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Liturgies of the Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches
Gorgias Liturgical Studies
This series is intended to provide a venue for studies about liturgies as well as books containing various liturgies. Making liturgical studies available to those who wish to learn more about their own worship and practice or about the traditions of other religious groups, this series includes works on service music, the daily offices, services for special occasions, and the sacraments.
Liturgies of the Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches
Edited by Colin Buchanan
i gorgias press 2010
Gorgias Press LLC, 180 Centennial Ave., Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA www.gorgiaspress.com Copyright © 2010 by Gorgias Press LLC Originally published in All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of Gorgias Press LLC. 2010
ISBN 978-1-60724-352-6
ISSN 1937-3252
Published first in the U.K. by Grove Books, 1985.
Printed in the United States of America
Liturgies of The Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches Edited by Colin Buchanan Member
Bishop of Aston of the Church of England Liturgical
Page 3
Introduction The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church 1. The Rite from the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Prayer Book (originated in 1889) ( S p a n l ) 2.
Experimental 'Rito 1' of the Spanish Episcopal Church (1984) ( S p a n 2 )
Reformed 14
The Lusitanian Church 3.
The Rite from the Lusitanian Prayer Book (1882) ( P o r t l )
Revised Rite of the Lusitanian Church 1 9 6 9 ( P o r t 2 ) . . .
Translation, arrangement, editing, copyright Colin Buchanan 1 9 8 5 PRESENTATION The s t a n d a r d i z e d p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e rites given here roughly c o r r e s p o n d s to t h a t I Anglican have used in my larger c o l l e c t i o n s of A n g l i c a n Eucharistic Liturgies, Modern Liturgies 1958-1968 (Oxford, 1 9 6 8 ) Further Anglican Liturgies 1968-1975 (Grove Books, 1 9 7 5 ) , and Latest Anglican Liturgies 1976-1984 ( S P C K / A l c u i n / G r o v e Books, 1985). This involves c o n s i d e r a b l e e d i t i n g of originals w h i c h , for instance, d o not use b o l d type. The marginal n u m b e r i n g here is editorial. The c o d e titles for each rite are d e s i g n e d t o fit w i t h the A n g l i c a n c o d i n g s used in these major c o l l e c t i o n s . ' I C E T references are as in these volumes. TRANSLATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS S p a n l w a s translated by the editor w i t h heavy d e p e n d e n c e u p o n t h e t r a n s l a t i o n first p r o d u c e d in Dublin in 1 8 8 9 by R. S t e w a r t Clough, and u p o n an i n d e p e n d e n t t r a n s l a t i o n made as a special study by Christine S i m o n s ( n o w deaconess), w h e n she w a s a s t u d e n t at St. J o h n ' s College 1 9 8 3 - 1 9 8 4 . S p a n 2 was translated by J o h n Peters, a s t u d e n t of S t J o h n ' s College, in the year 1 9 8 4 - 1 9 8 5 , and this w a s c h e c k e d and c o n f i r m e d by the Rev. A l f r e d o Cooper, A n g l o - C h i l e a n presbyter in Santiago. P o r t l was t r a n s l a t e d by t h e editor, and c h e c k e d and c o r r e c t e d by Sr. Bento E. M i c h a n g u l a , a M o z a m b i c a n s t u d e n t of the College of the Ascension, Selly Oak, in S e p t e m b e r 1 9 8 5 . P o r t 2 w a s referred to a s e m i - o f f i c i a l translation p u b l i s h e d by t h e Lusitanian Church ( ' P o r t / E n g ' — s e e I n t r o d u c t i o n opposite), but translated i n d e p e n d e n t l y from, the original Portuguese by the editor and Bento M i c h a n g u l a already m e n t i o n e d . The t w o n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y rites have been translated into ' t h o u ' f o r m English, w i t h c o n s t a n t reference t o the 1 6 6 2 Book of C o m m o n Prayer, w h i c h lay b e h i n d m u c h of the original rites. The t w e n t i e t h century rites have been translated into 'you' f o r m English. In neither case does this p r i n c i p l e of English translation necessarily do justice to the c h a n g e s and or lack of t h e m in the original languages, but there is a process of m o d e r n i z a t i o n of language g o i n g on to w h i c h this change in the English has s o m e c o r r e s p o n d e n c e .
Page 3
Introduction The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church 1. The Rite from the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Prayer Book (originated in 1889) ( S p a n l ) 2.
Experimental 'Rito 1' of the Spanish Episcopal Church (1984) ( S p a n 2 )
Reformed 14
The Lusitanian Church 3.
The Rite from the Lusitanian Prayer Book (1882) ( P o r t l )
Revised Rite of the Lusitanian Church 1 9 6 9 ( P o r t 2 ) . . .
Translation, arrangement, editing, copyright Colin Buchanan 1 9 8 5 PRESENTATION The s t a n d a r d i z e d p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e rites given here roughly c o r r e s p o n d s to t h a t I Anglican have used in my larger c o l l e c t i o n s of A n g l i c a n Eucharistic Liturgies, Modern Liturgies 1958-1968 (Oxford, 1 9 6 8 ) Further Anglican Liturgies 1968-1975 (Grove Books, 1 9 7 5 ) , and Latest Anglican Liturgies 1976-1984 ( S P C K / A l c u i n / G r o v e Books, 1985). This involves c o n s i d e r a b l e e d i t i n g of originals w h i c h , for instance, d o not use b o l d type. The marginal n u m b e r i n g here is editorial. The c o d e titles for each rite are d e s i g n e d t o fit w i t h the A n g l i c a n c o d i n g s used in these major c o l l e c t i o n s . ' I C E T references are as in these volumes. TRANSLATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS S p a n l w a s translated by the editor w i t h heavy d e p e n d e n c e u p o n t h e t r a n s l a t i o n first p r o d u c e d in Dublin in 1 8 8 9 by R. S t e w a r t Clough, and u p o n an i n d e p e n d e n t t r a n s l a t i o n made as a special study by Christine S i m o n s ( n o w deaconess), w h e n she w a s a s t u d e n t at St. J o h n ' s College 1 9 8 3 - 1 9 8 4 . S p a n 2 was translated by J o h n Peters, a s t u d e n t of S t J o h n ' s College, in the year 1 9 8 4 - 1 9 8 5 , and this w a s c h e c k e d and c o n f i r m e d by the Rev. A l f r e d o Cooper, A n g l o - C h i l e a n presbyter in Santiago. P o r t l was t r a n s l a t e d by t h e editor, and c h e c k e d and c o r r e c t e d by Sr. Bento E. M i c h a n g u l a , a M o z a m b i c a n s t u d e n t of the College of the Ascension, Selly Oak, in S e p t e m b e r 1 9 8 5 . P o r t 2 w a s referred to a s e m i - o f f i c i a l translation p u b l i s h e d by t h e Lusitanian Church ( ' P o r t / E n g ' — s e e I n t r o d u c t i o n opposite), but translated i n d e p e n d e n t l y from, the original Portuguese by the editor and Bento M i c h a n g u l a already m e n t i o n e d . The t w o n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y rites have been translated into ' t h o u ' f o r m English, w i t h c o n s t a n t reference t o the 1 6 6 2 Book of C o m m o n Prayer, w h i c h lay b e h i n d m u c h of the original rites. The t w e n t i e t h century rites have been translated into 'you' f o r m English. In neither case does this p r i n c i p l e of English translation necessarily do justice to the c h a n g e s and or lack of t h e m in the original languages, but there is a process of m o d e r n i z a t i o n of language g o i n g on to w h i c h this change in the English has s o m e c o r r e s p o n d e n c e .
Page 3
Introduction The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church 1. The Rite from the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Prayer Book (originated in 1889) ( S p a n l ) 2.
Experimental 'Rito 1' of the Spanish Episcopal Church (1984) ( S p a n 2 )
Reformed 14
The Lusitanian Church 3.
The Rite from the Lusitanian Prayer Book (1882) ( P o r t l )
Revised Rite of the Lusitanian Church 1 9 6 9 ( P o r t 2 ) . . .
Translation, arrangement, editing, copyright Colin Buchanan 1 9 8 5 PRESENTATION The s t a n d a r d i z e d p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e rites given here roughly c o r r e s p o n d s to t h a t I Anglican have used in my larger c o l l e c t i o n s of A n g l i c a n Eucharistic Liturgies, Modern Liturgies 1958-1968 (Oxford, 1 9 6 8 ) Further Anglican Liturgies 1968-1975 (Grove Books, 1 9 7 5 ) , and Latest Anglican Liturgies 1976-1984 ( S P C K / A l c u i n / G r o v e Books, 1985). This involves c o n s i d e r a b l e e d i t i n g of originals w h i c h , for instance, d o not use b o l d type. The marginal n u m b e r i n g here is editorial. The c o d e titles for each rite are d e s i g n e d t o fit w i t h the A n g l i c a n c o d i n g s used in these major c o l l e c t i o n s . ' I C E T references are as in these volumes. TRANSLATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS S p a n l w a s translated by the editor w i t h heavy d e p e n d e n c e u p o n t h e t r a n s l a t i o n first p r o d u c e d in Dublin in 1 8 8 9 by R. S t e w a r t Clough, and u p o n an i n d e p e n d e n t t r a n s l a t i o n made as a special study by Christine S i m o n s ( n o w deaconess), w h e n she w a s a s t u d e n t at St. J o h n ' s College 1 9 8 3 - 1 9 8 4 . S p a n 2 was translated by J o h n Peters, a s t u d e n t of S t J o h n ' s College, in the year 1 9 8 4 - 1 9 8 5 , and this w a s c h e c k e d and c o n f i r m e d by the Rev. A l f r e d o Cooper, A n g l o - C h i l e a n presbyter in Santiago. P o r t l was t r a n s l a t e d by t h e editor, and c h e c k e d and c o r r e c t e d by Sr. Bento E. M i c h a n g u l a , a M o z a m b i c a n s t u d e n t of the College of the Ascension, Selly Oak, in S e p t e m b e r 1 9 8 5 . P o r t 2 w a s referred to a s e m i - o f f i c i a l translation p u b l i s h e d by t h e Lusitanian Church ( ' P o r t / E n g ' — s e e I n t r o d u c t i o n opposite), but translated i n d e p e n d e n t l y from, the original Portuguese by the editor and Bento M i c h a n g u l a already m e n t i o n e d . The t w o n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y rites have been translated into ' t h o u ' f o r m English, w i t h c o n s t a n t reference t o the 1 6 6 2 Book of C o m m o n Prayer, w h i c h lay b e h i n d m u c h of the original rites. The t w e n t i e t h century rites have been translated into 'you' f o r m English. In neither case does this p r i n c i p l e of English translation necessarily do justice to the c h a n g e s and or lack of t h e m in the original languages, but there is a process of m o d e r n i z a t i o n of language g o i n g on to w h i c h this change in the English has s o m e c o r r e s p o n d e n c e .
INTRODUCTION The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church and the Lusitanian Church, which is the equivalent Church in Portugal, both came into existence in 1880, being born of individuals who left the Church of Rome for reasons of biblical conscience, but desired episcopacy and an ordered vernacular liturgy for which Anglicanism provided the original precedent, the episcopal consecrations, and much of the liturgical text. They became extra-provincial dioceses of the Anglican Communion on 5 July 1980 (Portugal) and 2 November 1980 (Spain). 1 Each Church has a liturgy dating from its origins, and also has a modern one in booklet form. There was no room to include these texts in my collections of Anglican eucharistic liturgies, so I publish them now separately. 2 Space forbids more than brief notes on the rites. (a) The S p a n i s h R e f o r m e d Episcopal C h u r c h The Church published its first liturgy in 1883, and put it into definitive form in 1 889. An English translation published in Dublin followed after each drafting. The translator indicated sources in the margin. 3 In the early editions the Shorter Form was published separately, but in the 1 975 printing of the book it is shown by marginal lines and rubrics, and this text is presented here as ' S p a n l ' . Since around 1970 various alternative and experimental texts have been compiled by the Liturgical Commission, sometimes in dependence upon Spanish-language editions of American rites, sometimes independently. 4 In 1984 the Synod authorized two rites for official use: 'Rito I', published here as ' S p a n 2 ' , and 'Rito II' which, with hardly a word changed, is the Spanish- language edition of Rite Two from the 1 979 American Book of Common Prayer. (b) The L u s i t a n i a n C h u r c h Congregations using Anglican forms in translation inaugurated this Church. In 1 882 it issued its definitive liturgical book, and the eucharist from that is published here as' P o r t l ' . In 1 969 it issued in booklet form its modern rite, published here as' Port2'. This is available in a popular form, with Spanish, English, and French translation in parallel columns, here called ' P o r t / E n g ' . It omits rubrics, and has other variants. (c) General c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s The four rites have strong and easily discernible Anglican connections, but they also have, in their own different ways, four unique routes through the eucharist The two older rites have far more propers than Anglican rites of the period. Identifying sources cannot be undertaken here, but the raw materials for a fascinating enquiry are now to hand. 1
The Lusitanian Church claims 5 0 0 0 adherents; the Spanish Reformed Episcopal C h u r c h w o u l d have barely 1 0 0 0 . See my Further Anglican Liturgies 1968-1975 p.v a n d Latest Anglican Liturgies p.ix f o o t n o t e 2. 1976-1984, See a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s o p p o s i t e . T h e s o u r c e s c i t e d i n c l u d e d M o z a r a b i c , ' D e a n Hale ( a f t e r M o z a r a b i c ) ' , Cabrera ( t h e f o u n d e r of t h e C h u r c h a n d c o m p i l e r of t h e liturgy), the Irish Prayer B o o k of 1 8 7 8 , and b o t h 1 6 6 2 a n d A m e r i c a n uses. One i n s t a n c e is t h e ' S a l a m a n c a ' rite d a t e d 1 9 7 2 , d r a w n f r o m t h e P r o v i n c e IX S p a n i s h text of t h e rites in t h e ' G r e e n Book'. 3
1. T H E RITE FROM T H E S P A N I S H REFORMED EPISCOPAL C H U R C H PRAYER BOOK (originated in 1 8 8 9 ) ( S p a n l )
THE ORDER FOR THE HOLY 1. For the Shorter said.
Office only the parts marked
by the line in the margin
2. When there is to be an administration of the HOLY SUPPER, the Minister announce it during the Services of the preceding Sunday.
3. If among those who are to communicate, the Minister shall know any to be an open and notorious evil liver, or to have done any wrong to his neighbours by word or deed, so that the Congregation be thereby offended, he shall advertise him, that he presume not to come to the Lord's Table until he have openly declared himself to have truly repented, and amended his former evil life. 4. The same order shall the Minister use with those betwixt whom he perceiveth malice and hatred to reign, not suffering them to communicate until he know them to be reconciled. And if one of the parties so at variance be content from the bottom of his heart to forgive all that the other hath trespassed against him, and to make amends for that wherein he himself hath offended, and the other party will not be persuaded to a godly unity, but still remain in his frowardness and malice, then the Minister ought to admit to the communion that person who hath repented, but not him that is obstinate. 5. The TABLE at the Communion
is to be covered
6. All standing, the Minister in his customary place shall say: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost R: Amen V: I will arise, and go to my Father, and will say unto him: I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.— Let us pray. 7. The Congregation kneeling and the Minister say: Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
Our Father, w h i c h art in heaven: H a l l o w e d be t h y n a m a Thy kingdom c o m a Thy w i l l be d o n a in e a r t l \ as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. A n d forgive us our debts, as w e forgive our debtors. A n d lead us not into temptation. But deliver us f r o m eviL Amen. 4
SPAIN (Spani)
V: R: V: R: V:
Cleanse us f r o m our secret sins, 0 Lord. A n d free thy s e r v a n t s f r o m all pride. 0 Lord, hear our prayer. A n d let our c r y c o m e u n t o the& O God, w h o maKest those w h o are u n w o r t h y worthy, w h o makest sinners righteous, and w h o makest the i m p u r e clean! Purify our hearts and our bodies f r o m every t h o u g h t and every stain of sin, that w e may serve t h e e in an acceptable manner: t h r o u g h our s p o t l e s s great high Priest Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, w h o w i t h t h e e liveth a n d reigneth in the unity of t h e Holy G h o s t o n e God, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. Amen.
8. V: R:
0 Lord, o p e n t h o u our lips. A n d our m o u t h s s h a l l s h e w f o r t h thy
9. (The
10. All standing, the season,
on page
. . .)
the Minister shall read the INTROIT as follows:
[ T h e Introits for eight major seasons of the Church Year follow]]
11 .After And
the INTROIT, the M i n i s t e r shall say: Let us praise the Lord. all shall sing or say: Glory be to G o d o n H i g h . . . [ a s in 1662]] . . . G o d t h e Father. A m e n .
1 2. Then the Minister shall say: The Lord be w i t h y o u always. R: A n d w i t h thy spirit. \2>.(The
14. V:
The reading of the Prophecy, in the B o o k . . . , c h a p t e r . . . , verse . . . T h a n k s be to God.
on page
. . .)
With the Congregation sitting, the Minister standing shall the Prophecy of the day and shall conclude by saying: Here e n d e t h the reading f r o m the Prophecy Amen. R: 1 5. All standing, Minister and 16. PSALM
there shall be sung (or read alternately the Congregation) part of Te Deum.
106 (v. 1-5)
[ P s a l m 106.1-5, w i t h a doxology added as verse 6, are printed out]]
17. The Deacon shall say: Brethren, keep silence. The reading of t h e Epistle of . . . chapter . . . verse . . . R: T h a n k s be to God. 5
With the Congregation sitting the Deacon standing shall read the EPISTLE of the day; and shall conclude by saying: Here endeth the reading of the Epistle. Amen. 1 8. Then, all standing, the Minister shall say: The Lord be with you always. R: And w i t h thy spirit. V: The reading of the holy Gospel according to . . . chapter. . . verse . . . R: Glory be to thee^ O Lord. And the Minister shall read the GOSPEL of the day; and shall conclude by saying: Here endeth the reading of the holy Gospel. R: Amen. 19./T/je Shorter Office continues
on page . . .)
20. V: Praise ye the Lord. The Lord's name be praised. R: Then shall be said or sung as follows the LAUDS corresponding the season or day: [ S e v e n t e e n seasonal p r o v i s i o n s
If the LAUD was only read, a HYMN may be sung. 21. If there is to be an ADDRESS or SERMON it shall follow
22. Then the Presbyter shall go to the LORD'S TABLE, and if there is to be an OFFERTORY, he shall there say: Let us present our offerings to the Lord with reverence and with holy fear. The Churchwardens, or other duly appointed persons, shall receive the OFFERTORY from the faithful, while the Presbyter reads some of the following SENTENCES: [Seventeen
Offertory s e n t e n c e s
23. While the Wardens take the OFFERTORY to the Presbyter, the following may be sung or said: All t h a t in heaven and on earth is thine, O Lord: all is thine; and w h a t w e have received at thine hand w e give to t h e a Glory and honour t o the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. Amen, 24. The Presbyter shall receive the OFFERTORY and place it upon the LORD'S TABLE. Then he shall place on it the PATEN with the BREAD and the CHALICE with the WINE, in sufficient quantity. If there should be a great number of Communicants, he may place more than one CHALICE or a JUG for the WINE. 6
SPAIN (Spani) 2 5 . All
still standing, the Presbyter shall say: A l m i g h t y a n d eternal God! W e h u m b l y b e s e e c h t h e e [ g r a c i o u s l y to a c c e p t our o f f e r i n g s w h i c h w e p r e s e n t u n t o t h y d i v i n e Majesty; and also] t o assist us w i t h t h y grace, as w e n o w separate a n d d e d i c a t e t o t h y service t h e s e t h y g i f t s of Bread and W i n e for t h e c o m m e m o r a t i o n of t h e d e a t h a n d o b l a t i o n of our R e d e e m e r J e s u s C h r i s t Amen.
2 6 . The Deacon CREDENCE 2 7 . (The
shall place side-tables. Office
, , .)
2 8 . The Presbyter shall continue: Let us r e m e m b e r the holy Catholic C h u r c h in our prayers, t h a t the Lord may v o u c h s a f e t o s t r e n g t h e n her in faith, h o p e and charity. G r a n t u s this, e t e r n a l a n d a l m i g h t y God.
The Congregation 0 heavenly supplications, be m a d e for
kneeling, the Presbyter, standing, shall say: Father, as w e r e m e m b e r t h y p r e c e p t t h a t prayers, p e t i t i o n s , and t h a n k s g i v i n g s , s h o u l d all men;
W e h u m b l y b e s e e c h t h e e t o bless t h e h o l y C h u r c h universal, and t o d e f e n d her in all dangers, p r o t e c t her in adversities, a n d m a k e her w a t c h f u l in prosperity. Grant t h a t all w h o c o n f e s s t h y holy n a m e may live in pure and sincere love w i t h t h e brethren, a n d keep t h e unity of t h e Spirit in t h e b o n d of peace. Grant t h a t all Christian g o v e r n o r s and m a g i s t r a t e s may truly and i m p a r t i a l l y a d m i n i s t e r justice, for t h e p u n i s h m e n t of evildoers, and for t h e praise of t h o s e w h o d o w h a t is right. Give grace t o all B i s h o p s and o t h e r M i n i s t e r s , t h a t t h e y m a y f a i t h f u l l y p r o c l a i m t h y w o r d , s h o w f o r t h in t h e practice of t h e i r lives t h a t w h i c h t h e y t e a c h w i t h t h e i r lips, a n d r i g h t l y and duly a d m i n i s t e r t h y holy sacraments. Grant t h a t all t h y people, and especially t h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n here present, may s i n c e r e l y receive thy holy W o r d , a n d serve thee in h o l i n e s s and r i g h t e o u s n e s s all t h e days of t h e i r life. L i k e w i s e w e b e s e e c h t h e e of t h y g o o d n e s s , 0 Lord, t o c o m f o r t and sucour all t h o s e w h o are in need, trouble, sickness, or any o t h e r adversity. Grant this, 0 Father, for t h e love of t h i n e o n l y b e g o t t e n Son, J e s u s Christ our Lord
Amen. A n d w e bless t h y holy name, 0 our God, for t h e Patriarchs and Prophets, w h o f o r e t o l d t h e c o m i n g of t h y Son; for t h e A p o s t l e s , w h o gave t e s t i m o n y of his w o n d e r s ; for t h e 7
LITURGIES OFTHE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES Martyrs, w h o d i e d for t h e truth; and for all others thy servants w h o have d e p a r t e d this life in thy faith a n d fear; b e s e e c h i n g t h e e to give us grace so to f o l l o w t h e i r g o o d examples, that t h o u mayest make us, w i t h t h e m , partakers of thy heavenly k i n g d o m . R:
R: 29.
