Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources [1 ed.] 0857293222, 9780857293220

An extensive collection of data on lipids and essential oils that can be extracted from a wide range of plant sources. O

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Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources [1 ed.]
 0857293222,  9780857293220

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Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources

Shakhnoza S. Azimova, Anna I. Glushenkova Editors

Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources

Editors Shakhnoza S. Azimova (Ed.) S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent Republic of Uzbekistan Anna I. Glushenkova (Co-Editor) S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent Republic of Uzbekistan

ISBN: 978-0-85729-322-0 e-ISBN: 978-0-85729-323-7 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-323-7 ISBN Bundle 978-0-85729-324-4 Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London Library of Congress Control Number: 2011934766 # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2012 All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer ScienceþBusiness Media (


Lipids and lipophilic components are vital for the functioning of a live organisms. They represent a large group of organic compounds produced by microorganisms, mushrooms, plants, sea organisms, and animals Lipids are fats and fat-like substances, which differ in chemical composition, structure, and by physiological and biochemical function. Lipids are not, or poorly, soluble in water but are soluble in typical solvents: benzine, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, acetone, diethyl ether, petroleum ether, and hot alcohols. Lipids are divided into the following categories: 1. Simple lipids: These contain esters of higher fatty acids and some alcohols. This group includes neutral fats, representing esters of fatty acids and glycerine, and waxes. 2. Complex lipids: Their molecules contain, apart from alcohol and fatty acid, derivatives of phosphoric or sulfuric acid, nitrogenous bases, and some saccharides. This group includes phospholipids, cerebrosides, and glycolipids. 3. Other lipids: These are compounds with cyclic structures. This group includes glycerine esters of alicyclic macromolecular acids, alicyclic alcohols or sterols and their esters, and also alcohols, containing cyclic β-ionone, higher hydrocarbons, and others. Lipids are insoluble in water; hence, they are a part of the main structural elements of protoplasm. Lipids and lipid–protein complexes provide the building of superficial membranes of cells and cell organs: nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes et al. Being in the composition of membranes, lipids take part in the process of active transportation of ions and molecules through membranes. Also, neutral lipids are sources of energy. Characteristic components of essential oils are terpenes, which differ from fatty oils, becouse they do not contain glycerides of fatty acids. Some of the essential oils contain saturated and unsaturated aliphatic, aromatic, terpene, sesquiterpene, monoand bicyclic hydrocarbons, and their oxygen derivatives – alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, ethers of acids, lactones, and oxides – and also heterocyclic compounds. Fatty and essential oils have been known for a long time. In ancient Egypt, plant oils were used not only in food but in medicine, cosmetics, and essential oils in perfumery. Many scientists have taken part in research of lipids and essential oils: ClaudeJoseph Geoffroy, C.W. Scheele, M.E. Chevreul, J.J.E. Poutet, A.M. Zaitsev, S.A. Fokin, A. M. Goldovskii, G.V. Pigulevskii, K.P. Kardishev, S.L. Ivanov, Gildich, Kaufmann, Coleman, Alen, Karta, Datton, Hofman, Brokenhoff, Yakobashvili, Voitsechovich, Shlyapnikov, Basher, Wulfson, and others. Moreover, studies on



the composition and structure of lipids, lipophilic components and essential oils have been carried out by scientists of the Yunusov Institute of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 1961. They studied lipids and the lipophilic components of vegetative and generative organs of more than 1.500 plants. Essential oils are located in the flowers and leaves of plants and citrus fruits. More generally in plants, lipids are most often concentrated in the seeds and fruits. Quantities and composition of lipids, lipophilic components and essential oils vary widely and depend on the region where the plant grows, type of plant, environmental conditions, level of salt in soil, etc. In animals and fishes fat concentrates in and under the skin and in fatty tissues or in tissues surrounding internal organs, and participates extremely actively in the vital functioning of the organism (heart, kidney, intestines, etc.). Glycerides of fatty acids and phospholipids are in the brain and nervous tissues. Lipids, lipophilic components and essential oils are widely used in the food industry, pharmacy, engineering, perfumery and cosmetics, for the production of lacquers and pigments, etc. In this work, lipids, lipophilic components and essential oils are characterized based on the plant families where they were found. In creating this handbook, special attention was paid to Russian literature that is often not readily available to international scientists. This reference work is aimed at wide use by researchers and specialists working with lipids and essential oils in bioorganic chemistry, medicine, the food industry, pharmacy, fragrances, cosmetics, agriculture, and other industries.


Editorial Management Team

Editor-in-Chief Shakhnoza S. Azimova S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent Republic of Uzbekistan

Co-Editor Anna I. Glushenkova S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent Republic of Uzbekistan

Assistent Editor Valentina I. Vinogradova S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent Republic of Uzbekistan


Table of Contents


Apiaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Araliaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Asteraceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Boraginaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145


Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173


Cucurbitaceae Juss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283


Ericaceae Juss. (Vacciniaceae S. F. Gray) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325


Euphorbiaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357


Lamiaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389


Leguminosae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549


Malvaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609


Onagraceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637


Ranunculaceae Juss. (Coptaceae A. et D. Lo¨ve; Paeoniaceae Rudolphi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647


Rhamnaceae Juss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693


Rosaceae Juss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701


Rutaceae Juss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783


Salicaceae Mirb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861


Solanaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873

Index of Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927 Index of Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961



D. T. Asilbekova S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Apiaceae; Araliaceae; Lamiaceae; Solanacea N. P. Bekker S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Cruciferae (Brassicaceae); Cucurbitaceae Juss.; Ericaceae Juss.; Ranunculaceae Juss.; Rhamnaceae Juss.; Rosaceae Juss.; Rutaceae Juss.; Salicaceae Mirb. T. V. Chernenko S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Malvacea A. I. Glushenkova S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Euphorbiaceae; Leguminosae N. T. Ul’chenko S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Asteraceae; Boraginaceae; Onagraceae



Actinolema eryngioides Fenzl

Aegopodium alpestre Ledeb.

Family: Apiaceae

Family: Apiaceae

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.8 Oil, % dry wt: 40.4 Iodine value, % J2: 144.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.8; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1(6) – 59.6; 18:1(9) – 21.5; 18:2 – 13.8; others (2) – 0.5

Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 2.020 Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 3.12

References 1. K. A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian]

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

Aegopodium podagraria Family: Apiaceae Essential oil, %: 0.001–0.05

Actinolema macrolema Boiss. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.2 Oil, % dry wt: 34.6 Iodine value, % J2: 140.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.6; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1(6) – 43.7; 18:1(9) – 26.9; 18:2 – 18.9; others (3) – 1.3

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.04 Components: Limonene, b-phellandrene b-Sitosterol Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.04 Inflorescence Essential oil, %: 0.14 Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.04–0.07 Stem Essential oil, %: 0.02–0.06

A.I. Glushenkova (ed.), Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources, DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-323-7, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012



Aegopodium tadshikorim Schischk.


Family: Apiaceae

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 69 [in Russian]

Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.22 Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.91

Aegopodium tadshikorim Schischk. Family: Apiaceae


Leaf Carotene

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 70 [in Russian]


Ailacospermum anomalum Ledeb.

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 69 [in Russian]

Family: Apiaceae Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 2.51 Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: tr

Aethusa cynapium L. Family: Apiaceae Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.015 [1] Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.01 [2] Hydrocarbons: C35 [2] Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.3 [2]

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 39, p.129 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 70 [in Russian]

References 1. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian]

Ainsworthia trachycarpa Boiss. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 (1) Oil, % dry wt: 7.8 (1), 27.7 (2) Iodine value, % J2: 64.0 (2) FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.9; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1(6) – 75.8; 18:1(9) – 6.5; 18:2 – 9.6; 18:3 – 0.1; others (2) – 1.3 (1); 16:0 – 5.3; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1(6) – 74.2; 18:1(9) – 9.4; 18:2 – 9.6; others (1) – 0.2 (2)

Agasyllis latifolia (Bieb.) Boiss. Synonyms A. caucasica Spreng.

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 36 (1982)

Anethum graveolens L.

Ammi majus L. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Oil, %: 8.9–19.4 [1] FAs Composition, %: 14:0 + 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1(6) – 57.8; 18:1(9) – 28.2; 18:2 – 7.6; 18:3 [1] Essential oil, %: 0.08 [1] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 11.6 [2]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 70 [in Russian] 2. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962)

Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam.



FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.2; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1(6) – 62.2; 18:1(9) – 7.6; 18:2 – 25.7; others (4) – 0.3

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Ammoselinum popei Torr. & Gray Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.7 Oil, % dry wt: 7.8 Iodine value, % J2: 110.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.4; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1(6) – 60.8; 18:1(9) – 6.4; 18:2 – 26.4; others (1) – 0.5

Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.5 Oil, % dry wt: 19.2 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:1 – 29.0 – 32.0; 18:2 – 13.0 – 19.0; 18:1(6) – 45.0 – 50.0



Family: Apiaceae

1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962)

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.2 [1] Oil, % dry wt: 9.9 (1), 6.8 (2) [1] FAs: 18:1 (6)–45.0 [2]

Ammoselinum giganteum Coult. & Rose

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Anethum graveolens L.

Family: Apiaceae References Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 Oil, % dry wt: 25.7 Iodine value, % J2: 109.0

1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962) 2. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808



Angelica ampla A. Nels. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.9 Oil, % dry wt: 26.0 Iodine value, % J2: 105.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.1; 18:0 – 3.3; 18:1(6) – 38.0; 18:1(9) – 16.8; 18:2 – 7.1; others (2) – 0.9

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)

Angelica anomala Ave-Lall. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.56–3.1

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 71 [in Russian]

Angelica ampla A. Nels.

FAs Composition (GLC, 10% EYSS-X), %: 12:0 – 0.13; 14:0 – 0.79; 16:0 – 4.54; 16:1 – 0.59; 18:0 – 1.15; 18:1(6) – 42.8; 18:2 – 49.35; 20:0 – 0.25; 20:1 – 0.22 [2] Sterols: b-Sitosterine, stigmasterine [1] Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.01–0.48 [1] Stem Essential oil, %: 0.33–0.4 [1] Root (with rhizome) Essential oil, %: 0.25–1.5 [1], 1.0 [3] CO2-extract, % dry wt: 3.4 [4] d420: 0.9895 [4] nD20: 1.5165 [4] Acid value, mg KOH: 40.0 [4] Ether value, mg KOH: 180.0 [4] Components, %: Essential oil – 23.0, lipids – 7.3, saponifiables – 59.3, unsaponifiables – 40.5 [4] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% PEGS), %: 12:0 – 2.5; 13:0 – 2.3; 14:0 – 1.8; 15:0 – 0.8; 16:0 – 20.5; 16:1 – 3.8; 18:0 – 4.2; 18:1 – 41.7; 18:2 – 20.0; 18:3 – 2.4 [4] Activity: Essential oil from aerial part antibacterial and antifungal activity [1, 3].


Use: Essential oil from fruit used as aroma in food [1, 3].

Angelica archangelica L. Family: Apiaceae


Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.5–1.3 Components: a-Pinene, b-pinene, camphene, myrcene, ocymene, humulene, a-phellandrene, b-phellandrene, limonene, cyneol, g-terpinene, n-cymol, b-caryophyllene, borneol, carveol, and others [1] Oil, %: 18.9–28.4 [1]

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 71 [in Russian] 2. K. Glowniak, Acta Pol. Pharm. 35(3), 353 (1978) 3. I.A. Gubanov, K.V. Kiselyeva, V.S. Novikov, Dikorastushye poleznye rasteniya (Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1987), p. 48 [in Russian] 4. G.I. Kas’yanov, E.A. Shaftan, E.S. Klimova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 94 (1977)

Angelica daurica (Fisch ex Hoffm.) Benth. et Hook. Jol. Ex Franch. et Savat.

Angelica brevicaulis (Rupr.) B. Fedtsch



Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.05–0.06

Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.9–1.14 Leaf and Stem Essential oil, %: 0.65

Stem Essential oil, %: 0.02



1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 73 [in Russian]

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 72 [in Russian]

Angelica czernaevia (Fisch. et Mey.) Kitag. Family: Apiaceae

Angelica cartilaginomarginata (Makino) Nakai

Inflorescence Essential oil, %: 0.16

Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 Oil, % dry wt: 28.7 Iodine value, % J2: 125.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.6; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1(6) – 43.3; 18:1(9) – 19.0; 18:2 – 33.1; others (1) – 0.2

Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.05 Stem Essential oil, %: 0.05

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 80 [in Russian]

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)

Angelica daurica (Fisch ex Hoffm.) Benth. et Hook. Jol. Ex Franch. et Savat. Synonyms

Angelica cincta Boissieu A. glabra (Yabe) Makino

Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.67–1.96 Inflorescence Essential oil, %: 0.37–0.45

Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.55 [1] Oil, %: 22.5 [1]



Root Essential oil, %: 0.02 [1] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.6 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 22.2 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 121.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.7; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1(6) – 39.1; 18:1(9) – 16.6; 18:2 – 40.0; others (1) – 0.3 [2]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 73 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)

Angelica decurrens (Ledeb.) B. Fedtsch. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.6–2.7

Angelica decurrens (Ledeb.) B. Fedtsch.

Oil, % dry wt: 21.8 Iodine value, % J2: 112.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.8; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1(6) – 39.9; 18:1(9) – 18.8; 18:2 – 34.9; others (3) – 1.8

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)

Angelica komarovii (Schischk.) V. Tichomirov Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.5 Inflorescence Essential oil, %: 0.15 Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.015 Stem Essential oil, %: 0.06

Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.015


Stem Essential oil, %: 0.06

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 75 [in Russian]


Angelica litoralis Frics.

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 74 [in Russian]

Family: Apiaceae

Angelica descursiva (Miq.) Franch. + Sav. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.6

Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.9–1.22 Components, %: a-and b-Phellandrene – 72.0, humulene – up to 7.5, octenol – 0.7

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 76 [in Russian]

Angelica takeshimana Nakai



Angelica lucida L.

Angelica sylvestris L.

Family: Apiaceae

Family: Apiaceae

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 6.0 Oil, % dry wt: 18.2 Iodine value, % J2: 111.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.5; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1(6) – 40.8; 18:1(9) – 13.0; 18:2 – 42.1; others (1) – 0.1

Fruit Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.30–0.79 [1, 2] Mass of 1,000, g: 1.550 [2] Oil, %: 17.8 [1]

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)

Angelica palustris (Bess.) Hoffm Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 1.97

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 76 [in Russian]

Angelica purpurancens (Ave-Lall.) Gilli Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.41

Root Essential oil, %: 0.34 [1] Components, %: Limonene – 80.0; a-pinene; b-pinene [1] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 [3] Oil, % dry wt: 32.2 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 114.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.6; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1(6) – 42.1; 18:1(9) – 18.6; 18:2 – 33.2; 18:3 – 0.2; others (3) – 0.4 [3] 16:0 – 4.6; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 (9) – 18.6; 18:2 (6) – 42.1; 18:2 – 33.2 [4] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.4 [3] Oil, % dry wt: 24.7 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 120.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.7; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 44.9; 18:1(9) – 10.4; 18:2 – 38.3; others (1) – 0.3 [3]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 76 [in Russian] 2. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian] 3. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982) 4. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974) p. 1808

Angelica takeshimana Nakai References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 77 [in Russian]

Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.2



Oil, % dry wt: 19.0 Iodine value, % J2: 98.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.6; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 64.8; 18:1(9) – 4.0; 18:2 – 23.6; others (1) – 0.6

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)

Angelica tenuifolia (Pall. Ex Spreng.) M. Pimen.

Angelica tschimganica (Korov.) V. Tichomirov Family: Apiaceae Fruit FAs Composition, %: 14:0 – 1.1; 16:0 – 9.5; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1(6) – 39.9; 18:1(7) – 6.93; 18:1(8) – 2.77; 18:1(9) – 10.6; 18:2 – 26.9; 18:3 – 0.5


Angelica tenuifolia (Pall. Ex Spreng.) M. Pimen.

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 79 [in Russian]

Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 2.15

Anthriscus caucalis Beib. Family: Apiaceae

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 78 [in Russian]

Angelica ternata Regel et Schmalch.

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 Oil, % dry wt: 20.8 Iodine value, % J2: 97.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.2; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1(6) – 68.9; 18:1(9) – 6.4; 18:2 – 19.3; others (3) – 0.4

Family: Apiaceae References Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.65–0.75

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

Fruit Oil, %: 5.9 FAs Composition, %: 16:0 – 4.9; 18:1(6) – 48.0; 18:1(9) – 12.3; 18:1(7) – 1.9; 18:1(8) – 2.7; 18:2 – 0.07

Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm.


Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.04–0.05 [1]

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 78 [in Russian]

Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.018–0.27 [1]

Family: Apiaceae Essential oil, %: 0.98 [1]

Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm.

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.1 (1), 2.0 (2) [2] Oil, % dry wt: 15.6 (1), 25.5 (2) [2] Iodine value, % J2: 108.0 (1), 102.0 (2) [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 8.1; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 48.8; 18:1(9) – 6.6; 18:2 – 34.5; others (3) – 0.4(1); 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1(6) – 70.2; 18:1(9) – 9.6; 18:2 – 14.0; others (3) – 0.7 (20) [2] 16:0 – 5.0; 18:1 – 1.0; 18:2 – 53.0; 18:1(6) – 41.0 [3]



FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.1; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1(6) – 66.8; 18:1(9) – 4.7; 18:2 – 24.8; 18:3 – 0.2; others (1) – 0.1 [2]

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 129 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 81 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982) 3. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Anthriscus longirostris Bertol. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Oil, %: 13.2 Essential oil, %: 0.27

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 39, p.129 [in Russian]

Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Oil, % dry wt: 17.6–21.8 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0–3.1–3.3, 18:0–0.1–0.9, 18:1(6)–55.7–66.8, 18:1(9)–4.7– 11.7, 18:2–24.8–28.0, 18:3–0.1–0.2 [1] Leaf Carotene, mg/fresh wt: 14.5 [2] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.0 [3], 4.635 [4] Oil, % dry wt: 21.8 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 107.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.3; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 55.7; 18:1(9) – 11.7; 18:2 – 28.0; 18:3 – 0.1; others (2) – 0.3 [3] Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: tr [4]

Anthriscus nemorosa (Beib.) Spreng.


Family: Apiaceae

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 81 [in Russian] 2. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 39, p. 130 [in Russian] 3. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982) 4. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian]

Essential oil [1] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.6 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 17.6 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 103.0 [2]



Aphanopleura capilifolia (Regel. et Schmalh.) Lipsky Family: Apiaceae Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.12–0.3

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 81 [in Russian]

Aphanopleura capilifolia (Regel. et Schmalh.) Lipsky

FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.1; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1(6) – 65.7; 18:1(9) – 7.7; 18:2 – 17.8; 18:3 – 0.2; others (2) – 2.0 [2] 16:0 – 3.0 – 12.0; 18:1 – 26.0 – 30.0; 18:2 – 10.0 – 20.0; 18:1(6) – 42.0 – 51.0 [3]

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 39, p.132 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982) 3. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974) p. 1808

Aphanopleura leptoclada Family: Apiaceae

Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F. Muell.

Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.3

Family: Apiaceae

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 81 [in Russian]

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 Oil, % dry wt: 32.4 Iodine value, % J2: 90.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 2.5; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 86.5; 18:1(9) – 1.3; 18:2 – 7.9; others (2) – 0.4

Apium graveolens L. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Oil, %: 16.0–17.0 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 94.8 [1] Essential oil, %: 2.0–6.0 [1] Components, %: Limonene – 60.0, selinene – 10.0 [1] Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.1 [1] Root Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.009–0.08 [1] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 30.4 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 102.0 [2]

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Apium sellowianum H. Wolff Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.9 Oil, % dry wt: 25.6 Iodine value, % J2: 102.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 66.7; 18:1(9) – 7.1; 18:2 – 18.8; others (1) – 0.2

Astrodaucus orientalis (L.) Drude.





1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 83 [in Russian]

Archangelica decurrens Ledes. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 7.800 Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 1.10

References 1. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy [in Russian], 9, 68 (1973)

Artedia squamata L. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 10.1 Oil, % dry wt: 9.5 Iodine value, % J2: 92.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.8; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1(6) – 72.4; 18:1(9) – 11.3; 18:2 – 11.7; 18:3 – 0.6; others (2) – 0.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)

Astrantia major L. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, % dry wt: 1.57–3.4 Components: b-sinensol, b-sinensol acetate Leaf Components: 3-O-D-glycoside of b-sitosterol

Astrantia maxima Pall. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.8 Oil, % dry wt: 39.2 Iodine value, % J2: 96.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.6; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1(6) – 63.3; 18:1(9) – 16.1; 18:2 – 13.9; others (3) – 0.4

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

Astrodaucus orientalis (L.) Drude. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.5 [1] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.6 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 15.8 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 98.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.1; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1(6) – 56.9; 18:1(9) – 21.1; 18:2 – 17.9; others (2) – 0.3 [2]

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 39, p. 130 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)



Athamanta cretensis L.

Athamanta cretensis L.

Bifora americana (DC.) Benth. & Hook.

Family: Apiaceae

Family: Apiaceae

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.0 Oil, % dry wt: 25.8 Iodine value, % J2: 119.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.8; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1(6) – 33.5; 18:1(9) – 20.1; 18:2 – 24.3; 18:3 – 15.0; others (3) – 0.3

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 9.4 Oil, % dry wt: 17.9 Iodine value, % J2: 100.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1(6) – 72.0; 18:1(9) – 6.1; 18:2 – 11.6; others (3) – 6.0



1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 32 (1982)

Bifora radians Bieb. Aulocospermum Ledeb. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.26

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 84 [in Russian]

Beta vulgaris Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp and Calyx Mass of 1,000, g: 9.5–18.0 Oil, % dry wt: 3.4–7.1

References 1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962)

Family: Apiaceae Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.1–0.12 [1] Pentatriacontane [1] Leaf Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.124 [2] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 5.0 [3] Oil, % dry wt: 49.5 [3]; 14.6–49.5 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 98.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.4; 18:0 – 0.7; 18:1(6) – 74.9; 18:1(9) – 7.9; 18:2 – 7.8; 18:3 – 12.0; others (1) – 0.2 [3] Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.124 [2]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 84 [in Russian] 2. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 125 [in Russian] 3. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 32 (1982)

Bunium hissaricum Korov

Bifora testiculata (L.) Spreng. ex. Schult. Family: Apiaceae Essential oil, %: 0.1 [1] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.2 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 41.5 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 88.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.6; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1(6) – 81.1; 18:1(9) – 5.7; 18:2 – 8.2; others (1) – 0.2 [2]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 85 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 32 (1982)

Bilacunaria microcarpa (Bieb) M. Pimen. Et Tichomirow Family: Apiaceae Essential oil, %: 0.33–0.45 Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.15–0.3



Oil, % dry wt: 9.9 Iodine value, % J2: 112.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 18.3; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1(9) – 25.2; 18:2 – 53.3; 18:3 – 0.1; others (4) – 0.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

Bunium cylindricum (Boiss. et Hohen.) Drude Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 1.4–1.8 Composition, %: a-Pinene – 0.3–2.3; camphene – 0.3–1.0; myrcene – 0.7; D3-carene – 0.2–0.7; a-phellandrene – 0.5; limonene – 0.7–13.7; g-terpinene – 0.6; p-cymol – 1.4; b-elemene – 0.6; b-caryophyllene – 4.5; humulene – up to 2.7; b-selinene – 11.0; (-)-cadinene – 13.0; bornyl acetate – 1.0; miristycine (?)–4.1–67.2; dillapiol – 11.0; elemicin, elemene – 3.0–4.0; uniper-camphora – 1.1–6.2; others

References Inflorescence Essential oil, %: 0.15–0.3

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 86 [in Russian]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 85 [in Russian]

Bowlesia incana Ruiz + Pav. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8

Bunium hissaricum Korov Family: Apiaceae Fruit Oil FAs Composition, %: 10:0 – 1.47; 12:0 – 1.91; 14:0 – 9.9; 16:0 – 7.07; 18:0 – 5.89; 18:1(6) – 29.9; 18:1(7) – 2.3; 18:1(8) – 3.1; 18:1(9) – 10.2; 18:2(9,12) – 27.76



Bunium paucifolium DC.


Bupleurum aureum Fisch.

1. A.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation, (Tashkent, 1974) [in Russian]

Family: Apiaceae

Bunium paucifolium DC.

Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 2.190 Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 0.14

Family: Apiaceae


Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 9.5 Oil, % dry wt: 22.2 Iodine value, % J2: 140.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.8; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1(6) – 73.2; 18:1(9) – 5.8; 18:2 – 15.1; 18:3 – 0.5; others (2) – 1.1

1. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian]

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Bupleurum beldreichii Boiss.+Bal. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.0 Oil, % dry wt: 8.2 Iodine value, % J2: 99.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.8; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 50.0; 18:1(9) – 19.1; 18:2 – 23.3; 18:3 – 0.3; others (2) – 0.5

Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B. Fedtsch. Family: Apiaceae Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.24 [1] Seed and Pericarp Essential oil, %: 0.74–3.0 [1] Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 13.6 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 106.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1(6) – 56.0; 18:1(9) – 13.9; 18:2 – 23.0; 18:3 – 0.4; others (3) – 1.2 [2]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 86 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Bupleurum croceum Fenzl. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.6 Oil, % dry wt: 9.5 Iodine value, % J2: 94.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.4; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1(6) – 44.6; 18:1(9) – 33.7; 18:2 – 13.2; 18:3 – 0.4; others (3) – 1.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Bupleurum lancifolium Hornem.


Bupleurum exaltatum Bieb.

Bupleurum gerardii All.

Family: Apiaceae

Family: Apiaceae


Essential oil, %: 0.63 [1] Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.2 [2]

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 127 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 87 [in Russian]

Bupleurum falcatum Family: Apiaceae FAs: 18:1 (6), petroselidic acid

Aerial Part Polyacethylenes: Pentadecatriene-2,8,10-diyne-4,6yl-1-acetate, heptadecatriene-2,8,10-diyne-4,6-yl1-acetate Root Polyacethylenes: Pentadecadiene-2,9-diyne-4,6-al-1, heptadecadiene-8,10-diyne-4,6-ol-1, heptadecatriene2,8,10-diyne-4,6-ol

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 87 [in Russian]

Bupleurum lanceolatrum Wall. ex DC. Family: Apiaceae


Bupleurum fruticosum L.

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.7 Oil, % dry wt: 21.4 Iodine value, % J2: 98.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.2; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1(6) – 57.2; 18:1(9) – 18.5; 18:2 – 18.1; others (2) – 0.5

Family: Apiaceae


Branch Essential oil, % dry wt: 1.0

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Flower Essential oil, % dry wt: 3.75

Bupleurum lancifolium Hornem.

1. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Leaf Essential oil, % dry wt: 1.0-3.0

Family: Apiaceae Aerial Part Components: Nonacosanol, hexacosanol [1]

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 127 [in Russian]

Seed and Pericarp Essential oil, %: 0.14 [1] Mass of 1,000, g: 12.2 (1) 10.0 (2) [2]



Oil, % dry wt: 6.8 (1), 8.8 (2) [2] Iodine value, % J2: 87.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1(6) – 41.6; 18:1(9) – 39.3; 18:2 – 10.8; others (1) – 0.2 (1); 16:0 – 7.3; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1(6) – 48.2; 18:1(9) – 33.4; 18:2 – 8.2; others (1) – 0.4 (2) [2]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 88 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Bupleurum longiradiatum Turez Family: Apiaceae Leaf Components, %: Stigmasterine, a-spinosterine [1] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.4 Oil, % dry wt: 27.9 Iodine value, % J2: 116.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 2.5; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1(6) – 59.7; 18:1(9) – 4.0; 18:2 – 33.2; 18:3 – 0.1; others (2) – 0.2 [2]

Bupleurum longiradiatum Turez

Oil, % dry wt: 11.6 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.9; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1(6) – 63.5; 18:1(9) – 11.4; 18:2 – 13.1; 18:3 – 3.6; others (2) – 0.9

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Bupleurum rotundifolium L. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.15 Oil, %: 14.03 FAs of TAG Components: Saturated – 6.5; 18:1(9) and their isomers – 68.5; 18:2–24.96

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 90 [in Russian]

Bupleurum tenue Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don Family: Apiaceae

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 87 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Bupleurum odontites L. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil, % dry wt: 17.5 Iodine value, % J2: 101.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.9; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 54.5; 18:1(9) – 16.8; 18:2 – 20.8; 18:3 – 0.6; others (2) – 0.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Carum carvi L.


Cachrys alpina M. B.

Carum buriaticum Turcz.

Family: Apiaceae

Family: Apiaceae


Essential oil, % wt: 0.22–0.98 (fresh), 0.7–2.7 (dry)


Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 1.080 [1] Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 2.21 [1], 2.21–4.7 [2]

1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 129 [in Russian]


Calestania palustris (L.) K.-Pol.

1. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 92 [in Russian]

Family: Apiaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.85–2.11 Components: Limonene – 94.8, terpinolene, gterpinene, camphene, a-pinene, b-pinene, sabinene, D3-carene, myrcene, and others

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 92 [in Russian]

Carum bulbocastrum (L.) Koch. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 Oil, % dry wt: 11.7 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC, %: 16:0 – 5.7; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1(6) – 52.3; 18:1(9) – 14.8; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 0.7; others (2) – 0.9

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 33 (1982)

Carum carvi L. Family: Apiaceae Essential oil Components, %: Cadinene – 37.2; carvone – 31.2; dihydrocarveol – 9.5; and others [1] Aerial Part Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 2.5–7.67 [1] Components, %: Carvone – 41.0–60.0; limonene – 30.0; and others [1] Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 1.750 [2]; 2.0 [3] Oil, % dry wt: 19.4 [3]; 18.4–21.18 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 135.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.2; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 35.4; 18:1(9) – 24.1; 18:2 – 33.9; others (2) – 0.2 [3] Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 6.40 [2], 3.0–6.0 [4] Seed Oil (hexane), %: 14.0–22.0 [4] 10.5 [5] Composition (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.2; TAG – 66.0; wax – 0.1; free FAs – 5.1; free alkanols – tr; sterols – 0.4; chlorophyll – 0.1 [5] FAs Composition (CC), %: 12:0 – 0.14; 14:0 – 0.27; 16:0 – 4.36; 16:1 – 0.48; 18:0 – 1.03; 18:1(6) – 31.89; 18:1(9) – 31.98; 18:2 – 29.07; 18:3 – 0.48; 20:0 – 0.3 [6]



FAs of TAGs Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 1.1; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1(6) – 33.7; 18:1(9) – 11.8; 18:2 – 43.6; 18:3 – 1.3 [5] Free FAs Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 13.8; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1(6) – 21.8; 18:1(9) – 9.2; 18:2 – 48.7; 18:3 – 3.1 [5] Palmitate and stearate of stigmasterol [1] Hydrocarbons: C27, C28, C29 (main), C30, C31 (main), C32, C33 [5] Steroids: Stigmasterol [1] Essential oil, % dry wt: 3.0-6.0 [5] Components: Tricyclene, a-pinene, a-thujene, b-fenchene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, D3-carene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, a-terpinene, limonene, b-phellandrene, g-terpinene, p-cymene and terpinolene [7] Carvone, % of total lipids: 28.0 [5]

Carum spp.

Caucalis incognita Norman Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 6.1 Oil, % dry wt: 19.1 Iodine value, % J2: 101.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.6; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1(6) – 79.8; 18:1(9) – 4.2; 18:2 – 10.0; 18:3 – 0.2; others (7) – 1.8

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 32 (1982)

Caucalis platycarpos L. References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 92 [in Russian] 2. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian] 3. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 34 (1982) 4. I.A. Gubanov, K.V. Kiselyeva, V.S. Novikov, Dikorastushye poleznye rasteniya (Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1987), p. 82 [in Russian] 5. G.A. Stepanenko, S.D. Gusakova, A.U. Umarov, Khim. Prirod. Soedin. 16, 827 (1980) [in Russian] 6. M.I. Goryaev, N.A. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gasozhidkostnoi khromatographii organicheskikh kislot (Nauka, Alma Ata, 1977) [in Russian] 7. Aa. Salveson, A. Baerheim Svendsen, Planta Med. 30(1), 93 (1976)

Carum spp.

Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 27.0 [1] Oil, % dry wt: 16.0 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 95.0 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1(6) – 69.2; 18:1(9) – 11.8; 18:2 – 15.3; others (1) – 0.1 [1] Essential oil Components, %: b-Pinene – 9.0 [2]

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 32 (1982) 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 94 [in Russian]

Family: Apiaceae FAs: 16:0 – 3.0 – 9.0; 18:1 – 21.0 – 40.0; 18:2 – 20.0 – 31.0; 18:1(6) – 26.0 – 48.0

References 1. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Cenolophium fischeri (Spreng.) Koch. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 1.150 Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 2.54

Chaerophyllum crinitum Boiss.

References 1. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy [in Russian] 9, 68 (1973)



Oil, % dry wt: 15.2 Iodine value, % J2: 136.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 9.4; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1(9) – 25.6; 18:2 – 61.5; 18:3 – 0.3; others (3) – 0.7

Chaerophyllum aromaticum L. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 16.0 Oil, % dry wt: 15.9 Iodine value, % J2: 126.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 12.2; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1(9) – 51.1; 18:2 – 34.2; 18:3 – 0.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

Chaerophyllum aureum L.

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

Chaerophyllum coloratum L. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 7.8 Oil, % dry wt: 14.2 Iodine value, % J2: 161.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 12.4; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1(9) – 21.8; 18:2 – 62.7

Family: Apiaceae


Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.6 Oil, % dry wt: 10.7 Iodine value, % J2: 135.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1(9) – 37.9; 18:2 – 51.0; 18:3 – 0.3; others (1) – 0.1

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

Chaerophyllum bulbosum L.

Chaerophyllum crinitum Boiss. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 7.9 Oil, % dry wt: 13.2 Iodine value, % J2: 114.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.7; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 18.1; 18:1(9) – 37.4; 18:2 – 36.2; 18:3 – 0.1; others (2) – 0.5

Family: Apiaceae References Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.5

1. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)



Chaerophyllum maculatum Willd.

Chaerophyllum maculatum Willd.

Chaerophyllum villosum Wall. ex DC

Family: Apiaceae

Family: Apiaceae

Seed Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.54

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 6.0 Oil, % dry wt: 5.6 Iodine value, % J2: 108.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 8.5; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1(9) – 61.0; 18:2 – 26.7; 18:3 – 1.6; others (1) – 0.1

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 127 [in Russian]

Chaerophyllum reflexum Lindl. References Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 9.0 Oil, % dry wt: 14.8 Iodine value, % J2: 113.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 12.1; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1(9) – 48.5; 18:2 – 36.6; 18:3 – 0.1; others (1) – 0.4

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook.

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

Cicuta douglasii (DC.) Coult.+Rose Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.9 Oil, % dry wt: 16.9 Iodine value, % J2: 129.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.6; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 39.3; 18:1(9) – 14.8; 18:2 – 39.5; 18:3 – 0.7

Family: Apiaceae


Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.9 Oil, % dry wt: 9.1 Iodine value, % J2: 126.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 7.2; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1(6) – 34.1; 18:1(9) – 29.4; 18:2 – 27.6; others (1) – 0.8

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 34 (1982)


Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.6 Oil, % dry wt: 15.9 Iodine value, % J2: 96.0

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 31 (1982)

Cicuta maculata L. Family: Apiaceae

Cnidium salinum Turcz.



FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.1; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1(6) – 58.1; 18:1(9) – 18.2; 18:2 – 18.9; others (1) – 0.4

Cnidium davuricum (Jacq.) Turcz. Ex Fisch.


Aerial Part Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 0.32 [1]

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 34 (1982)

Family: Apiaceae

Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 1.550 Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 0.74–1.68 [1, 2]

Cicuta mexicana Coult.+Rose Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.1 Oil, % dry wt: 32.6 Iodine value, % J2: 151.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.7; 18:0 – 1.2; 18:1(6) – 52.9; 18:1(9) – 18.0; 18:2 – 22.0; 18:3 – 0.8; others (2) – 0.4

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 34 (1982)

Cicuta virosa L. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Oil, % dry wt: 14.6 FAs Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 4.57; 18:1 (6) – 35.77; 18:1(9) – 9.34; 18:2 – 49.39 Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.7–5.0 Root Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.04–0.36

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 99 [in Russian]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 99 [in Russian] 2. K. A. Sobolevskaya, E. V. Tiyurina, I. N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian]

Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cusson Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 Oil, % dry wt: 39.2 Iodine value, % J2: 110.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 2.1; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1(6) – 58.2; 18:1(9) – 4.5; 18:2 – 32.6; others (1) – 1.0

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 34 (1982)

Cnidium salinum Turcz. Family: Apiaceae Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 0.980 Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 1.65



Conioselinum chinense (L.) Britt., Sterns et Pogg.



1. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy [in Russian] 9, 68 (1973)

1. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Conioselinum chinense (L.) Britt., Sterns et Pogg.

Conioselinum vaginatum (Spreng.) Thell.

Family: Apiaceae

Family: Apiaceae

Aerial Part Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.38

Fruit Mass of 1,000, g: 2.270 Essential oil, % abs. dry wt: 0.34

Fruit Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.89

References Root (with rhizome) Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.62

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 100 [in Russian]

Conioselinum tataricum Hoffm. Family: Apiaceae Essential oil, % dry wt: 1.3 Aerial Part Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.08–0.27 Fruit Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.34–0.43

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 100 [in Russian]

Conioselinum univittatum Family: Apiaceae FAs: 18:1 (6), 18:2 (9,12)

1. K.A. Sobolevskaya, E.V. Tiyurina, I.N. Guskova, Rast. Resursy 9, 68 (1973) [in Russian]

Conium maculatum L. Family: Apiaceae Herbal Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.07 [1] Leaf Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.08 [2] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 7.9 [3] Oil, % dry wt: 13.2 [3], 11.3–17.5 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 114.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.7; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 18.1; 18:1(9) – 37.4; 18:2 – 36.2; 18:3 – 0.1; others (2) – 0.5 [3] 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 0.7; 18:1(6) – 56.3; 18:1(9) – 15.1; 18:2(9,12)+18:2(6,9) – 23.0; 18:3 – 0.1 [2] FAs: 18:1(6) [4] Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.017–0.07 [1, 2]

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 125 [in Russian]

Cuminum cyminum L. 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 101 [in Russian] 3. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 32 (1982) 4. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Coriandrum sativum L. Family: Apiaceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.03–0.05 [1]



Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.6 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 37.0 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 98.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.4; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1(6) – 67.3; 18:1(9) – 9.9; 18:2 – 14.6; others (1) – 0.1 [2] Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.7–4.5 [1]

References 1. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 129 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 34 (1982)

Flower Essential oil, % dry wt: 1.06–4.94 [1]

Cryptotaenia (ssp.) Leaf Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.13 [1]

Family: Apiaceae FAs: 18:1 (6), petroselidic acid

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 7.4 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 22.0 [2], 14.03–22.2 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 98.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.9; 18:0 – 1.2; 18:1(6) – 71.8; 18:1(9) – 9.4; 18:2 – 13.2; others (3) – 0.5 [2] 16:0 – 8.0; 18:1 – 32.0; 18:2 – 7.0; 18:1 (6) – 53.0 [3] Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.18–1.95 [1]


References 1. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Cuminum cyminum L. Family: Apiaceae

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 101 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 32 (1982) 3. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.4 [1] Oil, % dry wt: 32.0 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 108.0 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.1; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1(6) – 52.2; 18:1(9) – 15.4; 18:2 – 27.9; others (2) – 0.3 [1] 18:1(6)–21.0 [2]

Crithmum maritimus L.


Family: Apiaceae

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 34 (1982) 2. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Herbal Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.15–0.3 [1]



Daucus aureus Desf.

Daucus aureus Desf.

Leaf Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.065–0.13 [2]

Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.2 Oil, % dry wt: 22.6 Iodine value, % J2: 91.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.4; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1(6) – 75.7; 18:1(9) – 7.4; 18:2 – 11.1; others (4) – 0.6


Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 [3], 0.5–0.8 (1), 0.8–3.2 (2) [4] Oil, % dry wt: 27.2 [3], 16.3– 26.5 (1), 16.4–30.2 (2) [4] Iodine value, % J2: 102.0 [4] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.6; 18:0 – 0.7; 18:1(6) – 71.2; 18:1(9) – 11.6; 18:2 – 12.2; others (3) – 0.3 [4] Petroselidic acid [5] Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.5–4.28 [2], 0.5–2.9 [1] Components, %: Geraniol – 2.0–60.0; geranyl acetate – 17.0-81.0; (-) sabinene – 0.5–20.0 [1]

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)


Daucus broteri Ten. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.0 Oil, % dry wt: 18.6 Iodine value, % J2: 100.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.1; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1(6) – 75.1; 18:1(9) – 5.3; 18:2 – 11.6; 18:3 – 0.5; others (1) – 1.0

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)

Daucus carota L.

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 103 [in Russian] 2. Wild Useful Plants of the Crimea, Yalta, 1971, Proceedings, vol. 20, p. 131 [in Russian] 3. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982) 4. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962) 5. R.D. Gibbs, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, vol. 3 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal-London, 1974), p. 1808

Daucus carota L. subsp. maritimus (Lam.) Baty. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 Oil, % dry wt: 17.7 Iodine value, % J2: 188.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.1; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1(6) – 69.8; 18:1(9) – 12.4; 18:2 – 10.6

Family: Apiaceae Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.24–0.28 [1]


Aerial Part Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.06–0.85 [1]

1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)

Daucus muricatus L.

Daucus carota L. subsp. maximus (Desf.) J. Ball Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil, % dry wt: 18.9 Iodine value, % J2: 150.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.8; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 72.5; 18:1(9) – 9.9; 18:2 – 10.8; 18:3 – 0.3; others (1) – 0.9



FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.2; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1(6) – 65.0; 18:1(9) – 15.9; 18:2 – 11.6; 18:3 – 0.1; others (2) – 0.6

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)

Daucus littiralis Sibth. & SM. Family: Apiaceae

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)

Daucus crinitus Desf. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.2 Oil, % dry wt: 12.1 Iodine value, % J2: 91.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1(6) – 74.3; 18:1(9) – 9.7; 18:2 – 10.8

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.6 Oil, % dry wt: 10.4 Iodine value, % J2: 95.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.5; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1(6) – 79.7; 18:1(9) – 4.2; 18:2 – 9.5; others (2) – 0.4

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)

Daucus muricatus L. Family: Apiaceae

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 59, 37 (1982)

Daucus guttatus Sibth. & SM. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil, % dry wt: 23.3 Iodine value, % J2: 105.0

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 6.0 Oil, % dry wt: 11.1 Iodine value, % J2: 92.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 5.1; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 74.8; 18:1(9) – 7.4; 18:2 – 10.8; others (2) – 0.7

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)



Daucus pusillus Michx. Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 (1), 1.7 (2) [1] Oil, % dry wt: 22.7 (1), 22.0 (2) [1] Iodine value, % J2: 117.0 (1), 116.0 (2) [1] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 4.3; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1(6) – 70.6; 18:1(9) – 9.6; 18:2 – 13.4; 18:3 – 0.1; others (3) – 0.3 (1); 16:0 – 4.2; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1(6) – 80.1; 18:1(9) – 4.3; 18:2 – 10.8; others (1) – 0.1 (2) [1] Seed and Part of Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 27.1 [2]

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982) 2. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962)

Daucus pusillus Michx.

Oil, % dry wt: 27.1 Iodine value, % J2: 100 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.2; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1(6) – 84.7; 18:1(9) – 3.4; 18:2 – 8.0; 18:3 – ; others (1) – 0.4

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)

Didiscus caeryleus Family: Apiaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.9 Oil, % dry wt: 37.6


Daucus setifolius Desf.

1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962)

Family: Apiaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.0 Oil, % dry wt: 16.1 Iodine value, % J2: 106.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 9.1; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1(6) – 50.9; 18:1(9) – 12.6; 18:2 – 25.1; others (3) – 0.7

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 37 (1982)

Dorema hyrcanum K.-Pol. Family: Apiaceae Essential oil, % dry wt: 0.09–0.12

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 105 [in Russian]

Ducrosis anethifolia (DC.) Boiss.

Deverra aphylla DC.

Family: Apiaceae

Family: Apiaceae

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.7 Oil, % dry wt: 11.6 Iodine value, % J2: 106.0

Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.3

Ducrosis anethifolia (DC.) Boiss.

FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 6.6; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1(6) – 66.4; 18:1(9) – 11.6; 18:2 – 10.7; 18:3 – 1.3; others (2) – 1.5



References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 35 (1982)


Acanthopanax sciadophylloides Franch et Sav. Family: Araliaceae Aerial Part Volatile oil (Et2O extraction), % fresh wt: 0.024 Component (GLC, HB-2000 capillary column), %: Germacrene – 71.0

References 1. K. Yoshhara, Y. Hirose, Phytochemistry 12, 468 (1973)

Acanthopanax sessiliflorus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Seem. Family: Araliaceae Fruit Oil (hexane), % dry wt: 7.2 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 17% EGS and 5% SE-30), %: 12:0 – tr; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.6; 16:1 – 1.1; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 57.0; 18:2 – 33.8; 18:3 – 3.1; 20:0 – tr [1] Composition (preparative TLC), %: Hydrocarbons – 1.0; carotene – tr; esters of FAs with fatty alkanols, triterpenols, sterols and 3 unidentified alkanols – 2.6; methyl esters of FAs + unidentified compound 1 – 0.5; TAG – 84.6; free FAs – 1.3; fatty alkanols – 1.8; acetate of triterpenoic acid – 0.2; hydroxylDAG, sn-1,2(2,3)- and sn-1,3-DAG – 1.3; triterpenols – 0.2; sterols – 4.5; chlorophylls –

0.5; sn-1(3)- and sn-2-MAG + GL – 1.5; unidentified compound 2 – tr [1] Esters of FAs with alkanols and cyclic alcohols MS [1] FAs from esters of FAs with alkanols and cyclic alcohols Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – 1.6; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 1.8; 16:1 – tr; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1(9) – 12.6; 18:2 – 66.9 [1] Methyl esters of FAs (GLC), %: 12:0 – 11.8; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – 1.1; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 21.0; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 3.7; 18:1(9) – 30.0; 18:2 – 29.7; 18:3 – 2.7; 20:0 – tr [1] TAG [1, 2] FAs from TAG Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 3.1; 16:1 – tr; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – tr; 18:1(6) – 52.8; 18:1(9) – 8.9; 18:2 – 34.1; 18:3 – 1.1; 20:0 – tr [1] Hydroxy TAG, %: 0.3 [3] Hydroxy-FAs Composition (GLC, 17% EGS and 5% SE 30), %: 6-hydroxy-12Z-16:1 – 4.4; 6-hydroxy-9Z,12Z16:2 – 13.1; 12-hydroxy-18:0+9-hydroxy-12Z18:1+12-hydroxy-9Z-18:1 – 13.2; 6-hydroxy12Z-18:1+7-hydroxy-12Z-18:1 – 4.9; 6-hydroxy9Z,12Z-18:2+7-hydroxy-9Z,12Z-18:2 – 12.4; 9-hydroxy-10E,12Z-18:2 + 13-hydroxy-9Z, 11E18:2 – 47.5; unidentified compounds – 4.5 [3] UV, IR of methyl esters [3] MS of TMS-derivatives [3] Free FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.6; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 20.7; 16:1 – 0.6; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 2.9; 18:1(6) – 15.0; 18:1(9) – 2.5; 18:2 – 38.9; 18:3 – 8.3; 20:0 – tr; 22:0 – 7.5; 24:0 – 2.6 [1]

A.I. Glushenkova (ed.), Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources, DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-323-7, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012



FAs from DAG Composition (GLC),%: 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 10.5; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – tr; 18:1(6) + 18:1(9) – 43.3; 18:2 – 40.1; 18:3 – 5.4 [1] FAs from sum of MAG + GL Composition (GLC),%: 12:0 – 3.9; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – 1.6; 15:0 – 1.7; 16:0 – 36.0; 17:0 – 1.2; 18:0 – 3.8; 18:1(9) – 17.4; 18:2 – 34.4; 18:3 – tr [1] Essential oil, %: 0.5 [4] Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.28 [4]; 0.1 [5] Pericarp Oil (hexane), %: 4.4 [1] FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 0.4; 13:0 – 0.6; 14:0 – 0.6; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 11.0; 16:1 – tr; 17:0 – 1.6; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1(6) + 18:1(9) – 32.5; 18:2 – 42.9; 18:3 – 8.8; 20:0 – tr [1] TAG FAs from TAG Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.5; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 9.1; 16:1 – 1.5; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1(6) + 18:1(9) – 41.5; 18:2 – 40.8; 18:3 – 5.2; 20:0 – tr [1] Free FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.9; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 20.2; 16:1 – 0.5; 17:0 – 0.6; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) + 18:1(9) – 5.1; 18:2 – 53.9; 18:3 – 16.5; 20:0 – 1.2 [1] Root Essential oil, %: 0.28 [4]; 0.2 [5] Seed Oil (hexane), % dry wt: 30.3 [1] FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 3.2; 16:1 – 0.9; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – tr; 18:1(6) – 15.0; 18:1(9) – 62.1; 18:2 – 33.8; 18:3 – tr; 20:0 – tr [1] FAs from TAG Composition of total FAs (GLC), mol %: 16:0 – 3.1; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – tr; 18:1(6) – 52.8; 18:1(9) – 8.9; 18:2 – 31.1; 18:3 – 1.1 [2] Sn-1: 16:0 – 8.4; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – tr; 18:1(6) – 57.2; 18:1(9) – 10.5; 18:2 – 23.9 [2] The positional distribution, %: 18:1(6) – 36.1; 18:1(9) – 39.3; 18:2 – 23.4 [2]

Acanthopanax spinosus (L.F.) Miq.

Sn-2: 18:1 (6) – 20.3; 18:1(9) – 9.8; 18:2 – 69.9 [2] The positional distribution, %:18:1(6) – 12.4; 18:1(9) – 36.7; 18:2 – 68.3 [2] Sn-3: 16:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 80.9; 18:1(9) – 6.4; 18:2 – 8.5; 18:3 – 3.3 [2] The positional distribution, %: 18:1(9) 24.0; 18:2 – 8.3; 18:3 – 100 [2] Hydrocarbons (GLC, IR), %: C21 – tr; C23 – tr; C25 – 2.9; C29 – 9.7; C31 – tr и C24 – tr; C28 – 0.90; C30 (squalene – 84.3) [1] Free alkanols (GLC), %: C18 – tr; C22 – 5.7; C24 – 13.4; C26 – 44.5; C28 – 36.4; C30 – tr [1] Sterols (GLC), %: b-Sitosterol – 68.2; campesterol – 31.8 [1] Triterpenols (GLC), %: b-Amyrin + lanosterol – 16.7; 24-methylenecycloartenol – 62.4; and unidentified 1 – 13.1; unidentified 2 – 4.0 and unidentified 3 – 4.0 [1] Carotenes (UV): b-Carotene [1] Chlorophylls (UV): Chlorophyll a [1] Acetate of triterpenoic acids [1] IR, MS [1] Stem Essential oil, %: 0.26 [4]

References 1. D.T. Asilbekova, S.D. Gusakova, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 21, 719 (1985) 2. D.T. Asilbekova, S.D. Gusakova, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 19, 606 (1983) 3. D.T. Asilbekova, S.D. Gusakova, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 27, 542 (1991) 4. N.I. Suprunov, P.G. Gorovoy, Y.A. Pankov, Efirno–maslitsnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Nauka, Sibirskoe otdeleniye, Novosibirsk, 1972), p. 83 [in Russian] 5. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 56 [in Russian]

Acanthopanax spinosus (L.F.) Miq. Family: Araliaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 5.0 [1]; 3.0 [2] Oil, % dry wt: 36.6 [1, 2] Iodine value, % J2: 98.0 [2]

Aralia cordata Thunb.

FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.3; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1(6) – 70.2; 18:1(9) – 8.0; 18:2 – 16.3; others (1) – 0.4 [2]



2. N.I. Suprunov, P.G. Gorovoy, Y.A. Pankov, Efirno– maslitsnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Nauka, Sibirskoe otdeleniye, Novosibirsk, 1972), p. 86 [in Russian]

Aralia cordata Thunb. References Synonyms 1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962) 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

Aralia cachemirica Decne. Family: Araliaceae Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 7.9 Oil, % dry wt: 22.0 Iodine value, % J2: 97.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ - TLC), %: 16:0 – 13.8; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1(6) – 39.5; 18:1(9) – 22.8; 18:2 – 22.5; 18:3 – 0.6; others (2) – 0.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 30 (1982)

Aralia continentalis Kitag.

A. schmidtii Pojark.; Dimorphanthus edulis Miq.

Family: Araliaceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % fresh wt: 0.07 [1] Components (CC, IR, preparative GLC, 20% Carbowax), %: Camphene – tr; a-pinene – 3.0; g-terpinene – 1.0; sabinene – 18.0; myrcene – 4.0; limonene – 30.0; a-copaene – tr; humulene – 1.0; trans-sabinene hydrate – 1.0; cis-sabinene hydrate – tr; terpinene-4-ol – tr [1] Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.27 [2] Inflorescence Essential oil, %: 0.76 [2] Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.75 [2] Root Essential oil, %: 2.15 [2]

Family: Araliaceae Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.2 [1]; 0.58 [2] Flower Essential oil [1] Root Essential oil, %: 0.4–2.0 [1]

Stem Essential oil, %: 0.62–0.71 [2]; 0.075 [3] Components, %: a-Pinene – 63.3; b-pinene, camphene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, o-cymene, n-cymol, a-farnesene, b-caryophyllene, (+) carvone, isopinocamphone, trans-pinocamphone, verbenone, terpineol-4, cis-sabinene hydrate, trans-pinocarveol, a-betulenol [3] Underground Part Essential oil, %: 0.07 [2]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 56 [in Russian]

References 1. K. Yoshhara, Y. Hirose, Phytochemistry 12, 468 (1973)



2. N.I. Suprunov, P.G. Gorovoy, Y.A. Pankov, Efirno– maslitsnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Nauka, Sibirskoe otdeleniye, Novosibirsk, 1972), p. 89 [in Russian] 3. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 56 [in Russian]

Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. (A. mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim.) Family: Araliaceae

Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. (A. mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim.)

Aralia hispida Vent. Family: Araliaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 5.1 Oil, % dry wt: 15.6 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ - TLC), %: 16:0 – 2.4; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1(6) – 45.4; 18:1(9) – 11.3; 18:2 – 38.7; 18:3 – 0.4; others (7) – 1.2

Essential oil, %: 0.05 [1] Bark of Branch Essential oil Methyl esters: 15:0; 16:0; 18:0; 20:0; 22:0; 24:0; 26:0 [1] Hexacosene-1 [1] Bark of Root Steroids: Sitosterine, stigmasterine, triterpenoic acids, oleanoic acid [1] Root Essential oil, %: 0.12 [2] Seed Oil, %: 25.7–27.9 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 96.2 [1] FAs Components, %: 18:1 – 74.2; 18:2 – 18.1 [1] Seed and Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.7 [3] Oil, % dry wt: 29.0 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 99.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 2.8; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 70.0; 18:1(9) – 7.6; 18:2 – 18.0; others (3) – 0.4 [3]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 56 [in Russian] 2. N.I. Suprunov, P.G. Gorovoy, Y.A. Pankov, Efirno– maslitsnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Nauka, Sibirskoe otdeleniye, Novosibirsk, 1972), p. 88 [in Russian] 3. R. Kleiman, G. F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 30 (1982)

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 30 (1982)

Aralia spinosa L. Family: Araliaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 16.0 [1, 2] Oil, % dry wt: 46.3 [1, 2] Iodine value, % J2: 96.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 2.8; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1(6) – 71.1; 18:1(9) – 10.2; 18:2 – 14.3; others (1) – 0.5 [2]

References 1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962) 2. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 30 (1982)

Сuminum cyminum L. Family: Araliaceae Seed Essential oil (steam distillation), %: 1.4–2.8 Composition (GC/MS, HP - Innowax), %: aPinene – 0.63; camphene – 0.01; b-pinene – 10.22; sabinene – 0.58; D3-carene – 0.03;

Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne + Planch.

myrcene – 0.83; a-phellandrene – 1.60; aterpinene – 0.11; limonene – 0.39; bphellandrene+1,8-cineole – 0.49; g-terpinene – 17.25; p-cymene – 5.51; terpinolene – 0.06; transsabinene hydrate – 0.09; cis-sabinene hydrate – 0.19; linalool – 0.04; p-mentha-3-en-7-al – 2.91; b-caryophyllene – 0.45; terpinen-4-ol – 0.13; (Z)b-farnesene – 0.60; a-terpineol – 0.05; cumin aldehyde – 27.60; p-mentha-1,3-dien-7-al – 15.18; pmentha-1,4-dien-7-al – 9.48; p-mentha-1,3-dien-7ol – 0.31; cumin alcohol – 0.36; total – 95.10 Use: The essential oil is used in perfumes in trace amounts to introduce green-spicy and green-woody top notes, particularly in the woody-floral perfume types.




Family: Araliaceae Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.5 [1] Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.31 [1] Triterpenoids, %: 2.2 [2] Oleanolic acid (as glycosides) [2] Root Essential oil, %: 0.8 [1, 2] Oleanolic acid (as glycosides) [2] Sitosterine [2] Use: Root is officinal remedy [2]. Ethanol extract is tonic [2]. Essential oil is used in perfume, medicine, and food [1].

1. S.H. Beis, N. Azcan, T. Ozek, M. Kara, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 36, 265 (2000)


Dendropanax trifidus (Thunb.) Makino Family: Araliaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 18.5 Oil, % dry wt: 34.0 Iodine value, % J2: 84.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 3.7; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1(6) – 83.3; 18:1(9) – 3.7; 18:2 – 7.3; 18:3 – 0.7; others (2) – 0.4

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

1. N.I. Suprunov, P.G. Gorovoy, Y.A. Pankov, Efirno– maslitsnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Nauka, Sibirskoe otdeleniye, Novosibirsk, 1972), p. 84 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 59 [in Russian]

Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne + Planch. Family: Araliaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 6.3 Oil, % dry wt: 23.4 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 2.8; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1(6) – 83.2; 18:1(9) – 4.6; 18:2 – 7.4; 18:3 – 0.1; others (3) – 1.0

Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Maxim. Synonyms Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Harms.

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)



Hedera helix L. (H. caucasigena Pojark) Family: Araliaceae Aerial Part Oleanolic acid, %: 0.23 (as glycosides) Leaf Essential oil: Germacrene D, b-elemene, g-elemene Triterpenoids, %: 0.82–10.0 Oleanolic acid, %: 0.31 (as glycosides) Sterols: Cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, b-sitosterol, a-spinasterol, 5a-stigmastene-6-ol-3b Flower Oleanolic acid, %: 0.18 (as glycosides) Sterols: Cholesterol, stigmasterol, stigmastene-7-ol3b, and sitosterine (as glycosides) Fruit Essential oil Oleanolic acid, %: 0.28 (as glycosides) Sterols: Cholesterol, stigmasterol, stigmastene-7-ol3b, and sitosterine (as glycosides) Pericarp FAs: 16:1 (9Z) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 19.5 [2, 3] Oil, % dry wt: 35.1 [2, 3] Iodine value, % J2: 97.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 2.8; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1(6) – 79.3; 18:1(9) – 7.7; 18:2 – 8.0; 18:3 – 0.1; others (2) – 0.4 [3]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 60 [in Russian] 2. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962) 3. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

Hedera helix L. (H. caucasigena Pojark)

Oil, % dry wt: 22.6 Iodine value, % J2: 94.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 1.7; 18:0 – tr; 18:1(6) – 75.9; 18:1(9) – 15.6; 18:2 – 6.7; others (1) – 0.1

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

Hedera rhombea (Miq.) Bean Family: Araliaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 22.5 Oil, % dry wt: 29.2 Iodine value, % J2: 138.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 8.4; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1(6) – 1.5; 18:1(9) – 11.2; 18:2 – 75.1; 18:3 – 0.2; others (3) – 0.5

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koids. Synonyms K. pictum Nakai

Family: Araliaceae

Hedera nepalensis K. Koch Family: Araliaceae

Bark of Branch Triterpenoids, %: 2.29–2.51 [1]

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 14.7

Bark of Root Essential oil, %: 0.3 [1]

Panax ginseng C. A. Mey.


Branch Triterpenoids, %: 0.75–0.75 [1] FAs: 18:2; 22:0 [1]

Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.5 Triterpenoids

Green Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.12 [2]

Underground Part Essential oil, %: 1.83–2.7 Triterpenoids

Inflorescence Essential oil, %: 0.4 [2] Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.1 [1]; 0.08 [2] Triterpenoids, %: 1.79–2.97 [1] Root Essential oil, %: 0.44 [2] Triterpenoids, %: 3.15–3.45 [1]


Use: Root and rhizome is officinal remedy.

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 64 [in Russian]

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.3 [3] Oil, % dry wt: 21.7 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 90.0 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, Ag+ TLC), %: 16:0 – 7.2; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1(6) – 63.2; 18:1(9) – 10.0; 18:2 – 16.3; 18:3 – 0.3; others (3) – 1.5 [3]

Panax ginseng C. A. Mey.


Flower Triterpenoids, %: 3.8–4.1 [1]

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 63 [in Russian] 2. N.I. Suprunov, P.G. Gorovoy, Y.A. Pankov, Efirno– maslitsnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Nauka, Sibirskoe otdeleniye, Novosibirsk, 1972) p. 89 [in Russian] 3. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 29 (1982)

Oplopanax elatus (Nakai) Nakai Synonyms Echinopanax elatus Nakai

Family: Araliaceae Branch Essential oil, %: 2.0 Triterpenoids and steroids

Synonyms P. schin-seng Nees

Family: Araliaceae

Fruit Triterpenoids, %: 0.4 [1] Leaf Triterpenoids, %: 5.7–8.5 [1] Root Oil, %: 0.15–0.45 [1] FAs Composition, %: 18:2 – 15.93 – 42.62; 16:1 – 15.71; 16:0 – 28.85; 18:0 – 7.88; 18:1 – 12.31; 18:3 – 7.34 [1] Triterpenoids, %: 0.15–12.7 [1] Steroids, %: 0.029 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, daucosterol, glycoside of sitosterol [1] Choline, %: 0.1–0.2 [1] Essential oil, %: 0.05–0.5 [1, 2] d: 0.9250 [2]



Panax japonicum C. A. Meyer

Seed Oil FAs: Petroselinic acid [1]

Panax japonicum C. A. Meyer

Use: Root is officinal remedy.

Rizome Volatile oil (Et2O extraction), % fresh wt: 0.016 Components (IR, GC/MS), %: Germacrene D (main), b-santalene – tr; b-farnesene – tr

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, Semeystva Rutaceae– Elaeagnaceae, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), vol. 4 (Nauka, Leningrad, Leningradskoe otdeleniye, 1988), p. 65 [in Russian] 2. N.I. Suprunov, P G. Gorovoy, Y.A. Pankov, Efirno– maslitsnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Nauka, Sibirskoe otdeleniye, Novosibirsk, 1972), p. 90 [in Russian]

Family: Araliaceae

References 1. K. Yoshhara, Y. Hirose, Phytochemistry 12, 468 (1973)


Achillea ageratum L. Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 0.45 Composition, % on mass: Phytofluene – 3.0; acarotene – 1.4; trans-epoxy-a-carotene – 12.4; b-carotene – 7.7; trans-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 52.8; lutein – 5.4; flavoxanthin – 16.8

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Composition (GLC, 15% PEG on Chromasorb W), %: a-Pinene – 5.67–7.18; camphene – 1.21– 1.90; b-pinene – 31.34–36.82; D3-carene – 8.77–11.90; limonene – 0.0–6.98; cineole – 9.02–19.70; p-cymene –4.32 – 5.66; unidentified – 19.10–26.75 (Amount of fhe components, % of the monoterpene fraction) [3] Leaf (Various of phase of vegetation) Essential oil, % on absolutely dry wt: 0.10–0.28 [2] Composition (GLC, 15% PEG on Chromasorb W), %: a-Pinene – 4.81 – 5.91; camphene – 4.88– 5.10; b-pinene – 14.99–27.51; D3-carene – 10.73–12.42; limonene – 8.78–12.60; cineole – 11.62–13.71; p-cymene – 6.9–10.34; unidentified – 21.21–28.79 (Amount of fhe components; % of the monoterpene fraction) [3]

Achillea asiatica Serg. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part (mass flowering) Essential oil, % on dry wt: 0.2–0.6 [1, 2] Composition, %: Chamazulene – 12.5; a-pinene – 4.3; b-pinene – 2.4; sabinene – 35.7; terpinen-4ol – 6.2; camphor and terpineol – tr; D3-carene – 10.2; limonene – 6.1; cineole – 16.3; p-cymene – 4.0; camphene [1, 3] Inflorescence (Various of phase of vegetation) Essential oil, % on absolutely dry wt: 0.16–0.66 [2]

Stem (Various of phase of vegetation) Essential oil, % on absolutely dry wt: 0.0–0.27 [2] Activity: Essential oil shows anti-inflammation activity [4].

References 1. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya flory Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki (Nauka, Leningrad, 1985), p. 23 [in Russian] 2. G.T. Kalinkina, I.I. Berezovskaya, Rast. Resursy 11(2), 220 (1975) [in Russian] 3. G.T. Kalinkina, I.I. Berezovskaya, Chem. Nat. Comp. 10, 693 (1974) 4. Rastitel’nie resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 7 [in Russian]

A.I. Glushenkova (ed.), Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources, DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-323-7, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012



Achillea biserrata M. Bieb.

Achillea biserrata M. Bieb.

Achillea clavennae L.

Family: Asteraceae

Family: Asteraceae

Aerial Part Extract (hexane) FAs: 32:0

References 1. E.S. Davidyants, A.I. Yunusov, V.A. Bandyukova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 18, 517 (1982)

Achillea cartilaginea Ledeb. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.4–0.5 Composition (GC/MS, Innowax), %: a-Thujene – 1.4; a-pinene – 1.7; camphene – 1.7; sabinene – 0.5; b-pinene – 0.5; 2,3-dehydro-1,8-cineol – 0.1; a-phellandrene – 0.1; a-terpinene – 1.7; pcymene – 4.5; b-phellandrene – 0.2; 1,8-cineol – 8.8; g-terpinene – 2.5; terpinolene – 0.6; transsabinenehydrate – 0.4; linalool – 0.2; cis-athujone – 26.2; cis-b-thujone – 11.8; trans-pmenth-2-en-1-ol – 0.85; isothujanol – 0.1; cissabinol – 1.2; camphor – 6.8; sabinaketone – 0.1; pinocarvone – 0.1; borneol – 2.1; terpin-4-ol – 7.8; m-cymen-8-ol – 0.2; a-terpineol – 1.1; cispiperitol – 0.6; trans-piperitol – 0.4; cuminic aldehyde – 0.1; bornyl acetate – 2.3; cuminic alcohol – 0.1; trans-sabinyl acetate – 0.5; terpin-4-ol acetate – 0.4; carvacrol – 0.1; eugenol – 0.7; cis-jasmone – 0.4; caryophyllene – 0.1; b-sabinene – 0.1; cis-nerolidol – 1.3; spathulenol – 0.2; caryophyllene oxide – 1.0; eremoligenol – 0.4; unidentified – 0.3; caryophylla-4(12), 8(13)-dien-5a-ol – 0.8; b-eudesmol – 3.4; unidentified – 0.2; caryophylla-3,8(13)-dien-5aol – 0.3; caryophylla-3,8(13)-dien-5b-ol – 0.3; unidentified – 0.3

References 1. D.T. Sadyrbekov, E.M. Suleimenov, E.V. Tikhonova, G.A. Atazhanova, A.V. Tkachev, S.M. Adekenov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 42, 294 (2006)

Aerial Part Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.17 Composition (GC/MS), %: a-Pinene – 0.60; camphene – 3.10; b-pinene – 0.62; b-myrcene – 0.30; 1;8-cineole – 43.92; camphor – 46.87; linalool – 0.30; borneol – 0.73; isoborneol – 0.10; a-copaene – 0.18; bicyclogermacrene – 0.25; caryophyllene oxide – 2.25 (total – 99.22; monoterpenoids – 96.54; oxygenated – 91.92; iso-camphene type – 50.80; thujane type – 0.0; pinane type – 1.22; menthane type – 44.22; sesquiterpenoids – 2.68)

References 1. Z. Boskovic. N. Radulovic, G. Stojanovic, Chem. Nat. Comp. 41, 674 (2005)

Achillea filipendulina Lam. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil Content, % on air dry wt: 0.04–1.0 [1, 2] Content, % on fresh wt: 0.18–0.347 [2] 23 d20 20 : 0.9094–0.9172 [2]; d23 : 0.9304–0.9545 [1] 20 nD : 1.4652–1.4730 [2]; n23 D : 1.4800–1.4830 [1].   ½aŠ20 : 2.08 –(+4.9 ) [2] D Acid value, mg KOH: 0.9–8.4 [1, 2] Ether value, mg KOH: 18.1–80.0 [1, 2] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 36.5–229.0 [1, 2] Composition (GLC, 5% PEG-2000), %: Camphene – 6.9; a-thujene – 0.1; a-pinene – 0.2; b-pinene – 0.2; b-phellandrene – 0.3; limonene – 0.3; linalool – 17.3; 1,8-cineole – 14.6; citronellal – 1.2; camphor – 7.6; borneol – 2.3; mentone – 4.6; mentol – 3.5; a-terpineol – 2.9; geraniol – 0.6; phenylethyl alcohol – 1.3; eugenol – 2.6; isoeugenol – 2.2; thymol – 1.6; p-cymene – 9.4; chamazulene – 3.5 [1]

Achillea filipendulina Lam.

Flower Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on air dry wt: 0.4– 1.8 [1, 3] Composition (GC/MS, CP-Sil-5), %: 2.5-Dimethyl3-methylene hepta-1.5-diene – 4.9; a-pinene – 4.8; cyclofenchene – 4.6; b-pinene – 3.3; pcymene – 3.5; 1.4-cineole – 8.3; terpin hydrate – 11.7; 1.8-cineole – 3.4; octahydro-7a-methyl1H-inden-1-one – 3.1; 5-methylspiro [3.5]nonan-1-one – 3.5; 7a-methyl- – 4.0; 7a-hexahydro-5H-inden-5-one – 4.5; borneol – 7.7; perillyl aldehyde – 4.3; cyclohexa-1.5-dien4-(1-isopropyl) methanol [cis] – 1.8; dehydro-bionone – 1.4; cyclohexanol-2-methylene-3-(1isopropyl) acetate [cis] – 1.4; bornyl acetate – 9.9; ascaridol – 7.4; nerolidol – 7.1; unidentified – 2.6 [3] Carotenoids, mg/g, on dry wt: 1.35 [4] Composition, % from mass: b-Carotene – 2.8; cismono-epoxy-b-carotene – 1.4; transmonoepoxy-b-carotene – 76.3; trans-diepoxyb-carotene – 4.5; lutein – 8.6; flavoxanthin – 6.4 [4] Lipids (hexane), % on air dry wt: 1.7 [5] Composition (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 5.0; esters of FAs with alcohols and cyclic alcohols – 8.0; acetate sterols – 0.8; TAG – 5.7; free-FAs – 5.6; DAG – 3.6; triterpenols – 6.5; sterols – 4.1; essential oil – 10.0; unidentified – 50.7 [5] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 12:0 – 1.6; 14:0 – 2.3; 16:0 – 25.2; 16:1 – 2.2; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 4.5; 18:2 – 57.0; 18:3 – 4.9; 20:0 – 0.3 [5] Free-FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 12:0 – 0.2; 14:0 – 0.8; 15:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 62.9; 16:1 – 1.4; 18:0 – 6.4; 18:1 – 9.8; 18:2 – 14.8; 18:3 – 2.3; 20:0 – 0.9 [5] Stem Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on air dry wt: 0.02– 0.05 [1] Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 18.5 [5] Composition (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.6; esters of FAs with aliphatic alcohols and cyclic alcohols – 0.2; acetate sterols – 0.1; TAG – 63.3;



free-FAs – 1.3; phthalates – 0.3; epoxy-TAG – 10.0; hydroxy – TAG – 12.4; aliphatic alcohols – 0.5; epoxy-, hydroxy-TAG – 5.7; DAG+sterols – 0.7; oxygenated TAG 1 – 2.4; oxygenated TAG 2 – 1.4; MAG – 0.8; unidentified – 0.6 [5] Hydrocarbons (MS): Saturated C20–C30, monoenic, dienic, trienic C20–C28 [5] Esters of FAs with aliphatic and cyclic alcohols (MS) FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 6.7; 16:0 – 37.2; 17:0 – 2.6; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 11.9; 18:2 – 24.3; 20:0 – 4.2; 22:0 – 6.3; 23:0 – 2.4; 24:0 – 1.6 [5] TAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 7.6; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 6.0; 18:2 – 85.4 [5] Free-FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 24.9; 16:1 – 1.2; 17:0 – 0.8; 18:0 – 4.7; 18:1 – 14.9; 18:2 – 34.6; 18:3 – 3.5; 20:0 – 1.4; 21:0 – 1.2; 22:0 – 5.5; 23:0 – 2.2; 24:0 – 4.9 [5] Epoxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 7.7; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 5.5; 18:2 – 85.5 [5] Hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 4.8; 18:2 – 85.8 [5] Aliphatic saturated alcohols (MS): C14–C20, C22, C24 [5] Epoxy-,hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 19.7; 16:1 – 4.3; 18:0 – 9.2; 18:1 – 12.8; 18:2 – 53.5 [5] Sterols (MS): b-Sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol [5] DAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 1.4; 16:0 – 16.8; 16:1 – 5.3; 18:0 – 3.8; 18:1 – 5.0; 18:2 – 65.1 [5]



Oxygenated TAG 1 FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 17.8; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 4.9; 18:2 – 75.5 [5] Oxygenated TAG 2 FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 1.1; 16:0 – 15.0; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 69.6 [5] MAG Composition of FAs (GLC, 15% Reoplex 400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 1.7; 16:0 – 16.0; 16:1 – 1.7; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1 – 12.5; 18:2 – 64.6 [5] Use: Essential oil is recommended as fragrance for food and cosmetic products. It shows antibacterial and antifungal activites [6].

References 1. S.D. Mustafayeva, R. Akhmedova, Rastitel’nye resursy 25(1), 79 (1989) [in Russian] 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 21 [in Russian] 3. B.E. Abduganiev, V.A. Abdullaev, N. Plugar, I.D. Sham’yanov, M.F. Faskhutdinov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 31, 471 (1995) 4. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971) 5. N.T. Ulchenko, A.I. Glushenkova, in Proceedings of 13th International Congress of Flavours, Fragrances and Essential Oils, Istanbul, Turkey, 15–19 October 1995, vol. 2, pp. 311–314 6. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 9 [in Russian]

Achillea grandiflora M. Bieb. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.18 Composition, %: Tricyclene – tr; a-pinene – 0.8; athujene – 0.3; camphene – 0.3; hexanal – tr; bpinene – 8.9; sabinene – 0.6; myrcene – 0.1; aterpinene – 0.4; dehydro-1,8-cineole – tr; limonene – 0.3; 1;8-cineole – 5.9; (Z)-3-hexenal – 0.1; amyl furan (2-pentyl furan) – 0.1;

Achillea grandiflora M. Bieb.

g-terpinene – 0.9; p-cymene – 2.3; terpinolene – 0.2; 2-methylbutyl isovalerate – tr; 6-methyl-5hepten-2-one – 0.1; hexanol – tr; nonanal – 0.1; athujone – tr; (E)-2-octenal – tr; b-thujone – 0.1; ap-dimethystyrene – tr; 1-octen-3-ol – 0.2; acubebene – tr; trans-sabinene hydrate – 0.5; acopaene –0.3; camphor – 4.0; benzaldehyde – 0.1; linalool – 0.5; cis- sabinene hydrate –0.3; isopinocamphone – 0.1; trans-p-menth-2-en-1ol – 0.2; cis-chrysanthenyl acetate – 0.6; pinocarvone – 1.2; bornyl formate – tr; bornyl acetate – 1.9; b-elemene – 0.2; 6-methyl-3,5heptadien-2-one – 0.1; calarene (b-gurjunene) – tr; terpinen-4-ol – 3.0; b-caryophyllene – 1.5; aselinene – 0.2; cis-piperitol – 0.1; cischrysanthenol – 0.3; d-cadinene – 0.3; g-cadinene – 0.2; b-sesquiphellandrene – 0.1; ar-curcumene – 0.1; methyl salicylate – tr; myrtenol – 1.2; acampholene alcohol – 0.1; p-mentha-1,3-dien-7al – tr; p-mentha-1,5-dien-7-ol – 0.1; (E,E)-2,4decadienal – tr; (E)-b-damascenone – 0.1; transcarveol – 0.1; cis-calamenene – 0.1; geraniol – 0.1; p-cymene-8-ol – 0.1; (E)-geranyl acetone – 0.2; cis-carveol – 0.2; geranyl isovalerate – tr; acalacorene – 0.1; 1;5-epoxy-salvial(4)14-ene – 0.1; (E)-b-lonone – tr; cis-jasmone – 0.2; isocaryophyllene oxide – tr; caryophyllene oxide – 3.7; perilla alcohol – tr; salvial-4(14)-en-1-one – 0.3; (E)-nerolidol – 0.9; humulene epoxide-11 – 0.7; b-oplopenone – 0.3;elemol – 0.3; hexahydrofarnesyl acetaone – 0.6; spathulenol – 0.9; cis-pmenth-2-en-1-ol – 0.2; thuj-3-en-10-ol – 0.1; myrtenal – 0.9; sabinaketone – 0.1; sabinyl acetate – 1.3; trans-pinocarvyl acetate – 1.7; lavandulol – 0.9; a-humulene – 1.2; selina-4,11-diene – 1.3; bacoradiene – 0.3; g-muurolene – 0.1; a-terpineol – 2.0; borneol – 2.1; germacrene D – 0.5; bbisabolene – 0.5; geranial – 0.1; unknown-1 – 2.6; isothymol – 0.2; g-eudesmol – 6.3; thymol – 0.4; T-muurolol – 0.6; carvacrol – 0.1; aeudesmol – 0.5; b-eudesmol – 1.4; intermedeol – 0.2; selin-11-en-4a-ol – 8.5; caryophylla2(12),6(13)-dien-5a-ol – 0.7; (2E,6E)-farnesol – 2.1; caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5a-ol – 0.4; caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5b-ol – 0.7; pentacosane – 0.1; dodecanoic acid – tr; phytol – 0.1; tetradecanoic acid – 0.2; hexadecanoic acid – 0.7

Achillea ketenoglui H. Duman

References 1. Y.M. Suleimenov, G.A. Atazhanova, T. Ozek, B. Demirci, A. T. Kulyjasov, S.M. Adekenov, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 37, 447 (2001)

Achillea holosericea Sibth. and Sm. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.09 Composition of oil (GC/MS), %: a-Pinene – 0.72; camphene – 2.05; b-pinene – 0.57; p-cymene – 0.11; 1,8-cineole – 47.42; pinocarvone – 0.34; camphor – 23.51; cis-chrysanthenol – 0.20; linalool – 0.55; borneol – 17.11; isoborneol – 2.41; bicyclogermacrene – 0.26; (E)-nerolodol – 1.16; spathulenol – 0.32; caryophyllene oxide – 2.03; chamazulene – 0.86; (total – 99.62; monoterpenoids – 94.99; oxygenated – 91.54; iso-camphene type – 45.08; thujane type – 0.0; pinane type – 1.83; menthane type – 48.08; sesquiterpenoids – 4.63)

References 1. Z. Boskovic, N. Radulovic, G. Stojanovic, Chem. Nat. Comp. 41, 674 (2005)

Achillea ketenoglui H. Duman Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil Composition (GC/MS, HP-Innowax FSC), %: aPinene – 0.4–1.0; camphene – 0.1–0.9; b-pinene – 0.3–0.6; sabinene – 0.1–0.4; 2-methyl butyl acetate – 0.1; a-phelandrene – 0.1; isobutyl 2methyl butyrate – 0.1; a-terpinene – 0.2–0.7; dehydro-1,8-cineol – 0.1–0.3; isobutyl 3-methyl butyrate (=isobutyl isovalerate) – 0.1–0.2; limonene – tr – 0.1; isoamyl alcohol – 0.1; 1,8cineol – 2.2; 13.8, amyl furan (=2-pentyl furan)



– 0.1; g-terpinene – 0.5–2.5; (E)-b-ocimene – 0.1; p-cymene – 0.5–3.2; 2-methyl butyl 2methyl butyrate – 0.3–0.5; terpinolene – 0.1– 0.6; octanal – 0.1; 2-methylbutyl isovalerate – 0.5–0.6; hexanol – tr; 0.1; nonanal – 0.3–0.4; gcampholene aldehyde – tr; (E)-2-octenal – tr – 0.1; trans-linalool oxide – tr – 0.1; 1-octen-3-ol – 0.1; trans-sabinene hydrate – 1.1–10.9; (E,Z)2,4-heptadienal – 0.1; nerol oxide – tr – 0.1; bicycloelemene – tr – 0.1; a-copaene – 0.2; acampholene aldehyde – 0.1–0.3; decanal – 0.2– 0.3; (E,E)-2,4-heptadienal – 0.1; camphor – 5.5– 13.4; (Z)-4-decenal – 0.1; dihydroachillene – 0.1; (E)-2-nonenal – 0.1; linalool – 0.4–3.7; cissabinene hydrate – 1.0–5.9; isopinocamphone – 0.2; trans-p-menth-2-en-1-ol – 0.2–1.7; pinocarvone – 1.4–1.5, bornyl acetate – 0.1– 3.0, hexadecane – tr, terpinen-4-ol – 3.0–14.5; hotrienol – 0.3; sylveterpenyl acetate – 0.1; 4terpinenyl acetate – 0.2; cis-p-menth-2-en-1-ol – 0.2–1.0; thuj-3-en10-al – 0.1; myrtenal – 0.2– 0.3; (E)-2-decenal – 0.1; trans-pinocarveol – 1.0–1.1; (Z)-b-farnesene – tr – 0.1; (Z)-3hexenyl tiglate – 0.1; d-terpineol – tr – 0.3; trans-verbenol – 0.3; trans-piperitol (=trans-pmenth-1-en-3-ol) – 0.9; p-mentha-1,8-dien-4-ol (=limonen-4-ol) – 0.2; heptadecane – 0.1; gcurcumene – 0.2; a-terpineol – 0.8–2.2; borneol – 5.6–14.1; germacrene D – 2.9–6.0; amuurolene – 0.1; b-selinene – 0.2; piperitone – 0.2; bicyclogermacrene – 0.8–1.9; cis-piperitol – 0.7; naphthalene – 0.1–4.1; cis-chrysanthenol – 0.1–0.3; (E)-2-undecenal – 0.1; d-cadinene – 0.3–0.4; g-cadinene – 0.1; (E,Z)-2,4-decadienal – 0.1; ar-curcumene – 0.1; p-methyl acetophenone – tr – 0.1; cumin aldehyde – 0.1; myrtenol – 0.2–0.5; p-mentha-1,5-dien-7-ol – tr – 0.1; (E,E)-2,4-decadienal – 0.3–0.5; 2phenylethyl acetate – 0.1; (E)-damascenone – 0.1; trans-carveol – 0.2; geraniol – 0.1; pcymen-8-ol – 0.3; (E)-geranyl acetone – 0.1– 0.2; cis-carveol – 0.3; ascaridol – 0.2; epicubebol – 0.2; isobutyl phenyl acetate – 0.3– 1.5; 2-methylbutyl benzoate – 0.1; 1,5-epoxysalvial(4)14-ene – 0.1; trans-jasmone – 0.1; cubebol – 0.1; (E)-b-lonone – 0.1; cis-jasmone – 0.2–0.4; 2-phenylethyl-2-methylbutyrate – 0.1; caryophyllene oxide – 0.1–0.2; isoamyl



phenylacetate – 0.5–1.2; methyl eugenol – 0.6– 0.7; salvial-4(14)-en-1-one – 0.1–0.2; pentadecanal – 0.1; (E)-nerolidol – 0.1–0.2; germacrene D-4b-ol(=1(10),5-germacredien4b-ol) – 0.1–0.3; heneicosane – 0.2; hexahydrofarnesyl acetone – 0.4–0.5; benzyl tiglate – 0.3; spathulenol – 1.2; 3,4-dimethyl-5-penthylidene2(5H)-furanone – 0.1; isothymol (=2-isopropyl4-methyl phenol) – 0.1; eugenol – 0.4–0.6; nonanoic acid – 0.2; thymol – 3.6; T-muurolol – 0.6; phenyl ethyl tiglate – 0.1; carvacrol – 0.7; trans-a-bergamotol – 0.3; b-eudesmol – 1.7–2.0; tricosane – 0.2–0.4; (E)-nuciferal – 0.1–0.2; caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5b-ol – 0.7; pentacosane – 0.2–0.5; (E)-nuciferol – 0.1–0.2; phytol – 0.2; heptacosane – 0.2; nonacozane – 0.2; hexadecanoic acid – 0.8–1.7

References 1. K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, H. Duman, Chem. Nat. Comp. 37, 245 (2001)

Achillea ledebourii Heimerl.

Achillea lingulata Waldst. et Kit. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.07 Composition of oil (GC/MS), %: 1,8-Cineole – 0.18; camphor – 0.35; linalool – 1.00; borneol – 7.99; isoborneol – 1.66; geraniol – 4.22; bornyl acetate – 3.96; 2-dodecanone – 0.29; d-elemene – 0.47; a-copaene – 0.21; geranyl acetate – 1.32; b-bourbonene – 1.01; b-caryophyllene – 0.84; acedrene – 0.57; valencene – 3.21; germacrene D – 1.53; bicyclogermacrene – 1.18; g-cadinene – 2.98; d-cadinene – 1.10; (Z)-nerolidol – 3.23; caryophyllene oxide – 16.61; a-bisabolol – 1.44; t-cadinol – 22.48; a-bisabolene oxide – 12.79; (total – 90.62; monoterpenoides – 20.68; oxygenated – 20.68; iso-camphene type – 13.96; thujane type – 0.0; pinane type – 0.0; menthane type – 1.18; sesquiterpenoids – 69.65)


Achillea ledebourii Heimerl. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.4–0.5 Composition (GC/MS, Innowax), %: 1,8-Cineole – 1.0; bicycloelemene – 2.8; camphor – 3.5; germacrene D – 20.5; b-elemene – 0.9; caryophyllene – 6.5; unidentified – 0.9; humulene – 1.2; b-farnesene – 1.5; a-zingiberene – 1.0; bicyclogermacrene – 4.5; d-cadinene – 0.9; spathulenol – 10.9; caryophyllene oxide – 6.2; unidentified – 5.5; unidentified – 4.0; a-cadinol – 1.7; unidentified – 1.1; unidentified – 21.4; unidentified – 1.2; 6,10,14-trimethyl-2pentadecanone – 1.4; phytol – 1.3

References 1. D.T. Sadyrbekov, E.M. Suleimenov, E.V. Tikhonova, G.A. Atazhanova, A.V. Tkachev, S.M. Adekenov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 42, 294 (2006)

1. Z. Boskovic, N. Radulovic, G. Stojanovic, Chem. Nat. Comp. 41, 674 (2005)

Achillea lycaonica Boiss. et Heldr. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil Composition (GC/MS, HP-Innowax FSC), %: aPinene – 0.8; camphene – tr; b-pinene – 0.2; sabinene – 0.1; a-phelandrene – tr; a-terpinene – 0.1; dehydro-1;8-cineol – tr; limonene – 0.1; 1,8-cineol – 2.6; b-phellandrene – 0.1; amyl furan (=2-pentyl furan) – tr; g-terpinene – 0.6; p-cymene – 1.3; terpinolene – 0.2; octanal – tr; 2methylbutyl isovalerate – tr; hexanol – tr; nonanal – 0.8; g-campholene aldehyde – 0.2; (E)-2-octenal – tr; trans-linalool oxide – 0.1; 1octen-3-ol – 0.1; trans-sabinene hydrate – 9.3;

Achillea millefolium L.

cis-linalool oxide – 0.1; isoneroloxide – tr; acampholene aldehyde – 1.0; decanal – 0.2; chrysanthenone – 0.1; camphor – 2.0; (E)-2nonenal – 0.1; linalool – 4.4; cis- sabinene hydrate – 4.2; isopinocamphone – 0.4; trans-pmenth-2-en-1-ol – 2.0; pinocarvone – 2.3; bornyl acetate – 0.3; 6-methyl-3,5-heptadie-2-one – 0.1; terpinen-4-ol – 9.0; cis-p-menth-2-en-1-ol – 1.6; thuj-3-en10-al – tr; myrtenal – 0.3; (E)-2decenal – 0.1; cis-verbenol – 0.2; transpinocarveol – 2.5; (Z)-3-hexenyl tiglate – tr; d-terpineol – 0.2; trans-verbenol – 2.1; neral – 0.1; a-terpineol – 1.9; borneol – 0.5; verbenone – 0.2; cis-1,2-epoxy-terpin-4-ol – 0.1; gcampholenal – 0.9; piperitone – 1.8; carvone – 0.1; cis-piperitol – 2.7; cis-chrysanthenol – 0.2; (E,Z)-2,4-decadienal – 0.1; g-geraniol – 1.9; myrtenol – 0.8; (E,E)-2,4-decadienal – 0.2; trans-carveol – 0.9; geraniol – 0.6; p-cymen-8ol – 0.3; (E)-geranyl acetone – 0.1; cis-carveol – 0.1; geranyl butyrate – 0.1; ascaridol – tr; geranyl isovalerate – 0.1; (E)-b-lonone – 0.2; cis-jasmone – 0.1; isocaryophyllene oxide – 0.2; caryophyllene oxide – 7.2; methyl eugenol – 0.3; pentadecanal – 0.2; (E)-Nerolidol – 0.2; 13-tetradecanolide – 1.3; humulene epoxide – 11 – 0.3; caryophylla-2(12),6(13)-dien-5-one – 0.9; heneicosane – tr; caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5one – 0.2; hexahydrofarnesyl acetone – 0.5; (Z)-3-hexen-1-ye benzoate – 0.1; (E)-ethyl cinnamate 0.1; g-decalactone – 0.2; 3,4dimethyl-5-penthyldene-2(5H)-furanone – 0.2; eugenol – 0.8; thymol – 0.9; carvacrol – 3.4; beudesmol – 1.1; 15-hexadecanolide – 2.6; 1pentadecanol – 0.1; tricosane – 0.2; caryophylla-2(12),6(13)-dien-5b-ol – 0.9; caryophylla-2(12),6(13)-dien-5a-ol – 2.8; caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5b-ol – 1.0; methyl oleate – 0.3; pentacosane – 0.4; g-costol – 0.1; eicosanal – 0.1; phytol – 0.3; benzyl benzoate – 0.1; heptacosane – 0.3; benzyl salicylate – 0.1; nonacozane – 0.3

References 1. K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, H. Duman, Chem. Nat. Comp. 37, 245 (2001)



Achillea micrantha Willd. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil Content, % on fresh wt: 0.10–0.37 [1] Content, % on absolutely dry wt: 0.505–0.523 [1] 15 d20 20 : 0.9288; d : 0.9553; 0.9695; d: 0.9461 [1] 18     [a]D : 11.23 ; ½aŠ14 D : +0.75 ; [a]D: 0.25 ; 1.20 [1] 15 n20 D : 1.4667; nD : 1.4782; nD: 1.4784 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.92–2.41 [1] Ester value, mg KOH: 20.21–23.97 [1] Ester value after acetylation, mg KOH: 50.9; 207.0 [1] Composition, %: Cineol – 63.0; a-terpineol – 10.0; ester of a-terpineol – 5.0; l-camphor –tr; apinene – 2.0; p-cymene – 40.0; esters 1:0 and 2:0 – 16.0; diosphenol (?) – 10.0; unidentified – 20.0–25.0 [1] Flower Essential oil, %: 3.7 [2] Composition, %: Cineol – 49.0–63.0; a-terpineol – 10.0; l-camphor [2] Root Sterols: Campesterol [2]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 22 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.) (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, s. 11 [in Russian]

Achillea millefolium L. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil Content, % on fresh wt: 0.007–0.13 [1] Content, % on absolutely dry wt: 0.1–0.37 [2] d: 0.8000–0.9200; d15: 0.9040 [1] nD : 1.4792; 1.5060 [1]



Acid value, mg KOH: 1.0–12.0 [1] Ester value, mg KOH: 19.0–27.0 [1] Ester value, after acetylated, mg KOH: 66.0– 79.0 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 26.1 [1] Saponification value after acetylation, mg KOH: 81.0 [1] Composition of oil (GC/MS), %: Tricyclene – 0.0– 0.27; a-pinene – 0.3–8.4; camphene – 0.0–6.02; b-pinene – 0.0–32.63; sabinene – 0.0–15.2; myrcene – 0.0–0.74; a-terpinene – 0.0–7.0; limonene – 0.0–5.1; 1,8-cineole – 0.74–23.3; gterpinene – 0.0–3.71; p-cymene – 0.0–7.4; terpinolene – 0.0–0.48; isoartemisia ketone – 0.0–8.6; allo-ocimene – 0.0–1.41; bcaryophyllene – 0.0–22.2; copaene – 0.0–0.75; camphor – 0.0–26.9; bornyl acetate – 0.0–9.0; terpinen-4-ol – 0.0–6.2; caryophyllene – 0.0– 10.9; allo-ocimene isomer – 0.0–0.25; borneol – 0.0–15.0; linalool – 0.0–5.85; D-cadinene – 0.0–0.08; cuminaldehyde – 0.0–0.11; aphellandrene – 0.0–0.76; p-cymene – 0.0–0.8; a-copaene – 0.0–11.1; a-thujone – 0.0–4.5; bthujone – 0.0–16.5; b-bourbonene – 0.0– 0.41; menthol – 0.0–15.1; azulene – 0.0–25.4; geraniol – 0.0–9.0; citral – 0.0–5.8; carvone – 0.0–7.4; b-longipinene – 0.0–0.2; a-humulene – 0.0–2.13; germacrene D – 0.0–11.2; bicyclogermacrene – 0.0–2. 70; caryophyllene oxide – 0.0–20.0; a-bisabolol – 0.0–5.5; spathulenol – 0.0–0.7; (E/Z)-nerolidol – 0.0– 9.5; ascaridole – 0.0–47.2; cis-chrysanthenyl acetate – 0.0–0.6; cis-carveol – 0.0–0.4; chamazulene – 0.0–24.1 [3–6] Flower FAs: 16:0 [7] Alkanols: C26 [7]

Achillea nobilis L.

Lipids, % on air dry wt: 4.34 [8] Leaf Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.3 [8] Lipids, % on air dry wt: 5.73 [8] Stem Lipids, % on air dry wt: 0.62 [8] Use: Essential oil is used in cosmetic products and for treatment of injuries to the epithelium by burns and erythema [10]. Lipophilic extract has antioxidant activity [11].

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 24 [in Russian] 2. G.I. Kalinkina, T.P. Berezovskaya, Rast. Resursy 11(2), 220 (1975) [in Russian] 3. Z. Boskovic, N. Radulovic, G. Stojanovic, Chem. Nat. Comp. 41, 674 (2005) 4. A.J. Falk, L. Bauer, C.L. Bell, Lloydia 37, 598 (1974) 5. E.L. Shaftan, N.S. Mikhailova, N.F. Dyubankova, A.V. Pekhov, N.D. Gol’zberg, Rast. Resursy 17(1), 105 (1981) [in Russian] 6. M.Y. Haggag, A.S. Shalaby, G. Verzar-Petri, Planta Med. 27, 361 (1975) 7. J. Hochmannova, V. Herout, F. Sorm, Collect. Crech. Chem. Commun. 26, 1826 (1961) 8. K.C. Tillyaev, K.K. Khalmatov, I. Primukhamedov, M.A. Talipova, Rast. Resursy 9(1), 58 (1973) 9. H. Popescu, H. Winand, Clujul Med. 50, 78 (1977); Chem. Abstr. 87, 172694 (1977) 10. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 11 11. Rastitel’nye resursy Rossii i sopredel’nykh gosudarstv, A.L. Budantsev (ed.) (Mir i sem’ya – 95, St. Petersburg, 1996), 9, s. 309 [in Russian]

Achillea nobilis L. Family: Asteraceae

Inflorescences Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.09–0.91 [8, 9] Composition, %: Santene – 0.2; a-pinene – 3.3; bpinene – 2.4; camphene – 0.3; sabinene – 3.1; pcymene – 0.4; a-terpinene – 1.4; 1,8-cineole – 4.7; cis-ocimene-x – 0.5; trans-ocimene-y – 0.2; g-terpinene – 1.6; terpineol – 0.9; a-terpineol – 1.7; camphor – 1.4; pinocamphon – 5.2; menthol – 5.6; myrtenyl ascetate – 3.0; bornyl acetate – 1.4; caryophyllene – 10.1 [10]; azulene – 9.53 [9]

Aerial Part Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.21 [1] Composition, %: Tricyclene – 0.4; a-pinene – 0.6; camphene – 0.3; b-pinene – 0.2; sabinene – 1.1; a-phellandrene – 0.1; a-terpinene – 0.9; dehydro-1,8-cineole – 0.1; limonene – 0.3; 1,8cineole – 15.6; g-terpinene – 1.8; p-cymene – 4.1; terpinolene – 0.4; 2-methylbutyl isovalerate – tr; a-thujone – 0.8; b- thujone – 0.4;

Achillea nobilis L. subsp. A. neilreichii (A. Kerner) Formanek

ap-dimethystyrene – tr; 1-octen-3-ol – 0.2; trans-sabinene hydrate – 0.4; nerol oxide – 0.1; a-copaene – 0.2; camphor – 17.0; linalool – 0.4; cis- sabinene hydrate – 0.3; 1-methyl-4acetylcyclohex-1-ene – 0.3; trans-p-menth-2en-1-ol – 0.7; pinacarvone – 0.1; bornyl formate – tr; bornyl acetate – 0.7; b-elemene – 0.1; terpinen-4-ol – 10.0; hexyl tiglate – 0.1; cispiperitol – 0.3; geranyl acetate – 0.1; d-cadinene – 0.4; p-methyl acetophenone – 0.2; cumin aldehyde – 0.5; trans-p-mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol – 0.1; p-mentha-1,5-dien-7-ol – 0.3; (E)-bdamascenone – 0.1; trans-carveol – 0.1; ciscalamenene – 0.1; geraniol – 0.1; p-cymene-8ol – 0.4; (E)-geranyl acetone – tr; 1;11oxidocalamenene – 0.2; a-calacorene – 0.3; 1,5-epoxy-salvial(4)14-ene – 0.2; cis-jasmone – 0.1; g-calacorene – 0.1; 2-phenylehyl-2methylbutyrate – tr; caryophyllene oxide – 0.7; salvial-4(14)-en-1-one – 0.3; (E)-nerolidol – 0.1; p-mentha-1,4-dien-7-ol – 0.6; 1-epi-cabenol – 1.1; elemol – 0.2; cumin alcohol – 0.3; hexahydrofarnesyl acetaone – 0.2; spathulenol – 0.9; cis-p-menth-2-en-1-ol – 0.5; thuj-3-en10-ol – 0.2; myrtenal – 0.1; sabinaketone – 0.4; isobornyl propionate – 0.1; pulegone – 0.2; trans-pinocarveol – 0.2; (Z)-3-hexenyl tiglate – 0.1; d-terpineol – 0.4; trans-pipertiol – 0.3; pmentha-1,8-dien-4-ol – 0.1; g-muurolene – 0.1; a-terpineol – 3.7; borneol – 7.2; germacrene D – 0.3; a-muurolene – 0.4; eugenol – 1.2; nonanoic acid – 0.4; thymol – 0.1; carvacrol – 0.1; aeudesmol – 0.1; b-eudesmol – 7.1; intermedeol – 0.2; selin-11-en-4a-ol – 0.2; decanoic acid – 0.4; caryophylla-2(12),6(13)-dien-5a-ol – 0.2; caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5b-ol – 0.2 [1] Flower Essential oil, % on fresh wt: 0.24 [2]



Activity: Essential oil has antibacterial and antifungal activity [3]. Use: Essential oil is used as fragrance for liqueurs and cosmetic products. It is recommended to the perfumery industry [3].

References 1. Y.M. Suleimenov, G.A. Atazhanova, T. Ozek, B. Demirci, A. T. Kulyjasov, S.M. Adekenov, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 37, 447 (2001) 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 24 [in Russian] 3. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.) (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, s. 14 [in Russian]

Achillea nobilis L. subsp. A. neilreichii (A. Kerner) Formanek Family: Asteraceae Flower Essential oil Composition, %: a-Thujene – tr; a-pinene – 1.4– 2.5; camphene – tr; b-pinene – 0.6–1.7; sabinene – tr; myrcene – 1.0; a-terpinene – 0.8–3.6; pcymene – 0.8–6.7; limonene – 1.3; 1,8-cineole – 12.6–17.0; g-terpinene – 0.7; a-thujone – 3.9; linalool – 5.1–14.1; chrysanthenone – 4.7–13.5; camphor – 1.0–1.9; terpinen-4-ol – 1.1–2.2; aterpineol – 1.2–1.3; tetrahydro-linalool acetate – 9.6; piperitone – 2.9–16.3; sabinyl acetate – 8.5; bornyl acetate – 5.2–7.0; eugenol – 0.3–0.4; geranyl acetate – 1.4; b-bisabolene – 1.2; g-cadinene – 1.0; viridiflorol – 1.1–2.8; b-eudesmol – 9.1; dihydro-eudesmol – 1.1; b-bisabolol – 3.4; a-bisabolol – 12.8

Plant Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.26–0.92 [2] d: 0.9350–0.9700 [2] [a]: 10.41 [2] Composition, %: Camphene, borneol – 34.3; eugenol, sesquiterpene, phenol, esters of 1:0, 2:0 and 8:0 acids – 18.2 [2]


Seed Essential oil, %: 0.19 [2]

1. C. Karamenderes, N.U. Karabay Yavasoglu, U. Zeybek, Chem. Nat. Comp. 43, 632 (2007)

Activity: Essential oil showed a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity.



Achillea nobilis L. subsp. A. sipylea (O. Schwarz) Bassler

Achillea nobilis L. subsp. A. sipylea (O. Schwarz) Bassler

Achillea santolina L. aust. = A. kermanica Gand.

Family: Asteraceae

Family: Asteraceae

Flower Essential oil Composition, %: a-Thujene – tr; a-pinene – 3.1; camphene – tr; b-pinene – 0.7; sabinene – tr; aterpinene – tr; 1,8-cineole – 2.3; cis- sabinene hydrate – 0.6; terpinolene – 0.6; a-thujone – 6.1; linalool – 16.4; chrysanthenone – 17.1; camphor – 0.9; camphene hydrate – 0.7; pinacarvone – 1.1; borneol – 2.0; terpinen-4-ol – 0.6; aterpineol – 0.9; fragranol – 19.3; bornyl acetate – 2.0; eugenol – 0.5; geranyl acetate – 1.8; gcadinene – 2.7; dihydro-eudesmol – 13.2

Plant Essential oil, % on fresh wt: 0.056–0.110 d: 0.9295 nD : 1.4678 [a]: 22.45 Acid value, mg KOH: 1.7 Ester value, mg KOH: 45.6 Ester value after acetylation, mg KOH: 79.86 Composition, %: l-Camphor – 53.0–56.0; cineol – 15.0–20.0; a-pinene – 10.0–15.0; esters and alcohols – 20.0

Activity: Essential oil showed a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity.

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 25 [in Russian]

References 1. C. Karamenderes, N.U. Karabay Yavasoglu, U. Zeybek, Chem. Nat. Comp. 43, 632 (2007)

Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit. Family: Asteraceae

Achillea ochroleuca Ehrh. (A. kitaibelliana Inflorescences and Seed Essential oil, %: 0.66 [1] Soo) Family: Asteraceae

Plant Essential oil, % on dry wt: 0.02 [1]

Flower Essential oil, %: 0.25–0.66 [1] Composition: Camphene, borneol, linalool [1]

Activity: Essential oil shows bactericidal and fungicidal activity [2].

Use: Essential oil is recommended to the perfumery industry [2].

Use: Essential oil is recommended as fragrance to the perfumery industry and for cosmetic products [2].



1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 25 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.) (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, s. 14 [in Russian]

1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 25 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.) (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, s. 15 [in Russian]

Ageratum houstonianum Mill.

Achillea sudetica Opiz. aust. = A. carpatica Blocki ex Dubovik



Achillea vermicularis Trin. Family: Asteraceae

Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.4–0.5 Composition (GC/MS, Innowax), %: a-Pinene – 1.8; camphene – 0.7; benzaldehyde – 0.1; sabinene – 0.4; b-pinene – 3.1; oct-1-en-3-ol – 0.3; 2,3-dehydro-1,8-cineol – 0.1; a-terpinene – 0.1; p-cymene – 0.4; limonene – 0.7; 1,8-cineole – 5.9; cis-b-ocimene – 0.1; g-terpinene – 0.5; cissabinenehydrate – 0.1; non-1-en-3-ol – 0.2; terpinolene – 0.1; trans-sabinenehydrate – 0.1; linalool – 11.8; unidentified – 0.2; trans-pmenth-2-en-1-ol – 0.1; a-campholenic aldehyde – 0.2; trans-pinocarveol – 0.3; camphor – 3.3; pinocarvone – 0.6; borneol – 5.9; terpin-4-ol – 0.9; a-terpineol – 1.7; myrtenol – 0.5; unidentified – 0.3; trans-carveol – 0.5; carvone – 0.2; cis-chrysanthenyl acetate – 0.2; thuj-4-en2a-ol acetate – 0.3; bornyl acetate – 8.9; thymol – 0.1; unidentified – 0.2; trans-carveol acetate – 0.1; unidentified – 0.2; eugenol – 0.1; a-ylangene – 0.1; b-burbonene – 0.1; methyleugenol – 0.8; caryophyllene – 1.6; humulene – 0.2; bsantalene – 0.1; cabreuva oxide D – 0.1; gmurolene – 1.1; a-curcumene – 0.6; trans-bionone – 0.1; a-zingiberene – 0.9; bsesquiphellandrene – 0.5; unidentified – 0.2; elemol – 0.8; trans-nerolidol – 0.7; spathulenol – 1.4; caryophyllene oxide – 2.1; viridiflorol – 1.0; salvial-4-(14)-1-one – 0.2; humulen-6;6epoxied – 0.9; g-eudesmol – 6.9; caryophylla4(12),8(13)-dien-5a-ol – 0.6; epi-a-cadinol – 0.3; b-eudesmol – 1.1; a-eudesmol – 1.9; unidentified – 0.6; unidentified – 0.3; unidentified – 5.9; a-bisabolol – 0.5; eudesma4(15),7-dien-1-ol – 0.7; unidentified – 4.4; curcuphenol – 0.1; trans, trans-farnesol – 0.1; chamazulene – 5.1; unidentified – 0.5

Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.29 [1] Plant Sterols: b-sitosterol [2] Hydrocarbons: C30 [2]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 25 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.) (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, s. 16 [in Russian]

Actinomeris alternifolia (L.) DC Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 5.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 39.0 n40 D : 1.4676 Iodine value, % J2: 127.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 176.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L), %: Saturated – 12.0; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 56.0; 18:2-conjugated – 0.9; 18:3 – 0.4 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 1.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, C.A. Glass, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 39, 381 (1962)

Ageratum houstonianum Mill. References 1. D.T. Sadyrbekov, E.M. Suleimenov, E.V. Tikhonova, G.A. Atazhanova, A.V. Tkachev, S.M. Adekenov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 42, 294 (2006)

Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), %: on dry wt: 30.8; 31.4



n40 D : 1.4685; 1.4689 Iodine value, % J2: 141.0; 144.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 186.0; 190.0 FAs Composition (Apiezon-L), %: Saturated – 13.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 53.0; 18:3 – 10.0 – 13.0; 18:3 conjugated – 1.3 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: MGDG > DGDG FAs of GL (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 12:0 – 2.8; 14:0 – 5.8; 15:0 – 2.5; 16:0 – 18.5; 16:1 – 2.8; 17:0 – 2.8; 18:0 – 9.2; 18:1 – 14.7; 18:2 – 8.0; 18:3 – 6.2; 20:0 – 5.8; 21:0 – 6.5; 22:0 – 5.9; 23:0 – 5.1; 24:0 – 3.4; 25:0 – tr Composition of PhL (TLC), %: N-acyl-PhE > lizoPhC > PhA > PhE > PhCh > PhI FAs of PhL (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 12:0 – 0.7; 14:0 – 3.6; 15:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 19.9; 16:1 – 3.3; 17:0 – 2.9; 18:0 – 9.9;

Helichrysum maracandicum M. Pop. ex Kirp.

18:1 – 14.2; 18:2 – 17.4; 18:3 – 7.7; 20:0 – tr; 21:0 – 0.7; 22:0 – 5.0; 23:0 – 5.3; 24:0 – 5.0; 25:0 – 4.0

References 1. N.T. Ul’chenko, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 36, 93 (2000)

Inula helenium L. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Extract (hexane), % on air dry wt: 7.1 [1] FAs (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AWDMCS), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 6.5; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 18.6; 18:2 – 70.8; 18:3 – 2.5 [1] TAG, % from mass extract: 23.5 [1] FAs (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AWDMCS), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 6.9; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 66.8; 18:3 –2.9 [1] Sterols: b-Sitosterol [2] Seed Oil, %: 22.8 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 185.6 [3] Root Essential oil, %: 1.0–5.7 [3–5] d30: 1.015–1.038 [4] n45 D : 1.5158 [4]   0 ½aŠ30 D : +123,45 –(+148 20 ) [4] Acid value, mg KOH: 6.0–8.0 [4] Ester value, mg KOH: 155.0 –202.0 [4] Ester value after acetylation mg KOH: 181.6–205.0 [4] Components: Alantolacton, iso-alantolacton, dihydro- iso-alantolacton, azulene, camphor, alantic and acetic acids [2, 4] Extract (chloroform:methanol), %: 1.8 [1] FAs (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AWDMCS), %: 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 17.5; 16:1 – 0.7; 16:2 – 1.1; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 7.9; 18:2 – 63.7; 18:3 – 4.0; unidentified – 6.2 [1] TAG from mass extract, %: 6.8 [1] FAs of TAG (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AW-DMCS), %: 13:0 – 0.5; 14:0 – 0.6;

Jurinea kokanica Iljin.

15:0 – 0.8; 16:0 – 13.7; 16:1 – 3.2; 16:2 – 3.4; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 14.7; 18:2 – 56.2; 18:3 – 7.3; unidentified – 3.5 [1] Activity: Essential oil has anti-inflammatory activity. It is used as fragrance for food and cosmetic products [2].

References 1. S.D. Gusakova, G.A. Stepanenko, D.T. Asilbekova, Yu.M. Murdokhaev, Rast. Resursy 19(4), 444 (1983) [in Russian] 2. Rastitelnye resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 130 [in Russian] 3. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma (Yalta, 1971), 49, 185 [in Russian] 4. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 87 [in Russian]

Iva xanthiifolia Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 23.0 n40 D : 1.4700 Iodine value, % J2: 146.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 177.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 8.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 73.0; 18:3 – 0.8 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.6



Composition (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.1; acyltriterpenols – 0.1; TAG – 80.9; epoxy-TAG – 11.4; free-FAs – tr; hydroxy-TAG+triterpenols – 4.7; epoxy-, hydroxy-TAG – 0.5; DAG+sterols – 1.2; MAG – 0.6; unidentified triterpene components – 0.5 TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 5.9; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1 – 46.5; 18:2 – 34.2; 18:3 – 1.6; 20:0 – 7.6 Epoxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 6.4; 16:1 – 0.6; 17:0 – 0.7; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 41.8; 18:2 – 35.7; 18:3 – 1.0; 20:0 – 11.2 Hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 5.5; 16:1 – 1.1; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 42.7; 18:2 – 39.3; 18:3 – 2.2; 20:0 – 6.4 Epoxy-, hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 8.8; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1 – 43.2; 18:2 – 42.9; 20:0 – 4.6 DAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 2.2; 16:0 – 16.2; 16:1 – 1.4; 18:0 – 3.2; 18:1 – 42.9; 18:2 – 28.9; 20:0 – 5.2 MAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 5.5; 16:0 – 34.8; 16:1 – 3.5; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 27.4; 18:2 – 27.3

References References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

1. N.T. Ul’chenko, I.P. Nazarova, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 26, 707 (1990)

Jurinea bipinnatifida C. Winkl.

Jurinea kokanica Iljin.

Family: Asteraceae

Family: Asteraceae

Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 6.2 [1]

Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 10.8



Kuhnia glutinosa

Composition of oil (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.3; acyltriterpenols – 4.9; TAG – 74.0; epoxy-TAG – 4.6; free-FAs – 1.3; hydroxy-TAG +triterpenols – 7.0; epoxy-, hydroxy-TAG – 1.6; DAG+sterols – 2.7; MAG – 0.9; unidentified triterpene components – 2.7 TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 6.6; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 3.3; 18:1 – 48.7; 18:2 – 30.9; 18:3 – 1.8; 20:0 – 7.7 Epoxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 7.2; 16:1 – 0.5; 17:0 – 0.2; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 47.0; 18:2 – 33.4; 18:3 – 1.2; 20:0 – 8.0 FreeFAs Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 9.5; 16:1 – 1.5; 18:0 – 3.3; 18:1 – 59.5; 18:2 – 26.2 Hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.9; 16:0 – 6.8; 16:1 – 1.3; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 45.4; 18:2 – 37.4; 18:3 – 2.2; 20:0 – 4.7–4.2 Epoxy-, hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 16:0 – 8.8; 16:1 – 1.5; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 45.8; 18:2 – 41.6 DAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 13.1; 16:1 – 1.7; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1 – 54.8; 18:2 – 26.2 MAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 3.4; 16:0 – 15.1; 16:1 – 1.8; 18:0 – 4.3; 18:1 – 40.5; 18:2 – 34.9

Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 22.0 n40 D : 1.4698 Iodine value, % J2: 135.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 179.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 8.0; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 60.0; 18:3 – 0.5 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.8 Hydroxy-FAs as C18, %: 3.0


Activity: Essential oil is recommended to the perfumery industry [3].

1. N.T. Ul’chenko, I.P. Nazarova, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 26, 707 (1990)

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Lachnophyllum gossypinum Bunge. Family: Asteraceae Plant Essential oil, % on fresh wt: 0.1–0.55 [1, 2] d15: 0.8894 [1] [a]: 0 540 [1] nD: 1.5260 [1]; n23 D : 1.5269 [2] Asid value, mg KOH: 4.0 [1] Ester value, mg KOH: 237.5 [1] Ester value after acetylation, mg KOH: 67.0 [1] Composition (GC/MS, DB-XLBFSC), %: a-Pinene – 0.3; b-pinene – 4.8; b-myrcene – 0.5; limonene – 0.7; camphor – 0.8; caryophyllene – 1.0; 1,1,5-trimethyl-1,3-dihydroisobenzofuran-3-one – 5.7; 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-3-oxo-4-ethyl-3H-2oxonaphtalene – 1.0; methyl-(Z)-dec-2-en-4.6diynoate – 80.1; caryophyllene oxide – 0.7


Kuhnia glutinosa Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0

1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), s. 88 2. D.T. Sadyrbekov, D.G. Ryazateev, B.K. Kenesov, V.A. Raldugin, G.A. Atazhanova, S.M. Adekenov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 42, 409 (2006) 3. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 138 [in Russian]

Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. (L. ircutianum DC.)



Lactuca scariola L.

Layia elegans Torr. et A. Gray

Family: Asteraceae

Family: Asteraceae

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.3 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 41.0 n40 D : 1.4695 Iodine value, % J2: 139.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 184.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 9.0; 18:1 – 22.0; 18:2 – 63.0; 18:3 – 2.2 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.8

Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 5.16 Composition, % from mass: a-Carotene – 0.6; trans-epoxy-a-carotene – 3.3; b-carotene – 1.3; trans-monoepoxy- b-carotene – 27.1; cisdiepoxy- b-carotene –34.0; trans-diepoxy- bcarotene –5.6; cryptoxanthin – 15.5; flavoxanthin – 11.9; auroxanthin – 0.7

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Layia platyglossa A. Gray Family: Asteraceae

Launaea arborescens (Batt.) Murb. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.07 Composition (GC/MS, Supelco CBP-5), %: Pentanedioic acid dimethyl ester – tr; eucalyptol – 7.08; hexadecanol – 2.57; octanol – 0.64; alimonene diepoxide – 0.16; (Z)-6-octen-2-one – 0.64; heptanal – 0.16; 3,4-dimethylcyclohexanol – 0.16; 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid; butyl octyl ester – tr; dibutylphthalate – 2.73; (Z)-3dodecene – tr; hexanedioic acid, dioctyl ester – 0.16; (E)-2-heptenoic acid; ethyl ester – 4.66; dioctyl phthalate – 38.6; bis(2-butoxyethyl)phthalate – tr; 11-octadecenal – 15.29; decanoic acid, desyl ester – 12.07

References 1. A. Cheriti, A. Saad, N. Belboukhari, S. Ghezali, Chem. Nat. Comp. 42, 360 (2006)

Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 4.47 Composition, % from mass: a-Carotene – 0.4; trans-epoxy-a-carotene – 37.5; b-carotene – 1.3; trans-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 39.9; cryptoxanthin isomer – 11.0; flavoxanthin – 9.8; auroxanthin – 0.1

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. (L. ircutianum DC.) Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.4–0.5 Composition (GLC, 5 Silicone XE-60 on chromanon N-AW-DMCS), %: Nerolidol – 4.9;



a-bisabolol – 15.5; farnesol – 4.2; farnesene – 38.3; unidentified – 37.3

Liatris punctata

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

References 1. T.G. Sagareishvili, Chem. Nat. Comp. 38, 295 (2002)

Liatris punctata Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 32.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 29.0 n40 D : 1.4675 Iodine value, % J2: 127.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 185.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 12.0; 18:1–28.0; 18:2–54.0, 18:3 – 1.1 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.4 Hydroxy-FAs as C18, %: 1.0

Liatris spicata (L.) Willd. Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 35.9 n40 D : 1.4692 Iodine value, % J2: 128.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 186.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 8.0; 18:1 – 32.0; 18:2 – 54.0; 18:3 – 0.2; 18:2; conjugated – 0.6

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 254 (1960)

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Matricaria recutita L. (M. chamomilla L., chamomilla recutita L.) Rauschert

Liatris pycnostachya Michx. Family: Asteraceae Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.8 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 30.0 n40 D : 1.4688 Iodine value, % J2: 134.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 181.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 7.0; 18:1–30.0; 18:2–58.0; 18:3 – 0.5 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.3 Oxo-FAs as C18, %: 0.4 Hydroxy-FAs as C18, %: 2.0

Flower Essential oil, %: 0.12–1.9 [1, 2] Composition, %: (-)-a-Bisabolol, (-)-abisabololoxid A, (-)-a-bisabololoxid B, (-)-abisabololoxid C, a-bisabolonoxid, abisabolonoxid A, farnesene – 7.9–17.9, azulene, spathulenol, matricine, matricarine, cadinene, geraniol, perilla alcohol [2] Extract (hexane), % on air dry wt: 4.4 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton NAW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 11.1; 18:0 – 2.9; 18:1 – 9.4; 18:2 – 64.5; 18:3 – 4.7; 22:0 – 4.5; 22:1 – 1.9 [3]

Neopallasia pectinata (Pall.) Poljak.

