Location and Land Use: Toward a General Theory of Land Rent [Reprint 2013 ed.] 9780674730854, 9780674729568

Alonso William : William Alonso is Saltonsall Professor of Population Policy, Center for Population Studies, Harvard

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English Pages 215 [220] Year 1964

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Table of contents :
List of Figures
CHAPTER 1. The Economics of Urban Land: Introduction and Review
CHAPTER 2. Equilibrium of the Household
CHAPTER 3. Agricultural Rent Functions and Bid Price Curves of the Urban Firm
CHAPTER 4. Residential Bid Price Curves
CHAPTER 5. Market Equilibrium
CHAPTER 6. Some Applications of the Model and an Outline for Empirical Research
A: A Simultaneous Equations Solution
Β: The Shape of the Individual Lot
C: A Regression of Expenditure for Land on Income and Distance
D: Classical Consumer Equilibrium
E: Lowdon Wingo, Jr.: Transportation and Urban Land
F: Notes to Chapter 2
G: Notes to Chapter 3
H: Notes to Chapter 4
I: Notes to Chapter 5
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Location and Land Use: Toward a General Theory of Land Rent [Reprint 2013 ed.]
 9780674730854, 9780674729568

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Publications of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University The Joint Center for Urban Studies, a cooperative venture of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, was founded in 1959 to do research on urban and regional problems. Participants have included scholars from the fields of architecture, business, engineering, city planning, economics, history, law, philosophy, political science, and sociology. This book is one of a series in which the Joint Center presents its principal findings.

William Alonso


HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, Massachusetts 1964


© Copyright 1964 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College

All rights


Distributed in Great Britain by Oxford University Press, London

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 63-17193

Printed in the United States of America

Distributed by Harvard University Press, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts


This work developed out of a sense that there might be value in generalizing and articulating with care the classic theory of rent and location that has been in the air for a century and a half. At first I thought that a codifying of certain basic relations and simple statistical tests would suffice, but these simple relations proved to have some wrinkles that would not iron out. I was then led back to their assumptions, and to reassembling these into a consistent whole. This was a lengthy process, and the deductive chain would often become tangled; but untangling the knots has been a most enjoyable and instructive labor. The method is that of economics, and the concern ultimately geographic. I have used the notation of mathematics because it makes possible clear and concise statements of logical connections, but I have paralleled the mathematical analysis as far as possible with a presentation in words and diagrams, both for the benefit of readers interested in the subject but lacking the mathematics, and to check to my own satisfaction that mathematical sense agreed with common sense. The analysis has led me to conclusions that differ from commonly held opinion concerning urban structure, and it may be that these differences will prove important for city and regional planning. In the meantime, I have been pleased that the earlier presentation of this theory in my doctoral dissertation has been used by several researchers in urban matters. A word of explanation is necessary about bibliographic references. The first version of this work was completed in 1959, and since that time there has been a torrent of literature related to my subject matter. I have included some new references where they cast new light, but have not attempted systematic coverage. Nothing I have seen disproves the theory presented here, and much supports it.


The bulk of this work was developed as a doctoral dissertation in the Department of Regional Science at the University of Pennsylvania, under the stimulating guidance of Walter Isard, and was made possible by a Regional Science Fellowship financed by Resources for the Future. Benjamin H. Stevens deserves my warmest thanks for giving endlessly of his time and helping me in countless ways, from teaching me some mathematics to moral support. For their forbearance in allowing themselves to be subjected to portions of this work, I thank Michael Teitz, Robert Coughlin, Irwin Friend, Eugene Smolensky, and the late Robert Scott-Brown. Thomas Melone and Willard Hansen have my thanks for sending Philadelphia materials halfway around the world to me in Indonesia. The work was rewritten and reorganized at the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University and several new sections were developed. I thank Martin Meyerson, who was Director of the Joint Center at that time, and Lloyd Rodwin, Chairman of the Faculty Committee, for their interest and their kind assistance.


1. The Economics of Urban Land: Introduction and Review A. Introduction, 1 ; B. Theory of land values: before 1900, 2; C. Theory of urban land values: after 1900, 5; D, Approach and basic definitions, 15 2. Equilibrium of the Household A. Introduction, 18; B. Diagrammatic solution of individual equilibrium, 19; C. Mathematical solution of individual equilibrium, 30. 3. Agricultural Rent Functions and Bid Price Curves of the Urban Firm A. Introduction, 36; B. A simple model of agricultural rent and land use, 37; C. Equilibrium of the firm, 42; D. Derivation of the bid price curves of the urban firm, 52; E. Equilibrium of the urban firm through bid price curves, 56. 4. Residential Bid Price Curves A. Introduction, 59; B. Diagrammatic derivation of bid price, 59 ; C. Mathematical derivation of bid price curves, 68; D. Individual equilibrium through bid price curves, 71 ; E. Bid price curves of the individual resident and the urban firm and bid rent curves of agriculture : similarities and differences, 73. 5. Market Equilibrium A. Introduction, 76; B. Simple game solutions, 77; C. Spatial sequence of users of land and marginal and equilibrium price-location pairs, 82; D. Generalized game equilibrium solution for bid price curves with a constant ranking by steepness, 88; E. Game equilibrium solution when bid price curves do not maintain a constant ranking in their steepness, 90; F. Clearance of the market: solution considering quantities, 94; G. The shape of the lot, 99.



6. Some Applications of the Model and an Outline for Empirical Research A. Introduction, 101 ; B. The minimum costs of friction hypothesis, 101 ; C. Income, population growth, and technical change, 105; D. Zoning, 117; E. Empirical testing of the theory and operational models, 125; F. City shapes, 130



A A Simultaneous Equations Solution 1. Introduction, 145; 2. Location and area occupied: individual equilibrium, 145; 3. Equilibrium of the market, 150.


Β The Shape of the Individual Lot 1. Introduction, 158; 2. The shape of the lot, 158; 3. Location, 164; 4. Note on location by polar co-ordinates, 167.


C A Regression of Expenditure for Land on Income and Distance 1. Expenditure on land (pq), 169; 2. Quantity of land (q), 169; 3. Price (p), 170; 4. Income (y), 171 ; 5. Distance (/), 171.


D Classical Consumer Equilibrium 1. Diagrammatic solution, 173; 2. Mathematical solution, 178.


E Lowdon Wingo, Jr.: Transportation and Urban Land


F Notes to Chapter 2


G Notes to Chapter 3


H Notes to Chapter 4



Notes to Chapter 5




List of Figures

Figure 1. Diagrammatic structure of land prices


2. Locus of opportunities between q and z, when t is constant at t0


3. Locus of opportunities between q and t, when ζ is constant at z 0


4. Locus of opportunities between ζ and t, when q is constant at q 0


5. Locus of opportunities surface


6. Indifference curve between q and

for a constant z 0


7. Indifference curve between q and z, for a constant ÍQ


8. Indifference curve between ζ and t, for a constant q0


9. An indifference surface


10. Sections through an indifference surface


11. Agricultural bid rents for the same crop at two different market prices


12. Bid rent functions for two crops


13. Marginal costs and revenue of the firm according to size of site, at a given location


14. Costs and revenue of the firm according to location, holding the size of the site constant


15. Marginal costs and revenue of the firm according to location, holding the size of the site constant


16. Diagrammatic mapping of bid price curves


17. Diagrammatic price structure


18. Diagrammatic bid prices and price structure: equilibrium of the firm


19. Locus of opportunities and equilibrium indifference curve between q and z, at a given / 0


20. Derived locus of opportunities and equilibrium indifference curve between q and z, at a given tm



List of Figures

21 22.

23 24 25 26 27 28.

