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1972 by P r i n c e t o n U n i v e r s i t y A l l Rights Reserved L.C. Card: I.S.B.N.
Published in Japan exclusively by the University of Tokyo Press; in other parts of the world by Princeton University Press
Printed in the United States of America
Preface. These are notes based on a course of lectures given at Princeton University during the Spring Term of 1972. They are intended as a sequel to the notes Lectures on Riemann Surfaces (Mathematical Notes, Princeton University Press, 1966), and are principally devoted to a continuation of the discussion of the dimensions of spaces of holomorphic cross-sections of complex line bundles over compact Riemann surfaces contained in §7 of the earlier notes; but whereas the earlier treatment was limited to results obtainable chiefly by one dimensional methods, a more detailed analysis requires the use of various properties of Jacobi varieties and of symmetric products of Riemann surfaces, and consequently serves as a further introduction to these topics as well. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the material covered in the first 8 chapters of the earlier notes, and the terminology and notation introduced there are used with no further explanation.
The first chapter of these notes consists of the
rather explicit description of a canonical basis for the Abelian differentials on a marked Riemann surface, and of the description of the canonical meromorphic differentials and the prime function (in more or less the sense used in Hensel and Landsberg "Theorie der algebraische Funktionen einer Variabeln") of a marked Riemann surface. Although most of this material is used only to a minor extent in the present volume of notes, it is important for later
developments and this is a convenient point at which it can be treated, particularly in connection with the introduction of the very useful concept of a marked Riemann surface, which concept is employed systematically throughout the remainder of these notes. The second chapter contains a discussion of Jacobi varieties of compact Riemann surfaces and of various subvarieties which arise in determining the dimensions of spaces of holomorphic cross-sections of complex line bundles. The Jacobi variety of a marked Riemann surface is introduced in an explicit but convenient manner, and the usual invariance properties follow easily from an identification of the Picard and Jacobi varieties. The third chapter contains a discussion of the relations between Jacobi varieties and symmetric products of Riemann surfaces which are relevant to the determination of dimensions of spaces of holomorphic cross-sections of complex line bundles. The analytical and topological properties of symmetric products are not really discussed in general, although an indication of the usefulness of some of these properties in studying the problem at hand is indicated in the appendix. The final chapter consists of the derivation of Torelli's theorem following A. Weil but in an analytic context. The results which may be new are somewhat scattered and follow fairly naturally from the lines of development of the subject, so there is no purpose served in attempting to point them out explicitly. However I have tried in the notes and references
to indicate rather explicitly the sources used for the material covered here, but without attempting a complete bibliography or detailed and accurate history of the subject. As is the case with so many other publications on this subject the debts owed to the work of A. Weil are immense and obvious.
I have also been heavily
influenced by the work of Η. H. Martens and have followed his treatment at several
places indicated in the notes. Finally I
should like to express my thanks to the students
and colleagues
who attended these lectures, particularly to Robert H. Risch, for many helpful suggestions and references; and to Elizabeth Epstein for her customary beautiful job of typing these notes.
R. C. Gunning Princeton, New Jersey September, 1972
Marked Riemann surfaces and t h e i r canonical differentials
a. Markings of a Riemann surface (l) b. Canonical holomorphic Abelian differentials (7) c. Canonical meromorphic Abelian differentials (15) d. Prime function of a marked Riemann surface (23) Notes for §1 (29) §2.
Jacobi varieties and their distinguished subvarieties
a. Jacobi mapping and Jacobi homomorphism (3^) b. Subvarieties of positive divisors (39) c. Subvarieties of special positive divisors (U6) d. Hyperelliptic surfaces and Clifford's theorem (55) Notes for §2 (62) References (70) §3. Jacobi varieties and symmetric products of Riemann surfaces a. Symmetric products of Riemann surfaces (72) b. Symmetric products and Jacobi mappings (75) c. Singularities of subvarieties of positive divisors (87) d. Hyperelliptic surfaces and the extension of Clifford's theorem (98) e. Dimensions of subvarieties of special positive divisors (99) f. Jacobi mappings and analytic fibrations (105) g. Jacobi fibrations and associated vector bundles (113) Notes for §3 (127) References (139)
Page Intersections in Jacobi varieties and Torelli's theorem a. b. c. d.
Intersections of special translates of hypersurfaces (lUl) Intersections of general translates of hypersurfaces (1U3) Surfaces of low genus (159) Torelli*s theorem (169)
Notes for & (173) References (176)
On conditions ensuring that
W^ ^ 0
Index of symbols
§1. Marked Riemann surfaces and their canonical differentials.
At several points in the more detailed study of Riemann sur
faces, the explicit topological properties of surfaces play an impor tant role; and it is convenient to have these properties established from the beginning of the discussion, to avoid the necessity of inserting topological digressions later. Since the universal cover ing space of a connected orientable surface of genus
g > 0
is a
cell, the fundamental group carries essentially all the topological properties of the surface; so it is also convenient to introduce from the beginning and to use systematically henceforth the repre sentation of a Riemann surface in terms of its universal covering space. Let Μ let Μ
be a compact Riemann surface of genus
be its universal covering space.
inherits from Μ hence Μ
g > 0 , and
The topological space Μ
in an obvious manner a complex analytic structure,
is itself a Riemann surface; and Μ
is topologically
quite trivial, being homeomorphic to an open disc. transformations form a group Γ
of complex analytic homeomorphisms
Τ: Μ — > Μ j and the Riemann surface Μ quotient space M/r .
The covering
can be identified with the
It will be assumed that the reader is familiar
with the topological properties of covering spaces, so that no fur ther details need be given here.
Select a base point lying over ρ
and also a base point
. Having made these selections, there is a canonical
isomorphism between the covering transformation group Γ fundamental group 7Γ. (M,p ) of the surface Μ
and the
based at ρ
is the isomorphism which associates to any transformation
j this
Τ eΓ
the class of loops in ττ- (Μ,ρ ) represented by the image in Μ any path from
in Μ . Again the details will be omit
ted, since they can be supplied in a quite straightforward manner by anyone familiar with the topological properties of covering spaces; but it should be noted that this isomorphism does depend on the choice of the base point point in Μ
lying over ρ
, since the selection of another base alters the isomorphism by an inner
automorphism of the group τ. (M,p ) . Now for the more detailed properties, recall that topologically Μ
is just a sphere with
g handlesj hence
can be dis
sected into a connected contractible set by cutting along 2g paths, as indicated in the accompanying diagram. handle 2 / / / ^ ~ N V , \
Each loop a.
lifts to a unique path a.
or β.
beginning at the base point Α.ζ , where A. e Γ l ο ' ι topy class of a.
j the path a.
or β.
runs from
in Μ ζ
is the transformation associated to the homo-
in τν. (Μ,ρ ) under the isomorphism introduced
above, and the path ' ^
β. ι
runs from
ζ ο
to Β.ζ , where ι ο '
Β. e Γ ι
associated to β.
in the corresponding manner.
Μ - ^ (α. U β.) X i=l 1
is simply connected, hence lifts homeomorphically
to a number of disjoint open subsets of Μ
The complement
which are permuted by
the action of any element of the covering transformation group.
follows readily, upon tracing out the boundary of this complement in the preceding diagram, that one of these liftings has the form indicated in the following diagram.
Α Β ζ
1 1 Ο
In this diagram the elements
axe the commutators
(1) and. the domain
as indicated is hameamorphic to the complement The point set closure
polygonally shaped subset of
of this domain is a
with boundary consisting of the
closed curve
As usual in the discussion of the groupoid of paths, a product of paths is the path obtained by traversing first
and then
this multiplication is noncommutative, but is defined only when the end point of
coincides with the initial point of
notation used in (2) should lead to no confusion. r
the group
, hence the
As is well known,
is generated by the 2g elements
and these generators are subject to the single relation (3) where again
denotes the commutator (l).
The fundamental group
is of course correspondingly generated by the loops subject to the corresponding relation; that this relation does hold is obvious from (2) , although it does require some more work to show that all other relations axe consequences of (3).
- k -
A selection of base points cuts α ,...,α ,β ,...,β ι g -^g
ρ e Μ, ζ ε Μ and a set of ο ' ο of the above canonical form will be called
a marking of the Riemann surface
Μ . A marked Riemann surface thus
has a specified base point, a fixed isomorphism between the covering transformation group of its universal covering space and the funda mental group at its chosen base point, a canonical set of generators for that covering transformation group and hence for the fundamental group, and a canonical dissection of the universal covering space into polygonally shaped subsets ΓΔ = (ΤΔ|τ e Γ) . The set Δ
be called the standard fundamental domain for the action of the covering transformation group Γ
on the universal covering space Μ j
and the notation introduced above for the canonical generators of Γ will be used consistently in the sequel. There are of course a vast number of possible markings for any given Riemann surface. As noted above, the choice of another base point in Μ between Γ
has merely the effect of altering the isomorphism
and ττ. (Μ,ρ ) by an inner automorphism, hence of alter
ing the canonical generators of Γ
by an inner automorphism of Γ
while of course leaving the canonical generators of 7Γη (Μ,ρ ) unchanged, and of replacing the standard fundamental domain Δ a suitable translate of Δ
under the action of Γ . An arbitrary
orientation preserving homeomorphism of the topological space Μ clearly transforms any marking into another marking, modulo choices of base points in Μ ; and it is easy to see that conversely any two markings of Μ
can be transformed into one another by some
orientation preserving homeomorphism of the underlying topological
Μ , again modulo choices of base points in Μ , since the
corresponding standard fundamental domains in Μ
are evidently
homeomorphic under an orientation preserving homeomorphism commuting with Γ . Thus, holding the base points
ε Μ, ζ
fixed for
simplicity, all possible markings arise from a given marking by apply ing suitable orientation preserving homeomorphisms of Μ leaving
to itself
fixed. Note that any such homeomorphism determines in
turn an automorphism of the fundamental group ir, (Μ,ρ ) , taking the canonical set of generators corresponding to one marking into the canonical set of generators corresponding to another marking.
homeomorphism which is homotopic to the identity (through homeomor phisms leaving the base point fixed) clearly yields the identity automorphism of the fundamental group, so that the canonical sets of generators of the fundamental group π. (Μ,ρ ) associated to two markings so related actually coincide; two markings so related will be called equivalent, and the reader should be warned that in much of the literature only these equivalence classes of markings are really considered.
The more detailed investigation of these ques
tions is an interesting subject in its own right, but must be left aside at present. The paths α ,...,α ,β ,...,β -L
can be viewed as singular g
cycles on Μ , and as such represent a basis for the singular homology group
Ηη(Μ,Ζ) ; thus a marked Riemann surface also has a
canonical set of generators for its first homology group.
The inter
section properties of these one-cycles can be read off immediately
from the diagram on page 2. Note that the choice of another marking on the surface, by the application of a homeamorphism of Μ
to it
self, determines an automorphism of the homology group H. (M,Z) J this automorphism can also be determined directly from the corre sponding automorphism of 7Γ. (M,Z) , recalling that just the abelianization of ττ. (M,Z) .
tL (M,Z) is
It should be mentioned that
there are nontrivial automorphisms of 7Γη (Μ,Ζ) which induce trivial automorphisms of IL (M,Z) ; there is a real and important distinc tion between properties of the surface which depend on homological and those which depend on homotopical properties, as will become evident later.
The Abelian differentials on Μ
ential forms of type
are the holomorphic differ
(l,0) j they form a g-dimensional complex
vector space r(M, Θ- ' ) . Note that any Abelian differential ω e r(M, &• ' ) can be viewed as a Γ-invariant holomorphic differ ential form of type
(l,0) on the universal covering surface Μ ;
this form will also be denoted by
ω , a notational convention that
really leads to no confusion since Μ
can be identified with the
quotient space M/r . Since
such Abelian differential
is closed, there must exist a holo
morphic function w
on Μ
is simply connected and since any
such that
ω = dw j such a function is
called an Abelian integral for the Riemann surface. Note that the function
is determined uniquely up to an additive constant.
For a Riemann surface with a specified base point
e Μ , the
associated Abelian integral can be normalized so that w(z ) = 0 , and can thus be viewed as determined uniquely by the Abelian differ ential
ω ; indeed the Abelian integral is then given explicitly by
the integral ζ
w(z) = / z
ω .
Note further that since the Abelian differential
the Abelian integral w(z) has the property that ω(Τζ) - ω(ζ) = 0 for some constant readily that
for any
Τ e Γ , hence that
is r-invariant,
d[w(Tz) - w(z)] =
w(Tz) = w(z) - ω(τ)
ω(τ) e C depending on Τ e Γ .
It then follows
co(ST) = u)(S) + ω(τ) for any two elements
S, Τ e Γ ;
hence the set of these constants can be viewed as an element ω e Hom(r,C) , which will be called the period class of the Abelian differential
ω e r(M, $· ' ) . This terminology is suggested by Tz the observation that ω(Τ) = - / ° ω for any Τ e Γ . Note ο finally that an Abelian differential is determined uniquely by its period class; for if
ω, ,u„ e r(M, ©
class, their difference
' ) have the same period
ω, - ω ? = d[w - w 2 ]
is the derivative of
a holomorphic Γ-invariant function on Μ , hence that difference must vanish since the only holomorphic functions on the compact Riemann surface M/r
are constants.
Now select a marking for the Riemann surface Μ ω.,...,ω
and a basis
for the Abelian differentials on Μ . The period classes
of these Abelian differentials are determined by their values ω. (Α.), ω. (Β.) formation group
on the canonical generators for the covering transΓ ; these values can be grouped together to form
the associated
g χ 2g
fi" = (ω. (Β.)}
period matrix
(Ω' 3 Ω")
Ω'={ω.(Α.)} ,
Theorem 1. The period matrix
of a basis for the
Abelian differentials on a marked Riemann surface
satisfies the
conditions (i) (ii)
Ω'· Ω" - Ω"· Ω' = 0 , (Riemann's equality), and ΪΩ'· Ω" - ΪΩ"· Ω'
is positive definite Hermitian,
(Riemann's inequality). Proof. Although this was proved in the earlier lecture notes (Theorem 17) > it is perhaps worthwhile repeating that proof to show how the intersection matrix of the canonical basis for the one-cycles on a marked Riemann surface can be calculated and to serve as a model for several quite similar later calculations. The essential point in deriving Riemann's equality is that viewing these as forms on Μ
ω.~ ω. = 0 ; J
and integrating over the standard
fundamental domain Δ , and recalling that the boundary of Δ the form given in (2), it follows that:
which establishes (l).
