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English Pages 416 [417] Year 2008
Multimedia Forensics and Security Chang-Tsun Li University of Warwick, UK
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List of Reviewers
Andrew Ker Oxford University, UK
Florent Autrusseau l’Université de Nantes, FRANCE
Alain Trémeau Université Jean Monnet - Bat. E, FRANCE
Maria Calagna Universita’ La Sapienza, Italy
Natasa Terzija University of Manchester, UK
Hongxia Jin IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Chang-Tsun Li Univeristy of Warwick, UK
Hae Yong Kim Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Yinyin Yuan Univeristy of Warwick, UK
Sergio Pamboukian Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil
Yue Li Univeristy of Warwick, UK
Shiguo Liang France Telecom R&D Beijing
Andreas Uhl Salzburg University, Salzburg, Austria
Angela Wong University of Adelaide, Australia
Zhu Yan Peiking University, China
Matthew Sorell University of Adelaide, Australia
Fouad Khelif Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Roberto Caldelli University of Florence, Italy
Martin Steinebach Media Security in IT, Germany
Alessandro Piva University of Florence, Italy
Patrick.Wolf Media Security in IT, Germany
Abdellatif ZAIDI UCL, Belgium
Maciej Li´skiewicz )HGHUDO2I¿FHIRU,QIRUPDWLRQ6HFXULW\%6, Germany
Yonggang Fu Jimei University, China
Xingming Sun Hunan University, China Yongjian Hu South China University of Technology, China
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................... xiii Preface ............................................................................................................................................... xiv
Chapter I Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images ................................................................................ 1 Hae Yong Kim, Universidade de São Paolo, Brazil Sergio Vincente Denser Pamboukian, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil Paulo Sérgio Licciardi Messeder Barreto, Universidade de São Paolo, Brazil Chapter II Secure Multimedia Content Distribution Based on Watermarking Technology .................................. 24 Shiguo Lian, France Telecom Research & Development–Beijing, P.R. China Chapter III Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD .......................................... 46 Maria Calagna, Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza, Italy Chapter IV Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack........................................................................ 67 Roberto Caldelli, University of Florence, Italy Alessandro Piva, University of Florence, Italy Chapter V A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques ....................................................... 84 Nataša Terzija, The University of Manchester, UK Chapter VI On the Necessity of Finding Content Before Watermark Retrieval: Active Search Strategies for Localising Watermarked Media on the Internet .......................................................... 106 0DUWLQ6WHLQHEDFK)UDXQKRIHU,QVWLWXWHIRU6HFXUH,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\6,7 *HUPDQ\ 3DWULFN:ROI)UDXQKRIHU,QVWLWXWHIRU6HFXUH,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\6,7 *HUPDQ\
Chapter VII Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images ................................. 120 )RXDG.KHOL¿7KH,QVWLWXWHRI(OHFWURQLFV&RPPXQLFDWLRQVDQG,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\ (&,7 4XHHQ¶V8QLYHUVLW\%HOIDVW8. Fatih Kurugollu, The Institute of Electronics Communications and Information Technology (&,7 4XHHQ¶V8QLYHUVLW\%HOIDVW8. Ahmed Bouridane, The Institute of Electronics Communications and Information Technology (&,7 4XHHQ¶V8QLYHUVLW\%HOIDVW8. Chapter VIII On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden ............................................................................ 139 Christopher B. Smith, Southwest Research Institute, USA Sos S. Agaian, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA Chapter IX Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms.............. 163 Patrick Le Callet, Polytech’Nantes, University of Nantes, IRCCyN Lab, France Florent Autrusseau, Polytech’Nantes, University of Nantes, IRCCyN Lab, France Patrizio Campisi, Università degli Studi Roma TRE, Italy Chapter X Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography ............................................................................. 193 0DFLHM/LĞNLHZLF],QVWLWXWHRI7KHRUHWLFDO&RPSXWHU6FLHQFH8QLYHUVLW\RI/EHFN*HUPDQ\ 8OULFK:|OIHO)HGHUDO2I¿FH,QIRUPDWLRQ6HFXULW\%6, *HUPDQ\ Chapter XI On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation ................................................................................... 212 Christopher B. Smith, Southwest Research Institute, USA Sos S. Agaian, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA Chapter XII Steganalysis: Trends and Challenges ................................................................................................. 245 +D¿]0DOLN8QLYHUVLW\RI0LFKLJDQ±'HDUERUQ86$ Rajarathnam Chandramouli, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA K. P. Subbalakshmi, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA Chapter XIII Benchmarking Steganalysis ............................................................................................................... 266 Andrew D. Ker, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, UK Chapter XIV 'LJLWDO&DPHUD6RXUFH,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ7KURXJK-3(*4XDQWLVDWLRQ .................................................. 291 Matthew J. Sorell, University of Adelaide, Australia
Chapter XV Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics .......................................................................................... 314 Hongxia Jin, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA Chapter XVI (I¿FLHQW7UDQVSDUHQW-3(*(QFU\SWLRQ ..................................................................................... 336 Dominik Engel, University of Salzburg, Austria 7KRPDV6WW]8QLYHUVLW\RI6DO]EXUJ$XVWULD Andreas Uhl, University of Salzburg, Austria
Compilation of References ............................................................................................................. 360 About the Contributors .................................................................................................................. 387 Index ............................................................................................................................................... 393
Detailed Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................... xiii Preface ............................................................................................................................................... xiv
Chapter I Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images ................................................................................ 1 Hae Yong Kim, Universidade de São Paolo, Brazil Sergio Vincente Denser Pamboukian, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil Paulo Sérgio Licciardi Messeder Barreto, Universidade de São Paolo, Brazil Data hiding (DH) is a technique used to embed a sequence of bits in a cover image with small visual deterioration and the means to extract it afterwards. Authentication watermarking (AW) techniques use DHs to insert a particular data into an image, in order to detect later any accidental or malicious alterations in the image, as well as to certify that the image came from the right source. In recent years, some AWs for binary images have been proposed in the literature. The authentication of binary images is necessary in practice, because most scanned and computer-generated document images are binary. This publication describes techniques and theories involved in binary image AW: We describe DH techniques for binary images and analyze which of them are adequate to be used in AWs; analyze the most adequate secret and public-key cryptographic ciphers for the AWs; describe how to spatially localize the alteration in the image (besides detecting it) without compromising the security; present AWs for -%,*FRPSUHVVHGELQDU\LPDJHVSUHVHQWDUHYHUVLEOH$:IRUELQDU\LPDJHVDQG¿QDOO\SUHVHQWRXU conclusions and future research. Chapter II Secure Multimedia Content Distribution Based on Watermarking Technology .................................. 24 Shiguo Lian, France Telecom Research & Development–Beijing, P.R. China Since the past decade, multimedia protection technologies have been attracting more and more researchers. Among them, multimedia encryption and watermarking are two typical ones. Multimedia encryption HQFRGHVPHGLDGDWDLQWRDQXQLQWHOOLJLEOHIRUPZKLFKHPSKDVL]HVRQFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\SURWHFWLRQ0XOWLmedia watermarking embeds information into media data, which can be detected or extracted and used to authenticate the copyright. Traditionally, in multimedia distribution, media data are encrypted and then transmitted, while the copyright information is not considered. As an important application, to trace
illegal distributors, the customer information (e.g., customer ID) is embedded into media data, which can trace illegal distributors. In this chapter, the multimedia distribution scheme based on watermarkLQJWHFKQRORJ\LVLQYHVWLJDWHGZKLFKUHDOL]HVERWKFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\SURWHFWLRQDQGFRS\ULJKWSURWHFWLRQ Firstly, some related works, including multimedia encryption and digital watermarking, are introduced. Then, the existing watermarking-based distribution schemes are reviewed and analyzed. Furthermore, the novel scheme is proposed and evaluated. Finally, some open issues are presented. Chapter III Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD .......................................... 46 Maria Calagna, Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza, Italy The chapter illustrates watermarking based on the transform domain. It argues that transform-based watermarking is robust to possible attacks and imperceptible with respect to the quality of the multimedia ¿OHZHZRXOGOLNHWRSURWHFW$PRQJWKRVHWUDQVIRUPVFRPPRQO\XVHGLQFRPPXQLFDWLRQVZHHPSKDVL]H the use of singular value decomposition (SVD) for digital watermarking; the main advantage of this FKRLFHLVÀH[LELOLW\RIDSSOLFDWLRQ,QIDFW69'PD\EHDSSOLHGLQVHYHUDO¿HOGVZKHUHGDWDDUHRUJDQL]HG as matrices, including multimedia and communications.We present a robust SVD-based watermarking scheme for images. According to the detection steps, the watermark can be determined univocally, while RWKHUUHODWHGZRUNVSUHVHQWÀDZVLQZDWHUPDUNGHWHFWLRQ$FDVHVWXG\RIRXUDSSURDFKUHIHUVWRWKH protection of geographical and spatial data in case of the raster representation model of maps. Chapter IV Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack........................................................................ 67 Roberto Caldelli, University of Florence, Italy Alessandro Piva, University of Florence, Italy This chapter is devoted to the analysis of the collusion attack applied to current digital video watermarking algorithms. In particular, we analyze which are the effects of collusion attacks, with particular attention to the temporal frame averaging (TFA), applied to two basic watermarking systems like spread spectrum (SS) and spread transform dither modulation (STDM). The chapter describes the main drawbacks and advantages in using these two watermarking schemes and, above all, the fundamental issues to be taken into account to grant a certain level of robustness when a collusion attack is carried out by an attacker. Chapter V A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques ....................................................... 84 Nataša Terzija, The University of Manchester, UK The resistance of watermarking schemes against geometric distortions has been the subject of much research and development effort in the last 10 years. This is due to the fact that even the minor geometric manipulation of the watermarked image can dramatically reduce the ability of the watermark detector to detect the watermark, that is, the watermark detector can lose the synchronization. By this, the waterPDUNV\QFKURQL]DWLRQFDQEHGH¿QHGDVDSURFHVVIRU¿QGLQJWKHORFDWLRQIRUZDWHUPDUNHPEHGGLQJDQG detection. A variety of techniques have been proposed to provide partial robustness against geometrical distortions. These techniques can be divided into two groups: techniques that use the original image to recover to synchronization and techniques that do not have the access to the original image content
GXULQJWKHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQSURFHVV7KLVFKDSWHUFODVVL¿HVDQGDQDO\]HVWHFKQLTXHVDQGDSSURDFKHVWKDW are currently used in watermarking schemes to recover the synchronization. Chapter VI On the Necessity of Finding Content Before Watermark Retrieval: Active Search Strategies for Localising Watermarked Media on the Internet .......................................................... 106 0DUWLQ6WHLQHEDFK)UDXQKRIHU,QVWLWXWHIRU6HFXUH,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\6,7 *HUPDQ\ 3DWULFN:ROI)UDXQKRIHU,QVWLWXWHIRU6HFXUH,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\6,7 *HUPDQ\ Digital watermarking promises to be a mechanism for copyright protection without being a technology for copy prevention. This sometimes makes it hard to convince content owners to use digital watermarking for protecting their content. It is only passive technology adding information into the content to be protected. Therefore some active mechanism is required that completes the protection. This needs to be a search mechanism that localizes potentially watermarked media on the Internet. Only then the passive LQIRUPDWLRQHPEHGGHGLQWKHFRQWHQWFDQKHOSWR¿JKWLOOHJDOFRSLHVWe discuss strategies and approaches for retrieving watermarks from the Internet with the help of a media search framework. While various Internet domains like HTML pages (the Web), eBay, or FTP are discussed, the focus of this work is on content shared within peer-to-peer networks. Chapter VII Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images ................................. 120 )RXDG.KHOL¿7KH,QVWLWXWHRI(OHFWURQLFV&RPPXQLFDWLRQVDQG,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\ (&,7 4XHHQ¶V8QLYHUVLW\%HOIDVW8. Fatih Kurugollu, The Institute of Electronics Communications and Information Technology (&,7 4XHHQ¶V8QLYHUVLW\%HOIDVW8. Ahmed Bouridane, The Institute of Electronics Communications and Information Technology (&,7 4XHHQ¶V8QLYHUVLW\%HOIDVW8. The problem of multiplicative watermark detection in digital images can be viewed as a binary decision where the observation is the possibly watermarked samples that can be thought of as a noisy environment in which a desirable signal, called watermark, may exist. In this chapter, we investigate the optimum watermark detection from the viewpoint of decision theory. Different transform domains are considered with generalized noise models. We study the effect of the watermark strength on both the detector performance and the imperceptibility of the host image. Also, the robustness issue is addressed while considering a number of commonly used attacks. Chapter VIII On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden ............................................................................ 139 Christopher B. Smith, Southwest Research Institute, USA Sos S. Agaian, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA Modern digital steganography has evolved a number of techniques to embed information near invisibly into digital media. Many of the techniques for information hiding result in a set of changes to the cover image that appear for all intents and purposes to be noise. This chapter presents information for the reader to understand how noise is intentionally and unintentionally used in information hiding. This
FKDSWHU¿UVWUHYLHZVDVHULHVRIQRLVHOLNHVWHJDQRJUDSK\PHWKRGV)URPWKHVHWHFKQLTXHVWKHSUREOHPV faced by the active warden can be posed in a systematic way. Results of using advanced clean image estimation techniques for active-warden-based steganalysis are presented. This chapter is concluded with a discussion of the future of steganography. Chapter IX Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms.............. 163 Patrick Le Callet, Polytech’Nantes, University of Nantes, IRCCyN Lab, France Florent Autrusseau, Polytech’Nantes, University of Nantes, IRCCyN Lab, France Patrizio Campisi, Università degli Studi Roma TRE, Italy In watermarking and data hiding context, it may be very useful to have methods checking the invisibility of the inserted data, or at least, checking the objective quality after the mark embedding or after an attack on the watermarked media. Many works exist in the literature dealing with quality assessment, mainly focused on compression application. Nevertheless, visual quality assessment should include special requirements that depend on the application context. This chapter presents an extended review RIERWKVXEMHFWLYHDQGREMHFWLYHTXDOLW\DVVHVVPHQWRILPDJHVDQGYLGHRLQWKH¿HOGRIZDWHUPDUNLQJ and data hiding applications. Chapter X Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography ............................................................................. 193 0DFLHM/LĞNLHZLF],QVWLWXWHRI7KHRUHWLFDO&RPSXWHU6FLHQFH8QLYHUVLW\RI/EHFN*HUPDQ\ 8OULFK:|OIHO)HGHUDO2I¿FH,QIRUPDWLRQ6HFXULW\%6, *HUPDQ\ This chapter provides an overview, based on current research, on theoretical aspects of digital steganogUDSK\²DUHODWLYHO\QHZ¿HOGRIFRPSXWHUVFLHQFHWKDWGHDOVZLWKKLGLQJVHFUHWGDWDLQXQVXVSLFLRXV cover media. We focus on formal analysis of security of steganographic systems from a computational complexity point of view and provide models of secure systems that make realistic assumptions of limited computational resources of involved parties. This allows us to look at steganographic secrecy based on reasonable complexity assumptions similar to the ones commonly accepted in modern cryptography. ,QWKLVFKDSWHUZHH[SDQGWKHDQDO\VHVRIVWHJRV\VWHPVEH\RQGVHFXULW\DVSHFWVWKDWSUDFWLWLRQHUV¿QG GLI¿FXOWWRLPSOHPHQWLIQRWLPSRVVLEOHWRUHDOL]H WRWKHTXHVWLRQwhyVXFKV\VWHPVDUHVRGLI¿FXOWWR implement and what makes these systems different from practically used ones. Chapter XI On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation ................................................................................... 212 Christopher B. Smith, Southwest Research Institute, USA Sos S. Agaian, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA Steganalysis is the art and science of detecting hidden information. Modern digital steganography has created techniques to embed information near invisibly into digital media. This chapter explores the idea of exploiting the noise-like qualities of steganography. In particular, the art of steganalysis can be GH¿QHGDVGHWHFWLQJDQGRUUHPRYLQJDYHU\SDUWLFXODUW\SHRIQRLVH7KLVFKDSWHU¿UVWUHYLHZVDVHULHV of steganalysis techniques including blind steganalysis and targeted steganalysis methods, and highlight how clean image estimation is vital to these techniques. Each technique either implicitly or explicitly
uses a clean image model to begin the process of detection. This chapter includes a review of advanced methods of clean image estimation for use in steganalysis. From these ideas of clean image estimation, the problems faced by the passive warden can be posed in a systematic way. This chapter is concluded with a discussion of the future of passive warden steganalysis. Chapter XII Steganalysis: Trends and Challenges ................................................................................................. 245 +D¿]0DOLN8QLYHUVLW\RI0LFKLJDQ±'HDUERUQ86$ Rajarathnam Chandramouli, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA K. P. Subbalakshmi, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA In this chapter we provide a detailed overview of the state of the art in steganalysis. Performance of some steganalysis techniques are compared based on critical parameters such as the hidden message detection probability, accuracy of the estimated hidden message length and secret key, and so forth. We also provide an overview of some shareware/freeware steganographic tools. Some open problems in steganalysis are described. Chapter XIII Benchmarking Steganalysis ............................................................................................................... 266 Andrew D. Ker, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, UK This chapter discusses how to evaluate the effectiveness of steganalysis techniques. In the steganalysis literature, numerous different methods are used to measure detection accuracy, with different authors XVLQJLQFRPSDWLEOHEHQFKPDUNV7KXVLWLVGLI¿FXOWWRPDNHDIDLUFRPSDULVRQRIFRPSHWLQJVWHJDQDO\VLV methods. This chapter argues that some of the choices for steganalysis benchmarks are demonstrably poor, either in statistical foundation or by over-valuing irrelevant areas of the performance envelope. Good choices of benchmark are highlighted, and simple statistical techniques demonstrated for evaluating the VLJQL¿FDQFHRIREVHUYHGSHUIRUPDQFHGLIIHUHQFHV,WLVKRSHGWKDWWKLVFKDSWHUZLOOPDNHSUDFWLWLRQHUV and steganalysis researchers better able to evaluate the quality of steganography detection methods. Chapter XIV 'LJLWDO&DPHUD6RXUFH,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ7KURXJK-3(*4XDQWLVDWLRQ .................................................. 291 Matthew J. Sorell, University of Adelaide, Australia We propose that the implementation of the JPEG compression algorithm represents a manufacturer DQGPRGHOVHULHVVSHFL¿FPHDQVRILGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHVRXUFHFDPHUDRIDGLJLWDOSKRWRJUDSKLFLPDJH Experimental results based on a database of over 5,000 photographs from 27 camera models by 10 brands shows that the choice of JPEG quantisation table, in particular, acts as an effective discriminator between model series with a high level of differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that even after recompression of an image, residual artifacts of double quantisation continue to provide limited means RIVRXUFHFDPHUDLGHQWL¿FDWLRQSURYLGHGWKDWFHUWDLQFRQGLWLRQVDUHPHW2WKHUFRPPRQWHFKQLTXHVIRU VRXUFHFDPHUDLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDUHDOVRLQWURGXFHGDQGWKHLUVWUHQJWKVDQGZHDNQHVVHVDUHGLVFXVVHG
Chapter XV Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics .......................................................................................... 314 Hongxia Jin, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA This chapter discusses the cryptographic traitor tracing technology that is used to defend against piracy in multimedia content distribution. It talks about different potential pirate attacks in a multimedia content distribution system. It discusses how traitor tracing technologies can be used to defend against those attacks by identifying the attackers involved in the piracy. While traitor tracing has been a long standing cryptographic problem that has attracted extensive research, the main purpose of this chapter is to show how to overcome many practical concerns in order to bring a theoretical solution to practice. 0DQ\RIWKHVHSUDFWLFDOFRQFHUQVKDYHEHHQRYHUORRNHGLQDFDGHPLFUHVHDUFK7KHDXWKRUEULQJV¿UVWKDQG experience on bringing this technology to practice in the context of new industry standard on content SURWHFWLRQIRUQH[WJHQHUDWLRQKLJKGH¿QLWLRQ'9'V7KHDXWKRUDOVRKRSHVWRVKHGQHZLQVLJKWVRQ future research directions in this space. Chapter XVI (I¿FLHQW7UDQVSDUHQW-3(*(QFU\SWLRQ ..................................................................................... 336 Dominik Engel, University of Salzburg, Austria 7KRPDV6WW]8QLYHUVLW\RI6DO]EXUJ$XVWULD Andreas Uhl, University of Salzburg, Austria In this chapter we investigate two different techniques for transparent/perceptual encryption of JPEG2000 ¿OHVRUELWVWUHDPVLQWKHFRQWH[WRIGLJLWDOULJKWPDQDJHPHQW'50 VFKHPHV7KHVHPHWKRGVDUHHI¿FLHQWLQWKHVHQVHRIPLQLPL]LQJWKHFRPSXWDWLRQDOFRVWVRIHQFU\SWLRQ$FODVVLFDOELWVWUHDPEDVHG approach employing format-compliant encryption of packet body data is compared to a compressionintegrated technique, which uses the concept of secret transform domains, in our case a wavelet packet transform.
Compilation of References ............................................................................................................. 360 About the Contributors .................................................................................................................. 387 Index ............................................................................................................................................... 393
The advances and convergence of information and communication technology (ICT) and multimedia techniques have brought about unprecedented possibilities and opportunities. The upside is that we EHQH¿WIURPWKHFRQYHQLHQFHWKDWWKHVHWHFKQRORJLHVKDYHWRRIIHU,QIRUPDWLRQFDQEHH[FKDQJHGLQ various forms of media through far-reaching networks, while multimedia processing techniques faciliWDWHHI¿FLHQWIXVLRQRIPHGLDZLWKVWXQQLQJHIIHFWVZKLFKKDYHDOUHDG\PDGHDSURIRXQGLPSDFWRQWKH ways we communicate, learn, and entertain. However, the downside is that these technologies could also be exploited for malicious purposes such as copyright piracy and document forgery, to name a few. To prevent abuses of the usage of ICT and multimedia techniques, the study of multimedia forensics and security has emerged in recent years as a new interdisciplinary area encompassing aspects of digital cryptography, digital watermarking, data hiding, steganography, and steganalysis. Moreover, multimedia forensic techniques have also opened up a new horizon for helping companies, government, and law enforcement agencies in combating crime and fraudulent activities. The past decade has seen an exciting development of techniques revolving around the issues of multimedia forensics and security. Although a number of quality books have been published in the literature, WKHIDVWDGYDQFLQJWHFKQRORJ\LQWKLV¿HOGHQWDLOVDFRQVWDQWUHQHZDORIV\VWHPDWLFDQGFRPSUHKHQVLYH accounts of the latest researches and developments. Aiming at serving this purpose, this book contains a collection of informative and stimulating chapters written by knowledgeable experts and covers a wide spectrum of the state-of-the-art techniques for tackling the issues of multimedia forensics and security. Each chapter is a self-contained treatment on one aspect of the broad subject, allowing the readers to follow any order of their liking. The chapters are selected to suit readers of different levels with various interests, making this book an invaluable reference for beginners as well as experts alike.
Professor Anthony TS Ho Professor and Chair of Multimedia Security, Director of Postgraduate Research Department of Computing, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH UK
In the last two decades, the development of information and communication technology (ICT) and multimedia processing techniques has revolutionized the ways we create, exchange, and manipulate information. Most people, if not all, with access to computers and the Internet, can not only share inforPDWLRQLQVWDQWO\DWLQVLJQL¿FDQWFRVWEXWDOVRFUHDWLYHO\SURGXFHWKHLURZQPHGLDRIYDULRXVIRUPVVXFK as text, audio, speech, music, image, and video. This wave of ICT revolution has undoubtedly brought about enormous opportunities for the world economy and exciting possibilities for every sector of the modern societies. Educators are now equipped with e-tools to deliver their knowledge and expertise to the remote corners of the world with Internet access. Harnessing these ICT resources, e-governments can now provide various aspects of e-services to the people. Willingly or reluctantly, directly or indirectly, we are all now immersed in some way in the cyberspace full of e-opportunities and e-possibilities and permeated with data and information. However, this type of close and strong interweaving poses concerns and threats. When exploited with malign intentions, the same tools provide means for doing harms at a colossal scale. These concerns create anxiety and uncertainty about the reality of the media we deal with. ,QUHVSRQVHWRWKHVHLVVXHVWKHODVWGHFDGHKDVVHHQWKHHPHUJHQFHRIWKHQHZLQWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\¿HOG of multimedia forensics and security, which aims at pooling expertise in various areas, such as signal processing, information theory, cryptography, and so forth to combat the abuses of ICT and multimedia techniques. In particular, digital watermarking schemes have been proposed to meet copyright protecWLRQQHHGVIRUH[DPSOHRZQHUVKLSLGHQWL¿FDWLRQFRS\FRQWUROWUDQVDFWLRQWUDFNLQJDQGWRGHDOZLWK FRQWHQWDXWKHQWLFDWLRQDQGLQWHJULW\YHUL¿FDWLRQ&KDOOHQJHGE\LWVFRPSHWLQJVWHJDQDO\WLFDOWHFKQLTXHV steganographic methods have been developed and are being constantly improved for data hiding and embedding applications. Multimedia forensic techniques have also been studied and derived for providing evidences to aid with resolving civil and criminal court cases. Added to the excitement of the races EHWZHHQQHZPHDVXUHVDQGFRXQWHUPHDVXUHVLQWKLVQHZDUHDLVWKHGLI¿FXOWLHVLQVWULNLQJDEDODQFH EHWZHHQFRQÀLFWLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV)RUH[DPSOHLQWKHFRQWH[WRIGLJLWDOZDWHUPDUNLQJKLJKUREXVWQHVV is usually gained at the expense of high distortion, while, in the context of steganography, low distortion is, most of the times, achieved at the cost of low payload. This book aims to create a collection of quality chapters on information hiding for multimedia forensics DQGVHFXULW\FRQWULEXWHGE\OHDGLQJH[SHUWVLQWKHUHODWHG¿HOGV,WHPEUDFHVDZLGHYDULHW\RIDVSHFWVRI WKHUHODWHGVXEMHFWDUHDVFRYHUHGLQFKDSWHUVDQGSURYLGHVDVFLHQWL¿FDOO\DQGVFKRODUO\VRXQGWUHDWment of state-of-the-art techniques to students, researchers, academics, personnel of law enforcement,
and IT/multimedia practitioners, who are interested or involved in the study, research, use, design, and development of techniques related to multimedia forensics and security. 7KLVERRNFRQVLVWVRIWKUHHPDLQFRPSRQHQWV7KH¿UVWFRPSRQHQWFRPSULVHGRI&KDSWHUV,WR9,, aims at dissemilating the idea of digital watermarking and its applications to multimedia security in general and copyright protection in particular. The second component, which covers Chapters VIII to XIII, is concerned with the two competing arts of steganography and steganalysis. The third component, comprising Chapters XIV to XVI, deals with methods that harness the techniques of data hiding and cryptography for the applications of multimedia forensics. Chapter I, Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images, presented by Hae Yong Kim, Sergio Pamboukian, and Paulo Barreto, is concerned with a class of data hiding techniques and the analysis of which of them are suitable for authenticating binary images. Ways of detecting and localising tamper, aiming at revealing the attacker’s possible intention, are described. A new irreversible scheme for authenticating JBIG2-compressed binary images and a new reversible algorithm for authenticating general binary images are presented. In Chapter II, Secure Multimedia Content Distribution Based on Watermarking Technology, Shiguo /LDQGH¿QHVWKHSHUIRUPDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIZDWHUPDUNLQJEDVHGPXOWLPHGLDGLVWULEXWLRQVFKHPHVIRU multimedia communication applications and reviewed a number of related schemes, with their charDFWHULVWLFVDQGOLPLWDWLRQVGLVFXVVHG$QHZVFKHPHFRPELQLQJ¿QJHUSULQWLQJDQGHQFU\SWLRQZKLFK UHDOLVHVERWKFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\SURWHFWLRQDQGFRS\ULJKWSURWHFWLRQLVWKHQSUHVHQWHGWRDGGUHVVWKHLVVXHV such as traitor tracing, robustness, and imperceptibility, surrounding multimedia distribution and to meet WKHGH¿QHGUHTXLUHPHQWV In Chapter III, Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD, Maria CaODJQD¿UVWLQWURGXFHVWKHPDLQPDWKHPDWLFDOWRROVVXFKDVGLVFUHWHFRVLQHWUDQVIRUP'&7 GLVFUHWH wavelet transform (DWT), and singular value decomposition (SVD) and their applications in digital watermarking and then places emphasis on presenting and comparing related work on SVD watermarkLQJ7RRYHUFRPHWKHÀDZVIRXQGLQWKHZDWHUPDUNH[WUDFWLRQFRPSRQHQWRIVRPHGLVFXVVHG69'EDVHG schemes, Calagna proposes a new SVD-based scheme for watermarking geographical and spatial images exchanged among a group of GIS users. In Chapter IV, Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack, Roberto Caldelli and Alessandro Piva present a taxonomy of video watermarking techniques according to data formats and signal processing tools employed for implementation. The idea and types of collusion attacks are then analysed. In particular, the effects of applying temporal frame averaging (TFA) to the watermarking systems implemented with spread spectrum (SS) and spread transform dither modulation (STDM) are studied in JUHDWGHWDLOV7KLVFKDSWHULGHQWL¿HVWKHPDLQDGYDQWDJHVDQGOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKH66DQG67'0EDVHG schemes in the face of TFA collusion attack. Chapter V, A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques, authored by Natasa Terzija, deals with the synchronization issue of watermark detection under the threat of geometric distortions, VXFKDVWUDQVODWLRQFURSSLQJURWDWLRQVFDOLQJDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQSURMHFWLYHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQDQGVR forth. Watermark synchronization has been an active research area in the last 10 years because even a minor geometric distortion of the watermarked image can dramatically reduce the watermark detectors’ the ability to detect the presence of the watermark, that is, the watermark detector can lose the synchronization. Terija gives an overview of different techniques including image registration techniques, the exhaustive search, periodical sequences, the use of synchronization marks, content-based approaches, and then concludes that the existing techniques can only provide partial robustness against geometrical distortions and more efforts are yet to be made before proper solutions can be put in place.
In Chapter VI, On the Necessity of Finding Content before Watermark Retrieval—Active Search Strategies for Localizing Watermarked Media on the Internet, Martin Steinebach and Patrick Wolf state that embedding digital watermark for copyright protection is only a passive protection and, to complete WKHSURWHFWLRQDQDFWLYHPHFKDQLVPFDSDEOHRI¿QGLQJSRWHQWLDOO\ZDWHUPDUNHGPHGLDWKDWKDYHEHHQ GLVWULEXWHGLVQHHGHGEHIRUHWKHZDWHUPDUNH[WUDFWLRQFDQDFWXDOO\EHFDUULHGRXWWRKHOS¿JKWLOOHJDO copies. This chapter discusses important issues regarding the search for watermarked content on the Internet and introduces strategies and approaches for retrieving watermarks from the Internet with the help of a media search framework. In Chapter VII, Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images, Fouad .KHOL¿)DWLK.XUXJROOXDQG$KPHG%RXULGDQHYLHZWKHSUREOHPRIPXOWLSOLFDWLYHZDWHUPDUNGHWHFWLRQ in digital images as a binary decision where the observation is the possibly watermarked samples that can be thought of as a noisy environment in which a desirable watermark may exist. They investigate optimum watermark detection from the viewpoint of decision theory. Different transform domains are considered with generalized noise models and the effects of the watermark strength on both the detector performance and the imperceptibility of the host image are studied. Chapter VIII, On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden, marks the beginning of the second component of this book. In the face of the fact that many data hiding techniques give rise to changes to the cover media that appear to be noise, Christopher Smith and Sos Agaian state in this chapter that VWHJDQRJUDSK\FDQEHGH¿QHGLQWHUPVRIDGGLQJVRPHW\SHRIDUWL¿FLDOQRLVHDQGUHYLHZDVHULHVRI state-of-the-art, noise-like steganographic schemes. The authors also present information for the reader to understand how noise is unintentionally and intentionally exploited in information hiding and show how passive and active steganalysis can be applied to attack steganographic schemes. Results of using advanced clean image estimation techniques for steganalysis under the active warden scenario are also presented. $PRQJWKHPDQ\FRQÀLFWLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVRIGLJLWDOZDWHUPDUNLQJDQGGDWDKLGLQJYLVLELOLW\RUHPEHGGLQJGLVWRUWLRQLQÀLFWHGRQWKHKRVWPHGLDE\WKHPDUNLQJSURFHVV LVRIVLJQL¿FDQWFRQFHUQ&KDSWHU IX, Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms, contributed by Patrick Le Callet and Florent Autrusseau, deals with both the subjective and objective quality assessment of images and video in the context of digital watermarking and data hiding applications. The GH¿FLHQFLHVRIVRPHTXDOLW\PHWULFVIRUGDWDKLGLQJSXUSRVHDUHKLJKOLJKWHG6XEMHFWLYHH[SHULPHQWDO protocols are conducted. A quality benchmark aiming at identifying the objective metrics among many that best predicts subjective scores is presented. In Chapter X, Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography0DFLHM/LĞNLHZLF]DQG8OULFK:|OIHO focus on the formal analysis of the security of steganographic schemes from a computational complexity point of view and provide models of secure schemes that make realistic assumptions of limited computational resources of involved parties. This allows the reader to look at steganographic secrecy based on reasonable complexity assumptions similar to the ones commonly accepted in modern cryptography. 7KHDXWKRUVH[SDQGWKHDQDO\VHVRIVWHJRV\VWHPVEH\RQGVHFXULW\DVSHFWVWKDWSUDFWLWLRQHUV¿QGGLI¿FXOWWRLPSOHPHQWWRWKHWUDFWDELOLW\DVSHFWVWKDWLVWKHTXHVWLRQwhyVXFKVFKHPHVDUHVRGLI¿FXOWWR implement and what makes these systems different from practically used ones. These questions concern the maximum achievable security for different steganography scenarios and the limitations in terms of WLPHHI¿FLHQF\DVVRFLDWHGZLWKVWHJRV\VWHPVWKDWDFKLHYHWKHKLJKHVWOHYHOVRIVHFXULW\ In Chapter XI, On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation, Christopher Smith and Sos Agaian expand on the idea of exploiting the noise-like qualities of steganography and discuss its competing WHFKQRORJ\RIVWHJDQDO\VLVWKHDUWDQGVFLHQFHRIGHWHFWLQJKLGGHQLQIRUPDWLRQLQPHGLD7KH\GH¿QHWKH
art of steganalysis in terms of detecting and/or removing a particular type of noise and review a series of steganalysis techniques, including blind steganalysis and targeted steganalysis methods, which either implicitly or explicitly use a clean image model to begin the detection of hidden data. From these ideas of clean image estimation, the steganalysis problems faced by the passive warden are formulated as a WKUHHVWDJHSURFHVVRIHVWLPDWLRQIHDWXUHH[WUDFWLRQDQGFODVVL¿FDWLRQWKH()&IRUPXODWLRQ Chapter XII, Steganalysis: Trends and ChallengesE\+D¿]0DOLN5&KDQGUDPRXOLDQG.36XEbalakshmi provide a detailed overview of the state-of-the-art techniques in steganalysis. The performance of existing steganalysis techniques are compared based on critical parameters such as the hidden message detection probability; the accuracy of the hidden message length and secret key estimates; and the message recovery rate. They also provide an overview of some existing shareware/freeware steganographic tools and highlight the pros and cons of existing steganalysis techniques. The growing gap between recent developments in the steganographic research and the state-of-the-art of steganalysis are also discussed. Chapter XIII, Benchmarking Steganalysis, by Andrew Ker, discusses how to evaluate the effectiveness of steganalysis techniques. In the steganalysis literature, numerous different methods are used to PHDVXUHGHWHFWLRQDFFXUDF\ZLWKGLIIHUHQWDXWKRUVXVLQJLQFRPSDWLEOHEHQFKPDUNV7KXVLWLVGLI¿FXOWWR make a fair comparison of competing steganalysis methods. This chapter argues that some of the choices for steganalysis benchmarks are demonstrably poor, either in statistical foundation or by over-valuing irrelevant areas of the performance envelope. Good choices of benchmarks are highlighted, and simple VWDWLVWLFDOWHFKQLTXHVGHPRQVWUDWHGIRUHYDOXDWLQJWKHVLJQL¿FDQFHRIREVHUYHGSHUIRUPDQFHGLIIHUHQFHV It is hoped that this chapter will make practitioners and steganalysis researchers better able to evaluate the quality of steganography detection methods. In the light of the fact that digital photographs are becoming a more common form of evidence used in criminal investigation and civil court of laws, Chapter XIV'LJLWDO&DPHUD6RXUFH,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ Through JPEG QuantisationSUHVHQWHGE\0DWWKHZ6RUHOOLVFRQFHUQHGZLWKWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKH make, the model series, and the particular source camera of a particular digital photograph. CharacterLVWLFVRIWKHFDPHUD¶V-3(*FRGHUDUHH[SORLWHGWRGHPRQVWUDWHWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIVXFKLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQG WKHOLNHOLKRRGRIGHWHFWLQJVXI¿FLHQWUHVLGXDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIWKHRULJLQDOFRGLQJHYHQZKHQDQLPDJH has subsequently been recompressed, allowing the investigator to narrow down the possible camera PRGHOVRILQWHUHVWLQVRPHFDVHV7KUHHVHWVRIWHFKQLTXHVFODVVL¿HGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHHPSOR\HGGDWD QDPHO\PHWDGDWDEXOOHWVFUDWFKHV¿QJHUSULQWLQJDQGPDQXIDFWXUHUVSHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQIRUFDPHUD LGHQWL¿FDWLRQDUHGLVFXVVHG Chapter XV, Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics, authored by Hongxia Jin, reviews potential pirate attacks on multimedia content distribution systems and discusses how traitor tracing techniques can be used to defend against those attacks by tracing the attackers and colluders involved in the piracy. This chapter is also concerned with business scenarios that involve one-way digital content distribution and a large set of receiving users. It shows how to address many overlooked practical concerns and brings ¿UVWKDQGH[SHULHQFHRQEULQJLQJWKLVWHFKQRORJ\WRSUDFWLFHLQWKHFRQWH[WRIQHZLQGXVWU\VWDQGDUGRQ FRQWHQWSURWHFWLRQIRUQH[WJHQHUDWLRQKLJKGH¿QLWLRQ'9'V In Chapter XVI, (I¿FLHQW7UDQVSDUHQW-3(*(QFU\SWLRQ, given the fact that many multimedia applications such as TV new broadcasting are designed for the try and buy scenario, and thus require security on a much lower level than that of copyright protection applications, Dominik Enge, Thomas Stütz, and Andreas Uhl review several selective or partial encryption schemes and investigate two difIHUHQWWHFKQLTXHVIRUWUDQVSDUHQWSHUFHSWXDOHQFU\SWLRQRI-3(*¿OHVRUELWVWUHDPVLQWKHFRQWH[W
RIGLJLWDOULJKWPDQDJHPHQW'50 VFKHPHV7KHVHPHWKRGVDUHHI¿FLHQWLQWHUPVRIWKHFRPSXWDWLRQDO costs of encryption. A classical bitstream-based approach employing format-compliant encryption of packet body data is compared against a compression-integrated technique, which uses the concept of wavelet packet transform. Chang-Tsun Li UHFHLYHGWKH%6GHJUHHLQHOHFWULFDOHQJLQHHULQJIURP&KXQJ&KHQJ,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\&&,7 1DWLRQDO Defense University, Taiwan, in 1987, the MS degree in computer science from U. S. Naval Postgraduate School, USA, in 1992, and the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Warwick, UK, in 1998. He was an associate professor of the 'HSDUWPHQWRI(OHFWULFDO(QJLQHHULQJDW&&,7GXULQJDQGDYLVLWLQJSURIHVVRURIWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI&RPSXWHU 6FLHQFHDW861DYDO3RVWJUDGXDWH6FKRROLQWKHVHFRQGKDOIRI+HLVFXUUHQWO\DQDVVRFLDWHSURIHVVRURIWKH'HSDUWment of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, UK, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Digital Crime DQG)RUHQVLFV,-'&) DQG$VVRFLDWH(GLWRURIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI$SSOLHG6\VWHPLF6WXGLHV,-$66 +HKDVLQYROYHG in the organisation of a number of international conferences and workshops and also served as member of the international program committees for several international conferences. His research interests include multimedia security, bioinformatics, image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and content-based image retrieval.
Few books are entirely the unaided efforts of one person and this one is no exception. I would like to thank all the authors of the chapters for their invaluable contributions and enthusiasm in making this book possible. I am also grateful for the reviewers who have contributed their time and expertise in helping the authors improve their chapters. Administrative assistance from the staff at IGI Global has also made the project quite an enjoyable process and was highly appreciated.
Chapter I
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images Hae Yong Kim Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Sergio Vicente Denser Pamboukian Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil Paulo Sérgio Licciardi Messeder Barreto Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
ABSTRACT 'DWDKLGLQJ'+ LVDWHFKQLTXHXVHGWRHPEHGDVHTXHQFHRIELWVLQDFRYHULPDJHZLWKVPDOOYLVXDO deterioration and the means to extract it afterwards. $XWKHQWLFDWLRQ ZDWHUPDUNLQJ $: WHFKQLTXHV use DH to insert particular data into an image, in order to detect later any accidental or malicious alterations in the image, as well as to certify that the image came from the right source. In recent years, some AWs for binary images have been proposed in the literature. The authentication of binary images is necessary in practice, because most scanned and computer-generated document images are binary. This publication describes techniques and theories involved in binary image AW: We describe DH techniques for binary images and analyze which of them are adequate to be used in AWs; analyze the most adequate secret- and public-key cryptographic ciphers for the AWs; describe how to spatially localize WKHDOWHUDWLRQLQWKHLPDJHEHVLGHVGHWHFWLQJLW ZLWKRXWFRPSURPLVLQJWKHVHFXULW\SUHVHQW$:VIRU -%,*FRPSUHVVHGELQDU\LPDJHVSUHVHQWDUHYHUVLEOH$:IRUELQDU\LPDJHVDQG¿QDOO\SUHVHQWRXU conclusions and future research.
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
INTRODUCTION This publication describes techniques and theories involved in binary image AW. The authentication of binary images is necessary in practice because most of scanned and computer-generated document images are binary. These documents must be protected against fraudulent alterations and impersonations. %LQDU\LPDJHVFDQEHFODVVL¿HGDVHLWKHUKDOItone or non-halftone. Halftone images are binary representations of grayscale images. Halftoning techniques (Knuth, 1987; Roetling & Loce, 1994; Ulichney, 1987) simulate shades of gray by scattering proper amounts of black and white pixels. On the other hand, non-halftone binary images may be composed of characters, drawings, schematics, diagrams, cartoons, equations, and so forth. In many cases, a watermarking algorithm developed for halftone images cannot be applied to non-halftone images and vice versa. DH or steganography is a technique used to embed a sequence of bits in a cover image with small visual deterioration and the means to extract it afterwards. Most DH techniques in the literature are designed for grayscale and color images and they cannot be directly applied to binary images. Many of continuous-tone DHs PRGLI\ WKH OHDVW VLJQL¿FDQW ELWV :RQJ modify the quantization index (Chen & Wornell, 2001), or modify spectral components of data in a spread-spectrum-like fashion (Cox, Kilian, Leighton, & Shamoon, 1997; Marvel, Boncelet, & Retter, 1999). Many of the continuous-tone DHs makes use of transforms like DCT and wavelet. Unfortunately, none of the previous concepts OHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELWVTXDQWL]DWLRQLQGLFHVDQG spectral components) are applicable to binary images. Binary images can be viewed as special cases of grayscale images and consequently can be transformed using DCT or wavelet, resulting in continuous-tone images in transform-domain. However, modifying a transform-domain image to insert the hidden data and inverse transforming
it, usually will not yield a binary image. Hence, transforms like DCT and wavelet cannot be used to hide data in binary images. As consequence of the previous reasoning, special DH techniques must EHGHVLJQHGVSHFL¿FDOO\IRUELQDU\LPDJHV A watermark is a signal added to the original cover image that can be extracted later to make an assertion about the image. Digital watermarkLQJWHFKQLTXHVFDQEHURXJKO\FODVVL¿HGDVHLWKHU robust watermarks, or authentication watermarks. Robust watermarks are designed to be hard to remove and to resist common image-manipulation procedures. They are useful for copyright and ownership assertion purposes. AWs use DH techniques to insert the authentication data into an image, in order to detect later any accidental or malicious alterations in the image, as well as to certify that the image came from the right source. AWs can be further clasVL¿HGLQWZRFDWHJRULHVIUDJLOHDQGVHPLIUDJLOH watermarks. Fragile watermarks are designed to detect any alteration in the image, even the slightest. They are easily corrupted by any image-processing procedure. However, watermarks for checking image integrity and authenticity can be fragile because if the watermark is removed, the watermark detection algorithm will correctly report the corruption of the image. We stress that fragile AWs are deliberately not robust in any sense. In the literature, there are many AW techniques for continuous-tone images (Barreto & Kim, 1999; Barreto, Kim, & Rijmen, 2002; Holliman & Memon, 2000; Wong, 1998; Yeung & Mintzer, 1997; Zhao & Koch, 1995). It seems to be very GLI¿FXOW WR GHVLJQ D UHDOO\ VHFXUH $: ZLWKRXW making use of the solid cryptography theory and techniques. Indeed, those AWs that were not founded in cryptography theory (Yeung & Mintzer, 1997; Zhao & Koch, 1995) or those that applied cryptographic techniques without the due care (Li, Lou, & Chen, 2000; Wong, 1998) were later shown to be unreliable (Barreto & Kim, 1999; Barreto et al., 2002; Holliman & Memon,
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
2000). In a cryptography-based AW, the message authentication code (MAC) or the digital signature (DS) of the whole image is computed and inserted into the image itself. However, inserting the MAC/DS alters the image and consequently alters its MAC/DS, invalidating the watermark. This problem can be solved by dividing the cover image Z in two regions Z1 and Z2, computing the MAC/DS of Z2, and inserting it into Z1. For example, for uncompressed or lossless-compressed gray-scale and color images, usually the least VLJQL¿FDQWELWV/6%V DUHFOHDUHGWKH0$&'6 of the LSB-cleared image is computed and then the code is inserted into the LSBs (Wong, 1998). For JPEG-compressed images, the 8u8 blocks are divided in two groups Z1 and Z2, MAC/DS of Z2 is computed and each bit of the code is inserted in an 8u8 block of Z1 by, for example, IRUFLQJWKHVXPRIWKH'&7FRHI¿FLHQWWREHRGG or even (Marvel, Hartwig, & Boncelet, 2000). In this publication, we describe similar fragile AW techniques for binary images and the associated security issues. Semi-fragile watermarks, like fragile ones, are designed to check the image integrity and authenticity. However, semi-fragile watermarks try to distinguish harmless alterations (such as lossy compression, brightness/contrast adjusting, etc.) from malicious image forgeries (intended to remove, substitute, or insert objects in the scene). The demarcation line between benign and malicious attacks is tenuous and applicationdependent. Consequently, usually semi-fragile AWs are not as secure as cryptography-based fragile AWs. We are not aware of any semi-fragile AW for binary images. In the literature, there are many semi-fragile watermarks for continuous-tone images (Eggers & Girod, 2001; Fridrich, 1999; Kundur & Hatzinakos, 1998; Lan, Mansour, & 7HZ¿N/LQ &KDQJ/LQ &KDQJ 2001; Lin, Podilchuk, & Delp, 2000; Marvel et al., 2000; Yu, Lu, & Liao, 2001). Ekici, Sankur, and Akcay (2004) enumerate eight “permissible”
alterations that a semi-fragile watermarking must withstand: 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8.
JPEG compression Histogram equalization Sharpening /RZSDVV¿OWHULQJ 0HGLDQ¿OWHULQJ Additive Gaussian noise Salt-and-pepper noise Random bit error
However, to our knowledge, there are no similar techniques for binary images. This is explicable considering that most of the benign attacks (1, 2, 3, 4, and 6) cannot be applied to binary images. The remaining attacks (5, 7, and 8) can be applied to binary images but they are not so important in practice to deserve designing special semi-fragile watermarkings. Instead, there are practical interests in designing semi-fragile AWs for binary images that resist: a. b. c.
Lossy JBIG2 compression Geometric attacks, that is, rotation, scaling, translation, and cropping Print-scan and photocopy
Let us consider the possibilities of developing these semi-fragile AWs: a.
The JBIG2 standard has been developed by the joint bi-level experts group (JBIG) for the HI¿FLHQWORVVOHVVDQGORVV\FRPSUHVVLRQRIEL level (black and white) images. It is capable of compressing black and white documents considerably more than the more commonly used CCITT Group 4 TIFF compression. It was incorporated to the well-known PDF format. To our knowledge, there is no semifragile watermarking for binary images that resists to different levels of lossy JBIG2 compression. In the Data Hiding in JBIG2&RPSUHVVHG,PDJHV'+7&- section, we
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
discuss a DH technique named DHTCJ that embed bits in JBIG2-compressed images (both lossy or lossless). This technique is not semi-fragile, and consequently the hidden bits will be lost if the watermarked image is re-compressed to different compression levels. The hidden bits can be extracted from the bitmap image obtained by uncompressing JBIG2 image. There are many watermarking techniques for continuous-tone images that can resist geometric distortions. For example, Kutter (1998) replicates the same watermark several times at horizontally and vertically shifted locations. The multiple embedding of the watermark results in additional autocorrelaWLRQSHDNV%\DQDO\]LQJWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ RIWKHH[WUDFWHGSHDNVWKHDI¿QHGLVWRUWLRQ applied to the image can be determined and inverted. Pereira and Pun (2000) and Pereira, Ruanaidh, Deguillaume, Csurka, Pun (2000), and Lin et al. (2001) present watermarking resistant to geometric distortions based on the logpolar or log-log maps. The technique presented by Kutter (1998) can be applied to halftone binary images. For example, Chun and Ha (2004) insert spatially replicated registration dots to detect WKHDI¿QHGLVWRUWLRQLQZDWHUPDUNHGKDOIWRQH images. It seems that the logpolar transform cannot be directly applied to halftone images, because discrete halftone dots cannot withstand continuous logpolar transform. There are only a few DH techniques for nonhalftone binary images that resist geometric distortions. They can be based on inserting and detecting some synchronization marks (Wu & Liu, 2004) or using document boundaries. Kim and Mayer (2007) present a geometric distortion-resistant DH technique for printed non-halftone binary images based on tiny, hardly visible synchronization dots. However, a watermarking or DH
technique that resists geometric attacks is not automatically a semi-fragile AW resistant to geometric distortions. In our opinion, a robust hashing must be somehow integrated to geometric distortion-resistant watermarking to yield geometric distortion-resistant semi-fragile AW. Robust hashing h(A), also called perceptual image hashing or media KDVKLQJLVDYDOXHWKDWLGHQWL¿HVWKHLPDJH A (Schneider & Chang, 1996). Moreover, given two images A and B, the distance D between the hashing must be somehow proportional to the perceptual visual difference of the images A and B. Lu and Hsu (2005) present a robust hashing for continuous-tone image that withstand geometric-distortion. In short, to our knowledge, there is still no geometric distortion-resistant semi-fragile AW for binary images. There are some DH techniques for binary images robust to print-photocopy-scan. Data may be embedded imperceptibly in printed text by altering some measurable property of a font such as position of a character or font size (Brassil, Low, & Maxemchuk, 1999; Maxemchuk & Low, 1997). Bhattacharjya and Ancin (1999) and Borges and Mayer (2007) insert the hidden data by modulating the luminance of the some elements of the binary image (for example, individual characters). These elements are printed in halftone, and the average brightness, standard deviation, or other features are used to extract the hidden bits. Kim and Mayer (2007) print tiny barely visible dots that carry information. The information hidden in these dots survive the photocopy operation. However, a DH that resists print-photocopyscan is not automatically a semi-fragile AW that resists print-photocopy-scan. We are not aware of any semi-fragile AW for binary images that resists print-photocopy-scan distortion.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
This publication discusses only fragile AWs for binary images in digital form, because as we considered previously, semi-fragile AWs are seemingly still in development. A possible application of AW for binary images is in Internet fax transmission, that is, for legal authentication of documents routed outside the phone network. Let us suppose that Alice wants to send an authenticated binary document to Bob. She watermarks the binary image using her private key and sends it to Bob through an unreliable channel. Bob receives the watermarked document and, using Alice’s public key, can verify that Alice signed the document and that it was not PRGL¿HGDIWHUZDWHUPDUNLQJLW%REVHQGVDFRS\ of the document to Carol, and she also can verify the authenticity and integrity of the document by the same means. Friedman (1993) introduced the concept of “trustworthy digital camera.” In the proposed camera, the image is authenticated as it emerges from the camera. To accomplish this, the camera SURGXFHVWZRRXWSXW¿OHVIRUHDFKFDSWXUHGLPDJH the captured image and an encrypted DS produced by applying the camera’s unique private key embedded within the camera’s secure microprocessor. Using watermarking, the DS can be embedded into the image. This scheme can be applied to scanners that scan binary documents using the AW techniques presented in this chapter. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. In the second section, we describe some DH techniques for binary images. In the third section, we analyze which DH techniques are adequate to be used in binary image AWs. In the fourth section, we analyze the state of the art in cryptography, describing how to get short MACs and DSs without compromising the security. In WKH ¿IWK VHFWLRQ ZH GHVFULEH KRZ WR VSDWLDOO\ localize the alterations in the watermarked stegoimage. In the sixth section, we present an AW for JBIG2-compressed binary images. The creation of secure AWs for compressed binary images is
an important practical problem, because uncompressed binary images use to be very large and can be compressed with high compression rates. In the seventh section, we present a reversible DH for binary images and show how to use it as an AW. Reversible DH allows recovering the original cover image exactly (besides allowing to insert a sequence of bits in the image with small visual deterioration and to recover it later). Finally, in WKH¿QDOWZRVHFWLRQVZHSUHVHQWRXUFRQFOXVLRQV and future research.
DATA HIDING TECHNIQUES FOR BINARY IMAGES Many papers in the literature describe methods for inserting a sequence of bits in binary and halftone images. They can be divided into three basic classes: 1.
Component-wise: Change the characteristics of some pixel groups, for example, the thickness of strokes, the position or the area of characters and words, and so forth (Brassil et al., 1999; Maxemchuk & Low, 1997). Unfortunately, the success of this approach depends highly on the type of the cover image. Pixel-wise: Change the values of individual pixels. Those pixels can be chosen randomly (Fu & Au, 2000) or according to some visual impact measure (Kim, 2005; Mei, Wong, & Memon, 2001). Block-wise: Divide the cover image into blocks and modify some characteristic of each block to hide the data. Some papers suggest changing the parity (or the quantization) of the number of black pixels in each block :X /LX 2WKHUVVXJJHVWÀLSSLQJ RQHVSHFL¿FSL[HOLQWKHEORFNZLWKm pixels to insert ¬log 2 (m 1) ¼ bits (Chang, Tseng, & Lin, 2005; Tseng, Chen, & Pan, 2002).
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
,QWKLVVHFWLRQZHSUHVHQWEULHÀ\VRPHRIWKH aforementioned DH techniques that will be used to obtain AWs:
Data Hiding by Self-Toggling (DHST, Pixel-Wise) DHST is probably the simplest DH technique IRUELQDU\LPDJHV)X $X.LP $¿I 2004). In DHST, a pseudo-random number generator with a known seed generates a sequence v of pseudo-random non-repeating data-bearing locations within the image. Then one bit is embedded in each data-bearing location by forcing it to be either black or white. To extract the data, the same sequence v is generated and the values of the data-bearing pixels of v are extracted. This technique is adequate primarily for dispersed-dot halftone images. Otherwise, images watermarked by this technique will present salt-and-pepper noise.
Data Hiding by Template Ranking (DHTR, Block-Wise) In DHTR (Kim & De Queiroz, 2004; Wu & Liu, 2004), the cover image is divided into blocks (say, 8u8). One bit is inserted in each block by forcing the block to have even or odd number of black pixels. If the block already has the desired parity, it is left untouched. Otherwise, toggle the pixel in the block with the lowest visual impact. Figure 1 depicts one of many possible tables with 3u3 patterns in increasing visual impact order of their central pixels. As different blocks may have different quantities of low visibility pixels, it is suggested to VKXIÀH the image before embedding GDWD 7KLV VKXIÀLQJ PXVW XVH D GDWD VWUXFWXUH WKDW DOORZV DFFHVVLQJ ERWK WKH VKXIÀHG LPDJH (to distribute evenly low visible pixels among WKHEORFNV DQGWKHRULJLQDOXQVKXIÀHGLPDJHWR allow computing the visual impact of a pixel by
Figure 1. A 3×3 template ranking in increasing visual impact order with symmetrical central pixels. +DWFKHGSL[HOVPDWFKHLWKHUEODFNRUZKLWHSL[HOVQRWHWKDWDOOSDWWHUQVKDYHKDWFKHGFHQWUDOSL[HOV The score of a given pattern is that of the matching template with the lowest impact. Mirrors, rotations and reverses of each pattern have the same score.
Figure 2. Distribution of candidate pixels to bear data, using 3×3 neighborhoods to evaluate visual impact scores
(a) Non-overlapping neighborhoods.
(b) Neighborhoods that do not contain another candidate to bear data.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
Data Hiding by Template Ranking with Symmetrical Central Pixels (DHTC, Pixel-Wise)
DHTC is another pixel-based DH technique (Kim, 2005). Here, the sequence v of data-bearing locations is chosen according to some visual impact score, instead of randomly selected as in DHST. The pixels with low visual impact are selected SUHIHUHQWLDOO\WREHDUWKHGDWD+RZHYHUÀLSSLQJ data-bearing pixels may modify the visual scores of the neighboring pixels, and consequently make it impossible to reconstruct v in the data extraction. This problem is solved by: (1) using visual impact scores that do not depend on the value of its central pixel (Figure 1); (2) choosing data-bearing pixels such that their neighborhoods (used to compute the visual scores) do not contain another data-bearing pixel (Figure 2b). In the original paper, the author stated that the data-bearing pixels’ neighborhoods should not overlap (Figure 2a); however, we noticed that it is enough that the neighborhoods of data-bearing pixels do not FRQWDLQ DQRWKHU GDWDEHDULQJ SL[HO ¿JXUH E increasing the data embedding capacity. DHTC insertion algorithm is: 1.
Let be given a cover image Z and n bits of data to be inserted into Z. Construct the sequence v of candidate pixels to bear data, as explained above.
Sort v in increasing order using the visual scores as the primary-key and non-repeating pseudo-random numbers as the secondary-key. The secondary-key prevents from embedding the data mostly in the upper part of the image. Embed nELWVRIGDWDÀLSSLQJLIQHFHVVDU\ the n ¿UVW SL[HOV RI v. Those n pixels are called data-bearing pixels.
Mei et al. (2001) present another technique based on similar ideas. The images watermarked E\'+7&KDYHKLJKYLVXDOTXDOLW\EHFDXVHLWÀLSV preferentially the pixels with low visual impact.
Chang, Tseng, and Lin’s Data Hiding (DHCTL, Block-Wise) Tseng et al. (2002) present a block-wise DH WHFKQLTXHWKDWPRGL¿HVDWPRVWWZRSL[HOVLQD block with m pixels to insert ¬log 2 (m 1)¼ bits. Chang et al. (2005) improved this technique to insert the same number of bits by modifying one bit at most. We will explain Chang et al.’s ideas through an example, instead of giving general formulas. Let us suppose that the cover binary image is divided into blocks with 2u4 pixels. In this case, each block can hide 3 bits. The pixels of a block receive serial numbers ranging from 001 to 111, as in Figure 3a (some numbers, as 001 in the example, may be repeated). Figure 3b represents the cover block to be watermarked. This block is currently hiding the number 011
111 = 001 (exclusive-or of the serial numbers of the pixels with value 1). Let us suppose that the number 101 is to be hidden in this block. To modify the hidden
Figure 3. Illustration of DHCTL
001 010 011 100 101 110 111 001
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
(a) Binary “serial numbers.”
(b) Cover block to watermark.
(c) Block with hidden 101.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
101 = 100. Figure 3c depicts the resulting block. A stego-image marked by this technique will present salt-and-pepper noise, because no visual impact was taken into DFFRXQWWRFKRRVHWKHÀLSSLQJSL[HOV
AUTHENTICATION WATERMARKING FOR BINARY IMAGES Cryptography-based AWs can be subdivided in three groups: 1.
Keyless: Keyless AW is useful for detecting unintentional alterations in images. It is a sort of check-sum. Cryptographic one-way hashing functions can be used to obtain the integrity index to be inserted in the cover image to certify its integrity. Secret key: In a secret-key AW, there must exist a secret key known only by the image generator (say Alice) and the image receiver (say Bob). Alice computes the MAC of the image to be protected using the secret key and inserts it into the image itself. Then, the marked stego-image is transmitted to Bob through an unreliable channel. Bob uses the secret key to verify that the image ZDVQRWPRGL¿HGDIWHUEHLQJZDWHUPDUNHG by Alice. Public key: In a public-key AW, claims of image integrity and authenticity can be settled without disclosing any private information. Alice, the image generator, computes the DS of the image using her private key and inserts it into the image. Only Alice can compute the correct DS, because only she knows her private key. Then, the stego-image is transmitted through an unreliable channel. Anyone that receives the stego-image can verify its authenticity (i.e., whether the image really came from Alice) and integrity (i.e., ZKHWKHUWKHLPDJHZDVQRWPRGL¿HGDIWHU
being marked by Alice) using the Alice’s public key. An AW scheme (of any of the previous three groups) can either answer only a Boolean response (whether the image contains a valid watermark or not) or insert/extract a logo image (a valid logo will be extracted only if the stego-image is authentic). Introductory books on cryptography, such as Schneier (1996), explain in more detail, concepts like one-way hashing, MAC and DS. A DH technique can be transformed into an AW computing MAC/DS of the whole image and inserting it into the image itself. However, inserting the MAC/DS alters the image and consequently alters its MAC/DS, invalidating the watermark. This problem can be solved by dividing the cover image Z in two regions Z1 and Z2, computing the MAC/DS of Z2, and inserting it into Z1. Let us examine how this idea can be applied to the four DH techniques described in the previous section.
Authentication Watermarking by Self-Toggling (AWST) AWST is obtained applying the previous idea to DHST. In this case, region Z1 where the MAC/DS will be inserted corresponds to the pixels that belong to the sequence v of data-bearing locations. We describe below the secret-key version of this algorithm that inserts and extracts a logo binary image. The other versions can be derived straightforwardly. Figure 4 illustrates this process. 1.
Let Z be a cover binary image to be watermarked and let L be a binary logo. The number of pixels of L must be equal to the length of the chosen one-way hashing function H. Use a pseudo-random number generator with a known seed to generate a sequence v of non-repeating pseudo-random data-bearing locations within the image Z.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
Let Z2 be the pixels of Z that do not belong to v, that is, Z2 m Z \ v. Compute the integrity index H = H(Z2), exclusive-or H with L, and encrypt the result with the secret key, generating the MAC S. Insert S ÀLSSLQJ LI QHFHVVDU\ WKH SL[HOV of the sequence v, generating the protected stego-image Z’.
The AWST extraction algorithm is: 1.
2. 3.
4. 5.
Let Z c be an AWST-marked image. Generate again the sequence of data-bearing pixels v. Let Z 2c m Z c \ v . Compute the integrity index H H ( Z 2c ). Extract the hidden data from Z c scanning the pixels in v and decrypt it using the secret key, obtaining the decrypted data D. Exclusive-or H with D, obtaining the check image C. If C is equal to the inserted logo image L, WKH ZDWHUPDUN LV YHUL¿HG 2WKHUZLVH WKH stego-image Z c KDV EHHQ PRGL¿HG RU D wrong key has been used).
We suggest using AWCTL (see the Authentication watermarking derived from Chang, Tseng DQG/LQ¶VGDWDKLGLQJ$:&7/ section) instead of AWST, because the former has more data hiding capacity than the latter and an equivalent visual quality.
Authentication Watermarking by Template Ranking (AWTR) and Parity Atacks AWTR can be directly derived from the corresponding DH technique by dividing the cover image Z in two regions Z1 and Z2; computing the MAC/DS of Z2; and inserting it into Z1. However, some caution must be taken in transforming a DH scheme into an AW, because although the region Z2 is well protected (with the security assured
by the cryptography theory), the region Z1 is not. For example, let us take the DH scheme that inserts one bit per connected component, forcing it to have even or odd number of black pixels. A connected component can be forced to have the desired parity by toggling one of its boundary pixels. This scheme can be transformed into an AW using the previously described idea. Yet, a malicious hacker can arbitrarily alter the region Z1, without being noticed by the AW scheme, as long as the parities of all connected components remain unaltered. For example, a character a in Z1 region can be changed into an e (or any other character that contains only one connected component) as long as its parity remains unchanged. We refer to this as a parity attack. In AWTR, the blocks of Z1FDQEHPRGL¿HGZLWKRXWEHLQJGHWHFWHGE\ the watermark, as long as their parities remain unchanged. To avoid parity attacks, we suggest using AWTC (see the AW by template ranking ZLWKV\PPHWULFDOFHQWUDOSL[HOV$:7& section) instead of AWTR.
AW by Template Ranking with Symmetrical Central Pixels (AWTC) Surprisingly, the simple AWST cannot be assaulted by parity attacks. This happens because, in AWST, the number of pixels in Z1 region is exactly equal to the length of the adopted MAC/DS. All image pixels (except the n pixels that will bear the n bits of the MAC/DS) are taken into account to compute the AS. Consequently, any alteration of Z2 region can be detected because it changes the integrity index of the stego-image, and any alteration of Z1 region can also be detected because it changes the stored MAC/DS. The probability of not detecting an alteration is only 2-n (where n is the length of MAC/DS), which can be neglected. An image watermarked by AWTR presents high visual quality, but it can be assaulted by parity attacks. On the other hand, an image watermarked by AWST is noisy, but it cannot be assaulted by parity attacks. Is it possible to design
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
(b) Logo image L (32× 32 pixels). (a) Part of 512 ×512 cover halftone image Z.
(d) Check image C extracted from Z’. (c) Part of watermarked stego image Z’. 1024 bits were embedded.
(f) Check image C extracted from X’. (e) Part of the modified image X’.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
an AW with AWTR’s visual quality and AWST’s security? Fortunately, AWTC (derived directly from DHTC) has high visual quality and is immune to parity attacks. Figure 5 illustrates this technique. A page of a magazine was scanned at 300 dpi (Figure 5a) and watermarked by AWTC with 10240-bits long MAC (much longer than the usual), resulting in Figure 5b. Note in Figure 5c that only low-visibility pixels located at borders RIFKDUDFWHUVZHUHÀLSSHG
Authentication Watermarking Derived from Chang, Tseng and Lin’s Data Hiding (AWCTL) 6RPHWLPHVZHPD\QRWEHLQWHUHVWHGLQÀLSSLQJ only low-visibility pixels, for example, to watermarking a dispersed-dot halftone image. In this case, it is possible to use AWST. However, a better technique can be obtained converting DHCTL into an AW. The advantage of AWCTL over AWST is that the MAC/DS can be embedded into the FRYHULPDJHÀLSSLQJDVPDOOHUQXPEHURISL[HOV For example, using blocks with 255 pixels, 1024ELWVORQJ0$&'6FDQEHHPEHGGHGÀLSSLQJDW most 128 pixels in AWCTL (instead of 1024 bits as in AWST). AWCTL can be assaulted by parity attack only if log 2 (m 1) is not an integer (m is the number
of pixels of a block). Consider Figure 3a, where two pixels have received the same serial number ,IWKHVHWZRSL[HOVDUHÀLSSHGWRJHWKHUWKH data hidden in the block will not change. If a KDFNHU ÀLSV WRJHWKHU DQ\ WZR SL[HOV LQ D EORFN with the same serial number, this alteration will not be detected by the watermarking scheme. However, if log 2 (m 1) is an integer, there is no set of pixels with the same serial number, and thus this attack becomes impossible.
PUBLIC- AND SECRET-KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY FOR AUTHENTICATION WATERMARKING The very nature of any watermark requires minimizing the amount of data embedded in the cover image (to avoid deteriorating the quality of the resulting image) and maximizing the processing speed (due to the naturally high number of signatures one must generate and verify in realistic images, especially when spatial localization of alterations is involved). In cryptographic terms, the signatures inserted in a cover image must be as compact as possible, and its processing must EHDVHI¿FLHQWDVIHDVLEOH
(a) Cover document.
(b) Stego document.
(c) Flipped pixels.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
To address these requirements, watermarking schemes usually adopt either public-key DSs like Schnorr (1991), BLS (Boneh, Lynn, & Shacham, 2002), and ZSNS (Zhang, Safavi-Naini, & Susilo, 2004) (the latter two based on the concept of bilinear pairings), or secret-key message authentication codes like CMAC (NIST, 2005) and Galois-CarterWegman (McGrew & Viega, 2005) (adopted in existing standards and/or worth of note due to their high performance). Schemes based on the former cryptographic primitives have unique properties OLNHSXEOLFYHUL¿DELOLW\ZKHUHE\GHWHFWLQJDQGRU verifying a watermark does not imply revealing private information), while schemes based on the latter are usually much faster (as much as two orders of magnitude). :HQRZEULHÀ\UHYLHZWKH%/6DQG&0$& algorithms, which seem most suitable for watermark-based image authentication.
BLS Signatures The signature algorithm we now describe makes use of notions from algebraic geometry; the interested reader can refer to Cohen et al. (2005) for a thorough exposition of the concepts involved. BLS signatures adopt as public parameters: an elliptic curve EGH¿QHGRYHUD¿QLWH¿HOG*)q) and the VDPHFXUYHRYHUDQH[WHQVLRQ¿HOG*)qk); two points P E(GF(q)) and Q E(GF(qk)) of prime order r; a cryptographically secure hash function H: I o ¢P² where I is the set of all valid images (or image blocks); and a bilinear pairing e: ¢P² u ¢Q² o GF(qk) satisfying the relations e(P, Q) z 1 and e(xP, Q) = e(P, xQ) for any integer x. For VHFXULW\DQGHI¿FLHQF\UHDVRQVW\SLFDOO\ORJ2 r | 160 bits for k = 6; suitable parameters matching these constraints can be constructed using the MNT technique (Miyaji, Nakabayashi, & Takano, 2001). The entity (called the signer) wishing to create a BLS-based watermark establishes a key pair (s, V), where the secret key s is an integer
randomly selected in range 1 to r-1, and the public key is the curve point V = sQ. To sign an image block b I, the signer computes B = H(b) and S = sB; the signature is the point S. To verify the received signature of a received image block b, any interested party (called the YHUL¿HU) computes B = H(b) and checks that e(S, Q) = e(B, V). This protocol works because, if the received block and signature are authentic, then e(S, Q) = e(sB, Q) = e(B, sQ) = e(B, V). The signature size is only log2 r, hence typically 160 bits; by comparison, a typical RSA signature for the same security level is 1024-bits long.
CMAC Message Authentication Code The CMAC message authentication code is de¿QHGIRUDQXQGHUO\LQJEORFNFLSKHUE accepting a k-bit secret key to encrypt n-bit data blocks. Typically the cipher is either 3DES (k = 168 bits and n = 64 bits) or AES (k = 128, 192 or 256 bits and n = 128 bits). We write EK (b) for the encryption of a data block b under the key K with cipher E. CMAC authentication tags have an arbitrary size t between n/2 and n bits, with recommended values t = 64 for 3DES and t = 96 for AES. Both the VLJQHUDQGWKHYHUL¿HUPXVWNQRZWKHNH\K. The image to be signed is assumed to be partitioned into blocks b1, …, bm according to some conventional ordering, with all blocks except possibly the last one being n bits in length; for convenience, ZHGH¿QHDGXPP\EORFNb0 consisting of binary zeroes. Let L = EK (0n) be the encryption of a string of n binary zeroes under the key K, viewed as a polynomial L(x LQWKH¿QLWH¿HOG*)n). Let 2L and 4L respectively stand for the polynomials xL(x) and x2L(x LQWKHVDPH¿QLWH¿HOG1RWLFH that, on the assumption that K is not a weak key for the cipher E, neither of L, 2L, or 4L consists exclusively of binary zeroes. To generate a CMAC authentication tag, the signer computes ci = EK (bi XOR ci–1) for i = 1, …, m±DQG¿QDOO\cm = EK (pad(bm) XOR cm–1) where
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
pad(bm) = bm XOR 2L if the length |bm| of bm is exactly n, or else pad(bm) = (bm || 1 || 0*) XOR 4L if |bm| is strictly smaller than n, where XOR stands for bitwise exclusive-or, || stands for bit string concatenation, and 0* denotes a (possible empty) string of binary zeroes long enough to complete an n-bit string (thus in this context the length of 0* is n – |bm| – 1). The CMAC tag is the value of cm truncated to the t leftmost bits. To verify a &0$&WDJWKHYHUL¿HUUHSHDWVWKLVFRPSXWDWLRQ for the received image and compares the result with the received tag.
SPATIALLY LOCALIZING THE ALTERATIONS Watermarks that are capable of not only detecting, but also spatially localizing alterations in stegoimages with a previously established resolution are called topological. Wong (1998) has proposed a topological scheme that consists of dividing the cover continuous-tone image in blocks, computing MAC/DS of each block, and inserting the UHVXOW0$&'6LQWRWKHOHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELWVRI the block. Similar ideas can be applied to binary images as well. However, Wong’s (1998) and other topological schemes succumb to a number of attacks, ranging from simple copy-and-paste attacks (whereby individually signed image blocks taken from legitimate images are undetectably copied onto equally sized blocks of other images or different positions in the same images) to the subtler transplantation attacks and advanced birthday attacks. Only a few proposed watermarking techniques can effectively counter these shortcomings, by introducing either non-deterministic or unbounded context to the generated signatures. :H¿UVWH[DPLQHWKHSULQFLSOHVRIWKHDIRUHmentioned attacks, and then we show how to construct topological watermarking schemes that are able to resist them.
Transplantation Attacks Assume that an authentication scheme adds locality context to the signed data, in the sense that the signature of an image region Y depends also on the contents and coordinates of another region X; denote this relation between the regions by X o Y. Also, write X ~Y if regions X and Y share the same contents (pixel values). Suppose that an opponent obtains two sets S and T of signed regions satisfying the relations: AS o US o BS o CS, AT o VT o BT o CT, where AS ~ AT, BS ~ BT, and CS ~ CT, but US z VT. If each region carries along its own authentication tag, the pair of regions (US , BS) is undetectably interchangeable with the pair (VT, BT), regardless of the signature algorithm being used.
Advanced Birthday Attacks Let f be a subjective function whose range consists of 2n distinct values, and suppose that a sequence ( f1, f2, . . . , f k) of values output by f is uniformly distributed at random in the range of f. The probability that two equal values occur in this sequence gets larger than ½ as soon as the sequence length becomes O(2n/2). This purely stochastic phenomenon does not depend on the details of f, and is known as the birthday paradox (Stinson, 2002). Assume that the signatures are n bits long, and suppose that a valid message contains three regions satisfying the relations:
L o M o R. A naïve approach to forge a block M’ in place of M would be to collect O(2n/2) valid signatures from unrelated blocks (possibly from other images authenticated by the same signer) and to create O(2n/2) semantically equivalent variants of M’;
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
by the birthday paradox, with high probability at least one collected signature sM’WKDW¿WVRQH of the variants of M’. But since the signature of R depends on the contents of MLWVYHUL¿FDWLRQ will almost certainly fail, not only thwarting this attack but still being capable of locating the forgery with a positional error of just one block. However, a clever attacker can still subvert any such scheme with a somewhat larger effort. Given O(23n/5) collected signatures, the strategy is to create O(23n/5) forged variants of M’ and also O(23n/5) forged variants of L’, and then to search the database for three signatures sL’, sM’, sR that ¿WWKHUHVXOWLQJUHODWLRQV L’ o M’ o R. By the birthday paradox, with high probability at least one such triple exists. Alternatively, the attack could be mounted from a database of O(2n/2) collected signatures as in the naïve approach, as long as the forger creates O(23n/4) variants of each of L’ and M’. This attack works whenever the context used in the signatures are limited and deterministic, regardless of the details of the signature algorithm.
Hash Block Chaining (HBC) and Other Schemes Perhaps the simplest way to thwart the aforementioned attacks against topological watermarks is by adopting non-deterministic signatures and extending dependencies of the form X o Y to (X, signature(X)) o Y. A signature scheme is said to be non-deterministic if the computation of hash values and generation of signatures depend on one-time private random nonces (Schnorr signatures, for instance, are essentially nonGHWHUPLQLVWLF 6LQFH WKH PRGL¿HG GHSHQGHQF\ relation, noted previously, effectively creates a chain of hash values (i.e., the non-deterministic hash of X is included in the computation of the
hash of Y and so on), the resulting scheme is called hash block chaining (Barreto et al., 2002), by analogy to the cipher block chaining mode used for data encryption. The image dimensions (M lines and N columns) are also relevant for locating alterations and hence are usually present in the dependency relation, which becomes (M, N, X, signature(X)) o Y. For binary document images, there may be many entirely white blocks. If these blocks were watermarked, they would be contaminated by salt-and-pepper noise. To avoid this, instead of watermarking them directly, one can adopt a dependency of form (M, N, X, signature(X), k) o Y, where k is the number of white blocks between blocks X and Y. Few other topological schemes are able to thwart the advanced attacks described previously. It is possible to avoid non-deterministic context by adopting a t-ary tree organization of signatures, whereby the individually signed image blocks are grouped into sets of t blocks, each set being individually signed as well; in turn, these sets are grouped into sets of t sets and so on, up to one single set covering the whole image, each intermediate set receiving its own signature (Celik, Sharma, Saber, & Tekalp, 2002b). The advantage of using this method is that, when the image is legitimate, only the upper level signature needs WREHYHUL¿HG7KHGLVDGYDQWDJHVDUHWKHODFNRI resolution in alteration localization within a set of blocks (where even the copy-and-paste attack can be mounted) and the larger amount of data that needs to be inserted in the cover image (twice as much for a typical arity of t = 2, which minimizes the resolution loss).
DATA HIDING IN JBIG2COMPRESSED IMAGES (DHTCJ) The creation and implementation of secure AWs for compressed binary images is an important practical problem, because scanned documents
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
are usually large binary images, which may be stored in compressed formats in order to save the storage space. JBIG2 is an international standard for compressing bi-level images (both lossy and lossless) (Howard, Kossentini, Martins, Forchhammer, & Rucklidge, 1998; International Organization for Standardization [ISO], 1999). In this standard, the image is decomposed in several regions (text, halftone and generic) and each region is compressed using the most appropriate method. In this section, we will describe a DH technique named DHTCJ, derived from DHTC (see the Data hiding by template ranking with symmetrical central pixels (DHTC, pixel-wise) section), that hides data in the text region of JBIG2-compressed binary images (Pamboukian & Kim, 2005). DHST and DHCTL are not adequate to watermark JBIG2 text region because they introduce salt-and-pepper noise, and DHTR is not adequate because of the parity attacks. A JBIG2 text region is coded using two kinds of segments: (1) symbol dictionary segment that contains bitmaps of the characters present in the text region and (2) text region segment that describes locations of characters within the text region, with references to the symbol dictionary. Many instances of a character can refer to the same symbol in the dictionary, increasing the compression rate. The compression is lossy if similar instances can refer to a unique symbol in the dictionary, and lossless if only identical instances can refer to a single symbol. The following algorithm embeds information in a JBIG2 text region: 1.
Let be given a JBIG2-encoded image Y and n bits of data to be inserted into Y. Decode the text region of Y, obtaining the uncompressed binary image Z. Construct the sequence v of candidate pixels to bear the data and sort it as described in DHTC (see the Data hiding by template ranking with symmetrical central pixels '+7&SL[HOZLVH section).
Identify in the text region segment the symbols that contain the n¿UVWSL[HOVRIWKH sorted sequence v and their references to the symbols to bear the data in the symbol dictionary segment. Note that the number of data bearing symbols (DBSs) can be smaller than n, because each symbol can bear more than one bit. Verify how many times each DBS is referenced in the text region segment. If there is only one reference, the data will be stored in the original symbol. If there is more than one reference, the symbol must be duplicated and inserted at the end of symbol dictionary segment. The data will be inserted in the duplicated symbol, instead of the original. The reference to the symbol in the text region VHJPHQWVKRXOGDOVREHPRGL¿HG Insert nELWVRIGDWDLQWKH'%6VE\ÀLSSLQJ if necessary, the n¿UVWSL[HOVRIWKHVRUWHG sequence v.
Special care must be taken to avoid connection or disconnection of the DBSs. To simplify the implementation, we suggest using the template ranking depicted in Figure 6, where only the templates that cannot cause symbol connection or disconnection are listed. DHTCJ data extraction algorithm is straightforward, as well as the derivation of an AW technique. Images watermarked with DHTCJ have pleasant visual quality, as can be seen in Figure 7.
REVERSIBLE DATA-HIDING FOR BINARY IMAGES Most DH techniques modify and distort the cover image in order to insert the additional information. This distortion is usually small but irreversible. Reversible DH techniques insert the information by modifying the cover image, but enable the exact (lossless) restoration of the original image after extracting the embedded information from
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
the stego-image. Some authors (Awrangjeb & Kankanhalli, 2004; Celik, Sharma, Tekalp, & Saber, 2005; Shi, 2004) classify reversible DHs in two types: 1.
Techniques that make use of additive spread spectrum techniques (Fridrich, Goljan, & Du, 2001; Honsinger, Jones, Rabbani, & Stoffel, 2001, see the Authentication Watermarking for Binary Images section). Techniques where some portions of the host signal are compressed to provide space to store the net payload data (Awrangjeb & Kankanhalli, 2004; Celik et al., 2005; Celik, Sharma, Tekalp, & Saber, 2002a; Fridrich et al., 2001, see the Public- and Secret-Key Cryptography for Authentication Watermarking and Spatially Localizing the Alterations sections; Fridrich, Goljan, & Du, 2002; Ni et al., 2004; Tian, 2002, 2003).
errors of low visibility pixels to obtain the space to store the hidden data. In RDTC (as in most reversible DH of the second type) two kinds of information must be embedded in the host image: the compressed data to allow recovering the original image and the net payload data to be hidden. That is, the n data bearing pixels’ (DBPs’) original values are compressed in order to create space to store the SD\ORDGGDWD7KHUHDUHVRPHGLI¿FXOWLHVWRFRPpress the DBPs’ original values. Most compression algorithms based on redundancy and dictionaries do not work, because the next bit cannot be predicted based on the previous bits since they correspond to the pixels dispersed throughout the whole image. The solution we found is to compress the prediction errors of DBPs’ values, using its neighborhood as the side-information. We tested two prediction schemes: 1.
