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Учебно-методическое пособие
Под редакцией проф. И.A .Горшеневой
Пояснительная записка
Учебно-методическое пособие «Metropolitan police in London. Scotland Yard» предназначено для проведения аудиторных и факультативных занятий по английскому языку Данное пособие состоит из 3 разделов, каждый из которых включает оригинальный тематический текст, список специальных терминов для активного усвоения, комплекс лексико-грамматических упражнений, направленных на закрепление учебного материала, развитие навыков устной речи, чтения, перевода, а также практические задания, содержащие вопросы дискуссионного характера. Пособие содержит тексты для дополнительного изучения в рамках самостоятельной работы курсантов и ряд приложений информативного порядка. Данное пособие также дополнено мультимедийной презентацией по изучаемой теме, которая содержит учебный материал для развития как монологической, так и диалогической речи, предоставляя таким образом возможность реализации коммуникативной функции языка. Данное пособие рассчитано на 8 часов аудиторных занятий и 14 часов самостоятельной работы.
PART I. METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE Metropolitan police force Task 1. Scan the general information about the Metropolitan Police Service and answer the following questions. 1. What is this law enforcement organization (Metropolitan police force) commonly called? 2. What does the abbreviation MPS mean? 3. W hat’s the motto of the Met? 4. What is the general mission of the Met? 5. When was this organization formed? 6. What is the jurisdiction of the Met? 7. What is the governing body of the organization? 8. What are the headquarters of the Met? 9. Is there an official website in the Metropolitan Police Service?
C om m on n am e
T he M et
A b b reviation
L ogo o f the M etropolitan P o lice Service.
Flag o f the M etropolitan P o lice Service.
M otto
W orking together for a safer L ondon
M ission statem ent
M aking L ondon safe for all the people w e serve A gen cy overview
Form ed
29 Septem ber, 1829
4 • •
P receding ag en cies I E m ployees V olunteers
B ow Street R unners M arine P olice Force
50,000 797
! A nnual b udget
£3 .5 b n
I Legal p erso n ality
G overnm ental: G overnm ent agency Ju risd ictional structure
! O perations | ju risd ictio n
P olice area o f M etropolitan P olice D istrict in the country o f E ngland, U K
j Size
1,578 km 2 (609 sq m i)
I P opulation
7.4 m illion
I Legal ju risd ictio n
E ngland & W ales (N orthern Ireland and S cotland in lim ited circum stances)
i G overning body
M etro politan P olice A uthority
M ap o f p olice area
C onstituting instrum ents
• • •
M etropolitan P olice A ct 1829 M etropolitan P olice A ct 1839 P olice A ct 1996
G eneral nature
• •
L aw enforcem ent C ivilian police
O perational structure j H eadquarters
N ew S cotland Yard
I P olice C onstables
j Police C o m m unity
; S upport O fficers i A gency ex ecu tiv e
4,000 Sir Paul S tephenson Q PM , C o m m issioner
5 B orough O perational C om m and U nits
_ F acilities
Stations ! B oats
180 22
j H elicopters
I D ogs
250 W ebsite O fficial w ebsite
Text A. Task 2. Read the text and write down Russian equivalents for the italicized words and word combinations.
About the Metropolitan Police Service The Metropolitan Police Service is famed around the world and has a unique place in the history o f policing. It is by far the largest o f the police services that operate in greater London (the others include the City of London Police and the British Transport Police). The Royal Parks Constabulary have now become part of the Metropolitan Police Service. In 1829, when Sir Robert Peel was Home Secretary, the first Metropolitan Police Act was passed and the Metropolitan Police Force was established in London (for more information get to Appendix 1). The original establishment of 1,000 officers policed a seven-mile radius and a population of less than 2 million. Today, the Metropolitan Police Service employs 31,000 officers, 14,000 police staff, 414 traffic wardens and 4,000 Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) as well as being supported by over 2,500 volunteer police officers. The Metropolitan Police Services covers an area of 609 square miles and a population of 7.4 million. The Commissioner, who heads the Metropolitan Police has traditionally answered directly to the Home Secretary. This dates back to the formation of the Metropolitan Police and reflects its difference from other police forces and its national and international responsibilities. The Metropolitan Police Service performs national functions, such as those in relation to the protection o f royalty and countering terrorism in Great Britain. In addition to these two, the MPS has a
number of other capital city, and national responsibilities such as the protection of certain members and ex-members o f the government and the diplomatic community and assisting with enquiries concerning British interests at home and abroad. These responsibilities make the Metropolitan Police Service unique among UK police forces. The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is the territorial police force responsible fo r law enforcement within Greater London, excluding the City of London which is the responsibility of the City o f London Police. Task 3. Answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Which Act is the Metropolitan Police Service established by? What was the jurisdiction o f the original organization? What area does the Met cover today? Who heads the Metropolitan Police? What is the difference o f the Metropolitan Police from other police forces? 6. Which national / international functions does the Metropolitan Police perform? 7. Is there a similar police service in Moscow? If there is, What is the service responsible for? Task 4. Complete the sentences using the words from the box. Was passed; countering terrorism; police services; the headquarters; employs; Home Secretary; was established; traffic wardens; the Commissioner; the protection o f royalty; enquiries._____________________________________________ 1. The Metropolitan Police is by far the largest of the ... that operate in greater London. 2. Sir Robert Peel entered the cabinet in 1822 as ... . 3. In 1829 the first Metropolitan Police A c t ... and the Metropolitan Police Force ... in London. 4. Today, the Metropolitan Police Service ... 31,000 officers, 14,000 police staff, 414 ... and 4,000 Police Community Support Officers as well as being supported by over 2,500 volunteer police officers. 5. ... , who heads the Metropolitan Police has traditionally answered directly to the Home Secretary. 6. The national functions o f the Metropolitan Police Service are ... and . . . . 7. The Metropolitan Police assists with ... concerning British interests at home and abroad.
Text В.
The Organizational Structure of the Met The Metropolitan Police Service is a large organization with a complex command structure that reflects the diverse range of tasks it is expected to undertake. It is organised into five main directorates: Territorial Policing, the Specialist Crime Directorate, Specialist Operations, Central Operations and administration and support. Each is overseen by an Assistant Commissioner, or in the case of administrative departments a director of police staff which is the equivalent civil staff grade. I. Territorial Policing: London's local police Following a recent restructuring, the Territorial Policing directorate is responsible for the day to day policing of geographical areas across Greater London, that comprise the Metropolitan Police District. It is divided into 32 Borough Operational Command Units (BOCUs). Each BOCU is commanded by a Chief Superintendent, apart from Westminster, which due to its high concentration o f Government facilities, is headed by a Commander. Each BOCU provides police officers who are responsible for patrolling, and responding to emergencies. Detectives of Criminal Investigation Department are also attached to a BOCU providing an investigative capability. Task 5. Answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4.
What does the structure of the Met reflect? What are the main directorates within the Met? Who heads each directorate? What is the Territorial Policing directorate responsible for? II. Specialist Crime Directorate
In addition to policing London’s streets, the Met has various specialist units dedicated to reducing all aspects o f serious and specialist crime. The intention o f Specialist Crime Directorate is to place a renewed emphasis on working collaboratively with communities, boroughs and partners to identify effective solutions to serious crime problems. The SCD is made up of 8 Operational Command Units (OCU), each specializing in a form of criminal investigations:
Homicide and Serious Crime Command is responsible for the investigation of homicide, such as; murder, attempted murder, and infanticide, which are all investigated by Murder Investigation Teams. The Command also investigates missing persons and abduction cases, where there is substantive reason to suspect that life is in danger. Fingerprint Services is responsible for the collection and archiving of fingerprints, made up of people currently living in the UK. Along with providing good clearance certificates to members o f the public, who wish to travel to countries that require a good behavior certificate before they are authorized to enter. Forensic Services Command Unit is responsible for providing an on call, forensic science capability for the 32 Borough Operational Command Units, along with the rest of the Service. Within the Command several smaller units exist, such as; Forensic Investigation Specialist Crime Directorate, which deals with forensic science capabilities on crime scenes that are within the remit o f the SCD, such as homicide and armed robberies. Child Abuse Investigation Command is responsible for the investigation of crimes against minors, mainly, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Within the Command, Major Investigations Teams exist which investigate child homicide, a sexual crime unit, a Hi-Tech Crime Unit which deals with computer investigations, the Safeguarding Children and Development Unit which educates against offences, and deals with after-care o f victims. Economic and Specialist Crime Command is responsible for investigations of serious economic crime, made up o f many units within the command, such as; the Dedicated Cheque and Plastic Crime Unit, the Money Laundering Investigation Team, Financial Investigation Development Units, the Specialist Crime Operations Team, the Stolen Vehicle Unit, the Arts and Antiques Unit, the Wildlife Crime Unit, the Extradition and International Assistance Unit, and others. Trident & Trafalgar Operational Command Unit is responsible for the investigation o f gun related crimes within the black community o f London with focus on firearms related deaths, either where the suspect is black, or the victim. Also they conduct investigations where a firearms related incident within the black community led to no injury. Serious and Organized Crime Group is responsible for the investigations o f serious, organized and life threatening crimes. The group is made up o f the Central Task Force, the Projects Team, the Flying Squad, the Kidnap and Special Investigation Unit, the Hostage and Crisis Negotiations Unit and the Intelligence Support Unit.
Covert Policing/Intelligence is responsible for providing a undercover surveillance teams capability to the rest o f the force. Surveillance officers can be deployed anywhere within the Metropolitan Police District in 90 minutes, and are authorized to be deployed anywhere within the United Kingdom, with an armed capability available. The Unit is made up of the: Technical Support Unit, which maintains surveillance equipment; and The Authorities Office, which deals with gaining authorization to deploy and the Prison Intelligence Unit.