The essential point in deriving Riemann's
inequality is that for any Abelian differential a local coordinate system
hence that
with equality holding only when
In particular, putting
for arbitrary complex constants
t^ , it follows
with equality holding only when
thus the matrix
, where
is positive definite Hermitian.
determine this matrix explicitly, it follows as above that
which establishes (ii) and concludes the proof. Consider then another basis differentials on
M , where
complex matrix
for the Abelian for some nonsingular
The period matrix associated to this
basis evidently has the form
Note that an
immediate consequence of Riemaim's inequality is that the matrices and
are nonsingularj for if
possible to choose a nonzero row vector hence such that
were singular it would be such that contradicting Riemann's
inequality, and similarly of course for
Thus there is a unique
for the Abelian differentials on Μ
associated period matrix has the form
(l,fl) , where
such that the I
is the iden
tity matrix; this will be called the canonical basis for the Abelian differentials on Μ
associated to the given marking.
For such a
basis the period matrix is of course determined by the second com ponent
Ω = {ω..} j where lj
ω.. = ω.(Β.) , while -*-0
terms of the Kronecker symbol.
ω.(A.) = δ. in
In this case, Riemann's equality
reduces to the assertion that the matrix
is symmetric, and
Riemann's inequality reduces to the assertion that the imaginary part of the matrix
is positive definite.
The matrix
will be called the canonical period matrix for the marked Riemann surface. The canonical period matrix for a marked Riemann surface does depend on the choice of the marking; a more detailed discussion of this will be left aside at present, but it is at least worth pointing out here that the canonical period matrix is only a homological invariant.
If two markings of the surface determine the
same canonical generators for Ηη(Μ,Ζ) , then the canonical period matrices associated to these two markings obviously coincide; thus the only analytic invariants of the surface
that can possibly
be expressed as functions of the canonical period matrix
Ω are
those which are also homological invariants, in the same sense. In the proof of Theorem 1, Riemann's equality was demon strated as a direct consequence of the equalities
ω.Λω. = 0
any pair of Abelian different!alsj but a more careful examination of the proof shows that Riemann's equality is really rather weaker than the equalities
ω.Λω. = 0 , indeed is equivalent to the -^- J equalities /. ω.Λω. = 0 . That is to say, Riemann's equality ι J merely reflects the fact that the differential forms ω.Λω. are -^- J homologous to zero, and not the stronger assertion that these forms actually vanish.
This suggests looking more closely into this situ
ation, to see what further properties can be deduced from the equalities
ω.Λω. = 0 .
Choosing then a canonical basis
ω, ,...,ω
differentials on the marked Riemann surface morphic differential forms
for the Abelian
M, introduce the holo-
σ. . = w.co. e r(M, 0- ' )
are the normalized Abelian integrals. The equalities
, where w. ω.Λω. = 0 1
are of course precisely equivalent to the conditions that these forms σ.. be closed, since do. . = ω.Λω. : and since the universal 10 10 ι 0 ' covering space Μ is simply connected, these conditions are in turn equivalent to the existence of holomorphic functions s. . e r(M, Θ- ) such that ij
σ. • = ds. . . The functions
s. . are
of course only determined up to an additive constant, so can be fixed uniquely by the normalization
s..(z ) = 0 ; and this normal
ization will be adopted systematically henceforth. any element
Τ eΓ
the differential forms
σ.. ij
hence the functions
s.. satisfy 10
Note that for
for some complex constants
depending on
; the set
of these constants can be viewed as a mapping
these mappings will be called the quadratic period classes of the canonical basis for the Abelian differentials on the marked Riemann surface. It follows immediately from (5) that these quadratic period classes satisfy the formal algebraic condition (6)
for any elements
S,T £ r j this is the analogue for the quadratic
period classes of the condition that the ordinary period classes of Abelian differentials are homomorphisms from
C . Note
that as a consequence of (6),
(7) for any commutator for
and since the canonical generators
it follows further that
Thus Riemann's equality is a formal consequence of the existence of quadratic period classes satisfying (6), reflecting the observation made above that Riemann's equality is weaker than the equations
involved in the construction of the quadratic period classes. A more detailed discussion of these quadratic period classes must be left until the later discussion of general multiplicative properties.
The meromorphic Abelian differentials on Μ
morphic differential forms of type
are the mero
(ΐ,θ) , which compose a vector
space ΓίΜ,Ί^ ' ) . These forms are of course determined by their singularities, up to additive holomorphic Abelian differentials; and there arises almost immediately the problem of deciding what these singularities can be.
holomorphic differential forms of type sheaf 7)( '
(S- '
Viewing the sheaf
of germs of
(1,0) as a subsheaf of the
of germs of meromorphic differential forms of type
(1,0) , the natural quotient sheaf
= IT)1'0/
d? 1 ' 0 describes
these singularities locally; this will be called the sheaf of germs of principal parts of meromorphic differential forms of type In terms of a local coordinate
in a coordinate neighborhood of
Μ , any meromorphic differential form of type in the form
(l,0) can be written
for some meromorphic function
f(z) ; and
evidently the principal parts of the Laurent expansion of that mero morphic function at each of its poles describes the residue class of that differential form in the quotient sheaf
1 ο ' . These local
expansions can thus be used to describe elements of the sheaf
Recall that the residue of a meromorphic differential form
one of its poles
is defined to be the integral of
' .
around a
closed path encircling that pole once in a counterclockwise direction
and containing no other singularities of will be denoted tion to
this residue, which
clearly remains unchanged by the addi-
of any holomorphic differential form of type
(1,0) ,
hence can be extended to be defined on the elements of the sheaf
From the exact sequence of sheaves
there results an exact cohomology sequence including the segment
hence given any collection of principal parts the surface M
M , there exists a meromorphic Abelian differential on
having those principal parts as its singularities precisely when From-16the Serre duality theorem it follows
is canonically dual to
. and
for a compact Riemann surface; thus meromorphic to fication equated canthe be following identified Theorem to can the Abelian betotal 2. so if result. with chosen On differentials and residue a the only compact that complex if ofthe the Riemann with numbers element total a prescribed surface residue C . Indeed M of leading principal there this is exist thereby zero identipart is.
As noted, it is only necessary to show that can be identified with the total residue of
under an appropriate isomorphism covering
by contractible open coordinate neigh-
borhoods, such that each singularity of only one of the sets any singularity of
Choose a
is contained within
indeed such that an open neighborhood of contained within
other sets of the covering.
is disjoint from the
In each of these sets
the section
can be represented by a meromorphic function ; and in each intersection
the differences
are holomorphic differential forms, and the cocycle represents the cohomology class Then to apply Serre duality it is enough to choose forms
such that in
; for
, so these differential forms represent a
global form
, and the isomorphism
can be taken as that associating to the cocycle constant
. Now for each set
the complex
choose a
which is identically zero in an open neighborhood of any singularity of
and which is identically one in
It is then possible to take
so that
whenever j and
is identified with the total residue of
and the proof is thereby concluded.
For any principal part
φ e r(M, Τ
' ) having total residue
zero there exist meromorphic Abelian differentials having the singu larities specified by
φ .
It is customary to call these forms
Abelian differentials of the second kind if their residue at each point of Μ
is zero, and Abelian differentials of the third kind if
their total residue is zero but they have nonzero residues at some points.
The holomorphic Abelian differentials are called the Abelian
differentials of the first kind. It is in some ways convenient to begin the more detailed discussion of meromorphic Abelian differentials by considering Abelian differentials of the third kind; and the simplest such differentials are those having two simple poles with opposite residues. any two distinct points
on Μ , there exists a meromorphic
φ e r(M, 7Ϊ\ ' ) having as sole singularities
Abelian differential simple poles at ρ
ρ ,ρ
with residue
-1 and at ρ
with residue
The most general such meromorphic Abelian differential is of course φ+ω
for an arbitrary holomorphic Abelian differential ω£Γ(Μ, ff ' )
and a unique canonical such form can be specified by imposing some suitable conditions on the periods. Some care must be taken in defin ing the periods of such a differential form, though, since it has non zero residues; but the difficulties can easily be avoided as follows. Select a simple arc
on Μ , and let
δ be any
lifting of this arc to the universal covering space Μ . The dif ferential form
can be viewed as a Γ-invariant meromorphic
differential form on H ; and as such it is a Γ-invariant holomorphic
differential form on Μ - Γδ , and has zero integral around any closed path in Μ - Γδ . This form can therefore be written as the exterior derivative of a holomorphic function f
f on Μ - Γδ , the
being unique up to an additive constant. Wow as in
the case of the holomorphic Abelian differentials it follows that f(Tz) = f(z) - φ&(τ)
for some complex constants
Τ e Γ ; and the set of these constants can be viewed as an
cp_ e Hom(r3C) , which will be called the period class of
the meromorphic Abelian differential
φ with respect to the arc δ .
Having chosen a marking of the Riemann surface
Μ , this period
class is of course determined uniquely by its values
φ(Α.), φ(Β.)
on the canonical generators of Γ . There is a unique holomorphic Abelian differential also having the periods cal generators form
; hence there is a unique differential
φ + ω having zero periods on the canonical generators
. This will be called the canonical Abelian differential
of the third kind associated to the arc uu . Thus
the points
having as sole singularities simple poles at
with residue
is an arc from
such that
δ , and will be denoted
ut e r(M, Ύΐ[ ' ) is the unique meromorphic Abelian
differential on Μ
1 , and the covering
has a correspondingly explicit form.
ever this identification really plays no role whatsoever in most of the present discussion, and will generally be ignored here.
The period classes of Abelian differentials can also be
introduced as follows.
From the exact sequence of sheaves
there follows an exact cohomology sequence, which for a compact Riemann surface reduces to the sequence
as noted in §8(a) of the earlier lecture notes.
and the connecting homomorphism
can thereby be identified with
the mapping which assigns to any Abelian differential its period class.
The remainder of this portion of the exact cohomology
sequence appears as a condition determining which elements of
Η (M,C) = Hom(r,C) are the period classes of the Abelian differ entials on Μ ; the condition is just that an element of tt (M,C) > Η (Μ, Φ . The resulting condition is a
trivialityj but it is a good exercise to verify that that is the case by tracing this condition through in detail. The algebraic condition (6) satisfied by the quadratic period classes should be familiar to anyone acquainted with the cohomology theory of abstract groups. That condition is just that the two-cocycle
c(S,T) = (O.(S)IO.(T) e Ζ (r,C) is the coboundary
of the one-cochain of the group Γ
σ..(τ) e C (r3C) , in terms of the cohomology ιJ with coefficients in the trivial Γ-module C .
Actually the two-cocycle
c(S,T) = ω. (S)oo.(T) is Just the cup pro-
duct of the one-cocycles
ω.(Τ) and ι
ω.(Τ) , and the condition J
that this two-cocycle be cohomologous to zero is the algebraic reflection of the fact that the differential form
ω.(ζ)Λω.(ζ) is 1
cohomologous to zero on Μ ; so the algebraic condition that there exist some mappings
σ..(Τ) satisfying (6) is really equivalent
to Riemann's equality. (c)
That a function of several complex variables is meromorphic
if it is meromorphic in each variable separately is a result of W. Rothstein, extending the well known theorem of Osgood and Hartogs with the corresponding assertion for holomorphic functions. For a
survey of these results, see H. Behnke & P. Thullen, Theorie der Furiktionen mehrerer komplexer Ver&nderlichen (second edition, Springer, 1970). If then points of
is identified with a subset of the complex plane, M
can be viewed as complex numbers and the canon-
ical Abelian integral of the second kind can be defined simply as the derivative
and the corresponding canonical Abelian differential as
(1*0 This is in many ways a great convenience, especially when considering Abelian differentials of the second kind with higher order poles; and the principal parts of meromorphic Abelian differentials can then be described without the need for specifying a choice of local coordinate system.
The canonical Abelian differentials of the
second kind can also be viewed as a symmetric differential form
on the product manifold ingly as the homomorphism
M x M , and the period class correspondHorn
described by
For such a simple situation as this, though, it seems unnecessary
to worry unduly with such additional machinery. When considering meromorphic functions rather than meromorphic differential forms, the appropriate sheaf of germs of principal parts is the quotient sheaf
; and from the
exact sequence of sheaves
there results an exact cohomology sequence including the segment
In this case the Serre duality theorem asserts that canonically dual to
; and it is easy to verify, paral-
leling the proof of Theorem 2, that this pairing is that which associates to the section
and to any hclomorphic
Abelian differential
the complex number
Consequently there exists a global meromorphic function on principal part
if and only if
with for
j = l,...,g , in terms of any basis for the space of Abelian differentials
. Actually the more detailed analysis of
this result can be reduced directly to the study of the meromorphic differentials, though. note that
For given any principal part necessarily has zero residue, hence
there exists a global iheromorphic differential form
having the principal part
df ; and this form is unique up to an
additive Abelian differential form
ω e r(M, Θ
' ) . Then there
exists a global meromorphic function with the principal part and only if there exists an Abelian differential such that the form
f if
ω e r(M, CP . Note that for any covering transformation φ(Τζ) - φ(ζ) = Cw^Tz) - v±(z)} consequently
Τ eΓ ,
= {OJ^T"1)} e %
induces a complex analytic mapping
φ: Μ
> J(M) ,
which will he called the Jacobi mapping of the marked Riemann sur face
into its Jacobi variety. Theorem 5.
Jacobi mapping between
For a Riemann surface Μ > J(M)
φ: Μ
of positive genus the
is a complex analytic homeomorphism
and a complex analytic submanifold
The Jacobian of the mapping
W-, C J(M) .
is the vector con
sisting of the canonical holomorphic Abelian differentials on Μ , and is nonsingular since these differentials have no common zeros at any point of Μ notes).