8VXDOO\WKHWHFKQLTXHVRIWKH¿UVWW\SHFDQKLGH only a few bits, while the techniques of the second type have more data hiding capacity. This section presents a reversible DH of the second type for binary images, named reversible data hiding by template ranking with symmetrical central pixels (RDTC) (Pamboukian & Kim, 2006). Although there are many reversible DH techniques for continuous-tone images, to our knowledge RDTC LVWKHRQO\SXEOLVKHGUHYHUVLEOH'+VSHFL¿FDOO\ designed for binary images. It is based on DHTC and uses the Golomb code to compress prediction
A pixel can be either of the same color or of the different color than the majority of its spatial neighboring pixels. Let us assume WKDW WKH ¿UVW K\SRWKHVLV LV PRUH SUREDEOH than the second. Let b be the number of black neighbor pixels of a DBP (using 3×3 templates, a DBP has eight neighbor pixels). The prediction is correct (represented by 0) if the original DBP is black and b>4, or if it is white and b2WKHUZLVHWKHSUHGLFWLRQ is wrong (represented by 1). If this prediction is reasonable, the predicted value and the true value should be the same with prob-
Figure 6. Set of 3×3 templates designed to be used with DHTCJ, in increasing visual impact order. Only the templates that do not cause symbol connection or disconnection are listed. Hatched pixels match either black or white pixels. The score of a given pattern is that of the matching template with the lowest impact. Mirrors, rotations and reverses of each pattern have the same score.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
(a) Part of the cover image.
(b) Stego image.
(c) Flipped pixels.
ability higher than 50%. As we store zero when the prediction is correct and one when it is wrong, subsequences of zeroes will be longer (in most cases) than subsequences of ones. We also tested a more elaborate prediction scheme. We constructed a table with 256 HOHPHQWV DOO SRVVLEOH FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV RI eight neighbor pixels) and, using typical binary images, determined the most probable central pixels’ colors, based on the eight QHLJKERUV¶FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV
Surprisingly, the two prediction schemes yielded almost the same results. The sequence of prediction errors consists of usually long segments of zeroes separated by usually short segments of
ones, because a zero occurs with high probability p and a one occurs with low probability 1-p. An HI¿FLHQWPHWKRGWRFRPSUHVVWKLVW\SHRILQIRUPDtion is the Golomb code (Golomb, 1966; Salomon, 7KHRULJLQDOVHTXHQFHLV¿UVWFRQYHUWHGLQ run-lengths of zeroes (sequence of non-negative integers). Then, each integer is compressed by the Golomb code. The Golomb code depends on the choice of an integer parameter mt2 and it EHFRPHVWKHEHVWSUH¿[FRGHZKHQ
ª log 2 (1 p ) º. » « log 2 p » «
The reader is referred to Golomb (1966) and Salomon (2004) for more details on the Golomb code.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
The stored compressed vector of prediction errors, together with the neighborhoods of DBPs, allows recovering the original DBPs’ values. RDTC insertion algorithm is: 1.
Let be given the binary cover image Z. Construct the sequence v of candidate pixels for bearing data as described in DHTC (the Data hiding by template ranking with symPHWULFDOFHQWUDOSL[HOV'+7&SL[HOZLVH section). Sort v in increasing order using the visual scores as the primary-key, the number of black pixels around the central pixels as the secondary-key and non-repeating pseudorandom numbers as the tertiary-key. Estimate the smallest length n of DBPs capable of storing the header (size h), the compressed vector of prediction errors (size w) and the given net payload data (size p). 7KDW LV ¿QG n WKDW VDWLV¿HV n t h+w+p. Try iteratively different values of n, until obtaining the smallest n WKDW VDWLV¿HV WKH inequality. Insert the header (the values of n, w, p and the Golomb code parameter m), the compressed vector of prediction errors and the payload E\ÀLSSLQJWKHFHQWUDOSL[HOVRIWKH¿UVWn pieces of the sorted v.
To extract the payload and recover the original image, the sequence v is reconstructed and sorted. Then, the data is extracted from the n ¿UVWFHQWUDOSL[HOVRIv. The compressed vector of prediction errors is uncompressed and used to restore the original image. To obtain AW based on a reversible DH, it is not necessary to compute the MAC/DS of a region of the cover image and store it in another region. Instead, the MAC/DS of the whole image is computed and inserted. 7KHDXWKHQWLFDWLRQFDQEHYHUL¿HGEHFDXVHLWLV possible to recover the original image Z and the stored MAC/DS.
We have embedded the data at the beginning of v, because this part has the least visible pixels. However, they cannot be predicted accurately, because usually they have similar number of black and white pixels in their neighborhoods (since they are boundary pixels). As we move forward in the YHFWRUZH¿QGSL[HOVWKDWFDQEHSUHGLFWHGPRUH accurately, but with more visual impact. To obtain DKLJKHUHPEHGGLQJFDSDFLW\VDFUL¿FLQJWKHYLVXDO quality), we can scan the vector v searching for a segment that allows a better compression. In this case, the initial index of the embedded data in v must also be stored in the header. Table 1 shows the number n of needed DBPs to hide 165 bits of payload at the beginning of v (the best quality) and in a segment that allows the best compression. In the latter case, the values of 176 pixels could be compressed to only 11 bits. Table 1 also VKRZVWKHPD[LPXPDPRXQWıRIELWVWKDWFDQEH reversibly inserted in each image. A reversible fragile authentication watermarking can be easily derived from RDTC, using secretkey or public/private-key ciphers. Similar reversible authentication techniques for continuous-tone images can be found in many papers on reversible DHs (for example, Dittmann, Katzenbeisser, Schallhart, & Veith, 2004; Fridrich et al., 2001). The public/private-key version of authentication watermarking insertion algorithm is: 1.
Given a binary image Z to be authenticated, compute the integrity index of Z using a oneway hashing function H = H(Z). Cryptograph the integrity index H using the private key, obtaining the digital signature S. Insert S into Z using RDTC, obtaining the watermarked stego-image Z’.
Given a stego-image Z’, extract the authentication signature S and decrypted it using the public key, obtaining the extracted integrity index E.
Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
Table 1. Insertion of 128 bits of payload and 37 bits of header in different images, where n is the numEHURI'%3VDQGZLVWKHVL]HRIWKHFRPSUHVVHG'%3VıLVWKHPD[LPXPDPRXQWRIELWVWKDWFDQEH reversibly inserted. Best quality Image description
Best compression
Size n
Computer-generated text
150 dpi scanned text
300 dpi scanned text
Extract the vector of prediction errors, uncompress it and restore the original cover image Z. Recalculate the hashing function, obtaining the check integrity index C = H(Z). If the extracted integrity index E and the check integrity-index C are the same, the image is authentic. Otherwise, the image ZDVPRGL¿HG
CONCLUSION As we have seen, it is possible to construct secure topological AW schemes for binary images in digital form, particularly for JBIG2-encoded (lossy of lossless) binary images. Such schemes, based on digital signatures or message authentication codes, can pinpoint alterations in stego-images, and are closely related to DH techniques. In this regard, we have described a reversible DH scheme for authenticating binary images in such a way that the cover image can be entirely recovered.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS Semi-fragile authentication watermarking for binary images, especially printed binary documents, is an open issue, object of future research. Hardcopy document authentication depends on three components: (1) a data hiding technique that resists print-photocopy-scanning; (2) a perceptual
hash that assigns a unique index to visually identical documents (even if these documents contain noise, are rotated, scaled, etc.), (3) and cryptographic algorithms. Among these components, only cryptography is a mature technology. The other two are still undergoing development.
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Authentication Watermarkings for Binary Images
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Howard, P. G., Kossentini, F., Martins, B., Forchhammer, S., & Rucklidge, W. J. (1998). The emerging JBIG2 Standard. IEEE Transactions on Circuit Systems of Video Technology, 8(7), 838-848. International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (1999). Information technology—Coded representation of picture and audio information— Lossy/lossless coding of bi-level images. Retrieved from http://www.jpeg.org/public/fcd14492.pdf Kim, H. Y. (2005). A new public-key authentication watermarking for binary document images resistant to parity attacks. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2, 1074-1077. .LP+I (i, j ) I 1
(i, j )@
j 1
and the PSNR is computed as:
§ M _ Intensity · 20 log¨ ¸ RMSE ¹ ©
with M_Intensity indicating the maximum intensity value in the images and RMSE indicating the squared root of MSE. I k (i, j ) represents the intensity of pixel L,M in the k-th image. The higher the PSNR value between the cover and the watermarked object is, the better the quality WKHZDWHUPDUNHG¿OHLV7KLVPHWULFVJLYHDQLGHD of the quality difference between two images or videos, so the relative values are more relevant than the absolute ones. Thus, by applying the PSNR value, we can consider how the quality difference between two images changes according to the watermarking system in use, or according to the size of the embedded watermark or, alternatively, according to the watermark strength. 7KHTXDOLW\OHYHORIWKHZDWHUPDUNHG¿OHPD\ EHVDFUL¿FHGIRUDVWURQJHUFRQVWUDLQWRQWKHUREXVW-
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
ness or when there is the need to limit the costs. In a robust watermarking system the watermark is still detectable against intentional or non-intentional attacks. The watermark should be neither removed nor distorted. An adversary performs a removal attack if he/she attempts to discover the embedded watermark and may remove it from the ZDWHUPDUNHG¿OHZKLOHDGLVWRUWLYHDWWDFNUHGXFHV the success of the watermark detection. In some sense, the watermark provides additional bandwidth that may be used to carry further information. However, watermarking leaves the object size unchanged. In addition, we observe that once the watermark is embedded, the watermark and the object become inseparable, as they undergo the same manipulations. In this chapter the attention is focused on transform-based watermarking. This approach makes watermarking robust to possible attacks and imperceptible with respect to the quality of the cover. The second section introduces the central topic of current chapter, while the third VHFWLRQLOOXVWUDWHVRXUVROXWLRQLQWKLV¿HOG7KH
fourth section concludes the chapter and outlines some future directions.
The former embeds the watermark in the spatial values, directly (for example, the pixels intensities of an image), while the latter embeds the ZDWHUPDUNLQWKHWUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWV'LIIHUHQW HPEHGGLQJDSSURDFKHVLQÀXHQFHWKHUREXVWQHVV the complexity, and the security of watermarking systems. Spatial-based watermarking is easy to realize and it has low computational complexity. On the other hand, the longer the watermark is, the more distortions are introduced in the
Figure 1. Watermark embedding in the transform domain
Spatial-basedwatermarking Transform-basedwatermarking
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
cover. Another drawback is the vulnerability to changes due to common signal processing or lossy compression. Transform-based watermarking is more appropriate for real-world applications: the ZDWHUPDUNLVKLGGHQLQWKHWUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWV to make it invisible. Many techniques rely on the FRHI¿FLHQWVSURSHUWLHVLQRUGHUWRSUHYHQWDWWDFNV against the watermarking systems. The embedding process in the transform domain, illustrated in Figure 1, consists of the following steps: 1. 2.
The cover-object A is converted in ATransf by applying some transform to A. The secret w is hidden in ATransf by changing WKHWUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWVDFFRUGLQJWRVRPH criteria. A key K may be employed in order to add security to the system. The resulting object is sTransf. An additional step is required to use the watermarked object properly; The inverse transform is applied to sTransf that produces the watermarked-object s.
Commonly, the watermark is embedded in a VHOHFWHGSDUWRIWUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWVH[FOXGLQJ WKRVHFRHI¿FLHQWVWKDWDUHUHODWHGWRWKHGLVFUHWH cosine (DC) component. In fact, modifying these FRHI¿FLHQWVPD\LPSDFWRQWKHRYHUDOOTXDOLW\GLVtortion. However, this approach may be a source of security breaches making the watermarked object vulnerable to possible attacks (Si & Li, 2004). Typical transforms are: • • • •
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) Singular value decomposition (SVD)
7KH¿UVWWKUHHWUDQVIRUPVDUHUHODWHGWRWKH frequency analysis of digital objects. Their energy compaction and frequency localization allow for more accurate and precise models of the masking properties concerning the imperceptibility and robustness requirements. A relevant property of the DCT and DWT transforms is the possibility to
fully integrate the watermark into the compression scheme. For example, existing solutions for JPEG images, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 videos embed the watermark in the DCT domain. Likewise, existing solutions for JPEG2000 images embed the watermark in the DWT domain. Images compressed by JPEG2000 are of higher quality than the ones compressed according to the JPEG scheme. The main difference between the approaches is that JPEG compression applies the DCT to blocks, while JPEG2000 applies the DWT by considering the image as a whole: the image is treated as a wave, rather than small sets of discrete pixel values. The orthonormal wavelet transform can EHLPSOHPHQWHGHI¿FLHQWO\XVLQJDS\UDPLGDOJRrithm that processes the signal by low-pass and KLJKSDVV¿OWHUVDQGGHFLPDWHVHDFKRXWSXWE\D factor of two. We remind the reader to review the next two sections for a detailed discussion on watermarking based on DCT and DWT transform. $SSOLFDWLRQVRI')7LQFOXGHFRUUHODWLRQ¿OWHULQJ and power spectrum estimation (Phillips & Parr, 1999). Several watermarking solutions are based on Fourier domain. We remind the reader to see the References section for further details. Finally, SVD can be used to obtain image coding in terms T of n basis images u i vi , which are weighted by the singular values σ i. It is interesting to use SVD for compression, especially in case of images. The key idea is that this transform captures the best possible basis vectors for the image, rather than using any compatible basis. Important properties of singular values concern their accuracy and sensitivity. In fact, small perturbations in the original matrix lead to small changes in the singular values. SVD-based watermarking is realized on the basis of these properties. We remind the reader to refer to the section on SVD-Based Watermarking for related work on this topic. In the following, we will introduce the main transforms used to represent and process multimeGLD¿OHVDQGZHZLOOGLVFXVVVRPHZDWHUPDUNLQJ algorithms based on the transform domain.
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
DCT-Based Watermarking The DCT is used to convert a signal in the frequency domain. Basically, a mathematical function f can be represented as the weighted sum of N 1 a set of functions ¦ i 0 i f i . The DCT has some connections with the DFT. In the following, the GH¿QLWLRQVRI')7'&7DQGWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJ inverse transforms are given. The DFT of a sequence s of length NLVGH¿QHG as follows:
S (k )
F ( s)
N 1 n 0
§ 2inπk · s (n) exp¨ ¸ © N ¹
The inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) of a sequence S of length N LV GH¿QHG DV IROlows:
where C (n) 1 / 2 if n 0 and C (n) 1 otherwise. Another useful concept concerns the two-dimensional version of the DCT, as it has applications in images, audio, and video processing. The 2D DCT and 2D IDCT are given by:
S (u , v)
D( s)
N 1 N 1 2 § (2 x 1)π u · C (u )C (v)¦¦ s ( x, y ) cos ¨ ¸ N 2N © ¹ x 0 y 0 § (2 y 1)π v · cos ¨ (7) ¸ 2N © ¹
s ( x, y )
D 1 ( s )
N 1 N 1
with i
F 1 ( S )
N 1 n 0
§ 2inπk · S (n) exp¨ ¸ © N ¹
1 .
The DCT of a sequence s of length NLVGH¿QHG as follows: S (k )
D( s)
C (k ) N § (2n 1)πk · s (n) cos¨ ¸ ¦ 2 n0 2N ¹ ©
(5) where C(u) = 1=p2 if n = 0 and C(n) = 1 otherwise. The inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) RI D VHTXHQFH 6 RI OHQJWK 1 LV GH¿QHG DV IROlows: s (k )
D 1 ( S )
C ( n) § (2n 1)πk · S (n) cos¨ ¸ 2 2N ¹ © 0
¦ n
§ (2 x 1)π u · ¸ 2N ¹
¦¦ C (u )C (v)S (u, v) cos ¨© u 0 v 0
s(k )
2 N
§ (2 y 1)π v · cos ¨ ¸ 2N © ¹
Among the DCT-based watermarking solutions, we describe the algorithm proposed in Cox, Kilian, Leightont, and Shamoon (1997). Their work is a milestone for robust watermarking systems. The idea is to choose the most perceptuDOO\VLJQL¿FDQWHOHPHQWVRIWKHPXOWLPHGLD¿OHDV eligible elements for watermark embedding. In this way, watermarking is robust against several kind of attacks, including the lossy compression schemes. Conversely, watermark embedding LQWKHPRVWVLJQL¿FDQWHOHPHQWVPD\LQWURGXFH XQDFFHSWDEOHGLVWRUWLRQVLQWKHZDWHUPDUNHG¿OH Distortions may be reduced if frequency-domain techniques are used instead of spatial-domain techniques. However, another issue is to choose the spectrum frequencies to be changed by watermarking. To select high frequencies for watermark embedding makes the approach not robust against FRPPRQORZSDVV¿OWHULQJ
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
The authors use the concept of spread spectrum communication in order to make distortions less noticeable: They consider the frequency domain as a communication channel and the watermark as a signal that is transmitted through it. In spread spectrum communication, a narrow-band signal is transmitted in a larger bandwidth such that the signal energy for each frequency is imperceptible. Similarly, a watermark with high signal-to-noise ratio is spread over a large number of frequencies such that the watermark energy for each frequency is imperceptible. In this way, an adversary may remove the watermark only by adding high amplitude noise to each frequency. The watermark is embedded in the DCT transform domain with the idea that each DCT FRHI¿FLHQW KDV D SHUFHSWXDO FDSDFLW\ WKDW LV D quantity measuring the additional information that could be embedded with respect to the imperceptibility requirement. The watermarking algorithm consists of the following steps: Input: The image A with N u M pixels, the watermark W of length n and the watermark VWUHQJWKĮ Output: The watermarked image A’. • •
Apply the DCT transform to the original image: J = DCT(A); &KRRVHWKHQJUHDWHVW'&7FRHI¿FLHQWVDV eligible for watermark embedding; Embed the watermark according to one of the following rules: J ' (i ) J (i ) α W (i ) ƕ J ' (i ) J (i )(1 α W (i )) ƕ J ' (i ) J (i )(e α W ( i ) ) ƕ Apply the IDCT in order to produce the watermarked image A’, that is: A’ = IDCT(J’).
Į PD\ DVVXPH WKH VDPH YDOXH IRU HDFK '&7 FRHI¿FLHQW RU LW PD\ FKDQJH DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH peculiar perceptual capacity, in order to reduce the distortion introduced by watermarking.
DWT-Based Watermarking The core of the wavelet transform is the multiresolution analysis. The idea is to decompose the image space L2 ( R ) into nesting subspaces Vm | m Z , with the following properties:
L2 ( R).
Scaling: Given a function f(t) in L2(R) it holds f (t ) Vm if f (2 m t ) V0. Orthonormality: The space V0 associates a scaling function (t ), which generates an orthonormal basis spanning V0 by translation: (t n) | n Z .
Let Wm be the orthogonal complement of
Vm Vm 1 . Then, Wm L2 ( R) . By analogy, an orthormal basis (t n) | n Z spans W0. The
basis functions are the translates of the wavelet functions (t ). The orthonormal wavelet transform can be LPSOHPHQWHG HI¿FLHQWO\ XVLQJ D S\UDPLG DOJRrithm that processes the signal by low-pass and KLJKSDVV¿OWHUVDQGGHFLPDWHVHDFKRXWSXWE\D factor of two. As for the watermark embedding in the DWT domain, Ganic and Eskicioglu (2004) propose a hybrid method, which combines the DWT with the SVD transform to realize a robust image watermarking scheme. The idea is to decompose the original image into four frequency bands according to the DWT: LL, LH, HL, HH (with L and H indicating the low-frequency and high-frequency, respectively) and apply the SVD transform to each band, separately. The DWT decomposition may be repeated until the desired resolution is reached.
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
The watermarking scheme consists of the following steps: Input: The image A with N u M pixels and the watermark W of length n. Output: The watermarked image A '. •
• • •
Apply the DWT decomposition to the original image A, thus leading to the frequency bands: LL, LH, HL, HH; Apply the SVD transform to each band; Apply the SVD transform to the watermark represented as an image; Embed the watermark, by adjusting the singular values in the frequency bands λ i , i 1" n, with the singular values of the watermark image λ wi , wi 1" n . The embedding rule is: λ *i λ i αλ wi . Substitute the singular values matrix, containing the updated singular values calculated in the previous step, into the SVD decomposition of each frequency band; Apply the inverse DWT (IDWT) transform to produce the watermarked image.
The watermark extraction is possible by reversing the previous steps: the DWT transform is applied to each frequency band and the watermark singular values are computed as:
λ wi
(λ *i λ i ) / α .
The watermark image is represented as the product of the orthogonal matrices U w , Vw and the singular values matrix, 6 w which contains the singular values λ wi as diagonal elements:
U w 6 wVw'
In particular, embedding the watermark in the LL frequency band is robust against typical lowSDVV ¿OWHULQJ LQFOXGLQJ *DXVVLDQ EOXUULQJ DQG JPEG compression, while embedding the water-
mark in the HH frequency band is robust against W\SLFDOKLJKSDVV¿OWHULQJLQFOXGLQJVKDUSHQLQJ and histogram equalization. Then, embedding the ZDWHUPDUNLQDOOIUHTXHQF\EDQGVLVVXI¿FLHQWO\ robust to a large class of attacks. Here, we illustrate a DWT-SVD watermarking scheme. However, a full discussion on SVD transform will be provided in the following section.
SVD-Based Watermarking Recently, some researchers have used the SVD domain for the watermark embedding. Advantages related to this transform concern the robustness properties of the singular values, as they remain invariant even if they undergo further processing. The SVD is a powerful tool that transforms a generic matrix as a product of three matrices, with interesting properties for several data processing applications. The SVD of a matrix A ( mun ) (m d n) is GH¿QHGDVWKHSURGXFWRIWKUHHVSHFLDOPDWULces: two orthogonal matrices, U ( mu m ), V ( nu n ) such that UU T VV T I , and a diagonal matrix, 6 diag (σ 1 ,σ 2 ,"σ m ), whose main entries σ i(i 1" m) are called singular values. Singular values are in decreasing order. The columns of U and V are referred as the left and right singular vectors, respectively, of A. In technical terms: A U6 wV T
Singular values play an important role in transforming elements from an m-dimensional vector space into elements of an n-dimensional vector space. A vector x in m ( n) may be expressed in terms of the left (right) singular vectors. The geometrical interpretation of SVD is that this decomposition dilates or contracts some components of x according to the magnitude of corresponding singular values. Given a matrix
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
A, a singular value and a pair of singular vectors DUHGH¿QHGDVDQRQQHJDWLYHVFDODUıDQGWZR non-zero vectors u and v, such that:
that is, the images under A of the singular vectors v1 , v2 ,"vm are the vectors:
σ 1u1 ,σ 2u2 ,"σ mum Equation (11) is equivalent to:
AT u
We remind the author two noticeable properties of SVD, which are at the basis of state-of-the-art watermarking algorithms: approximation and perturbation. Approximation. Let the full SVD decomposition of matrix A be given by equation (10). For some k r, with r the rank of the matrix, it is possible to approximate A with Ak:
U k 6 k VkT
where U k is a n u k matrix, whose columns are JLYHQE\WKH¿UVWk left singular of the SVD of A, that is u1 , u 2 , " u k form an orthonormal basis T for the range of A and, Vk is a k u n matrix, ZKRVHURZVDUHJLYHQE\WKH¿UVWk right singular vectors of the SVD of A, that is v1 , v 2 , " v k form an orthonormal basis for the kernel of A. 6 k diag (σ 1 , σ 2 , "σ k ). Equation (13) represents the best approximation of order k of the original A matrix among all the matrices of order i, with i k . The 2-norm error of the approximation related to equation (13) is equal to σ k 1 . The reader is referred to Golub and Van Loan (1996) for proof of this statement. This result is relevant for image compression. In fact, the SVD of an image returns the image coding in terms of n basis images u i viT , which are weighted by the singular values σ i. It holds that the approximation
of A with the reduced SVD of order k, Ak, is the optimal solution to minimize the Frobenius norm of the error matrix, that is, no other transform has better energy compaction than the reduced SVD of order k. The key idea is that the SVD captures the best possible basis vectors for the image, rather than using any compatible basis. Generally, k is such that k r , where r is the rank of the matrix. Since rLVGH¿QHGDVWKHQXPEHURIOLQHDUO\LQGHpendent columns (rows, respectively), it provides a measure for the redundancy of the matrix. Perturbation. Important properties of singular values concern their accuracy and sensitivity. Small perturbations in the original matrix lead to small changes in the singular values. Consider a perturbation ( δA) to the original matrix A, which produces ( A δA) as a result; now, we show the problem of the perturbation analysis by taking into consideration the singular value matrixȈ:
6 δ6 U T ( A δA)V
The matrices U and V preserve norms since they are two orthogonal matrices. Thus, it follows that:
Related Work on SVD SVD is a powerful tool for image processing, especially image compression and LPDJH¿OWHUing. Image coding by SVD goes back to the 1970s: Andrews and Patterson (1976) describe the statistical properties of singular values and singular vectors of images. In this work, the SVD by blocks is employed. Experimental results show that singular value mean and variance vary in a large range, which indicates the need for variable bit coding as a function of the singular value index. As for the singular vectors, they are well behaved in their range and tend to have an increasing number of zero-crossings as a function of the singular vectors index.
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
SVD may be combined with vector quantization (VQ), which is a low bit-rate compression technique (Chung, Shen, & Chang, 2001; Yang & Lu, 1995). Yang and Lu introduce two methods for image coding: iterative (I) and fast (F) SVDVQ that lead to different bit-rates. Chung et al. introduce a novel SVD-VQ scheme for information hiding, which produces images with a high level of quality and good compression ratio. Another interesting property of the SVD is related to the singular values ordering. The higher the singular values are, the more is the energy packed into them. Since the singular values are LQGHFUHDVLQJRUGHULWKROGVWKDWWKH¿UVWVLQJXODU value of an image contains more information (signal components), while the remaining lower singular values are associated to the noise components. This property is at the basis of image ¿OWHULQJLWLVSRVVLEOHWRUHGXFHQRLVHLQWKHLPDJH E\WDNLQJLQWRFRQVLGHUDWLRQRQO\WKH¿UVWVLQJXODU values whose magnitude is upon a given threshold. Muti, Bourennane, and Guillaume (2004) discuss the equivalence of SVD and simultaneous row and column principal components analysis (PCA) and DGRSWWKH69'WUDQVIRUPIRULPDJH¿OWHULQJ,Q particular, the SVD transform leads to an image with higher quality. The singular values distribution changes according to the image content. For example, their magnitude covers a large range in the case of a diagonal line, while the energy is FRQFHQWUDWHGLQWKHYHU\¿UVWVLQJXODUYDOXHLQ the case of a vertical line. This means that the more the principal directions of an image are aligned with the row and column directions, the lower is the number of singular values required to GHVFULEHLPDJHFRQWHQW7KXVLPDJH¿OWHULQJFDQ be improved by making some image directions to be aligned with row or column directions, that is, by means of image rotation.
Related Work on SVD Watermarking The adoption of the SVD is very interesting for watermarking purposes. Different proposals of
watermarking by SVD exist. In Ganic and Eskicioglu (2004) a combined approach of the SVD and the DWT transform is proposed. The reader PD\¿QGIXUWKHUGHWDLOVLQWKHVHFWLRQ DWT-Based Watermarking. In Gorodetski, Popyack, Samoilov, and Skormin (2001), the SVD by blocks is applied for robust data embedding into digital images. Images are subdivided in non-overlapping blocks and the SVD is applied to each one. For each block, the watermark is embedded in the singular values according to two different criteria. The more the singular values are changed the more robust is the technique, with decreasing value of imperceptibility. Experiments are performed on color images. They are represented in the RGB model and the two techniques are applied to each layer of color (R: red, G: green, B: blue) with a good trade-off of data embedding rate. The SVD may be applied to the whole image or, alternatively, to small blocks of it. In image processing, the analysis of many problems can be VLPSOL¿HG VXEVWDQWLDOO\ E\ ZRUNLQJ ZLWK EORFN matrices (Jain, 1989). Processing small blocks is suitable in order to capture local variations, which are addressable in a given block and may disappear at a coarser level of representation, such as the whole image. Other advantages of the block-oriented approach include: reduced computation and parallel processing. In Ganic, Zubair, and Eskicioglu (2003), the watermark is embedded by applying the SVD by blocks and to the entire image. Although the watermark is embedded twice, the imperceptibility requirement LVVDWLV¿HG0RUHRYHUWKHH[SHULPHQWVVKRZWKDW WKH¿UVWDSSURDFKDOORZVÀH[LELOLW\LQGDWDFDSDFity, while applying the SVD to the entire image provides more robustness to the attacks. %\XQ/HH7HZÀNDQG$KQ SURSRVH an LSB-based fragile watermarking scheme for image authentication. The SVD is employed to verify the authenticity requirement according to the perturbation analysis of the singular values. Advantages of this scheme are: the detectability of PRGL¿FDWLRQVGXHWRWUDGLWLRQDODWWDFNVLQFOXGLQJ
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
FRPSUHVVLRQ¿OWHULQJDQGJHRPHWULFGLVWRUWLRQV and the imperceptibility of the watermark, since only a few authentication bits are embedded. Liu and Tan (2002) and Ozer, Sankur, and Memon (2005) propose a robust watermarking scheme based on SVD. They use a similar approach to embed the watermark in images and DXGLR¿OHVUHVSHFWLYHO\7KLVWHFKQLTXHFRQVLVWV in modifying the singular values of the cover according to the formula: σ i' σ i α wi, where σ i, σ i' is the i-th singular value in the cover and WKH ZDWHUPDUNHG ¿OH UHVSHFWLYHO\ ZKLOH wi is the i-th watermark bit to be embedded. However, ERWKWKHWHFKQLTXHVDUHVXVFHSWLEOHWRÀDZVDV we will discuss in the following. In particular, image watermarking is realized acording to the following steps: Input: The image A with N u M pixels, the watermark W of length N u M and the watermark VWUHQJWKĮ Output: The watermarked image Aw. • •
• •
Apply the SVD transform to the original image: A U6V T ; Embed the watermark W into the singular values matrix 6 according to the rule: 6' 6 αW ; Apply the SVD transform to 6 ', that is: 6 ' U w 6 wVwT ; Obtain the water marked image as: Aw U6 wV T .
The watermark is extracted by reversing the previous steps, that is: • • •
Apply the SVD transform to possible counterfeit image Aw* U * 6 *wV *T ; Compute the temporar y mat r ix D * U w 6 *wVwT ; Extract the watermark as: W
1 * D 6 . α
Even if the authors claim that their scheme is robust, there are some weak points in their approach. Firstly, they embed the watermark in the singular values matrix, changing both the diagonal elements (singular values) and the extra-diagonal ones, adding a generic matrix W to a diagonal one. In addition, as shown in Zhang and Li (2005), this watermarking scheme is fundamentally ÀDZHGLQWKHH[WUDFWLRQVWHSV$QDGYHUVDU\PD\ reveal the presence of any desired watermark in an arbitrary image and then this watermarking scheme cannot be used to protect digital rights. In a few words, the detector considers the image resulting from the product of the singular values matrix of a possible counterfeit image 6 *w and the orthogonal matrices U w , VwT that correspond to the SVD of the desired watermark, excluding its diagonal entries. We observe that the orthogonal matrices in the SVD of the image are related to the image details, while the singular values are related to the luminance of the image. Thus, the extracted watermark will be high correlated with the desired one, no matter what the watermark and the counterfeit image are. Suppose the original watermark is W and the desired watermark the adversary is searching for is W ', then, according to the detection steps, the presence of the desired watermark W 'can be detected in an image with W embedded. Similarly to the approach used by Liu and Tan (2002), Ozer et al. (2005) describe an audio watermarking scheme that embeds the watermark in the singular values matrix of the spectrogram of the signal. The embedding formula is slightly different. In the following we illustrate the embedding and the extraction steps. Input: The audio signal x(t), the watermark W of length N u M (N: number of frames, M: frame VL]H WKHZDWHUPDUNVWUHQJWKĮ Output: The watermarked audio signal x ' (t ).
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
Apply the short-time window Fourier transform (STFT) to the original audio signal x(t) in order to obtain the frequency spectrum A of the signal through short-time windows g(t), that is:
STFT x (t , f )
³ x(τ ) g (τ t )e
j 2πfτ
(16) • •
Apply the SVD transform to the matrix A, that is: A U6V T ; Embed the watermark W into the singular values σ (i, j ) according to the rule:
σ (i, j ) '
σ (i, j ) αβσ (i, j )W (i, j ) (17)
• • •
where β = 0, 1 is the polarity of the watermark. Apply the SVD transform to the updated matrix 6 ', that is: 6 ' U w 6 wVwT ; Obtain the watermarked audio signal in the U 6 wV T ; frequency domain as: Aw Apply the inverse STFT (ISTFT) to produce the watermarked audio signal in the time domain:
x ' (t ) Aw g (τ t )e j 2πfτ dtdf W U w 6 wVw' (18) Similarly, the detection steps are: •
Apply the SVD transform to possible counterfeit audio signal in the frequency domain, that is:
Aw* •
Compute the temporary matrix:
U * 6 *wV *T ;
U w 6 *wVwT
Extract the watermark as:
1 1 * 6 ( D 6) α
The authors use a different embedding formula that increases the level of robustness of watermarking by weighting the watermark with the singular values of the original signal. However, according to the extraction steps of the watermarking scheme, an adversary may reveal the presence of a desired watermark in an arbitrary DXGLR¿OHVLPLODUO\WRWKHÀDZHQFRXQWHUHGLQ Liu and Tan (2002). In the novel approach we presented in Calagna, Guo, Mancini, and Jajodia (2006) we experienced that SVD properties illustrated in the previous section may guarantee the robustness of the watermarking scheme. According to our experimental UHVXOWVRXUVFKHPHLVVXI¿FLHQWO\UREXVWDJDLQVW several attacks. Moreover, the computational complexity of our algorithm is reduced as we do not combine the SVD transform with other transforms. The novelty of our approach consists in considering the input elements of a watermarking system as matrices. Properties of the SVD guarantee the effectiveness of the proposed method. This direction can be further extended to original implementations of watermarking algorithms that can robustly protect intellectual property on digital content. Intuitively, we use the SVD transform in image watermarking since images can be represented as matrices both in the spatial and in the transform domain. The idea is to associate the watermark to the singular values of SVD compression and take into account some well-known properties of SVD (approximation and perturbation). Our approach embeds the ZDWHUPDUNLQWKHPRVWVLJQL¿FDQWHOHPHQWVRIWKH cover such that it is more robust to intentional or non-intentional attacks. According to the detection steps, the watermark can be determined univo-
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
OUR SOLUTION Within the SPADA@WEB1 project we developed a semi-blind image watermarking system (Calagna et al., 2006); the knowledge of singular values of the cover image together with the embedded watermark is crucial in the detection phase: the original cover is not required. Every image has associated a set of singular values. However, different images may have the same singular values, then, knowing only this information cannot help an attacker to discover which the original unwatermarked image is. Moreover, knowledge of singular values at the detector is not an issue for the applications we have in mind. These are two key points of our scheme. First of all, our approach is suitable for Internet applications: In this scenario, the original cover could not be available to receivers. Moreover, we developed our scheme for watermarking of geographical and spatial data that can be exchanged by a restricted group of GIS2 users authorized to have access to this kind of data. According to our scheme, the detector needs only the singular values of the cover image, while the exact representation of the cover features, watermark features, and noise features in statistical means is left for future work. Our scheme works on a block-by-block basis and makes use of SVD compression to embed the watermark. The watermark is embedded in all the non-zero singular values according to the local features of the cover image so as to balance embedding capacity with distortion. The experimental results show that our scheme is robust, HVSHFLDOO\ZLWKUHVSHFWWRKLJKSDVV¿OWHULQJ7R the best of our knowledge the use of the blockbased SVD for watermarking applications has not yet been investigated. The following, the SVD-based watermarking algorithm is presented. This is a novel approach
with respect to previous solutions that apply the SVD to the entire image, without considering how singular values vary with different blocks of the same image. Also, embedding the watermark in WKHPRVWVLJQL¿FDQWVLQJXODUYDOXHVRIHDFKEORFN makes the watermarking system more robust to possible attacks.
Watermark Embedding We decide to embed the watermark in the most VLJQL¿FDQWVLQJXODUYDOXHVRIHDFKEORFNWRSUHvent possible removal attacks, including lossy compression. The model of our watermarking system is discussed in the following. Let AM u N be the matrix representation of the original image to be protected by watermarking. Firstly, it is divided in blocks H i (i 1" B), whose size m u n is small enough to capture the local features. B represents the total number of blocks and is given by:
ªM u N º «¬ m u n »¼
The watermark to be embedded into the ith block is represented by the non-zero entries of a diagonal matrix Wk ri. The watermark is embedded LQWRWKH¿UVW k ri singular values of H i, and then, the new singular value matrix is used to obtain ' the watermarked block H i. The watermarking embedding consists of the following steps: 1.
Choose a proper block size m u n (M mod P 1modQ ) and divide the original image, that is represented by the matrix AM u N , into B blocks. For each block H i (i 1" B): • Apply the SVD to the matrix H i and calculate its rank, ri . According to the rule σ j 0 for j ! ri we represent it T as H i U ri 6 riVri ;
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
Among the non-zero singular values, VHOHFWWKH¿UVW k ri which are related to a given percentage of the total sum of singular vales to embed the watermark LQWKHPRVWVLJQL¿FDQWVLQJXODUYDOXHV of each block. We may represent the ith block as: H i ( H k ri | H ri k ri ), where H k riLVOLPLWHGWRWKH¿UVWk ri singular values and H ri k ri is related to the remaining singular values in the ith block. 7KHZDWHUPDUNLVHPEHGGHGLQWKH¿UVWk ri singular values, as follows:
6 'k ri
6 k ri α 6 k ri Wk ri
where 6 k ri represents the singular values matrix of order and, 6 'k ri the updated singular values matrix after the watermarking embedding. The remaining non-zero singular values σ j (k ri j ri), which are the diagonal entries of 6 ri k ri remain unchanged. Hence, the reconstructed watermarked ' block H i is represented as:
H 'i
( H ' k ri | H ri k ri )
Thus, the watermarked image is obtained by replacing all the original blocks Hi with these ' watermarked blocks H k ri.
Watermarking Extraction In the extraction phase we take into consideration only the singular values σ j , j 1" k ri of each ' sub-block H k ri, described by equation (22). Given a possible counterfeit image, whose ' sub-blocks are indicated with H k ri and the singular value matrix 6 k ri of each sub-block in the cover image, the watermark elements w ' j in each sub-block are extracted according to the following rule:
' j
σ 'j σ ασ
where w j are the diagonal elements of the extracted watermark W ' kri and, σ 'j and σ j are ' the singular values of H k ri and H k ri , respectively, for j 1" k ri. ' The extracted watermark elements w j are compared to the embedded ones w j by means of correlation. Our threat model consists of two main categories of attacks:
where the sub-blocks H k ri and H ri k ri are given, respectively, by equations (22) and (23):
U k ri 6 k ri V T k ri α U k ri 6 k ri Wk ri V T k ri
H ' k ri
= H k ri U k ri 6 k ri Wk ri V T k ri (22)
H ri k ri
U ri k ri 6 ri k ri V T ri k ri
In other words, the ith block is reconstructed by XSGDWLQJLWV¿UVW k r singular values according to step 3 of the watermarking embedding algorithm and updating the sub-blocks of Hi according to the equations (21)-(23).
Removal: An adversary attempts to discover the embedded watermark and may remove it from the watermarked image; Distortive: An adversary applies some quality-preserving transformations, including signal processing techniques, to the watermarking image making the watermark undetectable.
We observe that our scheme is robust against both categories of attacks. As for the removal attacks, an adversary is unable to remove the watermark since we assume he/she has no access to the singular values of the cover image.
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
We remind that the removal attack is the more GDQJHURXVHVSHFLDOO\LQWKH*,6¿HOGZKHUHWKH digital maps have a great value and they should be protected against malicious attacks. As for the distortive attacks, Table 1 shows that the attacks included in the Checkmark benchmarking tool (Pereira, Voloshynovskiy, Madueo, Marchand-Maillet, & Pun, 2001) does not alter the embedded watermark, which can be detected correctly. We applied our scheme to several images. For space reasons, we summarize in this table only the experimental results on the 512×512 aerial grayscale picture, which is illustrated on the left side of Figure 2 together with the watermarked image obtained by applying our SVD scheme (on the right). We compare our SVD scheme to the Cox et al. (1997) scheme implemented according to the original paper on the spread spectrum algorithm: The watermark is embedded into the 1000 greatHVW PDJQLWXGH '&7 FRHI¿FLHQWV H[FOXGLQJ WKH DC component) of the cover image, with the ZDWHUPDUNVWUHQJWKĮ 7KHZDWHUPDUNVDUH drawn from a Gaussian distribution N(0; 1) in both schemes. We set the block size mi = 8, i 1" B and the ZDWHUPDUNVWUHQJWKĮ LQWKH69'VFKHPHWR obtain an acceptable quality difference between the cover image and the watermarked image as for
the Cox algorithm (in terms of PSNR it is 30 dB for the SVD scheme, 32 dB for the Cox scheme). We observe that by applying our scheme, we may embed a longer watermark in the image with respect to the Cox scheme, without decreasing the quality difference too much. By our settings, we may embed a watermark of about 8,000 elements in the original image. Embedding 8,000 elements in the Cox et al. (1997) scheme produces images of lower quality, with PSNR = 25.30 dB. The robustness of the watermarking scheme is evaluated by means of the correlation measure between the extracted watermark from a possible counterfeit image and the embedded watermark. These results are compared to the Cox et al. (1997) watermarking scheme. For each attack, we obtain different levels of distortion, by changing the corresponding parameter, which is indicated in the second column. The third and fourth columns of Table 1 show the correlation value between the extracted watermark from the attacked image and the embedded one for the Cox et al. (1997) watermarking scheme and our SVD scheme, respectively. The last two columns of the table show the quality difference between the attacked image and the original cover, when the Cox scheme and the These experiments give evidence that our watermarking scheme is robust against that kind of
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
attacks, including the high-distortive ones, since the measured correlation value is high. Actually, LWGHSHQGVRQWKHVSHFL¿FDSSOLFDWLRQLIWKHOHYHO of distortion is acceptable or not. $ERXW¿OWHULQJWHFKQLTXHVZHFDQVHHWKDWWKH larger the window size the more distortive the attack is. About the downsampling/upsampling DWWDFNWKHFKRLFHRIWKH¿UVWSDLURIGRZQVDPSOH upsample factor leads to low distortion, while the choice of the second pair lead to a higher distortion. JPEG compression is applied with different quality factors. The lower the quality factor is, the more distortive the attack is. We added white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with different strengths. The higher the strength is, the more distortive the attack is. Our scheme is robust against the contrast enhancement techniques, which improve the visual quality of the image and are considered high frequency preserving (Ganic & Eskicioglu, 2004). They include histogram equalization and intensity adjustment, as well. Finally, we show the robustness of our scheme against the clipping attack. This result is meaningful if we consider that only the 25% of the watermarked image remains after the attack. This portion corresponds to the central block. To summarize, our scheme is more robust than the Cox et al. (1997) scheme against median ¿OWHULQJGRZQVDPSOLQJXSVDPSOLQJKLVWRJUDP equalization, intensity adjustment, and clipping attacks, while both the schemes are comparable with respect to other attacks, including the JPEG compression and the addition of white Gaussian noise. The resulting attacked images have acceptable TXDOLW\HVSHFLDOO\IRUKLJKSDVV¿OWHULQJLQFOXGLQJ*DXVVLDQDQGPHGLDQ¿OWHULQJVKDUSHQLQJ contrast enhancement, and clipping. The robustness of watermarking against geometrical attacks, including rotation, translation, and scaling is an open issue. Several authors have discussed on this topic. These attacks represent a threat in the GIS scenario, since they are typical manipulations that can be used to improve map exploration. We
consider this problem by taking into account singular values properties. In fact, it holds: • •
Rotation: Given a matrix A and its rotated Ar, both have the same singular values; Translation: Given a matrix A and its translated At, both have the same singular values; Scaling: Given a matrix A and its scaled As , if A has the singular values σ i then As has the singular values σ i Lr Lc with Lr the scaling factor of rows, and Lc the scaling factor of columns. If rows (columns) are mutually scaled, As has the singular values σ i Lr σ i Lc ).
When SVD is applied to the whole image, these properties still hold: • •
Rotation: Given an image A and its rotated Ar, both have the same singular values; Translation: Given an image A and its translated At, both have the same singular values; Scaling: Given an image A and its scaled As, if A has the singular values σ i then As has the singular values σ i Lr Lc .
If rows (columns) are mutually scaled, As has the singular values σ i Lr σ i Lc ). However, when SVD is applied to the image blocks, this is not true. The extension of the watermarking algorithm to cope with this kind of problem is left for future work.
CONCLUSION The chapter illustrates watermarking based on the transform domain. By exploiting intrinsic properties of transform domain, it is possible to design VSHFL¿FZDWHUPDUNLQJVFKHPHV:HHPSKDVL]H the use of SVD in digital watermarking for its ÀH[LELOLW\RIDSSOLFDWLRQ
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
Table 1. Robustness of SVD watermarking scheme against attacks Attack Name *DXVVLDQ¿OWHU
Denoising with perceptual GHQRLVLQJ
Denoising with perceptual GHQRLVLQJ
Hard thresholding
Soft thresholding
JPEG compression
PSNR (attacked)
Window size
Window size
Window size
Window size
Window size
Window size
Window size
Window size
Quality factor
continued on following page
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
Table 1. continued 90
0.75 / 1.33
0.50 / 2.00
Histogram equalization
Intensity adjustment
Intensity values/ Gamma correction 0.65
Downsampling/ Upsampling
Downsample factor/ Upsample factor
Noise strength
Window size
[0, 0.8] Æ [0, 1] / 1.5 Clipping
Clipped portion 75 %
We presented a robust SVD-based watermarking scheme for images. The idea is to embed more watermark in the high-contrast regions and less watermark in the low-contrast regions of an image. According to the detection steps, the watermark can be determined univocally, while other related ZRUNVSUHVHQWÀDZVLQWKHGHWHFWLRQDOJRULWKP A case study of our approach refers to the protection of geographical and spatial data in case of the raster representation model of maps. The next section will introduce possible extensions of our scheme.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS Although we consider image watermarking, we claim that the SVD-based approach can be employed in other multimedia representations, including video and audio content, provided that they are represented as matrices. Moreover, our approach may be extended to other applications, where data to be protected are organized as matrices. The extension of this approach to different applications is left for future work. As for the application to digital maps, it could be interesting to consider how our approach may
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
be extended to the vector representation model. Moreover, future work concerning this scheme includes the analysis of the watermarking impact on further processing of digital maps (e.g., bufferLQJFODVVL¿FDWLRQ DQGWKHH[WHQVLRQRIWKHVFKHPH to cope with geometrical attacks. These aspects DUHUHOHYDQWLQWKH*,6¿HOGDQ\UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ model (raster or vector) is used. In fact, a good watermarking scheme should guarantee that RULJLQDOPDSIHDWXUHVPD\EHLGHQWL¿DEOHFOHDUO\ after watermarking and, that GIS processing may lead to correct results. Geometrical attacks are of utmost importance for geographical data. However, this remains an open issue. The extension of the SVD-based scheme to cope with this kind of problems is left for future work. Our scheme can be employed in several applications. The use of SVD in conjunction with RWKHUWUDQVIRUPVWKDWFKDUDFWHUL]HPXOWLPHGLD¿OHV (e.g., DCT, DFT, DWT) seems to be interesting and requires further investigation. In fact, SVD PD\EHDSSOLHGWRWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVPDWUL[ SVD-based watermarking may be extended WRRWKHU¿HOGVZKHUHDXWKHQWLFDWLRQLVDUHOHYDQW issue. Interesting scenarios are: MIMO-OFDM channel estimation (Edfors, Sandell, Van de Beek, Wilson, & Borjesson, 1998; Zamiri-Jafarian & Gulak, 2005) and database protection.
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ADDITIONAL READING Arnold, M. (2002). Subjective and objective quality evaluation of watermarked audio tracks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Delivering of Music (WEDELMUSIC ’02), Darnstadt, Germany (pp. 161-167). IEEE Press. Arnold, M., Schmucker, M., & Wolthusen, S. D. (2003). Techniques and applications of digital watermarking and content protection. Norwood, MA: Artech House.
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
Barni, M., & Bartolini, F. (2004). Watermarking systems engineering: Enabling digital asset security and other applications. New York: Dekkar Press. Barni, M., Bartolini, F., Cappellini, V., Magli, E., & Olmo, G. (2001). Watermarking techniques for electronic delivery of remote sensing images. In Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS ’01), Sidney, Australia. IEEE Press. Barni, M., Bartolini, F., & Checcacci, N. (2005). Watermarking of MPEG-4 video objects. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 7(1), 23-32. Barni, M., Bartolini, F., Magli, E., & Olmo, G. (2002). Watermarking techniques for electronic delivery of remote sensing images. Optical Engineering: Special Section on Remote Sensing Technology and Applications, 41(9), 2111-2119. Bergman, C., & Davidson, J. (2005). Unitary embedding for data hiding with the SVD. In E. J. Delp & P. W. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Security, Steganography and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII, San Jose, CA (Vol. 5681, pp. 619-630). Cox, I., Miller, M., & Bloom, J. (2001). Digital watermarking. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. Fridrich, J., Goljan, M., & Du, R. (2001). Reliable detection of LSB steganography in grayscale and color images. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MM&Sec ’02) (pp. 27-30). Ottawa, Canada: ACM Press. Guan, Y. L., & Jin, J. (2001). An objective comparison between spatial and DCT watermarking schemes for MPEG video. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Technology (ITCC ’01), Las Vegas, NV (pp. 207-211). IEEE Computer Society. Hou, Z. (2003). Adaptive singular value decomposition in wavelet domain for image denoising.
Journal of Pattern Recognition, 36(8), 17471763. Johnson, N. F., Duric, Z., & Jajodia, S. (2001). Information hiding steganography and watermarking—Attacks and countermeasures. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic. Judge, P., & Ammar, M. (2002). WHIM: Watermarking multicast video with a hierarchy of intermediaries. ACM Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 39(6), 699-712. Judge, P., & Ammar, M. (2003). Security issues and solutions in multicast content distribution: A survey. IEEE Magazine Network, 17(1), 30-36. Kang, K.-P., Choi, Y.-H., & Choi, T.-S. (2004). Real-time video watermarking for MPEG streams. In A. Laganà et al. (Eds.), International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICSSA ’04), Assisi, Italy (LNCS 3046, pp. 348-358). Springer. Lang, A., & Dittmann, J. (2006). Transparency and complexity benchmarking of audio watermarking algorithms issues. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MM&Sec ‘06), Geneva, Switzerland. New York: ACM Press. Li, L., Pan, Z., Zhang, M., & Ye, K. (2004). Watermarking subdivision surfaces based on addition property of Fourier transform. In S. N. Spencer (Ed.), International Conference on Computer Graphics and interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia (GRAPHITE ’04), Singapore (pp. 46-49). New York: ACM Press. Lopez, C. (2002). Watermarking of digital geospatial datasets: A review of technical, legal and copyright issues. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 16(6), 589-607. Lu, C.-S. (Ed.). (2004). Multimedia security: Steganography and digital watermarking techniques for protection of intellectual property. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
Digital Watermarking in the Transform Domain with Emphasis on SVD
Megias, D., Herrera-Joancomart, J., & Minguillon, J. (2004a). A robust audio watermarking scheme based on MPEG 1 layer 3 compression. In Proceedings of IFIP Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS ’03), Torino, Italy (LNCS 963, pp. 226-238). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Megias, D., Herrera-Joancomart, J., & Minguillon, J. (2004b). An audio watermarking scheme robust against stereo attacks. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MM&Sec ’04), Magdeburg, Germany (pp. 206-213). New York: ACM Press. Sikora, T., & Chiariglione, L. (1997). MPEG-4 video and its potential for future multimedia services. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS ’97) Hong Kong (pp. 1468-1471). IEEE Press. Steinebach, M., Petitcolas, F. A. P., Raynal, F., Dittmann, J., Fontaine, C., Seibel, C., et al. (2001). Stirmark benchmark: Audio watermarking attacks. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC ’01), Las Vegas, NV (pp. 49-54). IEEE Computer Society.
Terzija, N., & Geisselhardt, W. (2004). Digital image watermarking using complex wavelet transform. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MM&Sec ’04), Magdeburg, Germany (pp. 193-198). New York: ACM Press. Yavuz, E., & Telatar, Z. (2006). SVD adapted DCT domain DC subband image watermarking against watermark ambiguity. In B. Gunsel et al. (Eds.), Workshop on multimedia content representation, FODVVL¿FDWLRQDQGVHFXULW\ (MRCS ’06) (LNCS 4105, pp. 66-73). Springer. Zamiri-Jafarian, H., & Gulak, G. (2005). Adaptive channel SVD estimation for MIMO-OFDM systems. International Conference on Vehicular Technology (VTC ’05) (pp. 552-556). IEEE Press.
SPADA@WEB is for Web-based Management and Representation of Spatial and Geographic Data. GIS is for Geographical Information System.
Chapter IV
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack Robert Caldelli University of Florence, Italy Alessandro Piva University of Florence, Italy
ABSTRACT This chapter is devoted to the analysis of the collusion attack applied to current digital video watermarking algorithms. In particular, we analyze the effects of collusion attacks, with particular attention to the WHPSRUDOIUDPHDYHUDJLQJ7)$ DSSOLHGWRWZREDVLFZDWHUPDUNLQJV\VWHPVOLNHVSUHDGVSHFWUXP66 and VSUHDGWUDQVIRUPGLWKHUPRGXODWLRQ67'0 7KHFKDSWHUGHVFULEHVWKHPDLQGUDZEDFNVDQGDGYDQtages in using these two watermarking schemes and, above all, the fundamental issues to be taken into account to grant a certain level of robustness when a collusion attack is carried out by an attacker.
INTRODUCTION Digital watermarking technology (Barni & Bartolini, 2004b; Cox, Miller, & Bloom, 2001) allows creators to hide a signal or some information into DGLJLWDOFRQWHQWDQDXGLR¿OHDVWLOOLPDJHD video sequence, or a combination of the previous), usually named host data, that can be detected or extracted later by means of computing operations
to make an assertion about the data. In the beginning the research was mainly devoted to offer a solution to the problem of copyright protection of digital content. In general, watermarking allows creators to provide a communication channel multiplexed into an original content, through which it is possible to transmit some information, depending on the application at hand, from a sender to a receiver.
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Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
Figure 1. The proposed model for a digital watermarking system
A digital watermarking system can be modeled as described in Figure 1 (Barni & Bartolini, 2004a). The inputs of the system are certain application dependent information, and the original host content is considered to be a video sequence V. The to-be-hidden information is usually represented as a binary string b = (b1, b2 …., bk), also referred to as the watermark code. The watermark embedder hides the watermark code b into the host asset V to produce a watermarked content Vw, usually making use of a secret information K needed to tune some parameters of the embedding process and allow the recovery of the watermark only to authorized users having access to that secret information. The second element of the model, the watermark channel, takes into account all the processing operations and manipulations, both intentional and non-intentional, that the watermarked content may undergo during its distribution and fruition, so that consequently the watermarked content can EHPRGL¿HGLQWRDQHZYHUVLRQVm. The third element of the model is the tool for the recovery of the hidden information from Vm; the extraction of the hidden data may follow two different approaches: the detector can look IRUWKHSUHVHQFHRIDVSHFL¿FPHVVDJHJLYHQWR it as input, thus only answering yes or no, or the system (now called decoder) reads the sequence of bits hidden into the watermarked content without
knowing it in advance. These two approaches lead to a distinction between readable watermarking algorithms, embedding a message that can be read, and detectable watermarking algorithms, inserting a code that can only be detected. An additional distinction may be made between systems that need to know the original content V in order to retrieve the hidden information, and those that do not require it. In the latter case we say that the system is blind, whereas in the former case it is said to be non-blind. To embed the watermark code into the original content, watermarking techniques apply minor PRGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKHKRVWGDWDLQDSHUFHSWXDOO\ LQYLVLEOH PDQQHU ZKHUH WKH PRGL¿FDWLRQV DUH related to the to-be-hidden data. The hidden information can be retrieved afterwards from the PRGL¿HGFRQWHQWE\GHWHFWLQJWKHSUHVHQFHRIWKHVH PRGL¿FDWLRQV,QJHQHUDOHPEHGGLQJLVDFKLHYHG by modifying a set of features f= (f1, f 2 , …, f n) representing the host content with a watermark signal M= (m1, m2 , …, mn) generated from the vector b, according to a proper embedding rule that depends on the particular watermarking scheme, as it will be described in the following. If we consider the particular case of video watermarking, it has to be pointed out that a video sequence can be considered as a sequence of consecutive and equally time-spaced still images: Video watermarking issue seems thus very similar
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
to the image watermarking one. Actually, there are a lot of papers where an image watermarking system is extended to work with video. However, there are also several differences between images DQGYLGHRGHPDQGLQJIRUVSHFL¿FV\VWHPGHVLJQ $ ¿UVW LPSRUWDQW GLIIHUHQFH LV WKH VL]H RI WKH host data where the watermark has to be hidden: Images are characterized by a limited amount of data (i.e., the number of pixels, or the number RIWUDQVIRUPGRPDLQFRHI¿FLHQWV ZKHUHDVWKLV amount is really higher for video assets. This allows creators to have a less rigid constraint for the achievement of the trade-off between visibility and robustness: since more samples are DYDLODEOHWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQVQHFHVVDU\WRHPEHG the hidden information will be less visible, so that there will not be the need to apply complicated models of the human visual system to better hide the watermark. On the other hand, since a really higher amount of data has to be presented to the user, in the case of video sequences there are more demanding constraints on real-time effectiveness of the system. This constraint is even more tight for some particular applications of watermarking, like video-on-demand, where it is not possible to use a watermarking system that works on the uncompressed domain, since the time required for decompression, watermark embedding, and recompression would be too long. Another difference between still images and video is that for the second type of assets, as we will analyze in the following, a number of attacks exist that can not be applied to the still image case, for example, frame averaging or frame swapping.
&ODVVL¿FDWLRQRIVideo Watermarking Algorithms $¿UVWGLVWLQFWLRQFDQEHPDGHEHWZHHQWHFKQLTXHV embedding the watermark in the compressed video stream and those embedding the watermark in the raw domain, prior to any compression algorithm possibly applied to the video (Doerr & Dugelay, 2003a).
In a raw domain watermarking algorithm the watermark code is cast directly into the video sequence. Watermark embedding can be performed either in the spatial/temporal domain or a transformed domain (e.g., the discrete cosine transform [DCT] of the discrete Fourier transform [DFT] domain). The choice of the most appropriate category of watermarking algorithm strongly depends on the intended applications, and the requirements it sets to the watermarking system. To give some general guidelines on the issues to be considered when choosing between raw and compressed domain techniques, we can start by noting that, in many cases, the digital video is stored in a compressed format (e.g., MPEG or H.263). If a raw domain watermarking algorithm is used to embed the watermark code, then the system needs to decompress the video stream, embed the watermark into the uncompressed frame sequence, and compress again the waterPDUNHGFRQWHQWWRREWDLQWKH¿QDOZDWHUPDUNHG video stream. Watermark detection also needs to be preceded by video decoding. On the contrary, if a compressed domain watermarking algorithm is adopted, it is possible to embed and decode the watermark directly into the compressed bit stream without going through a full decoding, watermarking, and re-encoding process, thus UHGXFLQJ VLJQL¿FDQW FRPSOH[LW\ DQG DGGLWLRQDO time delays. Compressed domain watermarking systems WKXV DOORZ IRU FRPSXWDWLRQDOO\ HI¿FLHQW ZDWHUmark casting and decoding, a characteristic that is of primary importance in many applications, for example, real-time applications. Compressed domain watermarking presents some drawbacks as well. First of all, an additional constraint that the bit rate of the watermarked compressed video VWUHDPGRHVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\H[FHHGWKHELWUDWHRI the unwatermarked stream has to be considered. Moreover, this kind of algorithm is sensitive to a number of attacks that can be neglected when a raw watermarking scheme is used. One of the most
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
important such attacks is format conversion, for example, NTSC/PAL conversion, MPEG/H.263 transcoding, compression rate conversion, A/D, and D/A conversion. $QRWKHUFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIYLGHRZDWHUPDUNLQJ systems is distinguished between frame-by-frame and sequence watermarking. In a frame-by-frame watermarking algorithm, the watermark code is embedded into each frame, by considering it as a still image, regardless of the other frames composing the sequence. On the contrary, a sequence watermarking system embeds the code into the whole, or at least a part, of the video stream, involving a set of consecutive frames. Of course, watermark embedding may still operate either in the raw or the compressed domain. Sequencebased algorithms operating in the raw domain, may just design the watermark signal added to the host video in such a way that it spans more than one frame. More sophisticated algorithms may exploit the correlation between subsequent frames, for example, by embedding the watermark in a 3D transformed domain (for example the 3D-DCT or 3D wavelet domains), which takes into account both the spatial and the temporal characteristics of the video sequence. When operating into the compressed domain, it has to be noted that current video compression standards such as MPEG or ITU H.26x standards are based on the same general structure including block based motion compensation, which takes into account temporal correlation of the content, and block-based DCT coding, which takes into account spatial correlation. A video stream contains thus three kinds of bits: header bits, motion vectors, and '&7FRHI¿FLHQWV6HTXHQFHEDVHGVFKHPHVPD\ then, operate on those parts of the video stream taking into account both the spatial and temporal characteristics of the video, for example, motion vectors or some other information representing all the video sequence like the GOP structure. Alternatively, sequence-oriented watermarking may be achieved by embedding the watermark
LQWRDVHWRI'&7FRHI¿FLHQWVVSDQQLQJWZRRU more frames of the video stream. With regards to possible attacks against sequence watermarking, some new kinds of manipulations have to be taken into account, for example, frame averaging, frame dropping, and frame swapping. At usual frame rates these PRGL¿FDWLRQV ZRXOG SRVVLEO\ QRW EH SHUFHLYHG by the end user, but the watermark synchronization would be lost. Of course these attacks do not constitute a problem with frame-by-frame watermarking algorithms. Concerning the current chapter, the analysis will be concentrated on raw video watermarking systems that embed the watermark code by considering a video just as a sequence of different still pictures, so that the watermarking procedure is just applied separately to each single video frame. In this framework, it is possible to devise two different approaches: SS watermarking and side-informed watermarking. In SS video watermarking, M is a pseudorandomly generated sequence of proper length n, where the components mi are random variables drawn from a given probability density function (pdf), like a Gaussian of a uniform distribution. This watermarking sequence is added to the video frame with an additive rule as evidenced in the following equation:
I t α M (k ),
where It’ and It are respectively the watermarked and the original frame (i.e., pixel grey level) at time t Į LV WKH HPEHGGLQJ SRZHU DQG 0N is the embedded watermark (we will assume in the following analysis that the samples follow a normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance) generated with a pseudo-random key k and added to the image. According to the adopted approach, such watermark 0N can depend on time (0N = MtN or can be constant; in the ¿UVW FDVH GLIIHUHQW ZDWHUPDUNV DUH HPEHGGHG
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
in each frame composing the sequence, in the second situation always the same code is added to the various images belonging to the digital video. Some perceptual considerations can be done to improve invisibility. To extract back the watermark, usually a correlation & is computed as in the sequel: '
C(I t )
1 N
¦I t 1
' t
M t (k ) α
1 N
M t (k ) | α,
t 1
where N represents the number of frames used to SHUIRUPFRUUHODWLRQ,IWKHUHVXOWLVQHDUWRĮLWZLOO be decided that the watermark is present in the video, if it is close to zero the watermark will be assumed to be absent. A decision threshold of Į is adopted in practice. In both cases, time-varying and constant watermark will lead to the same result for correlation (Doerr & Dugelay, 2004). In informed schemes the signal embedded within the host data depends on the host data themselves, in opposition to non-informed schemes (i.e., SS) where the embedded signal is unrelated to host data. One well known example of informed embedding method is the STDM approach that belongs to the broader class of quantization index modulation (QIM) watermarking schemes (Chen & Wornell, 2001). In STDM framework a set of features fW {f1W I 2W «IUW ` is extracted from the t-th video frame. For instance, fW may correspond to the grey levels of randomly chosen pixels from the t-th video frame and the same set of pixels is chosen for all the video frames. An essential step in STDM watermarking is GH¿QLQJDVHFUHW GLUHFWLRQ sW which, in general, may depend on t. In the following we will assume that sW is a binary zero-mean sequence taking values ±1 (this choice causes the watermark distortion to be spread uniformly over all the features). In order to embed the watermark, which we will assume consisting in a single bit b, the correlation between fW and s(t) is quantized according
to one of two quantizers depending on the to-beembedded bit value. More precisely, let the two codebooks U0 and U1 associated respectively to b = 0 and b EHGH¿QHGDV
^k' d , k Z`,
U0 U1
^k' ' / 2 d , k Z`,
where d is an arbitrary parameter that, once chosen, is equal for each video frame. Let ȡW be the correlation between fW and sW , that is,
f (t ) s (t )
ρ (t )
¦ f (t )s (t ) i
i 1
Watermark embedding is achieved by quantizing ȡW either with the quantizer Q0 associated to U0:
Q0 ( ρ (t ))
arg min | u 0,i ρ (t ) | u 0 , i U 0
where uL are the elements of U0, or the quantizer associated to U1:
Q1 ( ρ (t ))
arg min | u1,i ρ (t ) | u1, i U1
In practice the watermarked features fwW are obtained by subtracting the projection of fW on sW from fW and by adding a new component along the direction of sW resulting in the desired quantized autocorrelation:
f w (t )
f (t ) ρ (t ) s (t ) ρ w (t ) s (t )
ρ w (t )
Q0 ( ρ (t )) b 0 ® ¯Q1 ( ρ (t )) b 1
To read the watermark, a minimum distance decoder is used:
arg min min | u b ,i ρ ' (t ) | b^0 ,1`ub , i U b
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
where by ȡ¶W we indicate the correlation between the watermarked and possibly attacked features and the spreading vector sW . If the number of the to-be-embedded bits is N b > 1, the encoding procedure just described is applied for each bit, that is, N b subsets of features fnW n = 1….N b are selected, and N b correlations ȡnW n = 1….N b are quantized. As a consequence, to embed N b bits, r• Nb pixels are needed.
Security Requirements in Video Watermarking When watermarking systems were designed, their performances were evaluated by facing them against different hurdles such as how many bits could be embedded in the digital asset (capacity/ payload), how good was the perceptual quality of the watermarked object (perceivability), how many and which were the attacks or common processing that system could resist to (robustness), and so on. Not too much consideration has been paid to analyze problems related to security, that is, to determine if some lacks existed to allow an attacker to bypass the whole system or to use it in an illegal manner. Only recently the importance of security issues has been brought to the attention RIWKHVFLHQWL¿FFRPPXQLW\%DUQL%DUWROLQL Furon, 2003), where by securing the inability by unauthorized users to access the watermarking channel is met (Cayre, Fontaine, & Furon, 2005; Kalker, 2001), and researchers started to give, in some particular cases, an estimate of the effort the hacker should make and also of the means he/she should have at his/her disposal to perform the intended action. Security aspects, though not crucial for some watermarking applications such as database indexing, cataloging, and non-public uses in general, are becoming dramatically important and sometimes determine the effective DGRSWLRQRIDWHFKQLTXHIRUDVSHFL¿FSXUSRVH $SSOLFDWLRQVOLNHFRS\FRQWURORZQHUVKLSYHUL¿cation, authentication, broadcast monitoring, and
PXOWLPHGLD ¿QJHUSULQWLQJ KDYH WR QHFHVVDULO\ deal with security, also if it is not so clear, at the moment, in which way and to which extent to deal with these issues. 7RJLYHDEDVLFGH¿QLWLRQRIZKDWLVLQWHQGHG with the term security when talking about waterPDUNLQJLVTXLWHGLI¿FXOW,QWKHOLWHUDWXUHPDQ\ celebrate phrases that deal with security exist, in particular we would like to cite one of them that is very well-known: the Kerchoff’s law (Kerchoff, 1883). It establishes that security cannot be based on algorithm secrecy but on one or more secret keys used by the algorithm itself. Starting from this statement, it is also easy to understand that security must not be studied as a stand-alone problem but is important to take into account some of the main issues that are fundamental to structure in any type of analysis: •
What is available to the attacker to help the illegal action: On the basis of which software/hardware devices, multiple watermarked copies, knowledge of the algorithm ,and so on, he/she has access to, he/she is helped in performing the intended action. Which kind of attack procedure the attacker can put in practice: It refers to the kind of attack among the different ones that are known (and also unknown) the hacker can decide to adopt to circumvent the watermarking algorithm. It will be important to establish which of these attacks will be feasible according to the application at hand DQGZKLFKZLOOEHFUXFLDOIRUWKHVSHFL¿F characteristics of that system. What the attacker wishes to do: To decode hidden bits, to destroy/alter hidden bits, WRPDNHXQGHWHFWHGPRGL¿FDWLRQVDQGVR forth.
Many are the attacks that have been proposed in literature under the category of security attacks. Among them the sensitivity attack, the
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
Holliman&Memon attack (Holliman & Memon, 2000), the Craver attack (Craver, Memon, Yeo, & Yeung, 1998) and the collusion attack are the most well-known. In this chapter we would like to focus our attention on the last one because it is a kind of attack that can simply be performed in a real hostile environment (e.g., media distribution over the Internet) where a watermarking system could be asked for working. Collusion attacks require, in general, as it will analyzed in this chapter, a pool of pirates (colluders) who share their resources to break the watermarking system. Collusion in video watermarking has been deeply studied in the last few years (Caldelli, Piva, Barni, & Carboni, 2005; Doerr & Dugelay, 2004; Su, Kundur, & Hatzinakos, 2005a, 2005b; Vinod & Bora, 2006) trying to determine which was the most secure manner to embed a watermark in a framed sequence by UHO\LQJRQWKHVSHFL¿FIHDWXUHVRIWKHYLGHR2Q the other side, the aspect of video quality obtained after collusion has been taken into account too, so the issue of motion-compensation, before making a collusion, has been later introduced. In this chapter, after an overview on collusion attacks in video watermarking (see the second VHFWLRQ ZHZLOOSURSRVHDQHZDQGVSHFL¿FDQDO\sis (see the third section) to make a comparison in terms of robustness between SS and STDM watermarking schemes against collusion attack, in particular when the TFA and its motion compensated version MC-TFA is applied to a video sequence. Two are the typologies of watermarking techniques that have been mainly investigated vs. WKHFROOXVLRQDWWDFN¿UVWLWKDVEHHQ66&R[ Kilian, Leighton, & Shamoon, 1997) and second, the STDM (Chen & Wornell, 2001); here we will study which are the Achilles’ heels for both the types of watermarking methods (e.g., repeating the same watermark in all the video frames) and we will provide some solutions.
WHAT IS THE COLLUSION ATTACK? The collusion attack is an action carried out by a given set of malicious users in possession of a copy of protected content that join together in order to obtain at the end of the attack procedure an unprotected asset. The attack is carried out by properly combining the protected copies of the multimedia documents collected by the colluders, according to the type of content and the kind of adopted protection system. When the protection is assured by a data hiding algorithm, the collusion usually can take place in one of two different application frameworks: mulWLPHGLD¿QJHUSULQWLQJDQGRZQHUVKLSYHUL¿FDWLRQ ,Q PXOWLPHGLD ¿QJHUSULQWLQJ D FRQWHQW RZQHU to protect his/her copyright, embeds a different code into each copy of the content distributed to each customer, in order to be able to trace possible illegal usage of data and discover the source of the leakage of information; in this case, then, each colluder possesses a slightly different copy of the same multimedia content, and the attack consists in averaging all documents they have, trying to produce a new document in which the watermark is no longer present; if the number of averaged documents is large enough, the attack is very effective even without the introduction of SHUFHSWXDOO\VLJQL¿FDQWGHJUDGDWLRQEHWZHHQWKH averaged multimedia document and the original RQH,QRZQHUVKLSYHUL¿FDWLRQDFRQWHQWRZQHU to demonstrate he/she is the authorised holder of the distributed content, embeds always the same code, linked to his/her identity, into different watermarked documents before they are distributed to the customers, in such a way that the hidden code can be used to prove ownership in court if someone will infringe on his/her copyrights; in this case, then, each colluder possesses different multimedia documents, with the same hidden code embedded in, so that the attack is carried out by estimating the watermark by means of an average of all the different contents they have (this
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
Figure 2. TFA attack applied in inter-video collusion: colluders group together owing the same video with different watermarks and apply a TFA collusion attack to obtain an unwatermarked video
approach is suitable only for data hiding systems in which the hidden watermark does not depend on the host data). Then the estimated watermark can be removed from all the documents hiding it, or even falsely inserted in other ones to generate fake watermarked documents. In the beginning, research against the collusion attack concerned mainly applications where the multimedia documents were constituted by digital images; in such a case, a possible colluder is obliged to team together with other attackers RUDWOHDVWWRVXFFHHGLQFROOHFWLQJDVXI¿FLHQW number of assets to successfully achieve his/her attack. Later, this attack was extended to other kinds of multimedia content like video sequences: in this particular case, the possibility of success of a collusion attack increases, since a video sequence, by one’s very nature, is nothing else than a collection of single still images. A single malicious customer in possession of one of few
watermarked video sequences can then combine the single frames composing the video to realize a collusion attack, in order to obtain a set of unwatermarked frames, or to extract the embedded code. In particular, in the case of video content, two kinds of collusion attack can be attempted. 7KH¿UVWXVXDOO\QDPHGinter-video collusion, is the classical attack carried out by resorting to a certain number of different watermarked video sequences, and then requires the cooperation among several malicious users. In Figures 2 and 3 two possible situations are illustrated: in the ¿UVWRQHFROOXGHUVWU\WRHUDVHWKHZDWHUPDUNVWKDW are embedded in the diverse copies of the same video they own, on the contrary, in the second one, the colluders try to estimate the watermark which is contained in the movies they can share and then subtract it by their watermarked contents to obtain watermark-free copies. The acronyms TFA and WER which appear in Figure 2 and
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
Figure 3. WER attack applied in inter-video collusion: colluders group together owing different videos with the same watermark and apply a WER collusion attack to obtain a reliable estimate of the watermark so to subtract it by the watermarked contents.and achieve unwatermarked copies
Figure 3 state for temporal frame averaging and watermark estimation remodulation, such collusion attacks will be debated in depth in the next subsection. The second and more interesting collusion attack, video watermarking can suffer, usually called intra-video collusion, refers to the attack performed only by using the frames composing a single video sequence; in this circumstance there is no need for more than one pirate, as the colluder has access to several watermarked frames composing the video sequence; if the length of the YLGHRLVVXI¿FLHQWWRFROOHFWDVLJQL¿FDQWQXPEHU of watermarked frames, the colluder can attempt the attack by himself/herself. In the sequel, we will focus exclusively on this kind of attack procedure: intra-video collusion.
Intra-Video Collusion: Different Approaches In intra-video collusion, it is possible to devise diverse manners to act on a video to wash out the watermark, according to the similarity of the content in the video frames, and to the type of embedded watermark. Two of the main approaches to be followed are: try to directly erase the waWHUPDUNE\PHDQVRID¿OWHULQJRSHUDWLRQRUWU\ to estimate the watermark and then subtract it by the watermarked frames. Both these methodologies can be successful or not on the basis of the watermarking system characteristics.
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
averaging along the time axis several consecutive frames in order to produce a new video sequence where the watermark is no longer readable (see Figure 4); this kind of attack is clearly effective if consecutive frames contain a different watermark. The choice of the size of the sliding temporal window is crucial, in fact a larger window allows to perform better in terms of collusion but the perceptual quality of the unwatermarked content is poorer. In fact, the application of this attack without taking into account the presence of motion, will introduce a degradation in the fake video sequence due to the temporal averaging process, depending not only on the width of the temporal window as well as on the amount of motion in the sequence.
To avoid this inconvenience which yields to DUHGXFHG¿QDOTXDOLW\WKHDWWDFNHUFDQDFWGLIferently and can carry out an improvement in the attack strategy. This step forward consists in registering frames before averaging: such a collusion attack is known as IUDPHWHPSRUDO¿OWHULQJ DIWHUUHJLVWUDWLRQ)7)5 . Each frame, undergone to collusion, is before registered with a reference IUDPHDQGWKHQWHPSRUDO¿OWHULQJLVDSSOLHGZLWKout introducing relevant visual distortion. Obviously registration introduces a complexity for the KDFNHUWKDWKDVWRFRPSXWHWKHGLVSODFHPHQW¿HOGV for each of the frames (but the reference frame) belonging to the temporal window. Finally, it can be generally stated that TFA DWWDFNLVHI¿FLHQWZKHQWKHYLGHRZDWHUPDUNLQJ algorithm has embedded uncorrelated watermarks in each video frame.
Figure 4. TFA attack: similar content watermarked with different watermarks is averaged in order to obtain an unwatermarked version of the content; In this example, the temporal window where the attack is applied is composed by three frames
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
Watermark Estimation Remodulation (WER) The second kind of collusion attack, named WER attack, consists in estimating the watermark and then removing it from the watermarked content (see Figure 5); this attack is effective in the case where the video is composed by a highly varying sequence of frames, each hiding the same watermark. Usually watermarks are located in high frequencies, watermark estimation can be roughly obtained by a difference between the watermarked content and its low-pass version, then these estimates can be combined together to improve the watermark estimation as in the following equation:
1 Nc
¦ f
(t l ) f LPw (t l )
where NC is the estimation window, and f w (t l ) and f LPw (t l ) are respectively the watermarked frame and its low-pass version. If the video sequence contains the same watermark in each LPDJHWKLVUH¿QHPHQWLQHVWLPDWLRQLVSHUWLQHQW otherwise, if the watermarks are different, it is useless. The watermark W that has been estimated in this way it is subtracted by each frame of the sequence yielding again, as in the previous case, to an unwatermarked content. Before subtracting the estimated watermark Wˆ by the watermarked video, it can be remodulated by DQ DSSURSULDWH VWUHQJWK IDFWRU WR LPSURYH ¿QDO perceptual quality. Obviously, the more accurate the estimation SURFHGXUHWKHEHWWHUWKH¿QDOUHVXOWDQDORJRXVO\ to the case of frame registration, the attacker can put in practice disparate strategies to achieve, in this situation, the aim of a reliable watermark estimate.
Figure 5. WER attack: perceptually different content watermarked with the same watermark are properly processed in order to extract the embedded watermark ;The more uncorrelated are the single frames the PRUHHI¿FLHQWLVWKHHVWLPDWLRQSURFHVVWRREWDLQWKHHPEHGGHGZDWHUPDUN
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
Sometimes, N different watermarks are repeated iteratively within the sequence (e.g., the same watermarks within each group of pictures [GOP]), in such a case the attacker has to correctly group the frames, coming from each GOP, WR UH¿QH WKH HVWLPDWH SURFHGXUH RWKHUZLVH LI images containing uncorrelated watermarks are coupled, the estimate does not improve. A possible countermeasure for the watermarker could be to randomly choose the watermarks to be embedded, IURPDVHWRISUHGH¿QHGZDWHUPDUNV Finally, it can be assessed that WER attack is YHU\HI¿FLHQWZKHQYLGHRZDWHUPDUNLQJDOJRULWKP has embedded correlated watermarks within each video frame and the estimate operation is easier.
THE TFA COLLUSION VS SS AND STDM In this paragraph the TFA collusion attack, which is the most important and easy to apply for a potential hacker against a watermarked digital video, will be analyzed in depth. In particular, such a kind of collusion attack will be considered with respect to the typology of algorithms usually adopted for video watermarking; two basic and well-known systems will be studied: SS and STDM data hiding.
Attacking Spread Spectrum with TFA In this subsection what happens when a SS watermarking scheme undergoes to a TFA attack by a colluder over a temporal window of size w is analyzed. It can be assumed that an attacker can create a colluded sequence Itc by a simple average operation over a range of w frames (e.g., w equal to three) without strongly degrading the perceptual quality of the video because of the high similarity among temporally close images.
In such circumstance the correlation computation & will lead to the following result:
α C(I ) | wN c t
¦( t 1
j w
t j
(k ) M t (k )),
If the watermark embedded in each frame is the same (i.e., MtN = 0N all the correlation terms within the summation of index j will be HTXDOWRRQHDQGWKH¿QDOREWDLQHGYDOXHLVJRLQJWREHĮ2QWKHRWKHUKDQGLIWKHZDWHUPDUN is temporally different, the summation of index j will have a non-null term only when j is equal to zero, this yields that the total correlation will be ĮZ. It can be easily understood that in the ¿UVWFDVHPHWKRGRORJ\66ZDWHUPDUNLQJLVQRW affected by TFA attack but, in the second case, the watermark can be simply removed by using a collusion window of size two. In addition to the attack effectiveness, the FROOXGHUPXVWWDNHLQWRDFFRXQWWKH¿QDOSHUFHStual quality of the attacked sequence, because averaging video frames in dynamic scenes will determine a disturbing effect on the colluded video depending on the size of the collusion window. The larger the collusion window the worst WKH¿QDOTXDOLW\LIIUDPHVDUHKLJKO\VWDWLFWKH quality degradation will not be so important and 7)$DWWDFNLVJRLQJWREHHI¿FLHQWRQWKHRWKHU hand if sequence contains moving objects another shrewdness can be adopted to improve results. It consists in using a frame registration (Doerr & Dugelay, 2003b) approach, based on motion prediction, before averaging, that allows to improve the perceptual quality of the attacked content, at the expense of a high computational burden. Finally, it can be assessed that SS is immune to TFA attack if the same watermark is embedded in each frame of the sequence; on the contrary, if uncorrelated watermarks are used, TFA is highly harmful, in particular for static scenes in which image registration can also be omitted by
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
embedding of b = 0. We have ȡwW = NW ǻG, ȡwW = NW ǻG and ȡwW = NW ǻG, leading to:
Attacking STDM with TFA ρ C (t ) We will assume for the following analysis that the same bit string is embedded in all the frames of the sequence affected by the collusion attack. When a watermarked video is under a TFA DWWDFNWKHSLUDWHGH¿QHVDWHPSRUDOZLQGRZRI width Nc, setting the number of watermarked frames that will be averaged to create a fake one, then he/she replaces each watermarked frame fwW with an average frame computed as follows:
1 Nc
(t )
¦f l
(t l )
k (t 1) k (t ) k (t 1) 'd 3
The decoder will correctly decide for b = 0 if and only if NW NW NW is a multiple of 3. This is the case, for example, if NW NW NW , but in general there is no assurance that this condition holds. If spreading vector is not constant with t, decoder still correlates fCwW with sW and applies again the decoding rule, but this time ȡCW f C wW sW . In fact let us consider, again, case Nc = 3, obtaining
1 ( f (t 1) s (t ) f (t ) w w 3 s (t ) f w (t 1) s (t ))
f C w (t ) s (t ) Nc is chosen depending on the characteristics of the sequence: a wide temporal window size, as previously said, involves a more effective attack, but it can bring an unacceptable loss of quality in the colluded frames, if the sequence is not static. If the spreading vector is chosen to be constant with t, in decoding phase the STDM decoder correlates fCwW with s and applies the usual decoding rule. Due to linearity, the correlation between the averaged features and s can be calculated as follows:
ρ (t )
(t ) s
1 Nc
¦ρ l
(t l )
That is, the correlation after the TFA attack is the average of the quantized correlation values. It is clearly seen that whether the averaged correlation belongs to the right decoding region or not depends on the particular quantized values ȡwW O , l = -Nc/2… Nc/2. Let us consider, for example, the simple case of Nc = 3, and let us focus on the
Analyzing each term we obtain:
f w (t ) s (t )
ρ w (t )
f w (t 1) s (t ) z ρ w (t 1) f w (t 1) s (t ) z ρ w (t 1) As can be seen, if spreading vector is not constant with t, the correlation after TFA attack is not the average of the quantized correlation values. In both cases (i.e., constant and time-variant), STDM robustness against TFA attack cannot be straight-forwardly established like what happened in SS, anyway some further indications to improve robustness of the system can be given. In fact as highlighted in Caldelli et al. (2005), it is possible to achieve a solution by binding all the correlations ȡW to be quantized on the same quantized value ǻ or ǻ (by choosing d=ǻ), according respectively to the bit 1 or 0 to be embedded in
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
watermarking. Under this basic assumption, at least in case of sW constant, we can assure that ȡCW will be quantized, during decoding, on the correct quantizer without jumping on the other one and determining a decoding error. In general, this can be summarized as in the sequel: Nc
¦ k (t l ) l
N c k (t )
where, in the case of embedding always the bit b=1, NW is equal to -1 and ȡwW =ǻ. This achievement can be obtained by choosing an ad-hoc couple of values for the parameters (ǻU , respectively the quantization step and the spreading gain (i.e., the number of used features). We would like to take a high value for ǻ to get the two quantizer more spatially divided and, conversely, a low value for r, to get a strict variance for the correlation ȡW to be always quantized on the same quantizers ǻfor b=1 and ǻ for b=0. In fact, by assuming that the features fW is a set of r independent Gaussian random variables, it can be computed that ı2ȡ Uı2f where ı2ȡ states for the variance of the correlation ȡW and ı2f is the variance of the features. But being proven that exists a direct proportionality between ǻ and¥U and, furthermore, being r directly proportional to the document to watermark ratio (DWR) which basically takes into account the perceptual quality of the watermarked content, the values of r and ǻ have to be taken accordingly. When the spreading vector sW is not constant with time, all the considerations made so far do not hold anymore, because, during decoding, the watermarked features are now correlated with a different spreading vector with respect to the coding phase, except for those belonging to the frame in the center of the collusion window that will give a right result. All the others results are not predictable and their sum can bring to any kind of output.
