Mandala: Sacred Circle in Tibetan Buddhism 9783897903050

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Mandala: Sacred Circle in Tibetan Buddhism

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Martin Brauen





Ma ndal.1:s are an aspect of Tantric 8uddhis.m that. due

to their colorful complexity. have attracted a great de.ii of intertst. Taking a variety of forms, from simple diagrams and more elaborate paintings on cloth to compliated pan ems of colored sand and large three-

dimensional carved structures~mandalas have a profoundly symbolic value.. we Tibet.ins regard them .1s

saa~. Although some mandalas - for instance the symbolic representation of the universe made of he.aped gr.a ins - can be openly explained. most are related to T.anuic docuines which are supposed to be kept seaet. Consequently. many speculative and miscak:en interpret.ations h.ave been published by people '""V'OVlm

~l!J o

Ulem§ ·mply e .lS works of an Of had no

i ~ ' r.iCttJuse: the sevtre miM, illl'5 iJ.Mnse are more harmfuf · a partial lifting of secrecy. I have o~en encouraged the writing of more .accurate .accounts.

In this work about mandalas.. Martin Brauen has ta.k.en pains to consult authentic sources .md organize his material cle:.arty so that it an be easily understood. He explains the basic aspects of the Buddhist whkh provide the context tor the use of mandalas. These include a strong wish to put an end to suffering.

a strong wish to .awin Enlightenment for the sake of others, and a correct view of Reality. He desaibes different kinds of mandalas, those which represent the outer universe, those which refer to .1 meditative view of the human body. and those visualized in the practice of deity yop. This is preliminary to an explanation of the K.llacak.ra Mandala. The K.llaaib.1 system was one of the last and mo-st complex Tantric systems to be brought co Tibet from India. In recent years many Westerners have become acquainted with the K.llaa:kra u.adition. as various t.1.m.1.S have given the Kal.1akra initiation to large groups of people. I myself have given it sevenil times in Westem countries as weU as in India. Moreover, there are already a number of rdi;;able books concerning aspeas of the Kllacalcra system available in western fanguages.101 wlli!h this is a wekome addition. Icongratulate M.lrtin Srauen for his sincere efforts to make a difficult subject clearer to others and offer my p,.ayers that his good intentions will be fulfilled.



FOUNDER'S STATEMENT The search for order In thischaotic universe of ours has

occupltd my thoughts more and more as time passes (although I must admit I have been known to ause my filr shm of ChiOI), I i m driwn !Q t h~ Buddhist man-

dala for Its Intricate and Inspiring representation of .in

orderty cosmos. The mandala. as so finely explained In the chapters of this catalog. Is In ltS most basic form a palace of a buddha. • dl•gr•m of the god In the ctnttr of his bud· dh•fleld. w1th ,11,.,0ted deities and beings around

him. It Is a ritual obJttt. an Image for contempl.ation. .1nd. more to my heart. the subject of often breathtaking art. The SwllS psychologtn Cari Gustav Jung famously •dopted the mand•I• to Ulusmtt his theories of the human mind. Fot Jung the clrde•nd the quattrnity - as

DONORS The exhibition, catalog. and re:lated programs are sup-ported by • grant from The E. Rhodes and Leona B. carpenter Found>tlon. Addltlonal support Is provided by the Osslnelll-vogel-Stlftung. ZOrlch: Zurcher H0irocana Mandala (Pi. 17). In the c::ase of the founh type, there is simply a

and the seol ll'Und.d.ri ~ I * tdWs.u.1,l .i.M after. ,cc )II)' ttx!I for MW mcdru:!1$1 pt;i,c io&'le s lnltlJ,tlon Tt.c ~ ' •ae c utt-d n wts~t llWOlllcl #lbel f,om n few n CMA:ty o se, t :.I hollbdttd. deoendlng on the CDfflp.lln,oc s.ou,u t~.i. tlnal mJini!.11..H •tie gt"Mr..tlJ ..tde trom unt" or 1;,pll ul tr-Ult Clf wee plint!N Ot ~ td. P;i,lnUd on deplc xt1ul deIcy g u, sy .bah. letur1.011 lim~ lbc Miu. benutb the dd!it:i. .,,s in. dm tl"Und.,b Ar the ttntrl o! the A.1 d .I lm&I kl tin ..te,p I llot>1. IJIPOrtrd throne ..tlkh sym!ldi!c-s CM bl!.torlUJ luddha Slk) Su.tee. lffllll lOtus se~t, ep 6elU the lulttll g u: .1 At the fout n o,t the sq .are tf'JCIOsure .r1e fou1 l · Wptd oon e.-dl wilt! .111 .addiUotul lotus v,,1t rette.entlftC I.he IOc.11.iaft of the four G.utdw'l iunp OI the Dlt«tlo ~.aH .»v.lft.l Dllfu ~ 1. ,Ii b,U:. .JIX! Virup.ll.U... Ch~ bdowthe Sktttn-feul IOtut bkH"3m rs >.n .1d' 11:Qgle tot.11 u... tat!Mmffldnit to mt .1rh..tu., up.1.\.IU Otl.armaul.a. AftOU°le"f fl£'.ffl! (Oft'l"ftOnty "'°'-'~td tritb Ille ., !Utt h. the Chifte1.t? ,;a di tl'tl!~!Ulng. Mt is Jtlsent t om lNi uD~ hawew,. bt' '

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In Tibetan rmncblas famlflar to us tocby. the square p•l,ice Is ,ncomp,,sed by thr« « four clrd!"!Jffl OC the U N'flSity of ..urk.h lftvttllOt)' 91•7'11







t-.lrr. wrlnen by Vuubandhu (4t)VSth century). che unlv'elng .l. ~ «opwblt n SM bmous p.11 UiP1 rA OU!lf.aui,4 i.eutd _,.., Anut:h.itl .. ALl4b!~ Pl*"'. INs W M . M ~ M,hW IN 4&14.lopW oil~-* luUllm;; . . IIIIN Sh IINft 1M. II 1..114 IO 11.tM l.lilOlE 1k 11:Jl«Gl • J..aau.., CC*,in)~ d:lcx.kl bf • dlt as= _,, fl md.l) t1W IDMI rlCfr1 ~ O f ~ UI IIIOl btt!! ~ TM ....ts ttfflCllt llb"'1"' .lft MIRffl ll, , ..... tMIOWt .a: Pie ft1IMW 1'bl- ~ 411 . . . du, . . . .. , , . . . , Sd ...... OI' Sul!utr.1


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J..' pmldnp la PurwJu Dzong. lhuu.n.. o mU.1 .OSITlo'i om at:oow 1fld r om the side Pflotog.rc

by ManlO ~ JO\. 191!

l-1 L.ttt., Al:t I ,1,Lotli (OifflM.. ligl',L W~,tt llf U ,e Pbotog by Mo.rt.I I: Ufl!II i,I.

not clear on this point. This may be because a picture

(returning to} thi s divine center. The mandala .1s mir·

area in normal format {a scroll painting or .1 temple to be represented to scale without also shrinking the

ror of the cosmos. not just the outer cosmos but .ilso the microcosm, the person. is based on the assump· tion of dose rel.1tions between world, mandala, and

w•II (Figs. 3.6, 3-7) does not permit cosmic dlst>nces pan of the cosmos impon.ant to human beings -


Mount Meru and the continents - to invisible dots. According to Buddhist ide.1s, thewor1ds of the gods

Besides the concentration on the divine. Budd hist cosmology is notable for the multiplication of small

have their counterp.1rt In the underworld, in the form

cosmoses tnto an amassing of countless cosmos cJus·

of eight hot •nd eight cold hells beneath the southern continent of J.1mbUdvip.1 inh.1bited by hum.1n beings.•

ters (fig. l-3) - an amazing correspondence with the

Paintings of the cosmos - quite often found on the

modern western understanding of the universe. A thousand s.uch wor1d systems with a Mount Meru, sun,

outside w.1lls of Tibet.1n Buddhist pl.1ces of worship

moon, god realms. and so forth form .1 small cosmos.

and more seldom in scroll paintings - do render the

e,sentfal elements of this upper-world to~gr>phy but

.a thousand sma~I ,houundmiddli

.1re often h.1rd to interpreL In some• .1s st.1ted, there is

a thousand million

o! af middling o, e~

• rid




.1 l.1ck of .1ccurate sale: in otflers, Tibetan Buddhist an

Also gigantic are the periods of time over which

follows specific conventions when representing space. Thus for instance in the same work some regions may

the individual wortd systems arise and pass .1way. or in which onty -waiting space" remains, which is even·

be depicted "in pl•n· Q.e.. from •bove. Fig. 3.5) •nd

tually moved again by a gently rising wind - where-

Q.e.. from the side, figs. 3.~.

upon .1 world system is built anew. Thus just as the

a way unfamiliar to the

skandhas are transitory. so too the world and the en·

others elevation"

l-4b), sp.1tiality ponrayed In Western viewer.

tire universe are susceptible to continual change. The individu.11 periods, Of cosmic pulse·be.ats, c.ailled

lea/po in Sanskrit. embrace such enormous spans of

THE DIVINE AT THE CENTER OF EACH WORLD SYSTEM Unlike the cosmology of the Europe.1n Middle Ages. the Buddhist conception of the world does not set the eanh and human beings in the center. llather. the gods and their worlds - corporeal, subtle·material, and spiritual, formless beings - here form the theo· centric axis of the universe, while human and other living beings exist on the margins of the center. Tantric visualizations - .1nd above all the compli· cated mandala ritual - are .ilways about reaching



time that they are often described in parables rather than reckoned in years:

rma9Jne a .cubicol conralner. each sidt measuring ont yo)ana (about 15 kilometets /or H mUesD'. completely filled with fine hail clps. Take ouc a single hoJr clp each hundred years. The time le takes 10 empty it ls o single solorday of a ltasr oton. The measure of rhlrry svch s:olar days makes up a monch. Twetve monchs moke up a year. A hundred years Is calkd ·an a«Jn'. Ukewise, che medium oeon is a multiple of that ~ease Deon}, A suptt-Jot aeon 1s a multiple of rM medium aeon.


