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English Pages [76] Year 2019
G.O. Abdikerova
MODELING OF SOCIAL PROCESSES Manual for students of higher education institutions
Almaty «Kazakh University» 2019
UDC 316. 3/4 LBC 60.54 A 12 The Manual was presented to the press by the educational decision of the council of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Protocol №3 dated 06.02.2019) Reviewers: PhD of sociological sciences, M.K. Shnarbekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. PhD Associate Professor of «Narhoz» University K.A. Abenova PhD Sarsenova A.B Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University
A 12
Abdikerova G.O. Modeling of social processes: manual for students of higher education institutions / G.O. Abdikerova. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2018. – 76 p. ISBN 978-601-04-3900-9 In the manual the actual issues of forecasting and modeling of social processes are considered. Modernization of the society and the effects of the relevant changes on the socialization process as a social process have been analyzed, and new personal models have been offered. The edition is intended for all students, graduates of higher education institutions who are interested in modeling process.
UDC 316. 3/4 LBC 60.54 ISBN 978-601-04-3900-9
© Abdikerova G.O., 2019 ©Al-Farabi KazNU, 2019
I. The essence of social forecasting
PREFACE The course «Modeling of Social Processes» allows master’s students to learn the methodological problems of modern scientific knowledge, methodology of sociological analysis of different spheres of socio-cultural reality, and form creative approach to solving many practical tasks. The aim of the course is to give a systematic understanding of the principles, approaches and methods of modeling and forecasting in sociological research, to explain the process of modeling on the basis of socialization. The objectives of this course are: –– systematization of knowledge of the master’s students on the methodology and technique of modeling and forecasting (concepts, functions, goals, degrees, etc.); –– determination of roles and meanings of the theories in sociological research; –– development of skills to apply simulation technology in scientific substantiation of important social issues and tasks; –– familiarization with logic and interpretation models of various concepts and sociological research at schools; –– determination of the principles of the methodology and technique of sociological research. To master the discipline “Modeling of Social Processes”, undergraduates must have the following qualifications: –– awareness of the features of sociological knowledge modeling; –– ability to simulate socialization processes; –– ability to analyze prospective models of personality socialization in key areas of the Kazakhstan society; and know: –– differences between social forecasts and sociological forecasts; –– correct formulation of social predictions; as well as possess the following skills: –– to choose the most actual methodological concepts; –– to predict and model social processes; –– to design social models. 3
Modeling of social processes
1. Сontents and functions of social forecasting 1. Objects of forecast research. Research area and problems of social forecasting, ways to improve its effectiveness. 2. Forecasting in the structure of scientific vision, requirements to the process of its implementation. 3. Relationship between social prediction with economic, political, demographic, technological and environmental forecasting.
The consept “forecasting”, the synonym of “prognosis” (from Greek, prognosis, pro – preliminary, gnosis – cognition) was first used in medicine in the sense of diagnosing the cause of the disease. Subsequently, it has been used to better predict future events and outcomes. In the modern sense a forecast is: –– a prediction about the future probability of a particular process; –– a scientifically justified approach, viewpoint about the ways and timing of alternative developments and the particular situation of the process. Another concept of forecast implies that the goals that can be achieved by certain means; the knowledge (information) required to achieve the stated goal. Thus, forecast is a scientific decision (scientific opinion) that demonstrates that the level of opportunity to achieve certain goals depends on future approaches and instrumentation. In the broad sense of the word forecasting is the development of prediction. In the narrow sense it is a special scientific research, which studies the development of phenomena. 4
I. The essence of social forecasting
Hypothesis describes the scientific vision of the general theory level. The basis of the initial creation of this hypothesis is that it is the theory and its legitimate reasoning and cause-and-effect relationships. Forecast is wider than the hypothesis. It is based not only on non-qualitative but also quantitative criteria. The forecast is reflected at the level of real-applied theories and more clear than the predictive hypothesis, and it has a great deal of certainty. However, the forecast is not directly related with the investigated phenomenon. The forecast is probable. Plan is a well-defined goal and it gives one the ability to see real, precise, and different events of the object under investigation. In this work tools and ways of development in accordance with the goals and accepted management decisions are presented. There is a difference between the forecast and the plan. The main thing is that the plan is accurate, and the forecast is probable. The forecast is fundamentally different from predictions and perceptions. It relies heavily on solutions, methodology, evidence-based systems, and scientific justification. The ability to anticipate human consciousness should be scientifically justified and becomes more scientifically predictable and not merely an imaginary one. In turn, it is possible to define the assumptions made on the basis of philosophical, biological concepts, social utopias, and technological forecasts with the help of special means. Futurology and forecasting. Due to the complexity of the social processes, the need for a scientifically justified forecast has increased, and the development of sociology has been closely linked to such requirements. This process was particularly active in the 40s of the 20th century. Futurology (Latin futurum – future and Greek logos – word), which has a special branch of scientific knowledge, is focused on the future of humanity and the development of social processes. The concept of “futurology” was introduced in 1943 as a special scientific term by German sociologist O. Flethеim, referring to the meaning of the philosophy of future. The development of futurology reached its level in the 70’s of the twentieth century. Futurology, though not the philosophy of future, played a major role in predicting the effects of scientific and techni-
Modeling of social processes
cal progress, as well as its environmental aspects. It is currently being used in a number of Western countries to study and predict global social processes using special methods. Forecasts are widely used in economics, demography, political science and sociology. All of these are types of social forecasts (in the broad sense of the word “social”), which are “public” (Osipov G.B, 2008). The conceptual situation, which is the theoretical basis of prediction, should be linked to the findings of theoretical sociology and social philosophy. When analyzing predictive decisions, it is important to consider that any public process can not be individually implemented. Therefore, sociological forecasting in large-scale forecasts based on economic, demographic, ecological, and ������������������������������������� other predictions must be supplemented. The situation is the same in the areas of social and natural sciences, and in other fields of science. For example, a comprehensive concept of human development and the model of sustainable development of the society introduced by the Rome Club in 1968-1981 years, is now the continuation of the world modeling. The forecast uses three main sources of information about the future: 1)the assessment of the phenomenon under study on the basis of experiments, based on the analogy of similar phenomena and processes, most often studied; 2) extrapolation, that has a regular development and is currently reflecting the conditional continuation of a well-known trend of a certain degree;3) development of the future phenomenon, a future model of the process, due to the fact that the prospect of development is adequately evident in a number of situations that can be expected or desired. These sources of information coincide with the following approaches. 1. Questioning of the population, experts for the objective adjustment of individual assessment of forecasting character (questionnaires, interviews); 2. Creation of dynamic series of indicators reflecting continuation of the expected phenomena from the beginning of the forecast period to the future is carried out by extrapolation and interpolation. 3. Construction of models based on probable and optional changes in the expected phenomenon is carried out by simulation.
I. The essence of social forecasting
Each of these methods is individually interconnected with other ones. One of the most important predictions is the social forecast. Social forecasting is a preview of the trends and prospects of the development of social systems, objects, social phenomena, processes. All social systems and social phenomena may be all the phenomena of the social forecasts. Forecast as a concept of scientific sight is related to the process of designing, planning and management in the social sphere. Forecast is an integral part of the social project. The practical value of prediction is related to design. Social forecasts allow to take into account different options for the development of social systems. Establishing reliable hypotheses will improve management and make the design effective. Making of social forecasts involves rather complex procedures. Bestuzhev-Lada proposed the next logical system of social projections: 1) prediction of directions – theoretical concept of studying and investigation of predictions; 2) the original model of the projected object; 3) extrapolation (or interpolation); 4) forecasting modeling - development of hypothetical models of rough (research) and normative (program and organizational) forecasts; 5) questioning - questioning of experts on information of hypothetical models, as a result of which a detailed forecast model is created; 6) provision of scientifically justified recommendations for planning, designing and management; 7) verification – checking of the reliability of forecasting by modeling possible consequences of the proposed solutions, surveying the population and additional experts, experiments, logical structures, mathematical calculations and other means; 8) discussion of the project, its processing and presentation to the customer. Checkup issues 1. Point out the types of the predictions and give them a definition 2. Indicate the difference between the forecast and the hypothesis 3. Confirm the relationship of social prediction with economic, political, demographic, technological and environmental forecasts Tasks for individual work 1. Justify the need for forecasting in sociological practice
Modeling of social processes
2. Sociological forecasting as a type of social prediction 1. The field of research of sociological forecasting. 2. Types of predictions used in sociology. 3. Features of predictions based on social laws
Sociological Prognosis is a type of social prediction that has its own common and individual traits. The sociological forecast includes all areas of society, social groups, and social activity. The field of sociological studies - changes in the social structure of the society, characteristics of the life of the population, material and spiritual needs of different groups, characteristics of social behavior, socio-political consequences of globalization, etc. The peculiarities of sociological predictions are related to the probability of social processes. It is the object and the subject of social development - the existence of a person who has a specific purpose, a wish, a person with a specific purpose. The forecast is not the result of action or the action itself, but the result of the action, aimed at determining the most probable or most appropriate option for the social process or the social situation. Based on predictable scientific statements, political leadership will be able to choose the best option from alternative variants. The future of the society is the realization of one of the potential situations, not the social situation. Compared to many natural processes, the process of formation and development of society is an issue of probability. That is why it is wrong for public opinion to place too many demands on the possibility of sociological forecasts realization (Osipov GV, 2008). There are two types of dynamic and statistical development laws. Dynamic laws are strictly reasoned. Such laws are aimed at adapting the situation by which the society (the person) is subjectively influenced as a kind of species. Statistical laws, on the contrary, show the potential nature of cause-and-effect relationships and describe the possible alternative results. These laws tend to take place in social processes. Their probability depends on many factors.
I. The essence of social forecasting
The scientific justification for each scientific assumption is not equated with reality. The complexity and multiplicity of social processes are characterized by high requirements to the methodology, methods and tools of the forecasts. They require a broader information base, a sufficient number of prospective alternatives, and knowledge of the full process. The expectations to the forecaster are also high. He must be well-versed in theoretically advanced predictive techniques. One of the most important requirements to the professionalism of the forecaster is to be politically independent in interpreting the results. Political or positive or negative attitude should not affect the outcome of the forecast. There are a number of bases for classification of forecasts. Active and inactive versions of the forecast for the impact of the entity on the outcome of the forecasting process can be highlighted. Active assumption is the active involvement of the subject in the prognostic process and the effect of the outcome on the actions of the active participants of the social process. Inactive hypothesis is the absence of direct link between the subjects of social processes and the outcome of the project. The anticipated outcome will not have any impact on the process expected. Active and inactive predictions determine the situation where people are acting or not acting in dependence on the expected circumstances. Forecasts related to time dimensions: Operational – up to one month; Short-term – up to one year; Medium-term – up to five years; Long-term – from 10 to 15 years; Extremely long term – more than 25 years. There are point (dot) and interval types of predictions, depending on how the results are obtained. Point forecast. Usually used in election campaigns, it identifies the electoral possibilities of the electorate at that time. Interval forecast. Indicates the interval aspects of a particular event. For example: from 20 to 30 thousand people participate in the rally.
Modeling of social processes
Depending on the direction of the prediction, genetic and target types can be distinguished. Genetic type (also called search, trend, extrapolation, descriptive). This type of forecast looks from the present to the future on the basis of the development trends in the past and the present. What is the direction of the development? If we keep up the current situation, we are looking for answers to what is likely to happen in the future. Search prospects determine the maturity of social issues that need to be addressed in the future. For example, demographic forecasting shows a steady tendency to decline in the population. Target assumptions. Defining the social status of social objects (norms, ideals, goals) on the basis of predetermined socio-political criteria. What is supposed to be here and why? On the basis of the answers to these questions it will be possible to determine the benefits using the assessment system, i.e.: “unnecessary – needless – may be needed – most relevant – effective”. Software version. It is one of the targets. The software outlines the hypothetical timeframes for achieving results, the intermediate goals and the sequence of access to them, and the potential for influencing various factors. Project forecasts (forecast projects, design-projects). The project forecast reflects the refinement of the future phenomena or phenomena associated with a number of circumstances that are currently out of date. Such forecasts allow choosing the most promising options. In the practice of sociological science, there are many other types of forecasts. Checkup issues 1. What is the difference between scientific assumptions and assumptions? 2. Whatis the difference of sociological forecasts and prediction of natural phenomena? 3. How do you understand the concept of active and inactive? Tasks for individual work 1. Characteristics of the software version. Explaining social life by providing an example. 2. Give a general description of forecast models. Show their opportunities and limitations of predicting social development.
I. The essence of social forecasting
3. Technological stages and methods of social forecasting 1. Technology of forecasting social processes. 2. Principles and Stages of Social Forecasting. 3. Classification of scientific methods of forecasting.
