135 37 8MB
English Pages 484 [496] Year 1964
LOCAL ANALYTIC GEOMETRY SHREERAM SHANKAR ABHYANKAR Division of Mathematical Sciences Purdue University Lafayette, Indiana
ACADEMIC PRESS New York and London
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 64-24650
Dedicated to Professor Shankar Keshav Abhyankar
and Mrs. Umabai Abhyankar
by their son
Preface This book is written in the spirit of Weierstrass : power series play the dominant role. As algebraic geometry is the study of algebraic equations, so analytic geometry is the study of analytic equations. An analytic function on an open set D in the space Cn of n complex variables is a complexvalued function which can be locally expanded in a convergent power series. An analytic set in D is a subset of D which is locally the set of common zeroes of a finite number of analytic functions. A complex space is obtained by patching together analytic sets. I n all this, C can be replaced by any complete valued field K. There results the notion of an analytic space over K or an analytic K-space. I n addition to the real and complex fields, some other complete valued fields are: p-adic number fields, complete algebraic closures of p-adic number fields, and the field of formal power series in one indeterminate with coefficients in a field of any characteristic. It should be noted that whereas the real and complex fields are connected, every other complete valued field is totally disconnected. T h e term analytic geometry as meaning the theory of complex spaces, especially in its relationship with algebraic geometry, goes back at least to Serre’s 1956 paper (Serre [2]*).It becomes all the more appropriate when one is dealing, as is the case in this book, with analytic spaces over general K. In connection with his Normalization Theorem for complex spaces, Oka proved a lemma to the effect that if a complex space X is a hypersurface in C” then: X i s normal if and only if the dimension of the singular locus of X is less than the dimension of X by at least two (Oka [ti]). In the summer of 1959, Professor Remmert asked me whether this could be generalized from the hypersurface case to the case of a complete intersection. Drawing on the analogy with the corresponding situation in algebraic geometry, I could easily give a simple proof for complete intersections which consisted of showing the invariance of “rank” and “embedding dimension”, deducing from this the analytic analogue of Zariski’s criterion for a simple subvariety in algebraic geometry, and then using some elementary local algebra. T h e only nonelementary algebraic
* Boldface numbers within brackets refer to the Bibliography at the end of the book. vii
result which I needed was the regularity of the quotient ring of a regular local ring with respect to a prime ideal. At the request of Professor Remmert, I found a simple proof for convergent power series rings which amounted to reducing to the polynomial case by using the Weierstrass Preparation Theorem. This work on the generalization of Oka’s lemma was published in Abhyankar [3] ; although not needed for the Oka lemma, I included a proof of “invariance of order along a simple subspace”. When I wrote this paper, I became convinced that the entire local theory of complex spaces can be treated quite simply by first invoking the Preparation Theorem and then using the technique of local rings initiated by Krull and the method of algebraic geometry as developed by Zariski; at the same time it would extend the theory from the complex case to the case of any algebraically closed complete valued field. This project was carried out during 1960; the results were first announced in a lecture at the American Mathematical Society meeting in October 1960 at Worcester ; part of the material was then included in courses given at Harvard and Johns Hopkins during 1961-1962. Initially I was planning to publish this work in one or more papers. However, as I felt that even in the complex case there was no easily accessible exposition of the subject, I thought that it would be more useful to write a self-contained book giving an elementary exposition of the theory of analytic spaces over any K and at the same time including the special features of the complex case arising out of the connectedness of the complex field. Professor Zariski taught me whatever algebraic geometry I know. For the classical theory of complex spaces my sources were the works of Behnke, Cartan, Grauert, Oka, Osgood, Remmert, Ruckert, Stein, and Thullen, and above all some lectures given to me by Professor Remmert in the summer of 1959. My sole contribution has been to put the two subjects together. Instead of describing the contents of the various chapters systematically, I shall make a number of comments. Except when I say “complex case”, it is to be understood that I am in the “general case”, i.e., the case of any algebraically closed complete valued field K (part of the considerations apply without the assumption of K being algebraically closed). Impressed by the power of the Preparation Theorem-indeed, it prepares us so well !-I considered “Weierstrass Preparation Theorem and its immediate consequences” as a possible title for the entire book. In any case, I have tried to bring out this power. For instance the following things are deduced from the Preparation Theorem and the resulting proofs seem to be simpler than some of the customary proofs: Hensel’s lemma (912 and §20), continuity and analyticity of algebroid functions (911 and 912), open map theorem ($11 and §32), regularity of quotient
rings of power series rings (§25), dimension of an intersection (§27), and so on. As far as Chapter IV is concerned, the Preparation Theorem is the cornerstone and owing to it I could treat formal power series rings and convergent power series rings in a unified manner. Another reason for the similarity between formal power series rings and convergent power series rings is that although the latter are not complete they are nevertheless Henselian, and Henselian rings do share many properties with complete local rings ($20). In a sense, Chapter IV deals with the “punctual” and hence formal theory of analytic sets; in Chapter V this is extended “locally”, and then in Chapter VII analytic sets are glued together to form analytic spaces by using the language of sheaves. Most of our considerations being of a local nature, the use of sheaves is quite rudimentary. Thus on the one hand most of Chapter VII could have been written without using the language of sheaves, and on the other hand analytic spaces could have been introduced at the beginning of Chapter V. The significance of sheaves lies more in the global aspects of complex spaces, in particular in the theory of Stein manifolds which are the natural generalization of domains of holomorphy ($7). It is hoped to give an exposition of the elementary theory of Stein manifolds and other topics in complex analysis in a possible second volume. T h e transition from “punctual” to “local” is to a large extent concentrated in the proposition proved in $31 to the effect that if an analytic set is irreducible a t a point then it is pure dimensional in some neighborhood of that point. The proof of this proposition and the treatment of many other topics in Chapter V are facilitated by the use of what may be called “normic forms” ($28)and the most elementary case of intersection multiplicity ($30). In the same vein, upon analyzing an argument given by Osgood, I introduce the concept of the Osgoodian of a pair of elements and formulate the main property (purely formal) of the Osgoodian as Osgood’s lemma ($35). The Osgoodian is a function of the same type as the norm and the trace and it should be useful also in field theory. Using Osgood’s lemma and the classical Riemann extension theorem (in Cn) one obtains the following proposition which explains the significance of the notions of integral dependence and integral closure in complex analysis : a point of a complex space is normal (i.e., the ring of analytic function germs at that point is integrally closed in its total quotient ring) if and only if the Riemann extension theorem holds at that point ($36). The coherence of the structure sheaf and other local properties of analytic sets proved in $33 are recapitulated in $44in the context of analytic spaces. With this at hand, the results in Abhyankar [3] carry over verbatim to the general case ($45). It turned out that the “invariance of order
along a simple subspace” was exactly what was needed to replace certain analysis arguments used in Oka’s proof of his Normalization Theorem. Together with some ideas taken from Zariski’s theory of normalization in algebraic geometry, this now swiftly leads to the Normalization Theorem and hence also to the analyticity of the nonnormal locus in the general case ($46). The key to the various connectivity properties of complex spaces is the connectedness of an irreducible algebroid hypersurface which in turn is proved by using the Riemann extension theorem in C” ($14). The work on this book was partly supported by National Science Foundation research grants at The Johns Hopkins University, in the earlier stages of the book under NSF-G7030 and in the latter stages under NSF-G25225. I would like to express my appreciation for this support. Also I would like to thank G. Fischer and V. Guntzer for help in proof re ading.
July, 1962
S . S. A.
Instructions to the Reader Propositions traditionally known as “lemma” (e.g., Hensel’s lemma) or “theorem” (e.g., Weierstrass preparation theorem) are called as such. Most of the remaining propositions are merely designated by a decimal number. I n cross reference, the chapters play no role. Sections are numbered consecutively throughout the book as $1, $2,... . Parts of $x are numbered as (x.l), (x.2),... and they are cited as (x.y). Items in (x.y) are labeled l), 2),..., lo),2”),..., i), ii),..., etc. I n ( x . y ) , z ) refers to item z ) of (x.y) and (x’.y’.z’) refers to item x’) of (x’.y‘) # (x.y). The book need not be read in consecutive order. Here is the approximate interdependence of the various chapters. Chapter I and the complex case: $1 and $2 are used throughout the book. $8 is used only in $37. $9 is used only in $10. $3 to $7 form one unit; from this only $4is used in the rest of the book and that only in the portion dealing with special features of the complex case. Except for some isolated places, this portion consists of $913, 14, 16, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44C. The rest of the book in no way depends on this portion. After reaching the end of $35, $36 to $39 may be read in any order. Chapter 11: $10, $11, $12 are basic. $15 is used only in $26, $33C, $42. $16 is not used elsewhere in the book. Chapter 111: The reader may choose to read this chapter only as needed except that (17.1) to (17.5) and (19.1) to (19.9) should be read before proceeding to Chapters IV and V. Chapter IV: $23 (except 23.11 and 23.12), $25, (26.1), (26.2), and $28 should be read before proceeding to Chapter V. $27 is not used elsewhere in the book. Chapter VI: This is mostly independent of the previous chapters. Chapter VII: Although proofs here depend on Chapter V, still it is possible to read this before Chapter V. Chapter VI is needed here.
Elementary Theory in C” 5I.
(1.1) By a ring we mean a commutative ring with identity (denoted by 1). Unless otherwise stated, ;i ring homomorphism is assumed to carry
identity into identity, and suhring and overring arc assumed to have the same identity element. A ring R is a null ring means R = 0, i.e., R contains only the zero element, i.e., 1 = 0 in R. An integral domain is a nonnull ring without zerodivisors. All modules are unitary. Let R be a ring. For any subset B of an R-module ?I, the submodule of ‘1[ generated by B is denoted by B R ; if B = VI then BR = (0). For any ideal a in R we set radfia =
(Y E
11’ E
for some integer p > 0).
a is a proper ideal mcans a # R. a is a prime ideal means R/a is an integral domain; a is then necessarily proper. a is a maximal ideal means R/a is a field. A n element Y in R is said to be a unit in R provided r ~ = ’ 1 for some r‘ in R. Two elcmcnts in R arc said to be R-associates if and only if they differ by unit factors in R. ‘The subscript or prefix R may be dropped when it is clcar from the context. ‘Thus we may write “rad a” for “radna”, and “associate” for “R-associate”. This applies to all other concepts which we shall introduce, i.e., qualifying subscripts, superscripts, and prctfixes may be dropped when refcrence to them is clcar from the context.
the (1.2) I.et R be a ring. By definition, R is a quasisemilocal ring set of maximal ideals in H is a nonempty finite set; note that R is then ncccssarily a nonnull ring. R is a quasilocal ring c H has a unique maximal ideal m ;we indicate this by writing (R, m). Note that R is quasilocal < > 1
the set of all nonunits in R is an ideal, which is then the maximal ideal in R. R is a semilocal ring e R is noetherian and quasisemilocal. R is a local ring o R is noetherian and quasilocal. If (R, m) is a local ring, then by Krull’s theorem1
nmi m
i =1
(0). More generally, a quasilocal ring (R, m)
is said to be a quasilocal Hausdorff ring provided
nmi = (0). For then z =1 m
R is a Hausdorff space in the Krull topology given by taking powers of m for a vicinity basis of zero. R is said to be complete if it is complete
in the Krull topology. Equivalently: a n -+a 0 a - a n E mi(%)with i(n) = co; (a,) is a Cauchy sequence o a n - an+l E mi(@ with lim n+m lim i(n) = co;R is complete o every Cauchy sequence in R is convergent. n+m
(1.3) Let R be a nonnull ring. We put
R[[xl,..., ~
n ]= ]
ring of formal power series in indeterminates with coefficients in R.
..., x n
Note that this is naturally isomorphic to R[[xl,..., ~ n - 1 ] ] [ [ ~ n ]For ] . R1 C R we write Rl[[xl,..., ~ n ] for ] the set of all elements in R[[xl,..., x,]] all of whose coefficients are in R1. Let
Then f is a unit in R[[xl,..., x,]] o the constant term fo...~ is a unit in R. dl=>” is obvious. If fo...~ is a unit in R then dividingf by it we may assume that fo...o = 1. Thenf = 1 - g where
giI... i,pt...xk;
z I , . . . i,d>O
giI... 2 , E R .
Now h = 1+ g
+ ...ER[[xI,...,x n ] ] ,andfh = (1-g)(l
+g +g2
+ ...) = 1.
For any field K , K[[xl,...,x n ] ] is an integral domain and we put
K((x1,...,xn)) = quotient field of K[[xl,...,x , ] ] . 1 Northcott
[1: Theorem 3 on p. SO], or Zariski-Samuel [l:Corollary 2 on p. 2171.
(1.4) Let K be a field. Then K[[xl,..., x,]] is a complete Hausdorff quasilocal integral domain with maximal ideal generated by XI,...,xn. Consequently, nonunits g1,...,g , E K[[yl,..., ym]]can be “substituted” for x i ,..., x, in f(x1,..., xn) E K[[xl, ..., x,]] with convergence in the Krull topology of K”y1, ...,ym]]. I n particular, we can make a nonsingular (homogeneous) K-linear transformation on XI,..., x,; i.e., if we substitute
where at3 E K with det((atj)) # 0, then we get an isomorphism of K[[xl,..., xn]] onto K[[yl,...,:y,]]. We may consider this as giving an “identification” between K[[xl,...,x,]] and K[[yl,..,,y,]]. In other words, we may take yl,...,y , as “new variables”. For any
2 l...i,*x;I...x$ fi
E K[[Xl,
...,x n l l ;
f t l...a, E
we set
of = leading degree off min i such thatfi,...t, f 0 with i = il
+ ...+ &,
if f # 0 iff=O;
Note that leading degrees are preserved under the above isomorphism.
(1.5) Recall that a valued field is a field K with a nonnegative real valued function a + la1 such that: la1
0 oa
for all a, b EK. lab1 = la/ Ibl and la + bl 5 la1 + Ibl Calling la - b] to be the distance between a and b, K becomes a metric space. The adjectives “complete” and “nondiscrete” refer to K as a metric space. Then K is nondiscrete o la/ # 0 , 1 for some a E K . Calculus properties of real series-absolute convergence, uniform convergence, etc. -go over verbatim to series in a valued field. Note that if K is nondiscrete valued then it is necessarily infinite.
(1.6) When it is clear from the context, without explicit mention, for an element in a Cartesian product XI x ...x X,,subscripts will indicate components: a E X I x ... x X,, a = (a1,...,a,), a5 E Xj. For Y C X I x ... x X,, writing Y{x1,..., x,} will mean that we are considering x1, ..., x, as "variables" in X I ,..., X , , respectively. X" = X x ... x X = n-fold Cartesian product of X. For a field K , when it is clear from the context: (0) = (0,..., 0) = origin in K W . Z = ring of ordinary integers. R = real field. R+ = nonnegative reals. R++= positive reals. C = complex field. When we think of C (or R)as space of a variable (rather than a field) then we shall usually use the superscript 1: Cl{x). For any complex number a, the real and imaginary parts of a are denoted by Re a and Im a, respectively. When inequality signs, 5 , are used, it will usually be understood that we are dealing with real numbers. Let v : X -+ Y be a map of a set X into a set Y . For any X' C X and Y' C Y with q(X') C Y' we get a map I) : X'-+ Y' of X' into Y' by taking $(a) = p(a) for all a EX'; the map I) is said to be induced by 9. For any X'C X, the map X' -+ Y induced by is called the restriction of p to X' and is denoted by pix'. For any X' C X , the canonical injection of X' into X is the map i : X' -+ X given by taking i(a) = a for all a E X'.T h e canonical injection of X into X is called the identity map of X.
(1.7) Let X be a topological space and let A C X.We write: clxA = closure of A in X , intxA = interior of A in X, bdxA = boundary of A in X = (clxA) - (intxA) = ( c i x ~ )n (cix(x - A)); again the subscript X may be omitted. A vicinity of A in X is a subset V of X such that A C int V ; neighborhood = open vicinity. A vicinity basis of A in X is a set Q of vicinities of A such that every vicinity of A contains a member of 0. Similarly for a neighborhood basis. Let X be a topological space and let A C X.A is said to be locally closed in X provided any one of the following three equivalent conditions holds: 1") Given a E A there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that U n A is closed in U. 2") A is open in clxA. 3") A is the intersection of an open set in X and a closed set in X .
5 1.
1") c> 2") -e 3") is obvious. Concerning 1") * 3") we actually have the following: assume 1")and let B = X - bdcl,AA, then B is the largest open set in X containing A in which A is closed ; and we have A = (clxA) n B. REMARKS. Any open set in X is locally closed in X.Any closed set in X i s locally closed in X . If X* is an open set in X,then any locally closed set in X* is locally closed in X . Let p be a map of a topological space X into a topological space Y . N of a in X, we have p ( a ) E intyp(N); or equivalently, given a neighborhood N of a in X,there exists a neighborhood N' of a: in N such that p ( a ) E intyy(N'). p is open (on X ) means: p is open at each point of X ; or equivalently, for any open set N in X, p(N) is open in . '1 p is closed means: for any closed set N in X, p(N) is closed in Y . In case X and Y are Hausdorff, p is proper means : for any compact set M in Y , (p-l(M)is compact. By a domain in a topological space X we mean an open connected subset of Let X and Y be metric spaces (more generally, uniform spaces) and let P be a sequence of functions from X into Y . P is said to be locally uniformly convergent on X provided every point in X has a neighborhood on which P is uniformly convergent. P is said to be compactly convergent on X provided P is uniformly convergent on every compact subset of X. Note that if X is an open set in C" (or Rn)then these two notions coincide.
9 is open at a E X means: for any neighborhood
(1.8) Let K be a valued field. A;-1) < cylinder in Kn ;
Af) > 0. Open annular PO&-
{x E Kn : X - 1 ) < lxjl < A(1); j 3
1,..., n}.
Closed annular polycylinder in Kn :
{x E Kn: A;-1) 5
1x.I I A(1);j = 3
1,..., n}.
These are products overj, respectively, of:
{A;+ < lxjl < A(l)}; When Ai-1) < 0 f o r j For K = C,
{A\-1) 6 Ix,I 5 A:"}.
1,..., .n;the adjective "annular" may be dropped. {A;?)
0). E Rn:
L is then a hyperplane in Rn. L(+)and L(-) are called the two sides of L in R n . If Z l E I is such that LI = L then L:+l, Li-) is a permutation of L(+),LC-,. Let IEZ, u # b E R ~uh; = (1 - h)a + hb, 0 2 h 5 1, y(A) = Z(UA).
Then y(h) = ah + with a , /3 ER. y(A) is monotonic (increasing or decreasing) in A. Hence
a , b EL(+)+ cp(O), cp(1) > 0 0 for all X 3 p?(A) G- seg(a, b) C L(+). Behnke-Stein [l].
E [0,
I. ELEMENTARY THEORY IN 0, +(1) < 0. By intermediate value theorem, there exists 0 < t < 1 such that $(t) = 0, i.e., y ( t ) E L .Thus we have proved
(5.1) L(+) and Lc-1 are the connected components of Rn - L. For a # b E Rn - L, seg(a, b) n L # 0 o a and b are on opposite sides of L. If X is a connected subset of Rn - L then X C L(+)or X C L(-). Note that Il(x)l is a constant multiple of the perpendicular distance from x to L, and the sign of l(x) determines on which side of L, x lies. From now on until the end of $93, X m2l d m t e a subset of Rn.
X lies on one side of L + X C L(+) or X C L(-). X lies weakly on one side of L X C L(+)U L or X C L(-) U L. X lies strictly on one side of L e inf Z(X) > 0 or sup l ( X ) < 0. Note that
X lies strictly on one side of L -acl
X lies strictly on one side of L
a hyperplane L‘ parallel to L and different from L such that X lies on the side of L’ which is contained in a side of L ; (take L’ on the same side of L as X and at a distance of &p(X,L) from L).
We put
Rn: 3 l E I such that l(y) < inf l(X)}, J g ( X ) = { y E Rn: 3 1 E I such that l(y) > sup l(X)}, Jh(X) = { y E Rn:3 a hyperplane L such that y and X lie on opposite Ji(X)
sides of L}.
By suitable parallel translations as above, we see that Jh(X)
{y E Rn: 3 a hyperplane L through y such that X lies
strictly on one side of L} . Replacing l by -1 we see that Jr(X) = Js(X).
3 5 . CONVEXITY I N Rn Replacing l by l
- l(y)
we see that J i ( X ) = Jh(X). Put
Hi(X) = Rn - Jg(X) = { y E Rn: V l E I , l ( y ) 2 inf l(X)}, Hs(X) = Rn - Js(X) = { y E Rn:V Z E I , Z(y) 5 SUP Z(X)), Hh(X) = Rn - Jh(X). Then H@)
Hs(X)= Hh(X). We also define
J r ( X ) = {y E Rn: 3 Z E I such that Il(y)l < inf lZ(X)l}, J s ( X ) = { y E Rn: 3 l E I such that Il(y)l > sup Il(X)l), and
HI(X) = R a - Jr(X) = ( y E Ra: V l E I , IZ(y)l 2 inf IZ(X)l}, Hs(X) = Rn - J s ( X ) = { y E Rn:V l E I, Il(y)l 5 SUP Il(X)l>. Recall that by definition: X is convex e [a, b E X* seg(a, b) C XI. We define:
H*(X) = intersection of all convex sets in Rn containing X,
intersection of all closed convex sets in Rn containing X.
Now the intersection of any convex sets is convex and hence: H*(X) is the smallest convex set containing X, and H*(X) C R(X).Finally, for X I , X ZC RS we put
aEX,, bEXz
Seg(a, 6).
Note that if X I ,X2 C X then K(X1, X2) C H*(X) C R(X). In the above definitions, the letter H is meant to suggest convex hull. @A.
Convex and hyperplane convex
DEFINITION. X is hyperplane convex e [a E bd X 3 3 a hyperplane L through a such that L fl int X = 01. L is called a supporting hyperplane of X . X is locally convex e-[a E bd X 3 3 a neighborhood N of a in Rn and a hyperplane L through a such that N f l ( L fl int X)= 01. (5.2) If X is a hyperplane convex domain then X is convex.
PROOF. Otherwise there exist a, b E X with a # b such that seg(a, b) Q: X. Then A = {A E [0, 11: (1 - A). Ab X} is nonempty. Let h = inf A, c = (1 - A)a + Ab. Then c E seg(a, b), a # c # b, c E bd X . By assumption there exists a hyperplane L through c such that L f l X = 0. By (5.1), a and b lie on opposite sides of L while X lies on one side of L. Contradiction.
(5.2) is false if X is not connected, e.g.,
= union of two parallel disjoint open cubes = { x : lxjl < E} U { x : 1x1 - I [ < Q, Ixjl < E f o r j
> 1); (0
G for large m. Let #(x) Then $ E Y. Also \+I = r and hence for large In
pil . . .x2.
l$(Y(m))l > G 2 SUPl+(Y)I. This is a contradiction since y ( m ) E W (Y). Hence our supposition that HY( Y )is not compact must be false. REMARK. Actually the converse of (5.16) is also true. An indirect proof of this will be given in the next section. We leave it to the reader to give a simple direct proof of (5.16) and its converse, at least under the assumption: [u E X 5 a5 # 0 for j = 1,..., n]. Finally we prove
(5.17) Let X be a domain in Cn{xl,..., xn). If X is convex (as a subset R2n = 0 )then X is holomorphically convex.
PROOF. Let Y compact C X be given. Let Y* = H,( Y )and Y' = Ha( Y ) . Then Y'is closed in X , and by assumption Y* is compact. Hence it suffices to show that Y'C Y*. Let y EX, y $ Y*. Then there exist a1,..., an, &,..., /?, y E R such that for
Z(x) = alRex1
+ /31Imxl +...+ a,Rex, + /3,Imx, + y
we have E(y) > sup I( Y). Let
- i/3& +...+ ( a , - i/3,)xn + y ; and p(x) = em(%). Then Rem(x) = Z(x) and hence Ip(y)l > sup [p(Y)[. Since p E @, we conclude that y Y'. m(x) =
To continue the discussion of 93 in the complex case, consider the Laurent series Let A1 > 0,..., A , > 0 be such that (A1,..., An) E D(n. Let I'j be the circle in Cl{xj} of radius A, around the origin. Let I' = I'l x ... x .,?I
Then the above series is absolutely uniformly convergent on k1,..., k n be any integers. Then =
x;1+1. ..Xk,+l n
-a 0 such = {x E Cn: lxjl 5 A for j = 1,..., n} C 2. Let X = - V. By that (6.3), F has a Laurent expansion
f = ~ ~ l . . . ~ n ~n~ l . . . x ~ n in X. Since d 2 2, for any j 5 n we have: X contains a point y ( j ) with = 0 whenever i j < 0. Thus f is a power series yi5) = 0, whence and defines a holomorphic function F* on F* is obviously a holomorphic extension of FIX to
Aliter. Since d 2 2, we have: if X ‘ is a relatively complete Reinhardt set in C n with X C X’, then C X ’ . Obviously is a relatively complete logarithmically convex Reinhardt domain, whence = logarithmically convex hull of X . Hence by (6.4), FIX has a holomorphic extension to 3.
Taking d = n in (6.6) we get
(6.7) A holomorphic function of more than one complex variable cannot have an isolated singularity, i.e. : Let Z be a domain in Cn, n > 1, a E 2, and F holomorphic on Z - (a}. Then there exists a unique holomorphic function F* on. 2 such that F*I(Z - {a}) = F. (6.8) REMARK.Whatever we have said about Laurent series and Reinhardt domains (around the origin) is valid for Laurent series and Reinhardt domains around an arbitrary point x*. T o do this, either replace xj by x i - x;, ( j = 1,..., n), everywhere in the statements and proofs, or bring x* to the origin by a translation and use the results around the origin. We end this section by illustrating (6.4) by pictures (6.9) EXAMPLES. in the absolute plane of 1x11, 1x21, ( n = 2).
X is complete, but not logarith-
mically convex. By transporting Arc of a /hyperbola
the picture in the loglxll, loglxz) plane
we find X ’ so that
Circular arcs around the origin
In 2) and 3): X i s not relatively complete; X U X ’ is the smallest relatively complete Reinhardt domain containing X ; X U X’is convex (in R4 = CZ)
and hence by (6.5), r? = X U X‘.In l),2), and 3): X has points on XI = 0 and on xg = 0; hence the Laurent expansion of F in X is a power series.
(7.1) THEOREM OF CARTAN-THULLEN.~ For any domain X
C n { x l , . . ., x n } the following three conditions are equivalent.
i) X is a domain of holomovphy. ii) X is a weak domain of holomorphy. iii) X is holomorphically convex. Obviously i) + ii). Hence enough to show that ii) =- iii) and iii) * i). Let denote the set of all holomorphic functions on X . For any Y C X let p denote the holomorphic convex hull of Y in X , i.e.,
= {x E
x:v ql
@, Iql(x)I 5 supIp( Y)l}.
Recall that, by definition, X is holomorphically convex e r7 is compact for every compact subset Y of X.
Proof of ii) * iii). Otherwise there exists Y compact C X such that p is not compact. Since Y is compact, we can find A > 0 such that lxjl 5 A for j = 1, ..., n, for all x E Y . Since x j E @, we deduce that lxjl 5 A for j = 1, ..., n,for all x E P. Therefore P is bounded. Since P is not compact, we can find a sequence in P having no limit point there. Since P is bounded, this sequence has a subsequence converging to y E C n . Since p is closed in X , y must be on the boundary of X in Cn. Hence by assumption, we can find f E @ such that f cannot be continued near y. Choose D > 0 such that
Y D=
U { X E C n : 1x1 - ~ 1 _I1 D,..., Jxn - -yal 5 D> C X .
Then Yo is compact and hence M lemma (4.6), for all k1, ..., k , 2 0, 1
Cartan-Thullen [l].
sup (fI
Y0)I < co. By Thullen’s
...+k,f €0 a k l x l ...aknxn ak,+
and hence SUP
. a k l x l ...aknxn 1 ‘(
Since y is in the closure of y
akl+. .+knf
(X E
ski+ ...+kmf a k l xl...aknXn
P in C”,we can find y*
C”:1x3 - $1
< D ;j
B such that
For the Taylor series f(Xl,.-,
xn) =
f k l...k,(X1 k i p . . ,k,tO
- ~ ~ ) k l - . ( x-nY:)kn
off around y* we have 1 f k l...k, =
_ _ I
a k l x i . .. a k a n
(Y *)
and hence
for all k l , ..., k, 2 0.
Therefore 2 is contained in the domain of convergence of the Taylor series and hence the latter defines a holomorphic function f’ on Z such thatf’(Z f l X = f 12 f l X . Thus
f onX
f* =
( p on z
is a holomorphic extension off to X U 2, and y
Z. Contradiction.
Proof of iii) 3 i). We want to prove the existence off E such that f cannot be extended to a holomorphic function on any larger domain. If X = C n then we may take f = 0. Now assume that X # Cn. Fix a sequence ( x @ ) ) which is everywhere dense in X,[for instance all points in X with rational coordinates]. Let A, > 0 be maximum such that Z,
= {x E Cn:
- x y l < A,; j
1, ..., n} C X.
Since X # C”,we must have A , < Y1 C Yz C...C X such that
X and int
p =1
Fix a sequence of compact sets
int Y p
# 0; [for instance, let
u {x P
q =1
C”:1x1 - x:Q)I s A , / 2 ; j =
Since A, is maximal and P, is compact, we get that 2, ( P,. Fix y@)E Z,, y(p) $ P p . By the definition of P,, there exists g@)E 0 such that
IP ) ( Y @ )I )’SUPIE‘PY YP)I
Fix a large enough positive integer N p such that for
f @ ) ( x )=
we have
1[1 - f ( p ) ( x ) ] p -- 11 < 2-P
for all x
Thenf@) € 0 and f@)(y@)) = 1. Let m
f(x) = For all
p 5
p =1
2 1 we have Yr C Yp and hence: [l - f @ ) ( x ) ] p
is nowhere zero on Yr,
and 00
2 [[I - f @ ) ( x ) ] p - 11
p =r
is uniformly convergent on Yr.
Therefore by (4.9.3),f is holomorphic on X , and
- f‘p’(x)]p 5 p .
Suppose if possible that f has a holomorphic extension f* to a domain X* 3 X with X * # X . Since X* is a domain, a point a of X can be joined to a point b of X*, b $ XIby an arc y in X*. The “first point” y of y which is not in X i s then a boundary point of X . Let N = oyf*.Now f and hence f * is nowhere zero in Yll and int l‘1 # 0. Therefore by the identity theorem (2.5), N < co. By (2.4), ozf* 5 N for all z in some neighborhood of y in X*. Since oywf * 2 p , we shall reach a contradiction if we show that
y is a limit point of the sequence ( y b ) ) ,i.e., if we show that: given B > 0, there exists p such that Iyj - y@)l < B for j = 1,..., n. Since y E bd X I and the sequence (x")) is everywhere dense in X,there exists p such that Iyj - xy) I < B/2 for j = 1,..., n. Since y $ X,we must have A, < B/2. Since y(p)E Z ,, we then get
for j = 1,..., n.
Every domain X in Cl(x> is a domain of holomorphy 1) COROLLARY. (and is hence holomorphically convex). In view of the Theorem (7.1), it is enough to show that X i s a weak domain of holomorphy. Given a E bd X , the function l/(x - a ) is holomorphic on X and cannot be continued near a .
2) Classical proof of the above corollary is thus: Take a sequence (yw))in X which has no limit point in X but has every boundary point of X as a limit point. By Weierstrass' theorem on zeroes, there exists a holomorphic function f on X whose zeroes are exactly & the points (yw)). Obviously f cannot be extended outside X. Note the resemblance of the usual proof of the said theorem of Weierstrass and the proof of iii) 3 i) given above.
3) Contrary to the one variable case, already by examples of Reinhardt domains we have shown (96) that a domain in Cn,n > 1, need not be a domain of holomorphy. Historically this was one point of departure for investigations in the theory of several complex variables. 4) One application and hence motivation of (7.1) has been given in 96 in characterizing domains of convergence of Laurent series. T h e significance of (7.1) goes much deeper. From the point of view of function
theory, domains of holomorphy are natural objects of study as they are the exact domains of definition of holomorphic functions. However, their definition is relative to the embedding space Cn. On the other hand, holomorphic convexity is an intrinsic property. It is also the basic axiom in the definition of a Stein manifold. Very approximately speaking, a Stein manifold is a complex manifold on which generalizations of the theorem of Weierstrass (existence of holomorphic functions with prescribed zeroes) and of the theorem of Mittag-Leffler (existence of meromorphic functions with prescribed principal parts, i.e., negative parts of
$8. A
Laurent expansions) usually hold. Stein manifolds are generalizations of domains of holomorphy. For the theory of Stein manifolds see the works of Cartan and Oka listed in the Bibliography. We hope to give an introduction to this theory in the second volume of this book. $8. A THEOREM OF RAD6
I n 1924, Radb [l]proved the following very useful theorem. (8.1) Let X be an open set in C1 and let f: X -+C be continuous such that f is holomorphic when it is not zero, i.e., f is holomorphic on X - f-l(O). Then f is holomorphic on X . Since a continuous function of n complex variables is holomorphic if it is holomorphic in each variable, from (8.1) we at once get
(8.2) Let X be an open set in Cn and let f: X + Cn be continuous such that f is holomorphic on X - f-l(O). Then f is holomorphic on X . I n 1956, Heinz [l]gave a simple proof of (8.1) using harmonic functions. We shall follow his proof. Notation. As we have to split the complex variable into real and imaginary parts, we shall denote it by x ; z = x + iy, x = R e x , y = Imz, f = (conjugate of x) = x - iy. Partial derivatives will be indicated by subscripts. For any A C Rz{x, .y} = C1{z}, a will denote the closure of A in Rz, and A will denote the boundary of A in RZ.
z = {x: 1x1 < l},
2 = {x: 1x1 5 l}. a nonempty open set in C1{z}.
Initial remark on (8.1). Let a E Xbe given near which we want to show f to be holomorphic. By a translation, bring a to the origin. Replacingf byf(or_z) where M is a suitable nonzero complex constant, we may assume is a that 2 C X.Then if1 is bounded on Z. Replacing f by bf, wherc /i? suitable nonzero complex constant, we may assume that sup If(2)I 5 1. Thus it suffices to prove
(8.3) L e t f : 2 -+ C be continuous such that f / ( Z - f-l(O)) is holomorphic. ThenflZ is holomorphic. For the sake of completeness we start with a rCsumC on harmonic functions. F : X .+R is harmonic o (def) F has continuous partials of order 6 2 on X and F,, + F,, = 0 on X . f:X + C is harmonic o (def) Ref and Imf are harmonic on X . Note that obviously, f i s harmonic of is harmonic. T h e following is well known.
(8.4) Let f:X +-C have continuouspartialsof order 5 2. Let f = u + iv, u = Ref, v = Imf. Then (Cauchy-Riemann equations) :f is holomorphic on X e ux = vy and uy = - v x on X ; and hence:f is holomorphic on X =- u and v are harmonic on X . Conversely, given u: X -+ R harmonic, there exists v : X -+ R hnrmonic such that f = u + iv is holomorphic on X . For f = u + iv we have fx = ux + ivx, fy = uy + ivy, and hence fx + ;fv = (ux - v y ) + i(u, + vx).Thus the Cauchy-Riemann equations can be expressed as (8.5) Let f: X -+ C have continuous partials of order 52. Then: f is holomorphic on X ofx + ify = 0 on X . Now let
and whence
+ ih,
= fix
+ fyy
Therefore (8.5) yields
I f f : X + C is harmonic then fx
+ qYis holomorphic on X .
Since every real valued harmonic function is the real part of a holomorphic function, and since w -+ R e w is an open map of C onto R,from the open map theorem for holomorphic functions (4.12.3), we get
(8.7) OPENMAPTHEOREM. If F: X -+ R is harmonic, X is connected, and F is nonconstant on X , then F is an open map of X into R. Now the continuous image of a connected set is connected, and the only open connected subsets of R are open segments. Therefore (8.7) yields
PRINCIPLE. If F: X + R is harmonic, X is connected, (8.8) MAXIMCJM and F(a) = sup F(X)for some a E X , then F is constant on X . From rhis we deduce
$8. A M
PRINCIPLE. Let F : X -+ R be harmonic, X bounded, (8.9) MAXIMUM E R. Assume that:
an E X, an + a
lim sup F(an) 2 M .
Then sup F ( X ) 6 M.
First we claim that for any connected component Y of X we have:
Y is open and bounded, and 1’)
Y, an + a
I’ * lirn SUP F(an) 5 M. n+m
X being bounded so is Y ; X being locally arcwise connected, Y is ope?. In view of assumption i), to prove 1’) it suffices to show that $’ C X . Let t E 8. Since Y C X , we must have t E X . Suppose if possible that t 4 X . Then t E X . Consequently, X contains an open disk H around t . Since H and Yare both connected and H n Y # 0, we get that H U Y is connected. Since Y is a connected component of X , we must have H C Y and hence t E Y . Contradiction. Suppose we have proved (8.9) for the case when X is connected. Then in view of the above observation, sup F ( Y ) S M for each connected component Y of X ; hence sup F ( X ) 6 M . Thus we may assume that X is connected to begin with. is compact and A? # 0. Let Since X is bounded, we have that N = sup F(X). We want to show that N 5 M . Suppose if possible that N > M . Since N = sup F ( X ) ,we can find b , E X such that F(bn) -+ N. Since X is cornpact, replacing (bn) by a subsequence, we may assume that b, -+ b E X . Since F(bn) -+ N > M , by assumption i) we must have b 4 X . Thus b E X . Since F is continuous on X , we get N = F(b) co. Since N = sup F ( X ) , (8.8) now yielcs that F = N on X . Since X # 0 we can find an E Xsuch that an -+ a E X ,and then by i), lirn sup F(an) 5 M. However since F = N on X we get that lim sup F(a,) = N > M . o
) = 0 and g(r(t’)) # 0.
Proof of step 2). Let h = g x + igu on Z. Since g ( Z is harmonic, h ( Z is holomorphic by (8.6). Now f l D is holomorphic and hence by Step 1),
$8. A
g ] Dis holomorphic; hence h = 0 on D by (8.5). Now [hjZ is holomorphic and h = 0 on the nonempty open subset D of 21 3 h = 0 on 2 e- (by 8.5) gi 2 is holomorphic.
Proof of Step 1). Let q(z, t ) = Re[g(z)
f(4+ t loglf(z)l,
R, x ED.
Then for -all t , y(x, t ) is harmonic in D(z). Let s > 0. Let an + u E D .
Case l"):f(a) = 0. Thenf(a,) 2 0 and hence slog/f(a,)l + - CO. Also - f(z)]is bounded on 2. Consequently
lim sup p(a,, s) 5 0.
Case 2"): f ( a ) # 0. Then AaE 2. Since f12 = giZ, we get Re[g(a) - f ( a ) ] = 0. Since sup/f(Z)j 5 1, we get that
s logJf(a)I = p
- co < p 5 0.
Re[g(an) Consequently,
- f(an)]
s loglf(an))
+ p S 0.
lim sup q(an,s) 6 0.
Thus in either case
lim sup y(alz,s) j 0.
This is true whenever a , E D and an i . a E ~. Hence by (8.9), for all z E D: p(z, s) 0. Replacing s by - s and (8.9) by (8.10) we also get that for all z E D : q(z, -s) 2 0. Therefore for all z E D we have:
5 0;
I%lf(.)I and s log]f(z)]
5 Re[g(z)
- f(z)]
6 -s loglf(z)I;
s > 0.
Since this is so for all s > 0, we must have
Re[&) - fWl = 0. Replacing R e by Im we similarly get that Im[g(z) - f(z)] Thereforef(z)
= g ( z ) for
all z
for all z ED.
(8.14) REMARK.Rad6’s theorem for several variables is a significant step in the proof of the Remmert-Stein-Thullen theorem on essential singularities of analytic sets which we shall give later on. As an application of the one variable case of Radb’s theorem we can deduce the following. 1) Pl is the only compactification of C1. Here Pl denotes the complex projective line, i.e., the Riemann sphere. A compactification of a conFected complex manifold X is a compact connected complex manifold X such that X is an open submanifold of X . In fact we can prove more.
2) Let S be a one dimensional connected complex manifold such that Cl(z} is an open submanifold of S. Then either S = C1, or
s = c1 u {a}= PI. First note that Rad6’s theorem being local, it applies to any one dimensional complex manifold. Assume that S # C1. Let o be the origin of C1. Let
Then f is continuous on T = S - (o} and holomorphic on C1 - ( 0 ) . Hence by Rad6’s theorem, f is holomorphic on T . Since f $ 0, T - C1 = f-l(O) is a discrete set. Consequently (by open map theorem), in the neighborhood of each point of T - C1, f takes every value with small absolute value at least once. From the definition off it is clear that f takes each non zero value exactly once in T . Therefore T - C1 is a single point which we denote by 00. From the definition off it is then clear that f maps T biholomorphically onto Cl{w}, w = f ( z ) . Therefore S = PI. Finally, we note that (8.1) can also be stated thus: (8.15) Let X be an open set in C1 and let f: X + C be continuous. Assume that for each a E Xwe can j n d a neighborhood X , of a in X and a discrete subset Yu of C such that f is holomorphic on Xu - f-l( Ya).Then f is holomorphic on X . By continuity, we can find a neighborhood X z of a in Xu such that f is holomorphic on X z - f - l ( f ( a ) ) . Applying (8.1) to f*lX,* where f*(z)=f ( z )-f ( a ) we see that f* is holomorphic on X,* and hence so is f.
(9.1) Let K be a nondiscrete valued field. 1) By definition: K is archimedean o In1 > 1 for some integer n in K ; K is nonarchimedean -sK is not archimedean; K is ultrametric o la + bl 5 max(la1, 161) for all a, b E K. It can easily be checked that K is ultrametric o K is nonarchimedean t K is of nonzero characteristic. 2) I t is obvious that R and C are archimedean. Conversely, it is a classical theorem of Ostrowski [l] that if K is archimedean and complete then K is topologically isomorphic either to R or to C;for a proof see also Hasse [l:$131.
3) Let K be nonarchimedean. From the ultrametric property one can at once deduce the following: For a, b E K with lczj < (bl we necessarily have / a For a, b E K ; A, B > 0; the disks
{ ~ E KIx :- a1 < A )
+ bj = /bj.
{ ~ E KIx :- bl < B }
are either disjoint or one contains the other. For a E Kn (n > 0 ) , A E R?+,each of the polycylinders {x E K n : {x
< Ajforj ajl 5 A j f o r j
- ajl
E K ~lxj: -
= =
1,..., a } , 1,...,n},
is open and closed (in Kn). Consequently, every point in Kn has a basis of neighborhoods which are open and closed. Thus Kn (in particular K ) is totally disconnected and in particular not connected.
4) Thus if K is complete then: K is topologically isomorphic either to R or to C o K is connected o K is not totally disconnected o K is not ultrametric. I n particular if K is complete and algebraically closed then:
K is not topologically isomorphic to C
o K is ultrametric.
(9.2) Let K be complete nondiscrete valued, ultrametric, and algebraically closed. Take a E K such that 0 < la1 < 1. Let w E K be a root of unity different from 1. Fix D > 0 such that D < la1 and D < 11 - wI.
ThenX1, XZ,..., Y1, Yz,..., Zare pairwise disjoint; 0 E 2 ; int Z = 2 - (0); and wai +O. Let m be any positive integer such that m < characteristic of K in case this is nonzero. Let at + O ;
if x if x
f(x) =
E Xi E
if x €2.
Letfa(x) = dq(x)/d%. Then for all x
K , f , ( x ) exists for all q 5 m, and
[ai/(m - q)!]x"-@ - q)!]xm-q
if x E Xi if x E Yi if x E 2.
In particular, fm(x) =
if x E Xt
if x E Yi if x E 2.
(0 Consequentlyf,+l(x)
0 if x # 0. However
Thereforefm+l(0) does not exist. Thus f has continuous derivatives of order 5 m, but fm+l(0) does not exist and hence f is not analytic at 0. However f is obviouslyanalytic on K - f0). This shows that Riemann's theorem on removable singularities, even in the weak form (4,11.2), is not valid in K ; consequently none of the .
stronger statements [e.g. : Radd's theorem, theorem on essential singularities of analytic sets,l etc.1 are valid in K . Thus we may state 1) Let K be an algebraically closed complete nondiscrete valued field. Then
K is not totally disconnected
o K is connected
u Riemann's theorem holds o Radd's theorem holds o etc.
It would be interesting to get direct proofs of these statements. For instance, prove Riemann's theorem (or Rad6's theorem) as a direct consequence of C being connected, and not using the Cauchy theory.
(9.3) Let K be complete nondiscrete valued. Let R = K[( X I , ..., x,)]. For a E Kn, let Sa = (f E R : a E D(f)}. For a, b E Kn, write a -t b for (a1 + bl,..., a , + b,), and - a for (-a1 ,..., -an). I n (10.5.1') we shall prove 1") Uniqueness of Taylor e,xpansion,:[f,g some neighborhood of the origin] 3 f = g. Using 1*) we want to prove the following:
R ; f(ct)
g(ct) for all
1) For any a E Kn, is a monomorphism of S, into R. 2) For any a E Kn, 7, leaves K elementwiseJixed. 3) Let f E R be such that f 4 K ; then f o r all a E D(f) we have that T,f 4 K . Consequently, if y is an analytic function on an open set X in Kn such that y is nonconstant i n the neighborhood of a E X , then there exists a neighborhood X* of a in X such that p is nonconstant in the neighborhood of each point in X*.2 2) is obvious and 3) follows from 1*), l), and 2). In (2.5) we have already proved 1) in case K is connected. Thus it only remains to prove 1) when K is ultrametric. 1
Let X =
U Xi. T h e n K - X - {O} is
open and hence X is closed in K
- {O}.
T h u s X is a pure one dimensional analytic set in K - {O}. Let X = 51.X. Then k = X U { O } . Now a* f k a n d -+ 0; hence 0 is not an isolated point of X . However zuat --f 0 and wa' Therefore 2 is not analytic at 0. 2 q~ is nonconstant in the neighborhood of a means: in every neighborhood of a, 9, takes at least two distinct values.
4 k.
LEMMA. Assume that K is ultrametric. Let f E R. Let A E E*( f),a E Kn, b E Kn be such that lakl < Ak and lbk[ < Akfor k = 1,...,n. Then 1') a E
W),a + b E qf),b E D(Taf),
f ( a + b) =
= Tb(Taf).
Suppose we have proved 1'). By (2.1) there exists D > 0 such that for all a E Kn with la11 < D,..., lan[ < D we have: a
+ b + a €D(f),
a ~ D ( ~ a + b f ) ,f ( a
+ b + a) = ( ~ + b f ) ( ~ ) ;
+ a ED(Taf),
(Taf)(b -k
a) =
Choose D > 0 such that furthermore lbkl + D < Ak for k = 1,..., n. Then for all a as above, by 1'): f ( a + b + a ) = (raf)(b + a) and hence ( T a + b f ) ( N ) = ( T b(Taf ))(a).Therefore ~ ~ + a=f ~ b ( ~ by ~ f l*). ) This proves 2'). For any a E K" taking b = --a in the Lemma we get that for any f E R, a E D(f) 3 - a E D(T& and f = .e-,(raf).Therefore r a is a monomorphism. This completes the proof of 1). Now it only remains to prove 1').
Proof of 1'). Obviously a E D(f). Since K is ultrametric, lak + bk[ < Ak for K = 1,..., n and hence a + b E D(f). Take B = (231,...,Bn)E Rn such that A k > B k > max(lak1, for k = 1,...,n. Let
If3 1...3nXfl...X3
hl...jn EK;
and let
2 Fj1...jnx>.-x3E R[[xl,..., Xn]]
Fjl.,.jn = /fjl...jnl.
Then B E D ( F ) and hence
2 Fjl...jnB{l...Bk = F(B)
0 such that P(A',A') < co. Since K is nondiscrete, there exists 0 # a E K such that la1 > l/A'. Via the automorphism pl(x1,...x n ) -+ pl(xl/a,..., xn/a) of K [ [ x l ..., , x n ] ] , without loss of generality we may assum that p(1,1) < 00. Since G is convergent, there exists A > 0 such that G(A,A ) < 00. Fix C such that O < C< 1 and C < A. Fix B such that 0 < B < 1, B < A, and
BP(1, 1) < Cd(1 - C ) .
1") Obviously
Ge(B) 5 G(B,C)/Ce
for all e 2 0.
Also Pj(1) 5 F(1, I). Since Fj has no constant term, this yields
Fj(B) 2 Bf;'(l,1)
By induction on u we shall show that
Which may be
for all j L 0.
For u = 0 this follows from 2")and (10.2.1"). Let u 2 0 and assume true for u. Then
by induction hypothesis d+e
and d+e
(1 - C ) 2 Cf 5 (1 - C ) j =O
2 Cj = 1 a,
because 0 < C < 1.
This completes the proof of 4"). Let D = BP(1, l)/Cd(l - C). Then D is the "ratio" of the geometric series whose uth term is the right hand side of 4").By la),0 < D < 1 and hence summing 4")as u goes from 0 to co we get
Qe(B) IG(B, C)/Cd+e(l - 0). 5") Let C* be any real number such that 0 < C* < C. In view of 5") we then
€9 m
Q(B,C*) =
2=O Qe(B)C*e
5 [G(B,C)/Cd(l- D ) ]
2(C*/C)e e =O
< co. Therefore Q is convergent. The proof is completed by noting that B and Q.E.D. C depend only on A. (10.4) Given f E K [ (XI, ..., x,)], we have o(.caf) 5 of for all a in some neighborhood of the origin in D(f).
PROOF. Trivial for f = 0. So letf # 0 and let of = d. I n view of (10.3.6). via a K-linear transformation, we may assume that f = Sf* where 6 is a
unit in K [ ( x l ,..., X n ) ] and f* is a distinguished polynomial of degree d in xn with coefficients in K [ (XI, ..., Xn-l)]. Since 6(0) # 0 and a + 6(a) is continuous, we can find a neighborhood X of the origin in D(6) n D ( f * ) such that 6(a) # 0 for all a EX.Let a E X be given. Then ( ~ , 6 ) ( 0 )= S(a) # 0 and hence ~ $ 3is a unit in K [ (XI, ..., xn)]. Obviously ~ ~ isfa * monic polynomial of degree d in X n with coefficients in K [ ( x l ,..., xn-l)]. Therefore o ( ~ ~=f o(~,f*) ) 0 and assume for n - 1. Let an ideal a in K[[xl,..., xn]] be given. Fix 0 # f E a.11 By (10.3.6), via a K-linear transformation, we may assume that f is a distinguished polynomial of some degree d in x n with coefficients in K[[xl,..., xn-l]]. By (10.3.1), for all g in K[[xx,..., xn]] there exist unique elements qg and rg in K{[xi,..., x ~ } ] such that g = qgf + rg and degznrg < d. Let b = (rg:g E a). I n a natural way, b can be considered to be a K[[xi,..., x,-l]]-submodule of the d-fold Indeed: if R is a noetherian ring then so is R[[xl,..,xn]]; see $22. Zariski-Samuel [Z:Appendix 71. 11 If a = ( 0 ) then there is nothing to show. 9
direct sum of K[[X~, ..., xn-1]]. By induction hypothesis, b has a finite K[[x1,...,xn-l]]-basis. Any such basis of b together with f gives a finite ideal basis of a. In the above proof replacing [[ I] by [ ( )I we get that K [(XI, ..., x,)] is noetheriun. K[[xl, ..., xn]] is a unique factorization domain. Induction on n. Let n > 0 and assume for n - 1. Let f be a given nonzero element of K[[xl, ..., x,]] which is to be factored. By (10.3.6), via a K-linear transformation, we may assume that f is a distinguished polynomial in x, with , xn-l]]. By induction hypothesis, K[[xl, ..., x,-I]] coefficients in K [ [ x I..., is a unique factorization domain and hence so is K[[xl,...,x,-~]][x,]. By (10.1.6, 10.3.3, 10.3.4, 10.3.5), a factorization of f into irreducible factors in K[[xl, ..., xn-~]][xn]is one such in K[[xl, ..., xn]], and any factorization off into irreducible factors in K[[xl,..., xn]] corresponds to one in K[[xl,..., xn-1]][xn]. Thus K[[xl, ..., x,]] is a unique factorization domain. Now let f and g be coprime monic polynomials in K[[xl,...,xn-l]][xn]. By (10.3.2, 10.3.3), f = 6f* and g = 8g* where 6, 8,f*, g* are in K [ [ x I..., , xn-l]][xn], f* and g* are distinguished in xn, and 6 and B are unitsinK"x1, ..., x,]]. Letf* = ff...f: andg* = gT...g: be irreducible factorizations into monic polynomials inK[[xl, ..., xn-l]][xn]. By (10.1.6,10.3.3, 10.3.4, 10.3.5) these are then irreducible factorizations in K[[x1, ..., xn]] and all the factors are distinguished in xn. By assumption, f and g are coprime in K[[x1, ..., x,-~]][x,] and hence so aref * and g*. Consequently * f # gs for all i, j . Hence by (10.3.4), and gj are not associates in K[[xl, ..., xn]]. This shows thatfand g are coprime in K[[xl, ..., xn]]. This proves 2). Now assume that K is complete nondiscrete valued. Replacing [[I] by [( )] in the above proof we conclude that K[(q, ...,xn)] is a unique factorization domain and that 2) holds with [ ( )] replacing [[ I]. Since K[[xl, ...,x,]] is obviously a completion of K [(XI, ..., x , ) ] this completes the proof of 1), 2), 3), 4).
Proof of5). Let e
f = C f i ( X I , . . . , Xn-l)X,,a
~ g i ( x l , . . Xn-1)Xn ., i =o
1, ge
1. Then
i =O
withfi, gi E K [ (XI D(f) =
[A t =O
,..., ~ , - l ) ] , f d
D(fi)] x R1
D(g) =
n I Lo
D(gi) x A?.
Let h be the x,-resultant off and g. Then h = H(f0,...,f d , go,...,g,) where H(T0,..., Td, Ti,..., TL) is a polynomial in indeterminates TO,..., Td,
Ti,..., T i with integer coefficients which are completely determined by
d and
h E mxl,..., x 4 1
[A ~ i =O
(n 4[A i =O
~ ( g ~ c) ~] ( h ) .
Since f and g are coprime in K [(XI, ..., xn-1)][Xn] and K [(XI, ..., x,--l )] is a unique factorization domain we know that f and g are coprime in K( (XI ,..., X,-I )[x,]. Therefore h # 0. Let a = (b, c ) E D ( f ) f l D(g), b = (bl,..., b,-1) E Kn-1, c E K1, be given. Then
It is obvious that, T u f and Tag are coprime in K [ (XI, ...,xn-l)][xn]o ~ ( b , of) and T(b,O)gare coprime in K [ (XI, ..., x,-l)][xXn]. Now T b h = H(TbfO,..., T b f d , TbgO,..
., Tb&'e)
= x,-resultant of T(~,o$ and q b , o ) g .
By (10.5.2),
~ b # h
0 and hence
f and T(b,O)g are coprime.
Proof of 6). I n view of (10.3.6), via a K-linear transformation, we may assume that f = 8f * and g = 8g* where f * and g* are distinguished polynomials in X n with coefficients in K [ (XI, ..., x,-1>], and 6 and 8 are , x,)]. For all points a in some neighborhood of the units in K [ ( x ~..., origin in D(6) n D(8) n D( f *) n D(g*) we then have that ~~8 and T ~ S are units in K [ (XI ,..., x,)]. Since f and g are coprime in K [(XI ,..., ~ n } ] , so are f * and g*. Hence f * and g* are coprime in K [(XI, ..., x,-l)][xn] and hence by 5), Taf* and T ~ R *are coprime in K [ ( x l ,..., x,-~)][x,]. Therefore by 4), ~ ~andf Tag* * are coprime in K [ (XI, ..., x,)]. Since ~~8 and T ~ Sare units in K [ (XI, ..., x,)] and ~~f= ( T ~ ~ )f( *), T ~Tag = (Tu8)(Tug*), we conclude that T~f and T a g are coprime in K [ (XI, ..., x n ) ] . Proof of 7). Let g(y, z ) = x - c. Suppose if possible that g divides f in K [ ( y ) ] [ z ] since ; f is distinguished in z , by (10.1.6) so is g; i.e., c = 0; hence z divides f in K [ ( y ) ] [ z ]which contradicts the assumption that f(y, 0) # 0. Therefore g does not divide f in K [ ( y ) ] [ z ] .Obviously, g and Tug = z are irreducible. Hence by S), Tug = z does not divide T u f in K [(Y >I[zlREMARK.Noetherian character is the basic result concerning finite generation in power series rings. Further results in that direction will be given in $15 and $16. l2 See
(10.8) IMPLICIT FUNCTIONTHEOREM. Let y = (yl,...,ym). Let fi(y, 21,..., zn)E K [ [ y ,zi, ..., zn]],(i = 1 ,..., n), be such that fi(0,0,..., 0) = 0 for i = I , ..., n, and
q f l , ...,f n ) (0, 0,..., 0) #
qa,..., Xn)
Then there exist unique elements [ ~ ( y..., ) , cn(y)in K [ [ y ] such ] that .
Then X i s a neighborhood of the origin in Kn, g : X -+ Y is bianalytic and h = g-1. In the formal case, H : K [ [ x ] ]+ K [ [ y ] ]and G : K [ [ y ] ]-+ K[[x]] are homomorphisms and by 1") it follows that H is an epimorphism and H G = identity on K[[y]]. Now [K[[x]] and K[[y]] are local integral domains of the same dimension n and H is an epimorphism] H is an isomorphism and G = H-1. Alternatively, in virtue of footnote 13, reversing the roles of gl, ...,gn and hl,..., hn we find a homomorphism G ' : K [ [ y ] ]--f K[[x]] such that G' o H = identity on K [ [ x ] ] ; since H o G = identity on K [ [ y ] ]we must then have G' = G and hence G 0 H = identity on K[[x]J; since H is an epimorphism we get that H is an isomorphism and G = H-1. If g1,...,gn are convergent then by (10.8), h1,..., h, are convergent and hence (X >I) = (Y >I and G ( K [(Y >I) = K [(x >I. 0
We end this section with some corollaries of (10.10). Let R = K[[xl,...,x,]] or K [(xi ,...,x n ) ] . Let gl(x),..., gm(x)E R, ( m 5 n), be given such that gl(0) = ... = gm(0) = 0 , and
$10. WEIERSTR.4SS PREPARATION Then we can find g,+I(x), andl4
...,gn(x) E R so that g,+1(0)
... = g,(O)
By (10.10) we get an isomorphism H of R onto K [ [ y l ...y , n ] ] or K [ ( y l ,...,y,)], respectively, such that H(gi) = yi for i = 1,...,n. Thus we get
(10.11) Let R = K[[xl,...,x , ] ]or K [ ( X I,..., x,)]. Letgl(x),...,g,( x ) ER, ( m n), be such that gl(0) =...= g,(O) = 0 and
Let a = {gI(z),...,g,( x)}R. Then Rja is isomorphic to K[[ym+l,...,ye]] or K [ (y,+l, ...,yn )], respectively; hence in particular Rja is a regular local ring of dimension n - m. Taking R
K [ ( x l ,..., x,)] by (10.10) we also get
Then there exists a bianalytic map g of a neighborhood X of the origin in Kn{xl,..., x,} onto a neighborhood Y of the origin in Kn(y1,...,yn} such that: g1, ..., gm are convergent in X ; and for any a E X letting&) = b = (b1,..., b,) we have bi = gi(a)for i = 1,..., m ; and hence in particular
g({a E X :gl(a) = ... = gm(a) = 0))
{b E Y : bl
=...= b,
Now let S = K [ [ q,..., xe]] or K [( X I,..., xe)], respectively, where e 5 n. Let a = (ge+l(x),...,gn(X)}R where ge+i(x) is a monic polynomial in xe+i with coefficients in S and the wideg of ge+i in Xe+i relative to S is one. Takegi(x) = xi for i = 1,...,e. Thengl(0) = ...= gn(0) = 0 and
l4 gmtl(x),...,gn( x) can actually be chosen to be linear forms in XI, in I(.
...,xn with coefficients
Hence by (10.10) there is an isomorphism H of R onto I? = K[[y1,...,y n]] or K [ ( y l ,..., y n ) ] , respectively, such that H(gt) = yi for i = l,...,n, and from the expression for the inverse isomorphism G: a + R we see that G(S) = S where S = K[[yl,..,,ye]]or K [(yl,...,ye)], respectively. Let 6 = H(a). Then ii = {ye+l,...,yn}l?. Hence ii n = {0}, and given q E there exists q* E such that q - q* E 6. Applying G to l? we get: a n S = {0}, and given p E R there exists p* E S such that p - p" E a. Thus we have proved
(10.13) Let e 5 n. Let R = K [ [ x l ..., , x,]] or K [ ( x l ,...,x,}] and let S = K [ [ x l ..., , xe]] or K [(x1,..., ~ e ) ] ,respectively. Let a = (ge+l(X),..., g,(x)}R where ge+$(x)is a monic polynomial in Xe+i with coeficients in S such that the wideg of ge+i in xe+a relative to S is one. Let p: R 3 Ria be the natural epimorphism. Then a n S = ( 0 )andq(R) = p(S); and hence in particular R/a is an e dimensional regular local ring. Finally, from (10.13) we immediately get
(10.14) Let e 6 n. Let R = K [ ( x l ,...,x,)] and S = K [ ( x i ,..., xe)]. Let a E Kn. Let ge+i(X)= ge+i(Xl,...,xe, Xe+t), (i = 1,..., n - e), be u monic polynomial in xe+i with coeficients in S which are convergent at (a1,...,ae) such that ae-+t is a simple root of ge+i(al,..., ae, Xe+f) = 0, i.e., ge+i(ai,...,a,, xe+t) = (xe+i - ae+i)fe+t(xe+i)where fe+t(xe+i) is a monk polynomial in xe+i with coeficients in K and fe+i(ae+i) # 0. Let a = {Tage+i(x),..., .cagn(x)}Rand let p: R 3 Ria be the natural epimorphism. Then a n S = (0) and q(R) = p(S); and hence in particular Ria is an e dimensional regular local ring. $1 I.
(11.1) Let K be valued. Let
) yd F ( x,..., ~ z ~ , Y=
+ ~1yd-l + ...+ ~
d > 0.
Let c1, ...,c d , 6 E K be such that lcll < 1 ,..., icd[ < 1, 161 > 2d. Then qcl,..., Cd, b) # 0. PROOF.Ibj > 2d implies that (bij > 2d for all i > 0; and this, in view of the inequality IcdJ < 1, implies that Ici/bfl < 1/(2d) for i = 1, ..., d. Therefore j(Cl/b) ...+ ( C d / b d ) [ < 1/2. Consequently
F ( C l , . . . , Cd,
b)/@ = 1
+ (c$) + ...+ ( C d / b d ) # 0.
Hence F(c1,..., cd, b) # 0. (11.2) Let K be valued. Let
F(x1,..., Xd, y ) = yd
+ x1yd-l + ...+ Zd,
d > 0.
Given E > 0, there exists D > 0 such that: if c1, ..., cd, b E K , with lcll < D ,..., lcdl < D,and F(c1,..., cd, b) = 0, then /bl < E.
PROOF. Let A = (2d)d-1 + (2d)d-2 +...+ 1. Take D to be any positive real number such that D < 1 and D < Ed/A. Since lcll < D < 1, ..., lcdl < D < l,by(ll.l)wegetlbl 2 2d,andhenceIc1bd-I +...+ cdl 5 AD. Now 0 = F ( c,..., ~ cd, b) = bd + Clbd-1 + ...+ ~ d . Hence
5 A D < A ( E d / A ) :=
Therefore Ibl < E.
(11.3) Let K be complete nondiscrete valued. Let x = F ( x , Y )= yd
+ Fd-l(x)yd-1 +...+ Fo(x),
..., xm). Let
d > 0;
Fi(x) E K [ ( x ) ] with Fi(0) = 0 for i = 0,..., d - 1. Given E > 0 , there exists D > 0 such that: if Fo, ..., Fd-1 are convergent at a E Km with la11 < D ,..., laml < D, and b E K with F(a, b) = 0, then Ibl < E.
PROOF.a +Fi(a) is continuous and Fi(0) = 0. Therefore lFo(a)l,..., IFd-l(a)( are “small” when \all,,.., /a,\ are “small”. Hence we are reduced to (11.2). (11.4) Let K be complete nondiscrete valued and algebraically closed. Let n > 0. 1) Let H(x1,..., X n , z ) be a distinguished polynomial in z with coefficients ..., X n ) ] which are all convergent in a given neighborhood X of the in K [ (XI, origin in Kn. Assume that H(x1,..., X n , 0 ) # 0. Let Q = {c E K : H(a1,..., an, C) = Ofor some (a1,..., an) E X } . Then 0 is an interior point of Q. 2) Let f E K [ ( x..., ~ ,x n ) ] , f $ K . Then the map D ( f ) -+ K given by a -+ f ( a ) is open at the origin. Let p be an analytic function on an open set X in Kn, and let a E X . If 9 i s nonconstant in the neighborhood of a then p is open at a.
Proof of 1). Via a nonsingular K-linear transformation on XI,..., X n , we can arrange that H(x1,O,..., 0,O) # 0. Let h(y, z ) = H ( y , 0,..., 0,x).Let Y be a neighborhood of the origin in K1 such that Y x Y’ C X for some neighborhood Y’ of the origin in Kn-1. Let I’ = (c E K : h(b, c) = 0 for some b E Y } .Then obviously it suffices to show that 0 is an interior point of F. Now 0 # h(y, z ) E K [( y , x)], h(y, 0 ) # 0 and h(0,O) = 0. Hence
by (10.3.2), h(y, z ) = 6(y, z)F(y,z ) with 6(y, z) and F(y, z ) in K [ ( y ,z ) ] where F(y, z ) = yd F1(z)yd-l ... F d ( X )
+ +
with d > 0, Ft(z) E K [( z ) ] with Fi(0) = 0 for i = 1,..., d. Take B > 0, C* > 0 such that {b E K-1: Ibl < B} C Y and {(b, c) E ~ 2 pi: < B, lCl < c*> c ~ ( 6n) D(F). By (11.3), we can find 0 < C < C*such that: [F(b,c) = 0 and Ic/ < C 3 Ibl < B].Let c E K with IcI < C be given. Since K is algebraically closed, we can find b E K such that F(b, c) = 0. Then h(b, c) = 6(b, c)F(b,c) = 0 and b E Y . This shows that 0 is an interior point of r. Proof of 2). T h e second assertion follows from the first. To prove the first assertion, replacing f by f - f ( O ) , we may assume that f ( 0 ) = 0. By assumption, f # 0. NOWapply 1) to H(x1,..., X n , Z) = z - f ( x 1 ,..., Xn). In view of the Identity Theorem (10.5), (11.4.2) yields (11.5) OPENMAPTHEOREM. Let K be complete nondiscrete valued and algebraically closed. Let f E K [ ( x l ,..., xn)], f 4 K , n > 0. Then a +f(a) is an open map of D(f ) into K . Let q be an analytic function on an open set X in Kn and let a E X . If q is nonconstant in the neighborhood of a then there exists a neighborhood X * of a in X such that pix* is an open map of X* into K . In the complex case we get
(11.6) OPEN M A P THEOREM. Let X be a domain in C", 1z > 0, and f: X + C analytic. Then the following twelve conditions are equivalent. K)
(resp: ccl,
CYZ, ccg).
/3) (resp: /31, j92, Pa). 7) ( r e v : yl, y2, 73).
I f 1, Ref, Im f) is nonconstant in the neighborhood of some point of X . f(resp: lfl, Ref, Imf) is nonconstant on X.l f (resp: I f l , Ref, Imf) is an open map of X into C (resp : R+, R, R). f (resp:
PROOF. In view of the identity theorem (2.5), (11.5) yields the equivalence of a, p, y . Obviously yl cq 3 tc, yl * p; and since x + 1x1 is an open map C onto R+ we also have y 3 71.Again obviously y2 3 a2 * cc, y2 /3z 3/3; and since x .+ R e x is an open map of C onto R we also have y 7 2 . Similarly for Im. Q.E.D. l
That is, f (resp:
Ref, Imf) takes at least two distinct values on X .
Now the continuous image of a connected set is connected and the only connected subsets of R are intervals. Consequently (11.6) yields
(11.7) MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE. Let X be a domain in C n , n > 0,f:X + C analytic. The following ten conditions are equivalent, and if any one of them is satisfied then f,If 1, R e f , and Im f are constant on X . i) If(.)\ = supIf(X)I for some a E X . ii) If(a)I = sup/f(X*)I for some neighborhood X * of somepoint a E X. iii) Re f ( a ) = sup Ref(X) for some a E X . iv) Re f ( a ) = inf Re f(X) for some a E X . v) R e f ( a ) = sup Re f ( X * ) for some neighborhood X * of some point a EX. vi) Re f ( a ) = inf Re f ( X * ) for some neighborhood X* of some point aEX. iii’, iv’, v’, vi’): same as iii, iv, v, vi) with Im replacing Re. Finally, exactly as in the proof of (8.9), (11.7) yields (11.8) MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE. Let X be a bounded open set in Cn, n > 0, f : X -+ C analytic. Let bd X denote the boundary of X i n Cn. Let h!l E R. Then we have the following.
inf Re f ( X ) 2 M.
, 3’): Same as 2, 3 ) with Im replacing Re.
$12A. Hensel’s lemma
DEFINITION. Let (R, m) be a quasilocal ring. For any element r in R let T denote the residue class of r mod M. For any F ( y ) E R[y] let F ( y ) denote the polynomial in y obtained by reducing mod m the coefficients of F(Y)-
A Henselian ring1 is a quasilocal ring (R, m ) such that the following , F(y)= G1(y)...Gp(y)where holds: If F(y)is a monic polynomial in R [ y ]and Gl(y),..., Gp(y)are pairwise coprime monic polynomials in (R/m)[y], then there exist monic polynomials Fl(y),..., Fp(y)in R[y] such that F(y) = Fi(y)...Fp(y)and pt(y) = Gc(y)for i = 1,..., p . Now let R be either a complete Hausdorff quasilocal integral domain or R = K [(xi,..., xn)]. Let F(y) E R[y]be given which is monic of degree d > 0 in y . Assume that Rim is algebraically closed. Then
where a1,...,up are distinct elements in R/m. Take b l R~ such that bl = (11. Let G(y)= F(y + bl). Then G(y) is a monic polynomial of degree d i n y with coefficients in R and the wideg of G(y)in y relative to R is u1. By Preparation Theorem (resp: 10.2.3, 10.2.4; or 10.3.2, 10.3.3) we get G(y) = G(y)G*(y)where G(y)and G*(y)are monic polynomials of degrees d - u1 and u1 in y with coefficients in R, S(0) is a unit in R, and G*(y) = yui. Let Fl(y) = G*(y - bl) and F*(y) = S(y - bl). Then Fi(y) and F*(y) are monic polynomials in R[y],
F(y) = Fi(y)F*(y),
R(y)= ( y -
p*(y)= n ( y j =2
Repeat the above argument with F*(y) replacing F(y);and so on. There results the factorization of F(y) into monic polynomials Fl(y),...,Fp(y) in R[y]:
F(y) = Fl(y)... Fp(y);
pj(y) = ( y -
1, ...,p.
This shows that R is Henselian in case R / m is algebraically closed. When Rjm is not necessarily algebraically closed, in the above argument takingp = 2, al = a, a2 = 0, u1= 1, u2 = e, we get that: If E(y) = ( y - a)ye, 0 # a E Rim, then F(y) = ( y - b)F*(y) where F*(y) is a monic polynomial in R[y]with p * ( ~=) ye, and b E R with b = a. Thus we have proved (12.1) and (12.2) (12.1) Let ( R ,m ) be either a complete Hausdor- quasilocal integral domain2 or let R = K[ , and the function z ( y ) is analytic on Y (B**).5 REMARK. Clearly F is meant to be the distinguished polynomial associated with f . Thus we want to show that f / F is analytic and nowhere zero on Y ( B * * ) x Z ( C ) . If f / F were analytic then by the one variable Cauchy formula (4.2.4)it must be equal to
1 2ri
f(Y7 --. l ) F(y, 5) 5
a -
Since F ( y , 5) is nowhere zero on Y ( B * * ) x r ( C ) , the above integral makes sense. This motivates the following statement and its proof.
3)6 Given 0 < B* < B** there exists C < C* < whenever b E Y ( B * ) and C S IcI 5 C*. Let
e such that f ( b , c) # 0
such that g
1) Let
Y(Y, 4 =
OSV 0 and C’ > C > 0 such that Y x Z’ C X* where Y = {b ~ C n - l ( y } :(bll < B,..., Ibn-11 < B}, 2’ = {C E Cl{z}: < C’}, Z = {b E C ~ { Z }I c (: < C ] , I’ = circle of radius C around the origin in C1{[>;
and there exists p ( y , 2) = ~d
+ pi(y)+l +...+ p&),
d 2
where p j ( y ) is analytic on Y with pj(0) = 0 for j = 1,...,d, such that for each b E Y all the roots of p(b, 2) = 0 are in Z and such that V n ( Y x Z’) C {(b, c) E Y x Z : p(b, c ) = O}.
PROOF.Take q E X - V. Join p to q by an arc in X.By compactness of the arc and by the definition of an analytic set, we can find open consuch that p E Pi, q E Ph, Pi n Pi+, # 0 for nected sets PI,..., Ph in i = 1,..., h - 1 , and
V fl Pi = {r E P i : f ( r ) = 0 for all f
for i = 1, ..., h where Fi is a finite set of analytic functions on 4. Suppose if possible that f = 0 on PI for all f E FI. Then V n PI = PI and hence PI fPz l C V n Pz. Therefore f = 0 on the nonempty open ld=Oc-p
subset PI n PZ of PZfor all f E FZ and hence2 f = 0 on Pz for all f E Fz. Thus f = 0 on PI for all f E FI implies that f = 0 on Pz for all f E Fz and this in turn implies that f = 0 on P I for allf E F3, and so on. In this manner, f = 0 on PI for all f €3’1implies that f = 0 on Ph for all f E Fh, i.e., V n Ph = Ph and in particular q E V which is a contradiction. Therefore we can find f E F1 such that f $ 0 on P I . Then2 f 0 in the neighborhood of p. Obviously
v n P , c { r E P l : f ( r )= 0). By a translation bringp to the origin. In view of the Preparation Theorem (10.3.6), by a nonsingular linear transformation we can find a coordinate of the origin p system ( y , z ) = ( y l ,...,yn-l,z) and a neighborhood in PIf l X* such that f = 6p, in where S and p, are analytic on 6 is nowhere zero in 2 and
~ ( yz),
= ~d
+ vi(y)zd-l +...+ q&),
d 2 0,
yq(0) =...= Q l d ( 0 ) = 0.
By continuity of roots (11.3), we can find B > 0, C‘ > C > 0 with the required prcperties such that Y x 2’ C
Let V be an analytic set in a domain X in Cn such (14.2) COROLLARY. that V # X . Then V is nowhere dense in X . Follows from (14.1).