TAG, % on mass extract: 12.5 [3] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – 1.4; 16:0 – 8.1; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1 – 7.7; 18:2 – 68.2; 18:3 – 2.4; 22:0 – 2.7; 22:1 – 6.4 [3] Carotenoids, mg/%: 0.9 [1] Inflorescences Essential oil, %: 0.05–1.9 [4] Composition, %: Chamazulene – 0.00–18.5; (-)-abisabolol – 5.78–77.21; bisabololoxid A – 5.03– 58.45; bisabololoxid B – 2.96–34.34; polyinic compounds – 4.74–12.00 [4] Leaf Essential oil Content (various of phase of vegetation), % on absolutely dry wt: 0.07–0.14 [5] Plant Essential oil, %: 0.95–1.09 [2] Composition: Bisabolol, a-bisabolol, (-)-abisabolol, ()-a-bisabolol, (-)-a-bisabolene, bisabololoxid, (-)-a-bisabolonoxid A, (-)-abisabololoxid B, (-)-a-bisabololoxid C, bisabolonoxid, a-bisabolonoxid A, abisabolonoxid, (-)-a-bisabolenoxid A, (-)-abisabolenoxid B, 4-methyl-1-(1,5-dimethyl-1hydroxyhexyl) cyclohexane, farnesene, afarnesene, chamazulene, azulene, farnezolide, prochamazulene, cadinene,.guaiazulene, spathulenol, matricine, 2-(butyn-2-yliden)-D3dihydrofurane [5-spiro-2’] tetrahydrofurane, (-)-trans-pinocarveol, (-)-pinocarvone, isobutylangelate, g-terpinene, D3-carene, acubebene, a-muurolene, calamene, chamavioline, xantoxiline, 2-(hexa-2,4-dien-1iliden)-1,6-dioxaspiro [4,4] nonen-3 [2] Carotenoides: neo-b-Carotene B [2] Extract (CO2) Free FAs Composition, %: 4:0 – 0.09; 6:0 – 0.07; 7:0 – 0.24; 8:0 – 0.54; 9:0 – 0.06; 10:0 – 0.08; 10:0 – 0.23; 14:0 – 0.56; 15:0 – 0.20; 16:0 – 15.14; 16:1 – 0.64; 14-methyl-16:0 – 0.28; methyl-17:0 – 0.13; 18:0 – 2.73; 18:1 – 12.91; 18:2 – 61.90; 19:1 – 0.91; 18:3 – 3.50 [6]



FAs of bound lipids Composition, %: 6:0 – 0.03; 7:0 – 0.04; 8:0 – 1.39; 9:0 – 0.06; 10:0 – 0.10; 14:0 – 0.77; 15:0 – 0.03; 16:0 – 11.54; 16:1 – 0.62; methyl-17:0 – 0.10; 18:0 – 3.61; 18:1 – 13.40; 18:2 – 65.74; 19:1 – 0.26; 18:3 – 2.47 [6] Stem Essential oil Content (various of phase of vegetation), % on absolutely dry wt: 0.06 – 0.11 [5] Composition: Azulene, bisabolol, chamazulene [2] Activity: Essential oil has anti-inflammatory, sedative, hypothermal, hypotensional, bactericidal, fungicidal, anti-allergic and others activities. Lipophilic extract possesses antibacterial activity [2]. Use: Essential oil is used in traditional and folk medicine for treatment of stomach, intestines, and infection of respiratory organs. It is used widely for production of cosmetic products, liqueurs, and vodkas [2]; Lipophilic extract is effective in treatment of parodontal disease, bronchitis, and tracheitis [2].

References 1. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Krima (Yalta, 1971), p. 201 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 145 [in Russian] 3. S.D. Gusakova, G.A. Stepanenko, D.T. Asilbecova, Yu.M. Murdokhaev, Rast. Resursy 19(4), 444 (1983) 4. O.A. Konovalova, K.S. Pybalko, Rast. Resursy 18, 116 (1982) 5. E.Ya. Kisileva, K.S. Pybalko, P.M. Loshkarev, M.B. Glazova, Farmatsia 18, 34 (1969) 6. G.Z. Shishkov, G.I. Kas’yanov, T.V. Artem’eva, N.V. Laminina, L.A. Kupriyanova, Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennoct’ 8, 25 (1978)

Neopallasia pectinata (Pall.) Poljak. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil, % on air dry wt: 0.04–0.25 [1, 2, 3] n15 D : 1.5015 [1] Composition: a-Pinene, camphene, cineole, camphor, 1:0 acid, crezol [2, 3]



Activity: Essential oil has antibacterial activity [3].

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, V.S. Bazalitskaya, P.P. Polyakov, Khimicheskii sostav polynei (Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1962), s. 124 [in Russian] 2. Dicorastuchchie poleznye rasteniya flory Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki (Nauka, Leningrad, 1985), p. 31 [in Russian] 3. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 57 [in Russian]

Onopordum acanthum L Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 15.0–38.0 [1] d20 4 : 0.9195 [2] n20 D : 1.4770 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.23 [2] Hehner’s value, %: 95.18 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 133.13 [2] Relative viscosity, E0: 9.14 [2] Rodanic value, % J2: 66.93 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 186.78 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.81 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 16:0 – 7.86; 18:0 – 2.25; 18:1 – 24.72; 18:2 – 65.17 [2] Epoxy-FAs (CC, MS) [3] Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW and 2% OV-17 on Chrom N), %: 9.10-epoxy-18:0 – 20.9; 9.10-epoxy12Z-18:1+12.13-epoxy-9Z-18:1 – 79.1 [3] Hydroxy-FAs (CC, UV, IR, MS) [3] Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW and 2% OV-17 on Chrom N), %: 9-OH – 14:0; 9-OH – 15:0; 9-OH – 16:0; 9-OH – 17:0; 9-OH-12Z – 17:1; 12-OH9Z – 17:1; 9-OH – 10E; 12Z – 17:2; 13-OH-9Z; 11E – 17:2; 10-OH – 18:0; 12-OH – 18:0; 8-OH9Z – 18:1; 9-OH-10E – 18:1; 10-OH-8E – 18:1; 11-OH-9Z – 18:1; 9-OH-12Z – 18:1; 12-OH-9Z – 18:1; 13-OH-9Z – 18:1; 9-OH-10E; 12Z – 18:2; 9OH-10E; 12E – 18:2; 13-OH-9Z; 11E – 18:2; 8OH-9Z; 12Z – 18:2; 10-OH-8E; 12Z – 18:2; 12OH-9Z; 13E – 18:2; 14-OH-9Z; 12Z – 18:2 [3]

Onopordum acanthum L

Composition of oil (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.04; esters of FAs with ethanol – 0.13, TAG – 88.01, epoxy-TAG – 4.16, oxo-TAG – 0.1, Free FAS – 0.2; hydroperoxy-TAG – 0.1; hydroxy-TAG – 5.0; triterpenols – 0.04; epoxy-, hydroxy-TAG – 0.36; DAG – 0.55; sterols – 0.3; oxygenated TAG 1 – 0.35; oxygenated TAG 2+free oxygenated FAs – 0.18; MAG – 0.17 [4, 5] Hydrocarbons (MS): saturated C17, C18, C25-C33, monoenic, dienic, trienic C17 C18 [4] Esters of the FAs with ethanol Components of FAs (IR, MS): 30:0–34:0 [4] TAG UV, IR, 1HNMR [5] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), %: 16:0 – 4.3; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 26.8; 18:2 – 67.9 [5] Main components of TAG (Coleman), %: SOO – 1.3; SOL – 3.2; OOO – 1.9; OOL – 10.3; LOL – 14.0; SLO – 2.6; SLL – 7.1; OLO – 4.2; OLL – 23.1; LLL – 31.4 [5] Epoxy-TAG (UV, IR, 1HNMR) [5–7] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 5.9; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1 – 23.7; 18:2 – 70.3 [6] Main components of epoxy TAG (Coleman), %: SOE – 1.3; SLE – 4.7; OOE – 3.1; OLE – 12.6; LOE – 8.2; LLE – 33.1; SEO – 1.7; SEL – 4.5; OEO – 2.3; OEL – 12.1; LEL – 16.0 [6, 7] Oxo-TAG (IR, 1HNMR) [5] Oxo-FAs (UV, IR, 1HNMR): 9-oxo-10E, 12E – 18:2; 13-oxo-9E, 11E-18:2 [5] Free-FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 15:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 10.1; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 10.8; 18:2 – 76.5 [6] Hydroxy-TAG (UV, IR, MS, 1HNMR) [5.7] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 6.8; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 22.8; 18:2 – 69.1 [5] Main components of hydroxy TAG (Coleman), %: SOH – 2.8; SLH – 9.7; OOH – 4.5; OLH – 15.8; LOH – 12.2; LLH – 42.5; SHL – 2.3; OHL – 3.6; LHL – 4.9 [5, 7]

Onopordum olgae Regel et Schmalh. (O. leptolepis DC.)

Triterpenols (TLC, IR, MS, 1HNMR, Mp): Lupeol, aamirin [4] Epoxy -, hydroxy-TAG (UV, IR, MS, 1HNMR) [5.7] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromaton N-AW-HMDS), %: 14:0 – 0.6; 16:0 – 8.4; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 26.5; 18:2 – 62.2 [5] Main components of epoxy-, hydroxy TAG (Coleman), %: HOE – 23.9; HLE – 56.1; SHE – 1.1; OHE – 2.7; LHE – 6.2; SEH – 1.1; OEH – 2.7; LEH – 6.2 [5, 7] DAG (1,3-and 1 (3),2-isomers; IR, 1HNMR) [5] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), %: 16:0 – 7.7; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 54.4; 18:2 – 35.7 [5] Oxygenated - TAG 1 FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), %: 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 7.7; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 24.3; 18:2 – 65.1 [5] Oxygenated - TAG 2 FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), %: 16:0 – 39.4; 18:0 – 7.8; 18:1 – 45.8; 18:2 – 7.0 [5] MAG (IR, 1HNMR) [5] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 19.8; 18:2 – 73.4 [5] PhL, % 0.8 [8] Coat of Seed Moisture, %: 7.0 [9] Extract (hexane), %: 0.1 [9] Components (CC, MS): paraffinic hydrocarbons C31–C27, acetyltriterpenols-ursens, wax esters C33–C51, esters of the FAs 12:0–32:0 with triterpenols (ursens) [9] Kernel of Seed Oil, %: 53.5 [1] Iodine value, % J2:132.0–136.0 [1]

References 1. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma (Yalta, 1971), 49, 203 [in Russian]



2. A.U. Umarov, Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation, Institut khimii rastitel’nych veshchestv Akademii nauk Uzbekskoi SSR (Tashkent, 1977) [in Russian] 3. N.T. Ul’chenko, S.D. Gusakova, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 29, 447 (1993) 4. N.T. Ul’chenko, E.I. Gigienova, H.D. Abdullaev, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 15, 533 (1979) 5. N.T. Ul’chenko, E.I. Gigienova, K.L. Seitanidi, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 14, 595 (1978) 6. N.T. Ul’chenko, E.I. Gigienova, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 14, 438 (1978) 7. N.T. Ul’chenko, S.D. Gusakova, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 29, 578 (1993) 8. Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 13, 422 (1977) 9. E.I. Gigienova, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 11, 116 (1981)

Onopordum olgae Regel et Schmalh. (O. leptolepis DC.) Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 9.2 [1] d20 4 : 0.9285 [1] n20 D : 1.4825 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 7.42 [1] Hehner’s value, %: 96.19 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 137.86 [1] Relative viscosity, E0: 13.64 [1] Rodanic value, % J2:70.96 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 188.92 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 7.8; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 32.6; 18:2 – 56.6 18:3 – tr; 20:0 – 0.4; 22:0 – tr [2] Epoxy-FAs, %: 2.1 [2] Hydroxy-FAs, %: 2.3 [2] Composition of oil (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.1; acetiltriterpenols – 0.1; acetiltriterpenols – tr; TAG – 84.6; epoxy-TAG – 5.8; hydroxy-TAG – 5.5; triterpenols – tr; epoxy-, hydroxy-TAG – tr; DAG – 1.0; sterols – 0.5; dihydroxy-TAG – 0.5; epoxy-DAG – 0.2; free-FAs – 1.0; free oxygenated FAs – tr; MAG – 0.5; unidentified components – 0.2 [2] Hydrocarbons (MS): saturated C28–C32, monoenic C14–C28 [2]



TAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.7; 18:1 – 38.8; 18:2 – 48.4 20:0 – 0.7 [2] Main components of TAG (Coleman), %: SOS – 1.4; SOO – 5.6; SOL – 6.6; OOO – 5.8; OOL – 13.5; LOL – 7.7; SLS – 2.0; SLO – 8.2; LLP – 9.4; OLO – 8.3; OLL – 19.2; LLL – 11.0 [3] Epoxy-TAG Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 7.2; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1 – 32.8; 18:2 – 54.6; 18:3 – 0.7; 20:0 – 0.6 [2] Epoxy-FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS), %: trans-epoxy-18:0 – 2.6; cis-epoxy-18:0 – 34.7; 9,10-epoxy-12Z-18:1 +12,13-epoxy-9Z-18:1 – 62.7 [4] Main components of epoxy-TAG (Coleman), %: LPE – 3.4; SOE – 5.4; OOE – 7.9; LOE – 26.7; SLE – 2.7; OLE – 4.4; LLE – 14.5; SEO – 1.9; SEL – 5.9; OEO – 1.2; OEL – 8.6; LEL – 14.6 [3] Hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0– 0.2; 16:0 – 6.9; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 28.2; 18:2 – 61.7 [2] Main components of hydroxyl - TAG (Coleman), %: LSH – 4.5; SOH – 4.2; OOH – 4.2; LOH – 35.7; SLH – 1.5; OLH – 1.5; LLH – 13.5; SLH – 5.3; OHL – 5.3; LHL – 21.5 [3] DAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromaton N-AW), %: 16:0 – 18.2; 16:1 – 7.3; 18:0 – 5.5; 18:1 – 42.5; 18:2 – 25.6; 20:0 – 0.9 [2] Dihydroxy-TAG (IR, 1HNMR) [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 1.2; 15:0 – 0.6; 16:0 – 21.3; 16:1 – 8.4; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 38.4; 18:2 – 21.9; 18:3 – 1.5; 20:0 – 2.7; 22:0 – 0.9; unidentified – 2.7 [2] Epoxy-DAG (1.3-and 1(3).2-isomers, IR, 1HNMR) [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 0.8; 15:0 – 0.8; 16:0 – 19.6; 16:1 – 7.4; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1 – 37.6;

Osteospermum amplectens (Harv.) T. Norl.

18:2 – 26.4; 18:3 – 1.2; 20:0 – 2.2; 22:0 – 2.2; unidentified – 1.6 [2] MAG FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW), %: 14:0 – 1.0; 15:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 10.1; 16:1 – 2.0; 18:0 – 4.5; 18:1 – 29.5; 18:2 – 49.0; 18:3 – 1.9; 20:0 – 1.0 [2] Free FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on chromatin N-AW), %: 16:0 – 31.6; 16:1 – 4.2; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 34.2; 18:2 – 26.3; unidentified – 1.1 [2] PhL, % 0.2 [5]

References 1. A.U. Umarov, Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Tashkent, 1977) [in Russian] 2. N.T. Ul’chenko, E.I. Gigienova, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 16, 226 (1980) 3. N.T. Ul’chenko, unpublished data 4. N.T. Ul’chenko, E.I. Gigienova, A.U. Umarov, A.Sh. Isamukhamedov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 17, 26 (1981) 5. Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 3, 422 (1977)

Osteospermum amplectens (Harv.) T. Norl. Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.5 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 17.0 n40 D : 1.4860 Iodine value, % J2: 144.0 Hydroxy-FAs (UV), %: 6.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 30.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: 16:0-6 – 4.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 52.0; 18:3 conjugated – 29.0; others – 1.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum dregei (DC.) T. Norl.

Osteospermum asperulum (DC.) T. Norl.



Osteospermum clandestinum (Less.) T. Norl.

Family: Asteraceae Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Oil (petroleum ether), % on fresh wt: 10.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 29.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Seed [1] Mass of 1,000, g: 1.8 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 42.0 n40 D : 1.4968 Iodine value, % J2: 153.0 Hydroxy FAs, 18:2, %: 3.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 48.0


Osteospermum calendulaceum L. f.

1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.5 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 52.0 n40 D : 1.4832 Hydroxy-FAs (UV), %: 1.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 31.0

Osteospermum corymbosum L.



1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum caulescens Harv.

Osteospermum dregei (DC.) T. Norl.

Family: Asteraceae

Family: Asteraceae

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 15.1 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 14.0 n40 D : 1.4851 Iodine value, % J2: 133.0 Hydroxy FAs (UV), %: 55.0

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.6 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 15.0 n40 D : 1.4877 Iodine value, % J2: 135.0 Hydroxy-FAs, 18:2, %: 64.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 2.0



1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Oil (petroleum ether), % on fresh wt: 9.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 23.0



Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) T. Norl.

Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) T. Norl.

Osteospermum imbricatum L. (O. imbricatum ssp. nervatum (DC.) T. Norl.)

Family: Asteraceae Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 7.7 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 49.0 Hydroxy-FAs, 18:2, %: 67.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 2.0

Seed + Pericarp Oil (petroleum ether), % on fresh wt: 6.0, 11.0 n40 D : 1.4871 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 19.0



1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum fruticosum (L.) T. Norl.

Osteospermum jucundum (E.P.Phill.) T. Norl.

Family: Asteraceae Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Oil (petroleum ether), % on air dry wt: 14.0 Hydroxy-FAs, 18:2, %: 61.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 2.0

Seed + Pericarp Oil (petroleum ether), % on fresh wt: 18.0 Hydroxy-FAs (UV), %: 71.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 2.0

References References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum hyoseroides (DC.) T. Norl. Osteospermum junceum Berg. Family: Asteraceae Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 3.9 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 50.0 n40 D : 1.4871 Iodine value, % J2: 143.0 Hydroxy-FAs, 18:2, %: 1.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 41.0

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 20.7 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 61.0 n40 D : 1.4851 Iodine value, % J2: 136.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 32.0



1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum spinescens Thunb.

Osteospermum microphyllum DC.



Iodine value, % J2: 141.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 34.0

Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.6 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 37.0 n40 D : 1.4795 Hydroxy-FAs, 18:2, %: 1.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 21.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 6.0; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 39.0; 18:3 conjugated – 20.0; others – 1.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum muricatum E. Mey. ex DC. Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 6.2 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 9.0 n40 D : 1.4853 Iodine value, % J2: 141.0 Hydroxy-FAs, 18:2, %: 1.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 30.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum scariosum DC. Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.7 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 41.0 n40 D : 1.4857

References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum sinuatum (DC.) T. Norl. Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 3.7 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 39.0 n40 D : 1.4835 Iodine value, % J2: 140.0 Hydroxy-FAs, 18:2, %: 2.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 32.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Osteospermum spinescens Thunb. Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 3.2 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 42.0 n40 D : 1.4891 Iodine value, % J2: 149.0 Hydroxy-FAs, 18:2, %: 2.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 38.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 8.0; 18:2 – 46.0; 18:3 conjugated – 34.0; others – 1.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)



Osteospermum spinosum L. Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 7.0 Conjugated triene (UV), %: 44.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, K.L. Micolajczak, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 345 (1964)

Ratibida columnaris Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt.: 26.0 n40 D : 1.4690 Iodine value, % J2: 145.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 186.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 2.0; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 66.0; 18:3 – 0.3 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.3

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37(9), 440 (1960)

Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin Family: Asteraceae Root Extract (chloroform:methanol), %: 5.5; (hexane), %: 3.4 TAG, % from mass of hexane extract: 10,7 FAs of hexane extract Comрosition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton NAW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 17.6; 16:1 – 1.4; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 7.4; 18:2 – 58.7; 18:3 – 11.8

Osteospermum spinosum L.

FAs of TAG Comрosition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 9.9; 16:1 – 1.2; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 8.5; 18:2 – 59.7; 18:3 – 16.0; unidentified – 3.4 Seed Extract (hexane), % on air dry wt: 20.4 FAs Comрosition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.9; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 22.2; 18:2 – 67.7; 18:3 – 3.3 TAG, % from mass extract: 95.7 FAs Comрosition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton NAW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 6.7; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 23.6; 18:2 – 63.6; 18:3 – 3.3 Free-FAs Composition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton NAW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – 0.6; 16:0 – 9.9; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 24.9; 18:2 – 55.2; 18:3 – 7.3

References 1. S.D. Gusakova, G.A. Stepanenko, D.T. Asilbekova, Yu.M. Murdokhaev, Rast. Resursy. 19(4), 444 (1983)

Rhaponticum integrifolium C. Winkl. (Leuzea integrifolia (C.Winkl.) Holub) Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (hexane), %: 14.8 Composition of oil (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.5; esters FAs with alcanols and cyclic alcohols – 0.2; TAG – 70.0; epoxy-TAG – 5.7; free FAs – 2.1; hydroxy-TAG – 3.4; triterpepols – 0.3; epoxy;hydroxy-TAG –1.5; DAG – 5.0; sterols – 0.8; oxygenated-TAG – 3.9; MAG – 6.6 FAs of oil Composition (GLC), %: 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 9.4; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 –1.6; 18:1 – 13.7; 18:2 – 74.5 TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 8.5; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 1.0; 8:1 – 13.3; 18:2 – 76.7

Rudbeckia laciniata L.

Epoxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 0.2; 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 9.5; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 15.9; 18:2 – 71.2 Composition (GLC), %: Epoxy-18:0 – 20.3; Epoxy18:1 – 79.7 FreeFAs Composition (GLC), %: 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.2; 15:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 29.5; 16:1 – 0.9; 18:0 – 4.2; 18:1 – 9.7; 18:2 – 55.2 Hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 0.3; 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 10.0; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 3.2; 18:1 – 15.7; 18:2 – 69.8 Epoxy, hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 0.5; 14:0 – 0.5; 15:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 14.9; 16:1 – 1.2; 18:0 – 7.3; 18:1 – 21.3; 18:2 – 53.8 DAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 10:0 – 0.5; 12:0 – 0.8; 14:0 – 0.8; 15:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 14.4; 16:1 – 1.6; 18:0 – 5.6; 18:1 – 21.4; 18:2 – 54.2 FAs of oxygenated-TAG Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 1.9; 14:0 – 2.0; 16:0 – 20.0; 16:1 – 3.8; 18:0 – 14.6; 18:1 – 19.3; 18:2 – 38.2 MAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 10:0 – 2.4; 12:0 – 3.1; 14:0 – 3.9; 15:0 – 3.5; 16:0 – 17.6; 16:1 – 4.7; 18:0 – 8.6; 18:1 – 12.3; 18:2 – 43.9

References 1. N.T. Ul’chenko, N.P. Bekerr, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 44, 147 (2008)



Iodine value, % J2: 147.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 185.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 10.0; 18:1 – 8.0; 18:2 – 76.0; 18:3 – 0.2; 18:2 conjugated – 1.0; 18:3 conjugated – 0.1 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 1.0

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 254 (1960)

Rudbeckia hirta L. Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 30.0 n40 D : 1.4702 Iodine value, % J2: 141.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 182.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L), %: Saturated – 11.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 67.0; 18:2 conjugated – 4.0; 18:3 – 0.2 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 7.0

References 1. F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, C.A. Glass, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 39, 381(1962)

Rudbeckia laciniata L. Family: Asteraceae

Rudbeckia bicolor var. Superba Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt.: 32.0 n40 D : 1.4697

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.7 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt.: 26.0 n40 D : 1.4699 Iodine value, % J2: 148.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 188.0



FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 4.0; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 60.0; 18:3 – 5.8 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.7

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Rudbeckia speciosa Hort. ex Link Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 9.6 Composition, % from mass: Phytofluene – 0.8; bcarotene – 2.0; cis-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 0.7; trans-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 4.0; cryptoxanthin – 73.8; lutein – 2.0; chrysanthemaxanthin – 0.6; flavoxanthin – 10.7; auroxanthin – 0.4

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Santolina teretifolia Sennen et Elias Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 4.47 Composition, % from mass: Phytofluene – 0.8; bcarotene – 7.0; trans-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 9.8; trans-diepoxy-b-carotene –34.7; lutein – 9.1; flavoxanthin – 38.6

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Rudbeckia speciosa Hort. ex Link

Santolina viridis Hort. = S. virens Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 0.54 Composition, % from mass: a-Carotene – 0.6; trans-epoxy- a-carotene – 11.5; b-carotene – 5.6; trans-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 48.6; transdiepoxy-b-carotene –10.8; lutein – 12.4; flavoxanthin – 9.3; auroxanthin – 1.2

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Saussurea amara (L.) DC. (Theodorea glomerata (Poir.) Sojak) Family: Asteraceae Inflorescences Essential oil, %: 0.2 [1] Seed Oil, (hexane), % on wt: 27.5 [2] FAs Composition of total (GLC, BPX-70 /NaOCH3; BPX-70/TMSH; Silar 5 CP/NaOCH3; GC-MS of DMOX derivatives, %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 3.9–4.1; 16:1 n-9 – tr; 16:1 n-7 – 0.1–0.2; 18:0 – 2.8–2.9; 18:1n-9 – 15.4–15.6; 18:1 n-7 – 0.5; 18:2 n-6 – 62.7–63.9; 18:3 n-6 – 10.4–11.2; 18:3 n-3 – 0.5; 20:0 – 0.7; 20:1 n-9 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 n-9 – 0.1; 22:2 n-6 – 0.1; 22:3 n-3 – tr; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 n-9 – 0.1–0.2; others – 1.1–1.4 [2] Composition of saturated (Ag-TLC; GLC, BPX70), %: 16:0–46.3; 18:0 – 33.5; 20:0 – 8.4; 22:0 – 3.0; 24:0 – 1.7 [2] Composition of monoene (Ag-TLC; GLC, BPX70), %: 16:1 n-7 – 0.2; 18:1n-9 – 94.5; 18:1 n-7 – 2.0; 20:1 n-9 – 1.6; 24:1 n-9 – 0.8 [2] Composition of diene (Ag-TLC; GLC, BPX-70), %: 18:2 n-6 – 99.2 [2] Composition of triene (Ag-TLC; GLC, BPX-70), %: 18:3 n-6 – 89.5; 18:3 n-3 – 4.2 [2]

Saussurea parviflora (Poir.) DC.




Saussurea lipschitzii Filat.

1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 165 [in Russian] 2. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, K. Vosmann, I. High Resol. Chromatogr. 20, 315 (1997)

Family: Asteraceae

Saussurea dorogostaiskii Palib. = S. involucrata (Kar. et Kir.) Sch. Bip. Family: Asteraceae Plant Essential oil Composition: 1-Pentadecene, 4,4,7a-trimethyl5,6,7,7a-tetrahydrobenzofuranone-2, ethyl esters12:0, 13:0, 14:0, 15:0, 16:0 acids, n-hexadecane, 2,6-di-(tertiary butyl) benzoquinone, heptadecadiene, 1,6-dimethyl-4isopropylnaphtalene, 1-heptadecene, nheptadecane, n-octadecane, 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecanone-2, n-nonadecane, methyl ester 16:0, dihydrodehydrocostanolide, dibuthylphtalate, n-eicosane, and terpenes [1] Seed Oil, (hexane), % on wt: 14.7 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, BPX-70/Na OCH3), %: 16:0 – 11.9; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1n-9 – 12.3; 18:1 n-7 – 0.4; 18:2 n-6 – 61.4; 18:3 n-6 – 1.9; 18:3 n-3 – 4.1; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 n-9 – 0.3; 22:0 – 0.4; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1n-9 – 0.1; others – 2.9 [2] Composition (GLC, Silar 5 CP/NaOCH3), %: 14:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 12.0; 16:1 n-9 – 0.4; 16:1 n-7 – 0.5; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1n-9 – 11.6; 18:1 n-7 – 0.9; 18:2 n-6 – 57.9; 18:3 n-6 – 1.7; 18:3 n-3 – 4.2; 20:0 – 1.1; 20:1 n-9 – 0.3; 22:0 – 0.5; others – 5.1 [2]

Seed Oil (hexane), % on wt: 29.2 FAs Composition (GLC, BPX-70/Na OCH3), %: 16:0 – 4.4; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1n-9 – 13.9; 18:1 n-7 – 0.5; 18:2 n-6 – 72.6; 18:3 n-6 – 4.7; 18:3 n-3 – 0.5; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 n-9 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:2 n-6 – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.4; 24:1 n-9 – 0.1; Composition (GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 16:0 – 4.1; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1n-9 – 13.6; 18:1 n-7 – 0.5; 18:2 n-6 – 70.7; 18:3 n-6 – 4.6; 18:3 n-3 – 0.5; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 n-9 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:2 n-6 – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.3; 24:1 n-9 – 0.1; others – 2.8

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, K. Vosmann, I. High Resol. Chromatogr. 20, 315 (1997)

Saussurea parviflora (Poir.) DC. Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (hexane), % on wt: 5.2 FAs Composition (GLC, BPX-70/Na OCH3), %: 16:0 – 7.2; 16:1 n-7 – 0.2; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1n-9 – 13.8; 18:1 n-7 – 0.6; 18:2 n-6 – 53.1; 18:3 n-6 – 3.1; 18:3 n-3 – 16.8; 20:0 – 1.1; 20:1 n-9 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:2 n-6 – 0.1; 22:3 n-3 – 0.2; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 n-9 – 0.3; others – 0.8; Composition (GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 8.5; 16:1 n-9 – 0.1; 16:1 n-7 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1n-9 – 12.8; 18:1 n-7 – 0.6; 18:2 n-6 – 50.1; 18:3 n-6 – 2.9; 18:3 n-3 – 15.8; 20:0 – 1.1; 20:1 n-9 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:2 n-6 – 0.1; 22:3 n-3 – 0.2; 24:0 – 0.3; 24:1 n-9 – 0.3; others – 4.0

References 1. Z. Jia, Y. Li, M. Du, W. Qiu, J. Ding, L.D. Xuebao, Z. Kexueban, 22, 100 (1986); Chem. Abstr. 106, 47212 (1987) 2. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, K. Vosmann, I. High Resol. Chromatogr. 20, 315 (1997)

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, K. Vosmann, I. High Resol. Chromatogr. 20, 315 (1997)



Saussurea pricei Simps. (S. sumneviczii Serg.) Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Extract (chloroform), % on absolutely dry wt: 2.34 [1] Triterpenols: a-Amyrin, b-amyrin [1] Seed Oil (hexane), % on wt: 21.5 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, BPX-70/Na OCH3), %: 16:0 – 4.6; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1n-9 – 15.5; 18:1 n-7 – 0.4; 18:2 n-6 – 70.3; 18:3 n-6 – 4.2; 18:3 n-3 – 1.1; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 n-9 – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.6; 24:0 – 0.3; 24:1 n-9 – 0.1; others – 0.2 [2] Composition (GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 16:0 – 4.9; 16:1 n-7 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1n-9 – 15.2; 18:1 n-7 – 0.5; 18:2 n-6 – 69.1; 18:3 n-6 – 4.2; 18:3 n-3 – 1.1; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 n-9 – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:3 n-3 – tr; 24:0 – 0.3; 24:1 n-9 – 0.1; others – 1.2 [2]

References 1. V.V. Dudko, V.G. Klimenko, V.G. Raldugin, A.S. Revushkin, Chem. Nat. Comp. 22, 354 (1986) 2. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, K. Vosmann, I. High Resol. Chromatogr. 20, 315 (1997)

Saussurea pseudoalpina Simps. (S. ambiqua Kryl. ex Serg.)

Saussurea pricei Simps. (S. sumneviczii Serg.)

18:0 – 3.4; 18:1n-9 – 14.4; 18:1 n-7 – 0.4; 18:2 n-6 – 58.3; 18:3 n-6 – 4.4; 18:3 n-3 – 4.3; 20:0 – 0.7; 20:1 n-9 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.4; 22:2 n-6 – 0.2; 22:3 n-3 – 0.8; 24:0 – 0.4; 24:1 n-9 – 0.3; others – 3.4

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, K. Vosmann, I. High Resol. Chromatogr. 20, 315 (1997)

Saussurea salicifolia (L.) DC. Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (hexane), % on wt: 10.9 FAs Composition (GLC, BPX-70 /NaOCH3; BPX-70/ TMSH; Silar 5 CP/NaOCH3), %: 14:0 – 0.1– 0.5; 16:0 – 7.3–8.1; 16:1 n-7 – 0.5–0.9; 18:0 – 2.5–2.6; 18:1n-9 – 15.4–15.9; 18:1 n-7 – 0.6– 0.9; 18:2 n-6 – 56.6–59.2; 18:3 n-6 – 6.5–7.2; 18:3 n-3 – 2.0–2.1; 20:0 – 0.9–1.1; 20:1 n-9 – 0.2–0.3; 22:0 – 1.0–1.1; 22:1n-9 – 0.3; 22:2 n-6 – 0.2; 22:3 n-3 – 0.2; 24:0 – 0.6–0.7; 24:1 n-9 – 0.1–0.2; others – 0.8–4.3

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, K. Vosmann, I. High Resol. Chromatogr. 20, 315 (1997)

Family: Asteraceae

Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.

Seed Oil (hexane), % on wt: 30.1 FAs Composition (GLC, BPX-70/Na OCH3), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 5.8; 16:1 n-9 – 0.2; 16:1 n-7 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1n-9 – 14.7; 18:1 n-7 – 0.5; 18:2 n-6 – 61.3; 18:3 n-6 – 4.6; 18:3 n-3 – 4.3; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 n-9 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:2 n-6 – 0.4; 22:3 n-3 – 0.8; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 n-9 – 0.2; others – 2.6 Composition (GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 7.7; 16:1 n-9 – 0.2; 16:1 n-7 – 0.1;

Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Lipophilic extractive, %: 4.15 [1] Carotenoids, mg/%: 1.16 [1] Chlorophylls, mg/%: 1.59 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, DES on Inerton AW), %: 12:0 – 1.8; 16:0 – 27.7; 18:0 – 4.6; 18:1 – 5.1; 18:2 – 16.8; 18:3 – 20.8; 20:0 – 7.3; 22:0 – 2.2; 22:1 – 4.8; 24:0 – 1.4; 24:1 – 4.1 [1]

Solidago sp. var. Tom Thumb Hort.

Plant Oil, %: 28.0 [2] Fruit Oil, %: 21.6 [2] FAs Composition, %:16:0 – 7.4; 18:0 – 5.03; 18:1 – 20.87; 18:2 – 54.5; 18:3 – 1.44; 20:0 – 3.33; 22:0 – 3.04 [2]



FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 2.0; 18:1 – 32.0; 18:2 – 62.0; 18:3 – 0.5 [2] Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 2.0 [2] Oxo-FAs as C18, %: 3.0 [2] Hydroxy-FAs as C18, %: 2.0 [2]

References Seed Oil %: 20.0–34.0 [2, 3] FAs Composition, %: 14:0, 16:0 – 9.4; 18:0; 18:1 – 27.1; 18:2 – 52.4–62.4; 20:0; 22:0 [2, 3] Sterols, mg %:/g 670.0 [2, 3] Composition (GLC), %: Cholesterol, campesterol – 5.3; stigmasterol – 6.8; sitosterol – 69.6; 24ethylidene lophenol – 5.8; unknown – 1.7 [2, 3] Tocopherols, mg %/g: 38.0 [2, 3]

References 1. V.S. Kislichenko, E.N. Novosel, V.Y. Kuznetsova, V.V. Velma, A.S. Bolokhovets, Chem. Nat. Comp. 42, 221 (2006) 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 183 [in Russian] 3. J.A. Funes, E.G. Gros, M.H. Bertoni, P. Cattaneo, An. Asoc. quim. Argent. 67, 29 (1979); Chem. Abstr. 93, 41569 (1980)

Solidago canadensis L. Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoides, mg/g: 1.47 [1] Composition, % from mass: Trans-epoxy-a-carotene – 0.5; b-carotene – 3.3; trans-diepoxy- b-carotene – 34.6; d-carotene – 0.2; cryptoxanthin – 17.4; trans-b-taraxanthin – 8.2; lutein – 4.7; flavoxanthin – 23.3; auroxanthin – 7.8 [1] Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.1 [2] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 30.0 [2] n40 D : 1.4721 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 141.0 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 184.0 [2]

1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971) 2. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Solidago serotina Ait. Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.5 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 18.0 n40 D : 1.4898 Iodine value, % J2: 143.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 148.0 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 2.0 Oxo-FAs as C18, %: 12.0 Hydroxy-FAs as C18, %: 20.0

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Solidago sp. var. Tom Thumb Hort. Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 9.6 Composition, % from mass: Phytofluene – 0.7; acarotene – 0.3; trans-epoxy-a-carotene – 3.7; bcarotene – 1.1; trans-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 46.1; cryptoxanthin – 5.8; trans- b-taraxanthin – 4.0; lutein – 5.0; chrysanthemaxanthin – 0.9; flavoxanthin – 32.4



References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Tagetes erecta L. Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 20.0 n40 D : 1.4646 Iodine value, % J2: 118.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 162.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L), %: Saturated – 22.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 54.0; 18:2 conjugated – 2.0; 18:3 – 0.3; 18:3 conjugated – 0.1 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 3.0

Tagetes erecta L.

spathulenol – 0.4; viridiflorol – 0.6; (E)sesquilavandulol – 4.8; a-cadinol – 1.5; valeranone – 0.1; (Z)-nucliferol acetate – 1.2 Essential oil of cultivated sample, % on air dry wt: 0.4 Composition (GC/MS, DB-1), %: Tricyclene – 0.2; a-pinene – 0.3; camphene – 4.6; sabinene – tr; bpinene – tr; p-cymene – 1.1; limonene – 0.3; gterpinene – 0.3; terpinolene – tr; linalool – 0.2; acampholenal – 0.4; a-cyclocitral – 0.1; camphor – 57.6; pinocarvone – tr; borneol – 0.5; 4terpineol – 0.5; a-terpineol – tr; (E)-carveol – tr; (E)-chrysanthenyl acetate – 25.1; bornyl acetate – 1.4; neryl acetate – tr; b-terpinyl acetate – 0.1; a-copaene – tr; (E)-caryophyllene – 0.5; (Z)b-farnesene – 1.2; germacrene D – 0.2; bornyl angelate – 2.2; caryophyllene oxide – 0.4; viridiflorol – 0.1; a-cadinol – 0.2

References 1. M.N. Mirjalili, P. Salehi, L.A. Sonboli, M. Mohammadi Vala, Chem. Nat. Comp. 43, 149 (2007)

References 1. F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, C.A. Glass, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 39, 381(1962)

Tanacetum vulgare L. Family: Asteraceae

Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip. Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Essential oil of wild sample, % on air dry wt: 0.1 Composition (GC/MS, DB-1), %: Tricyclene – 1.1; a-pinene – 0.5; dihydrosabinene – 0.2; camphene – 7.7; sabinene – 0.2; b-pinene – 0.4; aphellandrene – 0.1; p-cymene – 0.5; limonene – 0.5; g-terpinene – 0.4; filifolone – 1.4; chrysanthenone – 1.3; camphor – 50.5; pinocarvone – tr; borneol – 0.6; 4-terpineol – 0.5; (E)-myrtanol – 4.7; lavandulyl acetate – 0.1; bornyl acetate – 1.5; a-copaene – 0.3; belemene – 0.1; (E)-caryophyllene – 0.3; (Z)-bfarnesene – 2.1; g-gurjunene – 0.1; (Z,E)-afarnesene – 1.5; germacrene D – 9.2; bicyclogermacrene – 1.1; d-cadinene – 0.2;

Flower Extract of (hexane), % on air dry wt: 3.5 [1] TAG, % on mass extract: 38.2 [1] FAs of extract Comрosition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 5.5; 16:1 – 1.9; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 16.3; 18:2 – 64.4; 18:3 – 1.8; unidentified – 8.8 [1] FAs of TAG Comрosition (GLC, 15% Reoplex on Chromaton N-AW-DMCS), %: 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 4.2; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 19.6; 18:2 – 69.1; 18:3 – 2.5; unidentified – 2.3 [1] Carotenoids, mg/g: 0.69 [2] Composition, % of mass: trans-epoxy-a-carotene – 10.2; b-carotene – 2.7; cis-diepoxy- b-carotene – 22.9; trans-diepoxy- b-carotene – 29.1; bzeacarotene – 0.8; mutatochrome – 9.7; lutein – 3.2; flavoxanthin – 21.4 [2]

Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg.





1. S.D. Gusakova, G.A. Stepanenko, D.T. Asilbekova, Yu.M. Murdokhaev, Rast. Resursy 19(4), 444 (1983) [in Russian] 2. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

1. V.A. Bondyukova, G.I. Deineko, D.K. Shapiro, Chem. Nat. Comp. 19, 97 (1983)

Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin. Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 3.31 [1] Composition, % from mass: a-Carotene – 0.2; trans-epoxy-a-carotene – 7.2; b-carotene – 0.9; trans-diepoxy-b-carotene – 46.1; flavochrome – 6.2; mutatochrome – 23.5; trans-b-taraxanthin – 7.1; cis-taraxanthin – 4.1; flavoxanthin – 4.7 [1] Root Extract (petrol ether) [2] FAs: 16:0; 18:0; 18:1; 18:2; 18:3 [2] Triterpenols: Taraxasterol, taraxerol, homotaraxasterol, b-amyrin, cluitianol [2] Sterols: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, ergosterol [2]

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971) 2. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 192 [in Russian]

Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg. Family: Asteraceae Plant FAs of lipids pollen pellets (GLC, LAC-2P-446-27% PEGA), %: 10:0 – 0.20; 12:0 – 4.13; 14:0 – 0.17; 14:1 – tr; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 1.27; 16:1 – tr; 16:2 – 0.16; 17:0 – 0.36; 17:1 – 0.20; 17:2 – 0.12; 18:0 – 13.44; 18:1 – 7.16; 18:2 – 16.43; 18:3 – 27.41; 19:0 – 0.1; 20:2 – 0.16; 21:0 – 2.58; unidentified – 3.86

Family: Asteraceae Aerial Part Extract (ethanol) Component (H NMR, MS): b-Sitosterol, stigmasterol [1] Flower Extract (petrol ether) FAs Composition (GC/MS, HP-5MS), %: 16:0 – 17.193  0.41; 18:2 – 67.140  0.08; 18:1 – 10.584  0.55; 21:0 – 3.280  0.32 [2] Inflorescences Lipids (hexane), %: 2.3 [3] Tocopherols, mg/%: 3.20 [3] Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.18 [4] Extract (petrol ether) FAs Composition (GC/MS, HP-5MS), %: 16:0 – 20.34  1.33; 18:2 – 37.126  1.33; 18:1 – 25.923  0.86; 20:0 – 6.540  0.62 [2] Lipids (hexane), %: 2.45 [3] Tocopherols, mg/%: 3.72 [3] Stem Essential oil, %: 0.07 [4] Extract (petrol ether) FAs Composition (GC/MS, HP-5MS), %: 6:0 – 11.427  0.95 [2] Lipids (hexane), %: 0.49 [3] Tocopherols, mg/%: 0.089 [3] Root Essential oil, %: 0.73 [4]



Underground Essential oil, %: 1.0 [4]

Tithonia spesiosa

Tragopogon pratensis L. Family: Asteraceae

References 1. D. Deliorman, F. Ergun, M. Koyncu, Chem. Nat. Comp. 38, 201 (2002) 2. I. Orhan, B. Sener, Chem. Nat. Comp. 39, 244 (2003) 3. R.B. Rustanbekov, T.G. Gadzhieva, S.Sh. Mamedov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 24, 658 (1988) 4. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 197

Tithonia spesiosa Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 9.5 Oil (petroleum ether extract), % on dry wt: 18.0 n40 D : 1.4660 Iodine value, % J2: 116.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 175.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 28.0; 18:1 – 8.0; 18:2 – 58.0; 18:2 conjugated – 1.4; 18:3 – 0.1 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 4.0 Hydroxy-FAs as C18, %: 5.0

Aerial Part Triterpenols: Taraxasterol, b-lactucerol [1] Alcanol: C26 [1] Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 1.5 [2] Composition, % from mass: a-Carotene – 0.1; trans-epoxy- a-carotene – 4.2; b-carotene – 1.7; cis-diepoxy-b-carotene – 13.4; trans-diepoxyb-carotene – 13.1; trans- b-taraxanthin – 34.6; lutein – 9.2; flavoxanthin – 20.6; auroxanthin – 3.1; xanthophyll; epoxy-xanthophyll, violaxanthin [1, 2] Seed Oil, %: 19.5 [1]

References 1. Rastitel’nye Resursy SSSR (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 1993), 7, 198 [in Russian] 2. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Tussilago farfara L. References Family: Asteraceae 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Tragopogon montanus S. Mikit. Family: Asteraceae Root Extract (acetone) Component (m.p., IR, MS): a-Amyrin acetate

References 1. C.A. Ludovskaya, H.B. Plekhanova, Chem. Prirod. Soedin. 730 (1980)

Leaf Lipids (ether), %: 2.7 n20 D : 1.4501 d20 4 : 0.9200 Acid value, mg KOH: 2.2 Chlorophyll a, mg/g: 181.3 Chlorophyll b, mg/g: 159.9 Iodine value, % J2: 66.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 226.0 Unsaponifiables, %: 1.5 b-Carotene, mg %: 43.3 FAs Composition (GLC, 15% PEGA on Celit), %: 8:0 – 1.6; 9:0 – 0.4; 10:0 – 1.1; 11:0 – 0.9; 12:0 – 7.9; 12:1 – 1.6; 13:0 – 1.5; 13:1 – 1.3; 14:0 – 3.5; 14:1

Vernonia fasciculata

– 1.6; 15:0 – 1.5; 15:1 – 1.6; 16:0 – 26.2; 16:1 – 5.8; 17:0 – 6.9; 17:1 – 1.4; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 9.2; 18:2 – 10.2; 18:3 – 5.3; 20:0 – 1.2; unidentified – 8.2

References 1. A. Sdobnikova, N.A. Artamonova, M.I. Goryaev, T.A. Smagina, V.V. Sdobnikov, T.V. Tsimbal, G.V. Turavinina, Chem. Nat. Comp. 17, 584 (1981)

Ursinia calenduliflora Benth. et Hook. f. Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 1.86 Composition, % from mass: a-Carotene – 0.8; bcarotene – 13.9; trans-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 3.6; cis-diepoxy-b-carotene – 8.0; transdiepoxy-b-carotene – 8.5; cryptoxanthin – 1.7; mutatochrome – 3.6; flavoxanthin – 38.6; auroxanthin – 21.3



Vernonia baldwinii Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 29.2 [1]; 26.9 [2] n40 D : 1.4676; 1.4687 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 141.0; 139.0 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 192.0; 206.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 2.0; 3.0; 18:1 – 25.0; 33.0; 18:2 – 60.0; 63.0; 18:3 – 0.9; 1.0 [2] Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 2.0 [2]

References 1. E.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962) 2. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 254 (1960)

Vernonia deppeana Less. Family: Asteraceae

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Venidium decurrens Less. Family: Asteraceae Flower Carotenoids, mg/g: 1.08 Composition, % from mass: a-Carotene – 1.2; bcarotene – 28.8; trans-diepoxy-b-carotene – 19.3; mutatochrome – 48.3; lutein – 2.4

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Phytochemistry 10, 2349 (1971)

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 20.0 Iodine value, % J2: 107.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 95.0 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.7

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Vernonia fasciculata Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.3 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 28.0 n40 D : 1.4700



Iodine value, % J2: 131.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 177.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 9.0; 18:1 – 29.0; 18:2 – 56.0; 18:3 – 1.2 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 5.0 Oxo-FAs as C18, %: 2.0

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Vernonia missurica Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.9 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 21.5 [2] n40 D : 1.4699 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 133.0 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 181.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 8.0; 18:1 – 30.0; 18:2 – 57.0; 18:3 – 1.2 [2] Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 1.0 [2]

Vernonia missurica

Iodine value, % J2: 135 Saponification value, mg KOH:187 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 17.0, 18:1 – 9.0; 18:2 – 69.0; 18:3 – 0.5 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.6 Hydroxy-FAs as C18, %: 3.0

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Wyethia helenioides Nutt. Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 33.5 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 15.0 n40 D : 1.4686 Iodine value, % J2: 126.0 Saponification value, mg KOH:176.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 9.0; 18:1 – 34.0; 18:2 – 50.0; 18:2 conjugated – 2.3; 18:3 – 0.2 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.6 Hydroxy-FAs as C18, %: 6.0

References 1. E.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962) 2. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 254 (1960)

References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Viguiera laciniata Family: Asteraceae

Xanthium pensylvanicum Wallr. Family: Asteraceae

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.7 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 13.0 n40 D : 1.4678

Aerial Part Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on fresh wt: 0.01 Acid value, mg KOH: 4.5

Ximenesia encelioides Cav.

Ester value, mg KOH: 32.5 Ester value, after acetylated, mg KOH: 39.9 Composition (LLC, GLC, GC/MS), %: Bornyl acetate, terpinen-4-ol, borneol, a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, myrcene, g-terpinene, terpinolene, pcymene, carveole, sabinene, limonene – 65.0; aionone

References 1. S.A. Kozhin, V.V. Ikonnikov, Rast. Resursy 16(2), 204 (1980) [in Russian]

Xanthium strumarium L. Family: Asteraceae Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 15.3 Composition (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.2; esters of FAs with alcohols – 0.3; TAG – 88.0; epoxyTAG – 0.8; oxo-TAG – 0.3; free-FAs – 1.6; hydroxy - TAG – 1.4; triterpenols – tr; 1.3DAG – 1.4; 1(3)2-DAG – 1.6; sterols – 0.1; MAG – 1.0; unidentified components – 3.3 Hydrocarbons (MS): Saturated-C22-C29, monoenic, dienic, trienic, tetraenic, pentaenic- C22–C36 TAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 16:0 – 3.1; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 15.6; 18:2 – 79.9 Epoxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 12:0 – 0.5; 13:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.4; 15:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 8.5; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 4.4; 18:1 – 28.2; 18:2 – 57.4 Epoxy-FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W; MSdiTMS-derivatives), %: 9,10-epoxy-18:0 – 12.6; 9,10-epoxy-18:1 (12) and 12,13-epoxy-18:1 (9) – 87.4 Oxo-TAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 15.2; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 7.4; 18:1 – 38.5; 18:2 – 38.2



Free-FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 12:0 – 0.1; 13:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.3; 15:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 17.2; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 4.5; 18:1 – 31.5; 18:2 – 39.7; 20:0 – 1.4; 22:0 – 0.6; unidentified – 3.4 Hydroxy-TAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 16:0 – 7.1; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1 – 28.1; 18:2 – 62.9 Hydroxy-FAs Comрosition (UV, IR, MS-TMS-derivitives): 10OH-18:0, 12-OH-18:0, 8-OH-9Z-18:1, 9-OH12Z-18:1, 9-OH-10E-18:1, 10-OH-8E-18:1, 11OH-9Z-18:1, 11-OH-12E-18:1, 12-OH-9Z-18:1, 13-OH-9Z-18:1, 9-OH-10E, 12Z-18:2, 13-OH-9Z, 11E-18:2, 10-OH-8E, 12Z-18:2, 12-OH-9Z, 13E18:2 1(3),2-DAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 16:0 – 3.6; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1 – 7.6; 18:2 – 88.1 1.3-DAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 12:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.2; 15:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 6.9; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 20.4; 18:2 – 68.5; 20:0 – 0.8 Sterols (GLC, SE-30, MS), %: b-Sitosterol – 52.0; stigmasterol – 48.0 MAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 3.7; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.2; 18:1 – 13.9; 18:2 – 80.8

References 1. N.T. Ul’chenko, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 36, 128 (2000)

Ximenesia encelioides Cav. Family: Asteraceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0



Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 31.0 n40 D : 1.4654 Iodine value, % J2: 107.0 Saponification value, mg KOH:184.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L and Resoflex-446), %: Saturated – 5.0; 18:1 – 64.0; 18:2 – 27.0; 18:3 – 0.3 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.4

Zinnia elegans Jacq.

n40 D : 1.4622 Iodine value, % J2:78.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 174.0 FAs Composition (GLC, Apiezon-L), %: Saturated – 29.0; 18:1 – 48.0; 18:2 – 19.0; 18:3 – 0.2 Epoxy-FAs as C18, %: 0.8

References References 1. E.R. Earle, C.A. Glass, G.C. Geisinger, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 37, 440 (1960)

Zinnia elegans Jacq. Family: Asteraceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 7.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 28.0

1. F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, C.A. Glass, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 39, 381(1962)


Adelocaryum coelestinum (Lindl.) Brand Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 21.5 FAs Composition ((GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 11.0; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1 – 31.2; 18:2 – 14.1; 18:3 – 4.7; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 12.4; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.7; 20:0 – 0.7; 20:1 (11) – 4.6; 22:0 – 2.2; 22:1 (13) – 7.4 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 2.7

18:1 – 20.6; 18:2 – 26.3; 18:3 – 27.1; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 9.9; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 5.9 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 4.6

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Alkanna orientalis (L.) Boiss. Family: Boraginaceae

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 1983

Alkanna froedinii Rech. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on fresh wt: 47.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 7.4; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.7;

Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % dry wt: 22.9 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 5.8; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 15.3; 18:2 – 26.1; 18:3 – 31.7; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 12.4; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 4.9; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 (11) – 1.1 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 2.8

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

A.I. Glushenkova (ed.), Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources, DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-323-7, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012



Amblynotus rupestris

Amblynotus rupestris (Pall. ex Georgi) M. Amsinckia lunaris Macbr. Pop. ex Serg. (Myosotis rupestris Pall. ex Family: Boraginaceae Georgi, Amblynotus obovatus (Ledeb.) Johnst., Eritrichium rupestre (Pall. ex Seed Georgi) Bunge,p.p., quoad typum) Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 7.1 FAs Composition (Capillary GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 8:0 – 0.3; 12:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 7.6; 16:1 – 0.1; 17:0 – 0.1; 18:0 – 3.2; 18:1 – 18.7; 18:1 (11) – 0.4; 18:2 – 24.2; 18:3 – 8.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 13.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.5; 20:1 (11) – 5.1; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 (13) – 7.0; 22:2 (13,16) – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.4; 24:1 (15) – 1.8; others – 2.4

Oil (petroleum ether), % dry wt: 26.5 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on Gas-Chrom Q), %: 16:0 – 11.2; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1 – 38.5; 18:2 – 13.4; 18:3 – 12.2; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.9; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 5.8; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:1 (11) – 3.7 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 2.4

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Amsinckia tessellata Gray References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

Amsinckia intermedia F. and M. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % dry wt: 27.7 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on Gas-Chrom Q), %: 16:0 – 11.5; 18:0 – 3.8; 18:1 – 31.7; 18:2 – 13.3; 18:3 – 17.4; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.2; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 9.5; 20:0 – 0.3; 20:1 (11) – 2.9 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 2.3

Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.4 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 26.0 n40 D : 1.4705 Iodine value, % J2: 156.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 12.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 29.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 15.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 10.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 9.0; 20:1 (11) – 1.0; 22:1 (13) – 0.4; others – 0.6

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Anchusa angustifolia L. References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.6

Anchusa capensis Thunb.

Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 16.0 n40 D : 1.4706 Iodine value, % J2: 147.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 32.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 13.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 11.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; 22:1 (13) – 2.0; others – 0.6

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Anchusa azurea Mill (A. italica Retz.) Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 31.25 [1] Moisture, %: 7.26 [1]



Neutralization value, mg KOH: 199.74 [1] Composition (Ag+-CC; oxidative degradation of unsaturated FAs; GLC), %: 16:0 – 9.0–10.40; 16:1 – 0.40; 18:0 – 0.79–1.50; 18:1 – 22.4– 32.0; 18:2 – 31.80–45.59; 18:3 – tr – 17.9; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 7.46–13.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.0–3.5; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 (11) – 1.06–3.30; 22:0 – 0.70; 22:1 (13) – 1.49 – 4.0; others – tr [2, 3, 5, 7] TAG FAs Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 8.2; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 23.1; 18:2 – 32.5; 18:3 – 18.4; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 10.8; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 2.5; 20:1 (11) – 2.2 [8] Composition of 2-MAG (Coleman, GLC), %: 16:0 – 0.7; 18:1 – 16.7; 18:2 – 51.9; 18:3 – 6.7; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 17.5; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.5 [8] Kernel of Seed Oil, %: 53.23 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 133.43–145.12 [4]

References Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 16.4 [2] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 15.8–21.4 [2–4] Oil (petroleum ether), % on absolutely dry wt: 26.84 [1] Oil (skellysolve F), % on fresh wt: 25.0 [5] d20 4 : 0.9194 [1] 20 n20 D : 1.4730 [1]; nD : 1.4684 [2]; 1.4665 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.82 [1] Hehner’s value, %: 95.55 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 108.5–137.0 [1–4] Phosphatides, %: 0.21 [1] Relative viscosity, E0 at 20 : 7.82 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 191.60 [1]; 180.0 [3] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.46 [1] Tocopherols, mg %: 720.0 [4] Composition of hydrocarbons (CC, IR; GLC, 1% OV 17 on Cas-Chrom Z), %: C15 – 7.3; C17 – 81.4; C27 – 6.8; C29 – 3.3; C31 – 1.4 [6] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 141.19 [1] Mass of saturated acids, %: 10.01 [1] Mean mol. wt of saturated acids: 261.25 [1] Mean mol. wt: 280.51 [1] Neutralization value of saturated acids, mg KOH: 214.71 [1]

1. E.I. Gigienova, R.R. Avlyanova, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 11, 524 (1975) 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 3. F.R. Earle, E.H. Melvin, L.H. Mason, C.H. Van Etten, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 36, 304 (1959) 4. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma, N.I. Rubtsov (ed.), trudy gosudarstvennogo nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada, Yalta, 1971, 49, s. 144 [in Russian] 5. B.M. Craig, M.K. Bhatty, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 209 (1964) 6. S.O. Brown, R.J. Hamilton, S. Shaw, Phytochemistry 14, 2726 (1975) 7. E.I. Gigienova, N.T. Ul’chenko, A.U. Umarov, Maslozhirovaya promyshlennost 11, 12 (1976) [in Russian] 8. F.D. Gunstone, R.J. Hamilton, F.B. Padley, M.I. Qureshi, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 42, 965 (1965)

Anchusa capensis Thunb. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.2 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 29.0 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4693 [1, 2] Iodine value, % J2: 157.0 [1, 2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 194.0 [2]



Anchusa hybrida Ten.

FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 31.0; 18:3 – 17.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 10.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; 22:1 (13) – 2.0; others – 0.3 [1] (GLC; Apiezon-L), %: Saturated – 11.0; 18:1 – 28.0; 18:2 – 28.0; 18:3 – 24.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 4.4 [2]

Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 21.0 n40 D : 1.4682 Iodine value, % J2: 140.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 31.0; 18:2 – 25.0; 18:3 – 9.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 14.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:1 (11) – 3.0; 22:1 (13) – 2.0; others – 1.0



1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 2. F.R. Earle, E.H. Melvin, L.H. Mason, C.H. Van Etten, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 36, 304 (1959)

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Anchusa officinalis L. Anchusa hybrida Ten.

Family: Boraginaceae

Family: Boraginaceae

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.8 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 23.0 n40 D : 1.4725 Iodine value, % J2: 167.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 22.0; 18:2 – 26.0; 18:3 – 20.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 11.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 5.0; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; 22:1 (13) – 1.0; others – 0.5

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 6.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 20.0 n40 D : 1.4700 Iodine value, % J2: 149.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 28.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 13.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 13.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:1 (11) – 4.0; 22:1 (13) – 4.0; others – 0.2

References References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Anchusa strigosa Labill. Anchusa leptophylla Roem. and Schult. (subsp. incana (Ledeb.) Chamberlain=A. incana) Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 7.1

Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 22.2 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on Gas-

Cerinthe major L.

Chrom Q), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 38.0; 18:2 – 38.0; 18:3 – tr; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 7.4; 20:1 (11) – 2.2 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 1.6

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Arnebia griffithii Boiss. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.5 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 15.0 n40 D : 1.4744 Iodine value, % J2: 193.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 23.0; 18:3 – 45.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 3.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 4.0; others – 0.6

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)



– 20.0–25.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.0–0.9; 20:1 (11) – 0.0 – 4.0; 22:1 (13) – 0.0 – 2.6; others – 0.9 [1–4]

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 2. F.R. Earle, E.H. Melvin, L.H. Mason, C.H. Van Etten, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 36, 304 (1959) 3. B.M. Craig, M.K. Bhatty, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 209 (1964) 4. H. Traitler, H.J. Wille, A. Studer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 65, 755 (1988)

Brunnera orientalis (Schenk.) I. M. Jtn. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 27.2 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 9.6; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 28.9; 18:2 – 27.1; 18:3 – 8.8; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 15.4; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 2.5; 20:0 – 0.1; 20:1 (11) – 2.6 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 4.2

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Borago officinalis L. Family: Boraginaceae

Cerinthe major L.

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 21.0 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 38.0 [1]; 38.3 [2] Oil (skellysolve F), % on fresh wt: 35.0 [3] n40 D : 1.4680 [1, 2] Iodine value, % J2: 139.0 [1, 2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 190.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 9.0–12.0; 16:1 – 0.0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 2.0 – 4.4; 18:1 – 14.0 – 26.0; 18:2 – 35.0 – 40.0; 18:3 – 0.0 – 0.9; 18:3 (6,9,12)

Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 50.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 25.0 n40 D : 1.4668 Iodine value, % J2: 127.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 5.0; 18:1 – 41.0; 18:2 – 14.0;



18:3 – 24.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 0.4; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.3; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; others – 2.0

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Cerinthe minor L. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 11.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 10.0 n40 D : 1.4756 Iodine value, % J2: 194.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 21.0; 18:3 – 36.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 10.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 8.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.9; others – 0.1

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Cordia obliqua Willd. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 594.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % dry wt: 4.0 n40 D : 1.4640 Iodine value, % J2: 88.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 18.0; 18:0 – 7.0; 18:1 – 45.0; 18:2 – 27.0; 18:3 – 0.5; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 0.1; 20:1 (11)– 0.1; 22:1 (13) – 0.3; others – 2.0

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Cerinthe minor L.

Cordia salicifolia Cham. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 67.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 58.0 n40 D : 1.4626 Iodine value, % J2: 85.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 13.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 62.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 0.1; 20:1 (11) – 0.2; others – 1.0

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Cordia verbenacea DC. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 24.4 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 38.0 n40 D : 1.4620 Iodine value, % J2: 72.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 40.0; 18:2 – 5.0; 18:3 – 0.7; 20:0 – 12.0; 20:1 (11) – 31.2; 22:1 (13) – 2.0; others – 4.0

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3

Cynoglossum amabile Stapf. and Drumm.

Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 33.0 n40 D : 1.4738 Iodine value, % J2: 184.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 23.0; 18:3 – 36.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 5.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.0; 20:1 (11) – 1.0; others – 0.3

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)



FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 33.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 21.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 10.0; 20:1 (11) – 3.0; 22:1 (13) – 2.0; others – 0.8

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Cryptantha grayi (Macbr.) Jtn. Family: Boraginaceae

Cryptantha barbigera (Gray) Greene Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.04 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 33.0 n40 D : 1.4735 Iodine value, % J2: 183.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 36.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 4.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 4.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.1; others – 2.0

Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 29.2 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 7.9; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1 – 15.9; 18:2 – 21.4; 18:3 – 33.8; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.2; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 9.6; 20:0 – 0.2; 20:1 (11) – 0.2 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 1.8

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)


Cynoglossum amabile Stapf. and Drumm. 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Cryptantha bradburiana Payson. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.9 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 27.0 n40 D : 1.4719 Iodine value, % J2: 166.0

Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.5 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 23.0 [1], 22.6 [2] n40 D : 1.4683 [1]; 1.4673 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 123.0 [1]; 126.0 [2] Oxirane oxygen, as epoxy-18:1, %: 1.0 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 177.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %:



16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 28.0; 18:2 – 25.0; 18:3 – 4.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 11.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.7; 20:1 (11) – 5.0; 22:1 (13) – 7.0; others – 8.0 [1] (GLC, Apiezon-L), %: Saturated – 14.0; 18:1 – 42.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 13.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 2.1 [2]

Cynoglossum creticum Mill. (C. pictum Soland) 2. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 3. Kh.S. Muhamedova, R.R. Akbarov, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 14, 330, (1978)

Cynoglossum divaricatum Steph. Family: Boraginaceae

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 2. F.R. Earle, E.H. Melvin, L.H. Mason, C.H. Van Etten, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 36, 304 (1959)

Cynoglossum creticum Mill. (C. pictum Soland)

Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 17.1 FAs Composition (Capillary GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 8:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 5.2; 16:1 – 0.1; 17:0 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 24.7; 18:1 (11) – 0.3; 18:2 – 30.4; 18:3 – 5.4; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 10.2; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 2.4; 20:1 (11) – 5.3; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.3; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:1 (13) – 9.7; 22:2 (13,16) – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.1; 24:1 (15) – 1.7; others – 1.0

Family: Boraginaceae References Seed minus Coat Mass of 1,000, g: 12.8 [1]

1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 25.0 [2] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 42.0 [1]; 22.0 [2] n40 D : 1.4645 [1]; 1.4668 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 101.0 [1]; 114.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 63.0; 18:2 – 2.0; 18:3 – 11.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 0.2; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.8; 20:1(11) – 6.0; 22:1 (13) – 12.0; others – 0.5 [1] (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 47.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 9.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 3.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.2; 20:1 (11) – 6.0; 22:1 (13) – 8.0; others – 7.0 [2] PhL (chloroform-methanol, 2:1, CC), % on dry wt:1.1 [3]

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 25.0 n40 D : 1.4666 Iodine value, % J2: 118.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 11.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 39.0; 18:2 – 20.0; 18:3 – 2.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 13.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.8; 20:1 (11) – 3.0; 22:1 (13) – 4.0; others – 2.0



1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forsk. Family: Boraginaceae

Cynoglossum officinale L.

Cynoglossum nervosum Benth. Exc. B. Clarke Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 24.2 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on Gas-Chrom Q), %: 16:0 – 10.1; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 32.7; 18:2 – 21.7; 18:3 – 7.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 7.8; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.1; 20:0 – 1.6; 20:1 (11) – 4.7; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 (13) – 5.3 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 1.9

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Cynoglossum officinale L. Family: Boraginaceae Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.1 [1] Carotenoids, mg %: 16.4 [1] Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 25.0 [2] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 26.0 [1]; 21.0 [2] n40 D : 1.4682 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 128.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 34.0; 18:2 – 26.0; 18:3 – 7.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:1 (11) – 5.0; 22:1 (13) – 8.0; others – 5.0 [2] Composition of lipids, %: NL (hexane) – 21.6; GL (chloroform-methanol, CC) – 0.7; PhL (chloroform-methanol, CC) – 0.4 [3]



Composition of NL (CC), %: Hydrocarbons – 0.2; esters of FAs with aliphatic alcohols, sterols and triterpenols – 0.2; TAG – 94.6; free FAs – 0.5; DAG + aliphatic alcohols + triterpenols – 1.1; DAG + sterols – 2.3; MAG – 0.1 [3] FAs of NL (Ag+-CC; oxidative degradation of unsaturated FAs; UV; MS; GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 7.5; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1 – 32.4; 18:2 – 29.8; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.2; 18:3 – 5.6; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:0 – 0.3; 20:1 (11) – 4.2; 22:1 (113) – 7.5; 24:1 (15) – 1.2; 26:1 (17) – tr [3] TAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 6.3; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1 – 33.5; 18:2 – 30.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.9; 18:3 – 6.3; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) + 20:1 (11)–7.1; 22:1 (13)– 6.5; 24:1 (15)–1.0 [3] Free FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 14:0 – 0.6; 16:0 – 9.4; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 36.5; 18:2 – 24.2; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 3.2; 18:3 – 2.7; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) + 20:1 (11)– 8.7; 22:1 (13) – 12.9; 24:1 (15) – 1.0 [3] DAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 10:0 – 0.9; 12:0 – 1.0; 14:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 7.7; 16:1 – tr; 17:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1 – 31.1; 18:2 – 34.8; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 10.1; 18:3 – 6.4; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) + 20:1 (11) – 3.9; 22:1 (13) – 1.0; 24:1 (15) – tr [3] MAG FAs Composition (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 9.8; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1 – 36.1; 18:2 – 29.5; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 5.7; 18:3 – 4.8; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) + 20:1 (11) – 4.8; 22:1 (13) – 8.6; 24:1 (15) – tr [3] Composition of GL (TLC): DGDG, MGDG, Esters of SG, SG [3] FAs of GL (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 8.4; 16:1 – 1.5; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 28.3; 18:2 – 29.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.5; 18:3 – 3.8; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) + 20:1 (11)– 5.6; 22:1 (13) – 8.2; 24:1 (15) – 6.2 [3] Composition of PhL (TLC): PhCh > PhI > PhE > PhAs > N-acyl-PhE [3]



FAs of PhL (GLC, PEGS on Chromaton W), %: 10:0 – 0.3; 12:0 – 0.6; 14:0 – 1.4; 15:0 – 1.2; 16:0 – 19.7; 16:1 – 2.7; 17:0 – 1.8; 18:0 – 4.5; 18:1 – 18.6; 18:2 – 31.2; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 5.3; 18:3 – 1.3; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) + 20:1 (11) – 2.7; 22:1 (13) – 3.2; 24:1 (15) – 5.2 [3] Hydrocarbons(MS): Saturated, monoenic, dienic, trienic, tetraenic – C20–C32, pentaenic – C23–C32 [3] Esters of FAs with aliphatic alcohols, sterols and triterpenols (MS) Components of FAs: 14:0; 16:0; 18:0; 18:1; 18:2; 20:0; 20:1; 22:1; 24:1 [3] Соmроsition of aliphatic alcohols (GLC, 5% SE30 on Chromasorb W, MS), %: C18 – 0.5; C20 – 1.0; C21 – 0.8; C22 – 0.6; C23 – 0.5; C24 – 3.9; C25 – tr; C26 – 52.1; C27 – 0.5; C28 – 38.7; C29 – tr; C30 – 0.6 [3] Sterols (GLC, 5% SE-30 on Chromasorb W; MS), %: b-Sitosterol – 91.0; stigmasterol – 9.0 [3] Triterpenols (MS): 426, 428, 440 (M+M+) and major fragments with m/z 189, 203, 207, 218 for triterpenols [3] Kernel of Seed Oil, %: 40.0 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 125.0 [1]

References 1. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma, N.I. Rubtsov (ed.), trudy gosudarstvennogo nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada, Yalta, 1971, p. 148 [in Russian] 2. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 3. N.T. Ul’chenko, I.P. Nazarova, A.I. Glushenkova, F.F. Fatkhiev, G.A. Tolstikov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 27, 668 (1991)

Cynoglossum zeylanicum

20.0; 18:3 – 10.5; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 2.4; 20:0 – 10.3; 22:0 – 8.0

References 1. N.S.F. Siddiqi, F. Ahmad, A.A. Ansari, S.M. Osman, Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel 82, 241 (1980)

Echium glomeratum Poir Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 17.1 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 13.2; 18:2 – 15.3; 18:3 – 44.6; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.6; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 9.1; 20:0 – 0.9 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 1.1

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Echium italicum L. (E. biebersteinii Lacaita) Family: Boraginaceae

Cynoglossum zeylanicum Family: Boraginaceae Seed Moisture, %: 6.3 Oil (petroleum ether), % on air dry wt: 28.0 n30 D : 1.4870 Iodine value, % J2: 108.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 160.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 11.8; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 33.5; 18:2 –

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 6.3 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 17.0 [1]; 30.7 [2] n40 D : 1.4759 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 204.0 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 11.0; 18:3 – 39.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 12.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.8; others – 0.1 [1] PhL (chloroform-methanol, 2:1; CС), % on dry wt: 0.2 [3]

Ehretia acuminata R. Br.

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 2. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma, N.I. Rubtsov (ed.), trudy gosudarstvennogo nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada, Yalta, 1971, p. 147 [in Russian] 3. Kh.S. Muhamedova, R.R. Akbarov, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 14, 330 (1978)



FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 8.0; 18:2 – 20.0; 18:3 – 34.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 14.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 15.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.2; others – tr [1]


Echium plantagineum L. (E. lycopsis auct.) Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.4 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 30.0 [1] n40 D : 1.4756 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 197.0 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 34.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 10.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 13.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.4; others – 0.1 [1] (Countercurrent distribution of FAs; oxidative degradation of triene and tetraene fraction; GLC, R446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.4; 18:0 – 3.7; 18:1 – 17.1; 18:2 – 14.9; 18:3 – 33.6; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 9.7; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 13.1 [2]

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 2. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma, N.I. Rubtsov (ed.), trudy gosudarstvennogo nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada, Yalta, 1971, p. 147 [in Russian]

Echium vulgare L. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.6 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 22.0 n40 D : 1.4758 Iodine value, % J2: 204.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 16.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 37.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 11.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 10.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.8

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 2. C.R. Smith, J.W. Hagemann, I.A. Wolff, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 290 (1964)


Echium rubrum Jacq. (E. maculatum L.)

Ehretia acuminata R. Br.

Family: Boraginaceae

Family: Boraginaceae

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.5 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 15.0 [1]; 27.92 [2] n40 D : 1.4775 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 212.0 [1]; 167.58 [2]

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 13.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 5.0 n40 D : 1.4758 Iodine value, % J2: 140.0

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)



Ehretia aspera Roxb.

18:3 – 1.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 16.0; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; 22:1 (13) – 2.0; others – tr

FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 5.0; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 67.0; 18:3 – 0.7; 20:1 (11) – 0.4; others – 2.0



1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Hackelia americanum (Mc Greg.) Brand. Ehretia aspera Roxb.

Family: Boraginaceae

Family: Boraginaceae

Nutlet Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 32.0 n40 D : 1.4718; 1.4730 Iodine value, % J2: 172.0; 178.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 296.0 Unsaponifiables, %: 1.3 FAs Composition (Ag+-CC; GLC, 12% DEGS on Anachrom A and 14% butanediol succinate on Celite), %: 16:0 – 6.8; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 20.6; 18:2 – 17.5; 18:3 – 19.3; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 12.4; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 10.5; 20:0 – 0.2; 20:1 (11) – 4.4; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 (13) – 4.8; 24:1 (15) – 1.3

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 28.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 5.0 n40 D : 1.4690 Iodine value, % J2: 119.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% ApieZon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 11.0; 18:0 – 8.0; 18:1 – 23.0; 18:2 – 55.0; 18:3 – 2.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.8; others – 1.0

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

References 1. E.C.M. Coxworth, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 42, 891 (1965)

Gastrocotyle hispida Bunge Family: Boraginaceae

Hackelia deflexa (Wahlenb.) Opiz

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.3 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 28.0 n40 D : 1.4678 Iodine value, % J2: 136.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 28.0; 18:2 – 40.0;

Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 15.5 FAs Composition (Capillary GLC, Silar 5 CP/BF3), %: 12:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.8; 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 0.2; 17:0 – 0.1; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 11.2; 18:1 (11) – 0.6; 18:2 – 10.7; 18:3 – 34.7; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.6;

Heliotropium curassavicum L.

18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 21.4; 20:0 – 1.3; 20:1 (11) – 1.3; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 (13) – 0.5; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 (15) – 0.4; others – 1.8

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

Hackelia floribunda (Lehm.) Johnston Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 25.2 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 8.5; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 33.1; 18:2 – 15.5; 18:3 – 13.8; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.4; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.9; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 (11) – 5.9; 22:1 (13) – 4.3; 24:1 (15) – 1.5 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 1.6



Heliotropium amplexicaule Vahl. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.6 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 5.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 16.0; 18:2 – 66.0; 18:3 – 4.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 0.8; 20:1 (11) – 0.2; others – 0.5

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Heliotropium argusioides Kar. and Kir. Family: Boraginaceae

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Seed Oil, %: 5.04 Iodine value, J2: 85.0

Hackelia jessicae (Mc Greg.) Brand


Family: Boraginaceae

1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), Nauka, Leningrad, 1990, 5, s. 118 (in Russian)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.1 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 25.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 12.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 28.0; 18:2 – 21.0; 18:3 – 11.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 9.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 8.0; 20:1 (11) – 4.0; 22:1 (13) – 2.0; others – 2.0

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Heliotropium curassavicum L. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 3.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 14.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 29.0; 18:2 – 50.0; 18:3 – 0.8; others – 2.0



References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Heliotropium europaeum L. (H. stevenianum Andrz.) Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 24.0 n40 D : 1.4656 Iodine value, % J2: 131.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 69.0; 18:3 – 0.3; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.2; others – 0.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Heliotropium indicum L. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.8 Oil, %: 11.6

References 1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16, 221, (1962)

Heliotropium lasiocarpum Fisch. and Mey. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 11.0 [1]

Heliotropium europaeum L. (H. stevenianum Andrz.)

Moisture, %: 4.65 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 27.57 [1] d20 4 : 0.9289 [1] n20 D : 1.4747 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 3.51 [1] Hehner’s value, %: 94.92 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 125.18 [1] Phosphatides, %: 1.17 [1] Pigments, (UV): a-Carotene, chlorophyll a [1] Polenske value, %: 1.24 [1] Reichert-Meissl value, %: 3.80 [1] Relative viscosity, E0: 7.72 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 194.59 [1] Sterols, %: b-Sitosterol: 0.28 [2] Thiocyanogen value, %: 76.47 [1] Tocopherols, mg %: 53.0 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.84 [1] Viscosity, ps: 0.5852 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 131.45 [1] Mass of saturated acids, %: 11.65 [1] Mean mol. wt of saturated acids: 268.45 [1] Mean mol. wt: 278.57 [1] Neutralization value of saturated acids, mg KOH: 209.01 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 201.42 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 80.31 [1] Composition of FAs to be calculated on the basis spectrophotometric dates and Iodine and thiocyanogen value, %: 16:0 – 5.92 – 8.23; 18:0 – 5.02 – 6.48; 18:1 – 22.98 – 29.60; 18:2 – 54.44 – 60.42; 18:2 conjugated – 0.72 [1] TAG Composition (Carta), %: SSS – 0.35; SSU – 5.72; SUU – 32.42; UUU – 61.51 [1] PhL (chloroform:methanol, 2:1, CC), % on air dry wt: 0.3 [2] Main components (TLC): PhC, PhI, PhE [2]

References 1. R.R. Avlyanova, A.L. Markman, A.U. Umarov, Uzbekskii Khimicheskii Z. 3, 35 (1965) [in Russian] 2. Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 13, 422 (1977)

Lappula barbatum (Bieb.) Guerke

Heliotropium olgae Bunge. Family: Boraginaceae Seed PhL (chloroform-methanol, 2:1; CC): % on air dry wt: 1.0

References 1. Kh.S. Mukhamedova, R.R. Akbarov, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 14, 330 (1978)



Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 14.0; 20.0 [2] 30 n40 D : 1.4684 [1]; nD : 1.4765 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 128.0 [1]; 105.0 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 184.1 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 62.0; 18:3 – 0.2; 20:1 (11) – 0.2; others – 0.1 [1] (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 12:0 – 2.2; 14:0 – 3.7; 16:0 – 13.9; 18:0 – 4.5; 18:1 – 37.0; 18:2 – 38.7 [2]

Heliotropium strigosum Willd. Family: Boraginaceae


Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.6 [1] Moisture, %: 1.0 [2] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 9.0 [1]; 1.0 [2] 30 n40 D : 1.4677 [1]; nD : 1.4730 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 129.0 [1]; 130.0 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 190.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 12.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 16.0; 18:2 – 69.0; 18:3 – 0.3; 20:1 (11) – tr; others – tr [1] (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 8.7; 18:0 – 3.7; 18:1 – 33.9; 18:2 – 53.3 [2]

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 2. N.S.F. Siddiqi, F. Ahmad, A.A. Ansari, S.M. Osman, Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel 82, 241 (1980)

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 2. N.S.F. Siddiqi, F. Ahmad, A.A. Ansari, S.M. Osman, Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel 82, 241 (1980)

Heliotropium supinum L. (Piptoclaina supina (L.) G. Don fil.)

Lappula barbatum (Bieb.) Guerke Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 2.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 23.0 n40 D : 1.4758 Iodine value, % J2: 202.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 40.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 4.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 14.0; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; 22:1 (13) – 0.1; others – 0.1

Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.3 [1] Moisture, %: 2.6 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)



Lappula echinata Gilib. (L. squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort.) Family: Boraginaceae Nutlet Mass of 1,000, g: 2.0 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 26.0 [1] Oil (skellysolve F), % on fresh wt: 25.0 [2] n40 D : 1.4769 [1] Epoxides, % 18:1: 0.5 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 212.0 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 293.0 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.0 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 12% DEGS on Anachrom A and 14% butanediol succinate on Celite), %: 16:0 – 6.4; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 14.1; 18:2 – 15.2; 18:3 – 33.6; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.1; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 17.0; 20:1 (11) – 2.7; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 (13) – 0.5 [1] (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 12.9; 18:2 – 14.9; 18:3 – 35.2; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.6; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 18.6; 20:1 (11) – 1.7 [2]

Lappula echinata Gilib. (L. squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort.)

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

Lappula myosotis Moench (L. squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort. subsp. heteracantha (Ledeb.) A. et D. Love (L. heteracantha) Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 18.0 FAs Composition (Capillary GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 5.9; 16:1 – 0.1; 17:0 – 0.1; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 13.3; 18:1 (11) – 0.7; 18:2 – 12.9; 18:3 – 34.9; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.7; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 17.2; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 (11) – 2.1; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 (13) – 0.9; 22:2 (13,16) – tr; 24:0 – 0.1; 24:1 (15) – 0.9; others – 1.3

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

References 1. E.C.M. Coxworth, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 42, 891 (1965) 2. B.M. Craig, M.K. Bhatty, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 209 (1964)

Lappula redowskii (Hornem.) Greene (Lappula intermedia (Ledeb.) M. Pop.) Family: Boraginaceae

Lappula granulate Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 12.7 FAs Composition (Capillary GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 8:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.6; 16:0 – 5.3; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 16.1; 18:1 (11) – 0.8; 18:2 – 11.7; 18:3 – 32.6; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.9; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 17.7; 20:1 (11) – 2.1; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 (13) – 1.1; 22:2 (13,16) – tr; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 (15) – 0.9; others – 1.4

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.1 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 19.0 [1]; 4.6 [2] n40 D : 1.4764 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 204.0 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 16.0; 18:3 – 32.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 5.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 17.0; 20:1 (11) – 1.0; others – 0.5 [1] (Capillary GLC; BPX-70/TMSH), %: 8:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 5.1; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 13.8; 18:1 (11) – 0.8; 18:2 – 13.4; 18:3 – 35.4; 18:3

Lithospermum arvense L. (Buglossoides arvensis (L.) Johnst.)

(6,9,12) – 7.1; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 17.7; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 (13) – 1.0; 24:0 – 0.1; 24:1 (15) – 0.8; others – 0.9 [2]

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 2. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

Lindelofia anchusoides (Lindl.) Lehm. (subsp. macrostyla (Bunge) R. Kam.= L. macrostyla (Bunge.) M. Pop.)



Lindelofia tschimganica (Lipsky) M. Pop. ex Pazij (Solenanthus olgae Regel and Smirn. g. tschimganicus Lipsky, L. capusii (Franch.) M. Pop. p.p) Family: Boraginaceae Seed PhL (chloroform-methanol, 2:1; CC): % on air dry wt: 1.2 Main components (TLC): PhC, PhI, PhE

References 1. Kh.S. Muhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 13, 422 (1977)

Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 9.8 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 23.0 [1] n40 D : 1.4671 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 126.0 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 42.0; 18:2 – 21.0; 18:3 – 7.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 9.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:1 (11) – 4.0; 22:1 (13) – 3.0; others – 1.0 [1] (Ag+-CC; oxidative degradation of unsaturated FAs; GLC; 15% Reoplex-400 on ChromatonN-AW-HMDS), mol %: iso 14:0 – 0.62; 16:0 – 9.11; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 0.92; 18:1 – 33.59; 18:2 – 22.17; 18:3 – 8.72; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 9.11; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 5.08; 19:0 – tr; 20:0 – 0.02; 20:1(11) – 2.16; 20:2 (11;14) – 0.96; 22:0 – 0.29; 22:1 (13) – 2.47; 24:1 (15) – 1.88; 26:1 (17) – 2.90 [2] PhL (chloroform:methanol, 2:1, CC), % on dry wt: 0.3 [3] Main components (TLC): PhC, PhI, PhE [3]

Lithospermum apulum (L.) Vahl. (Neatostema apulum (L.) Lohnst.) Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.6 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 18.0 n40 D : 1.4772 Iodine value, % J2: 211.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 12.0; 18:2 – 17.0; 18:3 – 41.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 14.0; 20:1 (11) – 1.0; others – 0.1

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Lithospermum arvense L. (Buglossoides arvensis (L.) Johnst.)

References Family: Boraginaceae 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 2. E.I. Gigienova, N.T. Ul’chenko, A.U. Umarov, Maslozhirovaya Promyshlennost 11, 12 (1976) [in Russian] 3. Kh.S. Muhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 13, 422 (1977)

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 9.2 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 17.0 [1], 11.5– 20.7 [2]



n40 D : 1.4774 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 216.0 [1]; 202.95–207.4 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 43.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 14.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 10.0; 20:1 (11) – 1.0; others – 0.5 [1]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 2. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma, N.I. Rubtsov (ed.), trudy gosudarstvennogo nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada, Yalta, 1971, p. 145 [in Russian]

Lithospermum officinale L.

Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 14.0 [1]; 32.4 [2] n40 D : 1.4755 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 200.0 [1]; 205.3 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 23.0; 18:3 – 31.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 18.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 7.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.3; others – 0.2 [1]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 2. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma, N.I. Rubtsov (ed.), trudy gosudarstvennogo nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada, Yalta, 1971, p. 145 [in Russian]

Lithospermum officinale L. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 1.3 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 26.0 [1]; 17.0– 20.0 [2] n40 D : 1.4665 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 139.0 [1]; 200.97–202.49 [2] Tocopherols, mg %: 170.0 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 73.0; 18:3 – 0.4; others – 0.8 [1]

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 2. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma, N.I. Rubtsov (ed.), trudy gosudarstvennogo nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada, Yalta, 1971, p. 144 [in Russian]

Lithospermum tenuiflorum L. fil.(Buglossoides tenuiflora (L. fil.) Johnst.) Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 4.7 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 16.0 n40 D : 1.4787 Iodine value, % J2: 225.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 50.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 4.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 16.0; 20:1 (11)– 0.9; others – 0.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Lithospermum purpureo-caeruleum L. (Aegonychon purpureo-caeruleum (L.) Holub)

Mattiastrum cristatum (Schreb.) Brand

Family: Boraginaceae

Family: Boraginaceae

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 16.6 [1]

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 15.6

Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill (g. versicolor Pers.= M. discolor Pers.)

Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 26.0 n40 D : 1.4667 Iodine value, % J2: 118.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 48.0; 18:2 – 22.0; 18:3 – 5.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 4.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 1.0; 20:1 (11) – 5.0; 22:1 (13) – 8.0; others – 0.2



Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 10.0 n40 D : 1.4750 Iodine value, % J2: 193.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 35.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 11.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.0; others – 0.6

References References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Myosotis alpestris F.W. Schmidt Moltkia aurea Boiss Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 16.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 10.0 n40 D : 1.4743 Iodine value, % J2: 193.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 16.0; 18:2 – 19.0; 18:3 – 36.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 10; 18:4 ( 6,9,12,15) – 16.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.5; 24:0 + 24:1 (15) – 1.5; others – 1.5

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Moltkia coerulea (Willd.) Lehm. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 22.0

Family: Boraginaceae Leaf FAs Components: 16:0; 18:2; 18:3; 18:3 (6,9,12); 18:4 (6,9,12,15)

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), Nauka, Leningrad, 1990, 5, s. 124 (in Russian)

Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill (g. versicolor Pers.= M. discolor Pers.) Family: Boraginaceae Leaf FAs Components: 16:0; 18:2; 18:3; 18:3 (6,9,12); 18:4 (6,9,12,15) [1] Seed Oil (skellysolve F), % on fresh wt: 32.0 [2] FAs Composition (Ag+-CC; oxidative degradation of unsaturated FAs; GLC), %: 16:0 – 9.1; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 28.8; 18:2 – 27.4; 18:3 – 8.6; 18:3



(6,9,12) – 6.9; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.7; 20:1 (11) – 5.0; 22:1 (13) – 4.4 [2]

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), Nauka, Leningrad, 1990, 5, s. 124 (in Russian) 2. B.M. Craig, M.K. Bhatty, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 209 (1964)

Myosotis caespitosa K. F. Schultz (M. laxa Lehm. subsp. caespitosa (K. F. Schultz) Hyl. ex Nordh.)

Myosotis Caespitosa K. F. Schultz

16:1 – 1.8; 17:0 – 0.6; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 4.0; 18:2 – 23.9; 18:3 – 12.8; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 15.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 5.6; 19:0 – 0.1; 20:0 – 0.5; 21:0 – 0.2; 22:0 – 5.0; 23:0 – 0.4; 24:0 – 4.6; 20:1 (11) + 23:1 (14) + 24:1 (15) – 0.7 [1] Seed Oil (petroleum ether) Composition of hydrocarbons (CC; IR; GLC, 1% OV 17 on Cas-Chrom Z), %: C18 – 2.5; C20 – 12.1; C22 – 11.1; C23 – 16.3; C24 – 9.4; C27 – 5.0; C28 – 2.0; C29 – 9.1; iso – C26 – 1.8; iso – C27 – 5.6 [3]

References Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 27.4 FAs Composition (Capillary GLC, BPX-70/TMSH), %: 8:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.3; 16:1 – 0.1; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 20.9; 18:1 (11) – 0.5; 18:2 – 26.7; 18:3 – 16.8; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 9.6; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 10.3; 20:1 (11) – 3.1; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 (13) – 1.8; 22:2 (13,16) – tr; 24:0 – 0.1; 24:1 (15) – 1.6; others – 0.7

1. M.I. Goryaev, N.A. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gasozhidkostnoi khromatographii organicheskikh kislot (Nauka, Alma ata, 1977), p. 262 [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), Nauka, Leningrad, 1990, 5, s. 124 (in Russian). 3. S.O. Brown, R.J. Hamilton, S. Shaw, Phytochemistry 14, 2726 (1975)

Myosotis suaveolens auct. (M. imitate, M. lithospermifolia, M. popovii, M. stenophylla Knaf) Family: Boraginaceae

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

Myosotis scorpioides L. (M. palustris (L.) L.) Family: Boraginaceae Leaf Lipids (chloroform-methanol, 1:2) [1] Components: MGDG, DGDG [2] FAs Composition (GLC, GEGS), %: 12:0 – 0.1; 13:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 1.0; 15:0 – 0.1; 15:1 – 0.1; 16:0 – 21.3;

Seed Oil (hexane), % on air dry wt: 24.3 FAs Composition (Capillary GLC, Silar 5 CP/BF3), %: 12:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 6.3; 16:1 – 0.2; 17:0 – 0.2; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 21.7; 18:1 (11) – 0.6; 18:2 – 26.3; 18:3 – 15.5; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.5; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 8.6; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 (11) – 3.3; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.4; 22:1 (13) – 2.0; 22:2 (13,16) – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 (15) – 1.7; others – 0.8

References 1. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

Onosma cinerea Schreb.



Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm.

Nonnea pulla DC.

Family: Boraginaceae

Family: Boraginaceae

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 43.0 [1], 28.3 [2] n40 D : 1.4700 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 155.0 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 26.0; 18:3 – 13.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 5.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 12.0; 20:1 (11)– 5.0; 22:1 (13) – 3.0; others – 0.2 [1] (Capillary GLC; Silar 5 CP/BF3), %: 12:0 – 0.2; 14:0 – 1.3; 16:0 – 9.4; 16:1 – 0.1; 17:0 – 0.3; 18:0 – 4.3; 18:1 – 24.3; 18:1 (11) – 0.8; 18:2 – 22.3; 18:3 – 11.9; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 7.3; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.5; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 (11) – 2.7; 20:2 (11,14) – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.4; 22:1 (13) – 1.5; 22:2 (13,16) – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 (15) – 1.3; others – 3.1 [2]

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 8.3 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 34.0 n40 D : 1.4690 Iodine value, % J2: 154.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 23.0; 18:2 – 35.0; 18:3 – 11.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 12.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 2.0; 20:1 (11) – 3.0; 22:1 (13) – 0.7; others – 0.4


Family: Boraginaceae

1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964) 2. N. Tsevegsuren, K. Aitzetmuller, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 1681 (1996)

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 16.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 20.0 n40 D : 1.4719 Iodine value, % J2: 169.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 28.0; 18:2 – 23.0; 18:3 – 29.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 4.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.2

Nonnea macrosperma Boiss and Heldr. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 38.6 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 6:0 – 7.0; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 24.7; 18:2 – 34.4; 18:3 – 9.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 13.1; unidentified – 8.8 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 5.1

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Onosma auriculatum Auch.

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Onosma cinerea Schreb.


Family: Boraginaceae

1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 14.6



Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 29.0 n40 D : 1.4730 Iodine value, % J2: 180.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 27.0; 18:3 – 25.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 12.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 7.0; 20:1 (11) – tr; others – tr

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Onosma sericea Willd.

FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 21.0; 18:3 – 41.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 4.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 9.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.4; others – 0.2

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Onosmodium molle Michr. Family: Boraginaceae

Onosma sericea Willd. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 17.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 20.0 n40 D : 1.4722 Iodine value, % J2: 171.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 22.0; 18:2 – 31.0; 18:3 – 18.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 13.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 5.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.5; others – 0.1

Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 31.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 17.0 n40 D : 1.4737 Iodine value, % J2: 185.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-a on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 19.0; 18:3 – 24.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 20.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.0; 20:1 (11) – 1.0; others – 0.1

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Onosmodium occidentale Mackenz. Family: Boraginaceae

Onosma stellulatum Waldst. and Kit. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.5 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 23.0 n40 D : 1.4748 Iodine value, % J2: 195.0

Seed minus Coat Mass of 1,000, g: 18.5 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 17.0 [1] Oil (skellysolve F),% on fresh wt: 18.0 [2] n40 D : 1.4743 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 183.0 [1]; 199.4 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %:

Pulmonaria officinalis L.

16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 21.0; 18:2 – 19.0; 18:3 – 26.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 18.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.8; others – tr [1]; (Ag+-CC; oxidative degradation of unsaturated FAs; GLC), %: 16:0 – 6.6; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 15.5; 18:2 – 17.0; 18:3 – 30.4; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 18.3; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 8.2; 20:1 (11) – 1.6 [2]



FAs Composition GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 11.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 28.0; 18:2 – 28.0; 18:3 – 3.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 12.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 1.0; 20:1 (11) – 4.0; 22:1 (13) – 8.0; others – 3.0

References References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 2. B.M. Craid, M.K. Bhatty, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 209 (1964)

1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Pectocarya platycarpa Munz and Johnst. Paracaryum angustifolia Boiss

Family: Boraginaceae

Family: Boraginaceae

Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 15.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 9.5; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.9; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 17.9; 18:3 – 19.9; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 15.2; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 12.0; 20:0 – 0.1; 20:1 (11) – 1.5 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 2.3

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 5.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 31.0 n40 D : 1.4684 Iodine value, % J2: 133.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 35.0; 18:2 – 23.0; 18:3 – 12.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 6.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:1 (11) – 5.0; 22:1 (13) – 6.0; others – 2.0

References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

References 1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

Pulmonaria officinalis L. Family: Boraginaceae

Paracaryum caelestinum Benth. and Hook Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 5.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 21.0 n40 D : 1.4684 Iodine value, % J2: 125.0

Leaf FAs Components: 16:0; 18:2; 18:3; 18:3 (6,9,12); 18:4 (6,9,12,15)

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), Nauka, Leningrad, 1990, 5, s. 127 (in Russian)



Rindera lanata (Lam.) Bunge

Rindera lanata (Lam.) Bunge

Neutralization value, mg KOH: 203.28 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 95.05 [1] Composition (Ag+-CC; oxidative degradation of unsaturated FAs; GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), mol %: iso 14:0 – tr; iso 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 6.41; iso 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 1.47; 18:1 – 27.39; 18:1 (11)– 2.0; 18:2 – 23.97; 18:3 – 12.99; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 2.58; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 7.44; 20:0 – 0.62; 20:1(11) – 3.89; 22:0 – 0.32; 22:1(13) – 9.92; 24:1(15) – tr; 26(17) – tr [2]

Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 20.0 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 27.0 n40 D : 1.4665 Iodine value, % J2: 115.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 48.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 8.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 4.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 3.0; 20:1 (11) – 5.0; 22:1 (13) – 6.0; others – 0.3

References 1. E.I. Gigienova, A. Akramova, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 12, 21 (1976) 2. E.I. Gigienova, N.T. Ul’chenko, A.U. Umarov, Мaslozhirovaya Promyshlennost 11, 12 (1976) [in Russian]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Rindera umbellata (Waldst. and Kit.) Bunge Family: Boraginaceae

Rindera oblongifolia M. Pop. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.7 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on absolutely dry wt: 12.14 [1] d420 : 0.9124 [1] n20 D : 1.4770 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 4.96 [1] Hehner’s value,%: 95.88 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 151.49 [1] Phosphatides, %: 0.39 [1] Polenske value, %: 9.81 [1] Reichert-Meissl value, %: 1.37 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 179.54 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 91.23 [1] Tocopherols, mg %: 0.36 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.88 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 159.59 [1] Mass of saturated acids, %: 8.43 [1] Mean molecular weight of saturated acids: 282.08 [1] Mean molecular weight: 275.97 [1] Neutralization value of saturated acids, mg KOH: 198.88 [1]

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 20.7 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 21.0 n40 D : 1.4676 Iodine value, % J2: 124.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 38.0; 18:2 – 27.0; 18:3 – 6.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 8.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.2; 20:1 (11) – 5.0; 22:1 (13) – 6.0; others – 0.4

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Rochelia disperma (L.) Wettst. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.8 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 18.0 n40 D : 1.4766

Symphytum officinale L.

Iodine value, % J2: 203.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 10.0; 18:3 – 39.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 3.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 15.0; 20:1 (11) – 3.0; 22:1 (13) – 0.7; others – 0.6

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Rochelia stylaris Boiss. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 3.8 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 21.0 n40 D : 1.4760 Iodine value, % J2: 204.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 40.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 5.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 14.0; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; 22:1 (13) – 0.4; others – tr

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968)

Solenanthus circinnatus Ledeb. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 52.61 [1] Moisture, %: 8.13 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on absolutely dry wt: 10.94 [1] d20 4 : 0.9202 [1]



n20 D : 1.4758 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 6.39 [1] Hehner’s value, %: 95.13 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 131.22 [1] Phosphatides, %: 0.17 [1] Relative viscosity, E0 at 20 : 7.81 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 191.11 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.96 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 153.07 [1] Mean mol. wt of saturated acids: 259.47 [1] Mean mol. wt: 282.55 [1] Neutralization value of saturated acids, mg KOH: 216.21 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 198.58 [1] Composition (Ag+-CC; oxidative degradation of unsaturated FAs; GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), mol %: 16:0 – 7.10; 18:0 – 0.82; 18:1 – 35.83; 18:2 – 21.03; 18:3 – 18.34; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 1.28; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 6.09; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 (11) – 2.79; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 (13) – 6.20 [2]

References 1. E.I. Gigienova, R.R. Avlyanova, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 11, 524 (1975) 2. E.I. Gigienova, N.T. Ul’chenko, A.U. Umarov, Maslozhirovaya Promyshlennost 11, 12 (1976) [in Russian]

Symphytum officinale L. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 6.2 Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 21.0 n40 D : 1.4716 Iodine value, % J2: 162.0 FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 43.0; 18:3 – 1.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 27.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 0.5; 20:1 (11) – 2.0; 22:1 (13) – 1.0; others – 0.3



References 1. R. Kleiman, E.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 41, 459 (1964)

Symphytum orientale L. Family: Boraginaceae Plant Sterols: b-Sitosterol Hydrocarbons: n-C29

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR, P.D. Sokolov (ed.), Nauka, Leningrad, 1990, 5, s. 131 (in Russian)

Symphytum orientale L.

Mean mol. wt: 280.12 [1] Neutralization value of saturated acids, mg KOH: 214.9 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 200.03 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 93.03 [1] Composition of FAs to be calculated on the basis spectrophotometric dates and iodine and thiocyanogen value, %: saturated – 10.19– 10.77; 18:1 – 34.38–39.46; 18:2 – 27.22–39.08; 18:2 conjugated – 5.07–5.35; 18:3 – 13.12– 15.20; 18:3 conjugated – 0.47–0.5 [1] TAG Composition (Carta), %: SSS – 0.12; SSU – 3.11; SUU – 25.75; UUU – 71.02 [1] PhL (chloroform:methanol, 2:1, CC), % on air dry wt: 0.1 [2] Main components (TLC): PhC, PhI, PhE [2]


Trichodesma incanum (Bunge) A. DC. Family: Boraginaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 92.8 [1] Moisture, %: 6.81 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on absolutely dry wt: 16.02 [1] d20 4 : 0.9171 [1] 20 nD : 1.4750 [1] Acetic value, mg KOH: 4.41 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.94 [1] Hehner’s value, %:94.86 [1] Hydroxylic value, %: 0.13 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 134.14 [1] Phosphatides, %: 0.26 [1] Pigments, (UV): chlorophyll a [1] Reichert-Meissl value, %: 0.49 [1] Relative viscosity E0: 5.91 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 192.28 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 88.34 [1] Tocopherols, mg %: 31.94 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.01 [1] Viscosity, ps: 0.4133 [1] FAs Hexabromic value, %: 11.07 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 140.57 [1] Mass of saturated acids, %: 10.72 [1] Mean mol. wt of saturated acids: 262.08 [1]

1. R.R. Avlyanova, A.L. Markman, A.U. Umarov, Uzbekskii Khimicheskii Z 3, 35 (1965) [in Russian] 2. Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov Chem. Nat. Comp. 13, 422 (1977)

Trichodesma indicum R. Br. Family: Boraginaceae Seed + Pericarp Mass of 1,000, g: 12.3 [1] Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 26.0 [1] n40 D : 1.4708 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 160.0 [1] PhL (chloroform-methanol 2:1), %: 0.1 [2] FAs Composition (GLC, 20% Apiezon-L on Celite 545 and 20% LAC-2-R 446 on Celite 545), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 28.0; 18:3 – 29.0; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 2.0; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 1.0; 20:1 (11) – 0.7; others – 0.9 [1]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 3, 43 (1968) 2. Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 13, 422 (1977)

Ulugbekia tschimganica

Trichodesma zeylanicum R. Br. (Burm. F.) Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 31.9 FAs Composition (GLC, 5% Apiezon L on Chromosorb W-AN DMCS and 5% LAC-2-R 446 on GasChrom Q), %: 16:0 – 9.5; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 6.2; 18:1 – 28.6; 18:2 – 20.5; 18:3 – 24.3; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 4.3; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 5.0; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 (11) – 0.8 Content 18:3 (6,9,12), % of seed: 1.4



Ulugbekia tschimganica (B. Fedtsch.) Zak. (Lithospermum tschimganicum B. Fedtsch.) Family: Boraginaceae Seed Oil (petroleum ether) FAs Composition (Ag+-CC; oxidative degradation of unsaturated FAs; GLC, 15% Reoplex-400 on Chromaton N-AW-HMDS), mol %: 16:0 – 6.63; 18:0 – 1.35; 18:1 – 20.18; 18:2 – 21.50; 18:3 – 31.53; 18:3 (6,9,12) – 14.32; 18:4 (6,9,12,15) – 4.49; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 (11) – tr; 20:2 (11,14) – tr; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 (13) – tr



1. R.B. Wolf, R. Kleiman, R.E. England, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 1858 (1983)

1. E.I. Gigienova, N.T. Ul’chenko, A.U. Umarov, Maslozhirovaya Promyshlennost 11, 12 (1976) [in Russian]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Acachmena cuspidata (Bieb.) H.P. Fuchs (Erysimum cuspidatum (Bieb.) DC.)

Aethionema creticum L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 24.0–37.2 [1–7] Iodine value, % J2: 127.0–135.0 [1, 5] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 14.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 0.5; 22:1 – 46.0; 22:0 – 2.0 [6] Sterols, %: 0.88 [7] Composition of sterols, %: b-Sitosterol – 67.7; campesterol – 32.3 [7]

References 1. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 2. N.L. Barskii, Dikorastushchie i sornye maslichnye rasteniya (izd AN USSR, Khar’kov, 1933), 51 s [in Russian] 3. V. Vasil’ev, А. Ots, Маsloboino-zhirovoe delo (4/5), 95 (1932) [in Russian] 4. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 5. J. Kolodziejski, A. Mruk-Luczkiewicz, Z. Zygmuntowski, Diss. pharm. et pharmacol. PAN 17(1), 13 (1965) 6. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 7. R.U. Umarova, V.A. Maslennikova, N.K. Abubakirov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(6), 692 (1977)

Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 8.8; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22-cholestadien3b-ol) – tr; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 8.2; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien3b-ol) – 1.7; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 78.6; D5-avenasterol – 2.7

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Aethionema grandiflorum Boiss. et Hohen. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 10.9; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 1.9; campesterol

A.I. Glushenkova (ed.), Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources, DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-323-7, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) (24-methylcholesterol) – 6.9; stigmasterol (24ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 1.6; bsitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 78.7


Aethionema pulchellum Boiss. et Huet.

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Alliaria officinalis Andrz. ex M.B. (Sisimbrium alliaria Scop.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Aethionema pulchellum Boiss. et Huet. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (petroleum ether), % on dry wt: 20 [1] FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 11.1; 18:2 – 12.9; 18:3 – 67.2 [1] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 8.8; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – tr; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 6.5; stigmasterol (24ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 4.5; bsitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 85.2; D5avenasterol – tr [2]

References 1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976) 2. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Aerial Part and Root Mustard oil, %: 0.033–0.093 [1] Composition of oil: Sulfides C6H12S2, C6H10S2, C6H10S3 [2] Root Essential oil Content, %: 0.033 [3] Composition: Sulfides C6H12S2, C6H10S2, C6H10S3 [3] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 27–28 [1]

References 1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1947), 550 s [in Russian] 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 3. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Aethionema schistosum Boiss & Kotschy.

Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara et Grande (A. alliacea (Salisb.) Britten et Rendle; A. officinalis Andrz. ex Bieb., Sisymbrium alliaria Scop.)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 4.0; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 6.0; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3bol) – 1.0; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 89.0

Aerial Part Mustard oil Content, %: 0.03–0.09 [1, 2] Seed Mustard oil Content, %: 0.51–0.96 [1]

Alyssum calycinum L.


Oil, % on dry wt: 22–30 [3–5] Iodine value, % J2: 99.0–136.0 [3, 5] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 7.0; 18:2 – 22.0; 18:3 – 4.0; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 4.0; 20:2 – 0.8; 22:1 – 47.0; 24:1 8.0 [5]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3bol) – 10.4; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 66.6; D5-avenasterol – 10.5; cycloartenol, 2424-methylene-4aethyl-D7-cholesten-3-b-ol, methyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol – tr



1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 2. P. Delaveau, C. r. Acad. Sci. 246(12), 1903 (1958) 3. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 4. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 5. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Alyssoides utriculata (L.) Medik. (Vesicaria graeca Reut.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 6–18 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4754 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 186 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 11.0; 18:3 – 61.0; 20:0 – 0.1; others – 0.4 [1]; (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 6.7; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 11.1; 18:2 – 9.5; 18:3 – 71.1 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976)

Alyssum argenteum Vitm. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 20 [1] n40 D : 1.4714 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 159 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 39.0; 20:0 – 0.3; 20:1 – 0.2; others – 2.8 [1] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 5.0; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 21.0; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 3.5; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 65.1; D5-avenasterol – 5.4 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Alyssum calycinum L. (A. alyssoides (L.) L., A. campestre (L.) L.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Alyssum alpestre L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 8.7; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 3.8;

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 18 n40 D : 1.4728 Iodine value, % J2: 176 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L): 14:0 – 6.0; 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 10.0; 18:3 – 56.0; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 0.2; others – 1.1

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)


Alyssum constellatum Boiss.

FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – 7.0; 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 11.0; 18:3 – 61.0; others – 0.6


Alyssum constellatum Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 10 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 11.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 51.0; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:1 – 0.1; others – 3.0

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Alyssum dasycarpum Steph. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 29 n40 D : 1.4758 Iodine value, % J2: 197 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 66.0; 20:1 – 0.3; others – 2.4

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42, N 10, 817 (1965)

Alyssum maritimum L. Lam. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 31.3 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 3.9; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 5.8; 18:1 – 30.2; 18:2 – 6.7; 18:3 – 10.2; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 – 41.8; 20:2 – 0.3; 22:0 – 0.5 [1] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 1.1–1.4; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 3.8–4.3; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 10.3–14.3; b-sitosterol (24ethylcholesterol) – 78.1–78.8; D5-avenasterol – tr; cycloartenol, 24-ethyl-D7-cholesten-3-b-ol, 24-methylene-4a-methyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol – 6.4 [2]

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, C.R. Smith, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 40(7), 294 (1963) 2. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Alyssum desertorum Stapf.

Alyssum minimum Willd.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 22 n40 D : 1.4744 Iodine value, % J2: 186

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 21 n40 D : 1.4742 Iodine value, % J2: 186

Alyssum saxatile L.


FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 12.0; 18:2 – 9.0; 18:3 – 62.0; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – tr; others – 3.8

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. K.L. Mikolajczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961)

Alyssum parviflorum Bieb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Alyssum montanum L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (petrol), % on dry wt: 11 [1] FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 14:0 – 3.7; 16:0 – 9.8; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 10.3; 18:2 – 16.9; 18:3 – 57.6 [1] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 5.7–6.0; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 6.5–20.2; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 3.6–7.7; b-sitosterol (24ethylcholesterol) – 67.8–72.0; D5-avenasterol – 2.7–7.8 [2]

References 1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976) 2. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Alyssum murale Waldst. et Kit.

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 18 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 10.0; 18:3 – 56.0; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 0.2

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Alyssum rostratum Stev. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 22.77

References 1. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Alyssum saxatile L. Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 25[1] n40 D : 1.4744 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 172 [1] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 2.0–4.9; 16:0 – 5.0–6.0; 16:1 – 0.4–0.7; 18:0 – 1.0–2.0; 18:1 – 11.3–18.0; 18:2 – 20.0–24.0; 18:3 – 47.0–58.0; 20:0 – 0.3–0.5; 20:1 – 0.2–0.3; 20:2 – 0.1; 20:3 – tr; 22:0 – 0.2– 0.4; others – 0.9–1.8 [1, 2]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 18 [1] n40 D : 1.4756 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 194 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 188 [1]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – 2; 16:0 – 5.0; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 12.0; 18:2 – 20.0; 18:3 – 58.0 [1] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or 10% EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 4.9; 16:0 – 5.6; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1 – 11.3; 18:2 – 21.7; 18:3 – 52.5; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 0.2; 20:2 – 0.1; 20:3 – tr; 22:0 – 0.2; others – 0.9 [2] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or 10% EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 0.5; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 12.6; 18:2 – 30.7; 18:3 – 54.6; 20:1 – 0.1 [2] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 1.9; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 22.5; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – tr; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 73.1; D5-avenasterol – 2.5 [3] Activity: The oil has moderate antiseptic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi [4].

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 3. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971) 4. K.A. Akhtar, M.M. Bokadia, B.K. Mehta, K.A. Batra, Grasas Aceites (Seville) 37(3), 148 (1986); Chem. Abstr. 105(17), 149735n (1986)

Alyssum tortuosum Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 25–27.35 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4760 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 197 [2] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 12.0; 18:2 – 17.0; 18:3 – 62.0; others – 1.3 [2]


Alyssum tortuosum Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd.

References 1. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 p [in Ukrainian] 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Alyssum turkestanicum Regel et Schmalh. (A. desertorum Stapf) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 11–22 [1–3] Iodine value, % J2: 184–186 [1–3] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 11.0; 18:3 – 61.0 [3]

References 1. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 p [in Ukrainian] 2. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 443 p [in Russian] 3. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.05 Oil, % on dry wt: 43 n40 D : 1.4684 Iodine value, % J2: 130 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 27.0; 18:3 – 18.0; 20:0 – 3.0; 20:1 – 22.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 – 2.0; others – 2.6

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh.


Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Arabis albida Stev.

Arabis blepharophylla Hook. & Arn.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 1.3; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 22.7; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 76.0; D5avenasterol – tr

Seed Oil (petrol), % on dry wt: 20 [1] FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS): 16:0 – 11.2; 18:0 – 3.2; 18:1 – 9.8; 18:2 – 32.5; 18:3 – 43.3 [1] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 1.0; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 15.7; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 81.1; D5avenasterol – 2.2 [2]

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)


Arabis alpine L.

1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976) 2. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 31 [1] n40 D : 1.4748 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 192 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 174 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 12.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 53.0 [1] (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 5.1; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 9.1; 18:2 – 29.7; 18:3 – 54.9; others – 0.9 [2] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or 10% EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 5.9; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 12.3; 18:2 – 26.9; 18:3 – 51.3; 20:0 – 0.2; 20:1 – 0.2; 20:2 – 0.1; others 0.6 [3] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or 10% EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 0.4; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 37.5; 18:3 – 46.9; others – 0.2 [3]

Arabis caucasica Schlecht. (A. albida Stev., A. dolichothrix (N. Busch) N. Busch, A. flaviflora Bunge, A. ionocalyx auct.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 1.3; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 22.7; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 76.0; D5avenasterol – tr

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. References Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971) 3. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 38

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) n40 D : 1.4716 Iodine value, % J2: 151 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 8.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 30.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 13.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 15.0


Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. ssp. Hirsuta

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Arabis pendula L. References

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Seed Mustard oil

Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. ssp. Hirsuta Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 34 [1] n40 D : 1.4757 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 185 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 29.2; 18:3 – 48.2; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 0.3; 22:1 – 3.2; others – 0.8 [1] (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 8.2; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 8.6; 18:2 – 26.0; 18:3 – 53.8; 20:1 – 0.6; 22:1 – 1.0; others – 0.2 [2]

References 1. V.P. Samarin, Nekotorye biokhimicheskie issledovaniya v Yakutii (Yakutsk, 1965), pp. 34–37 [in Russian]

Arabis sagittata (Bertol.) DC. (A. hirsute auct.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 34–37.21 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 185 [2] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L): 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 8.0; 18:2 – 28.0; 18:3 – 52.0; 20:0 – 0.4 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

References 1. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliyni roslini Ukraini (Кiiv, 1973), 132 p [in Ukrainian] 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Arabis virginia L.

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 39 n40 D : 1.4694 Iodine value, % J2: 138 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 9.0; 18:2 – 29.0; 18:3 – 22.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 12.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 14.0; 24:1 – 0.9; others – 1.7

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 Oil, % on dry wt: 31 n40 D : 1.4655 Iodine value, % J2: 97 Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 164

Aubrieta deltoidea (L.) DC (A. graeca Griseb.)


FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 5.0; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 12.0; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 44.0

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961)

Armoracia rusticana Gaertn., Mey. et Scherb. (Cochlearia armoracia L., C. rusticana Lam.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Bark of Root Mustard oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.34 [1] Component: Allylmustard oil [1] Bark of Stem Mustard oil Content, % on dry wt: 1.11 [1] Component: Allylmustard oil [1] Root Mustard oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.15–0.21 [2] Wood of Root Mustard oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.03 [1] Component: Allylmustard oil [1] Wood of Stem Mustard oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.086 [1] Component: Allylmustard oil [1]

References 1. N.I. Suprunov, P.G. Gorovoi, Yu.A. Pankov, Efirnomaslichnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Izd. “Nauka”, Novosibirsk, 1972), 187 s [in Russian] 2. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana (MoskwaLeningrad, 1947), 552 s [in Russian]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Armoracia sisymbrioides (DC) Cajand. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Mustard oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.05–0.06 [1] Root Mustard oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.15–0.22 [2] Bark Essential oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.34 [3] Wood Part Essential oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.03 [3] Composition of oil: Allyl mustard oil, 20–25% phenylethylmustard oil, phenylpropylmustard oil C10H11NS Stem Bark Essential oil Content, % on dry wt: 1.11 [3] Wood Part Essential oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.086 [3]

References 1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana (MoskwaLeningrad, 1947), 552 s [in Russian] 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, AlmaAta, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 3. V.P. Samarin, Nekotorye biokhimicheskie issledovaniya v Yakutii (Yakutsk, 1965), s 34–37 [in Russian]

Aubrieta deltoidea (L.) DC (A. graeca Griseb.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 3.0; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 17.5; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 2.6; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 76.9; D5-avenasterol – tr

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Aubrieta kotschyi Boiss. & Hohen. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (petrol), % on dry wt: 5 FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.6; 16:0 – 9.2; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 20.4; 18:2 – 29.7; 18:3 – 35.2; others – 1.6

References 1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976)

Aurinia saxatillis (L.) Desv. (Alyssum saxatile L.)


Aubrieta kotschyi Boiss. & Hohen.

n20 D : 1.4713 [5] Acetic value, mg KOH: 11.79 [5] Hehner’s value, %: 95.47 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 111.18–130 [2–5] Phosphatides, %: 0.013 [5] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.40 [5] Reichert–Meissl value, ml KOH: 0.83 [5] Relative viscosity, E : 20.40 [5] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 175.40 [5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 80.03 [5] Unsaponifiables, % on oil: 1.78 [5] FAs (GLC), %: 13:0 – 0.34; 16:0 – 4.76; 16:1 – 1.26; 18:0 – 0.86; 18:1 – 22.67; 18:2 – 20.72; 18:3 – 9.93; 20:1 – 12.94; 20:2 – 1.93; 22:1 – 24.69 [5–7] FFA Hexabromide value, %: 8.74 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 115.59 [5] Iodine value of the solid acids, %: 59.47 [5] Mean mol. wt: 315.75 [5] Mean mol. wt of the saturated acids: 327.75 [5] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 177.70 [5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 83.48 [5] Yield of solid acids, %: 35.80 [5]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References Seed Oil Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 1.9; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 22.5; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – tr; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 73.1; D5-avenasterol – 2.5

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Barbarea arcuata (Opiz ex J. et C. Presl) Reichenb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 25.0–36.0 [1–5] d20 4 : 0.9138 [5]

1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana (MoskwaLeningrad, 1947), 552 s [in Russian] 2. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukraini (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian] 3. E.N. Klobukova-Alisova, Dikorastushchie poleznye i vrednye rasteniya Bashkirii: V 2 t. (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1958), t. 1, 218 s, 1960, t. 2, 202 s [in Russian] 4. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 443 p [in Russian] 5. A.U. Umarov, A.L. Markman, B.M. Baram, Prikl. biokhimiya i mikrobiol 8(5), 595 (1972) [in Russian] 6. A.U. Umarov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 11(1), 10 (1975) 7. A.U. Umarov, Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Tashkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian]

Barbarea stricta Andrz. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil FAs (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 2.7; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 21.1; 18:2 – 25.5; 18:3 – 8.0; 20:1 – 10.4; 22:1 – 26.1; 24:1 – 2.1; others – 3.3

Boreava orientalis Jaub. et Sp.


References 1. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 25–36 [1–5] n40 D : 1.4674 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 113–136 [1–5] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 164 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L): 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 8.0; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – 11.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:1 – 24.0; 24:1 – 0.9; others – 0.4 [1]; (GLC, BDS): 16:0 – 2.6; 18:0 – 0.7; 18:1 – 21.3; 18:2 – 25.0; 18:3 – 9.4; 20:1 – 10.2; 22:1 – 26.2; 24:1 – 2.1; others – 2.5 [6] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or 10% EGSS-Y) %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 10.5; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 20.2; 18:2 – 9.6; 18:3 – 35.6; 20:0 – 3.0; 20:1 – 10.8; 20:2 – 0.6; 20:3 – 0.6; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 3.9; 24:0 – 0.8; 24:1 – 0.9 [7] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or 10% EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 0.3; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1 – 22.9; 18:2 – 14.3; 18:3 – 58.0; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:2 – 0.6; 20:3 – 0.6; 22:0 – 0.7; 24:0 – 1.1; 24:1 – 0.1 [7]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Sos. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 3. N.L. Barskii, Dikorastushchie i sornye maslichnye rasteniya (izd AN USSR, Khar’kov, 1933), 51 s [in Russian] 4. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 5. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 6. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971) 7. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Berteroa incana (L.) DC. (Alyssum incanum L.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.534–0.637 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 15.6–55.0 [1–3] FAs (GLC, 3% Silar-5), %: 16:0 – 3.3; 16:1 – 1.1– 2.1; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 9.2; 18:2 – 17.5; 18:3 – 41.1–52.3; 20:0 – 5.9–19.3; 20:1 – 11.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:1 – 24.0–26.2; 24:1 – 0.9–2.1; others – 0.4 [1] (GLC, BDS), %: 14:0 – 3.7; 16:0 – 5.7; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 15.2; 18:2 – 23.5; 18:3 – 47.7; 20:1 – 0.4; others – 1.4 [4]

References 1. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Pol. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) 2. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 3. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 4. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Boreava orientalis Jaub. et Sp. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 8.1 Oil, % on dry wt: 41 n40 D : 1.4700 Iodine value, % J2: 144 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 21.0; 18:3 – 28.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 11.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 – 14.0; 24:1 – 2.0; others – 1.0

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Brassica adpressa Boiss.

Brassica adpressa Boiss.

