Fig. 3.7).
FIG. 3.7
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilization normally is supplied by patient’s abdominals via fixating action on thorax. For patients with weak abdominals, stabilize over anterior aspect of thorax. With opposite hand, palpate SCM from mastoid process to attachment on sternum and medial aspect of clavicle (see Fig. 3.7). Examiner Action
While instructing patient in motion desired, laterally flex patient’s neck while keeping head turned to side (see Box 3.2 Clinical Comment: Cervical Spine Motion and Vertebral Artery Patency). Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient laterally flexes neck to same side while keeping head rotated to opposite side. Examiner stabilizes thorax (if needed) and palpates SCM during patient’s active movement (Fig. 3.8). Resistance Apply resistance over lateral aspect of skull toward examining table (Fig. 3.9). Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient laterally flexes neck through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient laterally flexes neck through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 3.7). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
FIG. 3.8 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.9 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
B o x 3 . 2 Clinical
Com m ent: Cer vical Spine Motion and
Ver tebr al Ar ter y Patency The vertebral arteries travel through the transverse foramina of the first six cervical vertebrae and enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum. These two arteries provide the main blood supply to the posterior aspects of the brain, including the brain stem. Movements of the cervical spine can compromise blood flow through these arteries, particularly if there is atherosclerosis present. Movements that may compromise patency of the vertebral arteries include rotation, either alone or in combination with flexion
or extension, and, to a lesser extent, lateral flexion. Symptoms of decreased blood flow through the vertebral system include dizziness, visual disturbances, nystagmus, or lightheadedness. Caution should be taken when performing any examination procedure involving the cervical spine that involves movements affecting the vertebral arteries. Pretesting the vertebral arteries for signs of compromised blood flow has been advocated prior to undertaking such procedures.
Neck Extension Erector Spinae (Cervical Portion), Obliquus Capitis Superior, Rectus Capitis Posterior Major and Minor, Semispinalis Capitis and Cervicis, Splenius Capitis and Cervicis, Upper Trapezius (Figs. 3.10 and 3.11)
FIG. 3.10
FIG. 3.11
Attachments Iliocostalis cervicis
Origin: Angles of ribs 3-6 Insertion: Transverse processes of C4-C6
Nerve Supply Dorsal primary rami of the spinal nerves
Function Bilateral action: Extension of the cervical spine Unilateral
action: Lateral flexion of the cervical spine Longissimus capitis
Origin: Articular processes of the last three to four cervical vertebrae and the transverse processes of the upper four to five thoracic vertebrae Insertion: Posterior aspect of the mastoid process
Dorsal primary rami of the middle and lower cervical nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the head on the atlas Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine to the same side
Longissimus cervicis
Origin: Transverse processes of the upper four to five thoracic vertebrae Insertion: Transverse processes of C2-C6
Dorsal primary rami of the spinal nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the cervical spine Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the
cervical spine Obliquus capitis superior
Origin: Transverse process of the atlas Insertion: Occipital bone
Suboccipital nerve (C1)
Bilateral action: Extension of the head on the atlas Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the head on the atlas (minor)
Rectus capitis posterior major
Origin: Spinous process of the axis Insertion: Inferior nuchal line of the occipital bone (the lateral aspect)
Suboccipital nerve (C1)
Bilateral action: Extension of the head on the atlas Unilateral action: Rotation of the upper cervical spine
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Origin: Posterior tubercle of the axis
Suboccipital nerve (C1)
Extension of the head on the atlas
Insertion: Inferior nuchal line of the occipital bone (the medial aspect) Semispinalis capitis
Origin: Transverse processes of the seventh cervical and the first six to seven thoracic vertebrae and the articular processes of C4-C6 Insertion: Occipital bone between the superior and inferior nuchal lines
Dorsal primary rami of the first six cervical nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the head and the cervical spine Unilateral action: Rotation of the cervical spine to the opposite side
Semispinalis cervicis
Origin: Transverse processes of the first five to six thoracic vertebrae Insertion: Spinous
Dorsal primary rami of the lower three cervical nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the cervical spine Unilateral action: Rotation
processes of the first five cervical vertebrae
of the cervical spine to the opposite side
Spinalis capitis
Origin: Transverse processes of the seventh cervical and the first six to seven thoracic vertebrae and the articular processes of C4-C6 Insertion: Occipital bone between the superior and inferior nuchal lines
Dorsal primary Extension of the rami of the cervical spine spinal nerves
Spinalis cervicis
Origin: Ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7, T1, T2 Insertion: Spinous process of the
Dorsal primary Extension of the rami of the cervical spine spinal nerves
axis Splenius capitis
Origin: Ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7, T1-T3 Insertion: Lateral aspect of the superior nuchal line and the mastoid process
Dorsal primary rami of the middle cervical nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the head and cervical spine Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine to the same side Table Continued
Attachments Splenius cervicis
Origin: Spinous processes of T3-T6 Insertion: Transverse processes of the upper two to three cervical vertebrae
Nerve Supply Dorsal primary rami of the lower cervical nerves
Function Bilateral action: Extension of the cervical spine Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and
rotation of the cervical spine to the same side Upper trapezius
Origin: External occipital protuberance, medial third of the superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra Insertion: Lateral third of the clavicle
Grades 5 and 4
Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI); ventral rami of C3, C4
Bilateral action: With insertion fixed, it extends the cervical spine and head Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the cervical spine; rotation of the cervical spine to the opposite side
FIG. 3.12
FIG. 3.13 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Patient Position Prone with head in neutral rotation, shoulders abducted to 90°, elbows flexed, ventral forearms resting on table (Fig. 3.12). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize upper thorax while palpating neck extensors just lateral to the cervical spinous processes (see Fig. 3.12). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend patient’s cervical spine through full available ROM. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient extends head and neck through full ROM while examiner palpates neck extensors and stabilizes thorax (Fig. 3.13).
Resistance Apply resistance over occiput in direction of neck flexion (Fig. 3.14).
FIG. 3.14 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient extends head and neck through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient extends head and neck through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as
described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 3.12). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Evidence for Practice Studies have demonstrated that the neck extensor muscles are approximately 70% to 160% stronger than the neck flexors. 10 , 18
Trunk Flexion Rectus Abdominis (Fig. 3.15) Attachments Rectus abdominis
Origin: Pubic crest and symphysis pubis Insertion: Costal cartilage of ribs 5-7; xiphoid process
Nerve Supply Function Intercostal nerves 712
Flexion of the vertebral column, particularly the lumbar spine
FIG. 3.15
FIG. 3.16
FIG. 3.17 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grade 5 Patient Position Supine with hands behind neck, lower extremities fully extended, pelvis tilted posteriorly (lumbar spine should be flat against examining table). If hip flexor tightness prevents flattening of lumbar spine, hips may be flexed passively (maintained by a pillow under knees) until lumbar spine is flat (Fig. 3.16; passive flexing not shown). Stabilization/Palpation No stabilization is necessary; stabilization may in fact allow substitution by hip flexors (see Evidence for Practice: Rectus Abdominis Muscle Test). Palpate rectus abdominis over anterior aspect of trunk just lateral to midline anywhere from its superior attachment on ribs 5 to 7 to its inferior attachment on the pubic bone (see Fig. 3.16). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, assist patient in flexing trunk forward until scapulae have cleared table (or as far forward as patient is able to flex if weakness prevents flexion to point of clearing scapulae). Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient flexes trunk while maintaining posterior pelvic tilt until inferior angles of both scapulae have cleared table (see Evidence for Practice: Rectus Abdominis Muscle Test). Examiner palpates rectus abdominis during patient’s active movement (Fig. 3.17). Resistance No resistance is needed.
FIG. 3.18 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.19 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 4 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 5. Assignment of grades below 5 depends on upper extremity position as follows. For Grade 4 Patient completes above test with arms folded across chest (Fig. 3.18). For Grade 3+ Patient completes above test with arms at sides (Fig. 3.19). For Grade 3 With arms at sides, patient raises head and spine until upper portion of each scapula has cleared table. Inferior angles of scapulae remain in contact with surface (Fig. 3.20). For Grade 2 With arms at sides, patient raises head and cervical spine from table. All of scapulae remain in contact with surface (Fig. 3.21). For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the grade 5 test (see Fig. 3.16). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
FIG. 3.20 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.21 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Evidence for Practice: Rectus Abdominis Muscle Test The partial sit-up, which is used to assess strength of the rectus abdominis muscle, also is used as an abdominal strengthening exercise. Frequently, one may observe individuals performing situps with the feet being stabilized by a second person or an immoveable object. Stabilization of the feet during a sit-up causes increased activity in the hip flexors, allowing hip flexor strength to substitute for abdominal weakness. 14 , 17 Whether using the sit-up as a strengthening tool or as an examination device, the feet should be left unstabilized during the movement. Activity in the hip flexors during trunk flexion also is less if the patient is instructed to sit up only until the scapulae, rather than the entire back, clear the surface. 4 , 17
FIG. 3.22
Trunk Flexion—Alternative Test: Leg Lowering ∗
Rectus Abdominis, External Abdominal Oblique All Grades Patient Position Supine with arms across chest, hips flexed to 90°, knees extended (Fig.
3.22). Stabilization/Palpation No stabilization is performed. Examiner places one hand under patient’s lumbar spine to detect arching of low back while palpating rectus abdominis (over anterior aspect of trunk just lateral to midline) with other hand (see Fig. 3.22). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, place one hand beneath patient’s back and slowly lower patient’s legs toward table, instructing patient to keep back pressed into table. Return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient slowly lowers legs toward table, keeping knees extended and back flat against examiner’s hand. Examiner palpates rectus abdominis and lumbar spine during patient’s active movement (Fig. 3.23). Resistance No resistance is needed. Examiner notes point where lumbar spine begins to arch. Grading Grading is based on point where patient is no longer able to maintain a posterior pelvic tilt. At that point, weight of lower extremities has overcome ability of abdominals to fixate pelvis. Grade is assigned based on angle of lower extremities with table when posterior pelvic tilt is lost (lumbar spine begins to arch). For Grade 5 Angle between lower extremities and table is 0°. Patient is able to lower legs completely to table without losing posterior pelvic tilt (Fig. 3.24).
For Grade 4+ Angle between lower extremities and table is 15° when posterior pelvic tilt is lost.
FIG. 3.23 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.24 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.25 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
For Grade 4 Angle between lower extremities and table is 30° when posterior pelvic tilt is lost (Fig. 3.25). For Grade 4− Angle between lower extremities and table is 45° when posterior pelvic tilt is lost. For Grade 3+ Angle between lower extremities and table is 60° when posterior pelvic tilt is lost. For Grade 3 Angle between lower extremities and table is 70° when posterior pelvic tilt is lost (Fig. 3.26). For Grade 2 Angle between lower extremities and table is greater than 75° when posterior pelvic tilt is lost (Fig. 3.27).
FIG. 3.26 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.27 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.28
For Grade 1 Patient is unable to assume or maintain position, but palpable contraction of rectus abdominis is present. Palpation occurs as described earlier (Fig. 3.28). Sex appears to be a significant predictor of performance on the leglowering test, with males performing better than females at all ages. 1 , 11 , 20 Age was found to be a significant predictor of performance on the leg-lowering test in individuals between 18 and 29 years of age, with performance improving with age. 11 However, no significant difference in performance based on age was found in a study of individuals between 30 and 60 years of age. 1
Evidence for Practice This test has been shown to generate high levels of EMG activity in
the abdominal muscles, 6 , 8 , 19 high reliability for repeated measures, 8 , 11 , 19 , 20 and a 95% confidence interval of 8.2°. 11 However, some studies have demonstrated an inability of young, healthy adults to maintain a neutral pelvis during the performance of this test. 21 In addition, when the test was compared with muscle strength testing using a Nicholas hand-held dynamometer, low correlations between the two tests were obtained, causing the researchers to question the validity of the leg-lowering test in assessing abdominal muscle strength. 9
Trunk Rotation External and Internal Abdominal Obliques (Fig. 3.29) Attachments External abdominal oblique
Origin: By interdigitating slips from the external surfaces of the lower eight ribs Insertion: Abdominal aponeurosis, anterior aspect of the outer lip of the iliac crest
Nerve Supply Intercostal nerves 7-12
Function Bilateral action: Flexion of the vertebral column Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the vertebral column toward the
opposite side Internal abdominal oblique
Origin: Thoracolumbar fascia, anterior two-thirds of the middle lip of the iliac crest, the lateral half of the inguinal ligament Insertion: Inferior aspect of the costal cartilages of the last three to four ribs, via aponeurosis into the rectus sheath, pectineal line of the pubic bone
Intercostal nerves 8-12, iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve
Bilateral action: Flexion of the vertebral column Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the vertebral column toward the same side
FIG. 3.29
FIG. 3.30
FIG. 3.31 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grade 5)
Patient Position Supine with hands behind neck, lower extremities fully extended (Fig. 3.30). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one forearm over anterior aspect of patient’s lower extremities. With opposite hand, palpate external oblique on anterolateral abdominal wall lateral to the rectus abdominis (see Fig. 3.30). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, assist patient in trunk rotation and forward flexion until both scapulae have cleared table (or as far forward as patient is able to flex if weakness prevents flexion to point of clearing scapulae). Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient flexes and rotates trunk just until both scapulae completely clear table. Rotation of trunk to one side results in contraction of ipsilateral internal oblique and contralateral external oblique. Examiner stabilizes lower extremities and palpates external oblique during patient’s active movement (Fig. 3.31). Resistance No resistance is needed.
FIG. 3.32 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.33 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 4 and 3) Grading for grades 4 and 3 depends on upper extremity position. Stabilization, palpation, and patient action are same as those for grade 5 test. For Grade 4 Patient flexes and rotates trunk through full ROM with arms folded across chest (Fig. 3.32). For Grade 3 Patient flexes and rotates trunk through full ROM with arms at sides (Fig. 3.33).
FIG. 3.34
FIG. 3.35 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) Patient Position Seated with arms at sides. Hands should not be allowed to grip table (Fig. 3.34). Stabilization/Palpation Examiner stabilizes pelvis while palpating external oblique with fingertips. Palpation occurs as described for grade 5 test (see Fig. 3.34). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, rotate patient’s trunk to appropriate side through full available ROM. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination
of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient rotates trunk through full ROM while examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates external oblique (Fig. 3.35).
Trunk Extension Erector Spinae (Thoracic and Lumbar Portions), Multifidus, Semispinalis Thoracis, Quadratus Lumborum (Fig. 3.36)
FIG. 3.36
Nerve Supply
Iliocostalis thoracis
Origin: Angles of ribs 7-12 Insertion: Angles of ribs 1-6; transverse process of C7
Dorsal primary rami of the spinal nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the vertebral column Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the vertebral column
Iliocostalis lumborum
Origin: Common erector spinae tendon from the median sacral crest, spinous processes of all lumbar and lower two thoracic vertebrae, dorsum of the iliac crests, lateral crest of the sacrum, sacrotuberous and posterior sacroiliac ligaments
Dorsal primary rami of the spinal nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the vertebral column Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the vertebral column; elevation of the pelvis
Insertion: Angles of the last seven ribs Longissimus thoracis
Origin: Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae, thoracolumbar fascia Insertion: Between tubercles and angles of the lower 9 to 10 ribs; transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae
Dorsal primary rami of the spinal nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the vertebral column Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the vertebral column
Origin: Posterior aspect of the sacrum, posterior superior iliac spine, posterior sacroiliac ligament, mammillary processes of the lumbar vertebrae, transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae, articular processes of the lower four
Dorsal primary rami of the spinal nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the vertebral column Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the vertebral column; rotation of the vertebral column to the
cervical vertebrae Insertion: Spinous processes of the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical vertebrae
opposite side
Semispinalis thoracis
Origin: Transverse processes of T6T10 Insertion: Spinous processes of C6T4
Dorsal primary rami of T1-T6
Bilateral action: Extension of the vertebral column Unilateral action: Rotation of the vertebral column to the opposite side
Spinalis thoracis
Origin: Spinous processes of T11L2 Insertion: Spinous processes of the upper four to eight thoracic vertebrae
Dorsal Extension of the primary vertebral rami of column the spinal nerves
Quadratus lumborum
Origin: Iliac crest, iliolumbar ligament Insertion: Transverse processes of L2-
12th thoracic and upper three to
Bilateral action: Extension of the lumbar
L4; inferior border of rib 12
FIG. 3.37
four lumbar nerves
spine Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the lumbar spine; elevation of the pelvis
FIG. 3.38 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grade 5 Patient Position Prone with hands behind neck, pillow under abdomen, lower extremities extended (Fig. 3.37; pillow not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over posterior aspect of patient’s thighs and pelvis while palpating erector spinae lateral to spinous processes of lumbar and thoracic vertebrae (see Fig. 3.37). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, assist patient in extending spine through full available ROM. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action
Patient extends trunk through full ROM (entire sternum, including xiphoid process, should clear table) while examiner stabilizes posterior pelvis and thighs and palpates erector spinae (Fig. 3.38). Resistance No resistance is needed.
FIG. 3.39 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
FIG. 3.40 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Grades 4 and Below There is no separate test of these muscles for grades below 5. Assignment of grades below 5 depends on upper extremity position as follows. For Grade 4 Patient extends trunk through full ROM with arms folded behind back (Fig. 3.39). For Grade 3 Patient extends trunk through full ROM with arms at sides (Fig. 3.40). For Grade 2 Patient extends trunk through partial ROM with arms at sides (Fig. 3.41). For Grade 1
No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grade 5 test (see Fig. 3.37). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
FIG. 3.41 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Pelvic Elevation Quadratus Lumborum, Iliocostalis Lumborum (Fig. 3.42)
FIG. 3.42
Attachments Quadratus lumborum
Origin: Iliac crest, iliolumbar ligament Insertion: Transverse processes of L1-L4; inferior border of 12th rib
Nerve Supply 12th Thoracic and upper three to four lumbar nerves
Function Bilateral action: Extension of the lumbar spine Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the lumbar spine;
elevation of the pelvis Iliocostalis lumborum
Origin: Common erector spinae tendon from the median sacral crest, spinous processes of all lumbar and the lower two thoracic vertebrae, dorsum of the iliac crests, lateral crest of the sacrum, sacrotuberous and posterior sacroiliac ligaments Insertion: Angles of the last six to seven ribs
Dorsal primary rami of the spinal nerves
Bilateral action: Extension of the vertebral column Unilateral action: Lateral flexion and rotation of the vertebral column; elevation of the pelvis
FIG. 3.43
All Grades
Patient Position Supine (or prone) with hip on side to be tested in slight abduction and feet off end of table (Fig. 3.43). Stabilization/Palpation Patient holds edge of table to stabilize thorax. Quadratus lumborum is difficult to palpate but may be felt just above posterior iliac crest lateral to erector spinae when patient is supine (see Fig. 3.43). Examiner Action While instructing patient in movement desired, elevate patient’s pelvis on side to be tested through full available ROM. Return patient to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient elevates ipsilateral pelvis through full ROM (Fig. 3.44). Resistance Apply resistance just proximal to ankle by inferior (caudal) pull on lower extremity (see Fig. 3.44). Grading Grading for this test is altered slightly from standard grading and occurs as follows. For Grade 5 Patient maintains pelvic elevation against maximum resistance. For Grade 4 Patient maintains pelvic elevation against moderate resistance. For Grade 3 Patient maintains pelvic elevation against minimum resistance.
For Grade 2 Patient elevates pelvis through full ROM without resistance.
FIG. 3.44 Single arrow indicates direction of movement; double arrows indicate direction of resistance.
For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described earlier (see Fig. 3.43). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Common Substitution Patient may flex trunk to contralateral side in attempt to elevate ipsilateral pelvis. Care should be taken to prevent lateral flexion of trunk.
FIG. 3.45
FIG. 3.46
Muscles of Mastication Masseter, Medial Pterygoid, Lateral Pterygoid, Temporalis (Figs. 3.45 and 3.46) Attachments Masseter
Origin: Zygomatic process of the maxilla, zygomatic arch
Nerve Supply
Mandibular division of the trigeminal
Elevates the mandible (closes the jaw); assists
Insertion: Angle and lateral surface of the ramus of the mandible, coronoid process of the mandible
nerve (cranial nerve V)
in mandibular protraction
Medial pterygoid
Origin: Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate, pyramidal process of the palatine bone, tuberosity of the maxilla Insertion: Medial surface of the ramus and the angle of the mandible
Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V)
Unilateral action: Protracts and deviates the mandible to the opposite side Bilateral action: Elevates the mandible (closes the jaw)
Lateral pterygoid
Origin: Upper head: Infratemporal crest and the lateral surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone Inferior head: Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate Insertion: Anterior aspect of the neck of the mandibular
Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V)
Protracts and depresses the mandible (opens the jaw)
condyle and the anterior aspect of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint Temporalis
Origin: Temporal fossa of the skull Insertion: Coronoid process and ramus of the mandible
Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V)
Retracts and elevates the mandible (closes the jaw)
For the following muscle tests, patient performs motion described and depicted in corresponding figure. No resistance is needed. Grading for these muscles is described at the end of this section.
Masseter, Medial Pterygoid, Temporalis Patient closes jaw firmly, clenching teeth. Examiner palpates masseter and temporalis bilaterally for symmetry of contraction (Fig. 3.47).
FIG. 3.47 Palpation of masseter and temporalis.
Medial Pterygoid Patient protrudes jaw, deviating mandible to contralateral side (Fig. 3.48).
FIG. 3.48 Medial pterygoid.
Lateral Pterygoid
Patient opens mouth (Fig. 3.49).
FIG. 3.49 Lateral pterygoid.
Grading The following muscle test grades should be used when evaluating muscles of mastication. For Grade 5 Patient performs motion through full available ROM without difficulty. For Grade 3 Motion is performed but with difficulty, or only a partial ROM is completed. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Muscles Of Facial Expression Occipitofrontalis (Frontal Belly), Corrugator Supercilii, Orbicularis Oculi, Procerus, Nasalis, Levator Labii Superioris, Levator Anguli Oris, Zygomaticus Major, Orbicularis Oris, Risorius, Buccinator, Depressor Labii Inferioris, Mentalis, Depressor Anguli Oris, Platysma Attachments Occipitofrontalis
Origin: Gale
Nerve Supply
Elevates the
(frontal belly)
aponeurotica Insertion: Skin of the eyebrows and root of the nose
nerve (cranial nerve VII)
Corrugator supercilii
Origin: Medial aspect of the superciliary arch Insertion: Skin of the medial half of the eyebrow
Facial Draws the nerve eyebrows (cranial medially nerve VII)
Orbicularis oculi
Origin: Nasal part of the frontal bone, frontal process of the maxilla, medial palpebral ligament Insertion: Lateral palpebral raphe, corrugator supercilii and frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle, skin of the eyebrow
Facial Closes the eye nerve (cranial nerve VII)
Origin: Lateral nasal cartilage and lower part of the nasal bone
Facial Draws the medial nerve angle of the (cranial eyebrows nerve down VII)
Insertion: Skin over the lower part of the forehead between the two eyebrows Nasalis
Origin: Medial aspect of the maxilla Insertion: Aponeurosis of procerus and contralateral nasalis muscles, alar cartilage
Facial Dilates the nasal nerve aperture (cranial nerve VII)
Levator labii superioris
Origin: Inferior margin of the orbit Insertion: Lateral half of the upper lip
Facial Raises the upper nerve lip (cranial nerve VII)
Levator anguli oris
Origin: Canine fossa of the maxilla Insertion: Angle of the mouth
Facial Elevates the nerve angle of the (cranial mouth nerve VII)
Zygomaticus major
Origin: Zygomatic bone Insertion: Angle of the mouth
Facial Draws the angle nerve of the mouth (cranial upward and nerve backward as VII) in smiling or laughing
Orbicularis oris
Origin: Other facial muscles,
Facial nerve
Approximates and protrudes
primarily the buccinator, levator anguli oris, and depressor anguli oris; maxilla; septum of the nose; mandible Insertion: Skin and mucous membrane surrounding the mouth Risorius
Origin: Parotid fascia overlying the masseter muscle Insertion: Skin of the angle of the mouth
(cranial nerve VII)
the lips
Facial Retracts the angle nerve of the mouth (cranial nerve VII)
Table Continued
Nerve Supply
Origin: Alveolar processes of the maxilla and mandible, opposite three molar teeth; pterygomandibular raphe Insertion: Angle of the lips
Facial Compresses nerve the cheek (cranial nerve VII)
Origin: Oblique line of the
Depresses the
labii inferioris
mandible Insertion: Skin of the lower lip
nerve (cranial nerve VII)
angle of the mouth
Origin: Incisive fossa of the mandible Insertion: Skin of the chin
Facial Raises and nerve protrudes (cranial the lower nerve lip; VII) wrinkles the skin of the chin
Depressor anguli oris
Origin: Oblique line of the mandible Insertion: Angle of the mouth
Facial Depresses the nerve angle of the (cranial mouth nerve VII)
Origin: Fascia covering the deltoid and pectoralis Insertion: Mandible, skin of the lower part of the face
Facial Draws the nerve lower lip (cranial and corner nerve of the VII) mouth laterally and inferiorly
For the following muscle tests, patient mimics facial expression described and depicted in corresponding figure. No resistance is needed. Grading for these muscles is described at the end of this section (Fig. 3.50).
Occipitofrontalis (Frontal Belly) See Box 3-3; Clinical Comment: Facial Weakness. Patient raises eyebrows, wrinkling forehead (Fig. 3.51).
Corrugator Supercilii Patient pulls eyebrows together in midline as in frowning or squinting (Fig. 3.52).
FIG. 3.50
FIG. 3.51 Occipitofrontalis (frontal belly).
FIG. 3.52 Corrugator supercilii.
Orbicularis Oculi
Patient closes eyes tightly (Fig. 3.53).
Procerus Patient raises skin of nose toward forehead while pulling eyebrows medially (expression of distaste). Skin over bridge of nose should wrinkle horizontally (Fig. 3.54).
Nasalis Patient widens nostrils as in breathing in deeply (Fig. 3.55).
Levator Labii Superioris Patient raises upper lip as in showing upper teeth and gums (Fig. 3.56).
FIG. 3.53 Orbicularis oculi.
FIG. 3.54 Procerus.
FIG. 3.55 Nasalis.
FIG. 3.56 Levator labii superioris.
FIG. 3.57 Levator anguli oris.
Levator Anguli Oris
Patient raises one side of upper lip as in sneering (Fig. 3.57).
Zygomaticus Major Patient smiles (Fig. 3.58).
Orbicularis Oris Patient compresses and protrudes lips as in whistling (Fig. 3.59).
Risorius Patient pulls lateral angle of lips directly backward (Fig. 3.60).
FIG. 3.58 Zygomaticus major.
FIG. 3.59 Orbicularis oris.
FIG. 3.60 Risorius.
FIG. 3.61 Buccinator.
FIG. 3.62 Depressor anguli oris.
Patient pulls cheeks in against molars and pulls angle of mouth directly backward, as in blowing a flute or trumpet (Fig. 3.61).
Depressor Anguli Oris Patient pulls lateral angle of lips downward (Fig. 3.62).
Mentalis Patient raises skin of chin while protruding lower lip (Fig. 3.63).
Depressor Labii Inferioris and Platysma Patient pulls lateral angle of lips downward and backward while tensing skin of neck (Fig. 3.64).
FIG. 3.63 Mentalis.
FIG. 3.64 Depressor labii inferioris and platysma.
Grading The following muscle test grades should be used when evaluating
muscles of facial expression. For Grade 5 Patient performs motion through full available ROM without difficulty. For Grade 3 Motion is performed but with difficulty, or only a partial ROM is completed. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present. B o x 3 . 3 Clinical
Com m ent: Facial Weakness
When examining patients with facial weakness, function of the muscles of the forehead should be closely examined. Patients with lower motor neuron (LMN) lesions (e.g., Bell’s palsy) will be unable to raise the eyebrow on the affected side or to close the eye tightly on that side. A patient with an upper motor neuron (UMN) lesion has no such deficit of forehead movement (can raise both eyebrows). Eye closure ability is variable, as the number of ipsilateral corticobulbar fibers that innervate orbicularis oculi motor neurons is variable from person to person. C A S E 3 . 1 Lum bosacr al
Str ain
A 16-year-old high-school volleyball player has complaints of leftsided lumbosacral pain following an intensive weekend volleyball tournament. During volleyball participation, the patient engages in forceful movements involving trunk rotation combined with flexion or extension. Pain is present when the patient is active or seated. The patient has excessive hamstring length secondary to a 12-year
history of dance (ballet and jazz) and slightly tight quadriceps bilaterally. An essential part of your examination is a strength assessment of the trunk stabilizers. Answer the following questions regarding your examination of this patient. (You may want to refer to a kinesiologic textbook to assist with your answers.) Note: This case is continued in Chapter 4: Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing: Lower Extremity. 1. What muscles are stabilizers of the lumbar spine? Provide the action(s) of each muscle listed in your answer. 2. How do the abdominal muscles assist in stabilization of the spine and pelvis? 3. Which abdominal muscles produce forceful rotation of the trunk to the left? Which muscles of the spine assist in this motion? 4. How is strength assessment of the trunk stabilizers accomplished? Contrast methods described in this text with those found in texts aimed at musculoskeletal assessment. Which methods would be most appropriate for this patient? Why?
C A S E 3 . 2 Facial
Your 64-year-old neighbor awakes one morning with weakness and drooping on the right side of his face. His wife, not sure what to do and knowing you “knew about stuff like that,” calls and asks you to come see about her husband. She tells you little over the telephone, other than her husband “couldn’t move his mouth right.” On the basis of the little that you know, you believe your neighbor’s husband has suffered some pathology along the facial nerve or in the fibers from the cerebrum that control the facial nucleus. Answer the following questions regarding this case. (You may want to refer to an anatomy text to assist with your answers.) Note: This case is continued in Chapter 9: Techniques of the Remainder of the Neurologic Examination.
1. What is the course of the facial nerve within the skull? Where does it exit? 2. After the facial nerve enters the parotid gland, it divides into five main branches. Name these branches and describe their general distribution. 3. How much of the patient’s face would demonstrate weakness if the entire facial nerve were damaged during its course through the skull? 4. What is the disorder described in question 3 commonly called?
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Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing Lower Extremity Nancy Berryman Reese
Hip Flexion Iliacus and Psoas Major (Fig. 4.1) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Origin: Superior twothirds of the iliac fossa, iliac crest, anterior sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments, ala of sacrum Insertion: Tendon of the psoas major, body of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Femoral nerve Nerve root: L2-L3
Psoas major
Origin: Sides of the vertebral bodies and corresponding
Peripheral nerve: N/A
Function Flexion of the hip
Unilateral action: Flexion of
intervertebral discs of T12-L5 and transverse processes of L1-L5 Insertion: Lesser trochanter of the femur
Nerve root: L2-L4
the hip Bilateral action: With the thigh fixed, the psoas major flexes the trunk
FIG. 4.1
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with legs off side of treatment table, holding on to table edge with hands (Fig. 4.2).
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize pelvis over ipsilateral iliac crest (see Fig. 4.2). Iliacus and psoas major are deep and very difficult to palpate.
FIG. 4.2
Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s hip through full available range of motion (ROM), keeping knee flexed. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action
Patient flexes hip through full available ROM while keeping knee flexed. Examiner stabilizes pelvis during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.3).
FIG. 4.3 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over anterior aspect of distal thigh in direction of hip extension (Fig. 4.4).
FIG. 4.4 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Side lying on side of lower extremity to be tested, hip extended, knee flexed. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 4.5; starting position of extremity not shown).
FIG. 4.5 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize pelvis and support uppermost lower extremity by standing behind patient with patient’s pelvis in contact with examiner’s trunk (see Fig. 4.5). Examiner Action Flex patient’s hip through full available ROM, keeping knee flexed. Return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient flexes hip of lower limb through full available ROM while keeping knee flexed. Examiner stabilizes pelvis during patient’s active movement (see Fig. 4.5).
Common Substitutions 1. Sartorius: Patient may substitute with sartorius by abducting
hip and rotating it laterally during hip flexion in gravityresisted position (Fig. 4.6). 2. Rectus femoris: Patients attempting to substitute with rectus femoris will demonstrate knee extension during hip flexion.
FIG. 4.6 Substitution by sartorius.
B o x 4 . 1 Clinical
Com m ent: I liopsoas Muscle and L1
Neur ologic Assessm ent The iliopsoas muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the L1 and L2 spinal nerves or neurologic segments of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the L1 neurologic level includes: Strength Assessment of:
• Iliopsoas (pp. 235–239) Sensory Testing of: • Skin just below inguinal ligament (L1 dermatome; pp. 506; 508– 511)
Hip Flexion, Abduction, and Lateral Rotation Sartorius (Fig. 4.7) Attachments Sartorius
Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine, upper aspect of the iliac notch Insertion: Proximal aspect of the medial surface of the tibia
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Femoral nerve Nerve root: L2, L3
Function Flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation of the hip, flexion of the knee
FIG. 4.7
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with the legs off the side of the treatment table, holding on to the table edge with both hands (Fig. 4.8). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize the pelvis over the ipsilateral iliac crest with one hand. With the opposite hand, palpate the sartorius traveling diagonally across the anterior thigh beginning just distal to the anterosuperior iliac spine (see Fig. 4.8).
FIG. 4.8
Examiner Action While instructing the patient in the motion desired, flex, abduct, and laterally rotate the patient’s hip while flexing the knee (instruct the
patient to slide the heel of the limb being tested up the shin of the opposite leg). Return the limb to the starting position. Performing passive movement allows one to determine the patient’s available ROM and shows the patient the exact motion desired. Patient Action The patient flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates the hip while flexing the knee. The examiner stabilizes the patient’s pelvis and palpates the sartorius during the patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.9).
FIG. 4.9 Arrow indicates direction of movement of heel.
Resistance Apply resistance by moving the palpating and stabilizing hands to the ankle and anterolateral thigh. One hand applies resistance over the anterolateral aspect of the thigh in the direction of hip extension and adduction while the other hand applies resistance on the medial side
of the ankle in the direction of hip medial rotation and knee extension (Fig. 4.10).
FIG. 4.10 Arrows indicate direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move through the available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Supine with the heel of the lower extremity to be tested on the ventral surface of the contralateral ankle; the contralateral lower extremity is extended (Fig. 4.11; starting position of the test limb is not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize the ipsilateral pelvis with one hand while palpating the sartorius with the other hand (see Fig. 4.11).
Examiner Action Flex, abduct, and laterally rotate the patient’s hip while flexing the patient’s knee. Return the patient to the starting position. Patient Action Patient slides the heel of the limb to be tested up the shin of the opposite leg while the examiner stabilizes the pelvis and palpates the sartorius (see Fig. 4.11).
FIG. 4.11 Arrow indicates direction of movement of heel.
Common Substitutions Iliopsoas or rectus femoris: The patient will flex the hip without accompanying abduction or lateral rotation (see Fig. 4.3). If the patient attempts to substitute with the rectus femoris, knee extension will occur.
B o x 4 . 2 Clinical
Com m ent: I liopsoas Muscle and L2
Neur ologic Assessm ent The iliopsoas muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the L1 and L2 spinal nerves or neurologic segments of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the L2 neurologic level includes: Strength Assessment of: • Iliopsoas (pp. 235–239) Sensory Testing of: • Skin over anterior aspect of thigh (L2 dermatome; pp. 506; 508– 511)
Hip Extension: Prone Test Gluteus Maximus, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, and Biceps Femoris (Figs. 4.12 and 4.13) Attachments Gluteus maximus
Origin: Posterior gluteal line of the ilium, iliac crest, dorsum of the sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament Insertion: Iliotibial tract,
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Inferior gluteal nerve Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
Function Extension and lateral rotation of the hip
gluteal tuberosity of the femur Semitendinosus
Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Proximal aspect of the medial surface of the tibia
Peripheral nerve: Tibial portion of the sciatic nerve Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
Extension of the hip, flexion and medial rotation of the knee
Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Medial condyle of the tibia
Peripheral nerve: Tibial portion of the sciatic nerve
Extension of the hip, flexion and medial rotation of the knee
Biceps femoris
Origin: Long head: Ischial tuberosity Short head: Lateral lip of the linea aspera of the femur and the lateral intermuscular septum Insertion: Lateral aspect of the head of the fibula
Peripheral nerve: Long head: Tibial portion of the sciatic nerve Short head: Fibular portion of the sciatic nerve Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
Extension of the hip, flexion and lateral rotation of the knee
FIG. 4.12
FIG. 4.13
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Prone with the lower extremities extended (Fig. 4.14). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize with one hand over the posterosuperior aspect of the patient’s pelvis. With the opposite hand, palpate the gluteus maximus and proximal hamstrings over the posteroinferior pelvis and posterosuperior thigh (see Fig. 4.14).
FIG. 4.14
Examiner Action While instructing the patient in the motion desired, extend the patient’s hip through the full available ROM while keeping the knee extended. Return the limb to the starting position. Performing passive
movement allows the examiner to determine the patient’s available ROM and shows the patient the exact motion desired. Patient Action The patient extends the hip through the full available ROM, keeping the knee extended. The examiner stabilizes the pelvis and palpates the hip extensors during the patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.15).
FIG. 4.15 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over the posterior aspect of the distal thigh in the direction of hip flexion. The palpating hand is moved to the posterior thigh to apply resistance (Fig. 4.16).
FIG. 4.16 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move through the available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Side lying on the side of the lower extremity to be tested with the hip of the lowermost limb in slight flexion. The patient’s pelvis is close to the examiner’s trunk for stabilization. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between the lower extremity and the supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 4.17; starting position of test limb not shown).
FIG. 4.17 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stand directly in front of the patient’s pelvis, support the uppermost lower extremity, and stabilize the pelvis with one hand. With the opposite hand, palpate the gluteus maximus/hamstring muscles (see Fig. 4.17). Examiner Action Extend the patient’s hip through the full available ROM while keeping the patient’s knee extended. Return the patient to the starting position. Patient Action The patient extends the hip through the full available ROM while the examiner stabilizes the patient’s pelvis and palpates the hip extensors (see Fig. 4.17). B o x 4 . 3 Clinical
Com m ent: Gluteus Maxim us Muscle
and S1 Neur ologic Assessm ent
The gluteus maximus muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the S1 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the S1 neurologic level includes: Strength Assessment of: • Gluteus maximus (pp. 244–247) • Gastrocnemius (pp. 290–301) • Soleus (pp. 290–301) • Fibularis longus and brevis (pp. 310–313) Reflex Testing of: • Achilles reflex (p. 532) Sensory Testing of: • Skin over the plantar surface of the foot and little toe (S1 dermatome; pp. 506; 508–511)
Hip Extension: Supine Test Gluteus Maximus, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, and Biceps Femoris (For Patients Unable to Assume a Prone Position; See Evidence for Practice BOX Following this Test) All Test Grades Patient Position Supine with lower extremities extended (Fig. 4.18). Stabilization/Palpation
No stabilization is necessary during this test, nor does palpation of the muscles involved occur. This precludes the assignment of grade 1 (trace) to the muscles. Examiner Action Place both hands under the heel of the patient’s limb to be tested (see Fig. 4.18). Instruct the patient to push down with the heel toward the table, keeping the hip and knee stiff (unbending) while you attempt to lift the leg. Elevate the patient’s lower extremity until the pelvis is raised completely off the table or until the hip is fully flexed.
FIG. 4.18 Patient’s lower extremities are fully extended; examiner holds the heel of the lower extremity to be tested in both hands.
Grading Grades are assigned to the hip extensors based on the following criteria.
For Grade 5 (Normal) Patient’s pelvis and spine elevate from the table as a unit with no hip flexion visible (Fig. 4.19).
FIG. 4.19 Manual muscle testing grade—Normal: Pelvis and spine elevate from table as unit; no visible hip flexion.
For Grade 4 (Good) Patient demonstrates slight hip flexion (up to 30°) prior to pelvis and spine elevating from the table as a unit (Fig. 4.20).
FIG. 4.20 Manual muscle testing grade—Good: Patient demonstrates up to 30° hip flexion prior to elevation of pelvis and spine from table.
For Grade 3 (Fair) Patient’s pelvis and spine remain on the table, but the examiner feels moderate resistance to hip flexion by the patient as the lower extremity is elevated (Fig. 4.21). For Grade 2 (Poor) Patient’s pelvis and spine remain on the table, but the examiner feels minimal resistance to hip flexion by the patient as the lower extremity is elevated (see Fig. 4.21). For Grade 0 (Absent) Patient’s pelvis and spine remain on the table, and the examiner feels no resistance by the patient (other than the weight of the extremity) as
the lower extremity is elevated (see Fig. 4.21).
Evidence for Practice Perry and colleagues 14 developed the supine hip extensor test and performed reliability and validity testing on the technique. Validity was assessed in subjects with and without hip pathology by comparing test grades (0 to 5) with peak hip extensor torque as measured with a cable tensiometer. Statistically significant differences were found among the peak torque of all muscle grades in patients with and without pathology. Interrater reliability was assessed in 16 patients with postpolio syndrome using the kappa statistic, and 82% agreement was found between the two examiners in the study. Limitations of the supine hip extensor test noted by the creators of the technique include the following: 1. Inability to determine a trace (1) grade due to inaccessibility of the muscles to palpation caused by the supine position, and 2. Inability to assign a grade of normal (5) to a patient with a hip flexion contracture due to the grading definitions. A recent study demonstrated that hip extensor strength in healthy individuals (measured as peak torque using an isokinetic dynamometer) was not significantly different when tested in supine or standing positions. However, patients with chronic stroke demonstrated significantly higher peak hip extensor torques when strength was measured in the supine position. 1
FIG. 4.21 Manual muscle testing grade—Fair or poor: Pelvis and spine remain on table; muscle grade based on amount of resistance felt by examiner.
Hip Extension—Alternative Tests Gluteus Maximus: Option I (See Evidence for Practice Box Following This Test) Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5 and 4) Patient Position Prone with hip of limb to be tested in full lateral rotation, knee extended (Fig. 4.22).
FIG. 4.22
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over posterosuperior aspect of pelvis. With opposite hand, palpate gluteus maximus over posteroinferior aspect of pelvis (see Fig. 4.22). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend patient’s hip through full available ROM, maintaining hip in lateral rotation and knee in extension. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient extends hip through full available ROM while maintaining hip in full lateral rotation. Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates gluteus maximus during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.23).
FIG. 4.23 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over posterolateral aspect of distal thigh in direction of hip flexion. Palpating hand is moved to distal thigh to apply resistance (Fig. 4.24).
FIG. 4.24 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Grades 3 and Below For patients unable to move through available ROM against gravity. There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient moves joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient moves joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present (see Fig. 4.22). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Evidence for Practice The gluteus maximus muscle is the most significant of the lateral rotators of the hip, particularly when the hip is in a position of less than 45° of flexion. 2 , 5 , 12 This alternative test of the gluteus maximus is designed to combine the extension and lateral rotation functions of the muscle into a single test.