THEOREM. Let V be an analytic set in a (14.3) RIEMANNEXTENSION domain X in C n such that V # X . Let f: ( X - V ) -+ C be analytic such that If I is bounded in the neighborhood of eachpoint of V . Thenf has a unique analytic extension to X, PROOF. By (14.2), V is nowhere dense in X and hence we get uniqueness. Now suppose that for each point p in X we have found a neighborhood X , o f p in X and an analytic functionf p on X p such that f p l X , - V = f [ X p- V . Then hl
q+p i n X
is well defined. Set
f *(P> = 1im.M U+P
for all p
Then f *IX,
By Identity Theorem (2.5).
p and hence f
* is an analytic extension of
f to X . T o prove our supposition for any given p , we use the notation of (14.1). Let
By continuity and differentiation under integral, g is analytic on Y x 2. Let b E Y be given. Let c1, ..., c, be the roots of p(b, z ) = 0, ( e 6 d ) . Then f(b, z ) is analytic on 2’ - {cl, ...,ce} and If(b, z)I is bounded near cl,..,, ce. Hence by the one variable case (4.11.1), f ( b , z ) has an analytic extension h(b, z ) on 2‘; and hence by the one variable Cauchy formula (4.2.4), for all z E 2 - {cl,..., Ce} we get
Thus g(y, z)I(Y x 2 - V ) = f(y, .)I( Y x Z - V ) . Take g for f, and Y x Z f o r X,. As another corollary of (14.1), in (14.7) we shall show that “an analytic set in Cn does not disconnect”. First we give a review on connectedness.
3 14B.
Review on connectedness
Let X be a topological space.
(14.4) Local arcwise connectedness. For real numbers a 5 b we write [a, b] = {t E R: a ] a , b[ = { t ER:a [a, b[ = { t E R: a ]a, b] = {t E R: a
5 t 5 b} < t < b} 2 t < b) < t 5 b}
closed interval open interval half open interval half open interval.
An UYC y : I --f X in X is a continuous map y of a real interval I into X. y is a simple arc if y ( t ) f y(t’) for all t # t’ in I. If I is a closed interval [u, b] then y is said to join y(a) to y(b). Recall the usual definitions of connected, connected component, arcwise connected, and arcwise connected component. Note that if A is a connected subset of X and A C B C clxA then B is connected; consequently connected components of X are always closed in X .
X is said to be locally connected o every point in X has a vicinity basis consisting of connected vicinities. It follows that if X is locally connected then: every open subset Y of X is locally connected and every connected component of Y is open in Y and hence open in X . Consequently: X is locally connected o every point in X has a neighborhood basis consisting of connected neighborhoods e every connected component of every open subset of X is open in X . X is said to be locally arcwise connected o every point in X has a vicinity basis consisting of arcwise connected vicinities. It follows that if X is locally arcwise connected then: 1") X is locally connected; 2") every open subset of X is locally arcwise connected; 3") every arcwise connected component of X is open and hence also closed in X ; consequently 4")X is connected o X is arcwise connected; and hence 5') connected component and arcwise connected component of X are one and the same thing. From 2") and 3") it follows that: Xis locally arcwise connected o every point in X has a neighborhood basis consisting of arcwise connected neighborhoods o every arcwise connected component of every open subset of X is open in X . (14.5) Nondisconnecting sets. DEFINITION. Let A C X . A does not disconnect X at x E X o [given a connected neighborhood N of x, there exists a neighborhood M of x such that M C N and M - A is connected]. A disconnects X nowhere o [x E X * A does not disconnect X at XI. A is (everywhere) dense in X o X = clxA. A is nowhere d m e in X o [given a nonempty open subset N of X , there exists a nonempty open subset M of N such that M A = 01. Obviously, if A is nowhere dense in X then X - A is dense in X . (Converse is false, e.g., X = reals, A = rationals). 1) Let x E X and B C A C X. Assume that A is nowhere dense in X and A does not disconnect X at x. Then B does not disconnect X at x. Let a connected neighborhood N of x in X be given. Since A does not disconnect X at x we can find a neighborhood M of x in N such that M - A is connected. Now, A is nowhere dense in X A M is nowhere dense in M * M - A C M - B C M = clm(M - A ) j. M - B is connected. 2) B C A C X , A is nowhere dense in X and disconnects X nowhere * B disconnects X nowhere. Follows from 1).
3) Assume that X is connected. Let A be a nowhere dense subset of X. Assume that A does not disconnect X a t any point of A.3 Then X - A is connected.
PROOF.Let - stand for closure in X.Suppose if possible that X - A is not connected. Then X - A = M U N where M and N are nonempty disjoint open subsets of X - A. Since A is nowhere dense in X, we get X = X - A = U N.Since X i s connected, we must have f l fl # 0. Fix x E fl N.Now, [M and N are disjoint open sets in X - A and M U N = X - A] 3 [Mand N a r e closedinx- A] 3 (X-A ) = M and N fl (X - A) = N] * [x 4 X - A] * x E A. Hence by assumption, A does not disconnect X at x. Since X is connected, we can find a neighborhood P of x in X such that P - A is connected. Let M' = ( P - A ) n M = P n M and N' = ( P - A ) n N = P n N. Since x ~ f and l P is a neighborhood of x in X , we get that M' = P f l M # 0. Similarly N' # 0. Thus M' and N' are nonempty disjoint open subsets of P - A and M' U N' = P - A. Contradiction to P - A being connected.
4) Let A be a nowhere dense subset of X . Then the following three conditions are equivalent. i) A disconnects X nowhere. ii) A does not disconnect X a t any point of A. iii) For any open connected subset D of X, D - A is connected. Obviously iii) * i) ii). Now assume ii) and let D be any open connected subset of X. Then D n A does not disconnect D at any point of D n A ; whence D - A = D - (Df l A ) is connected by 3).
5 ) Assume that X is connected and locally arcwise connected. Let A be a closed nowhere dense subset of X such that A does not disconnect X at any point of A.3 Then X - A is arcwise connected and locally arcwise connected. Obviously X - A is locally arcwise connected. By 3) it is connected and hence it is arcwise connected. (14.6) Coverings. Let v: X* + X be a continuous map of a topological space X* into X . If y : I + X and y * : I + X * are arcs where I is a real interval, then y* is said to cover y (relative to 9)provided p?(y*(t)) = y(t) for all t E I. p is said to be a covering map provided X * # 0,Xis connected and locally arcwise connected, and: for each x EX,there is a connected neighborhood N of x in X such that each connected component of p-l(N) is open in X* and gets mapped homeomorphically onto N by the map 3
This assumption is satisfied if A disconnects X nowhere.
induced by cp; X * is called the covering space;for any x above x. Now assume that
v: X* + X
E X , v-l(x)
is thejber
is a covering map.
1) Obviously X* is locally arcwise connected, and the fiber above any point of x is a discrete space.
2) Let a < b be real numbers. Let an arc 9 : [a,b] + X andy E y-l(Y(a)) be given. By compactness of [a, b[ it follows that there exists a unique arc ?*: [a, b] --f X* covering f such that ?*(a) = y . Let an arc y : [a, b[ + X andy E q-l(y(a)) be given. Take a = a0 < a1 < a2 < ... < b with lim ap = b. P-tW
By the above case there exists an arc y p : [a, ap] --f X* covering yl[a, a p ] such that y p ( a ) = y. By uniqueness we must have y P / [ a aq] , = y q for all q S p . Consequently y " : [a, b[ --f X*, y*(t) = y p ( t )for all t E [u, ap] is an arc covering y such that y*(a) = y . Again applying the uniqueness for the closed arcs to y*( [a, aP]for p = 1, 2,. .. we deduce that y* is unique.
3) Let y : [0, 11 -+ X be an arc. For anyy E v-l(y(0)) let y y : [0, 11 + X * be the unique arc covering y such that yy(0) = y . Letf(y) = ~ ~ ( 1Then ). f is a mapping of v-l(y(0)) into y-l(y(1)). Let 7: [0, 11 --f X be given by: ?(t) = y(1 - t ) and let f: y-l(y(1)) +q~-l(y(O)) be the corresponding mapping obtained from 7. Then obviously f(f(y)) = y for all y E q-l(y(0)) and f(f(y)) = y for all y E q-l(y(1)). Therefore f is a one to one map of v-l(y(0)) onto cp-I(y(1)). Since the fibers are discrete, f is actually a homeomorphism. Since X is arcwise connected, from 3) we get
4) The fibers above any two points of X are homeomorphic and in particular have the same cardinal number. Consequently cp maps X onto
The cardinal number of any fiber is called the degree of cp.
5 ) Let Y be any connected and locally arcwise connected subspace of X , (for example Y = X ) . Let Y* be the union of any number (at least one) of connected components of q-1( Y ) . It is then immediate that the map Y* --f Y induced by q is a covering map (and hence q(Y*) = Y by 4)). 6 ) Let 0 # Z C Y C X be such that Y is connected and locally arcwise connected and q-l(Z) is connected. Then p-1( Y ) is connected. PROOF.Since cp-l(Z) is connected, it suffices to show that each conhas a point in common with q-l(Z). nected component Y* of qP-1(Y) By 5), 0 # Z C Y = v( Y*) and hence Y* pj-l(Z) # 0.
Connectivity of algebroid hypersurfaces
(14.7) Let V be an analytic set in a domain X in C n such that V # X . Then we have the following. 1) V is closed and nowhere dense in X .
2) Given p E X and a neighborhood X * of p in X , there exists a connected neighborhood X’ of p in X* such that: any two points in X‘ - V can be joined by a simple arc in X’ - V , and any point a in X‘ - V can be joined t o p by a simple arc in X ’ meeting V at most in p.4 3 ) V disconnects X nowhere. 4) If Y is any open connected subset of X then Y
V is connected.
PROOF.V is obviously closed in X and by (14.2) it is nowhere dense in X.Also 3) 3 4) by (14.5.4), and obviously 2) *3). Hence it suffices to prove 2). Given p and X * we use the description found in (14.1). Take X’ = Y x Z’. Then X‘ is connected. Note that for any b E Y , b x 2’ is a disk and ( b x Z’) n V is a finite set. Also ( Y x I?) n V = 0. Let points a’ = (b’, c’) and a” = (b”,c”) in X‘ - V be given where b’, b” E Y and c‘, C“ E Z‘. If 6’ = b” then: a‘ and a” can be joined by a simple arc in (b’ x Z’) - V. If b’ # b“ then: a’ can be joined to a point Q’ in b’ x I? by a simple arc in (b’ x Z’) - V , Q’ can be joined to a point Q” in b” x I? by a simple arc in Y x I?, and K” can be joined to a” by a simple arc in (b” x Z’) - V ; this gives a simple arc in X’- V joining a’ to a”. Now let a = (b, c) in X’ - V be given where a E Y and b E Z’. Let o = (0,..., 0) be the origin in Y , so that p = (0,0). If b = o then: a can be joined top by a simple arc in o x 2’ meeting V at most in p . If b # o then: a can be joined to a point Q in b x I? by a simple arc in ( b x Z ) - V , Q can be joined to a point v.’ in o x I? by a simple arc in Y x I?, and Q‘ can be joined t o p by a simple arc in o x 2’ meeting V at most in p ; this gives a simple arc in X’ joining a to p and meeting V at most in p.
+ +
(14.8) L e t f ( y , x ) = xd fl(y)xd-l ... f d ( y ) ,d > 0 , wherefi(y),...,f d ( y ) are analytic on a connected neighborhood Y of the origin in C n { y } . Let V = {(b,c) E Y x C 1 { z } f: ( b , c) = O}. Let n : V --f Y begiven by (b, c) + b. Let A(y) be the x-discriminant of f ( y , z). Let W’ be any analytic set in Y such that W’ # Y.5 Let W = W’ U {b E Y : A(b) = O}. Assume that A ( y ) 0 in Y.6 Then the map r-l(Y - W ) + Y - W induced be rr is
That is, there exists a simple arc y : [A, p] + X ‘ such that y( A ) = a, y ( p ) = p , and $ V whenever t # p ; (A = p e c( = p ) . For example W’ = 0. This assumption is satisfied if f(y, z ) is irreducible in C[ < y >][z].
y(t) 5
a covering map. If furthermore f(y, z ) is irreducible in C[(y ) ] [ z ]then W’)as well as 7r-1( Y - W) are arcwise connected.
z-l(Y -
PROOF.1”) By (14.2), W is nowhere dense in Y and by (14.7), Y - W is connected and locally arcwise connected. Given p E Y - W, by (12.3) ( A = 1,..., d), on an open polycylinder there exist analytic functions Y p in Y - W around p , and there exists a positive real number A , such that: for any b E Y p the distinct roots of f(6, z ) = 0 in C are fp,l(b),..., t p , d ( b ) ; and > 2Ap fP’p,A(@)l < A
for all for all
l f P , A ( p ) - tP,A’@)I I ~ P ’ P , A (~)
# A’,
b E Yp,
Y - W ) -+ Y
From this it follows that the map is a covering map of degree d .
X -
W induced by
2”) Let V1,..., V Mbe the distinct connected components of 7r-1( Y - W). Then the map V p-+ V induced by 7r is a covering map of some degree NLL> 0, and N1 +...+ NM = d. For p = 1,..., M , define f‘”’(y, z ) =
+ f:”’(y)zN,-l + ... + @$y)
by setting f(p)(b,z)
a E vpn + ( b )
(x - a )
for all
Then obviously f(b, z ) = fl(b, z)...f~( b, z ) for all b E Y - W. Given E Y - Wlet the notation be as above. Since V1,..., V Mare connected ( p = 1,..., M ; Y = 1,..., NtJ components, we can label f p , l,..., t p , d as tp,ll,y, so that for any p 5 M and any b E Y p , Vpn n-l(b) = {(b, f p , p , , , ( b ) ) : p = 1,...,Nit}.Therefore for all p 5 M ,
n N/L
Y =1
and hence the functionsj?)(y) are analytic on Yp.Since p was an arbitrary point in Y - W, the functionsf:fi)(y) are analytic on Y - W.
3”) Given /3 E W, by (12.3) we can find constants B > 0, C > 0 such < B, all the that: for any b E Y - W with 161 - /3ll < B,..., Ib, roots off(b, z ) = 0 in C have absolute value less than C.For any such b, and any (p, ~ ) , f A p ) ( bis ) an elementary symmetric function of a certain I is bounded in the neighborhood number of these roots. Consequently, )?fI of /3. Thus all the functionsfr), ( p = 1,...,M ; w = 1,..., N p ),are analytic
on Y - W and their absolute values are bounded in the neighborhood of any point /3 E W. Therefore by Riemann Extension Theorem (14.3), f$ has a unique analytic extension to Y. Denote this extension again by fL9 and for a n y y E Y set
f""(y, z ) = zN/d
+ ... + &!i(y).
+ f:"'(y)&-yy)
Since f(y, z ) = fl(y, z)...f~(y, z ) for all y E Y - W and W is nowhere dense in Y , this is so for ally E Y . Now assume that.f(y, z>is irreducible in C[(y>][z]. Then we must have M = 1 and N1 = d. 4") Therefore n-l( Y - W ) is connected and hence arcwise connected.
5") T o prove that w l ( Y - W') is arcwise connected it suffices to ) , point in n-1( Y - W )can be joined to a" show that given a" E T - ~ ( W some by a simple arc in V meeting r-l(W) only in a". Let a" = (6, E ) with 6 E W, t t C1{z}. Ry (12.3) we can find positive real numbers
D1 > Dz >..., D, .+O; such that :
y1c Y ,
9 and ii) where
I' n
El > Ez >..., E m
Zl)l = Fl;
(FTzx 2,) = v n (Fmx 2 ,)
( y E y : jy1
- 611
= (2 E Cl{z}: 1 2-
= suplFYl(X)I c I SUPJPr;l(2)l
X = 1,..., A*;
z = 1,...,u,;
Take positive integers u and m such that u 2 UA for m >= m, Let X E X be given. Let A = A ( X ) . Set
D(X)= A
p =
1,..., m,.
1, ...,A*.
+ mAC + muA2BC.
Let X 5 A, i 5 u,, and f E RVAbe given such that f is convergent in a neighborhood of X . From 11") it follows that miA]( f ) is convergent in a neighborhood of X . Let E = sup(f ( X ) ( .If h > A* then s u p ~ ~ c ~ ~ (6~ A) E ( X2 )D(X)E. ~
Now assume that X 5 A*. Then by 17") we get 20") and hence
suplii([,^l(f)(x)l5 Asuplf(X)I 5 A E ;
sup F -
) I
2 k ~ l ( f ) F ~(AXl ) 5 E + u,AEB UA
- (1 I
+ uAB)E.
Therefore by 18") we get
~ ~ p l ( p F l (F
2 ~ \ ~ l ( f ) F ~ ~ l ) 0 in xn with coefficients in =
~ [ [ x l , . . .~, n - 1 1 1 ;
A* < h 6 A':jjhl is a unit in
for and
for A' < A 5 A : f:,] =...==
fLA1 = WA
Let us write deg for degree in x n relative to (10.3.1), for any f E r?, we can uniquely write
s.By Preparation Theorem
+ F[hl withfLA1, FLAJ~ r and ? deg FIh1
0 and for any
we have :
30") FCAJJis a convergent in a neighborhood of Yt for all j < d , 3
for all p 5 mA, Sf1(F[^1)is convergent in a neighborhood of Yt and sup\~[,^'(W])( Y ~ )2I ~t r n a x ( s u p l ~ ~ l ( ~ t ) l ) . 5 Cz > ... and A1, A2 ,... such that upon setting xt =
Yt x (xn: lXnl 5 Ct},
we have that fiA1and p\h,l are convergent in a neighborhood of X I , (i = 1,..., p,; A = 1,..., A*; p = 1,..., mA),and for any t > 0 and f E R the following holds:
31") f is convergent in a neighborhood of Xt =>fLAl
is convergent in a neighborhood of X t and
S Atsuplf(Xt)l, s~p(J[~I(Xt)l
X 2 A';
F[AJl is convergent in a neighborhood of Yt and suplF[,JJ( Yt)l 5 At sup(f(Xt)[,
X 5 A*,
j < d,.
Take a positive constant B and a positive integer m such that:
B 2 supIp:tl(X1)J
m 2 m,
X 5 A*, for
For any t > 0 let
D(Xt) = At
i 6 u,,
p 6 m,;
X 2 A*.
+ mBEtAt.
Let X 5 A, i 2 u,, t > 0 and f E R be given such that f is convergent in a neighborhood of Xt. Then by (22",27", 30°, 31") it follows that c$A](f)
is convergent in a neighborhood of Xt and supIq’(f)(Xt)l 5 D(Xt>SUPlf(Xt)l. Therefore 28”) is a bounded convergent construction for 29”). X -
Thus we have proved the following (16.1) THEOREM. Let I? = K[[xl,..., xn]] and R = K [(xi ,..., ~ n ) ] Given j!il E I?%, vA > 0, ( A = 1 ,..., A ; i = 1,..., uA),there exists a construction for
If fiA1 E RVAfor all A, i, then there exists a convergent construction for i). If K = C , and f E RVAfor all A, i, then there exists a bounded convergent construction for i).
REMARK.For our purposes, the existence of a convergent construction and the existence of a bounded convergent construction are enough. However, by a slight modification of the preceding proof we can prove the following. (16.2) Let R = K [ ( q,..., x,)]. Let fyl E R V A , v A > 0, ( A i = 1,..., un) be given. Then there exists a construction ii)
for iii)
a[11,. d11; u1
...; a?,. ..,
..; &*:.I,
1,..., A;
.., am]; uA
y;...;f:“’,...,fk?; ...;f:“‘,...,fpl;
f:“ ,...,
such that the restrictions of to R V x constitute a convergent construction (resp: bounded convergent construction in case of K = C)for iii). In the proofs of the “construction” parts of (I) and (11) replace “construction” by “construction whose restrictions to R V A constitute a convergent construction (resp : bounded convergent construction in case of K = C)”,and also make the following changes. I n the proof of (11): In 23”) take G’:, %[hJ = 5
..., GEi to be an S-basis of
{ G E ~ Y +...+fIA1 R R : d e g G < dh}
In this section we are taking K to be infinite.
. ~
where S = K [( X I , ..., x n - l ) ] . I t then suffices to show that G;", ..., G ;: is an S-basis of m[Al, I n other words we want to show that 9X[*l = Fixing A, we may suppress that subscript and superscript. Then f1, ...,f u E R, f l is R-associate of a distinguished polynomial of degree d > 0 in xn with coefficients in S,
+ ... + f U 8 :deg G < d}, 3 = {G Ef 1 R +...+ f,R: deg G < d).
(G Ef l I ?
We want to show that
G =fisl
33.Now let
+...+ fusu ~m
si E R
be given. By Preparation Theorem (10.3.1), we can write
Si =
+ T i with qi, Ti E R and deg
< d, for i
2,..., U.
Let Yl = s1
+ q z f z -I-...+ qufu.
+...+ yufu
G = .If1 where
I? and d-1
~i =
f -0
Now f i
R and
x if i
= qijfi
tij E
2,..., U.
XI, E R and hence by (10.3.1) we have
+ tij
'J1, (i = 2,..., u ; j
tij ER
( i = 2,...,U ; =
deg tij < d, j = O ,..., d - 1). and
0,..., d - 1). Let
Then p E 83,p E R , q E I?, G = q f i + p , deg G < d, and degp < d. Thus deg(G - p ) < d and G - p = qfi. Therefore by the uniqueness part of (10.3.1) we must have q = 0 ; whence G = p E 33. 6 For any subring S of a ring 9, and v and then for any S-submodule n of S v , by ated by %.
0, we can consider S v to be a subset of s u generwe denote the h u b m o d u l e of
In theproof of (I): I n 7") take {gFl = (Grl, 0)) p = 1,..., m,) to be an R-basis of %[A1
+...+ f [ ' l R : J
{f ~Jlr~lR
It then suffices to show that 9.JIJlrAl
mrhl = (
= 0).
I n view of the equations
p+ ...+ p ' a ) n %
w]= AIR + ...+ f - 1 ~n) ~ v - 1 , h
this follows from the following result from local algebra.
l*)7 Let R be a local ring and let R be its completion. Let R-submodules of Rv. Then (g&)n (a&) = (y fl a)&.
g and D be
This completes the proof of (16.2). I n the rest of this section we deduce several corollaries of Theorem (16.1). Henceforth in this section we take K to be a complete nondiscrete valued field and R = K [(xi, ..., x n ) ] .
(16.3) Let X be a nekhborhood of the origin in Kn. Let A C Rv be such that X C D( f )for all f E A. Then there exists a Jinite subset A* of A and a neighborhood X* of the origin in X such that {T,A*}R = {TaA)Rfor all a EX*. Since R is noetherian, we can find a finite subset A* = {fl, ...,fu}of A such that A*R = AR. Let u1,..., uu be a convergent construction for f1, ...,fu. Then there exists a neighborhood X* of the origin in X s u c h that: f E Rv and f convergent in X * u i ( f ) , ..., a U ( f )are convergent in X * . I n particular then for all f E A we have: f = u1( f)f1 -I-... + uU(f )fu; and ul( f),..., ~ ~ (aref convergent ) in X*.Therefore {T,A*)R = { T a A ) R for all a E X * . (16.4) Let X be a neighborhood of the origin in Kn and let A, B C Rv be such that X C D(f ) for all f E A n B. Assume that AR = BR. Then there exists a neighborhood X*of the origin in X such that {T,A)R = {TaB)R f o r all a E X*. By (16.3) we can find a neighborhood X' of the origin in X , a finite subset A* = {fl, ...,fu} of A, and a finite subset B* = {gl,...,gv} of B, such 7
For a proof
Zariski-Samuel [2: Corollary 2 on p. 2661.
that for all a E X ' we have (T,A*}R = (TJ}R Since AR = BR, we can write
and (T,B*)R = (7,B)R.
with pij, qij E R. It suffices to take X* to be a neighborhood of the origin in X such that pij and qij are convergent in X* for all i, j .
(16.5) Remark on the definition of an analytic set. Let b E Kn and let V* C Kn. In $2 we made the following definition. 1") V* is analytic at b o there exists a neighborhood X of 6 in Kn and ajinite set @ of analytic functions on X such that
V* n X = { a E X :Q)(u)= 0 for all
Q) E
Taking A* to be the set of Taylor expansions of members of @ around b, 1") is then equivalent to
2") V* is analytic at b o there exists a finite subset A* of R and a neighborhood X of the origin in Kn in which all the elements of A* are convergent such that for W* = {C
Kn: (
+ b1,..., Cn + bn) E V*>
~ 1
we have
W* n X
{ a E X :f(a) = 0 for all f E A*}.
Now let A C R, A not necessarily finite, be such that all the elements of A are convergent in X . Let
{u E
X : f ( a ) = 0 for all f E A}.
Since R is noetherian, for A* we may take a finite subset {fi, ...,fU} of A such that A*R = AR. Then obviously W C W*. However, the noetherian character alone does not guarantee that WrI X*= W* X*for some neighborhood X*of the origin in X. It is true that because A*R = AR, for each f in A we can, possibly in more than one way, writef = al(f>fi ... a,(flfU with ai(f)E R. Off hand, as f varies in the possibly infinite set A, the elements a1( f),..., a u ( f ) may converge only in smaller and smaller neighborhoods, i.e., there may not exist any neighborhood of the origin in which a l ( f ) ,..., aU( f ) converge for all f E A. Here Theorem (16.1) comes to the rescue. Namely, if we take a1,..., aU to be a convergent construction for fi, ...,fu then we can find a neighborhood X* of the origin in Kn such that al( f ), ..., aU(f ) converge in X* for all f E A ; whence we
+ +
can assert that W n X* 3 W* f l X * and hence W f l X* = W* fl X*. Thus in dejinition 2”) the word “jinite” may be omitted. Consequently in case K = C, the word “jinite” may be omitted also from deJinition lo); because in this case, for any function which is analytic on an open polycylinder, its Taylor expansion is valid on the entire polycylinder. (16.6) Let K = C. Let a E Cn, and let X be a neighborhood of a in Cn. Let Gm = (GE),..., Gg)), (m = 1, 2 ,...), where GZ) are analytic functions on X , G,is then a function: X -+ C V . Assume that Gm -+G = (G(l),...,G@)) as m --f 00, with compact unqorm convergence on X . By (4.9.1) we then know that GW, ..., G(V)are analytic on X . Let g;) and g(i) be the Taylor expansiom around a of G$ and G n , respectively. Then gm = (g:), ...,g:’) , are obviously in Rv. Let %TI be a submodule of RW. and g = ( g ( l )...,g@)) Assume that gm E %TI for all m > 0. Then g E %TI.
PROOF. By a translation we can bring a to the origin. Since R is noetherian we can find a finite R-basis fi ,...,f u of lrJ1. Let u1, ..., uu be a bounded convergent construction for fi,...,fu. Via a linear transformation on XI,..., xn, we can find a finite closed polycylinder X* C X and a positive constant D such that fi, ...,f u are convergent in a neighborhood of X* and such that: f
RV is convergent in a neighborhood of X*
ui( f )is convergent in a neighborhood of
X* and
for i = 1,..., u.8 supIq(f)(X*)l 5 D sup[f(X*)l Since X * is a compact subset of X , by assumption of compact uniform convergence, upon replacing gl, g2,. .. by a suitable subsequence, we can arrange that supl(gm+l - g,)(X*)I
5 2-m
for all
m > 0.
Now g m + l - gm €%TI, and hence gm+l - g m = 8
Recall that for any f =
m > 0,
for all
p: =1
(I‘ll,...,f(”) ) E Ru and b E D(f)
we have set
If(b)l = max(lJ(1Vb)l~...9If(ul(b)l ).
where pi, = gi(gm+l - 8,) is convergent in a neighborhood of X*. Let X' be the interior of X*. Let Pim and Fi be the functions associated with p t m andft, respectively. Then the double series
is absolutely uniformly convergent on X ' , and summing it in two different ways we get
is analytic on X . Let pi be the Taylor expansion of Pi around the origin. Then
Review from Local Algebra As a rule we shall employ only the elementary aspects of local algebra. I n this chapter we review the relevant material. General references are to Northcott [l] and Zariski-Samuel [l: Chapter IV; 2: Chapters VII and VIII]. Definitions and proofs of results not readily found in these texts will definitely be given.
3 17.
Let R be a ring. For a prime ideal p in R,by definition maxe such that there exist distinct prime ideals i j o , ..., pe in C...C i j e ; hgtRp = max e such that there exist distinct prime ideals $0, ..., pe in R for which PO C C...C pe C p.l dptRp
R for which p C $0 C
Now assume that R is noetherian. Let a be any ideal in R. A normal decomposition of a (in R ) is an irredundantz decomposition a = q 1 n...nqu where ql,..., qu are primary ideals whose associated prime ideals p1, ..., p u are all distinct.3 pl, ..., p u are uniquely determined by a and they are called the (associated) prime ideals of a. Each p i which is not contained in any pj ( j # i) is called an (associated) minimal prime ideal of a; the others are said to be imbedded. For a minimal p i , the corresponding qt is uniquely determined by a and is called an isolated primary component of 1 dpt = depth, hgt = height. These terms are used by Zariski-Samuel [1: p. 2401. Krull’s original terms are dimension and dimensiondefect, respectively. Some authors, e.g., Northcott [l], use the terms dimension and rank, respectively. We shall use the term rank for a concept which is related to the usual notion of Jacobian rank. That is, from which no q i can be omitted. 3 u = 0 o a = R ; i.e., u > 0 o a is proper. By convention, intersection or product of an empty family of ideals is the unit ideal R.
a. a is said to be unmixed provided all the prime ideals of a have the same height; and then obviously they are all minimal. Clearly rad a is the intersection of all minimal prime ideals of a. If a is proper then by definition dptRa = max dptRpt
hgtRa = min hgtRpi lSt$U
Note that dptRa = max e such that there exist distinct prime ideals for which a C j j o C jji C...C i j e .
..., p e in R
(17.1) (Krull). Let R be a noetherian ring. Let CXI,.. ., am E R and a = ( a l l..., u,)R. Then hgtRp S m for every minimal prime ideal p of a. Hence i f a is proper then hgtRa 5 m. For proof see Northcott [l:Theorem 7 on p. 601 or Zariski-Samuel [l:Theorem 30 on p. 2401. DEFINITION. For a local ring (R, m),by definition dim R
hgtRm = dptR{O}.
For any proper ideal a in R we then have:
(R/a,m/a) is a local ring and dim R/a = dptRa.
(17.2) (Chevalley). Let (R, m) be a local ring. Then dim R = least number of elements in R which generate an ideal which is primary for m.4 For proof see Northcott [I: Theorem 1 on p. 631 or Zariski-Samuel [Z:Theorem 20 on p. 2881. If dim R = e, then any set of e elements, which generate an ideal which is primary for m, is called a system of parameters for R. (17.3)(Krull). For any local ring ( R , m) we have
n mi = {O}. co
We have already noted this in (1.2), and it yields
(17.4) Let a be an ideal in a local ring (R,m). If m m.
+ m2 then
4 By convention, the empty set generates the zero ideal. Union or sum of an empty family of ideals is the zero ideal.
$17. DEPTH, By induction: nt = a fore
+ m2 = a + m3 = ...= a + mi for all i. Therea,
m = na+mi. i=l
Now apply (17.3) to Ria.
(17.5) Completions. Referring for details to Northcott [l: Chapter V] or Zariski-Samuel [2: Chapter VIII] we merely recall the following. Let (R, m) and (R, lit)be local rings. R is said to be a completion of R provided R is complete, R is a subring and a subspace of R, and R is dense in 8. Up to natural isomorphisms, R is uniquely determined by R. Following are some of the relative properties of R and R . dim R = dim R . For any ideal a in R we have (a@ n R = a; and a is primary for m u a R is primary for lit. m i 8 = tiri for all i > 0. R is regular u R is regular.5 For any proper ideal a in R,RIaR is a completion of Rja. A n element in R which is a nonzerodivisor in R remains a nonzerodivisor in 8;consequently, the total quotient ring R of R can be considered to be a subring of the total quotient ring of R , and from the property “(aR)n R = a” it then follows that R f l st = R. (17.6) Direct sum of modules. Let R be a ring and let m1,..., %R, be R-modules. T h e Cartesian product S J n l x ... x %TI, becomes an R-module and by taking (a; ,..., a;&)+ (a1,..., a,) = (a1 + a;,..., a, + a;) r(a1,..., a,) = (ral,...,ra,) for all a:, ai E mi, r E R. This R-module is called the direct sum of %XI,..., %I, and i s denoted by % R l @...Om,. T h e R-epimorphisrnpi: @...@ %TI, + %Ri given by pt(a1,..., a,) = ai is called the natural projection, and the R-monomorphism pi: $ ‘& + @..@ m, given by qg(ai) = (0,..., 0 , at, 0 ,..., 0) is called the natural injection; via pi we may identify %Ii with qt(Y&). For any R-submodules 3 1,... ,!TIu of %RI,..., %R, respectively, 3 1 @.. @ %, is an R-submodule of m, @..@ m,. Given R-homomorphisms pi: !JJl -+ %Ri where !JJl is another R-module, the R-homomorphism %I -+ 9 3 2 @...@ %R, given by a -+ (pl(a),..., p,(a)) is called the direct sum of p1, ..., pu and is denoted by p1 @...@ p,. Note that Ker p1 @...@ pu = (Ker pl) n...n (Ker p,).‘ If =...= mu = %R then we may denote YJl1 @...@ 92, by ‘#I,. Every abelian group can uniquely be considered to be a Z-module, and hence the above notions apply to abelian groups.
For definition see 521. For any homomorphism denotes the kernel of ‘p. 6
9,: A
+ B of abelian groups (or rings or modules), Ker
(17.7) Direct sum of algebras. Let R be a ring. An R-algebra is a ring S together with a ring homomorphism p: R -+ S where S is also considered to be an R-module by taking rs = p(r)s for all r E R, s E S; p is called the underlying homomorphism of the algebra; we may expressthis by simply saying something like “let p: R -+S be an R-algebra”. An R-subalgebra S* of S is a subring of S which is also an R-submodule of S ; note that then automatically p(R) C S* . Given another R-algebra 9’:R -+ S’,an R-algebra-homomorphism f: S -+ S’ is a ring homomorphism which is also an R-homomorphism. Any overring R‘ of R can be considered to be an R-algebra by taking the canonical injection R -+ R’ as the underlying homomorphism; note that an R-subalgebra of R’ is the same thing as a subring of R’ containing R. Also note that if p: R + S is any R-algebra then p is obviously an R-algebra-homomorphism. Let p l:R -+R1, ...,p, :R -+ R, be R-algebras. By taking (rl,...,ru)(r;,..., 74) = (rlr; ,..., r,r&) for all ri, T ; G Rt, R1 @...@ R, becomes a ring such that p1 @...@ 9,: R -+ R1 @...@ R, is a ring homomorphism; the resulting R-algebra is called the R-algebra-theoretic direct sum of R1,...,R,. If el ,..., e, are the identity elements of the rings R1, ..., R,, respectively, then (el,..., e,) is the identity element of the ring R1 @... @ R,. The natural projection R1 @... @ R, -+ RBis an R-algebra-homomorphism. However, the natural injection Rr -+ R1 @...@ R, is not a ring homomorphism if u > 1 and R j is nonnull for some j # i, because then (0,..., 0, ei, 0,...,0) is not the identity element of the ring R1 @...a R,. For any subrings 5‘1, ..-,S , of R1, ..., R,, respectively, 5’1 @... @ S , is a subring of R1 @...@ R,; if Si,..., S , are R-subalgebras of R1, ..., R,, respectively, then SI @...@ S , is an R-subalgebra of R1 @...@ R,. If S is another R-algebra and $1: S -+ RI, ...,$,: R + R, are R-algebraS -+ R1 @...@ R, is automatically homomorphisms, then $1 @...@$,: an R-algebra-homomorphism. Every ring can uniquely be considered to be a Z-algebra, and hence for any rings R1, ..., R, we get the notion of the ring theoretic (i.e., Z-algebratheoretic) direct sum of R1, ..., R,. When the symbol 0 is meant to stand for ring theoretic or algebra theoretic direct sum, and not merely module theoretic direct sum, this will be made clear from the context. (17.8)7 Ideals in a direct sum. Let p1: R -+ RI ,..., 9,: R -+ R, be R-algebras such that ‘pl @...@ y,: R -+ R1 @..@ R, is an isomorphism. Q -+ at = pt(a) be induced by pi; then For any ideal Q in R let a1,.,., a, are ideals in R1, ..., R U and $1 O...@$u:a -+ a1 @...@ a, is an 7
For proofs see Zariski-Samuel [I: 813 of Chapter 1111.
$17. DEPTH,
R-isomorphism. Conversely, for any ideals a1,..., a, in R1, ..., R,, let a = (p1 @...@pu)-l(a1 @...@ a,); then a1 @...@a, is an ideal in R1 @...@ R,, a is an ideal in R, qi(a) = ai for i = 1,..., u, and ~1 @...@ pu(a) = a1 @...@ a ., For any ideal a in R let ai = pr(a). Then a is respectively primary or prime or maximal o ad = Ri for all except one value of i and for that value of i the ideal ai in Ri is respectively primary or prime or maximal. (17.9)7 Comaximal ideals. Let R be a ring.
1) Ideals a and b in R are said to be comaxial o a following four conditions are easily seen to be equivalent.
+ b = R.
i) a and b are comaximal. ii) rad a and rad b are comaximal. iii) There does not exist any maximal ideal in R containing a and b. iv) If p1: R + R1 and pz: R -+ Rz are ring epimorphisms whose kernels are a and 6, respectively, then there exist elements tl and in R such that: pl(tl) is a unit in R1, pz(a) = 0, pz( fl ) is a unit in Rz, and g ~fl)( = 0.
2) If a1,..., a, bl, ...,bv are ideals in R such that each ai is comaximal with each bj, then a1 n...n alA and bl n...nb v are comaximal. If a1,..., au are pairwise comaximal ideals in R then a1 n...na, = a1...a., a)l: R -+ R1, ...,pu: R -+ R, be ring epimorphisms. Then p u : R -+ R1 @... @ R, is an epimorphism o Ker 91,..., Ker pl, are pairwise comaximal ideals in R. Consequently, p1 @ . . . @ y , is an isomorphism o Ker p1,..., Ker pu are pairwise comaximal and (Ker pl) n...n(Ker p,) = {O}. Note that by l), Ker p1, ..., Ker pu are pairwise comaximal o for all i # j there exists etj E R such that pa(eij) is a unit in Ri and pj(eij) = 0.
3) Let
v1 @..@
4) From 3) we get the following generalization of 3). Let cp1: R + Rl, ..., q U :R -+ R, be ring homomorphisms, let R* be a subring of R, and let z,$~: R* -+ R f = vi(R*) be induced by Pi. Then the following four conditions are equivalent. i) p 1 @...@ qu(R*) = RF @...@ R.: ii) $1 @... @ z,hU: R* + RT @... @ R,* is an epimorphism. iii) Ker $1, ..., Ker $, are pairwise comaximal ideals in R*. iv) For all i # j there exists e f j E R* such that pi(ei3) is a unit in R* and pj(eij) = 0. Note that $1 @... @ $m is an isomorphism o any one of the above four conditions holds and (Ker $1) ...n(Ker JL,) = (0).
(17.10) Resultants and discriminants. For any positive integers n and m, take indeterminates Ao, A1,..., A n , Bo, BI,..., Bm,T and let P(Ao,A1,...,An, Bo, Bi ,..., Bm) E Z[Ao, A1,..., A,, Bo, B1,..., Bm] be the determinant of the n + m by n + nz matrix
((Ci~))i , ~ 0, = ...,n+m-1
Cij = Bj-i+m
1) There exist elements
Q s i < m and
m 5i < m
i Z j Z n + i and i - m 5 j 5 i
~ ( A oAI,..., , A n , Bo, BI,..., Bm,T) V(A0,A1,..., A,, Bo,B1,..., Bm,T) Z[Ao, Ai,,..,A12, Bo, B1, ..., B,,T]
and in such that
W o , Al,..., An, Bo, BI,..., Bm) = U(A0,A1 ,..., An, Bo ,..., Bm,T)(AoTn+ A1TnP1
+ . a * +
+ V(AO,A1,..., An, Bo,..., B,,T)(BoTm + B1Tm-1 +...+ B m )
~[Ao A1, ,..., &, Bo, B1,..., &,TI. Now let S be an integral domain with quotient field si. Given elements
F ( T ) = ao2-n G(T) = boTm
+ a 1 P - 1 +...+ a, + blTm-1 + ...+ b,,
in S [ T ]of degrees at most R and m in T with coefficients ao, al,..., an, bo, bl, ..., bm in S , we define the T-resultant of the ordered quadruple ( F ( T ) ,G ( T ) ,n, m) to be the element P(ao, ai ,..., alt, bo, bi,. .., b m ) E S.
If a0 = 1 = bo then the integers n and m are the degrees of F ( T ) and G ( T ) ,and in that case the T-resultant of the ordered pair (F(T), G ( T ) ) is defined to be the T-resultant of ( F (T ) ,G(T ) ,n, m) and it is denoted by ~ F , G i.e., , SF,G = P(1, a1,..., a,, 1, bl, ..., bm) E S. In case a0 = 1, the T-discriminant of F ( T )is defined to be the T-resultant of (F(T), F ' ( T ) ,n, n - 1) and it is denoted by AF, (where F ' ( T ) is the T-derivative of F(T)), i.e., AF
P(1, a1,..., a,, n, (n
l)al,..., an-1)
$17. DEPTH,
2 ) Let F ( T ) , G ( T )E S [ T ]be monic of positive degrees n and m in T. be elements in an algebraic closure o j Si such that Let ctl,..., ctn, PI, ..., n
F(T) = n ( T i=l
G ( T ) = f i ( T - pi).
- xi),
Then n
17 i 0 , m > 0). Then n
where the last II is over n(n - 1)/2 terms. 6 ) Let F l ( T ) ,..., F * ( T ) E S [ T ]be monicof positive degrees in T , ( n > 0). Then there exist V i ( T ) ..., , V n ( T )E S [ T ] such that n
i 1 and assume true for n - 1. By 3) there exist U(T), V ( T )E S [ T ]such that
By induction hypothesis, there exist Wz(T),..., W n ( T )E S [ T ] such that
Multiplying the two equations, by 5 ) we get n
V f ( T ) = U(T)Wi(T)
i = 2, ...)n.
Finally we note the following.
7 ) Assume that S is integrally closed in 9. Let R* be a finite algebraic extension of R such that R* = R(u) where u is integral over S. Let F( T ) be the minimal monic polynomial of u over R and let S* be the integral closure of S in R*.Then AFS* C S, i.e., AF s* E S for all s* E S*. For definition of integral dependence see $19. Our assumption implies that F ( T ) E S [ T ]and hence A p E S. Note that AF # 0 e R* is separable over R. Hence, if R* is inseparable over $3 then we have nothing to show. For a proof when R* is separable over $3, see for instance van der Waerden [Z:pp. 79-80].
In this section, R will denote a nonnull ring.
A multiplicative set in R is a subset M of R such (18.1) DEFINITION. that 0 4 M , 1 EM, and the product of any two elements in M is again in M . Let M be a multiplicative set in R . We set
j ~ [ M= l j [ M ] = the isolated M-component of (0) in R. = {r E R : rm = 0 for some m EM}. Then j[M] is a proper ideal in R and i [ M ]n M = 0. Let f: R --f R' = R/i[M] be the natural epimorphism. Then f ( M ) is a multiplicative set in R' and f ( M ) contains no zerodivisors of R'.Hence we can form the ring
RM = quotient ring of R with respect to M = {cx//3 E total quotient ring of R': a E R', /3 € f ( M ) } . T h e map f:R --f RM, (i.e., the original map f:R --f R' followed by the canonical injection R' + RM),is called the natural homomorphism. For A C R we may write ARM in place of f(A)RM, and for B C RM we may write B n R in place off-l(B). In particular, an ideal a in R gives the in RM, and an ideal b in RM gives the contracted extended ideal a& ideal b n R in R . If V
9 =j=1 m j where $31, ..., pv,(0 < for a l l j # j ' , then
< a),are prime ideals in R such that 1)
R - U $31 j=l
complement of
U $35 in R
is a multiplicative set in R. I n this case we may write j ~ [ p=] j['p] in place of i [ M ] and call it the isolated $3-component of (01 in R, and we may write R, in place of RM and call it the quotient ring of R with respect to 'p. Note that
There is no clash between the notations RM and R, since always 0 E '$I and 0 $ M .
Let U be the set of all nonzerodivisors in R, and let 2 be the total quotient ring of R. For any multiplicative set V in R with V C U, we obviously have j ~ [ V l= (0) and hence we can consider Rv to be a subring of 2, and then in particular RU = 2. (18.2) Let p: R -+ S be a ring homomorphism, let M be a multiplicative set in R such that every element of p(M) is a unit in S, and let f:R + RM be the natural homomorphism. Then there exists a unique homomorphism $ J : R ~ - + S s u c h t h a t=p# o f .
PROOF.Given a E RM,write a
= f ( r ) / f ( m )with r G R, m
E M , and set
# ( a ) = p(r)/p(m)E S. If r' E R, m' E M are any other elements such that a = f(r')/f(m'), then f(r'm - rm') = 0 and hence (r'm - rm')m* = 0 for
some m* E M ; consequently p(m), p(m'), p(m*) are units in S and p(r')p(m)p(m*)= p(r)p(m')p(m*); therefore p(r')/p(m')= p(r)/p(m). Thus # is well defined. I t is now straightforward that $ is a homomorphism of RM into S such that p = 4 0 f, and that it is the only such homomorphism. From (18.2) we can easily deduce the following characteristic property of RM. (18.3) Let M be a mult+licative set in R, let f:R --f RM be the natural homomorphism, and let f': R --f R' be any ring homomorphism satisfying the following two conditions:
i) Every element off ' ( M )is a unit in R'. ii) For each ring homomorphism q : R -+ S for which every element of rp(M) is a unit in S, there exists a unique homomorphism $: R' --f S such that p = $ J o f '. Then there exists a unique isomorphism u: RM -+ R' such that f ' = u 0 f. (18.4) Let p: R + S be a ring homomorphism, let M and N be multiplicative sets in R and S, respectively, such that p(M) C N , and let f:R + RM and g: S --f SN be the natural homomorphisms. Then there exists a unique homomorphism 4: RM --f S, such that g 0 p = 4 0 f;($ is said to be induced by p). If p(M) = N and p is an epimorphism then $ is an epimorphism. If p(M) = N and Q is the kernel of p then a& is the kernel of #; whence in particular, if p(M) = N and p is a monomorphism then $J is a monomorphism.
PROOF. The existence and uniqueness of I) follows by applying (18.2) t o g 0 p. Now suppose y ( M ) = N . If p is an epimorphism then any element /3 E SN can be written as /3 = g(p(r))/g(p(m)) with r E R,m E M , and then /? = $(a) where a = f(r)/f(m)E R M ; whence is an epimorphism. If
r E a then + ( f ( r ) )= g(p(r)) = g(0) = 0 and hencef(r) is in the kernel of +. Thus aRhf is in the kernel of +. Conversely, let C C ERM be such that + ( a ) = 0. Write u = f(r)/f(m)with r E R, m E M . Then g(p(r)) = +(f(r)) = + ( u ) + ( f ( m ) )= 0 and hence nq(r) = 0 for some n E N . By assumption N = q ( M ) and hence n = y(m’) for some m’ E M . Thus p(rm‘) = 0 and hence rm’ E a. Therefore u = f(rm’)/f(mm’)E aR4t. (18.5) Natural maps deduced,from (18.4). 1) Transitivity. Let M C N be multiplicative sets in R , and letf: R -+RM andg: R --f RN be the natural homomorphisms. Thenf(N) is a multiplicaN )the natural homomorphism. tive set in RM. Let h : RM 3 ( R M ) ~ (be N, By (18.4), f induces a unique homomorphism +: RN -+ ( R M ) ~ (such that h = g. It can easily be checked that+ is actually an isomorphism; y5 and will again be called natural isomorphisms. Applying to complements of prime ideals, we see that if C Q are prime ideals in R then the homomorphism R, --f (R,)f(g)induced byf: R -+ R, is an isomorphism. 0.f
2) Permutability with epimorphisms. Let p : R -+S be a ring epimorphism whose kernel is a proper ideal (1 in R. Let M be a multiplicative set in R such that N = p(M) is a multiplicative set in S, (i.e., M n a = 0). Let f : R --f RIM and g : S + SN be the natural homomorphisms, let +: RM -+ SN be induced by p, and let h : RM -+ R.vI/~RM be the natural epimorphism. By (18.4), is an epimorphism and the kernel of is ~ R M . Therefore there exists a unique isomorphism 0 : R M I ~ R + M S, such that u o h = +. Note that then u 0 h 0 f = g 0 p, and h 0 f = p og 0 p where p = 0-l: SN +RM/aRM is the inverse isomorphism; u and p are again called natural isomorphisms (or induced by p). Taking M to be the complement of a prime ideal 9 in R, the condition is a C 9,and the isomorphisms are u: R,&R, + S,,,, and p : S,,,, -+ R,/aR,.
3) Another case of permutability. Let p: R -+ S be a ring epimorphism, and let a C b C 9 be ideals in R where Q is prime and a is the kernel of 9. Then Sw(q)/Y(b)Sw(~) % (S/db))wv)ivjtb, where the first and the third
are by 2) and the second
Thus we ger s w ( ~ ) / ~ ( b ) s w* ! , )R,/bR,. x stands for isomorphism.
R,IbR, E
is 0bvious.l
4) Monomorphisms. Let M be a multiplicative set in R and let S be an overring of R. Then M is a multiplicative set in S and by (18.4), the homomorphism $: R M --f SM induced by the canonical injection R + S is actually a monomorphism; $ is again called natural and via it we may sometimes identify RM with the subring $ ( R M )of SM.Note that $ ( R M )= SM o for each s E S there exist m, m' E M and r E R such that mm's = mr. In particular, suppose that M is the set of all nonzerodivisors in R and that every element of M is a unit in S. Then $: 2 = RM +- SM = S is a monomorphism where 2 is the total quotient ring of R. If furthermore, every s E S can be written as s = r / m with r E R, m E M , then $ is an epimorphism and hence an isomorphism, and then we may identify 2 with
S. A case of the above is this, Let R1,..., R, be nonnull rings, let 21,..., 2, be their total quotient rings, and consider R1 @..@ Ru to be a subring of 9 1 @... 02 ,. For any rl E R1,..., ru E Ru, it is obvious that (r1,..., r,) is a nonzerodivisor in R1 @...@ R, o rt is a nonzerodivisor in Ri for i = 1,..., u. Consequently, every nonzerodivisor in R1 @...@ Ru is a unit in 91 @...@ gt6,and every element s in 21@...@ 2, can be written as s = rim with r and m in R1 @...@ R , where m is a nonzerodivisor in R1 @...@ R,. Therefore we can consider 21 @..@ 2, to be the total 0Ru. quotient ring of R1 O... 5 ) Total quotient rings. Let U be the set of all nonzerodivisors in R and let 2 = Rv be the total quotient ring of R. Let S be another nonnull ring, let V be the set of all nonzerodivisors in S, and let A = Sv be the total quotient ring of S. Let q: R -+ S be a ring homomorphism. We make the following observations. 1") If y ( U ) C V then by (18.4), 91 induces $: 2 -+ Si, i.e., is the unique ring homomorphism of Q into 53 such that $ ( r ) = y ( r ) for all r E R ; we shall say that $ is the (natural) extension of q to 2.Conversely, if such an extension exists then we must have 'p( U ) C V .
2") Suppose that i) y ( U ) C V , and let I#:2 -+ A be the extension of y . Then Ker $ = (Ker y ) 2 , and hence in particular $ is a monomorphism o ii) y is a monomorphism; furthermore ah, is an isomorphism 0 in addition to ii) we have that iii) each s E S can be written as s = v(r)/y(u) with r E R, u E U. Note that iii) is equivalent to saying that S C $(Q), which in turn is equivalent to saying that S = $(R*)for some subring R* of 2.
3") Consider S as an R-algebra with underlying homomorphism y . Suppose that conditions (i, ii, iii) are satisfied, let $: 2 + S i be the
extension of cp, and let p = $-liS; then p : S + 2 is the unique R-algebrahomomorphism of S into 2. Conversely, if there exists an R-algebramonomorphism cr: S -+ 2, then conditions (i, ii, iii) are satisfied and u = p. In other words, there exists an R-algebra-isomorphism X of S onto some R-subalgebra R* of 2 o conditions (i, ii, iii) hold; and then R* and h are uniquely determined by S, namely R* = $-l(S) and X(s) = $-l(s) for all s E S.
6 ) Total quotient ring of a quotient ring. Let M be a multiplicative set in R and let f : R + RM be the natural homomorphism. Let r be any element in R such that f ( r ) is a zerodivisor in RM. Then f ( r ) f ( r ' ) = 0 for some r' E R with f ( r ' ) # 0, and hence rr'm = 0 for some m E M . Now f ( m ) is a unit in RM and hence f(r')f(m) # 0. Therefore r'm # 0 and hence r is a zerodivisor in R. Consequently by 1") above, f has are the total quotient a unique extension #: 2 + si where 2 and rings of R and RM, respectively; $ is again said to be the natural homomorphism of 2 into 53.
7 ) Direct sums. Let R, R1, ..., R, be nonnull rings, let V , V1, ..., V,, V' be thesets of all nonzerodivisors in R, R1, ...,R,, R1 @...@ R,, respectively, let 2, 21,..., gU be the total quotient rings of R, R1, ...,Ru, respectively, and consider 21 @...@ 2, to he the total quotient ring of R1 @..@ R,. Let pl: R + R1, ..., pu: R + R, be ring homomorphisms. Concerning pu: R + R l @...@ Ru we note the the ring homomorphism 91 EL..@ following. 1")p1 @...@ p u ( V ) C V '
o cpi(V)C
VZ for i
2') p l @...@ pu is a monomorphism o
n Ker pi
1,..., u.
i =1
3") Ifqt(V) C Viand$%:2 -+ 2iistheextensionofyito2fori = 1,...,u , then $1 @...@$,: 2 + 21 @... @? 2, is the extension of p1 @... @ pu to 2. If furthermore p1 @...@ p u is a monomorphism then $1 @...@#, is a monomorphism by 5.1") above.
4")Let R* be a subring of 2 with R C R*. Assume that q,i(V)C Vf and let #i: 2 + 2i be the extension of p to 2 for i = 1,..., u. By (17.9.4) we deduce that $1 @...@#,(R*) = R1 @...@ R, o$i(R*) = Ri for i = 1,..., u, and for all i # j there exists eij E R* such that +i(eij) is a unit in Ri and $j(eij) = 0. In view of 6), the above observations yield the following. 8) Direct sums. Let R, Rl, ..., R, be nonnull rings and let V , Vi ,..., V , and 2,21,..., Q U be their sets of all nonzerodivisors and total quotient
rings, respectively. Let R* be a subring of 2 with R C R*. Let p1: R + RI, ..., pu: R -+ R, be ring homomorphisms and consider R1 @..a R, to be an R-algebra with underlying homomorphisms p71 @..@ p ., Then R1 @...@ R, is R-algebra-isomorphic to R* the following three conditions are satisfied. i) (Ker p1) n...n(Ker p), = (0). ii) For i = 1,..., u : pi(V) C VZandt,hi(R*) = Ri wheret,hi: 2 --f 2i is the extension of 9s to 2. iii) For all i # j, ( i , j = 1,..., u), there exists eij E R* such that $i(etj) is a unit in Ri and t,hj(eij) = 0.
(18.6) Remark on zerodivisors. 1) If b is an ideal in R and (PI, ..., 'pvare prime ideals in R such that
then b C V Jfor some j . 2) If R is noetherian, then the set of all zerodivisors in R is the union of all the associated prime ideals of (0) in R. 1) and 2) are proved in Zariski-Samuel [l: Remark on p. 215 and Corollary 3 on p. 2141, and they yield 3). 3) If R is noetherian and b is an ideal in R, then b consists entirely of zerodivisors o b is contained in some associated prime ideal of (0) in R . 4) Let Q be an ideal in R. By definition, M E R is said to be prime to a o the quotient ideal (a: MR)= a, i.e., u the residue class mod a of M is not a zerodivisor in Ria; and A C R is said to be prime to a + every element of A is prime to Q. If R is noetherian and Q = q1 n...tlqu is a normal decomposition of a in R where 4.1 is primary for pi, then A C R is prime to a u A n pi = 0 for i = 1,..., u.
(18.7) Ideal theory in a quotient ring. Let and let
M be a multiplicative set in R,
v=mr V
where g1,..., SpV, (0 < ZI < co), are prime ideals in R such that gj Q: !$jt for a l l j # j ' . We now describe the relation between ideals in R and ideals in RM. In particular, this description applies to the case when
1) For any ideal a in R we have
n aRM
= (Y E
R:Ym E a for some m E M ) .
In case R is noetherian, let a = q l fl...nqu be a normal decomposition of a in R labeled so that qt n J/r = 0 for i 5 k and q g n M # 0 for i > k.2 Then aRM = qiRM fl...nqkRM is a normal decomposition in RM, and R fl a R M = q1 fl...fl q k is a normal decomposition in R. In particular, aRM = RM o qt fl M # 0 for i = 1,..., u. 2) An ideal a in R is a contracted ideal o a prime to a.
R fl a
R M o
M is
3) Every ideal in RM is an extended ideal. 4) T h e map a 4 aRM is a 1-1 mapping of the set of all contracted ideals in R onto the set of all ideals in RM,and this mapping commutes with the ideal theoretic operations of forming intersections, quotients (i.e., a: a'), and radicals.
5 ) Let a be a contracted ideal in R. Then a is prime or the unit ideal a R M is prime or the unit ideal, and a is primary e a& is primary.
For proofs of the above statements, see Northcott [l: 2.6, 2.71 or Zariski-Samuel [l: $10 and $11 of Chapter IV]. We note the following consequences of the above properties.
6) PlR,, ..., '$:R, are exactly all the distinct maximal ideals in R, and hence R , is quasisemilocal. 7) If R is noetherian, then so is RM. If R is noetherian and then (R,, PR,) is a local ring and dim R, = hgtRP.
8) Assume that R is noetherian and let (0) = q l n...nq u be a normal decomposition of (0) in R labeled so that qi f l M = 0 for i 5 k and qi fl M # 0 for i > k.3 Taking (0) for a in 1) we then get ~ R [ M=] q1
n...n qk.
n M = 0 0 pi n M = 0. 91,..., q u is to be such that, for
Note that if pi is the associated prime ideal of q i then: qt By (18.6.1), in case of M = R -
k: qi
c ' p j for some j , and
By (18.6.1), some j , and for
u 'pj the labeling of 2,
for i
> k : qi $
in case of M = R -
i > k : qt $
'pj for
all j .
for a l l j .
U ' p j this means that, for i 6 k : q i C 'pj for
(18.8) Direct sum of local rings. 1) Suppose there exist ring homomorphisms TI: R .+ Rl, ...,vU:R -+ R, where (R1, ml), ...,(R,, mu) are local rings such that rp1 @..@ v,: R + R1 @...@ R u is an isomorphism. Let nt = vzl(mi). Let {0} = q1 n...nqv be a normal decomposition of {0} in R, let J = (1,..., v } , It = { j E J : q j C nt}, and 36 = qj. Then we have (i to vi):
i) Given any prime ideal p in R, p is contained in exactly one maximal ideal in R. ii) R is a semilocal ring in which n1, ...,nu are exactly all the distinct maximal ideals. iii) { I l ,..., I,} is a partition of J.4 iv) Let ft: R + R,, be the natural homomorphism. Then fi(R - na) = Ri - mi and (Rt)mi = Ri. Hence by (18.4), there exists a unique ring homomorphism gi: R,, + Ri such that q ~ r= gi 0 fi. Actually gi is an isomorphism and 3.s = j~[nt]= Kerft = Ker 91.1. v)f1 @...Ofu:R -+ R,, @..@ Rnu is an isomorphism of R-algebras where R,, is considered to be an R-algebra with underlying homomorphismft. vi) If Ri is an integral domain, then It contains exactly one element j and q j is prime. Consequently, if R1, ..., R, are all integral domains then: each It contains exactly one element; v = u ; and qi, ..., qu are all prime.
2) Conversely, if R is a semilocal ring with distinct maximal ideals
n1,..., nu such that condition i) is satisfied, then there exist local rings
R1,..., R, and ring homomorphisms q1: R -+ R1, ..., vu:R --f R, such that q11 @...@ vu:R -+ R1 @...@ R, is an isomorphism. Furthermore this representation is unique in the sense that if S1,..., St are local rings and f1: R -+ S1,...,ft : R -+ St are ring homomorphisms such that f1 @...Oft:R -+ S1 @...@ St is an isomorphism, then t = u and after suitably relabeling S1,..., S , there exist isomorphisms gi: Si -+ Ri such that q~i= gt o f t for i = 1,...,u, (actually, the said relabeling of S1,..., S , as well as the isomorphisms g1,...,gu are also unique).
Proof of 1). i) and ii) follow from (17.8), and iii) follows from i). T o prove iv), first note that Fi is an epimorphism and hence gt is an epimorphism by (18.4). Now let r E R be given. If r E Kerfi then rm = 0 for some m E R - ni; hence g?i(r)cp(m)= 0 and yi(m) is a unit in Ri; therefore vi(r) = 0. Conversely suppose that vi(r) = 0; let m = (pl @...@ yU)-l (0,..., e i , 0,..., 0) where ei is the identity element of Rt; That is,
...,I ,
are pairwise disjoint nonempty subsets of J and h U...U lu = J
then m E R - tti and qq @... (9 pu(rm) = 0, i.e., rm = 0, and hence r E Kerfi. This shows that Ker pi = Ker f i = j ~ [ t t i ] = %i. Therefore gi is a monomorphism and hence an isomorphism. This proves iv), and then v) and vi) follow immediately.
Proof of 2) . Uniqueness follows from iv) and existence is also suggested qv be a normal decomposibythat description. Namely, let (0) = q 1 tion of (0) in R, let J = (1,..., v } , I8 = { j E J : qj C ni), %i = qj,
E If
and let pi: R + Rt = R/%i be the natural epimorphism. By i) we get that {Il,...,}.I is apartition of J , and qj + q y = R for all i # i ' , j E Ii,j' E Ii'. Hence %I,...,'$Iuu are pairwise coprime by (17.9.2). Therefore p1 @...@ pu is an epimorphism by (17.9.3). Also 211n...n2l, = (0) and hence @...@ pu is a monomorphism. Now %i C ni and '& c$ nj for all j # i. Therefore pi(ni) is the unique maximal ideal in Rt and hence Ri is a local ring.
(18.9)Totalquotient ring o f a noetherian ring. Assume that R is noetherian and rade(0) = (0). Let V be the set of all nonzerodivisors in R and let 2 be the total quotient ring of R. 1) Let p: R -+ S be a ring epimorphism whose kernel is a prime ideal p of (0) in R. Let W be the set of all nonzero elements in S and let Si be the quotient field of S. Then p(V) = W, the extension $: 2 -+fi of rp to 2 is an epimorphism, Ker $ = p2, p = R n p2, and p2 is a maximal ideal in 2. 2) Let p 1 , ..., p u be the distinct prime ideals of (0) in Rand let !)3i = pi2. Then pi = R fl'$i for i = 1,...,u ; 'p1,..., 'pu are exactly all the distinct prime ideals in 2 and they are all maximal; and (0) = !)31 n...n'pu is the unique normal decomposition of (0) in 2.Let pi: R + Ri be a ring epimorphism such that Kerpi = p i , let Vi be the set of all nonzerodivisors in Rg and let f?,ibe the quotient field of Ri. Then yc(V) = Vi, the extension $$:2 -+ 2i of pi to 2 is an epimorphism, and Ker #i = 'pi for i = 1,..., u. Furthermore $1 $3 ...@ &: 2 -+ 21 @.. @ 2uis the extenis actually an isomorphism. sion of 91 @..@ yu to 2,and 41 @.. @
3) Let R' be any noetherian subring of 2 such that R C R'. Let pi, ..., pu be the distinct prime ideals of (0) in R, and let qi = R' n p&. Then radR,{O) = (0); q1,..., q u are exactly all the distinct prime ideals of (0) in R'; p i = R fl qi for all i; and p j Q. qt for a l l j # i. Proof of 1 ) . Let p 1 = p and let p 2 , ..., p u be the remaining prime ideals of (0) in R. By (18.6), V = R - ( p 1 U...U p u ) and hence p(V) C W. Conversely, let Y E R be such that p(r) # 0, i.e., r $ pi. Relabel p z , ..., p u
so that r 4 p i for i = 2,..., h, and r E p i for i = h + 1,..., u. For any i we have that p1 n...npt-lnpi+l n...np, r$ p i and hence we can take si E
p1 n...n pi-lnpi+ln...npu such that si $ pi. Let s = s ~ + ... ~ + su.Then r + s#pl p u and y ( r ) = p(r + s). Therefore p ( V ) = W. By (18.4), it now follows that $ is an epimorphism and Ker$ = p 2 . Since 9 is induced by $ we get that p = R n p2, and since 53 is a field we get that p2 is a maximal ideal in 2.
Proof of 2). Since V = R - ( p l U...U pu), the assertions in the second sentence follow from (18.7); however we shall reprove them below. By l), y i ( V ) = Vi, $6 is an epimorphism, Ker $i = Cpz, p i = R fl 'pi,and '$ isI$ a maximal ideal in 2 for i = 1,..., u. Now (Kerpl) (Ker pa) = (0}, and hence by (18.5.7), $1 @...@$u:2 +21 @...@& is the to 2 and $1 is a monomorphism. extension of p1 @...@cpu Therefore ' p 1 n . . . n 'pu = ( 0 ) . For any i # j , p i r $ p j , p i = R f l 'pi, p j = R l l Cpj, and hence 'pi r$ C p j . Therefore (0} = 'p1 n...n'pu is the unique normal decomposition of ( 0 ) in 2 ; (PI, ...,Cpu are exactly all the distinct prime ideals in 2 and they are pairwise comaximal. By (17.9.3) it follows that $1 @...@$, is an isomorphism.
Proof of 3). rad,(O} = ( 0 ) by 2), and hence radp(0) = (0). The rest also follows from 2) by noting that 2 is also the total quotient ring of R'. gl9. INTEGRAL DEPENDENCE AND FINITE GENERATION
Let p: R + R' be an R-algebra. For A C R we may write AR' in place of p(A)R', and for B C R' we may write B n R in place of p - l ( B ) . In particular then an ideal a in R gives the extended ideal aR' in R' and an ideal b in R' gives the contracted ideal b n R in R. For and
..., a,
E R'
we may write f ( a 1 ,..., a,)
in place of
For a1,..., am E R', the image of R[T1, ..., Tm] under the R-algebrahomomorphism Ti --f ai is denoted by R [ a l ,..., a,]. More generally for any A C R',the subring y(R)[A] of R' may be denoted by R[A]. R' is said to be a finite R-algebra provided there existsafinite number of elements a1, ..., a, in R' such that R' = R[al, ..., a,]. An element c( E R' is said to be integral ouer R provided there exists a monicf(T) E R[T] such that f ( a ) = 0. B C R' is said to be integral over R provided every element of B is integral over R. We have the following.
1') tc E R' is integral over I? R[tc] is a finite R-module1 o R[x] is contained in a subring of R' which is a finite R-module.
2') If R is noetherian then, tc E R' is integral over R 0 R[K] is contained in a finite R-submodule of R'. 3') R' is a finite R-module R' is integral over R and R' is a finite R-algebra.
4') The set r;) of all elements of R' which are integral over R is an R-subalgebra of R' and it is called the integral closure of R in R'. R is integrally closed i n R' e (def) = v(R). R is normal u (def) R is integrally closed in its total quotient ring. If v is a monomorphism then identifying R with v(R), R' becomes an overring of R. In the general case, R' is an overring of y ( R ) . Thus it suffices to consider the case of an overring. (19.1) (Lying over and going up theorem). Let R be a ring and let R' be an overring of R which is integral over R.
1) If a is a proper ideal in R then aR' is a proper ideal in R'.
2) Given a prime ideal q in R', q is maximal in R' o q fl R is maximal
in R.
3) Given a prime ideal p in R there exists a prime ideal q in R' such that q fI R = p ; q is said to lie over p . 4) Given prime ideals p 1 C p z in R and a prime ideal q1 in R' such that q1 fl R = p 1 , there exists a prime ideal (12 in R' such that q1 C q 2 and q 2 R = p2.
5 ) I f q l F q 2 are ideals in R' such that q l isprinze, then q1
n R Cq2 fl R. #
(19.2) (Going down theorem). Let R be a normal integral domain and let R' be an oaerring of R such that R' is integral over R and such that every nonzero element in R is a nonzerodivisor in R'. Let p 1 C p~ be prime ideals in R and let q2 be aprime ideal in R' such that q 2 f I R = p z . Then there exists a prime ideal q1 in R' such that q1 C q 2 and q1 n R = p l . For integral domains, (19.1) and (19.2) were proved by Krull [l] and the general case was then given by Cohen-Seidenberg [l]. The latter's proof can be found in Zariski-Samuel [l : §§2,3 of Chapter V] or Abhyankar [l:$31. Note that (19.1.1, 19.1.2) follow immediately from (19.1.3, 19.1.4, 19.1.5). An R-module 'u is said to be a finite R-module provided there exists a finite number of elements a1 ,..., M, in 'u such that 2l = cx1R ... a,R.
-+ +
(19.3) Let R be a ring and let R' be an overring of R which is integral over R.
1) For any prime ideal q in R' we have dptRq = dptR(q hgtR.9 5 hgte(q n R).
n R ) and
2) If furthermore R and R' are noetherian then for any proper ideal a in R we have dptRa = dptrrd?. Proof of 1). Let p = q n R. Let p a , ..., pe be distinct prime ideals in R such that p C p o C...C pe. Repeatedly applying (19.1.4) we find prime ideals qo,..., qe in R' such that 9.1 n R = pi for i = 0,..., e, and q C qo C...C qe. Obviously qo, ..., qe are all distinct. Therefore dptRp 5 dptR,q. Let q;, ..., q; be distinct prime ideals in R' such that q C q; C...C 9;. Then p C (q; n R) C...C (9; n R ) and by (19.1.5), (q; n R), ..., (q; n R ) are distinct prime ideals in R. Therefore dptRp 2 dptKq. Let q;, ..., q: be distinct prime ideals in R' such that q$ C...C qz C q. Then (q; fl R) C...C (9%ft R) C p and by (19.14, (q: n R), ..., (q: n R) are distinct prime ideals in R. Therefore hgtalq 5 hgtRp. Proof of 2). Take a prime ideal q in R' such that aR' C q and d p t s d ' dptR,q. Then q n R is a prime ideal in R and a C q n R. Hence dptRa 2 dptR(q n R). By I), dptR,q = dptR(q n R ) and hence dptRa 2 dptR,aR'. Take a prime ideal p in R such that a C p and dptRa = dptRp. By (19.1.3) there exists a prime ideal q in R' such that q flR = p . Obviously aR' C q and hence dptRZaR' 2 dptajq. By I), dptRTq = dptRp and hence dptpaR' 2 dptlpa. =
(19.4) Let R be a normal integral domain and let R' be an overring of R such that R' is integral over R and every nofizero element in R is a nonzerodivisor in R'. 1) For any prime ideal q in R' we have hgtRq = hgtR(q n R).
2) If furthermore R and R' are noetherian then for any proper ideal a in R we have hgtRa = hgted?'. Proof of 1). Let po, ..., p e be distinct prime ideals in R such that p o C...C p e C (q n R). Repeatedly applying (19.2) we find prime ideals qo ,...,qe in R' such that qi n R = pi for i = 0,..., e, and qo C...C q e C q. Obviously qo, ..., q e are all distinct. Therefore hgtafq 2 hgtR(q n R). Consequently by (19.3.1) we have equality.
Proof of 2). Take a prime ideal q in R‘ such that aR’ C q and hgtR,aR hgtpq. Then q fl R is a prime ideal in R and a C q fl R. Hence hgtRa I hgtR(q fl R). By I), hgtajq = hgtR(q fl R) and hence hgtRa 6 hgtRjaR’. Take a prime ideal p in R such that a C p and hgtRa = hgtRp. By (19.1.3)there exists a prime ideal q in R‘ such that q fl R = p . Obviously aR’ C q and hence hgtRTaR‘ 5 hgtRJq. By I), hgtpq = hgtRp and hence hgtR,aR’ 5 hgtRa. =
(19.5) Let R be a ring and let R‘ be an overring of R such that R‘ is integral over R and every nonzerodivisor in R is a nonzerodivisor in R’. Assume that R contains a subring S such that S is a normal integral domain, R is integral over S, and every nonzero element in S is a nonzerodivisor in R. Then for any prime ideal q in R‘ we have hgtR,q = hgtR(q fl R).
PROOF.Let p =
q fl R and r
p f l S. By (19.4), hgtwq = hgtsr
(19.6) REMARK.Nagata [3: (11) on p. 571 has given an example of a local integral domain o and a prime ideal p l in the integral closure 0’ of o in its quotient field such that hgt,,pl < hgt,(pl fl 0). (19.7) Let (R,m) and (R’, m’) be local rings such that R’ is an overring of R and is integral over R. Then we have the following. 1) dim R
dim R’.
2) m‘ is the only prime ideal in R’ whose contraction to R is m.
3) Given an ideal q in R, q is primary for m o qR’ is primary for d. 4) Elements al,.,., a, in R form a system of parameters for R form a system of parameters for R’.
PROOF. 2) follows from (19.1.2). 1) follows from 2) and (19.3.1) since dim R = dptRm and dim R‘ = dptRIm’. By (19.1.1), q = R 0 qR‘ = R‘. Now suppose that q # R and q is not primary for m. Then q C p nt where p is a prime ideal in R . By (19.1.3) we can find a prime ideal p’ in R‘ such that p’ fl R = p . Then qR’ C p‘ m‘ and hence qR‘ is not primary for m’. Next suppose that qR’ # R’ and qR’ is not primary for m’. Then qR’ C p* m’ where p* is a prime ideal in R’. Then q C (p* fl R) and by (19.1.5), p* fl R is a prime ideal in R‘ with p* f l R m. Therefore q is not primary for m. This proves 3). 4) follows from 1) and 3).
(19.8) Let R be a quasisemilocal ring with maximal ideals mi,..., mu. Let R’be an overring of R which is a finite R-module. Then for each i u ; R miR’ = ma; there are only a finite number of prime ideals mil,..., mlW, in R’ containing mi; miR‘ = nil n...flniv, where nij is a uniquely determined primary ideal for mil; and miR‘ is primary if and only if vi = 1. The v1 +...+ vu ideals mil are all distinct and they are exactly all the maximal ideals in R’. In particular R’ is a quasisemilocal ring.
PROOF.By (19.1.2, 19.1.3), R miR’ = mi for i = 1 ,...,u, and every maximal ideal in R’ lies over some mi. Let f i : R’ +Ri = R’/miR’ be the natural epimorphism. Since R n mrR = md,we can identify Rlmi with a subfield of Ri. Since R‘ is a finite R-module, Ri is a finite dimensional vector space over Rlmi. Hence2 & contains only a finite number of prime ideals Gi1,..., iittw,, (vi > 0 ) , they are all maximal, and in Rt we have (0) = n i l n...n iiav, where iiij is a uniquely determined primary ideal for i F t i j . Let T&J = f ~ ~ ( i i t iand j ) nlj = f i l ( i i i j ) . (19.9) Let (R,m) be a normal local ring such that rad(0) is an integral domain.