29 30, 31 32, 33 34 35. 36, 37,

An indifference surface, u0, and its derived locus of opportunities Individual's demand for land when the amount to be spent is constant Individual's demand surface when the amount to be spent for land is constant Indifference curve of land and distance Diagrammatic derivation of a bid price curve when the amount to be spent for land is constant A four-person location game A seven-person location game Diagram for the proof of the relation of the steepness of bid price curves to centrality of location Instability of a price structure based on front marginal price-locations A stable price structure based on rear marginal pricelocations Diagrammatic bid price curves of individuals of different tastes Effect of an improvement of transportation on the price structure Effect of population growth on the price structure Bid price as a function of quantity at a given location Effects of maximum- and minimum-lot zoning Isochrones on a uniform rectangular street grid Isochrones on a rectangular street grid with two intersecting highways

63 65 66 66 67 78 80 83 86 87 91 112 115 120 121 131 132

38. Isochrones on a rectangular street grid with two intersecting highways and a rectangular loop


39. Rent patterns of two competing neighboring centers of the same size


40. Rent patterns of two competing neighboring centers of unequal size


41. A possible rent and occupancy pattern for two complementary centers : an island of high-income population


List of Figures 42. A possible rent and occupancy pattern for two complementary centers: populations side by side and an island of low income 43. Rent and occupancy patterns for a city with a center and a high-status road 44. Bid price surface, pj, of the high-income group shown in Figure 43 45. Diagrammatic derivation of the shape of the lot 46. Typical shape of the lot 47. Typical indifference curves 48. Budget line or price-opportunity line 49. Price-opportunity line and indifference curves; equilibrium at F 50. An indifference surface 51. Budget or price-opportunity plane 52. Special case of a nonadjacent marginal price-location 53. Equilibrium bid price curves and the price structure 54. A possible error as a result of a convex curve 55. A possible solution with a convex curve 56. A possible solution with a convex curve 57. A possible error as a result of convex curves 58. A solution with a concave curve 59. A possible solution with a concave curve: front marginal price-location 60. A possible solution with a concave curve: shared rear marginal price-location 61. Method of solution with a mixed curve


140 141 142 162 164 173 175 176 177 178 192 193 195 196 197 198 198 199 200 201


1. Comparison of notation, importance of variables, and market mechanism of adjustment among agriculture, urban firms, and residences

74 2. Steps for the derivation of market equilibrium 98 3. Occupancy, size of lot, and price of land according to the free-market and various zoning conditions 122



1 The Economics of Urban Land: Introduction and Review A.


As cities have grown in importance, the various social sciences have become increasingly concerned with them. The internal structure of cities has proved to be a subject of extraordinary richness and of such complexity that only a modest beginning has been made toward its understanding. Why does one have trouble finding a gas station in a downtown area? Why is there a Greenwich Village? Who lives in slums and why ? What are the mechanics by which an area which used to be predominantly Italian rapidly becomes Puerto Rican? Why does one not find pawnbrokers in exurbia? How does a mansion become a rooming house? Why is schizophrenia the dominant mental illness in some parts of the city and not in others ? A torrent of literature is devoted to these and similar topics, some of it dull, some of it brilliant. Sociologists, economists, geographers, social psychologists, among others, have given currency to expressions such as "succession," "highest and best use," "social symbolism," "hobohemia," "service functions," "ecological processes," "gravity models." The variety of approaches to be found almost matches that of the subject matter. The approach that will be followed in this study will be that of economics, and from this wealth of subject matter only a pallid skeleton will emerge. Both the Puerto Rican and the Madison Avenue advertising man will be reduced to that uninteresting individual, economic man. The squalor of the pawnbroker and the flair of the exclusive fashion-house will disappear into that grey entity, the firm. The exquisite legal complexities of real estate will vanish into straightforward buying or renting, and the rich topography of the city will flatten to a featureless plain. It is hoped that


Location and Land Use

by this method a self-consistent explanatory theory will be developed which will shed light on some aspects of the internal structure of cities, however incomplete this explanation may be from the point of view of those things which are not considered. The theory to be presented here concerns the relation of land values to land uses within the city. The focus of attention will be on residential land, which covers four-fifths of all privately developed land in major American cities.1 There are two reasons for this emphasis. The first, of course, is that residences are the predominant use of land. The second is that the theorists of urban land values and land uses have neglected residential land, and the economic theory of residential land uses must catch up with that of other land uses. On the other hand, urban firms will be examined more briefly. There is a great variety of types of urban firms, affected by diverse factors in their location. The treatment of the firm in these pages will be general, and may be adapted to one type of firm or another. Finally, the theory will be formulated in such a way that it is congruent with the existing theory of agricultural land uses. Urban and agricultural theory will form a unified theory of land uses and land values.


The concern of the economists with rent dates at least to the Physiocrats of the 18th century. By rent they meant, as most economists still do, that for agricultural land. It is understandable that their interest should focus on agricultural land and that they should ignore the problems of urban sites. Theirs was an agricultural society, while cities were relatively unimportant in the landscape and viewed as parasitic on the honest toil of agriculture. This unconcern for urban land continued until late in the 19th century, and even now the subject is still a neglected one in spite of the enormous importance that cities have attained. The formal analysis of the problems of urban land is more difficult than that for agriculture. Moreover, the successes of agricultural theory (which will be referred to below and in chapter 3) seem to have fostered preconceptions among the theorists of urban land which often lead 1. Harland Bartholomew, Land Uses in American Harvard University Press, 1955), p. 46.

Cities (Cambridge, Mass.:

The Economics of Urban Land


them to pursue unproductive lines of reasoning. Thirdly, land rent as a subject appears to have lost much of its urgency because of increased agricultural productivity and the relative decrease in importance of the agricultural sector in the economies of the more advanced countries (which are the ones which produce economic theory). Finally, the theory in this subject has become bogged down in a Sargasso Sea of conflicting definitions and emphases, and the "anarchic conditions prevailing in this field of study" 2 have greatly hampered the productivity of ideas and the value of discussion. At the beginning of the 19th century David Ricardo presented a treatment of agricultural rent which is still the foundation of most present-day theory. 3 Ricardo pointed out that the most fertile lands are the first put to use, and that less favored land is put to use as the demand for agricultural products increases. The rent on the most productive land is based on its advantage over the least productive, the competition among farmers insuring that the full advantage go to the landlords in the form of rent. This advantage is equal to the value of the difference in the productivity of land. Ricardo recognized as well that land which is nearer the market bears lower transport costs on its produce than more distant land, and that this advantage also accrues to the landlords in the form of rent as a result of competition among the farmers. However, Ricardo devoted his attention primarily to fertility differentials. A few years later J. H. von Thiinen developed the theory of location differential rent more fully. 4 The various agricultural land uses around a market place bid for the use of land, and land is assigned to the highest bidder in each case. The rent each crop can bid at each location will be the savings in transportation of its product that that site affords in contrast with a more distant site. The most distant land in cultivation yields no savings in transportation, and con2. Carl R. Bye, Developments and Issues in the Theory of Rent ( N e w York: Columbia University Press, 1940), p. 104. For a very thorough review of many aspects of the literature on urban land rent, see Max R. Bloom, Economic Criteria and the Use of Land in Subsidized Urban Redevelopment Areas, Ph.D. dissertation, The American University, Washington, D.C., 1959. 3. David Ricardo, On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 1817. Though his is the most important early treatment, A d a m Smith in his Wealth of Nations, 1776, already recognized that rent varied with the fertility and situation of land. 4. Johann H. von Thiinen, Der isolierte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirtschaft und Nationalekonomie (1st vol., Hamburg, 1826; 3rd vol., and new ed., Hamburg, 1863).


Location and Land Use

sequently there will be no rent at that location. Viewed another way, the rent at any location is equal to the value of its product minus production costs and transport costs. This approach has recently been fully and formally developed by Dunn and Isard, 5 and will be presented in greater detail in chapter 3. The early economists had little to say on urban land. Adam Smith says nothing about its valuation, remarking that this land is unproductive and the landlord a monopolist. 6 Neither does Ricardo offer any method for judging its value. J. S.Mill views it as a simple monopoly problem, where the value of a fixed and limited supply of "houses and building ground, in a town of definite extent" will be such that the demand is just sufficient to carry off the supply offered. 7 Alfred Marshall devotes a chapter to urban land values, but concerns himself almost entirely with profit-making land uses, such as retail stores and manufacturing plants. He emphasizes the importance of location within the city, and defines "situation value " as the sum of the money values of the situation advantages of a site. According to Marshall, "site value," the price which a site would fetch if cleared of buildings and sold in the free market, is equal to situation value plus agricultural rent. The various land uses bid for the land, that use capturing the site "from which the most profitable results are anticipated." Marshall considers as well the size of the site in relation to the height of the building upon it, stating that "if land is cheap he [the entrepreneur] will take much of it ; if it is dear he will take less and build high." He concludes that "the industrial demand for land is in all respects parallel to the agricultural." That is to say, in the urban as in the agricultural case, potential users of land make bids for various sites based on their respective location advantages, and the highest bidder captures the land in each case. 8 The parallel does not extend to the fertility of land. 5. Edgar S. Dunn, Jr., The Location of Agricultural Production (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1954); Walter Isard, Location and Space-Economy (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1956). 6. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (New York : Dutton, Everyman's Library Edition), vol. I, p. .320, vol. II, p. 325. 7. John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy (New York: Longmans, Green), pp. 444, 445, 448, 649. 8. Alfred Marshall, Principles of Economics (London: Macmillan, 7th ed., 1916 [1st ed., 1890]). In particular, book V, chap. XI, "Marginal Costs in Relation to Urban Values," and appendix G. The quotations are taken from pp. 445, 448, 450.