Brassica amplexicaulis (Desf.) Pomel

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 32 [1]; 22.6 [2] n40 D : 1.4668 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 122 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 23.0; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 – 32.0; 24:1 – 1.0; others – 2.6 [1]; (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 7.5; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 10.2; 18:2 – 11.8; 18:3 – 26.4; 20:1 – 5.9; 22:1 – 33.5; others – 1.6 [2]

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 29.7 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 11.7; 18:3 – 23.0; 20:1 – 10.8; 22:1 – 33.4

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Brassica armoracioides Crern. References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Brassica alba Rabench Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 20.7 [1] nD: 1.4685 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.90 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 122.2 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 189.8 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 82.3 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 2.26 [1]; 0.87 [2] FAs (PC), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – 8.1; 18:1 – 14.2; 18:2 – 21.8–23.0; 18:3 – 21.6–22.3; 20:0 – 16.1; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:1 – 14.1 [1] Sterols Composition, %: 4-Desmethylsterol – 61.1; C28D5,22-sterol – 5.0 [2]

References 1. A.M. Gad, S. Fiad, Z.E. Shoeb, M.M. Hassan, Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel 67(10), 796 (1965) 2. T. Matsumoto, N. Shimizu, T. Itoh, T. Iida, A. Nishioka, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59(12), 521 (1982)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 32.22 n20 D : 1.4770 Acid value, mg KOH: 2.34 Color on the iodine scale: 25 Iodine value, % J2: 129.19 Phosphatides, %: 1.20  Relative viscosity, E20 : 9.45 Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 189.02 FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.76; 16:1 – 0.54; 18:0 – 1.69; 18:1 – 13.83; 18:2 – 20.75; 18:3 – 50.98; 20:0 – 5.82; 20:1 – 0.84; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 10.79

References 1. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, T.V. Podzolkova, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Nat. Comp. 9(1), 12 (1973)

Brassica arvensis Skheele (Sinapis arvensis L.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Essential oil Content, %: 0.18–0.21 Composition: Allyl mustard oil

Brassica campestris L.


References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Brassica barrelieri (L.) Janka Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 43.5[1] FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 3.9; 18:1 – 15.6; 18:2 – 12.9; 18:3 – 20.1; 20:1 – 7.4; 22:1 – 34.1 [1] (GLC), %: 16:0 – 3.3; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 13.4; 18:3 – 11.0; 20:1 – 8.8; 22:1 – 32.8; others – 3.9 [2]

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 2. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Brassica campestris L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mustard oil Content, %: 0.4–0.5 [1] Composition: Crotonyl mustard oil [1] Mass of 1,000, g: 2.0–2.5 [2] Oil, %: 20–49 [2–12] d: 0.9144 [5]; d25: 0.910 [13] 40 n20 D : 1.4858 [5]; nD : 1.4638–1.4660 [2, 13] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.94 [5] Chlorophyll content, ppm: 1–67 [11, 12] Crismer value,  C: 78.2–81.8 [14] Gener value, %: 97.51 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 94.0–127.0 [2–7, 10–13] Viscosity, centistokes 30 C: 65.1–65.7; 40 C: 44.6–4–45.1; 50 C: 31.9–32.4; 60 C: 23.8– 24.0 [13]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Phosphatides, %: tr–1.87 [5, 15] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 164.0–181.8 [2, 5, 8–10, 13] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.69–1.37 [5, 13, 16] FAs Free, as oleic, %: 1.06–1.51 [13] Mean mol. wt: 289.80 [5] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 193.61 [5] Unsaturation value: 160.49 [5] Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 0.03; 14:0 – tr–2.0; 14:1o9 – tr; 14:1o7 – 0.007; 14:1o5 – tr; 14:2o6 – 0.004; 14:3o3 – tr; 15:0 – 0.01–0.1; 15:1o8 – 0.01–0.02; cis-15:1o10 – 0.01–0.02; trans15:1o10 – 0.01–0.02; 15:1o13 – tr; 16:0 – 1.6– 7.0; 16:1o9 – 0.16–0.72; 16:1o7 – 0.29; 16:1o5 – tr; 16:2(?) – 0.09; 16:2o4 – 0.01; 16:2o6 – 0.03–0.07; 17:0 – 0.02–0.1; 17:1o8 – 0.03–0.06; 16:3o3 – 0.11–0.14; 18:0 – 0.5–2.8; 18:1o9 – 7.0–64.5; 18:1o7 – tr–2.4; 18:2o9 – 10.0–31; 18:2o6 – tr–22.08; 18:3(?) – 6–22.42; 18:3o3 – 10.07–12.58; isom. 18:3o3 (cis-9,cis-12,trans15) – 0.02–0.04; isom. 18:3o3 (trans-9,cis-12, cis-15) – tr; 19:1 – tr–0.02; 20:0 – 0.4–1.3; 20:1 – tr–14; 20:2 – 0.08–4.0; 20:3 – 0.01–0.4; 22:0 – tr–1.4; 22:1 – tr–61.0; 22:2 – 0.26–1.17; 22:5o3 – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.05–0.9; 24:1 – 0.2–2.4; other acids 1.3–6.4 [2, 4, 9, 12, 17–27] TAG FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.1–0.2; 16:0 – 2.1–4.9; 16:1 – 0.1–0.7; 18:0 – 0.8–2.1; 18:1 – 12.6–58.6; 18:2 – 14.5–24.2; 18:3 – 8.9–22.42; 20:0 – 0.5– 1.2; 20:1 – 1.0–11.2; 20:2 – 0.8; (22:0 – 0.3– 0.8); 22:0+22:1 – 53.6; (22:1 – 0.3–43.4); 22:2 – 0.4; 24:0 – 0.2–0.3; others – 2.7–3.1 [5, 15, 20, 24] sn-2-position (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.2–3.62; 16:1 – 0.8–4.22; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 31.6–35.84; 18:2 – 37.27–38.5; 18:3 – 19.05–22.1; 20:1 – 1.5; 22:0+22:1 – 2.3 [5, 20] Proportion (percentage of fatty acid type esterified with the second position): 16:0 – 35; 16:1 – 53; 18:0 – 30; 18:1 – 84; 18:2 – 87; 18:3 – 83; 20:1 – 12; 22:0 + 22:1 – 1 [20] Patterns by carbon number, wt %: C50 – tr; C51 – 2– 3; C52 – 1.2–2.3; C53 – 4–6; C54 – 2.1–7.8; C55 – 18; C56 – 3.3–13.5; C57 – 61–70; C58 – 17.5– 38.4; C59 – 5–7; C60 – 20.1–22.8; C61 – 1–2; C62 – 16.2–50.0; C63 18C-at. – 11–14 [2] GL FAs (GLC, 5% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 15–20; 16:1 – tr– 1; 18:1 – 26–39; 18:2 – 2–5; 18:3 – 5–7; >18Cat. – 38–43 [2]

Brassica napus L.


PhL FAs (GLC, 5% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 18–20; 18:1 – 26–28; 18:2 – 24–28; 18:3 – 20; >18C-at. – 6– 9 [2] Gum Lipids Composition, %: PhL – 51.0; TAG – 16 [3] PhL FAs (GLC, SE-30), %: 16:0 – 16.2; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 24.8; 18:2 – 45.2; 18:3 – 9.3; 20:1 – 1.9 [3] Composition of PhL, %: PhC – 22.0; PhI – 18.0; PhE – 15.0; others – 16 [4] PhC FAs (GLC, Carbowax 20M), %: 16:0 – 8.8; 16:1 – 1.3; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 34.5; 18:2 – 44.9; 18:3 – 6.2; 20:1 – 2.4 [3] PhE FAs (GLC, Carbowax 20M), %: 16:0 – 12.9; 16:1 – 1.2; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 23.1; 18:2 – 51.2; 18:3 – 8.2; 20:1 – 1.7 [3] PhI FAs (GLC, Carbowax 20M), %: 16:0 – 34.4; 16:1 – 2.8; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 36.4; 18:3 – 8.5 [3] Hull Oil, % on dry wt: 16.0 [5] Hypocotyl FAs Content, mg on 100 seed parts: 11.0 [1] Composition, wt %: 16:0 – 6.6; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 15.3; 18:2 – 21.3; 18:3 – 9.8; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:1 – 10.3; 20:2 – 0.8; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 29.9; 22:2 – 0.6; 24:0 – 0.4; 24:1 – 1.5 [1] Leaf NL FAs (GLC, 5% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 3; 16:1 – 32; 18:1 – 1; 18:2 – 4–6; 18:3 – 58–60 [2] GL FAs (GLC, 5% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 14–17; 16:1 – 7– 9; 18:1 – 1–3; 18:2 – 7–13; 18:3 – 58–74 [2] PhL FAs (GLC, 5% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 23–25; 16:1 – tr; 18:1 – 2–3; 18:2 – 18–22; 18:3 – 53–55 [2]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) MGDG FAs (GLC, Carbowax 20M), %: 16:0 – 5; 16:1 – 4; 16:3 – 35; 18:0 – 4; 18:1 – 5; 18:2 – 7; 18:3 – 52 [4] DGDG FAs (GLC, Carbowax 20M), %: 16:0 – 12; 16:1 – 2; 16:3 – 5; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 2; 18:2 – 5; 18:3 – 60 [4] Surface lipids Sterols Content, mg/100 g: 34.6 [6] Composition, mg/100 g: Cholesterol – 71.5; brassicasterol – 4.0; campesterol – 8.7; stigmasterol – 9.3; b-sitosterol – 0.6 [6] Intracellular lipids Sterols Content, mg/100 g: 65.7 [6] Composition, mg/100 g: Cholesterol – 14.9; brassicasterol – 12.0; campesterol – 10.1; stigmasterol – 19.2; b-sitosterol – 30.4 [6] Sterol esters Composition of sterols (GLC, 3% SE-30; GC-MS, 1% OV-1), %: Cholesterol – 77.1; brassicasterol – 2.1; campesterol – 6.4; stigmasterol – 13.3; bsitosterol – 0.7 [6] Free sterols Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30; GC-MS, 1% OV-1), %: Cholesterol – 61.6; brassicasterol – 3.0; campesterol – 10.7; stigmasterol – 9.9; bsitosterol – 9.5 [6] ESG Composition of sterols (GLC, 3% SE-30; GC-MS, 1% OV-1), %: Cholesterol – 66.6; brassicasterol – 5.6; campesterol – 8.9; stigmasterol – 12.4; bsitosterol – 0.8 [6] SG Composition of sterols (GLC, 3% SE-30; GC-MS, 1% OV-1), %: Cholesterol – 62.0; brassicasterol – 7.1; campesterol – 8.3; stigmasterol – 13.7; bsitosterol – 1.5 [6] Carotene Content, mg/100 g abs. dry wt: 17.3 [7] Meat Oil, % on dry wt: 47.1 [5] Seed Mustard oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.012–0.8 [8, 9]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) d11: 0.9933 [8] Composition of oil: Crotonyl mustard oil [8] Mass of 1,000, g: 2.5–6.8 [10–13] Oil, % on dry wt: 34.8–51.8 [5, 10–12, 14–24] 15 d20 4 : 0.907 [11]; d : 0.91345 [25] [a]D: 0 [9] 40 n25 D : 1.4574–1.4720 [25, 26]; nD : 1.4628–1.4657 [10, 26] Acetic value, mg KOH: 10.26 [26] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.3–10.77 [25, 26] Crismer value,  C: 66.0–80.8 [27] Ester value, mg KOH: 164.14 [25] Hydrogen value, %: 0.76 [25] Hydroxyl value, mg KOH: 10.34 [25] Iodine value, % J2: 93.0–109.0 [5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 25, 26, 28] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 182.13 [25] Phosphatides, %: 0.26–0.95 [20] Relative viscosity, E20: 90.0–93.8 [11] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 164–179.3 [10, 25, 26, 28] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 76.25 [25] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.22–0.98 [26, 28–31] FAs Bounded, %: 90.36 [25] Free, %: 5.913 [25] Iodine value, % J2: 101.83 [25] Mean mol. wt: 308.11 [25] Saturated, %: 5.33 [25] Unsaturated, %: 93.87 [25] Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr–0.05; 14:0 – tr– 0.11; 14:1o9 – tr; 14:1o7 – 0.01; 14:1o5 – tr; 14:2o6 – tr; 14:3o3 – tr; 15:0 – 0.01; cis-15:1o10 – 0.02; trans-15:1o10 – 0.02; 15:1o8 – tr; 16:0 – 0.4–11.0; 16:1 – 0.1–0.9 (isomers 16:1: n-7 – 62.4–100, n-9 – 0–37.6); 16:2o6 – 0.03;–0.07 16:3o3 – 0.05–0.1; 17:0 – tr–0.2; 17:1o8 – 0.02–0.1; 18:0 – 0.6–5.0; 18:1 – 8.0–70.4 (isomers 18:1: n-5 – 0–1.7; n-7 – 5.3–6.1; n-9 – 93.0– 93.9); 18:2 – 11.0–73.0; 18:3 – 0.1–52.4; 19:0 – 0.06; 19:1? – 0.02–0.03; 20:0 – 0.2–1.1; 20:1 – 0– 19.0 (isomers 20:1: n-7 – 12.4–15.6; n-9 – 84.4– 87.6); 20:2 – 0.2–1.0; 22:0 – 0–0.8; 22:1 – 0–54.1 (from them 22:1o9 – 44.4; 22:1o7 – 1.2); 22:2 – 0.1–0.9; 24:0 – tr–0.5; 24:1 – 0–2.0; others – 0– 4.5 [1, 5, 10–12, 17–22, 32–49] TAG, %: 90.3–94.3 [16, 25, 48] FAs (GLC), %: 12:0 – 0.2; 14:0 – tr–0.1; 16:0 – 2.8– 5.2; 16:1 – 0.1–0.3; 18:0 – 0.7–2.2; 18:1 – 11.4–


Brassica napus L.

62.6; 18:2 – 13.7–24.9; 18:3 – 6.3–12.8; 20:0 – 0–1.5; 20:1 – 0.9–14.0; 20:2 – 0.1–0.7; 20:3 – 0– 0.1; 22:0 – tr–0.3; 22:1 – 0.2–50.2; 22:2 – 0–0.6; 22:3 – 0–0.1; 24:0 – 0.1; 24:1 – 0.1–0.8. [1, 16, 25, 35–37, 50–54] sn-2-position (GLC), %: 6:0 – 1.16; 8:0 – 1.12; 10:0 – 1.06; 12:0 – 1.67; 12:1 – 1.91; 14:0 – 0–1.9; 14:1 – 1.1; 16:0 – 0.3–7.7; 16:1 – 0.2– 1.1; 17:0 – 1.5; 18:0 – 0.1–3.3; 18:1 – 22.1– 50.0; 18:2 – 3.4–43.0; 18:3 – 2.0–25.8; 20:1 – 0.1–6.4; 20:2 – 3.4; 22:0 – 2.8; 22:1 – 0–34.5; 22:2 – 3.75; 24:0 – 1.67; 24:1 – 1.60; 24:2 – 4.56; 26:0 – 2.64 [50, 51, 53, 55] Proportion of fatty acid esterified with the 2-position, %: 16:0 – 5–29; 16:1 – 42–67; 18:0 – 3–43; 18:1 – 26–94; 18:2 – 49–88; 18:3 – 51–84; 20:1 – 3–32; 22:0+22:1 – 1–5 [1, 50, 51] Patterns by carbon number, wt %: C50 – tr–0.2; C52 – 0.6–1.2; C54 – 1.7–2.8; C56 – 6.0–8.4; C58 – 7.8–15.4; C60 – 17.6–20.9; C62 – 47.1–60.8; C64 – 4.0–5.3; C66 – tr [1] sn-1-position (stereocpecific analysis, GLC), %: 6:0 – 1.4; 8:0 – 0.8; 10:0 – 0.8; 12:0 – 2.1; 12:1 – 1.8; 14:0 – 1.7; 14:1 – 2.2; 16:0 – 9.2; 16:1 – 2.5; 18:0 – 4.4; 18:1 – 13.8; 18:2 – 1.8; 18:3 – 2.2; 20:1 – 7.8; 20:2 – 1.8; 22:0 – 1.7; 22:1 – 38.9; 22:2 – 3.5; 24:0 – 1.5; 24:1 – 0.2 [55] sn-3-position (stereospecific analysis, GLC), %: 6:0 – 1.4; 8:0 – 0.8; 10:0 – 0.8; 12:0 – 2.1; 12:1 – 1.8; 14:0 – 1.7; 14:1 – 2.2; 16:0 – 9.2; 16:1 – 2.5; 18:0 – 4.4; 18:1 – 13.8; 18:2 – 1.8; 18:3 – 2.2; 20:1 – 7.8; 20:2 – 1.8; 22:0 – 1.7; 22:1 – 38.9; 22:2 – 3.5; 24:0 – 1.5; 24:1 – 0.2 [55] Composition of TAG, %: SSS – 0.01–1.5; SUS – 0.3–4.1; SSU – 0.5–9.6; USU – 4.7–15.5; UUS – 9.4–26.4; UUU – 42.9–82.7 [25, 55] Composition of glycerides, %: 22:1 – 46.4: MAG – 3.3; DAG – 43.4; TAG – 42.5; 20:1 – 9.1: MAG – 0.1; DAG – 2.1; TAG – 23.1; 18:1 – 12.0: MAG – 0.1; DAG – 3.1; TAG – 29.5; 18:2 – 15.9: DAG – 2.5; TAG – 46.4; 18:3 – 12.3: MAG – 0.1; DAG – 3.1; TAG – 29.9 [50] Pigments Chlorophyll B, ppm: 1.79–67 [23, 26]; mg/g: 0.184–1.176 [20] Pheophytin A, ppm: 17.99–25.62 [26] Pheophytin B, ppm: 0.52–6.15 [26]

Brassica napus L.


Carotenoids Content (as b-carotene), ppm: 4.27–7.01 [26]; mg/g: 0.016–0.05 [20] Lutein (3,3’-dihydroxy-a-carotene) free lutein, ppm: 39.5 [52] lutein diesters, ppm: 4.7 [52] FAs of lutein diesters (GLC), %: 14:0 – 3.4; 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 1.1; 20:0 – 0.4; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:1 – 21.6; 20:1 – 3.8; 22:1 – 9.3; 18:2 – 48.8; 18:3 – 2.1 [52] Composition of oil, % (CC, TLC): Hydrocarbons – 0.1–0.2; sterol esters – 0.43–3.4; TAG – 90.3– 94.3; FFA – 0–0.1; free sterols – 0.24–1.1; partial glycerides –1.7–2.6; PhL+GL –1.8–3.0 [16, 38] Hydrocarbons, % on unsaponifiables: 19 [30] Composition Saturated C12–C29 (base C28) [30] Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [56] Content, mg/kg: 43–61 [56] Composition, mg/kg: Phenanthrene – 11–16; anthracene – 0.5–0.7; 2-methylphe-nanthrene – 1.6–6.3; 2-methylanthracene – 0.1–0.2; 4,5methylphenanthrene – 0.5; 1-methylphenantrene – 1.0–4.8; fluoranthene – 5.5–9.4; pyrene – 4.1– 10; benzo[a]fluorine – 0.5; benzo[b]fluorine – 0.4–1.6; 1-methylpyrene – 0.2–2.8; benzo[a] anthracene – 1.0–1.7; chrysene/triphenylene – 3.0–5.6; benzo[b]-fluoranthene – 1.1–3.8; benzo[e]pyrene – 2.2; benzo[a]pyrene – 0.6– 2.1; perylene – 0.7; indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene – 0.9–1.7; benzo[ghi]perylene – 1.5 [56] Sterol esters FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 4.9–23; 16:1 – 1.0–2.1; 18:0 – 0.9–25; 18:1 – 4–41.6; 18:2 – 18–60.3; 18:3 – 1–15.2; 20:0 – 0–1.5; 20:1 – 0–6.9; 22:1 – 0–8.9 [16, 38, 57, 58] Esterified sterols (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Brassicasterol – 4.7–8.5; campesterol – 35.7– 44.0; sitosterol – 47.7–57.9; D5-avenasterol – tr; D7-avenasterol – tr [38, 58] FFA Composition (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 18.1– 19.7; 16:1 – 0.8–2.8; 18:0 – 5.9–7.3; 18:1 – 37.8– 53.5; 18:2 – 7.8–14.3; 18:3 – 4.1–4.8; 20:0 – 0– 1.0; 20:1 – 3.1–8.0; 22:1 – 0–10.0 [57] Sterols Composition (GLC, HPLC), %: Brassicasterol – 1.7–21.0; campesterol – 15.0–37.0; stigmasterol – tr–1.1; b-sitosterol – 43.6–63.0;

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) D5-avenasterol [(24Z)-24-ethylidene-D5cholesten-3b-ol) – tr–5.4; D7-avenasterol – tr; cholesterol – tr–4.0; D7-stigmastenol ([24R]-24ethyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol) – 5.0 [25, 32, 36, 37, 57, 58, 56, 59, 60, 61]; mg/100 g: b-Sitosterol – 385; campesterol – 224; brassicasterol – 64 [59] Surface sterols Content, mg/100 g: 4.3 [6] Composition, %: Cholesterol – 7.2; cholestanol – 1.7; brassicasterol – 2.2; campesterol – 18.9; stigmasterol – 5.7; b-sitosterol – 62.2 [6] Intracellular sterols Content, mg/100 g: 11.5 [6] Composition, %: Cholesterol – 0.7; cholestanol – 0.2; brassicasterol – 6.3; campesterol – 18.8; stigmasterol – 5.2; sitosterol – 67.3 [6] DAG FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 17.8–18.9; 16:1 – 0.6–1.5; 18:0 – 5.6–6.0; 18:1 – 42.9–46.4; 18:2 – 16.0–17.6; 18:3 – 3.7–5.4; 20:0 – 0–0.9; 20:1 – 3.2–5.3; 22:1 – 0–8.0 [57] MAG FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.7; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1 – 39.3; 18:2 – 33.5; 18:3 – 11.1; 20:1 – 1.6; 22:1 – 5.5 [51] Lipids (chloroform–methanol) Nonpolar lipids Content, %: 95.5–95.8 [57] Composition, %: TAG – 91.9–92.1; DAG – 1.2–1.5; MAG – tr; FFA – 0.5–0.8; sterol esters – 1.0–1.1; sterols – 0.6 [57] PL Content, %: 3.3–4.5 [57] Composition, %: PhL – 3.2–3.6; GL – 0.9 [57] External FAs (GLC, 2% SP 2300/3% SP 2310), %: 12:0 – 1.6–2.1; 14:0 – 13.0–17.6; 16:0 – 17.9–19.8; 16:3 – 2.3–3.7; 18:0 – 13.5–14.2; 18:1 – 3.4– 5.0; 18:2 – 4.0–5.3; 18:3 – 26.1–27.5; 20:0 – 6.1– 6.9; 20:1 – 0.6–2.4; 20:2 – 0.2–0.4; 22:0 – 0.7– 1.5; 22:1 – 0.1–0.2; 24:0 – 0.1; 24:1 – 0.6– 0.7 [40] Internal FAs (GLC, 2% SP 2300/3% SP 2310), %: 10:0 – 0.2–0.3; 14:0 – 0.6–0.7; 16:0 – 23.2–23.5; 16:1 – 0.2; 16:3 – 1.7; 18:0 – 0.8–0.9; 18:1 – 1.9–25.0; 18:2 – 6.0–13.6; 18:3 – 7.3–59.2; 20:1 – 0.3– 11.3; 22:0 – 0.2–0.3; 22:1 – 0.4–33.6; 24:0 – 0.5; 24:1 – 0.8–2.5 [40]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) PhL Composition (TLC), %: PhA – 1.0–25.0; PhG – 0– 30.0; PhE – 2.0–38.0; PhC – 6.0–19.0; PhI – 24.0–55.0 [62]; PhC – 48.1–49.2; PhI – 17.2– 19.5; PhE – 7.7–8.9 [60] FAs of total PhL (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 9.0–14.2; 16:1 – 1.1–1.2; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 43.9– 57.0; 18:2 – 31.0–33.1; 18:3 – 3.0–5.9; 20:1 – 0– 1.9; 22:1 – 0–1.2 [2, 57] PhC FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.7–10.1; 16:1 – 0.8; 16:3 – 0.8–1.2; 18:0 – 47.7–55.8; 18:1 – 33.1–30.9; 18:2 – 1.9–5.4; 18:3 – 0.2; 20:1 – 0.5–1.5; 22:1 – 1.4 [60] PhI FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 21.8–25.6; 16:1 – 0.8–1.4; 16:3 – 1.9–3.0; 18:0 – 30.4–33.6; 18:1 – 35.9–38.1; 18:2 – 3.4–3.6; 18:3 – 0.2–0.3 [60] PhE FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 17.7–19.2; 16:1 – 0.6–1.8; 16:3 – 2.0–2.6; 18:0 – 41.4–47.7; 18:1 – 27.3–30.6; 18:2 – 2.7–2.9; 18:3 – 0.3; 20:1 – 0.5–1.4; 22:1 – 1.3 [60] GL FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 12.0–13.2; 16:1 – 0.8–1.5; 18:0 – 2.1–2.3; 18:1 – 32.0–42.3; 18:2 – 26.2–41.0; 18:3 – 6.9–11.0; 20:1 – 1.2–5.7; 22:1 – 1.1–8.3 [2, 57] DGDG FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 10.9–20.2; 16:1 – 1.8–3.4; 16:3 – tr–0.9; 17:0 – 2.2–3.4; 18:0 – 2.2–8.4; 18:1 – 14.0–23.2; 18:2 – 31.9–48.4; 18:3 – 9.3–10.3; 20:1 – 2.5; 22:1 – 7.2 [60] (GLC, Carbowax 20M), %: 16:0 – 12; 16:1 – 13; 16:3 – 2; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 30; 18:2 – 32; 18:3 – 9 [4] MGDG FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 19.1–21.3; 16:1 – 3.7–9.9; 17:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – 6.7–11.4; 18:1 – 30.9–43.3; 18:2 – 12.8–15.9; 18:3 – 3.6–9.5; 20:1 – 4.7; 22:1 – 10.3 [60] (GLC, Carbowax 20M), %: 16:0 – 15; 16:1 – 17; 16:3 – 5; 18:0 – 7; 18:1 – 53; 18:2 – 17; 18:3 – 15 [4] ESG FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 17.0–22.6; 16:1 – 1.9–5.7; 16:3 – 0.6; 17:0 – 0.8–0.9; 18:0 – 5.9– 8.9; 18:1 – 43.0–47.9; 18:2 – 11.4–14.0; 18:3 – 3.9–6.1; 20:1 – 3.7; 22:1 – 7.4 [60]


Brassica napus L.

Unsaponifiables Composition, %: Hydrocarbons – 9; squalene – 4; aliphatic alcohols – 7; sterols – 60–68; triterpene alcohols – 6–9; 4-methylsterols –3 [3, 61, 62] Triterpene alcohols 4,4-Dimethylsterols Composition (GLC, OV-17; GC-MS), %: Lanost-8en-3b-ol, cycloartanol – 3; b-amyrin – tr; aamyrin, lanosterol, cycloartenol – 60; lupeol, 24-methylenelanost-8-en-3b-ol, 24-methylenecycloartanol – 29; 24-methylcycloartanol, 24methyllanost-8-en-3b-ol, butyrospermol, 24methylenecholesterol, stigmasta-5,7-dien-3b-ol [29, 61, 63, 64] 4a-Monomethylsterols Composition (GLC): 31-Norlanost-8-en-3b-ol, 4a-methylcholest-8-en-3b-ol, lophenol, 4a,24dimethylcholest-8-en-3b-ol, 24-methyllophenol, 24(28)-dihydrocycloeucalenol, 24-ethyllophenol, 4a,14a,24-trimethyl-5a-cholesta-8,24-dien-3bol, 4a,14a,24-trimethyl-9b,19-cyclo-5a-cholest24-en-3b-ol [64–66] 4-Methylsterols Composition (GLC): Obtusifoliol (4a,14adimethyl-24-methylene-D8-cholesten-3b-ol) – 29; gramisterol (24-methylenelophenol) (4amethyl-24-methylene-D7-cholesten-3b-ol) – 22; citrostadienol – 7; 4a,14a,24-trimethylcholesta8,24-dien-3b-ol, 4a,14a,24-trimethyl-9b,19cyclocholest-24-en-3b-ol, 31-norlanosterol, 31norcycloartenol, cycloeucalenol [61, 64] 4-Desmethylsterols Content, % from unsaponifiables: 51.1–56.9 [64] Composition (GLC): Cholestan-3b-ol, 24methylcholestan-3b-ol, 24-ethylcholesta-3b-ol, cholesterol (D5-cholesten-3b-ol) – tr–4; 24methylcholesterol (campesterol) – 15–37; 24ethylcholesterol (sitosterol) – 52–62; stigmasterol ([24R]-24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – tr; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 5–19; 28-isofucosterol, 24-methylenecholesterol, trans-22-vuhydrocholesterol, stigmasta-5,25-dienol (24x-ethyl25(27)-dehydrocholesterol) [64, 67] C-24 epimeric 24-methyl-D5,22-sterols (1 and 2) Content, % on sterols: 10.0–13.9 [68] Composition, %: 1 (24b) – 59–85; 2 (24a) – 15–41 [68]

Brassica napus L.


Tocopherols Composition, mg/100 g: a-Tocopherol – 20; gtocopherol – 43; d-tocopherol – 1 [59] Silique Surface sterols Content, mg/100 g: 20.4 [6] Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30; GC-MS, 1% OV-1), %: Cholesterol – 34.7; cholestanol – 0.4; brassicasterol – 1.4; campesterol – 15.7; stigmasterol – 25.7; sitosterol – 21.3 [6] Stem Carotene Content, mg/100 g on abs. dry wt: 6.2 [7]

References 1. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48, N12, 851 (1971) 2. K.S. Ezzat, R.S. Pearce, Phytochemistry 19(7), 1375 (1980) 3. R.O. Weenink, A.P. Tulloch, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(5), 327 (1966) 4. W. Diepenbrock, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 84(10), 373 (1982) 5. O. Ragner, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 49(12), 522A (1972) 6. M. Noda, M. Tanaka, Y. Seto, T. Aiba, C. Oku, Lipids 23(5), 439 (1988) 7. M.S. Dudkin, M.A. Parfent’eva, N.G. Shkantova, I.G. Bozhko, Rastit. resursy 16(2), 228 (1980) [in Russian] 8. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 9. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 10. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 11. G. Sietz, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 74(2), 72 (1972) 12. N. Lisitsyn, S.F. Bykova, E.K. Davidenko, E.B. Bochkareva, Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennost’ (2), 12 (2006) [in Russian] 13. S.Yu. Ksandopulo, V.M. Kopeikovskii, L.K. Asvatur’yan, V.V. Klyuchkin, V.E. Petrenko, A.N. Buryak, Maslozhirovaya promyshlennost’ (10), 12 (1984) [in Russian] 14. R.P.A. Sims, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 733 (1971) 15. B.M. Craig, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 737 (1971) 16. M.E. McKillican, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(7), 461 (1966) 17. D.I. Kuznetsov, N.A. Grishina, Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennost’ (8), 11 (1969) [in Russian] 18. R.K. Downey, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 718 (1971) 19. R.K. Downey, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 41(7), 475 (1964) 20. S.Yu. Ksandopulo, S.I. Danil’chuk, L.K. Asvatur’yan, E.V. Zaleskaya, V.V. Klyuchkin, Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennost’ (11), 4 (1984) [in Russian] 21. F.W. Hougen, V. Bodo, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 50(7), 230 (1973) 22. F.M. Lajolo, U.M.L. Marquez, T.M.C.C. Filisetti-Cozzi, D.I. McGregor, J. Agric. Food Chem. 39(11), 1933 (1991)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 23. R. Tkachuk, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 58(8), 819 (1981) 24. G. Norton, J.F. Hariis, Phytochemistry 22(12), 2703 (1983) 25. V. Koman, J. Kotuc, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 53(9), 563 (1976) 26. H. Niewiadomski, I. Bratkowska, E. Mossakowska, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(8), 731 (1965) 27. M.R. Sahasrabudhe, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 54(8), 323 (1977) 28. T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 50(4), 122 (1973) 29. E. Fedeli, A. Lanzani, P. Capella, G. Jacini, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(4), 254 (1966) 30. M. Bastic, L. Bastic, J.A. Jovanovic, G. Spiteller, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 886 (1978) 31. T. Matsumoto, N. Shimizu, T. Itoh, T. Iida, A. Nishioka, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 59(12), 521 (1982) € Riiner, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 47(4), 129 (1970) 32. U. 33. L.-A. Appelqvist, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 72(9), 783 (1970) 34. S.F. Herb, V.G. Martin, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 47(11), 415 (1970) 35. L.-A. Appelqvist, In: The Biology and Chemistry of the Cruciferae, J.G. Vaughan, A.J. MacLeo, B.M.G. Jones (eds.) (Academic Press, London, New York, 1976), p. 221–277 36. A. Seher, U. Gundlach, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 84(9), 342 (1982) 37. W. Williams, Chem. Ind. (11), 603 (1983) ´˚ 38. A. Johansson, L.-A . Appelqvist, Lipids 13(10), 658 (1978) 39. A. Seher, M. Krohn, Young Su Ko, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 79(5), 203 (1977) 40. D.E. Evans, N.E. Rothnie, M.V. Palmer, D.G. Burke, J.P. Sang, R.B. Knox, E.G. Williams, E.P. Hilliard, P.A. Salisbury, Phytochemistry 26(7), 1895 (1987) 41. A.P. Tulloch, B.M. Craig, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 41(4), 322 (1964) 42. R.G. Ackman, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(8), 483 (1966) 43. M.R. Subbaram, C.G. Youngs, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 44(7), 425 (1967) 44. H.B.S. Conacher, B.D. Page, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 49(5), 283 (1972) 45. T.A. Sukhova, S.I. Danil’chuk, S.Yu. Ksandopulo, V.M. Kopeikovskii, T.M. Lapshina, L.K. Asvatur’yan, G.M. Gusev, V.P. Sokolov, Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennost’ (2), 8 (1986) [in Russian] 46. W.S. Reid, D.G. Dorrell, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 49(6), 393 (1972) 47. B.M. Craig, T.M. Mallard, R.E. Wight, G.N. Irvine, J.R. Reynolds, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 50(10), 395 (1973) 48. D. Grieco, G. Piepoli, Oleogineux 22(10), 611 (1967) 49. J.-L. Sebedio, R.G. Ackman, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 56(1), 15 (1979) 50. H. Grynberg, H. Szczepan´ska, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(3), 151 (1966) 51. G. Rocquelin, J.P. Sergiel, B. Martin, J. Leclerc, R. Cluzan, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 728 (1971) 52. P.E. Froehling, G. van den Bosch, H.A. Boekenoogen, Lipids 7(7), 447 (1972) 53. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 54. R. Ohlson, O. Podlaha, B. To¨rega˚rd, Lipids 10(12), 732 (1975) 55. V. Koman, J. Kotuc, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 54(3), 95 (1977)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 56. B.K. Larsson, A.T. Eriksson, M. Cervenka, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 64(3), 365 (1987) 57. R. Zadernowski, F. Sosulski, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 870 (1978) 58. A. Johansson, L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 56(12), 995 (1979) 59. K. Warner, T.L. Mounts, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 67(11), 827 (1990) 60. F. Sosulski, R. Zadernowski, K. Babuchowski, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 58(4), 561 (1981) 61. T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 50(8), 300 (1973) 62. J. Sawicki, Rev. franc. Corps Gras 18, 83 (1971) 63. T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Phytochemistry 15(11), 1781 (1976) 64. T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Marsumoto, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 80(10), 382 (1978) 65. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10, 131 (1971) 66. T. Itoh, K. Uchikawa, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Phytochemistry 16(9), 1448 (1977) 67. T. Itoh, H. Komagata, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 83(3), 123 (1981) 68. T. Matsumoto, N. Shimizu, S. Asano, T. Itoh, Phytochemistry 22(8), 1830 (1983)

Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (Sinapis nigra L.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Pollen Sterols: 24-methylencholesterol [1] Seed Mustard oil Content, %: 0.5–1.23 [2, 3] d: 1.018–1.024 [2]; d15: 1.014–1.022 [3] [a]D: 0 [4] n20 D : 1.5268–1.5298 [2] Composition, %: Allylcyanide, allylmustard oil – 93–98 [2] Mass of 1,000, g: 2.0 [5] Oil, % on dry wt: 27–41.78 [5–9] n40 D : 1.4666 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 93–124 [5, 10] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 159 [5] FAs (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr–0.1; 16:0 – 3.0– 4.0; 16:1 – 0.2–0.4; 17:0 – tr–0.05; 18:0 – 1.0– 2.0; 18:1 – 6.8–25.0; 18:2 – 13.2–22.7; 18:3 – 11.7–25.9; 20:0 – 0.8–1.6; 20:1 – 5.4–13.1; 20:2 – 0.7–1.8; 20:3 – tr; 22:0 – 0.5–0.9; 22:1 – 21.8– 50.0; 22:2 – tr–1.0; 24:0 – 0.1–0.7; 24:1 – 0.6– 2.5 [5, 8–15]


Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (Sinapis nigra L.)

References 1. L.N. Standifer, M. Devis, M. Barbier, Phytochemistry 7(8), 1361 (1968) 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 3. Efirnye masla, pod red. G.V. Pigulevskogo (Pishchepromizdat, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1938) [in Russian] 4. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 5. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 6. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 7. N.S. Sinha, P.N. Agrawal, Indian Oil-Seeds J. 7(4), 269 (1963) 8. R.P.A. Sims, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 733 (1971) 9. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 10. D. Iordanov, P. Nikolov, A. Boichinov, Phitoterapija, Izd. 2 (Sophija, 1970), 349 s 11. D. Grieco, G. Piepoli, Riv. Ital. Sos. Gras. 41(6), 283 (1964) 12. G. Amelotti, V. Garaia, L.G. Federico, Riv. Ital. Sos. Gras. 44(9), 372 (1967) 13. L.-A. Appelqvist, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 72(9), 783 (1970) 14. F.G. Sietz, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 74(2), 72 (1972) 15. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991)

Brassica oleracea L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Leaf Essential oil Components (capillary GC, 5% Igeral CO-880 and 5% Silanox + MS): Sulfides and mercaptans: Hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, ethanethiol, propanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, diethyl sulfide, dibutyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, dimethyl disulfide, methylethyl disulfide, diethyl disulfide, methylpropyl disulfide, ethylpropyl disulfide, dipropyl disulfide, propylbutyl disulfide, propyl but-3-enyl disulfide, dibut-3-enyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, diethyl trisulfide, 2,4,5-trithiahexane [1–3] Alcohols: Methanol, ethanol, hexanol, hex-cis,3enol, octanol, nonanol [2, 3] Isothiocyanates: Methyl isothiocyanate, allyl isothiocyanate (prop-2-enyl isothiocyanate), butyl isothiocyanate, but-3-enyl isothiocyanate,

Brassica oleracea L.


3-methylthiopropyl isothiocyanate, 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 4-methylthiobutyl isothiocyanate, 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate [1–4] Cyanides: Allylcyanide (prop-2-enyl cyanide), 3methylthiopropyl cyanide, 4-methylthiobutyl cyanide, 2-phenylethyl cyanide, phenylacetonitrile [1, 3] Aldehydes: Acetaldehyde, propanal, pent-2-enal, hexanol, hex-2-enal, octanal, oct-2-enal, nonanal, trans,trans-hepta-2,4-dienal, trans, cis-hepta-2,4-dienal, trans,trans-deca-2,4dienal [2, 3] Ketones: Acetone, butanone, pentan-3-one, butane2,3-dione [2, 3] Aromatic compounds: Benzaldehyde, acetophenone, phenylacetaldehyde, 1,2-dimethoxybenzene, pmethylacetophenone, benzolthiazole, p-vinylguaiacol, indole [3] Miscellaneous: 2-Pentyfuran, limonene [3] Surface lipids Primary alcohols Composition (GLC), %: C12 – 0.5; C18 – 2.1; C20 – 0.5; C22 – 1.0; C24 – 0.5; C26 – 3.1; C28 – 0.5 [5] Free acids Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – 2.2; 16:0 – 2.2; 20:0 – 3.8; 22:0 – 0.5; 24:0 – 0.5 [5] Wax Content, %: 12.5 [6] Composition, %: Hydrocarbons (main – nonacosane), ketones, secondary alcohols, even-numbered fatty acids, primary alcohols, wax esters, ketols (hydroxyketones) [7–11] Alkyl esters Composition: C40–C48 [12] Esterified FAs Composition, (GLC, 1% SE-30), %: n-14:0 – 0.9; anteiso-15:0 – 0.4; n-15:0 –1.5; iso16:0 – 0.6; n-16:0 – 25.8; anteiso-17:0 – 16.8; n-17:0 – 0.9; iso-18:0 – 3.0; n-18:0 – 18.7; anteiso-19:0 – 19.3; n-19:0 – 0.6; iso-20:0 – 0.4; n-20:0 – 7.4; anteiso-21:0 – 0.7; n-22:0 – 0.9; anteiso-23:0 – 0.6; iso-24:0 – 0.7; n-24:0 – 0.2 [12] Esterified primary alcohols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-210), %: n-C24 – 2.1; anteiso-C25 – 1.0; n-C25 – 1.0; iso-C26 – 9.5; nC26 – 17.7; anteiso-C27 – 40.8; n-C27 – 6.9; isoC28 – 3.4; n-C28 – 5.2; anteiso-C29 – tr; n-C29 – 7.8; iso-C30 – tr; n-C30 – 1.6 [12]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FFA Components: C14–C30 [7–10, 12] Free primary alcohols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-210), %: n-C24 – 2.5; anteiso-C25 – 0.1; n-C25 – 0.3; iso-C26 – 4.2; nC26 – 31.7; anteiso-C27 – 25.0; n-C27 – 0.3; isoC28 – 2.6; n-C28 – 11.8; anteiso-C29 – 5.0; n-C29 – 1.8; iso-C30 – 0.3; n-C30 – 4.8; a-amyrin – 1.3; b-amyrin – 7.3 [12] Secondary alcohols Composition, %: C27 – 0.5; C28 – 0.9; C29: 10-ol; 13-ol – 0.9; 14-ol – 36.3–38; 15-ol – 60.1; C30 – 0.4; C31 – 0.9 [6, 12, 13] Aldehydes Components: Mainly C28 and C30 [12] Ketones Components: Nonacosane-15-one, nonacosane-14one (6%, MS) [13–15] Hydroxyketones Content, %: 0.7 [12, 16] Components: 14-keto-16-hydroxynonacosane, 15keto-13-hydroxynonacosane, 10-hydroxynonacosan-15-one, 15-hydroxynonacosan-10-one Lipids (chloroform–methanol) Content, %: 0.12–0.20 [17] FAs of total lipids (GLC, 15% DEGS and 1% by wt phosphoric acid), %: 12:0 – 1.6; 13:0 – 0.6; 13:1 – 2.0; 14:0 – 2.9; 14:1 – 1.2; 15:0 – 2.3; 15:1 – 1.4; 16:0 – 7.5; 16:1 – 2.6; 17:0 – 0.6; 17:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 5.4; 18:1 – 10.8; 18:2 – 14.0; 20:0 – 1.1; 18:3 – 16.9; 21:1 – 0.9; 22:0 – 0.5; 23:0 – 0.4; 24:0 – 21.1; 24:1 – 1.9 [17] Composition of lipids, %: NL – 41.58–63.35; PhL – 8.18–39.02; GL – 14.09–40.78 [17, 18] NL Composition (CC, TLC), %: Hydrocarbons – 4.6; carotenoids – 0.1; sterol esters – 6.1; wax esters – 1.0; TAG – 21.4; FAs – 34.6; fatty alcohols – 0.9; sterols – 18.4; DAG – 10.3; xanthophylls – 0.2; MAG – 2.4 [18] FAs of NL (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 12:0 – 1.7; 14:0 – 2.3; 16:0 –51.4; 16:1 – 4.6; 18:0 –5.3; 18:1 – 17.5; 18:2 – 10.2; 18:3 – 7.0 [18] (GLC, 15% DEGS and 1% by wt phosphoric acid), %: 12:0 – 5.1; 13:0 – 2.1; 13:1 – 3.7; 14:0 – 5.4; 14:1 – 2.5; 15:0 – 3.7; 15:1 – 1.5; 16:0 – 13.3; 16:1 – 2.3; 17:0 – 1.1; 17:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 3.6; 18:1 – 7.0; 18:2 – 6.7; 18:3 – 24.0; 21:1 – 4.9; 22:0 – 1.0; 23:0 – 9.9; 24:0 – 0.3 [17]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) PhL Composition, %: N-acyl-PhL – 6.8; PhG – 9–26.6; PhE – 25.0–32.0; PhC – 20.8–34.0; PhA – 9.1; PhI – 7.8; PhS – 3.9–5 [18–20] FAs of PhL (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 12:0 – 2.1; 14:0 – 2.8; 16:0 – 44.8; 16:1 –4.4; 18:0 – 5.4; 18:1 – 17.1; 18:2 – 19.2; 18:3 – 4.2 [18] (GLC, 15% DEGS and 1% by wt phosphoric acid), %: 11:1 – 4.5; 12:0 – 2.5; 13:0 – 1.5; 13:1 – 3.9; 14:0 – 2.2; 14:1 – 1.2; 15:0 – 1.6; 15:1 – 0.3; 16:0 – 26.2; 16:1 – 1.4; 17:0 – tr; 17:1 – tr; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1 – 10.1; 18:2 – 14.2; 20:0 – 2.0; 18:3 – 16.3; 21:1 – 2.5; 22:0 – 3.2 [17] GL Composition, %: MGDG – 28.7; ESG – 16.4; SG – 4.4; Cs – 30.2; DGDG – 20.3 [18] FAs of GL (GLC), %: 12:0 – 2.6–7.9; 13:0 – 6.0; 13:1 – 7.1; 14:0 – 3.1–7.1; 14:1 – 2.6; 15:0 – 2.4; 15:1 – 0.7; 16:0 – 17.1–54.4; 16:1 – 1.1–3.8; 16:3, 17:0 – 1.2; 17:1 – 1.5; 18:0 – 3.5–4.8; 18:1 – 4.2–16.6; 18:2 – 4.1–12.4; 18:3 – 2.3– 26.4; 22:0 – 2.9; 23:0 – 3.7 [17–19, 21] Sterols Surface Content, mg/100 g: 34.6 [22] Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30), %: Cholesterol – 71.5; brassicasterol – 4.0; campesterol – 8.7; stigmasterol – 9.3; b-sitosterol – 0.6 [22] Intracellular Content, mg/100 g: 65.7 [22] Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30), %: Cholesterol – 14.9; brassicasterol – 12.0; campesterol – 10.1; stigmasterol – 19.2; b-sitosterol – 30.4 [22] Sterol esters Composition of sterols (GLC, 3% SE-30), %: Cholesterol – 77.1; brassicasterol – 2.1; campesterol – 6.4; stigmasterol – 13.3; b-sitosterol – 0.7 [22] Free sterols Composition of sterols (GLC, 3% SE-30), %: Cholesterol – 61.6; brassicasterol – 3.0; campesterol – 10.7; stigmasterol – 9.9; b-sitosterol – 9.5 [22] ESG Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30), %: Cholesterol – 66.6; brassicasterol – 5.6; campesterol – 8.9; stigmasterol – 12.4; b-sitosterol – 0.8 [22] SG Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30), %: Cholesterol – 62.0; brassicasterol – 7.1; campesterol – 8.3; stigmasterol – 13.7; b-sitosterol – 1.5 [22]


Brassica oleracea L.

Tocopherols and tocotrienols Content, ppm on dry wt: 360; on fresh wt: 60 [23] Composition, mg/100 g fresh (moisture 88.7– 95.7%), HPLC: a-T – 0.04–0.68; b-T – tr; g-T – tr–0.26; d-T – tr [24] Carotenoids Composition, mg/100 g fresh (HPLC): a-Carotene – 0–tr; b-carotene – 11–1,000; cryptoxanthin – 0– 24; lutein – 26–1,800 [25] Seed Essential oil, %: 0.26 [26] Mass of 1,000, g: 2.3 [27] Oil, % on dry wt: 6.5–46.9 [27–30] d20: 0.9010 [29] 23 n40 D : 1.4667–1.4671 [27, 28]; nD : 1.4741 [29] Acetyl value: 89.8 [29] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.54–8.31 [28, 29] Iodine value, % J2: 61.2–117 [27–29] Optical rotation at 23 C: 0.40 [29] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 123.06–175 [27–29] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 77.3–77.9 [28] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.20–2.26 [28, 29] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – tr–6.0; 16:1 – 0.4; iso/anteiso-17:0 – 2.0–5.0; 18:0 – 0.7–10.2; 18:1 – 8.0–28.0; 18:2 – 6.0–24.0; 18:3 – 5.0–63.0; 20:0 – 0.8–11.2; 20:1 – 0.4–58.0; 20:2 – tr–6.0; 20:3 – tr–2.0; 22:0 – 1.0–2.5; 22:1 – 0–59.0; 22:2 – 1.0; 24:1 – 1.0–1.8 [27–33] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EG-SS-X or 10% EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.3; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 0.7; 18:1 – 10.4; 18:2 – 15.2; 18:3 – 13.7; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 5.9; 20:2 – 0.6; 20:3 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 – 44.4; 22:2 – 1.2; 22:3 – 0.4; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 – 1.6; others – 0.2 [34] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EG-SS-X or 10% EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 0.3; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:1 – 23.4; 18:2 – 40.1; 18:3 – 35.1; 20:1 – 0.4; 22:1 – 0.2 [34] Sterols Total Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – tr–1.2; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 12.5–22.7; 4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – 23.4–26.4; b-sitosterol (24ethylcholesterol) – 51.8–61.1 [35] Surface Content, mg/100 g: 4.3 [22]

Brassica oxyrrhina (Cosson) P.W. Ball et Heywood


Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30), %: Cholesterol – 7.2; cholestanol – 1.7; brassicasterol – 2.2; campesterol – 18.9; stigmasterol – 5.7; bsitosterol – 62.2 [22] Intracellular Content, mg/100 g: 11.5 [22] Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30), %: Cholesterol – 0.7; cholestanol – 0.2; brassicasterol – 6.3; campesterol – 18.8; stigmasterol – 5.2; bsitosterol – 67.3 [22] C-24 epimeric 24-methyl-D5,22-sterols Content, %: 9.7–14.3 [36] Composition, %: 24b-methyl-D5,22-sterol – 59–84; 24a-methyl-D5,22-sterol – 16–41 [36] a-Tocopherol Content, ppm on dry wt: 5–130; on fresh wt: 1–20 [23] Silique Sterols Surface Content, mg/100 g: 20.4 [22] Composition, %: Cholesterol – 34.7; cholestanol – 0.4; brassicasterol – 1.4; campesterol – 15.7; stigmasterol – 25.7; b-sitosterol – 21.3 [22]

References 1. S.D. Bailey, M.L. Bazinet, J.L. Driscoll, A.I. McCarthy, J. Food Sci. 26, 163 (1961) 2. A.J. Macleod, G. Macleod, J. Sci. Food Agric. 19, 273 (1968) 3. R.G. Buttery, D.G. Guadagni, L.C. Ling, R.M. Seifert, W. Lipton, J. Agric. Food. Chem. 24(4), 829 (1976) 4. R.C. Clapp, L. Long, G.P. Dateo, F.H. Bissett, T. Hasselstrom, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 81, 6278 (1959) 5. S.J. Purdy, E.V. Truter, Proc. Roy. Soc. B158(973), 544 (1963) 6. P.J. Holloway, C.E. Jeffree, E.A. Baker, Phytochemistry 15(11), 1768 (1976) 7. D. Giessecke, Z. Thierphysiol., Tiern€ahr. und Futtermittelkunde 22(6), 345 (1967) 8. J.L. Laseter, D.J. Weber, J. Oro, Phytochemistry 7(6), 1005 (1968) 9. S.J. Purdy, E.V. Truter, Proc. Roy. Soc. Ser. B. 158, 553 (1963) 10. P.E. Kolattukudy, Biochem. J. 4, 1844 (1965) 11. B.J.F. Hudson, I.G. Karis, J. Sci. Food Agric. 25(12), 1491 (1974) 12. E.A. Baker, P.J. Holloway, Phytochemistry 14(11), 2463 (1975) 13. A.G. Netting, M.J.K. Macey, Phytochemistry 10(8), 1917 (1971) 14. H.J. Channon, A.C. Chibnall, Biochem. J. 23, 168 (1929) 15. J.L. Laseter, D.J. Weber, J. Oro, Phytochemistry 7, 1005 (1968)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 16. H.H.O. Schmid, P.C. Bandi, J. Lipid Res. 12(2), 198 (1971) 17. A.C. Peng, Lipids 9(5), 299 (1974) 18. D.A. Rakhimov, I. Tolibaev, Chem. Nat. Comp. 30(5), 563 (1994) 19. M.E. Komaitis, E. Melissari-Panagiotou, J. Sci. Food Agric. 50(4), 571 (1990); C.A., 1990, 112, 156997x 20. L.W. Wheeldon, J. Lipid Res. 1(5), 439 (1960) 21. G. Auling, E. Heinz, A.P. Tulloch, Hoppe-Seiler’s Z. Physiol. Chem. 352(7), 905 (1971) 22. M. Noda, M. Tanaka, Y. Seto, T. Aiba, C. Oku, Lipids 23(5), 439 (1988) 23. V.H. Booth, M.P. Bradford, Brit. J. Nutr. 17(4), 575 (1963) 24. V. Piironen, E.-L. Syv€aoja, P. Varo, K. Salminen, P. Koivistoinen, J. Agric. Food Chem. 34(4), 742 (1986) 25. M.I. Heinonen, V. Ollilainen, E.K. Linkola, P.T. Varo, P.E. Koivistoinen, J. Agric. Food Chem. 37(3), 655 (1989) 26. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1947), 550 s [in Russian] 27. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 28. A.M. Gad, S. Fiad, Z.E. Shoeb, M.M. Hassan, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 67(10), 796 (1965) 29. V.K. Kaul, A. Banerjee, S.S. Nigam, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 57(7), 199 (1980) 30. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 31. L.-A. Appelqvist, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 72(9), 783 (1970) 32. L.M. Wheeldon, J. Lipid Res. 1, 439 (1960) 33. P. Pohl, H. Wagner, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 74(7), 424 (1972) 34. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 35. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971) 36. T. Matsumoto, N. Shimizu, S. Asano, T. Itoh, Phytochemistry 22(8), 1830 (1983)

Brassica oxyrrhina (Cosson) P.W. Ball et Heywood Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 26.4 [1] FAs, (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 3.4; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 10.5; 18:2 – 12.6; 18:3 – 14.4; 20:1 – 9.1; 22:1 – 47.3; others – 1.1 [1]; (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 2.6; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 9.3; 18:3 – 16.6; 20:1 – 8.7; 22:1 – 48.1; others – 3.3 [2]

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 2. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Brassica rapa L.

Brassica rapa L.

Brassica sp.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Essential oil Content, %: 0.16 [1] Component: Phenylethylmustard oil [1] Mass of 1,000, g: 2.4–3.7 [2] Oil (moisture 10%), %: 34.9–41 [2, 3] nD: 1.4663 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 4.60 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 104.5–118.8 [2, 3] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 197.8 [3] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 80.4 [3] Unsaponifiables, %: 2.70 [3] Viscosity (20 C): 81.9–90.5 [2] FAs (GLC, PC), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 8.6; 18:1 – 10.7; 18:2 – 22.7–23.9; 18:3 – 18.8–20.2; 20:0 – 15.1; 22:0 – 4.1; 24:0 – 0.5 [3] (GLC, 15% BDS), %: 12:0 – tr–0.05; 14:0 – tr–0.1; 16:0 – 1.8–5.4; 16:1 – 0.15–0.5; 18:0 – 0.7–2.3; 18:1 – 10.7–28.2; 18:2 – 13.8–23.9; 18:3 – 7.4– 20.2; 20:0 – 0.3–15.1; 20:1 – 8.6–10.7; 20:2 – 0.4–0.7; 22:0 – 0.2–4.1; 22:1 – 10.3–48.5; 22:2 – 0.1–0.5; 24:0 – tr–0.5; 24:1 – 1.0–1.6 [2]

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.9–4.2 [1] Oil, % (moisture 10%): 39.4–43.2 [1]; on dry wt, %: 36.5–47.1 [2] d20: 0.9043–0.9112 [1] n20: 1.4720–1.4730 [1] Acid value, mg KOH/g: 0.07 [3] Active oxygen method value (h): 19.2 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 100.7–107.4 [1]; 107.8 [3]; 117.5 [4] Lovibond color, Y/R (133.5 mm cell): 13/1.1 [3] Peroxide value, meq/kg: 0.6 [3] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 172.8–177.0 [1]; 178.4 [4] Saturated acids (Bertram), %: 5.5–6.0 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 79.5–83.3 [1] Total carbonyl value (Henick’s method), meq/kg: 3.7 [3] Unsaponifiables (petrol), %: 0.6 [1]; 0.8 [4]; (diethyl ether) 0.98 [5] Viscosity 20 C, cP: 83.7–92.4 [1] TAG FAs (GLC, Silar 5CP; HPLC), mol %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 3.9; 16:1n–9 – 0.1; 16:1n–7 – 0.3; 17:1n– 8 – 0.1; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1n–9 – 17.2; 18:1n–7 – 1.4; 18:2n–6 – 16.1; 18:3n–3 – 8.7; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:1n–9 – 8.9; 20:1n–7 – 1.5; 20:2n–6 – 0.5; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1n–9 – 37.4; 22:1n–7 – 0.6; 22:2n–6 – 0.5 [6] sn-1-position (GLC, Silar 5CP; HPLC), mol %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 5.6; 16:1n–7 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1n–9 – 13.7; 18:1n–7 – 2.8; 18:2n–6 – 1.2; 18:3n–3 – 3.3; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1n–9 – 15.5; 20:1n–7 – 1.9; 20:2n–6 – 1.2; 22:1n–9 – 50.2; 22:1n–7 – 0.9; 22:2n–6 – 0.9 [6] sn-2-position (GLC, Silar 5CP; HPLC), mol %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 1.6; 16:1n–9 – 0.1; 16:1n–7 – 0.3; 17:1n–8 – 0.3; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1n–9 – 32.4; 18:1n–7 – 1.0; 18:2n–6 – 39.3; 18:3n–3 – 21.3; 20:0 – 0.3; 20:1n–9 – 1.5; 20:1n–7 – 0.4; 20:2n–6 – 0.1; 22:1n–9 – 0.8 [6] sn-3-position (GLC, Silar 5CP; HPLC), mol %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 4.5; 16:1n–9 – 0.6; 16:1n–7 – 0.2; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1n–9 – 5.1; 18:1n–7 – 0.5; 18:2n–6 – 7.4; 18:3n–3 – 1.3; 20:0 – 1.5;

References 1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1947), 550 s [in Russian] 2. F.G. Sietz, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 74(2), 72 (1972) 3. A.M. Gad, S. Fiad, Z.E. Shoeb, M.M. Hassan, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 67(10), 796 (1965)

Brassica repanda (Willd.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 17.2 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 6.8; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1 – 15.9; 18:2 – 9.1; 18:3 – 18.9; 20:1 – 20.9; 22:1 – 24.0; others – 3.0

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Brassica sp.


20:1n–9 – 10.0; 20:1n–7 – 2.0; 20:2n–6 – 0.2; 22:0 – 2.1; 22:1n–9 – 61.3; 22:1n–7 – 1.0; 22:2n–6 – 0.7 [6] Lipids (chloroform–methanol) Composition (adsorption chromatography), %: NL – 95.5–95.8; PhL – 3.3–3.6; GL – 0.9 [7] PhL Composition (TLC), %: PhC – 48.1–49.2; PhI – 17.2–19.5; PhE – 7.7–8.9 [7] PhC FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.7–10.1; 16:1 – 0.8; 16:3 – 0.8–1.2; 18:0 – 47.7–55.8; 18:1 – 30.9–33.1; 18:2 – 1.9–5.4; 18:3 – 0–0.2; 20:1 – 0.5–1.5; 22:1 – 0–1.4 [7] PhI FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 21.8–25.6; 16:1 – 0.8–1.4; 16:3 – 1.9–3.0; 18:0 – 30.4–33.6; 18:1 – 35.9–38.1; 18:2 – 3.4–3.6; 18:3 – 0.2–0.3 [7] PhE FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 17.7–19.2; 16:1 – 0.6–1.8; 16:3 – 2.0–2.6; 18:0 – 41.4–47.7; 18:1 – 27.3–30.6; 18:2 – 2.7–2.9; 18:3 – 0–0.3; 20:1 – 0.5–1.4; 22:1 – 0–1.3 [7] DGDG FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 10.9–20.2; 16:1 – 1.8–3.4; 16:3 – tr–0.9; 17:0 –2.2–3.4; 18:0 – 2.2–8.4; 18:1 – 14.0–23.2; 18:2 – 31.9–48.4; 18:3 – 9.3–10.3; 20:1 – 0–2.5; 22:1 – 0–7.2 [7] MGDG FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 19.1–21.3; 16:1 – 3.7–9.9; 17:0 – 0–1.0; 18:0 – 6.7–11.4; 18:1 – 30.9–43.3; 18:2 – 12.8–15.9; 18:3 – 3.6–9.5; 20:1 – 0–4.7; 22:1 – 0–10.3 [7] ESG FAs GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 17.0–22.6; 16:1 – 1.9–5.7; 16:3 – 0–0.6; 17:0 –0.8–0.9; 18:0 – 5.9–8.9; 18:1 – 43.0–47.9; 18:2 – 11.4–14.0; 18:3 – 3.9–6.1; 20:1 – 0–3.7; 22:1 – 0–7.4 [7] Unsaponifiables Composition (TLC), %: Less polar compounds (hydrocarbons, etc.) – 17; triterpene alcohols (4,4-dimethylsterols) – 5; 4-methylsterols (4monomethylsterols) – 3; sterols (4desmethylsterols) – 75 [4] (TLC; GLC, 3% OV-17 and 1% OV-1; GC/MSComputer, SE-30), %: Hydrocarbon – 19; ethyl ester oleic acid; 4,8,12,16-tetramethylheptadecanone-2; ethyl ester eicosanoic acid; ethyl ester erucic acid; 2,6,10,14,18,22-hexamethyl-

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) tricosanone-12; 24-methyl-D3,5,22-cholestatriene7-one; 24-methyl-D3,5-cholestadiene-7-one; 3,5 D -sitostadiene-7-one [5]; mg/100 g: 4demethylsterols – 954; 4-monomethylsterols – 7; 4,4-dimethylsterols – 18 [8] Hydrocarbons Components (GLC, 3% OV-17 and 1% OV-1; GC/ MS-Computer, SE-30): Diterpene C20H36, diterpene C20H34, isoprenoidal polyolefin [5] 4-Demethylsterols Composition (GLC, OV-1), %: Cholesterol – tr; brassicasterol – 10; campesterol – 33; stigmasterol – tr; sitosterol – 48; D5-avenasterol – 3; others – 6 [8] (GLC, 1.5% OV-17, GLC-MS), %: Cholesterol – tr; brassicasterol – 11; campesterol (mixtured campesterol and 24-methylenecholesterol) – 30; stigmasterol – tr; b-sitosterol – 57; D5avenasterol – 1; D7-stigmastenol – 1; D7avenasterol – tr [4] 4-Monomethylsterols Composition (GLC, OV-1), %: Obtusifoliol – 26; gramisterol – 21; cycloeucalenol – 17; 24ethyllophenol – 2; citrostadienol – 16 [8] (GLC, 1.5% OV-17, 1.5% QF-1), %: 31norlanostenol and/or 4a-methylzymostenol – 2; 31-norlanosterol – 2; obtusifoliol – 31; gramisterol – 47; citrostadienol – 9; others – 5% [9] 4,4-Dimethylsterols Composition (GLC, OV-1), %: a-Amyrin – 3; 24methylene-5a-lanost-8-en-3b-ol – 6; cycloartenol – 49; 24-methylenecycloartanol – 37 [8] (GLC, 1.5% OV-17, 1.5% QF-1), %: Lanostenol – tr; cycloartanol – 4; b-amyrin – tr; cycloartenol – 77; 24-methylenecycloartanol – 14; others – 1 [9] Tocols Content (TLC), mg/100 g: 37.8; (EE-EmmericEngel’s colorimetric method): 44.1 [3] Composition (GLC, 0.3% Silicon GE-SE-30), mg/100 g: a-Tocol – 13.0; g-tocol – 25.2; d-tocol – tr [3] Carotenoids Content, ppm on unsaponifiables: 33.3 [10] Composition of carotenoids (CC), %: Carotene – 6.8; lutein – 51.6; neolutein A – 14.4; neolutein B – 18.6 [10]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Chlorophyll pigments Composition, ppm: Chlorophyll a – 0.3; chlorophyll b – 0.4; pheophytin a – 7.6 [10]; pheophytin a – 18.0–25.6; chlorophyll b – 0–1.8; pheophytin b – 0.5–6.2 [11]

References 1. F.G. Sietz, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 69(5), 325 (1967) 2. W. Schuster, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 69(11), 831 (1967) 3. E. Yuki, Y. Ishikawa, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 53(11), 673 (1976) 4. T.M. Jeong, T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Lipids 9(11), 921 (1974) 5. M. Bastic´, Lj. Bastic´, J.A. Jovanovic´, G. Spiteller, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 886 (1978) 6. T. Takagi, Y. Ando, Lipids 26(7), 542 (1991) 7. F. Sosulski, R. Zadernowski, K. Babuchowski, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 58(4), 561 (1981) 8. A. Kornfeldt, L.-B. Croon, Lipids 16(5), 306 (1981) 9. T.M. Jeong, T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Marsumoto, Lipids 10(10), 634 (1975) 10. J.A.G. Box, H.A. Boekenoogen, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 69(10), 724 (1967) 11. H. Niewiadomski, I. Bratkowska, E. Mossakowska, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42, 731 (1965)


Brassica spinescens Pomel

Oil, % on dry wt: 28–28.9 [1] n40 D : 1.4643 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 104 [1] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.0–4.0; 18:0 – 1.0–1.8; 18:1 – 5.8–12.2; 18:2 – 10.8–16.0; 18:3 – 9.6–23.4; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 5.9–8.3; 20:2 – 0.5; 22:0 – 3.0; 22:1 – 40.6–52.0; 24:1 – 0.4–1.9; others – 1.6– 6.3 [1, 3–7]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Quentin Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 3. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971) 4. O. Ragnar, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 49(12), 522A (1972) 5. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991) 6. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(12), 851 (1971) 7. L.-A. Appelqvist, In: The Biology and Chemistry of the Cruciferae, J.G. Vaughan, A.J. MacLeo, B.M.G. Jones (eds.) (Academic Press, London, New York, 1976), p. 221–277

Brassicella erucastrum O.E. Schultz Brassica spinescens Pomel

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil FAs (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 3.5; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 22.5; 18:2 – 15.5; 18:3 – 20.7; 20:1 – 7.1; 22:1 – 26.6; others – 2.5

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 35.0 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 11.2; 18:2 – 14.9; 18:3 – 12.7; 20:1 – 9.2; 22:1 – 44.6; others – 1.0

References 1. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Bunias orientalis L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Brassica tournefortii Gouan.

Fruit Mustard oil [1]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.2 [1]

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 10.22–31 [2, 3] Iodine value, % J2: 104.7 [1]

Cakile maritima


FAs (GLC, 3% Silar-5), %: 16:0 – 4.1; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 23.6; 18:3 – 52.2; 20:0 – 3.6 [3] (GLC), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 10.17; 18:1 – 16.34; 18:2 – 24.93; 18:3 – 38.65; 20:1 – 3.6; 22:0 – 1.55 [4]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

References 1. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaja, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t. (izd. AN Arm. SSR, Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian] 2. S.A. Agamjan, Kh.E. Trapeznikov, Tr. Krasnodar. Ped. Insta, t. 7, vyp. 1, 125 (1938) [in Russian] 3. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Pol. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) univ. fon. Fac. Mecm. 4. F. Baykut, A. Guran, Instanbul € C28(3–4), 119 (1963)

Cakile edentula (Bigel.) (Hook.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 9.8 Oil, % on dry wt: 49 n40 D : 1.4685 Iodine value, % J2: 130 Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 23.0; 18:2 – 26.0; 18:3 – 18.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 17.0; 22:2 – tr

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Quentin Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961)

Cakile euxina Pobed. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 44–48.6 [1, 2] Iodine value, % J2: 114 [2] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 19.0; 18:3 – 16.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 5.0; 22:0 – 5.0; 22:1 – 26.0 [2]

Cakile maritima Scop. subsp. baltica (Jord. ex Rouy et Fouc.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.2 [4] Oil, % on dry wt: 40.28–48.8 [1–3] 40 n20 D : 1.4766 [1, 2]; nD : 1.4666 [4] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.26 [1, 2] Color, on the iodine scale: 40 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 114–131.78 [1, 2, 4] Phosphatides, %: 0.7 [1] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.36 [2] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.95 [2] Relative viscosity,  E: 9.23 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 79.35 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 184.90 [1, 2] FAs n20 D : 1.4778 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 142.18 [2] Mean mol. wt: 246.49 [2] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 189.25 [2] Thiocyanogen value, %: 85.47 [2] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 8:0 – tr; 10:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.6–6.7; 16:1 – 0.3; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 1.2–2.2; 18:1 – 13.1–17.3; 18:2 –17.5–21.1; 18:3 – 16.0–27.2; 20:0 – 1.0–8.6; 20:1 – 1.0–8.6; 20:2 – tr–1.0; 22:0 – tr–5.0; 22:1 – 18.7–27.6; 22:2 – tr; 24:0 – 1.3; 24:1 – 0.2–1.0; others – 0.9–4.7 [1–5]

References 1. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, T.V. Podzolkova, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Nat. Comp. 9(1), 12 (1973) 2. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy 22(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian] 3. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 4. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Quentin Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 5. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Calepina irregularis (Asso) Thell.

Calepina irregularis (Asso) Thell.

Camelina microcarpa Andrz.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 32–36

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 33.66–34.4 [1, 2]; 27.0 [3] n40 D : 1.4698 [2] Iodine value, % J2:146.4–153 [1, 2] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 33.0; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:1 – 16.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:1 – 2.0; 24:1 – 0.6; others – 4.9 [2]

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian]


Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell. (C. linicola Schimp. et Spenn.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 26.3–41.36 [1,2] Iodine value, % J2: 142–157 [1,2]

1. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 3. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian]

Camelina pilosa (DC.) N. Zing. References

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 2. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian]

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 31–39

Camelina glabrata (DC.) Fritsch. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 31–40 Use: Metallurgy, rubber and textile industries; preparation of drying oil, colors, and varnishes.

References 1. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian]

References 1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1947), 550 s [in Russian]

Camelina rumelica Velen. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 [3] Oil, % on dry wt: 27.1–35.0 [1–3] d20 4 : 0.9185 [4] 40 n20 D : 1.4835 [4]; nD : 1.4708 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.83 [4] Hehner’s value, %: 94.68 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 150 [3, 4] Phosphatides, %: Trace [4]

Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz


Relative viscosity, E : 11.20 [4] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 191.12 [4] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.24 [4] FFA Mean mol. wt: 285.39 [4] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 196.61 [4] Unsaturation value: 217.01 [4] Composition of FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 37.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 18.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:1 – 1.0; 24:1 – 0.3; others – 2.3 [3] (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 5.4; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 16.3; 18:2 – 16.2; 18:3 – 55.4; 20:0 – 1.9; 20:1 – 18.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:1 – 2.2 [5] TAG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 5.4; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 16.3; 18:2 – 16.2; 18:3 – 55.4; 20:0 – 1.9; 22:1 – 2.2 [4] Composition of TAG: SSS – 0.05; SSU – 0.66; SUS – 1.76; SUU – 24.64; USU – 2.13; UUU – 72.76 [4] MAG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 20.4; 18:2 – 28.9; 18:3 – 47.9 [4]

References 1. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 2. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 3. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 4. A.U. Umarov, T.V. Chernenko, A.L. Markman, Chem. Natur. Comp. 8(1), 20 (1972) 5. А.U. Umarov, Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Таshkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian]

Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.6 [1] Oil, %: 27–44.0 [1–4] n40 D : 1.4702 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 132–160 [1–3] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178 [1]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.0–9.0; 16:1 – tr– 0.2; 18:0 – 1.5–3.0; 18:1 – 9.0–20.7; 18:2 – 16.4– 22.9; 18:3 – 34.3–38.2; 20:0 – 0.4–2.0; 20:1 – 7.8–17.5; 20:2 – 1.5–4.0; 20:3 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.8– 1.7; 22:1 – 1.4–3.7; 22:2 – tr; 24:1 – 1.0 [1, 4–9] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 5.8; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 15.8; 18:2 – 19.8; 18:3 – 38.1; 20:0 – 1.8; 20:1 – 13.3; 20:2 – 1.5; 20:3 – 2.1; 22:0 – 0.8; 22:1 – 1.4; 22:2 – 0.2; 22:3 – 0.8; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 – 1.1 [6] (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 6.5; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 11.8; 18:2 – 16.9; 18:3 – 36.0; 20:0 – 1.9; 20:1 – 12.5; 20:2 –2.6; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 4.0 [10] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 2.5; 16:1 – 0.3; 16:3 – 0.3; 18:0 – 0.7; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 27.5; 18:3 – 46.7; 20:1 – 3.8; 20:2 – 0.8; 22:0 – 2.2 [6] (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 16:0 – 0.3; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:1 – 13.6; 18:2 – 30.9; 18:3 – 54.7; 20:1 – 0.3 [10] Distribution of main FA in b-position, %: 16:0 – 16; 18:1 – 31; 18:2 – 47; 18:3 – 41; 20:1 – 10 [6] Composition of TAG, %: 22:1 – 1.4: TAG – 3.3; 20:1 – 13.3: MAG – 0.1; DAG – 4.0; TAG – 29.5; 18:1 – 15.8: MAG – 0.4; DAG – 6.4; TAG – 32.3; 18:2 – 19.8: MAG – 0.7; DAG – 12.0; TAG – 32.5; 18:3 – 38.1: MAG – 5.3; DAG – 26.7; TAG – 46.2 [6] Epoxyacids Components: 12,13-epoxy-18:2, 15,16-epoxy18:2 [11]

References 1. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 2. E.N. Klobukova-Alisova, Dikorastushchie poleznye i vrednye rasteniya Bashkirii: v 2 t. (izd. AN SSSR, Мoskva-Leningrad), 1958, t. 1, 218 s., 1960, t. 2, 202 s [in Russian] 3. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 4. D.I. Kuznetsov, N.L. Grishina, L.V. Nekrasova, Maslozhirovaya promyshlennost’ (11), 12 (1972) [in Russian] 5. L.-A. Appelqvist, In: The Biology and Chemistry of the Cruciferae, J.G. Vaughan, A.J. MacLeo, B.M.G. Jones (eds.) (Academic Press, London, New York, 1976), p. 221–277 6. H. Grynberg, H. Szczepan´ska, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(3), 151 (1966) 7. R.K. Downey, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 718 (1971)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 8. M.Y. Raie, A. Manzoor, S.A. Khan, A.H. Chandhry, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 85(6), 238 (1983) 9. F.D. Gunstone, R. Sulbarao, Chem. Ind. (11), 461 (1966) 10. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 11. F.D. Gunstone, L.J. Morris, J. Chem. Soc. (6), 2127 (1959)

Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Essential oil Content, %: 0.02 [1] Composition, %: Cis-hexen-3-ol-1 – 14.7; camphor – 20.2; a-phellandren – 7.8; a-phenchilacetate – 6.5; saturated n-hydrocarbons C22–C32 – 25.5 [1] Sterols Component: b-Sitosterol [2] Carotenoids Component: b-Carotene [3] Lipids Content (benzine extract), %: 0.9 [4] Composition, %: Polar lipids + chlorophylls a and b + MAG – 34.7; DAG+ sterols + pheophetins a and b – 12.4; FFAs + triterpenols – 25.8; TAG – 6.7; wax esters – 12.8; hydrocarbons – 3.5 [4] FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 8:0–12:0 – 1.1; 14:0 – 1.8; 14:1 – 0.5; 15:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 24.2; 16:1 – 1.7; 18:0 – 10.2; 18:1 – 20.8; 18:2 – 8.3; 18:3 – 5.2; 20:0 – 10.8; 22:0 – 1.8; others – 12.6 [4] TAG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 8:0–12:0 – 5.6; 14:0 – 3.7; 14:1 – 0.4; 15:0 – 1.2; 16:0 – 23.4; 16:1 – 2.4; 16:2 – 0.7; 18:0 – 8.4; 18:1 – 21.0; 18:2 – 15.4; 18:3 – 8.3; others – 9.5 [4] Lipids Content (chloroform extract), %: 1.7 [4] Composition, %: GL – 73; PhL – 27 [4] FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 8:0–12:0 – 2.5; 14:0 – 2.0; 14:1 – 0.4; 15:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 52.2; 16:1 – 5.6; 18:0 – 9.6; 18:1 – 11.7; 18:2 – 7.5; 18:3 – 3.2; 20:0 – 4.3 [4] Leaf Lipids (chloroform–methanol) Composition, %: NL – 62.6; GL – 20.8; PhL – 16.6 [5] NL Composition, %: TAG – 77.5; sterol ethers – 9.2 FFA – 4.8; 1,2-DAG – 4.1; sterols – 2.2; 1,3DAG – 1.3 [5]


Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.

FAs: (main) 18:2, 16:0, and 18:1 [5] Total unsaturated acids, %: 78 [5] GL Total unsaturated acids, %: 66.6 [5] PhL Total unsaturated acids, %: 75.2 [5] Root Lipids (chloroform–methanol) Composition, %: NL – 58.5; GL – 17.8; PhL – 23.7 [5] NL Composition, %: TAG – 80.3; sterol ethers – 8.4; FFA – 3.4; 1,2-DAG – 3.6; sterols – 2.2; 1,3DAG – 1.0 [5] FAs: (main) 18:2, 16:0, and 18:1 [5] Total unsaturated acids, %: 66.1 [5] GL Total unsaturated acids, %: 63.6 [5] PhL Total unsaturated acids, %: 61.2 [5] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.05 [6]; 0.125–0.127 [7] Oil, %: 26.0–39.7 [6–10] n40 D : 1.4704 [7] Iodine value, % J2: 133–148 [7, 8] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 176 [7] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.3–9.7; 16:1 – 0.3–1.4; 18:0 – 3.3–6.1; 18:1 – 10.9–22.7; 18:2 – 17.2–30.0; 18:3 – 25.5–48.5; 20:0 – 0.7– 10.0; 20:1 – 1.0–13.0; 20:2 – 0.9–2.2; 20:3 – 0.7– 2.0; 22:1 – 0.2–0.5; others – 0.2–0.6 [6, 7, 9, 11]

References 1. S.V. Sur, Rastit. Resursy 29(1), 98 (1993) [in Russian] 2. U. Kaminska, R.S. Ludwiczak, Rocz. Chem. 38(1), 29 (1964) 3. S.M. Yurisson, Farmatsija 25(4), 66 (1976) 4. N.P. Bekker, N.T. Ul’chenko, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Natur. Comp. 38(6), 610 (2002) 5. M.J. Bae, Han’guk Yongyang Siklyong Hakloechi 16(2), 83 (1987); Chem. Abstr. 107(18), 161481a (1987) 6. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 7. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Polon. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) 8. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 9. K.D. Mukherjee, I. Kiewitt, H. Hurka, Phytochemistry 23(1), 117 (1984)

Cardamine impatiens L.


10. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian] 11. V.S. Dolya, Е.N. Shkurupii, N.S. Fursa, Chem. Natur. Comp. 9(5), 578 (1973)

Cardamine amara L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Essential oil Content, %: 0.03–0.0357 [1, 2] Composition: Second butyl mustard oil [1, 2] Seed Oil, %: 20–29 [3, 4] FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 –tr; 16:0 – 5.2; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 25.0; 18:2 – 31.0; 18:3 – 2.6; 20:0 – 1.7; 20:1 – 15.0; 20:2 – 1.1; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 14.0; 22:2 – 0.3; 24:0 – 0.2; 24:1 – 1.3 [4]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, AlmaAta, 1952, 378 s [in Russian] 2. N.Ya. Dem’yanov, V.I. Nilov, V.V. Vil’yams, Efirnye masla, ikh sostav i analiz, 2 izd. (“Goskhimtekhizdat”, MoskwaLeningrad, 1933), 298 s [in Russian] 3. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1947), 550 s [in Russian] 4. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Cardamine graeca L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 12 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 1.9; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 1.4; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – 3.1; 20:2 – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 – 9.3; 22:2 – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.1; 24:1 – 54.0; 24:2 – 1.5; 26:1 – 0.7

References 1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Cardamine hirsuta L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.1 Oil, % on dry wt: 25 n40 D : 1.4654 Iodine value, % J2: 96 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 4.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 15.0; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 31.0; 24:1 – 6.0; others – 2.4

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cardamine bellidifolia L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Cardamine impatiens L.

Seed Oil FAs (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 1.4; 18:1 – 13.2; 18:2 – 36.1; 18:3 – 15.8; 20:1 – 16.9; 22:1 – 12.1; 24:1 – 1.7; others – 2.8

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 36 [1] n40 D : 1.4655 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 81 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0–4.4; 18:0 – 0.4–0.6; 18:1 – 8.0–14.6; 18:2 – 18.0–

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 26.6; 18:3 – 4.0–4.1; 20:0 – 0.7–0.8; 20:1 – 6.0– 7.0; 20:2 – 0.8–0.9; 22:0 – 0.7–1.3; 22:1 – 25.0– 33.4; 22:2 – 0.7; 24:0 – 0.3; 24:1 – 5.0–5.6; others – 28.2 (including 25% dihydroxysaturated acids) [1, 2] Dihydroxysaturated acids Composition, %: 9,10-dihydroxy-C18 – 5.0; 15,16dihydroxy-C18, – 5.0; 11,12-dihydroxy-C20 – 5.0; 13,14-dihydroxy-C22 – 66; 15,16dihydroxy-C24 – 24 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. K.L. Mikolaiczak, C.R. Smith, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(11), 939 (1965)

Cardamine pratensis L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Mustard oil Content, %: 0.0014–0.03 [1, 2] Composition: Butylmustard oil [2] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 20–22 [1] FAs (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 4.3; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 14.9; 18:2 – 36.6; 18:3 – 7.6; 20:1 – 11.1; 22:1 – 14.0; 24:1 – 3.7; others – 5.9 [3]

References 1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1947), 550 s [in Russian] 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, AlmaAta, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 3. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Leaf Vitamin E [1, 2] Carotene [1, 2]


Cardamine pratensis L.

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 14.6–16.0 [3, 4] : n20 D 1.4760 [5] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.89 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 135.5–146.0 [3–5] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.45 [5] Reichert-Meissel value, ml KOH: 4.82 [5] Saponification value, mg KOH: 177.26 [5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 97.23 [5] FAs n20 D : 1.4776 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 146.27 [5] Mean mol. wt: 295.52 [5] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 189.87 [5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 98.85 [5] Composition of FAs(GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 8:0 – tr; 10:0 – tr; 12:0 –tr; 14:0 – 0.05; 15:0 – tr; 15:1 – tr; 16:0 – 6.0–10.02; 16:1 – 0.21; 17:0 – 0.05; 17:1 – 0.08; 18:0 – 1.2–2.0; 18:1 – 14.7–17.2; 18:2 –15.6–18.0; 18:3 – 29.46–34.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 7.5–9.53; 20:2 – 0.3–0.81; 22:0 – 0.4– 0.93; 22:1 – 12.0–13.6; 22:2 – 0.58; 24:0 – 1.11; 24:1 – 0.6–2.07 [3–5]

References 1. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaya, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t. (Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian] 2. I.A. Pankova, Tr. Botan. in-ta, AN SSSR, Ser. 5, Rast. Syr’e, vyp. 2, 292 (1949) [in Russian] 3. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 11(5), 679 (1975) 4. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 5. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy 22(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian]

Cardaria repens (Schrenk) Jarm. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Flower NL Content, %: 3.6 [1] FAs (GLC, 5% Reoplex-400), %: 12:0 – 2.8; 14:0 – 4.3; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 8.8; 16:1 – 1.6; 18:0 – 10.5; 18:1 – 3.2; 18:2 – 3.7; 18:3 – 11.1; 20:0 – 21.9; 20:1 – tr; 21:0 – 1.9; 22:0 – 10.3; 22:1 – 18.3; 24:0 – tr; others – 1.6 [1]

Caulanthus inflatus Wats.


PL Content, %: 1.7 [1] PhL Components (TLC): PhC  PhE  PhI [1] GL Components (TLC): SG > ESG > DGDG [1] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 12.60–14.03 [1–4] d: 0.9203 [2] n: 1.4786 [2] Acid value, mg KOH/g: 3.475 [2] Hehner’s value, %: 92.06 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 147.13 [2] Phosphatides, %: 0.33 [2] Relative viscosity, E : 0.8103 [2] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 93.14 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.145 [2] FAs Iodine value, %: 160.58 [2] Mean mol. wt: 288.11 [2] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 194.75 [2] Thiocyanogen value, %: 95.3 [2] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 11:0 – 2.0; 12:0 – 0.1–0.5; 13:0 – 0.2; 14:0 – 0.2–0.6; 16:0 – 6.0– 6.5; 16:1 – 0.5–2.5; 18:0 – 1.5–2.4; 18:1 – 14.4– 23.0; 18:2 – 16.2–55.4; 18:3 – 27.8–42.9; 20:0 – 0.7–9.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:0 – 0.8; 22:1 – 2.2–12.0; others – 2.4 [1–4] TAG Composition, %: SSS – 0.05; SSU – 0.84; USU – 3.59; SUS – 1.06; SUU – 18.04; UUU – 76.42 [2] PL Content, %: 1.9 [1] GL Composition (TLC): SG > ESG > MGDG > DGDG [1] PhL Composition (TLC): PhC > PhE > PhI [1] Silique NL Content, %: 1.4 [1] FAs (GLC, 5% Reoplex-400), %: 12:0 – 3.5; 14:0 – 1.6; 15:0 – 1.8; 16:0 – 4.8; 16:1 – 1.9; 18:0 – 2.9; 18:1 – 20.9; 18:2 – 3.2; 18:3 – 0.7; 20:0 – 12.3; 20:1 – 8.4; 21:0 – 2.7; 22:0 – 7.5; 22:1 – 19.2; 24:0 – 6.4; others – 2.2 [1] PL Content, %: 0.3 [1]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) PhL Composition (TLC): PhC > PhE > PhI [1] GL Composition (TLC): ESG  SG > DGDG [1]

References 1. N.T. Ul’chenko, N.P. Bekker, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Natur. Comp. 39(1) (2003) 2. A.S. Minikeeva, R.E. Freiman, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 7(1), 5 (1971) 3. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 4. A.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Tashkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian]

Carrichtera annua (L.) Asch. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.9 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 11.8–19 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4663 Iodine value, % J2: 108 [1] FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 8.0–10.1; 18:0 – 1.0–3.4; 18:1 – 5.0–7.9; 18:2 – 15.0–19.7; 18:3 – 15.0–19.4; 20:0 – 0.9; 20:1 – 1.7–3.0; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 2.0; 22:1 – 37.7–46.0; 24:1 – 1.0; others – 2.6

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Caulanthus inflatus Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.6 Oil, % on dry wt: 30 n40 D : 1.4668 Iodine value, % J2: 116

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs, (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 31.0; 18:2 – 7.0; 18:3 – 20.0; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 17.0; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 0.4; 22:1 – 7.0; 24:1 – 3.0; others – 2.4

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cheirantus alpinus L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 31 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 –tr; 16:0 – 4.2; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 7.4; 18:2 – 20.0; 18:3 – 26.0; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 – 7.2; 20:2 – 1.5; 22:0 – 0.8; 22:1 – 28.0; 22:2 – 0.6; 24:0 – 0.4; 24:1 – 1.9

References 1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Cheiranthus cheiri L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Flower Essential oil Content, %: 0.06 [1] d: 1.001 [1] Acid value, mg KOH/g: 0.35 [1] Ester value, mg KOH: 20 [1] Components: Iron, anis aldehyd, nerol, geraniol, linalool, phenols, indole, acids: Acetic, salicylic, antranil, methylantranylat, heirolin C5H9O2NS2 Leaf Essential oil [2] Seed Essential oil Content, %: 0.0073 [1] d: 0.9034 [1]


Cheirantus alpinus L.

n20 D : 1.6920 [1] Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 [3] Oil, % on dry wt: 15.0–35.0 [3–8] d30: 0.9054–0.9249 [7] 31 40 n20 D : 1.4743 [8, 9]; nD : 1.3710–1.4810 [7]; nD : 1.4690 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 172.40–180.92 [7]; 1.28 [8, 9] Ether value, mg KOH: 179.1–182.2 [7] Iodine value, % J2: 114.5–142. [3, 4, 7–9] Phosphatides, %: tr [8] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.41 [8, 9] Reichert-Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.98 [8, 9] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178.0–190.2 [3, 7–9] Thiocyanogen value, %: 88.7–96.0 [7] 84.29% J2 [8, 9] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.64–2.14 [7] Viscosity, E20: 10.18 [8] FAs n20 D : 1.4758 [9] Iodine value, % J2: 131.4–146 [7, 9] Mean mol. wt: 290.82 [9] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 184.30–192.94 [7, 9] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 184.30–186.07 [7] Thiocyanogen value, %: 89.06–99.20 [7, 9] Solid acids Content, %: 4.23–10.45 [9] Iodine value, % J2: 3.50–4.20 [9] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 179.9–198.1 [9] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 2.60 [9] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 8:0 – tr; 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr–1.7; 15:0 – tr; 15:1 – tr; 16:0 – 2.2–4.2; 16:1 – 0.3–0.6; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 0.5–2.4; 18:1 – 10.0–37.2; 18:2 – 17.0–34.7; 18:3 – 2.3–23.0; 20:0 – tr–2.6; 20:1 – 8.0–10.0; 20:2 – 1.8–2.3; 22:0 – tr–0.9; 22:1 – 12.1–32.0; 22:2 – tr–0.8; 24:0 – 0.4–2.5; 24:1 – 0.5–1.8 [3, 5, 6, 7–10] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.2; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 10.5; 18:2 – 17.2; 18:3 – 23.7; 20:0 – 0.7; 20:1 – 7.9; 20:2 – 2.0; 20:3 – 0.6; 22:0 – 1.1; 22:1 – 26.8; 22:2 – 0.9; 22:3 – 0.3; 24:0 – 0.5; 24:1 – 2.3 [11] sn-2-position: 16:0 – 0.3; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:1 – 18.9; 18:2 – 37.5; 18:3 – 41.1; 20:1 – 0.5; 20:2 – 0.4 [11]

Cochlearia arctica Schlecht.


Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 15.0–15.3; D7-cholesten-3b-ol – 3.2–5.5; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 15.7– 19.5; 4a-methyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol – 4.5–13.7; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 38.3–54.3; D5-avenasterol – 3.3–4.8; cycloartenol; 24ethyl-D7-cholesten-3-b-ol; 24-methylene-4amethyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol – 1.8–4.5 [12]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 379 s [in Russian] 2. V.F. Belokon’, I.F. Makarevich, Tezisy dokladov vses. nauch. konf. “Issledovaniya po izyskaniyu lekarstvennykh sredstv prirodnogo proiskhozhdeniya” (Leningrad, 1981), s. 191 [in Russian] 3. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 4. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 5. V.S. Dolya, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (L’vov, 1975), 23 s [in Russian] 6. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978) 7. A. Rahman, K.M. Sami, Fette, Seifen, Anschtrich. 63(4), 344 (1961) 8. V.S. Dolya, K.E. Koreshchuk, N.S. Fursa, E.M. Shkurupii, Farm. Zhurn. (4), 94 (1974) [in Russian] 9. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy 22(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian] 10. V.S. Dolya, K.E. Koreshchuk, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 10(4), 447 (1974) 11. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 12. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Cheirantus maritimus L.

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Cochlearia acaulis Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 8.4; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 16.8; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 24.3; 4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – 11.5; b-sitosterol (24ethylcholesterol) – 39.0; cycloartenol, 24-ethylD7-cholesten-3-b-ol, 24-methylene-4a-methylD7-cholesten-3b-ol – tr

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Cochlearia arctica Schlecht. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Essential oil Content, % on fresh wt: 0.0173–0.04; on dry wt – 0.175–0.305 [1, 2] Flower Essential oil Content, %: 0.06 [1]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Leaf Essential oil Content, %: 0.903 [1]

Seed Oil (hexane), %: 19 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 6.9; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 7.4; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 13.0; 20:0 – 1.5; 20:1 – 31.0; 20:2 – 4.4; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 15.0; 22:2 – 0.6; 24:0 – 0.5; 24:1 – 1.0

Stem Essential oil Content, %: 0.004 [1] d15: 0.930–0.954 [1] nD: 1.4914–1.4932 [1] Components: d-Butylmustard isobutylmustard oil [1]

References 1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)



References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, AlmaAta, 1952), 378 s [in Russian]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 2. A.Ph. Gammerman, G.N. Kadaev, A.A. YatsenkoKhmelevskii, Lekarstvennye rasteniya (Vysshaya shkola, Moscow, 1983), 399 s [in Russian]

Cochlearia armoracia L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Root Essential oil Content, %: 0.05 d: 1.010 Composition: Allyl mustard oil

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Cochlearia danica L.


Cochlearia armoracia L.

Flower Essential oil Content, % on fresh wt: 0.06 [1] Leaf Essential oil Content, % on fresh wt: 0.003 [1] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 22.5 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 143.3 [2] Stem Essential oil Content, % on fresh wt: 0.004 [1]

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort. Aerial Part Essential oil Content, %: 0.006–0.007 Composition: Second d-butylmustard oil

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Cochlearia officinalis L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Essential oil Content, % on fresh wt: 0.0173–0.04; on dry wt: 0.175–0.305 [1] d: 0.930–0.959 [1] [a]: (+50 ) to (+70 ) [1] nD: 1.4914–1.4932 [1] Composition: Second isobutylmustard oil [1]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 15.1–35 [1–3] n40 D : 1.4668 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 101–108 [1, 2] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.0–4.4; 18:0 – 0.3–0.5; 18:1 – 5.5–9.2; 18:2 – 23.8–29.0; 18:3 – 2.0–3.7; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – 21.6–28.8; 20:2 – 3.0; 22:1 – 23.3– 31.3; 24:1 – 3.0–5.0; others – 1.2–6.6 [2–5]

References 1. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaja, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t. (izd. AN Arm. SSR, Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian] 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 3. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 4. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971) 5. L.-A. Appelqvist, In: The Biology and Chemistry of the Cruciferae, J.G. Vaughan, A.J. MacLeo, B.M.G. Jones (eds.) (Academic Press, London, New York, 1976), p. 221–277

Crambe abyssinica Hochst ex R.E. Fries


Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Conringia planisiliqua Fisch. et Mey.


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 34 [1] n40 D : 1.4715 Iodine value, % J2: 153 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 10.0; 18:3 – 44.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 5.0; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 21.0; 24:1 – 0.6; others – 2.0

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cordylocarpus muricatus Desf.

Coronopus procumbens Gilib. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 35 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 13.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 25.0; 18:2 – 9.0; 18:3 – 40.0; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:1 – 0.3

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 22.8 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1 – 8.3; 18:2 – 12.4; 18:3 – 23.1; 20:1 – 8.3; 22:1 – 39.9

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Coronopus didymus (L.) Smith Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.03 Oil, % on dry wt: 41 n40 D : 1.4706 Iodine value, % J2: 152 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 37.0; 20:0 – 3.0; 20:1 – 13.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 – 0.3; others – 2.6

Crambe abyssinica Hochst ex R.E. Fries Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Bud and Flower Lipids, % on dry wt: 2.81–3.38 [1] Cotyledon Oil, % on dry wt: 55 [2] n40 D : 1.4648 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 93 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.4 [2] Esters FAs (GLC), %: 12:0 –; 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 1.5; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1 – 15.1; 18:2 – 6.7; 18:3 – 6.1; 20:0 – 0.2; 20:1 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 59.1; 22:2 – 0.1; 24:0 – 2.4; 24:1 – 4.5; others – 0.7 [2] Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 52.92–53.35 (without cover); 35.89–36.67 (with cover) [1] Hypocotyl Oil, % on dry wt: 38 [2] n40 D : 1.4660 [2]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Iodine value, % J2: 100 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 3 [2] Esters FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 4.5; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 13.4; 18:2 – 13.2; 18:3 – 7.2; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 4.7; 20:2 – 0.5; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 46.0; 24:0 – 4.7; 24:1 – 3.4 [2] Leaf Lipids Content, % on dry wt: 2.74–4.90 [1] Pericarp Oil, % on dry wt: 0.4 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 34 [2] Esters FAs (GLC), %: 12:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.8; 16:0 – 11.8; 16:1 – 1.6; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 8.7; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 7.3; 20:0 – 1.9; 20:1 – 8.9; 22:0 – 1.4; 22:1 – 39.6; 24:0 – 1.2; 24:1 – 1.1; others – 1.3 [2] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.2–5.3 [3] Oil, % on dry wt: 28.0–38.7 [3–8]; without pericarp 36–54 [2] d25: 0.907; d37.8: (100 F) 0.903 [5] 40 n25 D : 1.4707 [5]; nD : 1.4648–1.4657 [2, 3, 5] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.3 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 89–92 [2, 3, 5] Relative viscosity, E : At 25 C – 74, at 37.8 C (100 F) – 44 [5] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 164–165 [3] Unsaponifiables, %: 2.7 [5] FAs Content, %: 90 [5] d37.8: (100 F) 0.886 [5] n25 D : 1.4630 [5] Relative viscosity, E : At 37.8 C (100 F) – 25 [5] Acid value, mg KOH: 172 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 93 [5] Composition (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr–0.1; 16:0 – 1.5– 3.0; 16:1 – 0.3–0.6; 18:0 – 0.5–2.0; 18:1 – 13.0– 22.0; 18:2 – 7.0–12.0; 18:3 – 4.0–9.8; 20:0 – 0.7– 1.3; 20:1 – 1.3–5.0; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 0.8–2.7; 22:1 – 51.0–63.1; 22:2 – 0.8–1.0; 24:0 – 1.5; 24:1 – 0.3–2.9; others – 0.3–4.7 [3–5, 8–12] TAG FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.0–2.4; 16:1 – 0.4; 16:3 – 0.1; 18:0 – 0.4–0.7; 18:1 – 16.9–17.4;


Crambe abyssinica Hochst ex R.E. Fries

18:2 – 8.6–10.1; 18:3 – 6.4–9.0; 20:0 – 0.5–0.9; 20:1 – 2.5–3.2; 20:2 – 0.2; 22:0 – 2.0; 22:1 – 56.6–57.2; 22:2 – 0.2–0.8; 24:1 – 1.4 [10, 13, 14] sn-2-position: 14:0 – 0.6; 16:0 – 0.5–3.0; 16:1 – 0.4–1.0; 16:2 – 0.4; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1 – 44.4– 44.7; 18:2 – 25.3–27.6; 18:3 – 19.5–21.1; 20:1 – 1.2–1.3; 22:1 – 3.3 [10, 13] Proportion (2 position/TAG  3)  100 ¼ proportion, i.e. percentage of FA type esterified with the 2 position): 16:0 – 8–42; 16:1 – 83; 18:0 – 67; 18:1 – 87–88; 18:2 – 84– 100; 18:3 – 72–100; 20:1 – 13–14; 22:1 – 2 [10, 13] Composition of TAG, mol %: 22:1 – 57.2: MAG – 2.3; DAG – 69.2; TAG – 29.0; 18:1 – 16.9: DAG – 2.7; TAG – 46.7; 18:2 – 8.6: TAG – 28.3; 18:3 – 6.4: TAG – 21.5 [13] Composition of oil, %: Hydrocarbon – 0.2; sterol ester – 1.3; TAG – 94.9; FFA – 0.2; free sterols – 1.1; partial glyceride – 1.2; PhL+GL – 1.1 [6] Fatty alcohols [5]: d37.8: (100 F) 0.845 n: 1.4632 Hydroxyl value, %: 5.8 Iodine value, % J2: 100 Relative viscosity, E : At 37.8 C (100 F) – 20 Total esters FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 1.6; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 17.9; 18:2 – 6.9; 18:3 – 6.7; 20:0 – 0.7; 20:1 – 2.5; 20:2 – 0.3; 22:0 – 1.4; 22:1 – 58.6; 22:2 – 0.3; 22:3 – 0.3; 24:0 – 0.3; 24:1 – 1.2; others – 0.1 [2] Wax esters d25: 0.874; d37.8: (100 F) 0.863 [5] 40 n25 D : 1.4668; nD : 1.4616 [5] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.7 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 98 [5] Relative viscosity, E : At 25 C – 32, at 37.8 C (100 F) – 21 [5] Methyl esters d25: 0.871; d37.8: (100 F) 0.864 [5] n25 D : 1.4552 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 88 [5] Relative viscosity, E : At 25 C – 7, at 37.8 C (100 F) – 5 [5] Seed Coat Oil, % on dry wt: 17 [2] n40 D : 1.4666 [2]

Crambe amabilis Butk. et Majlum


Iodine value, % J2: 95 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 5 [2] Esters FAs (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 2.8; 16:1 – 4.1; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1 – 12.5; 18:2 – 12.7; 18:3 – 4.0; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 15.2; 22:0 – 0.8; 22:1 – 45.7; 22:2 – 0.7; other – 0.6 [2] Stem Lipids Content, % on dry wt: 1.10–2.60 [1]

References 1. E.V. Kucherov, Dikorastushchie i introdutsiruemye poleznye rasteniya v Bashkirii, vyp. 3, (AN SSSR, Ufa, 1971) [in Russian] 2. F.R. Earle, J.E. Peters, I.A. Wolff, G.A. White, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(5), 330 (1966) 3. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 4. J.W. Hagemann, K.L. Mikolajczak, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(4), 196 (1962) 5. T.K. Miwa, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 40, 742 (1963) 6. M.E. McKillican, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(7), 461 (1966) 7. R.P.A. Sims, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 733 (1971) 8. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977) € Riiner, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 47(4), 129 (1970) 9. U. 10. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(12), 851 (1971) 11. R.K. Downey, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 718 (1971) 12. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991) 13. H. Grynberg, H. Szczepan´ska, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(3), 151 (1966) 14. R. Ohlson, O. Podlaha, B. To¨rega˚rd, Lipids 10(12), 732 (1975)

Crambe amabilis Butk. et Majlum Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Flower PhL Content, %: 0.63 [1] Composition of PhL, %: PhC – 37.2; PhE – 21.0; PhS – 5.4; PhI – 20.2; N-acyl-PhE – 4.5; N-acyllyso-PhE – 3.2; lyso-PhC – 4.3; PhG – 2.0; PhA – 2.2 [1]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC), %: 10:0 – 0.6; 12:0 – 0.7; 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 24.0; 16:1 – 0.9; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 5.4; 18:2 – 20.2; 18:3 – 40.8; 20:0 – 1.1; 22:1 – 3.2 [1] Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g of fresh wt: 9.5–13.0 [2] PhL Content, %: 0.08 [1] Composition of PhL, %: PhC – 18.0; PhE – 23.0; PhI – 30.0; N-acyl-PhE – 4.9; N-acyl-lyso-PhE – 3.0; lyso-PhC – 2.5; PhG – 9.9; PhA – 8.7 [1] FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 10:0 – 4.4; 12:0 – 1.2; 14:0 – 1.2; 16:0 – 20.3; 16:1 – 1.7; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 20.9; 18:2 – 8.8; 18:3 – 28.9; 22:1 – 10.2 [1] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 18.41 [3] d20 40 : 0.9089 [3] n20 D :1.4719 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 4.36 [3] Hehner value, %: 87.32 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 136.05 [3] Relative viscosity, E : 73.32 [3] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 180.43 [3] Umsaponifiables, %: 1.55 [3] FAs Iodine value: 137.23 [3] Mean mol. wt: 299.44 [3] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 187.38 [3] Composition of FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.05; 16:0 – 2.50; 16:1 – 0.31; 18:0 – 0.36; 18:1 – 19.35; 18:2 – 12.94; 18:3 – 8.05; 20:1 – 19.92; 20:2 – 0.89; 22:1 – 34.82; 22:2 – 0.81 [4] TAG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.37; 16:0 – 3.47; 18:0 – 1.46; 20:0 – 2.07; 16:1 – 1.06; 18:1 – 22.83; 18:2 – 12.97; 18:3 – 24.99; 22:1 – 30.78 [3] sn-2-position: 14:0 – 0.94; 16:0 – 2.40; 16:1 – 1.33; 18:1 – 50.81; 18:2 – 29.25; 18:3 – 15.27 [3] Composition, %: SSS – 0.01; SUU – 15.64; USU – 1.11; SSU – 0.20; SUS – 0.74; UUU – 82.30 [3] PhL Content, %: 1.1 [5] Composition of PhL, %: PhC – 55.6–56.1; PhE – 20.0–20.6; PhI – 13.2–15.3; PhS – 2.9; N-acylPhE – 2.5–3.0; N-acyl-lyso-PhE – 2.2–2.8; lysoPhC – 1.5–2.4 [1, 5]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs of PhL (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 10:0 –2.0; 12:0 – 0.6; 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 16.4; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 – 0.7; 18:1 – 27.5; 18:2 – 28.1; 18:3 – 14.4; 20:0 – 2.5; 22:1 – 6.6 [1] Stem PhL Content, %: 0.04 [1] Composition of PhL, %: PhC – 24.5; PhE – 23.0; PhS – 3.0; PhI – 23.5; N-acyl-PhE – 5.9; N-acyllyso-PhE – 4.2; lyso-PhC – 4.3; PhG – 6.6; PhA – 6.2 [1] FAs of PhL (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 10:0 – 5.2; 16:0 – 28.0; 16:1 – 3.0; 18:0 – 6.2; 18:1 – 17.6; 18:2 – 13.3; 18:3 – 26.7 [1]


Crambe armena N. Busch

Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 7.7–16.1 [2]

References 1. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (Leningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 2. N. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy X(3), 422 (1974) [in Russian]

Crambe cordifolia Steven. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(4), 420 (1977) 2. N. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy X(3), 422 (1974) [in Russian] 3. A.U. Umarov, N.T. Kisapova, Chem. Natur. Comp. 9(1), 99 (1973) 4. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminckii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977) 5. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Natur. Comp.14(1), 41 (1978)

Crambe armena N. Busch Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 26.1 Iodine value, % J2: 102.17

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian]

Crambe aspera Steven Bieb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 25 [1]

Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 19.11 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 107.42 [1] Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 9.0–19.2 [2] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 17.05 [3] Oil, % on dry wt: 26 [3] n40 D : 1.4645 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 97 [3] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L): 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 22.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 6.0; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 – 12.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 36.0; 24:1 – 0.3; others – 2.7 [3] (GLC, 10% DEGS): 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 2.3; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 27.1; 18:2 – 14.4; 18:3 – 7.6; 20:1 – 17.3; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:1 – 28.0; 22:2 – tr; 24:0 – 1.4; others – tr [4]

References 1. А.Е. Grashchenkov, Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR, Sеr. 6, Introduktsiya i zelenoe stroitel’stvo, vyp. 7, 124 (1959) [in Russian] 2. N. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy X(3), 422 (1974) [in Russian] 3. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 4. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977)

Crambe koktebelica (Junge) N. Busch


Crambe fruticosa L. fil Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 6.9 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 1.2; 18:1 – 17.7; 18:2 – 13.4; 18:3 – 9.5; 20:1 – 1.8; 22:1 – 50.4

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Crambe hispanica L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.7 [1] Oil, %: 45 [1] n40 D : 1.4638 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 89 [1] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 0.3–3.7; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 0.5–0.9; 18:1 – 17.0–20.1; 18:2 – 6.2– 10.7; 18:3 – 5.5–8.0; 20:0 – tr–0.6; 20:1 – 4.0– 4.6; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 0.8–1.6; 22:1 – 52.4–58.7; 24:1 – 0.8; others – 2.3 [1–3]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. R.K. Downey, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 718 (1971) 3. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991)

Crambe juncea Bieb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 18.99 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 103.61 [1] Leaf Vitamin E [2, 3]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Carotene [2, 3] Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 8.7–11.2 [3–5] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 26.1 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 85.6 [4]

References 1. А.Е. Grashchenkov, Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR, Sеr. 6, Introduktsiya i zelenoe stroitel’stvo, vyp. 7, 124 (1959) [in Russian] 2. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaja, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t. (izd. AN Arm. SSR, Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian] 3. N.A. Amirkhanov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Kh.R. Mukulov, Tez. vsesoyuz. soveshch. po tekhnologii vozdelyvaniya novykh kormovykh kul’tur: v 2 ch. (Saratov, 1978), ch.2, s. 32 [in Russian] 4. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 5. N. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy X(3), 422 (1974) [in Russian]

Crambe koktebelica (Junge) N. Busch Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Fruit Oil, % on dry wt:21.08 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 108.1 [1] Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 9.0–11.2 [2, 3] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 32 [4] FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 1.3; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1 – 31.1; 18:2 – 19.1; 18:3 – 4.7; 20:1 – 17.5; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:1 – 24.7; others – 0.1 [4]

References 1. А.Е. Grashchenkov, Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR, Sеr. 6, Introduktsiya i zelenoe stroitel’stvo, vyp. 7, 124 (1959) [in Russian] 2. N.A. Amirkhanov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Kh.R. Mukulov, Tez. vsesoyuz. soveshch. po tekhnologii vozdelyvaniya novykh kormovykh kul’tur: v 2 ch. (Saratov, 1978), ch.2, s. 32 [in Russian]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 3. N. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy X(3), 422 (1974) [in Russian] 4. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Nat. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977)

Crambe kotschyana Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part NL Content, %: 1.3 [1] Composition, %: Hydrocarbons + wax ethers – 20.6; ethers of triterpenols and sterols – 21.1; acetates of cyclic alcohols + TAG – 5.9; FFA +isoprenols – 3.0; FFA + triterpenols – 8.9; FFA + sterols – 15.6; sterols – 6.5; sterols + chlorophyll pigments – 4.2; chlorophyll pigments + unidentified. – 14.2 [1] FFA (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 14:0 – 2.4; 15:0 – 4.6; 16:0 – 66.9; 18:0 – 4.3; 18:1 – 6.5; 18:2 – 11.5; 18:3 – 3.8; 22:1 – tr [1] Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 17.53 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 101.35 [2] Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 11.4–15.1 [3–5] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 23.0–38.2 [4–6] Iodine value, % J2:110.2–111.4 [4] FAs (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr–0.9; 15:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 0.9–2.4; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 21.5– 29.3; 18:2 – 8.3–16.6; 18:3 – 7.7–24.5; 20:0 – 1.6; 20:1 – 17.1; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:1 – 25.7–42.1; 22:2 – tr [6, 7] Composition of oil, %: TAG – 79.4; oxy-TAG +triterpenols – 8.6; FFA – 1.2; DAG+sterols – 2.8 [7]


Crambe kotschyana Boiss.

2. А.Е. Grashchenkov, Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR, Sеr. 6, Introduktsiya i zelenoe stroitel’stvo, vyp. 7, 124 (1959) [in Russian] 3. N.А. Аmirkhanov, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (Leningrad, 1962), 18 s [in Russian] 4. M.S. Shalyt, Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Turkmenskoi SSR (“Nauka”, Moskva, 1951), 224 s [in Russian] 5. N. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy X(3), 422 (1974) [in Russian] 6. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977) 7. N.T. Ul’chenko, N.P. Bekker, A.I. Glushenkova, I.G. Akhmedzhanov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 37(3), 285 (2001)

Crambe kralikii Coss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 19.0 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.2; 18:1 – 22.2; 18:2 – 8.4; 18:3 – 7.5; 20:1 – 11.2; 22:1 – 45.5

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Crambe litwinowii K. Gross Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Carotene [1] Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g: 10.1–15.0 [2] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 27.1 [1]

References References 1. N.P. Bekker, N.T. Ul’chenko, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Natur. Comp. 39(2), 164 (2003)

1. Kh.R. Mukumov, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation [in Russian], Samarkand, 1980, 20 s 2. N. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy X(3), 422 (1974) [in Russian]

Crambe orientalis L. (C. amabilis Butk. et Majlun)


Crambe maritima L. (C. pontica Stev. ex Rupr.)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 25.35 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 103.61 [2]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Leaf Carotene [1] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 19.1–45.2 [2–6] Iodine value, % J2: 92.7–11.5 [2–5] FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 1.4; 18:0 – 0.5; 20:0 – 17.5; 16:1 – tr; 18:1 – 22.3; 18:2 – 20.3; 18:3 – 8.3; 20:1 – 1.4; 22:1 – 28.4 [6] (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 1.8–2.0; 18:0 – 0.3–0.5; 18:1 – 18.8–25.3; 18:2 – 21.2–24.7; 18:3 – 5.8–8.6; 20:1 – 13.9–18.5; 22:1 – 26.3–32.6; 24:1 – 0.1–0.2; others – 1.2–1.3 [7]

References 1. N.A. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Res. 10(vyp. 3), 422 (1974) [in Russian] 2. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 3. А.Е. Grashchenkov, Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR, Sеr. 6, Introduktsiya i zelenoe stroitel’stvo, vyp. 7, 124 (1959) [in Russian] 4. A.A. Grossgeim, Rastitel’nye bogatstva Kavkaza (izd. obshchestva ispytatelei prirody. Novaya seriya. Otd. bot., Vyp. 7 (XV), Moskva, 1952), s. 299 [in Russian] 5. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 6. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977) 7. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chen. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Crambe orientalis L. (C. amabilis Butk. et Majlun) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Bud PhL Content, %: 0.6 [1] Flower PhL Content, %: 0.63 [1]

Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 7.8–11.3 [3, 4] Vitamin E [5] PhL Content, %: 0.1–15.0 [1] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 6.7 [6] Oil, % on dry wt: 18–43 [6–9] n40 D : 1.4662 [6] Iodine value, % J2: 104–136.1 [6–9] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.1–0.4; 16:0 – 2.0–3.5; 16:1 – 0.2–1.1; 18:0 – 0.4–1.5; 18:1 – 18.0–22.8; 18:2 – 11.0–13.1; 18:3 – 9.0–25.0; 20:0 – 0.2–2.1; 20:1 – 19.0–20.0; 20:2 – 0.4–1.1; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 30.0–36.0; 22:2 – 0.8; 24:0 – 1.0; 24:1 – 0.7; others – 0.9 [6–9] PhL Content, %: 1.1 [1, 10] Stem PhL Content, %: 0.04–0.1 [1, 10]

References 1. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 14(1), 41 (1978) 2. A.E. Grashchenkov, Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR, Ser. 6, Introduktsiya i zelenoe stroitel’stvo, vyp. 7, 124 (1959) [in Russian] 3. N.A. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy 10(vyp. 3), 422 (1974) [in Russian] 4. N.A. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy 10(vyp. 3), 422 (1974) [in Russian] 5. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaya, G.O. Akopyan, Byul. Botan. sada/AN Arm. SSR (14), 75 (1954) [in Russian] 6. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 7. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977) 8. А.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Таshkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian] 9. A.U. Umarov, N.T. Kisapova, Chem. Natur. Comp. 9(1), 99 (1973) 10. Yu.А. Таdzhibaev, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (Таshkent, 1979), 24 s [in Russian]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Crambe pinnatifida R. Br.

Crambe pinnatifida R. Br.

Crambe scaberrina Webb.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 30.0 FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 2.0; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 11.7; 18:3 – 9.1; 20:1 – 3.6; 20:2 – 0.3; 22:1 – 47.4; 22:2 – 2.0; 24:0 – 3.2; others – 1.6

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 11.0 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 3.2; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 14.1; 18:2 – 12.2; 18:3 – 13.0; 20:1 – 1.5; 22:1 – 55.1

References References 1. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Nat. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977)

1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Crambe schugnana Korsh. Crambe pontica Stev. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 9.7–15.0 [1] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 40–41.7 [2, 3] n20 D : 1.4739 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.95–3.12 [2, 3] Color, on the iodine scale: 40 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 109.6–111.5 [2, 3] Relative viscosity, E20: 11.27 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 170.0–185.22 [2, 3] FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 1.4; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1 – 22.3; 18:2 – 20.3; 18:3 – 8.3; 20:0 – 17.5; 20:1 – 1.4; 22:1 – 28.4; 22:2 – tr [2]

References 1. N.A. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy 10, vyp. 3, 422 (1974) [in Russian] 2. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, T.V. Podzolkova, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 9(1), 12 (1973) 3. S.S. Stankov, Dikorastushchie maslichnye rasteniya SSSR i ikh prakticheskoe ispol’zovanie (“Sel’khozgiz”, Мoskva, 1944), 9 [in Russian]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 18.58 [1, 2] d: 0.9087 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4733 [1, 2] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.78 [1, 2] Hehner value, %: 93.97 [1, 2] Iodine value, % J2: 180.9 [1, 2] Relative viscosity, E : 12.60 [1, 2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 180.9 [1, 2] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.45 [2] FAs Mean mol. wt: 299.95 [2] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 187.06 [2] Unsaturation value: 161.77 [2] TAG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 12:0 – 0.3; 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 2.5; 16:1 – 0.54; 18:0 – 0.7; 18:1 – 21.6; 18:2 – 12.9; 18:3 – 26.3; 22:1 – 34.9 [2] sn-2-position (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 12:0 – 0.3; 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 1.2; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:1 – 49.3; 18:2 – 32.9; 18:3 – 15.7 [2] Composition of TAG: SSS – 0.01; SSU – 0.12; SUS – 0.23; SUU – 9.06; USU – 1.41; UUU – 89.17 [2] PhL Content, %: 0.11–0.7 [2–4] Composition of PhL, %: PhC – 55.0; PhE – 13.7; PhI – 19.0; lyso-PhC – 4.3; N-acyl-PhE, PhS [4, 5]

Descurainia pinnata (Walt.) Britt.


References 1. А.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Таshkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian] 2. A.U. Umarov, T.V. Chernenko, A.L. Markman, Chem. Natur. Comp. 8(1), 20 (1972) 3. Yu.А. Таdzhibaev, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (Таshkent, 1979), 24 s [in Russian] 4. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 95 (1977) 5. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(2), 168 (1977)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Oil, % on dry wt: 14.45–43.4 [3, 4] n40 D : 1.4663 [3] Iodine value, % J2:110 [3] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 21.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 11.0; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 21.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:1 – 27.0; others – 0.3 [3] (GLC, 10% DEGS): 14:0 – 0.05; 15:0 – 0.02; 16:0 – 1.72; 16:1 – 0.32; 17:1 – 0.10; 18:0 – 0.65; 18:1 – 28.69; 18:2 – 22.17; 18:3 – 7.81; 20:1 – 16.46; 20:2 – 1.29; 22:1 – 20.72 [5]

Crambe steveniana Rupr.


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. А.Е. Grashchenkov, Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR, Sеr. 6, Introduktsiya i zelenoe stroitel’stvo, vyp. 7, 124 (1959) [in Russian] 2. N.A. Amirkhanov, Kh.R. Mukumov, Sh.S. Khamrakulov, Rastit. Resursy 10(3), 422 (1974) [in Russian] 3. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 4. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 5. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977)

Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 19.04 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 111.05 [1] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 34.0 [2] FAs (GLC, 10% DEGS), %: 8:0 – tr; 10:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.1; 15:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 1.3; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1 – 19.6; 18:2 – 23.4; 18:3 – 8.5; 20:1 – 18.5; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 24.5; 22:2 – 0.5; 24:0 – 0.9 [2]

Descurainia bourgaeana Webb.


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. А.Е. Grashchenkov, Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR, Sеr. 6, Introduktsiya i zelenoe stroitel’stvo, vyp. 7, 124 (1959) [in Russian] 2. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, E.D. Magerya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(1), 14 (1977)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 36.6 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 9.6; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 14.8; 18:2 – 20.2; 18:3 – 28.2; 20:1 – 14.7; 22:1 – 10.3

Crambe tatarica Sebeo´k Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 14.89 [1] Leaf Carotene Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 3.0–9.5 [2] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 15.5 [3]

Descurainia pinnata (Walt.) Britt. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 38

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) n40 D : 1.4700 Iodine value, % J2: 134 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 31.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 13.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 – 11.0; others – 1.1

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Descurania sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Mustard oil [1] Lipids b-Sitosterol [2] Vitamin E [3] Leaf Vitamin E [4] Carotene [4] Seed Mustard oil, %: 0.8–0.9 [5] Components of oil: Benzylisothiocyanate, allylthiocyanate, allylsulfide, propenylisothiocyanate [5] Mass of 1,000, g: 5.1 [6]; 0.108–0.122 [7] Oil, % on dry wt: 22.0–39.3 [6–16] d20 4 : 0.9207 [15] 40 n20 D : 1.4712–1.4810 [13–15]; nD : 1.4712 [12] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.57–3.1 [13, 11] Color, on the iodine scale: 20 [10] Iodine value, % J2: 141–185.6 [13–15, 18] Phospholipids, %: tr – 0.15 [10, 15] Relative viscosity, E20: 7.45–9.16 [13, 15] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 174.69–186.0 [13–15] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 105.16 [15] Unsaponifiables, %: 3.05 [15] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 168.92 [15] Mean mol. wt: 293.74 [15] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 191.02 [15] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 110.61 [15]


Descurania sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl

Composition (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr–0.3; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.2–7.5; 16:1 – 0.1–2.2; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 0.7–2.1; 18:1 – 7.3–14.0; 18:2 – 15.6– 19.9; 18:3 – 33.4–46.0; 20:0 – 0.7–15.2; 20:1 – 0.9–12.5; 20:2 – 0.7–3.2; 20:3 – 2.0; 22:0 – tr– 0.4; 22:1 – 5.9–10.9; 22:2 – 0.5 [12–19, 13] TAG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 15:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 5.1; 16:1 – 0.3; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 9.1; 18:2 – 15.8; 18:3 – 34.7; 20:0 – 16.2; 20:1 – 2.4; 20:2 – 2.4; 22:1 – 12.5 [17] FFA (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – 0.5; 13:0 – 0.5; 14:0 – 0.9; 15:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 12.0; 16:1 – 1.3; 17:0 – 1.1; 18:0 – 4.6; 18:1 – 15.8; 18:2 – 14.2; 18:3 – 15.9; 20:0 – 15.5; 20:1 – 2.3; 20:2 – 2.6; 22:1 – 11.8 [17] Composition of oil, %: Hydrocarbons – 1.0, ethers of high molecular alcohols – 1.9; TAG – 86.7; epoxy-TAG – 6.4; FFA – 1.0; triterpenols – 0.8; sterols – 0.8; DAG – 0.9; MAG – 0.5 [17] b-Sitosterol [20, 21] Activity: The oil has moderate antiseptic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi [22].

