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Congressional c-roo\~ BoolTWGITATA76PCC

Deciphered: Tax all we can. Multiply by 160o/o. Add 10% for Congressional raises. Then - Spend more than we get in taxes and the additional 76% combined. (In this formula, the more the Congressmen spend the higher their pay raise.) When you are seeking proof of Congressional immaculate deceptions, look in Malice In Wonderland and in your newspapers for stories and information similar to what follows.

Some Immaculate Deceptions At Work The Deficit Reduction Plan of 1988 increased federal spending by $60 Billion dollars. The world has finally achieved perpetual commotion.


Malice Io Wonderland

At the same time our Congressmen were claiming that their deficit reduction plan of 1990 wot1ld save us over $40 billion dollars, they were planning to increase spendi11g over $100 billion. The 1991 10% luxury tax, designed to punish the rich and help the middle class, cost nearly I 00,000 working Americans their jobs, because the rich just stopped buying such luxt1ry items made in America. Who got punished? Despite the fact that there are no farms in Washington, D.C., Congress gave over a nullion dollars to an agricultural service there. Malice In Wonderland is ful l of immaculate deceptions. Watch for them as you read.

The ''We Want To Cut Spending'' Immaculate Deception Congress would like us to believe that they really want to stop spending. That's not true. When someone like William Bennett, as Education Secretary, tried to cut wasteful spending, he was undercut and overruled by Congress. When someone has enough courage to speak up about excessive spending he loses his ability to perform effectively in or with Congress. When Representative Common sense is the knack of seeing th ings as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.


In1maculate Deception

Harris Fawell of Illinois had the audacity to suggest that Congress not spend nearly $400,000 to remodel the House beauty parlor, he found funding for projects in his district eliminated. When Charles Heatherly, Director of the Small Business Administration, tried to eliminate wasteful progra1ns that just did11't work, Congress chastised hi1n. He should have been praised for his courage and economy. Congress deceives the public abot1t spending cuts with an artificial base-line budget concept. It works like this. Co11gress proposes massive increases in spending way above the increased spending they really intend, then in the public budget process they cut so1ne of the increased excess from their proposal. Congress wants us to believe they are really concerned abot1t the bt1dget, but nlany tin1es when they decide to spend money for things not in the budget they just add them as an off-budget item. It's still real money though!

The ''It's An Emergency'' Immaculate Deception. Co11gress set up the Emergency Appropriations process as another way they could get around their own budgets. Seems to make sense until you ask on what they It 1night he n1orc worthwhile if we stopped wringing our h:inds and st:irtcd ringing

our congrcssrncn.


l\ilalice In Wonderland

spend such emergency money. Let me give you a couple of examples. Nearly one million for a ferry boat. Three million for a Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Nearly six million for a Franklin Delano Roosevelt Me1norial. Let's hope vve don't have too 1nany of these kind of e1nergencies.

The ''We Found The Money Someplace Else '' Immaculate Deception. Another way Congress gets around its own budget regulations is to transfer money from one program to another or attach special projects to non-related legislation.

The ''Only The Rich Pay Capital Gains Taxes '' Immaculate Deception. The liberal politicians would have us believe that raising capital gains taxes only hits the rich and will lighten the burden on the average An1erican. The politicians that expound the value of a high capital gains tax know they are lying - or they are just plain ignorant. First of all, its not just the rich who pay capital gains. Over 70o/a of Anlericans who have capital gains have modest incomes. A large percentage of these are senior citizens. Secondly, all Anlericans depend on a growing economy. Without a growing economy, millions of poor Your creed may be interesting but your deeds arc much 1nore convincing.


Immaculate Deception

and middle class earners will be without jobs. The higher the capital gains tax, the slower the economy will grow and the fewer jobs there will be available. The experiences of the past thirty years are proof. Jobs are quickly lost when the capital gains tax is raised and quickly return when it is lowered.

The ''Raising the Capital Gains Tax Will Add To The Government Coffers'' Immaculate Deception The idea that raising the Capital Gains Tax by a liberal Congress under the guise that it will add revenue is simply wrong - and they know it! The opposite really happens. Reducing the Capital Gains Tax actually increased revenue for the government. In 1981, when President Reagan forced the reduction of the Capital Gains Tax rate down to 20o/o, the liberals screamed unfair-bt1t the economy boomed! Millions of new jobs were created and the amount of Capital Gains Tax collected by the government nearly doubled in jt1st fot1r years. Then in 1986, Congress disturbed by the success of the Reagan economic recovery, enacted the Tax Reform Act which raised the capital gains rate to 33%. The result was a recession that quickly destroyed jobs and dan1aged millions of working Americans. When the capital gains rate is high, business growth is slowed because investors are much more relt1ctant to risk The sn1allcst good deed is better than the grandest intention.


Malice In Wonderland

their money on new ventures. It also increases the cost of goods and services because it adds to the cost of doing business. Isn't it strange that places like South Korea, Hong Kong,West Germany and Japan can compete so successfully against American companies. It's not just a matter of lower wages. The real culprit is the tax burden. Now here's the clincher. Nothing Congress has done sends so many American jobs out of America as a high Capital Gains Tax.

The ''Regulation Is Not A Tax'' Immaculate Deception. Congress, simply by requiring businesses to provide some employee benefit, gets businesses to cough up millions of dollars that have the illusion of not being taxes. The federal regulations for 1990 required about 60,000 pages. They tax anyone who has to read them, and that includes everyone in business. A new Occupational Safety and Health Care regulation will cost each dental patient about $25.00 per visit. That's the same as another $25.00 tax on every citizen that goes to a dentist. But it's not called or reported as a tax because if it was, Americans would be up in arms. According to The National Center For Public Policy Research, the cost of governmental agency regulation is The true object of education should be to train one to think clearly and act rightly.


Immaculate Deception

about $5,000 per year for every household in America. That's the same as a$5,000peryeartax. And you wonder why it's harder to make ends meet. The real effect of these burdensome regulations is thousands of business failures, which destroy the dreams and hard work of millions of Americans and eliminate millions of jobs and potential tax revenues as well. Why Do Our Congressmen Do These Things?

Becat1se the truth, real freedom and a free market economy are serious threats to their power and at1thority. When you take away a man's ability to provide for himself and his family, you take away his independence. When people have to depend on government, they have to bow to it and bend under its oppression. The incredible paradox is that our Congressn1en do this under the delusion of helping everyone to have a better life.

Why Does The Charade Play On? It is a sin1ple thing to understand. Too many of our political, social, educational a11d media leaders have vested interests in keeping up the charade. To correct the situation several things mt1st happen. First, they have to admit they are, and have been, wrong. (That simply isn't going to happen.) Second, they have to be replaced in their positions of power before the proper message can get out to the public. Third, our children have been so Failure is not the worst thing in the world. The very worst is not to try.


Malice In Wonderland

brain-washed in false socio-economics by our schools that it will take some time for their false education to be reversed. These leaders want all of us to believe that capitalism has produced an America m otivated solely by greed. They try to build themselves up as caring people by tearing capitalism down. It won't work any longer. The deceptive messages of communisn1 and socialism are too loud and too clear. Americans boughtTheNew Politics lock, stock, ancl peril. That's beginning to change now because of what has happened in the rest of the world and because we are beginning to recognize that "Liberty lias never comefrom tl1e government" (Woodrow Wilson). We're beginning to understand that equality cannot come from government. There is a New Politics about in the land whose goals is not just to make us equal, but also to deceive us into believing that forced equality is a virtue!

\.Ve n1akc ou r future by the best use of the present.


Immaculate Deception

Here are some realities of life in America The True Deceivers don't want you to know. There are no guarantees, but there are unlinlited possibilities for everyone in a capitalistic society. In America here's how you can deal effectively with life: Get a drean1. Then be willing to sacrifice every thing you now have for your dream. Do something every single day to 1nake yourself a better, more capable person. Work hard, at n1inimum wage if necessary, until you work yourself up. Don't cry about your problems. Do something about them. Gain all the knowledge and experience you can. Don't depend on your government to help you. Focus on your dream. Don't make excuses!

We learn some things fro1n prosperity, but 'vc learn n1any n1ore fron1 adversity.


Immaculate Deception

Greedy businessmen are a

threat to equality.

Malice In Wonderland, Profl'lotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

The Ne"' Politics

Ideals based on ideas that won't work. An Edifice Wrecks Complex

Immaculate Deception '/

Equality is the ntandate of

The Declaration Of

Independence and the Constitution. Malice In Wonderland, ProMotion P ublishing, San Diego, CA

In the world of The New Politics, Congress is no longer the finest body of men that money can buy.

The New Politics, which is feverishly at work right now, l1as new ambitions for America and a new philosophy to guide it. It is dangerous to our society and ot1r freedom because it is a perversion of nearly all that America has stood for. Much of our present social, economic and political crises come directly from this tragic philosophy which is a heresy to the intent of our founding fathers.

The New Politics Defined The New Politics is a Declaration of Dependence for the Residents of The United States of America. Its goal is to make all men equal by reducing standards, eliminating con1petition, substantially re-distributing wealth and making all things "fair" - but its function will be to destroy the uniqueness and blessing that is America. \Vc'vc now switched from the New Deal, Fair Deal, and Square Deal to the Ordeal.

Malice In Wonderland

Walter Lippmann exposed the tone being set by The New Politics very early oninthe30's when he pointed out that they believed that, " ... there are no limits to mans capacity to govern other men, and therefore no limitation ought to be imposed on government." Today there is

nothing we do, eat, wear or consider that the government doesn't regt1late, tax, control, prescribe or proscribe. This, though opposite to the essence of America, has become a g11idi11g light for far too many of our Congressn1en. It is as if the liberal politicians have never read history wl1ich so clearly demonstrates that every time ma.n is given power over other men, abuse quickly takes root and is soon follov,1ed by corruption and oppression. This philosophy leads inevitably to the belief that government can and should solve every social and economic problem and that the only solution to most problems is money. To make this philosophy work, Congress establishes governmental agencies, fills them with bureaucrats and provides them with over a trillion dollars a year - which approaches having unlimited funds. Under The New Politics, opportunities and rewards fron1 businesses, organizations and government are based on statistics i11stead of inerit- all organizations are to have 43o/o white, 18o/o black, 12% Spanish, 7% Asian, 3% Indian and 50% women, regardless of ability or availability. All government institutions are to "look like America." "The best for the job" is not to be considered first, if at all. Socialism is communism without the firing squad.


The New Politics

In The New Politics, statistics rule. The e1nployees, the management and the trainees must be right with our national social demographic makeup. "The Group" has replaced the individual in the work place, the voting place, the market place and in the first place. The rugged, competitive individual has lost his place of respect and honor. The proper individual now works for the good of the group first and everyone in The New Politics is to work for, or be sustained by, the collective good of all. Sound familiar? The New Politics is dangerous to the survival of America because its goals, philosophy and methods, couched in terms that make it appear wholesome and caring, are in reality completely deceiving. It's a powerful political deception which claims that government regulations and programs are the best way to help the middle-class, the poor and the minorities, but its foundation is centralized government control and unadulterated socialism.

Goals Justified Through MYTHunderstanding The leaders of The New Politics justify their ambitions by extracting six words out of context from The Declaration of Independence ". . . that all 1nen are created equal ... , " but they fail to understand the meaning of those words. Also, for them, being "created equal" is not good enough. They believe that wherever Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's chnracteJ" gil'C him power.


Malice In Wonderland

"created equality" hasn't kept men equal, "created

equality" must be helped. The only way it can be helped is by an all knowing, all just, all controlling government led by a self-serving Congress. The fundamental flaw in the political philosophy of The New Politics lies in the misunderstanding of The Declaration of Independence phrase, " ... that all men are c·reated equal .... "

Since the phrase includes the words "all men," the concept is not peculiar just to Americans. Obviously "all men" has to include men of past, present and future times and those born outside America. I am convinced that we can all agree that neither The Declaration of Independence, nor The Constitt1tion, nor Congress, nor any other branch of governme11t created man. And it is abundantly clear that the writers of The Declaration of Independence saw the Creator as existing before America. Therefore, the concept "created equal" is above, beyond and before America. Can we then also agree that no government has the ability to create men equal? If a government can't create men, it can't create them equal. Men are not created equal physically or with equal brain-power. Some men are short, some tall, some handsome, some ugly, some smart and some not so smart. How could a government change those things? It can't. This is so obvious that "crecited equal" must refer to something There arc two ways of 1necling difficulties: alter the difficulties, or alter yourself to rncct thcn1.


The New Politics

else. Doesn't it then become ridiculous for a government to consider created equality as a part of its responsibility? It follows logically that a government can not be responsible for doing something it can not possibly do.

Let Us Make Men Equal Now here's the problem. The New Politics has proclaimed in words, actions, legislation and deeds that it has taken on that responsibility anyway. Since "they" cannot create equality "they" have decided to make men equal. But don't forget, the writers of The Declaration of Independence did not write, " ... that all men are to be made equal .... "They didn't say that precisely because they knew the difference between the words - create and make. The understanding of this point is very important because it is the foundation of, and self-justification for, The New Politics. Bear with me on this for a few short paragraphs. I promise that you will find it interesting and fascinating. I need to spend son1e time here 011 this because the n1isunderstanding of the difference between these two words (create and 1nake) may well be the reason for many huge problems throughout n1uch of history.Not understanding the difference between these two words is the exact reason so many people do not accept the Bible. It's one of the reasons so many preachers teach in error. The difficulties of life. arc intended to make us better --not bitter.


Malice In Wonderland

To create something is to produce a thing from nothingness, but to make a thing is to prodt1ce a thing from something already in existence.

In a nlinute I ' 11 be able to show how this misunderstanding has changed American politics and now endangers our freedom. But frrst this illustration from the Scriptures will make the distinction clear and will demonstrate how it has affected the vvhole world for thousands of years. I have chosen to use an illustration from the Bible because no book has served more as the guide for living and leadership. That's as true today as it was a thousand years ago. It is an unmatched masterpiece that holds the key to understanding life more than any encyclopedia or collection of other books.

In Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, the very first sentence says, "Jn the begi1ining God created the heavens and the earth (emphasis added)." If we accept our definition of the word create this \Vould clearly 1nean, from nothingness God produced both the heavens and earth at the sai11e time, i.e., "In the beginning ... ! " Now isn't it ir1teresting that so many preachers and teachers want to make the beginning only about 6000 years ago. The Scriptures surely don ' t suggest that. But that assun1ption causes many empirically minded people to disbelieve the Scriptures right from the start. AccordI believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; possession, a d uty. -- John D. RockefeUcr (Jr.)


The New P olitics

ingly, if a person is to believe that the earth was created only 6000 years ago, he woulcl have to accept that the heavens were created at the sarne time. Yet, not even the most devout believer would suggest that the heavens were created only 6000 years ago. If we can agree that the Scriptures clearly s tate that both the heave11s and the earth were created at the san1e time, "In the beginning ... , "and we can agree that the heavens could not possibly have been created only 6000 years ago, then we have to agree that - without doing an ounce of damage to Scripture or science - the earth is much older than 111ost preachers have been suggesting. Now add to this conclusion the usual teaching that God took six days to create the earth. That appears to be a strange teaching because there is no suggestion in Genesis that this creation took six days. Yet for thousands of years, millions of preachers have believed and taught the six day creation concept. It is, however, very clear from the third verse of Genesis on, that God took six days to renovate a chaotic earth. An important and undeniable clue to this is the fact that the word used in Genesis to describe the bringing forth of man is the word 111.ade not the word, create. According to Scriptures the11 , God created the earth in the beginning and made some changes incl tiding adding man at some later time. With this t1nderstanding it then makes Under the storm and the cloud today, :ind toduy the hard peril and pain -tomorrow the stone shall be rolled away, for the sunshine shall follow the rain. -Joaqum Miller


Malice In Wonderland

both the scientific analysis and the Biblical story perfectly plausible because the earth can be millions of years old, while the history of man can be far less. Probably millions of people have rejected the Scriptures because of this simple, but critical misunderstanding between these two words. That same misunderstanding is now happening with the people who reject the original An1erican ideals and now side with The New Politics. They have made no distinction between the Declaration of Independence statement, created equal and their self-formulated command, make equal. "They" sin1ply believe that it is their responsibility, to make men equal. With this coffilnand and responsibility clearly in mind The New Politics sets out to redistribute wealth, provide housing and promote equality, even if it produces national mediocrity and requires taking away the just rewards from hard working, industrious Americans.

What ''Created Equal'' Really Means We can't leave this subject without examining what the founding fathers n1eant when they stated, " ... that all men are created equal .... " in The Declaration of Independence. If men aren't equal physically and mentally at birth, then just how are they equal at that time or ever? The truth becomes clear just by finishing the sentence. What does the whole sentence say? 1\-lost people who sit around waiting for their ship to come in often find it is a hard~hip.


The Ne\v Politics

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit ofHappiness. "

It clearly states that all men have a Creator; "... all men are endowed by their Creator . ... "The only plausibility is that they are speaking of God. The only other possible creator would be a mother and a father, but the authors didn't choose to say " ... endowed by their mother and theirfather with certain inalienable rights . ... "and certainly a mother and father would not be able to endow their children with inalienable rights so The Declaration of Independence could not be referring to them. It becomes obvious that our fou11ding fathers are clai1nir1g here that all men are created equal by a God who gave them certain inalienable rights at the same ti1ne. It is not even st1ggested that man or goverrune11t could create men equal, nor is it suggested that they have the responsibility or power to make them equal. If we want to know what our founding fathers really meant by the words created equal all we have to do is recognize to whom they were writing The Declaration of Independence - not for whom - but lQ whom. (Take the time to go rea.d the Declaration of Independence again and compare their list of grievances with what's going on In times of prosperity men ask too little of God. In tirncs of adversity, they ask too n1uch.


Malice In Wonderland

in America today.) At the time of its writing they were addressing their problems with Great Britain and her King, to "Royalty" who claimed to be born above the common man. So here's the truth. They were simply saying there is no divine royalty. No one is born more valuable in the eyes of God than anyone else. All men are created equal. All this had nothing to do with some mystical obligation to make or keep men equal. Now here's the big surprise, those same men who wrote this had one overriding fear, that government would destroy this eqitality of creation. In their words, "That whenever Clny Form of Govern.ment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of' the people to alter or to abolish it . .. (emphasis added)." The goal of our forefathers was never to establish equality - that was the natural condition of man, which they firmly believed was established by God. Their goal was FREEDOM. Freedom from kings and royalty, from oppressive governments and interfering bureaucrats, so that men could freely worship when and where they pleased and freely pursue their dreams. If you believe that such is now true in America you have to be completely blind.

What's Wrong With Equality? Through The New Politics we are losing our freedoms. It is beginning to destroy our free pursuit of life, The best way to move An1crka ahead is to get behind her. - John Perkins


The Ne\v Politics

liberty and happiness right here andrightnow inAn1erica. One of the main purposes of this book is to prove that this is true and that Congress is responsible. What's wrong with "equality" in The New Politics? It is a dangerous perversion of the foundation of individual freedom, of our traditional families and of our democratic form of government. From the beginni11g of man's attempt to organize, the consistent enemy of individt1al freedom has been government - sometimes by kings, sometimes by tyrants, sometimes by groups. Now, however, by our Congressme.n. That is why our forefathers n1ade it clear in The Declaration of Independence that the purpose of our particular form of government was to secure and protect these freedoms from governments and kings. The problem with The New Politics is that it ignores history and ht1man nature. Strangely, The New Politics has become strongest in America at a time that socialism has proven totally inept wherever it has been tried. The leadership of The New Politics doesn't seem to understand that for socialism to provide effectively for the needs and wants of all the people in a nation, everyone i11ust work at their appointed job to the best of their ability and be willing to accept equal rewards. In the philosophy of The New Politics there is the belief that every man and woman will do his or her part to the fullest of their ability even though their reward will be only the average An1bition in America is still rewarded -- with high taxes.


Malice In Wonderland

average is always mediocre. There remain no incentives to excel. An ounce of common sense will tell us that just isn't going to happen. Human nature just doesn't work that way. But then no one is going to accuse governments of understanding human nature, or using conllTion sense. Here's a bit of common sense and human nature I wrote just for this book to contrast with The New Politics: Sonie men work hard to keep their company stro1ig, others just pick up a check and go along. Some do their best and work with pride, while others just go along for the ride. Some do a lot more than their share, while others simply do not care. Some are always there on time, while others won't show if they have a dime. Some always strive to get ahecld, while others prefer their time in bed. Sonie people cari handle pain, but none contribute the same. Never in the history of An1crica have so few loused up so much for so many.


The New Politics

How Far Has Equality Gone? This idea of equality has gone so far that now it includes every member of your family. Our government is determined to make sure that kids have equality with their parents. Today children are told in our public schools that they should tell school officials if their parents spank them. Part of the agenda of the wife of our nation's President is to secure the rights of children to sue their parents. The goal? To niake children equal with parents. The New Politicos are succeeding. I am personally acquainted with a mother who was arrested, handcuffed and jailed for several days because her teenage daughter reported that her mother spanked her. That her mother spanked her is true. She even left a bruise mark. She did it because she caught her daughter involved in drugs. What's better, a bruise or an overdose? It doesn't matter - a parent can no longer make that decision. Parents no longer have the right to discipline their kids with a spank on the stern or stern words. Only a government bureaucrat knows the "proper" way to train and discipline a child. Today parents have few rights left when it comes to training their kids. Why? Because anyone who can be disciplined is not equal to the one disciplining. In Michigan a new highway was directed aro11nd a swamp to protect an insect at the cost of millions of America is always a la nd of promise in an election year.


Malice In Wonderland

dollars, but then went through the middle of a small town destroying every business and nearly every home in the community. The envirorunentalists, in cahoots with the government, will swat people as of the were a nuisance and treat insects as if they were sacred. The uncivilized response in Los Angeles by a mob of Riot Urbs to an unpopular verdict, jt1stified, in deed provoked, by a whored of politicians, was rewarded with 11uge government grants and dignified by a sympathetic n1edia. There cannot, must not be, justification for such behavior, especially in America. Yet, in the name of equality our Congressmen have taken the hard earned money from farmers in Potterville, Michigan, and given it to people in the LA riot areas. One angry mob burns down their community and the citizens in Potterville are required to pay to rebuild it. The recent LA riots were not the first burnings and are not likely to be the last. As we can see here, the actions of The New Politicos clearly demonstrate that they believe no one is responsible for their own actions and there should be no consequences for their behavior. Society is at fault for the LA riots, so all of society must pay. Those poor bewildered farmers in Michigan sure would like to know just what they did to cause the people in Southeast LA to burn down their own town. The party line is the reason why. Because the folks who did the burning and looting have not yet been made equal. The donkey and the elephant play important roles in American politics. The bull plays a major role too.


The New Politics

The New Equality Although forced equality is the focused goal of The New Politics, it has many other essential beliefs which should concern us. One of those is that our patriotism should be diminished. This fits perfectly into the concept of equality. The first goal is The New Equality for all Americans. The second is forced equality for all nations. Patriotism assumes that there's something special with your particular nation. Real equality between nations would then be diffict1lt to establish because there are strong feelings of patriotism in all nations. Obviously this idea of forced equality of nations is as ridiculous, as impossible and as destructive as the idea of the forced equality of men. We don't have to wonder why Congressmen do such incredible things. Recent history has clearly demonstrated that their primary goal is election and re-election and the way to election success is to court minority and special interest groups and give them what they want instead of doi11g what is best for the nation overall.

Freedom VS Socialism The advocates of Tl1e New Politics would have us believe that America11 freedom and capitalism are no better than the socialism of any other nation - many even argue that socialism is superior! It's scary that this hogwash is tat1ght in our high schools and touted on our It's easy to believe that any American boy can become a congressman when you observe some of them who have.


l\1alice In Wonderland

nightly news. Yet one simple question effectively destroys this contention. If America is not a better nation than all the rest, why is it that people from every nation in the world want so desperately to con1e to America? Even Canadians, which might surprise yot1, vvill flood to America when they can. Recently when our doors where opened up for additional Canadian immigration they lined up by the thousands for the opportunity. Take just one step into Mexico and you are immediately surrounded by poverty and hopelessness. Why? Are the Mexicans lazy, unintelligent bums? Not on your life. They are a fantastic people, with incredible talents, wonder-filled dreams and enormous ambition. Then what's wrong? The Mexicans are not free in the way that Americans are free. Like Mexico, America has a growing population of poor and homeless people too. Why? Because Americans are less free each day. We need to take a page from the new capitalism in Mexico. Their prior corrupt governments and socialism haven't worked and they are now returning critical industries to private control. They are now negotiating with the World from a growing position of financial strength . They correctly decided that their country was on a destructive path and have made great progress in only a few years. Free America going one way and Mexico going the opposite. Look out, America! As Satchel Paige said, "Don't look back! You might find something gaining on OU.,,

Do something. Either lead, foUow, or get out of the way!


The Ne'v Politics

Compared to any other nation, America is still the greatest nation in the world. No other nation is even a close second. The reason that America has become such an extraordinary nation is not because its citizens are equal, but because they are free. America is a great nation because it is a free nation. The reason that America is now being diminished is because its citizens are beginning to lose their freedom. Americans still have abundance because even the limited freedom re1naining in the marketplace is still a powerful enough force to prodt1ce quality products at affordable prices - in the face of massive imports. Without fail this will change as Congress increases taxes. The negative consequences of The New Politics on prices may shock you. While taxes have the effect of raising prices, competition has the effect of keeping them at their lowest possible point. What do you think the price of food and gas would be in this country if there was no cornpetition? Food and gas cost less (both in cash and as a percent of income) in America than in any other country of the world. There is just one reason for that- the freedom of farmers and businessmen to be competitive.