Gluteus Maximus: Option II (See Evidence for Practice Box Following this Test) The examiner should be aware that cramping of the hamstrings can occur during resisted hip extension with the knee flexed. Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Prone with hips in extension, knee of limb to be tested in 90° flexion (Fig. 4.25).
FIG. 4.25
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over posterosuperior aspect of pelvis. With opposite hand, palpate gluteus maximus over posteroinferior aspect of pelvis (see Fig. 4.25). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend patient’s hip through full available ROM, keeping knee flexed. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient extends hip through full available ROM while maintaining knee in 90° flexion. Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates gluteus maximus during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.26).
FIG. 4.26 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over posterior aspect of distal thigh in direction of hip flexion. Palpating hand is moved to distal thigh to apply resistance (Fig. 4.27).
FIG. 4.27 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Side lying on side of limb to be tested with hip of test limb in slight flexion, knee of test limb flexed to 90°, with the patient’s pelvis close to examiner’s trunk for stabilization. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 4.28; starting hip position of test limb not shown).
Stabilization/Palpation Stand directly in front of patient’s pelvis, support uppermost lower extremity, and stabilize pelvis with one hand. During test, palpate gluteus maximus of limb to be tested (see Fig. 4.28). Examiner Action Extend patient’s hip through full available ROM, keeping knee flexed. Return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient extends hip through full available ROM without extending knee. Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates gluteus maximus during patient’s active movement (see Fig. 4.28).
FIG. 4.28 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Evidence For Practice Positioning for this test reflects an effort to decrease participation of
the hamstring muscles in hip extension. By flexing the knee, the hamstrings are placed in shortened position, theoretically reducing their effectiveness as hip extensors. Waters et al. 15 documented a 12% decrease in hip extensor torque generated when hip extension strength was tested at a hip joint angle of 0° with the knee flexed to 90° compared with a hip joint angle of 0° with the knee extended.
Hip Abduction Gluteus Medius and Minimus (Figs. 4.29 and 4.30) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Gluteus medius
Origin: Outer surface of the ilium between the anterior and posterior gluteal lines Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Superior gluteal nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Abduction and medial rotation of the hip
Gluteus minimus
Origin: Outer surface of the ilium between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Superior gluteal nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Abduction and medial rotation of the hip
FIG. 4.29
FIG. 4.30
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Side lying with limb to be tested uppermost, pelvis facing directly forward, hip of uppermost lower extremity at 0° flexion and in neutral rotation, patient’s pelvis close to examiner’s trunk for stabilization. Lowermost limb may be flexed at hip and knee for balance, comfort, and stabilization (Fig. 4.31).
FIG. 4.31
Stabilization/Palpation Stand directly behind patient’s pelvis and stabilize lateral aspect of pelvis. With opposite hand, palpate gluteus medius just above greater trochanter on lateral side of pelvis (see Fig. 4.31). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, abduct patient’s hip through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient abducts hip through full available ROM without rotating femur or allowing pelvis to deviate from neutral position. Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates gluteus medius during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.32).
FIG. 4.32 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over lateral aspect of distal thigh in direction of hip adduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal thigh to apply resistance (Fig. 4.33).
FIG. 4.33 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Supine with hips fully adducted, knees extended (Fig. 4.34; starting position of test hip not shown).
FIG. 4.34 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterolateral aspect of ipsilateral pelvis. With opposite hand, palpate gluteus medius just above greater trochanter on lateral side of pelvis (see Fig. 4.34). Examiner Action Abduct patient’s hip through available range of abduction, then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient abducts hip through full available ROM while examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates gluteus medius (see Fig. 4.34).
Common Substitutions 1. Tensor fascia lata: Posterior rotation of pelvis during side-lying test allows substitution by tensor fascia lata (Fig. 4.35). Care
should be taken to maintain pelvis in neutral rotation during test.
FIG. 4.35
Substitution by tensor fascia lata.
2. Hip flexors: Lateral rotation of hip during gravity-eliminated test allows substitution by hip flexors. Care should be taken to maintain hip in neutral rotation during test. B o x 4 . 4 Clinical
Com m ent: Hip Abductor Muscles and
L5 Neur ologic Assessm ent The hip abductor muscles (gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata) are key muscles for examining the integrity of the L5 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the L5 neurologic level includes: Strength Assessment of:
• Extensor hallucis longus (pp. 326–328) • Extensor digitorum longus (pp. 322–325) • Hip abductors (pp. 258–261)
Sensory Testing of:
• Skin over the lateral side of the leg and dorsum of the foot (L5 dermatome; pp. 506; 508–511) Evidence for Practice Examination of electromyography activity during strength testing of the gluteus medius muscle revealed that maximum activity in all fibers (anterior, middle, and posterior) of the gluteus medius muscle occurred in two positions: 1. With the patient in side-lying position and the hip of the tested lower extremity in 0° flexion and neutral rotation, and 2. With the patient in side-lying position with the hip of the tested lower extremity in maximal internal rotation. 13
Hip Abduction with Flexion Tensor Fascia Lata: Option I (Fig. 4.36)
FIG. 4.36
During this test (traditionally attributed to Daniels and Worthingham 3 ), the examiner resists the abduction function of the tensor fascia lata while the patient maintains the hip in flexion.
Attachments Tensor fascia lata
Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine, anterior aspect of the outer lip of the iliac crest Insertion: Iliotibial tract approximately one-third down the thigh
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Superior gluteal nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Function Abduction, flexion, and medial rotation of the hip; extension of the knee
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Side lying with limb to be tested uppermost, pelvis facing directly forward and close to examiner’s trunk, hip of upper limb in 45° flexion and neutral rotation, lower limb flexed for balance and comfort (Fig. 4.37).
FIG. 4.37
Stabilization/Palpation Stand directly behind the patient’s pelvis and stabilize the lateral aspect of the pelvis. With the opposite hand, palpate the tensor fascia lata anterior to the greater trochanter and just distal to the anterior superior iliac spine (see Fig. 4.37). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, abduct patient’s hip approximately 30°, maintaining hip in 45° flexion. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action
Patient abducts hip through approximately 30° of motion, hip flexed to 45° and pelvis and femur maintained in neutral position (not allowed to rotate). Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates tensor fascia lata during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.38).
FIG. 4.38 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over lateral aspect of distal thigh in direction of hip adduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal thigh to apply resistance (Fig. 4.39).
FIG. 4.39 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Long-sitting, hips flexed to 45°, knees extended. Patient supports trunk by leaning back on extended arms. For patients with weak upper extremities, trunk may be supported by a wedge. Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize anterolateral aspect of pelvis while palpating tensor fascia lata with opposite hand (Fig. 4.40).
FIG. 4.40 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Examiner Action Abduct patient’s hip about 30° and then return patient to starting position. Patient Action Patient abducts hip through full available ROM while examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates tensor fascia lata (see Fig. 4.40).
Common Substitutions Hip flexors: Lateral rotation of hip during gravity-eliminated test allows substitution by hip flexors. Care should be taken to maintain hip in neutral (or medial) rotation during test.
Tensor Fascia Lata: Option II During this test (advocated by Kendall et al. 10 ), the examiner resists the flexion and abduction functions of the tensor fascia lata while the
patient maintains the hip in medial rotation. Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5 and 4) Patient Position Supine with test limb in partial hip abduction and full medial rotation, knee extended. Patient may grasp sides of table for stability (Fig. 4.41).
FIG. 4.41
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterior aspect of contralateral pelvis. With opposite hand, palpate tensor fascia lata anterior to the greater trochanter and just distal to the anterior superior iliac spine (see Fig. 4.41). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s hip approximately 45°, maintaining hip in abduction, medial rotation, and knee in extension. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM
and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient raises thigh into approximately 45° hip flexion while maintaining abduction and medial rotation of hip and extension of knee. Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates tensor fascia lata during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.42).
FIG. 4.42 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over anterolateral aspect of leg in direction of hip extension and adduction. Palpating hand is moved to anterolateral aspect of leg to apply resistance (Fig. 4.43).
FIG. 4.43 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test of this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient moves hip into 45° flexion while maintaining hip abduction, hip medial rotation, and knee extension but is unable to maintain position against any resistance. For Grade 2 Patient moves hip through less than 45° flexion. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for the gravity-resisted test (see Fig. 4.41).
For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Hip Adduction Adductor Magnus, Adductor Longus, Adductor Brevis, Pectineus, and Gracilis (Figs. 4.44 and 4.45)
FIG. 4.44
FIG. 4.45
Nerve Supply
Adductor magnus
Origin: Inferior rami of the pubis and ischium, ischial tuberosity Insertion: A line from the greater trochanter to the linea aspera of the femur, linea aspera, adductor tubercle, medial supracondylar line of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Obturator and sciatic nerves Nerve root: L2-L4
Adduction of the hip; upper portion of muscle assists in hip flexion, lower portion assists in hip extension
Adductor longus
Origin: Anterior aspect of the pubis Insertion: Linea aspera along the middle third of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Obturator nerve Nerve root: L2-L4
Adduction and flexion of the hip
Adductor brevis
Origin: Inferior ramus of the pubis Insertion: A line from the lesser trochanter to the linea aspera, upper portion of the linea aspera
Peripheral nerve: Obturator nerve Nerve root: L2-L4
Adduction, flexion, and medial rotation of the hip
Origin: Pectineal line of the pubis Insertion: A line from the lesser trochanter to the linea aspera
Peripheral nerve: Femoral nerve Nerve root: L2-L4
Adduction, flexion, and medial rotation of the hip
Origin: Body and ramus of the pubis Insertion: Proximal aspect of the medial surface of the tibia
Peripheral nerve: Obturator nerve Nerve root: L2, L3
Adduction of the hip, flexion, and medial rotation of the knee
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Side lying on side of limb to be tested, pelvis facing directly forward and close to examiner’s trunk, hip of lowermost limb in neutral position. Patient may hold edge of table for support (Fig. 4.46).
FIG. 4.46
Stabilization/Palpation Stand directly behind patient’s pelvis, stabilize pelvis against examiner’s trunk, and support uppermost lower extremity in 25° to 30° hip abduction. With opposite hand, palpate adductor muscles of test limb on medial aspect of thigh (see Fig. 4.46). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, adduct test hip through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient adducts hip of test limb though full ROM (until it meets uppermost limb). Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates hip adductors during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.47).
FIG. 4.47 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance on medial aspect of distal thigh in direction of hip abduction. Palpating hand is moved to distal thigh to apply resistance (Fig. 4.48).
FIG. 4.48 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) Patient Position Supine with non–test limb in full abduction, test limb in 0° adduction, pelvis level, knees extended. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 4.49; starting position of test limb not shown).
FIG. 4.49 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize anterolateral aspect of ipsilateral pelvis while palpating adductors of test limb with opposite hand (see Fig. 4.49). Examiner Action Adduct test hip through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient adducts hip of test limb through full available ROM by sliding foot across table. Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates hip adductors during patient’s active movement (see Fig. 4.49).
Common Substitutions 1. Hip flexors: Posterior rotation of pelvis during side-lying test allows substitution by hip flexors. Care should be taken to maintain pelvis in neutral rotation during test. 2. Hip extensors: Anterior rotation of pelvis during side-lying test
allows substitution by hip extensors. Care should be taken to maintain pelvis in neutral rotation during test.
Hip Medial Rotation Tensor Fascia Lata, Gluteus Minimus, and Gluteus Medius (Fig. 4.50)
FIG. 4.50
Nerve Supply
Tensor fascia lata
Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine, anterior aspect of the outer lip of the iliac crest Insertion: Iliotibial tract approximately one-third down the thigh
Peripheral nerve: Superior gluteal nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Abduction, flexion, and medial rotation of the hip; extension of the knee
Gluteus minimus
Origin: Outer surface of the ilium between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Superior gluteal nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Abduction and medial rotation of the hip
Gluteus medius (anterior fibers)
Origin: Outer surface of the ilium between the anterior and posterior gluteal lines Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Superior gluteal nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Abduction and medial rotation of the hip
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with legs hanging off side of table, weight evenly distributed on both hips, a folded towel under knee of limb to be tested. Patient should hold on to sides of table to assist with stabilization (Fig. 4.51).
FIG. 4.51
Stabilization/Palpation Weight of patient’s trunk provides stabilization. Palpate anterior gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata on anterolateral aspect of pelvis, just lateral to proximal end of sartorius (tensor more anterior of two). Gluteus minimus is difficult to palpate (see Fig. 4.51). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, medially rotate patient’s hip through full available ROM by moving foot laterally. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient rotates hip medially through full available ROM by moving foot laterally. Examiner palpates medial rotators during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.52).
FIG. 4.52 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Examiner places one hand on anteromedial aspect of distal thigh and opposite hand on lateral aspect of distal leg. Resistance is applied in medial direction on lateral aspect of distal leg. Hand on distal thigh applies counterpressure during resistance (Fig. 4.53).
FIG. 4.53 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Supine, with limb to be tested in full hip lateral rotation and extension, knee extended (Fig. 4.54).
FIG. 4.54
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterior aspect of ipsilateral pelvis while palpating tensor fascia lata and anterior gluteus medius (as in gravity-resisted test) with opposite hand (see Fig. 4.54). Examiner Action Rotate patient’s hip medially through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient rotates hip medially through full available ROM while examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates hip medial rotators (Fig. 4.55).
FIG. 4.55 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
Common Substitution Pelvic elevation: Patient should not be allowed to elevate pelvis on test side during gravity-resisted test. Shifting weight to non–test side during test can cause appearance of medial rotation on test side (Fig. 4.56).
FIG. 4.56 Inappropriate trunk position during testing.
Hip Lateral Rotation Piriformis, Gemellus Superior and Inferior, Obturator Internus and Externus, and Quadratus Femoris (Figs. 4.57 and 4.58)
FIG. 4.57
FIG. 4.58
Attachments Piriformis
Origin: Anterior surface of the sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Origin: Ischial spine
Nerve Supply
Sacral nerves 1 and 2
Lateral rotation of the hip, abduction of the flexed hip
Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
nerve: Nerve to the obturator internus Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
rotation of the hip, abduction of the flexed hip
Gemellus inferior
Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Nerve to the quadratus femoris Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Lateral rotation of the hip, abduction of the flexed hip
Obturator internus
Origin: Obturator membrane and foramen, inner surface of the pelvis, inferior rami of the pubis and ischium Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Nerve to the obturator internus Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
Lateral rotation of the hip, abduction of the flexed hip
Obturator externus
Origin: Rami of the pubis and ischium, outer surface of the obturator membrane Insertion: Trochanteric fossa of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Obturator nerve Nerve root: L4, L5
Lateral rotation of the hip
Quadratus femoris
Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Quadrate tubercle of the femur
Peripheral nerve: Nerve to the quadratus femoris Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Lateral rotation of the hip
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with legs off end of table, weight distributed evenly on both hips, folded towel under knee of test limb. Patient should hold on to sides of table to assist with stabilization (Fig. 4.59).
FIG. 4.59
Stabilization/Palpation Weight of patient’s trunk provides stabilization. Lateral rotators of hip are deep and difficult to palpate. The piriformis is palpable on the posterior aspect of the pelvis between the sacrum and greater trochanter (not shown). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, laterally rotate patient’s hip through full available ROM by moving foot medially. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient rotates hip laterally through full available ROM by moving foot medially (Fig. 4.60).
FIG. 4.60
Resistance Examiner places one hand on anterolateral aspect of distal thigh and opposite hand on medial aspect of distal leg. Resistance is applied in lateral direction on medial aspect of distal leg. Hand on distal thigh applies counterpressure during resistance (see Fig. 4.60). Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Supine with limb to be tested in full medial rotation at hip with hip and knee extended (Fig. 4.61).
FIG. 4.61
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterior aspect of ipsilateral pelvis (see Fig. 4.61). Examiner Action Rotate patient’s hip laterally through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient rotates hip laterally through full available ROM, while examiner stabilizes pelvis (Fig. 4.62).
FIG. 4.62 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
Common Substitution Lateral trunk lean: Leaning of trunk toward test limb can substitute for lateral rotation of thigh (Fig. 4.63). Care should be taken to maintain an erect trunk during test.
FIG. 4.63 Inappropriate trunk position during testing.
Knee Extension Quadriceps Femoris (Figs. 4.64 and 4.65) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Rectus femoris
Origin: Anterior inferior iliac spine, groove above the posterior brim of the acetabulum Insertion: Base of the patella and via the ligamentum patellae into the tibial tuberosity
Peripheral nerve: Femoral nerve Nerve root: L2-L4
Extension of the knee, flexion of the hip
Vastus lateralis
Origin: Greater trochanter of the femur, intertrochanteric line, linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity Insertion: Lateral border of the patella and via the ligamentum patellae into the tibial tuberosity
Peripheral nerve: Femoral nerve Nerve root: L2-L4
Extension of the knee
Vastus medialis
Origin: Intertrochanteric
Peripheral nerve:
Extension of the knee
Vastus intermedius
line, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line of the femur Insertion: Medial border of the patella and via the ligamentum patellae into the tibial tuberosity
Femoral nerve Nerve root: L2-L4
Origin: Anterior and lateral surfaces of the upper twothirds of the body of the femur Insertion: Base of the patella and via the ligamentum patellae into the tibial tuberosity
Peripheral nerve: Femoral nerve Nerve root: L2-L4
Extension of the knee
FIG. 4.64
FIG. 4.65
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with legs off end of table, folded towel under knee of test limb. Patient grasps edges of table to assist in stability (Fig. 4.66).
FIG. 4.66
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize anterior thigh over most proximal aspect, avoiding pressure over quadriceps muscles. With opposite hand, palpate quadriceps muscles over anterior aspect of thigh (see Fig. 4.66).
Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend patient’s knee through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient extends knee through full available ROM. Examiner stabilizes thigh and palpates quadriceps during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.67).
FIG. 4.67 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Apply resistance over anterior aspect of distal leg in direction of knee flexion after first flexing knee slightly. Palpating hand is moved to distal leg to apply resistance (Fig. 4.68).
FIG. 4.68 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Side lying on side to be tested, patient’s pelvis close to examiner’s trunk, knee of lowermost limb fully flexed, hip extended. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting
surface to reduce friction (Fig. 4.69; initial position of test knee not shown).
FIG. 4.69 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stand directly behind patient’s pelvis, stabilize pelvis with examiner’s trunk, and support upper leg with one hand. With opposite hand, palpate quadriceps muscles (see Fig. 4.69). Examiner Action Extend patient’s knee through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient extends knee of test limb through full available ROM while examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates quadriceps (see Fig. 4.69).
Common Substitution Hip extension: If gravity-eliminated test is begun with test limb in hip flexion, patient may use hip extension to cause knee extension. Care should be taken to maintain hip in extension during gravityeliminated test. B o x 4 . 5 Clinical
Com m ent: Quadr iceps Fem or is Muscle
and L3 Neur ologic Assessm ent The quadriceps femoris muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the L3 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the L3 neurologic level includes: Strength Assessment of: • Quadriceps femoris (pp. 282–285) • Hip adductors (pp. 268–271) Reflex Testing of: • Quadriceps (patellar) tendon reflex (L2–L4; p. 531) Sensory Testing of: • Skin over anterior knee, just superior to patella (L3 dermatome; pp. 506; 508–511)
Knee Flexion Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus (Figs. 4.70 and 4.71) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Biceps femoris
Origin: Long head: Ischial tuberosity Short head: Lateral lip of the linea aspera of the femur and the lateral intermuscular septum Insertion: Lateral aspect of the head of the fibula
Peripheral nerve: Long head: Tibial portion of the sciatic nerve Short head: Fibular portion of the sciatic nerve Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
Extension of the hip, flexion and lateral rotation of the knee
Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Proximal aspect of the medial surface of the tibia
Peripheral nerve: Tibial portion of the sciatic nerve Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
Extension of the hip, flexion and medial rotation of the knee
Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Medial condyle of the tibia
Peripheral nerve: Tibial portion of the sciatic nerve Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
Extension of the hip, flexion and medial rotation of the knee
FIG. 4.70
FIG. 4.71
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3)
Biceps Femoris Patient Position Prone with lower extremities extended (Fig. 4.72).
FIG. 4.72
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over posterior aspect of pelvis. With opposite hand, palpate biceps femoris on lateral aspect of posterior thigh (see Fig. 4.72). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s knee to 90°, rotating knee laterally. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired.
Patient Action Patient flexes knee to 90° while rotating knee laterally. Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates biceps femoris during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.73).
FIG. 4.73 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over posterior aspect of distal leg in direction of knee extension. Palpating hand is moved to distal leg to apply resistance (Fig. 4.74).
FIG. 4.74 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus Patient Position Prone with lower extremities extended (Fig. 4.75).
FIG. 4.75
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over posterior aspect of pelvis. With opposite hand, palpate medial hamstrings over medial aspect of posterior thigh (see Fig. 4.75). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s knee to 90°, rotating knee medially. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient flexes leg to 90° while rotating knee medially. Examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates medial hamstrings during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.76).
FIG. 4.76 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over posterior aspect of distal leg in direction of knee extension. Palpating hand is moved to distal leg to apply resistance (Fig. 4.77).
FIG. 4.77 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Side lying on side to be tested, knee and hip of test limb fully extended. Talcum powder and a cloth may be placed between limb and supporting surface to reduce friction (Fig. 4.78; initial knee position of test limb not shown).
FIG. 4.78 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stand directly in front of patient’s pelvis, stabilize pelvis with examiner’s trunk, and support uppermost lower extremity with one hand. With opposite hand, palpate hamstring muscles (see Fig. 4.78).
Examiner Action Flex patient’s knee through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient flexes knee of test limb through full available ROM while examiner stabilizes pelvis and palpates hamstrings (see Fig. 4.78).
Common Substitutions 1. Hip flexors: Hip flexion, particularly as result of sartorius activity, may result in knee flexion without activity from hamstring muscles. Care should be taken to maintain hip in extension during test. 2. Gastrocnemius: Strong contraction of gastrocnemius may cause knee flexion. In such cases, ankle will be strongly plantar flexed.
Ankle Plantar Flexion: Weight-Bearing Test Gastrocnemius and Soleus (Figs. 4.79 and 4.80) Attachments Gastrocnemius
Origin: Medial head: Medial condyle and adjacent popliteal surface of the femur Lateral head: Lateral condyle of the femur
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Tibial nerve Nerve root: S1, S2
Function Plantar flexion of the ankle, flexion of the knee
Insertion: Via the tendo calcaneus into the posterior surface of the calcaneus Soleus
Origin: Posterior surface of the head and proximal third of the body of the fibula, soleal line and middle third of the medial border of the tibia Insertion: Via the tendo calcaneus into the posterior surface of the calcaneus
Peripheral nerve: Tibial nerve Nerve root: S1, S2
Plantar flexion of the ankle
FIG. 4.79
FIG. 4.80
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3)
Gastrocnemius and Soleus Patient Position Standing on one leg (test limb), knee extended, foot flat on floor. Patient may rest one hand on table for balance only, not for weight support (Fig. 4.81).
FIG. 4.81
Patient’s weight provides stabilization. Palpate gastrocnemius and soleus on posterior aspect of leg at the proximal end of the calcaneal tendon (not shown). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, demonstrate movement of rising on toes with knee extended. Patient Action Patient rises on toes of weight-bearing leg through full available range of ankle plantar flexion, keeping knee extended (Fig. 4.82). Patient repeats motion until fatigued or stopped by examiner.
FIG. 4.82 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Patient’s body weight and repetition provide resistance (see Grading, later in this section).
Soleus Patient Position Patient is standing on one limb (test limb), knee flexed, foot flat on floor. Patient may rest one hand on table for balance only, not for weight support (Fig. 4.83).
FIG. 4.83
Patient’s weight provides stabilization. Palpate soleus on distal aspect of posterior calf on sides of gastrocnemius. Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, demonstrate movement of rising on toes with knee flexed. Patient Action Patient rises on toes of weight-bearing leg through full available range of ankle plantar flexion, keeping knee flexed (Fig. 4.84). Patient repeats motion until fatigued or stopped by examiner.
FIG. 4.84 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Patient’s body weight and repetition provide resistance (see Grading, later in this section). Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) Patient Position Side lying on side to be tested, test limb extended at hip and knee, ankle neutral (Fig. 4.85; starting position of ankle not shown).
FIG. 4.85 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anterior aspect of leg. With opposite hand, palpate gastrocnemius and soleus at the proximal end of the calcaneal tendon (see Fig. 4.85).
Examiner Action Plantar flex patient’s ankle through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient plantar flexes ankle through full available ROM while examiner stabilizes leg and palpates plantar flexors (see Fig. 4.85). Grading Criteria for grading the weight-bearing test for the gastrocnemius and soleus vary depending on the source. Lunsford and Perry 11 proposed different grading criteria from those espoused by Daniels and Worthingham 3 and Kendall et al. 10 Grading criteria delineated by Hislop and Montgomery’s revision of the Daniels and Worthingham text 7 differed from all of the previous sources and has since been revised. 8 See the Evidence for Practice box for further discussion of the evidence for grading criteria of the ankle plantar flexion test. Current criteria from various sources are described next.
Daniels and Kendall Grade Worthingham et al. 10 3
Lunsford and Perry 11
Hislop and Montgomery 7
The patient raises the heel from the floor through full ROM 4-5 times
The patient The patient raises the raises the heel from the floor heel through full ROM from the 25 times floor through full ROM 1 time
The patient raises the heel from the floor through full ROM 25 times
The patient raises the heel from
Not defined
The patient raises the heel from
Not defined
the floor through full ROM 2-3 times 3
The patient raises the heel from the floor through full ROM 1 time
the floor through full ROM 10-24 times Not defined
The patient is “able to hold body weight once in heel-up position but unable to raise body weight from neutral”
The patient raises the heel from the floor through full ROM 1-9 times
Evidence for Practice The grading criteria used for assigning a “Normal” grade to the ankle plantar flexors using the weight-bearing test ranges from a single heel rise 10 to 25 heel rises through the full range of motion. 11 Controversy exists in the literature regarding the number of heel rises that can be performed in an individual of “normal” strength. In a 1995 research study, Lunsford and Perry 11 tested the ability of 203 individuals (122 men and 81 women) without known lower extremity pathology to perform repeated ankle plantar flexion in a standing position. The average age of the subjects tested was 29.3 years for women and 34.7 years for men. Results revealed an average number of heel rises for the men and women combined to be 27.9 with no significant difference between the performance of male and female subjects. Based on these results, Lunsford and Perry recommended that 25 heel rises be set as the criterion for assigning a “Normal” grade in the weight-bearing test for ankle plantar flexors. 11 However, in a related study, Jan and colleagues 9 performed a nearly identical study but in a somewhat different group of individuals. Subjects in this later study consisted of 180 individuals (90 men and 90 women) from Taiwan aged 21 to 80 years who were free of known lower extremity or cardiovascular
pathology and who did not engage in a regular exercise program. Subjects also were excluded who exhibited gait deviations, were unable to walk for 30 minutes without pain, or were unable to participate in outdoor activities. Each subject was tested for the ability to perform repeated heel rises, using the Lunsford and Perry 11 study design. Results revealed significant differences in the subjects’ ability to perform repeated heel rises based on sex and age. 9 The average number of heel rises in the youngest age group (21 to 40 years) was 22.1 for men and 16.1 for women. These numbers decreased in the older subjects with 41- to 60-year-olds averaging 12.1 and 9.3 rises for men and women, respectively, whereas the averages for the 61- to 80-year-old group were 4.1 for men and 2.7 for women. Based on their results, Jan and colleagues 9 questioned the validity of the criteria established by Lunsford and Perry, especially in individuals across the life span and in those who were not involved in a regular exercise program. In a study of patients with inclusion body myositis and weakness of the ankle plantar flexors, Harris-Love and colleagues 6 measured maximum voluntary contraction values for ankle plantar flexors and compared those values with manual muscle testing (MMT) grades of the ankle plantar flexors using methods described by Kendall 10 and Daniels and Worthingham. 3 , 8 They failed to find a significant relationship between MMT scores and values for the ankle plantar flexors, regardless of the subject’s degree of weakness, causing the authors to question the validity of both methods of testing ankle plantar flexor strength in patients with inclusion body myositis. B o x 4 . 6 Clinical
Com m ent: Ankle Plantar Flexor
Muscles and S1 Neur ologic Assessm ent The ankle plantar flexor muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) are key muscles for examining the integrity of the S1 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the S1 neurologic level includes:
Strength Assessment of: • Gluteus maximus (pp. 244–247) • Gastrocnemius (pp. 290–301) • Soleus (pp. 290–301) • Fibularis longus and brevis (pp. 310–313) Reflex Testing of: • Achilles reflex (p. 532) Sensory Testing of: • Skin over the plantar surface of the foot and the little toe (S1 dermatome; pp. 506; 508–511)
Ankle Plantar Flexion: Non–Weight-Bearing Test Gastrocnemius and Soleus Patients unable to accomplish the weight-bearing test for gastrocnemius and soleus strength due to problems with balance, general lower extremity weakness, or other factors may be tested in a non–weight-bearing position. However, non–weight-bearing testing should be avoided if possible, as muscle test grades above fair are suspect due to the examiner’s possible inability to apply sufficient force to adequately grade the triceps surae group. Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3)
Gastrocnemius and Soleus Patient Position Prone with knee extended, foot off end of table, ankle neutral (Fig.
4.86; starting position of ankle not shown).
FIG. 4.86 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize anterior aspect of distal leg, avoiding direct pressure over calcaneal tendon. With opposite hand, palpate gastrocnemius and soleus on posterior aspect of leg at the proximal end of the calcaneal tendon (see Fig. 4.86). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, plantar flex patient’s ankle through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s
available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient plantar flexes ankle through full available ROM while examiner stabilizes leg and palpates plantar flexors (see Fig. 4.86). Resistance Apply resistance on superoposterior aspect of calcaneus in direction of ankle dorsiflexion. Resistance may be supplemented by applying pressure against plantar surface of forefoot in direction of ankle dorsiflexion. When resistance is applied, palpating hand is moved to calcaneus to apply resistance while stabilizing hand remains in place (Fig. 4.87).
FIG. 4.87 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Soleus Patient Position Prone with knee flexed to 90°, ankle neutral (Fig. 4.88; starting position of ankle not shown). Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize distal leg, avoiding direct pressure over calcaneal tendon. With opposite hand, palpate soleus on distal aspect of posterior calf at sides of gastrocnemius (see Fig. 4.88). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, plantar flex patient’s ankle through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient plantar flexes ankle through full available ROM, keeping knee flexed. Examiner stabilizes leg and palpates soleus during patient’s active movement (see Fig. 4.88).
FIG. 4.88 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Apply resistance on superoposterior aspect of calcaneus in direction of ankle dorsiflexion. Resistance may be supplemented by applying pressure against plantar surface of forefoot in direction of ankle dorsiflexion. Palpating hand is moved to calcaneus to apply resistance while stabilizing hand remains in place (Fig. 4.89). Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) Gravity-eliminated test is same as that described in Ankle Plantar Flexion: Weight-Bearing Test.
FIG. 4.89 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Ankle Dorsiflexion and Subtalar Inversion Tibialis Anterior (Fig. 4.90) Attachments Tibialis anterior
Origin: Lateral condyle and upper two-thirds of the lateral surface of the body of the tibia, interosseous membrane, deep crural fascia Insertion: Base of the first metatarsal, medial and plantar surfaces of the medial cuneiform bone
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Deep fibular nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Function Dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle, inversion of the foot at the subtalar and midtarsal joints
FIG. 4.90
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Seated with legs off side of table, ankle neutral (Fig. 4.91).
FIG. 4.91
Stabilize over posterior aspect of distal leg. With opposite hand, palpate tibialis anterior on anterolateral aspect of tibia (see Fig. 4.91). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, dorsiflex and invert patient’s ankle through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient moves foot into dorsiflexion and inversion (toes should remain relaxed or flexed during movement). Examiner stabilizes distal leg and palpates tibialis anterior during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.92).
FIG. 4.92 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over dorsal surface of medial side of foot in direction of plantar flexion and eversion. Palpating hand is moved to foot to apply resistance (Fig. 4.93).
FIG. 4.93 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity.
Patient Position Supine with lower extremities extended, ankle of test limb in neutral, foot extended beyond edge of table (Fig. 4.94; starting position of ankle not shown).
FIG. 4.94 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over posterior aspect of distal leg while palpating tibialis anterior on anterolateral aspect of tibia (see Fig. 4.94). Examiner Action Dorsiflex and invert patient’s ankle through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient moves foot into dorsiflexion and inversion (toes should remain relaxed or flexed during movement) while examiner stabilizes distal
leg and palpates tibialis anterior (see Fig. 4.94).
Common Substitution Long toe extensors: Substitution by long toe extensors results in extension of toes during dorsiflexion movement. Care should be taken to keep toes relaxed or flexed during movement. B o x 4 . 7 Clinical
Com m ent: Tibialis Anter ior Muscle
and L4 Neur ologic Assessm ent The tibialis anterior muscle is a key muscle for examining the integrity of the L4 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the L4 neurologic level includes: Strength Assessment of: • Tibialis anterior (pp. 302–305) Reflex Testing of: • Quadriceps (patellar) tendon reflex (p. 531) Sensory Testing of: • Skin over medial side of leg and medial malleolus (L4 dermatome; pp. 506; 508–511)
Subtalar Inversion Tibialis Posterior (Fig. 4.95) Attachments Tibialis posterior
Origin: Posterior aspect of the interosseous
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve:
Function Inversion of the foot
membrane, posterior surface of the body of the tibia, proximal twothirds of the medial surface of the fibula Insertion: Tuberosity of the navicular bone, cuboid bone, all three cuneiform bones, bases of metatarsals 2-4
Tibial Nerve root: L5, S1
at the subtalar joint, plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle
FIG. 4.95
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Side lying on side to be tested, with ankle slightly plantar flexed, foot extended beyond edge of table (Fig. 4.96).
FIG. 4.96
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anteromedial aspect of tibia. With opposite hand, palpate tibialis posterior directly distal and posterior to medial malleolus (see Fig. 4.96). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, invert patient’s foot through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s
available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient inverts subtalar joint through full available ROM (toes should remain relaxed or extended during movement). Examiner stabilizes tibia and palpates tibialis posterior during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.97).
FIG. 4.97 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over medial aspect of foot in direction of eversion. Palpating hand is moved to foot to apply resistance (Fig. 4.98).
FIG. 4.98 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) Patient Position Supine with lower extremities extended, ankle of test limb in slight plantar flexion, foot extended beyond edge of table (Fig. 4.99; starting position of ankle not shown).
FIG. 4.99 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize over anteromedial aspect of tibia while palpating tibialis posterior directly distal and posterior to medial malleolus (see Fig. 4.99). Examiner Action Invert patient’s foot through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient inverts subtalar joint through full available ROM (toes should remain relaxed or extended during movement) while examiner stabilizes tibia and palpates tibialis posterior (see Fig. 4.99).
Common Substitutions 1. Long toe flexors: Substitution by long toe flexors results in
flexion of toes during inversion movement. Care should be taken to keep toes relaxed or extended during movement. 2. Tibialis anterior: Substitution by tibialis anterior results in dorsiflexion of ankle during subtalar inversion. Care should be taken to prevent dorsiflexion during test for tibialis posterior.
Subtalar Eversion Fibularis Longus and Brevis (Figs. 4.100 and 4.101) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Fibularis longus
Origin: Head and upper twothirds of the lateral surface of the fibula Insertion: Base of the first metatarsal, lateral aspect of the medial cuneiform
Peripheral nerve: Superficial fibular nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Eversion of the foot at the subtalar joint; weak plantar flexor of the foot at the ankle
Fibularis brevis
Origin: Distal two-thirds of the lateral surface of the fibula Insertion: Tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal
Peripheral nerve: Superficial fibular nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Eversion of the foot at the subtalar joint; weak plantar flexor of the foot at the ankle
FIG. 4.100
FIG. 4.101
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Patient Position Side-lying with limb to be tested uppermost, ankle neutral, foot extended beyond edge of table (Fig. 4.102).
FIG. 4.102
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize medial aspect of distal leg. With opposite hand, palpate tendons of fibularis longus and brevis just posterior to lateral malleolus (fibularis brevis tendon is just posterior to malleolus and fibularis longus tendon is just posterior to brevis). Two tendons also can be distinguished as they pass above (brevis) and below (longus) fibular tubercle (see Fig. 4.102). Examiner Action
While instructing patient in motion desired, evert patient’s foot through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient everts subtalar joint through full available ROM. Examiner stabilizes distal leg and palpates ankle evertors during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.103).
FIG. 4.103 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance against lateral border and plantar surface of foot in direction of inversion. Palpating hand is moved to foot to apply resistance (Fig. 4.104).
FIG. 4.104 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
To Test Only Fibularis Longus Resistance is applied on plantar surface of head of first metatarsal in direction of inversion (Fig. 4.105).
FIG. 4.105
To Test Only Fibularis Brevis Resistance is applied on lateral border of foot along shaft of fifth metatarsal in direction of inversion (Fig. 4.106).
FIG. 4.106 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Gravity-Eliminated Test (Grades Below 3) For patients unable to move completely through available ROM against gravity. Patient Position Supine with lower extremities extended, ankle of test limb in neutral position, foot extended beyond edge of table. Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize medial aspect of distal leg while palpating tendons of fibularis longus and brevis just posterior to lateral malleolus (Fig. 4.107).
FIG. 4.107 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Examiner Action Evert patient’s foot through full available ROM and then return limb to starting position. Patient Action Patient everts subtalar joint through full available ROM while examiner stabilizes distal leg and palpates ankle evertors (see Fig. 4.107) B o x 4 . 8 Clinical
Com m ent: Subtalar Ever tor Muscles
and S1 Neur ologic Assessm ent The evertors of the subtalar joint (fibularis longus and brevis) are key muscles for examining the integrity of the S1 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the S1 neurologic level includes: Strength Assessment of:
• Gluteus maximus (pp. 244–247) • Gastrocnemius (pp. 290–301) • Soleus (pp. 290–301) • Fibularis longus and brevis (pp. 310–313) Reflex Testing of: • Achilles reflex (p. 532) Sensory Testing of: • Skin over plantar surface of foot and little toe (S1 dermatome; pp. 506; 508–511)
Metatarsophalangeal Flexion Lumbricals, Flexor Hallucis Brevis (Fig. 4.108) Attachments Lumbricals
Origin: Tendons of the flexor digitorum longus Insertion: Tendons of the extensor digitorum longus
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Medial plantar (first lumbrical) and lateral plantar (lumbricals 2-4) nerves Nerve root: L5, S1 (first lumbrical), S2, S3
Function Flexion at the MTP joints and extension at the IP joints of the lateral four toes
Flexor hallucis brevis
Origin: Plantar surface of the cuboid and lateral cuneiform bones Insertion: Base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe
Peripheral nerve: Medial plantar nerve Nerve root: L5, S1
IP, Interphalangeal; MTP, metatarsophalangeal.
Flexion at the MTP joint of the great toe
FIG. 4.108
Grades 5 and 4
Patient Position Supine or seated with ankle neutral. If patient is seated, patient’s foot rests on examiner’s thigh (Fig. 4.109).
FIG. 4.109
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize metatarsals. Lumbricals and flexor hallucis brevis are too deep to palpate (see Fig. 4.109). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex patient’s MTP joints, keeping IP joints straight. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient flexes all five toes at MTP joints and attempts to keep IP joints
extended. Examiner stabilizes metatarsals during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.110).
FIG. 4.110 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance with nonstabilizing hand in direction of MTP extension. Resistance is applied over plantar surface of proximal phalanx of first toe for flexor hallucis brevis (Fig. 4.111) and lateral four toes for lumbricals (Fig. 4.112).
FIG. 4.111 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
FIG. 4.112 Arrows indicate direction of resistance.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test for these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient flexes joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient flexes joint through partial ROM. Grades 1 and 0 are difficult to distinguish because lumbricals and flexor hallucis brevis are not palpable. 4
Interphalangeal Flexion of Toes Flexor Digitorum Longus and Brevis and Flexor Hallucis Longus (Figs. 4.113 and 4.114) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Flexor digitorum longus
Origin: Posterior aspect of the body of the tibia Insertion: Base of the distal phalanges of toes 2-5
Peripheral nerve: Tibial nerve Nerve root: L5, S1
Flexion at the distal and proximal IP joints of the lateral four toes
Flexor digitorum brevis
Origin: Tuberosity of the calcaneus, plantar aponeurosis Insertion: Sides of the middle phalanges of toes 2-5
Peripheral nerve: Medial plantar nerve Nerve root: L5, S1
Flexion at the proximal IP joints of the lateral four toes
Flexor hallucis longus
Origin: Posterior aspect of the body of the fibula, interosseous membrane Insertion: Base of the distal phalanx of the great toe
Peripheral nerve: Tibial nerve Nerve root: L5, S1, S2
Flexion at the IP joint of the great toe
FIG. 4.113
FIG. 4.114
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Supine or seated with ankle neutral. If patient is seated, patient’s foot rests on examiner’s thigh (Fig. 4.115).
FIG. 4.115
Stabilize proximal phalanges of lateral four toes for flexor digitorum longus and brevis (Fig. 4.116) and of great toe for flexor hallucis longus (Fig. 4.117). Palpate tendons of flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus posterior to medial malleolus between malleolus and sustentaculum tali (tendon of flexor digitorum longus is anterior to tendon of flexor hallucis longus; see Figs. 4.115 and 4.117).
FIG. 4.116 Test for flexor digitorum longus and brevis; arrows indicate direction of resistance.
FIG. 4.117
Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, flex IP joints of patient’s toes through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient flexes IP joints of lateral four toes (flexor digitorum longus and brevis; see Fig. 4.116) and great toe (flexor hallucis longus; Fig. 4.118) through full available ROM. Examiner stabilizes proximal phalanges and palpates long toe flexors during patient’s active movement.
FIG. 4.118 Test for flexor hallucis longus; arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Resistance Apply resistance against middle and distal phalanges of lateral four toes for flexor digitorum longus and brevis (see Fig. 4.116) and against distal phalanx of great toe for flexor hallucis longus (see Fig. 4.118). Palpating hand is moved to toes to apply resistance. Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test for these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3
Patient flexes joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient flexes joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1 No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Figs. 4.115 and 4.117). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present.