References 1. V.P. Samarin, Nekotorye biokhimicheskie issledovaniya v Yakutii (“Yakutknigoizdat”, Yakutsk, 1965), 34 [in Russian] 2. A.A. Durrani, M. Israr, G.A. Miana, M. Ikram, Pakistan J. Sci. Ind. Res. 12(4), 505 (1970) 3. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaja, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t. (izd. AN Arm. SSR, Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian] 4. M. Nigmatov, I.L. Zakhar’yants, Uzb. Biol. Zhurn. (5), 30, (1977) [in Russian] 5. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. PaeoniaceaeThymeliaceae (Izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1986), p. 42 6. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 7. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Polon. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) 8. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1947), 550 s [in Russian] 9. N.S. Fursa, V.I. Litvinenko, A.O. Meshcheryakov, Farmats. Zhyrn. (3), 11 (1971) [in Russian] 10. K.K. Baslas, Indian Chem. Soc. 37(5), 317 (1960) 11. N.L. Barskii, Dikorastushchie i sornye maslichnye rasteniya (izd AN USSR, Khar’kov, 1933), 51 s [in Russian]

Diplotaxis chara


12. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 13. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, T.V. Podzolkova, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Nat. Comp. 9(1), 12 (1973) 14. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 15. A.U. Umarov, A.L. Markman, B.M. Baram, Prikl. biokimiya i mikrobiol. 8(5), 595 (1972) [in Russian] 16. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 17. N.P. Bekker, N.T. Ul’chenko, A.I. Glushenkova, Chem. Natur. Comp. 41(3), 346 (2005) 18. J.K. Daun, R. Tkachuk, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 53(10), 661 (1976) 19. A.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Tashkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian] 20. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian] 21. D.J. Baisted, R.L. Gardner, L.A. McReynolds, Phytochemistry 7(6), 945 (1968) 22. K.A. Akhtar, M.M. Bokadia, B.K. Mehta, K.A. Batra, Grasas Aceites (Seville) 37(3), 148 (1986); Chem. Abstr. 105(14) 9735n (1986)

Diplotaxis aeris (Forsk.) Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 Oil, % on dry wt: 32 n20 D : 1.4658 Iodine value, % J2: 109 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 16.0; 18:3 – 12.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 11.0; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 18.0; others – 1.8

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 12.2; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 9.2; 18:2 – 16.4; 18:3 – 30.6; 20:1 – 6.5; 22:1 – 22.6

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Diplotaxis catholica (L.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 30.8–31.0 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4693 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 138 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L): 16:0 – 9; 18:0 – 3; 18:1 – 12; 18:2 – 17; 18:3 – 31; 20:0 – 2; 20:1 – 5; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:0 – 1; 22:1 – 18; 24:1 – 0.3; others – 0.8 [1] (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 4.3; 18:1 – 11.4; 18:2 – 15.8; 18:3 – 32.2; 20:1 – 2.6; 22:1 – 24.4 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Diplotaxis chara Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Diplotaxis assurgens (Del.) Gren.

Seed Oil FAs (GLC, 10% SP 2330), %: 18:1 – 11.3; 18:2 – 18.6; 18:3 – 29.5; 22:1 – 26.6

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 27.8

1. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Diplotaxis cretacea Kotov


Diplotaxis cretacea Kotov

2.0; 20:1 – 10.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 24.0; others – 0.8

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 39.07

References 1. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Diplotaxis harra (Forsk.) Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 32.0–37.0 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4687 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 136 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8; 18:0 – 3; 18:1 – 10; 18:2 – 17; 18:3 – 30; 20:0 – 1; 20:1 – 4; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 1; 22:1 – 19; 24:1 – 0.1; others – 5.0 [1] (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 3.7; 18:1 – 12.6; 18:2 – 17.1; 18:3 – 36.1; 20:1 – 3.7; 22:1 – 17.7 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Diplotaxis griffithii (Hook. fil. et Thoms.) Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 Oil, % on dry wt: 40.0 n20 D : 1.4674 Iodine value, % J2: 120 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 11.0; 18:3 – 23.0; 20:0 –

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 36.3 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 10.2; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 13.4; 18:2 – 16.3; 18:3 – 25.5; 20:1 – 7.0; 22:1 – 25.0; others – 0.8

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 30.9 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 11.1; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 10.6; 18:2 – 19.7; 18:3 – 29.6; 20:1 – 7.3; 22:1 – 19.0

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Diplotaxis siifolia G. Kunze Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 [1]

Diplotaxis virgata (Cav.) DC.


Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References

Oil, % on dry wt: 31.3–33.0 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4705 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 149 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 10; 18:2 – 16; 18:3 – 36; 20:0 – 2; 20:1 – 6; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:0 – 0.8; 22:1 – 16; 24:1 – 1; others – 3.0 [1] (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 4.1; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 9.0; 18:2 – 18.1; 18:3 – 15.1; 20:1 – 6.7; 22:1 – 44.9 [2]

1. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 2. V.S. Dolya, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (L’vov, 1975), 23 s [in Russian] 3. V.S. Dolya, K.E. Koreshchuk, N.S. Fursa, D.N. Golodner, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 8(3), 377 (1972) 4. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Pol. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) 5. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy 22(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian]


Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua Del.

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.136 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 24.1–44.1 [1–5] 20 d20 4 : 0.8992 [3]; nD : 1.4765 [4, 5] Acid value, mg KOH: 3.03 [4, 5] Iodine value, % J2: 127.8 [4, 5] Phospholipids, %: 0.1 [4] Polensk value, ml KOH: 1.09 [4, 5] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.57 [4, 5] Relative viscosity, E020 : 9.82 [4] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 180.67 [4, 5] Thiocyanogen value, %: 93.15 [4, 5] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.78 [4] FAs n20 D : 1.4776 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 143.9 [4, 5] Mean mol. wt: 301.29 [4, 5] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 186.53 [4, 5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 100.08 [4, 5] FAs (GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 8:0 – tr; 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.8–8.6; 16:1 – 0.6–0.8; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 2.1–2.9; 18:1 – 12.0–12.6; 18:2 – 22.3– 27.1; 18:3 – 20.9–38.9; 20:0 – 0.9–5.7; 20:1 – 1.1–5.7; 20:2 – tr–1.1; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 11.8– 18.9; 24:1 – 1.5 [1, 3–5]

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 30.3 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 6.3; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 7.7; 18:2 – 14.6; 18:3 – 19.0; 20:1 – 4.7; 22:1 – 19.2; 22:2 – 22.5; others – 3.4

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Diplotaxis virgata (Cav.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 23.4–33.0 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4705 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 146 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 11.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 37.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:1 – 11.0; others – 1.7 [1] (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 11.7; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 15.1; 18:2 – 14.9; 18:3 – 30.2; 20:1 – 3.5; 22:1 – 23.6 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Diptychocarpus strictus (Fisch. ex Bieb.) Trautv.


Diptychocarpus strictus (Fisch. ex Bieb.) Trautv.

Dithyrea californica Harv. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.6 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 18.76 [1, 2] d20 4 : 0.9223 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4839 [1, 2] Acetic value, mg KOH: 28.76 [2] Hehner value, %: 94.96 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 199.39 [1] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.33 [2] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.20 [2] Relative viscosity, E : 7.94 [1, 2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 189.93 [1, 2] Thiocyanogen value, %: 115.23 [1, 2] Tocopherols, mg%: 21.0 [1, 2] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.71 [1, 2] FAs Hexabromide value, %: 58.78 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 210.29 [1] Mean mol. wt: 277.53 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 202.17 [2] Thiocyanogen value, %: 124.84 [1] Yield of saturated acids, %: 9.65 [1] Mean mol. wt of saturated acids: 272.29 [1] Yield of solid acids, %: 6.14 [1] Iodine value of solid acids, % J2: 0.34 [1] Composition of FAs (PC), %: Saturated – 9.65; 18:1 – 14.01; 18:2 – 11.41; 18:3 – 63.74 [1] (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 14:0 – 0.5; 15:0 – 1.3; 16:0 – 7.4; 18:0 – 1.6; 16:1 – 2.5; 16:2 – 0.8; 18:1 – 9.4; 18:2 – 10.4; 18:3 – 64.7; others – 1.3 [2] PhL Content, %: 0.4 [4] Component: N-acyl-PhE [4]

References 1. A.L. Markman, A.U. Umarov, B.M. Baram, K.K. Domanskaya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 1(4), 230 (1965) 2. A.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Tashkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian] 3. A.U. Umarov, A.L. Markman, B.M. Baram, Prikl. biokhimiya i mikrobiol. 8(5), 595 (1972) [in Russian] 4. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 13(2), 168 (1977)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 14.0 n40 D : 1.4676 Iodine value, % J2: 106 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 5.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 21.0; 18:3 – 8.0; 20:0 – 3.0; 20:1 – 35.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 – 0.4; others – 1.2

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Dithyrea wislizenii Engelm. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 8.0 n40 D : 1.4709 Iodine value, % J2: 124 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 26.0; 18:3 – 10.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 34.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 – 2.0; others – 1.3

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Draba aizoon Wahlenb. (D. lasiocarpa Rochel) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 12.3; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 4.4; campesterol

Draba montana S. Watson


(24-methylcholesterol) – 25.1; 4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – tr; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 58.0

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.2; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 33.0; 18:3 – 45.0; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:1 – tr; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 – tr; 24:1 – 0.1

References References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Draba aurea Vahl ex Hornem.

Draba incana L.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 22 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 7.9; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 44.0; 20:0 – 0.9; 20:1 – 0.5; 22:0 – 0.1; 24:1 – tr

Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 10 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1): 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 7.2; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 34.0; 18:3 – 40.0; 20:0 – 1.6; 20:1 – 0.5; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 – 1.7; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – 0.6



1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Draba cinerea M.F. Adams

Draba laucerlete

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 22 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 7.1; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 33.0; 18:3 – 44.0; 20:0 – 1.1; 20:1 – 0.8; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 0.3; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – 0.5

Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 18 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 7.0; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 27.0; 18:3 – 49.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 1.2; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – tr; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – 0.4



1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Draba fladnizensis Wulfen.

Draba montana S. Watson

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 23

Seed Oil (petrol), % on dry wt: 12

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS on Chromosorb W AW DMCS): 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.6; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 8.7; 18:2 – 19.9; 18:3 – 64.6

References 1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976)

Draba pyrenaica L. (Petrocallis pyrenaica (L.) R. Br.)


Draba pyrenaica L. (Petrocallis pyrenaica (L.) R. Br.)

Enarthrocarpus strangulates Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 Oil, % on dry wt: 40.0 n40 D : 1.4666 Iodine value, % J2: 115 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 18.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 34.0; 24:1 – 1.0; others – 1.1

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: cholesterol – 5.5; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 12.9; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 29.1; 4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – tr; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 52.5

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Eruca longirostris Uechtr. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.7 Oil, % on dry wt: 26.0 n40 D : 1.4665 Iodine value, % J2: 105 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 13.0; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 – 8.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 – 44.0; 24:1 – 1.0; others – 1.1

Draba rupestris Ait. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 30 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.6; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 34.0; 18:3 – 45.0; 20:0 – 0.9; 20:1 – 0.5; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 – tr; 24:1 – tr

References 1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Eruca sativa Mill. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Essential oil Content, %: 1.075 [1] Mass of 1,000, g: 2.4 [2]

Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav.


Oil, % on dry wt: 22.0–35.3 [2–8] 25 d20 4 : 0.9140 [5]; d : 0.910 [7] 20 nD : 1.4730–1.4734 [5, 6]; n40 D : 1.4644–1.4680 [2, 4, 7] Acetic value, mg KOH: 21.10 [5] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.99–1.51 [4, 6] Color, on the iodine scale: 20 [6] Hehner value, %: 94.26 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 89–137 [2–8] Phospholipids, %: tr–0.52 [5, 6] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.35 [6] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.77–1.10 [5, 6] Relative viscosity, E : 12.49–12.51 [5, 6] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 168.1–180.1 [2, 4–7] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 74.1–81.1 [4–6] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.14–2.02 [4, 5] FAs Hexabromide value, %: 6.43 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 101.82–113.87 [5, 6] Mean mol. wt: 279.47–311.90 [5, 6] Mean mol. wt of saturated acids: 243.64 [5] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 178.75–200.77 [5, 6] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 78.91–83.48 [5, 6] Yield of solid acids, %: 15.82 [5] Iodine value of solid acids, % J2: 42.68 [5] Yield of FFA (as oleic acid), %: 2.3 [7] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr–0.3; 13:0 – 0.3; 14:0 – tr–0.2; 15:0 – 1.2; 16:0 – 3.5–9.8; 16:1 – 0.2–1.5; 16:2 – 0.4; 16:3 – 0.8; 18:0 – 0.9– 4.7; 18:1 – 9.5–35.7; 18:2 – 7.6–24.9; 18:3 – 6.0– 36.2; 20:0 – 0.6–0.9; 20:1 – 7.0–13.3; 20:2 – 0.2– 2.1; 20:3 – 0.5; 22:0 – 0.2–1.7; 22:1 – 10.3–48.7; 22:2 – 0.6; 24:0 – tr–1.7; 24:1 – 1.0 [2–7, 9–17] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 7.2; 16:1 – 0.5; 16:2 – 0.4; 16:3 – 0.8; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 10.9; 18:3 – 12.6; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:1 – 8.4; 20:2 – 0.5; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:1 – 35.7; 24:0 – 1.5 [13] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 0.3; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:1 – 35.1; 18:2 – 26.2; 18:3 – 33.7; 20:1 – 0.8; 22:1 – 1.7; 24:0 – 1.9 [13] Proportion (percentage of FA type esterified with the 2 position), %: 16:0 – 1; 18:1 – 62; 18:2 – 80; 18:3 – 89; 20:1 – 3; 22:1 – 2 [13] Composition of TAG, %: 22:1 – 35.7: MAG – 0.5; DAG – 27.9; TAG – 44.8; 20:1 – 8.4: DAG – 1.5; TAG – 20.0; 18:1 –19.0: MAG – 0.4; DAG – 7.3;

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) TAG – 36.6; 18:2 – 10.9: DAG – 1.5; TAG – 24.5; 18:3 – 12.6: DAG – 1.2; TAG –34.0 [13] Sterols [18] Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 6.6; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 12.0; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 32.2; b-sitosterol (24ethylcholesterol) – 49.2, D5-avenasterol – tr

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 2. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 3. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 4. A.M. Gad, S. Fiad, Z.E. Shoeb, M.M. Hassan, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 67(10), 796 (1965) 5. A.U. Umarov, A.L. Markman, B.M. Baram, Prikl. biochim. i mikrobiol. 8(5), 595 (1972) [in Russian] 6. V.S. Dolya, K.E. Koreshchuk, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 10(4), 447 (1974) 7. A. Flanders, S.M. Abdulkarim, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 62(7), 1134 (1985) 8. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 9. A.U. Umarov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 11(1), 10 (1975) 10. А.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Таshkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian] 11. A. Popoff, P. Masrakov, C.r. Soc. Bot. 152(4), 279 (1958) 12. P.S. Sukhija, I.S. Phatia, Indian Biochem. 7, 271 (1970) 13. H. Grynberg, H. Szczepan´ska, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(3), 151 (1966) 14. R.H. Pardy, B.J. Campbell, Food Technol. 21(3A), 31 (1967) 15. A. Amjad, J.E. McKay, Food Chem. (8), 225 (1982) 16. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991) 17. T.C. Sindhu Kanya, M. Kantharaj Urs, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 66(1), 139 (1989) 18. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 22.7–27.0 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4654 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 101 [1]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 12; 18:2 – 10; 18:3 – 12; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 7; 20:2 – 0.2; 22:0 – 1; 22:1 – 44; 24:1 – 1; others – 5.6 [1] (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 3.5; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 8.8; 18:2 – 11.4; 18:3 – 11.4; 20:1 – 10.7; 22:1 – 49.5; others – 2.7 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Erucaria myagroides (L.) Halacsy Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 Oil, % on dry wt: 32.0 n40 D : 1.4655 Iodine value, % J2: 118 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 21.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 27.0; 24:1 – 1.0; others – 1.7

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)


Erucaria myagroides (L.) Halacsy

0.4; 20:1 – 8.0; 20:2 – 0.8; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:1 – 40.0; 24:1 – 2.0; others – 3.6

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Erucastrum armoracioides (Czern. ex Turcz.) Cruchet Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 32.12–37.23 [1–5] n20 D : 1.4770 [5] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.34 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 113.23 [2]; 129.18 [5] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.25 [5] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.87 [5] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 189.02 [5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 87.37 [5] FAs n20 D : 1.4781 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 146.15 [5] Mean mol. wt: 287.56 [5] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 195.13 [5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 93.42 [5] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 8:0 – tr; 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.8–5.3; 16:1 – 0.5–1.5; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 1.7–2.3; 18:1 – 10.8– 17.1; 18:2 – 17.2–20.8; 18:3 – 22.1–51.0; 20:0 – 5.8; 20:1 – 0.8–9.1; 20:2 – tr–3.6; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 10.8–19.6 [2, 4–6]


Erucastrum abyssinicum O.E. Schulz Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.8 Oil, % on dry wt: 34.0 n40 D : 1.4656 Iodine value, % J2: 108 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 13.0; 20:0 –

1. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 2. A.A. Grossgeim, Rastitel’nye bogatstva Kavkaza (izd. obshchestva ispytatelei prirody. Novaya seriya. Otd. bot., Vyp. 7 (XV), Moskva, 1952), s. 299 [in Russian] 3. A.L. Markman, A.U. Umarov, B.M. Baram, K.K. Domanskaya, Chem Natur. Comp. 1(4), 230 (1965) 4. А.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Таshkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian] 5. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy 22(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian] 6. V.S. Dolya, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (L’vov, 1975), 23 s [in Russian]

Erysimum asperum Nutt. DC.


Erucastrum cardaminoides (Webb) O.E. Schulz. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 29.4 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 4.1; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 9.9; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 13.7; 20:1 – 4.7; 22:1 – 51.7; others – 1.7

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Erucastrum varium Durieu Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 35.0 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 8.1; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 9.5; 18:2 – 12.1; 18:3 – 28.3; 20:1 – 6.7; 22:1 – 30.4; others – 2.6


Erucastrum nasturtiifolium (Poiret) O.E. Schulz

1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 32.4 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 5.6; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 12.7; 18:2 – 20.6; 18:3 – 27.4; 20:1 – 6.3; 22:1 – 24.9

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Erysimum arkansanum Nutt. et Torr. et Gray. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 26.98 [1] FAs (GLC, 3% Silar-5), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1 – 13.5; 18:2 – 21.3; 18:3 – 21.9; 20:0 – 7.3; 22:1 – 23.1 [1]


Erucastrum strigosum O.E. Schulz Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 Oil, % on dry wt: 28.0 n40 D : 1.4664 Iodine value, % J2: 109 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 9.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 14.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 0.3; 22:0 – 2.0; 22:1 – 48.0; 24:1 – 0.6; others – 0.4

1. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Polon. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980)

Erysimum asperum Nutt. DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 13.8; D7-cholesten-3b-ol – 0.7; campesterol

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) (24-methylcholesterol) – 37.8; b-sitosterol (24ethylcholesterol) – 35.0; D5-avenasterol – 11.8

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemisry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Erysimum aureum Bieb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 26.28 n20 D : 1.4768 Acid value, mg KOH: 1.14 Iodine value, % J2: 137.49 Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.56 Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 2.11 Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178.36 Thiocyanogen value % J2: 92.48 Unsaponifiables, %: 0.64 FAs Iodine value, % J2: 144.38 Mean mol. wt: 308.04 Neutralization value, mg KOH: 182.15 Thiocyanogen value, %: 98.09 Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 8:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.1; 15:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 4.6; 16:1 – 0.6; 17:0 – 0.2; 17:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1 – 8.4; 18:2 – 22.6; 18:3 – 25.9; 20:1 – 6.1; 20:2 – 1.5; 22:0 – 0.4; 22:1 – 24.6; 22:2 – 1.2; 24:0 – 2.1

References 1. N.S. Fursa, V.S. Dolya, V.I. Litvinenko, Rаstit. Resursy 20 (2), 244 (1984) [in Russian]

Erysimum cheiranthoides L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.174–0.212 [1]


Erysimum aureum Bieb.

Oil, % on dry wt: 21–43.0 [1–9] n20 D : 1.4773–1.4795 [6, 7] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.73–1.13 [6, 7, 10] Color, on the iodine scale: 25 [7] Iodine value, % J2: 124–147 [1–7, 10] Phospholipids, %: 0.05 [7] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.35 [6] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.11 [6] Relative viscosity, E20: 9.15 [7] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178.3–182.35 [6, 7, 10] Thiocyanogen value, %: 89.54 [6] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.96 [6] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 130.5 [6] Mean mol. wt: 295.22 [6] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 190.37 [6] Thiocyanogen value, %: 91.57 [6] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 3.9–4.8; 16:1 – tr–0.5; 18:0 – 1.3–3.5; 18:1 – 4.2–8.7; 18:2 – 25.2–30.6; 18:3 – 27.7–45.0; 20:1 – 4.6–7.2; 20:2 – 1.3; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 12.3–19.1; 22:2 – 0.4; 24:0 – 0.8; 24:1 – 0.7– 0.8; others – 2.6–3.3 [4, 6, 7, 11]

References 1. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Pol. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) 2. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 3. V.S. Dolya, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (L’vov, 1975), 23 s [in Russian] 4. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 5. J. Kolodziejski, A. Mruk-Luczkiewicz, Z. Zygmuntowski, Diss. Pharm. Et pharmacol. PAN 17(1), 13 (1965) 6. N.S. Fursa, V.S. Dolya, V.I. Litvinenko, Rаstit. Resursy 20(2), 244 (1984) [in Russian] 7. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, T.V. Podzolkova, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 9(1), 12 (1973) 8. K.Z. Micolajcrak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38, 678 (1961) 9. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian] 10. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 301 [in Russian] 11. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Erysimum diffusum Ehrh.


Erysimum crepedifolium Reichb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 18.0–27.89 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4772 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.96 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 134.26 [1] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.34 [1] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.86 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 179.04 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 88.35 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.82 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 138.58 [1] Mean mol. wt: 307.17 [1] Neutralization number, mg KOH: 182.67 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 91.44 [1] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 8:0 – 0.02; 14:0 – 0.05; 15:0 – 0.03; 15:1 – 0.03; 16:0 – 3.41; 16:1 – 0.69; 17:0 – 0.17; 18:0 – 1.04; 18:1 – 7.24; 18:2 – 26.55; 18:3 – 22.71; 20:1 – 6.39; 20:2 – 1.39; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 25.22; 22:2 – 1.14; 24:0 – 3.92 [1]; (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.4; 16:1 – 0.6; 18;0 – 4.8; 18:1 – 12; 18:2 – 34; 18:3 – 14; 20:0 – 1.4; 20:1 – 9.2; 20:2 – 1.7; 22:0 – 1.5; 22:1 – 14; 22:2 – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.3; 24:1 – 1.0 [2]

References 1. N.S. Fursa, V.S. Dolya, V.I. Litvinenko, Rаstit. Resursy 20(2), 244 (1984) [in Russian] 2. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Erysimum cuspidatum (Bieb.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 33.0 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4659 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 103 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 14.0; 20:0 –

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 1.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 0.5; 22:0 – 2.0; 22:1 – 46.0; others – 1.6 [1] (GLC), %: 16:0 – 5.1; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 3.6; 18:2 – 30.8; 19:3 – 45.6; 22:1 – 15.9 [3] TAG Composition of TAG: SSS – 0.28; SSU – 1.96; USU – 3.45; SUS – 4.60; SUU – 32.46; UUU – 57.25 [4] Sterols Content, %: 0.88 [2] Composition of sterols, % [2]: b-Sitosterol – 67.7; campesterol – 32.3

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. R.U. Umarova, V.A. Maslennikova, N.K. Abubakirov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(6), 692 (1977) 3. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, AlmaAta, 1952), s 249 [in Russian] 4. T.V. Chernenko, A.L. Markman, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 5(2), 66 (1969)

Erysimum diffusum Ehrh. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 22.1–40.21 [1–4, 6] n20 D : 1.4770 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.28 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 123.64 [1] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.25 [1] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 2.58 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 181.29 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 90.35 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.26 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 126.90 [1] Mean mol. wt: 295.22 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 190.09 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 92.38 [1] Composition of FAs (GLC,), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 2.9; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 11.2; 18:2 – 25.2; 18:3 – 21.3; 20:1 – 10.1; 20:2 – 1.9; 22:1 – 23.4; 22:2 – tr; 24:0 – 2.1 [1]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) TAG Content, %: 96.9 [6] FAs of TAG (GLC), %: 10:0 – 1.6; 12:0 – 1.4; 16:0 – 4.5; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 9.0; 18:2 – 25.1; 18:3 – 29.3; 20:1 – 5.4; 22:1 – 21.1 [5] (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400), %: 14:0 – 1.9; 16:0 – 2.0; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1 – 9.7; 18:2 – 25.7; 18:3 –34.4; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 – 24.3 [6] FFA Composition of FAs (GLC, 15% Reoplex-400), %: 14:0 – 2.3; 15:0 – 2.3; 16:0 – 15.9; 16:1 – 3.3; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 14.1; 18:2 – 32.4; 18:3 – 19.2; 22:0 – 2.3; 22:1 – 5.5 [6] Sterols Content, %: 0.11 [2] Component of sterols: b-Sitosterol [2] PhL Content, %: 0.5 [5] Composition of PhL: N-acyl-PhE – 3.2; N-acyllyso-PhE – 2.1; PhE – 19.3; PhC – 49.1; PhI – 21.3; lyso-PhC – 5.0 [5]

References 1. N.S. Fursa, V.S. Dolya, V.I. Litvinenko, Rastit. Resursy (2), 244 (1984) [in Russian] 2. R.U. Umarova, V.A. Maslennikova, N.K. Abubakirov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(6), 692 (1977) 3. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian] 4. N.Ya. Maslov, A.E. Petrov-Spiridonov, Zhurn. prikl. khim. 25(12), 1326 (1952) [in Russian] 5. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(5), 517 (1977) 6. S.D. Gusakova, G.A. Stepanenko, D.T. Asilbekova, Yu.M. Murdakhaev, Rastit. Resursy 19(4), 444 (1983) [in Russian]

Erysimum erysimoides (L.) Fritsh. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 5.9; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 8.9; 18:2 – 30.2; 18:3 – 26.8; 20:2 – 5.4; 22:1 – 20.9; others – 5.1


Erysimum erysimoides (L.) Fritsh.

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, N.A. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gazozhidkostnoi khromatographii organicheskikh kislot (izdvo “Nauka” Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1977) [in Russian]

Erysimum gypsaceum Botsch. et Vved. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 34.41 [1–4] d20 4 : 0.9117–0.9178 [1–3] n20 D : 1.4764 [1–2] Acetic value, mg KOH: 15.34 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.80 [2] Hehner value, %: 94.65–94.94 [2, 3] Iodine value, % J2: 139.47 [1, 3] Phospholipids, %: 0.293–0.43 [1–3] Polensk value, ml KOH: 1.25 [3] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.07 [3] Relative viscosity, E : 8.20 [1, 3] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 175.7–181.28 [1, 3] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 89.43 [1, 3] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.25 [1–3] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 145.44–210.29 [1–3] Hexabromide value, %: 18.04 [1–3] Mean mol. wt: 298.17 [1–3] Neutralization value, mg KOHg: 188.18–188.8 [2, 3] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 92.68–92.81 [1–3] Unsaturation value: 156.62 [2] Yield of saturated acids, %: 7.21 [1] Mean mol. wt of saturated acids: 326.55 [1, 3] Yield of solid acids, %: 16.84 [1, 3] Iodine value of solid acids, % J2: 47.92 [1, 3] Composition (GLC), %: 13:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 4.1–4.8; 16:1 – 0.8–1.3; 18:0 – 0.9–1.8; 18:1 – 13.8–47.5; 18:2 – 13.6–20.7; 18:3 – 9.9–28.3; 20:1 – 10.9– 12.9; 20:2 – 1.9; 22:1 – 9.6–24.7 [1, 3, 4] TAG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 11:0 – 0.2; 12:0 – 0.2; 13:0 – 0.4; 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 4.0; 16:1 – 1.5; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 13.4; 18:2 – 20.5; 18:3 – 27.3; 20:0 – 11.6; 22:1 – 18.7 [2]

Erysimum hieracifolium L.


sn-2-position (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 11:0 – 0.2; 12:0 – 0.2; 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 4.3; 16:1 – 1.3; 18:0 – 1.2; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 37.3; 18:3 – 35.0 [2] Composition of TAG, %: SSS – 0.39; SSU – 2.34; SUS – 5.74; SUU – 34.90; USU – 5.57; UUU – 53.06 [2, 5]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 18:3 – 27.61; 20:1 – 6.89; 20:2 – 1.48; 22:0 – 0.40; 22:1 – 27.22; 22:2 – 0.96; 24:0 – 2.36 [2]

References 1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978) 2. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy 22(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian]


Erysimum hieracifolium L. 1. A.L. Markman, A.U. Umarov, B.M. Baram, K.K. Domanskaya, Chem. Natur. Comp. 1(4), 230 (1965) 2. A.U. Umarov, T.V. Chernenko, A.L. Markman, Chem. Natur. Comp. 8(1), 20 (1972) 3. A.U. Umarov, A.L. Markman, B.M. Baram, Prikl. biokhim. i mikrobiol. 8(5), 595 (1972) [in Russian] 4. А.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Таshkent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian] 5. T.V. Chernenko, A.L. Markman, A.U. Umarov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 5(2), 66 (1969)

Erysimum helveticum (Jacq.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 28.12–29 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4770 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.84 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 134.05 [2] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.27 [2] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.87 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 180.64 [2] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 88.75 [2] FAs n20 D : 1.4778 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 139.38 [2] Mean mol. wt: 302.66 [2] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 185.30 [2] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 90.87 [2] Composition of FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 3.7; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 1.4; 18:1 – 6.2; 18:2 – 22.0; 18:3 – 27.0; 20:0 – 1.4; 20:1 – 5.5; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 0.9; 22:1 – 26.0; 22:2 – 0.6; 24:0 – 0.5; 24:1 – 2.8 [1] (GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 8:0 – tr; 10:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.03; 15:0 – 0.02; 16:0 – 3.01; 16:1 – 0.27; 17:0 – tr; 17:1 – tr; 18:0 – 1.10; 18:1 – 7.48; 18:2 – 22.32;

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 27–38.7 [1–5] n20 D : 1.4771–1.4778 [3, 4] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.24 [3]; 1.74–1.96 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 130.52–139.58 [3, 4] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.28 [3]; 0.35–0.39 [4] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.96–1.38 [3, 4] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178.35–180.86 [3, 4] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 89.01–91.33 [3, 4] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.95 [3] FAs n20 D : 1.4780–1.4786 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 140.24–145.62 [3, 4] Mean mol. wt: 300.79–304.80 [3, 4] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 184.09–186.54 [3, 4] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 93.15–95.19 [3, 4] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 8:0 – tr– 0.01; 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr–0.1; 15:0 – tr– 0.1; 15:1 – tr–0.10; 16:0 – 3.4–4.99; 16:1 – tr– 0.59; 17:0 – tr–0.14; 17:1 – tr–0.16; 18:0 – 0.9– 3.46; 18:1 – 3.9–9.09; 18:2 – 20.1–32.2; 18:3 – 24.27–46.7; 20:0 – 1.1; 20:1 – 4.6–7.4; 20:2 – 1.4–1.9; 22:0 – tr–1.94; 22:1 – 19.16–25.9; 22:2 – 0.39–1.1; 24:0 – 0.3–4.0; 24:1 – tr–2.5 [2–6] Sterols Components: b-Sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol [1]

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 2. M.I. Goryaev, N.A. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gazozhidkostnoi khromatographii organicheskikh kislot (izdvo “Nauka” Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1977), [in Russian] 3. N.S. Fursa, V.S. Dolya, V.I. Litvinenko, Rastit. Resursy 20(2), 244 (1984) [in Russian] 4. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. resursy 22(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian] 5. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978) 6. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)


Erysimum linifolium Gay

(24-methylcholesterol) – 28.1; 4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – tr; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 53.1; D5-avenasterol – 10.0

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Erysimum linifolium Gay Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Erysimum odoratum Ehrh. Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 29 [1] n40 D : 1.4693 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 131 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 16.0; 18:3 – 24.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 8.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 2.0; 22:1 – 25.0; 24:1 – 2.0; others – 5.0 [1] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 4.5; D7-cholesten-3b-ol – 1.3; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 34.9; 4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – 1.7; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 48.0; D5-avenasterol – 9.6; cycloartenol, 24-ethyl-D7-cholesten-3-b-ol, 24-methylene-4a-methyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol – tr [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 30.0–30.69 [1–3]; 13 [4] n20 D : 1.4764 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.49 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 134.71 [1] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.23 [1] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.08 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178.50 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 88.08 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.96 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 140.25 [1] Mean mol. wt: 306.34 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 183.16 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 93.96 [1] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 8:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr– 0.1; 15:0 – tr–0.1; 16:0 – 3.1–4.3; 16:1 – 0.3–0.6; 17:0 – 0.1; 17:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 0.8–2.2; 18:1 – 3.6– 9.2; 18:2 – 17.0–24.1; 18:3 – 24.3–30.2; 20:0 – 1.1; 20:1 – 5.4–6.8; 20:2 – 1.4–2.3; 22:0 – 0.4– 1.5; 22:1 – 23.9–28.6; 22:2 – 0.6–1.7; 24:0 – 0.3– 2.3; 24:1 – 2.3–3.6 [1–4]

Erysimum marshallianum Andrz. ex Bieb. References Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 8.8; D7-cholesten-3b-ol – tr; campesterol

1. N.S. Fursa, V.S. Dolya, V.I. Litvinenko, Rastit. Resursy 20(2), 244 (1984) [in Russian] 2. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978) 3. V.S. Dolya, Yu.I. Коrnievs’kii, А.S. Ribal’chenko, E.М. Shkurupii, Farmats. Zhurn. (Kiev) (2), 73 (1981) [in Ukrainian] 4. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976)

Erysimum pulchellum (Willd.) J. Gay


Erysimum orientale Mill. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.1; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 6.3; 18:2 – 24.5; 18:3 – 2.3; 20:1 – 21.5; 22:1 – 31.4; others – 11.5 [1]

References € Riiner, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 47(4), 129 (1970) 1. U.

Erysimum perovskianum Fisch. et Mey.

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 18:3 – 16.0–30.0; 20:0 – 0.8–1.1; 20:1 – 5.35– 8.8; 20:2 – 0.2–1.64; 22:0 – 0.32–0.8; 22:1 – 22.0–24.0; 22:2 – tr–1.2; 24:0 – 0.4–2.1; 24:1 – 1.66–3.0 [2–5] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 3.6; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 13.5; 18:2 – 27.0; 18:3 – 22.6; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 – 8.4; 20:2 – 1.5; 20:3 – 0.4; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 – 18.0; 22:2 – 0.4; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – 1.5 [6] sn-2-position: 16:0 – 0.4; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 18.5; 18:2 – 48.5; 18:3 – 31.4; 20:1 – 0.5 [6] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 9.2; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 26.5; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 52.8; D5avenasterol – 11.5 [7]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Essential oil Content, %: 0.05 [1] Composition: Erizolin C6H11O2NS [1] Mass of 1,000, g: 1.9 [2] Oil, % on dry wt: 28.72–35.0 [2–5] n20 D : 1.4772–1.4779 [3, 5] n40 D : 1.4690 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.22–1.33 [3, 5] Iodine value, % J2: 136.0–142.93 [2, 3, 5] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.24–0.36 [3, 5] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.16–1.24 [3, 5] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 176.71–180 [2, 3, 5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 89.26–92.42 [3, 5] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.88 [3] FAs n20 D : 1.4779–1.4785 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 141.15–147.19 [3, 5] Mean mol. wt: 306.21–309.03 [3, 5] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 181.57–183.24 [3, 5] Thiocyanogen value, %: 93.96–96.70 [3, 5] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 8:0 – tr– 0.01; 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr–0.06; 15:0 – tr–0.05; 15:1 – tr; 16:0 – 3.0–4.2; 16:1 – 0.4–0.6; 17:0 – 0.06–0.1; 17:1 – 0.07–0.11; 18:0 – 1.0– 3.01; 18:1 – 6.06–15.0; 18:2 – 22.92–27.0;

Activity: The oil has moderate antiseptic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi [8].

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 578 s [in Russian] 2. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 3. N.S. Fursa, V.S. Dolya, V.I. Litvinenko, Rastit. Resursy. XX(2), 244 (1984) [in Russian] 4. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978) 5. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 6. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy XXII(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian] 7. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971) 8. K.A. Akhtar, M.M. Bokadia, B.K. Mehta, K.A. Batra, Grasas Aceites (Seville) 37(3), 148 (1986); Chem. Abstr. 105(14) 9735n (1986)

Erysimum pulchellum (Willd.) J. Gay Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 29.56 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4768 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.44 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 134.14 [1, 2]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.45 [1] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.84 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 176.74 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 88.09 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.15 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 140.27 [1] Mean mol. wt: 305.05 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 183.87 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 91.52 [1] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 8:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4.8; 16:1 – 0.5; 17:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 8.0; 18:2 – 26.6; 18:3 – 22.5; 20:1 – 5.7; 20:2 – 1.3; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 25.2; 22:2 – 1.1; 24:0 – 2.6 [1, 2]


Erysimum repandum L.

Composition of FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 7.0; 18:2 – 17.0; 18:3 – 33.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 9.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 17.0; 24:1 – 1.0; others – 1.4 [2] Composition of oil, %: TAG – 82.8; DAG – 10.9; MAG – 0.72 [3]

References 1. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian] 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 3. S.V. Vasil’ev, N.I. Libezov, V.N. Kopranenkov, Maslozhirovaya promyshlennost’ (9), 34 (1967) [in Russian]


Erysimum silvestre (Crantz) Scop. 1. N.S. Fursa, V.S. Dolya, V.I. Litvinenko, Rastit. Resursy XX(2), 244 (1984) [in Russian] 2. V.S. Dolya, Yu.I. Коrnievs’kii, А.S. Ribal’chenko, E.М. Shkurupii, Farmats. Zhurn. (Kiev) (2), 73 (1981) [in Ukrainian]

Erysimum repandum L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 20.1–40.0 [1–3] d20 4 : 0.8988 [3] 40 n20 D : 1.4762 [3]; nD : 1.4695 [1] Acetic value, mg KOH: 9.91 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 4.63 [3] Ether value, mg KOH: 173.05 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 140–140.1 [1, 3] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.2275 [3] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.6516 [3] Relative viscosity, E19: 31.26 [3] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: Before acetylation – 177.68, after acetylation – 186.21 [3] FAs d20 4 : 0.8958 [3] n20 D : 1.4648 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 193.6 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 156.3 [3] Mean mol. wt: 290.5 [3]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.7 [2] Oil, % on dry wt: 30.0–30.04 [1, 2] d20 40 : 0.9193 [1] 40 n20 D : 1.4781 [1]; nD : 1.4712 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.27 [1] Hehner’s value, %: 86.87 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 135.32–138.0 [1] Relative viscosity, E : 72.58 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 186.27 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.56 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 137.75 [1] Mean mol. wt: 289.25 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 193.98 [1] Composition of FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 23.0; 18:3 – 26.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 – 24.0; 24:1 – 0.6; others – 1.8 [2] TAG FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.1, 16:0 – 4.5, 16:1 – 1.0, 18:0 – 1.6, 18:1 – 12.2, 18:2 – 25.0, 18:3 – 30.7, 20:0 – 2.4, 22:1 – 22.5 [1] (GLC, PEGS), %: 14:0 – 1.6; 16:0 – 5.4; 16:1 – 2.7; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 12.2; 18:2 – 12.1; 18:3 – 30.0; 20:1 – 2.4; 22:0 – 5.0; 22:1 – 26.1 [3]

Euclidium syriacum (L.) R. Br.


sn-2-position (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 1.0; 16:1 – 0.9; 18:1 – 19.1; 18:2 – 45.6; 18:3 – 33.0 [1] Composition of TAG: SSS – 0.02; SUU – 13.20; USU – 2.87; SSU – 0.45; SUS – 0.52; UUU – 82.94 [1] PhL Composition, %: N-acyl-PhE – 7.0; N-acyl-lysoPhE – 5.2; PhE – 19.2; PhC – 45.2; PhI – 16.4; lyso-PhC – 7.0 [3] FAs of PhL (GLC,), %: 14:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 10.6; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 14.7; 18:2 – 21.8; 18:3 – 32.0; 20:1 – 7.4; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 3.0; 22:1 – 6.0; 24:0 – 1.1; 24:1 – 1.3 [4]

References 1. A.U. Umarov, N.T. Kisapova, Chem. Natur. Comp. 9(1), 99 (1973) 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 3. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 13(5), 517 (1977) 4. Yu.A. Tadzhibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, S.T. Akramov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 14(2), 145 (1978)

Erysimum suffruticosum Spreng. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 36.75 [1]; 13.84 [2] n20 D : 1.4779 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.78 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 140.87 [2] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.34 [2] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.94 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 179.92 [2] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 90.38 [2] FAs n20 D : 1.4784 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 148.24 [2] Mean mol. wt: 302.46 [2] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 185.51 [2] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 94.81 [2] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 8:0 – tr; 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.04–1.0; 15:0 – 0.05; 15:1 – tr; 16:0 – 3.4–7.7; 16:1 – 0.49–1.0; 17:0 – 0.06;

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 17:1 – 0.07; 18:0 – 1.0–1.55; 18:1 – 6.61–22.7; 18:2 – 22.0–23.39; 18:3 – 12.1–31.59; 20:0 – 8.5; 20:1 – 5.59; 20:2 – 1.11; 22:0 – 0.30–1.0; 22:1 – 17.81–20.1; 22:2 – 0.72; 24:0 – 7.24; others – 9.1 [1–3]

References 1. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Polon. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) 2. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy XXII(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian] 3. M.I. Goryaev, N.A. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gazozhidkostnoi khromatographii organicheskikh kislot (izdvo “Nauka” Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata 1977), [in Russian]

Erysimum sylvaticum Bieb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 16:0 – 4.1; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 13.8; 18:2 – 19.9; 18:3 – 28.3; 22:1 – 20.3

References 1. A.U. Umarov, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (Tashlent, 1977), 46 s [in Russian]

Euclidium syriacum (L.) R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 8.43 n20 D : 1.4819 Acid value, mg KOH: 1.06 Hehner value, %: 86.54 Iodine value, % J2: 149.21 Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 163.61 Unsaponifiables, %: 3.42 FAs Iodine value, % J2: 153.01 Mean mol. wt.: 261.92

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 197.01 Composition of FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 8:0 – 0.7; 10:0 – 0.8; 12:0 – 0.7; 13:0 – 0.5; 14:0 – 0.6; 16:0 – 13.8; 16:1 – 6.3; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1 – 22.1; 18:2 – 11.5; 18:3 – 39.4 TAG Composition, %: SSS – 0.15; SSU – 0.72; USU – 0.82; SUS – 8.91; SUU – 41.36; UUU – 48.04



Euzomodendrom bourgaenum Cosson.

Fibigia clypeata (L.) Medik. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.1 Oil, % on dry wt: 12.0 n40 D : 1.4726 Iodine value, % J2: 155.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 13.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 25.0; 18:3 – 36.0; others – 3.2

1. A.U. Umarov, E.I. Gigienova, N.T. Ul’chenko, Chem. Natur. Comp. 10(2), 255 (1974)


Euzomodendrom bourgaenum Cosson.

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 21.4 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 9.2; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 11.6; 18:2 – 20.3; 18:3 – 22.3; 20:1 – 7.2; 22:1 – 27.0

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Fibigia macrocarpa (Boiss.) Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 25.1 Iodine value, % J2: 152.5

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 443 s [in Russian]

Fezia pterocarpa Pitard Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 14.1 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 15.9; 18:0 – 3.9; 18:1 – 13.6; 18:2 – 2.0; 18:3 – 4.9; 20:1 – 13.0; 22:1 – 46.7

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Goldbachia laevigata (Bieb.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.8 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 48 [1] n40 D : 1.4700 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 151.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7; 18:0 – 1; 18:1 – 16; 18:2 – 11; 18:3 – 38; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 15; 20:2 – 2; 22:1 – 5; others – 4.4 [1]

Hesperis matronalis L.


(GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 7.9; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 8.5; 18:2 – 13.5; 18:3 – 35.3; 20:1 – 8.6; 22:1 – 16.6; 24:1 – 1.1; others – 6.3 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Guiraoa arvensis Coss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 29.5 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 10.8; 18:2 – 18.3; 18:3 – 24.8; 20:1 – 5.4; 22:1 – 32.1

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Heliophila longifolia DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 2.1; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 17.6; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 25.8; stigmasterol (24ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 4s.3; bsitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 49.1; D5avenasterol – 1.6

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Hesperis matronalis L.


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Aerial Part Essential oil, %: 0.13–0.29 [1, 2]

Heliophila amplexicaulis L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil FAs (GLC, polar 5% LAC-2R 446 or 3% Silar 5CP and nonpolar 5% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 1.1; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 12.1; 18:2 – 5.2; 18:3 – 11.1; 20:0 – 1.8; 20:1 – 7.9; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:0 – 3.5; 22:1 – 25.0; 22:2 – 0.6; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – tr; 20:1-OH (14-OH-cis-11-eicosenoic, auricolic acid) – 30.1, 22:1-OH (16-OH-cis-13docosenoic, lesquirolic acid) – tr

References 1. R.D. Plattner, K. Payne-Wahl, L.W. Tjarks, R. Kleiman, Lipids 14(6), 576 (1979)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.8 [3] Oil, %: 29.0–50.0 [3–7] n40 D : 1.4748 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 150.0–191.0 [3–6] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178.0 [3] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 6.5–8.0; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 2.0–2.4; 18:1 – 13.0–13.8; 18:2 – 21.9– 24.0; 18:3 – 51.0–54.5; others – 0.9 [3, 8, 9] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 16:0 – 6.9; 16:1 – 1.1; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 14.7; 18:2 – 25.2; 18:3 – 49.3; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – tr; others – 0.5 [10] b-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 16:1 – 1.3; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 29.4; 18:3 – 54.0; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – tr; others – 0.3 [10] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 1.3; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 7.0; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 23.0; 4a-methyl-D7-

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) cholesten-3b-ol – tr; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 66.3; D5-avenasterol – 2.3 [11]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 2. G.A. Esvandzhiya, E.S. Milyanovskii, Byul. Gl. Botan. Sada/AN SSSR, vyp. 97, 50 (1975) [in Russian] 3. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 4. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian] 5. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (Leningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 6. F.R. Earle, T.A. McGuire, J. Mallau, M.O. Bagly, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 37(1), 48 (1960) 7. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian] 8. L.-A. Appelqvist, The Biology and Chemistry of the Cruciferae (London, New York, San Francisco, 1976), pp. 221–277 9. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971) 10. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 11. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Hesperis sibirica L.


Hesperis sibirica L.

Oil, % on dry wt: 31 [1] n40 D : 1.4650 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 110.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3; 18:0 – 1; 18:1 – 12; 18:2 – 17; 18:3 – 16; 20:0 –2; 20:1 – 10; 20:2 – 0.5; 22:0 – 1; 22:1 – 37; others – 1.0 [1] (GLC, BDS), %: 16:0 – 3.8; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 6.1; 18:2 – 7.8; 18:3 – 28.2; 20:1 – 3.9; 22:1 – 46.0 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971)

Hutchinsia alpine (L.) R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 12.5; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 6.0; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 38.9; b-sitosterol (24ethylcholesterol) – 42.6

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Essential oil Content, %: 0.2 Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 24–30

References 1. I.А. Gubanov, I.L. Krylova, V.L. Tikhonova, Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya SSSR (“Mysl”, Мoskva, 1976), 360 s [in Russian]

Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 [1]

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Hutera leptocarpa Gonzalez-Albo Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 28.6 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446): 16:0 – 3.7; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1 – 14.9; 18:2 – 13.7; 18:3 – 28.5; 20:1 – 2.9; 22:1 – 35.2; others – 1.7

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Iberis umbellata L.


Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Iberis amara L.

Iberis pruitii Tineo

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.0 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 27.0 [1] n40 D : 1.4681 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 110 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 164.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 12.0; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.3; 22:1 – 38.0; 24:1 – 2.0 [1]

Seed Oil (petrol), % on dry wt: 15.0 FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 2.4; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 19.8; 18:2 – 14.9; 18:3 – 7.4; 20:1 – 5.7; 22:1 – 43.1; 24:1 – 5.8

Activity: The oil has moderate antiseptic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi [2].

References 1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976)

Iberis sempervirens L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. K.A. Akhtar, M.M. Bokadia, B.K. Mehta, K.A. Batra, Grasas Aceites (Seville) 37(3), 148 (1986); Chem. Abstr. 105(14) 9735n (1986)

Iberis gibraltarica L.

Seed Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 4.8; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,227 cholestadien-3b-ol) – tr; D -cholesten-3b-ol – tr, campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 40.5; 4a-methyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol – tr; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 51.6; D5-avenasterol – 3.1; cycloartenol, 24-ethyl-D7-cholesten-3-b-ol, 24-methylene-4a-methyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol – tr

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seeds Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 7.6; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 8.8; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 36.6; 4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – tr; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 36.3; D5-avenasterol – tr; cycloartenol, 24-ethyl-D7-cholesten-3-b-ol, 24methylene-4a-methyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol – 10.7

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

References 1. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Iberis umbellata L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.3 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 26.0 [1] n40 D : 1.4672 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 102.0 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 165.0 [1]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 19.0; 18:3 – 7.0; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.5; 22:1 – 50.0; 22:2 – tr; 24:1 – 3.0 [1] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 3.0; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 20.9; 18:3 – 5.1; 20:0 – 0.2; 20:1 – 6.2; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:1 – 45.1; 22:2 – 0.4; 24:1 – 4.7 [2] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 1.6; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:1 – 26.1; 18:2 – 52.4; 18:3 – 13.2; 20:0 – 0.2; 20:1 – 1.4; 20:2 – 0.3; 22:1 – 3.3; 22:2 – 0.4; 24:1 – 0.7 [2] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – tr–5.3; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 8.8–20.0; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 30.5–47.7; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 39.3–49.5; D5avenasterol – tr–2.4; cycloartenol, 24-ethyl-D7cholesten-3-b-ol, 24-methylene-4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – tr–2.3 [3]


Isatis aleppica Scop.

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Isatis ausheri Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.0 Oil, % on dry wt: 33.0 n40 D : 1.4695 Iodine value, % J2: 140.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 31.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 9.0; 20:2 – 0.5; 22:1 – 24.0; 24:1 – 2.0; others – 1.2

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)


Isatis buschiana Schischk.

1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 3. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Isatis aleppica Scop.


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaya, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t., (Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian]

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 8.3 Oil, % on dry wt: 9.0 n40 D : 1.4669 Iodine value, % J2: 110.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 23.0; 18:2 – 6.0; 18:3 – 20.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 10.0; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 – 23.0; 24:1 – 3.0; others – 2.3

Aerial Part Vitamin E Carotene

Isatis costata C.A. Mey. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Lipids Content, % on dry wt: 5.2 [1]

Isatis tinctoria L.


Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 29–30 [2]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Isatis subradiata Rupr. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. E.V. Kucherov, G.K. Baikov, I.B. Gufranova, Poleznye rasteniya Yuzhnogo Urala (Izd. “Nauka”, Moscow, 1976), 263 s [in Russian] 2. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana (MoskwaLeningrad, 1947), 52 s [in Russian]

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 30.0 Iodine value, % J2: 112.0–150.0

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 443 s [in Russian]

Isatis glauca Boiss. Isatis tinctoria L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (petrol), % on dry wt: 4.0 FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 4.6; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 11.1; 18:2 – 13.4; 18:3 – 29.4; 20:1 – 10.9; 20:2 – 1.3; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 23.3; 22:2 – 0.5; 24:0 – 0.3; 24:1 – 3.5

References 1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976)

Isatis lusitanica L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 9.0 Iodine value, % J2: 110.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 8.0; 18:1 – 23.0; 18:2 – 6.0; 18:3 – 20.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 10.0; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 – 23.0

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Aerial Part Carotene [1] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.2 [2] Oil, % on dry wt: 13.0–32.85 [2–6] d20 4 : 0.9187 [5] n20 D : 1.4760 [5, 6] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.19 [5, 6] Iodine value, % J2: 112.0–150.0 [2–6] Phospholipids, %: 0.53 [5] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.63 [5, 6] Relative viscosity E020 : 9.85 [5] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.28 [5, 6] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 177.58 [5, 6] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 100.51–103.51 [5, 6] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.86 [5] FAs n20 D : 1.4778 [6] Iodine value, % J2: 131.24 [5, 6] Mean mol. wt: 313.11 [5, 6] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 179.18 [5, 6] Thiocyanogen value, %: 102.48–104.48 [5, 6] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 3.4–6.0; 16:1 – 0.2; 17:0 – tr; 17:1 – tr; 18:0 – 1.3–2.0; 18:1 – 16.0–16.2; 18:2 – 10.5– 12.0; 18:3 – 27.7–28.0; 20:0 – 2.0–10.2; 20:1 – 0.6–13.0; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – tr–0.92; 22:1 – 20.0– 25.5; 22:2 – tr; 24:0 – 3.5; 24:1 – 1.0 [2, 5, 6]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 3.2; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 9.4; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 19.1; stigmasterol (24ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 6.4; bsitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 59.2; D5avenasterol – 3.7 [7]

References 1. A.A. Vitkus, A.M. Meklenburgos, Tr. Akad. Nauk Litov. SSR, Ser. B, Vil’nyus, 2 (55), 11 (1971) [in Russian] 2. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian] 3. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (Leningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 4. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 5. V.S. Dolya, K.E. Koreshchuk, N.S. Fursa, D.N. Golodner, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 8(3), 377 (1972) 6. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy XXII(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian] 7. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Leavenworthia torulosa Gray Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.9 Oil, % on dry wt: 21.0 n40 D : 1.4655 Iodine value, % J2: 103.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L): 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 7.0; 20:0 – 0.3; 20:1 – 53.0; 20:2 – 1.0; others – 5.3

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.485


Leavenworthia torulosa Gray

Oil, % on dry wt: 16.5 FAs (GLC, 3% Silar-5), %: 16:0 – 3.9; 16:1 – 1.8; 18:0 – 0.5; 18:1 – 8.7; 18:2 – 8.8; 18:3 – 31.0; 20:0 – 13.4; 20:1 – 2.8; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:1 – 18.3; 24:1 – 8.0

References 1. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Polon. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980)

Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.5 Oil, % on dry wt: 24.0 n40 D : 1.4707 Iodine value, % J2: 150.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 5.0; 18:3 – 42.0; 20:0 – 3.0; 20:1 – 9.0; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 14.0; others – 1.5

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Lepidium draba L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.8 [2] Oil, % on dry wt: 14.63–16.0 [1, 2] 40 n20 D : 1.4760 [1]; nD : 1.4707 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.83 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 135.53–146 [1, 2] Phospholipids, %: 0.03 [1] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.45 [1] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 4.82 [1] Relative viscosity, E020 : 8.61 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 177.26 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 97.23 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.13 [1]

Lepidium latifolium L.


FAs Iodine value, % J2: 146.27 [1] Thiocyanogen value, %: 98.85 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 189.87 [1] Mean mol. wt: 295.52 [1] Composition of FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 –2.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 –18.0; 18:3 –34.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 8.0; 20:2 – 0.3; 22:0 – 0.4; 22:1 – 12.0; 24:1 – 0.6; others – 0.8 [2]; (GLC), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.1; 15:1 – tr; 16:0 – 7.0; 16:1 – 0.2; 17:0 – 0.1; 17:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 1.2; 18:1 – 17.2; 18:2 – 16.1; 18:3 – 31.5; 20:1 – 7.5; 20:2 – 0.8; 22:0 – 0.9; 22:1 – 13.6; 22:2 – 0.6; 24:0 – 1.1; 24:1 – 2.1 [1]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Oil, % on dry wt: 24.0 n40 D : 1.4700 Iodine value, % J2: 149.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 8.0; 18:3 – 40.0; 20:0 – 3.0; 20:1 – 15.0; 20:2 – 0.2; 20:3 – 0.5; 22:1 – 8.0

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961)

Lepidium latifolium L.


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 11(5), 679 (1975) 2. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.1 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 19.0–24.05 [1, 2] 40 n20 D : 1.4781 [2]; nD : 1.4727 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.50 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 168.0–172.27 [1, 2] Phospholipids, %: 0.11 [1] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.25 [1] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.86 [1] Relative viscosity, E020 : 8.66 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 175.53 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 104.79 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.69 [1] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 173.54 [1] Mean mol. wt.: 289.60 [1] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 193.75 [1] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 107.91 [1] Composition of FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 15; 18:2 – 34; 18:3 – 36; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 4; 20:2 – 1; others – 1.4 [1] (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.08; 16:0 – 4.76; 16:1 – 0.23; 17:0 – tr.; 18:0 – 3.03; 18:1 – 17.59; 18:2 – 32.53; 18:3 – 35.22; 20:1 – 5.87; 20:2 – 0.69; 22:0 – tr [2]

Lepidium graminifolium L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 Oil, % on dry wt: 31.0 n40 D : 1.4716 Iodine value, % J2: 164.0 FA (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 45.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:0 – 1.0; others – 0.9

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Lepidium lasiocarpum Nutt. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.4

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 11(5), 679 (1975)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Lepidium montanum Nutt. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 4.5 Oil, % on dry wt: 28.0 n40 D : 1.4723 Iodine value, % J2: 173.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 25.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 50.0; 20:1 – 0.6


Lepidium montanum Nutt.

Mean mol. wt: 290.58 [5, 6] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 191.44 [5, 6] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 101.96 [5, 6] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.1–6.0; 16:1 – 0.3; 17:0 – tr; 17:1 – tr; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 12.5–14.0; 18:2 – 7.0–7.8; 18:3 – 36.3–38.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 14.0–16.7; 20:2 – 1.0–1.4; 22:0 – 0.4–2.6; 22:1 – 10.0–12.84; 22:2 – tr; 24:0 – 0.32–2.1; 24:1 – 0.3–1.81; others – 3.4 [4–6]

References References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer Oil. Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961)

Lepidium perfoliatum L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Mustard oil [1] Vitamin E [2] Carotene [2]

1. E.P. Shirokov, D. Bogdaa, I.V. Kobozev, Izv. Timiryazev. s.-kh. akad. (3), 187 (1980) [in Russian] 2. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaya, G.O. Akopyan, Byul. Botan. Sada (izd. AN Arm. SSR, Erevan) (14), 75 (1954) [in Russian] 3. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 4. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 5. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.S. Fursa, Chem. Natur. Comp. 9(5), 578 (1973) 6. V.S. Dolya, Rastit. Resursy, XXII(2), 249 (1986) [in Russian] 7. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian]

Lepidium repens (Schrenk) Boiss. Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 [4] Oil, % on dry wt: 11.0–19.0 [3–7] d20 4 : 0.9223 [5] 40 n20 D : 1.4770 [5, 6]; nD : 1.4704 [4] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.01 [5, 6] Color, on the iodine scale: 40 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 135.58–160 [3–6] Phospholipids, %: 0.61 [5] Polensk number, ml KOH: 0.75 [5, 6] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 0.71 [5, 6] Relative viscosity E20: 7.69 [5] Saponification value, mg KOH: 179.88 [5, 6] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 98.45 [5, 6] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.46 [5] FAs n20 D : 1.4784 [6] Iodine value, % J2: 148.75 [5, 6]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 Oil, % on dry wt: 14.0 n40 D : 1.4699 Iodine value, % J2: 135.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 23.0; 18:2 – 21.0; 18:3 – 25.0; 20:0 – 0.7; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:0 – 0.8; 22:1 – 12.0; others – 2.1

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Lepidium sativum L.


Lepidium ruderale L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Leaf Carotene [1] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.232 [2] Oil, % on dry wt: 22.0–26.7 [2–4] Iodine value, % J2: 139.0–176.0 [3, 4] FAs (GLC, 3% Silar-5), %: 16:0 – 3.9; 18:0 – 0.7; 20:0 – 5.8; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:1 – 11.6; 18:2 – 7.3; 18:3 – 46.4; 20:1 – 9.7; 20:2 – 1.1; 22:1 – 9.4; 24:1 – tr [2]

References 1. Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya Kryma, pod red. N.I. Rubtsova, Trudy Gos. Nikitskogo bot. sada, t. XLIX (Vsesoyuz. Ordena Lenina Akademiya sel’sko-khozyaistvennykh nauk im. Lenina, Yalta, 1971), 182 2. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Polon. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) 3. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 4. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian]

Lepidium sativum L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Essential oil Content, %: 0.115 [1] Composition of oil, %: Benzylmustard oil – 75 [1] Carotene [2] Leaf Vitamin E [3] Carotene [3] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.5–2.0 [4, 5] Oil, % on dry wt: 14.16–25.5 [4–9]; 58.0 [10] 40 n20 D : 1.4751 [4]; nD : 1.4681 [5] Color, on the iodine scale: 35 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 120.18–137.0 [4–9]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Phospholipids, %: 0.57 [4] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.18 [4] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 1.21 [4] Relative viscosity, E20: 8.75 [4] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 186.36–189.0 [4, 5] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 86.03 [4] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 127.24 [4] Mean mol. wt: 291.81 [4] Neutralization value, mg KOH: 192.28 [4] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 89.63 [4] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr–0.1; 16:0 – 7.6–9.0; 16:1 – 0.3–0.4; 18:0 – 2.0–2.6; 18:1 – 18.5–31.4; 18:2 – 7.2–12.8; 18:3 – 30.8–42.3; 20:0 – 3.0; 20:1 – 12.0–14.0; 20:2 – 0.4–1.4; 22:0 – 0.8–1.4; 22:1 – 4.5–9.0 [4, 5, 11] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 9.0; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 22.7; 18:2 – 9.7; 18:3 – 34.4; 20:0 – 2.3; 20:1 – 12.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 20:3 – 0.7; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 3.9; 24:0 – 0.5; 24:1 – 0.9 [12] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 0.3; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:1 – 31.7; 18:2 – 17.3; 18:3 – 50.1; 20:1 – 0.3 [12] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 5.8; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 11.2; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 4.2; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 52.8; D5-avenasterol – 26.0 [13] a-Tocopherol Content, ppm on dry wt: 100; on fresh wt: 7 [14]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 2. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaya, G.O. Akopyan, Byul. Botan. Sada/AN Arm. SSR (14), 75 (1954) [in Russian] 3. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaya, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t. (Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian] 4. V.S. Dolya, K.E. Koreshchuk, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 10(4), 447 (1974) 5. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 6. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 7. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, MoskwaLeningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 8. T.N. Mehta, M.V. Gokhale, Indian J. Appl. Chem. 27(2), 71 (1964) 9. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR (Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Semeistva Paeoniaceae– thymelaeaceae) (izd-vo “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1986), s. 42–98 [in Russian] 10. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian] 11. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991) 12. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 13. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971) 14. V.H. Booth, M.P. Bradford, Brit. J. Nutr. 17(4), 575 (1963)


Lepidium virginicum L.

Lesquerella angustifolia S. Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 26.0 n40 D : 1.4714 Iodine value, % J2: 89.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 8.0; 18:3 – 2.0; 20:1 – 0.4; 22:1 – 2.0 Hydroxy-FAs Composition, %: OH-C18-unsaturated – 5; OH-C20unsaturated – 65


Lepidium virginicum L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 20.0 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4701 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 143.0 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 172.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 7; 16:1 – 1; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 17; 18:2 – 6; 18:3 – 31; 20:0 – 3; 20:1 – 10; 20:2 – 0.8; 20:3 – 0.3; 22:0 – 2; 22:1 – 19; 24:1 – 2 [1] (GLC), %: 16:0 – 5.18; 18:0 – 0.91; 18:1 – 8.95; 18:2 – 6.39; 18:3 – 41.63; 20:1 – 8.53; 20:2 – 1.33; 22:1 – 20.22 [2] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 2.5; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 30.9; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 12.1; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 51.4; D5-avenasterol – 3.1 [3]

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. J. Kolodziejski, A. Mruk-Luczkiewicz, H. Mionakowski, Dissert. Pharm. Pharmacol. 21(3), 236 (1969) 3. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39, 78 (1962)

Lesquerella argyraea S. Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 26.0–27.0 n40 D : 1.4714–1.4722 Iodine value, % J2: 96.0–99.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 2.0–2.1; 16:1 – 0.5–1.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 14.0–20.0; 18:2 – 6.0–9.0; 18:3 – 4.0–5.0; 20:1 – 0.4–1.0 Hydroxy-FAs Composition, %: OH-C18-unsaturated – 0.7–0.8; OH-C20-unsaturated – 61.0–67.0

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39, 78 (1962)

Lesquerella auriculata (Engelm. & Gray) S. Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 32.6

Lesquerella densipila Rollins


FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 3.8; 16:1 – 1.4; 18:0 – 5.4; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 3.0; 18:3 – 6.9; 20:1 – 2.8; 22:1 – 0.7 Composition of oil, %: Normal TAG (I) – 12; monohydroxy-TAG (II) – 60.6; dihydroxy-TAG (III) – 27.4 FAs and hydroxy-As of normal TAG (I) (GLC,), %: 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 10.0; 16:1 – 4.6; 18:0 – 8.6; 18:1 – 37.0; 18:2 – 5.1; 18:3 – 9.2; 20:1 – 2.7; 22:1 – 3.2; 18:1-OH – 6.5; 18:2-OH – tr; 20:1-OH – 2.2; 20:2-OH – 7.1 FAs of MAG (I) (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 3.5; 16:1 – 9.6; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 52.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 17.0; 20:1 – 0.2 FFA of I: 16:0 – 11.0; 16:1 – 1.8; 18:0 – 12.0; 18:1 – 44.0; 18:2 – 4.2; 18:3 – 7.8; 20:1 – 7.8; 22:1 – 10.0 FAs of estolides (I): 14:0 – 0.8; 16:0 – 11.0; 16:1 – 5.6; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1 – 22.0; 18:2 – 1.2; 18:3 – 4.9; 20:1 – 0.6; 22:1 – 0.1; 18:1-OH – 20.0; 18:2-OH – 0.2; 20:1-OH – 6.6; 20:2-OH – 21.0 Estolides from I by total chain length, % GLC: C32 – 1.8; C34 – 26.2; C36 – 23.4; C38 – 47.6; C40 – 1.0 FAs and hydroxy-As of monohydroxy-TAG (II): 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 3.3; 16:1 – 0.9; 18:0 – 4.5; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 2.3; 18:3 – 7.4; 20:1 – 2.1; 22:1 – 0.6; 18:1-OH – 5.6; 18:2-OH – 1.7; 20:1OH – 9.9; 20:2-OH – 33.0 FAs of MAG (II): 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 3.4; 16:1 – 4.2; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 58.0; 18:2 – 7.6; 18:3 – 19.0; 20:1 – 0.3; 18:1-OH – 1.4; 18:2-OH – 0.3; 20:1OH – 0.8; 20:2-OH – 3.7 FFA of II: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 14.0; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 20.0; 18:1 – 47.0; 18:2 – 2.4; 18:3 – 6.4; 20:1 – 5.0; 20:1-OH – 0.9; 20:2-OH – 3.5 FAs of estolides (II): 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 2.1; 16:1 – 1.7; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 5.8; 18:2 – 0.7; 18:3 – 1.3; 20:1 – 0.2; 22:1 – 1.4; 18:1-OH – 12.0; 18:2-OH – 3.0; 20:1-OH – 13.0; 20:2-OH – 58.0 FAs and hydroxy-As of dihydroxy-TAG (III): 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 0.9; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 1.7; 18:3 – 5.0; 20:1 – 0.7; 22:1 – tr; 18:1-OH – 4.6; 18:2-OH – 4.2; 20:1-OH – 14.0; 20:2-OH – 49.0

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs of MAG (III): 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.9; 16:1 – 3.5; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1 – 60.0; 18:2 – 5.6; 18:3 – 18.0; 20:1 – 0.2; 18:1-OH – 3.3 FFA of III: 14:0 – 0.4; 16:0 – 6.8; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 10.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 0.5; 18:3 – 1.5; 20:1 – 0.9; 18:1-OH – 2.0; 18:2-OH – 3.8; 20:1-OH – 12.0; 20:2-OH – 48.0 FAs of estolides (III): 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 2.3; 16:1 – 1.5; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 1.9; 18:2 – 0.2; 18:3 – 0.8; 20:1 – 0.8; 22:1 – 0.9; 18:1-OH – 5.2; 18:2-OH – 3.8; 20:1-OH – 19.0; 20:2-OH – 62.0 Composition of total hydroxy acids, %: 18:1-OH (ricinoleic) – 5.3; 18:2-OH (12-OH-cis-9,cis15-octadecadienoic) – 2.1; 20:1-OH (14-OHcis-11-eicosenoic) – 9.8; 20:2-OH (14-hydroxycis-11,cis-17-eicosadienoic) –32.0

References 1. R. Kleiman, G.F. Spencer, F.R. Earle, H.J. Nieschlag, A.S. Barclay, Lipids 7(10), 660 (1972)

Lesquerella densipila Rollins Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 24.0 [1]; 26.5 [2] FAs Content (after saponification), %: 91.5 [2] Composition of FAs and hydroxy-FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 1.0; 16:2 – 0.3; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 22.0; 18:2 – 3.0; 18:3 – 11.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 0.7; OH-C18-unsaturated – 50.0; OH-16:1 – 1.0 [1] Hydroxy-FAs (GLC), %: 12-OH-cis-9,cis-15–18:2 (densipolic) – 38.4; ricinoleic – 19.6; OH-16:1 – 2.6 [2]

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39, 78 (1962) 2. C.R. Smith, T.L. Willson, R.B. Bates, C.R. Scholfield, J. Org. Chem. 27(9), 3112 (1962)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Lesquerella engelmannii S. Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.5–2.1 Oil, % on dry wt: 11–21 n40 D : 1.4714–1.4726 Iodine value, % J2: 103–104 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 1– 2; 16:1 – 1–2; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 15–23; 18:2 – 8– 10; 18:3 – 8–10; 20:1 – 0.7–0.8; OH-C18 unsaturated – 0.62; OH-C20 unsaturated – 50–60

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962)


Lesquerella engelmannii S. Wats.

TAG Composition of TAG (TLC), %: Normal TAG – 10; monolesqueroline – 15; dilesqueroline – 73 [3] Epoxy-FAs Composition, % on oil: 15,16-epoxy-9,12–18:2 – 0.2; 9,10-epoxy-12–18:1 – 0.02; 9,10-epoxy18:0 – 0.02 [4] Sterols (HPLC), % on oil: Brassicasterol – 0.08; campesterol – 0.11; b-sitosterol – 0.15; stigmasterol – 0.02 [4]

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962) 2. K.D. Carlson, A. Chaudhry, M.O. Bagby, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 67(7), 438 (1990) 3. K.D. Carlson, A. Chaudhry, R.E. Peterson, M.O. Bagby, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 67(8), 495 (1990) 4. A. Chaudhry, R. Kleiman, K.D. Carlson, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 67(11), 863 (1990)

Lesquerella fendleri (A. Gray) Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4–0.5 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 20–28 [1] n40 D : 1.4707–1.4719 [1] Hydroxyl value, %: 103 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 105–109 [1, 2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 174 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.82 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 1–2; 16:1 – 0.7–1; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 14–17; 18:2 – 7; 18:3 – 11–14; 20:0 – 0–0.4; 20:1 – 0.1–1; OH-C18 unsaturated – tr–0.9; OH-C20 unsaturated – 57– 62 [1] Unsaturated FAs Content, %: 93.0 [2] Composition, %: 18:1 – 16.9; 18:2 – 7.6; 18:3 – 13.2 [2] FFA Content, %: 1.25 [2] Hydroxy-FAs Content, %: 5.0 [2] Composition, % (GLC): 14-OH-cis-11–20:1 (lesquerolic) – 55.0; 14-OH-cis-11,cis-17–20:2 (auricolic) – 3.0 [2]

Lesquerella globosa (Perk.) Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil, % on dry wt: 39 n40 D : 1.4716 Iodine value, % J2: 93 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 2; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 10; 18:2 – 9; 18:3 – 4; OHC18 unsaturated – 7; OH-C20 unsaturated – 66; 22:0 – 1

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962)

Lesquerella gordonii (A. Gray) Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.5–0.6 [1]

Lesquerella lescurii (A. Gray) Wats.


Oil, % on dry wt: 26–29 [1] n40 D : 1.4716–1.4720 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 95–98 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 2; 16:1 – 1; 18:0 – 1–2; 18:1 – 17–22; 18:2 – 4–5; 18:3 – 6–7; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – 0.5–1; OH-C18 unsaturated – 0.7–1.0; OH-C20 unsaturated – 61–66 [1] Hydroxy-FAs Composition, %: Auricolic – 1.6; ricinoleic – 0.3; lesqueroleic – 98 [2]

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962) 2. K.D. Carlson, A. Chaudhry, R.E. Peterson, M.O. Bagby, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 67(8), 495 (1990)

Lesquerella gracilis (Hook.) Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.7 Oil, % on dry wt: 33 n40 D : 1.4716–1.4712 Iodine value, % J2: 87 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 1; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 1; 18:1 – 11; 18:2 – 4; 18:3 – 3; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – 1; OH-C18 unsaturated – 6.0; OH-C20 unsaturated – 72

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 0.8–2.0; 16:1 – 1.0–2.0; 18:0 – 2.0–4.0; 18:1 – 24.0–29.0; 18:2 – 7.0–8.0; 18:3 – 1.0–2.0; 20:1 – 0–0.6; OH-C18 unsaturated – 0.9–2.0; OH-C20 unsaturated – 52.0–62.0

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962)

Lesquerella lasiocarpa (A. Gray) Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.5–1.4 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 29–30 [1] n40 D : 1.4685–1.4693 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 84–86 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 2.0; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 28.0–29.0; 18:2 – 6.0–9.0; 18:3 – 2.0; 20:0 – 0–0.4; 20:1 – 2.0; OH-C18 unsaturated – 1.0–3.0; OH-C20 unsaturated – 45.0–52.0; 20:2 – 3.0 [1] Hydroxy-FAs Components: 14-OH-cis-11–20:1 (lesquerolic) [2, 3]


1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962)

1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962) 2. F. Giral, Ciencia (Me´xico) 21(2), 91 (1961); RZh Biokhim. 16C630 (1962) (Russian) 3. C.R. Smith, T.L. Wilson, T.K. Miwa, H. Zobei, R.L. Lohmar, I.A. Wolff, J. Org. Chem. 26, 2903 (1961)

Lesquerella grandiflora (Hook.) Wats.

Lesquerella lescurii (A. Gray) Wats.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8–1.0 Oil, % on dry wt: 27–37 n40 D : 1.4716–1.4698–1.4702 Iodine value, % J2: 87–99

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil, % on dry wt: 28 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 16:1 – 2.0; 16:2 – 0.4; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 25.0;


Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 18:2 – 3.0; 18:3 – 13.0; OH-C18 unsaturated – 44.0; OH-16:1 – 2.0


Lesquerella lindheimeri (A. Gray) Wats.

Lesquerella ovalifolia Rydb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962)

Lesquerella lindheimeri (A. Gray) Wats.

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 Oil, % on dry wt: 24 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 16:1 – 0.9; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 6.0; 18:3 – 11.0; 20:1 – 0.6; OH-C18 unsaturated – 1.0; OHC20 unsaturated – 62.0

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.9–1.4 Oil, % on dry wt: 21–26 n40 D : 1.4701–1.4715 Iodine value, % J2: 86 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr–0.1; 16:0 – 2.0; 16:1 – 0.4–1.0; 18:0 – 1.0–2.0; 18:1 – 12.0; 18:2 – 6.0; 18:3 – 2.0; 20:0 – 0–0.4; 20:1 – 1.0– 2.0; OH-C18 unsaturated – 0.5–1.0; OH-C20 unsaturated – 72.0–74.0

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962)

Lesquerella lyrata Rollins

1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962)

Lesquerella perforate Rollins Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.9 Oil, % on dry wt: 23.0 n40 D : 1.4753 Iodine value, % J2: 138 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 2.0; 18:3 – 12.0; 20:0 – 0.3; OH-16:0 – 2.0; OH-18:1 – 10.0; OH-18:2 – 37.0; others – 2.5

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil, % on dry wt: 26 n40 D : 1.4746 Iodine value, % J2: 134 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 6.0; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 3.0; 18:3 – 10.0; 20:0 – 0.9; 20:1 – 0.5; OH-16:0 – 2.0; OH-18:1 – 8.0; OH-18:2 – 36.0; others – 2.5

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Lesquerella pinetorum Wooten et Slanaley Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.0 Oil, % on dry wt: 27 n40 D : 1.4711 Iodine value, % J2: 101

Lunaria annua L.


FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 12:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 2.0; 16:1 – 2.0; 18:0 – 0.9; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 10.0; 18:3 – 8.0; 20:1 – 0.9; OH-C18 unsaturated – tr; OH-C20 unsaturated – 57.0

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 Oil, % on dry wt: 14.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 8.0; 18:3 – 3.0; OH-18:1 – 2.0; OH-20:1 – 71.0; others – 1.0

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.8 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 33.0 [1] n40 D : 1.4643 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 95.0 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 176.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 4; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 6; 18:1 – 30; 18:2 – 7; 18:3 – 10; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 – 42; 20:2 – 0.3; 20:3 – 0.3; 22:0 – 0.5 [1, 2] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 3.4; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 5.1; 18:1 – 31.0; 18:2 – 7.4; 18:3 – 9.1; 20:0 – 1.4; 20:1 – 41.3; 20:2 – 0.6; 20:3 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 – 0.2 [3] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 18:1 – 55.3; 18:2 – 16.9; 18:3 – 22.6; 20:1 – 5.2 [3]



1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. L.-A. Appelqvist, In: The Biology Chemistry of the Cruciferae, J.G. Vaughan, A.J. MacLeo, B.M.G. Jones (eds.) (Academic Press, London, New York, 1976), p. 221–277 3. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971)

References 1. K.L. Mikolajczak, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 78 (1962)

Lesquerella recurvata (Engelm.) Wats. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Lesquerella stonensis Rollins Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.9 Oil, % on dry wt: 24.0 n40 D : 1.4748 Iodine value, % J2: 140 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 21.0; 18:2 – 2.0; 18:3 – 14.0; 20:0 – 0.4; 22:1 – 2.0; OH-16:0 – 2.0; OH-18:1 – 7.0; OH-18:2 – 39.0; others – 2.9

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Lunaria annua L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 14.0–16.4 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 27.2–38.0. [1–3] d25: 0.904; d37.8: (100 F) 0.898 [2] 40 n25 D : 1.4693 [2]; nD : 1.4633–1.4644 [1, 2] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.0 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 79.0–81.0 [1, 2] Relative viscosity: At 25 C – 90, at 37.8 C (100 F) – 52 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 178.0 [1] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.8 [2]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) FAs d25: 0.886; d37.8: (100 F) 0.878 [2] n25 D : 1.4613 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 170.0 Iodine value, % J2: 80.0 [2] Relative viscosity: At 25 C – 42.0, at 37.8 C (100 F) – 26 [2] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 1.0–2.0; 16:1 – 0.2–0.3; 18:0 – 0.2–0.3; 18:1 – 23.0–26.0; 18:2 – 5.7–7.0; 18:3 – 0.4–2.0; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 0.7– 2.0; 20:2 – 2.0; 22:1 – 42.0–48.0; 24:1 – 14.0– 24.7 [1–4] Fatty alcohols [2] d25: 0.848; d37.8: (100 F) 0.843 n25 D : 1.4621 Hydroxyl value, %: 5.2 Iodine value, % J2: 85.0 Relative viscosity: At 25 C – 37.0, at 37.8 C (100 F) – 22.0 Wax esters [2] d25: 0.864; d37.8: (100 F) 0.858 40 n25 D : 1.4653; nD : 1.4602 Iodine value, % J2: 87.0 Relative viscosity: At 25 C – 35.0, at 37.8 C (100 F) – 23.0 Methyl esters [2] d25: 0.874; d37.8: (100 F) 0.864 n25 D : 1.4538 Iodine value, % J2: 77.0 Relative viscosity: At 25 C – 8.0, at 37.8 C (100 F) – 6.0 TAG Content, %: 96.3 [3] FAs of TAG (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 1.0–2.2; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 22.7–32.9; 18:2 – 5.5–9.4; 18:3 – 0.7–1.5; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – tr–1.8; 20:2 – tr; 22:1 – 40.3–42.2; 24:1 – 13.6–25.9; others – 0.2–2.3 [3, 5–7] sn-2-position (GLC), %: 16:0 – 0.8; 16:1 – 1.0; 16:2 – 0.5; 17:1 – 0.8; 18:1 – 61.8–79.6; 18:2 – 8.7–20.2; 18:3 – 2.4–4.1; 20:1 – 0.4–1.3; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:1 – 0.7–7.7; 24:1 – 2.0–4.2; 24:2 – 4.9 [3, 5, 6] sn-1,3-position (GLC), %: 18:1 – 4.6; 18:2 – 4.8; 20:1 – 0.8; 22:1 – 60.7; 24:1 – 37.4 [3, 7] Distribution of main FAs in b-poisition, %: 16:0 – 12; 18:1 – 63; 18:2 – 51; 18:3 – 91; 20:1 – 100; 22:1 – 6; 24:1 – 5 [5]


Lunaria annua L.

Composition of TAG, %: 24:1 – 13.6: MAG – 0.1; DAG – 3.1; TAG – 30.4; 22:1 – 40.3: MAG – 2.5; DAG – 33.9; TAG – 50.1; 18:1 – 32.9: MAG – 2.1; DAG – 20.5; TAG – 55.3; 18:2 – 9.4: MAG – 0.1; DAG – 2.1; TAG – 25.0 [5] FFA Content, %: 0.3 [3] Composition (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 5.2; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 5.9; 18:3 – 1.0; 20:1 – 1.3; 22:1 – 35.7; 24:1 – 18.4; others – 6.5 [3] PhL+GL Content, %: 2.9 [3] FAs of PhL+GL (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 11.7; 18:1 – 47.7; 18:2 – 23.1; 18:3 – 2.9; 20:1 – 1.4; 22:1 – 5.1; 24:1 – 4.4; others – 3.7 [3, 7] MAG Content, %: 0.1 [3] FAs of MAG (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 12.5; 18:1 – 33.2; 18:2 – 12.2; 18:3 – 3.3; 20:1 – 2.5; 22:1 – 18.7; 24:1 – 10.2; others – 7.4 [3, 7] DAG Content, %: 0.4 [3] FAsof DAG (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 3.9; 18:1 – 32.3; 18:2 – 9.4; 18:3 – 0.8; 20:1 – 1.6; 22:1 – 31.6; 24:1 – 16.0; others – 4.4 [3, 7] FAs of PhC (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 15.1; 18:1 – 39.1; 18:2 – 28.1; 18:3 – 11.3; 20:1 – 24.1–3.5; others – 2.9 [3] FAs of PhE+PhG (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 17.6; 18:1 – 26.3; 18:2 – 34.5; 18:3 – 12.9; 20:1 – 24.1–4.6; others – 4.1 [3] FAs of PhA (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 13.6; 18:1 – 34.9; 18:2 – 32.4; 18:3 – 13.3; 20:1 – 24.1–3.7; others – 2.7 [3] FAs of MGDG (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 17.8; 18:2 – 28.4; 18:3 – 40.4; 20:1 – 24.1–6.7; others – 3.3 [3] FAs of DGDG (GLC,), %: 16:0 – 22.9; 18:1 – 17.6; 18:2 – 25.5; 18:3 – 27.6; 20:1 – 24.1–3.1; others – 3.3 [3]

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. T.K. Miwa, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 40, 742 (1963) 3. K.D. Mukherjee, I. Kiewitt, Phytochem. 25(2), 401 (1986)

Malcolmia cabulica Hook. f. and Thoms.


4. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 5. H. Grynberg, H. Szczepan´ska, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 43(3), 151 (1966) 6. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 7. E. Fehling, K.D. Mukherjee, Phytochemistry 29(5), 1525 (1990)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Malcolmia africana (L.) R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Lunaria biennis L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 23.0; 18:2 – 7.0; 18:3 – 2.0; 20:0 – 0.4; 20:1 – 2.0; 22:1 – 42.0; 24:1 – 21.0 [1] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 0.6; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 29.8; stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 2.3; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 67.1; D5-avenasterol – tr; cycloartenol, 24-ethyl-D7cholesten-3-b-ol, 24-methylene-4a-methyl-D7cholesten-3b-ol – tr [2]

References 1. T.L. Wilson, C.R. Smith, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 39(2), 104 (1962) 2. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 [1] Oil, %: 23.9–31.0 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4744 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 188 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 58.0; 20:0 – 0.1; other – 0.7 [1] (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 12.0; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 –13.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 57.0; 20:0 – 0.3; 20:1 – 0.3; 20:2 – 0.2; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 0.3; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – tr; other – 1.0 (among them epoxyoctadecadienoic acid) [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Malcolmia cabulica Hook. f. and Thoms. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Lunaria rediviva L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 27.5 Oil, % on dry wt: 24.0 n40 D : 1.4656 Iodine value, % J2: 94 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – 0.3; 18:1 – 22.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 2.0; 20:1 – 14.0; 22:1 – 39.0; 24:1 – 5.0; others – 3.4

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.1 Oil, % on dry wt: 31.0 n40 D : 1.4742 Iodine value, % J2: 183 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 16.0; 18:3 – 55.0; 20:0 – 0.6; 20:1 – 0.2; others – 0.8

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Malcolmia chia (L.) DC.

Malcolmia chia (L.) DC.

Malcolmia maritima (L.) Ait. f.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 15 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 6.5; 16:1 – 0.2; 18;0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 5.9; 18:2 – 24; 18:3 – 21; 20:0 – 0.9; 20:1 – 17; 20:2 – 5.2; 20:3 – 0.5; 22:0 – 0.4; 22:1 – 14; 22:2 – 1.3; 24:0 – 0.7; 24:1 – 0.9

1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 20.0 [1] n40 D : 1.4696 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 127 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 172.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 6.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 21.0; 20:0 – 3.0; 20:1 – 23.0; 20:2 – 6.0; 20:3 – 2.0; 22:1 – 15.0; 22:2 – 0.4; 24:1 – tr [1] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 6.5; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 8.5; 18:2 – 17.0; 18:3 – 20.1; 20:0 – 2.6; 20:1 – 23.1; 20:2 – 4.0; 20:3 – 1.1; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:1 – 11.7; 22:2 – 0.6; 22:3 – 0.3; 24:0 – 0.4; 24:1 – 0.9 [2] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 16:0 – 0.5; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 15.1; 18:2 – 39.9; 18:3 – 42.4; 20:1 – 0.8; 20:2 – 0.4; 22:1 – 0.2 [2] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 3.7; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 5.1; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 25.4; stigmasterol – tr; bsitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 64.2; D5avenasterol – 1.6 [3]

Malcolmia littorea (L.) R. Br.


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 3. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

References 1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Malcolmia flexuosa (Sibth. et Sm.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 18 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 5.3; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 4.3; 18:2 – 12; 18:3 – 20; 20:0 – 1.3; 20:1 – 23; 20:2 – 6.3; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 19; 22:2 – 1.5; 24:0 – 0.4; 24:1 – 2.0; others – 2.6


Seed Oil (hexane), % on dry wt: 29 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 –tr; 16:0 – 5.4; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 7.8; 18:1 – 14; 18:2 – 32; 18:3 – 34; 20:0 – 1.8; 20:1 – 2.8; 20:2 – 0.6; 20:3 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.3; 22:1 – 0.3; 22:2 – tr; 24:0 – 0.1; 24:1 – 0.1

Malcolmia ramosissima (Desf.) Thell. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 31.6

Matthiola bicornis (Sibth. et Smith) DC.


FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 9.1; 18:0 – 6.1; 18:1 – 22.6; 18:2 – 20.2; 18:3 – 36.8; 20:1 – 1.7; others – 3.6

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Malcolmia turkestanica Litw. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil d20 4 : 0.9255 n20 D : 1.4835 Acid value, mg KOH: 1.51 Hehner value, %: 86.89 Iodine value, % J2: 165.55 Relative viscosity, E : 7.532 Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 175.21 Unsaponifiables, %: 1.12 FAs Iodine value, % J2: 171.81 Mean mol. wt.: 272.25 Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 206.06 Composition of FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 8:0 – 0.6; 11:0 – 0.7; 12:0 – 0.5; 13:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 12.6; 18:0 – tr; 16:1 – 3.1; 18:1 – 22.8; 18:2 – 13.9; 18:3 – 45.3 TAG Composition, %: SSS – 0.15; SSU – 1.18; USU – 2.27; SUS – 4.10; SUU – 60.74; UUU – 31.56

References 1. A.U. Umarov, E.I. Gigienova, N.T. Ul’chenko, Chem. Natur. Comp. 10(2), 255 (1974)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Acid value, mg KOH: 4.02 Iodine value, % J2: 183.76 Phospholipids, %: 0.16 Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.43 Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 2.42 Relative viscosity, E20 0 : 7.12 Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 190.42 Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 116.43 Unsaponifiables, %: 0.76 FAs Iodine value, % J2: 185.50 Mean mol. wt: 281.67 Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 199.56 Thiocyanogen value, %: 120.29 Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 6:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.22; 15:0 – 0.06; 16:0 – 9.63; 16:1 – 0.54; 17:0 – 0.11; 17:1 – 0.10; 18:0 – 3.17; 18:1 – 11.90; 18:2 – 10.49; 18:3 – 62.85; 20:2 – 0.93

References 1. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 11(5), 679 (1975)

Matthiola arborescens Sternb. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (petrol), % on dry wt: 19 FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 7.7; 18:0 – 2.9; 18:1 – 12.5; 18:2 – 9.4; 18:3 – 66.4; others – 1.0

References 1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976)

Matthiola bicornis (Sibth. et Smith) DC. Matthiola annua (L.) Sweet. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 18.43 n20 D : 1.4810

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.2 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 23.0–31.5 [1–4] d20 4 : 0.9282 [2]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) n40 D : 1.4752 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 4.46 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 194.25–198.0 [1] Phospholipids, %: 0.18 [2] Polensk value, ml KOH: 0.32 [2] Reichert–Meissel value, ml KOH: 2.64 [2] Relative viscosity, E020 : 6.58 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 186.0–189.31 [1, 2] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 22.06 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 0.52 [2] FAs Iodine value, % J2: 196.8 [2] Mean mol. wt: 279.77 [2] Neutralization value, mg KOH/g: 202.9 [2] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 125.2 [2] Composition of FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.1–0.4; 16:0 – 6.0–12.0; 16:1 – 0.2–0.8; 18:0 – 2.3–3.0; 18:1 – 14.0–14.3; 18:2 – 8.3–12.0; 18:3 – 60.0–66.0; 20:0 – 0.1; 20:1 – 0.1; 20:2 – 0.1; 22:0 – 0.1; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – tr; epoxy-18:2 – 2.5 [1–4] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 3.1; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 3.1; campesterol (24methylcholesterol) – 20.3; stigmasterol (24ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol) – 3.1; bsitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 70.4; D5avenasterol – tr [5]

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. V.S. Dolya, K.E. Koreshchuk, N.S. Fursa, D.N. Golodner, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 8(3), 377 (1972) 3. V.S. Dolya, E.N. Shkurupii, N.A. Kaminskii, Chem. Natur. Comp. 11(5), 679 (1975) 4. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978) 5. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)


Matthiola fragrans Bunge

References 1. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian]

Matthiola incana (L.) R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 8.2–27.0 [1–3] d30: 0.9344 [2] n30 D : 1.3790 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.72 [2] Ester value, mg KOH: 184.5 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 139.4 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 187.2 [2] Thiocyanogen value, % J2: 102.6 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 2.18 [2] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – 0.1–2.6; 16:0 – 4.7–8.4; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 1.6–4.4; 18:1 – 12.6–32.2; 18:2 – 9.5–26.2; 18:3 – 5.2–64.4; 20:0 – 0.1–2.5; 20:1 – 0.1; 20:2 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 – tr–41.4; 24:0 – tr–0.7; 24:1 – tr [1, 2, 4] TAG FAs of TAG (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 9.1; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1 – 13.3; 18:2 – 11.0; 18:3 – 62.7; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – tr; 20:3 – 0.1 [5] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 0.5; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 17.8; 18:2 – 16.3; 18:3 – 64.6 [5] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 0.9–4.9; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 12.3–13.7; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 81.4–84.6; cycloartenol, 24-ethyl-D7-cholesten3-b-ol, 24-methylene-4a-methyl-D7-cholesten3b-ol – tr–2.2 [6]

Matthiola fragrans Bunge


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. B.C. Joshi, D.S. Bhakuni, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India (4), 190 (1959) 2. A. Rahman, M.S. Khan, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(6), 281 (1961) 3. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 21.4

Matthiola tristis R. Br.


4. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991) 5. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971) 6. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Matthiola longipetala (Vent.) DC. (M. oxyceras DC.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 Oil, % on dry wt: 33.0 n40 D : 1.4738 Iodine value, % J2: 189 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 61.0; 20:0 – 0.1; 20:2 – 0.5


Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) (GLC-MS, 3% OV-114), %:0 –tr; 16:0 – 8.0; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 9.4; 18:2 – 6.7; 18:3 – 73; 20:0 – 0.2; 20:1 – 0.1; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 0.1; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – tr [2]

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 2. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Matthiola sinuata (L.) R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (hexane), %: 29.0 FAs (GLC-MS, 3% OV-1), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 9.4; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 8.8; 18:3 – 65.0; 20:0 – 0.1; 20:1 – 0.1; 20:2 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.2; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – tr

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)


Matthiola odoratissima (Bieb.) R. Br.

1. A. Jart, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(12), 873 (1978)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 30.5

References 1. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian]

Matthiola parviflora (Schouboe) R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 24.4–26.0 [1, 2] FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 10.0; 18:0 – 3.3; 18:1 – 14.8; 18:2 – 9.8; 18:3 – 62.1 [1]

Matthiola tristis R. Br. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 Oil, % on dry wt: 33.0 n40 D : 1.4746 Iodine value, % J2: 195.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 12.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 65.0; 20:0 – 0.3; 20:1 – 0.4; 20:2 – 1.0; others – 0.5

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Megacarpaea gigantea Regel Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % o1n dry wt: 19.3–25.0 [1, 2] Iodine value, % J2: 148.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 15% PEGS), %: 12:0 – 1.0; 14:0 – 0.6; 15:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 9.2; 16:1 – 1.4; 17:0 – 2.4; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 12.9; 18:3 –29.5; 20:0 – tr; 22:1 – 17.1; 22:0 – tr; 24:0 – tr; 24:1 – tr [2] Composition of oil, %: TAG – 89.7; oxygenire TAG + triterpenols – 5.9; FFA – 0.7; DAG + sterols – 0.6 [2]

References 1. R.S. Khaidarov, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (Samarkand, 1963), 18 s [in Russian] 2. N.T. Ul’chenko, N.P. Bekker, A.I. Glushenkova, I.G. Akhmedzhanov, Chem. Natur. Comp. 37(3), 285 (2001)

Megacarpaea megalocarpa (Fisch. ex DC.) B. Fedtsch.


Megacarpaea gigantea Regel

Oil, % on dry wt: 28.0 n40 D : 1.4678 Iodine value, % J2: 118 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 19.0; 20:0 – 0.2; 20:1 – 11.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:0 – 0.8; 22:1 – 31.0; 24:1 – 0.6; others – 1.4

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Microthlaspi perfoliatum (L.) F. K. Mey (Thlaspi perfoliatum L.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 31.0 Iodine value, % J2: 98 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 20.0; 18:3 – 5.0; 20:1 – 7.0; 20:2 – 0.7; 22:1 – 29.0

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 23.34 Iodine value, % J2: 142.4

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 443 s [in Russian]

Microsisymbrium lasiophyllum (Hook. and Arn.) O.E. Schulz Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.1

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Moricandia arvensis (L.) DC. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.3 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 32.0–38.7 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4684 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 132 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9; 18:0 – 3; 18:1 – 12; 18:2 – 18; 18:3 – 27; 20:0 – 1; 20:1 – 7; 20:2 – 1; 22:0 – 0.9; 22:1 – 20; others – 0.8 [1]

Nasturtiopsis arabica Boiss.


(GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 5.9; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 8.9; 18:2 – 14.6; 18:3 – 30.1; 20:1 – 6.4; 22:1 – 28.3; others – 3.8 [2]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Moricandia baetica Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.5 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 31.0 n40 D : 1.4691 Iodine value, % J2: 136 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 14.0; 18:3 – 30.0; 20:0 – 0.8; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.8; 22:0 – 1.0; 22:1 – 28.0; 24:1 – 0.8; others – 1.0

Muricaria prostata (Desf.) Desv. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 33.6 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 9.7; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 23.6; 18:2 – 15.6; 18:3 – 18.6; 20:1 – 10.4; 22:1 – 19.1

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Nasturtiopsis arabica Boiss. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Moricandia foetida Bourgeau ex Cosson Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 Oil, % on dry wt: 36.0 n40 D : 1.4676 Iodine value, % J2: 127 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:2 – 21.0; 18:3 – 21.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 9.0; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 19.0; others – 3.7

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.1 Oil, % on dry wt: 33.0 [1] n40 D : 1.4683 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 135.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 11.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 22.0; 18:3 – 27.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.6; 22:0 – 0.9; 22:1 – 9.0; 24:1 – tr; others – 1.3 [1] (GLC, 10% SP 2330 Supelco Ltd), %: 18:1 – 16.7; 18:2 – 21.8; 18:3 – 32.3; 22:1 – 11.8 [2]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Nasturtium officinale R. Br. (N. fontanum (Lam.) Aschers., Rorippa nasturtiumaquaticum (L.) Hayek, Sisymbrium nasturtium-aquaticum L.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Mustard oil Content, %: 0.06–0.066 [1, 2] Composition of oil: Phenylethylmustard oil, raphanolid [3] Leaf Vitamin E [4] Carotene [4] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.1 [5] Oil, % on dry wt: 22.0–31.4 [3–10] n40 D : 1.4633 [5] Iodine value, % J2: 94.0–105.0 [5–8] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 16:1 – tr; 18:0 – 1.4–2.0; 18:1 – 31.3–34.0; 18:2 – 22.7–23.0; 18:3 – 0.5– 1.7; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 11.0–11.3; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 0.5; 22:1 – 18.0–21.9; others – 0.7 [5, 9, 10] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 9.0; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 29.7; 18:2 – 23.4; 18:3 – 1.8; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 10.5; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 1.5; 22:1 – 18.0; 24:1 – 0.4 [11] sn-2-position (GLC, 10% EGSS-X or EGSS-Y), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 0.4; 16:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 47.2; 18:2 – 48.3; 18:3 – 3.3; 20:1 – tr; 22:1 – 0.2 [11]

References 1. N.Ya. Dem’yanov, V.I. Nilov, V.V. Vil’yams, Efirnye masla, ikh sostav i analiz (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1933), 298 s [in Russian] 2. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1947), 550 s [in Russian] 3. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 4. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaja, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t. (izd. AN Arm. SSR, Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian] 5. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961)


Nasturtium officinale

6. А.I. Barbarich, О.М. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (“Naukova dumka”, Кiiv), 132 s (1973) [in Ukrainian] 7. S.L. Ivanov, Rastitel’nye masla SSSR (izd. VSNKH, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 36 s [in Russian] 8. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd. АN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 9. L.-A. Appelqvist, In: The Biology and Chemistry of the Cruciferae, J.G. Vaughan, A.J. MacLeo, B.M.G. Jones (eds.) (Academic Press, London, New York, 1976), p. 221–277 10. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978) 11. C. Litchfield, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(9), 467 (1971)

Nerisyrenia camporum Greene. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.1 Oil, % on dry wt: 38.0 n40 D : 1.4697 Iodine value, % J2: 136.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 16:1 – 0.4; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 21.0; 18:2 – 24.0; 18:3 – 21.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 19.0; 20:2 – 2.0

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961)

Neslia apiculata Fisch. et Mey. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aerial Part Vitamin E [1] Carotene [1] Fruit Oil [2]

References 1. S.Ya. Zolotnitskaja, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: V 2 t. (izd. AN Arm. SSR, Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 327 s.; 1965, t. 2, 669 s [in Russian] 2. A.A. Grossgeim, Rastitel’nye bogatstva Kavkaza (izd. obshchestva ispytatelei prirody. Novaya seriya. Otd. bot., Vyp. 7 (XV), Moskva, 1952), s. 299 [in Russian]

Pseuderucaria teretifolia (Desf.) O.E. Schulz


Neslia paniculata (L.) Desv. (Myagrum paniculatum L.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.2 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 47.0 [1]; 22–24 [2] n40 D : 1.4684 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 131.0 [1] FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 29.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 23.0; 22:1 – 7.0; others – 1.0 [1] Use: Fatty oil – by defects of skin [3].

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian] 3. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. PaeoniaceaeThymelaeaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1986), pp. 42–98 [in Russian]

Parrya menziesii (Hook.) Greene Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil (petrol), % on dry wt: 21 FAs (GLC, 15% DEGS), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.5; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 7.6; 18:2 – 12.1; 18:3 – 30.7; 20:1 – 11.7; 20:2 – 1.7; 22:0 – 1.6; 22:1 – 26.3; 22:2 – 0.5; 24:1 – tr; others – 0.6

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Oil, % on dry wt: 32.0 n40 D : 1.4673 Iodine value, % J2: 115.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 8.0; 18:2 – 17.0; 18:3 – 14.0; 20:1 – 8.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 22:1 – 42.0; 24:1 – 2.0; others – 5.0

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Pendulina lagascana Willk. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.1 Oil, % on dry wt: 30.0 n40 D : 1.4684 Iodine value, % J2: 135.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 8.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 22.0; 18:3 – 25.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 0.4; 22:1 – 22.0; 24:1 – 0.6; others – 1.9

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Pseuderucaria teretifolia (Desf.) O.E. Schulz Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Peltaria angustifolia DC.

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 27.2 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 9.8; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 17.9; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 28.9; 20:1 – 9.4; 22:1 – 16.1; others – 2.6

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.4

1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

1. C.M. Scrimgeour, Lipids 11(12), 877 (1976)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Psychine stylosa Desf.

Psychine stylosa Desf.


Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 32.4 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 8.5; 18:2 – 12.8; 18:3 – 14.2; 20:1 – 7.2; 22:1 – 48.5; others – 2.9

Raphanus raphanistrum L.

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Raphanus caudatus L. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 18.2 Oil, % on dry wt: 32.0 n40 D : 1.4644 Iodine value, % J2: 92.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 11.0; 18:3 – 7.0; 20:0 – 2.0; 20:1 – 10.0; 20:2 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 34.0; 24:1 – 2.0; others – 1.2

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Raphanus maritimus Sm. ssp. Landra (Moretti) Rouy et Fouc.

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Leaf Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% SE-30; GC-MS, 1% OV-1), %: Cholesterol – 28.2; brassicasterol – 2.3; campesterol – 11.4; stigmasterol – 5.5; sitosterol – 45.0; others – 7.6 [1] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 21.8–32.8 [2–4] Iodine value, % J2: 105.0–107.0 [2–4] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.8–7.2; 16:1 – 0.2– 1.0; 18:0 – 1.6–3.0; 18:1 – 7.5–31.6; 18:2 – 14.9– 21.0; 18:3 – 10.8–25.7; 20:0 – 0.3–0.8; 20:1 – 8.4–9.5; 20:2 – 0.3–0.7; 20:3 – 0.6; 22:1 –15.9– 39.7; 22:2 – tr; 24:0 – 0.5; 24:1 – 2.0 [4–6]

References 1. M. Noda, M. Tanaka, Y. Seto, T. Aiba, C. Oku, Lipids 23(5), 439 (1988) 2. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian] 3. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 443 s [in Russian] 4. J. Szymczak, K. Krzeminski, K. Krzeminska, Acta Pol. Pharm. 37(6), 669 (1980) 5. G. Amelotti, V. Garaia, L.G. Federico, Riv. Ital. Sos. Gras. 44(9), 372 (1967) 6. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Raphanus sativus L.

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 39.7 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 6.2; 18:0 – 1.7; 18:1 – 14.3; 18:2 – 12.8; 18:3 – 15.1; 20:1 – 10.1; 22:1 – 37.8; others – 2.0

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Leaf Hydrocarbons Component: n-Nonacosane [1]

Reboudia pinnata (Viv.) O.E. Schulz


Root Essential oil Content, %: 0.03–0.05 [2] d: 1.0 [2] Composition of oil: Lacton rafanolid C29H58O4, methylmercaptan [2] Seed Essential oil Content, %: 0.106–0.164 [2] Mass of 1,000, g: 10.0 [3] Oil, % on dry wt: 42.0 [3] n40 D : 1.4652 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 104.0 [3] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 172.0 [3] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 5.2–7.1; 16:1 – 0.4–2.2; 18:0 – tr–2.0; 18:1 – 14.1–40.0; 18:2 – 13.0–16.9; 18:3 – 8.1–20.1; 20:0 – 0.4–2.0; 20:1 – 9.0–9.7; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 9.6–41.3; 24:1 – 1.0–1.9; others – 2.6–2.7 [3–6] 24-methyl-D5,22-sterols Content, %: 6.0–7.6 [7] Composition, %: 24b-methyl-D5,22-sterol – 81–87; 24a-methyl-D5,22-sterol – 13–19 [7] Sterols Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 1.5–2.5; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22cholestadien-3b-ol) – 8.4–15.1; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 24.2–30.1; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 52.3–62.0; D5avenasterol – 4.4 [8]

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Rapistrum rugosum (L.) All. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.8 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 6.0–38.0 [1–5] n40 D : 1.4675 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 120.0 [1] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 5.0–9.3; 18:0 – 1.1–2.0; 18:1 – 12.0–13.9; 18:2 – 15.0–15.3; 18:3 – 17.7– 20.0; 20:0 – 0.7; 20:1 – 2.5–8.0; 20:2 – 1.0; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 34.0–39.8; 24:1 – 0.5; others – 0.7 [1, 4, 5]

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965) 2. A.I. Barbarich, O.M. Dubovik, D.V. Strelko, Zhirooliini roslini Ukrainy (Кiiv, 1973), 132 s [in Ukrainian] 3. V. Vasil’ev, A. Ots, Masloboino-zhirovoe delo (4/5), 95 (1932) [in Russian] 4. V.S. Dolya, Author’s Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation (L’vov, 1975), 23 s [in Russian] 5. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Reboudia pinnata (Viv.) O.E. Schulz Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. B.J.F. Hudson, I.G. Karis, J. Sci. Food and Agr. 25(12), 1491 (1974) 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (AN Kaz. SSR, AlmaAta, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 3. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 4. L.-A. Appelqvist, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(11), 740 (1971) 5. R.K. Downey, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48(110, 718 (1971) 6. Z. Yaniv, Y. Elber, M. Zur, D. Schafferman, Phytochemistry 30(3), 841 (1991) 7. T. Matsumoto, N. Shimizu, S. Asano, T. Itoh, Phytochemistry 22(8), 1830 (1983) 8. B.A. Knights, A.M.M. Berrie, Phytochemistry 10(1), 131 (1971)

Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.2 Oil, % on dry wt: 31.0 n40 D : 1.4660 Iodine value, % J2: 120.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 19.0; 18:3 – 22.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 2.0; 22:1 – 28.0; 24:1 – tr; others – 1.3

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Rhynchosinapsis longirostra (Boiss.) Heywood


Rhynchosinapsis longirostra (Boiss.) Heywood

2. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri ( Izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian]

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 23.2 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 6.1; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 11.7; 18:2 – 17.9; 18:3 – 23.9; 20:1 – 6.1; 22:1 – 31.2; others – 1.7

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Ricotia sp. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 7.5 Oil, % on dry wt: 31.0 n40 D : 1.4760 Iodine value, % J2: 175.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 7.0; 18:0 – 5.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 18.0; 18:3 – 50.0; 20:0 – 0.3; 20:1 – 0.1; others – 1.2

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Roripa amphibia (L.) Bess. (Nasturtium amphibium (L.) R. Br.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 20–22 [1, 2]

References 1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana (MoskwaLeningrad, 1947), 552 s [in Russian]

Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek (Nasturtium officinale) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Flower Surface wax Composition (GC/MS), %: Pent-3-en-2-one – 0.9; hepta-1,5-diene-3,4-diol – 1.5; 2-methyltetrahydrofuran – 0.4; heptanal – 0.2; vinylbenzene – 0.2; dimethyl trisulfide – 1.3; 4hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one – 0.03; nonanal – 0.7; acetic acid – 1.5; unknown, m/z 41 – 0.4; unknown hydrocarbon – 0.7; 2-methylpropanoic acid – 0.4; thiocyanate or sulfide M+94 (32%), base peak m/z 41 – 0.4; thiocyanate or sulfide M+108 (5%), base peak m/z 41 – 1.4; 2methylbutanoic acid – 0.7; unknown, m/z 45 – 1.0; thiocyanate or sulfide M+155 (3%), base peak m/z 41 – 16.4; possible aromatic aldehyde M+148 (0.8%), base peak m/z 91 – 2.2; hexanoic acid – 0.09; thiocyanate or sulfide M+169 (0.5%), base peak m/z 41 – 10.4; 2-phenethyl alcohol – 0.7; phenol – 0.3; unknown, base peak 43 – 1.0; 3-phenylpropionitrile – 16.9; benzyl isothiocyanate – 0.2; ethyl tetradecanoate – 1.0; substituted phenol, base peak m/z 150 – 2.8; 2-phenethyl isothiocyanate – 25.5; vinyl phenyl ether – 3.3; unknown hydrocarbon – 0.3; 1Hindole – 0.4; 7-methylthioheptyl isothiocyanate – 2.4; pentacosane – 0.3; 8-methylthiooctyl isothiocyanate – 0.9; unknown hydrocarbon – 1.0 Leaf Epicuticular wax Content, % from extract: 14 Composition (GC/MS), %: 2-henethyl isothiocyanate – 5.3; butyl phthalate + nonadecane – 0.3; hexadecane-1-ol + henicosane – 2.0; tricosane – 0.7; pentacosane – 0.3; docosan-1-ol + docosan1-yl acetate + phthalate – 1.5; unidentified, base peak m/z 101 + hydrocarbon + phthalate – 3.9; tricosan-1-ol – 0.08; unidentified, base peak m/z

Schimpera arabica Hochst. and Steud.


219 + heptacosane – 1.8; tetracosan-1-ol + tetracosan-1-yl acetate – 6.8; unidentified, m/z 101 + nonacosane – 4.4; pentacosan-1-ol – 0.05; unidentified, m/z 219 + hentriacontane – 16.3; hexacosan-1-ol + hexacosan-1-yl acetate – 31.8; unidentified, m/z 101 + dotriacontane – 2.6; heptacosan-1-ol + heptacosan-1-yl-acetate – 0.3; unidentified, m/z 219 + tritriacontane – 11.6; octecosan-1-ol + octacosan-1-yl acetate – 3.8; tetratriacontane – 0.2; unidentified – 2.0; triacontan-1-ol + pentatriacontane – 0.5; bamyrin – 1.3 Surface wax Composition (GC/MS), %: Hepta-1,5-diene-3,4diol – 1.2; 2-methyltetrahydrofuran – 1.2; toluene – 0.1; octane – 0.3; ethylbenzene – 0.08; heptanal – 0.6; vinylbenzene – 2.2; dimwthyl trisulfide – 0.2; nonanal – 1.2; benzaldehyde – 0.4; unknown, m/z 43 – 0.07; 1H-indene – 0.06; nonan-1-ol – 0.02; phenylacetaldehyde – 0.08; acetophenone – 0.03; possibly hexyl isothiocyanate M+143 – 0.2; decanal – 0.2; unknown, base peak m/z 41 M+141 – 0.2; naphthalene – 0.4; thiocyanate or sulfide M+155 (3%), base peak m/z 41 – 6.6; thiocyanate or sulfide M+169 (0.5%), base peak m/z 41 – 5.2; benzyl alcohol – 0.03; possible isothiocyanate M+157 (3%), base peak 43 – 0.3; 2-phenethyl alcohol – 0.1; phenol – 0.06; benzolthiazole – 0.04; possible isothiocyanate M+171 (0.8%), base peak 43 – 0.2; 3-phenylpropionitrile – 9.2; biphenyl – 0.02; propane-1,2,3-triol triacetate – 0.06; benzyl isothiocyanate – 0.07; undecane – 0.06; substituted phenol, base peak m/z 150 – 0.1; unknown, base peak m/z 59 – 0.07; 2-phenethyl isothiocyanate – 31.6; unknown hydrocarbon – 0.4; 1H-indole – 0.3; diethyl-1,2-benzene dicarboxylate – 0.7; phenylbutyl isothiocyanate – 0.2; icosane – 0.2; 7-methylthioheptyl isothiocyanate – 8.5; pentacosane – 0.9; hexadecane-1ol or hexadecane – 15.9; 8-methylthiooctyl isothiocyanate – 1.6; unknown hydrocarbon – 0.4; hexadecanoic acid – 2.7

References 1. R.-M.M. Spence, O.G. Tucknoff, E.A. Baker, P.J. Holloway, Phytochemistry 22(8), 1753 (1983)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Rorippa palustris (L.) Bess. (R. islandica auct., Nasturtium palustre (L.) DC.) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 20–22

References 1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana (MoskwaLeningrad, 1947), 552 s [in Russian]

Savignya parviflora (Del.) Webb Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 Oil, % on dry wt: 19.0 n40 D : 1.4641 Iodine value, % J2: 94.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 6.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 35.0; 18:2 – 4.0; 18:3 – 10.0; 20:0 – 0.7; 20:1 – 12.0; 22:0 – 0.7; 22:1 – 26.0; 24:1 – 2.0; others – 1.5

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Schimpera arabica Hochst. and Steud. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.3 Oil, % on dry wt: 39.0 n40 D : 1.4668 Iodine value, % J2: 134.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 17.0; 18:3 – 29.0; 20:0 – 1.0; 20:1 – 11.0; 20:2 – 0.9; 22:0 – 0.1; 22:1 – 11.0; 24:1 – 0.4; others – 0.7

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)


Selenia grandis L.


Sinapidendron augustifolium (DC.) Lowe

1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Selenia grandis L.

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 17.2 FAs (GLC, 10% LAC-2R-446), %: 16:0 – 3.1; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 5.0; 18:2 – 19.5; 18:3 – 8.4; 20:1 – 4.5; 22:1 – 52.7; others – 4.1

Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 2.2 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 18.0–18.3 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4635 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 86.0 [1] Saponification, mg KOH/g: 177.0 [1] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.0–2.2; 16:1 – 0.3; 18:0 – 1.0–1.3; 18:1 – 28.0–28.2; 18:2 – 4.0–4.3; 18:3 – 1.9–2.0; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – 58.0–58.5; 22:0 – tr; 22:1 – 3.0–3.3 [1–3]

References 1. P.R. Kumar, S. Tsunoda, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 55(3), 320 (1978)

Sinapis alba L. (Brassica alba (L.) Schmalh., Brassica hirta) Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

References 1. K.L. Mikolakczak, T.K. Miwa, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 38(12), 678 (1961) 2. K.L. Mikolajczak, C.R. Smith, I.A. Wolff, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 40(7), 294 (1963) 3. L.-A. Appelqvist, The Biology and Chemistry of the Cruciferae (London, New York, San Francisco, 1976), p. 221

Senebiera coronopus (L.) Poir. Family: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.9 Oil, % on dry wt: 35.0 n40 D : 1.4701 Iodine value, % J2: 147.0 FAs (GLC, 20% Apiezon L), %: 16:0 – 13.0; 18:0 – 4.0; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 9.0; 18:3 – 40.0; 20:0 – 0.5; 20:1 – 6.0; 20:2 – 0.2; 22:0 – 0.6; others – 0.8

References 1. R.W. Miller, F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, Q. Jones, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(10), 817 (1965)

Aerial Part Vitamin E [1, 2] Carotene [1, 2] Seed Essential oil Content, %: 0.09 [3] d: 0.9150 [3] Acid value, mg KOH/g: 1.64 [3] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 172.4 [3] Mass of 1,000, g: 6.0 [4] Oil, % on dry wt: 28 [4]; 35.0– 35.2 [5, 6]; on fresh wt, %: 24.9 [7] d20: 0.904 [8] n40 D : 1.4647 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 96 [4] Viscosity, E20 95.1 [8] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 2–7; 18:0 – 0.1–3.0; 18:1 – 16–39.1; 18:2 – 7–10.2; 18:3 – 8.0–12.0; 20:0 – 0.9; 20:1 – 6–12.7; 22:0 – 0.6; 22:1 – 22.9–51; 24:1 – 2.0–3; others – 0.1–2.2 (16:1, 20:0, 20:2, 22:0, 22:2, 24:0) [4, 7, 9–11] TAG FAs of TAG (GLC), mol%: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – tr– 0.05; 16:0 – 2.0–5.5; 16:1 – 0.2–0.4; 16:2 – 0.2; 17:0 – tr–0.05; 18:0 – 0.6–2.0; 18:1 – 15.2–31.0; 18:2 – 7.0–13.0; 18:3 – 7.6–14.7; 20:0 – 0.5–1.3;

Sinapis arvensis L.