Buddhism presents several cosmologies. but there is no crontradiaion in chis~for as Rinpoche says: Any one of thest various cosmologlts is complttefy valid tor lhe bdngs who~ ka,mlc pro]«tions cau~ tht.m ro ~'Pff}enct their on~me in thor way. Thett ts a C6toi.n rtlativlty Jn the way one txptrtmnce _ are based upon 11:armic inclJnorJons and degrttt of JndMduol dtwtlopmenr. Thus. on a rtlarNe ~d. any cosmojogy is valid. On art uJtimarend. no cosmobj'y fs absolurd)' uut. Jr cannot bt' univttsally valid. given the d1ffttfflt convendonal s,warMJns of bt'Jngs.•

:~;~·~;: Art Ptt~~;J~~Q~~~~: •n iYJJe~feli 'hlpubu,.1·cions.1s.1n

independent one deviating from th:at of the AbhidharmalcOSa. Like the AbhidharmakoSa, it too

assumes that cosmoses arise. p.ass away, and arise again in endless.. long periods of time. Unlike in the AbhidharmakOSa. however, according to the IQlacam tradition not all the atoms of the five elements disappear a, the end of an epoch: t.~ oadllfsut1',1cr.ot tl\or dl9 fll t.1rth. M ttw w,f,,r dt U.. fOYi ,i.merul ••"The wrbc. t of tbr dlll of urt!I CIIMl 11tt1 ht r.1 l!'fl lnown at. µmtiudrip~ ~ tbe bftd &t ,r,enM'td.1 5ffi•h Thl1c:DM11t1ol1-.hirlconri1MM1 Ou,ownccwiUDe tolj.1 b.HMp,btl-,e1edUbr!gutu one.. 10 I~ SOl.d of l.louffl Mrhl II 1, tfle mfddtt ol Lbr lhltt ltbn,UW ~~ OM Ol lhe lntt"1,lln1 .l"\f»(tl O! lhll t al '"" tllrOffd ')"lttm ff. the unlt!U.11 ~ Of MOuflt lltnJ lrl tht IUl..uilr.u l1tt1,u111t '-'tHI 1, .Sr,ulbt:ilkr :Q31~ h t ~ - Wpn OIi 1111 ff OIi hrffl di~ ~ t \ tt,,.,,nwl~M ktfll brpr • •, taut.


wgni,rM1. ii ~IIIC'Q f\A. illCc:ordi"f, 0 11* 1;1,dl IUI, ht lln e1 .-, ll'6"'"' fulnn o/:n-e- 1o,t,eu,u11111s. Of /'>ells,.-,, "ktnn, IWtllom.-.n I 1111) US




Oi.igr.1m ot !ht .a co en 1101tiirK t«ad.1 14 111 rl.1.nw1r-wut1hecoffl10t.all"""'-1>,l- ( , o j - c,,i ........ C , ; j - ( 1




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Cl> _...&.IJllPXis is also c,lled 8rohmS-llne (tshangs thig). a term that according to Tucci o1mounts to spin al column (b,ohmadav4a).~ Tucci further recognizes In the trinity t0f sun. moon. and flame frequentty crown· ing the Tibetan stOpa a suggestion of the three main cha.noels in the human body." one more 1ndlc.atlon that there :are correlations between the stOpo ilnd the human body - or rather the body of the Buddha."' In a late Buddhist Javanese text, this leads to the ob-ser· vation: "The body of the Buddha. seen f1om without. is a stOpa." u The correspondence between Bud,dha body and sropo also becomes clear when one examines Tibetan scroll paintings. on the reverse of which there is sometimes a drawing of a stOpo that coincides w1th the main figure ponrayed on the front.

THE ST0PA'S STEPPED PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT Bud'.dhists are rarely con,sc-k>us of rhe symbolism of the stOpo di1A.LA: TH( COSMOS


Plate 1 Five-deity Mand•I• of Amoghapab Mog.,o (Jwl!'t, t>unht.ufl1'- H"s.u

1nl •nd ptgme-n ti on llll IO I JI. ~J .,, (.t04 \ 11107.'j cm) 't't

'°""'" ChitiJ, I





"4~h: dn Ml As1.1tk;ut1-Gt.11~ fr.1nce '-'Ul4'6 lffl10l'I OH M1.J1ffl tutlof\lU~ / M ltttOUt(t "y

Pho1og,,1ph c, R.nau• ARTJ]l7'0

T"'itt pamting wa, collected. with ,ts ode rut silk ITIOUnf lntlct. ti)' Ute fr,nc.t1 c;q,lor,r Paul Pclbot. df.lrmg hb 9'06 to''°'.,, ufon to OllN.. , the Thous.ind Bud ~ Cave (Qbnfodong f ) of Ounhu3ng. Ginsu hovlnct. Chln.1 Ounhw wa, , c;:enu-af Allan GHls town along m, 5..i:lr. Route .ind • major center for tr-1n1l.atk,n and tr.1n1mhMon ot luddhlst ·cits and .art, gu,, t1' t.hh nurtdJb ckdiuttd to Amogtu,.iu or tnfillible Lllso, ls a: hlur-,vmt'd form of the lod!'lfMttwa al Co UJon. Awalo\..! dYJt.1. A wr,,ey of will SWfttlngs at Dunhu..n; rr1'!'als :?Jat AmogN~ "'" acommonth«mc at·~ cmr.1ncc tot ecavn cvmtromtheurly ~ o f the rabttm oc:cup,1tlon Ca 111-loo ICQ. Thu"I h. k ""Pffltnc tNt onty one rcbted Tibttm rrwiuscript wn ltisc-135). Yap~ (671·7-4). and Atnosfuy.a,r.a C10s·n4 .and 1 'lUJhlt, lltcr form al n esoterk eoddhism brougt.t to tht Tlbmn

aro g the TibcUn occup.,tion Dunhuan& from 716 t.o &49 ' T h e ~ tnt. of lhb man&bb. t!lc f"'1' uusundcnt buddhn with AiJobhya at tbe center don noc cannpond to mancbb, al Ch&Mw notffk lud but t5 du.rxtmstac o' ..,bt' esotcri< BGddhism .l'l "Sttn 1n tbr C yosOffld,Jo (QIScng bo das poJ ranua •rbc Gilhymotrr.JJO lrnt..amng secret :aswmbly) :sa fundafflC1'1:t.11 ~ of btt1 lndUn esoteric Buddhism ffld a n ~ of ;:,.micubr urternt in T6btt Although It 11111, trJnsl:attd It the ffld the ttmh cmtury In Chm. t dd not .gab mucb poput.artty thot.. PractionC'l"S of the N CfflJ {l'Hy'U't£ nu) tt.adttlon of 1lltt1' .an Buddhism uxe thdr ordes·s origins. to t is nbft...a impcrbl r,nlod (71.h-1 ctnturyJ With !hi! tr.a Lian .an ,s.~bly affmty-two ~-ucrtul deiUH. wtnch J ~std on .a combt.n1tlon of lhc G&.lbyasamd/a and the Sarvntat.bdgotatcttvosmpgraha


ronrras. prrH:nts po4nf1 an ,ommon with rhis paanttng. fony of the dcucs rrutcbwi:.h th, ~.igurn

in tl'llt ffllnd2f1. wlt.f"I tllr v:c tlo c1 the r:rnttJJ d, ty and 9':k conson which i:!o 11ot rtst.mble thf tontempora:r:,, Nyingma tylttm' During th-c eiJbth i1nd tdnth centurta the emp1tt Included l.argc Chinese subJttt popul.a ons in He.ii ~rel, and offlcbl, p,arllclp,lted in the pluon..a,, of loul workshop-sand introduced .ind lncorpor.ucd nrw M>1.1rcr1 .and v1,u;a1 forms Into tht' l~I established traditions. sometimes resulting in hytn,d worki. l&JCh 11 thlt. one Jhrt.C' f'IC'W 1diom1 con11nue-d Ounbuang wcU .after Chint\c role ,e,umed ~nd lhlnrte vl, n1odes lcllssentd fhem1tlve1- One ,nteresting det.ail th.a.t h1n1.s. •t the pt>\\ible cthnit'. idc11t11y of 1he J1tl,t (o, at le.1st In the vhual model follo~cd 1n figural depiction) 1.s the figure at bo11 om 11ght !n green Chlnc,eo court 1Gbn ind tlJck ,ilk cap. This tthnic/cuJtural is a v~a:I conflrm.auon al this p,~c .11.1 m1•ture ot CJ\lncw ind n~rin 'Vt\llal roodn in both style and contciit In the ~r1kut.a,conte11t of Ounhu,1ng on the SJno·Tibtf.Jn hornier. Karl D('brtett riy


Pl•t• 3 Y~jr>4•k• c,knuJ!lv>r• M•nd•b Evolving from th• Eight Chamtl Grounds Ne:p,al



Drktemper Oft ~th Jl 1A 119 1i'l in.(Q.2 15-o i; cm ot Arr togen Flffld. .,,5 l ~ .133) lnup: C The Mftlapol,iUII lil\.!Sft.m of An

Tht ~pollUn M!

