Master Obsidian Quickly - Boost Your Learning & Productivity With a Free, Modern, Powerful Knowledge Toolkit

Obsidian (at on the web) is a new, free tool for helping you build a "second brain" - a place for

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English Year 2021

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Table of contents :
Brief Contents
Key Concepts
Make Your Own Notes
Note-making Tool vs Note-collecting Tool
Speed Matters
Rules Improve Ease of Use
Quality Drives Utility
Knowledge Base is a Knowledge Graph
The Freedom and Authority of Plain Text Notes
Note Titles Matter
Markdown Files are Just Simple Formatting Instructions
Explore by Jumping Around in Your Knowledge Base
Three Steps to Grow the Knowledge Base: Capture - Digest - Connect
Write Daily Notes in Obsidian to Increase Your Engagement
Apply a Theme That Makes You Happy to Read and Write in Obsidian
Top-Level Notes for Books with Linked Ideas for Developing Key Insights
Flat Knowledge Base of Distinct Concepts with Related Links
Add Visual Explanations with Editable Diagrams
Standardize New Notes Using Templates in Obsidian
Colorful Emojis for Tags in Notes
Special Note Title Prefixes to Quickly Filter Notes by Type
Add Instructions to Every Obsidian Knowledge Base to Re-orient Yourself Quickly
Short Note Titles Make Graph View More Useful
Notes by Content Source Enhanced with Tags and Wiki Links
Develop Ideas Simultaneously with Multiple Editors in Flexible Panes
Codifying Structure That Emerges from Connected Notes
Obsidian On the Web
Obsidian User Community
Tutorials and Walkthroughs by Expert Users
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Master Obsidian Quickly - Boost Your Learning & Productivity With a Free, Modern, Powerful Knowledge Toolkit

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