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English Pages [61] Year 2010
MAGICAl Rl1\JAlS FORPROTECTlON By Donna Ro OORlGl NALPUBlICATIONS 2010 ISBN: ~lW22n~ All rights roselVod. No part of this book may be reproduced in any rnatVl(l( ~ e r. including Inwmol usage, Ylithoul wrlUon permJssIon from 0rig'n31 P"Nicaticns. exceptio Iho caso of t:.Iefquollltionsembodiod
In critical articIe5 and reviews.. PIca$o be Ildvised 1h31 we ClWIol make arry . s of SUj)Otn3lural e!fecUor powers for any of theIormulas, &pOlis, ntunl etc. fi herein. Tho Au'JIor ollors Iho coo' nIs for In • folkloro v uo, cxporimor~ll'I nd v.tl3tovor v uo It may to Iho r lheroo!, This book15 off s Uwrnry CUrlo Only. No 1O".pon$l ly tsoovor for tho cootonts or Iho val ly of tho slawmonls hefeln 15 !ISUtnOd by Iho aulhof. IlObRsher or toe llf of \his booIt. FIRST EDmoN
FirslPrinting 2010 Origin Pub! tJons P.O. Box 236 Old Bethpage. New Yerk 11~ (88ll) OCCUlT·1 Print d In Iho UNlod SUI
of Am -
Introd uction
o Is. Incense & Powders for Protoctlon
MagIcal Helbs fo r Protoctlon
Mag Ical Gemstone for ProtecUon
M.aglea l Rituals for ProlocUan Cleansb1g Ritual Punllcallon Spcliia Cle nse YDUltieIf Rcplllling Negativlly TaAnrd n EvllSpcll OCf Enemy's Evil Binding SamoalloAnnoying spon ProtOdlon Charm ROY r~ng Spa to 5end ~ck 0 CUfIlO or H x
OroDlll1s Blood Reed To unHoxos and Jinxes Overcomo on Enomy cast Off Tho Influence01 The EYiEyo Spell Against Hoodoos ttJoo15and Evil Warb ,J;nx RomoyorSpoIl
k Somoono Mov A y
Prayers for Protection AskIng God to Mov e Again$l Sa!an and Evil Forces Pm)'CfS for BlndWlg Evi l Pmyer 10 Bt any CUnlO on Your ur Prayer rOt PrCllAldion frem Enemies and evil Prnycr For God'sG uidance. Holp & ProlOdion Prayer to BoJnIsh F ond Prolect from Evil Pruyot 10 Control Wh o IUJrass U.
Psalms for Protection
Z7 28 29 30 31
32 J3.34 35 :l6 36
"Sl 3ll
39 e s or your home. your rool and sprinkle a raw drops around your prtlP8rty to prolecI your houso lrom lI>e el rods 01natural d' Slan • nd nog3l/v energy. Anolnl your car, p.1rtlaJlarly lI>e lock$. ~ng 'Atloo~ or place a raw drops of ollinlo lI>e buclg :;pirib)- u-lto pralocl youndI lram to
IIstraI spllilS.. or aplrits or Ihll nlght. mix WlUl FrMgI P nl 011and Ddd
t. T nola ofwa'.erand Ulisolllolhow lorllndK by )"Our bod. dWlgo da lly, 10 pratoct youro . .df IrtlIl1spirits nd d ere ma.
AlMOND . Usc to p:loly yoIJr onomlos. rubon 3 ,.,f lilll flgUtocandlo, ARNICA - lI-..oct te ropel cvUIndivldu:IIs Of Spiri1s. Rub over Ihll doorway and ..... nctows; this I prevent r ntrnnco. Avery spntuaI ai. .....Ul hiGh
BALSAMO TRANQlJILLO - This Is a Slrenglh oil Add 10olher IngrodiM lS 10broak tho suongost for broakIng spells. BENZOIN - Brings pcaco of mInd and quietness. Anoi nt the he3d and ~11
BERGAMOT - For P lbJc::ion fnlm harm. Rub oolho bottom 01YWI shoos and n tho palm s of your hands. BLOCK BUSTER - Tho mese powllrlul spoIlbr ker. If someone Is doing llYll to you, mix lhls 011 with pure vanma oil , use on a B1ockbu$lor candIo, n yolIt bath water and as a porfumo. CACTUS - For Hoxlng . RLb on a Yellow Voodoo doll 10causa cncm os and w tk a ClIdus thorn in the dell daily.