This amazin~ eJrty m.andJLJ from The Mttropofltan Museum of Art is of an ac,pt. 0'1J.I qwlity and sutr of p1e-se-vation_ Tht dcp;ctrd m.ndab i-s fully dt"tt:lop~ - tnclud·ng the procp of th.c: riivcwojra f ank.lng the door,: tn tM appropriate colors - a.nd richly a domed Early m.mdJbs, such J.'So this one. provtdt a unique view of rrund.ib d~tlopment befort llS rep estntallor, was unoni.zcd in Its ,~:..i.rtty n,·s CJtJmplc is p.i!t.ic.ul.irfy rrmaril:.Jblt for t.he brgt JS'5embly of l1ntric adepts octu:,ylng lht' tight chamd pounds of Ind al ound and outside the m.arnub proper but 1rrside an ~a by a va ra

chain Thr So,pvarodoyo . .an earl)' ri:ntru dtclic:a.trd to tht deity Cab asaryinra. dncribn a 11Und3l3 with tight cb:.a.mel grouflds in die middle of a wajta cage ('ta]rcpa ··oromad1tyr} and in the following 'ftts.(S they are sJfd to or c.rowdtdwlth )'ogtn,s .and s,ddhas_ • 1ndttd tbt vopa of the p:a·nucg likely repr~ts the wt,a cige dt'scribed rn lM ten.• &nd 1n the right charnel grounds 11-Umerous la.ntrtc .adepts itnpgrd

m tfif'trcrrt p?11ttfce1. tr~t.'tntf ,,,om~;inicd by t~ruorts, swownd ihc: etgflt r-w;,irdiam o1 ttic: d1rtttt0m eacll ~a.ttd ul"'der .au,, i\lthough the Sarpvarodaya p:-esaibes ,1 ffl·.armcd fOJl"'l1 of C.ak. ·.asarpva~ In the cc1uv thb m:ind31a. instead follown the de:scrii7tlon in ~dlianomd1t {SM no . .?SO). where the cenual deity fs c.allcd VJjt.!dik.a (rOo rie m kh.l· 'gro) and tttrukJ_ He I'S b.fue.. s i:·armtd. and t:nree:-hc.!ded fw th yeUow ~nd gr-rm skkhelds)_ ~ two ITU MmS cmbr.1ce hrs ipOUst' V.11r.av.irJ.N (rOo lje plug mo), while .also hold1ng.a l'Ojra .ind J btl? (ro/rahurµUramudtd): the tvro upper arms Mld a .,_uma:n skin behind 'irs b:Jck. lnd the re:rru· ning "Vra hold ,1 tridfflt .and .a skull mff finstca.d of the pres.enbed skull cup) 'v 3 'f°lvJ rJ!u follaws tlmil.1:, iconography and holds a cup :as prtterlbed and J. l:low and JITOW of human ski.11- Tbe coupfe sunds upon .a whtt( w1th sb. !po US occup ltd by foot· lr-rnc.d ~ai: r1. of which hotd..s a slin ti.and drum (damaruJ• .and btU (gha,na). With tht occptlon of v.cbangJng: two godd'uses. th~ .abo conform to dtr desa1puon In SM 250 The bottom ,,g.iste, is SC'l)lr.Ucd from fhe rest of the p.lntlng not onty b.Y tbt. '11!:jlo bu! atso- by Its b.1ckground color In the midd t of this strip ar, five goddessts 00 diffcr,nt cotoo with the orange P'rJJlilpinm t.i in the cenrcrper'orrning tht telch1ng :gmun: Jnd holdltli .J ros.ary and J book. 5he Is fbnktd by mt ~ K.c~kWI.;, 1nd th, wh·r, Cund~ ... ~nd on the cutsidt 1r, p1Xs1bl)I DtunJdJ,l. ;1 form of Green Tiri,• .and a speci.JI s·1;·armed form of v.uudhir.a. tht"we.alth g:oddt-ss. • In tact (hi:s bottom..most reg1sttr s tt10te compa•3bfe to a book CO'llt' Of manuscript 1llum1n3tJon thln to JR)' other type of p.ainung.. .although the:~ IS I\Ot enough WcmutJon to conclude dcc.1sl'1'tly The trJd .atmbution of this painting to about noo and Ncp.11" .ippeJrs to be bJ:sed on ;a comp..a:rison to• Nt:p.alest mJntJlCript dJltd 1071 at tht Calcuttl Asia Sockty (no. whidl alw fc..atures at ltast three af the god~~sn in e.uctly the same preu-nution."There •rit... hOtNncr, dec.'S.1ve .oJ ffttences in the dungb depktlans.'tk.ubrly the. tnns.p.arcnt flo.Jt ng to the sfdn of their bod-es and Ult rainbowcolored halos. In the bottom comers, a practitiooer on one side and two kneeling females on t~ other ar~ each sated In front of differmt types of ofte:rlngs :Jnd • ritu•I nund.J.I.J &th tM donors' drn"S a.nd r-epresentatlon of the- goddessc-s Ind.ur, tbe palnung's sout erT1 origin, most likdy Christlo,n l!Kl'Clfllts-


Plate 4

Surya Mandala

AtU buh!d to Ktt,1i'Ur'"'11. dlltd ••,,~ Op.a,que pl~nts .1!10 cold on lr•I 'l' ••111!'1 ('2••S3JC J

Zlllfflltffll» t.amily COlttetlOn

Photop.apf'I ~

"°"" 11,• • l .a,4ot HVC

Attributed by fn\Ctiptlon to the ~lnttr lo nklng the heJd ol tht cC'ntrJI Buddha_ ThtS is a VJriJnt 01 tile IOdhitJttva, of U'lc Fol"':unJ!t Aton v.hldl represents bodh1sattv1 t)pes more so :han ind,viduar ~ 1attv11. Al.sodtplc cd htrt 1, lhc y< w wisdom MJtijldn· type. holding a book on !it 11tpolo 'Iowa (blu, I y} th, gr«n va ro-typc hotcbng a wafro. •nd the blUt"--cutting Samanubhadra•typ, ..old I a sword a, "'-Is atT butt Th aud fwho1c IU ,, I t~.ttfy •Of Jewel Orlglni .1:nd hts 1,wd fJ.mily assoc1':ttd with wGt ,1nd KC ,d gfy wca de t e, ,1ppc,1:r wttb • :,t ts shown here with .1: poop ot we J bh..a JJ color, a t the five t.1:th.igaus, whic.::i ,n.altcs clar t .u tht cenual 8uddtu al th Among r.he ftw j.JmbluLH ON'J Ya !:3"anl! Jtna thcs J u *el g ,1 huv) t 1ft. (11., • 73 7 cn,J lutltn Mutt\lffl Df An

0001, I CHA.t llli4)

This nunthl.l

1$ the thlntentb in

IN&•• d'tS\'31.t .Jnd finally tlie nJked black fo.."'11l of 1ambhJb J WtJthful WC a Ith dt'ity. There arc a numbet ot diUtrrnt J.moghap.iSa M.lndala cont1gurations that still oht in the Newar and Buddhist traditions_ Thc1e .are also numerous. solitary forms. depictC'd with sb;, eight. or ten .arms. t'\at do not have eJatio,Jtt' m:indJbs or .accompany1nE,! rtt1nuc .gutt'S JdfWau Tibmn Ntne or this. nund'.1ll. Donyod il\Jf\ p.i 9\.1 M(.1· d._1,1 kllof S,11'1\ktlt scarc:t ~Jl. At70Anogh,,u~Ce.coocbshdl pauot lot flower and vie Nftntt Other 1p:n .arc .arnn~ around lht nundllJ a.t the db.crtUOn of the arttst or donor. N. the top .a.nd ~ am JI lhis compos on ¥t • , ou, CIC~ of :be cage s;;tdfic to this fonn o• Ahobhya fror.; top ldt) Buddha U1t.y1mun1 M.I uitt. and nt!ttn ~ and tibrUn schoLaa ~ tuc.hns. ~ lndw't tc.Khm come f "t. follow~ by lht Otha's WI the llnuge ,n monks arr dtpicted we~ on.n&c Kholar"s hitl. tn the b0ttom rts;h: come1 h e fetnJle deity of long r e Whitt '"Jr.i. n: Wl'> cwstomairy w..hcn m1t1nc 'Pl nt gs with m.a y f SU'" co 1)1.Ke I ong-tift deity a wnfth deity a d 2. prottctor deity a1ong tk bottom rq tcr ot the pant n1 to rtf ect the donor's dcWC tor 1oft1 ft. W!'a!th, and security The bJodhisa11v,11). AkJobhy~ pby, a lc.Jdlng role In all tour cbssific.ations of Taotric writings Kriya C.ary.1. Yog..1 and Anuttar.1yog.a, 1h11 m.1ndalJ belong\ to the first ol these: dass1flcations. Kriyl The Indian te.lchtt Atli.a {IJl;i-105,4) pop1,;ilarllcd thl, t)'ltcm of mediuition prlctice n Tibet Jtff Watt .1nct.all. J• bo ljt"I I\I&• Nd 'lhl\lP IN L!\A das'I A,tl 1,;ho, S..I\Sl!lf SOl,UU Ull1 ~,.,. iOf'lldl.4 mcv•ott, VK.,,... mo ON.,onra