The Economics of Urban Land


Marshall's analysis contains the essentials of present day theory, as we shall see. However, he does not extend his theory to the value of land for residences, and in this respect later theory, too, has been deficient. Moreover, it would seem that later theorists have not studied Marshall's analysis with care, for the question of the size of the site is almost universally ignored. Yet the market equilibrium (in which the market is cleared) must concern itself with quantities as well as with prices. Later writers, however, seem content with considering a location as a dimensionless point, and speak of bidding for a site, paying no attention to its size. The matter can be made very clear at the level of the firm. If two firms realize the same location advantages with respect to a location, but one requires a site only half the size of that required by the other, the former will be able to bid a price per square foot of land at that location twice as large as the latter. Thus, for the purposes of a theory in which the land market is cleared, and for the purposes of determining the bids per unit of land, the size of the site must be considered, and the point of location must be given the attribute of extension. 9

C . T H E O R Y OF U R B A N L A N D V A L U E S : A F T E R


R. M. Hurd At the beginning of the present century, activity in this field of theory passed to America. R. M. Hurd published his Principles of City Land Values in 1903. In his Preface he states that he found "in economic books merely brief references to city land," and proceeds to outline a theory for urban land which closely resembles that of von Thiinen for agriculture : As a city grows, more remote and hence inferior land must be utilized and the difference in desirability between the two grades produces economic rent in locations of the first grade, but not in those of the second. As land of a still more remote and inferior grade comes into use, ground rent is forced still higher in land of the first grade, rises in land of the second grade, but not in land of the third grade, and so on. Any utility may compete for any location within a city and all land goes to the highest bidder . . . Practically 9. For a discussion on a related topic, see Dunn, The Location of Agricultural Production, "Industrial vs. Agricultural Location Theory," pp. 86-92. Dunn points out that agricultural location analysis is carried out at the level of the industry as a whole (for example, the wheat-growing industry), while industrial location analysis is carried out at the level of the firm.


Location and Land Use

all l a n d w i t h i n a city e a r n s s o m e e c o n o m i c rent, t h o u g h it m a y b e s m a l l , t h e final c o n t r a s t b e i n g w i t h t h e c i t y ' s r e n t l e s s a n d h e n c e , strictly s p e a k i n g , valueless circumference.

He summarizes : S i n c e v a l u e d e p e n d s o n e c o n o m i c rent, a n d rent o n l o c a t i o n , a n d l o c a t i o n o n c o n v e n i e n c e , a n d c o n v e n i e n c e o n n e a r n e s s , w e m a y e l i m i n a t e t h e intermediate steps a n d say that value d e p e n d s o n nearness.

Hurd does not, however, consider the size of the site, and bypasses the problem of residential land saying that " t h e basis of residence values is social and not economic—even though the land goes to the highest bidder." He allows that "where residences contain more than one tenant. . . the basis of value is economic and conforms closely to the principles governing business property," but does not explore the nature of this type of demand or make clear why residences with more than one tenant should differ conceptually from single-family residences. 10 The Land Economists Since the 1920's, in connection with the development of city planning, there has arisen in this country a voluminous literature in the field of "land economics." Its principal tenets with respect to urban land values were developed in 1926 by Robert M. Haig. The mechanics of Haig's theory do not seem to differ significantly from Marshall's or Hurd's : " Rent appears as the charge which the owner of a relatively accessible site can impose because of the saving in transport costs which the use of his site makes possible," and a prospective occupant gains the use of a site by outbidding competing users. However, an innovation in the theory is its strong statement of the complementarity of rent and transport costs. Transportation is a device to overcome the "friction of space," and the better the transportation, the less the friction. But, "while transio. Richard M. Hurd, Principles of City Land Values ( N e w York: The Record and Guide, 1903). The quotations are taken from pp. 11-12, 13, 77, 78. However, it should be noted that, strictly, the margin of the city will only be valueless if agriculture is excluded from consideration. Von Thiinen himself anticipates the extension of his agricultural theory to the urban case: "If we investigate the reasons why site rent increases toward the center of the city, we will find it is the labor saving, the greater convenience and the reduction of the loss of time in connection with the pursuit of business," Der isolierte Staat, pp. 212-213, cited in R. T. Ely and G. S. Wehrwein, Land Economics ( N e w Y o r k : Macmillan, 1940), pp. 444-445.

The Economics of Urban Land


portation overcomes friction, site rentals and transport costs represent the cost of what friction remains." Thus, the user of a site pays as the "costs of friction" transport costs and rent, which is " t h e saving in transport costs." But the complementarity of rent and transport costs is limited: " T h e sum of the two items, the costs of friction, is not constant, however. On the contrary, it varies with the site. The theoretically perfect site for the activity is that which furnishes the desired degree of accessibility at the lowest costs of friction." An interesting hypothesis results from this view: " . . . the layout of the metropolis . . . tends to be determined by a principle which may be termed the minimizing of the costs of friction." 1 1 Or, in the restatement of a later writer : " . . . the perfect land market would produce a pattern of land uses in a community which would result in the minimum aggregate land value for the entire community. The most convenient arrangement results in the lowest aggregate transportation costs; in terms of saving of transportation costs, the advantages of the more convenient sites are reduced." 1 2 The similarity of this view to Marshall's and Hurd's is clear, but there are dissimilarities as well, arising from Haig's attempt at greater precision. The view of the firm as locating so as to minimize its costs of friction is acceptable in the cases of agriculture and of a manufacturing firm in a market of perfect competition, but it is not acceptable for the case of a retail firm. The volume of sales of a retail store will vary with its location, and the firm must weigh the costs of friction against this factor. 1 3 The costs of friction are not, 11. Robert M. Haig, "Toward an Understanding of the Metropolis," Quart. J. Econ., 4 0 : 4 2 1 - 4 2 3 ( M a y 1926). 12. Richard U . Ratcliff, Urban Land Economics (Nevi York: McGraw-Hill, 1949), p. 385. Neither Haig nor the later writers make clear how the minimizing of the costs of friction by the individual or the firm lead to a minimization of the aggregate. It should be noted that RatclifFs statement is stronger than Haig's, requiring the minimizing of both components of the costs of friction. At another point, however, Ratcliff mitigates this statement to : " It is the total effect of the competition for sites to minimize the aggregate of inconvenience and frictions, as evaluated in terms of the local value systems, and hence to maximize the efficiency of the conduct of those human affairs in the community which require movement. The processes of the urban land market tend to produce the most efficient urban pattern" (p. 384). This theory is discussed further in chapter 6. 13. The literature of land economics clearly recognizes this elsewhere, but seems to ignore it when stating its basic theory of land values. It may be mentioned that Haig developed his theory from a study of manufacturing activity. The influence of von Thiinen's agricultural location theory is very strong both in Haig and in later writers in land economics, who view rent as a residual after transport costs. The