20:1 – 3.1–11.6; 20:2 – 0.1–0.6; 22:0 – 0.15–0.7; 22:1 –33.0–54.6; 22:2 – 0.05–1.1; 24:0 – tr–0.2; 24:1 – 1.8–2.4; others – 0.3–3.6 [5, 7, 8, 11–16] sn-2-position (GLC, 15% PEGA), mol%: 16:0 – 0.6; 16:1 – 0.3; 16:2 – 0.3; 16:3 – tr; 18:1 – 37.8; 18:2 – 29.9; 18:3 – 21.9; 20:1 – 2.5; 20:2 – tr; 22:0 – 0.2; 22:1 – 4.9; 24:0 – 1.0; 24:1 – 0.7 [12] (GLC), %: 16:0 – 1.2; 16:1 – 0.6; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 45.7; 18:2 – 21.2; 18:3 – 26.7; 20:1 – 1.3; 22:0 +22:1 –3.1 [11] Distribution of main FAs in b-position, %: 16:0 – 7; 18:1 – 58; 18:2 – 98; 18:3 – 96; 20:1 – 10; 22:1 – 4; 24:1 – 13 [12] 16:0 – 17; 16:1 – 67; 18:0 – 4; 18:1 – 58; 18:2 – 68; 18:3 – 74; 20:1 – 5; 22:0+22:1 – 5 [11] Composition of glycerides, %: 22:1 – 43.3: MAG – 1.9; DAG – 40.8; TAG – 45.2; 20:1 – 8.5: DAG – 1.8; TAG – 21.0; 18:1 – 21.9: MAG – 0.7; DAG – 9.5; TAG – 42.5; 18:2 – 10.2: DAG – 0.1; TAG – 30.6; 18:3 – 7.6: DAG – 0.1; TAG – 20.9 [12] Patterns by carbon number, wt%: C50 – 0.3; C52 – 1.8; C54 – 3.3; C56 – 8.0; C58 – 23.3; C60 – 18.5; C62 – 39.4; C64 – 5.4; C66 – tr [11] DAG FAs of DAG (FID-GC), %:16:0 – 8; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 38; 18:2 – 18; 18:3 – 10; 20:1 – 9; 22:1 – 12 [7] MAG FAs of MAG (FID-GC), %: 16:0 – 22; 18:0 – 10; 18:1 – 45; 18:2 – 9; 18:3 – 2; 20:1 – 2; 22:1 – 3 [7] Sterols (free and esterified) Composition, %: Brassicasterol – 5.2; campesterol – 34.6; cholesterol – 3.2; b-sitosterol 43.8 [11] (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 3.2; brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22-cholestadien3b-ol) – 5.2; campesterol (24-methylcholesterol) – 34.6; b-sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol) – 43.8; D5-avenasterol – 13.2 [17] PhC FAs of PhC (FID-GC), %: 16:0 – 19; 18:0 – 5; 18:1 – 32; 18:2 – 23; 18:3 – 19; 20:1 – 1; 22:1 – 2 [7] PhA FAs of PhA (FID-GC), %: 16:0 – 16; 18:0 – 10; 18:1 – 46; 18:2 – 14; 18:3 – 4; 20:1 – 2; 22:1 – 1 [7] PhI FAs of PhI (FID-GC), %: 16:0 – 19; 18:0 – 9; 18:1 – 38; 18:2 – 16; 18:3 – 5; 20:1 – 1; 22:1 – 20%) [2] Pollenkitt Essential oil Composition (GC/MS, Superox FA): terpenoids: geranyl acetone – x; geranial – x; citronellyl acetate – x; geranyl acetate – x; aliphatics: pentadecane – x; 2-tridecanone – xx; tetradecanol – xx; tetradecyl acetate – xxx; hexadecyl acetate – xxx; aromatics: methyleugenol – x; b-phenylethyl acetate – x (x – 4%; xx – >4%; 20%, xxx – >20%) [2] Pulp of Fruit Carotenoids Content, mg/100 g: 2.0–19.4 [9] Unsaponifiables Content, mg/100 g: 29 [10] Choline Content, mg%: 65.0 [10] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 13.5–14.3 [4] n20 D :1.4705 [4] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.6 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 164.3 [4] Saponification value, mg KOH: 181.8 [4] Phosphatides, %: 3.8 [4] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.4 [4]

Rosa sp.

FAs (PC), %: 16:0 – 17.6; 18:1 – 5.2; 18:2 – 44.5; 18:3 – 32.0 [4] Carotenoids Components: a-, b-Carotene, cryptoxanthin, taraxanthin, rubixanthin, lycopene, lutein, phytofluene, poly-cis-lycopenes А, В, С [3] Use: Essential oil of petals – in perfumery and soap industry [8].

References 1. S.G. Sakov, G.G. Senchenko, I.S. Kozhina, Rastit. Resursy 18(3), 388 (1982) [in Russian] 2. H.E.M. Dobson, J. Bergstro¨m, G. Bergstro¨m, I. Groth, Phytochemistry 26(12), 3171 (1987) 3. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19– 101 [in Russian] 4. A. Rutkowski, J. Batura, A. Kopczynska, Ole´agineux 20(6), 383 (1965) 5. G.P. Shnyakina, E.P. Malygina, Rastit. Resursy 11, vyp. 3, 390 (1975) [in Russian] 6. I.N. Kushchinskaya, L.O. Shnaidman, Med. prom. SSSR (4), 38 (1964) [in Russian] 7. Rukovodstvo po metodam issledovaniya, tekhnokhimicheskomu kontrolyu i uchetu proizvodstva v maslozhirovoi promyshlennosti, t. 5, L. (1969) [in Russian] 8. N.I. Suprunov, P.G. Gorovoi, Y.A. Pankov, Efirnomaslichnye rasteniya Dal’nego Vostoka (Izd. “Nauka”, Novosibirsk, 1972), 187 s [in Russian] 9. T.S. Shirko, A.F. Radyuk, Rastit. Resursy 27(2), 59 (1991) [in Russian] 10. L.I. Vigorov, Rastit. Resursy VIII(4), 557 (1972) [in Russian]

Rosa ruprechtii Boiss. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Seed Oil (ether) b-Carotene Content (colorimetry), mg% on dry wt: 14.20; %: 10.94 Vitamin E Content, mg% on oil: 197.0

References 1. V.A. Bunakov, Biol. nauki (2), 144 (1960) [in Russian]


Rosaceae Juss.

Rosa sachokiana P. Jarosch. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. Hydrangeaceae-Haloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987, 19–101 (in Russian)

Rosa schrenkiana Crep. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. Hydrangeaceae-Haloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Rosa sosnovskyana Tamamsch. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene Content (colorimetry), mg% on abs. dry wt: 28

References 1. G.G. Gadzhieva, Izv. AN Azer. SSR, Biol. nauki (3), 23 (1978) [in Russian]

Rosa sp. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Flower Essential oil

Rosaceae Juss.


d30 4 : 0.870–0.871 [1] n30 D : 1.4640–1.4658 [1] Composition, %: Stearoptene – 5–23.0; phenylethanol – 40–50; citronellol – 27.5–35; geraniol – 5; eugenol – 2–3; aldehydes – tr [2] Composition (GLC), %: Free monoterpene alcohols – 66.5–67.5 (geraniol, linalool, nerol); phenylethanol – 1.7–3.9; ethanol, dinitrobenzoate of nonyl alcohol, methanol; carbonyl compounds (citral, citronellal) – 1.6–2.0; aldehydes (nonyl aldehyde) – 0.25; benzaldehyde – 1.5; acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, valeraldehyde, salicylaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, aromatic compounds (eugenol, eugenolmethylether), hydrocarbons (heptadecane, nonadecane, eicosane, heneicosane, eicosen-10 [1, 3] (GLC, Carbowax 1500), %: Ethanol – 0.5–1.3; nonyl aldehyde – 0.2–0.3; citronellal – 0.3–0.4; linalool – 1.3–1.5; citronellylacetate – 2.1–2.5; citral – 1.4–1.7; geranylacetate – 1.1–1.2; citronellol – 40.5–44.5; nerol – 1.8–6.3; geraniol – 18.2–19.8; phenylethyl alcohol – 1.7–3.9; eugenol – 0.1–0.4; eugenolmethylether – 0.5–0.7; pentadecane – 0.4–0.7; hexadecane – 0.4–0.6; heptadecane – 1.4–1.6; octadecane – 0.6–1.5; nonadecane – 3.7–9.3; eicosane – 1.5–2.8; heneicosane – 3.0–3.2; docosane – 0.8–1.7; tricosane – 0.5–0.8; tetracosane – 0.2–0.3 [1] Wax Acid value, mg KOH: 1.8–5.7 [4] Ether value, mg KOH: 25–80 [4] Composition, %: Hydrocarbons – 60; oxygen containing compounds – 40 (myricyl alcohol, ceryl alcohol, complex ethers of capronic, caprylic, phenylacetic, ceratic, stearic acids with terpenoic, isoceryl and myricyl alcohols [4]

Fruit Moisture, %: 79.7 [5] Tocopherols Composition (HPLC), mg/100 g on fresh wt: aTocopherol – 4.14; b-tocopherol – 0.14; gtocopherol – 0.10; d-tocopherol – tr [5] CO2-extract Content, % on dry wt: 4.0 [6] n20 D : 1.4775 [6]

Rosa sp.

Acid value, mg KOH: 24.5 [6] Ether value, mg KOH: 157.7 [6] Lipids Content, % on extract: 65 [6] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 6.7; 18:0 – 7.2; 18:1 – 40.4; 18:2 – 18.8; 18:3 – 26.9 [6] Carotenoids Content, mg%: 78.8 [6] Component: Carotene only [6] Wax, %: 2.0 [6] Vitamin E, mg%: 1523 [6] Vitamin F, %: 33.8 [6] Chladone-extract Content, % on dry wt: 6.2 [6] n20 D : 1.4780 [6] Acid value, mg KOH: 7.4 [6] Ether value, mg KOH: 178.5 [6] Lipids Content, % on extract: 67 [6] Carotenoids Content, mg%: 535 [6] Composition, mg%: Carotene – 496; lycopene – 5.75; oxygen containing carotenoids – 30 [6] Wax, %: 2.0 [6] Seed Oil (petrol ether) TAG (6 fractions) FAs of fr. I (GLC, EGS), %: 16:0 + 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 1.0; 18:2 – 3.0; 18:3 – 94.0 [7] FAs of fr. II: 18:1 – 2.0; 18:2 – 31.0; 18:3 – 67.0 [7] FAs of fr. III: 16:0 + 18:0 – 11.0; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 8.0; 18:3 – 63.0 [7] FAs of fr. IV: 16:0 + 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 2.0; 18:2 – 61.0; 18:3 – 36.0 [7] FAs of fr. V: 16:0 + 18:0 – 9.0; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 37.0; 18:3 – 34.0 [7] FAs of fr. VI: 16:0 + 18:0 – 9.0; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 68.0; 18:3 –5.0 [7] Activity: Oil of fruits has bactericidal action (goldish staphylococcus, hemolytic streptococcus, typhus, paratyphoid, dysentery bacillus, colon bacillus and some anaerobic bacteria) [8]. Use: The oil is used instead of beeswax in cosmetology [4].

Rosa villosa L. (R. pomifera Herrm.)


Rosaceae Juss.



1. S. Juvonen, Planta Med. 12(4), 488 (1964) 2. Efiromaslichnye kul’tury, pod red. А.А. Khotina, G.Т. Shulgina (Sel’khozizdat, Moscow, 1963), p. 332 [in Russian] 3. К.А. Timanovich, Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennost’ (1), 32 (1968) [in Russian] 4. N.F. Novotel’nova, Z.I. Fedulova, B.M. Berkengeim, S.D. Kustova, Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennost’ (5), 30 (1966) [in Russian] 5. V. Piironen, E.-L. Syv€aoja, P. Varo, K. Salminen, P. Koivistoinen, J. Agric. Food Chem. 34(4), 742 (1986) 6. E.A. Shaftan, N.S. Mikhailova, N.F. Dyuban’kova, N.D. Gol’berg, L.N. Fefelova, Rastit. Resursy 14(2), 208 (1978) [in Russian] 7. F.D. Gunstone, F.B. Padley, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 42(11), 957 (1965) 8. A.I. Shapiro, O.K. Filippova, Zh. Mikrobiol., Epidemiol., Immunobiol. (10), 26 (1947) [in Russian]

1. G.G. Gadzhieva, Izv. AN Azer. SSR, Biol. nauki (3), 23 (1978) [in Russian]

Rosa spinosissima L.

Rosa turkestanica Regel Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene Content, mg/100 g: 35.5–36.8 [1] Lycopene [2]

Rosa villosa L. (R. pomifera Herrm.)

Pulp of Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 11.6 [3]

Fruit Carotenoids Components: (15Z)-Phytoene, (15Z)-phytofluene, all-(Е)-phytofluene, x-carotene, mono-(Z)- xcarotene, (6R)-E,C-carotene, mono-(Z)- E,Ccarotene, b,C-carotene, mono-(Z)-b,C-carotene, neurosporene, mono-(Z)-neurosporene, lycopene, (Z)-lycopenes, b,b-carotene, mono-(Z)-b,b-carotene, b-cryptoxanthin, (Z)-bcryptoxanthin, rubixanthin, (50 Z)-rubixanthin, (90 Z)-rubixanthin, (130 Z)-rubixanthin, (13Z)rubixanthin, (50 Z),130 Z)or (50 Z,13Z)rubixanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, (13Z)-zeaxanthin, mono-(Z)-zeaxanthin, (8R)-mutatoxanthin, (8S)-mutatoxanthin, neoxanthin, (80 R)neochrom, (80 S)-neochrom, tetrahydroxycarotenoid, tetrahydroxyepoxycarotenoid [1]

Seed Oil (ether), % on dry wt: 9.1 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 9.9 [3] Saponification value, mg KOH: 97.1 [3] Ether value, mg KOH: 87.2 [3]

References 1. B.D. Alekseev, Rastit. Resursy 17(4), 557 (1981) [in Russian] 2. F.C. Jacoby, F. Wokes, Biochem. J. 38(3), 279 (1944) 3. T.I. Plekhanova, V.А. Bandyukova, F.K. Bairamkulova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 14(3), 334 (1978)

Rosa tomentosa Smith. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene Content (colorimetry), mg% on abs. dry wt: 18

Family: Rosaceae Juss.

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 7.79 [2] FAs (GLC, capillary column, 5% phenyl methyl silicone), %: 16:0 – 3.14; 17:0 – 0.70; 18:0 – 5.18; 18:2 – 49.93; 18:3 (a-linolenic) – 32.94 [2]

Rosaceae Juss.


References 1. E. M€arki-Fischer, U. Marti, R. Buchecker, C.H. Eugster, Helv. Chim. Acta 66(2), 494 (1983) 2. S. Ercisli, E. Orhan, A. Esitken, Chem. Nat. Comp. (2006) (unpublished)

Rosa virgo Family: Rosaceae Juss. Flower Absolute Content, %: 49.1 [1] Wax Content, %: 34.5 [1] Hydrocarbons Composition (Ag+/CC), %: Paraffins – 44.1; olefins – 7.8 [1] Branched-chain hydrocarbons Content, %: 0.4 [1] Paraffins Composition (GLC, 2% SE-30), %: C19 – 1.0; C20 – 0.5; C21 – 10.5; C22 – 0.7; C23 – 11.2; C24 – 1.2; C25 – 12.2; C26 – 1.5; C27 – 33.3; C28 – 2.8; C29 – 15.0; C30 – 1.1; C31 – 6.0; C32 – 0.7; C33 – 2.2 [1] Olefins Composition (GLC, 2% SE-30), %: C19 – 5.1; C20 – 0.6; C21 – 3.7; C22 – 0.6; C23 – 6.8; C24 – 1.1; C25 – 10.6; C26 – 2.1; C27 – 26.6; C28 – 3.7; C29 – 22.3; C30 – 1.1; C31 – 9.6; C32 – 1.1; C33 – 4.8 [1] Primary alcohols Free alcohols Composition (GLC), %: C16 – tr; C18 – tr; C20 – 4.2; C21 – 3.5; C22 – 17.5; C23 – 5.4; C24 – 12.1; C25 – 2.9; C26 – 8.6; C27 – 3.1; C28 – 20.3; C29 + bamyrin – 4.9; C30 – 2.7; a-amyrin – 14.1 [2] Ester-bound alcohols Composition (GLC), %: C16 – 1.4; C17 – 0.3; C18 – 11.0; C19 – 0.7; C20 – 20.2; C21 – 2.9; C22 – 17.8; C23 – 1.5; C24:1 – 2.5; C24 – 11.7; C25 – 0.9; C26 – 6.8; C27 – 0.7; C28:1 – 0.8; C28 – 7.0; C29+bamyrin – 6.4; C30 – 2.5; a-amyrin – 5.0 [2] Secondary alcohols Composition (GLC), %: C25 – 1.7 (4-ol – 32; 5-ol – 39; 6-ol – 29); C26 – 1.6 (4-ol – 29; 5-ol – 60; 6-ol – 11); C27 – 37.7 (4-ol – 26; 5-ol – 50; 6-ol – 24); C28 – 4.3 (4-ol – 26; 5-ol – 52; 6-ol – 22); C29 – 28.6

Rosa virgo

(4-ol – 23; 5-ol – 54; 6-ol – 23); C30 – 0.9 (4-ol – 32; 5-ol – 50; 6-ol – 18); C31 – 16.0 (4-ol – 36; 5-ol – 50; 6-ol – 14); C32 – 1.4 (4-ol – 37; 5-ol – 48; 6-ol – 15); C33 – 7.7 (4-ol – 31; 5-ol – 50; 6-ol – 20) [2] Sterols Composition (GLC), %: b-Sitosterol – 91; cholesterol, campesterol [2] Aldehydes Content, %: 3.03 [3] Composition (GLC, 1.5% SE-30 on Chromosorb W), %: 14 – tr; 15 – tr; 16 – 3.4; 17 – 0.2; 18 – 6.3; 19 – 0.6; 20 – 3.5; 21 – 4.1; 22 – 21.0; 23 – 8.3; 24 – 28.7; 25 – 4.0; 26 – 9.9; 27 – 2.2; 28 – 8.0 [3]

References 1. B. Stoianova-Ivanova, K. Mladenova, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulgar Sci. (Dokl. Bolgar. AN) 27(9), 1239 (1974) 2. K. Mladenova, B. Stoianova-Ivanova, Phytochemistry 16(2), 269 (1977) 3. K. Mladenova, B. Stoianova-Ivanova, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulgar Sci. (Dokl. Bolgar. AN) 28(3), 335 (1975)

Rosa webbiana Wall. ex Royle Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 4 FAs: 16:0; 18:1; 18:2; 18:3

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Rosa woodsii L. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Aerial Part Dry matter, %: 94.25

Rubus arcticus L.

Lipids, %: 3.10 Carotene Content, mg/kg: 34.35

References 1. A. Johnston, L.M. Bezeau, Can. J. Plant Sci. 42(1), 105 (1962)

Rosa zakatalensis Gadzh. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene Content (colorimetry), mg% on abs. dry wt: 22

References 1. G.G. Gadzhieva, Izv. AN Azer. SSR, Biol. nauki (3), 23 (1978) [in Russian]

Rubus anatolicus (Focke) Focke ex Hausskn. (R. turcomanicus Freyn., R. sanguineus auct.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Root Essential oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.44



Rosaceae Juss.

Components: Hydrocarbons: n-Pentane, chloroform; organic acids: acetic acid, n-butanoic acid, propionic acid, 2-methylpropionic acid, 3methylbutanoic acid, 3-methyl-2-butenoic acid, 3-methyl-3-butenoic acid, n-hexanoic acid; ethers: diethyl ether, ethylacetate, 2-methyl-2butenylacetate, 3-methyl-2-butenylacetate, cis3-hexenylacetate, 2-phenylethylacetate, ethyl nicotiniate, dimethyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, ethy lformate, methyl ether of pyruvic acid, methyleugenol, ethylbenzoate, diethyl ether of succinic acid; lactones: g-lactone of butyric acid, E-lactone of caproic acid; aldehydes and ketones: acetaldehyde, tiglic aldehyde, formaldehyde, n-butanal, 2-butenal, propanal, propenal, n-pentanal, pentenal, hexenal, nonanal, benzaldehyde, methylbutanal, 2methylpropanal, furfurol, acetone, 2-heptanone, 2-butanone, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, bdihydroionone, b-tetrahydroionone, diacetyl, acetoin, acetoin acetate; alcohols: methanol, ethanol, n-pentanol, 1-propanol, diacetonic alcohol (2-methyl-2-hydroxy-4-pentanone), 1-butanol, 2-heptanol, 1-hexanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, trans-3-penten-1-ol, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, trans-3hexen-1-ol, 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol, 2phenylethanol, benzyl alcohol, phenol, a-terpineol, nerol, geraniol, guaiacol, eugenol, linalool, 2-vinyl-2,6,6-trimethyl-5hydroxytetrahydropyran (oxide of linalool), (+)(2R,5S)-cis-2-vinyl-2-methyl-5-(10 -hydroxy-10 methylethyl)-tetrahydrofuran (cis-oxide of linalool), (–)-(2R,5S)-trans-2-vinyl-2-methyl-5(10 -hydroxy-10 -methylethyl)-tetrahydrofuran (trans-oxide of linalool); heterocyclic components: mezifuran (2,5-dimethyl-4-metoxy-2,3dihydro-3-furanone), hydroxymezifuran [1–4]

1. R.K. Aliev, R.A. Abdullaev, A.Kh. Rakhimova, Izv. AN Azer. SSR, ser. biol. i med. nauk (8), 117 (1961) [in Russian]


Rubus arcticus L. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Essential oil

1. H. Kallio, J. Food. Sci. 41(3), 556 (1976) 2. H. Kallio, J. Food Sci. 41(3), 563 (1976) 3. T. Pyysalo, M. Suihko, E. Honkanen, Lebensmitt.-Wiss. + Technol. 10(1), 36 (1977); Chem. Abstr. 87, N 20798 (1977) 4. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Rosaceae Juss.


Rubus buschii Grossh. ex Sinjkova

Rubus buschii Grossh. ex Sinjkova

Rubus caucasicus Focke

Family: Rosaceae Juss.

Family: Rosaceae Juss.

Fruit Carotenoids Content, % on fresh wt: 0.09 [1]

Fruit Carotenoids Content, % on fresh wt: 0.06

Leaf Carotene [2] Vitamin Е [2]



Rubus chamaemorus L.

1. E.N. Novruzov, Rastit. Resursy 24(1), 48 (1988) [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Family: Rosaceae Juss.

Rubus caesius L. (R. turkestanicus (Regel) Pavl.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Lipids Content, % on fresh wt: 1.26–1.32 [1] b-Carotene [2] Vitamin E [2] Pulp of Fruit Oil, % on dry wt: 13.5 [1] FAs (GLC), %: 15:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 7.61; 18:1 – 20.3; 18:2 – 65.6; 18:3 – 3.23 [1]

References 1. E.N. Novruzov, L.A. Shamsi-zade, Rastit. Resursy 19, vyp. 3, 366 (1983) [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

1. E.N. Novruzov, Rastit. Resursy, 24(1), 48 (1988) [in Russian]

Fruit Essential oil Components: Hydrocarbons: Heptane, toluene, о-, m- and p-xylene, styrene, naphthalene; alcohols: methanol, ethanol, 2-butanol, 2-methyl-1propanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 2pentanol, 2-heptanol, 3-penten-1-ol, 3-methyl-2buten-1-ol, 1-hexanol, trans-2-hexen-1-ol, trans3-hexen-1-ol, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, 1-octen-3-ol, trans-2-octen-1-ol; ethers: ethylacetate, butylformate, methylhexanoate, ethylhexanoate; aldehydes and ketones: acetaldehyde, hexanal, acetone, diacetyl, acetoin, 2-pentanone, 2heptanone, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one; aromatic components: benzyl alcohol, 1-phenylethanol, 2phenylethanol, 3-phenylpropanol, cis- and transcinnamic alcohol, phenol, 4-ethylphenol, оmethoxyphenol, 4-vinylphenol, 2-methoxy-5vinylphenol, 4-allylphenol, eugenol, 2,6-ditret-butyl-4-methylphenol, 4-methoxyacetophenon, methylbenzoate, ethylbenzoate, benzylbenzoate, benzylacetate, 2-phenylethylformate, methylcinnamate, dimethylphthalate, dibutylphthalate, benzaldehyde, acetophenone, 4methoxybenzaldehyde, cinnamic aldehyde, vanillin, 4-allylphenol, methylvanillate, acethovanillone, butylhydroxyanisole, methyl-3hydroxybenzoate, 3-hydroxyacetophenone, methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate, 4-hydroxyacetophenone, 2-phenylphenol; terpenes: a-fenchene,

Rubus idaeus L. (R. sericeus Gilib.)

geraniol, linalool, linalylacetate, a-terpineol, isopinocamphon, cis- and trans-oxide of linalool; heterocyclic compounds: furfurol, 5hydroxymethylfurfurol, 5-methylfurfurol, gcaprolactone, coumarin, 3,5-dihydro-2-methyl4Н-pyran-4-one; organic acids: acetic, propionic, 2-methylpropionic, butanoic, 2-methylbutanoic, pentanoic, hexanoic, octanoic, 2-methylictanoic, benzoic, cis-cinnamic, trans-cinnamic, phydroxycinnamic (p-coumaric), 3-hydroxy-4methoxycinnamic, 3-phenylpropionic, nonanoic, decanoic, dodecanoic, tetradecanoic, hexadecanoic acids [1, 2] Carotenoids Component: Rubixanthin [3] Pulp of Fruit Unsaponifiables Content, mg/100 g: 52.0 [4]


Rosaceae Juss.

Rubus crataegifolius Bunge Family: Rosaceae Juss. Root Triterpenoic acid Component: Ursolic acid Sterols Components: b-Sitosterol, campesterol, cholestanol


References 1. C.K. Moon, C.K. Yoo, Seoul Taehakkyo Saongyak Yonguso Opjukjip 15(86) (1976); Chem. Abstr. 88, N 47503 (1978)

Rubus fruticosus L. Family: Rosaceae Juss.

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian] 2. Pyysalo T., Suihko M., Honkanen E., Lebemsm.-Wiss. Technol. 10(1), 369 (1977); Chem. Abstr. 87, N 207798r (1977) 3. W. Karrer, Konstitution und Vorkommen der organischen Pflanzenstoffe (Basel, Stuttgart, 1958), 1207 s 4. L.I. Vigorov, Rastit. Resursy VIII(4), 557 (1972) [in Russian]

Rubus chingii Hu Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Triterpenoic acids Component (UV, MS, 1H, 13C NMR): 2,19adihydroxy-3-oxo-urs-1,12-dien-28-oic acid (fupenzic acid)

References 1. M. Hattori, K.-P. Kuo, Y.-Z. Shu, S. Tezuka, T. Kikuchi, T. Namba, Phytochemistry 27(12), 3975 (1988)

Fruit Triterpenoic acids Component: 3b, 17a-dihydroxy-D12–28-oic acid (rubitic acid) [1] a-Tocopherol Content, ppm on dry wt: 210; on fresh wt: – 35 [2]

References 1. M.C. Das, S.B. Mahato, Phytochemistry 22(5), 1071 (1983) 2. V.H. Booth, M.P. Bradford, Brit. J. Nutr. 17(4), 575 (1963)

Rubus idaeus L. (R. sericeus Gilib.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Essential oil [a]: +2.8 [1] d: 0.8830 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 193 [1] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 215 [1] Components: Hydrocarbons: a-Pinene, aphellandrene, limonene, a-terpinolene,

Rosaceae Juss.


sabinene, trans-caryophyllene, humulene, aelemene; alcohols: ethanol, 2-methylpropanol, 2-methylbutan-1-ol, 1-pentanol, 3-methyl-2buten-1-ol, 1-hexanol, trans-3-hexen-1-ol, cis3-hexen-1-ol, trans-2-hexen-1-ol, linalool, linalool oxide, terpinen-4-ol, a-terpineol, cis-sabinol, nerol, geraniol, mentanol; ethers: ethylacetate, 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ylacetate, 3-methyl-2buten-1-ylformiate, cis-3-hexen-1-ylacetate, cis-3-hexen-1-ylformiate, ethyl-5-hydroxyoxyoctanoate, ethyl-5-hydroxydecanoate; aldehydes and ketones: hexanal, trans-2-hexenal, 6methyl-5-hepten-2-one, acetoin, piperitone, aand b-ionone; aromatic compounds: xylol, pcymene, benzaldehyde, benzylacetate, benzylic alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, 2-methoxy-4vinylphenol, 2-methoxy-5-vinylphenol, 3,4dimethoxybenzaldehyde, eugenol, 4vinylphenol, trans-cinnamic alcohol, benzoic acid, vanillin, gingerone, 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl) butan-2-one; heterocyclic compounds: 2,5dimethyl-4-methoxy-3(2Н)-furanone, 5-methyl4-hydroxy-3(2Н)-furanone, 2,5-dimethyl-4hydroxy-3(2Н)-furanone, g- and d-hexalactones, g- and d-octalactones, d-decalactone, ddodecalactone; organic acids: acetic, propionic, butanoic, 2-methylbutanoic, 3-methyl-2butenoic, 3-methyl-3-butenoic, hexanoic, octanoic, decanoic, tetradecanoic, hexadecanoic [2] Tocopherols Components: a-, g- and d-tocopherols [2] a-Tocopherol Content, ppm on fresh wt: 3.0 [3] Carotenoids Content, % on fresh wt: 0.05 [4] Component: Carotene [2] Sterols Component: Phytosterol (0.7%) [5] Leaf Carotene [6] Vitamin Е [6] Aliphatic hydrocarbons [2] Pollen Triterpenoic acids [2] b-Carotene [2]

Rubus idaeus L. (R. sericeus Gilib.)

FAs: 4:0; 16:0; 16:1; 18:0; 18:2; 18:3; 20:0; 21:0; 22:0 [2] TAG FAs (GLC), %: 10:0 – tr; 12:0 – 2.22; 14:0 – 0.30; 14:1 – tr; 15:0 – 0.14; iso-16:0 – 0.59; 16:0 – 2.51; 16:1 – 0.31; 16:2 – 0.14; 17:0 – 0.15; 17:1 – tr; 17:2 – tr; 18:0 – 5.12; 18:1 – 3.16; 18:2 – 6.31; 18:3 – 52.19; 19:0 – tr; 20:0 – 0.17; 21:0 – 0.28 [7] Pulp of Fruit Sterols Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 23 [8] Unsaponifiables, mg/100 g: 40–72 [8] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 21.3 [2] Iodine value, mg KOH: 174.8 [2] FAs: 4:0; 16:0; 16:1; 18:0; 18:2; 18:3; 20:0; 21:0; 22:0 [2] TAG Composition (HPLC), %: LeLeLe – 3.9; LeLeL – 10.6; LeLL + LeLeО – 25.3; LeLeP – 0.8; LLL + LeLO – 21.1; LeLP + LeLe – 4.0; LLO + LeOO – 14.0; LLP + ЛLeLS + LeOP –6.2; LOO – 5.3; LLS+LOP + LeOS – 5.2; LPP + LePS – tr; OOO – 2.1; LOS + OOP – 0.6; LPS + OPP – 0.4; OOS – tr [9]

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye Masla (Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1932) [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian] 3. V.H. Booth, M.P. Bradford, Brit. J. Nutr. 17(4), 575 (1963) 4. E.N. Novruzov, Rastit. Resursy 24(1), 48 (1988) [in Russian] 5. Atlas lekarstvennykh rastenii SSSR (Мoscow, 1962), 704 s [in Russian] 6. S. Ya. Zolotnitskaya, Lekarstvennye resursy flory Armenii: в 2 t. (Erevan, 1958), t. 1, 609 s., 1965, t. 2, 371 s [in Russian] 7. V.A. Bandyukova, G.I. Deineko, D.K. Shapiro, Chem. Nat. Comp. 18(2), 227 (1982) 8. L.I. Vigorov, Rastit. Resursy VIII(4), 557 (1972) [in Russian] 9. V.I. Deineka, L.A. Deineka, Chem. Nat. Comp. 40(3), 293 (2004)

Sanguisorba officinalis L.

Rubus sanguineus Friv. (R. Sanctus auct. Plur. Non Schreb.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Root Essential oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.32; on abs. dry wt: 0.44 Lipids Moisture, %: 14.66 Content of lipids, % on dry wt: 5.3; on abs. dry wt: 6.2 Vitamin E Content, mg on dry wt: 160.0; on abs. dry wt: 192.3

References 1. R.K. Aliev, R.A. Abdullaev, A.Kh. Rakhimova, Izv. AN Azer. SSR, ser. boil. i med. nauk (8), 117 (1961) [in Russian]


Rosaceae Juss.

FAs Triene, as 18:3, %: nonconjugated – 29 [2] Diene, as 18:2, %: nonconjugated – 38 [2] Monoene, as 18:1, %: 19 [2] Saturated, %: 8.8 [2] Composition (GLC, Silar 5 CP), %: 16:0 – 6.03; 16:1 – 0.13; 17:0 – 0.08; 17:1 – 0.05; 18:0 – 2.89; 18:1 – 13.16; 18:2 – 36.88; 18:3 – 38.20; 20:0 – 0.43; 20:1 – 0.64; 22:0 – 0.28; 22:1 – 0.10 [3] 16:1 Composition of isomers (Ag+-PТLC), %: n-7 – 62.6; n-9 – 37.4 [3] 18:1 Composition of isomers (Ag+-PТLC), %: n-5 – 0.4; n-7 – 2.8; n-9 – 96.8 [3] 20:1 Composition of isomers (Ag+-PТLC), %: n-7– 65.6; n-9 – 14.1; n-11 – 20.3 [3]


Rubus saxatilis L. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotenoids Content, % on fresh wt: 0.08 [1] Pulp of Fruit Unsaponifiables Content, mg/100 g: 70 [2]

References 1. E.N. Novruzov, Rastit. Resursy 24(1), 48 (1988) [in Russian] 2. L.I. Vigorov, Rastit. Resursy 8(4), 557 (1972) [in Russian]

Sanguisorba minor Scop. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 8.9–13.7 [1] Oil, % on dry wt: 17.7–20.3 [1, 2] n40 D : 1.4713 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 167 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH/g: 187 [2]

1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 15(4), 221 (1962) 2. F.R. Earle, E.H. Melvin, L.H. Mason, C.H. van Etten, I.A. Wolff, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 36(7), 304 (1959) 3. A. Seher, U. Gundlach, Fette, Seifen, Anstrich. 84(9), 342 (1982)

Sanguisorba officinalis L. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Leaf Triterpenoic acids Components: Ursolic acid (0.6%), hydroxyursolic acid [1] Root Essential oil Content, %: 1.5–1.8 [2, 3] Sterols Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol [1]

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Rosaceae Juss.


2. R. Hegnauer, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bd. 1–6 (Basel; Stuttgart, 1969), Bd. 5, 506 s; 1966, Bd. 4, 551 s; 1973, Bd. 6, 882 s 3. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri ( izd. AN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian]

Sibiraea altaiensis (Laxm.)

Sorbus americana Marsh. (Pyrus americana) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 3.8 Oil, % on dry wt: 23.9

Sibiraea altaiensis (Laxm.) Schneid. (S. laevigata (L.) Maxim., Spiraea laevigata L., S. altaica Pall., Spiraea altaiensis Laxm.; Sibirica laevigata Maxim.)

References 1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 15(4), 221 (1962)

Family: Rosaceae Juss.

Sorbus aucuparia L. (S. boissieri Schneid.) Leaf Essential oil [1] Triterpenoic acids Component: Ursolic acid [2]

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye Masla (Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1931) 578 s [in Russian] 2. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Sorbaria sorbifolia (L.) A. Br. (Spiraea sorbifolia L. S. pinnata Moench.; Basilima sorbifolia Raf.; Schizonotus sorbifolius Lindl.; Sorbaria stellipila C.K. Schn., Sorbaria assurgens hort. et C. K. Schn.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Root Essential oil (fermentation) Components: Methyl salicylate, salicylic aldehyde

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye Masla (Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 578 s [in Russian]

Family: Rosaceae Juss. Bark Triterpenoids Components: Ceryl alcohol, b-sitosterol, betulin, lupenol, 23-hydroxybetulin, 20, 30-dihydro-23hydroxybetulin, 23-hydroxyallobetulin [1] Branch Ursolic acid [2] Flower Triterpenoid Components: a-Amyrin, ursolic acid [3, 4] Sterols Component: b-Sitosterol [3, 4] Aliphatic hydrocarbons: n-Octacosane, tricosanol [4] Fruit Essential oil [a]: +40.8 [5] d14: 1.0680 [5] Component: Lactone of oxyhydrosorbic acid [5] Carotenoids Content, mg% on fresh wt: 15.4–18.0; mg% on dry wt: 27.1–53.9 [6–8]; mg% on abs. dry wt: 16.3 [9]; mg/g: 0.31–1.13 [10, 11] Composition, %: b-Carotene –29.6, cryptoxanthin + b-carotene monoepoxide – 70 [6]; phytofluene – 0.9, a-carotene – 0.5–1.6, b-carotene – 29.3– 30.6, cis-cryptoxanthin – 32.3–36.3, transcryptoxanthin – 17.8, 5,6:monoepoxy-a-carotene

Sorbus domestica L. (Pyrus sorbus Gaertn.)

– 28.9, 5,6:monoepoxy-b-carotene – 0.8–2.4, violaxanthin – 0.6, lutein – 1.9, zeaxanthin – 1.7, mutatochrome – 6.9, aurochrome – 5.7 [10–12] mg%: a-carotene – 6.2, neo-b-carotene – 3.3, bcarotene – 3.84, polycopene – 1.4, x-carotene – 1.6 [9] Carotene Content, mg% on fresh wt: 5.37–18.0 [12–14]; mg % on dry wt: 13.5–30.6 [12]; 2.6–8.0 [15] Triterpenoids Content, %: 1.84 [16] Triterpenoic acids Content, % of triterpenoids: 28.0 [16]; % on dry fruit: 1.58–1.91 Components: Ursolic acid, oleanolic acid [16, 17] Tocopherols Content, mg%: 4.41 [7] PhL Content, mg%: 70.4 [7] Components: PhC, PhE [7] Leaf Ursolic acid [2] Pulp of Fruit Unsaponifiables, mg/100 g: 46 [18] Seed Oil TAG Composition (HPLC), %: LeLeLe – tr; LeLeL – tr; LeLL + LeLeO – 2.4; LeLeP – 0.1; LLL + LeLO – 37.3; LeLP + LeLe – 1.9; LLO + LeOO – 24.0; LLP + LeLS + LeOP –13.0; LOO – 9.8; LLS+LOP + LeOS – 7.8; LPP + LePS – tr; OOO – 2.2; LOS + OOP – 1.1; LPS + OPP – tr; OOS – 0.1 [19]

References 1. W. Lawrie, J. McLean, G.R. Taylor, J. Chem. Soc. 4303 (1960) 2. A.G. Shavva, L.G. Matyukhina, I.A. Saltykova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 5(5), 372 (1969) 3. M. Kro´likowska, J. Kamecki, Rocz. Chem. 39(12), 1937 (1965) 4. M. Kro´likowska, J. Kamecki, Rocz. Chem. 47(7), 1375 (1973) 5. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye Masla (Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1932), 578 s [in Russian]


Rosaceae Juss.

6. B.G. Savinov, L.D. Protsenko, Ukr. Khim. Zhurn. 20, vyp. 4, 399 (1954) [in Russian] 7. L.O. Shnaidman, I.N. Kushchinskaya, M.K. Mitel’man, A.Z. Efimov, I.V. Klement’eva, Z.P. Alekseeva, Rastit. Resursy 7, vyp. 1, 68 (1971) [in Russian] 8. A.F. Gammerman, I.I. Grom, Dikorastushchie lekarstvennye rasteniya SSSR (Moscow, 1976), 110 s [in Russian] 9. S.A. Deren’ko, Chem. Nat. Comp. 14(4), 454 (1978) 10. L.R.G. Valadon, A.M. Sellens, R.S. Mummery, Ann. Bot. 39(162), 785 (1975) 11. L.R.G. Valadon, R.S. Mummery, Ann. Bot. 36(146), 471 (1972) 12. A. Shmuk, A. Zamyslov, Dokl. VASKhNIL (4–5), 7 (1945) [in Russian] 13. A.Ph. Gammerman, G.N. Kadaev, A.A. YatsenkoKhmelevskii, Lekarstvennye rasteniya (Vysshaya shkola, Moscow, 1983), 399 s [in Russian] 14. D.K. Shapiro, S.N. Bichevaya, N.I. Mantsivodo, I.L. Rabinovich, Z.I. Kachanovskaya, L.I. Gontaryuk, Rastit. Resursy III(2), 188 (1967) [in Russian] 15. Dikorastushchie i introdutsiruemye poleznye rasteniya v Bashkirii vyp. 1 (AN SSSR, Bashkirskii filial, institute biologii, Ufa, 1961) [in Russian] 16. S.A. Deren’ko, N.I. Suprunov, Khim. Prirod. Soedin. (1), 128 (1980) [in Russian] 17. S.A. Deren’ko, N.I. Suprunov, Chem. Nat. Comp. 15(3), 363 (1979) 18. L.I. Vigorov, Rastit. Resursy VIII(4), 557 (1972) [in Russian] 19. V.I. Deineka, L.A. Deineka, Chem. Nat. Comp. 40(3), 293 (2004)

Sorbus caucasica Zinserl. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotenoids Content, % on dry wt: 3.30

References 1. E.N. Novruzov, Rastit. Resursy 24(1), 48 (1988) [in Russian]

Sorbus domestica L. (Pyrus sorbus Gaertn.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene

Rosaceae Juss.


Sorbus intermedia (Ehrh.) Pers. (S. scandica (L.) Hedl.)



1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Sorbus intermedia (Ehrh.) Pers. (S. scandica (L.) Hedl.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Sorbus pohuashanensis Hedl. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotenoids Content, mg/g: 2.12 Composition, %: Phytofluene – tr; a-carotene – 5.5; b-carotene – 54.4; x-carotene and d-carotene – 4.7; cryptoxanthin – 21.3; 5;6:monoepoxy-acarotene – 1.5; 5;6-monoepoxy-b-carotene – 0.8; mutatochrome – 3.2; violaxanthin – 0.2; lutein – 0.3; zeaxanthin – 2.2

Sorbus sibirica Hedl. (S. aucuparia L. ssp. sibirica Kryl.; Pyrus aucuparia Bge.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Essential oil [1] Carotene Content, mg% on dry wt: 20.0 [2] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 22.0

References 1. N.V. Pavlov, Rastitel’noe syr’e Kazakhstana. Rasteniya: ikh veshchestva i ispol’zovanie, otv. red. akad. V.L. Komarov (izd. AN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1938), 550 s [in Russian] 2. V.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Sobolevskaya, A.I. Yakubova, Poleznye rasteniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Izd. AN SSSR, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 347 s [in Russian]

Sorbus tianschanica Rupr. Family: Rosaceae Juss.

References 1. L.R.G. Valadon, A.M. Sellens, R.S. Mummery, Ann. Bot. 39(162), 785 (1975)

Seed Oil Use: Fatty oil is offered for paratyphoid treatment.

Sorbus sambucifolia (Cham. et Schlecht.) M. Roem. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Fruit Carotene

References 1. Rastitel’nye resursy SSSR. Tsvetkovye rasteniya, ikh khimicheskii sostav, ispol’zovanie. Sem. HydrangeaceaeHaloragaceae (izd. “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1987), pp. 19–101 [in Russian]

Spiraea ulmaria L.


Rosaceae Juss.

Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz

Spiraea salicifolia L.

Family: Rosaceae Juss.

Family: Rosaceae Juss.

Branch and Leaf Triterpenoic acids Component: Ursolic acid [1]

Flower Lipids (petroleum ether) Wax Components: Hydrocarbon C28H58O [1]

Fruit Carotenoids Content, % on fresh wt: 2.80 [2]



Root Essential oil [2]

References 1. L.Y. Ivanovskaya, A.A. Ryabinin, L.P. Barabanova, Zhurn. Obshch. Khimii 33, vyp. 10, 3446 (1963) [in Russian] 2. E.N. Novruzov, Rastit. Resursy 24(1), 48 (1988) [in Russian]

Spiraea hypericifolia L. (S. ambigua Pall.; S. crenata Pall. (non L.); S. acutifolia Willd.; S. obovata Grossh.) Family: Rosaceae Juss. Aerial Part Essential oil Components: Salicylic acid, salicylic aldehyde [1] Leaf Carotenoids Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 184–201; on dry wt: 409–445 [2] Chlorophyllic pigments Content, mg/100 g on fresh wt: Chlorophyll a – 199–227; chlorophyll b – 66–86; on dry wt: chlorophyll a – 440–505; chlorophyll b 145–190 [2]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), p. 249 [in Russian] 2. E.N. Ketskhoveli, M.A. Saradzheva, Izv. AN Gruz. SSR, ser. biol. 4(2), 138 (1978) [in Russian]

References 1. E. Steinegger, P. Carparis, Pharm. Acta Helv. 20, 154 (1945); Chem. Abstr. 42, N 4578 (1948) 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), p. 249 [in Russian]

Spiraea ulmaria L. Family: Rosaceae Juss. Flower Essential oil Content, % on dry wt: 0.2 Components: Salicylic acid, salicyl aldehyde, methyl salicylate, vanillin, heliotropin

References 1. B.N. Rutowskii, Efirnye Masla (Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 578 s [in Russian]

Rutaceae Juss.

Acronychia laurifolia Bl. Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 34.4 [2] d30: 0.9180 [2] n40 D : 1.4647 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 108 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 193.6 [2]

Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.06 d26: 0.915; d27: 0.909 [a]D: (þ1 520 ) – (þ9 40 ) Acid value, mg KOH: 0.8 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 50.9 Saponification value, mg KOH: 11–14

Shoot Essential oil (hydrodistillation) Composition, %: d-a-phellandrene – 35; cineol – 40–45 [1]



1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 2. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd-vо АN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian]

Aegle marmelos Correa Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.6 [1] d25: 0.856 [1]  ½aŠ26 D : þ10.71 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 10.6 [1] Composition, %: d-a-phellandrene – 35; p-cymol – 17; d-limonene, citronellol – 21; cuminaldehyde – 5; citral – 10; cineol – 3 [1] Peel Essential oil (hydrodistillation) Component: d-a-phellandrene [1]

Agathosma apiculata Meyer (Barosma apiculata) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on fresh wt: 0.32 d25 25 : 0.888–0.906 [1] n20 D : 1.4837–1.4853 [1]   ½aŠ19 D : (–5.1 ) to (–8.27 ) [1] Composition, %: l-b-pinene – 25; n-butyl-1pentenyldisulfide – 30; n-butyric acid – tr; resin – 7; S-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-3-methyl butanethioate, S-prenylthioisobutyrate [1–3]

A.I. Glushenkova (ed.), Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources, DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-323-7, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Rutaceae Juss.


Agathosma ciliaris (L.) Druce


Agathosma imbricata (L.) Willd.

1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 2. W.E. Campbell, G.M.L. Cragg, G.S. Ritchie, D.E.A. Rivett, Phytochemistry 19(7), 1537 (1980) 3. D.E.A. Rivett, Tetrahedron Lett. 15(14), 1253 (1974)

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Agathosma ciliaris (L.) Druce Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf, Stem, Twig Essential oil (steam-distillation, extraction with chloroform) Components: trans-1,2-methylenedioxy-4(30 0 methoxy-1 -propenyl)benzene, trans-1,2dimethoxy-4-(30 -methoxy-10 -propenyl)benzene

References 1. W.E. Campbell, P. George, Phytochemistry 21(6), 1455 (1982)

Leaf, Stem, Twig Essential oil (steam-distillation, extraction with chloroform) Components: trans-1,2-methylenedioxy-4(30 0 methoxy-1 -propenyl)benzene, trans-1,2dimethoxy-4-(30 -methoxy-10 -propenyl)benzene

References 1. W.E. Campbell, P. George, Phytochemistry 21(6), 1455 (1982)

Agathosma microphylla E. Mey. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on dry wt: 2–5 d20: 0.920 n20 D : 1.499  0 ½aŠ20 D : – 12 10 Composition, %: myrcene, alcohols (l-linalool) – 3; ester – 4; methylchavicol – 50; eugenol – 1


Agathosma gnidioides Schlecht. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.6–1.0 Composition, %: myrcene – 60; l-limonene þ dipentene – 4; l-b-pinene – 5; dlinalylisobutyrate – 25; methylsalicilate, di-bpentenyltetrasulfide – 5; salicylic acid

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Agathosma scaberula Dummer. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf, Stem, Twig Essential oil (steam-distillation, extraction with chloroform) Components: trans-1,2-methylenedioxy-4(30 methoxy-10 -propenyl)benzene, trans-1,20 0 dimethoxy-4-(3 -methoxy-1 -propenyl)benzene

Barosma betulina Bartl.


Rutaceae Juss.


Amyris elemifera L. Royle (A. plumieri DC.)

1. W.E. Campbell, P. George, Phytochemistry 21(6), 1455 (1982)

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Amyris balsamifera L. Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Wood Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 8–10 d15: 0.9450


Branch (Thick) Essential oil d15: 0.9593–0.9675 n20 D : 1.50689–1.50937 aD: (þ18 170 ) – (þ39 460 ) Acid value, mg KOH: 0.4–1.5 Ether value, mg KOH: 0.9–5.6 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 105.5– 149.3

1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Branch (Thin) Essential oil d15: 0.9459–0.9612 n20 D : 1.50289–1.50937 aD: (þ0 590 ) – (þ29 190 ) Acid value, mg KOH: 0.4–1.9 Ether value, mg KOH: 2.8–3.7 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 81.2–133.5

Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.4–0.6 d30 30 : 0.8675 n31:5 D : 1.4650 [a]D: (–34.18 ) Acid value, mg KOH: 6.85 Saponification value, mg KOH: 92.85 Saponification value after acetylation, mg KOH: 139.3 Composition, %: l-sabinen – 38; l-linalool – 14; llinalylacetate – 17

Wood Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 1.5–3.5 d15: 0.950–0.970; d25 25 0.943–0.968 n20 D : 1.505–1.513   [a]D: (þ19 ) – (þ29 ); a25 D (–10 ) – (þ46 ) Acid value, mg KOH: 3.0 Ether value, mg KOH: 6.0 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 66–125 Composition, %: a-amyrol þ b-amyrol – 27.55; dcadinene þ l-cadinene – 16–17; bcaryophyllene, cadinol, amyrolin

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Atalantia monophylla DC. (Limonia monophylla L.) Family: Rutaceae Juss.

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Barosma betulina Bartl. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil, %: 1.3–2.5 d: 0.937–0.970

Rutaceae Juss.


n20: 1.4740–1.4860 [a]: (–14 ) – (–48 ) Composition, %: diosphenol – 17–30; d-limonene, dipentene, l-mentone

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Barosma crenulata (L.) Hook.

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Barosma serratifolia Willd. Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Barosma crenulata (L.) Hook. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil, %: 1.7 d15: 0.9364; d25 25 0.924–0.956 n20 : 1.474–1.488 D  0  0 [a]D: (–15 220 ); a25 D : (–8 18 ) – (–21 41 ) Acid value, mg KOH: 1.0–3.4 Ether value, mg KOH: 20.0–84.4 Component: diosphenol

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.8–1.0 [1, 2] d15: 0.918–0.961 [1]; d40 25 : 0.958–0.979 [2] n20 D : 1.4815–1.4879 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 4.9–9.9 [2] [a]D: (–12 ) – (–36 ) [1, 2] Ether value, mg KOH: 23.3–25.1 [2] Components: diosphenol, l-mentone [1, 2] Use: The essential oil is used in pharmacy because of antiseptic properties [1].

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Barosma pulchella Bart. еt Wild. Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Barosma venusta Eckl. еt Zeyh.

Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 3.0 [1, 2] d15: 0.8830 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4577 [1, 2] [a]D: þ 8 360 [1, 2] Acid value, mg KOH: 18.5 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 27.2 [1, 2] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 227–237 [1, 2] Composition, %: d-citronellal – 44; methylheptenone, d-mentone, d-citronellol, citronelloic acid, caprinic acid [1, 2]

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on dry wt: 1.1– 2.0 [1] d15:5 15:5 : 0.865–0.8839 [2] n20 D : 1.4967 [1, 2] 22  0  0 ½aŠ20 D : (þ0 30 ); ½aŠD : þ (0 47 ) [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.4–5.6 [1, 2] Ether value, mg KOH: 6.2–13.4 [1] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 52.8– 54.0 [1]

Boronia ledifolia Gay. var. triphylla

Saponification value, mg KOH: 11.8–13.4 [2] Composition, %: myrcene – 35–43; chavicol? – 16; methylchavicol – 15–21.4; alcohols (myrcenol) – 15; sesquiterpenes – 18; anis aldehyde – 0.5; linalool – 10; myrcenol acetate [1, 2]


Rutaceae Juss.

2. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Boronia dentigeroides Cheel References Family: Rutaceae Juss. 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Boronia citriodora Gunn (B. pinnata var. citriodora) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Flower Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.71 [1] d15: 0.8822 [1] n20 D : 1.4608 [1] [a]: (þ2.8 ) [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 4–5 [2] Ether value, mg KOH: 69.88 [1] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 241.24 [1] Composition, %: phenols – 1; caprylic acid, acetic acid, valeric acid, citronellol – 82.31; pinene – tr; sesquiterpenes, paraffin [1, 2] Young Branch Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.93 [1] d15: 0.8814 n20 D : 1.4611 [a]: þ3.8 Ether value, mg KOH: 42.10 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 239.46 Composition, %: citronellol – 80.38; d-a-pinene, citronellyl ethers (acetate and valerate), phenol, citronellyl acid, dehydrocitronellyl acid [1]

Leaf and Shoot Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 1.3–2.5 d15: 0.8421–0.8466 n20 D : 1.4778–1.4793   a20 D : (þ10.2 ) – (þ16.02 ) Ether value, mg KOH: 14.9–34.2 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 33.2–88.7 Composition, %: ocymene – 75–80; d-a-pinene, dlimonene, ethylisovaleriate, ethyl formate, ethylcaprinate, ethylacetate

Reference 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Boronia ledifolia Gay. var. triphylla Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf and Shoot Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.06 d15: 0.980 n20 D : 1.4850  a20 D : þ22.3 Components: terpens and sesquiterpens Whole Plant Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.06 d15 15 : 0.9130 n20 D : 1.4819  a20 D : þ27.2 Components: terpens and sesquiterpens



1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Rutaceae Juss.


Boronia megastigma Nees

Boronia megastigma Nees

Boronia pinnata Sm.

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Aerial Part Essential oil (extraction) Acid value, mg KOH: 22.8–30.5 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 65–74 [1] Component: b-ionone [1]

Aerial Part Essential oil d: 1.0197 [1] nD: 1.5125 [1] [a]: þ3.8 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 20.2 [1] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 36.9 [1] Composition, %: neraniol, neraniol acetate þ neranol butyrate – 6.4; elimicine – 70; trimethylgallic acid [1]

Flower Concrete (petroleum ether), %: 0.4–0.8; (benzol), %: 1.23 [2] Absolute, % on concrete: 60 [2] d15: 0.8989–0.9189 [2] n38 D : 1.4752–1.4852 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 22.8–30.5 [2] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 136.5– 149.0 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 95.9–109.3 [2] Components: triacontane, glycerides of 16:0 and 18:0, phytosterols, 16:0-acid, formic acid, caprilic acid, ethanol, ethyl formate [2] Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on concrete: 20.4 [2] d15 15 : 0.896 [2] n20 D : 1.4737 [2] aD: (–3 200 ) [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 22.4 [2] Ether value, mg KOH: 67.2 [2] Components: b-ionone, dl-a-ionone, d-a-ionone, eugenol [2] Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 1.3 [3] Oil, % on dry wt: 32.3 [3] Use: The essential oil is used in perfumery by fragrance components production [2].

Flowering Branch Essential oil d: 0.8917 [1] nD: 1.4762 [1] [a]: (–15.25 ) [1] Components: terpene, sesquiterpenes, paraffine [1] Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.38–0.57 [2] d: 0.878–0.892 [1]; d15: 1.0197–1.0265 [2] nD: 1.4762–1.4825 [1]; n20 D : 1.5125–1.5150 [2]   [a]: (–4.7 ) – (–15.25 ) [1]; a20 D : (þ1.5 ) – (þ3.8 ) [2] Composition, %: d-a-pinene, geraniol, geranylacetate, elemicin – 70–90

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]


Boronia polygalifolia Sm.

1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 3. Q. Jones, F.R. Earle, Econ. Bot. 20(2), 127 (1966)

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Whole plant Essential oil d: 0.8390 [a]: þ10

Citrus asahican Hort. ex Tan.


Rutaceae Juss.


Casimiroa edulis La Llave.

1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Boronia safrolifera Cheel.

Seed Essential oil, % on dry wt: 0.021; (extraction with EtOH), %: 0.21 [1, 2] d20: 0.9574 [1, 2] [a]: (–9 ) [1]

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Flower and Shoot Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 1.45 [1] d15: 1.034 [1] n20 D : 1.5180 [1] [a]: þ3.79 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 13.67 [1] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 29.33 [1] Composition, %: d- and l-a-pinene, safrol – 70–75; methyleugenol – 0.42; phenol?, paraffine [1, 2]

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 2. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Citrus amblycarpa Och. Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Boronia thujona Sp. nov.

Leaf Lipids (petroleum either) Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.9; C25 – 1.6; C26 – 1.4; C27 – 4.8; C28 – 3.5; C29 – 15.3; C30 – 7.0; C31 – 35.8; C32 – 9.5; C33 – 14.8; C34 – 2.7; C35 – 2.7

Family: Rutaceae Juss.


Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.5–0.66 d15: 1.056; d20: 0.912–0.915 n20 D : 1.4524–1.4569; 1.5255–1.5260 [a]: (–20.2 ) – (–56.54 ); (þ13.65 ) – (þ13.91 );   a20 D : (–8.6 ) – (–11.2 ) Ether value, mg KOH: 11.22–19.14 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 38.2–49.28 Composition, %: a- and b-thujone – 90; paraffin, sesquiterpen, thujylalcohol, limonene, safrol

1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Citrus asahican Hort. ex Tan. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids (petroleum either) Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.0; C25 – 0.7; C26 – 1.0; C27 – 3.8; C28 – 2.1; C29 – 11.1; C30 – 4.4; C31 – 39.4; C32 – 8.9; C33 – 22.0; C34 – 1.6; C35 – 4.0

Rutaceae Juss.


References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus assamensis D. et Bhat. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids (petroleum either) Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.4; C25 – 1.4; C26 – 1.9; C27 – 5.5; C28 – 5.3; C29 – 18.3; C30 – 7.2; C31 – 34.5; C32 – 8.7; C33 – 13.9; C34 – 2.5; C35 – 0.4

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus aurantifolia Limes (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle, Limonia aurantifolia) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Fruit Essential oil Composition (cold-pressed), %: linalool – 0.09–0.2; 1-nonanol – 0.1; a-terpineol – 0.3–1.05; citral – 3.1–5.3; citronellal – 1.4; decanal – 0.1; geranial – 5.1–6.8; neral – 0.4–4.6; nonanal – 0.2; octanal – 0.8; decyl acetate – 0.1; geranyl acetate – 0.55– 3.1; neryl acetate – 2.5–3.1; neryl formate – 0.2; a-bergamoten – 2.5; b-bisabolene – 2.5–4.0; camphene – 0.5; caryophyllene – 2.5; p-cymene – 0.5–1.9; limonene – 47–64; myrcene – 0.7– 10.3; a-phellandrene – 0.2; b-phellandrene – 0.9; a-pinene – 1.2–2.4; b-pinene – 10.1–11.9; sabinene – 1.6; a-terpinene – 0.8; g-terpinene – 7.3–21.7; terpinolene – 0.6–1.2; a-thujene – 0.4; nootkatone – 0.01 [1] Composition (distilled oil), %: octanoic acid – 0.02; borneo¨l – 0.6; decanol – 0.06; fenchol – 1.2;

Citrus assamensis D. et Bhat.

linalool – 0.1; 1-nonanol – 0.01; octanol – 0.01; terpinen-1-ol – 0.7; terpinen-4-ol – 1.6; aterpineol – 5.9; b-terpineol – 0.7; a,a,ptrimethylbenzyl alcohol – 0.6; citral – 0.3; decanal – 0.09; dodecanal – 0.006; furfural – 0.005; geranial – 0.1; octanal – 0.03; geranyl acetate – 0.3; neryl acetate – 0.01; abergamoten – 0.5; b-bisabolene – 0.9; camphene – 0.8; caryophyllene – 0.3; p-cymene – 11.6; ap-dimethylstyrene – 0.5; limonene – 60; myrcene – 0.8; nonane – 0.06; a-pinene – 0.8; b-pinene –0.9; sesquicitronellene – 0.2; gterpinene – 0.6; terpinolene – 0.8; toluene – 0.002; tridecane – 0.02; undecane – 0.03; methylheptenone – 0.006; 1,4-cineole – 1.8; 1,8-cineole – 0.7; 2,2-dimethyl-5-(1-methylpropenyl)-tetrahydrofuran – 0.3; pinol – 0.02; a,a,p-trimetylbenzyl alcohol methyl ether – 0.2; 2,6,6-trimethyl-2-vinyltetrahydropyrane – 0.16 [1] Juice TAG FAs (GLC, 10% SP-1000), %: 12:0 – 0.15–0.16; 14:0 – 0.23–0.42; 15:0 – 0.15–0.18; 15:1 – 0.11–0.15; iso-16:0 – 0.16–0.27; 16:0 – 3.90–9.43; 16:1 – 3.94–8.91; anteiso-17:0 – 0.12–0.31; 17:0 – 0.23–0.40; 17:1 – 0.25–0.48; 17:2 – 0.21–0.48; iso-18:0 – 1.62–2.40; 18:0 – 0.28–0.68; 18:1 – 11.34–26.35; 18:2 – 35.12–42.36; 18:3 – 13.97– 35.72; anteiso-19:0 – 0.61–1.14; 20:1 – 0.33– 0.56; 20:2 – tr–0.20; 20:3 – tr–0.26 [2] Leaf Essential oil (steam distillation), %: 0.19 [3] d25: 0.87 [3] Composition (GLC, DEGS, Carbowax HP), area %: myrcene – 0.6; limonene – 21.6; ocimene – 0.14; methylheptenone – 0.023; citronellal – 0.03; linalool – 0.4; isopulegol – 0.09; isoisopulegol – 0.009; neral – 12.4; geranial – 17.4; neryl acetate – 6.9; citronellol þ unidentified ester – 0.04 [3] Lipids (petroleum either) Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30) %: C24 – 0.1–2.0; C25 – 0.2–2.1; C26 – 0.3–2.1; C27 – 0.5–6.9; C28 – 0.6–2.4; C29 – 5.0–13.0; C30 – 2.9–7.4; C31 – 35.0–48.2; C32 – 9.3–13.8; C33 – 15.2–30.2; C34 – 1.2–2.4; C35 – 1.1–4.5 [4]

Citrus aurantium L. (С. vulgaris Risso, C. aurantium Risso, C. bigaradia Risso)

Leaf and Shoot Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.25 [5] Composition, %: terpene – 20–43 (main limonene), alcohols – 15–82; ester – 23–79; aldehydes – 36 [5] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 42.65 [6] d26: 0.922 [6] n26: 1.4671 [6] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.20 [6] Iodine value, % J2: 89.3 [6] Saponification value, mg KOH: 191.3 [6] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 23.8; 16:1 – 0.7; 18:0 – 6.8; 18:1 – 21.6; 18:2 – 36.3; 18:3 – 8.8; 20:0 – 2.0 [7] (GLC, 10% PEGA), %: 10:0 – 0.85; 12:0 – 0.99; 16:0 – 19.08; 16:1 – 0.28; 18:0 – 0.84; 18:1 – 17.07; 18:2 – 18.62; 18:3 – 42.27 [6] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.15 [6] Composition of unsaponifiables (GLC), %: hydrocarbons C18 – 4.94; C20 – 2.52; C22 – 8.99; C24 – 35.37; C26 – 1.56; C28 – 4.08; squalene – 0.60; C32 – 0.24; cholesterol – 0.35; b-sitosterol – 0.48 [6] Sterols, %: 1.02 [6]

References 1. P.E. Shaw, J. Agric. Food Chem. 27(2), 246 (1979) 2. S. Nagy, H.E. Nordby, Phytochemistry 13(1), 153 (1974) 3. E.D. Lund, P.E. Shaw, C.L. Kirkland, J. Agric. Food Chem 30(1), 94 (1982) 4. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982) 5. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 6. M.A. Habib, M.A. Hammam, A.A. Sakr, Y.A. Ashoush, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 63(9), 1192 (1986) 7. М.I. Goryaev, N.А. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gazozhidkostnoi khromatografii organicheskikh kislot (izd. “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR, Аlma-Аta, 1977), 550 s [in Russian]

Citrus aurantium L. (С. vulgaris Risso, C. aurantium Risso, C. bigaradia Risso) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Albedo Essential oil Components: n-hexanal, d-limonene, n-octanal, nhexanol, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, linalool, n-octanol,


Rutaceae Juss.

terpinene-4-ol, trans-2,8-p-menthadiene-1-ol, ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate, a-terpineol, neral, geranial, citronellol, carvone, nerol, transcarveol, geraniol, cis-carveol, 1,8-pmenthadiene-9-ol [1] Flavedo Essential oil Compoinents: acetone, acetal, methylene chloride, ethyl butyrate, n-hexanal, isoamyl alcohol, dlimonene, n-octanal, n-hexanol, cis-3-hexen-1ol, linalool, n-octanol, a-terpineol, neral, geranial, citronellol, carvone, nerol, transcarveol, geraniol, cis-carveol, 1,8-pmenthadiene-9-ol [1] Flower Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.07–0.80 [2, 3] d: 0.8554–0.968 [3]; d15: 0.86–0.89 [2, 3] nD: 1.463–1.4748 [3] [a]D: (–5 ) – (þ56 300 ) [2, 3] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.3–3.7 [3] Ether value, mg KOH: 6–127 [3] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 76.4 [3] Saponification value, mg KOH: 78 [3] Composition, %: ethers – 21.6–35; d-camphene, dlimonene, dipentene, a-pinene, d-linalool – 22; d-a-terpineol, geraniol, nerol, their acetates, anthranilic ether – 9; farnesol? [3] Essential oil (extraction), %: 0.06 [3] d: 0.889–0.929 [3] [a]D: (–0 480 ) – (–4 60 ) [3] Ether value, mg KOH: 55–118 [3] Composition, %: anthranilic ether – 2.5–15 [3] Essential oil (enfleurage), %: 0.01 [3] d: 0.909 [3] [a]: þ8 340 [3] Ether value, mg KOH: 58 [3] Composition, %: anthranilic ether – 5.2 [3] Fruit Essential oil (vacuum distillation of cold pressed oil) Components (GC-MS): aldehydes and ketones: nhexanal, trans-2-hexenal, 1-octanal, 1-nonanal, heptanal, carvone, citral, acetone, acetaldehyde, 1-decanal, neral, geranial, carvone, 2-octenal, methyl heptenone, undecanal, citronellal, aethyl butyraldehyde, 2-pentanone, benzaldehyde; terpene hydrocarbons: a-pinene,

Rutaceae Juss.


Citrus aurantium L. (С. vulgaris Risso, C. aurantium Risso, C. bigaradia Risso)

b-pinene, d-limonene, myrcene, g-terpinene, aterpinene, d-3-carene, terpinolene, p-cymene, aphellandrene, b-phellandrene; alcohols: methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-butanol, 1-butanol, 2pentanol, 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol, cis-3-hexen-1ol, 2-methylbutan-1-ol, 3-methylbutan-1-ol, methyl heptenol, linalool, 3-hepten-1-ol, 1octanol, terpinen-4-ol, 1-nonanol, a-terpineol, 1-decanol, citronellol, nerol, geraniol, carveol, isopulegol, noo-isopulegol, 1,8-cineol, 2methyl-3-buten-2-ol, isobutyl alcohol; esters: methyl butyrate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl isobutyrate, methyl hexanoate, ethyl caproate, ethyl caprylate, linalyl acetate, terpinyl formate, citronellyl butyrate, ethyl acetate, ethyl propionate, ethyl 2-methylbutyrate; acids: formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, caproic, capric, isovaleric, valeric, isocaproic, caprylic; oxides: cis-linalool oxide, trans-linalool oxide, cislimonene oxide, trans-limonene oxide [4–6] In addition: a-thujene, diethyl carbonate [6] (coldpressed oil, GLC, nonpolar column 20% UCW98, polar column 20% Carbowax 20M) Composition, % on oil: a-pinene – 0.46–0.62; myrcene – 1.78–2.18; d-limonene – 74.00– 95.37; linalool – 0.25–1.0; citronellal – 0.10– 0.40; decanal – 0.24–0.46; neral – 0.05–0.09; geranial – 0.12–0.17; perillaldehyde – 0.02– 0.03; dodecanal – 0.03–0.07; b-elemene – 0.04–0.06; b-caryophyllene þ b-copaene – 0.04–0.09; b-farnesene – 0.01–0.27; valencene – 0.04–0.15; b-sinensal – 0.07–0.13; a-sinensal – 0.02–0.06; citronellol – 0.2–1.1; isopulegol – 0.3–0.4; nerol – 0.1–0.3; terpinen-4-ol – 0.3– 0.4; a-terpineol – 0.2–0.3; nonanal – 0.1–0.4; octanal – 1.4–2.2; citronellyl acetate – 0.2–0.6; citronellyl formate – 0.1–1.1; geranyl formate – 0.3–0.6; linalyl acetate – 0.3–1.0; camphene – 0.4–0.9; b-pinene – 0.9–5.5; nootkatone – 0.01; 1,8-cineole – 0.8–8.1 [7, 8] Lipids Composition, %: total acid – 0.57–0.72; NL – 28.3– 34.7; resin acids and GL – 28.0–34.5; PL – 37.0– 38.2 [9] Fruit Drop Essential oil (hydrodistillation) d: 0.890–0.898 [3] Ethers, %: 20–35 [3]

Fruit Peeled Essential oil Components: acetal, ethyl butyrate, isoamyl alcohol, d-limonene, linalool, ethyl 3hydroxyhexanoate, geranial, valencene [1] Fruit Unripe Essential oil, %: 0.37–0.712 [3] d: 0.865–0.870 [3] [a]: (þ49 ) – (þ58 ); [a] 0 [3] Composition, %: aldehydes – 2.3; esters – 3–6; fixed residue – 0.44–9.3 [3] Juice Essential oil Composition, mg/L: linalool – 0.21–0.74; aterpineol – 0.16–3.52; acetal, methylene chloride, methyl butyrate, ethyl butyrate, n-hexanal, isoamyl alcohol, d-limonene, n-octanal, nhexanol, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, terpinene-4-ol, ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate, neral, geranial [1, 10] Lipids PhL PhE FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 24; 16:1 – 4; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 19; 18:2 – 42; 18:3 – 9 [11] Sn-2-position, %: 16:0 – 3; 18:1 – 23; 18:2 – 62; 18:3 – 12 [11] PhC FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 22; 16:1 – 5; 18:0 – 2; 18:1 – 26; 18:2 – 57; 18:3 – 10 [11] Sn-2-position: 16:0 – 2; 18:1 – 31; 18:2 – 57; 18:3 – 10 [11] Kernel Oil, % on dry wt: 49.1 [12] Iodine value, % J2: 107 [12] Saponification value, mg KOH: 195.9 [12] Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.15–0.39 [2, 3, 13] d: 0.858–0.873; d4: 0.9026; d15: 0.847–0.900; d19 19 : 0.8594; d20: 0.864 [2, 3, 13] n: 1.456–1.4740 [3]; n12: 1.4725 [2, 13]; n20 D: 1.47261 [13]  0 aD: (–7 070 ) – (þ56 460 ) [2, 3, 13]; a15 D : (þ94 10 ) –  0 (þ95 40 ) [13] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.2–2.4 [2, 3, 13] Ether value, mg KOH: 5.7 [13]; 12.1–192.4 [2, 3]

Citrus aurantium L. (С. vulgaris Risso, C. aurantium Risso, C. bigaradia Risso)

Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 218.3– 228.4 [3] Aldehydes, %: 5.2 [2] Composition of essential oil, %: citral – 4; d-camphene, d-limonene – 95–97.5; linalool, geraniol, linalool acetate – 32–34; dipenten, methyl anthranilate – 0.45–1; l-a-pinene, l-camphene, octylaldehyde, nonylaldehyde, decylaldehyde, octanol, nonanol, phenylethanol, a-terpineol, nerol, jasmone?, nerolidol, farnesol, paraffin, phenylacetic acid, palmitic acid, phenol?, indole, aurapten, umbelliferon, auraptin, bergaptol [3, 13] Lipids TAG Composition, %: LnLnLn – 1.9–8.6; LnLnL – 8.4– 11.5; LnLL – 13.0–15.6; LnLnO – 2.8–7.9; LnLnP – 3.0–10.1; LLL – 2.9–13.0; LnLO – 5.0–5.6; LnLP – 11.1–14.5; LnLnS – 1.0–1.4; LLO – 1.4–4.8; LnOO – 0.6–0.7; LLP – 6.5– 13.8; LnLS – 1.4–1.7; LnOP – 3.4–4.3; LnPP – 1.5–3.6; LOO – 1.0–2.2; LLS – tr–1.0; LOP – 3.6–5.0; LnOS – tr–0.7; LPP – 1.4–3.2; LnPS – tr–0.9 [14] FAs of TAG, mg/g fresh leaf: 139–2460 [14] Composition, mg/g fresh leaf: 16:0 – 23–382; 18:0 – 1–43; 18:1 – 13–209; 18:2 – 42–1193; 18:3 – 60– 633 [14] Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.8–6.7; C25 – 1.9–3.1; C26 – 1.4–2.1; C27 – 2.0–5.1; C28 – 1.8–3.9; C29 – 10.4–11.7; C30 – 5.3–6.2; C31 – 26.3–37.7; C32 – 9.9–11.3; C33 – 18.9–19.5; C34 – 1.8–3.2; C35 – 2.6–4.6 [15] Leaf and Young Branch Essential oil d15: 0.875–0.900 [3] nD: 1.458–1.466 [3] [a]D: (–6 ) – (þ8 ) [3] Acid value, mg KOH: about 2 [3] Ether value, mg KOH: 80–263 [3] Components: l-camphene?, b-pinene, limonene, llinalool and his ethers, d-a-terpineol, nerol, geraniol and his ethers, citronellol, cyclogeraniol? [3] Peel Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.15–0.33 [2, 3] d: 0.8423–0.8515 [3]; d20: 0.8435 [2]; d30 30 : 0.8390 [13]


Rutaceae Juss.

n20 D : 1.4740 [2]; n: 1.4698–1.4731 [3]; nD: 1.4675 [13] aD: (þ89 40 ) – (þ98 20 ) [2, 3]; [a]20: þ115 150 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.8 [2] Ether value, mg KOH: 2.6 [2] Ether value after acet., mg KOH: 25.5 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH 8.5 [13] Alcohols, %: 7.1 [2] Composition, %: d-camphen, d-limonen, fixed residue – 1.4–2.6; aldehydes – 2.3–3.8; linalool – 0.62–1.81; a-terpineol – 0.12–0.26; acetal, nhexanal, isoamyl alcohol, n-octanal, n-hexanol, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, n-octanol, a-terpineol, neral, geranial, valencene, 1,8-p-menthadiene-9-ol [1–3, 10] Content (pressing), %: 0.3–1.4 [3] d: 0.852–0.888; d13: 0.8445–0.8470; d15: 0.848– 0.858 [3] n: 1.464–1.475 [3] [a]: (þ89 ) – (100 ); [a]20: (þ91 100 ) – (þ109 380 ) [3] Acid value, mg KOH: about 3.5 [3] Ether value, mg KOH: 97–129 [3] Composition, %: fixed residue – 1.5–6; d-limonene – 90; nonanoic and decyl aldehydes – 0.2–2.7; dlinalool, d-terpineol, nonanoic alcohol, nonyl caprylate, nonyl acetate, methyl anthranilate, phyrosterol?, l-linalool acetate, l-linalool, nerol, dihydrocuminic alcohol, terpineol?, bergapten, octylene?, bisabolene [3] (extraction) d: 0.8535–0.8723 [3] [a]: (þ75 ) – (þ89 ) [3] Fixed residue, %: 11–14.7 [3] (steam-distilled, extracted with CH2Cl2) Composition (GLC, FID-GC, BP 20 or BP1, GC/ MS), %: a-pinene – 0.2; sabinene – 0.2; myrcene – 3.5; octanal – 0.2; a-phellandrene – 0.4; car-3ene – 0.7; p-cymene – 0.2; limonene – 52.0; cisb-ocimene – 0.4; g-terpinene – 0.4; terpinolene – 0.7; octan-1-ol – 0.2; nonanal – 2.4; linalool – 15.8; 4-isopropenyl-3-methylenecyclohexene – 0.5; limonene-1,2-epoxide – 0.2; p-mentha-2,8dien-1-ol – 0.7; sabinol – 0.2; isopulegol – 0.4; 4methylacetophenone – 0.4; a-terpineol – 0.4; exo-4,7-dimethylbicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-en-6-one – 0.4; ethyl octanoate – tr; decanal – 2.2; carveol – 0.2; monoterpenes – 0.4; neral – 0.2; carvone – 2.5; piperitone – tr; geranial – 3.5; terpene – 0.2;

Rutaceae Juss.


perillyl alcohol – 0.5; a-cubebene – 0.2; hexyl hexanoate – 0.2; b-elemene – 0.4; b-farnesene – 0.4; caryophyllene – 0.2; longifolene – 0.2; gselinene – 0.2; b-copaene – 4.5; d-cadinene – 0.4; bisabolene – 0.2; valencene – 0.4; methyl ester – tr; eicosane – 0.2; docosane – 0.2; tricosane – 0.4; tetracosane – 0.4; pentacosane – 0.4; hexacosane – 0.2; heptacosane – 0.2; octacosane – tr; nonacosane – tr [16] (water-soluble aromatics) Components (GLC, 5% Carbowax 20M): methanol, acetaldehyde, ethanol, linalool, a-terpineol, cis3-hexane-1-ol, limonene, n-octanal, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol, trans-2-hexenal, terpinene-4-ol, nhexanal, geraniol, neral, cis-carveol, translinalool oxide, n-amyl alcohol, 1-pentene-3-ol, cis-linalool oxide [17] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 20–28 [12] d: 0.9230 [12] n21 D : 1.4713 [12] Color, Lovibond units: 6–10 Y [18] Iodine value, % J2: 104 [12] Saponification value, mg KOH: 239 [12] FAs (GLC, 20% carbowax 20M), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.5–1.4; 16:0 – 14.2–23.8; 16:1 – 0.8; 18:0 – 4.7–8.3; 18:1 – 24.8–36.5; 18:2 – 32.1–54.2; 20:0 – 1.2 [19] 16:0 – 26.6; 16:1 – 0.5; 18:0 – 6.9; 18:1 – 24.2; 18:2 – 32.5; 18:3 – 6.5; 20:0 – 2.8 [20] Pigments Components: carotenoids, chlorophylls [18]

References 1. M.G. Moshonas, E.D. Lund, R.E. Berry, M.K. Veldhuis, J. Agric. Food Chem. 20(3), 688 (1972) 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 3. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 4. R. Teranishi, R.E. Lundin, W.H. McFadden, T.R. Mox, T.H. Schultz, K.L. Stevens, J. Wasserman, J. Agr. Food Chem. 14(5), 447 (1966) 5. R.W. Wolford, J.A. Attaway, J. Agr. Food Chem. 15(3), 369 (1967) 6. T.H. Schultz, R.A. Flath, T.R. Mon, J. Agr. Food Chem. 19(6), 1060 (1971)

Citrus benikoji Hort. ex Tan. 7. P.E. Shaw, R.L. Coleman, J. Agric. Food Chem. 22(5), 785 (1974) 8. P.E. Shaw, J. Agric. Food Chem. 27(2), 246 (1979) 9. S. Nagy, H.E. Nordby, J.M. Smoot, J. Agric. Food Chem. 26(4), 838 (1978) 10. L.J. Swift, J. Agr. Food Chem. 9(4), 298 (1961) 11. R.J. Braddok, J.W. Kesterson, J. Agr. Food Chem. 21(2), 318 (1973) 12. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd-vо АN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian] 13. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 14. H.E. Nordby, G. Yelenosky, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 61(6), 1028 (1984) 15. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692–695 (1982) 16. A.J. MacLeod, G. MacLeod, G. Subramanian, Phytochemistry 27(7), 2185 (1988) 17. E.D. Lund, R.E. Berry, C.J. Wagner, M.K. Veldhuis, J. Agric. Food Chem. 20(3), 685 (1972) 18. H.E. Helmy, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 67(6), 376 (1990) 19. М.I. Goryaev, N.А. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gazozhidkostnoi khromatografii organicheskikh kislot (izd. “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR, Аlma-Аta 1977), 550 s [in Russian]

Citrus benikoji Hort. ex Tan. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.8; C25 – 1.8; C26 – 1.9; C27 – 2.8; C28 – 2.6; C29 – 14.4; C30 – 7.1; C31 – 38.2; C32 – 9.8; C33 – 14.9; C34 – 2.8; C35 – 2.8

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus bergamia Risso. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Peel of Fruit Essential oil (pressure) [1] d: 0.881–0.886 [1]

Citrus canaliculata Hort. ex Y. Tan.

nD: 1.464–1.468 [1] a: (þ8 ) – (þ22 ) [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 1–3.5 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 97–115 [1] Composition, %: linalyl acetate – 11.4–44; linalool – 16–41; a-pinene – 0.8–2.0; a-terpineol – 0.2– 4.0; geranyl acetate – 0.6; D3-carene – 0.02–0.1; limonene – 25–32; b-pinene – 4.1; sabinene – 4.1–4.2; g-terpinene – 4.7–5.5; dihydrocuminic alcohol, nerol, camphene, bisabolene, bergapten, citroptene, geranylic ether of bergaptol [1, 2]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 2. P.E. Shaw, J. Agric. Food Chem. 27(2), 246 (1979)

Citrus bigaradia Risso. (C. aurantium L. ssp. amara L.) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Flower Essential oil (nerolic), %: 0.07–0.15 (hydrodistillation), 0.6 (organic solvent) [1, 2] d15: 0.870–0.887 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.468–1.474 [1, 2] aD: (–0 520 ) – (þ12 ) [1, 2] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.8 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 19–70 [1, 2] Composition of oil, %: hydrocarbons – 35: l-apinene, dipentene, l-camphene, paraffine; terpenic alcohols and their acetates: l-linalool – 30; l-linalilacetate – 7; geraniol and nerol – 4; a-terpineol – 2; nerilacetate – 4; sesquiterpenes: nerolidol – 6; nitrogenous substances: methylantranilate – 0.6; indole – 0.1; acids: acetic – 0.1; palmitic – tr; others substances: decylaldehyde, ethers phenylacetic and benzoic acids, jasmine, farnesol; in addition: b-ocimene [1, 2] Leaf and Shoot Essential oil (petigrenic), %: 0.13–0.4 [1] d20 20 : 0.864 [1] n20 D : 1.4563 [1] aD: (–7.07 ) [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.62 [1]


Rutaceae Juss.

Ether value, mg KOH: 192.35 [1] Ether value after acet., mg KOH: 228.35 [1] Components of oil: camphene, a-pinene, limonene, dipentene, l-linalool, d-a-terpineol, geraniol, nerol, acetic acid, butanoic acid [1] Peel of Fruit Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 1.4 [1] d15: 0.848–0.858 [1] nD: 1.473–1.478 [1] a: (þ89 ) – (þ97 ) [1] Components of oil: ethers – 35–45%; d-limonene, acetic ether of l-linalool, l-linalool, nerol, dihydrocuminic alcohol, bergapten, octylene, bisabolen [1] Waste Essential oil, % on fresh wt: 0.25–0.36 [3] d15: 0.8605–0.8620 [3] n20 D : 1.4740–1.4770 [3]  ½aŠ20 D : þ25 [3] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.965 [3] Ether value, mg KOH: 31.1–45.0 [3] Composition, %: citral – 24.0; limonene – 45.0 [3] Use: Petigrenic oil is used in first-class perfumery preparation, alcoholic beverage industry, and confectionary factories [3].

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 3. T.G. Bukiya, I.P. Mudzhiri, N.Z. Yakobashvili, Maslozhirovaya promyshlennost’ (5), 22 (1984) [in Russian]

Citrus canaliculata Hort. ex Y. Tan. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.1; C25 – 1.7; C26 – 2.3; C27 – 6.0; C28 – 3.5; C29 – 18.9; C30 – 7.3; C31 – 21.1; C32 – 4.1; C33 – 26.1; C34 – 4.6; C35 – 2.8

Rutaceae Juss.


References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus celebica Koord. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 2.5; C25 – 2.5; C26 – 2.8; C27 – 3.8; C28 – 3.2; C29 – 9.2; C30 – 5.6; C31 – 32.6; C32 – 12.1; C33 – 20.6; C34 – 2.6; C35 – 2.6

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus celebica Koord.

Citrus decumana Murr. (Grap Fruit, Pompelmus) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Fruit Essential oil (pressing) d: 0.860 [a]: þ94 300 Essential oil (distillation), %: 0.4–1 d: 0.845–0.860 n: 1.475–1.478 [a]: (þ72 ) – (þ78 ) Composition, %: a-pinene, d-limonene, linalool?, geraniol?, citral – 3–5 Leaf Essential oil, %: 1.7 d: 0.870 n: 1.466 [a]: þ22.9 Ether value, mg KOH: 10 Composition, %: dipentene – 25; linalool – 15; citral – 1

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Citrus depressa Hay. Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.0; C25 – 0.9; C26 – 0.7; C27 – 2.7; C28 – 1.5; C29 – 8.5; C30 – 4.0; C31 – 39.0; C32 – 10.5; C33 – 23.7; C34 – 3.6; C35 – 3.9

Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.3; C25 – 1.2; C26 – 1.9; C27 – 5.6; C28 – 4.2; C29 – 34.0; C30 – 6.8; C31 – 23.7; C32 – 4.4; C33 – 11.6; C34 – 3.0; C35 – 3.1



1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus grandis (L.) Osb.


Rutaceae Juss.

Citrus excelsa West.


Family: Rutaceae Juss.

1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.5; C25 – 0.9; C26 – 0.9; C27 – 1.2; C28 – 1.4; C29 – 4.2; C30 – 4.2; C31 – 38.2; C32 – 13.4; C33 – 30.4; C34 – 2.8; C35 – 1.7

Citrus grandis (L.) Osb.

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus funadoco Hort. ex Y. Tan. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.2; C25 – 0.2; C26 – 0.2; C27 – 1.0; C28 – 1.1; C29 – 12.6; C30 – 5.4; C31 – 48.3; C32 – 9.7; C33 – 16.5; C34 – 2.6; C35 – 2.0

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus glaberrima Hort. ex Tan.

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Flavedo Essential oil, % on wt flavedo: cold-pressed – 1.16, steam distil. – 2.39 [1] Composition of cold-pressed oil (GC, PEG 20M), %: a-pinene – 1.22; b-pinene – 0.91; myrcene – 3.53; limonene – 86.19; 1,8-cineole – 0.0035; ocimene – tr; g-terpinene – 5.78; p-cymene – 0.03; terpinolene – 0.10; 2-carene – 0.18; isooctyl acetate – tr; nonanal – 0.05; citronellal – 0.18; n-octyl acetate – 0.08; decanal – 0.29; linalool – 0.24; terpinen-4-ol – 0.04; bcaryophyllene – 0.01; b-terpineol – 0.05; aterpineol – 0.05; b-cubebene – 0.04; geranial – 0.08; carvone – tr; D-cadinene – 0.03; neryl acetate – 0.03; perillaldehyde – tr; carveol – 0.04; nootkatone – 0.21 [1] Composition of distilled oil (GC, PEG 20M), %: apinene – 1.47; b-pinene – 1.24; myrcene – 4.44; limonene – 85.30; 1,8-cineole – 0.0035; ocimene – tr; g-terpinene – 5.96; p-cymene – 0.04; terpinolene – 0.13; 2-carene – 0.19; isooctyl acetate – tr; nonanal – 0.06; citronellal – 0.17; n-octyl acetate – 0.07; decanal – 0.32; linalool – 0.29; terpinen-4-ol – 0.04; b-caryophyllene – 0.03; b-terpineol – 0.02; a-terpineol – 0.04; bcubebene – 0.03; geranial – 0.02; carvone – tr; Dcadinene – 0.02; neryl acetate – 0.02; perillaldehyde – tr; carveol – 0.04; nootkatone – 0.03 [1]

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.5; C25 – 0.6; C26 – 0.9; C27 – 1.3; C28 – 2.3; C29 – 10.7; C30 – 5.7; C31 – 39.6; C32 – 11.1; C33 – 22.1; C34 – 1.5; C35 – 3.6

Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.3–1.7; C25 – 0.3–1.6; C26 – 0.5–2.1; C27 – 1.3–3.6; C28 – 2.5–4.6; C29 – 8.9–12.3; C30 – 6.2–8.0; C31 – 29.1–40.5; C32 – 10.5–17.5; C33 – 16.2–22.0; C34 – 2.0–3.1; C35 – 1.7–4.1 [2]

Rutaceae Juss.


References 1. M. Sawamura, T. Kuriyama, J. Agric. Food Chem. 36(3), 567 (1988) 2. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus halimii Stone

Benzoic acid esters Components: C31, C33, C35 Ester alcohols Composition, %: C24 – 4.4; C26 – 75.5; C28 – 20.1


Citrus halimii Stone

1. P.-G. G€ ulz, R.W. Scora, E. M€ uller, F.-J. Marner, J. Agric. Food. Chem. 35(5), 716 (1987)

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Citrus hanaju Hort. ex Sh. Leaf Epicuticular wax, %: 0.3 Composition, % on wax: n-alkanes – 5.9; branched alkanes – 0.1; wax ester þ triterpenol ester – 0.8; benzoic acid ester – 0.4; lupen-3-one – 2.9; friedelan-3-one – 11.9; primary alcohols – 3.7; b-amyrin – 15.5; a-amyrin – 29.9; lupeol – 16.0; sterols – 0.9; fatty acids – 2.6 Alkanes Composition (GLC, DuHT-OV-101), peak area %: C19 – tr; C20 – 0.2; C21 – 0.2; C22 – 0.7; C23 – 0.5; C24 – 0.9; C25 – 1.6; C26 – 1.7; C27 – 3.2; C28 – 2.9; C29 – 10.6; C30 – 4.7; C31 – 38.7; C32 – 12.7; C33 – 20.1; C34 – 0.7; C35 – 0.3; C36 – 0.2; C37 – tr Primary alcohols Composition, %: free: C24 – tr; C25 – tr; C26 – 14.2; C27 – tr; C28 – 35.6; C29 – tr; C30 – 21.6; C31 – tr; C32 – 21.0; C33 – tr; C34 – 7.6 esterified: C20 – 0.5; C21 – tr; C22 – 0.2; C23 – tr; C24 – 7.6; C25 – 0.4; C26 – 4.4; C27 – 0.9; C28 – 29.1; C29 – 8.2; C30 – 34.1; C31 – 4.7; C32 – 9.9; C33 – tr; C34 – tr FAs Composition, %: free: C16 – 34.7; C17 – tr; 18:2 – 12.1; 18:1 – 12.1; 18:0 – 13.2; C19 – tr; C20 – 12.9; C21 – tr; C22 – 7.7; C23 – tr; C24 – 5.5; C25 – tr; C26 – 2.0; C27 – tr; C28 – tr; C29 – tr; C30 – tr; esterified: C16 – 40.0; C17 – tr; 18:0 – 7.8; C19 – 0.6; C20 – 32.6; C21 – tr; C22 – 10.1; C23 – tr; C24 – 4.7; C25 – tr; C26 – 2.6; C27 – tr; C28 – 1.5; C29 – tr; C30 – tr Wax esters Composition, %: C42 – tr; C43 – tr; C44 – 1.9; C45 – 2.5; C46 – 13.0; C47 – 4.4; C48 – 24.3; C49 – 7.2; C50 – 21.9; C51 – 5.0; C52 – 13.2; C53 – 2.9; C54 – 3.4

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 2.4; C25 – 2.5; C26 – 1.6; C27 – 4.6; C28 – 2.8; C29 – 12.6; C30 – 4.6; C31 – 33.6; C32 – 7.2; C33 – 17.9; C34 – 3.1; C35 – 6.7

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus hystrix DC. (C. papedia Miq.) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.08–0.14 [1, 2] 30 d20 20 : 0.8559; d30 : 0.9150 [1, 2] 12 30 nD : 1.4727; nD : 1.4650 [1, 2] [a]D: (þ35.08 ) – (–10.50 ) [1, 2] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.6 [2] Ether value, mg KOH: 11.4 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 50.2 [1, 2] Composition, %: l-citronellal, l-citronellol – 26; nerol [2] Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.1; C25 – 1.5; C26 – 1.9; C27 – 4.5; C28 – 2.8; C29 – 8.4;

Citrus iyo Hort. ex Tan.

C30 – 6.7; C31 – 35.7; C32 – 12.4; C33 – 20.3; C34 – 2.4; C35 – 2.2 [3] Peel of Fruit Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 2.15–4.0 [1, 2] d: 0.942–0.965; d15: 0.9654; d30 4 : 0.8506, [1, 2] 30 n20 D : 1.48277; nD : 1.4665 [1, 2]   0 [a]: (þ7 ) – (þ9 );½aŠ30 D : þ25.69 ; aD: þ7 18 [1, 2] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.93 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 11.4 [2] Composition, %: citral – 40 [1, 2]

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 3. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus ichangensis Swing. Family: Rutaceae Juss.


Rutaceae Juss.

– 39.8; auroxanthin – 1.2; luteoxanthine – 9.3; mutatoxanthine – 1.2; cryptoflavin – 0.6

References 1. S.E. Kudritskaya, G.M. Fishman, L.M. Zagorodskaya, D.M. Chikovani, Chem. Natur. Comp. 19(1), 112 (1983)

Citrus ionos (Sieb) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil, % on dry wt: 0.26 Composition (GLC, 10% FFAP and SE-30): apinene – 3.8; camphene – 0.1; b-pinene – 12.1; sabinene – 2.7; myrcene – 0.3; a-phellandrene – 0.3; a-terpinene – 0.2; limonene – 8.8; ocymene – 2.8; g-terpinene – 38.6; p-cymol – 1.4; citronellal – 0.3; decanal – 0.6; linalilacetate – 0.2; linalool – 7.6; terpinen-4-ol – 6.2; geranial – 0.2; ilangene – 2.2; b-caryophyllen – 1.2; cubabene – 0.1; murulene – 0.4; b-elemene – 0.8; b-selinene – 0.8; nerol – 0.2

Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 2.2; C25 – 1.0; C26 – 0.8; C27 – 2.2; C28 – 1.1; C29 – 10.3; C30 – 3.2; C31 – 38.8; C32 – 8.2; C33 – 26.9; C34 – 3.4; C35 – 1.8



Family: Rutaceae Juss.

1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.7; C25 – 0.4; C26 – 1.5; C27 – 4.1; C28 – 2.8; C29 – 21.6; C30 – 6.8; C31 – 38.0; C32 – 7.2; C33 – 13.8; C34 – 1.2; C35 – 1.8

Citrus ichangensis Swingle Family: Rutaceae Juss. Peel of Fruit Carotenoids Composition, %: phytofluene – tr; -carotene – 11.7; mutatochrome – 12.2; b-apo-8-carotenal

1. N.A. Kekelidze, M.I. Dzhanikashvili, T.P. Bagdoshvili, Chem. Natur. Comp. 20(5), 572 (1984)

Citrus iyo Hort. ex Tan.

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Rutaceae Juss.


Citrus jambhiri Lush. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil (steam-distilled), % on dry wt: 0.17 [1] d: 0.86 [1] Composition (GLC, 18% DEGS, then Carbowax HP), %: sabinene – 7.4; limonene – 32.4; gterpinene – 7.4; p-cymene – 3.3; myrcene – 1.2; b-ocimene – 7.3; a-terpinene – 0.2; terpinolene – 0.2; methylheptenone – 0.10; citronellal – 0.8; linalool – 1.3; isoisopulegol – 0.6; isopulegol – 4.4; caryophyllene oxide – 0.2; cis- or translinalool oxide – 0.03; b-caryophyllene – 0.3; terpinen-4-ol – 0.22; neral – 0.91; geranyl acetate – 1.1; geranial – 1.11; neryl acetate – 0.8 [1] Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.4–1.5; C25 – 1.1–1.2; C26 – 0.7–1.1; C27 – 1.4–1.5; C28 – 1.2–1.3; C29 – 5.6–6.0; C30 – 3.3–3.4; C31 – 38.9–39.7; C32 – 9.2–9.4; C33 – 29.0–31.1; C34 – 2.5–2.6; C35 – 2.6–4.4 [2]

References 1. E.D. Lund, P.E. Shaw, C.L. Kirkland, J. Agric. Food Chem. 29, 490 (1981) 2. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30 (4), 692 (1982)

Citrus jambhiri Lush.

geraniol – 1.2; l-ilangene – 13.4; caryophyllene – 3.5; cubabene – 2.1; murulene – 1.9; camphene – tr; geranylacetate – tr; terpenylformiate – tr [1] Peel Essential oil (extracted CH2Cl2), %: 0.25 [2] Composition (preparative GC, DB-Wax), % on plant: n-hexanal – tr; trans-2-hexenol – tr; nheptanal – tr; n-octanal – 0.0068–0.0115; 6methyloctanal – 0.0005–0.0006; n-nonanal – 0.0100–0.0114; 8-methylnonanal – 0.0021– 0.0025; citronellal – tr–0.0009; n-decanal – 0.0480–0.0510; cis-4-decenal – 0.0020–0.0050; 8-methyldecanal – 0.0007–0.0015; p-menthen9-al – tr; n-undecanal – 0.0100–0.0072; trans-2decenal – tr–0.0064; n-dodecanal – 0.0040– 0.0091; trans-2-undecenal – tr; cuminaldehyde – tr – 0.0004; 2,4-decadienal – 0.0070–0.0152; perillaldehyde – 0.0034–0.0190; n-tridecanal – tr–0.0002; trans-2-dodecenal – tr–0.0008; bsinensal – tr [2]

References 1. N.A. Kekelidze, M.I. Dzhanikashvili, Chim. Prirod. Soedin. (6), 786 (1982) [in Russian] 2. K. Tajima, S. Tanaka, T. Yamaguchi, M. Fujita, J. Agric. Food Chem. 38(7), 1544 (1990)

Citrus karna Raf. Citrus junos (Sieb.) Tan

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.3; C25 – 0.3; C26 – 1.3; C27 – 1.6; C28 – 2.6; C29 – 8.7; C30 – 6.4; C31 – 42.5; C32 – 9.7; C33 – 18.1; C34 – 2.9; C35 – 5.6 [1]

Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation, n-pentanol), % on dry wt: 0.19 [1] Composition (GLC, 10% FFAP), %: a-pinene – 0.9; b-pinene – 1.3; sabinene – 0.2; myrcene – 1.9; aphellandrene – 0.9; a-terpinene – 0.8; limonene – 3.3; ocymene – 4.7; g-terpinene – 7.8; p-cymol – 17.9; terpinolene – 1.9; citronellal – 2.1; decanal – 2.5; linalool – 17.1; linalylacetate – 1.9; belemen – 2.5; terpinen-4-ol – 0.9; a-terpenol – 2.2; neral – 0.6; geranial – 0.6; nerol – 0.5;

Root Sterols (4-desmethylsterols) Composition (GLC, SE-54, GC-MS), %: cholesterol – 0.6; campesterol – 36.4; stigmasterol – 26.2; sitosterol – 36.9 [2]

Citrus limetta Risso (Citrus limetta vulgaris)



Rutaceae Juss.

Citrus limetta Risso (Citrus limetta vulgaris)

1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30, N 4, 692 (1982) 2. T.J. Douglas, R.J. Iliman, Phytochemistry 24, (N 10, 2469 (1985)

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Citrus kotokan Hayata

Flower Essential oil d: 0.870 [1] [a]D: þ 21 300 [1] Components: limonene, methylantranilate, linalool [1]

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Peel of Fruit Essential oil d15 4 : 0.8460 n15 D : 1.4719  ½aŠ15 D : þ92.4 Acid value, mg KOH: 0 Ether value, mg KOH: 6.25 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 12.7 Composition, %: d-limonene – 90; a-pinene, aterpinene, b-phellandrene, a-terpineol, octylaldehyde, decylaldehyde, methyl ether of methylantranilacid

Fruit Essential oil (pressing) d15: 0.872; d15 15 : 0.849–0.852 [1, 2] n20 D : 1.4706–1.4721 [2] [a]D: þ58 190 ; (þ70 420 ) – (þ76 500 ) [1, 2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 75 [1] Composition: d-limonene, l-linalool, linalylacetate – 26.3 [1, 2] Green Fruit Essential oil (hydrodistillation) d: 0.8510 [1] [a]D: þ74 200 [1]

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Citrus latipes Tan. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.4; C25 – 0.5; C26 – 0.8; C27 – 4.9; C28 – 4.3; C29 – 23.4; C30 – 5.7; C31 – 35.4; C32 – 7.6; C33 – 14.6; C34 – 1.1; C35 – 1.3

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.34 [1] d20 20 : 0.8714 [1] n12 D : 1.4833 [1] [a]D: þ 39.62 [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.3 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 13.8 [1] Peel of Fruit (Fresh) Essential oil d15: 0.872 [1] [a]D: þ58 150 [1] Components: limonene, linalool, linalilacetate (26%) [1]

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Rutaceae Juss.


Citrus limettioides Tanaka Family: Rutaceae Juss. Fruit Sterol esters Composition of FAs, % on fruit: 23:0 – 0.62; iso24:0 – 1.88; 24:1 – 2.52; 24:0 – 7.57; iso-25:0 – 0.86; anteiso-25:0 – 1.19; 25:0 – 3.21; iso-26:0 – 4.06; 26:1 – 2.52; 26:0 – 5.64; iso-27:0 – 0; anteiso-27:0 – 0.82; 27:0 – 0.61; iso-28:0 – 1.03; 28:1 – 0.68; 28:0 – 1.01; anteiso-28:0 – 0.17; 29:0 – tr

References 1. T. Rˇezanka, Prog. Lipid Res. 28(3), 147 (1989)

Citrus limon (L.) Burm. fil. (C. limonium Risso; C. medica b-limon L.)

Citrus limettioides Tanaka

acetate – 0.1–1.0; neryl acetate – 0.1–0.5; octyl acetate – 0.004–0.04; trans-a-bergamoten – 0.2– 0.4; b-bisabolene – 0.14–1.4; camphene – 0.05– 0.5; caryophyllene – 0.1–0.3; p-cymene – 0.04– 1.1; a- þ b-humulene – 0.2; limonene – 54–80; myrcene – 0.9–12.7; a-phellandrene – 0.04–0.2; b-phellandrene – 0.8; a-pinene – 0.4–5.0; bpinene – 2.2–13.9; sabinene – 0.5–2.32; aterpinene – 0.32–0.7; g-terpinene – 2.9–11.8; terpinolene – 0.39–0.9; carvone – 0.007–0.04; nootkatone – 0.01; a-thujene – 0.38; 6-methyl-5hepten-2-one – 0.002–0.06; 3-carene – 0.004; octanol – 0.01; nerol – 0.04–0.14; geraniol – 0.04–0.10; p-cymol – 3.2; nonyl acetate – 0.006; ocymene – 1.48 [3–5] Lipids Sterol esters FAs, % on fruit: 23:0 – 0.89; iso-24:0 – 1.52; 24:1 – 0; 24:0 – 6.51; iso-25:0 – 0.43; anteiso-25:0 – 1.08; 25:0 – 2.79; iso-26:0 – 2.78; 26:1 – 0; 26:0 – 4.11; iso-27:0 – 0.26; anteiso-27:0 – 1.09; 27:0 – 0.53; iso-28:0 – 0.87; 28:1 – 0; 28:0 – 0.75; anteiso-28:0 – 0.22; 29:0 – 0.10 [6]

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Albedo Essential oil (steam distillation), %: 0.2 [1] Essence Components: alcohols: butyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, trans-carveol, hexanol, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, linalool, methyl alcohol, cis-p-2-menthen-1-ol, 2methyl-3-buten-2-ol, 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol, nerol, terpinen-4-ol, a-terpineol; aldehydes: acetalaldehyde, geranial, neral, perillaldehyde; esters: ethyl acetate; ethers: 1,4-dioxane, 1,1ethoxymethoxyethane; hydrocarbons: limonene, myrcene, g-terpinene; ketones: acetone, carvone, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, piperitenone [2] Fruit Essential oil Composition, %: citronellol – 0.15–0.5; linalool – 0.08–0.67; terpinen-4-ol – 0.01–1.34; aterpineol – 0.2–2.0; tetrahydrogeraniol – 0.1; citral – 2.0–13.2; citronellal – 0.03–0.2; decanal – 0.04–0.22; dodecanal – 0.02–0.1; geranial – 0.6–2.3; heptanal – 0.04; neral – 0.4–1.3; nonanal – 0.09–0.3; octanal – 0.07–0.15; citronellyl acetate – 0.02–0.2; decyl acetate – 0.05; geranyl

Juice TAG FAs (GLC, 10% SP-1000), %: 12:0 – 0.16–0.24; 14:0 – 0.40–0.53; 15:0 – 0.10–0.33; 15:1 – 0.18– 0.41; iso-16:0 – tr–0.25; 16:0 – 5.45–8.56; 16:1 – 0.65–1.99; anteiso-17:0 – 0.16–0.45; 17:0 – 0.20–0.32; 17:1 – 0.27–0.46; 17:2 – 0.54–0.69; iso-18:0 – 1.17–2.76; 18:0 – 0.48–1.17; 18:1 – 8.52–15.14; 18:2 – 29.29–39.83; 18:3 – 32.26– 42.97; anteiso-19:0 – 0.49–1.94; 20:1 – 0.19– 0.54; 20:2 – 0.12–0.17; 20:3 – 0.14–0.23 [7] Hydrocarbons Saturated, % of the total lipid: 1.4 [8] Composition (GLC, 3% SP-1000), %: n-C20 – 0.1; iso-C20 – tr; anteiso-C20 – tr; n-C21 – 0.5; iso-C21 – 0.2; anteiso-C21 – tr; n-C22 – 1.3; iso-C22 – 0.6; anteiso-C22 – 0.4; n-C23 – 6.9; iso-C23 – 6.6; anteiso-C23 – 0.4; n-C24 – 4.7; iso-C24 – 1.7; anteiso-C24 – 4.2; n-C25 – 14.5; iso-C25 – 10.0; anteiso-C25 – 1.2; n-C26 – 3.7; iso-C26 – 1.9; anteiso-C26 – 5.8; n-C27 – 10.1; iso-C27 – 4.3; anteiso-C27 – 1.1; n-C28 – 2.7; iso-C28 – 0.7; anteiso-C28 – 2.4; n-C29 – 6.3; iso-C29 – 2.7; anteiso-C29 – 0.4; n-C30 – 0.9; iso-C30 – 0.3; anteiso-C30 – 0.9; n-C31 – 1.4; iso-C31 – 0.2;

Citrus limon (L.) Burm. fil. (C. limonium Risso; C. medica b-limon L.)

anteiso-C31 – 0.1; n-C32 – 0.2; iso-C32 – 0.1; anteiso-C32 – 0.1; n-C33 – 0.2; iso-C33 – tr; anteiso-C33 – tr; n-C34 – 0.1; iso-C34 – tr; anteiso-C34 – tr; n-C35 – 0.1; iso-C35 – tr; anteiso-C35 – tr; n-C36 – tr; n-C37 – tr; n-C38 – tr [8] Monounsaturated, % of the total lipid: 0.1 [8] Composition (GLC, 3% SP-1000), %: n-C20 – 3.6; iso-C20 – tr; anteiso-C20 – 0.7; n-C21 – 0.6; isoC21 – tr; anteiso-C21 – 0.5; n-C22 – 2.7; iso-C22 – 0.1; anteiso-C22 – 0.6; n-C23 – 2.3; iso-C23 – 0.5; anteiso-C23 – 0.3; n-C24 – 2.3; iso-C24 – 0.2; anteiso-C24 – 1.8; n-C25 – 6.8; iso-C25 – 1.2; anteiso-C25 – 0.5; n-C26 – 1.4; iso-C26 – 0.2; anteiso-C26 – 3.5; n-C27 – 10.6; iso-C27 – 2.4; anteiso-C27 – 0.6; n-C28 – 1.6; iso-C28 – 0.1; anteiso-C28 – 2.8; n-C29 – 32.2; iso-C29 – 1.4; anteiso-C29 – 0.3; n-C30 – 1.9; iso-C30 – 0.2; anteiso-C30 – 1.6; n-C31 – 10.7; iso-C31 – 1.6; anteiso-C31 – 0.2; n-C32 – 0.3; iso-C32 – 0.2; anteiso-C32 – 0.8; n-C33 – 0.5; iso-C33 – 0.1; anteiso-C33 – 0.1; n-C34 – tr; n-C35 – tr [8] Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.3–3.3; C25 – 1.3–1.7; C26 – 1.0–1.4; C27 – 3.3–4.2; C28 – 1.3–2.3; C29 – 7.3–13.4; C30 – 4.6–5.3; C31 – 38.2–42.7; C32 – 7.7–12.9; C33 – 16.7–23.4; C34 – 1.3–3.9; C35 – 1.6–2.7 [9] Sterols, % on dry wt: 0.050 [10] Composition (GLC, 3% SЕ-30), %: cholesterol – 8.9  2.6, campesterol – 10.9  0.3, stigmasterol – 13.6  0.3, sitosterol – 49.6  3.7, 24ethylidenlophenol – 2.2  0.1 [10] Leaf, Shoot Essential oil (distillation), %: 0.09–0.24 [11] d15: 0.865–0.894 [11, 12] nD: 1.4719–1.4798 [11, 12]  0  a20 D : þ24 16 [11]; aD: (þ14 ) – (þ52.18) [12] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.97–8.1 [11, 12] Ether value, mg KOH: 14.9–51.7 [11, 12] Ether value after acet., mg KOH: 91.4–160.6 [11] Saponification value, mg KOH: 14–46 [12] Composition, %: terpenes – 55–80 (d-a-pinene, bpinene, camphene, limonene, dipentene, bfellandrene, g-terpinen), l-linalool – 4; geraniol


Rutaceae Juss.

– 1.3; nerol – 1.3; ethers – 18.1 (linalool and a-terpineol acetates – 2; geraniol and nerol ethers – 10); aldehydes: citral – 13.27–15.0; octyl aldehyde, nonyl aldehyde, citronellal – 15; sesquiterpenes – 2; bound acids – 3; limettin, nitrogenous substances – tr; cineol, pyrrol, furfurol [11, 12] Peel Essential oil (pressing), %: 0.4–0.6 [11]; (steam distillation), %: 1.7 [1] 20 25 d20 4 : 0.850–0.855 [11]; d4 : 0.866 [1]; d25 : 0.8472– 0.8500 [13] nD: 1.4746–1.4750 [1, 11]; n20 D : 1.4744–1.4748 [13] 25    aD: (þ59.3 ) – (þ67.0 ) [11]; ½aŠ20 D : þ69 [1]; ½aŠD : (þ63.0) – (þ66.07) [13] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.65 [1] Iodine bromine value,: 240–350 [1] Aldehyde content, %: 2.45–3.30 [13] Evaporation residue, %: 1.81–2.15 [13] Composition (GLC-MS, 3% OV-17), %: limonene – 98; a-pinene, b-pinene, citral [1] (GC, DB-5), %: monoterpene hydrocarbons: athujene – 0.38–0.42; a-pinene – 1.75–1.84; camphene – 0.05–0.06; sabinene – 1.79–1.85; bpinene – 10.52–11.13; myrcene – 1.58–1.61; aphellandrene – 0.04; a-terpinene – 0.16–0.20; pcymene – 0.07–0.14; limonene/1,8-cineole/cisocimene – 65.16–65.65; trans-ocimene – 0.09– 0.11; g-terpinene – 8.32–8.86; terpinolene – 0.34–0.39; alcohols: trans-sabinene hydrate/ octanol – 0.01–0.05; linalool/cis-sabinene hydrate – 0.13–0.18; borneol – 0.009–0.01; terpinen-4-ol – 0.05–0.11; a-terpineol – 0.16– 0.19; citronellol/nerol – 0.03–0.06; geraniol – 0.02–0.03; aldehydes: octanal – 0.08–0.10; nonanal – 0.12; citronellal – 0.08–0.13; decanal – 0.05; neral – 0.74–1.26; geranial – 1.18–2.05; perillaldehyde – 0.03; undecanal – 0.03; dodecanal/decyl acetate – 0.008–0.01; sesquiterpene hydrocarbons: cis-a-bergamoten – 0.03; caryophyllene – 0.19–0.22; trans-a-bergamoten/ citrunellyl propionate – 0.36–0.38; trans-bfarnesene – 0.03; a-humulene – 0.02; b-santalene – 0.01; b-bisabolene – 0.52–0.55; esters: methyl geranoate – 0.005–0.007; citronellyl acetate – 0.03; neryl acetate – 0.52–0.60; geranyl acetate – 0.38– 0.52; neryl propionate – 0.007; geranyl propionate – 0.009–0.01; undecyl acetate – 0.006–0.009;

Rutaceae Juss.


ketones and oxides: trans-limonene 1,2-oxide – 0.005–0.007; cis-limonene 1,2-oxide – 0.004– 0.006; camphor – 0.008–0.01; cis-4,7dimethylbicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-en-6-one – 0.008– 0.01; piperitone – 0.004; sesquiterpene alcohols: nerolidol – 0.004; 2,3-dimethyl-3(4-methyl-3pentenyl)-2-norbornanol – 0.02–0.03; campherenol – 0.03; a-bisabolol – 0.04 [14] NL (hexane), %: 0.9 [1] Carotenoids, mg/100 g on dry wt: 2.5–6.4 [15] Seed Oil (petroleum ether), %: 29.7 (moisture 17.8%); on abs. dry wt: 36.1 [1] Color, Lovibond units: 12 Y [16] Components (ТLC): hydrocarbons, ethers of sterols, TAG, oxyacylglycerines, FFA, DAG, sterols, MAG [1] FAs (GLC), %: 10:0–tr; 12:0–0.2; 14:0–tr–0.3; 16:0–21.3–28.0; 16:1–tr–0.8; 17:0–tr; 17:1–0.2; 18:0–3.1–9.6; 18:1–11.1–30.7; 18:2–32.9–49.1; 18:3–4.1–13.1; 20:0–tr–3.4; 20:1–0.2; 22:0þ24:0–0.5 [1, 17] PhL, %: 0.5 [1] Components: PhC, PhE, PhI, N-acyl-PhE [1] FAs of PhL (GLC, 17% PEGS), %: 10:0–0.9; 12:0– 1.0; 14:0–1.1; 16:0–30.2; 16:1–3.5; 18:0–3.2; 18:1–18.5; 18:2–40.8; 18:3–0.8 [1]

Citrus limonelloides Hay. 11. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 12. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 13. R.W. Wolford, J.W. Kesterson, J.A. Attaway, J. Agr. Food Chem. 19(6), 1098 (1971) 14. T.S. Chamblee, B.C. Clark, G.B. Brewster, T. Radford, G.A. Iacobucci, J. Agric. Food Chem. 39(1), 162 (1991) 15. G.М. Fishman, D.М. Chikovani, Chem. Natur. Comp. 23(6), 766 (1987) 16. H.E. Helmy, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 67(6), 376 (1990) 17. М.I. Goryaev, N.А. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gazozhidkostnoi khromatografii organicheskikh kislot (izd. “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR, Аlma-Аta, 1977), 550 s [in Russian]

Citrus limonelloides Hay. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Sterol ethers FAs, mail acid 18:3, C22–C29 – 6.5%, main C24

References 1. М.I. Goryaev, N.А. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gazozhidkostnoi khromatografii organicheskikh kislot (izd. “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR, Аlma-Аta, 1977), 550 s [in Russian]

Citrus limonia Osbeck. Use: Lemon oil is used in perfumery, soap making, and food industry (confectionary industry and others) [11].

References 1. I. Tolibaev, Kh.S. Mukhamedova, М. Таlipova, V.N. Plugar’, Chem. Natur. Comp. 28(3–4), 381 (1992) 2. M.G. Moshonas, P.E. Shaw, J. Agr. Food Chem. 20(5), 1029 (1972) 3. P.E. Shaw, J. Agric. Food Chem. 27(2), 246 (1979) 4. J.A. Staroscik, A.A. Wilson, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(3), 507 (1982) 5. N.A. Kekelidze, M.I. Dzhanikashvili, V.V. Kutateladze, Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennost’ (2), 25 (1982) [in Russian] 6. T. Rˇezanka, Prog. Lipid Res. 28(3), 147 (1989) 7. S. Nagy, H.E. Nordby, Phytochemistry 13(1), 153 (1974) 8. S. Nagy, H.E. Nordby, Lipids 7(10), 666 (1972) 9. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982) 10. N.Е. Zambakhidze, К.V. Sulaberidze, Т.Т. Museridze, Rastit. Res 26(3), 394 (1990) [in Russian]

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Fruit Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on fresh wt: 0.9 [1] d23: 0.8498 [1] n23 D : 1.4755 [1]  0 ½aŠ21 D : þ 107 4 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 0 [1] Saponification value, mg KOH: 17.12 [1] Composition, %: d-limonene – 92.2; a-terpineol – 0.64; citral – 3.6 [1] Essential oil (cold-pressed) Composition (GLC), %: heptanol – tr–0.004; athujene – 0.34–0.45; a-pinene – 1.41–2.15; camphene – 0.03–0.08; sabinene – 1.09–2.68; bpinene – 5.38–17.29; 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one – tr; myrcene – 1.22–1.77; octanal – 0.04–0.14; a-phellandrene – 0.04; 3-carene – tr–0.006; aterpinene – 0.26–0.32; p-cymene – 0.02–0.03;

Citrus macroptera Montr.

limonene – 58.47–76.48; g-terpinene – 7.90– 9.78; octanol – 0.01–0.03; terpinolene – 0.35– 0.39; linalool – 0.09–0.21; nonanal – 0.06–0.27; citronellal – 0.06–0.09; terpinen-4-ol – 0.05–0.16; a-terpineol – 0.09–0.27; decanal – 0.02–0.07; octyl acetate – tr–0.007; nerol – 0.02–0.05; neral – 0.41–1.07; carvone – 0.006–0.008; geraniol – 0.02–0.05; geranial – 0.68–1.70; nonyl acetate – 0.002–0.02; citronellyl acetate – 0.01–0.04; neryl acetate – 0.32–0.60; geranyl acetate – 0.15–0.72; dodecanal – 0.007–0.03; caryophyllene – 0.21– 0.27; trans-a-bergamoten – 0.34–0.42; ahumulene – 0.02; b-bisabolene – 0.50–0.62 [2] Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.2–0.3; C25 – 0.7–0.8; C26 – 0.6–1.1; C27 – 1.8–2.8; C28 – 1.7–2.2; C29 – 10.5–14.5; C30 – 4.3–5.7; C31 – 40.8–44.0; C32 – 8.0–9.6; C33 – 17.1–21.9; C34 – 2.6–3.8; C35 – 1.2–5.3 [3]

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 2. J.A. Staroscik, A.A. Wilson, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(5), 835 (1982) 3. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)


Rutaceae Juss.

Citrus lumria Risso Family: Rutaceae Juss. Peel of Fruit Essential oil d: 0.8579 nD: 1.4757 [a]D: þ64 150

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Citrus macrophylla West. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.2; C25 – 0.2; C26 – 0.9; C27 – 3.1; C28 – 3.2; C29 – 15.7; C30 – 9.2; C31 – 39.0; C32 – 10.1; C33 – 15.0; C34 – 1.8; C35 – 1.5

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus limonum Burm. (C. limonia Osbeck.)

Citrus macroptera Montr.

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Family: Rutaceae Juss.

Seed, Kernel Oil, % on dry wt: 30.0–49.6 d15 15 : 0.9210–0.9236 n40 D : 1.4635–1.4669 Iodine value, % J2: 103.0–109.5 Saponification value, mg KOH: 188–197

Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.3; C25 – 1.0; C26 – 1.0; C27 – 2.2; C28 – 2.9; C29 – 16.5; C30 – 7.1; C31 – 40.5; C32 – 9.4; C33 – 14.8; C34 – 2.5; C35 – 1.7

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Maslichnye rasteniya i masloobrazovatel’nyi protsess (izd-vо АN SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), 441 s [in Russian]

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Rutaceae Juss.


Citrus madurensis Lour. (C. nobilis Lour.) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Fruit Essential oil (distillation) d: 0.8510–0.8515 [a]D: (þ74 160 ) – (þ74 200 ) Fruit Unripe Essential oil d: 0.8665 nD: 1.479 Acid value, mg KOH: 0.2 Ether value, mg KOH: 17.3 Fixed residue, %: 8

Citrus madurensis Lour. (C. nobilis Lour.)

½aŠ30 D : 1.4702 Acetyl value, mg KOH: 27.73 Saponification value, mg KOH: 6.96 Saponification value after acetylation, mg KOH: 34.55 Composition, %: d-limonene – 90; a-pinene – 0.6; cadinene – 1; terpenoic alcohol – 2.5

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Citrus medica L. (C. limonum Risso) Leaf Essential oil, %: 0.2–0.35 d: 0.997 [a]D: (þ2 ) – (þ12 ) Saponification value, mg KOH: 159–265 Component: methylantranilate Peel of Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.16 d: 0.8479–0.859 nD: 1.474–1.478 [a]D: (þ65 ) – (þ90 800 ) Acid value, mg KOH: 1.3–4.1 Ether value, mg KOH: 2.25–9.9 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 12.5–98.3 Composition, %: fixed residue – 2.4–7.9; d-limonene, aldehydes – 1–6; methylanthranilate

References 1. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian]

Citrus maxima (Burm. F.) Merrill Family: Rutaceae Juss. Peel of Fruit Essential oil (hydrodistillation), % on fresh wt: 0.15 d30: 0.8417

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil (hydrodistillation) d15: 0.8772–0.8783 [1]; d30 30 : 0.8744 [2] n30 : 1.4764 [2] D [a]: (þ37 300 ) – (þ38 170 ) [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 3.6–5.5 [2] Ether value, mg KOH: 23–27 [1]; 4.4 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 27.6 [2] Saponification value after acetylation, mg KOH: 60.7 [2] Components: dipentene, methylnonylketone [2] Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.3–0.4; C25 – 0.4–0.5; C26 – 0.5–0.9; C27 – 1.5–1.9; C28 – 1.2–1.9; C29 – 6.7–10.1; C30 – 4.7–8.0; C31 – 40.0–43.5; C32 – 12.4–13.3; C33 – 19.5–26.4; C34 – 0.8–1.2; C35 – 1.1–2.3 [3] Leaf, Branch and Unripe Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.24 [4] d: 0.865–0.894 [4] n: 1.4719–1.4798 [4]   ½aŠ20 D : (þ14 ) – (þ35 ) [4] Acid value, mg KOH: about 1.5–8.1 [4] Ether value, mg KOH: 39.2–42.4 [4] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 91.4– 160.6 [4] Saponification value, mg KOH: 14–46 [4]

Citrus meyeri Y. Tan.