A general feature of social forecasts is their influence on social phenomena through plans, programs, projects, organized solutions that not only alter the phenomenon, but also lead to their realization or destruction. By forecasting social phenomena, using the scheme “Goal – Forecast – Project – Solution”, it is possible to implement actions aimed at their modification and put into practice the obtained results. The following scheme should be used to detail the ongoing work: P – Purpose; T – Term; M – Methodology; E – executors; R - Resources. What are the social processes, what are the expected outcomes, what is the forecast period, what techniques are used to change the situation, who are involved in carrying out, what is the type of the resources used? All this should be determined in advance. From the perspective of well-known Russian sociologist I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, three types of targeted situations may be distinguished. They have similarities and differences. Ideal situation (social ideal), optimal (favorable) situation, normative situation. These situations coincide with the processes of optimization, perfection, and normalization. In simple words, idealization depicts the ideal situation of the object being investigated. That is why this situation is considered as a social ideal for the purpose of social projections. The optimal situation is similar to its ideal in terms of its content but, in comparison with the reality, it takes into account the realistic potential of the object. Its goal is to maximize the effectiveness of social objects and minimize the errors. That is why this situation is called a relative optimism, and the ideal situation is an absolute optimism. Optimization is the choice of the most effective way of all possible ways of social object development. In some cases there is a need to take into account
Modeling of social processes
the real possibility of the social object, not the most effective way. In such a situation, there is a need for a regulatory situation that will address the existing disadvantages rather than criticise the situation. With a simple example, let us focus on the specific tasks of each type of social projection predictive situations. Let us consider the formation of a mature civil society as a social objective, as the ideal asset. Although civil society is founded, it still takes a long time to mature and mature. That is why we consider the formation of mechanisms that ensure the rights and freedoms of every citizen as a basis for the development of a civilian system, and we consider this as an optimal situation. In the event of a systematic violation of the human rights and freedoms, these issues can be solved by creating normal situations that meet social needs in society. Achieving a normal situation requires increasing the educational and cultural level of each individual, creating the conditions for higher education, regardless of social or any other differences between individuals. A knowledgeable person will not allow injustice to happen to him. The experiments formulated different methods of forecasting. We can specify 1) intuitive and 2) formal methods of predicting the level of formality. Typical predictive methods include predictive extrapolation; intuitive (expert) methods; morphological analysis; forecast plan; predictive graph and “tree of achievement”; matrix method; mathematical methods of prediction can be distinguished. Expected method of extrapolation. Extrapolation methods are one of the widespread formal methods of prediction. Their foundations form a statistical study of the trends of changes in any quantitative characteristics of the object. Extrapolation is the prevalence of previous trends. The main element of predictive extrapolation is a trend. The trend is a long-term (over the course of the centenary) tendency of social indicators development. The aim is to describe the basic patterns of the development of social processes in such a way that this is not beyond the allowable limits of chance. There are various ways of extrapolation. Particularly, these are the medium volumes trend and their dispersion, the maximum and
I. The essence of social forecasting
minimum volumes, the average pitch based extrapolation, the least squares method, and so on. The positive side of predictive extrapolation is the relationship between the past, the present and the future, the formalization of these links, and the quantitative evaluation. This method will allow for averaging the impact of individual factors and unaccounted factors. However, it should be noted that restrictions exist. The predictive extrapolation method does not produce accurate results for long-term forecasts. This is because mistakes can be made in the analysis of transition from past to present. In practice, they are very important for the period of 5 to 7 years and also lead to incorrect predictive results. The horizon of the forecast is the time when the forecast is approximated accurately. The point of change in one quality is the predictive threshold. Expert assessment method. It is possible to mention the method of expert assessment as a widely used, accessible form of prediction. However, use of this method requires a number the expert’s personal qualities, although that such cases should be independent of the professionalism of the experts, expression of their opinions, pressure on the part of the customers expecting to get a desirable forecast. One of the types of the expert assessment is interviewing. The interview is conducted in the form of a predetermined scheme (a formalized interview) or an arbitrary conversation (non-formalized interview) between the forecaster and the expert. The forecaster suggests the expert about the future development and its results. The advantage of this technique depends on the ability of an expert to apply his own point of view. If the expert is a very high-level specialist, the value of the interview will be high. In most cases, the right conduct of the interview depends on the correctness of the questions. It is desirable to have an interview with several experts on the same plan and compare the results. Usually the expert interviews are conducted using questionnaires. General requirements for t questionnaires are as follows: 1) questions should be formulated on the basis of commonly accepted terms;
Modeling of social processes
2) the formulation of these should be based on a single sense of unity, removal of all meaningless inaccuracies; 3) questions should be logically consistent with the structure of the overall projection. The techniques of a collective expertise, “brainstorming” or “collective generation of ideas” are widely used for free discussion. The method of “brainstorming” is widely used in various spheres of public education, it allows to activate the process of collecting ideas and test them collectively. As practice shows, the number of participating groups is 10-15, sometimes 20 people. If the expert group knows each other well, then the group should be made up of persons belonging to one rank. If people who participate in the brainstorm meeting do not know each other, it is possible to attract people of varying degrees and levels. In this case, the discussion is conducted anonymously and participants are provided with a room for discussion. As a rule, it is desirable for the expert group to be engaged in a variety of occupations that are related to the subject being discussed. In any case, it is unreasonable to judge whether one or another of the views expressed are negative or not. Discussion of the problem consists of several rounds. Any of the views expressed during the discussion process are evaluated, accepted or rejected. Delphi method. In an extensive expert assessment, it is important to turn the obtained results into quantitative characteristics, i.e., to express qualitative characteristics in quantitative terms. Delphi method (derived from ancient Greek Oracle of Delphi) is aimed at quantifying the probability of future development of processes or phenomena by experts, supplementing the group’s views and determining the level of consistency of the given estimates. The American Research Corporation RAND, founded the basis of this method. The examination is carried out mainly anonimously. The optimal number of participants in the survey is 20-30 or 40-50. The query consists of several rounds. Typically, three or four rounds of inquiries are widely used. After each round, experts receive information on the results of each one. As a result, a single system is achieved. In the statistical evaluation of the possible development conditions and outcomes of the process, experts carry out positive reviews from 1 to 5 or
I. The essence of social forecasting
negative assessment from 1 to 5. Often, experts are required to score simultaneously positive or negative assessments of possible variants of the event. Morphological analysis, hypothetical plan, “purpose tree” – these predictive techniques are used to identify the target for the object development and to identify possible development variants. Morphological analysis. A structured way of getting systematized information and looking at all possible solutions of the problem. Morphological analysis analyzes the issue in a systematic way, and analyzes the results of the research in the field of social sciences until it reaches the highest level. Morphological analysis consists of several stages. 1. A precise definition of the problem to be solved. 2. A thorough analysis of all the criteria and dimensions that are important for the solution of this problem. 3. Assembling the “morphological box”, where the criteria are matched in cells. Searching for the ways to find a solution of the problem by linking some of the first level criteria to one of the next levels. 4. The next step in the analysis of the Morphological Box is the examination of all the solutions based on their functional value. To this end, an evaluation scale is formed. 5. Final stage is the choice of the most important decisions. Using morphological analysis, a new information about the problem and its individual parts is formulated. The purpose of the analysis is to select the most effective problem solution. This method is crucial in predicting fundamental research. Estimated plan. This is a method that illustrates the logical possible development of the event in accordance with the situation similar to the morphological analysis. Plan is a detailed description of the various options for achieving the ultimate goal, identifying possible barriers and negative consequences for each option. Creating a plan allows you to use an expert assessment. Therefore, the risks associated with the subjective assessment of the use of the system are constantly increasing. In this regard, the plan should be made by highly qualified independent experts.
Modeling of social processes
However, the variety of these assessments depends not only on the expert’s preference for certain political principles, but also on the complexity and contradiction of the task to be solved. When the level of consensus among the experts is high, the value of the plan also increases. Therefore, in assessing the outcome of the plan, it is important to determine the possible extent of disagreement and decide what to do to reduce it. Forecast graph. The graph is a point-to-point overlapping wall. Graphs represent the purpose and stages of the process. They may be interrelated or unrelated, directed, or non-targeted. An associated linked graph is called the “Tree of Destiny”. “Tree of Purpose”. This is generally a forecast method of integrating a number of targeted components into “division into subdivisions, and separation of each of them into separate parts.” The aim of the Purpose Tree is to justify the selection of the right methodology for the implementation of such distribution. Modeling method. In general, modeling is a method of scientific abstraction, which allows the artificial representation of the object under investigation and its most important characteristics. The forecast model reflects the expected outcomes of the current process, not the actual processes. In this case, the model plays the role of a hypothesis. The model is divided into several types of forecasts. Logical (written using logic); Information (based on the majority of information flows); Mathematical (formulated with numerical characteristics). The logical model includes: Historical analogies; Future plan. Mathematical models are divided into three major groups: Statistical-probability; Economic-mathematical; Functional-hierarchical. Statistical models: Distribution model; Statistical Model of Recognition;
I. The essence of social forecasting
Correlation, dispersion, factor. Imitation models. Predictive modeling method. Simulation of processes (phenomena, actions) occurring in a formalized form (mostly mathematical and graphic) with the help of a special model (copy). Models represent a large number or a smaller version of the original. Modeling is aimed at improving the reality with the help of the model. Mathematical modeling method. This method is used for forecasting where possible quantitative characteristics of social phenomena and processes. Such a forecast is carried out using a “mathematical box” and a mathematical apparatus to describe and analyze the social development processes. Since the economic process is easier to formalize than other types of public processes, the method of mathematical modeling was first used in the economy. At present, this method is widely used in sociology. Many mathematical models are linear and nonlinear models of dynamic programming and statistical models based on game theory, networking, imitation models, etc. Index method. In the prediction of complicated sociological processes associated with complex factors, most often the index method is used. Index is the accepted empirical indicator and the empirical quantitative indicator (expressed as a percentage) of the change in the investigated phenomenon or process at the given level compared to the other level obtained for comparison purposes. This method requires the use of an indicator system that corresponds to each of its own values scale. Suppose, for example, the probability of a political situation in the country is predicted. For this purpose, individual indicators that determine the process of political stability (public trust in the economic policy of the government, attitude to any government structures, human rights violations, political alienation, etc.) are taken into account. Social indicators are determined by empirical methods (e.g., sociological inquiry). Verification of verbal figures by such individual indicators is carried out. The aggregate of individually generated indicators represents an integral index. Index method studies allow highlighting the changes in the processes of different quality separately.
Modeling of social processes Checkup issues 1. Describe the main stages of scientific forecasts. 2. Specify the types of targeted situations, and give each one an example of the social environment. 3. What is the essence of predictive extrapolation? Tasks for individual work 1. P. Berger, G. Lukman’s «Social Creation of Truth». Make a written report on the summary of the tract of education sociology. Highlight the main ideas of the essay. 2. See: Social Design of Reality. Tractate by Social Studies / Per. s – М.: MEDIUMM, 1995. – 322 p.
II. Modeling of objects of social knowledge
4. Modeling of social processes as a method of forecasting 1. Social objects modeling. 2. Model and theory. 3. Modeling as a method of social prediction.
What is social objects modeling? Modeling (from Latin model) is also considered as methodological principle and social objects as a method of scientific recognition of their model. The simulation method takes the leading place in the system of cognitive systems of modern science. It is widely used in various spheres of scientific research. Due to the gnoseological feature of this method, scientists will be able to obtain new information about the structure and dynamics of natural and social systems, about the complex processes and phenomena that occur in social reality at project, emancipation and micro-level. Through social sciences, various scientific methods are used to identify social reality objects. One of the key ones is the study of objects by their substitute, specially designed and used for research purposes. The concept of the model is not dynamic. The necessary condition for a model is that it accumulates the ability to accumulate new knowledge on its own. The modeling method is inexpedient in situations where little research has been made, but many studies have little to do with the research. The object of the research is an artificially created copy of some of its properties. It plays the role of theory. The researcher of the studie object, works not only with the original, but also with the copy, with 19
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the help of which it is intended to implement the obtained knowledge into the original. Modeling plays an important role in the socialization process because with it, people will be able to adopt the most possible, distinctive models and imitate those models. In the form of a theoretical, ideological structure, that is, in the model deriving from its content, it provides practical methods and tools for solving the problem. The model should be similar to the original, but not necessarily the equivalent. In this case simulation will lose its value. Russian scientist М. Vartofsky has pointed out that the model is an abstract form of presentation of an object or action. In the model, only the properties of the original are selected. The model is a picture of cognitive truth, alongside with the objective characteristics of the researcher, as well as the creative activity. The creative activity of the researcher is reflected in attention to the advanced and constructive forms of cognition and thinking, which are relevant in modern science. Self-modeling is not a theory, it can serve as the basis for theoretical research (different theories can be derived from one model and vice versa). Therefore, the model can not be true or false. It appears only in the form of utopia, which is valid and true or is inaccurate, unrealistic. Modeling influences conceptual models as a method of scientific recognition of objects of social reality. These models must come into play in theory over time, because the process of theory development is a process of model research in a sense. According to the theory, the model is feasible. It guarantees only formation that can be justified and can not guarantee the truth. The role of the new model in education is an additional method of scientific knowledge and its practical application. It, to some extent, serves as an instrument for measuring, interpreting, explaining, predicting, and coordinating empirical data. The theory consists of proven, internally organized scientific findings and conclusions, a centralized set of proven knowledge of a particular area of reality. The role of the theory is determined by the fact that it describes the true knowledge that satisfies the needs of public practice. The need for the society does not depend solely on the “social order”. The practice is, of course, the purpose of the theory.