(0). Then R
PROOF. rad(0) = (0) implies that (0) = p l p u where PI, ..., p u are all the distinct prime ideals of height zero in R, and hence in particular p i $ p j for all i # j . Suppose if possible that u > 1. We can find b E p z n...np u such that b $ p l , and by (18.6.1) we can find a E p 1 such that a $ p i for all i > 1. Then abEp1 p u , i.e., ab = 0. Also a b $ p1 p u and hence a + b is not a zerodivisor. Therefore c = a/(. + b) is in the total quotient ring of R. Obviously c2 - c = 0. Since R is normal, c E R. Now
a(l - c ) = b c ~ p z a n d a $ p ~ + l- c ~ p ~ C m . Also
a(1 - c)
E p1
and b $ p 1
G .
c E p1 C
Therefore 1 E m. Contradiction.
(19.10) Let (R,m) be a normal local ring. Then either every nonunit in R is a zerodivisor or R is an integral domain.
PROOF.Suppose R contains a nonunit a which is not a zerodivisor. Let b be any nilpotent in R : bn = 0 , n > 0. By (19.9) it suffices to show Say by (19.1). R/m, being a field, obviously (0)is the only prime ideal in R/miand
li, is noetherian.
that b = 0. For all p > 0, b/ap is in the total quotient ring of R and (b/ap)n = 0, whence b/aP E R, i.e., bE
n apR C n mp = (0). m
(19.11)REMARK. (19.9)is false without the assumption that rad(0) = (0). If every nonunit in I2 is a zerodivisor then R is its own total quotient ring and hence R is normal. For instance let R be any zero dimensional local ring which is not an integral domain. T o construct a positive dimensional example, let ( S , n) be any e dimensional regular local ring, e > 1. Let p be a prime ideal in S of height one. Let q be an ideal in S having p and n as its associated prime ideals.3 Let R = S/q, m = n/q. Then ( R ,m) is a local ring of dimension e - 1 and m is an associated prime ideal of zero. (19.12)Let M be a multiplicative set in an integral domain R. If R is normal then so is RM.In particular if p is a prime ideal in R and R is normal then so is Rp. Zariski-Samuel [l: 2) on p. 2611. (19.13)Let R be a local ring such that rad{O} = (0) in R. Let M be a multiplicative set in R. If R is normal then RM is a normal integral domain. Follows from (19.9, 19.12). (19.14)Let R be a noetherian ring such that radR(0) = {0}, and let a be any prime ideal in R. Then radRp(O} = (0). If Rp is normal then Rp is an integral domain. The first assertion follows from (18.7) and then the second assertion follows from (19.9). (19.15)(Krull’s principal ideal theorem). In a noetherian integral domain R all the minimal prime ideals of any nonzero principal ideal have height one. If R is also normal then every principal ideal in R is unmixed. Zariski-Samuel [ 1 : Theorem 29 on p. 238 and Theorem 14 on p. 2771. (19.16)Let R be a noetherian integral domain which is not a jield. Let
Q be the set of all prime ideals in R of height one. Assume that for every Existence of q follows from Zariski-Samuel [l: Theorem 21 on p. 2301.
nonzero principal ideal in R all the associated prime ideals have height one. Then R = Rp.Consequently, if Rp is normal for all p E Q,4 then R is
n Rp. It is clear that
R C S. Now let 0 # a E S.
Then a = b/c where b and c are nonzero elements in R. By assumption c R = q1 n...nqu where ql,,.., qu are primary ideals whose associated prime ideals p1,..., p u are all distinct and have height one; and b R = q; n...flqk where q;, ..., q', are primary ideals whose associated prime ideals y i , ..., p', are all distinct and have height one. Let i 5 u be given. Then a E S * a E Rpi 3 bRp, C cRp, and hence c E pi * cRpi # Rpi 3 bRp, # R p , . If pi were different from p i for all j then we would get the contradlctlon that bRp, = Rpi. Therefore pi equals exactly one of the prime ideals pl, ...,y',. Thus we can relabel q; ,..., q', so that p i = pi for i = 1,..., u. Then for alli 5 u : q; = R flb R p , C R n cRpi = qi. Therefore b R C cR, i.e., a E R. This shows that R = R,.
(19.17) Let R be a normal noetherian integral domain which is not a j e l d . Rp. Let !2 be the set of all prime ideals in R of height one. Then R =
Follows from (19.15, 19.16).
(19.18) Let R be a noetherian integral domain which is not a Feld and let R' be the integral closure of R in its quotient field. Let !2 be the set of all prime ideals in R of height one. Assume that i) R' is noetherian; ii) Rp is normal for all p E s1;4 and iii) R contains a normal subring S over which R is integral. Rp. Then R' =
PROOF. Let I?*
that R' C R*. Let By (19.17), R =
Rp. Then R* is normal. Since R C R* we get
a'be the set of all prime ideals in R'
nn'Ri. Given q
s1' let p
of height one.
R f l q. Then Ri 3 Rp.
By (19.5), hgtRp = hgteq = 1 and hence p E s1. Therefore Rp 3 R*. Hence Ri 3 R*. This being so for all q E Q', we get that R' = Rk q€Q' 3 R*. Therefore R' = R*.
Note that R p is a one dimensional local integral domain and hence by (21.4), R p is normal if and only if it is regular.
(19.19) Let (R, m) be a locul ring. Let pl, ..., pu be the prime ideals of (0) in R . Assume that u > 1, and hgtRpi = 0 for i = 1,..., U . Then there exists a nonunit nonzerodivisor a in R such that some prime ideal of uR contains p t + p5 for some i # j .
PROOF.Let (0) = q1 n...nq, be the normal decomposition of (0) labeled so that qi is primary for pi. Take a$E R such that at $ pg and at E 95 for all j # i. Let a = a1 + ...+ a,. Then a $ pl U...U p u and hence a is a nonzerodivisor. Also p f C m for all i and hence a is a nonunit. Suppose if possible that a1 E aR. Then a2 ...+ a, = a - a1 E aR. Hence a1 = ur and u - a1 = us with r, s E R . Thus a = a(r + s). Since a is a nonzerodivisor, we get that r + s = 1.
Now r $m
a E alR C
p2 3
and s $ m =+ a E
...,au}R C p1 + contradiction.
Therefore r E m and s E m ; hence 1 = r fore a1 $ olR.
+ s E m; contradiction.
Let aR = q; n...nq; be a normal decomposition of od2 where 9; is primary for pi. Assume if possible that each prime ideal of aR contains only one of the prime ideals of (0). Let p’ be any maximal prime ideal of uR, i.e., a maximal element of the set {pi ,..., p;}. Let p;, ,..., p i , be all the prime ideals of a R contained in p’. Let pB C p’. We can find t E R such that t $ p‘ and t E qz for all i # g. Then
{0}: t R C aR: t R
qg =
(q;:t ~ n...n ) (q;:t ~ ) c q;, n...nq;,
Now if g # 1 then a1 E qg, and if g = 1 then a - a1 E qg. Hence always a1 E qk, n...n qk.. Since every prime ideal of u R is contained in some maximal prime ideal of aR, we conclude that a1 E q; n...nq; = uR. Contradiction. Therefore some prime ideal o f U R contains pi + p5 for some i # j.
(19.20) Let R be a local ring such that
i) radR(0) = (0); ii) for every nonunit nonzerodivisor tc in R all the prime ideals of u R have height one; and iii) Rp is normal for every prime ideal p in R of height one.5
Then R is a normal integral domain. PROOF. Let p 1 , ..., p u be the prime ideals of { O } in R. If u > 1 then by (19.19), we can find a nonunit nonzerodivisor u in R and a prime ideal p of tcR such that p i + pj C p for some i # j . Then Rp is not an integral domain and hence by iii), hgtBp > 1 which contradicts ii). Therefore u = 1, i.e., R is an integral domain. Now the result follows from (19.16). (19.21) Conductor. Let R be a nonnull ring and let R‘ be the integral closure of R in its total quotient ring. Then { r E R : rR’ C R, i.e., rr‘
R for all r’ E R’} is an ideal in R ; this ideal is called the conductor of R in R‘ or simply the conductor of R and we shall denote it by c(R).T h e following basic property of the conductor is proved in Zariski-Samuel [l:p. 2691. E
1) Let R be an integral domain such that the integral closure of R in its quotient field is a finite R-module. Then for any multiplicative set M in R we have that: RIMis normal o c(R) M # 0. I n particular, for any prime ideal p in R we have that: Rp is normal o c(R) Q: p .
Using the
part of this we now prove the following.
2) Let R be a nonnull noetherian ring such that rads(0) = (0).Let p 1 , ..., p u be the distinct prime ideals of ( 0 ) in R and assume that the integral closure of Rlpi in its quotient field is a finite (R/pi)-modulefor i = l , . .., u. Let p be any prime ideal in R such that Rp is normal. Then c(R) Q: p . PROOF. Let 2 be the total quotient ring of R and let R’ be the integral closure of R in 2.Let p i : R -+ Ri = R/pi be the natural epimorphism, let 2i be the quotient field of Ri and let Ri be the integral closure of Ri in 2t. By (18.9.2), p i has a unique extension $(: 2 --f 2i to 2 for i = 1,...,u, and (Ker$1) n...n(Ker$,) = (0). Note that obviously i,hi(R‘)C RI for i = 1,...,u. By (19.14), Rp is an integral domain and hence j ~ [ p is ] a prime ideal, i.e., p i = j ~ [ p ]C p for a unique value i and p j Q: p for all j # i. Now In view of i), R p is then an integral domain by (19.14). Since R p is a one dimensional R p is normal if and only if it is regular. local ring, by (21.4),
a prime ideal in the integral domain Ri and Rp = (Ri)pi(p). Therefore c(Ri) Q pi(p) by l), and hence we can find r E R such that r $ p and q i ( r ) E c(Ri).Now p p Q p for all j # i and hence we can find s E R such that s $ p and s E p p for all j # i. Let t = rs. Then t E R and t $ p . I t suffices to show that t E c(R). So let a E R' be given. Then + i ( a ) E R; and hence &(.a) = $i(r)$i(a) E Ri because $i(r) E c(Ri).Therefore there exists r' E R such that +i(ra) = +i(r'), i.e., $%(.a - r') = 0. Let s' = r's. Then s' E R and +i(ta - s') = +i(rx - r')#i(s) = 0. Also +p(ta - s') = 0 for a l l j # i because then$j(ta - s') = $j(ra - r')$j(s)and+j(s) = pj(s) = 0. Therefore t a - s' = 0, i.e., t u = s' E R. rpi(p) is
(19.22) For i = I, ..., u , let Ri be a nonnullring, let 2i be the total quotient ring of Ri, and let R; be the integral closure of Ri in &. Then R; @...@ Ri is the integral closure of R1 @. ,.@ R, in 21 @... @ 5lU; hence in particular Rl @... @ R , i s normal + Ri is normal for i = 1,..., u.
PROOF. Let p i : 21@...@ 2jL--f !2t be the natural projection and let qi: & +21 @...@I!!, be the natural injection. Let a = (a1,..., mu) E 21 @...@I!, be given. Now pi(R1 @...@R,) = Ri and hence if a is integral over RI@...@ Ru then pi(.) = a( is integral over Ri,i.e., a( E R; for i = 1,..., u , and hence M E R; @...a RL. Conversely, if at E R; for some i, then there exists an integer n and elements r l , ..., r n E Ri such that n
a :
+ 2 rp7-j
and then
.@ Ru.Now a = qi( a i ) + ... + qu( KU), and hence qi( ai) is integral over R1 0.. and consequently, if a E R; @...@ Ri then q1(41),..., pu(au) are all integral over R1 @...@ R, and hence a is integral over R1 @...@ R,. (19.23) Let R be a nonnull noetherian ring such that radR(0) = (0). Let p 1 , ..., p , be the distinct prime ideals of ( 0 ) in R, let 2 be the total quotient ring of R, and let R' be the integral closure of R in 2. Let rpi; R + Ri be a ring epimorphism whose kernel i s p i , let 2%be the quotient jield of Ri, and let A; be the integral closure of Ri in .Qi. By (18.9.2), pi has a unique extension+i:2 +2i t o & and+1 @...@+,: 2 +!21 @...@&isanisomorphism. be the natural injection. Let pi ; i ? t --f 91 0...@
Assume that R; is a Fnite Ri-module for i = 1 ,..., u, and take any Fnite number of elements & I , ..., Ptv, in Ri which generate Ri as an Ri-module. ..@ $u)-l(qi(&)). Then the v i + ...+ vu elements utk Let uik: = ($1 0. generate R' as an R-module and hence R' is a finite R-module. Furthermore $1 @...@ $,(R') = RI @..@ RL, i.e., R' = $i-'(Rj), i.e., for any 1=1
2 we have that: r is integral over R o $ i ( r ) is integral over Ri for i = 1 ,..., u. r
PROOF. Let R* = ($1 @...@$u)-l(Ri@...@ RL).Obviously$t(R') C RI for i = 1,...,u, Le., R' C R*. All the elements uik: are in R* and$j(aik) = 0 for a l l j # i. Given any element a in R* we can write V
v, Ri = R; = 2i and hence i=1
n $F~(R;). V
Also obviously
ii[ n
f i - l ( ~= ~ i=l ) P E ~W(R~)]. ,
Hence it suffices to show that
n fF1(Rp) = +cI(R;)
for all
i 5 v.
So let i 5 v be given. For any p
Qi, we have j ~ [ p = ]
fp = +i and Rp = (Ri)pi(p),and hence
and hence
~ F ' ( R P=>+,l((Ri>vi(P)>. Now Rt is a noetherian integral domain which is not a field, R; is noetherian because it is a finite Ri-module, q i ( S ) is a normal subring of Ri over which Ri is integral, and ( c p i ( p ) : p E Q) is the set of all prime ideals in Rg of height one. Consequently, applying (19.18) to Rz we get that
(19.25) Let R be a nonnull noetherian ring such that radR(0) = (0). Let p1, ..., pu be the distinct prime ideals of (0) in R, let 2 be the total quotient ring of R, and let R' be the integral closure of R in 2.Let qi: R + Ri be a ring epimorphism whose kernel is p i , and let 26 be the quotient field of Rt. By (18.9.2), yi has a unique extension &: 2 +% for i = 1,..., U , and 161 @...@+u: 2 -+21 @..@ 2% is an isomorphism. Let S be a subring of R such that S is an integral domain and every nonzero element in S is a nonxerodivisor in R.6 Then the quotient field R of S can be considered to be
a subring of 2.Let Ri = #i(R). Then Ri is the quotientjeld of $i(S),and 52 fl Ker #i = (01, i.e., #i maps Si isomorphically onto Ri. Now assume that R is a finite S-module.7 Then we have the following. 1) [B: R] =
2 [Biz Ri] < L 1 U
2) 2 = R[R]. 3) Let u1,..., uAbe any finite number of elements in R. If c11,..., tch generate R as an S-module, then they generate 2 as a 53-module. If u1,..., CI,, are linearly independent over S,9 then they are linearly independent over 3. If ~ 1..., , uAgenerate R as an S-module and are linearly independent over S,
4) Suppose that S is normal and there exists a j n i t e number of elements
,..., (m, w in R and 0 # s E S such that R = S[ll,..., i&]and slj E S [ W ] f o r j = 1,..., m. Let F i ( T ) be the (unique) monic element in R [ T ] such that 51
applying #i to the coefficients of Fi( T ) we get the minimal monic polynomial of # i ( w ) over Ri, and let A be the T-discriminant of F l ( T )...F u ( T ) . Then: 2 = R[w]; F l ( T ) ,...,F,(T)arepairwisecoprimeinR[T]; F i ( T ) ~ s [ T ] f o r i = 1,..., u and hence A E S ; and for any r' E R' we have Ar' E S [ w ] and hence A E c(R).
Proof of 1). Since R is a finite S-module, Ri is a finite #i(S)-module. Hence [!&: Ri] < 03. Take a vector space basis p i l , ..., p i & of 2i over Ri where X i = [Qi:Ri].Let qi: & + 21 @... @ Qu be the natural injection, Then the h~ f... hu elements are and let CIik = (#i @...@#u)-l(q&?ik)). in 2 and #j( G I Z ~ ) = 0 for all j # i. Given any CI E 2 we can write
2 Pik#i(aik)
i = 1,..., u,
and then setting
c 2 Qikait u
i=l k = l
Equivalently: R is integral over S and there exists a finite number of elements YI, in R such that R = S [ n ,..., r n ] . Here the dots denote vector space dimension. a1 =...= a,, = 0. aAah = 0 with a1,...,a,, E S That is, aiai
...,r f i
419. INTEGRAL DEPENDENCE AND FINITE GENERATION we get that +i(ct) = +c(ct’) for i = 1,..., u , and hence if aik are any elements in R such that
M = ct’.
then for i = 1,..., u we get that A
2 Pik+i(%) k =1
and hence + i ( a i k ) = 0 for all k and hence a i k = 0 for all k because si n (Ker+i) = (0). Thus the A1 +...+ A, elements cxik form a vector ! over R, and hence [2: R] = A1 + ...+ A,. space basis of 2
Proof of 2). Let ct E 2 be given. Then + i ( c t ) is algebraic over Ri. Let Di(T ) E R[T] be such that applying +i to the coefficients of Di( T ) we get the minimal monic polynomial of +i(ct) over Sii. Then +i(Di(a))= 0. Let
D ( T ) = D l ( T )...Du(T)E R[T]. Then + ~ ( D ( M=) )0 for i = 1,..., u, and hence D ( M )= 0. Assume that ct is a nonzerodivisor in 2. Then +i(cr) # 0 and hence D i ( T ) and T are coprime in R [ T ]for i = 1,..., u. Consequently we can write
T A ( T ) + D ( T ) B ( T )= 1
A ( T ) ,B ( T )E R[T].
Therefore ctA(cr)= 1, i.e., ( l / c t ) = A ( ME) si[cr]. In particular, if M E R and M is a nonzerodivisor in R, then ct is a nonzerodivisor in i? and hence (1,’~) E B[cx]. Therefore 2 = R[R].
Proof of 3). Assume that ct1, ..., ct, generate R as an S-module, i.e., R = M I S+ ... + uhS. Given /?E 2, by 2) we can write ,6 = E(y1,..., yJ with E(T1,..., T,) E % [ T I..., , T,] and yl ,...,yc E R. We can take 0 # s E S such that sE(T1,...) T c ) = E”(T1,..., T,J ES[T1,..., T,] and then sp
J!?*(~I,..., y p ) E ~ 3 [ y,..., l y p ] c ctls
+...+ E n s .
Hence /3 E ulR + ... + a,R. This shows that MI, ..., ctA generate 2 as a %-module. Assume that g l , ..., ccA are linearly independent over S. Let bi,...,b, E R be such that blul + ...+ bhxh = 0. We can write bt = with 0 # c E S and bl, ..., b, E S. Then alctl + ...+a,@,, = 0 and hence a1 = ...= ah = 0,
i.e., bl = ...= b, = 0. Therefore cq,..., tl, are linearly independent over 9. This proves the first two assertions and now the last assertion follows from them by 1).
Proof of 4). Since R = S[.Let G = H + Hgl +...+ Hg, be a right coset representation of G with respect to the subgroup H . Let mT = gim*. Then m*, m:, ..., mf, (e > 0), are exactly all the distinst maximal ideals in R*. Let 6be the fixed field of H and let i? = R* fIR. Let fi = R f 7 m*, t?ti = i? n m:. Then fi, 611,..., lite are exactly all the maximal ideals in i? and iij # f i g for i = 1,..., e.2 We can find c E R such that c 6m and c E for i = 1,..., e. Let c( = gac. Since c E R, we know
1 For results to be used from this theory, see Abhyankar [l: 97 and Proposition 1.25 of $31. 2 51,..., 6, need not all be distinct.
that c, c1, ...,ce are exactly all t:he 53-conjugates of c. Given i 5 e we can find j 2 e such thatgT1 E Hgi; and thengllc = gic = ci; sinceg7lfig = fi and c E f i g we get that ci E fi. Thus ci E tii and hence ci # c for i = 1,..., e. Suppose i f possible that ci = cg for some i # j, i.e., gic = gjc, i.e., ( g i g i l ) c = c ; now gag?1E Hgk for some k and hence c = (gig?l)c = gkc = Ck which contradicts what we have just proved. Thus c, c1,..., ce are all exactly the distinct %-conjugates of c, c E 53, c 4 3,and ci E tii for i = 1,..., e. Let F ( y ) = y e f l + alye + ... a, be the minimal monic polynomial of c over 53. Then al, ..., ae E R ; a1 $ m ; and at E fi f l R = M for all i > 1. Therefore $ F ( y ) = ( y + q(al))ye, e > 0, 0 # p(a1) E K. Since F ( y ) is irreducible in R [ y ] we have reached a contradiction to the assumption that R is weakly Henselian. I
We now summarize the above results in the following proposition.
(20.6) PROPOSITION. 1) Every (nonnull) homomorphic image of a Henselian ring is Henselian.
2) Let R be a Henselian quasilocal integral domain and let R’ be an overring of R such that R’ is an integral domain and R’ is integral over R. Then R‘ is quasilocal. 3 ) Let R be a Henselian local ring and let R* be an R-algebra which is a finite R-module (for instance R* = R). Then every nonnull R*-algebra which is ajinite R*-module is isomorphic to a direct sum of local rings.
4) If R is a normal quasilocal integral domain then: R is Henselian o every integral domain which is an overring of R and a finite R-module is quasilocal.
LEMMA. Let R be either a complete Hausdorf quasilocal 5 ) HENSEL’S normal integral domain (this includes the case of R = K[[xl,..., ~ n ] ]K, arbitrary), or R = K [( X I , ..., xn > I , K arbitrary complete nondiscrete valued. Then R i s Henselian.
REMARK. In Zariski-Samuel [2: $7 of Chapter VIII] for the case when R is complete, a more general form of Hensel’s lemma-known as the Bilinear Lemma-is proved and from it is deduced: i) Hensel’s lemma, and the fact that ii) a complete semilocal ring is a direct sum of local rings. I n our treatment we have preferred to deduce the analogous statements as corollaries of the Preparation Theorem. This has enabled us to include the case of K [ ( x l ,..., x n ) ] . Although K [ ( x l ,..., xn)] is not complete, it does share many properties of complete local rings, exactly because it is Henselian.
Let (R,m) be a local ring. For any nonempty (21.1) DEFINITION. subset A of R we define ordRA
rnax e such that A C me.
Note that: ordRA = ordRAR;
ordRA = 0 o A $ m ;
o r d d = co o A = (0).
In a natural way, m/m2 can be considered to be a (finite dimensional) vector space over the field Rim. For A C m, (AR + m2)/m2 is a subspace of this vector space, and we dejine rnkRA = vector space dimension of (AR + m2)/m2oveY R/m. Note that rnkRA = 0 e ordRA > 1. Let u1,..., u p E A C m. I n accordance with the usual situation in vector spaces, we shall say: ul,..., up are linearly independent mod m2 0 [alul + ...+ apup E m2 with ai E R s at ~m for i = 1,...,p ] ; u1,...,u p generate A mod m2 e [u E A 3 there exist a1,..., up E R such that u - a p l - ... - apup E m2]; u1,..., up form a basis of A mod m2 + [ul,..., u p generate A mod m2 and are linearly independent mod m2].
W e define emdim R = embedding dimension of R = rnkRm.
By (17.4) it follows that a set of elements in m generate m as an ideal in R, if and only if, they generate mmodm2. Therefore we get the equality in 1) below and the inequality there follows from (17.2).
1) emdim R = number of elements in any irredundant set of generators of m 5 dim R.
2) For anyproper ideal a in R we have: rnkRa
emdim R - emdim Ria.
PROOF.Let p: R -+R = Ria be the natural epimorphism. Take a basis u1,...,u p of a mod m2. We can find v1,..., vq E m such that U I ,..., u p , v1,..., up is a basis of rn mod m2. Obviously ~ ( V I )..., , p ( v a ) generate q(m) and hence - - it suffices to show that they are linearly independent mod p(m)2. Let bi, bi, ...i, be any elements in I? such that
2 bifp(Vi) = i=l Q
2 bi ,...iqp(.l>%..p(.g)ip.
..+iq = 2
Fix elements 6.1, bi ,...i, in R such that q(bi) = bi and y ( b il...iq) and let
Then w E a. Since u1,..., u p form a basis of a mod a1, ..., u p in R such that w - alul
m2, we
bi ,...ip,
can find elements
-... - a p u p E m2.
Since u1,..., up, v1,..., vq are linearly independent mod m2, all the elements . ai, bj must be in m ; whence in particular b1,...,b, ~ m Therefore 8 1 , ..., 6, E q(m).Thus ~ ( v l ..., ) , q ( v q )are linearly independent mod y(rn)2. (21.2) DEFINITION. Let p be a prime ideal in a noetherian ring S , let R = S p and m = pR. For elements in S , the concepts of ordR, mkR, and generators and basis and linear independence mod m2, are to be meant as for the images of these elements under the natural homomorphism S --f R. From properties of quotient rings we get the following.
1) Let wl,..., w p be a set of genrrators of p and let A be a nonempty subset of S . Then ordRA = max e surh that: given u E A, there exists a E S , a $ p, f o r which au E p e , i.e., au
= il+
...+ i , = e
ai,...ipU)il...~in 1 P
ai,...i, E S.
2) Elements u1,. .., uq in p are linearly independent mod m2 u [alul
+ aquq E p 2 with a1,...,a, E S a a1,..., ap.E p ] . u
+ ...
3) Let u1, ..., uq E A C p . Then $11,..., uq generate A mod m2 o [given A , there exist a E S , a 4 p , ai E S , b E p 2 such that au = alul +...
+ aqug + b].
A local ring R is said to be regular o emdim R (21.3) DEFINITION. dim R. For any regular local ring ( R , m) we have the following where 1) follows from Zariski-Samuel [2: Theorem 21 on p. 2921, and 2) and 3) follow from 1). =
1) Let
u1,..., un
be atzy irredundant set of generators of m and let v==
t l + . ..i i,, = p
a i l . . .ui1...dPL lnl
where ai1...irLare elements in R at least one of which is not in m. Then OrdRV = p .
2) ordR is a valuation function, i.e., ordR(uv) = (OrdRu) all u , v E R.
+ (ordRv) for
3) For all q 2 0 , the dimension of mg/m@+1as a vector space over Rjm equals (n+g+l) where n = dim R.
(21.4) Let R be a one dimensional local ring. Then R is regular o R is a normal integral domain o R is a real discrete valuation ring e R is a principal ideal domain. For instance see Northcott [l:Theorem 8 on p. 761.
(21.5) For any regular local ring R we have the following. 1) (Krull). R is a normal integral domain. 2) (Krull). For any proper ideal a in R we have dptRa
+ hgtRa = dim R.
3) (Cohen-Macaulay). Let a be aproper ideal in R such that a is generated by m elements where -m= hgtRa. Then hgtRp = m for every associated prime ideal p of a. For proofs see Zariski-Samuel
[2: Appendix 61 for 2) and 3).
3021 for 1) and Zariski-Samuel
(21.6) For any proper ideal a in a regular local ring ( R ,m) we have the following. 1)rnkRa = dim R - emdim Rja dim R - dim Rja = hgtRa. 2) The following jive conditions are equivalent. i) Rja is regular. ii) rnkRa = hgtaa. iii) rnkRa = dim R - dim Rja. iv) a can be generated by elements which are linearly independent mod tt?. v) There exists an irredundant set u1, ..., un of generators of m such that { U I , ..., um}R = a for some m.
PROOF.1) follows from (21.1, 21.5.2). By definition, Rja is regular if and only if emdim Rja = dim Rja, and hence the equivalence of i), ii), and iii) follows from 1). The equivalence of i) and iv) is proved in ZariskiSamuel [2: p. 3031. The equivalence of iv) and v) is obvious.
(21.7) Let (R,m) be a regular local ring and let v: R -+S be an epimorphism whose kernel is a proper ideal a in R such that rad a = a and a is generated by k elements where k = dim R - dim S. Then we have the fol Lowing. i) dim S / p = dim S for every prime ideal p of (0) in S. ii) For every nonunit nonzerodivisor M in S all the prime ideals of UShave height one. iii) If S is not an integral domain then there exist two distinct prime ideals and PZ of (0) in S such that hgts(p1 + 6 2 ) = 1. iv) If S, is regular for every prime ideal $3 of height one in S,1then S is a normal integral domain.
PROOF.iii) follows from i) and ii) by (19.19). iv) follows from ii) by (19.20). In virtue of (17.1, 21.5.2), the assumptions on a imply that a = p 1 n...np h where p 1 , ...,P h are distinct prime ideals in R such that hgtRpt = k and dptRpi = dim S for i = 1,...,h. Therefore p(p1),..., p(ph) are exactly all the distinct prime ideals in S having height zero, (0) = ~ ( p ln...n ) fp(ph) is the unique normal decomposition of (0) in and p(p1) U...Up(ph) is the set of all zerodivisors in S. Now dim S/q(pr) = dim R/Qi= dim S for i = 1,..., h, which proves i). To prove ii), take /3 E fp-l(cc) and let b = a + /3R. Then a C b C m and b Q pi for i = 1,..., h. Let b = n...nq: be a normal decomposition of b where qf is primary for pf. Since a C b Q: p i for i = 1,..., h, we get hgt& L k + 1 f o r j = 1,..., t , and hence hgtRb 2 k + 1. Since b is generated by k + 1 elements, (17.1) yields that hgtRb = k + 1, and then (21.5.3) yields that hgtRp* = k + 1 for j = 1,..., t. Therefore p(pT),...,~ ( p : )are 5 the prime ideals of crS and hgtscp(pf) = 1 for j = 1,..., t .
Let R be a regular local ring and let 2 be the (21.8) DEFINITION. quotient field of R. In virtue of (21.3.2), for any w = u/v E 2 with u, z, E R, v # 0, we can unambiguously set ordRw == OrdRU - OrdaV. Then ordR becomes a real discrete valuation of 2.Obviously for any
w E 2 we then have:
1") w
R * ordRw 1 0;
= 1 then, w E R o ordRw 2 0. More generally let S be a noetherian ring, let p be a prime ideal in S, and let R = Sp. Let st be the total quotient ring of S . Assume that R
2") if dim R
Note that by (19.14,21.4), S g is regular if and only if it is normal.
is regular. Let 2 be the quotient field of R and let f: R + 2 be the natural homomorphism. For any w E R set OrdRw
I n other words, write w = ujv with u, v E S , v a nonzerodivisor in S ; thenf(v) # 0 and ordRw = ordRf(u) - ordRf(v). For any nonempty subset A C si we may then set ordRA Note that for any w
min(ordRw). WEA
R we then have:
3") w ~ f - l ( R 5 ) ordRzo
4")if dim R
>= 0 ;
1 then, w ~ f - l ( Ru ) ordfiw 2 0.
In virtue of P ) , (19.17) and (19.24) can now be restated, respectively, as (21.9) and (21.10). (21.9) Let R be a normal noetherian integral domain and let 2 be the quotient field of R. Let !2 be the set of all prime ideals in R having height one. Then for any p E Q, R, is a one dimensional regular local ring; and f o r any w E 2 we have:
R 0 ordRpw 2 Qfor a l l p E a.
(21.10) Let R be a nonnull noetherian ring, let 2 be the total quotient ring of R, and let !2 be the set of all prime ideals in R of height one. Assume that i) radE(0) = (0); ii) for every prime ideal p of (0) in R, the integral closure of Rlp in the quotient field of Rlp is a finite (Rlp)-module;Z iii) R, is regular for all p E R;3 and iv) R contains a subring S such that S is a normal integral domain, R is integral over S, and every nonzero element in S is a nonzerodivisor in R. Then .for any w E 2 we have ; w is integral OZler R o ordRpw 2 0 for all p
E 51.
If R is an integral domain and the integral closure of R in 2 is noetherian, then condition ii) may be omitted; see (19.18). 3 Note that by (19.14, 21.4),R p is regular if and only if it is normal. Also note that if Q . = 0 then 2 = R.
$21. ORDER
(21.11) JACOBIAN Let (R, m) be the n dimensional regular local ring K[[xl,...,~ n ] or ] K [ (XI,..., x, )]. For any u E R, ordRu is then simply the leading degree ou of u. Let 9:m + m/m2 be the natural . 21,..., 2% is a basis of the K-epimorphism and let f j = ~ ( x j ) Then K-vector-space rnjm2. For any f E m, (af/axj)(O) is the coefficient of xj in the expansion off and hence
1) Let a = {gl,...,gm}R where gl,...,gm E m. From the above observation we get 1") and from it, in view of (21.6), we get 2") and 3"). rnkRa
J(Sl,..., gm) J(x1,..., Xn)
rnk '("'".'
g7n)(0)5 n
dim R/a,
and equality holds o Rla i s regular. rnk
3") If
J(g1,..9 gwJ JXI,...,
(0) = m
then Ria is a regular local ring of dimension n -
T o generalize the aboveresults, take 0 < e 5 n and let p = {XI,..., xe}R, S = Rp, n == pS, and si = K((xe+l, ...,xn)) or K( (Xe+l,..., x,)), respectively. Then Si C S, and R maps isomorphically onto Sin under the natural epimorphism S --f Sin. Now rnkRp = e and hence dim = hgtRp = e by (21.6.2). Since n is generated by the e elements xi,...,xe, it follows that ( S ,n) is an e dimensional regular local ring and xi,..., xe is a basis ] then of n mod n2. We can consider S to be a subring of si[[xl, ...,~ e ] and for any u E S, ordsu is simply the leading degree of u as an element in XI,..., x e ] ] . For any f E m we can uniquely write
f ==
...+ i , > l
fiL...ie)xil...xie ~e
with f(i),
f(tl*..ie) E
K[[xe+l, ..., x W ] ] or K[ 0 and assume that S= U L [ [ x l..., , x,-l]] LEQ is noetherian. Let an ideal a in R be given. Let =
bi = {cp
S : cpxi + 1bxk+1E a for some $ E R}.
Then bo C 61 C b2 C... are ideals in S. Consequently there exists h such that bi = bAfor all i 2 A, and bi has a finite basis { c p t j : j = 1,..., p] for all i 5 A. Now
+ $ijxi+fl E
fij = ~ i j x :
for some
#ij E
We claim that {fgj: i = 0,...,A ; j = 1,..., p } is a basis of a. So let g E a be given. We can find L E L 2 such that all the elements g and $ i j are in I? and all the elements qij are in 3, where I? = L [ [ x ~ , ~ . . , x and ,]] = L[[Xl, ..., x,.-1]]. Let hi == bg n Then $0 C $l C b2 C... are
bi Gh
ideals in S, = for all i 2 A; and by (22.4) we have that = (pil, ..., p t r ) S for all i 5 A. Now take over the proof of (22.1) beginning
with “By induction on p...” with 8, 6r replacing S, R , bl, respectively. This yields elements aij E (i = 0,..., A; j = 1,..., p), and elements u1,..., ufl E such that
This completes the induction on n and proves that R is noetherian. It is obvious that {XI, ..., xn)R is the ideal of all nonunits in R. Also obviously ( 0 ) C { q ) R C...C {XI, ..., xn)R is a chain of distinct prime ideals in R. Therefore R is an n-dimensional regular local ring. Also R* is clearly a completion of R and R is integral over K [ [ x l..., , xn]].
Parameters in Power Series Rings To avoidrepetitionwelet [{ }] stand for [[I] or [ ( )]. Thus K [ { x l ..., , xn}] stands for K [ [ x l ..., , x,]] or K [( X I ..., , x,)] ;in the latter case it beingunderstood that K is a complete nondiscrete valued field. I n a single context, only one of these meanings of [{ }] is to be taken consistently. Thus for instance, the considerations of $23 hold with [{ }] always standing for [[ I], and they also hold with [{ }] always standing for [ ( )]. Correspondingly, ({ }) will stand for (( )) or ( ( )). $23. PARAMETERS FOR IDEALS Let R = K[{xl,..., xn}] and 5' = K [ { x l ,..., xe}], e S n. Let m be the maximal ideal in R. Let R be the quotient field of S. If for a proper ideal a in R we have a fl S = {0}then we shall identify Swith the corresponding subring of Ria. Let a be a proper ideal in R. Elements y1, ..., y p (23.1) DEFINITION. in R are said to form a system of parameters for R mod a o their residue classes mod a form a system of parameters for Ria, i.e., o dim Ria = p and { y l ,...,yp, a} R is primary for m. a is said to be regular relative to S o { X I , ..., xe} form a system of parameters for R mod a.
LetaCbbeproper idealsin Randletyl, ...,y , E R . If { y ~...,yp, , a}R m then so is { y l ,...,y p ,b}R. If { y l ,...,y p }form a system of parameters for R mod a then: { y l ,...,y p }form a system of parametevs for R mod b o dim Ria = dim Rib. Obvious. (23.2)
is primary for
(23.3) Let a be a proper ideal in R. For any element or subset r of R let F denote the image of r under the natural epimorphism R --f Ria. Let Ri = K [ ( x..., ~ ,x i } ] .
1) Assume that { X I , ...,Te,a}R isprimary,for m.Then dimR = dim s 5 e, = S[&+l,..., a n ] , and R is integral over 3. Furthermore a has a$nite basis consisting of elements in S[xe+l,..., ~ n ]OY, equivalently (a n S[xe+l,...,x n ] ) R = a. Given w E R, there exists a monic polynomial F( T ) of positive degree in T with coeficients in S such that F(w) E a; if w E m then F( T ) may be chosen to be a distinguished polynomial in T with coeficients in S. In particular for all i > e, a contains a distinguished polynomial Fi(xi) of positive degree in xg with coeficients in S.
..., xe, a}R is primary for m o R is integral over S. 3) { X I , ..., x, a}R is primary for m ofor all i > e, a contains a
polynomial in x i with coeficients in Rg-1.
is regular relative to S
o { X I , ..., X e ,
a}R is primary for m and dim 2 e o { X I ,..., x,, a}R is primary for m and S n a = (0). Proof of 1). Assertion being trivial for e = n, suppose that e < n. By assumption { X I , ..., xe, a}R is primary for m and obviously { X I ,..., xn-1)R is not primary for m. Hence a Q (XI, ..., xn-l}R. Takef(x1, ...,X n ) E a such that f 6 { X I ,..., x n - l } R , i.e., f ( 0,..., 0, xqZ)# 0. By Preparation Theorem (10.3.1, 10.3.2), upon multiplyingfby a unit in R we can arrange thatf is a distinguished polynomial in 2%with coefficients in Rn-1, and for each g E R we can write g = qf + r, with q E R and r E R n - l [ ~ n ] .Hence R = R n - l [ Z n ] , and 2% is integral over Rn-1, i.e., W is integral over 8 , - 1 . Hence by (19.7), dim R = dim&-1, and (31,..., 2 e ) R n - l is primary for the maximal ideal in a n - , , i.e., { X I , ...,xe, Rn-1 n ajRn-1 is primary for the maximal ideal in Rn-1. If e < n - 1, then replacing R and a by Rn-1 and Rn-1 n a in the above argument, we deduce that dim Rn-l = dimWn-2, { X I , ..., xe,-Rn-z n a}R,-2 is primary for the maximal ideal in Rn-2, Rn-2 = R n - l [ f n - l ] , and Rn-1 is integral over A n - 2 . If e < n - 2 then .... Thus by induction it follows that dimR = dim 3, R = S[&+l,..., Z n ] , and I? is integral over 3. Obviously dim s dim S = e. Let w E R be given. Since ZZ is integral over 3, we can find a monic polynomial F( T ) E S [TI of positive degree in T such that F(w) E a. Suppose that w E m. Then F ( 0 ) E {w, a}R C m and hence by Preparation Theorem F( T ) = G( T)H(7') where G(T ) is a distinguished polynomial of positive degree in T with coefficients in S , and H( T ) E S [ T ]such that H(0) is a
4 23.
unit in S. Since w E m, H(w) is a unit in R. Now G(w)H(w)= F(w) E a and hence G(w)E a. For i > e, xi is in m and hence there exists a distinguished polynomial Fi(T) of positive degree in T with coefficients in S such that Fi(xi)E a ; obviously Fi(xi) is a distinguished polynomial of positive degree in xi with coefficients in S. Let u,, (A = 1,..., A), be a basis of a. By Preparation Theorem we can write uA = sA+ tnFfi(xn)where t , E R and SA =
2 5
s A ~ xE~ R n - l [ ~ n ]
s A E ~
Again by Preparation Theorem = sij
where tij
+ tijFn-1(Xn-l)
E Rn-1
S, =
2 Sijkxk-1 E Rn-2[~n-1]
s,(gk E R12-2.
So on. I n this manner we can write UA =
with s):
E S[xe+l,
c n
..., ~ n and ] tXP E R. Consequently
(Fe+l(xe+l),, Fn(xn), - 7 sX} is a basis of a consisting of elements in S[xe+l, ..., ~ n and ] hence Q = (a n S[xetl, ...,xn])R. Proof of 2). “+” is proved in 1). Now (51,..., &}S is primary for the maximal ideal in 3.Hence, if I? is integral over S t h e n by (19.7), {51,..., %e)R is primary for the maximal ideal in 8,i.e., {XI ,..., xe, a}R is primary for m. Pyoof of 3). “=>” is proved in 1). “e”: For i > e, Ri n a contains a monic polynomial f in xi with coefficients in Ri-1; by Preparation Theorem every element g in Ri can be written as g = qf + Y with q E Ri and Y E Ri-l[xi]; hence Bi = &-1[&] and I& is integral over Ri-1. Therefore l? = S [ 5 e + l , ..., 2n] and l? is integral over S. Therefore by 2), {XI ,..., Xe, a}R is primary for m.
Proof of 4).Follows from 1) in virtue of the fact that dim ?!,’
s n a = (0).
(23.4) Let p
dim S 0
5 q be proper ideals in R such that p is prime and p is regular
relatiee to S. Then S
Z (0).
PROOF, Otherwise by (23.3.3, 23.3.4), q would be regular relative to S and then we would have dim Rlp = dim R/q in contradiction to the assumption that p is prime. (23.5) Assume that K is injnite and let ah, (A = 1,..., A), be a Jinite number of proper ideals in R. V i a a ‘kenerid’l nonsingular K-linear transformation on X I , ...,2% it can be arranged that ah is regular relative to K[{xl,..., x e A } ] ,where eA = dim R/a,, for X = 1,..., A.
PROOF. Induction on n. Trivial for n = 0. So let n > 0 and assume true for n - 1. Relabel a1,..., a, so that ah # (0) for A 5 A’ and ah = (0) for X > A’. Let 0 # P( ..., Afj,...) E K [..., Afj ,...] be given where Aij, ( i , j = 1,..., n), are indeterminates. Take 0 # f A ( x l..., , xn) E ah for h 2 A’. By Preparation Theorem (10.3.6) we can find azj E K , (i,j = 1 ,..., n), with P(..., ail,...) # 0 and det((a8j)) # 0, such that taking n
yt = and letting
gh(yl,..-,y n )
2a i m ,
(i = I,..., n)
E K [ ( y l , . - , yn}]
= fh(x1,..., x n ) ,
we have that g h = g:Gr’ whereg? is a unit in R and GF)is a distinguished polynomial in y n with coefficients in Rn-1 = K[{y1,...,yn-l}], for all X 5 A’. Let Q (..., Btj,...) be the polynomial inindeterminatesBij, ( i ,j = 1,..., n - l), with coefficients in K obtained by first substituting n
2BikUkj k =1
for Aij, (i,j = 1,...,n),
P(..., Aij,...) and then putting 0 for B n j 0 for B t n 1 for B n n .
Let xi =
Cn bijyj
j =1 1 See
footnote 3 in $10.
for all for all
where brj
j # n, i #
(i,j = 1,... n ) ,
§ 23.
are to be chosen so that:
and obviously
for i = 1,..., n ;
3 =1
det((caj:))z,j=i,...,n # 0;
Sij =
Xn = yn;
1 0
Q(..., S t j , ...)z , j = i ,..., n-i
i = j
= f'(..., atj
,..., n-1.
,...) t , j = l ,..., n f 0.
Hence Q(...,Bij,...) is a nonzero polynomial. By induction hypothesis we can find bi, E K , (i,j = 1,..., n), satisfying properties 1") such that Rn-1 aA is regular relative to K [ ( z l ,..., ~ e , } ] , for some en 5 n - 1, for all h 5 A'. By (23.3.3, 23.3.4), for h 5 A' and en < i < n, Rn-1 n a, (0 contains a monic polynomial GA in zi with coefficients in K[{xl,...,xi-111, and {0} = K [ { z l ..., , ~e,}] f l an) = K[{zl,..., ~ e , ] ] n ah. Since G',"' E aA, again by (23.3.3, 23.3.4) we conclude that an is regular , xe,}] for all X 5 A'; by definition we must have relative to K [ { z l ..., e A = dim R/an. For all h > A', obviously ah = ( 0 ) is regular relative to K [ ( z ~..., ,~ n )= ] R.
In view of (23.3), (23.5) can be formulated in the following slightly stronger form.
(23.6) Assume that K is infinite and let ah, ( A = 1,..., A), be a finite number of proper ideals in R. Let p 6 n and assume that for all i > p and h 5 A, ahcontainsamanicpolynomialin x i withcoeficients in K[{xi,...,xl-i)].
Then via a generic nonsingular K-linear transformation on XI,..., x p it can be arranged that aAisregular relative to K[{xl,.., xen)]where dim R/aA= e , 6 p , for all X 5 A. Apply (23.5) to K [ { x l ,..., xp}] n aA, (A = 1,..., A), and then invoke (23.3). Let p be a prime ideal in R such that p is regular (23.7) DEFINITION. relative to S. Then by (23.3),the quotient field 2 of R/p is a finite algebraic extension of the quotient field Si of S. If furthermore 2 is separable over R then we shall say that p is strictly regular relative to S. In (24.5) we shall show that given a prime ideal p in R, via a generic nonsingular K-linear transformation on X I , . .., x n it can be arranged that p is strictly regular relative to K [ { x l ,..., xe,}], e’ = dim R/p. For characteristic zero, “strictly regular” and “regular” are of course one and the same thing.
(23.8) Assume that K is infinite. Let p be a prime ideal in R and let = R/p. 1) For any proper ideal ii in R we have dptg6 f hgtiii
2) For any prime ideal q in R with p C q we have hgtRq = hgtRp
+ hgtiq/p.
..., iube the associated prime ideals of 6. By definition, d p t G = max(dptizp1,..., dpt&);
and hgtiia = min(hgtj&, Hence if
dpt&& + hgt& = dim l?
then dptRZ
..., hgt&). for i = 1,..., u,
+ hgtfiii = dim 2.
Thus it suffices to prove 1) when 6 is prime. Let 6 = q/p. R being regular, by(21.5.2) we get hgtRq = dim R - dptRq
dim R - dptRp.
dptRp = diml?.
Also obviously dptRq
$23. Therefore hgtRq
+ hgtRq o dptiiq + hgt&j = dim r‘i.
Thus only using the fact that R is regular we have shown that to prove (23.8) it suffices to prove any one of the following two statements. 1’) For any prime ideal ij in R we have dptRq + hgtRij = dimR. 2’) For any prime ideal q in R with p C q we have hgtRq
+ hgtiiq/p.
We prove 1’). Let e‘ = diml?. By (23.5) we can arrange that p is regular , xe,}]. Then S’ is a normal integral domain, relative to S’ = K [ ( x l ..., and by (23.3) R is an overring of S‘ and I? is integral over S ’ . Since R is an integral domain, by (19.3, 19.4) dptEq
dpts.(q f l S’)
hgtRq = hgts,(q
n S‘).
Since S‘ is regular, by (21.5.2) dpts,(q n 5’’) + hgtsl(q f l S’) = dim S’ = e’ = dim I?.
(23.9) REMARK.(23.8) remains oalid for an arbitrary regular local ring R. As shown above it suffices to prove 2’). Let R‘ = R,. Then hgtRq
dim R‘,
Now R’ is regular (see 25.6 and 25.7. 2”), and hence by (21.5.2) we have dptRjpR’
+ hgtR,pR’ = dim R’.
(23.10) DEFINITION. Let a be a proper ideal in R such that n...n p u where p l ,..., p u are distinct prime ideals in R and dim(R/pi) = dim(R/a) for i = 1,..., u;in other words a = rad a and a is unmixed. Let a, : R +r’i = Ria be the natural epimorphism. Let 2 be the total quotient ring of R . Assume that a is regular relative to S. Then by (23.2), p 1 , ..., p u are all regular relative to S. Now a,(pl) U...U a,(pu) is the set of all zerodivisors in I?, and p 1 n S = .,.= pu f l S = (0). Hence a nonzerodivisor in S remains a nonzerodivisor in I?. Therefore the quotient field A of S can be considered to be a subring of 2,
= p1
Let z
R be given. Then
where F( T ) is a uniquely determined monic polynomial of positive degree in T with coefficients in 53. We set
F( T) = minimal monic polynomial of z mod a over S. Let Fi( T) be the minimal monic polynomial of z mod p i over S. Now S is a unique factorization domain, and Rlpi is an integral domain which is integral over S. Therefore Ft( T ) E S[T], Fi(z) E p t , Fi(T) is irreducible in R[T] as well as in S [ T ] ,and [Hi(T) E S[T] with Hi(z) E p i + Ft(T) divides Hi(T)in S[T]]. Let F*( T ) be the product of the distinct (and hence coprime) elements of the set {Fl(T),..., Fu(T)). Then F*(T) is a monic polynomial of positive degree in T with coefficients in S, F*(z) E p 1 n...np u = a, and [H(T) E S [ T ]with H ( z ) E a
H(z) E p i for i = 1,..., u 3 Ft(T) dividesH(T)in S [ T ] for i = l,..,,u * F*(T) divides H ( T )in S [ T ] ] . 3
[G(T)€&[TI with G(pz) = 0
* there exists 0 #
such that H ( T ) = aG(T) E S[T]
and then H(z) E a G-F*( T ) divides H( T ) in S [TI
* F*( T ) divides G( T ) in si[ TI]. Therefore F*( T ) = F( T ) . Thus we have proved the following.
1) The minimal monk polynomial F( T ) of z mod a over S is the unique monicpolynomial (of positive degree) in S[TI with thefollowing two properties:
i) F(z) € a . ii) H( T) E S[TI with H(z) E a o F( T) divides H( T) in S[T]. Equivalently, let q ~ i: R -+ R/pc be the natural epimorphism, and let Fi( T) be the minimal monicpolynomial (in the sense offield extensions) of pt(z)over R ; then F i ( T ) E S[T] for i = 1,..., u, and F(T) is product of the distinct (or equivalently, coprime) elements of the set {FI(T),..., Fu(T)). Note that
2) If z E m then F( T) is a distinguished polynomial in T with coefficients
in S.
By (23.3) there exists a distinguished polynomial G ( T ) in T with coefficientsin S such that G(z)E a. By l), F( T ) divides G( T ) in S [ T ]and hence F( T ) is also distinguished. From 1) we also get
3) If PI,...,p u are strictly regular relative to S then F( T ) is a separable poly nomiaI.
(23.11) Let b = p l n...np u where p 1 , ..., p u , (u > 0), are distinct prime ideals in R of depth e, such that b is regular relative to S. Let : R -+i? = R/b be the natural epimorphism. Let 0 # s E S and q E R be such that +(szi)E S[+(y)] for i = 1,..., m. Let f ( T ) E S [ T ] be monic of positive degree in T such that f ( q ) E 6, and let A be the T-discriminant of f( T ) . Then A E c(i?).
PROOF.Let 5~ = +(xi) and w = +(q). Then s& E S[w] for i = 1, ..., m. B y (23.3), l? = S[c1,..., Let F ( T ) be the minimal monic polynomial of 7 mod b over S. Then taking R for R in (19.25.4) we get that AF E c(l?). Now F ( T ) dividesf(T) in S [ T ]and hence Ap divides A in Sby(17.10.5). Therefore A E c(l?).
(23.12) Let b be a proper ideal in R such that all the isolated primary components of b are prime ideals and have the same depth. Assume that b is regular relative to S. By (23.2), also rad b is then regular relative to S. Let q E R be given. Let F( T ) be the minimal monic polynomial of 7 mod rad b over S. Let a monic polynomial f ( T ) E S [ T ] be given such that f(7)E b. Let A be the T-discriminant of f ( T ) . Then there exists a positive integer N such that ANF(7) E b. PROOF. f ( 7 ) E b C rad b implies that f ( T ) = F( T ) G ( T )where G(T)ES [ T ] is monic. Hence by (17.10.5, 17.10.6), A = F(T)F*(T) + G(T)G*(T) with F*(T), G * ( T ) ~ [ T ]Let . b = p l n ...n p , n $ nq; be a normal decomposition of b where p 1 , ...,ptl are the minimal prime ideals of b and the prime ideals p ; , ..., p ; of q;, ..., qz are the imbedded prime ideals of 6. Then rad b = p l n...npu and hence F(q) E p1 n...npu. Given j 5 v , we have that pt C p; for some i and hence F(q) E therefore : G(d E P3* * A = F(rl)F*(d + G(+*(?1) E P; 3 ANj E qf for some N5 > 0; and G(d 6 * [JkJ)G(77) = f(d E b c $ 9 G ( d P71 * F(9) E 97; consequently either ANj E q? or F(7) E 9;”.
~ 7 ;
Let N = CNj where the sum is taken over allj, (1 5 j 5 F(?) 6 q;. Then ANF(?) E p1 fl...fl pu fl q; n...llq; = b.
for which
For an integral domain H of characteristic p # 0, we set1
{hp: h E H } ,
Hllp = {h E a fixed algebraic closure of the quotient field of H : hp E H}. HP and Hllp are then integral domains and Hp C H C HI@. Note that h + hP is an isomorphism of H onto Hp. Also note that obviously (Hp)l'p = H. Recall that a field H is said to be perfect if either H is of characteristic zero or H is of characteristic p # 0 and Hp = H. (24.1) Let K be a perfect field of characteristic p # 0. Let = K[{xl,..., xn>] and $332 = K({xl,...,x,}). Then R = RP[xl,..., x,] %TI = %JP[x1,..., x,], [%Jl : ' J J P ] = pn, and R is a finite RP-module.
PROOF. Eachf in K [ [ x l ..., , x,]
can uniquely be written as
is a vector space basis of 2 over 2p. Consequently 2 = 2p(%). 2 is separable over 9 . 3
(24.6) Weierstrassian rings.4 Let R and R’ be integral domains such that R‘ is 1) DEFINITION. an overring of R. R’ is said to be an almost finite integral extension of R if R‘ is integral over R and the quotient field of R‘ is a finite algebraic extension of the quotient field of R. R‘ is said to be aJinite integral extension of R if R‘ is a finite R-module. 3 Let R be any field of characteristic p # 0 and let 2 be any finite algebraic extension of R. Then 2 is separable over R o 2 = Qp(R); Zariski-Samuel [l: Theorem 8 on p. 691. 4Results of (24.6) will not be used elsewhere. T h e concept of a Weierstrassian ring and Proposition (24.6.2) are due to Nagata [Z:921.
9 24.
A family G = {Go, G I ,..., Gn,...} of sets of rings is called a Weierstrassian family provided the following three conditions hold. i) Every member of G, is a Henselian regular local ring of dimension n. ii) Every almost finite integral extension of R R-module.
Gn is a finite
iii) If p is a prime ideal of height one in R E Gn then R/p is isomorphic to a finite integral extension of a member of Gn-1. An n dimensional local ring R is said to be a Weierstrassian ring provided there exists a Weierstrassian family G = {Go, G I ,..., Gn,...} of rings such that R is isomorphic to a member of Gn.
2) (Nagata). Let R be a Weierstrassia? ring, let I? be the completion of R, let 9JI be the quotient field of R and Let be the quotient field of 8.Then ,332 is relatively algebraically closed in m.5 Let p be a prime ideal in R. Then p R is a prime ideal in R. Let R' be a finite integral extension of R and let R' be the completion of R'. Then R' is an integral domain. If furthermore R' is normal and the quotient jield of R' is separable over the quotient jield of R then R' is normal.
Taking Gn = K [ { x l ,..., x g Z } where ] K is infinite perfect, in virtue of (20.6.5, 24.3.1, 23.5) we see that K [ { x l ,..., xl%}]is a Weierstrassian ring. ] R/p is Also by (24.5), if p is a prime ideal in R = K [ { x l ,..., ~ n } then isomorphic to a finite integral extension R' of K [ { x l ,..., xe)], (e = dim R/p), such that the quotient field of l?' is separable over K ( { X..., ~ ,xe)). Noting that K[{x1,..., xa}] is a unique factorization domain, 2) yields the following.
~ ~ n ) ] I? ) = K [ [ x..., ~ , x,]], '331 = K ( { x,..., ~ xn)) ,3) Let R = K [ { x,..., '331 = K((x1,..., xn)), where K is infinite perfect. Then YJI is relatively aigebraically closed in q . 5 Let p be any prime ideal in R, let R = R/p and R = completion of R, (a z l ? / p R ) . T h e n p is an integral domain, i.e., pI? is prime. If furthermore I? is normal then R normal. More generally let 2' be any Jinite integral extension of R and let R' be the completion of 17'. Then is an integral domain. If furthermore I?' is normal and the quotientjield of R' is separable over the quotient field of l? then R' is normal. Taking p to be principal, we see that any irreducible nonunit in R remains irreducible in 8.
That is, every element in W which is algekraic over il31 is already in XR. Since R is normal, this implies that R is integrally closed in 9X.
(25.1) LEMMA. Let R* be a field and let R be a subjield of R*. Let (zl,..., zm) be indeterminates over R*. Then we have the following.
1) Acyfinite number of elements of R* which are linearly independent over
R are linearly independent over R(z).
2) For any ideal b in R[z] we have R[z] fl bSi*[z] = 6.
PROOF.1) is obvious. To prove 2) let u E R[z] fl bA*[z] be given. u E bR*[z] implies that u = Cadbg with ai = at(z) E R*[z], bt E b. Let I
W be the set of all the coefficients of all the elements ad(z). Let d1,..,, de be a R-basis of the 53-vector space spanned by W u (l},where we take dl = 1. Then aj = Cdrafj with aff E R[z]. Let b: = Ta2jbj. Then bf E b i and u = Cdgbf. By I), d1,..., de are linearly independent over R(z). t Since a, b; ,..., b,* E R(z) and dl = 1, we get 0: = bT E b. Let R be afield and let z = (21,..., z m ) be indeterminates (25.2) LEMMA, over 53. Let g 0), in R[z]. Each pj is maximal in R[z], and for the natural we have that: 25 is afinite algebraic epimorphism $ j : R[z] --f 2J = R[z]/p5 extension of R and 2j = R[$j(zl),..,,(Gj(znL)],(since pj f l 53 = (0}, we identify 53 with $j(R)). p1,
2) If furthermore the xi-discriminant of g$(zi)is nonzero for i = l,.,.,m, then rad b = b. Proof of 1). Let R* be an algebraic closure of 53. Suppose if possible that 1 = Cgr(zi)ff(z) withfi(z) E R[z]. Let at be a root of gt(zt) in R*. Then 1 = Cgi(at)fi(a1,..., a,) = 0 which is a contradiction. Therefore b # R[z].Let p be a prime ideal in R[z] containing b and let y5: R[z] -+f? = R[z]/p be the natural epimorphism. Then 2 = R[$z1,..., y5zmn] andy5z.l is algebraic over 53 since gt($zi) = 0. Therefore 2 is a finite algebraic extension of R. The rest is now obvious. Proof of 2). Let S* be an algebraic closure of 9. Note that the discriminant of gi(zt) is the same whether gi(zi) is considered as an element of R[z]or of R*[z]. If rad(bR*[z])
then by (25.1.2) we would get that
rad b C [rad(bSi*[z])]
n R[z] = b.
Thus it suffices to show that rad(bR*[z]) = bR*[z], i.e., we may assume that 53 is algebraically closed. Then by l), 2j = 53. Let aij = #pi E St. Then xi - at5 E p5. Now
alj,..., z m
- @mj}R[z]
is a maximal ideal in R[z] contained in p j and hence it equals pj. For any f ( z c ) E R[zi] we have # j f ( x i ) = f ( a t j ) , and hence f ( z r ) E p5 of(acj) = 0. Now g i ( z i ) = (zi - aij)fi(zi) with f i ( a t j ) # 0. Therefore b(Si[z])p, = pj(H[z])p,
for j
1,..., u.
Therefore b = rad 6. Let S be an integral domain and let x = (xi,..., Xm) be (25.3) LEMMA. indeterminates. Let g i ( z i ) be a monic polynomial of degree di > 0 in zi with coejicients in S. Let 0 # f E S[z]be such that degz,f < di for i = 1,..., m. Then
f $ {gl(z1),.-.,gm(zm.)}S[zl. PROOF.Induction on m. Trivial for m = 1. So let m > 1 and assume true for m - 1. Suppose if possible that
E {g1(a),...,g m ( z m ) } S [ ~ l .
Then m
f =
2figi(zt) i =1
with f i
E St.].
Since gm(zm) is monic, we can write
fi where qi
E S[z]
+ ri
for i = 1,..., vz - 1,
rd =
C rg5zi
5 =o
rij E S
[ Z ..., ~ ,~m-11.
f -
2 rigi(zi) = [ f m + *=l 2 qigi(zi)]gm(xm)-
i =1
Since the degree of the left hand side in znLis < dnl and since S[z1,...,~m-11 is an integral domain, we must have
By assumption
with s3 E S [ Z I..., , zm-11
j =O
deg,&sj< di Equating coefficients of
2 rijgi(xi)
for i
1, ..., m - 1.
in 1") we get
m-1 ~j
such that
i =1
for j = 0, ..., dm - I,
and hence by induction hypothesis s j = 0 f o r j = 0)..., dm - 1, i.e., f
(25.4) LEMMA. Let y = ( y l ,..., ye), x = (21 ,...) zm), S = K [ { y } ] , = K [ { y ,z } ] ,R* = S[z].Let gi(zi) be a distinguis~dpolynomialof degree di > 0 in zi with coeflcients i n S. Let a* = { g i ( z I ) ,...,gm (zm)}R*. Then we have the following.
1) R* n a*R = a*.
2) If 0
E R*
is such that deg,, f < di for i
1,...,m, then f
4 a*R.
Proof of 1). Induction on m. Take m = 1. Let a E a*R. Then a = qgi(z1) with q E R. Assume a G R* = S[z1].Since gl(z1) is a distinguished polynomial in XI, by Preparation Theorem (10.3.3) it follows that q E S[zl], i.e., a E a*. Now take m > 1 and assume true for m - 1. Let H = K [ { y l ..., , ye, z1)...,zm-l}]. Let a E R* n a*R be given. We want to show that a E a*. Since a E R* we can write N
2=O a j z i
aj E S[zl)...,x,-l]
and N is an integer.
Since gm(zm) is monic, we can write 2 ;
(li, Fj E S [ x m ] ,
degZ,j" < dm.
3 25. Then
a =
5 =O
Also a-
S[z1,..., ~ m - 1 1 .
a j i j ) g f a ( z m ) Egm(zm)R*
Hence u E a*R and it suffices to show that a write m
a =
2 figi(zt) i =1
c a*.
a*. Since a E a*R we can
fi E R.
By Preparation Theorem (10.3.1), we can write
+ ri with
fi = qigm(xm)
ri =
5 =O
qi E
R z
rij E H
l,..., m - 1.
We thus get
The left-hand side is a polynomial of degree 0), are distinct prime ideals in R of depth e. Now Tagi(xi) is a monic polynomial of positive degree in x i with coefficients in S and Tagi(zi) E -cap C b for i = 1,...,m. Therefore 6, p1, ..., p p are regular relative to S by (23.3). I n particular p1 r\ S = ...= p p fl S = {O}. Now 0 # .,A E S and $(PI) U...U $(p,) is the set of all zerodivisors in R. Therefore $(T~A)is a nonzerodivisor in R. (111) Let 77
= T ~ W .Now (TaA)xi
++~a~i) = - ~ i ( 7 a A+ ) (.aA)(~a~i) = ( 7 a A ) ( - C$
= - c ~ ( T ~ A+) ~ , h i ( w mod ) ~~p
For a = (b, c)
by 1")
Hi(q) Y x Z and s E S such that s is convergent at b we have: T ~ = S TbS.
H i( T ) = - Ci(TbA) +
2") (TaA)Zi = Hi(7)mod.c,p
Cf (Tahij)Ti with
Hi(T) E S [ T ] , for i = 1, ...,m.
Then f ( T) is a monic polynomial of positive degree in T with coefficients in S, and f ( T ) = f ( ~ w=) ~ a Q ( wE) ~ a p . Also
TaA = T b h
is the T-discriminant off( T ) .
(IV) Now ~~p C b and hence f ( 7 ) E b. By 2") we get that+(szr) E S[+(q)] for i = 1,..., m, where 0 # s = .raA E S. Therefore + ( T ~ AE)c(R) by (23.1 1). (26.4) Assume that p is prime and K is perfect. Also assume that there exists a neighborhood X* of the origin in such that for any a E V n X* and any minimal prime ideal ij of ~~p we have dim RIP = dim Rlp. Then there exists a neighborhood X of the origin in X* such that rad TQ = TQ f o r all a EX.
PROOF. Note that for a $ V , ~~p = R = rad ~ ~ Hence p . it suffices to consider a E V . Assertion being trivial for p = (0) we may also assume that p # (O}. Take over Part (I) of the proof of (26.3). Since p is prime and A $ p we have that [r E R, Ar E p r E p ] . Therefore by (15.3), upon replacing Y and 2 by suitably smaller neighborhoods of the origins in Ke and Km, respectively, we can arrange that:
E R,
( T ~ A )EYT a p
From this it follows that for all a E X we have:
(T~A)M rE
~~p for some M > 0
r E~
Let a = (6, c) E V n ( Y x 2 )be given. Then for i = 1, ..., m: Tagi(xi) is a monic polynomial of positive degree in x( with coefficients in S , its constant term is a nonunit in S , and its xi-discriminant equals T&. Let a = {Tugl(a),..., ~ a g m ( z m ) > R .
By (25.8), a is an intersection of prime ideals of depth e. Now a C ~~p
3 27.
and by assumption dim R/Tup = e. Therefore by (23.3), r a p is regular relative to S. Let 9 be any isolated primary component of r a p and let @ be the corresponding prime ideal. Since a C ~ ~ wep can , find a prime ideal n of a such that n C p. Now dim R/n = e and by assumption dim R / @= e. Therefore n = @.Since a C ~~p we get
= [ ~ R IflI ]R C [ ( ~ a p ) R nf ] Rl=
Therefore 6 = i j . Thus ~~p is regular relative to S and all the isolated primary components of ~~p are prime and have the same depth. Take over Part (111) of the proof of (26.3). Let F( T ) be the minimal monic polynomial of 7 mod rad ~~p over S. Taking ~~p for b in (23.12), we find a positive integer N such that By 3") we then get
(.a*A)NF(.l) E Tap.
F(7) E TaP. Let 7 E R be given. Since ~~p is regular relative to S, by (23.3) there p . by (26.3.2"), there exists exists 7' E S[x] such that r -= r' mod ~ ~ Hence P ( T ) E S [ T ]and a positive integer M such that (.r,A)M
= P(7)mod ~ , p .
Now assume that 7 E rad ~ ~ Then p . P(7) E rad ~ ~ Therefore p . F(T) divides P ( T ) in S [ T ] . Consequently P(7) E ~~p by 4"). Therefore ( T ~ A ) M7 E zap by So), and hence 7 E ~~p by 3"). Thus rad -cup = ~ ~ p . $27. DIMENSION OF AN INTERSECTION
In this section we want to give an elementary proof of (27.8). In (27.1) to (27.5), K is assumed to be infinite and perfect.
(27.1) Let x = (XI ,..., xn), ;E = (21,..., x",), R = K[{x}],l? = KC{.")], S = K[{x,x"}]. Let a and ii be proper ideals in R and a respectively. Then (as + as) n R = a and ( a s $- 6 s ) n l? = 6. For instance we prove (as + 6 s ) R = a. Let
2i ar(x)gr(x, 2) + 2 Lij(f)g;(x, I
with a i ( x ) E a, iij(2) E 6. Since ii is proper, we must have iij(0) = 0. Substituting x" = 0 in the equation forf(x) we get
0) E a.
( X I ,...,~ m )n, = e + m, x i = yt, xe+i = zi, Let F ( T ) be a monic polynomial of positive degree in an indeterminate Twith coeflcients in K [ b } ] If . F( T ) is irreducible in K[(r}][ TI then F ( T ) is irreducible in K({x})[T]. Write F ( T ) = F(y, T ) . Since F ( T ) is monic and K[{x}] is a unique then we would factorization domain, if F ( T ) were reducible in K({x})[T] have F(y, T) = G(y, x, T)H(y,z, T) where G and H are monic polynomials of positive degrees in T with coefficients in K[{y,z } ] . Putting z = 0 this would yield the factorization F(y, T ) = G(y, 0, T)H(y, 0, T) in KC{Y}l[Tl*
(27.2) Let y
x =
= ( ~,...,ye), 1 z=
(27.3) L e t y = ( y l ,...,ye), x = (21,..., ~ m )n, = e + m, xi = yi, xe+i = zi, (XI, ..., xn), R = K[{x}],and let p be a prime ideal in R which is strictly
x =
regular d a t i v e to K[{y}]. Let j = (91,...,Ye), 2 = (21 ,...,2J, v = E + p, fi = pi, x”,+i = 2i, x” = (21, ..., x”,), = K[{x“}], and let $ be aprime ideal in which is strictly regular relative to K[{j}]. Let S = K[{x,x”}]. Then:
1) p S and VS are prime ideals in S and they are strictly regular relative to K [ { y ,x”}] and K[{x,p}], respectively.
2) pS + $ S is regular relative to K[(y,jj}], or equivalently (pS + ijS) n K[{y,j } ] = {O}. I n particulur dimS/(pS + $3) = e
= dimR/p
+ dim8/@.
PROOF. By symmetry it suffices to prove 1) for p. It is trivial for p = (0). So assume that p # {0}, i.e., m > 0. Let
u(y, x”) =
2 i
p‘yx) E p .
P ( i ) ( X ) D ( i ) ( X , 2 ) E K[{y,x“}],
u(y, x”)
= kl,
2 Ukl...kv(y)x”;l...x”p ...,kv
and q x , x”) =
2 ..
k1,. ,kv
Equating coefficients of
x”ql...x”Fv we get
Ukl...k”(Y) =
By assumption p
2 i
P ( f ) ( X ) V kl...kv(X).
n K[{y}]= (0).Hence
ukl...ky(y) = 0
for all
kl,..., K,,
i.e., u(y, 2) = 0.
Thus p S fl K [ { y ,x”}] = (0). Therefore p S is regular relative to K [ { y ,x”}]. Let q ~ : R + R/p be the natural epimorphism. Then R / p = K [ { y } ][ p x ~..., , pznl], R/p is integral over K[(r}],and the quotient field 2 of R/p is a finite separable algebraic extension of K( {y}).Since K is infinite, via a nonsingular K-linear transformation on z1,..., x, we can arrange that pz1 is a primitive element of f? over K({y}).Let F(T) be the minimal . d be the degree of F ( T ) monic polynomial of z1 mod p over K [ { y } ] Let in T. Let A be the T-discriminant of F( T ) .Then d > 0 and 0 # A e K [ { y ) ] . Since R/p is integral over K [ { y } ] ,we can find polynomials azA(T)of degree < d in T with coefficients in K [ { y } ]such that
= aiA(x1)
+ an element in p ,
( i = 1,..., m),
( A 2 0).
Let f E S be given. Since pS is regular relative to K [ { y , x”}], we can find
f “(a ,...,xnr) E K[{y,x”}][a,..., %I such that
f = f *(,z1, ...,x,) modpS; whence in view of the above equations for Ax: we can find f ’ ( T ) E K [ { y ,x“}][T]of degree < d in T such that
= f’(z1) mod pS.
Now let f ‘ ( T ) be any nonzero polynomial of degree < d in T with coefficients in K[{y,x”}]. By (27.2), F( T ) is irreducible in K({y, x”})[ TI. Hence we can write w = A ( T ) F [ T )+ B ( T )f’(T) with A(T), B( T ) E K [ { y ,x”}][T] and 0 # eu E K[{ y,x”}]. Obviously w = B(x1)f’(x1) mod pS. Since pS n K[(y,x”}] = {0}, we thus get f ’(XI)4 pS. Thus we have proved
1”) Given f E S, there exists f’( T ) E K [ { y,x“}][T]of degree < d in T such that Af G f ’(~1) mod pS. Furthermore f ’( T ) is uniquely determined by f. In other words, i f f ‘( T ) is any nonzero polynomial of degree < d in T with coeficients in K [ { y ,a}] then f’(x1) 4 pS. Let 0 # r E K[{y}]and f
rf =
S be such that rf
2p(i)(x)g(O(x,x”), B
We can write
kl,. ,kv
p(i)(x)E p ,
pS. Then
g(i)(x,2 ) E S.
f k l...ky(x)x”fl...~~~
and g("(X,
5) =
and gi:)...k&)
fk l...ku(X)
in K[{x)]
Equating coefficients of 5f1...z,kvwe get rfkl ..&(X)
2i ~(')(~)g~~...kv(~) Ep.
Now p is prime and r E R, T $ p . Hence f k , ...kv( X) E p . Therefore f ~ p K [ [ x511. , Now K[[x,511 being the completion of S we have (pK[[x,211) fl S = p S . Since f E S, we conclude that f E pS. Thus we have proved
2") Let 0 # T E K [ ( y ) ]and .f E S. Then f E p S o rf E pS. Now let f,g E S ; f,g $ pS. Then by 2"), Af $ p S and Ag r$ pS. Hence by lo)>
Af = f
' ( ~ 1 )mod
Ag E g'(21) mod pS, where f'( T ) and g'( T ) are nonzero polynomials of degree < d in T with coefficients in K [ ( y ,n}].Since F( T ) is monic, we can write
f ' ( T ) g ' ( T )= 4(T)F(T)+ h ( T ) where q(T),h ( T )E K[ {y ,%)][TIand the degree of h ( T ) in T is xu)
is an element U(y,Ti ,..., T,,
,..., xu)
S[Ti,..., T,,
xi,..., x,].