(as observed on page 119 of the earlier lecture
is compact, it follows immediately that the image
Wj = φ(Μ) C J(M)
is a complex analytic submanifold of
that the mapping
φ: Μ — > W-,
morphism. mapping p., p_
is locally a complex analytic homeo
It is a simple consequence of Abel's theorem that the is one-to-one. For if
on Μ
the vector
J ( M ) , and
φ(ρ,) = φ(ρ?)
is any simple arc from
u = {u.} with components
lattice 7 , and consequently
for two points to
p ? , then
u. = /„ ω. belongs to the
= ζ_
(upon recalling Corollary
2 to Theorem 18 of the earlier lecture notes); but
ζ p
a surface of positive genus implies that
= p.
= ( * ^2
(upon recalling
Lemma 16 of the earlier lecture notes and the subsequent discussion).
This then serves to conclude the proof. Since the Jacobi variety
has a natural group struc-
ture, it is evident that the Jacobi mapping
uniquely to a homomorphism from the free Abelian group generated by the points of
J(M) .
the points of
can be identified with the group of divisors on
M , the group
Of course this free Abelian group on
germs of divisors on
is the sheaf of
M j and the group homomorphism is clearly given by
Recall that two divisors
are called linearly equivalent, written
their difference is the divisor of a meromorphic function on
M ;
that this is the equivalence relation naturally corresponding to the homomorphism
which associates to a
the complex line bundle , where
ciated to
p^ e M ; and that the group of linear equivalence
classes of divisors on
M , the divisor class group of
isomorphic to the group M
is the point bundle asso-
M , is
of complex line bundles over
under the induced homomorphism. of the line bundle
Note that the Chern class associated to the divisor
is just equal to the degree divisor.
of that
Theorem 6.
For a Riemann surface
of positive genus the
Jacobi homomorphism
is surjective, and its kernel consists of those divisors such that point of
is the base
M .
Note that for the base point
it follows
from the definition of the Jacobi mapping that and since
is a group homomorphism, for any divisor
Now the divisor
has degree zero, so can be written in the form for some points selecting a r c s f r o m
p. J
of s
M j and
evident that
is represented by the vector having components
precisely when
, and by Abel's theorem that is
in turn equivalent to the condition that the kernel of
has the form asserted.
hence For a divisor
it follows in particular that
cisely when
, or equivalently precisely when the associated
line bundle restriction of
i pre-
is analytically trivial; consequently the to the subgroup of divisors of degree zero
induces an infective homomorphism from the Picard variety to the Jacobi variety
J(M) .
Since both
and J(M)
are complex tori of dimension
homomorphism must evidently be an isomorphism; so of course
surjective, and the proof is thereby completed. As an immediate corollary of this result, note that the map ping which associates to any divisor cp( $ ) e J(M),
/$• e r(M, «0 ) the pair
\ I& I e Ζ , is a surjective homomorphism from
r(M, JS ) to the direct sum group
J(M) θ Ζ , and its kernel con
sists precisely of those divisors linearly equivalent to zero; this homomorphism thus determines an isomorphism between the divisor class group of Μ
and the group
homomorphism r(M, iS ) Λ?
= Σ.ν.ρ. 0 JO
J(M) Φ Ζ . Recalling that the
> π (Μ, #
the line bundle
f V
) associating to a divisor
= Π. t J Pi
induces a canonical
isomorphism between the divisor class group and the group of line bundles over Μ , the composition of these two isomorphisms leads to a canonical isomorphism ^(M, Θ *) = J(M) θ Ζ . In particular, there results a canonical isomorphism Picard variety variety
P(M>· = (ξ e Η (Μ, Θ )|c(|) = 0}
between the
and the Jacobi
J(M) ; and this canonical isomorphism will be used quite
freely in the sequel to identify the Picard variety Jacobi variety
P(M) with the
J(M) . This is of course really just an explicit
form for the isomorphism discussed in §8 of the earlier notes; it can be viewed as providing an explicit coordinate representation of the Picard variety as a complex torus. At the same time it
demonstrates that the Jacobi variety as an analytic group is really independent of the marking on the surface, except for the choice of "base point on the surface and corresponding identity element of the group. Note that the image under the Jacobi mapping of a point
p eM
is the same as the image under the Jacobi homo-
of the divisor
divisor corresponds to the line bundle as a subset of the Picard variety,
j and this , Thus viewed
consists of those line
which can be written in the form
some point
, This is equivalent to the condition that the
line bundle
have a nontrivial holomorphic section; for does have such a section, and conversely if
a nontrivial section with divisor
has Writing
for any complex line bundle
it follows
The image under the Jacobi homomorphism
of the set of positive divisors of degree a well defined subset
on the surface
This subset
can be described
equivalently as the image of the complex analytic mapping defined by , where copies of the Riemann surface
is the Cartesian product of M
and has the obvious structure of
a compact complex analytic manifold of dimension
r . It is a well
known result in the theory of functions of several complex variables (the proper mapping theorem) that the image of any such mapping is a complex analytic subvariety of the complex manifold the subsets
W C j(M)
J(M) ; hence
axe complex analytic subvaxieties. Actually
these axe also irreducible subvaxieties, in the sense that any meromorphic function on set of W
J(M) which vanishes on a relatively open sub
necessarily vanishes identically on W
j that is an
immediate consequence of the identity theorem for functions of several complex variables, since the restriction to W morphic function on
function on the manifold
of a mero-
can be identified with a meromorphic W
terms of local coordinates
by means of the mapping ζ . near the points J > J(M)
Jacobian of the analytic mapping
φ: Μ
(z..,...,ζ ) e W
r χ g matrix
is clearly the
φ . In
ρ. e Μ , the J at the point (w?(ζ.)) , where
ω.(ζ.) = w.'(z.)dz. are the canonical holomorphic Abelian differentials on Μ
expressed in these local coordinates; and since the
Abelian differentials are linearly independent, it is evident that the Jacobian matrix will have maximal rank on a dense open subset of Μ
, indeed on the complement of a proper complex analytic sub-
variety of Μ
lecture notes.) φ: Μ
> J(M)
(See the discussion on page 119 of the preceding In particular, for r = l,...,g , the mapping will be a nonsingular local homeomorphism on a
dense open subset of the manifold
j and calling once again on
some results from the theory of functions of several complex variables , it follows that the irreducible subvarieties of dimension
r , for
Of course for
it has
already been demonstrated that the Jacobi mapping is everywhere nonsingular, is indeed a complex analytic homeomorphism between of
and r = g
, so that
is an analytic submanifold
it follows that
, since
a manifold (hence irreducible) and dimension
= dimension
. . is .
this assertion is traditionally known as the Jacobi inversion theorem. For
the mapping
ties, and the image
does have singulari-
may also have singularitiesj a more
detailed analysis will be postponed to a later section of these notes. where
Note finally that is the base point of the marked surface for any
r .
M , hence that
There is consequently a chain of irreduc-
ible analytic subvarieties
where dimension Viewed as a subset of the Picard variety note that the subvariety consists precisely of those complex line bundles can be written in the form on the surface
W^ which
for some points M .
This is of course in turn equiva-
lent to the condition that the line bundle
- i a -
have a nontrivial
holomorphic section; for conversely if
does have such a section, and
has such a section with divisor
complex line bundle
for any
it thus follows that
(1) Incidentally, since
it is a familiar consequence of
the Riemann-Roch theorem that hence that
, and
for any
this then
provides an alternative proof of the Jacobi inversion theorem, that whenever An obvious and useful question to ask is what effect the natural algebraic operations of the group of irreducible analytic subvarieties.
have on this chain
For any subset
is possible to introduce the inverse set the translate
, and
; and for any pair of subsets it is possible to introduce the sum and the quotient This last set must of course b e
distinguished from the difference
; the construc-
tion is a familiar o n e , in the context of ideals. analytic subvariety of they arise from
then so are
is an since
b y the application of an analytic homeomorphism
of the manifold of
J(M) .
S and Τ are analytic subvarieties
J(M) then as a consequence of the proper mapping theorem so i s
S + Τ , since i t can be viewed as the image of the analytic mapping from the compact analytic variety ( s , t ) —> s + t j and i f S © Τ for any subset (2)
S χ Τ into
J(M) defined by
is an analytic subvariety so also i s
Τ , since
S©T = Π
t e Τ
is an intersection of analytic subvarieties of J ( M ) . These oper ations can be applied to the analytic subvarieties W following resultsj for simplicity define W
, with the
= 0 , the identity
element of the group J ( M ) , noting that as a subset of the Picard variety
P ( M ) this set can be described as
W = {ξ e P(M)|/(|) > 1} , paralleling the alternative description given for the other subvarieties Wr . Β Lemma 1. For any integers (3) \-J/
r,s > 0 ,
Wr + Ws = Wι r+s
and for any integers (k) \ '
r,s such that
0 < r < s < g-1 ,
W ©W =W w s r s-r Proof.
The first assertion is a trivial consequence of the
definition. As for the second assertion, viewing these sets as subvarieties of the Picard variety
P ( M ) , note that
Now for any line bundle
such that
it follows easily though that precisely when
for all points
p e M
and b y iterating this observation it
then follows that
as desired.
To complete the proof b y demonstrating this auxiliary
statement, note firstly that for all points
obviously implies that p e M .
On the other hand if
it follows from the Riemann-Roch theorem that and that the canonical bundle.
, where Now selecting a point
p e M
least one of the holomorphic sections of the bundle z e r o , there axe evidently at most holomorphic sections of
which vanish at
p ; but the dimen-
, hence
that p o i n t , and the proof is concluded.
is non-
linearly independent
sions of the space of holomorphic sections of at
at which at
which vanish at
The condition that
in the second assertion of the
lemma is of course quite necessary, since for and consequently
necessarily as well.
Note that
having proved Lemma 1 , the corresponding statements for translates of these subvarieties follow quite trivially; hence
(5) for any integers
and any points
, and
(6) for any integers
and any points
A special case of the lemma which merits particular mention is the assertion that , since thus the subsets being preserved b y translations.
are quite far from
Another special case which also
merits note is the assertion that
this equation shows that the submanifold merely from the terminal portion
can be recovered of this
sequence of subvarieties, hence that the original Riemann surface is determined b y that portion of the sequence.
When viewed as a subset of the Picard v a r i e t y , the sub-
variety of positive divisors was characterized as e Ρ(Μ)|> 1} ; and from t h i s point of view i t P o only n a t u r a l to introduce the further subsets
W = {|
W^ = £ fi e Ρ ( Μ ) | 7 ( ξ ζ ' ) > V )
for arbitrary integers
ν > 1 . These subsets will be called the
subsets of special positive divisors for
ν > 1 , and form a de
scending filtration W
= W 1 D W 2 D W 3 D ... r — r — r —
of the subvariety W
of positive divisors of degree r.
can also be characterized quite conveniently as'follows. Lemma 2. For any integers (9)
W^ =vr_v+1Q(.-vv-1)
W Proof.
= 0
r > 0
ν > 1 , ν < r+1 , and
ν > r+1 .
Letting χ e j(M) correspond to a line bundle
ξ £ P(M) , it follows from the definition that χ e W when
) > ν . Now the existence of at least o independent holomorphic sections of the bundle ξζ
precisely linearly
is clearly o equivalent to the condition that there exists a nontrivial holoP
morphic section of the bundle
with zeros at an arbitrarily o V-1 points of the Riemann surface, hence to the p
specified set of
condition that
for arbitrary points
on the Riemann surface. Chern class ever
Since this line bundle has
the last condition is evidently impossible whenp so that
in that case.
Otherwise the last
condition can be rewritten in the form , and is thus in turn equivalent to the condition that
or in
terms of the Jacobi variety, that for any points
on the Riemann surface; but this is
precisely the definition of the subsel
, and the
proof is thereby concluded. It is an immediate consequence of this lemma that the subv sets
are complex analytic subvarieties of the Jacobi variety
j(M) , indeed that they can be written in the form
(11) whenever extended b y putting
and are otherwise empty. whenever
If the notation is
r < 0 , then equation (10)
can b e subsumed as a special case of equation (9).
The assertions
of the lemma can also b e inverted, yielding the equation
(12) for any integers
it follows immediately from the Riemann-Roch
theorem that
, so that
when w
and from Lemma 2 it follows that n
d 2 .
These cases being quite trivial, it
is evidently only reasonable to restrict attention to those subvarieties
with indices in the range
As a useful bit of further notation, note that the divisors of any two holomorphic or meromorphic Abelian differentials are linearly equivalent, hence that the image any such divisor
is a well defined point of the Jacobi variety;
this point will b e called the canonical point of of the Picard variety, the canonical point the line bundle
of the Riemann surface.
J(M) .
In terms
is represented b y
is the canonical, bundle
It follows from the Riemann-Roch theorem
for any line bundle
; note that if
a point k- x e J(M) .
represents the point Now
precisely when
cisely when and
hence pre. ; and if
this last inequality is just the condition that Thus the Riemann-Roch theorem leads immediately
to the identity V
k - W = i/^
(13) K
where s = 2g-2-r and μ = g-1 - (r-v) , provided of course that r, s > 0 and ν, μ > 1 so that both sides are well defined. Note first of all that when g-1 < r < 2g-2 then necessarily 0 < s < g-1 j thus when considering the analytic properties of the separate subvarieties W
, rather than their locations and inter
relations in J(M) , it is really sufficient to restrict attention to those subvarieties with indices in the range 1 < ν < r < g-1 . The most symmetric case of formula (13) is that in which r = s = g-1 , and in this case k - WV . = WV . g-1 g-1
for 1 < V < g-1. In particular, when ν = 1 , it follows that k - W g-1, = Wg-1 ., ' . hence that k = Wg-1 _ θ (-Wg-1' . ) ': and this condition of course determines the canonical point uniquely. Now Lemma 2 asserts that W = W 1 < V < r , and i f i n a d d i t i o n W
,n θ (-W ,) whenever
r r-v+1 r-v+1 < g and
a r e a n a l y t i c s u b v a r i e t i e s of
v-1' v-1 < g
J ( M ) of diaienV
W = jfl
v-1 > r - v + 1 , s i n c e i n t h a t case no t r a n s l a t e of
can p o s s i b l y be c o n t a i n e d i n (15)
and c l e a r l y t h e n
W =φ
. .
Thus 2v > r+2
line ease that
Furthermore, in the border-
2v = r+2 , the subvariety
consists of those points
such that
equivalently such that
or and its
translates are irreducible subvarieties; and there is obviously at most one such point (16)
either point
consists of the unique u e J(M)
such that
, when-
ever Of course in the special case
v = g , the set
consists precisely of the canonical p o i n t , as noted earlier. Note that (15) can b e rephrased as the inequality for all points
; the bundles the line bundles of Chern class
r .