Comparison After this analysis, it can simply be realized that watermarking a video by using a classical SS or a STDM approach to embed a secret message within each frame, without taking into account some other basic considerations, it is not enough. In fact, when dealing with digital video, instead of still images, it is extremely important to be conscious that a potential attacker will have at his/her disposal a huge amount of watermarked data to be used in disparate manners to try to extract information, to obtain a de-watermarked content and so on. Furthermore, if we consider the easiness with which a security attack such as FROOXVLRQVSHFL¿FDOO\D7)$DWWDFNFDQEHFDUULHG out with no deep knowledge but just averaging frames, it is straightforward to comprehend the importance of knowing the correct settings during the encoding step to avoid or, at least, to drastically reduce this weakness. In the presented study it has been pointed out that SS approach shows a binary behavior against TFA attack. In fact, immunity can be achieved by simply repeating the same watermark in each frame belonging to the sequence but, on the other hand, if uncorrelated watermarks (i.e., a time-varying watermark) are used, an averaging operation along the time axis deletes any embedded code. So it would be immediate to state that WKH¿UVWVROXWLRQLHUHGXQGDQWZDWHUPDUNV LV to be chosen but it is interesting to underline that inserting always the same watermark leads to a disturbing persistent pattern, particularly when observing dynamic scenes. Finally, it is proper to say that the approach with time-varying watermarks can also be saved and a certain degree of robustness against TFA attack might be added by binding the choice of the different marks to DUHVWULFWHG¿QLWHVHWRIGLPHQVLRQD and then, at the detector side, by making correlations over each of the D possible watermarks before temporally averaging. This obviously increases the complexity of the whole system.
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
Because of the concerns of the STDM approach, both with a spreading vector constant and varying with time, diverse considerations have to be made. We can say that if sW is constant with t, using embedding parameters (r,ǻ DERYHDGH¿QHG threshold computed as previously described, STDM acquires robustness against TFA attack, that is error probability Pe is 0. This is due to the fact that approaching to this condition, more and more correlations ȡW are probably quantized on the same values ±ǻ. Anyway, it can be experiPHQWDOO\YHUL¿HGWKDWWKHEHKDYLRURI3e depends also, as expected, on dynamic characteristics of the video sequence. If the sequence is highly static, Pe will be very low even for small values of (r, ǻ), much below the requested threshold. This is due to the fact that lack of motion assures f wW § f wW § f wW and so ȡwW § ȡwW § ȡwW UHJDUGOHVVRIWKHVSHFL¿FYDOXHWKDWLWGRHVQRW need to be necessarily ǻ. On the contrary, if sW is not constant with t, WKHSUHYLRXVGH¿QHGWKUHVKROGLVQRWYDOLGDQ\more and STDM system is not robust to TFA attack, that is error probability Pe is greater than 0. Anyway, it can be assessed that a lower Pe is obtained for higher values of parameters (r,ǻ), as normally expected, but in this circumstance error probability can not strictly be controlled like the previous case.
CONCLUSION In this chapter we have analyzed effects of collusion attacks, particularly TFA, when two basic watermarking systems like SS and STDM are used to embed a watermark into a video sequence. Our analysis has highlighted the main drawbacks and advantages in using these two solutions and, above all, the fundamental issues to be taken into account to grant a certain level of robustness when a collusion attack is carried out by an attacker.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS In this chapter only a general overview on TFA collusion attack has been given particularly with reference to video watermarking through SS and STDM approaches, and obviously many research directions are still open and to be investigated. Among them, it would be interesting to analyze the behavior of such systems from a perceptual quality point of view. First of all by trying to understand the limits for a colluder (e.g., collusion window, motion estimation) to perform his/her action and secondly, if the set up of the watermarking parameters (e.g., the spreading gain r, the quantization step ǻWKHZDWHUPDUNSRZHUĮ to provide robustness against TFA, determines, and at which extent, a heavy decrement of the quality of the watermarked content. Perceptual aspects, as it often happens in watermarking, can give a help in the design of a secure watermarking strategy. Another important point to be studied in depth should be the estimate of error probability both for SS and for STDM cases. It would be interesting to theoretically calculate the trends of error rate with respect to the different watermarking parameters and, especially, with regard to various videos with different motion characteristics. Furthermore, it would be of interest to check the correspondence between the experimental results and the expected ones at least in some simple application cases. Finally, another challenging and unexplored issue to be investigated could be to compare performances of SS and STDM methodologies against WER collusion attack, which, at the moment, has not been studied yet within the watermarking VFLHQWL¿FFRPPXQLW\
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ADDITIONAL READING Boneh, D., & Shaw, J. (1998). Collusion secure ¿QJHUSULQWLQJIRUGLJLWDOGDWDIEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 44(5), 1897-1905. Celik, M., Sharma, G., & Tekalp, A. M. (2003). &ROOXVLRQUHVLOLHQW¿QJHUSULQWLQJXVLQJUDQGRP pre-warping. In Proceedings of the IEEE InternaWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ,PDJH3URFHVVLQJ.
Digital Video Watermarking and the Collusion Attack
Ergun, F., Kilian, J., & Kumar, R. (1999). A note on the limits of collusion-resistant watermarks. In Proceedings of Advances in Cryptology, EUROCRYPT’ 99 (LNCS 1592, pp. 140-149).
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Holliman, M., Macy, W., & Yeung, M. (2000). Robust frame-dependent video watermarking. In Proceedings of Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents II (Vol. 3971, pp. 186197).
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Chapter V
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques Nataša Terzija The University of Manchester, UK
ABSTRACT The resistance of watermarking schemes against geometric distortions has been the subject of much UHVHDUFKDQGGHYHORSPHQWHIIRUWLQWKHODVW\HDUV7KLVLVGXHWRWKHIDFWWKDWHYHQWKHPLQRUJHRPHWULF manipulation of the watermarked image can dramatically reduce the ability of the watermark detector to detect the watermark, that is, the watermark detector can lose the synchronization. By this, the waterPDUNV\QFKURQL]DWLRQFDQEHGH¿QHGDVDSURFHVVIRU¿QGLQJWKHORFDWLRQIRUwatermark embedding and detection. A variety of techniques have been proposed to provide partial robustness against geometrical GLVWRUWLRQV7KHVHWHFKQLTXHVFDQEHGLYLGHGLQWRWZRJURXSV WHFKQLTXHVWKDWXVHWKHRULJLQDOLPDJH WRUHFRYHUWRV\QFKURQL]DWLRQDQG WHFKQLTXHVWKDWGRQRWKDYHWKHDFFHVVWRWKHRULJLQDOLPDJHFRQWHQW GXULQJWKHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQSURFHVV7KLVFKDSWHUFODVVL¿HVDQGDQDO\]HVWHFKQLTXHVDQGDSSURDFKHVWKDW are currently used in watermarking schemes to recover the synchronization.
INTRODUCTION Digital watermarking is an approach to solving copyright protection problems of digital information (i.e., audio, video, text, or images). The watermark is embedded in the original image and then extracted to verify the ownership.
The ideal properties of a digital watermark include the invisibility and robustness. The watermarked data should retain the quality of the original one as closely as possible. Robustness refers to the ability to detect the watermark after various types of intentional or unintentional alterations (so called attacks). In both cases the
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A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
watermarking system should be able to detect and extract the watermark after attacks. The best-known watermarking attacks, which may be intentional or unintentional, depending on the DSSOLFDWLRQDUHDGGLWLYHQRLVH¿OWHULQJGHQRLVing attacks; watermark removal and interference attacks; compressions; statistical averaging; multiple watermarking; geometrical attacks; cropping; random geometric distortions; and printing-scanning. Various watermarking schemes have been proposed in the present. Unfortunately, up to QRZWKHUHLVQRDOJRULWKPWKDWSHUIHFWO\IXO¿OV the aforementioned fundamental watermarking requirements: the imperceptibility to the human visual perception and the robustness to any kind of watermarking attacks. The robustness of the watermark against geometrical attacks is still an open problem in the ¿HOGRIZDWHUPDUNLQJ(YHQWKHPLQRUJHRPHWULF manipulation of the watermarked image can dramatically reduce the ability of the watermark detector to detect the watermark. Most previous watermarking algorithms perform weakly against geometric distortions, which desynchronize the location for the embedded watermark. Therefore, the watermark synchroQL]DWLRQZKLFKFDQEHGH¿QHGDVDSURFHVVIRU ¿QGLQJ WKH ORFDWLRQ IRU ZDWHUPDUN HPEHGGLQJ and detection, is a crucial issue for robust image watermarking. The effect of geometrical distortions can be better understood by making the analogy between the watermark and any communication system (Cox, Miller, & Bloom, 2001). In a communication system the synchronization between the encoder and decoder is related to the timesynchronization. In a watermarking system the synchronization principle can be applied and it is related to the geometric synchronization. The geometric synchronization refers to the ability of the watermarking detector to perform the watermark detection on the same image part used for the watermark embedding by using the
same image coordinates. If the received image is geometrically manipulated the coordinates of the received image will be changed comparing to the coordinates of the original image. As a consequence, the watermark detector will lose the synchronization. Hence, it is required to implement a synchronization recovery technique as a pre-processing step at the decoder side. A typical geometric distortion affecting an image or a video can be global (rotation, spatial scaling, translation, skew or shear, projective transformation, and change in aspect ratio) or local. We distinguish between global and local geometrical manipulations because the synchroQL]DWLRQUHFRYHU\PHWKRGVVLJQL¿FDQWO\GLIIHU,Q WKH¿UVWFDVHWKHUHDUHHQRXJKVDPSOHVWRHVWLPDWH the parameters of the undergone transformation, whereas in the second case, the number of samples is limited since the transformation must be estimated locally. In this chapter we survey and classify current watermarking techniques (synchronization techniques) that provide robustness against geometrical attacks. Roughly, the watermarking schemes dealing with the problem of synchronization can be divided into two groups: 1.
Techniques without the access to the original image content (blind synchronization techniques); and Techniques that use the original image content (image registration techniques).
This chapter is organized as follows. Firstly, WKHJHRPHWULFDOGLVWRUWLRQZLOOEHFODVVL¿HGLQWKH next section. Then, the overview of the existing watermarking techniques which consider the problem of synchronization without access to the original image content will be given in the third section. After that, an image registration technique is described and experimentally tested. At the end WKH¿QDOFRQFOXVLRQVZLOOEHJLYHQ
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
CLASSIFICATION OF GEOMETRIC DISTORTIONS There are many different ways to classify the geometrical distortion. Most commonly used FODVVL¿FDWLRQLQFOXGHV 1. 2. 4. 5.
Translation (cropping), Rotation, scaling, and translation (RTS), $I¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ Projective transformation, or Random geometrical distortion (Stirmark attack, see Petiticolas, 2000; Petiticolas, Anderson, & Kuhn, 1998)
Cropping is an important geometric deformation that is seldom discussed. However, as output LPDJHVFDQQRWLQFOXGHXQGH¿QHGUHJLRQVWKLVRSeration will follow most geometrical deformations. The mathematical expression of the deformation usually does not specify output signal limits. RTS is very common geometric transformation but it will be discussed here as a part of an DI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ $Q DI¿QH WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ FDQ EH H[SUHVVHG as:
ª x1d º «x » « 2d » «¬ 1 »¼
A ff
ª x1 º A ff «« x2 »» «¬ 1 »¼ ª a11 «a « 21 «¬ 0
a12 a22 0
ª a11 a12 º «a » ¬ 21 a22 ¼ ª FRV ) sin ) º ª S x1 « « sin ) ) ¼» «¬0 ¬
A ffL
t x1 º t x2 »» 1 »¼
0 º ª1 »« x2 » ¼ ¬0
º » 1¼ (3)
Each of the parameters of the transformation can be computed:
WDQ ) S x1
a 21 for rotation a11 2 2 a11 a 21 ,S x2
for image scaling
det( A ffL ) S x1 (5)
a11a12 a 21a 22 det(A ffL ) for shearing
Projective transform transforms the spatial ' coordinates x1, x 2 into new coordinate system x1 ' x2GH¿QHGE\WKHHTXDWLRQV
where x1 , x 2 are the image coordinates that are transformed to the coordinates x1d , x 2 d using DQDI¿QHPDWUL[ A ff 7KHFRHI¿FLHQWV a11 , a12 , a21, a22 form the linear part of transformation (A ffL); t x and t x2 are parameters of translation. 1 The linear part A ffLRIDI¿QHPDWUL[ A ff can be
expressed as the combination of rotation, scaling, and shearing transformation with the corresponding parameters:
ax1 bx2 c gx1 hx2 1
x 2'
dx1 ex2 f gx1 hx2 1
,WWDNHVIRXUSRLQWVRUHLJKWFRHI¿FLHQWVWR GHVFULEHWKLVWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ7KHFRHI¿FLHQWV g , h cause nonlinear perspective distortion of the image. If they both equal zero, the projective transform (equations (7) and (8)) becomes linear. The projective transform can equivalently be described by the (transposed) matrix equations:
u , w
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
' 2
v , w
[u v w] [ x1 x 2 1] T
and T is the 3x3 matrix:
ªa «b « «¬ c
d e f
gº h »» 1 »¼
which is greatest at the centre of the picture and almost null at the border (see Figure 1). The aim of this attack is that the detector loses the synchronization with the embedded watermark. Figure 1 illustrates the effect of Stirmark attack. An original image (see Figure 1a) is geometrically manipulated applying a geometrical distortion without randomization and given in Figure 1b. After that the same geometrical distortion is applied to the original image, as well as the slightly randomization. In Figure 1c the effect of introduced randomization can be clearly seen at the center part of the grid.
&RPSDUHGZLWKWKHDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPSURMHFWLYH transformation cannot be composed as a sequence of translations, shears, scaling, and (optionally) rotations because the projective transform is not linear. Random geometric distortions. The Stirmark attack has shown remarkable success in removing data embedded by commercially available SURJUDPV6WLUPDUNDWWDFNLQWURGXFHV¿UVWDPLQRU unnoticeable geometric distortion and then the image is slightly stretched, sheared, shifted, bent, and rotated by an unnoticeable random amount. Further, a slight deviation is applied to each pixel,
WATERMARKING TECHNIQUES DEALING WITH THE PROBLEM OF SYNCHRONIZATION WITHOUT ACCESS TO THE ORIGINAL IMAGE CONTENT In the following section a survey of the watermarking techniques claiming resistance to geometrical distortions will be presented. These techniques do QRWXVHWKHRULJLQDOLPDJHFRQWHQW7KHFODVVL¿FDtion will be organized according to the common DSSURDFKHV6RPHWHFKQLTXHVFDQEHFODVVL¿HGLQ more than one class because they combine several different approaches.
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
Exhaustive Search This approach considers all possible geometrical GLVWRUWLRQVWKDWFRXOGWDNHSODFH$IWHUGH¿QLQJD range of likely values for each distortion parameter, every combination of parameters is examined. Each combination of distortion parameters represents a hypothetical distortion that might have been applied to the image after watermark embedding. The inverse transformation is applied to the received image and the watermark detection, too. The embedded watermark is extracted FKRRVLQJWKHEHVWGHWHFWLRQFRQ¿GHQFHYDOXHHJ FRUUHODWLRQFRHI¿FLHQW ZKLFKLVEH\RQGWKHDSpropriate threshold. The main drawbacks of these approaches are increased computational costs and possibility of false detection. The amount of computation increases with the size of the search space. Therefore these approaches typically use the limited sets of translation, scaling, and rotation parameters. The false positive occurs when the detector found the watermark in the unwatermarked image. Typically, the detector tests N distorted ersions of the unwatermarked image. If the watermark is found in at least one of these versions, the detector will produce the false positive. The possibility of false watermark detection under exhaustive search is deeply studied (Kalker & Depovere, 1998; Lichtenauer, Setyawan, Kalker, & Lagendijk, 2003; Miller & Bloom, 1999). In order to decrease the computational costs and to observe more complex transformations, detection procedure can be performed on smaller image regions (Tefas & Pitas, 2000).
Solachidis & Pitas, 1999). In these approaches the search for synchronization is limited to one repetition period. Hartung and Girod (1999) use the periodical watermark insertion to perform the synchronization. This scheme is designed against Stirmark attack, which introduces small local geometrical distortions. The correlation technique with sliding windows (commonly used in communication in order to recover the synchronization) is implemented. The image is divided into blocks and marks are embedded in these blocks. The technique of sliding window is implemented on image blocks and the correlation between the image block of received image, possibly containing the watermark and the block with the watermark is measured. If the mark is detected in the block the location of the mark in the neighbor block is initialized by the previous location. Another synchronization possibility is provided by the approaches based on self-reference watermarks. The watermark itself is arranged in the special spatial structure, which has desired statistical properties. Based on the watermark design and the watermark statistic used for the esWLPDWLRQWKHSDUDPHWHUVRIDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ the following types of self-reference watermark can be distinguished: •
Periodical Sequences •
One strategy to solve the synchronization problem introduced by geometrical distortions is to add redundancy during the embedding process. This redundancy can be used to localize the position of the watermark and to improve the detection stage (Delannay & Macq, 2000; Maes et al., 2000;
Self-reference watermark based on four WLPHVUHSHDWHGSDWWHUQVDQGDI¿QHHVWLPDtion based on autocorrelation function (ACF) (Kutter, 1998) Periodic watermarks with any geometry and DI¿QHHVWLPDWLRQEDVHGRQWKHPDJQLWXGH watermark spectrum (Deguillaume, Voloshynovskiy, & Pun, 2002; Voloshynovskiy, Deguillaume, & Pun, 2000) Self-similar patterns or patterns with a special spatial structure (Solachidis & Pitas, 1999; Tsekeridou, 2000)
Kutter et al. (1998) proposes the embedding of a self-reference watermark, which is prepared LQ DGYDQFH DV D VSHFL¿F VWUXFWXUDO SDWWHUQ IRU
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
the purpose of calibration. Kutter’s reference watermark is composed of nine peaks that are extracted by means of an ACF and used to estimate the effects of geometrical attacks. The main drawbacks of this approach are: increased computational costs due to the computation of six 2-D discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) (used for computation of ACF and the correlation in the translation recovery process) and reduced robustness in the case of lossy compression. To improve the robustness after lossy compression the algorithms based on magnitude spectrum of periodical watermarks are proposed by Voloshynovski et al. (2000). The magnitude spectrum of the estimate watermark is computed. Due to the periodicity of the embedded information the magnitude spectrum showed aligned and reguODUO\VSDFHGSHDNV,IWKHDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ is applied to the watermarked image, the peaks layout will be rescaled, rotated, or sheared but alignments will be preserved. Actually, it is easy WRHVWLPDWHWKHDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQIURPWKHVH SHDNVE\¿WWLQJWKHDOLJQPHQWVDQGHVWLPDWLQJ periods. The most important problem with this approach lies in its security: the regular peak grids in the ACF and magnitude spectra are accessible without any knowledge of secure information (typically a key). Key knowledge is necessary RQO\IRU¿QGLQJWKHRULHQWDWLRQRIWKHHVWLPDWHG watermark block and decoding of the message. Without key knowledge the watermark block can still be estimated. Embedding the inverted pattern in the watermarked image will completely remove the watermark if the same visual masking is applied that was used for embedding the watermark. This problem has been solved by Delannay and Macq (2002) by removing the periodicity of the watermark with a secret non-periodicmodulation signal sm ( x1 , x2 , k ) :
where I ' ( x1 , x2 ) is the watermarked image luminance at coordinates ( x1 , x2 ), w( x1 , x2 ) is the tiled watermark pattern and s m ( x1 , x 2 , k ) is the modulation signal that depends on a secret key k . The function sm ( x1 , x2 , k ) must have certain VSHFL¿FSURSHUWLHV
I ' ( x1 , x 2 )
The main idea of watermarking in the transform invariant domain is to perform the watermark embedding or detection in the domain invariant to
I ( x1 , x 2 ) w( x1 , x 2 ) s m ( x1 , x 2 , k ) (13)
The essential property of the used watermark signal is its polarity, therefore, s (i, j , k ) must also be a binary function, that is, s m ( x1 , x 2 , k ) {1,1} ; The result of function sm ( x1 , x2 , k ) should be secret. Without knowledge of key k , given only the watermarked image I ' ( x1 , x2 ), the uncertainty about sm ( x1 , x2 , k ) must be maximal; The signal s m ( x1 , x 2 , k ) has to be always registered with the watermark. However, a possible geometrical distortion cannot be known by the blind detector before-hand. Hence, the only solution is that s m ( x1 , x 2 , k ) must be a function of both k and the image content; s m ( x1 , x 2 , k ) has to be approximately the same for the original image, the watermarked image, and the (geometrically) distorted watermarked image. In other words, the modulation signal s m ( x1 , x 2 , k ) must be calculated using a function that is insensitive to (watermarking) noise, scale, WUDQVODWLRQURWDWLRQDQGVKHDULQJLHDI¿QH transformation). The algorithm to compute s m ( x1 , x 2 , k ), presented by Delannay and 0DFT VDWLV¿HVPRVWRIWKHUHTXLUHments mentioned previously. The authors show the robustness of the modulation function to different kinds of image distortion.
Invariant Domains
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
geometrical transformations. One way to achieve this is to apply a Fourier-Mellin transform to the DFT magnitude of the original image spectrum (Lin et al., 2000; Ruanaidh & Pun, 1998). In Fourier domain magnitude spectrum is insensitive to translation, image scaling produces inverse scaling in frequency domain and image rotation causes the spectrum rotation for the same angle. Transforming the Cartesian coordinates of the Fourier domain in log-polar, image scaling and rotation become the translation. Applying again the Fourier transformation to the log-polar representation of the magnitude spectra, the Fourier-Mellin domain is obtained (see Figure 2). Fourier-Mellin domain is rotation, scale, and translation invariant. The main problem with the implementation of discrete Fourier-Mellin transformation is that the forward and inverse transformations are not straightforward. The logarithmic sampling of the log-polar mapping must be carefully implemented in order to avoid the interpolation errors. Another possibility to achieve an invariant domain is to apply the log-log mapping of the Fourier spectra (Lin, 1999). Such a representation is insensitive to image cropping, scaling, PRGL¿FDWLRQRIDVSHFWUDWLREXWQRWLQYDULDQWWR rotation.
Synchronization Marks These approaches use the training signal, also called pilot signals, which have known and easily detectable features. They do not convey payload
information. To estimate the distortion at the detector side it is necessary to register correctly the received signal with the original pilot signal. The detection of pilot signals must be robust against the addressed distortions. The pilot signals can be embedded either in the spatial domain $OJKRQLHP\ 7HZ¿N .XWWHU -RUGDQ & Bossen, 1997) or in the frequency domain (Deguillaume, Csurka, Ruanaidh, & Pun, 1999; Herrigel, Ruanaidh, Petersen, Pereira, & Pun, 1998; Pereira & Pun, 2000). The pilot signal that is embedded in the frequency domain is usually called template. The template itself does not contain payload information and it is only used to recover the synchronization after the geometrical transformation. A few examples of the templates are presented in Figure 3. In the template-based approaches it is important to resolve the following problems: •
Where to embed such a template to satisfy the trade-off between the invisibility and robustness. Template points should be embedded as local peaks in its neighborhood. How to detect peaks after geometrical attacks possibly followed by lossy compression. 'HVLJQDQHI¿FLHQWDQGIDVWWHPSODWHPDWFKing algorithm for estimation of the paramHWHUV RI DI¿QH WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ 3HUHLUD Pun, 1999; Pereira, Ruanaidh, Deguillaume, Csurka, & Pun, 1999).
Pereira and Pun (1999) propose the embedding of the template points in the high and middle fre-
Figure 2. Rotation, scale, translation invariant Fourier-Mellin domain
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
quencies of the DFT spectra in order to satisfy the invisibility and robustness requirements. The embedded template points are uniformly distributed in the DFT spectra and chosen pseudo-randomly. The strength of the template points is determined adaptively as well. The authors found that inserting the points at strength equal to the local average value of DFT points plus three standard deviation yields a good compromise between imperceptibility and robustness. The points are inserted less strongly in the high than in the middle frequencies. Comparison of positions of template points before and after geometric distortion will give us information about the transformation that has been applied. The search for the template points after geometric distortion requires a lot of computational costs. In order to decrease the computational costs Pereira et al. (1999) perform template registration using log-polar and log-log mapping of the DFT spectra. Using the log-polar mapping of DFT spectra provides that scaling and rotations are transformed in translation. Log-log mapping transforms the change of aspect ratio into translation. These properties make the template matching problem tractable however the logarithmic sampling of the log-polar mapping must be carefully handled in order to avoid the interpolation errors. Figure 4 illustrates the
effect of a log polar map on the standard Lena image (Figure 4a). Figure 4b shows the log-polar representation of the Lena image. In Figure 4c the inverse log-polar mapping is applied and the difference between the original and reconstructed image is given in Figure 4d. In order to show the difference image better, the intensity values in Figure 4d are rescaled. The effect of interpolation errors can be seen very clearly at the border region of Figure 4c. Another approach (Terzija & Geisselhardt, LPSURYHVWKHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKHWHPSODWHUHJistration process by using the Radon transform. Radon transform is implemented to the Fourier VSHFWUXPLQRUGHUWRGHWHFW¿UVWO\WKHDQJOHRI image rotation. After that the searching for the template points is performed. Figure 5a shows the Radon transform of the Lena image. The peaks of the Radon transform can be clearly seen at 0° and 90°. Figure 5b shows the Radon transform of the Lena image rotated for 30°. In this case the peaks of the Radon transform are actually shifted for the angle of rotation and can be seen at 30° and 120° (see Figure 5b). By extracting the peaks of the Radon transform from the original and rotated image and by subtracting them the angle of the rotation can be easily calculated. One of the drawbacks of the template-based approaches is its security. Even if the key-de-
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
pendent template is used, an attacker can easily predict the template without key knowledge and remove it. One example of such an attack is template removal attack (Herrigel, Voloshynovskiy, & Rytsar, 2001).
Content-Based Approaches The content-based approaches also referred to as a second generation watermarking schemes (Kutter, Bhattacharjee, & Ebrahimi, 1999) explore the robust image features for building of the reference system for watermark embedding and detection. The main assumption behind it is that the content reference system undergoes the same
geometrical distortions as the watermarked image. ,QWKH¿HOGRIZDWHUPDUNLQJWKHIHDWXUHSRLQWV can be used as the reference points for the both the watermark embedding and detection processes. A wide variety of feature point detectors exist in the open literature. Among them the Harris corner detector (Harris & Stephen, 1988) and the Mexican scale interaction method (Marr, 1982) are widely used in designing the watermarking schemes. The group of scale invariant feature point detectors (Mikolajczyk & Schmid, 2004), which are robust against transformations such as rotation, scale, translation, illumination changes, or even projective transformation (Lowe, 2004) are promising techniques to be considered in the ¿HOGRIZDWHUPDUNLQJ
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
Figures 6a-6c show the feature points extracted ZLWK+DUULV+DUULV$I¿QHFRUQHUGHWHFWRUDQG scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) feature point detector, respectively. It can be seen from WKHVH¿JXUHVWKDWHDFKIHDWXUHSRLQWGHWHFWRUJLYHV the different number and locations of the extracted feature points. Depending on the applied watermarking approach, it is more desirable that the feature points have uniform spatial distribution. The next watermarking requirement is that the extracted feature point should be robust against different non-malicious attacks (compressions, ¿OWHULQJ JHRPHWULFDO GLVWRUWLRQV $PRQJ WKH listed non-malicious attacks, the most challenging requirement is that the feature points are robust against geometrical distortions. The feature points extracted with Harris corner detector are only robust against rotation transformation. The properties of the aforementioned feature point detectors are summarized in Table 1. By this, these properties are related to the invariance of the feature points to the geometrical transformations DQGWKHDI¿QHDQGSURMHFWLYHLQYDULDQFHLVRQO\ approximately achieved. 7KHIROORZLQJVLJQL¿FDQWUHVXOWVRIDSSOLFDWLRQ of feature point detectors in the watermarking ¿HOGDUHOLVWHGDVIROORZV Nikolaidis and Pitas (1999) use salient spatial features resulting from image segmentation. The
¿UVW VWDJH RI WKH SURSRVHG WHFKQLTXH FRQFHUQV ¿QGLQJVHJPHQWDWLRQRUFOXVWHULQJWHFKQLTXHWKDW will provide us with a robust region representation under image processing, in the sense that it will not be seriously affected by usual geometric image manipulations (e.g., rotation, translation, FRPSUHVVLRQ ¿OWHULQJ ,Q RUGHU WR H[WUDFW WKH regions for watermark embedding, they apply an adaptive k-mean clustering technique and retrieve several the largest regions. These regions are approximated by ellipsoids and the bounding rectangle of each region is used for watermark embedding or detection. A drawback of this technique is that image segmentation is strongly dependent on image content and consequently sensitive to attacks that remove the image parts (cropping, or rotation followed by cropping). Bas, Chassery, & Macq (2002) propose a content-based synchronization approach based on the feature points extracted with the Harris corner detector. Furthermore, in order to decompose the image into a set of disjoint triangles to get the patches for watermark embedding, a Delaunay tessellation is applied on the set of extracted feature points. These triangles are used as the location for watermark embedding which is performed in the spatial domain using classical additive watermarking method. If the set of extracted feature points after image distortions is identical with one before distortions Delaunay
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
Table 1. The properties of the feature point detectors Rotation invariance
Scale invariance
$I¿QH invariance
Projective invariance
WHVVHOODWLRQLVDQHI¿FLHQWPHWKRGWRGLYLGHWKH image in the same manner. Drawbacks of this approach is that the feature points extracted with the Harris corner detector are sensitive to image distortions, that is, Delaunay tessellation of these points is slightly different from Delaunay tessellation applied on the feature points extracted IURPWKHRULJLQDOLPDJH7KHUHIRUHLWLVGLI¿FXOW to extract the same triangle as one used for the watermark embedding. Consequently, it will reduce the robustness of the watermark detector. The triangles or patches will also not correspond if the image is cropped or if the aspect ratio is changed. In both cases Delaunay tessellation will give different results. Tang and Hang (2003) use the scale interaction method based on two dimensional Mexican Hat wavelet for the feature points extraction. The scale interaction method determines feature points by identifying the intensity change of the image and it is robust to spatial distortions. Image normaliVDWLRQ$OJKRQLHP\ 7HZ¿N LVXVHGDV well, because the objects in the normalized image are invariant to geometrical image distortions. 7KH\H[WUDFWWKHQRQRYHUODSSHGGLVFVRID¿[HG radius around the feature point and apply image normalization on every disc. The watermark is embedded in the DFT domain of 32x32 image blocks selected from every normalized image disc. This technique is robust against rotation DQGVSDWLDO¿OWHULQJEXWLWLVVHQVLWLYHWRVFDOLQJ RSHUDWLRQ,WLVQRWHDV\HI¿FLHQWWRGHWHUPLQHWKH radius of the normalized disc from the rescaled image that should match with the normalized disc from the original image, used for embedding.
This will consequentially reduce the watermark robustness after different scaling operation. Lee, Kim, and Lee (2006) apply SIFT transform to extract feature points, which are invariant to scaling and translations. The watermark was embedded in the circular region around the feature point using an additive watermarking method in the spatial domain. The radius of the circular region is proportional to the characteristic scale extracted with SIFT. Applying the polar-mapped circular region the rotation invariance is achieved. Problems with this approach arise if the feature points extracted from the distorted image with SIFT are slightly misaligned, while the circular region can not be exactly extracted. Terzija and Geisselhardt (2006) propose a synchronization technique that computes the SDUDPHWHUV RI XQGHUJRQH DI¿QH WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ which are limited to rotation and scaling. This technique uses a rotation invariant property of the DFT spectra and the scale invariant property of the characteristic scale (Lindeberg, 1998; Mikolajczyk & Schmid, 2001). The characteristic scale is one of the parameters that are extracted with the SIFT detector. The properties of the characteristic scale are deeply studied by Lindeberg. The characteristic scale provides a scale invariant feature for each feature point and it does not depend upon the resolution of the image. In other words if the feature point has characteristic scale s0 and the corresponding feature point extracted from rescaled image has the characteristic scale sn , the ratio of the characteristic scales of these two points will give the scaling parameter. Two template structures embedded in the log
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
Figure 7. Embedding process
polar representation of the DFT spectra (botWRPULJKW ¿UVWRQHFRUUHVSRQGVWRWKHYDOXHRI characteristic scale s 0 34 and it is embedded at the angular position of 34º; second template structure has randomly selected value s r 45 (used to detect rotation) and it is embedded at the angular position of 45º. The corresponding peaks of cross correlation are shown as well (bottom left). This property was used by Terzija and Geisselhardt (2006) to compute the parameters of scaling in the following way: 1. 2.
Let us suppose that we have an original image. Extract the feature points with SIFT detector on original image and for each feature point compute the parameter of characteristic scale s0.
Robustly embed the information about characteristic scale s0 for each point in the neighborhood of that point. Apply the geometrical transformation (e.g., image scaling) on an image that contains the embedded information. Compute the value of characteristic scale sn with SIFT for the corresponding point on rescaled image. Extract from the neighborhood of the corresponding point the embedded information s0.
Using the computed characteristic scale sn , extracted value for s0 and taking the ratio of s n / s 0 will give us exactly the scaling parameter. 7KLV DOJRULWKP LV VOLJKWO\ PRGL¿HG LI DGditional rotation has been applied. The basic algorithm is presented in Figures 7 and 8.
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
Figure 8. Extraction process
Here, the geometrical transformation which consists of rotation for 5º and scaling of 1.1x original image size is applied. Using the extraction procedure the peaks of cross correlation have been obtained (bottom left). First peak was found at 29º ( s n1 29) and it corresponds to the embedded characteristic scale s0 34 shifted for the actual rotation angle. The second peak was found at 40º ( s r1 40 ), which corresponds to the s r 45. Firstly the parameter of rotation will be calculated from rot s r s r1 45q 40q 5q.Afterthat s 0will be calculated as: s 0 s n1 rot 29 5 34. Taking the ratio of s n / s 0 , where s n 47.6 (calculated with SIFT detector) will give us the scaling parameter of 1.1. Firstly, the feature points will be extracted from the original image using the SIFT detector. After WKDWRQO\WKH¿UVWSRLQWVZLWKWKHODUJHVWFKDUacteristic scale are considered for embedding. The circular region around the selected feature point will be DFT transformed and log-polar mapped.
Two template structures will be embedded independently in the log-polar representation of DFT VSHFWUDWKH¿UVWRQHFRQWDLQLQJWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ about characteristic scale s0 and second one randomly selected which will be used to detect the undergone rotation. The log-polar mapping is used because of property that each rotation and scaling will be transformed into translation. In other words, after rotation these two template structures will be only linearly shifted in logpolar representation of DFT spectra, for a shift that corresponds to the actual angle of rotation. 7KHSDUDPHWHUVRIDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQFDQEH correctly computed if these template structures are detected even from one image region. The peaks of cross-correlation function were used to detect the embedded templates. Experimental results KDYHGHPRQVWUDWHGWKDWWKHSDUDPHWHUVRIDI¿QH transformation can be successfully computed if the FRPSUHVVLRQV-3(*-3(* VSDWLDO¿OWHULQJ or various geometrical distortions, which consist
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
of rotation, scaling, cropping, or combinations of them are applied.
geometrical transformation can be estimated. From these parameters an inverse geometrical transformation can be calculated. This algorithm uses a SIFT descriptor. The algorithm is performed in the following steps:
Detect the feature points using SIFT detector on both original and geometric transformed original image. 2. For every feature point, the corresponding SIFT descriptor is calculated. Array of SIFT descriptors calculated for original image is denoted by SIFT0 and SIFTd for the geometrical transformed image, where o 1! n1 , d 1! n 2 . n1 and n2 are the total numbers of feature points detected on original image and geometrical transformed image, respectively. 3. The comparison between each element of SIFT0 and SIFTd is performed applying the correlation. The correlation FRHI¿FLHQWEHWZHHQWKH SIFT0 and SIFTd , o 1! n1 , d 1! n 2 is computed (see Box 1). Where SIFT0 and SIFTd are the mean values of SIFT0 and SIFTd . By this SIFT descriptor of every feature point is vector of 128 elements. ,IWKHFRUUHODWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWLVJUHDWHUWKDQ a threshold thr the corresponding points are found. thr value is set to 0.9.
Image registration is the process of overlaying two or more images of the same scene taken at different times, from different viewpoints, and/or by different sensors. It geometrically aligns two images: the reference and sensed images. There are a lot of different image registration techniques in the open literature (Brown, 1992) that could be applied for watermarking (Caner, Tekalp, & Hainzelman, 2006; Kaewkamnerd & Rao, 2000; Yasein & Agathoklis, 2005). The local image descriptors are mainly used IRU¿QGLQJFRUUHVSRQGHQFHVEHWZHHQWKHLPDJHV Many different techniques for describing local image regions have been developed. The simplest descriptor is a vector of image pixels. To compute a similarity score between two descriptors the cross-correlation can be used. Mikolajczyk and Schmid (2005) evaluate the performance of different local descriptors. It was concluded that SIFT-based descriptors perform best. Here we will describe one simple technique (Terzija & Geisselhardt, 2005), which uses feature points extracted with the SIFT detector to align an original or watermarked image with a geometrical transformed original or watermarked image. When the correspondence between the two images is found the parameters of the undergone
Now a few experiments will be performed in order to show ability of the method to register the image after geometric distortion. In the ex-
Box 1. Formula 14 128
corr ( SIFT0 , SIFTd )
SIFT0 )( SIFTd i SIFTd )
i 1
i 1
SIFT0 ) 2 ¦ ( SIFTd i SIFTd ) 2 i 1
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
periments it is assumed that the original image is WUDQVIRUPHGE\DQDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ In order to determine the parameters of af¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQVLWLVHQRXJKWRGHWHFWWKUHH corresponding points on an original and received image. 6L[FRPELQHGDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQVDUHSHUformed. These attacks consist of rotation, scaling, shearing, or a combination of them with the image cropping. These attacks are denoted as G1-G6 and WKHSDUDPHWHUVRIWKHDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQVDUH given in the Table 2. G1 is the shearing attack with Sh 0.5 ; G2 is the rotation attack with 30 D ;
G3 is the scaling attack with S x1 S x2 0.8 ; G4 20 D is the combination of rotation attack with , scaling with S x1 S x2 1.2 and cropping; G5 is combination of rotation with 45 D , scaling with S x1 1.3 , S x2 0.9; G6 is combination of rotation 8 D and scaling S x1 S x2 0.5. In Figures 9-14 the six geometrical attacks are presented: (a) is the original Lena image, (b) is geometrically transformed Lena image, and (c) is the reconstructed image after applying the inverse DI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ7KHFRUUHVSRQGLQJIHDWXUH SRLQWVDUHSUHVHQWHGRQ¿JXUHVD DQGE ,WFDQ be seen that for different distortion the different corresponding feature points are found.
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
In Table 2 the following parameters are presented: the total number of feature points extracted from the original image (“fpo”); the total number of feature points extracted from transformed image (“fpt”); the size of the transformed image; the total number of corresponding points (“cp”); WKHSDUDPHWHUVRIDSSOLHGDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ ( aO11, aO12 , aO 21 , aO 22 ); and parameters of FRPSXWHGDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ A ffC ( aC11, aC12, aC 21, aC 22 ). The size of the original Lena image was 512 x 512 . In order to express the quality of the computed parameters the mean square error (MSE) 7 was calculated. MSE value was 8.610 which shows that the difference between the originally
DSSOLHGSDUDPHWHUVRIDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQDQG computed parameters using this image registration technique is negligible. The experiments showed that the image registration technique can successfully calculate the SDUDPHWHUV RI DI¿QH WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ 8VLQJ WKH correlation threshold above 0.9 to measure the similarity between the SIFT descriptors, only the corresponding and some nearly corresponding points will be extracted from original and transformed image. The percentage of nearly corresponding points is very low and it does not KDYHLQÀXHQFHRQWKHFRPSXWDWLRQRIWKHDI¿QH parameters because a larger set of points is inFOXGHGLQWKHFRPSXWDWLRQRIWKHDI¿QHSDUDPHWHUV than it is necessary. 99
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
a O12
a O 21
a O 22
a C11
a C12
a C 21
aC 22
a O11
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
CONCLUSION In this chapter we gave an overview of different synchronization techniques that have been proposed in the literature during the last few years. 7KRVH WHFKQLTXHV DUH JHQHUDOO\ FODVVL¿HG LQWR the two groups: image registration techniques and techniques that do not use the original image content. Several different strategies have been developed to achieve the synchronization without using the original image content and they can be categorized as exhaustive search, periodical sequences, techniques based on embedding the synchronization marks, and content-based techniques. It is shown that still none of those existing techniques can fully recover the synchronization after all kinds of geometrical distortions.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTION Synchronization is one of the most challenging elements of the watermarking scheme. However, a number of different approaches have been inYHVWLJDWHGDQGVLJQL¿FDQWSURJUHVVLVEHLQJPDGH Some of the advantages of these approaches are discussed previously, but much interesting work remains to be done. Handling geometric distortions without using WKH RULJLQDO LPDJH FRQWHQW UHPDLQV D GLI¿FXOW problem. While many papers have illustrated the use of different synchronization strategies, there has been very little work on how to optimally IXO¿OOLPSHUFHSWLELOLW\DQGUREXVWQHVVFRQVWUDLQWV Most of these techniques are computationally very expensive. We expect that development of the new techniques with reduced computational costs will become a fruitful area of research. Random geometric distortion or Stirmark attack remains an open problem. A number of researchers have attempted to design a synchronization technique that is robust against Stirmark attack. However, a challenging task for many
researches would be still an estimation of the parameters of local geometric distortion. We believe that synchronization techniques ZKLFKDUHEDVHGRQLPDJHFRQWHQWRIIHUVLJQL¿cant near-term improvements. Those techniques explore the robust image features for building of the reference system for watermark embedding and detection. A couple of different feature point detectors are used to extract the robust feature points. Among them a relatively new class of scale invariant feature point detectors provides a good potential which is not yet fully explored. The research focus of the watermarking community in the last few years was the development of the watermarking and synchronization techniques WKDWDUHLQYDULDQWWRJHQHUDODI¿QHWUDQVIRUPDtion. However, those techniques fail if a possibly watermarked image is corrupted with a projective transformation. Most of the proposed techniques that are invariant to projective transformation are also based on the robust feature points. Regrettably, the number of proposed techniques is still limited. We believe that development of the techniques that use the SIFT features that are invariant to projective transformations could posVLEO\SURYLGHVLJQL¿FDQWUHVXOWVDQGDUHWKHUHIRUH worth further study.
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ADDITIONAL READING Alvarez-Rodriguez, M., & Perez-Gonzalez, F. (2002). Analysis of pilot-based synchronization algorithms for watermarking of still images. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 17(8), 633-661. Barni, M. (2000). Geometric-invariant robust watermarking through constellation matching in the frequency domain. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Vol. 2, pp. 65-68). Baudry, S., Nguyen, P., & Maitre, H. (2001). A soft decoding algorithm for watermark subjects to a jitter attack. SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing XXIV (Vol. 4472, pp. 144-154).
Terzija, N., & Geisselhardt, W. (2006). A novel synchronisation approach for digital image watermarking based on scale invariant feature point detector. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Vol. 1, pp. 2585-2588).
Bauml, R. (2002). Channel model for desynchronization attacks on watermarks. SPIE Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IV (Vol. 4675, pp. 281-292).
Tsekeridou, S., Nikoladis, N., Sidiropoulos, N., & Pitas, I. (2000). Copyright protection of still images using self-similar chaotic watermarks. IEEE Conference on Image Processing (Vol. 1, pp. 411-414).
Chotikakamthorn, N., Pantuwong, N., & Wiyada, Y. (2005) Projective-invariant digital image watermarking technique using four co-planar feature points. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Vol. 1, pp. 1005-1008).
Tsekeridou, S., & Pitas, I. (2000). Embedding self-similar watermarks in the wavelet domain. IEEE International Conference Acoustic, Systems DQG6LJQDO3URFHVVLQJ,&$663¶ (Vol. 4, pp. 1967-1970).
Cox, I. J., Kilian, J., Leighton, F. T., & Shamoon, T. (1997). Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 6(12), 1673-1687.
Voloshynovskiy, S., Deguillaume, F., & Pun, T. (2000). Content adaptive watermarking based on a stochastic multiresolution image modeling. Paper presented at the 10th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO’2000), Tampere, Finland. Yasein, M. S., & Agathoklis, P. (2005). An improved algorithm for image registration using robust feature extraction. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (Vol. 1, pp. 1927-1930).
Cox, I. J., Miller, M. L., & Mckellips, A. (1999). Watermarking as communications with side information. Proceedings of IEEE, 87(7), 1127-1141. Deguillaume, F., Voloshynovskiy, S., & Pun, T. (2002). Method for the estimation and recovering IURPJHQHUDODI¿QHWUDQVIRUPVLQGLJLWDOZDWHUmarking applications. SPIE Electronic Imaging 6HFXULW\DQG:DWHUPDUNLQJRI0XOWLPHGLD Contents IV (Vol. 4675, pp. 313-322). Delannay, D., & Macq, B. (2002). A method for hiding synchronization marks in scale and
A Survey of Current Watermarking Synchronization Techniques
rotation resilient watermarking schemes. SPIE (OHFWURQLF ,PDJLQJ 6HFXULW\ DQG :DWHUmarking of Multimedia Contents IV (Vol. 4675, pp. 548-554). 'HODQQD\' 0DFT% &ODVVL¿FDWLRQ of watermarking schemes robust against loss of synchronization. SPIE Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI (Vol. 5306, pp. 581-591). Delannay, D., Macq, B., & Barlaud, M. (2001). Compensation of geometrical deformations for watermark extraction in the digital cinema application. 63,((OHFWURQLF,PDJLQJ6HFXULW\ and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III (Vol. 4314, pp. 149-157). Hartung, F., & Girod, B. (1998). Watermarking of uncompressed and compressed video. Signal Processing, 66, 283-301. Joseph, J. K., Ruanaidh, O., & Pun, T. (1998). Rotation, scale and translation invariant spread spectrum digital image watermarking. Signal Processing, 66, 303-317. Kundur, D., & Hatzinakos, D. (2004). Towards robust logo watermarking using multiresolution image fusion principles. IEEE transactions on multimedia, 6(1), 185-198. Kutter, M., & Petitcolas, F. A. P. (1999). A fair benchmark for image watermarking systems. Paper presented at the 11th International Symposium on Electronic imaging, San Jose, CA. Licks, V. (2003). The effect of the random jitter attack on the bit error rate performance of spatial domain image watermarking. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Vol. 2, pp. 455-458).
Loo, P., & Kingsbury, N. G. (2000). Watermarking using complex wavelets with resistance to geometric distortion. 3URFHHGLQJV RI WKH WK (XURSHDQ 6LJQDO 3URFHVVLQJ &RQI (86,3&2 (XURSHDQ$VVRFIRU6LJQDO6SHHFKDQG Image Processing (Vol. 3, pp. 1677-1680). Moulin, P., & Ivanovic, A. (2001). The Fisher information game for optimal design of synchronization patterns in blind watermarking. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Vol. 1, pp. 550-553). Nikolaidis, N., & Pitas, I. (1998). Robust image watermarking in the spatial domain. Signal processing, 66(3), 385-403. Ozer, I. B., Ramkumar, M., & Akansu, A. N. (2000). A new method for detection of watermarks in geometrically distorted images. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (Vol. 1, pp. 1963-1966). Pereira, S., & Pun, T. (2000). Robust template PDWFKLQJIRUDI¿QHUHVLVWDQWLPDJHZDWHUPDUNV IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, 9(6), 1123-1129. Pereira, S., & Pun, T. (2000). An iterative templatematching algorithm using the Chirp-z transform for digital image watermarking. Pattern Recognition, 33(1), 173-175. Petitcolas, F. A. P., Anderson, R. J., & Markus, G. K. (1999). Information hiding-a survey. Proceeding of IEEE, 87(7), 1062-1078. Voyatzis, G., Nikolaidis, N., & Pitas, I. (1998). Digital watermarking: An overview. Paper presented at the EUSIPCO98. Vassaus, B., Nguyen, P., & Baudry, S. (2002). A survey on attacks in image and video watermarking. SPIE Applications of digital image processing XXV (Vol. 4790, pp. 169-179).
Chapter VI
On the Necessity of Finding Content Before Watermark Retrieval: Active Search Strategies for Localising Watermarked Media on the Internet Martin Steinebach )UDXQKRIHU,QVWLWXWHIRU6HFXUH,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\6,7 *HUPDQ\ Patrick Wolf )UDXQKRIHU,QVWLWXWHIRU6HFXUH,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\6,7 *HUPDQ\
ABSTRACT Digital watermarking promises to be a mechanism for copyright protection without being a technology for copy prevention. This sometimes makes it hard to convince content owners to use digital watermarking for protecting their content. It is only a passive technology adding information into the content to be protected. Therefore some active mechanism is required that completes the protection. This needs to be a search mechanism that localises potentially watermarked media on the Internet. Only then the SDVVLYHLQIRUPDWLRQHPEHGGHGLQWKHFRQWHQWFDQKHOSWR¿JKWLOOHJDOFRSLHV:HGLVFXVVVWUDWHJLHVDQG approaches for retrieving watermarks from the Internet with the help of a media search framework. :KLOHYDULRXV,QWHUQHWGRPDLQVOLNH+70/SDJHVWKH:HE H%D\RU)73DUHGLVFXVVHGWKHIRFXVRI WKLVZRUNLVRQFRQWHQWVKDUHGZLWKLQSHHUWRSHHU33 QHWZRUNV
INTRODUCTION Digital watermarking has become an established media security mechanism and some see a trend towards an even wider use in the near future
(Rosenblatt, 2007). Since the emergence of digital ZDWHUPDUNLQJDVDQLQGHSHQGHQW¿HOGRIUHVHDUFK more than 20 years ago (Anderson, 1996; Cox & Miller, 2002), a lot of progress has been made in imperceptibly embedding information (the water-
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On the Necessity of Finding Content Before Watermark Retrieval
mark) into all kinds of digital media. There are algorithms for images, audio, and video but also text, 3D models, and even 3D surfaces (Belloni et al., 2006). The same holds true for retrieving (not extracting) the embedded information from watermarked media, which is naturally very closely connected to the embedding process. All watermarking algorithms (or schemes) share basic properties like capacity, transparency, or robustness. Capacity describes how much information can be embedded. TransparHQF\PHDVXUHVWKHLP SHUFHSWLELOLW\RU¿GHOLW\ that is, how much (or less) does the watermark degrade the quality of the carrier medium. And robustness describes how much the embedded information changes when the carrier medium is altered (Cox, Miller, & Bloom, 2002). The type of information embedded plus the special properWLHVRIWKHZDWHUPDUNLQJVFKHPHGH¿QHSRVVLEOH DSSOLFDWLRQ¿HOGVIRUWKHVFKHPH $QLPSRUWDQW¿HOGRIDSSOLFDWLRQIRUGLJLWDO watermarking is copyright protection. For this, information about the (copyright) owner of the medium to protect or, better, information about the receiver of the medium like customer or transaction IDs is embedded using robust watermarking schemes. The latter ensures that the source (or at least the buyer) of an illegally published medium FDQEHLGHQWL¿HG7KLVLVRIWHQFDOOHGtransaction or forensic watermarking (see also chapter XV, Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics). It might sound trivial, but in order to retrieve a watermark from any medium, one needs to have access to this medium, that is, the medium LQTXHVWLRQQHHGVWREHIRXQG¿UVW7KLVLVDWUXH challenge and this chapter discusses important issues when searching for watermarked content on the Internet. This chapter is organised as follows: In the Background section, we discuss some fundamentals of the Internet and how currently copyright violations are dealt with. We will also see that watermarking is only a passive protection mechanism and needs an active component that completes the
SURWHFWLRQ7KLVDFWLYHSDUWFDQEHIXO¿OOHGE\D search mechanism for watermarked content on the Internet as described in the Concept section. There, a media search framework is introduced that structures such a search and delegates it to specialised components. We show in the Media content distribution forensics section, how such a search framework can concretely be used to search various networks and what strategies should be taken in order to reduce the number RI¿OHVWKDWQHHGWREHFKHFNHGIRUZDWHUPDUNV Finally, some future research directions will conclude the chapter.
BACKGROUND While many media companies see the Internet as a promising market place of the future, currently most copies of their content are transferred without causing revenues (Andrews, 2005). Several technologies aim to reduce the stream of illegitimate copies, digital watermarking being only one of them. Classical digital rights management (DRM) tries to fully control what customers can do with the media they have access to. The media are encrypted using well established cryptographic methods. Rights customers have are described in licenses that are issued by license servers along with the keys for decryption (Rosenblatt, Trippe, & Mooney, 2001). DRM systems need to be present on the customers’ hardware and often bury deep into the customers’ operating system in order to establish their protection—sometimes even opening the customers’ system to exploits (Electronic Frontier Foundation, 2007) or refusing play-back of legitimately acquired content (Halderman, 2002). This presence is necessary since they are providing an active protection. All active protection mechanisms shipwreck when the item under protection leaves the domain where it can be protected (Schneier, 2001). As we humans consume media in an analogue way through rendering devices, the media necessarily
On the Necessity of Finding Content Before Watermark Retrieval
leave the protected digital domain at some point. This is called the analogue gap. The protection can be extended onto the rendering device—as it is done in DVI (Digital Display Working Group, 1999), but in principle the analogue gap cannot be securely bridged by active methods since human observers consuming a rendered media can always be replaced by recording devices creating an illegal and unprotected copy. So, other forms of protection focus more on the media information. Content-sharing sites like YouTube, MySpace, or Flickr allow users to upload pieces of media and share them with the community. In order to prevent copyrighted material to be shared, some sites use robust hashing, which LVVRPHWLPHVDOVRFDOOHGSDVVLYH ¿QJHUSULQWLQJ (Allamanche et al., 2001; Haitsma, Kalker, & Oostveen, 2001; Venkatesan, Koon, Jakubowski, & Moulin, 2000). This technology recognises previously registered content by extracting certain characteristics based on the media information. The recognition is robust in the sense that slight changes to the media material will result in the same extracted characteristics. Robust hashing itself is a passive technology that is used to actively prevent uploads to particular sites. Such an approach also prevents propagation of content that was distributed without any protection like currently done with audio CDs. The success of this approach highly depends on the security of the robust hashing algorithms. Such systems inherently allow so-called oracle or known-plain-text attacks (Cayre, Fontaine, & Furon, 2005). A pirate can modify a piece of content in order to trick the robust hashing algorithm and try to upload it on such a network. If refused, the medium is again PRGL¿HGDQGXSORDGHGXQWLOLWLVDFFHSWHG6RPHtimes this is also called threshold attack. Systems with a public detector are exposed to these kinds of attacks (Swaminathan, Mao, & Wu, 2006). Robust hashing does not work on open networks, where the content is not uploaded to a third party WREHDQDO\VHG7KLVLVWKHZD\PRVW¿OHVKDULQJ networks and other distribution channels work.
So therefore, additional protection is needed. At this point, we see the major challenge the prevention of distributing illegal copies via the Internet faces: Active mechanisms like DRM or copy protection try to prevent the leakage of copyrighted material into the Internet, but due to various reasons like the huge number of attackers or the analogue gap regularly fail. Passive PHFKDQLVPV OLNH¿QJHUSULQWLQJFDQ EHXVHGWR identify illegal content distribution. But as soon as they are used together with active measures like blocking such content are taken, attackers can try to develop strategies to circumvent the idenWL¿FDWLRQ%RWKVWUDWHJLHVKDYHRQHZHDNQHVVLQ common: Attackers get an immediate feedback of the success or failure, but either gaining access to content or being able to distribute content via protected environments. Digital watermarking can circumvent this by being invisible to all outsiders and potential attackers. As long as watermarking is not used to block marked content or prevent FRSLHVRIPDUNHGPHGLD¿OHVDQDWWDFNHUKDVQR feedback about the success or failure of his/her strategy to remove a watermark. The embedded information will stay imperceptible within the content until a detection algorithm together with the correct secret key reveals its presence. With this information, measures can be taken against copyright offenders. Therefore for digital watermarking the major challenge is to scan the Internet for potentially watermarked copies in a way no third party notices these activities. On the RQHKDQGWKLVDOORZVOHJDO¿OHVKDULQJDFWLYLWLHV to proceed unhindered; on the other hand, it allows tracing illegal activities without a chance of counterattacks. :KLOH¿OHVKDULQJQHWZRUNVRU33QHWZRUNV may not be the biggest source of illegal copies (Biddle, England, Peinado, & Willman, 2003), currently they may be the most prominent. They consist of large distributed networks in which data is copied and shared without discriminating between legal and illegal copies. Some of them have been declared illegal because their aim
On the Necessity of Finding Content Before Watermark Retrieval
was mainly seen in the distribution of copyright violations (e.g., Grokster). But this has not caused the phenomenon to stop. A multitude of new, and often more sophisticated networks are constantly LQWURGXFHGDOORZLQJ¿OHVKDULQJHQWKXVLDVWVWR switch to a new and still legal network within a few hours. The reaction of the content owners is twofold: Some try to use the same technology to provide a legal alternative to pirate networks (Schmucker & Ebinger, 2005). Others use various countermeasures ranging from technology to lobbying for more restrictive laws. The most common methods include but are not limited to: • • • •
Fake distribution to frustrate users Blocking of slots in order to slow down download Hacking and denial-of-service attacks against major servers or networks 8VHULGHQWL¿FDWLRQWKURXJK,3DGGUHVVHV Legal measures to remove shut down servers
While some of the strategies, especially the legal measures, successfully removed a number of P2P networks from the Internet, the general advance of P2P technology and its illegal usage has not been stopped so far by any of these measures. Therefore any idea for copyright protection in P2P networks should not act against the networks, their users, or the enabling software. It should rather use the networks the same way common users would GRVHDUFKIRU¿OHVDQGGRZQORDGWKHP
ZDWHUPDUNLQJ WKDW HPEHGV WUDQVDFWLRQ VSHFL¿F information into digital media can be used as the passive part (Craver, Wu, & Liu, 2001; Steinebach =PXG]LQVNL 7KLVLGHQWL¿HVWKHRULJLnal buyer of the work. But before any retrieval of watermark information, suspect media that have been illegally published have to be found ¿UVW6LQFHZDWHUPDUNLQJFDQQRWKHOSKHUHWKLV is the task of an active component searching the Internet for such media. This task could be described as very simple and impossible at the same time. Very simple, because the damage caused by illegally publishing a medium increases with number of people that have access to it—meaning the number of SHRSOHZKRFDQ¿QGLW6RWKHPRUHGDPDJHLV GRQHWKHHDVLHUWR¿QGVXFKDPHGLXPVKRXOGEH for copyright holders (if and only if nothing distinguishes them from any other users). On the other hand, suspect media can appear everywhere on the Internet, which is surely impossible to search as a whole. The truth probably lies somewhere in EHWZHHQ7KH¿UVWSDUWVXJJHVWVWKDWWKHSUREOHP of minimising damage done by copyright infringements is a well-conditioned problem, while the second part suggests a need for effective search strategies. In order to organise such a search, we KDYHGH¿QHGDPHGLDVHDUFKIUDPHZRUN This section describes how such a framework can be organised and structured. Principle steps DUHWKHGH¿QLWLRQRIVHDUFKFULWHULDFRQGXFWLRQ of a search in a subspace of the Internet, and ¿QDOO\ SURFHVVLQJ RI UHVXOWV²VXPPDULVHG DV mark, search, retrieve (Figure 1).
'H¿QLWLRQRI6HDUFK&ULWHULD CONCEPT The previous section suggests that effective measures for copyright protection are private, passive mechanisms that draw protection directly from the media information plus some active component completing the protection. Forensic
When the Internet is used as a distribution channel for media, any access technology will be created in such a way that it allows an effective search for content. Otherwise such an access technology would fail its purpose. Therefore a search for suspect media will be most effective if it is conducted in the same way as any user would perform this
On the Necessity of Finding Content Before Watermark Retrieval
Figure 1. The “mark, search, retrieve” concept
search. The information available to users about the media they search for is very rudimentary. It may be the title of the work or the name of an artist. Most of the time, it is also clear what type of medium (audio, video, etc.) they are searching for. All this is basically textual metadata. In addition, P2P networks work with cryptographic hashes uniquely identifying the medium as a whole or chunks thereof. This information forms the foundation of search criteria for the media search framework. Logical operators (and, or, not) are used to form more complex criteria. So, when searching for Harry Potter audio books, a search criterion could be (“Harry Potter audio book”) or a combination of text and media type (“Harry 3RWWHU´$1'0(',$B7 0 since the host samples have a non-zero occurrence probability. By relying on the fact that the components of y are independent of each other, we can write
8QGHUWKHDVVXPSWLRQȜ©WKHIROORZLQJDSproximation is widely adopted in the literature3 (Barni & Bartolini, 2004; Barni et al., 2001)
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
(14) (9)
0RUH VSHFL¿FDOO\ WKH GHULYDWLRQ RI WKH likelihood ratio relies on the assumption below fy ( y | w §fy (y | 0)
(15) 2 where by μ vi and σ vi , it is meant the mean and the variance of vi respectively. Under hypothesis 0, in view of equation (10), we have
where by 0 the null watermark is meant. By evoking the approximation (9) and taking logarithm, the decision rule has the form (Barni & Bartolini, 2004) φ (y) > T H1 T H
where T is a properly chosen threshold, and (17)
φ (y i
N =1
Practically, the parameters of the pdf f x ( · ) are i not available (blind watermarking). Instead, the SRVVLEO\ PDUNHG FRHI¿FLHQWV DUH XVHG )LQDOO\ PFA can be written as
To obtain the threshold T, the NeymanPearson criterion is used in such a way that the missed detection probability is PLQLPL]HG VXEMHFW WR D ¿[HG IDOVH DODUP probability (Ferguson, 1967). (18) (13) Note that the variable φ (y) is a sum of statistically independent terms. Thus, by invoking the central limit theorem (Papoulis, 1991), its pdf can be assumed to be a normal one. Therefore, the mean and variance of φ(y) are given by (Barni et al., 2001; Cheng & Huang, 2003)
where erfc is the complementary error function, given by
(19) Hence
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
contains the Gaussian and the Laplacian distributions as special cases, with c = 2 (20)
APPLICATION Watermark detector based on the GG model. The GG model is broadly used in the literature to describe some probability distributions of digital data in the transform domain. It basically provides a good understanding of the statistical behavior of those signals that are impulsive and heavy-tailed such as the wavelet sub-bands (Calvagno et al., 'R 9HWWHUOL DQGQRQGFFRHI¿FLHQWV in the DCT transform domain (Birney & Fischer, 1995). The probability density function of a zeromean GG distribution is
where , ı LV the standard deviation of the distribution, is the Gamma and function. It is worth mentioning that the GGD
and c = 1, respectively. As depicted in Figures 5 and 6, when F ĺ , it approaches the Dirac function. When Fĺ, it tends to the uniform distribution. Practically, c can be computed by VROYLQJ 0DOODW 6KDUL¿ /HRQ*DUFLD 1995)
(22) where
In Figure 7 we show the actual and estimated SGIVRQDVHWRIWUDQVIRUPHGFRHI¿FLHQWVLQWKH DWT and DCT domains for ‘Goldhill’ 512×512 test image. 2EYLRXVO\ WKH ** PRGHO ¿WV WKH HPSLULFDO distributions perfectly. By replacing the pdf of the GG model in equation (12), the detector can be expressed as (Cheng & Huang, 2003; Ng & Grag, 2004)
0. 2 0. 18 0. 16
Probability density function
Probability density function
0. 02 c=5 c=10
0. 015
0. 01
0. 005
0. 14 c=0. 5 0. 12 0. 1 0. 08
0. 06 c=1. 5
0. 04 0. 02
0 -40
0 -30
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
0. 02 E mpirical G G model with c=0. 77 and E=0. 044
0. 018 0. 016
E mpirical G G model with c=1. 58 and E=0. 05
0. 025
0. 014
0. 02
0. 012
0. 015
0. 01 0. 008
0. 01
0. 006 0. 004
0. 005
0. 002 0 -300
0 -200
1. 8
D =0.3, E=1 D =0.6, E=1
1. 6
D =0.3, E=2 D =0.6, E=3
1. 4
x 10
E mpirical W eibull model with
D =5. 43 u 103 and E=1. 77
1. 2 1
0. 8
1.5 0. 6 0. 4
0. 2
0.5 0
0. 5
1. 5
2. 5
3. 5
4 x 10
(25) (23) The threshold T can be determined from equation (20) where,
Watermark Detector Based on the Weibull Model 7KH:HLEXOOGLVWULEXWLRQRIIHUVDJRRGÀH[LELOLW\ to describe the statistical characteristics of the FRHI¿FLHQWVPDJQLWXGHLQWKH')7GRPDLQ%DUQL HWDO ,WLVGH¿QHGDV
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
(26) for xZKHUHβ > 0 is the shape parameter and α >0 is the scale parameter of the distribution. The nth raw moment of a random variable x that follows the Weibull distribution is given by
‘Goldhill’ is also used to show the model function RI D VHW RI FRQVHFXWLYH ')7 FRHI¿FLHQW magnitudes selected in a zigzag order of the top right quadrant (Figure 9). The use of the Weibull distribution in equation (12) leads to the following watermark detector (Barni et al., 2001)
(27) Figure 8 shows a number of Weibull functions with different parameters. When ȕ , the Weibull distribution reduces to the exponential distribution. Whenȕ increases, it appears similar to a normal distribution. The same test image
Equation (20) can be used to derive the threshold where,
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS In this section, we evaluate the performance of the detectors discussed earlier on six 512×512 grayscale standard images with different information content. At the detector side, the original image is assumed to be unavailable and therefore the statistical model parameters used to perform a decision are directly computed from the watermarked and possibly corrupted images. Three issues are considered here. First, the imperceptibility of the watermark which is assessed visually and quantitatively by using the peak signal-to-noise UDWLR3615 DVD¿GHOLW\PHDVXUH6HFRQGWKH detection performance with respect to the probability of false alarm and the probability of missed detection. We use the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve which is widely adopted in the literature for interpreting the performance of communications systems. Eventually, the robustness of the watermark is addressed while considering a number of commonly used attacks.
Imperceptibility It is worth mentioning that the watermark sequence consists of a sequence of 12,288 random real numbers uniformly distributed in4 [-1,1]. The watermark casting procedure in the DFT and DCT domains is similar to that used in Barni et al. (1998, 2001), respectively. In Cox et al. (1997), a VHWRIWKHODUJHVWFRHI¿FLHQWVLQWKH'&7GRPDLQ were selected to hold the watermark sequence. However, this would require the original image to determine those components which hide the watermark since the watermarked data may be
distorted. We have experimentally found that the approach used in Barni et al. (1998, 2001) to insert the watermark is more practical and brings comparable performance to that of Cox et al. 7KLVLVMXVWL¿HGE\WKHIDFWWKDWPRVWRI an image energy is packed into the low frequency FRPSRQHQWV7KXVWKHODUJHVWFRHI¿FLHQWVLQWKH DCT and DFT domains are very likely to be found when scanning the image in a zigzag order startLQJIURPWKH¿UVWQRQ]HURIUHTXHQF\FRHI¿FLHQW In the DWT domain, the watermark is embedded as suggested in Ng and Grag (2005). That is, all FRHI¿FLHQWVLQWKHVXEEDQGVRIWKHWKLUGOHYHO except the approximation sub-band, are used to insert the watermark sequence. In the DCT and DFT domains, the start point for embedding the watermark in a zigzag order has been selected in such a way the PSNRs obtained are close to those delivered in the DWT domain. In the experiments, the start point has been set to 1200 for the DFT and 4000 for the DCT. The PSNRs are plotted in Figures 10-12 for various test images. In the evaluation of watermarking systems, two different types of imperceptibility assessment can be distinguished: quality and ¿GHOLW\ (Cox, Miller, & Bloom, 2002). Fidelity is a measure of the similarity between the watermarked data and the original one. The quality assessment, on the other hand, is concerned with obvious processing alterations without referring to the original data. In other words, only high quality of the waterPDUNHGGDWDLVWDUJHWHG,QWKLVFKDSWHU¿GHOLW\ is the perceptual measure of our concern. )URPWKH¿UVWVHWRIH[SHULPHQWVWZRUHOHYDQW points arise when measuring the distortions by PSNRs. First, as pointed out in Jayant, Johnston, and Safranek (1993), although the automated ¿GHOLW\ WHVW DGRSWHG KHUH LV RIWHQ XVHG LQ WKH OLWHUDWXUHLWGRHVQRWUHÀHFWWKHWUXH¿GHOLW\LQ some cases. Indeed, the visual imperceptibility also depends on the data content. The higher the frequency content exhibited in the image, the better the imperceptibility expected. Figure 13 shows an example of two test images with dif-
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
Figure 11. PSNR of watermarked images in the DFT domain
Figure 12. PSNR of watermarked images in the DCT domain
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
G continued on following page 131
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
Figure 14. continued
Figure 15. ROC curves. Left side graphs: ROCs for Lena. Right side graphs: ROCs for Baboon. Top: watermarking in the DWT domain. Middle: watermarking in the DFT domain. Bottom: watermarking in the DCT domain.
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
ferent frequency content. Obviously, PSNR, as a perceptual model, suggests that the watermarked version of ‘Lena’ should be perceptually better than the watermarked ‘Baboon’ image. However, the watermarked ‘Lena’ shows more visible distortions when compared to the original image. The second point that should be mentioned is that a wavelet transform offers the best imperceptibility of the embedded watermarks when compared to the other transforms. This transform actually provides an image-dependent distortion that is mostly concentrated at edges and detail regions. It is well known that the HVS is less sensitive to such regions compared to uniform and non-textured regions. Figure 14 illustrates an example of the ‘Lena’ image holding the same watermark LQGLIIHUHQWWUDQVIRUPGRPDLQV)URPWKLV¿JXUH it can be seen that the watermarked images in the DFT and the DCT domains show more noticeable distortions when compared against the watermarked image in the DWT domain. The difference image clearly shows the image dependency of the watermarking in the DWT domain. The distortion, which is similarly introduced in the DFT and DCT domains, appears like a noise independent of the host image.
Detection Performance In order to gauge the performance of the detectors, a number of test images were watermarked using λ=0.05 and λ=0.08 in different transform domains. ROC curves were used to assess the watermark detection. These represent the variation of the probability of correct detection against the probability of false alarm. A perfect detection would yield a point at coordinate (0,1) of the ROC space meaning that all actual watermarks were detected and no false alarms are found. Without loss of generality, the results on two sample images are plotted in Figure 15. Obviously, the larger the watermark strength, the better detection performance is. In fact, from the standpoint of the signal detection theory,
the watermark strength can be thought of as the signal amplitude. Higher values for signal amplitude make the hypotheses H and H1 more distinguishable. Also, it can easily be seen that the 'Baboon' image, which carries more details and texture information than 'Lena', does offers DQLPSURYHGGHWHFWLRQ7KLVLVMXVWL¿HGE\WKHIDFW WKDWPRVWRIWKHWUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWVWKDWKROGWKH watermark for 'Baboon' are larger. Indeed, since WKHZDWHUPDUNFDVWLQJGHSHQGVRQWKHFRHI¿FLHQWV magnitude in the multiplicative case (see equation WKHFRHI¿FLHQWVZLWKODUJHUPDJQLWXGHHQVXUH VLJQL¿FDQWSUHVHQFHRIWKHZDWHUPDUN From the experiments, the performance of the Weibull model-based detector in the DFT domain LVVLJQL¿FDQWO\EHWWHUWKDQWKDWREWDLQHGZLWKWKH DCT detector which, in turn, outperforms the DWT detector for all the test images. Indeed, at the same probability of detection, the DFTbased detector delivers the smallest probability of false alarm in comparison with the DWT- and DCT-based detectors. The DFT domain offers an effective solution to embed the watermark in the sense that it permits attractive ability of detection. However, in practical situations, this should be viewed in connection with the robustness of watermarks when the host data is altered with intentional or unintentional manipulations. The following section is devoted to analysis of the watermark robustness in the transform domain.
Robustness Analysis In the set of experiments carried out, six various well known images were used. Namely, ‘Peppers’, ‘Lena’, ‘Baboon’, ‘Barbara’, ‘Goldhill’, and ‘Boat’. As mentioned earlier with regard to the imperceptibility, and in order to make comparison as fair as possible, λ is set to 0.18 for the DCT and DFT domains. For the DWT domain λ=0.2. The robustness of embedded watermarks is measured against standard image processing and geometric manipulations. Given six different watermarks, each one of them is embedded
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
Table 1. Robustness of embedded watermarks in the transform domain. QF: Quality Factor. v : variance. W: Window size. P: Number of pixels the image is shifted up and left. C: size of the cropped image FHQWHUSDUW FRPSDUHGWRWKHRULJLQDORQHDURWDWLRQDQJOHLQGHJUHHV Attack JPEG compression
Gaussian white Noise addition
C=95 %
C=90 %
C=80 %
C=70 %
C=60 %
into a test image. For each image, a set of $1000$ watermarks is presented to the detector. Among these watermarks, there is only one watermark sequence that is actually embedded in that image. For all the watermarked images, the detection is said to be accurate (denoted by 1) if none of the fake watermarks is detected while the actual one
is correctly detected. Otherwise, the detection will be inaccurate (denoted by 0). The theoretical probability of false alarm PFA , which is used to determine the decision threshold in equation KDVEHHQ¿[HGDW -6. The results are summarized in Table 1.
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
From the results, it can clearly be seen that the detector operating in the DWT domain performs poorly when compared with those implemented in the DCT and DFT domains. Unlike the DCT and DFT, which are invariant to small rotational and translational manipulations,1 the DWT does not exhibit such desirable properties. Therefore, the embedded watermarks in the DWT domain cannot be recovered even for those attacks of slight visual impact on the watermarked images. It can also be observed that the DFT shows attractive ability to detect the embedded watermarks in small sub-parts of the watermarked images. This cannot be achieved in the DWT and DCT GRPDLQVDOWKRXJKVLJQL¿FDQWSRUWLRQVIURPWKH watermarked images were maintained in some experiments (95% of the watermarked images). Finally, it should be mentioned that the DCT detector provides the best robustness to noise addition attacks. Overall, the DCT and DFT deWHFWRUVSHUIRUPFORVHO\ZHOODQGVKRZVLJQL¿FDQW superiority over the DWT detector.
CONCLUSION This chapter discussed the problem of multiplicative watermark detection in the transform domain. The optimum watermark detection is based on the information theory and can be formulated as a detection of a known signal in noisy observation. In one-bit watermarking, the requirements on the robustness and imperceptibility are essential. Robustness refers to the ability to detect the watermark after common signal processing operations. The challenges in the design of such watermarking systems are that the requirements DUHJHQHUDOO\FRQÀLFWLQJZLWKHDFKRWKHU,QGHHG a perfect imperceptibility of the watermark can be obtained while reducing the watermark strength. However, such improvements come at the price of the robustness. The transform domain yields better performances in terms of imperceptibility and
robustness. We have focused on the watermark detection in three different transform domains that are widely used in the literature: DWT, DFT, and DCT. The GG and the Weibull models have been used to describe the statistical behavior of WKHWUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWVLQRUGHUWRGHULYHWKH decision rule. The watermark imperceptibility in the transform domain has extensively been discussed WKURXJK VHYHUDO H[SHULPHQWV 7KH GLI¿FXOW\ LQ measuring the visual perceptibility of the watermark lies in the fact that the automated evaluation is deceiving in some particular cases. Indeed, such a perceptual assessment treats changes in all regions of an image data equally. However, human perception mechanisms are not uniform. The experimental results have shown that WKH ':7 RIIHUV EHWWHU YLVXDO ¿GHOLW\ ZLWK DQ image dependent watermark casting effect when compared against the DFT and DCT. That is, the distortions introduced affect the high activity regions in which the HVS is less sensitive. In the second set of experiments, we have studied the ability of detection in the transform domain without any attack. ROC curves have been used to assess the detection performance. It has been observed that the DFT detector considerably outperforms the DCT detector which, in turn, provides a better detection than that obtained with a DWT detector. The robustness of the watermark has also been addressed through different common intentional and unintentional manipulations. :LWKDFRPSDUDEOHYLVXDO¿GHOLW\RIWKHHPEHGGHG watermarks, the DFT and DCT detectors, though performing very closely, have shown to provide VLJQL¿FDQW LPSURYHPHQWV RYHU D GHWHFWLRQ LQ D DWT domain.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS Several research trends attempt to adapt the watermark embedding procedure to the sensitivity of the HVS. For this purpose, a perceptual model
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
FDQEHXVHGWRVHOHFWWKHEHVWVXLWHGFRHI¿FLHQWV to hold the watermark in the transform domain. However, one should pay attention to the effect of image processing manipulations on the perceptual masking at the detector side. Indeed, a vulnerable perceptual model would certainly mislead the detection of an embedded watermark. The watermark strength can also be selected in an adaptive way depending on the reliability of transformed FRHI¿FLHQWV WR LQFUHDVH WKH UREXVWQHVV RI WKH watermark. It would be interesting to consider translation/rotation invariant transforms such as Fourier-Mellin transform which may provide DQ HI¿FLHQW ZD\ WR WDFNOH WKH UREXVWQHVV LVVXH against geometric attacks. The modeling of the signal distortions due to commonly used image SURFHVVLQJPDQLSXODWLRQVVXFKDVORZSDVV¿OWHUing and compression could be useful to develop a robust detector that considers such alterations as uncertainties in the statistical model of the host image. Finally, as shown in this chapter, further investigation is required to develop an effective assessment measure of the imperceptibility of watermarks since there is no metric available in the OLWHUDWXUHVRIDUWKDWVDWLV¿HVWKHQHHGSHUIHFWO\
REFERENCES Arnold, M., Schmucker, M., & Wolthusen, S. D. (2003). Techniques and applications of digital watermarking and content protection. Artech House Computer Security. Barni, M., & Bartolini, F. (2004). Watermarking systems engineering. Marcel Dekker Inc. Barni, M., Bartolini, F., Cappellini, V., & Piva, A. (1998). A DCT-domain system for robust image watermarking. Signal Processing, 66, 357-372. Barni, M., Bartolini, F., De Rosa, A., & Piva, A. (2001). A new decoder for the optimum recovery of non additive watermarks. IEEE Transactions RQ,PDJH3URFHVVLQJ 755-765.
Birney, K. A., & Fischer, T. R. (1995). On the modeling of DCT and subband image data for compression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 4, 186-193. Blum, R. S. (1994). Asymptotically robust detection of known signals in non-additive noise. ,(((7UDQVDFWLRQVRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ7KHRU\ 1612-1619. Calvagno, G., Ghirardi, C., Mian, G. A., & Rinaldo, R. (1997). Modeling of subband image data for buffer control. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 7, 402-408. Cheng, Q., & Huang, T. S. (2001a). An additive approach to transform-domain information hiding and optimum detection structure. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 3, 273-284. Cheng, Q., & Huang, T. S. (2001b). Optimum detection of multiplicative watermarks using locally optimum decision rule. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference Multimedia and Expo, Tokyo, Japan. Cheng, Q., & Huang, T. S. (2002). Optimum detection and decoding of multiplicative watermarks in DFT domain. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, Orlando, FL. Cheng, Q., & Huang, T. S. (2003). Robust optimum detection of transform domain multiplicative watermarks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 51, 906-924. Cox, I. J., Kilian, J., Leighton, F. T., & Shamoon, T. (1997). Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 6, 1673-1687. Cox, I. J., Miller, M. L., & Bloom, J. A. (2002). Digital watermarking. Academic Press. Do, M. N., & Vetterli, M. (2002). Wavelet-based texture retrieval using generalized Gaussian den-
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
sity and Kullbackleibler distance. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 11, 146-158. Elmasry, G. F., & Shi, Y. Q. (1999). Maximum likelihood sequence decoding of digital image watermarks. In Proceedings of SPIE Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents (pp. 425-436). San Jose, CA. Ferguson, T. (1967). Mathematical statistics: A decision theoretical approach. Academic Press. Green, D. M., & Swets, J. A. (1966). Signal detection theory and psychophysics. New York: Wiley. Hernandez, J. R., Amado, M., & Perez-Gonzalez, F. (2000). DCT-domain watermarking techniques for still images: Detector performance analysis and a new structure. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 9, 55-68. Jayant, N., Johnston, J., & Safranek, R. (1993). Signal compression based on models of human perception. Proceedings of the IEEE, 81, 13851422. .KHOL¿)%RXULGDQH$ .XUXJROOX) On the optimum multiplicative watermark detection in the transform domain. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Kwon, S.-G., Lee, S.-H., Kwon, K.-K., Kwon, K.-R., & Lee, K. (2002). Watermark detection algorithm using statistical decision theory. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Lausanne, Switzerland. Langelaar, G. C., Setyawan, I., & Langendijk, R. L. (2000). Watermarking digital image and video data. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 17, 20-46. Mallat, S. G. (1989). A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: The wavelet representation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11, 674-693.
Miller, J. H., & Thomas, J. B. (1972). Detectors for discrete-time signals in non-Gaussian noise. IEEE Information Theory, 18, 241-250. Ng, T. M., & Grag, H. K. (2004). Wavelet domain watermarking using maximum likelihood detection. In Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Security, Steganography, Watermarking Multimedia &RQWHQWV San Jose, CA. Ng, T. M., & Grag, H. K. (2005). Maximum likelihood detection in DWT domain image watermarking using Laplacian modeling. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 12, 285-288. Papoulis, A. (1991). Probability, random variables, and stochastic processes. McGraw-Hill. 6KDUL¿. /HRQ*DUFLD$ (VWLPDWLRQ of shape parameters for generalized Gaussian distributions in subband decomposition of video. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 5, 52-56.