Tibt1:.lft 11.aff'lf 0, his

(TOH 7,4J. Ngo: 0&.(J


~rt P

Plate 17

Mandala of Sarvavld Buddha Valrocana

Tibet.17th Ctl'ICU1)'

Grourid mine1.11 pigmffltton conor. ~ .o; .i, ,r, In 1119.1 '9.9cm) lubln t,,,11.1~ ot An CJ:001,...,&.J'l' (KAit Tr3,)

The Buddha \!air0l!nted in three d,H,rcnt

w.1ys: 1) as a pnncipal ch.aractrr in a number of Buddhist suuos. l) lS a common im,ige dcptclcd 1n painting and scutpturc. .1nd lJ as a med1tational Geil)' used 1n ritual p.racticn. Allot :h~t: havt. lhe s3mc common source 1n the Volrocana Surra Ht l.s. .also promint'nt as one of the thrtt mO\t unpottant buddll;n in Tantric Buddhism .aloflg with Alsobhya v,d Amitibba. These thJtt buddhas togctht1 make up tht organ· iting struI 1!W1111lo< h u>nd•I• of the Nine-deity TWo-nmM Hevajra

............Ritt ¢


lO 'll • 16 ~ .._fs2.1a 4l \rml 1.:lta ~ of An

CJOo~IHAl'SUJI Hnajr.1 (K~ rdo ljt) with one f.acc Ind rwo &rms ii tbt f!rit of the four prlnriplf forms of the dcty as dti. Outside: of r.hc: outct ci 1dc: ire four speti1ll1cd form, o1 Ht11aJ1.1· red Arnltlbh1 Hcv1j1 ,. gn:rn Amoghasiddhl Htvajn, white V•iri:,am Hcvajra, and ytllaw R,Hnnambh.ava HcwaJra. Thr..c four fo,ms arc found n th-c initiation ritual of Hc"a1ra. which is dncnbed In dr: •lght is an or.ange bodhlunv.a. l11(dy 10 be M.altrcy.a; a blue tlcrcc and green 1n the

rqisttr at the bottom of ll'lc comp01ilion 1ot1rUng at the lch arc nine goddtsst.s that h.lnctioo as ~p,cial lnt,mal yog:J prac :lcn rl'latlng 10 tht 1m1n of thC' pr:tctJt:lonen body unique to the Hevajra syst,:m lbc. rtm.alning threr 'lgurr, ar, 11.ack J.ambh1b, P1fl1.1r1n1th.a Mah.Jklla, and in Devi. with four :arrm and riding~ 'T'lule Tic painting bdonp ro rhc N&or br1nch of tht S.,t.y.1 tr.1d1tion ~ is typkJI o! the works of Jrt productd r' Ngo1 ( Moft.1,tcry tf'I rune Pre-.~,. ~ The dQwtngof tM figures and the dcuilir:d omafflfflutlon and p1n,m1nc. lndic1te that the p.i :. "'IC k most llkrty t.hc wort of a rkW:ar anist from th< K.athmandu Valley In rhc employ ol t.ip Motu,tff'Y

Jt!I Watt ":efufl UN ,A lMs ~..t, K,. !'dot US ,. liuC1 Qu Nit f)e lbd l:t2i ~JC pytl ~ aJ. qu"I dljl Ulor ~ IOCCIII


PON 4f'I. . . . .,,1


Pl•te 28



Nine-deity ~nd•I• of ~r Hev•J•~

lllnmotdi.a I Buddha V,1jr1dh.:u,1, l-lc Is followed b)' 01hcr ,t'.1ch,1s lncludlng NJiratmy.J. VirUpa, lu.nha (not to be confused with Kr1n.1i,,a. or K1Jn.1C,Hln ol ~ht Cakr.aU(f'IVJ rJ linca~c). D.imJrupl, AvadhLltipa. C.ayadh a1a. Orogmi Lot1..1w1. Seton Kun rig. ~h.1ngton C.hob,11, Sachcn Kung, Hyingpo, Sona1m Tscmo, Or,1gpa Cy1h sen, So1ly.1 Pandlt.:i. Cttogy.11 Ph.Jgp.1 Jl"lt' cotor of c.ach t11ure and the dothlng worn • impon.1nt in undcnt.1nding 1he ptofcsslon or CJStah.ya trad !tions. The Kanha system ;ilso depicts the 1ntt'rior o, the mandala d1lfcrently hom tht' special v-.rupa system. In this mandala onl)i H~ajra stands on the ctntral lotus. and each of the t:ight goddesses stands on ht:r own lotus.. In the Virupa system H('V;)jta stands 1n the ccntc1 of ,e lotus. and ttie eight goddesses c.ich stand on one of the eight prt.:ils. Tt'lc floor of the celest!J:I palace is di\·1dcd in!o four difft"rent colored sections - red, grttn blue, ,3nd yellow - ornately patt.tmcd with flor;el dtslgns with l light blue squa1e an the middle. On the rd rtr anda ,ou~idc o! the pal.1ce ~all!., barely disccmablc on each si.::!e ol the fourT"'Sh.ll)('.d doors, are Mo dancing godffises. si lllet:r'I in toul. Tt'lc outv it'd and white linc.1; forming a square enclosure reprc~nt the

styliztd decorltlve facade on the four sides of lht palace- roof, .1dorntd with upnght ~c.ars, :urows. Jnd The ellbot.ttt fintels ab~c. c.ach of tf)c four doors an! constructed of titted steps •..opped with a dharma wheel, two redm1ng dttr, and gold spires with a. silk canop:, ;ibove Surrounding the p.11Jcc. 1s a circle. of multicolored rect.angula1 pc.tals rrp.resc.nring the monnous 1o( JS upol'l which the entire p.allct suucture re1ts_ The. outer C'iKle. divided Into t:lghr secl.lons containing small r.,orc,s and objects, is the rtngof the eight chamel grounds_ The f!n.11 ring is composed of I.he mu1ticolored fires ot 1'11!.dom that rnvelopC' the enti1e He..-ajra Mand.11• z,nd the universL IJong t.hc. to? art the hneJ:ge tor this particular t1'1idilion of ~fi HevajrJ. according to the 1n..tagc of K.1nha Jeff Watt



Pint 31

lotus M•nd•I• of Hev•Jr• with the Eight Grut slddhas

two ndqas prcp;u ng thC'Hill of the Buddhi Tl1 s mo1if dc11vts from the multiplication miracl~ of Sravasu but Is also u"ltd ndcpend ntly In tht upper 1re.1 of I e stem the Buddha is n•presen.ttd at tht' seat of c l1ghtenmrnt Vajt1u~ .,,1mun Heb f ir,kcd b~ the bodhtS.lttvas Avalokl!c\van and M.a treya sated w,1 !'In one of the loops to cd by the lotus semi that dcvdops on both sidn along the m.a,n .ates two I wms hold ng the moon crncrnt and the S1Jn which tmphasltts re of ijcv.J y


Art Publisher

P~t• 32 H•v•Jr• Offering Visualization R>« ... """"' )4"". JDlft_(l1.1. ~cm) Gnu:ld ICollffJI plgmmb.. flM p f

OD am.on

ld!!D ,ofM 000ftds. ffld Stdtt St£\. LOttr dcM,n on [.l'lr: !dtislM ~Vmip~dJ:R b OWft a color On Lh-e right IS Sa._ya f..nd.u. .-r.::rillg rr.on.astic tobcs .ind a rrd por.dta b.a.l BdoUlf them. OIi CM ktt is NgoiCbcn s.a.r.ggyr fhtmtsog (164t-r105). T ~ Abba: of Ngor Uonastoy. .ca.nnig 'llOCLJStlC ro~ and a ted p-ar;dita tu: thr bp:,rrs fold.ed attS' tht c"'DWft • me ~.14 On lbt: right s MJOU'lff Lmu af s.imilJr .i;-;,(JnrKr w,mng a pronclta luL AJ r c right and c't :art the w:wo ma Sn:;a I.U:Mklb prottt'.or dcitirs.. Oft t:IM! ldt tS !dhma~.i I.Uhlk.lli .ippra. · ga.1, an lndbn s.igt To the right Mabl.k.ib:.

/di WG:t

Plue 33

Mandala of Thirtun-deity Vajrabhalrav•


Tllft "Q:11 tffllllfJ

:i:oaq ... a.t;nt143-5c:mt

, . , . MUSft!fll ., All

~ 1 ' ...0 ~ ,s,aqa

V•lllh.llrn.a t0c, ljf 1iP b)'td) ts OM al tht mos1 ..isually tomplo of AC U'!e: e1r.nt T.arttric Buddhist dr.t .. I... Cl1llill'I' -':It, -"I

,11....~~dfl)l.M .. ! I l l ' ~


andfiflcl.OI fllo.a.,-,o '"''"'al '11tArt1tAl,llft,} P1.mun1,, ,,~p...1\4-7'. P,1.,,4- II IIJ. ,1.. Lncy ,,.. 11'11N

, ~ rll m




nn p..1113?1"& rl,l Orfflt,,,..; e,. ~ "'"~ G!.-.: r.o tt-r


IJlt.. 1lltml ~ · - - - - fllllCII. JI fl ...:ml rl

., ,-.~~)~Ar:fl .,,,..,_,_ end •aet, Qir hO. n, fro. otJ.