Composition, %: a-pinene, camphene, dipentene, dlimonene, l-linalool – 4; geraniol – 3; nerol, linalool acetate, geraniol acetate, nerol acetate, a-terpineol acetate – 12 (together), citral – 15; sesquiterpenes – 2; geranium acid, cyneol?, phenol? [4]


Rutaceae Juss.

Root Sterols (4-desmethylsterols) Composition (GLC, SE-54, GC-MS), %: cholesterol – 0.7; campesterol – 38.1; stigmasterol – 29.4; sitosterol – 31.8 [5]

References Leaf, Shoot Essential oil, %: 0.24 [2] d19 19 : 0.8559, d15: 0.8645–0.8655 [2] 20 n12 D : 1.4770, nD : 1.4772 [2]  aD: (þ52.08 ) – (þ56 300 ) [2] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.9–1.4 [2] Ether value, mg KOH: 10.1–24.2 [2] Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 133 [2]

Peel of Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.16 [4] d: 0.8473 [4] nD: 1.4740 [4] aD: þ92.0 [4] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.97 [4] Ether value, mg KOH: 3.04 [4] Ether value after acet., mg KOH: 18.4 [4] Composition, %: aldehydes – 3.8 [4] Essential oil (pressing), %: 0.36–0.6 [4] d15: 0.850–0.901 [4] nD: 1.473–1.486 [4]   ½aŠ20 D : (þ38 ) – (þ81 ) [4] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.3–25.5 [4] Ether value, mg KOH: about 136 [4] Composition, %: fixed residue – 2.0–18.0; citral – 2.4–9.0; octylene?, l-a-pinene, b-pinene, l-camphene, d-limonene – 90; b-phellandrene, gterpinene, octyl, nonyl, laurinic, decylic aldehydes – 1.2; citronellal – 0.4; methylheptenol, a-terpineol, geraniol acetate, linalool acetate, bisabolene, cadinene, citroptene (dimethoxycoumarine), phenol?, methylanthranilate, dipentene [4] Essential oil (distillation), %: 0.3 [4] d: 0.850–0.872 [4] nD: 1.4702–1.4745 [4]   0 ½aŠ20 D : (þ55 ) – (þ66 18 ) [4] Composition, %: citral – 1.2–4.5; terpineol, bisabolene, aldehydes, dipentene, fixed residue – 0.4–0.9 [4]

1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian] 2. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German] 3. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982) 4. B.N. Rutovskii, Efirnye masla. T. 1. Sposoby polucheniya efirnykh masel i ikh analiz (Sel’kolkhozgiz, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1931), 594 s [in Russian] 5. T.J. Douglas, R.J. Iliman, Phytochemistry 24(10), 2469 (1985)

Citrus megalopsicarpa Lush. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.4; C25 – 1.4; C26 – 1.4; C27 – 2.4; C28 – 3.8; C29 – 7.4; C30 – 6.0; C31 – 33.8; C32 – 14.1; C33 – 23.5; C34 – 2.2; C35 – 2.1

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus meyeri Y. Tan. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.9; C25 – 1.5; C26 – 1.2; C27 – 1.9; C28 – 0.8; C29 – 8.4; C30 – 3.1; C31 – 43.4; C32 – 9.8; C33 – 22.8; C34 – 3.2; C35 – 2.0

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Rutaceae Juss.


Citrus microcarpos (Citrus microcarpa Bunge, C. japonica Thunb.) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf and Branch Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.21 d30: 0.9380 n30 D : 1.4980 aD: (–4.4 ) Acid value, mg KOH: 0.36 Ether value, mg KOH: 10.1 Ether value after acetylation, mg KOH: 90.8

References 1. E. Gildemeister, Fr. Hoffman, Die a€therischen O¨le, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Treibs (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1959), Bd. 5, s. 391–647 [in German]

Citrus mitis Blanco

Citrus microcarpos (Citrus microcarpa Bunge, C. japonica Thunb.)

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus natsudaidai Hayata Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.1; C25 – 0.7; C26 – 0.5; C27 – 3.2; C28 – 1.5; C29 – 9.0; C30 – 6.2; C31 – 39.1; C32 – 11.7; C33 – 20.6; C34 – 2.8; C35 – 4.4 [1] Seed Oil, %: 18.2 [2] FAs, %: 16:0 – 37.6; 18:0 – 4.6; 18:1 – 29.8; 18:2 – 21.3; 18:3 – tr; others – 2.1 [2]

Family: Rutaceae Juss. Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 1.4; C25 – 1.0; C26 – 0.8; C27 – 2.6; C28 – 1.5; C29 – 13.5; C30 – 5.3; C31 – 38.7; C32 – 10.0; C33 – 16.3; C34 – 4.6; C35 – 4.3

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982)

Citrus myrtifolia Raf. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.2; C25 – 0.8; C26 – 0.7; C27 – 2.1; C28 – 1.7; C29 – 11.8; C30 – 5.3; C31 – 40.7; C32 – 10.9; C33 – 19.5; C34 – 4.1; C35 – 1.9

References 1. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692 (1982) 2. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian]

Citrus nobilis Lour. (C. madurensis Lour.) Family: Rutaceae Juss. Leaf Essential oil d15: 0.9650–1.0537 [1] nD: 1.51736–1.55073 [1] aD: (þ4.15 ) – (þ11.34 ) [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.4–0.8 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 162.4–259.9 [1] Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.3; C25 – 0.8; C26 – 2.1; C27 – 3.8; C28 – 3.2; C29 – 15.0;

Citrus paradisi Macf.

C30 – 6.5; C31 – 48.3; C32 – 6.6; C33 – 11.5; C34 – 0.9; C35 – 1.2 [2] Peel of Fruit Essential oil, %: 0.16 [1] d20: 0.8479 [1] n20 D : 1.4740 [1] aD: þ90.80 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 1.3 [1] Ether value, mg KOH: 2.25 [1] Ether value after acet., mg KOH: 9.83 [1] Composition, %: aldehydes (citral) – 6; alcohols – 2.7; d-limonene, methylantranilate [1, 3] Lipids Carotenoids Composition, %: b-carotene – 12.5; garicaxanthin, violaxanthin, lutein [3] Petal Essential oil, % on fresh wt: 0.029 [1] Seed Oil, % on dry wt: 40.2 [4] d26: 0.912 [4] n26 D : 1.4650 [4] Acid value, mg KOH: 0.65 [4] Iodine value, % J2: 82.5 [4] Saponification value, mg KOH: 186.2 [4] Unsaponifiables, %: 1.18 [4] Composition of unsaponifiables (GLC), %: hydrocarbons: C18 – 0.73; C20 – 0.73; C22 – 9.29; C23 – 8.31; C24 – 4.40; C28 – 9.48; squalene – 19.56; C32 – 2.20; campesterol – 0.29; b-sitosterol – 0.73 [4] FAs (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 15:0 – tr; 16:0 – 22.2; 16:1 – 0.7; 17:0 – tr; 17:1 – 0.2; 18:0 – 5.7; 18:1 – 28.2; 18:2 – 38.9; 18:3 – 5.7; 20:0 – tr; 20:1 – 0.2 [5] (GLC, 10% PEGA), %: 8:0 – 2.19; 10:0 – 3.23; 12:0 – 3.09; 14:0 – 3.46; 15:0 – 2.41; 15:1 – 3.18; 16:0 – 18.08; 16:1 – 2.09; 18:0 – 7.79; 18:1 – 16.76; 18:2 – 13.53 [4] Sterols, %: 1.02 [4]

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, Efirnye masla flory SSSR (izd. AN Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 1952), 378 s [in Russian]


Rutaceae Juss.

2. R.W. Scora, J. Kumamoto, W.A. Clerx, J. Agric. Food Chem. 30(4), 692–695 (1982) 3. F.I. Ibragimov, V.S. Ibragimova, Osnovnye lekarstvennye sredstva kitaiskoi meditsiny (“Мedgiz”, Мoscow, 1960), 412 s [in Russian] 4. M.A. Habib, M.A. Hammam, A.A. Sakr, Y.A. Ashoush, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 63(9), 1192 (1986) 5. М.I. Goryaev, N.А. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gazozhidkostnoi khromatografii organicheskikh kislot (izd. “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR, Аlma-Аta, 1977), 550 s [in Russian]

Citrus paradisi Macf. Family: Rutaceae Juss. Fruit Flavedo Carotenoids, mg/100 g: 5871 [1] Composition, mg/100 g: a-carotene – 84–515; bcarotene – 84–144; all-trans-lycopene þ neolycopene A – 3362; all-trans-x-carotene – 138; all-trans-b-carotene þ neo-b-carotene A þ neo-b-carotene B (15,150 -cis) – 2343; alltrans- and cis-phytofluene – 13; all-trans- and cis-phytoene – 15 [1, 2] (HPLC), mg/g: lycopene – 1.6–33.3; b-carotene – 4.2–9.6; phytoene – 2.5–51.3; phytofluene – 1.7– 16.9; z-carotene – 0.5–0.9; total carotene – 10.5– 111.7 [3] Composition, %: phytoene – tr–50.6; phytofluene – 24.0–30.8; -carotene – 4.7; a-carotene – 0.8; bcarotene – 0.6–2.7; b-zeacarotene – 3.5; dcarotene – 0.7; neurosporene – 0.3–0.5; mutatochrome – 2.8; x-carotene – 2.3; cryptoxanthin-5,6-epoxide – 0.5; cryptoxanthin – 2.4; cryptoflavin – 0.6; lutein – 1.5; zeaxanthin – 0.7; cis-zeaxanthin – 2.4; mutatoxanthin – 1.1; violaxanthin – 5.6; cis-violaxanthin – 0.8; luteoxanthin – 2.4; cis-luteoxanthin – 2.1 [4] Alkanes, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 50.5 [5] Components: C23–C25 [5] Aldehydes, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 336.8 [5] Components: C24–C26 [5] Squalene, mg/100 g on fresh wt: 0.4 [5] Sterol esters FAs, % on fruit: 23:0–0.47; iso-24:0–0.49; 24:1– 0.19; 24:0–3.28; iso-25:0–0.31; anteiso-25:0– 0.25; 25:0–1.51; iso-26:0–0.80; 26:1–0.29; 26:0–1.83; iso-27:0–tr; anteiso-27:0–0.17;

Rutaceae Juss.


27:0–0.20; iso-28:0–0.25; 28:1–0.30; 28:0–0.22; anteiso-20:0–tr; 29:0–tr [6] Juice Flavor Components: (–)-b,g-nootkatone, (þ)-8,9didehydronootkatone, (þ)-a-vetivone, (þ)1,10-dihydro-a-vetivone, (þ)-8,9-didehydro-avetivone, (þ)-(4aR,6R,8aS)-6-isoprope-nyl4,8,a-dimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-2(1H)naphthalenone, (–)-4aS,6R,8aS)-6-isopropenyl4,8a-dimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-2(1H)naphthalenone, (þ)-(3S, 4aS,5R)-3-isopropenyl4a,5-dimethyl-2,3,4,4a,5,6-hexahydro-1,7-naphthalenone, (þ)-(3S,4aS,5R,8aS)-3-isopropenyl4a,5-dimethyl-perhydro-1,7-naphthaquinone, (þ)-(4aR,6R,8aS)- and (–)-(4aS,6R,8aS)-6isopropenyl-4,8a-dimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-2(1H)-naphthalenone, (–)-(4aS,6R,8aR)and (þ)-(4aR,6R,8aR)-6-isopropenyl-4,8adimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-2-(1H)naphthalenone, (þ)-(4aR, 8aR)-6-isopropylidene4,8a-dimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-2(1H)naphthalenone, (þ)-a-cyperone, (–)-10-epi-acyperone, 1-p-menthene-8-thiol [7, 8] Lipids, mg/20 g dry wt: 193.3; % on dry wt: 0.97 [9] Saturated hydrocarbons, % of the total lipid: 1.9 [10]; mg/20 g on dry wt: 3.8 [9] Composition (GLC, 3% SP-1000, MS), %: n-C20 – 0.2–0.23; iso-C20 – tr; anteiso-C20 – tr; n-C21 – 0.36–0.4; iso-C21 – tr–0.01; anteiso-C21 – tr; nC22 – 1.5–1.73; iso-C22 – 0.09–0.2; anteiso-C22 – 0.04–0.1; n-C23 – 10.6–12.53; iso-C23 – 10.10– 12.7; anteiso-C23 – tr–0.1; n-C24 – 4.9–6.29; isoC24 – 2.81–3.4; anteiso-C24 – 6.79–7.4; n-C25 – 12.5–13.87; iso-C25 – 14.58–14.6; anteiso-C25 – 1.99–2.4; n-C26 – 2.3–2.66; iso-C26 – 1.2–1.58; anteiso-C26 – 6.22–6.3; n-C27 – 4.32–5.7; isoC27 – 4.2–4.25; anteiso-C27 – 0.5–0.65; n-C28 – 0.92–1.0; iso-C28 – 0.39–0.5; anteiso-C28 – 1.6– 1.81; n-C29 – 1.37–1.7; iso-C29 – 1.13–1.2; anteiso-C29 – 0.1–0.19; n-C30 – 0.4–0.41; isoC30 – 0.19–0.2; anteiso-C30 – 0.49–0.5; n-C31 – 0.5–0.67; iso-C31 – 0.3–0.31; anteiso-C31 – 0.07–0.1; n-C32 – 0.1–0.24; iso-C32 – 0.06–tr; anteiso-C32 – 0.1–0.15; n-C33 – 0.2–0.21; isoC33 – 0.1–0.11; anteiso-C33 – tr; n-C34 – 0.1– 0.11; iso-C34 – tr; anteiso-C34 – tr–0.02; n-C35 –

Citrus paradisi Macf.

0.05–0.1; iso-C35 – tr; n-C36 – tr; n-C37 – tr; nC38 – tr [9, 10] Monounsaturated hydrocarbons, % on total lipid: 0.3 [10]; mg/20 g dry wt: 0.4 [9] Composition (GLC, 3% SP-1000, MS), %: n-C20 – 0.75–1.1; iso-C20 – tr; anteiso-C20 – 0.14–0.3; nC21 – 0.7–0.83; iso-C21 – tr; anteiso-C21 – 0.1– 0.17; n-C22 – 0.9–1.97; iso-C22 – tr; anteiso-C22 – 0.1–0.21; n-C23 – 1.5–4.05; iso-C23 – 0.2–0.44; anteiso-C23 – 0.1–0.22; n-C24 – 0.9–3.38; isoC24 – 0.1–0.37; anteiso-C24 – 0.7–0.90; n-C25 – 7.5–10.85; iso-C25 – 0.8–1.49; anteiso-C25 – 0.2–0.76; n-C26 – 0.9–1.54; iso-C26 – tr–0.13; anteiso-C26 – 1.1–1.60; n-C27 – 15.68–16.2; iso-C27 – 0.3–0.94; anteiso-C27 – 0.2–0.57; nC28 – 2.1–2.4; iso-C28 – tr; anteiso-C28 – 0.4– 0.52; n-C29 – 41.15–51.7; iso-C29 – 0.10; anteiso-C29 – 0.10; n-C30 – 1.23–1.5; iso-C30 – tr–0.57; anteiso-C30 – 0.1–0.67; n-C31 – 6.46– 9.5; iso-C31 – tr–0.1; anteiso-C31 – tr; n-C32 – tr; n-C33 – 0.11–0.2; anteiso-C33 – tr; n-C34 – tr; nC35 – tr [9, 10] TAG FAs (GLC, 10% SP-1000), %: 12:0–0.13–0.27; 14:0–0.27–0.63; 15:0–0.23–0.45; 15:1–0.17– 0.30; iso-16:0–tr–0.27; 16:0–13.55–15.85; 16:1–6.50–9.35; anteiso-17:0–tr; 17:0–0.42– 0.55; 17:1–0.57–0.62; iso-18:0–0.43–0.72; 18:0–0.98–1.52; 18:1–27.65–30.69; 18:2– 25.95–28.56; 18:3–13.05–15.29; anteiso-19:0– 0.20–0.34; 20:1–1.02–1.12; 22:0–0.12–0.23; 22:1–0.27–0.35; 24:0–0.24–0.39; 25:0–0.16– 0.29; 26:0–0.23–0.32 [11] Leaf Lipids Hydrocarbons Composition (GLC, 10% SE-30), %: C24 – 0.2–0.4; C25 – 0.4–0.5; C26 – 0.4–0.7; C27 – 0.8–1.4; C28 – 1.9–3.2; C29 – 9.0–10.1; C30 – 5.5–5.8; C31 – 38.1–40.8; C32 – 11.2–12.6; C33 – 22.4–23.4; C34 – 2.6–2.7; C35 – 2.5–3.5 [12] Peel of Fruit Essential oil (hydrodistillation), %: 0.24–0.47 [13] d25 25 : 0.8516–0.8575 [13] n20 D : 1.4759–1.4775 [13] ½aŠ25 D : (þ90.49) – (þ93.40) [13]

Citrus paradisi Macf.

Aldehyde content, %: 1.23–1.46 [13] Evaporation residue, %: 6.23–9.53 [13] (cold-pressed) d25 25 : 0.8534–0.8590 [13] n20 D : 1.4759–1.4782 [13] ½aŠ25 D : (þ90.77) – (þ93.07) [13] Aldehyde content, %: 1.23–1.56 [13] Composition (GLC), %: a-pinene – 0.15–1.6; sabinene – 0.40–0.81; myrcene – 0.82–2.1; aphellandrene – 0.3–0.8; b-phellandrene – 0.7; d-limonene – 83.0–95.0; g-terpinene – 0.05– 0.8; p-cymol –0.1–0.4; heptanal – 0.05–0.06; octanal – 0.23–0.71; nonanal – 0.04–0.12; decanal – 0.12–0.6; dodecanal – 0.05–0.2; tetradecanal – 0.1; citronellal – 0.07–0.14; linalool – 0.08–0.4; decylacetate – 0–0.23; nerylacetate – 0.16–0.34; nerylformiate – 0– 0.14; a-terpineol – 0.12–0.20; neral – 0.02– 0.046; geranial – 0.1–0.2; caryophyllene – 0.25–0.3; b-caryophyllene – 0.16–0.23; acopaene – 0.06; b-copaene – 0.01–0.02; cadinene – 0.05–0.13; d-cadinene – 0.1–0.11; octanol – 0.8; terpinen-4-ol – 0.08; citral – 0.05–0.06; perillaldehyde – 0.018–0.2; octyl acetate – 0.09–0.1; camphene – 0.2; p-cymene – 0.4; b-elemene – 0.06; ocimene – 0.4; aterpinene – 0.1; nootkatone – 0.15–0.8; cislinalool oxide – 0.03; trans-linalool oxide – 0.03; elemol – 0.04; b-sinensal – 0.018–0.027 [14–17] (cold-pressed) Components: terpenes: a-pinene, sabinene, bmyrcene, d-limonene, a-terpinene, g-terpinene, b-ocimene, a,b-cubebene, a,b-copaene, belemene, caryophyllene, a,b-humulene, cadinene, D-cadinene, aurapten; aldehydes: heptanal, octanal, nonanal, citronellal, decanal, undecanal, dodecanal, citral (neral, geranial); phenols: a-phenylphenol; acids: acetic, caprylic, capric; alcohols: methylheptenol, linalool, octanol, nonanol, decanol, dodecanol, a-terpineol, nerol, geraniol, nerolidol, elemol, trans-2,8p-menthadien-1-ol, cis-2,8-p-menthadien-1-ol, citronellol, trans-carveol, cis-carveol, 1,8-pmenthadien-9-ol, 8-p-menthene-1,2-diol; triterpenoids: b-sitosterol, citrostadienol, campesterol, stigmasterol, cycloartenol, 24methylenecycloartenol, 24-methylenelophenol;


Rutaceae Juss.

esters: octyl-, linalyl-, nonyl-, geranyl-, decyl-, neryl-, citronellylacetate, geranyl butyrate; oxides: trans-linalool oxide, cis-linalool oxide; ketones: nootkatone, methylheptenone, carvone [13] Components (GLC, 20% Carbowax 20M): aldehydes: heptanal, octanal, nonanal, decanal, undecanal, dodecanal, neral, geranial, perillaldehyde, citronellal, a-sinensal, bsinensal; esters: geranyl-, neryl-, perillyl-, 1,8p-menthadien-9-yl-, octyl-, decyl-, citronellyl-, trans-carvyl-, 1,8-p-menthadien-2-yl-acetates; ketone: nootkatone [18] Essence oil (oil separated during the preparation of commercial grapefruit essence) Composition (GLC, 20% UCW-98), % area: ethanol – 0.03; a-pinene – 0.05; d-limonene – 99.18; octanal – 0.09; nonanal – 0.03; decanal – 0.05 linalool – 0.08; b-caryophyllene – 0.09; aterpineol – 0.07; geranial – 0.10; valencene – 0.10; d-cadinene – 0.02; nootkatone – 0.04 [19] Aroma oil (oil separated after distillation of the aqueous discharge) Composition (GLC, 20% UCW-98), % area: heptane – 10%) Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 316.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 10.2; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 15.6; 18:2 – 70.3; 18:3 – 1.2

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983) 3. V. Heemann, U. Brummer, C. Paulsen, F. Seehofer, Phytochemistry 22, 133 (1983)

Nicotiana pauciflora Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FA Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 17.0; 18:2 – 6.0; 18:3 – 2.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 50.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 24.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 30.1 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 14.0; 16:1 – 4.6; 16:3 – 3.1; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 1.3; 18:2 – 17.1; 18:3 – 57.7 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 366.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.5; 18:0 – 1.5; 18:1 – 14.3; 18:2 – 74.7; 18:3 – 1.0



Nicotiana petunioides



1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983) 3. V. Heemann, U. Brummer, C. Paulsen, F. Seehofer, Phytochemistry 22, 133 (1983)

Nicotiana petunioides Family: Solanaceae Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 396.0 Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.6; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 17.4; 18:2 – 70.3; 18:3 – 1.1

References 1. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana plumbaginifolia

Nicotiana raimondii Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 6.0; 18:3 – 2.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 49.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 13.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 35.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 15.0; 16:1 – 7.0; 16:3 – 5.8; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 2.1; 18:2 – 10.2; 18:3 – 57.5

Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 9.0; 18:3 – 3.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 51.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 23.0 [1] Leaves FAs, mg/g dry wt: 38.3 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 15.4; 16:1 – 6.6; 16:3 – 6.7; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 2.4; 18:2 – 15.2; 18:3 – 51.4 Alkanes (GC): n-C27 – n-C33, iso-C29 – iso-C33, anteiso-C30, anteiso-C33 [3] Main compounds: -n-C29, C31 (>10%) Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 319.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 9.8; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1 – 11.2; 18:2 – 73.1; 18:3 – 2.5

Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 352.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 9.5; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 15.3; 18:2 – 72.1; 18:3 – 1.1

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana repanda Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 6.0; 18:2 – 5.0;

Nicotiana rustica L.

18:3 – 5.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 72.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 7.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 41.3 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 16.7; 16:1 – 6.4; 16:3 – 4.2; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 0.8; 18:2 – 15.1; 18:3 – 54.1 Alkanes (GC): n-C27 – n-C33, iso-C29 – iso-C33, anteiso-C30 – anteiso-C33 [3] Main compounds: n-C29, n-C31, iso-C29, anteisoC30 (>10%) Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 371.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 7.1; 18:0 – 4.7; 18:1 – 11.4; 18:2 – 72.9; 18:3 – 3.9

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983) 3. V. Heemann, U. Brummer, C. Paulsen, F. Seehofer, Phytochemistry 22, 133 (1983)

Nicotiana rosulata Family: Solanaceae Flowers Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 3.0; 18:3 – 4.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 68.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 9.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 29.3 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 17.9; 16:1 – 5.5; 16:3 – 4.6; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1 – 1.3; 18:2 – 7.3; 18:3 – 60.0 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 291.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 10.4; 18:0 – 3.2; 18:1 – 20.3; 18:2 – 39.7; 18:3 – 26.4



References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana rotundifolia Family: Solanaceae Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 42.1 Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 16.3; 16:1 – 6.3; 16:3 – 5.4; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 1.6; 18:2 – 10.3; 18:3 – 57.7 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 352.0 Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 9.6; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 22.8; 18:2 – 29.2; 18:3 – 36.2 Steryl esters, % total FAs: 3.8 (as FAs) FAs(GLC), %: 16:0 – 1.1; 18:0 – 0.1; 18:1 – 0.5; 18:2 – 1.3; 18:3 – 0.8 TAG, % total FAs: 87.6 (as FAs) FAs(GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.1; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 18.3; 18:2 – 29.4; 18:3 – 30.2 DAG, % total FAs: 3.7 (as FAs) FAs(GLC), %: 16:0 – 0.7; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1 – 1.0; 18:2 – 1.2; 18:3 – 0.6 PL, % total FAs: 4.9 (as FAs) FAs(GLC), %: 16:0 – 2.5; 18:0 – 0.4; 18:1 – 0.9; 18:2 – 0.8; 18:3 – 0.3

References 1. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana rustica L. Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 24.0;



18:3 – 5.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 19.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 21.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 34.9 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 16.8; 16:1 – 6.8; 16:3 – 4.6; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 1.5; 18:2 – 8.6; 18:3 – 59.5 Alkanes (GC): n-C27 – n-C33, iso-C29 – iso-C33, anteiso-C30 – anteiso-C33 [3] Main compounds: n-C29, n-C31, iso-C29, anteisoC30 (>10%) Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 324.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 9.0; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1 – 12.6; 18:2 – 73.8; 18:3 – 1.1 Seed Oil, %: 40.0–46.0 [4], 37.3 (petroleum ether) [5] Iodine value, % J2: 139.0–151.6 [4]; 141.1 (Wij’s) [5] Saponification value, mg KOH: 191.2 [4]; 294 [5] Polenske value: 0.3 [5] Unsaponifables, %: 2.1 [5] Reichert value: 2.9 [5] FAs Iodine value, % J2 (Wij’s): 141.1 [5] Saponification value, mg KOH: 278.3 [5] Composition (%, GLC; 10% DEGS): 16:0 – 8.4; 18:0 – 3.8; 18:1 – 15.7; 18:2 – 71.2; 18:3 – 0.8; 20:0 – 0.1 [5] TAG Main components (Coleman), mole %: SSL – 1.0; SLS – 3.3; LSL – 1.7; SOO – 1.0; SOL – 5.2; SLO – 4.2; SLL – 20.9; OOL – 3.4; LOL – 8.4; OLO – 1.4; OLL – 13.8; LLL – 33.4; others – 2.2 [5] FAs, mol %: 16:0 – 10.2; 18:0 – 4.8; 18:1 – 15.4; 18:2 – 68.8; 18:3 – 0.8 [5]

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983) 3. V. Heemann, U. Brummer, C. Paulsen, F. Seehofer, Phytochemistry 22, 133 (1983)

Nicotiana sanderae 4. N.I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 352 [in Russian] 5. A. Sengupta, U.K. Mazumder, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 53, 680 (1976)

Nicotiana sanderae Family: Solanaceae Leaf Alkanes (GC): n-C27 – n-C33, iso-C29 – iso-C33, anteiso-C30 – anteiso-C33 Main compounds: n-C33, iso-C31, anteiso-C32 (>10%)

References 1. V. Heemann, U. Brummer, C. Paulsen, F. Seehofer, Phytochemistry 22, 133 (1983)

Nicotiana setchellii Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 51.0; 18:2 – 13.0; 18:3 – 6.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 20.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 8.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 33.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 15.7; 16:1 – 6.1; 16:3 – 4.9; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 1.5; 18:2 – 9.3; 18:3 – 59.9 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 361.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 7.8; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 12.9; 18:2 – 76.9; 18:3 – 0.6

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana spegazzini



Nicotiana simulans


Family: Solanaceae

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 9.0; 18:2 – 2.0; 18:3 – 4.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 74.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 8.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 27.3 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 17.9; 16:1 – 5.7; 16:3 – 4.0; 18:0 – 3.8; 18:1 – 1.4; 18:2 – 10.9; 18:3 – 56.3 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 317.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 10.9; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1 – 17.8; 18:2 – 65.1; 18:3 – 3.1


Nicotiana sp. Family: Solanaceae Seed TAG Composition (HPLC), mol %: LeLL – 2.2; LLL + LeLO – 38.6; LeLeP – 1.0; LLO – 16.3; LLP – 17.6; LOO – 5.3; LLSt + LOP – 11.4; LPP – 2.1; OOO – 0.8; LOSt + OOP – 1.9; LPSt + OPP – 1.3; OOSt – 0.3; others – 1.2

References 1. V.I. Deineka, L.A. Deineka, Chem. Nat. Comp. 40, 184 (2004)

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana spegazzini Nicotiana solanifolia

Family: Solanaceae

Family: Solanaceae

Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 12.0; 18:2 – 8.0; 18:3 – 3.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 51.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 24.0 [1]

Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 56.0; 18:2 – 16.0; 18:3 – 3.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 14.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 8.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 33.9 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 15.6; 16:1 – 6.8; 16:3 – 6.9; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 3.9; 18:2 – 10.9; 18:3 – 53.2 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 327.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.6; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 16.9; 18:2 – 71.0; 18:3 – 0.9

Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 405.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 7.3; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 16.6; 18:2 – 73.7; 18:3 – 0.6

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)



Nicotiana stocktonii

Nicotiana stocktonii


Family: Solanaceae

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 11.0; 18:2 – 5.0; 18:3 – 8.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 64.0; hydroxy18:2 – 7.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 29.5 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 18.3; 16:1 – 3.9; 16:3 – 3.6; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 2.4; 18:2 – 15.4; 18:3 – 54.0 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 390.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 10.3; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1 – 11.4; 18:2 – 69.4; 18:3 – 5.5

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana suaveolens

Nicotiana sylvestris Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 42.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 2.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 32.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 9.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 42.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 14.8; 16:1 – 6.3; 16:3 – 6.1; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 2.1; 18:2 – 10.6; 18:3 – 57.1 Alkanes (GC): n-C27 – n-C33, iso-C29 – iso-C33, anteiso-C30 – anteiso-C33 [3] Main compounds: n-C33, n-C33 (>10%) Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 348.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 9.3; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 10.3; 18:2 – 74.5; 18:3 – 3.4

Family: Solanaceae References Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 4.0; 18:3 – 2.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 63.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 10.0 [1] Leaves FAs, mg/g dry wt: 29.3 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 17.1; 16:1 – 6.1; 16:3 – 4.9; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 1.4; 18:2 – 8.6; 18:3 – 59.5 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 377.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.3; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 16.5; 18:2 – 41.1; 18:3 – 31.3

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983) 3. V. Koiwai, U. Brummer, C. Paulsen, F. Seehofer, Phytochemistry 22, 133 (1983)

Nicotiana tabacum L. Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 9.0;

Nicotiana tabacum L.

18:3 – 3.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 45.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 13.0 [1] TAG (chloroform-methanol), mg/mg lipid: 282 (as FAs) [1] Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 34.0; 18:2 – 6.0; 18:3 – 1.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 42.0; hydroxy18:2 – 16.0 DAG(chloroform-methanol), mg/mg lipid: 139 (as FAs) [1] Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 27.0; 18:2 – 4.0; 18:3 – tr; hydroxy-18:1 – 50.0; hydroxy18:2 – 18.0 PL(chloroform-methanol), mg/mg lipid: 127 (as FAs) [1] Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 5.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 11.0; 18:3 – 8.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 42.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 14.0 Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 36.1 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 14 2; 16:1 – 3.2; 16:3 – 4.2; 18:0 – 1.8; 18:1 – 2.6; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 62.0 Extract (hexane), % dry wt: 9.95 [3] FAs of extract, mg of FAs/g: 14:0 – 149.6  6.9; anteiso-15:0 – 25.2  1.1; 15:0 (iso 15:0 included in quantization of major peak) – 51.5  2.1; 15:1 – 184.2  6.9; 16:0 – 1737  32.6; iso 17:0 – 98  3.8; 17:0 – 95  9.2; iso 18:0 – 48  4.9; 18:0 – 321  11.1; 18:1 – 570  12.3; 18:2 (19:0) – 1150  20.9; 20:0 – 127.7  13.3; 18:3 (21:0) – 1515  84.9; 22:0 – 65.5  5.5; 23:0 – 36.1  2.1; 24:0 – 46.9  6.2; 25:0 – 9.8  1.1; 26:0 – 34.3  2.9; 27:0 – 12.9  3.5; 28:0 – 93.8  8.8; 29:0 – 20  5.6; 30:0 – 48.3  4.1; 31:0 – 17.9  3.5; 32:0 – 64  6.3 Alkanes Components (GC): n-C27 – C33, iso-C29 – C33, anteiso-C30 – C33, n-C31 >10% (main compounds) [4] Epicuticular alkanes Components: C27 – 7.31; C29 – 6.45; C31 – 26.23; C33 – 8.55; iso-C29 – 2.13; iso- C31 – 16.85; isoC33 – 5.73; anteiso-C28- – 1.18; anteiso-C30 – 9.55; anteiso-C32 – 16.02; anteiso-C34 – tr (from the main stalks) [5]



C27 – 8.08; C29 – 5.43; C31 – 19.31; C33 – 22.88; isoC29 – 1.38; iso-C31 – 10.90; iso-C33 – tr; anteisoC28 – 2.53; anteiso-C30 – 9.67; anteiso-C32 – 19.83; anteiso-C34 – tr (from sucker (axillary buds) [5] Polyisoprenoid alcohols consisting of 9 isoprene units with all trans configuration [6] Sterols: 0.11% dry wt [7]; 1.68–1.91 mg/g [8] Free sterols, % of total: 50.0 [7] Sterols from esters, % of total: 34.0 [7] Sterols from sterylglycosides, % of total: 10.0, [7] Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 6.0 [7] Components (GLC), mg/g: Sitosterol – 0.72–0.75; stigmasterol – 0.50–0.75; campesterol – 0.26– 0.27; cholesterol – 0.16–0.17 [8] Composition (GLC, 5% OV-101), %: Sitosterol – 37.8–44.4; stigmasterol – 30.0–39.4; campesterol – 13.9–16.2; cholesterol – 9.4–9.5 [8] Free sterols: 1.03–1.23 mg/g [8] Composition %: Sitosterol – 33.7–36.9; stigmasterol – 36.6–44.1; campesterol – 12.2–15.7; cholesterol – 10.0–11.9 [7, 8] Steryl esters, mg/g: 0.23–0.30 [8] Composition of sterols, %: Sitosterol – 46.6–49.0; stigmasterol – 16.6–23.6; campesterol – 15.8– 20.3; cholesterol – 13.6–14.1 [7, 8] Steryl glycosides, mg/g: 0.29–0.31 [8] Composition of sterols, %: Sitosterol – 46.7–52.3; stigmasterol – 27.5–36.0; campesterol – 12.2– 14.0; cholesterol – 5.1–6.2 [7, 8] Acylated steryl glycosides, mg/g: 0.04–0.09 [8] Composition of sterols, %: Sitosterol – 39.5–44.9; stigmasterol – 22.9–28.4; campesterol – 15.6– 18.2; cholesterol – 15.4–16.6 [7, 8] Seed Oil, % dry wt: 33.0–38.0 [9]; 43.2 (petrol ether) [10] d15: 0.9232 [9] d20: 0.9231 [10] d30 30 : 0.9130 (Philippines) [9] n20: 1.4758 [10] n30 D : 1.4714 [9] Hehner’s value, %: 93.47 [10] Iodine value, % J2: 135.8 (Philippines); 118.6 (Europe) [9]; 143.82 [10] Saponification value, mg KOH: 190.8 (Philippines); 109.0 (Europe) [9]; 193.56 [10]



Unsaponifiables, %: 1.24 [10]; 1.38 [11] FAs, mg/g dry wt: 360.0 [4], 352 (in immature seeds at 37 days after flowering) [12] Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 9.6; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 12.1; 18:2 – 74.1; 18:3 – 1.4 (5% DEGS) [2]; 16:0 – 6.1; 18:1 – 7.2; 18:2 – 85.2 (17% PEGS) [10] Saturated – 12.8 – 19.5; 18:1 – 9.3–19.3; 18:2 – 64.7–72.6; 18:3 – 1.1–2.0 (15 species from India) [13] Components of Oil (TLC): Hydrocarbons, TAG, free FAs, sterols, DAG, MAG [10] TAG: 339 mg/g dry seeds (as FAs) [13]; 89.0% of oil [11] Main components, %: LeLL – 2.0; LLL – 33.0– 35.0; LLO – 17.0–22.0; LLSt – 22.0–23.0; LOO – 4.0–5.0; LOSt – 4.0–9.0; OOO – 3.0; LStSt – 3.0–7.0; OOSt – 3.0; OStSt – 1.0 [11] Composition, %: SSU – 4.0–7.0; SUU – 32.0–33.0; UUU – 62.0–63.0 [11] FAs(GLC), %: 16:0 – 9.2; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 11.8; 18:2 – 75.3; 18:3 – 1.1 (5% DEGS) [13] 16:0 – 9.8; 16:1 – 1.0; 18:0 – 3.8; 18:1 – 13.5; 18:2 – 70.6; 18:3 – 1.3 (mol %) [11] Steryl esters, mg/g dry seeds: 2.92 (as FAs) [13] FAs (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 16.8; 18:0 – 6.1; 18:1 – 10.0; 18:2 – 65.3; 18:3 – 1.8 Free FAs, mg/g dry seeds 0.85 [13] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 38.3; 18:0 – 14.0; 18:1 – 14.4; 18:2 – 32.2; 18:3 – 1.1 DAG, mg/g dry seeds: 5.51 (as FAs) [13] FAs (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 15.5; 18:0 – 5.7; 18:1 – 16.6; 18:2 – 61.7; 18:3 – 0.5 PhG, mg/g dry seeds: 0.41 (as FAs) [13] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 51.8; 18:0 – 13.9; 18:1 – 15.8; 18:2 – 16.1; 18:3 – 2.4 PhC, mg/g dry seeds: 1.89 (as FAs) [13] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 18.4; 18:0 – 5.8; 18:1 – 18.0; 18:2 – 56.8; 18:3 – 1.0 PhE, mg/g dry seeds: 0.54 (as FAs) [13] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 32.4; 18:0 – 7.8; 18:1 – 13.9; 18:2 – 45.0; 18:3 – 0.9 PhI, mg/g dry seeds: 0.84 (as FAs) [13] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 38.1; 18:0 – 10.1; 18:1 – 12.6; 18:2 – 37.1; 18:3 – 2.1 Triterpenols Composition (Ag+-PLC, GLC, 3% OV 17), %: Lanost-8-en-3b-ol – tr; cycloartanol – 4.0;

Nicotiana tabacum L.

cycloartenol – 87.0; 24-methylenecycartanol – 5.0; b-amyrin – tr; others – 4.0 [14] IR, MS, 1H MR [14] 4a-Methylsterols Composition (Ag+-PLC, GLC on OV 17 SCOT, GC/MS on 2% OV 17), %: 31-Norcycloartanol – tr; 31-norcycloartenol – 2.0; cycloeucalenol – 6.0; 31-norlanost-8-enol – 1.0; 31-norlanosterol – 4.0; obtusifoliol – 1.0; 31-norlanost-9(11)-enol – tr; 4a-methylcholest-8-enol – 1.0; lophenol – 14.0; 24-methyllophenol – 1.0; 24-ethyllophenol – 1.0; gramisterol – 5.0; citrostadienol – 60.0; 4amethyl-24-ethylcholesta-7,24-dienol – 1.0; others – 3.0 [15] 1 H MR [14] Use: As tobacco. Tobacco Lipids (chloroform; chloroform-acetone, 1:1; acetone; methanol), % dry wt: 3.65–12.38 (Barley tobacco); 13.90–14.49 (Flue-cured tobacco) [16] NL, %: 75.0 (Barley); 50.0 (Flue-cured tobacco) PhL Composition, %: DPhG – 7.0–9.0; PhE – 14.4–15.1; PhG – 6.8–9.4; PhC – 10.3–12.3; unidentified – 5.8–6.7; PhI – 16.0–19.8; PhA – 12.6–14.8; origin – 20.2–22.1 (Barley) [16] DPhG – 6.6–7.7; PhE – 19.8–21.6; PhG – 10.5– 11.4; PhC – 12.0–12.8; unidentified – 6.8–7.5; PhI – 6.8–7.7; PhA – 13.5–14.9; origin – 19.1– 21.350.0 (Flue-cured tobacco) [16] GL Components, %: MGDG – 22.3–27.4; DGDG – 40.6–58.9; unidentified – 16.6–33.2 (Barley) [16] MGDG – 62.5–70.1; DGDG – 30.1–34.1; unidentified – 1.8–5.1 (Flue-cured tobacco) [16]

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983) 3. J.J. Ellington, P.F. Schlotzhauer, A.I. Schepartz, J. Indian Chem. Soc. 55, 572 (1978) 4. V. Heemann, U. Brummer, C. Paulsen, F. Seehofer, Phytochemistry 22, 133 (1983) 5. R.E. Wilkinson, M.J. Kasperbauer, Phytochemistry 2439 (1972)

Nicotiana trigonophylla 6. J.W. Rip, C.A. Rupar, K. Ravi, K.K. Carroll, Prog. Lipid Res. 24, 269 (1985) 7. R. Duperon, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984) 8. C. Grunwald, Phytochemistry 14, 79 (1975) 9. I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 352 [in Russian] 10. A.U. Umarov, M.Kh. Khasanov, Kh.N. Teshabaeva, Chem. Nat. Comp. 26, 706 (1990) 11. F.D. Gunstone, M. Ilyas Qureshi, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 42, 961 (1965) 12. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 21, 305 (1982) 13. S.R. Chakrabarty, M.M. Chakrabarty, J. Indian Chem. Soc., IND. News Ed. 20, 17 (1957) 14. T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Phytochemistry 17, 1723 (1977) 15. T. Itoh, T. Ishii, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Phytochemistry 17, 971 (1978) 16. M.K. Wassef, J.W. Hendrix, J. Agric Food Chem. 23(4), 688 (1975)

Nicotiana tomentosa Family: Solanaceae Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 21.2 [1] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 17.2; 16:1 – 4.9; 16:3 – 3.8; 18:0 – 3.6; 18:1 – 2.0; 18:2 – 10.7; 18:3 – 57.8 Alkanes (GC): n-C27 – n-C33, iso-C29 – iso-C33, anteiso-C30 – anteiso-C33 [2] Main compounds: n-C31, anteiso-C30 (>10%)



Nicotiana tomentosiformis Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 4.0; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 7.0; 18:3 – 3.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 52.0; hydroxy18:2 – 12.0 [1] Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 40.9 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 14.9; 16:1 – 4.4; 16:3 – 5.0; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 1.9; 18:2 – 10.7; 18:3 – 60.3 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 308.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 7.1; 18:0 – 1.9; 18:1 – 14.1; 18:2 – 76.3; 18:3 – 0.6

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana trigonophylla Family: Solanaceae

Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 284.0 [1] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 7.2; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 11.2; 18:2 – 79.1; 18:3 – 0.5

Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 42.0; 18:2 – 2.0; 18:3 – 4.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 49.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 2.0 [1]


Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 36.3 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 17.3; 16:1 – 4.7; 16:3 – 4.4; 18:0 – 2.4; 18:1 – 2.6; 18:2 – 11.1; 18:3 – 57.5

1. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983) 2. V. Heemann, U. Brummer, C. Paulsen, F. Seehofer, Phytochemistry 22, 133 (1983)



Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 288.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.9; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 13.6; 18:2 – 74.3; 18:3 – 0.4

Nicotiana umbratica

Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 41.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 13.5; 16:1 – 5.3; 16:3 – 4.5; 18:0 – 2.6; 18:1 – 4.0; 18:2 – 12.0; 18:3 – 58.1

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana umbratica

Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 295.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 8.3; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 12.3; 18:2 – 75.9; 18:3 – 1.2


Family: Solanaceae

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 2.0; 18:3 – 2.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 72.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 10.0 [1]

Nicotiana velutina

Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 27.8 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 16.4; 16:1 – 5.4; 16:3 – 5.2; 18:0 – 4.1; 18:1 – 2.0; 18:2 – 8.1; 18:3 – 58.8

Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 3.0, 18:0 – tr, 18:1 – 32.0, 18:2 – 5.0, 18:3 – 6.0, hydroxy-18:1 – 49.0, hydroxy-18:2 – 6.0 [1]

Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 333.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 9.1; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 16.1; 18:2 – 67.6; 18:3 – 4.2

Family: Solanaceae

Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 285.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 9.7; 18:0 – 3.0; 18:1 – 15.1; 18:2 – 47.0; 18:3 – 25.2

References References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Nicotiana undulata Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 23.0; 18:2 – 7.0; 18:3 – 3.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 53.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 10.0 [1]

Nicotiana wigandioides Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 2.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 24.0; 18:2 – 19.0;

Physalis alkekengi L.

18:3 – 2.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 26.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 26.0 [1]



Physalis aequata Jacq. Synonyms

Leaf FAs, mg/g dry wt: 29.6 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% BDS), %: 16:0 – 15.8; 16:1 – 6.6; 16:3 – 3.8; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 2.4; 18:2 – 12.7; 18:3 – 56.7 Seed FAs, mg/g dry wt: 304.0 [2] Composition (GLC, 5% DEGS), %: 16:0 – 7.9; 18:0 – 2.8; 18:1 – 10.9; 18:2 – 76.9; 18:3 – 1.5


Ph. ixocarpa Brct. ex Haraem

Family: Solanaceae Seed Oil, %: 35.6 Iodine value, % J2: 137.0

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 352 [in Russian]

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. A. Koiwai, F. Suzuki, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kawashima, Phytochemistry 22, 1409 (1983)

Physalis alkekengi L. Family: Solanaceae

Petunia hybrida Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 1.0; 18:2 – 1.0; 18:3 – 1.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 72.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 24.0 [1] Leaf Surface lipids: 2,3,4-O-Tri-acyl-a-D-glycopyranosyl1-O-malonyl-4-O-acyl-6-O-acetyl-b-Dfructofuranoside, 2,3,4-O-tri-acyl-a-Dglycopyranosyl-4-O-acyl-6-O-acetyl-b-Dfructofuranoside and 2,3,4-O-tetra-acyl-a-Dglycopyranosyl-b-D-fructofuranoside [2] FAs: Both unbranched and branched C2-C8

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. I. Ohya, Y. Shinozaki, T. Tobita, H. Takahashi, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 41, 787 (1996)

Leaf Sterols, % dry wt: 0.17 [1] Free sterols, % of total: 44.0 Components: Sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol Sterols from esters, % of total: 50.0 Components: Isofucosterol, sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol Sterols from sterylglycosides, % t of total: 3.0 Components: Sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 3.0 Components: Sitosterol, cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol (the sterols are listed in order of decreasing concentration) Seed Oil, %: 23.7–32.1 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 126.0–137.0

References 1. R. Duperon, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984)



2. N.I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 352 [in Russian]

Physalis alkekengi L. var. francheti Hort.

References 1. V.I. Deineka, L.A. Deineka, Chem. Nat. Comp. 40, 184 (2004)

Physalis alkekengi L. var. francheti Hort. Family: Solanaceae

Physalis minima

Seed Triterpenols Composition (Ag+-PLC, GLC, 3% OV 17), %: Lanost-8-en-3b-ol – 24.0; lanosterol – tr; methylenelanost-8-en-3b-ol – 3.0; cycloartanol – 35.0; cycloartenol – 27.0; 24methylenecycartanol – 11.0 [1] IR, MS, 1H NMR [1] 4a-Methylsterols Composition (Ag+-PLC, GLC, OV 17 SCOT; GC/ MS, 2% OV 17), %: 31-Norcycloartanol – 1.0; 31-norcycloartenol – 4.0; cycloeucalenol – 8.0; 31-norlanost-8-enol – 7.0; 31-norlanosterol – 2.0; obtusifoliol – 14.0; 31-norlanost-9(11)enol – tr; 4a-methylcholest-8-enol – 5.0; lophenol – 7.0; 24-methyllophenol – tr; 24ethyllophenol – 3.0; gramisterol – 36.0; citrostadienol – 8.0; 24- ethylcholesta-7,24dienol – tr; others – 5.0 [2] 1 H NMR [2]

Family: Solanaceae



1. T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Phytochemistry 16, 1723 (1977) 2. T. Itoh, T. Ishii, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Phytochemistry 17, 971 (1978)

1. T.Ch. Rao, G. Lakshminarayana, N.B.L. Prasad, S.J.M. Rao, G. Azeemoddin, D.A. Ramayya, S.D.T. Rao, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 61, 1472 (1984)

Physalis ixocarpa L.

Physalis peruviana L.

Family: Solanaceae

Family: Solanaceae

Seed TAG Composition (HPLC), mol %: LeLL – 0.4; LLL + LeLO – 47.2; LeLeP – 0.2; LLO – 16.9; LLP – 19.6; LOO – 4.5; LLSt + LOP – 8.0; LPP – 0.6; OOO – 0.3; LOSt + OOP – 0.8; LPSt + OPP – 0.5; OOSt – 0.1; others – 0.9

Fruit Oil (petrol ether), % air dry wt: 7.3 [1] d20 4 : 0.9235 n20: 1.4462 Acid value, mg KOH: 4.2 Iodine value, % J2: 88.2 Unsaponifiables, %: 2.6

Seed Ash, %: 2.1 Side, mm: 3.5  2.6  1.1 Moisture, %: 5.6 Mass of 1,000, g: 10.0 Oil (hexane), %: 4.0 d30: 0.9176 n40 D : 1.4679 Acidic value, mg KOH: 0.7 Iodine value (Wijs), % J2: 122.5 Saponification value, mg KOH: 189.0 Unsaponifables, %: 0.8 FAs Composition (GLC), %: 16:0 – 10.5; 16:1 – 0.1; 18:0 – 8.6; 18:1 – 17.3; 18:2 – 61.4 Epoxy-FAs: 0.6 Hydroxy-FAs: 1.5

Salpichroa origanifolia Lmk.

FAs Composition (GLC, 17% EGS), %: 16:0 – 15.7; 16:1 – 14.4; 18:0 – 1.6; 18:1 – 14.3; 18:2 – 51.5; 18:3 – 1.4; 20:0 – 1.1 Carotenoids, mg %: 189.2 Tocopherols, mg %: 158.4 Sterols, %: 1.92 Seed Oil, % dry wt: 18.0 (petrol ether) [1]; 6.3 [2] d20 4 : 0.9264 [1] n20 D : 1.4481 [1] Acid value, mg KOH: 2.9 [1] Iodine value, % J2: 116.3 [1]; 120.5 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 177.6 [2] Unsaponifiables, %: 2.1 [1] FAs Composition (GLC, 17% EGS), %: 16:0 – 8.2; 16:1 – 1.1; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1 – 20.2; 18:2 – 65.1; 18:3 – 2.3; 20:0 – tr [1] Carotenoids, mg %: 16.1 [1] Tocopherols, mg %: 152.3 [1] Sterols, %: 0.91 [1]

References 1. S.M. Aslanov, M.E. Mamedova, S.A. Bairamova, Chem. Nat. Comp. 31, 410 (1995) 2. N.I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 352 [in Russian]



Physalis viscosa Family: Solanaceae Flowers and Steams Acylated sucrose ester physaloside A Activity: Antimicrobial activity, LC50, mM: Staphylococcus aureus – 52.0; Streptococcus pneumoniae – 53.0; Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa > 413

References 1. S.P.B. Ovenden, J. Yu, J. Bernays, S.S. Wan, L.J. Christophidis, G. Sberna, R.M. Tait, H.G. Wildman, D. Lebeller, J. Lowther, N.G. Walsh, B.M. Meurer-Grimes, J. Nat. Prod. 68, 282 (2005)

Physalis sp. Family: Solanaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.4 (Sample 1); 0.8 (Sample 2) Oil, % dry wt: 17.6 (1); 19.1 (2) HBr uptake, as C18 acid: 0.2 (2)

References 1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962)

Physalis pubescens L. Salpichroa origanifolia Lmk. Family: Solanaceae Family: Solanaceae Seed TAG Composition (HPLC), mol %: LeLL – 0.5; LLL + LeLO – 45.5; LeLeP – 0.4; LLO – 16.3; LLP – 21.1; LOO – 3.1; LLSt + LOP – 9.8; LPP – 1.2; OOO – 0.5; LOSt + OOP – 1.2; LPSt + OPP – 0.2; OOSt – 0.1; others – 0.1

References 1. V.I. Deineka, L.A. Deineka, Chem. Nat. Comp. 40, 184 (2004)

Leaf Sterols, % dry wt: 0.20 Free sterols, % of total: 65.0 Components: Isofucosterol, campesterol, sitosterol, cholesterol Sterols from esters, % of total: 33.0 Components: Isofucosterol, sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol Sterols from sterylglycosides, % of total: 1.0 Components: Sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol



Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 1.0 Components: Sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol (the sterols are listed in order of decreasing concentration)

Salpiglossis sinuata

References 1. R. Duperon, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984)


Solanum ajanhuirii

1. R. Duperon, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984)

Family: Solanaceae

Salpiglossis sinuata Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 1.0; 18:0 – tr; 18:1 – 26.0; 18:2 – 15.0; 18:3 – 2.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 36.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 20.0


Leaf Chloroplasts Free FAs, mmol/mg chloroplasts: 0.36 (chill-tolerant) Composition (GLC, 15% EGSS-X), %: 16:0 – 9.5; 16:1 – 2.6; 18:0 – 0.8; 18:1 – 16.2; 18:2 – 8.3; 18:3 – 63.1

References 1. J. Gemel, V. Saczynska, Z. Kaniuga, Phytochemistry 28, 1813 (1989)

Solanum arundo Crit.

1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988)

Family: Solanaceae

Schizanthus pinnatus Ruiz-Pavone. Family: Solanaceae Leaf Sterols, % dry wt: 0.19 Free sterols, % of total: 70.0 Components: Sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol Sterols from esters, % of total: 16.0 Components: Sitosterol, campesterol, isofucosterol, cholesterol Sterols from sterylglycosides, % of total: 6.0 Components: Sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 8.0 Components: Sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol (the sterols are listed in order of decreasing concentration)

Seed Oil Iodine value, % J2: 134.0 Saponification value, mg KOH: 193.5

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 352 [in Russian]

Solanum carolinense L. Family: Solanaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 Oil, % dry wt: 21.4

Solanum dulcamara L.

References 1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962)

Solanum chaucha Family: Solanaceae Leaf Chloroplasts Free FAs, mmol/mg chloroplasts: 0.39 (chill-tolerant) Composition (GLC, 15% EGSS-X), %: 16:0 – 13.4; 16:1 – 5.5; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1 – 12.8; 18:2 – 10.8; 18:3 – 50.8; 20:0 – 0.2–2.7

References 1. J. Gemel, V. Saczynska, Z. Kaniuga, Phytochemistry 28, 1813 (1989)

Solanum dulcamara L. Family: Solanaceae Fruit Sterols, mg/100 g: 43–86 [1] Composition (CLC, SE 52), %: Cholesterol – 14.0– 15.0; brassicasterol – 6.0–7.0; campesterol – 7.0–8.0; 24-methylenecholesterol – l.0; stigmasterol – 9.0–10.0; sitosterol – 55.0; isofucosterol – 6.0 Free sterols, % of total: 58.1 Sterols from steryl esters, % of total: 7.0 Sterols from steryl glycosides, % of total: 18.5 Sterols from acylated steryl glycosides, % of total: 16.4 Leaf Extract (petrol ether), % dry wt: 3.3 [2] Sum esters of sterols and triterpenols FAs(GLC, 2.5% EGS), %: 12:0 – 1.0; 13:0 – tr; 14:0 – 2.0; 15:0 – 1.0; 16:0 – 24.0; 16:1 – 2.0; 16:2 – 1.0; 16:3 – 5.0; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 9.0; 18:1 – 14.0; 18:1 – 13.0; 18:2 – 20.0; 19:0 – tr; 20:0 – 9.0



Triterpenyl esters Triterpenols(GLC, 2.5% SE 52), %: Lophenol – 6.0; 24-methylenelophenol – 2.0; 24-ethylidenlophenol – 5.0; cycloeucalenol – 6.0; cycloartenol – 75.0; 24methylenecycloartanol – 6.0 Sterylesters Sterols (GLC, 2.5% SE 52), %: Cholesterol – 41.0; brassicasterol – 5.0; campesterol – 3.0; 24methylenecholesterol – 1.0; stigmasterol – 4.0; bsitosterol – 41.0; isofucosterol – 5.0 Unsaponifables, % dry wt: 0.6 [2] Alkanols Components (GLC, 2.5% SE 52), %: С16 – 0.3; С18 – 90.0; С19 – tr; C20 – 0.8; C21 – 0.1; C22 – 1.6; C23 – 0.1; C24 – 0.3; C25 – 0.1; C26 – 0.2; C27 – 0.1; C28 – 0.4; C29 – 0.2; sum of unidentified – 5.8 Triterpenols Components (GLC, 2.5% SE 52), %: Lophenol – 1.0; 24-methylenlophenol – 2.0; 24ethylidenlophenol – 4.0; obtusifoliol – 9.0; cycloeucalenol – 16.0; cycloartenol – 57.0; 24methylenecycloartanol – 11.0 Sterols: 44–112 mg/100 g [1]; 0.12% dry wt [3] Composition (GLC, 2.5% SE 52), %: Cholesterol – 34.0; brassicasterol – 3.0; campesterol – 6.0; 24methylenecholesterol – 1.0; stigmasterol – 24.0; b-sitosterol – 29.0; isofucosterol – 3.0 [2] Cholesterol – 21.0–25.0; brassicasterol – 4.0–6.0; campesterol – 10.0–12.0; 24-methylenecholesterol – l.0; stigmasterol – 13.0–18.0; sitosterol – 34.0–40.0; isofucosterol – 4.0–5.0 [1] Forms, %: Free sterols – 42.4; as steryl esters – 2.0; as steryl glycosides – 26.3; as acylated glycosides – 29.3 [1] Free sterols, % of total: 28.0 [3] Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, campesterol Sterols from esters, % of total: 7.0 Components: Sitosterol, cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol Sterols from sterylglycosides, % of total: 27.0 [3] Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol brassicasterol Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 38.0S [3] Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, campesterol (the sterols are listed in order of decreasing concentration)



Root Sterols, mg/100 g: 65.0 – 73.0 [1] Composition (CLC, SE 52), %: Cholesterol – 15.0– 18.0; brassicasterol – 4.0–5.0; campesterol – 6.0–7.0; 24-methylenecholesterol – l.0; stigmasterol – 13.0–14.0; sitosterol – 51.0–53.0; isofucosterol – 6.0 Free sterols, % of total: 74.8 Sterols from steryl esters, % of total: 9.0 Sterols from steryl glycosides, % of total: 10.2 Sterols from acylated steryl glycosides, % of total: 6.0 Seed Oil (petrol ether), %: 28.1 [4] FAs Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 5.4; 16:1 – tr; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 1.3; 18:1 – 12.2; 18:2 – 79.2; 18:3 – 1.7 [4] Free FAs Composition (GLC, 3% OV-17), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.3; 16:0 – 49.3; 16:1 – 0.2; 17:0 – 4.4; 18:0 – 12.2; 18:1 – 28.7; 18:2 – 3.4; 18:3 – 1.5 [4] Triterpenols Composition (TLC, GLC, GC/MS, 3% OV-17), %: 24-Dihydrolanosterol – 5.0; cycloartenol – 68.0; lanosterol < 1.0; 24-methylenelanost-8-en-3bol < 1.0; lupeol or isomer < 1.0; 24methylenecycloartanol < 1.0 4a-Methylsterols Composition (TLC, GLC, GC/MS, 3% OV-17), %: 31-Norlanost-8-en-3b-ol – 21.0; lophenol – 44.0; 31-norlanosterol – 19.0; 31norcycloartenol – 7.0; citrostadienol – 2.0; obtusifoliol < 1.0; cycloeucalenol-< 1.0; gramisterol < 1.0; unidentified (5) < 1.0 – 4.0 Sterols Composition (TLC, GLC, GC/MS, 3% OV-17), %: Cholesterol – 20.0; campesterol – 13.0; stigmasterol – 12.0; b-sitosterol – 4.0; isofucosterol < 1.0; 24-methylenecholesterol – 1.0 Stem Sterols, mg/100 g: 62.0–75.0 [1] Composition (CLC, SE 52), %: Cholesterol – 18.0– 23.0; brassicasterol – 5.0–12.0; campesterol – 7.0–9.0; 24-methylenecholesterol – l.0;

Solanum ferox L.

stigmasterol – 12.0–18.0; sitosterol – 40.0– 47.0; isofucosterol – 4.0–5.0 Free sterols, % of total: 44.3 Sterols from steryl esters, % of total: 2.5 Sterols from steryl glycosides, % of total: 12.9 Sterols from acylated steryl glycosides, % of total: 40.3

References 1. G. Koiwai, J. Kostens, Phytochemistry 14, 2055 (1975) 2. G. Willuhn, J. Kostens, Planta Med. 25(2), 115 (1974) 3. R. Duperon, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984) 4. G. Willuhn, S. May, I. Merfort, Planta Med. 46, 99 (1982)

Solanum ferox L. Family: Solanaceae Seed FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 12.15; 18:0 – 9.96; 18:1 – 39.83; 18:2 – 38.96

References 1. M.I. Goryaev, N.A. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gasozhidkostnoi khromatographii organicheskikh kislot (Nauka, Alma Ata, 1977), p. 324 [in Russian]

Solanum indicum L. Family: Solanaceae Oil Iodine value, % J2: 121.5 Saponification value, mg KOH: 177.6

References 1. N.I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 352 [in Russian]

Solanum melongena L.

Solanum khasianum C.B. Clarke & Sen Gupta Family: Solanaceae Cotyledon FAs Composition (% GLC, 10% PEGA): 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.5; 14:1 – 0.3; 16:0 – 21.2; 16:1(9) – 1.8; 18:0 – 6.2; 18 [1] Seed Oil (petroleum ether), %: 14.5 [2] d: 0.941 n27: 1.4725 Iodine value, % J2: 181.1 Saponification value, mg KOH: 199.4 FAs Composition (GLC, 25% Resoflex, 3% Ophosphoric acid coated on Chromatosorb “P”), %: 12:0 + unidentified – 2.7; 14:0 – 0.2; 16:0 – 14.2; 16:1 – 0.9; 18:0 – 4.4; 18:1 – 15.0; 18:2 – 62.6; 18:1 – 14.4; 18:2 – 55.6; 18:3 – tr

References 1. B. Koiwai, S. Manday, D.R. Gadgil, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 63, 541 (1986) 2. P. Parimoo, R.N. Baruah, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 52, 357 (1975)

Solanum marginatum Family: Solanaceae Seed FAs Composition (GLC, Silar 5CP), %: 16:0 – 10.77; 16:1 – 0.40; 17:0 – 0.10; 17:1 – 0.09; 18:0 – 3.52; 18:1 – 15.77; 18:2 – 66.95; 18:3 – 1.69; 20:0 – 0.16; 20:1(11) – 0.06 Isomers of 16:1, %: 16:1(9) – 95.0; 16:1(7) – 5.0; 16:1(11) – tr Isomers of 18:1, %: 18:1(9) – 93.9; 18:1(11) – 6.0; 18:1(13) – 0.1



References 1. Von A. Seher, U. Gundlach, Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel 84(9), 342 (1982)

Solanum melongena L. Family: Solanaceae Flower Stigma Usual and v-hydroxy-FAs Composition (GC/MS, 5% BDS and OV 1), %: 16:0 – 3.0; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 3.0; 18:2 – 5.0; 18:3 – 2.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 77.0; hydroxy-18:2 – 9.0 [1] Leaf Sterols, % dry wt: 0.19 [2] Free sterols, % of total: 22.0 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, campesterol Sterols from esters, % of total: 11.0 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, isofucosterol Sterols from sterylglycosides, % of total: 22.0 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, campesterol Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 45.0 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, campesterol (the sterols are listed in order of decreasing concentration) [2] Cotyledon FAs Composition (% GLC, 10% PEGA): 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 1.4; 16:0 – 35.1; 16:1 – 2.1; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1 – 39.4; 18:2 – 18.5; 18:3 – tr [3] Seed FAs Composition (GLC), %: 14:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.1; 14:0 – tr; 16:0 – 8.8; 16:1 – 0.2; 17:0 – tr; 18:0 – 3.4; 18:1 – 18.1; 18:2 – 67.7; 18:3 – 1.4 [4] TAG Composition (HPLC), mole %: LeLL – 1.5; LLL + LeLO – 33.6; LeLeP – 1.4; LLO – 16.9; LLP – 17.2; LOO – 7.1; LLSt + LOP – 13.2; LPP – 1.4;



OOO – 0.8; LOSt + OOP – 3.9; LPS + OPP – 1.8; OOSt – 0.1; others – 1.1 [5] Triterpenols Composition (Ag+-PLC, GLC on 3% OV 17), %: Lanost-8-en-3b-ol – 15.0; lanosterol – tr; methylenelanost-8-en-3b-ol – tr; cycloartanol – 69.0; cycloartenol – 7.0; 24methylenecycartanol – tr.0; lupeol – tr; b-amyrin – tr; others – 9.0 [6] IR, MS, 1H NMR [6] 4a-Methylsterols Composition (Ag+-PLC, GLC, OV 17 SCOT: GC/ MS, 2% OV 17), %: 31-Norcycloartanol – tr; 31norcycloartenol – tr; cycloeucalenol – tr; 31norlanost-8-enol – 2.0; 31-norlanosterol – 1.0; obtusifoliol – tr; 31-norlanost-9(11)-enol – tr; 4a-methylcholest-8-enol – 1.0; lophenol – 13.0; 24-methyllophenol – 4.0; 24-ethyllophenol – 65.0; gramisterol – 3.0; citrostadienol – 8.0; 4amethyl-24-ethylcholesta-7,24-dienol – 1.0, others – 2.0 [7] 1 H NMR [7] Use: Food-stuffs [4].

References 1. A. Koiwai, T. Matsuzaki, Phytochemistry 27, 2827 (1988) 2. R. Duperon, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984) 3. B. Pandey, S. Manday, D.R. Gadgil, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 63, 541 (1986) 4. M.I. Goryaev, N.A. Evdakova, Spravochnik po gasozhidkostnoi khromatographii organicheskikh kislot (Nauka, Alma ata, 1977), p. 224 [in Russian] 5. V.I. Deineka, L.A. Deineka, Chem. Nat. Comp. 40, 184 (2004) 6. T. Itoh, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Phytochemistry 16, 1723 (1977) 7. T. Itoh, T. Ishii, T. Tamura, T. Matsumoto, Phytochemistry 17, 971 (1978)

Solanum nigrum L.

Solanum nigrum L.

Leaf Sterols, % dry wt: 0.15 [2] Free sterols, % of total: 38.0 Components: Sitosterol, isofucosterol, cholesterol, campesterol Sterols from esters, % of total: 3.0 Components: Sitosterol, cholesterol, isofucosterol, campesterol Sterols from sterylglycosides, % of total: 9.0 Components: Sitosterol, cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 50.0 Components: Sitosterol, cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol (the sterols are listed in order of decreasing concentration) Seed Ash, %: 4.6 [3] Mass of 1,000, g: 0.6 [3] Oil % dry wt: 27.2 [3] HBr uptake, as C18 acid, %: 0.1 [3] Iodine value, % J2: 123.2 [4] Saponification value, mg KOH: 193.5 [4] TAG Composition (HPLC), mol %: LeLL – 1.2; LLL + LeLO – 35.6; LeLeP – 1.2; LLO – 14.7; LLP – 19.3; LOO – 3.8; LLSt + LOP – 14.2; LPP – 1.6; OOO – 0.4; LOSt + OOP – 4.2; LPS + OPP – 2.6; OOS – 0.2; others – 1.0 [5]

References 1. B. Pandey, S. Manday, D.R. Gadgil, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 63, 541 (1986) 2. R. Koiwai, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984) 3. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962) 4. N.I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 352 [in Russian] 5. V.I. Deineka, L. A. Deineka, Chem. Nat. Comp. 40, 184 (2004)

Family: Solanaceae

Solanum noctiflorus Cotyledon FAs Composition (GLC, 10), % PEGA): 14:0 – tr; 14:0 – 0.7; 16:0 – 12.4; 18:0 – 2.5; 18:1 – 20.5; 18:2 – 60.4; 18:3 – 3.4 [1]

Family: Solanaceae Seed Ash, %: 4.6

Solanum toralapanum

Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil, % dry wt: 25.3



Solanum pseudocapsicum L. Family: Solanaceae

References 1. F.R. Earle, Q. Jones, Econ. Bot. 16(4), 221 (1962)

Solanum nodiflorum Jacq. Family: Solanaceae Seed Mass of 1,000, g: 0.8 Oil (petroleum ether, 30–60 C), % dry wt: 25.0 n40 D : 1.4688 Saponification value, mg KOH: 180.0 FAs Composition (GLC on 20% LAC-2R 446), %: Saturated – 10.0; 18:1 – 20.0; 18:2 – 65.0; 18:3 – 0.8 IR

References 1. F.R. Earle, I.A. Wolff, C.A. Glass, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 39, 381 (1962)

Solanum persicum Willd. Family: Solanaceae Oil, % fresh wt: 1.6–2.2 d20 D : 0.9282 n20 D : 1.4558 Acid value, mg KOH: 1.28 Saponification value, mg KOH: 188.8 Iodine value, % J2: 115.3 Unsaponifiables, %: 1.24 Carotenoids mg/100 g: 74.2–82.5 Components: a-Carotene, b-carotene, xanthene, lycopene, cis-lycopene

Leaf Sterols, % dry wt: 0.18 Free sterols, % of total: 25.0 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, campesterol Sterols from esters, % of total: 8.0 Components: Sitosterol campesterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol Sterols from sterylglycosides, % of total: 28.0 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, campesterol Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 39.0 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, campesterol (the sterols are listed in order of decreasing concentration)

References 1. R. Duperon, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984)

Solanum sisymbriifolium Lamk. Family: Solanaceae Cotyledon FAs Composition (GLC, 10% PEGA), %: 12:0 – tr; 14:0 – 1.5; 14:1 – 1.0; 16:0 – 33.8; 16:1 – 2.2; 18:0 – 5.0; 18:1 – 42.1; 18:2 – 14.5; 18:3 – tr

References 1. B. Pandey, S. Manday, D.R. Gadgil, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 63, 541 (1986)

Solanum toralapanum Family: Solanaceae

References 1. E.N. Novruzov, Rast. Resursy 19, 89 (1983) [in Russian]

Leaf Chloroplasts Free FAs, mmol/mg chloroplasts: 0.39 (chill-sensitive)



Composition (GLC, 15% EGSS-X), %: 16:0 – 18.6; 16:1 – 5.4; 18:0 – 3.2; 18:1 – 13.5; 18:2 – 11.7; 18:3 – 44.2; 20:0 – 3.9

References 1. J. Gemel, V. Saczynska, Z. Kaniuga, Phytochemistry 28, 7 (1989)

Solanum torvum Family: Solanaceae Leaf Components, mg (from 5.5 kg dried material): Octacosanyl triacontanoate – 35.0; tetratriacontanoic acid – 100.0; 2,3,4-trimethyltriacontane – 10.0; 5-triacontanol – 350.0; 3-tritriacontanone – 500.0; hexatriacontanone – 20.0; sitosterol; stigmasterol; campesterol – 900.0 M.p., IR, MS, 1H NMR

References 1. U. Mahmood, Y.N. Shukla, R.S. Thakur, Phytochemistry 22, 167 (1983)

Solanum trilobatum L. Family: Solanaceae Cotyledon FAs Composition (GLC, 10% PEGA), %: 14:0 – 0.5; 16:0 – 15.6; 16:1 – 1.4; 18:0 – 3.9; 18:1 – 22.5; 18:2 – 54.6; 20:0 – 1.2; 22:0 – 0.3

References 1. B. Pandey, S. Manday, D.R. Gadgil, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 63, 541 (1986)

Solanum torvum

Solanum tuberosum L. Family: Solanaceae Leaf Lipids FAs, % in total lipids: 16:3 (7Z,10Z,13Z) – 11.6 [1] NL(TLC) [2] FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 10:2 – 2.06; 11:2 – 0.28; 12:0 – 0.74; 12:1 – 0.85; 12:2 – 1.09; 13:0 – 5.02; 13:1 – 6.42; 13:2 – 4.51; 14:0 – 6.33; 14:1 – 7.80; 14:2 – 1.07; 14:3 – 1.07; 15:0 – 0.55; 15:1 – 3.70; 15:2 – 4.46; 15:3 – 3.23; 16:0 – 13.68; 16:1 – 3.38; 16:2 – 1.54; 16:3 – 5.72; 18:0 – 2.18; 18:1 – 4.01; 18:2 – 9.07; 18:3 – 3.27; 20:0 – 0.40; 20:1 – 3.01; 20:2 – 4.55 GL + PhL(TLC) [2] FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 14:0 – tr; 15:1 – tr; 16:0 – 14.8; 16:1 – 1.8; 16:2 – 0.2; 16:3 – 8.7; 18:0 – 0.6; 18:1 – 1.4; 18:2 – 23.0; 18:3 – 49.5; 20:0 – tr [2] GL(TLC) [2] MGDG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 13:0 – 0.1; 13:1 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.1; 15:1 – 0.2; 16:0 – 2.8; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 0.4; 16:2 – 0.3; 16:3(7;10.13) – 25.4; 18:0 – 1.1; 18:1 – 1.0; 18:2 – 1.6; 18:3 – 66.9 [2] DGDG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 13:1 – 0.1; 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 10.9; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 0.3; 16:2 – 0.3; 16:3(7;10;13) – 2.1; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 1.2; 18:2 – 2.6; 18:3 – 80.4 [2] PhL (TLC) [2] FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 12:0 – 0.03; 12:1 – 0.02; 12:2 – 0.01; 13:0 – 0.02; 13:1 – 0.02; 13:2 – 0.02; 14:0 – 0.18; 14:2 – 0.05; 14:3 – 0.01; 15:0 – 0.12; 15:1 – 0.62; 16:0 – 14.46; 16:1 – 7.90; 16:2 – 0.43; 16:3 – 1.64; 18:0 – 2.37; 18:1 – 5.84; 18:2 – 39.47; 18:3 – 25.86; 20:0 – 0.78; 20:1 – 0.14 [2] PhG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 14:1 – 0.1; 15:0 – 0.2; 15:1 – 0.3; 16:0 – 25.8; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 34.4; 16:2 – 0.5; 16:3(3) + 16:1(9) – 0.6; 18:0 – 2.2; 18:1 – 2.8; 18:2 – 16.2; 18:3 – 17.0 [2] PhC FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 14:1 – 0.1; 15:0 – 0.1; 15:1 – 0.1; 16:0 – 29.8; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 0.8;

Solanum tuberosum L.

16:2 – 0.2; 16:3(7;10;13) – 0.5; 18:0 – 2.0; 18:1 – 1.3; 18:2 – 30.4; 18:3 – 34.7 [2] PhE FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 26.0; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 0.2; 18:0 – 3.1; 18:1 – 2.6; 18:2 – 44.9; 18:3 – 23.1 [2] PhI FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 16:0 – 45.6; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 0.8; 16:2 – 0.3; 16:3(7;10;13) (7;10;13) – 0.2; 18:0 – 6.4; 18:1 – 3.9; 18:2 – 17.0; 18:3 – 25.8 [2] DPhG FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 14:0 – 1.1; 14:2 – 1.0; 15:0 – 0.3; 15:1 – 1.4; 16:0 – 24.2; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 3.0; 18:0 – 15.0; 18:1 – 14.7; 18:2 – 22.1; 18:3 – 17.2 [2] PhA FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 14:1 – 0.6; 15:0 – 0.4; 15:1 – 0.7; 16:0 – 39.9; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 3.7; 16:2 – 0.4; 16:3(7;10;13) – 0.6; 18:0 – 14.5; 18:1 – 16.5; 18:2 – 16.5; 18:3 – 6.2 [2] SL FAs (GLC, 15% PEGA), %: 14:0 – 0.1; 16:0 – 44.8; 16:1(3) + 16:1(9) – 1.0; 16:2 – 0.3; 16:3(7;10;13) – 0.7; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 1.6; 18:2 – 6.7; 18:3 – 42.7 [2] 3,7,11,15,19-Penthamethyl-2-cis-6-trans-eicosadien1-ol n20 D : 1.4780 [3] CC, IR, MS, 1NMR [3] Sterols, % dry wt: 0.20 [4] Free sterols, % of total: 12.0 Components: Sitosterol, isofucosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol Sterol from esters, % of total: 13.0 Components: Sitosterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol, 24- methylenecholesterol Sterol from sterylglycosides, % of total: 27.0 Components: Sitosterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol, 24-methylenecholesterol Sterols from acylated sterylglycosides, % of total: 48.0 Components: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, isofucosterol (the sterols are listed in order of decreasing concentration) Chloroplast Free FAs, mmol/mg chloroplasts: 0.34 (from chillsensitive leaves) [5]



Composition (GLC, 15% EGSS-X), %: 16:0 – 5.7; 16:1 – 1.1; 18:0 – 1.0; 18:1 – 19.0; 18:2 – 7.9; 18:3 – 63.4; 20:0 – 1.6 Tuber Lipids: 62.7 – 70.1 mg/100 g fresh wt (chloroformmethanol; as FAs) [6]; 0.10 – 0.11 fresh wt; 0.4 – 0.6 dry wt (acyl containing lipids) [7] FAs, % (GLC), %: Low molecular acids – up to 5.0; 16:0 – 14.0–25.1; 18:0 – 2.0–5.5; 18:1 – 0.3–3.5; 18:2 – 37.0–62.9; 18:3 – 10.9–38.7 [6, 8] GL, mg/100 g fresh wt: 13.74–14.87 (as glucose and galactose) [6] PhL, mg/100 g fresh wt: 2.23–2.26 (as phosphorus) [6] Sterols, mg/100 g fresh wt: 4.20–4.29 [6] Suberin (enzymatically, chloroform-methanol; TLC, GLC) [9] MS [9] Composition of the suberin (from the cork layers of young tubers) Total monomers, %: 1-Alkanols C18 - C32 – 11.1; alkanoic acids C16 - C32 – 8.2; a,o-alkanedioic acids C16 - C32 – 32.7; o-hydroxyalkanoic acids C16 - C32 – 31.7; dihydroxyhexadecanoic acid – tr; 9,10-epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid – 0.5; 9,10,18-trihydroxyoctadecanoic acids – tr; 9,10-epoxyoctadecane-1,18-dioic acid – tr; 9,10dihydroxyoctadecanedioic acid – 1.5 [10] FAs, (GLC), %, 16:0 – 4.2; 18:1 – 6.95; 20:0 – 3.47; 22:0 – 14.20; 24:0 – 26.95; 26:0 – 26.08; 28:0 – 31.73 (5% OV 101) [9]; 16:0 – 1.4; 18:0 – 1.2; 20:0 – 1.7; 22:0 – 9.6; 24:0 – 20.1; 26:0 – 29.2; 28:0 – 31.1; 30:0 – 5.7; 32:0 – tr (SE-30; OV-17) [10] v-Hydroxy-FAs (GLC), %: Hydroxy-16:0 – 0.59; hydroxy-18:1 – 95.48; hydroxy-22:0 – 1.10; hydroxy-24:0 – 1.70; hydroxy-26:0 – 0.81; hydroxy-28:0 – 0.29 (5% OV 101) [9] Hydroxy-16:0 – 0.7; hydroxy-18:0 – 5.0; hydroxy-18:1 – 76.6; hydroxy-20:0 – 0.2; hydroxy-22:0 – 4.3; hydroxy-24:0 – 6.2; hydroxy-26:0 – 4.8; hydroxy-28:0 – 2.2 (SE 30, OV 17) [10] a,v-Alkanedioic acid (GLC), %: 16:0 – 4.3; 18:1 – 95.6 (5% OV 101) [9] 16:0 – 1.2; 18:0 – 0.2; 18:1 – 98.2; 20:0 – tr; 22:0 – 0.1; 24:0 – 0.2; 26:0 – 0.1 (SE 30 and OV 17) [10]



Aliphatic constituents Composition (TLC, GLC), %: 18-Hydroxyoctadec9,18-dioic acids – major; alkanols – 6.0; FAs – 8.0; o-hydroxy FAs – 16.0; dicarboxylic acids – 24.0 [9] MS [9] Alkanols Components (GLC), %: Saturated C16 – 3.12; C20 – 9.79; C22 – 26.46; C24 – 12.91; C26 – 18.12; C28 – 24.58; monoenic C18 – 4.79 (5% OV 101) [9] C18 – 4.1; C20 – 1.4; C22 – 40.0; C24 – 18.1; C26 – 13.4; C28 – 23.0 (SE 30, OV 17) [10] Plasmalemma Lipids NL and sterols, %: 48.0 [11] Galactolipids, %: 21.0 [11] PhL, %: 31.0 [11] Components, %: PhC – 38.0; PhE – 47.0; PhI – 15.0; PhC – 32.0; PhE – 46.0; DPhG – 3.0; PhI – 19.0; PhA – tr [11] FAs (GLC), %: 16:0 – 27.8; 18:0 – 8.4; 18:1 – 4.3; 18:2 – 40.0; 18:3 – 8.5 16:0 – 28.5; 18:0 – 7.5; 18:1 – 4.5; 18:2 – 41.0; 18:3 – 17.5 [11] Microsomes Lipids NL, %: 36.5 [11] Galactolipids, %: 16.0 [11] PhL, %: 47.0 [11] Composition, %: PhC – 44.8; PhE – 32.5; PhI – 16.0; DPhG – 1.0; PhA – 3.5; PhS – 1.0; PhG – 1.0 [11] FAs(GLC), %: 16:0 – 31.0; 18:0 – 7.0; 18:1 – 0.5; 18:2 – 49.5; 18:3 – 12.0 [11] Mitochondria Lipids FAs Composition, %: 16:0 – 14.7; 18:0 – 2.7; 18:1 – 1.4; 18:2 – 63.5; 18:3 – 16.9 (whole organelles) [11] 16:0 – 24.0; 18:0 – 3.5; 18:1 – 1.8; 18:2 – 58.0; 18:3 – 12.7 (outer membrane) [11] 16:0 – 12.5; 18:0 – 2.3; 18:1 – 0.8; 18:2 – 67.4; 18:3 – 16.8 (inner membrane) [11] PhL Composition, %: PhC – 43.0; PhE – 30.0; DPhG – 8.0; PhA – 5.0; PhI – 7.0; PhS – 3.0; PhG – 3.0 (whole organelles) [11]

Solanum xanthocarpum Schard et Wendl.

PhC – 27.0; PhE – 29.0; DPhG – 19.5; PhI, PhS, and PhG – 24.5 (inner membranes) [11] PhC – 52.6; PhE – 25.0; DPhG – 12.1; PhI, PhS, and PhG – 10.3 [11] Peroxisomes Lipids FAs Composition, %: 14:0 – 2.0; 16:0 – 22.0; 18:0 – 2.1; 18:1 – 4.3; 18:2 – 56.0; 18:3 – 13.3 [11] PhL Composition, %: PhC – 61.0; PhE – 19.6; PhI – 4.3; PhG – 15.1 [11] Sterols, % total lipids: 4.6 [11] Steryl glycosides, %: 1.0 [11] Acylated steryl glycosides, %: 3.6 [11] Use: Food-stuffs (as potato) [4].

References 1. G.R. Jamieson, E.H. Reid, Phytochemistry 10, 1837 (1971) 2. V.S. Rodionov, L.S. Zakharova, Biokhimiya 44(9), 1706 (1979) [in Russian] 3. M. Toyoda, M. Asahina, H. Fukawa, Tetrahedron Lett. (5), 4879 (1969) 4. R. Duperon, M. Thiersault, P. Duperon, Phytochemistry 23, 743 (1984) 5. J. Gemel, V. Saczynska, Z. Kaniuga, Phytochemistry 28, 1813 (1989) 6. M.J. Fishwick, A.J. Wright, Phytochemistry 16, 1507 (1977) 7. V.D. Tsydendambaev, A.G. Vereshchagin, Appl. Biochem. Microbiol. 16(6), 824 (1980) [in Russian] 8. T. Galliard, Phytochemistry 11, 1899 (1972) 9. P.E. Kolattukudy, V.P. Agrawal, Lipids 9, 682 (1974) 10. P.J. Holloway, Phytochemistry 22, 495 (1983) 11. P. Mazliak, Glyco- and phospholipids of biomembranes in higner plants, in Lipids and Lipid Polymers in Higher Plants, ed. by M. Tevini, H.K. Lichtenthaler (SpringerVerlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1977), pp. 48, 171

Solanum xanthocarpum Schard et Wendl. Family: Solanaceae Fruit Triterpenols: Cycloartanol, cycloartenol [1] Sterols: Sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, cholesterol [1] Sterylglucosides: Sitosterylglucoside, stigmasterylglucoside [1]

Solanum xanthocarpum Schard et Wendl.

Seed Oil, %: 19.3 [2] d27: 0.9240 [2] Iodine value, % J2: 124.3 [2] Saponification value, mg KOH: 182.5 [2]



References 1. G. Koiwai, J. Beisler, Y. Sato, Phytochemistry 12, 397 (1973) 2. N.I. Sharapov, Oil Plants and the Process of Oil formation (AS USSR Press, Мoskwa-Leningrad, 1959), p. 351 [in Russian]

Index of Compounds

A Abieta-7,13-diene–3-one, 526 Abietatdiene, 526 Abietatriene, 396, 523, 526–530 Acenaphthene, 617 Acetal, 791–793, 816 Acetaldehyde, 197, 719, 725, 746, 747, 751, 770, 773, 774, 791, 794, 802, 811, 813, 815, 818 Acetate of b-amyrine, 679 Acetate of triterpenoic acid, 29 Acethovanillone, 774 Acetic acid, 268, 331, 333, 336, 719, 724, 735, 768, 773, 775, 776, 787, 795, 811, 818, 835, 851, 859, 860, 867 Acetic acid lactone, 553 Acetic ether, 746 Acetoin, 355, 719, 724, 773, 774, 776 Acetoin acetate, 773 Acetone, 197, 355, 719, 725, 729, 751, 773, 774, 791, 802, 811, 813, 815, 816, 818, 819 Acetophenone, 197, 269, 355, 444, 617, 724, 774 3b-Acetoxy-lupane-11a-diol, 495 3b-Acetoxy-lupane-20-diol, 495 3-Acetoxy-16-methylheptadecanoic acid, 423 3-Acetoxy octane, 527, 528 7a-Acetoxy-royleanone, 486 N-Acetylantranilic acid, 666 2-Acetylfuran, 724 Acetyloleanolic acid, 676 Achillenole, 514 b-Acoradiene, 40, 497, 527, 529 a-Acorenol, 497 Acrolein, 725 Acuminatic acid (2a,3a,19a-trihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid), 748 Adonirubin, 651 Adonixanthin, 651 Aduanendiol, 347 Aliphatic terpene, 335 All-cis-phytoene, 809 All-cis-phytofluene, 809 Allenic acid, 425 Alloaromadendrene, 333, 335, 336, 341, 343, 348, 444, 448, 459–461, 507, 522, 524, 537 Alloevodionol (7-oxy-5-methoxy-acethyl-2:2dimethylchromen), 845 Allomadendrene, 523, 526–529

Allo-ocimene, 529 All-trans-b-carotene, 809 All-trans-lycopene, 809 All-trans-phytoene, 809 All-trans-phytofluene, 809 All-trans-x-carotene, 809 p-Allylanisol, 335 4-Allylanisol, 539 Allylcyanide (prop-2-enyl cyanide), 196, 197 Allyl isothiocyanate (prop-2-enyl isothiocyanate), 189, 196, 279 4-Allylphenol, 774 Allylsulfide, 222 Allylthiocyanate, 222 Alnusenol, 299 Alnusenone, 299 Alpinine, 736 Amyl alcohol, 719, 818, 860 n-Amyl alcohol, 676, 794 Amyl formate, 724 Amylfuran, 40, 840 2-Amylfuran, 722 Amyl octanoate, 730, 751 n-Amylol, 338 Amylphurane, 391 a-Amyrendion, 868 a-Amyrenonol, 868 a-Amyrin, 194, 197, 201, 296, 303, 305, 308, 311, 312, 315, 317–322, 324, 325, 327, 344, 346–349, 351, 354, 418, 482, 494, 639, 749, 751, 778, 798, 867, 868, 890 a-Amyrin (urs-12-enol), 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 305, 313, 324 b-Amyrin, 30, 194, 197, 201, 269, 287, 296, 303, 305, 308, 311–313, 315, 317–323, 325, 343, 344, 346–348, 350, 351, 353, 418, 451, 477, 482, 494, 495, 504, 639, 640, 664, 674, 676, 798, 834, 867, 868, 877, 878, 882, 885, 888, 889, 910, 920 b-Amyrin (olean-12-enol), 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 324 a-Amyrin acetate, 327, 348 b-Amyrin acetate, 348 a-Amyrol, 785 b-Amyrol, 785 Amyrolin, 785 Anemonin, 683 Anemonol, 685 Anethol, 395 927

928 trans-Anethol, 489, 722 cis-Anethole, 450 Anetol, 825, 828–830, 832, 847 Anetol methylchalvicol, 827 cis-Anhydrolinalool, 840 trans-Anhydrolinalool oxide, 840 Anisaldehyde, 355, 787, 825, 835, 841, 847 p-Anisaldehyde, 552, 556, 722 p-Anisyl acetate, 552 Anisyl propionate, 720 Anteraxanthin, 681, 756, 767, 819, 822–824, 875 9,9 0 -cis-Antheraxanthin, 819 cis-Antheraxanthin, 813, 814 trans-Antheraxanthin, 813, 814 Anthracene, 193 Anthranilic ether, 791 Aomadendrene, 528 Aplotaxene, 522 80 -Apo-b-caroten-80 -al, 819 b-Apo-80 carotenal, 814 b-Apo-8-carotenal, 799, 819 b-Apo-10 0 -carotenal, 819 Apo-6-lycopenal, 885 Apo-8-lycopenal, 885 Apo-10 0 -violaxantal, 819 Apo-120 -violaxanthal (3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-120 apo-b-caroten-12 0 -al), 819 Apo-80 -violaxanthin, 819 Apo-10 0 -violaxanthin (3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-10 0 al), 819 Araxerol, 336 Arborinol, 751 Arcurcumene, 40, 515, 527 Aristolene, 488 9-Aristolene-1-ol, 537 Aromadendrene, 340, 343, 402, 453, 460, 507, 510, 525–529 allo-Aromadendrene, 402, 405, 445, 451, 489 Aromatic ester, 469 Ascaridol, 39, 333, 335 Astacine, 650 Astaxanthin, 651 Atisirene, 402 Atlantol, 348 Atlantone, 459, 461 Aurapten, 793, 811 Auraptin, 793 Aurochrome, 779 Auroxanthin, 738, 799, 819, 822–824, 875, 886 Avenasterol, 291, 295, 298, 302, 304, 305, 307, 308, 313, 314, 318–320, 322, 323, 482, 499, 506, 674 7-Avenasterol, 303–305 Avenasterol (24Z-ethylidenecholest-7-enol), 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301 D5-Avenasterol, 173–179, 181, 182, 186, 193, 201, 211, 229, 232, 236, 237, 241–244, 246, 249, 250, 257, 258, 260, 267, 271, 458, 665, 674, 707, 743, 745, 834, 877, 878 D7-Avenasterol, 193, 201, 287, 304, 305, 308, 674, 707, 834, 877, 878 Azulene, 331, 333, 768, 833, 836

Index of Compounds B Baccharis oxyde, 341 Benzaldehyde, 40, 197, 269, 294, 303, 317, 318, 352, 355, 443, 526, 550, 552, 556, 617, 676, 704, 705, 709, 712, 720–722, 724, 728, 730, 733, 734, 741, 744, 745, 747, 748, 768, 770, 773, 774, 776, 791 Benzaldehyde cyanohydrin, 704, 728, 745 Benzene, 318, 355, 729 Benzene acetaldehyde, 463, 497, 512 Benzo[a]anthracene, 193 Benzo[a]fluorine, 193 Benzo[a]pyrene, 193 Benzo[b]-fluoranthene, 193 Benzo[b]fluorine, 193 Benzo[e]pyrene, 193 Benzo[ghi]perylene, 193 Benzoic acid, 347, 355, 675, 676, 723, 724, 734, 747, 768, 775, 776 Benzoic acid ester, 798 Benzol, 725 Benzolthiazole, 197, 269, 552, 556, 617, 734, 841 Benzylacetate, 294, 355, 552, 724, 730, 747, 774, 776 Benzyl alcohol, 269, 303, 317, 318, 352, 355, 550, 552, 617, 676, 720–722, 724, 728, 730, 734, 745, 747, 768, 773, 774, 813, 841 Benzylbenzoate, 355, 526–530, 550, 553, 556, 676, 774, 841 Benzyl butyrate, 550 Benzyl-cis-isoferulate, 864 Benzyl formate, 355, 768 Benzylic alcohol, 776 Benzyl isothiocyanate, 222, 268, 269 Benzyl 2-methylbutyrate, 550, 556, 840, 841 Benzyl 3-methylbutyrate, 550 Benzyl 2-methylpropionate, 550, 552 Benzyl salicylate, 550, 556, 734, 747 Benzyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 trans-a-Bergamoten, 803 (E)-a-Bergamoten, 493 a-Bergamoten, 540, 541, 734, 790, 818 a-trans-Bergamoten, 510, 526–529 b-Bergamoten, 502 cis-a-Bergamoten, 445, 803 cis-b-Bergamoten, 445 g-cis-Bergamoten, 528 trans-a-Bergamoten, 402, 497, 513, 802, 805 trans-b-Bergamoten, 454 trans-a-Bergamotol, 452 Bergapten, 793, 795, 835, 852 Bergaptol, 793 a-Betulenal, 514 Betulenol, 343 a-Betulenol, 31, 459, 461 b-Betulenol, 459, 461 Betulin, 329, 343, 346, 350, 451, 778 Betulinic acid, 326, 351, 418, 451, 471, 506, 676, 696, 699, 748, 883 Bicycloelemene, 340, 445, 451 Bicyclogermacrene, 38, 340, 343, 391, 403, 405, 439, 442, 445, 451, 469, 488, 491, 510, 516, 526–529, 840 Bicyclo-[3.1.0]-hex-2-ene-5-isopropyl-2-al, 335 Bicyclo-[3.1.0]-hex-2-en-2-formyl-5-isopropyl, 336

Index of Compounds Bicyclo-[3.1.0]-hex-3-en-5-isopropyl-2-one (lebaicon), 336 Bicyclo-[3.1.0]-hex-1-methyl-4-isopropyl-2-one, 335, 336 Bicyclosesquiphellandrene, 516 epi-Bicyclo-sesquiphellandrene, 523, 526 Biphenyl, 269, 617, 747 Bisabolen, 343, 402, 793–795, 807, 862 (E)-a-Bisabolen, 516 (E)-b-Bisabolen, 451 (E)-g-Bisabolen, 457 a-Bisabolen, 502, 523, 539, 696 b-Bisabolen, 40, 333, 391, 402, 423, 439, 444, 445, 449, 453, 454, 489, 497, 502, 510, 522, 539–541, 546, 696, 790, 802, 803, 805 trans-a-Bisabolen, 423 a-Bisabolol, 438, 460, 497, 502, 513, 522, 804 b-Bisabolol, 497, 528, 530 b-Bisabololen, 513 cis-a-Bisabololen, 513 1,3-Bis-(3-sn-phosphatidyl)-glycerine, 285 Bizabolen, 795 b-Bizabolen, 348 Borneol, 4, 38, 40, 333, 335, 346, 348, 355, 395, 396, 401–403, 415, 423, 431, 448, 453–457, 459–461, 473, 475, 477–479, 481, 482, 487–489, 491–493, 497, 502, 504, 506, 507, 510, 516, 528, 529, 536, 538–543, 545, 725, 730, 803, 818 Borneol (endo), 402 endo-Borneol, 537 l-Borneol, 331, 333 Borneo¨l, 493, 790 Bornyl acetate, 13, 39, 40, 333, 335, 336, 340, 343, 348, 396, 402, 403, 405, 428, 434, 451, 459–461, 473, 477, 479, 481, 482, 488, 489, 491, 494, 497, 504, 506, 516, 525, 527–529, 540, 541, 543, 545, 730, 840, 841 Bornyl acetate (1S-endo), 402 Bornyl chloride, 402 Bornyl formate, 40, 840, 841 Bornyl isobutyrate, 516 Bourbonene, 453 a-Bourbonene, 451 b-Bourbonene, 391, 405, 415, 438, 442, 444, 445, 451, 455, 457, 469, 482, 493, 510, 516, 521, 522, 524, 526–529, 537, 540, 541, 840, 841 b-Phenylethyl alcohol, 676 Brassicasterol, 308, 458, 664, 878, 917, 918 Brassicasterol (24-methyl-D5,22-cholestadien–3b-ol), 173–176, 186, 190, 191, 193–195, 198, 199, 201, 211, 226, 228, 229, 241–244, 246, 252, 258, 260, 266, 267, 271, 272 24b-(Brassicasterol), 296 24a-(Brassicasterol) 24-methyl-22-dehydrocholesterol, 284, 289, 298, 311 24b-(Brassicasterol) 24-methyl-22-dehydrocholesterol, 284, 289, 298, 311 Bryonolic acid (urs-12-en-3b-ol-29-oic), 286 Bryonolic acid (3-b-hydroxymultiflor-8-en-29-oic), 287 Bryononic acid, 287 e-Bulgarene, 415 Burden, 537 n-Butanal, 773 Butandiol-1,2, 670 Butandiol-2,3, 670, 853

929 Butane, 865, 868 Butane-2,3-diol acetate propanoate, 294 Butane-2,3-diol diacetate, 294 Butane-2,3-dione [2, 3], 197 Butanoic acid, 724, 775, 776, 795 n-Butanoic acid, 773 Butanol, 317, 318, 719, 741, 816 1-Butanol, 354, 355, 729, 747, 773, 792 Butanol-1, 724 2-Butanol, 719, 774, 792 Butanol-2, 724 n-Butanol, 294, 338, 676, 724 Butanone, 197 2-Butanone, 355, 720, 773 2-Butenal, 773 trans-But-2-enal, 318 But-3-enyl isothiocyanate, 196 Butyl acetate, 294, 719, 724, 730, 741 1-Butylacetate, 729, 747 Butyl alcohol, 802 Butyl a-methylbutyrate, 724 Butylated hydroxytoluene, 747 sec-Butylbenzene, 617 Butylbenzene isomer, 402 Butyl benzoate, 550 Butyl butanoate, 294, 741 Butyl butyrate, 719 1-Butylbutyrate, 730, 747 Butyl decanoate, 741 Butyl formate, 724, 774 Butyl hexanoate, 724, 741 Butylhydroxyanisole, 774 Butyl isobutyrate, 719 Butyl isothiocyanate, 196 Butyl 2-methylbutanoate, 741 Butyl 3-methylbutanoate, 741 2-Butyl-4-methylfuran, 617 Butyl 2-methylpropanoate, 741 n-Butyl n-hexanoate, 724 Butyl octanoate, 294, 720, 730, 741 Butyl palmitoleate, 294 n-Butyl-1-pentenyldisulfide, 783 Butyl phthalate, 268 Butyl propanoate, 741 1-Butyl propionate, 730 Butyl valerate, 444 Butyric acid, 336, 348, 350, 701, 723, 792, 851, 858, 867 iso-Butyric acid, 712 n-Butyric acid, 783 Butyric aldehyde, 355 g-Butyrolactone, 741 Butyrospermol, 194, 308, 311–313, 315, 318–323, 674, 676, 867, 868 Butyrospermol (eupha-7,24-dienol), 285, 293, 298, 300

C Cadalene, 497, 526, 528 Cadinene, 734 d-Cadinene, 840 g-Cadinene, 488

930 Cadina, 445, 526 Cadina-1,4-diene, 516 Cadina-1.4-diene, 523, 527–529 Cadinene, 17, 335, 499, 806, 807, 811, 831, 833, 836, 846, 862 (-)-Cadinene, 13 a-Cadinene, 335, 445, 457, 510, 522, 523, 526, 528, 529 b-Cadinene, 348, 403 D-Cadinene, 797, 811, 818 d-Cadinene, 40, 333, 335, 336, 340, 341, 343, 348, 355, 390, 391, 402, 405, 423, 428, 438, 439, 442, 445, 449, 451, 453, 455, 460, 463, 469, 489, 493, 497, 499, 502, 507, 510, 513, 516, 522–524, 526–529, 531, 537, 620, 626, 785, 794, 811, 814, 816, 818 g-Cadinene, 40, 333, 335, 340, 341, 343, 390, 391, 396, 444, 445, 449, 451, 459, 460, 469, 489, 493, 497, 510, 522, 523, 526–529, 537, 540, 541, 814, 821, 824 l-Cadinene, 785, 826 s-Cadinene, 340 Cadinene or muurolene isomer, 303 Cadinol, 785 10-epi-a-Cadinol, 428 a-Cadinol, 341, 343, 445, 449, 452, 457, 461, 469, 488, 497, 513, 516, 522, 523, 525–530, 540, 541 d-Cadinol, 442 epi-a-Cadinol, 497, 510 T-Cadinol, 540, 541 t-Cadinol, 403, 445, 449, 457, 460, 469 Cadiol, 545 a-Calacorene, 40, 335, 341, 343, 402, 452, 459, 463, 497, 510, 523, 526–529 d-Calacorene, 439 Calacorene alcohol I, 461 Calacorene alcohol II, 461 a-Calacorene I, 460 a-Calacorene II, 460 cis-Calamanenes, 423 trans-Calamanenes, 423 Calamene, 341, 343 cis-Calamene, 497 Calamenene, 335, 390 cis-Calamenene, 40, 396, 516 Calaminene, 459, 460 Calaminthadiol, 507, 508 iso-Calaminthadiol, 507, 508 Calarene (b-gurjunene), 40, 341, 523, 526–529 cis-Calemene, 451 Campanulin, 341–346, 349, 351 Campestanol, 663, 664, 674 7-Campestenol, 303–305 Campesterol (24-methylcholesterol), 30, 34, 35, 173–179, 181, 182, 186, 190, 191, 193, 195, 198, 199, 201, 211, 226, 228, 229, 231–233, 235–237, 241–244, 246, 249, 250, 252, 257, 260, 266, 267, 271, 272, 291, 295, 298, 302, 304, 308, 314, 422, 458, 482, 499, 506, 507, 639, 640, 648, 663–665, 673, 674, 676, 692, 695, 707, 728, 737, 742, 743, 745, 753, 756, 762, 764, 775, 800, 803, 807, 811, 814, 819, 824, 834, 837, 838, 848, 851, 877–879, 883, 884, 886, 889, 890, 909, 913, 915–923 24a-Campesterol, 284, 289, 296, 298 d-Camphen, 793

Index of Compounds Camphene, 4, 13, 17, 18, 31, 32, 37, 38, 40, 333–335, 339, 343, 348, 355, 389, 391, 395, 396, 400–402, 405, 419, 423, 428, 431, 437–439, 444, 448–451, 453–457, 459–461, 469, 472, 476, 479, 481, 487–489, 491, 493, 497, 499, 502, 504, 507, 510, 516, 525, 527–529, 537, 539, 541, 543, 545, 741, 790, 792, 795, 799, 800, 802–804, 807, 811, 812, 814, 817, 818, 821, 824, 841, 847, 850, 853 d-Camphene, 791, 793, 816 d-Camphene, 836 l-Camphene, 793, 795, 807 6-Camphenol, 405 Campherenol, 804 Camphesterol, 465 a-Campholenal, 438, 439, 442, 463, 493, 497, 525–529 a-Campholene alcohol, 37 a-Campholene aldehyde, 391, 445, 453, 460 Camphor, 38, 40, 206, 355, 395, 396, 401–403, 423, 428, 431, 438, 448, 453, 456, 459–461, 473, 475, 477–479, 481, 482, 484, 487–489, 493, 497, 502, 504, 510, 526, 527, 536, 537, 539–541, 543, 545, 804, 853, 866, 867 Cantaxanthin, 822–824 Capric acid, 720, 735, 792, 811, 818, 867 Capric ester, 735 Caprilic acid, 788, 859, 867 n-Caprilic acid, 835 Caprilic ether, 746 Caprinic acid, 348, 350, 786, 860 Caproate, 729 Caproic acid, 348, 350, 792, 867 n-Caproic acid, 831 g-Caprolactone, 720, 775 Capronic acid, 724 Capronic ether, 770 Caprylic acid, 348, 350, 787, 792, 811, 818, 851 Caprylic ether, 770 Capsanthin, 875 Capsanthin ester 4, 875 Capsanthin isomer, 875 Capsorubin, 875 Capsorubin ester 1, 875 Capsorubin ester 2, 875 Capsorubin isomer, 875 Caratol, 522, 838, 843 Carbon disulfide, 189, 196 Carbone, 818 D3-Carene, 335, 720 2-Carene, 797 3-Carene, 355, 730 Car-3-ene, 444, 793 D3-Carene, 13, 17, 18, 32, 37, 332–334, 348, 401, 402, 431, 438, 449, 455, 469, 487, 488, 507, 795, 802, 804, 817, 818, 843, 866, 867 d3-Carene, 428, 437, 438, 448, 453, 454, 459–461, 511, 516, 525–528, 792, 814, 841 d-Carene, 451, 539 l-D3-Caren-5,6-epoxyde, 860 3(4)-Caren-3-ol, 514 Caryophyllen, 335, 340, 343 a-Caryophyllen, 863, 864 b-Caryophyllen, 336 l-a-Caryophyllen, 333

Index of Compounds Carotene, 37, 201, 208, 217–219, 221, 222, 248, 249, 270, 307, 355, 499, 680, 683, 709, 717, 752, 766, 770, 776, 867, 869 (6R)-E,c-Carotene, 771 a-Carotene, 37, 198, 304, 307, 431, 465, 500, 627, 681, 692, 695, 715, 734–736, 747, 749, 750, 756, 757, 764, 768, 769, 778–780, 809, 813–815, 819, 822–824, 873 b,b-Carotene, 771 b,c,-Carotene, 771 b-Carotene, 39, 198, 206, 304, 307, 333, 334, 412, 415, 431, 627, 648, 651, 680, 681, 691, 692, 723, 729, 730, 734–737, 739, 747, 749, 750, 754, 756–758, 764, 767–769, 778–780, 807, 809, 813–815, 819, 822–824, 868, 869, 873, 875, 886, 887 cis-g-Carotene, 756 d-Carotene, 431, 809, 814 g-Carotene, 689, 749, 756, 758, 767, 768, 814, 819, 823, 824 Z-Carotene, 799, 809 OH-b-Carotene, 627 trans carotene, 294 trans-x-carotene, 294 z-Carotene, 756, 757, 771, 779, 780, 809, 813–815, 823, 824 Carotene-epoxide, 679 x-Carotene epoxide, 885 a-Carotene-monoepoxide, 680 Carotenes, 875 a-Carotenes, 890 b-Carotenes, 890 b-Carotin, 599, 602 Carvacral, 722 Carvacrol, 40, 335, 341, 355, 391, 396, 401–403, 431, 437, 438, 449, 451–456, 460, 463, 497, 499, 507, 509, 510, 520, 522, 523, 527, 528, 537–539, 541, 543, 544, 546, 676, 841 Carvacrol methyl ether, 454, 543 Carvacryl acetate, 402, 507 Carvacryl methyl oxide, 455 Carven, 335 Carvenone, 402, 453 Carvenone geranial, 402 Carveol, 4, 423, 438, 537, 792, 793, 797 cis-Carveol, 40, 335, 396, 450, 525, 791, 794, 811, 813, 815, 818 L-cis-Carveol, 816 L-trans-Carveol, 816 trans-Carveol, 40, 791 trans-Carveol, 335, 396, 405, 439, 442, 450, 453, 460, 497, 516, 528, 529, 802, 811, 813, 815, 818, 819 Carveyl acetate, 724 Carvomenthenol, 734 Carvon, 404, 456, 722 Carvone, 17, 335, 396, 402, 439, 442, 450, 453, 454, 460, 525, 527–529, 539, 791, 793, 797, 802, 805, 811, 814–816, 818, 819, 821 (+)-Carvone, 31 L-Carvone, 816 cis-Carvyl acetate, 526 trans-Carvyl acetate, 526, 529 Caryophillene, 348 l-a-Caryophillene, 331 Caryophylla-2(12), 396 Caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5a-ol, 40, 396, 452 Caryophylla-2(12),6(13)-dien-5a-ol, 40, 396, 452, 516

931 Caryophylla-4(14),8(15)-dien-5a-ol, 510 Caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5b-ol, 40, 396, 452 Caryophylla-4(14),8(15)-dien-5b-ol, 510 Caryophylladienol, 460, 461 Caryophylladienol II, 516 Caryophyllen, 38, 333, 335, 343, 390, 401, 402, 420, 423, 425, 426, 428, 430, 431, 448, 453, 454, 469, 473, 475, 482, 491, 492, 499, 504, 511, 513, 514, 531, 790, 794, 800, 802, 803, 805, 811, 814, 818, 824, 838, 843 b-Caryophyllen, , 4, 13, 31, 33, 40, 326, 390, 391, 396, 399, 400, 402, 403, 422, 437, 438, 442, 444, 448, 449, 451, 453, 454, 456, 457, 459–461, 477, 479, 481, 488, 489, 493, 497, 499, 502, 504, 507, 509, 514–516, 525, 539–541, 543–545, 676, 785, 792, 797, 799, 800, 811, 815, 817, 821, 824, 840, 841 (+)-(E)-Caryophyllen, 528, 529 (E)-Caryophyllen, 405, 434, 445, 463, 510, 528 (Z)-Caryophyllen, 445, 510, 529 (Z)-b-Caryophyllen, 520, 521 (+)(E)-Caryophyllen, 523, 526 (-)(E)-Caryophyllen, 526 9-epi-(E)-Caryophyllen, 463, 489 cis-Caryophyllen, 444 d-Caryophyllen, 343 E-Caryophyllen, 455 (E)-Caryophyllen, 527 l-Caryophyllen, 846 trans-Caryophyllen, 537, 776 trans-b-Caryophyllen, 439, 444 (Z)-Caryophyllen, 526, 527 Caryophyllen alcohol, 526, 527 Caryophyllen-a-oxyde, 343 Caryophyllen dioxide, 520, 523 Caryophyllen isomer, 437, 438 Caryophyllen oxide, 38, 40, 391, 396, 402, 403, 405, 423, 438, 439, 442, 444, 445, 452–455, 457, 460, 463, 469, 488, 491, 493, 497, 499, 507, 510, 513, 516, 524, 536, 538, 540, 800, 841 (+)-Caryophyllen oxide, 526–529 (-)-Caryophyllen oxide, 526–529 b-Caryophyllen-oxide, 431 Caryophyllenpoxide, 541 Caryophyllenol I, 460 Caryophyllenol II, 460, 461 Caryophyllen, 816 Caryopylladienol II, 453 Caryopyllenol II, 453 Caur-16-ene, 341 Ceanothic acid, 697, 699 Cedrandiol, 523 1,7-di-epi-a-Cedrene, 497 a-Cedrene, 497 b-Cedrene, 442, 493, 525 g-Cedrene, 526, 529 Cedrol, 445 a-Cedrol, 391, 442, 526, 527, 529 a-Celenenol, 459 b-Celenenol, 459 Cembra, 527 Cembra-2,7,11-trien-4-ol, 527 Cembrene, 488, 527, 530

932 Ceratic ether, 770 b-Cerdanoxide, 527 Cerilic alcohol, 287 Ceryn, 344 Cermacrene D, 526 cis-Cerveol, 819 Ceryl alcohol, 701, 770, 778 Ceryl palmitate, 701 Ceryl stearate, 701 Chamazulene, 38 Chavibetol (2-methoxy-5-(2-propenyl)phenol, 841 Chavicol, 787 Chloroform, 724, 729, 747, 773, 874, 877 Chlorophyll a, 202, 431 Chlorophyll b, 202, 431, 500 Chlorophyllide a, 431 Chlorophyllide b, 431 Chlorophylls, 794 Cholestan-3b-ol, 194 5a-Cholestan–3b-ol, 565 Cholestanol, 193, 195, 199, 775 Cholest-5-en-3b-ol, 565 5a-Cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 565 D7-Cholesten-3b-ol, 211, 231, 236, 243, 244, 286 Cholesterol, 34, 173–179, 181, 182, 186, 190, 191, 193, 195, 198, 199, 201, 211, 226, 228, 229, 231, 235–237, 241–244, 246, 249, 250, 257, 258, 260, 266, 267, 271, 272, 304, 307, 308, 311, 313, 315, 317–320, 322, 323, 342, 349, 458, 482, 499, 506, 663–665, 670, 673, 674, 676, 692, 707, 728, 743, 745, 753, 762, 764, 791, 800, 803, 807, 814, 819, 824, 834, 838, 851, 877–879, 883, 886, 889, 890, 909, 913, 915–921, 923 Cholesterol (cholest-5-en-3b-ol), 284, 289, 298 Cholesterol (cholest-5-enol), 284, 288, 289, 293, 297, 301 Cholesterol (cholest-5en-3 b-ol), 583 Cholesterol (cholest-5en-3b-ol), 572 Cholesterol (D5-cholesten-3b-ol), 194 D24-Cholesterol, 709 Choline, 830 Chondrillasterol, 284, 289, 298, 304, 308, 311, 313, 323 Chrysanthemaxanthine, 679, 692 cis-Chrysanthenol, 40 cis-Chrysanthenyl acetate, 40 Chrysene/triphenylene, 193 Chrysin (metadioxyflavon), 865 Cimigol, 659 p-Cimole, 486 Cineol, 332, 783, 803, 845, 852, 862–864 1,8-Cineol, 404, 415, 418, 420, 438, 439, 448, 453, 456, 459, 472, 504, 521, 522, 792 Cineole, 37, 38, 473, 482, 484, 491, 493, 498, 499, 506 1,8-Cineole, 33, 40, 395, 396, 400–403, 422, 423, 428, 431, 434, 437, 438, 442, 444, 445, 448–451, 453, 459–461, 477, 479, 481, 482, 487, 488, 493, 497, 502, 504, 510, 514, 523, 525, 526, 528, 529, 536, 537, 540, 541, 543–545, 676, 790, 792, 797, 803, 814 1,4-Cineole, 790 Cinnamaldehyde, 730 (E)-Cinnamaldehyde, 303 (Z)-Cinnamaldehyde, 303 trans-Cinnamaldehyde, 556

Index of Compounds Cinnamic acid, 723, 847 cis-Cinnamic acid, 775 trans-Cinnamic acid, 724, 775 Cinnamic alcohol, 730 cis-Cinnamic alcohol, 774 trans-Cinnamic alcohol, 774, 776 Cinnamic aldehyde, 693, 774 (E)-Cinnamyl alcohol, 303 trans-Cinnamyl alcohol, 556, 724 trans-Cinnamyl-cis-isoferulate, 864 trans-Cinnamyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 Citral, 406, 407, 409, 416, 440, 720, 768, 770, 783, 790, 791, 793, 795, 796, 802–804, 807, 811, 818, 831, 835, 847, 859 (E)-Citral, 730 Citral (neral, geranial), 811, 818 (Z)-Citral, 730 b-Citraurine (3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-8’-apo-bcaroten-8’-al), 819 b-Citraurine, 814, 822–824 b-Citraurinene, 814 Citronellal, 38, 290, 431, 437, 545, 676, 712, 770, 790–792, 797, 800, 802, 803, 805, 807, 811, 813, 814, 816–818, 821, 835, 847, 855, 859 d-Citronellal, 786 l-Citronellal, 798 Citronellic acid, 813, 859, 860 Citronelloic acid, 786 Citronellol, 290, 440, 676, 724, 757, 768, 770, 783, 787, 790–793, 802, 803, 811, 813–815, 817–819, 831, 847, 859 cis-Citronellol, 450 d-Citronellol, 786 l-Citronellol, 798 Citronellole, 758 Citronellyl acetate, 552, 676, 768, 792, 802, 803, 805, 811, 814, 817, 821 Citronellyl acid, 787 Citronellyl butyrate, 792 Citronellyl ether, 787 Citronellyl formate, 767, 792 Citronellyl propionate, 493 Citronelol, 406 Citroptene, 795 Citroptene (dimethoxy-coumarine), 807 Citrostadienol, 194, 201, 308, 640, 674, 707, 811, 877–879, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 918, 920 Citrostadienol (4a-methyl-(24Z)-24-ethylidene-5a-cholest-7en-3b-ol), 834 Citrullol, 290 Citrunellyl propionate, 803 Clarene, 528 a-Clausenan, 825, 826 b-Clausenan, 825, 826 di-a-Clausenan, 825 g-Clausenan, 825, 826 Clerosterol, 291, 295, 298, 302–304, 308, 314 a-Codinol, 415 Codisterol, 291, 295, 298, 302, 304, 308 Columbenol, 331 Columbenol (stearoptene), 331

Index of Compounds a-Compholene aldehyde, 396 b-Copaen-4-a-ol, 526 Copaene, 459, 499, 531 a-Copaene, 31, 38, 340, 341, 343, 391, 396, 402, 439, 442, 444, 445, 448, 449, 451, 457, 460, 463, 469, 488, 489, 493, 497, 499, 516, 523, 525–529, 811, 814–816, 821, 824, 840, 841, 866, 867 a,b-Copaene, 811, 818 b-Copaene, 792, 794, 811, 815, 819, 821 cis-a-Copaene-8-ol, 537 a-Costol, 537 Coumarin, 423, 775 1-p-Coumaryl-3-caffeyl-2-acetyl glycerol, 863 Crataegolic acid, 495, 496 Cratalgaloic acids, 506 b-Cresol, 332 p-Cresol, 303, 335 p-Cresylbenzoate, 335 Crotonal, 725 Croweacine, 831 b-Crypthoxanthin, 875 Cryptocapsin, 875 b-Cryptochrom, 819 Cryptochrome, 822, 823 Cryptoflavin, 809 b-Cryptoflavin, 819 Cryptoflavin, 799, 822–824 Cryptone, 460, 840, 859 Cryptoxanthin, 198, 307, 715, 734, 738, 749, 750, 756, 757, 764, 769, 778, 809, 814, 819, 822–824, 875 (Z)-b-Cryptoxanthin, 771 a-Cryptoxanthin, 813 b-Cryptoxanthin, 771, 813, 814, 819, 873 cis-Cryptoxanthin, 778 trans-Cryptoxanthin, 778 Cryptoxanthin-5,6-diepoxide, 875 Cryptoxanthin a, 307 Cryptoxanthin b, 307 Cryptoxanthin-epoxide, 814, 822 Cryptoxanthin-5,6-epoxide, 809, 814, 875 Cryptoxanthin-epoxyde, 823, 824 a-Cubeben, 40, 493, 497, 516, 523, 527, 529, 537, 540, 541, 794, 799, 800 a,b-Cubeben, 811, 818 b-Cubeben, 391, 434, 442, 451, 463, 469, 513, 523, 526–529, 537, 540, 541, 797, 815, 818, 819, 821 Cubebol, 452, 460, 516 epi-Cubebol, 522 Cubebol-(E)-12-norcaryophyll-5-en-2-one, 396 Cubenene, 516 Cubenol, 396, 540, 541 1-epi-Cubenol, 523 b-Cubinene, 816 a-Cububene, 459, 460 b-Cububene, 459 10a-Cucurbita-5,24-dien–3b-ol, 313 Cucurbitoxanthine, 304 Cumenene, 507 Cumic aldehyde, 617 Cuminal, 439 Cumin alcohol, 33, 396, 453, 460