2v > r+2
are of course all
This is easily seen to be
equivalent to the inequality
for all line bundles with Chern classes in the range
where as usual
denotes the greatest integer function.
represents a significant improvement in the estimate of the maximal values for
derived in the earlier lecture notes; the table
on page 113 of those notes can thus b e replaced the the following
table of inequalities relating the Chern class sion
and the dimen-
for any line bundle
(18) 0 m min
m a x g - 2
Note b y the way that if
+i ....
H ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . .
is a line bundle with even Chern class
and with the maximal number of holomorphic sections as listed in this table
, then
a point of the subvariety
but as noted in (16) this sub-
variety is either empty or consists of but a single point.
on any Riemann surface there can exist at most one line bundle with Chern class is actually attained.
such that this maximum It will appear later that there are
surfaces (indeed the hyperelliptic
Riemann surfaces) for which
this maximum value is attained; and of course tensoring such a bundle with an arbitrary point bundle w i l l yield a line bundle of odd Chern class for which the maximum is also attained.
Thus the estimates
provided b y this table (18) or b y the inequality (17) are the best
possible, in general. Consider next a fixed point ρ e Μ
with image
φ(ρ) = χ e W. C J(M) , represented by the line bundle ξ = ζ ζ" e P(M) ; and note that for any integer Ρ P0 r-p has image
the divisor
cp(r-p) = r-x e r-W C W C j(M) , represented by the
ξ Γ e P(M) . The subvariety
line bundle
r > 1
r-W C »
thus corre
sponds to the subset of positive divisors that can be represented as based at a single point on the Riemann surface Μ ; and these divisors were considered in some detail in the earlier lecture In particular, in Theorem Ik of those lecture notes it was
demonstrated that
r+1 - γ(ζ ) is equal to the number of Weier
strass gap values at the point
in the sequence
1,2,...,r j
that is of course equivalent to the assertion that equal to the number of nongaps at the point sequence γ(ζ
1,2,...,r . Now r-x e W
) = γ(,ί ζ
precisely when
V-1 nongaps at the point
= (r-cp(p)| there are at least at ρ
v-1 nongaps
(l,2,...,r)} .
ρ e Μ which is not a Weierstrass point the gap sequence
is precisely r-W.. Π W
occurring in the
1,2,...,r ; thus
r-W Π W
At a point
) > ν , hence using the preceding observation, pre-
cisely when there are at least the sequence
/(ζ )-1
1,2,...,g j hence for 1 < V < r < g
the intersection
can only consist of multiples of Weierstrass points on
W.. , so is necessarily a finite set of points. Some at least of
these intersections are necessarily nonempty, depending on the gap structure at the Weierstrass points. Turning now to more general properties of these subvarieties of special positive divisors, Lemma 2 would seem to indicate that they should b e particularly well behaved under the operation and that is indeed the case. Lemma 3»
For any integers
(20) (21)
(22) Proof.
These assertions are immediate consequences of
Lemmas 1 and 2 and of the elementary observation that for any subsets
A, B, C
verify this observation, note that for all for all
b e B
, hence precisely when
J(M) .
precisely when x + c + b
e A
and the last condition is just that
Wow to prove (20) note that
to prove (21) note that
and to prove (22) note that as a consequence of (20) and (21) it follows that thus completing the proof. -53-
Although the subsets
are analytic subvarieties of the
Jacobi variety, they may not b e irreducible subvarieties if
v > 1 .
It is still possible to speak of the dimensions of these subvarieties though, where as usual the dimension of an analytic subvariety is defined to b e the maximum of the dimensions of its irreducible components; this dimension will b e denoted d
Recall that
for Lemma (23)
If the subvariety
is nonempty, then e
Note that
, so that
is then necessarily a proper analytic subvariety of If
J(M) .
the first assertion of the lemma is trivial.
wise select an irreducible component w
ducible variety
of the subvariety
note that b y Lemma 3-
analytic subvariety of
is an irreducible
J(M) , since it is the image of the irre-
V x W^
under the obvious analytic mapping
and since
V = V - W^
which is impossible since
variety of
is contained in J(m) ; therefore
and dim
is a proper analytic sub-
which is the first assertion of the lemma.
The proof of the second
assertion is quite similar.
select an irreducible
such that
dim V
= dim
and note that
since again V
= V
V" + W ^
b y Lemma 3;
is irreducible, and it is impossible that
+ W 1 , so necessarily
That suffices to con-
clude the proof. Theorem 7.
The subvarieties
of special positive
divisors on a Riemann surface are analytic subvarieties of the Jacobi variety such that
By successive application of the inequality (23)
cf Lemma U it follows that
Each of these
least 1 , so that
inequalities must cut the dimension b y at dim
and since it follows immediately that
This maximum is actually attained for hyperelliptic Riemann
surfaces, which are particularly rich in functions and are exceptional in several ways.
Recall that a hyperelliptic Riemann sur-
face is one that can be represented as a two
sheeted branched
analytic covering of the projective line; and that each such surface
has a unique analytic automorphism
of period
2 corresponding to the interchange of sheets in any representation of
as a two sheeted branched analytic covering of the projec-
tive line.
The meromorphic functions on
invariant under this
automorphism can b e identified with the meromorphic functions on the projective line; hence for any two points
p, q
w i l l exist a meromorphic function having divisor Thus any two divisors on
of the form
p + 0p
equivalent; the common image
are linearly of all such
divisors is a w e l l defined point of the Jacobi variety, which w i l l be called the hyperelliptic point of
J(M) .
In terms of the
Picard variety, the hyperelliptic point is represented b y any line bundle of the form
Such a line bundle
has the property that versly, whenever
, so that
is nonempty its unique point is represented
b y a line bundle
such that
hence the surface is hyperelliptic and the line bundle sents the hyperelliptic point.
unique point in
t| repre-
Thus hyperelliptic Riemann sur-
faces can be characterized as those for which
Now if
and con-
, and the
is then the hyperelliptic point. e
is the hyperelliptic point on the Jacobi
variety of a hyperelliptic Riemann surface it follows from (l6) that
-W^ = W ^ - e ; and iterating this relation,
is nonempty, indeed consists of the point
(v-l)-e ,
In particular, the canonical point is given
in terms of the hyperelliptic point b y the formula
k = (g-l)•e .
It farther follows, as already noted as a consequence of the condition
that the maximum values for
given b y
formula (17) on the table (18) are actually attained on hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces.
Finally note also that
on a hyperelliptic Riemann surface
(25) whenever
so the subvarieties of special position
divisors are irreducible analytic subvarieties of the maximal possible dimension in this case. The hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces not only provide examples of surfaces for which the maximal values described in the preceding discussion are actually attained, but are even characterized by the attainment of these maximal values.
A partial result in this direc-
tion is the following. Theorem 8 (Clifford's Theorem). in the range
g , then that surface is hyperelliptic.
for some
for a Riemann surface of
A s noted earlier, hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces
are characterized b y the condition that
so in order to
prove the theorem it is sufficient to show that if some index
in the range
some index
in the range
Note first of all that
from the Riemann-Roch theorem in the form (13) it follows that where assumed that value
and it can of course be (Note that this is the point at which the
v = g
must b e excluded, since then
p. = 1 .)
choose a point bundle
j and l
represented b y a line e
b y a line bundle bundle.
The point
can b e described as the image under the
M , and correspondingly
a divisor
of degree
on the sur-
can b e described as the image of
of degree
two points of the divisor
can b e specified quite arbitrarily,
so it can be assumed that at least one point of in
represented is the canonical
Jacobi homomorphism of a divisor face
Assuming that
and that at least one point of
also appears
does not appear in
the set o f common points (counting multiplicities) of the two divisors of degree
can b e viewed as forming a divisor
r , where
as a consequence of these
choices, and that divisor has as image under the Jacobi homeomorphism a point
Now recall that
also b e described as the dimension of the complex vector space
consisting of those meromorphic functions mann surface
such that
on the Rie-
, and correspondingly
is the dimension of the complex vector space associated to the divisor
as described on page 57 and the
following pages in the earlier lecture notes.
so that
and since it is also evident that
it follows that
Rewriting these observations in terms of the dimensions of the spaces of holomorphic sections of the appropriate line bundles, it then follows that
(; e P(M)
is the line bundle corresponding to the point
z e J(M) j and since
the Riemann-Roch theorem can be applied once again to rewrite this inequality in the form Since the left hand side in this last inequality is
and from the upper bound provided b y (17), the right hand side in this inequality is
It thus
follows that
this can only happen when and when
is an even integer, say
This in turn means that
for some index
in the range
as already noted, that suffices to conclude the proof of the theorem. An immediate corollary of this theorem is the observation that the inequality (17) can b e improved on a Riemann surface that is not hyperelliptic; for any line bundle Chern class
it follows that
with even whenever
since a line bundle with represents a point in
for all line bundles with Chern classes in the range
, when
the Riemann surface is not hyperelliptic. Correspondingly, when
is not hyperelliptic the table of inequal-
ities (18) can b e improved a l s o , as follows.
(27) 0 m
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 3
6 3 0
m a x . . .
Notes for §2. (a)
This section is really just a review, although from a
slightly different point of view, of material that can be found in §8 of the earlier lecture notes on Riemann surfaces.
For most if
not all of the results in §2, it is not really necessary to select a particular coordinate representation of the Picard variety
P(M) ,
such as the representation given here in terms of the Jacohi variety; indeed, the discussion in the remainder of §2 can be rephrased entirely in terms of the Picard variety, continuing more directly the treatment begun in §8 of the earlier lecture notes. However there are some later points at which the explicit representation of the Picard variety is useful, if not essential, particularly when discussing homotopy rather than homology invariants; and the change in point of view may serve as a useful element in reviewing the relevant portions of the earlier lecture notes. The Jacobi mapping
φ: Μ
> J(M) has a useful functorial
property, which can conveniently be described as follows. Consider an arbitrary compact complex analytic torus by a lattice subgroup ψ: Μ —5» J mapping
the Riemann surface Μ
, defined
C (Γ , and a complex analytic mapping
from the universal covering surface into the universal covering space
; and the component functions of the lifted mapping
are complex analytic functions Τ eΓ
= (Γ / X
. This mapping obviously lifts to a complex analytic
ψ: Μ — > C
the torus
the values
ψ.(Tz) - ψ.(ζ)
on Μ
such that for any
are constants, indeed are the
components of a vector belonging to the lattice tions
. The func
are consequently Abelian integrals on Μ , so can be
expressed in terms of the canonical Abelian integrals in the form S ΦΊ·(ζ) = Σ for some constants stants
c w (ζ) + c
1 < i < η ,
c. : and it is clear that the con-
c.. must have the property that
c..ω.(Τ; , 1 < i < η ,
are the components of a vector in the lattice formation
Τ e Γ . The matrix
such that
> J . Conversely it is clear that any
a linear transformation
ψ = Ccp + c , where
> J(Μ)
analytic mapping
ψ: Μ
C: J(M)
lytic group homomorphism,
> J
> J(M)
> J(M)
arises from
c( X ) C
must be of the form
is an arbitrary complex ana-
is the Jaeobi mapping. ψ: Μ
> J
c is any point in the group
, and
In particular, any complex
> j(M) of a Riemann surface Μ
Jaeobi variety must be of the form C: J(M)
C: J(M)
C: C^ — > «ί1 such that
Thus altogether the mapping
C: Φ — > Cr
; and this in turn induces a complex analytic group
complex analytic group homomorphism
φ: Μ
for any trans
C = (c..) can now be viewed as
determining a linear transformation C( X ) C
into its
ψ = Ccp + c for some endomor-
and some point
c e J(M) .
It is fairly
evident how this observation can be used to give a functorial characterization of the Jaeobi variety, but details will be left to the reader; the compact complex torus defined in this functorial manner is often called the Albanese variety of the Riemann surface M.
The Jacobi homomorphism
can of
course b e described correspondingly. analytic mapping
Consider an arbitrary complex
, for some index
that for any fixed points
the restriction
can be viewed as a complex analytic mapping from M into
J(m) , hence can b e written in the form
for some endomorphism and the matrix
and some point
and the point
on the points
evidently depend analytically
Now it follows immediately that must actually b e a constant function.
(This function
is a complex analytic mapping from the compact complex analytic manifold
into the complex vector space
g X g
plex matrices, so that b y the proper mapping theorem its image is a compact complex analytic subvariety of
; but it follows
directly from the maximum modulus theorem, and is proved in most of the standard texts on functions of several complex variables, that the only such subvarieties must consist of isolated points, from which the desired result follows immediately. endomorphism
C: J(m)
> J(M)
g X g
must be determined b y a
complex matrix
integer matrix
D , as an immediate consequence of the condition
such that
Alternatively, any
for some
2g x 2g
; thus the endomorphisms are necessarily a dis-
crete subset of the vector space
so that even any continuous mapping from Μ
into the space of
all such endomorphisms must be a constant mapping.) The function c.(pp,...jP ) is a complex analytic mapping
> J(M) , so
that by induction r ψ(ρ ,.-.,ρ ) = Σ C φ (ρ ) +c ι J J ί = 1 for some endomorphisms If the mapping
C : J(M) J
> j(M) and some point
e e J(H) .
f merely depends on the divisor p. + ... + ρ
hence is invariant under permutations of the variables, it follows further that the endomorphisms
C. must all be equal, so that
t(p 2 + . ·. + p r ) = Ccp^ + ... + p r ) + c for some endomorphism where (b)
C: J(M)
> J(M)
and some point
c e J(M) ,
is the Jacobi homomorphism.
That the image of a complex analytic mapping from a compact
complex manifold into any analytic manifold is an analytic subvariety is a consequence of Remmert's proper mapping theorem, the proof of which can be found in most texts on functions of several complex variables.
It should be emphasized that the image is an
analytic subvariety, but not necessarily an analytic submanifold} an analytic subvariety is a closed subset which can be described locally as the set of common zeros of finitely many analytic functions.