ADDITIONAL READING Avciba, I., Sankur, B., & Sayood, K. (2002). Statistical evaluation of image quality measures. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 11(2), 206-223. Barni, M., Bartolini, F., De Rosa, A., & Piva, A. (2003). Optimum decoding and detection of multiplicative watermarks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 52(4), 1118-1123. Briassouli, A., & Strintzis, M. (2004). Optimal watermark detection under quantization in the transform domain. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 14(12), 1308-1319. Briassouli, M. A., & Strintzis, M. (2004). Locally optimum nonlinearities for DCT watermark detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 13(12), 604-1617.
Statistical Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain for Digital Images
Huang, X., & Zhang, B. (2007). Statistically robust detection of multiplicative spread-spectrum watermarks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2(1), 1-13. .DU\EDOL,* %HUEHULGLV. (I¿FLHQW spatial image watermarking via new perceptual masking and blind detection schemes. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 1(2), 256-274. .KHOL¿)%RXULGDQH).XUXJROOX) 7KRPSson, A. I. (2005). An improved wavelet-based image watermarking technique. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Italy. Lu, C.-S. (2004). Multimedia security: Steganography and digital watermarking techniques for protection of intellectual property. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
Noorkami, M., & Mersereau, R. M. (2007). A framework for robust watermarking of H.264encoded video with controllable detection performance. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2(1), 14-23.
The DCT is actually the real part of the DFT. Approximately, it shares the same invariance properties with the DFT to small rotations and translations. To make the formulation of the detection problem as general as possible, the pdf is QRWVSHFL¿HG 7D\ORU¶VVHULHVFDQEHXVHGXSWRWKH¿UVW order to approximate the expression in the LQWHJUDODERXWWKHSRLQWȜ§
Chapter VIII
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden Christopher B. Smith Southwest Research Institute, USA Sos S. Agaian The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
ABSTRACT Modern digital steganography has evolved a number of techniques to embed information near invisibly into digital media. Many of the techniques for information hiding result in a set of changes to the cover image that appear, for all intents and purposes to be noise. This chapter presents information for the reader to understand how noise is intentionally and unintentionally used in information hiding. This FKDSWHU¿UVWUHYLHZVDVHULHVRIQRLVHOLNHVWHJDQRJUDSK\PHWKRGV)URPWKHVHWHFKQLTXHVWKHSUREOHPV faced by the active warden can be posed in a systematic way. Results of using advanced clean image estimation techniques for active warden based steganalysis are presented. This chapter is concluded with a discussion of the future of steganography.
INTRODUCTION The prisoner’s problem was introduced in 1982 by Gus Simmons (Simmons, 1984), Two accomplices in a crime have been arrested and are about to be locked in widely separated cells. Their only means of communication after
they are locked up will be the way of messages conveyed for them by trustees – who are known to be agents of the warden. The warden is willing to allow the prisoners to exchange messages in the hope that he can deceive at least one of them into accepting as a genuine communication from the other either a fraudulent message created by WKHZDUGHQKLPVHOIRUHOVHDPRGL¿FDWLRQE\KLP of a genuine message. However, since he has ev-
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On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Figure 1. Prisoner’s problem A lice
B ob W endy
C over E m bedding M essage
S tego O bject
S tegoO bject
R ecovery
M essage
P ass on? A lter?
K ey
ery reason to suspect that the prisoners want to coordinate an escape plan, the warden will only permit the exchanges to occur if the information contained in the messages is completely open to him – and presumably innocuous. The prisoners, on the other hand, are willing to accept these conditions, i.e., to accept some risk of deception in order to be able to communicate at all, since they need to coordinate their plans. To do this WKH\ ZLOO KDYH WR GHFHLYH WKH ZDUGHQ ¿QGLQJ D way of communicating secretly in the exchanges, i.e. establishing a “subliminal channel” between them in full view of the warden, even though the PHVVDJHV WKHPVHOYHV FRQWDLQ QR VHFUHW WR WKH ZDUGHQ LQIRUPDWLRQ6LQFHWKH\DQWLFLSDWHWKDW the warden will try to deceive them by introducing fraudulent messages they will only exchange messages if they are permitted to authenticate them. Thus began the modern study of steganography. The two prisoners have since been named Alice and Bob, the warden is Wendy or Eve. Figure 1 shows an illustration of the basic scenario. The modern warden, Wendy, has a challenge. Wendy’s role is either to detect the presence of or to manipulate the message in order to prevent the undesirable escape of the two prisoners. Wendy practices the art and science of steganalysis.
The proliferation of electronic media has only increased the challenge of steganalysis. In Wendy’s more active role, the active warden scenario, she can modify each message that goes by. This can be based on a passive detection modifying only those messages that contain hidden data or by modifying all messages in a hope to prevent unknown hidden messages from making it WKURXJK7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQFDQEHDVLPSOHDWWHPSW to scrambling any hidden messages, to prevent communication, or could include a sophisticated attempt to modify the message in the hopes of planting false messages to thwart the prisoner’s escape plans. This chapter explores the role of the active warden and how to exploit the noise-like properties of modern digital media. Here the focus is on image-based digital steganography. An overview of the topics covered appears in Figure 2. The next section discusses noise and the digital image. Including various types of noise and how steganography techniques can also appear as QRLVH7KH¿QDOVHFWLRQSUHVHQWVWKHDFWLYHZDUden scenario from the perspective of removing DUWL¿FLDO QRLVH 7KLV FKDSWHU LV FRQFOXGHG ZLWK some discussion of the implications of noise and clean image estimation for steganalysis.
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Figure 2. Topics in this chapter D igital N oise N atural G aussian
P oisson
U niform
A rtificial S alt & Pepper
LS B *
+ /-k*
Jsteg ^
M odel^
B inning * F5 ^
Q IM *
*can b e applied in one o f m any d om ains : spatial , cosine , w avelet , o thers ^cosine dom ain
NATURAL NOISE IN DIGITAL MEDIA Digital media include a rich set of information with much redundancy and many highly variable traits. 'HWHFWLQJDUWL¿FLDOO\LQGXFHGFKDQJHVZLWKLQD highly variable media is a challenge. In creating GLJLWDOPHGLDVXFKDVLPDJHVRUDXGLR¿OHVWKHUH are many sources of noise that may be present. Not the least of these is the noise introduced by the sensor sampling the real world, such as a charge coupled device (CCD) or an audio transducer. Many modern steganography techniques are designed to blend in with this naturally occurring noise. Their goal is to add the message in such a way as to be indistinguishable from the noise. To understand the effects of these techniques in digital images, here the properties of digital images and of statistical noise are reviewed. As with any sensor, an imaging device is subject to noise. Imaging devices exhibit two basic types of noise: deterministic and stochastic. The ¿UVW GHWHUPLQLVWLF QRLVH LQFOXGHV WZR W\SHV RI noise: dark noise and bias noise. The stochastic types of noise are generally attributed to two efIHFWV¿UVWSKRWRQRU3RLVVRQQRLVHDQGVHFRQG electronic noise or Gaussian noise. Each of these forms of noise are present in varying degrees in
both CCD and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) style photo sensors. First, two deterministic effects are generated by the imaging device—dark noise and bias noise. Dark noise or dark current is an accumulation of heat-generated electrons within the photo sensor. Instead of only measuring photon induced electrons from the sensor, other electrons from the device itself are also measured. This effect is highly repeatable given a reasonably constant temperature over a similar period of time. Readout noise is generated by errors in reading electrons from the photon detector. This is largely a funcWLRQ RI WKH DPSOL¿HU GHVLJQ VR LV DOVR KLJKO\ repeatable. The constant nature of these effects has led to design improvements that measure and UHPRYHWKHVH¿[HGHIIHFWVQHJDWLQJWKHQHHGIRU an explicit model. Two sources of random noise are also present LQGLJLWDOLPDJHV7KH¿UVWUDQGRPHIIHFWLVGXH to variations in electronic components. This effect is often attributed to thermal effects on the electronic components. In modern digital cameras, this effect is generally small and can be modeled as additive noise, independent of the image, following a Gaussian distribution. 7KH ¿QDO VRXUFH RI QRLVH LV WKH VWRFKDVWLF nature of the photon. Photons do not arrive uni-
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Figure 3. Clean image used in noise examples
Table 1. Properties of the Gaussian distribution If X ~ N μ X ,σ X2
and Y ~ N μ ,σ then, aX b ~ N a μ b, aσ X Y ~ N μ μ , σ σ X Y ~ N μ μ , σ σ 2 Y
formly on any surface. This non-uniform spread of photons leads to small variations in intensity across an image. This effect follows a Poisson distribution and is most often multiplicative in nature, or correlated to the image. The following sections present some forms of noise relevant to the analysis of steganography. These techniques are summarized in Exhibits 1 and 2. The clean image used for these charts is found in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the bitplane decomposition of each of these types of noise, giving some intuition for the differences between the types.
Gaussian Noise In many natural applications involving measurements, the bell-curve is an accurate model of the distribution of the measurements. The bell curve is a member of the family of distributions known as Gaussian distributions. These distributions are so common they are also known as normal
2 X
2 Y
2 X
2 Y
distributions. The probability density function (pdf) for the Gaussian random variable, f X μ X ,σ
2 X
1 σ X 2π
x σ X 2 2σ X2
is a continuous distribution with X . The Gaussian probability distribution is one of the central concepts in probability and statistics. The sum of an arbitrary set of random variables converges to the Gaussian random variable. This property is known as the central limit theorem and is the primary reason the Gaussian distribution is so prevalent in practical applications. For any known or unknown sources of variation, the distribution will tend toward the Gaussian distribution as the number of sources increases. In imaging applications, noise is often approximated as a Gaussian component. This makes a convenient model for hiding steganography. Gaussian random variable is exceedingly easy
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
to generate and is widely available in software libraries. The Gaussian distribution includes several interesting properties. Table 1 enumerates some of these.
switchboard or the number of photons arriving at a surface. In image-based media, an important form of noise follows the Poisson distribution. This component known as Poisson noise, or photon noise, is due to the random arrival of photons. This random arrival follows the Poisson distribution. The pdf for the Poisson random variable,
Poisson Noise Many natural problems can be formulated as a series of trials, with each trial having a probability of success or failure. As the number of trials DSSURDFKHVLQ¿QLW\WKHSUREDELOLW\RIJHWWLQJQ successes follows the Poisson distribution. This limit is sometimes known as the law of rare events. This term is somewhat misleading as practical examples often involve very large numbers of events such as the number of telephone calls at a
f X k , λ
eλ λ k . k!
The Poisson is a discrete distribution, where X . A common approximation of the Poisson XVHVDQRUPDOZLWKDPHDQDQGYDULDQFHRIȜWKLV DSSUR[LPDWLRQLVRQO\MXVWL¿HGLIȜLVODUJH This form of noise is often heavily correlated with the image itself, giving rise to a multipli-
Exhibit 1. G
G aussian
Mean μ X , variance σ X2
Number of successes, k , mean and variance λ
Example PDFs
Parameters PDF Notation Applications
f X μ X ,σ X2
1 σ X 2π
X ~ N μ X ,σ X2
x σ X 2 2σ X2
1. Thermal noise 2. Sum of many different noise sources
f X k , λ
eλ λ k k!
X ~ Poisson k , λ 1. Photon noise 2. Inter-arrival times for many applications
Noise Examples
Top left to lower right: μ X of 0 and σ X2 of 5, 25, 50, 100
Top left to lower right: λ of 3, 10, 50, 100 (additive, zero centered)
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Exhibit 2. U
Salt and Pepper (Impulsive)
Example PDFs
Parameters PDF Notation Applications
Min, a, max, b
f X a, b
Rate of occurrence, r, value of noise, a, b x a ra ° f X ra , rb , a ® rb x b °0 otherwise ¯
1 , ad xdb ba
X ~ Uniform a, b
X ~ snp r , a 3. Binary Images 4. Fax induced noise 5. Steganography
1. Cryptography 2. Compression
Noise Examples
Top left to lower right: a=0, b=5, 10, 50, 100
cative noise term. In the multiplicative noise model, y n p s ng, the term n p represents the term contributed by photon noise, while the additive term includes other forms of noise. Photon noise is often assumed additive and Gaussian, the limiting case.
Top left to lower right: a=255,b=0, ra and rb of 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.45
Uniform Noise Uniform noise, or more commonly random noise, is conceptually the simplest form of noise. Its pdf is as follows: f X a, b
1 , ad xdb ba
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Its values are evenly spread between two bounds. While conceptually simple, random noise is actually quite rare in physical phenomena. The reason for this is the reason why the Gaussian is so common. Given a source of pure random noise, the presence of a second source is enough to appear Gaussian. Two applications that generate random noise are compression and encryption. Both try
to remove all predictable information from a bit stream. What remains are the unpredictable bits, which approach a uniform distribution.
Salt-and-Pepper Noise Salt-and-pepper noise is a form of noise commonly found in binary images. This form of noise in
Exhibit 3. N oisy Image
Noise Only
Gaussian σ 5
Uniform b 5
Poisson λ 5
Salt and Pepper r 0.25
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
images results in saturated pixels. Fax machines are a common application that is plagued by saltand-pepper noise. The pdf for salt-and-pepper noise is as follows:
f X ra , rb , a
ra x a ° ® rb x b °0 ¯ otherwise
This pdf is a generalization of the physical effect of saturating a pixel, also known as impulsive noise. In this case, both the rate of occurrence and the value of the pixel are parameters of the model. The general form of salt-and-pepper noise shown in the noise table is a convenient model for many types of steganography.
ARTIFICIAL “STEGO”-NOISE When the prisoner Alice wants to send a message to the prisoner Bob, the only means to send this message is through a channel that is monitored by the warden. In order to plot their escape, Alice must hide her message. In the digital age, communication is dominated by the use of the Internet. In this media, one of WKHPRVWSUROL¿FIRUPVRIFRPPXQLFDWLRQLVWKH digital image. There are a number of forms of
steganography for the digital image. Those that involve changing the image (not all of them do) to embed information generally fall into one of several forms. The simplest methods involve PRGL¿FDWLRQRIVRPHELWVRIWKHLPDJHLWVHOI$Q example is found in Figure 5. For the warden to learn how to detect this hidden information, it is important to understand the basic principles of each form of information hiding. This section introduces several methods.
Embedding Methods The simplest image-based steganography techQLTXHLVWRUHSODFHWKHOHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWLQIRUPDtion, theOHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELW/6% LQWKHLPDJH with information from the secret message. Digital media, either image or audio, contains information at a precision that is beyond what a human can perceive. This extra precision is included simply due to the nature of the sampling devices and is often removed when undergoing lossy compression. If instead of removing the extra precision for lossy compression, these bits are replaced in a systematic way, many bits can be hidden within a single image. The assumption of this technique is that the addition of this noise will not be noticeable to the observer, even an electronic observer. On average, only one-half of the LSBs in an image
Figure 5. Stego-embedding, left: Message, middle: Clean image, right: Stego-image containing both
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Figure 6. First seven bit-planes of the glacier image available for use in +/- k embedding k=64 k=32 k=16 k=8 k=4 k=2 k=1
± k Algorithm Input: Image pixels 1. Binary and pixel with k 2. If value is zero, pixel = pixel + k 3. If value not zero, pixel = pixel – k 4. Repeat for each pixel in image until message exhausted Output: Embedded pixels
Figure 7. Color layers and bitplanes Bit Planes Lower left to upper right are bits 0 through 7 Red Layer
Original Image
Green Layer
Blue Layer
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
are changed by embedding and it is assumed that embedding the message in this way will not change the statistics of the cover image. Embedding with ±k is a generalization of LSB embedding, which increases its security. First, instead of embedding only in the LSB, it can embed in any bit. The LSB case would be k=1, other more robust cases include k=2 or 4. The second generalization is that instead of simply
replacing the existing bit, the technique adds or subtracts the value of the bit. This has the same effect as simple replacement, it toggles the bit of interest, but the act of addition or subtraction increases the security. Instead of simply replacing the LSB with data, instead, the LSB is moved by ±k based on whether the LSB is a one or zero. Figure 6 shows an example and algorithm for this approach. Figure 7 shows example bitplanes from
Table 2. Spatial stego-noise Embedded Image
Changes (Red Layer)
Histogram of “Stego-noise” (Red Layer)
LSB 786432 bits
±2 786432 bits
± 16 786432 bits
Table 2 shows the analysis of several different types of steganography. From these graphics, each technique embeds using a change in pixel value of ±1, or ±k. From a noise representation either replacement as in LSB or additive noise as ±k appears the same. The second column shows the residual of removing the original image from the stego-image. The third column shows a histogram of this difference.
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
each of the color layers. Examples of LSB, k=2, and k=16 are shown in Table 2. 7KH ¿QDO IXQGDPHQWDO DSSURDFK WR KLGLQJ information is binning. Binning is a trick used to quantize parts of the cover image in a way that itself delivers the information. An example could be developed using a JPEG compression. Bits could be represented by encoding different areas of an image at different quantization levels. Quantization quality of 90 could be one, 80 a zero. Choosing one of these two for each 8x8 block in a 512x512 image could effectively deliver 4096 bits. More subtle binning techniques include using a set of bit values to represent a binary zero or one. An example, a zero would be encoded by either 00 or 01, while a one is encoded as a 10 or 11. This approach can be used to guarantee a maximum number of changed bits. The F5 algoULWKP:HVW¿HOG XVHVVXFKDQDSSURDFK The quantizer index modulation technique (QIM) (Chen & Wornell, 2001) is also a form of binning technique which has an implicit error correction component. These techniques have strong theoretical properties, and can be modeled as noise. Table 4 and Figure 8 show examples with F5.
2IWHQWKLVVLJQL¿FDQWO\LQFUHDVHVWKHVHFXULW\RI the technique. Each domain has its advantages. In comparison with a spatial domain pixel, a single WUDQVIRUP GRPDLQ FRHI¿FLHQW FDQ JHQHUDOO\ EH PRGL¿HGPRUHWKDQDVLQJOHSL[HOZLWKRXWEHLQJ human detectable. This is due to the property WKDWDVLQJOHFRHI¿FLHQWZLOOFRQWULEXWHWRPDQ\ pixels when reverted back to the spatial domain. 7KHRYHUDOOFRQWULEXWLRQRIDVLQJOHFRHI¿FLHQWLV spread over the entire image diluting the visual impact of the change. This spreading effect can be seen in Tables 3-5. What is very clearly small, saltand-pepper type noise in the transform domain, is turned into a Gaussian-like distribution when viewed in the spatial domain—a very noise-like embedding. Many practical codes have been developed using transform domain techniques. An example of this approach can be found in the classic Jsteg program (JPEG-JSteg-V4, n.d.). Jsteg is a ±k embedding technique, where k=1, applied WR WKH FRVLQHGRPDLQ -3(* FRHI¿FLHQWV ,W KDV an additional feature of avoiding embedding in ]HURYDOXHFRHI¿FLHQWV$QH[DPSOHFDQEHVHHQ in Table 3.
Spatial vs. Transform Domain
Other Tricks
Data formats that use lossy compression techniques, such as JPEGs or MP3s, dominate media on the Internet. The simple spatial domain embedding methods such as LSB or ±k require loss-less media, this makes embedding in the spatial domain less desirable. Instead, the most common image format on the Internet is JPEG. It stores information in the form of cosine transform FRHI¿FLHQWV'LUHFWO\HPEHGGLQJLQWRWKHVHFRVLQH GRPDLQFRHI¿FLHQWVLVDVLPSOHDSSURDFKWKDWKDV led to the idea of transform domain steganography. These transform domain techniques have since grown to include domains other than cosine such as Fourier, wavelet, or other transformations. Each of the basic embedding techniques can be applied in a number of different domains.
On top of the raw embedding techniques, there are a number of tricks various authors have introduced to increase the security of the embedding. Two, more successful examples include spread spectrum techniques and model based techniques. Spread spectrum methodologies use a technique from communications systems to modify the message bits prior to embedding in the image (Marvel, Boncelet, & Retter, 1999). Instead of simply changing one bit for one bit, this technique encodes a bit as the addition or subtraction of a randomly generated mask. This mask has the effect of spreading one bit across both frequency and space. The key to this technique is the use of orthogonal codes. The expanded bits do not each use the same encoding. Instead, they are
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Table 3. Transform domain stego-noise using JSteg
JPEG Coefficient Differences (Scaled [0,4])
Histogram of JPEG Coefficient changes made to the Image
Pixel Differences (Scaled [0,20])
Histogram of Pixel changes made to the Image (with Gaussian overlaid)
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Table 4. Transform domain stego-noise using F5 JPEG Coefficient Differences (Scaled [0,4])
Histogram of JPEG Coefficient changes made to the Image
Pixel Differences (Scaled [0,20])
Histogram of Pixel changes made to the Image (with Gaussian overlaid)
expanded to a set of orthogonal codes. When both the embedding and the image are Gaussian distributed, the optimal detector for a spread spectrum approach is a simple correlation with the embedded message. Another powerful tool that can be used to hide the bits of the stego-message is to embed them in a way that is correlated to the image itself. The model-based approach uses a model of the image to avoid statistically altering it. In Sallee (2004) a technique is described that treats the embedded message as compressed data then decompresses it according to the statistics of the image. The resulting decompressed data are
WKHQXVHGWRUHSODFHWKH-3(*FRHI¿FLHQWV7KLV approach results in a stego-image that is almost identical to the image itself, but introduces correlated noise that corresponds to the action of the encoder used. Again, viewing this sophisticated technique from the perspective of changes to the LPDJHWKHDFWXDOFKDQJHWRWKH-3(*FRHI¿FLHQWV is a small salt-and-pepper distribution, but in the spatial domain, this again has a Gaussian-like distribution. Despite the sophistication of this approach, the results are still essentially small Gaussian noise. An example of this effect can be found in Table 5.
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Table 5. Transform domain stego-noise using model based embedding JPEG Coefficient Differences (Scaled [0,4])
Histogram of JPEG Coefficient changes made to the Image
Pixel Differences (Scaled [0,20])
Histogram of Pixel changes made to the Image (with Gaussian overlaid)
Tables 3-5 show the analysis of several different types of steganography. In each, the top left shows the residual of removing the original image from the stego-image in the JPEG domain. The top right shows a histogram of this difference, each technique embeds using a change in pixel value of ±1, or ±2. From this perspective, either replacement as in Model-based or additive noise as Jsteg appears the same. The bottom left shows the corresponding spatial domain differences. The bottom right shows a histogram of the spatial domain difference, in the spatial domain each embedding results in a Gaussian-like distribution.
THE ACTIVE WARDEN ,QWKHJHQHUDOÀRZRIVWHJDQRJUDSK\ZKHQ:HQG\ WKH ZDUGHQ PRGL¿HV WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ SDVVLQJ between Alice and Bob, she is called an active warden (Anderson & Petitcolas, 1998; Craver, 1998; Ettinger, 1998; Fisk, Fisk, Papadopoulos,
& Neil, 2003). The active warden can take one of several forms: 1. 2.
Detecting steganography and complete deletion of any messages with stego-content Detecting any hidden message and intelligently changing the stego-content
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
3. 4.
Inserting false stego-messages into the communication channel Modifying all messages to disrupt any hidden communication
Each scenario requires a different level of knowledge about the information hiding system. Scenario 1 only requires the ability to detect and sort stego-messages from clean messages. Scenarios 2 and 3, each require complete knowledge including keys. While 4 only requires control of the communication channel. Practically, scenarios 2 and 3 require more than can be taken for granted when combating steganography. In such situations, many options are open to the warden. The technical aspects of steganalysis are no longer the challenge. Instead, the challenge becomes how to construct a suitable message such that the prisoners will be fooled. Scenario 1 is a logical extension of the passive warden scenario. The passive warden scenario is discussed in another chapter. Scenario 4 presents a likely scenario, one that presents a challenge in how to render all hidden
communication useless, without destroying the communication channel. Do methods exist that can be applied to all messages that will remove hidden content, without compromising the innocent information also passing through the channel? For modern digital steganography, the sad truth is not only is it possible to modify the messages to remove the content, it is easy. Even so-called robust steganography techniques are extremely weak when attacked with simple operations such DV¿OWHULQJDQGVKLIWLQJ)RUDVLPSOHH[DPSOHWDNH DVLPSOHOLQHDU¿OWHURSHUDWLQJRQDQLPDJHZLWK /6%HPEHGGLQJ7KHOLQHDU¿OWHUE\GH¿QLWLRQ will change all the pixels in the image. Whether DQ\RIWKHOHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELWVUHPDLQWKHVDPH is random chance. This change is more than suf¿FLHQW WR FRUUXSW WKH HPEHGGHG PHVVDJH 1RZ a question that can be asked, can the intended recipient detect this change? While it is easy to remove hidden data, the key for the warden to successfully defeat the prisoners’ communication is to do so in a way that the prisoners cannot detect. If the prisoners suspect that they cannot reliably communicate through
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
the channel, they will adjust tactics, possibly abandoning this communication channel entirely. As long as the communication channel continues to be used, it can continue to be monitored. Thus, for the warden, it is important to maintain a communication channel through which the prisoners believe they can pass information. Maintaining the communication channel while modifying the messages passed through it, is the true problem faced by the active warden. The remainder of this section presents how various techniques perform in the active warden scenario.
Simple Attacks As discussed in the section on $UWL¿FLDO6WHJR Noise there are two primary approaches to steganography: spatial domain and transform domain PHWKRGV7KH¿UVWLQFOXGHVWHFKQLTXHVVXFKDV ±k and LSB that require the use of raw images. The second includes techniques such as F5 or JSteg, which require JPEG images. Each has a VLPSOHLQWXLWLYHPHWKRGRIDWWDFN¿UVWWKHGHOHtion of bits for spatial methods, and second, the re-compression of a JPEG image. In this section, we explore the ability to detect these methods and the effectiveness of each applied to four common steganography methods. The two spatial methods of steganography introduced in the section on $UWL¿FLDO6WHJR1RLVH are LSB and ±k. These methods are notoriously easy for an attacker to destroy. Simple deletion of bits is enough to destroy the message. The quesWLRQUHPDLQVLVGHOHWLQJRUVKXIÀLQJDELWSODQHD valid method of removing the hidden information while preserving the image? Can the recipient GHWHFWWKLVPRGL¿FDWLRQ" Perceptually, a human cannot perceive the LSB in an 8-bit image. In fact, for a human observer, WKHGHOHWLRQRIDQ\RIWKH¿UVWELWSODQHVLVQRW perceivable for many images. However, using even the simplest statistical techniques the deletion of a bitplane becomes easy to identify. Figure 10
shows the histograms and images resulting from deleting one to four bits from the image. 6LPSOH /6% LV OHVV GLI¿FXOW WR PRGLI\ WKDQ ±k. Since a potential steganalyst does not know the value of k, they cannot simply delete the kth bit-plane. Instead, they would need to delete all bit-planes, effectively destroying the communication channel. Making a reasonable assumption that RQO\WKH¿UVWIRXUELWVDUHSRVVLEOHKLGLQJDUHDV simply deleting all these bits leaves a clear signature, as shown in Figure 10. The histograms of each bit deleted¿JXUHVKRZVDspiky behavior as some values no longer appear in the image. This regular lack of some pixel values is a highly unnatural occurrence, even in compressed images. In general, the deletion of bits is not an effective approach for attacking a steganography technique. The measurable change to the image is YHU\GLVWLQFWDQGVXI¿FLHQWWRWLSRII$OLFHRU%RE that messages are actively being changed. Once tipped off, they are free to adjust tactics to defeat this deletion. Beyond its detectability, the premise of deleting a bit-plane relies on knowing where all the embedded information will reside. This relies on knowing the embedding mechanism, which may or may not be a realistic assumption. Another method of attacking a spatial embedGLQJPHWKRGLVWRVKXIÀHWKHELWVLQWKHDSSURSULDWH bit-plane, or inject randomized bits. This approach is equivalent to the original steganography probOHPDVHPEHGGLQJQRLVHRUVKXIÀLQJELWVLVHIIHFtively hiding new information in the same image. The effectiveness of the technique applied to the active warden scenario depends on knowledge of the original embedding mechanism. Embedding the wrong bit-plane will not be an effective attack. While embedding in the correct bit-plane assumes a level of knowledge about the embedding mechanism that may not be realistic. While spatial domain methods are important, JPEG-based media dominate the Internet. Three transform domain techniques were introduced in the section, $UWL¿FLDO6WHJR1RLVH, both using JPEG-based methods. JSteg, F5, and model-based
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
embedding are all techniques for hiding in the FRHI¿FLHQWVRIWKHFRVLQHGRPDLQ While transform domain methods are generally considered more robust, since they should EHOHVVVHQVLWLYHWRWKHVSDWLDO/6%PRGL¿FDWLRQV discussed in the previous section. In both cases studied here, JSteg and model-based are extremely VHQVLWLYHWRFKDQJHVWRWKH-3(*FRHI¿FLHQWV,IWKH spatial domain changes enough to modify JPEG FRHI¿FLHQWVRUWKH-3(*FRHI¿FLHQWVWKHPVHOYHV are changed, the results are disastrous for the embedded data.
$ VLPSOH PHWKRG RI FKDQJLQJ -3(* FRHI¿cients is to re-encode the image. The process of JPEG compression is a lossy process. Passing a compressed image through compression a second time will not result in the same image. The reason can be seen in Figure 11. While the results of the two non-invertible processes shown will be the same if applied to the same raw image, applying a second time to a compressed image will most likely change the image further. This is dependent on the exact values produced by the inverse cosine transform. If these values are close to integers, the
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Figure 11. Approximate JPEG compression and decompression algorithms, note passing the recovered LPDJHEDFNWKURXJKWKHVDPHSURFHVVVDPHTXDQWL]DWLRQ ZLOOQRWOLNHO\UHVXOWLQWKHVDPHFRPSUHVVHG image. The actual JPEG compression also includes loss-less compression that is not shown here. JPEG C om pression R aw Im age
C osine T ransform
JPEG D ecom pression
Inverse C osine T ransform
C onvert t o Integer
R ecovered Im age
N on-Invertible p rocess
conversion to integer will not have much impact so the second encoding will result in the same image. In the more likely case of being non-integer, then the second encoding will operate on different numbers than those created by the inverse cosine transform, causing the quantization to be applied differently, and further changing the image. 7KLVVOLJKWFKDQJHLQFRHI¿FLHQWVFDQEHGHYastating for recovering a hidden message. An example of this phenomenon is shown in Figures 12 and 13. In this example, the model-based method has been used to embed a stego-image at near maximum capacity. The stego-embedded image was read and re-encoded using the same quality, as well as the same quantization table. This resulted in changes to nearly half of the embedded bits. In the case of Figure 12, part of the message can be recovered, (the white area on the left of the image) while the rest is not recognizable. This highlights the fact that a change of ±1 in a single LPSRUWDQW-3(*FRHI¿FLHQWLVHQRXJKWRWKURZ the model-based stego-decoder off and corrupt all of the data received. Again, in Figure 12 the left portion of the message is correctly recovered, as QRLPSRUWDQW-3(*FRHI¿FLHQWVDUHFKDQJHGZLWKLQ
that part of the message. Though, the remainder of the message is completely lost. A critical feature of this method of attack is the maintained quality of the image. While reencoding with a new quantization table is known to be a detectable operation (Fridrich, Goljan, & Du, 2001), encoding with the same table has not. A drawback to this approach is the uncertainty RI ZKLFK FRHI¿FLHQWV ZLOO EH FKDQJHG :KLFK FRHI¿FLHQWVZLOOEHDIIHFWHGFDQQRWEHSUHGLFWHG Therefore, which part of the message will be corrupted cannot be controlled, nor can it be predicted whether any of the message will be changed at all. It is even possible to design images insensitive to this attack.
Image Quality An important aspect of the active warden for image-based steganography is the preservation of the quality of an image. Visual quality is a quantity WKDWLVGLI¿FXOWWRGH¿QHDQGPHDVXUH0DQ\UHsearchers have attempted to develop metrics to assess visual quality. These metrics include the mean square error (MSE), visual information
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Figure 13. Corruption introduced by JPEG re-encoding, even using the same quantization table, left, RULJLQDOLPDJHPLGGOHWKHGLIIHUHQFHLQWKHVSDWLDOGRPDLQDQGULJKWWKHGLIIHUHQFHLQ-3(*FRHI¿FLHQWV of the red component of the image
Table 6. Measures of image quality
MSE i, iˆ SSIM ( x, y )
L2 i, iˆ
2μ μ
2 x
1 K
¦ i iˆ i
i 1
Cx 2σ x y C y
μ Cx μ x2 μ y2 C y
¦ ¦
2 y
I C ; F | s
I C ; E | s
¿GHOLW\9,) 6KHLNK %RYLN DQGWKH structural similarity index (SSIM) (Wang, Bovik, Sheikh, & Simoncelli, 2004). A commonly referenced method of determining image quality is the MSE. This is a simple distance measure, also known as the L2 norm, and has the advantage of being conceptually and computationally simple. This method has been shown to be of questionable value when applied to images due to the vast array of very different images that show similar MSE (Sheikh, Bovik, & De Veciana, 2005). Two techniques that are more sophisticated are the SSIM and the VIF. The SSIM is a measure based on the idea that the human visual system appears to capture and use structural information more than other image features (Wang et al., 2004). The VIF uses a statistical model to determine if the amount of human perceivable
information present in an image deviates from the reference image (Sheikh & Bovik, 2006). These three criteria are shown in Table 6, where i and î DUHWKHUHIHUHQFHDQGWHVWLPDJHVȝLVWKHPHDQ ıLVWKHYDULDQFH&LVWKHFRYDULDQFH(DQG)DUH wavelet domain images.
Denoising for Message Removal In the chapter XI, On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation, a number of denoising methods are introduced. Each technique has a much different impact on the image than simple bit deletion. Figure 14 shows the images and resulting histograms from eight denoising techniques, including those calibration techniques used in steganalysis by Ker and Farid. From Figure 14, it is clear that the statistical effects of bit deletion are not present. Visually,
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
artifacts appear from using Farid’s linear predictor, there is also a clear visual difference using Ker’s technique that is not shown. Ker’s decimation changes the size of the image so it is impractical for the active warden scenario, as Alice and Bob will eventually notice a consistent change in size. Of the other techniques, many appear roughly equivalent. The BLS-GSM technique tends to change the [0, 4] bit histogram the most, while VisuShrink has the most impact on the full histogram. Since these denoising techniques all affect more than a single bitplane, it becomes important to ensure that the visual impact of the technique is not noticeable. Figures 15 and 16 show the visual LPSDFWRIHDFKRIWKH¿YHGHQRLVLQJWHFKQLTXHV Of these, the mean and Gaussian smoothers, Visu-
Shrink and BLS-GSM and all introduce different levels of blur, while the polynomial technique has less of an impact on the image. The NL-means method (not shown) performs poorly for low noise conditions. In the case of LSB embedding it does not alter the image making it useless for application DVDQDFWLYHZDUGHQ7KLVIHDWXUHLVVSHFL¿FDOO\ designed into the NL-means implementation for use in texture synthesis where small details can be important.) Tables 7 and 8 show the results from applying the denoising approaches to several embedding techniques. Sixty images were chosen randomly from a database of over 10,000. Each was embedded using each of four embedding methods, LSB, ±k, JSteg, and model-based embedding. The tables include three image quality metrics to
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
)LJXUH ,PDJH FRPSDULVRQ RI WRS OHIW WR ORZHU ULJKW RULJLQDO VWHJRLPDJH VPRRWKHG with spatial averaging, Gaussian smoothed, denoised via BLS-GSM, denoised with VisuShrink, and denoised with the polynomial threshold. The polynomial threshold appears to come closest to the original image.
)LJXUH =RRPLQ FRPSDULVRQ RI WRS OHIW WR ORZHUULJKW RULJLQDOVWHJRLPDJHVPRRWKHGZLWK spatial averaging, Gaussian smoothed, denoised via BLS-GSM, denoised with VisuShrink, and denoised with the polynomial threshold
assess the impact of each denoising technique in its role as an active warden. From the tables, the denoising techniques each appear to have tradeoffs. Non-local means preserves the image too well, not changing any bits. Polynomial threshold does better at making changes while preserving the image but also leaves more data. VisuShrink seems to be the best for changing all the bits at the cost of some image blurring, even out performing the more complex technique BLS-GSM.
CONCLUSION In creating digital media, such as images or audio ¿OHVWKHUHDUHPDQ\SRVVLEOHVRXUFHVRIQRLVH Many modern steganography techniques can be PRGHOHG DV DQ DUWL¿FLDO YHUVLRQ RI WKHVH QRLVH sources. These techniques generally affect the image in ways that mimic naturally occurring noise. For simple techniques such as LSB, this is intentional. More sophisticated techniques, such as the model-based approach, intentionally embed in information-containing regions of the
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
Visual Impact MSE
Visual Impact VIF
Visual Impact SSID
+- k BER
Model BER
Execution Time (s)
Jpeg Re-encode
Visual Impact MSE
Visual Impact VIF
Visual Impact SSID
+- k BER
Model BER
Execution Time (s)
Jpeg Re-encode
image rather than the noise. Regardless of the intent, most modern approaches affect the image in a very similar, noise-like manner. This chapter has presented the importance of noise to steganography. Further, under the active ZDUGHQ DQ\ PRGL¿FDWLRQ WR PHVVDJHV LQ WKH warden’s communication channel must be made in a covert manner. If the prisoners believe they cannot reliably communicate through the channel, they will adjust tactics until communication becomes reliable. For the warden, the challenge is to consistently corrupt any passing messages without allowing the prisoners an opportunity to defeat his/her effort. With this goal in mind, the removal of the stego-message without corrupting the cover requires using very sophisticated methods.
Despite the connections between steganography and noise, the state of the art in image denoising approaches are not effective. They are simply not designed for the high quality, low noise images that are common in steganalysis. Much UHVHDUFKUHPDLQVLQVKDSLQJWKLVEURDG¿HOGIRU use in active or passive steganalysis.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 7KH¿HOGVRIVWHJDQRJUDSK\DQGVWHJDQDO\VLVDUH in their infancy. The last 10 years have brought rapid improvements in the understanding of the ¿HOG7KHPDMRUFKDOOHQJHLQGLJLWDOLPDJHVWHJanography is to model an image to identify changes that would be undetectable. The development of
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
such an image model is the most important and PRVWFKDOOHQJLQJUHVHDUFKGLUHFWLRQLQWKH¿HOG This leads toward a theoretically secure form of steganography. Other challenges include exploring JPEG 2000-based media and raising the capacity of current steganographic approaches. Further, methods are needed to improve robustness to attack, including desynchronization, image compression, and sophisticated denoising-based attacks. In addition, a re-evaluation of steganography from a cryptologic perspective may lead to new, unexplored directions.
REFERENCES Agaian, S. (2005). Steganography & steganalysis: An overview of research & challenges. In Network Security and Intrusion Detection, NATO Proceedings. Agaian, S., & Rodriguez, B. M. (2006). Basic steganalysis techniques for the digital media forensics examiner. In Digital Crime and Forensic Science in Cyberspace (pp. 175-225). Anderson, R. J., & Petitcolas, F. A. P. (1998). On the limits of steganography. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 16(4), 474-481. Avcibas, I., Memon, N., & Sankur, B. (2003). Steganalysis using image quality metrics. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 12(2), 221229. Cachin, C. (2004). An information-theoretic model for steganography. Information and Computation, 192(1), 41-56. Chen, B., & Wornell, G. W. (2001). Quantization index modulation: A class of provably good methods for digital watermarking and information embedding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47(4), 1423-1443.
Cox, I. J., Miller, M., & Bloom, J. (2001). Digital watermarking: Principles & practice (1st ed.). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. Craver, S. (1998). On public-key steganography in the presence of an active warden. Information Hiding, 1525, 355-368. Ettinger, J. M. (1998). Steganalysis and game equilibria. Information Hiding, 1525, 319-328. Fisk, G., Fisk, M., Papadopoulos, C., & Neil, J. (2003, October 7-9). Eliminating steganography LQ,QWHUQHWWUDI¿FZLWKDFWLYHZDUGHQV,QInformation Hiding: 5th International Workshop, IH Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. Revised Papers (Vol. 2578, pp. 18-35). Berlin: Springer. Fridrich, J., Goljan, M., & Du, R. (2001). Steganalysis based on JPEG compatibility. Paper presented at the Proceedings of SPIE Multimedia Systems and Applications IV, Denver, CO. JPEG-JSteg-V4. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www. funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/jpeg-jstegv4.diff.gz Katzenbeisser, S., & Penticolas, F. A. P. (2000). Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking. Norwood, MA: Artech House. Marvel, L. M., Boncelet, C. G., Jr., & Retter, C. T. (1999). Spread spectrum image steganography. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 8(8), 1075-1083. Moulin, P., & Koetter, R. (2005). Data-hiding codes. Proceedings of the IEEE, 93(12), 20832126. Provos, N., & Honeyman, P. (2001). Detecting steganographic content on the Internet. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for Information Technology Integration. Provos, N., & Honeyman, P. (2003). Hide and seek: An introduction to steganography. IEEE Security
On Noise, Steganography, and the Active Warden
and Privacy Magazine, 1(3), 32-44. Sallee, P. (2004). Model-based steganography. Digital Watermarking, 2939, 154-167. Sheikh, H. R., & Bovik, A. C. (2006). Image information and visual quality. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15(2), 430-444. Sheikh, H. R., Bovik, A. C., & De Veciana, G. $QLQIRUPDWLRQ¿GHOLW\FULWHULRQIRULPDJH quality assessment using natural scene statistics. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 14(12), 2117-2128. Sheikh, H. R., Sabir, M. F., & Bovik, A. C. (2006). A statistical evaluation of recent full reference image quality assessment algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15(11), 3440-3451. Simmons, G. J. (1984). The prisoners’ problem and the subliminal channel. In Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings of CRYPTO ’83 (pp. 51-67). New York: Plenum Press. Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2004). Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 13(4), 600-612. Wayner, P. (2002). Disappearing cryptography—Information hiding: Steganography and Watermarking (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
:HVW¿HOG$ +LJKFDSDFLW\GHVSLWHJHWWHU steganalysis (F5-A steganographic algorithm). In Information Hiding: 4th International Workshop (Vol. 2137, pp. 289-302). Springer-Verlag. =ROOQHU-)HGHUUDWK+.OLPDQW+3¿W]PDQQ A., Piotraschke, R., Westfeld, A., et al. (1998). Modeling the security of steganographic systems. Information Hiding, 1525, 344-354.
ADDITIONAL READING A general introductory text to steganography and data hiding concepts can be found in Disappearing Cryptography (Wayner, 2002), or Katzenbeisser and Penticolas (2000), or the article by Provos and Honeyman (2003). A general introductory article for steganalysis can be found in Agaian and Rodriguez (2006), and for steganography Agaian (2005). See Cox, Miller, and Bloom (2001) for the watermarking perspective on data hiding. For a theoretical introduction to data hiding, the work of Moulin in Moulin and Koetter (2005) is an excellent start. Then see Cachin (2004), Zollner et al. (1998), and Ettinger (1998) for different theoretical perspectives on the basic problem. The paper by Sheikh, Sabir, and Bovik (2006) reviews a number of current image quality metrics. See Avcibas, Memon, and Sankur (2003) for a perspective on image quality in steganalysis. See Provos and Honeyman (2001) and Fisk et al. (2003) for Internet implementation related issues and results.
Chapter IX
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms Patrick Le Callet Polytech’Nantes, University of Nantes, IRCCyN Lab, France Florent Autrusseau Polytech’Nantes, University of Nantes, IRCCyN Lab, France Patrizio Campisi Università degli Studi Roma TRE, Italy
ABSTRACT In watermarking and data hiding context, it may be very useful to have methods checking the invisibility of the inserted data or at least, checking the objective quality after the mark embedding or after an attack on the watermarked media. Many works exist in the literature dealing with quality assessment mainly focused on compression application. Nevertheless, visual quality assessment should include special requirements that depend on the application context. This chapter presents an extended review RIERWKVXEMHFWLYHDQGREMHFWLYHTXDOLW\DVVHVVPHQWRILPDJHVDQGYLGHRLQWKH¿HOGRIZDWHUPDUNLQJ and data hiding applications.
INTRODUCTION In the past few years, there has been an explosion in the use and distribution of digital multimedia data, essentially driven by the diffusion of the Internet. In this scenario, watermarking techniques have been devised to answer the ever-growing need
to protect the intellectual property (copyright) of digital still images, video sequences, or audio from piracy attacks in a networked environment like the World Wide Web. Although copyright protection ZDVWKHYHU\¿UVWDSSOLFDWLRQRIZDWHUPDUNLQJ different uses have been recently proposed in literature. Fingerprinting, copy control, broad-
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Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
cast monitoring, data authentication, multimedia indexing, content-based retrieval applications, medical imaging applications, covert communication (steganography), and error concealment, (Barni & Bartolini, 2004; Doerr & Dugelay, 2003; Kundur, Su, & Hatzinakos, 2004) are only a few of the new applications where watermarking can be usefully employed. Moreover, digital watermarking has been recently used for quality assessment purposes (Campisi, Carli, Giunta, & Neri, 2003; Ninassi, Le Callet, & Autrusseau, 2006), as well as for improved data compression (Campisi, Kundur, Hatzinakos, & Neri, 2002; Campisi & Piva, 2006). Roughly speaking data hiding is the general process by which a discrete information stream is merged within media content. The general watermark embedding procedure consists of embedding a watermark sequence, which is usually binary, into host data by means of a key. In the detection/extraction phase, the key is used to verify either the presence of the embedded sequence or to extract the embedded mark. When considering a watermarking scheme, depending RQLWVVSHFL¿FDSSOLFDWLRQGLIIHUHQWUHTXLUHPHQWV need to be achieved. One of them is the perceptual invisibility of the superimposed mark onto the host data. This implies that the alterations caused by the watermark embedding into the data should not degrade their perceptual quality. Moreover, when these techniques are used to preserve the copyright ownership with the purpose of avoiding unauthorized data duplications, the embedded watermark should be detectable. This is required HYHQLIPDOLFLRXVDWWDFNVRUQRQGHOLEHUDWHPRGL¿FDWLRQVLH¿OWHULQJFRPSUHVVLRQHWF DIIHFWWKH embedded watermark. This requirement is known as watermark security. When the watermark is required to be resistant only to non-malicious manipulations the watermarking techniques is referred to as robust. For some applications, when the robustness requirement is severely required, each attempt of removing the mark should result in irreversible data quality degradation. As
a consequence the quality of the image must noticeably decrease before the removal attempt succeeds. However in some applications the host data are intended to undergo a limited number of signal processing operations. Therefore we talk about semi-fragile watermarking when the watermark needs to be robust only to a limited number of set of manipulations, while leaving the perceived quality of the host data intact. On WKH FRQWUDU\ ZKHQ XQZDQWHG PRGL¿FDWLRQV RI the watermarked data affect even the extracted watermark, the embedding scheme is known as fragile. Fragile watermarking can be used to obtain information about the tampering process. In fact, it indicates whether or not the data has been altered and supplies localization information as to where the data was altered. Capacity is another watermarking requirement, referring to the number of bits of information that can be embedded in the original data, which needs to be IXO¿OOHGGHSHQGLQJRQWKHVSHFL¿FDSSOLFDWLRQ 7KHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVFRQÀLFWHDFKRWKHU7KHUHIRUH the optimal trade-off is strictly tied to the target application. A comprehensive review of the different needed requirements depending on the intended application is given in Fridrich (1999) and they are summarized in Table 1 where a score from 1 to 7 indicating in increasing order the level of LPSRUWDQFHRIWKHVSHFL¿FUHTXLUHPHQWLVVSHFL¿HGIRUDFODVVRIDSSOLFDWLRQV Because of the proliferation of watermarking algorithms and their applications, some benchmarks (Michiels & Macq, 2006; Pereira, Voloshynovskiy, Madueno, Marchand-Maillet, & Pun, 2001; Petitcolas, Anderson, & Kuhn, 1998) have been proposed in order to allow a fair comparison among watermarking algorithms in terms of robustness against various attacks. However, no equal attention has been devoted to the proposition of benchmarks tailored to assess the watermark perceptual transparency or, equivalently, to perform the watermarked image quality assessment. Thus, the mean square error (MSE) or the peak
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Covert Communication, Steganography
Copyright protection of images (authentication)
Fingerprinting (traitor-tracing)
Adding captions to images, additional information, …
Image integrity protection (fraud detection)
Copy control in DVD
Intelligent browsers, automatic copyright information, …
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) are commonly used by the watermarking community to assess the ¿GHOLW\RIHPEHGGLQJDOJRULWKPV+RZHYHUWKH PSNR is not well suited to take into account the visual impairments present in an image, since it gives a measure of the statistical differences between an original image and a distorted version (marked one) and statistical differences do not represent visual impairments. Quality assessment is achievable either through subjective tests or through objective metrics. Obviously, the best way to assess the visual quality of a watermarked image would be to run subjective experiments, according to VWDQGDUGL]HGSURWRFROVZKLFKDUHGH¿QHGLQRUGHU to obtain correct, universal, and reliable quality evaluations, in which several human observers are asked to judge the perceived image quality DFFRUGLQJWRDSUHGH¿QHGSURWRFRODQGDGH¿QHG quality scale. However, the use of subjective tests is a time-consuming approach. Furthermore, the analysis of the obtained results is not straightforward. Therefore, a great effort has been devoted by both the academic and the industrial community to develop objective metrics able to quantitatively evaluate the amount of degradation undergone by an image or a video sequence. 6SHFL¿FDOO\WKHGH¿QLWLRQRISHUFHSWXDOREMHFWLYH metrics highly correlated with the subjective qual-
ity scores provided by observers would allow to reliably predict the perceived quality of images or videos thus leading to a great improvement in WKHTXDOLW\DVVHVVPHQW¿HOG 6SHFL¿FDOO\DVIRUVXEMHFWLYHTXDOLW\DVVHVVment, several International Telecommunications Union (ITU) recommendations describe the environment, normalized conditions as well as the protocols needed to conduct experiments. Nevertheless, there is no clear statement about data hiding requirements. Moreover, as many labs involved in data hiding do not have the facilities to conduct subjective experiments and because subjective tests are time consuming and expensive, the use of objective assessment is strongly required. As mentioned before, several works about objective quality metrics have been published in the literature. However, it is important to highlight that most objective quality DVVHVVPHQWPHWULFVDUHVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRU coding algorithms covering a quality range going from excellent to very bad. No quality assessment PHWULFVKDYHHYHUEHHQVSHFL¿FDOO\SURSRVHGIRU watermarking applications and the design of an ad hoc tool is very challenging for the data hiding community. The purpose of this chapter is mainly to give UHVHDUFKHUVZRUNLQJLQWKHZDWHUPDUNLQJ¿HOG but not directly involved in quality assessment, the tools to test the imperceptibility requirement for
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
ZDWHUPDUNHGLPDJHV6SHFL¿FDOO\LQWKHVHFRQG VHFWLRQZHEULHÀ\GHVFULEHWKHEHQFKPDUNLQJWRROV available in literature, which are mainly oriented towards robustness assessment and we address the invisibility issue in watermarking. In the third section we review subjective quality assessment as in the ITU-R-BT.500-11 recommendation (ITU, 2004a) and we provide a subjective protocol suited to watermarking quality assessment along with some experimental results for some tested watermarking algorithms. In the fourth section, stateof-the–art, general-purpose objective metrics are described. Their suitability for imperceptibility quality assessment of watermarking techniques LV GLVFXVVHG LQ WKH ¿IWK VHFWLRQ ZKHUH WKH FRUrelation between the subjective evaluation and the objective assessment is evaluated and widely discussed for all the metrics taken into account and all the tested watermarking techniques. Future research issues and conclusions are drawn in the last two sections.
WATERMARKING QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT Benchmarking Watermarking Algorithm As already pointed out in the Introduction, waWHUPDUNLQJ DOJRULWKPV QHHG WR IXO¿OO VSHFL¿F requirements, like robustness, perceptual imperceptibility/transparency, security, capacity, DQGVRRQDFFRUGLQJWRWKHVSHFL¿FDSSOLFDWLRQ 7KHVH UHTXLUHPHQWV FRQÀLFW ZLWK HDFK RWKHU therefore a compromise is always necessary. In order to automatically provide an evaluation of these watermarking algorithm characteristics some benchmarks have been proposed in the recent literature. 7KH ¿UVW EHQFKPDUNLQJ VXLWH QDPHO\ 6WLUMark, was proposed in Petitcolas et al. (1998) and made available online1. The StirMark tool performs a variety of both nonintentional and
malicious attacks like cropping, signal enhancement, scaling, JPEG compression, line removal, PHGLDQ¿OWHULQJQRLVHDGGLWLRQDI¿QHWUDQVIRUP and random bilinear geometric distortions. After each attack has been performed by the StirMark tool, the watermarking algorithm detector veri¿HVWKHSUHVHQFHRIWKHPDUN7KHSHUFHQWDJHRI the correctly detected watermarks is used as the performance score that is used to compare the HI¿FLHQF\RIWKHZDWHUPDUNLQJDOJRULWKPV+RZever, StirMark has some drawbacks that need to be addressed. In fact it does not take into account the embedding and detection time, the method’s false alarm probability, moreover the scores obtained using different attacks are all combined with the same weight irrespectively of the probability of occurrence of the considered attack. These considerations have driven the necessity to devise new benchmarking tools overcoming the existing problems. The OptiMark benchmark was presented in Solachidiset al. (2001) as an approach able to solve StirMark drawbacks and able to provide several statistical characteristics of an image watermarking scheme. The performance assessment is made by measuring the execution time and the robustness against attacks by means of the receiving operating characteristic (ROC). 7KHVH¿JXUHVRIPHULWDUHWKHQFRPELQHGE\WDNLQJ into account the probability of occurrence of the considered attack in the considered scenario. An online version of OptiMark has been also made freely available2. A second generation benchmark for image watermarking that makes use of a priori information about the watermark and the watermarking algorithms has been proposed in Pereira et al. (2001) and Voloshynovskiy, Pereira, Iquise, and Pun (2001). The so proposed benchmarking tool, namely CheckMark,3 employs tests like denoising attacks, wavelet compression, watermark copy attack, desyncronization, denoising and compression followed by perceptual remodulation, and random bending. Moreover, in contrast with StirMark where each attack has the same weight irrespective of the probability of occur-
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
rence, in CheckMark the performance evaluation is estimated by weighting the attack accordingly to its relevance to the considered application. The need to design a worldwide recognized standard benchmarking tool has also driven the European Community to start in May 2000 a project called Certimark4 involving both academic and industrial partners, but the project outcome has not been SURYLGHGWRWKHVFLHQWL¿FFRPPXQLW\ Although these tools can provide relevant information about the performance of the waterPDUNLQJPHWKRGXQGHUDQDO\VLVWKH\ODFNÀH[LELOity since they are tied to the employed operating system and/or to the used programming language. To allow a better interoperability among researchers thus overcoming the limitations deriving from the heterogeneity of the programming languages and of the operating systems some architectures for cooperative programming have been recently proposed: OpenWatermark5 (Macq, Dittman, & Delp, 2004; Michiels & Macq, 2006) and Watermark Evaluation Testbed6 (WET) (Hyung, 2JXQOH\H *XLWDU 'HOS 6SHFL¿FDOO\ OpenWatermark is a distributed application system where each user can upload a watermarking algorithm and test it. Java technology is used, thus guaranteeing the portability. Currently, both Windows and Linux C or C++ executables as well as Matlab or Python scripts are supported, but new operating systems and programming languages can be added through time. Many attacks are taken into account like geometrical distortions; attacks perpetrated by superimposing, either by adding or by multiplying; noise having different statistical properties like Gaussian, Laplacian, salt-and-pepper, and Poisson noise; format compression; common image processing applications; and malicious attacks; including the StirMark ones. The Watermark Evaluation Testbed is essentially composed by the front end module, the algorithm modules, and the image database. Six embedding algorithms have made available so far. The StirMark 3.1 suite is embedded in the
system. The performance are characterized by using the bit error rate and the ROC. Therefore, although numerous benchmarking tools (Stirmark, Checkmark, Optimark, OpenWatermark, WET) have been provided since the late 1990’s, it appears that special care has been taken more on robustness compared to invisibility/quality assessment. Furthermore, it is worth pointing out that these benchmarking tools use the PSNR, weighted PSNR (Pereira et al., 2001) or the Watson metric (Watson, 1993) to characterize the perceptual quality of the watermarked image. However, as shown in the following, such metrics are quite inappropriate for testing the mark transparency. Moreover, as previously seen in Table 1 the invisibility requirement is about as strong as the robustness one and invisibility, robustness, and capacity are very strongly linked to each others.
Invisibility and Quality Requirement for Data Hiding In data hiding applications, invisibility is usually a strong requirement. However, it is crucial to distinguish between invisibility and quality. The term invisibility can also refer to the nondetectability. In psychophysics, detection is often checked by presenting at least a reference stimulus and another version including the target to detect. The change of the parameter’s target, such as amplitude, affects its detection, for example, its visibility. Within this framework, the double presentation of the reference stimulus and the reference plus the target to the observer is mandatory to allow a target detection. In fact, if access to the reference stimulus is not granted, it is not possible to distinguish in the reference plus target stimulus what is due to the target and what is due to the host signal itself. This issue is more critical nearby visibility threshold or when the target content is spatially or temporally coherent with the reference signal.
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
When data hiding is the target application, the host media can be considered as the reference stimulus and the mark as the target. However, as for most watermarking applications, only the originator of the multimedia content will have access to the original data, only watermarked versions will be distributed, and therefore the LQYLVLELOLW\SURSHUW\DVSUHYLRXVO\GH¿QHGLVQRW strictly required because conditions to validate it DUHQRWIXO¿OOHG7KHUHIRUHLQWKLVVFHQDULRWKH invisibility requirement is more related to the fact that the target should not introduce incoherence or any visual annoyance. Measuring visual annoyance corresponds to perform quality assessment accordingly to an impairment scale. In the framework of data hiding, we can state that DQDOJRULWKPIXO¿OOVWKHLQYLVLELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQW if it produces an invisible distortion in the best case and visible but not annoying distortions in the worst case.
Distortions Introduced by Watermarking Algorithms It is worth pointing out that the distortions that can be introduced in an image by a watermarking algorithm depend on the embedding algorithm itself and on the data content. In order to get perceptual transparency, accordingly to the domain where the watermark is embedded, the mark insertion KDV WR VOLJKWO\ PRGLI\ WKH FRHI¿FLHQWV ZKLFK have a high impact on the perceptual appearance of the image. However, if robustness is required, the embedding strength has to be increased thus producing visible artifacts. In Figures 1a and 1b some visual examples of the possible distortions that can be introduced by the watermarking algorithms we have analyzed in this chapter (see Appendix A) and operating in the wavelet, Fourier, and discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain are given. Along with the watermarked image (left column), the error images, that is, the difference between the watermarked image and the original one are shown in the spatial domain (middle col-
umn), and the error Fourier spectra are displayed in the right column. As shown in Figures 1a and 1b, watermarking can introduce very different distortions on the watermarked images either in the spatial or in the frequency domain. Regarding spatial domain, several adaptive strategies seem to be used regarding local content categories (uniform areas, edges, textures, and so on). Common image processing techniques such as lossy coding schemes, introduce mainly distortions in high IUHTXHQF\2QWKHFRQWUDU\LWLVPRUHGLI¿FXOWWR identify such a common behavior for watermarking algorithms since, as it can be easily guessed from the error spectra, the watermarking process can have a spread spectrum, low pass, high pass, band pass behavior among the others.
Subjective vs. Objective Assessment The following terminology is usually adopted: •
Theterm subjective assessment refers to the determination of the quality or impairment of pictures or video presented to a panel of human assessors in viewing sessions. Theterm objective perceptual measurement refers to the performance measurement of a picture or a video by the use of programlike pictures and objective (instrumental) measurement methods to get an indication that approximates the rating that would be obtained from a subjective assessment test. The word perceptual is often omitted even though it is important to distinguish such assessment from signal measurement. In the following, the terms objective measurement, objective metric, and objective assessment may be used interchangeably to refer to objective perceptual measurement.
Image and video processing designers produce new algorithms that raise quality of service considerations when humans are the end user of the service. In the case of data hiding, as pointed out in
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Corvi and Nicchiotti (1997) (A1)
Cox at al. (1997) (A2)
Fridrich (1998) (A3)
Kim and Moon (1999) (A4)
Koch and Zhao (1995) (A5)
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Wang et al. (1998) (A6)
Xia et al. (1998) (A7)
Xie and Arce (1998) (A8)
Zhu et al. (1998 (A9)
Autrusseau and Le Callet (2007) (A10)
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
the introduction of this chapter, quality of service is related to invisibility, capacity, and robustness. We must highlight that while objective measurements with good correlation to subjective quality assessment are desirable in order to reach an optimal quality of service, for example, the best trade-off between all requirements, objective measurements are not a direct replacement for subjective quality assessment. Subjective experiments are carefully designed procedures intended to determine the DYHUDJHRSLQLRQRIKXPDQYLHZHUVWRDVSHFL¿FVHW of contents (either pictures or videos) for a given application. Subjective quality assessments for a different application with different test conditions will still provide meaningful results. The results of such tests are valuable in basic system design and benchmark evaluations. It is worth pointing out that in order for objective measurements to be meaningful they have to be mapped into a subjective scale, which means that previous subjective assessment are required. Such mapping is dependent on the objective measurement itself, the application, and the subjective assessment methodology. Therefore objective measurements and subjective quality assessment are complementary rather than interchangeable. As subjective assessment can be quite tedious, and time consuming, once an objective metric is correctly tuned to a given application, it might be used as an alternative with respect to the use of subjective assessment. However, this tuning work has been sparsely done for watermarking purposes. Such objective metrics would be useful to rank several watermarking algorithms in terms of perceived quality (Marini, Autrusseau, Le Callet, & Campisi, 2007), but also to choose WKHZDWHUPDUNZHLJKWLQJFRHI¿FLHQW Most objective quality metrics existing in OLWHUDWXUHDUHDFWXDOO\¿GHOLW\PHWULFVVLQFHWKH\ compare the similarity between a reference image and a distorted one. Regarding comments of the previous section on quality versus visibility, some objective metrics are possible candidates for data hiding invisibility requirement checking,
making the assumption that similarity between original image and watermarked image is linked with watermark visibility. Nevertheless, as pointed RXWLQWKLVVHFWLRQWKLVLVQRWVXI¿FLHQWVLQFHWKH data hiding algorithm should carefully check the possible relevance of a given metric before using it.
SUBJECTIVE QUALITY ASSESSMENT The most reliable technique to assess image or video perceptual quality is to set up subjective experiments. These experiments follow strictly GH¿QHG SURFHGXUHV XQGHU QRUPDOL]HG YLHZLQJ FRQGLWLRQVDVWKRVHGH¿QHGE\WKH,78UHFRPmendations. Since there is no explicit recommendation for data hiding context, the purpose of this section is to help the reader to be aware of the most commonly used methodologies for subjective assessment and therefore to use the most appropriate protocols for data hiding algorithms LQYLVLELOLW\ FKHFN :H ¿UVW UHYLHZ ,78 UHFRPmendations, then two protocols corresponding to quality assessment and visibility checking are presented and illustrated.
Review of ITU Recommendations for Subjective Quality Assessment The ITU Radiocommunication assembly gives several recommendations concerning subjective quality assessment tests. Several methodologies are proposed depending on the application. We hereby restrict the review to video quality assessment presented on TV displays. Nevertheless, most of the protocols and principles still hold in other contexts. In the chosen framework, recommendation ITU-R-BT.500-11 (ITU, 2004a) provides suitable viewing conditions and methods. To conduct appropriate subjective assessments, it is ¿UVWQHFHVVDU\WRVHOHFWIURPWKHGLIIHUHQWDYDLOable options, those that best suit the objectives and
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
circumstances of the assessment problem under H[DPLQDWLRQ :H EULHÀ\ GHVFULEH KHUHDIWHU WKH main issues of this recommendation. Interested reader may refer to ITU-R-BT.500-11 (ITU, 2004a) for further details. Moreover, this description is not exhaustive since EBU recommendations as well as the SAMVIQ methodology (EBU-SAMVIQ, 2003) should be considered as well.
Environment Two environments with different viewing conditions are described in the recommendation: The laboratory viewing environment is intended to provide critical conditions to check systems while the home viewing environment is intended to provide a mean to evaluate the quality at the consumer side of the TV chain even though WKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ SDUDPHWHUV GH¿QH D VOLJKWO\ more critical environment than the typical home viewing situations. Viewing conditions include control of different parameters such as the ratio of inactive screen luminance to peak luminance, display brightness and contrast, maximum observation angle relative to the normal one, ratio of background luminance behind picture monitor to peak picture luminance, and screen size. The viewing distance and the screen sizes have to be selected in order to satisfy the preferred viewing distance (PVD) constraint.
Source and Content Selection, Anchoring Source, for example, video used within a test session, should be selected depending on the assessment problem. In general, it is essential to LQFOXGHFULWLFDOPDWHULDOLQRUGHUWRJHWVLJQL¿FDQW information when interpreting the results, not being possible to infer these data from non-critical material. Because most of the assessment methods DUH VHQVLWLYH WR FRQWH[WXDO HIIHFWV DQG VSHFL¿cally to variations in the range and distribution of conditions seen by observers, test sessions
should include presentations that would fall at the extremes of the scales. These extreme cases may be represented as examples as most extreme (direct anchoring) or distributed throughout the VHVVLRQDQGQRWLGHQWL¿HGDVPRVWH[WUHPHLQGLrect anchoring).
Observers, Instructions, Session Observers should be non-expert as for television picture/video quality assessment and they should not be experienced assessors. The observers should be screened before a session for (corrected-to-) normal visual acuity and for normal color vision using specially selected charts. The number of needed observers depends upon the sensitivity and reliability of the test procedure. Assessors should be carefully introduced to the assessment method, the types of impairment likely to occur, the grading scale, the sequence, and timing. Training sessions that demonstrate the range and the type of the impairments to be assessed should be performed using different contents with respect to the ones used during the test, but of comparable sensitivity. A session should last up to half an hour and a random order should be used for the images presentation.
Selection of Test Method A wide variety of basic test methods is proposed in the recommendation. However, in practice, VSHFL¿FPHWKRGVVKRXOGEHXVHGWRDGGUHVVVSHFL¿F assessment problems. In the case of data hiding, the following methods can be considered: •
The double stimulus impairment scale (DSIS) method is recommended to measure the robustness of systems (i.e., failure characteristics in terms of quality). With this method, the observer stares simultaneously at both the reference data (image or video) and the impaired data. Once this cycle is displayed, the assessor is asked to assess the
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
quality of the impaired data compared to the reference (explicitly known) on a category impairment scale. The scale shown in Table 2 usually applies. The double stimulus continuous quality scale (DSCQS) method is recommended to measure the quality of systems relative to a reference. Contrary to the DSIS method, the assessor is not informed about the reference sequence. The assessor has to evaluate both presented contents according to a continuous quality scale. Threshold estimation by forced-choice method is recommended to establish the point at which an impairment becomes visible. An example of such method is presented in the next sub section.
Methodology for Invisibility Checking and Results Concerning subjective experiments set up, among all the possible methodologies, the two alternative forced choice (2AFC) procedure with one presentation, may be appropriate for data hiding SXUSRVHV ZKHQ LQYLVLELOLW\ DV GH¿QHG LQ WKH second section, is of paramount importance for the considered application. This procedure is very useful in psychophysics in order to determine the visibility threshold, that is, when the target becomes visible. For data hiding purposes it may help to optimally tune the parameters of a given data hiding algorithm, while guaranteeing the invisibility of the embedded data. Practically, during a session, for each trial, a reference image (presented on a top panel), a copy of this one
DKLGGHQUHIHUHQFH DQGDPRGL¿HGYHUVLRQDUH displayed on the viewing monitor (on a bottom panel). Figure 2 represents a screenshot of such SURFHGXUH7KHPRGL¿HGLPDJHVKRXOGEHUDQdomly presented in one of two positions A or B and the observer would be asked to identify the positions where it has occurred. This test is commonly used since it gives the best precision for the target visibility thresholds, KRZHYHULWLVTXLWHORQJDQGGLI¿FXOWIRUREVHUYers. Using several watermarked images computed with different watermarks strength, it is possible WR¿QGWKHRSWLPDOHPEHGGLQJVWUHQJWK6LQFH observers must provide an answer at each trial, a good detection probability of 0.5 means that the observer answered randomly. Usually, visibility threshold is measured for a probability of correct detection of 0.75, so one can set this same value to get the mark embedding strength at the mark visibility threshold. The 2AFC procedure was used in Autrusseau and Le Callet (2007), the results are shown in Figure 3, where each point represents a correct detection rate for eight observers with the “boats” and “goldhill” images according to different watermark strengths RQWKH;D[LV $IWHU¿WWLQJZLWKDSV\FKRPHWric function it becomes possible to estimate the optimal watermark strength obtained leading to a 75% detection rate.
Methodology for Subjective Quality Assessment for Data Hiding, Applications and Results As previously pointed out, invisibility requirement mostly refers to non-annoyance. As annoyance
Table 2. Assessment scale for DSIS 5
Perceptible, but not annoying
Slightly annoying
Very annoying
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Figure 2. The 2AFC procedure
Figure 3. Detection rate plotted as a function of the embedding strength for the “boats” and “goldhill” LPDJHV>UHSURGXFHGIURP)LJXUHLQ$XWUXVVHDX /H&DOOHW@
can be measured on an impairment scale, a DSIS protocol is preferable. Effectively, the watermark process can be considered as a source of distortions and therefore evaluate the corresponding annoyance. However, it is worth noticing that the invisibility requirements can strongly differ depending on WKHVSHFL¿FGDWDKLGLQJDSSOLFDWLRQDQGDOVRWKDW the display modalities of the watermarked image
GXULQJVXEMHFWLYHH[SHULPHQWVFDQLQÀXHQFHWKH human observer judgment. For example, if both the reference content and the marked one are successively displayed at the exact same position on the screen, the distortions will appear very clearly to the assessor, who will inevitably attribute a poor quality score to the marked image whereas if displayed by itself, this latter might not present such annoying artifacts.
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
%DVHGRQWKDWVWDWHPHQWZHKDYHGH¿QHGD subjective protocol suited to watermarking quality assessment purposes and we have run tests with human observers in a controlled environment GH¿QHG DFFRUGLQJO\ WR WKH ,785%7 recommendation (ITU, 2004a). In this protocol, the original and the watermarked images are presented explicitly to the observer, displayed side by side on the viewing monitor and the observers are asked to judge the quality of the marked image compared to the quality of the original (always displayed at the same position, on the left side). The observers have to UDWHWKHLPSDLUPHQWVRQDVFDOHRI¿YHFDWHJRULHV according to Table 2. As previously stated, for watermarking applications, the expected quality score should be higher than 4. Being the authors experienced with subjective quality assessment, as members of the Independent Lab Group (ILG) of the Video Quality Expert Group (VQEG), the aforementioned protocol has been applied to test some well-known watermarking algorithms in a silent room, which is compliant with the ITU-R-BT.500-11 recommendation (ITU, 2004a). Seventeen observers were enrolled, and their visual acuity was checked. Five different
contents (see Figure 4) have been watermarked by using 10 algorithms (see Appendix A) and two embedding strengths per algorithm (the default strengths and 1.5 times the default value). Finally the observers rated 100 images in a session of 20 minutes at an observation distance of 6 times the height of the displayed images. For each image an average of the scores given by the observers were evaluated thus obtaining the mean opinion score (MOS) for the analyzed image. Then, in order to compare the algorithms quality in terms of the perceptual transparency of the embedded mark, we averaged the MOS values over the contents. Figure 5 represents the averaged MOS for two different strengths (the default embedding VWUHQJWK Į DQG D VWURQJHU RQH î Į DV a function of the 10 tested watermarking algorithms (refer to Appendix A for further details on the ten algorithms). It can be seen that only four algorithms, whose embedding strengths are set to the default values (light gray bars) in their LPSOHPHQWDWLRQIXO¿OOWKHUHTXLUHPHQWRIDTXDOity score greater than 4. A rather important variation appears on the subjective scores plot, watermarks are spread from the very annoying score to the imperceptible.
Figure 4. The test images used during the subjective experiments
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Figure 5. MOS per algorithm for two distinct strengths
Subjective Quality with Respect to Frequency Properties of the Watermark A frequency analysis of the watermarks’ Fourier spectra can be performed in order to characterize the link between each watermarking algorithm and its impact on the visibility. The Fourier representations of the error images (Figure 1, right column) were split according to a human visual system (HVS) model decomposition (Figure 6b). This frequency decomposition can be done using perceptual channels decomposition (PCD), which splits the Fourier domain in overlapping sub-bands, modeling the HVS behavior. From neurobiology there are evidences in the HVS that VXSSRUWWKHFRQFHSWRIUHFHSWLYH¿HOGVZKLFKDUH tuned to given spatial frequencies and orientation. This can be emulated using a spatial frequency sub-band decomposition. In this work, we used the PCD detailed in Autrusseau and Le Callet (2007). The PCD uses a set of three band-pass radial frequency channels (crown III, IV, V) each being decomposed into angular sectors with an oriented selectivity of 45°, 30°, and 30° respectively. Interested readers may refer to Autrusseau
and Le Callet (2007) for further details on the decomposition. The HVS’s sensitivity varies according to spatial frequency. In order to take such property into account, the watermarks’ Fourier spectra were weighted with a 2D-contrast sensitivity function (CSF) (the 2D-CSF is depicted in Figure 6c). Once this weighting function performed, the Fourier spectrum of each watermark was split according to the chosen HVS decomposition (Figure 6b) and the variance was computed independently for each sub-band of the PCD. Figure 6a represents for all 10 watermarking algorithms the variance as a function of the perceptual sub-bands. In this ¿JXUHWKHDOJRULWKPVDUHVHSDUDWHGLQWRWZR VHWVWKHVROLGOLQHVUHSUHVHQWVWKH¿YHDOJRULWKPV presenting the worst perceived quality (see Figure 5 for subjective assessment of the algorithms), ZKHUHDVWKHGDVKHGOLQHVUHSUHVHQWVWKH¿YHEHVW quality algorithms. It clearly appears on Figure 6a that the set of algorithms presenting the poorest quality presents a much higher variance within the most sensitive crown of the PCD (crown III). Furthermore, the algorithm providing the best visual quality (A5) according to Figure 5 presents DYHU\ÀDWGLVWULEXWLRQRIWKHYDULDQFHDORQJWKH crowns of the PCD. Figure 6 shows that evidently, the embedding algorithms presenting the most
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
annoying artifacts strongly modify the Fourier spectrum where the HVS is the most sensitive (highest CSF values).
STATE OF THE ART OF OBJECTIVE QUALITY METRICS As mentioned before, an objective metric is mainly designed for one given application and above all can be tuned using subjective assessment. Look-
ing for the right metric and knowing how to tune can be quite challenging for the non-expert. The goal of this section is to provide hints to interested reader to explore the literature on quality metrics. First of all, objective image and video TXDOLW\PHWULFVFDQEHFODVVL¿HGDFFRUGLQJWRWKH availability of the distortion free image and video signal, which may be used as a reference to compare an original image or video signal against its GLVWRUWHGFRXQWHUSDUW6SHFL¿FDOO\VXFKPHWULFV are usually of three kinds:
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Full reference (FR) quality assessment metrics for which the exact original image is needed in order to assess the visual quality of any distorted version. This technique is WKHPRVWHI¿FLHQWRQHLWSURYLGHVWKHEHVW correlation with subjective quality scores, but the need of the exact original image is an important constraint, which is suitable in only very few applications. Reduced reference (RR) quality metrics, for which a reduced form of the original images is used, along with the distorted image during the quality assessment procedure. The reduced form is usually made by a set of parameters representing the most important visual features of the image. No reference (NR) metrics, for which only the distorted image is needed. Due to the complexity of such techniques, they usually IRFXV RQ VSHFL¿F GLVWRUWLRQV WKDW LV 15 PHWULFV DUH VSHFL¿FDOO\ EXLOW IRU -3(* RU JPEG2000 coding for instance.
The FR metrics are probably the more suitable to provide reliable assessment (the best correlation with human judgment) concerning annoyance induced by a data hiding algorithm. NevertheOHVVVRPH55PHWULFVFDQEHHI¿FLHQWDVZHOO In this section, we present an extended review of existing objective quality metrics, mostly FR. We particularly focus here on the inability of statistiFDOPHWULFVWRHI¿FLHQWO\HYDOXDWHWKHTXDOLW\RID marked image. Concerning video, ITU standard related to digital television are presented. Concerning still images, there is no standard therefore we describe well-known metrics of the literature, SSIM (Wang, Bovik, Sheikh, & Simoncelli, 2004), RRIQA (Wang & Simoncelli, 2005), UQI (Wang & Bovik, 2002), C4 (Carnec, Le Callet, & Barba, 2003), Komparator (Barba & Le Callet, 2003). It is worth pointing out that these metrics have not VSHFL¿FDOO\EHHQGHVLJQHGWRDVVHVVWKHZDWHUPDUN perceptual transparency. Nevertheless, although their performances for watermarking applications
might not be very competitive, they might give a good clue about the watermark visibility, and most importantly, they might be very useful to compare visibility performances for several embedding algorithms. Advantages and/or drawbacks of the metrics are outlined in the following as long as a discussion about their possible relevance regarding data hiding applications is given.
Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) Although human visual models are sometimes used in watermarking algorithms for just noticeable differences (JND) thresholds computation, the watermarked images’ quality is mostly assessed by simply computing the PSNR. It is well admitted that PSNR does not accurately represent the image quality. Actually, PSNR can be considered as a good indicator to provide qualitative rank order scores as long as the same content and the same algorithm are used while varying for instance only the watermarking embedding strength. Nevertheless, a qualitative rank order LVQRWVXI¿FLHQWWRHYDOXDWHWKHSHUFHLYHGTXDOLW\ Furthermore, it is clear that PSNR fails miserably when comparing different algorithms and/or different contents (Marini et al., 2007). Statistical metrics give a distortion measure based on the global properties of two input images. One of the predominant impacts on visual perception is the sensitivity to frequency components. Such sensitivity is not taken into account in the PSNR. In Figure 7 some examples which show the questionable behavior of the PSNR are given. 6SHFL¿FDOO\ )LJXUHV D DQG E UHSUHVHQW WZR different images watermarked with the same algorithm (Cox et al., 1997). Although it is evident that Figure 7a has been severely impaired by the watermarking process, the image in Figure 7a has a PSNR higher of 1 dB than the one in Figure 7b. On the contrary, in Figures 7c and 7d the same image watermarked with the algorithms (Xia et al., 1998) and (Corvi & Nicchiotti, 1997) are shown. As evident the quality of the two watermarked
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
images is strongly different, but both images have a very close PSNR. An extension of the PSNR has been provided in Pereira et al. (2001) where the weighted PSNR Z3615 KDVEHHQGH¿QHG,WZHLJKWVHDFKWHUP of the PSNR by a local activity factor linked to the local variance.
also given. A brief description of the aforementioned metrics is given hereafter. The softwares implementing the metrics can be found on the Internet7. •
Still Images Quality Metrics We present in this subsection the most widely used objective metrics for still images, namely the Watson Metric (Watson, 1993), UQI (Wang & Bovik, 2002), Komparator (Barba & Le Callet, 2003), and SSIM (Wang et al., 2004), (FR metrics) as well as C4 (Carnec et al., 2003) and RRIQA (Wang & Simoncelli, 2005) (RR metrics). The metrics outputs are compared after mapping with subjective scores provided by observers and a comparison with the PSNR performances is
TheWatson metric is widely used by the watermarking community to asses the quality of watermarked images. This metric is provided within the Checkmark benchmark tool (Pereira et al., 2001). It computes the perceptual error between two images in units of JND between a reference image and a test image. Universal quality index (UQI) is a universal objective image quality index, designed to model any image distortion as a combination of three factors: loss of correlation, luminance distortion, and contrast distortion. 84,LVDPDWKHPDWLFDOO\GH¿QHGPHWULFVXFK as the widely used root mean squared error (RMSE) or the PSNR. 179
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Komparator is an objective quality metric for color images based on HVS properties that does not need any a priori knowledge about the type of degradation introduced in WKHGLVWRUWHGLPDJH$V¿UVWVWHSDYLVXDOUHSresentation of the original and the distorted images is computed: in this stage a model based on results obtained by psychophysics experiments on color perception and on masking effects is used. The model adopted for early vision stages is inspired by the S. Daly’s visual difference predictor (VDP) extended to color. The visual representation stage is then followed by an error pooling process merging all the obtained distortion maps into a single value. This stage is made up by a frequency, a component, and a spatial pooling taking into account the density and the structure of the error. Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) is an objective metric for assessing perceptual image quality, working under the assumption that human visual perception is highly adapted for extracting structural information from a scene. Quality evaluation is thus based on the degradation of this structural information assuming that error visibility should not be equated with loss of quality as some distortions may be clearly visible but not so annoying. Finally SSIM does not attempt to predict image quality by accumulating the errors associated with psychophysically understood simple patterns, but proposes to directly evaluate the structural changes between two complex-structured signals. C4 is a metric based on the comparison between the structural information extracted from the distorted and the original images. What makes this metric interesting is that it uses reduced references containing perceptual structural information and exploiting an implementation of a rather elaborated model of the HVS. The full process can be GHFRPSRVHG LQWR WZR SKDVHV ,Q WKH ¿UVW
step, perceptual representation is built for the original and the distorted images, then, in the second stage, representations are compared in order to compute a quality score. Reduced reference image quality assessment (RRIQA) is a RR metric, based on a natural image statistic model in the wavelet transform domain. The Kullback-Leibler GLVWDQFH EHWZHHQ WKH ZDYHOHW FRHI¿FLHQWV marginal probability distributions of the reference and the distorted image is used as a measure of the image distortion. A generalized Gaussian model is employed to summarize the marginal distribution of the UHIHUHQFHLPDJHZDYHOHWFRHI¿FLHQWVVRWKDW only a relatively small number of images’ features are needed for quality evaluation. The basic assumption behind this approach is that most image distortions modify image statistics and make the distorted version unnatural. The measured unnaturalness can then be used to quantify image quality distortion.
Video: ITU Standards for Objective Quality Assessment The VQEG, which reports to ITU-T Study Group 9 and ITU-R Study Group 6, is conducting studies on perceptual video quality measurements. 2QHRIWKH¿UVWWDVNVRI94(*ZDVIRFXVHGRQ the performance assessment of proposed full reference perceptual video quality measurement DOJRULWKPV94(*¿UVWLVVXHGDFRPSUHKHQVLYH ¿QDOGUDIWUHSRUWRILWVZRUNLQ0DUFK3KDVH I GLGQRWSURYLGHVXI¿FLHQWHYLGHQFHWRLGHQWLI\D method to be recommended for objective assessPHQWRISHUFHSWXDOYLGHRTXDOLW\$¿QDOUHSRUWRI the Phase II, pertaining Full Reference Television Test was issued in August of 2003. Results of this second phase indicate that four of the methods are appropriate for inclusion in the normative part of an ITU Recommendation.