3 0 . All,
Amen. For t h o u art the life of the living, t h e health of t h e sick, a n d the repose of all the faithful departed, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. Amen. Dearly beloved brethren: w e w h o m i n d to c o m e to the holy c o m m u n i o n of the Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ s h o u l d confess our faults, if w e do not desire to be c o n d e m n e d by t h e j u d g m e n t of God; w e s h o u l d h u m b l e ourselves before men, if w e desire to be g l o r i f i e d in the presence of the angels; w e s h o u l d w e e p in the w o r l d , if w e desire to reign w i t h Christ. Trusting, then, in the mercy of God, let us h u m b l y make our confession: devoutly kneeling: A l m i g h t y God, F a t h e r of o u r Lord J e s u s C h r i s t ! W e c o n f e s s t h a t w e h a v e s i n n e d g r i e v o u s l y a g a i n s t thee^ in t h o u g h t , w o r d , d e e d a n d o m i s s i o n . W e e a r n e s t l y repent of t h e s e our misdoings, t h e burden of w h i c h g r e a t l y o v e r w h e l m s us, a n d t h e m e m o r y o f w h i c h a f f l i c t s o u r h e a r t s . H i d e t h y f a c e f r o m o u r sins, O Lord, a n d b l o t o u t all o u r i n i q u i t i e s . H a v e m e r c y u p o n us, w e b e s e e c h t h e e ; h a v e m e r c y u p o n us f o r t h e l o v e o f t h y w e l l - b e l o v e d Son, w h o d i e d u p o n t h e c r o s s f o r o u r s a l v a t i o n , a n d p a r d o n a l l o u r m i s d e e d s , c l e a n s e us f r o m e v e r y s t a i n of i n i q u i t y , a n d f i l l us w i t h t h y s p i r i t u a l g i f t s ; t h a t f r o m h e n c e f o r t h w e m a y w a l k in n e w n e s s o f l i f e t h r o u g h J e s u s C h r i s t o u r Lord. A m e n .
3 0 . The Presbyter (or the Bishop, if he be present) rising, shall say: God our heavenly Father, w h o of his great love to m a n k i n d hath p r o m i s e d f o r g i v e n e s s to all t h o s e w h o w i t h hearty repentance and true faith turn unto him, have mercy u p o n you, pardon all your sins, s t r e n g t h e n you in all goodness, and bring you to everlasting life; t h r o u g h Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer. Amen. R: A l m i g h t y G o d h a v e m e r c y u p o n t h e e also, p a r d o n a l l t h y sins, a n d b r i n g t h e e t o e v e r l a s t i n g life; t h r o u g h J e s u s C h r i s t o u r Lord. A m e n . V: The Lord be w i t h you always. R: And w i t h thy spirit 3 2 . The Presbyter shall read the COLLECT of the day. R: Amen. V: T h r o u g h thy mercy, 0 our God, w h o art blessed and dost live and govern all things, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. R: Amen. 8
SPAIN ( S p a n i )
33. (The Shorter 34. V:
R: V: R: 35. V: All
on page . . .)
0 God, w h o art the author of peace! Pour thy peace, we beseech thee, into our hearts and our minds; guard and protect us in all dangers; and grant that we, continuing always in thy protection, may serve thee w i t h o u t fear all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The grace of God the almighty Father, the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be w i t h us all evermore. And with all those of good will. The Lord is our true peace and unbroken charity. Brethren, be at peace one w i t h another. standing, the Congregation shall sing or say: Peace I leave w i t h you, m y p e a c e I g i v e u n t o you; not as t h e w o r l d g i v e t h g i v e I u n t o you. A n e w c o m m a n d m e n t I give u n t o you; t h a t ye love one another, as I h a v e loved you. Glory and honour t o t h e Father, a n d t o t h e Son, and t o t h e Holy Ghost, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. A m e n .
36. Then the Presbyter shall say: Incline your ears unto the Lord. Speak, Lord, for t h y servants hear. R: V: Thus saith the Lord: Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. So God loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 37. R: V: R: V:
Lift up your hearts. W e lift t h e m up u n t o t h e Lord. Let us give thanks and praises unto our Lord God. It is m e e t and right so to do. It is very meet and right that we should at all times praise thee, holy Lord, everlasting Father, almighty God.
38. And he shall followeth: [Twelve
39. And
of the season,
Proper Prefaces follow]]
he shall continue by saying: Therefore with angels and archangels, and with the innumerable company of heaven, we magnify thy glorious name, evermore praising thee and saying: together shall sing or say: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, God of Hosts! H e a v e n and e a r t h are full of t h e glory of t h y majesty. H o s a n n a t o t h e Son of David; hosanna in t h e highest!— A m e n . 9
LITURGIES OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES 40. The Congregation kneeling, the Presbyter TABLE and facing the faithful, shall say:
Truly holy and blessed art thou, 0 G o d the Father almighty, for that thou didst s e n d thine only-begotten Son, to take our nature upon himself, and to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption; w h o m a d e there (by his o n e oblation of himself o n c e offered) a full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction for the sins of the w h o l e world. Christ the Lord and eternal R e d e e m e r in the s a m e night (1) He shaii take the Bread that he w a s betrayed, took bread in,o his hand. (-| ^ a n c | giving thanks, he b l e s s e d
/2j He shaiibreak the Bread it and brake it (2), a n d g a v e it to in the sightotthe faithful. his disciples, saying; Take, eat; (3) He shaii lay his hand this (3) is my B o d y w h i c h is given upon the broken Bread. f o r y 0 u ; ¿ q t h i s ¡ n r e m e m b r a n c e of me.
Ft: Amen.
" ¿ n d . " " Cu" /s) He shaii lay his hand r w X t t t i u ' l 141
L i k e w i s e after supper he took the Cup (4), saying: This (5) Cup is the N e w T e s t a m e n t in my Blood, w h i c h is s h e d for you and for many, for the remission of sins; do this, as oft as y e shall drink it, in r e m e m b r a n c e of me.
A s often as y e eat this B r e a d and drink this Cup, y e proclaim the death of the Lord until he c o m e from h e a v e n in giory.
Therefore, most holy Father, w e thine unworthy servants do hereby c o m m e m o r a t e and proclaim the death of thine only begotten Son, in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h his c o m m a n d , until he shall c o m e again in glory and majesty; having in r e m e m b r a n c e his glorious passion and resurrection a n d a s c e n s i o n into heaven; and rendering unto t h e e most hearty thanks for the innumerable benefits conferred upon us by them. A n d w e humbly b e s e e c h thee, 0 merciful Father, that of thy great g o o d n e s s thou w o u l d s t v o u c h s a f e to bless a n d sanctify for our use, w i t h thy w o r d and Holy Spirit, t h e s e thy gifts and creatures of bread and wine; that we, receiving t h e m according to thy S o n our S a v i o u r J e s u s Christ's holy institution, in r e m e m b r a n c e of his passion and death, m a y be partakers of his most b l e s s e d B o d y a n d Blood. A n d w e earnestly desire thy fatherly g o o d n e s s mercifully to a c c e p t this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, humbly b e s e e c h i n g t h e e to grant t h a t by the merits a n d d e a t h of thy S o n J e s u s Christ and through our faith in his Blood, w e and all thy w h o l e Church may obtain remission of our sins, and all other benefits of his passion. 10
SPAIN ( S p a n i )
A n d here w e offer and present unto thee, 0 Lord, ourselves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice unto thee; h u m b l y b e s e e c h i n g thee t h a t all w e w h o are partakers of t h i s holy c o m m u n i o n , may be f i l l e d w i t h thy grace and heavenly b e n e d i c t i o n . A n d a l t h o u g h w e be u n w o r t h y t h r o u g h our m a n i f o l d sins t o offer unto t h e e any sacrifice, yet w e beseech thee to accept this our b o u n d e n duty and service, not w e i g h i n g our merits but p a r d o n i n g our offences, t h r o u g h Jesus Christ our Lord; by w h o m and w i t h w h o m , in the unity of t h e Holy G h o s t all honour and glory be unto thee, 0 Father almighty, for ever and ever. Amen.
R: 4 1 . V: R: V:
The Lord be w i t h you always. A n d w i t h t h y spirit. Let us confess w i t h our m o u t h the faith w h i c h w e believe in our heart. together, rising, shall say the CONSTANTINOPOLITAN CREED W e believe in o n e G o d . . .[[as in 1 6 6 2 , except for 'we']] . . . w o r l d to c o m e . A m e n .
4 2 . Then
the Presbyter shall say: Brethren; having made t h e profession of our faith, n o w f o l l o w i n g the c o m m a n d m e n t and t e a c h i n g of our divine Master, w h o hath the w o r d s of eternal life, let us pray to the Lord w i t h humility of heart, and w i t h all the w a r m t h of our b e i n g address him: (Here the Congregation shall kneel.) Our Father, w h i c h art in heaven: H a l l o w e d be t h y name. R: Amen. V: Thy k i n g d o m come. R: Amen. V: Thy w i l l be done, in earth as it is in heaven. R: Amen. V: Give us this day our daily bread. R: For t h o u art God. V: A n d forgive us our debts, as w e forgive our debtors. R: Amen. V: A n d lead us not into t e m p t a t i o n . R: But deliver us f r o m evil. V: Delivered f r o m all evil and evermore s t r e n g t h e n e d in t h a t w h i c h is good, grant t h a t w e may serve thee, 0 our God and Lord. Put an end to our sins; give joy to t h e m that mourn; send deliverance to the captives; b e s t o w health on the sick. Grant peace and security all our days; break the audacity of our enemies; hear, 0 God, the s u p p l i c a t i o n s of all thy faithful Christian servants n o w and at all times. For the sake of t h y S o n J e s u s Christ our Lord, w h o liveth and reigneth w i t h thee in t h e unity of t h e Holy Ghost, one G o d forever, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. R: Amen. 11
43. The Deacon shall say: Brethren, humble yourselves for the blessing. The Presbyter: The Lord be with you always. And w i t h thy spirit R: And he shall say the BLESSING according to the season, or proper to the day, as followeth: [ T h e r e f o l l o w seventeen proper blessings]]
44. After
the BLESSING, all standing shall sing or say: 0 taste and see h o w gracious t h e Lord is. Alleluia. 1 w i l l bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in m y mouth. Alleluia. The Lord redeemeth t h e soul of his servants; and none of t h e m t h a t trust in him shall be desolate. A l l e l u i a Glory and honour t o t h e Father, and to the Son, and t o the Holy Ghost, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. Amen.
45. Then shall the Presbyter reverently receive the Holy Communion in both kinds, afterwards delivering it in like manner to the Bishops, Presbyters and Deacons (if any be present), and after that to the remaining faithful in order, placing the BREAD and the CUP into the hands of the Communicants. When he delivereth the BREAD to each one, he shall say: The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving. And the Minister who delivereth the CUP shall say: The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's Blood was shed for thee, and be thankful. 46. If the BREAD or the WINE which hath been blessed be spent before all have communicated, the Presbyter is to bless more according to the form before prescribed, beginning at Christ the Lord and eternal Redeemer, in the same night that he was betrayed, etc., and ending at partakers of his most blessed Body and Blood. 47. When all have communicated, the Presbyter shall place upon the Lord's TABLE what remaineth of the elements which have been blessed, covering them with a fair white linen doth. 48. Then shall the Presbyter say: The Lord hath given us the bread of heaven. R: He hath fed his people w i t h t h e food of angela V: In God is our salvation and our glory. R: W e w i l l seek his f a c e always; w e w i l l pour out our hearts before him. All kneeling shall say: O Lord our G o d Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Grant t h a t w e w h o have received this holy Communion, m a y 12
SPAIN (Spani) a l w a y s s e e k t h e e a n d l o v e thee^ a n d m a y n e v e r d e p a r t f r o m thee; a n d g r a n t u s t h i n e a i d t h a t w e m a y d o all t h o s e t h i n g s t h a t are w e l l p l e a s i n g in t h y sight; f o r t h o u a r t G o d , a n d t h e r e i s n o n e o t h e r b e s i d e thee^ w o r l d w i t h o u t end. A m e n .
remaineth kneeling, 4 9 . The Presbyter, rising, while the Congregation shall say: The Lord be w i t h you always. R: A n d with thy spirit V: W e give t h e e thanks, 0 a l m i g h t y God, f o r t h a t t h o u dost vouchsafe to f e e d us, w h o have duly received these holy mysteries, w i t h the spiritual f o o d of the m o s t precious Body and B l o o d of thy Son, our Saviour J e s u s Christ, assuring us t h e r e b y of t h y favour and g o o d n e s s t o w a r d s us. Grant, 0 Lord, t h a t we, w h o have partaken of t h e one Bread, may keep in r e m e m b r a n c e that w e are m e m b e r s of t h e mystical body of our Saviour C h r i s t w h i c h is t h e b l e s s e d c o m p a n y of all faithful people; and so assist us w i t h thy grace, t h a t w e may c o n t i n u e in t h a t holy f e l l o w s h i p and do all s u c h w o r k s as are w o r t h y of t h e v o c a t i o n in w h i c h w e have been called. R: Amen. V: T h r o u g h t h y mercy, 0 our God, w h o art blessed and livest and g o v e r n e s t all things, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. R: Amen. 5 0 . A HYMN 51. Then
the Deacon shall say: Brethren, this celebration in the name of our Lord J e s u s Christ hath ended. M a y our p e t i t i o n s and praises be a c c e p t e d in peace. T h a n k s be to God. A m e n .
52. Then the Presbyter (or the Bishop, if he be present) shall dismiss the Congregation, saying: The peace w h i c h Jesus left to his disciples, w h e n he a s c e n d e d into heaven, be ever w i t h you in all its fulness. A n d the blessing of God the Father almighty, and of t h e Son, and of the Holy Ghost, rest u p o n you, and abide a m o n g you eternally. Amen. 53. When any of the blessed elements remain, it shall not be reserved nor carried out of the church; but the Presbyter, and such of the communicants as he shall call, shall reverently eat and drink the same after the final blessing. 54. When there is to be an administration of the HOLY COMMUNION after some other SERVICE, or when in the judgment of the minister it would be desirable to use a shorter Form, the SHORTER OFFICE may be used, which is composed solely of those parts of the Greater Office indicated by the line in the margin. 13
E X P E R I M E N T A L ' R I T O I' OF T H E S P A N I S H EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1 9 8 4 (Span2) THE LORD'S S U P P E R — R I T E
1. All
A psalm,
or hymn
2. M:
In t h e name of the Father, and of t h e Son, and of the Holy Spirit. R: Amen. 3. I w i l l return to my Father, and say to him: I have s i n n e d against you and against my n e i g h b o u r I am n o t w o r t h y t o be called your son. Lord, forgive us our sins. A n d deliver us f r o m pride. Lord, you justify sinners, so purify us t h a t w e may serve you worthily; t h r o u g h the m e d i a t i o n of our spotless High Priest, Jesus Christ, your Son and our Saviour, w h o w i t h you and the Holy Spirit is one God, for ever. Amen.
4. This may be sung or said: Lord, have mercy on us C h r i s t h a v e m e r c y o n us. Lord, have mercy o n us. 5. This may be sung or said: Lord, o p e n our lips. A n d our m o u t h shall proclaim your
6. The hymn 'Gloria' may be sung or said. This hymn is neither sung nor said in Advent or Lent All: G l o r y t o G o d . . . ftlCET 4fl . . . t h e F a t h e r . A m e n . 7. THE 'COLLECT PRAYER Let us pray. All pray in silence. After this the president Day to which the assembly responds: Amen.
says the Collect
8. THE READINGS AH sit The reader, standing, says: The Lord be w i t h you always. A n d w i t h your spirit A reading from the Old Testament, book . . . , verse(s) . . When the reading is ended, the reader says: Here ends t h e reading of t h e Old Testament. W e g i v e t h a n k s t o you, O Lord. 14
of the
SPAIN (Span2) 9. A psalm
be sung
or said,
10. A reading f r o m the Epistle (or Book) of . . . , c h a p t e r . . . , verse(s)
The assembly listens seated. When the reading is ended, the reader says: Here ends t h e reading of t h e Epistle (or the Book . . .) W e g i v e t h a n k s t o y o u O Lord. 11. The 'Alleluia' or another canticle appropriate to the season be sung or said (see pages . . . [[i.e. nos. 37]])
1 2. All stand: The Lord is here. H i s S p i r i t i s w i t h us. The reader prays: Bless me, Lord, that I may w o r t h i l y p r o c l a i m your Gospel. Then he says: Let us hear t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of our salvation, taken f r o m t h e Holy Gospel a c c o r d i n g to St. . . . , chapter . . . , verse(s) . . . When the reading is ended, he says: Here ends the reading of the Gospel of our salvation, W e p r a i s e you. O Lord. A moment of silence is kept
14. When the address is ended, there follows: Brothers, let us confess our faith. All stand, and sing or say the CREED. W e b e l i e v e i n o n e G o d . . . [ I C E T 3]] . . . Amen.
world to
15. The deacon says: Having heard t h e w o r d of God, and having c o n f e s s e d our faith, let us pray in t h e Spirit. THE PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL W e pray for the Christian Church, that t h e Lord may make it increase in faith, hope, and love. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For t h e Spanish church. For our bishop, for t h e presbyters and deacons; f o r t h i s assembly and for t h o s e w h o preside here, that they may give t e s t i m o n y of their Lord and be examples of peace. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For t h e peace of the w o r l d , for justice and liberty. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For t h o s e w h o govern t h e nations, and especially for t h o s e w h o govern t h i s country. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For our brothers w h o are oppressed, that their s o r r o w may be t u r n e d into joy w h i c h n o - o n e can take away f r o m them. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . 15
For. . . (particular concerns of the Congregation, of the Church or of the national or worldwide society). Christ, have mercy. Father, we bless you for the Patriarchs arid Prophets w h o announced the coming of your Son; for the Apostles who testified of the Messiah Jesus; for the Martyrs w h o suffered for the Gospel and for all w h o sleep in the hope of the resurrection. Amen. Lord, you are the life of the living, the health of the infirm, and the rest of the faithful departed, for the endless ages. Amen.
16. If it has not been done before this, there follows the RECONCILIATION. Let us confess our sins against God and against our neighbour. All kneeling say: M e r c i f u l Father, w e confess that w e have sinned against you in t h o u g h t , w o r d , a n d deed; by w h a t w e have done and by w h a t w e have failed t o d a w e have not loved y o u w i t h all o u r h e a r t w e h a v e n o t l o v e d o t h e r s as o u r s e l v e s . W e implore your pity, f o r g i v e w h a t w e h a v e been, c o r r e c t w h a t w e are, d i r e c t w h a t w e s h a l l be; t h a t w e m a y d e l i g h t in y o u r w i l l and w a l k in y o u r w a y s , f o r t h e g l o r y of y o u r N a m e T h r o u g h Jesus Christ; our Saviour. Amen. 1 7. Then the president or the bishop if he is in the seating, rises and says: Almighty God have mercy upon you and forgive you your sins through the mediation of Jesus Christ; sanctify you and give you eternal life by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
1 8. The assembly responds: G o d h a v e m e r c y o n y o u also, f o r g i v e y o u y o u r sins t h r o u g h J e s u s C h r i s t and give you eternal life by the power of the Holy Spirit Amen.
19. All stand. THE PEACE Brothers: the Lord is our true peace and eternal charity. Live in peace with each other and with all. 16
SPAIN (Span2)
20. All sing, or say: THE SONG OF PEACE. Peace I l e a v e w i t h you, m y p e a c e I g i v e you: N o t as t h e w o r l d gives, do I give to you. A n e w c o m m a n d m e n t I g i v e you t h a t y o u love one another as I h a v e loved you. This may be sung, or said, three times.
THE THANKSGIVING 21. THE OFFERTORY W i t h joy let us offer to the Lord our lives arid our work. The faithful of the congregation bring to the Table the offerings of bread and wine, and also of money or other offerings, and they will be placed conveniently. 22. While this is being done, the deacon or the president shall say appropriate verses, or all may sing a hymn, or the following song: OFFERTORY SONG Yours, O Lord, are all t h i n g s in h e a v e n and on earth: e v e r y t h i n g belongs to you, and it is w h a t w e h a v e received f r o m y o u t h a t w e give t o you. 23. The offerings are placed on the Table. The president following prayer. Blessed are you, Lord, God of the universe, for
and also bless the earth which feeds us w i t h its fruits. Blessed are you, O Lord. 24. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING No. 1 All remain standing, and the president The Lord is here. His Spirit is w i t h us.
Listen attentively: God so loved the world that he did not hesitate to give up his only Son, that all w h o believe in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Lift up your hearts W e lift t h e m t o t h e Lord. We give thanks and praise to our Lord God. It is right and j u s t to give t h e m t o him. It is very just and right for us at all times to praise you, Holy Lord, Eternal Father, Almighty God. PROPER
says the
Therefore with angels and archangels, and with the innumerable company of heaven, we exalt your glorious Name, forever praising you and saying:
Holy, holy, holy. Lord, God of the universe! The heavens and the earth are full of the glory of your majesty. H o s a n n a to the Son of David! H o s a n n a in the highest! Amen. The president
Truly holy and blessed are you, God, merciful Father, in that you sent your Son, made man through the operation of the holy Spirit, that he might be our Saviour. Amen. Christ the Lord and eternal Redeemer. in the same night in which he was to be betrayed, took bread, gave thanks to God, broke it and said: 'This is my body, which I give for you; do this in memory of me.' After supper, in the same way he took the cup and said: 'This cup is the new covenant sealed with my blood, each time that you drink of it, do this in memory of me.' Amen. Whenever you eat of this bread and drink of this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death in the hope of his return. Comet Lord Jesus! Doing thus, most holy Father, we commemorate and proclaim the death of your Son, the Messiah, until he returns in glory and majesty, remembering his glorious passion and resurrection and ascension. A men. Father, sanctify with your Holy Spirit these gifts of bread and wine, and thus we will participate in the very blessed Body and Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 18
SPAIN (Span2)
Give us your Spirit that we may be able to be merciful; it is your Spirit who brings reconciliation between men, for he is against injustice and he shows favour to those w h o suffer, and thus we may be able to make a society in which people will be able to live w i t h dignity, and so we shall demonstrate that you, Lord, are w i t h us. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, your Son and the brother of all men. Through him we bless you, our Father, through him we give you thanks, and through him we receive the fulness of the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 25. Brothers, following the precept and teaching of our divine Master, w h o has the words of eternal life, we dare to say: THE MESSIAH'S PRAYER Our Father in heaven: hallowed be your Name. Amen. Your kingdom come. Amen. Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen. Give us to-day our daily bread. Amen. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Amen. Do not allow us to stray from you. Amen. But deliver us from the evil one. Amen. Deliver us from evil, confirm us always in goodness, make us worthy to serve you, our Lord and God. Put an end. Lord, to our sins. Give joy to the afflicted, liberty to those w h o suffer injustice, give health to the sick and peace to the departed. Give us peace and security. 19
Destroy the i n s o l e n c e of t h e unjust and hear the prayers of faithful Christians. T h r o u g h our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, w h o lives and reigns w i t h you in the unity of the Holy Spirit. God, forever and ever. Amen. 26.
Brothers, let us invoke t h e BENEDICTIONS
JTwelve seasonal petitions for God's blessings])
THE BREAKING OF THE The Lord is here. H i s S p i r i t i s w i t h us.
The president breaks the bread, whilst silent As there is only one Bread and all partake of it, even so w e f o r m a single Body.
COMMUNION SONG All: T a s t e a n d s e e h o w g o o d t h e L o r d is. A l l e l u i a I w i l l bless t h e Lord at all times: his praise w i l l ever be in m y m o u t h . Alleluia. The Lord redeems the souls of his servants, Those w h o t r u s t in h i m w i l l n o t be abandoned. Glory a n d honour t o t h e Father, a n d t o t h e Son, and to the Holy Spirit f o r e v e r a n d ever. Alleluia. Amen.
the congregation
The president says: Holy gifts for the p e o p l e of God. Take t h e m in r e m e m b r a n c e t h a t Christ died for you, and f e e d on h i m in your hearts, w i t h faith and joy.