Let b E Y at which v and all the elements ay’ are convergent. Then U is convergent at b and
xi,..., xu)
U(b, Ti,..., T,,
nv(b, Tl a
2=o d;(b)w,[b]”,..., T , - 1 a$)(b)w,[b]’, xi,..., xu). =o
Now assume that A* # 0, i.e., 2 is separable over 3.Let O L ,..., ~ a p be elements in 2 which are integral over S. We can uniquely write a-1 A u ~= a(;)(y)wy with di)E S . v =o Since S is a unique factorization domain, SO is S [ T i ,..., T,, xi,..., x u ] ; whence the latter is integrally closed in its quotient field
R’ Now
R(Ti, ..., T,, xi,...,
V(Y, Ti -
..., T ,
~ 1 ,
- a,, xi,..., X S )
is an element of 2’ = TI,..., T,, X I , ..., xu) and it is integral Over &“Ti,..., T,, xi ,...,xu]. Therefore all the S’-conjugates of that element are integral over S[T1,..., T,, xi ,..., xu]. Consequently %Z~,IR,V(~ Ti, - E l ,
..., T ,
xi,..., xu)
- ap,
is an element
,..., xcr) in S[Ti,..., T,, xi,..., xu]. NOWassume that v(y, rl,..., rpIX I , ...,xu) is homogeneous of some degree q in rl,..., r,. Taking the definition of norm as product of conjugates and considering polynomial equations in T I ,..., T,, xi,...,xu Over % we get the O(y, 1’1 ,..., T,,
following =
AQdO(y,Ti,..., T,, xi,..., x , ~ ) Agd%Zo,/R,v(y,T I - a1,..., T , -
~ ( Ti r ,- A(y)-1 p-1
u p ,XI,...,
2 ay)(y)wyL ,...,
c =o
[by what we just proved above] =
n~ ( bA(b)T1 ,
2 d3b)wP[b]”,,..,
v =o
where the last equality is due to the fact that v ( y , rl,..., rp,X I ,..., xu) is homogeneous of degree q in rl,..., ru.Thus we have proved (28.3) below. Notation for (28.3, 28.4, 28.5). Assume that A* # 0, i.e., 2 is separable over 53. Given a E 2 such that a is integral over S, we can uniquely write Aa
d-1 =
2 a@‘)(y)wy
with a(”)E S.
v =o
For any b E Y such that d o ) ,..., d d - 1 ) are convergent at 6 and A(b) # 0 let
c P [ b ] = A(b)-l
2 &)(b)w,[b]”,
( p = 1, ..., d).
(28.3) Let rl,..., r,, TI,..., T p ,XI,...,xg be indeterminates. Let u1,..., given which are integral over S. Let v(y,I’l, ..., rp,xI,..., xv] E S[I‘l,...,rp,XI ,..., xu] be homogeneous in rl,..., Fp. Then the norm of a(y, TI - m i , ..., T, - a,, XI ,..., xu) relative to the jield extension !?(TI ,..., T,, XI ,..., xg)/53(T1,..., T p ,xi ,...,xu) is an demeflt O ( y , TI,..., T,, XI,..., xu) in S [ T i ,..., T,,XI ,..., xg]. Let b E Y be such that all the elements af“ and all the coefficients of 0 and v are convergent at b, andA(b) # 0. Then U , E ~be
O(b, Tl,..., T,,
nv(b, TI d
p =1
~ry’[b] ,..., T , - ~r$’[b],XI, ..., x,)
(28.4) Let M I ,...,am E 2 be given which are integral over S. Let xi ,...,z m , ...,xmbeindeterminates. Then thenorm of(x1 - ai)x1 ...+ (xm - Qm)Xm relative to the field extension 2(zi, ..., zm,XI ,..., xm)/R(zi,..., zm,XI ,..., xm) is an element O(y, xi,. .., xm, xi,.. .,xm) in S[zi,...,zm,x i , ...,x m ] . Let b E Y be such that all the elements a y ) and all the coefficients of 0 are convergent at b, andA(b) # 0. Then
PROOF.In (28.3) take
c = p = m
+...+ rmxm, and write zi for Ti.
and v(y,
I’l, ...,
r,,, XI ,..., x m )
2 be integral over S. Then the field polynomial H ( y , T )
of a relative to the Jield extension 2/53is a monic polynomial of degree d in T
Q 28.
with coeflcients in S.3 Let b E Y be such that d o ) ,..., a(d-1) and all the coeflcients of H ( y , T ) are conziergent at 6 , and A(b) # 0. Then
H(b, T ) =
PROOF. In (28.3), take p
n( T - d"[b]). d
p -1
1, cr = 0, ZI ( y , I'l) = I'l, and write T for TI.
3Let H*(y, T) be the minimal monic polynomial of a over K. Then H ( y , = H*(y, T)aid' where d' = [ f i ( a ) : 531.
Analytic Sets In this chapter, unless otherwise stated, K will denote a complete nondiscrete valued field and from (30.12) onward K will be assumed to be algebraically closed. $29. THE LANGUAGE OF GERMS
(29.1) Let a be a point in a topological space X . Let Q, be a class of which each object is defined on some neighborhood (depending on the object) of a in X . Objects P and Q in cf, which are defined respectively on neighborhoods Y and Z of a in X are said to be equivalent in X a t a e there exists a neighborhood U of a in Y f l 2 such that the restrictions of P and Q to U coincide. A @-germ in X a t a is an equivalence class under this equivalence relation. The @-germ in X at a containing P is denoted by ya,xP or yap, and P is said to be a representative of yap.
(29.2) Let a be a point in a topological space X . Taking Q, to be the set of all subsets of X we get the notion of a set-germ in X at a. In other words, for subsets P and Q of X we have: y,P = yaQ +P fl U = Q fl U for some neighborhood U of a in X . In the set Y of all set-germs in X at a, in a unique way we can define the inclusion relations C, 3 and the lattice operations U, fl of finite unions and finite intersections, such that P -+yap preserves C , 3 , U, fl.For an infinite subset Q of Y, W W€O is said to exist o there exists W* E Y such that: i) W* C Wfor all W E Q ; and ii) [W' E Y with W' C W for all W E Q]
W' C W*.
n W. For let @'* be any other such. Then p*C W* and W* C m*, whence W* = m*.
If W* exists then it is unique and
we set
W* =
The germ of the empty set 0 is again denoted by 0. 230
4 29.
23 1
(29.3) Let X and X* be nonempty topological spaces. The set of all continuous functions from X into X* will be denoted by ( % ( XX*).l ; f~ E(X; X*)is said to be constant o f ( X ) consists of a single point X * ) are in one to one correspondence in X* ; the constant elements in (%(X; with the points in X* and hence we may sometimes identify X* with a subset of E(X; X * ) ; f E E ( X ; X * ) is said to be nonconstmt o f is not constant. For any 0 # X C X , the map E ( X ;X*) -+ E(X'; X*) given by: f -+ f IX' is called the restriction map. If X* is a topological group then E(X; X * ) becomes a group, and the constant element in E(X; X * ) corresponding to the element 0 in X* is the zero element of @ ( X ;X*)and it is again denoted by 0. If X * is a topological ring then (%(X; X * ) becomes a ring and then similarly we get 1 E E(X; X*). If X* is a topological group then for any f E ( % ( XX; * ) and V C X we write f ( V ) = 0 to mean that f ( b ) = 0 for all b E V . Let a E X. Taking if, = U ot( Y ;X*) where the union is taken over the family of all neighborhoods Y of a in X,we get the notion of an X*-valued Y ;X * ) continuous function germ in X at a. In other words, for f E (%( and g E (%(Z;X * ) where Y and Z are neighborhoods of a in X we have: y a f = yag o f I U = gl U for some neighborhood U of a in Y n Z . The set of all thesegerms will be denoted by E(a, X ; X*). For any neighborhood Y of a in X and f E @(Y ;X * ) : i) f ( a ) is called the value of Y a f E E(a, X ; X*) and is denoted by (yaf )(a), ii)yafE E(a, X;X * ) is said to be constant o f U is constant for some neighborhood U of a in X ; these definitions are obviously independent of the particular representative f of Ya f. The constant elements in (%(a,X ; X*) are in one to one correspondence with the points in X* and hence we may sometimes identify X* with a subset of (%(a,X ; X*). F € @ ( a ,X ; X * ) is said to be nonconstant o F is not constant. If X* is a topological group then (%(a,X ; X * ) becomes a group so that f --f ya f preserves finite sums; the constant element in E(a, X ; X*) corresponding to the element 0 in X* is the zero element in (%(a,X ;X*)and it is again denoted by 0. If X" is a topological ring then (%(a,X ; X * ) becomes a ring so that f + ya f preserves finite sums and products; the constant element in @(a,X ; X * ) corresponding to the element 1 in X* is the identity element in (%(a,X ; X * ) and it is again denoted by 1. If X* is a topological group, Y is a neighborY ; X*) and P C X, then for the element hood of a in X, f E (?%( ya f E (%(a, X;X*) and the set germ y a p in X a t a we write (y,f)(y,P) = 0 to mean that f ( P n U ) = 0 for some neighborhood U of a in Y ; again this definition is obviously independent of the particular representatives
If X* has trivial topology, i.e., if 0) and X* are the only open subsets of X*, then
E(X; X*) = the set of d l functions from X into X*.
f and P of ya f and yap. For any X ' C X with a E X ' , we get the restriction map q ~ @(a, : X ; X*) --f @(a,X ' ; X*) as follows: for any neighborhood Y of a in X and f E E( Y ;X * ) let p(y,,xf) = Ya,x,(f I Y n X ) . If X*
is a topological group (resp: topological ring) then obviously q~ is a group homomorphism (resp : ring homomorphism). When there is no confusion, we may write E ( X ) and E(a, X ) for the rings E ( X ;K ) and E(a, X ; K ) where K is the complete nondiscrete valued field which remains fixed most of the time. (29.4) Let X be a nonempty open set in Kn.For a
X we set
R(a, X ) = ring of all anahtic function germs in X at a. T o review the definition of R(a, X ) , for any r E K [ ( x l ,...,~ n ) ] let 6ar be the germ at a of the K-valued function: (PI a1,...,pn a,) -+ r(p1,...,p,) for all p E D(r). Then 6,: K[(q,..., x,,)] -+ @(a,X ) is a homomorphism. The Identity Theorem (10.5.1) says that 6 a is actually a monomorphism. By definition, R(a, X ) is the image of K [ ( x l ,..., xn)] under 6,. The corresponding isomorphism of R(a, X ) onto K [(XI, ...,xn)] will usually be denoted by Q,,X or Qa or Q. For F E R(a, X ) , aaF is simply the Taylor expansion of F (i.e., of any representative of F ) around a, and hence aa may be called the Taylor isomorphism. For V C X and a E Xwe set2
i(a, V, X ) = i(a, yGV,X )
i(y,V, X )
( F E R(a, X ) :F(yaV) = O}.
Note that i(a, V , X ) is an ideal in R(a, X ) which is its own radical, and we have: i(a, V , X ) = R(a, X ) o a 4 (closure o f V in X ) . If a E V then we set R(a, V ) = image of R(a, X ) under the restriction map E(a, X ) -+ E(a, V ) . The corresponding epimorphism R(a, X ) + R ( a , V ) is again called the restriction map; note that i(a, V , X ) is the kernel of this epimorphism. If V is analytic at a then we de$ne dimaV = dimension of V a t a = dim YaV = dimension of
dimR(a, V )
if a E V if a $ V.
The notations i(yaV, X ) and i(y,W, V ) are perhaps more logical than the notations X)and i ( a , y a w , V).However we shall usually use the latter because they are clearer. i(u, Y a V ,
5 30.
If V is analytic in X then we define dim V = dimension of 1'
if if
V# 0 V = 0,
If V is nonempty and analytic in X then we set
R( V ) = { f E @(V ): ya f E R(u, V )for all a E V>. R( V ) is then a subring of @(V ) .Note that obviously R ( X ) is the ring of all analytic functions on X . Let V and W be subsets of X which are analytic at a E X such that a E V and W C V. W e set2
i(a, W, V ) = i(a, y a w , J') = i(yaW, = {F E R(u, V ) :F(ya(LW) = 0). Then i(a, W, V ) is an ideal in R(a, V ) which is its own radical. Also i(a, W, V )is the image of i(a, W ,X ) under the restriction map R(a, X)+ R(a, V ) . Now assume that a E W. Then R(a, W ) is clearly the image of R(a, V ) under the restriction map @(a,V ) -+@(a,W ) ;the corresponding epimorphism R(a, V ) + R(a, W) is again called the restriction map. Note that i(a, W, V ) is the kernel of this map R(a, V ) -+ R(a, W ) ,and that the composition of the restriction maps R(a, X ) + R(a, V ) + R(a, W ) is the restriction map R(a, X ) + R(a, W ) . A set germ W in Kn at a is said to be analytic provided has a representative which is analytic at a ; and then every representative of is analytic at a. Let W be an analytic set germ in Kn at a. is said to be reducible + can be written as = I@ U where WIand Wz are analytic set germs in Kn at a such that Wt # @ for i = 1, 2. is said to be irreducible o @ is not reducible.
$30. DECOMPOSITION OF A N ANALYTIC SET GERM Notation for (30.1) to (30.15). Let a E Kn be given. Let y denote Ya,Kn,Let V* = set of all set germs in Kn at a ; V = set of all analytic set germs in K n at a ; R = R(u, Kn); I* = set of all ideals in R ; I = [a €I*: rad a = a]. For any V
V* let
= ifa,
V , Kn).
Let a E I*. Since R is noetherian, there exists a finite number of analytic functions f1, ...,f u on a neighborhood X of a in Kn such that yfl, ..., yfu generate a. W e set
B(a) = y(b E X:fl(b)
...= f,(b)
01. Let g1,...,gv be analytic functions on a neighborhood X‘ of a in Kn such that yg1,..., ygv generate a. Then there exist analytic functions pij, q i j on a neighborhood X of a in X n X ’ such that on X ‘ we have gi = 7pijf3 3 and fi = Z qrjgj. Consequently 3
B(a) = y{b E X:g1(b) =...= gv(b) = O}.
Thus, the definition of %(a) is independent of the particular finite basis of a. For any subset A of R we set B(A) = B(AR). Note that, since R is noetherian, A contains a finite basis of AR.
(30.1) Obviously B(a) = B(rad a) for
v = B(I*) = B(1).
(30.2) For any V E V* 1) V
all a
we haze :
c B(i(V)).
v E v v = B(i(V)). 0
Proof of 1) Let f1, ...,fu be analytic functions on a neighborhood X of a in Kn such that {yfl,..., yfu}R = i(V), and let P be a representative of V. By definition of i, there exists a neighborhood X’ of a in X such that fl(8n X ) =...= fu(t’ n X’)= 0. Hence by definition of B we get V c B(i(V)). f1,
Proof of 2). “c”is obvious. ‘‘a”: There exist analytic functions ...,fu on a neighborhood X of a in Kn such that v = y{b E fl(b) = ...= f u ( b ) = O}.
We then have yf1, ..., yfu V = B(i(V ) )by 1).
i(V), and hence V 3 %(i(V)). Therefore
(30.3) For anyfinite number of elements a1, ..., at in I* we have thefollowing. 1)
a1 3 a2
B(a1) C %(az).
PROOF.There exist analytic functions
X i of a in K n such that yfi1, ..., yfiu, is a basis of
on a neighborhood
Q. Let
n Xi. z t
1) a1 3 a2 5 there exist analytic functions PAP on a neighborhood X' of a in X such that fzA = p,,f1, on X'. Therefore B(a1) C B(a2).
2) Letfk, ...k, Z?
=ftk l...ftkl
nai 1 t
y{b E X:fkl...k,(b)
u z =1
0 for all K1,..., K t )
n=I ar 3 n ai z t
and hence by 1)
For all j : and hence Therefore
X :ftj(b)
0 for all i,j }
(30.4) V is closed with respect to finite unions and jinite intersections. Follows from (30.1, 30.3).
(30.5) For any finite number of elements VI,..., Vt in V we have the follow-
V1 = V2 0 i(V1) = i(V2). VI C V2 + i(V1) 3 i(VZ).
5 VZo i(V1) 3 ~ ( V Z ) . t V = U Vz i(V) n i(V*). V1
PROOF.1) ‘‘a” is obvious and “ G ” follows from (30.2). 2) “=>” is obvious and “e” follows from (30.2, 30.3). 3) follows from 1) and 2). 4) “*”is obvious and “-e” follows from (30.2, 30.3). (30.6) Let R be a nonempty (not necessarilyfinite) subset of I*. Then there exists afinite nonempty subset R* of R such that I; a = I; a, and hence aEn*
PROOF.Fix a1 E R. If a1 3 C a then we are through. If not, then there exists
a2 E R
such that a1 3, az. If a1 +
not, then there exists a3 E R such that a1 + a1 C a1 #
3 C a then stop. If a a
as; etc. Thus
+ a2 5 a1 + a2 + a3 S.. .
Since R is noetherian, this must stop after a finite number of steps, say after t steps. Let R* = {al, a2,..., at}. Then I; a = I; a. Hence by (30.3), aEn
For any b E R we have b C Z a and hence %(b) 3 %?(I; a) by (30.3). Also aEn am WEV*with W C % ? ( b ) f o r a l l b E R
n B(a)
a a
2 a).
(30.7) 1) Every strictly descending chain in V i s j n i t e . 2) V is closed with respect to arbitrary (not necessarily finite) intersections. Since R is noetherian, 1) follows from (30.5). 2) follows from (30.6).
5 30.
(30.8) Let V E V. Then V is irreducible
o i(V)
is prime or the unit ideal.
PROOF.“ *”:Otherwise there exist F1, FZ E R such that F1, FZ 4 i( V ) and FiFz €i(V). Let Vt = !B(i(V) + FtR). By (30.5), Vi C V for # i = 1, 2. By (30.2), (30.3),
Therefore V = V1 V Z .This contradicts the irreducibility of V . “e”: Otherwise there exist: V1, VZE V such that V = V1 U VZ and Vi C V for i = 1, 2. By (30.5), i( V ) = i(V1) i(Vz). Since i(V) is
a prime ideal or the unit ideal, there exists i such that i( V )= i(Vi)and then V = Vi by (30.5). Contradiction.
(30.9) In V, every element can uniquely be expressed as an irredundant finite union of irreducible elements.1 PROOF.Suppose if possible that V E V cannot be expressed as a finite union of irreducible elements in V. Then in particular V is not irreducible, i.e., V = V1 U V’, Vl # V , V’ # V , with Vl, V’ E V . If V1 and V‘ were finite unions of irreducible elements in V then so would be V. Consequently either V1 or V’ is not expressible as a finite union of irreducible elements in V. Say this is so for Vl. Thus, [V E V such that V is not expressible as a finite union of irreducible elements in V] [there exists V1 E V with VI C V such that V1 #
is not expressible as a finite union of irreducible elements in V] * [there exists VZE V with VZC V1 such that VZ is not expressible as a finite #
union of irreducible elements in V] *.... This yields Vi E V with V3 V1 3 Vz 3... which contradicts (30.7). # # # Consequently, given V E V we can write V = V1 U...U Vt where V1,..., Vt are a finite number of irreducible elements in V. Throwing away a certain number of Vt we get an expression of V as an irredundant finite union of irreducible elements in V. To prove uniqueness, for F’E V let V = Vl u...u Vt and V = W1 u...uW, be any two expressions of V as irredundant finite unions of irreducible elements in V. Then for any i we have that
vi= vin v = vin (w1u...uw,) = (vin w1)u...u(v,n w ~ ) .
A finite union Vi U...U Vt of elements Vi in V is said to be irredundant if for i = 1 ,..., t we have that Vi U...U Vt :f V1 U...U Vi-1 U V ~ +U...U I Vt. By convention, the union of an empty family of set germs is the empty set germ 0. Therefore, if Vi U...U Vt = 0, then Vi U...U Vt is irredundant if and only if t = 0.
Since VZis irreducible, there exists an integerp(i) such that V , = Vg n Wp(i) i.e., Vt C W,,,,. Similarly for any j there exists an integer q ( j ) such that Wj C Vq(j).Then Vi C Wp(t)C Vq(p(i))and hence Vt C Vq(p(i)). Since the expression V = V1 U...U Vt is irredundant, we must have q(p(i)) = i. This being so for i = 1, ..., t we conclude that: s = t ; (~(l),,.., p ( t ) ) is a permutation of (1,..., t ) ; and Wp(t)= Vf for i = 1,..., t.
(30.10) DEFINITION. Let V , W EV. W is said to be an irreducible com-
ponent of V e
i) 0 # W C V , W is irreducible; and ii) W C W* C V , W* E V, W* irreducible
From (30.9) we immediately deduce the following. Let V E V be given. Then V has only a jinite number of irreducible components V1,..., Vt,
( t = 0 o V = 0),and V = Vl U...U Vt is the unique expression of V as an irredundant jinite union of irreducible elements in V.This representation will be called the normal decomposition of V.
(30.11) Let V be an analytic set in a neighborhood X of a in Kn. Then there exists a neighborhood Y of a in X and analytic sets V1, ...)V t in Y such that i) yV1, ...)yVt are irreducible; ii) V fl Y = V1 U...U V , ; iii) for any ne2hborhood Y’ of a in Y and for i = 1, ..., t we have vtn Y’ q (v,n Y’). J 3% Furthermore, if in any other neighborhood Y* of a i n X we have any other such decomposition, then these two decompositions coincide in some nekhborhood of a in Y n Y*.
PROOF.This is merely a reformulation of (30.9) without using the language of germs.
(30.12) R ~ ~ C K E NULLSTELLENSATZ.~ RT Assume that K is algebraically closed. Thenfor any ideal a in R we have i(%(a)) = rad a. Since %(rad a) = B(a) and rad(rad a) = rad a, we may assume that rad a = a. Then a = p1 n...npt where pl, ..., pt are prime ideals in R.3 t
By (30.3), %(a) = U%(pt) and then by (30S),i(%(a)) = ni(B(pt)). By analogy with algebraic geometry, this has sometimes been called Hilbert Nullstellensatz. In view of the fundamental contributions of Ruckert [I], it seems more appropriate to ascribe it to Ruckert. 3 t = 0 e a = R. 2
5 30.
Consequently it suffices to show that i(B(p)) = p for any prime ideal p in R. Let m be the maximal ideal in R.Then:
p =m
* g(p)
* i(%(p)) = m;
B(p) = yKn => i(%(p)) = (0). {O} Hence we may assume that p is a nonzero nonmaximal prime ideal in R. Via Taylor expansions around a, identify R with K [( X I , ..., x,)]. Then what we have to prove is this. p
1") Let p be a nonzero nonmaximal prime ideal in K[(xl,..., x,)]. Let in KN
ul,..., u, be a jinite basis of p . Let X be a neighborhood of the origin in which u1,..., u, are convergent. Let
V = (b E X : ul(b) = ...= u,(b) = 0) and
..., xn>] : v is convergent in a neighborhood X ' of the origin in X and v(b) = 0 for all b E X'
= (v E K [( X I ,
n V).
Then r = p. (Obviously r is an ideal in K[(xl,..., x ~ ~ and ) ] p C r.) We shall prove 1") in (31.9). Let us make the following observations.
2") The Nullstellensatz is not oalid if K is not algebraically closed. Take 2, let a be at the origin, and identify R with K [ ( x l ,X Z ) ] . Let f ( x 1 , x2) = x@'(xI/x~) where F ( T ) is a monk irreducible polynomial of degree d > 1 in T with coefficients in K . Then a = f R is a nonmaximal prime ideal in R. However %(a) = y{(O,O)> and hence i(%(a)) is the maximal ideal in R. R =
3") If K = R then every element V E V is of the form %(a) where a is a principaE ideal in R. For let fi, ...,fa be a finite number of elements in R such that V = 8({f1,...,fu}R) and take a = +...+ f t ) R .
In the rest of this section, K is assumed to be algebraically closed. In virtue of the Nullstellensatz, the results of this section imply that the ideal theory in R can effectively be used to study the structure of analytic set germs. For instance, we have the following immediate corollaries (30.13, 30.14, 30.15) of the results proved so far in this section.
(30.13) 2 '3 maps I in a one to one inclusion reversing manner onto V; and i = %-I*
(30.14) Let Vl,..., Vt, ( t > 0), be a j n i t e number of analytic set germs in Kn a,t a. Then: 1) dim
U Vz = max dim Vi.
z =1
2) [Vl 5 V2, V2 irreducible] * dim V1 < dim V2. 3) V1 C V2 and V' is an irreducible component of V1 3 V' is contained in some irreducible component of V Z . (30.15) Let a be any ideal in R. Let p1, ..., p t be the distinct minimalprime ideals of a. Then B(p1) U...U B(pt) is the normal decomposition of B(a). (30.16) DEFINITION. Let V be an analytic set in an open set X in Kn Let a E V. We introduce the following definitions and terminology.
V is pure e dimensional at a YaV is pure e dimensional e every irreducible component of YaV is e dimensional, i.e., e dim R(a, X)/p = e for every prime ideal p of i(a, V , X ) .
V ispure e dimensional V # 0 and dim@V = e for all b E V. For Y C X , V is pure e dimensional in Y o V n Y # 0 and dimbV = e for all b E V n Y e
3) W C V is a thin subset of Y o given b E V there exists an analytic set W* in a neighborhood X* of b in X such that W f lX* C W* C V and dimpW* < dim/V for all fl E V f l X*. 4) a is a simplepoint of V + V is simple at a o yuV is simple o R(a, V ) is a regular local ring. a is a singular point of V e V is singular at a o yaV is singular o YaV is singular 0 YaV is not simple. S( V) = singular locus of V = (b E V : V is singular at b). S(y,V) = singular ZOCUS of YaV = yaS(V). We note the following. Let A be a finite set of analytic functions on X and let U = {b E X : f ( b ) = 0 for allf E A). For b E U, if R(b, x)/(ybA)R(b,X ) is a regular local ring, then (ybA)R(b,X ) is a prime ideal in R(b, X ) and hence by the Nullstellensatz (ybA)R(b,X ) = i(b, U , X ) and hence b is a simple point of U.
4 30.
5 ) a is a normalpoint of V e V is normalat a o y,V is normal o R(a, V) is normal. N( V) = nonnormal locus o j V
{b E V: V is not normal at b).
6 ) V is irreducible (resp: reducible) at a o y,V is irreducible (resp: reducible). N*( V ) = ( b E V : V is reducible at b}. REMARK. By (19.9, 21.5.1) it follows that N*( V ) C N(V) C S( V). Later on we shall prove that N(V) and S(V) are analytic sets in X and dimbS(V) < dimbV for all b E V. However, N*(V) is in general not analytic as can be seen from the following example. Let X = K3{x,y , z), : x 3 + x y z + x 2 = 0 , L = : x = z = 0, a = (0, 0, 0). Then S(V) = N(V) = L and N*(V) = L - {E). Therefore N*(V) is not analytic at a.
(30.17) Let V be an analytic set in an open set X in Kn.
1) Given a E X there exists a neighborhood Y of a in X such that dimbv 5 dim,V for all b E Y n V.
2) Assume that V # 0 and let e be a nonnegative integer. Then, V is pure e dimensional e y, V is pure e dimensional for all a E V. 3) Let a be a simple point of V. If Vl is an analytic set germ in X at a such that dim V1 L dim y,V and VI C yaV, then VI = yaV. Proof of 1). Follows from (26.2). Proof of 2). “c”is obvious. T o prove “=>” let a E V be given. Let V1, ..., v h be analytic sets in a neighborhood X* of a in X such that V n X* = V1 U...U Vh and y,V = yaVl U...U y,vh is the normal decomposition of yaV, Let X‘be a neighborhood of a in X* such that for all b E X ’ we have dimbVt 5 dimuVi for i = 1,...,h. Now y,V1 Q yuV2 u...u yaVh and hence there exists b E X ’ such that b E V1 and b 4 Vz u...uVh. Since V2,..., Vh are closed in X*,we can find a neighborhood of b in X‘ such that 3 n (VzU...u vh) = 0. Therefore 2 n V = 3 n V1 and hence dirnbJ7 = dimbV1. Consequently e = dimbv = dimbV1 5 dimuV1 5 dim,V == e and hence dimuV1 = e. Similarly dimuVt = e for i = 2)..., h. proofof3). Since y,V is simple, it is irreducible. Now invoke (30.14.2).
(30.18) INTERSECTION MULTIPLICITY. Let B and 2 be open sets in Ke and Km, respectively. Let = P x 2 and let n-: -+ Y be the Let V be an analytic set in natural projection. Let X be an open set in '. = b x 2. Let n = e + m. X a n d let a = (b, c ) ~ x ,EbY, ~ € 2LetLb Let a: R(a, -+ R = K [ ( x l ,..., xn)] be the Taylor isomorphism. Then a(i(a, Lb, = {XI ,..., xe}R. Let a = a(i(a, V , x)). Then
x) x))
a is an isolated point of V f l Lb y u ( vn Lb) = Ya{a} 0 {a, XI, ..., xe}R is primary for the maximal ideal in R o (by 23.3) a # R and a contains a monic polynomial in coefficients in K[(xl,...,xg-l)] for i = e + 1 ,..., n * (by 23.3) dim R/a = dimuV 5 e.
Now assume that either a 4 V or a is an isolated point of 'F n Lb. Let prime ideals of a labeIed so that dim RlPj = e for j 5 K and dim R/(Pj < e for j > k. By (23.3), (PI, ..., '$k are regular relative to S = K [ ( x l ,..., xe)]. Let R = K((x1,..., xe)) and let 2j be the quotient field of R/'$j considered as an extension of Si. We define (PI,..., (Ppbe the minimal
= =
i(a, Lb V ) = intersection multiplicity of Lb and V at d(a, n-, V ) = degree of 7~ on V a t a d(a, n-( V ) = degree of721 V at a k
3 =1
where the sum is taken to be zero if K = 0. Note that then d(a, n-, V ) is a nonnegative integer and it is positive if and only if dimaV = e. For any b E P we also define i(Lb * V ) = d(b, ( V / T ) - ~ ) = aEV
n n-'(b)
i(a, L b * V )
provided each term in the sum is defined and the sum is < 00.
(30.19) REMARK. Consider the situation of 512C. By (25.9.4,25.9.6) we get this. Let hi E S be the xi-discriminant of gi(y, xi). Let b E Y be such that T b h i # 0 for i = 1,...,m. Then l(a) = d(a, r,W )
for all a
§ 30.
and hence
d(b, ( W~T)-’)= d1..&. Alternative proofs of this can be deduced from (35.1) or (35.3).
(30.20) REMARK.In the situation of (30.18) assume that I/ is pure e dimensional at a, or equivalently a = 9 1 n...n (Pk. Let R = R/a and let 2 be the total quotient ring of 177. Then every nonzero element in S is a nonzerodivisor in l? and hence 5? can be considered to be a subring of 2. By (19.25.1, 19.25.3) we get d(a, V ,T )
[ R : S ] = [2:si]
where : denotes the maximum number of linearly independent elements. ~ e t 4 R = ~ [ [ x l..., , . S = ~ [ [ x..., l , xell, 6 = ~ ( ( x l..., , xe)), R = l?/aR. By (17.5, 23.3), R IS a completion of l?, a R is regular relative to 3 and 3 = S[R]. Let u1,..., uA E l? be linearly independent over S where A = [ R : S ] . Let q , ..., ct’, E l? be such that R = v l S + ...+ vPS.We can find 0 # 6 E S such that 6zli E ulS +...+ aihS for i = 1,..., p. Since = S[R], we get R = v l S +...+ v,,s and hence 8 8 C ulS +...+ u A s . Since u1,..., uAE l? are linearly independent over S, by a result from local algebra5 they are linearly independent over 3. Hence [ R : S] 2 A. Let
w1,..., w, be any elements in tij E S. Consider
the system
R with
2 Titij = 0, i -1
v > A. Then 8wi = C tijuj with j =1
( j = 1,..., A),
of homogeneous linear equations in unknowns T I ,..., T,,. Since there are more unknowns than equations,G there exist elements tl,..., t, in which are not all zero such that
and hence w1,..., w, are linearly dependent over 3. Hence
T h e rest of (30.20) will be not be used elsewhere. Zariski-Samuel [Z:Corollary 1 on p. 2651. T h e usual method of determinants works over any ring.
[R:s] 5
[R:93 = [R: S ] = d ( a , T , V ) ,
i.e., our definition of intersection multiplicity agrees with the definition given by Chevalley [l, 31 in the formal case. Let $t = '$iff. By (24.6.3), $1, ..., $k are prime ideals in R, and by another result from local algebra7 aff = $ 1 (Pk. From what we have proved20 far it ?ow follows that $1, ..., $ k are regular relative to 3, and letting Q j and 2 to _be respecand the total quotient ring of i? we have: tively the quotient field of
ji] =
for j
[ ~ j :
I, ...,R ,
and hence
[R:S] = [G: A]
j =I
2 [fij: 61 = 2
[ R :S ] = d(a, r,V ) .
(30.21) L e t y = (yl,-..,ye), z = (xi, z m ) , S = K [ ( y > ] R , = K [ < y ,z ) ] . Let T : Ke{y} x Km{z} -+ Ke{y} be the natural projection. For any D > 0, E > 0, ,!3 E Ke, y E Km, let Y 0 with Z ( E ' ) C Z, there exists b' > 0 with Y ( f j ' ) C Y such that for all 0 < D' 5 b' we have: V n ( Y ( D ' ) x 2) = 7
Zariski-Samuel [Z: Corollary 2 on p. 2661.
4 30.
V n ( Y ( D ’ ) x Z ( E ‘ ) ) ; andfor any m’ 6 m, the map V n ( Y ( D ‘ ) x 2) -+ Y ( D ’ ) x Km’ induced by rr’ is a continuous proper closed map where n’: Ke(y) x Km{,) -+ Ke{y> x Km‘{zl,...,zm,>is the natural projection.8
2) For any /I E Y , V (/3 % 2) contains at most d1 ...dm distinct points. Let these be do)= (/3, y(O)), (6 = 1, ..., N ) . Then there exist D > 0, E > 0 such that:
U Z ( E , y ( @ )C 2;
Y ( D , ,B) C Y ; Z(E, ~
0 =1
) ~n Z 1 (E, ~ ( 0 ’) ) = 0
for all 8 # 8’;
v n ( Y ( D , P ) x z)= u=1 [V n ( y v ,8) x
and such that: given 0 < E* 2 E there exists 0 < D* 5 D for which
z)= u [ v n ( ~ ( D * , p ) N
a =I
Proof of 1). By continuity of roots (11.3) we can find D’ > 0 with Y ( D ’ ) C Y such that for all 0 < D’ S D’ we have W n ( Y ( D ‘ ) x Km)= W n (Y(D’) x Z(E’)). NOWV n X C W a n d hence V n ( Y ( D ’ ) x 2) = V ( Y ( D ‘ ) x Z ( E ‘ ) ) . Also V n ( Y ( D ’ ) x 2) is closed in Y(D’) x Z and hence V n ( Y ( D ’ ) x 2) is a closed subset of W n (Y(D’) x Km) , Therefore by (IZS), the map V n (Y(D’) x 2) -+ Y ( D ‘ ) x Km‘ induced by T’ is a proper closed map.
Proof of 2). Let d o ) = (/I,y(O)), (0 = N + l,..*, M ) , be the remaining points in W n r-l(/?). Since V f l X is closed in X we can take D1 > 0, El > 0 such that
u Z(E1, M
Y(D1, /3} c Y ;
8 =I
Z ( E 1 , Y ( ~ )n) Z ( E l , y ( O ’ ) } = Q
0 = NfL
y‘@>c 2;
(8, 8’ = 1,..., M ) ;
for all 6 # O’,
Y ( D 1 , S > x ~ ( E I7‘’) ,
By (12.4), we can find 0 < D 5 Dl,0 < E 5 El such that
wn( y a p )
u [ w n( Y ( D , P ) x . G E , ~ ( ~ ) ) ) I ; M
B =1
If m‘ = 0 then q’ = r a n d Y ( D > K K’n’ = Y 0 such that Y ( D , 8 ) Y n ( Y < D , p >x Z ) = 0 . 8
and given 0 < E* that
=< E again by (12.4) we can find 0 < D" 5 D such
x ~
m =)
u [ W n (y(o*,p) e =I
Now it suffices to note that V fl X C W.
REMARK. Let a be any proper ideal in K[(xl,..., x,)]. Let e = dim R/a. By (23.5), upon making a nonsingular K-linear transformation on XI,. .., xn it can be arranged that a is regular relative to K[(xl,...,xe}]. Then (30.21) becomes applicable. In other words, given any analytic set Y in an open set in Kn and given any point in V , upon making an affine transformation on the coordinate system in Kn,there is an open polycylinder X around the given point such that (30.21) is applicable to V X.
Let y = (yl,...,Ye), e > 0, z = (a, ..., zm), m > 0, S = K[l, J3 = K( ( y ) ) , R = K[ 0, E > 0, /IE Ke, y E K m , let
{b E Ke: Ibl < D ,..., [be - pel < D}, Z ( E , 7) = {C E K ~[c1:- 711 < E,..., ( ~ -m ym( < E}.
Let p be a prime ideal in R which is strictly regular relative to S. For any element or subset r of R let F denote the image of r under the natural epimorphism R + R/p. Identify S and S. Let 2 be the quotient field of R. Let dr
be the minimal monic polynomial of xi mod p over S. Let A,@) be the xi-discriminant of gi(y, zi). Then gi,(O) = 0 for Y = 0, ..., dt - 1, and 0 # Ai(y) E S. Since 2 is separable over 9 and K is infinite, we can find q,..., K~ E K such that 2 = 9 ( W ) where w =
T h e reader may first refer to $32 where in (32.1) to (32.4) the main results of $31 are summarized. In the rest of this chapter, unless otherwise stated, K stands for an algebraically closed complete nondiscrete valued field.
5 3 1.
Let d
f(Y,T ) =
2 f,(-Y)T”,
f ” E s,
fd =
d > 0,
be the minimal monic polynomial of w mod p over S. Let A*(y) be the 3”-discriminant of f(y, 3”). Then f”(0) = 0 for v = 0,..., d - 1, and 0 # A*(y) E S. Let 0 # A’ E S be arbitrary and let
A’A*Ai ...Am.3
For any b E K at ~ which fo, ...,f a are convergent and A(b) # 0, let w,[b], ( p = 1,..., d), be the distinct elements in K such that
f(b, T ) =
n(T d
Since 2 is separable over si and can uniquely write
is integral over S, for any r
For any b E Ke at which fo,.”., fd, d o ) , ..., v(d-1) are convergent and A(b) # 0, let rrPl[b] = (l/A(b))
C r(”)(b)w,L[b]u for
p = 1,..., d.
I n particular
2 z(;)(-y)w”
for i
1,..., m.
For any b E Ke at which all the elements f v , zP) are convergent and A(b) # 0, let us write 2;p][b]for zr][b]and 5[Pl[b]for ( ( y l [ b ]..., , (lftl[b]) ( p = 1,..., d). Let u1,..., uA be a finite basis of p . Now g&, xi) E p and hence
~ i )=
h =I
ViA E R ,
(i = 1 ,..., m).
3 For instance A’ = 1, i.e., A = A*Al ...Am. T h e fact that A1...A,,, divides A will not be used until after (31.9), i.e., all the arguments until (31.9) remain valid with A = A’A* and hence in particular with A = A*.
Let X = Y x Z be a neighborhood of the origin in Ke{y} x Km{z} such that: f, and 21")are convergent in Y for all i , v ; u h and v i are ~ convergent in X for all i , A; and rbA # 0 for all b E Y . Then in particular, {b E Y : A(b) = 0} is nowhere dense in Y . Let
{b E Y :A(b) # 0 } ,
V = {a E X :uh(a) = 0 for h = 1, ..., A}, W = {a = (b, C ) E Y x K m : g i ( b , ~ i )= 0 for i p = {(b, 5[+]): b E 8,p = 1,.", d } ,
p = closure of
p i n Y x Km.
Then Z' C W. By continuity of roots (11.3) we can find positive real numbers Bo > B1 > ..., B, + 0 ; CO > C1 > ..., C, + 0; such that Y(Bo, (0)) C Y , ~ ( C O(0)) , C 2, and
W n ~ - 1 (Y (B,, ( 0 ) ) ) C Y(B,, ( 0 ) ) x Z ( C , , (0))
for all
5 0.
For all q 2 0 let
Y(B,, ( 0 ) ) ,
Z ( C , , (0)),
8, = Y , fl 8,
x,= Y , x z,, x,= 5, x
With all this notation in mind we now proceed to prove a string of lemmas.
(31.1) Let P(y, 01 ,..., Q,)
Q(Y, &.-,
Q N )=
be polynomials in indeterminates Q1, ..., QN with coejicients Pi ,...i,, Qil...iN in S.4 Let 71,..., Y N E R. Let q 2 0 be such that all the elements Pi l...iN, Qil . . . i N , r r ) are convergent in Yq.If
P ( y , f 1 , ..., f
~= )Q(J,f1, ...,T N )
then for all b E 8, we have
P(b, rfl[b] ,...,rz1[b])= Q(b,ryl[b],..., r[ltl[b]) Arbitrary nonnegative integer N .
for p = 1,..., d.
$ 3 1. In particular,
if P(y, ?I) ..., PN) = 0
then for all b E 8,we have
P(6, r?J[b],..., rgl[b]) = 0
for p
1,..., d.
PROOF.The case of P(y, PI,..., P N ) = Q(y, PI,..., i ~follows ) from the case of P(y, il,...,i ~= )0 by taking P - Q for P. So we deal with the case of P(y, PI,..., a) = 0. If Pi, . . . i N ( y ) = 0 for all il,..., iN then we have nothing to prove. So assume the contrary. Let M be the degree of P in
..., sz,.
Let where
Let d-I
Hj(T) =
2 ry)(:y)Tv
for j
1,..., N ,
and let
Therefore with
F*(y, T ) =
F$*(y)E S.
All the coefficients Fk(y) and f,(y) are convergent in Yq, and fCy, T ) is monic in T. Hence by division algorithm we deduce that all the coefficients Single indeterminate T.
25 0
F,*,(y) are convergent in Yq.Therefore we shall be justified in substituting b for y in Fk(y), FE*(y),f,(y). For p = 1,..., d, we get
A(b)MP(b,~ y l [ b.]..,, r$][b]) =
2 t,, ...,iN
2 Fk(b)w,[b]k k
n [ 2 r;~,)(b)wp[bl.]t’ N
By definition of w,,[b] we have C.f,(b)w,Mu
Since A(b) # 0, we get that
P(b, r;”[bJ )...,Y y [ b ] )
P n T - l ( ~ qc )w n T - l ( ~ p=) w n xqfor
Follows from (31.1) in view of the equationsgi(y, m i) Alternatively, we may use (28.5).
L 0. 0, (i = 1,..., m).
(31.3) Given Y = r ( y , z ) E R, there exists q(r) 2 0 such that: r is $onwergent in &(?) ; d o ) ,..., ~(6-1)are convergent in Yq(,.) ; and for all b E Yq(r) we have r(b, 5[~1[b]) = ~[pl[b]
~ O Yp
1,..., d.
PROOF. We make induction on i where:
i = min j such that r E K[( y , XI,..., z j ) ] . Trivial for i = 0. So let i > 0 and assume true for i - 1. By Preparation Theorem (10.3.1), we can find r* = r*(y, z) E K [ ( y , z1 ,..., z i ) ] and S, =
~ ~ ( 3 1Z,)
E K [ ( y ,~ 1 , z i - l ) ]
such that
Take q(r) 2 0 such that: q(r) 2 q(s,) for v = 0,..., di - 1; r* is convergent in Xq(rl;and Y(@, ..., r(d-1) are convergent in Yp(,.).Let b E Pq(,.)
5 31.
25 1
be given. By (31.2)
and hence dt-1
Sincegg(y, &)
0, we get i: =
2 syq.
v =o
Hence by (31.1) r["][b]=
2 &5b]((\flJ[b])"
for p = 1, ..., d.
v =o
By induction hypothesis
3") s 5 b ]
for p = 1,...,d and Y = 0,..., df - 1.
From (lo, 2", 3") we get that
for p = 1,..., d.
r(b, 5[pJ[b))= r[fll[b]
(31.4) There exists qo 2
q 2 Po.
P n +(yq) = v n gqfor
such that
PROOF. Let 6 = G(y,Z) = f(y, w),
fi =
Then 5 E p and ,2i E p. Hence G=
la =
&(y,Z) = A(Y)Z~-
(i = 1,..., m),
with GA = zZA(y,z) E R and = &(y, Z ) E R. Take 40 2 max(q(ul),..., q(z1J) such that all the elements fijA and I t A are convergent in Xqo.Let q 2 QO. Then for all (b, c) E Yn x 2, we have (1" to 4"). d
1") 5 ( b , c )
2") $(b, c)
Cf,(b)w(b, c)".
26A(b, c)un(b, c). A
3") Zi(b, t) = A(b)ca -
4") z"@,
c) =
2 dgv)(b)w(b,c)"
v =o
2 & ~ ( bc, ) u ~ (c)~ ,
for i = 1,..., m.
for i = 1 ,..., m.
Since q 2 q(uA)and CA = 0 for X = 1,...,A, by (31.1, 31.2, 31.3) we get
c v n xp To prove "3"let (b, c) E V be given with b E pq,c E 2,. $+n + ( y q )
4") we get 5") and 6"). 5") Z(b, c) = 0. 6") B(b, c ) = 0
Then by 2") and
for i = 1,..., m.
Since A(b) # 0, by 1")and 5") we get that w(b, c) = w,[b] for some p, and then by 3") and 6") we get that c = SIpl[b], i.e., (b, c) = (b, QPl[b])E k. (31.5)6 Let q' = rnax(q0, q(w)). Then for all b E Qpf we have that: p = 1,..., d ; w,[b] = ~ 1 ( 9 b +...+ ] ~ m 5 E l [ b ] for
and hence (b, Q11[b]),...,(b, Qdl[b]) are all distinct and they are exactb all the distinct points in V n +(b).
1,..., d we have
w,[b] = W q b ] = w(b, PI'lTb]) = ~ ~ p [ ] [+b... ]+
(by definition) (by 31.3) (obviously).
Now w @ ] , ..., w&] are all distinct. Hence (b, [[l][b]), ..., (b,J[d][b])are
all distinct :nd by definition they are exactly all the points in V B~ (31.41, v .-l(b) = n T-yb).
(31.6) Let U
n &(b).
((6, 8) E 8,.x Kl:f(b,&) = 0). For any (b, &)E U let
b(b, 6) = (6, C) E 8,.x
where ct =
2 dtv)(b)hYfor
v =o
i = 1,...,m.
6 The proof of (31.9) can be read after (31.4). (31.5) to (31.8) are not used in the proof of (3.19).
Then we have the following.
1) $(b, w,[b]) = (b, 5[@][b]) f o r all b E p,, and p = 1,..., d. 2) Ij is a homeomorphism of U onto V n X,,. 3) I f K = C and P is any connected neighborhood of the origin in Yq, then V n n-l( P n ?) is connected.
PROOF.1) is obviou?. Ij is obviously continuous on U. By 1) and (31.5): $ map? U onto V n X,. in a one to one manner and lj-1 is continuous on V n X,,. This proves 2). 3) follows from 2) in virtue of (14.8). (31.7) For any m' 5 m let n ' : Ke{y) x Km{z) +Ke{y} x Km'{q,..., xm,} be the natural projection. Then for any q 1 0, the map V n X , -+ Y q x Km' induced by n' is a proper closed map and hence in particular T'( V n X,) is a closed subset of Y , x Km'.
x, w n
PROOF.NOW v n c ( Y , x ~ m =) X , and V n X , is closed in X,. Therefore V n A , is a closed subset of W n ( Y , x Km) ' and hence our assertion follows from (12.5). (31.8) n ( n~X,) = Y , for ail 4
PROOF. By (31.4), 8,C n(V n X,). Now Y , is the closure of Y,, and by (3 1.7), n(V n X,) is closed in Y,. Therefore n( V n X,)
9, =
(31.9) Let r = (r E R :for some q 2 0, r is convergent i n X , and r(a) = 0 for a l l a E V n X,}. Then r = p ,
PROOF.Obviously r is a proper ideal in R and p C r. Suppose if possible that p # r. Then by (23.4) there exists 0 # s E r n S. Take q 1 qo such that s is convergent in X , and s(a) = 0 for all a E V n X,. Now 0 # As E S and hence we can find b EP, such that s(b) # 0. Let a = (b, f;[ll[b]).Then s(a) = s(b) # 0 and by (31.4), a E V n X q . Contradiction. REMARK. This completes the proof of (31.9) and hence as noted in (30.12) the proof of the Ruckert Nullstellensatz is now completed. Consequently, henceforth we may use the results of $30. Since V C W, any a E V is an isolated point of V n n-1(8) where /3 = rtc and hence: dimaV 5 e ; d(a, n, V ) is a well defined nonnegative integer; and d(a, n, V ) > 0 u dim,V = e. Let u: R(M, X ) + R be the Taylor isomorphism. Let @ be any prime ideal of a(i(a, V , X ) ) having
depth e. Then # is regular relative to S. Hence the quotient field 5 of R/# is generated over - 53 by the $-residues of z1, ...,Zm. Let jib,zt)
= Tagi(y,zi) and Ai = T ~ A ~Then . f&y, xi)-is a monic polynomial of degree di in xi with coefficients in S ; 0 # At is the-zi-discriminant of &(y, za); and &(y, zi)E a(i(a, V , X ) ) C p. Therefore 2 is separable over sf, i.e., # is strictly regular relative to S. Thus we have proved
(31.10) Let a be any point in V. Then dimaV S e ; d ( a , rr, V ) is a well defined nonnegative integer; and d ( a , rr, V ) > 0 o dim,V = e. Furthermore, every prime ideal of a(i(a, V, X ) ) having depth e is strictJy regular relative to S, where Q : R(u, X ) + R is the Taylor isomorphism.
Next we prove the following. (31.11) For any a = (8, y ) E V with 8 E 5,. we have dim,V = e. Furthermore,given D* > 0, E* > 0, thereexist 0 < D 6 D*, 0 < E 6 E*, with Y ( D , 8) C pql, Z ( E , y ) C Z,,, such that
(Y(D,P) x
zv,r41= Y ( D , P ) .
PROOF.By (31.5), V n n-1(/3) contains exactly d distinct points. Let these be a(o)= (8, y ( @ ) , (6 = 1,...,d). Then cc = a(@for some 9. Now Y C W and A@) # 0 for i = 1, ..., m. Hence by (12.4), there exist 0 < D' 0 with Y(D', /I)C Y , Z(E', y > C Z be given. Let M = d(cr, T , V ) . Then there exist 0 < D 5 D , 0 < E 5 E', and an analyticfunction ton Y ( D , /3) with ygt # 0 such that: for aniy b E Y ( D , /3) for which t(b) # 0 we have that V n (b x Z ( E , y )) contains exactly M distinct points.
PROOF.By (30.21), we can find 0 < D" 5 D', 0 < E" 5 E', such that: 1") Given 0 < E 5 E" there exists 0 < y ( E ) 5 for which we have
D" depending on E
V ( Y < y ( E ) , x zw', 7 ) ) = n ( Y ( 9 ( E ) ,/I> x 20%7)). We can take 0 < D* 5 D", 0 < E* 6 E", and analytic sets V1,..., v k ' in Y(D*, /3) x Z(E*, y ) such that yaV1 U...U yaV/rkfis the normal
decomposition of yaV, and
v (Y(D*, p ) x z(E*, y ) ) = v1 vk,. 2") Label V1,..., Vk' so that dim,Vj = e f o r j 5 k and dimuVj < e f o r j > k. Let
Then dim,V' < e. Hence by (23.3) we can find 0 < DO S D*, 0 < Eo 5 E*, and an analytic function to on Y(D0, p ) with yBto # 0 such that
to(b) = 0
for all (b, c ) E V' fl (Y(D0, /3) x Z ( E 0 , y ) ) .
Let M5 = d(a, T , Vj). Then M j = 0 o j > k, and we have M = Mi +...+ Mk. By (31.10), u(i(a, Vj,X ) ) is strictly regular relative to S for k, where u: R(a, X ) -+ R is the Taylor isomorphism. Hence applying (31.5) to yuVj we can find 0 < D3 6 D*, 0 < EJ 5 E*, and an analytic function tj on Y ( D j , /3> with ygtj # 0 such that: 5") For any j 6 k and b
n( b x
Z(Ej, y ) )
Y ( D j , /3) for which tj(b) # 0, we have that contains exactly Mj distinct points.
Now it suffices to take E = min(E0, El ,..., Ek), D = min(D0, Di ,..., Dk, cp(E)), k
and t = II tjlY(D, p). 3=0
(31.13) Given /3 E Y,,, let or(@ = (p, y(O)), (0 = 1, ..., N ) , be the distinct points in V f ~l - 1 ( @ ) and , let M e = d(Cr(@, T, V). Then there exist D > 0, E > 0 and an analytic function t on Y < D , 8) with y,@ # 0 having the following properties.
i) Y ( D , p) C Y,,;
U Z ( E , y ( O ) ) C Z,,;
e =i
Z ( E , y ( @ )n Z ( E , y ( O ' ) ) ii) V n 4 ( Y ( D , p } ) =
for all 0 # 0'.
U [Vn(Y(D,p)x
e =I
iii) Q = {b E Y ( D , p } : t(b) = 0} is nowhere dense in Y ( D , p). iv) For any b E Y ( D , p ) - Q and any 0 S N we have that V fl(b x Z(E, y(O))) contains exactly M e distinct points. v) Given 0 < E* 5 E there exists 0 < D* 5 D such that
V n ( Y ( D * , p ) x Z ( E , y ( @ ) ) =V n ( Y ( D * , p ) x Z ( E * , y ( @ ) ) for 0 = 1,..., N .
PROOF. By (30.21) we can find D' > 0, E' > 0 for which we have (la, 2", 3"). N
Y ( D ' , @ )C Yqt;
U Z ( E ' , y ( @ )C Z , , ;
e =I
Z(E', y(O)) n Z(E', ~ ( 0 ' 1 )# 0
for all 8 # 8'.
3") Given 0 < E* 5 E' there exists 0 < v(E*) 5 D' depending on E* such that
vn(w(E*),p) x
z ( ~ ' , ~ ( e= ) ) v) n ( Y w * ) , mx ~ ( E * , ~ ( V ) for 0 = 1,..., N .
By (31.12) we can find 0 < Do 5 D', 0 < Ee 5 E', and an analytic function to on Y(D,, /3) with ygte # 0 such that:
4") For any b E Y ( D 8 , p ) with t,(b) # 0, V tl ( b x Z(E,, Y ( ~ ) ) ) contains exactly Me points. Let E = min(E1,..., EN). Since y&, # 0 for 0 = 1,..., N , we can take 0 < D 6 min(D1,..., DN, p(E)) such that Q = (b E Y ( D , p ) : t(b) = 0} is nowhere dense in Y ( D , p} where t 0 < E* 2 E take D* = min(D, q(E*)).
II t e l Y ( D , 8). Given
9 3 1.
(31.14) Let the situation be as in (31.13). Label the points a(e) so that > Ofore 5 N * a n d M e = Ofore > N*.Fore 2 N*andb E Y ( D , /3) with t(b) # 0, label the points in I , fl( b x Z (E, Y ( ~ ) ) as ) (b, 0, B > 0 such that:
Z ( E , ?) c Z(E, y ' @ ) , Y ( D , 8) c Y ( D , /3> n 9, ,[vn ( Y ( D , ~ ) Z ( E , ?))I = Y ( D , ~ ) . Now Q is nowhere dense in Y ( D , /I)and hence there exists a = (b, C) E I, with b E Y 0, i.e., e 5 N*.
25 8
(31.15) There exists q* 2 q' such that V n X,* ispure e dimensional.
PROOF. Let X I , . .., Xm be indeterminates. By (28.4), there exists q 2 q' such that the norm of ( x i - i i ) x 1 + ...+ ( z m - i%n)xm relative to the field extension !i x? i ,...,( zm, xi ,..., Xm)/R(xl,..., zm, xi ,..., xm) is a polynomial ~ ( y~ ,1..., , xm, ~ l , . . . ,Xm) =
in 31,
21, *. * J m
@il,..im(ypz l i * - vzm)xZ,1-.x2,,
X I , ..., Xm whose coefficients @i l...tm(y,xi ,..., xm) are polynomials in ..., xm with coefficients in S which are convergent in Y,, and for all
5, we have
n( 5 d
~ ( b21,,
xmt X l , . . . , x m )
(zt - ~:'[b])xt)-
Given /3 E Y , let the notation be as in (31.13,31.14).Since 8,is everywhere dense in Y , and yPt # 0, we can find b ( p ) E Y ( D , p ) n 8,with t ( b @ ) )# 0 such that limb@)= B. By (31.14.3) we then get P+33
a,...,zm,XI,..., xm> =
n 17 ( 2 N!MB
- Cj6+V@])xt)
for allp. In virtue of (31.14.1) taking limits a s p -+
For any y
E K*
xm) =
z m , Xl,...,
we get
17 ( 2 (xi - yio))xt) m
we thus have: @z l...im(P, y i , ..., y m ) = 0 for all
@(P, yl,-.-,ym, XI,...,
n( 2 N*
(yz - y:")xi)MB =
u y = y(O)for u (B, y ) E
xm) =
some 9 I N* (by 31.14.4).
This shows that
P f l X, = {(p, y ) E Y , x Km: @i 1...zm(,8, 7 1 ,...,y m ) = 0 for all il,..., i m } c mx,. Therefore p n X, is an analytic set in X,. By (31.10), dim 'F fl Xqo5 e
and hence dim P fl X , 5 ,e. Nqw P fl X, is the closure of P fl X , in X, and by (31.4, 31.11), V fl X , is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X,. Therefore P n X , is pure e dimensional by (30.17). Noting that
(0) E 7 fX,, l (say by 31.4), we thus get: y(0)P is a pure e dimensional analytic set germ, yp)V is an irreducible e dimensional analytic set germ, and y(0,P C y(0, V . Therefore y(0,P = y(0)V , i.e., P l l X,* = V n X,* for some q* 2 q. Consequently V is pure e dimensional in X,*. (31.16) For any /3 E Y,p let a(@,(6' = 1,...,N ) , be the distinct points in V n ~-l(p). Then d(a(Q,T , V ) > 0 for 8 = 1,..., N , and we have N
2 d(afe), e =I
) = d((O),T,V ) = d.
PROOF.In view of (31.15) the first assertion follows from (31.10). The second assertion was already proved in (31.14.2). (31.17) For any p E Y p let a(B)= (8,Y ( ~ ) (6' ) , = 1,..., N ) , be the distinct points in V n ~ - 1 ( p ) . Then there exist D > 0, E > 0, for which we have (i to v).
i) Y ( D , 8 ) C Y,*;
U Z(E,
e =I
n Z ( E , p')) = 0 for all N Y ( D , p } ) = U [V n ( Y ( D ,p )
Z ( E , y ( @} ii) V n .-I(
C Z,*;
e =I
iii) For all i? E Y ( D , /3) and 6'
6' # 8'. x
z ( E , Y(@))I.
1,..., N we have
a(%, V ) = d(a(@,T,V ) .
bwn(lxzh), V ) . T,
A =1
This proves iii). In virtue of (31.16), iv) follows from iii). (31.18) For all q 2 q*, T(V n X,) = Yq and the map ~ l V fX,: l
V n X , + Ke is open.
Follows from (31.17).
(31.19) Let a = (& y ) E V with /3 E Y,* be such that A@) # 0 for i = 1,..., m . T h e n y a w = y , V , a i s a s i m p l e p o i n t o f V , a n d d ( a , ~V, ) = 1. Furthermore, thereexist D > 0, E > 0 with Y ( D , /3) C Yq*,Z ( E , y ) C Z,*, and 5 = (& ,.,., tm) where ,..., tm are analytic functions on Y ( D , /3), such that
v n ( Y O ,8 )
x Z < E , Y)) = {(b, W ) ) :b
Y(D, PROOF.By (10.14), a is a simple point of W, dim,W = el and d(a, T , W ) = 1. By (31.15), dimaV = e and hence y,V = y,W. Therefore a is a simple point of V and d(a, T , V ) = 1. Since yaV = y,W, the last assertion follows from (12.4). E
5 3 1.
26 1
(31.20) Let At = (b E Y : A'A1...Am(b) = 0). Let be any open subset of Y4*.Then V n-I(P) = closure of V ~ - l ( p A') in P x 2. Follows from (31.17) since P - A is everywhere dense in P.
(31.21) Let A' = {b E Y : A'Al ...Am(b) = O}. Assume that K = C and let Y be any connected neighborhood of the origin in Y p . Let Y' = P - A' and V' = V fl ~ - lY'). ( Then V' is arcwise connected and the map V' -+ Y' induced by ?r is a covering map.
n P is an everywhere dense subset of
PROOF. Now by (31.17)
v n T-l(Q n P)
V' = closure of
By (31.6.3), V fl.rr-l(P P) is connected and hence V' is connected. If we show that V' -+ Y' is a covering map, then it will follow that V' is locally arcwise connected and hence arcwise connected. Let p E Y' be given. By (31.17, 31.19), there are exactly d points cr(0) = (8, y(0)),(0 = 1,..., d ) , in V n ~ - 1 ( p and j there exist D > 0, E > 0, and f(,) = ((f,), ..., ($)) where .$lo) are analytic functions on Y(D, /3), such that we have (1" to 4"). 1") Y(D,j 3 )
u Z ( E , y e ) ) c z,*. d
0 =1
2') Z ( E , y ( 0 ) ) n Z ( E , $ @ ' ) )
for all 0 # 8'.
u [vn ( Y ( D , ~ ) Z ( E , p )))I. v n n - y ~ (p~) ) , = 0-1 47 v n ( ~ ( o , p ) z ( ~ , p )= ){ ( b , t ( e y b ) ) : b EY ( D , ~ ) ) d
for 0 = 1,..., d.
Let V0 = V ( Y ( D ,j3) x Z ( E , y(O))). Then by 4"),for B = 1,..., d we get: Ye is open in V' and nl V0 maps V , homeomorphically onto Y(D,/3) and hence in particular V , is connected. By 2 O ) and 3") we deduce that for all 8 # 8', Ve and V0, belong to different connected components of V fln-l( Y ( D , p)). Thus V1,..., V d are exactly all the distinct connected components of V' fl n-l( Y ( D , p)), and for B = 1,..., d we have that Ve is open in V' and alY, maps V, homeomorphically onto Y(D, p). This shows that V' + Y' is a covering map.
(31.22) Let the situation be as in (31.21) and let a E V n n-l(P) be given. Then there exists a simple arc I?: [0, 11 --f V n n-l(P) such that r(l)= a and I'([O, I[) C V'. Hence i n particular V n +(P) is arcwise connected.
262 (0
PROOF.Let a = ~ ( 1 )= (,B, ~(1)) with ,B E P. Let a(@ = (jl, y(Q), = 2,..., N) be the remaining points in V f l 4 ( , B ) . Let the remaining
[0, 11 + notation be as in (31.17). B y (14.7), there* exists a simple arc I?: Y(D,/I) P such that r(l)= 8, and I'([O, 1[) C Y'.Take
E ~ E ~ ( ( Y ( D z, (~E ), ~ ( ~ ) ) ) such that mi = r(0).Then 2 E V'. By (31.21), V' -+ Y'is a covering map and hence there exists an arc I?: [O, I[ -+ V' such that r(0)= I , I?(A) = , q y A ) ) for all A E LO, I[. Let r(i)= a. Let
= ( y aB ) x
Z ( E , Y(l) >)
sz2 = ( b Y ( D , jl) 8 -2
n w o , I[),
)) n r([o,11).
Then f21 and a2 are disjoint open subsets of I'([O, I[), !dl U Szz = I'([O, I n , and R1 fl I'([O, 1[) # 0.Now F([O, 1[) is connected and hence we must have r([O,1[) = Q1, i.e.,
r(A) = a. Therefore I? is continuous I?: [0, 11 + I'n d ( P ) is a simple arc such that
By (31.17) it then follows that lim A-I
on [0, 11, and hence r(1)= a and r([O,1[) C V'.
(31.23) Given r E R let H(y, T ) be the jield polynomial of J relative to thejield extension 2/R. Then there exists q 2 q* such that all the coeficients of H( y , T ) are convergent in Yq and for all /?E Yqwe have
PROOF.By (28.5) there exists q 2 max (q*, q(r)),where q(r) is defined in (31.3), such that all the coefficients of H(y, T ) are convergent in Yq and such that for all b
5, we have
H(b, T ) =
( T - r["J[b]).
Given jl E Yq let the notation be as in (31.13, 31.14). Since pq is everywhere dense in Yqand yst # 0, we can find points b ( p ) E Y ( D , ,B) n k,
= p. We then get with t(bfp)) # 0 such that Plimb@) -m
H(b(p),T ) =
n(T d
J-J ( T - ~ ( b ( p )Q, ~ l [ b ' p ' ] ) ) /d
(by 31.3)
N* M g
e=i ~
- r(b(p),S{@A[b(p)]))
(by 31.14.4).
= i
Taking limits a s p -+ co, by (31.14.1) we get
n-n ( T - ~(P,PV
N* Mg
H(B,T ) = =
0=1 h=l
or~vn n - W
( T - y(a))d(a,n,v).
In (31.15, 31.23) we used the corollaries (28.4, 28.5) of (28.3). Using the full force of (28.3) we get (31.24) Let I 'l ,..., I?, TI,..., T,,x? ,...,xu be a Jinite u u d e r of indeterminates. Let rl,..., r p E R be gzven. Let v(y,rl,..., r p ,XI ,..., x,) E S[I'l,..., rP,x1,..., xu] be given which is homogeneous in I'l, ...,.,?J Then the norm of v ( y , T i - i.1,..., T , - T,, XI, ...,xu) relative to the field extension !2( T i ,...,T,, xi ,...,x,,)/S(Ti ,..., T,, xi ,..., xu) is an element O(y, TI,..., T,, xi )...,x,) in S( 7'1,..., T,, xi ,..., xu]. Furthermore there exists q 2 q* such that: r1,..., T , are convergent in X q ; all the coeJEcients of v and 0 are convergent in Y q ;and for all /3 E Yq we haire
0(B, Ti,..., T,,
PROOF.By (28.3), there exists q 2 max(q*, q(rl),...,q(r,)) such that all the coefficients of v and 0 are convergent in Yq and such that for all b E Yqwe have @(b, Ti,..., T,,
... xu) I
JJv(b, TI - ry'[b],...) l', - r$'[b], ,..., x,). p =1
For any given ,6 E YQargue as in the proof of (31.23). -x-
Thus having eliminated all reference to the auxiliary element w, in
$32 we shall summarize the main results of $31 with slight notational modifications.
Let R = K [ ( x l ,...,xn)].2 Let p be a nonzero nonmaximal prime ideal in R.3 Let e = dim R/p, (0 < e < n). By (23.5,24.5),upon making a nonsingular K-linear transformation on X I , ..., xn we can arrange that p is strictly regular relative to K [ (XI ,..., xe)]. Let yi = xi for i = 1,..., e, y = ( y i,...,ye), S = K [ ( y ) ] , st = K ( ( y ) ) , m = n - e, zi = x e t i for i = 1,..., m,z = (21,..., zm).For any element or subset Y of R let P denote the image of Y under the natural epimorphism R -+R/p. Let 2 be the quotient field of R. Let d = [i!: 31. Let g t ( y , zt) be the minimal monic polynomial of zi mod p over S. Let Ai(y) be the zi-discriminant of g&, zi). Then gi(y, zi) is a distinguished polynomial of positive degree in zi with coefficients in S and 0 # Aib) E S . For any D > 0, E > 0, j? E Ke, y E Km, let
Y (D, j?) Z(E, y }
{b E Ke: ]bi - 81 < D for i = 1,..., e}, = {c E Km: (q - yal < E for i = 1,..., m).
Let T : Ke{y} x Km{z} 7Keb} be the natural projection. Let u1,..., uA be a finite basis of p . Let X = Y x Z be a neighborhood of the origin in Ke x K m such that u1,..., u, are convergent in X , and all the coefficients of glCy, zl),...,gmof, Zm) are convergent in Y . Let
v = {u E x:u&)
= ,..= u*(u) =
W = {(b, C ) E Y x Km:gl(b, Q ) A = {b E Y: A1...A&) = O}.
=...= gm(b, cm) = 0},
By continuity of roots (11.3) we can find positive real numbers Bo > B1 > ..., B , -+o; co > c1 > ..., c, -to; such that Y(B0, (0)) C Y , Z(C0, (0)) C Z , and W f l 4 ( Y(B,, ( 0 ) ) ) C Y(B,, (0)) x Z(C,, (0)) for all q 2 0. Let Y , = (B,, (0)), 1 The proof of the Nullstellensatz (30.12) was completed in (31.9). In the rest of the book, the Nullstellensatz and the resulting correspondence between analytic set germs and ideals will tacitly be used without further ado. 2 In the rest of this chapter, unless otherwise stated K stands for an algebraically closed complete nondiscrete valued field. 3 For the case when p is either the zero ideal or the maximal ideal, all the relevant results in $32 obviously remain true with trivial modification.
2, = Z(C,, ( 0 ) ) , X , = Y , x 2,. Then X O3 X i I...is a neighborhood basis of the origin in Ke x Kin. (32.1)4 There exists q* 2 0 such that we have ( 1 to 4). 1) V f X,* l C W and hence V ( Y q x Z,*) = V n X,for all g 2 g*. A fl Yq*is nowhere dense in Y p . For all q 2 q*, T(V X,) = Yq and the map V n X, -+ Yqinduced by T is a continuous open proper closed map. For any m' 5 m and q 1 q*, the map V n X q -+ Yq x Km' induced by n-' is a proper closed map where x ' : Ke{y} x Km@) + Ke{y} x Km'{zl,..., Zm.1 is the natural projection, and hence in particular n-'(V' n X q ) is a closed subset of Yq x Km'.
2) Let u be any point in V Xq*. Then yUV is pure e dimensional; V ) is defned and d(u, X , V ) > 0 ; and every prime ideal of Q(i(u, V ,X ) ) is strictly regular relative to S where Q : R(u,X ) + R is the Taylor isomorphism. Ifmx $ A then u is a simple point of V , d(u, z, V ) = 1 , and y,V = yaw. d(u, T ,
3) For any p
Y p we have
U E V n(rBxz,*)
d(u,r, V )=
d = d((O),.n,V ) .
4) For any p E Yq* let a(@= (8, y(O)), (0 = 1,..., N ) , be the distinct (p x Zq*). Then there exist D > 0, E > 0, having the points in V fl following properties ( i to vi). N
U Z < E , y(O) ) C Z p ;
i) Y(D,8 ) C Y p ;
e =1
n Z(E, y ( ~ ' ) = 0 );
ii) V n ( Y ( D , B ) x
for all
z,*)= U [ Y n ( Y ( D , p ) x
Z(E,y(@))1. e =i iii) For all 8 5 N and for all b E Y ( D , 8) we have that
d(a, T , V ) = d(do),T , V ) .
aEV n(bxz(E,r(%)
iv) T [ v n( y ( ~ , p ) Z ( E , p)))I = Y ( D , ~ ) joy v) Given 0 < E* 5 E there exists 0 < D* 2 D such that
v n (Y(I>*,p )
Z ( E , p) ))
n ( u p * ,8 )
1,..., N .
z ( E * , p ))) for e = I, ..., N .
In the rest of $32, q* will refer to the integer whose existence is asserted in (32.1). However, the meanings of q, q', q", etc., will depend on the individualPropositions (32.2), (32.3). ...
(32.2) Given 0 # A‘ E S,5 there exists q’ 2 q” such that K is convergent in Ygl,A’ = (b EY,l :A’A1...Am(b) = O] is nowhere dense in Yqr,and such that for any q 5 q’ we have the following.
P be any open subset of Yq.6 Then v n ( a x 2,) = closure of v n ((P - A’)x z,)
1) Let
2) Assume that K = C and let P be any connected neighborhood of the origin in Yq.6 Let Y’ = P - A’ and V’ = V (Y’ x Z,). Then Y’ and V’are arcwise connected and locally arcwise connected and the map V‘ --f Y’ induced by T is a covering map. Given a E V n (P x Z,) there exists a simplearc I’ : [0, 11 -+ V fl (P x 2,) such that r(1) = a and r([O,1[) C V‘. Hence in particular V fl (P x Z,) is arcwise connected.
(32.3) Given r E R let H ( y , T ) be the f i l d polynomial of P relative to the field extension 219. Then H ( y , T ) is a monic polynomial of degree d in T with coeficients in S, and there exists q 2 q* such that: t is convergent in X,, all the coeflcients of H(y, T ) are convergent in Y,, and for all b E Yq we have H(b, T ) =
( T - r(a))d(a,nJ’).
aEV n ( b x 2 , )
(32.4) Let Pi,..., F,, Ti,..., T,, xi ,..., xu be a finite number of indeterminutes. Let rl,..., r , E R be given. Let vdy, I’i,..., F,, XI,..., xu) E s[rl,..., r P ,X I , ..., xu] be given which is homogeneous in Fl,..., rP. Then the norm of v ( y , T1 - P i ,..., T , - P,, XI,..., xu) relative to the Feld extension. 2(Ti,..., T,, xi,..., Xu)/R(Ti,..., T,,xi,..., xu) is an element O ( y , Ti ,..., T,,xi ,..., xu) in S[Ti, ..., T,, xi ,..., xu],and there exists q 2 q* such that: r l ,..., r , are convergent in X,, the coeficients of v and 0 are convergent in Y,, and for all b E Yqwe have =
@(b,Ti,..., T p ,xi,...,XU) v(b, TI - rI(a),..., Tp - r,,(a), XI,. .., x
aEV n (bxZ,) 6 6
For instance A’ = 1. For instance Y = Y,,.
~ ) ~ ( ~ ~ ~ J ’ ) ~
3 32.
All this we have proved in $31. Now we proceed to derive a few more corollaries of the above results.
(32.5) Let r E R be convergent in X,, for some q’ 2 q*. Let u E V fl X q , and let V‘ be an irreducible component of yaV. Let p’ = cr(i(u, V’, X ) ) where Q : R(a, X ) -+ R is the Taylor isomorphism. Let cp: R + R/p’ be the natural epimorphism. Let 2’ be the quotient field of yR.7 Let H( y , T ) be the jield polynomial of cp(~,r)- r(Gc) relative to the field extension 2’/R Then we have the following. 11 Y ( T 6 ) 6 K
H(Y, 0) # 0.
2) If H(y, 0) f 0 then the map a
r(a) of V fl X,, into K is open at u.
PROOF.Let us call the statements 1) and 2) for the case when u = (0) 1’) and 27, respectively. In the general case, let V1,...,V , be analytic sets in a neighborhood X‘of a in Xq, such that y,Vl U...U y,V, is the normal decomposition of y,V, yaV1 = V ’ , and V t l X’ = V1 U...U V,,. Applying 1’) and 2’) to p‘ we then get 1) and also this: If H ( y , 0) # 0 then the map a (Tar)(a)o f V1 into K is open at the origin. The last assertion means that for any neighborhood X * of u in X ’ , the point (Tar)(0) = r(u) is an interior point of r(X* f l V l ) ; whence a fortiori r(u) is an interior point of r(X* I l V ) , which proves 2). = origin in K n as
Thus it suffices to prove 1) and 2) for the case when u is at the origin. Obviously: 1”)the map a --f r(a) of V X,, into K is open at the origin o the map a -+r(a) - r(0) of V flX,, into K is open at the origin; and 2”) f E K o i - r(0) E K. Therefore we may also assume that r(0) = 0. Then
r~Kc>F=0; and the field polynomial H(y, T) of P relative to the field extension 2/53 is a distinguished polynomial of degree d in T with coefficients in S. Now H ( y , T) is a power of the minimal monic polynomial h(y, T) of P over R, and h ( y , T ) is irreducible in 53[T].Therefore
T = 0 o h ( y , 0)
0 o H ( y , 0) = 0.