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
The recommendation ITU-T-J.144 (ITU, 2004b) includes these methods or models, providing guidelines on the selection of ad hoc full reference perceptual video quality measurement equipment to be used in digital cable television assessment. The quality estimation methods are based on processing 8-bit digital component video DVGH¿QHGE\UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ,785%7 (ITU, 1995) and they provide video quality estimations for television video classes (TV0-TV3) DQGPXOWLPHGLDYLGHRFODVV00 DVGH¿QHGLQ the Annex B of ITU-T recommendation ITU-TP.911 (ITU, 1998). The applications of the quality estimation models concern the performance evaluation of a codec (encoder/decoder combination) or a concatenation of various coding methods and memory storage devices. This is mainly due to the fact that the models validation test material refers to degradations introduced by coding and that compression rates range 768 kbps to 5 Mbps, including different compression methods (e.g., MPEG, H.263, ...). The predicted performance of the estimation models is not currently validated for all video systems and even less for a system that includes data impairments due to data hiding techniques. Moreover according to ITU-T-J.144 recommendation (ITU, 2004b) the correlation values between the results of the subjective experiment carried out in two different labs with the same modalities should provide values within the range 0.92 to 0.97. This implies that users of this recommendation should review the comparison of available subjective and objective results to gain an understanding of the range of video quality rating estimation errors. Nevertheless, the ITU-T-J.144 recommendation is so far, the most related to the perceptual quality requirements of data hiding techniques. Moreover, software tools implementing some of the recommendation methods are already available. 7KHUHIRUHLWFRXOGEHDVD¿UVWVWHSDQGZDLWLQJ for a complete validation an excellent alternative to usual PSNR for watermarked video quality assessment.
A major breakthrough brought by the recommendation compared to PSNR is related to correction for any offsets or gain differences and also temporal and spatial alignment processes. Consequently, the comparison between input and output signals is performed in two steps: ¿UVWFRUUHFWLRQDQGDOLJQPHQWDUHDSSOLHGWKHQ the objective picture quality rating is computed, typically by applying a perceptual model of human vision. For instance, spatial alignment is designed to compensate for any vertical or horizontal picture shifts or cropping. Initially, this is required because most of the full reference methods, like PSNR, compare reference and processed pictures on what is effectively a pixel-by-pixel basis that can lead to strong impairment values while the effect of misalignment on perceptual quality is much lower. In the context of data hiding techniques assessment, realignment before objective quality UDWLQJLVDUHDOEHQH¿WVLQFHPLVDOLJQPHQWFDQEH a consequence of the data embedding techniques without inducing effective perceived differences. Nevertheless, interpretation of the results of the objective metrics as they are should be done carefully. Ideally, prior subjective assessment experiments have to be conducted at least to map the models score into the subjective scale regarding the considered application. So far, four methods have been recommended by VQEG to ITU. These are, as they appear in ITU-T-J.144 (ITU, 2004b): • •
• •
British Telecom (United Kingdom, VQEG Proponent D): BTFR algorithm Yonsei University/SK Telecom/Radio Research Laboratory (Republic of Korea, VQEG Proponent E): EPSNR algorithm CPqD (Federative Republic of Brazil, VQEG Proponent F): CPqD-IES algorithm NTIA (United States of America, VQEG Proponent H): General VQM algorithm
A short overview of each algorithm is presented next, where however temporal and spatial align-
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
ment and other compensation processes are not mentioned. Nevertheless, interested readers could ¿QGDOOWKHGHWDLOVLQWKHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQ •
The BTFR algorithm consists in detection followed by integration. Detection involves the calculation of a set of perceptually meaningful detector parameters from the undistorted (reference) and distorted (degraded) video sequences. The choice of detectors and weighting factors are made using the knowledge of the spatial and temporal masking properties of the HVS and determined through calibration experiments. The set of detector parameters includes spatial frequency, edge and texture, and PSNR analysis. These parameters are then considered as input to the integrator, which produces an estimate of the perceived video quality by appropriate weighting: time averaging, and linear combination along averaged detector values. Edge PSNR (EPSNR) is taking into account the fact that humans are more sensitive to degradation around the edges while evaluating video quality. Therefore, the model provides an objective video quality measurement method that measures degradation around the edges. In the model, an HGJHGHWHFWLRQDOJRULWKPLV¿UVWDSSOLHGWR the source video sequence to locate the edge areas. Then, the degradation of the selected edge areas is measured by computing the MSE which is used to compute the edge PSNR. The CPqD-IES (image evaluation based on segmentation) algorithm is based on objective impairment measures, computed on plain, edge, and texture regions resulting from an image segmentation process. One objective measure is computed based on the difference between the corresponding frames of the reference and the processed
video, for each of the three categories and for each image component Y, Cb, and Cr. Each objective measure produces a contextual impairment level based on its impairment estimation model. A video quality rate per frame is obtained by linear combination of the contextual impairment level. Finally, a temporal pooling along the frame is done DSSO\LQJ D PHGLDQ ¿OWHULQJ DQG D PHDQ computation along time (e.g., frame). The general NTIA-VQM includes extraction of perception-based features, computation of video quality parameters, and calculation of the general model. The general model tracks the perceptual changes in quality due to distortions in any component of the digital video transmission system (e.g., encoder, digital channel, decoder). Actually, the method of measurement documented in the recommendation is based on high bandwidth reduced-reference parameters. These reduced-reference parameters utilize features extracted from spatio-temporal regions of the video sequence. The general model and its associated automatic calibration techniques have been completely implemented in user friendly software. This software is available to all interested parties via a no-cost evaluation license agreement (see www.its. bldrdoc.gov/n3/video/vqmsoftware.htm for more information).
VQEG reports provide complete insight on the work performed by VQEG concerning FR TV quality. Among the performance indicators, proponent models have been checked in terms of: • •
Prediction accuracy (the model’s ability to predict the subjective quality: RMS error), Prediction monotonicity (the degree to which the model’s predictions agree with the rank ordering of subjective quality ratings: Pearson correlation).
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Table 3. Model performance Metric
General VQM
Pearson correlation (525 data)
RMS error (525 data)
Spearman correlation (625 data)
RMS error (625 data)
Table 3 provides informative details on the models performances in the VQEG Phase II FRTV test. For the 525 line video data, models NTIA and BT performed statistically better than the other models and are statistically equivalent to each other. For the 625 line video data, three models—CPqD, NTIA, Yonsei/SKT/RRL—are statistically equivalent to each other and are statistically better than the other model. It is also noted that only the NTIA model statistically tied for top performances in both tests.
BENCHMARK OF STILL IMAGES QUALITY METRICS FOR WATERMARKING %HQFKPDUN6SHFL¿FDWLRQV In order to determine the relevance of the previously presented objective metrics, we have conducted a benchmark of six objective quality metrics (i.e., SSIM, C4, wPSNR, PSNR, Komparator, and Watson, see the State of the art of Objective Quality Metrics section) regarding data hiding applications. The basic idea of this benchmark is to specify if any of the considered metrics can be useful to determine whether a data hiding algorithm is better than another in terms of invisibility requirement. In other words, such benchmark should provide the best objective metric to perform invisibility assessment of data hiding algorithms. The benchmark of the quality metrics has to be robust regarding different contents, different data hiding algorithms, and
different corresponding strengths. After choosing content and data hiding algorithm, three steps DUHQHFHVVDU\DQGQHHGWREHVSHFL¿HGZH¿UVW have to get subjective assessments as they represent the ground truth, then we have to map the objective metrics scores in the subjective scale, ¿QDOO\PHWULFVSHUIRUPDQFHPXVWEHGH¿QHGDQG measured.
Content and Data Hiding Algorithm Five different contents were selected regarding their spatio-frequency properties (refer to Figure 4 for presentation of the contents). Ten embedding algorithms have been used. For each employed watermarking technique two embedding strengths were tested. The chosen embedding algorithms DUHEULHÀ\VXPPDUL]HGLQ$SSHQGL[$
Subjective Assessment Subjective experiments were conducted, as VSHFL¿HGLQWKHWKLUGVHFWLRQIROORZLQJWKH'6,6 procedure with 17 observers. The observers were DVNHGWRDVVHVVWKHTXDOLW\RIWKH¿YHFRQWHQWV Each content was independently watermarked using the 10 watermarking algorithms for two embedding strengths, the default embedding strength (D), and a stronger one (1.5 u D ). Thus, we get 100 scores per observer, each score corresponding to a watermarked content at a given strength. The scores are averaged along observers to a MOS for each combination of content, algorithm, and strength.
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
MOS, MOSp, and Mapping Considering the purpose of the benchmark (i.e., identify a quality metric for invisibility benchmarking of data hiding algorithm), we aggregate results along contents for each of the 10 watermarking algorithms, therefore both the MOS and the predicted MOS (MOSp) of the six objective metrics are averaged per embedding strength, as given by (1) and (2):
1 N
1 N
¦ MOSp
Dlg o ,V
n 1
Dlg o ,V
n 1
where algo represents the embedding algorithm under analysis, s stands for the embedding strength, and N represents the number of contents taken into account, which in our application is HTXDO WR ¿YH 2QFH DOO WKH REMHFWLYH PHDVXUHV are collected, for each of the metrics, MOSp DUHWUDQVIRUPHGLQWR¿WWHG026SE\DPDSSLQJ function. As previously explained, this mapping is necessary for the predicted MOS to be in correspondence with the subjective scale of the MOS. As depicted in Figure 8 the MOS and MOSp provided by Komparator are strongly
correlated even if it is not obvious. Although the MOS provided by observers is in the range [1;5], the Komparator metric provides a measure of the differences between the two input images (original and watermarked one), thus, the smaller is the objective score, the most similar are the images. Moreover, the range of the Komparator measure is not well established, one could compare any watermarking algorithm with the 10 provided assessments, but it appears clearer when using the same scale as the subjective one. The mapping function is therefore necessary to HDVLO\OLQNWKH026DQG¿WWHG026SDQGWRLQterpret the results. The main advantage of using a mapping function is the possibility to compute RWKHU IDFWRUV EHVLGHV FRUUHODWLRQ FRHI¿FLHQW WR qualify an objective metric performance. As for the considered benchmark, parameters estimation of the mapping function was performed, as recommended by the VQEG Multimedia TEST PLAN. Basically, it corresponds to a third order polynomial function.
Metric Performance )LQDOO\PHDVXUHVDUHFRPSXWHGEHWZHHQWKH¿Wted MOSp, for example, after mapping, and the DFWXDO026FRUUHODWLRQFRHI¿FLHQW506(DQG UDQNFRUUHODWLRQFRHI¿FLHQW LQRUGHUWRGH¿QHWKH most appropriate objective metric for watermarking purpose. Those measures allow to qualify the
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
objective metrics in terms of prediction accuracy and monotonicity.
Results This section is devoted to a comparison of the previously detailed objective metrics. Based on WKHEHQFKPDUNVSHFL¿FDWLRQUHVXOWVFRQFHUQLQJ objective metrics performance after mapping are given in Table 4. 7KHFRUUHODWLRQEHWZHHQWZRYDULDEOHVUHÀHFWV the degree to which the variables are related. The most common measure of correlation is the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (called Pearson’s correlation for short), which makes the assumption that values of the two variables are sampled from populations that follow a Gaussian GLVWULEXWLRQ3HDUVRQ¶VFRUUHODWLRQUHÀHFWVWKHGHgree of linear relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to +1. A correlation of +1 means that there is a perfect positive linear relationship between variables. Alternatively, the non-parametric Spearman correlation is based on ranking the two variables, and so makes no assumption about the distribution of the values. Spearman’s correlation is a measure of monotonic association that is used when the distribution of the data make 3HDUVRQ¶V FRUUHODWLRQ FRHI¿FLHQW XQGHVLUDEOH RU misleading. It ranges also from -1 to +1. Table 4 clearly indicates the differences between objective metrics regarding correlation. Values of both Pearson and Spearman correlation are rather low for most quality metrics. Only Komparator metric is reasonably approaching 1 for both correlation values. However, when monotonicity is taken into
account, for example, Spearman correlation, the values are improved for all metrics. Nevertheless, the weaknesses of most metrics for watermarked images quality assessment are obvious. This statement highlights that the application of metrics to a framework for which they have not VSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGVKRXOGEHGRQHYHU\FDUHfully. RMSE values in Table 4 are related to the prediction accuracy of the objective metrics. The values are on the subjective scale ranking from 1 to 5. This means that a RMSE value of 0.4 in the table corresponds to 10% of the subjective scale, while 0.8 corresponds to 20%. Therefore, the RMSE between MOS and MOSp after mapping is between 11% and 18% of the subjective scale depending on the objective metric. An interpretation of these values should be done in comparison ZLWKWKHPHDQYDOXHRIWKHLQWHUYDORIFRQ¿GHQFH (IC) at 95% on the MOS, that is, in the considered subjective assessment campaign around 0.5 on the subjective scale, for example, 12.5%. The use of a category scale introduces a quantization effect on the MOS that increases naturally the mean IC value. Therefore, an RMSE value below or close to 0.5 can be considered as satisfactory. Based on the results reported in Table 4, only C4 and .RPSDUDWRUIXO¿OOWKLVUHTXLUHPHQW An additional analysis of the results can be done by plotting the predicted objective scores, for the six tested metrics, after mapping, as a function of the MOS. Each panel of Figure 9 represents the predicted objective scores (for six tested metrics) as a function of the MOS, the results can EHLGHQWL¿HGIRUWKHDQDO\]HGZDWHUPDUNLQJ algorithms. For each data hiding technique, two
Table 4. Objective metrics performances Objective metrics
Pearson correlation
Spearman correlation
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Figure 9. Objective metrics scores as a function of the MOS
points are shown, representing the two embedding strengths. Evidently, the narrower is the point distribution, and the closest it is to y = x, the best is the prediction. In these plots, the mapping with subjective scores was performed. It can be noticed that for most of the plots, the algorithms indexed as A1 and A6 are rather poorly assessed by the objective metrics. Effectively, for these two algorithms, the two embedding strengths are quite far away from the y = x line. The MOS and MOSp do not match. This is
probably caused by a quality overrating (MOSp) for the images marked with the strongest embedding parameter. The Figure 10 shows for each of the 10 tested watermarking algorithms with the default strength, the obtained MOS (averaged over contents) along with the two best of the objective metrics predicted VFRUHV7DNLQJLQWRDFFRXQWLQWHUYDORIFRQ¿GHQFH at 95% on the MOS, it appears that objective metrics perform well for most of the algorithms except for algorithms A1 and A3.
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
This work presents a preliminary study on quality assessment of watermarking algorithms, which ¿UVWDLPLVWRKLJKOLJKWWKHGH¿FLHQFLHVRIVRPH metrics for data hiding purposes. A deep review of subjective experiment protocols has been carried out and both usual statistical metrics, and a few advanced objective metrics, have been detailed. A quality benchmark, which aim is to determine among several existing objective quality metrics, the one which would best predict the subjective scores has been presented. The widely used PSNR proves to poorly estimate the quality of watermarked images. Nonetheless, one objective metric has provided a rather good prediction of the MOS. However, although this metric has performed well when ranking algorithms altogether, it is important to notice that existing objective metrics may not \HWEHHI¿FLHQWHQRXJKWRDVVHVVWKHTXDOLW\RIRQH single embedding technique for various contents or for different embedding strengths.
Within the framework of data hiding applications, quality metrics can be used for different purposes, like: a.
Quality assessment of the watermarking algorithm in terms of perceptual invisibility of the mark, which would allow to properly design the embedding strength for a given content and a given watermarking algorithm, Quality assessment of attacked watermarked images to test the robustness of the used watermarking algorithm with respect of the amount of bearable distortion which can be introduced by the attack. In this scenario, the distortion that can be tolerated for an attack able to remove the embedded mark depends on the application. When a high quality image is required, like in cultural heritage applications, no perceptual distortion impairing the fruition of the masterpiece is allowed, whereas in infotainment
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
applications a higher level of distortion is allowed. In this chapter we focused on the analysis of general purpose quality metrics to assess the perceptual invisibility of watermarking techniques. $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVRIWKHVXEMHFWLYH experiments we ran in this study (DSIS protocol, as detailed in section entitled Subjective Quality Assessment), observers assess the quality of the distorted image on a range going from 1 to 5. However, for watermarking purposes, the optimum objective metric should be restrained to scores ranking between 4 and 5, which implies a watermark between “perceptible, but not annoying” and “imperceptible.” Therefore, further research could be devoted to the development of DQHI¿FLHQWTXDOLW\PHWULFZLWKLQWKHDIRUHPHQtioned range. Nevertheless, perceptual quality assessment of attacked watermarked images within the framework described in (b), which is a dual problem of the one presented in (a), is of interest as well since it poses the basic question of which metric can be used to assess the quality of a watermarked image when some malicious attacks have been perpetrated against it in order to remove the mark. Recently, a “watermarking contest”8 has been organized challenging all participants to remove a watermark from some watermarked images while keeping the PSNR of the attacked image above 30 dB as a requirement to grant a VXI¿FLHQWTXDOLW\RIWKHDWWDFNHGLPDJHHIIHFWLYHO\ SHUFHLYHGE\WKH¿QDOXVHU+RZHYHULWLVZHOO known that the PSNR is not well suited to take into account the visual impairments present in DQLPDJH,QIDFW3615LVFRPSOHWHO\LQHI¿FLHQW as long as geometric distortions are taken into account. For example, a simple 1° image rotation would absolutely not distort the image perceived quality, whereas its computed PSNR would be very strongly reduced. Therefore the design of a
metric giving the right weight to perceptual ineffective geometric distortions is still a challenging matter of research.
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Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
termark. In 14th European Signal Processing &RQIHUHQFH(86,3&2. Ninassi, A., Le Callet, P., & Autrusseau, F. (2006). Pseudo no reference image quality metric using perceptual data hiding. SPIE Electronic Imaging, 146-157. Pereira, S., Voloshynovskiy, S., Madueno, M., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Pun, T. (2001). Second generation benchmarking and application oriented evaluation. In Information Hiding Workshop III (pp. 340-353). Petitcolas, F. A., Anderson, R. J., & Kuhn, M. G. (1998). Attacks on copyright marking systems. Second Workshop on information hiding, 1525, 219-239. Solachidis, V., Tefas, A., Nikoliaidis, N., Tsekeridou, S., Nikoliaidis, A., & Pitas, I. (2001). A benchmarking protocol for watermarking methods. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (pp. 1023-1026). Voloshynovskiy, S., Pereira, S., Iquise, V., & Pun, T. (2001). Attack modeling: Towards a second generation watermarking benchmark. Signal Processing, 81, 1177-1214. Wang, H.-J., Su, P.-C., & JayKuo, C. (1998). Wavelet based digital image watermarking. Optic Express, 3, 491-196. Wang, Z., & Bovik, A. C. (2002). A universal image quality index. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 9(3), 81-84. Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2004). Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 13(4), 600-612. Wang, Z., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2005). Reducedreference image quality assessment using a wavelet-domain natural image statistic model. SPIE Electronic Imaging X, 5666, 149-159.
Watson, A. B. (1993). DCT quantization matrices visually optimized for individual images. SPIE: Human vision, Visual Processing and Digital Display IV, 1913, 202-216. Xia, X.-G., Boncelet, C., & Arce, G. (1998). Wavelet transform based watermark for digital images. Optic Express, 3, 497-511. Xie, L., & Arce, G. (1998). Joint wavelet compression and authentication watermarking. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (pp. 427-431). Zhu, W., Xiong, Z., & Zhang, Y.-Q. (1998). Multiresolution watermarking for images and video: $ XQL¿HG DSSURDFK Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1, 465-468.
ADDITIONAL READING Avcibas, I., (2001). Image quality statistics and their use in steganalysis and compression. Unpublished PhD thesis, Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul. Cox, I., Miller, M., & Bloom, J. (2001). Digital watermarking. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. Katzenbeisser, S., & Petitcolas, F. A. P. (1999). Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking. Norwood, MA: Artech House. Wang, Z., & Bovik, A. (2006). Modern image quality assessment. Morgan & Claypool. Wu, H. R., & Rao, K. R. (2005). Digital video LPDJHTXDOLW\DQGSHUFHSWXDOFRGLQJVLJQDOSURcessing and communications . CRC Press.
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
2 3 4 5 6 7
http://poseidon.csd.auth.gr/optimark http://watermarking.unige.ch/Checkmark/ http://vision.unige.ch/certimark http://www.openwatermark.org http://www.datahiding.com SSIM:http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~lcv/ssim/ RRIQA:http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~lcv/ rriqa/
84,KWWSZZZFQVQ\XHGXa]ZDQJ¿OHV research/quality_index/demo.html C4:http://membres.lycos.fr/dcapplications/ main.php wPSNR and Watson: http://watermarking. unige.ch/Checkmark/ .RPSDUDWRUKWWSDXWUXVVHDXÀRUHQWFOXE fr/Komparator/index.html BOWS KWWSOFLGHWXQL¿WLW%2:S
Visibility Control and Quality Assessment of Watermarking and Data Hiding Algorithms
Chapter X
ABSTRACT This chapter provides an overview, based on current research, on theoretical aspects of digital stegDQRJUDSK\²DUHODWLYHO\QHZ¿HOGRIFRPSXWHUVFLHQFHWKDWGHDOVZLWKKLGLQJVHFUHWGDWDLQXQVXVSLFLRXV cover media. We focus on formal analysis of security of steganographic systems from a computational complexity point of view and provide models of secure systems that make realistic assumptions of limited computational resources of involved parties. This allows us to look at steganographic secrecy based on reasonable complexity assumptions similar to ones commonly accepted in modern cryptography. In WKLVFKDSWHUZHH[SDQGWKHDQDO\VHVRIVWHJRV\VWHPVEH\RQGVHFXULW\DVSHFWVZKLFKSUDFWLWLRQHUV¿QG GLI¿FXOWWRLPSOHPHQWLIQRWLPSRVVLEOHWRUHDOL]H WRWKHTXHVWLRQwhyVXFKV\VWHPVDUHVRGLI¿FXOWWR implement and what makes these systems different from practically used ones.
INTRODUCTION Digital steganography aims at hiding secret data LQXQVXVSLFLRXVFRYHUPHGLD7KH¿HOGKDVEHHQ actively investigated since the early 1990s. In most cases, the cover media chosen are multimedia data, such as images, audio, or video. For this reason, many impulses in steganography
research come from statistics, signal and image processing with a focus on heuristic algorithms for hiding, and experimental methods for detecting hidden information. In the early years of VFLHQWL¿FLQYHVWLJDWLRQVWKLVIRFXVFDXVHGDODFN of theoretical analyses on fundamental properties of steganographic systems, namely capacity, security, and tractability.
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Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
Starting in the late 1990s, theoretical analyses of steganography began to be conducted, concerned primarily with security and capacity aspects, which unfortunately have mostly been QHJOHFWHGE\SUDFWLWLRQHUVLQWKH¿HOG7KLVLVLQ part due to unrealistic assumptions and simpli¿FDWLRQVWKDWKDYHEHHQPDGHLQRUGHUWRFRSH ZLWKWKHGLI¿FXOWSUREOHPRIIRUPDOPRGHOLQJRI steganography. In the case of capacity—besides VRPHVXSHU¿FLDOSUDFWLFDODQDO\VHV²DJRRGXQderstanding from an information-theoretic point of view has been achieved (see e.g., the seminal paper by Moulin & O’Sullivan, 2003), but there is still a lack of some guiding theory describing any information-hiding system achieving maximum capacity. Moreover, the focus of the mentioned study was on active adversaries, a scenario that better suits digital watermarking more than steganography, where typically passive adversaries are considered. Because of this we view capacity as a topic that will have to receive renewed attention in the future and thus leave it out of our current study. Regarding security, the focus of theoretical investigations so far has been on the maximum achievable security in different attack scenarios, which has led to interesting insights, but not yet to more secure stego-systems, as practical implemenWDWLRQVRIVXFKV\VWHPVSURYHWREHGLI¿FXOWLIQRW unfeasible, in terms of computational complexity. So the situation of steganography seems in some respects similar to that of cryptography some 50 years ago, where the existence of secure systems, such as the one-time pad, was known, but these could not be practically implemented. When looking at stego-systems that have EHHQSUDFWLFDOO\LPSOHPHQWHGKRZHYHURQH¿QGV that the time span from announcement as the ODWHVWDQGJUHDWHVWV\VWHPWRWKH¿UVWVXFFHVVIXO detection by steganalysis often lasts only some two or three years. Because this situation does not appear to change in spite of all efforts by the steganography community, the question arises whether bringing reliable security into real-life systems can be achieved at all. Using experience
and methods from cryptography and theoretical FRPSXWHUVFLHQFHRQHFDQH[SHFWWR¿QGDQVZHUV WRWKHLPSRUWDQWTXHVWLRQLIWKH¿HOGRIVWHJDQRJUDphy can reach levels of security that are available today in cryptography. This chapter provides an overview of previous work on theoretical analyses of steganography, in which the central question concerns the security RI JLYHQ V\VWHPV 6HYHUDO GH¿QLWLRQV RI secure steganography have been proposed in the literature, but most of them make the rather unrealistic assumptions of unlimited computational power for the parties involved and complete knowledge of the cover and stego-text distributions. We focus on formal models of secure systems that make more realistic assumptions of limited computational resources and restricted access to cover-text distributions. This allows us to look at steganographic secrecy from a computational complexity point of view and to obtain provable security based on widely accepted complexity assumptions, as, for example, the existence of one-way functions. Such security evidence is commonly accepted in WKH¿HOGRIFU\SWRJUDSK\ We will additionally look at the tractability of secure stego-systems—a topic whose examination has only recently started (Hundt, /LĞNLHZLF] Wölfel, 2006). For the tractability analysis we consider that not only the adversary, but also both parties that use steganography are restricted to working in polynomial time. This is an important assumption in the context of real-life stego-systems that is, unfortunately, often forgotten in theoretical constructions. In such systems the complexity of sampling typically plays a crucial role. Thus, the analysis of a stego-system’s tractability is an important tool that complements theoretical security analyses and will likely be a major subject in future research. It also helps to divide known stego-systems into categories, yielding a more systematic view on the possibilities of different approaches to steganography. So, in this second part we will expand the analyses presented in this chapter beyond security analyses
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
RIVWHJRV\VWHPVWKDWSUDFWLWLRQHUV¿QGGLI¿FXOW (if not impossible) to implement to the question whyVXFKV\VWHPVDUHVRGLI¿FXOWWRLPSOHPHQW and what makes these systems different from practically used systems. This chapter has the following organisation. In WKHVHFRQGVHFWLRQZHJLYHWKHEDVLFGH¿QLWLRQVRI channels, sampling oracles, and their use in stegosystems. We will introduce in the third section the notion of steganographic security which is needed for the security analyses that follow in hte fourth section. Starting with a short overview of some early information-theoretic security approaches, we will detail some results on the cryptographic security of stego-systems by Hopper, Langford and Ahn (2002) and successive works. The tractability of stego-systems will be the subject of the ¿IWKVHFWLRQ)LQDOO\ZHVXPPDULVHWKHFKDSWHU in sixth section and draw conclusions with an emphasis on practical implications of the results presented in the preceding sections. The chapter ends with a brief outlook on future research.
BASIC DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS Before going into the details of security and tractability analyses of stego-systems, we give some EDVLFGH¿QLWLRQVDQG¿[WKHQRWDWLRQWKDWZLOOEH used throughout this chapter.
Preliminaries We call a function δ : N o R negligible if for all c!DQGIRUDOOVXI¿FLHQWO\ODUJHx, δ ( x) 1 / x c. /HWȈEHD¿QLWHDOSKDEHW 6 l the set of strings of length lRYHUȈDQG 6 *WKHVHWRIVWULQJVRI¿QLWH OHQJWKRYHUȈ:HGHQRWHWKHOHQJWKRIDVWULQJ u by u and the concatenation of two strings u1 and u2 by u1 u 2:HXVHWKHVWDQGDUGGH¿QLWLRQ for the entropy H ( P ) p ( x) log p ( x) x A of a probability distribution PRYHUD¿QLWHVHW A, where S[ means PrP x , for short, the loga-
rithm base is 2, and by convention 0 log 0 0 ; the relative entropy (or Kullback-Leibler distance) between two probability distributions P and Q on WKHVDPH¿QLWH VSDFHA is
x A
p ( x) log
p( x) , q( x)
where 0log0/q=0 and plogp/0 ; and the mutual information of random variables X and Y on A and B, respectively, is I ( X ;Y )
x A, y B
Pr X
x, Y
y log
Pr X x, Y y Pr X x Pr Y y
H f ( P)
min ( log p( x)) .
xA: p ( x ) !0
The notion of minimum entropy provides a measure of the amount of randomness present in the distribution P. Informally speaking, if the minimum entropy of P is d, then the distribution P is at least as random as the uniform distribution on bit strings of length d. From the entropy smoothing theorem by Håstad, Impagliazzo, Levin, and Luby (1999) we can conclude even more—if H f (P) is at least d, then it is possible to construct from P an almost uniform distribution over almost all d bit strings, by hashing elements chosen according to P. This property is used extensively in stego-systems that work with rejection sampling, which will be discussed in the Probably Secure Stego-Systems section.
Channels and Sampling Oracles Strings u 6 bRIVSHFL¿FOHQJWKb will be called GRFXPHQWVDQGD¿QLWHFRQFDWHQDWLRQRIGRFXPHQWV u1 u 2 ! ul will be called the communication sequence (or string). Typically the document mod-
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
u j 6 b according to the channel distribu-
els a piece of data (e.g., a digital image or fragment of the image) while the communication sequence models the complete message send to the receiver in a single communication exchange. 'H¿QLWLRQ (Channel). Let ȈEHD¿QLWHDOSKDEHW A channel C is a distribution on communication * sequences on Ȉ , i.e. it is a distribution on b , ZKHUHE!GHQRWHVWKHOHQJWKRIGRFXPHQWV 7KLVLVDYHU\JHQHUDOGH¿QLWLRQRIDFRPmunication channel that models dependencies between pieces of data (called documents in our setting) that are present in typical realworld communications. If C is a channel, then c : EX C () means that the communication sequence c is returned by an oracle EX modeling the communication according to the distribution C. Thus, if C is a real-world channel, then in a typical setting one can assume low cost for the sampling EX C (). Interestingly, having only access to the sampler EX C () and no additional knowledge about CWKHUHDUHQRNQRZQHI¿FLHQW stego-systems that are provably secure. Below we FKDUDFWHULVHWKHW\SHVRIVDPSOHUVVXI¿FLHQWIRU secure steganography. 'H¿QLWLRQ (Sampling Oracle). A sampling oracle for a channel C draws samples according to the channel distribution. We differentiate EHWZHHQWKHIROORZLQJWKUHHW\SHVWKH¿UVWWZR of which work as black-box samplers, that is, it is not known what they do to access the channel. The third type is a white box sampler, that is, it is assumed that all parties involved in the steganographic communication exactly know the distribution C. •
Anadaptive sampling oracle, for a given context u j 1 , u j2 , ! , u jt, returns a possible document uj. There are many possibilities WRGH¿QHWKHFRQWH[W7\SLFDOO\DQDGDSWLYH sampler is history-based, that is, it draws for a given history h u1 u 2 ! u j 1 of previously drawn documents a sample
tion conditioned on the full prior history h. We denote the conditional channel distribution by Ch and write c : EX Ch () for the sampling process, that is, when a document c is returned according to the distribution Ch. Asemi-adaptive sampling oracle is queried with part of the prior history h, typically the last Įdocuments of the entire history h, whereĮis a parameter of the sampling oracle. A sampler which ignores the complete history is called a non-adaptive or independent sampling oracle. An algorithmic sampling oracle contains an algorithm that is queried with a random string and produces a sample according to the channel distribution C. The algorithm assumes full knowledge of the distribution C.
7RHI¿FLHQWO\HPEHGPHVVDJHVLQFRYHUWH[WV it is reasonable to require that the channel is suf¿FLHQWO\UDQGRP,QWKLVFKDSWHUZHZLOODVVXPH WKDWFRYHUWH[WFKDQQHOVKDYHDVXI¿FLHQWPLQLPXP entropy and we will call such channels always informative (see Hopper et al., 2002 and Ahn & Hopper, 2004 for details).
Stego-Systems and Their Use of Sampling Oracles In his seminal paper on hidden communications, Simmons (1984 ZDV WKH ¿UVW WR XVH FKDQQHOV for his model of steganographic communicaWLRQVH[HPSOL¿HGLQKLVQRZIDPRXVprisoners’ problem. Alice and Bob are in jail. They are allowed to communicate, but all communication is monitored by Wendy, the warden. In order to hatch an escape plan, they have to communicate by means of messages that look normal and unsuspicious, but additionally contain some hidden information
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
that can only be read by Alice and Bob. Coming from a communications background, his subliminal channel models those parts of the cover-texts in which the steganographic message can be embedded. This channel plays an important role in analyses of the capacity of stego-systems, as its capacity corresponds to the amount of data that can be embedded into cover-texts. Two other channels involved in the steganography are the cover-text and stego-text channels (alternately called cover-text, respectively stego-text distribution). The cover-text channel models a normal, non-steganographic communication between Alice and Bob using the cover medium into which the steganographic message will eventually be embedded, while the messages exchanged via the stego-text channel are cover-text messages that additionally contain steganographic messages. These two latter channels are important in the analysis of steganographic security, as the basic task of any passive warden is to decide which of the two channels is currently in use. There is a distinction to be made between stegoV\VWHPVWKDWDUHVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUDVLQJOH given channel and those that are universal, that LVWKH\DUHQRWOLPLWHGWRZRUNZLWKRQHVSHFL¿F cover-text channel. It is more realistic to assume universality for a stego-system, as in practice one UDUHO\¿QGVSXUHFKDQQHOV&RQVLGHUIRUH[DPSOH a stego-system that embeds into images. Unless WKHUHLVDFOHDUO\GH¿QHGVRXUFHZKLFKWKHVHLPages come from, there will be a broad mixture of different types of images that have been taken with all sorts of imaging equipment under different conditions, so their characteristics will GLIIHUDORW)RURXUGH¿QLWLRQRIVWHJDQRJUDSK\ we thus concentrate on stego-systems that can EHDSSOLHGWRDQ\FKDQQHOWKDWIXO¿OVVRPHEDVLF conditions. 'H¿QLWLRQ (Stego-system). A stego-system for n the message space 0, 1 consists of three probabilistic algorithms SK, SE, SD running in polynomial time, where:
SK is the key generation procedure that on LQSXWRIDSDUDPHWHUQZKLFKGHQRWHVWKH OHQJWKRIWKHPHVVDJH RXWSXWVDNH\NRI length κ , where κ is the security parameter which is a function of n. SE is the encoding algorithm that takes a n 0, 1 , ackey k 0, 1 , a message m cesses the sampling oracle for a cover-text channel and returns a stego-text s. SD is the decoding algorithm that takes k and s and returns m.
The time complexities of algorithms SK, SE, SD are functions with arguments n—the length of the message, and κ —the length of the key, which bound the number of steps made by the algorithms on any input message m of length n and working with the security parameter κ . We charge any oracle query by a unit cost. A stego-system (SK, n 0, 1 SE, SD) is correct if for all messages m the probability that SD decodes incorrectly a message encoded by SE, that is,
Pr k
SK (1n ) : SD k , SE k , m
m (1)
is negligible with respect to the security parameter
κ . The maximum value ofnthe probability (1) over 0, 1 is called unreliability all messages m of the stego-system. We say that a stego-system (SK, SE, SD) universal if the only information source to algorithms SE, SD about the channel is sampling oracle. Such systems will also called black-box stego-systems.
is the the be
STEGANOGRAPHIC SECURITY ,QRUGHUWRGH¿QH steganographic security, we need to look at the types of attacks we want to defend against. For this reason, some scenarios for stegaQDO\VLVKDYHWREHGLVFXVVHG$¿UVWGLVWLQFWLRQ in steganalysis is to be made between active and
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
passive attacks. The notion of active attacks is for the most part connected with disrupting attacks that have the aim of destroying steganographic messages. Such attacks are commonly examined in digital watermarking and thus should not be considered here. Passive attacks that intend to distinguish between original and steganographic data by reading the public channel are the most common attacks against steganography and thus ZLOOEHRXUPDLQIRFXV:HZLOODOVREULHÀ\FRYHU active distinguishing attacks that play a role in public key steganography. In this setting, a public key cryptosystem is used instead of a symmetric cipher, so the communicating parties do not share a key and the attacker can mount attacks by writing to the public channel. In this section we look at the security of stego-systems with an emphasis on the maximum achievable security in different scenarios. We start with a brief historic overview that will present the ¿UVWVHFXULW\DQDO\VHVRIVWHJDQRJUDSK\ZKLFK were all based on an information-theoretic model. After this we move to some more recent results that we are going to put into context with the use of sampling oracles in steganography.
Early Information-Theoretic Results ,QWKH¿UVWWKHRUHWLFDQDO\VLVRIVWHJDQRJUDSKLF security, Klimant and Piotraschke (1997) and Zöllner et al. (1998) made use of information theory to measure security. Their model of steganography comprised sets of cover-texts C, stego-texts S, keys K and secret messages M. Interestingly, the proposed notion of steganographic security differs from all subsequent analyses in that the goal is that no information can be gained about M (i.e., the hidden message itself) or speaking formally, that the mutual information is zero:
I M ; S,C
Thus a stego-system is claimed to be secure if the additional knowledge about C and S does not decrease the entropy of secret messages:
H M .
6XFKDPRGHODFWXDOO\GRHVQRWTXLWH¿WWKH scenario of steganography, where the very presence of a hidden message is to be concealed.1 Also, the lack of some probability distribution on the set of cover-texts and the application of information-theoretic tools on the cover-texts themselves (rather than their probability distribution), makes this model unsuitable, as—other than in watermarking—in steganography the VSHFL¿FFRYHUWH[WLVRIQRLQWHUHVW,WVKRXOGEH noted that a similar model has since been proposed by Mittelholzer (2000) for steganography and watermarking with active attacks. A more appropriate information-theoretic model of steganography with passive attacks has been proposed by Cachin (1998, 2004), who uses a hypothesis-testing approach. He introduces the notion of cover-text and stego-text channels as probability distributions Pc and Ps , respectively, ZKLFK OHDGV KLP WR WKH IROORZLQJ GH¿QLWLRQ RI İ-security:
with İ for perfect security. Thus, a stegosystem is perfectly secure if the stego-text distribution Ps and the cover-text distribution Pc are identical. Cachin presents in his paper some examples of stego-systems that are secure by WKLVGH¿QLWLRQVRPHRIZKLFKZLOOEHGLVFXVVHG in the Provably Secure Stego-systems section.
Bounding the Power of the Warden As in cryptography, the power of the warden plays a crucial role in the security of steganographic schemes. A fundamental distinction is being made between unbounded adversaries, as in the
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
information-theoretic approach discussed in the previous section, and computationally bounded adversaries. In this setting, the adversary is a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm and, speaking informally, a stego-system is computationaly secure if adversary’s advantage is negligible in the security parameter κ . In this chapter we will focus mainly on computationally bounded adversaries, as these are also favoured in cryptography for being more realistic. Before ZHFDQVWDUWORRNLQJDWWKHVHFXULW\RIVSHFL¿F stego-systems, we need to review some attack scenarios, as these provide the setting in which a security analysis holds. These scenarios are inspired by attacks on cryptosystems and correspond to some of the attacks presented by Johnson (2000 KRZHYHUWKHGH¿QLWLRQVSUHVHQWHGKHUH will be more formal. The main attack used in this chapter considers a passive distinguishing adversary W who is allowed read access to the communication channel between Alice and Bob. Besides just reading cover-texts that may or may not contain hidden messages, WDOVRKDVWKHSRZHURILQÀXHQFLQJ Alice to use a hidden message of his choice in case she is sending stego-texts. Thus, the only information he does not possess is the shared secret key k and the information, which messages contain steganography and which do not. Formally, this DWWDFNFDQEHGH¿QHGLQWKHUDQGRPRUDFOHPRGHO (see Bellare & Rogaway, 1993) as follows. 'H¿QLWLRQ(Chosen Hiddentext Attack [CHA]). Let 6 6.6(6' be a stego-system and let C be a cover-text channel. In a CHA the warden W has access to two oracles: • •
A reference oracle EXC () that he can query for samples from the channel C and A challenge oracle CH that is either ƕ OS- the oracle which for a randomly chosen key k and a given query mesVDJHPGUDZVDVWHJRWH[W6(NP or
OC- the oracle which for a randomly chosen key k and a given query message m draws a cover-text of length SE k , m from the cover-text channel C.
The task of the warden is to make a guess about the challenge oracle CH and to output 1 if it guesses the oracle is OS and 0 otherwise. :HGH¿QHW’s advantage for a given cover-text channel C as
AdvC W
Pr W OS 1n
Pr W OC 1n
where WOS means that the challenge oracle is the oracle OS and WOC means respectively, that the challenge oracle is OC. The insecurity of a stego-system (SK, SE, SD) with respect to channel CLVGH¿QHGE\
InSecC t , q, l , n
max AdvC W W
where the maximum is taken over all wardens W working in time at most t(n) and making at most q(n) queries of total length of l(n) bits to the challenge oracle CH. Stego-system (SK, SE, SD) is (t,q, Oİ) steganographically secure against CHA for the . Finally we say channel C if InSecC t , q, l , n that (SK, SE, SD) is universally steganographically secure against CHA if for some polynomial p and QHJOLJLEOHİLWLVSTOİ) steganographically secure for every always informative channel C. In this chapter we call such systems also computationally secure, for short. Note the similarity between CHAs in steganography and chosen plaintext attacks in cryptography. The former can be thought of as a generalisation of the latter with respect to a given cover-text channel distribution. An example of an active distinguishing attack is the chosen cover-text attack (CCA) described by Backes and Cachin (2005). The idea behind this attack is that due to the use of public-key
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
steganography, the attacker is able to use Alice’s public-key and send stego-texts to her. Similar to the chosen ciphertext scenario in cryptography, Alice will decode the message and return the decoded message to the attacker. In a more formal modeling, Alice will be replaced by a decoding oracle '( that the attacker can query with arbitrary cover-texts. There is one exception, the oracle refuses to decode challenge cover-texts from &+ . This attack is considered to be one of the strongest which public-key steganography can be made secure against.
PROVABLY SECURE STEGO-SYSTEMS We classify stego-systems with respect to prior knowledge about the cover-text distribution. In case of partial knowledge, particularly if Alice has no information about the distribution at all, as in the black-box scenario, we consider different types of samplers to gain information about the distribution.
Adaptive Sampling This section discusses stego-systems that use adaptive sampling, a powerful tool to generate appropriate cover-texts for any cover-text distribution. In this model the sampler is able to take an arbitrary history of documents as input and return a document distributed according to the cover-text distribution conditioned on the history. Such a sampling mechanism enables the construction of very strong systems—namely universal stego-systems—which can be made provably secure in the computational setting. The notion of computational security was formalised independently by Katzenbeisser and Petitcolas (2002) and Hopper et al. (2002); the latter of these also presented a proof of security for the following universal system based on adaptive sampling. The encoding algorithm uses the sampler in such
a way that for a given target bit x cover-text documents c are sampled until bit x is embedded in c or the number of samples exceeds the security bound count. Procedure RSF (x, count, h) Input: Target bit x, iteration number count, history h L repeat c : EX Ch (); L L until F(c) = x or L FRXQW Output: c In the above procedure, the embedding function F : ^0, 1`b o ^0, 1` is an appropriate pseudorandom function (recall that b denotes the length of documents c). Note that the sampling may fail, in which case we have i = count x, so the selected sample c does not and F c embed the requested bit x. The crucial property of the procedure RS is that if the channel C is VXI¿FLHQWO\UDQGRPWKHRXWSXWGLVWULEXWLRQJHQHUated by RS is statistically close to Ch. For the stego-system (SK, SE, SD) based on the rejection sampler RSF, we assume that Alice and Bob initially share a secret key k , chosen randomly by SK, and an initial value N of a synchronized counter used in order to communicate long messages. In the algorithms below, values N will be used to synchronise selection of a pseudorandom function family Fk N , indexed by key k and synchronised by parameter N. To increase the correctness, the communicating parties use encoding and decoding algorithms with error correcting codes Enc(m) and Dec(m), respectively. Next we show the complete algorithms for SE and SD (Construction 1, presented by Hopper et al., 2002). See Exhibit 1. To guarantee that the output distribution genF N , is statistically close to Ch we erated by RS k call the procedure with the bound on the number of iterations in RS equal to 2. We can conclude
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
Exhibit 1. Decoding SD (k,m)
Encoding SE (k,m) Input: key k, message m, history h
m': Enc (m); parse m' as m1 m2 ! ml , where mi F N, mi , 2, h ; for i = 1,...,l do ci : RS k h : h ci; 1 1 ;
Output: c1 c2 ! cl
that for all always informative channels C the following theorem is true. Theorem (Hopper et al., 2002). If Fk , is pseudorandom, then the stego-system is universally secure against CHAs. The construction guarantees negligible insecurity for any channel. However, its capacity is very small—it transmits only one bit per document and because the rejecting sampling procedure RS samples the oracle at most twice, its reliability to correctly embed a bit x in a cover-text c is limited. In fact, one can prove that each bit x is embedded incorrectly with probability at least ¼ . Thus, to improve the reliability of the stego-system, error-correcting codes are used. This, however, drastically decreases the transmission rate of the system. The transmission rate measures the number of bits per document of a given message m that the system can embed. In the Limits of Universal Steganography section we show an improvement of the previous stego-system, presented by 'HGLüHWDO(2005).
Input: key k, stegotext s parse s as s1 s2 ! sl , where si for i = 1,...,l do mi : Fk N , si ; 1 1; m : m1 m2 ! ml; Output:'HFP
does not need to use any sampler at all, besides maybe a general randomness resource, for example, a (pseudo-) random number generator. Note that such a stego-system is not universal DQ\PRUH,QWKLVVHFWLRQZH¿UVWGLVFXVVDSURYably secure stego-system that works correctly for VRPHVSHFL¿FFKDQQHOV7KLVZLOOEHIROORZHGE\ systems that work securely for general stego-text distributions, assuming that Alice and Bob have IXOONQRZOHGJHDERXWWKLVGLVWULEXWLRQ,QWKH¿UVW case a perfectly secure stego-system will be presented; for an arbitrary distribution two systems ZLOOEHGLVFXVVHG7KH¿UVWRIWKHVHJXDUDQWHHV statistical security and the second, which is more realistic, guarantees computational security. First consider the uniform cover-text distribution. In this case, the following system based on the one-time pad makes a perfectly secure stegosystem. The key generation procedure
SK 1n returns k m^0,1` , with κ = n. R
Encoding 6(NP Input: key k, message m Output: stegotext s : m k
Algorithmic Sampling If Alice has full knowledge about the cover-text distribution, she can use a stego-system which
Decoding 6'NV Input: key k, stegotext s Output: message m : s k
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
Here, an n-bit secret key k is chosen with a uniform distribution; SE computes the bit-wise XOR of the n-bit message m and the key k, while SD uniquely decodes the message from the stego-text s by computing the bit-wise XOR of s and k . Assume the cover-text C is uniformly disn tributed over ^0,1` and let Alice and Bob share an n-bit secret key k with uniform distribution. Then the resulting stego-text is also uniformly n distributed over ^0,1` . Thus, the cover-text and stego-text distributions are equal to each other, from which follows that the stego-system is perfectly secure. It is easy to see that the system has high capacity and is of small computational complexity. But the security property only holds for uniform distributions. We now discuss a simple stego-system that is statistically secure, assuming that the a priori NQRZQFRYHUWH[WGLVWULEXWLRQIXO¿OVDQDSSURSULate property, which we show next. This system represents practical stego-systems for digital images that embed information by modifying the OHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELWVRISL[HOYDOXHV)RUVLPSOLFLW\ the considered system embeds one-bit messages, but the extension to the encoding of more bits of information is a straightforward task. As usually, let C be the cover-text distribution on the support ~ ~ C and suppose Co , C1 is a partition of C such that the value R
Pr c
C : c C0
Pr c
C : c C1
is minimal over all partitions of the support C . ~ 'H¿QHCto be the conditional distribution on C0: ~ that is, let for any c C0 the probability R
Pr x
C0 : x
be equal to the conditional probability R
Pr x
c x
C0 .
$QDORJRXVO\ ZH GH¿QH WKH FRQGLWLRQDO GLV~ tribution C1 on C1. The following stego-system embeds a one-bit message m using a one-bit secret key k chosen uniformly by the key generation procedure presented previously. Encoding 6(NP Input: key k, 1-bit message m r: mk ; s : EX Cr () ; Output: stegotext s Decoding 6'NV Input: key k, stegotext s ~ if s C0 then U else U ; m : r k; Output: message m This system works without errors; moreover, the encoding SE provides perfect secrecy for m and it is statistically secure. Note, however, that the system is not tractable. Finding the partition PLQLPL]LQJWKHYDOXHįIRUDJLYHQGLVWULEXWLRQ C is a hard combinatorial optimisation problem. More precisely, the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete. Le and Kurosawa (2003) and Le (2004) have constructed a computationally secure compression-based stego-system that assumes both the sender and receiver exactly know the cover-text distribution. The quintessence of the solution are uniquely decodable variable length coding schemes e , d , called C-codes, with VRXUFHDOSKDEHW^`DQGGHVWLQDWLRQDOSKDEHWȈ * such that if x is chosen randomly in 0,1 , then * distributes according to C. Function e x appropriately decodes the communication d strings. The construction generalises an idea of Anderson and Petitcolas (1998) in which a perfect compression scheme on the cover-texts is used to obtain a perfectly secure steganographic system. Since such compression schemes do not exist in practice, the C-coding scheme heuristic by Le and Kurosawa (2003) and Le (2004) is based on non-
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
perfect schemes, such as arithmetic compression. To construct the CFRGLQJVFKHPHīWKHDOJRULWKP uses as input a cumulative distribution function of the given cover-text distribution. The resulting steganographic system achieves near optimal information rate and does not produce errors; for the coding scheme it is true that for all m. To genmessages m we have d e m erate (pseudo)random bit strings the algorithms use a secure pseudorandom generator G and the secret key k is given as a seed to initialize G. The embedding and extracting operations are as folORZVWKHHQFRGLQJDQGGHFRGLQJVFKHPHVīe and īdare initialized with an additional parameter z). See Exhibit 2. Independently, Sallee (2004) implemented a compression-based stego-system for JPEG images that lets the sender and receiver estimate the cover-text distribution.
Semi-Adaptive Sampling 7KHFUXFLDOGLI¿FXOW\FRQFHUQLQJDGDSWLYHVDPpling is that in the real world there are no known cover-text distributions that can be sampled adaptively. In the next section we will investigate algorithmic aspects of adaptive sampling and conclude that adaptive sampling from the distribution Ch can be hard even if sampling from the cover-text distribution C is feasible. Thus, the natural question arises if adaptive sampling is really necessary. Particularly, it is interesting to ask whether one can somehow restrict adaptive sampling, for example, by limiting access to the entire history
Exhibit 2. Encoding 6(NP Input: key k, message m
z r : G (k ) s: m e z, r Output: stegotext s
to make it more practical or feasible, but in such a ZD\WKDWWKHPRGL¿HGVDPSOHUSUHVHUYHVWKHLQLWLDO distribution. In this section we will discuss this problem and reach the somewhat unsurprising conclusion that a universal (black-box) system has to use the accurate sampler. Lysyanskaya and Meyerovich (2006) were the ¿UVWZKRVWXGLHGWKHVHFXULW\RIVWHJRV\VWHPV that have access to conditional samplers with a restricted history. In their work they examine whether accurate adaptive sampling is necessary and conclude that a stego-system can be broken if its sampler deviates from the cover-text sampler. In Lysyanskaya and Meyerovich (2006) the provably secure public key stego-system by Ahn and Hopper (2004) is analysed under the assumption that the sampler only considers the last documents of the history and it is shown how the inaccuracy in the sampler translates into insecurity in the stego-system. Basically, this system is built on Construction 2 by Hopper et al. (2002) which we present below. Let F : 6 b o ^0,1` be a public function. Basic Encoding Input: bits m1 , ! , ml, history h, and bound count for i : 1, !, l do
j: 0 repeat
ci : EX Ch (); j : j 1 mi or j count until F ci let h : h ci;
Decoding 6'NV Input: key k, stegotext s
z r : G (k ) m: d z, s
Output: message m
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
Output: c1 c2 ! cl Basic Decoding Input: stegotext s parse s as s1 s2 ! sl , where si for i : 1, !, l do mi F ci ; m : m1 m2 ! ml; Output: m
Encoding SE(pk, m) Input: Public key pk, message m, and t cover-texts c1 , !, ct each of length CE pk , m
b ;
The public-key stego-system initially encrypts a message m by means of a public-key cryptosystem. In a second step, the basic encoding is called with the encrypted message, current history and an appropriate bound count as inputs. The decoding works analogously. Let us denote the stego-system by S. Ahn and Hopper (2004) prove that if F is -biased then S is computationally secure. To formally analyse scenarios where the sampler does not consider the entire history, one KDVWRGH¿QHWKHFRQFHSWRIDQĮ-memoryless distribution. Such a distribution is computationally indistinguishable from some Markov process of RUGHUĮ)RUDSUHFLVHGH¿QLWLRQVHHLysyanskaya and Meyerovich (2006), where it is also shown that for every cover-text distribution which is DOZD\V LQIRUPDWLYH EXW QRW ĮPHPRU\OHVV WKH following is true. Theorem If the stego-system S has access to the distribution via an oracle that only considers the last Į documents of the history, then the system is not computationally secure. On the other hand, the system remains secure IRUFRYHUWH[WGLVWULEXWLRQVWKDWDUHĮPHPRU\OHVV Particularly, the following fully non-adaptive public-key stego-system based on the construction S is CHA-secure for every almost informative 0PHPRU\OHVVFRYHUWH[WGLVWULEXWLRQDQGİELDVHG F. Below only the embedding algorithm SE will be presented and in the algorithm, CE (pk, m) denotes a public-key encryption of message m using the key pk.
m ' : CE pk , m parse m ' as m1 m2 ! ml , where mi parse every ci as ci ,1 ci ,2 ! ci ,l; for j : 1, !, l do
i:= 1; repeat
s j : ci , j;i : i 1 until F s j m j or i > t; end Output: s : s1 s 2 ! s l ; It is shown that the probability that the stegosystem fails to encode m is negligible if the number t of cover-texts is chosen appropriately, and that the algorithm is secure if and only if the covertext distribution is 0-memoryless. According to WKH GH¿QLWLRQ D PHPRU\OHVV GLVWULEXWLRQ LV an independent, but not necessarily identically distributed sequence of random variables. This stego-system can be used with real world covertext distributions since the real sampler (e.g., digital camera) can deliver the whole cover-texts ci in a natural way.
Limits of Universal Steganography If we ignore the complexity of the sampler in the sense that we charge any query of the stego-system with unit cost, there still remains another computational complexity aspect: How many queries DUHQHHGHGWRFRQVWUXFWDQHI¿FLHQWVWHJRV\VWHP" %\DQHI¿FLHQWVWHJRV\VWHPZHPHDQQRWRQO\ that both the encoding and decoding algorithms work fast using small space resources but also that the transmission rate of the stego-system is proportionally high. Recall that the transmission rate measures the number of hiddentext bits per document that the system can embed. Similarly, the query complexity of the stego-system measures how many times per document the encoding
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
algorithm needs to query the sampler in order to create a stego-text document. For example, the secret-key system presented in the Adaptive Sampling section works with query complexity 2. The transmission rate, however, is not so obvious. To guarantee the correctness of the system, that is, that the probability in Equation 1, which describes the reliability of the system, is small, the encoding algorithm does not embed the bits of the message m directly; it uses an error correcting code generating the message m' and then embeds m' in the cover-text.2 Hence the transmission rate depends on the error correcting encoding method and—as has been noted by Reyzin and Russell (2003)—the stego-system has to send 22 covertext documents to reliably encode a single bit of the hiddentext. In their paper, 'HGLüHWDO (2005) systematically analyse the trade-off between transmission rate and query complexity. They provide strong evidence that black-box stego-systems with high WUDQVPLVVLRQUDWHVDUHYHU\LQHI¿FLHQWZLWKUHVSHFW WR WKHLU TXHU\ FRPSOH[LW\ 0RUH VSHFL¿FDOO\ D lower bound is demonstrated which states that a secure and reliable black-box stego-system
with a transmission rate of d bits per document requires that the encoder has to query the sampling oracle at least a 2 d times per d bits sent, for some constant a. The value of a depends on security and reliability, and tends to 1 2e as insecurity and unreliability approach 0. This lower bound applies to secret-key as well as public-key stego-systems. To prove the lower bound, a channel C is constructed with minimum entropy such that for any (black-box) stego-system S of insecurity InSecCDQGXQUHOLDELOLW\ȡDQGIRUDQ\SVHXGRrandom function family F u , the probability that the encoder makes at most q queries to send a random message of length n = ld, is upper bounded by
eq l 2d
R InSecC
where InSecFPRF measures the insecurity of the pseudorandom function family F, and b . The expected number of R 1 1 2 queries per document is at least
2d 1 e 2
R InSecC
Exhibit 3. Encoding 6(NGP1) Input: Secret key k, message m, synchronised parameter N, and history h d; parse message m as m1 m2 ! ml, where mi for i : 1, !, l do j:= 1; f:= 0; N:=N + 1; repeat
j: j 1 si , j : EX Ch (); if j 'R j s.t. si , j ' si , j then d c 0,1 ; if c = mi then f:= 1; else if Fk N , si , j mi then f:= 1; until f:= 1; si : si , j; h : h si; Output: s : s1 s2 ! sl;
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
Interestingly, this lower bound is tight. The following (stateful) black-box secret key stegosystem by 'HGLüHWDO (2005), which transmits d bits per document and needs 2d samples per d bits, has unreliability of 2 d per document, and negligible insecurity, which is independent of the channel. A very similar construction was independently given by Hopper (2004, Construction 6.10). See Exhibit 3.
TRACTABILITY OF STEGO-SYSTEMS Algorithmic complexity and in particular the theory of NP-completeness helps to understand how easily a given problem can be solved in practice (for an introduction see Garey & Johnson, 1979). From cryptography it is known that certain problems WKDWDUHFRQVLGHUHGGLI¿FXOWWRVROYHSUDFWLFDOO\ can be used to provide security in cryptosystems, such as the trap-door functionality in public-key cryptosystems. As it is currently unknown how to make use of such problems for steganographic security, we will look at algorithmic complexity from a different perspective, namely the tractability of stego-systems and their requirements. The analysis of steganography from a complexity theoretic perspective is still in its infancy with only few papers published so far. Chandramouli et al. (2004) discuss a problem that they call the “steganography problem,” which models steganographic embedding by changes to the cover sample as an optimisation problem. The number of message bits that can be embedded is maximised subject to an upper bound of the distortion introduced to by the changes to the original. This problem is shown to be identical to the knapsack problem and thus it is NP-complete. It can be argued, however, if such a model RIVWHJDQRJUDSK\UHDOO\UHÀHFWVWKHIXOOSUREOHP of steganography. From the perspective of security, which Chandramouli et al. mention as the motivation for the distortion bound, the problem
of producing stego-texts that belong to the support of the cover-text channel is not addressed. Consider for example a cover-text channel that contains documents r f composed of a random string rDQGVRPH¿[HGVWULQJf. Any change of RQHVLQJOHELWLQWKH¿[HGVWULQJOHDGVWRWKHLPmediate detection of steganography, while the distortion bound is not reached. For this reason, the model of steganography used in Chandramouli et al. has to be considered unsuitable. Hundt et al. (2006) analyse the computational complexity of adaptive sampling oracles. Such oracles are needed for secure stego-systems like the one described by Hopper et al. (2002). Therefore, the emphasis is not so much on the stego-system itself, but on the structure of the used channel and the construction of an oracle that adaptively samples it. The key requirement for such oracles LVHI¿FLHQF\GH¿QHGDVIROORZV 'H¿QLWLRQ(I¿FLHQW6DPSOLQJ $FKDQQHOC can be sampled HI¿FLHQWO\ if there exists a probabilistic algorithm generating samples c with distribution C which runs in polynomial time and uses polynomial space. The easiest way to sample a channel is to independently draw samples from it. If one DVVXPHV WKH H[LVWHQFH RI DQ HI¿FLHQW DGDSWLYH VDPSOLQJRUDFOHLWLVWULYLDOWRREWDLQDQHI¿FLHQW independent sampler from it. On the other hand, if only an independent sampler can be assumed WREHDYDLODEOHLWFDQEHGLI¿FXOWWRFRQVWUXFWDQ DGDSWLYHVDPSOLQJRUDFOHIURPLW7KLVGLI¿FXOW\ is formulated in the following theorem. Theorem (Hundt et al., 2006). There exist chanQHOV&WKDWFDQEHHI¿FLHQWO\VDPSOHGE\DQRUDFOH EXc EXWIRUZKLFKLWLVLPSRVVLEOHWRFRQVWUXFW an oracle EX C h () WKDW HI¿FLHQWO\ VDPSOHV WKH channel Ch XQOHVV3 13 For the proof of this theorem, a channel is used whose support is formed by the intersection of
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
three simple context free grammars. It is shown WKDWLIWKHUHH[LVWVDQHI¿FLHQWDGDSWLYHVDPSOHU for this channel, this sampler can be used to construct a deterministic algorithm that solves the NP-complete intersected context free language SUH¿[,&)/3 SUREOHPLQSRO\QRPLDOWLPH As Theorem 5.1 only concerns the existence of FKDQQHOVLQZKLFKDGDSWLYHVDPSOLQJLVLQHI¿FLHQW the rest of the paper by Hundt et al. (2006) deals with a characterisation of the channels for which this type of sampling is hard and those for which it is not. It is shown that for every NP-complete problem a channel with hard adaptive sampling can be constructed. This means that for channels with a certain structural complexity the existence RIHI¿FLHQWDGDSWLYHVDPSOLQJRUDFOHVEHFRPHV unlikely. On the positive side, channels that have HI¿FLHQWLQGHSHQGHQWVDPSOLQJRUDFOHVUXQQLQJ in polynomial time and using logarithmic space DUHVKRZQWRDOVRKDYHHI¿FLHQWO\FRQVWUXFWLEOH adaptive samplers. In summary, the results by Hundt et al. (2006) address the tractability of the most important building block in secure stego-systems that use adaptive sampling: the sampling oracle. Although examples of channels have been given which SHUPLW RU SUHYHQW WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI HI¿FLHQW samplers, it still remains an open task to give a full and precise characterisation of both categories of channels.
CONCLUSION In this chapter we looked at aspects of security and tractability in digital steganography. The central questions in these areas concern the maximum achievable security for different steganography scenarios and the limitations in terms of time HI¿FLHQF\ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK VWHJRV\VWHPV WKDW achieve the highest levels of security. One of the key aspects in such theoretic discussions is the access to different kinds of cover-text channels. We have presented three basic types of
sampling oracles that require distinct approaches to steganographic embedding. So far, only the most basic of these, namely independent sampling, has been practically implemented and used in stego-systems whose security has at best been tested against a few steganalysis algorithms, but without any formal security analysis. The vast majority of these stego-systems deals with multimedia data into which the hidden messages are embedded by changes to the sample being used. One of the big problems of this approach clearly is the creation of stego-text samples that are not in the support of the cover-text channel. All current steganalysis algorithms exploit this IDFWE\WU\LQJWR¿QGDQRPDOLHVWKDWFDQEHXVHG to classify some sample as stego-text. When looking beyond practically used systems, two additional types of sampling oracles appear, namely adaptive and algorithmic samSOLQJ 7KH ¿UVW RI WKHVH KDV EHHQ LQWHQVLYHO\ investigated and stego-systems have been proposed that are secure against a number of strong attacks, such as chosen hiddentext attacks or chosen cover-text attacks. These results clearly DQVZHURXU¿UVWTXHVWLRQ²LWLVSRVVLEOHWRDFKLHYH steganographic security that is based on common assumptions from cryptography, concretely the existence of one-way functions. This conclusion is of high importance, as it directly relates the UHODWLYHO\ \RXQJ ¿HOG RI GLJLWDO VWHJDQRJUDSK\ to long-standing research in cryptography, from ZKLFKWKHIRUPHUEHQH¿WVLQWHUPVRIUHOLDELOLW\ and soundness of security results. However, the mere existence of secure steganography does not directly lead to more security LQSUDFWLFDOLPSOHPHQWDWLRQVDVRQHPLJKWDW¿UVW expect. The cause of this security gap between theory and practice lies in strong assumptions about the cover-text channel that are being made in the theoretic analyses of secure stego-systems. Availability of adaptive sampling oracles naturally is the key requirement for all stego-systems that depend on adaptive sampling, but the implementation of such oracles for many practically relevant
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
cover-text channels, including digital multimedia data, leads to the necessity to solve NP-complete problems. It is this problem that prevents the otherwise attractive stego-system by Hopper et al. (2002) and its subsequent improvements from being implemented and deployed. Without the assumption of an adaptive sampling oracle, these stego-systems lose their appeal, as 'HGLü et al. (2005) could prove a lower bound for the number of draws from the cover-text channel that is exponential in the message length. In summary, all these theoretic results appear to show a fundamental dichotomy between insecure but practical stego-systems on the one side and theoretically secure but impractical stego-systems on the other side. However, when looking at the third possible sampling method, namely algorithmic sampling, we get a different perspective. The results of Cachin (2004) on informationtheoretically secure steganography show that under the assumption that cover-texts can be produced (approximately) according to the cover-text channel distribution using some random input, statistical security can be achieved. Although the knowledge needed to produce such cover-texts is GLI¿FXOWWRREWDLQIRUVRPHW\SHVRIFRYHUPHGLD there are still many cover-text channels that could indeed be used for this type of steganography. One issue with all kinds of steganography and particularly this one is of non-technical nature: How plausible is the selected cover-text channel? If it was not for this additional constraint, a simple random bitstring would make a perfect cover. With the requirement of plausibility, however, it is always the task of the steganographer to ensure an unsuspicious way of communication to embed the hidden messages into. All of the problems with steganography discussed previously essentially deal with the covertext channel and different ways of making use of it. For this reason, we see it as an important future task in steganography research to look into these issues and analyse cover-text channels with respect to their suitability for steganography.
Finally, our distinction of steganography by their use of different types sampling oracles also has some implications for steganalysis. All currently known steganalysis methods work by detecting anomalies in the stego-texts, thus relying on the fact that most practically implemented steganography uses independent sampling oracles, embeds by actually changing cover-text samples, and produces with high probability stego-texts that are not in the support of the cover-text channel. Future stego-systems that might use adaptive sampling oracles will require very different steganalysis techniques that classify a cover-text as original or stego based on the probability of its appearance in a sequence of samples from the FRYHUWH[WFKDQQHO7KHVSHFL¿FDWLRQDQGLPSOHmentation of such steganalysis schemes remains an open question.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS Regarding the security of steganographic systems, there are two major goals that should be achieved by future research. One concerns the security of systems that embed messages by changing independently sampled cover-texts. A formal model that describes such systems is needed as ZHOODVQHZGH¿QLWLRQVRIVHFXULW\WKDWWDNHLQWR account the possibility that stego-texts outside the support of the cover-text channel might be produced. It will also be important to relate the maximum achievable security for such systems to the security levels achieved by stego-systems using adaptive sampling. The other direction that should be considered is centred around alternatives to independent sampling steganography. The results on tractability of adaptive sampling steganography obtained by Hundt et al. (2006) are one step in a new direction that can potentially offer many new insights into the relationship between security and practicality in steganography. Also, the proposal and implementation of practically relevant and provably
Computational Aspects of Digital Steganography
secure stego-systems that use algorithmic or adaptive sampling will be an important contribution that has some merits to offer. In this context, the properties of different cover-text channels and their suitability for secure steganography could be another topic that is worth pursuing further. $VDODVWLQWHUHVWLQJRSHQTXHVWLRQLQWKLV¿HOG we would like to point out that it is not known whether the security of a stego-system can be based entirely on some hard problem, such as the discrete logarithm or factorisation problems in public key cryptography.
Cachin, C. (2004). An information-theoretic model for steganography. Information and Computation, 192(1), 41-56.
'HGLü 1 ,WNLV * 5H\]LQ / 5XVVHOO 6 (2005). Upper and lower bounds on black-box steganography. In J. Kilian (Ed.), Second Theory RI&U\SWRJUDSK\&RQIHUHQFH7&&(LNCS 3378, pp. 227-244). Berlin: Springer.
Supported by DFG research grant RE 672/5-1
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Figure 27. Denoising effects on a JSteg embedded image. Top left across to bottom right, residual after UHPRYLQJFOHDQLPDJHHVWLPDWHXVLQJRULJLQDOLPDJHDYHUDJH¿OWHU*DXVVLDQ¿OWHU%/6*609LVXShrink, polynomial threshold. Boxes show the area of greatest change in the JSteg-embedded image, note the polynomial threshold and VisuShrink are the only techniques to not induce structured changes in regions outside these boxes.
On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation
VisuShrink, polynomial threshold, and non-local means. Figure 27 shows how the techniques performed at blindly denoising a clean high signal to noise ratio (SNR) image. The non-local means result is not shown, as it did not affect this very high SNR image. The images are scaled so black corresponds to a change of zero, while white is a change greater than or equal to 10. From this ¿JXUHWKH¿UVWWKUHHWHFKQLTXHVUHPRYHnoise that looks very much like the original image. These generally correspond to textures and edges of the image. The non-local means technique used (Peyré, 2007) preserved these features too well. The high SNR image was not changed by this approach. VisuShrink and polynomial threshold are applied to the image in blocks resulting in some blocking artifacts. Figure 27, shows the application of the same techniques to a JSteg embedded image. The avHUDJH¿OWHU*DXVVLDQ¿OWHUDQG%/6*60WHFKniques introduce large amounts of stego-channel noise around the edges in the image. VisuShrink and polynomial threshold do not introduce nearly as much noise, but tend to miss part of the embedded message.
Denoising and Steganalysis Using the current techniques, there is a trade-off between missing components of the message and introducing stego-channel noise. To analyze these results from a detection standpoint, a new concept is needed. From detection theory, a standard method of comparing the performance of two detection methods is the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (Egan, 1975). The ROC generally displays the trade-off between WKHQXPEHURIFRUUHFWO\DQGLQFRUUHFWO\LGHQWL¿HG observations, in this case, images. The actual curve is drawn by varying the parameters of the detection method, in this case a threshold. The ROC used here displays the probability of correctly identifying a stego-image, termed a hit, Ph,
and the probability of incorrectly calling a clean, non-stego-embedded image a stego-image, termed a false alarm, Pfa. An example ROC appears in Figure 28. The probability of a hit is important
in identifying how many of a set of embedded images will be detected by the approach. For the stego-analyst in comparing steganalysis approaches this quantity is vital to identify how many images might be missed. Too low a probability of hits invalidates a detection method. 7KHSUREDELOLW\RIDIDOVHDODUPGH¿QHVWKH likelihood that a detection is actually incorrect. For the stego-analyst in comparing steganalysis approaches this quantity is vital to identify how many resources are going to be wasted pursuing images that are not actually embedded with stegoinformation. Too high a probability invalidates a technique. Using the EFC approach, different denoising approaches can be applied to steganalysis. This approach results in varying performance depending on the effectiveness of the denoising technique applied. Figure 29 shows the performance using a universal-blind steganalysis approach. The spaWLDO¿OWHUVDYHUDJHDQG*DXVVLDQDQGWKHZDYHOHW method BLS-GSM do not perform as well as the linear predictor, while the other denoising approaches all better this technique. Figure 30 shows the performance of the HCF-COM augmented with the different denoising approaches. Almost universally, each denoising approach slightly betters the original decimation approach. Tables 3 and 4 summarize the performance of each technique at the point where a probability of hit is 50%, this is not the point of best trade-off between Ph and Pfa , but is a realistic metric for a real search, and provides a comparison point with other techniques. From Table 3, the technique using HOS, the generally best performing clean image estimation technique is the polynomial threshold, with VisuShrink also being very good. These techniques are highlighted in the table with a gray background.
On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation
Figure 28. Example ROC, points above the line of equal probability is better than randomly guessing, while points below are worse
Ra n
ss in g
Better than random
Worse than random
Pfa Table 3. Detection performance using HOS for a PhRI Detection technique HOS
Linear predictor
Polynomial threshold
Table 4. Detection performance using calibrated HCF-COM for a PhRI Detection technique HCF-COM
Polynomial threshold
On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation
On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation
)LJXUH52&FXUYHVFRPSDULQJWKHSHUIRUPDQFHRIGLIIHUHQWGHQRLVLQJWHFKQLTXHVDSSOLHGWRWKH calibrated HCF-COM steganalysis algorithm, top left across to bottom right, original linear estimator, DYHUDJLQJ¿OWHURIVL]H*DXVVLDQ¿OWHU%/6*609LVX6KULQNSRO\QRPLDOWKUHVKROGWKHWUDLQLQJVHW ZDVFRORULPDJHVWKHDQDO\VLVVHWZDVFRORULPDJHV(DFKWHFKQLTXHHPEHGGHGDWRUFORVH to, max capacity. The Polynomial threshold and the Gaussian mask make slight improvements over the original linear predictor, while the other techniques are roughly equivalent.
On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation
Figure 29, highlights how a good steganalysis WHFKQLTXHFDQEHHLWKHUPDGHVLJQL¿FDQWO\EHWWHU RUVLJQL¿FDQWO\ZRUVHE\WKHFKRLFHRIFOHDQLPDJH estimation technique. The choice of technique is not intuitive as the most sophisticated and processor intensive techniques, the BLS-GSM and NL-Means do not perform well. The polynomial threshold is logically the best choice since it is tailored for odd noises, but VisuShrink is, non-intuitively also a very JRRG SHUIRUPHU )LJXUH FRQ¿UPV D VLPLODU performance using the calibrated HCF-COM technique. For this technique, the Gaussian mask is also a good choice for LSB and ±1 embedding techniques, a better choice than the original decimation approach.
CONCLUSION Many modern steganography techniques can be PRGHOHGDVDQDUWL¿FLDOVRXUFHRIQRLVH7KHVH techniques generally affect the image in ways that mimic naturally occurring noise. For simple techniques such as LSB, this is intentional. More sophisticated techniques, such as the model-based approach, intentionally embed in information containing regions of the image rather than the noise. Regardless of the intent, most modern approaches only make small changes to the image and consequently affect the image in a very similar, noise-like manner. This property hints at a common detection technique based on approaches to denoising, or clean image estimation. This chapter has presented the importance of clean image estimation to steganalysis. Under the passive warden, a common approach to steganalysis was presented that underlies a number of current techniques, the EFC approach. For digital images, steganalysis is highly dependent on the effectiveness of the clean image estimation technique. A well-suited estimation technique will enhance the performance of a steganalysis technique, while an ill-suited estimator will cause
even a good steganalysis technique to fail. This chapter presented a systematic approach to evaluating a clean image estimation technique, based on stego-channel noise. The next generation of steganalysis techniques should pay close attention to the clean image estimator selected.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS Steganalysis as a science is in its infancy. The last 10 years have brought rapidly increasing WKHRUHWLFDOXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKH¿HOG,QGLJLWDO images, the major challenge is to model an image to such degree as to detect any changes. The development of an image model capable of such is the most important and most challenging research GLUHFWLRQLQWKH¿HOG In the absence of this highly detailed model, many possible efforts remain to derive relative image models. Image-denoising techniques are promising, and many methods remain unexplored. Further, denoising techniques have not developed along with steganography. Steganography-based noise breaks the assumptions of many image-denoising researchers. How to remove stego-noise is an important future research area. The three basic components of steganalysis—clean image estimation, feature extraction, DQGSDWWHUQUHFRJQLWLRQ²HDFKFRQWULEXWHVLJQL¿cantly to its overall success. Improvements in any single area will advance this multidisciplinary problem. 2WKHUFKDOOHQJHVLQFOXGHPRGHOLQJDUWL¿FLDO images and other high capacity media such as audio.
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Smith, C. B., Akopian, D., & Agaian, S. (2004). Least squares optimization of a polynomial threshold for wavelet domain denoising. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings. Soukal, D., Fridrich, J., & Goljan, M. (2005). Maximum likelihood estimation of length of secret message embedded using +/-K steganography in spatial domain. Paper presented at the Proceedings of SPIE, Electronic Imaging, Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII. Vaidyanathan, P. P. (1992). Multirate systems DQG¿OWHUEDQNVEnglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR. Vidakovic, B. (1998a). Nonlinear wavelet shrinkage with Bayes rules and Bayes factors. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93(441), 173-179. Vidakovic, B. (1998b). Wavelet-based nonparametric bayes methods. In D. Dey, P. MÄuller, & D. Sinha (Eds.), Practical nonparametric and
On Steganalysis and Clean Image Estimation
semiparametric Bayesian statistics (Vol. 133, pp. 133-155). Springer-Verlag. Wayner, P. (2002). Disappearing cryptography—Information hiding: Steganography and watermarking (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. =ROOQHU-)HGHUUDWK+.OLPDQW+3¿W]PDQQ A., Piotraschke, R., Westfeld, A., et al. (1998). Modeling the security of steganographic systems. Information Hiding, 1525, 344-354.
ADDITIONAL READING A general introductory text to steganography and data hiding concepts can be found in Disappearing Cryptography (Wayner, 2002), or Katzenbeisser and Penticolas (2000), or the article by Provos and Honeyman (2003). A general introductory article for steganalysis can be found in Agaian and
Rodriguez (2006), and for steganography Agaian (2005). See Cox, Miller, and Bloom (2001) for the watermarking perspective on data hiding. For a theoretical introduction to data hiding, the work of Moulin in Moulin and Koetter (2005) is an excellent start. Then see Cachin (2004), Zollner et al. (1998), and Ettinger (1998) for different theoretical perspectives on the basic problem. For a review of image denoising techniques, many resources exist. Buades, Coll, and Morel (2005) is a recent paper which reviews this broad ¿HOG$QWRQLDGLV%LJRWDQG6DSDWLQDV LV an aging review of wavelet based methods. The paper by Sheikh, Sabir, and Bovik (2006) reviews a number of current image quality metrics. See Avcibas, Memon, and Sankur (2003) for a perspective on image quality in steganalysis. See Provos and Honeyman (2001) and Fisk, Fisk, Papadopoulos, and Neil (2003) for Internet implementation related issues and results.
Chapter XII
Steganalysis: Trends and Challenges +D¿]0DOLN University of Michigan–Dearborn, USA Rajarathnam Chandramouli Stevens Institute of Technology, USA K. P. Subbalakshmi Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
ABSTRACT In this chapter we provide a detailed overview of the state of the art in steganalysis. Performance of some steganalysis techniques are compared based on critical parameters such as the hidden message detection probability, accuracy of the estimated hidden message length and secret key, and so forth. We also provide an overview of some shareware/freeware steganographic tools. Some open problems in steganalysis are described.
INTRODUCTION Steganography deals with hiding information into a cover (host or original) signal such that no one other than the intended recipient can detect or extract the hidden message. The steganographic encoder embeds a message into the cover signal using a secret key such that perceptual and other GLVWRUWLRQFRQVWUDLQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG$VWDWLVWLFDO
dissimilarity measure between the cover and the stego-signal is generally used to measure the security of a given steganographic method (Cachin, 1998; Chandramouli & Memon, 2003; Zollner et al., 1998). Steganography can be modeled as a prisoner’s problem (Simmons, 1984). For example, consider two prisoners, Alice and Bob, who want to secretly exchange information regarding their escape
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A lice W endy
S e cre t M e ssa g e E m b e d d in g
B ob
S te g o- M e d ia Is S te g o ?
C over M edia (or C arrier )
M e ssa g e E xtra ctio n
H id d e n M e ssa g e
Y es S u p p re ss H id d e n M e ssa g e S e cre t K e y
S e cre t K e y
S e cre t M e ssa g e
A lice W endy
S e cre t M e ssa g e E m b e d d in g
S te g o- M e d ia
P ro ce ss S te g o - M e d ia
B ob
M e ssa g e E xtra ctio n
H id d e n M e ssa g e
C over M edia (or C arrier )
S e cre t K e y
plan. However, the warden, Wendy, examines every communication between Alice and Bob and punishes them if steganographic covert communication is detected. In a standard steganographic framework, Alice sends a secrete message, M, to Bob by embedding her secret message into the cover signal, S, to obtain the stego-signal X. Alice then sends X to Bob using a public channel. The warden, who examines the communication channel between Alice and Bob, can be passive or active. A passive warden attempts only to detect a steganographic covert channel. An active warden, on the other hand, deliberately alters every
S e cre t K e y
signal exchanged between Alice and Bob, to foil any covert communication between them. The allowable distortion the warden can introduce in the stego-signal depends on the underlying model and the cover signal used. Figure 1 illustrates secret key steganography for active and passive warden scenarios. Clearly, Alice and Bob attempt to design the steganographic channel (encoder, secret key, and decoder) such that the warden is unable to distinguish in any sense (statistically as well as perceptually) between the cover signal and the stego-signal. On the other hand, Wendy tries to
detect or estimate the hidden message, M, from the stego-signal, X by using one or several steganalysis algorithms. In general, steganalysis must not make any assumption about the underlying steganographic algorithm used to embed a secret message (Chandramouli, 2002). Rapid proliferation of digital multimedia signals on the Internet makes them good candidates as cover signals. The simplest of the existing stegDQRJUDSKLFWHFKQLTXHVLVWKHOHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELW (LSB) steganography. Steganographic techniques based on LSB embedding exploit the fact that in general digital images/video are perceptually insensitive to the distortion introduced in the least VLJQL¿FDQWELWSODQH7KHVHWHFKQLTXHVHPEHGWKH secret message, M, in the cover signal by replacing the LSB plane of the cover signal in the spatial/time domain or in the transformed domain. Table 1 illustrates LSB embedding with an example. Here, an 8-bit secret message “01010011” is embedded into eight samples of the cover signal. More than 250 steganographic (stego) software tools exist, commonly available on the Web, ranging from freeware to commercial products. Most
of these software packages use some form of LSB embedding. For example, Stegotif,1 Blindside,2 Hide,3 Steganos,4 S-Tools,5 and so forth embed a message in digital images using LSB replacement in the pixel domain. Software tools like EzStego,6 Hide and Seek,7 *LIVKXIÀH8 Gif-It-Up,9 and so forth embed a message in GIF images using LSB substitution of the color palette indices. Whereas Jsteg,10 OutGuess,11 StegHide,12 JP Hide and Seek,13 Invisible Secrets,14 and so forth embed a secret message in JPEG images using LSB subVWLWXWLRQRIWKHTXDQWL]HGFRHI¿FLHQWVLQGLVFUHWH cosine transform (DCT) domain. In contrast to the standard LSB embedding, steganographic tools such as F5,15 Hide,16 and so IRUWKLQFUHPHQWRUGHFUHPHQWWKHVDPSOHFRHI¿cient values to match the LSB plane of the cover to embed secret message, M. These methods can also be treated as LSB steganography. Some steganographic techniques are robust to an active warden as well as statistical attacks. For example, Sallee (2003) and Fridrich and Goljan (2003) have proposed model based steganographic techniques which insert a secret message into
Table 1. LSB embedding Input Sample Value Decimal
Binary (8 bit rep.)