Metatarsophalangeal Extension Extensor Digitorum Longus and Brevis (Figs. 4.119 and 4.120) Attachments
Nerve Supply
Extensor digitorum longus
Origin: Lateral tibial condyle, anterior surface of the body of the fibula, interosseous membrane Insertion: Dorsum of the middle and distal phalanges of toes 2-5
Peripheral nerve: Deep fibular nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
Extension at the MTP joints of the lateral four toes
Extensor digitorum brevis
Origin: Superior surface of the calcaneus, lateral talocalcaneal ligament, inferior
Peripheral nerve: Deep fibular nerve
Extension at the MTP joint of the great toe and
extensor retinaculum Insertion: Dorsal surface of the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe, lateral aspect of the extensor digitorum longus tendons of toes 2-4
Nerve root: L5, S1
toes 2-4
FIG. 4.119
FIG. 4.120
Grades 5 and 4
Patient Position Supine or seated with ankle neutral. If patient is seated, patient’s foot rests on examiner’s thigh (Fig. 4.121).
FIG. 4.121
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize metatarsals. Palpate extensor digitorum brevis and longus tendons on dorsolateral (brevis) and dorsal (longus) aspects of foot (see Fig. 4.121). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend MTP joints of patient’s toes through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action
Patient extends all five toes at MTP joints through full available ROM. Examiner stabilizes metatarsals and palpates toe extensors during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.122).
FIG. 4.122 Arrows indicate direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance over dorsum of proximal phalanx of first (Fig. 4.123) and lateral four (Fig. 4.124) toes in direction of MTP flexion. Palpating hand is moved to toes to apply resistance.
FIG. 4.123 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
FIG. 4.124 Arrows indicate direction of resistance.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test for these muscles for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient extends joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient extends joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1
No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 4.121). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present. B o x 4 . 9 Clinical
Com m ent: Long Toe Extensor Muscles
and L5 Neur ologic Assessm ent The long toe extensor muscles (extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus) are key muscles for examining the integrity of the L5 spinal nerve or neurologic segment of the spinal cord. Complete assessment of the L5 neurologic level includes: Strength Assessment of: • Extensor hallucis longus (pp. 326–328) • Extensor digitorum longus (pp. 322–325) • Hip abductors (pp. 258–261) Sensory Testing of: • Skin over the lateral side of the leg and dorsum of the foot (L5 dermatome; pp. 506; 508–511)
Interphalangeal Extension (Great Toe) Extensor Hallucis Longus (Fig. 4.125) Attachments Extensor hallucis longus
Origin: Medial surface of the body of the fibula, interosseous membrane
Nerve Supply Peripheral nerve: Deep fibular
Function Extension at the IP joint of the great
Insertion: Base of the distal phalanx of the great toe
nerve Nerve root: L4, L5, S1
FIG. 4.125
Grades 5 and 4 Patient Position Supine or seated with ankle neutral. If patient is seated, patient’s foot rests on examiner’s thigh (Fig. 4.126).
FIG. 4.126
Stabilization/Palpation Stabilize proximal phalanx of great toe. With opposite hand, palpate tendon of extensor hallucis longus along dorsomedial aspect of foot (see Fig. 4.126). Examiner Action While instructing patient in motion desired, extend IP joint of patient’s great toe through full available ROM. Return limb to starting position. Performing passive movement allows determination of
patient’s available ROM and shows patient exact motion desired. Patient Action Patient extends great toe at IP joint through full available ROM. Examiner stabilizes proximal phalanx of great toe and palpates extensor hallucis longus tendon during patient’s active movement (Fig. 4.127).
FIG. 4.127 Arrow indicates direction of movement.
Resistance Apply resistance on dorsum of distal phalanx of great toe in direction of IP flexion. Palpating hand is moved to distal phalanx to apply resistance (Fig. 4.128).
FIG. 4.128 Arrow indicates direction of resistance.
Grades 3 and Below There is no separate test for this muscle for grades below 3. Grading is altered as follows to accommodate lack of a gravity-eliminated position. For Grade 3 Patient extends joint through full ROM without resistance. For Grade 2 Patient extends joint through partial ROM. For Grade 1
No motion, but a palpable contraction is present. Palpation occurs as described for grades 5 and 4 (see Fig. 4.126). For Grade 0 No motion or contraction is present. C A S E 4 . 1 Spinal
Cor d I njur y (Continued f r om CASE
2.1) Questions 1 through 3 were answered regarding this case in Chapter 2. Answer questions 4 through 6 regarding your examination of this patient. Note: This case is continued in Chapter 8: Techniques of the Sensory Examination. A 17-year-old boy sustained a fracture of the sixth cervical vertebra during a motor vehicle accident. Due to compression of the spinal cord by the fracture fragments, he sustained an incomplete spinal cord injury at the C7 neurologic level. His fracture site has been completely stabilized, and he has been admitted to the rehabilitation unit at 3 months postinjury due to multiple medical complications that delayed his transfer to rehabilitation. As a result of prolonged hospitalization, the patient is unable to tolerate an upright position. You are planning your initial examination in which you must determine his level of motor and sensory functioning. 1. Given that this patient’s injury is at the C7 spinal level, which muscles would you expect to be free from motor weakness? 2. How would you need to alter the following muscle tests to accommodate for the patient’s inability to maintain an upright position? a. Biceps brachii—gravity resisted b. Middle deltoid—gravity resisted c. Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis—gravity resisted d. Upper trapezius—gravity resisted e. Pectoralis major—gravity eliminated
3. How would you alter your documentation to accommodate the changes in patient positioning described in your answer to question 2? During a screening examination of the patient’s lower extremity function, you observe that he has active lower extremity movement that you believe is of sufficient strength in some muscle groups to allow movement against gravity. 4. How would you alter the following lower extremity muscle tests to accommodate for the patient’s inability to maintain an upright position? a. Rectus femoris—gravity resisted b. Tibialis anterior—gravity resisted c. Gastrocnemius/soleus—gravity resisted d. Medial hip rotators—gravity resisted 5. How would you alter your documentation to accommodate the changes in patient positioning described in your answers to question 4? 6. How could you organize your muscle tests to minimize changes in patient positioning during the session?
C A S E 4 . 2 Per ipher al
Ner ve I njur y
A 19-year-old college football player sustained a fibular nerve injury following a blow to the lateral side of the right knee from a defensive player’s helmet during Saturday evening’s game. The patient presents with foot drop and sensory loss in the lower extremity. No fracture occurred during the injury, but there is extensive bruising and swelling involving the lateral side of the knee and proximal calf. Answer the following questions regarding your examination of this patient. (You may want to refer to an anatomy text to assist with your answers.) Note: This case is continued in Chapter 8: Techniques of the Sensory Examination.
1. Describe the anatomy and course of the common fibular nerve. 2. Why would the fibular nerve have been injured as a result of the incident described in the case? 3. What muscle in the thigh is innervated by the common fibular nerve? 4. What are the motor branches of the common fibular nerve in the leg? What muscles does each branch innervate? 5. How would you test strength of each of the muscles listed in your answer to question 4? 6. Explain the mechanism of foot drop in this patient. 7. What other muscles might demonstrate weakness in this patient? What functional losses would you expect as a result of such weakness?
C A S E 4 . 3 Lum bosacr al
Str ain
Questions 1 through 4 were answered regarding this case in Chapter 3 . Answer questions 5 through 7 regarding your examination of this patient. A 16-year-old high school volleyball player complains of leftsided lumbosacral pain following an intensive weekend volleyball tournament. During volleyball participation, she engages in forceful movements involving trunk rotation combined with flexion or extension. Pain is present during activity and with sitting. The patient has excessive hamstring length secondary to a 12-year history of dance (ballet and jazz) and slightly tight quadriceps bilaterally. An essential part of your examination is a strength assessment of the trunk stabilizers. 1. What muscles are stabilizers of the lumbar spine? Provide the action(s) of each muscle listed in your answer. 2. How do the abdominal muscles assist in stabilization of the spine and pelvis? 3. Which abdominal muscles produce forceful rotation of the trunk to the left? Which muscles of the spine assist in this
motion? 4. How is strength assessment of the trunk stabilizers accomplished? Contrast methods described in this text with those found in texts aimed at musculoskeletal assessment. Which methods would be most appropriate for this patient? Why? Following a more thorough examination of the patient, you begin to suspect that integral to her lumbosacral pain is an underlying pelvic instability. In an effort to confirm this suspicion, you perform a strength assessment of muscles providing pelvic stabilization. Answer the following questions regarding your examination of this patient. (You may want to refer to a kinesiologic textbook to assist with your answers.) 5. What lower extremity muscles have an attachment on the pelvis? 6. For each of the muscles listed in the answer to question 5, provide its action on the pelvis. 7. What effect, if any, do you think the patient’s hamstring length would have on the strength of her hamstring muscles? Provide a rationale for your answer based on muscle mechanics.
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Techniques of Functional Muscle Testing William D. Bandy, Chad Larimore, and Melissa Allen
Identifying the function of an individual during movement is one of the difficult problems confronting physical therapists. Functional tests are one alternative to isolated joint evaluations. Functional tests are performance-related activities that examine an individual’s ability to generate muscle force around the joint. Frequently, a functional test is the performance of one maximal effort of a functional activity, or a series of activities, in an attempt to indirectly assess muscle strength and to quantify the function of an individual. ∗ This chapter will present functional muscle testing in two sections for two unique populations. First, the section “Functional Muscle Testing for Older Adults” will briefly describe the changes that occur in strength as aging occurs, as well as focus on the assessment of muscle strength from a perspective of function in the healthy older adult population and the older adult population with pathology such as stroke, Parkinson disease, or osteoarthritis. The second section, “Advanced Functional Muscle Testing,” will concentrate on the functional assessment in those individuals participating in high-level activities.
Functional Muscle Testing for Older Adults Maturation and aging are associated with many physiologic and physical changes. 53 Spirduso et al. 107 described the maturation
process as physical development and decline in cardiovascular and pulmonary function, muscle strength and endurance, and motor control, coordination, and skill. As indicated earlier in this chapter, this section focuses on the assessment of muscle strength and power from the perspective of function; however, the reader should be reminded of the complexity of physical maturation and the impact on functional performance. Researchers have determined that an inability to complete motor tasks is frequently associated with muscle weakness. 36 , 65 , 91 , 110 Furthermore, muscle weakness may be the primary factor in the movement deficits associated with disorders such as postpolio syndrome or may be a secondary factor in disorders that limit, alter, or prevent usual movement, such as arthritis, cerebrovascular accident, Parkinson disease, or musculoskeletal trauma. The likelihood of strength changes in these disorders is accepted, as is the need to test muscle strength. However, the traditional techniques used for quantification of strength are assessed in linear movements involving single muscle groups and may be inadequate as indicators of functional performance. 63 Brown et al. 28 proposed that strength and function are best assessed by performance of a specific task that combines key muscle groups. Bohannon 17 suggested that many of the objective methods of strength testing might be limited by factors such as the strength of the tester, extremity stabilization, and expensive equipment requirement. Amundsen 6 recommended a logical sequence for more effectively assessing the muscle strength component of functional movement. He proposed that activities of daily living (ADLs) be assessed first, followed by functional strength tests, and finally performance of appropriate manual muscle tests. Tests of ADLs and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) assist the clinician in identifying motor dysfunction that limits the individual’s ability to function in the home and community. Most of the tools provide a gross overview of the patient’s ability to function in areas of mobility, cognition, self-care, and community interaction. Examples include the Katz ADL Index, 59 Barthel Index, 71 and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Index. 42 , 67 These tests
provide information on functional status but fail to provide specific information on the limitations of motor performance. Performing a more detailed examination of movement using functional muscle testing is recommended following assessment of ADLs. 6 Functional muscle tests examine the capacity of synergistic muscle groups to generate a force output adequate to complete a specific task. Synergistic muscle groups may be flexors, extensors, and rotators acting as a unit to accomplish the motor goal. For example, rising from sitting includes hip flexors and extensors, knee flexors and extensors, and ankle plantar flexors. An appropriate functional muscle test should involve assessment of all of these muscle groups. Therefore assessment of sit-to-stand would be useful in determination of the functional strength of these muscles.
Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Because functional strength testing of older adults involves more patient-specific task performance, the issues of standardization, reliability, and validity should be considered. When available, test standardization will be included with the test descriptions. Nonetheless, even with attempts at standardization, procedural differences exist in the literature. For example, for the sit-to-stand tests, chair height ranges from 40 to 48.3 cm, 19 , 20 , 35 , 101 , 104 and the patient’s position in the chair differs from forward on the chair seat to having his or her back against the back of chair. 56 , 97 , 110 In addition, scoring differences are present in the literature ranging from counting the number of repetitions completed in a specified amount of time (time range, 10 to 30 seconds) 16 , 56 or recording time required to complete a predetermined number of repetitions (1, 3, 5, or 10 repetitions). 38 , 48 , 103 , 110 This text will present the most common standardized methods and where variations exist, it is noted in the text. Reliability, or consistency of a measure, may be determined by using a test-retest model where the test is repeated on different days, usually 2 to 14 days apart, and scores between the days are correlated.
A reliability of 0.80 (high correlation) is acceptable reliability for a measure. 89 When available, reliability for each test and the population tested is reported in the text. Validity, the ability of a test to measure what it was intended to measure, is a very important aspect to consider in selection of functional strength tests. An accepted means for determination of test validity is to examine how well the measurement correlates with other valid measures of strength. For example, the sit-to-stand test was correlated with isokinetic measures of knee extensor and knee flexor strength and was found to be moderately correlated (0.77) for both men and women. 44 Bohannon 16 reported construct validity (r = 0.58 to 0.70) between manual muscle testing, handheld dynamometry, and sit-to-stand test. Likewise, Eriksrud and Bohannon 40 found significant correlations (r = 0.65 to 0.71) for sit-to-stand without use of hands and knee extension force.
Factors Affecting Motor Performance In functional muscle testing, the tester should consider that functional motor performance (ability to perform motor tasks essential to fulfill one’s desires and role in life) is multifactorial. Performance involves more than muscle strength and power and requires complex interactions of the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary systems, as well as motor skill. 40 Functional motor performance is demonstrated in performance of ADLs such as bathing, toileting, dressing, and feeding oneself. 59 Further functional performance incorporates IADLs such as community mobility, recreation and socialization, and shopping. 67 For efficient, safe, functional motor performance to take place successfully, three factors should be considered—individual factors, task factors, and environmental factors. Individual factors include cognition, muscle strength, pain, range of motion (ROM), endurance, and power adequate for successful completion of the task. Task factors are related to the dynamics of the task itself and whether the task is simple (i.e., coming from sit to
stand) or complex (walking). Environmental factors are associated within the context of which the task is performed and the constraints placed upon the individual and the task by the environment. Some examples of environmental factors are height of chairs, curbs, or stairs; carpet or tile; stable surface or moving surface; and carrying a load or unloaded. These factors will affect the individual’s ability to complete the task and must be considered when examining functional motor performance. Because the emphasis of this chapter is on functional muscle testing (an individual factor), the tester will be asked to assume that the other individual factors such as cognitive ability have been taken into account. Recommendations for controlling the environmental factors will be included within the test description under “Equipment.”
Upper Body Tests The upper extremities are involved in light load activities, reaching, and “bringing to” types of tasks. 108 These tasks require combinations of extension, flexion, and rotation with object manipulation. Additionally, during these tasks the trunk acts to hold the body in position and maintain upright posture in relation to gravity. 106 Tests of functional strength of the upper extremities should incorporate both tonic (holding) and phasic (moving) aspects in forward, backward, lateral, and diagonal. These directions require extension, flexion, and rotational strength, and tests used to evaluate functional strength of the upper body should include all aspects of these movements. However, valid and reliable standardized tests for the assessment of functional upper body strength are limited, and only tests with adequate psychometric properties are reported in the text. The tests described in this section are grip strength, arm curl, book lift, National Institutes of Health (NIH) stroke scale: motor arm, and Motricity index: arm.
Lower Body Tests
The lower body is functionally composed of the lower trunk/pelvis and the lower extremities. The lower trunk/pelvis is involved in postural control in static and dynamic activities, acting during shifts of the body’s mass within the base of support. Lower extremities are involved in heavy load activities such as sit-to-stand, walking, or double-limb/single-limb stance. 108 These types of tasks involve hip, knee, and ankle movements of flexion, extension, and rotation in reciprocal patterns using open-chain and closed-chain (weightbearing) positions. To evaluate functional strength the tests used should include all of these movements in single-limb and double-limb activities. The tests included in this section are the NIH stroke scale: motor leg, Motricity index: leg, calf raise: geriatric, supine hip extension, sit-to-stand: 5 times, sit-to-stand: 30 seconds, step test, stepup test, stair climb power, timed stair negotiation, step-up-and-over test, and the two-footed jump test.
Gross Motor Tests The tests in this section assess the upper body, lower body, and trunk simultaneously. The tests to assess gross motor functional strength are the timed floor transfer and the lift-and-carry test.
Upper Body Tests Grip Strength with Handgrip Dynamometer Assessment of isometric handgrip strength. 1 Test-retest reliability of 0.91 to 0.95 (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]) has been established in healthy older adults (Table 5.1 under “Psychometric Properties”). 22 Equipment Chair without armrests; handgrip dynamometer. Patient Position The patient is seated in a standard chair with the pelvis and knees as
close to 90° as possible. The test arm is adducted and touching the side of the body with neutral rotation, the elbow is flexed to 90°, the forearm is in neutral, and the wrist is between 0° and 15° of ulnar deviation. The arm to be tested should not be supported by the examiner or an armrest of the chair. The dynamometer is held vertically and should be in the second handle position (Fig. 5.1). Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “I want you to squeeze the tool as hard as you can until I say stop. Ready, set, go. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, stop.” Patient Action The patient will squeeze the handgrip dynamometer for 3 seconds. As this is an isometric test, no movement should occur at the hand. Additionally, the starting position should be maintained throughout active testing; no movement should occur at the trunk, shoulder, or elbow. The test is repeated three times with a 60-second rest period between each trial to prevent fatigue. Repeat the test for the opposite hand.
FIG. 5.1 Position for grip strength testing with a handgrip dynamometer.
Scoring The score is the average of the three trials for each hand. The score may be used to establish a baseline or compare with normative values published by Bohannan et al. 20 , 21 Table 5.1. Reliability of the Grip Strength Test Study
Bohannan 21 22
Population Healthy older adults
AGE (YEARS) 75.0 ± 5.9
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient.
Reliability Test-retest ICC = 0.95 (left) Test-retest ICC = 0.91 (right)
Psychometric Properties
Arm Curl Test Assessment of elbow flexor functional strength. 96 Test-retest reliability of 0.81 (r) and 0.80 (Pa) has been established for older adults (Table 5.2 under “Psychometric Properties”). 95 , 96 Equipment Chair without armrests; barbell weight of 2.25 kg (5 lb) for women; barbell weight of 3.6 kg (8 lb) for men. Patient Position The patient is seated comfortably with his or her back against the backrest of a chair without armrests. The patient should not be allowed to lean the trunk forward during the test. The patient holds the weight (5 lb for female, 8 lb for male) in the dominant hand in a “hammer curl” position. For the hammer curl position, the test arm is adducted and touching the side of the body with neutral rotation, the elbow is fully extended at the side of the chair, and the forearm is in neutral (Fig. 5.2). Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say ‘go’ I want you to lift the weight by fully bending your elbow while rotating the arm so the palm of your hand is facing upright. Then fully straighten your arm back to the starting position. Do this as many times as possible in 30 seconds.” Demonstration and a one-repetition practice trial are recommended prior to testing. To begin the test the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.”
FIG. 5.2 Starting position for the arm curl test with the arm in the “hammer curl” position.
Patient Action The patient will flex the elbow and supinate the forearm, bring the barbell toward the ipsilateral shoulder, then extend the elbow to bring the arm back to the side (Figs. 5.3 and 5.4; also see Fig. 5.2). The patient will then repeat the test with the other arm.
FIG. 5.3 The arm is supinated as the patient brings the weight toward the ipsilateral shoulder.
FIG. 5.4 The weight should touch the ipsilateral shoulder and then return to the starting position.
Scoring Scoring is based on the number of repetitions performed in 30 seconds. The timer starts as the therapist says “go” when saying, “Ready, set, go.” The therapist quietly counts the repetitions until 30 seconds is reached. The patient should fully flex the elbow and return the weight to the starting position at the end of each repetition to be counted as valid. At the end of 30 seconds, if the elbow is flexed greater than 50%, the examiner will count this as a repetition. The score may be used to establish a baseline or compare with normative values published by Rickli 97 and Jones 57 or compare with criterion referenced by Rickli. 95 Note: If the patient cannot perform the test with correct form, a lighter weight may be substituted; however, the adaptation must be documented. The examiner must also document the official score as “0” and then document the adapted score. Table 5.2. Reliability of the Arm Curl Test Study
Age (Years)
Older adults
71.8 ± 6.9
Test-retest r = 0.81
“Moderate functioning” older adults
70.2 ± 5.7
Test-retest Pa = 0.80
Rickli 95
Psychometric Properties Table 5.3. Reliability of the Book Lift Test Study
Morala 75 39
Age (Years) Reliability
Frail older adults
82.5 ± 5.9
Interrater ICC = 0.97
Morala 75 39
Frail older adults
82.5 ± 5.9
Interrater ICC = 0.97 Test-retest ICC = 0.85
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient.
Book Lift Test Assessment of shoulder flexor functional strength for older adults and people with Parkinson disease. 30 , 94 , 111 Test-retest reliability of 0.85 (ICC) and interrater reliability of 0.97 (ICC) have been established for frail older adults (Table 5.3 under “Psychometric Properties”). 75 Equipment Physician’s Desk Reference or other heavy book weighing approximately 2.5 kg (5.5 lb); adjustable height shelf; adjustable height table. Patient Position The patient is positioned in sitting with feet on the floor, arms at the side, and facing a table at waist height with a shelf directly in front, which is approximately 12 inches above shoulder level. A Physician’s Desk Reference or other heavy book (approximately 5.5 lb) is placed on the table (Fig. 5.5).
FIG. 5.5 Starting position for the book lift test.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say ‘go,’ I want you to place the book as quickly as you can on the shelf above shoulder level.” To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will flex the elbows and shoulders while reaching for the book. The patient will grasp the book and then flex the shoulders and extend the elbows while reaching toward the top shelf. The patient will then place the book on the top shelf (Figs. 5.6 and 5.7; see also Fig. 5.5).
FIG. 5.6 The patient grasps the book placed on the lower shelf.
FIG. 5.7 The patient places the book on the top shelf.
Note: The original instructions for the test do not indicate if bilateral arms should be used during testing or if only one arm should be used, nor is foot position specified. Simultaneous use of both arms to lift the book and placement of both feet on the floor is being assumed in this text. Scoring Scoring is based on ordinal rank of the time it takes for the patient to place the book on the shoulder height shelf (Table 5.4). The timer starts on “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go.” The timer is stopped when the book is resting on the shelf. The book lift test is a subtest of the physical performance test (PPT) and can be used to establish a baseline or as part of the full multimodal test. Only the portions of the PPT that are related to the assessment of functional muscle strength are reported in this text. See Rueben and Siu 94 for the full PPT. Psychometric properties of the full PPT are published by Rueben and Siu 94 and Tanji et al. 111 Table 5.4. Scoring for the Book Lift Test Unable
>6 seconds
4.1-6 seconds
2.1-4 seconds
≤2 seconds
Upper and Lower Body Combination Tests NIH Stroke Scale: Motor Arm Assessment of gross upper extremity strength for people with acute
stroke. 13 Interrater reliability of 0.75 to 0.89 (K) and 0.99 (r) has been established in people with acute stroke (Table 5.7 under “Psychometric Properties”). 47 , 84 , 90 , 115 Equipment Bed or wheelchair. Patient Position The limb is placed in the appropriate position based on patient position (sitting or supine). If the patient is in sitting, the arm is outstretched with the shoulder at 90°, the elbow is fully extended, and the palm faces down. If the patient is in the supine position, the shoulder is placed at 45° of flexion, the elbow is fully extended, and the palm faces down (Fig. 5.8A and B).
FIG. 5.8 (A) Starting position for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale: Motor Arm (seated). (B) Starting position for the NIH Stroke Scale: Motor Arm (supine).
Examiner Command The patient should be instructed as follows: “Hold your arm in this position for 10 seconds.” If the patient has aphasia, impaired consciousness, or impaired comprehension, encourage the patient using urgency in the voice and pantomime, but not noxious stimulation. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go” and lets go of the limb on “go.” Each limb is tested in turn, beginning
with the nonparetic arm for practice. Patient Action Once the arm is released, the patient will either hold the limb in place, the arm will drift toward the ground, or the limb will fall. Scoring Only the paretic arm is scored. Drift is scored if the arm falls before 10 seconds, and it is scored based on the categories in Table 5.5. Table 5.5. Scoring for the Nih Stroke Scale: Motor Arm No drift; limb holds 90° (or 45°) for full 10 seconds
Drift; limb holds 90° (or 45°), but drifts down before full 10 seconds; does not hit bed or other support
Limb cannot maintain 90° (or 45°), drifts down to bed or other support, but some effort against gravity
No effort against gravity; limb falls
No movement
NIH, National Institutes of Health
NIH Stroke Scale: Motor Leg Assessment of gross lower extremity strength for people with acute stroke. 13 Interrater reliability of 0.78 to 0.89 (K) has been established in people with acute stroke (Table 5.6 under “Psychometric Properties”). 47 , 84
Bed. Patient Position While the patient is in supine, the leg is raised 30° off the bed (Fig. 5.9).
FIG. 5.9 Starting position for the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale: Motor Leg.
Examiner Command The patient should be instructed as follows: “Hold your leg in this position for 5 seconds.” If the patient has aphasia, impaired consciousness, or impaired comprehension, encourage the patient using urgency in the voice and pantomime but not noxious stimulation. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go” and lets go of the limb on “go.” Each limb is tested in turn, beginning with the nonparetic leg for practice. Patient Action
Once the leg is released, the patient will either hold the limb in place, the leg will drift toward the bed, or the limb will fall. Scoring Only the paretic leg is scored. Drift is scored if the leg falls before 5 seconds, and it is scored based on the categories in Table 5.6. Table 5.6. Reliability of the Nih Stroke Scale Study
Goldstein 20
Age (Years) Reliability
Recent stroke
Not reported
Acute ischemic stroke
Not Interrater K = 0.899 reported
Interrater K = 0.77 (arm) K = 0.78 (leg)
Oh 84
Prasad 90
107 Stroke within 1 month of onset
56.3 ± 13.8
Not Prospective– reported Retrospective K = 0.75-0.87
Acute ischemic stroke
Interrater r = 0.99
NIH, National Institutes of Health. Note: The NIH Stroke Scale: Motor Arm and Motor Leg are subtests of the full NIH Stroke Scale and can be used to establish a baseline or as part of the full multimodal test. Only the portions of the NIH Stroke Scale that are related to the assessment of functional muscle strength are reported in this text. See https://www.stroke.nih.gov/documents/NIH_Stroke_Scale.pdf for the full assessment. Table 5.7.
Scoring for the Nih Stroke Scale: Motor Leg No drift; leg holds 30° for full 5 seconds
Drift; leg drifts to intermediate position by the end of the 5-second period, does not hit the bed
Leg falls to bed by 5 seconds, but there is some effort against gravity
No effort against gravity; limb falls
No movement
NIH, National Institutes of Health Psychometric Properties
Motricity Index: Arm Assessment of gross upper extremity strength for people with subacute stroke. Three movements are tested: pinch grip with 2.5-cm cube, elbow flexion, and shoulder abduction. ∗ Interrater reliability of 0.88 (Rho) and test-retest reliability of 0.93 have been established in people 6 weeks to 4 months poststroke (Table 5.11 under “Psychometric Properties”). 34 , 41 Equipment 2.5-cm cube; table or other flat surface; chair or bed. Patient Position: Pinch Grip The patient should be sitting in a chair or on the edge of a bed. The cube is placed on a flat surface directly in front of the patient (Fig. 5.10).
FIG. 5.10 Starting position for the Motricity Index: Pinch Grip.
Examiner Command: Pinch Grip The patient should be instructed as follows: “Pick up the cube using your index fingers and thumb and hold it.” If the patient is able to pick up the cube and hold it, the patient should be instructed: “When I try to pull the cube out of your hand, hold on tightly and do not let me pull it away from you. Ready, set, go.” Each limb is tested in turn, beginning with the nonparetic hand for practice and comparison. Examiner Action: Pinch Grip The examiner monitors the forearm and intrinsic hand muscles during testing. When performing the resistance portion of the test the examiner gently pulls the cube. Patient Action: Pinch Grip The patient will pinch the cube between the thumb and index finger and lift it off of the table (Fig. 5.11). If able to lift the cube and hold it, the patient will pinch the cube as tightly as possible when the examiner attempts to pull the cube (Fig. 5.12).
Scoring: Pinch Grip Only the paretic arm is scored. Pinch grip is scored based on the categories in Table 5.9.
FIG. 5.11 The patient pinches the cube and lifts it off the table.
FIG. 5.12 The examiner pulls the cube in the direction of the arrow while the patient resists.
Table 5.8. Scoring for the Motricity Index: Pinch Grip No movement
Beginnings of prehension
Grips cube but unable to hold against gravity
Grips cube, held against gravity, but not against week pull
Grips cube against pull but weaker than other side
Normal pinch grip
Patient Position: Elbow Flexion The patient should be sitting in a chair or on the edge of a bed with the elbow flexed to 90°, forearm horizontal (supinated), and the upper
arm vertical (Fig. 5.13).
FIG. 5.13 Starting position for the Motricity Index: Elbow Flexion.
Examiner Command: Elbow Flexion The patient should be instructed as follows: “Keeping your arm at your side and your palm facing up, bend your elbow bringing your hand to your shoulder on the same side of your body.” If able to fully flex the elbow, the patient should be instructed: “When I try to straighten your arm, pull against me and do not let me move your arm. Ready, set, go.” Each limb is tested in turn, beginning with the nonparetic arm for practice and comparison. Examiner Action: Elbow Flexion The examiner monitors the biceps muscle during testing. When performing the resistance portion of the test, the examiner resists with a hand on the patient’s wrist. Patient Action: Elbow Flexion
The patient will flex the elbow moving the hand toward the ipsilateral shoulder (Fig. 5.14). If able to obtain full ROM against gravity, the patient will resist movement as much as possible when the examiner attempts to extend the elbow (Fig. 5.15).
FIG. 5.14 The patient flexes the elbow to the shoulder if possible while the examiner palpates the biceps muscle.
FIG. 5.15 The examiner attempts to extend the elbow while the patient resists.
Patient Position: Shoulder Abduction The patient should be sitting in a chair or on the edge of a bed with the elbow fully flexed and against the chest (Fig. 5.16).
FIG. 5.16 Starting position for the Motricity Index: Shoulder Abduction.
Examiner Command: Shoulder Abduction The patient should be instructed as follows: “Raise your elbow as high as possible away from the side of your body.” If able to fully abduct the shoulder past 90°, the patient should be instructed: “When I try to move your arm downward, push against me and do not let me move your arm. Ready, set, go.” Each limb is tested in turn, beginning with the nonparetic arm for practice and comparison. Examiner Action: Shoulder Abduction The examiner monitors the deltoid muscle during testing (movement of shoulder girdle does not count, there must be movement of humerus in relation to the scapula). When performing the resistance portion of the test, the examiner resists with a hand on the patient’s elbow. Patient Action: Shoulder Abduction The patient will attempt to abduct the shoulder (Fig. 5.17). If able to
obtain full ROM against gravity, the patient will resist movement as much as possible when the examiner attempts to adduct the shoulder (Fig. 5.18).
FIG. 5.17 The patient will abduct the shoulder while keeping the elbow flexed. The examiner palpates the middle deltoid muscle.
FIG. 5.18 The examiner attempts to adduct the shoulder while the patient resists.
Scoring: Elbow Flexion and Shoulder Abduction Only the paretic arm is scored. Elbow flexion and shoulder abduction are scored based on the categories in Table 5.8. Table 5.9. Scoring for the Motricity Index: Elbow Flexion and Shoulder Abduction No movement
Palpable contraction in muscle, but no movement
Visible movement, but not full range against gravity
Full range of movement against gravity, but not against resistance
Full movement against gravity, but weaker than the other side
Normal power
Scoring: Motricity Index: Arm (Total Score) The total arm score = SUM (3 arm tests) + 1 for a potential total score of 100. The score may be used to establish a baseline and to quantify upper extremity motor impairment after stroke.
Motricity Index: Leg Assessment of gross lower extremity strength for people with subacute stroke. Three movements are tested: ankle dorsiflexion, knee extension, and hip flexion. ∗ Interrater reliability of 0.87 (Rho) and test-retest reliability of 0.93 have been established in people 6 weeks to 4 months poststroke (Table 5.10 under “Psychometric Properties”). 34 , 41 Equipment Chair or bed. Patient Position: Ankle Dorsiflexion The patient should be sitting in a chair or on the edge of a bed with the ankle fully plantarflexed (Fig. 5.19).
FIG. 5.19 Starting position for the Motricity Index: Ankle Dorsiflexion.
Examiner Command: Ankle Dorsiflexion The patient should be instructed as follows: “Lift your toes as if standing on your heels.” If the patient is able to fully dorsiflex the foot, the patient should be instructed: “When I try to straighten your foot, pull against me and do not let me move your foot. Ready, set, go.” Each limb is tested in turn, beginning with the nonparetic foot for practice and comparison. Examiner Action: Ankle Dorsiflexion The examiner monitors the tibialis anterior muscle during testing. When performing the resistance portion of the test, the examiner provides resistance on the dorsum of the foot, applying downward pressure. Patient Action: Ankle Dorsiflexion The patient will attempt to dorsiflex the foot (Fig. 5.20). If able to obtain full ROM against gravity, the patient will resist movement as much as possible when the examiner attempts to plantarflex the ankle
(Fig. 5.21).
Patient Position: Knee Extension The patient should be sitting in a chair or on the edge of a bed with the knee flexed to 90° and the foot unsupported (Fig. 5.22).
FIG. 5.20 The patient will dorsiflex the foot as far as possible while the examiner palpates the tibialis anterior muscle.
FIG. 5.21 The examiner attempts to plantarflex the ankle while the patient resists.
FIG. 5.22 Starting position for the Motricity Index: Knee Extension.
Examiner Command: Knee Extension The patient should be instructed as follows: “While keeping the back of your leg on the chair/bed, straighten your knee and touch your foot to my hand.” If able to fully extend the knee, the patient should be instructed: “Slightly bend your knee. Now, when I try to bend your knee, push against me and do not let me move your leg. Ready, set, go.” Each limb is tested in turn, beginning with the nonparetic arm for practice and comparison. Examiner Action: Knee Extension The examiner monitors the quadriceps muscle during testing. When performing the active movement portion of the test, the examiner holds a hand at the level of the patient’s knee. When performing the resistance portion of the test, the examiner resists with a hand at the patient’s ankle. Patient Action: Knee Extension The patient will extend the knee moving the foot toward the examiner’s hand (Fig. 5.23). If able to obtain full ROM against gravity, the patient will resist movement as much as possible when the examiner attempts to flex the knee (Fig. 5.24). Patient Position: Hip Flexion The patient should be sitting in a chair or on the edge of a bed with the hip in 90° (Fig. 5.25).
FIG. 5.23 The patient will extend the knee as far as possible while the examiner palpates the quadriceps muscles.
FIG. 5.24 The examiner attempts to flex the knee while the patient resists.
FIG. 5.25 Starting position for the Motricity Index: Hip Flexion.
Examiner Command: Hip Flexion The patient should be instructed as follows: “Lift the knee toward the chin. Do not lean backwards when attempting the movement.” If able to fully flex the hip against gravity, the patient should be instructed: “When I try to move your leg downward, push against me and do not let me move your arm.” Each limb is tested in turn, beginning with the nonparetic arm for practice and comparison. Examiner Action: Hip Flexion The examiner monitors the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles during testing. The examiner should place a hand behind the patient’s back to monitor for any compensatory movements during the assessment of active movement (Fig. 5.26). When performing the resistance portion of the test, the examiner resists with a hand on the patient’s knee.
Patient Action: Hip Flexion The patient will attempt to flex the hip (see Fig. 5.26). If able to obtain full ROM against gravity, the patient will resist movement as much as possible when the examiner applies a downward pressure at the patient’s knee (Fig. 5.27).
FIG. 5.26 The patient will flex the hip as far as possible while the examiner palpates the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles.
FIG. 5.27 The examiner attempts to extend the hip while the patient resists.
Table 5.10. Reliability of the Motricity Index Study
Collin 20 34
Fayazi 20 41
Age (Years) Reliability
6 weeks poststroke
Not reported
3-4 months poststroke
Range 3776
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient. Psychometric Properties Scoring
Interrater Spearman Rho = 0.88 (arm) Spearman Rho = 0.87 (leg) Test-retest ICC = 0.93
Only the paretic leg is scored based on the categories in Table 5.11. Scoring: Motricity Index: Leg (Total Score) The total leg score = SUM (3 leg tests) + 1 for a potential total score of 100. The score may be used to establish a baseline and to quantify lower extremity motor impairment after stroke. Table 5.11. Scoring for the Motricity Index: Leg Subscales No movement
Palpable contraction in muscle, but no movement
Visible movement, but not full range against gravity
Full range of movement against gravity, but not against resistance
Full movement against gravity but weaker than the other side
Normal power
Lower Body Tests Calf Raise Test: Geriatric Assessment of functional plantar flexor strength for older adults. 7 , 8 Interrater reliability of 0.93 to 0.96 (ICC) and test-retest reliability of 0.90 have been established in older adults who live independently (Table 5.12 under “Psychometric Properties”). 7 , 8 Equipment Square tool or stadiometer. Patient Position The patient is positioned facing a wall with bilateral fingertip support
on the wall at shoulder height. Feet are shoulder width apart, the spine is in neutral, and the knees are extended. The patient raises the heels vertically to the maximal height possible and the therapist positions a square tool/stadiometer at the height of the patient’s head when the patient is fully elevated (Figs. 5.28 and 5.29).
FIG. 5.28 Starting position for the calf raise test: geriatric.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say go, I want you to raise up onto your toes and touch your head; then lower your heels completely to the ground as many times as you can in 30 seconds.” Demonstration and a one-repetition practice trial are recommended prior to testing. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will raise up on the toes and touch the head to the stadiometer and then lower the heels back to the ground as many times as possible in 30 seconds (see Figs. 5.28 and 5.29). Scoring Scoring is based on the number of repetitions performed in 30 seconds. The timer starts as the therapist says “go” when saying, “Ready, set, go.” The therapist quietly counts the repetitions until 30 seconds is reached. Incorrectly executed calf raises, including if the patient does not touch the head to the square or touch the heels to the ground, are not counted. The score may be used to establish a baseline for functional plantar flexor strength or stratify older adults into categories of functional fitness published by André. 8 Table 5.12. Reliability of the Calf Raise Test: Geriatric Study n
Age (Years)
André 41
Older adults who live independently
65 and older
Older adults who live independently
65 and older
André 12 8
Reliability Test-retest ICC = 0.90 Interrater ICC = 0.93-0.96 Intrarater ICC = 0.79-0.84
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient.
FIG. 5.29 The patient will rise up on the toes, touch the stadiometer with the head, and return to the starting position.
Psychometric Properties
Supine Hip Extension Test Assessment of hip extensor strength for patients unable to achieve the prone position. 87 Interrater reliability of 0.82 (K) has been established for adults with hip extensor weakness (Table 5.13 under “Psychometric Properties”). 87 Table 5.13. Reliability of the Supine Hip Extension Test Study n
Adults with hip extensor weakness
Age (Years) 52 ± 13.6
Reliability Interrater K = 0.82
Equipment Plinth. Patient Position The patient is positioned in supine on a firm surface (Fig. 5.30).
FIG. 5.30 Starting position for the supine hip extension test.
Examiner Action/Command The examiner passively assesses the patient’s straight leg raise to determine a minimum of 45° hip flexion, then the test limb is returned to the surface. The examiner places both hands under the heel of the test limb and asks the patient to press the heel into the examiner’s hands while the examiner attempts to lift the limb at least 36 inches from the surface. The patient is instructed as follows: “Press your heel into my hand and keep your hip locked as I attempt to lift your heel.” No instruction is given regarding contralateral limb. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will perform an isometric contraction of the hip extensor musculature and should attempt to maintain the hip in full extension as the heel is lifted from the plinth (Figs. 5.31, 5.32, and 5.33).
FIG. 5.31 Patient position for grade 5.
FIG. 5.32 Patient position for grade 4.
FIG. 5.33 Patient position for grades 3, 2, and 0.
Scoring Scoring is based on the patient’s ability to maintain an extended hip position when the heel is lifted from the plinth. The score may be used to establish a baseline for hip extensor strength. See Table 5.14 for scoring. Table 5.14. Scoring for the Supine Hip Extension Test Test hip locks in neutral (full extension) throughout the test, pelvis and back elevate as a unit (see Fig. 5.31).
Grade 5 (Normal)
Limited arc of hip flexion occurs before the pelvis and back elevate as a unit while the leg is raised by the examiner.
Grade 4 (Good)
Hip flexes to the end of straight leg raise range with little or Grade 3 no pelvic elevation; however, examiner feels “good”. (Fair)
Hip flexes to end of straight leg raise range. Resistance that minimally exceeds the weight of the test limb is felt by the examiner (see Fig. 5.33).
Grade 2 (Poor)
Hip flexes fully to end of straight leg raise range with no active resistance felt by examiner (see Fig. 5.33).
Grade 0 (Absent)
Psychometric Properties
Sit-to-Stand Test: Five Times Assessment of lower limb knee extensor, plantar flexor, and hip flexor strength for older adults and people with Parkinson disease. 16 , 72 , 86 , 101 In addition, knee flexor strength was associated with performance on the sit-to-stand test for people with stroke. 74 Note: Variations of this test exist where 1 repetition or 10 repetitions of sit-to-stand are performed. Interrater reliability of 0.89 (ICC) and test-retest reliability of 0.82 to 0.889 have been established in older adults. 69 , 101 , 112 Interrater reliability of 0.99 (ICC) and test-retest reliability of 0.76 to 0.91 have been established in people with Parkinson disease. 38 , 86 Interrater reliability of 0.99 (ICC) and test-retest reliability of 0.99 have been established in people with stroke (Table 5.15 under “Psychometric Properties”). 74 Equipment Armless chair (43 to 47 cm height); stopwatch. Patient Position The patient is placed in a standard height armless chair (43 to 47 cm) that is NOT secured (i.e., against a wall). The patient starts from a seated position with the feet on the floor and the back against the chair (Fig. 5.34).
FIG. 5.34 Starting position for the sit-to-stand test: five times. The patient’s back should touch the chair backrest at the beginning of testing.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “Cross your arms across your chest and keep them crossed during the entire test.” If unable to cross the arms across the chest (e.g., hemiplegia), ask the patient to keep the arms crossed in the lap. The patient is then instructed, “When I say go, stand up and sit down five times as quickly as possible. You should fully stand and fully sit during every repetition. You should NOT touch your back against the chair when you sit.” To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Demonstration and a one-repetition practice trial are highly recommended. Patient Action The patient will fully stand up and completely sit down without touching the back to the chair backrest five times as quickly as possible (Figs. 5.35 and 5.36).