This proves 1). Now assume that H ( y , 0) # 0. By (32.3) there exists Q’’ 2 q‘ such that the coefficients of H ( y , T ) are convergent in Yq- and
H(b, T ) = 7
(7’- r(u))d(arn,v)
We know that p’ is strictly regular relative to S.
for all b E Y a m .
Therefore for all q
>= q" we have {r(a):a
V fl X,} =
{k E K : H(b, k )
0 for some b E Y,}.
Now H ( y , T ) is a distinguished polynomial of positive degree in T with coefficients in S and H ( y , 0) # 0. Therefore by (11.4.1) we know that r(0) = 0 is an interior point of Q, for all q >= q". This proves 2).
(32.6) OPEN MAP THEOREM. Let r E R be convergent in X,. for some
qt 2 q*. Assume that f $ K . Then there exists q 2 qt such that the following
1) a + r(a) is an open map of V fl X,into K .
2) For any u E V X, and for any prime ideal p' of a(i(u, V ,X ) ) we have that ' p ( ~ , r6 ) K , where a: R(u, X ) + R is the Taylor isomorphism and 'p: R -+Rlp' is the natural epimorphism. PROOF. In view of (32.5) it suffices to prove 2). Also note that for any Vf Xqr l and any prime ideal p' of a(i(u, V ,X ) ) , where a:R(K,X)--t R is the Taylor isomorphism, upon letting q ~ R : + R/p' to be the natural uE
epimorphism we obviously have :
- r(0)))E K d 7 J ) E K. Therefore, upon replacing r by r - r(0) we may assume that r(0) = 0. 'p(T&
c=oHv(Y)T" d
W Y ,T)=
be the field polynomial of P relative to the field extension 2/53.Then H ( y , T ) is a distinguished polynomial of degree d in T with coefficients in S. Since f 4 K , by (32.5.1), H ( y , 0) # 0. Now H ( y , r ) E p and hence we can find q 2 q' such that Ho(y),...,Hd(y) are convergent in Y,, and
T,H(Y, r ) E { ' F , U ~,...,T,u*}R
for all u
V n X,.
Now let u = (f3, y ) E V n ( Y q x 2,) be given and let p' be any prime ideal of e(i(u, V ,X ) ) where a: R(a,X)-+R is the Taylor isomorphism. Let 'p: R -+ R / p t be the natural epimorphism and let 2' be the quotient field of y R . Let H'(y, T ) be the field polynomial of 'p[(T,r) - .(a)] relative
to the field extension 2‘/52 and let h’(y, T ) be the minimal monic polynomial of v[(T,r) - r(u)] over 52. Then H’(y, T ) and h’(y, T ) are distinguished polynomials in T with coefficients in S and H‘ is a power of h’. Let
T,N(Y,r ) E {T,ZQ ,..., T,u*}R C p’ and hence
Therefore h’(y, T ) divides H*(y, T ) in SIT]. Thus H ( y , T )is a distinguished polynomial in T with coefficients S which are convergent at ,8, H ( y ,0) # 0, and h‘(y, T ) divides T ( ~ , , ( , , , H T( ~) ,in S [ T ] .Therefore by (10.7.7)we conclude that h’(y,0) # 0. Since H ’ ( y , T ) is a power of h’(y, T ) we thus get that H’(y, 0) # 0. Therefore p(T,r) 4 K by (32.5.1).
(32.7) Given m‘ 5 m, let R‘ := K [ ( y ,z1,..., zm‘)] and let p’ = p f l R‘. Then p‘ is a prime ideal in R’ which is strictly regular relative to S. Let n‘: Ke(y) x Km(z) +Ke{y) x Km‘(z1,...,zm,)andx*:Km(z) -+Km‘(z~,.,.,z~~} be the natural projections. For any q I 0 let Z & = .rr*(Zq) and Xh = x‘(Xq)= Yq x 2;. Let ui,,.., be anyjnite basis o f p ‘ . Take q1 1 0 such that u:, ..., are convergent in and let
{a’ E X i : .;(a’) = ... = u;r(a’ ) = 01. I
Then there exists q2 2 q1 such that V‘ fl X& is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X i 2and such thatfor all q 2 qz we have: V fl ( Yq x ZqZ)= V f l X,, v n ( y qx Z;J = n a n d d ( V f l = v’n Let XI,. . . , x m r be indeterminates. Then the norm of (271 - A ) X l +...+(zm, - 5m,)xm* relative to the jield extension
v x;,
...,zmt, ,..., Xme)/R(zl,..., zm', x i ,..., xmr) is a polynomial
O(Y, 21,..., zm', x1,-.,
= I,
,..., i,.(Y,
z1,---, zm~)Xt...Xk:
in X I , ..., Xml whose coeficients 0 tl...tn, ( y , zl,... zmi) , are polynomials in 21,..., zmt with coejicients in S, and there exists 43 2 q2 such that all the coeflcients of the polynomiaZs @i ,..i, (y, zl,..., z m j ) are convergent in Yq3 and such that for all q 2 qs we have
'v' n x; = ((b, c') E Y , x Km': @il...tm,(b, c; ,..., ck) = Ofor aZZi1,...,
i m p >
PROOF. Now I" is an analytic set in Xil. Obviously p' is a prime ideal in R' and hence y(0,V' is irreducible. By (23.3) it follows that p' is strictly regular relative to S and hence in particular dim(o)V' = dimR'/p' = e. NOW ui,..., u> E p' C p and hence there exists q' h q 1 such that
n x,,) c v' n xi,. = t s = m', ri = xi, v(y, rl,..., I'm,,X I ,..., xm#) = + ...+ J?m#xmt,and writing zi for Ti in (32.4),we find q" 2 max(q', q*)
Upon taking p
such that: the coefficients of the polynomials convergent in Yg-and for all b E Y,y we have
~ ( bZ ,l , . . . , z m ' , XI,..., x m t )
@i l...sm,(y, zl,..
I-I ( ?(xi a=(b,c)Evn(bxz,,) i=i =
., zmr) are
- ci)xi)
For any (b, c') E Y,* x Km' we thus get: @tl...im, (b, ci
o O(b, c;,
,..., c;.) XI
0 for all i1,..., im,
,...,x m ' )
e (b, c') = ~ ' ( bc ,) for some (b, c) E
V Cl (b x Z,").
Therefore for all q 2 q" we have:
q v n x,) = ((b, c') E
Y Qx K m ' : O~l.,.tm,(b, ci, ..., c A ~ )= 0 for all il,..., imt },
and hence in particular r r ( Vn X,") is an analytic set in X i - . Let 3:Ke(y} x K m ' { z l , ..., zm*}+ Kei'~)be the natural projection. Then by (32.1), for any a' E nr(V X,-) we have that: a' is an isolated point of .Ir'( V n X,-) n +-I(+u'), and the map V n X,.) of d(Y n X,#)
5 33.
27 1
into Ke{y} is open at a’; whence dim,,n’(V n X,,,) = e by (23.3). Thus T’( V n X,.) is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X i ” .Hence in particular Y(~,T’(V flX,.) is pure e dimensional. Now yp).rr’(V l l X,,,) C y(o)V’ and y(0)V’ is an irreducible e dimensional analytic set germ. Therefore we must have yp)n’(V fl X,”)= y(o,V’, i.e., there exists q2 = q3 2 q” such that n’(V X,#) fl Xi, = V’ Xi,. NOWq2 2 q” 2 q* and hence by (32.1.1) for all q 1 qz we have:
v n ( Y , z,.)= v n ( Y , z,,) = v n x, and hence
T y n~x,)= Y’n x;= V‘ n ( Y , z;,).
REMARK.(32.7) could have already been proved at the time when we proved (31.15). To indicate this let the notation be as in $31. Let P’ be the closure of n’(@ in Y x Km‘. By (31.4, 31.7), for all q >, qo we get:
P‘ n ( Y ,
~ m ’ =)
P‘ n qx,)= +(rn x,)c T y n~x,).
Consequently by (31.14.4) we get the following modification of (31.14.4): for any y’ E Km’ we have that (8, y ’ ) E P‘ e y’ = (y;’), ..., yk:!) for some 9 5 NX. Upon replacing rn by m’ in the proof of (31.15) and using the above modification instead of (31.14.4), we can find q” 2 q’ such that for all q >= q” we have:
PI n x;
((6, c’)
Y , x Km’: @il. ..im,(b, c; ,..., c;,)
0 for all il,..., im,}.
Therefore P‘ X i ” is analytic in X i ” . Let 7j: Ke{y} x Km’(z1,...,zm,} -+ Ke(y} be the natural projection. By (31.4, 31.11), for any a’ E P’ fl(p,~x Zh,,) we get: a’ is an isolated point of P’ f+-1(+a’), l and themap +i\r’ of into Ke(y} is open at a ‘ ; whence dim,gP’ = e by (23.3). Therefore p’f l Xi,, is pure e dimensional by (30.17). Now y(o)p’C y(o,n‘(V ) C y(0, V‘, and y(o)V‘ is an irreducible e dimensional analytic set germ. Therefore y(o, P‘ = y(o)~’( V ) = y(o,V ’ . $33. LOCAL PROPERTIES OF ANALYTIC SETS $33A. General properties
Let V be an analytic set in an open set X in Kn. Let a
(33.1) 1) dim,V = min e such that there exist e analytic functions FI,..., Fe on a neighborhood X* of a in X foy which a is an isolatedpoint of m ( b E x * : E i ( b ) =...= ~ , ( b = ) 01;
or equivalently, dim,V = min e such that there exist e elements.fl, ...,fe in R(a, X )for which { f 1 , ...,.fe, i(a, V , X ) } R ( a ,X ) is primary for the maximal ideal in R(a, X ) .
2) dim,V = mine such that there exists an n - e dimensional linear subspace L of Kn for which a is an isolated point of V n L.
3) YaV is pure n - 1 dimensional o i(a, V , X ) is a nonzero principal ideal in R(a, X ) e there exists an analytic function F on a neighborhood X* of a in Xsuch that y,F # 0 and V X* = {b EX*: F(b) = 0). 1) and 2) follow from (17.2) and (23.5). Since R(a, X ) is a unique factorization domain, 3) folIows from (21.5.2).
(33.2) There exists a ne$hborhood for all b E V fl X*. Follows from (26.2).
X*of a in X such that dimbv 5
(33.3) If V is pure e dimensional at a then V is pure e dimensional in some neighborhood X* of a in X . REMARK. Recall the following. V is pure e dimensional at a e (def )yaV is pure e dimensional o (def ) every irreducible component of yaV is e dimensional. I/ is pure e dimensional in X * e (def ) dimbv = e for all b E V fl X* o (by 30.17) yoV is pure e dimensional for all b E Y flX*.
PROOF. Take analytic sets V1,..., V , in a neighborhood X ' of a in X such that y,V1 U...U y,VA is the normal decomposition of yaY and V n X' = Vl U...U V,. Applying (32.1)to yaVt we can find a neighborhood X i of a in X' such that dimbvt = e for all b E Vi n Xi. Take
x* = xln...nx,.
(33.4) Suppose YaV has an irreducible component V' of dimension e. Then given any neighborhood X of a in X there exists a nonempty open subset X * of X ' such that V X* is pure e dimensional, (whence in particular n z 0).
v x*
PROOF.Let V" be the union of all the irreducible components of V different from V'. Take analytic sets V; and V ; in a neighborhood X I o f a in X ' such that V fl X I = V ; U V;l, y,V; = V', y,V{ = V". By (33.3) we can find a neighborhood X Z of a in X I such that V ; is pure e dimensional in Xz. Now yu(V; t l V;) C y,(V;) and hence there exists
b E V; X Z such that ybV; = ybV. Take X* to be a neighborhood of b in X2 such that V; n X* = V f X*. l
$ 33.
(33.5) Let V1, ..., Vh be any jinite number of analytic sets in X such that V = Vi U...U VA. Let b E X and let V* be an irreducible component of ybv. Then V* is an irreducible component Of ybvi for some i. Obvious.
(33.6) Assume that YaV is irreducible and let W be any analytic set i n X . Then we have the following. 1) YaV C Ya W 0 YaV C W for some irreducible component W of Yaw.
2) If yaw c YaV, then there exists a neighborhood X* of a in X such #
that W fl X* C V n X* and such that for each b E X * and for each irreducible component V* of ybv we have V* $ ybW.
3) If YaV Qt Y a W, then there exists a neighborhood X* of a in X such that for each b E X * and for each irreducible component V* of y b v we have v * !$ ybw. 4) If y a w is pure n - 1 dimensional and YaV ispure e - 1 dimensional where e = dimaV. 1) is obvious.
Q: y a w then ya(V n W)
Proof of 2). Assertion being trivial if a 4 W, assume that a E W. Then dimaW < dimaV. By (33.2, 33.3) we can find a neighborhood X* of a in X such that dim( W fX*) l 6 dim, W and V fX* l is pure e dimensional where e = dimaV. Proof of 3). Now y , ( W n V) C YaV and hence by 2) we can find a #
neighborhood X* of a in X such that for each b E X * and for each irreducible component V* of ybV we have V* Qt Yb(Wn V); and then obviously v* $ ybw.
Proof of 4). Follows from (19.15, 23.8, 33.1.3).
(33.7) Let W be any analytic set i n X . Assume that for each irreducible component V' of YaV and for each irreducible component W of y a w we have V' Q: W . l Then there exists a neighborhood X* of a in X such that for any b EX* and for any irreducible component V* of y b v we have v* Qt y b w and hence a fortiori V* Q: W* for each irreducible component W* of YbW. PROOF. Take analytic sets Vl, ..., V , in a neighborhood X of a in X such that YaVl U...U yaVA is the normal decomposition of yaV and By (33.6.1) this is equivalent to assuming that V' ($ yaw for each irreducible component V' of yaV.
V fl X’ = V I U...U V,. By (33.6.3) we can find a neighborhood Xt of a in X’ such that for each b E Xt and for each irreducible component V* of Y b V i we have V* Q ybw. Take X* = X I fl...fl X, and invoke (33.5).
(33.8) For any analytic set W in X the following jive conditions are equivalent. i) dimb(W fl V ) < dimbV for all b E V . ii) For each b E X and for each irreducible component V* of ybV we have V* ( ybw. iii) W fl V is nowhere dense in V . iv) W flV is a thin subset of V.2 v) V - W is everywhere dense in V.
Furthermore, i j V is pure e dimensional and W is pure n - 1 dimensional, then any one of the above conditions implies that W fl V is either empty or pure e - 1 dimensional.
Proof of v) ii). Let if possible b E V and an irreducible component V* of Y b v be such that V* C Yaw. Let V’ be the union of the remaining irreducible components of YbV. We can find a neighborhood X* of b in X and analytic sets P* and P’ in X* such that V fl X* = 8*U 8’, ybP* = V*, ybP‘ = V ,and P* C W f l X*. Now V* ( Y, and hence there exists /3 E P* such that /3 $ P’, i.e., y!P* = yFV, and hence yPV C yBW. Consequently there exists a neighborhood X‘ of /3 in X such that V fl X’ C W fl X’. NOW (V - W) fl X’ = 0 and hence /I 4 clv( V - W). Contradiction.
Proof of ii) * i). Let if possible b E V be such that dimb(Wt7 V) = dirnbv. Then there exists an irreducible component V* of ybv and an irreducible component U* of W fl V such that V* = U*. Consequently V* C ybw. Contradiction.
Proofof i) * iii). Let X* be any open subset of Xsuch that V flX* # 0. Take b E V X*. By assumption dimb(W fl V ) < dimbV and hence yb(w V ) C ybv. Therefore there exists /3 E V fl X* such that /I 4 W.
Since W is closed in X , there exists a neighborhood X ’ of ,f3 in X* such that
xi n w = 0.
i) o iv) and iii) * v) are obvious. The final assertion in (33.8) follows from (33.6.4) by using condition ii). For the definition of a thin subset see (30.16.3).
(33.9) Let W be any analytic set in X such that W fl V is nowhere dense of y b v , and any neighborin V . Let any b E v,any irreducible component hood X* of b in X be given. Then there exists /3 E V n X* such that /3 $ W and dim,V = dim V*. Follows from (33.4).
(33.10) Let W be any thin subset of V. Then W is nowhere dense in V. Let any b E V , any irreducible component V* of YbV, and any neighborhood X* of b in X be given; then there exists p E V n X* such that /3$ W and dim,V = dim V*. Follows from (33.8, 33.9). (33.11) Let V1,..., V , be analytic sets in X such that yaV1 U...U yaVA is the normal decomposition of ytcV. Then there exists a neighborhood X* of a in X such that f o r all b E V l l X * we have the following. i) Let VTl Then
u...uVTp,be the izormal decomposition of YbVifor i = 1,..., A.
vl*lu...u VTP,U
u...u V,*,, u...u v;,
is the normal decomposition of ybv. ii) For all i, v we have V c $! y b [ u (VJn VJ,)]; and hence in partic3+j‘
PROOF. Follows from (33.5, 33.7) in view of the fact that y,Vi $! yaVtr for all i # i’, and yaVi Q y,[JVj n Vj,)]for all i. +5‘
(33.12)3 Let W be any analytic set in X such that V C W. Let V i ,..., V i be the irreducible components of yaV. Let Wi, ..., W ; be the irreducible components of y,W labeled so that .for j k : Vi C Wj*for some i (depending on j ) , and for j > k : Vl Wi for i = 1 ,...,A. Let W’ = W; U...U WL and W = W i k l u...u W,. Then we have ~he~ol~owing.
i(a, W’, W).
For the definitions of i(a, V,X ) , R(a, V ,X ) , E(a,
V),etc., see (29.3, 29.4).
2) Let f R(W) be such that y nf E ja(a,w,[i(a,V , W ) ] . Then there exists a neighborhood X * of a in X such that for all b E V fX* l we have: Ybf E iR(b,w)[i(b, J‘, W ) ] or equivalently y b f E jR(b, w,[i(b, V*, W ) ]for each irreducible component V* of Y b v . Proof of 1). Now
n i(a, W;, W )
i(u, V , W ) =
n i(a, V ; ,W ) Z=1
are normal decompositions in R(a, W ) ; i(a, V ; , W ) ..., , i(a, V i , W ) are prime ideals in R(a, U’); for j 5 k: i(a, W;, W ) C i(a, V i , W ) for some i; and for j > K : i(a, W;, W ) Q: i(a, V i , W ) for i = 1,...,A. Therefore from the definition4 of i we get that
i(u, w’)W).
m‘ m” m“, m’,
Proof of 2). Take analytic sets and in a neighborhood B of a in X such that W n = I@’U y a m ’ = W’, y a p = W”. by l), ya f E i(a, W ) and hence Ybf E i(b, W )for all b E W n X where 4tis some neighborhood of a in X. Now Y i Q: W; for all i 5 A*and j > K , and hence by (33.7) there exists a neighborhood X* of u in X such that for each b E V n X* and each irreducible component V* of Y b V we have V* y a ~ V ” Now . yaw = y b m ’ U Y b m ’ ’ ) and hence if V* c W* for some irreducible component W* of YbW then W* must be an irreducible
component of
Y b I @ ’ . Therefore
by 1) we get that
m’,W )C
jR( b,W)[i(b, V*, W ) ]
and hence y b f E jR( b,W) [i(h
V*, W ) ] .
This being so for each irreducible component V* of ybv, by 1) we also get that Y b f E jR( b,W) [i(b) V, W ) ] .
See (18.7.8).
5 33.
(33.13)3 For f~ R ( V ) let W = (b E V : f ( b )= O}. Then we have the following. 1) Thefollowing four conditions are equivalent. i) Yaf is a nonzerodivisor in R(a, V ) . ii) ya f $ i(a, V',V )for each irreducible component V' of yaV. iii) V Q y a wfor each irreducible component V' of yaV. iv) There exists a nekhborhood V* of a in V such that W fl V* is nowhere dense in V*.
2)If y a f is a nonxerodivisor in R(a, v ) then R(b, V )for all b in some neighborhood of a in V .
Y bf
is a nonzerodivisor in
PROOF.i) o ii) e iii) is obvious. iii) e iv) follows from (33.7, 33.8). 2) follows from 1). (33.14)3 A n y element in R(a, V ) which is a nonxerodivisor in R(a, V ) remains a nonzerodivisor in %(a, V ) and hence the total quotient ring of R(a, V ) can be considered to be a subring of the total quotient ring of %(a, V ) . PROOF. Let f E R(V1) be given such that Yaf is a nonzerodivisor in R(a, V )where Vl is a neighborhood of a in V . Let W = (b E Vl : f ( b ) = O}. B y (33.13) there exists a neighborhood V2 of a in VLsuch that W f l V Zis nowhere dense in V Z .Let V3 be any neighborhood of a in V Zand g E %( V3) be such thatf(b)g(b) = 0 for all b E V3. Theng(b) = 0 for all b E V3 - W and hence g(b) = 0 for all b E V3. Therefore y a g = 0.
(33.15)s OPENMAP THEOREM. For any f E R ( V )we have the following. 1) Y af is nonconstants at a.
0 Ya(
f - f ( a ) ) # 0 0 the map f:V -+ K is open
2) ( Y a f ) I V' is nonconstant6 for each irreducible component V' of yaV y a ( f - f(a))is a nonzerodivisor i n R(a, V ) .
3 ) Y b( f - f ( b ) ) is a nonzerodivisor i n R(b, V )for all b E V e the map
f:V + K is open.
4) ya( f - f ( a ) ) is a nonzerodivisor in R(a, V ) o the map f 1 V*: V* --f K is open for some neighborhood V* of a in V .
' That is, in every neighborhood That is, if
of o in V,f takes at least two distinct values. V' then ya(fl f)is nonconstant.
7 is a representative of
Take analytic sets V1,..., V , in a neighborhood X’ of a in X such that yaV1 U...U y,Vn is the normal decomposition of y,V and V fl X ‘ = Vl v,.
Proof of 1). Obviously, y n f is nonconstant o y,(f - f(a)) # 0; and i f f is open at a then it is nonconstant in the neighborhood of a.7 Now suppose that ya(f - f ( a ) ) # 0. Then ya(f - f ( a ) )$ i(a, Vg, V ) for some i. By (32.6), f IVi: Vi -+ K is open at a, i.e., for every neighborhood X* of a in X’, f ( a ) is an interior point of f(Vi I IX * ) ; whence a fortiori f ( a ) is an interior point o f f ( V fl X*). Therefore f is open at a.
Proof of 2). Follows from 1) and (33.13.1). Proof of 3). “3”follows from 1). To prove “0’ let b E V be given. Take analytic sets ..., P, in a neighborhood of b in X such that ybr1 Y b v # is the normal decomposition of y b v and V fl 8 = 81 P,. Suppose if possible that Yb(f - f ( b ) ) is a zerodivisor in R(b, V ) . Then ky Z), yb( f lpi) is constant for some i, j.e., there exists a f(b). Now neighborhood X of b in X such that f l(T6fl X ) ybpi ( Y b Y j and hence there exists is E Vi n such that
u...u u...u
j +t
,8 $ U Pj,and then f
= f ( 6 ) in
some neighborhood of 8, in V . Contra-
diction to f being open at /3.
Proof of 4). “t”follows from 3). Now assume that ya(f - f ( a ) ) is a nonzerodivisor in R(a, V ) . Then by 1) and Z), we have ya( f - f ( a ) ) i(a, Vg, V )for i = 1,..., A. Applying (32.6) to yaVg we can find a neighborhood X i of a in X such that f I(Yi fl X i ) : Vi n Xg + K is open. Take
v* = v n x1n...n xA. $330. The singular IocusS
Let V be an analytic set in an open set X in Kn(x1, ...,xn>.
(33.16) Let a E V and let V1,..., V , be analytic sets in X such that y,V1 U...uy a V Ais the normal decomposition of y,V and V = V1 V,. Then
u.., S(YuW] u [ u ..., (YUV, fl YUVT)
’ Because K is nondiscrete.
For the definitions of S ( V ) and S ( y a V )see (30.16.4). For the definitions and basic properties of derivatives, Jacobians, and bianalytic maps see §2C, (10.9 to 10.14) and (21.11).
§ 33.
or equivalently, there exists a neighborhood X* of a in X such that
s(vn x*) =
i = l , ...,
u (v,n vj.n x * )
j,3‘=1, .... A
PROOF. Take X * to be a neighborhood of a in X such that (33.11.i) holds for all b EX*. Then for any b E U ( V j V f . X*), ybV is redu-
cible and hence b E S( V ) . For any b E ( V n X*) -
ybv = ybVt for a unique value of i and then b E
U(V, f l V,, n X*),
Pi’ S(V) e b
S( Vt).
(33.17) Let a E X and let g1,...,gm be analytic functions on a neighborhood X’ of a in X such that gl(a) =...= g,(a) = 0. Let W = {b E X’: gl(b) = ...= gm(b) = 0}, and let a = {yagl,..., yagm}R(a,X). Then we have the following.
5 n
and equality holds if and only if Ria is regular.
2) I f
rnk JCgl,--,gm) J(Xl,...,
then we have the following: m = n - dim,W; a = i(a, W , X ) ;R(a, W) is regular and is isomorphic to the convergent power series ring in n - m variables over K ; and there exists a bianalytic map h of a neighborhood , yn} such that of a in X’ onto a neighborhood P of the origin in K n { y ~..., h(a) is at the ovigin in P and h( W
n X)= ((PI ,..., &)
P: fl1
...= f l m
= O}.
PROOF.By the Nullstellensatz we know that dim R/a = dim,W and that, if R/a is regular then a = i(a, W , X). Upon replacing g i ,...,gm by their Taylor expansions around a, everything else follows from (10.11, 10.12, 21.11). (33.18) For a E V let e = dim,V and m five conditions are equivalent.
n - e. Then the following
i) a is a simple point of V, i.e., R(a, V) is regular. ii) rnkRca,x,i(a, V ,X ) = m.
iii) There exist m analytic functions g l ,...,gm on a neighborhood of a in X such that yugl ,..., Yagm E i(a, V, X ) and rnkJ(gl,"',g,)(a)=m; J(Xl,..., Xn)
[and then we automatically have that{y,gl, ..., y,gm}R(a, X ) = i(a, V ,X)].9 iv) R(a, V) is isomorphic to the convergent power series ring in e variables over K. v) There exists a bianalytic map h of a neighborhood 2 of a in X onto a neighborhood of the origin in Kn{yl,...,yn} such that h(a) is at the origin in P and
h(vn X)=
{(pl ,..., pn) E P: p1 =...= pm
e ii) and iii) * ii). Obviously iv) and iv) 3 i). Thus it remains to show that ii) implies iii) and v). So assume ii). Take analytic functions g1,...,gq on a neighborhood of a in X such that (y,gl, ..., yagp}R(a,X ) = i(a, V, X).By (33.17.1),
PROOF.By (33.17.1) it follows that i) 3
rnk J(gl'**" g q ) ( a ) = rnkRc,,x,i(a, V, X ) = m. J(X1,.
.., Xn)
Upon relabeling g1, ...,g , we can arrange that
Let a = (yugl,..., yugm}R(a, X ) . Then by (33.17.2), a is a prime ideal in R(a, X)and dim R(a, X)/a =e. Now a C i(a, V , X ) ,dim R(a,X ) / i ( a ,V ,X ) = e, and i(a, V ,X ) is an intersection of prime ideals. Therefore we must have a = i(a, V ,X).By (33.17.2) it now follows that v) holds.
(33.19) For a E V let e = dimuV. Assume that yuV is pure e dimensional. Also assume that there exists a finite number of analytic functions g1,...,gq on a neighborhood X ' of a i n X s u c h that i(b, V, X ) = {ybgl,..., ybgq}R(b,X ) for all b E X'. Then there exists a neighborhood Xhof a i n X ' such that
and hence S( V) fX* l is analytic in X*. 9 In asserting the equivalence of the five conditions, statement [ ] is not regarded as part of condition iii).
28 1
PROOF. By (33.3) we can find a neighborhood X* of a in X ‘ such that For any b E V n X*, by (33.17.1) we have V is pure e dimensional in X*..
and by (33.18), equality holds if and only if b
4 S( V ) .
(33.20) S( V) is a thin closed nowhere dense subset of V . Let any a E V, any irreducible component V‘ of’ yaV, and any neighborhood of a in X be given; then there exists b E V such that b 4 S( V )and dimbV = dim V’.
PROOF.If we show that S( V) is a thin closed subset of V then the rest will follow from (33.10). T o prove that S(V) is thin, let a E V be given. By (33.11, 33.16) we can take analytic sets Vl, ..., V , in a neighborhood X’ of a in X such that: yaVl U...U yaV, is the normal decomposition of yaV;
v n xf= vl u...uv,;
Applying (32.1) to y,Vi we can find an analytic set Wi in a neighborhood Xi of a in X ‘ such that:
Then W* is an analytic set in X*,S(V) n X* C W* C V , and dimbW* < dimoV for all b E V n X*. This shows that S ( V ) is a thin subset of V.
T o show that S ( V ) is closed in V , let a E V - S(V) be given. By (33.18) we can find analytic functionsgl, ...,gm on a neighborhood 2 of a in X such that
v n x = {b E ~
: ~ ~=...= ( b )g7n(b) =
By continuity, upon replacing can arrange that
by a smaller neighborhood of a in X we
For any b E V n by (33.17.2) we deduce that b r+ S(V). This shows that V - S( V ) is open in V , i.e., S( V ) is closed in V.
REMARK. I n 933C we shall show that S ( V ) is actually an analytic set in X . However, for many applications (33.20) is adequate. As an example we prove the following.
(33.21) HARTOCSEXTENSIONTHEOREM. Assume that K = C and dim V 5 n - 2. Let f be any analytic function on X - V. Then f has a unique analytic extension to X.10 PROOF.Uniqueness is obvious since V is nowhere dense in X . T o prove existence it suffices to show that for any givenp E V there exists a neighborhood X* of p in X such that f I(X* - V ) has an analytic extension to X*.11 Let e = dim,V and m = n - e. First suppose that a $ S( V ) .Then by (33.18) we can find an analytic coordinate systemyl, ...,yn in a neighborhood X* of a in X such that in X*,V is given by the equations: yl =...= y m = 0. By assumption 2 m 5 n and hence by (6.6), f l ( X * - V ) has an analytic extension to X*. In the general case we make induction on e. If e = 0 then obviously a r+S(V).Now let e > 0 and assume true for e - 1. By (33.2, 33.20), there exists an analytic set W* in a neighborhood X* of a in X such that S ( V ) fX* l C W* C V and dim W* 5 e - 1. By what we have already lo Recall that in Riemann Extension Theorem (14.3),about V it was only required that dim Y n - 1, whereas about f it was furthermore required that If 1 be bounded in the neighborhood of each point of V. l1 See the beginning part of the proof of (14.3).
i =1
Consequently it suffices to show that S(Vi)is analytic at a for any given i. So let i be given. Take analytic functions g1,...,gq on a neighborhood X’ of a in 8 such that {yagl,..., yag,)R(a, X ) = i(a, Vi, X ) . By (33.23‘) there exists a neighborhood X* of a in X‘ such that {Ybgl,..., ybgq)R(b, X ) = i(b, Vt, X ) for all b E X*. Hence by (33.19), S(Vi) is analytic at a. Proof of (33.22). We make induction on the number h of the distinct prime ideals of p . If h = 0 then p = R and our assertion is trivial. So let X > 0 and assume true for h - 1. Let a be a prime ideal of p and let b be the intersection of the remaining prime ideals of p . Let fl, ...,fp and gl,...,gq be finite bases of a and b, respectively. Respectively by (33.22’) and the induction hypothesis we can find a neighborhood X of the origin in X in which all the elements fi, g j are convergent, such that for all b E X ’ we have: rad{Tcbfi,..., Tbfp)R
{Sbfl,..., Tbfp)R
{Tbgl,..., 7bgq)R.
and By (15.4)we can find a finite number of elements h1, ..., h, in R which are convergent in a neighborhood X ” of the origin in X ’ such that for all b E X ” we have: {Tbhlt.*., T&r)R =
{Tbfl,..., 7bfp)R
n {Tbgl,..., Ibgq)R.
Then in particular {hl,..., h,)R = p, and hence there exists a neighborhood X * of the origin in X ” such that for all b E X* we have: Tbp = {Tbh,...,
For any b E X * we thus get: Tbp
{‘bfl,..., 7b.fp)R n {Tbgl,..., 7bgq)R = rad(rbf1,. .., 7bfp)Rn rad(Tbgl,..., Tbgq)&
and hence
{‘QJ~,..., 7bhr)R
5 33.
$330. Projections
Let y = (yl,...,ye), z = (zi,..., zm), S = K [ ( Y ) I , R = K [ ( Y ,.>I. Let T :Ke{y} x Km{z} --f Ke{y}be the natural projection. Let a be a proper and wl,..., w, be any finite bases ideal in R . Let b = a n S. Let vl,..., uCL = P x be a neighborhood of the of a and b, respectively. Let origin in Ke x K m such that 01 ,..., v g are convergent i n x and W I ,..., w, are convergent in P. Let
v = {a E 2:,ul(a) = ... = .,(a) W = {b E
P: ml(b) =...= w,(b)
We want to prove the following.
(33.25)13 Assume that { y l ,...,ye, a}R is primary for the maximal ideal in and let Y' x Z' be m y given neighborhood of the origin in P x 2. Then there exists a neighborhood Y* x Z* of the origin in Y' x 2' such that : given any neighborhood Z of the origin in Z* there exists a neighborhood P of the origin in Y * depending on Z such that for any neighborhood Y of the origin in P we have q n ( Y z)] = w n Y.
Also consider the following slightly weaker statement.
(33.25') Assume that { y l ,...,y e ,a}R is primary f o r the maximal ideal in R, and let Y ' x Z' be any given neighborhood of the origin in P x 2. Then there exists a neighborhood Y x Z of the origin in Y' x Z' such that
z)]= w n Y .
Proof of (33.25) is in several steps.
1") If (33.25') holds for a then so does (33.25). Follows from (30.21). l3 In the complex case, by using analytic continuation and Riemann Extension Theorem (14.3), several properties of analytic sets given in 833 (excluding 833C) and 834 were proved by Remmert-Stein [l]. In their set up, the proposition corresponding to (33.25) was proved first and the others were made to depend on it. In our set up, (33.25) is nowhere used in this chapter and its proof depends only on (32.7). We have not used analytic continuation anywhere, except in (14.8') to give an alternative proof of (14.8). Riemann Extension Theorem was used in (14.8) and after that it is not used until $36 except to make incidental observations in (35.1 1, 36.13, 35.14, 35.15). Until $36 the only places where (14.8) is used either directly or indirectly are: (31.6.3, 31.21, 31.22, 32.2.2, $34, 3 5.1 7). l4 Equivalently: the origin in X is an isolated point of V n {a E nu = (O)}.
2") (33.25) holds for a under the further assumption that: a is prime and the quotient field of Rja is separable over the quotient field of S/b.
PROOF. In view of 1") it suffices to show that (33.25') holds for a. Let e' = dim S/b. By (24.5), via a K-linear transformation on y l ,...,y e we can arrange that b is strictly regular relative to K[ ( y l ,...,ye,)].15By (23.3), a is then strictly regular relative to K [ ( y l ,...,yet)]. Hence by (32.7) we can find a neighborhood Y x 2 of the origin in Y' x 2' such t h a t n [ v n ( y x z)]= w n Y . 3")16 (33.25) holds for a under the further assumption that: foy every prime ideal p of a, the quotient field of R / p is separable over the quotient field of
sipn s.
PROOF. By 1") it suffices to show that (33.25') holds for a. Let p l , , . . , pA be the prime ideals of a. Let vtl,..., vipi be a finit? basis of p t and let wil, ..., wivi be a finite basis of p i S. Let P x 2 be a neighborhood of theAorigin in Y ' x 2' such that the elements vij are convergent in P x 2 and the elements wij are convergent in 8. Let
= (a E Y x
wt =
(b E
p1 rads((p1
(P x 2) =
...= viPt(a)= 01,
n...n p ,
= radRa
n S) n...n (p, n S))= radsb.
HenceAuponreplacing P x P x 2 we can arrange that V n
P: wn(b) =...= W i Y 8 ( b )= O}.
Obviously and
2 : vtl(a)
by a smaller neighborhood of the origin in
V1 U...U V,,
W f lP
Wl U...U W,.
By 2")we can find a neighborhood YF x 2: of the origin in P x such that: given any neighborhood 2 of the origin in 2; there exists a neighborhood &(Z)of the origin in Y t depending on 2 such that for any neighborhood Y of the origin in & ( Z ) we have
T[vin ( Y z)] = win Y .
Take 2 Is l6
n...n 2: and Y = Sl(Z) n...fl aA(Z).Then .rr[vn( Y 211 = w n
In case K is of characteristic zero, it suffices to invoke (23.5) instead of (24.5). In case K is of characteristic zero, 3") completes the proof (33.25).
5 33.
4") LEMMA. Let 2 be any jield of characteristic p # 0. Let q = p M where M is a positive integer. Let 5 be an element in some algebraic extension of 2 such that [2q((): Bq] 5 q. Then 5 is separable aver 2. PROOF. Let j ( T ) be the minimal monic polynomial of 5 over 2q. Let N be the largest integer such that f (T ) E Bq[Tp"], let q' = p N , and let n
(degree off (2') in T)/q'.
Then [2Q(t): QQ], = 72.17 By assumption q' 5 q and hence we can write j ( T ) = g ( T ) Q " with g ( T ) E 2[T].Then g ( 5 ) = 0. Let B* be the field generated over 2q by the coefficients o f g (T ) .Then 2*is a purely inseparable finite algebraic extension of 2q. Hence n 2 2 -
[2*({): 2*] [2*(5): 2*],
[2*( 0 in 2i with coefficients in S , for i = 1,..., m. Let M be any positive integer such that q 1 di for i = 1,..., m, where q = p M . Take indeterminates j j = (PI,...,Y e ) . Let = K [ ($)I and 8 = K [ (9, z ) ] . Let a/: Ke{jj) -+Ke{y} and 9:Ke(jj)x Km{z) -+Ke{y) x Km{z} be given by: a/( bl,..., be) = (bp,..., bP,), and q(b, c ) = ($(b), c). Let 77: Ke{jj} x Km{z} .+ Ke{jj}be the natural projection. Then n- 0 q~ = $ 0 5. Identify R with the subring K[ (91,...,ye, z ) ] n K [ [jj? ,...,jj:, z ] ] o f via the monomorphism: f ( y 1 ,...,ye, z ) +f(jjp ,...,jj:, .).I9 In other words we set yi = jj: for i = 1,..., e. Then S gets identified with the subring K [ ( j j l ,...,Ye)] fK[[jj: l ,...,j z ] ] o f 9. Let a = ai? and b = b s . Then obviously { j l ,..., Y e , ii}R is primary for the maximal ideal in 8.
Zariski-Samuel [l:Last paragraph on p. 711. [ I s denotes the degreeof separability. The last equality follows from Zariski-Samuel [l: Corollary 1 on p. 1151. 19 Obviouslyf(y1, . . . , y , , z ) is convergent at u e - j ( $ y ,...,$:, z ) is convergent at p-l(a). In particular, if f(y1, ...,ye,z ) is convergent then f(i.y, ..., j:, z ) is convergent as a power 1,...,ye,z and conversely. series in 9 17
We claim that b = 6 fl Obviously b C 6 f l 3. T o prove “3” let be given. Since f E ii = ai? we can write f as a finite sum:
f E ii t l
a and si E R.
Label the monomials {j+..&: 05
< q,.’., 0 5
< q}
as 61,..., .$E, ( E = qe). Then we can write E
~i =
2 sij.$j 3 =1
sij E R.
Then E,
f = fL=1 t&i
tj =
C 1
risij E
Now f E K [[ 9 1,...,Ye]] and t j E K [[ 9:,...,j f , z]]. Considering f,tl, ...,t~ as elements in K [[91,..., %, ,311, and equating coefficients we deduce that t l , ..., tE are in S. Therefore tl, ..., t~ E a n S = b and hence f E 6. Let 68(91,...,ye, z ) = ui(9f ,...,YP, z ) and $i(j% ,..., ye) = wt(j$ ,..., 9:). Then Cl,..., 5, form a basis of d and they are convergent in pl-l( Y ’ x 2’)= $-1(Y’) x 2 ’ ; and $1, ..., zZv form a basis of 6 and they are convergent in +-I( Y ‘). Let
P = {a E +-I( Y’) x
2’:61(a) = ...= aU(a)= 0},
{b E $-I( Y ) :e?rl(b) = ...= q b ) = O}.
Suppose we have shown that
5’) For any prime ideal i j of 6 in l? the quotient field of a/@ is separable over the quotient jield of S/@flS. Then by 3”) we can find a neighborhood P x 2 of the origin in +-I( Y ‘ ) x 2’ such that
+[P n (P
z)] =
rn n P.
Let Y = +(P). Then Y x 2 is a neighborhood of the origin in Y‘ x Z‘ and r[vn ( Y 211 = p [ n~(P z)] = = =
q v n (P z)]
+(mn P) w n Y.
5 34.
T o prove 5") let @ be any prime ideal of 6 in 8. Let ci be the image of zi under the natural epimorphism 3 -+8/p. Let R be the quotient field of R / @and let 2 be the quotient field of 310 fl considered as a and hence it suffices subfield of R. By (23.3) we have R = 2(51,..., to show that for any i 5 m we have that 5 2 is separable over 2,Let 2' be the quotient field S/ij fl S considered as a subfield of 2. Since K is perfect, as in the proof of (24.1) it follows that S4 = S . Therefore 2 4 = F. Hence by 4"),cr is separable over 2.
be the minimal (34.1) Let a be aproper ideal in C[( X I , ...,x,)]. Let PI,..? be aJinite basis of pi. Let X be aneighborhood primeidealsof a. Let ~ $ 1..., , of the origin in Cn in which all the elements ugj are convergent. Let Vi = {a E
uil(a) =
...= ui,,(a) = 0},
V l U...U V,.
Let e$ = dim R/pi and e = min(e1,..., e,). Let W be any analytic set in such that y(o,V$Q: y(o,Wfor i = 1,..., A.1 For any El ,..., En > 0 let X < E i,..., E n )
C": (all < El,..., [a,] < En).
Assume that p i is regular relative to C [ ( x l ,..., xe,)] for i = 1,..., A ; and let DT > 0,..., DZ > 0 be given such that X(DT ,..., DZ) C Then there exist 0 < D; 5 Df ,..., 0 < DL D,*,0 < D,*+1 6 Dz+1,..., 0 < Dn 5 D f ,
such thatfor any 0 < D1 5 D;,. ..,0 < D, 6 D:!letting X = X(D1, ...,Dn) we have i) and we have ii), iii), iv) for i = 1,..., A.2 i) (Vl fl X ) - S(V) - W,...,( V , f l X ) - S(V) - W are exactly all the distinct connected components of (V n X ) - S(V ) - W. ii) S(V t ) n X C S(V ) . iii) Vi flX = clX[(Vi fl X ) - S(V) - w]. iv) Any point a E Vi flXcan be joinedtoapoint in (Vin X ) - S(V ) - W by a simple arc in V, fl X meeting S(V ) U W at most in a.
PROOF. By (33.16) there exists a neighborhood X of the origin in such that for any neighborhood X of the origin in X we have
s(v)n x =
u.,,( s w nX)] u [ u (v,n v,, n X ) -
For instance W = 0. For e = 0 this means: there exist 0 < Di X = Xwe have.... 2
,,,'=L...,, j#,'
5 DT,..., 0 < D, 5 D:
such that letting
Now (VI f l X ) - S(V) - W,..., ( V , fl X ) - S ( V ) - W are a finite number of pairwise disjoint closed subsets of (V fl X )- S(V) - W, and
( v n x ) - s(v)- W = u [(vtnx)- s(v)- w]. Z =1
Therefore for any j # j ' , ( V j fl X ) - S(V ) - W and (Vjp fl X)S(V) - W cannot be contained in the same connected component of (V f l X ) - S( V ) - W. Consequently it suffices to prove the f ~ l l o w i n g . ~ (I) Let DT > 0,..., DE > 0 be given such that X ( D f ,..., DZ) C Then there exist
0 < D; 5 0;") ..., 0 < D: 6 DZ, 0 < De+l 6 De+l,..., 0 < D, 6 Dm, such that for any 0 < D1 < D;,..., 0 < De < Dk we have (1") 2", 3") for i = l,...,A.
1") VZfl X(D1,...,Dn)
closure of (VZfl X{D1 ,..., Dn)) - S(V) - W in X(D1,..., Dn). 2") (VZfl X(D1,..., D,)) - S ( V ) - W i s connected. 3") Any point M E VZfl X(D1, ..., Dn) can be joined to a point in ( VZfl X { D I ,..., Dn)) - S(V) - W by a simple arc in VZfl X(D1 ,..., Dn> meeting S( V ) U W at most in tc. =
Let m = n - e. We prove (I) by induction on m. If m = 0 then yp)V = yp)Cnand our assertion follows from (14.7). Now let m > 0 and assume true for m - 1. Relabel p1, ..., so that dim R/pz = e for i 5 p and dim R/pi > e for i > p. Let V' = Vl U...U V P .By (30.21) we can find 0 < AT 6 DT,..., 0 < A: 6 D: such that: for any there exist depending on Ae+l,..., A n such that
9 We may suppose that e > 0. The case e = 0 follows by a slight modification of the argument which follows. Or note that indeed if e = 0 then y(o)V= yto,{(O)} and our assertion is trivial.
29 1
such that:
By (33.8, 33.20) we can find W* C
5") W* is analytic at the origin; y(o,(S(V) f l yp)Vt Q. y(o,W* for i = 1,..., A.
w)C y(o)W*,
p. I n virtue of 5"), by (23.4) there exist
Consider i
0 < BY) 5 AT,...,0 < B',) S A; and 0 # A;
C[(xl, ..., xe)] which is convergent in {b E Ce: Ibl] < Bi'),..., ]be) < By'}
such that Ai(a1,..., a,)
for all a
VZfl X(B:i),..., B',") fl (S(V)U W ) .
Applying (32.2) to Vi and A; we can find
+ 1,..., n ;
for j
1,..., e.
If X = p then taking
D; = f?j
for j = 1,..., e,
from (4",6", 7", So)we deduce that €or any 0 < D1 6 D;, ..., 0 < De 5
for j = e
+ 1,..., n,
(lo, 2", 3") hold for all i 5 A. Now suppose that A > p. Then in virtue of 5"), by induction hypothesis we deduce that there exist 0 < D; 5
el,..., 0 < 0;5 Ce,
such that for all
0 < De+l 6 Ce+1,..., 0 < Dn 5
0 < D1 5 Dy, ..., 0 < De 5 D:,
(lo, 2", 3") hold for all i > p. Take 0;= min(D;,
,..., Dn))
1,..., e.
Then by (4",6", 7", 8") it follows that for any
0 < D1 5 D;, ..., 0 < De 5 DL,
(lo, 2", 3") hold for all i 5 p as well. In virtue of (23.5), (34.1) yields (34.2) Let V be an analytic set in an open set X in Cn and let a E V. Take analytic sets V1,..., V A in a neighborhood of a in X such that yaV1 U...U YaVk is the normal decomposition of YaV, and V I7 B = VI u...u VA. Let W be any subset of X such that W is analytic at a and YaVi f y a w for i = 1,..., A.4 Then there exists a neighborhood basis X' of a in X such that upon making an afine transformation on the original coordinate system every member of x' becomes an open polycylinder around a and such that for every X ' E X' we have i) to vi).
i) (V1 n X ' ) - S(y) - W,..., ( V Afl X ' ) - S ( V ) - W a r e exactly all the distinct connected components of (V f l X ' ) - S(V ) - W. ii) S(Vt) n X C S ( V ) for i = 1,..., A. iii) Vi n X ' = clx/[(Vt n X ' ) - S(V) - W ]for i = 1,..., A. iv) For any i 5 A, any point u E Vi t l X' can be joined to a point in (Vi fl X ' ) - S(V ) - W by a simple arc in V f n X ' meeting S(V )u W at most in u. Since a
n Vi, from i), ii), and iv) we get A
v) V n X' is arcwise connected; and Vi n X ' , (Vt n X ' ) - S(Vt), (Vi fl X ' ) - S(V), and (Vt n X')- S ( V ) - W are arcwise connected for i = 1,..., A. From v) we get vi) If yaV is irreducible then V n X ' , (V flX ' ) - S(V), and (V fl X ' ) - S(V) - W a r e arcwise connected. 4
For instance W = 0.
3 34.
By (33.20), S(V) is a thin subset of V . Hence (34.2) yields (34.3) Let V be an analytic set in an open set in Cn. For any a E V , the following four conditions are equivalent.
i) y,V is irreducible. ii) S(V) does not disconnect V at a. iii) [W C V , W anaZytic at a, yuW f yuV] + W does not disconnect V at a. iv) [W’ C W C V , W analytic at a, y,W # y,V] => W’ does not disconnect V at a. $348. Global decomposition
Let V be a nonempty analytic set in an open set X in Cn. Let (Vt)~,l be the distinct connected components of V - S(V ) . For any i E I , let V$ = c1vVg = ClXVi. (34.4) DEFINITION. V is said to be irreducible o [V = V’ U V”, V’ and V” analytic sets in X * V = V’ or V = V]. V is said to be reducible o V is not irreducible. W C X is said to be an irreducible component of V o W is a nonempty irreducible analytic set in X, W C V, and [W C W‘ C V, W’ irreducible analytic set in X W = W].
(34.5) Given a E V take analytic sets V i ,..., V i in a neighborhood of a in X such that yuV; U...U yaVi i s the normal decomposition of y,V; and V fl = V; u...U V i . Let X” be any given neighborhood of a in 2. Then there exists a neighborhood X’ of a in X such that letting
J i = { j ~ A : V ; n X n V ~ # 0 and ) I’={ieI:Ji#O) we have i) and ii).
i) Ji n = 0 f o r aZZ i # i’ in I. ii) For any i E I we have: Jil
iEI’oVinX’# 0 ~ v t n X # 0
vzn x’ u (v;n xi). =
3E J ,
PROOF. By (34.2) we can find a neighborhood X ’ of a in X”such that: (V; X ) - S(V),..., ( V i f l X’) - S ( V ) are exactly all the distinct connected components of (V n X’) - S ( V ) ; and V ; n X‘ = c l ~ ( ( V jfl X’) - S ( V ) ) for j = 1,...,A. Now i) follows from the fact
that (V' flX ' ) - S ( V ) is connected for j = 1,..., A ; and then ii) follows immediately.
ri is analytic in X for
dim V = max dim iEI
in X', dim
U pi
all i
I , and we have V
pi. More generally for any I* =
max dim iET*
Pi,and U ri = c1.v
U Ui and
is analytic
Follows from (34.5).
PROOF. Given a E V let the notation be as in (34.5). By (33.16) we get
and for all i
E I,
(34.8) For any i # i' in I we have that fl Vi = 0. Follows from (34.7). Alternatively, by (34.2), V is locally arcwise connected. Therefore Vi is open in V - S(V) and hence Vi is open in V for all i E I. Now Vi, n Vi = 0 and Ti, = clvVi,. Therefore n V , = 0.
(34.9) For any W C X we have the following.
1) If W is analytic in X , then W fV lis nowhere dense in V o W n is nowhere dense in pi for all i E 1 . 5
Recall that by (33.8): [W n V is nowhere dense in V]o [dima(?+' n V)< dimat.' for all a E V]u [for each a E X and for each irreducible component V* of yaV we have V* r$ yaw]. If V is pure e dimensional, W is pure n - 1 dimensional, and W n V is nowhere dense in V,then W n V is either empty or is pure e - 1 dimensional.
5 34.
2) W n V is a thin subset of V o W n iEI, Follows from (34.5) in virtue of (33.8).
rt is a thin subset of
for all
(34.10) The following Jive conditions are equivalent.6 i) V is irreducible. ii) V - S( V )is connected. iii) I f W is any analytic set in X with V $! W, then V n W is nowhere dense in V.5 iv) If W is any analytic set in X with V $ W, then V - W is connected7 v) If W is any thin subset of V , then V - W is connected.8 Proof of i)
i E I, and let
ii). Otherwise I contains more than one element. Take
i* #i
By (34.6), V' and V" are analytic sets in X and V = V' u V". By (34.8), V' $ V" and V" $ V'. Contradiction to V being irreducible. Proof of ii) e- iii). Let U = (a E V - S ( V ) :y,V C yaw}.Obviously U is open in V - S( V ) .Also V is irreducible at each point in V - S( V ) , and hence U is closed in V - S ( V ) by (33.7). Now V is the closure of V - S( V ) in X , W is closed in X,and by assumption V $ W. Therefore V - S( V ) W and hence U # V - S( V ) .Since V - S( V )is connected, we must have U = 0, Therefore ( V - S ( V ) )fl W is nowhere dense in V - S ( V ) by (33.8). Since S ( V ) is nowhere dense in V , we conclude that V n W is nowhere dense in V. Proof of iii) 3 i). Let V' and V" be any analytic sets in X such that V = V' U V" and V # V". Then there exists a E V with a $ V". Since V is closed in X,we must have YaV = yay'. Hence V' is not nowhere dense in V. Therefore V = V' by iii). This shows that V is irreducible. Proof of ii) 3 v). V is irreducible at every point in V - S ( V ) . Hence by (34.3), W n (V - S ( V ) ) disconnects V - S ( V ) nowhere. By assumption V - S ( V ) is connected and hence by (14.5.4), V - S(V) - W is connected. Now S ( V ) is a thin subset of V and by assumption so is W. In view of i) c> ii), in the situation of (34.2.vi) we can say that: if yaV is irreducible then V n X' is irreducible. 7 V - W is then automatically arcwise connected and locally arcwise connected. * If W is also closed in V then automatically V - W is arcwise connected and locally arcwise connected.
Therefore W U S( V )is a thin subset of V. Consequently V - W = closure of V - S ( V ) - W in V - W. Therefore V - W is connected.
Proof of v)
ii). Take W = S( V ) .
Proof of ii) * iv). In virtue of (33.8), this follows from ‘ 5 ) and “ii) => v)”.
* iii)”
Proof of iv) ii). Follows by taking W = S ( V ) and using the fact proved in (33.24) that S(V) is analytic. If we do not want to use (33.24) then we can proceed as follows. Supposing that I contains more than one element, we want to exhibit an analytic set W in X such that V Q W and V - W is disconnected. Take i E I , and let
V‘ = pt,
V” =
U up,
W = V’ n V”.
Then by (34.6, 31.8): W is an analytic set in X ; V Q W ; V‘ - W and V” - Ware nonempty disjoint closed subsets of V - W ;and V - W = (V’ - W ) U ( V - W ) . (34.11) If V is irreducible then V is pure dimensional. PROOF.For any p 2 n let V@)= ( a E V - S ( V ) : dim,V = p}. Since Y is irreducible at each point in V - S ( V ) , by (33.3) we deduce that V @ )is an open subset of V - S ( V ) . Thus V - S ( V ) is the union of the ..., V ( n ) .By (34.10), finite number of pairwise disjoint open subsets V@), Y - S( Y )is connected and hence we must have V = V(e)for some e 5 n, i.e., V is pure dimensional in V - S( V ) .Therefore V is pure dimensional by (33.20).
(34.12) If V is connected and y,V is irreducible for all a irreducible.
V , then V is
PROOF.By (34.3), S(V) disconnects Y nowhere and hence by (14.5.4), V - S(V) is connected. Therefore V is irreducible by (34.10). (34.13) For all i
vt is an irreducible
analytic set in X .
PROOF. By (34.7), Vt - S(Vi) = closure of Vt in - S ( 7 t ) . Therefore rt - S ( 7 t ) is connected. Hence is irreducible by (34.10).
(34.14) IDENTITY TEiEOREM FOR ANALYTIC SETS. For any nOneVZ$tJ’ irreducible analytic set W i n X we have the following.
3 34.
1) The following three conditions are equivalent. i) W C V. ii) W C Ui.for some i E I. iii) There exist a E W and an irreducible component W* of y a W such that w * c yav.
2) The following three conditions are equivalent. i‘) w = Vi for some i E I. ii‘) There exist a E W, an irreducible component W* of y a w and an irreducible component V* of y,V such that W* = V*. iii’) Given any a E W and any irreducible component W* of yaw, there exists an irreducible component V* of y,V such that W* = V*. I t is obvious that ii) => i) => iii) and iii’) * 2 ) ; also i’) Hence it suffices to show that iii) => ii) and ii’) =- 2).
* iii’) by (34.5).
Proof of iii) 3 ii). By ( 3 4 3 , W* C y u r i for some i E I. Hence by (33.8), W n & is not nowhere dense in W. Since W is irreducible, upon for (V, W) in (34.1O.G)we get that W C taking (W,
Proof of ii’) => i’). By ( 3 4 4 , V* is an irreducible component of yurg for some i E 1. Now W* = V* C yuri and W is irreducible; hence WC by 1). Again V* = W* C yuW and by (34.13), is irreducible; hence Tt C W by 1). Therefore: W =
(34.15) W C X is an irreducible component of V c> W = vi for some i E I. Hence V is the irredundant union of its irreducible components.
PROOF. Let i E I be given. By (34.13), is an irreducible analytic set in X . Let C V‘ C V where V’ is any irreducible analytic set in X. for some i’ €1.Hence = V‘ = By (34.14.1), V‘ C by (34.8). Conversely let W be any irreducible component of V . By (34.14.1), WC for some i E I. By (34.13), is irreducible and hence W = The last assertion now follows from (34.6, 34.8).
(34.16) Assume that V is pure e dimensional. Then is pure e dimensional for all i E I. Let W be any pure e dimensional analytic set in X such that W C V. Then there exists I* C I such that ( p g ) t E p are exactly all the distinct irreducible components of W a n d W = U $€I*
The first assertion follows from ( 3 4 4 , and then the second assertion follows by first applying (34.15) to Wand then applying (34.14.2) to each irreducible component of W.
(34.17) Let W be any thin subset of V. Then vt - W is connected and = clx( V f - W )for all i E I. I f furthermore W 3 S(V )then ( - W)iEI are exactly all the distinct connected components of V - W. Follows from (34.9.2, 34.10, 34.13). (34.18) For any 0 # I* C I let
P = U pi.
all the distinct irreducible components of Now (Vt)iEr are the distinct connected components of V - S(V ) and hence obviously (V ~ ) I E Iare * the distinct connected components of P - S(V). By (33.8, 33.16, 3 4 4 , S(P) C S(V) and S(V) flis a thin subset of P. Now apply (34.15) and (34.17) to P by taking S(V) for W. (34.19) For any analytic set W in X we have: W fl V is nowhere dense in V 0 Vt W f o r all i E 1 . 5 Follows from (34.9.1, 34.10, 34.13). (34.20) REMARK. So far we have not used the fact that Cn and hence 'T has a countableg basis of open sets. Using this fact we can show that V has only a countable number of irreducible components. Namely: Since V is locally arcwise connected, for any i E I , VZis open in V - S(V )and hence it is open in V. Thus ( Vt)iE1are pairwise disjoint nonempty open subsets of V . Since V has a countable basis of open sets, I must be countable. Alternatively: Take at E Vi and let
Pi =
u pi*.
i*EI i*#i
Then by (34.6, 34.8), at 4 and is closed in V. Hence there is a neighborhood Yi of ai in V such that Yi f l Pi = 0. Now (Yt)iElare pairwise disjoint nonempty open subsets of V. As an application of global decomposition we prove the following. (34.21) Assume that dim V e < n and X = X* - L where X* i s an open set in C n and L is an ajine subspace of C n such that dim L = e.10 Let p E X * fl L. Then for any i with 0 5 i 5 e there exists an afine subspace M of Cn such that p E M , dim M = n - e + i, dim(L fl M ) = i, and dim(V f l M ) S i. A set is countable if it can be put in a one-to-one correspondence with a subset of the set of positive integers. 10 Let L be any affine subspace of C n and let h be the dimension of L in the sense of affine spaces. Then obviously L is an irreducible pure h dimensional analytic set in Cn and S(L) = 0.
5 34.
PROOF.Induction on n. Assertion being trivial for n = 1, take n > 1 and assume true for 71 - 1. I f i = e, take M = Cn. Now suppose that 0 6 i < e. Take p' E L such thatp' # p. Takepi E Tt. Now I is countable by (34.20).Since C is uncountable, and I is countable, we can find a hyperplane_ Cn-1 in Cn such that p E Cn-1, p' $ Cn-1, and-pi $ Cn-1 for all i E I. = - L, and = V n Cn-1. Let L = L flCn-1, = X* t l Cn-1, is an affine subspace of 0 1 of dimension e - 1, and are Then open sets in Cn-1, and B is an analytic set in By (34.19), dim 5 (dimV) - 1 S e - 1. Nown - e + i = ( n - 1 ) - (e - 1) + i a n d i 5 e - 1, and hence by induction hypothesis there exists an affine subspace M of Cn-1 such that p EM, c$m M = n - e + i, dirn(i n M ) = i, and i.ObviouslyL f l M = L f l M a n d v n M = V n M . dim(PflM) I
534C. Maximum Principle
Let V be a nonempty analytic set in an open set X in Cn.
(34.22)For any f
R( V) and u
V we have the following.
1) OPEN MAP THEOREM, The following eight conditions are equivalent. a) (resp: a i , (resp: PI,
(resy: Yal f I, Ya R e f , yaIm f ) isnonconstant. The map f ( r e v : I f I, R e f , I m f ) of V into C (resp: R+, R,R) is open at a.
MZ, ag). Ya f
/32, /33).
2) MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE. I f any one of the following five conditions is satisjied then yaf , yal f 1, ya Ref,and ya Im f are constant. i ) If(4I = SUP If(V)I. i i ) R e f ( a ) = supRef(V).
iii ) Ref(a) = inf Ref(V).
ii') Im f ( a ) = sup Im f ( V ) .
iii') Im f ( u ) = inf Im f ( V ) .
PROOF. a e p is proved in (33.15). /3 PI, p * Pz, /3 3 8 3 because t -+ It],t -+ Re t, t -+ Im t are open maps of C onto R+, R,R, respectively. Obviously /3j => a3 => a f o r j = 1, 2, 3. This proves 1). 2) follows from 1). (34.23) I f V is irreducible then we have the following. 1) IDENTITYTHEOREM. For any f # g in R(V) let W = {u E v:f ( a ) W = 0 or W is a pure e - 1 dimensional analytic set in X V ;in either case Wis nowhere dense in V .
= g(a)). Then where e = dim
2) OPENMAPTHEOREM. For any f E R(V )thefollowing twelve conditions are equivalent. yaf (resp: yal f 1, ya Ref, ya Imf) is nonconstant for some a E V . ,f3) (resp: PI, Bz, ,f33).f (resp: I f 1, Ref, Im f) isnonconstant. y ) (resp: 71, yz, y3). f (resp: I f I, Ref, Im f ) is an open map of V into C (resp: R+, R, R). a) (resp: ai,M Z ,
3) MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE. For any f E R(V ) the following ten conditions are equivalent, and if any one of them is satisjied then f, 1 f Ref, and Im f are constant.
i) f(a)l = sup]f(V)lfor some a E V . ii) 1 f(a)l = sup1 f (V*)l for some neighborhood V* of some point a E V . jii) R e f ( a ) = sup R e f ( V ) f o r some a E V. iv) R ef ( a ) = sup Ref( V*)for some neighborhood V* of somepoint a E V. v) R e f ( a ) = inf R e f( V )for some a E V. vi) R e f ( a ) = inf Re f(V*)for some neighborhood V* of some point a E V. iii', iv', v', vi'). Same as iii, iv, v, vi) with Im replacing Re.
PROOF. 1) follows from (34.10, 34.11, 33.1.3, 33.8). From 1) we get that: f is constant -syaf is constant for some a E V. In view of this, 2) and 3) follow from (34.22). $340. Consequences of the Maximum Principle
Let y = ( y l ,...,ye), z = ( ~ 1..., , ztn). Let T :C e b } x C ~ { X+ } Ce(y) be the natural projection. For any fi E Ce{y} and positive real number D Iet
Y ( D , ,f3>
{b € 0 Ibg : -
P(D, 8)
(b E Ce: Ibg -
{b E Ce: Ibg
< D f o r i = 1,..., el,
I D for i = 1,..., e}, - &I = D for i = 1,..., el.
Let Y and 2 be nonempty open sets in Ce{y} and Cm{z} respectively. Let 2 be the boundary of 2 in Cm{z}.
(34.24) Let W be any analytic set in 2.
1) If W is compact then dim W = 0 and W consists of afinite number of points.
2) If 2 is bounded and 2 fl (closure of W i n Cm) = 0 then W is compact.
$ 34.
PROOF. 2) is obvious. To prove 1) let W' be any irreducible component of W. Then W' is closed in W and hence W' is compact. Therefore Izt(c(i))j = suplzi(W')I for some c(i) E W'. Hence by (34.23.3), zt1W' is constant for i = 1,..., m ; i.e., W' is a point. Therefore by (34.6), dim W = 0, i.e., W consists of isolated points. Since W is compact, it must be finite. (34.25) Assume that 2 is bounded avd contains the origin (0). Let W be any analytic set in 2 - ((0)) such that 2 n (closure of W i n Cm) = 0. Then dim W = 0, i.e., W consists of isolated points. PROOF.In virtue of (34.6) it suffices to show that any irreducible be the closure of component W' of W consists of a single point. Let W' in Cm. Then is bounded and hence compact. Consequently lzi(c(O)\ = suplzi(m'))(for some c(i) E Now W' is closed in 2 - ((0)) = W' u ((0)). If Izg(c(i))\= 0 then ziIW' = 0. = W' or and hence If Izi(c(i))l# 0 then c ( i ) E W' and Iz~(c(i))l= supIzi(W')I, whence ztIW' is constant by (34.23.3). Thus iq[W',...,zmIW' are constant, i.e., W' is a point.
(34.26) LEMMA. Let Y be an analytic set in Y x 2. Let /3 E Y and y (/3, y ) E V.
be such that a =
1) Assume that dim,V = e, and a is an isolated point of V fl (/3 x 2). Then TIV: V + Ce is open at a ; and hence yilV: V -+ C is open at CI. for i = 1,..., e.
2 ) Assume that V is pure e dimensional at tc, and a is an isolated point of V n (p x 2). Let L be any h dimensional a@ne subspace of Ce(y> passing through p , ( h 2 e). Then V fl(I, x 2 ) is pure h dimensional a t a. PROOF.In virtue of ( 2 3 4 , 1) and 2) follow from (32.1.1) and (33.3, 33.7, 33.S), respectively.
(34.27) Let V be a pure e dimensional analytic set in Y x 2.11 Let be the closure of V in Ce(y) x Cm{z}. Assume that Y is connected, 2 is bounded, and ( Y x 2 ) n = 0. Then for any p E Y , V n (/3 x 2 ) is a nonempty finite set.
PROOF. 1") For any
p E Y , V fl (18
By definition
x 2 ) is$nite. Follows by (34.24).
V is then nonempty.
2") nlV: V -+ Ce is open, and hence n(V) is a nonempty open subset of Y. Follows by 1")and (34.26.1). Since Y is connected, it now remains to show that r( V ) is closed in Y . So let /3 E (closure of n( V )in Y )be given. We want to show that E n(V). Take D > 0 such that p ( D , ,8) C Y. Then Y ( D , ,B) n n ( V ) # 0. Let P = V fl( P ( D , p ) xo2). Then P is a closed subset of the compact set P(D,/I)x (2 U 2). Hence P is a nonempty compact set.
3") /3 E n(V )in case e = 1. Suppose not. Let f and g be the restrictions to V of the functions y - /3 and l/(y - p). Then inf l f ( Y ) [= E > 0 = E for some tl E P. Obviously inf I f ( P ) ] = inf ] f ( V ) l . and Therefore I f(tl)l = E = inf I f ( V ) [ . Hence lg(tl)I = 1/E= sup)g(V)), Therefore by (34.22), yag is constant and hence so is ya f. Thus nlV: V --f Ce is not open at M E V , in contradiction to 2").12 4") p E n(V ) in the general case. By induction on k we shall show that for any k with 0 5 k 5 e there exists ,6 E Y ( D , p ) fl n(V) such that fli = for all i j k . Now Y ( D , p ) f l n ( V ) # 0 and hence for k = 0 we can take to be any point in Y ( D , p ) f l x ( V ) . Now let 0 < k 5 e and assume that we have found j?' E Y ( D , ,3) t l n ( V ) such that /3; = for a l l i 5 k - 1. Let
(b E Y ( D , j ? ) :bi = /3',fori = 1 ,..., k - 1, k
+ 1,..., e).
Then V n ( L x 2 ) # 0 ;
( L x Z ) n (closure of
v n(L x
Z ) in L x cm{z>>= 0 ;
and by 1") and (34.26.2) it follows that V n ( L x 2 )is a pure one dimensional analytic set in L x 2. Now L can be considered to be a domain in C1{yk} and hence by the e = 1 case, there exists 7 E 2 such that (ply...,pk, pi, 7 )E n ( L x 2).~ e Pt = (pl,..., pk, ,...,p;). Then E Y ( D , p ) n n ( V ) and & = for all i 5 k.
(31.28) Assume that 2 contains the origin (0) of Cm(z}. Let V be a pure be the closure of V e dimensional analytic set i n Y x (2 - {(0))).11 Let in Ce{y) x Cm{z>. Let U be the $osure of r( V ) in Y. Assume that Y is connected, 2 is bounded, and ( Y x 2)f l = 0. Then U = Y.
Also consider the following weaker statement.
(34.28') Assume that Z contains the origin ( 0 ) of Cm(z}. Let V be a pure e dimensional analytic set in Y x ( Z - ((O))).ll Let B be the closure of Y This completes the proof of (34.27) in case e = 1 .
$ 34.
n Ce(y} x Cm{z}. Let U be the closure of q ( V ) in Y . Assume that Y = Y ( D , 8) for some p E Ce(y) and D > 0, Z is bounded and ( Y x 2)n V = 0. Then ,f3 E ZJ. Proof of (34.28) is in three steps.
1")Forgiven e : if(34.28') holds then (34.28) holds.
PROOF. Fix fl E n(V). Let p' be any point in Y. Join /3' to by an arc in Y . By compactness of an arc we can find a finite number of points /W), ..., ,B(p+l) in Y and positive real numbers D1,...,Dp+l such that: p(1) = jl', )B(p+l) = f ; Y(D,, /3(Q))C Y for q = 1,..., p + 1; and p(q+1)E Y ( D , ,fI(@) for q = 1,. . . , p . Suppose p(q) $ U for some q 5 p ; then applying (34.28') to V n ( Y ( D q ,p ( Q ) )x 2 ) we deduce that Y(D,, p ( q ) ) n r ( V ) = 0 ; since Y(D,, lg(Q)) is a neighborhood of /g(Q+l) we must have p(Q+l)6 U. Thus for any q 6 p : / V q ) 4 U * (/3q+l) U. Now fl = jl(Pi-1) E T ( V ) C U and hence we must have p' = p(1) E U. 2") (34.28) holds in case e = 1.
PROOF.By 1") it suffices to show that (34.28') holds in case e = 1. Upon replacing V by an irreducible component of V we may assume that V is irreducible. Suppose if possible that p 4 U. Then there exists 0 < A < 1 such that Y ( A D , ~n) u
1') Take
fl E Y ( D , p), j j E 2 - ((0)) such that (8,7 )E V . Relabeling ..., z, we can arrange that 71 # 0. Since 2 is bounded, there exists
E > 0 such that lcll 5 E for all c E Z. Now there exists a positive integer p such that
- /?)/Dl < 1 and hence
El@- 8)IDP < 1711. 2') Letf be the restriction to ? of the function (DQIE)zi/( ycontinuous on the compact set ? and hence
jf(B, Now
5)l = N = sup
I ~ ( Pfor > Isome (6,
Then f is
V , i, E P ( D , p>, C' E z u 2.
> 1 and hence AT > 1. Next,
p - Vc[ w 4 B >
(ZU -531
u [ P ( D , B > x ((0))l
and hence If(b, c)I-S 1 for all (b, c) E ? - V . Therefore (d, E ) E V . Consequently f = f(b, 5 ) on V by (34.23.3). Let M = f(6, E)E/DQ.Then M # 0 is a complex constant and 3')
= M ( y - ,f3)Q
Now there are two methods for completing the proof of 2").
First method. Let V* be the closure of V in Y x 2. By 1') and 3'), lcll 2 IMI(AD)q > 0
for all (6, c ) E V*.
Therefore V* n (Yx ((0))) = 0. Now Y is closed in Y x (2 - ((0)}) and hence V* - V C Y x ((0)). Therefore V = V* and V is closed in Y x Z , i.e., V is an analytic set in Y x 2. Therefore by (34.27), 7r( V ) = Y and hence in particular /? E U in contradiction to our supposition.
Second method. Let q' be any positive integer such that q' > q. Then by 2') - 8 ) I V < IF11. Hence by the argument which led from 2') to 3') we conclude that
z1 E
M'(y - P)q' on V , where M' # 0 is a complex constant.
E(Y) = (Y 8)4(1M'(Y - B)"'-g - MI. By 3') and 4'),g =- 0 on x( V ) and hence x( V)consists of a finite number of points. However by (34.25, 34.26.1), 771 V : V -+ Y is open. Contradiction.
3") (34.28) holds in thegeneral case.
PROOF.By 1")it suffices to prove (34.28'). We want to show that jl E U, i.e., we want to show that Y ( B , is) n x ( V ) # 0 for any B with 0 < B 5 D. By induction on k we shall show that for any k with 0 S k 5 e there exists fi E x ( V ) such that / p i - j3il < B for all i 5 k. For k = 0 we can take fi to be any point in n( V ) . So let 0 < k S e and suppose that we have found /3' E n( V ) such that \pi - ,921 < B for all i 5 k - 1. Let L
Then V
(b E Y ( D , /I>.: 66 = /3\ for i = 1,..., k - 1, k
n(L x
+ 1,..., el.
2)# 0;
(I,x Z) n (closure of
v n (L x
Z ) in L x cm{z)) = 0 ;
and by (34.25, 34.26.2), V n ( L x (2 - ((0)))) is a pure one dimensional analytic set in L x (2 - ((0))).Now L can be considered to be a domain in Clbk} and hence by 2") there exists 3/: E C and y* E 2 - ((0)) such < B and (P;,..., Pk-I, BE, 8hl,...,Pi, y*) E V . Let that IB; - pi1 < B for = (81,..., /&+I, P;, /%+I,..., Pi). Then b E ~ ( V and ) all i S K .
5 35.
Let y = (yl,...,ye),3 = (xi,..., xm), S = K [ ( y ) ] ,R = K [ ( y ,z>].Let Ke{y} x K m { z } -+Ke{y) be the natural projection. For any D > 0, E > 0, ,8 E Ke, y E Km, let
Y ( B ,,8) Z(E, y )
< D for i = 1,...,e}, (b E Ke: Ib,: = {c E Km: Ici - yil < E for i = 1,...,m}.