Task 6. Work with an English-English dictionary. Find the definitions of the following legal terms. 1) Homicide; 2) murder; 3) infanticide; 4) missing persons; 5) abduction cases; 6) fingerprints; 7) forensic science; 8) child abuse 9) offence; 10) aftercare o f victims; 11) money laundering; 12) stolen vehicle; 13) covert police; 14) surveillance equipm ent Task 7. Name the main units o f Specialist Crime Directorate and their responsibilities. III.
Central Operations Directorate
Central Operations consists of a number of specialist units that provide a broad range of policing functions along with the operational support to the rest of the service. These units effectively provide an integrated, and community focused service to London. With Capital City Policing at the forefront o f their responsibilities, these units also have the remit for delivering the security arrangements for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London. Units in this department include: . •
COl - Central Operations HQ ( Headquarters) СОЗ - Emergency Preparedness Operational Command Unit
• • • • • . • • • • • •
С 06 - Diplomatie Protection Group C 07 - Palace o f Westminster Division СОЮ - Central Communications Command COl 1 - Public Order Operational Command Unit CO 1 2 -2 0 1 2 Olympics preparation СО 14 - Clubs & Vice Unit СО 15 - Traffic Operational Command Unit CO 16 - Traffic Criminal Justice Unit CO 17 - Transport Operational Command Unit CO 18 - Aviation Security CO 19 - Specialist Firearms Command C 020 - Territorial Support Group
Operational Support: • • • • •
Air Support Unit Dog Support Unit Film Unit Marine Policing Unit Mounted Branch
The Metropolitan Special Constabulary Tasking Unit/Operational Support Unit has recently been created, consisting mostly o f Special Constables who provide highvisibility policing and conduct public order patrols. They are normally active on Friday and Saturday nights, mainly as part o f Operation Optic, an initiative aimed at reducing alcohol-related disorder and violence. Task 8. Name the main departments o f Central Operations Directorate and try to guess their functions. Task 9. Match the departments and their responsibilities. 1. The Public Order Operational Command Unit 2. The Territorial Support Group 3.The Emergency Preparedness Operational Command Unit 5. Specialist Firearms Command 6. The Central
a)The unit’s role is to ensure that the communities and the police o f London are prepared and ready to deal with major terrorist attacks. b) The Command is responsible for providing a firearms-response capability, assisting the rest of the service which is routinely unarmed. c) The unit is responsible for policing o f the roads, such as the London road network. d) It is responsible for communications within the Metropolitan Police and between the police and the public & other forces. e) The unit is responsible for a series of specialist
Communications Command 7. The Clubs & Vice Unit
policing activities, which include: public order and event policing. f) The Unit consists of 720 uniformed officers patrolling the streets o f the capital in police vans.
8. The Traffic Criminal Justice Unit
g) The unit deals with all Met traffic prosecutions involving summonses. It also processes all fixedpenalty notices and penalty notices for disorder and runs safety-camera enforcement. 9. The Traffic h)The Unit provides advice and practical support to Operational Command other units in the Metropolitan Police around the Unit policing of nightclubs, vice and obscene publications.
10.The Marine Policing Unit (previously named Thames Division) 11 .The Dog Support Unit 12. Film Unit
13. The Air Support Unit
14. The Metropolitan Police Mounted Branch
15.The Diplomatic Protection Group
Check yourself. 1-e; 2-f; 3а; 4-d; 5-d; 6-h; 7-g; 8-c; 9j; 10-k; 11-1; 12-1; 13-m;
i)The main responsibility o f the unit, is to provide aerial reconnaissance and other air support operations. Helicopters are particularly useful in aiding searches for missing persons, car pursuits, and large public order operations such as football matches. j) The unit is responsible for waterborne policing of the River Thames in London. k) The Unit provides trained police dogs and police officer handlers. Police dogs are used in a variety of ways from public order and tackling violent offenders to searching for human remains and detecting drugs and explosives. 1) The aim of Unit is to be a central point of contact, to co-ordinate, facilitate and bring consistency to those people filming in London with MPS support. m) The responsibility o f the branch is to conduct safe policing of football matches, and crowd control at other large public order events. Crowd control is the primary object o f the deployment of the police horses, both for orderly and disorderly gatherings of assembled crowds. n) The unit’s main purpose is to provide specialist protection for diplomatic residencies in London, such as embassies, high commissions and consular sections. It is also responsible for security at 10 Downing Street, and New Scotland Yard
14-n. IV.
Specialist Operations. Specialist Operations (SO) is a directorate o f the Service, responsible for providing specialist policing capabilities.
SO is currently organized into three Commands: 1) Protection Command It is composed o f two branches: -
Specialist Protection provides armed personal protection services for ministers and public officials at threat from terrorism, including visiting heads of government and other public figures. Royalty Protection provides protection o f the Monarch and other members of the Royal Family. It is divided into Residential Protection, Personal and Close Protection and the Special Escort Group who provide mobile protection.
2) Counter T errorism Command It was formed by the merger o f Special Branch and the Anti-Terrorist Branch. The priority o f this command is to keep the public safe and to ensure that London remains a hostile environment for terrorists. Their responsibilities include: bringing to justice anyone engaged in terrorism or related offences, preventing and disrupting terrorist activity. 3) Protective Security Command It consists o f two divisions: -
Palace of W estm in ster Division
The Palace o f Westminster Division is a branch o f the Specialist Operations Directorate, within London's Metropolitan Police Service. This division is responsible for security at the Palace o f Westminster, along with surrounding buildings which house administrative functions. Officers are unarmed as are the rest of the service, with armed security being provided by the Diplomatic Protection Group.
Aviation Security O perational Command Unit
The Aviation Security Operational Command Unit is a Specialist Operations unit of London's Metropolitan Police Service. The unit is responsible for providing law enforcement and security for both Heathrow and London City airports. London's other airports, Gatwick and Stansted are policed by Sussex and Essex police respectively, as they are not located in the Metropolitan Police District. The unit employs around 400 Police Officers, the vast majority being trained Firearms Officers. Along with carrying out routine policing, Aviation Security must always guard against terrorism and be ready to respond to an aircraft emergency. Human trafficking is another area o f their responsibility. Task 10. A. Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. 1. Обеспечивать вооруженную охрану; 2. государственные лица; 3. члены королевской семьи; 4. охрана зданий; 5. враждебное место; 6. привлечь к ответственности; 7. предупреждение и пресечение террористической деятельности; 8. быть невооруженным; 9. обеспечивать безопасность; 10.осуществлять правоохранительные функции; 11 .чрезвычайные ситуации с самолетами; 12.незаконная перевозка людей. В. Make up your own sentences with the phrases from A. Task 11. Complete the following sentences. 1. ... provides armed personal protection services for ministers and public officials. 2. ... provides protection o f the Monarch and other members of the Royal Family. 3. The responsibilities o f ... include: bringing to justice anyone engaged in terrorism or related offences, preventing and disrupting terrorist activity. 4. ... is responsible for security at the Palace o f Westminster, along with surrounding buildings which house administrative functions. 5. Officers o f ... are unarmed as are the rest o f the service. 6. ... is responsible for providing law enforcement and security for both Heathrow and London City airports. 7. ... must always guard against terrorism and be ready to respond to an aircraft emergency.
V. Administration and support An organization the size o f the Metropolitan Police Service could not function without various management, administration and support functions. For this reason The Met has thousands o f staff, including police officers as well as civilians, who work behind the scenes to ensure that the front line units can do their job. Their functions include recruitment, training, personnel management, provision of information technology, publicity and communications. Task 12. Translate the article “Administration and support” into Russian in written form. Task 13 . Complete the following table with the appropriate verb or noun forms. Make your own sentences with some o f these words. solution intention dedicate protection fulfill provide security investigation deliver violation arrangement recruit identify training Task 14. Do you remember the following word combinations? Use them to speak on the Metropolitan Police Service. 1. Разнообразие задач; 2. округ Лондона; 3. снижение уровня преступности; 4. тяжкие преступления; 5. эффективное решение проблем преступности; 6. сотрудничать, работать вместе с ...; 7. доставлять высокопрофессиональные услуги; 8. охрана политических деятелей, посольств; 9. расследование тяжких преступлений; 10. насильственные преступления;
11. безопасное проведении Олимпийских Игр 2012; 12. гражданские лица; 13. набор сотрудников; 14.обеспечение связи с общественностью. Task 15. Make a chart o f the structure of the Metropolitan Police and speak on their functions. Task 16. Translate the following article in written form.
Mission and values of the Metropolitan Police. Our mission Working together for a safer London Our values Working together with all our citizens, all our partners, all our colleagues:
We will have pride in delivering quality policing. There is no greater priority We will build trust by listening and responding We will respect and support each other and work as a team We will learn from experience and find ways to be even better
We are one team - we all have a duty to play our part in making London safer.
Part II. SCOTLAND YARD Task 17. Read the following article and find the English equivalents to the following word combinations. 1) Штаб-квартира; главное управление; 2) За исключением; 3) правоохранительные функции; 4) министр внутренних дел; 5) введение в силу закона; 6) база данных по преступности; 7) меры безопасности; 8) контрмеры; 9) служба охраны; 10) раскрытие преступлений;
11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17)
предупреждение преступности; регулирование дорожного движения; охрана членов королевской семьи, политических деятелей; подготовка полицейских кадров; страны содружества Великобритании; гражданская оборона; чрезвычайные ситуации.