II. Modeling of objects of social knowledge
If the theory depicts the principles, laws and relationships that are relevant to all aspects of the industry, the model considers the object being studied as a real video. Its structure is similar to the original. The analogy between the logic structures and the theory and theoretical models is often theoretically balanced. The real living environment of the model is directly related to the thinking system. It first appears in the form of social expectations, then in the form of deep shocks. Although it seems to be a theoretically reasonable, accessible design, the models encounter many contradictions when facing current situations, because real life is more complicated than thinking, which is a prerequisite for its development. Even the richest model will be much weaker than the original one. Modeling is the most widely used method of social forecasting. With it, the characteristics of realistic phenomena and modeled phenomena are developed, and the models are created for their effective management, control and prediction. Modeling allows begining to study natural phenomena, a complete picture of the reasonableness of the society and the individual in the world. Typically, cognitive, conceptual and formal models are considered. The models help prevent many errors, because people can start acting with copying before applying the model in practice. Modeling leads to great advances in the creative development of the person, allows the introduction of new approaches and styles into the socialization process. Creating the future models, it builds up a new one based on the past experience of the humanity and develops it filling it with a new content. As a new video, the model is not only legalize news, but also encourages people to make their news and become a novelist. In social sciences, mainly, models based on thinking are used. According to Russian scientist E.V. Karakozova, they should be divided into two groups: symbolic models and image models. Symbolic models are usually called mathematical models. All mathematical methods include logic models, including logical mathematical methods. Video-models provide theoretical and gnoseological services, which are simple, but also contribute to the creation of the ideal type of the object. Model-conceptions and model-idealization are the main types of their manifestations. Model concepts are based on a combination
Modeling of social processes
of scientific abstractions and practical knowledge. Idealization model is a generalized construction, theoretical idea, the idealized object of the object being studied, a possible version of its development. Such model s may be theoretical, conceptual, ideal, logical, informational, and so on. The model-concept and model-idealization complement each other, performing their functions in a certain order. A deeper theoretical understanding of the social object is achieved using the first video models. Then symbolic models are supplemented by the use of special techniques in the form of plans and drawings. Mathematical modeling allows to get certain quantitative characteristics of the studied indices, but does not explain these either. Symbol modeling can not have a specific significance in the study of the human past. It only plays a purely extra role. The peculiarity of the idealization model is its special relationship with the mental experiment. Unlike mathematical experiments, a specially chosen model of idealization limits the object being investigated by any measurements, classifications, and properties that are unacceptable for falsification. However, the purpose of such an experiment is not to check the reality of the model, but to choose the most justified hypothesis, to find all possible ways to resolve the problem. The ideal experiment is conducted using the model of idealization as a special kind of scientific creative thinking. This experiment implies imaginary experiments with the images of objects, with the help of model judgments. Thus, decisions that can not be taken with pure logic thinking can be obtained through an experimental experiment. As the link between genuine experiments and logical solutions is its integral part, the xperimental experiment allows the researcher to eliminate the uniqueness and the shortcomings of both. The most important features of the models are the following ones: the model and the original are always subject to objective coincidence known to the subject of cognition; During the cognitive process, the model will be replaced by the object itself; the model rebuilds the object in a particular form in a particular case; it acts as a recognition object of the modeling, it can be a means of obtaining new informa-
II. Modeling of objects of social knowledge
tion about the object; the model will be transferred to the original. Investigation of the object of interest on the model can be used for any reason, when the object itself can not be studied directly or when difficulties arise. Difficulties in obtaining information on the prospects of social objects development have led to the widespread use of models as one of the basic methods of sociological research. Checkup issues 1. How are the concepts of “model” and “modeling” different from each other? 2. Explain the relationship between the concept of “model” and “theory.” 3. What kind of models do you know? Tasks for individual work 1. Combine the achievements and disadvantages of the simulation process by dividing them into a table
5. Features of application of a method of modeling in sociological knowledge 1. Features of social process simulation 2. The concept of the ideal form of M. Weber and its social meaning. 3. Problems of application of methodology theories and paradigms in the process of simulation of sociology
According to known Russian sociologist A.G Efendiev, the word “form” in modern sociology is often replaced by the word “model.” In his view, the model is a visual analogue presented in the scheme to show the properties and linkages of the social system. The sociologist can model the real phenomenon. For example, it can illustrate the model of advertising, or the general model of advertising activities. The overall model of any process is the key to understanding its individuality. Social science has never been monopolized. Different views on the nature and the types of social reality exist in the same temporary and social cultural settings that live peacefully. Different sociological paradigms – different models of solving social problems.
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Nowadays, when sociologists face difficult situations, they often relies on the concept of a model in the way of creating an improved situation. Simulation of social processes helps to solve theoretical, applied and methodological problems. In the process of modeling a person’s socialization, these objectives are: –– Creation of conceptual bases of socialization, characterized by new content and deserving perspective directions of society and human development; –– Practicing the effectiveness of the new socialization mechanism; –– Overview of the methods of achieving the goals, new approaches. Currently, synergies attract the attention of sociological science as the theory and methodology of modeling self-organization of social systems. The synergistic outlook paradigm pays special attention to the nature of human self-control, rather than excluding the influence of public institutions that regulate human activity. Depending on the synthetic or asynthetic nature of synergies, it is possible to establish links between natural and humanitarian, Eastern and Western worlds, new science and old concepts about the world (complexity, nonlinearity and chaos). Building of the model of social objects on the basis of these features of synergetics as a methodology is very relevant at this stage. Application of modeling in sociological recognition allows developing analytical thinking, permitting the sociologist-researcher to integrate into social reality and use theoretical knowledge in the form of ideal models and use them in practice for the change of social phenomena. At the stage of classical development of sociology, there is no question of knowing non-controlled phenomena that are not tested in practice. The study of such objects by models was initiated in nonclassical, relativistic science. The peculiarity of this period is the recognition of the person as a subject in the cognitive process, focusing on research opportunities. The postclassic period in the development of science has identified new areas of scientific knowledge. At this
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stage, the process of identifying objects takes place in the presence of various conceptual approaches. The content and principles of the cognitive process are carried out not only by subject-object, but also by subject-subject correlations. At this stage, different approaches to the process of socialization represent the need for researchers to consider each other’s views and cognitive capabilities. That is, there is no point in justifying one’s point of view. In one and the same society, the peculiarities of life in different groups, the accepted values reflect the existence of a diverse range of family education and behavior within the main model of the socialization process. Non-classical science has consolidated the principle of relativism in the process of cognition and made changes to cognitive norms, indicating that the model and model can be formed between the object being constructed. The “ideal forms” – the term used by the principal representative of the non-classical period in sociology, M. Weber, are seen as a means of cognition in the identification of uncontrolled and uncontrollable phenomena. Therefore, by getting acquainted with its concept of the ideal types, it is possible to obtain the necessary information about the principles and basic features of the modeling process. The ideal types of M. Weber can be taken as models, because they are experimentally presented as the idealistic model of sincerity, reflecting its certain properties as the theoretical design of the abstract truth. Many western sociologists believe that the ideal forms of M. Weber are the model of the real world. Weber received the ideal types from the empirical reality and constructed his theoretical intellectual design. The methodology developed by Weber is a great way to investigate various aspects of social life in society. In the works of M. Weber “understanding” is considered as a method of social recognition. In his view, sociologist researchers build their understanding of the intrinsic motivation of these actions by tracking the order of true actions of people. Weber ‘s ideal community is that of a capitalist society. Its ideal models are used in the process of cognition and are the possible options for the development of various branches of the capitalist society.
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In Weber’s view, sociology must strive to understand the meaning of the action, and then sociology should develop in the form of models or ideal types of actions based on comparative studies. It considers the ideal type as a methodological principle of historical and sociological knowledge. What is the ideal type of historical genre characterized by the sociological type? According to Weber, historical ideal types are limited to time and space, and become the cognitive tool of regional phenomena, and determine only one-time relationships. And the sociological ideal is not only a cognitive tool, but also a general rule of events, not just used in regional phenomena as the purpose of development, but also the relationships that always existed and always exist. That is, social ideal types created as a model can always be used regardless of their time and place. The concept of “ideal form” by M. Weber was formed on the basis of the influence of the main representatives of the German social philosophy Henry Rickett and Wilhelm Daltee. Weber is the only sociologist who attempted to apply the notion of Neo-Kantianism to empirical research. The “ideal types” is not derived from empirical truth. It is the logical structure, theoretical scheme that the researcher himself made. The concept of “ideal type” is very rare in real life, as in the case of physical reactions known when the design is completely free. “The abstract system of ideal types is regarded as an instrument rather than a goal. “Economic exchange”, “economic man”, “profession”, “capitalism”, “church”, “Christianity” Weber’s ideal-typical designs, representing individual historical structures on the perspective of Weber. One of the most common mistakes is to compare these ideal types with historical and cultural reality, i.e. their “substantiation”. Weber, on the other hand, describes the utopia as the “ideal types” as a fantasy and, on the other hand, explains what is derived from surrounding truth. Thus, the ideal structure is derived from the empirical truth in a sense. Is the ideal type a type of a priori design or empirical supplement?
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In order to overcome the contradictions, M. Weber separates historical and sociological ideal types. The ideal forms of Weber are the methodological principles of sociological and historical cognition. For the first time ever, the concept of the ideal type, M. Weber embodied in his methodological studies in 1904, it is primarily a tool of historical knowledge, a historical ideal. M. Weber explains the role of the ideal types in history and sociology: “Sociology analyzes the causative relationships of some important actions, structures, and individuals from the cultural point of view in the search for general rules of events by forming the concept of types. The purpose of history is to identify the causative ties between Weber and historical and personal structures”. If the purpose of history is to determine the causative relationships of Weber with respect to localized phenomena in space and time, then sociology relies on types known as the “purely ideal types” that is different from the genetic ideal of history. The sociologist forms the purest ideal types (charismatic, rational, patriarchal dominance) that occur in all periods of the earth in all historical epochs. Weber compares “clean types” in sociology to the ideal typical design in the political economy. If genetic varieties are the only means of identifying bonds, pure types are the means of identifying the bonds at all times. According to Rickert, the qualitative difference between history and sociology is reflected in Weber’s works as a digital divide. Ideal types are relative to social-historical reality. All social data are explained in social media. Weber is based on such ideal types as capitalism, bureaucracy, religion, and so on. The postclassic period in the development of science has identified new areas of scientific knowledge. At this stage, the process of identifying objects takes place in the presence of various conceptual approaches. The content and principles of the cognitive process are carried out not only by subject-object, but also by subject-subject correlations. Compared to other spheres, the modeling features of sociological cognition require to build a correlation between the object of cognition and the dependence of the subject of the study on socio-cultural and
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subjective criteria, i.e. the object and the subject matter of the subject and the cognitive process. This correlation is fully reflected in the modeling principle. Thus, simulation is fully realized in the social sciences as a general scientific and meteorological principle. The use of modeling in social discourse allows the analyst-sociologist to analyze his / her knowledge wisely, choose his / her orientation in true social life, create theoretical knowledge of the ideal models in the form of theoretical concepts, and use them in practice in order to transform social reality. Through the modeling of social phenomena and processes, the subject of cognition fully exploits its own worldview, value orientation, cultural level, or any other characteristics of a cognitive object, and uses life experience to achieve the goals. Construction of a model of the object under study is a creative process, which involves the use of the scientific research results and the application of the model with theoretical justification. A number of methodological theories of sociology can be guided by the modeling of the basic concepts of paradigms. Let us look at a number of them. In the process of socialization of individuals and societies, according to K. Marx, economic factors take the first place. Therefore, this theory is called “economic determinism”. Among the methodologies used by the Marxism-Leninism classics, the principle that focuses on the study of “mature” systems, the “mature” conditions of the object is crucial, and as a result, this “maturity” and “development” become an independent model. Through the prism of the latter, all previous states can be understood. Structural functionalism refers to systemic macrosociological level theory. System representation of objects of sociological cognition is the process of their modeling. Studies in the field of system analysis showed the following types of models: the model of blackbox, the model of the model, the structure model, and their intelligent identification, i.e. the structural scheme of the system. Very complex system model is not only the external characteristics of the model (input, output), but also the structure of the inner ele-
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ments of the model. Individual system components act as the elements that are common to the system. However, with regard to their complex structure, they can also be further divided into components. Let us consider an example of the model that illustrates the composition of a person’s socialization process. This model consists of the following elements: education, upbringing, self-education. In homogeneous sociology, the structure of the model is also called the structure of the studied system. In the structural model, the relationships between еру elements are displayed. The structural model is also graphically deployed and extends the cognitive ability. Why structural functionalism in the 60s. and early 70s did not satisfy the researchers completely? First of all, it ignores people in the system, focusing on systems and structures; secondly, it explains the role of human behavior through a role-based position in the system, through socialization, communication and integration processes. In structural functionalism, the man reflects himself as a social soul, which is subject to social requirements rather than as a private actor. Not all of the models became famous. The effectiveness of the public-professional in the design of social models is determined by the degree to which he is capable of philosophical thinking, the availability of the knowledge base required to simulate the phenomena under study, the level of his profession, the trustworthiness of information for the scientific proof of the proposed theoretical principles. The peculiarities of personality, attitudes and worldview of the researcher play a major role. Of course, the cognitive value of non-reality models is not high. Here is the cause of people’s failure to follow the right path, and sometimes they bring a lot of sorrow and regret. Excessive subjectivism, which is not proven by any data, can not be overlooked, and can lead to the emergence of imaginary models that misinterpret the features of social reality. Objects of simulation as complex social phenomena are people, their relationships, features of socialization and, first of all, the most problematic aspects of public life. The problem is that they have vital issues of identifiable people who have their own values, needs, interests, that are difficult to describe fully adequately.