.n 10your
CHURCH - Mix with Holy water and $prinkJe llbout tho homo or bu no 10romovo all lorms of ovIl
CITRUS · SlopI tody' 'lin. Rubov door, nd anoint n llI'3ngo =do for 1M purJlOllO. CIVET · Rub on tho hands lor prot ection lrom oIhora. COCONUT - Take your picture and place IlIaoo upW:lrd. Rub tho CAl ov II; th ill \'0\11 br k I Spolls placed against you. COFFEE · or Jinxoll. U
Very good Jinx Removing Bath oil to remov In th until tho Jinx Is removed.
n purdwinga new cnxirUlUSO thood lo
nolnlit lo
bring prolCdlon and Sl ~1I1o tho wearer. DEVIL'S SHOESTRlNO • Gives ~edion fnlm Evil. Anolntlho rooIv.lth the OIl, and carry il ln • purpIo ~uro Bag . DRAGON'S BLOOD· An UnctOWng Oil Pul into 0 W Mh, & wash tho nOOlS and bko 0 bath In I Sprinkle the Oil around the homo . S ~1d bo
boonJlnxod for a long I!mc. Con be bo Ir.iCd on :I RovoMio rondlo 10 oat tho evil off and to send tho CtnG bIItk 10tho
used on lhe poMn who h
sender. 7
EVIL EYE- Fa praedDin ~ evil eye Ofmal ojo. U5lI., bolh W3!c1 Of on al1gar's Eyo slono. A drop oneilhersldo oIlho headWolltts off the Evtl Eya01 0lIl0rL Vory good prolodlon rrom Evil; r;;ri'U;le arcund tho homo. EXORCISM - WheneviI splnts h3YO c:onItoI CNe11Ol1'lC011O Of IOlTlCChlng. use this 011 10 help remove it from them. Good as a hou~ de nscf. To oxpol evil 'Pints, anoint four putpIo carKles and place them In a square. Hav lho Indlvldu.1l $Und In tho centet and anointhim or her v.ilh the Oil. Bum tho and lhrusltho EvU Spiri15 out.
101 pro'.oc:ion arourd FlERYWAU. OF PROTECTION· Helpsbuild a )'OU I all limes. Sprinkle oround tho sldo 01 the home fOf compIe!e ptOCcction. U In b th and 11"..0 In mop W3'ef". FLY!NGOEVlL - Blm WIlli Jinx RemovingIncen 10 ward 011 II Voodoo and Hoxos. Very stnlng. U$ed 10 gel rid of bold things oround you. Good for jinx orhox rtlmOV • U on a While candle. FRENCH ULAC - For prolcdJon of th home, ~
1rUriOf. GET AWAY · Runs Evil OUllhe door. Put some on your dOOl1on a !he IlumO'lI '" nc-.. ~.. .. a Ira4tlOnal """"" lei tho god> lNl goea bad< lhG""""a 01 ~ cullng 8CIOU a :iluaI bbcll
Guard ian Ang.' lnee n.. Hol lho ClOn't'Orl 01 )'Our lIulItlS'an MtQOI ...,chIno rNeI )'OU• ..en tt1b nell tragranca. • 3 !'IN Cq>aI • , part RD_ • , ~ Haalhcr • r 10 wth Cama\.ion C. • !)pm Coconut c. Prole ctlon From Harm Incon aa lItPab curw. and ope So Crw r.. a , agaiut allroublo. • 2 part lI.rlc • 2 part cumin • 3 !'IN pIIMy • 3 parts dow
Jln. R.moYal "'c.n.. • 3 pwts CIo.... • 1 partGork .,
• Spm
o..oon Dlood 01
Spa ruh r .-.cen• • _Z • 3 p,orta O,..oon Dlood • , port Rue • , pMI RO$CmaIY • SpM\Io ~Ol
Rn.... E .-.cen.. • 3 pw\I Dragon Dlood • 1 port Rue • , p.rI Coil"" Ground. • SpMkle S....cWwod 01
Sp. l1b....h r .-.cen.. ROWItIe Mg tivIy and frH yacneI d M y ~ hoI, ane M JIn••
Uncroa.lnlllnc.n•• • 3 p.rta [Qgon Blood
• 2 parta dow
• , pot! Kolhet Roci: • Spr'n\lo wllll SOO" 0 1
• 3 parts pentl)'foyal
• , port
'3 pw cumil • 3 parts • Spmkle
peppermn [Qgon Dlood 01
PROTECTION POWDERS DRAGON'S BLOOD: Sprinklo tho powder In lho homo \0 pro(od n bad vlbrDlIom llIld to glvo you ~I powllt . Add It pinch \0 lIt1y mojo b.lg \0 nero· lIS potoncy. FIERYWAl1.0F PROTECTION: SprinkJoon wlndowsllis ndlhtesholds
to adivcly prated ag nstlncomlng negativity GETAWAY: To rlllTlOVo a lroutIIe:some~, ~
IhoIt property. They
move If'N3y and/or
k on
YO you alone.