Table 5.15. Reliability of the Sit-to-Stand Test: Five Times Study
Tiedemann 30
Age (Years) Reliability
Older adult
Older adult
Lord 69
Older adult
Mong 74
Stroke: 1 year or more 50 and poststroke and able to older walk 10 m without assistance
Test-retest ICC = 0.99 Intrarater ICC = 0.97 Interrater ICC = 0.99
Duncan et al. 38
Parkinson disease: Hoehn and Yahr stages I-IV
40 and older
Test-retest ICC = 0.76 Interrater ICC = 0.99
Paul et al.
Parkinson disease: able to walk independently
65.9 ± 8.8
Test-retest ICC = 0.91
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient.
65-85 75.5 ± 5.8
Test-retest ICC = 0.89
75 and older
Test-retest ICC = 0.82 Interrater ICC = 0.89
FIG. 5.35 The patient will stand fully.
FIG. 5.36 The patient will return to sitting with the buttocks touching the chair. (Note: The patient’s back does not need to touch the chair backrest.)
Scoring The timer starts on “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go” and is stopped once the patient’s buttocks touch the chair after the fifth repetition. The score may be used to establish a baseline for functional lower extremity strength, compare to age-matched norms published by Bohannon, 19 or compare with criterion referenced valued published by Bohannon 23 and Duncan. 38 Note: If the patient uses the arms or is unable to complete five sit-tostand movements without assistance it is considered a failed test and should not be scored. If the patient is unable to complete the five-time sit-to-stand test, the 30-second sit-to-stand test may be an appropriate alternative. Psychometric Properties Sit-to-Stand Test: 30 Seconds Assessment of functional lower limb strength for older adults and people with osteoarthritis. 56 , 72 Interrater reliability of 0.81 (ICC) and intrarater reliability of 0.93 to 0.98 have been established in people with osteoarthritis. 45 , 117 Intrarater reliability of 0.89 (ICC) and testretest reliability of 0.84 to 0.92 have been established in older adults (Table 5.16 under “Psychometric Properties”). 38 , 58 , 86 Equipment Armless folding chair (17 inches [43.2 cm]) with rubber tips; stopwatch; wall space. Patient Position The patient is seated in a 43.2-cm armless folding chair that is secured against a wall. The patient starts from an upright-seated position with the feet on the floor (Fig. 5.37).
FIG. 5.37 Starting position for the sit-to-stand test: 30 seconds. The patient’s back does not need to touch the chair backrest at the beginning of testing.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “This test looks at how many times you can stand and sit from a chair in 30 seconds. If you do not fully stand or sit down so that your bottom touches the seat, that repetition will not be counted.” Instruct the patient, “Cross your arms across your chest and keep them crossed during the entire test. When I say ‘go’ I want you to stand up and sit down as many times as you can in 30 seconds.” To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Demonstration and a one-repetition practice trial are highly recommended. Patient Action The patient will fully stand up and completely sit down without touching the back to the chairback as many times as possible in 30 seconds (Figs. 5.38 and 5.39).
FIG. 5.38 The patient will stand fully.
FIG. 5.39 The patient will return to sitting with the buttocks touching the chair.
Scoring The timer starts on “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go.” The therapist silently counts the number of repetitions completed in 30 seconds. If the patient is more than halfway up at the end of 30 seconds, it counts as a full stand. Incorrectly executed stands, including if the patient uses his or her arms, are not counted. The score may be used to establish a baseline for functional lower extremity strength, or be used to compare performance to agematched norms published by Rickli and Jones. 95 Table 5.16. Reliability of the Sit-To-Stand Test: 30 Seconds Study
Age (Years) Reliability
Jones 58
Older adult
70.5 ± 5.5
Test-retest ICC = 0.89
Rickli 96 82
Older adult
71.8 ± 6.9
Intrarater ICC = 0.89
Gill 45
Osteoarthritis of hip or knee
70.3 ± 9.8
Intrarater ICC = 0.93-0.98
Osteoarthritis of hip
Not Interrater ICC = 0.81 reported
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient. Psychometric Properties
Step Test: 15 Seconds Assessment of functional lower limb hip flexion, knee flexion, and dorsiflexion strength for older adults and people with stroke. 51 , 52 Interrater reliability of 0.99 (ICC) and test-retest reliability of 0.93 to 0.94 have been established in people with subacute and chronic stroke. 51
, 52
Test-retest reliability of 0.91 to 0.94 has been established in older adults (Table 5.17 under “Psychometric Properties”). 51 Equipment Step stool (7.5-cm height). Patient Position The patient is positioned 5 cm in front of the step stool with the feet parallel and without upper extremity support. The step stool should be stabilized during testing (Fig. 5.40).
FIG. 5.40 Starting position for the step rest: 15 seconds.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say ‘go’ I want you to step your right/nonparetic foot fully onto the stool and then return it fully back down to the floor repeatedly as fast as possible for 15 seconds. Do not move your supporting foot.” The test is repeated with the left/paretic foot after 1 minute of rest. Demonstration and a practice trial are recommended. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will repetitively tap the step stool with one foot and then touch the floor with the same foot as many times as possible in a 15second duration (Figs. 5.41 and 5.42).
FIG. 5.41 The patient will touch the step stool with the foot.
FIG. 5.42 The patient will return the foot to the floor.
Scoring The timer starts on “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go.” The therapist silently counts the number of times the foot touches the floor after touching the step stool over a 15-second duration. Incorrectly executed step touches, including if the patient does not fully touch the foot to the step stool or fully touch the foot to the ground, are not counted. If the patient requires assistance prior to the end of the 15second time period, the counting is stopped at the number of completed steps. The test is scored using the lower score of the two legs tested. The score may be used to establish a baseline for functional lower extremity hip flexor, knee flexor, and dorsiflexion strength. Table 5.17. Reliability of the Step Test: 15 Seconds Study n
Age (Years)
Older adult
Mean age 72.2 years
Test-retest ICC = 0.91-0.94
Stroke: 54.4 ± 25.9 days poststroke; able to stand independently for a minimum of 30 seconds
Mean age 76.1 years
Test-retest ICC = 0.93-0.94
Hill 51
Hong 15
Chronic stroke
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient.
57.7 ± 8.2
Intrarater ICC = 0.98-0.99 Interrater ICC = 0.99
Psychometric Properties
Step-up Test: 15 Seconds Assessment of lower limb extensor muscle strength for people with stroke. 114 Test-retest reliability of 1.00 (ICC) and interrater reliability of 0.97 (ICC) have been established in people with subacute stroke (Table 5.18 under “Psychometric Properties”). 114 Equipment Block/step stool (10-cm height). Patient Position The patient is positioned facing the block with the feet parallel without upper extremity support (Fig. 5.43).
FIG. 5.43 Starting position for the step-up test: 15 seconds.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say ‘go’ I want to see how often you can step up onto the block and back down again in 15 seconds. Lead up with the weak leg followed by the stronger leg. When you step down lead with the stronger leg followed by the weaker leg.” Demonstration and a one-repetition practice trial are recommended. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will step onto the block leading with the weaker limb and place both feet on the block. The patient will then step down off the block leading with the stronger limb and place both feet on the floor. The patient will step up and step down from the block as many times as possible in 15 seconds (Figs. 5.44, 5.45, 5.46, and 5.47). Scoring The timer starts on “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go.” The therapist silently counts the number of times the patient fully steps up onto the block over a 15-second duration. Incorrectly executed stepups, including if the patient does not fully place both feet on the block or fully touch both feet to the floor, are not counted. If the patient requires assistance prior to the end of the 15-second time period, the counting is stopped at the number of completed steps. The score may be used to establish a baseline for functional paretic/weaker lower extremity extensor strength. Table 5.18. Reliability of the Step-Up Test: 15 Seconds Study n
Age (Years)
Tyson 35
Stroke: median of 11 weeks poststroke
40 years of age and older
Reliability Test-retest ICC = 1.00 Interrater
ICC = 0.97
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient.
FIG. 5.44 The patient will place the weaker limb on the block.
FIG. 5.45 The patient will step both feet onto the block.
FIG. 5.46 Leading with the stronger limb the patient will step down from the block.
FIG. 5.47 The patient will return both feet to the floor.
Psychometric Properties
Stair Climb Power Test Assessment of lower limb muscle strength for older adults, more specifically hip extensor, knee extensor, knee flexor, and ankle dorsiflexion muscle power. 5 , 12 Test-retest reliability of 0.95 to 0.99 (ICC) has been established in older adults (Table 5.19 under “Psychometric Properties”). 12 , 81 Equipment Weight scale; stopwatch; staircase (10 to 12 steps) with handrail (4 steps may be used if a flight of ≥10 steps is not available). The height of the steps should be known. If not, a tape measure will be required to measure the height of the steps. Patient Position Prior to starting, the weight of the patient is measured in kilograms. To begin the test, the patient is positioned at the base of a welllighted flight of stairs (Fig. 5.48).
FIG. 5.48 Starting position for the stair climb power test.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say ‘go’ I want you to safely ascend the steps as fast as you can. You may use the handrail if it is necessary for safety purposes.” Demonstration is recommended. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will climb the steps as quickly as possible and stop on the top step (Figs. 5.49 and 5.50).
FIG. 5.49 The patient will climb the steps as quickly as possible.
FIG. 5.50 The patient will stop on the top step and the timer is stopped when both feet reach the top step.
Scoring The timer starts after the therapist says “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go.” The timer is stopped when both of the patient’s feet reach the top step (either step 10 or step 4). Two trials are completed, and scoring is based on the average of the two trials. Stair climb power is calculated with the following formula: power (watts) = [(body weight in kg) × (9.8 m/s2) × (stair height in meters)]/(time in seconds). The score may be used to establish a baseline for functional lower extremity power. Because power is calculated, the data are normalized to the height of the stairs and the weight of the patient; therefore comparisons can be made from one clinic to another or over time even when the same flight of stairs is not used. Table 5.19. Reliability and Psychometric Properties of the Stair Climb Power Test Study n Bean 12
Ni 81
Population Age (Years) Reliability
124 Older adults
≥65 mean age 77.2
Older adults
Test-retest R = 0.99 Test-retest R = 0.95 (4 steps) Correlation between use of 4 and 10 steps r = 0.96 MDC for 4 steps 44 watts MDC for 10 steps 45.6 watts
MDC, XXX. Psychometric Properties
Timed Stair Negotiation (Ascend/Descend) Test Assessment of gross lower extremity muscle strength for older adults
and people with osteoarthritis, stroke, and total knee arthroplasty, more specifically, concentric knee extensor and knee flexor muscle strength associated with performance on the timed stair negotiation test. 25 , 68 , 82 Test-retest reliability of 0.94 to 0.99 (ICC) has been established in older men. 68 Test-retest reliability of 0.95 to 0.98 (ICC) has been established in people with chronic stroke. 43 , 80 Test-retest reliability of 0.90 to 0.94 (ICC) has been established in people with osteoarthritis and knee arthroplasty (Table 5.20 under “Psychometric Properties”). 4 , 61 Equipment Flight of 9 to 12 steps with bilateral handrail; stopwatch. Patient Position To begin the test, the patient is positioned at the base of a well-lighted flight of stairs that has handrails on both sides (Fig. 5.51).
FIG. 5.51 Starting position for the timed stair negotiation test.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say ‘go’ I want you to climb to the top of the steps. Once you reach the top of the steps you will turn around. Then when I say ‘go’ a second time I want you to descend the steps. You may use the handrail if it is necessary for safety purposes. You should ascend and descend the stairs as fast and safely as possible.” Demonstration is recommended. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will climb the steps as quickly as possible and stop on the top step. The patient will turn around at the top of the steps. Once the therapist says “go” for a second time, the patient will descend the stairs as quickly as possible (Figs. 5.52, 5.53, 5.54, and 5.55). Scoring The timer starts after the therapist says “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go.” The ascending time is recorded from the rater’s first “go” to the time when both of the patient’s feet reach the top platform. The descending time is recorded from the rater’s second “go” until both of the patients’s feet return to the floor. Multiple versions of this test with different numbers of stairs and stair heights exist. The number of steps and stair height should be reported. Unless normalized to the height of the stairs (see stair climb power test), this test should only be used to assess change from pretest to posttest.
FIG. 5.52 The patient will climb the steps as quickly as possible, and the timer is stopped when both feet reach the top step.
FIG. 5.53 The patient will stop on the top step and turn around. The patient should wait to hear “go” prior to descending the stairs.
FIG. 5.54 The patient will descend the steps as quickly as possible.
FIG. 5.55 The timer is stopped when both of the patient’s feet are on the floor.
Table 5.20. Reliability of the Timed Stair Negotiation Test Population
Age (Years)
Older men
Test-retest ICC = 0.94
Older men with mobility limitations
Test-retest ICC = 0.99
Kennedy 61 21
Osteoarthritis: hip and knee
63.7 ± 10.7
Test-retest (ascent and descent combined) ICC = 0.90
Ng 80
Chronic stroke: 5.8 ± 2.82 years
57.26 ± 7.19
Test-retest (ascent) ICC = 0.95-0.98
LeBrasseur 31 68
LeBrasseur 39 68
Test-retest (ascent and descent combined) ICC = 0.98-0.99
Flansbjer 43 50
Stroke: 6-46 months 58 ± 6.4 poststroke
Test-retest (ascent) ICC = 0.98 Test-retest (descent) ICC = 0.98
Almeida 4
Total knee arthroplasty
Test-retest (ascent) ICC = 0.94 Test-retest (ascent and descent combined) ICC = 0.94
68 ± 8
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient. Psychometric Properties
Step Up and Over Test Assessment of gross lower limb strength during dynamic mobility tasks for older adults. 99 Test-retest reliability of 0.80 to 1.00 (ρ) has been established in community-dwelling older adults (Table 5.21 under “Psychometric Properties”). 99 Table 5.21. Reliability of the Step Up and Over Test Study n
Community-dwelling older adults
Age (Years) 75 ± 6.2
Reliability Test-retest ρ = 0.801.00
Equipment Bench (6 inches high × 14 to 18 inches wide). Patient Position The patient is positioned in standing facing a block/step stool that is 6 inches high by 14 to 18 inches wide (Fig. 5.56).
FIG. 5.56 Starting position for the step up and over test.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “Step up onto the bench with your right leg, swing your left leg directly up and over the bench, and step off on the other side. Repeat the movement in the opposite direction with your left leg as your leading leg.” Demonstration is recommended. Patient Action The patient will place the right foot onto the block and attempt to step the left foot completely over the block placing the left foot onto the floor on the opposite side of the block. The patient will then step off of the block with the right foot and turn around to face the block. The patient will repeat the process in the opposite direction leading up with the left foot and attempting to step completely over the block with the right foot (Figs. 5.57, 5.58, 5.59, and 5.60).
FIG. 5.57 The patient will step up with the right foot.
FIG. 5.58 The patient will attempt to step completely over the block with the left leg.
FIG. 5.59 The patient’s left foot will touch the floor on the opposite side of the block.
FIG. 5.60 The patient will step the right foot forward off the block.
Scoring Scoring is based on the patient’s ability to step up and over the block without contacting the block with the trailing limb. See Table 5.22 for scoring. The step up and over test is a subtest of the Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale and can be used to establish a baseline or as part of the full multimodal test. Only the portions of the test related to the assessment of musculoskeletal strength are reported in this text. See Rose 99 for the full assessment. Table 5.22. Scoring for the Step Up and Over Test Unable to step up onto the bench without loss of balance or manual assistance
Able to step up onto the bench with leading leg, but trailing leg contacts the bench as leg swings around the bench during the swing-through phase in both directions
Able to step up onto the bench with leading leg, but trailing leg contacts the bench or swings around the bench during the swingthrough phase in one direction
Able to correctly complete the step up and over in both directions but requires close supervision in one or both directions
Able to correctly complete the step up and over test in both directions safely and independently
Psychometric Properties
Two-Footed Jump Test Assessment of gross lower limb strength for older adults. 99 Test-retest reliability of 0.91 to 1.00 (ρ) and interrater reliability of 0.96 to 0.97 (ρ) have been established in community-dwelling older adults (Table 5.23 under “Psychometric Properties”). 99
Table 5.23. Reliability of the Two-Footed Jump Test Study n
Community-dwelling older adults
Age (Years) 75 ± 6.2
Reliability Test-retest ρ = 0.911.00 Interrater reliability ρ = 0.96-0.97
Equipment Tape measure; masking tape. Patient Position The patient is positioned in standing with the toes touching a line made of masking tape on the floor (Fig. 5.61).
FIG. 5.61 Starting position for the two-footed jump test.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “Try to jump as far but as safely as you can with both feet.” Demonstration is recommended. Patient Action The patient will attempt to jump forward as far as possible. Both feet should leave the ground simultaneously and land simultaneously (Figs. 5.62 and 5.63). Scoring Scoring is based on the patient’s ability to perform the jump and the distance the patient is able to jump. See Table 5.24 for scoring. The two-footed jump is a subtest of the Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale and can be used to establish a baseline or as part of the full multimodal test. Only the portions of the test related to the assessment of musculoskeletal strength are reported in this text. See Rose 99 for the full assessment.
FIG. 5.62 The patient will jump, and both feet should leave the floor at the same time.
FIG. 5.63 The patient will land, and both feet should touch the floor at the same time.
Psychometric Properties Table 5.24 Scoring for the Two-Footed Jump Test Unwilling or unable to attempt or attempts to initiate two-footed jump, but one or both feet do not leave the floor
Able to initiate two-footed jump, but one foot either leaves the floor or lands before the other
Able to perform two-footed jump, but unable to jump farther than the length of own feet
Able to perform two-footed jump, and able to achieve a distance greater than the length of own feet
Able to perform two-footed jump and achieve a distance greater than 4 twice the length of own feet
Gross Motor Tests Timed Floor Transfer Test Assessment of functional gross motor strength for older adults and people with chronic stroke. 76 , 79 Test-retest reliability of 0.79 (ICC) has been established in older adults. 76 Test-retest reliability of 0.95 (ICC) and interrater reliability 1.00 (ICC) have been established in people with chronic stroke (Table 5.25 under “Psychometric Properties”). 79 Equipment Floor mat; chair. Patient Position
The patient is positioned standing upright on a floor mat with a chair nearby that can be used for support (Fig. 5.64).
FIG. 5.64 Starting position for the timed floor transfer test.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say ‘go’, I want you to transfer from a standing position to a sitting position on the floor and then return to standing. You may use the chair for support if needed.” The patient may perform the task in any way that he or she prefers. Demonstration and a practice trial are recommended. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will move from the standing position to a seated position on the floor and then return to standing. The patient may use the chair for upper extremity support (Figs. 5.65 and 5.66).
FIG. 5.65 The patient will descend to the floor.
FIG. 5.66 The patient will sit on the floor and then return to standing.
Scoring Scoring is based on the time for completing the sequence and is recorded in seconds. The timer starts on “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go.” The timer is stopped when the patient returns to a full upright standing position. If the patient requires any assistance for any part of the process, the test is stopped and a failed test is recorded. The timed floor transfer test is repeated three times with 2 minutes of rest between each trial. The average of the three trials should be recorded. The score may be used to establish a baseline for functional gross motor strength. Table 5.25. Reliability of the Timed Floor Transfer Test Study
Murphy 50
Age (Years)
Older adults
72.3 ± 8.6
Test-retest ICC = 0.79
Chronic stroke: 9.1 ± 3.5 years poststroke
61.4 ± 6.6
Ng 79
Test-retest ICC = 0.95 Interrater ICC = 1.00 Intrarater ICC = 0.85-0.89
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient. Psychometric Properties
Lift and Carry Test Assessment of functional upper and lower limb strength for older adults with osteoarthritis. 13 , 93 Test-retest reliability of 0.92 (r) has been established in older adults with knee osteoarthritis (Table 5.26 under
“Psychometric Properties”). 93 Equipment 4.5-kg (10-lb) weight; adjustable shelves: one shelf at knee height, one shelf at shoulder height; cone; stopwatch. Patient Position The patient is positioned in standing 2.7 m (8.86 feet) away from adjustable shelves with a lower shelf positioned at patellar height and a higher shelf positioned at acromion height. A 4.5-kg (10-lb) weight is placed on the lower shelf. A cone is placed behind the patient 4.36 m (14.3 feet) away from the bookshelf off-centered to the left by 0.8 m (2.6 feet) (Fig. 5.67).
FIG. 5.67 Starting position for the lift and carry test.
Examiner Command The patient is instructed as follows: “When I say ‘go’, I want you to walk to the cabinet and pick up the weight from the lower shelf with
both hands. Then carry the weight to the cone, walk around the cone, return to the bookshelf, and place the weight on the top shelf. Please complete the task as quickly and as safely possible.” Demonstration and a practice trial are recommended. To begin the test, the examiner states, “Ready, set, go.” Patient Action The patient will walk forward to the shelf and lift the weight with both hands from the lower shelf. The patient will turn around and walk to the cone. The patient will walk around the cone and then return to the shelf. The patient will lift the weight with both hands and place it on the top shelf (Figs. 5.68, 5.69, and 5.70). Scoring Scoring is based on the time for completing the test and is recorded in seconds. The timer starts on “go” when the therapist says, “Ready, set, go.” The timer is stopped when the weight strikes the top shelf. The score may be used to establish a baseline for functional gross motor strength. Table 5.26. Reliability of the Lift and Carry Test Study
Rejeski 25 93
Age (Years)
Older adults with knee osteoarthritis
60 years old and Test-retest r = older 0.92
FIG. 5.68 Using both hands, the patient will lift the weight from the lower shelf.
FIG. 5.69 The patient will carry the weight around the cone and return to the shelves.
FIG. 5.70 The patient will place the weight on the top shelf.
Psychometric Properties
Advanced Functional Muscle Testing Manual muscle testing, as presented in the previous chapter, is a valuable tool in the thorough and efficient assessments of patients with neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction of strength. Taking assessment of strength to an advanced level occurs through the use of functional tests. However, previous research has examined the relationship between functional testing and measurement of isokinetic strength. An early study by Wilk et al. 116 reported that positive correlation (0.48 to 0.69) existed between isokinetic knee extension peak torque (180, 300 deg/sec) and three hop tests (timed hop for distance, cross over triple hop, and single hop for distance). Since this study by Wilk, positive relationships between strength and functional tests were reported by several authors.∗
Functional testing has been reported to show how a patient’s evaluation, such as strength testing and ROM, correlate to more functional physical performance, such as those used in specific sports. 65 In addition, functional tests are commonly used in rehabilitation, 2 , 3 , 92 preparticipation screening, 15 , 77 as well as for criteria for return to play. 9 , 70 , 85 Functional muscle tests are very common in assessing the lower extremity. For the lower extremity, assessment of “daily life” function 78 would include two-leg functional tests such as the figure-of-eight test and shuttle runs. To examine “strength/stability” function, singleleg hops can be used. 98 (For purposes of this chapter, “hop” is defined as a single-leg activity, whereas “jump” is defined as a two-leg activity.) Hop tests represent demands that are more comparable to those demands found during high-level activities, which require more strength and dynamic power than the two-leg functional tests. Borsa et al. 26 suggest that hop tests are indicators “of the integrated effect of neuromuscular control, strength, and confidence in the limb.” Single-leg hop tests will be emphasized in this section and presented in Figs. 5.71 through 5.101 later in the chapter. Tests to assess the functional muscle strength and endurance of the upper extremity and spine are not as common. One test is presented to assess the upper extremity from a functional component (see Figs. 5.102 and 5.103 later in the chapter), and three tests are presented to examine functional muscle strength of the spine (see Figs 5.104 through 5.110 later in the chapter).
Lower Extremity Vertical Hop Equipment Chalk; tape measure. Initial Measurement Place chalk on patient’s left and right middle fingers. Standing next to
the wall, mark standing reach on left and right sides (Fig. 5.71).
FIG. 5.71 Standing next to the wall, mark standing reach.
Patient Position Standing on one leg of side to be tested (Fig. 5.72).
FIG. 5.72 Standing on one leg of side to be tested.
Examiner Command “Stand on one leg, bend at the knee and hop as high as you can. You may use your arm to assist. At the peak of the hop, touch your middle finger to the wall, then land on the same leg used for takeoff.” As the task is described, have the patient complete one movement. Patient Action Patient hops on left leg as high as possible (Fig. 5.73); then the patient repeats on right leg.
FIG. 5.73 Patient hops as high as possible.
Documentation The difference between the point touched at the peak of the hop and the standing reach is measured with the tape measure, recorded, and compared between sides.
Horizontal Hop Equipment Tape measure; tape or cones. Patient Position Standing on one leg of side to be tested; toes lined up at zero mark (Fig. 5.74).
FIG. 5.74 Standing on one leg of side to be tested; toes lined up at zero mark.
Examiner Command “Standing on one leg, bend at the knee and hop as far as you can, one time, landing on the same leg. You may use your arms.” As the task is described, have the patient complete one movement. Patient Action Patient hops on left leg as far forward as possible (Fig. 5.75); then the patient repeats on the right leg.
FIG. 5.75 Patient hops on one leg as far forward as possible.
Documentation The difference between the zero mark and the place where the patient’s heel hits the ground upon completing the single hop is measured with the tape measure, recorded, and compared between sides.
Triple Hop Equipment Tape measure; tape or cones.
Patient Position Standing on one leg of side to be tested; toes lined up at zero mark (Fig. 5.76).
FIG. 5.76 Standing on one leg of side to be tested; toes lined up at zero mark.
Examiner Command “Standing on one leg, bend at the knee, and hop as far as you can three consecutive times, landing on the same leg every time. You may use your arms.” As the task is described, have the patient complete one series of the activity. Patient Action Patient jumps three consecutive hops on left leg as far forward as possible (Figs. 5.77 and 5.78); then patient repeats on the right leg.
FIG. 5.77 Patient hops three consecutive times on one leg as far forward as possible.
FIG. 5.78 Patient hops three consecutive times on one leg as far forward as possible.
Documentation The difference between the zero mark and the place where the patient’s heel lands after the third hop is measured with the tape measure, recorded, and compared between sides.
Timed Horizontal Hop Equipment Tape measure, stopwatch, tape or cones. With the tape measure, mark off distance of 20 feet, and set cones at each end or mark with tape.
Patient Position Standing on one leg of side to be tested; toes lined up at zero mark (Fig. 5.79).
FIG. 5.79 Standing on one leg of side to be tested; toes lined up at zero mark.
Examiner Command “Standing on one leg, bend at the knee and perform a series of hopping (landing on the same leg each time) for a distance of 20 feet,
as fast as you can. You are encouraged to use your arms and large, powerful hopping motions to complete the task.” As the task is described, have the patient complete one series of the activity. Patient Action Patient hops on left leg as fast as possible for 20 feet; then repeats on the right leg (Fig. 5.80).
FIG. 5.80 Patient hops on one leg as fast as possible for 20 feet.
Documentation The time it takes the patient to travel 20 feet is timed by the stopwatch, recorded, and compared between sides.
Side Hop Equipment Tape measure; tape or cones; stopwatch. An area 10 inches wide is marked with tape or cones. Patient Position Standing on one leg of side to be tested (Fig. 5.81).
FIG. 5.81 Standing on one leg of side to be tested.
Examiner Command “Starting on the left leg, hop side to side over the 10-inch-wide area as fast as possible.” As the task is described, patient completes one series of the activity. Patient Action Patient hops side to side across the 10-inch area on the left leg as fast as possible for 30 seconds (Fig. 5.82); then patient repeats on the right leg.
FIG. 5.82 Patient hops back and forth across 10-inch area on one leg as fast as possible for 30 seconds.
Documentation Number of hops on each leg is counted, recorded, and compared between sides.
Lateral Triple Hop Equipment Tape measure; tape or cones. Patient Position Standing on one leg of side to be tested (Fig. 5.83).
FIG. 5.83 Standing on one leg of side to be tested.
Examiner Command
“Standing on one leg, bend at the hip and knee, and hop as far to the side as you can, three consecutive times, landing on the same leg every time. You may use your arms.” Patient Action Patient hops on one leg three consecutive times to the side as far as possible; then the patient repeats on the other leg (Figs. 5.84 and 5.85)
FIG. 5.84 Patient hops on one leg as far as possible.
FIG. 5.85 Patient hops three consecutive times on one leg as far as possible.
Documentation The difference between the zero mark and the place where the patient’s heel lands after the third lateral hop is measured with a tape measure, recorded, and compared between sides.
Square Hop Equipment Tape; stopwatch. With the tape, mark out an area 30 × 35 cm. Patient Position Standing on one leg outside the square marked with tape on the floor (Fig. 5.86).
FIG. 5.86 Standing on one leg outside square.
Examiner Command “Standing on one leg, bend at the hip and knee and jump clockwise in and out of the square without touching the tape, as fast as possible for 30 seconds.” Patient Action Patient hops on one leg into square (Fig. 5.87), then hops out of square to the right (Fig. 5.88), then back into the square (see Fig. 5.87), then out of the square forward (Fig. 5.89), then back into the square (see Fig. 5.87), then out of the square to the left, then back into the square, and out of the square backward. Patient continues this sequence for 30 seconds. Patient then repeats on other leg.
FIG. 5.87 Landing on one leg inside square.
FIG. 5.88 Landing on one leg outside and to the right of square.
FIG. 5.89 Landing on one leg outside and in front of square.
Documentation The number of times the foot touches the inside of the square in 30 seconds is recorded and compared between sides.
Up-Down Hop Equipment Stopwatch; 8-inch tall step/box. Patient Position Standing on one leg of side to be tested in front of box (Fig. 5.90).
FIG. 5.90 Standing on one leg of side to be tested in front of box.
Examiner Command “Standing on one leg, hop forward up on the step and land on the same leg and then hop back down 10 times as quickly as possible.” As the task is described, the patient completes one movement. Patient Action Patient hops up the step/box, then back down with right leg 10 times as fast as possible, landing on same leg (Fig. 5.91); then patient repeats on the left leg.
FIG. 5.91 Patient hops on step/box with right leg 10 times as fast as possible, landing on same leg.
Documentation The time to complete the 10 hops on the step/box is measured with the stopwatch, recorded, and compared between sides.
Drop Step, Followed by Double Hop for Distance Equipment
Tape measure; 10-inch step/box; tape. A line is marked with tape or cones 15 inches from base of box as a starting line. Patient Position Standing on one leg on top of box (Fig. 5.92).
FIG. 5.92 Standing on one leg on top of box.
Examiner Command “Standing on one leg, hop down from step/box without touching or crossing the tape (or cones) and land on same leg. Immediately upon landing, perform a maximal hop as far forward as possible, landing on same leg.” As the task is being described, the patient performs one series of the activity. Patient Action Patient hops down from box on the left leg, landing behind the tape (Fig. 5.93), and immediately hops one time as far forward as possible on the same leg (Fig. 5.94). Repeat on the right leg. (Note: If the patient crosses or touches the starting line, the result is a disqualified jump.) Documentation The difference between the 15-inch mark and the place where the patient’s heel lands after the hop is measured with a tape measure, recorded, and compared between sides.
FIG. 5.93 Patient hops down from box on one leg, landing behind cones.
FIG. 5.94 Patient immediately hops one time as far forward as possible on the same leg.
Crossover Hop Equipment Tape measure; tape. An area 20 feet long by 6 inches wide is marked
on the floor. Patient Position Standing on one leg, stand on the right side of the marked area with toes lined up at zero mark (Fig. 5.95).
FIG. 5.95 Standing on one leg, stand on the right side of the line with toes lined up at zero mark.
Examiner Command “Starting on the right side, bend at the knee and hop over the taped area to the left side while trying to go forward as far as possible. Land on the same leg. Then immediately hop forward and over the taped area to the right side, then to the left side again.” As the task is described, have patient complete one series of the activity.
Patient Action Patient hops forward on the left leg three times while crossing back and forth over the strip (Figs. 5.96, 5.97, and 5.98); then patient repeats on the right leg.
FIG. 5.96 Patient hops forward on one leg the first time while crossing back and forth over the strip.
FIG. 5.97 Patient hops forward on one leg the second time while crossing back and forth over the strip.
FIG. 5.98 Patient hops forward on one leg the third and final time while crossing back and forth over the strip.
Documentation The difference between the zero mark and the place where the patient’s heel lands after the third hop is measured with the tape measure, recorded, and compared between sides.
Figure-of-Eight Hop Equipment Stopwatch; tape measure; two cones. Mark the starting line with a cone, then mark the finish line with a cone 20 feet from the starting line. Patient Position
Standing on one leg of side to be tested. Examiner Command “Standing on one leg, hop as fast as possible in one figure-eight pattern from the starting line to the finish line hopping around the cones; perform a second figure-eight back to the starting line. Perform this task for two laps.” As the task is described, have patient complete one series of the activity. Patient Action Patient performs figure-eight down to finish line and back to starting line for two complete laps (Figs. 5.99, 5.100, and 5.101). Documentation The time to complete the two laps is measured with a stopwatch, recorded, and compared between sides.
FIG. 5.99 Patient performs turn around cone.
FIG. 5.100 Patient performs turn around cone.
FIG. 5.101 Patient performs turn around cone.
Upper Extremity
Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test Equipment Tape measure; stopwatch; two cones. Initial Measurement Two cones are placed on the ground, 36 inches apart. Patient Position Assume push-up position with one hand to the side of each cone. The body is parallel to the ground with elbows extended (Fig. 5.102).
FIG. 5.102 Original starting position—assume push-up position.
Examiner Action Examiner has patient complete one cycle of activity described next and prepares to time the test for 15 seconds. Patient Action When examiner says “go” the patient removes the right hand from the
floor, touches the left hand (Fig. 5.103), and then returns the right hand to the original starting position (see Fig. 5.102). The patient then switches hands and moves the left hand to touch the right hand and returns the left hand to the original position. A single test consists of alternating this procedure for 15 seconds.
FIG. 5.103 Patient removes right hand from floor, touches left hand.
Documentation A “touch” is defined as a hand crossing over and touching the opposite hand. The examiner counts the number of touches of both hands that occur during the 15-second test period and records.
Spine Prone Bridge (Plank) Equipment Stopwatch. Patient Position
Prone, propped on elbows shoulder width apart. Feet set with narrow base of support, but not touching (Fig. 5.104).
FIG. 5.104 Prone, propped on elbows.
Examiner Command “Raise the pelvis from the support surface so that only the forearms and toes are touching surface. The shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles should be maintained in a straight line.” As the task is described, patient completes the activity (Fig. 5.105).
FIG. 5.105 Prone bridge (plank).
Patient Action Patient assumes the prone bridge position and holds as long as able, until the pelvis drops toward the support surface. Documentation The time the patient is able to hold the prone bridge position is measured with the stopwatch and recorded.
Side Bridge (Plank) Equipment Stopwatch. Patient Position Side lying with support on elbow, legs extended, and top foot placed in front of lower foot on support surface (Fig. 5.106).
FIG. 5.106 Side lying, support on elbow.
Examiner Command “Raise the pelvis from the support surface so that only the forearm and sides of feet are touching the surface. A straight line should be maintained over full body length. Uninvolved arm is held across chest and hand placed on opposite shoulder.” As the task is described, patient completes the activity (Fig. 5.107).
FIG. 5.107 Side bridge (plank).
Patient Action Patient assumes the side bridge position and holds as long as able, until the pelvis drops toward the support surface. Documentation The time the patient is able to hold the side bridge position is measured with the stopwatch and recorded. Repeat procedure on opposite side.
Supine Bridge Equipment Stopwatch. Patient Position Supine, with knees flexed to 90° and feet flat on support surface.
Narrow base for feet but not touching. Arms folded across chest (Fig. 5.108).
FIG. 5.108 Supine, knees flexed to 90°.
Examiner Command “Raise the pelvis from the support surface so that the shoulders, hips, and knees are maintained in a straight line.” As the task is described, patient completes the activity (Fig. 5.109).
FIG. 5.109 Supine bridge (plank).
Patient Action Patient assumes the supine bridge position and holds as long as able, until the pelvis drops toward the support surface. If the patient is able to hold the spine bridge for 2 minutes, the dominant leg is extended at the knee, increasing the difficulty of holding the bridge (Fig. 5.110).
FIG. 5.110 Supine bridge (plank) with one leg extended.
Documentation The time the patient is able to hold the supine bridge position is measured with the stopwatch and recorded.
Reliability Lower Extermity Results of examining seven studies investigating the frequently used hop tests indicate excellent intrarater reliability (Table 5.27). Bandy et al. 10 collected data on five functional tests (vertical hop, horizontal hop, timed horizontal hop, triple hop, and crossover hop) in a sample of 16 to 22 patients ranging in age from 18 to 25 years and reported reliability of more than 0.85 for all five tests. Similar high correlations were reported by Brosky et al., 27 who reported reliability to range from 0.88 to 0.97 for the vertical hop, horizontal hop, and timed horizontal hop in a sample of 15 patients with a mean age of 26 years. Examining 18 patients, Ross et al. 100 reported test-retest reliability
above 0.92 for the horizontal, triple, crossover, and timed horizontal hop tests. Finally, Kivlan 62 published reliability of 0.89 for the crossover hop and 0.94 for the triple-hop tests after measuring 19 participants. In addition, both Gustavsson et al. 49 and Reid et al. 92 examined validity and reliability of hop tests. Examining 15 healthy patients perform the vertical hop, horizontal hop, and drop jump followed by the horizontal hop, and side hop, Gustavsson et al. 49 reported reliability ranging from 0.85 to 0.89 for test session 1 to session 2 (separated by 10 days) and from 0.93 to 0.97 for test session 2 to session 3 (separated by 10 days). Similarly, Reid et al. 92 reported on 42 patients (mean age 25.6 years) performing the horizontal hop, timed horizontal hop, triple hop, and crossover hop. The author reported reliability ranging from 0.84 to 0.92 for the four functional tests. Only one study reported relatively low reliability for hop tests. Examining 20 patients (mean age 24.5 years) on four functional hop tests, Bolga and Keskula 24 reported a correlation of 0.66 for the timed horizontal hop. However, Bolga and Keskula 24 were in agreement with previous studies on the reliability of the horizontal hop, triple hop, and crossover hop, reporting correlations above 0.95 for each of these tests. In summary, research indicates that functional tests provide a reliable intratester measure of lower extremity performance (see Table 5.27). Future studies should address interrater reliability to investigate the accuracy of measurement between multiple examiners.
Upper Extremity and Spine Reliability studies on functional muscle testing of the upper extremity and spine are relatively rare. Examining the reliability of the closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test, Goldbeck and Davies 46 measured the number of touches produced in 15 seconds in 24 male college students. The test-retest reliability correlation was reported as 0.93. The authors concluded that this test was “very valuable
clinically” as the test was “reliable, easy to use, and costs nothing to maintain.” Table 5.27. Intrarater Reliability of Hop Tests of the Lower Extremity (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients [Iccs]) Study Bandy et
al. 10
Bolga and Keskula 24
Brosky et
al. 27
Age (Years)
Crossover hop
18.10 ± 2.35
Horizontal hop
25.16 ± 3.56
Timed horizontal hop
24.50 ± 3.23
Triple hop
18.10 ± 2.35
Vertical hop
25.16 ± 3.56
Crossover hop
24.5 ± 4.2 0.96
Horizontal hop
24.5 ± 4.2 0.96
Timed horizontal hop
24.5 ± 4.2 0.66
Triple hop
24.5 ± 4.2 0.95
Horizontal hop
26.0 ± 7.3 0.88-0.97
Timed horizontal hop
26.0 ± 7.3 0.88-0.97
Vertical hop
26.0 ± 7.3 0.88-0.97
Ross et al. 100
Gustavsson et al. 49
Kivlan 62
Reid et
al. 92
Horizontal hop
20.2 ± 1.2 0.92
Triple hop
20.2 ± 1.2 0.97
Crossover hop
20.2 ± 1.2 0.93
Timed horizontal hop
20.2 ± 1.2 0.92
Drop jump with horizontal 15 hop
28.0 ± 4.0 0.85+, 0.93++
Side hop
28.0 ± 4.0 0.87+, 0.93++
Vertical hop
28.0 ± 4.0 0.89+, 0.97++
Triple hop
18.9 ± 1.1 0.94
Crossover hop
18.9 ± 1.1 0.89
Crossover hop
25.6 ± 9.2 0.84
Horizontal hop
25.6 ± 9.2 0.92
Timed horizontal hop
25.6 ± 9.2 0.82
Triple hop
25.6 ± 9.2 0.88
Test 1-2.
Test 3-4.
Table 5.28. Intrarater Reliability of Plank Tests (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients [Iccs]) Study
Age (Years) Reliability
McGill et al. 73
Side (right and left)
23 ± 2.9
Schellenberg et al. 102
Durall 39
21 ± 2.2
Tong 113
21 ± 2.2
Burnham 31 suggested that poor control and strength of the trunk are risk factors for injuries to the spine as well as to the upper extremity. The authors suggest that functional tests such as the plank and side plank are important aspects of a rehabilitation program. Four studies examined the reliability of three functional muscle tests for the spine. Schellenberg et al. 102 investigated the prone bridge (plank) and supine bridge functional tests. Forty-three patients (mean age 34 years) were measured on two separate occasions. Results indicated that correlation coefficients for reliability for prone and supine bridging tests were 0.78 and 0.84, respectively. Similar results were reported by McGill et al. 73 after examining the reliability of five patients (mean age 23 ± 2.9 years) measured for 5 consecutive days performing the side bridge (plank) functional muscle test. Results indicated reliability to be 0.99 for both side bridges on the left and right. In addition, Tong et al. 113 reported that the reliability of 36 patients (age 22.4 ± 3.7 years) performing the prone plank across three trials was 0.97. Specifically, the reliability coefficient between trial 1 and trial 2 was 0.96; between trial 2 and trial 3, 0.99; and between trial 1 and trial 3, 0.94. Durall et al. 39 used a large sample size of 60 (age 21.1 ± 2.2 years) to investigate the reliability of the prone plank. The author found excellent reliability at 0.95. These four studies indicate that the bridging/plank maneuvers are reliable methods for functional testing of the spine. Table 5.28 presents a summary of these results.