The president receives communion. After this, the bishops, presbyters, and deacons present in the presbyters' seating do so. The congregation comes forward to receive communion. Whoever gives communion says: The Body (Blood) of our Lord Jesus Christ keep you in life eternal. Amen.
At the end of the communion, the congregation prays in The Lord be w i t h you. And w i t h your spirit The Lord has given us t h e Bread of Heaven. He feeds his people w i t h t h e f o o d o f angels. In God is our salvation and our glory. W e w i l l a l w a y s desire his presence: our hearts w i l l ever be before him. 20
SPAIN (Span2)
All stand and say: Our Lord and our God Father, Son and Holy S p i r i t Grant t h a t w e w h o have received this holy communion m a y a l w a y s love you and love our fellow-men. Give us your Holy Spirit t h a t w e m a y be able to do your will; for you are God alone for ever and ever. Amen.
A psalm,
Here are said the announcements,
DISMISSAL The deacon says: Brothers, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ let us go in peace. W e give t h a n k s to God. The President or bishop if present may bless the The peace that as he ascended into heaven, Jesus left with the disciples, be always with you. The blessing of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit be always with you. Amen.
or hymn may be sung. given as briefly as possible.
[Songs for the 'Alleluia' follow (see no. 11), set out for thirteen seasons or occasions]]
[Proper Prefaces for thirteen seasons and occasions follow]
It is convenient that at the beginning should lead from his place.
of the Liturgy the
The Holy Table should be covered
with a dean
The ending of psalms, canticles and antiphons with the 'Glory and honour to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.' is optional, but it is not said or sung in Lent.
The president the day.
The readings shall be given from the lectern: (a) laypersons of either sex shall read the Old Testament the Epistle. (b) the deacon shall read the Gospel.
whether bishop or presbyter,
president doth.
says the Collect of
The Creed festivals.
may be omitted,
The thanksgiving
The deacon shall prepare the Table for the celebration, placing on it the bread and wine (the paten and the cup). In preparing the wine, he shall add a little water. It is convenient that laypersons should assist him. If there is no deacon, committed laypersons may do this.
While the assembly is coming forward to receive the Communion, the president will receive the Sacrament, and, following him, the bishops, presbyters and deacons who are present in the presbyters' seating.
Opportunity must be given to all present to receive the Bread and the Wine separately, although they may receive the Sacrament in both species together.
When the president is assisted by a deacon or another presbyter, it is customary that the president should give the Bread and the assistant the Wine. When there are several presbyters and deacons in the presbyters' seating, some may give the Bread and others the Wine, according to the president's instructions.
1 2.
The Bread and/or Wine that remains shall be consumed, who have communicated, before the Dismissal.
be made
not on Sundays
at the
by those
When there is to be a celebration of the Lord's Supper, the minister shall announce it during the services of the previous Sunday.
If the minister hath reason to suspect any person, whether of being an open and notorious evil liver, or for having caused scandal to his neighbour, he shall restrain that man from the Holy Communion, and tell him particularly, that he is not to presume to communicate, until he hath first given evidence of repentance and amendment of life.
The same order shall the minister have with persons between whom he sees hatred to exist; not allowing them by any means to be partakers of the Holy Communion, until first they be reconciled to each other. And if one of the two parties be content to forgive the other from the bottom of his heart and to make amends for the faults he hath committed, but the other is not willing to seek reconciliation, but remaineth in his hatred and malice, then the minister shall admit to Communion the one who repenteth, but not the one who is obstinate. But each minister who, in accordance with this or the paragraph next preceding this rubric, refuseth communion to anyone, shall be obliged to give an account of the same to the Ordinary within fifteen days.
With respect to the frequency with which the celebration of the Holy Communion should be held, let it be established, room being preserved for the discretion of the minister, who shall not lightly forbid its use, that the primitive Church used to celebrate on all Sundays.
The Lord's table shall stand in the chancel, away from the wall or against it according to what the circumstances permit. The vessels for the Communion shall be covered with a dean white linen doth; the containers shall have the necessary quantity of bread and of pure wine, both covered with a white veil.
The Presbyter shall stand on the Gospel Side, or behind the table, the people also standing.
M. R. M. R.
Our help is in the name of the Lord. W h o hath made heaven and earth. Blessed be the name of the Lord. From henceforth w o r l d w i t h o u t end. 23
Let us pray.
Then all shall M. R. M. AH. M. R. M. R. M. R. M R. M. R. 9.
Lord, have mercy u p o n us. Christ, h a v e m e r c y upon us. Lord, have mercy u p o n us. Our Father, w h i c h art . . . ([as in 1 6 6 2 but 'debts' and 'debtors']] . . . deliver us f r o m e v i l A m e n . Lord, deliver our souls f r o m death. A n d keep our feet f r o m falling. Revive us again, 0 Lord. T h a t thy people m a y rejoice in thee. 0 Lord, s h o w t h y mercy upon us. A n d grant us t h y salvation. Send f o r t h thy light and thy truth; that t h e y may lead us. A n d bring us u n t o thy holy hill, a n d into thy tabernacle^ 0 Lord, hear our prayer. A n d let our c r y c o m e u n t o thee. 0 God, w h o by t h e b l o o d of t h y b e l o v e d Son hast o p e n e d a n e w and living way, by w h i c h t h o u dost bring us into thy presence: grant us, w e h u m b l y beseech thee, full assurance of thy mercy and sanctify us w i t h thy heavenly grace, that, a p p r o a c h i n g thee w i t h a pure heart and spotless conscience, w e may w o r s h i p thee in spirit and in truth, to t h e glory of thy name: t h r o u g h Jesus Christ our Lord. A m e n . this: Lord God, have c o m p a s s i o n u p o n us and g r a n t t h a t by t h y p o w e r w e may daily t u r n f r o m t h a t w h i c h is d i s p l e a s i n g t o thee, and may more and more love to fulfil thy c o m m a n d m e n t s , that as w e pass this mortal life t h r o u g h thy comfort, so w e may c o m e to t h e c o m p l e t e j o y of eternal happiness: t h r o u g h Jesus Christ, our Lord. A m e n .
Then, the people kneeling, appropriate to the season,
the minister shall as followeth:
say the
[ T h e r e follow nine seasonal 'offices', each consisting of a verse of scripture, a responsive doxology, and a collect-type prayer.]]
M. The Lord be w i t h you. R. A n d w i t h thy s p i r i t M. Let us pray. Then he shall say the proper Collect or Collects of the day. Then the people sitting, the minister shall read the Prophetic Reading (if there is to be one), saying: The Prophetic Reading is w r i t t e n in the b o o k o f . . ., c h a p t e r . . ., verse . . . and f o l l o w i n g . And at the end he shall say: Here e n d e t h the Prophetic Reading. Then the minister shall read the Epistle, saying: The Epistle, or the p o r t i o n of t h e Scripture a p p o i n t e d in place of the Epistle, is 24
written in c h a p t e r . . . verse . . . and following. And at the end of the Epistle he shall say: Here endeth the Epistle. Then he shall read the Gospel (the people standing}, saying: The Holy Gospel is written in the Gospel according to St. . . . chapter . . . verse . . . and following. And at the end of the Gospel, the people shall sing or say: Glory be t o thee; O Lord. 12.
Then, all standing, the Nicene Creed shall be recited. I believe in o n e . . . J as in 1662]] . . . w o r l d to come. Amen.
Then a hymn or antiphon may be sung, or, if there is to be a sermon, it shall follow here.
The Presbyter, turning to the Lord's table, may read the following exhortation, the people standing. Dearly beloved in the Lord . . . f a s in 1662 (first half of exhortation only)]) . . . partakers of those holy mysteries.
Then shall he say: Let us present our offerings to the Lord w i t h reverence and w i t h godly fear. Then he shall begin the offertory, saying one or more of the following sentences, as members of the Parochial Council, or other persons named by the minister, shall receive the offerings of the people. [There follow 23 sentences of scripture, including most of those in 1 6 6 2 , and some additional ones.]]
1 6.
When the offertory is completed, the offerings shall be brought to the presbyter, and he, receiving them, shall place them with solemn reverence on the Lord's table; he shall then uncover the bread and the wine, arranging them in such a way that at the right time he may with all decency, and in the sight of the people, break the bread and hold the chalice in his hands.
1 7.
Then the presbyter shall say the following prayers, the people kneeling: Let us pray Offertory Collect 0 God, the King of all the earth: we humbly beseech thee that of thy great goodness thou wouldst accept the offering of thy people, which to the honour of thy name we offer to thee of our freewill and a joyful heart And vouchsafe to grant that these offerings to thy service may be used to thy glory and to the good of thy Church: through Jesus Christ our Lord. A m e n . 0 God of righteousness, God of mercy, God of immortality and of life, God of splendour and of glory: we humbly beseech thee to assist us w i t h thy grace, as we celebrate the commemoration which thy Son hath commanded to us, and 25
LITURGIES OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES separate these t h y gifts of bread and w i n e for t h e r e m e m b r a n c e of t h e sacrifice, w h i c h he offered o n c e for all u p o n the cross. A n d w e t h a n k thee for t h a t t h o u d i d s t s e n d him into this w o r l d to live, to die, and to rise again for us; t o make the unique propitiation, unique m e d i a t i o n , and unique g r o u n d of hope for us. A n d w e pray t h e e of thy m e r c y t h a t by his merits and death and t h o u g h faith in his blood, w e and all thy w h o l e Church may o b t a i n remission of our sins and all other benefits of his passion. A n d here, 0 Lord, w e offer and present unto thee our bodies and souls, to be a reasonable, holy and living sacrifice unto thee, h u m b l y b e s e e c h i n g t h e e t h a t t h o u w o u l d s t accept t h i s our spiritual sacrifice of praise and t h a n k s g i v i n g and w o u l d s t grant that we, t r u s t i n g in t h y love and s t r e n g t h e n e d by t h y grace, may be a d m i t t e d to eternal and ineffable joy. t h r o u g h the same Jesus Christ, our Saviour. A m e n .
Then shall the presbyter say to them that come to receive the Holy Communion: Ye that d o truly . . . Jas in 1 662]] . . . c o n f e s s i o n to a l m i g h t y God
Then shall be said the following general confession by the presbyter and by those who intend to communicate, all meekly kneeling on their knees: A l m i g h t y God, F a t h e r o f o u r L o r d J e s u s C h r i s t . . . [as in 1662]] . . . t h r o u g h J e s u s C h r i s t o u r L o r d . A m e n .
Then the presbyter (or the bishop if he be present) shall stand, and turning himself to the people, shall pronounce the following Absolution: A l m i g h t y God, our heavenly Father . . . [[as in 1 6 6 2 J . . . t h r o u g h Jesus Christ our Lord. A m e n .
Then shall the presbyter say, the people remaining still on their knees: Let us pray for the w h o l e Christian c h u r c h m i l i t a n t here o n earth.
R. M.
A l m i g h t y and i m m o r t a l God, w h o by thy holy apostle hast t a u g h t us to pray and t o give t h a n k s on behalf of all men: w e h u m b l y beseech thee t o inspire c o n t i n u a l l y t h y c h u r c h w i t h the Spirit of truth and unity, and to grant that all w h o confess thy holy name may agree in the t r u t h of t h y holy W o r d and live in holy love. H e a r o u r prayers, g o o d Lord. W e pray thee to give grace and w i s d o m to all Christian magistrates and grant t h a t t h e y may truly a n d impartially minister justice, to the p u n i s h m e n t of vices and wickednesses, and to the m a i n t e n a n c e of virtue and true religion. H e a r o u r p r a y e r s , g o o d Lord. 26
PORTUGAL ( P o r t i )
R. M.
R. M.
R. M.
R. M.
R. M.
W e pray thee to give grace to all bishops and other ministers, that they may both by their life and by their doctrine give testimony to thy W o r d and duly administer thy holy Sacraments. Hear our prayers, good Lord. W e pray thee to give thy heavenly grace to all thy people, that w i t h humble heart and due reverence they may hear and receive thy holy Word, serving thee in righteousness and holiness all the days of their life. Hear our prayers, good Lord. W e beseech thee especially to bless this congregation, gathered here to celebrate the commemoration of the precious death and sacrifice of thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Hear our prayers, good Lord. W e beseech thee, of thine infinite goodness, to comfort and succour those w h o in this transitory life are in troubles, sorrows, needs, sickness, or any other adversity (and particularly those for w h o m our prayers are requested). Hear our prayers, good Lord. And especially we beseech thee to bless all those w h o are near to death. Keep them safe in the solemn hour, defend them from all assaults of Satan, give t h e m grace to entrust themselves joyfully into thy hands, and receive them into thine eternal kingdom. Hear our prayers, good Lord. And we bless thy holy name for all thy servants who, having finished the course of their life through faith, do n o w rest from their labours; and we beseech thee for grace to f o l l o w their good examples in such a way that, at the general resurrection, w e may be found w i t h t h e m in thy presence and may receive the blessing w h i c h thy beloved Son w i l l bestow upon all those w h o love and fear thee, saying: Come, ye blessed children of my Father; receive the kingdom, prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Grant this, we humbly beseech thee, 0 merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.
M. Peace be w i t h you. R. A n d w i t h thy spirit M. Let us pray. COLLECT FOR PEACE 0 God, w h o art in eternal peace, and dost both grant the same as thy favoured reward, and also teach that the peacemakers are thy sons: pour thy tender pity into our souls, that everything w h i c h tendeth towards strife may be ever dispelled, and that everything w h i c h furthereth peace may be ever loved by us: through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 27
Or this: O A l m i g h t y God, Christ the King of glory, w h o art our true peace and eternal love: s o o t h e our souls w i t h thy peace a n d purify our c o n s c i e n c e s w i t h t h e tenderness of t h y love, t h a t w e may await thee in t r a n q u i l l i t y and may m e e t the adversities of t h i s w o r l d always w i t h thee as our guard and protector, O our Saviour, w h o w i t h t h e Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest, ever one God, w o r l d w i t h o u t end.
Amen. 23.
he shall say the following blessing: The God of peace sanctify you w h o l l y ; and may your w h o l e spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until t h e c o m i n g 5.23). of our Lord Jesus C h r i s t (1 Thess.
he shall
[ T w e l v e s e n t e n c e s of s c r i p t u r e
When these have been said, saying: Lift up your hearts.
the presbyter
W e lift them up unto the Lord
It is meet and right so to d a
It is verily m e e t and right and our b o u n d e n duty t h a t w e s h o u l d at all t i m e s and in all places give thanks unto thee, O Lord, Holy Father, A l m i g h t y and Eternal God.
Let us give thanks to t h e Lord our God.
Then shall
the proper
to the
p r o p e r prefaces follow]]
each of these prefaces shall be sung or said: Therefore, w i t h angels and archangels and w i t h all t h e c o m p a n y of heaven, w e laud and magnify t h y glorious name, evermore praising thee, and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts; heaven and earth are full of thy glory: glory be to thee, O Lord M o s t High. A m e n .
Then the presbyter, kneeling at the Lord's table, shall say in the name of those who come to communicate, the following prayer 0 merciful Father w e are u n w o r t h y t o be called t h y s o n s a n d to c o m e into thy presence, but w e dare t o c o m e t o t h y table, t r u s t i n g in thy mercy: w e w h o are sick c o m e t o t h e m e d i c i n e of life, w e w h o are blind t o t h e light of eternal brilliance, w e w h o are poor to t h e Lord of heaven and earth, w e w h o are sheep to t h e Shepherd, w e w h o are forsaken to a l o v i n g Comforter, w e w h o are u n r i g h t e o u s to the justifier. A n d w e pray thee of t h i n e infinite g o o d n e s s t h a t t h o u w o u l d s t be pleased to heal our weakness, l i g h t e n our blindness, e n r i c h our poverty, restore us t o t h e sheepfold, c o m f o r t our sorrow, absolve our guilt, pardon the sinners, and relieve the oppressed, in order that having b e c o m e t h y sons t h r o u g h a d o p t i o n and grace, w e may evermore glorify thee in b o t h body and s p i r i t for t h a t t h o u art Lord of all; t h r o u g h Jesus Christ, our Saviour. A m e n . 28
PORTUGAL ( P o r f l )
Then the presbyter standing at the table shall say the prayer of consecration following; 1 A l m i g h t y and merciful Father, w h o of t h y great love hast sent thy Son, t h a t t a k i n g our nature u p o n him, he m i g h t die for our sins, and rise again for our justification: w e give thee t h a n k s for t h a t t h r o u g h the sacrifice offered o n c e for all u p o n the cross, he hath made there a perfect and s u f f i c i e n t satisfaction for t h e sins of the w h o l e world, and hath b r o u g h t an end t o all sacrifices by the one o b l a t i o n of himself. W e give thee t h a n k s for t h a t he instituted, and in his holy Gospel c o m m a n d e d us to c o n t i n u e until his s e c o n d c o m i n g , a perfect m e m o r i a l of his precious death; for our Lord Jesus Christ, in t h e same n i g h t in w h i c h he w a s betrayed, shall (1) TOOK BREAD, A N D W H E N HE HAD (1} Here the presbyter take the paten into his hands. GIVEN T H A N K S (2) HE BRAKE IT A N D ( 2 ) He shall break the bread GAVE IT TO HIS DISCIPLES, SAYING: TAKE, EAT (3), THIS IS M Y BODY ( 3 ) He shall place his hand bread. W H I C H IS GIVEN FOR YOU: DO T H I S upon at! the IN R E M E M B R A N C E OF ME. ALSO AFTER SUPPER (4) HE TOOK THE CUP, ( 4 ) He shall l i f t up the cup. A N D HAVING GIVEN T H A N K S IN THE S A M E W A Y , HE GAVE IT TO THEM, SAYING: DRINK YE ALL OF THIS; FOR (5) T H I S IS M Y BLOOD OF THE N E W ( 5 ) Then he shall place his T E S T A M E N T W H I C H IS SHED FOR hand upon all the vessels in which there is wine to be YOU A N D FOR M A N Y FOR THE consecrated. REMISSION OF SINS: DO THIS, A S OFT AS YE SHALL DRINK IT, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME. Therefore, 0 heavenly Father, we, thy h u m b l e servants, as w e eat this bread and drink this cup, a c c o r d i n g to the c o m m a n d m e n t of thy b e l o v e d Son, desire t o p r o c l a i m his death until he comes, having in r e m e m b r a n c e his blessed passion, his precious death, his m i g h t y resurrection and ascension, and w e give thee many true t h a n k s for the i n n u m e r a b l e benefits w h i c h w e have received f r o m him. Give us t h e n t h y Holy Ghost, that, u n w o r t h y t h o u g h w e be, w e may gather up the c r u m b s u n d e r thy table, c o m e w o r t h i l y t o t h i s heavenly banquet and share in this holy c o m m u n i o n , b e i n g n o u r i s h e d by f a i t h spiritually and in a heavenly m a n n e r w i t h t h e m o s t Blessed Body and Blood of thy beloved Son, w h o , in c o m p a s s i o n for our ignorance and weakness, hath c o m m a n d e d us to call u p o n thee, saying:
Then all shall repeat the Lord's Prayer Our F a t h e r . . . |[ as at no. 8 above] . . . us f r o m eviL Amen.
Then shall the presbyter say: Deliver us, 0 God, f r o m all evil, past, p r e s e n t and future; s t r e n g t h e n us in all goodness, and grant us t h y grace t h a t w e
|[The original uses b o l d for that w h i c h is for editorial reasons put in CAPITALS here.])
may serve and please thee. Put away our sins; give joy to the downcast, liberty to the captives, health to t h e sick, trust and calm to t h e dying. Give us peace and safety in our days, d e f e n d us against all our enemies, and direct and hear t h e prayers of all t h y faithful people, n o w and always: t h r o u g h Jesus C h r i s t thy Son, w h o liveth and r e i g n e t h w i t h thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. A m e n . 30.
he shall also say: Christ, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross for our sake; therefore let us keep a holy and joyful feast w i t h the Lord, n o t w i t h the o l d leaven, nor w i t h the leaven of malice and w i c k e d n e s s , but w i t h the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Then the minister shall first receive the Communion in both kikds; then he shall communicate in like manner the bishops, presbyters and deacons (if any be present), and then the remainder of the people in the same order, placing the elements into the hands of those who are to communicate, all of them reverently kneeling. And he who delivereth the bread to each one shall say: The Body of our Lord Jesus C h r i s t . . . [[as in 1 662]] . . . w i t h thanksgiving. A m e n .
the minister who delivereth the cup shall say to each one: The Blood of our Lord Jesus C h r i s t . . . Has in 1 662]] . . . be thankful. A m e n .
There may Communion.
If the consecrated bread or wine be spent before all have communicated the presbyter shall consecrate more, following the formula previously prescribed: beginning with: Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the same night etc., for the consecration of the bread: and with: Also after Supper, etc., for the consecration of the wine; and concluding with the words: M o s t Holy Body and Blood of t h y b e l o v e d Son.
When all have communicated, the minister shall turn to the Lord's Table, and with all reverence cover that which remaineth of the consecrated elements, placing over them a white veil.
Then the minister shall say to the people the following exhortation, all standing: Having participated in t h i s Holy C o m m u n i o n , in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h the c o m m a n d m e n t of the Lord, let us render t h a n k s t o him for t h i s and all his kindnesses, and ask him to grant t h a t all w e w h o have c o m e t h i s day to his holy table, may be f i l l e d w i t h his grace and heavenly blessing. 30
PORTUGAL ( P o r t ! )
Then shall be said, or sung, all standing: Glory be to God on high . . . [as in 1662j] . . . in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Then shall be said, all reverently kneeling: M. The Lord be with you. V. A n d w i t h t h y spirit. M. Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God; we most heartily thank thee for that thou dost vouchsafe to feed us, who have duly received this holy sacarament, with the spiritual food of the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ and we humbly beseech thee, that this solemn mystery should be not for our condemnation, but for our eternal salvation. Keep us ever, by thy Spirit, in communion with thee and with thy Son; and grant that we, seeking thee and loving thee, may never fall away from thee: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 0 most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: defend with thy protection those whom thou dost satisfy with the heavenly gift; that freed from all hurtful things, we may attain to salvation, which cometh from thee alone, for thou art God, and apart from thee there is none other, world without end. Amen.
Then the presbyter (or the bishop, if he be present) shall dismiss them with this blessing: The peace of God . . . [as in 1 662]] . . . remain with you always. Amen.
The Lord's Supper shall not be celebrated unless there are at least three persons to communicate with the presbyter.
And to take away any occasion of dissension and superstition which any person hath or might have concerning the bread and wine, it shall suffice that the bread be such as is usual to be eaten; but the best and purest wheat bread that conveniently may be gotten.
In case any of the consecrated bread and wine remain, the presbyter, and such other persons who were communicants as he shall call unto him, shall reverently eat and drink them immediately after the blessing.
The bread and wine for communion shall be provided parish Council at the cost of the congregation.
After the Divine Service ended, the money given at the Offertory shall be employed for pious and charitable uses, according to what is thought most fit by the minister and Council respectively; but if they disagree between themselves, it shall be disposed of as the Ordinary shall appoint.