We write Y ( D ) for Y ( D , (0)) and Z ( E ) for Z(E, (0)). $35A. local parametrization
(35.1) Let a be a proper ideal in R. Assume that all the minimal prime ideals p 1 , ..., p P of a are strictly regular relative to S.l Let gi(y, xi) be the minimal monic polynomial of xi mod p1 n...flp p over S. Let plj: R -+ Rlpj be the natural epimorphism. Let 2j be the quotient field of Rlpj considered as an extension of si = K ( ( y ) ) . Let u1,..., uA be a finite basis of a, and let u j l ,...,ujAjbe a finite basis of p j . We can then find a neighborhood X' = Y' x 2' of the origin in Ke x Km such that: the coefficients of gl(y, XI), ...,g,(y, Xm) are convergent in Y';all the elements U k , U j k are V Pwhere convergent in X ' ; and V = V1
V Vj
{a E X ' : zrl(a) = ...= .*(a) = 0}, = (a E X :ujl(a) = ...= uj,,(a) = 0). =
Let AI(y) be the xpdiscriminant of gi, and let
W = ((b, C ) E Y'x Kn':gl(b,C I ) A = {b E Y ' :A1...Am(b) = O}.
=...= gm(b, c),
= 0},
Then there exists a neighborhood X = Y x Z of the origin in Y' x Z' for which we have (1 to 6). 1) v
n x c wn(y
2 ) Forany cc E Xlet Q j l ,..., q j f , bethedistinctprimeidealsof o(i(a,Vj,X ) ) where Q: R(cc,X ) + R is the Taylor isomorphism. Then q j k is strictly regular relative to S for all j , k ; and '$11 ,...,' $ I t , , $321 ,..., v z t , ,..., QptPare exactly all the distinctprime ideals of n(i(cc, V , X ) ) .Inparticular, V1,..., V,, V are pure e dimensional in X .
3) For any defined and
cc E
V tl X , d(a, 'IT, V I )..., , d(m, 'IT, V,), d(x, V , V ) are d(X, 'IT, V ) =
1 d(a, v , Vj). =1
By (23.3) it then follows that rad a = PI n...n p
is regular relative to S.
4) A Y is nowhere dense in Y. For any a E V X with 7ra $ A we have that: a is a simple point of V , d(a, 7,V ) = 1, and y,v = y a w .
5 ) For any /3
Y we have
d(a, n, Vj) = d((O),n, Vj) = [Cj:
and hence
6 ) Given
I,..., p,
d(a, T,V ) = d((O),T,V ) =
in V
Y let a(@= (/3,
y ( @ ) ,(0 =
2 [Cf: Si]. I =1
1,..., N ) , be all the distinct points
n ( p x 2). Then there exist D > 0, E > 0 for which we have (i to vi).
u Z(E, N
Y ( D ,p ) C Y ;
e =I
Z ( E , y ( @ )n z ( E , y ( @ ')= ) 0 i i ) v n ( Y ( D , p ) x Z)
e -1
y ( @ )C Z ;
.for all 0 f 8'.
[ V n ( Y ( D , p >x Z(E,y(B)))].
iii) For any b E Y ( D , p ) and 0 5 N we have
a€V,n(bxZ(E , y(e)>)
and hence
d(a, T , Vj) = d(a(@,n, V j )
awn(bxz )=] Y ( D , p ) v ) Given 0 < E* 5 E there exists 0 < D* 5 D such that = (Y(D*, p ) x z(E*, p)) v (Y(D*,p ) Z ( E , p)))
e = 1, ..., N .
vi) If /? $ A then there exist &@= ([(f),.,., in Y ( D ) such that
v n (w, p ) x zw,
fg))E S m which are convergent
)) = ((6, 4(@(bl - pl,..., be - /Ie)): b E Y ( D , p)>
PROOF. Now 0 #
...Am E S
for 0 = 1,..., N .
and hence upon replacing smaller neighborhood of the origin we can arrange that
1") A
n Y' is nowhere dense in
Y' by a
Since gi(y,zi) E p1 n...npy for i = 1,..., m, by continuity of roots (11.3), we can find D' > 0, E' > 0 such that 2") and 3") hold.
2") Y ( D ' ) C Y', Z ( E ' ) C Z ' , and v n ( Y ( D ' ) x z ( E ' ) ) c w n ( Y ( D ~ x) = w n ( Y ( D ' ) x z(E')). 3") Given 0 < E* 6 E' there exists 0 < $(E*) I D' depending on E* such that f Y(#(E*)) x Km) = w (Y(#(E*)) x z ( E * ) ) .
By (25.9) we get the following:
4") Let ct be any point in w n ( Y ( D ' ) x Z ( E ' ) ) and let R(a,X ) + R be the Taylor isomorphism. Then every prime ideal of a(i(ct,W,X ) ) is strictly regular relative to S. If ~ t $c A then CI is a simple point of W and d(a,T , W ) = 1. Q:
By (33.3, 33.11) we can find a neighborhood X " = Y" x 2" of theorigin in Y ( D ' ) x Z ( E ' ) for which we have the following:
5") For any cc E V X", y,V is pure e dimensional and letting Vjl Vjt, to be the normal decomposition of y,Vj for j = 1, ..., p we have that Vll U...U Vlt, U V21 U...U Vzt, U...U V,t, is the normal decomposition of y,V.
Applying (32.1.3) to yp)Vj we can find a neighborhood X j of the origin in Y x 2" such that:
6") For any
Yj x Zj
Yj we have
4% n, Vj) = d((O),
T 2
Take 0 < E 6 E' such that Z ( E ) C Zj f o r j = 1,...,p. Take 0 c D 6 $(E) such that Y ( D ) C Y j for j = 1,..., p. Let Y = Y ( D ) , 2 = Z(E>, X = Y x 2. From (1" to 6") we at once deduce that X satisfies the requirements (1 to 5). To prove that X also satisfies 6), let /3 E Y be given, and let a(O) = (p, y(O)), (0 = 1,..., N ) , be all the distinct points in V n ( p x 2). Now V n is closed in X and hence in virtue of 1) and 4),by (12.4) we can find D > 0, 8 > 0 such that we have (7" to 10").
uZ(8,y'@) cz;
Y ( h >c Y ;
6 =1
~ ( 2y (,@) n ~ ( 8y ( 0,' ) ) = 0
so) v n ( ~ ( 6 )z) =
for all 8 # 8'.
u [vn ( Y @ > N
Z ( E , y(6)))].
9") Given 0 < E* 5 such that vn(Y(+yE*),p) x
8 there exists 0 < #'(E*) S l? depending on E*
z(E,P))) = vn(w(E*),m x ~(E*,P)))
10") If /3 $ A then there exist Y ( h ) such that
for 0 = 1,..., N .
convergent in
v n ( ~ ( p6) ,x
z(8,p))) = {(b, ( ( @ ( b l- PI,..., be - Pe)):b E Y ( f i , p ) }
1,..., N . In virtue of 2), applying 5) to y,(e)Vj we can find 0 < Djo 5 D, 0 < Eje 5 8 such that: for B
11") For any b E Y(Dej, /3) we have
d(a, n, Vj) = d(ace),n, Vj).
a€V,n(bXZ 0 with Z ( E ’ ) C 2, there exists D’ > 0 with Y ( D ’ ) C Y such that V fl ( Y ( D ’ ) x 2 ) = V f l (Y(D’) x Z(E‘)).
2) For any CI E V fX l we have: dim,V 5 e ; every prime ideal of a(i(a, V , X ) ) having depth e is strictly regular relative to S where a: R(cI,X ) -+ R is the Taylor isomorphism; d(a, T , V ) is defined; d(a, T , V ) > 0 o dimaV = e ; ifA(Ta) # 0 then a isasimplepointoj Vand d(a, T , V ) = 1. 3) For any /3 E Y , V f l (/3 x 2)contains at most d points and we have
d(a, T , V ) = d((O),T , V ) .
4) Given /3 E Y , Zet a(u)= (p, y(O)), (0 = 1 ,...,N ) , be the distinct points x 2).Then there exist D > 0, E > Ofor which we have (i to v ) . ~ in V fl(/I N
Y(D,/3)C Y ;
U Z(E, y ( e ) )C 2;
e =I
Z(E,y(O) ) n Z( E , y(O’)}
# 0
2 For N = 0 this is to mean: there exists D v n ( Y < D ,,9) x 2 ) = 0.
for all 6 # 0‘.
such that Y ( D , p>
Y and
v n ( Y ( D , 8)
iii) For any b
(j[ ~ ( Yn( D , B> x
x Z)=
Z(E, 7 ( 9 ) 1 .
Y ( D , p ) and for 19 = 1,..., N we have
a€vn(bxz 0, E > 0 for which we have (i to iv).
Z(E,y ( ” )
lJ Z ( E , y ( A ) ) C Z ;
a -1
n Z ( E , y ( A ‘ ) )= 0
for till h # A’.
iii) For any b E Y ( D , ,8) and any A. 6 N we have d(a,n, V ) = d(dA),r,V ) .
aEVn(bxZ 0, E > 0 satisfying i), iii), iv), and then ii) follows from assumption (11). (35.9) There exists a closed thin subset A of Y such that for any jl E Y - A we have the following. V fl&(/?) contains d distinct points &) = (8, # A ) ) , ( A = 1,..., d). d(a(h), T,V ) = 1 and a(n)is a simplepoint of V for h = 1 ,..., d. There exist D > 0, E > 0, and f ( A ) = ,...,(2)) where are analytic functions on Y ( D , /3), such that D and E satisfy conditions (i to iv) of (35.8), and
v n ( Y ( D , 8)
x Z(E,
m)= {(b, t(*)(b)): b E Y ( D , mi
for A = 1,..., d. Follows from (35.8) and (35.5). (35.10)
1) Let (a(P))be any sequence in V such that the sequence (T&)) contains a subsequence converging to a point in Y. Then the sequence (a(p))contains a subsequence converging to a point in V.
Pn ( Y i)= 0.
5 35.
3) For any m' 2 m let 7~' : Kf?(y}x Km(z} -+ K e ( y )x Km'{zl,...,zm.1 be the natural projection. Then the map V + Y x Km' induced by T' is a proper closed map. As in the proof of (12.5.1), 1) follows from (35.8), and then as in the proof of (12.5.2), 3) follows from 1). 2) follows immediately from 1).
(35.11) Let ~ ( yr,l ,..., I?,, X I , ..., E G[PI, ..., r,, XI,...,^^] be homogeneous in rl,..., r,, and let rl,..., r , E %. Then the norm of
.(y, Tl
- rl,..., T,
- r,,
relative to TI T ( V i s an element O ( y , TI,...,T,, XI, ...,xu)E and for any b E Y we have O(b, Ti,..., T p ,XI,..., =
v(b, TI - rl(a),..., T,
TI ,..., T,, xi ,...,xu],
rp(a),XI,..., ~ ~ ) d ( a > " > ~ ) .
For 3!, E Y , if the coeficients of v ( y , rl,..., I?, XI ,..., xu) are continuous at /3 (resp: analytic at p), and ijrl,...,r , are continuous at u (resp: yarl,..., yarp are in R(a, V ) ) for all u E V n ~-1(/3), then the coeficients of @(y,TI,..., T,, XI,.. .,xu) are continuous (resp: analytic) at 8. Hence inparticuZar if ~ ( yrl, ,..., I', XI ,...,xu) E G[I'l, ..., r,, XI ,...,xu]and r1, ...,r pE %, then @(y, TI,..., T,, XI, ..., xu]E G[T1,..., T,, XI, ..., xu]. In case of K = C,if the coeficients of v(y, rl,..., I?,, XI, ..., xu) are continuous on Y and analytic at each /3 E Y - Y' where Y' is a thin subset of Y , and if r l ,..., r , are continuous on V and y ~ 1..., , yar, E R(a, V ) for all u E V - V' where V' is a thin subset of V , then O(y, T I ..., , T,,XI ,..., xu) E G[TI,..., T,, XI, ...,xJ.
PROOF.The first assertion is simply the definition of the norm. Given
/3 E Y let the situation be as in (35.8). From the expression of 0 it follows that if the coefficients of v(y, r l ,..., I?,, XI ,..., xu) are continuous at /3 and
if r p is continuous at u(*) for all p, X then the coefficients of O ( y , TI,..., T,, x1,...,xu) are continuous at 8. Now suppose that the coefficients of v(y, rl,..., r,, xi,...,xu) are analytic at p and ya(vrpER(&, V ) for all p, A. Let OA(y, TI,..., T,, XI ,..., xm) be the norm of
~ ( yT~ , - (rl\Vn Y P , 8) x Z(E, y ( * ) >),..., T , - (r,\vn Y @ , p ) x z ( E , Y(*) >),XI,..., xu) relative to T ~ fl V Y ( D , 8) x Z ( E , y ( * ) ) . Applying (35.2) to yawV we deduce that the coefficients of Oh are analytic at p. From the definition of the norm, obviously for all b E Y ( D , /3) we have
@(b, Ti,..., T,,
n N
xu) = h =I
TI,-+., Tp,XI,..., xu).
Therefore the coefficients of 0 are analytic at /I. T h e last assertion now follows by applying the Riemann Extension Theorem (14.3) to the coefficients of 0 after noticing that by (23.3),TV’is a thin subset of Y and hence also Y’ T~V’is a thin subset of Y .
(35.12) For any m‘ with 1 m’ 5 m let 71‘ : Ke(Y} x Km{z) + Ke{y} x Km’{z1,...,zm,} be the naturalprojection. Then we have thefollowing. 1) The norm of
c m’
J =1
(x3 - (z5lV>>x5
relative to 711V is a homogeneous polynomial
@(y,a,... Zm’, x1,..., xm,)
il, ...,Srn,
l...fm,(y,x1,..., ”m+O;...Xi;;6,
of degree d i n xi,...,xnh’ with coefficients @i,
...irn,(y,XI,..., zm,)
which are polynomials of degree d i n z1,...,.2 , all b E Y we have @(b,XI,..., zm’, XI,..., xm,) 2) .rr’(V)= (a’
with coeffcients in
6 ;and for
d(a, r, 8)
( 2 5 - cdx,]
.rr’(X) : @i,..,im,(a‘)= 0 f o r all i,,...,ivb,}.
3) rr’( V ) is a pure e dimensional analytic set in r‘(X).
PROOF.1) follows from (35.11) by taking p = ts = m‘, Ti = z 5, v(y, rl,..., rm*, XI ,..., xm,) = rlXl+... rm.Xmr, and r5 = . z ~V. l 2) follows from l), and in turn 2) implies that r’(V) is a nonempty analytic set in T’(X). T o prove that T’(V ) is pure e dimensional, let a‘ E T’(V )be given. Then a’ = Ti’a for some a = (p, 7 ) E V , /3 E Y. Obviously a‘ is an isolated point of n-’(V)n {a’ E T ’ ( X ) : a; = 131,..., a: = p e } and hence (p’,yl,..., ye}R’ is primary for the maximal ideal in R‘ where R’ = K [ ( y i,...,Ye, z1, ..., ~ m , ) ]and p’ is the image of i(d, n-’(V),n’(X))under the Taylor isomorphism R(a’, n-’(X))+ R‘. By (35.8), we deduce that p’ n S = (0). Therefore p’ is regular relative to S by (23.3). Hence dim;.n’( V ) = e.
(35.13) Taking TI = T, rl (35.11) we get the following.
r, p = 1,
u =
0, and ~ ( yI’l) ,
rl in
9 35.
1) For any r E $'I, the field polynomial of r relative to nl V is a monic polynomial H ( y , T ) of degree d in T with coeficients in g , and for all b E Y we have H(b, T ) = ( T - ~ ( n ) ) d ( a an,V)
For ,k? E Y ,if r is continuous at 01 (resp: y,r E R(a, V ) )for all M E V fln-I(,k?), then the coeficients of H(y, T ) are continuous (resp: analytic) at p. I f Y E % t h n H(y, T ) E G [ T ] .I n case of K = C, if r is continuous on V , and ;f yay E R(M, V ) for all 01 E V - V' where V' is a thin subset of V , then H(y, T ) E G [ T l . Since m ( V ) = Y , we get a monomorphism p of into % by taking (ps)(a) = s(na)for all s E G, a E V . Now H*(r) = 0 where H*( 2') E (@%)[TI is obtained by applying p to the coefficients of H(y, T ) . Thus as a consequence of 1) we get
2) 3 is integral over &, and 8 is integral over yG. In case of K = C, i f r : V + C is continuous and i f y a y E R(a, V )for all M E V - V' where V' is a thin subset of V , then r is integral over p 6 and hence in particular r is integral over %. (35.14) For r and { in $'I, let QCy, T ) be the field polynomial of [ relative to n-1V , and let P(y, T ) be the Osgoodian of rl /[relative nlV. Then Q'(y, T ) and P(y, T ) are in G [ T ] and for all a E V we have: P(rra, {(a,) = r(a)Q'(na, [(a)). Let A ( y ) be the T-discriminant of Q(y, T ) and let A = {b E Y : A(b) = 0). Then for all a E V - x-'(A) we have: Q'(na, {(a)) # 0 and hence r(a) = P(ma, {(a))/Q'(na, 0 with Y ( D , 8) C Y such that d(b, ( ~ l V ) - l=) d(P, (7rIV)-l) for all b E Y ( D , p ) . Now V # 0 and hence V n r-l(P) # 0 by (34.27). = (p, Y ( ~ ) )(A, = 1,..., N ) , be the distinct points in V fl r-l(p). Let By (35.4) we can find D > 0 and E > E > E' > 0 for which we have (10, 2", 3").
Y ( D ,p ) c Y ;
u Z ( E ,p N
h -1
Z(E", + A ) ) fl Z ( E N y(A') y ) 2")
)c 2 ;
0 for all A # A'.
For all b E Y ( D , 8) and A = 1,..., N we have
d(a, T , V ) = d(dh),T , V ) .
vn [ Y < D , ~ )
u ( z ( E / ~)) - z(E', p)y, 0. N
h =1
Let 2' =
U Z(E,y("),
Z* = 2 - Z',
h =1
Z* = boundary of Z* in Cm{z),
Z(E, ~ Then
( h )= ) {C E Km
: (ci N
E for i = 1,...,m>.
By 3") we get
P n [ Y ( D , 8)
u Z(E, N
h =1
V fl ( Y ( D ,/I> x a*) = 0. Now Y n(/3x 2.) = 0 and hence V fl( Y ( D , ,8> x 2.) = 0 by (34.27). Therefore by 1") and 2") we get
and hence
that d(b, (n]Y)-l)= d(p, (.rlV)-1) for all b E Y(D,/I>. In Grauert-Remmert [Z: p. 2551 the following slightly stronger version of (35.16) is stated.
2) Assume (11'). Then for i = 1,..., m, there exists a monic polynomial Gi(y,xi) of degree di 5 d in zi with coefficients in 6 such that letting Ai(y) = the xi-discriminant of Gi(y, xi) and W = {(b, c) E Y x Km : Gi(b,ci) = 0 for i = 1 ,..., m} we have the following. For i = 1 ,..., m, Ai(y ) is a nonzero element in 6 . 8 V is the union of a certain number of irreducible components of W fl X.9 For any i 5 m, there does not exist a monic polynomial hi(y, xi) of degree < d ~in xi with coeficients in 6 such that hi(b, cr) = 0 for all (b, c) E V. I f Y is irreducible then Gi(y, zi) is irreducible i n 6[zi]for i = 1,..., m. REMARK. In applications, when use of 2) is indicated, usually (35.12) can be used more simply and effectively. Still, it may be of interest to give a proof of 2) in our set up.
PROOF. For any i 5 m let nr :Km{z) -+ Kl{zt},z-l :Ke(y} x Km{z} + Ke{y) x Kl{zi},T; : Ke(y} x Kl{xi} + Ke{y)be the natural projections. Let rgi = T ~ ( V )Pt, = closure of Yt in Ke{y} x Kl{xi}, z i= and Zi = boundary of Zi in Kl{zc}. By l), condition (II)ois satisfied; n ( Y x Zi) = 0. By whence in virtue of (35.10.1), (11') yields that (35.12), Vi is a pure e dimensional analytic set in n'(Y x 2 ) = Y x Zi. Obviously Zi is bounded. Thus by l), .r;/Vi satisfies conditions (I) and (11). Let Gt(y, q) be the field polynomial of zflVt relative to T;IV~.~O Applying (35.16) to T;/Vi we deduce that Gi(y, xi) is a monic polynomial of some degree di > 0 in zi with coefficients in 6 and Ai(y) is a nonzero element in G. Clearly Y C W f l X and hence by (34.16), V is the union of a certain number of irreducible components of W n X.9 For any b E Y ,
Hence in particular Gi(y, zi) does not have any multiple factors in G[zt]. For any
p E Y , by Identity Theorem (2.5), ygAi # 0 and hence the polynomial obtained by replacing the coefficients of Gi(y, zt) by their Taylor expansions around p is free from
multiple factors in S[zi]. By (25.9), W is a pure e dimensional analytic set in Y x Km{z}. lo By analogy with field theory, Gi(y,ZI) may be called the minimal monk polynomial of zi ]Vrelative to 71 (V.
§ 36.
Vi f l rt-l(b) contains at most d points and hence applying (35.9) to Vi we deduce that dt 5 d. Let hz(y, zt) be a monic polynomial of some degree d? in zi with coefficients in 6 such that hi(b, c i ) = 0 for all (b, c) E V . Then hi(b, ci) = 0 for all (b, ci) E Vi and hence d t >= di by (35.16). Finally assume that V is irreducible. Let if possible Gi( y , zi) = Gi ( y , zz)G;(y,xi) where G ; ( y , zi) and G ;(y , zz) are monic polynomials of positive degrees d; and & in xi with coefficients in 6. Then by (34.10), either G;(b,c i ) = 0 for all (b, c) E V or G;(b, ci) = 0 for all (b, c) E V. This is a contradiction since d; < dz and d; < di. Therefore Gr(y, zi)is irreducible in G[zi]. $36. NORMAL POINTS OF COMPLEX ANALYTIC SETS. REMARKS ON ALGEBRAIC VARIETIES
(36.1) Let V be an analytic set in an open set X in C" and let a be any simple point of V . Then R(a, V ) is integrally closed in @(a, V ) .
PROOF.Let e = dim,V. In virtue of (33.18), upon replacing V by a suitable neighborhood of a in V we may assume that V is an open set in Ce{y>,y = ( yl,...,ye). For any /3 E Ce, y E C , D > 0, E > 0, let Y ( D , p) Z(E,y)
{b E C :~Jbl - p11 < D,..., Ibe = { C E C : Iy - CI < E}.
81 < D},
Let Y E %(a, V ) be given which is integral over R(a, V ) . Then there exists a monic polynomial G ( T ) E R(a, V ) [ T ]such that G(r) = 0. We can write G ( T ) = G1(T)mI...G,(T)%, (ml > 0,..., m, > 0), where Gl(T),...,Gh(T ) are distinct irreducible monk polynomials of positive degrees in T with coefficients in the quotient field of R(a, V ) . Since R(a, V ) is a unique factorization domain, the coefficients of GI(T ),..., GA(T ) are in R(a, V ) ,i.e.,
Upon replacing V by a sujtable connected neighborhood of a j n V , we can find ? ( y )E %(V)and Gij(y)E R(V) such that: y,T = Y, yaGij = Gij for all i, j , and
fi ( 5
g(y, T ) = i=l
Let A( y ) be the T-discriminant of g(y, T ) . Let
W = {(b,C )
V x C1 :g(b,C )
A = {b E V : A(b) = O}.
Now y,A is the T-discriminant of G l ( T )...Gn(T) and hence yaA # 0. Since V is connected, by Identity Theorem (2.5), A is a thin subset of V. Hence by Riemann Extension Theorem (14.3), it suffices to show that ?(y) is analytic at each point in V - A. Given ,k? E V - A, let y = T(/3). Then A@) # 0 and by lo), (B, y ) E W . Hence by (12.3), we can find D > 0, E > 0, and an analytic function [ ( y ) on Y ( D , 8) such that Y ( D , B> c V and w n ( Y @ , B> x Z@, Y > ) = t(4) : b E Y ( D , B>}. Since f is continuous on V , in virtue of 1") there exists 0 c D1 5 D such that F(b) = [(b) for all b E Y(D1,/3). Therefore F is analytic at ,!I.
(36.2) Let V be an analytic set in an open set X in C". If integral over R ( V ) then yar E R(a, V )for all a E V - S( V ) . Follows from (36.1).
@ ( V )is
(36.3) Let V be a pure e dimensional analytic set in Y x Z where Y and Z are open sets in Ce{y> and Cm{z], respectively. Assume that there exists a positive integer d such that for all b E Y , V n 4 ( b ) is a finite set and
d(a, T,V ) = d
where T : C e b } x Cm(z} --f Ce(y} is the natural projection. Let 91 :R(Y) -+ @(V)be the monomorphismgiven by: (qr)(a) = r ( m )for all r E R( Y), a E V. Then we have the following.
1) Integral closure of qR(Y ) in E(V ) = integral closure of R(V )in E(V ) = {r E @(V ) : y,r E R(cc, V )for all tc E V - V' where V' is a closed thin subset of V } = (r E E(V) : yar E R ( K ,V ) for all tl E V - S(V)}. 2) Assume that Y is connected and let r 6 @( V ) be integral over R(V). Then there exist q, p E R ( X )such that for all a E V we have: p(a) = r(a)q(a); and there exists an analytic set V' in X such that V' is a thin subset of V andsuch that for all a E I'- V' we have :q(a) # 0 and hence r(a) = p(a)/q(a).
5 36.
3) Assume that yaV is irreducible for all a E V. Let V' be a closed thin subset of V and let r E R(V - V ' ) be such that IYI is bounded in the neighborhood of each point of V'. Then there exists a unique r* E %( V ) such that r*lV - V' = r. In virtue of (36.2), 1) follows from (35.13). 2) follows from 1) and (35.15). To prove 3) we need a topological lemma. (36.4) Lemmas from topology. First we give a review on filters. denote the Let A be a set and let 5 be a set of subsets of A. By (3)~ set of subsets of A given by: G E ( % ) A e F C G for some F E 5. For any subset A* of A, by 31A* denote the set of subsets of A* given by: F* E 3(A*o F* = F n A* for some F E 5; note that (S)AIA* = (SIA*)A*. For any mapf : A --f B of A into a set B, by f(3)denote the set of subsets of B given by: G E f(5)e G = f(F) for some F E 8 ; note that (f(3))~ = ( f ( ( 3 ) ~ )5)is ~a. filter on A means: i) if F E and~ F C G C A then G E 8 ; ii) intersection of any finite number of elements in iii) 0 4 5.
3 is a filter base on A means that
i') intersection of any two elements in ii') 5 # 0 and 0 4 8.
3 is again in 3;
is a filter on A ; this is so o
5 contains an element of 3,
If 8 is a filter base on A and A* is a subset of A , then %]A*is a filter base on A* o F n A* # 0 for all F E 3.If A is a topological space, then for any a E A the set of all vicinities of a in A is a filter on A and we denote it by ' D A ( a ) ;for any subspace A* of A, 'DA(a)lA* is a filter on A* o a E clAA*. Let A be a topological space and let 5 be a filter base on A. a E A is C (3)~. The closure of 5 in A a limit point of 8 in A means that 'D~(cr) clAF; we then have: c ~ A ( ~ )=A ~ 1 ~If5 a. is defined by: c 1 ~ 3=
is a limit point of 3 in A then M E CIA%. If A is Hausdorff, then a filter on A can have at most one limit point. If A is Hausdorff, then A is compact o CIA% # 0 for every filter 3 on A. In a Hausdorff space A the following two conditions are equivalent. i*) Given any 0: E A and any closed subset A' of A with a 4 A', there exist open subsets A1 and AZof A such that M E Al, A' C Az, A1 n A2 = 0. ii*) Given a E A and a vicinity M of a in A, there exists a vicinity N of a in A such that N is closed in A and N C M .
A regular (topological) space is a Hausdorff space A satisfying one and hence both of the above conditions. Any subspace of a regular space is regular. Any metric space is regular. 1) Let A* be an everywhere dense subset of a topological space A. Let
f : A* + B be continuous where B is a regular space. Then f has a (unique) continuous extension to A, (i.e., a continuous map A --f B whose restriction has a to A* is f),i f and only i f : for all a E A, the jilter base f(%3~(a)IA*) limit point i n B.
The definitions and results summarized above can be found for instance in Bourbaki [1: 356-81. From 1) we now deduce the following lemma given by Grauert-Remmert [2: Theorem 1 on p. 2491.
2) Let A be a locally connected topological space and let A* = A - A' where A' is a nowhere dense subset of A which disconnects A nowhere. Let f : A* + B be continuous where B is a regular space. Then f has a (unique) continuous extension to A in case the following two conditions are satisfed. 1 ") For each a E A, clgf(%3A( a) IA*) is a f n i t e set. 2") If for u E A and B1 C B, f(DA(%)IA*)IB1is ajilter base on B, then c l ~ [ f ( ~ ~ ( ~ ) l A * )# l B0. i] REMARK. In a compact space, the closure of any filter base is nonempty and hence condition 2") is satisfied if the following condition is satisfied.
2') Given u E A, there exists a vicinity M of cc in A and a compact subset N of B such that f ( M fl A*) C N . Proof of 2). Given u E A we want to show that f(%?A(a)IA*) has a limit point in B. By 1") and 2"), clgf(%3A(a)lA*) is a nonempty finite set; let 81,..., &,be the distinct points in it. Since B is Hausdorff, we can take in B. Let pairwise disjoint neighborhoods N1,..., Nm of /31,...,
U Ni.
Suppose if possible that for each M E %3~(u),
n A*) Q: U Ni. Then f(%3A(a)IA*)IB1 is 2=1
a filter base on B1, and
Now B1 is dosed in B hence by 2") there exists /3* E clg[f(%3~(t~)\A*)\B1]. and hence /3* E B1. Obviously cl~[f(%?~(u)IA*>lB1] C clgj(!lBA(tC)IA*) and hence p* = /3i for some i, which is a contradiction. Therefore there exists
M E % ~ ~ (such R ) that f(M n A*) C
m n Ni.
Since A' disconnects A
nowhere, we may choose M so that M n A* is connected. Then f ( M n A*) is connected and hencef(M fl A*)C Nj for some j ; say f ( M n A*) C N1.
For any i > 1, f ( M n A:*)n Ni is then empty and hence pi $ cl&D3A(a)lA*). So we must have clgf(%3~(a)JA*)= &>. Given any neighborhood N of in B, as above we can find M ’ E ~ B Asuch ( ~ ) that f(M’ n A*) C N . Therefore is a limit point of f(ZBA(a)IA*).
REMARK. 2) continues to hold if condition 1”)is replaced by the following
1’).For each a E A, c1Bf(2Bil(a)lA*) is a countable discrete set. We used I”) only to find pairwise disjoint neighborhoods of the points in ClB(mA(E)lA*). Hence it suffices to show that, given distinct points pi, p 2 , ... in B where (81, p 2 , ...) is a discrete subset of B, there exist pairwise disjoint neighborhoods N1, N2, ... of pl, p 2 , ... in B. B being regular, there exists a closed vicinity M I of PI in B such that pi 4 M I for all i > 1. NOW B - Mi is a neighborhood of /3: in B and hence there exists a closed vicinity Mz of /32 in B such that M z C B - M1 and pi $ Mz for all i > 2. Now B - M I - Mz is a neighborhood of ,& in B and hence there exists a closed vicinity M3 of 193 in B such that M3 C B - M I - Mz and pi $M3 for all i > 3. I n this manner, using the fact that a finite union of closed sets is closed, we find pairwise disjoint closed vicinities M I , Mz,... of PI, p 2 , ... in B. Take Ni = intBMi for i == 1, 2,....
Proof of (36.3.3). Let Y’ = clyr(V’). Then Y’ is a closed thin subset of Y and V fln-l( Y’) is a closed thin subset of V containing V’. Hence we may assume that V‘ = V rP1( Y’). upon replacing V’ by V n r-1( Y’) Let Y* = Y - Y’and V* = V - V’. For any /3 E Y , u E C, D > 0, E > 0, let Y ( D , 8) = {b E Ce : Ibl - fill < D,..., 16, - p e l < D ) , Q (37.1). Let dim W = k. For any e let V , be the union of all the e dimensional irreducible components of V . Then V = V,+l U...U V,; and for any e > k, Ve is either empty or is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X - W. Hence by (37.1’), the closure re of V e in X is analytic in X . Now P = P k + 1 U...U P, and hence P is analytic in X . Proof thut (37.2’) + (37.1’) * (37.2). Let W2 be the union of all the irreducible components of Wother than WI. Let X‘ = X - (S(W1)U W2)
and W’ = X ’ t l W1. Then X’ n P = closure of V in X . By (34.19, 33.20), S(W1) U (W1 fl W2) is a closed thin subset of W1, and hence W’ is connected by (34.17). By assumption is analytic at some point of W1 and hence V is analytic at some point of W’. Whence by (37.2’), X’ fl is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X’. Let p E S(W1) - W2 be given. By (33.20) we can find an analytic set W* in a neighborhood X* of p in X - W2 such that S(W I )f l X* C W* C W1 and dim W* < e. Obviously X* fl 7 = closure of (X* - W*)n 7 in X*. Now (X* - W*) n V i s either empty or is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X* - W*. Therefore X* P is analytic in X* by (37.1’). This shows that is analytic at every point in W1 - W2.
Proof that (37.2) (37.1’) 5 (37.3). (37.3.2) and (37.3.3) follow immediately from (37.3.1). To prove (37.3.1), let W* be the union of all the irreducible components of W having dimension < e , let W be. the union of those e dimensional irreducible components of W which are contained in M , and let ( W t ) t , ~be the remaining e dimensional irreducible components of W. Let
W‘ =
2, l E I
(WZfl Wj))U W * ] -
and X = X -
By (34.5, 34.6, 34.15, 34.19), W = W* U W U [UWi], J V is either iEI
empty or is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X , and W is an analytic set in X ’ with dim W’ < e. Let Y’ = (X’ - W’)n P. Then V’ = closure of V in X ’ - W’, and X‘ n = closure of V’ in X ‘ . By (37.2), 1M C IV U W’ and hence V‘is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X ’ - W’. Therefore by (37.1‘), X ’ n P is analytic in X ‘ , i.e., M C Therefore
Proofof(37.2’). The assertion is trivial if e < 1 or e = n. So assume that 1 5 e < n and let m = n - e. Let 9 be the set of all points of W which are ordinary relative to V and let be the closure of SZ in W. Now 51 is a nonempty open subset of Wand W is connected. Hence it suffices to show that Q is closed in W, i.e., given o E Cl we want to show that is analytic at 0 . By (33.18, 34.21) we can find an analytic coordinate system 01,z) = (yl,..., ye, z1,...,z m ) in a neighborhood XI of o in X such that: o is at the origin; X I is a polycylinder around 0 ; X I n W = ( ( y ,z ) E Xl : 2 1 = ...zm = O } ; and V n { ( y ,z) E X i :y1 = ...= Ye = 0 } is a discrete set. Let p = (0,..., 0) be the origin in Ce(y} and let 4 = (0,..., 0) be the origin in Cm{z), i.e., o = (p, q). Let T : Ce(y} x Cm(z>-+ Ce{y}be the naturaI
3 37.
projection. For any D > 0, E > 0, /3
Ce, y
E Cm,
Y ( D , /3) = {b E Ce : /bc < D for i = 1,..., e}, Z ( E , r ) = {C E Cm : Ici - ~ $ < 1 E for i = 1,..., m}, Z ( E , y ) = {c E Cm : Icf - y i ( 5 E for i = 1,..., m}, 2 ( E , y ) = { C E C : ~Ici - yt/ = E for i = 1,..., m]. Since V f Xl i n T-Q) is a discrete set, we can find C > 0 such that p x Z(C, q ) C Xi and V n (p x 2 ( C , q ) ) = 0. Now V fl XI is a closed subset of Xi - W and p x Z ( C , q ) is a compact subset of X i - W. Hence we can find B > 0 such that Y ( B ,p ) x Q C Xi and v n ( Y ( B ,p ) x 2(c, 4)) = 0. Let Y = Y ( B , p ) , = Z ( C , q ) , 2 = Z (C , q ) , and V1 = V n (Yx 2). Then (closure of
in C ~ { J Ix> c ~ { zn >()Y x
2) = 0.
Let = closure of Vl in Y x 2, and I' = {b E Y : is analytic at (b, 4)). Then I' x q = SZ n ( Y x q). Hence I' is an open subset of Y. Since o = ( p , q) E D,we must have I' # 0. We want to show that o E SZ, i.e., p E I?. We shall actually show that I' = Y. This is trivial if Vi = 0. Now assume that V1 # 0. Upon replacing X by Y x Z and V by V1 we thus have the following situation: Y = Y ( B , p ) where p = (0,..., 0) is the origin in Cedy), 2 = Z ( C , q ) where q = (0,...,0) is the origin in Cm{z}, 2 = Z ( C , q ) = boundary of Z in Cm{z>,X = Y x 2, V = a pure e dimensional analytic set in Y x (2 - {q}), 27 = closure of V in X , and I' = {b E Y : is analytic at (b, q)} = an open subset of Y ;we are told that I' # 0, and
10) (closure of
v in c e { y > x c ~ { zn) ()Y x 2) = 0 ;
and we want to show that
Y.I n view of lo),by (34.25) we get
2") For any ,l3 E Y , V n ~-1(/3)is a discrete set; hence for any d(a, n, V ) = d(a, n, is a well defined positive integer.
Let Y' be any connected component of I'. Then Y' is a nonempty open connected subset of Y . Since V # 0, by (34.28) we deduce that V n ( Y ' x Z ) # 0. Let V'= m ( Y ' x 2).Then V' is a pure e dimensional analytic set in Y' x 2 and by 1") we get that (closure of V' in ~ e ( y xj c ? ~ {n z )(Y' ) x
2) = 0.
Therefore by (35.17.1), d(rrlV') is a well defined positive integer. Let d = d(.rrlV'). Let XI, ...,xm be indeterminates. By (35.12), the norm of
C ( z j - (xpl Y'))xjrelative to n1 V' is a homogeneous polynomial i=1
@(Y,2,Xl,..., xm) =
0z1...2m(y, z)$...xk
of degree d in XI,..., xm where for all il,..., im: @t l...2m(y, ).
= fly
..*, 3m
jI... j , ( y ) x ? . . ; m
is a polynomial of degree d in XI,.. ., Xm whose coefficients 021...2m;jl...jm(y) are analytic functions on Y ' ; and we have d ( a , n, fi
for all b E Y'.
v C Y x Z = Y ( B , p ) x Z(C, q). Hence 3") yields
4")There exists a positive constant A such that for all b E Y',for all i1,...,im, jl,...,jm.
l ~ ~ l . . . 2 m ; ~ ~ . . . j5m A (b)l
Suppose if possible that 0i1...im;o...o(y) = 0 on Y'for all i1,..., im. Then By (35.9) there exists E Y', > 0, > 0 such by 3"), Y' x q C that: (8, q) E 7, d((p, q),-7r, 7)= 1; Y ( & p i C Y', Z ( e , q ) C 2 ; and such that for any b E Y ( B , fl), n ( b x Z ( C , q ) ) ccntains exactly one (l Y ( B ,p ) x Z ( C , q ) ) point. Since Y' x q C we must then have P f = Y ( B , f l } x q. Now V n ( Y ( & 8) x q) = 0 and hence V n ( Y ( &p ) x Z(C, q ) ) = 0. Therefore
n WE, 8) x z(C q ) ) closure of v n (Y x z
..., im. Let p' be the boundary of Y ' in Y . Let fl E J?' be given. Then /3 $ I? and hence a@) = (fl, y(Of) E P where y(0) = q = (0,..., 0). Let a(h) = (/3, y("), (A = 1,...,N ) , be any finite number of distinct points in 5") O~l...~m;o...o(y) 0 on
for some
V fl r-1(/3). Then dh)# d o ) for h = 1,..., N . By (35.4) we can find D' > 0, E' > 0, for which we have (6", 7", 8"). 6")
Y(D',/3) c Y ;
Z(E', f A ) )fl Z(E', Y ( ~ ' ) ) = 0
A =O
for all A # A',
cz; (A, A'
0,..., N ) .
9 37.
7") For any h > 0 and b E Y ( D ' , p) we have
aEF'n(6xzcE', ?(A)>)
d(Q,T T , P) = d(dA),n, P).
8") Given 0 < E 6 E' there exists 0 < v ( E ) 5 D' depending on E such that for all h > 0 we have
Consequently (6", 7", So) imply this: V f n-1(/3) l contains at most a finite = (p, y("), (A = 1,..., N ) ; then number of points; let these again be cc(O), ..., cc(N) are exactly all the distinct points in P n ~ - 1 ( p ) and ; S(p) >= 0, where N
S(p) = d -
A =1
We shall show that actually S(p) > 0. Take 0 < E* < E'. Then P fl( p x z(E*, 4)) = 0. By compactness of 2?(E*,q) we can find 0 < D* 6 pl(E*) such that Pn ( Y ( D * , p ) x z ( E * , q ) ) = IZJ. Let Vo = P n ( Y ( D * , p ) x Z(E*, 4)). Since d o ) = (6, ~ ( 0 )E) P we must have Vo # 0. Therefore Vo is a pure e dimensional analytic set in Y(D*, p ) x (Z(E*, q ) - (4)) and (closure of
in ~ e ( y x)
c ~ { zn) (Y(D*, ) p>
Z(E*, p ) )
= 0.
Now Y' f l Y ( D * , p ) is a nonempty open subset of Y(D*, p ) and hence by (34.28) we deduce that V n ( b x Z ( E * , 4 ) ) # 0 for some b E Y' n Y(D*, p). Therefore we must have S(p) > 0. Let 2"
U Z(E*,
h =O
), 2?*
2? U U g(E*,
v* = V n ( Y ( D * , p ) x
Then V* is either empty or a pure e dimensional analytic set in Y ( D * , 6) x Z* and f* = boundary of Z* in Cm(z}. Since E* < E' and D* 5 q(E*),by So) we get that (closure of V* in ~ e { y x}
c ~ { Z ) )
n (Y(D*, p>
2*) = 0.
Now V* f l d ( p ) = 0 and hence by (34.27) we must have V* = 0 and hence P (Y(D*, p ) x 2") = 0. Therefore by (6", 7", So) we must have :
d ( a , T , P) = 6(p)
for all b
U € 5 - I ( b X Z < E*, r@?)
n Y(D*, /I>.
Let again 0 < E S E* be given. Then f l ( p x 2 { E , 4)) = 0. By p(E))such that compactness of Z(E, q ) we can find 0 < #(E) S min (D*, n (Y 0. There exist D* > 0, E* > 0for which we have (9", lo", 11").
Y(D*, p> c Y ,
(J Z(E*, p
h =O
z ( E * , + ~ )n ) Z(E*,y(A'))= 0 10') For any b E Y'
and hence
)c z;
for all A # A',
n Y(D*, ,k?> we have
0,...,N ) .
5 37.
11") Given 0 < E 5 E* there exists 0 < #(E) 5 D* depending on E such that f o r h = 0,..., N we have
P n(YW), P )
x ZW*,
P >) c YW),
x ZG
Since S(P) > 0 and C Y ( R , p ) x Z ( C , q ) , from (I) and 3") we deduce that for all il,..., im : lim Ogl,..$,;o...0(y)= O
for all
fi E 9'.
gi l...i,(y)
=[ 0% 0
for y E y' for Y E Y- Y'
is continuous on Y and analytic when it is not zero. Therefore by Rad6's Theorem (8.2), gg,...i,(y) is analytic on Y for all i1,...,im. Thus
(6 E Y :gil...tm(6)= 0 for all i1,..., im)
is an analytic set in Y and Y - Y' C U. By 5 O ) , U is nowhere dense in Y and hence Y - Y' = p'. By 4"), ~ O i l . . . ~ m ; ~ l . . . is ~m bounded ( y ) ~ in the neighborhood of any point of U and hence by Riemann Extension Theorem (14.3), Oil...i,;jl...j,(y) has a unique analytic extension on Y ; let us denote this extension again by Oi,...t,;jl...5,(y) and for any il,..., im let
1 @i,
for all y
/3 E Y be given. If /?E Y' then by 3") it follows that P flr-1(/3)
0t1.,.im(.Y, 2) =
.,..i,;31...J,(y)Z~...zim m
P = ((b, c ) E Y Then Let
x Z : @gl.,.$,(b,
c) =
O for all il,..., im}.
is an analytic set in Y x 2.
B n r-1(/3).
Now suppose that /3 E Y - Y' = 9' and let the notation be as in (I). Take b@')E Y' such that v-fm lim b(") = /3. By 3") we get 21.
..., i ,
@zl.. .z,(b(
z)x":..xi; -
d(a, n, fi
for all v. In virtue of (I), taking limits as v t1v
2 .. *t
02,..Am(/% ).
co we get
5 =1( Z j
- y:O’)X1)
rI ( 5
~ = 5i
4 (29
- Yy)x,)
d(or(’), n, 7 )
Therefore P fl d ( P ) = P t l r--1(/?).Thus P = P and P is analytic in Y x 2. This completes the proof of (37.2‘) and hence also of (37.1, 37.2, 37.3).
(37.4) Analytic cones, V C Kn, where K is any field, is said to be a cone (with vertex at the origin) provided: a E V , t E K 3 ta = (tai,..., tan) E V. If K is complete nondiscrete valued then V C IP is said to be an analytic cone provided V is a cone and V is analytic in Kn. 1) Let V C Kn(x1, ..., xn> where K is any complete nondiscrete valued field. Then V is an analytic cone, if and only q,there exists a finite set i2 of homogeneouspolynomialsin xi, ..., xn with coe@cients in K such that V = {a E Kn :q(a) = Ofor all p E
PROOF.^ The “if” part is obvious. Now assume that V is an analytic cone. Let
{ f (xi,...,Xn) E K[(xl, ...,x,}] :f(a) = 0 for all a E V fl X for some neighborhood X of the origin in D(f )}.
Any element f(x1, ..., xn) in K[[xl, ..., xn]] can uniquely be written as f(x1, ..., xn) = C f P ( x 1,..., xn) where fp(xl,..., x,) is either zero or is a p20
homogeneous polynomial of degree p in xi, ..., X n with coefficients in K ; &(XI,..., xn) is called the pth homogeneous component of f(x1, ..., x,). Now suppose thatf(x1, ..., xn) E a and let X be as above. If V contains no point different from the origin then our assertion is trivial. Now assume the contrary. Then there exists a E V n X , a # (0). Letg(y)=f(aly, ...,any) E K[[y]]where y is an indeterminate. Then g(y) E K[(y)] and g(y) = Cfp(a)yp. Since V is a cone, we have g(b) = 0 for all b in some neighp20
borhood of 0 in D(g). Since an analytic function of one variable can have only isolated zeroes, we must have g(y) = 0, i.e., fp(a) = 0 for all p . Since V is a cone it now follows that I/’ = {a E Kn :?(a) = 0 for all y E a*>where R* is the set of all the homogeneous components of all the
* For a generalization and a more algebraic proof of (37.4.1) see (37.6).
elements in a. Now K[xl,...,x,] being noetherian, Q*K[xl,..., x,] = LRK[x1,..., x,] for some finite subset i2 of Q*, and then V = {a E Kn : q(a) = 0 for all q E
2) Let V C Cn be a cone. If V is analytic at every point in Cn - ((0)) then V is analytic in C”. PROOF. Obviously dim,V > 0 for any a E V with a # (0). Therefore V is analytic at (0) by (37.1). Let Pn be the complex (37.5) Algebraic sets and analytic sets in projective n space. In virtue of (36.8.2), (37.4.1, 37.4.2) at once yield
1) THEOREM OF CHOW.V C Pn is analytic, if and only i f , it is algebraic. From (34.2) we get
2) Any algebraic set in Pn or Gn is locally arcwise connected. From 1) it follows that an algebraic set in Pn is algebraically irreducible if and only if it is analytically irreducible. Since the considerations of 534B were based only on the local proposition (34.2),they apply to analytic sets in Pn. In particular (34.10) remains valid for any analytic set V in Pn. Consequently we get
3)For any nonempty algebraic set V in Pa the following jive conditions are equivalent. i) V is algebraically irreducible. ii) V i s analytically irreducible. iii) V - S( V ) is connected. iv) If W is any analytic set in Pn such that W C V then V #
connected. v) If W is any analytic set in Pn such that W C V then V # is connected.
W is
- S(V) -
Finally, in virtue of (34.10) and (36.8.1), from 3) we get
4) 3) remains valid with Cn replacing Pn. (37.6) Homogeneous ideals. We shall now generalize (37.4.1). Let (XI, ...,xf6}, Let R = K[[x]]where K is any infinite field, or R = K [ ( x ) ] where K is any complete nondiscrete valued field. Let M be the maximal ideal in R. Any elementf(x) in K[[x]]can uniquely be written as
x =
For definitions see (36.7, 36.8).
344 f(x) =
2f P ( x ) where f P ( x ) is
either zero or is a homogeneous poly-
nomial of degree p (in X I , ..., x , with coefficients in K ) ;f P ( x )is called the pth homogeneous component of f ( x ) . For any f ( x ) E K[[x]]and t E K, f ( t x ) = f(tx1, ..., tx,) is an element in K [ [ x ] ] note ; that if f ( x ) E K [ ( x ) ] then f ( t x ) E K [( x ) ] .Also note that iff E mk thenf(tx) E mk for all t E K. An ideal a in R is said to be homogeneous provided: f ( x ) E a, t E K =f ( t x ) E a.
1) Let a be a homogeneous ideal in R. Let F(x) E a + mpfl where F(x) is either zero or is a homogeneous polynomial of degree p. Then F(x) E a.
2) Let a be a homogeneous ideal in R. Then for any f ( x ) E a, all the homogeneous components of f ( x ) are in a.
3) Let a be any ideal in R. Then a is a homogeneous principal ideal o a is generated by a homogeneous polynomial. 4) For any ideal a in R the following three conditions are equivalent.
i) a is homogeneous.
ii) For any f ( x ) E a all the homogeneous components of f ( x ) are in a. iii) a has a jinite basis consisting of homogeneous polynomials. REMARKS. 4) generalizes to power series rings the usual equivalence of the three ways of defining homogeneous ideals in a polynomial ring over an infinite field. Let a be as in the proof of (37.4.1); V being a cone, a is homogeneous and hence (37.4.1) follows from 4). For R = C[(x)], 4) was proved by Cartan; his proof is given in Remmert-Stein [ l ] ;it uses Cartan module bases ($15) and also a lemma on integration and Riemannian sums. Again for R = C [ ( x ) ] ,a different proof of 3) is given in RemmertStein [ l ] . Proof of 1). Now
n (a + a3
q -1
and hence it suffices to show that F(x) E a + mP+qfor all q 2 1. We do this by induction on q. This being given for q = 1, let q L 1 and assume that F(x) E a + ntP+a. Then
F(x) + G ( x ) = H(x) mod rnP+q+l
where H(x) E a and G(x) is either zero or is a homogeneous polynomial of degree p + q. For any t E K we get
tpF(x) + tp+pG(x) = H(tx) mod mP+p+l.
5 37.
Eliminating G(x) between the two equations we get (tpfq - tp)F(x)
= bp+PH(x) - H(tx)mod mp+@+1.
Since a is homogeneous we have H ( t x ) E a, and hence (tp+q - tp)F(x) E a + mp+@+1. Since K is infinite, we can take t E K such that tp+Q t P # 0; whence F ( x ) E a + mpfqfl.
Proof of 2). Let fj(x) be t h e j t h homogeneous component off(x). By induction on p we shall show that fj(x) E a for all j 5 p . For p = - 1 this is trivial. Now let p 1 0 and assume that f j ( x ) E a for all j < p . Then f p ( x ) E a + mp+1 and hencef,(x) E a by 1). Proof of 3). “e”is obvious. Now let f(x) E R be such that a = f(x)R. If f(x) = 0 then we have nothing to show. Now assume that f ( x ) # 0 and let F(x) be the leading form of f ( x ) . Then F(x) E a by 2), and hence F(x) = f(x)g(x) for some g(x) E R. Since oF(x) = of(.), g(x) must be a unit in R.Hence a = F(x)R.
Proof of 4). i) 5 ii) is proved in 2). iii) + i) is obvious. Now assume ii) and let Q* be the set of all the homogeneous components of all the elements in a. Now
n (Q*R + 00
mp) =
Q*R and obviously a C Q*R + mp
for allp. By assumption Q* C a and hence a = Q*R. Since R is noetherian, Q*R = QR for some finite subset Q of a*.
REMARK. Actually 4) can be somewhat further generalized as follows. Let (R, m) be any regular local ring such that R/mis infinite and has the same characteristic as R. Assume that R contains a field K which maps isomorphically onto Rim under the restriction of the natural map R +R/m. Let x1,..., xn be a minimal basis of m. Then = K[[xl,...,~ n ] can ] be considered to be the completion of R. Since R C I? we can write elements of R asf(x) and can talk about the homogeneous components of f(x), (relative to K and XI, ..., xn), which are then obviously in R. However note that for f(x) E R and t E K, the elementf(tx) E I? in general may not be in R. The said generalization of 4) is as follows. 4‘) For any ideal a in R the following three conditions are equivalent. i’) For any f(x) E a and t E K, f ( t x ) is in aff; (or equivalently: a 2 is homogeneous). ii‘) For any f(x) E a, all the homogeneous components of f(x) are in a. iii‘) a has a finite basis consisting of homogeneous polynomials (in
PROOF.ii’) => iii’) * if) as in 4),and i f ) * ii’) follows from 4) because (b@ n R = b for any ideal b in R. $38. TOPOLOGICAL DIMENSION We want to prove the following proposition.
(38.1) Let V be a nonempty analytic set in an open set X in Cn. Then topdim V = 2 dim V , and topdim,V = 2 dimaVfor all a E V. First we give a review on topological dimension theory based on Hurewicz-Wallman [l].This theory is valid in any metrizable topological space having a countable basis of open sets. Let us call such a space an MC-space. Note that any subspace of an MC-space is an MC-space, and in particular every subset of R m is an MC-space.
(38.2) DEFINITION. For any MC-space A, by topdimA we denote the topological dimension of A; and for any p E A, by topdim,A we denote the topological dimension of A at p . The definitions are by induction on m = 0, 1, 2,...and are thus; see Hurewicz-Wallman [l:Definition 111.1 on p. 241. topdimA = -1 o A = 0. topdimdl 2 m o there exists a basis % of neighborhoods of p in A such that for all N E % we have topdim (bdAN) Im-1. topdim,A = m o topdim,A 6 m and it is false that topdimpA 5 m - 1. topdim A S m o topdim,A 5 m for all p E A. topdim A = m o topdim A 6 m and it is false that topdim A 5 m - 1. topdim,A = co o for each nonnegative integer m it is false that topdim,A 5 m. topdim A = co o f o r each nonnegative integer m it is false that topdim A 6 m. Note the following immediate consequences of the above definitions.
1) topdim,A > m o there exists a neighborhood N’ of p in A such that for each neighborhood N of p in N‘ we have topdim (bdAN) 2 m. 2) topdim A = max topdim,A, ( A # 0). PEA
3) For any neighborhood N of p in A we have topdim,N
= topdim,A. We shall need the following results from topological dimension theory.
(38.3) Let B be a subspace of an MC-space A. If topdim A 5 m then topdim B 5 m. For p E B, if topdim,A 5 m then topdim,B 5 m. In Hurewicz-Wallmann [l:Theorem 111.1 on p. 261 only the first assertion is stated, but the second assertion also follows from the proof given there. (38.4) An MC-space which is the countable union of closed subsets of topdim 5 m has topdim S m. Hurewicz-Wallman [l : Theorem 111.2 on p. 301. (38.5) The union of two subspaces each of which has topdim 5 m and one of which is closed has topdim 5 m. Hurewicz-Wallman [1: Corollary 1 on p. 321.
(38.6) topdimRm
= m. Hurewicz-Wallman [l:Theorem IV.l on p. 411. Now every nonempty open set in Rm contains an open subset which is homeomorphic to Rm. Also any two points in Rm can be permuted by a homeomorphism of Rm onto itself. Therefore by (38.2.2, 38.2.3), (38.6) yields
(38.7) For any nonempty open subset A of Rm we have topdim A = m and topdim,A = m for all p E A.
(38.8) Let f : A + B be a continuous closed map of an MC-space A into an MC-space B such that topdim f-I(q) 5 t for all q E B, ( t not depending on q). Then topdim A 5 t + topdim B. Hurewicz-Wallman [1: Proof of Theorem V1.7 on p. 911. Since the topdim of any finite set is 5 0 , from (38.8) we get (38.9) Let f :A -+ B be a continuous closed map of an MC-space A into an MC-space B such that f-l(q) is a Jinite set for all q E B. Then topdim A I topdim B. Proof of (38.1). Given a E V , by (30.21) there exists a continuous closed map of a neighborhood V1of a in V into an open set in Ce where e = d i m V ; hence topdim,V = topdimaVi I topdim Vi S 2e by (38.2, 38.7, 38.9). This being so for every a E V , we get that topdim V 5 2 dim V. By (33.18, 33.20), there exists a nonempty open subset V1 of V such that V1 is homeomorphic to a nonempty open set in Ce where e = dim V ; hence topdim V >= topdim V1 = 2e by (38.3, 38.7). Therefore topdim V = 2 dim V. It only remains to show that topdim,V >= 2 dimaV for all a E V. This is obvious if dim,V = 0. Suppose if possible that V contains
a point a such that topdim,V 2e - 1 where 0 < e = dim,V. We can find an analytic set V in a neighborhood X ' of a in X such that V C V , dim,Y' = e, and y,V' is irreducible. By (38.3), topdim,V' 5 topdim,V 5 2e - 1. Hence upon replacing X by X' and V by V' we may suppose that YaV is irreducible. In virtue of (23.5), by (32.1) we can find a continuous proper open map f of a neighborhood V* of a in V onto an open set Y in Ce and an (e - 1)-dimensional analytic set A in Y such that we have the following :
1") Given such that:
fi E Y - A
there exists a neighborhood Y' of d
U Nt Y' for i = 1,..., d.
Y ) equals a finite union
in Y - A
such that f IN6 is a
homeomorphism of Ni onto Now topdim,V* = topdim,V and hence we may assume that V = V*. By assumption topdim,V 2e - 1 and hence by definition there exists a basis % of neighborhoods of a in V such that topdim (bdvN) 5 2e - 2 for all N E 111. Sincefis a continuous open map of V onto Y , {f ( N ) : NE%} is a basis of neighborhoods of f ( a ) in Y . Hence by (38.6, 38.2.1) we can choose N E % such that topdim (bdyM) 2 2e - 1 where M = f ( N ) . Since dim A = e - 1, by what we have already proved we get that topdim A 5 2e - 2. Hence topdim (A fl (bdyM)) 5 2e - 2 by (38.3). Now A n (bdyM) is closed in bdyM and hence topdim ((bdyM) - A) 2 2e - 1 by (38.5). Hence there exists fi ~ ( b d y M ) A such that topdim,((bdyM) - A) 2 2e - 1. Let Y' be a neighborhood of fi in Y - A as in 1") and let M' = Y' n bdyM. Then topdim M' 2 topdimfl = topdimg((bdyM) - A)
by (38.2.2, 38.2.3). Hence topdim M' 2 2e
- 1.
Let N ; = Ni n f - l ( M ' ) . Suppose we have shown that
3 ")
nf-l(p') # 0
for all
E bdyM.
U f ( N ; f l bdvN).
i =1
Since f INz is a homeomorphism of Ni onto Y', ( N i f l bdvN) and f ( N ; fl bdVN) are homeomorphic. Therefore topdim f(Ni bdvN) = topdim ( N ; f l bdVN). Now topdim (bdvN) 5 2e - 2 and by (38.3), topdim ( N ; fl bdvN) 5 topdim (bdVN). Therefore for i = 1,..., d. topdim f(Nl fl bdvN) 5 2e - 2 5 ")
Since f IN$is a homeomorphism of Ni onto Y’,f IN,‘ is a homeomorphism of N ; onto f ( N ; ) = M’. Now N ; fl bdvN is closed in Ni and hence we get that
f ( N ; f l bdVN) is closed in M’ for i = 1,...,d.
I n virtue of (38.4), by (4”, 5”, 6”) we get that topdim M‘ 5 2e - 2 which contradicts 2”). I t now only remains to prove 3”). So let 8’ E bd1.M be given. Then /3’ $ M and there exist b(*) E M such that lim b(*) = p’. h-m
Since f ( N ) = M , we can find a(*) E N such that f ( a ( * ) )= b(n)for all A. Now {b(l),b@),...} U ( p ’ } is a compact subset of Y and f is a proper map of F‘ onto Y. Therefore 2 = f - I ( { b ( l ) , b @ ,...} u (p’}) is compact. Now a(*) E Z for all A and hence upon replacing (bcX))by a suitable subsequence we get that lim d h )= 01 E F‘ and hence p’ = lirnf(dh)) = f(u). h+m
Now f ( N ) = M and p’ $ M . Therefore Therefore (bdvN) nf-1(/3‘)# 0.
$ N and hence u E bdvN.
$39. REMARKS ON THE FUNDAMENTAL GROUP1 We want to prove (39.7) which can be considered to be ‘‘a Bertini theorem” or “a Lefschetz theorem”. First we give some elementary lemmas. The closed unit interval [0, 11 will be denoted by I .
DEFINITION Let is: A -+ B be a continuous map of a topological space A onto a topological space B, let C C A, and let d be a positive integer. We shall say that C is a d-fold cross-section relative to B provided: for each b E B there is a neighborhood N of b in B and continuous maps A j : N + A , j = 1,..., d , such that: i) p A3 = identity on N for all j ; ii) Al(N) U...U &(N) = C p-I(N); iii) Aj(N) fl Aj,(N) = 0 for all j # j ’ .
(39.1) L e t f ( y , z ) = z d + f l ( y ) z d - l +...+fa ( y ) , d > 0, w h e r e f i ( y ),..., fa( y ) are analytic on an open set k’in Cn-1 ( y } .Let A(y) be the z-discriminant 1 This section is based on Abhyankar [2] which in turn is based on Grauert-Remmert [l : Hilfssatz 31. For the notions of fundamental group and universal covering space see for instance Steenrod [I: $141.The fundamental group of a connected and locally arcwise connected topological space A with base point a is denoted by n ( A ,a ) or simply by ni(A). For any connected and locally arcwise connected subspace B of A there is a natural homomorphism T ~ ( B+) m(A) where the base point is taken in B. A is simply connected
means that sl(A) is the identity group. A is locally simply connected means that every point in A has a neighborhood which is connected and simply connected.
of f ( y , z). Let I'= {(b,c) E Y x C1{z} :f(b, c) = 01, and A = {b E Y : A(b) = 0). Let Z be an open set in C l ( z } such that V C Y x 2. Let
X = YxZ.Letp:XxX-+X,v:XxI+I,p:X-+Y,a:X-+Z, f l : 2 x I -+ I , be the natural projections. Given an arc y : I -+ Y - A let M' = {w E x I : v(w) = p(w)}, M = M' ((x- v ) I ) ; M't -- M' n d ( t ) and Mt = M t 7 v-l(t) for all t E I. Denoting by 6 : M' -+ Z x I the map given by: 6(w) = (0o p(w)) x v(w) we have the
following. i) 6 is a homeomorphism of M' onto 2 x I. ii) S-l(Z x t ) = M i for all t E I. iii) ( Z x I ) - 6(M) is a d-fo2d cross-section relative to
PROOF. i) and ii) are obvious, and iii) follows from (12.3). (39.2) Let a : Z x I -+ Z and 3!, : Z x I + I be the natural projections where Z is an open polycylinder around some point in C ~ { Z let }, J C Z x I be a d-fold cross-section relative to /3, and let vl,..., v d be the distinct points in a(J n ( Z x 0)). Then there exists a homeomorphism T of Z x I onto itself such that /3 = /3 o T, T(V x 0) = v x 0 for all v E Z, and T (J ) = (v1 x I ) (Vd x I). Since 2 is homeomorphic to C ~ { Zwe > may assume that 2 = Cl{x}. For any v E Z and E > 0 let Z { E ,v ) = (c E Z : Ic - v1 < €1, Z(E,v ) = {c E z : (c - v1 5 €1, 2 ( E , v> = {c E z : Ic - vl = E}. We first prove (39.2) under additional assumptions.
(39.2') The assertion of (39.2) holds if there exist maps X j : I -+ Z x I,j = 1,..., d, such that:
> 0 and continuous
i)3!, o X j = identity on I for all j ; ii) hl(I) U... U X d ( l ) = J ; iii) a hj(1) C Z ( e , v j ) for all j ; iv) Z(E,v j ) Z ( E ,v j t ) = @ f o r all j # j ' . 0
Proof of (39.2'). For any v x t mutually exclusive possibilities.
2 x I we have the following three
1") v 4 Z ( E , v1) Z < E , Vd). 2O) v x t E J. Then we have v = a o Aj(t) for a unique j . 3") v x t $ J but v E Z(q v l ) U...U Z A, = 0 for all a E X . Also note that the zero presheaf is obviously a sheaf.
$41. Given another &-algebra
6’ :
37 1
B’, an &-algebra-homomorphism
9 +9’ is by definition a homomorphism of sheaves of rings which is also an &’-homomorphism. Given any sheaf d’ of rings on X such that d is a subsheaf (as a sheaf of rings) of d’, &’ is to be regarded as an
&‘-algebra with the canonical injection & +&’ as the underlying homomorphism. For any sheaves A and N of abelian groups (resp: K-modules) on X , the presheaves A% @ N and AD are again sheaves; if A and h’” are &-modules then A @ h’” and A@ (in particular d p ) are &-modules. Let & be a sheaf of rings on X and let A be an &-module. For any open sets U C V in X and any F C A(V ) we get an &‘I U-submodule B of A\U by taking
9( U’) = {f E &( U’) :fa
E Fa&a
for all u E U’}
for each open set U’ in U ; B is called the &(U-submodule of A l U generated by F and is denoted by ( F (U)(&l U ) or F(&( U ) or ( F [U)&; note that for any a E U we have ((Flu)&), = Fads and for any open set U* in U we have ((F/U)&)lU* = (FIU*)&. Given any open sets U , V , W in X with U C V f l W, F C A ( V ) , and an dIW-submodule B of A l W , we shall say that “F generates B on U” to mean “81U = (FIU)d”’, i.e., to mean “ P a = Fa&a for all a E U”; also for a E U , we shall say that “ F generates B at a” or ‘IF generates B a ” to mean “Pa =
Let & be a sheaf of rings on X , let CJ : & j.g be an &-algebra, let U C V be open sets in X , and let F C g(V ) . Then we get an &I U-sub1U by taking algebra 9 of 9
B(U’) = {f E 9( U’) :fa
&’a[Fa] for all
a E U‘>
for each open set U’ in U ;we shall denote B by (dlU)[FIU ] or (dl U)[F] or &[F( U ] . Note that for any a E U we have (&‘[FI U])a = da[Fa] and ( = &[Flu*]. for any open set U* in U we have ( d [ F I U ] )U*
(41.2) Sheaf of gerrns.3 Let X * be any topological group (resp: topological ring). We get a sheaf &%x* of abelian groups (resp: rings) on X by taking € x ; x * ( U )= E ( U ; X * ) for each nonempty open set U in X and by taking the ordinary restriction maps as the restriction maps belonging to €x;x*;4 this sheaf is called the sheaf of germs of continuous X*-valued functions on X and it will always be denoted by &x;x*;note = %(a, X ; X*). Now suppose that that for any a E X we have (&x;x*)a For notation see (29.3, 29.4). By general convention, B x ; x * ( 0 ) = 0.
= K where K is assumed to be a complete nondiscrete valued field. Identifying constant functions with elements of K, EX;. becomes a sheaf of K-algebras on X and it will always be regarded as such; since K will remain fixed most of the time, we may write bx instead of & x ; K . Now suppose that X is an analytic set in an open set in K n . Then we get a subsheaf W X ; Kof & X ; K by taking W X : K U ( ) = R( U ) for each nonempty open set U in X where the restriction maps belonging to W X ; Kare again the ordinary restriction maps. This subsheaf of € X ; K is called the sheaf of (K-valued) analytic function germs on X and it will always be denoted by W X ; Kor simply 9 ~ Note .that for any a E X we have (Wx),= R(a,X ) . For any Y C X we get an ideal 9( Y , X)in 9~ by taking
q y , x)(u)= { ~ E R ( u ) : f ( y n u) = 01 for each nonempty open set U in X . Again, this ideal will always be denoted (, X ) ) , = i(a, Y , X ) . by Y( Y , X ) . Note that for any a E X we have (9Y (41.3) Sheaf associated with a presheaf. Let A = [A(U ) , p;] be any presheaf of abelian groups (resp : rings, K-modules, K-algebras) on X . For any nonempty open set U in X let ( A ) (U ) be the set of all functions f on U which to each a in U assign an elementf(,) in A, such that : given a’ E U there exists a neighborhood U‘ of a’ in U and f’E A(U)such that f(,) = f i for all a E 77’. For any f , g E (A?)(U )define f + g E ( A ) ( U) by taking ( f + g)w = f ( , ) + g(,) for all a E U ; if A is a presheaf of rings then define f g E ( A ) ( U ) by taking (fg)ca)= f(,)g(,) for all a E U ; and U) if A is a presheaf of K-modules then for any k E K define kf E ( A ) ( by taking (kf)(,, = kf(,, for all a E U. Thus -+ ( J V ) where for any nonempty open set U in X and any f E ( A ) ( U ) we define ( a , ) ( U ) ( f )E ( J l r ) ( U ) by taking ( (pl)( U)f)(,, = for all a E U. I t is immediately seen that if k e r p = 0 then 8 e r (p j = 0. Consequently if 9 is a subpresheaf of A then < P ) can be identified with a subsheaf of (d). In particular, if A is a sheaf and B is a subpresheaf of -4then taking {A)= A,for any open set U in X we have ( P j ( U ) = { f . A ( U ) : f a ~9~ for all a E U ] . If d is a presheaf of rings on X and d is an d-presheaf-module, then ( A ) becomes an (dj-module and the map A -+ ( A )is an (d-+ (d))-presheaf-homomorphism. If Q :& -+ 39 is a homomorphism of presheaves of rings on X and cp : A --f JV is a o-presheaf-homomorphism, then (pl) : (A) + ( M ) is a (o)-homomorphism; in particular, if cp : A -+ M is an d-presheaf-homomorphism then (cp) : ( A )-+ (JV j is an (&)-homomorphism; and so on. For any subsheaves 9 and 9 of a sheaf d of abelian groups Jresp: K-modules) on X,we set B + 9 = (9$ 2 ) and 9 n 9 = (9f l 9 ) ; these are then subsheaves of A and for any open set U in X we have
+ for all a E U } , (9+ 2 ) ( U ) = { ~ E A ( U:fa) ( B n 9 ) ( U ) = {f E &(U) :fa E Y an ~2~for all u E U ] . If & is a sheaf of rings on X,A is an &-module, and 9 and 2 are d-submodules of A,then 9 + 2 and 9 n 9 are d-submodules of A ;in particular this applies to ideals in d . (41.4) Exact sequence. For any subsheaf 9 of a sbeaf A of abelian which is then groups (resp: K-modules) on X we set A / P = (d/9’) a sbeaf of abelian groups (resp: K-modules) on X.It is easily seen that A/9’satisfies condition S1 (but not necessarily S Z ) for each open set U
in X , and hence can be considereg to be a subpresheaf of 419. The naturat homomorphism A? -+ A19 followed by the canonical injection A19 -+ A?/9 gives a homomorphism A : A? -+ 419 which is again qlled natural; note that for any a E X we have Im A, = ( A ? / 9 ) a = ( A ? / 9 ) a M A a / 9 a . If d is a sheaf of rings on X , A2 is an &-module and 9 is an d-submodule of A, then A 19 is an &-module and X is an &-homomorphism; if furthermore A? = d,then d / 9is a sheaf of rings on X and A is a homomorphism of sheaves of rings. -+ N of sheaves of abelian groups (resp: For any homomorphism p : K-modules) on X we set Ker p = (ker p) and Im p = (fm p); these are then subsheaves of A and N ,respectively, and for any open set U in X we have
and (Im p)(U) = {g E N ( U ):ga E Imp, for all a E U ] = {g E N( U ) : there exists an open covering ( U j ) j Eof~ U and fj E A(Uj) such that d U d f 3 = gl for all j 0.
Note that actually Ker p = Ker rp, whereas in general f m cp is only a subpresheaf of Im rp. We also set Coker rp = N / I m p and Coim p = A?/Ker p which are then sheaves of abelian groups (resp: K-modules). For any open of 4 [ Z ,the subsheaf Im(p[(A?'[Y ) ) sets Y C 2 in X and any subsheaf d' of MI Y may be denoted by p(A?'I Y ) ;in particular then v ( A ) = Im p. Let i : 4' + A? and j : #' -+N be the canonical injections of subsheaves A?' and #' of and N , respectively; then there exists a homomorphism p' : A?' -+ N' such that p 0 i = j p' e p ( 4 ' ) C N' (i.e., p(A?') is a subsheaf of MI);if y' exists then it is unique and is said to be induced by p. If d is a sheaf of rings on X and p is an d-homomorphism then Coker 9 and Coim p are &-modules, and Ker p and Im rp are d-submodules of A? and N,respectively; furthermore, if 4' and N'are d-submodules of A? and N,respectively, such that p ( 4 ' ) C JV' then the map A?' --f N' induced by p is an &-homomorphism. A sequence A? % N %9of homomorphisms of sheaves of abelian groups on X is said to be exact e Im p = Ker +; note that this is so o the induced sequence u 4 a + N u+ $p, is exact for all a E X ; similarly for longer sequences. Furthermore, 9 is said to be a monomorphism (resp: epimorphism) u Ker p = 0 (resp: I m p = N); and pl is said to be an isomorphism o p is a monomorphism as well as an epimorphism. 0
From the above definitions it follows that for any homomorphisms
A % M % 9 of sheaves of abelian groups on X we have the following (1 to 7).
1) Kerp, = O o R e r p , = O o K e r p , = O f o r a l l a i n X + O +A! -+M is exact o 0 -+ A -+ M is presheaf-exact.
2) I m p , = N o Imp,, = N u for all a E X o Coker q~ = 0 A -+ Y , + 0 is exact. Furthermore f m q~ = Jlr 5 I m q~ = M (but not conversely).
3) I m p, = 0 o f m q~ = 0 o I m qa = 0 for all a E X . The condition = 0 may be expressed by writing p = 0.
4) 9isanisomorphismoO +A? + M +OisexactoO +A? +M +O is presheaf-exact o q~ is a presheaf-isomorphism. 5 ) A?
2 is presheaf-exact
6 ) 0 -+A? + "4+ 2 is exact
0 + A -+N
9 is exact.
9 is presheaf-
exact. I n other words, the identity functor from the category of sheaves of abelian groups on X into the category of presheaves of abelian groups on X is left exact.
7) T h e following sequences of natural homomorphisms are exact.6 0 -+Kerp, -+A -+M + C o k e r y +0, 0 +Kerp, + A + I m q J +0, 0 -+Imp, + N -+Cokerp, +O, 0 +Coimp, - + I m p , + O . Now let B be a sub5heaf of a sheaf A of abelian groups on X , let
i : B + A and j : A19 + 419 be the canonical injections, and let r : A -+ &[B be the natural homomorphism. Then X = j T : A+ A / B is the natural homomorphism. Obviously fmoX = f m T = & [9 and 0
I m A = &IS. Consequently 0 + B -+ A? + A?/B-+ 0 is presheaf-exact, and 0 --f B -+ A + A / B -+ 0 is exact but in general not presheaf-exact. Furthermore, for any homomorphism q~ :A -+dY of sheaves of abelian groups on X we have the following where 8) is obvious and 9) follows from it.
