Mastering Geospatial Analysis with Python: Explore GIS processing and learn to work with GeoDjango, CARTOframes and MapboxGL-Jupyter 9781788293815, 1788293819

Explore GIS processing and learn to work with various tools and libraries in Python. About This BookAnalyze and process

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English Pages 431 Year 2018

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Table of contents :
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Packt Upsell
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Package Installation and Management
Introducing Anaconda
Installing Python using Anaconda
Running a Jupyter Notebook
Running a Notebook
Creating a new Notebook
Adding code
Managing Python packages
Managing packages with Anaconda Navigator
Online searching for packages using Anaconda Cloud
Managing Python packages with conda
Managing Python packages using pip
Upgrading and uninstalling the package with pip
Python virtual environments
Virtual environments using Anaconda. Managing environments with conda Virtual environments using virtualenv
Chapter 2: Introduction to Geospatial Code Libraries
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) and the OGR Simple Features Library
Installing GDAL
Installing GDAL using Anaconda3
Installing GDAL using conda
Installing GDAL using pip
Installing a second GDAL version using pip
Other recommended GDAL resources
Installing GEOS
Installing Shapely
Installing Fiona
Python shapefile library (pyshp)
Installing pyshp
Installing pyproj
Rasterio dependencies. Installation of RasterioGeoPandas
GeoPandas installation
GeoPandas dependencies
How it all works together
Chapter 3: Introduction to Geospatial Databases
Installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS on Windows
Installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS on Mac
Working with PostgreSQL and PostGIS using Python
Connecting to PostgreSQL using psycopg2
Installing psycopg2
Connecting to the database and creating a table
Adding data to the table
Querying the data
Changing the CRS
Distance and near
Lines in the database
Length of a line
Intersecting lines. Polygons in the databasePoint in polygon
Chapter 4: Data Types, Storage, and Conversion
Raster and vector data
Raster data formats
Reading and writing vector data with GeoPandas
Reading and writing vector data with OGR
Reading and writing raster data with Rasterio
Reading and writing raster data using GDAL
Chapter 5: Vector Data Analysis
OGR Simple Features Library
OGR batch commands
The OGR library and Python bindings
OGR's main modules and classes
Creating polygon geometry with OGR. Creating polygon geometry from GeoJSONBasic geometric operations
Writing polygon data to a newly created shapefile
Using a spatial filter to select features
Shapely and Fiona
Shapely objects and classes
Shapely methods for geospatial analysis
Fiona's data model
Creating geometries with Shapely
Applying geometrical methods with Shapely
Reading JSON geometries with Shapely
Reading data with Fiona
Accessing vector geometry in shapefiles using Shapely and Fiona
Geospatial analysis with GeoPandas
Selecting and plotting geometry data with GeoPandas and Matplotlib.

Mastering Geospatial Analysis with Python: Explore GIS processing and learn to work with GeoDjango, CARTOframes and MapboxGL-Jupyter
 9781788293815, 1788293819

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