The subset
is an analytic subvariety of
v W^
-which will b e called the subvariety of gap points of
the gap subvariety of set
; its complement in
is an open sub-
which will be called the subset of nongap points of Of course all points of
are gap points when
, since
so this concept is really only
interesting for indices points then
v = 1 ,
If all the points of
are gap
provided that
a result that nicely complements Lemma U and indicates some of the usefulness of these concepts; but this is unfortunately not generally the case, so the situation is rather more complicated and not yet completely straightened out. If a point
x e J(M)
is represented b y a line bundle
precisely when
a gap point of
precisely when
has the properties that
is represented as the image r
for some
if and only if the line bundle
for all points
for sane point
or equivalently, precisely when point
p e M .
and If a nongap point of a divisor of
under the Jacobi homomorphism, then
and hence for any such index
for any index i
there must exist a meromorphic function
such that
but It is then obvious
that a general linear combination of these functions a meromorphic function on
w i l l be
having as polar divisor precisely
the divisor
On the other hand if
gap point and
then either
b y a line bundle
such that for some point
p^ e M
is a is represented and
; and in the latter case
can b e represented as the image of degree
of a divisor
containing the point
p ^ , since
This last condition means that for any meromorphic function
such that
w e l l , and consequently there cannot exist any meromorphic function having as polar divisor precisely the divisor That explains the terminology,
- (p^ +... + p ) .
and indicates the extent
to which
this notion is a natural generalization of the classical notion of the Weierstrass gap sequence. As an immediate consequence of the Riemann-Roch theorem, if a nongap point
is represented as the image of a divisor of degree
M , then for any
i ; hence for any Abelian differential
such it necessarily follows
Λ3 (ω) > ρ η +...+ ρ
as well.
ι v+1 χ f. W
a gap point such that
represented as the image gree
on Μ
and if
χ = φ(ρ
such that
Correspondingly if χ e W ν > 2 , then
can be
+...+ ρ ) of a divisor of de ... ζ" ) = g-r+v-1
P l ? r -1 γ(κζ ... ζ ) = g-r+v j consequently there must exist an Abelian Pp P-v. differential u ε r(M, (5 ' ) such that J (ω) > p 2 +... + ρ but
Λ9 (ω) £ ρ, +p„ +...+ ρ
. Now the natural next step is to express
these conditions in terms of the ranks of the matrices formed from the values of the Abelian differentials of a basis for r(M, Θ at the various points
p. , paralleling the classical form of the
discussion of the Weierstrass gap sequence; but there are some dif ficulties in doing so, since the case in which all the points p. are distinct and the cases in which there are some coincidences require separate treatment, so the continuation of this discussion will be postponed until these difficulties are resolved later in the course of these lectures.
It is also quite natural to consider the subvariety ν - W C W , and to seek to develop a corresponding notion of
gap points in this context as well.
However it is an immediate
consequence of the Riemann-Roch theorem as expressed in formula (13) that
χ €W
v+1 ν . -W C W
precisely when
the earlier sense of the subvariety W^ , where and
s = 2g-2-r
and the indices are such that
is a gap point in μ = g-1- (r-v) r, s > 0
ν, μ > 1 j thus these two notions of gap points are really dual to
one another, by appropriate use of the Riemann-Roch theorem, and it suffices to consider merely the one notion.
On a hyperelliptic Riemann surface it follows from (25)
that W
= W . ,_ - (v-l)*e whenever 1 < ν < r < g-1 and r r-2v+2 ^ ' = =B r-2v+2 > 0 ; hence if in addition r-2v+2 > 1 it follows that
W rV = W 1 + W r-2v+2 „ _,_„ - (v-l) · e = W W V Ί ', so that all the "points 1 n + r-1 of W v
are gap points whenever 1 < ν < r < g-1 and r-2v+2 > 1 .
In the special case that r-2v+2 = 0 , the subvariety W merely of the point
and W
- (v-l)*e is not a gap point of W of W
= φ , so that the point
. Conversely if all the points
are gap points, so long as W
that the surface Μ
/ 0 , it is easy to see
is hyperelliptic; the details will be left to
the reader. This indicates at any rate that there really are montrivial nongap points on surfaces other than hyperelliptic surfaces.
The material discussed in this chapter has
been taken primarily from the following sources. [1]
Hamilton, Richard S . , Non-hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces, Jour. Differential Geom. 3(1969), 95-101.
M a r t e n s , Henrik H . , Torelli's theorem and a generalization for hyperelliptic surfaces, Comm. Pure Applied Math. 16 (1963), 97-110.
5 A new proof of Torelli's theorem, Annals of Math. 78(1963), 107-111.
On the varieties of special divisors on a C u r v e , 1 ,
Jour, reine Angew. Math. 222(1967), 111-120;
I I , Jour,
reine Angew. Math. 233 (1968), 89-IOO. [5]
Prom the classical theory of Jacobian varieties,
Proc. X V Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians, O s l o ,
1968. [6]
(Springer lecture notes 1 1 8 ,
Three lectures in the classical theory o f Jacobian
varieties, Mimeographed notes, n . d . [7]
Matsusaka, I . , On a theorem of Torelli, Amer. Jour. M a t h . 80(1958), 784-800.
M a y e r , A . L . , Special divisors and the Jacobian variety, Math. Annalen
153(1964), 163-167.
On the Jacobi inversion theorem, (Ph.D. thesis,
Princeton University, [10]
W e i l , A n d r e , Zum Beweis des Torellischen Satzes, Nachrichten Akad. Wissenschaften Gtittingen
(1957), 33-53.
Other references, particularly to older literature, can be found in the bibliographies of these papers. The notation and properties of the subvarieties of positive divisors and of special positive divisors are given in several of these papers, in one form or another.
The proof of Cliffords theorem used in these
notes is that given in [U]; the extended form of this theorem, the assertion that if the subvariety W
attains the maximal dimension
given in Theorem 7 for any indices in the range
2 < ν < r < g-2
then the Riemann surface is hyperelliptic, can be found in [U] and in [1], This will also be treated at a later point in these notes.
§3· Jacobi varieties and symmetric products of Riemann surfaces (a)
The restriction of the Jacobi homomorphism to the set of
positive divisors of degree r can be viewed as a complex analytic mapping
φ: Μ
> J(M) J and it is evident that this mapping is
really independent of the order of the factors in the Cartesian χ product Μ
(r) . This suggests introducing the symmetric product Μ = Μ / (s
which is defined to be the quotient space Μ compact complex analytic manifold ΓΓ the symmetric group
of the
under the natural action of
on r letters as the group of permuta
tions of the factors in the Cartesian product Ά each permutation 7Γ e (5
of the integers
sidered as defining a mapping ττ: Μ
. That is to say,
can be con
> W , by setting
ir(p15... ,pr) = (ρ^,.-.,ρ^) ; this exhibits
(s r as a group of
analytic homeomorphisms of the manifold Ά , and the quotient space (r) (r) is by definition the symmetric product Μ
' . The points of Μ
can be considered as r-tuples of points of Μ , without regard to order, hence can be identified with positive divisors Λ / = ρ, + ... + ρ (r) of degree r on M'j consequently the symmetric product Μ will also be called the manifold of positive divisors of degree r on the Riemann surface Μ . Theorem 9· The r-fold symmetric product Μ
of a compact
Riemann surface Μ has the structure of a compact complex analytic manifold of dimension r , such that the natural quotient mapping J τ: Μ fold Μ
(r) >Μ is a complex analytic mapping exhibiting the mani as an (r.1)-sheeted branched analytic covering of the
manifold Proof.
It is evident that if none of the permutations in
leave a point
fixed, then these transfor-
mations will take a sufficiently small open neighborhood of that point into pairvn.se disjoint open subsets of
each of these
sets can be viewed as a local coordinate neighborhood in the quotient space
hence in that neighborhood
have the structure of an r-dimensional complex analytic manifold such that the natural quotient mapping -sheeted analytic covering mapping.
is an Thus the only difficulty
lies in the presence of fixed points of some of the transformations in
these fixed points are of course the r-tuples such that not all of the points
If there are
are distinct.
distinct points in this r-tuple the points can be
renumbered so that coincidences occur in the form
about the points
Select open coordinate neighborhoods
such that
The product
is then an open coordinate neighborhood of the point in
such that any permutation in
either maps
itself or transforms
into an open subset of
indeed the permutations in
the subgroup
disjoint from onto itself form consisting of those
permutations interchanging the first the second
indices among themselves,
indices among themselves, and so on.
In order to
conclude the proof it suffices to show that the quotient space can be given the structure of a complex manifold of dimension
such that the naturai mapping is analytic.
local coordinates in the neighborhoods analytic mapping
introduce the complex
defined by coordinate functions
of the form
The functions
are the elementary symmetric
; and l as is well known, they determine an open complex analytic mapping
functions of the second kind in the variables
> C
χ U_ χ... χ U
1 U
χ U
x. ..x U V
ζ ,z?,...,z
identifying the quotient space V. with an open subset of C . The same
observation can be made for each of the
s blocks of coincident
neighborhoods, and this evidently serves to conclude the proof of the theorem. The particular local coordinates in the neighborhood of the (r) point
ρ Ί + p_ +...+ ρ
W '
in the manifold
described by equa
tion (2) will be used freely in the ensuing discussion.
It should
be noted that they depend on the choice of local coordinates in an open neighborhood of each of the distinct points
surface Μ . (b) As already noted, the Jacobi homomorphism
ways the mapping
τ: Μ
> Μ
(r) for some complex analytic mapping ψ: Μ ;
φ = ψ° τ
this mapping
> J (Μ)
φ: Μ
can be factored through the natural quotient mapping so that
on the Riemann
will also be called the Jacobi mapping. ψ
is more natural than the mapping
> j(M) ;
In many
φ , even
though the manifold
fr) ,
is more complicated than the manifold W ;
that will become more apparent as further properties of this mapping ψ
are derived.
For any index
image of the mapping variety W
C J(M)
ψ: Μ
in the range
> J(M)
1 < r < g-1
is the proper analytic sub-
of positive divisors of degree
can be viewed as an analytic mapping
ψ: Μ
> W
r , so that C J(M) .
For any index
the image of the mapping
is the entire Jacobi variety; in particular the mapping
sional manifold
is an analytic mapping of the g-dimen-
onto the g-dimensional manifold
, as a
consequence of the Jacobi inversion theorem, and the problem of describing this analytic mapping in more detail can be viewed as an extended form of the Jacobi inversion problem. varieties
The analytic sub-
of special positive divisors in
by the mapping
_ axe transformed
to analytic subvarieties
which will also be called subvarieties of special positive divisors. Note that for a point
viewed as a divisor
, the image
is also represented
by the complex line bundle and this point
in the Picard variety;
lies in
precisely when
Consequently the subvarieties can be defined by (3) These subvarieties furnish a descending filtration
of the complex manifold
by analytic subvarieties, which
eventually terminate in the empty set.
For any point that
the fibre
of the mapping
is an analytic subvariety of
of dimension
•v-1 which can be represented as the image of a one-one analytic mapping of Proof. of
That the fibre
is an analytic subvariety
is an immediate consequence of the analyticity of the map-
It then suffices just to show that there
exists a one-one analytic mapping
having as
image precisely this analytic subvariety
the image
must then be an analytic subvariety of dimension
v-1 . Now it follows directly from Theorem 6 that the fibre consists of the positive divisors of degree
equivalent to the given divisor
and viewing these points as
divisors on the Riemann surface
they axe just the divisors of
arbitrary nontrivial holomorphic sections of the line bundle Letting
be a basis for the space of
holomorphic sections of this line bundle, associate to any point other than the origin the divisor
there results a well defined mapping
from the complement of the
origin in
having as image precisely
the fibre
into the manifold
Note that two nontrivial sections
have the same divisor if and only if they are constant multiples of one another, since the quotient then a holomorphic function on all of
M ; consequently
if and only if for some nonzero complex constant induces a one-one mapping
c , so that
having as image pre-
cisely the fibre It remains merely to show that this is a complex analytic mapping.
Fixing a point in
represented by a vector
be a divisor in which coincidences among the points occur as in (l), so that this divisor can also be written as a divisor of distinct points in the form and choose disjoint coordinate neighborhoods centered at these distinct points in the Rieman surface
M .
In the coordinate neighborhood
the section
can be viewed as an ordinary complex analytic function, and its divisor in stants
is just
and if the con-
are sufficiently close to
, it
follows in a very familiar fashion that the section will be an analytic function in degree
section, where
having a divisor of total
be the divisor of this
denote the coordinates of these various points
in terms of the chosen coordinate system in
, it follows as
usual from the Cauchy integral formula that
is the local coordinate in
the sections
viewed as complex analytic functions
denotes the derivative of the function coordinate
Now for
, and
with respect to the the expression
is precisely one of the standard coordinates of the point in
as introduced in
obvious that the coordinates
and it is then
of the points are complex analytic functions of the
in an open neighborhood of
Considering the other coordinate neighborhoods similarly, it finally follows that the mapping
is an analytic mapping in terms of the complex structure
introduced on
, and that suffices to conclude the proof.
As an immediate consequence of this theorem, note that for the analytic mapping ping from the complement of in
is a one-one mapin
and further note that for
analytic mapping dimension
onto the complement of the fibres of the
are analytic subvarieties of which can be represented as images of one-one
analytic mappings of
into the manifold
Even more
can easily be deduced as follows. Theorem
At any point
the differential of the analytic mapping has rank given by
Proof. occur as in
If coincidences in the divisor that divisor can also be written as a divisor of
distinct points in the form and choosing disjoint coordinate neighborhoods centered at these distinct points on the Riemann surface metric product
M , introduce the standard coordinates on the symas in
The theorem will be proved simply
by calculating the Jacobian matrix of the analytic mapping at the point on
in terms of these coordinates
and the obvious coordinates on the Jacobi variety.
that an Abelian integral of the first kind can be represented ; uniquely up to an additive constant, by an analytic function of the local coordinate in any of the coordinate neighborhoods chosen on the Riemann surface dinate
and in terms of the local coor-
centered at the point
function has a Taylor expansion
for example, this analytic
Now if
points in this coordinate neighborhood,
expressed in terms of the given local coordinate, then
are the standard local coordinates in
in (2) and the remaining terms in the last series expansion involve higher powers of these local coordinates.
The same construction
can be carried out in the remaining coordinate neighborhoods as well.