Success Must Be Punished Under The New Politics the harder you work and the more successft1l yot1 are, the more you're going to be penalized and pt111ished. The less you do and the more Half the work that is done in the world is to 1nake things appear what they arc not -- E R. Beadle


Malice In Wonderland

unsuccessful you are, the more you're going to be rewarded. It's a genius piece of reverse incentive at work and it is a guarantee of national mediocrity. The Nation's political establishment, including Congress, has also come to the erroneous conclusion that public pur1Jose and private interest are mutually exclusive. That idea couldn't be further from the truth. But because that's one of the basic beliefs of The New Politics, private interests are regulated, ruled, taxed and confiscated in the name of the general social good. Translated, that means we can't have equality if someone holds too much of a private interest in anything. Today there are still thousands of Americans with vast private holdings, but The New Politics is constantly fashioning ways keep more Americans from that kind of success. Congress is preparing a bill right now to confiscate tlp to 70% of your rightful inheritance through higher taxes. To the government it doesn't n1atter that the farm or business has been worked by generations of family n1embers. It is no longer considered theirs. As usual, The New Politics has it wrong. The foundational idea of public purpose ought to be the enhancement of private interest. To see this in perspective just remember, communism is epitomized by the complete lack of any private interests. It is in1possiblc for you to innuence others to live on a higher level than that on

which you live yourself.


The New Politics

According to the creed (greed) of The New Politics, rich people are the cause of poor people. Thus, for so1neone to become rich someone else has to become poor. In every successful and legitimate business venture the exact opposite is true. New and growing b11sinesses hat1l thousands of people tip the ladder with their sticcess. In The New Politics the way to eliminate the poor in America is to redistribute the wealth of successful entrepreneurs and investors. Well, they've been doing that now for years. Such programs as The War on Poverty have really been a war on the middle class and the rich. Although it has inflicted its greatest damage on the middle class, it has done nothing of any noticeable good for the poor. I've devoted all of Chapter Five to this Preying On The Poor. You see, as tough as it is for The New Politicos to accept, poor and rich are a condition of the mind, not of circumstance. No one has to stay at minimum wage. No one has to stay ignorant. No one has to stay in the ghetto. No one has to become a drt1g addict or a criminal. Those are all personal choices. I don't imply here that things aren't temporarily tough for many and much more difficult for some than for others. Of course they are. But poor circumstances and tough conditions should not serve as excuses, but as motivation. If ever a new Statue of Liberty is designed, it will quite likely he holding the bag instead of the torch.


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If you don't want to be poor in America, you have to do something every day to change your life. You have to learn and keep on learning. You have to work and keep on working. You have to stretch yourself and keep on stretcl1ing. You have to try new things and keep on trying. You have to be willing to fail and keep on failing. You have to be ready to get up and go back into battle every time you fail. How many of the millions of poor do these things every day? One person isn't poor because another is rich. A man is poor because he has accepted poverty as his life. If They Really Wanted To Help The Poor

The New Politics practice of taking fron1 the rich and the niiddle class and giving to the poor is a proven disaster tl1at is quickly becoming a tragedy. However the term is defined in wealth or earnings, 011ly the rich in America, and the investments of the niiddle class, can provide the capital and the resources for private er1terprise and job opportt1nities. The effect of the government taking from the rich to give to the poor is to take away from the poor their opportt1nity for a job. This practice is the single biggest cause of unemployn1ent which can devastate the n1iddle class and poor - it becomes a vicious circle. The more government takes fron1 the entrepreneurs, the less incentive they have to build new businesses and the fewer jobs and opporruniThose who arc rooting up the tree of liberty will certainly be crushed by its fall.


Here's a chronological look at one man who changed the world, though he came from abject poverty and had almost no formal education. He failed in business He was defeated for the state legislature He failed in business a second time His sweetheart died, which devastated him He had a nervous breakdown He was defeated for elector He was defeated for Congress He was defeated for Congress a second time He was defeated for the Senate He was defeated for Vice President He was defeated for the Senate a second time He was elected President of The United States of America He was Abraham Lincoln


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ties are available. With fewer jobs the niore unemployment there is and therefore the n1ore money the government needs to take from the producers. Just who is going to create the jobs in America? The government? The Poor? Of course not. Jobs are created by the rich and the middle-class entrepreneurs who t1se the n1011ey of the rich and the capital borrowed from the savings of inillions of others. The 1nedia consistently blan1es the homeless on greedy businessmen and insensitive white America. It never dawns on them that a large percentage of the homeless are u11willing to n1ake the effort and commitment to change themselves. You cannot tell a media man that any of the homeless are responsible for their own condition. Unless we become aware of our children being duped by such propaganda and unless we begin to do something abot1t it, what made America great will soon be lost. If the government really wanted to help the poor, they'd start with our kids. They'd help the111 1nost by giving back control of our schools to the parents and the communities. The parents and local school boards, if they really want things to change, will insist that their kids go to school every day, demand that they perform, reward effort and achievement, pass people only on rnerit, institl1te tough discipline, stop lowering standards to provide A political pl:1tfonn is what a candidate stands on until he takes his scat.


The Ne'v Politics

a false sense of success, punish bad behavior and poor performance and demonstrate that life is n1ade up of consequences - both good and bad - which are a result of individual behavior. In our schools, instead of sheltering the kids fro rn failure, we can teach them that failure has consequences, but itdoesn'thave to be devastati11g. Our schools have too often missed the opportunity to teach that failure is a powerful and positive learning tool, and an essential part of the process of moving out of poverty. In other words, let's cut out the psycho-baloney and the coddling and teach reading, math, real l1istory and the tough realities of life. Let's provide these basics which make up the firm foundation of education for life. All this basic education, i.e., discipline, hard work, competition, family values and fact-filled teaching directed by tough teachers, worked wonders just a few years ago right here in America. That old fashioned, archaic system produced for An1erica an abundance of the world's greatest leaders, inventors, scientists, states111en and, oh yes, Congress1nen. We'rejust trying to be too so1)histicated today. We're more concerned with being "fair" than being effective. We're so intent on making all men equal that in the process we're literally destroying millions of kids and their futures. Millions of parents listened to Dr. Spock for Jr we could use lhc money political candidates spend on their campaigns, we could cure a lot of the ills they complain about.


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years and destroyed their own kids. We've become so afraid of being tough we don't even dare to demand excellence. We have come to believe that equal mediocrity is better than competitive excellence. No wonder we're losing it. We have had nearly 200 years of proving that free men and tough education in a free-market economy can out produce the needs of the world. All we have to do is get back some good old-time tough teachers and leaders who still believe in those fundamentals, and who have the guts to be really progressive by going back to what history tells us truly works. Its kind of like going forward to the past. On the next page is a letter from a young man I had as a student while he was in a maximum security prison. He had spent several years in our present liberal, coddling, undisciplined, blame-society public school system and he ended up as so many others - in jail. Unlike his public school teachers, I demanded performance, required strict discipline and taught the basics. The results were outstanding. It has always worked! Who of us ever remembers our weak teachers, the ones who didn't challenge us to be our best - the best? Read the words of this man who hated authority, hated school, hated whites and hated life. You can usually detern1ine the caliber of a man by ascertaining the amount of opposition it takes to discourage hin1.


Dear Mr. Perkins; I'm writing this letter to thank you personally for all you have done for me and the inmates of Michigan Reformatory. Our appreciation surpasses v.1ords so there is nothing left bt1t to say thanks a millio11 ! Personally Mr. Perkins, you have helped n1e in so ma11y ways, that I could not repay you. So I won't try, but I'll try to help other people who have lost their way. Youhavehelped open my whole scope on life. Through faith, courage and love you gave me a foundation for a good (great) man Here's a poem I hope you'll like. Jolin came to this peculiar land not seeking fame but to help society's lame. He lit aflame in the brain, that demolislzed /Jain and JJUt in a new thing, I can't explain, but ! '1n certain lie's the bla1ne. He tauglit me a new game, how to conquer the brai11, and everything! And ~/·that's not the main thing then we' re both in the wrorig game.

Well, John it's been great in this mysterious land, but now it's time to get on with other plans. Sincerely, a believer, A.J.R.


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What Else! Let's look at what else has happened under The New Politics. Business taxes have climbed more than 600% since 1960. This alone should give you some idea why you have to pay so much more now for the things you need and want. Your Congressmen would have you believe inflation is the result of greedy businessmen. But businesses simply have no choice, every dollar they get taxed by the government has to be passed along to the consumer in price increases for the products and services they provide, or they'd soon go out of business. A friend tells me that the single most important thing he got out of his MBA is, "Make sure more money comes in. than goes out!" Also, there are frightening signs of economic class warfare all around us and it is being promoted by leaders who should know better- leaders who should be preaching about the basic American values that build hope and provide direction out of poverty. Instead, the leaders of The New Politics teach that the rich are the cause of the condition of the poor. These leaders shamefully put a wedge between the haves and the have-nots when they could be providing inspiration to work out of poverty. Being poor is a state of mind. Inspiration is the starting point in changing the poverty mentality. Political leaders who pound this wedge are being socially irresponsible. It's a good thing that politicians don't live up to their promises. If they did, the country would be ruined.


The New Politics

They do this either because they are ignorant, or more likely, to build themselves up as champions of the poor and middle-class - but it is just another lmniaculate Deception from the leader s of The New Politics.

What's Different About The New Politics? Throughout history the road to freedom and the course of history has been directed toward a decrease in the power of the rulers and governments and an increase in the power of the people. The New Politics is a change and a challenge to that long cherished historical trend. U nderThe New Politics, government is constantly gaining in power and authority and tl1e individual is losing in both. This trend is translated into a philosophy in which Congressmen no longer see the.m selves as servants of the people. That's why our Congressmen have had the unmitigated gall to raise their own pay (they might not qualify for wages which is money paid to an employee for work done) at times when the rest of us are struggling to survive. Their actions prove that they believe that taxpaying Americans owe them ahigh standard of living. This kind of behavior is a clear demonstration that they believe in inequality when it's applied to themselves and mere equality for the rest of the population, those that empower them with their ballots. Sounds a lot like the behavior of the socialists in The Soviet Union and Romania where The American taxpayers wouldn't object to free transportation for certain congressmen if they'd go where we wish they would.


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they at least tried to explain their behavior by calling it "first among equals." The leadership of The New Politics believes in a centrally planned economy because they believe politicians and bureaucrats know better how to spend our money than we do. They hold to this idea even though its been a proven disaster from one end of the world to the other. They want us to think their planning will be different, better, more i11telligently conceived. Anyone needs to read only a little to recognize the folly of that ideology. The Russians experimented with central planning for 70 years, as did the host of their partners, including Castro's Cuba. Look where they are today. If we let The New Politics rule for long we'll be in the same conditio11 soon. The New Politics has led to a government by spending and politics through dollars. Here are a few examples to ponder. Your Congressmen voted to spend $60,000 to improve gourmet salads, $6,000,000 dollars for a ski lift in Idaho, and $13 nlillion for a private dam in South Carolina. A list like this could fill a book. (Actually there are several great books on the market that are filled with the disgraceful specifics.) This all comes from your hard earned money which has been confiscated from you by taxation. Why does Congress feel free to do these things? Keep reading. It may surprise you. Politics is too in1portant to be left to the politicians.


The New Politics

The New Politics is dangerous because both its moral and practical judgements are suspect. We have already seen how literally thousands of welfare programs have destroyed rather than helped the very people they claim to help. These programs were sold to us as practical solutions to a huge set of social problems but instead of helping, they have actually added to the problems. After spending billions, there are now more poor people, more homeless people than ever, and less opportunity for them. It should be obvious, but it appears hidden, that government, no matter how n1uch it spends, cannot cure social ills and poverty. The answer, and solution the government of The New Politics always misses, is that only business can provide enough legitimate opportunities to make an in1pact and that every individual MUST accept personal responsibility for his own conditio11. They must put on responsibility as a police officer puts on his bullet-proof vest. The so called "practical judgement" of The New Politics has simply been an unmitigated disaster. Many of the low cost housing projects have become billion dollar boondoggles that quickly turned into human jungles that have had to be completely demolished. Our tax dollars, and our Congressmen and bureaucrats at work! So now what's The New Politicos' solution? Spend billions more continuing what hasn't worked and add billions more for new programs that have as little chance of success as the Americans have come to learn that it"s easier to vote for something they want than to work for it.


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rest. Sounds like more of the same discredited practical judgement to me.

Basic Changes Beliefs about the basics have changed. James Fenimore Cooper wrote, "Individuality is the ai1n of.political liberty. " And Thoreau said, " ... there will never be a really .free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and irideperzdent power, from which all its power and authority i-vas derived, and treats him accordingly."

That is certainly not how most Congressmen appear to feel today. The original idea \Vas that Congressmen and government employees were servants of the people. Today most often we must get permission from the state before we can do anything. Who 's serving w horn? W hat should concern us is that too many citizens are accepting this circumstance as proper. The idea that the appropriate role of the state is to control the activities of the individual is beconling a wide spread belief that should scare us. The lirnited government that our founders accepted but mistrusted, has become an unlimited government they would rr you lie to people to get their 111oncy, that's fraud. votes, that's politics.


If you lie to thcn1 to get their

The Ne\v Politics

now despise. Our government has taken on a life of its own with its own rights and privileges which have little or no checks and are way out of balance. The philosophy of The New Politics is based on a belief that freedom is a privilege granted by a government to the people. In America the original idea was that freedom is an inalienable right of the people and the reason for government was to protect and preserve that freedom. To check your currentfreedo1n quotient just ask yourself, what you can do today without government interference? How far has your freedom quotient dropped in recent years? The New Politics has never had faith in individua.lism, which is the cornerstone of the philosophy that the early Americans used to build this country. It has no confidence in the ability of the individual to take care of himself in any aspect of life. Caveat emptor is being driven out of the 1narket place. The common litany today is that no one is any longer responsible for his own actions, decisions or mistakes. The affect of all this has been to create a weak and ignorant people. Individuals grow best when they make mistakes and have to pay the conseqt1ences. Toughness comes mostly through adversity. The New Politics has taken on the role of mother, father and counselor, so you won't make a mistake; and protector so you won't have to deal with, or work your way out of, adversity. The leaders of The New Politics want the It's time for both political parties to co111c to the aid of their country.


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people to be weak so that they have to depend on the government. The New Politicos have decided it is their responsibility to eliminate all risk from yot1r life. One of the results of such thinking is a staggering federal, state and local bureaucracy of 11early twenty million people, not producing anything of value, just looking out for your well being. Why? Because you aren't thought capable of doing it yourself.

How Did It Happen? From where have these political believers in socialism come? Our universities are full of professors who are pure Marxists. They are often the professors in the schools that teach and train our Congressmen. It is easy, and just smacks of the right thing, to teach history as a struggle between classes because you can appeal to everyone that isn't in the ruling class. For that matter, you can concoct scenarios about anyone or anything in the "other class." They dabble in dialectics, not because there's any real value in Marxism, but because it sets them apart from the society in which they live and teach. They'll condemn capitalism, but readily take their pay checks to the bank. The problem with all this is that it destroys the thinking of too many of our students, who become government employees, political leaders and teachers. This nation couldn't move toward socialism if its Congressional leaders didn't believe in it. One way to reduce taxes is to hold elections every year because there never seem to be tax increases in an election year.


The New Politics

How did The New Politics come about? Our present leaders too often misunderstand the basic difference between the Magna Carta in which King John granted some power to the people, and the Constitution in which the people granted some power to the government. Our leaders in their confusion seem to think that The Constitution is their Magna Carta which gives them the power to grant some rights to the people. Not so. We citizens possess these inalienable rights - only some of which we have granted to the government.

A Defective Political Farce Just how effective have these socialist programs been? We've spent untold billions of dollars and I'd be willing to bet there isn't a single case of a welfare program producing a private sector job for 011e of its partakers at a cost of less than a million dollars per job. The real effect of our present sixty year old welfare S)1stem has been to: •

destroy the economic 1nobility of several generations of people,

create a permanent lower class,

substantially increase the animosity between the hard working people who have to pay for it all and the people on welfare, who, if treated

Now we know why they call politics the 1nost pro1nising of all careers.


Malice In Wonderland

with tough-love and common sense would be come producers and contributors to society, • cause our standard of living to go down, • and all but kill the American dream for millions. What most of their programs have really done is provide a carefree life-sty le for millions who aren't asked or required to make any effort to become productive citizens, witl1 generation after generation of families living permane11tly on the dole. We have become a dolenation. This new socialism is best expressed by a homeless man who saw another man sweating hard as he carried bricks at a construction site, "Oh! There, but for the grace of.government go I." The stupidity of some of these programs is beyond our ability to stomach. In many cases more free benefits are given to illegal aliens than to American citizens. By the thousands, pregnant illegal Mexicans cross the border and get free delivery for their babies in the hospitals and clinics that you and I pay for. It might not be so crazy if that didn't also automatically make those babies citizens of these United States of America, entitled to automatic citizenship and the full range of welfare benefits. It might not seem so bad if you could go to the same hospital and have your baby delivered free. This just doesn't make any sense. Yet it is our elected Congressmen and their buPoliticians are difficult to figure out. You can never tell whether they are smart n1en bluffing or imbeciles who mean it.


The Ne\v Politics

reaucratic cronies who con1e up with these stupid, costly equality group incited programs that produce new voters. Under The New Politics our government has become the Nation's biggest employer. The dangerous implication of this is that no politician can seriously campaign to reduce the size of govemn1entand hope to win re-election - because these en1ployees vote. What government employee, or any person who depends on Congress for his job, even indirectly, would vote for a candidate who might eliminate such jobs? Especially when they see the Congressmen building their own perks and holding themselves outside so many of the laws they pass. Don't let the words of the present administration fool you about reducing the size of government and it enormous debt. It won't happen! They can't add a fraction of the programs they've promised and reduce the size of government. Another result of all this is that we pay about double for nearly everything we buy because of the cost of government. If we could take out the cost of governn1ent from our goods and services, most Americans could Ii ve comfortably on about $20,000 per year. They would be able to afford hundreds of things that are presently beyond their reach. If the demand for gods and services was up because people could afford to buy them, hundreds of thousands of additional people would be put to work providing goods and services. There would be very few unemployment offices and little need for welfare. People don't necessarily vote for lhe best 1nan these days. They vote for the one they think \viii give them lhc niosl or cost them the least.


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Politicians Become Strange Something strange happens to many people when they become Congressmen, politicians or bureaucrats. Their attitude, philosophy and behavior all seem to change. Before they are elected or appointed they generally believe that elected officials and government employees should be servants of the people. Afterwards they mentally mutate, become kings and cronies and "the system" takes away 1nuch of their comn1on sense. But the biggest changes that occur in the transformation fro1n civilian life to a government life are that a million dollars becomes as a dollar, responsibility and accountability become irritants and the Residents of The United States of America are suddenly treated as if they are all stupid.

A PAC Attack and The Group Consider PAC (Political Action Comn1ittee) money. Candidates take it and they probably win. Don't take it a11d they're aln1ost guaranteed to lose. In The New Politics the elections are freque11tly decided before the vote because truly competent people who could really n1ount a challenge to an incumbent if they could get equal PAC backing are literally unable to fight the financial figh t. In The New Politics of PAC's, where one man gets one vote with a lever, another gets a 1000 with a check. The n1an with the money wins. It shouldn't he difficult lo 1nakc an honest living in politics -- there doesn't sccn1 to he loo much con1pctition.


The New Politics

Lord John Russell said to David Hume, the philosopher; "What do you consider the object of legislation?"

"The greatest good to the greatest number." "What do you consider the greatest number? " "Number one," replied Hume. Keeping "number one" number one today requires a good deal of n1oney and close relationships with a multitude of special interest groups. In The New Politics "The Group" has become an extremely threatening elen1ent. Hundreds of them have powerful lobbies in Washington. Since they can influence thousands of votes they have an oppressive influence on our Congressmen. It doesn't have to be that way. So far our Congressmen, rather than dealing with this as a problem have been dealing with it as an opportunity. This whole concept is a risk to Democracy itself. Changing it will require tough, creative, extraordinary leadership. So many pressures affect our legislative process, but the most ominous is - character for sale. Political candidates today cater to countless special interest groups. Those candidates with little character develop little noticed, but politically effective vow movements and they milk their vows for all they're worth. They make a vow to several groups to create low cost housing, increase entitlements, improve the national infrastructure (whatever A man's fitness for public office can be judged by the means he uses to get in.


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that is) and then they make an opposite vo1tv to decrease spending, cut taxes and reduce the deficit. Tl1ey've got things runni11g out of both ends. Their vow niovements make them all noise at one end and no responsibility at the other. Under The New Politics we have government by special interest groups. There is a powerful interest group on every subject, every possible ethnic group and every industry you can imagine. Each special interest group has its own concern which is t1ncon11non with the others. The result is obvious. Where we once worked together to solve conm1on problems we are now divided by our own group greed, and interest groups have too mt1ch power to be ignored. Ot1r Congressmen rnust listen to and attend to their wishes, or be subject to their rejection. With each appeaseme11t of one group, other groups are 111ade angry or envious and so each Congressman must make another appeasement. What we get in this process is a full-blown, leveraged sell-out.

Spawn-taneous Bureaucracy To make The New Politics work, a huge and growing government bureaucracy had to be established and funded. Like a horror movie, it q11ickly became a self-perpetuati11g and spawntaneous monster that stomps 011 people and crushes individual initiative. Too often, unbelievably Nothing is politically right when it is n1or.dly wrong.


The Ne'v Politics

incompetent bureaucrats have been pt1t in positions of power. You' 11 know why I use the word stupid by the time you finish reading just one of the hundreds of thousands of possible exrunples I could have selected for the next paragraph. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has all its hearings transcribed. The cost is tren1endous. Several businesses offered to transcribe their hearings free, but the agency turned them down. One orga11ization, Ace Federal Reporters, the11 offered to pay FERC a million dollars for the rights to do the transcribing. To make sure you didn't misunderstand, let me rephrase itrather than the taxpayers having to pay the cost for this work, our gover111nent would actually receive n1oney and get the job done besides under this proposal. Now how can you beat a deal like that? So what do you think the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission did? Believe it or not, they turned down the offer. Try to guess what happened then? Ace Federal Reporters had to file a legal suit to get the right to pay our bureaucrats, so that the taxpayers wouldn't have to foot the bill. This is The New Politics and bumbling bureaucracy at work. If we knew all that was going on I think it would drive us mad. These agencies are created, founded and uncontrolled by our elected Congress1nen. The three major parties in the United States arc the Democratic party, the Republican party, and the cocktail party.


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Shelf-image Politics The whole justification for The New Politics is equality, but does the leadership really believe in equality? It's questionable, but I think Doctor Johnson made the best case for its hypocracy when the liberal historian Mrs. Catherine Macaulay used to debate with Doctor Johnson the question of social equality. One day at dinner in her house the Doctor put on a grave face and said, "Madam, your arguments have converted me to your way of thinking. I a1n convinced that all mankind shottld stand upon an equalfooting; ancl, to give you proof, Madam, that I am in earnest, here is a very sensible, civil, well-behaved fellow citizen - your footman; I desire that he may be allowed to sit down and dine with us. "

This proposition the hostess of course indignantly rejected, much to the Doctor's amusement. Later he said, reporting his victory from his armchair, "I thus showed her the absurdity ofher leveling doctrine. She has never liked nze since. Your levellers wish to level down as far as themselves; but they cannot bear leveling up to themselves. "

To make The New Politics credible it has to have the shelf-image of a family photograph on a fireplace mantle. Occasionally an innocent rnan is sent to the legislature.


The New Politics

To accomplish that, the leaders of The New Politics take undeserved credit for the fine work of capitalism. But the truth is, it is not Congress' doling of goodies that has given Americans the greatest opportunities and highest standard of living in the world - it has been capitalism at work. That is changing now, not because of some inherent problem with freedom and capitalism, but because The New Politics is diminishing freedo1n and capitalism. Congress is interfering with both capitalism and our freedom so that these ideals can no longer function to their full capacity. While The New Politics dismantles freedom and capitalism, tl1e accomplishn1ents of free n1en never fail to amaze the rest of the world. This idea was well expressed by William Patterson, President of United Airlines when he said, "Thomas ,!e_fferso11, with all his brilliarice and great confidence in the future of'the Republic, thought it woitld take a thoitsand years to settle the West. He underestimated what free 1nen can accomplish, given the O]Jportunity to create .for theniselves 1tvith minimum government interference and restrictions. "

Can you imagine what Jefferson 1night think about the accumulated accomplishn1ents of free n1en today. Politics is the art of obtaining money from the rich and votes from the poor on the pretext of protecting each from the other.