8) There exists a homomorphism a : A / B -+ M such that p, = a o T o B C Ker 9 ;and if a exists then it is unique. The explanation of the last sequence will follow from 9).
-+Jlr such ihat rp = /3 o h o 9) There exists a homomorphism /3 : A/@ B C Ker rp; and if /3 exists then it is unique and a = /3 0 j . Furthermore /3 is a monomorphism (resp : epimorphism) o B = Ker rp (resp : Im rp = X ) . If &' is a sheaf of rings on X , rp is an &'-homomorphism, and 9'is an d-submodule of A, then /3 is an &'-homomorphism; if furthermore A? = d and rp is a homomorphism of sheaves of rings then so is /3. The maps u and /3 are said to be induced by rp.
(41.5) Constant presheaf and simple sheaf. For any abelian group (resp: ring, K-module, K-algebra) P we get a presheaf P { X } of abelian groups (resp : rings, K-modules, K-algebras) on X by taking P{X}(U) = P for each nopempty open set Uein X and taking the restriction map P(X}(V ) P{X}( U )belonging to P {X }to be the ifientity map of P for any nonemptx open sets U C V in X.7 For any a E X , (P{X}), may be identified with P. P{X} obviously-satisfiescondition S1 for each open s g in X (but in general not S z , i.e., P { X } may not be a sheaf) and bence P{X} can be considered to be a subpresheaf of the sheaf P{X} = (P{X}). A presheaf A? of abelian groups (resp: rings, K-modules, K-algebras) qn X is said to be a constant presheaf o A is presheaf-isomorphic to P{X} for some abelian group (resp: ring, K-module, K-algebra) P. Note that A? M +{XI o A ( X ) E P and the restriction map A ( X ) -+A(U ) belonging to A is an isomorphism for each nonempty open set U in X ; and then actually the restriction map A ( V )- + d ( U ) belonging to A is an isomorphism for all nonempty open sets U C V in X . A sheaf d of abelian groups (resp: rings, K-modules, K-algebras) on X is said to be a simple sheaf e-A M P { X } for some abelian group (resp : ring, K-module, K-algebra) P. A presheaf of abelian groups (resp: ring:, K-modules, K-algebras) on X is essentially the smae thing as a Z{X)-pTesheaf-module (resp: Z{X}-presheaf-algebra, K{X}-presheaf-module, K{X}-presheaf-algebra), and ahomomorphismofpresheavesof abeliangroups(resp :rings,K-modules, F-algebras) on X is simply a Z{X}-p5esheaf-homomorphism (resp : Z{X}-presheaf-algebra-homomorphism, K{X}-presheaf-homomorphism, K{X}-presheaf-algebra-homomorphism). Again, a sheaf of abelian groups (resp: rings, K-modules, K-algebras) on X can naturally be regarded as a Z{X}-module (resp : Z{X}-algebra, K{X}-module, K{X}-algebra) and then a homomorphism of sheaves of abelian groups (resp: rings, K-modules, K-algebras) on X becomes a Z{X}-homomorphism (resp : Z{X}-algebra-homomorphism, K{X}-homomorphism, K{X}-algebrahomomorphism); and so on. 'I
i { X } ( 0 )= 0.
When there is no confusion, P{X} and P{X}can be denoted simply by
fi and P respectively.
(41.6) Germs of homomorphisms. Let & be a sheaf of rings on X and let d and -V be &-modules. For any &-homomorphismsf,fi : d + N and any r E &(X), the &-homomorphisms f + f1 : A --f M and rf : d --f M are defined by taking (f + f1)( U)t = f(U)t+ fi( U)t and ( r f ) ( U ) t = ( r [U ) ( f (U ) t )for any open set U in X and any t E A ( U ) . Thus the set of all &-homomorphisms of d into JV becomes an &(X)-module and it is or Hom (d, N). For any open sets U C V in X denoted by H o m d ( d , N) a n d f E H o m d l v ( d l V , MlV) let S E f = f l ( d [ U )E H o m d l u ( d l U , M I U ) . U, N [ U ) , a;] is an &-module; it is called the sheaf Then [Hornd\ v(dl of germs of &-homomorphisms of d into N and is denoted by X o m d ( d , N)or &om(d, A'-), in other words for any open set U in X we take % o m d ( d , JV)( U ) = Homdl u(dI U , .N]U ) and for any open sets U C V in X we take Sg to be the restriction map belonging to %omd(&, N). Given any &-homomorphisms cp : A' + A and : M + M' they induce the &(X)-homomorphism Hom(9, +) : Horn(&, M ) + H o m ( d ' , N') defined by Hom(cp, +)f = f o cp for all f E Horn(&?, M ) . Furthermore cp and t,h induce the &-homomorphism Xom(cp,+) : %om(&, N)+ X o m ( d ' , M ' ) defined by &om(cp, +)( U ) = Hom(p1 U , $1 U ) for every open set U in X. Given any other &-homomorphisms cp' : A" + A' and +' : M' --f M " we obviously have Hom(p 0 cp', t,h' 0 +) = Hom(p', 4') 0 Hom(p, +). This being the case for therestrictions of p, p', 4,4' to any open set U in X we also get that %om(cp 0 cp', 4' 0 +) = &om($, 4') 0 Xom(p, 4). If id and ix are the identity maps of A and M , respectively, then For any open set U Hom(iA, iM) is the identity map of H o m ( A , N). in X , id1 U and i M l U are the identity maps of A%\U and MI U , respectively, and hence &om(id, i M ) is the identity map of %om(A, M ) . The maps Hom(p7, iJ) and Xorn(cp, ix) (resp: Hom(iA, +) and X o m ( i d , +)) are said to be induced by p (resp: 4). Thus Hornd (resp: &omd) is a functor of two variables, contravariant in the first and covariant in the second, from the category of &-modules into the category of &(X)-modules (resp : &-modules). I t can easily be verified that if
are exact sequences of &-homomorphisms, then the induced sequences of &(X)-homomorphisms
3 78
0 + Horn(&, N)-+ Horn(&’, N)+ Hom(A”, N), 0 -+ Horn(&, N).+Horn(&, N’) -+ H o m ( A , M”) are exact, and this being so for the restrictions of the sheaves to each open set U in X we get that the sequences of &-homomorphisms
0 + P o m ( A , M ) -+ X o m ( A ’ , N)+ P o m ( A ” ,N), 0 + X o m ( A , N)-+ X o m ( A , N’) + X o m ( 4 ,M”) are exact. Thus the functors Hornd and %‘omd are left exact. For any other d-modules 4’ and N’we have natural d(X)-isomorphisms H o m ( 4 @ A’,M ) z H o m ( A , N)@ Horn(&, H o m ( 4 , N @ N’) x Hom(4,
N)0H o m ( A , N ‘ ) .
This being the case for the restrictions of the sheaves to any open set U in X (in which case these are d(U)-isomorphisms) we get the natural &-isomorphisms X o m ( A @ A’,N)x X o m ( A , N)@ X‘om(A’,
X o m ( A , N @ M’) x X o m ( A , N)@ X o m ( A , J’). Let el = (1, 0,..., 0),...,e,
(0,..., 0, 1) ~ d p ( X ) .
For any open set U in X , an d 1U-homomorphism f: U +A 1 U is completely determined by the f images tl,..., t, of ellU, ..., eplU, and t l ,..., t, E A(U)can be assigned arbitrarily; namely, for any open set U’ in U we have
f( ul)(rl, ..., T,)
= rltl
+ ...+ r p t p E A(V)
for all (rl,..., r p ) E d p ( U’).8 Thus we get a natural a?(U)-isomorphism Hom(dplU, A I U ) x A ( U ) p . Again this leads to the natural d-isomorphism X o m ( d p , A) x A,. Given a E X we define the natural da-homomorphism p : ( P o q ! ? f ( A#, ) ) a
+ HOmda(da, N
a )
by taking (Pfa>ta = ( f 9 a
for any neighborhood 8
U of a
This also holds for presheaves.
X, f ~ # o m d ( A , N ) ( U )
5 41.
= Horndl u ( A l U, N lU ) , and t E A(U). In general p is neither a monomorphism nor an epimorphism. In case p is an isomorphism, we may identify (&omd(&, N)), with Homdrg,(du,Nu).For instance this is so for &omd(&p, N)because then X o m d ( d P , N)z N P and hence
( &omd(&’p,Jlr )),
ZN z
I n the general case, for any &-homomorphism diagram (*o?!x?(A,
N +A”‘ the induced
H O m d u ( d u ,Nu) + HomdR(Au,Jlri) is commutative; and similarly for any &-homomorphism We define A n h d d = Anh A =
annihilator of d (relative to d )
Ker u
where ci : &’ + X o r n ( A , d) is the natural &-homomorphism given by taking u(r)t = rt E A(U) for any open sets U C V in X, r E&( V ) , t E A ( U ) . For a E X let h be the natural &’,-homomorphism (%‘omd(A, A)),-+ Homdu(Au, Au);then h 0 au is the natural d,-homomorphism&u + HorndR(&,, 4,); hence if X is an isomorphism then (AnhdA), = AnhaRAu. For any d-submodules B and 22 of d we define B : d22 For a
B :2 = transporter of 2 in B (relative to d)
+ 2)/B).
X , if the natural d,-homomorphism
+ 2)/9, (9+ = q / 9 ) > a H o m d a ( ( ( ~+ 2 > / B > u , ((9+ 2>/nz> ( * O ~ d ( ( B
is an isomorphism then
(B :&&qu = B,
(41.7) Tensorproduct. Let a 2 599 599’be homomorphisms of sheaves of rings on X.For any &-modules A and N , the &’-module ( A& d N ) is called the tensor product of A and ,/lr (over d ) and is denoted by d Bd N or simply A 8 N . For any a EX, by identi= ( A&d N), = Au@&, N a . For any fication we have ( ABd N),
o-homomorphisms p : A + A?’ and$ : N -+ Nf,the o-homomorphism (p & $) : A @& Jlr -+A’ N’is called the tensor product of p and $ and is denoted by p @ $. Note that for any a E X we have (p @ #)a = pa @ # a . If p’ : A‘ -+ A’’ and $’ : Jlr’ -+ N ” are any of-homomorphisms then p’ 0 p and $’ o # are ( o r o a)-homomorphisms and (p’ 0 p) @ ($’ 0 $) = (p’ @ $’) (p @ #). If iA and ix are the identity maps of A and M , respectively, then i d @ ix is the identity map of A @& A’-; for any &-homomorphisms p : A -+ A’ and $ : M + N’, the &-homomorphisms p @ iM : A @& A’- + A‘ @& N and id @ $ : A JV + A @& M’ are said to be induced by p and $, respectively. Thus @& is a covariant functor of two variables from the category of &-modules into the category of &-modules. Obviously A @& N = 0 if either A = 0 or N = 0. If A +A‘ -+x +o,
then for any a E X the
are exact sequences of &-homomorphisms, induced sequences A a
Jv- +N‘ -+”
+A’; +A’: + O
+ A ; +A: + O )
are exact and hence the sequences &a
@ d a N a + A;
A a @dU &”a
+A a
Ma + AI
@Ida Ma + 0,
+A a
N;l+ 0
are exact because @dU is right exact; this being so for all a E X we get that the sequences A @&M -+A’@&.A,- + A ” @&N
A @&gM-+A@&gN’ + A @&”
+o, +o
of &’-homomorphisms are exact. Thus the functor @& is right exact. Similarly, for any &-modules A )N ,A?’, M’ we get natural &&omorphisms
dz @&A-z
z A,
A @d(N@ J ’ )
= ( A@&A’-) @(A@&M’).
For any &-module A, A @& & can I be considered to be a g-presheafmodule and hence A @& $8 can be considered to be a 9?-module; any &- homomorphism cp : A + A‘ induces the a-homomorphism A @&A? -+ A’ @& &?; and so on.
5 41.
(41.8) Direct image. Let Y be a topological space and let [ : Y + X be a continuous map of Y into X . Let A‘- be a presheaf of abelian groups (resp: rings, K-modules, U ) = A’-([-l( U ) ) . K-algebras) on Y. For any open set U in X let [*(N)( Then [[,(A’-)(U),...I is a presheaf of abelian groups (resp: rings, K-modules, K-algebras) on X , where for any open sets U’ C U in X the restriction map [ , ( N ) ( U ) + [ * ( N ) ( U ’ ) is the restriction map N(f-l(U ) ) + A’-([-l(U’)) belonging to JV. T h e presheaf [[,(A’-)(U ) ,...I on X is called the direct image of A’- by [ and is denoted by [,(M). For + Jvb any b E Y let a = [(b);then [ induces a homomorphism u : ([.+(A’”))a where for any neighborhood U of a in X and any f E [*(A‘-)(U ) we take cr(fa) = fb. Note that if JV is a sheaf then so is [,(N). For any homomorphism p : JV + N’ of presheaves on Y , the direct -+ [,(M’) where image of p by 5 is the homomorphism (*(p) : (,(N) for any open set U in X and any f E [*(A‘-)(U ) we take [,(p)( U )f = p([-l(U)) f. For any b E Y we then have (pb o u = cc’ o (f,(p))@ where a = [(b) and u : ( [ , ( J V ) )-+~ and u‘ : +N L are the homomorphisms induced by [. For any other homomorphism$ : A’”’ +N“ of presheaves on Y we have [ * ( $ o p) = f,($) [*(p). Given another continuous map q : 2 -+ Y let 5 = [ O 7. For any presheaf 2 on 2 we then have 5*(dp) = [*(7,(2)). For any c E 2 let b = ~ ( c )and a = [ ( b ) ; then y = /? o u where tc : (5,(2))a + ( q , ( d p > ) b , /? : ( ~ , ( y ) ) b+ - Y e , y :(l*(-Y))a zcare the maps induced by 5, q, 5, respectively. If &? is a presheaf of rings on Y and A’- is a .4?-presheaf-module, then .$,(A’”) becomes a [,(k%Y)-presheaf-module;if p : A’- + N’ is a 97-presheafhomomorphism, then (Jp) : [,(A’-) + (.,.(A”-’) is a [,(g)-presheafhomomorphism; etc. For presheaves JI and A’- on X and Y , respectively, by definition, a [-homomorphism p : A -+A’- is simply a homomorphism p :J% + [,(.N) of presheaves on X . For any presheaf A’- on Y , Supp [*(A’-) is contained in the closure of [(Supp A’-) in X . If the map Y -+ [( Y ) induced by [ is a homeomorphism then for any presheaf A’- on Y and b E Y the induced homomorphism ( f , ( N ) ) g ( b ) +N b is an isomorphism. 0
(41.9) Inverse image. We shall now generalize the construction given in (41.3). Let Y be a topological space and let [ : Y -+ X be a continuous map of Y into X . Let J% be a presheaf of abelian groups (resp: rings, K-modules, K-algebras) on X . For any nonempty open set V in Y let [ * ( d ) ( V )be
3 82
the set of all functions g on V which to each b in V assign an element such that: given b' E V there exist neighborhoods V' and U of b' and ((b') in V and X respectively with V' C V n (-I( U ) and an element f E A(U ) such that g ( b ) = f E ( b ) for all b E V'. In an obvious is made into an abelian group (resp: ring, K-module, manner (*(A)(V) ) , is a sheaf of abelian groups (resp: rings, K-algebra). Then [ [ * ( A ) ( V...I K-modules, K-algebras) on Y where for any nonempty open sets V' C V in Y the restriction map [*(A)( V ) + (*(A)( V ' )is the ordinary restriction ) , on Y is called the inverse image of A by map.9 T h e sheaf [ ( * ( A ) ( V ...I [ and is denoted by (*(A). Note that for any open set U in X we have q * ( A I U ) = ( * ( A ) ] ( - l ( U )where 7 : (-l(U) -+ U is the map induced by 5. We define a homomorphism 0 : A -+(*([*(A)) of presheaves on X as follows (0 is called the natural homomorphism of A into (,([*(A))) : for any open set U in X for which (-I( U ) # 0 and for any f E A(U ) let t*(C*(A))( U ) = f*(A)(t-Y U ) )be given by taking (e( U ) f ) ( b = ) f[(b) e( for all b E [-I( U ) . For any homomorphism cp : (*(A) -+ Jlr of sheaves on Y , [,(cp) 0 : A -+ [*(A'-)is then a homomorphism of presheaves on X (.i.e., it is a (-homomorphism A + M ) , and it can be seen that the mapping cp -+ (*(cp) 0 0 is a 1-1 mapping of the set of all homomorphisms into N onto the set of all homomorphisms of A into (,(M). of (*(A) For any homomorphism cp : A + A' of presheaves on X,the inverse +(*(A') defined image of cp by [ is the homomorphism ["(pl) : (*(A) thus: for any nonempty open set V in Y and any g E ( * ( A ) ( V ) , .$*(q)(V)g E 5*(&')( V ) is given by taking (t*(cp)( V)g)(a) = cpf(b)g(b) for all b E V . For any other homomorphism z,b : A' + A'' of presheaves on X we have 5*(+ 0 q) = f*(z,b)0 k. Take analytic sets Y' and Y in a neighborhood U of b in X such that Y U = Y' U Y , Yi = Y1 u...uYk, and Yi = Y k + l u...u Yt. Then Y i C Z b and hence there exists a neighborhood V of b in U such that Y n V C 2. By (44.9) there exists a neighborhood W of b in V such that clw(( Y' - 2) W) = Y' n W. N~~
w n cix(y - z) = ciw(( Y - z) n w)= ciw((y' - z) n w) = YT w.
Therefore clx( Y - 2) is analytic at b.
By (33.11) we get (44.11) Let XI,..., X A be analytic sets in X such that (XI),, ...,( X & are the distinct irreducible components of X U . Then there exists a neighborhood U of a i n X such that for any b E U letting X&,..., Xipi to be the distinct irreducible components of ( X i )b we have the following.
i) The p l + ...+ PA elements are all distinct and they are exactly all the irreducible components of xb. ii) For all i, k we have xik Q: ( X i fl x j , ) ] b , and hence inparticular
[n j#j'
d i m [ n ( X i f l X j , ) ] b< dim Xb. j#j'
(44.12) DEFINITION. Let Y C X be such that a E Y and Y a is analytic. Let Y1,..., Y Abe the distinct irreducible components of Ya.Let X I ,..., X , be the distinct irreducible components of X , labeled so that for j 2 k: YiCXjforsomei(dependingonj),andforj > k: Yi ( X j f o r i = 1,...,A. We define
J [ a , Y , XI
J [ a , Y,, XI = XI U...U Xk.
By (33.12) we get (44.13) Given an analytic set Y i n X with a distinct irreducible components of Y a . Then
i(a, J[a, Y , 4,X ) =
Y , let
..., Y Abe
n i(a, J [ a , Yz,X I , X ) h
n jR(a,x)[i(a,Yi,X ) ] . A
j w , x ) [ i ( a ,Y , X ) ] =
Let f be any analytic function on X such that fa E ja(a,x)[i(a,Y , X ) ] . Then there exists a neighborhood U of a i n X such that for all b E Y f l U we have: f r , E iR(b,X)[i(b,Y , X ) ] or equivalently f b E iR(b,x)[i(b,Y', X ) ] for every irreducible component Y' of Y b . (44.14) Let Y be an analytic set in X such that a E Y and Y a is irreducible. Then there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that for every b E Y U and every irreducible component Y' of Y b we have:
dimJ[b, Y', XI = dim J [ a , Y , X I .
3 44.
PROOF.Take analytic sets XI,..., X, in a neighborhood V of a in X such that (X&, ..., (X,)u are the distinct irreducible components of Xu, and V = XI U...UX,. Label XI,..., X, so that :YuQ (Xj)u for j > k, YuC (Xj), for j 5 k, and dim(Xj), S e for j S k where e = dim(Xk),. Then J [ a , Y ,XI = (XI u...ux k ) , and hence dim J[u, Y ,XI = e. Upon replacing V by a smaller neighborhood of a in X we can arrange that Y n V C x k . By (44.5, 44.8, 44.11) we can find a neighborhood W o f a in V such that x k n W is pure e dimensional, dim(Xj n W ) 5 e for all j 5 K, and
1") for any b E V letting Xj1,..., Xipj to be the distinct irreducible components of ( x j ) b we have that thepl + ...+ p , elements Xjt are exactly all the distinct irreducible components of xb. By (44.9) there exists a neighborhood U of a in W such that for every b E U and every irreducible component I"' of Yb we have Y'Q (xj)bfor all j > k. Given b E Y n U let the notation be as in 1") and let Y ' be any irreducible component of YO. Then J[b, Y ' , XI
u k
Since Y n V C x k we must have Y' C x k t for some t and hence c J[b, Y',XI. N O W
dim Xkt and hence dim 3 6 , Y ' , XI
e 5 dim
By (33.13) we get
(44.15) For any analytic function f on X we have the following. 1) The following four conditions are equivalent. i) f a is a nonxerodivisor in R(u, X ) . ii) f a # i(a, X ' , X )for each irreducible component X' of Xu. for each irreducible component X' of Xu. iii) X' Q: (%( f iv) There exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that %(f) n U is nowhere dense in U .
2) If f a is a nonxerodivisor in R(a, x ) then f R(b, X ) for all b in some neighborhood of a in X .
is a nonxerodivisor in
By (33.14) we get (44.16) Any element in R(a, X ) which is a nonzerodivisor in R(a, X ) remains a nonzerodivisor in E(a, X ) , and hence the total quotient ring of R(a, X ) can be considered to be a subring of the total quotient ring of @(a,X).
By (33.15) we get (44.17) OPENMAP THEOREM. For any analytic function f on X we have the following. 1)fa is nonconstant o (f - f ( a ) ) , # 0 e the map f : X + K is open at a.
2)falX’ is nonconstantz for each irreducible component X’ of X u e
(f - f(a))a is a nonzerodivisor in R(a, X ) . 3) (f - f(b))b is a nonzerodivisor in R(b, X)for all b E X -a the map f:X -+ K is open. 4) (f - f(a))u is a nonzerodivisor in R(a, X ) o the map f 1 U : U -+ K is open for some nezghborhood U of a in X .
By (33.16) we get (44.18) Let X I ,..., X , be the distinct irreducible components of Xa. Then
S(Xa) =
t=1, ...,
By applying (33.18) twice we get (44.19) Let dim Xa = n. Then a is a simple point of X o R(a, X)is K-algebra-isomorphic to the convergent power series ring in n variables over K o some neighborhood of a in X can be mapped bianalytically onto an open set in Kn. Let Y be an analytic set in X with a E Y , and let dim Y , = m. Then a is a simple point of Y as well as of X e there exists a bianalytic map [ of a neighborhood U of a in X onto a neighborhood D of the origin in Kn(x1,. .., Xn} such that ( ( a )is at the origin and
((YflU ) = ( x ~ D : x l = ...=~n~&=o}. By (33.20, 33.24) we get 2
That is,
(flz)a is a nonconstant for a representative 2 of X’.
5 44.
(44.20) S ( X ) is a nowhere dense analytic set in X . (44.21) Assume that X u is irreducible.3 Then there exists a n analytic function A on a neighborhood U of a in X such that: A b is a nonzerodivisor in R(b, X ) and A b E c(R(b,X ) ) f o r all b E U. I n virtue of the Nullstellensatz (44.1), this follows from (4-4.8) and (26.3). $448.
Coherence of the structure sheaf and definition of meromorphic functions
Let X be an analytic K-space. (44.22) CARTANCOHERENCE. OX is a coherent sheaf of rings on X . For any analytic set Y in X , 9( Y , X ) is a coherent Ox-ideal. Now assume that Y # 0 , let f : Y --f X be the canonical injection, let p = [, and let A/’ be any 0 y-module. Then Jlr is afinite (resp: coherent) Oy-module e ((,(JV-))~,~~ is a jinite (resp : coherent) Ox-module.
PROOF. Now p : OX -+ [*( 0 y) is an epimorphism and Ker p = 9( Y ,X ) ; hence in virtue of (42.17) we only have to prove the first two assertions. The problem being local we may assume that X is an analytic set in an open set D in Kn. Then by (42.18), Ox = g x is a coherent sheaf of rings on X , and 9( Y , 0)and 9 ( X , D) are coherent Opideals. Let q : X --f D be the canonical injection. Then rj($( Y , D)) = q,($( Y , X ) ) . Since 9( Y ,D) is a finite Opideal, we get that .I,($( Y ,X ) )is afinite q,(Ox)-ideal. Y ,(X ) ) By (42.16), q*(Ox) is a coherent sheaf of rings on D and hence ~ , ( 9 is a coherent q,(Ox)-ideal. Therefore again by (42.16), 9( Y , X) is a coherent Ox-ideal. (44.23) For any set F of analytic functions on X we have Supp(Qx/FOx) B(F). I f furthermore F is a finite set then (Supp(Ox/FOx)), = 23(Fu) f o r all a E X , and hence Supp(Ox/FOx) is an analytic set in X . =
PROOF.For any a E X we have: a E Supp(Ox/FOx) o FuR(a, X ) # R ( a , X ) 0 a E B(F). Therefore Supp(Ux/FUx) = B(F). If F is a finite set then obviously (23(F))u = 23(Fu)for all a EX, and hence Supp(Ox/FOx) is an analytic set in X . (44.24) For any coherent Ox-ideal 9’ we have that: Supp(Ox/S) is an analytic set in X ; Supp(Ox/9’) = {a E X :PU# R ( a , X ) } ; and (Supp(O~/9’))~ = 23(gu) for all a E X. In (46.28) we shall remove this assumption.
PROOF. T h e problem being local, our assertion follows from (44.23). (44.25) Let 9, 2, A! be coherent Ox-modules where 9 and 2 are Ox-submodules of A. Then Supp(Ox/(9:9)) is an analytic set in X and Supp(Bx/(B: 9))= {a E X:( P a : 2 a ) # R ( a , X ) ) .
PROOF.By (42.12, 44.22),
a coherent Ox-ideal and ( P : 9 ) a
= P a : 2 a for all a E X . Now our assertion follows from
(44.26) For any coherent Ox-module A, Supp A is an analytic set in
PROOF.Follows from (42.14, 44.22, 44.25). (44.27) DEFINITION. For any a E X we defne
M(a, X)= set of all nonzerodivisors in R(a,X ) . For any nonempty open set U in X we defne
M ( U ) = { f E R ( U ) f:a EM(a, X ) for all a E U}. By (44.15) it.follows that M ( U ) = (fE R(U ) : %( f ) is nowhere dense in U). Let f E R(U ) be a zerodivisor in R(U ) , i.e.,fg = 0 for some 0 # g E R(U ) ; then there exists a nonempty open set U' in U such that g(b) # 0 for all b E U' and hence f ( b ) = 0 for all b E U';therefore %( f ) is not nowhere dense in U and hencef $ M( U ) .Thus M( U ) is a multiplicative set in R(U ) not containing any zerodivisors of R(U).4 Consequently, the quotient ring R(U)M(U) is a subring of the total quotient ring of R(U). We set
A( U ) = ring of premeromorphic functions
on U
R(U ) M ( U ) .
For any open set V in X with U C V , letting 8;: R(V ) + R(U ) to be the restriction map, we obviously have 6E(M(V))C M(U consequently by (18.4), 8: induces a unique ring homomorphism T ; : AkV) + A ( U ) such that T;( f ) = 8;( f ) for all f E R ( V ) ; 7'; is again called the restriction map of &(V) into $i(U). Obviously T: = identity map of A ( U ) and V T~ TP = T: for any open set W i n X with V C W . The resulting presheaf of K-algebras on X is called the presheaf of premeromorphic functions 4
See the example at the end of (44.27).
41 1
on X and is denoted by 3?x; i.e., 3?x(U) = B ( U ) for every nonempty open set U in X and the restriction maps belonging to 2~are the maps 4 . 5
For any a E X we dejine %(a, X
total quotient ring of R(a, X ) .
By (44.15) it follows that we get an isomorphism u : (Yx), + %(a, X ) where for any neighborhood U of a in X , f E R(U ) , g E M ( U ) we take a ( ( fig),) = fu/ga. We identify ( 2 ~ with )R(a, ~X ) via this isomorphism, i.e., we take ( f i g ) , = f,/g,. We define Xx
sheaf of germs of meromorphic functions on X
and for any open set U in X we define
R( U ) = ring of meromorphicfunctions on U = X X (U). For any open sets U C V in X , the restriction map .Xx(V) + X x ( U ) belonging to X X is again called the restriction map of R(V) into R(U). It is clear that e ( U ) : A( U ) + si( U ) is a monomorphism for every open is the ) natural map; via 0 we identijy set U in X , where 0 : 2~+ ( 2 ~ 2 x with a subpresheaf of X x . By general convention: ( X X ) ,= (yx), = R(a, X ) for all a E X . Alternatively: A meromorphic “function” h on a nonempty open set U in X is a function on U which to each a E U associates an element h, in %(a, X ) such that: given a’ E U there exists a neighborhood U’ of a’ in U and elements f E R(U’),g E M( U‘) such that h, = fa/gu for all a E u’. T h e meromorphic function h on U is said to be a premeromorphic function provided there exist f E R(U ) and g E M( U ) such that h, = fu/gu for all a E U. T h e set of all meromorphic functions on U is the K-algebra si(U ) and the set of all premeromorphic functions on U is the K-subalgebra fi(U ) of si( U ) . The sheaf X X (resp: the presheaf 2 x ) of K-algebras on X is defined by taking X x ( U ) = R(U) (resp: 3?x(U) = &(U)) for every nonempty open set U in X and taking the obvious restriction maps. For any nonempty open set U in X , O x ( U ) = R ( U ) is a K-subalgebra of $ X ( U ) = &(U) and $x(U) = &(U) is a K-subalgebra of X x ( U ) = R(U). As presheaves of K-algebras on X , O X is a subpresheaf of 3 ? and ~ $x is a subpresheaf of X X .We regard X Xas an Ox-algebra with the canonical injection Ox + X x as the underlying homomorphism. 5
We take
2~(0) = h(0) = 0.
Finally we define :
R(a, X)for any a E X. integral closure of R(U) in B(u) for any nonempty open set U in X. = subpresheaf of L X ? ~ given by taking Ok( U ) = k(U ) for every noaempty open set U in X. = the subsheaf (Ok) of X X . = Ox-(U ) for any nonempty open set U in X.
$‘(a, X)= integral closure of R(a, X)in
6; 0 ;
R’(U )
Note that for any a E X we then have:
R’(a, X)= (Oi), =
and for any nonempty open set U in X we have:
R’(U ) = { f E R( U ) :fa
E R’(a,
Again for any nonempty open set U in
$X(U) = $ u p ) ,
X)for all a E U}.
X we have:
X X ( U ) = XrJ(U),
dY(U) =
@ =& o;(u); ?I)
and hence there is no ambiguity in the notations A( U ) ,52( U ) ,k’(U ) ,R’( U ) . 1) REMARK.For each a
E X identify R(a, X)with a subring of the
total quotient ring of %(u, X);see (44.16). For any nonempty open set U in X and any f E l,$( U ) we then clearly have: fa E R’(a, X)for all a E U e there exists g E R’( U ) such that fa = ga for all a E U ; (if g exists then it is obviously unique).
2) Example. As the following example shows, for some nonempty open set U in X it can happen that R( U ) contains nonzerodivisors which are not in M ( U ) . Let X consist of a complex affine line A and a complex projective line B such that A and B meet in exactly one pointp; for instance take the union of two projective lines in a complex projective plane and remove a point different from their intersection point. Take U = X. Now R(B) contains only constant functions, and M : R( U ) + R(A) is an isomorphism where a( f) = f IA for all f~ R(U); note that f ( b ) = f(p) for all b E B . Take any nonzero element h E R(A) such that h(p) = 0, and let f = a-l(h). Then f is a nonzerodivisor in R(U), but fb is a zerodivisor in R(b, X ) for all b E U - A because actually f b = 0. (44.28) For any Ox-algebra B we have the following.
1) If .Pa is R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to an R(a, X)-subalgebra of R(a, X) for all a E X, then B is Ox-algebra-isomorphic to an Ox-subalgebra of x x .
2) Let 2 be an Ox-subalgebra of Xx. Then 9 is Ox-algebra-isomorphic to 2 e Bais R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to for all a E X.
3) If 9 and 2' are Ox-subalgebras of X x and p : 9 -+ 2 and p' : B -+2' are Ox-algebra-isomorphisms, then 2 = 9'and p = p'. Proof of 1). Let p: O x -+B be the underlying homomorphism of the Ox-algebra 8. For each a E X let Q(a) be the total quotient ring of 9,, (obviously Pais a nonnull ring). By (18.5.5) there exists a ring isomorphism R(a, X ) + 2(a) such that h ( r ) = pa(r) for all r E R(a, X ) . Suppose we have proved the following. 1") Given any nonempty open set U in X and any f E P( U ) ,there exists a unique meromorphic function3 on U such that fa) = fa for all a E U. For each nonempty open set U in X and f E P( U ) take A( U)f = 3 E R( U). Then A : 8 -+ X x is obviously an Ox-algebra-homomorphism. Also for and hence A, is a each a E X and s E P , we have ha(s) = $;l(s); monomorphism. Therefore h is a monomorphism and hence B is Ox-algebra-isomorphic to the Ox-subalgebra I m h of Xx. To prove la),first note thatfis unique because #, is an isomorphism. T o prove that f exists, what wc have to show is that the "function" a +$,I( f a ) is an element of ( X X ) ( U ) , i.e., given b E U there exists a neighborhood U' of b in U, g E R( U'),h E M( U ' ) ,such that for all a E U' we have: g,/h, = $&fa), i.e., fa = #,(ga)/#,(ha). Since #;I( f b ) is an element of R(b, X), we can find a neighborhood U* of b in U and elements G E R(U*) and H E M ( u * ) such that #;I( f b ) = G b / H b , i.e., f b = $ b ( G b ) / # b ( H b ) , i.e.7 f b # b ( H b ) = $ b ( G b ) , i.e.9 f b v b ( H b ) = v b ( G b ) . Now f b p b ( H b ) = v b ( G b ) implies that there exists a neighborhood u' of b such that for all a E U' we have: fapa(&) = va(Ga),i.e., = &(Ga), i.e., f a = h ( G a ) & ( H a ) . Take g = GI U' E R(U') and h = HI U' E M(U').
Proof of 2). If 8 is Ox-algebra-isomorphic to 2 then obviously 9,is R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to 2?afor all a E X . Conversely suppose that 9,is R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to 2a for all a EX. Then by l), B is Ox-algebra-isomorphic to some Ox-subalgebra 9'of X x , and hence .Pais R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to 2; for all a E X . By the uniqueness statement in (18.5.5) we must then have 22a = 22; for all a EX, and hence 9 = 2'.
Proof of 3). For each a EX, 22u and 22; are R ( a , X)-subalgebras of R ( a , X ) and pa: 9ja +2?u and p;: YU+2?: are R ( a , X)-algebra-isomorphisms; therefore& = 2: and pu = p; by (18.5.5). Now 2 = 9’because = 22; for all a EX. For any nonempty open set U in X and any f E ~ ( U )we have: ( ~ ( u ) = f )pa(fa) ~ = &(fa) = (p’(U)f)a for all a E U ; and hence p ( U ) f = p’( U)f. Therefore p = p‘. $44C. Connectivity properties of complex spaces
By (34.2) we get
(44.29) Let a be a point in a complex space X and let X i ,..., be analytic sets in a neighborhood U’ of a in X such that (X&, ..., (Tl)uare exactly all the distinct irreducible components of Xu and U’ = XI U...U Xi. Let Y C X be such that Yu is analytic and (Xi)u $ Yufor i = 1,..., A ; ( f o r instance Y = 0).Then there exists a neighborhood basis U of a in U‘ such l U for i = l,,..,h we have that for any U E U upon letting Xi = X i t the following. i) XI - S ( X ) - Y ,..., X, - S(X) - Y are exactly all the distinct connected components of U - S(X) - Y . ii) Xi = clu(Xi - S ( X ) - Y ) and S ( X f )C S(X) for i = 1,...,A. iii) For any i 5 h, any point a E Xi can be joined to a point in Xi - S(X) - Y by a simple arc in Xi meeting S(X) U Y at most in a. iv) U is arcwise connected.6 v) Xf, Xi - S(X), and Xi - S(X) - Y are arcwise connected for i = 1,..., A. vi) If Xu is irreducible, i.e., h = 1, then U , U - S(X) and U - S(X) - Y are arcwise connected. By (34.3) we get
(44.30) For any point a in a complex space X the following three conditions are equivalent. i) Xu is irreducible. ii) S ( X ) does not disconnect X at a. iii) If Y’C Y C X are such that Yuis analytic and Yu# Xu, then Y’ does not disconnect X at a.
(44.31) DEFINITION. Let X be a complex space. X i s said to be reducible X and X in X such that
o there exist nonempty analytic sets
Hence in particular, every complex space is locally arcwise connected.
9 44.
X = X ' U X and X' # X # X". X is said to be irreducible e X is not reducible. Y C X is said to be an irreducible component of X u Y is a nonempty irreducible analytic set in X and there does not exist any irreducible analytic set Y' in X such that Y Y'. The proofs of (34.5) to (34.20) were based only on the local statements (33.8, 33.16, 33.20, 34.2, 34.3). Therefore (34.5) to (34.20) remain valid for an arbitrary complex space. The resulting assertions are summarized in (44.32) and
(44.32) Let X be a complex space and let (Xi)i,I be the distinct irreducible components of X . Then we have the following. 1) X
U Xi.
For any 0 # J C I ,
is an analytic set in X
and ( X ~ ) ~ Eare J exactly all the distinct irreducible components of (J Xi. iEJ For any J I we have X # Xi.
2) Given any a E X let J = {i E I : a E Xi) and for each i E J let Xll,..., X i p t be the distinct irreducible components of (Xi)a.Then J is Jinite and the pi elements X i , are all distinct and they are exactly all the i€ J
irreducible components of
3) dim X
max dim Xi. X is pure e dimensional e X i is pure e iEI
dimensional f o r all i E I. I f X is irreducible then X is pure e dimensional for s o m e < 00.
S(X) =
U S (X t )
U (XtnXi).
5 ) For any Y C X we have: Y is a thin subset of X e X i ll Y is a thin subset of Xif o r all i E I . For any analytic set Y in X we have: Y is nowhere dense in X o X i n Y is nowhere dense in Xi for all i E I e Y Q X i for all
i E I.
6) The following six conditions are equivalent.7 i) X is irreducible. ii) X has only one irreducible component. iii) X - S ( X ) is connected. iv) If Y is any analytic set in X such that Y # X , then Y is nowhere dense in X . 7 In view of i) o iii), in the situation of (44.29) we get that: X I ,...,XA are irreducible; and if X, is irreducible then U is irreducible.
41 6 v)
If Y is any analytic set in X such that Y
# X , then X - Y is con-
nected. vi) If Y is any thin subset of X , then X - Y is connected.
7) If X is connected and Xa is irreducible for all a
X , then X i s irreducible.
8) Let Y be any thin subset of X . Then Xi - Y is connected and Xg = clx(Xt - Y )for all i E I. Iffurthermore S ( X ) C Y , then (Xg - Y ) t E l are exactly all the distinct connected components of X - Y .
9) If X has a countable basis of open sets, then I is countable, (44.33) IDENTITYTHEOREM FOR ANALYTIC SETS. Let Y and 2 be nonempty analytic sets in a complex space X such that Y is irreducible. Then we have the following. 1) The following three conditions are equivalent.
i) Y C Z . ii) Y C Z* for some irreducible component Z* of Z. iii) There exists a E Y and an irreducible component Y' of Y a such that Y'C 2,. 2) The following three conditions are equivalent. it) Y is an irreducible component of Z.
ii') There exists a E Y and an irreducible component Y' of Y a such that
Y' is an irreducible component of Za. iii') For every a E Y each irreducible component of Y a is an irreducible
component of Z a .
(44.34)For any nonempty analytic sets Y and Z in a complex space X we have the following. 1) The following three conditions are equivalent.
i) Y is the union of a certain number of irreducible components of Z. ii) Every irreducible component of Y is an irreducible component of Z. iii) For every a E Y each irreducible component of Y , is an irreducible component of Za. 2) If dim Z = e < co, Y is pure e dimensional, and Y C Z , then Y is the union of a certain number of irreducible components of Z. PROOF.1) follows from (44.32.1, 44.32.2, 44.33.2). 2) follows from 1).
(44.35) REMARK.Let Y be a nonempty irreducible analytic set in a complex space X . For each a E Y and each irreducible component Y* of Y,, by (44.11) we can find an analytic set Z(Y*) in a neighborhood V(Y*)of a in X such that: (Z(Y*))a = Y*, and for each b E Z( Y*) every irreducible component of ( Z ( Y*))bis an irreducible component of Yb. Let H be a set. For each a E Y and each irreducible component Y* of Ya let there be assigned an element 'p( Y*) in H . Assume that for each a E Y and each irreducible component Y* of Ya there exists a neighborhood U( Y*) of a in V(Y*) such that: for every b E Z( Y*) n U(Y*) and every irreducible component Y' of (Z( Y*)),we have q( Y') = p'( Y*). W e claim that then there exists h E H such that f o r every a E Y and every irreducible component Y* of Y , we have 'p(Y*)= h, i.e., p(Y*) does not depend on which a E Y and which irreducible component Y* of Y a we take. PROOF. Take the discrete topology on H , and for each c E Y - S(Y) let +(c) = 'p(Yc).Then +: Y - S ( Y ) - + H is continuous. Y - S(Y) is connected by (44.32.6), and hence is constant on Y - S(Y ) ,i.e., there exists h E H such that 'p(Y,) = h for all c E Y - S(Y). Since S(Y ) is nowhere dense in Y , given any a E Y and any irreducible component Y* of Ya there exists b E (Z(Y*))fU( lY*) - S(Y); and then p(Y*)
'p(Y,) = h.
(44.36) DEFINITION. Let X be a complex space and let distinct irreducible components of X . We deJne
(Xi)i€I be
The following proposition sharpens (44.32.7, 44.32.8).
(44.37) For any complex space X , N'(X) is a nowhere dense analytic set in X and N ' ( X ) C N*(X). Let ( X i ) i , ~be the distinct irreducibze components of X and let Y be any thin subset of X . Then clx(Xi - Y) = X i for all i E I. I f furthermore N ' ( X ) C Y then (Xg - Y ) ~ Eare I exactly all the distinct connected components of X - Y . In particular, taking Y = N*(X) we get the following. ( Xi - N*(X))iEI are exactly all the distinct connected components of X - N*(X). I f X, is irreducible for all a E X , then (Xt)i€I are exactly all the distinct connected components of X . If X is connected and Xa is irreducible for all a E X , then X is irreducible.
PROOF. By ( 4 . 9 , 44.32.2) it follows that N'(X) is a nowhere dense analytic set in X and N'(X) C N*(X). For any i E I let I+i
By (44.32.1, 44.32.5, 44.32.6) it follows that: Xi - Y is connected; X i = clx(Xi - Y ) ;Xi - Y and X,' - Y are closed sets in X - Y ; and X - Y = (Xi - Y ) U ( X i - Y). I f N'(X) C Y , then obviously ( X Z- Y ) fl ( X i - Y ) = 0 and hence Xi - Y must be a connected component of X - Y .
(44.38) For any analytic function f on a complex space X and any a E X we have the following. 1) OPENMAPTHEOREM. The following eight conditions are equivalent. a ) (resp: al,a2,a3). fa (resp: (Ifl), (Ref),, (Imf),) is nonconstant. map f (resp: I f I, Ref, Imf) of X into C (resp: R,, R, R) is open at a.
8) (resp: PI, 82, 83). The
2) MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE. If any one of the following jive conditions is satisfied then fa, (If ,)I ( R e f ) , , and (Imf ), are constant. i) I f(4l= SUP I f ( X > l . ii) Re f ( a ) = sup Re f ( X ) . ii') Im f ( a ) = sup Imf(X).
iii) R e f ( a ) = inf R e f ( X ) . iii') Imf(a) = inf Imf(X).
PROOF.Same as the proof of (34.22).
(44.39) For any irreducible complex space X we have the following. 1) IDENTITYTHEOREM. Let f and g be any analytic functions on X such that f # g, and let Y = {a E X :f ( a ) = g(u)}. Then Y = 0 or Y is a pure e - 1 dimensional analytic set in X where e = dim X ; in either case Y is nowhere dense in X. 2) OPENMAPTHEOREM. For any analytic function f on X the following twelve conditions are equivalent. (resp: (1 f I)u, (Ref),, (Imf)a)is nonconstant for some a E X. P) (resp: PI, Pz, 83). f (resp: If 1, Ref, Imf) is nonconstant. 7 ) (resp: y l , yz, y3). f (resp: If 1, Ref, Imf) is an open map of X into C (resp : R,, R, R). a ) (resp:
MI, az, a3).fu
5 44.
3) MAXIMUMPRINCIPLE. For any analytic function f on X the following ten conditions are equivalent, and if any one of them is satisfied then f,I f 1, Ref, and Im f are constant. i) 1 f(a)\ = sup 1 f ( X ) \for some a E X . = sup I f ( U ) (for some neighborhood U of some point a E X . ii)\ ) . ( f I iii) Re f(a) = sup R e f(X) for some a E X . iv) Re f(a) = sup Ref( U )for some neighborhood U of some point a E X . v) Re f(a) = inf Re f(X)for some a E X . vi) Re f ( a ) = inf R e f(U )for some neighborhood U of some point a E X . iii’, iv’, v‘, vi‘) Same as iii, iv, v, vi) with Im replacilzg Re.
PROOF. I n the proof of (34.23) replace the reference to (34.10, 34.11, 34.22) by reference to (44.32.6, 44.32.3, 44.38), respectively.
(44.40) HARTOGS EXTENSION THEOREM. Let Y be an analytic set in a complex space X such that Y n S ( X ) = 0 and dim Y , 6 (dim X,)- 2 for all a E Y.8 Let f be any analytic function on X - Y. Thenf hus a unique analytic extension to X .
PROOF.Uniqueness is obvious because Y is nowhere dense in X by (44.9). Suppose for each a E X we have found an analytic function f@) on a neighborhood U(u)of a in X such that f(@I U(a) - Y = f I U(a) - Y . Let g(a) = f ( @ ( a )for all a E X . Then gj U(a) = f ( a ) for all a E X , and hence g is an analytic function on X and glX - Y = f. To prove our supposition, let a E X be given. If a $ Y then we have nothing to show. Now assume that a E Y . By (44.5, 44.19) there exists a neighborhood U(a) of a in X such that dim Y n U(a) 6 n - 2 and U(a) can be mapped bianalytically onto an open set in C” where n = dim X,. By (33.21),f I U(a) - Y has an analytic extension to U(a). (44.41) Let X be a complex space. For a E X let
R”(u, X ) = integral closure of R(a, X) in @(a,X ) ;
R;(a, X ) = (r E @(a,X ) : there exists a dosed thin subset 2 in a neighborhood U of a in X and f E %( U )such that fa = r and f I U - 2 E
R(U - 2 ) ) ; Ri(a, X ) = {r E @(a,X ) : there exists a neighborhood U of a in X and f E @(U ) such that fa = r andf 1 U - S ( X ) E R( U - S(X))). By (44.32), these assumptions are satisfied if X is nonsingular and connected, and dim Y S (dim X ) - 2.
Then we have the following.9 1) If X , is pure dimensional then R i ( a , X ) = R i ( a , X ) = R"(a, X ) C R'(a, X ) . If X b is irreducible for all b in some neighborhood of a in X then R"(a, X ) = R'(a, X ) . 2) Let R be a nowhere dense analytic set in X such that N ( X ) C a, and let U be a nonempty open set in X such that X b is irreducible for all b E U.lo Then for any f E (%( U ) the.following three conditions are equivalent. i ) f b E R'(b, X ) for all b E U.11 ii)f IU - !2 E R ( U - Q). iii) f I U - Z E R( U - Z )for some closed thin subset Z of U.
3) Assume that X b is irreducible for all b in some neighborhood of a in X . Then the following three Conditions are equivalent. 1") X , is normal. 2") I f Z is any closed thin subset in any neighborhood U of a in X and f i s any element in (%(U ) such that f 1 U - 2 E R( U - Z ) , then fa E R ( a , X ) . 3") If U is any neighborhood of a in X and f is any element in (%( U ) such that f 1 U - S ( X ) E R( U - S ( X ) ) ,then fa E R ( a , X ) .
PROOF.1 ) and 3) follow from (36.6), and 2) follows from 1). (44.42) RIEMANNEXTENSION THEOREM. Let X be a complex space and let Z be a closed thin subset of X . Then we have the following. 1) Assume that X u is irreducible for all a E X and let f E R(X - Z ) be such that I f 1 is bounded in the neighborhood of each point of Z. Then there exists a unique g E E ( X ) such that g l X - Z = f.
2) Assume that X is normal and let f
R(X - 2).Then f E R ( X ) .
(%(X) be such that rlX - Z
3) Assume that X is normal, let Y be a complex space, and let p : X .+ Y be a continuous map such that PIX - Z : X - Z --f Y i s analytic. Then p is analytic. PROOF.1) follows from (36.5). 2) follows from (44.41.3). T o prove 3) what we have to show is that: j ~ ( ~ , ( R (Yb ), )C R ( a , X ) for all a E X where In 1) and 2), for each b E X we are considering R(b, X ) to be a subring of the total quotient ring of E(b, X ) ; see (44.16). l o For instance 0 = S ( X ) . In (45.28) we shall show that N(X) is closed in X and in (46.28) we shall show that N(X) is analytic in X. In (46.34.2) we shall remove the assumption that Xb is irreducible for all b E U . l1 See (44.27.1).
42 1
b = p(a). Given any element in R(b, Y) we can write it in the form hb where h is an analytic function on a neighborhood V of b in Y. Let U = p - l ( V ) and let f = h ( p [U ) . Then f E (E( U ) , hb, E R(b', Y), and jqa,,(hb?)= fa* for all a' E U where b' = p(a'). Since p.(X- Z is analytic for all a' E U - Z we have p(a,,(R(p(a'),Y)) C R(a', X ) and hence f a * E R(a', X ) . Thus f I U - 2 E R(U - 2) and hence f a E R ( a , X ) by 2).
COMPLEX ANALYTICSETS.Let X be a complex space, let 2 be an analytic set in X , let Y be an analytic set in X - Z, and let P = clxY. A point a E X is said to be ordinary relative to Y o is analytic at a. A point a E X is said to be an essential singularity of Y o P is not analytic at a. We make the following observations (1" to 7"). TIES OF
1") The set of points of 2 which are ordinary relative to Y is an open subset of 2. 2") Y - Y = (boundary of Y in P) C Z. 3") If a E X is an essential singularity of Y, then a E P - Y. 4") P is analytic in X o every point of Z is ordinary relative to Y. 5 " ) If Y is pure e dimensional and P is analytic at a E Y,then Fa is pure e dimensional by (44.5, 44.8). 6") Let f be a bianalytic map of a nonempty open set U in X onto an analytic set V in a complex space X ' , let 2' = f ( Z f l U ) and Y' = f ( Y f l U ) . Then Z is an analytic set in X ' , Y' is an analytic set in X' - 2 ,and c1X.Y' = f ( 7 f l U ) . Therefore Q = f ( P fl U ) where P is the set of all essential singularities of Y in X and Q is the set of all essential singularities of Y' in X ' . 7") Given a EX, there exists a bianalytic map $, of a neighborhood U of a in X onto an analytic set V in an open set X'in C n for some n. T h e said theorem asserts the following. 1) dim 2 < dim Y b f o r all b E Y , then P is analytic in X . 2) Assume that Y is pure e dimensional and let 21 be an e dimensional irreducible component of Z. If is analytic at some point of 21 then P is analytic at every point of 2 1 which is not in any other irreducible component of 2.
3) Assume that dim Z 5 dim Y, and Y is pure e dimensional. Then we have the following. i) Let P be the set of all the essential singularities of Y in X. Then P is either empty or P is a pure e dimensional analytic set in 2, and P is the union of a certain number of irreducible components of Z.
ii) If every irreducible component of Z contains an essential singularity of Y which is not in any other irreducible component of 2, then every point of Z is an essential singularity of Y , and Z is either empty or pure e dimensional. iii) If every e dimensional irreducible component of Z contains a point which is ordinary relative to Y , then P is a pure e dimensional analytic set in X . These assertions can be proved by making a few changes in the proof of (37.1, 37.2, 37.3), or they can be deduced from (37.1, 37.3.1) in the following manner. Proof of 1). Given a E X we want to show that P is analytic at a. I n Z', we may assume virtue of 6") and 7"),upon replacing X , Y , Z by X',Y', that X is an open set in C" and then we are reduced to (37.1). Proof of 3). In virtue of (!I", 44.32.1, 44.32.3), ii) and iii) follow from i). If we showed that P is either empty or a pure e dimensional analytic set in 2 then by (44.34.2) it would follow that P is the union of a certain number of irreducible components of 2 and that would prove i). T o prove that P is either empty or a pure e dimensional analytic set in Z what we have to show is that: given a E P, Pa is analytic and pure e dimensional. T o prove the last statement, in virtue of 6") and 7") we may assume that X is an open set in Cn and then we are reduced to (37.3.1). Proof of2). Let 2 2 be the union of all the irreducibIe components of Z other than 2 1 , let X* = X - 2 2 , Z* = Z - Zz, and P* = c1x.Y. By (lo,44.32), Z* is an e dimensional irreducible analytic set in X* and Z* contains a point at which P* is analytic. Therefore by 3.iii), P* is analytic at every point of Z*, i.e., P is analytic at every point of Z*.
(44.44)Let X be a connected, locally arcwise connected and locally simpi) connected topological space. Let Z be a closed nowhere dense subset of X such that each a E X has a connected neighborhood U ( a ) in X for which U ( a ) - Z is connected and simply connected. Given any covering map 7 : Y' + X - Z , there exists a covering map 4 : Y + X and a homeomorphism 6: f-l(X - 2) + Y' such that fIf-l(X - 2) = 7 0 6. If furthermore Z disconnects X nowhere, then the natural map r l ( X - 2) + m ( X ) is an isomorphism. PROOF. By assumption there exists a covering (X$)BEI of X by nonempty open subsets such that Xi - Z is connected and simply connected for all i in I. For each i in I let Ai be the set of all distinct connected components of q-l(Xi - Z ) , let Yi = At x X i have the product topology where Ai is given the discrete topology, and let ti: Yi --f Xi be the natural projection. For all i,j , k in I let Xi3 = X i ll X j , Yfj = &l(Xij) = A6 x Xij,
5 44.
xi n xj n x k ,
[il(Xijk) = Ai X Xijk. For each i E I and P E Ai the map P -+Xi - Z induced by 9 is a homeomorphism because X i - 2 is simply connected. Therefore for any i,j in I for which Xij # 0 we get a one to one onto map aji: At + Aj defined by the Xijk
this yields a homeomorphism hji(P, u )
(aji(P),u )
+ Yij defined by
for all P
Ai and a
and we obviously have is the identity is the identity map of At and hence For all i in I , map of Yi. For all i, j , k in I for which Xijk # 0 we clearly have U k i = Q j o ciji and hence Therefore by (43.3.4) there exists a topological space Y , an open covering (Vi)iEI of Y , a continuous map f : Y -+ X , and a homeomorphism hi: Yi + Vi for each i in I such that
1") (( Vi) = Xi, f--l(Xi) = Vi, and [ o X i
= fg
for all i in I ;
and 2") for all i, j in I , bi Xi(bi) = X j ( b j )
Yt, bj
E Yij, bj E
Yjt, and
hji(bi) = bj.
Obviously [i : Yi --f Xi is a covering map for all i in I , and hence [: Y + X is a covering map by 1"). For each i E I , P E Ai, u E Xi - 2 let &(Xi(P,u)) = P q-l(u). Then 6i: f-'(Xi - 2) + ~ - l ( X i- Z ) is a homeomorphism and (/[-l(Xi - 2) = 17 o 62 for all i in I. By 2") it follows that 6i(b) = 6j(b) for all i, j in I , and b E 5-l (Xij - Z). Therefore there exists a unique continuous map 6: f - l ( X - 2) + Y' such that 6((-1(X - 2)) = Y' and such that 6(b) = &(b) for all i E Iand b E f-l(Xc - 2). By 2") it follows that 6 is one to one. Therefore 6: f - l ( X - Z ) --f Y' is a homeomorphism and fIf-l(X - 2) = q 0 6. Since f : Y + X is a covering map, it follows that [-l(Z) is a closed nowhere dense subset of Y ;hence if Y' is connected then Y is connected. Now assume that 2 disconnects X nowhere. Then f-l(2)disconnects Y nowhere. Take 7 : Y' -+ X - Z to be a universal covering of X - 2.
Then Y - [-l(Z) is connected and simply connected. Therefore Y is connected, and by (39.4), Y is simply connected. Thus [: Y -+X is a universal covering of X and the map Y - [-l(Z) -+ X - 2 induced by 8 is a universal covering of X - 2. Therefore the natural map r l ( X - 2) + r1(X) is an isomorphism.
(44.45) Let X be a connected nonsingular complex space and let Z be an analytic set in X such that dim Z 5 (dim X ) - 2. Given any covering map 7 : Y’ + X - 2, there exists a covering map [: Y -+ X and a homeomorphism 6: f - l ( X - 2) + Y‘ such that 41[-1(X - 2) = 7 o 6. Furthermore, the natural map T ~ ( X 2) +,,(X) is an isomorphism; hence in particular, X is simply connected e X - Z is simpl) connected.
PROOF.By (44.32), X is pure n dimensional for some n. By (44.19), every point in X has a neighborhood which can be mapped bianalytically onto an open set in C”.Therefore our assertion follows from (39.8) and
(44.46) REMARK.Let X be a connected complex space, let Y be a topological space and let 5 : Y + X be a covering map. Let Q y be the subsheaf of 8 y given by taking ~ Y ( V=)( f ( % ~ ( V ) : f bE t(a)(R(C(b), X))for all b E V } for each nonempty open set V in Y . Since [ is a covering map, we can find a covering ( V ~ ) ~ofE JY by nonempty open sets such that the map p j : Vj -+ [( V j )induced by .$ is a homeomorphism for a l l j in J. I t follows that ( Y , 8 y) is a complex space, [: Y X is analytic, and pj : V j -+ [( Vj) is bianalytic for a l l j in J . Let X ’ be a nonempty connected open set in X , let Y’be a topological space, let 7:Y’ -+ X ’ be a covering map, and let 6: [-1(X’) -+ Y’ be a homeomorphism such that [1[-1(X’) = 7 6. Convert Y’ into a complex space in the above manner. It can easily be seen that 6: [ - l ( X ’ ) + Y‘ is then a bianalytic map.
Let X be an analytic K-space, let a E X , and let Y be an analytic set in X with a E Y such that Yais irreducible.
(45.1) DEFINITION. For any 2 C X such that a E 2 and Z is analytic at a we dejne This section is based on Abhyankar [3]. For corrections to this paper see (45.30).
4 45.
R(a, 2, X ) = R(a, Za, X ) = quotient ring of 2 at a (or of Za) in X R(a, X)i(a,Z, x). Note the following: 1")R(a, 2,X ) is a semilocal ring with maximal ideals i(a, 21, X)R(a, 2, X ),..., i(a, Z,, X)R(a, 2, X ) where 21,..., 2, are the irreducible components of 2,. 2") R(a, X,X ) = R(a, X ) . 3") R(a, { a } ,X ) = R(a, X ) . Now assume that Za is irreducible. Then R(a, 2, X ) is a local ring with maximal ideal i(u, 2, X)R(a, 2, X ) . We define =
m(a, 2, X ) = m(a, Za, X ) = i(a, 2, X)R(a,2, X ) . For any nonempty subset F of R(a, 2, X ) we define or&, z, xF
or&, z, xF
Orda(a, z, x)F
rnkR(a, z , x)F.
and in case F C m(a, 2,X ) we define rnka, z, xF
rnka, z, xF
For any nonempty set F of analytic functions on a neighborhood of a in X we define
xF = or&, z,,XF= orda, Z, XFa C i(u, 2,X ) we define or&,
and in case F a
rnka, z, xF
r n b , z, xF = rnka, z, XFa.
(45.2) dim R(a, Y, X)= dim J[a, Y, XI - dim Ya. Inparticular, ifXa is pure dimensional then dim R ( a , Y, X)= dim Xa - dim Ya.
PROOF. Follows from (44.4) in view of the fact that dim R(a, Y, X ) = hgta(a,x)i(a, Y, X ) . Alternatively, let XI,..., X, be the irreducible components of Xa labeled so that Ya C X j for j 5 k and Ya Q X j for j > k. Let p = i(a, Y , X ) . Then i(a, X I , X ) n...ni(u, X,, X ) is the normal decomposition of (0) in R(a, X ) , i(a, Xj, X ) C p for j 5 k, and i(a, Xj, X ) Q p for j > k. Therefore dim R(a, y,
x)= hgtR(a, x)P = max hgts,vj(p) 55k
where v j : R(a, Y, X ) + Sj = R(a, X)/i(u,X j , X ) is the natural epimorphism. For a n y j k, obviously dptspj(p)
dpta(,, x)p = dim R(a, X ) / p = dim R(u, Y) = dim Ya
and by (23.8) dPtS,cpd?) + hgts,w(p)
Therefore hgts,yj(p)
dim Sj - dim Ya for j
1,..., k.
Now it suffices to note that dim Sj = dim X j ,
dim J[a,
max dim X j . jSk
(45.3) Let Z be any analytic subspace of X with Y C 2. Then R(a, Y , 2) .% R(a, Y , X)/i(a,2, X)R(a, Y , X ) .
PROOF. Follows from (18.5.2). (45.4) Let F be a$nite set of analytic functions on X such that Y C B(F). Then dim R(a, Y , X)/F,R(a, Y , X )
dim J[a, Y , B(F)] - dim Ya.
PROOF. By the Nullstellensatz dim R(a, Y,X>/F,R(a, Y , X)= dim R(a, Y , X)/i(a,B(F), X)R(a, Y , X ) and hence by (45.3) dimR(a, Y , X)/F,R(a, Y , X ) = dimR(a, Y , D(F)). Our assertion now follows by taking B(F) for X in (45.2).
(45.5) There exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that for every b E U Y’ of Yb we have: dim R(a, Y , X) = dimR(b, Y’,X ) .
and every irreducible component
PROOF. By (44.8) there exists a neighborhood V of a in X such that YI IVis pure dimensional. By (44.14) there exists a neighborhood U of a in V such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y’ of Yb we have: dim J [ b , Y‘,XI = dim J[a, Y,XI. Now invoke (45.2). I n virtue of (44.19), if a is a simple point of Y as well as of X then the significance of orda, Y , X and rnka, Y , X is explained by (21.11). For instance, for rnk we have the following. {x
(45.6) Suppose that X is an open set in K*{xl,..., x n } and Y = E X : x1 = a1,..., xe = ae>.Let F = {fl,,..,f p } be a nonemptyjnite set of
analytic functions on X such that Fa C i(a, Y , X ) . Then
PROOF.Upon replacing X I ,..., 3% by X I - a1,..., X e - a,, x q l ,...,x n we may assume that a1 = ...= a, = 0; and then upon replacing f i , ...,f p by their Taylor expansions around a we may assume that a is at the origin and we may identify R(a, X)with R = K[(xl,..., xn)]. Now p = {xl,..., X e } R is a prime ideal in R and hence i(a, Y , X ) = p by the Nullstellensatz. Thus we are reduced to ('). (45.7) Lower semicontinuity of order. Given a jinite nonempty set F = { f1, ...,f p } of analytic functions on X , there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have: ord,,y,xF 5 ordb,yj,xF.
PROOF. Let ord,,y,xF = e. For e = co the assertion follows from (44.13). Now assume that e < co. Take analytic functions w1,..., w , on a neighborhood V of a in X such that {(wl)u,..., (wv)a)R(a,X ) = i(a, Y , X ) and wl(b) =...= wy(b) = 0 for all b E Y V. By (21.2.1) there exist analytic functions r j , rjil...t, on a neighborhood V1 of a in V such that for j = 1, ...,p we have
(rdU4 i(a, Y , X I ,
and rj f
rji, . . . iv~
about a.
Take a neighborhood Vz of a in V1 such that the above equations hold on Vz for j = 1, ...,p. By (44.15) there exists a neighborhood U of a in Vz such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have (rj)a 4 i(b,
Y ' ,X )
for j
1,...,p .
Now again invoke (21.2.1). (45.8) Upper semicontinuity of rank. Given a jinite nonempty set F = { f1, ...,f p } of analytic functions on X with Fu C i(a, Y , X ) , there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have: Fb C i(b, Y', X ) and rnk,,y,xF 2 rnkb, yt,xF.
PROOF. Label the elements f1, ...,f p so that (f&, ..., (f& form a basis of Fa mod m(a, Y , X)2. Take analytic functions w1, ..., wv on a neighbor..., (w,fa)R(a, X ) = i(a, Y, X ) and hood V of a in X such that {(wI)~, wl(b) = ...= wy(b) = 0 for all b E Y V. By (21.2.3) there exist analytic functions r j , rji, rjtl...t, on a neighborhood V1 of a in V such that for j = 1, . . . , p we have ( ~ j 4) i(a, ~ Y,XI, and
rj f j =
2 rji fg + tl+ ...+ 22,=2
about Q.
Take a neighborhood VZof a in V1 such that the above equations hold on V ~ f o r= j l....,pandsuchthatfi(b) =...=fp(b) = Ofor a l l b E Y n V2. By (44.15) there exists a neighborhood U of a in V2 such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y’ of Yb we have for j = 1,...,p . ( r j ) o $ i(b, Y’,X) Now again invoke (21.2.3). (45.9) Let u1, ...,uA be analytic functions 071 a ne%hborhood W of a in X such that {(u&, ..., (u,&)R(a, Y , X ) = m(a, Y , X ) . Then there exists a neighborhood U of a in W such that for every b in U and every irreducible component Y’ of Yb we have: { ( U l ) b , ..., ( U , ) b } R ( b , Y’,X ) = m(b, Y’,X ) , i.e., ( U l ) b,..., ( U A ) b generate m(b, Y’,X ) mod m(b, Y’,X)2.
PROOF. We can take neighborhood V of a in W such that ul(b) =... uA(b)= 0 for all b E Y f l V. By coherence (44.22) there exist analytic functions vl, ..., v p on a neighborhood VI of a in V such that for every b E V1 we have { ( V l ) b , ..., ( V , ) b } R ( b , X)= i(b, Y , x).For any b E v1 and any irreducible component Y‘ of Yb, denoting the other irreducible components of Yb by Y ; ,..., Y: we have =
i(b, Y, X ) = i(b, Y’,X) n i(b, Y;, X) n...n i(b, Y ; , X )
i(b, YL, X) $? i(6, Y’, X) for k
1 ,..., v ;
and hence ( ( v I ,..., ) ~ (vP)b)R(b,Y’, X ) = m(b, Y’,X). Now (vj), E i(a, Y , X ) and hence there exist analytic functions rj, on a neighborhood Vz of a in V1 such that for j = 1,..., p we have and rjvj =
rjiui i=l
about a.
Take a neighborhood V3 of a in Vz such that the above equations hold on V3 for j = 1, ..., p , By (44.15) there exists a neighborhood U of a in V3 such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y’ of Yb we have for j = 1,...,p ; (Yj)b .$ i(b, Y’, X ) and hence ((Ul)b,--.,(UA)b}R(b, y’, X ) = ((vl)b,-.., (v,L)b}R(b, y’,
x)= m(b,Y’Px)-
(45.10) Continuity of rank and embedding dimension. Given a finite nonempty set F = { fi, ...,f p } of analytic functions on X with Fa C i(a, Y, X), there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y’ of Yb we have: F b C i(b, Y’, X)and
i) emdim R(a, Y ,X)/FaR(a, Y ,X ) = emdim R(b, Y’,X)/FbR(b, Y’,X), ii) emdim R(a, Y , X ) = emdim R(b, Y‘, X ) , iii) rnka,y,XF = rnkb,yj,xF.
PROOF.ii) follows from i) by taking F = (0); and then in virtue of (21.1.2), iii) follows from i) and ii). Consequently it is enough to prove i). T h e problem being local, upon replacing X by a small enough neighborhood of a in X we may assume that :X i s an analytic set in an open set D in Kn for some n,fj is the restriction to X of an analytic function gj on D for j = 1 ,...,p, and gl(b) =...= gp(b) = 0 for all b E Y.By coherence (44.22), upon replacing D by a neighborhood of a in D,we can find analytic functions gp+l,...,gq on D such that for all b E D we have {(gp+l)b,..., (gq)b}R(b, 0)= i(b, X , 0).Let G = {gl,...,gq}. Given any bE Y and any irreducible component Y’ of Yb let q : R = R(b, D)+ R(b, X)= S be the restriction epimorphism and let a = i(b, X,D),b = GbR(b, D),‘p = i(b, Y’,D).Then Kerq= aCbC’p and hence Sp(W/db)Sp(q) M R@/bRq
by (18.5.3). Now
S~(’P = )R(b, Y’, X), v(b)Sp(q) = FbR(b, Y’, X ) , REP= R(b, Y‘, D), bRrp = GbR(6, y’, 0) and hence
R(b, y’, x)/FbR(b, Y’,x)X R(b, Y’, D)/GbR(b, y’, D).
Therefore it suffices to prove our assertion with D replacing X and G replacing F, i.e., without loss of generality we may assume that X is an open set in K*. Upon replacing X by a smaller neighborhood of a in X we may assume thatfl(b) = ... = fp(b) = 0 for all b E Y ; and in view of (44.8) we may also assume that Y is pure dimensional. Since X is an open set in Kn, in view of (25.6, 21.6.1), what we have to show is the existence of a neighborhood U of a in X such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y o f Yb the equality rnk,,y,xF = rnkb,yt,xF holds. In view of (45.8), it is enough to obtain the inequality rnk,, r,xF 5 rnkb, Y~,xF. Let rnk,,y,xF = e. Relabel the elements f1, ...,fp so that (f& ,...,(fe), form a basis of F,mod m(a, Y , X)z. We can find analytic functions f;,,...,f:, on a neighborhood V of a in X such that (f& ,..., ( f e ) a , (& ,..., (fe,>, form a basis of m(a, Y , X ) mod m(a, Y , X)2.By (45.9)there exists a neighborhood U of a in V such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y‘ of Y O we have that (fl)b, ..., ( f e ) b , (fi)b, ...,(fi,)b generate m(b, Y’, X ) mod m(b, Y’, X)z. Since Y is pure dimensional, by (25.6) we get that emdim R(a, Y , X ) = emdim R(b, Y ’ ,X ) . Also by construc(fL,)b tion, emdim ~ ( aY, , X ) = e e‘. Therefore (fi)b, ..., (fe)b, (f;)b are linearly independent mod m(b, Y’, X)2, and hence in particular so are (f1)b ,..., ( f e ) b . Therefore rnk,,y,XF 5 rnkb,yf,xF.
(45.11) Criterionfor a simple subspace.2
S(Xa) + R(a, Y , X ) is regular.
Proof of “*”.3 The problem being local, we may assume that X is an analytic set in an open set D in Kn. By (45.3), R(a, Y , X ) is isomorphic to R(a, Y , D)/i(a,X , D)R(a, Y , D)and hence what we have to show is that the dim and emdim of R(a, Y , D)/i(a,X , D)R(a, Y , D) are equal. By (25.6),R(a, Y , D ) is a regular local ring and dim R(a, Y , D ) = n - dim Y,. Hence by (21.6.1) emdim R(a, Y , D)/i(a,X , D)R(a, Y , 0) =
dim Ya - rnk,,
y, oi(a, X , D ) .
By (45.4) dim R(a, Y , D)/i(a,X , D)R(a, Y , 0)= dim 3 [ a , Y , XI - dim Y,. This is the analytic analogue of Zariski’s criterion in algebraic geometry; see Zariski
By a slight modification, the use of (45.10) in this proof can be avoided; see Abhyankar r3: $91.
43 1
Thus our assertion reduces to showing that rnk,, y,oi(a, X , D)= n - dim J[a, Y, 4. 1") By (44.14) and, in view of coherence (44.22), by (45.10) we can find a neighborhood D' of a in D such that for every b E D' and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have Y ,d ( a , X,D) =
2") and
rnkb, Y',d ( b , X,D)
dim J[a, Y , XI = dim J[b, Y', XI. 3") Since Y, Q S(Xu), we can take b E Y n D' such that b is a simple point of X . Take any irreducible component Y' of Y,. By (45.3), R(b, Y', D)/i(b,X , D)R(b, Y', D) is isomorphic to R(6, Y',X ) , and by (25.6), R(b, Y', D ) and R(b, Y', X ) are regular local rings of dimension ( n - dim Y ' )and (dim x b - dim Y ' ) ,respectively. Therefore by (21.6.2) rnkb, y', oi(b, X,D)= dim R(b, Y', 0)- dim R(b, Y', X ) = n - dimxb. Now
Xb is irreducible and hence J[b, Y', XI
Therefore rnkb, p', oi(b, X , 0)= n - dim 3 6 , Y', X I . 4") Now 1")follows from (2",3", 4"). Proof of "e". We want to show that, given any neighborhood W of X there exists b E Y f l W such that b $ S(X). By (45.5) there exists a neighborhood V of a in W such that €or every a' E V and every irreducible component Y' of Y,, we have: dim R(a', Y', X ) = dim R(a, Y , X).I n view of coherence (44.22), by (45.10) there exists a neighborhood Vl of a in V such that for every a' E VI and every irreducible component Y' of Yut we have: emdim R(a', Y',X ) = emdim R(a, Y, X ) . Since R(a, Y , X ) is given to be regular, it follows that R ( d , Y',X)is regular for every a' E V1 and every irreducible component Y' of Y,.. Now S( Y) is a nowhere dense closed subset of Y and hence there exists a* E Y V1 and a neighborhood V2 of a* in V1 such that every point in Y Vz is a simple point of Y. Since R(a*, Y , X)is regular, it is an integral domain; and hence from the definition of a quotient ring it follows that only one irreducible component of Xu* contains Y,.. Therefore by (44.8) there a in
exists a’ E Y f l VZand a neighborhood X’ of a‘ in Vz such that X’ is pure dimensional. Now X’ C W and R(a’, Y, X ) is regular. Thus without loss of generality, upon replacing X by X ’ and a by a’, we may assume that a is a simple point of Y and X is pure dimensional. Given any neighborhood X* of a in X we want to show that there exists b E Y fl X* such that b $ S(X). Since a is a simple point of Y , upon replacing X by a neighborhood of a in X*, by (44.19) we may assume that: X is an analytic set in an open set D in Kn(x1, ..., xn} for some n, a is at the origin in Kn, and Y = ( x E D : XI = ...= xe = 0} where e = n - dim Ya. By (21.6 or 25.6), R(a, Y , D ) is a regular local ring and dim R(a, Y, D ) = n - dim Ya; by (45.2, 45.3), R(a, Y , X ) M R(a, Y , D)/i(a,X , D)R(a, Y , D ) and dim R(a, Y , X ) = dim Xa - dim Ya; and by assumption R(a, Y , X ) is a regular lodal ring. Therefore by (21.6.2) r n b , y,Di(a, X , 0)= dim R(a, Y , 0)- dim R(a, Y , X ) =
n - dimXa.