Validity Lower Extremity
Several studies have examined the ability of hop tests in determining instability and risk of injury in those with unstable knees, referred to as validity. Although research on the majority of studies on hop tests just presented indicates good to excellent intratester reliability, results of investigations related to validity are not as clear cut. Reid et al. 92 examined 42 patients (19 women and 23 men) with a mean age of 25.6 years (±9.2) after undergoing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction of the knee. Hop tests examined were the single hop for distance, 6-m timed hop, triple hop for distance, and crossover hop for distance. The authors reported that changes in hop test scores on the operative limb were significantly greater than changes in the nonoperative limb 22 weeks after surgery. The conclusion reached was that “hop tests provide a valid performance based outcome measure for patients undergoing rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction.” Twenty-nine patients (14 women and 15 men) with a mean age of 28.7 years (±1.7) with ACL-deficient knees (postinjury 41.7 ± 11.7 months) were examined by Borsa et al. 26 The patients were examined using the Lysholm knee scale, the Cincinnati knee scale, balance testing, quadriceps muscle strength, and the horizontal hop for distance. Stepwise regression indicated that the two patient-reported measures of function (Lysolm knee scale, Cincinnati knee scale) and the horizontal hop for distance were the most effective estimates of disability. Borsa et al. 26 concluded a side-to-side limb symmetry of more than 10% between involved and noninvolved limbs “as unsatisfactory for hop tests, considered abnormal, and increases that risk of recurrent episodes of instability and injury.” Investigating 30 patients with functional ankle instability (FAI) identified by a subjective questionnaire, Caffrey 32 found that individuals who were injured or having FAI had significantly slower times in three of four functional tests (figure-eight hop, side hop, crossover hop, and square hop). Two studies collecting data from the same research lab investigated validity of several hop tests (triple hop, crossover hop, single hop, timed hop). Barber et al. 11 examined 35 patients with ACL-deficient knees (all complained of their knee “giving way”) on these four hop
tests. Only 50% of these patients with ACL-deficient knees performed abnormally on the single- leg hop tests. In other words, 50% of those 35 patients with ACL-deficient knees had no problem performing hop tests on the injured knee, which indicated a lack of validity in defining functional limitations. The conclusion was confirmed in a second study from the Noyes group 83 when examining 67 (27 women and 40 men; mean age 26.7 years) different patients. These patients complained of limitations with running and twisting/turning, with a history of the knee “giving way” during these activities. Results of this second study, again, indicated that only 50% had abnormal symmetry scores on a hop test. However, when the results of two test were considered, Barber 11 reported only 33% of these 35 participants with ACL-deficient knees were able to perform the hop test on the injured knee. Two additional studies examined validity of the hop test for determining functional ability—investigating the use of multiple hop tests, not just one hop test, in patients with unstable knees. Itoh et al. 54 tested 50 patients (27 men and 23 women) with a mean age of 23.1 years who were defined as having chronic ACL-deficient knees (positive Lachman and pivot shift). The patients were an average of 38 months postinjury. Using four hop tests (figure-eight, up-down, side hop, horizontal), the authors reported that no one hop test provided validity in determining functional status but that 41 of 50 patients (82%) showed abnormal limb symmetry (greater than 20%) between the deficient and the noninjured knee in at least one test. The authors concluded that this result “indicates importance of the uses of multiple hop tests to determine functional instability.” Similar results using multiple hop tests to determine functional instability were reported by Gustavsson et al. 49 These groups were evaluated: 15 healthy patients (9 men and 6 women; 28.0 ± 4.0 years); 30 patients with history of ACL injury (18 men and 12 women; 31.0 ± 9 years; 11 months postinjury); and 35 patients who had undergone ACL reconstruction (25 men and 10 women; 27.0 ± 7 years; 6 months after surgery). All groups underwent a series of hop tests—vertical, horizontal, drop step with horizontal hop, side hop. Results indicated
that none of the 15 healthy patients (0%) indicated abnormal symmetry (greater than 10% right–left difference), 26 of 30 patients with ACL injury (87%) obtained abnormal symmetry values on at least one of the four hop tests, and 32 of 35 of patients who underwent ACL reconstruction (91%) obtained abnormal symmetry values in at least one of four hop tests. The authors concluded that the hop “test battery showed a high ability to discriminate between the hop performance of the injured and non-injured sides, both for patients with an ACL injury and for patients who have undergone ACL reconstruction.”
Upper Extremity and Spine To date, no studies have attempted to correlate upper extremity functional muscle tests, and only one study has attempted to correlate bridging ability to impairment. Schellenberg et a1. 102 examined 32 patients (14 men and 18 women; mean age 45 years) with back pain. They reported correlations of −0.63 (as pain increased, ability to hold bridge decreased) between the prone plank and a visual analogue scale and −0.56 between the prone bridge and the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire Scale (as pain increased, scores on Oswestry decreased). Similar correlations were reported for the supine bridge and the visual analogue scale (−0.62) and the Oswestry (−0.36). More research is needed to further define the relationship between bridging ability and impairment, as well as for the upper extremity and impairment.
Summary This chapter presented descriptions of several frequently used functional muscle tests, ranging from the assessment of older adults to individuals participating at high levels of activity. When available, data reporting the reliability of these functional tests were provided. Additionally, when available, data discussing the ability of these tests to discriminate those individuals with strength deficits, impairments, and instability from individuals without impairment were presented.
After reading this chapter, the clinician will have a wide array of functional muscle tests from which to choose to best examine each patient. In addition, the hope is that the gaps in the literature related to functional muscle tests will become apparent and motivate the clinician to conduct more research to establish appropriate reliability and validity for these tests.
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References 17, 29, 39, 42, 53, 59, 83.
References 14, 18, 33, 34, 37, 109.
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Techniques of Pediatric Muscle Testing Venita Lovelace-Chandler
In the preface to this book, Reese discusses her intention to provide students and professionals in health care with the tools to assess the muscular and neurologic systems. In Chapter 1, she describes muscle strength testing as an essential component of the examination of all patients. This chapter provides information from the literature and suggestions for assessing muscle strength in one specific patient population, young children from birth to approximately 4 years, when a child could be tested through the use of traditional manual muscle testing (MMT) techniques and other methods such as the use of handheld dynamometry as discussed in Chapter 7. This chapter also reviews the changing perspective on early intervention and how muscle strength should be considered within that perspective, new techniques with the promise of assessing strength and function, particularly in atypical populations, and variations of muscle strength in populations of patients with impairments.
History of Muscle Strength Testing in Children Muscle strength assessment in children was of particular interest to health care providers during the polio epidemic in the United States from the early to mid-1900s. Little information about strength assessment in very young children was available, and that deficit in knowledge continues 100 years later. Lovett 30 wrote about the
physicians and persons trained by physicians who conducted strength assessment in children with polio. The physician Feuer 15 discussed rehabilitation goals in the available physical therapy journal in 1953 and included a case of a 16-month-old on whom MMT was performed. The testing was noted to reveal severe paresis, but no details of the testing were provided. Another early article was written in 1958 by Johnson 26 to assist physicians in using MMT to examine infants and small children with suspected muscle weakness. He stated that the examination was simple and should include the three steps of palpation, examination for muscle tightness, and demonstration of muscle function as the appropriate routine. He also stated that the only requirements for the examiner were a working knowledge of functional anatomy and acquaintance with the motor development of infants. He suggested that knowledge of functional anatomy was easily obtained by a review of an anatomy textbook, and an understanding of motor development was attained by observation of infants and familiarity with developmental scales. Although Johnson 26 was correct that a routine was not clearly available in existing literature, he underestimated the knowledge and skills involved in applying functional anatomy and principles of normal development to the assessment of the quantity and quality of muscle force exhibited by infants and young children. In 1960, physical therapists Schenck and Tomberlin 41 wrote Hints for Manual Muscle Testing of Infants for use in teaching muscle testing to physical therapy students. Those “hints” suggested techniques for assessing the strength of individual muscles, and in some cases muscle groups, for children from newborn to 5 years of age. Developmental reflexes were used to elicit most of the responses for children in the range of newborn to 6 or 7 months. From the sixth or seventh month to approximately 1 year, muscle strength was assessed by stimulating a voluntary movement without particular regard for gravity. From approximately 1 to 5 years of age, strength was assessed by stimulating a voluntary response against gravity. The authors advocated for the use of the hints only in instances when voluntary or play activities would not elicit the desired muscle contraction
according to criteria established for adult testing, and the hints have not been subjected to testing for reliability and validity. In 1995, Connolly 6 prepared a textbook chapter with a guide to muscle testing of children using functional movements primarily from the developmental motor scales and activity cards developed by Folio and Fewell. 16 Connolly 6 reinforced that therapists must have knowledge of normal movement in children and familiarity with motor milestones and performance in functional activities to perform muscle strength testing. In the 2007 edition of that textbook, Turman and Perryman 48 provided a guide for muscle testing of infants, toddlers, and preschool children that was designed to be compatible with multiple developmental assessments but with a scale that focused on function, with the grades being no function, nonfunctional, weak functional, and functional and no application of resistance. Assessment of infant muscle strength through the use of reflexes and motor milestones continues, but therapists are increasingly aware of the complexity of movement in infants, 17 both typically and atypically developing, and of technologic advances that might assist in assessing strength.
Current Concepts of Pediatric Muscle Strength Testing Three current and commonly used pediatric physical therapy textbooks 12 , 37 , 47 include muscle strength assessment as part of an evaluation of the musculoskeletal system in children. Those texts also note that many therapists continue to use observation of function or MMT, depending on the age and ability of the child, because of the applicability of these methods in any environment and the fact that no definitive strength test for young children has been validated. In the Campbell’s textbook 37 (the pediatric textbook most widely used by physical therapy educational programs 14 ), several chapters discuss strength, 31 measurement, 10 postural control, 5 and strength in populations of children with impairments. 11 , 20 , 50 The reader is
referred to that text for more comprehensive discussions. All of the texts 12 , 37 , 47 suggest the same or similar movements to the movements offered in this chapter to assess strength or postural control (which requires strength) in infants. For toddlers and preschoolers, those authors state that movements to assess strength include getting up from the floor through half kneeling, jumping, onefoot standing, going up and down stairs, and standing on tiptoes. Other authors provide more detail for the older child and additional activities, such as side-stepping, toe-walking, heel-walking, and tandem walking. 48 Stanger 43 offers similar suggestions and the caveat that many factors, such as age and the ability to follow directions, will influence the assessment. In 2011, the Practice Committee of the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy (APPT) 1 of the American Physical Therapy Association recognized the importance of strength testing in pediatric evaluation and intervention by preparing a Fact Sheet to suggest evidence-based best practice, and that Fact Sheet remains available to members of the APPT. In the introduction to the Fact Sheet, assessment of strength is noted to be an essential element of a complete examination, and the authors state that knowledge of strength is required to generate interventions that promote alignment and movement. Although the introduction also suggests that muscle strength and muscle force production are equivalent terms, other authors distinguish the terms strength, force production, and endurance by describing muscle action. This text uses the definition of muscle strength as “the maximal force a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specified or determined velocity,” as discussed in Chapter 1. For testing of very young children, no specific definition for strength is available. Young children generally are unable to follow commands to produce maximal force, and children of any age with neuromuscular impairments may be unable to produce voluntary movements. Therefore therapists must exercise clinical judgment when using the techniques in this chapter or any other techniques to determine whether the child appears to be exhibiting maximal force or not. Good clinical judgment requires that therapists understand typical
movement, typical force, and typical endurance in young children as well as comorbidities in atypically developing young children, such as respiratory compromise, which might affect endurance and repeated voluntary effort, or skeletal changes that can affect muscular response. The use of primitive reflexes and righting reactions in the assessment process is confounded by the automatic nature of those movements. Rather than reflecting voluntary movement, reflexes and reactions may provide more information about the neuromuscular system than the musculoskeletal system. An impaired neuromuscular system might alter the force or endurance of the response and therefore not be reliable for strength testing. Therapists who use primitive reflexes to assess strength need to rule out neurologic involvement or be aware of the possible presence of abnormal tone, which may alter the expression of the reflex in children with neuromuscular impairment. Any therapist interested in using primitive reflexes in assessment should review current literature on the expression of reflexes in typical infants, including the expression in infants born preterm. The APPT Fact Sheet 1 lists four methods for testing muscle strength in children: observation of functional skills, MMT, handheld dynamometry, and isokinetic dynamometry. Each method is defined, and the skills required of the therapist, the advantages and disadvantages of using the method, and the suggested patient populations are provided. Observation does not allow for specific muscle strength measurement, and the therapist makes subjective inferences about strength or weakness. The authors note that rating the activities using an objective scale, such as the one suggested in this chapter for young children or the ones listed in Chapter 7 for functional activities, can improve reliability. They recommend observation as the method for infants and any children unable to follow directions. They suggest isometric muscle strength with testing in specific positions, the muscle at an optimal working length, and the use of a “break” test to overpower the muscle, as is recommended for specific muscle testing throughout this text, for older children who can follow directions. The dynamometry tests are indicated as the
optimal objective measures of strength in children who can follow direction when equipment is available and the therapist is trained. (The reader again is referred to Chapter 7 for a discussion of handheld dynamometry.) Additionally, new perspectives on the promotion of early perceptual-motor behaviors and the adoption of the International Classification of Function and Disability ICF 49 have changed the focus from specific impairments, such as muscle weakness, to a focus on assessment of function and participation as important to a child’s health and well-being and essential for establishing an intervention plan. Lobo et al. 28 offer a perspective article about the use of early intervention to promote grounded cognition and global developmental advances through perceptual-motor experience that occur within environmental and sociocultural contexts and using the example behaviors of object interaction, sitting, and locomotion. These movements, and powered mobility when independent locomotion is not possible, have been shown to foster development in general and participation in atypically developing children.∗ In June 2019, editors of the journal Physical Therapy devoted an issue to the latest innovations in pediatric physical therapy and developmental science. In that issue, Holloway and Long 21 summarize contemporary literature to reinforce that development occurs through the complex interaction of physical and environmental factors. Achievements in one or more developmental domains can promote improvement in other domains, as explained by the construct of developmental cascades. Those authors reinforce that current literature suggests a shift from assessment of one domain to inform interventions to advance early motor behavior to assessment of the ability to participate in activities with objects, people, and society within social and behavioral contexts as a more optimal method. Jensen-Willett et al. 25 suggest that attainment of the milestones of sitting and reaching creates a developmental cascade by altering what an infant can see, attend to, and do. In the review of literature, Holloway and Long 21 identify important participation factors such as engagement, social interaction, independence, preferences for activities, frequency
of opportunities to participate in preferred activities, social role involvement, and the other participants. In that context, assessment may need to shift to the testing of muscle strength related to the possibility of promoting participation. For example, the focus might be on muscle groups needed to maintain sitting and allow reaching or to operate technology, such as a motorized car, wheelchair, or communication system. Modified positioning to allow substitutions and altered patterns of movement might be used to promote object manipulation in an interaction with other children or caregivers rather than on testing the movements of isolated muscles or even of typical muscle groups. Additionally, wearable technology to support movement may require a paradigm shift in considering the patterns of strength necessary to fully use the technology, or wearable technology 9 and robotics may be used in the assessment process to determine maximal strength, force, or endurance. For example, the Playskin Lift has been offered as an inexpensive, easy-to-use device that allows the child to increase contact with objects in a larger play space, to look longer at toys during contact, and to increase the complexity of interactions with toys. 29 Future muscle testing in infants and young children might incorporate such exoskeletal garments to test participatory muscle strength. Other recent advancements in measuring strength include the examination of centrally controlled muscle action and of muscle composition. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is one technologic method that may contribute to assessment of motor function, including strength. Nemanich et al. 35 demonstrated the safety of using TMS to assess corticospinal excitability by exciting neurons in the motor cortex, resulting in a measurable electromyographic response in an upper extremity peripheral muscle in infants up to 12 months of age (corrected). They suggest this tool as a possible bioindicator of functional change. Moreau et al. 33 suggest that muscle architecture might serve as a surrogate measure of strength in typically and atypically developing children and could allow quantitative measures of voluntary maximum force generation in children with motor control deficits and decreased or absent ability
to isolate movements, as well as in children with associated deficits such as cognitive, hearing, visual, behavioral, or communication. Their research showed that the thickness of the vastus lateralis muscle was predictive of strength in preteens and adolescents, and Reus et al. 39 showed that ultrasound measures of muscle architecture to be of use in assessing younger children. Senesac et al. 42 conducted a case series on the progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in four boys, matched with controls, using magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. They found that these techniques measured muscle pathology, detected discrete changes in children who are ambulatory or nonambulatory, and were possibly predictive of loss of ambulation and other functional skills. Dawe et al. 8 offer accelerometry as a valid measure of arm movement in both children with hemiparesis and typically developing children and as a tool to understand muscle endurance, which can be difficult to measure as a part of traditional MMT. Likewise, wearable sensors have been used to measure infants’ typical movement patterns in natural environments. 9 These sensors may help to increase the understanding of endurance of muscle action over a day or more, another measure not easily tested during traditional MMT.
Variations in Muscle Strength Among Populations While advances are being made in the technology that may assist in assessing factors such as strength and the ability to use strength for participation, researchers have continued to refine our understanding of muscle strength and variations in strength in diverse populations of children. Since the late 1990s, numerous authors have studied strength differences from peers and within populations of children developing atypically using functional activities and other methods. At the same time that advances are being made in the technology that may assist in assessing such factors as strength and the ability to use strength for participation, researchers have continued to refine our understanding of muscle strength and variations in strength in diverse populations of
children. Since the late 1990s, numerous authors have studied strength differences from peers and within populations of children developing atypically using functional activities and other methods: Darrah et al. 7 measured muscle strength of adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP), and Blundell et al. 4 measured lower limb muscle strength in children with CP, ages 4 to 8 years; Pitetti and Yarmer 38 confirmed that children with cognitive impairment, ages 8 to 18 years, demonstrated less strength than same-gender peers on selected measurements; Stemmons Mercer and Lewis 44 found less hip abductor and knee extensor muscle strength in children with Down syndrome, ages 7 to 15 years; Svien 46 found that children born 5 to 10 weeks preterm exhibited impairments in muscular strength and endurance at ages 7 to 10 years; Lieberman and McHugh 27 found that sighted children performed significantly better on a health-related fitness test than children with visual impairments. More recently, researchers have developed measurements of strength for specific populations. Reus et al. 40 developed a measurement method for children with Prader-Willi syndrome aged 24 months with good interrater reliability. They generated a model to predict muscle strength based on age, height, and weight, explaining 73% of the variance in muscle strength. The authors confirmed that these infants had significantly decreased muscle strength when compared with peers. As previously mentioned, Reus et al. 41 in a later study used ultrasound scans to confirm decreased muscle thickness in infants with Prader-Willi syndrome to correlate muscle strength and motor performance with muscle thickness and to show improvement in thickness as a result of growth hormone treatment. Jeffries et al. 24 used the Functional Strength Assessment, developed in earlier research, 23 to provide an estimate of strength for major muscle groups for children with CP as young as 18 months, and the Early Activity Scale for Endurance, 32 an assessment that measures the parents’ perception of their child’s endurance for activity, to develop longitudinal trajectories and percentile graphs. Range of motion (ROM) was also measured, as were functional levels. The authors 24
found considerable variability in both longitudinal trajectories and percentiles within the functional levels but suggested that children with CP could be monitored for performance and changes over time compared to other children with CP. Noorkoiv et al. 36 used three-dimensional motion analysis and a treadmill with integrated force plates to measure the amount of oxygen above resting values required to perform a 6-minute walking test at self-selected speed, including the extra oxygen consumed during the exercise and during the recovery period. The net oxygen cost was considered as the walking efficiency in adolescents with CP. The authors found that oxygen cost increased and efficiency decreased with decreased knee and hip extension during walking. Focused testing of knee and hip extension muscle strength in young children might be the critical measures to inform therapeutic interventions and foster walking in children with CP.
Best Practice in Assessing Muscle Strength in Young Children During the first year of life, children are striving to obtain motor control against gravity. During this period, the child exhibits varied reflexive and functional movements. Between 1 and 5 years of age, children continue the use of these movements in a variety of ways against gravity. Muscle testing below the age of 5 years is challenging and may not offer a true (implying reliable) muscle test. 6 , 11 , 31 Several authors have suggested that strength in children can be quantified beginning at approximately 6 years of age. 6 , 20 , 31 Changes in medical practices and sociocultural beliefs may alter movement patterns in children. The medical emphasis on supine positioning for sleep to reduce the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome 2 may reduce the infant’s muscle strength, which is fostered in the prone position. 34 The increased use of car seats for activities beyond riding in a car has suggested postural changes, reduced movement experiences, and the diagnosis of container baby syndrome. 3
Examiners need to include a parent/caregiver interview with attention to culture and home environment to determine the prior movement experiences of the child. Although challenges in accurate muscle testing for the age range of 1 to 5 years continue, this chapter focuses on strength development against gravity during the first year of life using hints for individual muscle testing and developmental activities that provide information on muscle groups. One or more test positions are offered for functional movements. Notes are provided when other activities might allow observation of the movement. Palpation may be accomplished using the techniques described for adult MMT in the other chapters of this text. Asymmetry between the two sides of the body for any grade is reason for concern during the first year of life. 22 Evidence of hand preference would be inappropriate during the first year, as are differences in strength between the upper and lower extremities or between the distal and proximal components of the extremities. Feeding difficulties may be a sign of weakness, and facial and eye movements should be examined for normal appearance. As indicated in the chapters in this text related to testing in adults, passively taking the infant through the movement allows determination of the infant’s available ROM.
Best Practice Suggestions • Accept that assessment of muscle strength remains an essential component of a complete pediatric examination. • Use observation and MMT as important tools in assessing strength in very young children. • Use dynamometry (handheld and isokinetic), MMT similar to adult testing, and functional tests as tools for older children. • Use an objective scale to improve reliability and establish intratester and intertester reliability when using the suggestions in this chapter or any other source. • Be aware of participation as important to a child’s well-being and as likely to increase performance.
• Stay abreast of advancements in developmental science and technology and use the literature to consider whether strength testing should focus on key activities such as sitting, object manipulation, and upright mobility or key muscle actions such as hip and knee extension. • Consider combining MMT with technologically advanced techniques of assessing strength in children with complex impairments when resources are available. • Acknowledge that clinical judgment may still be the best tool in assessing strength of very young children, and inform that judgment with knowledge of typical movement, including the vast variation, typical force and endurance, and the impact of comorbidities or impairments in other systems.
Head Movements Neck Extension Gravity-Resisted Tests (Grades 5, 4, and 3) PRONE Infant Position Prone with the arms placed to allow forearm support. Examiner Action Offer an auditory or visual stimulus such as calling the infant’s name or using a musical toy. Infant Action Birth to 3 months: The infant lifts the head. The newborn may free the face by turning the head 6 , 14 or may bob the head (Fig. 6.1). A small roll may be used to provide support under the arms (Fig. 6.2). By 3 months, the infant is actively extending the head past 45°. 14 4 to 6 months: The infant lifts the head to at least 90° and maintains the position. 6
7 to 9 months: The infant lifts the head past 90°. 6 Resistance For grade 5 or 4, gently press down on the back of the infant’s head while continuing the auditory or visual stimulus.
FIG. 6.1
FIG. 6.2
Horizontal Suspension Infant Position Held horizontally in space with the examiner’s hands supporting the infant under the chest and abdomen. Examiner Action Offer an auditory or visual stimulus such as calling the infant’s name or using a musical toy. Infant Action Birth to 3 months: The infant lifts the head in line with the body. The newborn may hold the head upright only momentarily or may bob the head (Fig. 6.3). 3 months: The infant holds the head steady and may lift it beyond the plane of the body. 4 to 6 months: The infant lifts the head to 90° or higher and maintains the position (Fig. 6.4).
Resistance For grades 5 or 4, gently press down on the back of the infant’s head while continuing the auditory or visual stimulus. Grades Below 3 For Grade 2 The infant extends the head through partial ROM. The examiner must consider the expected range for various ages. For Grades 1 and 0 With the infant prone and the face down, stroke the posterior neck muscles and observe for any contraction, or lift the head slightly off the surface and palpate for a contraction of the posterior neck muscles as the head is allowed to drop 5° into the examiner’s hand.
FIG. 6.3
FIG. 6.4
FIG. 6.5
FIG. 6.6
Neck Flexion (Forward) Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Infant Position Supine with the examiner’s hands grasping the infant’s wrists and hands.
Examiner Action Pull the infant into a sitting position while offering an auditory or visual stimulus such as calling the infant’s name. Infant Action Birth to 3 months: The infant’s head will lag behind the body (Fig. 6.5) until a sitting position is attained. The infant holds the head upright momentarily when sitting (Fig. 6.6). 4 to 5 months: The infant tucks the chin and keeps the head in line with the body. 6 to 7 months: The infant brings the head forward of the line of the body (Fig. 6.7). Note: Infants placed in a reclining seat will bring the head forward off the surface beginning at age 4 months. Infants placed supine but not given the stimulus of pulling on the wrists and hands are able to lift the head off the surface at 6 months of age.
FIG. 6.7
Resistance For grades 5 and 4, gently press backward on the infant’s forehead while continuing the auditory or visual stimulus. The examiner may be able to hold both of the infant’s arms with one hand and apply resistance with the other hand, or resistance may be applied by an assistant. Grades Below 3 Grade 2 The infant flexes the head through partial ROM. It may be difficult to determine before 6 months when full range can be expected from a supine position. Grades 1 and 0 With the infant supine, lift the head slightly off the surface and palpate for a contraction of the anterior neck muscles as the head is allowed to drop 5° into the examiner’s hand.
Neck Flexion (Lateral) Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) This vertical position may be used to test neck flexion (forward) or neck extension by tilting the infant forward or backward or to assess co-contraction of neck flexors and extensors as shown in Fig. 6.8. Infant Position Held vertically with the examiner’s hands around the trunk and without support for the head. Examiner Action Tilt the infant laterally 5° to 10° (or a greater distance for older infants) while offering an auditory or visual stimulus such as calling the infant’s name or using a musical toy.
FIG. 6.8
Infant Action Birth to 3 months: The infant keeps the head from falling sideways (Fig. 6.9). 4 months: The infant corrects the head so that the face is vertical.
Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Push on the side of the head laterally in the direction of the tilt. An assistant is needed to apply resistance while the examiner maintains support around the trunk. Grades Below 3 Grade 2 The infant laterally flexes the head through partial ROM. It may be difficult to determine before age 4 months, when full range is expected. Grades 1 and 0 With the infant in a side-lying position, lift the head slightly off the surface and palpate for a contraction of the lateral neck muscles as the head is allowed to drop 5° into the examiner’s hand.
FIG. 6.9
Trunk Movements Trunk Flexion Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) PULLED-TO-SIT
Infant Position Supine with the examiner’s hands grasping the infant’s wrists and hands. Examiner Action Pull the infant into a sitting position while offering an auditory or visual stimulus such as calling the infant’s name or using a musical toy. Infant Action Birth to 3 months: The abdominals do not participate during the first 2 months. Beginning at about 3 months, the abdominals and hip flexors become active and provide stability to the thorax. 6 4 to 6 months: The abdominals assist in bringing the body forward. If the cervical vertebral stabilizers and abdominals are active, the sternocleidomastoid will flex the head. If the cervical vertebral stabilizers and abdominals are inactive, the sternocleidomastoid will extend the head during pulled-to-sit. The hips and knees will flex (Fig. 6.10). 6
FIG. 6.10
7 to 12 months: The abdominals contract to bring the infant forward. The hips flex and the knees extend, elongating the hamstrings and bringing the infant into a sitting position (Fig. 6.11). 6 Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push backward on the infant’s chest while maintaining an auditory or visual stimulus. An assistant is needed to apply resistance while the examiner grasps the wrists and hands. Grades Below 3 PULLED-TO-SIT Grade 2 The infant is unable to assist through the full ROM to achieve sitting, or the hips do not flex through the full range. Grades 1 and 0
With the infant supine, grasp both of the infant’s wrists in one hand. Pull the infant into a sitting position while palpating for abdominal contractions, or lift the infant’s head and shoulders off the surface and palpate for a contraction while the trunk is allowed to drop 5° to 10° into the examiner’s arm.
FIG. 6.11
FIG. 6.12
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) SUPINE Infant Position Supine. Examiner Action Observe for spontaneous lifting of the hips and feet. If no movement occurs, bend the child’s knees and bring the feet toward the head. 14 For the older infant, use verbal encouragement and say, “Get your feet.” Infant Action Term to 3 months: The infant spontaneously lifts the legs off the surface and may alternate kicking and flexing the hips and knees. 4 to 6 months: The infant will lift the pelvis and bring the feet to the mouth for play (Fig. 6.12). 14
7 to 9 months: The infant lifts the pelvis, and the legs are held straight upright. The arms come to the feet for play. The abdominal muscles are very active, but minimal spinal flexion occurs. 6 Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push downward on the infant’s legs. Grades Below 3 SUPINE Grade 2 The infant is unable to bring the legs and pelvis through the full ROM, or the infant is unable to hold the legs and pelvis up when the legs are placed in flexion by the examiner. Grades 1 and 0 Hold the legs up and let them drop 10° into the examiner’s arm while palpating the lower abdominals for a contraction.
Trunk Extension Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) Infant Position Held horizontally in space with the examiner’s hands supporting the infant under the chest and abdomen.
FIG. 6.13
FIG. 6.14
Examiner Action Offer an auditory stimulus such as calling the infant’s name or a
visual stimulus such as the caregiver’s face. Infant Action 4 to 6 months: The infant lifts the head and upper trunk into extension above the plane of the rest of the body. The legs are in line with the body (Fig. 6.13). Note: Trunk extension may be noted in a 5-month-old infant who balances on the stomach and rocks (Fig. 6.14). 7 to 9 months: The infant lifts the entire trunk into extension, and the legs extend above the plane of the trunk. Resistance Gently press down on the infant’s upper or lower trunk while continuing the auditory or visual stimulus and support under the abdomen. Grades Below 3 Grade 2 The infant extends the trunk through a partial ROM. Grade 1 or 0 With the infant prone, stroke the upper trunk and observe for any contraction. Lift the lower extremities and pelvis off the surface and palpate for contractions of the buttocks as the legs are lowered a short distance.
FIG. 6.15
Trunk Extension and Flexion Gravity-Resisted Tests (Grades 5, 4, and 3) SITTING Infant Position Sitting. Examiner Action Offer an auditory or visual stimulus such as calling the infant’s name or using a musical toy. Infant Action 6 months: At 6 months, the infant has sufficient abdominal (and back extensor) activity in the sagittal (flexion and extension) plane to sit independently for at least 1 minute. 14 The baby lacks sufficient trunk activity in the transverse and frontal planes and will fall frequently with weight shifts into those directions (Fig. 6.15). 6 7 to 9 months: Abdominal (and pelvic) control in flexion and extension is very active. The infant sits independently and is able to adjust to weight shifts that occur as a result of head and arm movements. 6 The pelvis can be maintained in a neutral position. 9 Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push the infant backward or forward at 6 months. From 7 months on, the infant can respond to resistance applied in all planes. The resistance is minimal during the seventh month and can be increased as full control is obtained at 9 months. Grades Below 3 Grade 2 The infant sits with a posterior tilt. Grades 1 and 0 Support the infant in sitting and palpate for contractions of the
abdominals and trunk extensors.
FIG. 6.16
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) QUADRUPED Infant Position On hands and knees. Examiner Action Offer an auditory or visual stimulus to maintain interest. Infant Action 6 months: The infant has sufficient strength to hold the hands-andknees position, but some lordosis may be present. 7 to 9 months: The infant can hold the position for lengthy periods and can even creep without lumbar lordosis (Fig. 6.16). 16
Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push up or down on the trunk. Grades Below 3 QUADRUPED Grade 2 The infant maintains a quadruped position with an excessive lordosis. Grade 1 The infant holds the position only momentarily and with lordosis.
Trunk Rotation Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) SUPINE Infant Position Supine. Examiner Action Use an auditory or visual stimulus above and to the side of the infant’s head. Infant Action 4 months: The infant rolls from a supine to a side-lying position using a flexed posture with both hips and knees flexed (some infants may roll to side-lying position through the use of excessive head and neck extension). 6 5 months: The infant rolls from a supine to a side-lying position using trunk rotation and separation of the legs (Fig. 6.17). 9 6 months: The infant rolls from a supine to a prone position using trunk rotation (Fig. 6.18). 6
FIG. 6.17
FIG. 6.18
8 to 9 months: The infant rolls from a supine to a prone position using counterrotation: The shoulder rotates in one direction, and the hip rotates in the other direction. 6
Note: The infant demonstrates head and trunk lateral flexion during the transition from a side-lying position into a prone position (Fig. 6.19). Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push the infant back into a supine position by applying pressure at the shoulder or the pelvis. Grades Below 3 SUPINE Grade 2 The infant maintains a side-lying position when placed there. Grade 1 The infant attempts to maintain a side-lying position when placed there.
FIG. 6.19
FIG. 6.20
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) ROTATION INTO SITTING Infant Position Prone. Examiner Action Use a toy at the child’s side to attract attention. 16 Infant Action 7 to 9 months: The infant shifts weight laterally and places the unweighted lower extremity on the floor with hip flexion abduction and external rotation. The head and trunk show lateral flexion. The infant actively externally rotates the weight-bearing hip to pull the pelvis and trunk backward to sit (Fig. 6.20).
Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push the infant toward a prone position. Grades Below 3 Grade 2 The infant moves through a partial ROM in an attempt to assume a sitting position. Grade 1 The infant attempts to rotate the trunk up from a prone position.
FIG. 6.21
Upper Extremity Movements Shoulder Flexion Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) SUPINE: OPTION I
Infant Position Supine with the examiner offering a toy overhead. Examiner Action Encourage the infant to reach for the toy. Infant Action 6 months: The infant reaches overhead using shoulder flexion and elbow extension (Fig. 6.21). Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push the arms down toward the surface and into shoulder extension. Grades Below 3 Grade 2 The infant is unable to bring the arms into full 90° of shoulder flexion. Grade 1 Observe any attempts to lift the arms. Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) SUPINE: OPTION II Infant Position Supine with the examiner’s hands offered to the infant. Examiner Action Encourage the infant to pull into a sitting position. Infant Action 6 months: The infant reaches for the examiner’s hands using shoulder flexion, adduction, and elbow extension and pulls into a sitting position with shoulder and elbow flexion (see Fig. 6.7).
Resistance Grades 5 and 4: An assistant can apply resistance downward into extension as the infant reaches for or holds the examiner’s hands. Grades Below 3 Grade 2 The infant will exhibit only a partial ROM for shoulder flexion to 90°. Grade 1 The examiner palpates for efforts of the infant to flex the shoulder.
FIG. 6.22
Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3)
SITTING Infant Position Sitting. Examiner Action Hold an object above the child’s head. Infant Action 6 months: The infant reaches for the toy with shoulder flexion and elbow extension (Fig. 6.22). 11 months: Able to reach overhead for the last 20° of shoulder flexion. 9 Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push down on the arms as the infant reaches for the toy. Grades Below 3 For Grade 2 The infant will exhibit only a partial ROM for shoulder flexion to 90°. For Grade 1 The examiner palpates for efforts of the infant to flex the shoulder.
Elbow Extension Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) PRONE Infant Position Prone with the arms forward to allow support. Examiner Action Offer an auditory or visual stimulus such as calling the infant’s name
or using a toy.
FIG. 6.23
Infant Action Birth to 3 months: The infant shows an increasing ability to push up on the arms and to prop up on the elbows (see Fig. 6.1). 6 6 months: The infant pushes up on fully extended arms (Fig. 6.23). Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push on the shoulder girdle with consideration for the amount of elbow extension that should be present. Also, the arms could be gently pushed into elbow flexion. Grades Below 3 For Grade 2 The infant will be unable to move through the expected range of elbow extension. The infant could be placed on propped arms to determine if the infant can hold momentarily.
For Grade 1 The examiner should palpate for efforts at extension. Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) SITTING Infant Position Sitting. Examiner Action, Option I While holding the infant’s elbows extended, place the infant’s arms forward in propping position and temporarily remove support from the elbows. Infant Action 4 months: The infant momentarily props up with elbow extension. 6 Examiner Action, Option II Gently push the infant to the side (7 months) or backward (9 to 12 months).
FIG. 6.24
FIG. 6.25
FIG. 6.26
Infant Action 7 months: The infant will demonstrate protection to the side with elbow extension and shoulder abduction (Fig. 6.24). 9 to 12 months: The infant will demonstrate protection backward (unilaterally or bilaterally) (Fig. 6.25). Note: A downward parachute reaction may also be used to obtain
elbow extension. The wrist, fingers, head, and upper trunk will also extend (Fig. 6.26). Resistance These movements are done with speed for protection, and resistance is awkward to apply. The task is made more difficult for the infant by increasing the speed of the stimulus sideways, backward, or downward. Grades Below 3 For Grade 2 The infant will not be able to hold the protected position or may only move through a partial ROM. For Grade 1 The examiner observes or palpates for efforts at protection.
FIG. 6.27
FIG. 6.28
Lower Extremity Movements Hip and Knee Flexion Gravity-Resisted Tests (Grades 5, 4, and 3) SUPINE Infant Position Supine. Examiner Action Observe spontaneous movements. Tickle or stroke the feet to encourage movement. Infant Action Birth to 3 months: The newborn holds the hips and knees in flexion with the feet resting on the surface and the knees and thighs
remaining in the air. 6 By 3 months, active, symmetric, reciprocal kicking occurs (seen in 6-month-old infant) (Fig. 6.27). 4 to 6 months: The infant flexes the hips and knees and brings the feet to the mouth for play (Fig. 6.28). 14 7 to 9 months: The infant moves in and out of hip and knee flexion when in transition from a prone to a sitting position and from a sitting to a prone position (Fig. 6.29). 12 months: The infant kneels (low kneeling) with hip and knee flexion and hips aligned under the shoulders (Fig. 6.30).
FIG. 6.29
FIG. 6.30
FIG. 6.31
Prone Infant Position Prone. Examiner Action Observe spontaneous movements. Tickle or stroke the feet to encourage movement, or lift up on the pelvis. Infant Action Birth to 3 months: The infant pulls the hip and knee into flexion (Fig. 6.31). 4 to 6 months: The infant maintains the quadruped position. 7 to 10 months: The infant creeps and may keep one knee up with the foot placed flat on the surface (Fig. 6.32).
FIG. 6.32
FIG. 6.33
FIG. 6.34
10 to 12 months: The infant pulls into standing by flexing the hip and knee and then abducting the flexed leg (Figs. 6.33 and 6.34). 12 months: The infant demonstrates hip and knee flexion in one leg when stepping and maintaining hip and knee extension on the weight-bearing leg (Fig. 6.35). Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Apply resistance to hip and knee flexion in the various positions and movements appropriate for the age of the
infant. Grades Below 3 For Grade 2 The infant exhibits only partial hip and knee flexion in the various positions and movements. For Grade 1 The examiner palpates or observes for attempts at contractions of the hip and knee flexors.
FIG. 6.35
Hip and Knee Extension Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) PRONE Infant Position Prone or in horizontal suspension with the examiner’s hands supporting the infant under the chest and abdomen. Examiner Action Observe spontaneous movements or tickle or stroke the lower back or legs to encourage movement. Infant Action 4 to 6 months: The infant extends the legs off the surface. 14 At 5 months, the infant rocks in a prone position (see Fig. 6.19). 6 7 to 9 months: The infant extends the legs during horizontal suspension. 12 months: The infant kneels (high kneeling) with hips extended and knees flexed and with the hips aligned under the shoulders. Resistance Grades 5 and 4: Gently push downward on the extended leg, or attempt to flex the leg. Grades Below 3 PRONE For Grade 2 The infant exhibits only partial hip and knee extension in the various positions and movements. For Grade 1 The examiner palpates or observes for attempts at contractions of hip and knee extensors.
FIG. 6.36
FIG. 6.37
Gravity-Resisted Test STANDING Infant Position Standing independently. Examiner Action Place an object on the floor, and attract the infant’s attention to the object. Infant Action 12 months: The infant squats to pick up the object and returns to standing without falling (Fig. 6.36). Note: The infant may exhibit combinations of hip and knee flexion and extension during plantar grade or bear walking. The infant may walk on the hands and feet with the knees extended (Fig. 6.37) or may keep the pelvis lower and walk on the hands and feet with the knees
more flexed (Fig. 6.38). Gravity-Resisted Test (Grades 5, 4, and 3) INDEPENDENT STANDING Infant Position Supported in standing progressing to independent standing. Examiner Action Provide support in standing, or protect the infant who is standing with self-support or independently.
FIG. 6.38
FIG. 6.39
Infant Action
Birth to 3 months: The infant takes some weight and extends the legs. The flexor tone results in a semiextended knee, and the hips remain flexed and behind the shoulders. The feet are close together, but the knees bow apart (Fig. 6.39). 6 4 to 5 months: The infant takes almost the full weight with strong knee extension but releases the extension and often collapses into flexion with attempts at practicing knee flexion. 6 6 months: The infant takes the full weight on the legs and may stand momentarily without support. The hip extensors are not fully active (Fig. 6.40). 6 9 months: The infant takes the full weight but uses the hands on furniture to stabilize. 6 Infants who have been standing with selfsupport for a short time often exhibit strong ankle plantar flexion (Fig. 6.41). 10 months: The infant practices rotation in standing, with the trunk and pelvis rotating over the face and side and causing external rotation of that leg. 6 The infant may still stand with ankle plantar flexion, but the lower extremities are more flexible (Fig. 6.42).
FIG. 6.40
FIG. 6.41
12 months: The infant stands without external support. Wide
abduction is used for a stable base of support. 6 The arms often exhibit scapular adduction for upper trunk stability. The feet are placed flat on the surface (Fig. 6.43).
FIG. 6.42
FIG. 6.43
References 1. Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association. Fact Sheet: Strength Testing in Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2012. https://pediatricapta.org/includes/factsheets/pdfs/11%20StrengthTraining%20in%20Ped%20PT.pdf? v=1.1. 2. American Academy of Pediatrics. Reducing Sudden Infant Death with “Back to Sleep.” 2019. https://www.aap.org/enus/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/7-greatachievements/Pages/Reducing-Sudden-Infant-Death-withBack-to-.aspx. 3. American Physical Therapy Association. Physical Therapist’s Guide to Container Baby Syndrome. 2018. https://www.moveforwardpt.com/SymptomsConditionsDetail.aspx? cid=53d90264-1846-4b86-891f-0facc63db3e8#.VgXYX33uqxY. 4. Blundell SW, Shepherd RB, Dean CM, et al. Functional strength training in cerebral palsy: a pilot study of a group circuit training class for children aged 4-8 years. Clin Rehab. 2003;17:48-57. 5. Campbell SK, Harbourne RT, Dusing S. Motor development and control. In: Palisano RJ, Orlin MN, Schreiber J, eds. Campbell’s Physical Therapy for Children. 5th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier, Inc; 2017:30-77. 6. Connolly B. Testing in infants and children. In: Hislop HJ, Montgomery J, eds. Daniels and Worthingham’s Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination. 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1995:235-260. 7. Darrah J, Wessel J, Nearingberg P, et al. Evaluation of a community fitness program for adolescents with cerebral palsy. Pediatr Phys Ther. 1999;11:18-23. 8. Dawe J, Yang JF, Fehlings D, et al. Validating accelerometry as a measure of arm movement for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Phys Ther. 2019;99:721-729. 9. Deng W, Trujillo-Priego IA, Smith BA. How many days are necessary to represent an infant’s typical daily leg movement
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Handheld Dynamometry for Muscle Testing Gary L. Soderberg, and Loretta M. Knutson
The advent of technology, combined with data showing poor reproducibility of manual techniques and the need for more objective measures of human performance, has led to the development of various devices to measure force created by human segments, primarily during isometric conditions. The devices produced to make the desired force measurements are of small to moderate size and capable of accurately measuring relatively large forces when adequate stabilization and other technical considerations are taken into account. This chapter provides a brief historic overview of the development of handheld dynamometry (HHD) and presents the advantages, limitations, and clinical utility of the measurements. Considerations associated with the reliability, validity, and desirability of replacing force measurements with torque are discussed, and the chapter concludes with a presentation of representative values for samples of normal and patient populations for all ages for which data are available.