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Why Have People Bought Into These Ideas? The Media Bias And The Congressmen B11y Us! Conservative politics and the free-market ideas have few champions in the n1edia, 11one with the impact of Rush Limbaugh. Fortunately, today Rush is more powerful and credible than the networks and public broadcasting. If the truth were known, public broadcasting is extren1ely biased and more dangerous because it is expected to be un-biased. The only thing most people hear about is The New Politics line. The media and the intellectual elite are so in tune with The New Politics that they are able to control most of what the general population reads, hears and sees. In this way they forcefully infiltrate the thinking and beliefs of many Americans. It truly is a form of brain-washing propaganda. Unfortunately, gullibility is typical of much of the American population, of which the politicians take great advantage. A lot of our political leaders have developed a genius for finding facts that fit their fiction and present them so skillfully that too many voters are taken in by their line of folly. In some cases they've developed an army of facts standing at attention in columns and rows ready for t1se on con1mand. Some of these artists are so powerful that on the campaign trail most should have a standard disclaimer that indicates that their speeches are 80% fact-free and 20o/o deception. In son1e parts of Arrica a n1an can't hold a public oOice until he has shot at a rhinoceros. In An1erica voters consider a man qualified if he can shoot the bull.


The New Politics

Staying In Power Just how do the leaders of The Nevv Politics, The New Politicos, stay in power? Our Congressmen have givert us the sarne rope that Lenin believed the capitalists would sell hi1n with which he said he would hang us. They cleverly dangle just enough line in front of the masses to make the1n dependent on the government. They get 'em hanging "out there," where they don't dare vote for anyone who won't keep the rope available. Our Congressmen cleverly started with the 1ninorities who have been boitght to the point where they are so completely dependent on welfar·e that they are almost as enslaved to government as there ancestors were to their private masters before the Civil War·. The difference between now and then is that before the Civil War· the blacks knew they were slaves. The New Politics has placed a lock on the minority vote in a most cruel but ingenious way. To make sure that the minorities wouldn't be able to con1pete effectively in the work place, our govern1nent officials, local, state and federal, reduced educational standards to the point where our kids could graduate from high school even though they couldn't read or write. Unbelievable as it seems, the liberal politicians have convinced the media, the 1ninorities and the masses that graduating "on time," even though unqualified, is a social benefit. Under such conditions it is almost impossible to get a job, let alone a good The toughest part of politic.< is to satisfy the voter without ghing hint whut he wants.


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job. In this way, dependence on the government is assured for generations and their vote can be counted on for the socialist minded party. This is precisely why the Democratic Party has stayed in power in Congress for nearly forty years. Under the guise of helping the poor, the minorities and the middle class, they are really guaranteeing their own longevity. It doesn't take a genius to recognize that if the poor and the minorities become well educated and begin to believe in themselves, and in capitalism, they'll go ot1t and create new ideas, build businesses and beco1ne independent. Then they won't need the government to care for them. They won't want Congress to take away their hard earned money. They'll begin to vote for the politicians who still believe in the power and ability of individuals to create their own opportunities and generate their own wealth - wealth which they will spend more 1vvisely than any government. For The New Politics, that's just too risky. So no matter what it costs, the old government programs will continue and new ones will constantly be conjured up to keep the poor poor and the mi11orities down on their knees.

It's Working Too Well The problen1 in America is not that The New Politics is not working. The problem is that it is working too well! The New Politics has dee1ned its charge to be the creation of a society of harmony and equality. It has assu1ned the A dyed-in-the-wool patriot is one who says he's sorry he has only one incon1e to give to his country.


The Ne'v Politics

responsibility of solving every social problem. The cost of this endeavor has been hundreds of billions of dollars each year. More than 50o/o of our income is now spent by state and local bureaucrats and, of course, our Congress1nen. Unless stopped, it will soon be 60% and eventually even more. At some point our capitalistic system \vill collapse. The New Politics, through scandal, deception and malice has created enough fundamental change in our politics, economics, society, philosophy and education that it has placed our freedom at risk as well. Unless yot1 and I stand up and stop this absurdity from continuing it will soon leave most all of us who work a bare subsistence so that those who don't work can thrive. We are headed toward hard-core socialism, the same kind of socialism that failed so miserably in Russia and her socialist satellites. For decades the people in those countries have had to depend on food from our capitalist farmers to survive. They still do!

The New Politics Is The Enemy Of Freedom An1erica and freedom are synonymous. Without freedom, all the unique characteristics that separate man from the rest of the living creatures of the world would become suppressed and man would no longer be able to use his distinctions. Only men, only free men, have the possibility of improving the world. That is why a free America is so important. Things that arc bad for business arc bad for the people who work for business.

Thomas E. Dewey


Immaculate Deception

We can be free and socialistic at the sante time.

Malice In \'Vondcrland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

How Anterica Has Changed!

Well, for one thing our new gross national product is pornography. For another, we've become a coridomnation. ''If our founding fathers were alive today they'd roll over in their graves." Eisenhower

Immaculate Deception

Traditional values are inappropriate for today. /


In 'vVondcrland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

We have become a nation of people more concerned "\vith what "\Ve can get than with "\vhat "\Ve can become.

America, America, There 's just something about that name that beckons men from splendid castles and dingy caves. She's a magnificent magnet pulling handsome rich men and poor gruesome knaves. It has drawn them for centuries through dangerous ventures and over treacherous waves. America, America, there's just something about that name that stirs men's souls and lights a mysterious flame.

But, Oh! How America has changed!

As the IRS secs it, America is a land of untold wealth.


Malice In Wonderland

Freedom, that special spirit which beckons men and stirs their souls, is slowly dying in America. The modern historical world-wide word for freedom is - America. The best definition of freedom in America is the absence of government authority over men, and the measure of freedom is inverse to the degree of governmental involvement in the everyday life of men. That makes the increasing degree of governmental involvement in our lives the most critical change occurring now in America. I suggested in The New Politics Chapter that the rnain goal of The New Politics is to make men eqt1al. In this chapter I'm going to demonstrate how this misguided goal has changed our political thinking, diminished our personal freedom, shrunk our individual opportunities, crippled capitalism and devastated our entire society. Slowly but surely our nation is changing - bt1t not necessarily for the better. All around us we see the destruction of our American society. We read about it daily and watch it on the nightly news. Much like the proverbial lobster that is placed in a pot of boiling water, we can't tell that the changes are killing us.

A New Generation There is a new generation coming whose shape and character are unique to America. It 11as been influenced by a subtle but pervasive deception. It has not learned Arnerica is rapidly achieving a high standard of poverty.


I-low America Has Changed!

what it really means to be an American. It has lost its heritage and family connection. It has been thoroughly duped by modem psychology, popular philosophy and misguided compassion which are leading it to a pit of destruction. The proof is obvious in every community and evident in nearly everyone's life. Much of the change in America is a story of things obvious, yet hidden and of things evident, but ignored. It is the story of a roaring lion in sheep's clothing knocking at our door, and how, in ignorance and in the name of tolerance, we are letting him in to devour and destroy. The tolerance I speak of here is like a perfume poured out upon a dung heap. It makes the pile approachable by covering up its smell, but it can not change what it is. We make excuses for our problems and then ignore the fact that much of it is self-inflicted and too much governmentally imposed. Through self-serving politicians, a hypocritical elite, and a liberal media - we have been carefully maneuvered into a permissive society, and cunningly guided into accepting a calamitous socialism. We have willingly taken the bait from a myriad of social mitigators that seem on the surface so appropriate and right. Disguised in compassion but designed to deceive, these voracious mitigators easily devour the innocent and ignorant. They entice many, mostly minority and poor, to the ceremony, but hide the fact that they are the sacrifice. It's hard to believe that Amcricu wus founded to avoid high taxation.


l\'lalice In Wonderland

Our Congressmen use such crafty abatements to alter our traditional values, lower our standards, destroy incentive, motivation and pride and casually raze another generation. With Congress in the lead, the n1edia in support, and the agencies of government in control we are being taught and required to raise our kids "properly" and "politically correct."

Ten Thousand Suggestions In America the wreckers have come. They are tearing apart the traditional bricks which were used to build this great Nation. We are about to hang with a noose the good principles and let the wicked loose. It has become a place where parents and teachers, politicians and media, stand upon a scaffold they think to be a stage. They spout a philosophy that tolerates and a psychology that justifies any behavior and nearly every evil. Life-styles, personal preferences and tolerance have become the guides for our life. In the process, we have opened a door to a new society in which evil does flourish because " ... everyo1ie does thcit which seems rig ht in his own eyes. " Judges 17: 6 The result is that crime and evil have fallen upon America like autun1n leaves. We are fast becon1ing a Nation of communities where every man's home is his bastille. In small towns and big, in ghettos and in mansions, tl1e minds of millions of our kids are being twisted and tormented, and their bodies tortured and mutilated \Vhat America really needs most are those things which money can't buy.


Ho\v America Has Changed!

until they lie in anguish, agony and death. We are, right now, witnesses to the death and destruction of thousands upon thousands of our youth and the disintegration of our society. Whole generations are being blown about, out of control, like debris in a brisk wind. They, with their drugs and their music, are like Lemmings rushing to the sea. So much for our youth - they live but are not alive, they have thoughts but they do not think, they know good but do evil and we need not be blind to the real reason why. We have accepted a permissive society, which now tolerates deviant behavior everywhere and carnage in the ghettos. Congress, faced with a youth in rebellion, went up on its Hill and came down with Ten Thousand Suggestions to replace The Ten Commandments and diminished the sanctity of life. Many of these changes came about through subtle, nearly imperceptible, rules, regulations, decrees and laws, that together have changed the foundation of America. The fundamentals of family were never in question until recently. The definition of family used for thousands of years is now politically wrong and a parent is no longer apparent. To make sure that any "two" can qualify as a family and get all forms of government benefits, Congress has allowed the definition of family to be rewritten. Today, a parent, by government definition and edict, can be almost anything that breathes and has the appearance of a homosapien. The Politically Correct families of the day can be introduced in person like televison families The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it; ignorance may deride it; malice may distort it, but there it is. •• \Vinston Churchill


Malice In Wonderland

"This is my brother Bart 1ny other brotlier Bart. These are our kids, Bart, Bart, and Bart. One s a girl. One's a boy. Arid one is uncommitted. None are very smart. " It simply amazes me that our/ourfathers didn't think of this when they were writing the Constitution!

A Nation Going Bad The daily tragedies in our present society are a clear demonstration of our nation going bad. Going bad from the shortcomings in our homes, the inadeqt1acies of our schools, the futility a11d the vast waste of most government prograins, a no-fault psychology, and a weak and vacillating Congressional leadership. Edgar Allen Pogo could appropriately write, "We have discovered the caitse ofthis horror, and it is our government. "How can I make such a claim? Keep reading. The cause of the wickedness and tragedy that abot1nds in America today is not what you may think. It's certainly not what 1nost Congressmen, psychologists, educators, parents or the media think. It's a tragedy in each life, but for America it's a catastrophe con1ing. From where have their values come, and where have our values gone? Who's responsible? Congress can no longer hide from a leading responsibility in our society gone out of control, in a very real sense legislated into lethargy and chaos. Our country was in better condition when there were more whittlers and fewer chiselers.


I-low America Has Changed!

How is it that our Congress, elected of, by and supposedly for the people, has become a Frankenstein diligently at work changing society and creating a government 1nonster which is now destroying those who gave it pov.1er and life? A hundred times an hour, and more, it inflicts n1ortal wounds upon its own hard working citizens, while it cuddles its criminal class and deceives its minorities and poor? This Washington Franke11stein creates an Illiad of ills from a mare's nest - it creates n1ore evil in its attempts to do good than evil men do doing evil. Why? Because \ve're doing things for the wrong reasons. Our leaders are responsible for creating a society in which hundreds of thousands of people now believe that 011r government owes them a house, a paycheck and guaranteed equality, regardless of their behavior, effort, performance or merit. And we have allowed ourselves to become a society in which the economically enslaved (those dependent upon the government) are taught that a man need not consider himself responsible for his own condition. Since n1any beliefs and behaviors in such a divergent society as ours are in conflict with one another, it is impossible for a government which serves all the people to side with each one against the other. But that impossibility is just what our Congressmen are trying to do. The problem is, the only way for them to approach this stance is to tolerate everyone's life-style, behavior and belief. A1nerica has turned out some great men, but there are others not so great that ought to be turned out.


Malice In Wonderland

Until recent times, whe11 we saw the American flag, or 11eard her songs, everyone stood proudly - at attention, with a salute or with a hand or doffed hat over our heart. We were aware of her enormous accomplishments and in awe of her special place in history. That awareness and wonder has begun to fade. Why is it now that so many of our citizens and too many of our political leaders have lost that unique inspiration? Why has our belief in America, our faith in freedom, our confidence in the indi vidual, our value of frunily and our distrust of big government all changed? As we accommodate every foreign custom, minority demand and group wish, we compromise and dilute the fundamental beliefs that made America unique and great. In the process our culture is changing.

America Has Changed We simply are not the same America we were 200 years ago, or even twenty. We have begun to change our beliefs and philosophy. There was a time when nearly every American believed in individualism, free enterprise, hard work, competition, family values and limited government. These uniquely American ideals were clearly understood social values and entrenched personal beliefs. This philosophical change is not a nickel and dimer, its a full blown revolution. With our basic values in Americans are n religious people. You can tell they trust in God by the way they vole.


How America Has Changed!

recession and our morals in depression, there is probably nothing tougher than standing up for morality in America. The media, the liberal politicians and the educational elite scold anyone who would dare suggest there is a recognizable right and wrong. They try to discredit them by calling such people narrow minded, intolerant racist bigots. It is a troubled nation that justifies and supports any kind of perversion and vulgarity and condemns anyone who dares to stand up for decency. Our traditional culture, which had its own social discipline, family values, work ethic and moral foundation, began to be replaced in the 60's with the hippie movement. This counterculture got many of its ideas from the Age ofAquarius which defined life for our youth through drugs and the musical Hair. Its inflL1ence on our youth was amazing. The appeal of this movement was based on a clear deception that it was of a kinder, gentler people, concerned for harmony and peace. With this 1novement "The Group" began to take on more importance than the individual. Actually the Hippie movement was a risky rebellion against traditional values and any authority, including parents. It was a rejection of the middle-class concepts of responsibility and the traditional work ethic. The practical was replaced by the mystical. It was a romantic idea which demanded drugs and was supported by crime. The Age of Our forefathers buill this country with three tool s: an ax, a plow, and u book. That book \vas the Bible.


Malice In Wonderland

Aquarius was the precursor and the foundation for the movement to the New Age which is based on fantasy and fraud. See how clearly The New Politics embodies all these ideas - a diminished trust in America and her institutions including democracy and capitalism, a rejection of competition and individualism, a greater dependence on groups, a growing faith in socialism , an acceptance of the idea that it's okay for millions not to work, a tolerance of any behavior, a softening response to crime and a belief that peace is more important than freedom. Now those who grew up in the 60's, imbued with these strange (to America) ideas, are coming into political power and we can see the results in lowered standards and mountains of socialistic legislation.

America Has Become A Hyphe-nation The emphasis on group interest over individual interests got much of its momentum during this period and eventually America became a hyphenation. We now have a nation of groups, each with their own special interests. These groups have more political power than individuals and so they have begun to change the way the business of politics is conducted. There was a time when nearly every citizen of The United States claimed and proclaimed to be an American, There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. -- Theodore Roosevelt


Ho'v America Has Changed!

but this great political transfission of America into a thousand independent groups, has broken up the long standing patriotic whole. These groups have encouraged millions, who were originally proud to be an Arnerican, to become self-hyphenated; stapled in the gut like a center fold. Now they are American on one end and African on the other. Or they are Mexican on 011e side and American on the other - with their loyalties split, their beliefs divided, their focus cut in half. OnceAmerica was a civilization carved out and won from a wilderness by a few rugged men with fast guns, now we're a ci\iilization rnore like a wilderness doing battle in many small groups vvith sloguns. Too often now the first consideration of Congress is not what needs to be done for America and Americans, but whattl1ey mustdoforthehyphenatedLatinos, Blacks, fen1inists, farmers, Asians, the homeless, homosexuals, etc., etc. , etc. Let's do what's good for the group first and what's good for the country second. What a terrible change! New groups are bred like rabbits. When one group gets special treatment it encourages those outside to organize themselves in the mistaken belief that that is the only way they can protect themselves or hold on to their rights. Transfission proceeds exponentially! Because groups have a lot of vote-power, their interests have overwhelmed the politician's traditional interIt's now costing Americans twice as much lo live beyond their means as ii did twenty years ago.


Malice In Wonderland

est in the individual and increased their need to tolerate tl1e divergent ideas of each group no n1atter how arzti they may be to our traditional culture and values.

A Brave Ne\v Society To deal with these new political forces our Congressn1en quickly ca1ne to the conclusion that one of the greatest modern virtues had to be tolerance. Once the idea was established that tolerance was the great virtue, the door was opened to the acceptance of any idea that had group support. With that, the basic belief in the fou ndational ideas that bt1ilt America began to fade. The individual in Al11erica was no longer king. The government was no longer serva11t. Our great goal was no longer personal freedom.

In this process our basic social and cultural values have become so grayed that they are beginning to look extinguished. There was a time, not so long ago, when vulgarity was almost universally viewed as objectionable i11 our society. Now what is vulgar is vogue. There is now in our society no evil too evil to contemplate, none too repulsive to con1mit and few too young or too old to commit it. We have a brave new society without standards, responsibility or conscience; oblivious to consequences; and with little respect for life. There was a day in America when criminal gangs were not tolerated. Not now. TolThe crime situation is so had in son1e American cities you could walk fh·e blocks and never leave the scene of the crime.


Ho\v America Has Changed!

eration is in. Tolerance 11as made gang life wide-spread and our official response has n1ade it respectable. Government agencies negotiate with these hoodlums, a sure sign of a weak and coddling officialdom. Graffiti is their mark on the wall of shame. Innocent blood is their deadly game. We blame society. Crime and death in the ghettos are common - few complain.

The Distinction Between Right And Wrong Is Now Just A Distraction Galileo's e111piricism, Newton's physics, Einstein's relativity, were n1is-used and Marx's concepts, Darwin's notions and Freud's gnosticism have been used as tools to whittle away at the foundations of belief in an absolute truth, a belief i11 a discernible right and wrong, until our society has been set free of its mores and moorings. As we have lost the distinction between right and wrong, tolerance of everything has begun to set in like a social disease and discipline has been quickly replaced with permissiveness. Humanism is an out-growth of this change and it has become a dangerous and destructive force in our homes and our schools. It is a powerful tool for the tolerance touted by our political leaders and the 1nedia. Left unchecked it will be the curse of America. Let me make it perfectly clear that humanism is not humanity. Nor is it humane. It has one primary goal, to rid E\'ery person born in the United States is endowed with life, liberty, nnd a substantial share of the national debt


Malice In Wonderland

society of any belief in God because theol ogy always makes a distinctio11 between rigl1t and wrong. Humanism is pure, undiluted atheism. It will take any measure to eliminate the word God from our society. That's it. Today a teacher in public school can teach satanism , share the history of Buddha, tell the story of Mohammed but a Bible on a desk is grounds for dismissal. Parents have virtually no say or choice about what our schools teach. They don't have any say about the schools giving out condoms to their own kids. Who 's deciding what's right :for children? Not parents. Our governn1ent is fast taking over the role of the parent. Kids can get their breakfast at school, their counseling at school, their health care at school, their "moral training" at school - which amounts to telling them to do what they think is best for themselves. How can a thirteen year old know what's best? The schools actually encourage sexual pronuscuity be practiced in secret so a parent can't interfere. That's right folks. You don't have to wonder why 60o/o of all black babies are illegitimate and the figures for abortion for all teenage girls is shocking. It can't be wimply written off as just a racial problem. It's a grab for power over the n1inds and votes of our youth. Our governn1ent is telling them to do it, and rewarding them when they are successful. And you and I pay for it. There are millions of An1erican parents, probably a n1ajority, who believe that homosexuality is unnatural rncon1e-tax forms should be more realistic by allowing the taxpayer to list Uncle Sam as a dependent.


How America Has Changed!

and immoral. But their right as parents to teach that truth to their own kids has been taken away. In a growing number of eleme11tary schools, our kids are taught that homosexuality is perfectly 11ormal and should be respected. What they are saying to millions of kids is, "your mother a.nd father are wrong!" The value, in1portance and traditional authority of parents is being undermined and diminished by bureaucratic decisions that totally ignore the wishes and authority of parents. It's just another governn1ent step in the disintegration of the traditional American family. "Father knows best" is old fashioned. Now it's "government knows best." These things had better scare a lot of people. What's happening with the family is also happening in business. Today a business owner who may have spent his life savings a11d worked 80 hours a week with no pay for years has no right to choose who he would like to employ. Today a business which places an ad for a position and interviews ten people can easily be sued by nine for discrimi11ation. Don't give the job to a kid with bright red spiked hair and he'll be able to lay claim that he was discriminated against because of his looks. The rights and authority of business owners is all but gone today. To be safe today a business ovvner needs to record every conversation he has with each employee and have an attorney at his side. The principal export of the United States is 1noney.


Malice In Wonderland

What's happening in America is obvious, but ignored. Awareness is our first line of defense. A Condom-nation - Life, Safe At Any Speed We have become a condo11ination. We are now a society where everything is sensationalized beyond its size and importance by media coverage which is too often faked to build ratings and make 1noney. We are a society of people so at risk that our government believes it must become ot1r father, mother and protector. And it has attempted to solidify its position as protector by hyping the plight of the inner cities where crime, drug addiction, educational failure, family disintegration, illegitimate pregnancy and AIDS have become epidemic. Congress is bent on protecting us from AIDS and hangnails, from mosquito bites and bar-roon1 fights, from ourselves and human nature, all ostensibly for humanitarian reasons, but in truth to make us dependent. It is fascinating that the liberal solution from Congress is never to cure the cause or change the behavior, but to find ways that allow people to do, with impt1nity, whatever they wish. That's why they'll siphon off n1oney from other disease research and spend it on AIDS research. This whole approach is designed to make the homosexual life-style safe for homosexuals - perverted impunity at taxpayers' expense. Ile who would be great must be fervent in his prayers, fearless in his principles, lirin in his purposes and faithful in his promises.


Ho\v America Has Changed!

The AIDS epidemic is forcing all Americans to spend billions, more than on any other health problem, on a disease that could be prevented and all but eliminated with changes in behavior. The real problem with solving the AIDS crisis is that neither the media, nor our educators, nor our political leaders have the guts to tell the truth. AIDS is a behavior based disease - from the beginning it l1as been spread almost exclusively through homosexual activity and illegal drug use. Giving condoms to high school students is a clear demonstration of how government approaches social problems. This solution seeks the easy route, allowing kids to by-pass reasonable judgment and personal accountability. It also establishes their dependence on government and therefore guarantees more votes for the Congressmen who support such programs. Besides, it's just easier to give a condom than to tell them that the likely consequence of promiscuity and homosexual activity today is death. Until our leaders have the courage to publicly face that truth, proclaim it and deal with the problem based on that truth, thousands of innocent people will die. To solve the AIDS problem is quite simple - tell the truth - that people must stop their homosexual activity, stop taking illegal drugs and stop engaging in sex with high-risk partners or they will almost certainly die from doing it. If these activities were stopped we'd take the si11gle biggest and most important step in its immediate solution. Then No man is better than his principles.


Malice In Wonderland

we cot1ld put the billions of dollars spent on AIDS into helping people who have diseases and handicaps that are no fault of their own. By refusing to take a stand on the truth, Congress has made itself a partner in the death of theinnocentvictims. Ourgovernmenthasn'tevenhadthe courage to treat AIDS like any other contagious disease. Recent history should convince us that Congressmen see any solution, to any problem, which suggests personal accountability, behavior modification or an acceptance of the consequences as unacceptable. The reason is simple. People who solve their own problems have less need for govern1nent. The New Politics can 011ly survive so long as there are hundreds of thousands of people who believe they need the governn1ent to solve all their problems. Real solt1tions would be suicidal for The New Politics. One of the goals of The New Politics is to make any life-style safe. Life, safe at any speed - that's one of those hidden constitutional rights that's been discovered in recent decades. Some think that it probably would have been better if tl1e "writers" would have said, " ... life, liberty, haJJpiness, and the pursuit of ariy l~fe-style."

Changing Expectations Our attitt1des and expectatio11s about our governn1ent have changed drastically. People expect mucl1 more from A n1an's country is not just a certain area of land. It is a principle, and patriotism is loyalty to the principle.


How An1erica Has Changed!

their government than ever before. That's primarily because candidates promise whatever people want just to get their votes. People expect their government to do things it was never intended to do, such as provide housing, jobs, economic opportunity and a long litany of other things. When Congressmen who promise all these things can't perform, the people become frustrated. Unmet expectations, no matter how unreasonable, cause many to begin to doubt both their political leaders and the institutions involved. These doubts about our basic political institutions, economic systems and historical roots have spread like a disease across America. The people wonder whether democracy and capitalism are adequate and relevant in America today. Our political leaders, primarily our Congressmen, are responsible for these changing attitudes. They have failed in their duties and they have failed as leaders. They, with their gall, have blatantly lied and deceived us to get our votes. Their character has become calloused with unabashed arrogance and they have fooled us too often with "bread and circuses." The undeserved benefits and privileges they have passed out have become viewed as inalienable rights by millions of Americans who now believe that our government is responsible and obligated to take care of them. This belief by itself- that the government owes everyone \Ve should hold Congress responsible not ror what we have, but for what we could ha,·e; not for what "'e are, bul for "'bat we n1ighl be.