New Scotland Yard (NSY) is the headquarters o f the M etropolitan Police Service, responsible for law enforcement within Greater London, excluding the City district, which is covered by the City o f London Police. The current New Scotland Yard building is located in Westminster. Administrative functions are based at the Empress State Building. The name o f the headquarters is derived from its original location on Great Scotland Yard, a street within Whitehall. The exact origins o f the name are unknown, but one explanation is that the site had once been used as a diplomatic mission owned by the Kings o f Scotland. The Metropolitan Police was formed by Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel with the implementation o f the Metropolitan Police Act, passed by Parliament in 1829. Sir Robert Peel selected the original Scotland Yard for the new police headquarters. The Metropolitan Police's crime database is housed at New Scotland Yard. This database uses a national IT system developed for major crime enquiries by all UK forces, called Home Office Large Major Enquiry System, more commonly referred to by its acronym, HOLMES. In addition, the training program is called "Elementary" in honour o f the great fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. A number o f security measures were added to New Scotland Yard's exterior during the 2000s, including concrete barriers in front o f ground-level windows, as a countermeasure against car bombing. This was accompanied by a concrete wall around the entrance to the building, and the entrance itself having a covered walkway from the street to the building. Armed officers from the Diplomatic Protection Group were assigned to patrol the exterior o f the building along with Security Staff. In addition to duties common to all metropolitan police forces (including crime detection and prevention and traffic management), it is entrusted with civil defense in times of emergency, and it maintains a special branch for guarding visiting dignitaries, royalty, and political dignitaries. It keeps records on all known criminals in Britain, and other British police forces often seek its assistance. It also helps train the police o f Commonwealth nations.
Task 18. Answer the following questions. 1. What is New Scotland Yard responsible for? 2. Why doesn’t its jurisdiction cover the City district? 3. Where is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service located? 4. What is the origin of the name Scotland Yard? Do you know any other explanations? 5. What can you say about the establishment o f the Metropolitan Police? 6. Which IT system is used for major crime enquiries? 7. Why is the training system called “Elementary”? 8. What security measures are undertaken to protect the building? 9. What are the duties of Scotland Yard? Task 19 . Render the following article in English. Use the necessary word combinations from Task 17. Скотланд Ярд, Лондон Скотланд-Ярд— штаб-квартира полиции Большого Лондона (.Metropolitan Police Service), исключая лондонский Сити, который имеет свою полицию. Здание современного Скотланд-Ярда расположено в Вестминстере. Административные функции возложены на персонал, который базируется в Empress State Building. Крупнейшее полицейское учреждение в Англии. В нем работают 27 ООО человек, которые отвечают за территорию, равную 787 квадратным километрам, и население в 6 750 ООО человек, проживающих в Лондоне и окрестностях. Название Скотланд-Ярд происходит от его первоначального местоположения на улице Большой Скотланд-Ярд в районе Уайтхолла. Интересны и версии происхождения названия улицы. По одной из них в X веке король Шотландии Кеннет построил там резиденцию и посещал её ежегодно, отдавая тем самым дань уважения королевству Англии от лица Шотландии. Дворец оставался владением шотландских королей и считался территорией Шотландии. Со временем дворец потерял своё первоначальное предназначение. Его разделили на две части: первую назвали «Большой Скотланд-Ярд», вторую — «Средний Скотланд-Ярд». Их стали использовать как правительственные здания. Полиция Большого Лондона была сформирована министром внутренних дел сэром Робертом Пилем, во исполнение инициированного им же Закона о лондонской полиции, принятого Парламентом в 1829 году. Сэр Роберт Пиль выбрал первоначальным местом расположения Главного управления современный Скотланд Ярд.
База данных полицейского управления размещается в Новом Скотланд-Ярде. Здесь используется национальная IT система, разработанная для запросов всех силовых структур и называемая Главная поисковая система Министерства внутренних дел. Она более известна по аббревиатуре HOLMES. Кроме того, учебная программа называется "Элементарно”, в честь великого сыщика Шерлока Холмса. Ряд защитных мер было добавлено на внешней части Нового Скотланд-Ярда в 2000 году, включая бетонные барьеры перед нижними окнами для защиты от заминированных автомобилей. Кроме того, добавлена бетонная стена около входа в здание. Вооруженные офицеры из дипломатической охраны патрулируют фасад здания вместе с полицейскими.
PART III. CITY OF LONDON POLICE. The City o f London Police is the territorial police force responsible for law enforcement within the City o f London, England, including the Middle and Inner Temple. The service responsible for law enforcement within the rest of Greater London is the Metropolitan Police Service, a separate organisation. With around 1,200 employees, including 813 police officers, 85 Special Constables, 48 PCSOs and three police stations (located in Snow Hill, Wood Street and Bishopsgate), the City o f London Police is the smallest territorial police force in England and Wales, both in terms o f geographic area - the square mile centre o f London - and the number o f police officers. The City of London area has a resident population of 8,043 with 4,421 households. These numbers are increased by the daily influx o f approximately 300,000 commuters working in the City, with an additional 300,000 cars passing through the square mile a day, along with a number o f tourists. Notes. P olice C o m m unity S u p p o rt O fficer (PC S O ) is a uniform ed non -w arran ted officer em ployed by a territorial police force or th e B ritish T ransport P olice in E ngland and W ales. P olice C om m unity S upport O fficers w ere in tro d u ced in 2002 by the P olice R eform A ct 2002. T he role o f a P C S O is to su p p o rt th e constables w ithin a N eig h b o rh o o d P o licin g team . T his generally in volves duties su ch as h igh visibility patrolling, tack lin g anti-social beh av io r and dealing w ith m in o r offences. T he H om e O ffice have specifically lim ited the pow ers designated to P C S O s to m ain tain th e d istin ction betw een them and po lice officers.
Task 20. Complete the sentences. 1. The City o f London Police is the territorial police force responsible for 2. The Metropolitan Police Service is a separate organization and it’s responsible for . . . . 3. The City o f London Police is ... in England and Wales. 4. The City o f London area has ... of 8,043. 5. Approximately 300,000 ... come to work in the City daily. 6. The City o f London Police is organised into the following Basic Command Units: ... Task 21. Speak on the jurisdiction of the City of London Police, using the following word combinations. -
the territorial police force; to be responsible for; law enforcement functions; police stations; resident population; households; commuters; basic command units.
Additional texts for reading. Text 1. Before reading the text be sure you know these words and word combinations. Keeping law and order, assistance, local, county, in certain circumstances, carry guns, the signed permission o f a magistrate, undergone intensive training, to make up, to safeguard public order, lost property, traffic wardens, criminal, punishment, apprehend criminals. Read the text and give the summary o f it in Russian. The British Police T he B ritish p o lice o fficer - som etim es called the “b o b b y ” after Sir R obert Peel, the founder o f the p o lice fo rce - is a w ell-know n figure to anyone w ho has visited B ritain or w ho has seen the B ritish film s. P o licem en - and w om en - are to be seen in tow ns and cities keeping law and order, either w alk in g in the streets (“pounding the b eat”) o r driving in cars (know n as “pan d a cars” because o f th eir distinctive m arkings). Few people realize, how ever, that the police in B ritain are organized v ery differently from m any other countries. M ost countries, for ex am ple, have a national police force, w hich is controlled by central G overnm ent. B ritain has no national police force, although the central G overnm ent’s H om e
20 O ffice governs police p olicy. Instead, there is a separate p o lice force fo r each o f 52 areas into w hich the country is divided. E ach has a police authority - a com m ittee o f local county councilors and m agistrates. T he forces co -o p erate w ith each other, but it is unusual for m em bers o f one force to operate in an o th er’s area u nless they are asked to give assistance. T his som etim es h appens w hen there has been a very serio u s crim e. A C h ie f C onstable (the m o st senior po lice officer o f a force) m ay som etim es ask for th e assistance o f L o n d o n ’s police force, based at N ew S cotland Y ard know n sim ply as “the Y ard ” . In m ost countries, th e police carry guns. T he B ritish po lice generally do not c a n y firearm s, except in N orthern Ireland. O nly a few police are reg u larly arm ed - for instance, those w ho guard p o liticians and d ip lo m ats or w ho patrol airports. In certain circu m stan ces specially trained police o fficers can be arm ed, but only w ith the signed p erm issio n o f a m agistrate. All m em bers o f the police m ust have gained a certain level o f academ ic qualifications at school and undergone a p erio d o f intensive training. L ike the arm y, th ere are a n um ber o f ranks: after the C h ie f C onstable com es the A ssistant C h ie f C onstable, C h ie f S uperintendent, C h ief Inspector, Inspector, S erg ean t and C onstable. W om en m ake up about 10 per cent o f the police force. T he police are h elp ed by a num ber o f S pecial C o n stab les - m em b ers o f the public w ho w ork for the police v o lu n tarily for a few hours a w eek. E ach police force has its ow n C rim inal Investigation D ep artm en t (C ID ). M em bers o f C ID s are detectives, and th ey do no t w ear uniform s. (The other un u n ifo rm ed p eo p le you can see in B ritish tow ns are traffic w ardens. T heir jo b is to m ake sure th at drivers obey p arking regulations. T hey have no other p o w ers - it is the police w ho are resp o n sib le for con tro llin g offences like speeding, careless driv in g and drunken driving.) The duties o f the p o lice are varied, ranging from assistin g at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealin g w ith lost property. O ne o f their m ain functions is, o f course, apprehending crim inals and w ould be crim inals.