NOTE [ T h e r e follows the 1 6 6 2 'Black Rubric'J 31
by the
PREPARATION The celebrant shall say: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go to the altar of God. To God w h o is my joy and my d e l i g h t Our help is in the name of the Lord. W h o has made heaven and earth. Blessed be the name of the Lord. From this time forward and for e v e r m o r a
The deacon shall say the following Exhortation Brothers, let us now in a moment of silence examine our consciences. After the silence the deacon shall continue: Let us confess our sins to God, in the presence of his Church. AH shall say: Almighty God, W e have sinned against you A n d against our neighbour In t h o u g h t word, deed, and omissions; H a v e mercy on us; Pardon our sins; Deliver us from them. A n d lead us to life eternal.
The bishop or presbyter shall pronounce the Absolution: The merciful Lord grant to you absolution and remission of all your sins and conversion of life, by the grace of the Holy Spirit Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord, renew our life. T h a t your people may rejoice in you. Lord, show us your mercy. A n d grant us your salvation. Lord, hear our prayer. A n d let our cry c o m e unto y o u
([In "Port/Eng" (see page 3 above) a cross-heading CONFESSION OF SINS' is added here, whilst not only the rubrics are omitted, but also the Exhortation in the next line. In No. 3 the absolution reads T o you who truly [and earnestly) repent and intend to lead a new life, I announce the absolution [pardon] of all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen.' (The words in square brackets are in the English version of Port/Eng). After the absolution the versicles and responses are omitted.]) 32
PORTUGAL ( P o r t 2 )
LITURGY OF THE WORD INTROÏT Then shall be sung: Glory to God in the highest, A n d peace t o . . . [[ICET 4J . . . God t h e Father. A m e n . Or the following Holy God Holy and m i g h t y God, Holy and i m m o r t a l God, H a v e m e r c y on us. The bishop, or the presbyter following. The Lord be w i t h you. 3 A n d also w i t h you. Let us pray. There follows
shall chant
of the day.
THE PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD The deacon shall chantLet us hear the W o r d of God! The Prophecy and the Epistle shall be read. At the end of each of the readings the reader shall say: Let us give thanks to God. And the people shall respond: Amen. Then the deacon, all standing, shall read the Gospel, before and after which shall be chanted respectively: Glory to yoi*. Lord. Praise to you, O C h r i s t
The Homily
The deacon shall chant Brothers, let us proclaim the Faith once delivered to the saints! All rise and chant the Nicene Creed. We believe in one God, T h e Father, t h e a l m i g h t y . . . [ICET 3J . . . w o r l d to c o m a Amen.
the Collect
who is celebrating,
or Sermon
if there is to be one.
THE RITE OF PEACE Still standing, the celebrant may say: 0 Lord Jesus Christ you are the true peace and concord; give us your peace this holy hour. Amen. The celebrant shall give the following greeting: The grace of God the almighty Father, the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you always. A n d w i t h m e n of goodwill.
HThis alternative is omitted in P o r t / E n g . ] ] H P o r t / E n g has a cross-heading ' THE COLLECT OF THE [ [ P o r t / E n g has 'The Lord be w i t h you always'.]] 33
Then may be chanted this or another authorized canticle: Jesus said: My peace I leave with you. M y peace I give to you; I give it you not as the world gives. A new c o m m a n d m e n t I give to you; that you love one another as I have loved you. Brothers, let us love one another. 1 THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL The deacon shall chant In peace let us pray to the Lord. For the peace which is from above and for our salvation, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the holy Church of God and for the unity of all mankind in Christ let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For bishops, presbyters and deacons, and particularly for the servant of God, N. our bishop, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the community here present, and for our absent brothers, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the conversion of those who live in sin; and the coming of the light of the truth to those who have fallen into unbelief or error, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For peace in the world, for social justice, for liberty in all nations, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For our country, for this city (town, district), and for all established authorities, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the troubled and the sick, for the poor and the oppressed, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. (For . . . let us pray to the Lord.) Lord, hear our prayer. That we ourselves may be protected from all trouble, danger, or need, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. That we may be granted, with all those who have gone before us in Christ perfection and happiness in his eternal kingdom, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. In the communion of the saints (and in commemoration of N.), let us commend ourselves and one another and all our life to Christ, our God. To you, O Lord.
[ [ P o r t / E n g h a s a r u b r i c '(Then the Minister name of the Lord). 1
and People may greet one another in the
In place of the preceding Litany, the following may be used: In peace let us pray to the Lord. For the Holy Catholic Church; for its bishops, presbyters and deacons, and particularly for the servant of God N. our bishop; for this congregation, and for our absent brothers, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For peace in the world; for our country; for the sick and troubled; for the conversion of those who live in sin, and for the coming of the light of the truth to those who have fallen into unbelief or error (and for . . .), let us pray to the Lord. Christ; h a v e mercy. That we ourselves may be protected from all trouble, danger, or need, and may ourselves be granted, with all those who sleep in Christ, perpetual light and peace in his eternal kingdom, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . In the communion of the saints (and in commemoration of N.), let us c o m m e n d ourselves and one another and all our life to Christ, our God. T o y o u , O Lord.
The celebrant shall chant the following or another suitable Collect: 0 God, our refuge and strength, hear the prayers of your Church, that what we ask in faith we may obtain effectually. Through J e s u s Christ, our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God eternally, now and for ever. Amen.
T H E L I T U R G Y OF T H E E U C H A R I S T OFFERTORY The deacon shall chant Let us present our offerings to the Lord, with reverence and with joy. This or another suitable canticle may be chanted: Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory a n d the majesty; for e v e r y t h i n g is y o u r s in h e a v e n a n d o n earth. A l l t h i n g s c o m e f r o m y o u . Lord, A n d that w h i c h w e give to y o u w e h a v e r e c e i v e d at y o u r h a n d . G l o r y a n d h o n o u r t o t h e F a t h e r , a n d to t h e S o n , a n d t o t h e Holy Spirit n o w a n d f o r ever. A m e n . When the offerings have been placed upon the altar, the celebrant shall say: Let us pray. Receive, Lord, these gifts, we ask: accept them as our own sacrifice, 35
and by your mercy so perfect us that, in life and in death, we may be in Christ an oblation worthy of you. For the sake of the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. A m e n . 1 6.
1 7.
CONSECRATION The celebrant shall
The Proper [Twenty
The Lord be with you. A n d also w i t h y o u Let us lift up our hearts. W e l i f t t h e m t o t h e Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is r i g h t a n d j u s t so t o d a It is indeed right and just and our duty that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to you, 0 Lord,1 almighty and eternal God:
Proper Prefaces are p r i n t e d out
the Proper
Therefore, with angels and archangels and all the saints in glory, we praise and magnify your glorious name, saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God a l m i g h t y ; H e a v e n a n d e a r t h are f u l l o f y o u r glory. H o s a n n a in t h e h i g h e s t Truly you are holy and blessed, 0 almighty God, and you are worthy of all glory. We give you thanks that you created heaven and earth and formed man in your own image, entrusting to him control of all things, that he might serve you in holiness and love. We give you thanks that you did not abandon him, despite his sin, but have given him the hope of salvation, and, in the fulness of time, you sent your Son, that taking our nature upon him, he might effect the redemption of the world, through the one sacrifice of himself finished upon the cross. We give you thanks that Jesus instituted and commanded us to continue until his coming in glory, a perfect remembrance of his redeeming sacrifice. For our Lord Jesus Christ, in the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread and, giving thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat, this is my Body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me. A m e n . In the same way, after the Supper, he took the cup and, giving thanks, he gave it to them, saying: Drink this all of you, for this is my Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins; as often as you drink it, do it in remembrance of me. A m e n . Therefore, 0 heavenly Father, we your servants, following the command of your Son, commemorate until he comes his life, passion, death, resurrection and ascension, giving you thanks for the innumerable benefits that we have received through him.
[ holy Father' is o m i t t e d here, but a l m o s t certainly t h r o u g h a m i s p r i n t translation is p r o v i d e d in the English of Port/Eng.J]
and the
And now we present to your divine majesty these gifts, praying that you would send down the Holy Spirit upon the oblation of your Church, and would grant that all who share at your table may worthily receive the Body and Blood of your Son, the holy Bread of eternal life and the Cup of everlasting salvation, and, filled w i t h your grace and heavenly blessing, may become one Body in Jesus Christ, our Lord. A m e n . Accept then, 0 merciful God, this sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, and grant that through Jesus Christ we and all your Church my obtain forgiveness of our sins, and all other benefits of his oblation. Through him and w i t h him, and in him in the unity of the Holy Spirit, be ever given to you, God the Father almighty, all honour and glory, now and for ever. A m e n . 1
As our divine Saviour has commanded and taught us, we are bold to say: Our Father in heaven; h a l l o w e d be y o u r name; your k i n g d o m come; y o u r w i l l be d o n e o n e a r t h as i n h e a v e n ; give us to-day our daily bread; f o r g i v e us o u r d e b t s as w e f o r g i v e o u r d e b t o r s . A n d l e a d us n o t i n t o t e m p t a t i o n ; b u t d e l i v e r u s f r o m evil. A m e n . THE 20.
The celebrant
in silence,
The bread which we break is the communion of the Body of Christ or
Christ, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross for us all; let us therefore keep a holy and joyful feast not w i t h the old leaven of corruption and wickedness, but w i t h the unleavened bread of truth and purity. Then
Lamb of God, you t a k e a w a y the sins of the world, h a v e m e r c y o n us. L a m b o f God, y o u t a k e a w a y t h e s i n s o f t h e w o r l d , h a v e m e r c y o n us. L a m b o f God. y o u t a k e a w a y t h e s i n s o f t h e w o r l d , g r a n t us y o u r p e a c a 1
¡[This ' A m e n ' is in capitals in the original, distinguishing it from all others.]] 37
THE COMMUNION The following prayer may be said: Lord, we are not worthy that you should enter into our dwellingplace, but say the word only and your servants will be healed. Or this: We presume to come to your table, most merciful Lord, not trusting in our own righteousness, but in your infinite love. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under your table but you are the Lord whose nature is always to have mercy. Grant us therefore that as we partake of this holy Sacrament, we may be purified by the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ your Son, that we may evermore dwell in him and he in us. Amen. Before the distribution of the Elements, the deacon shall chant We, who are repentant of our sins and are in charity with our neighbour, let us draw near in full assurance of faith, and take this holy Sacrament as a pledge of our salvation. DISMISSAL
When the Communion is ended, and after a moment of silence, the deacon shall say: Having participated in this holy Communion, let us bless the Lord! Now, Lord, you let your servants go in peace, in accordance w i t h your word. for our o w n eyes have seen your salvation; w h i c h you have prepared before all the peoples, a light to lighten t h e nations, and the glory of your people Israel. Glory t o the Father, and to the Son, and to t h e Holy Spirit, as it w a s in the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.
The celebrant may say a prayer or pronounce a blessing, have been authorized.1 Then the deacon shall chant Go in peace! In the n a m e of t h e Lord.
GENERAL RUBRICS 1. The Eucharist was celebrated in the primitive Church on all Sundays; and the Book of Common Prayer commends this practice, just as it does the possibility of having a celebration on any weekday, particularly singling out for consideration those holy days for which proper Collects, Readings, and Gospels are provided. 2. It is not convenient to celebrate persons to communicate.
the Eucharist
unless there are at least
[ I n P o r t / E n g there are printed out a prayer based upon the second p o s t - c o m m u n i o n prayer of 1 6 6 2 and a Trinitarian blessing—see nos. 2 7 and 28 below.]] 38
PORTUGAL ( P o r t 2 ) 3. The Eucharist may be presided over only by a bishop or by a presbyter, and it is highly desirable that he should be assisted by other clergy and by laity. The Absolution and the Blessing shall be pronounced by the diocesan bishop if he is the clergy seating. 4. In the situation where there is no clergyman to assist, the celebrant shall also fulfil the functions appropriate to the deacon, such as those prescribed in the rubrics included in the text such as to help at the preparation of the paten and cup, and in the distribution of Elements; but, in the absence of a deacon, a reader can fulfil everything which pertains to his office, except for reading the Gospel and assisting at the distribution of the consecrated Species. 5. The doth 6. The Parish suffice eaten, as far
the altar
be white
bread and the wine for the Communion, which Council, may be brought to the altar at the time that the bread used for the Eucharist should but the best that can be obtained. Similarly, the as is possible, and of a good quality.
and spotlessly
shall be provided by the of the Offertory. It shall be such as is ordinarily wine should be natural,
7. The Exhortation, Confession and Absolution may be said immediately before or after the Creed; in this case the Preparation shall be omitted. Similarly the Preparation may be omitted on major festivals (Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost). 8. The rubrics which relate to a canticle must metrical hymn, and also a psalm or antiphon.
be understood
to include
9. The Glory to God in the Highest' shall be replaced by' Trisagion' in the of penitential Sundays, and on weekdays which are not festivals. Before of them, another canticle may be used.
period either
10. The Collect of the day, except on major festivals, may be preceded of followed by another authorized collect or prayer which the minister judges suitable. 1 1. The readings shall be announced in the following fashion respectively: (a) for the Prophecy—'A Reading from the Prophecy o f . . . ( o r f r o m the Book o f . . .)'; (b) for the Epistle—A Reading of . . . Letter . . . (or from the Book . . .)'; (c) for the Gospel—'The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint . . .' One of the two former readings may be omitted, except on Sundays and major festivals. 12. Between
the readings
a suitable
1 3. The Creed may be omitted,
may be
on Sundays
and festival
14. The litany in the Prayer of the Faithful may be omitted, if the same service has another general intercession. In the petitions of the litany references to names which are considered suitable are permitted. 1 5. The celebrant shall first receive the Communion in both Kinds; then he shall communicate in the same way the bishops, presbyters and deacons present in the clergy seating and then the rest of the people. When he gives the Bread to each one, he shall say: 'The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ w h i c h was given for you, preserve your body and soul to eternal life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for you; and feed on him in your heart by faith w i t h thanksgiving. A m e n . ' And the deacon who gives the Cup to each one shall say: 'The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, w h i c h was shed for you, preserve your body 39
LITURGIES OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES and soul to eternal life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's Blood was shed for you and be thankful. A m e n . ' Nevertheless the first part of the formula for distributing the Elements may be used on its own, when the celebrant judges it appropriate. 1 6. Any communicant who wishes may receive the Sacrament in both Kinds simultaneously by intinction, following a method authorized by the Ordinary. And when the Sacrament is so administered, it shall suffice for the minister to say 'The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ'. 17. During
the Communion
song may be
18. When any of the consecrated Bread and Wine remains, the celebrant shall reverently consume it, immediately after the Dismissal, unless it is necessary to reserve it to communicate from the Sacred Communion any who are hindered from receiving at the public celebration of the Eucharist If, however, the celebrant considers it more suitable, he may consume what remains of the consecrated Elements immediately after the Communion, and if necessary he may call upon anyone else who has communicated to assist 19. If the consecrated Bread and Wine are all spent before all have communicated, the celebrant shall consecrate more, following the formula prescribed above, beginning with the words 'Our Lord Jesus Christ in the same night . . .' and ending with the words 'Jesus Christ, our Lord'. 20. The notices, which should be as concise as possible, may be given after the Creed or before the Offertory or just before the Dismissal. The celebration of the Eucharist should be announced during the services of the Sunday preceding. 21. When some other rite is to be observed immediately after the celebration the Eucharist the words Go in peace' etc. shall be omitted. 22. The money collected during fit to the minister and council
the Offertory shall be employed respectively.
as best
23. When there is no celebration of the Eucharist the deacon may say this office from the Introit up to and including the Prayer of the Faithful, adding immediately the Lord's Prayer then the offerings may be collected, if this is to be done. They shall be dedicated with the canticle provided for the Offertory, and the office shall conclude with the words 'Go in peace'.
In place of the form of general confession provided in the Preparation, the following may be used: The deacon shall say the following Exhortation: Brothers, let us now in a moment of silence examine our consciences. After the silence, the deacon shall continue: Let us confess our sins to God, in the presence of his Church. All shall say: A l m i g h t y God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, creator of all things, j u d g e of all men: w e confess and b e w a i l t h e m a n y g r e a t sins w e h a v e c o m m i t t e d , t h r o u g h thought, w o r d , deed, a n d omission, against your divine majesty. 40
t h r o u g h our o w n great fault. The m e m o r y of t h e m grieves us, a n d the burden of t h e m w e i g h s u s d o w n . . . H a v e c o m p a s s i o n upon us, merciful F a t h e r pardon u s f r o m all our sins, deliver u s f r o m them, and g r a n t u s g r a c e that w e m a y serve and please y o u continually, in n e w n e s s of life: for the love of J e s u s C h r i s t your Son, our Lord. The bishop . . . Has in no. 3 abovej . . . our Lord. A m e n 27.
THE may
W e give you thanks, 0 God, that you have been pleased to feed us who have duly shared in these holy Mysteries with the spiritual food of the Body and Blood of your Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour; and also that you thereby assure us of your goodness towards us, and that we are members of the Mystical Body of your Son. W e humbly ask you to assist us with your grace, that we may continue in you, and do those good works for which you have created us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen. Most Holy Trinity, Father, S o n and Holy Spirit, defend with your protection those whom you have fed with your heavenly gift and grant us, through this holy Communion, ever to seek you and to love you, and never to fall away from you. Through your mercy, 0 our God, who are blessed and live and rule all things now and for ever. Amen.
0 God, you have brought light to us through your Word, and have left us this wonderful Sacrament as a remembrance of the passion of your Son; grant to us now that we may always so receive these gifts, that we may ever show in our lives the fruits of our redemption. For the sake of the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. 28.
The celebrant may use any immediately before the deacon
of these dismisses
forms of the people.
In the union of the Holy Spirit, may the Father and the S o n bless you. Amen.
The God of peace sanctify you wholly and keep you blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ A m e n The blessing of God almighty. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be with you all and remain with you for ever. Amen. God the Father, who has gathered you here in Christ, bless you and strengthen you by the Holy Spirit, that you may ever be to the world examples of truth, of justice, and of love. Amen. 41
PREPARATION The celebrant shall say: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go to the altar of God. To God w h o is my joy and my d e l i g h t Our help is in the name of the Lord. W h o has made heaven and earth. Blessed be the name of the Lord. From this time forward and for e v e r m o r a
The deacon shall say the following Exhortation Brothers, let us now in a moment of silence examine our consciences. After the silence the deacon shall continue: Let us confess our sins to God, in the presence of his Church. AH shall say: Almighty God, W e have sinned against you A n d against our neighbour In t h o u g h t word, deed, and omissions; H a v e mercy on us; Pardon our sins; Deliver us from them. A n d lead us to life eternal.
The bishop or presbyter shall pronounce the Absolution: The merciful Lord grant to you absolution and remission of all your sins and conversion of life, by the grace of the Holy Spirit Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord, renew our life. T h a t your people may rejoice in you. Lord, show us your mercy. A n d grant us your salvation. Lord, hear our prayer. A n d let our cry c o m e unto y o u
([In "Port/Eng" (see page 3 above) a cross-heading CONFESSION OF SINS' is added here, whilst not only the rubrics are omitted, but also the Exhortation in the next line. In No. 3 the absolution reads T o you who truly [and earnestly) repent and intend to lead a new life, I announce the absolution [pardon] of all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen.' (The words in square brackets are in the English version of Port/Eng). After the absolution the versicles and responses are omitted.]) 32
PORTUGAL ( P o r t 2 )
LITURGY OF THE WORD INTROÏT Then shall be sung: Glory to God in the highest, A n d peace t o . . . [[ICET 4J . . . God t h e Father. A m e n . Or the following Holy God Holy and m i g h t y God, Holy and i m m o r t a l God, H a v e m e r c y on us. The bishop, or the presbyter following. The Lord be w i t h you. 3 A n d also w i t h you. Let us pray. There follows
shall chant
of the day.
THE PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD The deacon shall chantLet us hear the W o r d of God! The Prophecy and the Epistle shall be read. At the end of each of the readings the reader shall say: Let us give thanks to God. And the people shall respond: Amen. Then the deacon, all standing, shall read the Gospel, before and after which shall be chanted respectively: Glory to yoi*. Lord. Praise to you, O C h r i s t
The Homily
The deacon shall chant Brothers, let us proclaim the Faith once delivered to the saints! All rise and chant the Nicene Creed. We believe in one God, T h e Father, t h e a l m i g h t y . . . [ICET 3J . . . w o r l d to c o m a Amen.
the Collect
who is celebrating,
or Sermon
if there is to be one.
THE RITE OF PEACE Still standing, the celebrant may say: 0 Lord Jesus Christ you are the true peace and concord; give us your peace this holy hour. Amen. The celebrant shall give the following greeting: The grace of God the almighty Father, the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you always. A n d w i t h m e n of goodwill.
HThis alternative is omitted in P o r t / E n g . ] ] H P o r t / E n g has a cross-heading ' THE COLLECT OF THE [ [ P o r t / E n g has 'The Lord be w i t h you always'.]] 33
Then may be chanted this or another authorized canticle: Jesus said: My peace I leave with you. M y peace I give to you; I give it you not as the world gives. A new c o m m a n d m e n t I give to you; that you love one another as I have loved you. Brothers, let us love one another. 1 THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL The deacon shall chant In peace let us pray to the Lord. For the peace which is from above and for our salvation, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the holy Church of God and for the unity of all mankind in Christ let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For bishops, presbyters and deacons, and particularly for the servant of God, N. our bishop, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the community here present, and for our absent brothers, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the conversion of those who live in sin; and the coming of the light of the truth to those who have fallen into unbelief or error, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For peace in the world, for social justice, for liberty in all nations, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For our country, for this city (town, district), and for all established authorities, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the troubled and the sick, for the poor and the oppressed, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. (For . . . let us pray to the Lord.) Lord, hear our prayer. That we ourselves may be protected from all trouble, danger, or need, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. That we may be granted, with all those who have gone before us in Christ perfection and happiness in his eternal kingdom, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. In the communion of the saints (and in commemoration of N.), let us commend ourselves and one another and all our life to Christ, our God. To you, O Lord.
[ [ P o r t / E n g h a s a r u b r i c '(Then the Minister name of the Lord). 1
and People may greet one another in the
In place of the preceding Litany, the following may be used: In peace let us pray to the Lord. For the Holy Catholic Church; for its bishops, presbyters and deacons, and particularly for the servant of God N. our bishop; for this congregation, and for our absent brothers, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For peace in the world; for our country; for the sick and troubled; for the conversion of those who live in sin, and for the coming of the light of the truth to those who have fallen into unbelief or error (and for . . .), let us pray to the Lord. Christ; h a v e mercy. That we ourselves may be protected from all trouble, danger, or need, and may ourselves be granted, with all those who sleep in Christ, perpetual light and peace in his eternal kingdom, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . In the communion of the saints (and in commemoration of N.), let us c o m m e n d ourselves and one another and all our life to Christ, our God. T o y o u , O Lord.
The celebrant shall chant the following or another suitable Collect: 0 God, our refuge and strength, hear the prayers of your Church, that what we ask in faith we may obtain effectually. Through J e s u s Christ, our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God eternally, now and for ever. Amen.
T H E L I T U R G Y OF T H E E U C H A R I S T OFFERTORY The deacon shall chant Let us present our offerings to the Lord, with reverence and with joy. This or another suitable canticle may be chanted: Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory a n d the majesty; for e v e r y t h i n g is y o u r s in h e a v e n a n d o n earth. A l l t h i n g s c o m e f r o m y o u . Lord, A n d that w h i c h w e give to y o u w e h a v e r e c e i v e d at y o u r h a n d . G l o r y a n d h o n o u r t o t h e F a t h e r , a n d to t h e S o n , a n d t o t h e Holy Spirit n o w a n d f o r ever. A m e n . When the offerings have been placed upon the altar, the celebrant shall say: Let us pray. Receive, Lord, these gifts, we ask: accept them as our own sacrifice, 35
and by your mercy so perfect us that, in life and in death, we may be in Christ an oblation worthy of you. For the sake of the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. A m e n . 1 6.