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Scientists work within the framework of certain paradigms in the modeling of the objects being studied. According to American scientist T. Kun, the paradigm is a universally agreed consensus on the fundamental principles, methods, and images of the scientists as scientific work and the scientific picture of the world, while the multipolarity situation is a simultaneous co-existence of several paradigms. If a particular theory or scientific approach is perceived as a guide for action by a group of scientists as a means of solving problems, it will become a paradigm, T. Koon believes. According to Russian scientist A.A. Davydov, many scholars perceive multiculturalism as a crisis. The author emphasizes the monoparathic origin of the natural paradigm as a science of sociology. Over time, the development of sociology has proven that society is a complex open system. To describe this system requires four paradigms are required: natural, humanitarian, mathematical and engineering, – he writes (Davydov A.A, 1994). In the most comprehensive study of social truth, each of these paradigms is to be used at the same time, and ot from an individual point of view. Foreign sociologists associate the term “paradigm” with the name of T. Kun. In the sociology, this term is still unclear and basically represents a social school. Each school has been developed relatively well and they use their own methods and theories. Relationships between social phenomena and processes, close relationships between elements of historic and social systems, complex features of communication, existence of subjective factor and targeting of social systems, difficulties of quantification, these and other peculiarities of social phenomena and processes as a cognitive tool for natural and technical sciences are characterized by a significant difference between the models. Models are often used as a tool for social networking as well as for solving management problems, i.e., the basis for changing the system in the interest of the human being. In the most comprehensive study of social truth, each of these paradigms is to be used at the same time, not from an individual point of view.
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Models of social processes do not necessarily reflect real social life, but they make it easier to understand the basic social mechanisms. According to western sociologists, it is necessary to check the models. These models are: 1) a “material” model that performs structural or functional reproduction (imaging); 2) symbolic representation; 3) diagrammatic representation; 4) it is possible to distinguish subsymbolic, symbolic or diagrammatic models, and the types of “imaginary” models as a set of mental activities that provide imagination. The gnoseological peculiarities of social phenomena often do not allow them to be more or less difficult to carry out material or subjectspecific modeling. That is why the sociologist is primarily interested in the symbolic, diagrammatic and visual image models (alongside with mathematical and computer models). The objects of simulation may be complicated social phenomena, people, their relationships, and social features, that are main problematic aspects of social life. Using the simulation method, you can make a great contribution to the creative development of a person by introducing new approaches and styles into the socialization process. The simulation methodology and the methodological principle make it possible to form an effective model of research. The use of models increases the effectiveness of the forecasting process. Modernization changes in various spheres of the modern Kazakhstan society have expanded the scope of the simulation method and increased its relevance. Checkup issues 1. Reaffirm the importance of synergies as the theory and methodology of modeling self-organization of social systems. 2. Why are the ideal types of M. Weber considered as models?
Tasks for individual work 1. What is the theory of sociology recognized as paradigm? Can the conceptual concept of M. Weber be considered as paradigm? Prepare your thoughts in the form of a written report. 2. Express your views on the theoretical, applied and methodological tasks of social processes simulation.
Modeling of social processes
6. The essence, content, main types and features of the current socialization process 1. The essence of the socialization process as a social process 2. New content of the mechanisms of socialization process 3. The basic types of socialization processes and their content and features
The concept of “socialization” is widely spread at the present stage and is applied not only in sociology, but also in the field of psychology, pedagogy, ethnology, criminalistics, social work, religious studies and other social sciences. Many paradigms of the socialization process, which form the basis of the various theories of the individual coexist. The vast majority of socialization research tools have shown that this social phenomenon is complex and contradictory and that different types of grouping and sequencing are possible. In philosophical work, socialization is a broad and abstract understanding of the person as the acquisition of social qualities, the process of transition from “bio” to “socio.” Examples of this are the use of the notion “socialization” as the concept of “social formation of personality”, indicating that an individual has developed social qualities. Many forms of ethnographic research enable socialization to be regarded as inculturation (or encyclopedia). Here, socialization plays the role of a mechanism of of culture connection among generations. Sociological definitions of sociology focus on the influence of social factors (roles and statuses, values, demands, social institutions, etc.) that shape personality. In the psychological definitions, the role of education in the process of socialization is studied using pedagogi32
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cal definitions if the emphasis is on the formation of personality and personality differences. Personalization of the person means that his personality and social significance are based on the effects of the external environment and personal qualities through his entry into society. Thus, in the process of socialization, not only the social development of the individual, but also the formation of certain peculiarities are achieved. Depending on the nature of the mechanisms of socialization based on the principle of interest or subordination, any of its instruments may be preferred. Informational and educational tools of socialization, based on the principle of subordination to totalitarian society, had an ideological, one-sided character. Organizational-regulatory tools had been created by the state on the basis of the state order. Therefore, instead of self-organizing systems, there were systems that were influenced by external factors. Among all these tools, control tools were at the forefront. The stimulus tools were often aimed at raising the enthusiasm of the people who felt infinite debt and debt to society. “A person as a goal” is a type of socialization. At present, with the model of social subordination, the principle of interest exists. Formation of a self-organizing, self-analysing and improving person becomes relevant. Information and educational tools are now being used to serve the full-fledged personality development. It is also important to build a responsible person, not just a person who can listen, but also a self-controlling person. Incentives are primarily aimed at increasing the activeness, initiative of people. Among the concepts that are currently being used as a methodological basis of the process of socialization of the person the social, universalist concepts should be noted. The vitalist concept considers the subjective quality of the individual from a personal and social point of view. Based on the categories of “human life” and “living space”, supporters of this concept analyze the living conditions of a person in certain social space and time. According to this concept, the person is undoubtedly influencing the social environment, that is, the living space, through the vital force that is the result of natural, biological, psychological and social factors as a personal and social phenomenon of socialization.
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The universal paradigm is characterized by the special attention of the person to his spirituality on the basis of the biopsychosocial meaning. The universally-oriented paradigm based on a minimal universe offers a smaller number of descriptive characteristics for each developing material system (including personality) – two elements, three levels, five states, seven floors. According to the basic concepts of universal paradigm, the socialization of the person is an active part of the social environment as the unity of one’s natural, social and spiritual connection and two elements: consciousness and unconsciousness, three levels: physical, astral (soul, emotional) and mental (spirit, sphere of thinking), and it is the completion of five phases: early socialization, general education, vocational training, social excellence, life cycle; This can be defined as a logical process of parallelization of the seven layers (self): social-professional, family-community, national-territorial, religious-ideological, evolutionary-typical, sexual and spiritual forms (Nemirovsky V.G., Nevirko D.D. , Grishaev S.V., 2003). V.G Nemirovsky made a special contribution to the development of universal theory. He considers the principle of the minimal universe as “archetype”, the complementary model of the studied object, the matrix of the implementation process of each system. From his point of view, the essence of the person is also characterized by emotional behavior, which is not accompanied by rationality (Nemirov V.G., 2003). The content and nature of the socialization process is directly related to the socio-cultural environment and individual activity. It interacts with three levels (societies, micro-organisms, and personal life-socialization processes, taking into account the socially important socio-cultural information, and the values and requirements of the closest groups in the micro-organisation, and transmitting these values to the inner world at the third level. Socialization of a person is a combination of society and individual socialization. That is, if a society creates a human being, then a person will also form a society. A person is inevitably dependent
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on society. He can not live without society. But does the person have one’s own independence? Is it possible to have an opposite effect? Sociology classics E. Durkheim and M.Wevre respond to opposite views when answering this fundamental question of the socialization process. Durkheim considers social truth as autonomous reality, which is higher than personal truth. It opposes “personal data” and “social data”, “personal consciousness,” “collective consciousness.” “Collective concepts can not be excluded from personal perceptions, and society can not be excluded from the individual, whole, or complex, perception” says Durkheim, 1914. With regard to this question, M. Weber’s view is directly opposite. It is one of the most important places in the development of society for individuals. Except for Durkheim, who deals with society or other collective forms as a subject of social activity, M.Webrever acts as a subject as he seeks to achieve the goal of a person’s conscious purpose. Mechanisms for the process of socialization of a person can be cognitive, adaptive, integration mechanisms. T. Parsons emphasizes the most important mechanism of socialization: the person’s self-identification with adults. In this sense, it can be considered as imitation and balancing as a cognitive mechanism of socialization. Considering socialization as a process of adaptation to a social system, T. Parsons also focuses on the adaptation mechanism. Adaptation is interpreted as a perceived acceptance of the institutionalized values by Ponson. He considers conformism as an embodiment of the nature of an individual, his ability to adapt, and understands it as a legitimate social system. The integration mechanisms of socialization are viewed as a way of achieving a certain level of cooperation from the point of view of their perspective. Nowadays it is desirable to include initiatives in the adaptation mechanisms of socialization, due to the subject’s personalization. This is due to the fact that adaptation is closely linked with the socialization mechanism. Strengthening the methodological role of synergies requires consideration of the conflict with the model of support as integral so-
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cialization mechanisms. That is, it is necessary to take into account the positive aspects of the conflicts as well as the functioning of the society. A person can also enter society with conflicts. When we explain the meaning of the above mentioned socialization mechanisms, they are characterized by the following features: Impersonation is the ability of the individual to imitate the peculiarities of the object and the behavioral patterns; Balancing is a conscious perception of the values of the balancing group; Adaptation is the choice of passive adaptation; Adaptation is the choice of the active adaptive position; Conformism (conformational behavior) is the wish to come to an agreement, to abandon the subject position; Support model is various types of social order support; Conflict is a sense of the subject’s incompatibility with the opposite party of the position. The term “development” is more closely related to socialization rather than to “reading”. In its content, this term is broader and includes learning as part of it. Socialization explains the transformation of human from biological being to social one. Here the social environment will play a decisive role. The process of socialization consists of two stages: the first is the fulfillment of individual social roles through the intervention of a person into public life. From the perspective of T. Parsons, rebirth is a specific social role. The second is social control, from birth to death. This is a tool that ensures equilibrium in society. Let us now compare a number of concepts with the notion “socialization”. Considering the notion of “socialization”, “development of personality”, we conclude that these concepts are considered as equal, even though we define the process of formation of social qualities, not the active interconnection of the individual and the environment, and not just one stage of human development. The concept of “socialization” is more precise than the concept of “personal development,” because it reflects the formation of a person’s historical characteristics of the social system in which he lives. The difference between the concept of “socialization” and “development of personality” is that
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one of these does not reflect the social aspects of a person, and the other one is not only social, but also biological. The notion of “outrage” differs from the notion of “personal development” by its aspect. Specifically, a person develops in a particular society and shows the distinctive characteristics. It is also important to distinguish between “personality formation” and “socialization of the person”. According to Moskalenko, the concept of “personality formation” reflects the completeness and development of its formation and development, whereas the term “socialization” implies not only the perfection of human social qualities, maturity, but also illustrates their changes in the new system of communication. The term “socialization” refers to a more general process of personal development compared to the notion of “formation”. Another question is the relation between the concept of “socialization” and “upbringing”. The latter is meaningful in comparison with the previous one, because it is important to determine the role of external influences on the person and to show that the process is targeted. But these concepts are complementary in meaning. Socialization includes both socially-oriented targeted processes (education) as well as spontaneous processes that affect the personality development. In this regard, scientific literature distinguishes targeted and non-targeted societies. The first type may be the system of means of influence specifically designed to form a person according to the purpose of the society, its “social order.” The undirected socialization depends on the nature of public relations. Spontaneous socialization is the “automatic” form of certain types of social skills that corresponds to the environment in which individuals live. Socialization of the present person is assessed on the basis of different criteria: access to the system of social relations, the level of realization of personal and social capabilities, and the conditions of the life improvement. Indicators of socialization according to these criteria are social qualities, which are reflected in the system of personal distribution of the person in the system of the public division of labor, personal qualities and social status, participation in social and political activity, family situation in the domestic sphere.
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In a more specific way, it is possible to identify cognitive, behavioral, motivational and reflexive aspects of the individual’s socialization dimensions. Cognitive dimension describes the extent to which a person is aware of the value of social relationships and the degree of self-esteem. The behavioral dimension describes how a person communicates with other people, and how he behaves. The motivational dimension is determined by the system of basic motives that demonstrate that the person is conscious of his / her development. The reflexive criterion describes the individual’s creative development in the process of socialization. The content, main directions and mechanisms of socialization are determined by economic, social and political and cultural factors of the society development, family life, goals and objectives of the school. The society carries out tvarious ypes of public actions which are different in nature and content. These include industrial-economic, social-economic, political, religious, aesthetic, etc. Each person has his/ her own social space. Different spheres of social life are formed on the basis of public actions. The main spheres of public life are economic, political, social, etc. The main areas of public life allow distinguishing between different types of socialization, such as economic, political, legal, spiritual and social. In the process of socialization the person enters into a complex socialization system, which defines the basic directions of life, defining the dialectical unity of all types of socialization. Recently, the sphere of research of the process of socialization of the person has considerably expanded. Therefore, economic socialization is becoming more and more popular, as it is the traditional socialization, family socialization, religious socialization and other forms of socialization, which determine the formation of a new economic model of personality.