* II*'-



"9i; ..,....:.. 1Uw-....., ~ ~ t o l b 8 ' 1 ! N i p : . ,_ p,llltru ~ . bdd , I . ~ ~ .. lloc4 - • lliJilfl"' ~ tJlc Dia k'tl tl-6 bollds _..-.g ~ dld ~ tlldtl fJnge .i.nd dullla. .-d tbf nJh

~co~-lmllot..-.,.at.arstffi.llFS .arc-of. •n'J ~ KMIISHPIY..... P"'OISlllll-odt...... .:11 uw ~ , ..- t.111, ,1.111d 11oi.s., '1k 111oe

••fMI ..... Ill llll 111111,n

MellftlffJIP-•••· f11*ll!_."l,""* ll>N• Kn7?Mlollc:-.-1,. • ,OUlld - Ou.............

...,.,.. Ill -




CIIIII_,. " - l ~ Ill t..">P ffiOfll;IIIIICN'I. for Oeplctl- . . W Altlll

.-1'111 poGP, 9l '*'-tvl. M'C C.-,t'C'" ;ii.411,nc:v ,.-: s,;. 6M> n (!ht 11.illklnf TJIJ. m,01 ti, ILC. ~. n,-e, aha m.i;U'

&ll}.•tllrUtcfan9w~1~p,tt-lMf'tC.......... 'or same t-,i,e, tJw 41t1111 •• " pa111tlflf. ii"



sr,tmc l""I'* •u•d H..,. c•11111M1 .rn ow""

Clt-.M tb.11 Ill.ff biolld I\ 1.llllill'IM'(I to b:lild lhe ot.,,e bly II ._..,.,MIU l!Ulllfltf "'°""11 lltlf. OIi tl'le #flot:) O! ldcln')lln, 11\t Alctl TA'lt, !l(C OIJOf.i:B lOOt ?";•J7. On llfuiu.s, flr),lft Don~JOlll. l!,Jc-S.I.

:tt11t11r,: 1hr "bruMt.ab ~. . 11171,.,114 ...waa ~Of ,HIN' ¥11Ull . .,11ctlll M lfl llfflionllOI: ,;ol'JI tm•ll lhff•IYIDOI.


~~;;;;;-;::;;:-::·""'· . . ,uc.~. . . . . . tfrilft-. afill:L_, .......,c..,


•!!eb.llnft'"'dllr~ll .... fldll . . . . .tl .. lff !.vi: · • . . . lrsllmd. . , ........... ~ .,..: ' ~ . . " " ... 1ft . . " " ' Mt - ~ I N t, uott""' llllll lflff NV luw'f. .Nrll~dtlefl;l,1,,,'-· Nin.M ......dlll-,folt~.U:.1&,Lucuim1.-l00 .. nM, w t ~ ~ Wffll,........111 flllr:&DAID., . . . kall t:. ~flGM 1111: '1 lfl11,. .... d4 ffl: 11J1. 111-,o Thnf ,11o-.np111., Q ~ m ti, ,one• d


r.-. .-..

·l!e~~~'"*•iOfl ,o fttma,toellwr~t1,111!'111r



a" 11'4~ iUfflftl, ••,1.1A.1n.1, II he p.Mlnu bid, -

l!>e\·, ~4!'rl111,...ifld&1 Y•a1n.,.-... oo.llOI ,,•,... J/Wj i book~.~ frpmantlf llfut O,t- u.....,1.11100 c:11....., ••1na1111111t1a1 ..,.,11 •1 snol



.,..h l>cf ,wJII h ~ W pttli)ltl'I\ the Sf"lllrCOf ~IIIQC

W'rt;il!J\ J~pur\ IO~ b,cl, .....!nul.t:, UI Qlll{fptltllpl nMCi

111c lnhar11, (fothitgo1• .ui,.Nac 0t v1111.iJn-,.!'~,n11yo· ,.....). llclWs "~uct !I! l"',....1,., 11111 ~or:," the &l"Q:u"'

Ill O:>t SOnatcth~IIIUtlWIIIITMl'o:11\a ('.ln), .,...,. 11111,1, co 1•11 ,~mll:, (Mdly 11\.tl!IJlffdw!!h 1hble. then th< nonh. •nd lin>lly the west.• repe.ating In e..ach pl.ace this oeremony of facing-togt,\. u g b.1nds d p,u ti w th J)fndants ot belk. lflelts.. t,1s,d1.. rl>Stttn.. WM .:,nd .OOni.. from ktlt..1• mJny vn.aC lotU\ I Qlll'fl1,,I 11! Ol)ffllllg. Tht b.isll!Oflk ' ~ •SCCM! td b)I I ~,,cf Of twlnH. 10 op,ulffl y o N1mit11ttd ki ,:1 lt.iffl, ~ml .11 double hiDd of purh

emanating from their feet in order 10 dispel hindrances. This is done with the motivation of compassion.

1 as a~~1: ~~~~ :~~@

:h~ !: rlf>a~


marting out t he, however. the monks st:and them for a shon time in the relevant places on the


table surface, to prepa re them fo r the ritual together w ith other substances: their arrangement fo rms a

Large flasks o r made of gold. silver. iron. crystal.

mandala in the process (Fig. 5.24). Beforehand, how-

hardwood. or clay (Fig. s.22) .11re used in the mandala ritual.u They serve ass-eats for the m andala deities. If

ever. the vajra master requests the deities to enter into the flasks:•• he tou ches his heart with one end of a

possible. each impo n ant deity has its own vase set on

five-colored cord. wtiile the other end is wound around

the border of the table after production of the mandala~ it is, how ever, possible to make do with fewer vases, for

a vajro that lies on a conch shell on top of the all·

instance one for each directior.. At a minimum, accord-

h ence K.ilacakra - uses the cord to send the deities

Ing to mKhas grub rJe, one must use two flasks. an

into the f1c11sks. which are visualized as empty. Aher·

victorious flask. In other words. the master - ;,ind

aU· victorious flask (vfjayakala.Sa) for the lnjtiations and

ward they w ill be carried around the table (Figs. 5-.24,

a wor1dng or ritual flask (kam,akalasa) with liquid for

5.25) and set out according to the deity each contains

sprinkling the mandala, the offerings. and the panicipants in the ritual.,... The flasks must be purified inside

(Fig. 5.23).

w ith incense and outside with mustard seed and saffron w ater, they must be filled with various ingredients~ and - like .1 deity - wrapped in brocade. A colored strip of

The conbles Ot,4. A~. HOt,4. HO~. HAI,!. K$At,4 - the

seed sytl>bles of me six Buddha families. each of whkh

is rel>ted to one of the six colaas (Apppendix Table 12). there >ppe•r six va/ra,jaklnls (fem>le sp>ce-w>lkers).

who symbolize deep awareness and clear .away both external and Internal hindrances. Internal hindrances include. above all the f;alse idea of a truly existing ·1"' and. conneaed with that. grasping at things. After this purification the yogin performs another significant visualizatio-n, whose structure cle.1rty conforms to that of the universe .and the mandala. The five me.a.ts and five fluids are cre.ated: In tmptintss ( t1rises from tM Sttd syllable YAM a black. bow--shaptd foundation of Air. jn both comm: of fthkh stands a bannn; Above crus arises from AA¥ a ure dist N'I Ult shape of o mangle; Tht seed syllabJe AJj rransforms Into a human head 111 each ot che three corntt"S ot rht t,re triangle; From rhe syt1able 0,¥ is form~ o s.kuJl~up. which rt:ru 1>11 t/!tthttt human uulk It ls whitt 01m,dt. llldllaun9 method. and ttd inside. rt"Pttstniin9 io\isdom; In t:he c~rer of tht skuB CM mtdir.aror imagines o Ttd locus tJowet ..,Jth tight Pt'[DIS. roch ont marltd with o sttd syllable: rwo furtha syllables appear ,n the centtt

of tht lotus. Thefivt seed syllobJes w,lh a shon. vowd transform into rhe varioust uldstnmarsj and ttpttsfflc 1M iwea99re9ares of ~hic.h rite yogln consists. The other frve. t1iilh lon9~1s. tach symbolizeaiindof meat. poruaytng the prorndonus hvedemtnts

The schematic repres,enution (Appendix Table 10) shows the mandala-style arrangement of the inner offering: in each direction a particular syllable and the deity emerging from it. •swell •s the bodily fluid •nd

aggreg.ate. or else the and element. related to this deity. The relationship between inner offering. person. and K.ilacak:r.a Mandala results hom the identity of the emanated deities with the female and maJe buddhas residing in the center of the mandala. The mediutor now lets light radiate from the HO~ syllable in his which sets in motion the air. the




found.1t1on of the whole vlsuaillzatlon. Bea use of this the fire flares. The ten substances (five elements and flvt •ggr•g•tts). ,s wtll •s a whit• va}ra that flo•ts down from .1bove and first touches the suMtances. melt- until finally the e,ntlrec:ontfflts of the skull cup resemble a white moon. Thil purlf!ol!on in1l(l~1n 9r ri~ns • later yoga practkt: s,Jntng the •Ir disk corresponds to che •bility of the yogfn to atuln control over the energy winds in his ch.1nnels. The energy winds thus rest.rained enable the deveAopment of Inner In the n.1vei caJ:ro: in tht lnntr offtring this he.. c•urtsponds to th• fl•ring up of the fire. The vojro that touches the substances .1nd dissolves Into them .also has its correspondence in the completion suge: rhere the Inner (grum mo). which rises In the central channel up to the crown. melts the white. male bodhfclrra drops. which then flow Into the navel cokra. ,us1 as In the Inner offering th• whit< vo}ra (whit< badhlclna drops) slides into the 1kull cup (n•vel cokro) Jnd dlles of ,~


m~ I Buddhas in th co aS"


dthapt.s 8uddh•s •nd the ten faktls. This unlflc•tlon on be performed with •n actu•I p•rtnmudra). with • merely visu· •lized one (/~onomudro). o, with the empty body of Viiv>mlt1 (mohomud,a). depending on whether the pr>etition



t'lcn If ffllll' twdft ..-id·uxfl.s -«il'MI M-1 Mffll ftukl lndlQtlll' fll tht zocll.K (• axt ol th: ecllpdc IIIWo r.dolll' .s«UOM). tllq an bill' MJtcd to lillll' pi.n, too.• iulg, ol dlic ~ tll lM ll!fll Gf tllf 10,dbt U! MIi UGH: ..,.. ~ I U • Gupu i,tc 11; 1ft. . WJJllUIII '91'J'. 1158.