Malice In Wonderland

a living - destroys nearly every basic American value. Compensation is setting in, along with doubt, as deadly diseases for freedom. No man is free who depends on his governn1ent for his sustenance, job, home or hope. How is it possible that so many people - including educated and intelligent people could have swallowed such a line? It's a creeping thing. The government does one thing for a couple of people, then a couple of things for a few. Then several things for a lot. None by itself seems unreasonable. But added together and given time, expectations begin to take on a life of their own. Steadily the one thing for a few becomes everything for everyone. This development is the result of our Congressmen having lost sight of their real purpose and having become more interested in re-election and controlling the people than in protecting our basic freedoms and serving ot1r best interests. They've also lost the insight of men like John Randolph who demonstrated his great wisdom when he responded to an accusation by saying, "Denouncing 1ne? That is strange, I never did him afavor." He t1nderstood that the more you do for people, the more they expect and the more unreasonable they become. Whatever ot1r government does for people, it will never be enough. Whenever they are not given all they have come to expect, rather than being thankful for what they have received, they become angry that they don't get more. Instead of uprooting his prejudices, the average person whitewashes them and present~ them as principles.


How America Has Changed!

Government Can Never Give Enough In some parts of Mexico, hot springs and cold springs are found side-by-side. The women often wash their clothes in the hot springs and rinse them in the cold springs. A tourist, who had been watching this procedure, remarked to his Mexican friend, "/guess they think old Mother nature is pretty generous. "

"No, senor, " the other replied. "There is much grumbling because she supplies no soap. " Government will never be able to give enough to satisfy basic hun1an nature. Here's a great story that illustrates the point. It happened on one of those downtown Manhattan streets where the cloak and suiters rush out and seize the passers-by by the arm.

"Look," said one of them eagerly to the n1an he had seized, "a fine suit; the best; nice cut; fine quality material. To you, $15. " "No, " said the customer trying to break from him.

"Look, "said the clothier, dragging his victim a little closer to the shop, "a very special cut, with cuffs even; the last suit. To you, special, $12. " "No, " said the man trying to pull free. When a person sells principles for popularity, he is soon bankrupL


Malice In "\.Vonderland

"An opportunity that shoitldn 't be passed Lt/J," contint1ed the salesman, "Look, /Jecaitse it's early, to start tlie day right, th e first sale, $8. " "Nothing doing, " snarled the customer. "My God," wailed the proprietor, throwing his hands t1p into the air, "such a person. To make tlie thing right, to start the day; I start something, I should finis Ii it. I 'm giving it to you for nothing."

"N ot witliout two pair of pants!" said the

customer. 1 The idea that our government is obligated to take care of us is ludicrous. This is a tough precept of The New Politics to attack because it sounds so good, so right. How can anyone argue with the idea of caring for people? But what seems right doesn't always square with reality. The hard truth is this - man will little appreciate that which he receives without any personal effort and will quickly lose his dignity and self-respect when he no longer has to fend for himself. People who depend on the government for the basics of life quickly begin to atrophy and die spiritually. Should we really call this help? There are a hundred better ways, but they require common sense, a basic knowledge of human nature and a tough leadership with the character to do what's right, not what's expedient. The school kids in some towns arc getting so tough that teachers arc playing hooky.


How America Has Changed!

Change For A Vote Or A Benefit Change can be good or bad. It can be just different, the addition of something or the loss of something. Often, change once started gains its own inertia, it begins to feed upon itself, it suddenly goes too far, then it over corrects and destroys the very thing it hoped to change. That's what's happening in America. We've over corrected! Once our political leaders started the "change-for-avote" thing and then applied it to groups, whole new vistas opened up. Suddenly we thought, "If the politicians can do it, so can we. " A few voters decided they didn't like the insurance rates in California so they got enough of the rest of the citizens to vote for a roll-back in . . insurance prices. This voter response of anger and frustration over insurance prices is the beginning of an enormous potential disaster for all Americans. If continued it will literally destroy capitalism. Think about it. Next the voters may decide they don't like the price of groceries, so they petition the voters, take a vote, win the count, get the prices reduced and thousands of grocery stores go out of business. Eventually the grocery business dies. But, because people have to have food, the government will have to step in. Soo11 the government will own the grocery business and we will have comn1unism. School and education shou ld not be confused; it i~ only school that can be n1adc easy.


l\ilalice In Wonderland

Without adequate profits and return on investment there is no capitalism, and without capitalism we would have few quality products and nothing at a reasonable . pnce.

Freedom + Capitalism = Opportunity In an economic sense we have more power as a people in America through the democratic-capitalistic system than in any other system in the world. All we have to do is use it. The way to do that is to vote with our dollars. It's not complicated. We don't have to resort to political propositions against commerce. If we want the lowest possible prices, what we need is free-market competition. We have dollar power! If you don't like the price of something. Don't buy it. I guarantee you the price will come down. However, if we demand that the price of a product or service go below a level that will allow for reasonable profits it will soon not be available through private business. If it's a product or service that is needed then we'll have to turn to government for it. Government ownership is a prime definition of communism. The opportt1nities in America and the price and availability of food, housing and fun can't be matched anywhere else in the world. Look at the marvels of capitalism. Most of the greatest inventions in the world came from capitalistic America, from Americans, from individuals, from people with dreams. Always they were \Vhy tern1 limits can work-· a senator would return home after a tenn in office and

try to make a living under the Jaws he helped to pass.


How America Has Changed!

people who believed they could bring a new idea to life through capitalism. It was faith in our capitalistic system that encouraged inventors, innovators, creators and dreamers to invest their lives and life's savings in their ideas. Capitalism has provided the way and the path for extraordinary achievement by millions of average Americans. It has allowed ordinary men and women to bring to the world the affordable automobile, the steam engine, the cotton gin, the telephone and TV's, the combine and turbine, the airplane, the pocket radio, the instant camera and high speed printing, the home computer - and on without end. Bring a socialist or communist from any cot1ntry in the world to an American supermarket and they'll gasp in disbelief at what they see. They can't even imagine such things because they have relied on government. Soon we won't have such abundance if we continue to grow in our dependence on government. Isn't it interesting that capitalis1n, the economic system that made it possible for so inany to do so n1uch for themselves, this Nation and for the world, shot1ld be so roundly attacked and held in contempt by the inedia, teachers and politicians throt1ghout most of A1nerica. If you doubt that this is happening just ask your elen1entary and high school children what they know and think about One of the large dn1g companies has been a~kcd to compound a pill to inhibit spending •• by senators.


Immaculate Deception

Taxing the rich •


one sure way to cure poverty.

Malice In Wonderland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

Ho\v America Has Changed!

capitalis1n. You'll be shocked to learn in far too 1nany cases that capitalism is blamed for the poor, the homeless, and nearly every other social misery in America. More shocking you' 11 discover that most students will have been told that socialism with its central planning is superior becat1se it eliminates the greed of capitalism and is more fair. For the hard working entrepreneurs who try to make a better product or improve a service, capitalism provides an unlimited opportunity to excel and be rewarded for their effort and success. Socialism claims to provide the opportunity to become equal - bt1t it has never worked. Entrepreneurs are controlled in the 1ninutest detail by a mountain of governmer1t regulation, chained by a massive amount of sticky red tape and battered by heavy handed bureaucrats who have not an ounce of compassion for their plight, nor a gran1 of interest in their success. What entrepreneurs have to do in an effort to raise capital can require a host of attorneys a11d a circus staff. They need a team of specialists just to understand the library of oppressive regulations. The capsulated and standardized bureaucratic regt1lation for entrepreneurs is, "The businessman can't (fill in the blank!)." They can't hire who they want or insist on the best \Vitl1out risking a myriad of laws and regulations. They can't reject someo11e because he or she is perverted. The United States Senate opens with prayer, and closes with un investigation.


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They can't fire someone without ta1dng a great risk. Tl1ey can't do anything without the eyes of a hundred government agents and special interest groups looking on like preying lions. The ACLU, a host of local, county, state and federal government agents and a variety of organizations including minority, fe1ninistand ho1nosexual groups, all wait in anticipation to pounce upon a hard working entrepreneur. All for their own selfish ends.

Oh! How Our 'fhinking Has Changed Oh! How our political and economic thinking has changed. How Americans used to think was neatly sumn1arized in one simple but powerful statement by Jol1n Quincy Adams, "Wherever the standard offreedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled there will be America's heart." That basic thinking is no longer true even within America. Freedom doesn't even hold a second place in the hearts of many Americans today. Not because it shouldn't be that way, but because our political leaders, liberal media and educators have ignored the foundations of freedom and justified the change under the guise of being progressive. Walter Lippmann expressed the change going on in An1erica so clearly in his book "The Good Society" when he said, Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, hu1nility, service, and character.


Ho'v America Has Changed!

"The predomirzate teachirzgs of this age are that there are no limits to mans capacity to govern others and that, therefore, no limitations ought to be imposed on govern1nerzt. The older faith, born of long ages of' sufferirig under mans dominion over man, was that the exercise of'unlimited power by men with limited minds and seif~regarding prejudices is soo11 oppressive, reactionary and corrupt. The older faith taitght that the very condition of progress was the limitation of power to the capacity and the virtue o.f rulers. "

This change in our political, economic and social philosophy is the primary cause of our changing America. From where did these changing attitudes of our political leaders, especially our Congressn1en, co1ne? In our early history we imported the great ideas of freedon1, individualism and limited governme11t primarily from Et1ropeans and Englishmen seeking freedom from kings. In modern times however we have imported the Beatles, BS and Socialism. That is, limited thinking, baloney and lies. Modern ideas of socialisn1 were introduced to America and given some credence with the establishment of a Socialist Party during the l 920's. They borrowed most of their ideas from the Fabians of Great Britain; a 1884 group that aimed to bring about socialism by gradual reforms rather than drastic actions. Some respectability was bestowed by President Franklin Roosevelt who beCan you imagine l'vloscs asking Congress to pass the Ten Commandrncnts. •• John



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gan the institutionalization of socialistic ideas into our goverrunent. These changes provided the foundation for the socialist political thinking in An1erica today. Most political "scientists" and tini versity professors give credit to FDR's aggressive government programs for saving America. What they fail to tell us is that it was government interference in the free market that brought on the great depressio11 in the first place. Left alone, the free n1arket can create n1iracles. But the free market has never really been left alone for long because governments can siphon off too much wealth for their own ends. In the process they destroy the free market - much like killing the goose that could have laid the golden egg if it had been left alone long enough.

Changing Attitudes About Freedom Today there's a wide-spread lack of concer11 in our goverrunent, in our schools and in our society about individual freedom and liberty. Freedom is no longer appreciated. We take it for granted and pay it little respect. A survey of liberal scl1ools done by Nan Robertson, of TheNewYorkTimes, discovered that individual liberties were viewed with contempt in such schools. A fact that should scare us plenty. The reasons are obvious, people just don't kI1ow the value of something until they've lost it. In The New The goal of Congress is to give every rnan an equ:ll ch11ncc at poverty. •• John Perkins


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Politics we've been persuaded by the liberal media, government and educators that our fight is for tolerance and equality. The idea that individual freedom holds a critical and special value has been all but eliminated because only a few native-born America11s know what life without freedom is like. But foreigners know and they are willing to trade places in a split-second with any discontented American. In America today there is a conft1sion about freedon1. Many privileges have becon1e rights, rights have become license and responsibilities have become nearly extinct. Real political and economic freedom, available only in a democratic and capitalistic country, i11clt1des both rights and responsibilities. Knowing and understanding the distinctions are critical. It is a fundaniental obligation of parents, teachers and political leaders to stand up for and teach these concepts. That is no longer being done.

What's Going On Here? There is a new kind of freedom growing in America. It's new in America, but it's the same kind that has destroyed many nations tl1roughout history. It's the freedom to be unpatriotic, in1moral and obscene. We're free to bum our country's flag . Transients are free to urinate and defecate in front of any place of business. Teachers are free to teach perverted sex. In our high schools condo1ns are free. For our teenage da11ghters, abortions We may rest assured that freedom is worth whatever it costs.


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are free. Horrible obscenities, including child pornography, are available in our libraries and public galleries, paid for by us. The free condoms and free abortions promote the lie of "worry-free" sex, and our government sponsorship of pornographic art encourages promiscuity. There is alrnost no obscenity that the ACLU won't defend, the atheists won't pron1ote, the government won't approve and for which the taxpayers won't be forced to pay. But with each of these freedoms there are fundamental rights lost. Parents no 1011ger have the right to be informed when their daughter is to have an abortion often funded by the taxpayer. If the federal government or a local superintendent decides our third grade children should learn about homosexuality there is little parents ca11 do. Parents have lost their right to tell educators what they want their children to be taught in schools. There is simply little reason for many local school boards any more because they have lost any real decision making power. Our teachers are no longer free to teach our kids that it's wrong to burn ourt1ag orthatourfoundingfathers believed in God. In most of our schools patriotism is shunned while college classes paid for by us are provided on how to be an effective protester. Do you wonder why there isn'tenoughmoney to teach reading, math, science, English and writing? Wonder no more! We have arrived in Wonderland! No constitution, no court, no law can save liberty when it dies in the hearts and 1ninds of men and won1cn.


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While freedom has flourished for the unpatriotic, the obscene and the im1noral, it has greatly din1inished for anyone who is not politically correct. It's now perfectly okay for a black man to incite his brothers to kill a cop, but racist and bigoted for anyone to conden1n him for his threat. Unbelievable as it seems, political correctness is replacing our freedom of speech.

That All Things Are Created Equal The changes in America are nowhere more clearly demonstrated than by the burgeoning of power of the emerging environmental and animal rights groups. In Southern California the press reported that a frunily's house was being destroyed by a tree because the environn1entalists and new environmental laws forbid him fron1 c11tting it down. The roots of the tree are damaging the foundation and beginning to lift up one side of the house. It j ust doesn't make an ounce of common sense that a man should lose his home for a tree. But that is exactly how much power these new groups have on every aspect of our life. The New Politics with its idea that all men are to be made equal has now been extended to include all things. Accordingly, this tree has taken on the same level of rights as the man and his home - no, the tree has more rights. Rejecting things because they arc old-fashioned would rule out the sun and the n1oon -- and a mother's loYc.


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The idea that plants and animals have rights at all is of course ridiculous. The idea that they would have any equality with man is absurd. But within The New Politics there are many who have stretched the plant and ani1nal rights concept, not just to equal, but even beyond the rights of man. To properly account for the changes in An1erica brought about by The New Politics we would need to rewrite the Declaration of Independence so that it says,

We hold these truths to be self evident that all THINGS are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. That the rights ofeach THING are equal to the rights of· an)' other THING and are to be protected and guaranteed by the government, but whenever there is a contest between any THING and man, the right o.fthe THING must take precederice over the rights of mari.

If this sounds ridiculous, it should! That's why it should also amaze us that such changes are really taking place in a natio11 that was created with emphasis on the created value of man. The reason I return repeatedly to The Declaration of Independence in these discussions is because my concern is with our basic national goals rather than with n1ethods. Our basic National goals were set by The Declaration of Independence - the implementation of them was set in our Constitution. If this age is to be saved it will he saved by the recovery of the sense of discrimina· lion between what is passing and what is eternal.


How America Has Changed!

Choking Common Sense Have you heard of The herd shot 'round the world? At first glance this question might seem confusing, but that is only because it is seen here out of context. However it is instantly recognizable when placed in the anin1al rights litany. Most of our children would quickly identify it's meaning. But, if we asked the same children what is meant by, ''The shot heard 'round the 'vorld,'' hardly any would know its significance. The reason? The first statement relates to the assumed rights of animals. The second to the avowed rights of man. Today most of our schools, our political leaders, our national entertainers and the media emphasize the rights of plants and animals more than the rights of man. This revisionist philosophy is so powerful it is choking the common sense right out of America. Without question, under The New Politics, animals have become more important than people and their freedom. This credence to creatures and patronage to plants that exceeds the rights of man, is the clearest demonstration of a dangerous change coming from The New Politics. The value placed on animals is so obsessive that it is scary. If someone found a few dinosaurs roaming the earth today, I think our government would willingly set aside eleven western states so they would have the room they need to survive. Our Congressmen would probably The value of all things, even our lh•cs, depends on the use we nlakc of them.


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pass laws and use military force to confiscate the property from any ovvner just to secure a future for the dinosaur. The dinosaur has been gone for a very 1011g time, and the planet called earth has gone on. Indeed - our long dead dinosaurs are preserved in the form of the "natural resource" of the deeply buried oil we use daily. The idea of equality for plants and ani1nals diminishes the value of humans. You watch, the equality of things over man has just started. You can expect a movement soon to give every animal sensitivity training, free housing, a hot breakfast and the right to vote. If The New Politics contint1es in power much longer, a host of bureat1crats will relieve the plants and animals of their natural obligation to adapt, evolve and survive.

How Are Such Changes Possible? Change comes about because some people simply don't care. We ' re becoming different by becoming indifferent. We seem disinterested in individual economic freedon1 and unconcerned with morality. Almost daily our government destroys our original economic freedoms and there's barely a whimper heard. Today those who would fight for freedom and morality are quickly and sometimes viciously chastised as narrow minded bigots. The evidence of corruption and scandal gets less flak than the suspicion of freedom and morality. A little pride is a sma ll thing to lose when compared with losing honor.


How America Has Changed!

How is our government able to accomplish its purpose so easily? By instituting the changes it wants in early childhood education. The program of change being brought about by The New Politics is subtle, insidious, pervasive and begins even before elementary school. Until recently we didn'thave to argue about basic values, they were well established, fa1nily taught and almost universally accepted. Our primary differences were over methods and amounts, not substance.

John Dewey Done It During 1nuch of the 20th century John Dewey has been the guiding light for our educational system. This was a man who openly admitted to being an atheist and a signer of the Humanist Manifesto I which proclaimed that all morals, principles and truths are relative. According to Textbooks On Trial, "Dewey has assigned to our

schools the revolutionary mission to reform society, including its economic system," - and so has The New Politics. In an effort to accomplish this n1ission, new textbooks have been written that emphasize life adjustments and tolerance of all life-styles and downgrade the importance of family, discipline, democracy and capitalism. Schools have been forced into a permissive stance that allows students to disregard traditional rules of dress and behavior and encourages them to set their own values. Schools T he Unued States Supi:cme Court has handed down the eleventh conunandmcnl,

"Thou shalt not, in any classroom, read U1c first ten."


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and the courts have outlawed teaching any values that have a Biblical slant even though that has been the very foundation of our value training for 300 years. Our social chaos coincides with the loss of the teaching of values in our homes and schools. Under programs calling for "values clarification" and " behavior modification," our schools are attempting to co11vince our children tl1at they have the right to develop their own set of values and sense of inorality regardless of parental preferences, as if third graders had n1ore wisdom than tl1e parents. According to these programs, no authority, including their parents or church, is a proper source for value trai11ing. This value training, as used in many schools throughout America, states that moral training is t1seless and irrelevant. If you ever wondered why discipline in the home and in our schools has vanished, now you know. The parents that set up n1orals and discipline at home have them repudiated in our school classrooms. Education is the starting point and the foundation for what America is and will become, and Congress is responsible for its present state of affairs a11d its future. Today ot1r schools are being used for political purposes, and I see no reason to think that will soon change. Promoting a value-free, socialistic society has become one of the prime functions of our schools, and considered It's a rnistake to believe that govcrnrnenl can give things to sonic people without first taking it away front others.


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more in1portant than basic education. That is why kids who can't read, write or count can tell you about governn1ent's responsibility to them.

Basic Education Is Now Second Fiddle Our schools have become so intent on teaching lifeadjust111ent that they have seated the basics of education at second fiddle. That's why thousands of our kids are failing in school and are unable to compete in life. ft's why our streets are filled with so much cri111e and ho111elessness. Our kids simply aren't developing the skills they need to succeed in society. Do you think it is the purpose of our schools to establish and teach the values of society based solely on a few atheists? Well that is exactly what is happening. fn fact it is not just family values, but "the family" itself that is under attack. We now have history books i11 our high schools that have three lines about George Washington and six pages about Marilyn Monroe. 2 We have a school system bent on teaching our children thatequality is more important than freedom, that parents have no right to spank their children, that the free enterprise system is responsible for the homeless and the social inequality in our society and that capitalism is immoral. We have text books in our schools designed to teach that Marxist economics is the superior theory. If God had intended for us to live in a per111issivc society, wouldn't the Ten Com1nand1ncnts have been called the Ten Suggestions?


l\tlalice In Wonderland

All this information has been passed on to our Congressmen on multiple occasions. A report issued nearly ten years ago to ot1r 94th Congress clearly demonstrated that the failure of our schools was a direct result of their insistence on teaching value changes in society and their failure to teach the basic skills. Here are a few excerpts from elementary and high school text books used in our schools today that may make you a believer. From Life and Health, Random House, for grades 9 and 10, "Adolescent pettirig is an important opportunit)1 to learn about sexual responses and to gratify sexual and emotional desires without a more serious commitment. " Unbelievable? While we don't seen1 to have the time or money to teach math and science, we have plenty of resources to teach about petting.

Try this one on for size. It comes fron1 Person to Person, Benact, and is taught in grades 6, 7, and 8 Homemaking class. "Delbert and Sally are living together while they are in college. They do not expect to marry . . . they feel that living together provides each with love, affection and support. " What do you suppose they are trying to teach with this? From Exploring American Citizenship, Glove, for grade 8 Civics studies. "Some people believe that the federal government should act as the parent ofthe family - the nation. All problem.s are to be solved by the riational There was a time when $20-0 was the down-payment on a car; now it's the sales tax.


How America Has Changed!

government" And from Government and Citizenship, Allyn. "Sonie people feel that the governrnent should pay every family in t/1.e United States a minimum amount every year if' they do not earn that amount by working." Here's one to scare you from Sociology: Study of Human Interaction, a Random House High School Sociology text book. "Orie ofthe cornerstones ofmost socialist philosophies is ... thefreeing ofhuman beingsfrom the burdens of unnecessa1y and onerous labor in the service ofprofit-makers." Add to all this that sex education in our schools is teaching our children that having sex is sin1ply a personal decision they must make. And according to the text book, Person To Person, marriage is a contractual arrangement which should be considered on a five year renewable basis. A sample agreement is included in the text.

Programmed To Destroy Parental Authority Some of our schools are sper1ding over $300 per child on long tern1 implanted contraceptives without a parent's permissio11 and there seems to be nothing a parent can do about it. Such arrogance is proof th~ur government is bound and determined to destroy parental authority and our family values. When the government forces teachers to teach evolution as fact and denies them the right to teach creationism Another dilfcrcncc between death and taxes is th:1t death is frequently painless.


l.Vlalice In Wonderland

even as a theory, they have effectively denied the majority of A.mericans their rights because clearly the majority of Americans do believe in creationism. When evolution is taught as the only fact, it clearly implies that God is fiction. In this process our school system is being used to change the values of our children to those substantially different from what their parents believe and that is not the purpose of our schools. All this - taught in our schools. Why?To desecrate the traditional values we hold dear, that our parents held dear and their parents held dear. Why do our educators want to replace these values? Because these values are based on the teachings from the Scriptures and The New Politicos intend to discredit any thing that ren1inds us of God. Do you wonder why America's cities are crime infested! One sure way to guarantee the complete destruction of the family in America is to pit the children against the parents. That is the purpose, the plan and the actualized circumstance we are novv facing, all supported by Congress1nen and our tax dollars.

Multicultural Equality Our schools also teach a multiculturalism which is clearly destructive of our American ideals. The real reason for the push toward multiculturalism is to instill the belief that all cultures are equal. Isn't it strange that people from cot1ntries all over the world will risk ev\.Vhen God gave us the Ten Commandments, He didn't mention a million amendments.


Ho\v America Has Changed!

erything, including their lives and the lives of their families, to get away from their governments and cultures which enslave them and bond them to misery. They don't risk their lives in the move just to continue in the old, oppressive ways. When the early immigrants came they weren't German-Americans, or Dutch-Americans, they came so that they could become Americans and they were proud of that accomplishment. Why should that wonderful and successful formula change? To accommodate multiculturalism in California, school is taught in 89 languages. That obviously does much more harm than good to the very children being taught. If they are going to be a successful me1nber of our American society they have to be able to speak, read, write and communicate effectively in English. That will only happen if they are required to learn in E11glish just as the earlier immigrant families did. It has only been in recent history that immigrants have been given the opportunity to learn in their native language in public school and look at the enormous assimilation problems they are having. This false compassion is hurting the very people The New Politicos say they want to help.

Progress Back To The Basics We used to believe and teach that the differences in individual rewards were due to efforts made, ideals \:Vashington is recalling all the one dollar bills. There's a defect in the value.


Malice In Wonderland

followed and persistence. We understood that the struggles in life, the trials and circun1stances, were just part of the process of learning and growing. We understood that people build strength, character and self-confidence by going through struggles. We knew that great achievement had little to do with our birth. Columbus was a weaver, but he was also a dreamer. Homer started out as a beggar. Benjamin Franklin began as a printer's apprentice. Where they started didn' tmatter. Where they finished did! It would surprise most American kids today to discover what our founding fathers really believed because it is aln1ost never taught anymore. Tom Clark, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court was never afraid to share the truth about our founding fathers. According to Clark,

"Our Founding Fathers believed devoutly that there was a God and that the inalienable rights of' man were rooted- not in the state, nor the legislature, nor in any other human power - but iri God czlone." What Needs To Be Done?

We need to go back to the basics; belief in America, democracy, capitalism, limited government and truth, and we need to be willing to stand up for what we believe. If our President wants to abolish poverty, he can do it by abolishing the IRS.


Ifow America Has Changed!

