[Magazine] The English Garden 2011-11

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[Magazine] The English Garden 2011-11

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l kgd f tt g season . 5umme r may offer us such rewards , bu t it is now th at we ca n create , add , change and experimen t 飞明 th ou r plo邸. Auωmn colour is now creeping into my garden and the seedh eads of perennials are dispersing e , sp n nkled WiLh snake's head frilill aries HOWlck Hall , somε600 new Lrees and shrubs are planLεd. IL ‘ S a prime lime of and decora Led wllh purple and red Luli ps in sp ring , hke a medieval La peslly. lhe yea r for selLi ng lhem OUl, bUl whaL The garcle n h as a dream)' 、 LÍmeless qualily , the makes Lh ese so s pecial is Lhal lhey have s pell enha nced by lh e 且rea L e mpLy h ou se lhaL was all been grown fro m collected wild seed. As a resu lL, gll lled by a fi rc in 1926. Th 巳 fa mi ly live in t he lhi s developing a rboret u m is o ne o f \Vo r l d、,vide wesl wing , while what was once the ballro0111 is now i mponanc巳, a safe haven fo r conserving pla nts that lhe Ear l Grcy Tca House. From lhis elegan t room , may be th reatened in their n atura l hab it ats. lt is you can loo k through lhe c陀alion of mod emlarge 飞vindows Ollt onto day p lant hunter Lo rd τ'he arbo 1'et lUl1 b a sarp hun' l1 1'0 1' the ga rde n , where a Charles Howick , who C'onS('1飞司 ng thrcat t>l\('d plani约 sp陀ading Adantic cedar has been on 22 plant stands tall above a yew expedilions since 1985 , hedge. l! was LO SlIll the wa忧rat Howick 由at a Chinese oflen [0 remOlC regions of the world. Head gardener Mandann (a bureallcral of Imperial China) blended Roben Jamieson has taken part in s议。f these. 出eepon严noωtea \VJlh bergamot for 由e 2nd Earl Grey , h was Charles' gr百ndparents, the 5th Earl Grey and hls wlfe , who created an informal garden (o contrast who was pnme mmlSter m the 1830s wllh lhe grand Georgran hOl四. Lnßuenced by Wilham The Tea House fllS m perfeclly 飞vüh the elhos al HO\叽ck '节lC c1 ear message we gel from VÍSÍt ors 自由al Robmson's namral planting 筑yle, their love of relaxed planllng was carried on by L.a dy Mary , Charles's everyone appreclalcs lhe lack of commercialism,' says mother, and now by Charles himseU. Flowmg perenmal Charles. For lhls IS a lrue plan臼man‘5 garden , fllll of rare plams, yCl SO anlessly laid Olll lhal it belies lhe borders , Ii nes of lavcnder and agapanthus and selfseeding alpines soften the te口aces that drop below lhe sClenufic imponancc of lhe 飞叽ld collecled perennials E


and trees. The arboretu lTI cove rs 65 aιres and comai11$ 13 ,000 specime ns of 1,800 lax3 , in na lural-looking woodlands lh al represem differεnl geogra phiιal areas. When Roy LanC3Ster pla 11led a Chinese wingnut lree al lhe official opening in 2006. heιompared Howick lO C. S. Le、川正 ficLional land of Namia. ‘Going through the stone gateposts a t the e ntra nce is li ke fi n ding yourself in a m咱ca l world: he said. The key to successfu l establishment is the su mmer heat , and shelter pro叽ded by the valley of the Ho\V; ck Bu rn . '飞νe lost remarkably little last \\.咱nter,' comments Charles , 'though so me big o ld things were brough t dow n b y the m ost sn o \v we ‘ ve had since 194 7 .. Th is has brought n ew opportunities to Sil verwood , a d elightfu l area full of scented g lades among rhodoc\endrons and magnolias , staned by Lorc\ Grey in 1930 tO celebrate his silver wedding The new trees and shrubs p- ")

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咛 opll' 比岱ep 吨Ivety


OARC盯 BUS 岱 SELL (队 Au 山5叫 de 仅宦臼 orum 叫) R 阿1, d, 耐 crí 忖ímson、 ros俨叫吨 t忱te 创 s wi协 t甘h 仙 a dellk,h'Jlo" 'IY 'ra作的ce.An 制ceptional variety w~ich ßowers freely


Ah「 Wamdint…悦eding, D町叫到in's English Roses combine the delicate charm and wonderful fragrance of the old roses wrth the wlder colour range and repeat-flowering natu陀。f modern roses.

Th ese

special ro钝s are 陀nowned for the

strength and variety of thelr fragrances which include old rose, musk.


fr uity

and tea rose.



and outstandlng hea胁 rnakes them hlghly

versatile in the gar世en - ideal for mlxed borders and cottage gardens, as wel as for mo陀钉飞回1'0α1al rose

and repea lS w吧~llAdml帽d for 比s short,国shy~h.As叩e巾 d曰lCe for plan tAng 响 mlxed bor划ers or formal r。古e beds and for growing In a large pol or conta,n町; 3 x 矶,


S. CHARLOTTE (All~poly) 0哺 of 1卡巳 mosl belul ful yellow Enghsh R~I"S, ~ar' eX'1ui~ile cup.sl .a pP.d flowers wfl l1 a ~trong and deliciωs t臼町、e fn!,rëll'l( e. An altrilcl明 shrub w ,th upward-(acÎr咯胁。omsand cαnO