and Land


by themselves, sufficient to determine location, unless c h a n g e s in the v o l u m e of sales are themselves s o m e h o w considered to be " c o s t s of friction." M o r e generally, the minimizing of certain costs, such as t h e c o s t s o f f r i c t i o n , is a v a l i d c r i t e r i o n f o r l o c a t i o n o n l y i n c a s e s w h e r e r e v e n u e a n d all o t h e r c o s t s are c o n s t a n t , a s will be s h o w n in c h a p t e r 3. H a i g gives s o m e consideration t o residential land : In c h o o s i n g a residence purely as a c o n s u m p t i o n p r o p o s i t i o n o n e buys accessibility precisely as o n e b u y s clothes or food. H e considers h o w m u c h he w a n t s the c o n t a c t s furnished by the central location, w e i g h i n g the " c o s t s of f r i c t i o n " i n v o l v e d — t h e various possible c o m b i n a t i o n s of site rent, time value, a n d transport costs ; he c o m p a r e s this want with his other desires a n d his resources, a n d he fits into his scale of c o n s u m p t i o n a n d buys.14 T h e neglect of a n y c o n s i d e r a t i o n of size of site greatly w e a k e n s this statement. W h a t e v e r the size of the lot o n w h i c h a residence stands, the c o n s u m e r can greatly reduce his " c o s t s of friction" by b u y i n g a s m a l l e r site, t h u s r e d u c i n g t h e c o m p o n e n t " s i t e r e n t . " If the o n l y criteria for residential

location are accessibility



center a n d the m i n i m i z i n g of the c o s t s of friction, a n d c o n s i d e r a t i o n s point of view is illustrated in Ratcliff s account of the location decision: " E a c h activity seeks to minimize the disutilities and costs of friction by locating where its transportation costs are at a minimum. Each must be willing to pay site rent up to an amount which, added to transportation costs, is just less than the total transportation costs plus site rent for alternative locations" ("Efficiency and the Location of U r b a n Activities," in The Metropolis in Modern Life, R. M. Fisher, ed. [New Y o r k : Doubleday, 1955], p. 123). See, however, chapter 3 for a review of E. Chamberlin's pointed objections to the uncritical application of agricultural rent theory to urban values. 14. Haig, in Quart. J. Econ., 40:423. Ratcliff states: " I n the case of residential use . . . the convenience of the householder is the determinant of economic r e n t " (Urban Land Economics, p. 375). According to Ely and Wehrwein: " S o m e land is not a factor of production but is a consumption good, such as owner-occupied residential lots and recreation land. Here the value is almost all amenity value. In this case direct competition for the land—or supply or demand—sets the p r i c e " (Land Economics, p. 121). Note also that the definition of "costs of friction" has lost some of its clarity by the inclusion of " t i m e value" as one of these costs. Ratcliff, Urban Land Economics, p. 372, also allows for the "disutilities of travel." Ely and Wehrwein, after quoting Haig, state: "Accessibility is a substitute for transportation; both have to be paid for, the former in the rent or value of land, the latter in time, inconvenience, and the cost of conveyance." (Land Economics, p. 138). Lowdon Wingo (see note 26 for full reference) has recently included " t i m e value" in transport costs by attributing a dollar value to commuting time. He does not take into account, however, other "disutilities of travel" such as inconvenience, discomfort, or anxiety.

The Economics of Urban Land


of the size of the site are excluded, all residence would be clustered around the center of the city at a very high density. 15 The


Parallel to the development of the literature in land economics there has developed a literature in human ecology which also concerns itself with urban land values. In a seminal book in this discipline, Park and Burgess state: "Land values are the chief determining influence in the segregation of local areas and in the determination of the uses to which an area is put." 1 6 While the two disciplines have influenced each other, they have remained distinct, the land economists relating primarily to economics and city planning, and the ecologists to sociology. The ecologists view land values as a result of a bidding process by potential users, by which the pattern of location of land uses in the city is determined. 17 While their view of the process does not differ irt essence from that of other writers, because of their sociological background they are greatly interested in residential location. According to Hawley, "Familial units are distributed with references [sic] to land values, the locations of other types of units, and the time and cost of transportation to centers of activity . . . The influences of the three factors are combined in a single measure, namely, rental value for residential use." Hawley summarizes a generally held theory of land values in relation to residential location : The residential property on high priced land is usually in a deteriorated condition, for since it is close to business and industrial areas it is being 15. Other writers of this school occasionally recognize the importance of the size of the site : " in urban [land] utilitization . . . location and standing room are the services in demand" (H. B. Dorau and A. G. Hinman, Urban Land Economics [New York: Macmillan, 1928], p. 488). However, they do not develop the implications of this statement. Bloom considers size of site under " imperfections in urban land markets" (Economic Criteria, pp. 105ff.), but not in the "perfect" model. 16. Robert E. Park and Ernest W. Burgess (eds.), The City (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1925), p. 203. It is interesting that Haig dissociates himself from the ecologists. After recording this same quotation, he asked : " But is [it] not the uses which determine land values rather than vice versa ?" (in Quart. J. Econ., 40:405, fn. 4); but also see note 17. 17. For instance, James A. Quinn states: "Land values . . . affect, as well as reflect, the struggle for location within the metropolis" (Human Ecology [New York : Prentice-Hall, 1950], p. 449). See also R. D. McKenzie, The Metropolitan Community (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1933).



and Land


held speculatively in anticipation of its acquisition by more intensive and therefore more remunerative land use. In view of that probability owners of such property are not disposed to spend heavily for maintenance or to engage in new residential construction. Hence the property can command a relatively low rent for family use. Moreover its proximity to various objectionable uses and its distance from family amenities also contribute to low residential values. Its accessibility, however, tends to counter the depressing effects on rents of deterioration and nearness to undesirable conditions. Conversely, new residential structures appear on low-value lands, lands that have few if any alternative uses. Since the buildings are newer and presumably better equipped for family use than those found on high-priced land, they can command a higher rent. Their protection by distance from objectionable land uses and their access to the services and utilities family life requires also favor a high rental charge. But again, the tendency to high rental valuation is minimized somewhat by the lowered general accessibility to places of employment and specialized service that greater distance involves. Thus while land values, in the main, grade downward with distance f r o m concentrations of associational units, rental values for residential buildings grade upward. That is, rental values for residential property tend to vary inversely with land values. 18 The paradox of l o w - i n c o m e families living o n high priced land while wealthier families live on cheaper land is explained in H a w l e y ' s theory in terms of a process over time in a growing c i t y — or, in o n e that is expected to grow. G r o w t h or its expectation is implicit in the behavior attributed to the speculators and in the expanding area w h i c h results from the c o n t i n u o u s addition of n e w houses to the periphery. If new h o u s e s are built in the periphery, there must be growth of p o p u l a t i o n or there w o u l d be an increasing vacancy rate in the central area of the city. It must be mentioned, however, that there is n o evidence that speculators play the major role that the theory assigns t h e m . 1 9 On the other hand, it will be 18. Amos H. Hawley, Human Ecology (New York: Ronald Press, 1950), pp. 280, 281. Quinn, however, appears to contradict the latter part of this statement: "The higher cost of land in a better residence subdivision prevents its purchase by most families of low income" (Human Ecology, p. 449), implying that the land occupied by low-income families is cheaper. The neglect of the size of the site is the source of confusion. The higher-income families may occupy land which is cheaper per unit of surface, but their lots may be considerably bigger, so that the total cost is greater. Ignoring the size of the site leads to frequent confusion in the literature between price per unit of land (square feet) and the value of the site (price times the quantity of land). 19. The evidence is that investment in low-income housing in central areas is very profitable. A study in central Boston showed net rates of return on investment of between 12.3 per cent and 35.2 per cent (August Nakagawa, "The 'Profitability'

The Economics of Urban Land


shown in chapter 6 that, when the size of the site is considered explicitly, the paradox may be explained in terms of a static model as a result of the bidding process, without recourse to speculators, population growth, or the deterioration of houses. This, of course, does not disprove Hawley's theory. The model to be presented here is an alternative or a complementary theory, which may be preferable for its economy of assumptions. The theory of minimum costs of friction appears in ecological literature, but in a modified form. The determination of location by land values has been vigorously attacked by Walter Firey, who assigns greater importance to the role of "sentiment." 2 0 Partly as a result of Firey's criticism, the theory has been generalized to include noneconomic factors : Hypothesis of minimum costs ... Ecological units tend to distribute themselves throughout an area so that the total costs of gaining m a x i m u m satisfaction in adjusting population to environment (including other men) are reduced to the m i n i m u m . . . A s used in this hypothesis, the concept of cost has a very broad meaning. It includes much more than e c o n o m i c costs. Negatively it includes dangers encountered and disagreeable experiences undergone. It embraces whatever of value is given up or is enjoyed in lesser degree in obtaining any given pattern of adjustment. [ A f o o t n o t e to this passage a d d s : ] The preceding hypotheses would not be correct except when cost is broadly defined. 2 1