History In a review article about the two earliest dynamometers used to assess human muscle strength, Pearn states that the first dynamometer was developed in 1763 by Graham and Desaguliers. 174 The first study reporting the use of HHD was published in 1916, when Lovett and
Martin 139 described the use of a spring balance system for muscle testing. These authors emphasized the importance of assigning quantitative values to muscle “strength” to measure progress and regression. Their system measured from 1 oz to 100 lb in their testing of 22 upper extremity muscles. They are considered by most to be the first to use what we consider today as the break test. 139 Thirty-three years later another device, the myometer, was designed with the assertion that “no batteries, electronic amplifiers, or other electrical or mechanical connections for its operation” were required. For these measurements, three dynamometers were developed that were capable of recording either 0 to 5, 0 to 15, or 0 to 60 lb. Newman 166 asserted that strengths of more than 60 lb did not need to be measured with a gauge. Then, in the mid-1950s, two articles were published that dealt with measurements in children. 16 , 180 Progress toward using HHDs continued to be slow, with documentation including two articles in the 1960s 67 , 111 and only four publications in the 1970s, 88 , 108 , 162 , 174 one being a review article focusing on two “early” dynamometers. 174 However, in the 1980s, numerous other articles were published in which some type of handheld dynamometer was used for measurement of human performance in both the normal and pathologic states. ∗ Sixteen other articles, commonly authored, use data derived from measurements on patients with hemiparesis. † Obviously, during this time several different products had been introduced, primarily for use in the clinical setting. 108 , 167 In addition to the standard spring scale and electromechanical dynamometers, the suggestion has been made that the sphygmomanometer can be used for similar measurements. 95 , 104 , 113 , 185 There are many limitations associated with the use of this device, and continued use has not recently occurred. 16 Many of the published works have focused on the establishment of the reliability of the instrument and the tester where specific muscle groups are tested on a limited group of subjects with a relatively small age range. The literature expanded rather remarkably in the 1990s, as reported by Bohannon in 199862 and 2001. 64 In the latter report, he
noted that electronic databases yielded 347 articles published through December 2000 in which HHD had been used. Since the turn of the century most work has continued in the area of instrument and tester reliability, but there has been an emphasis on testing younger subjects and subjects with a wide variety of pathologies. Articles have now appeared in a broad scope of journals, ‡ requiring the type of comprehensive review of the literature included in the presentation in this chapter. Review articles also exist but are located in sources difficult to find. 53 , 213 Clinicians will continue to be challenged to use HHD because of a slightly greater time commitment involved in this practice than in manual muscle testing (MMT), primarily in recording the values and with the preferred method of converting to torque. However, the objectivity achieved should far outweigh any of the disadvantages associated with HHD.
General Utility Advantages ∗ HHD has become useful in the clinical setting for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the technologic advances that have facilitated the development of devices that can be used with ease and with a wide range of applications. Use has now included a variety of patients, examples of which are muscular dystrophy, ∗ amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 17 , 23 spinal muscular atrophy, 79 , 160 arthritis, 100 , 218 neuropathic weakness, 96 , 97 , 119 , 120 , 136 thyroid dysfunction, 86 Down syndrome, 159 , 164 spina bifida, 145 , 197 cerebral palsy, 14 , 81 , 233 spinal cord injury, 155 , 170 traumatic brain injury, 116 , 163 renal transplant candidates, 58 , 60 malignancies, 125 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 171 , 172 the elderly, 6 , 56 , 114 the critically ill, 231 varied musculoskeletal conditions, † motor neuron syndromes, 80 , 129 , 238 and patients who have experienced a stroke. 173 Special applications have also been made for the assessment of spasticity, 66 , 77 , 119 reflex-mediated changes, 134 , 147 assessing “tone,” 164 and
studying the passive compliance of calf muscles as a result of the application of casting. In general, the special application of the HHD in these studies has shown high levels of reliability when force values or torque measures are assessed. 47 , 66 , 134 , 146 Also to be considered are the measurement constraints associated with the use of MMT. For example, for the two highest grades of the MMT system, the grading is rather insensitive to differences in the ability of the body to generate torque at a joint. In one reported case, up to a 25% difference was not discriminated by the MMT. Children who had been diagnosed with poliomyelitis had 50% deficits yet were given MMT grades of 5/5. 16 In general, the higher the torque that the patient can generate, the more difficult it will be for the clinician to distinguish differences with MMT. Furthermore, some investigators have established an overlap among different MMT values, a factor that may lead to the poor reliability at the higher MMT grades. 4 , 28 , 92 , 235 Noreau and Vachon 170 have noted “the MMT method does not seem to be sufficiently sensitive to assess muscle strength, at least for grade 4 and higher and to detect small or moderate increases of strength over the course of rehabilitation.” Duyff et al. 86 also state that HHD is “more sensitive for the detection of weakness.” However, in testing 43 ambulatory patients with chronic osteoarthritis, Hayes and Falconer 100 noted that HHD was questionable for weak patients even though differences were noted between HHD and MMT measurements. A 1993 discussion of the reliability and validity issues associated with MMT is contained in the work of Hinderer and Hinderer. 105 Bohannon 28 reported that MMT values for knee extensors in patients were 69% of normal, but using dynamometry, these resulting values were only 48% of normal; this highlights the magnitude of the differences that can exist between the two measurement systems. In addition, as pointed out by Resnick et al. 183 (citing a Beasley exhibit at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine in 1961), different muscles require different percentages of their maximal capacity to move the respective limb segment against gravity. For example, 2% of the elbow flexor muscles’ capacity is used
when flexing the elbow against gravity, the hip abductors require 24%, and the knee requires less than 10%. 183 Thus it may be neither logical nor sound to give the muscles similar grades of 3/5 if they cannot move the segment through the range of motion against gravity. Because many of these limitations are implicit to the ordinal scale of measurement used in MMT, ∗ more quantifiable measures, such as the data yielded from the HHD, are appropriately recommended.
Limitations† Although handheld dynamometers are a convenient, portable, noninvasive, relatively quick, easy, and inexpensive way to objectively measure forces exerted as humans attempt to move, they are not without some limitations, both technical and practical. Some of the technical limitations are inherent to the design of the system. For example, in the modified sphygmomanometers, which some will not include in the HHD category, there are limitations in the upper limit of the measured force, approximately 30 kg of force (kgf), and nonlinearity is seen at the higher end of the scale. 54 Relative to the spring-gauge type of dynamometers, limitations exist in the upper range possible for force values. The range is determined by the specific characteristics of the dynamometer, and care should be taken to establish this limit and the linearity of the system throughout the measurement range. 45 In general the most reliable types of handheld dynamometers are those that are electromechanical in nature. They will typically have the capability of recording higher force values while maintaining linearity. The constraint is that the clinician has to ensure that the power supply is available and at the correct level required for operation. 45 , 209 , 210 Practical limitations of HHD testing include at least some of those for which all testing applies. Subjects, both healthy and patient types, must be capable of understanding instructions. Hyperactive individuals and those with intellectual impairment may not be good candidates for testing, although Surberg et al. have reported success
testing a group with intelligence quotients ranging from 36 to 69. 219 Also, those with disorders that preclude consistency or ease in generating maximum tension may provide a limitation. Patients with cerebral palsy provide such an example. 14 Interpretation of resultant force values requires the clinician to consider that maximum torque may not have been achieved, yet the value recorded does reflect maximum effort at that given time. Also, when maximum cannot be generated due to pain or risk of injury exacerbation, maximum testing may be precluded, and the value recorded is simply reflective of the patient’s comfortable achievement at that test session. However, some cases of patients with or recovering from diseases have been documented ∗ with dynamometry data. The very young, particularly those younger than 5 years, 79 may be difficult to test. However, some data do exist that show that HHD is applicable for those as young as 3.5 years. 11 Probably the biggest limitation of the handheld dynamometer is that the clinician perceives that he or she is not able to provide an adequate resistive force∗; thus the contraction is not isometric and the reading is not valid. The upper limit of force that can be resisted is dependent on the age, strength, experience, and stabilizing abilities of the clinician doing the testing. Research has shown, however, that experience is not a factor but that strength of the examiner can make a difference. 55 , 130 , 140 , 243 Beck et al. 17 stated that HHD can provide data at a precision level similar to maximal voluntary isometric contraction up to 20 kgf. The authors of this chapter, however, believe there is no real upper limit of patient’s strength that can be tested, given that the appropriate test procedures detailed later are used. Clinicians must ensure test validity by making sure that the patient is performing to his or her maximum, that shortening or lengthening (concentric and eccentric contractions, respectively) are not occurring, and that as much isolation of the muscle or muscle group being tested is being achieved. All of these are similar principles as for MMT as elucidated in Chapter 1. The following two cases will clarify: 1 A patient is supine while being tested for shoulder function at
90° of abduction of the glenohumeral joint (Fig. 7.1). The patient holds the arm in this position, and, as the examiner pushes to equal the force (and torque) generated by the patient, the arm moves in the direction of adduction. Allowing this motion to occur is a test of the eccentric capability of the abductors (as well as of the scapular musculature) and not a true isometric test. This can occur when testing at any joint, but those to be particularly cautious of include those where the examiner has a large mechanical advantage (such as at the shoulder because of the long length of the humerus) and when limited range of motion may allow the passive tension of the muscle to provide a resistive force; this occurs when testing plantar flexion torque if the ankle is in too much dorsiflexion and the passive tension of the gastroc/soleus group is tested rather than the active component.
FIG. 7.1 Shoulder abduction. Resistance with a long lever arm used by therapist, increasing likelihood that muscle contraction tested will be eccentric rather than a true isometric. Note: Lever arm may be increased by moving dynamometer to wrist (not shown).
2 The knee extension force is to be measured. The examiner wishes to do so at the position of 45° from complete joint extension. When positioned to do the test the patient pushes the examiner away, as the clinician’s resistive force is inadequate to “match” the client’s resistive force produced by the quadriceps muscles as the knee is extended. Several options are available, including (a) altering the patient’s position so that the muscle is placed at a shorter length (between 45° and full extension), thus decreasing the force output; (b) resorting to a cable tensiometer or an isokinetic dynamometer set at zero velocity; or (c) repositioning the subject and the supporting surface so that the handheld dynamometer is adequately stabilized to record the force accurately. Examples include putting a second plinth directly in front of the subject to be tested, imposing the handheld dynamometer between the lower leg of the subject and the second plinth, and sitting on the second plinth while the contraction is completed (Fig. 7.2). Another way to cope with this problem is to secure a strong strap around the leg of the table supporting the subject and the dynamometer (Fig. 7.3).
Resources Availability of handheld dynamometers has altered little over the years. A list of the type of products available, the approximate cost, and the address of the manufacturer is provided in Table 7.1. Further technical advances are expected to enrich the options available for clinicians, and as additional reliability and other studies are published, more widespread use of the handheld dynamometer is expected.
FIG. 7.2 Knee extension. Test modified to remove examiner from test because of inability of therapist to provide sufficient resistance, thus avoiding testing of a concentric contraction.
FIG. 7.3 Knee extension. Test modified differently to remove examiner from test because of inability of therapist to provide sufficient resistance, thus avoiding testing of a concentric contraction.
Clinical Utility General Principles of Measurement The rules for application of MMT also apply to any situation in which the handheld dynamometer would be used. These rules are included in Chapter 1, but key points to consider with the application of HHD include the following: • Maintain consistency in test position from one test to another. 47 In some cases, guidelines are available from the manufacturer of the handheld dynamometer. Still, the therapist should use good clinical judgment because some guidelines are not well justified. Some who have published have provided recommendations based on a specific subject population. 78 , 105 , 127 A standardized position for testing in your clinic is advised. Examples of test positions are provided in Figs. 7.17 to 7.42 later in the chapter. • Ensure that the joint position is the same from test to test. Small changes can produce rather large changes in values due to changes in muscle length. • Consider and account for variations in the age, sex, state of training, body mass, and other factors that can influence torque. 98 , 117 , 161 • Offer maximum stabilization to help ensure maximum reliability. • Have the same therapist perform all testing for a given patient unless intertherapist reliability has been established in the clinical setting. • Gain experience before testing patients and establish intratherapist reliability. Ideally, perform the necessary procedures and subsequent statistics to establish reliability. If you want all in your clinic to be reliable (intertherapist), you need to collect the data and calculate the statistics. • Perform one or two trials depending on how consistent (reliable) you are. Minimal or no variability requires only one
measurement. 53 Take the mean of two or three measurements when the clinician has less experience or the patient shows difficulty in performing or understanding. Note: One study showed that variability within a group of novice handheld dynamometer users was lower when the mean of three repeated measurements was compared with the highest of the three measures. 242 • Test in gravity-eliminated positions when possible (Fig. 7.4). Without eliminating the effect of gravity, there are forces (such as the segment mass of your subject) that remain unaccounted for and can affect the values you record. Avoid the problem of incorporating them in your measurement by using gravity-eliminated positions. 210 If you test in other positions, recognize the implications for not accounting for gravity. Apply the dynamometer at a known location (Fig. 7.5). The handheld dynamometer will record force at that location, and if you vary the location, you will get a different value even if the subject is generating the same force in the muscle or muscle group you are testing. This is because the patient is generating a torque at the joint, but you are measuring force. To be able to compare across subjects, you need to know the distance at which your measurements were taken (Fig. 7.6) so you can multiply the force from the handheld dynamometer times the distance, thus yielding measurement as torque (torque = force × perpendicular distance of the force to the joint center). One study has reported that reliability of measurements tended to be higher when the handheld dynamometer was placed at sites farther from the joint center of rotation. 157 Calculating the torque is the only meaningful way to compare across subjects. Use the distance. 210 Note that some investigators continue to report only force values, providing the clinician with information that is of limited value. ∗ Table 7.1
Sources of Handheld Dynamometers Dynamometer NamE
Company Address
Approximate Cost
AMETEK Measurement & Calibration Technologies Division 8600 Somerset Dr. Largo, FL 33773 800-527-9999 www.ametektest.com
$695 and up
Baseline Push-Pull Plus Dynamometers (various others)
Best Priced Products Inc. P.O. Box 1174 White Plains, NY 10602 800-824-2939 www.bbp2.com
B&L Engineering Digital Hand Dynamometer
B&L Engineering 1901 Carnegie Ave, Suite Q Santa Ana, CA 92705 714-505-9492
$250 and up
CIT Handheld Dynamometer
CIT Technics BV Rijksstraatweg 384 9752 CR HAREN The Netherlands +31-50-406 17 54
Chatillon (see Ametek)
Dynatron® Hand Dynamometer
Various distributors; see internet
$200 and up
Hoggan Scientific, LLC 3653 W 1987 S Salt Lake City, UT 84104 800-678-7888 www.hogganhealth.com
microFET®, ergoFET™
Jamar Grip and Pinch Gauges Lafayette Electronic Manual Muscle Tester J Tech Medical Commander Echo— Manual Muscle Testing Dynamometer 120513
Variety of providers: see internet Lafayette Instrument 3700 Sagamore Pkwy N Lafayette, IN 47904 www.lafayetteevaluation.com Multiple distributors
$200 and up $795
$844 and up
• Apply the dynamometer perpendicularly to the segment of the patient (Fig. 7.7). If you do not, the force will not be the true value. In addition, you will make it harder on yourself (i.e., greater resistive force will need to be applied by the therapist) if you do not apply the force perpendicularly. Not doing so will invalidate your measurement. 6 , 196 This point is just as important as the one about calculating torque. • Place the handheld dynamometer as far from the joint axis as possible because the magnitude of resistive force applied by the therapist decreases as the distance from the joint center increases. • Ensure that the test is truly isometric; otherwise the values will be incorrect, as discussed in earlier sections of this chapter. 42 , 48 , 180
• Apply the force for 3 to 5 seconds, although the amount of time for the actual trial is somewhat arbitrary. This duration allows time for the client to generate and reach maximum tension. Intertrial time is also not specified; 10 to 30 seconds is the approximate standard.
Applicability Relative to Issues of Reliability and Validity With the advent of any new measurement system, the focus of evaluation of the technique should be on reliability of the measures obtained. 220 This has been the case for the handheld dynamometer, in that numerous studies have evaluated a number of instruments under a variety of conditions. The differences between each of the published works lead to difficulties in generalization of the reliability of the instrument when applied to any situation. Several types of reliability are important, including intrarater, interrater, and intersession comparisons. In the first case, comparisons are made within raters, compared with the interrater situation, in which comparisons are made between raters or clinicians. We would expect that the reliability, or the reproducibility of the data, would be better for the former because there are no individual differences such as therapist stature and experience to influence the measurement. Evaluation of Tables 7.2 and 7.3 shows that numerous studies have addressed the issue of reliability of HHD. Overall, the intratester (intrarater) values are relatively high and would be considered acceptable by most, within the constraints of each of the studies. 198 Although there are differences in the values, partly due to the type of statistics used, generalization of the results indicates that intratester reliability reaches acceptable levels to be used in the clinical setting.
FIG. 7.4 Illustration of a gravity-eliminated position—in this case for the biceps brachii muscle. Handheld dynamometry should be performed in such positions when possible to eliminate the effects of gravity that can affect recorded values.
FIG. 7.5 Marking the location of the dynamometer with a skin marker. The handheld dynamometer should be applied at the same location each time to avoid variability of results.
Evaluation of the studies in which intertester reliability has been assessed leads to the conclusion that the values are lower, in some cases unacceptable. A partial listing of studies was published by Bohannon. 63 However, because tester experience is a factor in reliability many of the lower values may be caused by this factor alone. The motion or muscle being tested and the relatively low number of subjects per study may also account for the values. In general, testing by a number of therapists becomes more questionable but is dependent on what is tested, the experience and strength of the clinician, and other factors. It is always best to establish intertherapist reliability if the data are to be useful for purposes of reporting, either to the insurance company or to the literature.
FIG. 7.6 Measuring the distance from the center of rotation of the joint to the point of application of force (handheld dynamometry [HHD]). Taking this measurement will allow the examiner to calculate torque (force × distance), the only measure that can be compared across subjects.
FIG. 7.7 Illustration of application of the handheld dynamometer perpendicular to the tested segment (in this case, the distal forearm). The force must be applied perpendicular to the segment for the force measurement to be valid.
Intersession data, shown in Table 7.4, are typically derived from a protocol that uses the same examiner(s) after a period of time has elapsed. Thus the values are high, similar as for the intratester values of Table 7.2, because the same examiner has been used. Note should be made, however, that overall only a few muscles have been evaluated in few subjects. Table 7.2 Intrarater Reliability Studies with Handheld Dynamometers Reference
Statistic Joints Tested
Adult Healthy Subjects Byl et al. 74
27 healthy
Deltoid and
Rheault et al.
20 healthy
Wrist ext, flex
deltoid 0.93-0.96 biceps 0.91 ext
0.85 flex Bohannon 47
24 healthy
Bohannon 49 Hsieh and Phillips 109
Wikolm and Bohannon
30 healthy
Elbow ext
Knee ext
Iliopsoas, pectoralis major, hip ext rot
0.55-0.76 method 1 0.96-0.99 method 2
27 healthy
Shoulder ext rot, 0.64-0.98 elbow flex, intersession; knee ext above 0.78 intrasession (except 2)
Bohannon and 24 healthy Wikholm 57
Knee ext
McMahon et al. 157
30 healthy young
0.96 experienced 0.95 inexperienced
Multiple joints
0.88 shoulder abd 0.88 hip flex 0.80 wrist ext 0.86 ankle dorsi
Sexton 202
52 healthy
Andrews et al. 156 healthy 6
Hip flex
ICC 82
13 upper and lower extremities
Leggin et al. 135 17 healthy
Shoulder abd, int, ext rot
0.84-0.96 abd 0.94-0.97 internal 0.89-0.95 external
Reinking et al. 10 healthy
Knee ext
Bohannon 60
231 healthy
Multiple joints, all >0.94 dominant and nondominant
Richardson et al. 187
6 healthy
Elbow ext
Richardson et al. 186
20 healthy older
0.89-0.98 make 0.68-0.98 break
Elbow and knee ext
0.88 elbow make, 0.94 break 0.89 knee make, 0.95 break
Krause et al.
30 healthy
Hip ext, abd, ext rot
Ieiri et al. 112
12 healthy
Hip abd
0.89-0.95 (hand fixation) 0.960.97 (belt)
Hansen et al.
20 healthy
ICC Knee ext and r
55 healthy
Hip, knee, ankle flex and ext
26 healthy
All 6 hip 0.80-0.96 motions, knee flex and ext
Kim and Lee 122
Martins et al. 149
Young Healthy Subjects
Bäckman et al. 10 healthy 11 children
Elbow flex, ankle dorsi
Hsieh and Phillips 109
Pectoralis major, 0.90-0.97 hip flex, ext pectoralis rot major
30 healthy young
12% elbow flex, 6% dorsi
0.89-0.96 hip flex 0.84-0.95 hip ext rot Balogun et al. 12
20 healthy young
Shoulder flex, abd, elbow flex, ext
0.87-0.94 shoulder flex 0.86-0.93 shoulder abd 0.80-0.85 elbow flex 0.75-0.84 elbow ext
Burns et al. 71
Lu et al. 1
44 healthy young
25 healthy
Foot inv, ever
Ankle dorsi, plant Knee flex, ext
0.79-0.93 traditional 0.91-0.94 resistance enhanced
Krause et al.
21 healthy
Hip abd, add
Rose et al. 190
Macfarlane et al. 143
young 60 aged 2-4 yr
Foot inv, ever
Ankle dorsi, plant
17 with mean ICC aged 7.5 yr
Hip flex-ext
Knee flex-ext Hip add-abd
Spink et al. 213
36 young 36 old
Ankle dorsi, plant, foot inv, ever
Hallux plantar flex Table Continued Reference
Joints Tested Result
PTatient Subjects or Healthy and Patient Subjects Scott et al. 201
61 muscular dystrophy
Unspecified r
Knee ext
Hyde et al. 110
12 muscular dystrophy
6 muscle groups
4.6 hip flex to 15.7 hip abd
Wadsworth et al. 235
11 patients
5 muscle groups
Stuberg and Metcalf 216
14 healthy, 14 muscular dystrophy
Knee ext, hip ext, elbow flex, shoulder abd
0.74-0.99 healthy 0.83-0.99 patients
Bohannon 44
Knee ext
0.99 paretic and nonparetic
Riddle et al. 188
15 brain damage
Knee ext
0.88-0.98 paretic nonparetic
Mendell and Florence 158
30 muscular dystrophy
4 muscle groups
0.71-0.95 aged 5-9 yr 0.84-0.97 aged 9-12 yr 0.91-1.0 aged 12-16 yr
Bohannon 52
30 neurologic disorders
18 muscle groups
0.84-0.99 except shoulder and hip abd
Surberg et al. 219
10 mildmoderate mental retardation
Knee ext, elbow flex
Hayes and Falconer 100
43 osteoarthritis
Knee ext
Schwartz et al.
122 quadriplegia
Biceps and extensor carpi radialis (ECR)
0.80-0.86 biceps 1 wk
Knee ext
0.95 at 0°
Deones et al. 86
21 knee injury
0.92-0.94 ECR
0.93 at 60° Horvat et al. 107
17 moderate
Elbow ext,
0.83-0.86 ext
mental retardation
0.83-0.85 flex
Goonetilleke et al. 96
19 motor neuron disease
Multiple joints
>0.95 for all conditions
Bohannon et al.
110 renal transplant candidates
Knee ext
Bohannon 59
13 elderly, mixed ICC pathologies
Knee ext
May et al. 155
25 spinal cord injury
Shoulder int, 0.89-0.96 int ext rot 0.89-0.94 ext
Kilmer et al. 121
11 healthy, 10 patients with neuropathy
Multiple joints
0.89-0.97 upper extremity 0.63 ankle dorsi 0.82-0.89 ext
Karner et al. 114
15 older nursing home residents
0.86-0.92, two motions combined
Nollet and Beelen 169
76 postpolio, mean age 4549 yr
Knee extflex
Hip flex-abd Ankle dorsi
Mercer and Lewis 159
17 healthy and 17 ICC Down syndrome
Hip abd, knee ext
0.94 Down hip abd 0.94 healthy Down syndrome
0.89 Down knee ext 0.95 healthy Merlini et al. 160
33 spinal muscular atrophy
Elbow flex, 0.98 elbow knee flex, 0.97 knee flex ext, ankle dorsi 0.93 knee ext 0.91 ankle dorsi
Visser et al. 234
19 with ICC nonhereditary lower motor neuron syndrome
12 upper and lower, bilateral
Burns et al. 72
19 with tetraplegia
Elbow flexext
Van den Beld et al. 228
61 with suggested myopathy aged 4-11 yr
11 muscle groups
Schreuders et al. 199
27 median and ulnar nerve injuries
Intrinsic hand muscles
Kelln et al. 118
20 elderly and physically impaired
11 lower 0.77-0.97 extremity
Busse et al. 73
20 with Huntington disease
6 lower ext groups
Knols et al. 126
24 with hematologic
Knee ext
0.94 aver of three
malignancies, mean age 50.1 yr
0.86 highest
Table Continued
Reference Knutson et al. 127
Sample 60 children14 Ctrl 22 CP 13 MMC 11 JCA
Statistic ICC
Joints Tested
Based on single/mean values KE Ctrl 0.92/0.98 CP 0.94/0.99 MMC 0.74/0.94 JCA 0.94/0.99 KF Ctrl 0.95/0.99 CP 0.94/0.99 MMC 0.94/0.97 JCA 0.96/0.99 AD Ctrl 0.90/0.98 CP 0.91/0.98 MMC 0.91/0.98 JCA 0.92/0.98 AP Ctrl 0.81/0.96
CP 0.85/0.97 MMC 0.97/0.99 JCA 0.88/0.97 Souweine et al. 212
53 healthy, 21 hemodialysis
Knee ext
ext = extension, flex = flexion, ext rot = external rotation, int rot = internal rotation, abd = abduction, add = adduction, inv = inversion, ever = eversion, dorsi = dorsiflexion, plant = plantarflexion.
Table 7.3 Interrater Reliability Studies with Handheld Dynamometers Reference
Sample/No. of Statistic Joints Tested Testers
Adult Healthy Subjects Agre 3
Byl et al. 74
8 adults/3
27 healthy
Rheault et al. 1 20 healthy adults/3
Hseih and Phillips 106
Wikolm and Bohannon 221
30 healthy
27 healthy
8 upper and lower extremity
0.85-0.99 upper
Deltoid and biceps
0.84 deltoid
Wrist ext, flex
0.89-0.95 ext
0.20-0.96 lower
0.66 biceps
0.90-0.93 flex
Iliopsoas, pec major, hip ext rot
0.59-0.77 method 1 0.95-0.96 method 2
Shoulder ext rot, 0.93 shoulder elbow flex, ext rot knee ext 0.78 elbow flex
0.23 knee ext Bohannon and 24 healthy Wikholm 55
Knee ext
Puharic and Bohannon
24 healthy
Pronation, 0.90-0.95 supination of pronation dominant, nondominant 0.97-0.98 supination
52 healthy/2
Hip flexion
8 upper and lower extremity
Shoulder abd, int/ext rot
0.79 abd
Elbow ext
0.67 make
Sexton 189
Andrews et al. 9 healthy 6 adults/3 Kimura et al.
12 healthy
Leggin et al. 127 17 healthy
Richardson et al. 176
6 healthy
Kilmer et al.
11 control, age ICC 55; 10 hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
0.90 int, 0.94 ext
0.69 break 10 joint motions
Control 0.82-0.95, except shoulder flexion, 0.67 Patients 0.90-0.96
Richardson et al. 175
20 healthy older
Elbow and knee ext
0.87 elbow make, 0.87 break 0.67 knee make,
0.74 break Phillips et al. 164
20 M, 20 F, each decade 2069
Shoulder abd, ext rot Elbow flex, ext Wrist ext Hip flex, abd Ankle dorsi
Intrasession: All >0.95 except ankle 0.87-0.88 Intersession: All >0.79 except ankle 0.53-0.68 Table Continued
Sample/No. of Testers
Joints Tested
Knee ext
Shoulder int and ext rot
21 healthy aged 22-31
Hip abd, add
25 healthy, mean age 22.5
Knee flex, ext
0.11-0.28 traditional
Schaubert and 10 elderly, mean Bohannon age 75.5 183
Kolber et al.
30 adults
18-63, mean 35.6 Krause et al. 123
Lu et al. 132
0.98 resistance enhanced Spink et al. 198
36 mean age 23, 36 ICC mean age 77
Ankle dorsi and 0.77-0.88 plant Foot inv, ever Hallux plant
Lindstrom73 healthy Hazel et al.
Hand grip and pinch
Whiteley et al. 10 athletes
ICC, r
0.99 grip 0.94-0.99 pinch
Knee flex, ext
Ext 0.900.96 Flex 0.320.62
Thorborg et al. 222
21 healthy
Krause et al.
30 healthy
Hip ext, abd, ext 0.81-0.98 rot
Ieiri et al. 112
12 healthy
Hip abd
Kim and Lee
55 students
All hip motions, knee flex
Hip, knee, ankle flex and ext
0.76-0.79 (hand) 0.90-0.93 (belt) >0.80
Young Healthy Subjects Hyde et al. 110
14 children/3
ANOVA Knee ext, shoulder abd
No significant difference
Bäckman et al. 11
11 children/4
Elbow and 3 lower extremity
Surberg et al.
10 mild to moderate mental retardation
Knee ext, elbow flex
0.97-0.98 for both
McMahon et al. 157
30 healthy young
Multiple joints
0.83 shoulder abd 0.76 hip flex 0.31 wrist ext 0.55 ankle dorsi
Balogun et al.
20 healthy young
Shoulder abd, flex elbow flex and ext
0.95 shoulder abd 0.96 shoulder flex 0.83 elbow flex 0.86 elbow ext
Berry et al. 20
15 spastic diplegic ICC or quadriplegic, mean age 11.7 15 aged 2, 3, and 4 ICC yr
Bilateral Knee ext, flex
≥0.84 except for left knee flex
Hip abd Shoulder flex Knee flex, ext Elbow flex, ext
Shoulder 0.76-0.91 for 2s 0.85-0.92 for 3s 0.54-0.94 for 4s Knee ext 0.54 Elbow flex 0.76
All others ≥0.82 Rose et al. 190
60 healthy aged 24
Ankle plant, dorsi
Foot inv, ever Patient Subjects or Healthy and Patient Subjects Bohannon 30 patients with and neurologic 38 Andrews conditions/2
Multiple upper and lower extremity
0.84-0.94; means significant different for 2
Bohannon et al. 58
110 renal transplant candidates
Knee ext
Kwoh et al. 132
44 total hip or knee arthroplasty
Knee ext
Kilmer et al.
11 healthy, 10 patients with neuropathy
Multiple joints
0.72-0.96 upper extremity
0.38 ankle dorsi 0.53-0.84 knee ext Nollet and Beelen 169
76 postpolio syndrome, mean age 4549
Escolar et al. 90 12 ambulatory
Knee ext, flex Hip flex, abd Ankle dorsi
Knee ext, ankle
0.84-0.97 knee
children with neuromuscular disease
dorsi elbow flexion
ext 0.56-0.88 ankle dorsi 0.93-0.98 elbow flex
Mercer and Lewis 159
17 aged 7-15 yr with Down syndrome, 17 “typical”
Hip abd, knee ext
Table Continued
Reference Merlini et al. 160
Sample/No. of Testers 33 spinal muscular atrophy
Statistic Joints Tested Result ICC
Elbow flex, knee flex/ext, ankle dorsi
0.98 elbow 0.95 knee flex 0.88 knee ext 0.69 ankle dorsi
Visser et al. 234
19 with nonhereditary lower motor neuron syndrome
12 upper and 0.86-0.99 lower extremity bilateral
Roy and Doherty 192
16 post hip fracture, aged 79 yr
Knee ext
Taylor 221
10 spastic diplegic, mean age 13.5 yr
Hip abd, flex and ext Knee ext
0.91 fractured 0.90 unfractured All >0.81
Ankle plant Burns et al. 71
19 of various ages with tetraplegia
Elbow flex, ext
O’Shea et al.
12 with moderately severe COPD, mean age 71.4 yr
4 muscle groups
>0.79 for all
23 with spastic diplegia, mean age 9.5 yr
25 with cerebral palsy, aged 7-17 yr
Crompton et al. 81
Verschuren et al. 233
Hip flex, ext Knee flex, ext Ankle plant, dorsi Lower limb
>0.79 intrasession for all groups >0.7 for all but ankle plant
0.42-0.73 break method 0.49-0.82 make method 0.91-0.96 30-sec rep max
Kelln et al. 118
Elderly and physically impaired
11 lower extremity
Mahony et al.
20 with spina bifida, ICC mean age 9.8 yr
Hip flex, abd
0.75 hip abd
Knee ext
0.37-0.4 others
24 with hematologic ICC malignancies
Knee ext
0.77-0.95 for three values
Knee ext
Knols et al. 125 Souweine et al. 212
53 healthy, 21 hemodialysis
ext = extension, flex = flexion, ext rot = external rotation, int rot = internal rotation, abd =
abduction, add = adduction, inv = inversion, ever = eversion, dorsi = dorsiflexion, plant = plantarflexion.
Another interest is the relationship of the data from the handheld dynamometer in comparison with other instruments or manual techniques that measure force and/or preferably use the force value to convert to a torque. More work has been completed in this arena. Only a few studies were located that related dynamometer values to function. ∗ Considerable differences exist across studies as to the equipment used, the variables tested, and the actual measurements being taken. Briefly, Bohannon 50 has shown an interinstrument correlation of 0.80 for an a handheld dynamometer with a Cybex II isokinetic device when the knee extensors of 20 healthy women were tested. Sullivan et al. 217 had similar results in healthy male subjects for the motion of shoulder external rotation. Still another group established Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.72 to 0.85 between elbow and knee flexion and extension strength measurements derived by HHD versus a Lido isokinetic dynamometer. 181 Others have shown that HHD indicated weak knee extensor muscles in patients with osteoarthritis compared with manual muscle test scores of good. The Kendall tau correlation coefficient between the two measurement techniques was 0.24. ∗ Deones and coworkers 86 have also found that the handheld dynamometer and isokinetic dynamometer data were significantly correlated when judged by the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. However, the HHD did not differentiate an injured from an uninjured leg, as did the isokinetic test. Tester strength, stabilization, the lack of including the effect of gravity, and pain were all considered to have an effect. 84 Each of these factors was discussed in an earlier section of this chapter that deals with HHD principles of operation and testing. Another group also compared two HHD values with the data derived from an isokinetic dynamometer operating in an isometric mode. One of the HHD devices had significantly lower scores (mean kgf, 12.5 vs. 7.5) than the other HHD devices, leading to differences between the lowest scoring HHD and the isometric value derived from the isokinetic device. 225 However, in this study no
calibration of the handheld devices was completed prior to data collection. Thus these results reflect the need to calibrate any device that is used to take a measurement; otherwise, testing for comparative purposes is not justified. Table 7.4 Intersession Reliability Studies with Handheld Dynamometry Reference
Joints Tested
Wiles and Karni 242
20 neuromuscular patients
Median error
Knee extension %
Bohannon 27 30 neurologic patients
18 upper and lower extremity
Stuberg and 14 healthy, 14 Metcalf muscular 216 dystrophy
Eight muscle groups
0.83-0.99 patients
Sullivan et al. 217
14 healthy
Shoulder external rotation
Bäckman et al. 9
24 children
10 upper and lower extremity muscles
Numerous muscle groups
0.90-0.98 paretic
Riddle et al. 15 brain damaged 188
0.74-0.89 healthy no significant differences
0.31-0.93 nonparetic
Hsieh and Phillips
30 healthy young
Pectoralis major, hip flexion and external rotators
0.91-0.96 pectoralis major 0.86-0.95 hip flexion 0.89-0.94 hip external rotators
Boiteau et al. 66
10 children with cerebral palsy
Passive ankle 0.79 low dorsiflexion velocity 0.90 high velocity
Balogun et al. 12
20 healthy young
Shoulder 0.91-0.97 abductors shoulder and flexors, abductors elbow 0.95-0.97 flexors and shoulder extensors flexors 0.86-0.94 elbow flexors 0.72-0.90 elbow extensors
Berry et al. 20
Lu et al. 140
15 spastic di or quad cerebral palsy, mean age 11.7 yr
25 healthy, mean age 22.5 yr
Knee flex-ext
Morris et al. 10 adults with 163 traumatic brain injury
Quads, plantar 0.79-0.99, flex, triceps, except hip hip flex flex 0.670.95
ext = extension, flex = flexion.
Several studies have been completed that have evaluated the use of a constraining belt with the handheld dynamometer imposed in the testing system (see Fig. 7.2). 115 , 122 , 149 , 222 Little improvement has been shown to exist in the reliability values as a result of this procedure. (See data in Tables 7.2 and 7.3.) More importantly, several works have compared HHD values with those generated by dynamometers that directly report torque values. In one study researchers state that handheld dynamometer underestimates knee extensor torque in stronger persons. 150 A second study found similar measures, stating that clinicians can use HHD as an effective measure of measuring strength. 224 The third concludes that HHD provided similar results with dynamometers, and thus a dynamometer is a “reliable and valid instrument for muscle strength assessment in a clinical setting.” 214 Based on the two preceding paragraphs, HHD generally appears to have concurrent validity (i.e., scores are comparable with those derived from other testing procedures). Furthermore, because the handheld dynamometer is able to detect the force exerted against it as the result of contraction of muscles that create a mechanical effect, the device is considered to have face validity. Predictive validity is less established, but some studies support that this type of validity also exists. 34 , 36 , 43
Values Normative For comparison with healthy subjects, the clinician needs to have a set of normative values available. Whereas quite a number of normative values are available, they are for isokinetic, fixed, or handgrip
dynamometers. 154 , 193 However, several articles have published values for data collected with the handheld dynamometer. Each is limited, however, in terms of the sample and the procedures of data collection. For example, Bäckman et al. reported force from children between ages 3.5 and 15 years 11 and between the ages of 17 and 70 years. 10 Another data set includes women between the ages of 20 and 40. 26 Van der Ploeg et al. have one of the more comprehensive sets of data from 50 female and 50 male subjects between the ages of 20 and 60. 229 However, in a number of cases, the subjects exceeded the recording capability of the dynamometer used in the study. In 1996, Andrews et al. 6 published a listing of normative values for 77 men and 70 women. The range of ages tested was 50 to 79 years. Mean values and regression equations are published for 13 joint motions: 8 in the upper extremities and 5 in the lower extremities. As has been discussed in earlier parts of this chapter, the position of the dynamometer is critical to the value recorded. In all instances, the dynamometer should be placed perpendicular to the limb segment to which it is applied. A more important consideration is the location of the handheld dynamometer from the axis around which rotation is being attempted. The articles cited in the previous paragraph contain location information, at least in a generalized form. For example, citations are typically “just proximal to” a specified anatomic location such as condyles or processes. Although using this procedure may prove adequate for values used within a patient or one particular setting, the force value alone offers no ability to make comparisons across measures. In fact, an analysis of data of Andrews et al. 6 versus those of van der Ploeg et al. 229 shows considerable discrepancies in the values, although virtually identical landmarks appeared to be used in the two studies. For example, the van der Ploeg et al. data show that for an average age of 34.4 years, the men had a 50th percentile score of 156 N for elbow extensors. 229 The Andrews et al. 6 data show the value for the 50-year-old group as 178 and 188 N, respectively, for the dominant and nondominant arms. In general, the differences appear to be fairly large, particularly for the male groups,
even if subject age, body mass, and other factors are considered. If segment lengths of subjects differed, if the handheld dynamometer was placed in a slightly different location, or if the test position was different, the resultant force would be different. Thus comparison is limited. Other examples of work where dynamometer location is not exactly noted are in the works of Bohannon, 59 , 65 Merlini et al., 160 Reinking et al., 182 and Mascal et al. 151 This is unfortunate because without a note of the exact location, the measure cannot be converted to a torque, which is the only way to allow for valid comparison across patients, joints, and studies. 211 Conversions across different units are easily made. 210 In summary, whereas existing normative data as force (N) have some value, an appropriate course of action would be to establish normative data as torque (Nm) achieved by recording the force value and multiplying it by the distance at which the handheld dynamometer is perpendicularly placed on the segment. With this approach, the location of the handheld dynamometer does not matter because the magnitude of the force will vary as the distance changes. Thus the resulting measure is given in units of torque.
Clinical Relevance Information about a patient’s ability to exert joint torque can be a valuable asset in practice. Objective, repeatable HHD measurements are a cornerstone of any quality practice, and the information detailed in this chapter should assist the clinician in that regard. Data from initial patient assessments can be compared with data collected during repeat evaluations, thus providing information about need for continued patient care or need for a home exercise program. Comparison of torque data with healthy subjects can also serve as an indicator for continued care. Documented changes in a patient’s ability to exert torque can be submitted to third-party payers to justify continued patient care. There are no limitations on the number of joints, the number of motions, or the number of joint angles at which data can be derived, thus providing the capability for a
comprehensive analysis of patient function. Few studies that have used HHD have reported data as torque. However, as noted earlier in this chapter, this is the preferred practice, despite the fact that most studies have historically reported only force. It is noteworthy that the electromechanical dynamometers, such as the Biodex device (Biodex Medical Systems, Shirley, NY) provides data in torque. Why persistence exists for recording only the force is perplexing. If an article in the literature provides a distance at which the handheld dynamometer is placed, then the torque can be calculated. However, if the location is given as “just proximal to the malleoli,” data are insufficient to determine torque. The studies that have reported data as torque while using HHD are represented in Table 7.5. In some cases, only a sample of the available data is included.