933 Cumin aldehyde, 33, 451, 456, 783, 800, 857 p-Cuminaldehyde, 335 Cumine aldehyde, 405 Cuminic acid, 335 Cuminic aldehyde, 859 Cuminic aldehyde, 402 Cuminylacetate, 335 Cuminyl alcohol, 335, 423, 617, 621, 626 p-Cuminyl alcohol, 355 p-Cumole, 488 Cumulene, 343 a-Cumulene, 730 Cuparene, 355, 523, 529 a-Curcumene, 348, 469, 482, 521, 862 ar-Curcumene, 333, 335, 340, 529 b-Curcumene, 497 g-Curcumene, 525 Cyanhydric acid, 860 Cyanogen acid, 704, 705, 712, 728, 733, 745, 747, 748 Cyanogenhydrin, 860 Cycloartanol (9b,19-cyclolanostanol), 194, 201, 284, 285, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 305, 308, 311–313, 315, 317–324, 707, 834, 877, 878, 882, 885, 888, 889, 910, 914, 920 Cycloartenol (24-dehydrocycloartanol), 201, 211, 236, 243, 244, 257, 260, 284, 285, 287, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 303–305, 308, 311–313, 315, 317–322, 324, 639, 640, 664, 674, 676, 707, 811, 834, 867, 877, 878, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 917, 918, 920 Cycloartenolcycloartenol, 639 Cycloartenol, 24-ethyl-D7-cholesten-3-b-ol, 175 b-Cyclocitral, 303, 326, 525–527, 529, 550, 552, 741, 841 Cyclocolorenone, 335 Cycloeucalenol, 194, 201, 674, 877–879, 881, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 917, 918, 920 Cyclofenchene, 39 Cyclogeraniol, 793 Cyclo-hexa-1,4-diene, 537 Cyclohexa-1.5-dien-4-(1-isopropyl) methanol [cis], 39 Cyclohexane, 724, 729 Cyclohexanol-2-methylene–3-(1-isopropyl) acetate [cis], 39 3-(Cyclohexen-1-yl)-butyraldehyde, 626 8-(Cyclohexenyl)octanal, 620, 626 Cyclohexyl acetate, 730 Cyclo-iso-longipholene, 537 Cyclonex-( )-1-(2-Turyl)-3-butanone, 620, 626 Cyclooctatriene, 443 Cyclopropanolic acids, 370 Cyclosativene, 463, 523, 526–529, 841 Cymene, 431 b-Cymene, 400, 402, 428, 543, 814 m-Cymene, 817 p-Cymene, 18, 33, 37–40, 318, 334, 335, 348, 352, 355, 391, 396, 401–403, 405, 423, 438, 443–445, 448–451, 453–455, 459–461, 463, 469, 477, 487–489, 493, 497, 507, 510, 514, 516, 521–523, 525–529, 536, 538–546, 550, 730, 776, 790, 792, 793, 797, 800, 802–804, 811, 813–815, 817, 818, 840, 841 p-Cymene-borneol, 542 p-Cymenene, 335, 497, 510 p-Cymene-8-ol, 40, 355, 453 Cymenol, 423

934 Cymen-8-ol, 529 m-Cymen-8-ol, 460 p-Cymen-8-ol, 326, 396, 402, 403, 438, 451, 454, 460, 497, 507, 514, 525, 526, 817, 840, 841 n-Cymol, 4, 454, 456, 509 p-Cymol, 13, 332–336, 343, 390, 783, 799, 800, 802, 811, 812, 817, 824, 827, 831, 837, 851, 853 p-Cymole, 491, 498 Cineole, 4, 333–335, 486, 488, 736, 807, 836, 851, 853, 854 Cineole, 478 1,4-Cineole, 859 1,8-Cineole, 334, 348, 355, 827 Cyperene, 526 (+)-a-Cyperone, 810 Citronellal, 799, 800, 811, 851 Citronellol, 349, 824 Citronellyl acetate, 333, 335 Citronellyl formate, 349

D Damascenone, 741 (E)-b-Damascenone, 40, 403, 516, 522 (Z)-b-Damascenone, 405 b-Damascenone, 840, 841 (E)-b-Damascone, 451 b-Damascone, 326, 451 Darvinol (a-myrtenol), 831 Daucosterol, 35 Daurinol, 659 (2E,4E)-2,4-Decadienal, 523, 526–529 (E,E)-2,4-Decadienal, 40, 326, 734, 741, 885 (E,Z)-2,4-Decadienal, 326 2,4-Decadienal, 800 cis-2,4-Decadienal, 354 trans,trans-Deca-2,4-dienal, 197 trans-Decadienal, 556 trans-2,4-Decadienal, 354, 550, 556 (E,E)-2,4-Decadienol, 451 d-Decalactone, 734, 741 g-Decalactone, 720, 725, 734, 741, 747 Decanal, 269, 297, 303, 326, 354, 391, 445, 451, 463, 522, 523, 525–529, 556, 617, 676, 730, 790, 792, 793, 797, 799, 800, 802, 803, 805, 811, 814–816, 818, 819, 821, 824 1-Decanal, 791 n-Decanal, 620, 626, 800 Decane, 451, 676, 841 n-Decane, 730 Decanoic acid, 452, 723, 724, 775, 776, 813 Decanol, 338, 790, 811, 813, 815, 840 1-Decanol, 550, 552, 556, 724, 792, 818 Decanol-2, 852 n-Decanol, 523, 527–529, 620, 626 Decanone-2, 852, 854 2-Decanone, 620, 626, 720, 854 Decenal, 676 (E)-2-Decenal, 326, 523, 525, 527–529 cis-4-Decenal, 800 trans-2-Decenal, 354, 800 1-Decene, 734 Dec-9-en-1-ol, 523, 525, 528

Index of Compounds Decyl acetate, 724, 790, 802, 803, 811, 814 2-Decylacetate, 852, 854 n-Decyl acetate, 294 Decylaldehyde, 793, 795, 801, 835, 859 Decyl butanoate, 724 Decylic aldehydes, 807 Dehydroabietal, 526–529 4-epi-Dehydroabietol, 526 Dehydroaromadendrene, 463 Dehydro-b-ionone, 39 24-Dehydrocholesterol (desmosterol), 298, 311 25(27)-Dehydrochondrillasterol, 291, 295, 298, 302, 305, 308, 314 Dehydro-1,8-cineole, 40 Dehydrocitronellyl acid, 787 22-Dehydroclerosterol, 296, 298, 308, 311 Dehydro-1,8-cyneole, 396 25(27)-Dehydrofungisterol, 291, 295, 302, 305, 308 a-Dehydro-himachalene, 527 Dehydronepetelactone, 444, 445 Dehydroolopanone, 341 Dehydrooxyisocalamenediol, 335 25(27)-Dehydropriferasterol, 291, 295, 298, 302, 304, 308, 314 7-Dehydrostigmasterol, 848 Desacylhorminone, 486 Desmosterol (cholest-5,24-dienol), 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 304, 311, 314, 315, 318–320, 322 3-b-D-glycosid sterols, 506 Diacetonalcohol, 448 Diacetonic alcohol (2-methyl-2-hydroxy-4-pentanone), 773 Diacetyl, 355, 719, 773, 774, 813 a,b-Dialkyl acroleins, 818 Dibenzofuran, 617 9,10-Dibromoctadecanoic acid, 411 Dibut-3-enyl disulfide, 196 Dibutyl phthalate, 355, 550, 553, 556, 722, 734, 774 Dibutyl sulfide, 196 1,3-Di-caffeyl-2-acetyl glycerol, 863 Dichloromethane, 724, 729 2,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline, 734 Dicis-antheraxanthin, 819 Dicis-violaxanthin, 819 Dictamnocarbooxyphenol, 830 Dictamnolactone, 830 (+)-8,9-Didehydro-a-vetivone, 810 3,4-Didehydro-b-ionol, 741 (+)-8,9-Didehydronootkatone, 810 6(13)-Dien–5b-ol, 396 Diene, 526 (8)-Diene (¼ pseudolimonene), 516 1;4-Diene, 445 15-Diene, 527 2,5-Diene-4-isopropilidene-cyclohexanone, 335 5,6:5 0 ,60 -Diepoxide of a-carotene, 738 5,6:5 0 ,60 -Diepoxide of b-carotene, 738 Diepoxy-b-carotene, 715 trans-Diepoxy-b-carotene, 39 1,1-Diethoxybutane, 724 Diethoxyethane, 724 1,1-Diethoxyethane, 747, 813, 815, 816 Diethoxyethane (acetal), 811

Index of Compounds 1,1-Diethoxyhexane, 355, 724 1,1-Diethoxyoctane, 724 1,1-Diethoxypentane, 724 1,1-Diethoxypropane, 724 Diethylacetal, 818 Diethylbenzene, 617 Diethyl-1,2-benzene dicarboxylate, 269 Diethyl carbonate, 747, 792 Diethyl disulfide, 196 Diethyl ether, 720, 724, 729, 773 Diethyl ether of succinic acid, 773 Di-2-ethylhexylphtalate, 412 Diethyl-phenol, 402 Diethyl phthalate, 355, 556, 617, 773 Diethyl sulfide, 196 2.5-Diethyltetrahydrofuran, 402 Diethyl trisulfide, 196 1,3-Diferuloil-2-acetylglycerin, 866 1,1-Dihexenoxyethane, 724 Dihydroactinidiolide, 741 z-D-Dihydro-apofarnesene, 489 Dihydroaromadendrene, 537 (+)-1,10-Dihydro-a-vetivone, 810 Dihydro-b-ionone, 741 Dihydrocarveol, 17, 437, 438 Dihydrocarveol acetate, 402 Dihydrocarvone, 400 cis-Dihydrocarvone, 402, 453, 454, 510 trans-Dihydrocarvone, 402 Dihydrocarvyl acetate 1, 400 Dihydrocarvyl acetate 2, 400 iso-Dihydrocarvyl acetate, 526, 527 22-Dihydrochondrillasterol, 323 Dihydrocuminic alcohol, 793, 795 24(28)-Dihydrocycloeucalenol, 194 25,26-Dihydroelasterol, 287, 288, 309 2,3-Dihydrofarnesol, 676 2,5-Dihydrofuran, 335 20,30-Dihydro-23-hydroxybetulin, 778 Dihydroionone, 734 b-Dihydroionone, 773 10-Dihydro-iso-longifolen-?-ol, 537 Dihydroisonepetalactone, 438 24-Dihydrolanosterol, 918 3,5-Dihydro-2-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one, 775 2,3-Dihydro-2-methyl-7-phenylbenzofuran, 617 trans-Dihydromyrcenol-3, 336 Dihydronepetalactone, 444 24-Dihydroobtusifoliol, 664 22-Dihydrospinasterol, 323 24-Dihydrospinasterol, 291, 295, 298, 302, 305, 308, 314 24a-22-Dihydrospinasterol, 298, 304 Dihydrosterculic acid, 609–624, 626–636 9,10-Dihydrosterculic acid, 370 1,2-Dihydro-1,1,6-trimethylnaphthalene, 734 3,3’-Dihydroxycarotene, 412 Dihydroxydaurinol, 659 3b-Dihydroxy-D12-28-oic acid, 775 17a-Dihydroxy-D12-28-oic acid, 775 Dihydroxyhexadecanoic acid, 923

935 10,16-Dihydroxyhexadecanoicacid, 729 3 b, 23-Dihydroxylup-20(29)en-28-oic acid, 676 3 b, 23-Dihydroxy-30-norolean-12,20(29)-dien–28-oic acid, 676 9,10-Dihydroxyoctadecanedioic acid, 923 Dihydroxystearic acid, 384 2a,3a-Dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid, 745, 747, 748 2a,19a-Dihydroxyursolic acid, 726 Diisobutylphtalate, 722 2,5Diisopropylphenol, 402 Dilesqueroline, 252 Dillapiol, 13 Dill ether, 841 3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde, 776 1,2-Dimethoxybenzene, 197 Dimethoxy-1,1-ethan, 724 Dimethoxymethane, 724 trans-1,2-dimethoxy-4-(30 -methoxy-10 -propenyl)benzene, 784 1,2-Dimethyl, 537 1,3-Dimethyl-2-acetylcyclo-pent-2-ene, 444 (22E )-24,24-Dimethyl-5a-cholesta-7,22-dien-3b-ol, 311 24,24-Dimethyl-5a-cholesta-7,25-dien-3b-ol, 311 24,24-Dimethyl-5a-cholesta-7,25-dien-22-yn-3b-ol, 311 24,24-Dimethyl-5a-cholestan-3b-ol, 311 24,24-Dimethyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 311 24,24-Dimethyl-5a-cholest-8-en-3b-ol, 312 24,24-Dimethyl-5a-cholest-7-en-22-yn-3b-ol, 311 4a,14a-Dimethyl-5a-ergosta-7,9(11),24(28)-trien-3b-ol, 311 3,3-Dimethylallyl caffeate, 864 3,3-Dimethylallyl ferulate, 864 Dimethylanthranilate, 814 1,4-Dimethylazulene, 853 3,6-Dimethylbenzofurane, 335 cis-4,7-Dimethylbicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-en-6-one, 804 exo-4,7-Dimethylbicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-en-6-one, 793 4a,24-Dimethyl-cholesta-7,24-dienol, 877–879 4a,24-Dimethylcholest-8-en-3b-ol, 194 Dimethyl disulfide, 196 2,6-Dimethylene-7-octen-3-one, 335 Dimethylene-7-octen-3-one, 336 Dimethyl ether, 857 10,14-Dimethylhexadecan-14-ol-2-one, 290 Dimethyl hydroquinone, 676 2,7-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-5 (E), 720 2,5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone, 776 2,5-Dimethyl-4-methoxy-3(2H)-furanone, 724, 776 2,5-Dimethyl-4-methoxy-3-methyl-naphthalene, 725 2.5-Dimethyl-3-methylene hepta-1.5-diene, 39 2,2-Dimethyl-5-(1-methyl-propenyl)-tetrahydrofuran, 790 Dimethylnaphthalene, 617 1,6-Dimethylnaphthalene, 341 4,8-Dimethyl-nona-4,7-dien-2-one, 402 2,3-Dimethyl-3(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)-2-norbornanol, 804 3,7-Dimethyl-1,5-octadiene-3,7-diol, 522 2,6-Dimethyl-1,3(E),5(E),7-octatetraene, 840 2,6-Dimethyl-3(E),5(E),7-octatriene-2-ol, 840 2,6-Dimethyl-3(E),5(Z);7-octatriene-2-ol, 840 2,6-Dimethyloctatrien-1,5,7-one, 336 4-Dimethyloxybenzene, 303 2.4-Dimethyl-4[p-cuminyl]-valeraldehyde, 620, 626 10,13-Dimethylpenta-13-decen-1-al, 290

936 3,4-Dimethyl-5-penthylidene-2(5H)-furanone, 326, 452, 516, 841 Dimethyl phthalate, 550, 617, 773, 774 Dimethyl-sturene, 537 a,p-Dimethylstyrene, 402, 449, 451, 453, 460, 790 p-Dimethylstyrene, 396 Dimethyl sulfide, 196 Dimethyl terephthalate, 617 Dimethyl trisulfide, 196, 268, 269 cis-6,10-Dimethyl-5,9-undecadien-2-one, 402 ap-Dimethystyrene, 40 1,1-Di-n-hexoxyethane, 724 Dinitrobenzoate of nonyl alcohol, 770 3b-Diol, 484 Diosphenol, 786 1,4-Dioxane, 802 1,3-Di-p-coumaryl-2-acetyl glycerol, 863 1,3-Di-p-cumaroil-2-acetylglycerin, 866 Dipenten, 793 Dipentene, 335, 440, 784, 786, 791, 795, 796, 803, 806, 807, 818, 830, 831, 833, 835, 836, 845, 846, 856, 859, 866, 867 Diphenylethane, 617 1,1-Diphenylethane, 617 Diphenyl ether, 617 Dipropyl disulfide, 196 2,6-Di-tert-butylcresol, 617 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol, 774 Docosane, 770, 794, 841, 852, 854, 885 n-Docosane, 341, 550, 553, 556 Docosanol, 861 Docosanol-1, 863–865 Docosan-1-ol, 268, 706, 750 Docosanol-2, 864 Docosanyl acetate, 290 Docosan-1-yl acetate, 268 g-Dodecalactone, 720, 734, 741 Dodecanal, 297, 526, 528, 529, 790, 792, 802, 803, 805, 811, 814, 815, 818, 819, 821 n-Dodecanal, 800, 818 Dodecane, 335, 391, 720, 724, 730, 741, 841 n-Dodecane, 550, 552, 617 Dodecanoic acid, 40, 303, 326, 529, 723, 724, 775, 813, 841, 884 Dodecanol, 811, 815, 818, 824 4-Dodecanone, 620, 626 Dodecen-2-al-1, 818 trans-2-Dodecenal, 800 2-Dodecylacetate, 852, 854 3b,7b-Dohydroxy-25-methoxycucurbita-5,23-dien, 319 Domethylanthranilate, 841 Dotriacontane, 269 n-Dotriacontane, 690, 702 Dotriacontanol, 883

E 24a-Eethyl-5a-cholesta-8,22-dien-3b-ol, 304 24b-Eethyl-5a-cholesta-8,22-dien-3b-ol, 304 Eicosane, 770, 794 n-Eicosane, 550, 553, 556

Index of Compounds Eicosanol-1, 863 Eicosan-1-ol, 706, 729, 750 Eicosanol-2, 863 Eicosen, 770 a-Elangene, 390, 510 Elasterol, 309 Elaterin, 290 b-Elemen, 800 Elemenal, 460 Elemene, 13, 453 a-Elemene, 399, 444, 528, 776 b-Elemene, 13, 34, 38, 335, 390, 401, 405, 415, 434, 439, 444, 445, 448, 449, 451, 453, 457, 463, 488, 522, 523, 525–529, 537, 540, 541, 792, 794, 799, 811, 813–815, 817–819, 821, 824, 840, 884 d-Elemene, 335, 448, 457, 525, 526, 529, 814 g-Elemene, 34, 335, 340, 343, 415, 493, 537, 814, 840 b-Elemenone, 335, 340, 343 g-Elemenone, 340 Elemicin, 13, 396, 401, 676, 788, 860 Elemol, 40, 335, 522, 523, 525–527, 529, 540, 541, 811, 814, 815, 818, 821, 853 a-Eleostearic acid, 316, 319, 321, 710, 711 b-Eleostearic acid, 316 Elimicine, 788 Eloxanthine, 657 Endo-1-bourbonanol, 488 (-)-10-Epi-a-cyperone, 810 Epi-a-muurolol¼T-muurolol, 523, 528, 529 Epi-a-selinene, 815, 821 Epi-bicyclo-sesquiphellandrene, 528, 529, 537 Epicubebol, 451, 514–516 Epicubenol, 335 1-Epi-cubenol, 403, 460, 497, 516, 529 4-Epi-dehydroabietol, 527–529 10-Epi-elemol, 452 3-Epierythrodiol, 488 Epifridelanol, 342, 349, 351 Epifridelinol, 344, 347 Epifriedeline, 749 Epifriedelinol, 340, 341, 343, 346, 748 10-Epi-g-eudesmol, 405, 406 Epilutein, 677 3-Epilutein, 657 13-Epi-manoyl oxide, 526–528, 530 Epimaslinic acid, 483 6-Epineoflor, 692 Epinepetalactone, 444 3-Epioleanolic acid, 475 Epishiobunone, 335 Epiursolic acid, 507, 737 3-Epi-ursolic acid, 486, 508 Epizonaren, 434 Epoxide of cryptoxanthin, 738 cis-Epoxide of lutein, 738 trans-Epoxide of lutein, 738 Epoxide of xanthophyll, 749 5,6-Epoxy-a-carotene, 681 trans-Epoxy-a-carotene, 37 12,13-Epoxy acid, 205 15,16-Epoxy acid, 205

Index of Compounds Epoxy-18-acid, 364, 380, 382 Epoxy-b-ionone, 741 Epoxycarotene, 307 5b,19-Epoxycucurbita-6,23-diene-3b,19,25-triol, 319 5b,19-Epoxy-19,25-dimethoxy-cucurbita-6,23-dien-3b-ol, 319 Epoxyglutinan, 351 9,10-Epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, 729, 923 9,10-Epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadec-12-enoicacid, 729 (24R,241R)-Epoxyisoavenasterols, 287 (24S,241S)-24(241)-Epoxyisoavenasterols, 287 Epoxy lutein, 886 5,6-Epoxy-lutein, 431, 873 5b,19-Epoxy-25-methoxycucurbita-6,23-dien-3b-ol, 319 5b,19-Epoxy-25-methoxycucurbita-6,23-diene-3b, 19-diol, 319 9,10-Epoxyoctadecane-1,18-dioic acid, 923 1;5-Epoxy-salvial(4)14-ene, 40 cis-Epoxystearate, 359 Epoxy-TAG, 39 4,8-Epoxyterpinolene, 840 Eremophilene, 526–529 4-Erpineol, 537 a-Estradiol, 709 Estragol, 730, 827 Estron, 709 Ethane, 865, 868 Ethanethiol, 196 Ethanol, 351, 355, 719, 724, 730, 747, 751, 770, 773, 774, 776, 788, 792, 794, 811, 813, 815, 818, 821 1-(1,4-dimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-yl)-Ethanone, 402 3,4-Ethenyl, 537 Ether of cryptoxanthine, 681 Ether of eloxantine, 681 Ether of luteine, 681 Ether of physoxanthine, 681 Ethers of astaxanthin, 651 1,1-Ethoxybutoxyethane, 724 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate, 355 1,1-Ethoxyhex-3-ethoxyethane, 724 1,1-Ethoxyhexoxyethane, 724 Ethoxymethoxyethane, 811 1,1-Ethoxymethoxyethane, 802, 813 1,1-Ethoxypentoxyethane, 724 1,1-Ethoxypropoxyethane, 724 Ethyl acetate, 294, 351, 355, 719, 724, 729, 734, 747, 773, 774, 776, 787, 792, 802, 811, 813, 815, 816, 821 Ethyl(methylthio)acetate, 294 Ethylacetoacetate, 724 (24S)-24-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,25-dien-3b-ol, 287 24-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,22(or 7,25)-dien–3b-ol, 309 24a-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,22-dien-3b-ol (spinasterol), 298 24a-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-8,22-dien-3b-ol, 285, 289, 297, 298, 308, 311 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,22-dien-3b-ol (chondrillasterol), 298 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,25-dien-3b-ol, 303–305 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,25(27)-dien-3b-ol, 289, 298, 305, 313 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-8,22-dien-3b-ol, 285, 289, 297, 298, 308, 311, 323 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-8,25(27)dien-3b-ol, 285, 289, 297, 298, 304, 308, 311, 323 (24R)-24-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,E-22-dien-3b-ol, 315

937 (24S)-24-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,E-22-dien-3b-ol, 315 24a-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7E,22-dien-3b-ol, 305 24-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7-en-3b-ol, 309 24a-Ethyl-5a-cholestan-3b-ol, 311 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholestan-3b-ol, 304 24-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,trans-22-dien–3b-ol, 323 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,trans-22,25(27)-trien–3b-ol, 289, 313 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-8,22,25(27)-trien-3b-ol, 285 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,22,25-trien-3b-ol, 303–305 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-7,22,25(27)-trien-3b-ol, 298, 305 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholesta-8,22,25(27)-trien-3b-ol, 289, 297, 298, 304, 308, 323 (24S)-24-Ethyl-5a-cholest-7,25-dien-3b-ol, 287 (24S)-24-Ethyl-5a-cholest-7,25-diene-3b-ol, 287 (24R)-24-Ethyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 287 24-Ethyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 323 24a-Ethyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 305 24a-Ethyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol (22-dihydrospinasterol), 298 24b-Ethyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol (22-dihydrochondrillasterol, 298 (24S)-24-Ethyl-5a-cholest-7,22,25-trien-3b-ol, 287 Ethyl alcohol, 802, 818 Ethyl a-methylbutanoate, 724 Ethyl a-methylbutyrate, 724 Ethyl anisate, 747 Ethylbenzaldehyde, 617 Ethylbenzene, 269, 730 Ethyl benzoate, 355, 676, 720–722, 724, 734, 747, 773, 774, 841 24b-Ethyl-22,25(27)-bisdehydrolathosterolol, 285, 289, 297, 298, 304, 308, 311, 323 Ethyl butanoate, 294, 352, 724, 741 2-Ethyl-1-butanol, 617 Ethyl 2-butenoate, 719 Ethyl 3-butenoate, 719 2-Ethylbutyraldehyde, 617 a-Ethyl butyraldehyde, 791 Ethyl butyrate, 719, 747, 791, 792, 811, 815, 816, 819 Ethylcaprinate, 338, 787 Ethyl caproate, 725, 792 Ethylcapronate, 338, 730 Ethylcaprylate, 338, 792 Ethylchlorophyllide a, 431 Ethylchlorophyllide b, 431 24-Ethylcholesta-3b-ol, 194 24-Ethylcholesta-7,24(28)-dien-3b-ol, 664 (24S)-24-Ethylcholesta-7,25-dienol, 307 24-Ethylcholesta-5,22-dienol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 304, 307, 311–315, 317–320, 322, 323 24-Ethylcholesta-5,25-dienol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311–313, 315, 317–320, 322, 323 24-Ethylcholesta-7,22-dienol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311–314, 317–320, 322, 323, 888, 914 24-Ethylcholesta-7,25-dienol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 311–315, 317–320, 322, 323 24-Ethylcholesta-8,22-dienol, 284, 288, 289, 293, 295, 298, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311–315, 317–320, 322, 323 24-Ethylcholesta-8,25-dienol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 298, 300, 304, 307, 311, 313, 315, 318, 320, 323 24-Ethylcholestan-3b-ol, 565 (24S)-24-Ethylcholesta-7,22,25-trienol, 307

938 24-Ethylcholesta-5,22,25-trienol, 295, 297, 301, 307, 313–315, 317–320, 322 24-Ethylcholesta-7,22,25-trienol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 311–315, 317–320, 322, 323 24-Ethylcholesta-8,22,25-trienol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 298, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311–313, 315, 317–320, 322, 323 24-Ethylcholest-5.22 (E)-dien-3b-ol, 565 24-Ethylcholest-5.24 (28)-dien-3b-ol, 565 24-Ethylcholest-7.24 (28)-dien-3b-ol, 565 22-trans-(24S)-Ethylcholest-22-en–3b-ol (D22 stigmastanol), 664 24-Ethylcholest-5-en-3b-ol, 565 24-Ethylcholest-7-en-3b-ol, 565 24b-Ethylcholest-5-en-3b-ol (clionasterol), 298 24-Ethylcholest-7-enol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311–315, 317–320, 322, 323 24a-Ethylcholest-5-en-3-ol (sitosterol), 298 Ethylcholest-9(11)-enol 24-ethyl–5a-cholest-9(11)-en-3b-ol, 572, 583 Ethylcholesterol, 572 24-Ethylcholesterol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 298, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311–313, 315, 317–320, 322, 323, 583, 647 24-Ethylcholesterol (sitosterol), 194 Ethylcholesterol 24-ethyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 572 24a-Ethylcholesterols, 304, 308, 311, 323 24b-Ethylcholesterols, 304, 308, 311, 323 (E)-Ethyl cinnamate, 841 (Z)-Ethyl cinnamate, 841 cis-Ethyl cinnamate, 724 trans-Ethyl cinnamate, 724 Ethylcinnamoate, 720 Ethyl crotonate, 720, 724 5-[( )-Ethyl-( )cyclohexadienyl]-2-pentanone, 620, 626 24-Ethyl-D7-cholesten–3-b-ol, 175, 176, 211, 236, 243, 244, 257, 260, 286 Ethyl decanoate, 620, 626, 720, 741, 747 Ethyl (E)-4-decenoate, 720 Ethyl (Z)-4-decenoate, 720, 741 24-Ethyl-25-dehydrocholest-7-en-3b-ol, 583 24a-Ethyl-22-dehydrocholesterol (stigmasterol), 284, 296–298, 304, 308, 311, 323 24b-Ethyl-25(27)-dehydrocholesterol (cleroasterol), 284, 289, 297, 298, 304, 308, 311, 323 24-Ethyl-24(25)-dehydrolathosterol (peposterol), 284, 289, 297, 298, 323 24b-Ethyl-25(27)-dehydrolathosterol, 285, 289, 291, 295, 297, 298, 302, 304, 305, 308, 311, 314, 323 24b-Ethyl-25(27)-dehydrolophenol, 289, 298, 313 24-Ethyldesmosterol (24-ethyl-24/25)-dehydrocholesterol, 583 Ethyl dodecanoate, 294, 720, 724, 741 Ethyl (E)-dodecanoate, 720 24-Ethyl-22E-dehydrocholesterol, 572, 583 24-Ethyl-22E-dehydrolathosterol, 572, 583 Ethylenantanol, 338 Ethyleneglycol, 670 Ethyl ether, 747 Ethyl formate, 773, 787, 788 Ethyl heptanoate, 720, 724, 741, 841 Ethyl hexadecadienoate, 294 Ethyl hexadecanoate, 720, 741, 884, 885 Ethyl hexanoate, 294, 719, 724, 741, 747, 774, 841 Ethyl-3-hexanoate, 720

Index of Compounds Ethyl-2-hexanol, 725 2-Ethylhexanol, 550 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol, 724 Ethyl-2-hexenoate, 720 Ethyl 3-hexenoate, 719 2-Ethyl-2-hexen-1-ol, 621, 626 Ethyl 3-hydroxybutyrate, 720 Ethyl-5-hydroxydecanoate, 776 Ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate, 791, 792, 816 Ethyl-5-hydroxyoxyoctanoate, 776 24-Ethyliden-D7-cholesten-3b-ol, 286 24a-Ethylidene-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 305 Ethylidenecholestanol, 664 24Z-Ethylidenecholesterol, 308, 311, 323 24Z-Ethylidenecholesterol (isofucosterol), 289, 298 24-Ethylidene-D5-cholesten-3b-ol, 193 24E-Ethylidenelathosterol, 304, 308, 323 24E-Ethylidenelathosterol (avenasterol), 284, 289, 297, 298 24Z-Ethylidenelathosterol, 284, 289, 298, 304, 308, 323 24-Ethylidenelophenol, 664 24-Ethylidenlophenol, 803, 824, 917 Ethyl isobutanoate, 294 Ethyl isobutyrate, 719, 725, 792 Ethyl isovalerate, 724, 818 Ethyl isovaleriate, 787 Ethyllantate, 338 24a-Ethyllathosterols, 308, 311, 323 24a-(22-Dihydrospinasterol) ethyllathosterols, 284, 289, 297 24b-Ethyllathosterols, 304, 308, 311, 323 24b-(22-Dihydrochondrillasterol) ethyllathosterols, 284, 289 Ethyl laurate, 620, 626 Ethyl linoleate, 294, 670, 672, 884, 885 Ethyl linolenate, 294, 884 Ethyllophenol, 201, 674 24-Ethyllophenol, 194, 664, 877–879, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 920 3-Ethyl-5-methoxyindole, 617 Ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, 294, 352, 741 Ethyl 3-methylbutanoate, 352 Ethyl-2-methyl-2-butenoate, 720 Ethyl 3-methyl-2-butenoate, 352 Ethyl 2-methylbutyrate, 355, 719, 792, 816 Ethyl-3-methylbutyrate, 720 Ethyl 2-methylpropanoate, 352, 741 Ethyl 2-methyl-2-propionate, 719 Ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propanoate, 294 Ethylmp-anisate, 552 1-Ethylnaphthalene, 617 Ethyl n-butyrate, 724 Ethyl n-capronoate, 725 Ethyl n-decanoate, 294, 724 Ethyl n-dodecanoate, 294 Ethyl n-hexanoate, 294, 724 Ethyl nicotiniate, 773 Ethyl nonanoate, 720 Ethyl (E)-6-nonenoate, 720 Ethyl (Z)-6-nonenoate, 720 24-Ethyl-31-norlanosta-8,25(27)-dien–3b-ol, 289, 298, 313 Ethyl octadecanoate, 529 Ethyl octanoate, 620, 626, 719, 720, 724, 741, 747, 793, 841 Ethyl (E)-4-octenoate, 741

Index of Compounds Ethyl (E)-6-octenoate, 720 Ethyl (Z)-6-octenoate, 720 Ethyl oleate, 294 Ethyl palmitate, 294, 670, 747 Ethyl palmitoleate, 294 Ethyl pentanoate, 719, 741 Ethylphenol, 355 4-Ethylphenol, 774 Ethyl phenyl acetate, 747, 841 Ethyl 3-phenylpropionate, 438, 439 Ethyl propanoate, 294, 351, 741 Ethyl(methylthio)propanoate, 294 Ethyl propionate, 719, 725, 792, 811, 815, 816 Ethylpropyl disulfide, 196 Ethyl salicylate, 550, 552, 556, 676, 725, 734, 841 Ethyl tetradecanoate, 268, 294, 720 Ethyl (E)-9-tetradecenate, 720 Ethyl (Z)-9-tetradecenate, 720 Ethyltoluene, 617 Ethyl valerate, 443, 725, 854 Ethyl vinyl ketone, 811, 815, 819 Eucarvone, 816 Eudesmol, 541 a-Eudesmol, 40, 326, 340, 343, 348, 396, 460, 489, 522, 523, 525, 526, 528 b-Eudesmol, 40, 326, 335, 343, 348, 396, 445, 489, 493, 497, 523–525, 528–530 g-Eudesmol, 40, 326, 343, 523 Eugenol, 38, 338, 345, 355, 395, 396, 402, 449, 453, 516, 523, 525–529, 550, 556, 676, 693, 712, 720, 724, 726, 730, 734, 759, 768, 770, 773, 774, 776, 784, 788, 831, 860 Eugenol (2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol), 841 Eugenolacetate, 759 Eugenolmethylate, 833 Eugenolmethylether, 770 Eugenyl methyl ether, 720 5a-Eupha-7,24-dien-3-b-ol, 867 Euphol, 296, 305, 308, 311–313, 315, 318–320, 322, 323 Euphol (eupha-8,24-dienol), 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 301, 324 Euqenol, 460 Euscaphic acid, 764 Evodene, 833, 857 Evodiamine, 833 Evodionol, 833

F Fagaramide, 859 Farnesene, 815, 818, 862 (E)-b-Farnesene, 451, 497, 526–529 (E,E)-a-Farnesene, 445, 523, 526–529 (Z)-b-Farnesene, 451, 516, 522 a-Farnesene, 31, 340, 444, 445, 457, 540, 816 b-Farnesene, 33, 36, 340, 341, 343, 390, 399, 423, 444, 449, 537, 539, 792, 794, 816 cis-b-Farnesene, 445 E,E-a-Farnesene, 541 trans-a-Farnesene, 720 trans-b-Farnesene, 335, 428, 437–439, 444, 449, 502, 513, 521, 676, 720, 803

939 Z-b-Farnesene, 434 Farnesol, 340, 348, 349, 676, 793, 795 (2E,6E)-Farnesol, 40 (2Z,6Z)-Farnesol, 396 (E,E)-Farnesol, 405, 406, 523 (E,Z)-Farnesol, 523 (Z,E)-Farnesol, 526, 530 Farnesyl acetate, 525 (E,E)-Farnesyl acetate, 528 (Z,E)-Farnesyl acetate, 530 Farnesylacetone, 452, 884, 885 (E,E)-Farnesyl acetone, 527, 529, 530 a-Fellandren, 348 a-Fellandrene, 408 b-Fellandrene, 803 a-Fenchene, 450, 774 b-Fenchene, 18 Fenchol, 790 endo-Fenchol, 497 Fenchon, 349 Fenchone, 402, 514 a-Fenchone, 403, 451 Fenchyl acetate, 514, 540 a-Fenchylacetate, 541 trans-Ferriginol, 526, 527 1-Feruloil-3-p-cumaroil-2-acetylglycerin, 866 Flavochrom, 679, 680 Flavoxanthin, 37, 39, 682, 738, 749, 822–824, 887 Flavoxanthine, 307, 679–681, 692, 814, 819 Flaxineollol, 830 Floroacetophenon dimethyl ether, 834 Floroacetophenone, 857 Floroacetophenone dimethyl ether, 836, 837, 857, 859 Fluoranthene, 193 Fluorine, 617 Formaldehyde, 773, 818 Formic acid, 332–334, 336, 735, 788, 792, 818, 847, 860, 867 Formic ether, 746 Formyl acid, 724 Fraxinellol, 827 Fraxinellone, 827, 828 Friedelan-3-one, 798 Friedelin, 329, 340–347, 349–351, 354, 745, 748, 749, 751 Friedelinol, 348 iso-Furanogermacrene, 335 Furanoid, 402 Furfural, 355, 720, 734, 790, 818 Furfurol, 338, 724, 746, 773, 775, 803 Furoic acid, 723

G Galangine, 736 dl-Galipen, 826 Garicaxanthin, 807 Geijerene, 836, 853 Geliotropin, 722 Geneicosane, 854 Geneicosanol-1, 863 Geneicosanol-2, 863

940 Geranial, 40, 402, 405, 431, 444, 522, 525, 527–529, 543, 552, 556, 676, 768, 790–793, 797, 799, 800, 802, 803, 805, 811, 814–819, 821, 840 Geranyl acetate, 334 Geraniol, 24, 38, 40, 326, 333, 335, 349, 396, 402, 405, 406, 409, 423, 440, 456, 463, 477, 479, 482, 499, 504, 539, 541, 544, 546, 550, 552, 556, 676, 722, 730, 734, 741, 758, 768, 770, 773, 775, 776, 788, 791–796, 800, 802, 803, 805, 807, 811, 813, 815–818, 824, 831, 833, 840, 847, 848, 859 trans-Geraniol, 512 Geraniol acetate, 807 Geraniol ethers, 803 Geranium acid, 807 Geranyl acetate, 24, 333, 335, 348, 405, 406, 409, 428, 431, 444, 457, 460, 477, 479, 499, 504, 522, 527, 539, 541, 552, 730, 768, 770, 788, 790, 795, 800, 802, 803, 805, 813, 814, 817, 821, 824, 851 (E)-Geranyl acetate, 396 Geranyl acetone, 550, 556, 741, 768 (E)-Geranyl acetone, 40, 326, 391, 403, 451, 516, 522, 841, 884, 885 Geranyl butyrate, 396, 811, 818 Geranyl ethyl ether, 841 Geranyl formate, 792 Geranyl formiate, 335, 768 Geranyl isovalerate, 40 Geranyl propionate, 444, 803 Germacrene, 29, 336, 444, 445, 459, 510 Germacrene A, 405, 526, 527 Germacrene B, 340, 343, 391, 457, 840, 841 Germacrene D, 34, 36, 40, 340, 343, 391, 399–401, 405, 415, 434, 438, 439, 442, 445, 448, 449, 451, 457, 469, 488, 491, 493, 499, 508, 511, 513, 514, 516, 520–523, 525, 528, 531, 539–541, 544, 840, 841 Germacrene D-ol, 497 Germacrene D-4-ol, 391, 452, 516, 522, 528 Germacrenol, 439 Germacron, 343 Germacrone, 332, 333, 335, 336, 340, 343 Germanidiol, 347 Germacrene B, 415 Germacrene D, 390, 415, Gingerone, 776 Gleenol, 497 Globulol, 340, 396, 452, 453, 457, 493, 529 epi-Globulol, 523, 526 Glutaric acid, 723 Glycerol, 670, 866 Glycoside of eugenol (gein), 730 Glycoside of sitosterol, 35 Gramisterol, 201, 308, 640, 674, 707, 877–879, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 918, 920 Gramisterol (4a-methyl-24-methylene-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol), 834 Gramisterol (24-methylenelophenol) (4a-methyl-24-methyleneD7-cholesten-3b-ol), 194 Guaiacol, 345, 773, 841 Guaicol, 676 a-Guaiene, 335 cis-b-Guaiene, 445, 463, 528

Index of Compounds g-Guaiene, 529 trans-b-Guaiene, 523, 526 Guaiol, 439, 497 a-Guajen, 537 b-Guajen, 537 Guajene, 391 cis-b-Gualene, 526 Gumulene, 343, 863, a-Gumulene, 333 Gurjunene, 451, 454 a-Gurjunene, 335, 336, 340, 402, 423, 428, 439, 445, 451, 497, 516, 537 b-Gurjunene, 442, 445, 463, 510, 525, 537 g-Gurjunene, 493, 523, 525–529 a-Gvaene, 336

H Hederagenin, 676 Hedycaryol, 540, 541 Heliotropin, 721, 722, 781 Heliotropine (piperonal), 841 Heneicosane, 770, 841, 852, 884, 885 n-Heneicosane, 341, 550, 553, 556 2-Henethyl isothiocyanate, 268 Henicosane, 268 Hentriacontane, 269, 341, 746 Hentriacontanol, 746, 751 Hentriacontanyl tetratriacontanoate, 883 Heptacosane, 269, 457, 522, 794, 841, 852, 854, 861, 885 Heptacosan-1-ol, 269, 290 Heptacosanone, 418 Heptacosan-1-yl-acetate, 269 Heptadecadiene-8,10-diyne-4,6-ol-1, 15 Heptadecane, 405, 406, 451, 527, 530, 770, 840 n-Heptadecane, 550, 553 Heptadecatriene-2,8,10-diyne-4,6-ol, 15 Heptadecatriene-2,8,10-diyne-4,6-yl-1-acetate, 15 Heptadecene, 523, 528 (E,E)-2,4-Heptadienal, 326, 396, 516 (E,Z)-2,4-Heptadienal, 396 2,4-Heptadienal, 355 cis,trans-2,4-Heptadienal, 354 (E,E)-2,4-Heptadienal, 840 trans,cis-Hepta-2,4-dienal, 197 trans,cis-2,4-Heptadienal, 354 trans,trans-Hepta-2,4-dienal, 317, 318 trans,trans-2,4-Heptadienal, 354 Hepta-1,5-diene-3,4-diol, 268, 269 g-Heptalactone, 724, 734 Heptanal, 268, 269, 354, 527, 529, 719, 802, 811, 818, 819 n-Heptanal, 800 Heptane, 774, 811, 815, 816, 819 Heptanoic acid, 723, 813 Heptanol, 317, 318, 338, 804, 813, 818 1-Heptanol, 550 2-Heptanol, 556, 724, 773, 774 3-Heptanol, 556 4-Heptanol, 556 Heptanone, 725 2-Heptanone, 352, 355, 556, 720, 724, 773, 774

Index of Compounds (E) Heptenal, 527 trans-2-Heptenal, 354 (Z)-2-Heptenal, 741 ( )-Hepten-1-ol, 620, 626 3-Hepten-1-ol, 792 3-Hepten-2-one, 355 Heptylacetate, 720 1-Heptyl acetate, 747 Heptyl alcohol, 768 n-Heptyl alcohol, 768 Herniarn, 423 Hexacontanol, 684 Hexacosandiol-1,26, 290 Hexacosane, 457, 794, 841, 852, 854, 885 Hexacosanol, 15, 751 Hexacosanol-1, 269 Hexacosan-1-yl acetate, 269 Hexadecanal, 463, 741, 768 Hexadecane, 269, 730, 770, 840, 885 Hexadecane-1,16-diol, 706, 729, 750 Hexadecane-1-ol, 268, 269 Hexadecanetriol, 706, 729, 750 Hexadecanoic acid, 40, 269, 326, 391, 463, 507, 516, 522, 526–530, 724, 775, 776, 841, 884 Hexadecanol, 522, 526–529, 861 Hexadecan-1-ol, 706, 729, 750 Hexadeca-7,10,13-trienoic acid, 421 ( )-Hexadecatrien-1-ol, 621, 626 Hexadecyl acetate, 768 trans,trans-Hexa-2,4-dienal, 317, 318 Hexahydrofarneysl acetone, 40, 326, 391, 452, 454, 488, 516, 522, 841, 885 7a-Hexahydro-5H-inden-5-one, 39 d-Hexalactone, 724, 776 g-Hexalactone, 724, 734, 747, 776 2,6,10,14,18,22-Hexamethyl-tricosanone, 201 Hexanal, 40, 303, 354, 529, 676, 719, 722, 724, 734, 741, 747, 774, 776, 816, 818, 819 n-Hexanal, 340, 341, 791, 792, 794, 800 Hexane, 811, 815, 816, 819 n-Hexane, 724, 729 Hexane-2,5-dione, 744 cis-3-Hexane-1-ol, 794 Hexanoic acid, 268, 340, 341, 723, 724, 775, 776, 841 n-Hexanoic acid, 773 Hexanol, 40, 197, 317, 318, 338, 489, 522, 676, 719, 720, 730, 734, 741, 802, 816, 840, 841 1-Hexanol, 303, 354, 355, 617, 724, 747, 768, 773, 774, 776, 792, 794, 817 2-Hexanol, 741 3-Hexanol, 355, 403, 741 n-Hexanol, 294, 791–793 2-Hexanone, 741 3-Hexanone, 403 Hexatriacontanone, 922 Hexenal, 456, 773 (E)-2-Hexenal, 303, 454, 516, 529 (Z)-3-Hexenal, 840 2-Hexenal, 722, 724 Hex-2-enal, 197 cis-Hexen-3-al, 676, 725

941 (E)-2-Hexenal, 527, 719, 734, 741, 747 trans-2-Hexenal, 317, 318, 354, 355, 391, 445, 449, 511, 676, 776, 794, 818 trans-2-hexenal, 791 trans-3-Hexenal, 443 (Z)-3-Hexenal, 40 cis-3-Hexen-1-ol, 791–793 2-Hexenoic acid, 723 (E)-2-Hexen-1-ol, 303 (Z)-2-Hexen-1-ol, 841 (Z)-3-Hexenol, 303, 529, 840, 841 Hexenol-1, 818 3-Hexenol, 730, 768 b-g-Hexenol, 335 cis-3-Hexenol, 206, 317, 318, 334, 354, 355, 511, 676, 724, 747, 773, 774, 776, 802, 816, 817 (E)-2-Hexenol, 719, 720, 734, 741 trans-2-Hexenol, 318, 355, 676, 724, 725, 747, 774, 776, 800, 816, 817 trans-Hex-3-enol, 317, 318, 734, 773, 774, 776 trans-3-Hexen-1-ol, 747 (Z)-3-Hexenol, 719, 720, 734, 741, 747 Hexen-2-ol-trans, 724 Hexenyl acetate, 724 (Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate, 840, 841 3-Hexenyl acetate, 730, 768 cis-3-Hexenyl acetate, 294, 318, 676, 724, 734, 747, 773, 776 (E)-2-Hexenyl acetate, 719, 741 trans-2-Hexenyl acetate, 734 trans-2-Hexenyl acetate, 724 (Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate, 719 (Z)-Hexenylbenzoate, 528, 529 (Z)-3-Hexenyl benzoate, 326, 516, 841 cis-3-Hexenylbenzoate, 355, 512, 550, 556 trans-2-Hexenyl benzoate, 556 (Z)-Hexenyl benzoate, 526, 527 (Z)-3-Hexenyl benzoate, 734 (Z)-3-Hexenyl butanoate, 741 (Z)-3-Hexenyl butyrate, 720, 734 2-Hexen-1-yl caproate, 724 cis-3-Hexen-1-yl-caproate, 724 trans-3-Hexen-1-yl caproate, 724 cis-Hex-3-enyl formate, 318 cis-3-Hexen-1-yl formiate, 776 (Z)-3-Hexenyl 2-methylbutanoate, 741 (Z)-3-Hexenyl-2-methylbutyrate, 840, 841 (Z)-3-Hexenyl nonanoate, 522 Hexenyl octanoate, 724 cis-3-Hexenyl pentanoate, 402 Hexen-2-yl-trans butyrate, 725 cis-3-Hexenyl trans-4-hexenoate, 402 Hexenyl valerate, 444 Hexyl acetate, 294, 338, 402, 719, 724, 730, 734, 741, 768 1-Hexyl acetate, 730, 747 2-Hexyl acetate, 724 n-Hexyl acetate, 725 Hexyl benzoate, 355, 516, 550, 556, 741 Hexyl butanoate, 724, 741 Hexyl butyrate, 720 1-Hexyl butyrate, 730 Hexyl formate, 724

942 Hexyl hexanoate, 294, 741, 794 Hexyl isobutyrate, 720 Hexyl 2-methylbutanoate, 741 Hexyl 2-methylbutyrate, 720, 840 Hexyl 2-methylpropanoate, 741 n-Hexyl n-butyrate, 724 n-Hexyl n-hexanoate, 724 Hexyl octanoate, 294, 724, 730, 741 Hexyl propanoate, 741 n-Hexyl propionate, 294 Hexyl propionate methyl propyl ketone, 730 a-Himachalene, 463 b-Himachalene, 523 1H-indene, 269 1H-Indole, 268, 269, 550, 556 His acetate, 725 Horminone, 486 Hotrienol, 840 Humulene, 4, 6, 13, 31, 335, 336, 340, 343, 444, 448, 454, 459, 461, 469, 482, 545, 776, 816, 817 a-Humulene, 38, 335, 348, 391, 396, 399, 400, 402, 403, 405, 420, 425, 426, 428, 430, 434, 445, 451, 453–455, 457, 460, 463, 477, 481, 488, 491, 493, 497, 502, 504, 507, 510, 513, 516, 520, 523, 526–529, 531, 537, 539–541, 802, 803 a,b-Humulene, 811, 818 b-Humulene, 390, 453, 502, 802 Humulene epoxide, 40, 460 Humulene epoxide 1, 396, 460 Humulene epoxide 2, 396, 405, 406, 445, 460, 463, 497, 510 Humulene-6,7-epoxide, 343 Humulene oxide, 521, 523 Hydrocarbon, 352, 701 Hydrocinnamic aldehyde, 402 Hydrocinnamyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 Hydrogen sulfide, 196 Hydroxy-a-carotene, 749, 750, 819, 822–824 3-Hydroxyacetophenone, 774 4-Hydroxyacetophenone, 774 a-Hydroxy-acids, 492 23-Hydroxyallobetulin, 778 11a-Hydroxyamyrin, 482 23-Hydroxybetulin, 778 3-Hydroxy-2-butanone, 747 Hydroxycarotenes 1 and 2, 412 p-Hydroxycinnamic (p-coumaric), 775 3a-p-Hydroxycinnamyloxymultiflora-7,9(11)-dien-29 a-oic acids, 287 o-Hydroxydiphenyl, 355 3-Hydroxydotriacontan-28-one, 883 8-Hydroxydotriacontan-30-one, 883 Hydroxyehinenone, 651 14-Hydroxy-9-epi-(E)-caryophyllene, 510 1b-Hydroxyfriedel-6(7)-ene-3-one, 319 4b-Hydroxygermacra-1(10),5-diene, 457, 525 7-Hydroxygermacren, 541 15-Hydroxyheneicosanoic acid, 883 3-Hydroxyhexanoic acid, 723 Hydroxyl-a-carotene, 875 a-Hydroxylinolenate, 492 3b-Hydroxylup-12-en-28-oic acid, 418

Index of Compounds 3b-Hydroxylup-20(29)-en-27 oic acid, 418 3-Hydroxy-4-methoxycinnamic, 775 2-Hydroxy-3-methylbutane, 724 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural, 722, 775 Hydroxy-4-methylpentan–2-one, 268 Hydroxymezifuran, 773 3a-Hydroxy-multiflora-7,9(11)-dien-29a-oic, 287 10-Hydroxynon-acosan-15-one, 197 15-Hydroxynonacosan-10-one, 197 18-Hydroxyoctadeca-9,12-dienoic acid, 729 18-Hydroxyoctadec-9,18-dioic acids, 924 3-Hydroxyoctanoic acid, 723 2a-Hydroxyoleanolic acid, 726 21a-Hydroxy-oleanolic acid, 451 4-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-one, 776 p-Hydroxyphenyl-2-ethanol, 725 4-Hydroxypiperitone, 399, 400 3b-Hydroxystigmasta-7,16,25(26)-triene (elasterol), 310 3-Hydroxytetra-triacontan-3-one, 883 11a-Hydroxy tormentic, 764 Hydroxyursolic acid, 701, 777 2a-Hydroxyursolic acid, 696, 726, 737, 748, 764 21a-Hydroxy-ursolic acid, 451 (24R)-24-Hydroxy-24-vinyllathosterols, 287 (24S)-24-Hydroxy-24-vinyllathosterols, 287 12-Hydroxy-9Z,15Z-octadecadienoic acid, 433

I Icosane, 269 Ilangene, 343, 799 l-Ilangene, 800 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, 193 Indole, 303, 338, 793, 795 Intermedeol, 40, 815, 821 (E)-b-Ionone, 463, 526–529, 884 a-Ionone, 303, 487, 488, 552, 556, 776, 818 b-Ionone, 294, 303, 318, 326, 444, 514, 550, 553, 556, 720, 722, 730, 734, 741, 776, 788 d-a-Ionone, 788 dl-a-Ionone, 788 Isoamyl acetate, 338, 451, 719, 724, 734 Isoamyl alcohol, 676, 719, 791–793, 816 Isoamyl formate, 724 Isoamyl isovalerate, 840, 841 Isoamyl octanoate, 730, 751 Isoamylol, 338 Isoavenasterol (24E-ethylidenelathosterol), 583 28-Isoavenasterol, 304, 307, 312, 313, 318, 320, 322, 323 28-Isoavenasterol (24E-ethylidenecholest-7-enol), 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301 Isoborneol, 38, 437, 438, 448, 477, 479, 502, 510, 617 Isobornyl acetate, 457, 479, 493, 504 Isobornylbutyrate, 482 Isobornylpropionate, 482 Isobornylvaleriate, 482 Isobutanol, 338, 724 Isobutyl acetate, 294, 719 Isobutylbenzene, 334 Isobutyl benzoate, 516 Isobutyl butyrate, 719

Index of Compounds Isobutyl hexanoate, 720 Isobutyl isobutyrate, 719 Isobutyl octanoate, 720 Isobutyl propionate, 719 Isobutyric acid, 355, 720, 723, 858 Isocalamendiol, 335 Iso-camphene type, 38 Isocaproic acid, 792 Isocarvacrol, 453, 507 Isocarvacrol (4-isopropyl-2-meyhylphenol), 396 Isocaryophyllene, 402 Isocaryophyllene oxide, 40, 396, 452, 460 Isoceryl alcohols, 770 Isocomene, 463 Isodaurinol, 659 Isodihydrocarvone, 402 Isoeugenol, 38, 395, 621, 626, 768 trans-Isoferulic acid, 864 Isofucosterol, 291, 295, 298, 302, 304, 308, 311, 884, 913, 915–920, 923 Isofucosterol (24Z-ethylidenecholesterol), 572, 583 28-Isofucosterol, 194, 307, 311–313, 315, 317, 318, 320, 322, 323, 664 28-Isofucosterol (24Z-ethylidenecholesterol), 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 314 Isogeranial, 402 Isoheptanoic acid, 723 Isohexacosanol-1, 864 Isohexanoic acid, 723 Isoisopulegol, 790, 800 Isoitalicene, 525 Isokaurene, 526 Isoledene, 340 Isomenthol, 399, 508 Isomenthone, 399, 428, 434, 472, 482, 508 Isomenthyl acetate, 399 Isomethol, 399 Isomethone, 399 Isomethyl acetate, 434 Isomultiflorenol, 287, 296, 305, 308, 311–313, 315, 317–323 Isomultiflorenol (D:C-friedoolean-8-enol), 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 324 Isomyl alcohol, 396 Isooctyl acetate, 797 Isopentacosanol-1, 864 Isopentane, 724 Isopentanol, 751 Isopent-3-enyl caffeate, 864 Isopent-3-enyl ferulate, 864 Isopimaradiene, 355 Isopinocamphone, 31, 40, 335, 403, 775 Isopiperitenone, 335, 399 Isoprene, 819, 862, 864 Isoprenoidal polyolefin, 201 3-Isoprenyl-4-methyl-4-vinylcyclohexene, 836 Isopropanol, 730, 751 (+)-(4aR,6R,8aR)-6-Isopropenyl-4,8adimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-2-(1H) naphthalenone, 810 (+)-(4aR,6R,8aS) Isopropenyl-4,8a-dimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8ahexa-hydro-2(1H)-naphthalenone, 810

943 (+)-(4aR,6R,8aS)-6-Isoprope-nyl-4,8,a dimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-2(1H)naphthalenone, 810 (-)-(4aS,6R,8aS)-6-Isopropenyl-4,8adimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexa-hydro-2(1H)naphthalenone, 810 (-)-4aS,6R,8aS)-6-Isopropenyl-4,8a-dimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8ahexahydro-2(1H)-naphthalenone, 810 (+)-(3S, 4aS,5R)-3-Isopropenyl-4a,5-dimethyl-2,3,4,4a,5,6hexahydro-1,7-naphthalenone, 810 (+)-(3S,4aS,5R,8aS)-3-Isopropenyl-4a,5-dimethyl-perhydro1,7-naphthaquinone, 810 4-Isopropenyl-cyclohexanone, 335 4-Isopropenyl-3-methylenecyclohexene, 793 4-Isoprophylsalicylaldehyde, 453 Isopropyl acetate, 294 Isopropyl-butyrate, 725 Isopropyl hexanoate, 724 (+)-(4aR, 8aR)-6-Isopropylidene-4,8a-dimethyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8ahexahydro-2(1H)-naphthalenone, 810 Isopropyl myristate, 526–529 Isopropyl palmitate, 734, 747 Isopropylphenol, 335 Isopropyl undecanoate, 620, 626 Isopulegol, 790, 792, 793, 800, 813, 817, 818 Isopulegone, 617, 620, 626 Isotetracosanol-1, 864 Isothymol, 40, 507 Isothymol (2-isopropyl-4-methylphenol), 396, 453 Isovalerianic acid, 489 Isovaleric acid, 723, 792, 831, 858

J Jasmine, 795 Jasmone, 550, 556, 793 cis-jasmone, 40, 460, 676 trans-Jasmone, 460 Juniper camphor, 343 a-Jurjunene, 460

K Kaur-15-ene, 516 Kaur-16-ene, 556 14-Keto-16-hydroxynonacosane, 197 15-Keto-13-hydroxynonacosane, 197 3-Keto-lupane-11a-diol, 495 3-Keto-lupane-20-diol, 495 Ketones-90 (methylnonyl ketone), 851

L Lacetate, 818 g-Lactone of butyric acid, 773 E-Lactone of caproic acid, 773 Lanceol, 510 Lanost-8-en-3b-ol, 194, 877, 878, 882, 884, 887, 910, 914, 920 Lanostenol, 201, 308, 707, 834 Lanosterol, 30, 194, 877, 878, 882, 884, 887, 914, 918, 920 Laurate, 729

944 Lavandulol, 40 l-b-phellandrene, 859 Ledene, 335, 336, 340, 451, 507 Ledol, 332–336, 348, 402, 445, 457, 459, 461, 526, 527 Ledumcampher, 331, 333, 832 Ledyl acetate, 402 Lepalin, 335 Lepalol, 335 Lepalox (p-menta-1,8(10)-diene-3,9-oxyde), 335 Lepaxone (3,10-oxygermacr-4-(14)-ene-8-one, 335 Leubacone (bicyclo-[3.1.0]-hex-3-ene-5-isopropyl-2-one, 335 d-Limonen, 793 Limonene, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 17, 18, 31, 33, 37, 38, 197, 332–335, 339, 340, 343, 348, 352, 355, 390, 391, 395, 396, 399–405, 407, 415, 419, 420, 425, 426, 428, 430, 431, 434, 437, 438, 440, 444, 445, 448–451, 453–457, 459–461, 463, 469, 472, 473, 477–479, 481, 486–489, 491, 497–499, 502, 504, 507, 508, 510, 513, 514, 516, 521, 522, 525, 537, 539, 541, 543, 550, 552, 719, 722, 730, 734, 741, 775, 789, 790, 793–795, 797, 799–803, 805, 811, 814–818, 821, 824, 827–830, 836, 838, 840, 841, 845, 847, 850, 851, 853, 859, 884 d-Limonene, 793, 816–818 (+)-Limonene, 523, 525–529, 827 a-Limonene, 390, 545 d-Limonene, 783, 786, 787, 791–793, 795, 796, 801, 804, 806, 807, 811, 813–815, 818, 819, 821, 859, 860 d-Limonene, 419, 453 l-Limonene, 343, 784, 852, 854 Limonene-1,2-epoxide, 793 cis-Limonene 1,2-oxide, 804 cis-Limonene oxide, 391, 442, 792, 818 trans-Limonene oxide, 391, 405, 442, 792, 818 trans-Limonene 1,2-oxide, 804 Linalilacetate, 799, 801, 816 l-Linalilacetate, 795 Linallyl acetate, 456 (+)-b-Linalol, 523, 525–529 (-)-b-Linalol, 525 cis-Linalol oxide, 676 trans-Linalol oxide, 676 Linalool, 33, 38, 40, 318, 326, 335, 338, 346, 348, 349, 355, 390, 391, 395, 396, 401, 402, 404, 405, 422, 423, 430, 431, 434, 437–439, 442, 444, 445, 448–451, 453–457, 459–461, 463, 469, 473, 477, 479, 481, 482, 484, 486, 488, 489, 491, 493, 497–500, 502, 504, 506, 507, 510, 512, 516, 522, 525, 531, 535, 538, 539, 541–543, 545, 550, 552, 556, 676, 720, 722, 724, 730, 734, 735, 741, 747, 767, 768, 773, 775, 776, 787, 790–797, 799–803, 805, 811, 813–819, 821, 824, 831, 833, 835, 836, 840, 841, 852, 853, 855–857, 859, 860, 862, 863, 865, 884 (-)-Linalool, 768 d-Linalool, 338, 791, 793, 812, 816, 818, 833, 856 l-Linalool, 784, 785, 793, 795, 801, 803, 807, 855 Linalool acetate, 793, 807 l-Linalool acetate, 793 Linalool oxide, 355, 776, 816 cis-Linalool oxide (furanoid), 402, 405, 438, 522, 792, 794, 800, 811, 840, 841

Index of Compounds Linalool oxide (five-membered), 724 Linalool oxide (six-membered), 724 trans-linalool oxide, 792 trans-Linalool oxide (furanoid), 507, 522, 794, 800, 811, 815, 840, 841 Linalool oxide A, 550 Linalool oxide A (trans-THF), 556 Linalool oxide B, 550, 552 Linalool oxide B (cis-THF), 556 Linalool oxide C, 550 Linalool oxide D, 550 Linalool oxide D (cis-THF), 556 Linaloyl oxide, 423 Linalyl acetate, 335, 422, 451, 453, 457, 460, 473, 477, 479, 481, 482, 491, 493, 499, 500, 504, 506, 516, 522, 535, 540, 541, 545, 768, 775, 785, 792, 795, 800, 801, 818, 821, 855 (+)-Linalyl acetate, 525, 527 Linalyl acetete, 459, 461 d-Linalylisobutyrate, 784 Linalyl propionate, 818 Linoleic acid, 384, 730, 884 Linolool, 425, 426, 428 Longifolene, 355, 794, 814 Longipholene, 348 b-Longipinene, 529 (E)-b-Lonone, 40, 452, 522 a-Lonone, 620, 626 b-Lonone, 442, 445, 620, 626 Lophenol, 194, 308, 674, 877–879, 881, 882, 885, 888–890, 910, 914, 917, 918, 920 Lucopene, 766 Lupan-3b-11a, 495 Lupane-11a, 495 Lupane-3b, 495 Lupane-20-triol, 495 Lup-(20)29-ene-2a, 484 Lup-20(29)-ene-2a-diol, 495 Lup-20(29)-ene-3b-diol, 495 Lupenol, 778 Lupen-3-one, 798 Lupeol, 194, 296, 308, 311–313, 315, 317–322, 325–327, 329, 350, 351, 484, 495, 676, 696, 748, 798, 867, 868, 877, 878, 882, 885, 888, 918, 920 Lupeol (lup-20(29)-enol, 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 305, 324 Lutein, 37, 39, 198, 201, 307, 431, 648, 657, 677, 679, 680, 702, 723, 729, 730, 734, 738, 747, 749, 750, 769, 771, 779, 780, 807, 809, 813, 814, 819, 822, 867, 873, 875, 886, 887, 890 Lutein-3,3 0 -dilinolenate, 864 Lutein-3,3 0 dipalmitate, 864 Luteine, 679, 823, 824 Lutein epoxide, 679, 680 Lutein-3-linolenate-3 0 -palmitate, 864 Lutein-monoepoxide, 749, 750 Lutein-3 0 -monolinolenate, 864 Lutein-3 0 -monopalmitate, 864 Lutein-3-palmitate-3 0 linolenate, 864 Luteoxanthin, 749, 750, 809, 813, 814, 822–824, 875 cis-Luteoxanthin, 809, 819 Luteoxanthin a, 875

Index of Compounds Luteoxanthin b, 875 Luteoxanthine, 799, 819 cis-Luteoxanthine, 819 Luteoxanthin epimer, 819 Lycopene, 287, 288, 355, 709, 723, 752, 754, 756–758, 764, 767–771, 809, 813, 822–824, 886 cis-Lycopene, 756, 767 Lycopene-1,2-epoxide, 885 Lycopene-5,6-epoxide, 885 Lycopenes, 757 (Z)-Lycopenes, 771 Lycophyll, 886 Lycopine, 749 Lycoxanthin, 756, 885, 886

M Malvalic acid, 609–624, 626–636 Manool, 493, 502 epi-13-Manool, 460, 461 Manoyl oxide, 355, 523, 526–530 13-epi-Manoyl oxide, 523 Maslic acid, 346 Maslinic acid, 483, 686, 696 Masterol, 195 Matatabiether, 444 Megastigma-4,6,8-triene, 294 Melissic acid, 662 cis-p-Menta-2,8-diene-1-ol, 335 trans-p-Menta-2,8-diene-1-ol, 335 1,4-p-Mentadien-7-ol, 335 trans-2,8-p-Mentadien-1-ol, 335 Mentanol, 776 p-Mentha, 516 p-Mentha-1,3-dien-7-al, 33, 40 p-Mentha-1,4-dien-7-al, 33 p-Mentha-1(7),8(9)-dien-2a-ol, 335 p-Mentha-1(7),8(9)-dien-2b-ol, 335 2,4-p-Menthadiene, 818 p-Mentha-1,7(8)-diene, 396 p-Mentha-1(7),8-diene, 405 p-Mentha-3,8-diene, 403 1,8-p-Menthadiene-9-ol, 791, 793 cis-p-Mentha-1(7);8-diene-2-ol, 396 1,8-p-Menthadiene-9-yl acetate, 814 p-Mentha-1,5-dien-7-ol, 40 p-Mentha-1.5-dien-8-ol, 396, 516 1,8-Menthadien-9-ol, 819 1,8-p-Menthadien-9-ol, 811, 815, 818 1;8-Menthadien-4-ol, 507 cis–2,8-p-Menthadien-1-ol, 811, 815, 816, 819 cis-p-Mentha-2,8-dien–1-ol, 460 cis-p-2-Mentha-2,8-dien–1-ol, 405 p-Mentha-1,3-dien-7-ol, 33 p-Mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol, 793 p-Mentha-1,8-dien-4-ol (¼limonene-4-ol), 840 trans-2;8-p-Menthadien-1-ol, 811, 815, 816, 818 trans-p-Mentha-2;8-dien-1-ol, 396 p-Mentha-1(8),10-dien-3,9-oxide (lepalox), 334, 336 1,8-p-Menthadien-9-yl, 819 1,8-p-Menthadien-9-yl acetate, 814, 815, 821

945 1,8-p-Menthadien-2-yl-acetates, 811 p-Mentha-3-en-7-al, 33 cis-p-Mentha-4-en-1;2-diol, 453 p-Mentha-1,3,8-triene, 529 1(7),5,8-o-Menthatriene, 334 1,3,.8-p-Menthatriene, 510 p-Mentha-1,3,8-triene, 526 1-p-Menthen-9-al, 335 p-Menth-3-en-9-al, 402 p-Menthen-9-al, 800 trans-p-Menth-2-en-8-dien-1-ol, 507 cis-p-Menth-2-en-1,8-diol, 396 cis-p-Menth-3en-1,2-diol, 460 trans-p-Menth-2-en-1;8-diol, 396 Menth-1-(7)-ene, 443 1-p-Menthene-9-al, 355 8-p-Menthene-1,2-diol, 811, 819 1-p-Menthene-8-thiol, 810 Cis-p-Menth-2-en-1-ol, 40 cis-Menth-2-en-1-ol, 453 cis-p-Menth-2-en-1-ol, 396, 450, 455, 497 cis-p-2-Menthen-1-ol, 525–528, 802, 817 p-Menth-1-en-8-ol, 442 p-Menth-2-en-1-ol, 445 p-Menth-3-en-9-ol, 537 p-Menth-1-en-9-ol, 405, 522 p-Menth-3-en-8-ol, 403 p-Menthen-4-ol, 514 trans-Menth-2-en-1-ol, 453 trans-2-Menthen-1-ol, 526 trans-p-Menth-2-en-1-ol, 40, 396, 442, 449, 450, 454, 455, 460, 507, 516, 840 trans-p-2-Menthen-1-ol, 405 1-p-Menthen-9-yl acetate, 814 Menthol, 343, 399, 434, 451, 454, 722, 730 Menthon, 456, 722 Menthone, 389, 399, 428, 434, 451, 472, 482, 497, 508, 513, 525, 540, 541 iso-Menthone, 540, 541 Menthyl acetate, 399 Mentol, 38 Mentone, 38, 768 d-Mentone, 786 l-Mentone, 786 1,8-p-Methadien-9-yl acetate, 818 Methane, 865, 868 Methanethiol, 196 Methanol, 720, 724, 730, 734, 747, 751, 770, 773, 774, 792, 794, 813, 874, 877 8-p-Methene-1,2-diol, 818 1-p-Methen-9-ol, 818 trans-p-2-Methen-1-ol, 528 24-Methlene-24-dihydroparkeol, 311 Methone, 399 4-Methoxyacetophenon, 774 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde, 303, 722, 774 4-Methoxybenzyl alcohol, 303 1,1-Methoxybutoxyethane, 724 1,1-Methoxybutoxyethen, 724 Methoxy-1-ethoxy-1-ethan, 724 2-Methoxyethyl acetate, 355

946 1,1-Methoxyhexoxyethane, 724 1,1-Methoxypentoxyethane, 724 o-Methoxyphenol, 774 2-Methoxy-3-sec-butylpyrazine, 840, 841 2-Methoxy-1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene, 402 2a-Methoxyursolic, 764 2-Methoxy-4-vinylphenol, 724, 776 2-Methoxy-5-vinylphenol, 774, 776 p-Methoxyzinnaroic aldehyde, 835 Methyheptylketone, 852 7a-Methyl-, 39 Methyl acetate, 403, 434, 725, 813 Methyl(methylthio)acetate, 294 Methylacetophenone, 793 p-Methyl acetophenone, 197, 841 Methyl 3-acetoxy-16-methylheptadecanoate, 423 24a-Methyl-5a-cholesta-7,22-dien–3b-ol, 298 24x-Methyl-5a-cholesta-7-en–3b-ol, 304 24x-Methyl-5a-cholestan-3b-ol, 304 (24x)-24-Methyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 287 24a-Methyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol (methyllathosterols), 284, 289, 296, 298, 304, 308, 311, 323 24b-Methyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol, 304, 308, 311, 323 24b-Methyl-5a-cholest-7-en-3b-ol (methyllathosterols), 284, 289, 296, 298 14a-Methyl-5a-ergosta-9(11),24(28)-dien-3b-ol, 311 (24R)-14a-Methyl-5a-ergost-9(11)-en-3b-ols, 311 (24S)-14a-Methyl-5a-ergost-9(11)-en-3b-ols, 311 Methyl alcohol, 802, 818 Methyl a-methylbutanoate, 724 Methyl a-methylbutyrate, 724 Methylamylketone, 751 Methyl anisate, 676 2-Methylanthracene, 193 Methyl anthranilate, 556, 724, 734, 793, 795, 801, 806, 807, 814, 821, 832, 846, 852 24x-Methylathosterol, 291, 295, 298, 302, 305, 308, 314 Methyl benzoate, 352, 355, 507, 552, 676, 774 4-Methylbenzoic acid, 723 2-Methyl-butadiene-1,3, 819, 862, 864 Methylbutanal, 773 2-Methylbutanal, 720 3-Methylbutanal, 720 2-Methylbutane-2-ol, 724 Methyl butanoate, 294, 352, 724, 741 2-Methylbutanoic, 775, 776 Methylbutanoic acid, 268 2-Methylbutanoic acid, 724 3-Methylbutanoic acid, 773 2-Methylbutanol, 294, 317, 318, 676, 720, 741 2-Methyl-1-butanol, 354, 355, 724, 730, 747, 774 2-Methylbutan-1-ol, 776 2-Methyl-2-butanol, 354 2-Methylbutan-1-ol, 792 2-Methyl-1-butanol, 816 3-Methylbutanol, 317, 318, 720 3-Methyl-1-butanol, 354, 355, 724 3-Methylbutan-1-ol, 729 3-Methyl-1-butanol, 747, 768, 773 3-Methyl-2-butanol, 724 3-Methylbutan-1-ol, 792

Index of Compounds Methyl-3-butanone-2, 725 2-Methyl-2-butenal(tiglinicaldehyde), 720 trans-2-Methylbut-2-enal, 318 Methylbutenedioic acid, 723 2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, 723 3-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, 773, 776 3-Methyl-3-butenoic acid, 773, 776 2-Methyl-3-buten-2-ol, 354, 355, 747, 792, 802 3-Methyl-2-buten-1-ol, 355, 773, 774, 776, 802 3-Methylbut-3-enol, 317, 318 3-Methyl-3-buten-2-ol, 354 2-Methylbutenyl acetate, 294 2-Methyl-2-butenylacetate, 773 3-Methyl-2-butenylacetate, 724, 773 3-Methyl-2-buten-1-ylacetate, 776 2-Methyl-2-butenyl-cis-isoferulate, 864 3-Methyl-2-butenyl-cis-isoferulate, 864 3-Methyl-3-butenyl-cis-isoferulate, 864 S-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl)-ethanethioate, 850 3-Methyl-2-buten-1-ylformiate, 776 S-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl)-3-methyl butanethioate, 850 S-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl)-2-methylpropanethioate, 850 2-Methyl-2-butenyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 3-Methyl-2-butenyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 3-Methyl-3-butenyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 2-Methylbutyl acetate, 294 2-Methyl-1-butyl acetate, 747 3-Methylbutylacetate, 720 3-Methyl-1-butyl acetate, 730, 747 Methylbutyl benzoate, 550 2-Methylbutyl benzoate, 516 3-Methylbutyl benzoate, 516, 720 2-Methylbutyl butanoate, 741 3-Methylbutyl butanoate, 741 3-Methyl-butylformiate, 720 2-Methylbutyl hexanoate, 741 3-Methylbutyl hexanoate, 741 2-Methylbutyl-isovalerate, 40, 516 2-Methylbutyl 2-methylbutanoate, 741 2-Methylbutyl 2-methylbutyrate, 516, 840 2-Methylbutyl-3-methylbutyrate, 720 3-Methylbutyl-3-methylbutyrate, 720 2-Methylbutyl 2-methylpropanoate, 741 2-Methylbutyl pentanoate, 741 2-Methylbutyl propanoate, 741 2-Methylbutyl salicylate, 550 3-Methylbutyl salicylate, 550 2(3)-Methylbutyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 Methyl butyrate, 719, 725, 730, 792, 811, 815, 816 Methylbutyric acid, 355 2-Methylbutyric acid, 355, 723 Methyl caproate, 725 Methyl carvacrol, 454, 507 Methyl chavicol, 335, 784, 787, 828–830, 835 24-Methylcholesta-7,24(28)-dien–3 b-ol, 664 24-Methylcholesta-5,22-dienol, 293, 297, 301, 311, 313, 315, 318, 320, 322, 323 24-Methylcholesta-7,22-dienol, 284, 288, 289, 293, 295, 297, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311–315, 317–320, 322, 323 24-Methylcholestan-3b-ol, 194, 565 24-Methylcholest-5.22 (E)-dien–3b-ol, 565

Index of Compounds 24-Methylcholest-5.23 (E)-dien-3b-ol, 565 24-Methylcholest-7.24 (28)-dien-3b-ol, 565 4a-Methylcholest-8-en-3b-ol, 194 24-Methylcholest-5-en-3b-ol, 565 24-Methylcholest-7-en-3b-ol, 565, 664 2-Methylcholest-7-enol, 308 4a-Methylcholest-8-enol, 877–879, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 920 24-Methylcholest-7-enol, 284, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311, 313–315, 318–320, 322, 323 24-Methylcholesterol, 284, 288, 289, 293, 295, 297, 300, 301, 304, 307, 311–315, 317–320, 322, 323, 572, 583 24-Methylcholesterol (campesterol), 194 24a-Methylcholesterols, 304, 307, 311, 323 24b-Methylcholesterols, 284, 289, 296, 298, 304, 307, 311, 323 Methyl cinnamate, 449, 676, 724, 774, 845 trans-Methyl cinnamate, 724 2-Methyl-cis-3-pentenoic acid, 723 24-Methylcycloartanol, 194 Methylcyclohexane, 552, 729 Methyl cyclopentane, 724, 729, 819 24-Methyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol, 226 24-Methyl-D3,5-cholestadiene-7-one, 201 24-Methyl-D3,5,22-cholestatriene-7-one, 201 4a-Methyl-D7-cholesten–3b-ol, 198, 211, 226, 228, 236, 241–243 24-Methyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol, 286 8-Methyldecanal, 800 Methyl decanoate, 724 3-Methyldec-3-en-1-ol, 552 3-Methyldec-4-en-1-ol, 552 Methyldecylketone, 852, 854 24-Methyl-22-dehydrocholesterols, 296 24a–24-Methyl-22dehydrocholesterols, 323 24b–24-Methyl-22dehydrocholesterols, 323 24-Methyl-25(27)-dehydrocycloartanol, 296, 298 24a-Methyl-22-dehydrolathosterols, 311, 323 24b-Methyl-22-dehydrolathosterols, 284, 289, 296, 298, 311, 323 2-Methyl-2,3-dihydroindole, 444 Methyl 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate, 556 Methyl-2,5-diisopropylphenol, 402 3-Methyl-2,4 diisopropylphenol, 402 3-Methyl-2,5-diisopropylphenol, 402 3-Methyl-2,6-diisopropyl phenol, 402 5-Methyl-2,3-diisopropylphenol, 402 5-Methyl-2,4-diisopropylphenol, 402 4-Methyl-2-(1,1-dimethyl-ethyl)-phenol, 402 Methyl 2,6-dixydrobenzate, 552 Methyl dodecanoate, 294, 724 6-Methyldotriacontane, 883 24-Methyl-D5,22-sterol, 184, 186, 188, 189 24a-Methyl-D5,22-sterol, 199, 267 24b-Methyl-D5,22-sterol, 199, 267 4a-Methyl-D7,24(28)-stigmastadienol-(3b), 867 24-Methylencholesterol, 196, 328 24-Methylency-cloartanol, 287 24-Methylen-D7-cholesten-3b-ol, 286 24-Methylene-5a-lanost-8-en-3b-ol, 201 24-Methylene-4a-methyl-D7-cholesten–3b-ol, 175, 176, 211, 236, 243, 244, 257, 260

947 Methylene chloride, 791, 792 24-Methylenecholestanol, 664 24-Methylenecholest-7-enol, 284, 289, 295, 297, 298, 304, 307, 311, 313–315, 318–320, 322, 323 24-Methylenecholesterol, 194, 284, 288, 289, 295, 297, 300, 301, 304, 307, 308, 311–315, 317, 318, 320, 322, 323, 583, 878, 917, 918, 923 24-Methylenecycartanol, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 920 24-Methylenecycloartanol, 194, 201, 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 303, 305, 308, 311–313, 315, 317–322, 324, 674, 676, 707, 834, 867, 868, 877, 878, 917, 918 Methylene cycloartenol, 640 24-Methylenecycloartenol, 30, 639, 664, 811, 891 24-Methylene-24-dihydrolanosterol, 296, 305, 308, 311–313, 315, 317, 318, 320–324 24-Methylene-24-dihydrolanosterol (24-methylenelanost-8enol), 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 324 24-Methylene-24-dihydroparkeol, 296, 298, 305, 308, 312, 313, 315, 319, 320, 322, 324 24-Methylene-24-dihydroparkeol (24-methylenelanost-9(11)enol), 284, 285, 296, 297, 301, 324 trans-1,2-methylenedioxy-4(3 0 -methoxy-10 -propenyl)benzene, 784 Methylenelanost-8-en-3b-ol, 877, 878, 882, 885, 888, 914, 920 24-Methylenelanost-8-en-3b-ol, 194, 918 24-Methylenelathosterol, 284, 289, 297, 298, 304, 308, 311, 321, 323 24-Methylenelophenol, 664, 811, 917 24-Methylene-25-methylcholesterol, 321, 572, 583 24-Methylene-25-methyllathosterol, 321 24-Methylenlophenol, 917 2-Methylen-6-methyl-5,7-octadien-3-ol, 335, 336 Methyl ester, 794 Methyl ether of pyruvic acid, 773 4a-Methyl-24-ethylcholesta-7,24-dienol, 877–879, 881, 885, 910, 920 Methyl-24-ethylcholesta-7;24-dienol, 882 4-Methyl-24-ethyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol, 286 Methylethyl disulfide, 196 4-Methyl-24-ethyliden-D7-cholesten-3b-ol, 286 Methylethylketone, 730, 751 Methyl etner of antranilic acid, 338 Methyl eugenol, 290, 390, 396, 449, 676, 734, 756, 768, 773, 789, 841, 857, 860 Methyl euqenol, 460 2-Methylfuran, 617 Methylfurfurol, 724 5-Methylfurfurol, 720, 775 6-Methylgepten-5-one-2, 456 Methylgeptyl, 851 Methyl geranate, 405 Methyl geranoate, 803 Methylhavicol, 390 6-Methyl-3,5-heptadien-2-one, 40, 326, 841 6-Methyl-3-heptanol, 454 5-Methyl-3-heptanone, 454, 460 Methyl heptenol, 792, 807, 811, 818 6-Methylhepten-2-ol, 431 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-ol, 550, 724 Methyl heptenone, 290, 676, 712, 786, 790, 791, 800, 811, 818

948 2-Methyl-2-hepten-6-one, 720 2-Methyl-hept-2-en-6-one, 817 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one, 40, 355, 396, 402, 403, 526, 552, 741, 756, 768, 773, 774, 776, 802, 804, 818, 840, 841 Methyl hexadecadienoate, 294 Methyl hexadecanoate, 527, 530, 885 Methyl hexanoate, 443, 720, 724, 741, 774, 792 Methyl-2-hexanoate, 443 Methyl hexyl ketone, 402, 730, 852, 854 Methyl-3-hydroxybenzoate, 774 Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate, 774 5-Methyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone, 776 2-Methylictanoic, 775 24-Methyliden-D7-cholesten–3b-ol, 286 1-Methylindan, 617 3-Methylindan, 617 Methyl isobutyrate, 725 trans-Methyl isoeugenol, 449, 841 Methyl isothiocyanate, 196 Methylisovaleriate, 725 24-Methyllanost-8-en-3b-ol, 194 Methyl linoleate, 294, 670, 672, 885 Methyl linolenate, 294 Methyllophenol, 664 24-Methyllophenol, 194, 674, 877–879, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 920 Methyl maslinate, 504 Methyl 6-methoxysalicylate, 553 Methyl 2-methylbutanoate, 294, 400, 741 2-Methylmethylbutanoate, 443 Methyl 3-methylbutanoate, 352 Methyl 3-methyl-2-butenoate, 352 2-Methyl-6-methylene-3,7-octadien-2-ol, 460 7-Methyl-2-methylenoctadien-1,6-ol-1, 336 trans-2-Methyl-6-methylen-3,7-octadien-2-ol, 335, 336 Methyl 3-methyloxyoctadecanoate, 734 Methyl 2-methylpropanoate, 352 Methyl 3-(methylthio)-propanoate, 294 1-Methylnaphthalene, 550, 552, 617, 620, 626, 724, 734, 747 2-Methylnaphthalene, 550, 552, 556, 617, 724 Methyl N-formylanthranilate, 724 Methyl-n-heptylcarbinol, 852–854 Methyl-n-heptylketone, 848, 852, 854, 856 Methyl n-hexanoate, 724 Methyl nicotinate, 724 Methyl-n-nonilcarbinol, 854 Methyl-n-nonylcarbinol, 852, 854 Methyl-n-nonylketone, 835, 848, 852, 854, 856, 859 8-Methylnonanal, 800 2-Methyl-1-nonanol, 617 3-Methyl-1-nonanol, 617 Methylnonylcarbinol, 851 Methylnonylketone, 806, 831, 834, 852, 853 24-Methyl-31-norlanost-9(11)-enol, 877–879 Methyl n-pentadecanoate, 294 Methyl o-anisate, 556 Methyl octadecanoate (¼methyl stearate), 530, 841 (Z)-9-Methyl octadecenoate (¼methyl oleate), 841 Methyloctanal, 800 6-Methyloctanal, 800 Methyl octanoate, 720, 724, 741

Index of Compounds Methyloctylketone, 852, 854 Methyl oleate, 294, 504, 672 Methyl o-methoxybenzoate, 676 Methyl palmitate, 294, 355, 620, 626, 670 Methyl palmitolea, 294 Methyl p-anisate, 552 Methylpentane, 724 2-Methylpentane, 729 2-Methyl pentanol, 443 4-Methyl-2-pentanone, 802 2-Methyl-1-penten, 724 2-Methylpent-2-enal, 318 2-Methyl-2-pentenal, 747 Methyl (E)-2-pentenoate, 352 2-Methyl-2-pentenoic acid, 723 Methylphenanthrene, 193 2-Methylphe-nanthrene, 193 1-Methylphenantrene, 193 2-Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl acetate, 402 1-Methyl-3-phenylindan, 617 Methyl 3-phenylpropionate, 438, 439 Methyl-p-hydroxy-benzoate, 620, 626 2-Methylpropanal, 773 2-Methylpropanoic acid, 268, 724 2-Methylpropanol, 317, 318, 729, 776 2-Methyl-1-propanol, 294, 355, 719, 747, 774 2-Methylpropan-1-ol, 729 2-Methylpropanol, 816 2-Methyl-2-propenyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 2-Methylpropionic acid, 773, 775 2-Methyl-1-propyl acetate, 729, 747 1-Methyl-2-propylbenzene, 617 2-Methylpropyl benzoate, 550, 552 2-Methylpropyl butanoate, 741 Methylpropyl disulfide, 196 2-Methylpropyl hexanoate, 720, 741 Methylpropylketone, 751 2-Methylpropyl 2-methylbutanoate, 741 2-Methylpropyl 2-methylpropanoate, 741 2-Methylpropyl octanoate, 741 2-Methylpropyl salicylate, 550 2-Methylpropyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 1-Methylpyrene, 193 Methyl salicilate, 330, 331, 355, 784, 851 Methylsalicyclic ether, 675 Methyl salicylate, 40, 326, 355, 444, 525–529, 550, 552, 556, 676, 721, 722, 724, 734, 778, 781, 840, 854, 884 5-Methylspiro [3.5]-nonan-1-one, 39 Methyl stearate, 355 4-Methylsterols (4-monomethylsterols), 307, 674, 707 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran, 268, 269 4-Methylthiobutyl cyanide, 197 4-Methylthiobutyl isothiocyanate, 197 2-(Methylthio)ethyl acetate, 294 7-Methylthioheptyl isothiocyanate, 268, 269 8-Methylthiooctyl isothiocyanate, 268, 269 3-(Methylthio)propyl acetate, 294 3-Methylthiopropyl cyanide, 197 3-Methylthiopropyl isothiocyanate, 197 2-Methyl-trans-3-pentenoic acid, 723 2-Methyl-5-undecanone, 620, 626

Index of Compounds Methylundecylketone, 834, 856 Methyl ursolate, 504 Methyl valerate, 851 Methylvanillate, 774 4-Methyl-4-vinyl butyrolactone, 841 4a-Methyl zymostenol, 201, 834, 877 Mezifuran (2,5-dimethyl-4-metoxy-2,3-dihydro-3-furanone), 773 Mint sulfide, 841 Miristycine, 13 Monododecanoate, 875 Monoepoxide of xanthophyll, 692 Monoepoxy-a-carotene, 756, 780 Monoepoxy-b-carotene, 778–780 5,6:Monoepoxy-b-carotene, 756 Cis-Mono-epoxy-b-carotene, 39 trans-Monoepoxy-b-carotene, 37, 39 5,6-Monoepoxyde of a-carotene, 738 Monoethyl phthalate, 617 Monolesqueroline, 252 Monolinoleate, 875 4-Monomethylsterols, 201 Monoterpene, 333, 502, 537, 734, 793 Monoterpenoids, 38 Mono-(Z)-b,b-carotene, 771 Mono-(Z)-b,c,-carotene, 771 Mono-(Z)-E,c,-carotene, 771 Mono-(Z)-neurosporene, 771 Mono-(Z)-x-carotene, 771 Mono-(Z)-zeaxanthin, 771 Morolic (3-hydroxyolean-18-en-28-oic), 748 Moroloic acid, 748 Motidiol, 347 Motieic acid, 347 Motiol, 347 Mthyl-n-nonylketone, 850 Mthylnonyl ketone, 850 Multiflorenol, 296, 305, 308, 311–313, 315, 317–322, 324 Multiflorenol (D:C-friedoolean-7-enol), 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 324 Murolandienol, 335 a-Murolene, 333, 335, 348 g-Murolene, 335, 340, 343 Murulene, 799, 800 Mutatochrom (citroxanthin), 819 Mutatochrome, 738, 779, 780, 799, 809, 814, 823, 824, 885 Mutatoxanthin, 749, 750, 809, 813, 822–824, 875 (8R)-Mutatoxanthin, 771 (8S)-Mutatoxanthin, 771 Mutatoxanthine, 799, 814, 819 cis-Mutatoxanthine, 819 a-Muurolene, 355, 445, 459, 460, 469, 497, 510, 516, 523, 526–529, 537 E-Muurolene, 415 g-Muurolene, 40, 391, 402, 442, 444, 449, 455, 460, 463, 469, 493, 510, 523, 526–529, 537 a-Muurolol, 497 epi-a-Muurolol, 510 t-Muurolol, 396, 434, 442, 452, 457, 460, 516 epi-a-Muurolol¼ T-muurolol, 526, 527 Myrcene, 4, 13, 17, 18, 31, 33, 40, 333–336, 355, 391, 396, 399–402, 404, 415, 419, 420, 422, 428, 431, 437–439,

949 442, 444, 445, 448–450, 453–457, 459–461, 469, 472, 476, 479, 481, 487–489, 491, 493, 497, 499, 504, 507, 509, 510, 514–516, 521, 522, 525, 539, 541, 543, 550, 552, 730, 784, 787, 790, 792, 793, 797, 799, 800, 802–804, 811, 813–819, 824, 827, 832, 841, 848, 850, 851, 853, 858 b-Myrcene, 38, 339–341, 343, 405, 423, 434, 463, 502, 525–529, 537, 545, 768, 811 Myrcene epoxide, 450 Myrcenol, 787 Myrcenol acetate, 787 Myricyl alcohol, 751, 770 Myristate, 729 Myristic acid, 326, 841, 884 cis-Myrtanol, 676 trans-Myrtanol, 676 Myrtenal, 40, 317, 318, 335, 336, 396, 405, 438, 439, 460, 516, 526, 529, 676 Myrtenol, 40, 317, 318, 326, 335, 391, 396, 403, 438, 439, 442, 445, 448, 453, 460, 493, 516, 526, 529, 550 Myrtenyl acetate, 403 Myrthenal, 460 Myrthenol, 423 Myrthenyl acetate, 529

N Naphthalene, 269, 355, 402, 403, 515, 516, 550, 552, 556, 617, 620, 626, 724, 734, 744, 774 Neoabietic acid, 527, 530 Neo-allo-ocimene, 405 Neo-b-carotene, 687, 779 Neo-b-carotene A, 294, 809 Neo-b-carotene B, 809 Neo-b-carotene B (15,15 0 -cis), 294 Neo-b-carotene U, 294 Neocembrene, 527 (8 0 R)-Neochrom, 771 (8 0 S)-Neochrom, 771 Neochrome, 679, 813 g-Neo-clovene, 527 Neoflor, 692 Neoisomenthol, 508 a-Neoisomenthol, 434 Neoisopulegol, 428 Neolutein A, 201, 679 Neolutein B, 201, 679 Neolutein epoxide A, 679 Neolutein epoxide B, 679 Neolycopene A, 809 Neomenthol, 399, 403, 434, 508 Neomenthyl acetate, 399 Neomethyl acetate, 403 Neomotiol, 347 Neonepetalactone, 444 Neoolenadiene, 749 Neoxanthin, 431, 648, 729, 749, 750, 771, 867, 874, 875, 886, 887 trans-Neoxanthin, 814 Nepetalactone, 444 4aa, 7aa-Nepetalactone 1, 439

950 4aa,7a,7aa-Nepetalactone, 438, 439, 444 4aa,7a,7ab-Nepetalactone, 444 4ab,7a,7aa-Nepetalactone, 445 7a 7aa-Nepetalactone, 444 n-Neptadecane, 620, 626 Neral, 402, 405, 431, 510, 522, 525, 528, 529, 541, 556, 676, 768, 790–794, 800, 802, 803, 805, 811, 814, 816–819, 821, 824, 840 Neraniol, 788 Neraniol acetate, 788 Neranol butyrate, 788 Nerilacetate, 795 Nerodidol, 349 Nerol, 348, 349, 402, 406, 499, 510, 541, 550, 676, 741, 768, 770, 773, 776, 791–793, 795, 799, 800, 802, 803, 805, 807, 811, 813, 815–818, 821, 824, 840 Nerol acetate, 807 Nerole, 759 Nerol ethers, 803 Nerolidol, 39, 317, 340, 514, 537, 540, 541, 545, 768, 793, 795, 804, 811, 862, 863, 865 (E)-Nerolidol, 40, 452, 463, 516, 528, 529, 841 Nerolidol (E), 502 (E)-Nerolidol, 523, 527 trans-Nerolidol, 340, 343, 428, 512, 676 (Z)-Nerolidol acetate, 526 Nerolidol isomer, 303 Nerol oxide, 522, 741, 841 Nerylacetate, 457, 499, 522, 541, 550, 552, 768, 790, 797, 800, 802, 803, 805, 811, 816–818, 821, 824 trans-Neryl acetate, 405 Neryl ethyl ether, 841 Neryl formate, 790, 811, 818 Neryl propionate, 803, 816 Neurosporene, 771, 809, 875 Neurosporine (70 ,80 -dihydrolycopene), 819 n-Hexanal, 793 n-Hexane, 676 n-Hexyl acetate, 676 n-Nonylacetate, 852 n-Octadecane, 550 Nonacosane, 269, 341, 457, 522, 748, 794, 861, 884, 885 n-Nonacosane, 266, 699 Nonacosane-14-one, 197 Nonacosane-15-one, 197 Nonacosanol, 15 1-Nonacosanol, 715 Nonacosanol-10, 748 Nonadecane, 268, 770, 841 n-Nonadecane, 550, 556 Nonadecanol-1, 863 Nonadecanol-2, 863 ( )-Nonadecatetraene, 620, 626 (E,E)-2,4-Nonadienal, 326 (E,Z)-2,6-Nonadienal, 326 2,6-Nonadienal, 526, 527, 529 6-Nonadienal, 354 cis-2,6-Nonadienal, 550, 552, 556 trans,cis-2,6-Nonadienal, 297 trans,trans-Nona-2,4-dienal, 317 trans-2,6-Nonadienal, 550, 552, 556

Index of Compounds Nonadienal isomer, 317 Nonadienol, 294 cis,cis-3,6-Nonadien-1-ol, 295, 297 cis-2,6-Nonadien-1-ol, 297, 550, 556 trans-2,6-Nonadien-1-ol, 297, 550, 556 Nonalactone, 768 g-Nonalactone, 402, 734, 747 Nonanal, 40, 197, 268, 269, 297, 303, 318, 326, 354, 391, 438, 445, 463, 488, 510, 512, 516, 522, 550, 617, 722, 734, 744, 773, 790, 792, 793, 797, 802, 803, 805, 811, 813, 814, 818, 819, 840, 841 1-Nonanal, 335, 791 n-Nonanal, 294, 341, 523, 525–529, 800 Nonane, 457, 790, 819 Nonanoic acid, 326, 341, 452, 723, 775, 813, 841 Nonanol, 522, 526–528, 793, 811, 815, 818, 853 1-Nonanol, 297, 354, 550, 556, 617, 790, 792, 813, 818 Nonan-1-ol, 269 2-Nonanol, 724, 854 Nonanol-2, 852, 853 3-Nonanol, 617 Nonanone, 853 2-Nonanone, 352, 526, 720, 724, 853, 854 Nonanone-2, 852, 853 Nonanone-2 (methyl-n-heptylketone), 854 5-Nonanone, 720 trans-2-Nonenal, 556 (E)-2-Nonenal, 326, 451 2-Nonenal, 294, 526, 527, 529 cis-6-Nonenal, 297 (E)-2-Nonenal, 741, 884 trans-2-Nonenal, 297, 354, 550, 552, 626 trans-2-nonenal-1.2,3-(cyclohexen-1-yl)-butyraldehyde, 620 1-Nonene, 734 1-Nonene-3-ol, 469 3-Nonenoic acid, 723 Nonenol, 294 cis-3-Nonen-1-ol, 556 2-Nonen-1-ol, 294 cis-6-Nonen-1-ol, 294, 297 cis-3-Nonen-1-ol, 297, 550, 552 trans-2-Nonen-1-ol, 297, 550, 552, 556 3-Nonen-2-one, 734, 741 Nonyl, 807 Nonyl acetate, 522, 793, 802, 805 2-Nonylacetate, 852–854 Nonyl-2-acetate, 853 n-Nonylacetate, 854 Nonyl acid, 831 Nonyl alcohol, 768, 831 Nonyl aldehyde, 768, 770, 793, 803, 831 Nonyl caprylate, 793 2-Nonyl-2-methylbutyrate, 852, 854 2-Nonyl-3-methylbutyrate, 852, 854 2-Nonylpropionate, 852, 854 Noo-isopulegol, 792 Nootkatene, 815, 821 Nootkatol, 821 Nootkatone, 790, 792, 797, 802, 811, 814, 815, 818, 821 (-)-b,g-Nootkatone, 810 Nopione, 438, 439

Index of Compounds Norbourbonene, 452 31-Norcycloartanol, 878, 879, 881, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 920 31-Norcycloartenol, 194, 308, 707, 834, 877–879, 881, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 918, 920 31-Norlanost-8-en-3b-ol, 194, 918 31-Norlanostenol, 834, 877 31-Norlanost-8-enol, 877–879, 881, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 920 31-Norlanost-9(11)-enol, 877–879, 881, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 920 31-Norlanosterol, 194, 201, 707, 877–879, 881, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 918, 920 a-Numulene, 449

O Obtusifoliol, 308, 640, 664, 674, 707, 877–879, 881, 882, 885, 888, 910, 914, 917, 918, 920 Obtusifoliol (4a,14a-dimethyl-24-methylene-5a-cholest-8-en3b-ol), 834 Obtusifoliol (4a,14a-dimethyl–24-methylene-D8-cholesten–3bol), 194, 201 Ocimene, 444, 449, 456, 790, 797, 811, 814, 817, 831, 832, 850 (E)-Ocimene, 493 (E)-b-Ocimene, 391, 405, 448, 451, 454, 457, 463, 507, 510, 516, 522, 741 (Z)-Ocimene, 442 (Z)-b-Ocimene, 391, 405, 448, 451, 454, 457, 463, 499, 507, 510, 522, 525, 840, 841 Ocimene-1, 491 Ocimene-2, 491 allo-Ocimene, 525 b-Ocimene, 422, 795, 800, 811 cis-Ocimene, 491, 521, 523, 525–529, 539, 541, 552, 803 cis-a-Ocimene, 439 cis-b-Ocimene, 399, 402, 439, 444, 449, 450, 469, 537, 793 E-b-Ocimene, 455 trans-Ocimene, 390, 491, 523, 525–529, 537, 541, 552, 803 trans-b-Ocimene, 399, 444, 445, 449, 469, 537, 768 Z-b-Ocimene, 455 (Z)-Ocimenol, 841 (E)-b-Ocinene, 840, 841 Octacosane, 794, 885 n-Octacosane, 778 Octacosanoic, 666 Octacosanol, 699 n-Octacosanol, 290 Octacosan-1-yl acetate, 269 Octacosanyl behenate, 699 Octacosanyl triacontanoate, 922 ( )-Octadecadiene, 620, 626 trans-10-Octadecadienoic acid, 411 trans-12-Octadecadienoic acid, 411 Octadecane, 770 n-Octadecane, 553 Octadecane-1,18-diol, 706, 729, 750 Octadecane-1,9,10,18-tetraol, 706, 729, 750 Octadecane-1,9,18-triol, 706, 729, 750 Octadecanoic acid, 530 (Z)-9-Octadecanoic acid, 530 Octadecanol, 527–530 Octadecanol-1, 863

951 Octadecan-1-ol, 706, 729, 750 Octadecanol-2, 863 2-Octadecanone, 355 (-) Octadeca-5,6-trans-16-trienoic acid, 422 ( )-Octadecatriene, 620, 626 1-Octadecene, 530 Octadecene-1,18-diol, 706, 729, 750 Octadecene-1,9,10,18-tetraol, 706, 729, 750 Octadecene-1,9,18-triol, 706, 729, 750 Octadecen-1-ol, 729, 750 5,6-Octadekadienoic acid (laballenic), 411 7-Octadienoic acid lactone (stereoisomers), 720 Octadien-2,4-ol, 335 (E,E)-3,5-Octadien–2-one, 841 Octahydro-7a-methyl-1H-inden-1-one, 39 d-Octalactone, 724 g-Octalactone, 402, 724, 741, 747 g-Octalactone, 2-(3-pentyl)-phenol, 402 d-Octalactones, 776 g-Octalactones, 776 Octanal, 197, 354, 511, 523, 526, 790, 792, 793, 802–804, 811, 813–816, 818, 819, 821 1-Octanal, 791 n-Octanal, 791–794, 800 Octane, 269, 819 n-Octane, 552, 556 Octane butanoate, 751 Octane ethylate, 751 Octanoic acid, 326, 723, 724, 775, 776, 790, 813 Octanol, 317, 318, 326, 338, 512, 790, 793, 802, 803, 805, 811, 813–815, 818, 821, 824, 840, 841 1-Octanol, 354, 514, 550, 552, 556, 617, 621, 626, 720, 724, 747 Octan-1-ol, 793 1-Octanol, 792, 794, 818 2-Octanol, 445 Octanol-3, 438, 456 Octan-3-ol, 390, 399, 400, 482 3-Octanol, 402, 434, 450, 451, 453, 457, 508, 510, 516, 522, 523, 525–529 n-Octanol, 294, 523, 525–529, 793 Octanon-3, 456 Octanone, 390, 444 2-Octanone, 720 3-Octanone, 352 Octanone-3, 390, 438 3-Octanone, 415, 444, 449, 457, 529 3-Octanyl acetate, 451 2, 4, 7-Octatrien-1-ol, 620, 626 Octecosan-1-ol, 269 (E)-2-Octenal, 40 Oct-2-enal, 197 2-Octenal, 791 (E)-2-Octenal, 522, 720 trans-2-Octenal, 354 Octene-3-ol, 390 2-Octenoic acid, 723 Octenol, 6 ( )-Octen-1-ol, 620, 626 1-Octen-3-ol, 40, 354, 402, 415, 420, 438, 439, 448, 450, 453, 454, 456, 472, 507, 513, 514, 516, 522, 523, 525–529, 531, 539, 550, 774, 884

952 Oct-1-en-3-ol, 449, 455, 525 1-Octen-5-ol, 303 2-Octen-1-ol, 550 Octen-3-ol, 443, 457, 510, 511 7-Octen-4-ol, 402 n-Octen-1-3-ol, 540, 541 trans-2-Octen-1-ol, 774 n-Octen-1-ol-3-acetate, 540, 541 Octenyl acetate, 402 1-Octenyl acetate, 451 1-Octen-3-yl acetate, 405 Octyl, 807 Octyl acetate, 294, 724, 802, 805, 811, 814, 815, 818, 821 n-Octyl acetate, 294, 797 n-Octyl alcohol, 453 Octyl aldehyde, 793, 801, 803 Octyl butyrate, 403 Octylene, 793, 795, 807 Octyl hexanoate, 294 n-Octyl n-butyrate, 294 Ocymene, 4, 787, 799, 800, 802, 833, 847, 857 a-Ocymene, 817 cis-Ocymene, 415 cis-b-Ocymene, 334, 335, 339, 340, 343 trans-b-Ocymene, 334 3-O-D-glycoside of b-sitosterol, 11 o-Dimethoxybenzene, 676 Oenanthic acid, 348, 350, 867 Olean-13(18)-ene-2a-triol, 495 Olean-13(18)-ene-11a-triol, 495 Olean-(13)18-ene–2b,3b-diol, 484 Olean-13(18)-ene-3b-triol, 495 Oleanoic acid, 32, 490, 495, 501, 506, 533, 534 Oleanolic acid, 325, 327–330, 337, 339–344, 346–354, 419, 420, 451, 453, 456, 471, 475, 477, 478, 483, 484, 486, 487, 496, 508, 676, 686, 696, 749, 764, 779 Oleate, 729 Oleic acid, 384, 676 Oplopenone, 335 b-Oplopenone, 40, 522 Origanene, 456 cis-Oxide, 775 trans-Oxide, 775 1,10-Oxidocalamene, 841 7-Oxo-10-a-cucurbita-5,24-dien-3b-ol, 324 3-Oxobicyclo(4,3,0)-nonen-2-one, 444 Oxocarotene, 412 3-Oxo-1,8-cineole, 676 Oxygenated monoterpene, 502 Oxygenated sesquiterpene, 502 3,10-Oxygermakr-4(14)-en-8-one (lepaxone), 334, 336

P Paeonol (p-Methoxy-o-oxyphenyl-methyl ketone), 676, 677 Palmitate, 729 Palmitate of stigmasterol, 18 Palmitic acid, 350, 669, 723, 730, 734, 747, 793, 795 Palustrol, 334–336, 348, 452, 459, 461 Paraffin, 787, 789, 793, 795 Pelargonic acid, 348, 350, 851

Index of Compounds Pentacosane, 40, 268, 269, 341, 452, 457, 522, 794, 841, 852, 854 Pentacosanol, 269 Pentacosanol-1, 864 Pentadecadiene-2,9-diyne-4,6-al-1, 15 Pentadecanal, 297, 527, 528, 530 Pentadecane, 617, 724, 741, 756, 768, 770, 840 n-Pentadecane, 550, 553, 556 Pentadecane-2,4-dione, 853 2-Pentadecanol, 724 2-Pentadecanone, 720, 724, 768, 884 Pentadecatriene-2,8,10-diyne-4,6-yl-1-acetate, 15 1-Pentadecene, 529 1,5-Pentadiyl acetate, 730 Pentanal, 317, 318, 354 n-Pentanal, 773 Pentane, 724, 811 n-Pentane, 729, 773 Pentanoic acid, 775 Pentanol, 317, 318, 816 1-Pentanol, 354, 355, 724, 747, 768, 774, 776, 792 2-Pentanol, 317, 318, 354, 355, 724, 774, 792 3-Pentanol, 318, 354 n-Pentanol, 773 2-Pentanone, 725, 774, 791 3-Pentanone, 197, 811 Pentatriacontane, 12, 269 Pentatriacontan-3-one, 883 4-Pentatriacontanone, 883 Pentenal, 773 Pent-2-enal, 197, 725 trans-Pent-2-enal, 317, 318 1-Pentene-3-ol, 303, 355, 747, 794 3-Penten-1-ol, 317, 318, 724, 774 cis-Pent-2-en-1-ol, 317, 318 trans-Pent-2-en-1-ol, 317, 318 trans-3-Penten-1-ol, 773 Pent-1-en-3-one, 317, 318 1-Penten-3-one, 816 Pent-3-en-2-one, 268 Pentenyl hexanoate, 724 2-Pentenyl-hydroxy-phenylketone, 620, 626 di-b-Pentenyltetrasulfide, 784 Penthyl valerate, 444 2-Pentyfuran, 197 Pentyl acetate, 294, 734, 741 1-Pentyl acetate, 730, 747 6-Pentyl-a-pyrone, 734 Pentyl benzoate, 550 Pentyl butanoate, 741 2-Pentylfuran, 355, 734, 840 Pentyl hexanoate, 724, 741 Pentyl 2-methylbutanoate, 741 Pentyl 2-methylpropanoate, 741 Pentyl octanoate, 724 Perilla alcohol, 40, 355, 396, 405, 452 Perilla aldehyde, 39, 442, 792, 797, 800, 802, 803, 811, 813–815, 818, 819, 821 Perillene, 730 Perillic alcohol, 335 Perillic aldehyde, 335, 816

Index of Compounds Perillyl acetate, 814 Perillyl alcohol, 794 Perillyldehyde, 818 Perosterol, 320, 323 Perosterol (24-ethylcholesta-7,24-dienol), 284, 289, 297 Perylene, 193 Petroselidic acid, 15, 23, 24 Petroselinic acid, 36, 673 Phellandral, 335 Phellandrene, 827–829, 838 1-Phellandrene, 537 a-Phellandrene, 4, 6, 13, 18, 33, 38, 206, 334, 335, 391, 400, 402, 428, 437, 438, 448–450, 453–455, 460, 463, 469, 477, 479, 497, 502, 504, 507, 514, 525–529, 539, 545, 775, 790, 792, 793, 799, 800, 802–804, 811, 814, 817, 818, 824, 840, 841, 843 b-Phellandrene, 1, 4, 6, 18, 33, 40, 333–335, 391, 400, 402, 405, 437, 448, 450, 451, 454, 455, 459–461, 469, 507, 514, 516, 526, 528, 529, 537, 541, 790, 792, 801, 802, 807, 811, 814, 840, 841, 850, 859 d-a-Phellandrene, 331 l-Phellandrene, 832, 858 l-a-Phellandrene, 333 Phellandren-8-ol, 514 Phenanthrene, 193 a-Phenchene, 838 a-Phenchilacetate, 206 Phenethyl alcohol, 722 2-Phenethyl alcohol, 268, 269 2-Phenethyl isothiocyanate, 268, 269 Phenol, 268, 269, 355, 773, 774, 787, 789, 793, 807, 847, 856, 858 2-(3-pentyl)-Phenol, 402 4-(1,1-dimethyl-ethyl)-Phenol, 402 Phenols, 331–334, 336, 348, 787 2-Phenoxyethanol, 617 Phenylacetaldehyde, 197, 269, 303, 317, 318, 396, 443, 523, 525–529, 556, 620, 626, 676, 741, 770 b-Phenylacetate, 338 Phenylacetic acid, 723, 768, 793 Phenylacetic ether, 770 Phenylacetonitrile [1, 3], 197 Phenylacetylene, 724 4-Phenyl-2-butanol, 339, 340 4-Phenyl-2-butanone, 339, 340 Phenylbutyl isothiocyanate, 269 Phenylethanol, 339, 340, 724, 758, 768, 770, 793 1-Phenylethanol, 774 2-Phenylethanol, 317, 318, 550, 556, 620, 626, 720, 747, 768, 773, 774, 776 3-Phenylethanol, 774 b-Phenylethanol, 338, 349, 768 p-Phenylethanol, 355 Phenylethyl acetate, 294, 444, 676, 768 2-Phenylethyl acetate, 730, 773 b-Phenylethyl acetate, 724, 756, 768 Phenylethyl alcohol, 38, 290, 757, 768, 770, 841 2-Phenylethyl alcohol, 730 b-Phenylethylalcohol, 349 Phenylethyl butyrate, 428 Phenylethyl-cis-isoferulate, 864

953 2-Phenylethyl cyanide, 197 2-Phenylethyl formate, 774 Phenylethyl isobutyrate, 841 2-Phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 197 Phenylethyl 2-methylbutyrate, 428 2-Phenylethyl-2-phenylbutyrate, 841 2-Phenyl ethyl propanoate, 527 Phenylethyl-trans-isoferulate, 864 Phenylethyl valerate, 444 7-Phenyl-2-heptanone, 620, 626 2-Phenylphenol, 774 a-Phenylphenol, 811 3-Phenylpropanol, 550, 724 Phenylpropionic acid, 723 3-Phenylpropionic acid, 775 3-Phenylpropionitrile, 268, 269 Phenylpropyl acetate, 294 Pheophorbid a, 431 Pheophorbid b, 431 Pheophytin a, 202, 431, 875 Pheophytin b, 202, 431, 875 Phthalate, 268 bis (Ethylhexyl)phthalate, 734 Phyrosterol, 793 Phytoene, 749, 750, 809 (15Z)-Phytoene, 771 cis-Phytoene, 294 trans-Phytoene, 294 Phytoene epoxide, 885 Phytofluene, 37, 715, 749, 750, 757, 764, 769, 778, 809, 813–815, 819, 886 (E)-Phytofluene, 771 (15Z)-Phytofluene, 771 cis-Phytofluene, 294 trans-Phytofluene, 294 Phytofluene epoxides (1,2-epoxy-1,2,7,8,70 ,80 ,110 ,120 octahydro-y, y-carotene and 1,2-epoxy1,2,7,8,11,12,70 ,80 -octahydro-y,y-carotene), 885 Phytofluene, 799, 819, 822–824 Phytoine, 822–824 Phytol, 40, 415, 430, 452, 473, 522, 841, 867, 885 (E)-Phytol, 528 trans-Phytol, 527, 529 Phytosterol, 652, 776, 788 Phytoxanthin, 768 Pimaradiene, 355, 527 iso-Pimar-9(11),15-diene, 530 Pinacarvone, 460 trans-Pinane, 442 Pinene, 491, 787, 826–829, 851 (+)a-Pinene, 523, 525–527 (+)b-Pinene, 523, 525–527 a-Pinene, 4, 7, 13, 17, 18, 31, 32, 37–40, 332–335, 339–341, 343, 346, 348, 355, 389–391, 395, 396, 399–405, 415, 418, 420, 423, 425, 426, 428, 430, 431, 434, 437–439, 442, 444, 445, 448–451, 453–457, 459–461, 463, 469, 472, 473, 475, 476, 479, 481, 482, 486–489, 491, 493, 497–499, 502, 504–510, 513–516, 521, 522, 525, 528, 529, 536, 537, 539, 541, 543, 545, 550, 712, 730, 768, 775, 790–793, 795–797, 799–804, 806, 807, 811–819, 821, 824, 837, 838, 840, 841, 843, 851, 853, 866, 867

954 b-Pinene, 4, 7, 18, 31, 32, 37–40, 332–336, 339–341, 343, 346, 348, 355, 389–391, 395, 396, 399–405, 415, 418–420, 423, 425, 426, 428, 430, 431, 434, 437–439, 442–445, 448–451, 453–456, 459–461, 463, 469, 472, 473, 475, 476, 481, 486–489, 491, 493, 497–499, 502, 504–510, 513–516, 521, 522, 525, 528, 529, 539, 541, 543, 545, 550, 790–793, 795, 797, 799, 800, 802–804, 807, 813, 814, 817, 821, 824, 838, 840, 841, 843, 850, 853 d-Pinene, 818 d-a-Pinene, 787, 788, 803, 825, 831–833, 846, 847, 860 d-Pinene, 788 d-a-Pinene, 836 l-a-Pinene, 788 l-a-Pinene, 331, 793, 795, 807, 831, 852, 854 l-b-Pinene, 343, 783, 784 l-d-Pinene, 343 Pinocamphone, 403, 419 trans-Pinocamphone, 31, 404, 419 Pinocarveol, 438, 439 trans-Pino-carveol, 335 trans-Pinocarveol, 31, 391, 396, 402, 423, 442, 453, 460, 516, 525, 526, 529 Pinocarvone, 40, 335, 391, 396, 405, 442, 460, 514, 516 cis-Pinocarvyl acetate, 529 trans-Pinocarvyl acetate, 40, 516, 527, 529 Pinol, 790 Piperitenone, 399, 402, 437, 438, 453, 460, 497, 802, 815, 818, 819 Piperitenone oxide, 399, 400 cis-Piperitol, 40, 396, 497, 525, 527, 528 trans-Piperitol, 442 Piperitone, 428, 434, 437, 438, 525, 722, 776, 793, 804 Piperitone epoxide, 469 Piperitone oxide, 399, 400 cis-Piperitone oxide, 453 Pilocarpene, 850 trans-2,8-p-menthadiene-1-ol, 791 Pollinastanol, 664 Polyacethylenes, 15 Poly-cis-lycopene A, 757, 764, 769 Poly-cis-lycopene B, 757, 764, 769 Poly-cis-lycopene C, 757, 764, 769 Polycopene, 779 Pomolic acid, 750 Pomolic (19-a-hydroxyursolic) acid, 325 Populene, 863, 864 Pregeijerene, 853 Prolycopene, 814 Propanal, 197, 725, 773 Propandiol-1,3, 670 Propane, 269, 865, 868 Propane-1,2-diol acetate, 294 Propanethiol, 196 Propanoic acid, 724 1-Propanol, 318, 355, 720, 747, 773, 792, 816 2-Propanol, 317, 318, 811 n-Propanol, 338, 724, 751 Propenal, 773 Propenylisothiocyanate, 222 1-Propenyl-2-methyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene, 402 Propionaldehyde, 770 Propionic acid, 723, 773, 775, 776, 792, 867

Index of Compounds Propyl acetate, 294, 720, 725 1-Propyl acetate, 729, 747 n-Propylbenzene, 550 Propyl butanoate, 741 2-Propyl butanoate, 741 Propyl but-3-enyl disulfide, 196 Propylbutyl disulfide, 196 Propyl capronoate, 730 Propyl hexanoate, 741 Propyl isovalerate, 443 Propyl 2-methylbutanoate, 720, 741 Propyl octanoate, 720, 741 Propyl propanoate, 741 Protoanemonin, 681, 685 Protoanemonin (lactone of g-Oxyvinyl acrylic acid), 683 Prunasin, 732 Pulegone, 396, 399, 402, 403, 434, 437, 438, 472, 508, 525, 529, 620, 626 Pyrene, 193 Pyrrol, 803

R Ricinolic acid, 383 Rododendrol, 340 Rododendron, 340 Rose oxide, 741 cis-Rose oxide, 676 trans-Rose oxide, 676 Rubiflavine, 822–824 Rubixanthin, 756–758, 764, 767–769, 771, 822, 823 (50 Z),130 Z)-Rubixanthin, 771 (50 Z)-Rubixanthin, 771 (90 Z)-Rubixanthin, 771 (130 Z)-Rubixanthin, 771 cis-Rubixanthin, 756, 767

S Sabinaketone, 40 cis-Sabine, 399 cis-Sabine hydrate, 399 trans-Sabine hydrate, 399 l-Sabinen, 785 Sabinene, 17, 18, 31, 32, 40, 334, 335, 391, 396, 399–401, 405, 415, 419, 423, 431, 434, 438, 442, 444, 445, 448–451, 455–457, 459–461, 463, 469, 472, 491, 493, 514, 516, 521, 523, 525–529, 537, 539, 541, 545, 776, 790, 793, 795, 799, 800, 802–804, 811, 814–819, 824, 841, 843 (-)Sabinene, 24 cis-Sabinene, 803 dl-Sabinene, 846 l-Sabinene, 857, 859 trans-Sabinene, 803 Sabinene hydrate, 402, 448, 539, 813 1-Sabinene hydrate, 434 cis-Sabinene hydrate, 31, 33, 40, 396, 400, 405, 444, 445, 448–450, 453–455, 460, 497, 510, 525–529, 540, 541 trans-Sabinene hydrate, 31, 33, 40, 396, 399, 400, 405, 442, 444, 448–450, 453, 454, 460, 493, 497, 507, 516, 523, 525–528, 537, 540, 541, 840, 841