Text 2. Read the text and answer the follow ing questions. 13. What are the achievements o f the Metropolitan Police in recent years? 14. What are the consequences of the economic downturn? 15.What should be done to eliminate them? 16. Why is policing London becoming more complex? 17. What should be done to deliver the best possible policing service to the people o f London? 18.What will a major activity be over the next four years? 19. What are the main tasks o f the MPS to provide a secure and safe envioronment? .Policing London Business Plan 2009-12 Summary. Message from the Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) and the Commissioner o f the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) T he M etropolitan P o lice A u th o rity (M PA ) and the M e tropolitan P olice S ervice (M P S ) have m ade great strides in recen t y ears in reducing crim e and enabling the people w ho live and w ork
21 in L ondon to go ab o u t th eir daily business w ith a feeling o f security. M uch has been achieved but there is m ore to do. W e are facing the ch allen g e o f an unprecedented econom ic dow nturn and the im pact that this w ill have not only on crim e rates but also on the resources available to us. T his m akes it vital that w e respond by id en tify in g and elim inating w aste, understand w hat is driving our costs and ensure that w e use o ur reso u rces flexibly and efficiently to w ork w ith our partners to m ake L ondon safe. W e tak e p rid e in delivering the best possible policing service to the people o f London. T he M PS P o licin g P ledge ‘O ur P rom ise to the P u b lic’ sets out the standards o f service that p eople are en titled to expect. W e are determ ined to increase public confidence and satisfaction in our p o licin g service by engaging w ith com m unities across the C apital, building trust that w e are on th eir side and being intolerant o f violence in all form s, from local anti-social behaviour through to terro rism . In order to m aintain the security o f our streets w e will ensure that officers and u n ifo rm ed sta ff are accessible, bring a strong visible presence, engage confidently w ith the p u b lic and intervene in a professional w ay w hen needed. P olicing L ondon co n tin u es to be ever m ore com plex as the population becom es m ore culturally diverse and com m u n ities em erge that m ay not find it easy to engage w ith the police. W e m ust build co n fid en ce in these com m unities that they w ill alw ays be treated fairly and w ith respect. W e w ill w ork alo n g sid e local, regional, national and international partners to reinforce confidence by d ev elo p in g solu tions to prevent crim e and catch crim inals. W e will continue to focus on n eig h b o u rh o o d p o licin g and w ork w ith com m unities to gain vital intelligence to tackle the gun and knife crim e th at b lights our society. W e intend to sustain reductions in crim e achieved o ver recen t years. T errorism and dom estic extrem ism rem ain a significant threat to the U nited K ingdom and d u rin g 2009/10 w e w ill focus activity in neighbourhood policing to support vulnerable peo p le and p rev en t them from becom ing involved in violent extrem ism . P olicing o f th e L o n d o n 2012 O lym pic and Paralym pic G am es w ill be a m ajor activity over the next four years and o ur role in the security o f the event is now m ore clearly defined. W e will continue to w ork w ith p artn ers to ensure that the G am es are delivered in a safe and secure environm ent. W e are set to d eliver over 32,000 officers by the end o f M arch 2009, including a m ilestone 7,000 fem ale officers and 2,700 Special C onstables. D iversity continues to be a priority. T he M PS has th e largest m inority representation, 2,735 officers, m ore than 45% o f all black and ethnic m in o rity o fficers o f all F orces in E ngland and W ales. T he M PA and M P S have m ade real strides in productivity and efficiency in recent years, realizing savings o f J1 3 9 .6 m from the 2009/10 budget w hile protecting, and enhancing, front line officer d eploym ents. T he S ervice recognizes that there is m ore to be done and is determ ined to m ake the m ost efficien t and effective use o f the resources entrusted to us. Boris Johnson
C hair M etropolitan Police Authority Sir Paul S tephenson C om m issioner o f P o lice o f th e M etropolis
Text 3. Read the text and - name the police major events in London; - involved departments; - the main priorities during the four-year period.
Plan for and Effectively Police Major Events in London and Prepare for the 2012 Olympics In plan n in g for L on d o n 2012 O lym pic and P aralym pic G am es the M P S will play a leading role
22 in coordinating and deliv erin g a safe, secure and resilien t event. W orking in p artnership w ith other em ergency serv ices, gov ernm ent departm ents, other po lice forces and the com m unity the H om e O ffice O lym pic S ecurity D irectorate w ill coordinate and m anage the num erous project strands th at m ake u p th e O lym pic security program m e and w ill adopt a com m on fram ew ork for all agencies to w ork w ith in , ensuring planning is co n sisten t across th is lengthy im plem entation period. W hilst th e focus w ill be on policing o f the G am es w e also set a clear corporate vision and direction for M PS p u b lic order policing, including sporting and m ajo r events. • T he annual N o ttin g H ill carnival - T his is one exam ple o f a m ajo r event, w ith a policing response d eveloped o ver tw elve m onths in partnership w ith the com m unity and all the agencies involved. T he p o licin g style is designed to ensure that less p eo p le are a victim o f crim e by creating as hostile an en v iro n m ent as possible for crim inals. • O peration R azo rb ack - T his 2008 pre-event crackdow n on crim e resulted in arrests and m ore than 150 youths b eliev ed to be headed to C arnival to com m it crim e w ere detained. P olice seized 12 dogs un der the D an g ero u s D ogs A ct and a further 265 people w ere arrested for offences including assault, drin k -d riv in g, drugs, drunkenness, w eapons, pu b lic order, robbery, theft, firearm s, sexual o ffen ces and crim inal dam age. • D evelo p m en t o f p ro cesses - T he M PS w ill continue to build on our k n ow ledge and expertise in m anaging large scale events. O ur challenge is to stream line the p ro cess and m anage the increasing nu m b er o f larg er events expected in the ‘r u n -u p ’ to the 2012 O lym pics. W e w ill seek to exam ine legislatio n th at will facilitate roles that could be carried out by o ther agencies. • P roviding sp ecialist p o licin g support - D uring the O lym pics p lan n in g phase w e rem ain com m itted to delivering a pan -L ondon response including for natural disaster and terrorist attack, security and p ro tectio n o f p eople and buildings, com m and and control o f m ajor events and incidents, a safe tran sp o rt in frastructure, and provision o f specialist train in g such as firearm s and p u blic order. • E nsuring the capital is p rep ared for em ergencies - A s well as plan n in g fo r a range o f resilience issues and business continuity w e continue to provide resources and tactical expertise to m ake n eighbourhoods safer, p articularly in reducing violence, knife and gun crim e. • S ecurity and p ro tectio n - W e will continue to provide w orld-class security and protection to the com m unity, go v ern m en t and visiting dignitaries; A viation S ecurity will provide a deterrent to terro rists and crim inals at H eathrow and C ity airports as w ell as reassurance to the 68 m illion p assen g ers and 12 m illion visitorsthat use the airports. • R educing road traffic casu alties - S pecialist team s w ill ensure that the roads rem ain a crim efree environm ent. W e w ill target L o n d o n ’s bus netw orks, p ro v id in g reassurance and a deterrent to those w illing to co m m it crim e and antisocial behaviour, enabling passen g ers to feel safe and secure w h ilst u n d ertak in g th eir jo urneys. N otes. N o tting H ill C arnival is an annual event w hich since 1964 has taken p lace on the streets o f N ottin g H ill, L ondon, U K each A ugust, over tw o days (the A ugust bank holiday M onday and the day beforehand). It is led by m em bers o f the T rinidad and T obago (T rini) C aribbean population, m any o f w hom have lived in the area since the 1950s. T he carnival has attracted up to 2 m illion people, m ak in g it th e second largest street festival in the w orld. T oday it's E urope's largest street festival w ith hun d red s o f thou sands o f regular visitors enjoying live M asq u erad e bands, Soundsystem s, street food, dancing and m uch m ore.
APPENDIX 1. SIR R O B E R T P E E L R obert Peel w as b o m in B ury, L ancashire, on 5th F ebruary, 1788. H is father, Sir R obert Peel (1750-1830), w as a w ealth y cotton m anufacturer and m em ber o f parliam ent for Tam w orth. R obert w as train ed as a child to becom e a future politician. R obert Peel w as ed u cated at H arrow School and C hrist C hurch, O xford, w here he w on a double first in classics and m athem atics. In 1809 Sir R obert Peel rew arded his son academ ic success by buying him the p arliam en tary seat o f C ashel in T ipperary (exchanged for C hippenham in 1812). R obert Peel en tered th e H ouse o f C om m ons in A pril 1809, at the age o f tw enty-one. Peel w as co nsid ered one o f the rising stars o f the T ory party, first entering the cabinet in 1822 as H om e Secretary. A s H o m e Secretary, he introduced a num ber o f im portant reform s o f B ritish crim inal law: m o st m em orably establishing the M etropolitan P olice Force (M etropolitan Police A ct 1829). H e also refo rm ed the crim inal law, reducing the n um ber o f crim es punishable by death, and sim p lified it by repealing a large num ber o f crim inal statutes and consolidating their provisions into w h at are know n as P eel's Acts. He reform ed the gaol system , introducing paym ent for gaolers and education for the inm ates. PO L IC E R E F O R M It w as at this p o in t th at he established the M etropolitan P olice F orce for L ondon based at Scotland Y ard. T he 1,000 co nstables em ployed w ere affectionately nicknam ed 'B obbies' or, som ew hat less affectio n ately , 'P eelers' (both term s are still used today). A lthough at first unpopular, th ey pro v ed very successful in cutting crim e in L ondon, and by 200 all cities in the U K w ere b ein g d irected to form their ow n police forces. K now n as the father o f m odern policing, R o b ert P eel dev elo p ed the P eelian P rinciples w hich defined the ethical requirem ents police o fficers m u st fo llo w in order to be effective. H is m ost m em orable principle w as, "the police are th e pub lic, and the public are the police."