Special Consideration in Pediatrics History of Application HHD has been used rather extensively in the testing of healthy children and children with pathologies. ∗ Good to high reliability has been established for both young and older populations (see Tables 7.2 and 7.3). A systematic review of the methods used to measure upper extremity strength in children with cerebral palsy supported use of HHD for selected upper extremity testing. 83
Procedures † When testing children, some special considerations are important. The ability of the tester to elicit or the child to generate maximum isometric effort would be among the most important considerations. The child’s age and level of cognition are certainly factors in the production of valid results. Surprisingly, HHD has been used with success in children as young as age 3 or 4 years. To promote a child’s understanding, simple and clear instructions should be given. Making the testing fun and providing practice sessions before recording a
value may also help secure a valid measure. The examiner may wish to take an average of three trials after an initial one or two practice sessions or may adopt the practice of recording the highest of three trials. Once a decision is made on placement of the handheld dynamometer along the length of the limb, measurement should be taken from joint center to point of application (center of the handheld dynamometer) for subsequent calculation of torque in Nm or Kgm. Details of procedure employed should be noted in the patient’s clinical report to ensure the same procedure is repeated at future examinations. The test position and ability to adequately stabilize the child during testing should be considered. While stabilization is commonly accepted as a critical factor in muscle testing with or without a device, Crompton et al. 81 found that reliability was not increased with enhanced stabilization for hip and knee extensor measurements in their subjects with cerebral palsy. Knutson 127 favored testing young children from a floor mat. Exam tables are less often available in schools where children are often seen, whereas exercise mats can be found commonly in the school gymnasium. Additionally, use of a mat even in clinical settings allows the child to lie recumbent with body mass distributed over a broader support surface, in effect providing opportunity for greater stabilization for the child and therapist. This can enhance isolation of the joint motion of interest. Further, the recumbent position more readily allows testing in a gravity-eliminated position, thus removing gravity as a factor in resultant torque production. These positions were first published in an online book format in the 1990s and have since been lost in cyberspace. A series of photographs illustrating the use of HHD with a child in a recumbent position on a floor mat are given in Figs. 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, and 7.11. Hébert and coworkers 101 have also presented a standardized protocol for clinical use of HHD in testing several muscle groups in children and adolescents 4 to 17.5 years old. Table 7.5 Summary of Torque Values From Studies Using Handheld Dynamometry
Gender AGE (yr)
Mathiowetz et al. 153
Tip pinch
Key pinch
Palmar pinch
Elbow flexion
Askew et al. 9
Elbow extension Pronation Supination Sullivan et al.
Shoulder external rotation
13/13 poststroke
Knee extension
Kramer et al. 129 F
Hip abduction
Hip abduction
Shoulder internal rotation
Bohannon 49
Magnussen et al. 144
Shoulder external rotation Shoulder abduction
Kilmer et al. 121
Mercer et al. 159
5/6 healthy 3/7 hereditary neuropathy
17 healthy, 17 Down syndrome
Multiple joints
Hip abduction, knee extension
Hedengren et al. 101
Suomi and Collier 218
22 osteoarthritis 8 rheumatoid
Shoulder abduction, hip abduction
Martin and Yule 150
20 older normal
Non-dominant knee ext
Kim and Kim
23.9 (mean)
27 healthy
Knee ext
Krause et al. 130
24 (mean)
30 healthy
Hip abd
Martins et al.
23.5 (mean)
26 healthy
5-15 JCA 4-11 Ctrl
11 JCA 14 Ctrl
Knee extension and flexion, ankle dorsi, and plantar flexion
Hip motions Knee ext, flex
Souweine 212
36.5 (mean)
23 healthy
Knee ext
72.4 (mean)
14 hemodialysis
Knee ext
AD, Ankle dorsiflexion; AP, ankle plantar flexion; Ctrl, control; EF and EE, elbow flexion and extension; HN, hereditary neuropathy; JCA, juvenile chronic arthritis; KF and KE, knee extension and flexion; M, motion; SA, shoulder abduction; SE, shoulder extension; SF, shoulder flexion; SIR and SER, shoulder internal and external rotation; WF and WE, wrist flexion and extension. Note: Grip, tip, key, and palmar pinch values are given in kilograms force (kgf).
FIG. 7.8 Preparation for testing handheld dynamometry in a child. Child is positioned on a floor mat to maximize stability and enhance ease of gravity-eliminated testing. Simple instructions are provided to the child prior to testing.
FIG. 7.9 As in the adult, marking the location of the dynamometer with a skin marker should occur prior to testing. The handheld dynamometry should be applied at the same location each time to avoid variability of results.
FIG. 7.10 Demonstration of the measurement of the distance from the center of rotation of the joint to the point of application of force (handheld dynamometry) in a child. Taking this measurement will allow the examiner to calculate torque (force × distance), the only measure that can be compared across subjects.
FIG. 7.11 Performance of handheld dynamometry testing of the biceps brachii muscle in a child. Note the gravity-eliminated test position and the application of force perpendicular to the distal forearm. The force must be applied perpendicular to the segment for the force measurement to be valid.
Factors Affecting Torque In addition to factors of the child’s age and level of understanding, test position, and measurement reliability, other factors can influence torque, as discussed earlier in this chapter. Factors that warrant consideration specifically with children are gender, ethnicity, joint angle of testing, physical activity level, and presence of health or disability. While research has shed light on these factors, further study remains. Data suggest age, hence height and weight, contribute to torque in children under age 12 years; see the subsequent section on normative data. The angle of testing can influence torque, and this has been shown by Knutson 127 for elbow extension and flexion. In the testing of 22 children (12 girls and 10 boys), torque results were highly
statistically significant different dependent on joint angle. Post hoc analysis indicated that of the five angles tested, the main difference for both flexion and extension torque was not surprising with torque being lower at 0° (full extension) compared with all other angles (45°, 70°, 90°, and 10° short of the child’s full active elbow flexion). Elbow flexion torque was also significantly less at 45° than at greater degrees of flexion. Mean torque values were greatest for both motions at 90° (Fig. 7.12).
Normative Values for Selected Upper and Lower Extremity Joints The development of normative data for torque in children is ongoing, and confluence of the available data is helpful in this regard. Studies can be difficult to compare due to variant methodologies, such as test position and focus on force versus torque. Again, calculation and reporting of torque are important for comparison across studies. Upper and lower extremity joint torque-generating capacity increases with age, as reflected in Tables 7.6 and 7.7 and Figs. 7.13 and 7.14 for two separate groups of children aged 6 to 12 years who were evaluated by Knutson. 127 In these groups there was minimal difference between the sexes, as has also been supported by the percentile values reported by Wiggin et al. 241 using isokinetic testing. However, after the teenage years, the difference between male and female subjects becomes greater for all joints tested. McKay et al. 156 studied 1000 children and adults to establish reference values and influence of demographic and anthropometric factors. Regression modeling suggested key factors in predicting strength as height for children, higher body mass for adolescents, and male sex for adults. Although sex was not the most significant predictor in adolescents, tabulated data showed distinct male-female differences in adolescents that were not seen in the children. One limitation for children age 3 to 11 years was the author’s use of anthropometric tables, versus actual subject limb measurements, to convert force to torque for knee flexion and extension. Relative to the upper extremity data collected on 174
healthy children (87 girls and 87 boys) who attended school in Arkansas, joint torque showed a significant age effect until 11 years of age (see Fig. 7.14). 127 Eighty percent of children tested were white, 18% were black, and 2% were Hispanic. Male-versus-female sex differences were less remarkable than those for age. Quadriceps-tohamstring (Q/H) ratios have been reported mostly in adults and provide an alternative view of strength across the knee joint. In lower extremity data from Knutson, 127 the Q/H ratio is near 1.0 for children, lower than that commonly reported for adults. As shown in the legend for Table 7.7, the ratio is 0.95 for the overall group of 153 children aged 6 to 12 years and lowest for the youngest and oldest children, suggesting the hamstring muscles are stronger than the quadriceps muscles at these two ages. A developmental explanation may exist at age 6 years given common understanding that children develop flexion control before extension control. Pubescence arrival for the 12-year-old group may explain a setback before adult ratios are established. Knutson 127 also found what appears to be a brief drop in performance for children’s walking velocity at ages 11 to 12 years. What appears to be clear is that a transition occurs from childhood to adulthood as the quadriceps become stronger than the hamstrings. Pathology can also affect the Q/H ratio. Hedengren et al. 94 found children with arthritis showed a ratio of 0.76 compared with nearly 1.00 for the healthy study children (Fig. 7.15). The pain of generating joint extension torque may explain this ratio shift and points to a need for the physical therapist to plan exercise that promotes quadriceps strengthening through non–joint-stressful activities (e.g., “quad sets”). The effect of other pathologies on torque production warrants greater elucidation in children. As part of a larger study of children with and without disabilities, Knutson 127 found the results shown in Fig. 7.16 for the lower extremity. The children with neurologic involvement (i.e., cerebral palsy and myelomeningocele) had greater reduction in torque generation than did children with orthopedic disability (i.e., arthritis). While reduced torque is not surprising in children with myelodysplasia, what might be surprising is that these children had lumbosacral disability, hence thought to have minimal or no
weakness in quadriceps and hamstring muscles. The data also elucidate the degree of deficit in ankle muscle function. Additional work to establish reference values by disability may be of value to the clinician. Establishment of larger databases could lead to treatments for the children who fall short of typical based on age and level of disability.
FIG. 7.12
Table 7.6 Mean Torque Values for Children 6-12 Yo For Upper Extremity Joint Motions AGE N (yr)
Shoulder Abduction Torque (nm)
Elbow Flexion Torque (nm)
Elbow Extension Torque (nm)
Wrist Extension Torque (nm)
9.2 (±2.2)
11.0 (±2.5)
9.6 (±2.1)
2.2 (±0.6)
11.7 (±2.7)
14.5 (±3.0)
12.0 (±3.2)
3.0 (±0.7)
14.0 (±4.3)
17.0 (±5.5)
13.6 (±4.1)
3.1 (±1.0)
15.0 (±4.0)
19.0 (±4.6)
14.5 (±4.2)
3.7 (±0.9)
18.4 (±3.2)
22.3 (±3.5)
16.0 (±3.4)
4.1 (±0.7)
22.4 (±4.1)
28.0 (±4.4)
19.6 (±4.4)
5.0 (±1.1)
22.0 (±6.5)
26.7 (±4.1)
18.6 (±3.6)
5.0 (±1.2)
N = 174 healthy children (87 girls, 87 boys). Mean age was 9.4 ± 1.7 years, height 138.9 ± 11.8 cm, and weight 35.4 ± 10.6 kg.
FIG. 7.13
Table 7.7 Mean Torque Values for Children 6-12 Yo for Lower Extremity Joint Motions
AGE N (yr)
Hip Abduction Torque (Nm)
Knee Extension Torque (Nm)
Knee Flexion Torque (nm)
Ankle Plantar Flexion Torque (nm)
20.2 (±3.6)
20.2 (±3.1)
23.1 (±4.8) 21.1 (±3.8)
11.1 (±2.8)
20.7 (±4.6)
23.8 (±6.1)
24.4 (±4.7) 19.5 (±6.3)
11.4 (±2.6)
25.5 (±5.0)
30.3 (±7.6)
29.2 (±5.9) 20.6 (±6.6)
11.0 (±3.3)
31.4 (±7.4)
33.3 (±6.8)
35.5 (±8.5) 26.2 (±5.9)
13.7 (±2.9)
36.7 (±6.9)
42.0 (±7.6)
42.5 (±9.5) 27.1 (±6.8)
14.0 (±3.2)
35.0 (±7.7)
46.7 (±8.1)
46.2 37.0 (±10.4) (±12.3)
16.7 (±3.7)
39.9 (±6.3)
47.7 (±6.5)
59.5 39.3 (±7.3) (±14.1)
20.1 (±4.0)
Ankle Dorsiflexion Torque (nm)
N = 153 healthy children (83 girls, 72 boys). Mean age was 9.0 ± 1.5 years, height 137.4 ± 11.2 cm, and weight 34.5 ± 10.0 kg. Lower value for hip abduction strength at 11 versus 10 years old is interesting because the walking velocity tests conducted in this study and others by Knutson 114 have also showed a slower velocity around this pubertal year. Essentially other strength values steadily increase. When quadriceps-to-hamstrings ratios are considered, values average 0.95 but are lowest for 6 and 12 years (6 years 0.88; 7 years 0.98; 8 years 1.04; 9 years 0.94; 10 years 0.99; 11 years 1.01; and 12 years 0.80).
FIG. 7.14
FIG. 7.15
FIG. 7.16
Summary HHD is developing as an important part of science as applied to practice. The data have relevance for determining patient function prior to, during, or as the result of intervention. Instruments have been developed to objectively measure isometric forces as joint torques are produced. Recording is usually done via manual resistance at the distal end of a segment. This force value can and should be used in the subsequent calculation of the torque produced at human joints. Studies have established a high reliability of the measures within tester and within session. Within-therapist or between-therapist ratings vary from poor to strong depending on joint
tested, the experience of the examiner, and other factors. The few limitations associated with HHD and the existing studies addressing reliability within and between users for a wide variety of subjects, both normal and with pathology, indicate that the clinical community should now participate in this objective form of muscle testing. Only with this valuable torque data can comparisons be made across subjects that will, in turn, lead to a more credible practice for the patients. Normative values of the derived torque values will ultimately elucidate true weaknesses and the subsequent improvements that will be produced by effective treatment.
Scapular Elevation Upper Trapezius, Levator Scapulae Patient Position Prone with arms at sides and shoulder to be tested completely elevated; head should not be rotated to either side (Fig. 7.17). Stabilization Stabilization is unnecessary. Examiner Command “Hold your shoulder in that position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over superior aspect of acromion process of scapula. Same dynamometer placement should be used each time patient is tested so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions. Resistance is applied perpendicular to acromion in direction of scapular depression. Resistance is maintained for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.17).
FIG. 7.17
Scapular Adduction Middle Trapezius Patient Position Seated with scapula adducted and shoulder abducted to 90° and in neutral rotation and elbow flexed. Upper extremity should be supported on a firm, smooth surface (Fig. 7.18). Stabilization Over superior aspect of contralateral shoulder to prevent trunk rotation (see Fig. 7.18). Examiner Command “Hold your shoulder in that position and don’t let me move it.”
Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on lateral aspect of scapula near lateral border. (This location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from thoracic spinous processes measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to scapula in direction of scapular abduction and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.18).
FIG. 7.18
Shoulder Flexion Anterior Deltoid, Coracobrachialis Patient Position Side lying with shoulder flexed 90° and in neutral rotation and elbow extended. Arm to be tested should be uppermost and supported on a
smooth, flat surface (e.g., a powder board or an adjacent treatment table as shown) (Fig. 7.19). Stabilization Over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder, taking care to avoid pressure over anterior fibers of deltoid (see Fig. 7.19). Examiner Command “Hold your arm in that position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on anterior aspect of distal humerus just proximal to elbow. (This location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from acromion process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to humerus in direction of shoulder extension and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.19).
FIG. 7.19
Shoulder Extension Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Posterior Deltoid Patient Position Side lying with shoulder extended 45° and in full medial rotation, elbow extended. Arm to be tested should be uppermost and supported on a smooth, flat surface (e.g., a powder board or an adjacent treatment table as shown) (Fig. 7.20). Stabilization Over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder (see Fig. 7.20). Examiner Action “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on dorsal aspect of distal humerus just proximal to elbow. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from acromion process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to humerus in direction of shoulder flexion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.20).
FIG. 7.20
Shoulder Abduction Middle Deltoid, Supraspinatus Patient Position Supine with shoulder abducted 90° and in neutral rotation, elbow extended (Fig. 7.21). Stabilization Over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder, avoiding pressure over middle deltoid (see Fig. 7.21). Examiner Command “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.”
Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on lateral aspect of distal humerus just proximal to elbow. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from acromion process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to humerus in direction of shoulder adduction and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.21).
FIG. 7.21
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction Posterior Deltoid Patient Position Seated with shoulder abducted to 90° and in full horizontal abduction, humerus in neutral rotation, and elbow flexed to 90°. Upper extremity should be supported on a smooth, firm surface (Fig. 7.22). Stabilization
Over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder to prevent trunk rotation (see Fig. 7.22). Examiner Command “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over posterior aspect of distal humerus just proximal to elbow. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from acromion process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to humerus in direction of shoulder horizontal adduction and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.22).
FIG. 7.22
Shoulder Horizontal Adduction Pectoralis Major Patient Position Seated half facing table with shoulder in 90° abduction and full horizontal adduction, elbow flexed to 90°, arm supported on table (Fig. 7.23). Stabilization Over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder (see Fig. 7.23). Examiner Command “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over anterior aspect of distal humerus just proximal to elbow. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from acromion measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to humerus in direction of shoulder horizontal abduction and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.23).
FIG. 7.23
Shoulder Medial Rotation Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major Patient Position Seated with shoulder adducted and in neutral rotation, elbow flexed to 90° (Fig. 7.24). Stabilization Over superior aspect of ipsilateral shoulder or by wedging patient’s arm between treatment table and patient’s trunk as shown (see Fig. 7.24). Examiner Command “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over anterior aspect of distal forearm just proximal to wrist. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and perpendicular distance from radial styloid process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to forearm in direction of lateral rotation of shoulder and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.24).
FIG. 7.24
Shoulder Lateral Rotation Infraspinatus, Teres Minor Patient Position Seated with shoulder adducted and in neutral rotation, elbow flexed to 90° and supported (Fig. 7.25). Stabilization Over lateral aspect of ipsilateral arm (see Fig. 7.25).
Examiner Command “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Rotation Dynamometer is placed over dorsal aspect of distal forearm just proximal to wrist. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from olecranon process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to forearm in direction of medial rotation of shoulder and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.25).
FIG. 7.25
Elbow Flexion Biceps Brachii Patient Position Seated with arm supported on table. Shoulder is abducted to 90°, elbow flexed to 90°, forearm in full supination (Fig. 7.26). Stabilization Over lateral aspect of ipsilateral arm, avoiding direct pressure over biceps brachii (see Fig. 7.26). Examiner Command “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over ventral aspect of distal forearm just proximal to wrist. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and perpendicular distance from lateral humeral epicondyle measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to forearm in direction of elbow extension and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.26).
FIG. 7.26
Elbow Flexion Brachialis/Brachioradialis Patient Position Seated with arm supported on table. Shoulder is abducted to 90°, elbow flexed to 90°, forearm in full pronation (Fig. 7.27). Stabilization Over lateral aspect of ipsilateral arm (see Fig. 7.27). Examiner Command “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over dorsal aspect of distal forearm just
proximal to wrist. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and perpendicular distance from lateral humeral epicondyle measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to forearm in direction of elbow extension and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.27).
FIG. 7.27
Elbow Extension Triceps Brachii, Anconeus Patient Position Seated with arm supported on table. Shoulder is abducted to 90°, elbow is partially flexed, forearm is supinated (Fig. 7.28).
Stabilization Over anterior aspect of ipsilateral arm, avoiding pressure over triceps brachii muscle (see Fig. 7.28). Examiner Command “Hold your arm in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on dorsal surface of forearm just proximal to wrist. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from olecranon process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to forearm in direction of elbow flexion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.28).
FIG. 7.28
Wrist Flexion Flexor Carpi Radialis, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation, wrist flexed, forearm supported on a flat surface (Fig. 7.29). Stabilization Along radial side of forearm (see Fig. 7.29).
Examiner Command “Hold your wrist in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on ventral surface of hand just distal to wrist. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and perpendicular distance from radial styloid process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to hand in direction of wrist extension and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.29).
FIG. 7.29
Wrist Extension Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis,
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Patient Position Seated with forearm in neutral rotation, wrist extended, forearm supported on a flat surface (Fig. 7.30). Stabilization On radial side of forearm (see Fig. 7.30). Examiner Command “Hold your wrist in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on dorsal surface of hand just distal to wrist. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and perpendicular distance from radial styloid process measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to hand in direction of wrist flexion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.30).
FIG. 7.30
Hip Flexion Iliacus, Psoas Major Patient Position Side lying with leg to be tested lowermost. Hip and knee of side to be tested are flexed to 90° (Fig. 7.31). Stabilization Examiner stabilizes pelvis with one hand (see Fig. 7.31). Examiner Command “Hold your leg in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on anterior aspect of distal thigh just
proximal to knee. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from greater trochanter measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to thigh in direction of hip extension and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.31).
FIG. 7.31
Hip Extension Gluteus Maximus
Patient Position Side lying on side of limb to be tested with hip of test limb in extension and knee flexed to 90° (decreases contribution of hamstrings by placing them in a shortened position). Patient should be positioned so that patient’s pelvis is close to examiner’s trunk for stabilization (Fig. 7.32). Stabilization Examiner stands directly behind patient’s pelvis and supports uppermost lower extremity while stabilizing pelvis with one hand (see Fig. 7.32). Examiner Command “Hold your leg in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on posterior aspect of distal thigh just proximal to knee. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from greater trochanter measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to thigh in direction of hip flexion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.32).
FIG. 7.32
Hip Abduction Gluteus Medius And Minimus Patient Position Supine with hip of limb to be tested abducted and in neutral rotation, knee extended (Fig. 7.33). Stabilization Over anterolateral aspect of ipsilateral pelvis (see Fig. 7.33). Examiner Command “Hold your leg in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on lateral aspect of distal thigh just proximal
to knee. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from greater trochanter measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to thigh in direction of hip adduction and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.33).
FIG. 7.33
Hip Adduction Adductor Magnus Longus and Brevis, Pectineus, Gracilis Patient Position Supine with nontest limb in full abduction, test limb in adduction, pelvis level, knees extended (Fig. 7.34). Stabilization Over anterolateral aspect of ipsilateral pelvis (see Fig. 7.34).
Examiner Command “Hold your leg in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on medial aspect of distal thigh just proximal to knee. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and perpendicular distance from greater trochanter measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to thigh in direction of hip abduction and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.34).
FIG. 7.34
Hip Medial Rotation Tensor Fascia Lata, Gluteus Minimus And Medius Patient Position
Supine with hips flexed to 90°, knees flexed to 90°, hip to be tested in neutral rotation (Fig. 7.35). Stabilization Over anterolateral aspect of ipsilateral pelvis (see Fig. 7.35). Examiner Command “Hold your leg in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on lateral aspect of distal leg just proximal to ankle. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from lateral femoral epicondyle measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to leg in direction of lateral rotation of hip and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.35).
FIG. 7.35
Hip Lateral Rotation Piriformis, Gemellus Superior and Inferior, Obturator Internus and Externus, Quadratus Femoris Patient Position Supine with hip flexed to 90°, knee flexed to 90°, hip to be tested in neutral rotation (Fig. 7.36). Stabilization Over anterolateral aspect of ipsilateral pelvis (see Fig. 7.36). Examiner Command “Hold your leg in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on medial aspect of distal leg just proximal to ankle. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from medial femoral epicondyle measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to leg in direction of medial rotation of hip and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.36).
FIG. 7.36
Knee Extension Quadriceps Femoris Patient Position Side lying on side to be tested. Hip of lowermost limb is extended, and knee is in approximately 10° flexion (Fig. 7.37). Note: Many patients may be able to generate sufficient force with quadriceps muscles to overcome resistive force generated by examiner. In such instances, patient should be changed to a sitting position and tested as described under “Limitations” earlier in the chapter (see Figs. 7.2 and 7.3). Stabilization Over medial aspect of femur (see Fig. 7.37). Examiner Command “Hold your leg in this position and don’t let me move it.”
Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on anterior aspect of distal leg just proximal to ankle. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from lateral femoral epicondyle measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to leg in direction of knee flexion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.37).
FIG. 7.37
Knee Flexion Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps Femoris Patient Position Side lying on side to be tested. Hip of lowermost limb is extended, knee flexed to 90° (Fig. 7.38).
Stabilization Over medial aspect of distal femur (see Fig. 7.38). Examiner Command “Hold your leg in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on posterior aspect of distal leg just proximal to ankle. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and perpendicular distance from medial femoral epicondyle measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to leg in direction of knee extension and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.38).
FIG. 7.38
Ankle Plantar Flexion Gastrocnemius, Soleus Patient Position Side lying on side to be tested. Test limb is plantar flexed at ankle (Fig. 7.39). Stabilization Over medial aspect of distal leg, avoiding direct pressure over gastrocnemius/soleus muscle group (see Fig. 7.39).
Examiner Command “Hold your foot in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed on plantar surface of foot near metatarsal heads. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and perpendicular distance from medial malleolus measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to plantar surface of foot in direction of ankle dorsiflexion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.39).
FIG. 7.39
Ankle Dorsiflexion Tibialis Anterior
Patient Position Side lying on side to be tested. Test limb is dorsiflexed at ankle (Fig. 7.40). Stabilization Over medial aspect of distal leg, avoiding pressure over tibialis anterior (see Fig. 7.40). Examiner Command “Hold your foot in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over dorsal aspect of foot near metatarsal heads. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from medial malleolus measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to dorsum of foot in direction of ankle plantar flexion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.40).
FIG. 7.40
Subtalar Inversion Tibialis Posterior Patient Position Supine with lower extremities extended, ankle of limb to be tested in slight plantar flexion, subtalar joint inverted (Fig. 7.41). Stabilization Over anteromedial aspect of tibia (see Fig. 7.41). Examiner Command “Hold your foot in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over medial aspect of foot near base of first metatarsal. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from medial malleolus measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to medial aspect of foot in direction of subtalar eversion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.41).
FIG. 7.41
Subtalar Eversion Peroneus Longus and Brevis Patient Position Supine with lower extremities extended, ankle of limb to be tested in a neutral position, subtalar joint everted (Fig. 7.42). Stabilization Over medial aspect of distal leg (see Fig. 7.42). Examiner Command “Hold your foot in this position and don’t let me move it.” Dynamometer Placement/Resistance Dynamometer is placed over lateral aspect of foot just distal to base of fifth metatarsal. (Location should be marked with a skin pencil and distance from lateral malleolus measured and recorded so that consistency can be maintained across trials and testing sessions.) Resistance is applied perpendicular to lateral aspect of foot in direction of subtalar inversion and is held for 3 to 5 seconds (see Fig. 7.42).
FIG. 7.42
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References 29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 52, 54 .
References 73, 81, 118, 126, 128, 137, 164, 171, 191, 213, 233.
References 17, 89, 106, 200, 201, 240.
References 3, 72, 132, 148, 151, 182, 187, 207, 230.
References 5, 75, 111, 167, 194, 209.
References 23, 25, 30, 73, 89, 138, 163, 183, 231, 238.
References 112, 115, 123, 211, 222, 239.
References 13, 52, 141, 173, 191, 233.
References 28, 49, 50, 57, 61, 68, 84, 100, 153, 179, 181, 215, 229, 233, 241. ∗
References 11, 18, 19, 20, 66, 70, 81, 87, 93, 103, 105, 107, 116, 143, 145, 158, 159, 191, 197, 201, 216, 228, 233, 244. †
References 11, 16, 18, 66, 69, 81, 87, 103, 105, 107, 143, 145, 158, 159, 189, 191, 201, 228, 233, 244 .
Techniques of the Sensory Examination Nancy Berryman Reese
Sensory Testing One frequently finds that individuals who demonstrate muscle weakness or impairment also have abnormalities of peripheral sensation and other modalities subserved by the nervous system. This chapter presents basic techniques for the clinical examination of sensation throughout the body as well as techniques for examining muscle stretch (or deep tendon) reflexes. Chapter 9 expands on this chapter by presenting techniques for the remainder of the neurologic screening examination. Sensory testing is directed by the patient’s history. Rarely is the performance of an entire body sensory examination necessary or efficacious (except in cases such as spinal cord injury). Rather, the examiner is guided toward areas of focus by the patient’s response to questioning during history taking and by signs and symptoms that may become apparent during the physical examination. If the patient reports loss of sensation, “numbness,” “pins and needles,” “tingling,” or other subjective feelings associated with possible sensory loss in a particular body area, the examiner should begin the examination in the affected area. Even if the patient reports no sensory changes, other examination findings such as motor loss in a peripheral nerve pattern may cause the examiner to suspect that sensory deficits may be present. Again, the results of the history and physical examination
should guide the sensory examination. The techniques presented in this chapter constitute a method of clinical examination of sensation and provide a means of detecting gross sensory abnormalities in the patient. In general, sensory deficits are detected by comparison of sensation between identical regions of the two sides of the body or between proximal and distal regions of the same side of the body. Differences in the ability to perceive a sensory stimulus between body regions or the patient’s failure to detect a stimulus when applied constitute abnormalities in sensation. Clinical sensory testing does not provide for the establishment of sensory thresholds or for the comparison of a patient’s response to established standards. For such techniques, one must turn to quantitated sensory testing, the description of which is beyond the scope of this text. For a description of quantitated sensory testing, the reader is referred to the bibliography at the end of this chapter.
General Principles of Sensory Testing The techniques of clinical sensory examination described in this chapter can be used throughout the body, whether one is examining a peripheral nerve, a nerve root, or a cranial nerve. Several general principles should prove helpful for the examiner during all sensory examinations. 1. The patient should be positioned comfortably so that all tested areas are accessible. Supine is the position of choice for most of the tests in this chapter because it allows the easiest accessibility to all tested areas with minimal position changes and allows the easiest comparison to conventional peripheral nerve root and dermatome charts. However, should the supine position not be an option, an alternative position such as prone or side lying is acceptable. Sensation cannot be adequately tested through clothing, so the areas of skin to be tested should be exposed, but in a way that the patient’s modesty is maintained. Repositioning of the patient during testing should be kept at a minimum.
2. The testing procedure should be explained to the patient before beginning the examination. A clear understanding of what is to happen during the test and what is expected of the patient is essential before beginning the testing. Such an explanation includes a demonstration of the sensory modality to be tested on an area of the patient’s skin where the sensation is intact, as well as specific instructions about how the patient is to respond to the stimulus. 3. The patient’s vision should be obscured during the actual sensory testing procedure. The patient should not be allowed to visualize the testing procedure once the procedure has been sufficiently explained, or the results may be compromised. 4. The examination should be initiated in areas of impaired or absent sensation and should progress toward areas of normal sensation. This allows a better visualization of the lines of demarcation between impaired and intact sensation. 5. Areas of the patient’s skin where sensation is normal should be used as a standard. The examiner should establish an area or areas of the patient’s skin where the sensation is intact and use these areas as a reference against which sensation in impaired areas is contrasted. Such an area might be the opposite extremity in cases of unilateral sensory loss or a more proximal part of the body in cases of sensory loss due to spinal cord injury. 6. Sensory deficits should be carefully noted by the examiner. Such notation may occur in the form of a written description or a diagram and should be compared with established dermatome and peripheral nerve charts for interpretation of results (Figs. 8.1 and 8.2). 7. Instruments used to test pain sensation should never be used on more than one patient. Such instruments should be disposed of in an appropriate (sharps) container after use.
FIG. 8.1 Sensory dermatomes. (A) Anterior view. (B) Posterior view. CN, Cranial nerve.
FIG. 8.2 Distribution of peripheral sensory nerves. (A) Anterior view. (B) Posterior view. CN, Cranial nerve.
Pain Spinal Cord Tract(S) Anterolateral system
Peripheral Receptors
Free nerve Carries pain endings (and of Aδ other) and C sensations fibers from the
Anatomy Crosses the spinal cord within one or two segments of entry and ascends in the lateral and
trunk and extremities
Ventral Free nerve Carries pain trigeminothalamic endings (and tract of Aδ other) and C sensations fibers from the face
anterior funiculi on the contralateral side. Terminates in the ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory strip of the cerebral cortex (postcentral gyrus) contralateral to the origin of the pathway. Crosses to the opposite side in the medulla. Terminates primarily in the ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the face region of the primary somatosensory strip of the cerebral cortex (postcentral
Testing (Figs. 8.3 and 8.4)
FIG. 8.3 Test for sharp/dull discrimination.
FIG. 8.4 Test for sharp/dull discrimination.
Materials Needed A Neurotips; a clean, unused safety pin (shown); or a sterile wooden cotton-tipped applicator is used (and then discarded in an appropriate container). Patient Position Supine with the areas of skin to be tested exposed. Procedure Before the examination, the examiner should explain the procedure to the patient, demonstrating the feel of each end of the testing device in an area where the patient has intact sensation. The cheek and neck are areas where sensation is not usually disturbed, and they may be used for demonstration purposes. Once the examination begins, the patient’s eyes should be closed or covered. Using the testing device, the examiner touches the patient alternately but in a random order with the sharp or dull end of the
instrument. (If the wooden applicator is used, the stick of the applicator should be broken to create a “sharp” end, and the cottontipped end should be used for the “dull” end.) The force used when touching the patient with the sharp end of the instrument should be sufficient to indent, but not to break, the skin. (A Neuropen may be used with the Neurotips to apply a consistent force.) The patient should be instructed to respond with the words “sharp” or “dull” upon perceiving the stimulus. The examiner should avoid providing any indication, verbal or otherwise, when the patient has been touched during the examination. When applying the stimulus, the examiner should begin stimulation in areas of the body where the patient has indicated that sensation is impaired, progressing toward areas of intact sensation. Corresponding areas of skin on both sides of the body should be tested for comparison. Once an area of skin is found to have impaired sensation, areas proximal and distal to that area should be tested until areas of normal sensation are found. Areas of known normal sensation (such as the face or neck) should be used for comparison with areas suspected of having impaired or absent sensation. The examiner should carefully map areas of absent, impaired, and normal sensation and should compare the pattern of sensory loss with established dermatome and peripheral nerve charts for interpretation of results (see Figs. 8.1 and 8.2). The American Spinal Injury Association3 recommends the scoring of pinprick and light touch sensation on a 3-point scale as follows: 0 = absent 1 = impaired 2 = normal If the patient’s responses appear confused or inappropriate at any time during the examination, the examiner should return to the stimulation of the areas of the skin where sensation is known to be intact. In this way, the patient’s responses can be checked for accuracy. Once the examination for pain sensation is completed, the
stimulating instrument should be disposed of in the appropriate (sharps) container. Such instruments should never be reused with another patient. B o x 8 . 1 Clinical
Com m ent: Ref er r ed Pain
Patients may feel pain in areas of the body that are physically remote from the site of pathology. Such pain is called referred pain. In many cases, pain is referred to more superficially located structures (skin, muscle) from visceral structures (heart, kidney, gallbladder). For example, most patients are cognizant that pain from the heart commonly is experienced in the left arm and shoulder. The examiner should become familiar with patterns of commonly referred pain, because such knowledge is critical to accurate diagnosis.
Light Touch Spinal Cord Tract(S)
Peripheral Receptors
Anterolateral system
Merkel discs, Carries Crosses the spinal Ruffini nondiscriminative cord within endings, touch (and other) one or two hair sensations from segments of follicle the trunk and entry and receptors, extremities ascends in the free lateral and nerve anterior endings funiculi on the (Aβ and contralateral Aδ fibers) side. Terminates in the VPL nucleus of the
thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory strip of the cerebral cortex (postcentral gyrus) contralateral to the origin of the pathway. Dorsal Merkel discs, Carries column/medial Ruffini discriminative lemniscus endings, touch (and other) pathway hair sensations from follicle the trunk and receptors, extremities free nerve endings (Aβ and Aδ fibers)
Travels in the fasciculus cuneatus and gracilis in the spinal cord; these firstorder axons terminate in the nucleus cuneatus and gracilis in the medulla. Axons of second-order neurons in the medulla cross as internal arcuate fibers (medulla) and ascend the brain stem in the
contralateral medial lemniscus; the pathway terminates in the VPL nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory strip of the cerebral cortex (postcentral gyrus) contralateral to the origin of the pathway. Trigeminal lemniscus
Merkel discs, Carries Ruffini discriminative endings, touch (and other) hair sensations from follicle the face receptors, free nerve endings (Aβ and Aδ fibers)
Mostly contralateral. Terminates in the VPM nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the face region of the primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral
Testing ( Fig. 8.5 )
FIG. 8.5 Test for light touch.
Materials Needed A wisp of cotton is used. Patient Position Supine with the areas of skin to be tested exposed. Procedure Before the examination, the examiner should explain the procedure to the patient, demonstrating the feel of the wisp of cotton in an area where the patient has intact sensation. Once the examination begins, the patient’s eyes should be closed or covered. The examiner should instruct the patient to say “yes” as soon as the stimulus is felt and each time the stimulus is felt. Instructions
should be given before the application of any stimulation. When stimulating the skin with the cotton, the examiner should merely touch the cotton to the skin and should avoid any sort of wiping motion with the cotton. If the cotton is moved over an area of the skin in a wiping motion, the patient will perceive a tickling sensation, which is more closely associated with pain than with light touch. When applying the stimulus, the examiner should begin stimulation in areas of the body where the patient has indicated that sensation is impaired, progressing toward areas of intact sensation. The examiner should use a forced choice response technique during testing. When using this technique, for each trial the patient is either touched with the stimulus at time point A but not at time point B or is not touched at time point A but is touched at time point B. The stimulus is applied several times in a random order, in some instances at time point A and in other instances at time point B. For each trial, the patient is asked, “Do you feel the pressure now (time point A) or now (time point B)?” Corresponding areas of skin on both sides of the body should be tested for comparison. Once an area of skin is found to have impaired sensation, areas proximal and distal to that area should be tested until areas of normal sensation are found. Areas of known normal sensation (such as the face or neck) should be used for comparison with areas suspected of having impaired or absent sensation. The examiner should carefully map areas of absent, impaired, and normal sensation and should compare the pattern of sensory loss with established dermatome and peripheral nerve charts for interpretation of results (see Figs. 8.1 and 8.2). The American Spinal Injury Association 3 recommends the scoring of pinprick and light touch sensation on a 3-point scale as follows: 0 = absent 1 = impaired 2 = normal If the patient’s responses appear confused or inappropriate at any
time during the examination, the examiner should return to the stimulation of the areas of the skin where sensation is known to be intact. In this way, the patient’s responses can be checked for accuracy.
Monofilament Testing Although a description of comprehensive testing using SemmesWeinstein monofilaments or the West aesthesiometer is beyond the scope of this text, the 5.07 (10-g) filament is useful as a screening tool to identify deficits in protective sensation (see Evidence for Practice box later in this section). Instructions for comprehensive testing of touch sensation using the Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments and the West aesthesiometer are contained with the respective testing kits. Testing (Figs. 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, and 8.10 )
FIG. 8.6 The 5.07 (10-g) monofilament for screening for protective sensation.
FIG. 8.7 Technique for applying monofilament to skin. Note buckling of filament.
FIG. 8.8 Test for protective sensation using 5.07 monofilament: great toe.
FIG. 8.9 Test for protective sensation using 5.07 monofilament: head of third metatarsal.
FIG. 8.10 Test for protective sensation using 5.07 monofilament: head of fifth metatarsal.
Materials Needed The 5.07 (10-g) monofilament (see Fig. 8.6) is used. Patient Position Supine with the areas of skin to be tested exposed. Procedure Before the examination, the examiner should explain the procedure to the patient, demonstrating the feel of the monofilament in an area where the patient has intact sensation. Once the examination begins, the patient’s eyes should be closed or covered. The examiner should use a forced choice response technique during testing. When using this technique, for each trial the patient is either touched with the stimulus at time point A but not at time point B or is not touched at time point A but is touched at time point B. The
stimulus is applied several times in a random order, in some instances at time point A and in other instances at time point B. For each trial, the patient is asked, “Do you feel the pressure now (time point A) or now (time point B)?” Instructions should be given prior to the application of any stimulation. When stimulating the skin with the monofilament, the examiner should apply the monofilament perpendicularly to the skin until the shaft of the monofilament bends and should maintain this contact for 1.5 seconds and then remove the stimulus (see Fig. 8.7). When screening for peripheral neuropathy, the examiner should apply the monofilament to the skin over the plantar surfaces of at least the great toe and the third and fifth metatarsal heads 14 (see Figs. 8.8 through 8.10 ). Failure to detect the stimulus on any trial is indicative of sensory impairment and increased risk of plantar ulcers in patients with diabetes. 1 , 5 , 23 , 33 , 34
Evidence for Practice Sensory screening using monofilaments has been advocated for many years in patients with diabetes and has been repeatedly cited as one of the clinical screening techniques most able to identify patients at risk for foot ulceration and peripheral neuropathy.∗ However, there is little consistency in the literature regarding the technique used during screening or the criteria used to determine the presence of neuropathy or heightened risk for foot ulceration. Screening techniques range from the testing of 10 separate points per foot with multiple monofilaments (of various forces) to testing a single point on the foot repeatedly with the 10-g (5.07) monofilament.† A study of 150 patients with diabetes revealed no statistically significant difference in the sensitivity and specificity of monofilament testing using 3 and 4 points as compared to using 8 and 10 points of testing. 6 Grading criteria found in the literature generally indicate that a less than perfect score during screening of multiple points on the foot is predictive of an increased risk of foot ulceration in patients
with diabetes,‡ although some authors consider sensation intact with a slightly lower percentage of correct responses. 19 , 28 In studies investigating the ability of monofilament testing to diagnose peripheral neuropathy, Perkins and colleagues demonstrated that patients with a score of 5 or more correct responses of eight trials (same spot tested four times per foot) had the lowest 4-year risk of developing neuropathy. 31 A recent systematic review of the literature indicated that testing the third and fifth metatarsal heads using a perfect score as the grading criterion provided the greatest sensitivity in diagnosing diabetic peripheral neuropathy. 14 Sensitivity and specificity of the 10-g monofilament in identifying individuals at risk for foot ulceration has been reported to be 28% to 91% and 34% to 98%, respectively, to have a positive predictive value of 18% to 39% and a negative predictive value of 94% to 95%. 9 , 32 , 51 , 54
Temperature123 Spinal Cord Tract(S) Anterolateral system
Peripheral Receptors
Thermoreceptors Carries Crosses the spinal (Aδ and C fibers) temperature cord within one or (and other) two segments of sensations entry and ascends from the in the lateral and trunk and anterior funiculi extremities on the contralateral side. Terminates in the VPL nucleus of the thalamus. Information is
relayed from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory strip of the cerebral cortex (postcentral gyrus) contralateral origin of the pathway. Ventral Thermoreceptors Carries Crosses to the trigeminothalamic (Aδ and C fibers) temperature opposite side in tract (and other) the medulla. sensations Trigeminothalamic from the tracts terminate face primarily in the VPM nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the face region of the primary somatosensory strip of the cerebral cortex (postcentral gyrus). B o x 8 . 2 Clinical
Com m ent: Hyper esthesia
Although pathology involving sensory systems can cause decreases or loss of sensation, in some cases an increased sensitivity to sensory stimulation may be experienced by the patient, particularly when sensory nerves or receptors are irritated. A heightened
response to sensory input is known as hyperesthesia and may take the form of hyperpathia (extreme sensitivity to pain), neuralgia (shocklike pain along a dermatome or peripheral nerve distribution), or dysesthesia (numbness, tingling, or burning in the absence of stimulation; frequently also referred to as paresthesia). Testing ( Fig. 8.11 )
FIG. 8.11 Test for temperature discrimination.