•l'lloft OW~~-•

ta.. fJbdi: "5r. "



ICnmltKh. "46: U ff. Thcte k J dU,gnm ol ltw-l!pUMO il'f &edltt-Rlttffq»dil '9fz: fig. 10.. Aecor.cllng to - t ~ tlOl'I. thlll' tt*llfl' ot tlllll' ddty Jpf)lll'Jn to ,colndo:1111' with dWc «mnlDofffi(~,dlc ~wldt die -,1npcatq,

tilt ~dhdlcdomt(knmtlsclt~'l'ol.1,.. A'Vof 1, 1S,t. It k, ""-wt. qu,:nlolubllll' whlll'ltlff Oft xwally fl'ffn to thlll' 41111UUpUNM, "' Olis ,ppun co 1111' lbt on dw ground. ,t. It liJ; -.0 tNC tot TllaAecotdlng to l t d ~


Otlnl: lfojr,os,r 198o: ~ Etl 1111,.

JO See 1M ta~un dtpktlons of lM Wl!fft of Uf~ Stt .also flotbu • Tu111bull 1,:n:: U-%1, An.Id)' In AnckM lndb dw(OWflk ;DI$ cOIM lly




oUIJ: tlin '9Slt §l ff. 1, Stncdy•~ht to bill' fflill'tnl.lOtl 't enth M0111h' rthn to 1ht tM days oh~ tm1tunonth. l,g.• WU,ffllll 1!7': tlJG. AfOlM UCOlllll of ffllbr)'ot* Jnd f« 11lfwlDpm~nt k glwtl by Ohllr,09 (,,as: 10~ and I.lid

* " S H ( t : M ~ ~ .. " 5 - f i ~ * ' ~


t " - plus ~


,, 1.a,.,.,..cptto0~J~•...,~~--

llbci JIN • t:r::crt> rthN

Ull!' . . . . . .1

~ . . . . . , . ... , _ l l a k . . . : , d . 1 1 ~ ~ dle Ol«:etbl awetpe « - ~

flPU'f-•lt - lfflwol_...fitt~

SI WllkOtll • ~ redM;l •l'CP H mt+ I

...... ~~--...... w,t~·-·· ............ .. w,e,f


.....1 1 - .- - o 1 u s u , * * - lfflth-121 - -«1oudrt, . ., ~

. . , . ~ . . 11,. Sft ,. qo.. Ill,. .,..

\1 " ' - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - .....


. .a.e utl

-t11 ..- i .- Sffl5C!ol heulng. .:.t«dffl'lffit

\\ Lenlllfl a W.ayllWII f'1t itO'-t .,...llilf IHC ,tK, t: w.

-~~-...... -

•-...Uanf!ldlr~•••,....~ .... wii:lis .. .,ulii., di Ailiiii., ...iii aili

. . . . . .n . ~ . i . t l w p : l d f f $ ~ .

flt11-nch -~mtwyo-.C: , fhh -=:end - m - lb a 11111tle 1'*11 m-b - lb ,wlldplg founll ,n-i.. - klu, Ilk a b flflll -m.11 - fffUI Ike, .a 11n, b u - belllg J,lld ltlnpodle • Napim i,,o: 'tS: 'dlfJlf') IIIIII MOflth - ~(ol¥hual1bllltJ,clllhdanefll

b .. \) lh,arl, A«lll'dl"I to anoth,r ..urc, 0,,ffly"'II lfl~ >).1111 flyc


"'-"-ct-~ ~di,,:;o, g,:add,ma;

•pocM ti liepkln, C,,,O: 95 f.J(

Ac(or*ig lCI Klledfllb It ..~Ulllf l Wl)'ffl.111 tt11: 11'"'7) ,,.,, W1,m1r1 (It-,.:: tf,\). tl\t *J C*tl II ffl.... of it,, wt, of fin, dlfftnn tl)' ( Ollll'td tlwt1d1.10 lt!M II C!O"'flkrl l\

km.alt pa~tl 11w 1~1l.a,IU ~ l ! t .. 'il nies, colon: ll'f typ!QI for lllof 111111,u•H tudlUOII bllt


-.:•ba~asa:l'tii-. . solt _ _.. fd. MOFl* 'fts: II: SOpa . . .1¢ .,._

lllra4,_..a..t. . . . . . . .lM«-*(rl'llf 1lll4_. , . , . t1-t Mt' . . . ('9rM tfllf. lolCIIII tMti• C

J11* wind • Cl-4,)

Haga wind (3.7'




Fire cltmt.nt

Earth dffllmt

Earth elffllfflt

O,,.na1pjaya wind wind' 13-,l

~unprlDc.lpal ~1 1 ' . d r ~ .nt.iglfflfflU in the tlumaia t,ody (o, the pbct'l in .ttkh they nc...1nto me eol 4 ,nd die Stt.J , 111.abk .Md tlii!:!Wil .tm -.ftldl uffl MM ls !of\nM'?~ Thi ftiit IIU'fflbt.• lndiC, le!. 1M lflitl.auon whlcb die ll'ladh td(',Sthf dJ ~SKOftd ttfvs to 1k pout.iol'I cl thit Jek-,t'.iM wi ~ ln :tie Sf,Q'JfflCC r:I p1.1rt!ioUDl'IS.


Watu- elttnent


INEUdon-111 toufU' pbce)-



Mmul factors agg,iegate (LJ)

• urc ~ t " ~ lidoo. c.e tieatt~ • C"lt ~ ~ lt>elO.lhe Ile.: rdro:


Upwa.rd•moving wind (3.)) Alj

Fire cltmr.nt


Space dt.mtt1t Down~rd-flntying wind'{3.10)


Panding wind (3.S)



Dftp Awa.renns (Great Bliss) deme-nt

Tonoiwwind (µ) HA

Air dt.ment panying wind (3.t)

Ait t:ltment

Onodotto wind (3.6)

HA¥ Watt:r t:kmt:nt

I Al

Al Smds(s...)


s.... ollouch ts.,I

,.,,.. (s.'I

M Jed J HT)'lf .aff"'ll"'WftM! Ofltt)

dftp Milmle'SS

deep awarrn~s

l&,ut bliss)


, femalr 8uddtus


f'"wst Initiation

s«ond Initiation

m~, 8...sdh.n



SI• (or two) than.Mis•

Sb: senses

Six :action bcultiu

(ml>laq/Oi rtcdon

lower left

smse of smtll

mooth txulty

SWO.. ,

i, Cow flttp-Awarmas

ydlow VJiroca,u


•bbd. llri


Wheel f.,1nh elemtnt

Goddess toc,1nj embodyfnJ Mlrr0t·like Wisdom

(4) H~ In NJYtl Cakro'

(llludrop) jc:wtl f"11t r.ltmcnt

Lotus W.Jtff eitmfflt


Goddess M.irn.Jlti mtbodying Disaimin,1ting Wisdom

nnl>odying Wbdom ol(q..i_, (ol,IIIINnp)


(>) Alj in Jhro,t C.obo (Sprfl:S

ljJl. ltpt'n AS. Thurl'l\an, 1'9r. Mondolo - ffit Aft'.lllt«nltt rJ [tif,gbtl'IWttlt. Nttw Yod: - loston: A.Sil s«iety ~litrlts. Tibtll HOUU - Sl\am.bhaLa

lt'S.sff'lg. k"rdin.lsf'ld o .. .,3S:- Mot.lg(lh. Hlrttft. .Prits:w

11nd oamo,,M (~uon:goll.a: Sh~ds. ~ t s and DetnoM1, krtin - . t9,42: Yung-Ho-Kung. AtJ rcMogropbt of 11lt 1!4fMrst cotbtd1al Jtt Ptlrng. Wltb nous Ott tbt LomOiJt tnytJlologyond cuJt. Rtports from tht SCIMtlRc: (XS)tditle-tl to the North-westff"n Provlflctt of Chitl.i undtt the ludtrshlp of Ot swn Htdln. \llll, Ethnog1.11phy, 1. Stockhofm - , •"'4! "The Oghtt!rt wonhles CfO'Ssrng ttle St.11.· It\! Cot1ttfbu1rons to Cthl'lo,gt0pby. u11guiS1k:S Ol'ld HfStotyof ltflgAoll. Repons from die Sdtt1t.iflc ~ltiOn to tbe North-wtstffll Provine.ts of China undn the ludtnhlp of o, swn Htdln. Jubt JI, v111. Cthnogn,pby. ,. Stockholm - . 197': • MJscel.ane-ot1s Utn.list nota. 1.. N«es on me th~"""" dfettng." !Jt: c.tM1'0I ASialk JoutMl,. Ill, 51-71. 1,s&;: tepr. 1ft: Lou Tsu-k."Wi~ (ed.)! ASfdlt loilkw Gild SocJdl Ult MOIIOlpc,pll,s.