1 7.
CONSECRATION The celebrant shall
The Proper [Twenty
The Lord be with you. A n d also w i t h y o u Let us lift up our hearts. W e l i f t t h e m t o t h e Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is r i g h t a n d j u s t so t o d a It is indeed right and just and our duty that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to you, 0 Lord,1 almighty and eternal God:
Proper Prefaces are p r i n t e d out
the Proper
Therefore, with angels and archangels and all the saints in glory, we praise and magnify your glorious name, saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God a l m i g h t y ; H e a v e n a n d e a r t h are f u l l o f y o u r glory. H o s a n n a in t h e h i g h e s t Truly you are holy and blessed, 0 almighty God, and you are worthy of all glory. We give you thanks that you created heaven and earth and formed man in your own image, entrusting to him control of all things, that he might serve you in holiness and love. We give you thanks that you did not abandon him, despite his sin, but have given him the hope of salvation, and, in the fulness of time, you sent your Son, that taking our nature upon him, he might effect the redemption of the world, through the one sacrifice of himself finished upon the cross. We give you thanks that Jesus instituted and commanded us to continue until his coming in glory, a perfect remembrance of his redeeming sacrifice. For our Lord Jesus Christ, in the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread and, giving thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat, this is my Body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me. A m e n . In the same way, after the Supper, he took the cup and, giving thanks, he gave it to them, saying: Drink this all of you, for this is my Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins; as often as you drink it, do it in remembrance of me. A m e n . Therefore, 0 heavenly Father, we your servants, following the command of your Son, commemorate until he comes his life, passion, death, resurrection and ascension, giving you thanks for the innumerable benefits that we have received through him.
[ holy Father' is o m i t t e d here, but a l m o s t certainly t h r o u g h a m i s p r i n t translation is p r o v i d e d in the English of Port/Eng.J]
and the
And now we present to your divine majesty these gifts, praying that you would send down the Holy Spirit upon the oblation of your Church, and would grant that all who share at your table may worthily receive the Body and Blood of your Son, the holy Bread of eternal life and the Cup of everlasting salvation, and, filled w i t h your grace and heavenly blessing, may become one Body in Jesus Christ, our Lord. A m e n . Accept then, 0 merciful God, this sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, and grant that through Jesus Christ we and all your Church my obtain forgiveness of our sins, and all other benefits of his oblation. Through him and w i t h him, and in him in the unity of the Holy Spirit, be ever given to you, God the Father almighty, all honour and glory, now and for ever. A m e n . 1
As our divine Saviour has commanded and taught us, we are bold to say: Our Father in heaven; h a l l o w e d be y o u r name; your k i n g d o m come; y o u r w i l l be d o n e o n e a r t h as i n h e a v e n ; give us to-day our daily bread; f o r g i v e us o u r d e b t s as w e f o r g i v e o u r d e b t o r s . A n d l e a d us n o t i n t o t e m p t a t i o n ; b u t d e l i v e r u s f r o m evil. A m e n . THE 20.
The celebrant
in silence,
The bread which we break is the communion of the Body of Christ or
Christ, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross for us all; let us therefore keep a holy and joyful feast not w i t h the old leaven of corruption and wickedness, but w i t h the unleavened bread of truth and purity. Then
Lamb of God, you t a k e a w a y the sins of the world, h a v e m e r c y o n us. L a m b o f God, y o u t a k e a w a y t h e s i n s o f t h e w o r l d , h a v e m e r c y o n us. L a m b o f God. y o u t a k e a w a y t h e s i n s o f t h e w o r l d , g r a n t us y o u r p e a c a 1
¡[This ' A m e n ' is in capitals in the original, distinguishing it from all others.]] 37
THE COMMUNION The following prayer may be said: Lord, we are not worthy that you should enter into our dwellingplace, but say the word only and your servants will be healed. Or this: We presume to come to your table, most merciful Lord, not trusting in our own righteousness, but in your infinite love. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under your table but you are the Lord whose nature is always to have mercy. Grant us therefore that as we partake of this holy Sacrament, we may be purified by the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ your Son, that we may evermore dwell in him and he in us. Amen. Before the distribution of the Elements, the deacon shall chant We, who are repentant of our sins and are in charity with our neighbour, let us draw near in full assurance of faith, and take this holy Sacrament as a pledge of our salvation. DISMISSAL
When the Communion is ended, and after a moment of silence, the deacon shall say: Having participated in this holy Communion, let us bless the Lord! Now, Lord, you let your servants go in peace, in accordance w i t h your word. for our o w n eyes have seen your salvation; w h i c h you have prepared before all the peoples, a light to lighten t h e nations, and the glory of your people Israel. Glory t o the Father, and to the Son, and to t h e Holy Spirit, as it w a s in the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.
The celebrant may say a prayer or pronounce a blessing, have been authorized.1 Then the deacon shall chant Go in peace! In the n a m e of t h e Lord.
GENERAL RUBRICS 1. The Eucharist was celebrated in the primitive Church on all Sundays; and the Book of Common Prayer commends this practice, just as it does the possibility of having a celebration on any weekday, particularly singling out for consideration those holy days for which proper Collects, Readings, and Gospels are provided. 2. It is not convenient to celebrate persons to communicate.
the Eucharist
unless there are at least
[ I n P o r t / E n g there are printed out a prayer based upon the second p o s t - c o m m u n i o n prayer of 1 6 6 2 and a Trinitarian blessing—see nos. 2 7 and 28 below.]] 38
PORTUGAL ( P o r t 2 ) 3. The Eucharist may be presided over only by a bishop or by a presbyter, and it is highly desirable that he should be assisted by other clergy and by laity. The Absolution and the Blessing shall be pronounced by the diocesan bishop if he is the clergy seating. 4. In the situation where there is no clergyman to assist, the celebrant shall also fulfil the functions appropriate to the deacon, such as those prescribed in the rubrics included in the text such as to help at the preparation of the paten and cup, and in the distribution of Elements; but, in the absence of a deacon, a reader can fulfil everything which pertains to his office, except for reading the Gospel and assisting at the distribution of the consecrated Species. 5. The doth 6. The Parish suffice eaten, as far
the altar
be white
bread and the wine for the Communion, which Council, may be brought to the altar at the time that the bread used for the Eucharist should but the best that can be obtained. Similarly, the as is possible, and of a good quality.
and spotlessly
shall be provided by the of the Offertory. It shall be such as is ordinarily wine should be natural,
7. The Exhortation, Confession and Absolution may be said immediately before or after the Creed; in this case the Preparation shall be omitted. Similarly the Preparation may be omitted on major festivals (Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost). 8. The rubrics which relate to a canticle must metrical hymn, and also a psalm or antiphon.
be understood
to include
9. The Glory to God in the Highest' shall be replaced by' Trisagion' in the of penitential Sundays, and on weekdays which are not festivals. Before of them, another canticle may be used.
period either
10. The Collect of the day, except on major festivals, may be preceded of followed by another authorized collect or prayer which the minister judges suitable. 1 1. The readings shall be announced in the following fashion respectively: (a) for the Prophecy—'A Reading from the Prophecy o f . . . ( o r f r o m the Book o f . . .)'; (b) for the Epistle—A Reading of . . . Letter . . . (or from the Book . . .)'; (c) for the Gospel—'The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint . . .' One of the two former readings may be omitted, except on Sundays and major festivals. 12. Between
the readings
a suitable
1 3. The Creed may be omitted,
may be
on Sundays
and festival
14. The litany in the Prayer of the Faithful may be omitted, if the same service has another general intercession. In the petitions of the litany references to names which are considered suitable are permitted. 1 5. The celebrant shall first receive the Communion in both Kinds; then he shall communicate in the same way the bishops, presbyters and deacons present in the clergy seating and then the rest of the people. When he gives the Bread to each one, he shall say: 'The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ w h i c h was given for you, preserve your body and soul to eternal life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for you; and feed on him in your heart by faith w i t h thanksgiving. A m e n . ' And the deacon who gives the Cup to each one shall say: 'The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, w h i c h was shed for you, preserve your body 39
LITURGIES OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES and soul to eternal life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's Blood was shed for you and be thankful. A m e n . ' Nevertheless the first part of the formula for distributing the Elements may be used on its own, when the celebrant judges it appropriate. 1 6. Any communicant who wishes may receive the Sacrament in both Kinds simultaneously by intinction, following a method authorized by the Ordinary. And when the Sacrament is so administered, it shall suffice for the minister to say 'The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ'. 17. During
the Communion
song may be
18. When any of the consecrated Bread and Wine remains, the celebrant shall reverently consume it, immediately after the Dismissal, unless it is necessary to reserve it to communicate from the Sacred Communion any who are hindered from receiving at the public celebration of the Eucharist If, however, the celebrant considers it more suitable, he may consume what remains of the consecrated Elements immediately after the Communion, and if necessary he may call upon anyone else who has communicated to assist 19. If the consecrated Bread and Wine are all spent before all have communicated, the celebrant shall consecrate more, following the formula prescribed above, beginning with the words 'Our Lord Jesus Christ in the same night . . .' and ending with the words 'Jesus Christ, our Lord'. 20. The notices, which should be as concise as possible, may be given after the Creed or before the Offertory or just before the Dismissal. The celebration of the Eucharist should be announced during the services of the Sunday preceding. 21. When some other rite is to be observed immediately after the celebration the Eucharist the words Go in peace' etc. shall be omitted. 22. The money collected during fit to the minister and council
the Offertory shall be employed respectively.
as best
23. When there is no celebration of the Eucharist the deacon may say this office from the Introit up to and including the Prayer of the Faithful, adding immediately the Lord's Prayer then the offerings may be collected, if this is to be done. They shall be dedicated with the canticle provided for the Offertory, and the office shall conclude with the words 'Go in peace'.
In place of the form of general confession provided in the Preparation, the following may be used: The deacon shall say the following Exhortation: Brothers, let us now in a moment of silence examine our consciences. After the silence, the deacon shall continue: Let us confess our sins to God, in the presence of his Church. All shall say: A l m i g h t y God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, creator of all things, j u d g e of all men: w e confess and b e w a i l t h e m a n y g r e a t sins w e h a v e c o m m i t t e d , t h r o u g h thought, w o r d , deed, a n d omission, against your divine majesty. 40
t h r o u g h our o w n great fault. The m e m o r y of t h e m grieves us, a n d the burden of t h e m w e i g h s u s d o w n . . . H a v e c o m p a s s i o n upon us, merciful F a t h e r pardon u s f r o m all our sins, deliver u s f r o m them, and g r a n t u s g r a c e that w e m a y serve and please y o u continually, in n e w n e s s of life: for the love of J e s u s C h r i s t your Son, our Lord. The bishop . . . Has in no. 3 abovej . . . our Lord. A m e n 27.
THE may
W e give you thanks, 0 God, that you have been pleased to feed us who have duly shared in these holy Mysteries with the spiritual food of the Body and Blood of your Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour; and also that you thereby assure us of your goodness towards us, and that we are members of the Mystical Body of your Son. W e humbly ask you to assist us with your grace, that we may continue in you, and do those good works for which you have created us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen. Most Holy Trinity, Father, S o n and Holy Spirit, defend with your protection those whom you have fed with your heavenly gift and grant us, through this holy Communion, ever to seek you and to love you, and never to fall away from you. Through your mercy, 0 our God, who are blessed and live and rule all things now and for ever. Amen.
0 God, you have brought light to us through your Word, and have left us this wonderful Sacrament as a remembrance of the passion of your Son; grant to us now that we may always so receive these gifts, that we may ever show in our lives the fruits of our redemption. For the sake of the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. 28.
The celebrant may use any immediately before the deacon
of these dismisses
forms of the people.
In the union of the Holy Spirit, may the Father and the S o n bless you. Amen.
The God of peace sanctify you wholly and keep you blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ A m e n The blessing of God almighty. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be with you all and remain with you for ever. Amen. God the Father, who has gathered you here in Christ, bless you and strengthen you by the Holy Spirit, that you may ever be to the world examples of truth, of justice, and of love. Amen. 41
Liturgies of the Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches
Gorgias Liturgical Studies
This series is intended to provide a venue for studies about liturgies as well as books containing various liturgies. Making liturgical studies available to those who wish to learn more about their own worship and practice or about the traditions of other religious groups, this series includes works on service music, the daily offices, services for special occasions, and the sacraments.
Liturgies of the Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches
Edited by Colin Buchanan
i gorgias press 2010
Gorgias Press LLC, 180 Centennial Ave., Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA www.gorgiaspress.com Copyright © 2010 by Gorgias Press LLC Originally published in All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of Gorgias Press LLC. 2010
ISBN 978-1-60724-352-6
ISSN 1937-3252
Published first in the U.K. by Grove Books, 1985.
Printed in the United States of America
Liturgies of The Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches Edited by Colin Buchanan Member
Bishop of Aston of the Church of England Liturgical
Page 3
Introduction The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church 1. The Rite from the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Prayer Book (originated in 1889) ( S p a n l ) 2.
Experimental 'Rito 1' of the Spanish Episcopal Church (1984) ( S p a n 2 )
Reformed 14
The Lusitanian Church 3.
The Rite from the Lusitanian Prayer Book (1882) ( P o r t l )
Revised Rite of the Lusitanian Church 1 9 6 9 ( P o r t 2 ) . . .
Translation, arrangement, editing, copyright Colin Buchanan 1 9 8 5 PRESENTATION The s t a n d a r d i z e d p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e rites given here roughly c o r r e s p o n d s to t h a t I Anglican have used in my larger c o l l e c t i o n s of A n g l i c a n Eucharistic Liturgies, Modern Liturgies 1958-1968 (Oxford, 1 9 6 8 ) Further Anglican Liturgies 1968-1975 (Grove Books, 1 9 7 5 ) , and Latest Anglican Liturgies 1976-1984 ( S P C K / A l c u i n / G r o v e Books, 1985). This involves c o n s i d e r a b l e e d i t i n g of originals w h i c h , for instance, d o not use b o l d type. The marginal n u m b e r i n g here is editorial. The c o d e titles for each rite are d e s i g n e d t o fit w i t h the A n g l i c a n c o d i n g s used in these major c o l l e c t i o n s . ' I C E T references are as in these volumes. TRANSLATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS S p a n l w a s translated by the editor w i t h heavy d e p e n d e n c e u p o n t h e t r a n s l a t i o n first p r o d u c e d in Dublin in 1 8 8 9 by R. S t e w a r t Clough, and u p o n an i n d e p e n d e n t t r a n s l a t i o n made as a special study by Christine S i m o n s ( n o w deaconess), w h e n she w a s a s t u d e n t at St. J o h n ' s College 1 9 8 3 - 1 9 8 4 . S p a n 2 was translated by J o h n Peters, a s t u d e n t of S t J o h n ' s College, in the year 1 9 8 4 - 1 9 8 5 , and this w a s c h e c k e d and c o n f i r m e d by the Rev. A l f r e d o Cooper, A n g l o - C h i l e a n presbyter in Santiago. P o r t l was t r a n s l a t e d by t h e editor, and c h e c k e d and c o r r e c t e d by Sr. Bento E. M i c h a n g u l a , a M o z a m b i c a n s t u d e n t of the College of the Ascension, Selly Oak, in S e p t e m b e r 1 9 8 5 . P o r t 2 w a s referred to a s e m i - o f f i c i a l translation p u b l i s h e d by t h e Lusitanian Church ( ' P o r t / E n g ' — s e e I n t r o d u c t i o n opposite), but translated i n d e p e n d e n t l y from, the original Portuguese by the editor and Bento M i c h a n g u l a already m e n t i o n e d . The t w o n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y rites have been translated into ' t h o u ' f o r m English, w i t h c o n s t a n t reference t o the 1 6 6 2 Book of C o m m o n Prayer, w h i c h lay b e h i n d m u c h of the original rites. The t w e n t i e t h century rites have been translated into 'you' f o r m English. In neither case does this p r i n c i p l e of English translation necessarily do justice to the c h a n g e s and or lack of t h e m in the original languages, but there is a process of m o d e r n i z a t i o n of language g o i n g on to w h i c h this change in the English has s o m e c o r r e s p o n d e n c e .
INTRODUCTION The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church and the Lusitanian Church, which is the equivalent Church in Portugal, both came into existence in 1880, being born of individuals who left the Church of Rome for reasons of biblical conscience, but desired episcopacy and an ordered vernacular liturgy for which Anglicanism provided the original precedent, the episcopal consecrations, and much of the liturgical text. They became extra-provincial dioceses of the Anglican Communion on 5 July 1980 (Portugal) and 2 November 1980 (Spain). 1 Each Church has a liturgy dating from its origins, and also has a modern one in booklet form. There was no room to include these texts in my collections of Anglican eucharistic liturgies, so I publish them now separately. 2 Space forbids more than brief notes on the rites. (a) The S p a n i s h R e f o r m e d Episcopal C h u r c h The Church published its first liturgy in 1883, and put it into definitive form in 1 889. An English translation published in Dublin followed after each drafting. The translator indicated sources in the margin. 3 In the early editions the Shorter Form was published separately, but in the 1 975 printing of the book it is shown by marginal lines and rubrics, and this text is presented here as ' S p a n l ' . Since around 1970 various alternative and experimental texts have been compiled by the Liturgical Commission, sometimes in dependence upon Spanish-language editions of American rites, sometimes independently. 4 In 1984 the Synod authorized two rites for official use: 'Rito I', published here as ' S p a n 2 ' , and 'Rito II' which, with hardly a word changed, is the Spanish- language edition of Rite Two from the 1 979 American Book of Common Prayer. (b) The L u s i t a n i a n C h u r c h Congregations using Anglican forms in translation inaugurated this Church. In 1 882 it issued its definitive liturgical book, and the eucharist from that is published here as' P o r t l ' . In 1 969 it issued in booklet form its modern rite, published here as' Port2'. This is available in a popular form, with Spanish, English, and French translation in parallel columns, here called ' P o r t / E n g ' . It omits rubrics, and has other variants. (c) General c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s The four rites have strong and easily discernible Anglican connections, but they also have, in their own different ways, four unique routes through the eucharist The two older rites have far more propers than Anglican rites of the period. Identifying sources cannot be undertaken here, but the raw materials for a fascinating enquiry are now to hand. 1
The Lusitanian Church claims 5 0 0 0 adherents; the Spanish Reformed Episcopal C h u r c h w o u l d have barely 1 0 0 0 . See my Further Anglican Liturgies 1968-1975 p.v a n d Latest Anglican Liturgies p.ix f o o t n o t e 2. 1976-1984, See a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s o p p o s i t e . T h e s o u r c e s c i t e d i n c l u d e d M o z a r a b i c , ' D e a n Hale ( a f t e r M o z a r a b i c ) ' , Cabrera ( t h e f o u n d e r of t h e C h u r c h a n d c o m p i l e r of t h e liturgy), the Irish Prayer B o o k of 1 8 7 8 , and b o t h 1 6 6 2 a n d A m e r i c a n uses. One i n s t a n c e is t h e ' S a l a m a n c a ' rite d a t e d 1 9 7 2 , d r a w n f r o m t h e P r o v i n c e IX S p a n i s h text of t h e rites in t h e ' G r e e n Book'. 3
1. T H E RITE FROM T H E S P A N I S H REFORMED EPISCOPAL C H U R C H PRAYER BOOK (originated in 1 8 8 9 ) ( S p a n l )
THE ORDER FOR THE HOLY 1. For the Shorter said.
Office only the parts marked
by the line in the margin
2. When there is to be an administration of the HOLY SUPPER, the Minister announce it during the Services of the preceding Sunday.
3. If among those who are to communicate, the Minister shall know any to be an open and notorious evil liver, or to have done any wrong to his neighbours by word or deed, so that the Congregation be thereby offended, he shall advertise him, that he presume not to come to the Lord's Table until he have openly declared himself to have truly repented, and amended his former evil life. 4. The same order shall the Minister use with those betwixt whom he perceiveth malice and hatred to reign, not suffering them to communicate until he know them to be reconciled. And if one of the parties so at variance be content from the bottom of his heart to forgive all that the other hath trespassed against him, and to make amends for that wherein he himself hath offended, and the other party will not be persuaded to a godly unity, but still remain in his frowardness and malice, then the Minister ought to admit to the communion that person who hath repented, but not him that is obstinate. 5. The TABLE at the Communion
is to be covered
6. All standing, the Minister in his customary place shall say: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost R: Amen V: I will arise, and go to my Father, and will say unto him: I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.— Let us pray. 7. The Congregation kneeling and the Minister say: Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
Our Father, w h i c h art in heaven: H a l l o w e d be t h y n a m a Thy kingdom c o m a Thy w i l l be d o n a in e a r t l \ as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. A n d forgive us our debts, as w e forgive our debtors. A n d lead us not into temptation. But deliver us f r o m eviL Amen. 4
SPAIN (Spani)
V: R: V: R: V:
Cleanse us f r o m our secret sins, 0 Lord. A n d free thy s e r v a n t s f r o m all pride. 0 Lord, hear our prayer. A n d let our c r y c o m e u n t o the& O God, w h o maKest those w h o are u n w o r t h y worthy, w h o makest sinners righteous, and w h o makest the i m p u r e clean! Purify our hearts and our bodies f r o m every t h o u g h t and every stain of sin, that w e may serve t h e e in an acceptable manner: t h r o u g h our s p o t l e s s great high Priest Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, w h o w i t h t h e e liveth a n d reigneth in the unity of t h e Holy G h o s t o n e God, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. Amen.
8. V: R:
0 Lord, o p e n t h o u our lips. A n d our m o u t h s s h a l l s h e w f o r t h thy
9. (The
10. All standing, the season,
on page
. . .)
the Minister shall read the INTROIT as follows:
[ T h e Introits for eight major seasons of the Church Year follow]]
11 .After And
the INTROIT, the M i n i s t e r shall say: Let us praise the Lord. all shall sing or say: Glory be to G o d o n H i g h . . . [ a s in 1662]] . . . G o d t h e Father. A m e n .
1 2. Then the Minister shall say: The Lord be w i t h y o u always. R: A n d w i t h thy spirit. \2>.(The
14. V:
The reading of the Prophecy, in the B o o k . . . , c h a p t e r . . . , verse . . . T h a n k s be to God.
on page
. . .)
With the Congregation sitting, the Minister standing shall the Prophecy of the day and shall conclude by saying: Here e n d e t h the reading f r o m the Prophecy Amen. R: 1 5. All standing, Minister and 16. PSALM
there shall be sung (or read alternately the Congregation) part of Te Deum.
106 (v. 1-5)
[ P s a l m 106.1-5, w i t h a doxology added as verse 6, are printed out]]
17. The Deacon shall say: Brethren, keep silence. The reading of t h e Epistle of . . . chapter . . . verse . . . R: T h a n k s be to God. 5
With the Congregation sitting the Deacon standing shall read the EPISTLE of the day; and shall conclude by saying: Here endeth the reading of the Epistle. Amen. 1 8. Then, all standing, the Minister shall say: The Lord be with you always. R: And w i t h thy spirit. V: The reading of the holy Gospel according to . . . chapter. . . verse . . . R: Glory be to thee^ O Lord. And the Minister shall read the GOSPEL of the day; and shall conclude by saying: Here endeth the reading of the holy Gospel. R: Amen. 19./T/je Shorter Office continues
on page . . .)
