Light Waves: Fine Tuning the Mind 9780824845094

"No one lives within a continuous stream of peak experiences. Everyday life is both ordinary and marvelous. While s

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English Pages 112 [111] Year 2000

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Table of contents :
1. Appearances
2. Whose Mind?
3. What Is Mine?
4. Fixing the Mind
5. Reality Teaches
6. Reality-Presents
7. Doing Reality
8. Reality’s Fools
9. No Boundaries
10. Making Sense of It
11. Ideas in Action
12. Practicalities
13. Dawning Light
14. Passing On
15. Being Lively
16. Stop-and-Go Living
17. Artistic Living
18. Curing Yourself
19. Reality’s Pool
20. Shopping Around
21. Storytelling
22. Reinventing Yourself
23. Reviewing Yourself
24. Meaningful Construction
25. Brand Names
26. Situational Fusion
27. Have It Be the Way It Is
28. In Trust
29. Thoughtfulness
30. Redoing Yourself
31. Driving Yourself
32. Talking Yourself Seriously
33. Telling Tales
34. Accepting Yourself
35. Self-Instruction
36. Discovering Yourself
37. Making Strides
38. Getting to Know You
39. Reality-Esteem
40. Vapors Condensing
41. Trekking
Also by David K. Reynolds
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Light Waves: Fine Tuning the Mind

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