APPENDIX 2. Badges o f R ank M etropolitan P olice officers w ear the follow ing badges on the shoulders o f their uniform to denote th eir rank: Commissioner
24 Deputy Commissioner
pi вялi
Assistant Commissioner
Н ?л| Deputy Assistant Commissioner
* MB
Im Chief Superintendent
Ш ? ГШ
25 Superintendent
'■ к
Chief Inspector
шй и в Т1П >т . wН
Няк V -Vfl
ИВЧД *kШ , в Е
APPENDIX 3. Branches of the Metropolitan Police Service T he M etropolitan P o lice S ervice is m ade up o f m any d ifferent departm ents. E ach departm ent has a different focus, b u t they all w ork together tow ards the v isio n o f m ak in g L ondon the safest m ajo r city in the w orld. F ind out m ore about som e o f these branches here.
1) Air Support Unit T he M etropolitan P o lice A ir S upport U nit is now part o f C entral O perations. It is based at L ippitts H ill, L o u ghton w here h elicopter air support has been p ro v id in g co v er to L ondon for alm ost 25 years. The unit currently o p erates th ree E urocopter EC 145 h elicopters on a 2 4 -h o u r basis flying an average o f over 275 ho u rs p er m onth. T hese are the first aircraft o f this type to be used by any U K air support unit, although they are already w idely used in E urope. The unit is staffed by 18 p o lice constables, three police sergeants and is supervised on a local level by a police in sp ecto r. T he unit also em ploys police s ta ff including p ilots, operations room staff, engineers and an in tellig ence officer. Each aircraft is crew ed by a p ilo t and tw o police officers, called observers. E ach observer has a different role in the aircraft, and betw een them and the pilot, an effective level o f support is provided to police gro u n d units.
2) Counter Terrorism Command L ondon faces a terro rist th reat w hich is truly global in nature. P ost-2000 the M PS w o rld renow ned A nti-T errorist B ranch and Special B ranch undertook an unprecedented n u m b er o f co u n ter-terrorist investigations in the U K and abroad. T hese investigations, co m b in ed w ith the terrorist attacks in L ondon in July 2005 - w hich claim ed 52 lives - starkly dem o n strated the increasingly com plex n ature o f the w ork carried out by the tw o specialist branches. E ven before the tragic events o f 2005 the M PS had started to review h o w these com m ands operated and interacted w ith one another to deliver a cou n ter-terro rist response. F ollow ing this w ork it w as agreed to create a new bespoke, m ulti-faceted, single co u n ter terrorism com m and w ith a better capability and capacity to m eet o ngo ing and future threats. As a result the new C o u n ter T errorism C om m and w as created The new com m and b rin g s to g ether intelligence analysis and d evelopm ent w ith investigations and operational support activity. A nd as alw ays the o v errid in g p riority o f the new com m and is to keep the public safe and do all it can to ensure that L on d o n rem ains a hostile environm ent for terrorists. The C ounter T errorism C o m m and provides a full operational capability w ith team s o f officers im m ediately av ailable to resp o n d to any type o f incident or investigation. C ounter T errorism C o m m an d is responsible for: - To bring to ju stic e th o se engaged in terrorist, dom estic extrem ist and related offences; - To prov id e a p ro activ e and reactive response to terrorist, dom estic extrem ist and related offences, including th e p revention and disruption o f terrorist activity; - To gath er and ex p lo it in telligence on terrorism and extrem ism in L ondon; - To assess, analyse and develop intelligence to drive operational activity; - To engage in p artn ersh ip w ith L o ndon’s com m unities in order to understand their concerns and to p ro v id e reassurance and support w here needed; - To pro v id e sp ecialist security advice and services internally and externally;
27 -
To pro v id e an ex p lo siv e ordnance d is p o s a l; To assist th e B ritish S ecurity Service and Secret Intelligence S ervice in fulfilling their statutory roles; T o be the police single p oint o f contact for international p artn ers in counter-terrorism m atters; A ssistin g in the p ro tectio n o f B ritish interests overseas and th e investigation o f attacks ag ain st th o se interests
3) Art and Antiques Unit The L o ndon S tolen A rts D atab ase currently stores details and im ages o f 54,000 item s o f stolen property. Item s th at qualify as p ieces o f art, antiques or as cultural p roperty are selected and show n w ithin this site. The d atabase includes the fo llo w ing categories: P aintings, furniture, boo k s, m aps, m anuscripts, carpets, clocks, w atch es, coins, m edals, glass, ivory, m usical instru m en ts, p ostage stam ps, pottery, silver, gold tex tiles and toys and gam es. U se the links b elo w to v iew ex am ples o f item s extracted from the database. M ost w anted R ecent thefts R ecently reco v ered You can req u est a search o f the database to establish w hether an item has been registered as stolen. A certificate can be issued proving that a check has taken place as part o f the ‘due dilig en ce’ process. It is anticipated that the p u b lic w ill be allow ed online access to the database in the future to conduct searches, h o w ev er in the interim searches o f the database can be conducted by contacting the A rt and A n tiq u es U nit on 020 7230 2150 or by e-m ail.
4) Casualty Bureau A fter any m ajo r accid en t or d isaster in and around L ondon m any p eo p le w ill w ant to m ake enquiries about som eone they believe m ight have been involved. T he M PS C entral C asualty Bureau pro v id es a central contact point for all records and data relatin g to people w ho have or are believe to have been involved. C entral C asualty B ureau also opens at the request o f other U K police forces and for foreign events involving B ritish subjects. Its m ain tasks are: - To obtain and p ro cess relevant inform ation the people involved or potentially involved. - To receiv e d etails o f casualties and fatalities from police docum entation team s at the scene, ho sp itals and m ortuaries. - To pro v id e accurate and tim ely inform ation direct to relatives, friends and colleagues. -To p ro v id e sup p o rt to F am ily L iaison O fficers w ho w ork closely w ith relatives o f victim s and in v estig atio n team s. C asualty B u reau is n ot in ten d ed as a general inform ation bureau, b ut is set up specifically to deal w ith m issin g persons, su rvivors, evacuees and w itnesses involved in the incident. T he C asualty B ureau is d esigned to receiv e and collate inform ation not give it out. H ow ever, w hen casualties or survivors are id entified, the enquirer is told as soon as possible follow ing their call.
5) Computer Crime Unit The C o m p u ter C rim e U n it is a centre o f excellence in regard to co m p u ter and cyber crim e com m itted u n d er the C o m p u ter M isuse A ct 1990, notably hacking, m aliciously creating and spreading viru ses and co u n terfeit softw are. T he unit provides a co m p u ter forensic duty officer and offers co m p u ter ev id en ce retrieval advice to officers.
Computer crime and the Internet
28 T he international n atu re o f th e Internet m eans that any attem p t to deal w ith In ternet-related crim e will alw ays be co m p licated by q uestions o f ju risd ictio n . L aw s vary fro m country to country and U K p olice have no p o w er to intervene directly against crim inal m aterial on com puters in another country or against crim in als o perating in another country. E fforts to com bat p ro b lem s such as extrem e hardcore porn o g rap h y , racist hate crim e or m alicious attem pts to in terfere w ith com puter system s depend upon co -operation betw een law enforcem ent agencies in different countries and, vitally, upo n the v o luntary co-operation o f the Internet industry. U K police can only tak e direct action w here m aterial falls w ithin th eir ju risd ictio n . In the case o f the M etropolitan P o lice S ervice this generally m eans G reater L ondon, although certain specialist M et units have a natio n al rem it. It often happens that offensive w ebsites reported to us turn out to be based in an o th er country. H ow ever, if: the p eople w ho created th e m aterial are in the U K. or if the m aterial h as b een pu b lished from or dow nloaded onto com puters in the U K. or if it m ight be ev id en ce o f offences com m itted in the U K . or if it m ight be ev id en ce o f crim es com m itted by U K citizens trav ellin g abroad, then it m ay be a m atter fo r th e M PS or for another U K force. In 1996 m ajor Intern et firm s in the U K cam e together w ith the po lice to establish the Internet W atch F oundation (IW F ) to act as a focus for rem oving illegal m aterial from the Internet. It p rovides a hotline serv ice to enable Internet users to report m aterial th ey b elieve m ay be illegal. T he IW F assesses th e m aterial and then notifies the service p ro v id er and the police. R eporting poten tially illegal online content w ith the Internet W atch F oundation T he Internet W atch F o u n d atio n (IW F) is the only recognised non statutory organisation in the U K operating an intern et ‘H o tlin e’ for the public and IT pro fessio n als to report th eir exposure to potentially illegal co n ten t online. T heir aim is to m in im ise th e av ailability o f potentially illegal internet content, specifically: child sexual abuse im ag es ho sted anyw here in the w orld crim inally obscene co n ten t ho sted in the U K incitem ent to racial h atred con tent hosted in the U K T hey w ork in p artn ersh ip w ith U K G overnm ent departm ents such as the H om e O ffice and the D epartm ent for B usiness.
Hacking and other computer crime The M etropolitan P o lice S ervice C om puter C rim e U nit deals w ith crim es such as hacking and virus w riting. T he C om puter C rim e U n it is p art o f the E conom ic and S pecialist C rim e C om m and w ithin the M et's Specialist C rim e D irecto rate. T he C om puter C rim e U nit w orks to g eth er w ith other specialist units, bo th w ith in the M etropolitan P olice and at a national and international level.
Offensive e-mails I f you are concerned ab o u t "spam " or general unw anted e-m ail, do not autom atically assum e that it is com ing from w h ere it seem s to com e from . T here are various w ays in w hich "spam m ers" can give false addresses. Police can generally only assist in crim inal m atters and there is little that they can do in relation to general "spam ", such as com m ercial advertising and cam paign m ailing, especially if it turns out that it originates from an o th er country. Y our internet service p ro v id er m ay be able to provide advice on id entifying th e origin o f e-m ail and on selectively blocking m essages. I f som eone is explo itin g p erso n al inform ation about you in order to send you u nw anted e-m ail they m ay be breach in g d ata pro tection laws. In the U K the authority resp o n sib le for overseeing data protection law s is th e Info rm ation C om m issioner. I f you feel you are in dan g er as a result o f threaten in g or offensive e-m ails, please contact your local police station. I f you think you are th e v ictim o f a stalker then be careful not to destroy ev idence that m ight be useful to police. K eep co p ies o f e-m ails on disk and print out hard copies. D o not delete the original.