20. V: Praise ye the Lord. The Lord's name be praised. R: Then shall be said or sung as follows the LAUDS corresponding the season or day: [ S e v e n t e e n seasonal p r o v i s i o n s
If the LAUD was only read, a HYMN may be sung. 21. If there is to be an ADDRESS or SERMON it shall follow
22. Then the Presbyter shall go to the LORD'S TABLE, and if there is to be an OFFERTORY, he shall there say: Let us present our offerings to the Lord with reverence and with holy fear. The Churchwardens, or other duly appointed persons, shall receive the OFFERTORY from the faithful, while the Presbyter reads some of the following SENTENCES: [Seventeen
Offertory s e n t e n c e s
23. While the Wardens take the OFFERTORY to the Presbyter, the following may be sung or said: All t h a t in heaven and on earth is thine, O Lord: all is thine; and w h a t w e have received at thine hand w e give to t h e a Glory and honour t o the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. Amen, 24. The Presbyter shall receive the OFFERTORY and place it upon the LORD'S TABLE. Then he shall place on it the PATEN with the BREAD and the CHALICE with the WINE, in sufficient quantity. If there should be a great number of Communicants, he may place more than one CHALICE or a JUG for the WINE. 6
SPAIN (Spani) 2 5 . All
still standing, the Presbyter shall say: A l m i g h t y a n d eternal God! W e h u m b l y b e s e e c h t h e e [ g r a c i o u s l y to a c c e p t our o f f e r i n g s w h i c h w e p r e s e n t u n t o t h y d i v i n e Majesty; and also] t o assist us w i t h t h y grace, as w e n o w separate a n d d e d i c a t e t o t h y service t h e s e t h y g i f t s of Bread and W i n e for t h e c o m m e m o r a t i o n of t h e d e a t h a n d o b l a t i o n of our R e d e e m e r J e s u s C h r i s t Amen.
2 6 . The Deacon CREDENCE 2 7 . (The
shall place side-tables. Office
, , .)
2 8 . The Presbyter shall continue: Let us r e m e m b e r the holy Catholic C h u r c h in our prayers, t h a t the Lord may v o u c h s a f e t o s t r e n g t h e n her in faith, h o p e and charity. G r a n t u s this, e t e r n a l a n d a l m i g h t y God.
The Congregation 0 heavenly supplications, be m a d e for
kneeling, the Presbyter, standing, shall say: Father, as w e r e m e m b e r t h y p r e c e p t t h a t prayers, p e t i t i o n s , and t h a n k s g i v i n g s , s h o u l d all men;
W e h u m b l y b e s e e c h t h e e t o bless t h e h o l y C h u r c h universal, and t o d e f e n d her in all dangers, p r o t e c t her in adversities, a n d m a k e her w a t c h f u l in prosperity. Grant t h a t all w h o c o n f e s s t h y holy n a m e may live in pure and sincere love w i t h t h e brethren, a n d keep t h e unity of t h e Spirit in t h e b o n d of peace. Grant t h a t all Christian g o v e r n o r s and m a g i s t r a t e s may truly and i m p a r t i a l l y a d m i n i s t e r justice, for t h e p u n i s h m e n t of evildoers, and for t h e praise of t h o s e w h o d o w h a t is right. Give grace t o all B i s h o p s and o t h e r M i n i s t e r s , t h a t t h e y m a y f a i t h f u l l y p r o c l a i m t h y w o r d , s h o w f o r t h in t h e practice of t h e i r lives t h a t w h i c h t h e y t e a c h w i t h t h e i r lips, a n d r i g h t l y and duly a d m i n i s t e r t h y holy sacraments. Grant t h a t all t h y people, and especially t h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n here present, may s i n c e r e l y receive thy holy W o r d , a n d serve thee in h o l i n e s s and r i g h t e o u s n e s s all t h e days of t h e i r life. L i k e w i s e w e b e s e e c h t h e e of t h y g o o d n e s s , 0 Lord, t o c o m f o r t and sucour all t h o s e w h o are in need, trouble, sickness, or any o t h e r adversity. Grant this, 0 Father, for t h e love of t h i n e o n l y b e g o t t e n Son, J e s u s Christ our Lord
Amen. A n d w e bless t h y holy name, 0 our God, for t h e Patriarchs and Prophets, w h o f o r e t o l d t h e c o m i n g of t h y Son; for t h e A p o s t l e s , w h o gave t e s t i m o n y of his w o n d e r s ; for t h e 7
LITURGIES OFTHE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES Martyrs, w h o d i e d for t h e truth; and for all others thy servants w h o have d e p a r t e d this life in thy faith a n d fear; b e s e e c h i n g t h e e to give us grace so to f o l l o w t h e i r g o o d examples, that t h o u mayest make us, w i t h t h e m , partakers of thy heavenly k i n g d o m . R:
R: 29.
3 0 . All,
Amen. For t h o u art the life of the living, t h e health of t h e sick, a n d the repose of all the faithful departed, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. Amen. Dearly beloved brethren: w e w h o m i n d to c o m e to the holy c o m m u n i o n of the Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ s h o u l d confess our faults, if w e do not desire to be c o n d e m n e d by t h e j u d g m e n t of God; w e s h o u l d h u m b l e ourselves before men, if w e desire to be g l o r i f i e d in the presence of the angels; w e s h o u l d w e e p in the w o r l d , if w e desire to reign w i t h Christ. Trusting, then, in the mercy of God, let us h u m b l y make our confession: devoutly kneeling: A l m i g h t y God, F a t h e r of o u r Lord J e s u s C h r i s t ! W e c o n f e s s t h a t w e h a v e s i n n e d g r i e v o u s l y a g a i n s t thee^ in t h o u g h t , w o r d , d e e d a n d o m i s s i o n . W e e a r n e s t l y repent of t h e s e our misdoings, t h e burden of w h i c h g r e a t l y o v e r w h e l m s us, a n d t h e m e m o r y o f w h i c h a f f l i c t s o u r h e a r t s . H i d e t h y f a c e f r o m o u r sins, O Lord, a n d b l o t o u t all o u r i n i q u i t i e s . H a v e m e r c y u p o n us, w e b e s e e c h t h e e ; h a v e m e r c y u p o n us f o r t h e l o v e o f t h y w e l l - b e l o v e d Son, w h o d i e d u p o n t h e c r o s s f o r o u r s a l v a t i o n , a n d p a r d o n a l l o u r m i s d e e d s , c l e a n s e us f r o m e v e r y s t a i n of i n i q u i t y , a n d f i l l us w i t h t h y s p i r i t u a l g i f t s ; t h a t f r o m h e n c e f o r t h w e m a y w a l k in n e w n e s s o f l i f e t h r o u g h J e s u s C h r i s t o u r Lord. A m e n .
3 0 . The Presbyter (or the Bishop, if he be present) rising, shall say: God our heavenly Father, w h o of his great love to m a n k i n d hath p r o m i s e d f o r g i v e n e s s to all t h o s e w h o w i t h hearty repentance and true faith turn unto him, have mercy u p o n you, pardon all your sins, s t r e n g t h e n you in all goodness, and bring you to everlasting life; t h r o u g h Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer. Amen. R: A l m i g h t y G o d h a v e m e r c y u p o n t h e e also, p a r d o n a l l t h y sins, a n d b r i n g t h e e t o e v e r l a s t i n g life; t h r o u g h J e s u s C h r i s t o u r Lord. A m e n . V: The Lord be w i t h you always. R: And w i t h thy spirit 3 2 . The Presbyter shall read the COLLECT of the day. R: Amen. V: T h r o u g h thy mercy, 0 our God, w h o art blessed and dost live and govern all things, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. R: Amen. 8
SPAIN ( S p a n i )
33. (The Shorter 34. V:
R: V: R: 35. V: All
on page . . .)
0 God, w h o art the author of peace! Pour thy peace, we beseech thee, into our hearts and our minds; guard and protect us in all dangers; and grant that we, continuing always in thy protection, may serve thee w i t h o u t fear all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The grace of God the almighty Father, the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be w i t h us all evermore. And with all those of good will. The Lord is our true peace and unbroken charity. Brethren, be at peace one w i t h another. standing, the Congregation shall sing or say: Peace I leave w i t h you, m y p e a c e I g i v e u n t o you; not as t h e w o r l d g i v e t h g i v e I u n t o you. A n e w c o m m a n d m e n t I give u n t o you; t h a t ye love one another, as I h a v e loved you. Glory and honour t o t h e Father, a n d t o t h e Son, and t o t h e Holy Ghost, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. A m e n .
36. Then the Presbyter shall say: Incline your ears unto the Lord. Speak, Lord, for t h y servants hear. R: V: Thus saith the Lord: Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. So God loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 37. R: V: R: V:
Lift up your hearts. W e lift t h e m up u n t o t h e Lord. Let us give thanks and praises unto our Lord God. It is m e e t and right so to do. It is very meet and right that we should at all times praise thee, holy Lord, everlasting Father, almighty God.
38. And he shall followeth: [Twelve
39. And
of the season,
Proper Prefaces follow]]
he shall continue by saying: Therefore with angels and archangels, and with the innumerable company of heaven, we magnify thy glorious name, evermore praising thee and saying: together shall sing or say: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, God of Hosts! H e a v e n and e a r t h are full of t h e glory of t h y majesty. H o s a n n a t o t h e Son of David; hosanna in t h e highest!— A m e n . 9
LITURGIES OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES 40. The Congregation kneeling, the Presbyter TABLE and facing the faithful, shall say:
Truly holy and blessed art thou, 0 G o d the Father almighty, for that thou didst s e n d thine only-begotten Son, to take our nature upon himself, and to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption; w h o m a d e there (by his o n e oblation of himself o n c e offered) a full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction for the sins of the w h o l e world. Christ the Lord and eternal R e d e e m e r in the s a m e night (1) He shaii take the Bread that he w a s betrayed, took bread in,o his hand. (-| ^ a n c | giving thanks, he b l e s s e d
/2j He shaiibreak the Bread it and brake it (2), a n d g a v e it to in the sightotthe faithful. his disciples, saying; Take, eat; (3) He shaii lay his hand this (3) is my B o d y w h i c h is given upon the broken Bread. f o r y 0 u ; ¿ q t h i s ¡ n r e m e m b r a n c e of me.
Ft: Amen.
" ¿ n d . " " Cu" /s) He shaii lay his hand r w X t t t i u ' l 141
L i k e w i s e after supper he took the Cup (4), saying: This (5) Cup is the N e w T e s t a m e n t in my Blood, w h i c h is s h e d for you and for many, for the remission of sins; do this, as oft as y e shall drink it, in r e m e m b r a n c e of me.
A s often as y e eat this B r e a d and drink this Cup, y e proclaim the death of the Lord until he c o m e from h e a v e n in giory.
Therefore, most holy Father, w e thine unworthy servants do hereby c o m m e m o r a t e and proclaim the death of thine only begotten Son, in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h his c o m m a n d , until he shall c o m e again in glory and majesty; having in r e m e m b r a n c e his glorious passion and resurrection a n d a s c e n s i o n into heaven; and rendering unto t h e e most hearty thanks for the innumerable benefits conferred upon us by them. A n d w e humbly b e s e e c h thee, 0 merciful Father, that of thy great g o o d n e s s thou w o u l d s t v o u c h s a f e to bless a n d sanctify for our use, w i t h thy w o r d and Holy Spirit, t h e s e thy gifts and creatures of bread and wine; that we, receiving t h e m according to thy S o n our S a v i o u r J e s u s Christ's holy institution, in r e m e m b r a n c e of his passion and death, m a y be partakers of his most b l e s s e d B o d y a n d Blood. A n d w e earnestly desire thy fatherly g o o d n e s s mercifully to a c c e p t this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, humbly b e s e e c h i n g t h e e to grant t h a t by the merits a n d d e a t h of thy S o n J e s u s Christ and through our faith in his Blood, w e and all thy w h o l e Church may obtain remission of our sins, and all other benefits of his passion. 10
SPAIN ( S p a n i )
A n d here w e offer and present unto thee, 0 Lord, ourselves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice unto thee; h u m b l y b e s e e c h i n g thee t h a t all w e w h o are partakers of t h i s holy c o m m u n i o n , may be f i l l e d w i t h thy grace and heavenly b e n e d i c t i o n . A n d a l t h o u g h w e be u n w o r t h y t h r o u g h our m a n i f o l d sins t o offer unto t h e e any sacrifice, yet w e beseech thee to accept this our b o u n d e n duty and service, not w e i g h i n g our merits but p a r d o n i n g our offences, t h r o u g h Jesus Christ our Lord; by w h o m and w i t h w h o m , in the unity of t h e Holy G h o s t all honour and glory be unto thee, 0 Father almighty, for ever and ever. Amen.
R: 4 1 . V: R: V:
The Lord be w i t h you always. A n d w i t h t h y spirit. Let us confess w i t h our m o u t h the faith w h i c h w e believe in our heart. together, rising, shall say the CONSTANTINOPOLITAN CREED W e believe in o n e G o d . . .[[as in 1 6 6 2 , except for 'we']] . . . w o r l d to c o m e . A m e n .
4 2 . Then
the Presbyter shall say: Brethren; having made t h e profession of our faith, n o w f o l l o w i n g the c o m m a n d m e n t and t e a c h i n g of our divine Master, w h o hath the w o r d s of eternal life, let us pray to the Lord w i t h humility of heart, and w i t h all the w a r m t h of our b e i n g address him: (Here the Congregation shall kneel.) Our Father, w h i c h art in heaven: H a l l o w e d be t h y name. R: Amen. V: Thy k i n g d o m come. R: Amen. V: Thy w i l l be done, in earth as it is in heaven. R: Amen. V: Give us this day our daily bread. R: For t h o u art God. V: A n d forgive us our debts, as w e forgive our debtors. R: Amen. V: A n d lead us not into t e m p t a t i o n . R: But deliver us f r o m evil. V: Delivered f r o m all evil and evermore s t r e n g t h e n e d in t h a t w h i c h is good, grant t h a t w e may serve thee, 0 our God and Lord. Put an end to our sins; give joy to t h e m that mourn; send deliverance to the captives; b e s t o w health on the sick. Grant peace and security all our days; break the audacity of our enemies; hear, 0 God, the s u p p l i c a t i o n s of all thy faithful Christian servants n o w and at all times. For the sake of t h y S o n J e s u s Christ our Lord, w h o liveth and reigneth w i t h thee in t h e unity of t h e Holy Ghost, one G o d forever, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. R: Amen. 11
43. The Deacon shall say: Brethren, humble yourselves for the blessing. The Presbyter: The Lord be with you always. And w i t h thy spirit R: And he shall say the BLESSING according to the season, or proper to the day, as followeth: [ T h e r e f o l l o w seventeen proper blessings]]
44. After
the BLESSING, all standing shall sing or say: 0 taste and see h o w gracious t h e Lord is. Alleluia. 1 w i l l bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in m y mouth. Alleluia. The Lord redeemeth t h e soul of his servants; and none of t h e m t h a t trust in him shall be desolate. A l l e l u i a Glory and honour t o t h e Father, and to the Son, and t o the Holy Ghost, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. Amen.
45. Then shall the Presbyter reverently receive the Holy Communion in both kinds, afterwards delivering it in like manner to the Bishops, Presbyters and Deacons (if any be present), and after that to the remaining faithful in order, placing the BREAD and the CUP into the hands of the Communicants. When he delivereth the BREAD to each one, he shall say: The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving. And the Minister who delivereth the CUP shall say: The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's Blood was shed for thee, and be thankful. 46. If the BREAD or the WINE which hath been blessed be spent before all have communicated, the Presbyter is to bless more according to the form before prescribed, beginning at Christ the Lord and eternal Redeemer, in the same night that he was betrayed, etc., and ending at partakers of his most blessed Body and Blood. 47. When all have communicated, the Presbyter shall place upon the Lord's TABLE what remaineth of the elements which have been blessed, covering them with a fair white linen doth. 48. Then shall the Presbyter say: The Lord hath given us the bread of heaven. R: He hath fed his people w i t h t h e food of angela V: In God is our salvation and our glory. R: W e w i l l seek his f a c e always; w e w i l l pour out our hearts before him. All kneeling shall say: O Lord our G o d Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Grant t h a t w e w h o have received this holy Communion, m a y 12
SPAIN (Spani) a l w a y s s e e k t h e e a n d l o v e thee^ a n d m a y n e v e r d e p a r t f r o m thee; a n d g r a n t u s t h i n e a i d t h a t w e m a y d o all t h o s e t h i n g s t h a t are w e l l p l e a s i n g in t h y sight; f o r t h o u a r t G o d , a n d t h e r e i s n o n e o t h e r b e s i d e thee^ w o r l d w i t h o u t end. A m e n .
remaineth kneeling, 4 9 . The Presbyter, rising, while the Congregation shall say: The Lord be w i t h you always. R: A n d with thy spirit V: W e give t h e e thanks, 0 a l m i g h t y God, f o r t h a t t h o u dost vouchsafe to f e e d us, w h o have duly received these holy mysteries, w i t h the spiritual f o o d of the m o s t precious Body and B l o o d of thy Son, our Saviour J e s u s Christ, assuring us t h e r e b y of t h y favour and g o o d n e s s t o w a r d s us. Grant, 0 Lord, t h a t we, w h o have partaken of t h e one Bread, may keep in r e m e m b r a n c e that w e are m e m b e r s of t h e mystical body of our Saviour C h r i s t w h i c h is t h e b l e s s e d c o m p a n y of all faithful people; and so assist us w i t h thy grace, t h a t w e may c o n t i n u e in t h a t holy f e l l o w s h i p and do all s u c h w o r k s as are w o r t h y of t h e v o c a t i o n in w h i c h w e have been called. R: Amen. V: T h r o u g h t h y mercy, 0 our God, w h o art blessed and livest and g o v e r n e s t all things, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. R: Amen. 5 0 . A HYMN 51. Then
the Deacon shall say: Brethren, this celebration in the name of our Lord J e s u s Christ hath ended. M a y our p e t i t i o n s and praises be a c c e p t e d in peace. T h a n k s be to God. A m e n .
52. Then the Presbyter (or the Bishop, if he be present) shall dismiss the Congregation, saying: The peace w h i c h Jesus left to his disciples, w h e n he a s c e n d e d into heaven, be ever w i t h you in all its fulness. A n d the blessing of God the Father almighty, and of t h e Son, and of the Holy Ghost, rest u p o n you, and abide a m o n g you eternally. Amen. 53. When any of the blessed elements remain, it shall not be reserved nor carried out of the church; but the Presbyter, and such of the communicants as he shall call, shall reverently eat and drink the same after the final blessing. 54. When there is to be an administration of the HOLY COMMUNION after some other SERVICE, or when in the judgment of the minister it would be desirable to use a shorter Form, the SHORTER OFFICE may be used, which is composed solely of those parts of the Greater Office indicated by the line in the margin. 13
E X P E R I M E N T A L ' R I T O I' OF T H E S P A N I S H EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1 9 8 4 (Span2) THE LORD'S S U P P E R — R I T E
1. All
A psalm,
or hymn
2. M:
In t h e name of the Father, and of t h e Son, and of the Holy Spirit. R: Amen. 3. I w i l l return to my Father, and say to him: I have s i n n e d against you and against my n e i g h b o u r I am n o t w o r t h y t o be called your son. Lord, forgive us our sins. A n d deliver us f r o m pride. Lord, you justify sinners, so purify us t h a t w e may serve you worthily; t h r o u g h the m e d i a t i o n of our spotless High Priest, Jesus Christ, your Son and our Saviour, w h o w i t h you and the Holy Spirit is one God, for ever. Amen.
4. This may be sung or said: Lord, have mercy on us C h r i s t h a v e m e r c y o n us. Lord, have mercy o n us. 5. This may be sung or said: Lord, o p e n our lips. A n d our m o u t h shall proclaim your
6. The hymn 'Gloria' may be sung or said. This hymn is neither sung nor said in Advent or Lent All: G l o r y t o G o d . . . ftlCET 4fl . . . t h e F a t h e r . A m e n . 7. THE 'COLLECT PRAYER Let us pray. All pray in silence. After this the president Day to which the assembly responds: Amen.
says the Collect
8. THE READINGS AH sit The reader, standing, says: The Lord be w i t h you always. A n d w i t h your spirit A reading from the Old Testament, book . . . , verse(s) . . When the reading is ended, the reader says: Here ends t h e reading of t h e Old Testament. W e g i v e t h a n k s t o you, O Lord. 14
of the
SPAIN (Span2) 9. A psalm
be sung
or said,
10. A reading f r o m the Epistle (or Book) of . . . , c h a p t e r . . . , verse(s)
The assembly listens seated. When the reading is ended, the reader says: Here ends t h e reading of t h e Epistle (or the Book . . .) W e g i v e t h a n k s t o y o u O Lord. 11. The 'Alleluia' or another canticle appropriate to the season be sung or said (see pages . . . [[i.e. nos. 37]])
1 2. All stand: The Lord is here. H i s S p i r i t i s w i t h us. The reader prays: Bless me, Lord, that I may w o r t h i l y p r o c l a i m your Gospel. Then he says: Let us hear t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of our salvation, taken f r o m t h e Holy Gospel a c c o r d i n g to St. . . . , chapter . . . , verse(s) . . . When the reading is ended, he says: Here ends the reading of the Gospel of our salvation, W e p r a i s e you. O Lord. A moment of silence is kept
14. When the address is ended, there follows: Brothers, let us confess our faith. All stand, and sing or say the CREED. W e b e l i e v e i n o n e G o d . . . [ I C E T 3]] . . . Amen.
world to
15. The deacon says: Having heard t h e w o r d of God, and having c o n f e s s e d our faith, let us pray in t h e Spirit. THE PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL W e pray for the Christian Church, that t h e Lord may make it increase in faith, hope, and love. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For t h e Spanish church. For our bishop, for t h e presbyters and deacons; f o r t h i s assembly and for t h o s e w h o preside here, that they may give t e s t i m o n y of their Lord and be examples of peace. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For t h e peace of the w o r l d , for justice and liberty. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For t h o s e w h o govern t h e nations, and especially for t h o s e w h o govern t h i s country. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For our brothers w h o are oppressed, that their s o r r o w may be t u r n e d into joy w h i c h n o - o n e can take away f r o m them. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . 15
For. . . (particular concerns of the Congregation, of the Church or of the national or worldwide society). Christ, have mercy. Father, we bless you for the Patriarchs arid Prophets w h o announced the coming of your Son; for the Apostles who testified of the Messiah Jesus; for the Martyrs w h o suffered for the Gospel and for all w h o sleep in the hope of the resurrection. Amen. Lord, you are the life of the living, the health of the infirm, and the rest of the faithful departed, for the endless ages. Amen.