, ~ rtolft (. 1l00 to(.

,n,o.• 1ft: Holy

"°"""L '*1l"1b fll 1 ~ ~ ed, IOMl1 N. UNOlM. 7611. Ntw Yo,\: b.iblll MUltUffi of Art - . 2ooa: "'M.alldal&. kWffl. Jlltlttlofl utld lfdtv.. tllllg." ll'I LH-«.alhdl.Jeon&.f!N (ff~ 1t,,n • r.&os1tteff1W11 lfllf SCftoulofflffltffl ((sset'I;

Kuh:urstJfi1.1n.11u11, {jJ«L VIII.a NG&tl), ,,.,, LUU. Alben. lf!1: Ott GoWwiotl dtt dl"tl rOf')dtn ("Tl'lf goldtl'I Ut.111.11 e of tile th,te p.asoclM, .


M.abbtu. 1.w_ '911''4: ~ 51mboll, m o, Moun1 Mf:,1.1.· History ol tt11rc,1t1. vol .1.3 MKdCW1.1ld, All.ant. 19'2: lt Mo11dokl flu MQl1Ju!1lmQJokolpo. P-tl'il, A4rl4n•M.alsonntuve MKdooald, A.W. 11. AnntV~a.atl SU ht. 1,n: Htw01 A11. Warmin11tr Majupu,"'· T.Ch. I, ~pu.1,11: Hcpol. ThtLOlld of rntNofs. New Oellll M..lltktl. Ste,phen. "Tht 1m.agtr:, and tcono· gt.11phi< Dnodopmtnt of the IndU n ".antt.ary Deltln Uhl.I and Ktt1.1: S011tbAd101t StlidJe:t,

s.,. ,,,o:

Vol.,. ,-2:1. London

Martir\. 0.11n. 1,,..: Mo.ndolo (oSffl090II)'. Wltsb.adtn, H.llltJSSOWIU Mfl'Mt. SfbaJOtn. ljl.l: ·Lt monaitff't dt'l\-f.11:I. cit ltillwt.lon. • III! AtU M,.r. . Xlltl


\/Cl T.a:i.,ti -,7' - • Mu W.11)'1'1Uft,. ,,]1:ll'llbcs~.s ~ dlfflt.ok oltbit lllddbiU: TatlUl2S.• The ~gut/ hfk .,a. 2nd tdn ffitided! - ~ luddMs:t' Tl!Mtk S)stffl'l:I.. TQM. from l'l'IKtusgn,b-fjf-S tG}ud sdt ~ . , . pot f10f lfld

Mt)'ff, JetN.nd,. tfl,1. ,SO-.. lff•po. it Jyt,tlmf Mldf.col dbtt-. PMb MOXMlill. Wma&.l. .,ac.,-,•1 l ' I ~ flltd nbft4111 IUrdcfNsm. Wfflfflt OM («uitt11 '1Ktls lO dtit HNrt. t.OtMloft. Wlt6onl ,ut, MocSt. Hfl&l. '911: ·0e ~b.a. lldu_.._ ~ rud.tlN.• 1c: C'aol • LMdoftJ ~ V o l >

I ¢ f.l,..ul'ld ... piflbffiln. St:lilU,1,11\

u .,. (i!d~ lOOJ: Dir Gloty tJI. Sill: I.GOit' Art hottt

Moob,Jtt. . . . . . . . D.atnN. t'f11; • , • • W.0,. Alt. KklKI. ,........... I - . Yotl (Gt,.

. , . , . . . , l,)'$tllll C. ,-..1-4. OtlM

U..othe,. lob. 200&: HOiy .wodotss. l"Oftftlb '11

~~ .........

TOlllfdc ~ NewYort: ltlt.. .a.tllWUl'II of Nl to But.. ltbfflo, .,a,: JIit Dboi en 1ti Siilnt by

rt ~ a,..,~ .S.,.


. . . . 11M ntitl {""Lld.M.h Jf'ld Z.)Ml.x. UMJIU fl'IOMSCk ad D.hid L Sftdlg:row., 1". S~J. Hew~

MI'S Sh>.Qd:a. bfll

IOU.. c.usa,,, . , s o : ~ of th! luddhist

- • .,s,: flldo.1lbftall laddllika ltdi:!ll ludllkU: oM

stGp;a,.• Ill: D I J I ' .,a.G Som uod.3),o r.w.r« Set Tsudl .,7, SM0. Mietuid. -,,C HOlne tktS Olld lfttlllillhh Mtdlt• tbli i. Tffldoif ltaddflisa ~ ~ Sffll!s. Wit.

tllrfir nbttat Stil«fflOtS. lOfldoft,. Sl!rlnd.a, ~ Odofts Md fft l ...ok.) los:toa. Slumtlhab wllng.JOha.1"« Jw s«tt!d ...,.. . n ~ a i d ~ at .woo. .r.oldsa .. Msttnt 1ibft pNt Ul#tffltJI s)9bol o/ flKlttl . . . . . . . lOllidoft JjlJ. ....


~3'>. T- i o , . , , « ~ Sf*!tfdaW'dt


~ U f l ! . . MiUot


J Oli!wotW'). ZMdt

SichiMin. liJ&ffl,. .,s,; Glddt dtm t«os: tub the

Ulliwfflity el WktOMiD. audlsoe Jk#lp ~ o/libn:' Set bSod....,. ,gr>



s-l&ns• .ldrlao. i,11: "" . , - . .



- , -,R 1kMdf.lfl M4 Diclfflcl9d W«ld Mdinddhli i. ~ l vok. New Ddhl. Adilyl

Sdltlbftt.~ 1'S}:: "'();as W\JMdlgtbltl 111ft

~lilti~~Tm(lllll eitWf ~ : C 1 c h f f l ~ · 11cM11~ ~ *1: MSiaucs to, O r b d ~ a. kdft - . tJ54:. "'O;a.s t f f l ~ £ifl thmcbl!s &wit-tut" tflw, dn. YMJlits).. )f'd P;a,n(Mft





.... ........... A.Sil,. ... .,.. ...

Std.el. Oil!ttldl. "57- It t ttlriSdW> best OSt.o:sltM tlluddhisa An ol O:slffll StllltgXt

- . .,ra ~ dfflWfttS~ .. OS.t ldilo

hd..M.lidiSoa,. WkCoasilll

SMstterl> " 8 , : ~ i : : ; i.fl&Joldlit ~,......ooddlitlot!Wt-~

............ ,..,,, ..........

~ PlpU Sftfil!s. vet J,M. Ne. DdN

~todd«Zdl., . . olNeo Ulldeald. dff(Aos~Jlict..OWSdMUk,c~

Y>jQyop >od T.>IIUI< Zbffltong trom the ,oung IClladt.>b;a: PnalU TodllkML• 1n: Id Ullllg es

J.llr... MllJ.f Dbdldirc. C)dts « liMit, '*

Sp«ir&ci.l,rs: {ua,s.:. d w - ~ TlllllttO i. HMO, fJI dlit Dlillllll 1.-,. 1 ~lJS.- lthx:l, Snow

. . . J1os CWIUJIN cmd ,-.el GI.. A 1Jft!SUtt HOuSr « c..a.s. (rib.: CGAKttd WOtls. CHA. M. ,.,t. N«tOgJ'>f)lwd. no dae o, tfMSbton.•


-:ltt .... ~1!15 PMChffl Ot:rul tinipodlll!. ,no: 11'111! SUCl!S ol l'.hl! till! of> ueuk: IIIIIWtioL• Ill! CM J1llt WliC.t' al Tilft.M tdgbt ood C.utwt.. No. J.




htrOt. lUIIJW'(llllfll!. .,a« u S) t r eirtk ti, toUt.. ~ ~ w.. 1'1« '"SouK.l!s ol.-Wdoft .. Tibl!uA CMOM ti ku.O.&U)~• w.: 1ibftol Stlfd.

irS i. ...... fJ/ HuJ!t ~ ed.Mieh.adMs & Aung SU SW K)i. fflffliftStff Pffi1. Wlllldtd.. JJ8I: ,:)ii! MUOnOmit im IOboknbgtl,uuntn.• IIC N. IJrl!bxh & t. L





- C!t .>l.1'1): ~ ~ lkNga'COl«doa

l wok. Tetyo. KocbMhl

- C!t ..... 1"I:: Jlllt Hgol ~ " ' libtt. liJtilg:S o/

tw ........ OdlirS..IHodwaCodirucnA.m&

.....,...... .,......._.. IJ'5~ .................... -.IJ'5:~ CONlll. lnJtO.• 1111::


- . t,as:tltit ~ ldtlL llttel-*iltbl,. tw Stagtal. HY, S.0.- liOft TilrlllrlllM,. loben .u_(ul,fts..) 1'17- Set JC>kMlg


- . ~ -,,e: nw 1itlffil9 li::iol a1 t1M ~ 1tt +rs:r Ycd., l>ftlH'l loots


Dto:t. tbmt-

t gildlrl!ktwttll.~

TUI'\& N)Oft Ktflil~ · l ~ ) ' O l ' I Ht--fu-l.a), 1'11:

rtwUltolMtttt,- IN r,MWCo,. Tr)M.. Nlbftdl

,.ffl '1M. l"IW

l"rlMM CommlltH.. ....... " ~

Ts.oftC~ '9k 1k Yop (II

Clwr (lpttsJdolt ,J s«fld MonrlC I Md J. ll'Kl'Od. "1 H.H.