Thus for any divisor
sufficiently near
the given divisor dinates
and represented by coorin terms of the standard coordinate system
chosen ina neighborhood the coordinate analytic mapping can beofrepresented by ,the functions
+ higher order terms
for some constants
Hie Jacofoism matrix of
the mapping
, as expressed in terms of these coordinates, is just
the matrix of linear terms in this Taylor expansion; that matrix is just the
g x r
matrix having the following typical rows:
for Now for this matrix (U) observe that
g - rank
is the
dimension of the vector space consisting of those row vectors such that
For any such
row vector, though, it is apparent from
will be a holomorphic Abelian differential such that where
are the basic Abelian differentials of the
first kind.
g - rank
and since
as a consequence of the Riemann-Roch theorem, it follows that
which was to
be demonstrated. Several almost immediate consequences of the combination of the two parts of this theorem deserve more detailed discussion. Corollary 1 to Theorem 10. such that of the mapping
For any point the fibre is a complex analytic
submanifold of
which is analytically homeomorphic to
Proof. As a consequence of Theorem 10(b) the Jacobian of the analytic mapping
> J(M) has rank
ψ: NT
r - (v-l) at
each point of the fibre ψ~ ψ($• ) , hence the fibre must locally be contained in an analytic submanifold of Μ
v-l ;
of dimension
but since as a consequence of Theorem 10(a) the fibre is an analytic subvariety of Μ
of dimension
v-l , it must locally coincide
with that submanifold, hence is itself an analytic submanifold of Μ
' . The one-one analytic mapping from
manifold ψ
onto this sub
Ψ(Λ9- ) , as in Theorem 10(a), is necessarily an ana
lytic homeomorphism, and the desired result is thereby demonstrated. Corollary 2 to Theorem 10. ping
If r > 2g-l the analytic map
> j(M) has the property that ψ
ψ: Μ
(χ) is an
(r) analytic submanifold of Μ for each point Proof. theorem that
r-g analytically homeomorphic to
χ e J(M) . If r > 2g-l then it follows from the Riemann-Roch
ζ„ ) = r+l-g
for any point
(r) /i7 = p. +... + ρ E H j hence the desired result follows immedi ately from Corollary 1 to Theorem 10. Actually somewhat more can be said in this case, as will be demonstrated anon later; the mapping
ψ: Μ
(r) ;
> j(M) exhibits
(r) as a complex analytic fibre bundle over J(M) with fibre i?r-e
Corollary 3 to Theorem 10. mapping
ψ: Μ
> J(M)
1 < r < g
the analytic
induces a complex analytic homeomorphism
ψ: M ^ X G 2 — = - > W \W2 . r r r (Here
denotes t h e s e t - t h e o r e t i c d i f f e r e n c e between s e t s A
and B, t h e complement of t h e s u b s e t Β i n A . ) Proof. necessarily
For any d i v i s o r
/S e Μ '
such t h a t
,3- £ G
) = 1 ; hence as a consequence of Theorem 10(a)
the r e s t r i c t i o n ψ: M ^ A G 2 r
> W \W2 r r
is a one-one analytic mapping between these two sets, and as a con sequence of Theorem 10(b) the differential of this restriction has rank
at each point so is locally a complex analytic homeomorThat suffices to prove the desired result. In the course of the proof of Theorem 10(b) the Jacobian
matrix of the analytic mapping
ψ: Μ
> J(M) was calculated
quite explicitly, in terms of the standard local coordinates intro(r) duced on the manifolds
' and
j(M) ; the result of that calcu
lation is useful by itself, and merits explicit mention.
It is only
natural to seek to express that result rather more intrinsically, though, at least avoiding the necessity of making particular choices of local coordinates on the manifolds
J(M) ; and the
interpretation of that result used in the proof of Theorem 10(b) suggests a convenient approach to such a reformulation.
In the representation of the Jacobi variety as a quotient group
, the coordinates
convenient local coordinates at any point
and in terms
of these coordinates, a natural basis for the complex tangent space of the manifold
at the point
the tangent vectors
and dually a natural basis for
the complex cotangent space point
is provided by
of the manifold
is provided by the covectors
at the The dual pair-
is then given by
for arbitrary complex constants
Now any covector
extends to a unique group invariant covector field on the complex Lie group
namely to the holo-
morphic differential form all of
J(M) ; and the restriction of this differential form to the
analytic submanifold on
is a holomorphic differential form
which under the Jacobi homeomorphism
the holomorphic differential form There results a linear mapping
is readily seen to be an isomorphism; hence the complex cotangent space
to the complex manifold
can naturally be identified with the space morphic Abelian differentials on
M .
at any point
of holo-
At any point
' the analytic mapping
has a well defined differential
is just the linear mapping
between the tangent spaces of these two manifolds induced by the mapping
In terms of the natural bases provided in these tan-
gent spaces by the standard local coordinates introduced on the manifolds
the linear mapping
described by the Jacobian matrix
thus if
where on the Riemann surface
is that
axe distinct points
M , then the image of the mapping
the linear subspace of
spanned by the vectors
tives of order
first kind on
are the deriva-
of the canonical Abelian differentials of the
M , in terms of any local coordinates at the points
The linear subspace of
to the image of the mapping covectors for all indices identification of
is thus that consisting of those such that and with
and under the natural this corresponds to
the lineax subspace of differentials
consisting of those Abelian
such that
, Thus (U) can be inter-
preted in the following form. Corollary U to Theorem 10.
For any point
image of the differential of the mapping
) is the
linear subspace space
dual to the subdefined by
(5) with the natural identification
duced above.
It is an immediate consequence of Corollary 3 to Theorem 10
that the subvariety of
is a regular analytic submanifold
at any point not contained in
and that leads to the problem of describing the singularities of the various subvarieties
As a matter of notation, the points
of an analytic subvariety lytic submanifold of
at which
is a regular ana-
are called the regular points of that
subvariety, and the set of regular points of by
the remaining points of
will be denoted
are called the singular
points of that subvariety, and the set of singular points of will be denoted by
The singular locus
a proper analytic subvariety of
V .
can be associated the linear subspace
To any point
is always there spanned by
all covectors of the form
, where
in an open neighborhood of the point χ identically on the subvariety
is any analytic function
in J ( M ) which vanishes
V j alternatively
Τ (V) can be
described as the linear subspace of the cotangent space formed by the differentials at χ
of all germs of analytic func
tions in the ideal of the analytic subvariety
at the point
χ e j(M) . The natural dual to the subspace a linear subspace
Τ (J(M))
I (V) C I (J(M)) is
Τ (V) C Τ (J(M)) which will be called the tan
gent space to the subvariety
V C j(M) at the point
χ ; and the
dimension of the linear subspace
Τ (V) will be called the imbed
ding dimension of the variety
at the point
dimension of V
can also be characterized as the
at the point
smallest dimension of a local submanifold of the subvariety
regular points of
χ . The imbedding
J(M) which contains
in some open neighborhood of χ V
Theorem 11.
j(M) ; the
are thus precisely those points at which the
imbedding dimension of V the dimension of V
is equal to the local dimension of V ,
in a small open neighborhood of (a) For any index
the singular locus of the subvariety
χ .
such that
W C j(M)
1 < r < g-1
is precisely the
subvariety W C W (b) For any indices
r > 1, ν > 1
such that W
proper analytic subvariety of J(M) , the subvariety
is a is con-
tained in the singular locus of W W
C J(M)
j indeed the analytic subvariety
has imbedding dimension equal to
χ e W V + 1 C WV . r r
at each point
Proof. As already noted it follows from Corollary 3 to 2 Theorem 10 that all points of W not contained in W are regular points of W
, hence that J (W ) C W
; it is therefore sufficient
merely to prove assertion (b), indeed merely to prove the last part /~~\ r w of that assertion. Now recall from Lemma 3 that W Vr+ l = W Vr (-) (Wn1-W,1 )\' :
thus selecting a point χ e W
, it follows that
x+l - W
hence that x+cp(p) - cp(q) e W
for any points p, q e Μ . If f
is any analytic function in an open neighborhood of χ in j(M) vanishing identically on W v in that neighborhood, and ρ is any point on the Eiemann surface Μ , then
f(x + cp(p) - cp(q)) = 0
identically as a function of q whenever q
is sufficiently near
ρ ; and upon differentiating this identity with respect to q at the point q = ρ , in terms of a local coordinate system near ρ on the Riemann surface Μ , it follows that cp'(p) is the vector with components
d f-cp'(p) = 0 where
{wi(p)) and the product is
the ordinary vector inner product. Since the vectors the full vector space Cr
cp'(p) span
as ρ varies over Μ , as a consequence
of the familiar fact that the Abelian differentials w.' (z)dz = ω. (ζ) are linearly independent, it follows that hold for all analytic functions vanishing on W subvariety W
d f = 0 ; but that must
in an open neighborhood of χ
, hence the imbedding dimension of the analytic at the point χ
is equal to g , and the proof is
thereby concluded.
There remains the question whether the singular locus of is necessarily contained in analytic subvariety of
is a proper
at least some information can be
obtained quite directly in the special case
As a
useful notational convention, the germ of an analytic subvariety at a point
be denoted by
indicates that the analytic subvariety
is only to be con-
sidered in arbitrarily small open neighborhoods of the point
Recall from Lemma 2 that consequently
. thus providing a
representation of the germ of the analytic subvariety of its points
as an intersection of appropriate translations of
the germs of the analytic subvariety Now note that
at the various points for all points
and only if
thus whenever
will exist points that
hence such
is a regular point of the subvariety
p , the germ
if there
such that
as a result of Theorem 11 (a). point
at any one
since For any such
is contained in the germ which is the germ of a complex analytic sub-
manifold of dimension
The tangent space
is then
contained in the tangent space of that submanifold, which is a linear space of dimension ding dimension of
and if at any point
hence is certainly lesg than
it follows that the imbedis at most Therefore the singularities of
2 2 3 which may be contained in W \W are at least not so bad as r r r 3 the singularities contained in W ; and in particular, if r < g
can be characterized intrinsically as the subvariety of W
consisting of those singular points at -which the imbedding dimension of W
is equal to
g .
Of course this observation can readily be extended; for 2 -¾ χ e W \W , then
x-cp(p) will be a regular point of W
for all but a finite number of points p space
ρ e Μ , hence the tangent
Τ (W ) is contained in the intersections of the tangent
spaces of a number of germs of analytic submanifolds. At any regular point of the analytic subvariety W
. , the tangent space of W
was determined explicitly in Corollary k to Theorem 10, so that something more can be said about the intersections of these tangent spaces also; but it is convenient to insert first a brief digression, to prepare the way for this calculation. 2 3 -1 For any point χ e W \W , the fibre ψ (χ) of the analytic (r) mapping ψ: Μ > J(M) is a complex analytic submanifold of (r) 1 Μ
analytically homeomorphic to
, as a consequence of Corol
lary 1 to Theorem 10; thus the points of divisors t € TP
ψ" (χ) can be viewed as
ρ (t) +...+ ρ (t) depending analytically on a parameter .
It may very well happen that some of the points of these
divisors remain fixed as
varies, so that these divisors can
actually be written in the form for some index
p. (t) +...+ ρ (t) + Ρ,,,-, +...+ ρ
s < r . The divisors
ρ (t) +... + ρ (t) are obvi
ously all linearly equivalent, and evidently
thus and
If the index
is chosen to
he as small as possible, this decomposition is obviously unique; and the condition that
s be as small as possible is clearly that
Using the terminology introduced in the notes to the subset of of
is the subvariety of gap points
and its complement is the open subset Thus any point
of nongap points
can be written uniquely in the
for some index
for some uniquely determined divisor
so that
terms of this decomposition it is clear that any two divisors in the fibre
of the analytic mapping
coincide or have only the divisor points
in common.
of this divisor are precisely those points such that
so for any point
other than one of these, the translate
p eM
is a regular point
on the subvariety Lemma 5.
Consider a point
can be written in the form
and correspondingly,
is the line bundle associ-
ated to any divisor in the fibre write
of the analytic mapping where
Then for any two points that
are regular points of the subvariety
the tangent spaces
viewed as subspaces to the tangent space of
either coincide
or intersect in a linear subspace of dimension Proof.
Since the tangent bundle to the Jacobi variety is
trivial, the tangent spaces to
at various points can all be
identified with one another canonically; that can be accomplished by translating all these tangent spaces to the same point of using the group operation on j(M)
The dual cotangent spaces to
at various points can correspondingly be identified with one
another canonically, and all can be identified with before.
For each point
such that
point of the subvariety divisor
as is a regular
there will exist a unique positive such that
space to
i , and the tangent can be identified with the
image of the differential
of the analytic mapping
at the point
as a consequence
of Corollary U to Theorem 10, the dual space to that tangent space is the linear subspace
Note that
defined b y
, and that as a consequence of the
Riemann-Roch theorem
as wellj so since
these two spaces really coincide. section of the tangent spaces to the subvariety
Now the interat the two
regular points
is just the dual space to the dimension of that intersection
is consequentlydim sors
dim and
If the divi-
are distinct, their common terms
are determined b y the decomposition thus the divisors
as discussed above;
and and
have no common points and where
so that applying the Riemann-Roch theorem again
Substituting this result into the preceding formula, it follows that the dimension of the intersection of the two tangent spaces is as desired, thus concluding the proof of the lemma.
If the two tangent spaces
in the preceding lemma intersect properly, that is to say, intersect in a linear subspace of dimension
germs of manifolds
then the two
also intersect properly, in a complex analytic submanifold of of dimension
containing the germ
dimension of any irreducible component of
Since the is not less than
as will shortly be demonstrated, then that intersection must coincide with quently
in an open neighborhood of
and conse-
must be an analytic manifold at the point
follows from Lemma 5 that such a proper intersection occurs precisely when
with the notation as in the state-
ment of the lemma; and since
this is just the con-
dition that the dimension possible value.
have the least
In other cases than this, the manifold germs and
need not inter-
sect properly, so their intersection need not be a submanifold of near
and the germ
the intersection.
may be properly contained in
At any rate, the following does generally hold.
Theorem l£(a). write
For any point
and let
be any positive divisors such that and the analytic variety
Then the imbedding dimension of ; at the point
is not greater than
Proof. Choosing any two points ρ , ρ x- r+2-v
at each point of Μ
fr) , then
is nonempty.