Therefore there exist analytic functions fi, ...,fp on a neighborhood D1 of a in D where p = n - dim Xa such that: fl(b) = ...= fp(b) = 0 for all b E X n D1 and rnka, Y,D{fi,...,fp} = P.
Hence p 5 e and upon relabeling x i , ..., Xe we can arrange that
Therefore there exists b
Y n D1 such that
and hence
Now p = n - dim Xb because X is pure dimensional; and hence b is a simple point of X by (33.18).
Using (45.11) we now strengthen (45.7).
(45.12) Continuity of order along a simple subspace. Assume that Y a $ S(Xa). Let F be any nonempty finite set of analytic functions on X . Then there exists a nekhborhood U of a in X such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y‘ of Y b we have: orda, y,xF = Ordb, yt JF.
PROOF.In view of (45.7) it is enough to obtain the inequality orda,y,xF 2 Ordb,y,xfF. Let e = orda,y,XF. The case e = co is trivial and the case e = 0 follows from (44.15). Now assume that e # 0, 00. Fix f E F such that Orda,y,Xf = e. Take analytic functions u1,..., uA on a neighborhood V of a in X such that ( U l ) a , ..., (u& form a basis of m(a, Y,X ) mod m(a, Y , X)z. Let v1,..., up be all the monomials in u1,..., uAof degree e, where X+e-1
Then there exist analytic functions r, rt on a neighborhood V1 of a in V such that
ra $ i(a, Y , X ) , and
rafa = (rl)a(Vl)a+ + (rp)a(vp)aNow (r& $ i(a, Y , X ) for some i, and hence upon relabeling v1,..., v p we can arrange that (r& 4 i(a, Y , X ) . We can take a neighborhood V2 of a in V1 such that
+...+ (rp)b(vp)b
rbfb = (rl)b(vl)b
for all 6 E
By (44.15, 45.5, 45.9) there exists a neighborhood V3 of a in V2 such that for every 6 E V3 and every irreducible component Y‘ of Y b we have:
rb $ i(6, y‘,
(rl)b $ i(h y’,
and dim R(a, Y , X ) = dim R(6, Y’, X ) ; and (Ul)b,
..., (u,&
generate m(6, Y’, X ) mod m(6, Y‘, X)Z.
Now S ( X )is an analytic set in X and by assumption Ya (S(X))a.Therefore by (44.9) there exists a neighborhood U of a in V3 such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y’ of Y b we have: Y’Q: s(xb). By (45.11), R(a, Y , X ) and R(b, Y’, X ) are regular local rings. Therefore ( U l ) b , ..., ( U A ) b is a basis of m(6, Y’, X ) mod m(6, Y‘, 4 2 . Since (Y1)b
6i(b, Y’, X ) ,by (21.3.1)we get that ordb, y,,xrf we must have ordb, y*,xf= e. Therefore orda, y, xF
e. Since Yb $ i(b, Y’,X),
ordb, yr, x f 2 ordb,
(45.13) REMARK. Referring to the proof of (45.12), without the assumption that Ya Q: S(Xa), by (45.9, 45.10) we can still arrange matters so that (Ul)b, ..., (U,$)bis a basis of m(b, Y’, X ) mod m(b, Y ’ ,x)2.However, if Y a C S ( X ) a then Y’ C S ( X b ) for b near a. Consequently by (45.11), R(b, Y’, X ) is not regular and hence we cannot invoke (21.3.1)to conclude that ordb,Y,,X rf = e. At present the following question remains open. 1) Does (45.12) hold without assuming Y a
Q: S(Xa)?
(45.10.ii) suggests the following question concerning the dimensions of the “higher tangent spaces” m(a,Y, X)n/m(a, Y , X)n+1of Y in X at a.
2) Does there exist a neighborhood U of a in X such that for every b E u, for every irreducible component Y‘ of Yb, and for every n > 0, the dimension of m(a, Y, X)n/m(a, Y, X)n+l as a vector space over R(a, Y, X)/m(a,Y ,X ) equals the dimension of m(b, Y’,X)n/m(b,Y’,X)n+l as a vector space over R(b, Y’,X)/m(b,Y’, X)? In (45.10) we have answered this affirmatively for n = 1 and in (45.5, 45.11) we have answered it affirmatively for all n in case Ya S ( X a ) . (45.14) If Xa is pure dimensional and dim Xa > 0 then: dim S ( X a ) 5 (dim XU) - 2 + R(a, X ) , is regular for every prime ideal @ in R(a, X ) of height one.
PROOF. Let R’ be the set of all prime ideals in R(a, X ) of height one, and let R be the set of all e - 1 dimensional irreducible analytic set germs in X at a where e = dim XU. Since Xa is pure e dimensional, we get that R’ = {i(a, 2,X ) : 2 E R} and hence our assertion follows from (45.11). (45.15) If
is normal and dim Xa > 0 then dim S(Xa) 5 (dim Xa) - 2.
PROOF. By (19.12), the quotient ring of a normal integral domain with respect to any prime ideal is normal; and by (21.4), a one dimensional local integral domain is regular if and only if it is normal. Therefore our assertion follows from (45.14). (45.16) Complete intersections. 1) DEFINITION. X i s said to be a formal complete intersection at a o there exists an exact sequence 0 -+ a -+R -+ R(a, X ) -+ 0 where R is a regular
local ring and a is an ideal in R generated by (dim R - dim Xa) elements. X is said to be a complete intersection at a e there exists a bianalytic map 5 of a neighborhood X * of a in X onto an analytic set in an open set D in Kn for some n, such that i(&a),f ( X * ) ,D ) is generated by ( n - dim Xu) elements.
2 ) If X is a formal complete intersection at a and dim Xa > 0 then we have the following. i) Xa is normal 0 dim S(Xu)5 (dim Xa) - 2. ii) Xa is pure dimensional. iii) If Xa is reducible then there exist two distinct irreducible components X’ and X of X a such that dim (XI f l X”) = (dim Xu) - 1.
PROOF. Follows from (21.7, 45.2, 45.14, 45.15). 3) Generalization of a lemma of Oka.4 If X is a complete intersection at a and dim Xa > 0 then we have the following. i) X is a .formal complete intersection at a. ii) X is a complete intersection at every point in some neighborhood of a in X . iii) Xa is pure dimensional. iv) If Xa is reducible then there exist two distinct irreducible components X ’ and X of Xa such that dim (X’ fl X ) = (dim Xa) - 1. v) Xa is normal u dim S(Xa) (dim Xa) - 2. vi) Xa is normal 3 x b is normal for all b in some neighborhood of a in X .
PROOF.The problem being local, by definition, upon replacing X by a neighborhood of a in X , we may assume that X is an analytic set in an open set D in Kn and there exist analytic functions u1,..., U k on D such that {(ul)a,..., (uk)a}R(a,D ) = i(a, X , D ) where K = n - dim XU. NOW R(a, X ) a R(a, D)/i(a,X , D ) and R(a, D ) is a regular local ring of dimension n. Therefore X is a formal complete intersection at a. This proves i) and now iii), iv), v) follow from 2). By coherence (44.22) there exists a neighborhood D1 of a in D such that { ( U l ) b , ..., (Uk)b}R(b,D ) = i(b, X , D ) for all b E D1. Now Xa is pure n - K dimensional by iii) and hence by (44.8) there exists a neighborhood DZ of a in D1 such that Xa is pure n - k dimensional for all b E X n D2. Therefore X is a complete intersection at every point in X n D2. This proves ii). By (44.5) there exists a neighborhood D3 of a in D2 such that for any b E X n D 3 we have Proved in Oka [8: Lemma 1 on p. 2611 when X i s a hypersurface in C”.
dim s(xb) 5 dim S(Xa) and hence dim s(Xb) 5 (dim X b ) - 2; consequently X b is normal by v). This proves vi).
(45.17) DEFINITION. Let Z C X be such that Z is analytic at a, Za is irreducible, and Za Q. S(Xa). By (45.11), R(a, Z, X) is a regular local ring. Hence by (21.8), OrdR(a,z,x)F is defined for any 0 # F C R(a, X ) , and we set orda, z,xF = or&, z,, xF = OrdR(a,z, x)F. Note that for F C R(a, 2, X)this coincides with the previous definition. For any nonempty set F of meromorphic functions on a neighborhood of a in X we set or&, z, XF= or&, z,, XF= orda, z, XFa. Again, this coincides with the previous definition if the elements in F are analytic. Denoting the natural homomorphism of %(a, X)into the quotient field of R(a, 2, X ) by 9,for any 0 # F C R(a, X),by (21.8.3", 21.8.4") we get the following.
F C P-~(R(u, 2, X))* orda, z, xF
2) If dim R(a, Z, X )
>= 0.
1 then:
F C ~ J - ~ ( R2, ( uX)) , 0 orda,z,xF
>= 0.
(45.18) Continuity of order of meromorphic functions along a simple subspace. Assume that Ya Q S(Xa) and let F be any nonempty jinite set of meromorphic functions on X . Then there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that for every b E U and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have: Y' $ s(xb)and ordb,yl,XF = orda,y,xF.
PROOF. Follows from (44.9) and (45.12). (45.19) REMARK.Take K = C and assume that Y is irreducible. In view of (44.35), by (45.10) we get 1) and 2) and by (45.18) we get 3). 1) For every b E Y and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have: emdim R(b, Y', X ) = emdim R(a, Y , X ) .
2) If F is any nonempty finite set of analytic functions on X such that F a C i(a, Y , X ) , then for every b E Y and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have: Fb C i(b, Y', X ) ; emdim R(b, Y', X)/FbR(b, Y',X ) = emdim R(a, Y , X)/FaR(a, Y , X); and r n k b , y , x F = rnk,,y,xF. More
5 45.
generally, if 9 is any coherent Ox-ideal such that F a C i(a, Y, X), then for every b E Y and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have: 9 6 C i(b, Y', X);emdim R(b, Y', X ) / S & ( b , Y', X ) = emdim R(a, Y, X)/SJ?(a, Y, X); and rnkb,y,,xSb = rnku,Y,xSu.
3) Assume that Yu
c S(Xu). Then for every b
Y and every irreducible
component Y' of Yb we have: Y' Q: S(Xb). If F is any nonempty finite set of meromorphic functions on X , then for every b E Y and every irreducible component Y' of Yb we have : ordb, y.,xF = orda, y,xF. More generally, if every 9is any coherent Ox-submodule of X'x, then for every b E Y and irreducible component Y' of Yb we have: Ordb, Y ' , X s b = ordU,y,XSu.
(45.20) Let 2 ! be the set of all irreducible analytic set germs Z in X at a such that dim 2 = (dim Xu) - 1.5 Assume that X u is pure dimensional, dim Xu > 0, and dim S(Xu)5 (dim Xu) - 2. Thenfor any 0 # F C R(a, X ) we have:
F C R'(a, X ) 0 orda, z , xF 2 0 for all Z
PROOF.Follows from (24.3.5). (45.21) Assume that Xu is pure dimmional, dimX, > 0, and dim S(Xu) 5 (dim Xa) - 2. Then for any meromorphic function f on X the following three conditions are equivalent. i) f a E R'(a, X). ii) There exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that f b E R(b, X ) for all b E U - S(X). iii) There exists an analytic set W i n a neighborhood U of a in X such that dim Wu 6 (dim Xu)- 2 and f b E R'(b, X )for all b E U - W.
PROOF. i) * ii) because R(b, X ) = R'(b, X) for all b E X - S ( X ) . ii) => iii) is obvious. Now assuming iii) we want to show that f a E R'(a, X). By (45.20) it suffices to show that if 2 is any analytic set in any neighborhood V of a in U such that Zuis irreducible and dim 2, = (dim Xu) - 1, then ord,,z,x f 2 0. By (45.18) there exists a neighborhood V' of a in V such that for every b E V' and every irreducible component 2' of z b we
6 If dimuX > 0 then: dim S(Xa) S (dim Xu) - 2 =z 2 S(XU)for all 2 E R. If XUis pure dimensional then by (45.2), 52 is the set of all irreducible analytic set germs 2 in X at u such that dim R(u, 2, X ) = 1. Consequently, if Xu is pure dimensional and dim S(Xu) 4 (dim Xu) - 2 then by (45.11) it follows that R(u, 2,X) is a one dimensional regular local ring for all Z E R. Also note that if Xu is normal and dim XU> 0 then by (44.7, 45.15) it follows that X, is pure dimensional and dim S(Xu) 5 (dim XU)- 2.
43 8
have: .%” $ S(Xb) and ord,,z,x f = ordb,z*,xf . NOWZ a w, u and hence (2 t l V‘) - (W U S ( X ) ) # 0. Take b E 2 V’ with b 4 W u S ( X ) , and take an irreducible component 2’ of zb. Then f b E R’(b, X ) = R(b, X ) and hence ordb,Z,,X f I 0. Therefore orda,z,xf I 0.
(45.22) Let R be the set of all irreducible analytic set germs Z in X at a such that dim 2 = (dim Xu) - 1.5 Assume that Xa is pure dimensional, dim Xu > 0, and dim S(Xu) 5 (dim Xu) - 2. Then the following four conditions are equivalent. i) Xu is normal. ii) I f f is any element in R(a, X ) such that ordu,z,xf 2 0 for all 2 E R, then f E R(a, X ) . iii) I f f is any meromorphic function on any neighborhood U of a in X such that f b E R(b, X )for all b E U - S ( X ) ,then f a E R(a, X ) . iv) I f f is any meromorphic function on any neighborhood U of a in X and W is any analytic set in U such that dim Wa (dim Xa) - 2 and f a E R’(b,X )for all b E U - W, then f a E R(a, X).
PROOF.Follows from (45.20, 45.21). (45.23) B(c(R(a,X ) ) )C S(Xu).
PROOF. Given any irreducible component 2 of B(c(R(a,X))) we want to show that 2 C S(Xa). Now c(R(a,X))C i(a, 2, X ) and R(a, 2,X ) = R(a, X)i(a,z,x). Therefore b y (24.3.4), R(a, 2,X ) is not normal. Therefore R(a, Z , X ) is not regular, and hence 2 C S ( X a ) by (45.11). (45.24) Given t tn E c(R(a,X ) ) .
i(a, S ( X ) ,X ) there exists a positive integer n such that
PROOF. Follows from (45.23) in virtue of the Nullstellensatz. (45.25) Let t and A be analytic functions on X such that t (S (X ))= 0 and Ab is a nonzerodivisor in R(b, X ) for all b E X . Then there exists a positive integer n and a neighborhood U of a in X such that
(R(b,X ) n AbR’(b, X ) ) C (AbR(b,X ) : t,nR(b,X ) ) for all b E U.6 The transporters are relative to R(b, X ) .
5 45.
PROOF. For each b EX, by (45.24) there exists a positive integer n(b) depending on b such that t!(b) E c(R(b,X ) ) and hence t r E c(l?(b, X ) ) for all m 2 n(b). For any m L n(b) and any f E R(b, X ) n AbR'(b, X ) we then i.e., f t r E AbR(b, x), have: f / A b E R'(6, X ) and hence (f / A b )t rE R(b, and hence f E (AbR(b,X ) : trR(b, X ) ) . Thus for any b E X and m 2 n(b) we have (R(b, n AbR'(b, c (&R(b, trR(b,
By (42.13) there exists a positive integer n and a neighborhood Uof a in X such that for all b E U and for all m 2 n we have Given b E U , upon taking m
max(n, n(b)),we get that
x)n AbR'(6, x))c (&R(b, x):trR(b, x)).
(45.26) Let A be an analytic function on X such that Ab is a nonxerodivisor in R(b, X ) for all b E X . Assume that X is pure dimensional and dim S(X) 6 (dim X ) - 2. Then OX flAO; is a coherent Ox-ideal.
PROOF.Take analytic functions tl,..., t , on a neighborhood X ' of a in X such that X ' flS ( X ) = {b E X ' :t@) =...= tp(b)= 0). By (45.25) there exist positive integers n1,..., n p and a neighborhood X* of a in X ' such that for i = 1,. . . , p we have (R(b,x)n AbR'(b, x)) c (AbR(b,x):(i!P)bR(b,X))for all b Ex*. Let si = tr(. Then X* i = 1,...,p we have
n S ( X ) = (6 E X * :sl(b) = ...= sp(b) = 0},
and for
x)n bbR'(b, x))c (hbR(b,x):(Si)&(b, x))for all b x*.
Since the problem is local and since a is an arbitrary point of X,we may replace X by X* and A, s1,...,s p by AlX*, sllX* ,..., sp(X*, respectively. Then A, s1, ...,s p are analytic functions on X,h b is a nonzerodivisor in R(b, X ) for all b E X ,
S ( X ) = {b E X:s@)
2") (R(b,x )n AbR'(b, x)) c and we want to show that OX have shown that
... = S p ( b ) = O},
n(hbR(b,x):(Sr)bR(b,x))for all 6 x ; P
n A O k is a coherent Ox-ideal.
Suppose we
n (h&(b, x):(Si)bR(b,x))c (R(b,x )n hbR'(b, x))for all b x. P
Now OX is a coherent sheaf of rings on X and hence AOx and s@x are coherent Ox-ideals. Therefore by (42.12), (AOx: s@x) is a coherent Ox-ideal and
( A o x :s t O X ) b
for all b E
This being so for i = 1,...,p, by (42.6) we get that
is a coherent Ox-ideal and
( h ( A O ~s t:o x ) ) n (AbR(b,x):(S$)bR(b,XI) P
n (AOx: S&X) P
for all b E X .
Therefore OX n AO; is a coherent Ox-ideal by (2", 3"). T o prove 3"), let any b E X and any analytic function f on any neighborhood V of b in X be given such that fb E
(AbR(b, x): (st)bR(b, x)).
We can then find analytic functions g1, . . . , g p on a neighborhood U of b in V such that fst = Agi on U, for i = 1,...,p. Given c E U - S ( X ) , by 1") there exists i such that sa(c) # 0 and hence f C / A c= (gt)c/(si)eE R(c, X ) . Thus f c / A c E R(c, X ) for all c E U - S(X). Therefore fb/Ab E R'(b, X)by (45.21), and hence
(45.27) Assume that Xa is irreducible and dim S(Xa) 5 (dim Xa) - 2. Then 0; is a coherent 0 u-module for some neighborhood U of a in X .
PROOF. By (44.5, 44.8), there exists a neighborhood V of a in X such that V is pure dimensional and dim S ( V ) 6 (dim V ) - 2. By (44.21), there exists an analytic function A on a neighborhood U of a in X such that for all b E U we have that Ab is a nonzerodivisor in R(b, u) and Ab 6 c(R(b, U)). We define an 0 u-homomorphism ~ 1 0; : -+ 0; thus: for any nonempty open set U* in U and any f E O;(U*) let ~1(U*)f = (A1 u*)f.For any b E we then have: ' p bf = h b f for all f E R'(b, and hence
Im pb = AbR'(b,
u)= R(b, u)n hbR'(b, u) = (0,n AO;)b
because At, E c(R(b, U ) ) ; furthermore, Q1b is a monomorphism because Ab is a nonzerodivisor in R(b, U ) . This being so for all b E U , it fdbws
that I m p = AQ; = 0 u n AOL and that p is a monomorphism. Therefore, 97 induces an Ou-isomorphism: 0; M ( 0 u n A0;). By (45.26), ( Q u f l A@;) is a coherent 0.y-ideal and hence 0; is a coherent 0 u-module.
(45.28) If X is normal at a then X i s normal at every point in some neighborhood of a in X . In other words, N ( X )is a closed subset of X .
PROOF. The assertion is trivial if dim Xu = 0. So assume that dim X , > 0. Then by (44.7, 45.15), X u is irreducible and dim S(Xa) 5 (dim X u ) - 2. Therefore by (45.27) there exists a neighborhood V of a in X such that 0; is a coherent 0 v-module. Since X u is normal, (O;)u = R’(a, X ) = R(a, X ) = (0v ) ~Therefore . by (42.1.3) there exists a neighborhood U of a in V such that for all b E U we have: (0;)b= ( O V ) ~ i.e., , R’(b, X ) = R(b, X ) , i.e., X b is normal. (45.29) In the case of K = C the following three conditions are equivalent. i) Xu is normal. ii) If 2 is any closed thin subset in any neighborhood U of a in X and f is any analyticfunction on U - Z such that I f 1 is bounded on U - 2,then there exists a neighborhood V of a in U and g E E(V) such that glV - 2 = f I V - Z a n dg , E R (a , X ). iii) If U is any neighborhood of a in X and f is any analytic function on U - S ( X ) such that I f 1 is bounded on U - S (X ), then there exists a neighborhood Vof a in Uandg E E(V )such thatgl V - S ( X ) = f I V - S ( X ) and gu E R(a, X ) .
PROOF. Follows from (36.6.4, 36.6.5) and (45.28). (45.30) Corrections to Abhyankar [3]. Referring to this paper as C we take this opportunity to list the following corrections. The assertion at the end of the first paragraph of C52 should read “We note that if a local ring is normal and has no nonzero nilpotent elements then it is an integral domain”; see (19.9, 19.11). I n the proof of C(2.2) the argument given to show that F is well defined is faulty but it can easily be corrected; for a slightly different proof of C(2.2) see (18.5.2). T h e alternative proof of C(5.2~)given in C(9.4) is faulty. The statement and the proof of C(13.6) are wrong; however the lemma is true if A* is generated bygl(yl),...,gn(yn) where gi(yi) is a distinguished polynomial in yc with coefficients in S ; this assumption is satisfied in C(13.13) and C(13.15) which were the only places where C(13.6) was used; for a proof of the corrected version
of C(13.6) see (25.4). In C(5.3) line 6, replace P' byp'. I n C(7.1) line 10, replace CI by L X ~ ( ~ ) . $46. BIMEROMORPHIC MAPS AND NORMALIZATIONS
(46.1) DEFINITION. Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces and let 5: Y -+ X be an analytic map. The homomorphism O X -+f,(Oy) of sheaves of K-algebras on X induced by ( is denoted by [; see (43.1). We consider [ J O Y ) to be an Ox-algebra with f as the underlying homomorphism. For any a EX, ((,( 0 ~ is ) then ) ~ an R(a, X)-algebra with underlying homomorphism fa. Let b E Y and a = ((b). T h e K-algebra-homomorphism ( ( . + ( O Y ) )+ ~ ( 0 Y ) b induced by ( is denoted by t i ; see (41.8). The K-algebra-homomorphism [a:
x)= ( O X ) a
(0Y)b =
R(b, y )
is again said to be induced by ( and is denoted by f b . We consider R(b, Y ) as an R(a, X)-algebra with f b as the underlying homomorphism. Note that 5;: (f,(Sy)), -+ R(b, Y ) is then an R ( a , X)-algebra-homomorphism. Also note that ((b)(R(U,X ) ) C R(b, Y ) and &b)(r)= fb(r) for all r ER(u,X ) . I n other words, iff is any analytic function on any neighborhood U o f a in X then f o ((l(-l( U ) )is an analytic function on the neighborhood (-I( U ) of b in Y and f b ( f a ) = ( f 0 (tlP1( U))b. For any Z C X such that 2, is analytic, the analytic set germ '%((b(i(a,2, X))) in Y at b is denoted by f w b ( Z )or tab(&). Thus f m b maps the set of all analytic set germs in X at a into the set of all analytic set germs in Y at b. For any Z C Y such that zb is analytic, the analytic set germ %((;l(i(b, 2,Y ) ) )in at a is denoted by (,b(z)or f o b ( Z b ) . Thus &nb maps the set of all analytic set germs in Y at b into the set of all analytic set germs in X at a.
(46.2) Properties of the maps f w b and (ob. Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces, let f : Y -+ X be an analytic map, let b E Y and let a = ((b). 1) I f F is any set of analytic functions on a neighborhood U of a in X then [(F) is a set of analytic functions on the neighborhood (-I( U ) of b in Y and (-l(%(F)) = %([((F)); furthermore, if F is Jinite then ((-l(B((F)))b = %( fb(F0,)).Given any 2 C X such that 2, is analytic, taking F to be a This section can be read immediately after $44B; especially see (44.27, 44.28). From $44C we shall onlyuse (44.37,44.42)in the proofs of (46.22,46.33,46.34,46.35.1,46.35.3). From $45 we shall only use (45.28), and that not until the proof of (46.26).
§ 46.
Fnite set of analytic .functions on a neighborhood U of a in X such that 2 flU = %(F) and F,R(a, X ) = i(a, 2, X ) , we see that: [,,(Z) = B( 0). Then
t'b: @...@ t; : ( ( * ( O Y ) ) a -+ P
is an isomorphism of R ( a , X)-algebras.
q 1 ,
4 46.
PROOF.Y being Hausdorff, we can find pairwise disjoint neighborhoods V f,..., Vg of bl, ..., b, in Y . Given any element in R(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y )we can write it in the form ( ( f l ) b l , ..., (fp)bp) where fi is an analytic function on a neighborhood Vg of bi in VT. By (46.3) there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that [-1(U) C V1 U...U V,. Now [-l(U) fl V1,..., f - l ( U ) fl V , are pairwise disjoint open sets in Y and their union is f-1( U). Consequently we get an analytic function g on 5-1( U ) by setting g = fi on [-I( U ) f l Vi for i = l , . . . , ~Thus . g E (f,(O~))(u), ga E ( [ , ( O Y ) ) ~ , and clearly fb,(ga) = (ft)bi for i = 1, ..., p. This shows that [b, @...@ (bp is an epimorphism. Given any element in ( [ , ( O Y ) ) ~we can write it in the form ha where h is an analytic function on f-1( U*) where U* is a neighborhood of a in X. Suppose that [&(ha)= 0 for i = 1,...,p. Then there exists a neighborhood Vj of bi in f-l(U*) fl VF such that h ( V ; ) = 0 for i = 1, ...,p; By (463) there exists a neighborhood U‘ of a in U* such that .!.-I( U’) C V , U...U V,, and then h(e-l(U’)) = 0 and hence h, = 0. This shows that &, @...@ [b, is a monomorphism.
(46.6) DEFINITION. Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces. A bimeromorphic map 6 : Y + X is a closed analytic map such that [-l(a) is a nonempty finite set for all a E X and [,(Oy) is Ox-algebra-isomorphic to an Ox-subalgebra of 0;; by (44.28) it follows that the said subalgebra and the isomorphism of [ J O Y ) onto it are then uniquely determined by [. A normalization map f : Y += X is a closed analytic map such that ,$-‘(a) is a nonempty finite set for all a E X and (,(OY)is Ox-algebra-isomorphic to 0;; this may also be expressed by saying that Y is a normalization of X and f is the corresponding map of Y onto X . Note that, in view of the following remark, a bimromorphic map (hence in particular, a normalization map) is always proper. Remark on proper maps. Let X and Y be Hausdorff spaces and let 5: Y -+ X be a map. According to the definition given in $1 : q is proper o for every compact subset X‘ of X , f-l(X’) is compact. This definition does not agree with the latest definition given in Bourbaki [l: 9101. However, letting “B-proper” to stand for “proper in the sense of Bourbaki”, by Bourbaki [l:Theorem 1 and Propositions 6 and 7 of 9101 we get: 1”)Iff is continuous, then [ is B-proper 0 [ is closed and [-I(.) is compact for all a EX. 2”) If [ is B-proper then f is proper. 3”) If 6 is continuous and X is locally compact, then [ is B-proper o [ is proper. We have used the notion of “proper” only in (12.5.2, 30.21, 31.7, 32.1.1, 35.10.3). In all these propositions the map was continuous and the inverse map was finitely valued, and it was shown that the map was proper and closed. I n view of 1”) and 2”), in these instances “proper” actually follows
from “closed”; however the proofs of these propositions depended only on (12.5.2) where the direct proof of “proper” was trivial. In any case, by 1”) and 2”) we get
1) A bimeromorphic map is always proper. Since a complex space is obviously locally compact, by 1”) and 3”) we get 2) Let X and Y be complex spaces and let f : Y -+X be continuous. Then f is proper o f is closed and f-l(a) is compact for all a E X .
(46.7) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces, and let f : Y --f X be a closed analytic map such that f-l(a) is a nonempty Jinite set for all a EX. Then f o r each a E X the following three conditions are equivalent where b1, ...,b, are the distinct points in [-I(.). i) ( f , ( O ~ y ) )is ~ R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to an R(a, X)-subalgebra of R’(a, X ) . ii) R(b1, Y ) @...@ R(bp, Y ) is R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to an R(a, X)-subalgebra of R’(a, X ) . iii) For i = 1,...,p there exists a ring homomorphism $I: a(a,X ) + R(bi, Y ) for which $ ( ( T ) = f b , ( Y ) f o r all r eR(a, X ) , such that $1 @...@ : R(a, X ) + R(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) is a ring isomorphism and R(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) C ($1 @...@ $,)(R’(a,X ) ) .
Furthermore, f is bimeromorphic o (f,( 0 ~ )is )R(a, ~ X)-algebra-isomorphic to an R(a, X)-subalgebra of R‘(a, X )f o r all a E X .
PROOF.i) o ii) by (46.5). Considering Ji(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) to be the total quotient ring of R(b1, Y ) @...@ R(b,, Y ) , by (18.5.5) we see that ii) is equivalent to :ii’) there exists a ring isomorphism r,h: &(a, X ) += R(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) such that $(r) = ( f a l @...@ fbp)(r) for all r E R(a, X ) and R(b1, Y ) @...@ R(b,, Y) C $(R’(a, X)). Obviously ii’) o iii). The final assertion follows from (44.28) and (18.5.5). (46.8)Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces, let t: Y + X be a closed analytic map such that (-‘(a) is a nonemptyfinite set for all a E X , and let 2? be an Ox-subalgebra of 0;. Then for each a E X the following four conditions are equivalent where b1,...,b, are the distinct points in f-l(a). i) ( f , ( U ~ y )is) ~R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to 2?a. ii) R(b1, Y )@...@ R(bp, Y )is R(a, X)-algebra-isomorphic to 2?u. iii) For i = 1,. ..,p there exists a ring homomorphism r,hf :R(a, X ) + R(b8, Y ) f o r which $i(r) = [bt(r)f o r all r E R(a, X ) , such that $1 @...@ $:, R(a, X)
5 46.
+ R(b1, Y )@..@ R(b,, Y ) is a ring isomorphism and ($1 @...@ +p)(2a) = R(b1, Y ) @...@ R(bp, Y ) . iv) For i = 1,...,p : Eb,(M(a, X ) ) C M(bt, Y ) and $c(2a)= R(bc, Y ) where #i: R ( a , x ) -+ R(bi, Y ) is induced by [ b Z ; and f o r all i # j , (i,j = 1 , ...,p ) : there exists hi3 such that (#i(hij))(bi) # 0 and *&j)
Furthermore, [,(Oy) is Ox-algebra-isomorphic to 2 R ( a , X)-algebra-isomorphic to 2 a for all a EX.
( ~ , ( O ) Y ) )is~
PROOF. i) o ii) by (46.5). Considering R(b1, Y )@...a Si(b,, Y ) to be the total quotient ring of R(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) , by (18.5.5) we see that ii) is equivalent to: ii’) there exists a ring isomorphism #:Si(a,X ) + Si(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) such that $(r) = ( f b l @..@ fa,)(r) for all r E R ( a , X ) and $ ~ ( 2 =~ R(b1, ) Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) . Obviously ii’) o iii). Now (Ker f b J n...fl(Ker f b D ) = (0) by (46.4); and for any b E Y and any h E R(b, Y ) we obviously have: h is a unit in R(b, Y ) o h(h) # 0. Therefore ii) o iv) by (18.5.8). The final assertion follows from (44.28).
(46.9) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces and let 5: Y --f X be a bimeromorphic map. Then for each a E X the following three conditions are equivalent. i) (E,(Oy))a is R ( a , X)-algebra-isomorphic to R’(a, X). ii) R(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) is R ( a , X)-algebra-isomorphic to R’(a, X ) where b1,...,b, are the distinct points in t-l(a). iii) Yb is normal for all b E [-I(.). Furthermore, 5 is a normalization map u Y is normal. PROOF. i ) o ii) by (46.5). Since 5 is bimeromorphic, by (46.5) and R(b,, Y )is R ( a , X)-algebra-isomorphic (18.5.5) we get that R(b1, Y ) to a unique R ( a , X)-subalgebra of R’(a, X ) . Therefore ii) is equivalent to saying that R(b1, Y ) @...@ R(b,, Y ) is normal. By (19.22), R(b1, Y )@...a R(b,, Y ) is normal t> R(b6, Y ) is normal for i = 1,...,p. Thus ii) u iii). By (46.8), 5 is a normalization map o i) holds for all a EX. Therefore by “i) o iii)” we get that, 5 is a normalization map G- Y is normal.
(46.10) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces and let 6: Y -+X be a bimeromorphic map. I f Xa is irreducible for all a E X , then 5 is a homeomorphism. I f X is normal, then 5 is bianalytic. 3 Note that for i = 1,...,p we then have: the map I,/I~ in iii) is the same as the map + I in iv); a(bi,Y)is the total quotient ring of i b l ( R ( a ,X)); and R(bt, Y) is integral over gbt(R(a, XI).
PROOF. For any a E X let bl,...,b, be the distinct points in f-l(a). By (46.7), R(b1, Y )@..@ R(b,, Y ) is ring isomorphic to R ( a , X ) . If X u is irreducible then R ( a , X ) is a field and hence p = 1. Thus if Xu is irreducible for all a E X,then f is a one to one continuous map of Y onto X, and by (46.3), 5 is open; whence 4 is a homeomorphism. Now assume that X is normal. For any a E X we then have R'(a, X ) = R ( a , X ) and hence ( < , ( O Y ) ) ~is R ( a , X)-algebra-isomorphic to R ( a , X ) ; therefore the underlying homomorphism f u of the R ( a , X)-algebra ((*(Oly)), must be a ring isomorphism. This being so for all a E X , we get that [(Ox) = ~ , ( O Y )and hence 5 is bianalytic. (46.11) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces, and let f : Y + X be a bimeromorphic map. If Q is any thin subset of X , then t-l(s2)is thin subset of Y and in particular t-l(s1) is nowhere dense in Y. Furthermore, for any closed subset s2 of X , with !2 # X , we have the following: if N*(X) C s1 then the map Y - t-l(s2)+= X - Q induced by 5 is a homeomorphism; if N(X) C s1 then the map Y - f - l ( Q ) -+ X - Q induced by t is bianalytic; if S(X) C s1 then S( Y ) C t-l(s2).
PROOF. By (46.8), [b(M([(b),X)) C M ( b , Y ) for all b E Y . Therefore by (46.2.2) we get that if Q is any thin subset of X , then f - l ( s Z ) is a thin subset of Y and hence f-l(s1) is nowhere dense in Y . The rest follows from (46.10). (46.12) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces and let 4: Y + X be a bimeromorphic m p . For any a E X let b1, ..., b, the distinct points in f-l(a> and let qg1,..., qi8, be the distinct prime ideals of (0) in R(bg, Y ) . Then the 61 + ...+ 6, ideals (iil(qij) are all distinct and they are exactly all the prime ideals of (0) in R ( a , X). In other words, letting Yi1,..., Yi8, to be the distinct irreducible components of Y b i we have that the 61 + ...+ 6, elements (obi( Yij) are all distinct and they are exactly all the irreducible components of X,. Furthermore, Eob,( Yil),..., [ o b i ( Y;Si)are exactly all the Y). distinct irreducible components of tub$(
PROOF.By (46.7) we get a ring isomorphism XI @..@ A,: R* + R(b1, Y )@...@ R(b,, Y ) where R* is a subring of R'(a, X) such that R(a,X ) C R* and Xi: R* + R(bi, Y ) is a ring homomorphism such that Ai(R(a,X) = ( a i for i = 1, ...,p. Now &;(qtj) = R(a, X ) f l XT1(qij) and hence by (18.8, 18.9.3) we get that the 61 +...+ 6, ideals &!(qtj) are exactly all the distinct prime ideals of (0) in R ( a , X ) . This proves the first assertion. The second assertion is simply a reformulation of the first. T h e third assertion follows from the second by (46.2.4).
4 46.
45 1
(46.13) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces and let 4 : Y + X be a normalization map. For any a E X let b1,..., b, be the distinct points in f-l(a). For i = 1, ...,p we then have [b,(M(a,X ) ) C M(bi, Y ) and #i(R'(a, X ) ) = R(bi, Y ) where #(: %(a, X ) + Si(bi, Y ) is induced by [bi; also [ ( b j ) ( M ( aX, ) ) C (the set of all nonzerodivisors in %(bi, Y ) )and vi(r) = #a(.) for all Y E R'(a, X ) where vi: Si(a, X ) -+ (the total quotient ring of CZ(bi, Y ) ) is induced by [(bi)IR(a, X ) . Let hi: R'(a, X ) --f R(bi, Y ) be given by taking hi(r) = #i(r) for all r E R'(a, X ) , let mi be the maximal ideal in R(bi, Y ) , and let nt = &'(mi), p ; = Ker hi, p i = Ker loi. Then $1 @...@#,: R(a, X ) + Si(b1, Y ) @...@ R(b,, Y ) and hl @...@ A,: R'(a, X)+ R(b1, Y ) @...@R(b,, Y ) are ring isomorphisms; rtl,,.., np are exactly all the distinct maximal ideals in R'(a, X ) ; pi, ..., pl, are exactly all the distinct prime ideals of (0) in R'(a, X ) ; (0) = p i n...flpb is the unique normal decomposition of (0) in R'(a, X ) ; p1, ..., p p are exactly all the distinct prime ideals of (0) in R(a, X ) ; p i C pi C ni and pg = pi n R(a, X ) for all i ;and pj Q: p i and p; Q: ni for all j # i.
PROOF.Everything except the assertion concerning [(bi) follows from (46.8) and (24.3.3). T h e assertion concerning [ ( b i ) follows from (4-4.16). (46.14) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces, let 5: Y + X be a bimeromorphic map, let a E X and let bl,..., b, be the distinct points in (-'(a). Let any Yij C Y and Xi3 C X be given such that ( Y i l ) b j ,..., ( Y f & , ) b i are the distinct irreducible components of Yb,foy i = 1, ...,p , and (Xij)a = 5V b , ( yij) for all i, j . Let X i = Xij. Also let neighborhoods Vf ,..., V$ of 61,..., b,
in Y and a neighborhood U* of a in X be given. Then there exist pairwise , V pof bl, ..., b, in V f,..., V%and a neighborhood disjoint neighborhoods V I ..., U of a in U* such that we have the following. i) (-I( U ) = Vl U...U V,. ii) Xii n U is analytic in U for all i,j and U
iii) Y f j n Vi is analytic in Vifor all i,j and Vi iv) (( Yij n V i ) = Xij v) (Xi )a,= U
= =
U (Xij n U ) .
(J (Yij n Vi)for all i.
and c( Vi) = Xi for all i. tub,( Y ) f o r all a' E U for i = 1,..., p .
n U .for all i,j
vi) For any a' E U let Xijl,..., Xlj,,j be the distinct irreducible components of (Xij)a,. Then. the 3 pij elements Xijk are exactly all the distinct irreducible 'J components of
PROOF. By (46.2.5) there exists a neighborhood Pij of bi in V,*such that 1")
t(Yij f l P i j ) C Xij.
Since Y is Hausdorff, we can take pairwise disjoint neighborhoods
n V I ~ ,.,. .3-1fl Pp3.We can obviously take neigh5=1 ..., r, of bl ,..., b, in ..., P, such that Yij n rt is analytic borhoods in pt for all i, j , and ri U (Ytj fl PI)for all i. 3 VI,..., a,
of bl, ...,b, in
By (46.12), the 61 + ...+ 6, elements ( X Z ~ are) ~ exactly all the distinct irreducible components of X, and hence by (44.11)there exists a neighborhood 0 of a in U* such that: Xi$ fl fl is analytic in D for all i, j ; fl = U (Xi3 fl 0);and for all a' E 0 we have the following. 631
2") Let Xijl,...,Xijrrr be the distinct irreducible components of (Xij),?. Then the I; pt3 elements X i ~ kare exactly all the distinct irreducible comk3
ponents of X,,. For any i, j let
where the union is over (61 +...+ 6,) - 1 elements. Then (Xgj)a Q and hence by (44.9)there exists a neighborhood uij of a in 0 such that is the closure of (Xi3 Dij) - Zij in D ~ J .Let 0 = fl uij. Xi3 fl Then for every neighborhood U of a in 0 we have
2 9 3
n U = clU((Xt3 fl U ) - Zij)
for all i,j.
By (46.3) there exists a neighborhood U of a in 0 such that U...U V,. Let Vt = n [-1(U). Then &,...,V , are pair[-1(U) C wise disjoint neighborhoods of b1, ...,b, in Vf, ...,$'L and we have i), ii), iii), and vi). By i), ii), iii) we get 5") and 6"). 5")
u3 [ ( y i 3n vi) = u3 (xt3n u) = u.
i 9
6") Yij n V , is a closed subset of By 1")we get
(( Yi3fl Vt) C Xir t l U
for all i,j .
for all i,j .
By (3", 5", 7") we get (Xi3 fl U ) - Ztj C [( Yij f l Vi) C Xi3 8") By 4")and 8") we get
clve(Yz3f7 Yi) = Xi3t7 U
for all i,j.
for all i,j .
5 46. Now
5: Y
+ X is a closed map and hence by 6") and 9") we get that (( Y Z n j Vi) = X Z jn U
and hence
((Vt)= Xi
for all i,j for all i.
This proves iv). T o prove v) let a' E U be given. Let bi1,..., bihr be the distinct points in VZn (-l(a'). By (46.2.5) there exists a neighborhood Vz',of bi, in VS such that (?Jb;,( Y ) is the smallest analytic set germ in X at a' containing ((VL).Now
u W;J c t(vi)c xin u hi
and hence &
U (Ub;,(Y)
C (Xi)a,
for i = 1,...,p .
Now V1,..., V , are pairwise disjoint and hence the A 1 + ...+ A, points biS are exactly all the distinct points in (-1(a'). Therefore applying (46.12) at a' we get the following.
11') Let Xil,..., X;"' be the distinct irreducible components of
u &;,( hr
Y ) . Then the y
+ ...+ v p elements X c are exactly all the distinct
irreducible components of Xa,. Now Xi = Xi1 U...U Xtar and hence by (2", lo", 11") we deduce that A1
U &;,(Y)
for i = 1, ...,p.
This proves v).
(46.15) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces, let (: Y + X be a bimeromorphic map, let a E X and let b1,..., b, be the distinct points in (-l(a). Let neighborhoods V;",..., Vg of b1,..., b, in Y and a neighborhood U* of a in X be given. Then there exist pairwise disjoint neighborhoods V1,..., Vp of bl,..., b, in V,*,..., V; and analytic sets XI ,..., X, in a neighborhood U of a in U* such that we have the following. i) (-l(U) = V1 U...UV,; for i = 1,...,p. ii) (Xi)a,=
X1 U...UX,; for all a'
((V,) = Xt
U , for
i = 1,...,p .
iii) For any a’ E U let Xil,...,X,‘ yi be the distinct irreducible components of (Xi)at. Then the vl +...+ v p elements Xi; are exactly all the distinct irreducible components of Xu’.
PROOF. Follows from (46.14). (46.16) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces, let 4 : Y + X be a bimeromorphic map, and assume that Yb is irreducible for all b E Y . Let X’ be any analytic set in any nonempty open set U* in X such that for each a E X ’ every irreducible component of XA is an irreducible component of Xu. Let
u {b
E b/(*l U)b) =
Thus we have proved
I") For any a = (b, c) E V with b E U and c E 2 we have &(M(b, U ) ) C M(a, V ) and + ( ( f t ) b ) = (zi]V)a for i = 1, ..., m where +: R(b, U ) -+ Si(a, V ) is induced by tU. Clearly W* - .r-l(SZ) C W, and hence V C W. Therefore [: V -+ U is a proper closed map by 2). Since ((V - f--l(Q)) = U - Q and U = cl u(U - Q), we get that f ( V ) = U. Now W f l n-l(b) is a finite set for all b E Y , and hence (-1(b) is a nonempty finite set for all b E U. Let a = (b, c ) be any point in V with b E U and c E 2, and let #: R(b, U ) -+ Si(a, V ) be induced by &. Let wi = ( ~ t E) R(a, ~ Y x 2). Let v: R(b, Y ) + R(b, U )andp: R(a, Y x 2) -+ R ( a , V )be therestriction epimorphisms. Now 75,: R(b, Y ) -+R(a, Y x 2)is a monomorphism and Ker p = i(a, V , Y x 2).Since V C W, by (23.3) we get that By 1")we have
R(a, V ) = p((ii,R(b, Y ) ) [ W l ,..., Wml). p(wi) =
for i = 1,...,m,
§ 46.
46 1
and obviously =
p o i i ,
Therefore p((*uR(b, y ) ) [ W , - -W. ,m ] ) = (&zR(b,U ) ) [ $ ( ( f l ) b ) , - . . , =
and hence
$((R(b,u ) > [ ( f l ) b , * * * ,( f m ) b l >
v = +((W, U>>[(fl)b,..., (fm)bl) = +((ou[fl,...,fml)a).
I n virtue of (46.8), it only remains to prove that: given any b E U and any two distinct points a = (b, c) and a' = (b, c') in V , there exists h E (R(b, U ) ) [ ( f i ) b,..., (fm)b] such that ($'(h))(a)# 0 and $'(h) = 0 where 4:R(b, U ) --f %(a, V ) and $': S(b, U ) -f %(a', V ) are induced by f u and &, respectively. Since a # a', we must have ci # c; for some i; say c1 # c;. Since V C W, we get that gl(b, CI) = 0 = gl(b, ci). By Hensel's lemma (12.2), we can write g1(y, 21) = H(y, .l)R(Y,
where H(y, z1) and R ( y , 21) are monic polynomials in XI with coefficients which are analytic functions on a neighborhood P of b in Y , and
H(b, Cl) # 0,
We can take neighborhoods such that
# 0.
P and 2 of b and c' in P and for all
Z respectively
(b, E ) E (P x 2).
Since V C W , we have
gl(8, 51)
for all
and hence
(H(y,xl)IP),f = 0
(b, E ) E (P x Z ) n v
v = (P x
H(y, 21) = zfit1zf-1
+ ... + t d
be the expression of H(y, XI) as a polynomial in t l ,..., t d which are analytic functions on p. Let
h =
2 ) fl V.
with coefficients
+ ( t l ) b ( f f - ' ) b f..*+ ( t d ) b E R'(b, u).
(46.24) Let X be an analytic K-space, let a E X , and let F be a nonempty finite subset of R ( X ) . Then there exists a nezghborhood U of a in X , an analytic K-space V , and a bimeromorphic map f : V -+ U such that (*(0r) is 0 v-algebra-isomorphic to 0 u[F].
PROOF.L e t f ~.,.,f' be the elements in F. We can ficd analytic functions ?u,-I, A on a neighborhood 0 of a in X such that 3 ( A ) is nowhere dense in U and such that for i
1,..., m we have
and fi = on 0.The problem being local, we may assume that a certain neighborhood U of a in is an analytic set in an open set Y in Ke for some e and
T ~ , ~=Urijlu,
silu = si1 U,
Llu = A]u
where rsj, $2, A are analytic functions on U. Let fg = JzI U. Then
Now we are reduced to (46.23.3). (46.25) Let X be an analytic K-space, let F be afinite nonempty subset of R ' ( X ) and let a E X be such that (R(a,X))[F,] = F,R(a, X ) . Then there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that 0 v[F]= FB u.
PROOF, Let fi,...,fm be the elements in F. Then there exist analytic functions rij on a neighborhood U' of a in X and positive integers dt such that f$
f{ = 0
on U', for i = 1,..., m.
By division algorithm we can write
ft = j=O C rijk fi
on U’, for i
1,..., m and all k 2 di
where r(5k are analytic functions on u’.Since (R{a,X))[F,] = F&a, there exist analytic functions stjk on a neighborhood U of a in U‘ such that m
f{ =
2 s ~ jfkk
on U, for i
and j
0,..., di
Therefore f; = where
tijk f k
on U, for i = 1,..., m and all j
are analytic functions on U . Consequently 0 u[F] = FO u.
(46.26) Let X and Y be analytic K-spaces, let t: Y + X be a bimeromorphic m p , and let a E X be such that Yb is normal for all b E t-I(a). Then there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that Yb is normal for all b E E-l( 77).
PROOF. Let b1,..., b, be the distinct points in t-l(a). By (45.28) there exists a neighborhood Vi of bi in Y such that Yb is normal for all b E Vt. By (46.3) there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that (-l(U) C
v1 u...uv,.
(46.27) Let X be an analytic K-space and let a E X be given. Then there exists a neighborhood U of a in X , an analytic K-space V and a normalixation map 8: V 3 U.
PROOF. By (24.3.2), R’(a,X)is a finite R(a, X)-module. Hence there exists a neighborhood U of a in X and a nonempty finite subset F of R’(U”) such that F,R(a, X ) = R’(a,X).By (46.24)there exists a neighborhood U’ of a in U”, an analytic K-space V‘ and a bimeromorphic map 7 :V’ -+ U’ such that ,,(Ov,) is Our-algebra-isomorphic to O’,[F]. Now ( o ~ f [ F=] R’(a, ) ~ X ) and hence by (46.9)) Yb is normal for all b E q-l(a). Therefore by (46.26) there exists a neighborhood U of a in X such that V is normal where V = q-1( U ) . By (46.9) the map (: V + U induced by 7 is a normalization map. Now (*(O v) is Ou-algebra-isomorphic to S u [ F ] as well as to 0;. Therefore 0; = O u [ F ] by (44.28). Hence by (46.25) there exists a
neighborhood U* of a in U such that O;* = FOU*. Since a was an arbitrary point of X , we conclude that 0; is a finite Ox-module.
(46.28) For any analytic K-space X we have the following. 1) 0; is a coherent Ox-module. O x : 0; is a coherent Ox-ideal, and ( O x : OH), = c(R(a,X ) )for all a E X .
2) Supp(O~/(Ox:0;)) = N ( X ) . N ( X ) is an analytic set in X , and (N(X))a= B(c(R(a,X ) ) )for all a E X .
3) Given a E X there exists an analytic function A on a neighborhood U of a in X such that A,* E M(a*, X ) t l c(R(a*, X ) )for all a* E U.6 4) Given an analytic function A on an open set U’ in X and given a E U‘ such that Aa E c(R(a, X ) ) , there exists a neighborhood U* of a in U’ such that Aa* E c(R(a*, X ) ) for all a* E U*. If furthermore A, E M(a, X ) , then there exists a neighborhood U of a in U’ such that A,* E M(a*, X ) for all a* E U. PROOF. We just proved that 0; is a finite Ox-module. Therefore, given a E X there exists a neighborhood U* of a in X and a finite number o f elementsfi, ...,f m inR’( U*) such that A’(a*, X)= {(fi)a*,..., (fm)a*}R(a*,X ) for all a* E U. We can find analytic functions A, s1,...,,s on a neighborhood U of a in U* such that for all a* E U we have A,* E M(a*, X ) and (ft),* = (st),*/A,* for i = 1,..., m. It follows that A@*E c(R(a*, X ) ) for all a* E X , and hence we get an Ou-homomorphism p: 0; += Ow by taking v(U)f = (AlU)f for every nonempty open set U in U and every f E R’( U ) . p is a monomorphism because A,* E M(a*, X ) for all a* E U. Therefore p induces an Ou-isomorphism of 0; onto the Ou-ideal Im p. Now 0; is a finite Ow-module and hence I m p is a finite Ou-module. Since 0~ is a coherent sheaf of rings, it follows that Im p is a coherent OU-ideal. Therefore 0; is a coherent Ou-module. Since a was an arbitrary point of X , we conclude that 0; is a coherent Ox-module. By (42.12) it now follows that O X : 0; is a coherent Ox-ideal and (Ox:O& ’ = c(R(a, X ) ) for all a E X . This proves 1) and 3). In virtue of (44.24), 2) follows from 1) because for any a E X we obviously have: c(R(a,X ) ) = R(a, X ) o R’(a, X)= R(a, X ) . I n virtue of (44.15), 4) also follows from 1).
(46.29) Given any analytic K-space X , there exists an analytic K-space Y and a normalization map 5: Y --f X . 6
See (46.30).
PROOF. By (46.27) we can find a covering (Xi)iElof X by nonempty open sets, a family (Y&l of analytic K-spaces, and a normalization map ti: Yi -+ X i for each i in I , For all i, j , k in I let Yij = &'(Xi n Xj) and Y i j k = &'(& n X , n xk). For all i, j in I for which xi n ~j # 0 , the maps Yij -+ X i fl X j and Yji -+ Xi fl X j induced respectively by ti and t3 are obviously normalization maps and hence by (46.20) there exists a bianalytic map X j i : Yij --f Yjj such that ti(Yij = tj 0 Aft. By the uniqueness part of (46.20) it follows that hii = identity map of Yi for all i in I . For any i, j , k in I for which X i n X j n xk # 0 we now have that the maps and Y i j k -+X i fl X j n xk Y k j i -+ Xi n X j n Xk induced respectively by Akil Y i j k : Y i j k
ti and t k are both normalization maps,
Yi5k): Y i j k
are both bianalytic maps, and
(Xki( Y i j k ) =
ti1 y t j k = t k
(Aft1 Y i j k ) ) ;
therefore again by the uniqueness part of (46.20) it follows that XkZl Y i j k = Ak5 o (&ti Y i j k ) . Consequently by (43.3.4), there exists an analytic K-space Y , an analytic map 5 : Y --f X , an open covering (Vi)i,l of Y , and a bianalytic map Xi: Yi -+ Vt for each i in I , such that for each i in I we have ((Vi)= Xi, t-l(Xg) = Vi, and 8 0 Xi = ti. Since
Yg + X i is a normalization map, it follows that the map
qi: Vi + Xt induced by .$ is a normalization map. Since ( X f ) - is an open covering of X and the map qt is closed for all i in I , it follows that 6 is closed. Since qi is normalization map for all i in I , by (46.8) it follows that
t is a normalization map.
(46.30) REMARKON (46.28.3). Let A be an analytic function on an analytic K-space X . Consider the following conditions. 1") Aa E c(R(a, X ) )for all a E X . 2") Aa E M ( a , X ) for all a E X . 1') (A1 U)f E R( U ) for any nonempty open set U in X andf
R'( U).
1) Conditions 1") and 1') are obviously equivalent. Therefore ;f 1") and 2") hold, then for any nonempty open set U in X and f E R'(U) we get f = s/(Al U ) where s = (A1 U)f E R( U ) . Now let 5: Y -+ X be a normalization map and let p: 0; + .$.JOY), be the unique Ox-algebra-isomorphism ; by (46.29) we know that 5 exists.
Note that for any nonempty open set U in X we have : [ , ( O y ) ( U ) = R([-l(U)); p ( U ) :R'(U) +R([-l(U)) is an isomorphism; and p(s) = [(s) = s 0 (#-1( U ) ) for all s E R(U). Thus 1') is equivalent to 1") Given any nonempty open set U in X and g E R([-l(U)),there exists that: [(s) = [(AlU)g, i.e., s([(b))= A([(b))g(b) for all
s E R ( U ) such b E [-I( U).
By (46.8), 2") ([(A))bE M(b, Y) for all b E Y , and hence by 1) we get 2) Assume 1") and 2"). Let U be any nonempty open set in X and let g be any analytic function on [-I( U ) . Then there exists an analytic function s on U such that: g = [(s)/[(A] U) = p(s/(AIU)). Since 1") and 1") are equivalent, by (44.42.2,46.11) we get
3) Take K = C and assume 1"). Let U be any nonempty open set in X , let SZ be any closed thin subset of U and let f be any element in a(U ) such that f 1 U - Q E R(U - Sl). Then there exists s E R( U ) such that: s(u) = A(a)f(a)forall a E U . For K = C, in Cartan [5] any analytic function A on X satisfying 1") and 2') is called a universal denominator on X , and in Oka [S] it is called a (FV)-function on X . (46.31) Let X be an analytic K-space. For each a E X identifr 9 ( a , X ) with a subring of the total quotient ring of (%(a,X).7
If a E X is such that X U . is irreduciblefor all a' in some neighborhood of a i n X , then R'(a, X ) C @(a,X).* Now assume that Xa is irreducible for all a E X . Let a be the identity map of X , and let &f be the subsheaf of bx given by taking X (U ) = { f
a(U ): f a E R'(a, X )for all a E U }
for each nonempty open set U in X.9 Then ( X ,&f) is a normal analytic K-space, %'a = R'(a, X ) for all a E X , and u: ( X , X ) + ( X , Ox) is a normalization map. Let 8: S = a,(X) + 02 be the corresptding unique Ox-algebra-isomorphism. Then Pa is the identity map of R'(a, X ) for all a E X ; and for any nonempty open set U in X and any f E &( U) we have See (44.16). complex case, in (44.41.1) we have already proved this and have given a function theoretic interpretation of R'(u, X ) . 9 For the complex case, in (44.41.2) we have given a function theoretic interpretation of &(V).
* For the
(/U) I( j)a = fa for all a E U.10 Finally, i f f : Y -+( X , Ox)is any normalizat ion map then 6 : Y -+ ( X ,8) is bianalytic.
PROOF.The first assertion being local, from the beginning we may assume that Xa is irreducible for all a E X . Let (: Y -+( X , Ox) be any normalization map; by (46.29) we know that it exists. By (46.10), 5: Y -+X is a homeomorphism. Let 93 = ([)-l(t.+(Oy)). Then ( X , 93) is a normal analytic K-space, a : (X, 9)-+ (X, @ x ) is a normalization map, and 4: Y -+ ( X , 93) is bianalytic. For any b E Y let a = ((b). Then ( ( b ) : @(a,X ) + @(b,Y ) is an isomorphism, 93a = ({(b))-?(R(b,Y ) ) ,and by (46.13) there exists an isomorphism A: R’(a, X) -+ R(b, Y ) such that X(r) = ( ( b ) ( r ) for all r E R(a, X ) . For any s E R(b, Y ) let u = X-l(s) and ZJ = (((&))-l(s);we can take m E M(a, X ) such that mu E R(a, X ) , and then f(O)(mU)= h(mU) = h(m)s = c ( b ) ( m ) S = t(b)(mu); therefore mu = mv and hence u = v because m is a nonzerodivisor in the total quotient ring of @(a,X ) . This shows that 93a = R’(a, X ) for all a E X , and hence% = 93. The assertions concerning ,f3 are now obvious. Here is a converse of (46.20).
(46.32) Let X and Z be analytic K-spaces and let 5: Z -+ X be a bimeromorphic map. Assume that for each bimeromrphic map (: Y + X there exists a unique analytic map 7): Z + Y such that 5 = 6 0 7. Then ( is a normalization map, i.e., Z is normal. PROOF. By (46.29) we can take 6 to be a normalization map. By (46.20) there exists an analytic map 6: Y + Z such that 5 = 5 6. By uniqueness, 6 o 7 must be the identity map of 2 and 7 6 must be the identity map of Y. Therefore 7 is bianalytic and hence 2 is normal. Here is a converse of (46.11) in the complex case. 0
(46.33) Let X and Z be complex spaces and let 5 : Z + X be a proper analytic map such that c-l(a) is a nonempty $finite set for all a E X . Assume that Z is normal, and there exists a nowhere dense analytic set S2 in X such that [-l(Q) is nowhere dense in 2 and the map Z - c-l(Q) -+ X - Q induced by 5 is bianalytic. Then 5 is a normalization map. PROOF. By (46.29) there exists a normalization map (: Y --f X . Let Q’ = S ( X ) U Q. Then Q’ is a nowhere dense analytic set in X , N(X) C a’, I,
K[{%,..., x,>l,
K({%..., X a > )
a = (a1,..., a,) E
XI x a = (u1,..., a,) EX" 0 = (0,..., 0)E Kn Y(x1.,..., %z>,
4 4 4
la, b [ ,
[a, 61,
... x x,
[a, b [ ,
la, 61
109 11, 12, 14
16,17 23
... @ mu,
... @ Ru
143,144 151,357 146 149
358, 361, 366, 370
359,361 362 366,367 373) 379 367,371,379 364,365,394 365 368 371 371 372, 373
3 81 394,395 394
Subject Index Affine algebraic variety, 331 Affine coordinate ring, 331 Algebra, 144, 358, 366, 370 Algebra-homomorphism, 144, 366, 370 Algebraic local ring, 331 Algebraic set, 331, 332 in a complex projective space, 343 Algebraically irreducible, 33 1 Algebraically normal, 331 Algebraically simple, 331 Algebroid function, 95-99, 223-229 Almost finite integral extension, 202 Analytic (at, in, on), 8, 9, 399 Analytic complex space, 396 Analytic cone, 342 Analytic continuation, 33, 115 Analytic coordinate system, 87 Analytic function, 8, 395 Analytic function germ, 232, 399 Analytic K-space, 395 Analytic map, 395 Analytic set, 8, 138, 399 in a complex projective space, 343 in a projective space, 333 Analytic set germ, 233, 399 Analytic subspace, 400 Analyticity of the nonnormal locus, 441, 464 of the singular locus, 283, 409 Annihilator, 359, 379, 390 Annular polycylinder, 5 Arc, 109 Archimedian, 65 Arcwise connected, 109 Arcwise connected component, 109 Associate, 1 Associated minimal prime ideal, 141 Associated prime ideal, 141 Auslander-Buchsbaum-Serre’s theorem, 209 Basis mod, 178, 179 Bertini theorem, 349
Bianalytic map, 87, 395 Bimeromorphic map, 447 Bounded convergent construction, 126 Canonical injection, 4 of presheaves, 365 Canonical normalization, 468-470 Cartan coherence, 283, 393, 409 Cartan module bases, 135 Cartan’s treatment of normalization, 469, 470 Cartan-Thullen’s theorem, 52, 55 Cartesian product, 4 Category, 357,358, 360,363,375, 377,380 Cauchy formula, 28 Cauchy inequality, 28 Cauchy-Riemann equations, 60 Cauchy sequence, 2 Cauchy theory in C1,25-27 in Cn, 27-33 Chevalley’s definition of intersection multiplicity, 244 Chevalley’s theorem, 142, 331, 222 Chow’s theorem, 343 Closed interval, 109 Closed map, 5 Closed polycylinder, 5 Cofinal, 360 Cohen structure theorem, 221 Cohen-Macaulay’s theorem, 180 Cohen-Seidenberg’s theorem, 159 Coherence of the sheaf of analytic function germs and coherence of the ideal of an analytic set, 118, 283, 386, 393, 409 Coherent, 385 Coinitial, 360 Comaximal ideals, 145 Compactification of C1, 64 Compactly convergent, 5 Complete Hausdorff quasilocal ring, 2 Complete intersection, 435 Complete Reinhardt set, 18 479
Complete valued field, 3 Completion of a local ring, 143 Complex space, 396 Conductor, 166, 170, 197, 212, 409, 438, 464,465 Connected, 109 Connected component, 109 Connectivity of algebroid hypersurfaces, 113 Constant germ, 231 Constant presheaf, 376 Construction, 125 Continuity of algebroid functions, 95, 97 of dimension, 426 of embedding dimension, 429 of order, 433, 436 of rank, 429 of roots, 91, 95, 97 under integral, 23 Convergent (at, on), 11 Convergent construction, 125 Convergent power series, 7 Convergent sequence, 2 Convex, 18, 37 Convex hull, 37, 42 Countable, 298 Covering, 111 Covering map, 111 Cross-section, 349 Decomposition of a complex analytic set (or space): local, 292, 414; global, 293-299,415416 of an analytic set germ, 238, 402 Degree of a covering, 112 of a power series, 71 of a projection, 242 Depth, 141 Dense, 110 Derivative, 11-17, 312 Differentiation under integral, 24 Dimension of a local ring, 142 of an analytic set, 233, 400 at a point 232, 400 of an analytic set germ, 232, 400 of an intersection, 222 Direct image of a sheaf, 381 Direct limit, 363 Direct sum of local rings, 156 of modules, 143, 361, 367, 371
of rings (and algebras), 144, 145, 153 of total quotient rings, 152, 153, 157 Dirichlet problem, 62 Disconnect, 110 Discriminant, 146 Distinguished, 71 Division formula, 100 Domain, 5 Domain of convergence of a Laurent series, 18, 53 of a power series, 6, 53 Domain of holomorphy, 52, 53, 55 Embedding dimension, 178 Epimorphism, 357 Epimorphism of sheaves, 374 Essential singularity, 334, 421 Exact sequence, 357 of sheaves, 374 Extension of a continuous map, 326 of a homomorphism to the total quotient ring, 152 of a sheaf by putting zero outside a closed set, 383 Fiber, 112 Field polynomial, 223, 228, 262, 266 relative to a projection, 313, 319, 320 Filter, 325 Filtered set, 360 Finite integral extension, 202 Finite module, 385 Finite type, 385 Formal complete intersection, 434 Formal power series, 2 Functor, 357, 358, 360, 363, 375, 377, 380 Fundamental group, 349 of a nonsingular complex space, 424 Generate mod, 178, 179 Generic linear transformation, 75, 192, 193, 201 Germ, 230 Germs of continuous functions, 231 Gluing together analytic K-spaces, 396 Going down theorem, 159 Going up theorem, 159 Grauert-Remmert’s Hilfssatz, 349
Half closed interva1, 109 Half open interval, 109 Harmonic function, 59 Hartogs’ extension theorem, 282, 419 Hartogs’ theorem, 30 Height, 141 Henselian ring, 94, 173 Hensel‘s lemma, 95, 177 Holomorphic convex hull, 44 Holomorphic convexity, 44 Holomorphic function, 8 Holomorphically convex, 44, 48, 53, 55 Homogeneous ideals, 343 Homomorphism of algebras, 144, 366, 370 of inductive systems, 361 of modules, 358, 361, 366, 370 of presheaves, 365 of rings, 1 of sheaves, 370 Hyperplane, 35 Hyperplane convex, 37 Ideal of an analytic set, 400 Ideal theory in a quotient ring, 154 Ideals in a direct sum, 144 Identification of power series rings, 3, 7 Identity element, 1 Identity map, 4 of a presheaf, 265 Identity theorem for analytic functions, 15, 30, 79,299,418 for complex analytic sets, 296, 416 Imbedded prime ideal, 141 Implicit function theorem, 84 Induced homomorphism, 150, 374, 376, 394, 395,442 Induced map, 4 Inductive homomorphism, 361 Inductive limit, 363 Inductive module, 361 Inductive subsystem, 361 Inductive system, 360 Inductive tensor product, 362 Inductively exact sequence, 362 Integral closure, 159 of a direct sum, 167, 169 Integral domain, 1 Integral over, 158 Integrally closed, 159 Intersection multiplicity, 242
Interval, 109 Inverse image of a sheaf, 381 Inversion theorem, 87 Irreducible analytic set germ, 233, 399 Irreducible at, 241, 399 Irreducible component of an analytic set germ, 238, 399 Irreducible complex analytic set, 293 Irreducible complex space, 415 Irreducible component of a complex analytic set, 293 of a complex space, 415 Irreducibility criterion for a complex analytic set or a complex space: local, 293, 414; global, 295, 415 Irredundant decomposition of an ideal, 141 Irredundant union, 237 Isolated component of the zero ideal, 149 Isolated primary component, 141 Isolated singularity, 54 Isolated zero, 15 Isomorphism, 357 of inductive systems, 361 of K-spaces, 395 of presheaves, 365 of sheaves, 374 Jacobian determinant, 16, 17 Jacobian matrix, 16, 17 Jacobian rank, 17, 89, 183, 279, 280, 427 Krull topology, 2 Krull’s theorem, 2, 142, 163, 180 K-space, 394 Laurent expansion in a Reinhardt domain, 51 Laurent series, 17 Leading degree, 3, 14 Leading form, 3 Lefschetz theorem, 349 Linear transformation, 3 Linearly independent mod, 178, 179 Local ring, 2 Locally analytic set, 9, 399 Locally arcwise connected, 110 Locally closed, 4 Locally connected, 110 Locally convex, 37 Locally simply connected, 349
Locally uniformly convergent, 5 Logarithmic convex hull, 22 Logarithmic convexity (of a ball, of a product domain), 21 Logarithmically convex, 20, 44, 53 Lying over theorem, 159 Maximal ideal, 1 Maximum principle, 34, 60, 61, 93, 299, 300, 418, 419 MC-space, 346 Minimal monic polynomial modulo an ideal, 196 Minimal prime ideal of an ideal, 141 Minimum principle, 61 Mittag-Leffler’s theorem, 58 Module, 1, 358, 361, 365, 370 Module of homomorphisms, 358 Monic polynomial, 72 Monomial convex, 44, 53 Monomial convex hull, 44 Monomial convexity, 44 Monomorphism, 357 of sheaves, 374 Multiplicative set, 149 Multiplicity of a root, 14 Nagata’s example, 161 Nagata’s theorem, 203,355 Natural epimorphism of sheaves of analytic function germs, 384 Natural epimorphism of structure sheaves of analytic spaces, 400 Natural extension of a homomorphism to the total quotient ring, 152 Natural homomorphism of a ring into a quotient ring, 149 of inductive systems, 362 of presheaves, 367 of sheaves, 374 of total quotient rings, 153 Natural isomorphism of quotient rings, 151 Natural monomorphism of quotient rings, 152 Neighborhood, 4 Neighborhood basis, 4 Nonconstant, 67, 79, 277 Nondiscrete valued field, 3 Nonnormal locus, 241,404,441,464 Nonsingular analytic space, 404
Nonzerodivisor, 277, 407,408 Norm, 223, 228, 263, 266,269, 308 Norm relative to a projection, 313,317, 318 Normal analytic set germ, 241, 404 Normal at, 241, 404 Normal analytic space, 404 Normal decomposition of an analytic set germ, 238,402 of an ideal, 141 Normal point of an analytic set or analytic space, 241, 328,404, 420,438,441 Normal ring, 159 Normalization, 447, 464 Normalization map, 447, 464 Null ring, 1 Nullstellensatz, 238, 253, 264, 402 Oka coherence, 118, 386 Oka’s lemma, 435 Oka’s treatment of normalization, 470 Open interval, 109 Open map, 5 Open map theorem, 34, 35, 60, 92, 268, 277,300,408,418 Open polycylinder, 5 Order in a local ring, 178 in a regular local ring, 181 of a zero, 14 of analytic functions, 425, 427, 433 of meromorphic functions, 436 Ordered set, 360 Ordinary point, 334,421 Osgoodian, 314, 319 Osgood’s lemma, 314 Ostrowski’s theorem, 65 Overring, 1 Parameters, 142, 189 Parametrization, 246-271, 305-323 Perfect fields, 198-203 Permissible map, 395 Permutability of quotient ring formation with epimorphisms, 151 Polycylinder, 5 Premeromorphic function, 411 Preordered set, 360 Preparation theorem, 72, 74, 104 Presheaf, 364 of premeromorphic functions, 410 Presheaf-algebra, 366
Presheaf-exact sequence, 367 Presheaf-homomorphism, 366 Presheaf-isomorphism, 365 Presheaf-module, 365 Prime ideal, 1 of an ideal, 141 Principal ideal theorem, 163 Projection of analytic sets, 285 Projective algebraic variety, 332 Projective space, 332 Proper ideal, 1 Proper map, 5, 447 Pure dimensional, 240, 404 Purity of branch locus, 355, 424 Pseudocoherent, 385
Resultant, 146 Riemann extension theorem, 33, 34, 108, 420 Riemann integral, 23 Ring, 1 of analytic function germs, 232, 399 of continuous functions, 231 of continuous function germs, 231 of convergent power series, 7 of formal power series, 2 of meromorphic functions, 41 1 of premeromorphic functions, 410 Ruckert Nullstellensatz, 238, 253, 264, 402 Ruckert-Weierstrass parametrization, 246271
Quasilocal Hausdo# ring, 2 Quasilocal ring, 1 Quasisemilocal ring, 1 Quotient ring, 149 of an irreducible analytic set germ, 425
Section of a presheaf, 365 Semicontinuity of order, 427 of order of zero, 15, 80 of rank, 427 Semilocal ring, 2 Serre’s theorem, 222, 386 Sheaf, 369 associated with a presheaf, 372 induced on a subspace, 383 of analytic function germs, 372 of germs of continuous functions, 371 of germs of homomorphisms, 377 of germs of meromorphic functions, 41 1 of relations, 384 Sides of a hyperplane, 35, 36 Simple arc, 109 Simple analytic set germ, 240, 404 Simple at, 240, 404 Simple point of an analytic set or analytic space, 240, 404,408 Simple sheaf, 376 Simple subspace, 430 Simply connected, 349 Singular analytic set germ, 240, 404 Singular at, 240, 404 Singular locus, 240,278-284,404,408,409 Singular point of an analytic set or analytic space, 240, 404 Stalk, 365 Stein manifold, 58 Strictly regular relative to, 194 Structure sheaf, 394, 396 Subalgebra, 144, 370 Submodule, 361, 366, 370
Radical, 1 Rad6’s theorem, 59 Rank in a local ring, 178 Rank of analytic functions, 425, 426, 427, 429 Reducible analytic set germ, 233, 399 Reducible at, 241, 399 Reducible complex analytic set, 293 Reducible complex space, 414 Regular local ring, 179 Regular relative to, 189 Regular topological space, 326 Regularity of quotient rings, 208 Reinhardt set, 18 Relatively complete Reinhardt set, 18 Remmert-Stein’s treatment of analytic sets, 285 Remmert-Stein-Thullen’s theorem, 333, 421 Residue calculus, 26 Restriction epimorphism of sheaves of analytic function germs,384 of structure sheaves of analytic spaces, 400
Restriction map, 232, 233, 400 belonging to a presheaf, 365 Restriction of a map, 4 of a presheaf to an open set, 368
Subpresheaf, 365 Subring, 1 Subsheaf, 370 Substitution in a convergent power series, 6, 7, 8 in a fonnal power series, 3 Support, 368,369,391,409,410 Supporting hyperplane, 37 System of parameters, 142, 189 Taylor expansion, 8, 30 Taylor isomorphism, 232 Tensor product, 359,363,366,379 Term by term differentiation, 14, 31 Thin subset, 240, 404 Thullen’s lemma, 28 Topological dimension, 346 Topologically isomorphic valued fields, 15, 65 Total quotient ring, 152 of a direct sum, 152 of a noetherian ring, 157 of a quotient ring, 153 Totally disconnected, 65, 67 Transitivity of quotient ring formation, 151 Translates of ideals, 211-215 Translation operator, 9 Transporter, 359, 379,390
Ultrametric, 65 Underlying homomorphism of an algebra, 144, 358, 370 Uniqueness of Taylor expansion, 14, 67 Unit, 1 Universal covering space, 349 Universal denominator, 466 Unmixed ideal, 142 Valued field, 3 Vicinity, 4 Vicinity basis, 4 Weak domain of holomorphy, 52,55 Weakly Henselian ring, 173 Weierstrass degree, 71 Weierstrass division formula, 100 Weierstrass preparation theorem, 72, 74, 104 Weierstrass’ theorem on zeroes, 58 Weierstrassian family, 203 Weierstrassian ring, 203 (W)-function, 466 Zariski’s theorem, 331, 355,356,430 Zariski’s theory of normalization, 470 Zero of an analytic function, 14 Zore presheaf, 364 Zerodivisor, 154, 277, 407,408