Index of Compounds Sabinenhydrate, 333, 348 (-)-trans-Sabinen hydrate, 335 cis-Sabinenhydrate, 334 trans-Sabinenhydrate, 335 Sabinol, 335, 793 cis-Sabinol, 317, 318, 776 trans-Sabinol, 497 Sabinyl acetate, 40 Safranal, 884 Safrol, 788, 789, 832, 858, 860 Salicyl aldehyde, 676, 722, 770 Salicylic acid, 335, 675, 724, 781, 784, 851 Salicylic aldehyde, 721, 722, 778, 781 Salvial-4(14)-en-1-one, 40, 326, 396, 453 Sandaracopimara, 527 Sandaracopimara-8(14),15-diene, 526 b-Santalene, 36, 803 (Z)-a-Santalol, 526, 530 (Z)-a-Santalyl acetate, 493 Santhene, 333 Saringosterol, 719 Sclarene, 523 Sclareol, 495, 499, 523, 529 Sclareoloxide, 488 Selarene, 529 b-Selienene, 340, 341, 343 g-Selienene, 343 Selina-3,7(11)-dien, 340, 460 Selina-3,7-diene, 523 Selina-3,7(11)-diene, 333, 335, 340 Selina-4,11-diene, 40 Selina-4(14),7(11)-diene, 335, 340 g-Selinen, 343 Selin-11-en-4a-ol, 40, 884 Selinene, 10, 456 7-epi-a-Selinene, 523, 526, 528 a-Selinene, 40, 333, 335, 343, 348, 448, 449, 460, 526, 527, 529, 814 b-Selinene, 13, 448, 449, 523, 526–528, 799 g-Selinene, 528, 529, 794, 814 i-Selinene, 340 Sesquicitronellene, 790 b-Sesquiphellandrene, 40, 445, 454, 539–541, 814 cis-Sesquisabinene hydrate, 497 trans-Sesquisabinene hydrate, 497 Sesquiterpen, 333, 789, 818 Sesquiterpen (di-Rr), 537 Sesquiterpen alcohol, 540, 541 Sesquiterpene, 402, 444, 537, 540, 787, 788, 803, 807 Sesquiterpene alcohol, 444, 502 Sesquiterpene alcohol, 469 Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, 444 Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon 1, 450 Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon 2, 450 Sesquiterpene-KW, 541 Sesquiterpenoid, 444, 862, 863 Sesquiterpenol, 537 Sesquiterpenol ester, 537 Shiobunone, 335 Shpatulenol, 340, 343 g-Silene, 343

955 Simiarenol, 349 Simmiarol, 341, 347, 348, 350 a-Sinensal, 502, 523, 792, 811, 813–815, 817, 818, 821 b-Sinensal, 11, 792, 800, 811, 815, 817, 818 b-Sinensol acetate, 11 Sintaxanthin, 819 D3,5-Sitostadiene-7-one, 201 Sitosterine, 32, 34 b-Sitosterine, 4, 598, 601 Sitosterol, 35, 193, 195, 201, 266, 291, 295, 298, 302–305, 308, 314, 328, 342, 351, 423, 482, 484, 499, 506, 507, 647, 657, 664–666, 670, 674, 676, 679, 692, 709, 719, 742, 743, 745, 777, 800, 803, 807, 814, 824, 828, 851, 853, 879, 883, 884, 886, 909, 913, 915–923 a-Sitosterol, 867 b-Sitosterol (24-ethylcholesterol), 173–179, 181, 182, 186, 190, 198, 211, 227–229, 232, 236, 237, 241–244, 246, 249, 250, 257, 258, 260, 267, 271, 272 b-Sitosterol, 1, 30 g-Sitosterol, 848 Sitosterol-b-D-glucoside, 418 24a-(Sitosterol) ethylcholesterol, 296 Sitosteryl 3b-glucoside, 495 b-Sitosteryl oleate, 756 Sitronellol, 482 S-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-3-methyl butanethioate, 783 Spathulenol, 40, 335, 396, 405, 434, 439, 442, 445, 452, 453, 457, 460, 499, 507, 510, 516, 523, 525–529 Spinasterol, 284, 289, 291, 295, 297, 298, 302, 304, 305, 308, 311, 313, 314, 323 a-Spinasterol, 34, 287, 290, 296, 297, 303–305, 308, 471, 673 a-Spinosterine, 16 S-Prenylthioisobutyrate, 783 Squalene, 194, 341, 457, 791, 841 Stagmasterol, 673 Stearate, 729 Stearate of stigmasterol, 18 Stearic acids, 770 Stearoptene, 757, 759, 770 24a-Stellasterol, 284, 289, 296, 298 Sterculic acid, 609–624, 626–636 Sterols, 325, 352, 500 Sterols (4-desmethylsterols), 707 Stigma-7-en-3b-ol, 299 Stigmasta-5,7-dien-3b-ol, 194 Stigmasta-7,25-dien-3b-ol, 290 Stigmasta-3,5-diene-7-one, 868 Stigmasta-5,25-dienol (24x-ethyl-25(27)-dehydrocholesterol), 194 7,22-Stigmastadienol, 303–305 7,25-Stigmastadienol, 303–305 Stigmasta-7,E-24(28)-dien-3b-ol, 287 Stigmasta-7-ene-3b-ol, 287 Stigmastanol, 303, 304, 663, 664 Stigmastanol ([24R]-24-ethyl-5a-cholestan-3b-ol), 322, 324 D7-Stigmastanol, 664 D22-Stigmastanol, 663 7,22,25-Stigmastatrienol, 303–305 Stigmast-7-en–3b-ol, 287, 296, 297 5a-Stigmastene-6-ol-3b, 34 Stigmastene-7-ol-3b, 34

956 7-Stigmastenol, 303–305, 471 7,7-Stigmastenol, 303 8,7-Stigmastenol, 303 D7-Stigmastenol, 201, 303–305, 308, 458, 674, 707, 834, 877, 878 D7-Stigmastenol ([24R]-24-ethyl-D7-cholesten-3b-ol), 193 (24R)-5a-Stigmast-7-en-22-yn-3b-ol, 311 Stigmasterine, 4, 16, 32 Stigmasterol, 18, 34, 35, 154, 191, 193, 198, 199, 201, 252, 258, 266, 287, 291, 295, 298, 302, 304, 308, 309, 314, 328, 342, 349, 422, 458, 465, 482, 494, 499, 506, 507, 639, 640, 648, 663–665, 671, 672, 674, 676, 684, 692, 695, 707, 728, 737, 756, 762, 775, 777, 800, 803, 807, 811, 814, 824, 834, 837, 838, 849, 851, 877–879, 883, 884, 886, 889, 890, 909, 913, 915–923 Stigmasterol ([24R]-24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol), 194 Stigmasterol (24-ethyl-D5,22-cholestadien-3b-ol), 173–175, 177, 178, 181, 182, 241, 249, 250, 257, 260 Styrene, 355, 724, 744, 774 Succinic acid, 723

T cis-Tagetone, 840 trans-Tagetone, 840 Taraxanthine, 679–681, 757, 764, 767, 769 Taraxanthine (5,6-dihydroxy-5,6-dihydroluteine), 679 Taraxerol, 296, 305, 308, 311-313, 315, 317–323, 341, 342, 346, 347, 349–351, 674, 855 Taraxerol (D-friedoolean-14-enol), 284, 285, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 324 Taraxerone, 341, 855 T-Cadinol, 522, 523, 526 Terpene, 791, 793 a-Terpeneol, 404 a-Terpeniol, 418 Terpenoic alcohol, 770, 806 Terpenol, 537 a-Terpenol, 800 a-Terpenyl acetate, 514, 516 Terpenylformiate, 800 Terpine, 491, 724, 857 a-Terpinene, 18, 33, 38, 40, 334, 335, 348, 391, 395, 396, 399–402, 405, 428, 431, 438, 439, 442, 445, 448–451, 453–457, 459–461, 463, 469, 477, 481, 489, 491, 493, 497, 502, 507, 509, 510, 525–529, 539, 541, 543, 545, 790, 792, 799–804, 811, 814, 817, 818, 824, 866, 867 b-Terpinene, 448, 818 g-Terpinene, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 17, 18, 31, 33, 38, 40, 333–335, 343, 348, 355, 391, 396, 399–403, 405, 428, 431, 438, 439, 442, 444, 445, 448–451, 453–455, 457, 459–461, 463, 469, 477, 479, 481, 489, 491, 493, 497, 502, 504, 507, 509, 510, 512, 514, 516, 522, 523, 525, 526, 528, 529, 537, 539, 543, 545, 741, 790, 792, 793, 795, 797, 799, 800, 802, 803, 805, 807, 811–814, 817, 818, 824, 840, 841, 851 l-a-Terpinene, 859 Terpinene-4-ol, 31, 33, 401, 428, 431, 439, 450, 469, 791, 792, 794 Terpinenol, 537 (+)-Terpinen-4-ol, 525–527, 529 (-)-Terpinen-4-ol, 525, 529

Index of Compounds Terpinen-1-ol, 790, 859 1-Terpinen-4-ol, 402, 543, 545 4-Terpinenol, 40, 335, 348, 355, 391, 396, 399, 400, 403, 405, 415, 420, 444, 445, 448, 449, 453–455, 459–461, 477, 479, 481, 482, 487, 488, 491, 504, 507, 512, 536, 539, 540, 544, 550, 676, 776, 790, 792, 797, 799, 800, 802, 803, 805, 811, 813, 814, 817, 818, 821, 824, 841, 850 Terpinen-4-ol, 522 Terpinen-4-ol-0, 541 a-Terpinenol, 355 1-Terpinen-4-yl acetate, 402 4-Terpinenyl acetate, 396 Terpineol, 333, 428, 453, 504, 509, 712, 793, 807, 827, 829 (+)-a-Terpineol, 523, 525–529 (-)-a-Terpineol, 525, 526 1-a-Terpineol, 434, 537 2-Terpineol, 818, 819 4-Terpineol, 31, 318, 340, 341, 343, 437, 438, 442, 457, 489, 493, 514 a-Terpineol, 33, 38, 40, 326, 333, 335, 339, 341, 343, 349, 355, 395, 396, 399, 400, 402, 405, 420, 423, 437–439, 442, 444, 445, 448–451, 453–457, 459–461, 463, 482, 487–489, 493, 497, 499, 507, 510, 512–514, 516, 521, 522, 525, 541, 543, 545, 550, 676, 720, 722, 724, 734 a-Terpineol-4, 343 b-Terpineol, 545, 790, 797, 814 d-Terpineol, 396, 402, 423, 444, 450, 460, 516, 793 d-a-Terpineol, 791, 793, 795, 834 d-a-Terpineol, 818 a-Terpineol acetate, 803 Terpineolene, 448, 493 Terpin hydrate, 39 Terpin-4-ol, 438, 463, 497, 510 a-Terpinol, 415 Terpinolene, 17, 18, 33, 38, 40, 333, 335, 348, 389, 391, 396, 399, 400, 402, 405, 428, 442, 445, 448–451, 453–455, 457, 460, 469, 479, 481, 486–489, 491, 498, 499, 507, 510, 514, 516, 522, 523, 525–529, 539, 541, 730, 790, 792, 793, 797, 800, 802, 803, 805, 813, 814, 817, 818, 824, 825, 838, 840, 841, 843 a-Terpinolene, 334, 438, 439, 463, 537, 775, 818 a-Terpinyl, 527 Terpinylacetate, 482, 814 4-Terpinyl acetate, 335 a-Terpinyl acetate, 335, 451, 460, 477, 479, 481, 493, 504, 522, 526–529, 539–542, 847 b-Terpinyl acetate, 402 d-a-Terpinylacetate, 834 a-Terpinylacetete, 460 Terpinyl formate, 792 2,3,4-O-Tetra-acyl-a-D-glycopyranosyl-b-D-fructofuranoside, 913 9,10,12,13-Tetrabromoctadecanoic acid, 411 Tetrachloromethane, 729 Tetracosane, 457, 770, 794, 841, 852, 854, 885 Tetracosanol, 861 Tetracosanol-1, 269, 863–865 Tetracosanol-2, 864 Tetracosan-1-yl acetate, 269 Tetradecanal, 297, 452, 463, 741, 756, 768, 811, 814, 818 Tetradecane, 451, 617, 724, 841

Index of Compounds n-Tetradecane, 444, 550, 552 Tetradecanoic acid, 40, 526, 724, 775, 776 Tetradecanol, 521, 522, 526, 527, 529, 768 Tetradecyl acetate, 768 16,17,25,26-Tetrahydroelasterol, 287, 288, 309 Tetrahydrofuran, 813 Tetrahydrogeraniol, 802 b-Tetrahydroionone, 773 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-1,1,6-trimethylnaphthalene (ionene), 734 Tetrahydroxy carotenoid, 771 Tetrahydroxyepoxycarotenoid, 771 1b,2a,3b,19a-Tetrahydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic, 702 2a,3a,19,24-Tetrahydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic, 346 2,2,6,8-Tetramethyl-7,11-dioxatricyclo(,6-undec-4ene, 326 4,8,12,16-Tetramethylhepta-decanone, 201 Tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol, 463 Tetratriacontane, 269 Tetratriacontanoic acid, 883, 922 (E)-Theaspirane, 720 (Z)-Theaspirane, 720 Thiocyanate, 189 2,4 (10)-Thujadiene, 405 3-Thujanol, 405 trans-4-Thujanol, 543 Thujene, 491 a-Thujene, 18, 38, 40, 334, 391, 396, 399–402, 428, 437–439, 442, 445, 448, 449, 451, 453, 455, 460, 463, 491, 497, 499, 504, 507, 509, 510, 516, 523, 525–529, 537, 539, 545, 790, 792, 802–804, 814, 816–818, 824 b-Thujene, 504 Thuj3-en-10-ol, 40 Thujol, 460 Thujone, 402, 469, 473, 475, 478, 482, 491, 493, 506 a-Thujone, 40, 348, 451, 454, 460, 477, 479, 481, 487, 488, 493, 497, 504, 789 b-Thujone, 40, 348, 391, 451, 459, 461, 477, 479, 481, 487, 488, 493, 497, 504, 789 trans-Thujone, 525–528 Thujopsene, 550 cis-Thujopsene, 529 Thujylalcohol, 789 Thujyl alcohol isomer, 487, 488 a-Thuyene, 453, 454, 456 Thymil acetate, 456 Thymol, 38, 40, 335, 355, 391, 395, 396, 401–403, 406, 431, 438, 448, 449, 451–456, 489, 497, 507, 509, 510, 514, 522, 525, 529, 536–546, 621, 626, 722, 730, 813, 814, 821, 824 Thymol acetate, 454, 539 Thymol methyl ester, 537 Thymol methyl ether, 454, 814 Thymoquinone, 673 Thymyl acetate, 454 Thymyl methyl oxide, 455 Tiglic aldehyde, 773 Tirucallol, 296, 305, 312, 313, 315, 317, 318, 320–323, 674 Tirucallol (tirucalla-8,24-dienol), 284, 285, 289, 293, 296–298, 300, 301, 308, 324 T-Muurolol, 40, 522 Tocopherol, 597, 599, 601

957 a-Tocol, 201 d-Tocol, 201 g-Tocol, 201 Tocopherol, 499, 874, 877, 887 a-Tocopherol, 195, 249, 639, 703–705, 707, 723, 730, 733, 734, 747, 765, 770, 776 b-Tocopherol, 704, 723, 734, 747, 770 d-Tocopherol, 195, 704, 723, 765, 770, 776 g-Tocopherol, 195, 639, 707, 708, 723, 730, 734, 747, 770 g-Tocopherols, 776 a-Tocotrienol, 704, 747 g-Tocotrienol, 704, 705 Toluene, 269, 355, 729, 774, 790 6p-Tolyl-3-heptanone, 620, 626 Tormentic acid, 764 Tormentoic acid (2a,19a-dihydroxyursolic), 737 Torreol, 537 Torreyol, 469, 523, 526–529 Tremulone, 868 Triacontane, 331, 788 n-Triacontane, 715 Triacontan-1-ol, 269 5-Triacontanol, 922 n-Triacontanol, 838 2,3,4-O-Tri-acyl-a-D-glycopyranosyl-4-O-acyl-6-O-acetyl-bD-fructofuranoside, 913 2,3,4-O-Tri-acyl-a-D-glycopyranosyl-1-O-malonyl-4-Oacyl–6-O-acetyl-b-D-fructofuranoside, 913 Tricosane, 268, 341, 452, 457, 463, 522, 530, 734, 770, 794, 841, 852, 854, 885 n-Tricosane, 550, 553, 556 Tricosanol, 778 Tricosanol-1, 268, 864 Tricosanol-2, 864 Tricyclene, 18, 40, 333–335, 348, 396, 460, 493, 497, 510, 516, 525, 543 g-Tridecalactone, 617 Tridecanal, 297 n-Tridecanal, 800 Tridecane, 352, 391, 522, 527, 529, 741, 790, 841 n-Tridecane, 552 2-Tridecanol, 724 n-Tridecanol, 529 2-Tridecanone, 326, 620, 626, 724, 768 Tridecylic acid, 348 Trigonelline, 830 Trihydroxy carotenoid, 679 12,13,16-Trihydroxy-cis-9,trans-14-acid, 286 12,15,16-Trihydroxy-cis-9,trans-13-acid, 286 3b,7b,23x-Trihydroxycucurbita-5,24-dien-19-al, 319 3b,7b,25-Trihydroxycucurbita-5,23-dien-19-al, 319 Trihydroxymonoepoxide, 679 9,10,18-Trihydroxyoctadecanoic acid, 729, 923 9,10,13-Trihydroxy-trans-11,cis-15-acid, 286 9,12,13-Trihydroxy-trans-10-cis-15-acid, 286 2a,3a,24-Trihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic, 346 1,2,3-Trimethoxybenzene, 303 1,2,4-Trimethoxybenzene, 303 4a,14a,24-Trimethyl-9b,19-cyclo-5a-cholest-24-en-3b-ol, 194 4a,14a,24-Trimethyl-9b,19-cyclocholest-24-en-3b-ol, 194 2,3,4-Trimethyl benzaldehyde, 841

958 Trimethylbenzene, 294, 355, 620, 626 a,a,p-Trimethylbenzyl alcohol, 790, 814 4a,14a,24-Trimethylcholesta-8,24-dien-3b-ol, 194 4a–14a,24-Trimethyl-cholesta-8.24-dienol, 881 Trimethylcyclohexanone, 552 2,2,6-Trimethylcyclohexanone, 741 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-dioxolane, 355 Trimethylgallic acid, 788 2,6,6-Trimethyl-2-hydroxycyclohexylidene, 553 2,3,3-Trimethyl-2-(3-methyl–1,3-butadienyl)-cyclohexanone, 442 6,10,14-Trimethylpentadecanone, 463, 526–528, 530, 550, 553, 556 14-Trimethyl pentadecan-2-one, 529 1,2,3-Trimethyl-5-(2-propenyl)benzene, 720 2,3,4-Trimethyltriacontane, 922 2,6,6-Trimethyl-2-vinyltetrahydropyrane, 790 a,a,p-Trimetylbenzyl alcohol methyl ether, 790 Triol triacetate, 269 Triricinolein, 384 Triterpene alcohols (4,4-dimethylsterols), 707 Triterpenoic acids, 325, 352, 415, 418–420, 425, 430 Triterpenol ester, 798 Triterpenols, 418, 675, 877, 887 Triterphenols, 874 Trithiahexane, 196 Tritriacontane, 269, 883 3-Tritriacontanone, 883, 922 Trollichrome, 692, 813 Trolliflor, 692 Trollixanthin, 819 trans-Trollixanthin, 813 Trollixanthine, 691, 692 ar-Turmerone, 333, 335

U Umbelliferon, 793 Undecanal, 297, 527–529, 791, 803, 811, 814, 816, 818 n-Undecanal, 800 Undecane, 269, 352, 617, 620, 626, 790 n-Undecane, 550, 556 Undecanoic acid, 723, 813 Undecanol, 529, 815, 818, 853 2-Undecanol, 724, 852–854 Undecanone, 853 2-Undecanone, 402, 620, 626, 724, 768, 852–854 (E, Z)-1,3,5-Undecatriene, 741 Undecenal, 527 (E)-2-Undecenal, 326, 526–528 trans-2-Undecenal, 800 Undecyl acetate, 803, 853 2-Undecylacetate, 852–854 n-Undecylaldehyde, 768 2-Undecyl-2-methylbutyrate, 852, 854 2-Undecyl-3-methylbutyrate, 852, 854 Undecyl-3-methylbutyrate, 854 2-Undecylpropionate, 852, 854 Undekanon-2, 456 g-Undelactone, 402 Unidentified carotenoides, 431 Unipercamphora, 13, 340, 348

Index of Compounds Ursol aldehyde, 745 Ursolic acid, 325–330, 336, 337, 339–355, 415, 418–420, 425, 430, 451, 453, 456, 465, 471, 475, 477, 478, 482–484, 486–488, 490, 495, 501, 504, 506, 508, 509, 533, 534, 637, 692, 696, 701, 737, 745–749, 764, 766, 777–779, 781, 883 Uvaol acid, 327, 336, 341, 342, 346, 348, 349, 504, 719

V Valencene, 455, 463, 523, 792–794, 811, 815, 816, 818, 819, 821 Valeraldehyde, 770 Valerianal, 335 Valeric acid, 332–336, 348, 350, 723, 735, 787, 792, 858, 860, 867 iso-Valeric acid, 712 Valeric aldehyde, 355 Vanilin, 721, 722, 724, 730, 774, 776, 781 Veleranone, 523 Verbenene, 391 cis-Verbenol, 318, 442, 445, 516 trans-Verbenol, 391, 396, 405, 420, 445, 460, 516 Verbenone, 31, 355, 391, 396, 405, 724 trans-Verbenone, 442 Vergatic acid, 495, 496 24-Vethylenecholesterol, 293, 319, 322 Vetivenene, 459 (+)-a-Vetivone, 810 Vinylbenzene, 268, 269 4-Vinylguaiacol, 817, 841 p-Vinyl-guaiacol, 197 (-)-(2R,5S)-trans-2-Vinyl-2-methyl-5-(10 -hydroxy-10 methylethyl)-tetrahydrofuran (trans-oxide of linool), 773 (2R,5S)-cis-2-Vinyl-2-methyl-5-(10 -hydroxy-10 -methylethyl)tetrahydrofuran (cis-oxide of linool), 773 4-Vinylphenol, 724, 774, 776 Vinyl phenyl ether, 268 2-Vinyl-2,6,6-trimethyl–5-hydroxytetrahydropyran (oxide of linalool), 773 Violaxanthal, 814 Violaxanthin, 431, 648, 679, 680, 702, 715, 729, 749, 750, 756, 767, 779, 780, 807, 809, 819, 822–824, 867, 873, 875, 886, 887 9-cis-Violaxanthin, 819 13-cis-Violaxanthin, 819 cis-Violaxanthin, 809, 813, 814 trans-Violaxanthin, 813, 814 Violaxanthine, 304, 681 Virgatoic acids, 506 Viridiflor, 445, 452, 516 Viridiflorene, 527–529 Viridiflorol, 348, 434, 459–461, 507, 522, 523, 526–529 Vitispirane, 335 trans-22-Vuhydrocholesterol, 194

X Xanthophyll, 657, 680, 684, 685, 691, 692, 767, 869 Xanthophyll epoxide, 657, 679 Xanthotoxine, 832, 833, 859 Xanthoxine, 835

Index of Compounds Xylene, 355, 734 m-Xylene, 730, 774 o-Xylene, 730, 744, 774 p-Xylene, 730, 744, 774, 813 Xylol, 776

Y a-Ylangene, 493, 510, 529, 537

959 Z b-Zeacarotene, 756, 809, 819 Zeaxanthin, 307, 355, 431, 657, 677, 679, 749, 750, 756, 767, 771, 779, 780, 809, 813, 814, 822–824, 864, 875 (13Z)-Zeaxanthin, 771 cis-Zeaxanthin, 809 Zeaxanthin ester 1, 875 Zizyberanolic acid(3a-hydroxy-2b-aldehydo-A(1)-norlup20(29)-en-28-oic) acid, 696, 697

Index of Organisms

A Abelmoschus ficulneus, 609 Abutilon sp. A. amplum, 609 A. auritum, 609 A. avicennae, 610 A. crispum, 610 A. incanum, 610 A. indicum, 610 A. pannosum, 610–611 A. pictum, 611 A. theophrasti, 611–612 Acachmena cuspidata, 173 Acacia sp. A. albida, 549 A. arabica, 549 A. auriculiformis, 549–550 A. berlandieri, 550 A. berteriana, 550 A. caesia, 551 A. catechu, 551 A. concinna, 551 A. coriacea, 551 A. cyplops, 551–552 A. dealbata, 552 A. decurrens, 552 A. farnesiana, 552–553 A. horrida, 553 A. intsia, 551 A. julibrissin, 559 A. latronum, 553 A. lenticularis, 553 A. leucophloea, 553 A. longifolia, 554 A. macrothyrsa, 554 A. melellifera, 554 A. minhassai, 554 A. modesta, 554–555 A. mollissima, 555 A. nilotica, 555 A. pennata, 555 A. planifrons, 555 A. rigidula, 556 A. schweinfurthii, 556

A. senegal, 556 A. seyal, 556 A. suma, 557 A. tortilis, 557 A. verek, 557 A. willardiana, 557 Acanthopanax sp. A. sciadophylloides, 29 A. sessiliflorus, 29–30 A. spinosus, 30–31 Acanthosicyos horrida, 283 Achillea sp. A. ageratum, 37 A. asiatica, 37 A. biserrata, 38 A. carpatica, 47 A. cartilaginea, 38 A. clavennae, 38 A. filipendulina, 38–40 A. grandiflora, 40 A. holosericea, 41 A. kerner, 45 A. ketenoglui, 41–42 A. kitaibelliana, 46 A. ledebourii, 42 A. lingulata, 42 A. lycaonica, 42–43 A. micrantha, 43 A. millefolium, 43–44 A. neilreichii, 45 A. nobilis, 44–46 A. ochroleuca, 46 A. santolina, 46 A. setacea, 46 A. sipylea, 46 A. sudetica, 47 A. vermicularis, 47 Acinos sp. A. arvensis, 389 A. rotundifolius, 389 Aconitum sp. A. anthora, 647 A. barbatum, 647 A. coreanum, 647


962 Aconitum sp. (cont.) A. delavayi, 647 A. excelsum, 647–649 A. karakolicum, 650 A. komarovii, 647 A. kusnezoffii, 648 A. lasiostomum, 648 A. laxum, 648 A. leucostomum, 648 A. lycoctonum, 649 A. memorum, 649 A. moldavicum, 649 A. napellus, 649 A. orientale, 649 A. saposhnikovii, 649 A. septentrionale, 649 A. soongaricum, 650 A. tranzschelii, 649 A. volubile, 650 A. vulparia, 649 Acronychia laurifolia, 783 Actaea sp. A. acuminata, 650 A. asiatica, 650 A. rubra, 650 A. spicata, 650 Actinolema sp. A. eryngioides, 1 A. macrolema, 1 Actinomeris alternifolia, 47 Actinostemma lobatum, 283 Adelocaryum coelestinum, 145 Adenanthera pavonia, 557–558 Adenodolichos paniculatus, 558 Adonanthe sp. A. vernalis, 652 A. wolgensis, 652 Adonanthe turkestanica, 652 Adonis sp. A. aestivalis, 650–651 A. annua, 651 A. autumnalis, 651 A. flammea, 651 A. turkestanica, 652 A. vernalis, 652 A. wolgensis, 652 Aechynomene indica, 558 Aegle sp. A. marmelos, 783 A. sepiaria, 821–822 Aegonychon purpureo-caeruleum, 162 Aegopodium sp. A. alpestre, 1 A. podagraria, 1 A. tadshikorum, 2 Aethionema sp. A. creticum, 173 A. grandiflorum, 173–174 A. pulchellum, 174 A. schistosum, 174 Aethusa cynapium, 2

Index of Organisms Afzelia sp. A. africana, 558 A. brieyi, 558 Agastache sp. A. foeniculum, 389 A. nepetoides, 390 A. rugosa, 390 A. urticifolia, 390 Agasyllis latifolia, 2 Agathosma sp. A. apiculata, 783 A. ciliaris, 784 A. imbricata, 784 A. microphylla, 784 A. scaberula, 784 Ageratum houstonianum, 47–48 Agrimonia sp. A. asiatica, 701 A. eupatoria, 701 A. odorata, 702 A. pilosa, 702 A. procera, 702 Ailacospermum anomalum, 2 Ainsworthia trachycarpa, 2 Ajania sp. A. achilleoides, 48 A. fastigiata, 48 A. fruticulosa, 48 A. trifida, 49 Ajuga sp. A. bombycina, 391 A. chamaepitys, 391, 392 A. chia, 392 A. genevensis, 392 A. iva, 393 A. laxmanii, 393 A. reptans, 393 Albizia sp. A. amara, 558 A. hartnett, 558–559 A. julibrissin, 559 A. lebbek, 559 A. lucida, 559 A. richardiana, 559 A. versicolor, 559 Alcea sp. A. armeniaca, 612 A. rosea, 612 Alchemilla sp. A. alpina, 702 A. arvensis, 708 A. caucasica, 702 A. vulgaris, 702 A. xanthochlora, 702 Aleurites sp. A. cordata, 357 A. fordii, 357–358 A. moluccana, 358 A. montana, 358 A. triloba, 358 A. trisperma, 358

Index of Organisms Alhagi sp. A. maurolum, 560 A. pseudoalhagi, 560 Alkanna sp. A. froedinii, 145 A. orientalis, 145 Alliaria sp. A. alliacea, 174–175 A. officinalis, 174–175 A. petiolata, 174–175 Althaea sp. A. hirsuta, 613 A. nudiflora, 613 A. officinalis, 613–614 A. rhyticarpa, 614 A. rosea, 614–615 Alysicarpus vaginalis, 560 Alyssoides utriculata, 175 Alyssum sp. A. alpestre, 175 A. alyssoides, 175 A. argenteum, 175 A. calycinum, 175 A. campestre, 175 A. constellatum, 176 A. dasycarpum, 176 A. desertorum, 176, 178 A. incanum, 183 A. maritimum, 176 A. minimum, 176–177 A. montanum, 177 A. murale, 177 A. parviflorum, 177 A. rostratum, 177 A. saxatile, 177–178, 182 A. tortuosum, 178 A. turkestanicum, 178 Amaracus sp. A. akhdarensis, 393 A. dictamnus, 393–394 A. pampanini, 394 Amblygonocarpus androgensis, 560 Amblynotus sp. A. obovatus, 146 A. rupestris, 146 Ambrosia sp. A. artemisiifolia, 49 A. psilostachya, 49 A. trifida, 49 Amburana claudii, 605 Amelanchier sp. A. canadensis, 702 A. ovalis, 703 A. rotundifolia, 703 A. vulgaris, 703 Amethystea caeruleae, 394 Ammi sp. A. majus, 3 A. visnaga, 3

963 Ammoselinum sp. A. giganteum, 3 A. popei, 3 Amorpha fruticosa, 560 Amsinckia sp. A. intermedia, 146 A. lunaris, 146 A. tessellata, 146 Amygdalus sp., 707 A. bucharica, 703 A. communis, 703–704 A. dulcis, 703–704 A. fenzliana, 705 A. ledebouriana, 705 A. nana, 705 A. pedunculata, 706 A. persica, 706, 734–735 A. petunnikowii, 706–707 A. saviczii, 707 A. scoparia, 707 A. spinosissima, 707–708 A. turcomanica, 708 A. vavilovii, 708 Amyris sp. A. balsamifera, 785 A. elemifera, 785 A. plumieri, 785 Ancathia igniaria, 49 Anchusa sp. A. angustifolia, 146–147 A. azurea, 147 A. capensis, 147–148 A. hybrida, 148 A. incana, 148 A. italica, 147 A. leptophylla, 148 A. officinalis, 148 A. strigosa, 148–149 Andromeda polifolia, 325 Anemonastrum sp. A. biarmiense, 653 A. fasciculatum, 653 A. narcissiflorum, 654 A. protractum, 654 Anemone sp. A. altaica, 653 A. biarmiensis, 653 A. campanella, 678 A. cernua, 678 A. decapetala, 653 A. dichotoma, 653 A. fasciculata, 653 A. hudsoniana, 653 A. multifida, 654 A. narcissiflora, 654 A. pratensis, 679 A. protracta, 654 Anemonidium dichotomum, 653 Anemonoides altaica, 653

964 Anethum graveolens, 3 Angelica sp. A. ampla, 4 A. anomala, 4 A. archangelica, 4 A. brevicaulis, 5 A. cartilaginomarginata, 5 A. cincta, 5 A. czernaevia, 5 A. daurica, 5–6 A. decurrens, 6 A. descursiva, 6 A. komarovii, 6 A. litoralis, 6 A. lucida, 7 A. palustris, 7 A. purpurancens, 7 A. sylvestris, 7 A. takeshimana, 7–8 A. tenuifolia, 8 A. ternata, 8 A. tschimganica, 8 Anisodontea hypomadara, 615 Anisomeles sp. A. indica, 394 A. ovata, 394–395 Anthemis sp. A. arvensis, 50 A. cotula, 50 A. hyalina, 50–51 A. nobilis, 51 A. sancti-johannis, 51 A. subtinctoria, 51 A. tinctoria, 52 A. wiedemanniana, 52 Anthriscus sp. A. caucalis, 8 A. cerefolium, 8–9 A. longirostris, 9 A. nemorosa, 9 A. sylvestris, 9 Anthyllis tetraphylla, 560 Aphanes arvensis, 708 Aphanopleura sp. A. capilifolia, 10 A. leptoclada, 10 Apios mellifica, 561 Apium sp. A. graveolens, 10 A. leptophyllum, 10 A. sellowianum, 10 Apodanthera undulata, 283–284 Aquilegia sp. A. advena, 654 A. alpina, 654 A. atrata, 655 A. bernardi, 655 A. buergerana, 656 A. caerules, 655 A. ecalcarata, 655 A. glandulosa, 655

Index of Organisms A. karelinii, 655 A. olympica, 656 A. oxysepala, 656 A. sibirica, 656 A. viridiflora, 656 A. vulgaris, 656 A. wittmanniana, 657 Arabidopsis thaliana, 178 Arabis sp. A. albida, 179 A. alpine, 179 A. blepharophylla, 179 A. caucasica, 179 A. dolichothrix, 179 A. flaviflora, 179 A. glabra, 179–180 A. hirsuta, 180 A. hirsute, 180 A. ionocalyx, 179 A. laevigata, 180 A. pendula, 180 A. sagittata, 180 A. virginia, 180–181 Arachis hypogaea, 561 Aralia sp. A. cachemirica, 31 A. continentalis, 31 A. cordata, 31 A. elata, 32 A. hispida, 32 A. mandshurica, 32 A. spinosa, 32 Arbutus sp. A. andrachne, 325 A. laurifolia, 331 A. menziesii, 326 A. unedo, 326 Archangelica decurrens, 11 Arctium sp. A. chaorum, 53 A. lappa, 53 A. leiospermum, 53–54 A. minus, 54 A. tomentosum, 54–55 Arctostaphylos sp. A. caucasica, 327 A. glauca, 326 A. uva-ursi, 327 Arctotis grandis, 55 Arctous alpina, 327 Arischrada sp. A. bucharica, 395 A. dracocephaloides, 395 A. korolkowii, 395–396 Armeniaca sp. A. mandshurica, 709 A. sibirica, 709 A. vulgaris, 709 Armoracia sp. A. rusticana, 181 A. sisymbrioides, 181

Index of Organisms Arnebia griffithii, 149 Arnica montana, 55–56 Aronia melanocarpa, 710 Artagene alpina, 657 Artedia squamata, 11 Artemisia sp. A. abrotanum, 56–57 A. absinthium, 57–59 A. adamsii, 59–60 A. afra, 60 A. albicerata, 60 A. albida, 69 A. amoena, 60–61 A. anethifolia, 61 A. annua, 61–63 A. arborescens, 63 A. arenaria, 63 A. argyi, 63–64 A. astrachanica, 81 A. austriaca, 64 A. badghysi, 64 A. balchanorum, 64–65 A. baldshuanica, 65 A. barrelieri, 76 A. biennis, 65 A. boschniakiana, 91 A. brevifolia, 65 A. campestris, 65–66 A. cana, 66 A. capillaris, 67 A. caudata, 68 A. changaica, 68 A. cina, 68 A. ciniformis, 69 A. citriodora, 85 A. coerulea, 88–89 A. coerulescens, 69 A. compacta, 69 A. depauperata, 69 A. diffusa, 99–100 A. dracunculus, 70, 71 A. feddei, 71 A. fedtschenkoana, 71 A. ferganensis, 71–72 A. fragrans, 72 A. freyniana, 84 A. frigida, 72–73 A. fukudo, 73 A. gallica, 83 A. genuina, 77 A. glabella, 73 A. glacialis, 73 A. glauca, 73–74 A. glaucina, 95 A. globosa, 74 A. glutinosa, 74 A. gmelinii, 74 A. gorjaevii, 94 A. gracilescens, 75 A. gracilis, 75 A. graveolens, 94–95

965 A. gypsacea, 75 A. halodendron, 75 A. halophila, 75–76 A. heptapotamica, 76 A. herba alba, 76, 77 A. heterophylla, 77 A. incana, 77 A. indica, 102 A. intricata, 77 A. issykkulensis, 71 A. jacutica, 78 A. japonica, 78 A. jaxartica, 102 A. juncea, 78 A. karatavica, 95 A. kaschgarica, 79 A. kazakewiczi, 81 A. kelleri, 79 A. kemrudica, 79 A. kopetdaghensis, 79 A. korshinskyi, 80 A. kulbadica, 80 A. kumykorum, 91 A. kurdaica, 96 A. kurramensis, 80 A. lagocephala, 80 A. lavandulifolia, 71 A. lehmanniana, 80 A. lercheana, 81 A. lessingiana, 81 A. leucodes, 82–83 A. ludoviciana, 83 A. macrocephala, 83 A. macrosciadia, 78 A. maritima, 83–85 A. marschalliana, 66 A. martjanovii, 84 A. massagetovii, 97 A. messerschmidiana, 84 A. mogoltavica, 68 A. mongolica, 84 A. mongolorum, 85 A. monogyna, 85, 91 A. mucronulata, 95–96 A. namanganica, 85 A. nitrosa, 85–86 A. palustris, 86 A. pamirica, 86 A. pauciflora, 86 A. persica, 87 A. piacea, 87 A. pontica, 87–88 A. porrecta, 88–89 A. praticola, 91 A. proceriformis, 56–57 A. pseudofragrans, 91 A. repens, 64 A. rigida, 89 A. rupestris, 89 A. rutifolia, 89–90 A. salina, 83–84

966 Artemisia sp. (cont.) A. salsoloudes, 90 A. samoiedorum, 90 A. santolinifolia, 90 A. santonica, 91 A. schrenkiana, 91 A. scoparia, 91 A. selengensis, 92 A. semiarida, 97 A. serotina, 92 A. serrata, 92 A. sieversiana, 92–93 A. sogdiana, 64 A. sosnovskyi, 66 A. sphaerocephala, 93 A. spicigera, 93 A. steveniana, 66 A. suaveolens, 97–98 A. sublessingiana, 93–94 A. succulenta, 94 A. szovitziana, 94 A. taurica, 94–95 A. tenuisecta, 95–96 A. terrae-albae, 96–98 A. tomentella, 98 A. tournefortiana, 98 A. transiliensis, 98–99 A. tridentata, 99 A. turanica, 99–100 A. turkestanica, 71 A. umbrosa, 100 A. uzbekistanica, 85 A. valida, 100 A. vallesiaca, 84 A. variabilis, 100 A. verlotiorum, 100 A. vulgaris, 101–102 A. xanthochroa, 102 A. xerophytica, 103 Aster sp. A. alpinus, 103 A. ericoides, 103 Astrantia sp. A. major, 11 A. maxima, 11 Astrodaucus orientalis, 11 Atalantia sp. A. glauca, 831 A. monophylla, 785 Athamanta cretensis, 12 Atragene sp. A. ochotensis, 657 A. sibirica, 657 Atropa sp. A. belladonna, 873 A. caucasica, 873 Aubrieta sp. A. deltoidea, 181 A. graeca, 181 A. kotschyi, 182 Aulocospermum, 12

Index of Organisms Aurinia saxatillis, 182 Azalea sp. A. pontica, 327–328, 347 A. procumbens, 337–338

B Baikaea plurijuga, 561 Ballota sp. B. acetabulosa, 396 B. hispanica, 396 B. nigra, 397 Balsamiflua euphratica, 862 Barbarea sp. B. arcuata, 182 B. stricta, 182 B. vulgaris, 183 Barosma sp. B. apiculata, 783 B. betulina, 785–786 B. crenulata, 786 B. pulchella, 786 B. serratifolia, 786 B. venusta, 786–787 Basilima sorbifolia, 778 Bauhinia sp. B. esculenta, 561 B. petersiana, 561 B. purpura, 562 B. variegata, 562 Benincasa sp. B. cerifera, 284–285 B. hispida, 285 Berchenia discolor, 693 Berteroa incana, 183 Beta vulgaris, 12 Betonica sp. B. alopecuros, 397 B. foliosa, 397 B. grandiflora, 398 B. officinalis, 398 Bidens sp. B. ferulifolia, 103–104 B. frondosa, 104 Bifora sp. B. americana, 12 B. radians, 12 B. testiculata, 13 Bilacunaria microcarpa, 13 Blumea mollis, 104 Boltonia asteroides, 104 Borago officinalis, 149 Boreava orientalis, 183 Boronia sp. B. citriodora, 787 B. dentigeroides, 787 B. ledifolia, 787 B. megastigma, 788 B. pinnata, 788 B. pinnata var. citriodora, 787 B. polygalifolia, 788

Index of Organisms B. safrolifera, 789 B. thujona, 789 Bowlesia incana, 13 Brachanthemum gobicum, 104 Brachyscome iberidifolia, 105 Brachystegia microphylla, 562 Brassica sp., 200–202 B. adpressa, 184 B. alba, 184, 270–271 B. amplexicaulis, 184 B. armoracioides, 184 B. arvensis, 184 B. barrelieri, 185 B. campestris, 185–186 B. carinata, 187 B. cossoneana, 187 B. cretica, 187 B. elongata, 187–188 B. fruticulosa, 188 B. gravinae, 188 B. hirta, 188, 270–271 B. juncea, 188–189 B. maurorum, 190 B. napobrassica, 190 B. napus, 190–195 B. nigra, 196 B. oleracea, 196–199 B. oxyrrhina, 199 B. rapa, 200 B. repanda, 200 B. spinescens, 202 B. tournefortii, 202 Brassicella erucastrum, 202 Brazoria scutellarioides, 398 Breynia rhamnoides, 358–359 Bridelia sp. B. cathartica, 359 B. stipularis, 359 Brunnera orientalis, 149 Bryonia sp. B. alba, 285–286 B. cretica, 286–287 B. dioica, 286–287 B. verrucosa, 288 Buglossoides sp. B. arvensis, 161–162 B. tenuiflora, 162 Bunias orientalis, 202–203 Bunium sp. B. cylindricum, 13 B. hissaricum, 13 B. paucifolium, 14 B. persicum, 14 Bupleurum sp. B. beldreichii, 14 B. croceum, 14 B. exaltatum, 15 B. falcatum, 15 B. fruticosum, 15 B. gerardii, 15

967 B. lanceolatrum, 15 B. lancifolium, 15–16 B. longiradiatum, 16 B. odontites, 16 B. rotundifolium, 16 B. tenue, 16

C Cacalia hastata, 105 Cachrys alpina, 17 Caesalpinia sp. C. bonducella, 562 C. brasiliensis, 562 Cakile sp. C. baltica, 203 C. edentula, 203 C. euxina, 203 C. maritima, 203 Calamintha sp. C. clinopodium, 399 C. nepeta, 399–400 C. nepetoides, 400 Calendula sp. C. arvensis, 105 C. persica, 105 Calepina irregularis, 204 Calestania palustris, 17 Calliandra criophylla, 563 Calluna vulgaris, 328 Caltha sp. C. palustris, 658 C. palustris, 657 C. polypetala, 658 C. silvestris, 658 Calycomorphum subterraneum, 606 Camelina sp. C. alyssum, 204 C. glabrata, 204 C. linicola, 204 C. microcarpa, 204 C. pilosa, 204 C. rumelica, 204–205 C. sativa, 205 Canavalia sp. C. candlenut, 563 C. ensformis, 563 Caperonia palustris, 359 Capsella bursa-pastoris, 206 Capsicum sp. C. annuum, 873–878 C. annuum var angulosum, 878–879 C. annuum var cerasiforme, 879 C. annuum var fasciculatum, 879 C. frutescens, 879 Caragana arborescens, 563 Cardamine sp. C. amara, 207 C. bellidifolia, 207 C. graeca, 207

968 Cardamine sp. (cont.) C. hirsuta, 207 C. impatiens, 207–208 C. pratensis, 208 Cardaria sp. C. draba, 208 C. repens, 208–209 Carduus nigrescens, 106 Carlina sp. C. acanthifolia, 106 C. utzka, 106 Carrichtera annua, 209 Carumbium sebiferum, 386 Carum spp., 18 C. bulbocastrum, 17 C. buriaticum, 17 C. carvi, 17–18 Caryodendron orinocense, 359 Cassia sp. C. abbreviata, 563 C. absus, 564 C. alata, 564 C. arereh, 564 C. grandis, 564 C. hirsuta, 565 C. multijuga, 565 C. occidentalis, 565 C. siamea, 565 C. singueana, 566 C. tora, 566 Cassiope sp. C. ericoides, 328 C. tetragona, 328–329 Castalis nudicaulis, 106 Caucalis sp. C. incognita, 18 C. platycarpos, 18 Caulanthus inflatus, 209–210 Cayaponia sp. C. africana, 288 C. cabocla, 288 C. globosa, 288 Ceanothus velutinus, 693 Cenolophium fischeri, 18 Centaurea sp. C. cyanus, 106 C. dichroa, 107 Cephalocroton peuschelii, 359 Cerasus sp. C. avium, 710 C. bifrons, 710–711 C. erythrocarpa, 710–711 C. mahaleb, 711, 732 C. vulgaris, 711 Ceratocephala sp. C. orthoceras, 658 C. testiculata, 658 Ceratonia siliqua, 566 Cercidium floridum, 566 Cercis siliquastrum, 567

Index of Organisms Cerinthe sp. C. major, 149–150 C. minor, 150 Cesalpina pulcherrima, 567 Cestrum parquii, 880 Chaenomeles japonica, 712 Chaerophyllum sp. C. aromaticum, 19 C. aureum, 19 C. bulbosum, 19 C. coloratum, 19 C. crinitum, 19 C. maculatum, 20 C. reflexum, 20 C. tainturieri, 20 C. villosum, 20 Chaiturus marrubiastrum, 400 Chamaedaphne calyculata, 329 Chamaenerion angustifolium, 637 Chamaesaracha coronopus, 880 Chamerion angustifolium, 637 Chamomilla recutita, 124–125 Cheiranthus C. alpinus, 210 C. cheirii, 210 C. maritimus, 211 Chorisia speciosa, 616 Chosenia arbutifolia, 861 Chrozophora sp. C. hierosolymitana, 360 C. plicata, 360 C. tinctoria, 360 C. verbascifolia, 360 Chrysanthemoides sp. C. incana, 107 C. monilifera, 107–108 Chrysanthemum sp. C. carinatum, 108 C. coronarium, 108 C. leucanthemum, 108 Cicer arietinum, 567–568 Cicuta sp. C. douglasii, 20 C. maculata, 20–21 C. mexicana, 21 C. virosa, 21 Cimicifuga sp. C. dahurica, 658 C. foetida, 658 C. racemosa, 659 C. simplex, 659 Circaea canadensis, 637 Cirsium altissimum, 108–109 Citrullus sp. C. aedulis, 288 C. battich, 288–289 C. colocynthis, 290 C. edulis, 291 C. lanatus, 291 C. maxima, 291

Index of Organisms C. naudinianus, 291–292 C. vulgaris, 292 Citrus sp. C. amblycarpa, 789 C. asahican, 789 C. assamensis, 790 C. aurantifolia, 790–791 C. aurantium, 791–794, 815–819 C. aurantium, 791–795 C. benikoji, 794 C. bergamia, 794–795 C. bigaradia, 791–795 C. canaliculata, 795 C. celebica, 796 C. clementina, 796 C. decumana, 796 C. depressa, 796 C. excelsa, 797 C. funadoco, 797 C. glaberrima, 797 C. grandis, 797 C. halimii, 798 C. hanaju, 798 C. hystrix, 798–799 C. ichangensis, 799 C. ionos, 799 C. iyo, 799 C. jambhiri, 800 C. japonica, 808 C. junos, 800 C. karna, 800 C. kotokan, 801 C. latipes, 801 C. limetta, 801 C. limettioides, 802 C. limon, 802–804 C. limonelloides, 804 C. limonia, 804–805 C. limonium, 802–804 C. limonum, 805 C. lumria, 805 C. macrophylla, 805 C. macroptera, 805 C. madurensis, 806 C. maxima, 806 C. medica b-limon, 802–804 C. medica, 806–807 C. megalopsicarpa, 807 C. meyeri, 807 C. microcarpa, 808 C. microcarpos, 808 C. mitis, 808 C. myrtifolia, 808 C. natsudaidai, 808 C. nobilis, 808–809 C. paradisi, 809–812 C. poonensis, 812 C. pseudograndis, 812 C. reticulata, 812–814 C. rokugatsu, 815

969 C. sinensis, 815–819 C. sinograndis, 820 C. succosa, 820 C. sudachi, 820 C. sunki, 820 C. tachibana, 821 C. taiwanica, 821 C. tangerine, 821 C. temple, 821 C. trifoliata, 821–822 C. tripatra, 821–822 C. unshiu, 822–825 C. vulgaris, 791–794 Clarkia elegans, 637 Clausena sp. C. anisata, 825 C. anisum-olens, 825, 826 C. lunulata, 825 C. willdenowii, 826 Clematis sp. C. alpina, 657 C. angustifolia, 659 C. flammula, 659 C. flanmuls, 659 C. florida, 659 C. glabra, 659 C. glauca, 660 C. heracleifolia, 660 C. hexapetala, 660 C. integrifolia, 660 C. lathyrifolia, 661 C. minor, 660–661 C. ochotensis, 657 C. ochroleuca, 661 C. paniculata, 661 C. recta, 661 C. sericea, 661 C. serratifolia, 661 C. songarica, 661 C. uncinata, 662 C. vitalba, 662 C. viticella, 662 Cleonia lusitanica, 400 Clinopodium sp. C. integerrimum, 400 C. vulgare, 401 Clitoria ternatea, 568 Cluytia affinis, 360 Cnicus benedictus, 109 Cnidium sp. C. davuricum, 21 C. monnieri, 21 C. salinum, 21 Cnidoscolus sp. C. angustidens, 361 C. elasticus, 361 C. marcgravii, 361 C. stimulosus, 361 C. tepiquensis, 361 Coccinea grandis, 293

970 Cochlearia sp. C. acaulis, 211 C. arctica, 211 C. armoracia, 181, 212 C. danica, 212 C. officinalis, 212 C. rusticana, 181 Collinsonia canadensis, 401 Colodenbrum capense, 826 Colophospermum mopane, 568 Colubrina asiatica, 693 Coluria geoides, 712 Colutea arborescens, 568 Comandra pallida, 569 Comarum palustre, 712 Condalis sp., 693 Conioselinum sp. C. chinense, 22 C. tataricum, 22 C. univittatum, 22 C. vaginatum, 22 Conium maculatum, 22 Conringia sp. C. orientalis, 212 C. planisiliqua, 213 Consolida sp. C. ajacis, 662–664 C. ambigua, 662 C. arvensis, 662, 663 C. orientalis, 663, 667 C. persica, 663, 668 C. regalis, 663, 665 C. rugulosa, 663, 668 Coptis trifolia, 663 Cordia sp. C. obliqua, 150 C. salicifolia, 150 C. verbenacea, 150 Cordylocarpus muricatus, 213 Coreopsis sp. C. drummondii, 109 C. grandiflora, 109 C. lanceolata, 109 C. tinctoria, 110 C. verticillata, 110 Coriandrum sativum, 23 Coridothymus capitatus, 401–403 Coronopus sp. C. didymus, 213 C. procumbens, 213 Cosmidium brunette, 110 Cosmos bipinnatus, 110 Cota sp. C. tinctoria, 52 C. wiedemanniana, 52 Cotoneaster sp. C. melanocarpa, 712 C. microphylla, 712

Index of Organisms Coumarouna sp. C. alata, 569 C. excelsa, 569 C. odorata, 569 Cousinia sp. C. aurea, 110–111 C. franchetii, 111 C. sewerzowii, 111–112 C. umbrosa, 112–113 Crambe sp. C. abyssinica, 213–215 C. amabilis, 215–216, 219 C. armena, 216 C. aspera, 216 C. cordifolia, 216 C. fruticosa, 217 C. hispanica, 217 C. juncea, 217 C. koktebelica, 217 C. kotschyana, 218 C. kralikii, 218 C. litwinowii, 218 C. maritima, 219 C. orientalis, 219 C. pinnatifida, 220 C. pontica, 220 C. scaberrina, 220 C. schugnana, 220 C. steveniana, 221 C. tatarica, 221 Crataegus sp. C. almaatensis, 713 C. altaica, 713 C. atrofusca, 713 C. caucasica, 713 C. ceratocarpa, 713 C. chlorosarca, 713 C. curvisepala, 714 C. dahurica, 714 C. densiflora, 714 C. dipyrena, 714 C. dshungarica, 713 C. intricata, 714 C. kyrtostyla, 714 C. lagenaria, 715 C. macrosperma, 714 C. maximowiczii, 715 C. microphylla, 715 C. mollis, 715 C. monogyna, 715 C. orientalis, 716 C. oxyacantha, 714 C. pentagyna, 716 C. pinnatifida, 716 C. pojarkovae, 716 C. rivularis, 716 C. rotundifolia, 703, 717 C. sanguinea, 717

Index of Organisms C. schraderiana, 718 C. songarica, 717 C. sorbifolia, 717 C. sphaenohylla, 717 C. stankovii, 718 C. stevenii, 718 C. submollis, 718 C. taurica, 718 C. tournefortii, 718 C. turkestanica, 718–719 Cristaria pinnata, 616 Crithmum maritimum, 23 Crotolaria incana, 569 Crotolaria sp. C. valentonii, 570 C. velutina, 570 C. verrucosa, 570 C. walkeri, 570 Croton sp. C. capitatus, 362 C. corymbulosus, 362 C. elliotianus, 362 C. fragilis, 362 C. glacilis, 362 C. joufra, 363 C. sebiferum, 386 C. sparsiflorus, 363 C. sylvaticus, 363 C. texensis, 363 C. tiglium, 363–364 Crowea salinga, 831 Cryptantha sp. C. angustifolia, 150–151 C. barbigera, 151 C. bradburiana, 151 C. grayi, 151 Cryptotaenia (ssp.), 23 Cucumeropsis edulis, 293 Cucumis sp. C. chaete, 316 C. citrullus, 292, 293 C. dipsaceus, 294 C. melo, 294–296, 316 C. sativus, 296–298 C. trigonus, 299 Cucurbita sp. C. andreana, 299 C. citrullus, 292, 299 C. cordata, 299 C. digitata, 299–300 C. ficifolia, 300 C. foetidissima, 301 C. gracilis, 302 C. hybrida, 302 C. lagenaria, 302 C. lundelliana, 302 C. martinezii, 302 C. maxima, 303–305 C. mixta, 306 C. moschata, 306 C. okeechobee¨nsis, 306

971 C. ovifera, 306 C. palmata, 306 C. palmeri, 306 C. pepo, 306 C. pepo, 307–308 C. sativus, 309 C. siceraria, 313 C. sororia, 309 C. texana, 309 Cuminum cyminum, 23, 32–33 Cusparia trifoliata, 826 Cyclanthera explodens, 309 Cyclanthera pedata, 309 Cyclotrichium sp. C. leucotrichum, 403 C. stamineum, 403 Cydonia oblonga, 719–720 Cynara cardunculus, 113 Cynoglossum sp. C. amabile, 151–152 C. creticum, 152 C. divaricatum, 152 C. lanceolatum, 152 C. nervosum, 153 C. officinale, 153–154 C. pictum, 152 C. zeylanicum, 154 Cytisus laburnum, 570 Cytisus scoparius, 570

D Dalbergia arborea, 596 Daphniphyllum sp. D. humile, 364 D. macropodum, 364 Dasiphora fruticosa, 720, 733 Datura sp., 883 D. alba, 880 D. arborea, 880 D. fastuosa var. alba, 881 D. inermis, 880 D. innoxia, 881 D. metel, 881 D. meteloides, 881 D. quercifolia, 882 D. sanguinea, 882 D. stramonium, 882 Daubentonia sp. D. drummondii, 571 D. longifolia, 571 Daucus sp. D. aureus, 24 D. broteri, 24 D. carota, 24, 25 D. crinitus, 25 D. guttatus, 25 D. littiralis, 25 D. muricatus, 25 D. pusillus, 26 D. setifolius, 26

972 Delonix sp. D. elata, 571 D. regia, 571 Delphinium sp. D. ajacis, 662–664 D. alpinum, 666 D. araraticum, 664 D. atropurpureum, 666 D. biternatum, 664 D. brunonianum, 665 D. consolida, 663, 665 D. corymbosum, 669 D. crassifolium, 665, 667 D. cyphoplectrum, 665, 667 D. denudatum, 665 D. dictyocarpum, 667 D. duhmbergii, 666, 669 D. elatum, 666 D. fissum, 666, 668 D. flexuosum, 666 D. grandiflorum, 666 D. hybridum, 666 D. iliense, 666 D. intermedium, 667 D. korshinskyanum, 665, 667 D. laxiflorum, 667 D. laxiusculum, 665, 667 D. leiocarpum, 666 D. occidentale, 667 D. orientale, 663, 667 D. pallasii, 666, 668 D. persicum, 663, 668 D. rugulosum, 663, 668 D. scopulorum, 668 D. semibarbatum, 668–669 D. tenuisectum, 669 D. tomentellum, 664 D. triste, 669 D. turkestanicum, 669 Dendropanax trifidus, 33 Descurainia sp. D. bourgaeana, 221 D. pinnata, 221–222 Descurania sophia, 222 Desmodium pulchellum, 571 Deverra aphylla, 26 Dictamnus sp. D. albus, 827–829 D. angustifolia, 830 D. angustifolius, 828 D. caucasicus, 828 D. dasycarpus, 829 D. fraxinella, 827, 828 D. gymnostylis, 829 D. hispanicus, 830 D. tadshikorum, 830 D. turkestanicus, 830 Didiscus caeruleus, 26 Dimorphotheca sp. D. aurantiaca, 113 D. chrysamthemifolia, 113

Index of Organisms D. cuneata, 113 D. pluvialis, 114 D. sinuata, 114 D. zeyheri, 114 Diosma sp. D. succulenta, 830 D. vulgaris, 830 Diplotaxis sp. D. aeris, 223 D. assurgens, 223 D. catholica, 223 D. chara, 223 D. cretacea, 224 D. erucoides, 224 D. griffithii, 224 D. harra, 224 D. muralis, 224 D. siifolia, 224–225 D. tenuifolia, 225 D. tenuisiliqua, 225 D. virgata (Cav.), 225 Dipteryx odorata, 569 Diptychocarpus strictus, 226 Dithyrea sp. D. californica, 226 D. wislizenii, 226 Dolichos sp. D. biflorus, 572 D. labbab, 572 Dorema hyrcanum, 26 Doronicum caucasicum, 114 Dorycnium hirsutum, 572 Draba sp. D. aizoon, 226–227 D. aurea, 227 D. cinerea, 227 D. fladnizensis, 227 D. incana, 227 D. laucerlete, 227 D. montana, 227–228 D. pyrenaica, 228 D. rupestris, 228 Dracocephalum sp. D. austriacum, 403 D. bipinnatum, 403 D. botryoides, 404 D. diversifolium, 404 D. foetidum, 404 D. fruticulosum, 404 D. heterophyllum, 404 D. imberbe, 404 D. integrifolium, 405 D. kotschyi, 405–406 D. moldavica, 406 D. multicauli, 406 D. multicolor, 407 D. nodulosum, 407 D. nutans, 407 D. oblongifolium, 407 D. origanoides, 407 D. palmatum, 408

Index of Organisms D. parviflora, 408 D. paulsenii, 408 D. peregrinum, 408 D. pinnatum, 408 D. ruyschiana, 409 D. scrobiculatum, 409 D. stamineum, 409 D. subcapitatum, 409 D. thymiflorum, 409 Dryas octopetala, 721 Duboisia myoporoides, 883 Ducrosis anethifolia, 26–27 Dumasia africana, 572

E Ebenus sp. E. barbigera, 573 E. boissieri, 573 E. bourgaei, 573 E. cappadocica, 573 E. depressa, 573 E. haussknechtii, 574, 575 E. hirsuta, 574 E. laguroides, 574 E. longipes, 574 E. macrophylla, 574–575 E. pisidica, 575 E. plumosa, 575 E. plumose var. speciosa, 575 E. reesei var. minor, 575 E. reesei var. reseei, 576 Ecballium elaterium, 309–310 Echinacea angustifolia, 114 Echinocystis oregana, 310 Echinops exaltatus, 115 Echium sp. E. biebersteinii, 154 E. glomeratum, 154 E. italicum, 154 E. lycopsis, 155 E. maculatum, 155 E. plantagineum, 155 E. rubrum, 155 E. vulgare, 155 Echynocystis sp. E. echinata, 310 E. lobata, 310 Ehretia sp. E. acuminata, 155–156 E. aspera, 156 Elaeococca vernicia, 357 Elephantopus scaber, 115 Elephantorrhiza goetzii, 576 Eleutherococcus senticosus, 33 Elsholtzia sp. E. patrini, 409–410 E. pseudo-cristata, 410 E. splendens, 410 Emmenosperma pancheranum, 693–694 Empleurum serrulatum, 831

973 Enarthrocarpus strangulates, 228 Encelia farinosa, 115 Entada phaseoloides, 576 Enterolobium saman, 576 Epigaea asiatica, 329 Epilobium sp. E. obscurum, 638 E. parviflorum, 638 Eranthis hyemalis, 669 Eremocarpus setigerus, 364 Eremocitrus glauca, 831 Eremostachys sp. E. hyssarica, 411 E. laciniata, 411 E. moluccelloides, 411–412 E. speciosa, 412, 467 E. vicaryi, 412 Erica sp. E. arborea, 329 E. carnea, 329 E. mediterranea, 329 E. multiflora, 330 E. tetralix, 330 Erigeron canadensis, 115–116 Eriobotrya japonica, 721, 731 Eriostemon sp. E. coxii, 831 E. crowei, 831 E. glasshousiensis, 831–832 E. myoporoides, 832 Eritrichium rupestre, 146 Eruca longirostris, 228 Erucaria myagroides, 230 Eruca sativa, 228–229 Erucastrum sp. E. abyssinicum, 230 E. armoracioides, 230 E. cardaminoides, 231 E. nasturtiifolium, 231 E. strigosum, 231 E. varium, 231 Eruca vesicaria, 229–230 Erysimum sp. E. arkansanum, 231 E. asperum, 231–232 E. aureum, 232 E. cheiranthoides, 232 E. crepedifolium, 233 E. cuspidatum, 173, 233 E. diffusum, 233–234 E. erysimoides, 234 E. gypsaceum, 234–235 E. helveticum, 235 E. hieracifolium, 235 E. linifolium, 236 E. marshallianum, 236 E. odoratum, 236 E. orientale, 237 E. perovskianum, 237 E. pulchellum, 237–238 E. repandum, 238

974 Erysimum sp. (cont.) E. silvestre, 238–239 E. suffruticosum, 239 E. sylvaticum, 239 Erythrina sp., 578 E. abyssinica, 576 E. americana, 577 E. arboresceus, 577 E. crista-galli, 577 E. indica, 577 E. insignis, 577 E. lithosperma, 578 E. senegalensis, 578 E. stricta, 578 E. suberosa, 578 Erythrophleum guineense, 579 Esenbeckia leiocarpa, 832 Eubotryoides grayana, 330 Euclidium syriacum, 239–240 Eupatorium sp. E. cannabinum, 116 E. rugosum, 116 Euphorbia sp. E. amygdaloides, 364–365 E. anacampseros, 365 E. bicolor, 365 E. biglandulosa, 365 E. calcicola, 365 E. clavigera, 366 E. cornigera, 366 E. cuphosperma, 366 E. cybirensis, 366 E. cyparissias, 366 E. dracunculoides, 367 E. elastica, 367 E. eriophora, 367 E. erythrina, 367 E. esula, 367 E. exigua, 368 E. falcata, 368 E. geniculata, 368 E. gregaria, 368 E. helioscopia, 368–369 E. heterophylla, 369 E. jaxartica, 369 E. kotschyana, 369 E. lagascae, 369 E. lamprocarpa, 370 E. lathyris, 370 E. latifolia, 370 E. longana, 370 E. marginata, 371 E. mauritanica, 371 E. medicaginea, 371 E. myrsinites, 371–372 E. nutans, 381 E. palustris, 372 E. paralias, 372 E. parryi, 372 E. pavonis, 372

Index of Organisms E. platyphyllos, 373 E. pungens, 373 E. salicifolia, 373 E. segetalis, 373 E. serrata, 373 E. stenophylla, 374 E. terophylla, 374 E. terracina, 374 E. thamnoides, 374 E. tinctoria, 374 E. verrucosa, 375 E. virgata, 375 E. xylophylloides, 375 Euxylophora parae¨nsis, 832 Euzomodendrom bourgaenum, 240 Evodia sp. E. aubertia, 857 E. elleryana, 832 E. hortensis, 832 E. littoralis, 833 E. melifolia, 833 E. rutaecarpa, 833 E. simplex, 833 Excoccania sebifera, 386 Exochorda racemosa, 721

F Fabiana imbricata, 883 Fagara sp. F. aff, 833 F. ailanthoides, 834 F. arenaria, 834 F. aubertia, 857 F. boninshimae, 834 F. coco, 834 F. hamiltoniana, 858 F. lemairei, 835 F. mantchurica, 835 F. octandra, 835 F. peckoltianum, 858 F. xanthoxyloides, 835, 859 Fagaria ociandra, 835 Fatsia japonica, 33 Feronia elephantum, 836 Fevillea sp. F. cordifolia, 310 F. peruviana, 311 Fezia pterocarpa, 240 Fibigia sp. F. clypeata, 240 F. macrocarpa, 240 Ficaria verna, 669, 682 Filipendula sp. F. angustifolia, 721 F. camtschatica, 721 F. denudata, 721 F. hexapetala, 722, 723 F. palmate, 722 F. stepposa, 722

Index of Organisms F. ulmaria, 722–723 F. vulgaris, 723 Fortunella obovata, 836 Fragaria sp., 723 F. ananassa, 723 F. vesca, 724–725 F. virginiana, 725 F. viridis, 726 Frangula alnus, 694, 696

G Gadelupa sp. G. indico, 596 G. pinnata, 596 Gaillardia sp. G. aristata, 116–117 G. pulchella, 117 Gaju gadelupa, 596 Galega officinalis, 579 Galeopsis sp. G. bifida, 412–414 G. ladanum, 414 G. speciosa, 414 G. tetrahit, 414–415 Galipea sp. G. cusparia, 826 G. officinalis, 826 Garcia nutans, 375 Gastrocotyle hispida, 156 Gaultheria sp. G. fragrans, 330, 331 G. fragrantissima, 330, 331 G. leucocarpa, 330 G. miqueliana, 331 G. procumbens, 331 G. punctata, 330, 331 Gaura parviflora, 638 Geijera sp. G. muelleri, 836 G. parviflora, 836 G. salicifolia, 837 Genista aethensis, 579 Geum sp. G. aleppicum, 726 G. chiloense, 726 G. fanriei, 726 G. heterocarpum, 731 G. japonicum, 726 G. kokanicus, 731 G. macrophyllum, 726 G. montanum, 726 G. rivale, 727 G. strictum, 726 G. urbanum, 727 Glechoma sp. G. hederacea, 415 G. hirsuta, 415–416 G. longituba, 416 Gleditchia ferox, 579

975 Gleditschia sp. G. maculata, 579 G. triacanthos, 580 Gliricidia sp., 580 Glottidium vesicarium, 580 Glycine hispida, 580–581 Glycyrrhiza echinata, 582 Godetia sp. G. amoena, 638 G. grandiflora, 638 Goebelia pachycarpa, 601–602 Goldbachia laevigata, 240–241 Gossypium sp., 616 G. hirsutum, 616–618 G. robinsonii, 618 G. sturtianum, 618 Grindelia squarrosa, 117 Guiraoa arvensis, 241 Guizotia abyssinica, 117–118 Gymnocladus sp. G. canadensis, 582 G. dioicus, 582 Gynostemma pentaphyllum, 311–312

H Hackelia sp. H. americanum, 156 H. deflexa, 156–157 H. floribunda, 157 H. jessicae, 157 Halfordia kendack, 837 Haplophyllum sp. H. acutifolium, 837 H. affine, 837 H. albertiregelii, 837, 839 H. armenum, 837 H. badghysi, 837 H. besseri, 838 H. biebersteinii, 838 H. bourgaei, 837 H. bucharicum, 838 H. bungei, 838 H. ciliatum, 838, 843 H. ciscaucasicum, 838 H. congestum, 843 H. dahuricum, 838 H. dshungaricum, 838 H. dubium, 839 H. elatum, 838 H. eugenii-korovinii, 839 H. ferganicum, 839 H. foliosum, 839 H. griffithianum, 839, 840, 843 H. hirsutum, 842 H. hispidulum, 844 H. kowalenskyi, 839 H. lasianthum, 844 H. latifolium, 839 H. leptomerum, 840

976 Haplophyllum sp. (cont.) H. monadelphum, 840 H. multicaule, 840 H. myrtifolium, 840–841 H. nigripes, 838 H. obtusifolium, 841, 842 H. obtusifolium var. ramosissimum, 842 H. pedicellatum, 842 H. pedicellatum var. villosum, 842 H. perforatum, 837, 842 H. pilosum, 842 H. popovii, 842 H. ramosissimum, 842 H. robustum, 843 H. schelkovnikovii, 843 H. sieversii, 842 H. suaveolens, 838, 843 H. tauricum, 843 H. tenue, 843 H. tenuisectum, 843 H. thesioides, 843 H. versicolor, 844 H. villosum, 838, 843, 844 H. villosum var. glabrescens, 843 H. vvedenskyi, 844 Hedeoma drummondii, 416 Hedera sp. H. caucasigena, 34 H. helix, 34 H. nepalensis, 34 H. rhombea, 34 Helenium autumnale, 118 Helianthus sp. H. decapitatus, 118 H. maximiliani, 118 H. petiolaris, 118 H. rydbergii, 119 H. scaberrimus, 119 H. tuberosus, 119 Helichrysum sp. H. italicum, 119–120 H. maracandicum, 120 Heliophila sp. H. amplexicaulis, 241 H. longifolia, 241 Heliotropium sp. H. amplexicaule, 157 H. argusioides, 157 H. curassavicum, 157 H. europaeum, 158 H. indicum, 158 H. lasiocarpum, 158 H. olgae, 159 H. stevenianum, 158 H. strigosum, 159 H. supinum, 159 Helleborus sp. H. abchasicus, 670–671 H. caucasicus, 671–672 H. foetidus, 672 H. guttatus, 671–672

Index of Organisms H. niger, 672 H. orientalis, 670–672 H. polychromus, 670–672 Hesperis sp. H. matronalis, 241–242 H. sibirica, 242 Hevea brasiliensis, 375 Hibiscus sp., 624–625 H. abelmoschus, 618 H. birtus, 618 H. cannabinus, 619 H. diversifolius, 619 H. esculentus, 619–620 H. furcatus, 620–621 H. grandiflorus, 621 H. inebrum, 621 H. leptocladus, 621 H. manihot, 622 H. micranthus, 622 H. moscheutos, 622 H. mutabilis, 622 H. pandriformis, 623 H. punctatus, 623 H. rosa-sinensis, 623 H. sabdariffa, 624 H. solandra, 624 H. sturtii, 625–626 H. surattensis, 626 H. syriacus, 626–627 H. trionum, 627 H. vitifolius, 627 H. zeylanicus, 627 Hirschfeldia incana, 242 Hodgsonia sp. H. capniocarpa, 312 H. kadam, 312 Hortia arborea, 844 Hovenia dulcis, 694 Hulthemia berberifolia, 727 Hutchinsia alpine, 242 Hutera leptocarpa, 242 Hymenocrater sp. H. bituminosus, 416 H. incidentatus, 416 Hyoscyamus sp. H. albus, 883 H. muticus, 883–884 H. niger, 884 Hyptis sp. H. decurrens, 416 H. floribunda, 417 H. mutabilis, 417 H. spicigera, 417 H. stellulata, 417 H. suaveolens, 418 Hyssopus sp. H. ambiguous, 418 H. cretaceus, 418 H. cuspidatus, 418–419 H. officinalis, 419 H. seravschanicus, 419–420

Index of Organisms I Iberis sp. I. amara, 243 I. gibraltarica, 243 I. pruitii, 243 I. sempervirens, 243 I. umbellata, 243–244 Indigofera sp. I. glandulosa, 582 I. hirsuta, 582 I. trifoliate, 582–583 Inula helenium, 120–121 Isanthus brachiatus, 420 Isatis sp. I. aleppica, 244 I. ausheri, 244 I. buschiana, 244 I. costata, 244–245 I. glauca, 245 I. lusitanica, 245 I. subradiata, 245 I. tinctoria, 245–246 Isoberlinia angolensis, 583 Iva xanthiifolia, 121

J Jatropha sp. J. cordata, 376 J. curcas, 376 J. glandulifera, 376 J. hestata, 376 J. macrorhiza, 376–377 J. mahafalensis, 377 J. multifida, 377 J. oligandra, 377 J. spathulata, 377 J. stimulosa, 377–378 J. urens, 377–378 Joannesia sp. J. heveoides, 378 J. princeps, 378 Jurinea sp. J. bipinnatifida, 121 J. kokanica, 121–122 K Kalopanax septemlobus, 34–35 Kitaibelia vitifolia, 627 Koyamacalia hastata, 105 Kuhnia glutinosa, 122 L Laburnum anagyroides, 570 Lachnophyllum gossypinum, 122 Lactuca scariola, 123 Lagenaria sp. L. leucantha, 312–313 L. siceraria, 313 L. vulgaris, 313

977 Lagochilus occultiflorus, 420 Lagunaria patersonia, 628 Lallemantia sp. L. iberica, 420 L. peltata, 420–421 Lamium sp. L. album, 421 L. amplexicaule, 421 L. molecellifolium, 421 L. moshatum, 421 L. purpureum, 422 Lappa tomentosa, 54–55 Lappula sp. L. barbatum, 159 L. echinata, 160 L. granulate, 160 L. heteracantha, 160 L. intermedia, 160–161 L. myosotis, 160 L. redowskii, 160–161 L. squarrosa, 160 Lathyrus sativus, 583 Launaea arborescens, 123 Laurocerasus officinalis, 728 Lavandula sp. L. angustifolia, 422 L. dentata, 422 L. gibsonii, 423 L. lanata, 423 L. latifolia, 423 L. officinalis, 424 L. pendunculata, 424 L. spica, 424 L. stoechas, 424 L. vera, 425 Lavatera sp. L. kashmiriana, 615, 628 L. plebeia, 628 L. thuringiaca, 628 L. trimestris, 629 Layia sp. L. elegans, 123 L. platyglossa, 123 Leavenworthia torulosa, 246 Ledum sp. L. columbianum, 331 L. decumbens, 332 L. dilatatum, 332 L. groenlandicum, 332–333 L. hypoleucum, 333 L. macrophyllum, 333–336 L. palustre, 333–336 Lens sp. L. culinaris, 583 L. esculenta, 583 Leonotis nepetaefolia, 425 Leontis nepetaefolia, 425 Leonurus sp. L. cardiaca, 425–426 L. glaucescens, 426 L. heterophyllus, 426

978 Leonurus sp. (cont.) L. quinquelobatus, 426–427 L. sibiricus, 427 L. turcestanicus, 427 L. villosus, 427 Lepechinia sp. L. calycina, 428 L. spicata, 428 Lepidium sp. L. campestre, 246 L. densiflorum, 246 L. draba, 246–247 L. graminifolium, 247 L. lasiocarpum, 247 L. latifolium, 247 L. montanum, 248 L. perfoliatum, 248 L. repens, 248 L. ruderale, 249 L. sativum, 249 L. virginicum, 250 Lespedeza sp. L. formosa, 583 L. lanata, 584 Lesquerella sp. L. angustifolia, 250 L. argyraea, 250 L. auriculata, 250–251 L. densipila, 251 L. engelmannii, 252 L. fendleri, 252 L. globosa, 252 L. gordonii, 252–253 L. gracilis, 253 L. grandiflora, 253 L. lasiocarpa, 253 L. lescurii, 253–254 L. lindheimeri, 254 L. lyrata, 254 L. ovalifolia, 254 L. perforate, 254 L. pinetorum, 254–255 L. recurvata, 255 L. stonensis, 255 Leucaena leucocephala, 584 Leucanthemum sp. L. ircutianum, 123 L. vulgare, 123 Leucas sp. L. asper, 428 L. cephalotes, 428 L. nutans, 429 L. zeylonica, 429 Leucothoe sp. L. grayana, 330 L. keiskei, 337 Leuzea integrifolia, 132–133 Liatris sp. L. punctata, 124 L. pycnostachya, 124 L. spicata, 124

Index of Organisms Limonia sp. L. laureola, 855 L. monophylla, 785 L. warneckei, 845 Lindelofia sp. L. anchusoides, 161 L. capusii, 161 L. macrostyla, 161 L. tschimganica, 161 Lithospermum sp. L. apulum, 161 L. arvense, 161–162 L. officinale, 162 L. purpureo-caeruleum, 162 L. tenuiflorum, 162 L. tschimganicum, 171 Lobularia maritima, 255 Loiseleuria procumbens, 337–338 Lonchocarpus capassa, 584 Lotus sp. L. biflorus, 584 L. ornithopodioides, 584 Luffa sp. L. acutangula, 314, 315 L. aegyptiaca, 314 L. amara, 315 L. cylindrica, 315 L. echinata, 316 L. graveolens, 316 Lunaria sp. L. annua, 255–256 L. biennis, 257 L. rediviva, 257 Lupinus sp. L. albus, 585 L. angustifolius, 585 L. elegans, 585 L. luteus, 586 L. polyphyllus, 586 Luvunga scandens, 845 Lycium sp. L. barbarum, 884 L. chinense, 884–885 L. ruthenicum, 885 L. turcomanicum, 885 Lycoctonum sp. L. barbatum, 647 L. excelsum, 649 L. ochranthum, 647 L. sibiricum, 647 Lycopersicon sp. L. esculentum, 885–888 L. hirsutum, 888 L. pennellii, 888–889 L. peruvianum, 889 Lycopus sp. L. asper, 429 L. europaeus, 429–430 L. exaltatus, 430 L. lucidus, 430 L. uniflorus, 430

Index of Organisms M Machaerium rosescens, 586 Majorana sp. M. hortensis, 430–431 M. syriaca, 431 Malacothammus hallii, 629 Malcolmia sp. M. africana, 257, 277 M. bungei, 277 M. cabulica, 257 M. chia, 258 M. flexuosa, 258 M. littorea, 258 M. maritima, 258 M. ramosissima, 258–259 M. taraxacifolia, 277 M. turkestanica, 259, 277 Mallotus sp. M. japonicus, 378 M. philippinensis, 378 Malope trifida, 629–630 Malus sp., 729–730 M. anisophylla, 729 M. domestica, 728, 751 M. heterophylla, 729 M. hissarica, 729 M. jarmolenkoi, 729 M. juzepczukii, 729 M. kirghisorum, 729 M. kudrjaschevii, 729 M. linczevskii, 729 M. niedzwetzkyana, 729 M. persicifolta, 729 M. praecox, 730–731 M. pumila, 729 M. schischkinii, 729 M. sieversii, 729 M. sylvestris, 730–731 M. tienschanica, 729 M. turkmenorum, 729 Malva sp. M. crispa, 630 M. fastigiata, 629–630 M. montana, 630 M. moschata, 630 M. neglecta, 630–631 M. parviflora, 631–632 M. pusilla, 632 M. rotundiflora, 632 M. sylvestris, 632 M. tournefortiana, 633 M. verticillata, 633 Mandragora turcomanica, 889–891 Manihot sp. M. carthaginensis, 378 M. dichotoma, 379 M. esculenta, 379 M. glaziovii, 379 M. isoloba, 379 M. piauhyensis, 379

979 M. tweedieana, 380 M. utilissima, 380 Manniophyton fulvum, 380 Marah gilensis, 316 Marrubium sp. M. alternidens, 431 M. vulgare, 431 Matricaria sp. M. chamomilla, 124–125 M. recutita, 124–125 Matthiola sp. M. annua, 259 M. arborescens, 259 M. bicornis, 259–260 M. fragrans, 260 M. incana, 260 M. longipetala, 261 M. odoratissima, 261 M. parviflora, 261 M. sinuata, 261 M. tristis, 261 Mattiastrum cristatum, 162–163 Maximowicata sonorae, 316 Medicago sp. M. sativa, 586 M. tribuloides, 587 Medicosma cunninghamii, 845 Megacarpaea sp. M. gigantea, 262 M. megalocarpa, 262 Melicope ternata, 845 Melilotus officinalis, 587 Melissa officinalis, 431–432 Melittis melissophyllum, 432 Melo sativus, 316 Mentha sp., 435–436 M. aquatica, 432 M. arvensis, 432–433 M. asiatica, 433 M. dahurica, 433 M. incana, 433–434 M. longifolia, 434 M. piperita, 434–435 M. pulegiam, 435 M. rotundifolia, 435 M. royleana, 435 M. spicata, 436 M. sylvestris, 436 M. tomentosa, 436 Mercurialis sp. M. annua, 380 M. perennis, 381 Mespilus sp. M. germanica, 731 M. japonica, 731 Microcitrus warburgiana, 845 Micromeria benthami, 437 Microsisymbrium lasiophyllum, 262 Microthlaspi perfoliatum, 262 Millettia avalifolia, 587

980 Moltkia sp. M. aurea, 163 M. coerulea, 163 Momordica sp. M. balsamina, 316 M. charantia, 317–318 M. cochinchinensis, 318–319 M. dioica, 319 M. foetida, 319 M. lanata, 291 Monarda fistulosa, 437 Monardalis sp., 437 Monardella M. crispa, 437 M. hypoleuca, 437–438 M. undulata, 438 Moricandia sp. M. arvensis, 262–263 M. baetica, 263 M. foetida, 263 Mucuna sp. M. capitata, 587 M. flagellipes, 588 M. imbricata, 588 M. pruriens, 588 M. prurita, 588 Mundulea sericea, 588 Muricaria prostata, 263 Murraya M. exotica, 846 M. koenigii, 846 Myagrum paniculatum, 265 Myosotis sp. M. alpestris, 163 M. arvensis, 163–164 M. caespitosa, 164 M. discolor, 163–164 M. imitate, 164 M. laxa, 164 M. lithospermifolia, 164 M. palustris, 164 M. popovii, 164 M. rupestris, 146 M. scorpioides, 164 M. stenophylla, 164 M. suaveolens, 164 M. sylvatica, 165

N Nasturtiopsis arabica, 263 Nasturtium N. fontanum, 264 N. officinale, 264, 268–269 N. palustre, 269 Neatostema apulum, 161 Neilla opulifolia, 735 Neopallasia pectinata, 125 Nepeta sp., 446 N. argolica, 438 N. camphorate, 439

Index of Organisms N. cataria, 439–440 N. congesta, 441 N. cyeanea, 441 N. distants, 441 N. glomerulosa, 441 N. grandiflora, 441–442 N. involuczata, 442 N. italica, 442 N. latifolia, 442–443 N. manchuriensis, 443 N. micrantha, 443 N. mussinii, 443 N. nepetella, 443–444 N. nuda, 444–445 N. nuda var. albiflora, 445 N. oxyodonta, 445 N. pannonica, 445–446 N. russini, 446 N. spicata, 446 N. sulphurea, 446–447 N. timolea, 447 N. tuberosa, 447 N. ucrainica, 447 Nerisyrenia camporum, 264 Neslia sp. N. apiculata, 264 N. paniculata, 265 Nicandra physalodes, 891–892 Nicotiana sp., 907 N. acuminatum, 892 N. affinis, 892 N. africana, 892 N. alata, 892–893 N. amplexicaulis, 893 N. arentsii, 893 N. attenuata, 893–894 N. benavidesii, 894 N. benthamiana, 894 N. bigelovii, 894 N. bonariensis, 895 N. cavicola, 895 N. clevelandii, 895 N. cordifolia, 895 N. corymbosa, 896 N. debneyi, 896 N. excelsior, 896 N. exigua, 897 N. forgetiana, 897 N. fragrance, 897 N. glauca, 897–898 N. glutinosa, 898 N. goodspeedii, 898 N. gossei, 898 N. hesperis, 899 N. ingulba, 899 N. kawakamii, 899 N. knightiana, 900 N. langsdorffii, 900 N. linearis, 900 N. longiflora, 900 N. maritima, 901

Index of Organisms N. megalosiphon, 901 N. miersii, 901 N. nesophila, 901–902 N. noctiflora, 902 N. nudicaulis, 902 N. occidentalis, 902–903 N. otophora, 903 N. paniculata, 903 N. pauciflora, 903 N. petunioides, 904 N. plumbaginifolia, 904 N. raimondii, 904 N. repanda, 904–905 N. rosulata, 905 N. rotundifolia, 905 N. rustica, 905–906 N. sanderae, 906 N. setchellii, 906 N. simulans, 907 N. solanifolia, 907 N. spegazzini, 907 N. stocktonii, 908 N. suaveolens, 908 N. sylvestris, 908 N. tabacum, 908–910 N. tomentosa, 911 N. tomentosiformis, 911 N. trigonophylla, 911–912 N. umbratica, 912 N. undulata, 912 N. velutina, 912 N. wigandioides, 912–913 Nigella sp. N. arvensis, 672 N. corniculata, 672 N. damascena, 673 N. sativa, 673–674 Nonnea sp. N. macrosperma, 165 N. pulla, 165

O Ocimum sp. O. americanum, 447 O. basilicum, 447–448 O. canum, 448 O. gratissimum, 448–449 O. graveolens, 449 O. kilimandscharicum, 449–450 O. sanctum, 450 O. selloi, 450 O. viride, 450 Oenothera sp. O. argillicola, 638 O. biennis, 639–640 O. brevipes, 640 O. cardiophylla, 640 O. claviformis, 640–641 O. crocata, 641

981 O. depressa, 641 O. drummondii, 641 O. elata, 641 O. grandiflora, 641–642 O. hookeri, 642 O. laciniata, 642 O. lamarckiana, 642 O. leptocarpa, 642–643 O. macrocarpa, 643 O. missouriensis, 643 O. odorata, 643 O. parviflora, 643–644 O. rhombipetala, 644 O. rosea, 644 O. serrulata, 644 O. stricta, 645 O. strigosa, 645 O. tetragona, 645 O. tetraptera, 645 Oleum infernale, 376 Oligosporus sp. O. albiceratus, 60 O. campestris, 65–66 O. capillaris, 67 O. dracunculus, 70, 71 O. glaucus, 73–74 O. halodendron, 75 O. japonicus, 78 O. kelleri, 79 O. pamiricus, 86 O. salsoloudes, 90 O. scoparius, 91 O. tomentellus, 98 Omphalea megacarpa, 381 Onagra biennis, 639–640 Onopordum sp. O. acanthium, 126–127 O. leptolepis, 127–128 O. olgae, 127–128 Onosma sp. O. auriculatum, 165 O. cinerea, 165–166 O. sericea, 166 O. stellulatum, 166 Onosmodium sp. O. molle, 166 O. occidentale, 166–167 Oplopanax elatus, 35 Opulaster sp. O. Kuntze, 735 O. opulifolius, 735 Origanum sp. O. compactum, 451 O. kopetdaghense, 452 O. majarona, 452 O. onites, 452–453 O. tytthanthum, 453–455 O. virens, 455 O. vulgare, 455–457 O. x dolichosiphon, 451–452

982 Ormosia sp. O. dasycarpa, 588 O. semicostata, 589 Orthurus sp. O. heterocarpus, 731 O. kokanicus, 731 Osteospermum sp. O. amplectens, 128 O. asperulum, 129 O. calendulaceum, 129 O. caulescens, 129 O. clandestinum, 129 O. corymbosum, 129 O. dregei, 129 O. ecklonis, 130 O. fruticosum, 130 O. hyoseroides, 130 O. imbricatum, 130 O. jucundum, 130 O. junceum, 130 O. microphyllum, 131 O. muricatum, 131 O. nervatum, 130 O. scariosum, 131 O. sinuatum, 131 O. spinescens, 131 O. spinosum, 132 Ostryoderris stuhlmonnii, 589 Otostegia limbata, 457 Oxycoccus sp. O. macrocarpus, 338 O. microcarpus, 338 O. palustris, 338–339, 353 O. quadripetalus, 338–339, 353

P Pachyrrhizus sp. P. angulatus, 589 P. erosus, 589 Padellus mahaleb, 732 Padus sp. P. avium, 732 P. maackii, 732 P. mahaleb, 732 P. racemosa, 732 P. virginiana, 733 Paeonia sp. P. abchasica, 678 P. albiflora, 675, 676 P. anomala, 675 P. arborea, 677 P. carniola, 675 P. daurica, 678 P. emodi, 675–676 P. hybrida, 676 P. japonica, 676 P. lactiflora, 675, 676 P. moutan, 677 P. officinalis, 677

Index of Organisms P. paradoxa, 677 P. peregrine, 677 P. sibirica, 675 P. tenuifolia, 677 P. triternata, 678 P. wittmanniana, 657, 678 Paliurus spina-christi, 694–695 Panax sp. P. ginseng, 35–36 P. japonicum, 36 Panzeria lanata, 457 Paracaryum sp. P. angustifolia, 167 P. caelestinum, 167 Parkia sp. P. africana, 589 P. biglandulosa, 590 P. biglobosa, 590 P. filicoidea, 590 Parkinsonia aculeata, 590 Parrya menziesii, 265 Pavonia sp. P. hastata, 633 P. sapium, 633 Peceana nutans, 381 Pectocarya platycarpa, 167 Pedilanthus sp. P. macrocarpus, 381 P. pavonis, 381 Peganum sp. P. dahuricum, 838 P. harmala, 846 Pelea sp. P. anisata, 846 P. madagascarica, 846–847 Peltaria angustifolia, 265 Pendulina lagascana, 265 Pentaclethera sp. P. filamentosa, 590 P. macrophylla, 590–591 Pentaphylloides fruticosa, 733 Perilla sp. P. frutescens, 457–458 P. nankinensis, 458 P. ocymoides, 458 Perovskia sp. P. abrotanoides, 459 P. angustifolia, 459–460 P. scrophulariaefolia, 460–461 Persica sp., 734 P. davidiana, 733 P. mira, 733 P. vulgaris, 734–735, 746 Petrocallis pyrenaica, 228 Petunia hybrida, 913 Phaseolus sp. P. aureus, 591–592 P. coccineus, 592 P. inamoenus, 592 P. lanatus, 592

Index of Organisms P. mungo, 593 P. sativus, 593 P. vulgaris, 593–594 Phebalium sp. P. beckleri, 847 P. dentatum, 847 P. filifolium, 847 P. nudum, 847 Phellodendron sp. P. amurense, 848, 849 P. japonicum, 848 P. lavallei, 849 P. sachalinense, 849 Phlomus sp. P. alpina, 461 P. armeniaca, 461 P. austra-anatolica, 461 P. caucasica, 462 P. crinita, 462 P. fruticosa, 462 P. herba-venti, 462 P. iberica, 462–463 P. laciniata, 463 P. lanata, 463 P. lycia, 463–464 P. maximoviczii, 464 P. oreophilla, 464–465 P. ostrowskiana, 465 P. pungens, 465 P. purpurea, 465 P. regelii, 465–466 P. rigida, 466 P. salicifolia, 466–467 P. speciosa, 467 P. tuberosa, 467 Photinia japonica, 731 Phyllanthus sp., 382 P. abnormis, 382 P. niruri, 382 Phyllodoce caerulea, 339 Phyllosma capensis, 850 Physalis sp., 915 P. aequata, 913 P. alkekengi, 913 P. alkekengi var. francheti, 914 P. ixocarpa, 913 P. ixocarpa, 914 P. minima, 914 P. peruviana, 914–915 P. pubescens, 915 P. viscosa, 915 Physocarpus opulifolius, 735 Physostegia sp. P. viorginiana, 467 P. virginiana, 467 Pilocarpus sp. P. jaborandi, 850 P. microphyllus, 850 P. racemosus, 850 Pilostigma thonningii, 594 Piptoclaina supina, 159

983 Pisum sativum, 594–595 Pithecolobium sp. P. bigemina, 595 P. dulce, 595 Plectranthus sp. P. glaucocalyx, 468–469 P. inflexus, 469 P. rugosus, 469 Plukenetia conophora, 382 Pogostemon parviflorus, 469–470 Poinciana regia, 595 Poncirus trifoliata, 851 Pongamia sp. P. glabra, 596 P. pinnata, 596 Populus sp. P. alba, 861 P. balsamifera, 861–862 P. canadensis, 862 P. cathayana, 866 P. deltoides, 862 P. densa, 866 P. euphratica, 862 P. italica, 865 P. koreana, 862 P. lasiocarpa, 863 P. mandschurica, 863 P. maximowiczii, 863 P. nigra, 863–864 P. pyramidalis, 865 P. pseudotremula, 866–867 P. simonii, 865 P. sosnowskyi, 865 P. suaveolens, 865 P. talassica, 866 P. transcaucasica, 862 P. tremula, 866–867 P. tremuloides, 868 Potentilla sp. P. anserina, 735 P. arenaria, 735 P. argentea, 735 P. asiatica, 736 P. callieri, 736 P. desertorum, 736 P. erecta, 736–737 P. fruticosa, 733, 737 P. norvegica, 737 P. orientalis, 737–738 P. palustris, 712 P. pedata, 738, 739 P. reptans, 738 P. silvestris, 736–737 P. tanacetifolia, 739 P. taurica, 736 P. tormentilla, 736–737, 739 P. transcaspia, 739 Poterium sp. P. polygamum, 739–740 P. sanguisorba, 740 Prasium majus, 470

984 Prunella sp. P. asiatica, 470 P. grandiflora, 470 P. vulgaris, 470 P. vulgaris var. larceolata, 471 P. vulgaris var. lilacina, 471 Prunus sp., 747 P. amygdalus, 703–704, 741 P. armeniaca, 709, 741–742 P. armieca, 742 P. avium, 710, 742–743 P. caspica, 744 P. cerasifera, 744 P. cerasus, 743 P. chamaecerasus, 711 P. divaricata, 744 P. domestica, 744 P. dulcis, 703–704 P. fenzliana, 705 P. fruticosa, 711 P. instititia, 745 P. laurocerasus, 745 P. lusitanica, 745 P. maackii, 732 P. mahaleb, 732, 745 P. manshurica, 709 P. nepalensis, 746 P. padus, 732, 746 P. persica, 734–735, 746 P. rubta, 733 P. salicina, 747 P. serotina, 733, 747 P. sibirica, 709 P. sphaerocarpa, 747–748 P. spinosa, 748 P. stepposa, 748 P. tenella, 705 P. virginiana, 733, 748 Pseudarthia hookerii, 596 Pseuderucaria teretifolia, 265 Pseudocadia zambesiaca, 596 Psoralea sp. P. bituminosa, 597 P. corylifolia, 597 P. drupaceae, 597–598 Psychine stylosa, 266 Ptelea trifoliata, 851 Pterocarpus rotundifolius, 599 Pterolobium stellatum, 599 Pulmonaria officinalis, 167 Pulsatilla sp. P. campanella, 678 P. cernua, 678 P. flavescens, 678 P. pratensis, 679 P. vulgaris, 679 Pycnanthemum sp. P. muticum, 471 P. virginianum, 471, 472 Pygeum acuminatum, 748 Pyracantha coccinea, 748–749

Index of Organisms Pyrus sp., 751 P. americana, 778 P. arbutifolia, 749 P. aucuparia, 780 P. communis, 749–750 P. domestica, 750–751 P. lanata, 751 P. pashia, 751 P. sorbus, 779

R Radyera farragei, 633 Ranunculus sp. R. acer, 679, 680 R. acris, 679–681 R. aragazi, 680 R. arvensis, 680–681 R. asiaticus, 681 R. auricomus, 681 R. borealis, 681 R. bulbosus, 681 R. carpaticus, 681–682 R. chius, 682 R. comatus, 682 R. constantinopolitanus, 682 R. cornutus, 683 R. ficaria, 669–670, 682 R. grandifolius, 682–683 R. grandis, 683 R. hirsutus, 683 R. hybridus, 683 R. japonicus, 683 R. lanuginosiformis, 681 R. lanuginosus, 683 R. lomatocarpus, 682, 683 R. muricatus, 684 R. oreophilus, 684 R. oxyspermus, 684 R. polyanthemos, 684 R. propinquus, 681 R. quelpaertensis, 684 R. repens, 684–685 R. sardous, 683, 685 R. sceleratus, 685 R. stevenii, 685 R. subcorymbosus, 683, 685 R. trachycarpus, 686 Raphanus sp. R. caudatus, 266 R. maritimus, 266 R. raphanistrum, 266 R. sativus, 266–267 Rapistrum rugosum, 267 Ratibida columnaris, 132 Reboudia pinnata, 267 Reverchonia arenaria, 382–383 Rhamnus sp. R. cathartica, 695 R. frangula, 696 R. medwedewii, 696

Index of Organisms R. pallasii, 696 R. purshiana, 696 Rhaponticum sp. R. carthamoides, 132 R. integrifolium, 132 Rhodococcum sp. R. minus, 352 R. vitis-idaea, 354–355 Rhododendron sp. R. adamsii, 339–340 R. arboretum, 340 R. aureum, 341 R. barbatum, 342 R. brachycarpum, 344 R. campanulatum, 342 R. camtschaticum, 342 R. caucasicum, 342 R. championae, 342 R. chrysanthum, 341, 342 R. cinnabarinum, 343 R. cinnamomeum, 340 R. dauricum, 346 R. dauricum, 343 R. decipiens, 344 R. falconeri, 344 R. farrerae, 344 R. fauriei, 344 R. ferrugineum, 344–345 R. flavum, 327–328, 345, 347 R. grande, 345 R. hirsutum, 345 R. hybridum, 345 R. hymenanthes, 346 R. japonicum, 346 R. kamtschaticum, 346 R. kotschyi, 346, 348 R. ledebourii, 346 R. linearifolium, 347 R. luteum, 347 R. macrosepalum, 347 R. metternichii, 347 R. mucronulatum, 348 R. myrtifolium, 348 R. nilagiricum, 348 R. parvifolium, 349 R. ponticum, 349 R. pulchrum, 350 R. schlippenbachii, 350 R. sichotense, 350 R. simiarum, 350 R. simsii, 351 R. tschonoskii, 351 R. ungernii, 351 R. westlandii, 351 Rhynchosinapsis longirostra, 268 Ricinodendron sp. R. africanum, 383 R. heudelotii, 383 R. rautanenii, 383

985 Ricinus sp. R. communis, 383–384 R. sanguineus, 384 Ricinus zanzibarinus, 384 Ricotia sp., 268 Rindera sp. R. lanata, 168 R. oblongifolia, 168 R. umbellata, 168 Robinia pseudoacacia, 549 Rochelia sp. R. disperma, 168–169 R. stylaris, 169 Rorippa sp. R. amphibia, 268 R. islandica, 269 R. nasturtium-aquaticum, 264, 268–269 R. palustris, 269 Rosa sp., 769–770 R. achburensis, 752 R. acicularis, 752 R. afzeliana, 760 R. agrestis, 752 R. alba, 752 R. alberti, 753 R. alexeenkoi, 753 R. amblyotis, 753 R. americana, 753 R. baicalensis, 752 R. beggeriana, 754 R. bellicose, 754 R. bungeana, 754 R. buschiana, 754 R. caesia, 754 R. canina, 755–756 R. cardina, 757 R. carelica, 752 R. centifolia, 757 R. cinnamomea, 757 R. corymbifera, 758 R. damascena, 758–760 R. davurica, 760 R. dumalis, 760 R. dumetorum, 758 R. eglanteria, 761, 767 R. elasmacantha, 761 R. elliptica, 761 R. fedorovii, 761 R. fedtschenkoana, 761 R. floribunda, 761, 765 R. foetida, 761 R. gallica, 762 R. glutinosa, 763 R. gmelini, 752 R. huntica, 763 R. iberica, 763 R. iliensis, 763 R. imperial, 763–764 R. kokanica, 764

986 Rosa sp. (cont.) R. korsakoviensis, 752 R. lacerans, 764 R. laevigata, 764 R. laxa, 764 R. lehmanniana, 754, 764 R. lutea, 761 R. majalis, 764–765 R. mandenovae, 765 R. maracandica, 765 R. marschalliana, 765 R. maximowicziana, 765 R. micramtha, 765 R. mollis, 766 R. nanothamnus, 766 R. nisami, 766 R. oxyodon, 766 R. pisiformis, 767 R. platyacantha, 767 R. pomifera, 771 R. pulverulentha, 767 R. rubiginosa, 767 R. rugosa, 767–769 R. ruprechtii, 769 R. sachokiana, 769 R. schrenkiana, 769 R. sichotealinensis, 752 R. sosnovskyana, 769 R. spinosissima, 771 R. tomentosa, 771 R. turkestanica, 771 R. villosa, 771 R. virgo, 772 R. vosagiaca, 760 R. webbiana, 772 R. woodsii, 772–773 R. zakatalensis, 773 Rosmarinus officinalis, 472 Rubus sp. R. anatolicus, 773 R. arcticus, 773 R. buschii, 774 R. caesius, 774 R. caucasicus, 774 R. chamaemorus, 774–775 R. chingii, 775 R. crataegifolius, 775 R. fruticosus, 775 R. idaeus, 775–776 R. sanguineus, 773, 777 R. saxatilis, 777 R. sericeus, 775–776 R. turcomanicus, 773 R. turkestanicus, 774 Rudbeckia sp. R. bicolor, 133 R. hirta, 133 R. laciniata, 133–134 R. speciosa, 134

Index of Organisms Ruta sp. R. acutifolia, 837 R. affinis, 837 R. besseri, 838 R. biebersteinii, 838 R. bracteosa, 851 R. brevipilum, 844 R. bungei, 838 R. chalepensis, 851 R. dahurica, 838 R. divaricata, 842, 851–854 R. graveolens, 852–854 R. hirsute, 842 R. hortensis, 852–854 R. latifolia, 839 R. montana, 854 R. obtusifolium, 841 R. parviflora, 844 R. pedicellata, 842 R. pedicellatum, 842 R. perforate, 842 R. pilosa, 842 R. robusta, 843 R. rotundifolia, 844 R. suaveolens, 843 R. sublanatum, 842 R. taurica, 843 R. tenuifolia, 854 R. thesioides, 843 R. versicolir, 844 R. villosa, 844 Rutea frontosa, 599

S Salix sp. S. alba, 868 S. amygdalina, 871 S. arbutifolia, 861 S. armena, 871 S. bakko, 868–869 S. barchagi, 869 S. caesifolia, 870 S. caprea, 868–869 S. cinerea, 869 S. coaetanea, 868–869 S. deserticola, 869 S. fragilis, 869 S. gmelinii, 870, 871 S. hastata, 869 S. herbacea, 869 S. hultenii, 868–869 S. medwedewii, 871 S. myrsinifolia, 870 S. nigricans, 870 S. pentandra, 870 S. persusu, 870 S. phlomoides, 869 S. pseudolinearis, 870, 871

Index of Organisms S. psiloides, 869 S. rossica, 870, 871 S. rufescens, 871 S. schwerinii, 870 S. semiviminalis, 871 S. serotina, 871 S. splendens, 871 S. stipularis, 870 S. strobilacea, 871 S. subgragilis, 871 S. superba, 870 S. triandra, 871 S. urabensis, 871 S. veriviminalis, 871 S. viminalis, 870, 871 S. vitellina, 871 Salpichroa origanifolia, 915–916 Salpiglossis sinuata, 916 Salvia sp., 501 S. acetabulosa, 472 S. adenostachya, 472 S. aegyptiaca, 472–473 S. aethiopis, 473 S. albimaculata, 474 S. amplexicaulis, 474 S. apiana, 474 S. argentea, 475 S. austriaca, 475 S. bellotaeflora, 475 S. bicolor, 475–476 S. brachyantha, 476 S. bracteata, 476 S. breviflora, 476 S. candidissima, 476–477 S. canescens, 477 S. cardiophylla, 477 S. carduacea, 477 S. cedronella, 478 S. ceratophylla, 478 S. cilicica, 478 S. coccinea, 478 S. columbaria, 479 S. columbariae, 479 S. cryptantha, 479 S. deserta, 480 S. dracocephaloides, 480 S. dumetorum, 480 S. euphratica, 480 S. farinacea, 481 S. fominii, 481 S. forskahlei, 481 S. fruticosa, 481–482 S. garedji, 482 S. glabricaulis, 482 S. glutinosa, 482–483 S. grandiflora, 483 S. halophila, 483 S. hians, 483 S. hispanica, 484

987 S. horminum, 484 S. hydrangea, 484–485 S. hypargeia, 485 S. japonica, 485 S. judiaca, 485 S. jurisicii, 485 S. karabachensis, 485, 505 S. kopetdaghensis, 486 S. kuznetzovii, 486 S. lanata, 486 S. lanigera, 486 S. lavandulaefolia, 487 S. lavandulifolia, 487–488 S. leucantha, 488 S. lilacinocoerulea, 488 S. limbata, 488 S. longipedicellata, 488 S. longispicata, 488–489 S. lyrata, 489 S. macilenta, 489 S. macrosiphon, 489 S. malaica, 489 S. menthaefolia, 490 S. mexicana, 490 S. modesta, 490 S. moldavica, 490 S. montbretii, 490 S. moorcraftiana, 490–491 S. multicaulis, 491 S. nemorosa, 491–492 S. nilotica, 492 S. nutans, 492 S. officinalis, 492–494 S. pachystachya, 494 S. palaestina, 494–495 S. phlomoides, 495 S. pinnata, 495 S. plebeia, 495 S. potentillifolia, 495–496 S. pratensis, 496 S. reflexa, 496 S. reglal, 496 S. ringens, 497 S. rosaefolia, 497–498 S. rugosa, 498 S. sanomensis, 498 S. sarawschanica, 498 S. scabiosifolia, 498 S. schamalhausenii, 499 S. sclarea, 499–500 S. speciosa, 501 S. spinosa, 501 S. splendens, 501–502 S. stenophylla, 502 S. stepposa, 502 S. suffruticosa, 502 S. sylvestris, 503 S. syriaca, 503 S. tchihatcheffii, 503

988 Salvia sp. (cont.) S. tesquicola, 503, 504 S. texana, 504 S. tiliifolia, 504 S. tomentosa, 504 S. turcomanica, 505 S. valentina, 505 S. verbascifolia, 505 S. verbenaca, 505 S. verticillata, 506 S. virgata, 506–507 S. viridis, 507 Sanguisorba sp. S. minor, 740, 777 S. muricata, 739–740 S. officinalis, 777 Santolina sp. S. teretifolia, 134 S. virens, 134 S. viridis, 134 Sapium sp. S. haematospermum, 384 S. montevidense, 384 S. sibeferum, 386 Satureja sp. S. boissieri, 507 S. calamintha, 507 S. coreana, 508 S. glabella, 508 S. graeca, 508 S. hortensis, 508–509 S. montana, 509 S. parnassica, 510 S. thymbra, 511 S. vulgaris, 511 Saussurea sp. S. amara, 134 S. ambiqua, 136 S. dorogostaiskii, 135 S. involucrata, 135 S. lipschitzii, 135 S. parviflora, 135 S. pricei, 136 S. pseudoalpina, 136 S. salicifolia, 136 S. sumneviczii, 136 Savignya parviflora, 269 Schimpera arabica, 269 Schizanthus pinnatus, 916 Schizonepeta multifida, 511 Schizonotus sorbifolius, 778 Scotia brachypetala, 599 Scutellaria sp. S. albida, 511–512 S. baicalensis, 512 S. columnae, 512 S. condensata, 512 S. drummondi, 512–513

Index of Organisms S. galericulata, 513 S. multicaulis, 513 S. parvula, 513 Sebastiana lingustrina, 385 Sechium edule, 320 Securinega sp. S. suffruticosa, 385 S. virosa, 385 Selenia grandis, 270 Senebiera coronopus, 270 Seriphidium sp. S. amoenum, 60–61 S. badghysum, 64 S. balchanorum, 64–65 S. baldshuanicum, 65 S. ciniforme, 69 S. cinum, 68 S. compactum, 69 S. fedtschenkoanum, 71 S. ferganense, 71–72 S. fragrans, 72 S. gracilescens, 75 S. gypsaceum, 75 S. halophilum, 75–76 S. junceum, 78 S. kaschgaricum, 79 S. kemrudicum, 79 S. kopetdaghense, 79 S. lehmannianum, 80 S. lercheanum, 81 S. lessingianum, 81 S. maritimum, 83–84 S. namanganicum, 85 S. nitrosum, 85–86 S. pauciflorum, 86 S. porrectum, 88–89 S. schrenkianum, 91 S. serotinum, 92 S. spicigerum, 93 S. sublessingianum, 93–94 S. szovitzianum, 94 S. tauricum, 94–95 S. tenuisectum, 95–96 S. terrae-albae, 96–98 S. transiliense, 98–99 S. turanicum, 99–100 S. validum, 100 Sesbania sp. S. aculeata, 571 S. cavanillesii, 571 S. versicarium, 580 Sibiraea sp. S. altaiensis, 778 S. laevigata, 778 Sibirica laevigata, 778 Sicydium monospermum, 320 Sicyos angulatus, 321 Sidalcea hybrlda, 636

Index of Organisms Sida sp. S. acuta, 633–634 S. cordifolia, 634 S. echinocarpa, 634 S. grewioides, 634 S. linifolia, 635 S. mysorensis, 635 S. ovata, 635 S. rhombifolia, 635 S. veroniciflora, 636 Sideritis sp. S. albiflora, 513 S. amasiaca, 513 S. arborescens, 514 S. arguta, 514 S. argyrea, 514 S. armeniaca, 514 S. athoa, 514–515 S. bilgerana, 515 S. brevibracteata, 515 S. brevidens, 515 S. caesarea, 515–516 S. cilicica, 516 S. condensata, 516 S. congesta, 517 S. dichotoma, 517 S. erythrantha, 517 S. germanicopolitana, 517 S. lanata, 518 S. libanotica, 518 S. lycia, 518 S. montana, 518 S. niveotomentosa, 518–519 S. perfoliata, 519 S. phrygia, 519 S. pisidica, 519 Silybum marianum, 136–137 Sinapidendron augustifolium, 270 Sinapis sp. S. alba, 270–271 S. arvensis, 184 S. arvensis, 271–272 S. dissecta, 272 S. juncea, 272 S. nigra, 196, 272 Sisymbrium sp. S. alliaria, 174–175, 272–273 S. altissimum, 273 S. brassiciforme, 273 S. columnae, 274 S. confertum, 274 S. contortum, 274 S. erysimoides, 274 S. gariepinum, 274 S. irio, 275 S. lagascae, 275 S. loeselii, 275 S. nasturtium-aquaticum, 264 S. officinale, 276 S. pannonicum, 273

989 S. polyceratium, 274 S. sinapistrum, 273 S. supinum, 276 Skimmia sp. S. japonica, 855 S. laureola, 855 S. repens, 855 Solanum sp. S. ajanhuirii, 916 S. arundo, 916 S. carolinense, 916 S. chaucha, 917 S. dulcamara, 917–918 S. ferox, 918 S. indicum, 918 S. khasianum, 919 S. marginatum, 919 S. melongena, 919–920 S. nigrum, 920 S. noctiflorus, 920–921 S. nodiflorum, 921 S. persicum, 921 S. pseudocapsicum, 921 S. sisymbriifolium, 921 S. toralapanum, 921–922 S. torvum, 922 S. trilobatum, 922 S. tuberosum, 922–924 S. xanthocarpum, 924–925 Solenanthus sp. S. circinnatus, 169 S. olgae, 161 Solidago sp., 137–138 S. canadensis, 137 S. serotina, 137 Sophia achroleuca, 276 Sophora sp. S. alopecuroides, 599–600 S. japonica, 600–601 S. pachycarpa, 601–602 Sorbaria sp. S. assurgens, 778 S. sorbifolia, 778 S. stellipila, 778 Sorbus sp. S. americana, 778 S. aucuparia, 778–780 S. boissieri, 778–779 S. caucasica, 779 S. domestica, 779 S. intermedia, 780 S. pohuashanensis, 780 S. sambucifolia, 780 S. scandica, 780 S. sibirica, 780 S. tianschanica, 780 S. torminalis, 781 Soya glycine, 580–581 Spartium junceum, 602 Spatholobus roxburghii, 602

990 Spiraea sp. S. acutifolia, 781 S. altaica, 778 S. altaiensis, 778 S. ambigua, 781 S. argunensis, 721 S. camtschatica, 721 S. crenata, 781 S. digitata, 721, 722 S. hypericifolia, 781 S. laevigata, 778 S. lobata, 721 S. obovata, 781 S. opulifolia, 735 S. palmate, 722 S. salicifolia, 781 S. sorbifolia, 778 S. ulmaria, 722–723, 781 Stachiopsis sp., 519–520 Stachys sp. S. aleurites, 520 S. annua, 520 S. arvensis, 520 S. betoniciflora, 520–521 S. cretica, 521 S. germanica, 521–522 S. hirta, 522 S. iberica, 522 S. inflata, 523 S. ionica, 523 S. lanata, 523, 524 S. melanii, 524 S. olymrica, 524 S. palustris, 524 S. pinardii, 524 S. recta, 525 S. schtschegleevii, 525 S. spruneri, 525–526 S. swainsonii, 526–530 S. sylvatica, 530 S. thirkei, 530 S. viticina, 530 Stanleyella texana, 276–277 Stillingia sp. S. sebifera, 386 S. sinensis, 386 S. sylvatica, 386 Stizolobium sp. S. aterrimum, 603 S. deeringianum, 603 Strigosella sp. S. africana, 277 S. cabulica, 277 S. turkestanica, 277 Stylosanthes gracilis, 603 Symphytum sp. S. officinale, 169 S. orientale, 170 Syrenia sp. S. angustifolia, 277–278 S. cana, 277–278

Index of Organisms S. montana, 278 S. sessiliflora, 278 S. siluculosa, 278

T Tagetes erecta, 138 Tamarindus indica, 603 Tanacetum sp. T. parthenium, 138 T. vulgare, 138 Taraxacum sp. T. kok-saghyz, 139 T. officinale, 139 Teesdalia nudicaulis, 278 Telekia speciosa, 139–140 Telfairia T. occidentalis, 321 T. pedata, 321 Tephrosia sp., 604 T. purpurea, 603 T. vogelii, 604 Tetracarpidium conophorum, 386 Tetradea corulteria, 531 Tetrapleura tetraptera, 604 Teucrium sp. T. almeriense, 531 T. canadensis, 531 T. capitalum, 531 T. chamaedrus, 532 T. creticum, 532 T. cubense, 532 T. depressum, 532 T. expansum, 533 T. flavum, 533 T. fruticans, 533 T. gnaphalodes, 533 T. jailae, 533 T. marum, 534 T. nuchense, 534 T. polium, 534 T. pseudochamaepitus, 534 T. scordioides, 535 T. scorodonia, 535 Thalictrum sp. T. adiantifolium, 686 T. angustifolium, 686 T. aquilegifolium, 686 T. dipterocarpum, 687 T. flavum, 687 T. foetidum, 687–688 T. glaucum, 688 T. kochii, 689 T. laserpitifolium, 688 T. lucidum, 688 T. minus, 689 T. polycarpum, 690 T. simplex, 690 T. squarrosum, 690 T. sultanabadense, 691 T. transsilvanicum, 689

Index of Organisms Thamnosma texana, 855 Theodorea glomerata, 134 Thermopsis alterniflora, 604–605 Thespesia populnea, 636 Thlaspi sp. T. alpestre, 278 T. arvense, 279 T. perfoliatum, 262, 279 Thymbra spicata, 535 Thymus sp. T. argaeus, 535 T. atticus, 536 T. bornmuelleri, 536 T. calcareous, 537 T. cariensis, 536 T. chankoanus, 536 T. chaubardii, 536 T. cilicicus, 537 T. comptus, 537 T. dimorphus, 537 T. eigii, 538 T. haussknechtii, 538 T. komarovii, 538 T. kotschyanus, 538 T. kotschyanus var. eriophorus, 538 T. kotschyanus var. glabrescens, 538 T. kotschyanus var. kotschyanus, 538 T. leucostomus, 539 T. leucostomus var. argillaceus, 539 T. leucostomus var. leucostomus, 539 T. longicaulis, 539 T. magnus, 539–540 T. marschallianus, 537, 540 T. pectinatus, 540 T. pectinatus var. pectinatus, 540 T. praecox, 540–541 T. pseudopulegioides, 542 T. pulvinatus, 542 T. revolutus, 542 T. roegneri, 542 T. saravshanicus, 542 T. satureioides, 542–543 T. serpyllum, 543 T. sibthorpii, 543 T. sipyleus, 543 T. spicata, 544 T. striatus, 544 T. striatus var. interruptus, 544 T. syriacus, 544 T. thracicus, 544 T. thracicus var. longidens, 544 T. transcaucasicus, 544 T. ussuriensis, 544–545 T. villosus, 545 T. vulgaris, 545 T. zygioides, 546 T. zygioides var. lycaonicus, 546 T. zygis, 546 Thysanocarpus radians, 279 Tithonia spesiosa, 140

991 Toddalia sp. T. aculeata, 855–856 T. asiatica, 856 Torresea cearensis, 605 Torularia torulosa, 280 Trachylobium verrucosum, 605 Tragia incana, 387 Tragopogon sp. T. montanus, 140 T. pratensis, 140 Trichodesma sp. T. incanum, 170 T. indicum, 170 T. zeylanicum, 171 Trichosanthes sp. T. anguina, 321–322 T. cucumeroides, 322 T. dioica, 322 T. japonica, 323 T. kadam, 312 T. kirilowii, 323–324 Trifolium sp. T. arvense, 606 T. indicum, 606 T. pratense, 606 T. subterraneum, 606 Trigonella sp. T. foenum-graecum, 607 T. occueta, 607 Tripetaleia paniculata, 351 Triphasia glauca, 831 Trollius sp. T. altaicus, 691 T. asiaticus, 691 T. chinensis, 691 T. europaeus, 692 T. ledebourii, 692 Tropaeolum majus, 280 Turanga euphratica, 862 Turritis glabra, 280 Tussilago farfara, 140–141

U Ulmaria sp. U. palmate, 722 U. palustris, 722–723 U. pentapetala, 722–723 Ulugbekia tschimganica, 171 Urena lobata, 636 Ursinia calenduliflora, 141

V Vaccinium sp. V. angustifolium, 351–352 V. arctostaphylos, 352 V. axillare, 353 V. macrocarpum, 352

992 Vaccinium sp. (cont.) V. microcarpum, 338 V. minus, 352 V. myrtillus, 352–353 V. ovalifolium, 353 V. oxycoccos, 353 V. oxycoccus, 338–339 V. uliginosum, 354 V. vitis-idaea, 352, 354–355 Vella annua, 280 Venidium decurrens, 141 Vernonia sp. V. baldwinii, 141 V. deppeana, 142 V. fasciculata, 142 V. missurica, 142 Vesicaria graeca, 175 Vexibia alopecuroides, 599–600 Vicia sp. V. faba, 607 V. sativa, 607 V. sepium, 607 Vigna sp. V. catjang, 608 V. multiflora, 608 V. radiata, 591–592 V. sinensis, 608 V. unguiculata, 608 Viguiera laciniata, 141 Vitis pentaphylla, 311–312 Voandzeia subterranea, 608 W Widemannia orientalis, 546 Wyethia helenioides, 142 X Xanthium sp. X. pensylvanicum, 142–143 X. strumarium, 143

Index of Organisms Xanthorhiza simplicissima, 692 Xanthoxylum sp. X. acanthopodium, 856 X. ailanthoides, 856 X. alatum, 856–857 X. arenarium, 834 X. aubertia, 857 X. avicennae, 857 X. budrunga, 857 X. bungei, 857–858 X. cribrosum, 833 X. hamiltonianum, 858 X. ochroxylum, 858 X. ovalifolium, 858 X. peckoltianum, 858 X. piperitum, 858–859 X. rhetsa, 859 X. schinifolium, 835 X. senegalense, 835, 859 Ximenesia encelioides, 143–144

Z Zieria sp. Z. laevigata, 860 Z. macrophylla, 860 Z. smithii, 860 Zilla spinosa, 280–281 Zinnia elegans, 144 Ziziphora sp. Z. capitata, 546 Z. clinopodioides, 546–547 Z. pedicellata, 547, 548 Z. tenuior, 548 Ziziphus jujuba, 696–698 Ziziphus sp. Z. abyssinica, 696 Z. mucronata, 699 Z. spina-christi, 699 Z. xopyra, 699