16. If it has not been done before this, there follows the RECONCILIATION. Let us confess our sins against God and against our neighbour. All kneeling say: M e r c i f u l Father, w e confess that w e have sinned against you in t h o u g h t , w o r d , a n d deed; by w h a t w e have done and by w h a t w e have failed t o d a w e have not loved y o u w i t h all o u r h e a r t w e h a v e n o t l o v e d o t h e r s as o u r s e l v e s . W e implore your pity, f o r g i v e w h a t w e h a v e been, c o r r e c t w h a t w e are, d i r e c t w h a t w e s h a l l be; t h a t w e m a y d e l i g h t in y o u r w i l l and w a l k in y o u r w a y s , f o r t h e g l o r y of y o u r N a m e T h r o u g h Jesus Christ; our Saviour. Amen. 1 7. Then the president or the bishop if he is in the seating, rises and says: Almighty God have mercy upon you and forgive you your sins through the mediation of Jesus Christ; sanctify you and give you eternal life by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
1 8. The assembly responds: G o d h a v e m e r c y o n y o u also, f o r g i v e y o u y o u r sins t h r o u g h J e s u s C h r i s t and give you eternal life by the power of the Holy Spirit Amen.
19. All stand. THE PEACE Brothers: the Lord is our true peace and eternal charity. Live in peace with each other and with all. 16
SPAIN (Span2)
20. All sing, or say: THE SONG OF PEACE. Peace I l e a v e w i t h you, m y p e a c e I g i v e you: N o t as t h e w o r l d gives, do I give to you. A n e w c o m m a n d m e n t I g i v e you t h a t y o u love one another as I h a v e loved you. This may be sung, or said, three times.
THE THANKSGIVING 21. THE OFFERTORY W i t h joy let us offer to the Lord our lives arid our work. The faithful of the congregation bring to the Table the offerings of bread and wine, and also of money or other offerings, and they will be placed conveniently. 22. While this is being done, the deacon or the president shall say appropriate verses, or all may sing a hymn, or the following song: OFFERTORY SONG Yours, O Lord, are all t h i n g s in h e a v e n and on earth: e v e r y t h i n g belongs to you, and it is w h a t w e h a v e received f r o m y o u t h a t w e give t o you. 23. The offerings are placed on the Table. The president following prayer. Blessed are you, Lord, God of the universe, for
and also bless the earth which feeds us w i t h its fruits. Blessed are you, O Lord. 24. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING No. 1 All remain standing, and the president The Lord is here. His Spirit is w i t h us.
Listen attentively: God so loved the world that he did not hesitate to give up his only Son, that all w h o believe in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Lift up your hearts W e lift t h e m t o t h e Lord. We give thanks and praise to our Lord God. It is right and j u s t to give t h e m t o him. It is very just and right for us at all times to praise you, Holy Lord, Eternal Father, Almighty God. PROPER
says the
Therefore with angels and archangels, and with the innumerable company of heaven, we exalt your glorious Name, forever praising you and saying:
Holy, holy, holy. Lord, God of the universe! The heavens and the earth are full of the glory of your majesty. H o s a n n a to the Son of David! H o s a n n a in the highest! Amen. The president
Truly holy and blessed are you, God, merciful Father, in that you sent your Son, made man through the operation of the holy Spirit, that he might be our Saviour. Amen. Christ the Lord and eternal Redeemer. in the same night in which he was to be betrayed, took bread, gave thanks to God, broke it and said: 'This is my body, which I give for you; do this in memory of me.' After supper, in the same way he took the cup and said: 'This cup is the new covenant sealed with my blood, each time that you drink of it, do this in memory of me.' Amen. Whenever you eat of this bread and drink of this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death in the hope of his return. Comet Lord Jesus! Doing thus, most holy Father, we commemorate and proclaim the death of your Son, the Messiah, until he returns in glory and majesty, remembering his glorious passion and resurrection and ascension. A men. Father, sanctify with your Holy Spirit these gifts of bread and wine, and thus we will participate in the very blessed Body and Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 18
SPAIN (Span2)
Give us your Spirit that we may be able to be merciful; it is your Spirit who brings reconciliation between men, for he is against injustice and he shows favour to those w h o suffer, and thus we may be able to make a society in which people will be able to live w i t h dignity, and so we shall demonstrate that you, Lord, are w i t h us. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, your Son and the brother of all men. Through him we bless you, our Father, through him we give you thanks, and through him we receive the fulness of the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. 25. Brothers, following the precept and teaching of our divine Master, w h o has the words of eternal life, we dare to say: THE MESSIAH'S PRAYER Our Father in heaven: hallowed be your Name. Amen. Your kingdom come. Amen. Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen. Give us to-day our daily bread. Amen. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Amen. Do not allow us to stray from you. Amen. But deliver us from the evil one. Amen. Deliver us from evil, confirm us always in goodness, make us worthy to serve you, our Lord and God. Put an end. Lord, to our sins. Give joy to the afflicted, liberty to those w h o suffer injustice, give health to the sick and peace to the departed. Give us peace and security. 19
Destroy the i n s o l e n c e of t h e unjust and hear the prayers of faithful Christians. T h r o u g h our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, w h o lives and reigns w i t h you in the unity of the Holy Spirit. God, forever and ever. Amen. 26.
Brothers, let us invoke t h e BENEDICTIONS
JTwelve seasonal petitions for God's blessings])
THE BREAKING OF THE The Lord is here. H i s S p i r i t i s w i t h us.
The president breaks the bread, whilst silent As there is only one Bread and all partake of it, even so w e f o r m a single Body.
COMMUNION SONG All: T a s t e a n d s e e h o w g o o d t h e L o r d is. A l l e l u i a I w i l l bless t h e Lord at all times: his praise w i l l ever be in m y m o u t h . Alleluia. The Lord redeems the souls of his servants, Those w h o t r u s t in h i m w i l l n o t be abandoned. Glory a n d honour t o t h e Father, a n d t o t h e Son, and to the Holy Spirit f o r e v e r a n d ever. Alleluia. Amen.
the congregation
The president says: Holy gifts for the p e o p l e of God. Take t h e m in r e m e m b r a n c e t h a t Christ died for you, and f e e d on h i m in your hearts, w i t h faith and joy.
The president receives communion. After this, the bishops, presbyters, and deacons present in the presbyters' seating do so. The congregation comes forward to receive communion. Whoever gives communion says: The Body (Blood) of our Lord Jesus Christ keep you in life eternal. Amen.
At the end of the communion, the congregation prays in The Lord be w i t h you. And w i t h your spirit The Lord has given us t h e Bread of Heaven. He feeds his people w i t h t h e f o o d o f angels. In God is our salvation and our glory. W e w i l l a l w a y s desire his presence: our hearts w i l l ever be before him. 20
SPAIN (Span2)
All stand and say: Our Lord and our God Father, Son and Holy S p i r i t Grant t h a t w e w h o have received this holy communion m a y a l w a y s love you and love our fellow-men. Give us your Holy Spirit t h a t w e m a y be able to do your will; for you are God alone for ever and ever. Amen.
A psalm,
Here are said the announcements,
DISMISSAL The deacon says: Brothers, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ let us go in peace. W e give t h a n k s to God. The President or bishop if present may bless the The peace that as he ascended into heaven, Jesus left with the disciples, be always with you. The blessing of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit be always with you. Amen.
or hymn may be sung. given as briefly as possible.
[Songs for the 'Alleluia' follow (see no. 11), set out for thirteen seasons or occasions]]
[Proper Prefaces for thirteen seasons and occasions follow]
It is convenient that at the beginning should lead from his place.
of the Liturgy the
The Holy Table should be covered
with a dean
The ending of psalms, canticles and antiphons with the 'Glory and honour to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.' is optional, but it is not said or sung in Lent.
The president the day.
The readings shall be given from the lectern: (a) laypersons of either sex shall read the Old Testament the Epistle. (b) the deacon shall read the Gospel.
whether bishop or presbyter,
president doth.
says the Collect of
The Creed festivals.
may be omitted,
The thanksgiving
The deacon shall prepare the Table for the celebration, placing on it the bread and wine (the paten and the cup). In preparing the wine, he shall add a little water. It is convenient that laypersons should assist him. If there is no deacon, committed laypersons may do this.
While the assembly is coming forward to receive the Communion, the president will receive the Sacrament, and, following him, the bishops, presbyters and deacons who are present in the presbyters' seating.
Opportunity must be given to all present to receive the Bread and the Wine separately, although they may receive the Sacrament in both species together.
When the president is assisted by a deacon or another presbyter, it is customary that the president should give the Bread and the assistant the Wine. When there are several presbyters and deacons in the presbyters' seating, some may give the Bread and others the Wine, according to the president's instructions.
1 2.
The Bread and/or Wine that remains shall be consumed, who have communicated, before the Dismissal.
be made
not on Sundays
at the
by those
When there is to be a celebration of the Lord's Supper, the minister shall announce it during the services of the previous Sunday.
If the minister hath reason to suspect any person, whether of being an open and notorious evil liver, or for having caused scandal to his neighbour, he shall restrain that man from the Holy Communion, and tell him particularly, that he is not to presume to communicate, until he hath first given evidence of repentance and amendment of life.
The same order shall the minister have with persons between whom he sees hatred to exist; not allowing them by any means to be partakers of the Holy Communion, until first they be reconciled to each other. And if one of the two parties be content to forgive the other from the bottom of his heart and to make amends for the faults he hath committed, but the other is not willing to seek reconciliation, but remaineth in his hatred and malice, then the minister shall admit to Communion the one who repenteth, but not the one who is obstinate. But each minister who, in accordance with this or the paragraph next preceding this rubric, refuseth communion to anyone, shall be obliged to give an account of the same to the Ordinary within fifteen days.
With respect to the frequency with which the celebration of the Holy Communion should be held, let it be established, room being preserved for the discretion of the minister, who shall not lightly forbid its use, that the primitive Church used to celebrate on all Sundays.
The Lord's table shall stand in the chancel, away from the wall or against it according to what the circumstances permit. The vessels for the Communion shall be covered with a dean white linen doth; the containers shall have the necessary quantity of bread and of pure wine, both covered with a white veil.
The Presbyter shall stand on the Gospel Side, or behind the table, the people also standing.
M. R. M. R.
Our help is in the name of the Lord. W h o hath made heaven and earth. Blessed be the name of the Lord. From henceforth w o r l d w i t h o u t end. 23
Let us pray.
Then all shall M. R. M. AH. M. R. M. R. M. R. M R. M. R. 9.
Lord, have mercy u p o n us. Christ, h a v e m e r c y upon us. Lord, have mercy u p o n us. Our Father, w h i c h art . . . ([as in 1 6 6 2 but 'debts' and 'debtors']] . . . deliver us f r o m e v i l A m e n . Lord, deliver our souls f r o m death. A n d keep our feet f r o m falling. Revive us again, 0 Lord. T h a t thy people m a y rejoice in thee. 0 Lord, s h o w t h y mercy upon us. A n d grant us t h y salvation. Send f o r t h thy light and thy truth; that t h e y may lead us. A n d bring us u n t o thy holy hill, a n d into thy tabernacle^ 0 Lord, hear our prayer. A n d let our c r y c o m e u n t o thee. 0 God, w h o by t h e b l o o d of t h y b e l o v e d Son hast o p e n e d a n e w and living way, by w h i c h t h o u dost bring us into thy presence: grant us, w e h u m b l y beseech thee, full assurance of thy mercy and sanctify us w i t h thy heavenly grace, that, a p p r o a c h i n g thee w i t h a pure heart and spotless conscience, w e may w o r s h i p thee in spirit and in truth, to t h e glory of thy name: t h r o u g h Jesus Christ our Lord. A m e n . this: Lord God, have c o m p a s s i o n u p o n us and g r a n t t h a t by t h y p o w e r w e may daily t u r n f r o m t h a t w h i c h is d i s p l e a s i n g t o thee, and may more and more love to fulfil thy c o m m a n d m e n t s , that as w e pass this mortal life t h r o u g h thy comfort, so w e may c o m e to t h e c o m p l e t e j o y of eternal happiness: t h r o u g h Jesus Christ, our Lord. A m e n .
Then, the people kneeling, appropriate to the season,
the minister shall as followeth:
say the
[ T h e r e follow nine seasonal 'offices', each consisting of a verse of scripture, a responsive doxology, and a collect-type prayer.]]
M. The Lord be w i t h you. R. A n d w i t h thy s p i r i t M. Let us pray. Then he shall say the proper Collect or Collects of the day. Then the people sitting, the minister shall read the Prophetic Reading (if there is to be one), saying: The Prophetic Reading is w r i t t e n in the b o o k o f . . ., c h a p t e r . . ., verse . . . and f o l l o w i n g . And at the end he shall say: Here e n d e t h the Prophetic Reading. Then the minister shall read the Epistle, saying: The Epistle, or the p o r t i o n of t h e Scripture a p p o i n t e d in place of the Epistle, is 24
written in c h a p t e r . . . verse . . . and following. And at the end of the Epistle he shall say: Here endeth the Epistle. Then he shall read the Gospel (the people standing}, saying: The Holy Gospel is written in the Gospel according to St. . . . chapter . . . verse . . . and following. And at the end of the Gospel, the people shall sing or say: Glory be t o thee; O Lord. 12.
Then, all standing, the Nicene Creed shall be recited. I believe in o n e . . . J as in 1662]] . . . w o r l d to come. Amen.
Then a hymn or antiphon may be sung, or, if there is to be a sermon, it shall follow here.
The Presbyter, turning to the Lord's table, may read the following exhortation, the people standing. Dearly beloved in the Lord . . . f a s in 1662 (first half of exhortation only)]) . . . partakers of those holy mysteries.
Then shall he say: Let us present our offerings to the Lord w i t h reverence and w i t h godly fear. Then he shall begin the offertory, saying one or more of the following sentences, as members of the Parochial Council, or other persons named by the minister, shall receive the offerings of the people. [There follow 23 sentences of scripture, including most of those in 1 6 6 2 , and some additional ones.]]
1 6.
When the offertory is completed, the offerings shall be brought to the presbyter, and he, receiving them, shall place them with solemn reverence on the Lord's table; he shall then uncover the bread and the wine, arranging them in such a way that at the right time he may with all decency, and in the sight of the people, break the bread and hold the chalice in his hands.
1 7.
Then the presbyter shall say the following prayers, the people kneeling: Let us pray Offertory Collect 0 God, the King of all the earth: we humbly beseech thee that of thy great goodness thou wouldst accept the offering of thy people, which to the honour of thy name we offer to thee of our freewill and a joyful heart And vouchsafe to grant that these offerings to thy service may be used to thy glory and to the good of thy Church: through Jesus Christ our Lord. A m e n . 0 God of righteousness, God of mercy, God of immortality and of life, God of splendour and of glory: we humbly beseech thee to assist us w i t h thy grace, as we celebrate the commemoration which thy Son hath commanded to us, and 25
LITURGIES OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES separate these t h y gifts of bread and w i n e for t h e r e m e m b r a n c e of t h e sacrifice, w h i c h he offered o n c e for all u p o n the cross. A n d w e t h a n k thee for t h a t t h o u d i d s t s e n d him into this w o r l d to live, to die, and to rise again for us; t o make the unique propitiation, unique m e d i a t i o n , and unique g r o u n d of hope for us. A n d w e pray t h e e of thy m e r c y t h a t by his merits and death and t h o u g h faith in his blood, w e and all thy w h o l e Church may o b t a i n remission of our sins and all other benefits of his passion. A n d here, 0 Lord, w e offer and present unto thee our bodies and souls, to be a reasonable, holy and living sacrifice unto thee, h u m b l y b e s e e c h i n g t h e e t h a t t h o u w o u l d s t accept t h i s our spiritual sacrifice of praise and t h a n k s g i v i n g and w o u l d s t grant that we, t r u s t i n g in t h y love and s t r e n g t h e n e d by t h y grace, may be a d m i t t e d to eternal and ineffable joy. t h r o u g h the same Jesus Christ, our Saviour. A m e n .
Then shall the presbyter say to them that come to receive the Holy Communion: Ye that d o truly . . . Jas in 1 662]] . . . c o n f e s s i o n to a l m i g h t y God
Then shall be said the following general confession by the presbyter and by those who intend to communicate, all meekly kneeling on their knees: A l m i g h t y God, F a t h e r o f o u r L o r d J e s u s C h r i s t . . . [as in 1662]] . . . t h r o u g h J e s u s C h r i s t o u r L o r d . A m e n .
Then the presbyter (or the bishop if he be present) shall stand, and turning himself to the people, shall pronounce the following Absolution: A l m i g h t y God, our heavenly Father . . . [[as in 1 6 6 2 J . . . t h r o u g h Jesus Christ our Lord. A m e n .
Then shall the presbyter say, the people remaining still on their knees: Let us pray for the w h o l e Christian c h u r c h m i l i t a n t here o n earth.
R. M.
A l m i g h t y and i m m o r t a l God, w h o by thy holy apostle hast t a u g h t us to pray and t o give t h a n k s on behalf of all men: w e h u m b l y beseech thee t o inspire c o n t i n u a l l y t h y c h u r c h w i t h the Spirit of truth and unity, and to grant that all w h o confess thy holy name may agree in the t r u t h of t h y holy W o r d and live in holy love. H e a r o u r prayers, g o o d Lord. W e pray thee to give grace and w i s d o m to all Christian magistrates and grant t h a t t h e y may truly a n d impartially minister justice, to the p u n i s h m e n t of vices and wickednesses, and to the m a i n t e n a n c e of virtue and true religion. H e a r o u r p r a y e r s , g o o d Lord. 26
PORTUGAL ( P o r t i )
R. M.
R. M.
R. M.
R. M.
R. M.
W e pray thee to give grace to all bishops and other ministers, that they may both by their life and by their doctrine give testimony to thy W o r d and duly administer thy holy Sacraments. Hear our prayers, good Lord. W e pray thee to give thy heavenly grace to all thy people, that w i t h humble heart and due reverence they may hear and receive thy holy Word, serving thee in righteousness and holiness all the days of their life. Hear our prayers, good Lord. W e beseech thee especially to bless this congregation, gathered here to celebrate the commemoration of the precious death and sacrifice of thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Hear our prayers, good Lord. W e beseech thee, of thine infinite goodness, to comfort and succour those w h o in this transitory life are in troubles, sorrows, needs, sickness, or any other adversity (and particularly those for w h o m our prayers are requested). Hear our prayers, good Lord. And especially we beseech thee to bless all those w h o are near to death. Keep them safe in the solemn hour, defend them from all assaults of Satan, give t h e m grace to entrust themselves joyfully into thy hands, and receive them into thine eternal kingdom. Hear our prayers, good Lord. And we bless thy holy name for all thy servants who, having finished the course of their life through faith, do n o w rest from their labours; and we beseech thee for grace to f o l l o w their good examples in such a way that, at the general resurrection, w e may be found w i t h t h e m in thy presence and may receive the blessing w h i c h thy beloved Son w i l l bestow upon all those w h o love and fear thee, saying: Come, ye blessed children of my Father; receive the kingdom, prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Grant this, we humbly beseech thee, 0 merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.
M. Peace be w i t h you. R. A n d w i t h thy spirit M. Let us pray. COLLECT FOR PEACE 0 God, w h o art in eternal peace, and dost both grant the same as thy favoured reward, and also teach that the peacemakers are thy sons: pour thy tender pity into our souls, that everything w h i c h tendeth towards strife may be ever dispelled, and that everything w h i c h furthereth peace may be ever loved by us: through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 27
Or this: O A l m i g h t y God, Christ the King of glory, w h o art our true peace and eternal love: s o o t h e our souls w i t h thy peace a n d purify our c o n s c i e n c e s w i t h t h e tenderness of t h y love, t h a t w e may await thee in t r a n q u i l l i t y and may m e e t the adversities of t h i s w o r l d always w i t h thee as our guard and protector, O our Saviour, w h o w i t h t h e Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest, ever one God, w o r l d w i t h o u t end.
Amen. 23.
he shall say the following blessing: The God of peace sanctify you w h o l l y ; and may your w h o l e spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until t h e c o m i n g 5.23). of our Lord Jesus C h r i s t (1 Thess.
he shall
[ T w e l v e s e n t e n c e s of s c r i p t u r e
When these have been said, saying: Lift up your hearts.
the presbyter
W e lift them up unto the Lord
It is meet and right so to d a
It is verily m e e t and right and our b o u n d e n duty t h a t w e s h o u l d at all t i m e s and in all places give thanks unto thee, O Lord, Holy Father, A l m i g h t y and Eternal God.
Let us give thanks to t h e Lord our God.
Then shall
the proper
to the
p r o p e r prefaces follow]]
each of these prefaces shall be sung or said: Therefore, w i t h angels and archangels and w i t h all t h e c o m p a n y of heaven, w e laud and magnify t h y glorious name, evermore praising thee, and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts; heaven and earth are full of thy glory: glory be to thee, O Lord M o s t High. A m e n .
Then the presbyter, kneeling at the Lord's table, shall say in the name of those who come to communicate, the following prayer 0 merciful Father w e are u n w o r t h y t o be called t h y s o n s a n d to c o m e into thy presence, but w e dare t o c o m e t o t h y table, t r u s t i n g in thy mercy: w e w h o are sick c o m e t o t h e m e d i c i n e of life, w e w h o are blind t o t h e light of eternal brilliance, w e w h o are poor to t h e Lord of heaven and earth, w e w h o are sheep to t h e Shepherd, w e w h o are forsaken to a l o v i n g Comforter, w e w h o are u n r i g h t e o u s to the justifier. A n d w e pray thee of t h i n e infinite g o o d n e s s t h a t t h o u w o u l d s t be pleased to heal our weakness, l i g h t e n our blindness, e n r i c h our poverty, restore us t o t h e sheepfold, c o m f o r t our sorrow, absolve our guilt, pardon the sinners, and relieve the oppressed, in order that having b e c o m e t h y sons t h r o u g h a d o p t i o n and grace, w e may evermore glorify thee in b o t h body and s p i r i t for t h a t t h o u art Lord of all; t h r o u g h Jesus Christ, our Saviour. A m e n . 28
PORTUGAL ( P o r f l )
Then the presbyter standing at the table shall say the prayer of consecration following; 1 A l m i g h t y and merciful Father, w h o of t h y great love hast sent thy Son, t h a t t a k i n g our nature u p o n him, he m i g h t die for our sins, and rise again for our justification: w e give thee t h a n k s for t h a t t h r o u g h the sacrifice offered o n c e for all u p o n the cross, he hath made there a perfect and s u f f i c i e n t satisfaction for t h e sins of the w h o l e world, and hath b r o u g h t an end t o all sacrifices by the one o b l a t i o n of himself. W e give thee t h a n k s for t h a t he instituted, and in his holy Gospel c o m m a n d e d us to c o n t i n u e until his s e c o n d c o m i n g , a perfect m e m o r i a l of his precious death; for our Lord Jesus Christ, in t h e same n i g h t in w h i c h he w a s betrayed, shall (1) TOOK BREAD, A N D W H E N HE HAD (1} Here the presbyter take the paten into his hands. GIVEN T H A N K S (2) HE BRAKE IT A N D ( 2 ) He shall break the bread GAVE IT TO HIS DISCIPLES, SAYING: TAKE, EAT (3), THIS IS M Y BODY ( 3 ) He shall place his hand bread. W H I C H IS GIVEN FOR YOU: DO T H I S upon at! the IN R E M E M B R A N C E OF ME. ALSO AFTER SUPPER (4) HE TOOK THE CUP, ( 4 ) He shall l i f t up the cup. A N D HAVING GIVEN T H A N K S IN THE S A M E W A Y , HE GAVE IT TO THEM, SAYING: DRINK YE ALL OF THIS; FOR (5) T H I S IS M Y BLOOD OF THE N E W ( 5 ) Then he shall place his T E S T A M E N T W H I C H IS SHED FOR hand upon all the vessels in which there is wine to be YOU A N D FOR M A N Y FOR THE consecrated. REMISSION OF SINS: DO THIS, A S OFT AS YE SHALL DRINK IT, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME. Therefore, 0 heavenly Father, we, thy h u m b l e servants, as w e eat this bread and drink this cup, a c c o r d i n g to the c o m m a n d m e n t of thy b e l o v e d Son, desire t o p r o c l a i m his death until he comes, having in r e m e m b r a n c e his blessed passion, his precious death, his m i g h t y resurrection and ascension, and w e give thee many true t h a n k s for the i n n u m e r a b l e benefits w h i c h w e have received f r o m him. Give us t h e n t h y Holy Ghost, that, u n w o r t h y t h o u g h w e be, w e may gather up the c r u m b s u n d e r thy table, c o m e w o r t h i l y t o t h i s heavenly banquet and share in this holy c o m m u n i o n , b e i n g n o u r i s h e d by f a i t h spiritually and in a heavenly m a n n e r w i t h t h e m o s t Blessed Body and Blood of thy beloved Son, w h o , in c o m p a s s i o n for our ignorance and weakness, hath c o m m a n d e d us to call u p o n thee, saying:
Then all shall repeat the Lord's Prayer Our F a t h e r . . . |[ as at no. 8 above] . . . us f r o m eviL Amen.