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The term «economic socialization» emerged in Kazakhstan at the beginning of the market relations introduction, i.e. in the early nineties of the twentieth century. Economic socialization is considered as a process of economic knowledge, values and behavioral models, the process of formation of economic thinking, behavior and culture of the person in order to participate in the economic life of the society. Modern problems of the economic socialization of the person are characterized by the processes of economic socialization that had taken place in the past and have no place in their modern content. In modern market conditions, the economic socialization of a person depends largely on the capabilities of economic institutions, but also on the abilities and will of the individual, the general culture. It is important to introduce new technologies of socialization, which meet the needs of individuals, groups, and the society, due to the disappearance of old social institutions. These technologies will allow transforming the activities of social institutions in compliance with the requirements of the modern world and the prerequisites for the formation of new economic models of the person. At the present stage, the rise of the world to the new, high-tech level is one of the tasks of the most developed countries in the world, allowing to evaluate and develop human capital. In the case of market relations, all economic and political processes in the society should be considered from the point of view of the interests and needs, motives and actions, feelings, abilities and capabilities of the individual. Every society should secure itself in the conditions of market relations, becoming a a barrier to the actions such as domination and fraud by the anti-social forces. First of all, economic behavior should be based on the criteria of fairness and should be carried out in accordance with the moral and ethical requirements. French sociologist E. Durkheim, in his book Social Work Breakdown, emphasizes the issues of morality and ethical principles of economic processes, saying:”If we do everything we can do all the time, how do we get such qualities as immorality, and devotion to one’s business?” – he asks.
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One of the most important issues in the economic socialization of a person is the formation of new attitudes, values, motivation of a person. Labor is to be elevated from the biological lifestyle stage to the degree to which it is carried out for public needs. At the present stage, the poor social character of labor remains at the level of commoditymonetary relations. The practice of totalitarianism has undermined the social foundation of the diversity of values in the public life, the peculiarities of motivational orientation. At present, business people (entrepreneurs) can create different types of market as well as an individual model of economic socialization. Entrepreneurs can now be an example of an innovative model of economic behavior. They are engaged in the improvement of their activities. What are the characteristics of a businessman? 1. Independence. A person who makes personal decisions. 2. Innovation. A person who is not afraid of experiments and is innovative in solving problems. 3. Literacy. He is a well-educated person who knows his area of activity very well. 4. Ethical behavior. He ahs to comply with the principles of ethics and morals; 5. A person who is guided by the principle “Make everything on time.” Business motives are characteristic of the following people: –– able to receive income; –– striving for independence, responsibility; –– having an aspiration to increase social status; –– orientated towards creativity, innovation, risk; –– caring for the economic development of society. Political socialization is interpreted as a process of active re-elaboration of a person’s political experience, the requirements of political activity and political relations, values and orientation of a particular system. In fact, it is a generation of political values, The concept of political socialization is used in two ways. First, it means the process of political maturation of the individual, the for-
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mation of one’s political “I”, his/her own views on political life, the formation of his/her own political orientation. Secondly, political views, ideas, understandings and demands represent the process of transmitting political culture from one generation to another one, from one social group and to another groupr. Thus, in both cases, political socialization is a common process, at different levels, both individual and social. There are two types of political socialization, both personal and public, in relation to these two levels. Legal socialization is part of the general socialization of individuals. In the process of legal socialization, an individual gets accustomed to legal literacy, mastering the basics of legal education, and exercising his / her legal conduct in practice, forming a certain level of legal culture. According to V.N. Kudryavtsev and V.K. Kazimirchuk, legal socialization is a process of personalization of social and legal relationships in compliance with the political and legal requirements, values, formation of personal legal consciousness and culture (Kudryavtsev V.N., Kazimirovich V.P., 1995). Spiritual socialization of a person is based on the formation of relationships between people in the field of creation, storage, distribution and acceptance of various spiritual values. This is the process of accepting values, requirements, behavioral patterns that are in line with the moral,ethical, and aesthetic beliefs and concepts of the individual. Spiritual values include knowledge, moral requirements of behavior, human wellbeing, truth, elegance, discipline. In short, all this is the spiritual content of public life. A certain level of cultural, moral, intellectual, ethical and aesthetic behavior of a person is provided through educational and cultural institutions, i.e., through social institutions. All these things lead to the question of social socialization of the person. In most cases social welfare, According to V.G. Nemirovsky and D.D. Nevirko and S.V. Grishaev’s view, a personality is a process of socialization (Nemirovskii V.G., Nevirko D.D., Grishaev S.V., 2003). In the process of socialization the person becomes a part of the complex social relations and becomes not only passive but also active
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subject of social relations, adopting values, requirements, behavioral models that reflect the culture of the society. The above types of socialization are part of the overall socialization, as part of their relationship including the division and integrity. At present, the concept of “socialization” is subject to a number of changes in the society. In this connection, it is necessary to state that some forms of socialization have appeared. On the basis of the above, f its is necessary to mention amily, labor, professional, religious agents; age socialization: youth, adult and old socialization, depending on age differences; subject socialization – gender, ethnic and civil one. The family is the first, the main agent of socialization. Family life is related to the satisfaction of certain needs of its members. Family functions also depend on the nature of public needs. Changes in the political and socio-economic life of the society have brought about changes in the family’s functions. For example, it is important to note that recent family control activities have undergone considerable changes, including patience in behavioral patterns (marital unions, spontaneous marriages, etc.) in the family and marital relationships. Divorce is normally accepted as a rule. Family socialization is the development of a person’s behavior in accordance with the traditions adopted in the family, in accordance with the standards of behavior and standard values. Experience of the relationship between children and parents plays a special role in the formation of a personality. The family establishes the basis of moral, ethical, religious and labor education. Work as an important agent for the socialization of the individual is also of great importance. Labor socialization is a process that shapes the work skills, experience and outlook of a person while engaging him/her in socially significant work. At the same time, the notion of “labor” is widely used in the concept of “employment”. One of the basic human rights is the right to work and, above all, through the provision of social security guarantees. The breakdown of social contacts under the influence of unemployment results in widespread distribution of personality deviant behavior. That is why at the present stage
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employment is the main factor of the person’s socialization. Actualization of the employment problem, alongside with the notion of labor socialization, has led to the concept of professional socialization. Access to labor is a measure of professional adaptation of a person. Interest in work is based on the following needs: –– the need to consider work as a source of realization of human creative capabilities; –– material and spiritual needs; –– need for recognition in society (Sadyrova M.S., 2005). In the process of professional socialization, people are engaged in public relations with other people entering the same professional environment. Reforms in the society are changing such concepts as “professional growth”, “professional development”, “professionalism”. Professional socialization is the process of professional development, development and growth of a person on the basis of certain labor motives, values and interests. Religion is an important socialization factor of the society and personality. Religious socialization is a process of development based on the fundamental principles of humane, ethical and aesthetic behavior in religious areas that form the individual’s religious concepts, beliefs, and social and spiritual qualities of a person. It is an important cultural potential of the society, which determines the main characteristics of religious behavior. Age difference is also a factor that determines the nature and direction of the person’s socialization. Socialization of different age groups (children, youth, adults and the elderly) is characterized by the following features: Children do not have enough experience, and are among the vulnerable and requiring protection groups of population. As they are not fully modeled in terms of mental structure, they are exposed to various effects, even to negative situations. The social environment is likely to have a positive effect on the development of the child, leading to a rise in achivements or a retardation of the developmental process. Child socialization is a process that basically trains children
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to enter the adult world on the basis of the main model of education and upbringing. On the basis of this, predictions of social progress and development are made. Youth socialization is a process of active involvement of young people in the cultural values of the society, the process of acquiring knowledge and practice of social life. Adult socialization is a process of re-evaluating lifelong values, attitudes, consolidation of stable self-esteem, accumulation of great life experiences. The process concentration on the development of new values and attitudes is characteristic of this period. Why is socialization considered as an important stage in adult life? It is explained by the fact, that adopting new values is not a challenge for young people, it is like a natural process, but adults are conscious of taking on new values. In the old age the socialization process will continue and continue, and will lead to the differences between older people not only biologically, but also socially. However, the social environment (economic and social institutions, families, social security systems) can be a factor that can lead either to premature aging process or to slowing down of that. An elderly person’s socialization is characterized by the fact, that they try to maintain their values and requirements that have already been accepted, and reject the process of deep interior changing by adapting only to the demands of the social reality. The peculiarities and essential characteristics of the subjects also determine the content of the socialization process. In this regard, it is possible to consider the features of socialization of women, men, ethnicities, and citizens. The level of realization and conscious understanding of gender relations in the process of socialization plays a special role. Gender socialization is the process of cultivating the cultural behavioral patterns of a woman or a man according to her own biological gender. Cultural stereotypes also play a major role in shaping the behavior of a woman or a man. Ethnic-cultural conditions or ethnos also affect the person’s socialization, depending on his/her mental state. Ethnic traditions have been formed over the centuries under the influence of natural, climatic,
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economic, social, religious and other conditions. Ethnic socialisation is the process that is built upon the human behavior patterns, values, and outlook of the same ethnic group as it is growing and developing. Modernization of civic values is now the concept of civic socialization. Civic socialization is a process of admitting a specific system of knowledge, demands, values and traditions from working, political and legal areas, which enables each individual to become a full member of the society. The content of civil society: 1) professional socialization, which allows a young person to master knowledge, skills and experience in one or several professional fields; 2) legal socialization of every young person, the acqiition of knowledge of his rights and responsibilities, the elimination of legal nihilism among the youth; 3) political socialization aimed at the promotion of political and public affairs, the activeness of each individual in the protection of his or her rights and freedoms. At present, the globalization process has a great impact on the personality of the person. Global issues are of universal nature and are characterized by a global scale, complexity and dynamism. In the Kazakhstan society, the situation, connected with the crisis of personality, has been formed under the influence of global processes. In the absence of a cultural model of the ethnos, the individual loses the original cultural identity, focusing on the values of other cultures, forgetting traditional cultural values of own people, being engaged in artificial identification and coming to the edge of marginalization. Therefore, it is important to form new concepts of socialization of a person who is in line with the national interests and mentality of the Kazakh society. It is important to understand the peculiarities of the psychology and ethics of ethnic communities in order to strengthen interethnic and interreligious harmony and dialogue, to build a tolerant attitude towards each other. At present, mass media and the Internet play a major role in the social and political life of the Kazakh society. They form the basis of new information technologies and are used in various spheres of hu-
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man life and create great opportunities for their consumers. Information and communication technologies allow meeting in full growing information needs of the citizens and create opportunities for the use of global information resources. New information technologies lead to improvements in human development, e.g. prolonged lifestyles and increased creative activity. The other side of this issue is that information technologies are not accessible to all citizens of Kazakhstan as a means of socialization of a person. Rural areas can not fully participate in world information exchange. The processes of globalization, industrialization and urbanization have not only a positive impact on the modern thinking technology, but also a negative one, leading to the reduction of the role of traditional, national values in the upbringing of the personality, and the destruction of the Kazakh cultural identity. New technologies of socialization should take into account the impact of globalization on the personality (computerization, increase of the information level accessible to the person, development of means of communication, influence of mass culture, etc.) and impact of national-cultural development, traditional, national values. The modern human thinking technology, shaped by informationmanagement or projecting technologies, is aimed at the systematic, global, perspective view of emerging issues/ The account of the position of the society and of universal values is part of such thinking. However, global thinking should not prevent the population of a certain settlement from addressing regional issues. Checkup issues 1. What is the socialization of a personality in sociology? 2. What do you know about modern concepts that are now recognized and that concern the relevance of the person to the socialization process? 3. What is the methodological significance of synergetics regarding the process of socialization of a person? 4. What types of socialization can be distinguished in relation to the subject? 5. What factors can be considered as criteria and indicators of the person’s socialization?
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Tasks for individual work 1. Indicate the reasons for the discrepancy between the social background and the status of the person. 2. What can you say about the active position of the person? What are the important features of the individual’s civil position and activity? 3. Give an example of everyday life in situations of realization of cognitive, adaptive, integration mechanisms of the person’s socialization process.