Message Bit
Output Sample Value Decimal
Binary (8 bit rep.)
a cover image without perturbing the statistical features (e.g., probability density function) RI WKH FRYHU LPDJH VLJQL¿FDQWO\ :HVWIHOG DQG 3¿W]PDQQ KDYHVKRZQWKDWPRGHOEDVHG steganographic techniques are robust to statistical steganalysis attacks. Quantization index modulation (QIM) based data hiding and its extensions (Chen & Wornell, 2000, 2001) have a high embedding capacity. They also allow the embedder to control the robustness of the hidden message to attacks and
the corresponding embedding induced distortion. In addition, QIM-based data hiding can also be used for joint compression and message hiding applications. Spread-spectrum-based steganographic techniques (Marvel, Boncelet, & Retter, 1999; Matsuoka, 2006) take advantage of the robustness of spread spectrum communications against anti-jamming and low probability of intercept, to embed a secret message into the cover signal. However, robustness of spread spectrum steg-
anography against active warden attacks comes at the cost of low embedding capacity. It is worth mentioning that, in general, most steganographic techniques assume a passive warden scenario. Data hiding also has several other applications such as copy right protection, ownership SURWHFWLRQ¿QJHUSULQWLQJDQGVRIRUWK5REXVWness against active warden attacks is desirable for some of these applications. In this chapter we focus on message embedding for covert communication only, that is, steganography robust to passive warden attacks. Therefore steganalysis techniques such as LSB embedding and QIM are consider here.
Steganalysis Techniques: State of the Art Several approaches have been proposed for passive steganalysis. These techniques exploit embedding induced statistical anomalies to discriminate between the stego- and the cover signal. Next we describe some steganalysis approaches.
Visual Steganalysis LSB embedding algorithms assume that the LSB plane of the luminance channel in digital images
is completely random. However, Westfeld and 3¿W]PDQQ KDYHVKRZQWKDWWKLVDVVXPSWLRQ is not always true, especially for images containing reasonably large uniform areas (or low-texture images). For example, consider Figure 2 of the cover Windmill image (a low texture image) and the corresponding stego-image. The stego-image was obtained by embedding a 1.4 KB message using the steganographic software Stego. Figure 3 shows the LSB plane of these two images. Similarly, LSB planes of the Baboon image (a rich-texture image) and the corresponding stego-image are shown in Figure 4. Here the stego-image was obtained by embedding 2.6 KB of data using the software tool Stego. Figure 3 shows that message embedding in low-texture images using LSB embedding methods introduce noticeable visual artifacts in the LSB plane of the corresponding stego-image. Therefore, visual inspection of the LSB plane of the test image can be used to distinguish between the cover and the VWHJRLPDJH:HVWIHOGDQG3¿W]PDQQ KDYH shown that visual attacks can successfully detect the stego-image obtained using software which embed a message in pixel domain, for example, EzStego, Hide and Seek, Stego, and S-Tools. We note that even though visual attacks are simple they are highly unreliable especially for rich-tex-
ture images. For example, Figure 5 shows that a visual attack will be unable to detect the hidden message by just inspecting the LSB plane of the stego-image. One reason for this is that for richtexture images the LSB plane is pseudorandom LH3U>[ @§3U>[ @§òZKHUH[GHQRWHV that the values in the LSB plane).
Statistical Learning Based Steganalysis Universal steganalysis techniques make no assumption about the statistical properties of the stego-signal. Instead statistics of some features are learned using a large training data set of cover and stego-signals. Some metric, which is a function of the feature statistics, is used to discriminate between cover and stego. Therefore, universal steganalysis techniques, in general, consist of two major stages: 1.
Feature generation and feature selection stage to extract feature vectors from the training data set based on some feature selection criteria, and
Stego LSB Plane
Some universal steganalysis techniques (Farid, 2001, 2002; Avcibas, Celik, Sharma, & Tekalp, 2004; Lyu & Farid, 2002, 2004, 2006) can detect steganographic tools such as S-Tools, F5, OutGuess, Hide, JP Hide and Seek, EzStego, and so forth with reasonable accuracies. Universal steganalysis techniques generally use supervised learning to train a statistical FODVVL¿HU )LUVW D k-dimensional feature vector is estimated from the training data set during the learning phase. Many of these techniques (Farid, 2001, 2002; Celik, Sharma, & Tekalp, 2004; Lyu & Farid, 2002, 2004, 2006) select this k-dimensional feature vector heuristically. Feature vectors that consist of higher-order staWLVWLFVDUHZLGHO\XVHG7KHFODVVL¿HUWKHQOHDUQV WKHEHVWFODVVL¿FDWLRQUXOHXVLQJWKHLQSXWIHDWXUH vectors for each steganographic method. These techniques use sophisticated machine learning tools such as linear regression analysis based on Fisher linear discriminant (FLD), support vector
machine (SVM), principal component analysis (PCA) (Duda & Hart, 1973), and so forth for the FODVVL¿FDWLRQVWDJH7KHUHIRUHWRGHVLJQDXQLversal steganalysis technique based on feature VHOHFWLRQDQGFODVVL¿FDWLRQLQYROYHVLQGHSHQGHQW SUREOHPV JRRG IHDWXUH VHOHFWLRQ DQG FODVVL¿HU GHVLJQWRREWDLQDORZVWHJRFODVVL¿FDWLRQUDWH Obviously, choosing features capable of accurately capturing the statistical irregularities introduced by an embedding algorithm is critical. The chosen features must have a good prediction accuracy and a monotonic relationship with the embedded message size. Recently, Wang and Moulin (2006) have proposed a feature selection criterion for learning-based steganalysis. Some learning-based steganalysis approaches include the following. •
Farid’s (2001) steganalysis is an early work based on universal steganalysis. This technique uses a 24(n - 1)-dimensional feature vector, where n is the number of muli-resolution decomposition scales. The IHDWXUHYHFWRUVFRQVLVWRI¿UVWDQGKLJKHU RUGHU VWDWLVWLFV DQG WKH WUDQVIRUP FRHI¿cient prediction error of a multi-resolution decomposed natural image. It is shown that these features computed for natural images are relatively consistent. Steganographic tools such as Jsteg, OutGuess, StegHide, JP Hide and Seek, and EzStego have been found to affect these features in the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) domain. The 24(n - 1)-dimensional feature vector consists of 12(n GLPHQVLRQDOFRHI¿FLHQWVWDWLVWLFV and 12(n-1)-dimensional linear prediction error statistics. The feature vector is then XVHG WR WUDLQ D OLQHDU )/' FODVVL¿HU /\X and Farid (2002, 2004, 2006) and Farid (2002) later extended the learning-based steganalysis scheme using higher order LPDJHVWDWLVWLFV$GYDQFHGFODVVL¿HUVVXFK as linear SVM, non-linear SVM, and one-
class SVM are used. For example, Lyu and Farid’s (2006) proposed technique uses a 432-dimensional vector estimated from the four-level wavelet decomposition and threelevel local angular harmonic decomposition (LAHD) of color images in the RGB color space. Feature vector used in Lyu and Farid (2006) consists of 108 magnitude statistics (e.g., mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis), 108 error statistics, and 216 phase statistics. Comparisons of the detection performances of the proposed stegnalysis methods for linear SVM, non-linear SVM and one-class SVM, to detect steganographic tools such as Jsteg, OutGuess, StegHide, JP Hide and Seek, and F5 are presented. It is REVHUYHGWKDWDQRQOLQHDU690FODVVL¿HU SHUIRUPVEHWWHUWKDQDOLQHDU690FODVVL¿HU for a given steganographic algorithm. In DGGLWLRQRQHFODVV690FODVVL¿HUUHVXOWV in modest performance degradation while offering a simpler training stage. The results also indicate that at low embedding rates the detection performance deteriorates VLJQL¿FDQWO\LUUHVSHFWLYHRIWKHXQGHUO\LQJ steganographic algorithm used for message embedding. It is interesting to notice that a larger feature space yields only a marginal improvement in the stego-detection rate. Celik et al. (2004) propose another supervised learning-based steganalysis technique to detect LSB embedding. A rate-distortion feature vector is used. They assume that the rate required to represent the seven most VLJQL¿FDQW ELWV 06% R7MSB, of a cover image, Ic, is approximately equal to the rate required to represent 7 MSB plus the LSB plane with all ones, R7MSB ( Ic +1), that is, R7MSB ( Ic ) § R7MSB Ic + 1)
where 1 is a matrix of all ones. But, equation (1) may not necessarily hold for a stego-image IS . In general,
R7MSB (IS R7MSB (IS + 1 )
Therefore a normalized difference between these rates can be used as the distinguishing feature, that is, the feature is, < R I c
'R I c 'R I c
¨R Ic = | R7MSB ( Ic ) - R7MSB ( Ic - 1 ) (4)
Here, ƬcGHQRWHVWKHPRGL¿HGLPDJHREWDLQHG by randomizing the LSB plane of the test image to combat false positives due to under/over exposed regions in the cover image. The estimated feature vector is projected onto a low dimensional subspace using the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) transform. Feature vector in the subspace is then used to train D%D\HVFODVVL¿HU$VREVHUYHGIURPWKHVLPXODtion results presented in Celik et al. (2004) the detection performance of this technique depends on the embedding rate.
the detection performance of this technique depends on the hidden message length.
Fridrich (2004) proposed learning-based steganalysis to detect JPEG stego-images. They use a 23-dimensional feature vector to WUDLQDOLQHDU/)'FODVVL¿HU)HDWXUHYHFWRU used during the training phase consists of WKHIROORZLQJ ORFDODQGJOREDO¿UVWDQG VHFRQGRUGHUVWDWLVWLFVRI'&7FRHI¿FLHQWV (2) blockiness (or artifacts) in spatial domain, and (3) pairwise correlation in neighboring blocks (or co-occurrence factor) estimated from the difference between the stego-image and an estimate of cover image. The decompressed stego-image is cropped by four pixels from the top and left. The resulting cropped image is then recompressed using same JPEG quantization table to obtain an estimate of the cover image. It is seen that
Sullivan, Bi, Madhow, Chandrasekaran, & Manjunath, 2004) have proposed supervised learning-based steganalysis technique to attack QIM steganography. Empirical probability mass function (PMF) estimated using a histogram with 300 bins from the test image in the DCT domain acts as a feature vector. +RZHYHUGHWDLOVDERXWWKHFODVVL¿HUDUHQRW presented in their paper. It is seen that the detection performance depends on: 1. Quantization step-size used to embed the message using QIM steganography, and 2. The embedding rate.
Model-Based Steganalysis Model-based steganalysis generally assumes a suitable statistical non-parametric or parametric model for the cover and stego-signals. Detection statistic is then derived using these models (Fridrich & Goljan, 2002; Malik, Subbalakshami, & Chandramouli, in press-c). Statistical analysis EDVHGRQ¿UVWDQGVHFRQGRUGHUVWDWLVWLFVRIWKH test image (i.e., mean and variance), Chi-square Ȥ2) tests, and so forth are commonly used to distinguish between the stego- and the cover signals. Some non-learning and parametric modelbased steganalysis techniques can be found in :HVWIHOGDQG3¿W]PDQQ )ULGULFK*ROMDQ Hogea, and Soukal (2003); Malik, Subbalakshami, and Chandramouli (in press-a); Malik et al. (in press-c); and Trivedi and Chandramouli (2005). A brief overview of some of these techniques is described as follows: •
Trivedi and Chandramouli (2003, 2004, 2005) propose a steganalysis technique to detect sequential steganography (Marvel et al.,
1999). They discuss a theoretical framework to detect abrupt changes in the stego-image statistics which can be used to distinguish between the cover and the stego- images. A locally most powerful (LMP) sequential hypothesis is designed to detect the secret key. Malik et al. (in press-a, in press-b, in press-c) address steganalysis of QIM-based embedding (Chen & Wornell, 2000, 2001). It is observed that the stego-image obtained using QIM embedding exhibits a higher degree of randomness than the corresponding quantized cover image (i.e., simply quantized without message embedding). This in turn increases the entropy of the stego-image. A non-parametric measure of randomness called the approximate entropy, ApEn, is then used to distinguish between the cover and stego-image.
Figure 6 shows the estimated ApEn of a quantized cover image and a QIM stego-image, in the DCT domain. These values are for the image number 47 of the uncompressed color image database (UCID).17)RUVLPSOLFLW\WKLVFRORULPDJHZDV¿UVW resized to 256x256 pixels and then transformed to a gray scale image. The gray-scale image, S,
was then used to generate the quantized cover and QIM stego-images. The quantized-cover image, Xq, was obtained by quantizing 8x8, zig ]DJVFDQQHG'&7$& FRHI¿FLHQWVRIWKHJUD\ scale cover image, using quantization step-size, ¨ 7KH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ 4,0VWHJR LPDJH XQIM, was obtained by embedding a 64 KB message XVLQJWKHVDPHTXDQWL]DWLRQVWHSVL]H¨ Following observations can be made from Figure 6: 1.
The estimated ApEn from the cover image, S, remains approximately constant for all '&7FRHI¿FLHQWVZKLFKLPSOLHVWKDWDOO'&7 FRHI¿FLHQWVHTXHQFHVH[KLELWDSSUR[LPDWHO\ the same level of randomness. On an average, ApEn for both Xq and XQIM decreases from low to high frequency-coef¿FLHQWV+HUHORZDQGKLJKIUHTXHQF\FRHI¿FLHQWV FRUUHVSRQG WR '&7 FRHI¿FLHQWV numbered from 2 to 32 and 32 to 64 respectively. ApEn of Xq and XQIM decreases at a higher UDWHIRUWKHORZIUHTXHQF\FRHI¿FLHQWVWKDQ WKHKLJKIUHTXHQF\FRHI¿FLHQWV ApEn of XQIM has lower slope in both frequency regions than that of Xq.
5 to 32. MFE is commonly used to embed a message to lower embedding induced distortion without compromising robustness Table 2 shows the false positive (Pfp)and false negative (Pfn) rates obtained from simulations using 1,000 images from the UCID database. We observe that ApEn-based steganalysis if reliable. The same method is also useful to distinguish between the cover, S, and the DM-stego, X DM. Active steganalysis discussed in Malik et al. (in press-a, in press-c) estimates the hidden message. It is shown that accurate estimation of the hidden message length from a stego-image carrying a smaller message, an embedding rate, R, as low as 0.05 bits per pixel (bpp) is possible. It is also observed that the average steganalysis decoding bit error rate, Pe, depends on,
low mhigh u 100
We observe that įPfor the quantized-cover is well below 50% (36% to be exact) and it is well above 50% (85% to be exact) for the QIM-stego. 6.
ApEn of QIM-stego is higher than that of the quantized-cover in the high frequency region, which implies that for high freTXHQF\FRHI¿FLHQWVWKH4,0VWHJRLVUHODtively more random than the corresponding quantized-cover. This higher ApEn value in the QIM-stego compared to the quantizedcover can be attributed to the randomness induced by the embedded message M.
• •
Simulation results based on cover image statistics reveal that for any embedding rate 0 < R 1DQGTXDQWL]DWLRQVWHSVL]H¨ORZWH[WXUH QIM-stego images exhibit relatively higher Pe than rich-texture QIM-stego images. Higher decoding bit error, Pe, in the low texture, QIM-stego images can be attributed to what we call natural binning. ThaWLVXQTXDQWL]HG'&7FRHI¿FLHQWV are naturally rounded to the reconstruction grid points. Rich-texture images exhibit very little of natural binning compared to low textured images. 7KHUHIRUH WKH QDWXUDOO\ TXDQWL]HG FRHI¿FLHQWV
The change in the slope, įP, from low to high IUHTXHQF\FRHI¿FLHQWVFDQEHXVHGWRGLIIHUHQWLDWH a quantized-cover from QIM-stego. Consider two different message embedding scenarios: 1.
The cover image statistics The embedding rate,R
All frequency embedding (AFE), that is, message M is embedded into every AC FRHI¿FLHQWXVLQJ4,0DQG Mid-frequency embedding (MFE), that is, PHVVDJH0LVHPEHGGHGLQWR$&FRHI¿FLHQWV
Table 2.ApEn-based steganalysis detection performance Error
Xq vs XQIM
S vs XDM
contribute to the decoding bit error as the stegaQDO\VLVGHFRGHUIDOVHO\LGHQWL¿HVVXFKFRHI¿FLHQWV as message carriers. Extensive simulation shows that the decoding error rate due to natural binning approaches 0 as R approaches 1 as illustrated in Figures 7 and 8. ,Q )LJXUHV DQG WKH ¿UVW URZV VKRZ WKH embedded message locations; second rows show the estimated message locations using active steganalysis technique presented in Malik et al. (in press-a), and the bottom rows show the errors in the estimated message. Here message embedding is done using 8x8 non-overlapping DCT blocks. It FDQEHREVHUYHGIURPWKH¿JXUHVWKDWWKHGHFRGing bit error probability decreases monotonically as message embedding rate increases. We also observe that a low texture image such as the Girl image, exhibits higher decoding bit error rate than a rich-texture stego-image such as Spring. Plain areas (or low activity areas) in the stego-image are the main sources of decoding bit error in the estimated message. One possible way to mitigate these errors due natural binning is to use larger block sizes for plain areas of the cover image. The effect of natural binning on the decoding error in the estimated message for two images: Girl (a low texture image) and Spring (a richtexture image) is shown in Table 3. Embedding rate R = { 0.1, 0.3, 0.5`¨DQG['&7EORFN size were used to obtain Table 3. These simulation results indicate that it is easier to steganalyze QIM-stego images that use one or all of the following:
Larger block sizes, that is,block size + 8 x 8, +LJKHUHPEHGGLQJUDWHWKDWLV5ĺ 1, and ° Exclude zero from the quantizationgrid used for QIM steganography.
Amin and Subbalakshmi, 2007) propose a steganalysis technique to attack additive embedding. Their technique exploits the fact that the average power spectrum of a natural images can be modeled as 1 f (Torralba & Olivia, 2003), where f is the VSDWLDOIUHTXHQF\DQGĮLVDGHFD\LQJH[SRnent. Decaying exponent is a positive real number and for all natural images it falls in WKHUDQJHĮ >@7KLVWHFKQLTXHXVHV the estimated decaying exponent αˆ from the test image to distinguish between the cover and the stego-images. They estimate ĮDVWKHVORSHRIWKHlog-log graph of spatial frequency, f, versus the amplitude of the test LPDJH6LPXODWLRQUHVXOWVVKRZVWKDWĮIRUD VWHJRLPDJHLVVLJQL¿FDQWO\KLJKHUWKDQWKDW for the corresponding cover image. Simulation results in Amin and Subbalakshmi are presented for stego-images obtained using additive embedding in spatial, DCT, DWT domain, and using the commercial image watermarking software Digimarc.18 Also, images belonging to various categories, for example, skyscrapers, buildings, landscape,
Table 3. Decoding error due to natural binning Error in the Estimated Message Image
Embedding Rate R (bbp) 0.1
1.9 u102
5.5 u103
1.3 u103
5.9 u103
2.4 u103
4.6 u104
sky, forest, and so forth are also considered. However, this steganalysis method fails to detect the stego-image obtained by additive embedding in the DCT domain.
STEGANALYSIS SOFTWARE TOOLS This section provides a brief overview of some of the available shareware/freeware tools for steganalysis. Stegdetect19 is a freeware steganalysis tool that is commonly used to detect JPEG stego-images obtained using steganographic tools such as F5, JP Hide and Seek, Invisible Secrets,20 and Jsteg. This tool uses statistical analysis based on ChiVTXDUHȤ2) test to distinguish between the cover and the stego-images in JPEG format. Figure 9 shows output of graphical user interface (GUI), xsteg, when stegdetect tool was applied to the Lena
image and the corresponding JPEG stego-image of Lena. Here stego-Lena image was obtained by embedding a 7KB message using JP Hide and Seek and Invisible Secrets steganographic tools. It can be observed from Figure 9 that stegdetect tool has successfully detected the cover image (lena.jpg) and the corresponding stego-image (lenainvisible.jpg and lenaJPHS.jpg). In addition, it has also correctly detected the steganographic tool used. Detection performance of the stegdetect steganalysis tool depends on the length of the hidden message. StegSpy21 is also a freeware steganalysis tool which can be used to detect both the presence of the hidden message and the steganographic tool used. Latest StegSpy version can be used to attack steganographic tools such as Hiderman, JP Hide and Seek, Masker,22 JPegX, and Invisible Secrets. Figure 10 shows an output of StegSpy GUI, when applied to gray-scale Lena image in
Figure 9. The output from xsteg GUI when steganalysis tool Stegdetect was applied to three JPEG images of Lena: original Lena image, Stego-Lena obtained using JP Hide and Seek, and Stego-Lena obtained using Invisible Secrets
GIF format and its corresponding stego-image obtained by embedding a 7KB message using Hiderman steganographic tool. It can be observed from Figure 10 that the StegSpy tool has successfully detected the cover image (left) and the corresponding stego-image (right) along with the steganographic tool used to hide secret message. Detection performance of StegSpy depends on the hidden message length. It performs poorly when applied to stego-images carrying relatively smaller messages. Stego Watch is a commercial steganalysis software by WetStone Technologies Inc.23 Stego Watch analyzes the test media (e.g., video, audio, images, etc.) to detect the stego-media along with the steganographic tool used to hide the secret message in the detected stego-media. In addition, Stego Watch allows a user to select various statistical tests based on the stego-signal characteristics that might be altered by different steganographic tools during message embedding.
STEGANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION Based upon the objective of the steganalyst, VWHJDQDO\VLV DWWDFNV FDQ EH FODVVL¿HG LQWR WKH following two broad categories: • •
Passivesteganalysis Active steganalysis (Chandramouli & Memon, 2003). A passive steganalyst intends to:
• •
Detect the presence or the absence of hidden message in the stego-signal, and Identify steganographic method used for message embedding,
whereas object of an active steganalyst is to: • •
Estimate the hidden message length, Hidden message location estimation,
• • • •
Embedding key estimation, Parameters of embedding algorithm, Extract the hidden message, Tamper (or modify) the hidden message.
Universal steganalysis techniques can only detect the presence or the absence of a hidden message, therefore belong to the passive steganalysis category. Whereas model-based steganalysis techniques can be used for steganalysis attacks such as hidden message detection, message extraction, secret key estimation, and so forth, therefore belonging to the active steganalysis category.
independent component analysis (ICA), analysis of variance (ANOVA), and so forth FDQEHUHDGLO\XVHGIRUFODVVL¿FDWLRQ On the other hand, supervised learning-based steganalysis techniques are limited by the following factors:
We can analyze steganalysis techniques based on the underlying methodology employed for hidden message detection and/or extraction,
Supervised Learning-Based Steganalysis
Some salient features of supervised learning based steganalysis techniques include: 1.
Reasonably accurate detection is achievable E\ WUDLQLQJ WKH XQGHUO\LQJ FODVVL¿HU IRU D given embedding algorithm. In addition, supervised learning-based steganalysis techniques do not require any prior statistical model about the cover and the stego-signal, DVGXULQJWUDLQLQJSKDVHWKHFODVVL¿HUOHDUQV DFODVVL¿FDWLRQUXOHZKLFKLVDYHUDJHGRYHU a large data set. Averaging over a large data set makes the averaged statistics robust to non-stationarity of multimedia objects (i.e., images, video, audio). Therefore non-stationeries do not limit the steganalysis detection performance. Sophisticated machine learning and data analysis tools such as SVM, FLD, PCA,
7KHVH PHWKRGV UHTXLUH VHSDUDWH FODVVL¿HU training for each steganographic algorithm, which is a tedious and cumbersome task. In addition, these methods are unable to handle zero-day attacks24 that is, they cannot differentiate between the stego- and the cover VLJQDO LI WKH FODVVL¿HU LV QRW WUDLQHG IRU D given steganographic algorithm. Detection performance of these methods critically depends on the selected feature VSDFHXVHGWRWUDLQWKHFODVVL¿HU7KHUHLV no systematic rule for feature selection to achieve desired detection performance, rather it is mostly heuristic or trial and error based. Performance of these steganalysis methods depend on the structure of the underlying FODVVL¿HUXVHG3DUDPHWHUVVXFKDVWKHNHUQHO W\SHFODVVL¿HUW\SHLHOLQHDURIQRQOLQear), learning rate, maximum number of iterations, size of the training set, and so forth DIIHFWGHWHFWLRQSHUIRUPDQFHVLJQL¿FDQWO\ Once again, there is no systematic method to select these critical parameters. Like other learning-based methods, these steganalysis methods are also sensitive to bias versus variance trade-off, that is, a FODVVL¿HUFDQEHWUDLQHGIRUYHU\KLJKDFcuracy for a given set of training data but its performance may deteriorate for diverse test data. Steganalyst has no direct control over the achievable false alarm rate and miss probabilities. Learning-based steganalysis methods usually produce a binary decision for a given
test signal, that is, whether a given test signal carries a hidden message or not. Therefore, such methods cannot be used to detect hidden message location or extract embedded information from the stego-signal. Performance of these methods also depends on the embedding rate, that is, these techniques perform poorly for low embedding rates.
Model-Based Steganalysis Performance of model-based steganalysis methods depend on the accuracy of the assumed statistical model and the amount of statistical information that is readily available. The amount of statistical information available to the steganalyst can be categorized as: •
Completely known statistics:This case is a direct implication of Kerchoff’s security principle, that is, security of a given technique is determined by the security of the secret key alone. It is therefore reasonable to assume that complete statistics of the test signal is known to the steganalyst during the steganalysis process. In this case, the parametric model for the stego-signal and the cover signal are completely known. However this case is not very practical as in general steganalyst has no access to the cover signal. Partially known statistics: In this scenario, partial knowledge about the stego-algorithm is known to the steganalyst along with the cover and the stego-signal. Consider the case when the embedding algorithm is not known to the steganalyst but it is available to the steganalyst as a black box (for example, only an executable code of the embedding technique is available to the steganalyst). Under this scenario an approximate estimate of the test signal statistics may be obtained using an unprocessed large data set and the
corresponding processed version of the data set obtained using the embedding technique available as a black box. The parametric probability models of the stego- and the cover signals may then be estimated using tools from estimation theory. Again this case is not very practical since in general a steganalyst has no access to the cover signal. Completely unknown statistics: This is perhaps the most practical. In this case Wendy, the warden, has access to the stegosignal only, that is, stego-signal is known to the steganalyst with no additional knowledge of the cover signal or the embedding algorithm (used to generate the corresponding stego-signal).
Some of the characteristics of these approaches are: •
Detection performance can be investigated using mathematical tools from the statistical detection theory. Steganalysis detection performance is comSOHWHO\VSHFL¿HGE\WKHUHFHLYHURSHUDWLQJ characteristic (ROC) curve. The ROC curve is the probability of detection (on y-axis) versus false alarm probability (on x-axis) plot. The ROC curve can be used to determine achievable error probabilities. In addition, it provides the steganalyst with a handle to operate the underlying detector at any point on the ROC curve. For a given error probability, closed-form solution for the optimal message detection threshold can be computed. In some cases, it may also be possible to specify constraints on the false alarm rate. Model-based techniques can also be used for secret key estimation, hidden message length estimation, hidden message extraction, and so forth.
But these techniques are limited by the following factors: •
Detection performance of model based steganalysis techniques depend on the accuracy of the assumed model. Detection performance of these methods deteriorates due to statistical nonstationarities in the multimedia signal (commonly used for covert communication).
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS We observe that both learning- and model-based steganalysis techniques have their own set of pros and cons. A hybrid method based on decisionfusion, which combines decisions from several VWHJQDOD\VLVPHWKRGVIRUD¿QDOGHFLVLRQFDQEH used to improve performance. Designing these fusion rules for steganalysis has not received much attention. The main goal of steganalysis is to develop techniques that can work effectively for almost all steganographic methods. But, this is a challenging task, especially for unknown steganographic techniques. Supervised learning-based universal steganalysis techniques achieve robustness at the cost of degradation in performance for a priori unknown embedding techniques. On the other hand, model-based steganalysis methods are generally HPEHGGLQJSDUDGLJPVSHFL¿F7KHVHWHFKQLTXHV generally have better detection performance for a given steganographic technique. Computing steganographic capacity (Chandramouli, 2003) in the presence of a steganalysis detector is still an open problem. We note that FDSDFLW\ DV GH¿QHG IRU D GLJLWDO ZDWHUPDUNLQJ system is not directly applicable to steganographic systems. Currently there is no stegenalysis benchmarking framework to uniformly compare different steganalysis techniques. For example, there is a
need to develop cover and stego data sets, design embedding rates, message lengths, and so forth for unbiased performance evaluation.
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Malik, H., Subbalakshmi, K., & Chandramouli, R. (in press-a). Nonparametric steganalysis of quantization index modulation based steganography using approximate entropy. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
Johnson, N., & Jajodia, S. (1998a). Exploiting steganography: Seeing the unseen. IEEE Computers, 31(2), 26-34.
Malik, H., Subbalakshmi, K., & Chandramouli, R. (in press-b). Nonparametric steganalysis of quantization index modulation based steganography using kernel density estimaton. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
Johnson, N., & Jajodia, S. (1998b). Steganalysis of images created using current steganography software. In Second International Workshop on Information Hiding (Vol. 1525, pp. 273-279). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Kessler, G. (2004). An overview of steganography for the computer forensics examiner. Forensics Science and Communications, 6(3). Kiayias, A., Raekow, Y., & Russell, A. (2005). E±cient steganography with provable security guarantees. In 7th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (Vol. 3727, pp. 118-130). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Lyu, S., & Farid, H. (2002). Detecting hidden messages using higher-order statistics and support vector machines. In 5th International Workshop on Information Hiding (Vol. 2578, pp. 340-354). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Lyu, S., & Farid, H. (2004). Steganalysis using color wavelet statistics and one-class support vector machines. In Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI (Vol. 5306, pp. 35-45). IS&T/SPIE. Lyu, S., & Farid, H. (2006). Steganalysis using higher-order image statistics. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 1(1), 111-119.
Malik, H., Subbalakshmi, K., & Chandramouli, R. (in press-c). Nonparametric steganalysis of quantization index modulation based steganography using approximate entropy. In Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX. IS&T/SPIE. Marvel, L., Boncelet, C., & Retter, C. (1999). Spread spectrum image steganography. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 8(8), 10751083. Matsuoka, H. (2006). Spread spectrum audio steganography using subband phase shifting. In International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia (pp. 3-6). Provos, N. (2001). Defending against statistical steganalysis. In WK 8VHQL[ 6HFXULW\ 6\PSRsium. Provos, N., & Honeyman, P. (2001). Detecting steganographic contents on the Internet (Tech. Rep. No. CITI 01-1a). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan. Provos, N., & Honeyman, P. (2003). Hide and seek: An introduction to steganography. IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, 1(3), 32-44.
Sallee, P. (2003). Model-based steganography. In 6th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (Vol. 3929, pp. 154-167). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Westfeld, A. (2002). Detecting low embedding rates. In 5th Information Hiding Workshop (Vol. 2578, pp. 324-339). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Simmons, G. J. (1984). “Prisoners” problem and subliminal channel. In Crypto83-Advances in Cryptography (pp. 51-67). New York: Plenum Press.
:HVWIHOG $ 3¿W]PDQQ $WWDFNV RQ steganographic systems. In Third Information Hiding Workshop (Vol. 1768, pp. 61-75). Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Sullivan, K., Bi, Z., Madhow, U., Chandrasekaran, S., & Manjunath, B. (2004). Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data hiding. In International Conference on Image Processing ,&,3¶ (Vol. 2, pp. 1165-1168).
=ROOQHU-)HGHUUDWK+.OLPDQW+3¿W]PDQQ A., Piotraschke, R., Westfeld, A., et al. (1998). Modeling the security of steganographic systems. In Second International Workshop on Information Hiding (Vol. 1525, pp. 345-355). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Torralba, A., & Olivia, A. (2003). Statistics of natural image categories. IOP Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 14, 391-412. Trivedi, S., & Chandramouli, R. (2003). Active steganalysis of sequential steganography. In Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents V (Vol. 5020, pp. 123-130). IS&T/SPIE. Trivedi, S., & Chandramouli, R. (2004). Locally most powerful detector for secret key estimation in spread spectrum data hiding. In Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI (Vol. 5306, pp. 1-12). IS&T/SPIE. Trivedi, S., & Chandramouli, R. (2005). Secret key estimation in sequential steganalysis. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing: Supplement on Secure Media, 53(2), 746-757. Wang, Y., & Moulin, P. (2006). Optimized feature extraction for learning-based image steganalysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 1(2), 31-45. Westfeld, A. (2001). F5 -a steganographic algorithm high capacity despite better steganalysis. In Fifth Information Hiding Workshop (Vol. 2137, pp. 289-302). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
NOTE ,QWKLVFKDSWHUZHEULHÀ\UHYLHZHGFXUUHQWVWDWH of-the-art in steganalysis. Further details on steganography and steganographic tools can be found on Neil F Johnson’s Web page.25 Johnson’s Web page is a good a knowledge base for the steganographic and steganalysis tools till 1999. A recent article by Provos and Honeyman (2003) discusses key requirements of robust steganographic systems based on the existing steganalysis techniques. Anderson and Petitcolas’ (1998) work provides analysis of existing of steganographic systems based on capacity and robustness. Information-theoretic analysis of steganographic systems can be found in Cachin (1998); Kiayias, Raekow, and Russell (2005); and Zollner et al. (1998), and Chandramouli and Memon’s (2003) work provides analysis of steganographic systems based on a new measure of capacity. Steganography can also be used for illicit communication, details on using steganography for illicit applications and its forensic analysis based on the current existing steganographic and steganalysis tools can be found in an article by Kessler (2004). In addition, a paper by Chandramouli, Kharrazzi,
and Memon (2004) provides theoretical analysis of steganalysis attacks under practical scenarios. Review of some steganalysis techniques and steganographic algorithms can be fond in Aura (1997); Provos and Honeyman (2001); Provos (2001); Sallee (2003); and Westfeld (2001).
Software available at http://www.demcom. com/deutsch/index.htm Software available at http://www.cs.bath. ac.uk/~jpc/blindside/ Software Hide 2.1 available at http://www. sharpthoughts.org Software available at http://www.demcom. com/deutsch/index.htm Software available at ftp://idea.sec.dsi. unimi.it/pub/security/crypt/code/s-tools. zip Software available at http://www.ezstego. com Software available at http://linux01.gwdg. de/latham/sego Software available at http://www.darkside. FRPDXJLIVKXIÀH Software available at http://digitalforensics. champlain.edu/download/Gif-it-up.exe 6RIWZDUHDYDLODEOHDWIWSIWSIXQHW¿
23 24
Software available at http://steghide.sourceforge.net/download.php Software available at http://steghide.sourceforge.net/download.php Software available http://linux01.gwdg. de/\%7Ealatham/stego.html Software available at http://www.invisiblesecrets.com/ Software available at wwwwrn.inf.tu-dresden.de/westfeld/f5 Software available at http:\\www.sharpthoughts.org Downloaded from http://www-users.aston. ac.uk/~schaefeg/datasets/UCID/ucid.html Digimarc Corp.“My Picture Marc 2005 v1.0 adobe photoshope plugin” 2005. available at http://www.digimarc.com Software available at http://digitalforensics.champlain.edu/download/stegdetect0.4.zip Software available at http://www.invisiblesecrets.com/ Software available at http://www.spy-hunter. com/stegspydownload.htm Software available at http://www.masker. de http://www.wetstonetech.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-Day\_Attack http://www.jjtc.com/stegdoc/
Chapter XIII
Benchmarking Steganalysis Andrew D. Ker Oxford University Computing Laboratory, UK
ABSTRACT This chapter discusses how to evaluate the effectiveness of steganalysis techniques. In the steganalysis literature, numerous different methods are used to measure detection accuracy, with different authors XVLQJLQFRPSDWLEOHEHQFKPDUNV7KXVLWLVGLI¿FXOWWRPDNHDIDLUFRPSDULVRQRIFRPSHWLQJVWHJDQDO\VLV methods. This chapter argues that some of the choices for steganalysis benchmarks are demonstrably poor, either in statistical foundation or by over-valuing irrelevant areas of the performance envelope. Good choices of benchmark are highlighted, and simple statistical techniques demonstrated for evaluating the VLJQL¿FDQFHRIREVHUYHGSHUIRUPDQFHGLIIHUHQFHV,WLVKRSHGWKDWWKLVFKDSWHUZLOOPDNHSUDFWLWLRQHUV and steganalysis researchers better able to evaluate the quality of steganography detection methods.
INTRODUCTION Steganography is the study of the concealment of information. Typically this means embedding a covert payload in an item of digital media such as DQLPDJHDXGLR¿OHRUYLGHREXWVWHJDQRJUDSKLF methods have now been proposed for a wide range of cover objects. Successful steganography means that nobody other than the intended recipient can even detect the existence of the embedded payload, let alone decode it, in which case other information security measures are for naught.
7KLVPRWLYDWHVWKHFRPSHWLQJ¿HOGRIsteganalysis: to determine whether digital media objects contain a covert payload or not. It seems that every steganographic embedding scheme is sooner or later followed by publication of steganalysis techniques for attacking it. It is then vital to evaluate the ability of these methods to meet their detection aims, and particularly to compare WKHHI¿FDF\RIFRPSHWLQJVWHJDQDO\VLVDOJRULWKPV Unfortunately, although there is copious work proposing methods for steganalysis, the literature barely considers the question of how to measure
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Benchmarking Steganalysis
their reliability; we observe poor practice and inconsistent benchmarks. We shall argue that some of the currently used benchmarks are statistically ÀDZHG ZKLOH RWKHUV RYHUYDOXH GHWHFWRUV ZLWK weak practical detection power. Better choices exist. Furthermore, in the case of comparison of two steganalysis methods, there is rarely a FRQVLGHUDWLRQRIWKHVWDWLVWLFDOVLJQL¿FDQFHRIDQ REVHUYHG GLIIHUHQFH WKLV FRXOG OHDG WR ÀDZHG conclusions. The chapter is not concerned with the creation of better steganalysis methods, nor with detailed benchmarking of current steganalysis methods, but with ways to measure steganalysis performance. It is aimed at practitioners who need to evaluate a particular steganalysis method and researchers who want to compare a new steganalysis proposal with those in competing literature. We will clarify the precise aims of steganalysis, separating those methods that detect payload from those that attempt to measure it, and survey some commonly used steganalysis benchmarks, pointing out weaknesses in some of the popular choices. We then suggest some good choices for benchmarks, and give simple statistical techniques to decide whether the evidence in a particular EDWFKRIH[SHULPHQWVLVVXI¿FLHQWWRFRQFOXGHD VLJQL¿FDQWLPSURYHPHQW7KURXJKRXWWKHFKDSWHU we will illustrate the techniques by comparing two competing steganalysis algorithms.
BACKGROUND The terminology of steganography and steganalysis is now settled: the covert payload is embedded into a cover object producing a stego-object. Details of the stego-system (the embedding and extraction methods) are not relevant to this chapter, but it is generally assumed that the sender and recipient share knowledge of an embedding key, and that the recipient does not have access to the original cover object. The communicating parties’ enemy is the steganalyst (often referred
to as a Warden) and this is the role we are taking in this work, assuming that we are given steganalysis methods which try to determine whether an object is an innocent cover or a payload-carrying stego-object. Usually, different embedding methods and cover media types are attacked by VSHFL¿FVWHJDQDO\VLVPHWKRGV The literature contains a vast array of steganalysis techniques, for a range of embedding methods in a variety of cover media: the folklore method RIUHSODFLQJOHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELWV/6%V LQGLJLWDO images is attacked in increasingly sophisticated ZD\VLQ:HVWIHOGDQG3¿W]PDQQ )ULGULFK Goljan, and Du (2001); Dumitrescu, Wu, and Wang (2003); Fridrich and Goljan (2004); Lu, Luo, Tang, and Shen (2004); and Ker (2005b, 2007a); replacement of multiple bit planes is attacked in Yu, Tan, and Wang (2005) and Ker (2007b); an alternative LSB method that avoids the previous steganalysis, described in Sharp (2001), is attacked in Harmsen and Pearlman (2003); Ker (2005a); and Fridrich, Goljan, and Holotyak (2006); the steganography software OutGuess embeds in JPEG images (Provos, 2001) and is attacked in Fridrich, Goljan, and Hogea (2002b); another popular JPEG embedding method is known as F5 (Westfeld, 2001) and this is detected by methods including Fridrich, Goljan, and Hogea (2002a); Harmsen and Pearlman (2004); Fridrich (2004); Shi, Chen, and Chen (in press); and Pevný and Fridrich (2007). Steganalysis is also possible in domains other than digital images: simple additivenoise embedding in video is attacked in Budhia, Kundur, and Zourntos (2006), and a method for HPEHGGLQJLQ03DXGLR¿OHV3HWLWFRODV LV attacked in Westfeld (2002). These references are not exhaustive and some others, including those proposing steganographic embedding schemes and those giving methods for their steganalysis, can be found under Additional Reading at the end of this chapter. There does exist a concept of perfect, undetectable, steganography (Cachin, 2004) but it is GLI¿FXOW WR SUDFWLFH LQ UHDO FRYHU PHGLD 6RPH
Benchmarking Steganalysis
schemes that attempt to do so are found in Moulin and Briassouli (2004) and Sallee (2005), but even they are subject to steganalysis as found in Wang and Moulin (2006) and Fridrich (2004), respectively. This apparent paradox is resolved by noting that the perfect security of these embedding methods is dependent on a certain model for the cover images, and the steganalysis methods are able to exploit a discrepancy between the idealized model and properties of genuine images. (We will argue that the fact that there exist only approximate or incomplete models for cover media LVDOVRVLJQL¿FDQWIRUEHQFKPDUNLQJ It is important to measure the ability of each VWHJDQDO\VLVPHWKRGWRIXO¿OLWVDLPRIGHWHFWLQJ payload, particularly if there are multiple algorithms attacking the same steganographic embedding scheme and we want to know which works the best. But the benchmarking of steganalysis methods, and particularly their comparison, is an area of distinct weakness in the literature. Many of the steganalysis papers cited previously use different performance benchmarks, making FRPSDULVRQ GLI¿FXOW IXUWKHU VRPH FRPPRQO\ XVHG EHQFKPDUNV DUH ÀDZHG LQ WKDW WKH\ RQO\ represent performance in particular, sometimes quite unrealistic, applications. We will examine some of these benchmarks in the third section, and present some good—or less bad—options in the fourth section. In practice, because steganalysis is to take place on digital media objects, results must be obtained by experimentation with steganography and steganalysis performed on a set of genuine covers. But is the number of H[SHULPHQWVVXI¿FLHQWWRMXVWLI\WKHFRQFOXVLRQ that a performance difference is real, or might it be due to natural variation? This is the question of statistical VLJQL¿FDQFH, which almost no steganalysis literature addresses. We will suggest VLPSOH WHFKQLTXHV IRU DQVZHULQJ LW LQ WKH ¿IWK section. Throughout, we will illustrate the concepts by testing and comparing two particular steganalysis
methods: those known as sample pairs analysis (henceforth referred to as SPA) (Dumitrescu et al., 2003) and the least squares method (LSM) (Lu et al., 2004). Both methods are for the detection of LSB replacement steganography in digital images. These detectors have similar features, LQFOXGLQJ DQDO\VLV RI /6% ÀLSSLQJ LQ SDLUV RI pixels, but their method of operation is irrelevant to the content of this chapter where we consider only their performance. (If the reader wishes to understand their operation, they should refer to the papers introducing them.) The two methods have been chosen because they are able to diagnose the presence or absence of LSB embedded payload, and to estimate its size, and therefore provide useful examples for all of the benchmarks we will consider. LSM is a variant of SPA which, treating the cover assumptions more generally, was touted as an improvement and we shall examine the extent to which this is true. For testing we have obtained two sets of covers: 1,000 1.5Mpixel grayscale never-compressed bitmap images, and 500 color 0.3Mpixel images that had previously been stored in a JPEG compressed format. It will be demonstrated that this number of covers, although apparently substantial, is not always VXI¿FLHQWWRGUDZUREXVWFRQFOXVLRQV %HIRUH GLVFXVVLQJ VWHJDQDO\VLV VSHFL¿FDOO\ it is worthwhile to place the benchmarking of detectors into a historical context. The theory of signal detection dates back to early research in the ¿HOGVRIUDGDUDQGSV\FKRORJ\*UHHQ 6ZHWV 1966; Marcum, 1948). For a thorough survey of the basics, see McNicol (1972). Signal detection literature describes ways to measure accuracy RI FODVVL¿FDWLRQ XVXDOO\ EDVHG RQ WKH receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. However the standard metrics found in the literature are XVXDOO\LQÀXHQFHGE\LPSOLFLWDVVXPSWLRQVDERXW the signal detection domain, for example, equivalence between false positive and false negative errors, which are not relevant to steganalysis. This LVRQHQHJDWLYHLQÀXHQFHRQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRI steganalysis benchmarking.
Benchmarking Steganalysis
BENCHMARKING IN THE STEGANALYSIS LITERATURE &RQVLGHU¿UVWWKHPRVWFRPPRQW\SHRIVWHJDQDO\sis: that which tries to diagnose payload embedGHGE\DVSHFL¿FPHWKRG7KHUHDUHWZRGLVWLQFW paradigms which have emerged in the literature. The natural type of detector is one that gives a positive or negative diagnosis of steganography in an object: we will call this binary steganalysis and it will be examined in the %LQDU\&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ section. The alternative type provides an estimate of the size of hidden payload (possibly zero), and this has been termed quantitative steganalysis, and is examined in the Payload Size Estimation section. Of course, quantitative steganalysis can always be converted into binary steganalysis by setting a threshold and giving a positive diagnosis of steganography whenever the payload estimate exceeds the threshold. Indeed quantitative estimators are often also benchmarked as discriminators between the binary cases. (For a while, quantitative payload estimators were known as threshold-free steganalysis [Fridrich et al., 2002b] because their output is more nuanced than a simple yes or no, but if the eventual aim is DELQDU\FODVVL¿FDWLRQWKHQDWKUHVKROGZLOOVWLOO have to be set.) It may seem curious that so many steganalysis methods, which include Fridrich et al., (2001, 2002a); Dumitrescu et al. (2003); Fridrich and Goljan (2004); Lu et al. (2004); and Ker (2005a, 2007b) among many others, are presented as quantitative estimators of payload size rather than simple detectors. The reason is that a mathematical analysis of the effects of steganography will always include the payload size as an unknown parameter, and so it is quite natural for them to result in steganalysis methods that estimate that parameter. Nonetheless, it was demonstrated in Ker (2004b) that the binary steganalysis question could often be answered more accurately if the quantitative method was adapted to remove the payload estimation part.
)LQDOO\ZHZLOOEULHÀ\FRQVLGHUWKHPRUHFRPplex problem of blind steganalysis, which attempts to diagnose payload without knowledge of the embedding method, and multi-class steganalysis, which aims to determine the embedding method from a list of possibilities, in the Multi-Class and Blind Detection section.
%LQDU\&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ Binary steganalysis is a form of hypothesis testing. In the language of statistics, there is a null hypothesis that an object under examination is an innocent cover, and an alternative hypothesis that it is a stego-object containing a payload. A more precise alternative hypothesis is given by specifying the size of the payload. There are two ways LQZKLFKDELQDU\FODVVL¿HUFDQIDLOUHMHFWLQJWKH null hypothesis when it is true (this corresponds to a false positive diagnosis of steganography, known as a Type I error) or accepting the null hypothesis when it is false (this is a false negative, Type II error, or missed detection). The likelihood of these two errors, and their dependence on the payload size, forms the basis of benchmarks for any binary detector. In principle one might hope to derive bounds on the probability of false positives and negatives, using statistical theory. For example, an optimal discriminator between simple hypotheses is given by the likelihood ratio statistic—this is the Neyman-Pearson Lemma ( e.g., Rice, 1994)—and it is sometimes possible to derive exact probabilities of error for the likelihood ratio test. However this approach is almost invariably doomed for steganalysis, because of the lack of accurate statistical models for cover or stego-objects: one cannot even compute the likelihood functions, let alone reason about the likelihood ratio statistic. One must resort to empirical data. 7KXVWKHVLPSOHVWZD\WREHQFKPDUNDFODVVL¿HU is to obtain a set of sample cover objects and run WKHFODVVL¿HURQWKHP²WKHREVHUYHGSURSRUWLRQ RIIDOVHSRVLWLYHFODVVL¿FDWLRQVLVDQHVWLPDWHRI
Benchmarking Steganalysis
the false positive rate—and then embed a certain payload in each object and re-run the experiments to estimate the rate of false negatives. (We will discuss later the extent to which a set of sample covers could be considered representative of the ZLGHUFODVVRIDOOFRYHUV )RUFODVVL¿HUVZLWKD canonical sensitivity parameter this is the natural choice of benchmark. Because false negative rates depend heavily on the size of embedded payload, it is usually necessary to repeat the experiment with different payloads. Such tests can be found in much steganalysis literature, including Lu et al. (2004); Shi et al. (in press); and Pevný and Fridrich 1RWH WKDW FODVVL¿HUV EDVHG RQ OHDUQLQJ machines, which require training, must be trained and tested on separate sets of objects. There is nothing wrong with this measurement but it represents only a fraction of the performance SUR¿OH&ODVVL¿FDWLRQFDQDOPRVWDOZD\VEHPDGH more or less sensitive: In the case of simple univariate (one-dimensional) features, including the use of quantitative estimators as binary discriminators, this amounts to moving a detection WKUHVKROGPRVWPXOWLGLPHQVLRQDOFODVVL¿HUVKDYH corresponding parameters that can be adjusted. More sensitive detection leads to a lower rate of false negatives at the expense of a higher rate of IDOVHSRVLWLYHV7KHIXOOSHUIRUPDQFHSUR¿OHRI DELQDU\FODVVL¿HULVWKHUHIRUHJLYHQE\D52& curve, a graph that shows how the false positive
and negative results trade off as sensitivity is adjusted. The experimentally observed ROC curve IRUDXQLYDULDWHFODVVL¿HULVREWDLQHGE\FRXQWLQJ for each threshold, the proportion of cover objects exceeding the threshold and the proportion of stego-objects not exceeding the threshold; this can EHGRQHHI¿FLHQWO\E\RQHSDVVWKURXJKDVRUWHG list of all cover and stego-values. ROC curves are QRZDVWDQGDUGWRROLQFODVVL¿FDWLRQEHQFKPDUNing and we will not repeat standard material here; see Egan (1975) or the very helpful summary in Fawcett (2003) for more information. ROC curves are included in most modern binary steganalysis literature, including Fridrich and Goljan (2004); Ker (2004a, 2004b, 2005a, 2005b); Kharrazi, Sencar, and Memon (2005); Hogan, Hurley, Silvestre, Balado, and Whelan (2005); Draper et al. (2005); Fridrich et al. (2006); and Wang and Moulin (2007). Usually they are displayed with false positive rates (the complement of which is known as VSHFL¿FLW\) on the x-axis and true positive rates (also known as sensitivity, the complement of false negative rates) on the y-axis so that more accurate detectors have ROC curves nearer to the upper and left edges. )RUDGHWHFWRUZLWK¿[HGVHQVLWLYLW\WKHSUREability of false negative is dependent on the size of embedded payload. Therefore the full perforPDQFHSUR¿OHRIDELQDU\VWHJDQDO\VLVPHWKRGLV a surface in three dimensions, showing how false
0.5 0.75 false positives
1 0.25
0.03 bpp SPA LSM
0 0
LSM 0.003 bpp 0.01 bpp 0.03 bpp 0.1 bpp
SPA 0.003 bpp 0.01 bpp 0.03 bpp 0.1 bpp
true positives 0.5 0.75
true positives 0.5 0.75
true positives 0.5 0.75
0.5 0.75 false positives
0.1 0.15 false positives
Benchmarking Steganalysis
negative rates depend on false positive rates and SD\ORDGVL]H%HFDXVHRIWKHGLI¿FXOW\LQFRPparing three-dimensional surfaces visually, it is common to display plain ROC curves for a few embedding rates to illustrate a detector’s performance. In Figure 1 we display ROC curves for four LSB replacement payload sizes. Payload size is measured in secret bits per cover pixel (bpp), which for this embedding method is equivalent to proportion of maximum payload. The payloads were embedded in our test set of 500 color -3(*FRYHUVDQGFODVVL¿HGE\WKH63$DQG/60 steganalysis methods. (The raw methods produce payload size estimates, on which a threshold is VHW &RPSDULQJWKH¿UVWWZRJUDSKVLWDSSHDUV that LSM is the better detector, and a direct comparison of the two methods for only one payload is displayed in the third graph. It is common to restrict attention to the interesting range of false positives where the curves under consideration are not very close to 100% sensitivity, and in this case the x-axis runs only up to 20% false positives. The LSM method appears more sensitive than SPA, but whether the data support this conclusion will be examined later in later examples. 2QHGLI¿FXOW\ZLWK52&FXUYHVLVWKDWLWLV GLI¿FXOWWRPDNHVLPSOHFRPSDULVRQVSDUWLFXODUO\ between two detectors whose curves cross, and authors have taken different views on how the GLPHQVLRQDOLW\ RI WKH SHUIRUPDQFH SUR¿OH FDQ be reduced. A number of popular measurements include the following. The DUHDXQGHU52&$85 RU$8& is literally the area under the ROC curve, sometimes scaled for normalization; literature adopting this metric includes Fridrich (2004); Kharrazi et al. (2005); and Wang and Moulin $QRWKHUSRSXODUPHDVXUHLVWR¿[DIDOVH positive rate, often 1% or 5%, and determine the corresponding false negative rate; literature adopting this metric includes Lyu and Farid (2002). &RQYHUVHO\RQHFDQ¿[DIDOVHQHJDWLYHUDWH²D value of 50% was suggested in Ker (2004a) and is often adopted—and determine the corresponding false positive rate (Fridrich et al., 2006; Ker,
2005a; Westfeld, 2005). Finally, one can bound both false positive and false negative rates (5% and 50% are popular choices) and determine the lowest payload size at which detection meeting both these bounds is achieved (Ker, 2005b; Westfeld, 2005). This last metric reduces the three-dimensional performance curve into a single value, whereas the others are dependent on a particular payload size and should be computed for a range of payloads to explore the performance envelope fully. Anything that reduces the dimensionality of WKHSHUIRUPDQFHSUR¿OHLVGLVFDUGLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ and there is no optimal metric. But there are two key features of steganalysis that our benchmarks RXJKWWRUHÀHFWDQGVRPHRIWKHSUHYLRXVFKRLFHV do not. First, in all conceivable steganalysis applications, there is an asymmetry between false positive and false negative results because we should assume that true positives are rare: the presence of steganography is the exception, not the rule. To avoid true positives being swamped by false positives, our focus should be on detectors with low false positive rates. Second, exactly how low the false positive rate needs to be depends heavily on the application: from intelligence on suspicious communications, where even 10% false positives might be acceptable, to automated scanning of an entire network, in which case even rates as low as 10-8 might cause a lot of false positive results. The asymmetry between false positives and negatives makes AUR a poor benchmark. In VRPHELQDU\FODVVL¿FDWLRQVFHQDULRVZKHUHWUXH negatives and positives are equally likely it can be argued that AUR is an optimal measure, but for us it overvalues detectors with good sensitivity when the false positive rate is high: such detectors are likely to be worthless for steganalysis purposes. For similar reasons benchmarks that add up false positives and false negatives (sometimes called the PLVFODVVL¿FDWLRQUDWH , for example in Harmsen and Pearlman (2004), or seek the position on the ROC curve to equalize false positives and false negatives, for example in Hogan, Silvestre, and
Benchmarking Steganalysis
Hurley (2004) are giving too much weight to false negatives. Fixing a false positive rate and measuring the false negative rate is an unsuitable benchmark unless we already know the application and the desired false positive rate. Because ROC curves of detectors are often steep, as those in Figure 1 DUH¿[LQJWKHIDOVHSRVLWLYHUDWHRIWHQJLYHVOLWWOH information about the overall performance of the detector since the observed false negative rate is near 0 or 1 for most false positive rates. The aforementioned arguments are not to say that such benchmarks are worthless. Certainly if the aim is to demonstrate that a steganalysis method works WKHQ LW VXI¿FHV WR LOOXVWUDWH LWV performance with a single point on the ROC curve or just about any performance summary. But benchmarking of steganalysis methods, and particularly comparison of two competing methods, asks us to align the metric more closely with potential applications.
Payload Size Estimation Quantitative steganalysis is an example of statistical estimation, and the estimators are benchmarked by measuring their accuracy. Two GLI¿FXOWLHV SDUWLFXODU WR VWHJDQDO\VLV SD\ORDG estimators are that the standard measures of accuracy (mean and variance) can be unreliable, and that the accuracy can depend on a number of confounding factors. 2QHVKRXOG¿UVWGHFLGHSUHFLVHO\ZKDWLVEHLQJ estimated: it could be the size of hidden payload (in bits or bytes) in a given object, or its size as a proportion of the maximum capacity of that object. The latter is most common in the literature and we will use it here too. Of course the two measures can be interconverted, but their benchmarks might differ inasmuch as one could be more sensitive to cover size than the other. When the covers are of uniform capacity (common in spatial-domain embedding methods if the covers are all the same size) then the two measures are equivalent.
Estimation error has two components: there might be a systematic bias (in statistical terminology, bias is additive error), and the estimator is subject to further random errors, which are commonly measured by variance. In initial investigations it is important to determine whether a payload estimator error has a bias component, not least because it might be possible to correct for it, but as long as the bias is small it is often appropriDWHWR¿QGDFRPELQHGPHDVXUHRILQ DFFXUDF\ encompassing both bias and variance. The obvious way to benchmark a quantitative steganalysis estimator is to take a set of cover objects and embed a certain payload in each, compute the estimates, and then use this sample to estimate the bias (by subtracting the true payload size from the observed sample mean) and variance (by computing the sample variance) or standard deviation. It is common for the steganalysis performance to depend heavily on the size of payload chosen, so the experiment should be repeated for a range of payloads and the performance displayed in a table or graph. Such benchmarks can be found in literature including Fridrich and Goljan (2004); Lu et al. (2004); Fridrich, Soukal, and Goljan (2005); and Holotyak, Fridrich, and Soukal (2005). Typical charts are shown in Figure 2; embedding and payload estimation by both SPA and LSM methods was repeated in each of the 500 sample covers. On the x-axis is the payload size as a proportion of the maximum (which, in the case of LSB embedding, is the same as the number of secret bits per cover pixels). In each case the observed mean error and observed standard deviation are computed. These experiments show a particular pattern of behavior for near-maximal embedding rates, where both detectors lose their accuracy (this effect is explained in Ker, 2007b), but the errors take different forms for the two detectors. The SPA method suffers from a pattern of mostly positive bias whereas the LSM method sees bias gradually moving from small and positive to substantial and negative. Both
Benchmarking Steganalysis
methods have much wider distributional spread for near-maximal payloads. It is important to note that the same objects were used for each payload size, so there is likely to be a correlation of errors between different payload sizes. However, sample mean and variance are not always good measures of location and spread. If the errors form a distribution with long tails (for example if the tails of the density function decay only as x-k for a small value of k) then sample mean and variance are not good estimators for population mean and variance (they might converge slowly or not at all) and indeed with extremely heavy-tailed distributions (such as the Cauchy distribution) the population mean and variance are QRWHYHQGH¿QHGDOWKRXJKWKHUHDUHRWKHUZHOO GH¿QHGPHDVXUHVRIORFDWLRQDQGVSUHDG7D\ORU 9HUE\OD 7KLVLVVXHZDV¿UVWUDLVHGLQ Ker (2004a) and Böhme (2005) and investigated more carefully in Böhme and Ker (2006), where some payload estimators for LSB Replacement (including the two used for our examples in this chapter) are tested, with experimental results suggesting that they do have long tails. In such a case, robust estimators of location and spread should be used, and some will be suggested in WKHELQDU\FODVVL¿FDWLRQVHFWLRQ
Multi-Class and Blind Detection This chapter is concerned mainly with steganalysis for a single steganographic embedding algorithm. There also exists so-called blind steganalysis methods, for example, Lyu and Farid (2002), which are not specialized to a single embedding method. They might work on as-yet unknown steganalysis methods, and their true aim is to detect anomalous objects rather than steganography per se. Related to this are the multi-class steganalysis methods, for example, Pevný and Fridrich (2007), which try to determine which steganography method has been used to embed a hidden message. We will not address their benchmark in detail, but highlight some of the additional challenges they present. 0XOWLFODVV GHWHFWLRQ LV PRUH GLI¿FXOW WR benchmark, because the potential errors include classifying a stego-object as having payload embedded by the wrong method, as well as false positive and negative results. The analogue to a single false positive/negative point is known as the confusion matrix, which indicates how often each case (no embedding, and each difIHUHQW VWHJDQDO\VLV PHWKRG LV FODVVL¿HG ZLWK each result, (see e.g., Pevný & Fridrich, 2007). &RQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVIRUHOHPHQWVRIFRQIXVLRQ matrices must be constructed carefully when the
Figure 2. Mean error, and standard deviation, of SPA and LSM payload estimators as true payload varLHV2EVHUYHGLQFRORU-3(*LPDJHV
Standard Deviation
0.01 0.00
Mean Error
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
Benchmarking Steganalysis
number of experiments on each case is not equal. 2QHSRWHQWLDOVLPSOL¿FDWLRQLVWRHTXDWHLQFRUUHFWFODVVL¿FDWLRQRISD\ORDGHPEHGGLQJPHWKRG although it is highly unlikely that false negatives and false positives errors are of equal cost, it may be reasonable to suppose equal costs for incorrectly diagnosing one payload type as another. This reduces to false negative, false positive, and IDOVHFODVVL¿FDWLRQUDWHV %OLQG VWHJDQDO\VLV LV HYHQ PRUH GLI¿FXOW WR benchmark fully. Certainly a blind method can be tested as if a standard binary method, but this is not a particularly fair measure of its value. It LV KDUG WR GH¿QH D EHQFKPDUN WUXO\ UHSUHVHQWLQJEOLQGFODVVL¿FDWLRQEHFDXVHRQHFDQQRWWHVW against all possible embedding methods (including those not yet invented). In practice, the primary FDXVHRIIDOVHSRVLWLYHVLVPLVFODVVL¿FDWLRQRID certain type of covers (e.g., very noisy images) as stego-objects: we might never notice such covers unless the testing base is very wide. Indeed, it is not clear that the null and alternative hypotheses DUHSURSHUO\GH¿QHGLQWKHEOLQGFDVH
RECOMMENDED BENCHMARKS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Having argued that, for binary and quantitative steganalysis, many of the methods found in the literature are inapt, we now suggest some sound (or at least less unsound) choices.
%LQDU\&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ :H PLJKW ¿UVW WXUQ WR WKH VLJQDO GHWHFWLRQ OLWHUDWXUH LQ WKH KRSH RI ¿QGLQJ D JRRG DSSOLFDtion-independent benchmark. None is apparent: measures such as Marcum’s Q-function (1948) or the measure d’ found in much literature including McNicol (1972) are only applicable to particular shaped response curves, usually Gaussian. Indeed it seems that standard signal detection metrics, which include AUR and others that equate false
positives and false negatives, are responsible for some of the poor steganalysis benchmarks chosen by steganalysis researchers. Similarly, we could try making use of simple Bayesian techniques if we have prior knowledge about the likelihood of receiving cover or stegoobjects; in the language of the Benchmarking in the Steganalysis Literature section this amounts to placing a suitable weight on false positives and false negatives. As with the methods discussed SUHYLRXVO\WKLVLVRQO\MXVWL¿DEOHIRUSDUWLFXODU applications and one cannot propose a sensible SULRUZLWKRXWPDNLQJWKHEHQFKPDUNVSHFL¿FWR those applications. If we do not know, at the benchmarking stage, what level of evidence we want our steganalysis method to give, it makes sense to try to measure that level of evidence rather than specify it in advance. In statistical terms, evidence is measured by p-value,ZKLFKLQRXUELQDU\FODVVL¿FDWLRQFDVH is equivalent to the false positive rate on which threshold our observed data lies; the lower the false positive rate, the more evidence we have REVHUYHG,WPDNHVVHQVHWKHUHIRUHWR¿[DIDOVH QHJDWLYHUDWHDQG¿QGWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJIDOVHSRVLWLYHUDWH:HDGYRFDWHWKDWD¿[HGIDOVHQHJDWLYH rate of 50% is reasonable for many applications: at this rate a steganographer can only expect to escape detection an average of one time before being caught. Therefore a chart of how the false positive rate, corresponding to false negative rate of 50%, depends on payload size is a good summary. It shows how evidence of steganography is related to size of embedded message which is, after all, the key question in steganalysis. We display such a chart, comparing the SPA and LSM steganalysis methods, in Figure 3. As with Figure 1 the experiments producing the chart were carried out with a set of 500 color covers that had previously been subject to JPEG compression. Payloads of 0, 0.001, 0.002,…, 0.2 bits per pixel have been tested (for higher payloads, zero false positives were observed). This chart, which has a logarithmic y-axis, shows how rapidly
Benchmarking Steganalysis
evidence increases as payload size increases, and DOVRFRQ¿UPVWKDWWKH/60PHWKRGKDVVXSHULRU performance in these experiments. If it is necessary to reduce each method to a single steganalysis benchmark, we advocate the PHWULFRI.HUE ZKLFK¿[HVERWKIDOVHSRVLtive and false negative rate and then determines WKHORZHVWHPEHGGLQJUDWHIRUZKLFKWKHVSHFL¿HG detector reliability is achieved. This metric has two drawbacks: it is computationally expensive to repeat all experiments with many different embedding rates, and of course the result depends heavily on the choice of false positive and false negative (the former, we have already commented, is highly application-dependent). But if a single benchmark is necessary it probably represents the least bad option for measuring sensitivity to payload. If we set bounds of 50% false negatives and 5% false positives and test all payloads at intervals of 0.001 bpp in the set of 500 covers, the SPA and LSM detectors achieve this performance for payloads over 0.065 bpp and 0.025 bpp, respectively.
The results we have presented in Figures 13 suggest that the LSM detector is superior to SPA in the binary steganalysis scenario. This is not the whole story. Our tests were carried out on color JPEG images, and work in Ker (2004a) shows that cover images previously subject to JPEG compression and used for spatial-domain embedding can have very different steganalysis performance: Some steganalysis methods gain and some lose sensitivity on such image types, and the best choice of detector can change depending on the type of cover. Furthermore, and perhaps contrary to intuition, if one takes large JPEG images and then reduces them in size, hoping to wash out the compression artifacts, the differences in steganalysis performance persist: even when the images are reduced by a factor of 5. Results LQ.HUED FRQ¿UPWKDWGLIIHUHQFHV also exist between grayscale and color covers. Moreover, none of these addresses directly the question of the size of covers or whether they consist of scanned images or digital photographs, RURWKHUSRWHQWLDOO\VLJQL¿FDQWIDFWRUV
false positive rate
0.10 payload size (bpp)
Benchmarking Steganalysis
1 0.75
0.75 0.5 0
Therefore we might have to perform a large number of different experiments: only if one detector outperforms another on all image types, sizes, and sources can we start to suggest that it is always the better choice. It is tempting, then, to construct a single large set of covers that contains all types of images mixed together, and benchmark using that. Unfortunately that does not resolve the question, because the relative performance of the detectors might well be determined by the balance of the number of each type in the test set. There is little alternative to rigorous testing on many separate cover sets, although we will demonstrate one possible alternative approach in the Advanced Benchmarks section. Figures 4 and 5 are analogous to Figures 1 and 3, but the experiments were performed on a set of 1,000 grayscale never-compressed covers. The differences are interesting: it seems that detection is easier in the grayscale images, which are much larger than the color JPEGs, but not for very low embedding rates. Furthermore, the relative performance of the SPA and LSM detectors appears to have changed: this time there is a small difference that seems to favor the SPA detector.
Payload Size Estimation We now turn to measures of estimator accuracy. We have commented that sample mean and
0.01 bpp SPA LSM
LSM 0.001 bpp 0.003 bpp 0.01 bpp 0.03 bpp
SPA 0.001 bpp 0.003 bpp 0.01 bpp 0.03 bpp
variance are not good measures of location and spread, when the sampled distributions have heavy WDLOV VR ZH PXVW ¿QG PRUH ZLGHO\ DSSOLFDEOH alternatives. A convenient and robust measure of location is sample median. Spread is harder to estimate robustly and there is no optimal measure; one option is sample interquartile range (IQR), used in literature, including Böhme and Ker (2006) and Ker (2007a). One drawback is that it is not possible to justify the particular quartiles used (there is nothing optimal about using the 25% and 75% points as opposed to, for example, 10% and 90%) and that IQR is completely insensitive to outliers in the data. In Ker (2007a) both IQR and sample standard deviation are included. A more sophisticated measurement is used in Böhme (2005), where the payload estimates are modeled as Cauchy distributions and estimators of Cauchy location and scale factors used to compute bias and spread. This method does depend RQDZHOO¿WWHGPRGHORIVWHJDQDO\VLVUHVSRQVH however, and we have already suggested that these models are of uncertain accuracy. Measurements such as median and IQR are more easily understood by non-expert readers, and not oriented towards particular distributions, so may remain preferable. Figure 6 displays median error and IQR for the SPA and LSM estimators when tested against
Benchmarking Steganalysis
false positive rate
0.015 0.020 payload size (bpp)
the set of 500 color JPEG images; these are robust measures of bias and spread as alternatives to those shown in Figure 2. The same general pattern emerges: poor performance for high payloads, and negative bias for the LSM estimator. But notice that the difference between SPA and LSM estimators, for high payloads, is more notable in the standard deviation chart in Figure 2 then the IQR chart in Figure 6, showing that the SPA method suffers from a large number of errors with moderate magnitude. On the other hand the LSM method suffers from distributional spread consisting of a relatively small number of large outliers (the standard deviation is more affected than IQR). For an overall summary, it is attractive to combine bias and error spread into a single benchmark. In statistical literature the mean square error (MSE) is often used, computed from the observed sample statistics. An equivalent benchmark in the same units as the measurements is the square-root of this quantity (RMSE). But these statistics suffer from the same problem as sample variance: for long-tailed steganalysis error distributions they
might converge very slowly or not at all. Robust alternatives include median absolute error; this is very robust, but as with sample median, completely insensitive to outliers. We now advocate using the mean absolute error (MAE) as a reasonable benchmark, balancing robustness and sensitivity to outliers. Space permitting, it would be preferable to examine many measures—mean error, IQR, RMSE, MAE—to get a good picture of overall performance. Figure 7 compares the SPA and LSM payload estimators using the RMSE and MAE benchmarks. The LSM method performs more accurately on low embedding rates (for near-zero rates the error magnitude is around half of that of the SPA method) but for high embedding rates the SPA method performs better. Both methods’ overall estimation accuracy drops off considerably for near-maximal embedding, and further their performance dips for near-zero embedding. It seems that the LSM method is preferable for embedding rates below about 0.75. It is notable that the errors for near-zero embedding rates are
Benchmarking Steganalysis
Figure 6. Median bias and interquartile range of payload estimators as true payload size varies. Data IURPFRORU-3(*V
0.015 0.000
Interquartile Range
0.01 0.00
Median Error
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
KLJKHUZKHQTXDQWL¿HGE\506(WKDQE\0$( this suggests that they are due to a small number of extreme outliers. These results suggest that the LSM method should not be used for large payloads. Of course, if we already know the payload we do not need to apply quantitative steganalysis! One possibilLW\IRXQGLQ.HUE LV¿UVWWRSHUIRUPWKH standard SPA estimate and only proceed to LSM if the SPA estimate is less than 0.75. Otherwise the plain SPA estimate is returned. This combined estimator concentrates the performance of each estimator where they are best. Figure 8 shows the analogous comparison when the set of 1,000 never-compressed grayscale bitmaps are tested. Again we observe that the LSM method becomes unreliable for high embedding rates, but even for low embedding rates the SPA method seems to be slightly more accurate. To summarize our example benchmarks: in the cover sets tested and regardless of benchmark, the LSM steganalysis method apparently outperforms the SPA method for classifying images which are color and had been subject to JPEG compression prior to embedding, but SPA very slightly outperforms the LSM method on grayscale bitmaps. Whether the difference in performance is due to the JPEG compression, the image size, the characteristics of color and gray-
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
scale images, or some other factor, is something that could only be examined with further cover image sets. We emphasize that our conclusions do not necessarily hold for all JPEG color covers or all grayscale bitmaps, only those classes of images of which our test set is representative. Furthermore, we will need to test these small GLIIHUHQFHV IRU VLJQL¿FDQFH ZKLFK LV WKH WRSLF of the 6WDWLVWLFDO 6LJQL¿FDQFH DQG &RQ¿GHQFH Intervals section.
Advanced Benchmarks A new benchmarking metric is suggested in Ker (in press-b), for a different problem domain. Suppose that a steganalysis method detects payload in single objects, but is applied many times to the detection of payload in a large stream. This is a plausible situation, but benchmarks focusing on ability to detect payload in one object might not be the right way to measure ability to pool evidence, detecting payload spread over many objects. In order to formulate a benchmark we need some measure of steganographic capacity in this batch setting. The batch steganography problem was presented in Ker (in press-a) and the capacity question addressed in Ker (2007d) with the conclusion that capacity (with respect to a quite general notion
Benchmarking Steganalysis
Figure 7. Accuracy summaries: root mean square error and mean absolute error of payload estimators DVWUXHSD\ORDGVL]HYDULHV'DWDIURPFRORU-3(*LPDJHV
0.03 0.02
Mean Absolute Error
Root Mean Square Error
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
Mean Absolute Error
0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00
Root Mean Square Error
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
of security) is asymptotically proportional to the square root of the number of covers. The constant of proportionality is dependent on the detector and in the limit it represents a concise and practical measure of its detection power. It can be shown (Ker, in press-b) that under some regularity conditions this constant is determined by the Fisher information and therefore that a simple asymptotic benchmark of detection ability can be found by measuring Fisher information empirically: the larger the Fisher information, the smaller the payload which it is safe to embed, no matter what level of safety (in terms of false positives and negatives) is required.
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
Figure 8. Accuracy summaries: root mean square error and mean absolute error of payload estimators DVWUXHSD\ORDGVL]HYDULHV'DWDIURPJUD\VFDOHELWPDSV SPA LSM
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
Such a linear benchmark is attractive, particularly since it avoids having to consider different payload sizes, but there are some tricky aspects with the estimation of Fisher information from a sample. Further work is required to give robust DQVZHUVDQGFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOV:HHPSKDVL]H that it is, in any case, only an asymptotic measure of performance in a multiple-cover setting. A quite different type of benchmark was proposed in Böhme (2005), and extended in Böhme and Ker (2006). The aim is to identify what properties of images make quantitative steganalysis more or less accurate. We might
Benchmarking Steganalysis
expect that steganography is harder to detect in images with a large local variance (e.g., noisy images) and that larger images provide more evidence and hence accuracy, but there could be RWKHULQÀXHQFHVWRRZKHWKHUDQLPDJHLVRYHU exposed or has reduced dynamic range, whether it is grayscale or color, and so on. In principle it should be possible to examine the effects of image properties on steganalysis performance, via multiple regression analysis. If a large base of test images, with widely varying properties, is selected and quantitative steganalysis accuracy measured, then statistical analysis can identify which properties affect inaccuracy and determine ZKHWKHUVXFKHIIHFWVDUHVWDWLVWLFDOO\VLJQL¿FDQW This differs from the otherwise necessary practice of classifying images into different types and testing each set separately. Such benchmarking could bring rewards to the steganalyst. First, it may be possible to choose the best-performing detector adaptively, depending on properties of an observed image. Second, it can warn the steganalyst about those images for which we have little faith in the estimate, and they could be set at a higher detection threshold to reduce false positives. Third, and most important for the benchmarking application, it allows us to control for image properties so that our results are not skewed by, for example, one detector’s particular inaccuracy on a few noisy images in a test set. Regression analysis is a standard technique, for example see Montgomery (2004), but the application to quantitative steganalysis presents DQXPEHURIGLI¿FXOWLHV)LUVW%|KPHDQG.HU (2006) note that most quantitative steganalysis methods have two separate sources of error: they make one assumption about cover images and another about the payload, neither of which will EHH[DFW,QDFFXUDF\LQWKH¿UVWFDXVHVbetweenimage error, which depends largely on the properties of the cover image itself, and inaccuracy in the second causes within-image error which depends on the payload. Because between- and
ZLWKLQLPDJH HUURUV DUH VRPHWLPHV LQÀXHQFHG differently by cover properties, they must be separated in the experimental phase. The only way to do this is to embed many different messages in each cover, at each payload size. Accordingly WKH QXPEHU RI H[SHULPHQWV QHFHVVDU\ WR ¿QG VWDWLVWLFDOO\ VLJQL¿FDQW GHSHQGHQFLHV LV RI WKH RUGHURIWHQVRIPLOOLRQV7KHVHFRQGGLI¿FXOW\ is that steganalysis errors can have long, non*DXVVLDQWDLOV7KLVSKHQRPHQRQLVYHUL¿HGLQ Böhme and Ker (2006), and in such a scenario the usual techniques of linear regression (involving a least-squares computation) are not appropriate; more complex algorithms must be used. As an example of the nature of results which can be obtained by these techniques, we extract a conclusion from Böhme and Ker (2006). The SDSHUH[DPLQHV¿YHVWHJDQDO\VLVWHFKQLTXHVIRU LSB replacement embedding, among them the SPA and LSM methods. The statistical analyses reveal that, for both estimators, the local variance of the cover image has little effect on the dispersion RIWKHZLWKLQLPDJHHUURUEXWKDVDODUJHLQÀXHQFH on the between-image error. For both estimators larger local variance (noisier images) predicts larger error, but the LSM method is less adversely affected by high local variance. Furthermore, all WKHVHFRQFOXVLRQVDUHVWDWLVWLFDOO\VLJQL¿FDQWRI which more in the next section.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE AND CONFIDENCE INTERVALS Let us suppose that a set of test covers is deemed representative of some wider population (e.g., grayscale bitmaps of a certain size, or images from a particular class of digital camera). Even with this assumption granted, we cannot always deduce that experimental results for the test set are indicative of the population. As a very simple example, consider testing two steganalysis methods that actually have exactly the same accuracy in detection of steganography. Inevitably, because
Benchmarking Steganalysis
of randomness in the selection of covers tested, one of the methods will have performance apparently a bit better than the other, and if the test set is small then this difference might, by random chance, be quite large. One could be mislead into thinking that an experimentally observed difference is VLJQL¿FDQW. Thus there is a difference between an observation and a prediction: whatever benchmarks we use for steganalysis, we can always report what we observed. But if we want to place a margin of error on the observations—a FRQ¿dence interval—or to claim that a difference in SHUIRUPDQFHLVVLJQL¿FDQWWKHQZHPXVWXVHWKH tools of statistics. When the benchmark is a single false positive/false negative rate the statistical analysis is straightforward: using the observed rates as an estimate of the population rates is a situation analogous to opinion polling. For rates not too close to 0% or 100% the Gaussian approximation to the binomial sampling distribution is apSURSULDWHDQGFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVIRUWKH proportion are given by
x r 1.96 x( N x) / N , N where x is the number of incorrect (positive or negative) results and N the number of experiments. For rates near to 0% or 100% the Poisson approximation is more appropriate (even if 0% false positives are observed this does not allow the robust conclusion that there are 0% false positives in the population, only that the true rate is likely to be below a certain point), but we will not waste space considering such standard statistical material; see, for example pp. 203 and 220 of Spiegel and Stephens (1999). +RZHYHU LQ WU\LQJ WR FRPSXWH FRQ¿GHQFH intervals for the other benchmarks—full ROC FXUYHVSDUWLFXODUIDOVHSRVLWLYHUDWHVDW¿[HGIDOVH QHJDWLYH$85DQGVRIRUWK²ZH¿QGLPPHGLDWH GLI¿FXOWLHV)RU52&FXUYHVLWLVnot correct to DSSO\WKHSUHYLRXVFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVWRHDFK
false positive/false negative point on the curve. 7KHRUHWLFDOGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOV LVGLI¿FXOWEHFDXVHLQDOPRVWDOOFDVHVZHGRQRW know the distribution of the features that underlie WKHFODVVL¿HUWKHH[FHSWLRQLV.HUFZKLFK begins to work out the distribution of the LSM payload estimate, but only for certain cases). $Q\PRGHORIVWHJDQDO\VLVFODVVL¿HUVLVOLNHO\WR depend on a model of cover images, and we have already noted that inaccurate models of covers have been responsible for weaknesses in perfect steganography schemes. Therefore we should not put too much faith in such models. 7KHUHLVRQHFDVHLQZKLFK¿QGLQJDPRGHO¿W is inescapable: if we want to estimate the false negative rate for a false positive rate less than 1/N, where N is the number of experiments. For some applications this is the required benchmark, and WKHUHLVWKHQQRDOWHUQDWLYHEXWWR¿QGDVXLWDEOH model, but great care must be taken to check that WKHPRGHOGRHV¿WLQWKHWDLOV&RQFOXVLRQVDERXW very low false positive rates (as a rough guide any value below about 10/N) are always to be treated with a certain level of suspicion, since there is QRW UHDOO\ VXI¿FLHQW H[SHULPHQWDO HYLGHQFH WR justify them. In the absence of a population model we can GHWHUPLQHFRQ¿GHQFHUHJLRQVIRUELQDU\FODVVL¿cation accuracy using the statistical technique of bootstrapping. Here, the principle is to estimate the variability of an estimator by resampling, usually with replacement, from experimental data already obtained. The key is to use the observed distribution on which the estimator is based to approximate the true distribution, and then use (usually) Monte Carlo methods to deduce what this implies for the variability of the estimator. Chernick (1999) contains a survey of different bootstrap techniques; the one we use here is the simplest nonparametric bootstrap, known as the percentile method. Suppose that every member of the population has a statistic s, and we have a sample of size N whose statistics are s1,...,sN. We have estimated
Benchmarking Steganalysis
some population parameter p from the sample statistics, giving estimate pˆ F ( s1 ,..., s N ). 1RZZHZDQWWRNQRZDSSUR[LPDWHFRQ¿GHQFH intervals for the true value of p. The bootstrap method is as follows: 1.