This broader statement explicitly denies the theory as expressed by the land economists, though it is not clear whether the rejection is based on the inclusion of noneconomic variables or whether it rejects the land economists' theory on its own terms. At any rate, the ecological theory as stated above can be neither proved nor disproved, and carries the analysis to a realm beyond the scope of the land economists or of the theory which will be presented in these pages.

of Slums," Synthesis, April 1957, p. 45). See also, Metropolitan Housing and Planning Council of Chicago, The Road Back—The Slums (Chicago, 1954) and Chester Rapkin, The Real Estate Market in an Urban Renewal Area (New York City Planning Commission, 1959), p. 120. When such profits are to be had, speculation seems superfluous. 20. Walter Firey, Land Uses in Central Boston (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1947). 21. Quinn, Human Ecology, p. 282.


Location and Land Use

Other Theories Another large body of literature has been devoted to the imperfections of the land market and to institutional factors, dealing with such matters as the very imperfect knowledge of the market by buyers and sellers, the legal complexities of the ownership and occupancy of land, the effects of zoning and taxation, and the permanence of structures, which tie down the land for long periods of time to given uses and intensities of use. R. Turvey states : If the determinants of the equilibrium constellation of prices and resourceuse changed infrequently or slowly, while adjustments to such changes took place relatively rapidly and without much friction, the actual pattern of prices and resource allocation would usually correspond fairly closely to the equilibrium pattern. It would thus be possible to analyse the existing state of affairs in terms of an equilibrium construction. Now so far as the long run is concerned, this is not generally the case with urban property, because the great durability of buildings makes urban change a very slow process and one that is never completed. If the conditions were different and buildings had very short lives, the actual shape and form of a town would be close to its equilibrium pattern . . . But since this is not the case, since most towns are not in equilibrium, it is impossible to present a comparative static analysis which will explain the layout of towns and the pattern of buildings ; the determining background conditions are insufficiently stationary in relation to the durability of buildings. In other words, each town must be examined separately and historically. *



[The] supposed " p h y s i c a l " division of value into site and building values has no analytical value, and is meaningless except in long-run stationary equilibrium. 2 2

In short, Turvey's opinion is that an equilibrium model of urban land uses would be worth little because the value of land is of minor importance—even if the concept were valid. There is, however, only inductive evidence as to the relative importance of land values, and the active rate of construction in downtown Manhattan and other cities, the conversion of dwellings to greater densities, and the movement and succession of activities in the urban scene may be interpreted as evidence of the importance of the value of the site in the determination of the type and intensity of land uses. There is, 22. Ralph Turvey, The Economics of Real Property: An Analysis of Property Values and Patterns of Use (London: Allen & Unwin, 1957), pp. 22-23, 47-48.

The Economics

of Urban



moreover, a strange anomaly to the discussion of imperfections of the market: namely that there is no explicit model of the "perfect" market to which these imperfections would apply. While the bidding process for land is generally accepted, the implications of this process have not been traced to a market solution, with the possible exception of the "minimum costs of friction" theory. This theory can be shown to be meaningless in one interpretation and can be disproven in another (see chapter 6). In an interesting series of articles, Paul F. Wendt has taken issue with what he terms the "Haig-Ely-Dorau-Ratcliff hypothesis." Among the points raised is that of "price elasticities of demand and supply schedules for urban sites," though Wendt seems to be referring to the number of sites rather than to their size. Wendt criticizes many of the simplifying assumptions (as well as the conclusions) of Haig and his disciples, among them those of a single center to the city and the importance of transport costs. He offers the following theoretical model: « y


U P , Y , S , P


,P / ) - X ( T + o UU


+ j

i m

+ D

i m


R, C . )

where V = [aggregate] value of urban land fx = expectations Ρ = population Y = average income S = supply of competitive land Pu = competitive pull of area PI = public investment

Τ = local taxes Oc = operative costs / i m = interest on improvements Dim = depreciation on improvements i — interest rates R = investment risk Cg = capital gain possibility." 23

23. Paul F. Wendt, " Theory of Urban Land Values," Journal of Land Economics, 33:228-240 (August 1957); "Urban Land Value Trends," The Appraisal Journal, 26:254-269 (April 1958); "Economic Growth and Urban Land Values," The Appraisal Journal, 26:427-443 (July 1958). See also R. U. RatclifT's rejoinder, "Commentary: On Wendt's Theory of Land Values," Journal of Land Economics, 33:360-362 (November 1957). The first two quotations are from the first of these articles, pp. 236-239. The value function appears in the third article, p. 427; a slightly different formulation appears on p. 235 of the first article.


Location and Land Use

In spite of its semimathematical formulation, this theory has not been precised sufficiently (except as to the direction of the effect of the variables) to justify detailed commentary here. Moreover, the majority of Wendt's variables will not be considered in the model to be presented in these pages, and those shared by both models are defined in different ways. For instance, in Wendt's model there appears " S = supply of competitive land," which is presumably a single quantity. The closest equivalent to this in our model will be a function describing the quantity of land available by geographic position. The integral of this function, in contrast to Wendt's finite stock of land, will have no upper limit. This will permit the economic determination of a "supply of competitive land" within the model, as well as the differentiation of land by its location. A more general problem in relating Wendt's theory to those he criticizes and that to be presented here is that Wendt's theory is aimed at secular and cyclical changes in aggregate land values, while the other theories are aimed at a static equilibrium and the description of variations of land values within the city at a given point in time. When these theories tend to analyze changes in aggregate land values, they do so by comparative statics. Beckman's theory of residential land values is in many respects similar to that which will be presented in subsequent chapters. Beckman's mathematical model is aimed exclusively at residential land values, and, far from being neglected, the size of the site is the key variable of the model. One of the two explicit assumptions is that "every household chooses its residential location so as to maximize the amount of living space that it can occupy for its housing expenditure." The other explicit assumption is that "average expenditure on residence plus commuting of a household is a well defined function of income." 24 These assumptions imply that the time and bother of commuting do not, as such, affect location decisions. Given very little else than these simple assumptions, and some fairly strong assumptions about a consumption function and a linear commuting-costs function, Beckman arrives at a market solution of rent and residential densities, such that the wealthier families settle on the periphery of the city. While he does 24. Martin J. Beckman, " On the Distribution of Rent and Residential Density in Cities," paper presented at the Inter-departmental Seminar on Mathematical Applications in the Social Sciences, at Yale University, February 7, 1957 (mimeograph).

The Economics of Urban Land


not, in his very brief paper, consider such matters as supply and demand prices or the bargaining positions of the various parties, his approach may be considered to some extent as a special case of the theory to be presented in the remaining chapters of this work. 25 Most recently, L. Wingo has combined a theoretical analysis of traffic flows and the theories of the land economists in an explicit mathematical model of the residential land market. 26 Rents and transport costs are viewed as complementary, their sum being equal to a constant equal to the transport costs to the most distant residential location occupied. Transport costs, however, include the value of commuting time in dollars, determined by the marginal value of leisure time, though no allowance is made for the liking or disliking of the travel situation. Thus, Wingo's analysis retains and even makes stronger Haig's view of the complementarity of rent and transport costs in the urban case, in perfect parallel to von Thiinen's agricultural model. As Beckman, Wingo allows the importance of the size of the site, and uses a consumption function of quantity of land with price, and finds the equilibrium level of the market through the balancing of supply and demand quantities. His analysis broadly parallels that presented in the following chapters and is presented in summary in appendix E, where the crucial points of divergence are also noted. D.