GOOFER DUST: Spinldo in cnemis ~ orv.rtto foes name on1'0 CbiMrt, bum and mix II:011CS wlth lhls pcI'Mler lIt1d bury it GRAVEYARD DUST: To bo rid 0( problems quickly, writo \roubkl$ on parchmont paper, bum and mill n:ol1o:l wlth this powdor lIlld bufy In ~ toIllOOllO U'lOClmI &0 1hey you IIlona. sprInklo round b~ 01 bt.lck c:ancl!e with th ' r namo on It and sprIn\le plnch Into the name. Do lhls lor throe nlghls or unli l ClInd10 Is gono .
JINX REMOVING: SprinIde obcut premises and In front 0( all entryways and ",;ndaws 10 remove problems and hexes.
PEACE: To bri"9llbout or r
condition of hnrmony. cprinkJo bout
proml PROTECTION: SprtnllJo In front of I doersand ~ and In C3'OA the nowmooncf each month to protoct youfnorn BIl neg;J :iviy.~u:oon I nrrl\Jleb.. REVERSING: SprinkJo aO&s011doorw3ys and wlndowslUs to 50nd bocIt I neg tlve vlbrallon Everyonewhoenlen~homowlth r>eg live In en15 sese aUpowel agBlnst you.
SUlPHUR POWDER: Bum and'or ~ 10remeve and atve JNr.rt lNl forces llIld tit k BpcIlslIt1d h OlM.
'MtlJicaf 'Jferbs for 1'rofocfion ADDER'S TONGUE: l/".o III m peoplo op IllIldng boul you In boo U'l " ndcrer', doonlep.
~. Pul tome IICrO
AF RICAN GI GER: Procects mt evil ' IIIMIl det er hex cs and ClJ Spro3d It lItOUnd your room and oaoss tho clooNr.J)'$. AGAR·AGAR: Usa 10 ob 'n nv s1bihty. P co tho powder In your haod and walk aboul lho room quleUy. P1ac::e 50lTle of \he pcrMler In a glass 00 your nlghl labl o III ward off ovll spirits. AGRIMONY: Gives powerIIll/lo oo:lfor. ClIn bo used 10 r hexes \Ohen burned i1 an incense with Bluo Vorbooa.
CUI1lOS ond
AGUE ROOT: U III doslroy an onomy's power. Used 150 10ilop hexes v.t1on bumod In window I noon. usee In mllny lnoonscs as 1I power lldcI~vo.
AU'AU'A: Use 10 ward poverty. EWm It: vo lho sh and pIaco Ihm1 00 your moooy. Pul wmo In grconCOr1uro bog when l)OIng to U'lo b:In lOt. loan. ALKANET: Use as an i1cense fOt proledion against Evil, ALL HEAL: U III ward ott ak k~s by sprInUing Blound U'l bedroom. Somo may be CIIIlIod In a eor1uro Dog III koop tho bearer hca lU'ly. AHGEUCA ROOT: U501llP\riyyourhomo ond driv 0lA evil ~rIls. Pbco In a ~utll bag M d koop II ov U'l dOOf. To oil hexes and S, pi StT\3lI pio of U'lo root ell comOI' of tho room. Wh an mlxod U'l WI\Ghe$' $all, It repels all hexes. and uncrosses youfrom tho worl