29 Viruses P lease do n ot try to n o tify u s o f viruses. T here are three m ain reaso n s for this: A great m any v iru s alerts are hoaxes - the forw arding o f hoaxes in the b e lie f that they are real has becom e such a p ro b lem th at it is now som etim es classified as a ty p e o f virus in itself. If you e-m ail us and y ou really do have a virus then you m ay be p assing that virus on to us. T he IT industry and law enfo rcem ent agencies around the w orld have established system s to alert each other ab o u t gen u in e virus threats. O nly i f y ou are an IT sy stem s m anager and you believe that a po ssib le virus m ay be part o f an attem pt to hack or o th erw ise m isuse your system should you contact us direct. I f you are a co m p u ter u ser and you think you m ay have a virus you should contact your system s adm inistrator i f you h av e one. If you are a lone user then you can obtain inform ation (and in som e cases su b m it rep o rts) through the w ebsites o f m ajor anti-virus softw are com panies.
6) Child Abuse Investigation Command T he C hild A buse In v estig atio n C om m and investigates child abuse across L ondon, w orking closely w ith o th er child p ro tection agencies. The co m m an d ’s core o b jectiv e is to identify and investigate allegations o f child abuse, nam ely, physical, sexual and em otional abuse o f children in L ondon. T he co m m an d ’s specialist detectives and p o lice s ta ff w ork in conjunction w ith colleagues fro m S ocial Services, H ealth, E ducation and o ther ag en cies to provide counter m easures to ensure a safe environm ent for L o n d o n ’s m o st v u ln erab le citizens. T he com m and has nineteen C h ild A buse Investigation T eam s spread across L o n d o n aligned to local boroughs w ho are also responsible for investigating all S udden U n ex p ected D eath s in Infants that occur in the capital. The M ajo r In v estig atio n T eam s investigate child hom icide and co n d u ct com plex abuse enquiries w ithin the fam ily env iro n m en t. The H i-T ech C rim e U n it pro v ides technical com puter support and has the capabilities to arrest and p rosecute o ffen d ers th at target children through the Internet. The S afeguarding C h ild ren and D evelopm ent U nit provides in form ation and support to the M PS on p revention and p artn ersh ip initiatives and w orks strategically w ith the L ondon C hild Protection C o m m ittee. The Ports S afeg u ard in g T eam are a sm all team o f detectives based at H eathrow A irport w orking closely w ith Im m ig ratio n O fficers dealing w ith child protection issues, w hich include child trafficking, child ab d u ctio n and the m onitoring o f high-risk sex o ffenders entering and leaving the UK.
7) Dog Support Unit T he role o f th e D og S u p p o rt U nit (D SU ) is to provide police dog and h andler team s to support their colleagues acro ss L ond o n, and to respond to em ergency calls w here their unique skills can be used to help m ak e L o n d o n safer. T he dogs and h an d lers h av e a variety o f skills. G eneral P urpose D ogs, usu ally G erm an or B elgian S hepherd D ogs, patrol L ondon w ith their handlers. T hey h av e a ran g e o f skills, including: S earching for susp ects and m issing people. - L o cating o b jects d ro p p ed or concealed during a crim inal incident. - F o llow ing a track left by a person on the ground. - C hasing and d etain in g a person w ho runs aw ay w hen ch allenged to stop. - D isarm ing vio len t arm ed suspects and controlling hostile crow ds. Som e o f the m ore sp ecialist skills include: ‘L ine access’ w o rk - S om e officers and their dogs are ‘line a c c e ss’ trained. T he officers often have to get them selv es and th eir dogs up and dow n the outside o f buildings or even boats using abseiling skills. T he d ogs are trained to cope w ith being tied to th eir handlers w hilst this is done. S om e dogs, p articu larly S paniels and L abradors, are trained to find specific scents:
30 - D rugs, b oth h id d en and being carried on a p erso n in public. - C ash, (banknotes). - E xp lo siv es, o f vario u s types. - Firearm s. - H um an rem ain s and blood. Som e o f th e above skills m ay be com bined in one dog team , but in the case o f E xplosives Search D ogs, th e dogs only search for one thing. W here do w e o perate? A nyw here in L ondon and som etim es outside. T hey w ill: Search crim e scenes, b uildings, open spaces, vehicles, vessels, and aircraft: T ransport infrastructure centres and check points are all regularly patrolled. Protect p eople and p laces from terrorism .
8) Drugs Action and Advice The M et w orks in p artn ersh ip to tackle the drugs problem . M et o fficers carry out operations and are involved in d ifferen t activ ities w ith partner agencies to disrupt organised crim inal activity and drugs netw orks. The public are en co u rag ed to call C rim estoppers an o nym ously on 0800 555 111 w ith any inform ation that could help p olice arrest the dealers. D rugs Strategy The M PS D rugs S trateg y has been developed to p rovide clear d irection on h o w the police service in L ondon intends to d eliv er its responsibility for tackling the p roblem o f illicit drugs in the capital. It focuses on en fo rcin g legislation aim ed at tack lin g crim inality associated w ith drug dealing. T his will be co u p led w ith partnership w ork in the areas o f education, diversion and prevention.
9) Economic and Specialist Crime O riginally established in 1946 as the ‘Fraud S q u ad ’, the com m and has no w evolved into E conom ic and S pecialist Crim e. The com m and has the lead in the follow ing four m ain areas: E conom ic C rim e, H igh T ech C rim e, Proceeds o f C rim e and H u m an T rafficking. It also p rovides a n ational resp o nse to extradition cases, m utual legal assistance and art & antiques crim e. W hat they do Sterling, the M PS strategy for com bating econom ic crim e in L ondon, has m ade significant inroads into prev en tin g eco n o m ic crim e, w hich costs the U K econom y billio n s o f pounds a year. It has done this through estab lishing partnership d evelopm ents w ith p ublic and private industry such as C om panies H ouse, eB ay and W estern U nion. It also rem ains at the forefront in the fight against the grow ing th reat o f id entity theft. Sterling M oney L au n d erin g In v estigation T eam conducts intelligence led investigations to proactively disrupt o rg an ised crim inal netw orks and seize th eir financial assets. T he team encom passes sp ecialist team s in cluding Film Piracy U nit and a team o f o fficers w orking on fraud cases w ith an in ternational perspective. The Film P iracy U nit, in p artn ership w ith F ederation A gainst C opyright T heft is dedicated to com bating film piracy and the o rganised crim inal netw orks sustaining the m anufacture and distribution o f co u n terfeit film product. The Fraud T eam s are resp o n sib le for com bating serious and com plex fraud and corruption w ithin the public and p rivate sectors. T he team s w ork together w ith p ublic sector partners including local councils, and Im m ig ratio n S ervices to protect L ondon from financial crim e. F inancial Investig atio n D ev elo p m ent U nit provides a corporate response to intelligence from over 50,000 S u spicious A ctiv ity R eports received by the S erious O rganised C rim e A gency from the financial com m unity.
31 The Intelligence U n it is the focal point for all intelligence, com ing into the com m and, from the Financial Services A uth o rity , trade bodies, financial institutions and S O C A , in relation to econom ic and financial crim e T he D ed icated C heque and P lastic C rim e U nit is a jo in t M PS and C ity o f London P olice unit, w hich w orks w ith, and is sponsored by, the banking industry to m anage serious cheque and credit card fraud. T he M oney L au n d erin g Investig ation T eam proactively targets o rganised crim inal netw orks using m oney lau n d erin g leg islation and asset confiscation w ith the intention o f disrupting their influence and activ ities through financial deprivation. T he Stolen V eh icle U n it has resp onsibility for investigating and d isrupting serious and organised v ehicle crim e. It also en co m p asses the V ehicle Fraud U nit, w hich investigates finance fraud used to purchase v eh icles from car dealership. It is entirely funded by F inance & L easing A ssociation, representing a n u m b er o f m ajo r finance com panies. The A rts and A n tiq u es U n it gathers intelligence on art crim e and conducts proactive operations using specialist k n o w led g e for in vestigations ranging from art faking and forgery to theft and m oney laundering. T he C om puter C rim e U n it is a highly skilled team dealing w ith co m p u ter and cyber crim e com m itted u n d er th e C o m p u ter M isuse A ct 1990, prim arily the offences o f hacking, denial o f service and m alicio u sly creatin g viruses. T he E xtrad itio n and Intern atio n al A ssistance U nit has national responsibility for locating and arresting fugitives w an ted w orldw ide. T hey also conduct enquiries on b e h a lf o f and at the request o f o ther countries.