A simplifying approach will be used in these pages to develop a model of urban land values and land uses. The city is viewed as if it were located on a featureless plain, on which all land is of equal quality, ready for use without further improvements, and freely bought and sold. Both buyers and sellers will be assumed to have perfect knowledge of the market and to be unhampered by legal or ^5. This theory is incorporated explicitly into the more general theory to be presented here in my doctoral dissertation, " A Model of the Urban Land Market: Location and Densities of Dwellings and Businesses," University of Pennsylvania, 1960. See particularly fn. to p. 64; illustrations on p. 65; and fn. 46 to p. 23. 26. Lowdon Wingo, Jr., Transportation and Urban Land (Washington, D.C. : Resources for the Future, 1961). Mr. Wingo's and my own work were carried out simultaneously and independently, neither of us aware of the other's activity. It would be necessary to devote excessive space to analyze fully the similarities and divergences between the two theories. Therefore, reference to Mr. Wingo's work will be limited to some notes and appendix E.


Location and Land Use

social restraints. Those selling land will be assumed to wish to maximize their total revenue. Those buying land will be assumed to wish to maximize profits or satisfaction, according to whether they are firms or consumers. The analysis will begin with a formal analysis of individual equilibrium of the consumer and the firm in terms of traditional substitution theory. From the analysis of individual equilibrium, we shall proceed to a derivation of market equilibrium, such that demand and supply prices and quantities are equal and the market is cleared. The market solution will include both urban and agricultural land uses in a unified theory. In the concluding chapter some complications will be introduced into the model.

Price To avoid the thorny definitional problems that abound in the theory of rent, the emphasis will be on the process by which the value of land is determined rather than on the nature of this value. The various potential users will bid for land, and landlords will sell or rent the land to the highest bidder. Thus, the patterns of land uses and land values will be mutually determining. We shall follow Ratcliff in the use of the term : It will be convenient to use the term "price" in its generic sense and to include under this term the market expressions of contract rent, sales price, and cost of ownership. These three values tend toward equivalence and move together, though with unevenness. Sales price, the price that a buyer is willing to pay after considering alternatives, represents the present or discounted value of future rental values. The cost of ownership is a function of both contract rent and sales price ; the owner must recognize a cost of occupancy that is at least as great as the rental income he might otherwise be receiving if he were to rent out his property, and no smaller than the total of interest on the investment, taxes, maintenance, and depreciation, which total, in the long run, is in balance with rental value. 27

In other words, the term "price" will be used for the amount of money the occupant pays or would pay to the landlord for the right to the use of a unit of land (for example, a square foot or an acre) for a given period of time. Thus, the price of land times the quantity of land in a site represents the payment for the use of the site. 27. Ratcliff, Urban Land Economics,

pp. 347-348.

The Economics of Urban Land


Size of the Site The size of the site presents no conceptual problem when there is a single occupant: it is so many square feet of land. 2 8 However, when there are several occupants, as in the case of an apartment house, it is convenient to view the occupant of each apartment as occupying a fraction of the site. In this view, then, the two occupants of a duplex house will be regarded as occupying one-half of the site each. The same approach will be employed for profit-making firms. In this case, however, the ground floor of a building is very often more valuable than higher floors, particularly for retail purposes and personal services. While we shall not consider this element of vertical location, each tenant may be viewed as paying some fraction of the ground rent, and the sum of these parts will add to the total rent of the site. Each tenant will be viewed as occupying the same fraction of the site as the fraction of the rent he pays. The Featureless Plain Throughout the analysis in this work, with the exception of a part of the last chapter, we shall assume that the city sits on a featureless plain. This plain may contain lakes, or reserved land such as cemeteries, which are holes on the surface of the plain. In this sense our featureless plain is not featureless. What it does not have are such features as hills, low land, beautiful views, social cachet, or pleasant breezes. These are undoubtedly important, but no way has been found to incorporate them into the type of theory that will be presented. However, the reader may perhaps prefer to think of the featureless plain not as a simple grey surface, but rather as an average of cities, where an elevation in one city may be matched by a depression in another, or the social disesteem of an area in this city is compensated by the historic associations of a matching area in that city. These incidents of such importance in the particular case are distractions when one considers the general case in order to understand the process and structure of urban areas. 28. It should be noted that in real estate practice the size of the lot is often measured in terms of "front feet" (street frontage). The areal measure will be preferred here as more suitable for general purposes than the linear for the measurement of an area. However, the model to be presented could be adapted to the linear measure.


Equilibrium of the Household A.


An individual who arrives in a city and wishes to buy some land to live upon will be faced with the double decision of how large a lot he should purchase and how close to the center of the city he should settle. In reality he would also consider the apparent character and racial composition of the neighborhood, the quality of the schools in the vicinity, how far away he would be from any relatives he might have in the city, and a thousand other factors. However, the individual in question is an "economic m a n , " defined and simplified in a way such that we can handle the analysis of his decision-making. 1 He merely wishes to maximize his satisfaction by owning and consuming the goods he likes and avoiding those he dislikes. Moreover, an individual is in reality a family which may contain several members. Their decisions may be reached in a family council or be the responsibility of a single member. We are not concerned with how these tastes are formed, but simply with what they are. Given these tastes, this simplified family will spend whatever money it has available in maximizing its satisfaction. The city in which the individual arrives is a simplified city. It lies on a featureless plain, and transportation is possible in all directions. All employment and all goods and services are available only at the center of the city. Land is bought and sold by free contract, without any institutional restraints and without having its character fixed by any structures existing upon the ground. Municipal services and 1. Purposeful simplification for analysis is so much the rule and its advantages and disadvantages have been discussed so thoroughly that further discussion of it here is unnecessary. However, on the particular issue of residential location and urban structure, an interesting polemic was started by Walter Firey (Land Uses in Central Boston, chap. 1), who attacked the simplifications of human ecologists. A reply from this group may be found in A m o s Hawley, Human Ecology, pp. 179-180, 286.


of the Household


tax rates are uniform throughout the city. T h e individual knows the price of land at every location, and, f r o m his point of view, this is a given fact, not affected by his decisions. In this chapter we shall find how much land a n d where such an individual would buy in such a city. Finding these things constitutes the equilibrium solution for the individual. It will be found in this chapter by means of classical consumer equilibrium theory, though the unusual nature of the problem will call forth unexpected turns from the theory. However, though classical theory is satisfactory for the description of individual equilibrium, it does not enable us in this case to aggregate individuals to arrive at a market solution without a radical reformulation. In order to understand this reformulation, the classical solution must be thoroughly grasped. It will be explored in detail in the following pages, first diagrammatically, and later mathematically. F o r the reader who is not thoroughly familiar with the general case of the classical consumer equilibrium theory, its essentials, b o t h in the diagrammatic and the mathematical versions, are presented in appendix D.



T o describe individual equilibrium diagrammatically, we must represent graphically both all of the alternatives open to the individual a n d his pattern of preferences. By joining these two diagrams, we can observe which of the opportunities open to the individual he will choose. Opportunities Open to the Individual T h e individual has at his disposal a certain income which he may spend as he wishes. Out of this income he must pay for his land costs, his c o m m u t i n g costs a n d for all other goods and services (including savings). W e wish to describe diagrammatically all of the choices open to the consumer, subject to the restriction of his budget. This restriction may be expressed thus : Individual's income = land costs + c o m m u t i n g costs + all other expenditures First let us examine his expenditures for all goods and services excepting land and commuting costs. T h e individual may buy


Location and Land Use

greater or smaller quantities of a wide variety of goods. We may denominate the quantity of each good he purchases by zl, z 2 ,. . ., zn, for each of η goods. If the prices of these η goods are pup2,. ..,p„, then the expenditure by the individual for any good z; will be equal to the price of that good times the quantity of the good purchased : pizi. His total expenditure for the goods and services in this category will be : ρ1ζι+ρ2ζ2



However, for the sake of simplicity we shall group all these various goods and services into one composite good, z. The price of this composite good will be a price index, pz. The expenditure on all goods and services other than land or commuting costs will be pzz.


1. Diagrammatic structure of land prices

This simplification will not affect the logic of the subsequent analysis. As an alternative, ζ may be considered to be money, and pz may be regarded as unity. Second, let us examine the individual's expenditures on land. From the point of view of the individual, a price structure is given which specifies a price for land at every location. This price structure is represented by curve P(t) in Figure 1. Price of land, P, varies with distance from the center of the city, t.2 By expressing the price 2. It will be assumed here that the price of land decreases with increasing distance from the center of the city. Below it will be seen that this is a requirement for the existence of both individual and market equilibrium as well as essentially true for most cities.