TtNlaGf~XN Olbll.liil'l'l.l. tr:aM. Ned.., f,ftfr., HopUM.. Loftidolft.,..,. • UIIMt. T.wd.a. SMilkN.1']4

1" 5"41 ...., . 70IICr4

WJyman. Mb, -,Sj: -studies 11'1 Yai&N .and Mll!:a.• Ill! ,IOcmOf. Y-ol. J. rht H.agut - , 1'7t "'C.oMtlbudon, Oft tht syfl'lbolisra tJI. the m..,..


d-.Jb p:ttv:e • in: tndits dbltalltsMMna .1o .,..,tdit ....... Labt.hds

- , 1'7J! 111,,tluddflig: TMU-C!S.l¥:fMMdo-~


ff«t.lfffia HfwYort.. 5.M'lud WtiS«• .wid

- , 1'74!1M ..ual lift Tliflltle ~ o l t M•&sd-

Sdtru,10..,..... ·-~..... llw"""'7MJ .....kteldl< ......... W1U1 i,p«W,tltroltct t• dat __,,.

pi) f I I) ollkMI« dl:tfld..frllll.hOMtM .,_._ .,. MM! HouCf'llOf'I lr04ttc:\. &.ond-. tldtt • Co. "61.1~. "'9 (CM, tdll 'kf. r«p,.

........... .,.,. -..,ao:

T1lt ~ o l 11bd. Tr, trom the Ge,, aftd

lt»l#111)'Gfiol11f')' s.,~. t.ofldol\. •outlitdlt. Ktp11 ,Moll(~. ,ctn t'70) - • .,lh. StOpo. Art. AICIWttctomtl Ml Symboilk:M.

~t.a~lui Sa .. J47, Ntw OtllllAdltya l'fl-U~n (Ella. vt:rsklfl of .,.. nbtcJc'o, I, ltOme


-. t,llb: 1ht ltmpH'f o/ Wfltmt fflltt Of'ld tl'litlr onk· ck symbotl:sm. Titt ,n,o,,ostf'l'lts ol s,,u and IIC&11JCM1t. (d. Ch.and,~ ~.ll*"flltU:1 Ser..


R,.,~ 1fit~~: 1,·jr.c::·· tlldsg1:JIU V nct


posttf'leurs .a I.a domln.atlon tlbtc.a.lne.• tn: 1oumol AJH11H1u, :r": ,..,o'I dtr Kuijp, UOnMd. ;1:001: "On I.he rlhttnth

c:entu,y I.ho ,on1 dlol "byuns t,y It.a 1s1u1 tsef\ db.ana 'IY~ and ltt Import.a net tor Tibetan IPollOCM .and t1Mpo1a Hls:to,y: In: tobtrto \ltUU .1Nt T.ashl tw,1ln1 ftdi). uingw ,.._ As,«CS ol 'Jlbitron Hht.o,y. Sp1tn1- 51-7' dtt Wtt. Pl..a ind 1.olAs. 1m:A Ja.,af n.anpo.s. ilh'lllf --tll aCollt(CfiOII. Af'ICWtfJI



V.a~l'Kha: ltt U Vjlff ~ll. ·Qudltutt fffll.llb."lo:-.. Cllld lftuol SludiJ MJssioul.a. 2). lo.w - . 1'7b: ll!ihoduct:ioe to the s«.oM e!tiorl. hi:


- . ' C41fflfftf *Milfld" dftd Oiscffllill!J w•tot luddllikl«ilfl ond tbit Middlt W'itw. R'Cdt tftit llMH'iM dllttHno d T ~ Ntw Yod. Columbl.a llfllvenlty Pftss


·Rdl«:tlons on tbt tbtory of lofobudltr os o

mot'ldah • lllt Jctlcbudllr. lllStOfy ol'ld .sign,itk:Olltt of o lt.ddbist fflOflllfflfflt. ed. LUIS GotJ'ltl e1 .a,I_ letl:tl;ey

- . '912/IJ: ·TM hum.ain body as rnieroc:osm ill, lndi.a.. Grett (OSMclogy, .a,nd Sixtttn~n tUI)' lU..1ope.· 1n: Hfsto,ytJf Rdigion, VOi. u Wtbt,, Malt., .,u: GdtJmtndtt Aulsatt:t ZIJf wr91ons. so1.i0'°91t (·ccUtc1td rssays tJn tht SocitJI~ tJf atlJgicn"). TOblngtn Wtld1, P,nrlcb Bjaal.and. 2otJI: Cblne:st Arr. AGtl#dit ttJ MtJtlk ond Vlsuol hnogtr_y, TotytJ and Singapo1t:

lull.and Willion, Martin .and Manin Braut n (tch.,).1coo: Otf· tJtJ of nb«o11 & 11lit zu,rch PoJntitigJ tJf tM j(tJftS WtJrtbw~ ttJ Stt (Brts Slw MthOn Ba Oon Ld.Jn). IOstott.: wkdcm P\lb6c:ati011 YJMamoto, Tetsusbl, lj,0:. •uand.atas for wc:,,ld peact." tn: CM1""9· 1bit YOiet ol Tlbtro11 tdlgJorl oM wtb,rt, No.). Dh.a,amsala


Mi-ffC1 ~(H,t:loft.all:lft U•

pagn Prtss) 1,a1 sDt df( 111ulllol , - .....- 'f1W: a tac:1n It tdklOfl ol lM 111h (fflll.llY ~ . , Sit• Ool lyl ,,,_ pas p,tp.Nt.4 IIIICllff •1ntetl0fl ol CM p,.ITIIC. wno"41

. ,.......,.,.,_..,._ . . . . . .(p~--· .............. ,.,.,cy,,_"""" *

IMf*'XIOA oi 11h

,wu }am..,......

briw'l 4""'c po: Tru C.,..... IM Qjjllll. cw.t. ltd! liCwtt.. W lntttJtlont. of a CCIIKIIOfl

ot OM HMMl'fd Md rMrty Two Mo.Waln ol PW SIi sicy.a Pl 11.Nlltloa. {1UC. WD1'S)

f4&0t dltft Klitft 41,a' Nq po. lt,l: S4 k""f ..._. t)'f ............. #90f dlrft . . . ..


Nllllf,OlfR!Af ......... ~ ,.. ~ S.,.a ~ t •'l. Viul. Xl.lM't& YI SII\I JI Cul ('llbtU,11 Af1j I HJII Shull Zhll). Jalbtl Shi: n ~iw JI.I dlu ban ,he. lffi HIUlflC Mirt,p.1ft • CMn JNJIA. .,aJ: Ze "'fll dtyuettll

yu s.hWOtl. k ~ .,17 Mata Kt:ijl I. SicJur• Kohd, ,,.,: AJ'o-N UC:lhA:on ll•ltJ Sl'MlkyooffO 1t:Osmos1,1 f"AStJl'I COil'MloCY and Mandal.ais1. T°')io


a,au,en, M.arUn Ii R~and Stut-z. 1005: •o•ocltolt• MtJ"CltJlo: ftltllgtn tlMI h(f/Ji,tn ~/'lCWf, VtJIU1k.oodtmUSt\lffl dt, untrv11sl tJt luf1ch. DVD lt.aUotft, Mallin &,dlo Dal Pia.1005: T.htVJ,ruoJ MtJndtJto: J'1'lit JJkton loot ot 1M Otod. , irt 1. AnAch'tRlUlfl Gml>H, O'ID ltwtft. Martin a. cl.aldo Dal Pu. 1007- n11 v1,r1,10J Molldoto: nw JJbttan looi ot tM Otod, ,a,c J. AnAch'tfttt.Wft GmbH. O'ID 1t-aut11. Manin• ht« H.,s1'tf. zooL ~~Alo Aiklllct.:llo. CCll'l\9Mtff kstalt Jo.AA mwtfoft. Yolbfklillltltffl~ dltf Unl¥tt1'it:M ZW'kh.

... ... ... __,,__ 3--.. . .""" .......... ............... ... ........("""-~ D\'O

llo gte, dbll'lg ~ 'Jltn dtr,Jngs and ~ f f l lltlw1 dNft& po. lgyud Sdlt bll'II brus: Ton txp&aifliflg

cbt llgnilbKt. TttMiqtlt1.

* - G f•

c.ol«.tice of OM Hllndttd Md TWtty TilrO Ma• &bl cl t'illi! SIi slyJ pa TQdidoft.. OtNi: ~

._ .,,...,,,

.,.._.. ua1g 01..,., drwa-et: tTht Grut nbft:».

COion. DM!ift. 1"T. , . _ . . TM Souttl Odt ot ~ . . . , , SNlh Mount.11111 PnodunloM.

Ol&ftllocw.. »oo:: . . _ . . nw


OlgllMOpt Go.. U4. A