Then shall the presbyter say: Deliver us, 0 God, f r o m all evil, past, p r e s e n t and future; s t r e n g t h e n us in all goodness, and grant us t h y grace t h a t w e
|[The original uses b o l d for that w h i c h is for editorial reasons put in CAPITALS here.])
may serve and please thee. Put away our sins; give joy to the downcast, liberty to the captives, health to t h e sick, trust and calm to t h e dying. Give us peace and safety in our days, d e f e n d us against all our enemies, and direct and hear t h e prayers of all t h y faithful people, n o w and always: t h r o u g h Jesus C h r i s t thy Son, w h o liveth and r e i g n e t h w i t h thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, w o r l d w i t h o u t end. A m e n . 30.
he shall also say: Christ, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross for our sake; therefore let us keep a holy and joyful feast w i t h the Lord, n o t w i t h the o l d leaven, nor w i t h the leaven of malice and w i c k e d n e s s , but w i t h the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Then the minister shall first receive the Communion in both kikds; then he shall communicate in like manner the bishops, presbyters and deacons (if any be present), and then the remainder of the people in the same order, placing the elements into the hands of those who are to communicate, all of them reverently kneeling. And he who delivereth the bread to each one shall say: The Body of our Lord Jesus C h r i s t . . . [[as in 1 662]] . . . w i t h thanksgiving. A m e n .
the minister who delivereth the cup shall say to each one: The Blood of our Lord Jesus C h r i s t . . . Has in 1 662]] . . . be thankful. A m e n .
There may Communion.
If the consecrated bread or wine be spent before all have communicated the presbyter shall consecrate more, following the formula previously prescribed: beginning with: Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the same night etc., for the consecration of the bread: and with: Also after Supper, etc., for the consecration of the wine; and concluding with the words: M o s t Holy Body and Blood of t h y b e l o v e d Son.
When all have communicated, the minister shall turn to the Lord's Table, and with all reverence cover that which remaineth of the consecrated elements, placing over them a white veil.
Then the minister shall say to the people the following exhortation, all standing: Having participated in t h i s Holy C o m m u n i o n , in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h the c o m m a n d m e n t of the Lord, let us render t h a n k s t o him for t h i s and all his kindnesses, and ask him to grant t h a t all w e w h o have c o m e t h i s day to his holy table, may be f i l l e d w i t h his grace and heavenly blessing. 30
PORTUGAL ( P o r t ! )
Then shall be said, or sung, all standing: Glory be to God on high . . . [as in 1662j] . . . in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Then shall be said, all reverently kneeling: M. The Lord be with you. V. A n d w i t h t h y spirit. M. Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God; we most heartily thank thee for that thou dost vouchsafe to feed us, who have duly received this holy sacarament, with the spiritual food of the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ and we humbly beseech thee, that this solemn mystery should be not for our condemnation, but for our eternal salvation. Keep us ever, by thy Spirit, in communion with thee and with thy Son; and grant that we, seeking thee and loving thee, may never fall away from thee: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 0 most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: defend with thy protection those whom thou dost satisfy with the heavenly gift; that freed from all hurtful things, we may attain to salvation, which cometh from thee alone, for thou art God, and apart from thee there is none other, world without end. Amen.
Then the presbyter (or the bishop, if he be present) shall dismiss them with this blessing: The peace of God . . . [as in 1 662]] . . . remain with you always. Amen.
The Lord's Supper shall not be celebrated unless there are at least three persons to communicate with the presbyter.
And to take away any occasion of dissension and superstition which any person hath or might have concerning the bread and wine, it shall suffice that the bread be such as is usual to be eaten; but the best and purest wheat bread that conveniently may be gotten.
In case any of the consecrated bread and wine remain, the presbyter, and such other persons who were communicants as he shall call unto him, shall reverently eat and drink them immediately after the blessing.
The bread and wine for communion shall be provided parish Council at the cost of the congregation.
After the Divine Service ended, the money given at the Offertory shall be employed for pious and charitable uses, according to what is thought most fit by the minister and Council respectively; but if they disagree between themselves, it shall be disposed of as the Ordinary shall appoint.
NOTE [ T h e r e follows the 1 6 6 2 'Black Rubric'J 31
by the
PREPARATION The celebrant shall say: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go to the altar of God. To God w h o is my joy and my d e l i g h t Our help is in the name of the Lord. W h o has made heaven and earth. Blessed be the name of the Lord. From this time forward and for e v e r m o r a
The deacon shall say the following Exhortation Brothers, let us now in a moment of silence examine our consciences. After the silence the deacon shall continue: Let us confess our sins to God, in the presence of his Church. AH shall say: Almighty God, W e have sinned against you A n d against our neighbour In t h o u g h t word, deed, and omissions; H a v e mercy on us; Pardon our sins; Deliver us from them. A n d lead us to life eternal.
The bishop or presbyter shall pronounce the Absolution: The merciful Lord grant to you absolution and remission of all your sins and conversion of life, by the grace of the Holy Spirit Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord, renew our life. T h a t your people may rejoice in you. Lord, show us your mercy. A n d grant us your salvation. Lord, hear our prayer. A n d let our cry c o m e unto y o u
([In "Port/Eng" (see page 3 above) a cross-heading CONFESSION OF SINS' is added here, whilst not only the rubrics are omitted, but also the Exhortation in the next line. In No. 3 the absolution reads T o you who truly [and earnestly) repent and intend to lead a new life, I announce the absolution [pardon] of all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen.' (The words in square brackets are in the English version of Port/Eng). After the absolution the versicles and responses are omitted.]) 32
PORTUGAL ( P o r t 2 )
LITURGY OF THE WORD INTROÏT Then shall be sung: Glory to God in the highest, A n d peace t o . . . [[ICET 4J . . . God t h e Father. A m e n . Or the following Holy God Holy and m i g h t y God, Holy and i m m o r t a l God, H a v e m e r c y on us. The bishop, or the presbyter following. The Lord be w i t h you. 3 A n d also w i t h you. Let us pray. There follows
shall chant
of the day.
THE PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD The deacon shall chantLet us hear the W o r d of God! The Prophecy and the Epistle shall be read. At the end of each of the readings the reader shall say: Let us give thanks to God. And the people shall respond: Amen. Then the deacon, all standing, shall read the Gospel, before and after which shall be chanted respectively: Glory to yoi*. Lord. Praise to you, O C h r i s t
The Homily
The deacon shall chant Brothers, let us proclaim the Faith once delivered to the saints! All rise and chant the Nicene Creed. We believe in one God, T h e Father, t h e a l m i g h t y . . . [ICET 3J . . . w o r l d to c o m a Amen.
the Collect
who is celebrating,
or Sermon
if there is to be one.
THE RITE OF PEACE Still standing, the celebrant may say: 0 Lord Jesus Christ you are the true peace and concord; give us your peace this holy hour. Amen. The celebrant shall give the following greeting: The grace of God the almighty Father, the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you always. A n d w i t h m e n of goodwill.
HThis alternative is omitted in P o r t / E n g . ] ] H P o r t / E n g has a cross-heading ' THE COLLECT OF THE [ [ P o r t / E n g has 'The Lord be w i t h you always'.]] 33
Then may be chanted this or another authorized canticle: Jesus said: My peace I leave with you. M y peace I give to you; I give it you not as the world gives. A new c o m m a n d m e n t I give to you; that you love one another as I have loved you. Brothers, let us love one another. 1 THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL The deacon shall chant In peace let us pray to the Lord. For the peace which is from above and for our salvation, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the holy Church of God and for the unity of all mankind in Christ let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For bishops, presbyters and deacons, and particularly for the servant of God, N. our bishop, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the community here present, and for our absent brothers, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the conversion of those who live in sin; and the coming of the light of the truth to those who have fallen into unbelief or error, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For peace in the world, for social justice, for liberty in all nations, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For our country, for this city (town, district), and for all established authorities, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. For the troubled and the sick, for the poor and the oppressed, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. (For . . . let us pray to the Lord.) Lord, hear our prayer. That we ourselves may be protected from all trouble, danger, or need, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. That we may be granted, with all those who have gone before us in Christ perfection and happiness in his eternal kingdom, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer. In the communion of the saints (and in commemoration of N.), let us commend ourselves and one another and all our life to Christ, our God. To you, O Lord.
[ [ P o r t / E n g h a s a r u b r i c '(Then the Minister name of the Lord). 1
and People may greet one another in the
In place of the preceding Litany, the following may be used: In peace let us pray to the Lord. For the Holy Catholic Church; for its bishops, presbyters and deacons, and particularly for the servant of God N. our bishop; for this congregation, and for our absent brothers, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . For peace in the world; for our country; for the sick and troubled; for the conversion of those who live in sin, and for the coming of the light of the truth to those who have fallen into unbelief or error (and for . . .), let us pray to the Lord. Christ; h a v e mercy. That we ourselves may be protected from all trouble, danger, or need, and may ourselves be granted, with all those who sleep in Christ, perpetual light and peace in his eternal kingdom, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, h a v e m e r c y . In the communion of the saints (and in commemoration of N.), let us c o m m e n d ourselves and one another and all our life to Christ, our God. T o y o u , O Lord.
The celebrant shall chant the following or another suitable Collect: 0 God, our refuge and strength, hear the prayers of your Church, that what we ask in faith we may obtain effectually. Through J e s u s Christ, our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God eternally, now and for ever. Amen.
T H E L I T U R G Y OF T H E E U C H A R I S T OFFERTORY The deacon shall chant Let us present our offerings to the Lord, with reverence and with joy. This or another suitable canticle may be chanted: Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory a n d the majesty; for e v e r y t h i n g is y o u r s in h e a v e n a n d o n earth. A l l t h i n g s c o m e f r o m y o u . Lord, A n d that w h i c h w e give to y o u w e h a v e r e c e i v e d at y o u r h a n d . G l o r y a n d h o n o u r t o t h e F a t h e r , a n d to t h e S o n , a n d t o t h e Holy Spirit n o w a n d f o r ever. A m e n . When the offerings have been placed upon the altar, the celebrant shall say: Let us pray. Receive, Lord, these gifts, we ask: accept them as our own sacrifice, 35
and by your mercy so perfect us that, in life and in death, we may be in Christ an oblation worthy of you. For the sake of the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. A m e n . 1 6.
1 7.
CONSECRATION The celebrant shall
The Proper [Twenty
The Lord be with you. A n d also w i t h y o u Let us lift up our hearts. W e l i f t t h e m t o t h e Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is r i g h t a n d j u s t so t o d a It is indeed right and just and our duty that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to you, 0 Lord,1 almighty and eternal God:
Proper Prefaces are p r i n t e d out
the Proper
Therefore, with angels and archangels and all the saints in glory, we praise and magnify your glorious name, saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God a l m i g h t y ; H e a v e n a n d e a r t h are f u l l o f y o u r glory. H o s a n n a in t h e h i g h e s t Truly you are holy and blessed, 0 almighty God, and you are worthy of all glory. We give you thanks that you created heaven and earth and formed man in your own image, entrusting to him control of all things, that he might serve you in holiness and love. We give you thanks that you did not abandon him, despite his sin, but have given him the hope of salvation, and, in the fulness of time, you sent your Son, that taking our nature upon him, he might effect the redemption of the world, through the one sacrifice of himself finished upon the cross. We give you thanks that Jesus instituted and commanded us to continue until his coming in glory, a perfect remembrance of his redeeming sacrifice. For our Lord Jesus Christ, in the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread and, giving thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat, this is my Body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me. A m e n . In the same way, after the Supper, he took the cup and, giving thanks, he gave it to them, saying: Drink this all of you, for this is my Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins; as often as you drink it, do it in remembrance of me. A m e n . Therefore, 0 heavenly Father, we your servants, following the command of your Son, commemorate until he comes his life, passion, death, resurrection and ascension, giving you thanks for the innumerable benefits that we have received through him.
[ holy Father' is o m i t t e d here, but a l m o s t certainly t h r o u g h a m i s p r i n t translation is p r o v i d e d in the English of Port/Eng.J]
and the
And now we present to your divine majesty these gifts, praying that you would send down the Holy Spirit upon the oblation of your Church, and would grant that all who share at your table may worthily receive the Body and Blood of your Son, the holy Bread of eternal life and the Cup of everlasting salvation, and, filled w i t h your grace and heavenly blessing, may become one Body in Jesus Christ, our Lord. A m e n . Accept then, 0 merciful God, this sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, and grant that through Jesus Christ we and all your Church my obtain forgiveness of our sins, and all other benefits of his oblation. Through him and w i t h him, and in him in the unity of the Holy Spirit, be ever given to you, God the Father almighty, all honour and glory, now and for ever. A m e n . 1
As our divine Saviour has commanded and taught us, we are bold to say: Our Father in heaven; h a l l o w e d be y o u r name; your k i n g d o m come; y o u r w i l l be d o n e o n e a r t h as i n h e a v e n ; give us to-day our daily bread; f o r g i v e us o u r d e b t s as w e f o r g i v e o u r d e b t o r s . A n d l e a d us n o t i n t o t e m p t a t i o n ; b u t d e l i v e r u s f r o m evil. A m e n . THE 20.
The celebrant
in silence,
The bread which we break is the communion of the Body of Christ or
Christ, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross for us all; let us therefore keep a holy and joyful feast not w i t h the old leaven of corruption and wickedness, but w i t h the unleavened bread of truth and purity. Then
Lamb of God, you t a k e a w a y the sins of the world, h a v e m e r c y o n us. L a m b o f God, y o u t a k e a w a y t h e s i n s o f t h e w o r l d , h a v e m e r c y o n us. L a m b o f God. y o u t a k e a w a y t h e s i n s o f t h e w o r l d , g r a n t us y o u r p e a c a 1
¡[This ' A m e n ' is in capitals in the original, distinguishing it from all others.]] 37
THE COMMUNION The following prayer may be said: Lord, we are not worthy that you should enter into our dwellingplace, but say the word only and your servants will be healed. Or this: We presume to come to your table, most merciful Lord, not trusting in our own righteousness, but in your infinite love. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under your table but you are the Lord whose nature is always to have mercy. Grant us therefore that as we partake of this holy Sacrament, we may be purified by the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ your Son, that we may evermore dwell in him and he in us. Amen. Before the distribution of the Elements, the deacon shall chant We, who are repentant of our sins and are in charity with our neighbour, let us draw near in full assurance of faith, and take this holy Sacrament as a pledge of our salvation. DISMISSAL
When the Communion is ended, and after a moment of silence, the deacon shall say: Having participated in this holy Communion, let us bless the Lord! Now, Lord, you let your servants go in peace, in accordance w i t h your word. for our o w n eyes have seen your salvation; w h i c h you have prepared before all the peoples, a light to lighten t h e nations, and the glory of your people Israel. Glory t o the Father, and to the Son, and to t h e Holy Spirit, as it w a s in the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.
The celebrant may say a prayer or pronounce a blessing, have been authorized.1 Then the deacon shall chant Go in peace! In the n a m e of t h e Lord.
GENERAL RUBRICS 1. The Eucharist was celebrated in the primitive Church on all Sundays; and the Book of Common Prayer commends this practice, just as it does the possibility of having a celebration on any weekday, particularly singling out for consideration those holy days for which proper Collects, Readings, and Gospels are provided. 2. It is not convenient to celebrate persons to communicate.
the Eucharist
unless there are at least
[ I n P o r t / E n g there are printed out a prayer based upon the second p o s t - c o m m u n i o n prayer of 1 6 6 2 and a Trinitarian blessing—see nos. 2 7 and 28 below.]] 38
PORTUGAL ( P o r t 2 ) 3. The Eucharist may be presided over only by a bishop or by a presbyter, and it is highly desirable that he should be assisted by other clergy and by laity. The Absolution and the Blessing shall be pronounced by the diocesan bishop if he is the clergy seating. 4. In the situation where there is no clergyman to assist, the celebrant shall also fulfil the functions appropriate to the deacon, such as those prescribed in the rubrics included in the text such as to help at the preparation of the paten and cup, and in the distribution of Elements; but, in the absence of a deacon, a reader can fulfil everything which pertains to his office, except for reading the Gospel and assisting at the distribution of the consecrated Species. 5. The doth 6. The Parish suffice eaten, as far
the altar
be white
bread and the wine for the Communion, which Council, may be brought to the altar at the time that the bread used for the Eucharist should but the best that can be obtained. Similarly, the as is possible, and of a good quality.
and spotlessly
shall be provided by the of the Offertory. It shall be such as is ordinarily wine should be natural,
7. The Exhortation, Confession and Absolution may be said immediately before or after the Creed; in this case the Preparation shall be omitted. Similarly the Preparation may be omitted on major festivals (Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost). 8. The rubrics which relate to a canticle must metrical hymn, and also a psalm or antiphon.
be understood
to include
9. The Glory to God in the Highest' shall be replaced by' Trisagion' in the of penitential Sundays, and on weekdays which are not festivals. Before of them, another canticle may be used.
period either
10. The Collect of the day, except on major festivals, may be preceded of followed by another authorized collect or prayer which the minister judges suitable. 1 1. The readings shall be announced in the following fashion respectively: (a) for the Prophecy—'A Reading from the Prophecy o f . . . ( o r f r o m the Book o f . . .)'; (b) for the Epistle—A Reading of . . . Letter . . . (or from the Book . . .)'; (c) for the Gospel—'The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint . . .' One of the two former readings may be omitted, except on Sundays and major festivals. 12. Between
the readings
a suitable
1 3. The Creed may be omitted,
may be
on Sundays
and festival
14. The litany in the Prayer of the Faithful may be omitted, if the same service has another general intercession. In the petitions of the litany references to names which are considered suitable are permitted. 1 5. The celebrant shall first receive the Communion in both Kinds; then he shall communicate in the same way the bishops, presbyters and deacons present in the clergy seating and then the rest of the people. When he gives the Bread to each one, he shall say: 'The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ w h i c h was given for you, preserve your body and soul to eternal life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for you; and feed on him in your heart by faith w i t h thanksgiving. A m e n . ' And the deacon who gives the Cup to each one shall say: 'The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, w h i c h was shed for you, preserve your body 39
LITURGIES OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCHES and soul to eternal life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's Blood was shed for you and be thankful. A m e n . ' Nevertheless the first part of the formula for distributing the Elements may be used on its own, when the celebrant judges it appropriate. 1 6. Any communicant who wishes may receive the Sacrament in both Kinds simultaneously by intinction, following a method authorized by the Ordinary. And when the Sacrament is so administered, it shall suffice for the minister to say 'The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ'. 17. During
the Communion
song may be
18. When any of the consecrated Bread and Wine remains, the celebrant shall reverently consume it, immediately after the Dismissal, unless it is necessary to reserve it to communicate from the Sacred Communion any who are hindered from receiving at the public celebration of the Eucharist If, however, the celebrant considers it more suitable, he may consume what remains of the consecrated Elements immediately after the Communion, and if necessary he may call upon anyone else who has communicated to assist 19. If the consecrated Bread and Wine are all spent before all have communicated, the celebrant shall consecrate more, following the formula prescribed above, beginning with the words 'Our Lord Jesus Christ in the same night . . .' and ending with the words 'Jesus Christ, our Lord'. 20. The notices, which should be as concise as possible, may be given after the Creed or before the Offertory or just before the Dismissal. The celebration of the Eucharist should be announced during the services of the Sunday preceding. 21. When some other rite is to be observed immediately after the celebration the Eucharist the words Go in peace' etc. shall be omitted. 22. The money collected during fit to the minister and council
the Offertory shall be employed respectively.
as best
23. When there is no celebration of the Eucharist the deacon may say this office from the Introit up to and including the Prayer of the Faithful, adding immediately the Lord's Prayer then the offerings may be collected, if this is to be done. They shall be dedicated with the canticle provided for the Offertory, and the office shall conclude with the words 'Go in peace'.
In place of the form of general confession provided in the Preparation, the following may be used: The deacon shall say the following Exhortation: Brothers, let us now in a moment of silence examine our consciences. After the silence, the deacon shall continue: Let us confess our sins to God, in the presence of his Church. All shall say: A l m i g h t y God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, creator of all things, j u d g e of all men: w e confess and b e w a i l t h e m a n y g r e a t sins w e h a v e c o m m i t t e d , t h r o u g h thought, w o r d , deed, a n d omission, against your divine majesty. 40
t h r o u g h our o w n great fault. The m e m o r y of t h e m grieves us, a n d the burden of t h e m w e i g h s u s d o w n . . . H a v e c o m p a s s i o n upon us, merciful F a t h e r pardon u s f r o m all our sins, deliver u s f r o m them, and g r a n t u s g r a c e that w e m a y serve and please y o u continually, in n e w n e s s of life: for the love of J e s u s C h r i s t your Son, our Lord. The bishop . . . Has in no. 3 abovej . . . our Lord. A m e n 27.
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W e give you thanks, 0 God, that you have been pleased to feed us who have duly shared in these holy Mysteries with the spiritual food of the Body and Blood of your Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour; and also that you thereby assure us of your goodness towards us, and that we are members of the Mystical Body of your Son. W e humbly ask you to assist us with your grace, that we may continue in you, and do those good works for which you have created us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen. Most Holy Trinity, Father, S o n and Holy Spirit, defend with your protection those whom you have fed with your heavenly gift and grant us, through this holy Communion, ever to seek you and to love you, and never to fall away from you. Through your mercy, 0 our God, who are blessed and live and rule all things now and for ever. Amen.
0 God, you have brought light to us through your Word, and have left us this wonderful Sacrament as a remembrance of the passion of your Son; grant to us now that we may always so receive these gifts, that we may ever show in our lives the fruits of our redemption. For the sake of the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. 28.
The celebrant may use any immediately before the deacon
of these dismisses
forms of the people.
In the union of the Holy Spirit, may the Father and the S o n bless you. Amen.
The God of peace sanctify you wholly and keep you blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ A m e n The blessing of God almighty. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be with you all and remain with you for ever. Amen. God the Father, who has gathered you here in Christ, bless you and strengthen you by the Holy Spirit, that you may ever be to the world examples of truth, of justice, and of love. Amen. 41