Equilibrium of the Household


structure in this manner, it is clear that when a location is chosen, a given price of land is implied. However, in purchasing land the consumer not only chooses a location but must also decide upon the quantity of land he will acquire. We shall represent this quantity by the letter q. The expenditure on land will be equal to the price of land times the quantity purchased: P(t)q. Thirdly, we wish to consider commuting costs. These will increase with increasing distance from the center of the city. We shall represent these costs by the function k(t) where t corresponds to the same location as in P(t). We can now write the budget equation that will contain all of the choices open to a person of income y : (2:1) where

y = pzz + P(t)q + k(t)

y : income ; pz : price of the composite good ; ζ : quantity of the composite good ; P(t) : price of land at distance t from the center of the city ; q: quantity of land; k(t) : commuting costs to distance t ; t : distance from the center of the city. Equation (2:1) contains within it all the possible alternative ways in which the individual may spend his money. We shall now diagram this function. This can be done in a 3-dimensional set of co-ordinates in terms of the variables z, q, and t. These three variables are the determining ones since income (y) and the price of the composite good (pz) are given, and the price of land, P(t), and commuting costs, k(t), are functions in terms of t. We shall obtain a 3-dimensional surface that will represent all of the alternatives open to the consumer, and this surface will be called the locus of opportunities. Every point on the surface is a possible alternative open to the consumer ; every point not on the surface is not a possible alternative. 3 To describe the locus of opportunities surface we shall 3. "fhe locus of opportunities is a generalization of the budget or price line of the usual case. Both describe all of the choices available given a certain income. However, while the budget line considers choices among goods at definite prices, in this case the locus of opportunities considers a good, q, of varying price, P(t), and a good, t, which has no price but determines the price of good q and commuting costs, k(t). Though the budget line is therefore a special case of the locus of opportunities, they both serve the same analytical function.



and Land


consider sections through it by holding each of the three variables constant in succession and observing the variations of the other two. First, let us fix t at any distance t = t0. The individual can now choose between varying quantities of land, q, and the composite good, z, while distance is for the moment fixed at tQ. Distance being fixed, so are price of land, at P(t0), and commuting costs, at k(t0). Equation (2:1) becomes y = pzz + P(t0)q



which may be rewritten as = q


Pz P(t0)z-


This is a linear equation, with a slope equal to the negative of the ratio of the prices of the two goods. Its intercepts are q — 0, z = [_y — k(i0)]/pz> and z = 0, q = [y — k(t0)~\/P(t0). It is shown in Figure 2.


2. Locus of opportunities between q and z, when t is constant at tO

Now let us hold the composite good constant at z = z 0 , and allow q and t to vary. Equation (2:1) becomes y = p2z0 + P(t)q + k(t),

which may be rewritten as y-PzZ0-k{t) q =




of the Household


This is not a simple linear equation. The price of land, P(t), in the denominator, decreases with increasing distance f r o m .the center of the city. Therefore the quantity of land that may be bought, q, increases with distance, since land is becoming cheaper. On the other hand, distance enters into the n u m e r a t o r in the form of commuting costs, k(t). As distance increases, so d o c o m m u t i n g costs, a n d consequently the a m o u n t of land that may be purchased decreases. Thus, distance acts in opposing directions u p o n the quantity of land. The resulting curve is shown in Figure 3. T h e curve of q on t rises up to the point at which marginal increases in c o m m u t i n g costs are equal to the savings realized f r o m the decreasing price of land. Thereafter, the a m o u n t of land that may be q

dk _ dP_ q dt ~ dt rft




3. Locus of opportunities between q and t, when ζ is constant at z 0

bought with increasing distance decreases. (See appendix F, note 1 for the formal derivation of the turning point of the curve.) A n d lastly, let us hold q constant at q0 a n d allow t a n d ζ to vary. E q u a t i o n (2:1) becomes y = pzz + P(i)q0 + k(t), which may be rewritten as ζ =

y-P(t)q0-k(t) Pz

T h e d e n o m i n a t o r of the fraction is a constant, pz. The numerator, on the other hand, contains two expressions in terms of t. T h e first,




and Land Use

will cause ζ to increase with t since P{t) will be decreasing

and the expression is preceded by a negative sign. The second, k(t), also preceded by a minus sign, increases with t and therefore causes ζ to decrease. The resulting curve is shown in Figure 4. These two opposing effects of distance will cause the amount of the composite g o o d to increase as long as the savings resulting from cheaper land exceed the increases in commuting costs, and the amount of the composite g o o d will decrease when increases in commuting costs exceed the savings resulting from cheaper land. (See appendix F, note 2 for the formal derivation of the turning point of the curve.) ζ

dk dt "

_dP dt




0 FIGURE 4. L o c u s of opportunities between Ζ and t, when q is constant at qo

N o w that we have three sections through the locus of opportunities surface, we may draw it in three dimensions. This has been done in Figure 5. A section parallel to the q-z plane would yield a curve corresponding to that of Figure 2. A section parallel to the q-t

plane would yield a curve corresponding to Figure 3. A n d a

section parallel to the z i plane will yield a curve corresponding to that of Figure 4. 4 T h e shell-like surface contains all of the combinations of land (q), the composite g o o d (z), and distance ( f ) open to the consumer, and his equilibrium solution must be a point on this surface. 5 It should be noted that a higher income would have 4. A t ^ = 0, such a section w o u l d s h o w ζ decreasing m o n o t o n i c a l l y w i t h increases in t. T h i s , o f c o u r s e is a special case of the typical h u m p e d curve, w h e r e the h i g h p o i n t o f the c u r v e occurs at ( = 0. 5. T h e surface b o u n d e d b y dashed lines c o r r e s p o n d s t o the locus of o p p o r t u n i t i e s that w o u l d o b t a i n if there w e r e n o c o m m u t i n g costs. It is, of course, higher than the surface f o r the case w i t h costs of c o m m u t i n g , since these costs are e q u i v a l e n t



of the Household


yielded a locus of opportunities surface of the same shape but above the one in Figure 5, while a lower income would have yielded one below it.

reductions in income or reduced purchasing power. As one instance, the quantity of land q = RV bought where there are commuting costs (and no ζ is purchased) will be [ y — /ί(Λ)]/Ρ(Λ), while the quantity of land q = RV that would be bought if there were no commuting costs would be y/P(R). The quantity of land lost to commuting expenses is k(R)/P(R).


Location and Land Use

Preferences of the Individual We now wish to map the individual's preferences. When the mapping of preferences is joined with the mapping of opportunities, individual equilibrium will correspond to that opportunity which yields the individual greatest satisfaction. Preferences will be mapped through indifference surfaces. In this case an indifference surface will be a set of combinations of quantities of land and the composite good and distance, such that the individual will be equally satisfied by any of these combinations. Hence, he may be said to be indifferent among all of the combinations represented by the indifference surface. However, the usual shape of indifference surfaces is that of a bowl propped up against the corner of a box. In this case, the strange nature of the good distance will result in an unusually shaped indifference surface. We shall arrive at the shape of the surface by examining sections through it. Let us begin by holding the composite good, z, constant, and allowing the quantity of land, q, and distance, t, to vary. Land q is a good of the ordinary type. All other things being equal, the individual will prefer to have more than less of it ; that is to say, he will prefer to have ample living space and not to be crowded. Distance, t, on the other hand, is unusual. We assume that, all other things being equal, a rational individual will prefer a more accessible location to a less accessible one. Since t represents the distance from the center of the city, and thus the distance the individual must commute to the principal place of shopping, amusement, and employment, we may say that accessibility decreases as t increases. In other words, the individual would prefer t to be smaller rather than larger, so that t may be thought of as a good with negative utility (that is, satisfaction). Increases in t produce dissatisfaction. Given these two goods, then, how will they vary while maintaining a constant level of satisfaction ? Given any combination of land and distance, a small increase in distance will produce dissatisfaction, and will have to be compensated for by a small increase in the quantity of land for satisfaction to remain the same. The indifference curve, between land and distance, therefore, will be a rising curve, q increasing with t, as in Figure 6. Had we plotted accessibility rather than distance against land, we would have obtained a downward sloping indifference curve of the usual shape.