Iterate many times (e.g., 10,000): a. Generate a sample of size N, t1,...,tN , picking uniformly with replacement from the values s1,...,sN . b. Compute pˆ i F (t1 ,..., t N ). $QDSSUR[LPDWHFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOIRUpˆ of VL]HĮLVREWDLQHGE\WDNLQJDQLQWHUYDOFRQWDLQLQJSURSRUWLRQĮRIWKH pˆ i (for example, DQ DSSUR[LPDWH FRQ¿GHQFH LQWHUYDO is obtained by sorting the pˆ iDQG¿QGLQJD region which includes the middle 95%). ,ILQVWHDGRIFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVZHZLVKWR conduct a hypothesis test to decide whether one steganalysis method has superior performance to DQRWKHUZHFDQXVHWKHERRWVWUDSPHWKRGWR¿QG DFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOIRUWKHGLIIHUHQFHRIWKHLU benchmarks (in this case resampling is performed on both the cover and stego-object statistics). If the difference 0 lies outside the interval, there is a VLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHDOWKRXJKDVZLWKDOO0RQWH &DUORSURFHGXUHVWKHVL]HRIWKHVLJQL¿FDQFHWHVW is only approximately accurate). It might seem as if bootstrapping is getting “something for nothing” in re-using the original sample repeatedly, and indeed the technique was met with a certain amount of skepticism when developed in the statistics community, but it is now widely accepted. That is not to say that it is without dangers: There are a number of conditions for the bootstrap intervals to be asymptotically exact, but we do not wish to go into a discussion of the statistical minutiae. We will simply note that the original sample should not be very small (i.e., we need at least a few hundred experiments), and that bootstrapping is not appropriate for extreme order statistics such as sample quartiles very near 0% or 100%. Finally, we must decide
how many times to perform the resampling iteration; bootstrapping literature often mentions ¿JXUHVDURXQG%HFDXVHUHVDPSOLQJLV computationally cheap, out of an abundance of caution we have used 10,000 iterations in all of our experiments. There now follow some examples of bootstrap FRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVIRUELQDU\VWHJDQDO\VLV7KH ¿UVWSDUWRI)LJXUHLVLGHQWLFDOWRWKHWKLUGSDUW RI)LJXUHEXWZHKDYHDGGHGFRQ¿GHQFH intervals for the false negative rate at each false positive rate. It is clear that the performance differHQFHLVLQGHHGVLJQL¿FDQW²LWFDQQRWEHH[SODLQHG VROHO\ E\ QDWXUDO YDULDWLRQ LQ DQ\ ¿QLWH VHW RI experiments—and performing the bootstrap on the differences at each false positive point shows WKDW/60GHWHFWVVLJQL¿FDQWO\PRUHVHQVLWLYHO\ for false positive rates of approximately 5%-12%, which is the whole of the interesting range because outside it both detectors have close to either zero or perfect sensitivity. The second part of Figure LVLGHQWLFDOWR)LJXUHZLWKFRQ¿GHQFH bands. Because the bands do not overlap we can immediately conclude that the performance difIHUHQFHLVVLJQL¿FDQWDWOHDVWIRUSD\ORDGVRIOHVV WKDQGLVMRLQWFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVLVDVXI¿FLHQWEXWE\QRPHDQVQHFHVVDU\FRQGLWLRQIRU DVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFH $ERYHSD\ORDGVRIDERXW 10% we should set no store by the results because they involve only a handful of false positives. Remember that bootstrapping is not appropriate for extreme order statistics, and that a few false positives are caused by the highest few observations amongst the cover objects. :HGRQRWGLVSOD\FRQ¿GHQFHEDQGVIRUWKHGDWD in Figure 5, but simply comment that bootstraps indicate that none of the small observed differHQFHVDUHVLJQL¿FDQWDWDQ\SRLQW:HPXVWQRW conclude that the SPA method is a more reliable detector than LSM in grayscale never-compressed covers, without more evidence. And we emphasize WKDW HYHQ D VWDWLVWLFDOO\ VLJQL¿FDQW UHVXOW RQO\ allows us to generalize to the class of images of which our test set is representative (e.g., im-
Benchmarking Steganalysis
false positive rate 0.01 0.10
true positives 0.5 0.75
0.03 bpp SPA LSM
0.00 0
0.1 0.15 false positives
ages of a certain size from a certain source); for wider generalization one could try the advanced techniques discussed in Advanced Benchmarks section. We also mention the results of bootstrap con¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVIRU$85$OWKRXJKZHGRQRW advocate AUR as a good performance summary, it is instructive to see how wide the margins of error should be: taking only the case of the grayscale covers, an embedding rate of 2%, and the SPA method, we computed the ROC which has an observed AUR of 0.9877. Then, running the VLPSOHERRWVWUDSZH¿QGWKDWDQDSSUR[LPDWH FRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOIRUWKHSRSXODWLRQ$85UXQV from 0.9822 to 0.9926. Some authors have been observed to quote experimental AURs to four or PRUHVLJQL¿FDQW¿JXUHVRQDQH[SHULPHQWDOEDVH of around 1,000 images, and indeed it is accurate to report that such a value was observed. But as a predictor of population AUR, we have only two VLJQL¿FDQW ¿JXUHV ZLWK FRQ¿GHQFH 7KLV is only a single example but we have observed VLPLODUO\ZLGHFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVLQPDQ\RWKHU situations, so the moral remains: one should not rely on experimentally obtained AUR for much accuracy unless bootstraps have been performed WRYHULI\WKHFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOV
0.10 payload size (bpp)
7KH VDPH WHFKQRORJ\ FDQ EH XVHG WR ¿QG DSSUR[LPDWH FRQ¿GHQFH LQWHUYDOV IRU TXDQWLWDtive benchmarks, and approximate levels of VLJQL¿FDQFH RI GLIIHUHQFHV EHWZHHQ FRPSHWLQJ estimators: resampling from the observed data, with replacement, gives an estimate for the variability of an observed statistic. Figure 10 compares the SPA and LSM detectors, using the MAE benchmark, on both the color -3(*DQGJUD\VFDOHELWPDSFRYHUVHWV1LQHW\¿YH SHUFHQWFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDOVFRPSXWHGDWHDFK point on the x-axis using the simple bootstrap, are also displayed. For the JPEG covers it is clear that WKHGLIIHUHQFHVDUHJRLQJWREHVLJQL¿FDQWDQGD separate bootstrap for the difference between the MAE of SPA and LSM detectors gives the results seen in Exhibit 1. )RU JUD\VFDOH ELWPDS FRYHUV WKH FRQ¿GHQFH interval chart suggests that the SPA detector is uniformly more accurate. In fact a bootstrap for the difference in MAE is shown in Exhibit 2. In order to conclude that SPA is uniformly more accurate than LSM on such covers we would need a few more experiments. This result is in contrast to that comparing the use of SPA and LSM for binary steganalysis; we showed that the latter was preferable for JPEG images but that
Benchmarking Steganalysis
LQWHUYDOVIRUSHUIRUPDQFHDQGVLJQL¿FDQFHOHYHOV of performance difference. Such statistical rigor is the only way to justify a claim that one steganalysis method has better performance than another, but it is almost completely lacking in the literature. A high degree of statistical sophistication is found in regression analysis of quantitative estimator accuracy, although such a detailed investigation may not be required for all purposes. We have restricted our attention to the simplest benchmarks and the case of steganalysis of a single, presumed known, embedding method. It is likely that more sophisticated benchmarks ZLOOEHGHYHORSHGDVWKH¿HOGDGYDQFHVEXWWKRVH suggested here have the advantage of comprehensibility to non-specialist audiences. We hope that by informing the choice of benchmark and DGYRFDWLQJPHDVXUHPHQWRIVWDWLVWLFDOVLJQL¿FDQFH more rigorous practice can be introduced into steganalysis literature and applications.
the small observed differences in favor of SPA in JUD\VFDOHLPDJHVZDVQRWVLJQL¿FDQW
CONCLUSION While steganalysis techniques have come on apace, the technology for measuring their performance has received little attention. Basic steganalysis benchmarks do not require novel techniques, but they do require some thought in order to apply the right techniques. We have surveyed the benchmarks which can be found in the literature, for both binary and quantitative steganalysis, and argued that some are poor choices: either overvaluing detectors with weak practical application, or using measurements that PLJKWXQGXO\EHLQÀXHQFHGE\DIHZRXWOLHUH[periments. A pitfall is found in the application of standard benchmarks from other literature (AUR, estimator variance), which may be particularly ill-suited to steganalysis. Good alternatives have been suggested. In the presence of multiple steganalysis methods for the same scenario, comparison becomes at least as important as absolute measurement. We have demonstrated how techniques, based on WKHVLPSOHERRWVWUDSFDQGHWHUPLQHFRQ¿GHQFH
FURTHER RESEARCH DIRECTIONS One possible direction for future research is a wide-scale application of these benchmarks to many of the steganalysis methods in the literature, extending work such as Böhme and Ker (2006).
Mean Absolute Error
0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00
Mean Absolute Error
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
0.4 0.6 payload size (bpp)
Benchmarking Steganalysis
Exhibit 1. Bootstrap for the difference between the MAE of SPA and LSM detectors Payload size
Exhibit 2. Bootstrap for the difference in MAE Payload size
Most large performance studies focus either on simple LSB Replacement (as does Böhme & Ker) or use limited benchmarks such as single false positive and false negative points (Fridrich, 2004; Pevný & Fridrich, 2007), so there is a clear need for a wide-ranging study using more appropriate benchmarks. To widen the material presented here, one should also consider benchmarks for multi-class steganalysis. Perhaps one way forward is to return to the theory of decision making, and posit a loss functionIRUWKHGLIIHUHQWW\SHVRIPLVFODVVL¿FDWLRQ and benchmark the minimum loss. Indeed, the same technique could be equally applied to binary FODVVL¿FDWLRQ 7KLV LV HVVHQWLDOO\ DQ HFRQRPLF approach to benchmarking steganalysis: If we hypothesize a dollar cost for each bit successfully transmitted by the steganographer, and a dollar value for the detection of the steganographer, we can benchmark detectors by their expected value. There are many possible models (a particular question is whether it costs the steganographer to use more covers to spread their payload, or whether WKHLUDYDLODEOHFRYHULV¿[HG DQGVRPHLQWHUHVWLQJ conclusions could result from their study. +RZHYHUDVZLWK¿[HGIDOVHSRVLWLYHUDWHVDQG related statistics, the benchmark produced will EHKHDYLO\LQÀXHQFHGE\WKHSDUDPHWHUV²LQWKLV
case the ratio of losses associated with different types of error. A good steganalysis method with respect to one loss function may be poor with respect to another. Perhaps further research can LGHQWLI\VRPHMXVWL¿DEOHORVVIXQFWLRQVEXWWKLV SUREOHPLVHVVHQWLDOO\XQDYRLGDEOHDVLWUHÀHFWV the fact that some steganalysis methods are better in certain applications. The Advanced Benchmarks section presents many opportunities for further research. Largescale regression analysis of quantitative estimators presents challenges in both computing power (to FUHDWHVXI¿FLHQWGDWD DQGDQDO\VLVRIUHVXOWV7KH novel information-theoretic benchmark suggested in Ker (in press-b), which is in an asymptotic sense a truly application-independent measure, VXJJHVWVPDQ\QHZDYHQXHVLQFOXGLQJHI¿FLHQW HVWLPDWLRQ DQG FRQ¿GHQFH LQWHUYDOV IRU )LVKHU information as well as further investigation into the crucial hypothesis (locally linear steganalysis response).
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Chapter XIV
Digital Camera Source ,GHQWLۋFDWLRQ7KURXJK-3(* Quantisation Matthew James Sorrell University of Adelaide, Australia
ABSTRACT We propose that the implementation of the JPEG compression algorithm represents a manufacturer DQGPRGHOVHULHVVSHFL¿FPHDQVRILGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHVRXUFHFDPHUDRIDGLJLWDOSKRWRJUDSKLFLPDJH ([SHULPHQWDOUHVXOWVEDVHGRQDGDWDEDVHRIRYHUSKRWRJUDSKVIURPFDPHUDPRGHOVE\ brands shows that the choice of JPEG quantisation table, in particular, acts as an effective discriminator between model series with a high level of differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that even after recompression of an image, residual artefacts of double quantisation continue to provide limited means RIVRXUFHFDPHUDLGHQWL¿FDWLRQSURYLGHGWKDWFHUWDLQFRQGLWLRQVDUHPHW2WKHUFRPPRQWHFKQLTXHVIRU VRXUFHFDPHUDLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDUHDOVRLQWURGXFHGDQGWKHLUVWUHQJWKVDQGZHDNQHVVHVDUHGLVFXVVHG
INTRODUCTION In a forensic context, digital photographs are becoming more common as sources of evidence in criminal and civil matters. Questions that arise include identifying the make and model of a camera to assist in the gathering of physical evidence; matching photographs to a particular camera through the camera’s unique characteristics; and determining the integrity of a digital image, including whether the image contains steganographic (hidden message) information.
)URPDGLJLWDO¿OHSHUVSHFWLYHWKHUHLVDOVRWKH question of whether metadata has been deliberDWHO\PRGL¿HGWRPLVOHDGWKHLQYHVWLJDWRUDQGLQ the case of multiple images, whether a timeline can be established from the various timestamps ZLWKLQWKH¿OHLPSRVHGE\WKHRSHUDWLQJV\VWHP or determined by other image characteristics. 7KLV FKDSWHU LV FRQFHUQHG VSHFL¿FDOO\ ZLWK techniques to identify the make, model series, and particular source camera model given a digital image. We exploit particular characteristics of the camera’s JPEG coder to demonstrate that such LGHQWL¿FDWLRQLVSRVVLEOHDQGWKDWHYHQZKHQDQ
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
image has subsequently been reprocessed, there DUHVXI¿FLHQWUHVLGXDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIWKHRULJLnal coding to at least narrow down the possible camera models of interest in some cases.
BACKGROUND In general, there are four sets of techniques for FDPHUDLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ7KH¿UVWXVHVLQIRUPDWLRQ VSHFL¿FDOO\HPEHGGHGE\WKHFDPHUDWRLGHQWLI\ LWVHOIPHWDGDWD 0HWDGDWDLVXVXDOO\VSHFL¿FWR DPDNHDQGPRGHORIFDPHUDEXWQRWWRDVSHFL¿F camera. The second set of techniques can be used WRLGHQWLI\DVSHFL¿FFDPHUDHLWKHUE\LGHQWLI\LQJ VSHFL¿FFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIWKHFDPHUDFRPPRQO\ UHIHUUHGWRDVEXOOHWVFUDWFKHVRU¿QJHUSULQWLQJ These techniques generally require a candidate source camera for comparison. The third set of WHFKQLTXHVUHOLHVRQFKDUDFWHULVWLFVVSHFL¿FWRD manufacturer and possibly a series of cameras, particularly the choice of coding parameters, LQWHUSRODWLRQ DQG ¿OWHULQJ 7KHVH WHFKQLTXHV are useful for checking consistency with other evidence and can aid the investigation when metadata has been removed. Finally, a wide range of steganographic (watermarking) techniques have been proposed, but these are really only useful for proving ownership of a copyright work and would almost certainly not be deliberately embedded in an image from a deliberately anonymous source. While watermarking might be introduced in a future generation of cameras, this is of no help in tracking the sources of the existing images of interest in the digital domain.
Metadata The simplest technique for identifying the source camera is to use metadata embedded by the source camera, of which the Exif metadata standard, published by the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA, 2002), is almost ubiquitously supported. In many
FDVHVWKLVLVLQIDFWVXI¿FLHQWEHFDXVHLWLVRIWHQ beyond the skills of camera users to manipulate or remove the Exif metadata header. Two key IRUHQVLF¿HOGVLQWKH([LIPHWDGDWDDUHWKHmake and model. The metadata is easily extracted using a range of photography tools including recent versions of Adobe Photoshop and such shareware applications as IrfanView. On the other hand, any savvy photographer who wishes to remove or modify Exif metaGDWD ZLOO ¿QG D UDQJH RI HDV\WRXVH WRROV DW their disposal on the Internet. Older versions of image manipulation software, such as early versions of Adobe Photoshop, do not recognise the Exif metadata standard and will strip such LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ IURP WKH ¿OH 0RUH VRSKLVWLFDWHG users can develop their own techniques to edit Exif. It should be noted in particular that Exif metadata is encoded in clear ASCII text and is ERWKHDV\WRUHDGGLUHFWO\LQWKHELQDU\¿OHDQG easy to change. For this reason, it is unreasonable to expect metadata to be present, and if it is present, to be a reliable indicator of the image source. It is true, however, that many photographers of interest are not aware of the existence of metadata, and the author’s experience in criminal cases suggests that where metadata is not present this is more often due to inadvertent erasure rather than deliberate action. Even if Exif metadata is present, other indicators of the source camera identity are useful to establish whether that metadata has been tampered with. For example, the image size should be consistent with the capabilities of the candidate camera. Also, many camera manufacturers GH¿QHWKHLURZQSURSULHWDU\H[WHQVLRQVWR([LI or use their own metadata protocol, which can DOVRSURYLGHDOHYHORIFRQ¿GHQFHLQWKHPHWDGDWD SUHVHQWLQWKH¿OH
Bullet Scratches At the other end of the scale, techniques have been developed, particularly by Lukáš, Fridrich, and Goljan (2006) to use the unique noise signature of the charge coupled device (CCD) image sensor. The technique exploits the fact that each image sensor is different, even sensor arrays created on the same silicon wafer. This is due to small variations in doping levels and variations in surface DUHDRIHDFKSL[HO8QLTXHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQLVIXUWKHU aided by manufacturing variations from one otherwise identical camera to another, including lens positioning and defects on optical surfaces. In addition, this technique captures characteristic post-capture processing include de-mosaicing LQWHUSRODWLRQ DQG¿OWHULQJ %ULHÀ\ WKLV bullet scratch technique takes a set of photographs known to come from the candidate camera and creates a template by high SDVV¿OWHULQJRIHDFKLPDJH7KH¿OWHUHGLPDJHV are then averaged. The candidate photograph is WKHQ¿OWHUHGLQWKHVDPHZD\DQGFRUUHODWHGZLWK WKHWHPSODWH$VXI¿FLHQWO\KLJKOHYHORIFRUUHODtion indicates a match. Using a Neyman-Pearson detection formulation with probability of false DODUP¿[HGDW-3, the authors claim probability RIIDOVHUHMHFWLRQRIVLJQL¿FDQWO\OHVVWKDQ -3. 7KLVWHFKQLTXHLVXVHIXOZKHQWKHUHLVDVSHFL¿F candidate source camera but it requires multiple LPDJHVWRGHULYHD¿QJHUSULQW+HQFHWKHUHUHPDLQV a need to narrow down the range of candidate cameras to as small a list as possible.
0DQXIDFWXUHU6SHFL¿F7HFKQLTXHV A further interesting technique is to narrow down the source identity through the analysis of FRORXU¿HOGDUUD\LQWHUSRODWLRQDVGHVFULEHGE\ Bayram, Sencar, Memon, and Avcibas (2005). This technique is of limited value as a discriminator particularly because the very small number of manufacturers of imaging sensors, and the small range of so-called demosaicing algorithms used in
practice with a wide variety of parameters, means WKDWWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHVHQVRUPLJKWEULQJ into consideration hundreds of candidate source cameras. Nevertheless, this approach serves as yet DQRWKHULGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGYHUL¿FDWLRQWHFKQLTXH and is particularly useful as the basis for detection of image tampering. The technique presented in this chapter considers digital photographs that have been encoded as -3(*LPDJH¿OHVGLUHFWO\E\WKHVRXUFHFDPHUD While there are a number of other coding options, notably a range of so-called raw formats, JPEG captures by far the vast majority of images taken, stored, transferred, and published by camera owners. Our general technique is to consider the choices made in the JPEG encoder of the candidate camera, with a particular focus on the choice of quantisation table. We argue and demonstrate that WKHVHFKRLFHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHUVSHFL¿F$OWKRXJK there are some overlaps between manufacturers, it is in fact possible to reduce the number of camera models under consideration from perhaps a thousand to a few tens of models. It is also possible to unambiguously exclude a wide range of models from consideration. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this discrimination technique can survive recompression of the image and discuss some practical applications.
ISSUES, CONTROVERSIES, PROBLEMS We used multiple commercial online sources to identify as many camera brands and models as ZHFRXOG¿QGDVOLVWHGRQ-DQXDU\:H LGHQWL¿HGRYHUEUDQGVRIFDPHUDVDQGPRELOH phones with built-in cameras, with a total of over 2,500 models as summarised in Table 1. We note that many camera models follow an obvious series within a particular brand and that some cameras are identical but have different model names depending on the market in which the cameras are released. In addition, we recognise that our list
Mobile Phone with Camera 20
BenQ / BenQ-Siemens / Siemens
Konica / Konica-Minolta
LG Minox
88 21
NEC Nikon
48 60
1 171
Sony / Sony-Ericsson
18 58 10 1
is almost certainly incomplete and that some are branded versions of unbranded original equipment manufacturer (OEM) models. Various market sources indicate that over 500 million digital cameras, and a similar number of mobile phones with in-built digital cameras, had been sold worldwide by the end of 2006. It is well known that digital photography has almost FRPSOHWHO\GLVSODFHGFRQYHQWLRQDO¿OPSKRWRJraphy in the consumer market, and it is common knowledge that digital photography bypasses the conventional censorship bottleneck available WKURXJKD¿OPGHYHORSPHQWVHUYLFH $IXUWKHUFKDOOHQJHLVWKDWDV¿OPFDPHUDVDUH withdrawn from the market, crime scene forensic SKRWRJUDSK\ZLOOEHIRUFHGWRPRYHIURP¿OPWR digital equipment. The challenge is to establish the forensic chain of evidence in such a way that digital images (not to mention digital video) can meet the burden of proof in court. Thus, the development of digital camera forensic techniques is timely. The number of camera models available actually suits forensic purposes quite well—small enough that a complete database of all cameras is technically and commercially viable, but large HQRXJKWKDWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHPDNHDQGPRGHO VHULHVRIDFDQGLGDWHFDPHUDLVRIVLJQL¿FDQWDVsistance in forensic investigation.
SOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JPEG Image Compression -3(*LPDJHFRPSUHVVLRQLVVSHFL¿HGLQWKHJoint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) standard published by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU, 1993), and a useful introduction to the standard is given by Wallace (1991). We summarise the key steps here, noting potential forensic markers along the way.
Image Capture The camera’s image sensor captures light measurements on its array of light sensors. An array of sensor values is fed to the camera’s microprocessor for post-processing and compression. The camera also uses the optical measurements to set parameters for the camera’s optics, including aperture size and exposure time. The image sensor is nominally uniformly sensitive over the entire sensor surface. In practice, there is a small amount of variation in the physical characteristics of the silicon sensor including the surface area of each picture element and the level of doping. In effect this means that there is some variation in inherent noise and sensitivity over the image area, which has been exploited by Lukáš et DO WRGHULYHDXQLTXHFDPHUD¿QJHUSULQW that can be used to match a photograph uniquely to its camera source, provided that a candidate source camera can be found.
Colour Interpolation and Gamma Correction 7KHLPDJHVHQVRUFRQVLVWVRIDFRORXU¿HOGDUUD\ RISKRWRGHWHFWRUVZLWKUHGJUHHQDQGEOXH¿OWHUV As these sensors are adjacent to each other and QRWFRORFDWHGRQHRIWKH¿UVWSURFHVVLQJVWHSV is to normalise the different colour sensitivies and interpolate the red, green, and blue colour arrays onto a nominal co-located pixel grid. The interpolation algorithm, commonly known as demosaicing, varies according to the sensor and image settings and can also be used for limited forensic discrimination as described by Bayram et al. (2005).
Image Post-Processing A modern digital camera will usually engage automatic brightness, contrast, sharpening, and RWKHU ¿OWHUV VXFK DV UHGH\H UHGXFWLRQ EHIRUH
image compression. Automatic detection of WKHDUWHIDFWVFDXVHGE\VXFK¿OWHUVSURYLGHV\HW another opportunity to verify the identity of the source camera, although it is not clear whether this approach has been investigated in the literature.
experiments performed 2h or 2v downsampling, or both. It would be possible, however, to test whether an image is downsampled according to WKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVRIDFDQGLGDWHVRXUFHFDPHUD DVSDUWRIWKHVRXUFHYHUL¿FDWLRQSURFHVV
JPEG Compression
Discrete Cosine Transformation and Rounding
The image is now presented to the JPEG compression algorithm as three arrays of co-located pixels representing red, green, and blue. The JPEG comSUHVVLRQVWDQGDUGDOORZVIRUVLJQL¿FDQWFKRLFHLQ LPSOHPHQWDWLRQLQWKHVSHFL¿FDOJRULWKPVXVHGIRU FRGLQJWKHFKRLFHRISDUDPHWHUVDQGWKHVSHFL¿F FRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKH-3(*LPDJH¿OH7KLVPHDQV that there is a wide range of forensic discriminators, although some parameters always use default values in practice. Default values do in fact serve a useful purpose because their absence can indicate that an image has been tampered with.
Luminance/Chrominance Transform and Downsampling 7KH¿UVWVWHSLQ-3(*FRPSUHVVLRQLVWRWUDQVIRUP the image from the [red, green, blue] representation to [luminance, chrominancered, chrominanceblue]. This is a simple linear transformation that contains the same image information and is exactly the same representation that has long been used in colour television. The luminance plane contains a monochrome image that contains high resolution information to stimulate the high resolution rods in the human eye. The chrominance planes contain colour information to stimulate the low resolution cones, and because the eye is much less sensitive to changes in chrominance, these planes are usually downsampled (averaged). Usually, two horizontal values (“2h”) and/or two vertical values (“2v”) are averaged together, reducing the chrominance planes to one half or one quarter of the original size. There is little to be gained from a forensic perspective at this point. All cameras tested in our
In the second stage, JPEG treats the luminance and chrominance planes separately. Each plane is divided into microblocks of 8x8 pixels that undergo a discrete cosine transform (DCT) for representation in the spatial frequency domain, as shown in Figure 1. The human eye and brain are more sensitive to RYHUDOOFKDQJHVWKDQWRVSHFL¿FGHWDLOV7KH'&7 VWDJHQHDWO\VHSDUDWHVWKHLPDJHLQWRFRHI¿FLHQWV representing broad detail, which must be kept with PLQLPDOORVVHVDQGLQWR¿QHGHWDLOZKLFKFDQ be approximate or discarded. It is this discarding of detail that leads to both the effectiveness of JPEG as an image compression technique, and WRDIRUHQVLFLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRSSRUWXQLW\ Each microblock is divided (element-by-elePHQW E\ D TXDQWLVDWLRQ WDEOH WKDW LV VSHFL¿F to the JPEG encoder. An example is given in Figure 2. Each microblock is now represented by apSUR[LPDWHFRHI¿FLHQWVPDQ\RIZKLFKDUH]HUR 6XFKQXPEHUVFDQEHFRGHGHI¿FLHQWO\UHVXOWLQJ LQDFRPSUHVVHGLPDJH¿OH The choice of quantisation table is of great LQWHUHVW 1R WDEOH LV VSHFL¿HG LQ WKH VWDQGDUG although an example is given. In practice, our investigation found that the example is often used in preview (thumbnail) images but was not used by any camera for the primary image. In fact, ZHLGHQWL¿HGDZLGHUDQJHRITXDQWLVDWLRQWDEOHV with strong discrimination between manufacturers, as discussed in the Quantisation Table as a Discriminator section.
DCT Coefficients
Quantization Table
(I¿FLHQW&RGLQJ 7KH¿QDOVWDJHRIWKHJPEG encoding process is the JHQHUDWLRQRIWKHELQDU\¿OH7KH¿OHEHJLQVZLWK various header information, including Exif meta-
data, if it is used, along with parameters needed to decode the image. There is yet another forensic indicator here, because different encoders might order the parameters in different ways, although again it is not clear whether this has previously
been investigated in the literature. The image FRHI¿FLHQWVDUHHQFRGHGE\DSURFHVVRIRUGHULQJ WKHFRHI¿FLHQWVLQD]LJ]DJSDWWHUQVRWKDWWKH PDQ\]HURFRHI¿FLHQWVLQWKHERWWRPULJKWKDQG corner are brought together in runs, which can EHFRGHGHI¿FLHQWO\(DFKFRHI¿FLHQWLVHQFRGHG using a code to represent the magnitude of the FRHI¿FLHQWIROORZHGE\WKHFRHI¿FLHQWLWVHOI The magnitude code is selected from an ef¿FLHQWFRGHERRNXVLQJZKDWLVNQRZQDV+XIIman coding. Ideally, the Huffman codebook is optimised to the image to ensure maximum
compression. The JPEG standard describes how such optimisation can be achieved but also provides a non-binding example of a typical Huffman codebook which achieves good, but not RSWLPDOUHVXOWVLQSUDFWLFH$VLWWDNHVVLJQL¿FDQW computational resources to generate the optimal codebook, it should come as no surprise that all of the cameras we investigated use only the example codebook. Thus, the only forensic value of the Huffman codebook is to note that a proprietary codebook almost certainly indicates subsequent image tampering. The standard also supports
Table 2. Sample images and number of quantisation tables by camera model in our dataset Manufacturer
Camera Model
Canon EOS 10D
Canon PowerShot A40
Canon PowerShot A620
Canon PowerShot G6
Eastman Kodak Company
DC210 Zoom (V05.00)
Panasonic PENTAX Corporation
Samsung Techwin
U-CA 3 Digital Camera
DigitalCam Pro
(unknown OEM)
S1 C760UZ
D VOLJKWO\ PRUH HI¿FLHQW ORVVOHVV FRPSUHVVLRQ algorithm known as algebraic compression, but this variation is rarely supported.
We sourced 5,485 photographic images from friends and colleagues, each of whom provided a range of original images from their own digital camera. In all, images from 27 different camera types, from 10 brands, were obtained, as summarised in Table 2. We considered only the quantisation table for the luminance plane, but we note that the quantisation table or tables for the chrominance plane might in some cases offer an additional level of discrimination. A total of 330 quantisation tables were extracted from our dataset of images, of which 42 were common to at least two camera models. A review of the common quantisation tables revealed obvious systematic commonality among similar
Quantisation Table as a Discriminator The use of the quantisation table as a source discriminator has previously been mentioned by Lukáš et al. (2006) and considered in detail by Farid (2006). In that paper however, Farid investigated just one image each from over 300 FDPHUDVDQGFRQFOXGHGWKDWWKHUHZDVLQVXI¿FLHQW discrimination to warrant further interest. Our investigation leads to quite a different interpretation.
Table 3. Natural groupings of camera series by common quantisation tables Camera Group
Included Models
Total Quantisation Tables
Total Quantisation Tables in Common
Canon IX+PS
Canon DIGITAL IXUS 400 Canon DIGITAL IXUS 700 Canon IXY DIGITAL 70 Canon PowerShot A40 Canon PowerShot A620 Canon PowerShot G6
Canon EOS
Canon EOS 10D Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
Olympus C7
C760UZ C750UZ
Olympus F
U-CA 3 Digital Camera
Sony DCR
Sony P9x
DigitalCam Pro
Panasonic X
Panasonic Z
Table 4. Showing the number of common quantisation tables between camera series Camera Series
Olympus C7
Olympus C7
Sony P9X
The results of this experiment suggest that the quantisation table is a reasonable discriminator between model series, as over 92% of extracted tables were unique to one camera series.
Canon EOS
5 3
Sony P9X
cameras from the same manufacturer, as well as incidental commonality between unrelated cameras. The obvious camera groupings are given in Table 3. It should be noted that the quantisation tables extracted for each camera are almost certainly not exhaustive. The only way to be sure of having an exhaustive list is to request such information from manufacturers or to reverse engineer the cameras’ ¿UPZDUH7KHJURXSLQJRIFDPHUDVDVVKRZQLQ Table 3 is based primarily on the evidence of common quantisation tables as extracted in our experiment, but we have also considered the model series and in some cases reference to operation PDQXDOVWRFRQ¿UPPHPEHUVKLSRIDVHULHV There is some commonality between camera series, which are for the most part coincidental, ZLWKRQHVLJQL¿FDQWH[FHSWLRQDVVKRZQLQ7DEOH 4. A total of 25 tables were found to be common to more than one camera series. Of particular note is that 19 tables (of a possible 20) are common to both Nikon and Olympus series, suggesting that both manufacturers are using the same JPEG encoder.
1 1
From the tables extracted, it is also possible to infer a number of algorithms by which quantisation tables are computed. •
Some cameras, such as the Kodak and Pentax *IST series, use a single quantisation table for all images. This approach appears to be common both in older cameras (with limited processing capability) and in highend cameras, for which image quality takes SUHFHGHQFHRYHU¿OHVL]H Other cameras, notably the Sony DSC-P9X series, appear to have a single quantisation table, which is then scaled up or down to PHHWDSDUWLFXODU¿OHVL]HUHTXLUHPHQW Finally, we observed that some cameras, such as the Casio EXZ40 and the Olympus FE100, appear to use a much more sophisticated algorithm to choose an optimal quantisation table to suit the image.
One interesting point to note is that in most cases, the quantisation tables are asymmetric, so that the quantisation in the horizontal direction is different to the vertical direction. In our analysis we excluded images that had been rotated by 90 degrees to avoid double-counting of transposed quantisation matrices. Our experiment merely demonstrates the merit of using the quantisation table as a forensic tool for identifying the make and model of a source camera. To be effective, an exhaustive database of all quantisation tables from all camera models would be required. Such a database would require
constant updates as new camera models are introduced into the global market. Furthermore, we would stress that the only effective mechanism for such a database to operate is to rely on PDQXIDFWXUHUVWRUHOHDVHFRPSOHWHVSHFL¿FDWLRQV and parameters to the database manager. That is to say that the experimental technique we have XVHGLVQRWVXI¿FLHQWO\UHOLDEOHWRHQVXUHWKRURXJK coverage of all cameras.
is interesting to note that at low quality levels Photoshop quantises low frequency components particularly aggressively while retaining high frequency components. This behaviour is at odds with every other quantisation matrix we have LGHQWL¿HGDVZHOODVWKHXQGHUO\LQJSV\FKRYLsual theory behind JPEG compression (see for example Lohscheller, 1984). The observation helps to explain why JPEG images compressed by Photoshop at low quality show strong signs of blockiness, as the edges of the 8x8 pixel microblocks are readily apparent. A further anomaly in the Adobe Photoshop implementation is that the tables for quality levels 6 and 7 are in the wrong order, such that quality level 6 is actually higher quality than level 7. This is easily demonstrated by noting that saving an image at quality 6 results LQDODUJHU¿OHWKDQDWTXDOLW\ Photoshop Version 4, and later versions, support Exif metadata and relevant tags are transIHUUHGWRPRGL¿HGLPDJHV3KRWRVKRSLGHQWL¿HV
Quantisation Tables Used by Popular Software Images are commonly edited using popular software before being presented. We therefore considered the quantisation tables of two popular packages, namely Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Photo Editor. Adobe Photoshop allows 13 levels of JPEG image quality in integer steps from 0 to 12. One such quantisation table is shown in Table 5. It
Table 5. Representative quantisation tables used by Microsoft PhotoEditor and Adobe Photoshop Microsoft PhotoEditor Quality Level 80% 6
24 22
Adobe Photoshop Quality Level 8 6
LWVHOIDVWKHLPDJHHGLWLQJVRIWZDUHDQGPRGL¿HV some tags to match the edited image in compliance with the Exif standard. Earlier versions of Photoshop do not support Exif metadata, ignore WKH([LIVHFWLRQRI-3(*LPDJH¿OHVDQGGRQRW include Exif metadata in subsequent saved JPEG images. Microsoft Photo Editor, on the other hand, offers 100 levels of JPEG image quality. Our analysis infers that Microsoft uses a single quantisation table that is scaled linearly according to the quality level and limited as necessary to the range [1...255]. Thus, quality level 100 uses no TXDQWLVDWLRQDOOURXQGLQJFRHI¿FLHQWVHTXDOWR while level 1 uses the coarsest possible quantisaWLRQDOOURXQGLQJFRHI¿FLHQWVHTXDOWR $ representative quantisation table is given in Table 5. Unlike Photoshop, Photo Editor’s quantisation tables are asymmetric, most likely recognising the physical layout of red, green, and blue pixels in conventional video displays. Microsoft Photo Editor does not support Exif metadata and images saved by Photo Editor do not include any original metadata. Anomolously, Windows XP (which includes Photo Editor as a standard package) does use Exif metadata to LGHQWLI\FHUWDLQLPDJHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVLQWKH¿OH browser.
Recompressed Images $ VLJQL¿FDQW OLPLWDWLRQ RI WKH H[SHULPHQW GHscribed in the Quantisation Table as a Discriminator section is that it assumes that an image is being investigated in its original form. This might in fact be the case in a range of applications, particularly to identify image tampering or to YHULI\RWKHULGHQWL¿FDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQVXFKDV([LI metadata. More commonly however an image will undergo subsequent manipulation before being stored, transmitted, or posted on an Internet site. Examples of such manipulation include:
• •
• •
Recompression, to reduce the size of the ¿OH Resizing of the image, reducing both the VL]HRIWKH¿OHDQGPDNLQJLWPRUHVXLWHG to display on a Web site Cropping, scaling, or rotation of the image Brightness, contrast, or colour adjustment• 0RGL¿FDWLRQRISDUWRIWKHLPDJH
Clearly, such manipulation will mask the original quantisation levels and so the technique described in 4.2 would not be possible. However, if we consider the situation in which the image is simply recompressed without scaling, cropping, or other adjustments, we can exploit the fact that such recompression leaves detectable artefacts IURPZKLFKWKHRULJLQDOLPDJHFRHI¿FLHQWVFDQ be inferred. Anecdotal evidence provided in discussion with law enforcement personnel suggests that many images of interest are recompressed without resizing the image. This technique was considered by Lukáš and Fridrich (2003), but the application to camera LGHQWL¿FDWLRQZDVQRWH[SOLFLWDQGWKHHVWLPDWLRQ techniques used were sub-optimal and ad hoc; similarly Neelamani, De Queiroz, Fan, Dash, and Baraniuk (2006) applied estimation techniques to determine compression history of JPEG images. Similarly, Popescu and Farid (2005) exploited double-compression artefacts to identify image tampering.
The Detection of Double Quantisation &RQVLGHUZKDWKDSSHQVZKHQDFRHI¿FLHQWLVTXDQtised to the nearest multiple of 2, and then to the nearest multiple of 3, as shown in Table 6. Direct quantisation rounds off three consecutive integers to a multiple of 3. Two-stage quantisation, however, results in four consecutive integers rounding off to odd multiples of 3, while two consecutive integers round off to multiples of 6. The impact of this bias is that there is a periodic SDWWHUQ LQ WKH GLVWULEXWLRQ RI FRHI¿FLHQWV DIWHU
Table 6. Rounding off by 2 and then 3, compared to direct rounding to 3 Original number n
Round off to 2 then round off to 3 Compare with direct round off to 3
double quantisation, as demonstrated in Figure 3. Because we are interested in the periodic pattern RIWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVZHDSSO\DV\PPHWULFKLJK SDVV ¿OWHU WR UHPRYH WKH XQGHUO\LQJ EHOO FXUYH distribution:
xk (i )
2 xk (i ) xk 1 (i ) xk 1 (i ) 2
)XUWKHUPRUH ZH QRWH WKDW FRHI¿FLHQWV ZLWK value zero do not contribute to the periodic pattern RILQWHUHVWDQGVRWKHVHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHH[SOLFLWO\ removed by setting:
x0 (i )
x 1 (i ) x1 (i ) 2
so that x0 (i ) 0 and the impact of x0 (i ) on its immediate neighbours is reduced. We then create a template for a given value of WKHRULJLQDODQGVHFRQGDU\FRHI¿FLHQWVQ1(i) and Q2(i) respectively, where iLGHQWL¿HVRQHRIWKH FRHI¿FLHQWVRILQWHUHVW$W\SLFDOGLVWULEXWLRQDQG template is shown in Figure 4, for Q1(i)=2 and Q2(i)=3. The template t (Q1 (i ), Q2 (i )) is created by generating a histogram from a uniform distribuWLRQRIFRHI¿FLHQWVDQGWKHQSHUIRUPLQJWKHVDPH ¿OWHULQJDVIRU x. Both x and t are then normalised except for the special case when Q2(i) is divisible by Q1(i DVWKLVZLOOUHVXOWLQDÀDWWHPSODWHZKLFK LVGH¿QHGLQWKLVFDVHDVD]HURYHFWRU 7KHRSWLPDOWHVWIRUHDFKFRHI¿FLHQWLVWRSHUIRUPDPDWFKHG¿OWHUFRUUHODWLRQWKDWLV
0.5 1500
0.4 1000
0.3 500
0.2 0 -60
0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -60
c(Q1 (i ), Q2 (i ))
k 1023
t k (Q1 (i ), Q2 (i )).
A large and positive correlation indicates a good match with the template, whereas a small or negative correlation indicates a poor match.
'HVFULSWLRQRI&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ$OJRULWKP 7KHFRUUHODWLRQ¿OWHUGHVFULEHGLQWKHDetection of Double Quantisation section does not unambiguously identify a single possible original TXDQWLVDWLRQFRHI¿FLHQW)RUH[DPSOHLIQ2(i)=3 and Q1(i)=2, there will be strong correlation with 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, and so forth as shown in Figure 5. This observation means that it is not appropriDWHWRHVWLPDWHHDFKTXDQWLVDWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWLQGHpendently or jointly, as there are too many valid
options. Instead, we formulate the quantisation table detector as a multiple hypothesis test. For each hypothetical quantisation table, we FDOFXODWHDVFRUHEDVHGRQWKHFRUUHODWLRQFRHI¿cients for each individual table element. The score is then ranked so that the candidate quantisation table with the highest score is considered to be the best match. The score function is the sum of the correlations for each DCT histogram, weighted by the QXPEHURIQRQ]HURFRHI¿FLHQWV 64
¦ c(Q (i), Q (i)) x N j
(i )
i 1
where Q j refers to the candidate quantisation table under hypothesis j and Q2 similarly refers to the known secondary quantisation table; and N 0 (i ) UHIHUVWRWKHQXPEHURIQRQ]HURFRHI¿FLHQWVLQ
-0.1 2
WKHKLVWRJUDPIRUFRHI¿FLHQWi. Heuristically, it is easy to argue that the higher the positive correlation, and the higher the number of useful samples, WKHJUHDWHUDSDUWLFXODUFRHI¿FLHQWFRPSRQHQWFDQ contribute to the overall score. The best match, assuming uniform prior probability, is then given by
arg max S j j
It should be noted that this is not the only form of detector that could be constructed using correlaWLRQRIWKH'&7FRHI¿FLHQWVQRUGRZHFODLP that this is an optimal detector. However, this GHWHFWRULVVXI¿FLHQWWRGHPRQVWUDWHWKHHI¿FDF\ of the approach.
10 12 Candidate Q1
of requantisation on the luminance plane was considered, primarily because both packages perform 2h2v downsampling in the chrominance plane which would have complicated our analysis. The actual requantisation was performed by direct requantisation in our analysis software, DOWKRXJK ZH YHUL¿HG WKDW RXU UHTXDQWLVDWLRQ algorithm mirrored the results from the original packages by testing several samples. For each image, we considered 24 r-equantisation cases. In each case, we tested our correlation detector against 330 hypothetical quantisation tables, of which we knew that one would be the correct match. Of course, we were also able to keep track of the correct original quantisation table. We then ranked the scores for later analysis.
Results and Analysis Description of Experiment We considered 4,500 photographs and the impact of requantisation by Adobe Photoshop (all 13 quality levels) and Microsoft Equation Editor (11 quality levels from 1% to 100%). Only the impact
In order to analyse our results in a meaningful way, we chose to cluster original quantisation tables (Q1) by the maximum of the 64 quantisation values. Although this is not an optimal clustering, it does at least bring together quantisation tables with generally similar characteristics.
We considered three questions in our analy-
proportion of candidate quantisation tables ZLWKIRUH[DPSOHFRQ¿GHQFHWKDWWKH correct table has not been eliminated. Finally, we reviewed the correct correlation score as a function of the maximum value FRHI¿FLHQWLQQ1 in order to review the effectiveness of the detector.
sis: 1.
Considering only the best (highest score ranking) match quantisation table, what is the a-posteriori probability of detection, which is to say the empirical probability that a particular Q1 table (table j) is the correct DQVZHUJLYHQWKDWRXUWHVWLGHQWL¿HVWDEOH j. As an alternative, suppose that we wish to eliminate from consideration as many quantisation tables (and hence, candidate source cameras) as possible. We address this question by considering the ranking distribution of the correct quantisation table against the empirical cumulative probability of detection. This allows us to eliminate a
Probability of Detection It should not come as a surprise that our detector worked most effectively when there were a VLJQL¿FDQWQXPEHURIFRHI¿FLHQWVZLWKWKHIROlowing properties: Q1(i LVVLJQL¿FDQWO\ODUJHUWKDQQ2(i) Q2(i) is very small (typically less than or equal to 3)
• •
)LJXUH$SRVWHULRULSUREDELOLW\RIGHWHFWLRQDVDIXQFWLRQRIWKHPD[LPXPFRHI¿FLHQWLQ4IRUIRXU representative secondary quantisations; the solid line shows the median empirical probability of detecWLRQZKLOHWKHGDVKHGOLQHVVKRZWKHFRQ¿GHQFHLQWHUYDO PhotoEditor detection rank 1. Quality 50%. 20 Q1max/bin. 90% CI. 1
Pr ( Qj | Say Qj )
Pr ( Qj | Say Qj )
PhotoEditor detection rank 1. Quality 80%. 20 Q1max/bin. 90% CI. 1
10 20 QT1 max value
10 20 QT1 max value
Photoshop detection rank 1. Quality 4. 20 Q1max/bin. 90% CI.
Pr ( Qj | Say Qj )
Pr ( Qj | Say Qj )
Photoshop detection rank 1. Quality 8. 20 Q1max/bin. 90% CI.
10 20 QT1 max value
10 20 QT1 max value
In cases whereQ2(i) is greater than Q1(i), Q2(i) is not divisible by Q1(i) to ensure residual periodic behaviour
and that further work is needed to improve the performance of the detector.
Ranking of Correct Match Examples of our results are given in Figure 6 for four representative cases. These are representative of recompression at moderate and low image quality levels and are typical of the values used in requantised images for e-mail and Web applications. The quantisation tables are those given in Table 5. It is interesting to note that in no case did the detector result in a match for a primary quantisation table maximum value of less than 18 in the examples given. The best results in fact were achieved with the highest quality settings of both software packages and even in this case results were unreliable for maximum primary quantisation less than 5. This is in fact not surprising as small primary quantisation values are very likely to be divisors RIVHFRQGDU\FRHI¿FLHQWV,QSDUWLFXODUEHFDXVH WKH KLJKHVW IUHTXHQF\ FRHI¿FLHQWV LQ PRVW RI Photoshop’s quantisation tables is 12, it is very GLI¿FXOWWRLVRODWHRUDVDSULPDU\ FRHI¿FLHQW On the other hand, Photo Editor has such large TXDQWLVDWLRQYDOXHVIRUKLJKIUHTXHQF\FRHI¿FLHQWV that the number of non-zero elements is very small, leading to unreliable detection of primary quantisation values. A similar argument explains why these graphs are not monotonic—there are certain combinations of values of primary and secondary quantisation WDEOHVWKDWDUHVLPSO\GLI¿FXOWWRGHWHFWEHFDXVH the primary is a divisor of the secondary. Remembering that our detector is a 330-hypothesis test, a random guess would result in a probability of detection of 0.003. That a-posteriori detection rates in excess of 0.20 are routinely achieved is a strong indicator of the effectiveness of the detector. We acknowledge however that our weighting functions in our detection score are heuristic,
Figure 7 shows the residual probability of miss as a function of rank order for the same four representative secondary quantisation cases. Three VHWV RI SULPDU\ FRHI¿FLHQWV ZHUH FRQVLGHUHG These were grouped according to the maximum TXDQWLVDWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWDVIROORZV
It should be noted that the case where the primary quantisation table is all ones (that is, no quantisation) was excluded as this pathological case cannot be detected using this system. 8VLQJWKHVH¿JXUHV7DEOHVXPPDULVHVWKH number of quantisation tables that cannot be excluded from the set of 330 used in our analysis, DVVXPLQJDUHTXLUHPHQWIRUFRQ¿GHQFHRI non-exclusion. With the exception of very high quality settings for secondary quantisation, these results, disappointingly, show that unless there is a strong initial probability of detection, very few quantisation tables can be excluded from consideration. The reason for this is clear—unless the correct primary quantisation table results in a high score GXH WR ODUJH QXPEHUV RI QRQ]HUR FRHI¿FLHQWV and strong periodic behaviour, it will not stand out from the alternative candidate tables and the result is little better than guessing.
Correlation Score A deeper understanding of the detector performance can be gained from Figure 8, showing the
Figure 7. Residual probability of miss as a function of rank order for four representative secondary quantisations; the three cases in each graph represent small, medium and large values of primary quantisation Detector performance. PhotoEditor. Quality 50%. 1
Pr(rank(Q1 detection)>rank)
Pr(rank(Q1 detection)>rank)
Detector performance. PhotoEditor. Quality 80%. 1
0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005
0.005 maxQ1 = 24... maxQ1 = 7..23 maxQ1 = 2..6
0.002 0.001
maxQ1 = 24... maxQ1 = 7..23 maxQ1 = 2..6
20 rank
0.1 0.05
0.02 0.01 0.005
0.1 0.05
0.02 0.01 0.005
maxQ1 = 24... maxQ1 = 7..23 maxQ1 = 2..6
0.002 0.001
20 rank
Detector performance. Photoshop. Quality 4.
Pr(rank(Q1 detection)>rank)
Pr(rank(Q1 detection)>rank)
Detector performance. Photoshop. Quality 8.
maxQ1 = 24... maxQ1 = 7..23 maxQ1 = 2..6
20 rank
20 rank
max Q1 [2..6]
max Q1 [7..23]
max Q1 [24..]
continued on following page
Figure 7. continued Adobe Photoshop Quality Level
max Q1 [2..6]
max Q1 [7..23]
max Q1 [24..]
)LJXUH&RUUHODWRUSHUIRUPDQFHDVDIXQFWLRQRIWKHPD[LPXPFRHI¿FLHQWLQ4IRUIRXUUHSUHVHQWDtive secondary quantisations Correlator performance. PhotoEditor. Quality 50%. 5
median correlation, excludes 5% outliers
median correlation, excludes 5% outliers
Correlator performance. PhotoEditor. Quality 80%. 5
0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005
0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.002
0.002 0.001
1 0.5
10 max Q1
1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.002 0.001
10 max Q1
Correlator performance. Photoshop. Quality 4.
median correlation, excludes 5% outliers
median correlation, excludes 5% outliers
Correlator performance. Photoshop. Quality 8.
1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.002
10 max Q1
10 max Q1
median score for the four representative quantisation cases. The performance is quite strong in all cases for primary quantisation tables with ODUJHFRHI¿FLHQWVEXWSDUWLFXODUO\SRRULQFDVHV where:
7KHSULPDU\FRHI¿FLHQWVDUHVPDOOGXHWR the high probability of being a divisor of the VHFRQGDU\FRHI¿FLHQWDQG )RUSULPDU\FRHI¿FLHQWYDOXHVLQWKHUDQJH of 10 to 20, which are likely to be equal to WKHVHFRQGDU\FRHI¿FLHQW
Discussion The work presented here has demonstrated that some residual evidence remains of primary quantisation when a photographic image is requantised. However, the usefulness of that evidence depends on both the primary and secondary quantisation tables, and in particular the relationship between the two tables. A related application of the test proposed here is to match photographs that show evidence of having come from similar sources and passing through similar processing. Thus a large database of photographs could be analysed and the contents clustered so that images with similar characteristics can then be visually compared for similarities.
of the source camera. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that under some circumstances, it is still possible to identify the primary JPEG quantisation table after requantisation, meaning WKDWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHFDPHUDVHULHVLVRIWHQVWLOO possible after the image has been recoded. In order to develop these techniques into a useful forensic tool, it would be necessary to develop and maintain an exhaustive database of all cameras on the global market. Such a database ZRXOGUHTXLUHWKHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHRIDVLJQL¿FDQW law enforcement agency or other similar agency and the cooperation of camera manufacturers. However the number of manufacturers and the range of cameras available, including new models introduced each year, suggests that such a database is technically and commercially feasible and would EULQJVLJQL¿FDQWEHQH¿WVLQW\LQJDQLPDJHWRD particular camera as part of a range of types of forensic investigation.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to acknowledge the assistance of Jeremy Messé for his assistance in gathering data and coding many of the experiments in this chapter.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS SUMMARY This chapter has considered the challenge of LGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHVRXUFHFDPHUDIRUVWLOOLPages, an important area of forensic investigation with a wide range of applications. In addition to techniques already described in the literature using metadata and also characteristics unique to a particular camera, original work has been presented that demonstrates that analysis of the primary JPEG quantisation table is an effective tool for identifying the make and model series
Two immediate practical applications of the technique introduced here are immediately apparent. 7KH ¿UVW LV LQ UHGXFLQJ WKH UDQJH RI FDQGLGDWH camera models to as small a set as possible. The FKRLFHRITXDQWLVDWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWVLPPHGLDWHO\ excludes many models, although a unique candidate camera model is unlikely. Furthermore, it is often possible to identify the most likely model series and, if metadata is present, the consistency of the quantisation table can help to verify whether that metadata has been tampered with. Secondly, the technique can be adapted to match
photographs in a database that have undergone the same primary and secondary quantisation. When dealing with a very larger number of photographs, particularly when the content is distressing, this is an important technique because it allows photographs with similar technical characteristics to EH¿OWHUHGIRUKXPDQDQDO\VLV It became apparent in the images gathered for this experiment that newer high quality cameras are opting for higher quality images by using VPDOOHUYDOXHGTXDQWLVDWLRQWDEOHV7KHMXVWL¿FDtion for this design decision appears to be that memory cards are quickly increasing in size while becoming cheaper. For example, a camera from around 2002 would typically come with an 8MB memory card, a camera at a similar price in 2007 comes with a 512MB or 1GB memory card. 7KLVPHDQVWKDW¿OHVL]HLVTXLFNO\EHFRPLQJOHVV relevant and so images are being captured with minimal quantisation. We see no reason why this trend would not continue. $VDFRQVHTXHQFHLWLVOLNHO\WKDWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ of the primary quantisation matrix in a requanWLVHGLPDJHZLOOQRWRQO\JHWPRUHGLI¿FXOWIRU new cameras, but such analysis will be of less value as cameras move towards un-quantised JPEG images. On the other hand, the sale of mobile phones with inbuilt cameras is continuing strongly, and IRUWKHVHGHYLFHV¿OHVL]HUHPDLQVDNH\FKDOOHQJH for transmission. Hence larger valued quantisation tables are likely to continue to be used, and when considered in conjunction with the fact that mobile camera images are very often transmitted or shared directly with no editing, the techniques described in this chapter are likely to remain powerful tools in identifying the source of images for the foreseeable future. It is likely that the performance of the detector presented here could be improved by reformulating our detection algorithm. It is also worth investigating a number of other variations, including:
• •
Incorporation of chrominance planes in the detector The impact of cropping and rescaling of the image 7KHLPSDFWRIRWKHUDI¿QHWUDQVIRUPVLQcluding rotation
The application of coding analysis to video brings new opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, quantisation tables are much less likely to vary across video camera devices, and LQ IDFW VRPH HDUO\ YLGHR VWDQGDUGV KDYH ¿[HG quantisation. However, it should also be noted that video coding typically uses a combination of intra-frames, that is, reference frames coded in a similar way to JPEG, and inter-frames, that is, frames that are constructed with reference to previous or future video frames. This is typically done using motion vectors that code a block of the frame as a spatial offset to the reference frame, adding detailed correction if necessary. Optimal calculation of motion vectors is computationally intensive and so sub-optimal techniques are normally used (see for example Al-Mualla, Canagarajah, & Bull, 2002) for a discussion on a range of sub-optimal strategies). By analysis of the video frames and motion vectors, it would be possible to identify the sub-optimal motion estimation strategy and hence link that evidence to a manufacturer and camera model series in a similar manner to that described here.
REFERENCES Al-Mualla, M. E., Canagarajah, C. N., & Bull, D. R. (2002). Video coding for mobile commuQLFDWLRQV(I¿FLHQF\FRPSOH[LW\DQGUHVLOLHQFH Boston: Academic Press. Bayram, S., Sencar, H. T., Memon, N., & Avcibas, I. (2005, September 11-14). Source camera identi¿FDWLRQEDVHGRQ&)$LQWHUSRODWLRQProceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on Image 3URFHVVLQJ,&,3 (Vol. 3, pp. 69-72). Farid, H. (2006). Digital image ballistics from JPEG quantization (Tech. Rep. No. TR2006-583). Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, Department of Computer Science. International Telecommunications Union (ITU). (1993). CCITT T.81 information technology— Digital compression and coding of continuoustone still images—Requirements and guidelines. Author. Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA). (2002). JEITA CP([FKDQJHDEOHLPDJH¿OHIRUPDWIRUGLJLWDO still cameras: Exif Version 2.2. Author.
ADDITIONAL READING In addition to the previous references, the followLQJUHIHUHQFHVUHODWHGWRFDPHUDVRXUFHLGHQWL¿cation, image tampering, and JPEG parameter VHOHFWLRQSDUWLFXODUO\TXDQWLVDWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWV may be useful. There is also a wide range of popular literature, especially on the Internet, on WKHWRSLFRIVRXUFHFDPHUDLGHQWL¿FDWLRQZKLFK is not listed here. Ahmed, N., Natarajan, T., & Rao, K. R. (1974). Discrete cosine transform. IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-23, 90-93. $OYDUH]3 8VLQJH[WHQGHG¿OHLQIRUPDWLRQ (;,) ¿OHKHDGHUVLQGLJLWDOHYLGHQFHDQDO\VLV International Journal of Digital Evidence, 2(3).
Lohscheller, H. (1984). A subjectively adapted image communication system. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 32(12), 1316-1322.
Chen, W. H., & Pratt, W. K. (1984). Scene adaptive coder. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 32, 225-232.
Lukáš, J., & Fridrich, J. (2003, August). Estimation of primary quantization matrix in double compressed JPEG images. Proceedings of Digital Forensic Research Workshop, Cleveland, OH.
Fan, Z., & De Queiroz, R. (2000). Maximum likelihood estimation of JPEG quantization table LQWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRI-3(*FRPSUHVVLRQKLVWRU\ Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, Vancouver, Canada (Vol. I, pp. 948-951).
Lukáš, J., Fridrich, J., & Goljan, M. (2006). Digital FDPHUDLGHQWL¿FDWLRQIURPVHQVRUSDWWHUQQRLVH IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 1(2), 205-214. Neelamani, R., De Queiroz, R., Fan, Z., Dash, S., & Baraniuk, R. (2006). JPEG compression history estimation for color images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15(6), 1365-1378. Popescu, A. C., & Farid, H. (2005). Exposing digital forgeries by detecting traces of resampling. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 53(2). Wallace, G. K. (1991). The JPEG still picture compression standard. Communications of the ACM, 34(4), 30-44.
)DQ= 'H4XHLUR]5 ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ of bitmap compression history: JPEG detection and quantizer estimation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 12, 230-235. Farid, H. (2004). Creating and detecting doctored and virtual images: Implications to the child pornography prevention act (Tech. Rep. No. TR2004-518). Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, Department of Computer Science. Farid, H. (2006). Exposing digital forgeries in VFLHQWL¿FLPDJHV ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland. Fridrich, J. (1998, November 4-6). Methods for detecting changes in digital images. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on In-
telligent Signal Processing and Communication 6\VWHPV,63$&6¶ Melbourne, Australia (pp. 173-177). Fridrich, J., & Blythe, P. (2004, August 11-13). Secure digital camera. Paper presented at the Digital Forensic Research Workshop, Baltimore, MD.
Lyu, S. (2005). Natural image statistics for digital image forensics. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, Department of Computer Science. Lyu, S., Rockmore, D., & Farid, H. (2005). Wavelet analysis for authentication. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado, Art+Math=X.
Fridrich, J., Chen, M., & Goljan, M. (2007, January). 'LJLWDOLPDJLQJVHQVRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQIXUWKHU VWXG\ Proceedings of SPIE Electronic Imaging, Photonics West.
Murdoch, S. J., & Dornseif, M. (2004). Far more than you ever wanted to tell: Hidden data in Internet published documents, 21. Chaos Communication Congress.
Fridrich, J., Chen, M., Goljan, M., & Lukáš, J. (2007, January). Source digital camcorder idenWL¿FDWLRQXVLQJVHQVRUSKRWRUHVSRQVHQRQXQLformity. Proceedings of SPIE Electronic Imaging, Photonics West.
Peterson, H. A., et al. (1991). Quantization of colour image components in the DCT domain. SPIE/IS&T 1991 Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology.
Fridrich, J., Goljan, M., & Chen, M. (in press). Identifying common source digital camera from image pairs. Proceedings of ICIP, San Antonio, TX.
Popescu, A. C. (2005). Statistical tools for digital image forensics. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, Department of Computer Science.
Fridrich, J., Soukal, D., & Lukáš, J. (2003, August 5-8). Detection of copy-move forgery in digital images. Proceedings of DFRWS 2003, Cleveland, OH.
Popescu, A. C., & Farid, H. (2004a). Exposing digital forgeries by detecting duplicated image regions (Tech. Rep. No. TR2004-515). Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, Department of Computer Science.
Glanrath, D. J. (1981). The role of human visual models in image processing. Proceedings of the IEEE, 67, 552-561.
Popescu, A. C., & Farid, H. (2004b). Statistical tools for digital forensics. 6th International Workshop on Information Hiding, Toronto, Canada.
Johnson, M. K., & Farid, H. (2005). Exposing digital forgeries by detecting inconsistencies in lighting. ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, New York.
Popescu, A. C., & Farid, H. (2005). Exposing GLJLWDOIRUJHULHVLQFRORU¿OWHUDUUD\LQWHUSRODWHG images. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 53(10), 3948-3959.
Johnson, M. K., & Farid, H. (2006). Exposing digital forgeries through chromatic aberration. ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland.
Wang, W., & Farid, H. (2006). Exposing digital forgeries in video by detecting double MPEG compression. ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland.
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Chapter XV
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics Hongxia Jin IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
ABSTRACT This chapter discusses the cryptographic traitor tracing technology that is used to defend against piracy in multimedia content distribution. It talks about different potential pirate attacks in a multimedia content distribution system. It discusses how traitor tracing technologies can be used to defend against those attacks by identifying the attackers involved in the piracy. While traitor tracing has been a long standing cryptographic problem that has attracted extensive research, the main purpose of this chapter is to show how to overcome many practical concerns in order to bring a theoretical solution to practice. 0DQ\RIWKHVHSUDFWLFDOFRQFHUQVKDYHEHHQRYHUORRNHGLQDFDGHPLFUHVHDUFK7KHDXWKRUEULQJV¿UVW hand experience on bringing this technology to practice in the context of new industry standards on FRQWHQWSURWHFWLRQIRUQH[WJHQHUDWLRQKLJKGH¿QLWLRQ'9'V7KHDXWKRUDOVRKRSHVWRVKHGQHZLQVLJKWV on future research directions in this space.
INTRODUCTION Today we live in a digital world. The advent of digital technologies has made the creation and manipulation of multimedia content simpler. It offers higher quality and a lot more convenience to consumers. For example, it allows one to make perfect copies. Furthermore, the rapid advance of network technologies, cheaper storage, and larger band-
width have enabled new business models on electronically distributing and delivering multimedia content, such as Disney’s MovieBeam and Apple’s iTune. However, unauthorized music and movie FRS\LQJDUHHDWLQJDELJELWHRIWKHSUR¿WRIWKH record industry and the movie studios. The success of these emerging business models hinges on the ability to only deliver the content to paying customers.
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
It is highly desirable to develop better techniques to protect the copyrighted material. Content encryption solves part of the problem. It protects the content before and during delivery, but does not help after it has been decrypted. It is relatively easy for hackers to access the content after decryption. To protect the copyright of the content, one must also ensure that content is only consumed by authorized users. 'LJLWDO¿QJHUSULQWLQJDUHXQLTXHODEHOVPDUNV embedded in different copies of the same content. When an illegal copy of the post-delivery multiPHGLDFRQWHQWLVIRXQGWKHHPEHGGHG¿QJHUSULQW can be used for tracing the illegal users who distributed that copy. Of course there are different pirate attacks. The piracy may not be on content; it can also be on the decryption keys of the content. Fingerprinting technology usually does not apply to cryptographic keys. The focus of this chapter is not on content ¿QJHUSULQWLQJLQVWHDGLWLVRQtraitor tracing. Before we go on in this chapter, we need to ¿UVWFODULI\WKHWHUPLQRORJ\WUDLWRUWUDFLQJ People working on multimedia have been using the terminology traitor tracing meaning the function/capability that traces traitors. So RQHFDQVD\¿QJHUSULQWLQJLVDWHFKQRORJ\WKDW can be used for traitor tracing. However, traitor tracing is also a terminology that has been actively appeared in cryptographic literatures. It refers to a class of key management schemes that can be used to trace pirated cryptographic keys, sometimes pirated content too. To this end, traitor tracing itself is a technology that can be used for forensics, including multimedia forensics. The focus of this chapter is on the latter cryptographic traitor tracing technology, which has been and still is a very active research area in cryptographic community. In this chapter, we will describe different pirate attacks. We will survey the state of art and state of practice of the traitor tracing technologies for different pirate attacks. Different traitor tracing
technologies are needed for different types of pirate attacks. The author and colleagues have been involved in this research area for many years. The technologies they developed have become WKH¿UVWODUJHVFDOHFRPPHUFLDOL]DWLRQRIWUDLWRU tracing technologies in the context of new industry content protection standard, the advanced access content system (AACS), for next generation high GH¿QLWLRQ'9'V,QWKLVFKDSWHUWKHDXWKRUZLOO GHVFULEHWKHLU¿UVWKDQGH[SHULHQFHRQGHYHORSing traitor tracing technologies that are practical enough for commercial use. The focus of this chapter is from a practical point of view looking at the problems and how researches can be done to make the technologies work in practice. It will give readers hands on knowledge on using traitor tracing technologies for multimedia forensics in different types of pirate attacks in real world. This chapter will also point out some of the issues that have been overlooked in years of academic researches.
BACKGROUND A number of business models have emerged, whose success hinges on the ability to securely distribute digital content only to paying customers. Examples of these business models include pay-TV systems (Cable companies) or movie rental FRPSDQLHVOLNH1HWÀL[DQGPDVVLYHO\GLVWULEXWing prerecorded and recordable media. These typical content protection applications imply a one-way broadcast nature. To ensure the content is only consumed by authorized users, broadcast encryption technologies are used. A broadcast encryption system (Fiat & Naor, 1993) enables a broadcaster to encrypt the content so that only a privileged subset of users (devices, set up boxes) can decrypt the content and exclude another subset of users. In this system, each decoder box is assigned a unique set of decryption keys (called device keys). A key management DOJRULWKPLVGH¿QHGWRDVVLJQNH\VWRGHYLFHVDQG
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
encrypt the content that can guarantee that only compliant devices can decrypt the content, without requiring authentication of the device. Broadcast encryption is currently being used for content protection of recordable and prerecorded media (CPRM/CPPM) and is implemented in consumer electronics devices ranging from highly portable audio players that use secure digital cards to top of the line DVD-audio players supporting multiple channels, higher sampling rates, and improved frequency response. The media, such DV&''9'RUDÀDVKPHPRU\FDUGW\SLFDOO\ contains in its header the encryption of the key K (called media key), which encrypts the content following the header. The media key is encrypted again and again using all the chosen device keys and forms a media key block (MKB), which is sent alongside the content when the content is distributed. The device keys used to encrypt the media key are chosen in a way as to cover all compliant boxes. It allows all compliant devices, each using their set of device keys, to calculate the same key K. But the non-compliant devices cannot calculate the correct key using their compromised keys. Thus the MKB enables system renewability. If a device is found to be non-compliant, a set of his/her device keys is compromised, an updated MKB can be released that causes a device with the compromised set of device keys to be unable to calculate the correct key K. This effectively excludes the compromised device from accessing the future content. The compromised device keys are revoked by the updated MKB. One of the biggest challenges of the design of a broadcast encryption system is the communication overhead, measured by the length of the cipher text message in order to revoke keys, in other words, the MKB size. A naive approach would encrypt the media key K using each compliant user’s device key. In this approach, the size of the MKB is linear with the number of users. Of
course this is only feasible when broadcasting to a very small set of users. When the set is large, this naive approach will explode in size. Therefore the research challenge is when the set is large, which is oftentimes true in reality, for example, DVD players can be over billions. In this case, the goal of the design is to make MKB size independent of the total number of users. The best broadcast encryption system that uses for MKB is referred to as the subset-difference approach, or simply the NNL tree (Naor, Naor, & Lotspiech, 2001), named after the inventors. It achieves very concise MKBs. The algorithm is based on the principle of covering all non-reYRNHGXVHUVE\GLVMRLQWVXEVHWVIURPDSUHGH¿QHG collection. It is tree-based and the subsets are derived from a virtual tree structure imposed on all devices in the system. The algorithm allows YHU\HI¿FLHQWUHYRFDWLRQRIDQ\FRPELQDWLRQRI device key sets. It is used in the recently formed industry standard, AACS, on content protection IRUQH[WJHQHUDWLRQKLJKGH¿QLWLRQ'9'V Another type of multimedia content distribution may not involve physical media. It is distributed through the communication channel. The cost shifts from manufacturing physical media to network bandwidth. For example, pay-TV systems and selling copyrighted music content through the Web. It is the pay-per-view type of system. A consumer device (e.g., a set-top box as a movie rental box) receives digital movies from some inexpensive source of data, usually some broadcast source or network download. The content is bulk-encrypted and a content protection system needs to make sure that only paid customers can access the content. Traitor tracing schemes are a class of key management schemes that are carefully designed to distribute the decryption keys to users so that they can identify the users (called traitors) who have been involved in the piracy when pirate evidences are found.
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
OVERVIEW ON ATTACKS What are the security problems with the broadcast encryption systems described previously? Here are the three major pirate attacks: • • •
Pirates disclose secret device keys by building a clone pirate decoder, Pirates disclose content encrypting key (media key): pirates stay anonymous, and Pirates disclose decrypted content: pirates stay anonymous.
7KH¿UVWSLUDWHDWWDFNKDVEHHQVWXGLHGH[WHQsively. It is called pirate decoder attack. A set of device owners attack their devices, extract device keys out of their devices, and use those keys collaboratively to build a clone pirate device that can decrypt the content. Of course this clone device does not have to be a physical device; it can be a software program. They can then sell it to illegitimate users for commercial interest. Any one owning the pirate decoder can extract the plaintext broadcasted by the broadcaster. For example, pirate decoders enable illegitimate users to watch pay-TV for free. The content protection scheme for DVDs called content scrambling system (CSS) was broken and the infamous software program De-CSS used for copying protected DVD discs is available anywhere on Internet. That is a typical example of this pirate decoder attack. The goal of a traitor tracing scheme for this type of attack is to distribute the decryption keys to the devices in such a way so as to allow WKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIDWOHDVWRQHNH\XVHGLQWKH pirate box or clone when a pirate device is found. Most existing broadcast encryption and traitor tracing schemes targeted on this type of pirate decoder attack. Another possible attack, which is more popular in a business scenario like pay-per-view, is what we call anonymous attack. Some legitimate subscribers have instrumented their devices and resell the movies by redistributing the per-movie decryption
keys or the decrypted movie itself. For example, in the aforementioned hybrid encryption-based broadcast encryption system, the attacker can simply redistribute the media key to stay anonymous DQGDYRLGEHLQJLGHQWL¿HG,QGHHGWKHDWWDFNHUV can set up a server that sells the per-movie keys (like media keys) on demand. To defend against these types of anonymous attacks, for different devices, the content needs to be differently encrypted. A traitor tracing scheme for this type of redistributing anonymous attack is to design a key management scheme that distributes the encryption/decryption keys in a way so that they allow one to identify the traitors when the pirated content/keys are found. In rest of the chapter we will discuss in more detail traitor tracing technologies on each of the aforementioned attacks. We will mainly describe the technologies we have developed and have been adopted in the AACS content protection standard IRU QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ KLJK GH¿QLWLRQ '9'V $V mentioned earlier, traitor tracing is a long standing theoretical research topic in cryptographic OLWHUDWXUHV:HZLOOWDONDERXWRXU¿UVWKDQGH[perience on bringing this long standing theoretical research topic to commercial use for Hollywood. Practicality was our number one focus.
TRAITOR TRACING FOR PIRATE DECODER ATTACK A De-CSS type attack can end up with a clone decoder (or a software program) with built-in device keys. A traitor tracing scheme is designed to distribute the device keys in a way to allow the tracing and detection of at least one key that is used in the clone decoder. Black-box tracing is usually used against this type of attack when a clone is found. It assumes that only the outcome of the decoding box can be examined. It provides the black box with encrypted messages (e.g., MKB) and observes its output (the decrypted message, e.g.,
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
whether or not it can decrypt MKB correctly to get the media key to decrypt the content) trying WR¿JXUHRXWZKROHDNHGWKHGHYLFHNH\V$SLUDWH decoder is of interest only if it can correctly decode with probability bigger than some threshold. While there has been a lot of work done for this type of attack, the state-of-art traitor tracing scheme for pirate decoder attack is seamlessly combined with the state-of-art broadcast encryption scheme, NNL scheme. After the tracing VFKHPHLGHQWL¿HVWKHFRPSURPLVHGGHYLFHNH\V the distributor can revoke the pirate’s device keys in the updated MKB in new released movies. At a high level, a broadcast encryption system organizes the devices into overlapping subsets, with each subset associated with a key. Each device belongs to many different subsets and knows the key for every subset it is a member of. During broadcasting, the license agency picks subsets that cover all innocent devices but exclude all compromised devices. The MKB distributed together with the content contains the media key encrypted with all selected subset keys. In the broadcast encryption scheme shown in Naor et al. (2001), the devices are organized as the leaves of a tree. Each subtree in the tree becomes a subset, and each subtree is associated with a key. Each device belongs to many subtrees and knows all the keys associated with those subtrees. The traitor tracing scheme shown in Naor et al. (2001) is called subset-based tracing. The subset tracing scheme is a black box tracing. The algorithm devises a series of carefully crafted cipher messages (queries) to feed into the decoder. These queries are called forensic MKBs. The scheme partitions the tree into subtrees (subsets). For a partition 6 6i1, Si2,...Sim, each subset Sij is associated with a key. When building a forensic MKB, the algorithm carefully chooses to enable some keys and disable other keys. Enabling a key means encrypting the media key in the forensic MKB, and disabling a key means encrypting a random bit string (garbage) instead of the valid media key in the forensic MKB. As one can see, the
structure of these forensic MKBs is very similar to real production MKBs. But they choose keys to disable just for forensics purpose only, not for real revocation of users. As the basic procedure of the tracing algorithm, a series of forensic MKBs are constructed using partition S and fed into the clone decoder. The clone either cannot decrypt MKB with probability greater than threshold q, or identify a subset Sij such that Sij contains a traitor. The paper by Naor et al. (2001) showed why this can be guaranteed in their tree structured broadcast encryption VFKHPH:KHQDVXVSHFWVXEVHWLVLGHQWL¿HGLWLV split into two roughly equal size subsets and the next iteration continues with the new partition XQWLOLWUHDFKHVDOHDIQRGHWKDWLGHQWL¿HVDJXLOW\ compromised device, that is, a traitor. 7KHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKHWUDFLQJLVPDLQO\PHDsured by how many forensic MKBs are needed in order to detect the traitors or disable a pirate decoder. The traitor tracing scheme shown in Naor et al. (2001) takes in total T 3log T forensic MKBs where T is the number of traitors involved in constructing the pirate decoder.
What is Missing From Existing Approaches The previous polynomial result seems to be satisfactory on paper. Theoretical research can KDSSLO\VWRSKHUH8QIRUWXQDWHO\ZH¿QGLWLVQRW a completely practical solution for real use. The measures taken by the circumvention device might slow down the testing process. For example, each testing probe may take a minute or more. A circumvention device comprising 100 compromised keys (i.e., t = 100) may require over 100 millions of forensic MKB testings to determine the device keys the circumvention device has compromised. It is obvious this is not acceptable. In effect, such a circumvention device had defeated the content protection system. Therefore it is highly desirable to reduce the number of forensic MKBs needed.
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
New Approach A more empirical approach (Zigoris & Jin, 2007) can be used to satisfy this need. Similar to the original subset-based approach, the new approach picks a partition in a top down manner from the root of the tree. Given a partition S, for the set of keys associated with the partition S, it maintains a hypothesized model about the probabilities those keys are in the circumvention device. The hypothesized model is passed to the subset tracing procedure to identify which key is contained in the pirate device. When a suspect VXEVHWLVLGHQWL¿HGDQGVSOLWLQWRVPDOOHUVXEVHWV further down in the tree, the key associated with the suspect subset is removed from the MKB and replaced with one or more keys associated with the smaller subsets. The hypothesized model also gets updated with the keys added into the new forensic MKB. The new approach also maintains a pirate device model, which models the behavior of the circumvention device in response to forensic MKB tests. This model can be based on prior knowledge or assuming the best strategy for attackers. It is conjectured that the best pirate decoder strategy is to decode the forensic MKB with one of its device keys chosen uniformly at random. If the key chosen is enabled then the decoder successfully plays the test; if it is disabled then it does not play. When it receives the response from the pirate decoder after feeding a forensic MKB built on partition S, the algorithm updates the hypothesized model based on the response result and the pirate device model. Simply put, the update can be based on Bayes’ theorem. When the guilty probability for a particular key in the hypothesized model is above some threshold, that key and its associated VXEVHWLVLGHQWL¿HG0RUHRYHURQHFDQTXDQWLI\ how informative a potential forensic MKB is, which can then be used to guide the tracing process. The algorithm always chooses the most informative forensic MKB as the next test.
The new approach is orders of magnitude more HI¿FLHQWWKDQWKHRULJLQDOWUDFLQJVFKHPHLQ1DRU et al. (2001). It leverages the pirate device model as well as the clone’s response to forensic MKBs to infer an explicit model of which keys have been FRPSURPLVHG,WGRHVQRWSHUIRUPDVLPSOHVLJQL¿cant test. Instead, it makes use of information gain and always chooses a forensic MKB that can give the most information to increase the belief on the guiltiness of the keys associated with the partition S. Moreover, since the new approach explicitly maintains the belief on guiltiness of each key, it essentially keeps the history. Overall, adaptively choosing the best forensic MKB at each step and continuously updating our beliefs about which keys are compromised allow one to substantially reduce the number of forensic MKBs needed to identify traitors. Readers refer to Zigoris and Jin (2007) for more details.
TRAITOR TRACING FOR ANONYMOUS ATTACK As mentioned earlier, in an anonymous attack, attackers simply rebroadcast the per-movie encrypting keys or the content itself. They do this to avoid being caught, because typically the content encrypting key (media key) and the content are the same for every user. In a traitor tracing scheme for anonymous attack, different users must effectively playback content differently. Unfortunately, it is oftentimes impossible to send a different version of the content to each user, because in this case the bandwidth usage is extremely poor. Hollywood only allows us to devote at most 10% of the extra disc space or bandwidth for forensics. Furthermore, for massively distributing physical DVDs, it only makes economical sense to prepare the content only once and distribute a copy as needed. In other words, each user should receive the same content (broadcasted or the physical media) but
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
still play back the content differently to enable one to trace the pirates. In the traitor tracing model for anonymous attack, one assumes that each piece of content (for example, a movie) is divided into multiple segments, among which n segments are chosen to have different variations. Each of these n segments has q possible variations. How to build YDULDWLRQVDUHIRUPDWVSHFL¿F)RUH[DPSOHWKHUH can be different ways to create the variations with HD-DVD and Blue-Ray discs. It is possible to use watermarks, different camera angles, or different play lists. It is outside of the scope of this chapter to discuss the approaches to create variations. Traitor tracing is a cryptographic technology that builds on top of these approaches. More importantly to traitor tracing, these variations must be differently encrypted. Each device is assigned a unique set of tracing keys that enables it to decrypt exactly one variation at each point of the content during playback time. If the plain content or the actual variation encrypting keys get pirated and redistributed, a traitor tracing scheme can identify the original users who participated in the construction of the pirated copy of the content or content encrypting keys. The design of a traitor tracing scheme for anonymous attack is about how to assign the secret tracing keys to devices to enable tracing after piracy.
Pirate Model There are two well-known models for how a pirated copy (be it the content or the key) can be generated: •
Giventwo variants v1 and v2 of a segment, the pirate can only use v1 or v2, not any other valid variant vi. Given two variants v1 and v2 of a movie segment (v1v2), the pirate can generate any valid variant vi out of v1 and v2 .
,QGLJLWDO¿QJHUSULQWLQJWKHUHDUHVLPLODUSLUDWH PRGHOV7KH¿UVWPRGHOLVFDOOHGQDUURZFDVH¿Qgerprinting problem. The second model is called JHQHUDO RU ZLGHFDVH ¿QJHUSULQWLQJ SUREOHP As pointed out in Boneh and Shaw (1998), both models can be expanded by allowing generating something that is unreadable, or erased. Schemes presented in Chor, Fiat, and Naor (1994); Chor, Fiat, Naor, and Pinkas (2000); Hollmann, Van Lint, Linnartz, and Tolhuizen (1998); Cohnen, Encheva, Litsyn, and Schaathun (2003) DOOXVHGWKH¿UVWPRGHO,Q+ROOPDQQHWDOLWZDV also proved that for two colluders and T 3, there H[LVWFRGHVWKDWFDQSURYLGHH[DFWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ of at least one traitor with exponentially many FRGHZRUGV,QELQDU\FDVHH[DFWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRI even one traitor is generally impossible. So most of the works in this area (Barg, Blakely, & Kabatiansky, 2003; Tardos, 2003) allow some small error rate, in other words, they are probabilistic ¿QJHUSULQWFRGHV Traitor tracing for anonymous attack is a VLPLODU DUHD DV ¿QJHUSULQWLQJ EXW H[SDQGV WR cryptographic keys. Some cryptographic litHUDWXUHYLHZVWUDLWRUWUDFLQJDVD¿QJHUSULQWLQJ problem on cryptographic keys. It is true that traitor tracing schemes also deal with pirated content, redistributing the plain content requires a lot of extra bandwidth. It is oftentimes more convenient/economical to redistribute the content encrypting keys rather than the content itself. For example, it is more likely for the attackers to set up a server and sell pirated encrypting keys on demand. As one can imagine, when given two randomly chosen cryptographic keys, it is nearly impossible to come up with another valid cryptographic key. So, from the traitor tracing point of view, the so-called marking assumption is often made by traitor tracing schemes in the literature. It says it is hard to erase the mark, or come up with another valid mark. It is certainly true when we deal with cryptographic keys. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, creating variation is format
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
VSHFL¿F 'LIIHUHQW DSSURDFKHV ZLWK RU ZLWKRXW watermarking, can be used to create variations. Traitor tracing technology works on top of pirate models accepted by its applications. In our case, +ROO\ZRRGDFFHSWVWKH¿UVWPRGHO,WLVRXWVLGH the scope of this chapter to discuss in depth why +ROO\ZRRGDFFHSWVWKH¿UVWPRGHO
Practicality Concerns In this section, we will talk about the practical concerns we get from Hollywood to defend against anonymous attack in the real world, for example, to protect digital movies massively distributed in DVDs. Of course, traceability is the basic functionality that a traitor tracing system offers. In turn, this has been the focus of most researches in literature. As one can imagine, traitors may collude. For anonymous attack, the traceability is measured by the number of pirated copies of content/keys needed to recover in order to identify traitors when there are T traitors in a coalition. In order to provide traceability, a traitor tracing scheme consists of two basic steps: •
Assignment step: Assign a version of the content to the device by assigning the playback path, that is, which variation to play for each augmented segment in the content. Traitor/coalition detection step: Based on the recovered pirated content/keys, trace back to the traitors.