Listen to Bill Bennett. About schools he says,

"The)1 mustfoster strong moral character and develop in their students reliable standards of right arid wrong. They must teach family valites, patriotism, and about our religious heritage. " He describes good schools as those with good principals and strong discipline. Our Congressional leaders believe that money is the answer to everything including education. Yet we spend more of our GNP on education than any of the other countries that do a better job. Washington D.C. schools are among the worse in America. They have a 50% dropout rate and less than a two point grade average. Yet we spend nearly $6000 per year on each student there. Private schools all across America do a better job and get quality results for about half that ainount and some make a profit to boot!

At The Edge Of Destruction Congress is the story of a number of men who have brought America too close to the edge of destruction by trying to change her foundations when they could be keeping her within the reach of glory. The achievements and glory that was once America's can be her's again with glory and achievements even greater than before. But not without reversing the changes brought about by The New Politics. The moral sense, or conscience, is us n1uch a part of 111110 as his leg or arm. •• Thon1a~ Jefferson, letter to his nephew, Peter Carr


Malice In Wonderland

The fou11dations upon which America was built, do11 't 11ave to be destroyed to 1nake America better. People don't have to tear out the foundation when they want to remodel their house. The social, political and economic chaos in America is the result of actions to undernune her foundations. Nearly all the original American ideals have been diluted, distorted or discarded by too many Congressmen who are more interested in personal ambitions than in America. Government Hates Religion

Another reason for our social devastation is understood fron1 the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, who said, "The greatest event ofrecent times- that 'God is Dead.'" We have gone from a Nation of people and leaders vvho had a fundamental belief in God to one that no longer believes. This has allowed this tremendous degradation to take place in our society and government. With no standard of morality or conduct " ... every one coitld do that which see1ned right in their own eyes." Governn1ents have al ways competed with religion for the loyalties of the people. The only \Vay for government to maintain the competitive edge is to control the religio11 or control the people. We have seen much of both at work throughout history. Always, the stronger tl1e state the less acceptance there has been for God to the point that, when t11e state owns everything, God is not only not needed, but Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. -- John Plulpot Curran


How America Has Changed!

hated. That's why Lenin could say, "There is riothing 1nore abominable tlicirt religion. " Governments hate religion- unless they can control it. Contravening, but in the name of the First Amendment, the government is abolishing religious freedom by attempting to eliminate religion from schools - even while the Congress opens each day with prayer. We can see this happening so clearly in America today. With each new social program the state assumes more responsibility for the individual. The role of parents is diminished. God is reduced in value, called outdated, inappropriate and outlawed a piece and a place at a time.

Another Critical Change In America? We have lost our passion for freedom. The story of Kunta Kinte, as told by Alex Haley in his book Roots, reminded me of the most in1portant change taking place inA1nerica today. Gary I1rrigfromhis book Hearts of Iron, Feet of Clay expresses Kun ta Kinte 's passion for freedom in a brief and powerful way. "Roots begins with the story of· an African named Kunta Kinte. In the eigliteenth cen.titry, at th.e age o.f seve1iteen, lie was kidnapped by slave traders .fronz his Mandinka ho1neland in Africa and shipped, under the most degrading conditions, toa l~fe ofslavery in Virginia. But Kunta was Too often, liberty is not appreciated until it is taken away. - anonymous


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a mart with a passion.for freedo1n. After months in chai11s, i,,vit/1 his l1ealtl1 broken, h.e was releasedfor only a moment, and, instantl)1, lie tried to escczpe. Dogs hunted him doi,,vn, and, .,,vhen he i,,vas recaptured, he wasfirst beaten then chained and hobbled for months on end. "All arouncl him, Kunta saw other blacks broken and defeated by their slavery, having given in to the hopelessness of their condition. Kitnta refused to give up his hope. Finally, the day came when his hobbles i-vere taken o.IJ~ and he rczri ai,,vay again. Since he could not go fast on an infected ankle, he was quickly recaptured, but he refused to give itp. One day he stole a iveapon, a11d he fled again. Unjortiinately, it was sno.,,ving; once again he was quickly hunted down, because ofhis tracks in the snow. He was bound and whipped and returned to a life in. shackles. By now, the other blacks wanted nothing to do with Kunta. They treated liim as if he were a kind of wild animal, and Kunta simply coitld not understand them. How could they be at peace with the white man when they were his slaves? Death woitld be better thari slavery; so he tried to escape one nzore time. He planned his escape very carefully, and, when an OJJportunity came, he hid in a wagon and rode off to freedom. But this time, he Personal liberty is the paramount essential to buman dignity and human happiness. -- Bulwer-Lynon


How America Has Changed!

was hunted down by a pair of ruthless slavecatchers, and, in ci sadistic act, they cut off1nost of his foot with an axe. "Kunta Kinte could no longer run, but he did not lose his passion for f reedom. As yott read or rvatch his story, yoit cannot help but admire and S)'mpathize with his agonizing desire to live and die a free man. "

For too many Americans who are living here now, unaquainted with tyrannical government and the power of kings, this grand haven o:ffreedomis taken for granted. For them, being Alnerican is no special thing. Their attitude, which comes from not knowing life-withoutliberty, has begun to erode this special spirit, uniquely American. Keeping this special American spirit alive requires great leadership and Congress is where that must start!

I . 2500 Anecdotes For All Occasions, Edmund Fuller, D olphin Books, Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York. 2. America Betrayed by Marlin Maddous, Huntington House Inc. The theory of Communism may be sun1mcd up in one sentence: Abolish ull private property. -- Karl Marx and Fricdnch Engels


hnmaculate Deception


Constitutional obligation of

governinent •


to redistribute wealth. Malice In \Vonderland, ProMotion Pub lis hing, San Diego, CA


Only big government could advocate spending our way to prosperity while being broke. The re is one fixed rule of big gave mment - the less it's worth, the more it costs. Everything seems to be under gave rnment control except the national debt and the budget.

Immaculate Deception '/



good for Anterica. /.

Malice In Wonderland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA


At the current growth rate, around the year 2000, half our entire National Income will be spent by our governments; federal, state and local. Unless there are major changes in the structure of our government programs our childr en have a bleak economic future.

Here Come The Numbers! It has been said,

"Liars, damn liars and statisticians" The next three chapters have a lot of data and comparative percentages. Take enough time, spend extra time, to let each one settle into yot1r nlind. Visualize them in relation to your life. They present vital truths that will surprise and enlighten you while you are evaluating today's American economy and the acts of Congress. U.S. now stands for Unlitnitcd Spending.


!Vlalice In Wonderland

Size - BIG Let's look at the size and growth of governments - at how n1uch inoney our governments spend today and tl1en examine how it all cai11e about. The federal govern1ne11t alone now spends $1.5 trillion each year, over 30 cents of every dollar of incon1e in the economy, and rising. That money comes out of our National Income of $4.8 trillion. While we usually talk about spending as a share of Gross Domestic Product, a inore accurate measure of government spending is as a share of National Inco1ne. National Inco1ne is co111posed of all wages (74% ); proprietors' and farmers' income (8o/o ), interest earnings (11 %) and corporate profits (7% ). It differs from Gross Domestic Product because it leaves out consumption of fixed capital and other expenditt1res that do not count in current income. National income is what we earn today to have available to spend (or save) today. BIG Portion

Let's look at what portion of National Income goes to support all government spending, including state and local governments. For many years the race with the Soviets for military superiority meant that as n1uch as one dollai· in ten was used to support the military. Now, thankfully, that nt1mber is falling. It is down to about one dollai· in twenty. But that does not mean that income The go,·crnrncnt is concerned about the population explosion, and the population is concerned about the government explosion.


Congress Is Big Government

earners get to keep a larger share of their earnings. Nonmilitary spending keeps going up and up, and more than offsets any cuts in n1ilitary spe11ding. For years it was claimed - and some politicians keep saying it today - tl1at if we would reduce n1ilitary spending there would be plenty of money for other government programs. Well, military spending now takes a smaller fraction of our income than it has in over 50 years. Nonmilitary government spending is now five times as nluch as military spending. Talking about a trade-off between guns and butter is pointless; regardless of how many guns \Ve dor1't buy, Congress keeps spending much more than that on n1ore bt1tter. The share of National Income going to military spending is down; the share that goes to nondefense spending is almost double what it was a generation ago. Interest payments on the federal debt really are nondiscretionary; the federal government has borrowed trillions of dollars fro1n citizens and foreigners and must pay the interest on that debt or there will be financial panic. We all know the sad story of public education - more 1noney gets poured in for worse results. While education spending has rise11 substantially, its growth pales compared to the growth in welfare spending and Social Security benefits. Not many Arncricans have been around the world but their n1011cy sure has.


Malice In Wonderland

The share of National Income needed to keep the Social Security system afloat has gone up almost fourfold over the last 35 years to 8.7%. The share of National Income devoted to public assistance (welfare) has gone up five-fold to 3.9%.

Spending Myths A gimmick of recent years that is now used as an excuse, is to call most of the federal budget "mandatory expenditures" or "entitlements." This gives the impression that the President and Congress have little control over the majority of expenditures. Over half the budget is now called "mandatory expenditures." But what about this half of the budget? Does the Constitution demand that these expenditures be made? Not at all! These expenditures are called entitlements to give the impression that there is arigl1t to payments under these programs. That is not the case~ these programs and their spending rules were determined by Congress and can be changed any time Congress has the will to do so. How is it that someone has to pay cash for a right? How can a right have a cash value? How is it that someone can get their rights in cash? How is it that anyone has a right to cash they haven't earned? According to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, expenditures in the federal budgets called Necessity is the pica for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. -- \Villiam Pitt


Congress Is Big Government

"Entitlements and Mandatories" include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (welfare), agriculture subsidies such as the Dairy Inde1nnity Program, student loans, federal employees' retirement, grants to the states for social services and, of course, congressional pay. Consider the growth of Social Security spending. For decades Social Security was claimed to be an old age pension. Since it became assumed that people couldn't be trusted to take care of themselves, everyone was to be forced to set aside a portion of his or her wages to be guaranteed a government pension to supplement a private pension or personal savings. Or, in the case of those who had no other source of income, it would provide a last resort for funds. For the prograrn to work like a real pension plan, the Social Security tax dollars would have had to be allowed to build up in a trust fund. Congress has never let that happen. Every time money started to build up in the trust fund, Congress voted to raise Social Security benefits, destroying the solvency of the syste111. They then matched this increased spending by increasing the taxes required to be paid into the system. Now, except for a fraction of Social Security benefits that represent repayn1ent of taxes paid in the past, most Social Security recipients are paid many times more than Americans everywhere are now in a daze front INTAXICATION.


Malice In Wonderland

what they contributed. The real (inflation-adjusted) average monthly Social Security payments to retired couples increased 54o/o from 1970 to 1990. That is, people who received Social Security benefits in 1990 were getting much higher - 54% higher - payments than those who were collecting checks in 1970. Whether or not higher Social Security payments are a good idea is not the issue. The point is that Congress decided to devote more of National Income to that purpose. Except for interest payments on the federal debt, Congress can increase or decrease any entitlement or mandatory expenditure. Congress and the President will not admit this. To talk about cutting Social Security and all the other things now called entitlements is understood to be political suicide. Politicians who want to stay in office for life are not willing to address tough spending issues, so they define them away.

Tight Budgets There are consistent claims that federal spending on domestic programs has been gutted; the needs of the people callously ignored. What happened during the Reagan years to federal domestic expenditures? Adjusted for inflation they increased by $26 billion dollars! From 1977 to 1992 federal domestic expenditures, adjusted for inflation, have risen 40%. Inflation-adjusted domestic government spending rose 12 % during the four Isn't it remarkable how our pioneering ancestors built up a great nation without asking Congress ror help?


Congress Is Big Government

Carter years (3o/o per year); but a only total of 4% ( 1/2 % per year) during the eight Reagan years! Federal govern1nent domestic spending exploded during the early 1990's. In inflation-adjusted 1991 dollars, domestic spending was $689 billion in fiscal year 1989. It will rise to at least $858 billion in fiscal year 1993, an increase of over 24% in four years. Federal domestic spending has been growing much faster than the sluggish economy. The share ofNational Income devoted to federal domestic spending rose from 14.9% to 18% over the same four year period. From where did all these extra dollars - 3.1 % of National Income - come? About half from the reductions in defense spending. Remember stories a few years ago about the bloated Pentagon with its $6,000 coffee pots and $200 hammers? Dt1ring the Kennedy administration in the 1960's, defense spending consumed over 10% of National Income. That fell to 6.7% of National Income in 1990 and is falling to 4.9% in 1995. There is indeed a "peace dividend." It is being spent by Congress - twice over.

Forgotten Cities And States California, Connecticut and New Jersey are among the many states that have enacted big tax increases recently. The states claim to be strapped for cash. After An1erican Canners don't need protection from compctilion to survive. They need protection from their own government.


Immaculate Deception

More Taxes will lower

the deficit.


J\>talicc I n \\1oodcrland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

Congress Is Big Government

the Los Angeles riots in 1992, many big-city n1ayors and assorted governors marched on Washington, claiming that the federal government had cut payments to cities and states to the bone. These governors claimed that there might be riots nationwide if the federal dollars did not flow. Now we have government by threat! One question not asked is, why citizens in Medford, Oregon, a11d Albian, Georgia, should pay taxes to the federal government that it then sends to Los Angeles and Atlanta? Why should citizens in Los Angeles and Atlanta pay taxes to the federal government that sends it to Medford and Albany? City services are most efficiently provided and paid for at the city level, not by paying federal bureaucrats to collect and redistribute money. But mayors and governors, like other politicians, want to be able to pass out goodies that are not tied to a tax bill they have had to sign. Setting aside the foolishness of having federal taxes pay for local services, what has happened to federal grants to state and local governments? In the five years from 1987 to 1992, federal aid to state and local governments rose from $106 billion to $171 billion. Adjusting for inflation, this was a one-third increase in funding from the federal government in just five years. Because the economy grew less than 10% over that five-year period, the cities and states received a huge net increase in real spending power. Of course it never hurts to ask for more. An An1erican can consider himself a success when it costs hiln n1ore to support the government thnn to support a wife and children.


l\ilalice In \Vonderland

Keeping pace with the spending increases at the federal level, total state and local government spending rose more than 120o/o during the decade of the 1980's. If that increase is corrected to allow for inflation, state and local spending rose 40% in real terms during the 1980's. You can decide if your state and local government provides 40% more i11 services now than you received a decade ago.

Spending Trends Except for defense spending, which is dropping however it is defined, government spending on just about everything else has been rising, no matter how it is meast1red. When anyone claims that public programs are being short changed, ask them, "compared to what?" Because government spending is taking a gro\:ving share of our nation's income, by definition there are fewer dollars left in the private sector of the economy. Let's get an idea of where the added dollars have been going. State and local public employee compensation rose more than four times faster than it did for private employees in the l 980's. In 46 state budgets their governme11t employee wages went up more than did private en1ployee wages. Local goverrunentemployee wages went up more than private employee wages did in 49 states. If state and local government ernployees wages had gone up at 011ly In congress, they shoot the bull, pass the buck, and make seven copies of everything.


Congress Is Big Government

the same rate as private sector employees wages during the 1960 's, state and local governments would have saved $40 billion! Governments are spending inore money and are hiring more people. The number of federal employees fell during the first two years of the Reagan administration, but it has been t1pward ever since, now exceeding three million employees, despite military cutbacks. State governments increased the number of their employees by about 20o/o during the l 980's, to about 4.5 million. Local governments increased employment by 10%, to over 10 million employees. Most large private organizations, taking advantage of efficiency-enhancing devices such as computers and seeking greater prodt1ctivity, have cut employment. Yet, during the 1960's, the overall nu1nber of people employed in the private sector increased by almost 20 percent. Almost all of this gai11 occurred in new businesses and businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees ! That governments are inefficient organizations is not the fault of gover111nent employees. Despite concern expressed about waste in government, Congress reveals no interest in allowing government agencies to modernize and take advantage of cost-saving measures. In legislation in 1991, for example, Congress prevented the Farmers Hon1e Administration from using private collecBureaucracy is based on a willingness to either pnss the buck or spend it.


J\ilalice In Wonderland

tion agencies to help collect billions of dollars in defaulted loans. Many appropriation bills prohibit federal agencies from saving money unless Congress says they can. Congress also requires 1nany federal programs to hire a certain number of people, preventing agency managers from eliminating unnecessary staff or contracting out for some services. Congressional micro-management of federal agencies regularly forces spending beyond what an agency requests, especially if this funding keeps a pet pork project operating in the district of a powerful Congressman. A favorite trick is to specifically prohibit an agency fron1 closing or consolidating unnecessary facilities by inserting words such as these in an appropriations bill: "No part of this appropriation may be used to move any of the offices of the (insert agency)." This slides by so easily most readers would think it a prudent control of money. This kind of behavior belies the rhetoric of most politicians that they are concerned about waste in government.

Congress Is Big Business At the beginning of the 1960's, Congress needed fewer en1ployees than there were members of Congress to run its operation.Now there are over 25 ,000 employees \Vhat ' Ye need is less government in business and n1ore business in government.


Congress Is Big Government

to k~ep the machine going that decides how to spend $1.5 trillion a year. At the beginning of the 1960's, the federal government spent 2.5% of ot1r incon1e; now it spends over 25o/o. Are we ten times better off than Americans in 1960? These changes in priorities a11d beliefs opened the door to The Big Change in America, the idea that the government is the caretaker. This is a pure socialist co11cept that leads automatically to BIG GOVERNMENT. And BIG GOVERNMENT leads automatically to gigantic waste, abuse of power and scandal. What ever happened to the Alnerican dream? It's no mystery - BIG GOVERNMENT! Few changes have so impacted everyone's life in America as BIG GOVERNMENT. Government laws, rules and regulations may well be the single biggest addition to the cost of goods and services in America.

How Bad Is It? Let me give you an idea of just how bad it is. There are nearly one half million tariff schedules and over 30 billion rate combinations established by the Interstate Con1n1erce Conunission directing what truckers can charge customers. Over two hundred n1illion hours are spent overall by bttsinesses each year just filling out bureaucratic forms. Then guess what? Each of those forms has to be read (Who really believes they are?) and Capitol punishment is when Washington comes up with a new tax.


Malice In Wonderland

filed by some bureaucrat, most of whom have never produced anything of value for society. In San Diego the up-front government fees to build a house are about$47,000. That's about40o/o of the cost of constn1ction. Do you think the cost of labor or n1aterials for a house has gone up as much? How many more people could afford a house if these fees were $3000 - or less? Our Congressmen would have us believe the inflated cost of a new home comes from greedy contractors, excessive wages and is the natural result of capitalism. When have you ever heard one Congressma11 stand up and tell you how much government adds to the cost of your homes, cars, TV's and food? Never, because we would revolt against such abuse if it were known publicly. There is probably nothing we now do that isn't, in a n1ultiple of ways, regulated, controlled and/or taxed by our government. Soon we' ll need a license to trap mice with a mouse trap or hunt flies with a swatter. Whatever Happened To The American Dream?

There is simply no mystery about it - BIG GOVERNMENT ! Whether you see the American dream as the ability to own a home, nice car and a VCR, or believe it is freedom and opportunity - the dream has been dashed by BIG GOVERNMENT - not by greedy businessmen or capi\.Vhat every Congrcssrnan wants is progress, if we can have it without change. -John Perkins


Congress Is Big Government

talism. It was businessmen using capitalism who provided all the legitimate opportunities that grew and produced all the things that have inade life in America better. What American would be like today without BIG GOVERNMENT is almost beyond man's imagination. Without BIG G it would be a piece of cake for American entrepreneurs to produce a million new jobs a month and no one capable of working would have to be hopeless or without a job. After the first six months of president Reagan's adn1inistration, American entrepreneurs began to produce from 100,000 up to a million new jobs every month; a total of over 15 million during his eight years in office! When he went into office President Bush decided he wanted a kinder-gentler nation. What really happened was that during his term he let a. liberal Congress tax it's citizens and businesses more. This biggest tax increase in history was supposed to be balanced with great spending cuts promised by Congress - but they never came. The result was a devastating recession. It appears very likely that the America is about to be plundered by more of the same. Do yot1 know what both President Reagan and President Kennedy did to create millions of new jobs in America? They reduced the Capital Gains Tax from 28o/o to 15%. The result was billions of new revenue for our Capitol punishment is when the government taxes you to get capital so that it can go into business in competition with you, and then taxes the profit on your business in order to pay its losses.


l\i[alice In Wonderland

goverrunent without imposing new taxes or higher tax rates on its citizens and millions of new jobs for Americans. BIG GOVERNMENT, are the two words that best describe Americar1 politics today. Herman Kahn once said that, "Americans are fortunate not to get all the government they pay.for!" Will our fortune run out now that we get1nore than we bargained for? BIG GOVERNMENT was not the idea of the founding fathers. It's the voraciot1s creature born of our Congressmen in office over the past seven decades. What does BIG GOVERNMENT do? Stifles incentive Hampers business Reduces competition Produces dependent people Punishes the productive people Increases the cost of everything Tur11s haI1gnails into goverrune11t agencies Produces arrogant bureaucrats and the oppression of goverrunent

Compromise is always \\Tong when it mean~ sacrificing a principle.


Congress Is Big Government

Big Brother Is Knocking BIG GOVERNMENT was translated qt1iteeasily into Big Brother. In the early 60's our Congressional leaders decided that every hun1an misfortune was an emergency which govern1nent had the responsibility to solve. This fundamental change in the role of our national government began to change the attitudes and beliefs of Americans. Our nation's economy began to be destroyed as a rational, reliable free market econo1ny. As a nation we came to believe that BIG GOVERNMENT spending was not only the best, but the only solution to every problem. Since there was nowhere near enough money to do all things for all citizens, our government had to spend mo11ey it didn't have and with that, deficit spending became policy. Are you are poor? Don't worry, your government has a plan and it doesn't include you having to work. You don't have a house? Don't worry, your government has a plan. Your rent costs too 1nuch? Don't worry, your government has a plan. Need or want an abortion? Don't worry, your government bas a plan for you. Who's going to pay for all this? Don't worry, your governn1ent has a plan for the hard working folks too. Add to these things, the War on Poverty which spent billions on self-serving bureaucrats, but did little to The cost of goYenuncnt won't go down until the Yoters rise up.


!Vlalice In Wonderland

reduce the number of poor; The Econo1nic Opportunity Act, which provided more thousands of bureaucratic opportunities, VISTA, a domestic peace corps which became a hiding place for hippies; the Elementary Education Act; The Secondary Education Act; The Youth Corps; The Job Corps; food stamps and a thousand other programs - all so that no one has to be responsible for themselves or their family - the government assun1ed that role. Shortly after Lyndon Johnson became president, welfare programs were being enacted fas ter then they could be printed and read. Flood-down welfare was his way to battle poverty. By the early 70's a fundamental change \Vas complete for millions of Americans who no longer looked to themselves, but to their government for solutions to any personal problem that might cause the least pain, hardship or inconvenience. The amount of tax dollars spent by that time on welfare exceeded spending on defense. The proportions are even more out of balance now. When we hand out welfare it is in its effect very much like domesticating a wild animal and then turning it loose i11 the wilderness. It won't survive. We seem to want to shelter our children fro1n the harsh realities of life while they are still at home and in school and then turn them out in a society that demands discipline, hard work, skills and While the people should patriotically and cheerfully support the Govcrn1nent, its functions do not include the suppor t of the people. -- Grover Cleveland


Congress Is Big Government

dependability to succeed. That's why so many are failing. Not because they're incapable, but because we've deceived then1 into believing there are no consequences for failt1re and that they are not respo11sible for their own future. The effect of BIG GOVERNMENT on personal economic opportunity is devastating. It's effect on our democracy is dangerous. Big government has prodt1ced a critical change in ot1r desire for liberty. Who today would say, "Give me liberty or give 1ne death." In the assault on America's principles, freedom is the greatest casualty and every living American is a victin1.

Unquestionably, there is progress everywhere. Tbe average American now pays out a~ much in taxes as he formerly received in wages.


Immaculate Deception '/



the reason for America's success.

Malice In Wonderland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

Preying On The Poor

Congressmen with localnotions

Immaculate Deception '/

Welfare •


the first step •

ID •

overcollling poverty.

MuHcc I n \Vonderlaod, P roMotion P ublish ing, San Diego, CA

A farmer had the reputation of paying too low wages, so a federal inspector called on him. "I understand that you are violating the law by paying wages below the minimum," stated the inspector. "I am, huh?" the farmer retorted. "Well, there's Jake, who milks the cows an' does the chores around the barn. Go ask 'im," said the farmer. "Forty dollars a week, sir," Jake informed the inspector. "Ho\v about the maid?" asked the inspector. ' 'Hannah? Ask 'er," offered the farmer. ''Thirty dollars a week and room and board, sir," replied Hannah. "All right, any more?" the inspector asked. ''Well, no---only the half-wit," the farmer replied. "He gets$10 a week fer his terbacco an' his board and room." "Let me speak to him," he den1anded. "Well, you're speakin' to 'im now," the farmer said 'vi th a smile. Capper's WeekJy

Americans a tradition of sympathy for the poor. This is not a universal feeling around the world. In many countries the poor are viewed with disgust; there is no milk of human kindness and little help is provided. We are a Nation of immigrants. Most Americans can tell stories of ancestors who endured poverty for the sake of a better world for their children. Americans want the underdog to succeed. Pay attention to what a mun is, not what he has been.