Materials Needed Two glass test tubes, one filled with crushed ice and water and the other with warm tap water, are used. The temperature of the warm water should not exceed 45° C. At higher temperatures, pain rather than temperature receptors are stimulated, and the patient is at risk for a burn. The outside of the test tubes should be kept dry. Patient Position
Supine with the areas of skin to be tested exposed. Procedure Although losses of pain sensibility are generally accompanied by losses of the ability to perceive temperature (because both modalities are carried in the same spinal cord pathway), this is not always the case. Occasionally, a loss of thermal sensation will precede the loss of pain sensation. Testing of thermal sensation is not indicated for all patients, but may be necessary for some. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) 3 recommends annual temperature sensation testing as part of the screening for diabetic neuropathy in patients with diabetes. Before the examination, the examiner should explain the procedure to the patient, demonstrate the feel of each of the two test tubes in an area where the patient has intact sensation, and determine that the patient is able to respond appropriately. The neck is an area where sensation is not usually disturbed and may be used for demonstration purposes. Once the examination begins, the patient’s eyes should be closed or covered. The examiner should instruct the patient to respond with the words “warm” and “cold” in response to being touched with the warm and cold test tubes, respectively. Instructions should be given before the actual testing process. When stimulating the skin with the test tubes, the examiner should apply the tubes in an irregular order and allow each tube to remain in contact with the skin for a minimum of 2 seconds so that the patient has sufficient time to perceive the stimulus. When applying the stimulus, the examiner should begin stimulation in areas of the body where the patient has indicated that sensation is impaired, progressing toward areas of intact sensation. Corresponding areas of skin on both sides of the body should be tested for comparison. Once an area of skin is found to have impaired sensation, areas proximal and distal to that area should be tested until areas of normal sensation are found. Areas of known normal sensation (such as the face or neck) should be used for comparison
with areas suspected of having impaired or absent sensation. The examiner should return to the area of normal sensation frequently during the examination to ascertain whether a temperature differential still exists when touched by the two test tubes. The examiner should carefully map areas of absent, impaired, and normal sensation and should compare the pattern of sensory loss with established dermatome and peripheral nerve charts for interpretation of results (see Figs. 8.1 and 8.2).
Evidence for Practice Warmth and cold sensitivity have been shown to vary with multiple factors, including age, sex, skin color, body mass index, anxiety, depression, and skin temperature. 14 Decreased sensitivity to warmth sensation is present in a significant percentage of patients with small fiber neuropathy. 20 Patients with an impaired ability to detect warmth and cold sensation, without an existing explanatory diagnosis, should be referred for more quantitative sensory testing. 5
Vibratory Sensation (Common Tuning Fork) Spinal Cord Tract(S)
Peripheral Receptors
Dorsal Meissner and Carries Travels in the column/medial Pacinian vibration fasciculus cuneatus lemniscus corpuscles (and and gracilis in the pathway (Aβ other) spinal cord; these fibers) sensations first-order axons from the terminate in the trunk and nucleus cuneatus extremities and gracilis in the medulla. Axons of second-order
neurons in the medulla cross as internal arcuate fibers (medulla) and ascend the brain stem in the contralateral medial lemniscus; the pathway terminates in the VPL nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory strip of the cerebral cortex (postcentral gyrus) contralateral to the origin of the pathway. Trigeminal lemniscus
Meissner and Carries Pacinian vibratory corpuscles (and (Aβ other) fibers) sensations from the face
Testing (Figs. 8.12 and 8.13)
Mostly contralateral. Terminates in the VPM nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the face region of the primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus)
FIG. 8.12 Activation of tuning fork.
FIG. 8.13 Test for vibratory sensation: great toe.
Materials Needed
A 128-Hz tuning fork is used (see Evidence for Practice box later in this section). Patient Position Supine with the bony prominences to be tested exposed. Procedure Before the examination, the examiner should explain the procedure to the patient. The feel of the vibrating tuning fork should be demonstrated over a subcutaneous bony area where sensation is intact. (The sternum or mandible is useful for this purpose.) The patient should be instructed to say “now” or “stopped” the moment the feeling of vibration ceases. By applying both a vibrating and a nonvibrating tuning fork to the patient’s sternum or mandible, the examiner can make certain that the patient is responding to the vibration and not to the pressure of the tuning fork. Once instructions are clearly understood by the patient, the examination may begin. Holding the stem of the tuning fork in one hand, the examiner strikes the tines with the opposite hand to begin the vibration (see Fig. 8.12). The stem of the tuning fork is then applied perpendicularly to the bony prominences to be tested and held there, avoiding contact with the vibrating tines of the fork (see Fig. 8.13). The patient is asked to identify both when the vibration is initially felt (trial 1) and when the vibration stops (trial 2). This method of testing is called the on-off method. The tuning fork should be dampened at random times during the test. At least four trials should be performed on each bony prominence and the number of correct responses out of the total trials assigned as the patient’s score. When screening for peripheral neuropathy, each great toe is tested for four trials and the patient is given a score of correct responses of the eight trials. Peripheral neuropathy is present if the patient scores 3/8 or lower but is ruled out with scores of 7/8 or higher. 29 , 30 When examining vibratory sensation, the examiner should begin on a distal bony prominence and proceed proximally as necessary. In the lower extremity, the testing order should progress from the
interphalangeal joint of the great toe to the medial malleolus, the knee, the anterior superior iliac spine, and the spinous process of a lumbar vertebra. In the upper extremity, a logical order would be the distal phalanx of the index finger, the ulnar styloid, the olecranon process, the acromion process, and the spinous process of a cervical vertebra.
Evidence For Practice The ADA recommends vibratory testing of the feet as one means of detecting patients at risk of developing foot complications. 3 The ADA recommendations specify the use of a 128-Hz tuning fork. 3 , 7 Testing vibratory sensation with a nongraduated tuning fork is as described earlier. When using a nongraduated tuning fork, results may be quantified by performing several trials using the on-off method and scoring the number of correct patient responses during those trials. In a study of 478 subjects with unknown neuropathy status, vibration testing using the on-off method demonstrated a sensitivity of 99% with scores of 3/8 or lower. 30 In addition, the onoff method of testing vibratory sensation has been shown to have a significant and positive correlation with nerve conduction velocity testing. 29
Vibratory Sensation (Graduated Tuning Fork) Testing (Figs. 8.14, 8.15, and 8.16)
FIG. 8.14 Test for vibratory sensation using quantitative tuning fork.
FIG. 8.15 Rydel-Seiffer 64/128-Hz quantitative tuning fork at rest.
FIG. 8.16 Rydel-Seiffer 64/128-Hz quantitative tuning fork during vibration.
Materials Needed A 64/128-Hz tuning fork with graduated scales for measuring intensity of vibration (Rydel-Seiffer) is used (see Evidence for Practice box later in this section). Patient Position Supine with the bony prominences to be tested exposed. Procedure Before the examination, the examiner should explain the procedure to the patient. The feel of the vibrating tuning fork should be demonstrated over a subcutaneous bony area where sensation is intact. (The sternum or mandible is useful for this purpose.) The patient should be instructed to say “now” or “stopped” the moment the feeling of vibration ceases. By applying both a vibrating and a
nonvibrating tuning fork to the patient’s sternum or mandible, the examiner can make certain that the patient is responding to the vibration and not to the pressure of the tuning fork. Once instructions are clearly understood by the patient, the examination may begin. Holding the stem of the tuning fork in one hand, the examiner strikes the tines with the opposite hand to begin the vibration. The stem of the tuning fork is then applied perpendicularly to the bony prominences to be tested and held there, avoiding contact with the vibrating tines of the fork (see Fig. 8.14). The examiner asks the patient whether he or she feels the vibration and then asks the patient to report when the feeling of vibration has stopped. The examiner does not terminate the vibration, but waits for the patient to report that he or she no longer feels the vibration. Once the patient has reported that the sensation of vibration has stopped, the examiner should immediately read the scale of the tuning fork and record the corresponding number. Reading of the tuning fork scale occurs as follows: The tines of the graduated (Rydel-Seiffer) tuning fork are each marked with a triangle (one black and one white) (see Fig. 8.15). Either of the triangles may be read during the examination procedure. Once the tines of the tuning fork are vibrating, each triangle appears as two triangles (see Fig. 8.16). The illusion of two triangles on each tine continues until the vibration of the tuning fork ceases. During vibration, one will note a point at which the two triangles appear to intersect. As the intensity of vibration decreases, the point of intersection moves up the scale (from 0 during maximum vibration to 8 once vibration ceases). The scale is read by noting the number opposite the point of intersection of the triangles at the moment the patient stops feeling the vibration. This number constitutes the patient’s vibratory threshold at the tested location. The patient’s vibratory threshold values may be compared with published normative values 18 , 24 to determine the status of vibratory sensation. When examining vibratory sensation, the examiner should begin on a distal bony prominence and proceed proximally as necessary. In the lower extremity, the testing order should progress from the
interphalangeal joint of the great toe to the medial malleolus, the knee, the anterior superior iliac spine, and the spinous process of a lumbar vertebra. In the upper extremity, a logical order would be the distal phalanx of the index finger, the ulnar styloid, the olecranon process, the acromion process, and the spinous process of a cervical vertebra.
Evidence for Practice The Rydel-Seiffer graduated tuning fork is a relatively low-cost, reliable tool that allows the quantification of vibratory sensation using a simple and rapid clinical test. 26 Normative values of vibratory sensation have been published. 18 , 24 Thresholds for vibratory sensation have been shown to be higher in the feet than in the hands and to increase with age. 18 , 24 Evidence exists that demonstrates a significant correlation between vibratory thresholds obtained with graduated tuning forks and those obtained with the Vibratometer. 24 Use of the graduated tuning fork allowed researchers to better distinguish patients with deficits in tendon reflexes and abnormal electrophysiologic test results than did testing with a regular tuning fork. 32 Vibratory thresholds obtained with the graduated tuning fork have been shown to be reliable in assessing recovery from epidural anesthesia, 37 in identifying patients at risk for diabetic foot ulceration, 21 , 38 , 42 and to be associated with gait and balance in elderly individuals. 6 Vibratory testing using a graduated tuning fork demonstrated higher sensitivity and was more accurate in predicting the presence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy than testing using a neurothesiometer (Jurado et al. 2007). In a pilot study, vibratory sensation testing using the graduated tuning fork demonstrated 83% sensitivity and 88% specificity in identifying individuals with human immunodeficiency virus–associated peripheral neuropathy. 12
Spinal Cord Tract(S)
Peripheral Receptors
Dorsal Meissner and Carries Travels in the column/medial Pacinian proprioception fasciculus lemniscus corpuscles (and other) cuneatus and pathway (Aβ sensations gracilis in the fibers) from the trunk spinal cord; and these first-order extremities axons terminate in the nucleus cuneatus and gracilis in the medulla. Axons of second-order neurons in the medulla cross as internal arcuate fibers (medulla) and ascend the brain stem in the contralateral medial lemniscus; the pathway terminates in the VPL nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory
strip of the cerebral cortex (postcentral gyrus) contralateral to the origin of the pathway. Trigeminal lemniscus
Meissner and Carries Mostly Pacinian proprioception contralateral. corpuscles (and other) Terminates in (Aβ sensations the VPM fibers) from the face nucleus of the thalamus. Information is relayed from the thalamus to the face region of the primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus).
FIG. 8.17 Test for proprioception: first metatarsophalangeal joint.
Testing ( Fig. 8.17 ) Materials Needed No materials are needed. Patient Position Supine with the joints to be tested exposed. Procedure Before the examination, the examiner should explain the procedure to the patient. During the explanation, the patient should observe the examiner’s movements so that the patient completely understands the procedure to be performed. Once the actual testing begins, the patient’s vision should be obscured. Testing is begun with the distal joints of the extremity (toes or fingers) and progresses proximally. During the explanation, the examiner should begin by grasping the sides of the distal phalanx of the digit to be examined (although the demonstration may be performed on any joint) with one hand and the
sides of the more proximal phalanx with the other. The proximal phalanx is stabilized while the distal phalanx is moved slightly and slowly into flexion or extension. During this time, the patient’s eyes remain uncovered, and the patient is allowed to observe the movement. The examiner instructs the patient to say “up” when the phalanx is moved toward extension, “down” when the phalanx is moved toward flexion, and “straight” when the joint is in the neutral position. Providing three different answer possibilities for the patient decreases the likelihood the patient will respond correctly by chance. 12
Once actual testing is begun, the patient’s vision is obscured. The examiner then moves the distal phalanx of the digit a few degrees in the direction of flexion or extension and awaits the patient’s response. Care should be taken to touch only the sides of the digit being tested and to avoid contact with adjacent digits so that no clues to movement are provided to the patient from cutaneous receptors in the skin. 15 The movements are then repeated in a random order in the direction of either flexion or extension, and the patient’s responses are noted. Several trials (see Evidence for Practice box later in this section) should be performed and the patient scored on the number of correct responses out of the total number of trials. The test is performed with the contralateral extremity as well, and the responses for the two sides may be compared in cases of unilateral involvement. Although the great toe is commonly recommended as the starting point for lower extremity proprioceptive testing (see Fig. 8.17), some authors indicate that testing of the fourth toe can reveal early proprioceptive loss. 12 If proprioception is intact, the patient’s responses should be 100% accurate. 12 Should proprioceptive deficits be suspected, the test should be repeated at progressively more proximal joints until intact proprioception is found. In general, an individual with normal proprioception should be able to detect flexion or extension of 1° to 2° at distal extremity joints. 13 , 16 , 41
Evidence for Practice The number of trials recommended for proprioceptive testing varies
in the literature from 3 to 10. 20 , 35 , 43 Evidence exists to indicate that performing fewer than 10 trials per joint may result in the failure to detect proprioceptive deficits in patients with stroke. 36 Although proprioceptive sensation does appear to decline slightly with aging, 63 older individuals retain a high degree of proprioceptive discrimination. Studies have documented that older individuals (mid-60s to mid-70s) are able to detect ankle movements of less than 1° when in a weight-bearing posture 13 , 16 , 41 and of 1° when in a non–weight-bearing posture. 34 Thresholds for detection of movement appear to be slightly higher when proprioception is assessed with the patient in a non–weight-bearing position. 16 Several studies have reported impairments in proprioception in individuals with pain in the joint(s) being tested. 23 , 27 , 33 Although several methods of quantifying proprioceptive sensation have been developed, these methods are too cumbersome for patient screening and none have achieved routine clinical use. 7 , 39 , 40 Romberg Test (Figs. 8.18 and 8.19)
FIG. 8.18 Romberg test: eyes open.
FIG. 8.19 Romberg test: eyes closed.
Materials Needed No materials are needed. Patient Position Standing with the feet as close together as possible. Procedure The examiner stands just behind and to the side of the patient and asks the patient to maintain balance while standing with the feet positioned as close together as possible. The test is performed first with the patient’s eyes open and then with the eyes closed. Normal Response The patient should be able to maintain balance in this position both with the eyes open and with the eyes closed. Some small amount of swaying is normal when the eyes are closed, but the patient should not fall. Although age-related changes in performance on the Romberg test and its variants exist, 2 (Bohannon et al., 1984; Vereeck et al., 2008), individuals up to age 80 should be able to maintain the Romberg test position with the eyes closed for 30 seconds (Bohannon et al., 1984; Vereeck et al., 2008). Interpretation of Results Used in the manner described earlier, the Romberg test is designed to detect evidence of proprioceptive deficits as would occur with peripheral neuropathy or pathology involving the dorsal column pathways. When the patient’s eyes are open, the visual system is able to compensate for any deficits in proprioceptive sensation and the patient is able to maintain an upright stance. Once the eyes are closed, visual system input is eliminated and patients with proprioceptive deficits will sway excessively or fall. Patients with acute unilateral vestibular pathology may sway toward the side of pathology during the Romberg test. 12 Use of a modified version of the Romberg test in the diagnosis of vestibular system impairment has been criticized due to poor sensitivity and specificity. 30
B o x 8 . 3 Clinical
Com m ent: Rom ber g Test
The Romberg test is a test of function of the dorsal column system. Inability to perform the Romberg test with the eyes open may be indicative of cerebellar pathology (see Chapter 9). However, the ability to maintain balance during this test with the eyes open followed by loss of balance once the eyes are closed points to a disorder involving proprioceptive systems.
Evidence for Practice The Romberg test also has been used to assess fall risk in older adults 22 , 44 (McMichael et al., 2008). Although reported sensitivity is low (13% to 23%), the specificity of this test for fall assessment is fairly high (87% to 88%) 44 (McMichael et al., 2008). The strongest predictor of falls and recurrent falls remains a prior history of fall (Tromp et al., 2001).
Abnormal Responses to Sensory Testing Correctly interpreting sensory deficits encountered in the patient may seem a daunting task. However, the process is quite straightforward if the examiner possesses the essential tools for solving the problem. A list of such tools and an example of the ways in which they might be used to assist in interpreting sensory deficits follows. 1. The examiner must possess a working knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the nervous system. This knowledge forms the basis for an accurate interpretation of the neurologic signs and symptoms presented by the patient. 2. A conceptual and recorded picture of the patient’s sensory deficits must be compiled. This picture is obtained through the patient history and the results of the sensory examination and is diagrammed or described. 3. The patient’s sensory deficits must be analyzed for the
presence of a pattern. In searching for a pattern, the examiner should ask questions such as, “Does the sensory loss occur in only one limb? On only one side of the body? In only one part of a limb?” 4. Once a pattern is established, the pattern must be interpreted on the basis of the examiner’s working knowledge of the nervous system. For example, the examiner should compare the patient’s pattern of sensory loss with established dermatome and peripheral nerve charts to determine if the lesion lies in a peripheral nerve or a nerve root. 5. After comparing the pattern of sensory deficit with the known anatomy of the nervous system, the examiner must derive one or more possibilities for the location of the lesion(s) causing the deficit. 6. Other symptoms of nervous system pathology must be considered. The patient also may exhibit muscle weakness, cranial nerve deficits, motor control problems, altered muscle stretch reflexes, or other signs of neurologic involvement that must be taken into account. 7. Clarification of the location of the lesion should occur. The consideration of each possible lesion site in light of the nonsensory signs will allow the examiner to arrive at the most likely location for the lesion causing the patient’s neurologic signs and symptoms. The sensory deficits generated by a neurologic lesion depend on the location of that lesion along the neuraxis. Although the following guidelines are somewhat simplified and cannot substitute for a thorough understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, they provide a basic summary of the pattern of deficits that should be expected on the basis of the location of the neurologic lesion.
Peripheral Nerve Loss of all types of sensation occurs in the distribution of the affected
nerve. If more than one nerve is affected, the sensory loss will extend to the territories of all nerves affected. With the exception of polyneuropathy, the sensory loss is typically unilateral. Polyneuropathy frequently causes sensory loss in a “glove and stocking” distribution involving the distal portion of the upper or lower extremities. Irritative lesions of the peripheral nerve may result in pain with or without paresthesias along the nerve’s distribution.
Nerve Root Loss of all types of sensation occurs in the dermatome of the affected nerve root. Sensory deficits are typically unilateral. As with peripheral nerves, irritative lesions may result in pain with or without paresthesias along the dermatomal distribution.
Spinal Cord The specific sensory losses observed following lesions of the spinal cord depend on the extent and area of spinal cord damage. If only part of the cord has a lesion, the sensory modality(ies) carried by the damaged tract(s) would be lost. For example, a lesion involving both posterior columns (damaging the dorsal column/medial lemniscus system) would result in bilateral loss of proprioception, vibratory sense, and two-point discrimination below the level of the lesion, whereas a lesion involving one lateral column (damaging the anterolateral system) would cause loss of pain and temperature sensation on the contralateral side of the body beginning about two segments below the level of the lesion. If the damage to the cord is complete, the loss of sensation involves all sensory modalities bilaterally.
Brain Stem Lesions of sensory pathways as they travel through the brain stem generally result in sensory loss in the contralateral side of the body and cranial nerve deficits (if present) on the ipsilateral side. This is
because the primary sensory pathways for the trunk and extremities cross to the opposite side either at the level of the spinal cord (anterolateral system) or in the caudal medulla (dorsal column/medial lemniscus system).
Cerebral Cortex Sensory deficits will be experienced in the contralateral limbs. The patient may experience diminished sensory perception or an inability to localize the site of stimulation (atopognosia). B o x 8 . 4 Clinical
Com m ent: Agnosias
Lesions involving the parietal cortex may produce deficits in associating a sensory stimulus with knowledge or memory of that stimulus. As an example, a patient with auditory agnosia would be able to hear a doorbell ring, but would not associate that noise with the need to answer the door. Other types of agnosias include: • Tactile agnosia—inability to recognize objects through the sense of touch • Agraphognosia—inability to recognize letters traced on the skin • Prosopagnosia—inability to recognize faces; usually due to a temporal lobe lesion
Muscle Stretch (Deep Tendon) Reflex Testing Anatomy of the Muscle Stretch Reflex Muscle stretch reflexes (also called deep tendon or myotatic reflexes) are monosynaptic (one synapse) reflexes. As such, they are composed of an afferent (sensory) limb and an efferent (motor) limb with a synapse between the two limbs in the ventral horn of the spinal cord (Fig. 8.20). The afferent limb of the reflex is composed of a type Ia
sensory neuron to the muscle spindle, which responds to a quick stretch of the muscle. When such a quick stretch is applied to the muscle (as in striking the tendon of an already partially stretched muscle with a reflex hammer), many type Ia sensory fibers are activated. These fibers synapse on motor neurons innervating the stimulated muscle (efferent limb of the reflex), resulting in a contraction of that muscle. Therefore by testing the muscle stretch reflexes, one can examine both the afferent and efferent limbs of the spinal nerves that comprise a given reflex.
Spinal Stimulation Site Segments
C5, C6
Biceps tendon (cubital fossa)
Elbow flexion
Brachioradialis C5, C6
Brachioradialis tendon (proximal to the radial styloid)
Elbow flexion
C6, C7
Triceps tendon (proximal to the olecranon)
Elbow extension
Patellar tendon (between the patella and tibial tuberosity)
Knee extension
S1, S2
Tendo calcaneus (proximal to the calcaneus on the posterior leg)
Ankle plantar flexion
About Testing Muscle Stretch Reflexes Following a few simple guidelines when testing muscle stretch reflexes will create a greater chance of successful elicitation of the patient’s reflexes and will make testing simpler for the examiner. These guidelines should be followed each time muscle stretch reflexes are tested.
1. Encourage relaxation from the patient. If the patient is tense or uncomfortable or the tested muscle or its antagonist is contracted, an accurate and reproducible response cannot be obtained. 44 Part of ensuring patient relaxation is proper support of the tested part. The examiner should provide complete support of the extremity being tested so that no muscle contraction is required by the patient to maintain the test position. If the patient still has difficulty relaxing, the examiner may need to use verbal cues such as “relax your arms” or distraction techniques such as engaging the patient in conversation during testing.
FIG. 8.20 Diagram of deep tendon reflex.
2. Establish proficiency in using the reflex hammer. Practice is required before one can become competent at swinging the reflex hammer with the proper force and accuracy. The reflex hammer should be held rather loosely and allowed to swing
freely during the testing maneuver. The stimulus should be firm, brisk, and brief and should be applied to the tendon only, avoiding surrounding bony structures. 3. Use reinforcement techniques if necessary. Reflexes are more difficult to elicit in some patients than in others. If one is unable to obtain a response even though the stimulus is adequate and accurate, reinforcement techniques should be used. Reinforcement consists of having the patient perform a strong muscle contraction in an area of the body away from the reflex. Such a contraction will heighten the reflex response, presumably through facilitation of type Ia and II fibers from the contracting muscle and their influence on both supraspinal centers and descending spinal pathways. 9 The muscle contraction must not involve the extremity being tested, because contraction of the tested muscle may adversely influence the reflex. For lower extremity reflexes, the Jendrassik maneuver, in which the patient interlocks the fingers and attempts to pull them apart, is a useful reinforcement technique 11 (Fig. 8.21). For upper extremity reflexes, extending the opposite wrist and clenching the teeth are good options. 10 , 27 When reinforcement is used, the patient should be instructed to perform the reinforcement technique just as the examiner strikes the tendon. To ensure that this happens, tell the patient to “squeeze,” “pull,” and so forth and then immediately strike the tendon with the reflex hammer.
Grading the Reflex Response Muscle stretch reflexes are normally graded on a 0-to-4 scale based on the quality of the response observed. 17,22 Plus signs are used by convention to the right of all numbers other than 0. The definitions of the various grades are as follows:
FIG. 8.21 Jendrassik maneuver during patellar reflex testing.
0 = No response; muscle contraction is neither palpable nor visible, even with reinforcement. 1+ = Minimal response; generally consisting of slight muscle contraction without joint movement. Reinforcement may be required to produce muscle contraction. 2+ = Normal response; mild muscle contraction is accompanied by minor joint movement. 3+ = Brisk response; moderate to strong muscle contraction occurs with obvious joint movement. 4+ = Hyperactive reflex; very strong brisk muscle contraction is accompanied by exaggerated joint movement, generally associated with clonus. Grades 0 and 4+ are indicative of pathology. Grades 1+ and 3+ are generally normal unless asymmetric or accompanied by other associated abnormalities.
Biceps Reflex Testing (Fig. 8.22 )
FIG. 8.22 Biceps reflex (C5, C6).
Materials Needed A reflex hammer is used. Patient Position Seated or standing with the forearm resting on the examiner’s forearm. The patient’s elbow is flexed with the forearm in supination. Procedure The examiner places a thumb over the patient’s biceps tendon and strikes the thumbnail with the pointed tip of the reflex hammer. Normal Response Elbow flexion is the normal response.
Brachioradialis Reflex Testing ( Fig. 8.23 )
FIG. 8.23 Brachioradialis reflex (C5, C6).
Materials Needed A reflex hammer is used. Patient Position Seated or standing with the forearm resting on the examiner’s forearm. The patient’s elbow is flexed, and the forearm is neutral. Procedure The examiner strikes the radial side of the patient’s forearm with the head of the reflex hammer just proximal to the radial styloid process. Normal Response Elbow flexion is the normal response.
Triceps Reflex Testing ( Fig. 8.24 )
FIG. 8.24 Triceps reflex (C6, C7).
Materials Needed A reflex hammer is used. Patient Position Seated or standing with the arm supported by the examiner. The patient’s arm is abducted and medially rotated, and the elbow is flexed to 90°. Procedure The examiner strikes the patient’s triceps tendon with the head of the reflex hammer just proximal to the olecranon process. Normal Response Elbow extension is the normal response.
Quadriceps Reflex Testing ( Fig. 8.25 )
FIG. 8.25 Quadriceps (patellar) reflex (L2-L4).
Materials Needed A reflex hammer is used. Patient Position Seated with the knees flexed to 90°, the legs hanging off the side of the table, and the feet unsupported. Procedure The examiner strikes the patient’s patellar tendon with the head of the reflex hammer between the patella and the tibial tuberosity. Normal Response Knee extension is the normal response.
Achilles Reflex Testing ( Fig. 8.26 )
FIG. 8.26 Achilles reflex (S1, S2).
Materials Needed A reflex hammer is used. Patient Position Seated with the legs hanging off the side of the table, the feet unsupported. (Alternative positions, such as with the patient kneeling or prone, may be used.) Procedure The examiner places one hand under the metatarsal heads of the patient’s foot, passively bringing the ankle into a neutral position. The examiner then strikes the patient’s calcaneal tendon with the head of the reflex hammer while holding the foot in the position described. Normal Response Ankle plantar flexion is the normal response.
Evidence for Practice There is evidence that the percentage of individuals with absent ankle reflexes is associated with age. A study of over 1000 individuals revealed an increase in the unilateral loss of the ankle reflex from 3% to 5% between 40 and 60 years of age to 7% to 10% over age 60. Bilateral loss of ankle reflexes increased more rapidly with age than did unilateral loss. Approximately 5% of individuals aged 40 to 50 years had no ankle reflex on either side when tested as compared with 30% bilateral loss in patients age 60 to 70 years and 76% bilateral loss in patients age 90 to 100 years. 8
Abnormal Responses to Muscle Stretch Reflex Testing There exists within the general population a wide range of “normal” responses to muscle stretch reflex testing. Individuals who exhibit reflex grades of 1+ are generally normal, as are those whose reflexes grade in the 3+ range, particularly in the absence of other neurologic signs or symptoms. In fact, novice examiners should not be overly alarmed when a patient has an apparent grade of 0 on some of the more difficult-to-elicit reflexes (e.g., brachioradialis). A change in technique or examination by a more experienced clinician will generally yield more favorable results in such cases. However, there are some instances in which the results of reflex testing should lead one to suspect underlying pathology. Among these cases are the following: 1. Patients with a grade of 0 even when tested by an experienced examiner using reinforcement techniques. Absent or hypoactive reflexes are generally indicative of lower motor neuron disease, which could occur anywhere from the anterior horn cell to the myoneural junction. Individuals suffering from neural shock (during the first hours to days following a neural insult) also tend to exhibit absent or greatly decreased muscle stretch reflexes.
2. Patients with reflexes that grade 4+. Hyperactive reflexes are generally indicative of upper motor neuron disease involving the suprasegmental pathways that control the motor neurons of the spinal cord. Such lesions may be localized by examination of other areas of the nervous system (see Chapter 9). 3. Patients with reflexes that are asymmetric. A patient who has a right biceps reflex that grades 1+ but a left biceps reflex that grades 3+ should be examined more closely for other neurologic deficits. 4. Patients whose reflexes change from proximal to distal. An individual with 2+ patellar tendon reflexes and absent Achilles tendon reflexes may be exhibiting signs of peripheral neuropathy and should be examined further. 5. Patients with pendular reflexes. The normal muscular contraction that occurs following a tendon tap is brief and unsustained. Certain individuals exhibit a muscular contraction followed by a continued pendulum-like swinging of the extremity. These so-called pendular reflexes are generally associated with cerebellar disease. C A S E 8 . 1 Spinal
Cor d I njur y (continued f r om Case 2.1)
Questions 1 through 6 were answered regarding this case in Chapters 2 and 4. Answer questions 7 through 10 regarding your examination of this patient. A 17-year-old boy sustained a fracture of the sixth cervical vertebra during a motor vehicle accident. Owing to compression of the spinal cord by the fracture fragments, he sustained an incomplete spinal cord injury at a C7 neurologic level. His fracture site has been completely stabilized, and he has been admitted to the rehabilitation unit at 3 months postinjury due to multiple medical complications that delayed his transfer to rehabilitation. As a result of prolonged hospitalization, the patient is unable to tolerate an upright position. You are planning your initial examination in which you must determine his level of motor and sensory
functioning. 1. Given that this patient’s injury is at the C7 spinal level, which muscles would you expect to be free from motor weakness? 2. How would you need to alter the following muscle tests to accommodate for the patient’s inability to maintain an upright position? a. Biceps brachii—gravity resisted b. Middle deltoid—gravity resisted c. Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis—gravity resisted d. Upper trapezius—gravity resisted e. Pectoralis major—gravity eliminated 3. How would you alter your documentation to accommodate the changes in patient positioning described in your answer to question 2? During a screening examination of the patient’s lower extremity function, you observe that he has active lower extremity movement that you believe is of sufficient strength in some muscle groups to allow movement against gravity. 4. How would you alter the following lower extremity muscle tests to accommodate for the patient’s inability to maintain an upright position? a. Rectus femoris—gravity resisted b. Tibialis anterior—gravity resisted c. Gastrocsoleus—gravity resisted d. Medial hip rotators—gravity resisted 5. How would you alter your documentation to accommodate the changes in patient positioning described in your answers to question 4? 6. How could you organize your muscle tests to minimize changes in patient positioning during the session?
Sensory Examination 7. List the sensory modalities that need to be tested in this patient and the spinal cord pathway responsible for transmitting each type of modality. Briefly describe the anatomy of each pathway. 8. How would you test each of the sensory modalities listed in your answer to question 7? 9. Given the patient’s level of lesion, describe the areas of skin in which all sensory modalities should be intact. 10. What do you expect this patient’s deep tendon (muscle stretch) reflexes to look like? Consider biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, and Achilles reflexes. Provide a rationale for your answer.
C A S E 8 . 2 Per ipher al
Ner ve I njur y (continued f r om
Case 2.2) Questions 1 through 4 were answered in reference to this case in Chapter 2. Answer questions 5 through 9 regarding your examination of this patient. (You may want to refer to an anatomy text to assist with your answers.) A 52-year-old dentist sustained a midshaft fracture of the humerus in a motorcycle accident 5 days earlier. Damage to the radial nerve was evident following the fracture, and the fracture site was stabilized with an external fixation device. The patient now presents to your clinic for rehabilitation and assistance with activities of daily living. He brings no information with him regarding the exact fracture site, and he has not had electrodiagnostic testing to determine the extent of radial nerve damage. You are not completely certain what this patient’s functional limitations will be but have a fairly good idea based on your knowledge of the anatomy of the radial nerve and related structures.
1. Provide a rationale for radial nerve damage in this patient, based on the anatomy of the radial nerve. 2. Which muscles will you need to muscle test to determine the level and extent of radial nerve damage? 3. If this patient’s radial nerve is functionally severed above the elbow, what muscles would you expect to be weak? Nonfunctional? 4. What movements will the patient be unable to perform due to the muscle weakness/paralysis expected?
Sensory Examination 5. If this patient’s radial nerve is functionally severed above the elbow, will the patient suffer any sensory loss in the upper extremity? 6. How will you test for sensory loss in this patient? 7. What are the cutaneous branches of the radial nerve in the upper extremity? 8. What sensory losses would occur with damage to each of the cutaneous branches described in question 7? 9. What cutaneous branches of the radial nerve would you expect to be affected in this patient? What pattern of sensory loss would you expect to see as a result of such damage?
C A S E 8 . 3 Per ipher al
Ner ve I njur y (continued f r om
Case 4.2) Questions 1 through 7 were answered regarding this case in Chapter 4. Answer questions 8 through 10 regarding your examination of this patient. Mr. H. is a 19-year-old college football player who suffered a peroneal nerve injury following a blow to the lateral side of the right knee from a defensive player’s helmet during Saturday evening’s game. The patient presents with foot drop and sensory loss in the lower extremity. No fracture occurred during the injury,
but there is extensive bruising and swelling involving the lateral side of the knee and proximal calf. 1. Describe the anatomy and course of the common peroneal nerve. 2. Why would the peroneal nerve have been injured as a result of the incident described in the case? 3. What muscle in the thigh is innervated by the common peroneal nerve? 4. What named branches of the common peroneal nerve in the leg contain motor fibers? Which muscles does each branch innervate? 5. How would you test strength of each of the muscles listed in your answer to question 4? 6. Explain the mechanism of foot drop in this patient. 7. What muscles, other than those causing the foot drop, might demonstrate weakness in this patient? What functional losses would you expect as a result of such weakness?
Sensory Examination 8. What named branches of the common peroneal nerve in the leg contain sensory fibers? Are any of these branches purely sensory? If so, which one(s)? 9. Describe the area of skin supplied by each of the branches listed in the answer to question 8. 10. Given the presence of foot drop in this patient, what sensory loss would you absolutely expect to see in this patient? What other sensory loss might you see?
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Techniques of the Remainder of the Neurologic Examination: Coordination, Mental Status, Cranial Nerves, and Superficial Reflexes Nancy Berryman Reese
A thorough screening examination of the nervous system does not stop with the examination of the peripheral nerves or dermatomes of the trunk and extremities. Functions subserved by so-called higher levels of the nervous system also must be examined. Accordingly, this chapter addresses the elements of the general neurologic examination that were not covered in the muscle testing and sensory examination chapters of this text. This chapter provides instruction for the remainder of the general neurologic screening examination. Techniques for examining functions of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and cranial nerves are presented, as are procedures for the examination of cutaneous reflexes. With practice, the student or practitioner who is familiar with the process should be able to complete a survey examination of the central nervous system (CNS) without adding more than a few minutes to the total examination time for the patient. All patients who use your services as their entry point into the health care system for a given problem should be given a neurologic screening examination. Additionally, all patients who report
symptoms that could be attributed to pathology within the peripheral or CNS should have a thorough, systematic examination of the nervous system. Close attention to the patient’s history and list of symptoms is an important part of the neurologic examination, and, although not covered in this text, the taking of a comprehensive patient history is critical in guiding and directing the neurologic examination. The emphasis in this text is on the neurologic screening examination. As such, more in-depth testing procedures that may be warranted for patients in whom neurologic disease is suspected have been omitted. References for such testing procedures may be found under the corresponding screening technique and in the bibliography at the end of the chapter. If practiced and rehearsed, a complete neurologic screening examination may be accomplished in less than 10 minutes. Not all components of the neurologic examination need be performed with every patient. Taking the patient history can provide an opportunity to observe and examine that patient’s neurologic status and serve to clarify the components of the neurologic examination to be tested in that particular patient. Skillful observation of the patient’s movement and gait as he or she enters the clinic (see Chapter 10), speech as he or she responds to questions, facial and body symmetry, and behavior can provide a plethora of information regarding nervous system function without requiring additional time for the performance of specific tests. The screening examination then can be geared toward testing those functions that are less amenable to evaluation by observation alone. The neurologic examination is based on an understanding of the functioning of the nervous system. Most clinicians would agree that 85% to 90% of all cases of neuropathology can be diagnosed on the basis of the history and physical examination alone, before any laboratory tests are performed. The ability to make such diagnoses is based on the clinician’s understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system. Such understanding is critical if the clinician is to make an accurate interpretation of the findings of the neurologic
examination. Those who need a review of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system are referred to standard texts on the subject, such as Principles of Neural Science. 51
Cerebral function (Fig. 9.1) A thorough neurologic examination includes a survey of higher cerebral functioning. Individuals who are alert and aware of their surroundings and circumstances; who respond to questions posed during the taking of the medical history in an intelligent, articulate manner; who are able to follow directions during the examination; and who do not exhibit troubling moods or behavior can be assumed to have normal cerebral functioning—and this part of the neurologic examination may be excluded. However, patients who appear unresponsive, confused, or forgetful or for whom you or the family has mental status concerns should be examined more closely. Such an examination should include a survey of the major areas of cognitive function. A list of each of those areas and a description of screening techniques for each is provided later. There also are several standardized assessments of cognitive functioning in use that may be administered within a fairly brief period of time in an office setting. More information on the more commonly used of these tests may be found in the Evidence for Practice box at the end of this section.
FIG. 9.1 Cerebral cortex (in color) showing the lobes and selected functional areas.
Included in the survey of cognitive function are several areas, which may be remembered with the simple mnemonic MR. CLOCK. Examination of each of these areas is described: Memory Reasoning Consciousness Language Orientation Calculation Knowledge Memory Both short-term and long-term memory should be assessed. Shortterm memory allows one to recall information that was acquired seconds to minutes before, whereas long-term memory permits recall of events experienced days, months, or even years earlier. Patients
may demonstrate selective loss of short-term or long-term memory.
Testing Short-Term Memory Materials Needed No materials are needed. Patient Position Seated in a comfortable position. Procedure The examiner presents the patient with three or four words that the patient is asked to repeat back to the examiner. The patient is instructed that he or she will be asked to recall those words in a few minutes’ time. The words presented should be unrelated, such as book, automobile, and elephant. After other portions of the examination have been completed, the patient is asked to recall the words. Normal Response The patient should be able to recall all words presented after about 5 minutes. Long-Term Memory Materials Needed No materials are needed. Patient Position Seated in a comfortable position. Procedure The examiner questions the patient about past events of the patient’s own experience that the patient would be expected to remember. Such questions may include, “Where and when were you born?” “What are
(were) the names of your parents?” “Name several people who have been president of the United States during your lifetime,” and so forth. Normal Response The patient should be able to answer questions accurately. Reasoning Abstract reasoning is a function of the frontal lobe, and deficits in the ability to reason abstractly may be indicative of the onset of dementia. Assessment of abstract reasoning generally takes the form of proverb interpretation, and the examiner looks for the ability of the patient to provide an abstract, rather than a literal, interpretation of the proverb.
Testing Materials Needed No materials are needed. Patient Position Positioned comfortably. Procedure The examiner asks the patient to give the meaning of proverbs such as, “A stitch in time saves nine,” “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” and “The early bird catches the worm.” Normal Response The patient provides an explanation of the proverb that goes beyond the literal interpretation of the words. For example, when asked to interpret “The early bird catches the worm,” the patient should respond with, “Timeliness promotes success” or something similar rather than “The first bird out in the morning will catch the worms.” Consciousness
Assessment of consciousness is dependent on the setting and circumstances. Although assessment of consciousness may not be critical in dealing with a patient who has been comatose for a prolonged period, sudden loss of consciousness in an otherwise healthy individual requires an immediate, skilled response. In an emergency such as that described earlier, the examiner should use emergency first-aid techniques (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc.) that are beyond the scope of this text. In general, patients may be classified as alert, lethargic or drowsy, obtunded, stuporous (light coma), or comatose (deep coma). The ability of the examiner to arouse the patient becomes more difficult as the stages of consciousness progress toward deep coma (from which the patient is unable to be aroused regardless of the stimulus). Patients who are obtunded are arousable with repeated stimulation, whereas those in a stupor require a painful stimulus for arousal.
Evidence for Practice: the Glasgow Coma Scale In situations in which the patient is not fully conscious, the level of consciousness may be assessed using a numerical scale such as the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 98 (Table 9.1). This scale assigns patients a score of up to 15 points based on responses to three areas: eye opening, verbal responses, and motor responses. An early report indicated that the reliability of the scale was high, 98 but subsequent studies reported variable reliability depending on the level of training of the examiner and the GCS score of the patient and the type of stimuli used. 36 , 81 , 84 , 111 A systematic review of the reliability of the GCS reported substantial or excellent interrater in over 85% of studies rated as “good” or “fair” using the consensusbased standards for the selection of health measurement instruments checklist. 80 Scores on the GCS have been shown to be predictive of outcomes in patients with brain injury, 63 , 116 although some studies indicate the score on the motor component of the GCS has a better prognostic value. 42 , 63 In any case, when reporting results from the GCS, scores for each of the three components, as
well as the total score, should be recorded, particularly as there is evidence the total score is less reliable than the component scores. 80 , 99 , 100 , 101
Table 9.1 Glasgow Coma Scale
I. Motor
II. Verbal
III. Eye opening
Best Response
Score a
Withdraws from pain
Abnormal flexion
Abnormal extension (decerebrate posturing)
Confused conversation
Inappropriate words
Incomprehensible sounds
To speech
To pain
Coma score = I + II + III: 13-15 = minor 9-13 = moderate