7. Political and legal socialization of a person: features of existing models 1. Process of political and legal socialization of a person 2. Models in the political and legal areas and their new content
The notion of “political socialization” is related to the general concept of socialization. This concept was first introduced to scientific knowledge by the American sociologist F. Giddens and French social psychologists at the end of the last century. From the end of the 50’s of the twentieth century, the notion of “political socialization” has been used for the personality intervention in politics. If the essence of socialization is to form a person as a full-fledged member of the society through the development of a certain system of values and rules, then the process of political socialization can be a process of the person’s involvement in political relations, social and political life. In a broader sense, political socialization is a social and political education which, in general, may be formal and informal, purposeful, or unplanned, forming political or human behavior, political orientation at all stages of the human life cycle, the whole system of the social organization. The concepts of the political socialization of a person can be divided into two groups: 1) The theory of adaptation explains the process of adapting political issues to an individual political system. 2) “The theory of action” is a process based on the political activeness of both individuals and the established political system. American sociologist N.Smallerer states that political socialization is an evolutionary process in the development of children’s and
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adolescents’ behavioral patterns, life-styles, ideas about the environment. Political socialization is a real-historic process of time and place. It is connected with the established structure and public relations. Does the socialization, including political socialization, relate to a person’s age? The socialization process has its limitations from time to time. It is assumed that the boundaries of the main stages of socialization are correlated with changes in the age of the individual (Con. 1967). You can even agree with that approach. However, it should be noted that socialization of an individual can not be divided into abstract time periods, irrespective of any sphere of public relations and human activity. The latter has a unique imprint not only on the content of socialization, but also on its timeframe. In spite of the similarity of time frames for different types of socialization, they have a distinctive features in the field of politics. The time limit of the political socialization process, as mentioned in social psychology, is not limited to early childhood and adolescence, but also includes the later stages of social development of the person. It is obvious, that a citizen of the state is formed as a subject of political relations through the process of political socialization. According to the conclusions made by American sociologists G.Himon, F.Grintstain, D.Yaston, R. Hess on the basis of the analysis of large-scale empirical material, political socialization is formed in pre-school period. Based on the findings of the 60-ies of the 20th century and their analysis, D. Easton and Ruth Hess in their later works, say, “The actual time of adaptation to the political system that has grown into maturity should be between three and thirteen years.” According to American experts, at this period “the main political paths to society and the regime are shaped.” In addition, D. Easton and Ruth Hess say that these routes will not be rational but clearly emotional. American sociologist N.Smallerer considers that the main stage in the development of political views is the age of 9 to 13 years. Generally speaking, many American authors emphasize that most part of the
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individual’s political socialization is based on critical dimensions of political consciousness only at an adult stage. In childhood and adolescence, primary development of political education and the development of political values and trends of the society are emotional and cognitive. Demonstration of their activities by making “original” changes to the development of political relations and communications will begin at the age of 18. The process of socialization in politics is not limited to the number of stages of the personality formation. It is a process that covers the entire life of a person. The process of political socialization will depend not only on the character and level of development of culture in the society, but also on the mentality of the socialized entity. Among the special institutions of the political system are the following ones: a) school; b) youth organizations; b) army; c) publicpolitical organizations or parties. From the time of childhood, agents that influence the political socialization of a person can be referred to together with the above-mentioned media. Through these institutions, the formation of political behavior that meets the interests of the society is realized. In general socialization, as well as in the process of political socialization, two aspects of personality formation are defined. Generosity is an example of individual behavioral patterns shaped by a common social group or community. Formation of a unique behavioral pattern on the personality of the individual is a social aim. In line with these trends, the concept of political socialization is used in two ways. First, it reflects the process of individual development of a person, his/ her political “I” formation, development of his / her own political vision, and his / her own political orientation. Secondly, it implies the process of bringing political views, ideas, demands and political culture from one generation to another, from one social group to another, to other social groups and communities. In this sense, the term “political socialization” is also referred to as “cultural transmission”. In both cases, political socialization is a single process, regardless of whether it is implemented in different ways (both private and public). Human development is the result of the contradictory socialization, that is,
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acceptance of public relations through the intervention of the values of the society, class, social groups and, at the same time, formation of personality. The person is simultaneously a distributor of socialtypical qualities and distinctive features and qualities. The degree of political socialization reflects the formation of the political “I”, which allows the political maturity of a person, and on the other hand, conforms to existing political behavioral patterns in the society. From a chronological point of view, this type of political socialization involves the entire human life. Its main stages are childhood, adolescence and adult life. Each of these periods corresponds to the specific types of political directions: acquaintance of the child with certain political integrity and learning its symbols; deeper study of adolescents’ political institutions and their functions in the society; practical implementation of any social roles in political life, reaction to political events, programs, slogans and other characteristic. As for the type of cultural transformation of political socialization, its main task is to convey political culture from one generation to another. Each political system forms a special mechanism for attracting people to politics - a mechanism of political socialization. This mechanism works when a person’s political consciousness and behavior interact with political institutions, political factors (such as the nature and type of the state, regime, political institutions, parties, organizations, movements) and non-political factors (family, peer group, school, work, religious organization, mass media). Political and nonpolitical factors include socio-economic relationships, lifestyle, national traditions. The mechanisms of political socialization are formed in several degrees of interaction between the human and political system. At the social level (community and large groups), the factors that stimulate political socialization are unemployment, violence, terrorism, and other macro-sociological factors. The threat of war, ecological catastrophes, and other global issues are supplementing the traditional macroactivities of political socialization, which are currently influenced by society, nationality and class. At the social and psychological level,
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political goals and values are transmitted to an individual by large and small groups. Among the mechanisms of political socialization at this level, those that are considered more important are empathy, persuasion, political education, etc., in a way that equates with any political integrity. As a mechanism of political socialization in the individual, it is possible to emphasize the need, motive, value orientation that guides his/her mind and behavior. The first political socialization in the family and outside the family is the starting point for the process of political consciousness formation. During the intervention of the society, an individual is exposed to many effects. In this regard, among the objective factors, the social situation is the first one. The real place that a person occupies in the system of public production will have a crucial significance. However, at the same time, the person faces other public or informal contacts. Some of them coincide with the place where people are found in the system of public production, while other ones are in conflict. The other side of the situation is еру change in the social status of a person in choosing a life course. If the social status of a person does not change significantly during his lifetime, i.e., in the context of his social background and the political stage of socialization, and the system of nonextrabudgetary relations does not contradict his place of public work, then the the political consciousness formed at the initial stage of the socialization process is carried out. In this regard, it should be borne in mind that the re-establishment of political consciousness, which is the result of a conflict between a person’s social background and the new social situation, is widespread. In most cases, it is connected with the movement from a small settlement or a country with the agrarian type of the economy, to a well-developed country. If the first socialization was interrupted at its earlier stage, political consciousness would be completely unstable and adaptable. And if the process of socialization is confirmed by the individual’s social experience, then it may be difficult to socialize again or there may be no change. Greater organizations are also influencing the formation of political consciousness. The mechanism of action of organizations differs from the influence of informal public
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organizations, since the internal structure of the official organizations is very complicated. Contacts in non-formal groups are characterized by higher degree of freedom. Everyone in such groups has the opportunity to evaluate own behavior and behavior of the others. In organizations, ideologies have an influence on people’s connections and actions. Their role is determined by the fact that public and political consciousness is formed not only by material factors, but also by the interaction of the laws of self-development, consciousness of different social groups. Among the various types of political socialization of the individual, pluralistic, hegemonic, controversial types are widespread. A harmonious standard reflects the relationship between the individual and the state solely on a legal basis. The hegemon type is determined by the negative attitude of the person to all other political systems, except the “own” one. Pluralist personality is a manifestation of the individual’s ability to revise his political views, to recognize the existence of other values in society, and to be in a dialogue and harmony. A disputable type of a persons is a manifestation of the trend to oppose alternative political views and criticize the opponents. Nowadays it is possible to distinguish between classical, totalitarian, authoritarian, liberal and democratic systems that define the types of individuals. Each of these forms specific types of individuals depending on the nature of the mechanism of intervention in the social life of society. The totalitarian and administrative system is based on the model of subordination, opposite to the model of interests of liberal and democratic systems. Accordingly, there are four types of mechanisms – totalitarian, authoritarian, liberal, and democratic in the process of socialization of the person. The model of socialization of the person depends on the political regimes in the political system of each state. At present, scientists are talking about the need to create an integrated model of personality. The integrated model, based on the synergetic methodology, illustrates how to shape a person based on the achievements of the west and east, including the cultural and mental features of Kazakhstan.
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The state’s full impact on the individual thinking system and behavior leads to the formation of a screw-man. Totalitarian type – a person socialized within the framework of the model of obedience, that can not be separated from the power. In the understanding os such a person, all actions taken by the authorities should be accepted and implemented directly. The principal function of the administration is to support the monopoly of the government and its governing authorities in relation to power and political activity. A person in the administrative system is separated from political power. The people and the power go farther from each other. In such a system, a person is still subject to strict obedience. Theodore Adorno, the author of the famous “Executive Person”, attempted to establish a link between the social environment and the human ideological form, and highlighted some aspects of the administration. Its main features are anti-semitism, ethnocentrism, political-economic conservatism. Manageable personality, described by Harkmeier, the founder of Frankfurt School, reflects the characteristics of such an individual “... obedience to common values, blind eye to prestige, hatred of opponents ...” (Dmitriev AS, 1993). A liberal aspect is distinguished by the willingness to express one’s independence and personal position on the authorities, with one’s free will, always ready for a dialogue. In this case, there are models of sociality, based on the model of interests. Despite the subordination, its influence can not be so high in society. In a democratic state, a person supports not only his own interests, but also the interests of the state. The presence of mature political consciousness based on mutual understanding from the point of view of mutual interests is a guarantee of a high level of socialization, and the mechanism of socialization differs. How does the political regime of the state affect the socialization of a person? What is the relationship between power and personality in different political regimes? The peculiarities of relations between the authorities and the person in different political regimes are shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1. A person’s attitude to authority
There are two basic models of political socialization. The first model – “model of submission” was developed in the works of the English thinker T.Gobbs. He is the founder of a powerful state theory. From the perspective of T. Gobbs, the authorities are to be forced to rescue people from unhappiness and the possible difficulties in the absence of power. Natural state is the state of war against one another from the perspective of T. Hobbes. The subordinate model is based on the suppression of the individual person by imposing values and goals that are distributed by the ruling regime. The point of view of V.N. Tatischev, a supporter of the theory of the rational school of natural law also coincides with this opinion. This model of political socialization is represented by Ch. Meriam, G. Lasswell, D. Russo, S. Versa. This model of political socialization was also used during the Soviet rule. The adoption of political values and goals has been accomplished by means of control. The second model of political socialization is the model of interests described in Smith, G. Spencer, and W. Godwin’s works. The model of interests is typical for liberal-democratic states. Here, the individual chooses behavioral models, depending on his/her needs, taste and curiosity. Thus, interest is a political-social mechanism that promotes policy. J. Locke was the main figure in the rational school of natural law. He spoke of restricting public power. J. Locke support-
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ed his view of human values in the policy area. Legality Concept by J. Locke consists of 2 main parts. 1. The law of freedom: freedom to live according to this law. 2. Equality of everybody to the law. Lockheed’s concept of natural rights was admitted by wellknown political figure Thomas Jefferson. He adopted his Declaration of Independence in the United States (1776) in a somewhat different way (life, freedom, and happiness) of Locke’s human rights triad (life, freedom, property). T. Jefferson said that he was against the dominant power of the human mind. Legal socialization is an integral part of the overall socialization process as a system of attitudes, concepts, values, and behavioral models that reflect the degree of individual’s development of legal relations in society. Proper implementation of legal socialization leads to the increase in legal culture of the person. Legal culture, as part of the general culture of the society, reflects the attributes and characteristics of this culture.Actual legal patterns are different in different cultures, so in similar situations, the distributors of different legal models differ. The model of legal development – its purpose is usually called the «legal state». Despite the diversity of methods, everywhere, the idea of human rights is the main criterion. In Western science, two long-term opposite directions have been developed: rationalism and irrationality. According to rationalists, the individual and law are complementary to each other. Therefore, it is possible to construct the ideal model of the legal organization on the basis of the rational concept of personality and rationality. Irrationalism is uncertain about the popular value of legal phenomena, based on contradictory principles. On the basis of this, all t truths come out of the concepts that arise in practice of law enforcement (Kudryavtsev V.N., Kazimirovich V.P., 1995). Taking into account the fact that the social life of Kazakhstan, based on traditional values, is not completely rationalized, it is important to choose a path to the synthesis of rational and irrational approaches to legal behavior in general and legal behavior of a person.
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It is necessary to form a person who is aware of the social value of the law, the right and the duty, responsible for his actions, who believes in the necessity and justice of the law and acts accordingly, and respects the traditional values of his country. Different cultures form individual models of personality socialization. Kazakhstan is the country with a centuries-old culture and history, and it should be characterized by its own model of democracy. It is a historical phenomenon in the society of Kazakhstan that the values of the society are based on democratic principles and the rule of law. This phenomenon originates from the history of the nomads. The presence of personal and group values in nomadic cultures reminds the dichotomous pairs of E.Fromm. Nomadism is a unique culture, which is a model of European and Asian values. At present, scientists are talking about the need to create an integrated model of personality. The integrated model shows how to shape a person based on the achievements of the West and the East, the cultural and mental features of Kazakhstan. The integral model of socialization is based on these nomadic cultures. This model is based on civilization values. It is also based on the historical, ethical, and psychological peculiarities of Kazakhstan, that include the achievements of the West and the East, and it is very relevant at the present stage. The idea of polyethnic and polyphonic Eurasia is a unique constructive and integrative perspective for Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the Kazakh society is to make a person a subject of political and legal relations. It is a very important task to form the view of each person as a view of an equal partner of the state. In the political legal sphere, personality socialization should take into account the needs and interests of a particular person rather than state structures on the basis of the modern model. The role of the media in the democratization of the society is very significant. Kazakhstan’s society should be based on the model of «strong state» and «strong society» in the future. This requires governmental support and supervision of the third parties. Non-governmental organizations are
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the opportunity for the situation in the country, the way to reform the public consciousness, innovative thinking and social responsibility. Creation of a civil society requires that a person should become a true subject of political and legal relations. In fact, a new technology of political relations based on the partnership between the state and the individual is the main tool of political socialization of the person in the market society. By participating in politics, one can meet one of his most basic needs – communicative needs. By means of politics, an individual has the opportunity to communicate with large groups, share their interests, influence their behavior. This need is a natural need, as this is the need for other levels of relationships. Obviously, when satisfying this need, a person feels that he/she is a member of the society, a citizen. The values of the society and the groups represent a kind of personal relationships that are perceived by the person, formed by his / her own life experience, interest. In essence, as the main subject of modernization of the society is human, the content of all political life should be based on human dimension. The purpose of such a policy is to look at the person as an object rather than an instrument. Checkup issues 1. What political agents influence on the socialization of a personality at the present stage? 2. What is the relationship between the political regime and the formation of a particular person? 3. What is the main purpose of cultural transmissions? 4. What is the need for participation in politics? Tasks for individual work 1. Analyze the stages of a person’s political age-related socialization. 2. Factor analysis of the peculiarities of the formation of the administrative person. 3. Characterize the widespread type of socialization of a person in the political sphere of Kazakhstan society. 4. Write an essay about the model of a person who corresponds to the realhistorical, political-social, ethno-psychological and ethical features of the society of Kazakhstan. 5. Give an example from everyday life related to the problem of “fathers and children”.