Malice In Wonderland

Many politicians tell tis we should feel guilty about poverty. We are regularly told that the te11s of billions of dollars we give in private charity and pay in taxes to support 11umerous poverty programs are not enough. Politicians tell us that poverty can be cured only by more taxes and more government programs. If you do not agree you are called insensitive and greedy. It is not polite for politicians to tell people they want to be elected so they will have the power to take money from one person to give it to another person (in exchange for campaign support and votes). To talk about taking fro m one rich person (which now seems to include those who just last year were called middle-class) to help 99 poor people sounds much more polite and may win a lot of votes. It is not called taking from the rich; it is called making the1n pay their "fair share." Most people are sympathetic toward the poor and want to help them and their children have a chance for a decent life. Most people believe that the government should help the trul)' poor. The problen1 is that our political leaders have wasted hundreds of billions of our dollars creating a permanent under-class that has little reason or ability to abandon poverty. America has a poverty industry, directed by ot1r Congressmen, fed by tax dollars, supported by a massive bureaucracy that does little to help the truly needy and Reputation is precious, but character is priceless.


Preying On The Poor

deserving. Let us examine who we are supposed to be helping and how much has been done in the name of helping the poor. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars each year in the narne of helping the poor. How come there are still so ma11y poor people?

Counting The Poor Poverty is not naturally related to race, sex , color, creed or 11ational origin. It is a function of different backgrounds, opportunities, barriers and the ince ntives people face. What do we find in America? When incomes are adjusted for inflation, the same percentage of households have incomes under $10,000 per year 11ow as was the case before the War on Poverty started in the 1960 's. Inflation adjusted, in 1968, 17o/o of all households had incon1es under $ 10,000; in 1988, 17% of all household s still had incomes under $ 10,000. They weren't the same households but there was no net victory in that War on Poverty. For black househo lds, the situation has worsened a little. In 1968, 31 % had inflation adjusted incon1es under $10,000; in 1988, 34o/o had incomes under this $10,000 per year income arbitrary definition of poverty. What the heck, that's only a 3% rise - but that's thousarzds more families at the bottom. Let's use this definition as a yardstick to see where the problem appears to be worst and what is being done about it. Fur nncl away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard nt work worth doing. -- Theodore Roosevelt


Nlalice In Wonderland

In 1990, there were over 94 111illion households in the ·u .S. These included households with children l1eaded by one or two adults, households headed by two adults with no children and single adult households. Of these housel1olds, 23.5% reported income, cash money income, under $10,000 and they were thus labeled as below the tJoverty line. However, when we take into account the taxes they paid, the tax credits they received, the cash received from various government programs and the value of non-cash benefits such as food stamps and medical assistance, th.e 11u1nber of hot1sel1olds with real incomes under $10,000 is cut in half. Another gover11ment study shows that the poorest 20% of all households had earned income of about $7 ,500 in 1990. Bt1t, taking into accot1nt the various public benefits receivecl, their actt1al income rose to $15,000. Tl1at is, the average household in the bottom 20% of the income distribution doubled its income \Vith taxpayerprovided benefits. Most benefits go to those who have almost no income; that is, JJeople who never or rarely work. In 1990, 16.4% of the IJOpulatio11 had money incomes u11der $5,000 a year, but after various benefits were received, only 2.8 % of the population had incomes u11der $5,000 a year. Obviously the poor are not made rich by welfare but help is providecl. Congress does some strange things -- it puts a hii:h tax on liquor, a nd raises the other taxes that drive people to drink.


Preying On The Poor

From where does the money for this help con1e? The upper-income earners provide n1ost of it. Some folks think that means the rich. There aren't that many rich and they don't have that much money compared to the size of the welfare bill. In 1990, 4.5o/o of all households started with inco1ne over $100,000, but after taxes only 2.2% of all households had income over $100,000. The inajo1ity of funds for vvelfare actually con1e from the taxes paid by the millions of middle-class working families.

Do the Rich Get Richer? Some people are born to wealth. Unless they fritter it all away, they are called rich. Some are born a11d spend their lives in poverty; they are called poor. There are always some people who are poor and some who are rich, but who is poor and who is rich changes. Census Bureau data divides the population of families into fifths, or quintals. The data show that each year 18% of the families in the lowest quintal move up into a higher inco1ne bracket. Of the people in the highest quintal, about 22o/o fall into a lower income bracket each year. That is, for n1ost people there is substantial income mobility - one of the great benefits of a market econon1y is that for those who choose to apply themselves, mobility can be upward. A recent study by the Treasury Departn1ent tells an interesting story about the rich and the poor. The study Sonic people pray for a bushel, but carry a cu11.


Malice In Wonderland

followed Americans from 1970 to 1988. The richest 1% of income earners i11 1979 were still doing well in 1988, but less than half were still in the top 1%.111 fact, 2.2% of the people who were among the 1% richest in 1979 had fallen all the way down to the poorest income group by 1988. Most of the rich do not just get richer! What About The Poor?

The Treasury study found that of those in the bottom fifth in 1979, only 14.2% were still in the bottom 20o/o in 1988. That is, only one person in seven was still in the poorest income group nine years later. Of those who were in the bottom fifth in 1979, 14.7% had moved into the top income group by 1988. That is, more people had risen to the top income group in nine years than had remained in the bottom income grot1p. Ft1rthermore, over half of those in the bottom fifth in l 979 l1ad reached the top half of all i11come earners in 1988. Most of the poor do not just get poorer! Another study by the Urban Institute followed the richest people and the poorest people fro1n 1977 to 1986. The income of the one-fifth of all families with the highest income in 1977 increased an average of 5% by 1986. The income of the one-fifth of all fan1ilies with the lowest income in 1977 increased an average of 77% by 1986. One thing about death -- it does n't get worse every time Congress n1cets.


Preying On The Poor

As the Urban Institute autl1ors said, "the rich got a little richer and the poor got niuch richer."

Ho'v Poor is Poor? Consider what Census Bureau data reveal about those who are counted as poor. Of the 30 million people defined as living in poverty because of their low i11co1ne, 38% own their own homes, a half million own homes worth more than $100,000, 62% own a car and 14% own two or more cars. These households spend $ 1.94 for every $1 of reported income. Some of this comes from prudent saving over the years but most are able to do this because they receive various public benefits and because many are in the "cash economy" with significant income not reported to the government. Despite the fact that son1e people counted as poor are not really poor, tl1ere are indeed people trapped in IJOVerty; nearly everyone would agree that they are the deserving poor. When a politician says that millions of families have incomes less than $10,000 a year, they are not telling us n1uch; many of these people are not the deserving poor. A $10,000 a year income is low, but it does not tell us if there is a proble1n about which we should be worried. We may be talking about law students, retired folks who are pretty comfortable, or other people most of us would not call really needy. hat would the Ten Co1n1nandmcnts look like today if Moses had been co1npcllcd to submit them to a hostile legislature? \ \1


Malice In Wonderland

Where Is Poverty Worst? The best cure for poverty is a job. That seems so sin1ple as to be silly, but it is one of life's truths. Of course there are some people we would call the "working-poor," but most American poverty is not related to wages being too low b11t to people who will not or cannot work. We saw before, that, in 1990, 23.5% of all l1ouseholds reported 1noney income under $10,000 a year. But only 2.8% of households with one full-time employed worker had income under $10,000. Similarly, 16.4o/o of all households reported income under $5,000 a year, but less than 1% of all households with one full-time employed worker have incomes under $5,000. Unemployn1ent or other misfortune can cause poverty, but this situation is temporary for most people. Adults who can and will work are not consigned to the prospect of a lifetime in grinding poverty. A government study looked at income in 1989 as a function of family situation. The study reports who makes above and below the median income in the U.S. That is, half the population had income less than the median; half tl1e population had income above the n1edian. In this study, the poor are defined as those whose income was only one-quarter of the median income of the entire population. 111 1989, 8.35% of the population had income less than one-quarter of the 1nedian income in the country. Congress thinks that crin1c is not crime until discovery rnakcs it so.


Preying On The Poor

Who was least likely to be poor; that is, to earn less than one-quarter of the inedian income? The answer: adt1lts in married families with husband and wife present. Only 3. 2 o/o of such people were in the poor category. Who was n1ost likely to earn less than one-quarter of the median income? Women with children but no spouse. Of all women with children under age six who did not have a spouse at home, 47% \verein the lowest income category. Because there were 3.4 nlillion women with over four inillion children in 1989 in that situation, this is a major social problem. TV's Murphy Brown aside, if you are a single woman with a child you are likely to be poor, regardless of race. Over 42% of all white women and 53% of all black women with children under age six and no spouse in residence presently earn less than one-quarter of the median income. The situation improves a little bit when the children are older and off to school, but the poverty rate an1ong this group is still very high. This poverty is particularly noticeable among blacks, because 40% of all black women aged 18 to 65 have children under 18 and have no spouse at home. This compares to 20% of Hispanic women and 10% of white women who are in similar situations. This problem is getting worse. The number of women in such households has tripled in the last 25 years. The facts are clear; if a You can lead a man to Congress but you can't make him think.


Immaculate Deception

Prosperity for all •


possible through govern01ent.

Malice In Wonderland, ProMolion Puhlishing, San Diego, CA

Preying On The Poor

won1an has children b11t no spouse, she and the children are very likely to be living in poverty. In contrast, fanuly stability means low poverty rates regardless of race. For example, among married black women between 20 and 44 who work full-tin1e, only 0.8o/o earned less than one-quarter of the median i11come. Indeed, 66% of these women earned more than the national median income; and 73% of married black women between 45 a11d 64 who worked full-time earned more than the median income.

Wringing Our hands The Los Angeles riots in May 1992 renewed concern about the poor. A typical reaction was this statement from . a magazine,

"What rve have just witnessed in Los Angeles is a glimpse of a racial and urban crisis in this coitntry that is steadily growing in i11tensity. Neither Repitblican neglect nor traditional Democratic liberalism comes close to solving it. It's time to start over." The real poverty problem has become a social sickness. We now have generations of families raised on the welfare system. They do not live well. They are in poverty. But that is what they know. They have been taught to live that way. They know that their standard of living goes up if they have chlldren. The government pays A congressman gets a lot of money for a man who gets up to speak, says nothing, nobody listens, and then everybody disagrees.


Malice In \Vonderland

teenage girls to have children. By having children, un1narried teenage girls beco1ne welfare adt1lts - eligible for their own apartme11t, payments for the childre11 and other benefits. Everyone who looks at this system agrees that it is sick. It encourages irresponsible behavior and people who are perfectly capable of working are punished if they try to leave welfare. Most single women with children would suffer a drop in spending power if they took a job. To trap people in welfare and, worse yet, have them raise their children in a welfare system, is economically destructive and, by any standard, morally bankrupt as it forces the destruction of families. But welfare refor111 is scary to those who rely on welfare. Politicians who want votes cannot risk losing these voters by threate11ing to take away what they know. The motivation of our elected leaders leads them to do the wrong thing. They dribble out a little support to a lot of people to maximize the number of votes they get in return. Politicians are preying on the poor and on our sympathies for the poor. The result is a travesty. Instead of giving good nutritious ineals to the truly needy, food stamps are passed out to over 25 million people, most of whom are in no danger of malnutrition. Instead of giving generous public assistance to the truly deserving, Congress has declared that nlany able-bodied No drunken sailor ever spcut n1oncy as fast as a sober congressman.


Preying On The Poor

adults are entitled to a support that destroys their incentive to work their way out of poverty. Our politic al leaders know the welfare system is sick. They will not reform it because by keeping these funds flowing they are returned to Congress again and again, even though they are responsible for this horrible syste1n. Re-segregating America

The Los Angeles riots in 1992 were not just a protest over the failure to convict the police who beat Rodney King; they were a sign of the social sickness and criminals that are endemic in low income minority communities. Even so, we cannot allow the out-and-out criminal behavior of violent rioting to be accepted and go unpunished in the name of social justice - an abomination on the necessary concept of the rule of law on which all freedom must be based. Each criminal act, by whoever, must be punished in the courts of law or there is no law but the law of violence. Also, we cannot ignore the inflammatory language of the local LA politicians and minority leaders who took a biased stance, with their words actually inciting the rioters, without regard to the value and absolute necessity of allowing the normal judicial process to work. They took the position, beforehand, that if the verdict didn't go their way it was a denial ofjustice. These A congressman made the following brilliant statement: "Lynching deprives a 1nan of his constitutional rights. It also interferes with his plans for the future."


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same leaders have maintai11ed this dan1aging theme, attempting to influence juries \Vith threats of violence if other trials are not decided as they want the1n - regardless of tl1e testimony and the law. Our syste1n allows us to select our juries bt1t we cannot pick and choose which verdicts we want to accept. If The New Politics and those going around in the name of social justice succeed in destroying confidence in the court systems there will be no justice for anyone. The local leaders were vocally joined by others on the national scene who, although they were not in the courtroom for weeks to hear all of the evidence and the instructions, openly rejected the verdict and thus contributed to the arson, pillage and loss of life. Whatever an individual thinks of a verdict once duly rendered by a j ury, the justice system n1ust be supported or nothing will re1nai11 of our freedom. We have seen proof in these riots! The Los Angeles Watts riots of 1965 were attributed to the frustrations faced by blacks who had been denied equal opportunity and long condemned to the bottom of the economic barrel. The 1992 riots occurred after hundreds of billions of dollars had been spent in the nanle of help for the black commu11ity. The rioters and, of more concern, the non-rioters who live in the slums, are the victims of government policies not of society. Policies that have contanlinated One of the disadvantages of a dernocracy is the minority has the say and the ntajority has to pay.


Preying On The Poor

their inner attitudes They have been made wards of the state with little hope of anything else. Ot1r political leaders are not interested in any change; they just call for more of the destructive policies that have worsened racial te11sions in our society. Our politicians are re-elected even though they support policies that produce economic and human tragedy, so they will not change the policies.

It Will Get Worse The rapid growth of social programs in the 90's, especially welfare, means that more people will be wards of the state tomorrow than are today. The number of people who take food stan1ps has increased by two million in the past two years alone. The more we offer people to live on welfare, the more will live on welfare . It happens that blacks are the racial group most affected by these policies. But there are many whites and Hispanics in the san1e boat. Because the average income of workers is not rising and tax burdens are, there will be ever increasing resentn1ent toward those who receive welfare benefits. The cost of supporting those on welfare is rising and the number of recipients is too. The Los Angeles rioters were not physically or mentally disabled persons who have been mistreated by society. They were able-bodied people, perfectly capable of working. There is little sympathy anywhere for people who take from those who work for a There's a lot of trouble in this country nowaday$, and it seems everybody is trying to fix the blame instead of the trouble.


Malice In Wonderland

living, seem to spit in their faces and have the audacity to claim they deserve more. Welfare is supposed to help the truly deserving; everyone can see that is not what is happening.

Success Is Not Due To Race Achieve1nent does not happen because one belongs to the "right" race. When we look at the income of ethnic groups, we see a reflection of the work ethic, educational achievement and other factors. An1ong certain groups there is no question that most came to America expecting to work hard. Their achievements are not necessarily typical of all people in their country of origin; they have excelled beyond those left in the home country. Consider the ranking of average household income by group in A1nerica, from highest to lowest: Japanese, Indian, Filipino, Cuban, Anglo, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Native American and Black. The income range from top to bottom is more than two-to-one. That is, the average income ofAlnerican fanulies of Japanese descent is more than twice the average of American families of African descent. Those at the top got there by working, not because they did not face discrimination or because they received welfare benefits. They never got trapped on welfare and they blew past stupid racist attitudes. Fifty years ago the What a different world this would be if people would only magnify their blessings the way they do their troubles.


Preying On The Poor

most hated group in the country were Americans of Japanese desent. They were rounded up and put in prisons during World War II simply because of their race. A generation later they are at the top of the financial heap. Living On Welfare Is The Pits

Living on welfare is dreary - horrible by the standards of most who read this book - but if it is the only life you know, it seems normal. There is little con1prehension by many people at the bottom of why things are the way they are; they just know that they don't have much and that they seem to have little chance of getting any more. They are right. The welfare system removes people fron1 normal society where one is expected to go to school and then get a job. While doing well in school and getting a job are rewarded, under our ct1rrent system, not doing well and not getting a job means more of the same econo1nic slavery to government programs, a worsening of conditions for those on welfare. What is hard to remernber is that most of this terrible situation has arisen in the last 25 years. Back in 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed, whites had reason to feel ashamed, not only about racial attitudes and action but about the legal barriers faced by blacks. In many states, the government provided segregated, miserably ft1nded public schools for black children. Federal and State labor laws, so1ne of which are still on the books, The problem that baffles \Vashington is how lo dig the country out of the hole without making the hole any bigger.


Malice In Wonderland

n1ade it hard for blacks to compete in many labor markets. Housing, public transportation, restaurants, motels, stores, and inany other parts of life were segregated. Less than 30 years ago, blacks and other racial minorities faced barriers that we have trouble imagining today. Just when legal segregation began to fall, and blacks obtained the right to a 111ore equal share of funding for education and a chance at employ1ner1t opportunities previously denied, the "Great Society" came along in 1964 to shower welfare benefits on the poor. Why this was done is not clear- n1aybe is was white guilt; or maybe it was an effort to keep many blacks out of the mainstream by trapping them on welfare; but most likely it was simply that politicians like dun1ping money on the heads of people who can vote. Previously, poor blacks could not vote; now they could. By 1971, the number of people receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), the primary welfare program, had ju1nped to over 10 million - triple the nun1ber of ten years before - despite good economic and employment growth rates in the l 960's. Government policies created a permanent welfare class almost over11igl1t. Even if the Great Society's welfare programs were intended to help, their effects were perverse. All of society suffers the cost of supporting a welfare class and the social degeneration that goes with it. \.Yhy is il that a scandal runs, while truth rnust crawl?


Preying On The Poor

Don't Rock The Boat There are two basic ways to solve the welfare mess. It will be difficult to get either one of them to fly. One option is to stop welfare benefits except for the physically and mentally disabled. Going cold turkey means hard times for those who would lose benefits and have to learn to work for a living. Those people will punish the politicians who do that to them. The other option is to change the system so we pay people to get off of welfare instead of staying on. This vvould mean increasing the amount we spend on welfare even more, at least for several years, a policy that taxpaying voters do not want to hear about. Neither method \vill ever be accepted in our current political structure, even though the long run results would make everyone better off. No 1natter how welfare is reformed, the costs would be high for several years, which means members of Congress would get blamed. Some would lose their seats. Again, 1nembers of Congress want to stay there for life, they will not risk their seats just for the sake of reform, even though it would truly help the poor. The economics of welfare is just like the economics of farm subsidies. The governn1ent takes money from taxpayers and gives it to sugar farn1ers to grow sugar. We There arc many in government who are not actually liars but they keep a respectful distance from the truth.


Malice In Wonderland

waste the money taxpayers give farmers in sugar subsidies, and the farn1ers waste their time growing a crop we do not need instead of 1)erforming useful work. There are two ways out of this. Cut off the subsidies or buy out the farmers. Just like welfare reform, it is either expensive to the taxpayers or scary to the recipients, so either way Congress is 11ot going to change the system. In this chapter, I co11ld have focusecl on the wasteful farm program, but chose welfare beca11se the costs of this program are imn1ense and because the consequences are immoral. The welfare program v. astes money on welfare and destroys econon1ic opportunities because those on welfare are not doing useful work. 1

Welfare recipients, and what is more frightening, their children, do not understand what l1as happened to them and do not have a cl11e how to get 011t. We are trapping people in this horrible system in the name of helping them. This is tl1e least defensible federal policy that exists. Politicians play the middle ground- calling for welfare reform, an end to welfare abuse a11d for programs that really will help. But all the while they deliver more of the same because they are re-elected by doing so. Cover Your Eyes

Welfare policy has become an urunentio11able. We dance around the issues. Code words and 1)latitudes are A111crica lives in the heart of every 1nan everywhere who wishes to find a region where he will be free to work out his destiny as he chooses. •• Woodrow Wilson


Preying On The Poor

used rather than clear language. To imply that people on welfare want to be on welfare is called racist or insensitive. To not be branded racist or insensitive one must agree that even more welfare programs should be provided. What we do not want to admit is that we have created a social monster that is very hard to control. Better to feed the monster a little more every day and hope it does not turn on us than to deal with the problen1 head on. We are not helping those on welfare. Many people are on welfare only because they can see no alternative and, in many cases, they do not have the basic skills needed to join the adult working population. They know there is a better world out there, but they are completely isolated fron1 it. No matter what aspect of the welfare system you look at, the evidence is clear that it encourages irresponsible behavior and produces bad results. Most welfare recipients must send their children to the local pt1blic schools These schools are well known to be something other than places of learning. The a1nazing thing is that any child sent to such poverty-ridden schools learns anything at all. One study found that only 37o/o of the black and Hispanic children who entered Chicago public high schools in 1980 graduated. Many of them were really getting a certificate of attendance; of those in the study who graduated, only 21 % could read at the proper grade level. Our character is but the sta111p on our souls of the free choices of good and evil we have 111ade through life. •• Geik1e


Malice In Wonderland

The point is, that pouring n1oney into the same awful public schools, which are dealing with many troubled children fron1 no-father fanulies that place little value on education and do not know what to do about discipline, is not going to work. Some of tl1e worst public schools are the most expensive schools in America. Some of the worst schools in Atlanta cost $11,000 per year per child. People who can scrape it together pay less than that to send tl1eir kids to fancy private schools. We need basic reform of the education system, not more n1oney thrown down the san1e rat hole. Anotherproblen1identified with low-income people is low birth-weight babies. Low birth-weight means higher i11fa.n t mortality. A Harvard University researcher has shown tl1at the only place this is a serious problem is an1ong unwed mothers. Regardless of race or age, mothers who have babies outside of marriage are less likely to take care of themselves and their babies. Two-thirds of all black babies and one-fifth of all white babies are now bor11 to unmarried mothers - triple the rate before the "Great Society" showered free 1nedical care on expectant wo1nen. Despite great advances in medical care, we have more proble1ns today with low birth-weight babies and infant mortality than we did 30 years ago. This is the rest1lt of a welfare policy that pays unwed women to have babies and reduces their income if they get married. Is life so dear, or pence so S\\'eet, as to he purchased nt the price of chains and slavery·! Forhid it, Altnighty God!--1 know not what course others may take; but as for rnc, give 1ne liberty or give me death! -- PJtrick Henry


Preying On The Poor

Another study by economists at MIT and UCLA found that if poor women participated in all the usual welfare programs- AFDC, food stamps, Medicaid, and pt1blic housing - the birth-weight of their babies was not improved. There is no reason to think that more welfare - more of the same programs that got us where we are today - is going to improve the situation. Those who are on welfare today are not better off medically than are the poor women who avoid welfare assistance.

Don't Do The Right Thing! Do What's Correct! I could go on about all the other welfare programs that cause people to behave exactly as we do not want people to behave. Unless we like paying the tab for nonworking members of society who spend their lives collecting miserable benefits from the government we have to do something.

Politicians are smart people who can see how sick the welfare system is - and that it is causing a segregated America, split between those who are not working and those who resent paying for them. Members of Congress keep their seats despite having voted for this terrible system, so they are not going to rock the boat.

I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble case, but the doctrine of the strenuous life. -- Theodore Roosevelt


Immaculate Deception. '/


people cause

poor people.

Malice I n \Vonderland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA.


"' :

Is The A111erican Drea111 Over?

No way! But it's in trouble!

.,, ' .... (



,.·...., ,.


Immaculate Deception

The death of the Ainerican dreaJTI •


caused by greedy businessJTien. /

Malice In \\'onderland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

1 ...:

When the Athenians fin ally \Vanted the State to give to them, when the freedom they \Vished n1ost for \Vas freedom from r espons ibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. Edith Hamiltion

One doesn't need to read the many doon1sday books to know that the American economy is stagnating. America's history has been one in which each generation could expect to live better than the previous generation. This was not an illusion. Real economic growth per person in this country averaged 2% per year in this century until about 1970. Certainly the baby-boomers growing up in the 1950's and 60's knew they would live better than their parents lived in the 1920's, 30's, and40's. That was a reasonable expectation that was borne out by . experience. Today tl1ere is pessimism unknown si nce the Great Depression. We are much wealthier than we were in the 30's but those who are starting out now after high school or college are finding the real world tougher going. Few young people talk about being better off than their parents Plunncd cconon1y is fas t bcconiing calculated ext ravagance.


IVlaJice In Wonderland

and their expectations are borne out by the data. In fact, many are relying on their parents to help them maintain a satisfactory standard of living as young adults. The biggest gain rnany young adults can hope for is an inheritance when they are middle aged. The disillusioru11ent expressed by young adults is not t1nrealistic - our economy has been stagnant. If the economy had continued to grow since 1970 at its historical rate of 2o/o per year (a modest rate), average real inco1ne wot1ld be 50% higher today. There would be no "Jack of resources" for government programs. There would be a lot less poverty. The fruits of what little growth we have enjoyed, sucl1as in the 80 's, have been consumed by the governn1ent. The ugly poverty in Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet Union, exposed after the collapse of co1nmunism, put another nail in the coffin of the idea that socialisn1 can work or that economies can be centrally planned. Despite the lessons we should have learned from the te1rible experiences of those nations, we continue to 1nove toward democratic socialism. Under democratic socialism, elected goverrunent leaders, rather than individt1al citizens, decide how we spend 1nost of our income. Despite the opposition to ever expanding goverrunent expressed by n1ost political leaders, that growth of government continues with no end in sight. Can you imagine Congress chiding the S & L's for poor fiscal policies'? •• John Perk.Ins


ls The American Dream Over?