Recall from Theorem 10 that the fibres of the Jacobi mapping > J(M)
are complex analytic submanifolds of M^ r '
lytically homeomorphic to complex projective spaces of various dimen sions.
To round out the description of this mapping, something fur
ther should be added to indicate the extent to which the Jacobi mapping exhibits
(r) M v ' as a local product of J(M)
projective space.
and the appropriate
Theorem 15. subset
For any sufficiently small relatively open
of the analytic subvariety
there exists
a one-one analytic mapping
such that Proof.
is the natural projection. The proof of the desired result is a rather straight-
forward modification of the proof of Theorem 10(a). disjoint open subsets
of the Riemann surface
First choose
such that the
restricted Jacobi mapping
is a
complex analytic homeomorphism; that there exist such sets is an immediate consequence of the observation that
is a branched analytic covering and is a complex analytic homeamorphism, and
being proper analytic subvarieties.
Fixing points
and introducing the divisor
, it follows
that for any fixed line bundle
the mapping is a complex analytic hameamor-
phism from r| in the manifold
onto an open neighborhood of the point P(M) ; this provides a very convenient system
of local coordinates in a neighborhood of any fixed point of
P(M) ,
or equivalently of course, in a neighborhood of any fixed point of In terms of this parametrization, the fibre of the Jacobi mapping the parameters
over the point of
described by
consists precisely of the divisors of all
the holomorphic sections
. Recall-
ing the canonical isomorphism
then upon choosing a basis
for the vector space
it follows that the fibre of the Jacobi mapping over the point
can be described
equivalently as the set of divisors of the form
are any complex constants such that
Note that the sections
are here viewed as
ordinary complex analytic functions in each coordinate neighborhood
Now if
so that
nx g matrix
has rank
, it follows that and near
the subset
can be described as the analytic subvariety consisting of those points
such that
It can be assumed, renumbering the sections neighborhoods
and shrinking the
, if necessary, that the
is nonsingular for and hence for all
The linear
equations tions
then have unique solufor arbitrary constant values
and Cramer's formula shows that these solutions
complex analytic functions of the points It should be remarked again that the sections
are viewed as
ordinary complex analytic functions in each coordinate neighborhood , by choosing any fixed trivialization of the line bundle over each neighborhood.
Taking any
linearly independ-
ent constant vectors exist
, there thus
vectors of holomorphic functions
such that for any fixed point
the sections are linearly
independent and
and moreover whenever for
then also ,
Introducing then the mapping
defined by
it is evident from the proof of Theorem 10(a) and from the construction that this is a complex analytic mapping which induces a one-one complex analytic mapping from the analytic variety the subset the theorem.
. That suffices to conclude the proof of -108-
If the subvariety
has rather bad singularities,
a one-one analytic mapping from another analytic variety onto need not have an analytic inverse, so need not be an analytic homeomorphismj but ignoring these complications, the following simple consequences of this theorem easily arise. Corollary 1 to Theorem 15. For any sufficiently small relatively open subset the set
such that
is analytically homeomorphic to the product Proof.
so that the set
itself a complex manifold, the one-one analytic mapping is an analytic homeomorphism, hence the corollary follows trivially. Corollary 2 to Theorem 15ping
the analytic map-
exhibits the manifold
trivial analytic fibration over the manifold Proof.
as a locally
J(M) with fibre
it then follows from Corollary 1 that for any sufficiently small open subset
the inverse image
cally homeomorphic to the product the desired assertion, that
is analyti. This is precisely is a locally trivial
analytic fibration over J(m) with fibre It should be noted that the natural complement to Theorem l M a ) also follows readily from these observations.
Theorem l^(b).
If V
is an irreducible component of the
analytic subvariety W C j(M) and if V within W r
is not entirely contained
then dim V > rv - (v-l)(g+v)
If V C V v+1
is a sufficiently small open subset of
V . and V η W = 0r , then it follows from Theorem 15 that there ' ο r ' ' is a one-one analytic mapping λ : V χ 3? > ψ" (V ) C Μ' ' ; and consequently dim ψ" (V ) = dim V + v-l . On the other hand, -1/ \ V V+1 ψ
(V ) is an open subset of G
not contained in G
, hence
it follows from Theorem lU(a) that dim ψ" (V ) > rv - (v-l)(g+v-l) . The desired result follows immediately from these two formulas, and the proof is thereby concluded. As a brief digression, it is of some interest to examine more closely the Jacobi mapping ψ: Μ
> j(M) , to secure a
more detailed analysis of the solution of the Jacobi inversion problem; this can be done rather completely for surfaces of suffi ciently small genus. Note first that as a consequence of Corol lary 3 to Theorem 10* the Jacobi mapping induces a complex analytic homeomorphi sm ψ: M ' S \ G 2
> J(M)\W2 .
g g It follows from the Riemann-Roch theorem as rewritten in the form of equation (13) of §2 that VT = k -W _2 , where k e j(M) is the 2 canonical point; thus W is an irreducible complex analytic sub-
variety of
of dimension
g-2 .
It then further follows from
Theorem 11(a) that the singular locus of the subvariety
; hence applying the same form of the Riemann-Roch theorem as above,
Over the regular locus
the Jacobi mapping
is a locally trivial analytic f'ibration with fibre sequence of Corollary 1 to Theorem 15. dim
, hence that
Theorem 8 that
Recall from Theorem 7 that
g = U
, as a con-
j and recall from
and the surface
is not
hyperelliptic, while
hyperelliptic, where
is the hyperelliptic point.
Thus if M M
and the surface
is a Riemann surface of genus
is hyperelliptic and
g = 2 , so that
is the hyperelliptic point of
the Jacobi mapping
j(M) ,
has the properties that
is an analytic submanifold of morphic to
g = U
analytically homeo-
, and that
is a com-
plex analytic homeomorphism; the symmetric product
obtained from the Jacobi variety merely by blowing up the hyperelliptic point
e e j(M)
to a projective line
, using the
picturesque terminology that has been introduced in complex analysis and algebraic geometry to describe such mappings. mann surface of genus manifold of
If M
is a Rie-
is an analytic sub-
analytically homeomorphic to the surface
itself; the Jacobi mapping that the manifold
has the properties
is a locally trivial analytic fibration over with fibre
, and that
is a complex analytic homeomorphism.
The symmetric product
is obtained from the Jacobi variety by blowing up each point of the analytic submanifold
to a projective line.
a Riemann surface of genus subvariety of
g = ^
If M
is an analytic
which is the image of an analytic mapping j if
is not hyperelliptic this
mapping is a complex analytic homeomorphism and its image is a regularly imbedded analytic submanifold of hyperelliptic the image point manifold
J(M) , while if
has an isolated singularity at the and the analytic mapping
exhibits the
as being obtained from the analytic variety
by blowing this singular point up into a projective line. Jacobi mapping
has the properties that is a locally trivial analytic fibration over
the regular locus of the subvariety that the isolated singular point of inverse image
with fibre
(if it exists) has as
an analytic submanifold of
analytically homeomorphic to
, and that
is a complex analytic homeomorphism.
The symmetric product
is obtained from the Jacobi variety by blowing up each point of the analytic submanifold
to a projective line, and
blowing up the isolated singular point of
(if it exists) to a
projective plane; the singularity occurs only when
is hyper-
elliptic. (g)
The proof of Theorem 15 was really accomplished by demon-
strating the existence of an analytic mapping over any sufficiently small relatively open subset that factors through the natural mapping the desired analytic mapping the mapping
to yield ; indeed
constructed in that proof can evidently be viewed
as the composite
which for each
of a one-one mapping
is a linear isomorphism
and the divisor mapping
which The mapping for , or anyequivalently, canthe be and thought structure as -113determining ofof asadetermining complex on the has analytic set on thethe value variety set
the structure of a complex analytic vector bundle over the analytic variety
V ; and the mapping
is then a one-one analytic map
ping from the complex analytic projective bundle naturally associ ated to this vector bundle onto the analytic variety
(V) . It
is quite natural to expect that this local construction can be extended to a global construction, that is, that the set U ., Γ(Μ, Θ-(ξζ )) can be given the natural structure of a P 5 e W V \W V o b r r ν v+1 complex analytic vector bundle over the variety W \W such that the divisor mapping is a one-one analytic mapping from the complex analytic projective bundle naturally associated to this vector ν bundle onto the analytic variety
G \G
; this is of course equiv
alent to asserting merely that the local mappings ping open sets
for overlap
are compatible, that is, that whenever ν
V^, V
are intersecting open subsets of W \W
for which this construc
tion has been carried out there exists a complex analytic homeomorphism μν
: (v1 η v 2 ) χ c v
which for each fixed point and which is such that mappings
> (ν χ η v 2 ) χ c v Π V_
is linear on the space
μ* μ = μ' on 1 12 2
(V Π V ) χ C V .
„ are then the coordinate transition functions for 12 ν v+1 the vector bundle so defined on W \W In demonstrating that
this global assertion is indeed true it is convenient, and for some other applications quite useful, to show something rather more precise. -11U-
Any analytic line bundle
can be
represented by a flat line bundle
, as observed in
of the earlier lecture notes. bundles over a Riemann surface M group isomorphic to
Indeed the set of flat line of genus
form a complex Lie
, the subset of analytically trivial
flat line bundles form a Lie subgroup isomorphic to quotient group is isomorphic to
, and the
p(m) , so that the manifold
is a complex analytic principal bundle over the manifold P(m) with group and fibre equal to
j this is of course merely
an interpretation of the exact cohomology sequence
derived on page 132 of the earlier lecture notes.
It is further
evident from the proof of Lemma 27 of the earlier lecture notes that the flat line bundles over M cycles
can all be represented by co-
for a fixed open covering
of the Riemann surface, in such a manner that these cocycles axe complex analytic functions
of the points
It is then an immediate consequence of these observations that for any sufficiently small open subset the line bundles cycles
for all
and any index r can be represented by co-
for a fixed open covering
of the Riemann surface, and in such a manner that the cocycles are complex analytic functions of and of
; for the analytic fibration
admits local sections.
This provides a very
convenient explicit representation of the local bundle structure on the sets
Theorem l6(a). subset
For any sufficiently small relatively open
of the analytic subvariety
and any index
r , there exist an open covering M
of the Riemann surface
and complex analytic mappings
that for each fixed
the functions
form a cocycle representing the line bundle
; and furthermore,
there exist complex analytic mappings so that for each fixed
the functions form a basis for the space of holomor-
phic sections of the line bundle
, when that
bundle is represented by the cocycle Proof.
Although the first assertion of the theorem was
proved just above, it is convenient to prove both assertions simultaneously; but the preceding proof may well serve as an enlightening motivation for the constructions in this proof.
The proof is
really a natural continuation of the proof of Theorem 15, so the notation and terminology introduced in the course of that proof will be presupposed here. sal covering space
To continue, then, introduce the univer-
of the Riemann surface
that the open sets select open sets and let
M ; and assuming
are simply connected, covering each of the sets
denote the point lying over
simply, and
denote the point lying over point
ρ €Μ ο
p. . It can be assumed that the "base J is not contained in any of the sets U. . In terms j
of the prime function of the marked Riemann surface
Μ , define
g g(z-,,...,ζ ;z) = Π p(z,z ;z°z ) . g j=l ° J 0 This is then a meromorphic function on identically 1 when
ζ = ζ
U_ x... χ U χ Μ , which is 1 g ' , and which as a function of ζ e Μ
has simple zeros at the points
Γζ . and simple poles at the points J
Γζ. , and is otherwise holomorphic and nonvanishing on Μ ; of J course when
ζ . = ζ . this function remains holomorphic and non-
vanishing at that point also. Furthermore, for any transformation Τ
belonging to the covering translation group Γ
this function
has the property that g(z l 5 ---5 z g J T z ) =X(Tjz1,...,zg)g(z1,...,z jz) , where
x(T;z.,...,z ) is a holomorphic nonvanishing function on
U, x. ..x U 1 g
for each
Τ e Γ ; the explicit form of this function '
can readily be determined also, referring back to Theorem k, but will not be needed here. The functions describe flat line bundles over Μ parameters
(z. ,...,ζ ) e U
depending analytically on the
χ U
, or equivalently of course,
depending analytically on the parameters and the functions
X(T;z.,...,ζ ) really
(p ,...,ρ ) e IL. χ. ..x U
g(z..,...,z ;z) correspondingly describe a mero
morphic family of meromorphic sections of these bundles.
In more
detail, for any covering \!~l = {U } of the Riemann surface
simply connected open subsets sections, select for each set simply covering
with connected pairwise interan open subset
; and note that for each nonempty intersection
there is a unique covering translation
such that
namely, that transformation tion of
lying over
taking the por-
to the portion of
Then to each nonempty intersection the function
lying over associate
; these are complex
analytic mappings
which for each fixed
are easily seen to form a cocycle
and hence to define a flat line bundle over
M . Also to each set
associate the function where
lies over
j these are meromorphic functions which for each fixed point are easily seen to form a meromorphic
of the flat line bundle
Note that by construction and consequently
as complex analytic line bundles, With this auxiliary construction out of the way, the remainder of the proof then follows readily from the proof of Theorem 15-
Suppose that the line bundles
, and
by analytic cocycles in
are also defined
, for the same covering
the Riemann surface M ; the products of the appropriate cocycles then clearly yield complex analytic mappings
which for each fixed point
form a co-
representing the com-
plex analytic line bundle , where
The restric-
tions of these functions to the subvariety senting
in a neighborhood of the point
can be
viwed as analytic mappings
having the
properties required by the first assertion of the theorem. The sections
, forming a basis for
the space of sections of the line bundle sented by local complex analytic maps bundle
can be repre, when the
is represented by a cocycle in
and there are complex analytic mappings ing a section
\ represent-
of the line bundle
that bundle is represented by a cocycle in Then using the analytic mappings
, such that intro-
duced in the proof of Theorem 15, define the meramorphic functions
Note that for each point
it follows from the con-
struction that the functions
are linearly-
independent meromorphic sections of the line bundle , and since in addition
, these sections are really holomorphic, hence
form a basis for the space of holomorphic sections of the line bundle That serves to conclude the proof of the theorem. Corollary 1 to Theorem 16.
In the conclusions of Theorem
16(a) the mappings
can be taken to be
of the form
analytic mappings which for each fixed point representing a flat line bundle represents the complex analytic line bundle
form a cocycle which in turn , and
are analytic mappings forming a cocycle representing the complex analytic line bundle Proof.