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8. New models of the person’s socialization process 1. Features of simulation of a person’s socialization process. 2. Typology of the model of socialization of the personality: integral, economicsociological, humanistic. 3. Creating a sustainable model of social spheres is a way of effective personalization. 4. Content of modern social technologies
At different stages of the development of the society various models of socialization of the person took place. In the theory of classical, non-classical and post-classical stages of the development of sociological science, the peculiarities of interaction between society and person are fully manifested. The main differences between them are different understanding of the nature of the relationship between the society and person. There was the evolution of views on realisticobjective, nominalist-subjective, behavioral concepts. The focus of classical theories is on society, of non-classical theories - on person, in postclassical theories – on their interaction. The ineffective methods of social orientation, the collapse of social associations, the traditional values, the means and ways of influencing people – all these issues require the formation of new models of socialization of a person who meets the social nature of the new society. Construction of a research object model is a creative process, initially theoretically justified by the scientist, and then implemented in practice. At present it is necessary to say that there are different paradigms that will simulate the process of personalization. Such different paradigms can be the basis for different theories. Theoretical concepts of western and domestic sociologists regarding the process of socialization of a person can be grouped as follows: 1. Evolutionary. Socialization is an act of anthropogenesis, that is, the process of human evolution and development. These theories also argue about the nature of socialization (Saint-Mark);
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2. Adaptation. The individual’s adaptation process is seen as a process of socialization. Representatives of this direction explain that social adaptation of a person to the society is an active process (T. Parsons, N. Smeraler, I. Kon); 3. Action. Socialization is a process of interaction between the society and individuals. It also emphasizes the activity of both parties (K. Marx, F. Engels); 4. Cultural. The process of developing behavioral and social models through socialization of personality in the cultural environment, – explains (I.Hayzing); 5. Psychological. Representatives of this direction put the principle of imitation on the basis of social theory (G.Tard). 6. The theory of interaction or communication. “Personalization is actualized by the way the person communicates with other people,” – explains John McDonald, Ch. Culley, Thomas Thomas, et al. There are two main models of the process of socialization of the individual: 1) Model of Affection: Here, the mechanism of selection, prevention, control takes a key place. This model is characteristic of totalitarian, administrative societies. If a person is strictly constrained by the requirements of the environment and can not show his abilities and capabilities, and every movement of the individual is strictly controlled, then, in the words of M. Weber, “the formation of a human being (“screw-man”) proceeds in the direction to “live as everyone else”. 2) Development Model: Here is the mechanism of analysis, choice, self-control. This model is characteristic of democratic societies. Responsibility for the others, personal responsibility, self-control, self-actualization, etc. “Model of socialization” is the main type of interaction between individuals and societies, determined by world-view, real-historical, spatial and time factors. Immaculate personality in public life or its involvement in public interests, reflects the peculiarities of different social modeling mechanisms that give the society or person the priority (Abdikerova G.O., 2008).
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The task of forming new models of socialization of a person in case of the society upgrade is first of all connected with changes in the mechanisms of socialization. Let us look at the general model of personality socialization. Each type of socialization, in particular political, economic, legal, social, etc. has its own peculiarities. However, these peculiarities are characterized by the general trends and attitudes inherent in the socialization process in each society. The general model of socialization makes it possible to understand each and every one of its types. The structure of a person’s socialization model is shown below (Figure 2).
Picture 2. Structure of personality model of a person
On the basis of the existing model of personal socialization, new mechanisms of its integration into the society will be implemented. For the Kazakh society, there are new mechanisms that take into account the interests of both individuals and society. The current models include integral models. As a model of interaction between East and West civilizations, dialogue technology requires the formation of an integrated model of personality. This model is useful when �������������������������������������������������� applying synergetic methodology based on dialogue technology and peer-to-peer collaboration. The integrated model is based on the values of the Kazakhstani culture, focused on the most advanced models of western and eastern civilizations. Formation of this model is a prerequisite for the Kazakhstani society, which is a
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historical phenomenon, with its Eurasian tolerance of the Kazakhs to all ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan (Abdikerova G.O., 2008). At present, human orientation to new market innovations and rational values will allow creating a new economic model of personality in Kazakhstan. Such values, as tolerance, emotional openness, hospitality, and respect for the elderly of the Kazakh people can be the prerequisites for the formation of a personality model. Market behavior, based on the above mentioned advantages of the national mentality, allows effective addressing the issue of the formation of a new economic and social model of the person (Abdikerova G.O., 2008). The economic-sociological model of the person is a combination of economic rationality and moral principles, ethics. This model is a combination of rationality and irrationality. The humanistic model of a person who defines the strategic direction of the Kazakh society, which allows the person to feel the value of hismself and making his choice, self-improvementing, is an ideal model-goal (Abdikerova G.O., 2008). The formation of the humanistic model of the individual can not be regarded as utopia that is practically impossible to carry out. For this purpose, Kazakhstan should provide a strategy for the formation of unified citizenship, social harmony and stability based on equal opportunities and the development of a broad public association on the key values of the modernization of Kazakhstan society. Humanitarianization of social conditions includes creation of new standards of quality of life of the Kazakhstani people, targeted and enjoying the population support, as well as provision of support to families, improvement of housing conditions, high quality education, health care, creation of a direct chance of personality formation. The humanistic prospects of the society are related to a rapid and sustainable development of the social sphere. At present, the role of the concept of human development in the society is increasing. The main purpose of human development is to form a political, economic, social and ecological environment that will enable them to live a long, healthy life.
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The humanistic prospects of the society are closely linked to the formation of the value of the person. The Foundations of Humanistic Ideology are as follows: First of all, happiness, prosperity, freedom and spiritual development of a person; –– Secondly, implementation of liberal ideas in the economic life of the society, limitation of the state’s control over production, the state and public regulation of the market, the diversity of property forms, the economy functioning for the wellbeing of the people, its social orientation; –– Thirdly, the formation of cooperation and collaboration in the social sphere, the formation of a person with high moral values and knowledge; –– Fourthly, the formation of the equality of all citizens to the law and a high level of legal and political culture of all subjects of public relations. –– Fifthly, the universal principles of universal morality. –– Sixthly, in the context of globalization, the use of the best achievement of other countries and societies without prejudice to national interests. The American sociologist D. Risman illustrates a traditionally oriented person as self-directed, destructive. The typology of the social behavior proposed by Risma reflects the peculiarities of each individual’s personality patterns in each historical period and the corresponding social society. Traditionally oriented person is characterized by high level of conformational behavior. It is subordinate to the power and authority. His behavior, family, traditions, religion, caste, and tribal society are controlled. A traditionally-oriented person is characteristic not only for medieval Europe, but also for the societies with “national”, “status”, “community” relations. The motivation of the person is oriented to himself, he is internal, he believes only in his power, he is resourceful, enterprenerial, risky. This is the type of the person typical for the initial stages of capital accumulation.
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A person who is guided by the others characterizes highly developed societies. The lack of material problems and intense and busy lifestyle make people focus on spiritual values. The strategic doctrine of the modern society is based on the full disclosure of creativity and ability of people. It is possible to say that in the market conditions motivation is affected by qualitative changes. Reduction of the role of material production, strengthening of the role of information and information systems are accompanied by the increase in the creative nature of human activity and the growing interest in self-realization. At present, alongside with the old-fashioned behavior, new innovative behavioral models are being formed. New economic behavioral models require self-improvement, self-efficacy in the professional environment. At the moment, many new stories are being widely accepted in society. The new ideas are used in advertising. These ads allow you to distribute new models of behavior, new values. Psychologists and sociologists are now widely using advanced techniques. These methods are based on advertising the behavior of groups whose behavior is closer to the ideal. As society grows, people’s social needs should also rise. Only then we can speak about the development in society. New models of socialization of the person who are seen through theoretical concepts and social technology as a way of their application in practice, play a progressive role in the development of society. They help to improve the economic status, social status and cultural level of a person, raise self-esteem and respect, create respectful relationships. Properly selected social technology is the main tool for the development of the personality and the improvement of relations between people. Modern technologies of socialization are distinguished by drive. They are aimed at supporting active, targeted people. Passionate quality is related to the intention of achieving the goal only for the purpose itself.
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In the modern society a new paradigm of social technologies is being formed. The new paradigm is based on flexibility, selfregulation, activation of the individual motivational structure of the individual. Passionate desire is related to the intention of achieving the goal only for the goal itself. In the modern society a new paradigm of social technologies is being formed. The new paradigm is based on flexibility, self-regulation, activation of the individual motivational structure of the individual. Despite the diversity of modern social technologies and techniques, the common thing is that they all share the common humanistic standards. Social technologies are characterized by the nature of relationships between people. E.S. Markaryan pointed out the close link between culture and technology, because the cultural level of society can be seen through the tools and methods used. In order to effectively manage the individual, certain types of technologies are used in various spheres of society. It is important to introduce corporate governance technologies in the political sphere of the modern Kazakhstan society. This leads to partnerships between the authorities and the society, to the establishment of democratic relations. The main subject of the technology used in the economic sphere is the development of entrepreneurial initiative, formation of creativity, creative approach. Social technologies of personality socialization are aimed at realization of vital human needs, strengthening of social contacts, formation of social justice. The social sphere can be divided into social technologies aimed at supporting the social sphere, supporting, stimulating, and adapting the activity. Community-supported technology primarily takes into account the wishes of the people in need. This is reflected in the fact that social assistance is directed to specific people. The state provides social assistance to all citizens through the protection of social technologies.
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Stimulating social technologies are aimed at assessing the abilities and capabilities of everyone, promoting best practices, and providing material and moral support to citizens. Societal adaptive technology ensures that people gradually adapt to market relations, without difficulty. The culture of the modern period is of a technological nature. But not only the role of the final technique, but also the great emphasis on the development of the human factor affects the progress in the society. The development of technology leads to the mobility of the human cognitive ability, the capacity to think and communicate. Humanity and its civilization trends require humanization of education, it should be based on the humanistic governance. The new development paradigm of the society focuses on culture, knowledge and information. At present, the changes in the social structure of the Kazakh society are the basis for the division of the population into different groups. Particularly the problem of material deficits is one of the main obstacles to personal development. The notion of “institutionalization of inequality” implies an unmatched start position for new generations. This situation hinders the implementation of mobility, which allows climbing higher. Increasing inequality in the society is economical, intellectual, cultural, and so on, and leads to the formation of rich and poor groups, which are different in size. Poverty is a global problem for many poorer nations and poses a direct threat to their spiritual and moral security. According to John Rawls, the degree of well-being of the society is determined by the conditions of its poorest groups. However, policies based on a high level of equality are just the most valuable public goods possible for the most developed countries. As the standard of living increases, the requirements also undergo qualitative change. On the contrary, the decline in living conditions leads to the limitation of the needs and interests of the individual. At present, living standards are the determining factors of the value, motivation and needs of the individual.
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The social structure of the society defines its humanistic prospects. Social partnership, social adaptation, social incentives can be included in the strategic areas that determine the effectiveness of the state’s social policy in the relation of the citizens. The concept of Western democracy, based on a liberal doctrine, propagates the individual freedom. The European model of citizen protection is based on the concept of a common good state. It is based on the human rights. Liberalization of economic life requires introduction of market regulators, formation of market behavioral models, active adaptation of the person to the changes. Checkup issues 1. How is the postclassical concept of socialization of a person different from classical and non-classical concepts? 2. What role does simulation as a principle of cognition and research play in the person’s socialization process? 3. Are the ideal forms of M. Webere considered to be the world’s checked models? 4. What values are based on the integral model of personality socialization? What are the prerequisites for the formation of an integrated model of personality in Kazakhstan? 5. What is the passionate nature of modern social technologies? 6. What is the meaning of the advanced group method? Tasks for individual work 1. What difficulties should be overcome in Kazakhstan to move to new forms and methods of social life? When answering this question, prepare your thoughts in writing, in sequential numbering or in the form of a scheme. 2. Discussion of the influence of globalization, industrialization and urbanization on modern human thinking. 3. What models of personality socialization can be distinguished? Describe them.
9. Personality in the conditions of modernization 1. Influence of modernization changes in society on formation of personality. 2. Characteristics of social qualities of a modern person.