Few politicians admit to favoring tax increases (except for those to be imposed on a few rich folks). Most claim tl1ey want to cut tax burdens for most citizens. At the same ti111e, despite the rapid growth of government expenditures, we hear the same politicians say "Budgets are tight," "The states are strapped for cash," and "The Reagan years gutted social programs." These claims are used to justify higher taxes and they indicate strong political incentives to keep governments growing. While most politicians tell voters they oppose higher taxes and big go\1ernment, they vote to make both happen. Taking from Peter to pay Paul never was a valid economic growth strategy and it still is not. It tells Peter he does not get to keep the fruits of hi s labor and tells Paul he does not have to labor to get any fruits. This is the message of the "Great Society" programs started in about 1965 . In the Great Society, our political leaders decided to give a lot more public assistance benefits to low income people. In 1965, at the start of the Great Society, 4.3 million people were receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) benefits, the primary welfare program. Then the an1ount of public assistance benefits increased rapidly. Food stan1ps and public housing projects were started, AFDC payn1ents increased, more medical benefits were provided, and so forth. Our congress is continually appointing "[act-rinding" co111mittees \vhcn whal they rc:11ly need arc some "fact-facing" comn1i1tces.


l\ilalicc In Wonderland

The Great Society kicked up the share of National Income devoted to public assistance by 158% from 1965 to 1975. During those ten years, the number of people receiving AFDC rose 162o/o, to 11.3 million. The more people are paid to be on welfare, the more people will volunteer to be on welfare. That statement is not intended to be mean. When the government takes from Peter to pay Paul, more people will want to be Paul. My prediction, and that of many who have studied the data, is simple. Unless we change what the government is doi ng to our economy, we will not again see the 2 o/o per person annual growth in real personal income that we used to take for granted. The poverty problen1 and many other problems will get worse.

Economic Gridlock Our present generation of young adults, and even more so the next generation, are the first in American history to have no reason to expect to be wealthier than previot1s generations. B11t there is no law of nature or economics that says it has to continue to be that way. We have brought this on ourselves by allowing our political leaders to tax and regulate us into this condition. Other economies (some weaker than ours) continue to grow and prosper. They are 11ot sacldled with the consequences of a political system The 1norc govcrnn1cnt in the economy, the less economy in the govcrn1ncnt.


Is The An1erican Dream Over?

that is concerned with who gets the goodies that exist; they are encouraging more goodies to be created that all . may enjoy. We have no reason to believe that our political l.eaders will change the policies that have brought us to this economic gridlock. They have no incentive to change the structure of our government. They continue to be political winners by sticking with what is, despite their talk about wanting changes. If members of Congress really wanted reform, we would have it already. Stuck In The Mud

The average worker has n1ade no real gain for over twenty years. The multi-trillion dollar set of entitlements Congress has mandated for us, to be financed by trillions in debt that we are passing on to our children, threatens the next generation's hope of even matching the income of the present generation. The average wage of American workers, inflation adjusted, is the same today as it was 25 years ago. Since taxes have risen, the inflation adjusted average takehome pay of workers is abot1t the same as it was 30 years ago. The situation is even worse for young workers and those without a college degree. The average wages of workers under age 30 and of workers without a college education have fallen over the past 20 years. Govcrnn1cnt n1achinery bas been described as a mar,•clous labor saving device which enables ten men to do the work of one.


Malice In Wonderland

Because there has been very little economic gain for the average worker, most families now have two workers. When both spouses work, n1any expenses go up, such as higher clothing and food bills, child care and the purchase of other services that were done by the housewife in Ozzie and Harriet days, so there is relatively little financial gain. They remain financially stuck in the mud even if the wife works out of choice, not just for the extra money.

Why Are We Stuck? The National Center for Public Policy Research reported that if the economy had continued to grow at its long-term trend of 2% per year, the budget could be balanced today. We did not need to have a deficit. But the economy is not growing at that rate. The economy does not grow, but government expenditures do. Congress continues to spend as if we were getting wealthier and, worse yet, claims that we need more government programs to spur economic growth. When the econon1y stalls for no obvious reason that people can see, lots of possible reasons are offered. Some say the problem is that young people today do not know how to work. Perhaps they are less prepared for the labor force, but only marginally so. Young people today have the same desire to get ahead as people have always had. \:Ye no longer have the best Congress money can buy. ··John Perkins


Is The American Dream Over?

But because of the decline in productivity growth, young workers today are paid less for the same work than were young workers in past decades; they have to work longer and harder just to stay even. Some say that the problem is that business leaders do not know how to compete. This is just foolishness. The share of National Income produced by the largest corporations is declining; our economy and the world economy are more competitive than ever. That competition, and the technological progress it produces, provides us better and cheaper goods. Competition is one of the key things that has kept our standard of living rising in the past. We just need to get the government off our backs - restoring our economic freedom to act.

Two Ways To Spend A Buck Congress spends two ways: by spending dollars themselves or forcing people and businesses to spend on things they might not want. Direct spending is easier to see and understand - Congress wants money so its members can give special treatment to their friends. The other way to control resources is to force others to spend their resources. Co11sider just the hours you spend doing federal income taxes, which is estimated to be 30 hours per year on average. That is regulatory spending - you spend tin1e (and money if yot1 hire an accountant) doing so1nething the goverrunent requires. Separation of church and state could hardly be more complete. The church that rnoney isn't everything, and congress keep telling us it is.



Malice In Wonderland

The private sector incurs huge costs complying with regulations. Most of these costs have come about in the past 20 years or so. The budgets of regulatory agencies are minuscule as a share of federal spending - about 1%, but this amount is five times what it was in 1970, in inflation-adjusted dollars. So there is no questio11 that, just like entitlements, regulatory costs have exploded in the past 20 years. Back in the 1950's and 60's, new and revised federal regulations took less than 20,000 pages per year to print in the Federal Register. In the past 20 years, new and revised regulations take over 60,000 pages per year to print - a good indication of the massive increase in the regulatory burden faced by the private sector. Every new regulation has its horror stories. Some businesses fail because the costs of complying with the regulation are so high and, of course, consumers pick up the tab. For instance, in 1992, a new Occupational Safety and Health regulation was applied to 5.6 million healthcare workers. It was supposed to reduce the risk of AIDS infection. Like many regulations, an elephant gun was used to shoot a mouse. The government claims it will cost about one billion dollars, in one sense a tax, to comply with this regulation, but the evidence already is that the real cost will be many times higher! Overheard " I wouldn' t exactly call bin1 a liar. Let's just say he lives on the wrong side of the fact~.''


ls The American Dream Over?

Most dentists and doctors will have to raise their rates between $5 and $40 per patient just to cover the costs of co111plying with the regulation. The Emergency Medical Services Authority in Oklahoma, which provides ambulance service for most of the state, increased its rates $38.05 per ambt1lance ride to cover the costs of the regulation. There is no link between these costs and benefits; this is just one of the h u11dreds ofregulations that raise costs and lower productivity. In this case the cost of health care is driven up one 1nore time - which will probably result in Congressional hearings about why health care costs are rising. The regulations various agencies impose - as mandated by Congress - are equivalent to major tax increases. The total cost to society of various federal regulations is now in the range of $500 billion a year, or abot1t $5,000 for every household in Alnerica. This cost is about the san1e as the entire amount paid in Social Security taxes and in personal income taxes. Because regulatory compliance is private sector spending required by government, it is the same as if taxes had been paid to the government to perfonn the chores dictated by regulation. The regulatory burden should be added to direct spending to get a better idea of the cost of government. Federal spending in 1992 is about $1 .5 trillion. Add that $500 billion in regulatory costs ai1d tl1e real federal Giving help lo lhc enemy used to be called treason. Now it is called "foreign aid."


l\'lalice In \Vondcrland

burden increases to $2 trillion in 1992, which is 42% of National Incon1e. To this sum, we can add state and local government spending of $825 billion. Allnost 60% of our National Income goes to direct expenditures by government a11d to expendin1res the governn1ent forces us to make. Besides the cost of following regulatory orders, there is an uncounted cost from reduced productivity. When business spends money on regulatory compliance, it reduces the amount of money it has left to spend on new equipn1ent that would increase producti,1ity, wages and National Income. If federal regulations could be shown to benefit society, then the cost might be justifiable. But the vast 1najority of studies about regulation show the costs to be greater than the benefits. Indeed, the costs are usl1ally several times the benefits, making expenditures on regulation almost a total waste of money. Many regulations are anti-competitive and anti-consumer. They provide rnonopoly privileges to special interests that Congress rewards for campaign support. Members of Congress know this is true - they know exactly what is going on becal1se they order the regulations to begin with and n1onitor the regulatory process very closely. However, most of time they provide no continuing oversight. The bureaucrats support their ow11 budgets - effectively raising taxes - by raising their fees Political candidates stone their opponents while running for office than are afraid to rock the hoat. -- John Perkins


Is The American Dream Over?

under existing regulations without Congress, the President, governors or mayors having to put their sig11at11res on the line! Congress imposes costly and anti-con1petitive regulations, even regulations that do the opposite of what they are claimed to do, because the regulations benefit their friends who help them get re-elected time and ti1ne again. Behind virtually every regulation is a special interest group that benefits from the regulation.

"Betwee1i tomorrow's dream and yesterday's regret is today's opportunity. "The American Dream will never die for it lives in the hearts of men!

It's getting harder aad harder to support the government ia the style to which it is accustomed.


Immaculate Deception

We don't need to be econontically free to be politically free. l'v1alicc In \Vondcrland, ProMolion

l'u blL~hing,

San Diego, CA

Congress Is Robbing A111erica

If we hope to follow what's really going on in Congress we need to be spoor readers.

Immaculate Deception '/

Congresslllen want to cut governinent spending.

l\Ialice In \Vondcrland, P roMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

The \vave of scandals in Congress began like schemes in the night. John Perkins

Capitalizing On Socialism If Congress were robbing us only of our money, even in the hundreds of billions, we might be able to tolerate it a bit longer, but they are now robbing us of some things too precious and too valuable to lose. We must no longer ignore their perfidious behavior. At no time in our history have the failures of a group of men been so devastating a11d so inexcusable. Never have so few, impacted so 1nany, for their own political benefit. Like vultures they are tearing apart our ideals, dreams, identities and hopes. They have created chaos and confusion in our society. Do you think that I am being too severe? Every Congress1nan who is honored with the opportunity to serve has the responsibility to lead. When that duty is shirked its impact is n1ultiplied in time, people and misery. For years Soviet leaders capitalized on communism. Now our leaders are capitalizing on socialism. One 'vay \l'C' vc found to get a Jot of crooks oft the s treets is to send thc1n to Congress. -- John Perkins


l\1alice In Wonderland

Few things Congress has done can be 1nore criminal than the blatant, complacent acceptance of our national financial condition because it robs so n1any people of their money, their future and their dreams and no one is 111ore to blame than Congress. Worst of all, they are doing it for personal gain. Only in a few cases was it because of their incompetence. Much of the vast wealth created by American workers, business and industry has been confiscated and frittered away by our Congressmen on waste, scandals and stupid prograi11s that consume, but produce nothing. This history is devastating, simply because An1erica has held so much promise.

In the process of feeding their o\vn insatiable appetite for money necessary to appeal to their constituents, our Congressn1en produce disincentive legislation that robs the middle-class more than any other group of Americans. They also destroy the incentives of the very people who create opportunities and jobs. When government takes from the producers their just fruits, why should they prodt1ce? If the private producers stop producing, then who will?The gover11illentcan't, and neither can the poor who have no capital for factories or farms. Wl10 then will provide for the needs of the people?

They Make The Rules The only reason that much of what our Congressmen do is not illegal is because they make the rules and write Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but his inclination lo injustice 111akes democracy necessary -- Reinhold Niebuhr


Congress Is Robbing America

the laws. If a group of men broke into Fort Knox and robbed it of a billion dollars in gold, every Congressman would be in shock and would demand immediate action to recover the gold and punish the culprits because they would claim that much of America's treasure was stolen and that their crime would affect every American. Yet our Congressn1en, the Men of The City of Thieves, througl1 waste, incompetence, scandal and pork, rob Americans to the tune of a hundred times a billion dollars every year and think not a whit of it. The real figure is unknown, but it's a plunder stor1n. Though its effect on all Americans is devastating, few Co11gressmen raise a voice in protest. Why ? Because they have clearly established a double standard in nearly everything they do. Throughout this book you will see this double standard at work. Our Congressmen are so blatant about it that they will pass many laws and openly exempt themselves from them as if they are truly above the law. To say that our Congressmen are robbing us of hundreds of billions each year has little meaning because few of us have any personal experience with a number as large as billion. We simply can't picture a billion in relationshi1) to our life. A couple hundred thousand we can equate with a nice house. A million n1ost us of can equate with the start up of a modest company. A hundred million is a city budget and we can even see where much There is one fixed n1lc in government -- the less it's \\'Orth, the more it costs.


Malice Jn Wonderland

of that money goes. But to grasp a /Ji/lion we need a new reference. But, hold on - such a reference would be inadequate because now tl1e concer11 is that Congress is talking about trillions! Our Congressmen are not dtnnb. They ki1ow we have no reference for billions and t1illions so they can deal with these nun1bers with near total impunity. Someone could complain about their Congressn1an spending billions on a multitude of studies like the effect of cow gas on the ozone layer and it would make little impact because we have about the sarne expe1ience with billions as we do with cow gas. Since we can't deal with what we don't understand and since Congress is now starting to spend trillions, I thought it would be critical for us to find a reference point. Fortunately J. Peter Grace al ready did that for us in a speech in 1985 to the Econonlic Club of Detroit. This is his description of a trillion dollars which we can use as a reference for our own understanding of justwhata trillion .


"Now we all know that a /Ji/lion is a thousand

millir>n and a trillion is Cl thoitsand billion, that 's easy. But . .. we couldn 't really envisio11a trillion, so we did it in time. If so1nebod)1 was born when Jesus Clirist was born. a11d had liveci all this ti1ne c1nd started cou.nting seconds - one, two, tli ree, Muny young college graduate~ who plunncd 11 curccr in government have r. ''


Immaculate Deception '/

The First Amendlllent does not include the right to offend anyone because it could hurt their feelings or self-esteelll.


l\'lalice In Wonderland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

The Challenge

n1ay think this idea is an insignificant thing - but everything changes when our words change. Meeting a national challenge will require changing our present national goals, but goals are not real until they are put into words.

Bottoms Up If it was the goal of The New Politics to help people improve their life through personal effort it would be a bit more tolerable than the goal of pure equality. But the battle cry of the liberal Congress is not to eliminate poverty through personal effort bt1t through farced equality. What that philosophy lacks is the basic understanding that poverty is a matter of attitude. No one in An1erica has to live in poverty, but to break out of it usually requires enormous personal effort. The solution requires a tough ft1ndamental, old fashioned work etl1ic. If you want to be in the band you've got to learn to play the instrume11t and be willing to march. If you want to succeed in freedom and capitalism you have to learn the ropes and the11 be willing to climb them. There's nothing wrong with any of these things, but don't expect to hear about them from our liberal Congressmen. Meeting the following challenges will require personal involvement, effort, the willingness to say "no" to political advantage and the courage to speak up for America! Perseve rance is a great clement of s uccess. If you on ly knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you arc sure to wake up somebody. •· Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Malice In Wonderland

Our challenges are:

To send the very best men and women we can to Congress. To get a new breed of people into politics who believe in the American way of freedom and free enterprise. To bring integrity and common sense back into gove1·nment. To reclaim the values that once motivated Americans and made America the greatest nation in the history of the world. To return our society to its fundamental traditions that have been so discredited by the liberal politicians, media and educators. To create a society, not free of the distinction of rich and poor, but rich in opportunity for anyone who wants to take hold of it. To provide freedom for people to reach their full potential. To teach our children that America is still the greatest country in the world, to respect Bet\\'een ton1orrow's dream and yesterday's regret is today's opportuni ty.


The Challenge

the flag, to love liberty and to be good citizens. To excite Americans again about America. To return freedom to the market place. To provide the kind of enthusiasm that moves men and nations. To never lower a standard. To raise our standards for everything and everyone. To excel at every opportunity. To make sure our children know that the good life is predicated on freedom and capi" talism. To become the best we can be. To participate in life to its greatest degree. To contribute to America and its people by adding more than we take away. To no longer accept government as the solu" tion for all of our personal and economic problems. Life is a perpetual instruction in cause and effect. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Malice In Wonderland

To go out on a daily basis and fight for our right to be free rather than for the privilege of receiving from government. To turn our problems into possibilities. To learn from history. Our Greatest Challenge Is: To Defeat The New Politics! The starting point for this great task is know ledge. To discover what will happen if we don't defeat The New Politics let's take a look at England, Cuba, and the Soviet Union. Today the English languish, Cuba is crumbling, and Soviet Union has vanished. If we continue on our present path we too will languish, crumble and vanish. World War II was won partly because of America's capitalistic syste1n which easily proved it could quickly out produce the rest of the world. But no sooner had the war ended with this knowledge still fresh in mind than the brilliant British, who knew first hand what American capitalism had just accomplished, opted for Fabian Socialism which quickly turned the1n into mt1sh. Now their socialist goal has been adopted by our liberal politicians. Today, after a half-century of deception, we are well along into a certain transition to socialism through social legislation. Liberal: a person with n high pressure feeling, low pressure thinking and a conslanl urge to give away what belongs to somebody else. -- Anonyn1ous


The Challenge

The socialists can't stand a strong conservative leader here any more than they could in E11gland. After World War II Winston Churchill, having served as one of the greatest leaders of the free world, was removed as the head of the British government by the socialists who were afraid of his potential political power. His eloquent words should serve as a stiff warning to us,

"/do not believe in the power of the state to plan and enforce ... personal initiative, competitive selection, the profit motive, corrected by failure and the infinite processes of good housekeeping and personal ingenuity, these constitute the life o..fa free society. It is this vital creative impulse tlictt I deeply fear the doctrines and policies of the socialist government have destroyed. . . .. set the people free - get out of the way and let theni make the best of themselves. "/ am sure that this policy of equalizing misery and organizing scarcity instead of allowing diligence, self-interest and ingenuity to produce abundance has only to be prolonged to kill this British island stone dead." Great leaders understand the challenge from different times and lands.

We cannot safely leave politics to politicians, or political economy to college professors. -- Henry George


Immaculate Deception

Government •


Constitutionally obligated to solve all social ills. ,,


l\1alicc I n \.Vondcrland, Prol'vlotion Publishing, San Diego, CA


And Ethics

Don't trust government. Here's why.


"How could yot1 swindle people who tr11s ted in you?" Priso11er: "But Judge, people \vho don't trust you cannot be swindled." Fro1n· The Public Spcakcl"s Treasure Cht's!. Harper& Row

trust, n. [ME. trust, tryst; ON. traust, trust, protection, firmness.] 1. confidence; a reliance or resting of the n1ind on integrity, veracity, justice, friendship, or other sot1nd principle of another person or thing. trust, v.t.; trusted, pt., pp. ; trusting, ppr, I. to place confidence in; to rely on; to believe in the honesty, integrity, justice, etc. of; as, we cannot trust those who have deceived us. trustee', n. I. a person to whom another's property or the management of another's property is entrusted.

Webster's Ne\v Twentieth Century Dictionary




Ethics will never let you do,vn, \Vill never fail you, \\ill never go unnoticed, \Viii never change.

c the land of the free, but not the debt-free.


Malice In Wonderland

prove that the Congressional Standards of Conduct laws apply only inside the "Nation of Congress" and thus, when a Member leaves Congress, the real or possible criminal charges just fade out of existence. After all he was only doing what seemed right in his own eyes and therefore the rest of Congress. "Everybody does it." To create this change in National ethics, which is undeniable in our crime ridden society and our scandal filled government, and to make The New Politics work, religion had to be discredited, for it was the original foundation for social conduct and behavior in early America. Think about this, our Congressmen and government bureaucrats have replaced religion in deciding what's right and wrong.

It's Really Simple! If you have to have the punch line explained, you probably won't understand the joke! If by the time someone gets to Congress they don't know what ethics are - its's probably too late. To loosely paraphrase tl1e US Supreme Court, ethics are like pornography you know 'en1 when you see 'em! To a great degree ethics is common se11se. That's precisely why governn1ent can never be the guide for it. Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time. •· Disraeli


Trust And Ethics

The House and Senate each have their own committees on Standards of Conduct. They each have large staffs and spend millions of dollars per years. It takes hundreds of pages of definitions (as used by the Congress) to explain ethics under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 as amended. They have trouble recognizing ethics or ethical behavior when they see it or overlook it when it isn't there. The only way that will ever change is if we send men and women to Congress who are, most of all, people of exceptional moral character.

What the world needs is fewer rules aod more good examples.


Immaculate Deception ,,.

Govern01ent •


our guarantee of liberty.


Malice In "Vonde dand, Pr.ol\1otion Publishi ng, San Diego, CA

Freedo111 or


No man or nation will ever be great while seeking equality, but greatness will come to all men and every nation when the goal is excellence through freedom.

Immaculate Deception

The purpose of freedolll •



Malice In Wonderland, ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, CA

"Men who can't see what is right are caught between a promise and a doubt, so they first make windows to let in the light and then make curtains to shut it out." Author Uknown

America has outlived the doubts of the early mainland Europeans and English critics, the judgements of the Calvinists and the predictions of a host of historians. Yet William Wirt's question in the early I 800's is more valid today than ever, "Can any man who looks upon the state of public virtite in this country, believe that this confederated republic is to last forever?"

U11less we are to hide our heads in the sand, we must confront the possibility of our own national mortality. Just because America has existed for more than 200 years is no guarantee that it will go on as a productive, freedon1 loving nation. Let's face it, neither hun1an history nor human nature hold real hope for a nation of free men to survive indefmitely. America, in the assen1bly of nations, has uniforn1ly spoken among them the language of equal liberty, equal justice, and equal rights. - John Quincy Adams


Malice In Wonderland

The hope of the Nation exists because of a few great men who sat together and worked out a written plan gathered from the wisdom of the ages. Their plan, if followed closely may enable us to break the historical n1old.

A Great Plan Is Not A Guarantee John Adams knew and clearly stated that, " .. luxury, arid avarice have destroyed every republicc1n government. " And Jefferson, who understood so well the nature of man said, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just." These men, so typical of America's great leaders of our past, knew and understood things about which most of our present political leaders have no clue. We are greatly blessed to be living inA1nerica, but if the blessing is to continue we must not forget that her greatness has been achieved not by a group of men and women striving for equality, but rather through individuals striving for personal achievement. There has always been in America an inescapable struggle between freedom and man-made equality. The early struggle was a noble cause for equality under the law. The present struggle has its basis in an ignoble an1bition for political power. These are opposites and Liberty alone demands for its realisation the lilnitation of the public authority, for liberty is the only object which benefits all alike, and provokes no sincere opposition. -- Lord Acton (John E.E Dalberg)


Freedom Or Equality

incompatible in every respect. And it will require extraordinary leadership to reverse this deadly trend. This move toward equality and collectivism, if not stopped, will destroy our constitutional democracy. These malignant growths of government, incompatible with capitalism and freedom, are being carefully nurtured by The New Politics which gets its sustenance from taxes and its power from special interests. It requires a huge and powerful bureaucracy. The equality and collectivism I am speaking of here is a form of socialism which causes people to become dependent upon government. Each day the task of reversing this trend becomes more difficult. Nearly half the people in America are already dependent upon the government either for their jobs or their welfare. Who then is left who would slay this monster? We are deeply mired in this madness and with each new session of Congress it gets worse. So this monster will keep on growing until it has consumed every man of his ambition, every bt1siness of its profits, every individual of his drean1 and our Nation of its purpose and freedom. To accomplish its an1bition of making everyone equal, the governn1ent of, by and for The New Poli tics has to know what you have, how you got it and when you got it. This information is essential for that govern1nent to be All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have nn equal opportunity to develop our talents. •• John F. Kennedy


Malice In Wonderland

able to take it away from you and give it to the people who "don't got it." It doesn't matter that the ones who "don't got it" may be unwilling to work, or are unwilling to put in tough years of learning and preparation, or unwilling to start at the bottom or unwilling to risk everything for an idea. That doesn't count. The only thing that counts is that they "don't got it." So the government, through a myriad of deceptions, and in the false belief that there is some intrinsic value in everybody being made equal, deems it a prime duty to take from those who have dreamed, risked and persevered unto success and redistribute those rewards to others who have chosen jealousy and ease. Now to do all this they have built an incredible bureaucracy with millions of employees subservient to politicians, millions of regulations debilitating to business and the t1se of highly sophisticated computers to control a11d keep track of us all. This isn't fantasy. This intrusive bureaucracy already exists. It has taken 011 a life of its own and is now growing out of control. Its cost in tax dollars and in the destruction of capitalism and freedon1 is staggering. Two hundred years ago the early Americans revolted against the heavy hand of the English government. Today we are under the heavy hand of Washington. Today in England the government breaks into and searches the homes of its citizens without the use of a search warrant when they think someone may be cheating the governSince the days when the great fleet of Columbus sailed into the waters of the New World, America bas been another name for opportunity. -- Frederick Jackson Turner


Freedom Or Equality

ment. This, my friends, from the land of the Magna Carta which was the beginning of man's freedom from an abusive and intrusive government. Today the English languish, and soon America will too, if we continue on the same path. Like England, America could become a second rate nation, or worse it could spell the end of political and economic freedom for us all. If this scares you, good. It should. If it doesn't, it's because you've been thoroughly brain washed by the politicians and the media.