Forensic Services
F orensic S ervices is m ad e up o f a n um ber o f departm ents providing an array o f services required for m odern p o licing. F o ren sic S ervices is divided into the follow ing sub-units: F orensic S ervices C om m and U nit for T erritorial P olicing Forensic In v estigation S p ecialist C rim e S pecialist E vidence R eco v ery Im aging Services Fingerprint B ureau F orensic D ev elo p m en t T echnical train in g for staff, such as A ssistant Forensic P ractitioners, P hotographic O fficers and F ingerprint E x am in ers, is conducted by forensic specialist trainers at the C rim e A cadem y. F orensic S ervices deal w ith an extensive variety o f investigations arising from borough policing to investigations for S p ecialist C rim e D irectorate. T heir duties range from evidence recovery, follow ing burg laries, to an ti-terrorism w ork. F orensic S ervices C o m m an d U nit for T erritorial P olicing is responsible for forensic exam ination o f all crim e scenes. A B oro u g h F orensic M anager has a team o f A ssistan t F orensic P ractitioners w ho cover th e ex am in atio n o f v o lum e crim e scenes and support C rim e S cene M anagers at m ore serious crim e scenes, in clu d in g m urder. T he 32 boroughs o f L o n d o n have been divided into four “L inks” , covering eight boroughs in the north east, north w est, so u th east and south west. A n O perations M anager m anages each link and deploys A ssistan t F o ren sic P ractitioners around the clock. T he U nit also has a Forensic Intelligence U n it th at lin k s evidence recovered from different crim es, in order to establish w hen the sam e perso n h as co m m itted crim es. F orensic Investig atio n S pecialist C rim e D irectorate conducts forensic investigations o f hom icide, arm ed robbery and any o th er crim e that falls w ithin the rem it o f SC D . T he U nit also has a F orensic In telligence U n it to gather intelligence on crim e scenes linked by forensic evidence. S pecialist E v id en ce R eco v ery Im aging S ervices provides a num ber o f services to the M PS. A centralised duty office m an ag es all photographic requests and subsequent deploym ent. The office oversees th e atten d an ce o f all the relevant officers to all m ajor crim e scenes, terrorist events, p ublic order and C B R N (C hem ical, B iological, R adiological, N uclear) incidents.
32 The F ingerprint B u reau search es and com pares finger and palm m ark s from crim e scenes against offender d atabases, arrestee fingerprints against d atabases o f u n id en tified m arks, and fingerprints o f suspects specified by inv estigating officers. T he U nit also retriev es fin g er and palm m arks by physical and ch em ical m ean s and co-ordinates fingerprint evidence for presen tatio n in court. F urtherm ore, the U n it sto res and retrieves archived m aterial from forensic investigations and is also responsible for search in g and com paring the fingerprints o f all arrestees in L ondon, in order to establish their true identity. T he E vidence R eco v ery U n it involves the chem ical treatm en t p rio r to fingerprint exam ination, D N A and firearm s ex am in atio n and use o f specialised ph o to g rap h ic lighting techniques. T he C ounter-T errorism T eam is responsible for evidence retrieval from terro rist activities. The squad is unique, as its o fficers carry out all aspects o f its investigation, from retrieval and analysis o f evidence to the p rep aration and delivery o f evid en ce in court.
Homicide and Serious Crime Command
The H o m icide and S erio u s C rim e C om m and is responsible for the investigation o f hom icide and other serious crim es in London. T he M etropolitan P o lice S ervice is the only police service in the U K to have a C h ie f O fficer nom inated to o versee all h o m icide investigations and develop policy in this area. T heir w ork is su pported by: C entral C rim inal C o u rt T rials U nit C oroner's O ffice H O L M E S S upport F orensic R eview S upport. M urder In v estigation T eam s investigate: M urder, m anslau g h ter and in fanticide offences; A ttem pted m urder, w h ere the evidence o f intent is u n am biguous or w here a risk assessm ent identifies substantive risk to life; M issing persons or abd u ctio n s, w here there is a substantive reason to suspect life has been taken or is un d er threat. In addition, the team s p ro v id e advice for the M PS and oth er police forces on 'H igh R isk' situations such as m issin g people. T he H om icide T ask F orce p ro activ ely conducts w ork in term s o f m urder su p pression and 'm an hunts' for m urder suspects. T he C entral C rim inal C ourt T rials U nit supports L ondon's M urder Investigation T eam s in prosecuting the offen d ers o f serious crim e. T he unit assists officers through a close w orking relationship w ith the C row n P ro secution Service in order to im prove com m unication lines and the quality o f cases that are presented at the L ondon C row n C ourts and in particular the C entral C rim inal C ourt at th e O ld B ailey. D irect intervention is m ade at an early stage to identify potential d ifficulties in o rder that the im portant T rial phase can run efficiently and as sm oothly as possible. The unit also advocates good practice and pro ced u re th ro u g h the P olicy U nit, F orensic Science S ervices and th e D etective T raining A cadem y. T he Special P rojects In v estig ation U nit provides an additional rev iew capability for m urder and other serious crim e and critical incident investigations. In addition to review , the U nit provides an investigative resp o n se in particular or exceptional cases. T he p rim ary role o f the C oroner's O ffice is to ensure that m urder/critical incident investigations are correctly u n d ertak en w ith in the legal constraints o f C oroner's pow ers. C oroner's O fficers have a key role as liaiso n betw een O perational C om m and U nits, C oroner's O ffice and, im portantly, the fam ilies o f the victim s. A nother key role is to attend the scenes o f unexplained deaths to apply th eir practical k now ledge and experience, in support o f officers, in identifying possible causes o f death, and to advise on scene p reservation and the recovery o f the deceased. The H O L M E S Support U n it p ro vides guidance and pro m o tes best practice in the use o f H O L M E S (H om e O ffice L arge M ajor E nquiry System ), w hich is a national system . T he unit consists o f the H o lm es U ser S upport desk, w hich deals w ith all m atters relating to policy,
33 enhancem ents, p assw o rd m aintenance, hardw are, application faults and the linking o f incidents. H O L M E S A cco u n t M an ag ers p rovide first line support to all users including the opening, supervising, p ro b lem m an ag em en t and archiving o f the H olm es accounts. Forensic R ev iew S u p p o rt s ta ff provide forensic review from current or retained scenes o f crim e evidence. T he u nit w o rk s in liaison w ith Specialist C rim e R eview G roup and H om icide U nits on best p ractice and p ro v id es advice on forensic evidence recovery including innovative forensic science advances.
Met Intelligence Bureau
The M et In tellig en ce B u reau com prises various team s w hich co-ordinate intelligence activities for the M etro p o litan P o lice Service. T he U n it’s focus is to provide enhanced intelligence for operational activ ity and p ro v id e analytical capabilities w ith regard to serious and organised crim e. It also acts as a su p p o rt intelligence service to the M etropolitan P olice Service. R ecording, E v alu atio n and D issem ination (R .E .D .) T he 24/7 In tellig en ce S u p p o rt T eam not only provides fast-tim e intelligence in relation to serious and critical in cidents fo r th e M P S , but also provides this service on a national and international basis. T he te a m ’s p rim ary role is to supply quality intelligence, w hen and w here required, w hich is draw n from n u m ero u s in telligence databases held by the M PS. T he Intelligence S upport T eam receives, develops and dissem in ates intelligence at the request o f M P S units. The office has partnerships w ith o u tsid e ag encies, w hich it seeks to develop and enhance for the benefit o f all M PS o p erations task ed against serious and organised crim e. O peration A rtem is is p art o f th e Intelligence S upport T eam . Its core function is developing intelligence o f p eo p le w an ted by the M PS for m urder and other serious crim es, w ith an em phasis on w orking in p artn ersh ip . C rim estoppers is th e desig n ated point o f contact betw een the M etropolitan P olice Service and the general p ublic on the an o n y m o us telephone line 0800 555 111. C rim estoppers enables the police to identify and arrest crim in als w ho have com m itted, or are about to com m it, crim e, w ith inform ation p assed an o n y m o u sly from m em bers o f the public. SCD O p erations C entre o perates a 24-hour reserve and operations room for the benefit o f the Specialist C rim e D irecto rate (SC D ). It acts as a focal point o f contact for all SCD officers and staff. T he O p erations C entre has at all tim es detectives w ith a child abuse investigation specialist and a co m m u n icatio n s officer. It co-ordinates and facilitates SC D 's operational support, p roviding a fast tim e link betw een intelligence requirem ents and the tracking o f all critical incidents in v o lving SCD . R esearch, D ev elo p m en t and A n alysis (R .D .A .) T he In telligence D ev elo p m en t T eam provides intelligence support and analysis for serious crim e, drugs, firearm s and o rganised crim e w ithin com m unities, as w ell as hom icide. A strategic elem ent w ith in th e Intellig en ce D evelopm ent T eam exam ines and analyses em erging crim es, as w ell as any th reat p o sed by n ew crim es that m ay affect the M PS rem it, ensuring priorities are current and ap p ro p riately d ealt w ith. T he A ssessm en t T eam is resp o nsible for producing docum ents w h ich provide detail on the current intellig en ce pictu re for L ondon in order to enable the M e t’s resources to be prioritised appropriately. T he F orensic Intellig en ce T eam is part o f the M IB ’s S pecialist S upport function. The team gathers in tellig en ce on crim e scenes, ranging from burglary to drugs and gun crim e. T hey identify crim es linked by forensic evidence (D N A and fingerprints) in order to establish w hen the sam e perso n has co m m itted a num ber o f offences. T he W ildlife C rim e T eam is also part o f the M IB ’s S pecialist S upport function. The team collates in fo rm atio n on crim inal acts against w ildlife and the im portation and use o f item s from proh ib ited anim al species. T hrough B orough L iaison O fficers, it provides an operational response to th is type o f crim e.
34 O ther S p ecialist S u p p o rt th at is provided by the M IB includes F inancial Intelligence, concerned w ith seizing the assets o f crim inals, and intelligence sup p o rt to M a jo r E vents, such as N otting H ill C arnival and M ay D ay dem onstrations.
Mounted Branch
F rom its hum ble b eg in n in g s in 1760 the M ounted B ranch has adapted w ell to the changing needs o f the society it serves and it continues to play a key role in m o d ern day policing. W ith a strength o f over 140 officers and 120 horses based at eight o perational stables spread across L ondon their jo b sees them carry in g ou t a v ariety o f roles including, high v isib ility p atrols, p ublic order duties as w ell as specific crim e in itiatives and specialist events, like tro o p in g the colour. E very officer and horse receives ex ten siv e training at Im ber C ourt, the M P S m o unted branch training estab lish m en t based in T h am es D itton, Surrey to ensure both horse and rid er are w ell equipped to deal w ith the rig o u rs o f p o licing in the capital.