Equilibrium of the Household


However, since distance can be measured directly, while accessibility implies some subjective pattern of preference (or nuisance value of distance) which may vary from one individual to another, it is better for our purposes to use distance as the variable and to let the shape of the indifference curves take care of the relation between distance and accessibility. In spite of the direction of the slope of this indifference curve, it remains true, as in the usual case, that lower curves will represent less satisfaction (less land at the same distance, or more distance for


6. Indifference curve between q and t, for a constant z 0

the same quantity of land) and higher curves greater satisfaction. It also remains true that curves of this family will not cross. Now let us hold distance constant at t = t0 and observe the variations between land and the composite good. Given any combination of q and z, a small decrease in one will have to be compensated by a small increase of the other for satisfaction to remain constant. This is the usual type of indifference curve, as in Figure 7. The curve will not only slope downward to the right, but it will also be convex toward the origin, by reason of the diminishing marginal utility of the goods. Finally, let us hold the quantity of land constant at q=q0 and allow distance and the composite good to vary. A small increase in distance increases the nuisance of commuting, and requires a small increase in the quantity of the composite good for satisfaction to remain constant. There will result a curve as in Figure 8, sloping upward to the right.


Location and Land Use

We can now draw an indifference surface in these three dimensions, z, q, and t, by combining these three sections. Figure 9 shows such a surface. Figure 10 shows the same surface; the trace X Y o n plane A corresponds to Figure 6 above, where q and t vary and ζ is held constant; trace QRST on plane Β corresponds to Figure 7,


Indifference curve between

ζ q

and z, for a constant


where q and ζ vary and t is held constant ; and trace MN on plane C corresponds to Figure 8, where ζ and t vary, q being held constant. The indifference surface shown in Figure 9 represents all of the combinations of the three goods, z, q, and t, which yield the same level of satisfaction to the individual. Combinations of these goods yielding different levels of satisfaction would be represented by


Indifference curve between ζ and

t t,

for a constant


Equilibrium of the Household


similarly shaped surfaces, higher ones for more satisfaction and lower ones for less. Equilibrium of the Individual We now have a description of the individual's preferences in the indifference surfaces mapping, and a description of all of the opportunities open to the individual in the locus of opportunities surface. If we join the two mappings, we can see which of the available


A n indifference surface

opportunities the individual will prefer. This will be the combination of goods represented by the point at which the locus of opportunities surface touches the highest (that is, most satisfactory) of the indifference surfaces with which it comes in contact. If the point be ζ i, q¡, th the individual will purchase quantity z ; of the composite good at price pz, he will occupy q¡ land at distance t¡ from the center of the city, for which he pays a price P(t¡), and he will spend fe(í¡) on commuting costs. By examining carefully the shape of the indifference and of the locus of opportunities surfaces, it becomes clear that the point of equilibrium must lie within the portion of the locus of opportunities (Figure 5) bounded by the curves WX, XY, and Y W. At the equilibrium point, the locus of opportunities and the indifference surface must be tangent to each other, since both are smooth surfaces touching at a point. Therefore the two surfaces must be parallel at


Location and Land Use

that point. The indifference surface (see Figure 9) is shaped like a trough, and it moves up and away from the f-axis. The locus of opportunities, however, moves up and away from the i-axis only over the portion WXY. Therefore tangency between the curves and individual equilibrium are possible only in this section.



The mathematical solution of individual equilibrium parallels the diagrammatic solution but is at once more general and more compact. We may start with the proposition that the individual has a given income, y, which he may spend as he pleases between ζ and q, after he pays the commuting costs k(t) attendant to his location.

Equilibrium of the Household


This proposition is expressed in the budget balance equation (2:1)

y = pzz + P(t)q + k(t).

As before, we assume that we are given the price of the composite good pz and the functions of the cost of land with distance, P(t\ and of commuting costs with distance, k(t). The problem consists of finding the possible set of z, q, and t which both satisfies the budget balance equation (which corresponds to the locus of opportunities surface) and yields the individual the greatest satisfaction. The satisfaction of the individual is given in the function (2:2)

u = u(z, q, i),

called the utility function. Given a set of values z0, q0, t0, we find u0 by means of this function. For another set z;, q¡, t¡, we would find u¡. Then, if u¡ is greater than w0, we may say that the set z¡, q¡, t¡ is preferable to the set z 0 , q0, t0.6 The individual will try to maximize his satisfaction within the restraints of his income. In other words, the problem is to discover which combination zb qh t¡ that satisfies the budget balance equation (2:1) yields the highest value for u in equation (2:2). This is done by differential calculus. Differentiating the utility function (2:2) we obtain (2:3)

du = uz dz + uqdq + u, dt?

At the point at which satisfaction, u, is maximized, du = 0, so that (2:4)

du = 0 = uz dz + uqdq + ut dt.

According to the conditions of maximization for multivariable functions, we can hold all variables but two constant, and the sum of the partíais times the differentials of the remaining two will still equal zero. Thus, if we hold t constant so that dt = 0, equation (2:4) becomes (2:5)

du = 0 = uz dz + uq dq + 0.

6. T h e reader is reminded that the values of u have only ordinal properties, and that they are equivalent to the naming (in s o m e sequence) of the indifference surfaces. 7. For c o n v e n i e n c e in notation, as is frequently done, we shall denote the partial derivative of a function with respect to a variable by the n a m e (letter) o f t h a t function with the variable as a subscript. Thus, uz = du/dz;

uq — du/dq;

u, =



Location and Land Use

Equation (2:5) may be rewritten as (2:6)

— dz/dq =


If we hold q constant, so that 0), and implicitly, that pz>0. It follows, therefore, that the expression q dP/dt + dk/dt must be smaller than zero for equation (2:15) to hold. Let us examine this expression. We can expect that dk/dt > 0, since c o m m u t i n g costs increase with the distance traveled. T h e value of q, the quantity of land, can certainly be no less than zero. W e must conclude that dP/dt is negative, for otherwise the expression would be positive. T h a t is to say, the individual cannot

Equilibrium of the Household


arrive at equilibrium except on a negative stretch of the curve P(t). If P(t) were positively inclined—price of land increasing with distance from the center of the city—the individual would move toward the center, where he would get cheaper land and do less commuting. There is a further conclusion. Since, for equilibrium, it is necessary that {q dP/dt + dk/dt) where t0, p0 is any point on the curve (that is,p0=pf(t0)lt0,p0), rather than using the level of profits as the referee, as in the notation pf(t)lG0. This new notation will be preferred since it will permit direct comparison of bid prices a m o n g u r b a n firms, residences, a n d agriculture. (3) The lower bid price curves represent higher levels of profits, and consequently are preferable from the point of view of the firm. This is obvious since profits are a residual after operating costs a n d land costs are paid, so that the lower the price of land, the higher the residual profits. This implies that curves above the curve for zero profits (G = 0), correspond to operation at a loss, and may be disregarded. The firm would not choose to enter the market at a loss, a n d would not m a k e such bids. (4) Bid price functions in general will slope downward. This may be expected from c o m m o n sense: since, as a rule, revenue decreases and operating costs increase with distance, bid prices must decrease for the level of profits to remain constant. This slope (whether or not negative) may be stated precisely. (See appendix G, note 3 for the derivation). (3:14)

dp/dt =


T h e change in bid price is equal to the change in the volume of business minus the change in operating costs, divided through by the quantity of land so as to obtain a per-unit-ofland figure. Since, as a rule, (1) the volume of business will decrease with increasing distance, so that Vt is negative, (2) operating costs will rise, so that change will be positive, but preceded by a minus sign, 2 5 a n d (3) the quantity of land must be positive, the slope of the bid price curve must be negative. 25. The term CvV„ representing the indirect decrease in operating costs arising from the decrease in the volume of sales, will be negative. As it is preceded by a minus sign, its effect will be positive. However, the marginal costs per marginal change in volume of business must be less than unity at any equilibrium position, so that (V,-CvV,)