The real world puts some restrictions on the design of a traitor tracing system. The previous paragraphs already discussed one initial concern. It is not feasible to create and distribute a different version of the content and encrypt it differently for each different user. It has to prepare the content once and distribute a copy as needed. A feasible model is to choose n segments from the content and create q variations for each seg-
ment. The variations are differently marked and encrypted. Each playing device receives the same disc with all the small variations at chosen segments in the content. However, each device plays back the movie through a different path, which effectively creates a different movie version. As one can imagine, the variations takes extra space on the disc. A practical traitor tracing scheme on a prerecorded optical movie disc should take no more than 10% of the space on the disc to store the variations. For a normal 2-hour movie, it corresponds to 8 additional minutes (480 seconds) of video. This puts practical restriction on the number of variations one can put into a movie. The market for such discs is huge, involving literally a billion playing devices or more. This means a tracing scheme needs to be able to accommodate large numbers of devices. Of course, the traitor tracing system should provide reasonable traceability. Unfortunately these requirements are inherHQWO\FRQÀLFWLQJ/HWXVVKRZVRPHLQWXLWLRQRQ WKHFRQÀLFWVEHWZHHQWKHVHSDUDPHWHUV7DNHD look at a code [n,k,d], where n is the length of the code words, k is the source symbol size and d is the Hamming distance of the code, namely, the minimum number of symbols by which any two code words differ; q is the number of variations. There are mathematical connections between these parameters. For example, for a [n,k,d] code, the number of code words is qk; and Hamming GLVWDQFH VDWLV¿HV WKH SURSHUW\ WKDW G n-k+1. Furthermore, for a maximal difference separable 0'6 FRGHLWVDWLV¿HVQ q. For a traitor tracing system, the overhead, the number of users accommodated and the traceability depend on the choices of these parameters. The number of variations q decides the extra bandwidth needed for distributing the content. The bigger q, the more overhead it incurs. So a practical system would prefer a small q. The Hamming distance d decides its traceability. The larger d means better traceability.
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
So we want a large d, in other words, a small k. Unfortunately, to accommodate a large number of devices, for example billions, either q or k or ERWKKDYHWREHUHODWLYHO\ELJ7KHFRQÀLFWEHWZHHQ WKH SDUDPHWHUV PDNHV LW LQKHUHQWO\ GLI¿FXOW WR design a practical system to defend against collusion attack. In summary, the reality puts the following practical requirements on the assignment and detection steps in a traitor tracing system when providing traceability: • • •
Overhead: The number of variations q for each movie cannot be big Number of users: The number of devices/ users must be big (I¿FLHQF\ The number of movies necessary to detect a coalition of should be as small as possible
7KH¿UVWWZRUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHRQWKHDVVLJQment step, while the third requirement is on the actual coalition detection step. Furthermore, these UHTXLUHPHQWVKDYHWREHVDWLV¿HGLQWKDWRUGHU When we started this work, there was not a solution satisfying all these requirements. In addition to the previous requirements on a basic traitor tracing system, the real world has to take into consideration problems that arise throughout the lifetime of a system, as a result, in addition to basic traceability, it also demands the following two capabilities: •
Revocation::KHQWUDLWRUVDUHLGHQWL¿HG they can be excluded from access to future content. Continuous traceability: after revocation, the system can identify remaining or new traitors.
Indeed, the real world needs a trace-revoketrace system to be actually useful. While there exists trace and revoke systems for pirate decoder attack, there does not exist a trace-revoke system
for anonymous attack. Moreover, the continuous traceability problem was overlooked.
What is Missing From Existing Approaches Existing approaches on traitor tracing for anonymous attack used the same model as described previously. Each piece of content is divided into multiple segments and some segments are chosen to have multiple variations. They made the same PDUNLQJ DVVXPSWLRQV DV WKH ¿UVW SLUDWH PRGHO presented earlier. However existing approaches (Fiat & Tassa, 1999; Safavi-Naini, & Wang, 2003; Trung & Martirosyan, 2004) missed the following main points to be practically useful for Hollywood: •
• • • •
Overhead is too big, much more than 10% of the extra space/bandwidth acceptable by Hollywood, Cannot accommodate large number of users, for example, a billion, Traceability is not good enough: take too many movies to trace traitors, Does not provide renewability to the traitor tracing system, and Does not consider/provide continuous traceability after revocation.
TRAITOR TRACING FOR ANONYMOUS ATTACK FOR AACS STANDARD In following sections, we will provide our designs to address each of the requirements from Hollywood mentioned previously. Our system has been adopted by the content protection standard AACS IRUWKHQH[WJHQHUDWLRQKLJKGH¿QLWLRQRSWLFDOGLVFV and become the state of practice. The Key Assignment section and the Coalition TracingVHFWLRQFRQVLVWRIWKH¿UVWSDUWRID trace-revoke-trace system, which is the basis of a
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
traitor tracing system. The Revoke After Tracing section will show how to revoke compromised WUDFLQJNH\VDIWHUWUDLWRUVDUHLGHQWL¿HG7KHTrace Again After Revocation section will show how to continue tracing after revocation. Each of these sections shows our new solution to satisfy the practical requirements from Hollywood. As mentioned earlier, a basic traitor tracing system consists of the assignment step and the actual detection step. The assignment step needs to satisfy the overhead and the number of user requirements; the detection step has to satisfy the HI¿FLHQF\ requirement. It is very important to notice that much of the literature on traceability FRGHVKDVWDNHQWKHDSSURDFKRI¿[LQJWKHQXPEHU of colluders and the number of recovered movies DQGWU\LQJWR¿QGFRGHVWRVXSSRUWDQRSWLPDO number of devices/users for a given number of variations of each movie. For example, the code shown in Trung and Martirosyan (2004) either has too few code words (accommodates a small number of devices) or the number of variations is too large (requires too much space on the disc). ,QUHDOLW\DWUDLWRUWUDFLQJVFKHPHPXVW¿UVWPHHW the two requirements on the overhead and the number of users, then its goal is to achieve high HI¿FLHQF\E\PLQLPL]LQJWKHQXPEHURIUHFRYered pirated content/keys to detect a number of colluding traitors.
Key Assignment Assume that each segment has q variations and that there are n segments. In our design, we use systematic assignment based on error correcting codes like Reed-Solomon code. This type of systematic assignment can guarantee some minimum number of differences between any two users’ playback paths. As one can imagine, this difference is essential for tracing especially in the case that attackers collude to create the pirate copy. In order to yield a practical scheme to meet the requirements on overhead and number of
users, we concatenate codes. For each movie, there is an inner code used to assign the different variations at the chosen points of the movie; it effectively creates different movie versions. For example, one can use a Reed-Solomon code for the inner code. Suppose there are 16 variations created at each of the 15 points in the movie. Even though it can theoretically create 1615 number of versions, a Reed-Solomon code will create only 162 = 256 code words (thus movie versions) but any two versions will differ at at least 14 points. Once the inner code creates the multiple movie versions (e.g., 256), over a sequence of movies, there is an outer code used to assign movie versions to different players. For example, each player is assigned one of the 256 versions for each movie in a sequence of 255 movies. A Reed-Solomon code can create 2564 code words (thus players) with any two players differ at at least 252 movies. By concatenating the two levels of codes, the scheme managed to avoid having a big number of variations at any chosen point but can still accommodate the billions of devices. Suppose each segment is a 2-second clip, the extra video needed in this example is 450 seconds, within the 10% practical constraint. In fact, there is not a single level MDS code that can satisfy all the practical requirements. The two-level concatenated code is essential to meet the practical requirements. During playback time, each device needs to decrypt exactly one variation for each segment. Using the previous parameters, a device needs to know 255 * 15 variation encrypting keys. If each key is 8 bytes, the storage requirement is 30.6KB. Needing to store 30.6KB securely is not easy. Furthermore, the set of keys are different IRUHDFKGHYLFH,WEHFRPHVDVLJQL¿FDQWFRQFHUQ for the device manufacturers. In order to reduce the number of keys that need to be burned into the devices during manufacturing time, we used a level of indirection. For example, each device only stores 255 movie version keys corresponding to the 255 movies in the sequence. The assignment
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
is based on the outer code. For each movie, the device can use its movie version key to unlock a table on the DVD disc that contains the actual variation encrypting keys for that movie. In other words, the variation encrypting keys that are assigned using the inner code are embedded on the DVD disc. These movie version keys that are assigned using outer side are burned into the devices during manufacture time. Those outer code keys are called sequence keys in AACS. So WKHVSDFHUHTXLUHPHQWQRZLVRQO\RQH¿IWHHQWK of what was needed before. This not only reduces WKHVSDFHUHTXLUHPHQWLWDOVRSURYLGHVÀH[LELOLW\ on the scheme during deployment. Only the outer FRGHQHHGVWREH¿[HGDQGWKHVHTXHQFHNH\VEH assigned when the devices are manufactured. The inner code can be delayed at the content distribution time. The actual variant encrypting keys, contained in the 256 tables for the inner code, and even the inner code scheme itself, can all be ÀH[LEOHDQGYDULHVPRYLHE\PRYLH7KHQHFHVVLW\ of an inner code is also a movie-by-movie decision. For example, some unpopular movies may not need to be protected from piracy. Therefore no variations need to be created for the movie content. The table on the disc contains the same encrypting keys for every device.
Figure 1. Key assignment from a matrix
The sequence keys for AACS are assigned from a large matrix. Each column corresponds to a movie. The number of columns corresponds to the number of movies considered in the sequence. The rows for each column correspond to multiple versions of the sequence keys for that movie. For example, if the variations for movie segments create 256 versions for each movie and we consider 255 movies in a sequence, then the matrix is 255 by 256. Each device is assigned a set of 255 keys, exactly one key from each column, corresponding to the 255 movies in the sequence. The key for each column has 256 versions. Many players will receive any given sequence key, but no two players will receive exactly the same set of 255 keys. Again, these sequence keys are placed in the players at manufacturing time. Figure 1 is an example of the matrix organization of the keys.
Coalition Tracing Now that the assignment is done with the parameters satisfying the overhead and number of user requirements, keys are assigned and stored in each device. Content is augmented with different variations and distributed. Based on the pirate model we mentioned in the Pirate Model section, the attackers can collude and construct the pirate
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
copy of the content/key based on the available versions to them. They can use whatever strategy to choose which version to use in the pirate copy. The strategy can be done at either the outer code level (movie-by-movie attack) or inner code level (mix-match attack) within the movie. When the license agency recovers pirated movies/keys, it tries to match the recovered movies/keys with the versions assigned to the devices to detect traitors. The coalition detection step is mainly concerned ZLWKWKHHI¿FLHQF\RIWUDFLQJPHDVXUHGE\WKH number of recovered movies needed in order to detect traitors involved in a coalition. In literature, this step always uses a straight forward, highest-score approach, where each player is scored based on the number of matchings between the recovered pirate movies and the versions assigned to the player, hoping the highest scored player is the guilty traitor. Furthermore, in the literature a traitor tracing scheme has been GH¿QHGDVDZD\WRGHWHFWDWOHDVWDWUDLWRULQWKH system when forensic evidence is recovered. Therefore the goal of the traitor detection step, as well as the design of a traitor tracing scheme, is to identify a traitor. It is assumed that WKH LGHQWL¿HG WUDLWRU FDQ EH GLVFRQQHFWHG IURP the system and the tracing continues after that. Of course the ultimate security goal is to detect all traitors in the coalition. We believe using the one-by-one detection algorithm for anonymous DWWDFNLVLQHI¿FLHQW,QGHHGWKHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKH detection of all traitors in the coalition was a bottleneck when bringing a traitor tracing scheme into practice. The second motivation for a new coalition detection algorithm has to do with the fact that existing schemes assume a maximum number on the coalition size and hope to deterministically ¿QGDWUDLWRUZKHQWKHFRDOLWLRQVL]HLVVPDOOHU than that maximum number. A t-traceability code enables one to decode to the nearest neighbor of a pirate code when the coalition size is at most t traitors and the nearest neighbor is deterministically a traitor.
Lemma 5.1. (Chor et al., 2000). Assume that a code C with length n and distance d is used to assign the symbols for variations to each user and that there are t traitors. If code C VDWLV¿HV d > (1 -1/t2 Q (1) then C is an t-traceability-code. Based on the previous formula for traceability code, if using the parameters of choice for AACS, a simple Reed-Solomon assignment for both inner and outer code will allow one to deterministically identify a traitor after recovering 256 movies, if the coalition contains no more than nine traitors. Unfortunately in reality the coalition size is usually unknown. As pointed out in Jin, Lotspiech, and Nusser (2004), the tracing will have to be probabilistic. Indeed, the real world question is how to accurately detect traitors without knowing the coalition size and with what probabilities. Jin et al.,2006 VKRZHGWKH¿UVWWUDLWRUFRDOLWLRQGHWHFWLRQDOJRrithm that tried to detect multiple traitors in the coalition together and also deduce the coalition size during tracing. We believe it is easier to detect the multiple or entire coalition than detecting a single guilty individual one by one. It may seem counter-intuitive. After all, the number of coalitions is exponential compared to the number of individuals. For example, if there are a billion participants in the world, there are roughly 500 million billion pairs of participants. However, it is much easier to eliminate innocent coalitions than innocent individuals; because it is much less likely that coalitions appear by random chance than that the individual players randomly have a high score. An example can informally illustrate the underlying idea. Suppose there are four people involved in a colluding attack, and we have a random sequence of 20 recovered movies. Each movie originally has 256 variations of which a given player only plays
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
one. The attackers wish to see that high scoring device can happen by chance. If the four attackers are using round robin, each guilty player will evenly score 5. Can we incriminate any player that VKDUH¿YHPRYLHVZLWKWKHUHFRYHUHGVHTXHQFH" No, there will be about 15 completely innocent players scoring 5 or greater due to chance alone. What can you do then? You have to recover more movies before you can incriminate any player. However, the previous four guilty players together can explain all the movies in the sequence. What is the chance that a coalition of size 4 might have all the variations in the sequence? The answer is roughly 0.04. In other words, while there are SOHQW\RISOD\HUVWKDWFDQH[SODLQ¿YHPRYLHVLW is unlikely that any four of them can cover all PRYLHV,IZH¿QGIRXUSOD\HUVWKDWGRFRYHU the sequence, it is unlikely that this could have happened by chance. It is more likely that some devices in the coalition are indeed guilty. The attackers could choose to use some player heavily and other players very lightly. For this scapegoat strategy, the traditional approach can correctly identify him/her, but it is KDUGWR¿QGWKHOLJKWO\XVHGSOD\HUDQGWKHWUXH coalition size. Our new tracing algorithm can QRQHWKHOHVV¿QGWKHRWKHUPHPEHUVLQWKHFRDOLWLRQVDQG¿QGRXWWKHFRDOLWLRQVL]H How did we get the previous answer 0.04? If there are N players, and a sequence of m movies are selected, each movie having one random variation out of q, the expected number of coalitions of size T are:
§ N · (1-(1-1/q)T)m ¨¨ ¸¸ ©T ¹
If the expected number of coalitions is less than 1, this formula also gives an upper bound on the probability that a random sequence of m movie variations is covered by a coalition of size T. If T is noticeably less than qDVLPSOL¿FDWLRQ of this is a close upper bound:
§ N · (T/q)m ¨¨ ¸¸ ©T ¹
7KHSUREOHPRI¿QGLQJDFRDOLWLRQRISOD\HUV that covers a sequence of movies is equivalent to a well-known problem in computer science called set cover. It is NP hard. But in reality the calculation time is still reasonable, for the parameters that AACS is concerned with. Once we have found a coalition using a setcover algorithm, we cannot incriminate everybody in the coalition, so who in the coalition should we incriminate? What is the chance that some of the players in the purported coalition of size T might be actually innocent, being victimized by a scapegoat strategy that is hiding a few lightly used guilty SOD\HUV"7KLVUHTXLUHVD¿OWHULQJDOJRULWKP)RU example, it can perform the following steps. For each combination of T players: • • •
Temporarily assume that the players in the particular combination are guilty, If the number of players in this combination is c, subtract c from T, Temporarily subtract from the list of movies all the movies that can be explained by this combination of players, and Use formula 2 using the new number of movies m and T, to evaluate the probability that the remaining players are completely innocent. If the formula yields a number greater than 1, assume the probability is 1.
Our tracing algorithm assumes that the size of the coalition is unknown and proceeds to calculate both the size of the coalition as well as the actual players involved. If the size of the coalition is known from other sources, the answers may be exact; otherwise, the answer is always probabilistic. As we mentioned earlier, formula 2 gives one the false positive probability. We can make this probability arbitrarily small by just collecting more movies. From formula 2, one can calculate
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
the number of recovered movies it takes to detect traitors in order to achieve a certain desired false positive rate. When this procedure has ended, the license agency will only incriminate the players that seem guilty under all combinations. See Jin et al., 2006 for more details. Figure 2 shows this relationship when the number of device is one billion. Interestingly, it takes almost the same number of movies (roughly 6T) to DFKLHYHDVXSHUKLJKFRQ¿GHQFHEHORZ DVLWGRHVWRDFKLHYHDPRGHUDWHO\KLJKFRQ¿GHQFH EHORZ :LWKWKHQHZWUDFLQJDOJRULWKPRXU rule of thumb is it takes six recovered movies (or effective movies if the attack is mix-and-match) for each traitor in the coalition.
Revoke After Tracing $WUDLWRUWUDFLQJVFKHPHLVGH¿QHGWREH¿QGLQJ at least a traitor even though there may exist a coalition. Indeed, all traitor tracing schemes (Fiat 7DVVD-LQHWDO6DIDYL1DLQL :DQJ 7UXQJ 0DUWLURV\DQ IRU anonymous attack stop when they detect a traitor. They assume this traitor can be disconnected in some way. In reality, how does one disconnect a traitor technically? It is by rendering the compromised keys no longer usable for future content. In other words, a traitor tracing system must also be
able to revoke compromised keys to be actually useful in the real world. Since many devices might share a single compromised key, revocation of a single key is impossible. However, we can revoke a unique set of keys owned by a traitor. Since no two devices have many keys in common, so even if the system has been heavily attacked, all innocent devices will have many columns in which they have uncomSURPLVHGNH\V6LPLODUWRXVLQJ0.%WRUHYRNH device keys, we have designed a structure to revoke the keys assigned in our traitor tracing system. For AACS, that structure is called sequence key EORFN6.% WRUHYRNHVHTXHQFHNH\V 7KHSXUSRVHRIWKH6.%LVWRJLYHDOOLQQRFHQW devices a column they can use to calculate a correct answer, while at the same time preventing compromised devices (who have compromised keys in all columns) from getting to a correct DQVZHU,Q0.%DGLIIHUHQWGHYLFHHDFKXVLQJ LWVGHYLFHNH\VWRSURFHVV0.%GLIIHUHQWO\EXW obtains the same valid key (media key). In an 6.%WKHUHDUHDFWXDOO\PDQ\YDOLGNH\VRQHIRU each variation in the content. $VVKRZQLQ)LJXUHWKH6.%EHJLQVZLWKD ¿UVWFROXPQFDOOHGWKHunconditionalFROXPQ%\ column, we mean a column of sequence keys in the matrix will be indirectly used to encrypt the FRQWHQW7KH¿UVWFROXPQZLOOKDYHDQHQFU\SWLRQ of an output key (denoted ‘K, K2¶LQWKH¿JXUH
Figure 2. Traceability graph for q=256 with difference false positive rate
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
in every uncompromised sequence key’s cell. Devices that do not have compromised keys in that column immediately decrypt a valid output key. Devices, both innocent and otherwise, that do have compromised keys instead decrypt a key called a link key that allows them to process a further column in the SKB. To process the further column they need both the link key and their sequence key in that column. Thus the subsequent columns are called conditional columns because they can only be processed by the device if it were given the necessary link key in a previous column. The subsequent additional conditional colXPQV DUH SURGXFHG WKH VDPH ZD\ DV WKH ¿UVW column: They will have an encryption of an output key in every uncompromised sequence key’s cell. Devices with a compromised key will get a further link key to another column instead of the output key. However, after some number of columns depending on the actual number of compromised keys, the AACS licensing agency will know that only compromised devices would be getting the link key; all innocent devices would have found an output key in this column or in a previous column. At this point, rather than encrypting a link key, the agency encrypts a 0, and the SKB is complete. All innocent devices will have decrypted the output key, and all compromised devices have ended up decrypting 0.
Trace Again After Revocation The previous solution provides a key management scheme that not only can trace traitors but also can revoke compromised keys. A real world traitor tracing system must be able to trace again after revocation. The challenge here is to make sure the newly released SKB can continue to provide tracing information to the license agency to enable continued tracing. Unfortunately that turns out to be non-trivial. In Figure 3, each column in an SKB contains an encryption of an output key in every uncompromised sequence key’s cell. The output key has multiple valid versions, each corresponds to one variation. For any content that goes to a disc, it comes with a selected set of variations. Notice the same set of valid variations (thus output keys) is encrypted in each column, although they are distributed differently in different columns. For a particular valid variation, it can be obtained from any column in the SKB. An uncompromised device will process SKB and obtain a correct key IURPWKH¿UVWFROXPQLQ6.%WKDWLWKDVDQRQ revoked key. However, when attackers collude and the system still has undetected attackers at large, the attacker can mix-and-match their revoked keys and non-revoked keys when processing SKB. In turn they have multiple ways to process SKB and
Figure 3. Sample SKB with one unconditional and multiple conditional columns
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
get a valid key to play back the content. They can choose in which column they want to use a nonrevoked key to get a valid key. When the licensing agency observes a pirate copy variation, since it can be obtained from any column, the licensing agency has no way to know which sequence key has been used in obtaining that valid variation. The entire path that the undetected traitors go through to process SKB can even look like one from an innocent device or from a path that was never assigned to any device, thus untraceable. To force the undetected traitors to reveal the sequence keys they use when processing SKB, we must make sure each column gets different variations so that when recovering a key/variation, the scheme knows from which column it comes from. Only with that, the tracing scheme can continue tracing. Unfortunately that means the q variations have to be distributed among the columns contained in the SKB. Each column only effectively gets q/c variations where c is the number of columns in the SKB. It is clear that traceability degrades when the effective q decreases. When the number of columns c becomes big enough, the traceability degrades to so low that it basically becomes untraceable. The scheme is overwhelmed and broken in that case. As a result, that puts a limit on the revocation capability of the scheme.
An Improved Solution In order to improve the previous scheme and lift the limit on revocation capability, we have designed a two-phase defense. In order to use this defense, the scheme assigns the sequence keys as shown in Figure 4 instead of Figure 1. Basically we used a new concept called slot. Now the rows in the key matrix are grouped into FOXVWHUV $ VORW LV GH¿QHG WR EH DQ DVVLJQPHQW of row clusters, one cluster for each column. At any given column, two slots are either identical or completely disjoint. Slots can be assigned to
individual manufacturers/models and the keys within the clusters are assigned to the devices made by the manufacturer/model. In effect, the outer code that is used to assign sequence keys to devices is now itself a two-level code. 7KH ¿UVW OHYHO FRGHV DVVLJQ FOXVWHUV WR WKH manufacturer/models X and Y and the second level codes assign keys to players A, B within model X, and players C, D within model Y. Model X gets the slot (1,3,2,4…), which means it is assigned cluster #1 for movie #1, cluster #3 for movie #2, and so forth. Note that the second level code is the assignment inside the cluster. For example, player A gets (3,1,3,3…) within the clusters assigned to model X, which makes its actual key assignment be (3,9,7,15…) from the key matrix. For example, we divide all the rows in each column to have 64 clusters. Using Reed-Solomon code, q = 64, it takes k = 2 to accommodate 642 slots. Suppose we have 4,096 keys in each column, there will be 64 keys in each cluster. Again using Reed-Solomon code, q = 64, it takes k = 3 to accommodate 643 devices within each slot. The assignment can totally accommodate 645 devices. Each slot can be assigned to one manufacturer/model. A big manufacturer would, of FRXUVHRYHUÀRZDVLQJOHVORW+HVKHZRXOGMXVW have more than one slot. In the two-phase defense, when pirated movLHVNH\VDUHIRXQGWKH¿UVW6.%VZRXOGGHWHUPLQH the slot used in the attack (or slots, but that is XQOLNHO\ 6LQFHWKHVORWLVDVVLJQHGIURPWKH¿UVW level by using Reed-Solomon code q = 64, k = 2, there are only 64 variations needed per column in this case. Recall the inner code generates totally 256 variations for each movie. One can use four columns in the SKB and there is no problem with dividing the 256 variations across four columns. Each column would get 64 variations, which is all we need per column. By Reed-Solomon code’s property, it takes only two (k = 2) movies to uniquely detect the slot.
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
Figure 4. New way for key assignment
Once the licensing agency detects the slot, it can produce new SKBs that are only trying to detect the device within the slot. In the SKB, all other slots in the column(s) would go to a single variation that we would expect would never be recovered. We would use all the remaining variations within the single slot. We can get up to four columns and still have unique keys for each variation. By using the two-phase defense, we reduce the population considered in each phase. The problem described previously is either completely eliminated or alleviated. However, it still puts a limit on how many devices the scheme can revoke before it is overwhelmed.
Revocation Capability and Traceability More formally, the revocation capability is calculated by the following formula. Suppose the number of rows in the matrix is m; p is the acceptable maximum probability for an innocent device to be revoked when revoking the actual guilty devices; r is the number of guilty devices to be revoked in SKB; c is the number of columns in SKB.
The system still survives when the following holds: (1-(1-1/m)r)c < p
This formula can be used to determine how many columns c needed in a SKB when the licensing agency wants to revoke r devices. We have performed preliminary simulation on how many columns the scheme needs in its SKB in terms of the number of devices that needs to EHUHYRNHG,WFRQ¿UPVIRUPXOD:HKDYHDOVR simulated the impact of deceased q on traceability. The traceability result is shown in the graph shown in Figure 5. It includes both the two-phase solution and the basic single-phase scheme. There is different traceability in the life of the system depending on how many devices are currently being revoked in the SKB. The more devices revoked the more columns it needs in SKB, the smaller the effective q is, the worse traceability. More details refer to Jin & Lotspiech, 2007.
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
Figure 5. Traceability with different q with 1/1000000 false positive rate
CONCLUDING REMARKS In this chapter, we have presented traitor tracing technologies for multimedia forensics. In particular, we are concerned with business scenarios that involve one-way digital content distribution, and the receiving user set is huge. In this type of scenario, usually hybrid encryption is used where the secret device keys encrypt a randomly chosen media key and put in the header, (called MKB); and the media key encrypts the actual content and puts it in the body. If a device is circumvented, its device keys can be revoked in the updated MKB in the newly released content. Broadcast encryption system using MKB ¿WVZHOOLQWKLVW\SHRIVFHQDULRWRGLVWULEXWHWKH content to a group of privileged users and exclude a set of revoking users. In this chapter we have shown different types of pirate attack. One type of piracy is for attackers to reverse engineer the device, extract secret keys from the device, and EXLOGDFORQHSLUDWHGHFRGHUIRUSUR¿W$QRWKHU type of piracy is to pirate the content or the content encrypting key in order to stay anonymous. When forensic evidence like the pirate decoder or the pirated content/keys are found, traitor tracing technologies can identify the actual users
(traitors) who have involved in constructing the pirated decoder or content/key. )RUERWKDWWDFNVZHKDYHVKRZQWKHLQVXI¿ciency of existing systems from a practical point of view. We have presented our new approaches that become the new state of the art and practice for both types of attack. Our work not only proYLGHV EHWWHU RU PRUH HI¿FLHQW DSSURDFKHV RYHU existing approaches, we also addressed some of the overlooked issues in research communities so far. Here are the potential new research directions in this space.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS From our own experience working on designing practical traitor tracing systems to defend against different pirate attacks for content protection, we learned some lessons and took a closer look at both broadcast encryption and traitor tracing. We believe academia research has overlooked VRPHLVVXHVWKDWZH¿QGDFWXDOO\YHU\LPSRUWDQW We highlight some of them hereafter as future directions on traitor tracing and broadcast encryption.
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
7UDLWRU7UDFLQJ'H¿QLWLRQ 7UDLWRU WUDFLQJ VFKHPH LV GH¿QHG DV ¿QGLQJ D traitor when up to t traitors collude in a coalition. 7UDFHDELOLW\ LV GH¿QHG DV KRZ PXFK HYLGHQFH needs to collect before one can identify a traitor. As we pointed out in the Coalition Tracing section, ZHKDYHWZRPDLQLVVXHVZLWKWKHFXUUHQWGH¿QLtion of traitor tracing and traceability. We believe traceability should at least also be considered as WKHDFFXPXODWHGFRVWWR¿QGDOOWUDLWRUVLQDFRDOLtion. After all, the faster the licensing agency can identify and disable all traitors, the less overall damage due to piracy. Second, the current tracing should not simply assume a maximum size of the coalition; it is much more desirable for a tracing scheme to be able to trace traitors as well as deducing coalition size.
Traitor Tracing Must be Combined with Revocation and Provide Continued Tracing $JDLQWUDLWRUWUDFLQJVFKHPHLVGH¿QHGDV¿QGLQJ a traitor when up to t traitors collude in a coalition. They assume the traitor can be disabled in some way, and the same tracing can simply be repeated for the next traitor. As we see from the Revoke After Tracing section, it is not always easy to achieve the same traceability after revocation. This continued traceability issue was largely overlooked in literature. Trace-and-revoke systems are considered as optional. We believe this is due to the fact that academia research so far have considered traitor tracing and broadcast encryption as two separate and orthogonal problems. Revocation is inherently provided in broadcast encryption systems. A traitor tracing system does not have to provide revocation capability. But in reality, a traitor tracing system without revocation capability is practically useless. Because the current separation of considerations of broadcast encryption and traitor tracing in the state of the art, for some existing schemes, it is impossible
to add revocation capability on top of tracing. For example, for the recent traitor tracing system appeared in Boneh, Sahai, and Waters (2006), it is impossible to revoke. In fact, if one needs to revoke a detected hacking device i, one would also have to revoke devices i+1 ...N. Of course this is unacceptable. One should consider revocation when designing a traitor tracing system. Of course, the continued multi-time tracing problem must be considered at same time.
%URDGFDVW(QFU\SWLRQ'H¿QLWLRQ We also took a closer look at the security and soundness of a broadcast encryption system. Again, state-of-the-art researches have considered traitor tracing and broadcast encryption as two separate and orthogonal problems. Revocation is inherently provided in a broadcast encryption system; and traceability is provided by a traitor tracing system. Trace-and-revoke is optional. But ZH¿QGDEURDGFDVWHQFU\SWLRQV\VWHPZLWKRXW traceability can be insecure and broken from practical point of view. As an example, for the broadcast encryption system recently presented in Boneh, Gentry, and Waters (2005), it does not provide traceability. However, it can be proven (Weng, Liu, & Chen, 2007) that attackers can construct a forged key to decrypt the encrypted content, and the forged key is untraceable even if LWLVUHWULHYHG,WLV¿QHLIRQHFDQUHYRNHDOOWKH keys in a coalition that constructed that pirate key, assuming it effectively revokes the forged key. Unfortunately in this example, it can be proven that any subset S’ of entire user set S, and |S’| > 2 users may have colluded to forge that private key. The broadcast encryption scheme has no way to revoke this forged key. It can become a global secret and the broadcast encryption scheme is therefore broken. This broadcast encryption scheme is not sound regardless of the fact that the authors have proven its security against current VHFXULW\GH¿QLWLRQ
Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
Equality of Broadcast Encryption and Traitor Tracing As we pointed out here, it is not secure to design a broadcast encryption system without traceability, and on the other hand, a traitor tracing system also must provide broadcast revocation capability. Can we prove these two are equivalent problems, at least maybe in some cases? Or should we merge WKHGH¿QLWLRQVRIEURDGFDVWHQFU\SWLRQDQGWUDLWRU tracing into one problem?
8QL¿HG6ROXWLRQIRU'LIIHUHQW3LUDWH Attacks As we have shown, different approaches have been taken to defend against different pirate attacks. Traitor tracing for pirate decoder attempts to identify the device keys; Traitor tracing for anonymous attacks attempts to identify the other set of keys (sequence keys). To build a content protection system to defend against different attacks, different sets of keys and different systems need to be deployed. This not only incurs more storage cost on the device, deploying different systems also incurs more management cost of the complicated system. Is it possible to make XVHRIDVDPHVHWRINH\VDQGEXLOGRQHXQL¿HG system to defend against the different type of pirate attacks?
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Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics
1666, 354-371. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag. Hollmann, H. D., Van Lint, J. J., Linnartz, J. P., & Tolhuizen, L. M. (1998). On codes with the idenWL¿DEOHSDUHQWSURSHUW\Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A, 82, 121-133. Jin, H., & Lotspiech, J. (2007). Renewable traitor tracing: a trace-revoke-trace system for anonymous attack. European Symposium on Research on Computer Security (pp. 563-577). Jin, H., Lotspiech, J., & Nusser, S. (2004). Traitor tracing for prerecorded and recordable media. ACM Digital Rights Management Workshop (pp. 83-90). Washington DC: ACM Press. Jin, H., Lotspiech, J. & Megiddo, N.(2006). Ef¿FLHQW 7UDLWRU 7UDFLQJ IBM research report, Computer Science, RJ10390. Kiayias, A., & Yung, M. (2001). On crafty piates and foxy tracers. ACM Digital Rights Management Workshop (Vol. 2696, pp. 22-39). Washington DC: Springer-Verlag. Naor, D., Naor, M., & Lotspiech, J. (2001). Revocation and tracing schemes for stateless receivers. Advance in Cryptography, Crypto (LNCS 2139, pp. 41-62). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag. Safavi-Naini, R., & Wang, Y. (2003). Sequential traitor tracing. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 49(5), 1319-1326. Tardos, G. (2003, June 9-11). Optimal probabilistic ¿QJHUSULQWFRGHV,QProceedings of the Theory of Computing (pp. 116-125). San Diego, CA. Trung, T., & Martirosyan, S. (2004). On a class of traceability codes. Design, Code and Cryptography, 31, 125-132. Weng, J., Liu, S., & Chen, K. (2007). Pirate decoder for the broadcast encryption schemes. In Series F: Information Science special issue on ,QIRUPDWLRQ6HFXULW\(3).
Zigoris, P., & Jin, H. (2007). Bayesian methods for practical traitor tracing. Applied Cryptography and Network Security(LNCS 4521, pp. 194-2006).
ADDITIONAL READINGS Barg, A., Kabatiansky, G. (2004). A class of I.P.P. FRGHV ZLWK HI¿FLHQW LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ Journal of &RPSOH[LW\(2-3), 137-147. Blakeley, R., & Kabatiansky, G. (2004). Random FRGLQJWHFKQLTXHIRUGLJLWDO¿QJHUSULQWLQJFRGHV Fighting two pirates revisited. International Symposium on Information Theory, Chicago, IL. %RQHK' )UDQNOLQ0 $QHI¿FLHQW public key traitor tracing scheme. Advance in Cryptography, Crypto (LNCS 1666, pp. 338-353). Springer-Verlag. Boneh, D., & Waters, B. (2006). A collusion resistant broadcast, trace and revoke system. ACM conference on Communication and Computer Security (pp. 211-220). Chabanne, H., Phan, D. H., & Pointcheval, D. (2005). Public traceability in traitor tracing schemes. Advance in Cryptography, Eurocrypt (LNCS, pp. 542-558). *DIQL(6WDGGRQ- &KHQJ Li, 1996; Kunkelmann, 1998]). Droogenbroeck (2004) extends this latter idea to multiple encryptionZKHUHGLIIHUHQWVHWVRI'&7FRHI¿FLHQWVDUH encrypted by different content owners, and over encryption, where these sets do not have an empty LQWHUVHFWLRQLHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHHQFU\SWHGWZLFH or even more often). Bodo, Laurent, & Dugelay (2003) propose a technique called waterscrambling where they embed a watermark into the motion vectors of an MPEG stream, thereby UHGXFLQJ WKH YLGHR TXDOLW\ VLJQL¿FDQWO\²RQO\ a legitimate user has access to the key and may descramble the motion vectors. Transparent encryption may be implemented in the simplest way in the context of scalable or HPEHGGHGELWVWUHDPVVLQFHSDUVLQJWKH¿OHDQG searching for the data to be protected can be avoided to a large extent in this setting. Transparent encryption is achieved in this environment by simply encrypting the enhancement layer(s). This has been proposed by Kunkelmann and Horn using a scalable video codec based on a
spatial resolution pyramid (Kunkelmann, 1998; Kunkelmann & Horn, 1998), by Dittmann and Steinmetz (1997a, 1997b) using an SNR scalable MPEG-2 encoder/decoder, and by Stütz and Uhl (2005) for the progressive JPEG variants (Fisch, Stögner, & Uhl, 2004). Yuan et al. (2003) propose using MPEG-4 FGS for transparent encryption, JPEG2000 transparent encryption is discussed in own earlier work (Uhl & Obermair, 2005). In this chapter we systematically investigate JPEG2000 (Taubman & Marcellin, 2002) in the context of transparent encryption. In contrast to ¿OHIRUPDWVOLNH-3(*DQG03(*-3(*LV intrinsically scalable and can support progresVLYHQHVVRQDPXFK¿QHUJUDQXODULW\OHYHOWKDQ the other formats. The focus of this work is on HI¿FLHQWHQFU\SWLRQVFKHPHVWKDWLVZHDLPDW reducing the computational amount required for encryption to a minimum. For JPEG2000 the concept of transparent encryption is often introduced as an application scenario for conditional access and access control. For example, in many publications (Apostolopoulos, Wee, Ebrahimi, Sun, & Zhang, 2006; Dufaux & Ebrahimi, 2003; Dufaux, Wee, Apostolopoulos, & Ebrahimi, 2004; Grosbois, Gerbelot, & Ebrahimi, 2001; Imaizumi, Watanabe, Fujiyoshi, & Kiya, 2005; Grangetto, Magli, & Olmo, 2006) it is proposed to employ conditional access to protect either the higher resolutions or higher quality layers of a JPEG2000 image. Lian, Sun, and Wang (2004) propose combining several known schemes, such as sign encryption of the wavelet FRHI¿FLHQWVLQWHUEORFNSHUPXWDWLRQDQGELWSODQH permutation. However, the quality requirement is not discussed in these contributions. We have found that the necessity of meeting the security requirement in transparent encryption leads to the encryption of a large amount of data in case encryption proceeds from the end RIWKH¿OHWRWKHEHJLQQLQJDVGRQHWUDGLWLRQDOO\ However, since the last quality layers do not contribute much to the image quality, it may be more reasonable not to start encrypting at the end
RIWKHGDWDEXWDWDVSHFL¿FSRLQWLQWKHELWVWUHDP according to the required image quality. This has been demonstrated in the context of progressive JPEG in previous work (Stütz & Uhl, 2006a). We will show that the same functionality with respect to quality and security can be achieved by protecting data situated between base and enhancement layers while reducing the compuWDWLRQDOHQFU\SWLRQHIIRUWVLJQL¿FDQWO\7KHDSproach of applying encryption after compression on the compressed bitstream is called bitstreamoriented encryption. An entirely different approach for providing transparent encryption is compression-integrated encryption. One possibility for compression-integrated encryption in JPEG2000 is to use keydependent transform domains in the compression pipeline (as allowed in the standard part II) and to protect the key used for selecting the actual domain. We will discuss approaches based on wavelet packets (Engel & Uhl, 2006a, 2006b) where the amount of data required to be encrypted is limited to a few bytes only. On the basis of experimental results, covering computational amount and image quality as well as security issues, we will discuss the suitability of the presented approaches for certain application scenarios.
BACKGROUND JPEG2000 7KH GLVFXVVHG HI¿FLHQW WUDQVSDUHQW HQFU\SWLRQ schemes operate in the scope of the JPEG2000 standard. Its development started in 1997 with a call for contributions and the International 2UJDQL]DWLRQ IRU 6WDQGDUGL]DWLRQ ,62 ¿UVW published the new standard in December 2000. JPEG2000 has been designed to overcome some of the shortcomings of JPEG, such as no target ELWUDWHVSHFL¿FDWLRQQRORVVOHVVFDSDELOLW\ORVV of quality in case of recompression, and poor
error resilience. Additionally to an improved FRPSUHVVLRQHI¿FLHQF\FRPSDUHGWR-3(* WKH PDLQREMHFWLYHKDVEHHQWRFUHDWHDQHZXQL¿HG compression system that is suitable for many types of different images, for example, bi-level, grayscale (with different bit-depths), and multicomponent images, and different source characteristics. The support of scalability has been a main objective as well. Furthermore region of interest coding (spatial regions of the image are FRGHGZLWKKLJKHU¿GHOLW\ KDVEHHQDQREMHFWLYH Actually JPEG2000 can meet these requirements (at the cost of an increased computational complexity). It offers resolution and quality (SNR) scalability, region of interest coding, idempotent recompression, lossy and lossless compression, the support for single- to multi-component imDJHVZLWKDUELWUDU\ELWGHSWKDÀH[LEOHELWVWUHDP DQGDQLPSURYHGFRPSUHVVLRQHI¿FLHQF\%HIRUH each component is compressed independently, a component transform may be conducted, either reversibly (for lossless compression) or irreversibly (for lossy compression). Each component is compressed independently, its compressed data is multiplexed with the other components comSUHVVHGGDWDLQWKHSURFHVVRIWKH¿QDO-3(* bitstream generation (tier2 coding). Instead of discrete cosine transform (JPEG), JPEG2000 (Taubman & Marcellin, 2002) employs a wavelet
transform. The wavelet transform has several EHQH¿FLDO SURSHUWLHV VXFK DV HQHUJ\ FRPSDFtion and multi-resolution capability. Furthermore it does not introduce blocking artifacts. Part I RI WKH VWDQGDUG VSHFL¿HV D LUUHYHUVLEOH DQG a reversible integer 5/3 wavelet transform and requires the application of classical pyramidal wavelet decomposition. The extensions of Part II allow employing custom wavelet transforms and different decomposition structures. After the ZDYHOHWWUDQVIRUPWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHTXDQWL]HG and encoded using the EBCOT scheme, which renders distortion scalability possible. The EBCOT scheme employs an arithmetic coder, namely WKH04FRGHUWRFRGHWKHFRHI¿FLHQWV7KHUHE\ WKHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHJURXSHGLQWRFRGHEORFNVDQG these are encoded bitplane by bitplane, each with WKUHHFRGLQJSDVVHVH[FHSWWKH¿UVWELWSODQH 7KLV process is also known as tier1 coding. The coding passes may contribute to a certain quality layer. A packet body contains codeblock contribution to packet (CCPs) of codeblocks of a certain resolution, quality layer and precinct (a spatial inter-sub-band partitioning structure that contains one to several codeblocks), while the packet header contains the lengths of the CCPs, the number of leading zero bitplanes of a codeblock and several other information chunks that are necessary to decode the packet body
Figure 1. Restrictions within the CCPs
data correctly. The coding passes of a codeblock have to be assigned to a certain quality layer (rate distortion optimization is not standardized) and WKHQWKHFRPSUHVVHGGDWDFRQWULEXWLQJWRDVSHFL¿F quality layer of a several codeblocks (in the same precinct) are encoded in a packet. The coding of packets and the actual JPEG2000 bitstream IRUPDWLRQ QRWH WKH VWDQGDUG GHQRWHV WKH ¿QDO JPEG2000 bitstream as codestream) are known as tier2 coding. The JPEG2000 codestream consists of headers (main header, tile headers, tile part headers) and packets that consist of packet headers and packet ERGLHVFI)LJXUH 7KHFRPSUHVVHGFRHI¿FLHQW data is contained in the packet bodies. The packet header contains information about the CCPs of the codeblocks, for example, the number of coding passes and the CCP lengths. The packet header and the packet bodies must not contain any two byte sequence in excess of 0xff8f nor end with a 0xff byte (bitstream compliance).
Media Encryption In this section we give a systematic overview of the different kinds of encryption schemes that exist in the area of media encryption and provide corresponding examples from the area of MPEG HQFU\SWLRQ$VWKH¿HOGLVUDWKHU\RXQJWKHQRmenclature is not yet fully consistent. We will mention if different terms are used in parallel or if a term is used with different meanings in the following. Some of the terms have already been discussed in the introduction, but are repeated here for the sake of completeness. Concerning MPEG encryption, several review papers have been published providing a more or less complete overview of the techniques proposed so far. Kunkelmann (1998) and Qiao and Nahrstedt (1998) provide overviews, comparisons, and assessments of classical encryption schemes for visual data with emphasis on MPEG proposed up to 1998. Bhargava, Shi, and Wang (2004) review four MPEG encryption algorithms published
by the authors themselves. More recent surveys are provided by Lu and Eskicioglu (2003), with focus on shortcomings of current schemes and future issues; But (2004), where the suitability of available MPEG-1 ciphers for streaming video is assessed); and Lookabaugh, Sicker, Keaton, Guo, and Vedula (2003), who focus on a cryptanalysis of MPEG-2 ciphers. With regard to the provided level of security for multimedia content it is possible to distinguish different categories of encryption schemes. An HQFU\SWLRQVFKHPHFDQDLPDWIXOOFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\ (also: full privacy). In this case, no access to the plaintext, not even in parts or versions of lower quality is allowed without the (correct) key. In the case of visual content this means that no traces of the original plaintext may be discernible. Full FRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\FDQEHSURYLGHGE\XVLQJDFODVsical strong cryptographic cipher for encrypting all of the multimedia bitstream. This option of full classical encryption gives the highest level of security. The DVD encryption scheme based on CSS was meant to provide this property; however, a weak cipher turned the scheme unintentionally into soft encryption (see later on). However, as mentioned previously, in multimedia applications other considerations may have precedence over achieving the highest level of security, like increased functionality or decreased computational demands. Such encryption schemes that do not provide the highest possible level of security are often termed lightweight. Depending on what security is traded in for, we can further distinguish the encryption schemes. If lower computational complexity is the aim, there are two kinds of encryption schemes: One way to lower computational demands is to employ cryptographic primitives that are less demanding (but also less secure). This is usually called soft encryption. The most important class of soft MPEG encryption applies permutations to parts of the data. For example, the zig-zag permutation algorithm (Shin, Sim, & Rhee, 1999; Tang, 1996) replaces WKH]LJ]DJVFDQRIWKH'&7FRHI¿FLHQWVE\DNH\
GHSHQGHQWSHUPXWDWLRQRIWKHFRHI¿FLHQWV)XUWKHU examples apply permutations to bytes (Qiao & Nahrstedt, 1998), VLC codewords, blocks, and macroblocks (Kankanhalli & Hau, 2002; Wen, Severa, Zeng, Luttrell, & Jin, 2002; Zeng, Wen, & Severa, 2002). Another way is to selectively encrypt only vital parts of the bitstream with a classical cipher. This is termed partial/selective encryption. Partial/selective MPEG encryption restricts the application of encryption primitives to low frequency DCT FRHI¿FLHQWVRQO\&KHQJ /L.XQNHOPDQQ 1998; Kunkelmann & Reinema, 1997), to the sign ELWVRI'&7FRHI¿FLHQWV%KDUJDYDHWDO Shi & Bhargava, 1998; Zeng & Lei, 1999, 2003), or to I-frames thereby exploiting MPEG’s GOP structure (Li, Chen, Tan, & Campbell, 1996; Spanos & Maples, 1995). If increased functionality is the aim, even more groups of encryption schemes can be distinguished. Encryption schemes that seek to transfer some of the functionality of the original media bitstream to the encrypted bitstream are termed formatcompliant. A format-compliantly encrypted bitstream can still be decoded with a standard decoder (although the resulting reconstruction will not be the original media plaintext). For scalable formats, for example, this means that tasks like rate adaptation can be performed directly on the encrypted media without the need for decoding. Format compliant MPEG encryption has been GH¿QHGLQWKHFRQWH[WRI03(*,303:HQ Severa, Zeng, Luttrell, & Jin, 2001; Wen et al., 2002) proposing compliant encryption of VLC FRGHZRUGV(QFU\SWLRQRI'&7FRHI¿FLHQWVLJQ bits (Bhargava et al., 2004; Shi & Bhargava, 1998) can also preserve bitstream compliance as does the zig-zag permutation algorithm. An example of highly non bitstream compliance preserving techniques are byte permutation (Qiao & Nahrstedt, 1998) and VEA (Qiao & Nahrstedt, 1997, 1998), which encrypts half of the bytes with a strong cipher and XORs the result with the other half of the bytes.
In the context of multimedia content, providing full privacy is often not required. For example, WKHSRVVLELOLW\WRGHFU\SWDYHUVLRQRIVLJQL¿FDQWO\ lower quality than the retail version from the encrypted video bitstream is not a problem. Only the protection of the full quality retail version needs to be as high as possible. Depending on how the security and the quality requirement, which we GLVFXVVHGSUHYLRXVO\DUHIXO¿OOHGZHFDQGLVWLQJXLVKWZRFDWHJRULHVVXI¿FLHQWDQGWUDQVSDUHQW encryption. Encryption schemes that guarantee a minimum level of distortion for reconstructions from the encrypted bitstream are sometimes called VXI¿FLHQWHQFU\SWLRQVFKHPHV. These schemes do not make any concessions about the quality of the reconstructions without the (correct) key other WKDQWKDWWKH\ZLOOQRWH[FHHGDVSHFL¿HGTXDOLW\ Note that in MPEG, encryption algorithms are VHOGRP WDUJHWHG WRZDUGV VXI¿FLHQW HQFU\SWLRQ but result to be categorized into this class due to VHFXULW\ÀDZV([DPSOHVDUHPDQ\SDUWLDOVHOHFtive schemes like I-frame encryption or partial HQFU\SWLRQRIORZIUHTXHQF\'&7FRHI¿FLHQWV For some applications, apart from the maximum quality, also a minimum quality for the decodable visual information is desired. Transparent encryption (also called perceptual encryption, predominantly in the area of audio encryption), as mentioned in the Introduction, aims at providing a version of the plaintext of lower quality that can be decoded from the encrypted bitstream without the (correct) key. Thereby the level of security for the full quality version should remain high, ideally as if it were encrypted with a strong cipher. Note that the use of the term transparent encryption is not always consistent in the literature. Often the quality requirement is not discussed for transparent encryption schemes; furthermore, the preview images are of such low quality that in the terminology introduced here these schemes ZRXOGEHWHUPHGVXI¿FLHQWUDWKHUWKDQWUDQVSDUHQW Explicit transparent MPEG encryption schemes have been proposed by Dittmann and Steinmetz (1997a, 1997b) and Yuan et al. (2003).
$QRWKHUFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIHQFU\SWLRQVFKHPHV which we have already mentioned in the Introduction, relates to where encryption is applied: Whereas bitstream-oriented schemes apply encryption after compression, compression-integrated schemes apply encryption in the compression pipeline. Examples of bitstream-oriented MPEG encryption schemes are VEA or byte permutation, zig-zag permutation or secret Huffman tables (Wu & Kuo, 2000) are examples of compression-integrated MPEG encryption. In the fourth section we will discuss application scenarios for transparent encryption. We distinguish between online and off-line scenarios (Pommer & Uhl, 2002). In online applications data are available in unprocessed form for encryption. In off-line applications, the data have already been stored or compressed in some way before encryption. These two kinds of application scenarios differ from the notion of bitstream-oriented and compression-integrated, as we will discuss in detail in the fourth section.
JPSEC In the context of JPEG2000 security JPSEC, or more precisely ISO/IEC 15444-8, (ISO/IEC, 2007), has to be discussed. The standardization process started with a call for proposals in March 2003 and since then quite a number of contributions have been made [46, 10, 43, 9, 4, 6, 3]. JPSEC is an open security framework for JPEG2000 that offers solutions for: • • • •
Encryption Conditional access Secure scalable streaming 9HUL¿FDWLRQRIGDWDLQWHJULW\ Authentication
Encryption and conditional access overlap with the topic of this paper. The different approaches presented in this paper can be implemented within the JPSEC standard, which is an extensible frame-
ZRUNIRUWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQRIVHFXULW\SURFHVVHV The JPSEC framework offers a syntax for the GH¿QLWLRQ RI -3(* VHFXULW\ VHUYLFHV 7R WKDWHQGDQHZPDUNHUVHJPHQW6(& LVGH¿QHG which is placed in the main header. The SEC PDUNHUVHJPHQWGH¿QHVZKLFKVHFXULW\VHUYLFH (encryption, authentication, ...) is applied, where it is applied, and how it is applied. Currently security services are grouped into three types of tools, namely template, registration authorLW\ DQG XVHUGH¿QHG WRROV 7HPSODWH WRROV DUH GH¿QHG E\ WKH QRUPDWLYH SDUW RI WKH VWDQGDUG registration authority tools are registered with DQGGH¿QHGE\WKH-36(&UHJLVWUDWLRQDXWKRULW\ DQGXVHUGH¿QHGWRROVFDQEHIUHHO\GH¿QHGE\ users or applications. The registration authority DQGWKHXVHUGH¿QHGWRROVHQDEOHWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ of custom and proprietary encryption methods, ZKLFK OHDGV WR D ÀH[LEOH IUDPHZRUN 6HUYLFHV include encryption, authentication, and integrity YHUL¿FDWLRQ A security service operates on a user- or DSSOLFDWLRQGH¿QHG SRUWLRQ RI WKH -3(* ELWVWUHDP7KLVSRUWLRQLVGH¿QHGE\WKH]RQHRI LQÀXHQFH=2, 7KH=2,FDQEHVSHFL¿HGHLWKHU by image-related parameters (resolution, image area, tile index, quality layer, or color component) or by non-image-related parameters, such as byte ranges or packet indices. Further, template and processing parameters FDQEHVSHFL¿HGIRUH[DPSOHWKHXVHRI$(6LQ &%& PRGH +RZHYHU -36(& UDWKHU GH¿QHV D syntax than actual encryption schemes.
TRANSPARENT BITSTREAM-BASED JPEG2000 ENCRYPTION The simplest solution to achieve the goals of transparent encryption is to simply distribute an encrypted high-quality version and a public low-quality version of the visual data. This approach wastes storage and bandwidth while the computational effort remains very high, making
UHDOWLPHXVDJHHJVWUHDPLQJ GLI¿FXOW+HQFH HI¿FLHQW VROXWLRQV IRU WUDQVSDUHQW HQFU\SWLRQ are strongly needed. The scheme proposed by Uhl and Obermair (2005) solves the problem of unnecessary bandwidth and storage consumption for JPEG2000 compressed images, but still remains computationally complex since most of the data has to be encrypted. The requirements of transparent encryption can only be met to a certain extent, which is improved by the encryption scheme proposed by Stütz and Uhl (in press), which uses an encryption window approach. This window encryption approach preserves the excellent compression performance of JPEG2000 and reduces the encryption complexity compared to the complexity of encrypting the HQWLUH ¿OH FRPSUHVVHG ZLWK QR WDUJHW UDWH DQG therefore nearly losslessly compressed). Therefore WKLV VFKHPH LV RSWLPDOO\ ¿WWHG IRU PRELOH DQG wireless environments where both bandwidth consumption and computational complexity play decisive roles. The encryption window approach SURGXFHVIRUPDWFRPSOLDQW-3(*¿OHVZKLFK enable the approach to be deployed without the distribution of any additional software. In order to implement bitstream-based transparent encryption schemes, encryption methods that preserve WKHIRUPDWFRPSOLDQFHRIWKH-3(*¿OHVDUH QHHGHG7KHVHDUHEULHÀ\GLVFXVVHGQH[WIROORZHG by a presentation of the encryption window approach and related experimental results.
Encryption of JPEG2000 Bitstreams Format-compliant encryption schemes for JPEG2000 usually encrypt the packet body data, ZKLFK FRQWDLQ WKH FRPSUHVVHG FRHI¿FLHQW GDWD (Dufaux et al., 2004; Fang & Sun, 2006; Kiya, Imaizumi, & Watanabe, 2003; Wu & Ma, 2004). Thereby care must be taken because the CCPs and the packet body must not contain any two byte sequence in excess of 0xff8f (delimiting markers) nor end with 0xff. Hence encryption schemes that avoid the
generation of these markers have to be employed (Dufaux et al., 2004; Fang & Sun, 2006; Kiya et al., 2003; Wu & Ma, 2004). While the schemes of Kiya et al., (2003) Wu and Ma (2004), and Dufaux et al. (2004) are comparably simple, the scheme of Fang and Sun (2006) is rather sophisticated. Kiya et al. propose HQFU\SWLQJRQO\WKHIRXUOHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELWVRI a packet body byte and only if the byte is below 0xf0. Thus no new 0xff bytes are generated and bytes that are not in excess of 0xff8f are kept in this range. The encryption algorithm of :XDQG0DLVDVLJQL¿FDQWLPSURYHPHQWDVLWLV capable of encrypting more of the packet data. All packet body bytes, except those two bytes sequences that start with a 0xff, are encrypted modulo 0xff. More precisely, the bytes of the keystream are added modulo 0xff to the packet body bytes. Obviously this algorithm encrypts a higher percentage of packet body data than the one proposed by Kiya et al. The generation of delimiting markers is avoided as no new 0xff bytes are generated in the ciphertext. It has to be noted that the keystream must not contain any 0xff bytes, because otherwise a strong bias in the encryption is introduced (the preservation of a plaintext byte in the ciphertext is twice as probable as every other byte). A further minor improvement is proposed in Dufaux et al.: Only the 0xff are preserved and the next plaintext byte is encrypted modulo 0x90 (again addition with a pseudorandom keystream byte modulo 0x90). All other bytes are encrypted in the same way as in the algorithm of Wu and Ma. There are, however, more sophisticated schemes, such as the algorithm proposed in Fang and Sun (2006) or a scheme roughly sketched in the FDIS of the JPSEC standard (more details about this scheme can be found in Engel et al., in press-c). A thorough discussion of these schemes is not possible within the scope of this paper, the main advantage of the two schemes is that no packet body byte is preserved, which is of great LPSRUWDQFHLIWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHFLSKHUWH[W
with a given plaintext must not be possible (i.e., LIIXOOFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\LVGHVLUHG 7KHLUFRPSXtational complexity is similar and only slightly higher. In the case of transparent encryption full con¿GHQWLDOLW\LVQRREMHFWLYHDVDORZTXDOLW\YHUsion is desired to be publicly available. Hence the LGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIDWUDQVSDUHQWO\HQFU\SWHGLPDJH and the plaintext image is always possible.
(I¿FLHQW%LWVWUHDP%DVHG Transparent Encryption The traditional approach to implement transparent encryption on top of scalable multimedia data is to successively encrypt all enhancement layers until the desired quality is achieved (Stütz & Uhl, 2006b; Uhl & Obermair, 2005). For the approach proposed by Uhl and OberPDLU PRVWRIWKH-3(*¿OHKDVWREH encrypted in order to obtain a suitable low quality version. There is, however, a gap between the image qualities obtained by a direct reconstruction WKH HQFU\SWHG ¿OH LV UHJXODUO\ GHFRPSUHVVHG and by a possible attack. This gap has to be as small as possible, because otherwise an attacker can retrieve a quality that is too high or possible customers a quality that is too low. The approach of window encryption formatcompliantly encrypts only a small amount (Stütz & Uhl (in press) of the packet body data at a certain SRVLWLRQLQWKH¿OH1RWHWKDWWKHRSWLPDOSRVLWLRQ depends on the desired low quality and can be easily determined for every image. Stütz and Uhl (in press) point out that an attacker may identify the encrypted parts and replace them, thereby enhancing the image quality. They present two known attacks: the concealment and the truncation attack. The concealment attack has been proposed by Norcen and Uhl (2003) and employs the JPEG2000 built-in error concealment mechanisms. The basic idea is that an attacker has to identify the encrypted parts and replace them in order to obtain the best
possible recoverable image quality. To mimic these attacks JPEG200 error concealment strategies can be employed. The encryption of packet body data is not likely to accidentally produce correct error concealment information. Hence WKHHQFU\SWHGSDUWVDUHLGHQWL¿HGDVHUURQHRXV and therefore discarded. At the end of every bitplane an additional symbol (0xa) is encoded; if it is not decoded correctly, the coding pass and all successive ones are discarded. It is invoked by the -Cseg _ symbol on option of the JJ2000 (a Java reference implementation) encoder. Note that only the error detection LVGH¿QHGZLWKLQWKHVWDQGDUGWKHDFWXDOHUURU concealment is a decoder choice. In Stütz and Uhl (in press) it is noted that the error concealment in the JJ2000 reference software is not working well and therefore we also present results based on an improved and corrected error concealment. Additionally to the usage of the segmentation symbol, predictive termination can be employed for error concealment. Thereby in average 3.5 bit of error concealment information are embedded in the VSDUHOHDVWVLJQL¿FDQWELWVRIDFRGLQJSDVV The truncation attack consists of simply truncating the encrypted parts of the codestream; in the case of the traditional approach of Uhl and Obermair (2005) this is basically the best recoverable image quality, disregarding standard image enhancement processing and the information contained in the JPEG2000 packet headers. *RRGUHVXOWVIRUHI¿FLHQWWUDQVSDUHQWHQFU\Stion (with the encryption window approach) are obtained with layer progression and a small codeblock size, for example, 16x16 (a detailed analysis of the impact of compression parameters on the traditional approach can be found in Engel et al. (in press-c). The encryption window scheme makes it possible to realize transparent encrypWLRQYHU\HI¿FLHQWO\DQGVHFXUHO\7KHVHFXULW\ against known attacks remains the same as for the traditional approach. The gap between the known attacks and the direct reconstruction is decreased as compared to the traditional approach and the
Figure 2. Results for layer progression and 16×16 codeblocks Lena, layer progressive 35
Truncation attack Classic approach, direct reconstruction Classic approach, concealment attack Sliding 1%, direct reconstruction Sliding 1%, concealment attack
10 0
3 4 5 6 7 Start of encryption in percent of the codestream
Figure 3. Truncation attacks for layer progression
computational complexity is greatly reduced as well. We present results for the encryption of only ORFDWHGDWWKH¿UVWRIDOD\HUSURJUHVsive codestream with small (16x16) codeblocks (see Figures 3 and 4 for visual examples). If the application scenario requires a different quality of the preview image (reconstructed on the basis of the unencrypted portions of the encrypted -3(*¿OH )LJXUHJLYHVDVXPPDU\RIWKH achieved peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) for various starts of encryption, which may serve as a guideline for these cases. The presented concealment attack only employs the segmentation symbol.
TRANSPARENT ENCRYPTION WITH WAVELET PACKETS There are a number of suggestions for performing compression-integrated encryption with key-dependent transform domains, some of which are given in the section on Additional Reading. The basic idea for using a key-dependent transform domain for encryption is to select a basis to be used for encoding based on a secret key. Without the knowledge of the secret key, the transform FRHI¿FLHQWVZKLFKDUHWUDQVPLWWHGLQSODLQWH[W cannot be interpreted correctly and the visual data cannot be accessed. In a way, this procedure can be seen as an extreme form of header encryption, as only the information pertaining to the secret transform domain needs to be encrypted. An advantage of such an approach is the fact that due to the extremely small amount of data that needs to be encrypted it can directly be used in publicNH\V\VWHPVDQGEHQH¿WIURPWKHLUVXSHULRUNH\ management. Furthermore, for some transform domains, transparent encryption can be provided naturally. For wavelet-based coding systems, such as JPEG2000, the wavelet packet transform is a likely candidate to be used for compression-integrated encryption. The wavelet packet transform is a
generalization of the pyramidal transform. The recursive decomposition step is not limited to the approximation subband, but can be performed on any subband. In JPEG2000, the wavelet packet transform is especially well suited for transparent encryption, as it naturally allows access to a VSHFL¿HGQXPEHURIORZHUUHVROXWLRQVDQGRIIHUV increasing protection for the higher resolutions. 3RPPHU DQG 8KO ZHUH WKH ¿UVW WR propose an algorithm for the random generation of wavelet packet decomposition structures. This algorithm was transferred to the domain of JPEG2000 by Engel and Uhl (2006b). Each possible wavelet packet decomposition of maximum decomposition depth g is seen as the outcome of a sequence of binary decisions. For each sub-band, a random number is generated. This random number is evaluated within the context of parameters that allow favoring deeper or more shallow decompositions. If the random number is below a parameterized threshold, the current sub-band is left at its present decomposition depth and is not decomposed further. Otherwise, if the current sub-band has not already reached the maximum decomposition depth, the sub-band is decomposed and the decision process is applied to each of the resulting children. Transparent encryption is inherently possible as the lowest resolution is the same as for a conventional pyramidal decomposition. This resolution only contains the approximation sub-band, hence it can be decoded with any codec compliant to JPEG2000 part I. A preview image of higher resolution can be incorporated by the encoder by using the pyramidal wavelet decompositions for the target resolution and all resolutions below it. All resolutions higher than the target preview resolution are protected by the use of wavelet packets. Figure 5 shows two preview images for Lena for resolution 1 and resolution 2 respectively. The pyramidal wavelet transform has favorable properties for the compaction of energy in the transform domain of natural images. When using the wavelet packet transform, we have to expect
Figure 5. Preview images for wavelet packet encryption
Resolution 1
some loss of energy compaction and therefore some loss of compression performance. We need to limit the loss in compression performance as far as possible, while still retaining a high number of possible bases. If the number of possible bases is too small, an attack would become easy. On the other hand, if many bases are possible, which do not perform well at compression, the scheme becomes useless. A number of parameters for the encryption scheme have been evaluated in the context of JPEG2000 (Engel & Uhl, 2006a). Because the approximation sub-band contains the most energy, it needs to be decomposed a minimum number of times to facilitate energy compaction. Furthermore, the overall number of possible decompositions needs to be restricted, because otherwise the great number of sub-bands in the detail trees produce too much overhead in the bitstream. With sensible settings of these parameters the loss in compression performance seems acceptable. For the test images used by Engel and Uhl (2006a) of size 512 times 512 pixels, and with the minimum decomposition of the approximation sub-band set to 3, and the overall maximum decomposition also set to 5, the average PSNR performance at a rate of 0.25 drops
Resolution 2
less than 1 dB. For images with more energy in the higher frequencies the drop is only around 0.2 dB on average. In recent work (Engel & Uhl, 2006b, 2007) the wavelet packet approach is extended to use anisotropic wavelet packets. For the anisotropic wavelet packet transform, the vertical and horizontal decomposition steps need not be applied in pairs. The basic considerations regarding compression performance, complexity, and security also apply to anisotropic wavelet packets. The main motivation to introduce anisotropic wavelet packets in the context of lightweight encryption LV D VLJQL¿FDQW LQFUHDVH LQ NH\VSDFH VL]H 7KH keyspace is not only determined by the decision ZKHWKHUDVSHFL¿FVXEEDQGLVGHFRPSRVHGRUQRW but also by the dimension of the decomposition. This makes a larger library of bases available for equivalent decomposition depths.
Security The number of possible wavelet packet bases up to level n is equivalent to the number of quadtrees of up to level n. For a maximum overall decomposition depth of 5 this number is 2261. So theoretically,
a brute-force attack trying all different wavelet packet decompositions is above the complexity of a brute-force attack on a 256-bit-key AES encryption. Brute-force only gives an upper bound on security, and in the following we investigate the security properties of the wavelet packet approach in more detail. Two basic possibilities exist for an attacker: ¿QGLQJDZD\WRREWDLQWKHFRUUHFWZDYHOHWSDFNHW GHFRPSRVLWLRQVWUXFWXUHRU¿QGLQJDZD\WRUHconstruct the transformed data without knowing the correct decomposition structure. For the latter attack, success is gradual: any quality that can be obtained that is better than the preview image is a certain success for the attacker, up to the point where an image of full or nearly full quality is obtained, which amounts to a total break. An attacker who wants to obtain the sub-band VWUXFWXUHZLOO¿UVWWXUQWRWKH-3(*KHDGHU information and look for parts in the header that might leak information on the subband structure. The main header, the tile header, and the tile-part header do not contain any information related to the sub-band structure (apart from the explicit description of the used subband structure, which in our case is encrypted). The packet headers contain the inclusion information for each codeblock in the packet’s precinct, coded by the use of socalled tag trees (Taubman & Marcellin, 2002). As the number and sequencing of the codeblocks is unavailable if the sub-band structure is unknown, the inclusion information cannot be interpreted by an attacker. Especially for the higher resolution there is an abundant amount of possibilities. So theoretically, the sub-band structure is not leaked by the inclusion information. However, there is DFDYHDWWKH¿UVWSDFNHWRIDUHVROXWLRQQHHGVWR contain an output of the tag tree of each sub-band in the resolution (assuming no precinct partitioning is used). As the higher resolution levels will LQSUDFWLFHQRWEHVLJQL¿FDQWLQWKH¿UVWOD\HUWKH attacker can obtain the number of sub-bands in the resolution by counting zeros in the beginning of the packet. Knowing the number of sub-bands
in a resolution diminishes the keyspace drastically and opens the opportunity for an attacker to iteratively search for the correct sub-band structure (e.g., by comparing the reconstruction to the preview image and iteratively minimizing WKH06( 2IFRXUVHWKHDWWDFNHUZLOO¿UVWKDYH to identify the packet borders and distinguish packet headers from packet bodies, which might be cumbersome, but usually will be possible. To prevent an attacker from using the information leakage in the inclusion information, we propose encrypting the relevant portions in the packet headers. For a format-compliant packet header encryption scheme, see Engel, Stütz, and Uhl (in press-c). Partial reconstruction without the knowledge of the sub-band structure is not feasible in JPEG2000. Without the sub-band structure, the WUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWGDWDLVQRWDFFHVVLEOH$VDQ attacker does not know which codeblocks a CCP is intended for, he/she cannot associate the body GDWDRIDSDFNHWZLWKWKHFRUUHFWFRHI¿FLHQWV,Q RWKHUFRGHFVDFFHVVWRWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVPD\EH possible. In this case, the attacker can try to impose GLIIHUHQW VXEEDQG VWUXFWXUHV RQ WKH FRHI¿FLHQW data. The visual quality of this attack will depend on how similar the two sub-band structures are, especially if the approximation subband is of the same size in both structures. Figures 6 and 7 give examples of the visual quality when two differing sub-band structures are used. For Figure 6 the sizes of the approximation sub-bands are the same, for Figure 7 they differ. Because of the large size of the space of possible bases, two randomly generated sub-band structures will almost never be similar enough to produce reconstruction results that are comparable to the full quality version of the visual data. Engel and Uhl (2007) investigate the expected distance between two randomly generated sub-band structures in detail for the anisotropic case. Combined with header encryption, the wavelet SDFNHWVFKHPHVXFFHVVIXOO\VHFXUHVWKHFRHI¿FLHQW data from access. However, it has to be noted that
WP structure for encoding
WP structure for decoding
DVWKHHQWLUHFRHI¿FLHQWLQIRUPDWLRQLVDYDLODEOH in plaintext, all sorts of statistical analyses may be conducted by attackers, potentially allowing them to identify an image in encrypted form.
Complexity Wavelet packets bring an increase in complexity as compared to the pyramidal wavelet decomposition: The order of complexity for a level l full wavelet packet decomposition of an image of size N2 is l
O (¦ 2
2( i 1)
i 1
compared to
N2 ) 22(i 1)
N2 O(¦ 2(i 1) ) i 1 2 l
for the pyramidal decomposition, with the randomized wavelet packet decompositions ranging in between. With the parameters used in our empirical tests the average time needed for the transform stage increased by 45% as compared to the pyramidal transform. The average time needed for the whole compression pipeline increased by 25%. For the wavelet packet approach, there are two possibilities of how to secure the sub-band structure. First, the seed and the parameters for random generation can be included in the header in encrypted form. And second, the sub-band structure as such can be included in encrypted
Figure 7.
WP structure for encoding
WP structure for decoding
form. A straightforward representation format is a sequence of binary decisions, for example, LQ GHSWK¿UVW VFDQQLQJ RUGHU 7KH IRUPHU SRVsibility is the one where the smallest amount of data has to be encrypted. The seed and the parameters typically do not take up more than a couple of bytes. The size of the latter depends on the depth of the sub-band structure. If the straightforward representation is used, then for a pyramidal decomposition of level 5, 20 bits have to be spent. This corresponds to 0.0023% of the whole bitstream for Lena with no target bitrate (i.e., nearly lossless). For a full wavelet packet decomposition this number goes up to 1,365 bits (corresponding to 0.16% of the whole bitstream), with the randomized wavelet packet structures ranging in between. Of course, the representation
could be improved, but generally we can again observe a trade-off between the amount of data to be encrypted and computational complexity: If the parameters are encrypted, then the decoder needs to build the whole wavelet packet structure before decoding. If the sub-band structure as such is encrypted, this means slightly more data has to be protected, but the decoder does not have to run through the process of quadtree generation (which mainly consists of producing the decomposition decisions). The anisotropic wavelet packet transform does not increase complexity compared to the isotropic case. As more bases can be constructed with lower decomposition depths, the use of the anisotropic wavelet packet transform lowers the computational demands of the scheme.
In general, wavelet packets dramatically reduce the effort for encryption compared to full encryption and other partial or selective encryption schemes. This circumstance makes encryption with a public key scheme feasible, which reduces the effort for key management considerably. However, the considerable computational complexity that is introduced for the transform step needs to be taken into account for potential application scenarios. For some application scenarios the decrease of complexity in the encryption VWDJHPLJKWQRWVXI¿FHWKHLQFUHDVHRIFRPSOH[LW\ in the compression stage.
APPLICATION SCENARIOS Application scenarios for the employment of encryption technology in multimedia environments can be divided into two categories (Pommer & Uhl, 2002): we distinguish whether the data is given as plain image data (i.e., not compressed) or in form of a bitstream resulting from prior compression. In applications where the data is acquired before being further processed the plain image data may be accessed directly for encryption after being captured by a digitizer. We denote such applications as online. Examples for this scenario are video conferencing and online surveillance. On the other hand, as soon as visual data has been stored or transmitted once, it has usually been compressed in some way. Applications where compressed bitstreams are handled or encrypted are denoted RIÀLQH. Examples are video on demand and retrieval of medical images from a database. There are many application scenarios for transparent encryption for which both, bitstreamoriented and compression-integrated approaches can be used. An example is TV broadcasting: a preview video is available for all users, but the full-quality version remains exclusive to the
paying subscribers. Also in image databases, the availability of a thumbnail is of advantage as an incentive for buying the full-quality version. The same is true for online video databases, of course. For video surveillance it is sometimes desirable to show the video feed in order to discourage theft. However, privacy should be protected. A possible solution is to only show the poor quality as a deterrent. If an incident should occur then the full quality version can be accessed by security personnel. The main difference between compressionintegrated and bitstream-oriented approaches is the fact that bitstream-oriented approaches can be used for online and off-line scenarios, whereas compression-integrated approaches are mainly restricted to online scenarios (because if compression has already been done, transcoding would become necessary to apply the encryption in this case). This makes bitstream-oriented approaches PRUHÀH[LEOHLQFRPSDULVRQ2QWKHRWKHUKDQG compression-integrated encryption also offers some advantages: (a) only very little data has to be encrypted even compared to selective encryption schemes (of course this comes at the cost of increased complexity in the compression pipeline), (b) format-compliance comes naturally and does not need to be taken care of explicitly (as it is the case for bitstream oriented approaches), and (c) signal processing is to some extent possible in the encrypted domain, which allows secure ZDWHUPDUNLQJ DQG LQWULQVLF ¿QJHUSULQWLQJ DV discussed below. It should be noted for (c) that signal processing in the encrypted domain is also possible for partial bitstream-oriented encryption to some extent, because only small amounts of data are encrypted and even the encrypted data can be processed on a packet or even CCP basis, for example, enabling HI¿FLHQWWUDQVFRGLQJDQGFURSSLQJ7KHDGYDQWDJH of the compression-integrated approach is that the IXOOWUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUVLJQDO
processing. In the case of JPEG2000, for example, key-dependent wavelet packet subband structures DOORZGLUHFWDFFHVVWRWKHWUDQVIRUPFRHI¿FLHQWV and with a part II compliant codec all features of JPSearch can be used. In the context of key-dependent wavelet packet subband structures in JPEG2000, the fact that a part II compliant decoder is needed to access the full quality version can be seen as another advantage: Even if a key is compromised, the visual data is only accessible with such a decoder (if no transcoding is performed of course), which might hinder dispersion of the full quality version. A traitor-tracing scheme can be employed that uses the unique wavelet packet structure to determine the source of pirated visual data. This works in the second and third scenario and is discussed later on. For both compression-oriented and bitstreamoriented approaches we can combine symmetric transparent encryption with public key encryption to facilitate distribution and key management. For the bitstream-oriented approach the visual data is ¿UVWHQFU\SWHGV\PPHWULFDOO\XVLQJRQHRIWKH schemes discussed previously). Then the key of the symmetric encryption scheme is encrypted with a public-key scheme and sent to the (paying) user. In the case of the compression-integrated DSSURDFKWKHYLVXDOGDWDLV¿UVWHQFRGHGZLWKD randomly selected basis. For a paying user, the description of this basis is then encrypted with the user’s public key and sent to the user. This basically amounts to a hybrid encryption scenario with combined symmetric and asymmetric encryption: The description of the basis used for encoding is the key to the symmetric encryption scheme, key management and distribution is realized by classical public key encryption. Both kinds of approaches can be used for protection on three different levels: (a) individual protection for each image (or groups of images) regardless of the associated user, (b) individual protection for each user (for all images associated with the user) or
(c) individual protection for each image and each user. We use wavelet packets in the following discussion as a representative of compressionintegrated encryption, but it should be noted that WKHUHÀHFWLRQVDUHYDOLGIRURWKHUNH\GHSHQGHQW transform domains as well.
Protection for Each Image This approach presents a pay-per-item implementation. Each image (e.g., in a database) is encrypted with an individual key or decomposed with a unique wavelet packet sub-band structure respectively. Any non-paying subscriber can get a preview image. If we allow more than one image to share the same symmetric key (or the same sub-band structure), then a channel-based subscription service can be implemented: if, for example, all sports pictures share the same symmetric key, a person paying for the sports key can access all of the pictures in this group. For compression-integrated encryption, the unique frequency domain of each image allows copy-tracing. For example, a crawler could be employed to search for images with a particular sub-band structure. This can be done by matchLQJWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVLQWKHWUDQVIRUPGRPDLQRU by reconstructing the image and matching in the spatial domain. Even if transcoding is employed, there can be some traces of the sub-band structure left, as outlined in the following scenario.
Protection for Each User In this scenario, a unique symmetric key (or sub-band structure) is assigned to each user. In an image database with personal albums, for example, this key would be used for each item the user uploads. A nice feature of key-dependent transform domains in this context is that the transform domain can be used to trace the user’s data if it
gets redistributed. A crawler could, for example, look for images coded in a particular user’s subband structure. Even if transcoding was used, for example, if the JPEG2000 image has been transformed to a JPEG image, due to quantization there could be traces left in the visual data that allow the linking to the sub-band structure of a particular user. To make the tracing scheme more reliable, a watermark can be embedded in the wavelet packet domain (Dietl & Uhl, 2003). Another feature provided by the use of userdependent wavelet packet structures is secure annotation watermarks. As these watermarks can be embedded in the wavelet packet domain to enhance security, only a person knowing the sub-band structure can extract the contained information (Dietl & Uhl, 2004). Any person lacking the sub-band structure can only access the preview image, but not the annotations. As the secret transform domain is already available, apart from embedding no additional computational costs are introduced.
Protection for Each User and Each Image This scenario is similar to the previous scenario, but a new symmetric key is created for each of the user’s images. This is important if one or some of the images get sold and access should not be given to the other images. This is especially interesting for personalized visual data, for example, personalized greeting cards. Each personalized card is encrypted using a unique symmetric key, only the user who ordered the card may access the full quality version. Another example is blueSULQWVZKLFKDQDUFKLWHFWFUHDWHVIRUDVSHFL¿F customer. The customer can get a preview image, but to access the blueprints in full detail, he/she has to obtain the symmetric key. A different key is used for the next set of blueprints from a different order, even if it is the same customer. Also in this scenario the possibilities of copytracing and secure annotation watermarks come
for free with the use of key-dependent transform domains.
CONCLUSION Both techniques investigated succeed in reducing the computational demand for encryption sigQL¿FDQWO\DVFRPSDUHGWRWUDGLWLRQDOWUDQVSDUHQW encryption methods. While the bitstream-based ZLQGRZHQFU\SWLRQWHFKQLTXHLVPRUHÀH[LEOHDQG thereby allows a wider range of application scenarios to be supported, the secret wavelet packet approach requires a much lower data amount to be encrypted (which has to be paid for with a higher complexity in the compression pipeline) and does not have to obey any restrictions imposed by the requirement for format compliance as required for bitstream packet data encryption. Therefore, IRU VSHFL¿F DSSOLFDWLRQ VFHQDULRV IRU H[DPSOH such that require public-key cryptography to be applied (where a minimal data amount subjected to encryption is a must and bitstream compliance is harder to achieve), the compression integrated wavelet packet technique is an interesting alternative to bitstream-based transparent encryption.
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS Multimedia data has made its way into everybody’s everyday life and it is unlikely that this (r)evolution will be reversed or even slowed down. Hence so-called DRM solutions will be a topic for the next years. However, current DRM systems largely tend to annoy paying customers, while the commercial black market is highly unaffected by these measures. Thus the content providers will face the decision to make their system more conVXPHUIULHQGO\WUDQVSDUHQWO\XVHDEOHPHGLD¿OHV even in low quality are a step in this direction) or even completely dropping the deployment of these systems (only recently EMI announced that they will offer DRM free music content1).
,QWKHFRQWH[WRI-3(*HQFU\SWLRQÀH[ible encryption schemes that can be adapted to the needs of an application will become more important. Engel, Stütz, and Uhl (in press-a) point out that the encryption of JPEG2000 packet bodies alone, that is, leaving the packet headers in plaintext is not secure for applications that UHTXLUHIXOOFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\$VFKHPHIRUSDFNHW header encryption is proposed. The usability of this scheme for transparent encryption is discussed in Engel, Stütz, and Uhl (in press-b). From the practical point of view, the detailed investigation of application scenarios in which transparent encryption is employed is still missing. Applications like digital libraries (there are propositions to use JPEG2000, e.g., for Google Books, see Langley & Bloomberg, 2007) are OLNHO\ WR SUR¿W IURP WUDQVSDUHQW HQFU\SWLRQ techniques. JPEG2000 as a standard for scalable still image coding is a promising starting point in this context. The Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI), an entity created by seven major motion picture VWXGLRVKDVSXEOLVKHGDVSHFL¿FDWLRQIRUDXQL¿HG'LJLWDO&LQHPD6\VWHP'&, ZKLFK uses JPEG2000 for compression. Their document also extensively discusses security issues. The proposed encryption techniques, however, remain rather conventional. The techniques discussed here can be transferred and adapted to video encryption in general. There has been a lot of research in the area of scalable video coding recently. Therefore, a promising research area will be the development of reliable bitstream-oriented approaches for the scalable extension of H.264/AVC (Schwarz, Marpe, & Wiegand, 2006). The use of secret transform domains for video encryption should be assessed in the context of wavelet-based scalable video coding (Ohm, 2005). Media encryption is a young and thriving topic with many possible directions for future research, of which we have only mentioned a
small selection. Many more research directions will come up in the future. They will on the one hand entail the continued investigations of specialized topics, while on the other hand they will have to look at the bigger picture and research the integration and the interplay of different areas of security, for example, encryption, watermarking, SHUFHSWXDOKDVKLQJDQG¿QJHUSULQWLQJLQSUDFWLcal systems.
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28. Multimedia Systems and Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer-Verlag. Stütz, T., & Uhl, A. (2006). On format-compliant iterative encryption of JPEG2000. Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on 0XOWLPHGLD,60¶ (pp. 985-990). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society. Taubman, D., & Marcellin, M. (2002). -3(*² Image compression fundamentals, standards and practice. Kluwer Academic. Uhl, A., & Pommer, A. (2005). Image and video
encryption. from digital rights management to secured personal communication: Vol. 15. Advances in Information Security. Springer-Verlag. Zeng,W., Yu, H. H., & Lin, C.-Y. (2006). Multimedia security technologies for digital rights management. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
h t t p: //a r s t e c h n i c a . c o m / n e w s . a r s / post/20070401-emi-to-announced-drmfree-plans-tomorrow-reports.html
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