''The System'' Excuse Is No Excuse The problem with our government has less to do with the system than with the politicians. Systems don't create themselves. They are created by men. Systems can't correct themselves. If a system is bad it must be changed by men. In American politics the spoils system, created by our Congressmen has become the excuse for political corruption. This is the opposite of what you' 11 read about in nearly every article and book written on the subject. Every other author on the subject seems to delight in damning the system and ignoring the role of its creators - our Congressmen. The idea that the system, from wherever it came, corrupts the politician is absolutely correct. But the truth is it doesn't have to. The system corrupts our politicians because they have a corruptible character and because There is to me something profoundly affecting in large masses of men following the lead of lhose who do not believe in men. -- Wall Whitman


fvlalice In Wonderland

they have the wrong ambitions for themselves a11d wrong goals for our Nation. Currently the primary objective of nearly every Congressman appears to be to get re-elected and so, of course, everything he then does is related to that objective. That's human nature and that's precisely why democracy requires exceptional leaders who have the strength of character to rise above the whims and weaknesses of human nature. The world is filled with the wonderful stories of such men and women. If all our Congressmen would set as their goal to do the best they can for the country first and their district's constituents second, the spoils system would die a swift and permanent death. The only thing needed for that to happen is for the voters to demand it and elect men and women with high moral standards who believe in freedom, Atnerican style . Over and done! Mission accomplished! Many people will be quick to say that this approach is simplistic and naive. Let them say what they will. Let's just insist that our Congressmen do what's best for our country. Let the elections take their course and see what ru11azing things happen.

A Goal, A Plan And A Purpose From The Past The assattlt on our freedoms by our Congressmen, the media and the educational elite is transformingAtnerica into an inept socialistic, crin1e infested, debt ridden A 111an has made al lc:1s t a on discovering the meaning of h111nan life when h e plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit. •• Elton Trueblood


Freedom Or Equality

country. For America it's not yet too late to emulate the best that we were and to elevate the vision of what we can become. Our quest for a goal, a plan with a purpose, is not something to be forged from new ideas but can be found in our original ideals. Great goals and profound ideals need never change. The original goals and ideals of America should still serve as our personal, political and national guides. Freedom is the gift of democracy and capitalism, and is our national purpose. America is the world's best hope for nurturing and preserving freedom. That's why what happens in America is so in1portant to mankind. It truly affects the whole world. There are two things about democracy that it seems those ofThe New Politics ignore or have forgotten, if they ever knew. First, that the greatest nation the world has e\1er seen was built under American democracy and through capitalism. Neither socialism nor communism have ever been able to boast of that. Secondly, it is only in a capitalist society that anyone can change their social and economic position through personal effort, persistence and creativity. For 200 years American democracy and capitalism has provided its citizens with more goods and services than any other nation in history and for fifty years American capitalists have gone to the aid of one socialist nation after the other. Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever afterward resumes its liberty. -- Walt \Vhitn1~n


Malice In Wonderland

Poverty Is A Liberal Plan The America we see now is infected with massive poverty and despair, social problems concocted by well intentioned, but ignorant, liberal leaders who have thrown socialism into the market mix because they have more faith in government than in man. It cannot be said too often, the rest of the world has tired of socialism. The Soviets tried it for seventy years and found it wanting, lacking freedom and incapable of supplying even the most basic needs for their society without outside assistance. These facts, evident but ignored by the socialists in America, describe the attitude of those most often in power in Congress. They close their eyes and march through our streets beating a loud conundrum, for their promise of hope and prosperity for everyone comes from the false belief that equality through government is a guarantee of a better life.

The World's Biggest Lie Is Evident, But Ignored The suggestion from The New Politics that all our social and personal problems can be solved through government is a lie, clearly exposed in the tragedy of the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics which killed millions or men, women and children in an ignoble effort to prove it could be done. The steady and calamitous demise of communism in Russia and socialism throughIn our state, naturally, there is and can be no plocc for freedom of speech, press, and so on the foes of socialism. -- Andrei (Yanuaricvich) Vishinsky


Freedom Or Equality

out much of the world should be all the proof we need that it doesn't work. Why then do the political and economic socialists in America persist in the face of such conclusive evidence to the contrary? The only plausible answer I can think of is that they know the way to get the votes and to keep the power, is to keep giving enough to enough people. What they are doing is literally destroying America -for a vote. That's why the business of politics must be returned to great leaders who believe in the original principles of America and are willing to fight for freedom. For too long we've filled Congress with 1nen who promise to grant personal wishes. It's time to replace them with Congressmen whose only promise is to preserve democracy in our government and freedom for Americans. Great leaders will always refuse to compromise a principle for a vote. We have just too n1uch to lose to accept the temporal benefits of some personal reward or special interest gain that risks our freedom.

Hope For Mankind What America has to offer to the world is a unique hope for mankind. The original ideas of America are wonderft1l and full of promise. America is a light to the world and an unlimited opportunity for anyone who has a dream and the will to persist until the dream comes to life. An1erica is the only Nation where any man can be free to determine his life. Adversity L~ the trial of principle. Without it a man hardly knows whether he is honest or not. · - Henry Fielding


Malice In Wonderland

Great Leadership Is Crucial A return to great leadership is crucial beca11se we are confronting a greater danger now to An1erica than ever in history, but also because we are facing a most magnificent opportunity. We have an infrastructure (admittedly in need of some upkeep) of schools, transportation and industry access to incredible technology, a nation filled with people from every other country of the world and the freedom to use all these things to build an even greater nation. If we just f11Jly use what we have there will be no realistic limit for all Americans. But to take advantage of all that's available we'll have to teach the tough lessons. That the American dream is still available, only to those who dream and those who go after it. The dream has never come to life for anyone without sacrifice and it never will.

Let's Believe, Dream And Teach Freedom American Style If we're really interested in freedom and opportunity rather than equality and mediocrity, let's begin to teach the original American dream again. Let's believe in it again! Let's go for it now! Let's make no excuses ! Let's renew our optimis1n ! Let's learn about the foundations of America and the men and women who were responsible for this incredible nation and see to it that these precepts are taught to all our children. Let's become a part of its The history of liberty is a history of tbe limitations of governmental power, not the Increase of it. -- \Voodrow \Vilson


Freedom Or Equality

success and its glory! Let's believe again in the infinite possibilities of the individual! Let's teach the basics of freedom and success to our kids! Let's teach them that there is: no freedom without responsibility, no greatness without sacrifice, no wealth without work, and no free lunch. Freedom gets eaten at the free-lunch table! No people in the world have dreamed like Americans. When left free to believe, explore, invent and produce, Americans can provide for the world as they have done so often in the past. Why have we lost our competitive edge? Because the American people have been ridden hard and put away wet by an abusive government. We've been saddled with the burden of excessive government and reigned back with intolerable regulations.

The Enemy Is Obvious, But Hidden The real enemy of America is hidden from too many Americans and too many Congressmen. This adversary of freedom is a treacherous enemy with a masterful strategy. The first, and most insidious act of this cunni11g enemy is to cause free n1en to question their own faith in !Ylany people love democracy but do not know how to defend it. They take democracy for a lovely lady instead of seeing it as a ''igorous comrade. •• Andrei (Yanuarievich) V1slunsky


Malice In Wonderland

freedom. Next it substitutes something for freedom that by itself seems right and appears to have an established legitin1acy in our own history so that it will be accepted. Then it makes the substitution appear valid and more important than the freedom that it replaces. In its final blow it gets good men and women to become silent in their struggle to fight for freedom. All this apathy and degradation has already been achieved in America. The substitute for freedom is equality. The opponents of our longing for freedom are the media, the liberal Congress and the elitists educators with their philosophies. They use the greatest power that can be used against man - the continuous repetition of an idea. And they use it so effectively that Americans everywhere are even questioning the founding fathers and the original ideas and ideals that are unique to America. They teach this socialist bunk in our schools, promote it on TV and ram it down our throats through legislation. They have done this so skillfully that socialism has set in as a consuming disease and power has passed from the people to the government. The danger of all this would be great enough if it was restricted to the stories and examples delivered in this book, but it becomes far more critical when we recognize that this is but the tiny tip of a gigantic iceberg. We had better find a way to keep our social, c11ltural, economic and political power in the hands of free individuals or we l'vlost people want to improve themselves, but not too 1nany work 111 it. •• Anonymous


Freedom Or Equality

will surely live by the dictates of bureaucrats who derive their powers from our Congressmen.

The Hope Of Prosperity It was in the expanse of economic freedom that Alnericans invented the telephone, the electric light bulb, the cotton gin and millions of other things that have made the world a better place in which to live. It is through economic freedom that countless Americans have captivated the imagination of the world. Freedom has allowed millions of Americans to become rich and hundreds of millions to prosper. Freedom through capitalism alone holds out the hope of prosperity for anyone and everyone who wants it. The possibility of prosperity for everyone can never happen through government regulation, handouts or controls. More than any other nation in the history of the world, America is filled with the wonderful stories of millions of men and women who faced incredible odds of poverty, inferior education, prejudice and language barriers, to become great achievers. Such stories are in fact so co1nmon they are little noticed in our society, but would quickly raise national acclaim in other countries. The American brand of freedom, both political and economic, has produced a creative energy unmatched in the history of the world. The rest of the world sets its standard by the achievements of individual Americans. God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you pleasc,···YOU can never have both. - Emerson


Malice In Wonderland

The most exciting thi11g about America has never changed - its possibilities. We need to stand up and choose today which we want. Freedon1 or equality. We cannot have both. Pogo said it years ago,

"We have met the enemy and he is us!" In the face of cn1mbling standards, amid The New Politics' assault on freedom, THE ENEMY is our own COMPLACENCY. Our complacency has caused tis to compromise our principles, standards and goals and to accept inferior political leaders. We 1nt1st bt1ild ot1r own moral strength and do what's right or we cannot clai1n and exercise the power of freedom that con1es from being among those who are committed to the self-evident truth that

''... all men are created equal ....''

Al\fERICA: a country where anything can happen. ·• George and Helen Papashvily


Immaculate Deception 'I

People can be both free and equal.

Malice l n Wondcrlond, l'roMotion Publi~hing, San Diego, CA

Bibliography A PRIVILEGED CLASS; Wall Street Journal, March l I, 1992 A PROSPERITY PLAN FOR AMERICA; Hodge; Heritage Foundation, 1992 A TREASURY OF GREAT THOUGHTS ; O'Brien; Frederick Fell Publishers, 1973 ADVENTURES IN FORKLAND; Kelly ; Villard Books, 1992 ALMANAC OF AMERICAN POLITICS, THE; Barone & Ujifusa; National Journal, 1992 AMERICA BETRAYED; Maddoux; Huntington House, 1984 AMERICAN CONDITTON, THE; Fawcett and Thomas ; Harper & Row, 1982 AMERICA'S DATES WITH DESTINY; Robertson; Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986 2500 ANECDOTES FOR ALL OCCASIONS; Fuller; Doubleday, 1961 ATTENTION REFOCUSES ON U.S. COURTSHIP OF IRAQ; Wall Street Journal, may 12, 1992 BAD INFLUENCE; Payne; REASON Aug/Sept 1991 BRIBES; Noonan; McMillan Publishing, 1886 COMPLETE TOASTMASTER, THE; Prochnow; Prentice-Hall, 1960 COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISE INDEX: !Olst CONGRESS; Miller; Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1990 "CONGRESS, MY CONGRESSMAN," American Enterprise, May/June, 1992


Malice In Wonderland




PORK BARREL "SCIENCE;" Science, December 6, 1991 PRIVATIZE THE WORLD BANK; Wall Street Journal, May 178, 1991

14,000 QUIPS & QUOTES; McKenzie; Greenwich House, 1980 REGULATION ON THE RISE· ANALYSIS OF THE FEDERAL BUDGETED FOR 1992; Warren; Center for the Study of A1nerican Business, 1991 SOCIAL REGULATION: A REPORT CARD; Hanke & Walters; National Chamber Foundation, 1990 SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN: ANNUAL STATISTICALSUPPLEMENT, 199 1 SPENDING SPLURGE, THE; Moore; Cato Insti tute, May 1991 SPOTLIGHT ON CONGRESS; Free Congress Foundation, various 199 1 STILL THE BEST CONGRESS MONEY CAN BUY, Stern; Regnery Gatevvay, 1992 TODA Y'S U.S. WORKER, Fortune, May 4. 1992 WHAT GEORGE BUSH IS NOT BEING TOLD ABOUT FEDERAL SPENDING, Hodge & Rector; Heritage Foundation, March 1992 WHAT HAPPENED TO THE AMERICAN DREAM? Business Week, August 19, 1991


Malice In Wonderland

Malice In Wonderland Index 94th Congress



Abo1t ions I09 Abscam 238 Ace Federal Reporters 69 ACW 106, 110 AdanlS, John Quincy I06. 212, 226. 227. 234, 241, 307' 308 Age of Aquarius 87 Agnostic 219 Aid to Fan1ilies with Dependent Chi ldren (AFDC) 135, 170, 175, 181. AIDS 94, 95, 186 Alexis de Tocqueville 231 Allies 245 Anglo 168 Apparent 83 Arabs 272 Archimedes 246 As ians 32, 89 Atheists 92, 110. 219 Attlee, Clement R 274


Bad malady


Balanced Budget Arncnd111enl !~arrow


199, 22 1 285 107

Basque Bcades Beecher, Reverend Henry \Varel Ben-Gurion. David 268 Bennett. \Villiam 20. 123 Benson, Arthur C 281 Bible 36, 87, 92, 227


BIG GOVERNMENT 8, 143, 144. 145, 146, 147. 149. 270 Black 32. 73. 89, 155. 16 1, 168, 169, 170. 173. 174. 2 11 Blackstone, William 24 1 Brrun-washed 26 Britain 2 I 4 Bnhsh 290 Broun, Heywood 262 Buddha 92 Bull-shevik 18 Bulwer-Lytlon 126 Burke, Ed mund 239 Bush 145

c California IOI, 111, 137 Canadians 46 Capital Gains 22, 23, 24. 145, 254 Capital Hill 268 Capitalism 9, 26, 45, 46, 62. 7 1, 74, 80, 88. 101 , 102. 103. 105, 122, 144,210,246,253,262. 270, 287. 289. 3 13, 319 Capitalist 75, 245, 290 Capitol Hill 1, 261, 262 Capper's \Veekly I SJ Captain Renault 17 CruT, Peter 123 Carter 137 Castro 58 Census Bureau 157, 159 Channing, \Vil!Jam Ellery IO Chicago 173 Child pomogTaphy 11 O Chinese 284 Churchill, Winston 83, 267, 291


Index Cicero 240 Civil Rights Act 169 Civil se1>1icc 205 Civil War 73 Clark, Toni 122 Clarke, \'/./. G. 237 Clinton 204 Colun1bus 122 Communism 26, 48, I 0 I, 102, 180,

230, 244, 313, 314 Cornmunist I 03, 245, 246, 285 Condon1-nation 77, 94 Condoms 95, I 09 Congressional Cheshire 5 Congressional SUll1dards of Conduct 302 Connecticut 137 Cons1i1ution 63, 84, 134, 214,

226, 269. 297 Conundrun1 314 Coolidge, Calvin 264 Cooper, Jruncs Fenin1ore 60 Corinth 214 Cox, Marcelene 283 Cuba 58, 290 Cuban 168 Curran, John Philpot 124 Currie, J. 23 8

D Dairy lndenmity Program 135 Dalbcrg, John E.E. 308 Danish 295 Dannemeycr, William 203 Darwin 91, 214 Deficit Reduction Plan of 1988 19 De mocratic Party 74 Demographic 33 De\vey, John 115 Dewey, Thomas E. 298 Disraeli 302 Dole-nation 64 Dr. Spock 53 Durant, Will 4

E Earth 204 East Texas State College 270 Eastern Europe 180 Eclectic shock 216 Economic Club of Detroit 196 Econo1nic Opportunity Act, 148 Educational chte 87, 213, 312 Einstein 91 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 77, 230, 275 Electoral College 256 Elementary Education Act 148 Emergency Appropriauons 21 Emergency Medical Services Authority

187 261, 289, 296, 319 Empire State Building 203 Engels. Friedrich 127 England 229, 290, 291. 310, 311 English 107, 121, 290, 307, 310 Entitlements 134, 136, 183, 186 Entrepreneurs 145, 271 Environment 6, 44, 111 Esau 2 10 Ethics Committees 301 Ethics in Government Act of 1978 303 Ethnic 217 Europeans 107, 307 Emerson, Ralph Waldo

F Fabian Socialtsm 290 Fabians 107 Farm subsidies 197 Farn1ers 89, 132, 171, 197 Farn1ers Home Administration 141 Fata-list 200 Fawell, Harris 21 FDR 108 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 69 Fede.raJ Register 186



Jn Wonderland Harruluon, Ed1tl1 179 Hancock 234 Hann-oney 217 Harvard U111vers1ty 174 Heatl1erly, Charles 21 Henry. Patrick 174, 210, 246 Hercules 261 H1pp1e H7. 148 Hispanic 161 , 173 Hitler 245 Homeless 89 Horner 122 Homosexual 89. 92, 94, 95, 106, 110 Hong Kong 24 Hoover. Herbert 240 House Bank 204 House of Represe nt au ves 269 Humanist Manifesto 1 115 Hume. Davie! 67 Hyphe-nauon 88

fc1ru1us1 89. 106 f1ddmg. Henry 3 15 f1hp1no 168 First National 13 ank of Chicago 274 rluke 18 roodstamps 135, 148, 164. 167, 175. 181 Forefathers 7, 40. 41, 226. 227 Fort Knox 195 rounchng fo1!1crs 39. 146, 228, 233, 240, 24 1, 318 Four fatl1crs 84 Franklin, l3 cnJair11n 122, 234, 237 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memonal 22 Free-1narkct I02 Freedom quotJent 6 1 Freud 9 1, 2 14 G

Galileo 91 Gee, James G. 270 Geilae 173 Genesis 36, 37 George, Henry 291 Georgia 139 Germany 6 Gettysbcrg 2 10 God 36, 37, 39, 40, 86, 92, 110, 117, 120, 122, 124, 125, 212, 213, 219, 227, 285, 298 Goethe 240 Grate society 2 16 Grace, J. Peter 196 Great l3rita111 40, I 07 Great Depression 179 Great Society 170, 174, 181 Greece 276 Grcsh:un' s Law 267 Gross DomestJc Product 132 H

Hrur 87 Haley, Alex



Idaho 58 Immaculate Dccepuon 15, 17, 19, 21 , 24, 57 Indian 32, 168 Intellectual clue I 0, 72 Interstate Com1ncrce Comrruss1on 143 IRS 122 Isaiah 272 Israel 272. 273

J Japan 6. 24 Japanese 168 Jay 234 Jefferson, Tho1nas 7 1, 240, 251, 270. 276, 308 Jenrette, John 238 Jesus Christ 196, 219 Jews 273 JFK 247 J1nko 285


Index Job Corps 148 John The Baptist 241 Johnson, Dr 70 Johnson, Lyndon 148, 242

K Kaiser, Henry J. Jr 267 Kant, Immanuel 243 Kennedy 137, 145, 236, 261 Kennedy, John F. 309 Khrushchev iv Killian, Dr James R. 232 King Augeus 261 King, Rodney I 65 Kunta Kinte 125, 127

L La Bruyere 6 Lao-Tze 9 Latinos 89 Law of Trusts 295 Lemmings 83 Lenin 125 Liberalism 217 Limbaugh, Rush 72 Lincoln 7, 210, 243, 264 Lincoln, Abraham 51, 227, 242, 252 Lippmann, \.Yalter 11, 32, 106 Lobbyists 203 London, Jack 261 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 287 Los Angeles 44, 139, 163, 165, 166, 167

M Nlacaulay, Mrs. Catherine 70 Nladison. James 295 Magna Carta 63, 214, 311 Malcom X 7 Mandatory expenditures 134, 136 Manhattan 99 Munsfield, Mike 205 Maplcthrope, Robert 202

Marx 62, 91, 117, 127, 214 Medicaid 135, 175 Medicare 135 Melville, Hennnn 242 Mexican 64, 168 Mexico 46, 99 Michelangelo 237 Michigan 43 Micro-management 142 Miller, Joaqurn 37 Miller, Peter 239 MIT 175 Mirigators 81 Mohammed 92 Monnet, Jean 244 Monroe, Marilyn 7, I 17 Moses, George H 264 Multtculturalism 5, 120, 121, 265 Mumford. Lewis 272 f\1urphy Brown 161 Myth-America 9

N Napoleon 1 242 National Center For Public Policy Research 24. 184 Nattonal Commutee for an Effective Congress 238 National Endowment for the A1t 202 Native American 168 New Age 88 New Jersey 137, 237 New math 18 New York Ti1ncs I 08 Newton 91 Newton, Joseph F. 271 Niebuhr, Reinhold 194 Niet7.SChe, Fnedrich 124 Northern Lights 204

0 Occupational Safety and Health Oklahoma 187


24, 186

Malice In Wonderland Roman Empire 284 Romania 57 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 12, 107, 244 Roosevelt, Theodore 88, 155, 175, 227, 236 Roots 125 Russell, Lord John 67 Russia 75, 245, 314 Russian iv, 58, 199, 285

Old Tcstarnent 36 O'Malley, Austin 3 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 134 OPEC 199 Oregon 139 p

PAC (Political Acnon Committee) 66 Paige, Satchel 46 Paine, 1bomas 11 Palestine 272 Papashvily, George and Helen 320 Pallcrson, \V1lham 71 Penn, \Villiam 229 Perkins, John 40, 107, 108, 144. 180, 184, 188, 193, 194. 233. 235 Pill, William 134 Pl under storm 195 Pogo 320 Pogo, Edgar Allen 84 Popper, Karl 235 Pornographic art 110 Prochnow, Herbert V. 274, 277 Promiscuity 92, 95 Proprietors 132 Pue110 Rican 168

Q Quantum Leak


R Randolph, John 98, 228 Raze 82 Rea, John 228 Reagan 23, 136, 141, 145, 181, 230, 243, 271 Revolutionary War 239 Riot Urbs 44 Robertson, Nan I08 Robinson, Jackie 237 Rockefeller, John D. Jr 36, 269

s Sakharov, Andrew 241 San Diego 144 Sandburg, Carl 234 Satanism 92 Scriptures 36, 37. 38, 219, 240 Seance fiction. 18 Secondary Education Act 148 Senator Heln1s 203 Serrano, Andres 202 Sham-pain 17, 22, 219 Shaw, William Smith 240 Shelf-image 70 Sloguns 89 Small Business Administration 21 Social Security 134, 135. 136, 187, 201, 202 Socialism 9, 26, 33, 41. 45, 46, 62, 64, 75, 81, 88, 105,107, 180, 193, 210, 213, 214, 215, 2 18, 219, 220, 231, 244, 283, 285, 290, 309, 313, 314, 318 Socialist 63, 74, 103. 143, 285, 290, 291, 313, 318 Socialist Party I 07 Socialistic l08, l I6, 312 Socio-econonlics 26 Solon the Athenian 276 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 241 South Carolina 58 South Korea 24 Soviet 193, 314 Soviet Union 57, 180, 244. 245, 290


Index Soviets 132 Spanish 32 Spawn-taneous 68 Standards of Conduct 303 Stowe, Harriet Beecher 242 T

T11citus 240 Tax Reform Act 23 Ten Commandments 83,117, 120 Ten Thousand Suggestions 83 Texas 204 Thatcher 230 Thatcher, Margaret 229 The Declarauon of Dependence 31 The Declarauon of Independence 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41, 112 The New Politicos 49, 59, 62, 73, 120, 12 1 The New Politics 26, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 88, 96. 100, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 123, 166. 204, 210, 211, 212, 213, 216,233. 287, 290, 30 I, 302, 309. 313, 314 Thompson, Dorothy 281. 282 Thoreau 60 Trca.~ury Dep:u1ment I 57 Trillion 18, 32, 132, 133, 183, 187, 196 True deceivers. 18 Trueblood, Elton 312 Truman, Harry S. 247, 265 Trustee 296, 298 Truth decay 9 Turks 272 Turner, Frederick Jackson 31 O Twain, Mark 5, 270, 273

u U.S. Supreme Court 122, 302 UCLA 175 Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics 314 United States 64. 123, 231 United States Supreme Court 115 Urban Institute 158

v V1shmsky. Andrei (Yanuarievieh) 314, 317 VISTA 148 Vow movements 18, 67

w War on Poverty 49, 147 Washington 67, 123, 139, 310 Washington, George 7, 117, 227, 232, 239, 263 Watts 166 Webster, Daniel 264 \Vest Germany 24 \Vhite 32, 161, 174 Whitman, Walt 311, 313 Whored 44 Wilson, \Voodrow 26, 172, 227, 231,237,316 \Virt, William 307 \V1ttman, Michael 239 \Vomen 32, 161. 164, 175 World \Var II 290, 291 Wright, Jim 205, 209, 277 Wright, Robert 228 y

Youth Corps



.. 66

Grceat ta§Jk§ deJl]]_and m.en of great JP>1r&ration


America became great through the efforts of common men whose uncommon nobility stemmed from deep personal convictions regarding the responsibilities of good men to tal