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The progressive social changes taking place in all ares of Kazakhstan society, alongside with other factors, are related to the concept of modernization. Modernization is related to the radical political, economic, social and cultural changes that aim to redirect Kazakhstan from the command-administrative methods of social management to the industrial-innovative methods used in all civilized countries. Effective modernization of the country is impossible without the change of the person. Modernization of the human person means changing the perceptions, values and orientations of the individual which do not conform to the new social conditions of the market society to the new circumstances. The weakening of the moral foundation of the society, the radical changes in family relations, the closeness of traditional behavioral norms, the increase in deviant behavior require humanization of socialization and the improvement of the quality of the person. The competitive and consumer-based market has a profound impact on the state of the society and causes social crises, which are indicators of personal crises. Uncertainty about a person leads to conformational behavioralization. Uncertainty about the others leads to the active involvement of egotism in the behavior of the individual, and the personal interests and needs of many people. Humanization of the society is connected with the formation of a civilized relation of a person to a person, society, nature. The new concept of personality formation involves its adaptation to society, integration, development of personality traits, and achievement of its relevance to its development. Ethics in the relationships between people and the importance of environmental culture are two of the most important components of these concepts. In the context of social transformation, stability in the society is largely based on psychological factors such as social well-being, confidence in the future, the protection fo the state, and the observance of own interests in the development of the society. That are directly related. A rapid development of the economy under deep moderniza-
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tion processes in the society is still insufficient for the formation of a psychological constant of the majority. Adaptation in the process of socialization of a person, an increase in the conformist behavioral patterns is directly related to the situation in the social environment. The transition to a market society requires free, rational behavior of a person. At the same time, the person should be relieved of the feeling that his actions are unreasonable and useless, and it is necessary to note, that such feelings of irrationality and uselesness are always strong. At present, the adaptation to a new economic environment is a contradictory phenomenon for the individual. On the one hand, it is evident from the fact that the ready-made models that come from the individual are out of the system of results and form new research activity, and on the other hand, the people are overwhelmed by the circumstances of the social environment. Changed socio-economic conditions require a new type of ������ a market man. The new ideal is an independent individual (entrepreneur, businessman, manager, employee, farmer, etc.) who shares the values and requirements of the civilized market economy. The behavior of a market man does not take full control of the environment, and often depends on his / her responsibility, choice and ability. A person in the system of market relations is a person, not only internal, but also external, free, mobile, innovative. The main value for this person is a material well-being. The modern world culture has deeper theoretical knowledge, professional competence and professional skills, analysis and projecting capabilities, ability to adequately assess personal capabilities, better ethnocultural identification of spiritual-ethical qualities of the person, determined by the new personal-oriented academic and educational paradigms. The strategy “Kazakhstan – 2030” has adopted an innovative project on the development of the economy, based on which Kazakhstan has set itself the task of joining the ranks of the 50 developed countries and strengthening Kazakhstan’s position as its member. Diversification of the economy, sustainable innovation and infrastructure devel-
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opment, new approaches to industrialization of Kazakhstan – all this is the basis of formation of market-oriented, innovative forms of the personality. At present, great attention is paid to the individual qualities of the person. State policy aimed at creation in Kazakhstan of a competitive, innovative economy, introduction of high technologies will allow forming business capabilities of the modern person. Characteristics of a businessman: knowledge, creativity, responsibility, behavioral ethic based on the principles adopted in the world community. An educated person is a person who is culturally and intellectually developed, has a self-centered attitude, is interested in interactions and and cooperation, is distinguished by awareness and erudition. Creative qualities include creative ability, high quality intellectual development and the quality of a person who can effectively manage. Responsibility requires the compliance with all existing laws, performance of the duties and responsibilities impeccably. Modernization is openness, innovation projects, ability to adopt technologies, positive relationships to progressive changes. The qualities necessary to the modern person from the point of view of P. Shtogba are asfollows: 1) openness for experiments, innovations and changes; 2) orientation to the present and the future rather than the past, saving time, punctuality; 3) confidence in the ability to regulate and predict social life, and to be able to accurately analyze the actions taken; 4) The feeling of justice, “believing that obtaining glory is based on skills and work and that is beyond doubt.” (Stomp P., 1996). These qualities characterize a free, responsible, liberal man who believes in his power and abilities. In addition, P. Shtumpk insists that the individual should respect other people, including those who have the status, and those who are in power. The most widely accepted theory is that of D.Mac-Cleland’s motive. From his point of view, in the history of the human society development, every intensive development phase of the economy is influenced by the widespread propagation of motivation, which
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determines the effectiveness of innovative activity (Karpova Y.A., 2004). Activity, novelty, responsibility, accountability, risk-taking are an expression of motivation for achievement at the level of individual behavior. Achievement motivation is a socially significant phenomenon determined by McCleland in terms of teaching and upbringing. It is based on an active lifestyle strategy. At present, it is very important to create a new personality who can solve various problems independently. The person’s life strategies are separated from each other by the nature or activity of the lifestyle. They can be divided into several types: individual, collective and autonomous strategies. Specific types of behavioral patterns coincide with these types of strategic trends. There are three types of life-giving models such as life support, life-creating and living creativity (Osipov GV, Moskvichev LN, 2002). Formation of an active lifestyle strategy depends on the belief that the society is making progress and develops,on the degree of satisfaction of one’s material and spiritual needs, and the legitimate means by which the state can achieve the declared goals. From Alberta Bandura’s point of view, the impact that a person makes on the effectiveness of his or her own actions influences the decision-making process (Albert Bandura, 2000). The higher the effectiveness and mastery of expectations, the more likely the human activity is successful as it is seen in the diagram below (Figure 3).
Figure 3. A connection between contents and efficiency of expectation result
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A person’s expectation of high efficiency from his actions will not only reduce fear and retardation, but will also have a positive effect on his efforts. A person characterized by business qualities is the foundation of a market society. And his/her behavior characterizes the innovative model of social and economic activities of the modern person. Everett Hagen considers the concept of an innovative person as a prerequisite for economic growth, entrepreneurship development and capital accumulation (Stompa, 1996). He thinks that, like all researchers, innovativeness is characteristic of highly developed societies. In his opinion, the innovative person has the exact opposite characteristics compared to the administrative person formed in traditional societies. Comparing the administrative model with the innovative model of the person, there are four important criteria: 1) access to reality; 2) understanding of the role of the individual in the world; 3) leadership style; 4) the level of success and innovative aspirations. On the basis of this comparison, it turned out that these models were directly opposite, dichotomous couples, characterized by the following qualities. Reality Access. For an administrative person, it is important to maintain a prestigeous, tradition-driven model, lifestyle. Innovative person is ready to make sure that everyone can change the existing procedures, if necessary. Understanding of the role of the individual in the world. Innovative person’s behavioral characteristics are responsibility and decision-making, while such ones as submissiveness, conformism, dependencyl and lack of responsibility, characterize the behavior of an administrative person. Leadership style. Formation of harsh relationships with the subordinates is the style of management of an administrative person. Innovative person is distinguished by his open behavior and patience with his employees and supports interesting ideas. The level of success and innovative aspirations. While an administrative person does not strive for success and innovation, the innova-
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tive person, on the contrary, will be able to come up with an innovative approach and support innovation. The above mentioned characteristics of the innovative person reflect the basic qualities required for the formation of a business model in the society of Kazakhstan. And what are the qualities of an administrative person? Of course, the most important is to respect traditions. Nevertheless, traditions are not expected to lead to progress, but they should lead to positive changes. The process of industrialization does not always have a positive effect on the behavior of a person in a market society. The obligation of the State is to anticipate the adverse effects of market values on the social behavior of a person and to “prevent”such effects introducing timely “treatment” and “social insurance” from social disasters. According to the views of western sociologists, market relations form pragmatism, accountability, and behavioral patterns that lead to formation of egotism, careerism and forced coercion in the field of production. The family and private life is characterized by the search for emotionality, understanding and harmony (Lavrinenko V.N., 2000). In market conditions, a person seeks understanding and support in the family. Therefore, it is very important to preserve the traditional family values, which are devalued by modern interpretations. The role of the media in the democratization of the Kazakh society is also great. The study of information space of modern Kazakhstan is not only interesting, but also practical. The role of electronic mass media, that have a great impact on the consciousness of the population, is constantly increasing. At present, people rely heavily on the media, especially on television, to get more information. According to American sociologists, children from the poor families, children of workers and lower-middle class are more likely to watch TV than than the children of wealthy strata and the children of successful parents. Most of the TV viewers have pre-existing stereotypical views on the world. Children follow models that are presented by TV, because they can not distinguish fantasy from the truth. They use TV for role-modeling as they do not
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have time to formulate their own identities (Linda L. Lindsey, Stephen Beach, 2000) The features of the modern person are determined by the quality of life, the level of social development of the society. Clean environment, high quality of housing, proper nutrition and cultural leisure are the indices not only of human health, but also the cultural level of the society. Physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being of a person is a manifestation of the social well-being of the society. Strong relationship based on social partnerships between people, nature, society and its institutions is a key to the strength of public relations. The formation of personality outlook on the basis of such values as high quality education, spirituality and morality is the measure of the stability of the model of the social system. The types of people who can properly adapt to market relations in case of radical changes in the society: –– An individual who has an active position in life, with an independent personality, distinguished by his abilities; –– A person dedicated to realizing his or her capabilities; –– An open, extravagant person ready for innovative changes; –– A person who behaves in accordance with the behavioral pattern adopted in this society; –– The person who may demonstrate conforming behavior, if required; –– The person who has a positive self-esteem; –– A person fully satisfied with his / her social status; Checkup issues 1. What is the difference between «modernization» and « industrialization «? 2. How does modernization changes all public spheres of the Kazakh society affecting the personality development? 3. How do you understand the the expression “person’s life strategy”? Tasks for individual work 1. Relationship between quality of life and qualitative personality characteristics. 2. Describe the achievements and shortcomings of Kazakhstan’s economic, political, and social modernization. 3. Give an example of a person’s behavior that is relevant to your situation.
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RECOMMENDED PUBLICATIONS Basic 1. Nemirovskii V.G., Nevirko D.D., Grishaev S.V. Sociology: the classical approach to analysis of the social reality. – M., 2003. – 555 р. 2. Shtompka P. Sociology of Social Change. – М.: Aspect Press, 1996. – 414 с. 3. Karpova Yu.A. Introduction to innovation in sociology. – Peter: Search. program Min Oh Russian Federation, 2004. – 185 р. 4. Yadov V.А. Strategy for Sociological Research. Description, explanation, understanding of social reality. – M.: Dobrosvet, 2003. 596 p. 5. Malinin G.V., Dunaev V.Yu., Nurmuratov S.E. Kazakhstan society and social forecasting: sociological dimension. – Almaty: Institute of Philosophy and Political Science, 2001. – 186 р. 6. Abdikerova G.O. Socialization of the modern personality. – А: Kazakh University, 2005. – 283 р. 7. Albert Bandura. The theory of social studies. – Saint-Petersburg: Eurasia, 2000. – 318 p. 8. Sociology. General Theory / Off. old G.V. Osipov., L.N. Moscvichev. – М.: Norma-Infra, 2002. – 888 p. 9. Abdikerova G.O. Political socialization of a person. – Almaty, Kazakh University, 2001. Additional 1. Nietzsche F., Freud Z., Fromm E., Kummy A., Sartre J. P. Twilight gods. – М.: Изд. politics. liter, 1990. – 396 p. 2. Albert Bandura. The theory of social studies. – Spb: Eurasia, 2000. – 318 p. 3. Sociology / Prod. V.N. Lavrincko. – М.: Unity, 2000. – 263 p. 4. Abdikerova G.O. Innovative prospects of socialization in Kazakhstan // Eurasia. – 2008. – №1. 5. Telyatnikova E.M. Radical humanism of E. Frromm and its destructive approach to the problem // Sociological research. – 1992. – №6. – p. 113-118. 6. Valeyeva D.Zh. On models of ethical behavior in various spheres of human activity // Social-humanities. – 2002. – №2. – С. 196-207.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ......................................................................................................................3 I. THE ESSENCE OF SOCIAL FORECASTING...................................................4 1. Contents and functions of social forecasting .......................................................4 2. Sociological forecasting as a type of social prediction ........................................8 3. Technological stages and methods of social forecasting ...................................11 II. MODELING OF OBJECTS OF SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE ..............................19 4. Modeling of social processes as a method of forecasting...................................19 5. Features of application of a method of modeling in sociological knowledge .................................................................23 III. MODELING AND FORECASTING OF SOCIAL PROCESSES ON THE BASIS OF SOCIALIZATION.........................................32 6. The essence, content, main types and features of the current socialization process ........................................................................32 7. Political and legal socialization of A person: features of existing models.....................................................................47 8. New models of the person’s socialization process .............................................58 9. Personality in the conditions of modernization..................................................66 RECOMMENDED PUBLICATIONS ...................................................................74
Modeling of social processes
Еducational issue
Abdikerova Gulnapis Orinbasarovna
MODELING OF SOCIAL PROCESSES Manual for students of higher education institutions Editor V. Popova
Typesetting U. Moldasheva Cover design Ya. Gorbunov Cover design used photos from sites www.univer.omsk.su
IB №12736
Signed for publishing 19.04.2019. Format 60x84 1/16. Offset paper. Digital printing. Volume 4,75 printer’s sheet. 70 copies. Order №1237. Publishing house «Qazaq University» Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KazNU, 71 Al-Farabi, 050040, Almaty Printed in the printing office of the «Qazaq University» publishing house.