Flying Squad
To reactively and p ro activ ely investigate every allegation o f ro bbery, w h eth er arm ed or not, to the p rejustice o f cash in tran sit com panies, building societies, b ettin g offices, p ost offices, jew ellers, casinos and banks. T hey also investigate all rob b eries at com m ercial prem ises w here a firearm is produced. H ostage and C risis N eg o tiatio n U nit The H ostage and C risis N eg o tiatio n U nit supports pan L ondon p o licin g by coordinating the fast tim e n egotiation resp o n se to critical incidents. It also pro m o tes p artnership w ithin com m erce and other organisations in resp ect o f hostage and crisis negotiation and contingency planning. It provides a national referen ce point for policy and best practice. T hey also deliver N ational and International H ostage and C risis N egotiation training. C entral T ask Force P roactively targets crim in als engaged in Level 2 activity as tasked by the S erious and O rganised C rim e (SC D 7) task in g p ro cess that includes drug dealers, firearm s and traffickers and any other crim inal group im p actin g on tw o or m ore L ondon B oroughs, p articu larly crim inal netw orks. M iddle M arket D rugs P artn ership T his is a jo in t p artn ersh ip betw een Serious and O rganised C rim e (S C D 7) and SO C A . T hey deal w ith drug supply in L o ndon w ithin m inim um levels o f l/2 k g o f heroin or 1kg o f cocaine operation w ill exceed 8 w eeks. C ultural and C o m m u n ities R esearch U nit T o provide a 24 -h o u r su p p o rt service w ith im m ediate access to M P S s ta ff that have a broad range o f life skills, and to offer advice on m ajor crim e and critical incident support w hen needed. T he current range o f k n o w led g e and skills varies considerably and relates to different aspects o f the v o lu n teer’s lifestyle, k n o w ledge o f a com m unity, language, culture, religion, trade or hobby. O peration G rafton To tackle crim inal n etw o rk s linked to crim e w ith a loss value in ex cess o f £10,000 in and around H eathrow A irport, in clu d in g those netw orks operating across force boundaries. S pecialist Intelligence S ervice SIS is tasked w ith d ealin g w ith serious organised crim e at N ational Intelligence M odel (N IM ), targeting th o se p ersons d irectly im pacting upon the safety and w ell being o f L ondoners through ■ the use o f highly sp ecialised and dedicated pro-active team s. T he SIS w ill continue to fully support the M PS M issio n o f m aking L ondon the safest city in the w orld by actively seeking to use high q u ality in tellig en ce to both prevent harm and enforce leg islatio n against organised crim inal netw orks th at ad v ersely im pact upon the diverse com m unities in L ondon, in accordance w ith M PS Priorities.
Trident and Trafalgar
T rident O perational C o m m an d U nit (O C U ) is the M etropolitan P olice Service (M PS) response to gun related activ ity occu rrin g w ithin black com m unities in L ondon. Som e o f this activity is directly and in d irectly asso ciated w ith the illegal sale and d istribution o f drugs. T he levels o f violence asso ciated w ith th is type o f crim inality are extrem e, w ith the use o f firearm s becom ing m ore p revalent. A lth o u g h som e o f the victim s have links to organised crim inality, the w ider victim s also include inn o cen t m em bers o f the black com m unities w hose neighbourhoods are blighted by th e in ten sity o f v io lence and intim idation associated w ith gun crim inality. T rident w as initially set up in the late 1990’s. T his w as in response to the shootings and m urders being perp etrated by b lack crim inals on individual m em bers o f the black com m unities. T hese incidents w ere m ade m uch h arder to investigate due to unw illingness on the part o f w itnesses to com e forw ard th ro u g h fear o f reprisals from the perpetrators o f such crim inal behaviour. T rident has recen tly ex p an d ed and has in excess o f 300 officers and 70 police sta ff engaged in the in v estigation and p rev en tio n o f firearm m urders and other gun crim e affecting L o n d o n ’s com m unities. To co nsolidate th e inv estig atio n o f gun related activity w ithin the M P S and in order to m axim ise investigative o p p o rtu n ities w ith in L o n d o n ’s other com m unities T rafalg ar w as established in January 2004. W hat w e do T erm s o f R eferen ce fo r T rid en t and T rafalgar Incidents: T rident M urder - all b lack co m m u n ity m urders w here both victim s and suspects are black and are gun related. Shootings - all black co m m u n ity non-fatal shooting incidents w here both victim s and suspects are black. The term s o f referen ce w ere recently updated to include shots fired and threats to shoot both police officers and others. T rafalgar Shootings - all n o n T rid en t, non-fatal shootings in all other distinct com m unities across L ondon and the targ etin g o f illegal firearm s suppliers, converters and illegal m anufacturers. By engaging w ith the co m m u n ities w e serve, this w ill generate greater public aw areness o f the im pact o f g un related crim in ality and how it destroys and erodes the hum an fabric o f society. The effects o f gun crim e can n ev er be underestim ated and w orking in partnership w ith the com m unity, p o lice and o th er agencies w ill serve to provide a structured and robust approach to prevention, detectio n and red u ction o f incidents o f gun related violence. T rident I A G ( In d ep en d en t A d visory G roup) continue to encourage com m unity confidence and provide in v alu ab le su p p o rt and advice to both the police and the com m unities. T his relationship has served to create a p o sitiv e clim ate for m em bers o f the black com m unities to com e forw ard w ith info rm atio n about gun related crim inal activity. T he depth and im portance o f gun related investigations, dem an d s co n tin ued dialogue betw een the police and the com m unities and w ill enhance the flo w o f vital intelligence. T hrough such a partnership, the M PS will continue to develop long term initiativ es and increase com m unity confidence. A dvertising cam p aig n s In S eptem ber 200 7 , T rid en t launched a pow erful advertising cam paign targeting 13 to 19 year olds in a bid to dissu ad e th em from becom ing the gunm en o f the future. The cam paign features radio and TV a d ’s produced from real prisoners view s to bring the m essage hom e: "D o n ’t b lo w y our life aw ay." R esearchers v isited p riso n s and spoke w ith prisoners to get a real perspective on w hat they w ere m issing out on m o st as they served their prison sentences. T his cam paign w as created from those conversations w ith m u rd erers and those serving sentences for attem pted m urder, robbery and
36 possessio n o f a firearm , and asks young people to think about the th in g s they w ould m iss out on i f they ended up in p riso n after com m itting a crim e w ith guns. T he cam p aig n features o u td o o r posters, press, radio and cinem a ad v ertisem en ts and nightclub flyers in key T rid en t boro u g h s.
Increasing Road Safety in the Capital
T he M e t’s T raffic O perational C om m and U nit (O C U ) is a specialist u n it com m itted to reducing the n u m b er o f traffic related deaths, injuries and crim es on L o n d o n ’s roads The w ork aim s are to: D eny crim inals use o f th e ro ad s by enforcing the law R educe road casu alties T ackle the threat o f terro rism R educe anti-social use o f the roads E nhance public co n fid en ce and reassurance by patro llin g the roads A ttend and investig ate all fatal collisions Intelligence-led op eratio n s use a com bination o f enforcem ent and ed u catio n to focus on issues such as: A ntisocial and crim inal u se o f v ehicles on the roads D rink and D rug driv in g Speeding Seizing u ninsured and u n licen sed vehicles M otorcycle, m oped and sco o ter safety C om m ercial vehicles and the transportation o f hazard o u s m aterials U n-roadw orthy and d an g ero u s v ehicles R oad safety at schools T raffic O fficers often detect w anted crim inals and those com m itting other offences as part o f routine traffic stops. T raffic O fficers are h ighly skilled in areas such as vehicle exam ination, driver docum entation, collision investig atio n and d ealing w ith hazardous m aterials am ongst others. T h eir expertise and know ledge m eans th ey can identify dangerous drivers and v ehicles and offer extensive road safety advice to drivers and p edestrians. T raffic O fficers w ork from operational bases know n as T raffic G arages. E very garage patrols the boroughs w ithin its area and addresses the particular road safety issues affecting the com m unities it serves by w o rking clo sely w ith residents, Local A u th o rities and oth er p artn er agencies w ithin the area. T hrough a co-o rd in ated ap p ro ach o f education and enforcem ent, and by w orking together w ith partner agencies and co m m u n ities w ithin L ondon, th e T raffic O perational C om m and U nit can reduce the n u m b er o f p eo p le killed and seriously injured on the c a p ita l’s roads.
Contents. PART I. METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE...............................3
Text A. About the Metropolitan Police Service..................... 5 Text B. The Organizational Structure of the M et...................7 Territorial Policing: London's local police................ 7 Specialist Crime Directorate........................................ 7 Central Operations Directorate....................................9 Specialist Operations.................................................... 12 Administration and support......................................... 14 Part II. SCOTLAND YARD................................................................. 15 PART III. CITY OF LONDON POLICE............................................ 18 Additional texts for reading.................................................................. 19 Text 1. The British Police........................................................................19 Text 2. Policing London Business Plan 2009-12 Summary. Message from the Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) and the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)............................................................................. 20 Text 3. Plan for and Effectively Police Major Events in London and Prepare for the 2012 Olympics..................................................................................................... 21 APPENDIX 1. Sir Robert Peel. Police Reform................................. 23 APPENDIX 2. Badges o f Rank............................................................ 23 APPENDIX 3. Branches o f the Metropolitan Police Service.............. 26