This is merely an observation of what was actually
proved in the course of the proof of Theorem 16(a). Applying this theorem, for any sufficiently small relatively open subset index
of the analytic subvariety
r , introduce the mapping
and any
defined by
where the functions
are as in the
statement of Theorem l6(a).
This mapping is clearly one-to-one and
linear for each fixed
, hence establishes the local product
structure or equivalently the vector bundle structure desired on the set
, in a quite explicit form; indeed the
form is sufficiently explicit that this bundle structure is easily extended to the entire set
be a covering of the analytic subvariety by sufficiently small relatively open subsets such
that the constructions of Theorem l6(a) and of its Corollary 1 can be carried out on each of the sets
. Note that these construc-
tions can be carried out in terms of the same open covering of the Riemann surface
for all the sets
even if there are not necessarily only finitely many of these sets ; for all the flat line bundles over and
as well as the bundles
can be described in terms of one covering
, which
can be assumed to consist of simply connected open subsets with connected pairwise intersections.
Thus there are complex ana-
lytic mappings
that for any fixed point
the functions
form a cocycle representing the complex
analytic line bundle
; and there are complex analytic mappings , so that for any fixed point
the functions
are a basis for
the space of holomorphic sections of the line bundle
condition that these functions are sections of the line bundle means explicitly that (9) whenever
. Then over each of these sets
the family
can be given a local product
structure by the mapping
defined by
the constants
are thus the fibre coordinates of the
resulting vector bundle over the coordinate neighborhood , and it merely remains to compare these coordinatizations over intersections
of coordinate neighborhoods.
For any point
, the cocycles
and over
determine flat line bundles M
which represent the same complex analytic line bundle
; the functions sections over
can therefore be viewed as two
of the complex analytic bundle
described by the exact sequence (8).
Thus there
exists a complex analytic mapping
(11) To be more explicit, in terms of the basis Abelian differentials over
for the space of
M , there are complex analytic mappings
such that open set
. For each
select analytic functions
such that
; and recalling the explicit form for the coboundary mapping
in the exact sequence (8), it follows that (ll) can
be rewritten
(12) for all
Then introducing the com-
plex analytic mappings
defined by , condition (12) can finally
be rewritten in the form
for all
. Now for any
the functions
represent a basis for the
space of holomorphic sections of the line bundle functions
as do the
but these represent holomorphic
sections in terms of two different cocycles describing the line bundle
, in the sense that the functions
equation (9) while the functions equation over
satisfy the corresponding
. However in view of (13) the functions also satisfy (9), hence represent with the
functions line bundle
two bases for the space of sections of the , expressed in terms of the same cocycle repre-
sentation for that line bundlej thus for any are constants
determining a nonsingular matrix such that
. Since the sections
are linearly independent, then for any point are points
such that the matrix
... ,v , is nonsingular at
and hence in an open neighborhood of
i ; and it follows immediately from (lH) that the functions are holomorphic in equations (lU) at the
, since they are uniquely determined by the v
Thus considering merely the
represented by the
, it follows from (lU) that
for the complex analytic mappings
the cocycle
then describes the coor-
dinate transformations relating the coordinatizations (10) over intersecting neighborhoods
, in the sense that if and
only if (16) These observations taken together with the preceding results then yield immediately the proof of the following assertion.
Theorem l6(b).
The set
can be
given the structure of a complex analytic vector bundle over the analytic variety
, in such a manner that the fibre over
is the vector space
j and the divisor
induces a one-one complex analytic mapping from the associated complex analytic projective bundle over onto the subvariety
with fibre , so that
is the bundle
projection. In the special case
there follows immediately
the following natural complement of Corollary 2 to Theorem 10 and Corollary 2 to Theorem 15-
Corollary 2 to Theorem l6. set
For any index
can be given the structure of a complex
analytic vector bundle over the manifold that the fibre over
J(M) , in such a manner
is the vector space
and the divisor mapping
induces an analytic fibre bundle homeomorphism between the associated complex analytic projective bundle and the bundle
Notes for §3. (a)
An analytic mapping
> Ν between two complex ana
τ: Μ
lytic manifolds, with the property that the inverse image of any point of Ν
is a nonempty finite set of points of Μ , is locally
a branched analytic covering, in the technical sense customary in the study of complex analytic varieties; that is to say, the map ping
τ is proper and light, and there exists a proper complex
analytic subvariety D C Ν τ: Μ- τ" (D)
^ Ν-D
for which the restriction
is a complex analytic covering projection.
A discussion of the properties of such mappings can be found in most texts on functions of several complex variables; the terminol ogy used here is that of E. C. Gunning, Lectures on Complex Analytic Varieties (Princeton University Press, 1970).
In particular, when
ever τ is a one-one mapping it is an analytic homeomorphism. Similar mappings can also be considered where both domain and range are complex analytic varieties with possible singularities, although then they need not be analytic homeomorphisms even when one-one; but such mappings do always preserve dimension. (b)
The subvarieties W - W
C J ( M ) have a definite interest,
as evidenced for instance in the course of the proof of Theorem 11. They are irreducible analytic subvarieties of U ) + Σ η ε c. , x
1 = 1
I is t h e identity transformation.
T h e left hand side is a
constant, while t h e right hand side is a function o f «9- ; and since the images
g .
It is now quite easy to demonstrate that necessarily some
r. > g-2 for
i j for if r. < g-2 for all i then it follows immediately
from Lemma 7(d) that
d. = r. and that d. < v. for all i , and
hence from (3) and (5) that g = Σ. ε.ν. > Σ. v. > Σ . r. > g , 1
an evident contradiction.
It can therefore be assumed that
r. > g-2 , indeed from Lemma 7(d) that (6)
d 1 = g-2 , Γ χ > g-2 , v± > g-2 .
Considering then a second standard irreducible component of the analytic subvariety
M , it follows immedi-
ately from (3) and (6) that 7(d) it follows that
2 . If
and that
then from Lemma 1
only when
g = 3 j which case has been excluded by hypothesis; furthermore if 0 =
= min
, then
that u 2
= 0
and from Lemma 7(c) it follows
, which is one of the desired consequences. then again from Lemma 7(d) it follows that
only when
2 and
g = 1+ , which case has also been
excluded by hypothesis; and as before if
d^ = 0
which is one of the desired consequences.
Therefore the only case
left to consider is that in which (7) and in this case
, where
subgroup of the Abelian Lie group
a point of J(m) ; note also that
n = 2 , so that V
two irreducible components, and that
is a Lie
of dimension 1 and
Cg is
has precisely
r^ = g, V^ = g-2, and
1 . To examine this last case more closely, note that for any divisor
for which , the unique divisor in
can be written as
with the notation introduced above; but this divisor can also be written in the form (9) so that as a consequence of Lemma 7(a) the point necessarily lies on the subvariety
and therefore
Now on the other hand from (l), (2), and the preceding observations it follows that
so that
for all divisors
; that is to say,
as a consequence of (!+) and since
is non-
singular as a consequence of the observation that follows that variety of
is an irreducible analytic subof dimension
g-3 ; and noting that
since otherwise
and this is clearly
impossible, it further follows that lytic subvariety of
is an irreducible ana-
of dimension
must be an irreducible component of the intersection of the desired form, and the proof of the theorem is thereby concluded. There are a number of questions about additional properties of these intersections that come to mind almost at once, even for the case that
but rather than pursuing these matters
further here, let it suffice merely to observe that the reducibility of the intersection
seems to imply that
rather special point of
is a
, as indicated in the following.
Corollary 1 to Theorem 18. intersection
If for some genus
has 2 irreducible components, then
the intersection Proof.
is of dimension If
then it follows from Theorem 17(a)
that one irreducible component of the intersection is a translate of
_ , and hence is of dimension
other case in which the intersection
) g-3 ; the only has
ducible components is that considered in detail in the last part of the proof of Theorem 18.
Continuing with the notation introduced
in that proof, for any divisor
where consider the divisor (8) in
, and note that it can be rewritten in the form
(10) thus setting
it follows from
Lemma J (a.) that the points
are all contained in the subvariety
If for same
the associated divisor
also belongs to
then clearly
is a proper
analytic subvariety of
; and in this case it is easy to
see that the points component
are all contained in the irreducible
of the subvariety
V .
(For note that for all
outside another proper analytic subvariety the points of the divisor (8) are distinct on since
; then a divisor
moved along a closed loop in i
M , can be
so that the point
| is deformed into any other point
by the natural
analytic continuation, and since the same motion can be viewed as deforming the point
into the point
all of
these points necessarily belong to the same irreducible standard component of
V , indeed to the component
Then from (l) and (2) it follows that
hence since
is nonsingular that
lent ly that
or equiva-
tut this implies that
, which is clearly impossible.
This contradiction then shows that necessarily divisors
for all
or equivalently that
and consequently
, so that has dimension
as desired.
That suffices to
conclude the proof of the Corollary.
Finally something should also be said about these intersec-
tions for Riemann surfaces of genus hypothesis
, Recall that the
was used in Theorem 18, in the discussion of the
possible values for the various parameters the standard irreducible components
associated to
of the analytic subvariety
, to rule out some exceptional cases; but the presence of these exceptional cases reflects the possibility of the occurrence of some special symmetries in these intersections in the cases
and merits some further examination.
Referring to
the proof of Theorem 18, the exceptional cases were those in which the parameters associated to the second standard component had the values
in case that
in case that
and the values
. Note also that the discussion of the last
case considered in the course of the proof of Theorem 18 must also be modified when that
, since from
it cannot be concluded
Corollary 2 to Theorem 18.
For a Riemaxm surface of genus
and. any point
, the intersection
has at most 3 irreducible components; if it has precisely 2 irreducible components, then either
these components are as described in Theorem 17(b), or one of these components is of the form and
is some point of
is a Lie subgroup
J(M) ; and if it has precisely 3 irre-
ducible components, then these all are of the form T^ C 5 with Jacobi
and W* C j(M') respectively, and if there is an ana
C j(M)
If Μ
and subvarieties of positive divisors
lytic homeomorphism between the manifolds forming the subvariety W
.. C J(M)
then the Riemann surfaces
and M 1
and J(M') trans
to the subvariety W
C J(M')
are also analytically homeo-
morphic. Proof.
To prove the desired result it is of course suffi
cient to show that the Riemann surface Μ
itself can be recon
structed from knowledge only of the complex torus subvariety W
and of the
. C j(M) . For this purpose consider those points
u e J(M) such that the intersection W . Π (W . + u) has preg-1 g-1 cisely 2 irreducible componentsj it follows from Theorem 18 that
there exist such points
u , and that for any such point
the 2 irreducible components are of the form for some points is of the fonn of dimension
, or one of the components X C j(M)
is an irreducible subvariety
is a Lie subgroup of dimension 1.
These two cases are readily distinguished, for a subvariety of the form
is translated into itself b y adding to it any one of
the infinitely many points of the subgroup variety of the fonn
while a sub-
cannot be translated
into itself by any nonzero point of
J(M) , as noted on page
thus it is possible to construct a subvariety either
V C J(M)
such that
for some points
Now note that
and that
; and consequently either
In any case the analytic subvariety is analytically homeamorphic to the Riemann surface
itself; and since the construction involved only the complex torus J(M)
and the subvariety
, the proof of the theorem is
completed. Corollary 1 to Theorem 19.
The theorem also holds as stated
for compact Riemann surfaces of genus case
the Jacobi variety
of period 3 with no real eigenvalues.
provided that in the does not admit an endomorphism
There is only one compact Riemann surface of genus
g = 0 , while a surface of genus
g = 1
is analytically homeomor-
phic to its Jacobi variety and a surface of genus lytically homeomorphic to the subvariety W
g = 2
is ana-
.. C J(M) ; the theorem
is thus completely trivial in these cases. That the proof of theorem 19 goes through for compact Riemann surfaces of genus and
g = 3
g = k , with the exception as noted, follows immediately from
Corollaries 2 and 3 to Theorem 18, respectively.
That suffices for
the proof of the desired result. The difficulty in carrying the proof through in the exceptional case when
g = h
is merely that of intrinsically distin-
guishing between subvarieties of the form the form J(M)
+ (C.W
- CTW + v) , where
+ (W_+v)
and those of
is an endomorphism of
of period 3 with no real eigenvaluesj and the difficulty lies
in the method of proof rather than the theorem itself, which holds in this case as well.
Rather than giving a separate argument in
this special case, though, the reader will be referred to the other proofs of the theorem listed in the references, or left to conclude the proof on his own. As interesting as it may be on its own, this theorem gains immeasurably greater significance if one is also aware that the subvariety W
.. C J(M) can be constructed quite explicitly, at least
up to a translation in J(M) , from the period matrix of the marked Riemann surface alone; hence the Torelli theorem really implies that two marked Riemann surfaces are analytically equivalent if
they have the same period matrices.
These period matrices are an
interesting set of moduli for describing Riemann surfaces, and their properties have not yet been altogether sorted out.
should be remarked that the period matrix of a marked Riemann sur face determines not only just the Jacobi variety of that surface, but also the additional structure embodied in the naturally associ ated Riemann matrix pair; and this additional structure, sometimes called a polarization of the complex torus, is essential in describ ing the hypersurface
W η . Alternatively it is sometimes the g-i
pair consisting of the complex torus variety W
J(M) and the analytic sub-
. C J(M) that is called a polarized complex torus.
The continuation of this tale must be left for another episode in the serial, though.
Notes for §1+. (a)
It is a familiar result in the theory of functions of
several complex variables that for any nonempty irreducible compo nent V
of the intersection of two analytic subvarieties of dimen
in a complex manifold of dimension g , necessarily
dim V > 2r-g ; hence an immediate consequence of Theorem 17(a) is that for any nonempty irreducible component subvariety
for any
r < g , necessarily
This result is of course just the special case l^(b).
of the analytic dim V > 2r-g . V = 2
of Theorem
Actually a rather straightforward extension of Theorem 17(a)
can be used to give another proof of the general case of Theorem ll)-(b) as well; this proof is due to H. Martens, and can be found in [1)-]. (b)
The various properties of complex analytic subvarieties
used more freely in this section are treated in most of the stand ard texts on functions of several complex variables.
It should per
haps particularly be noted that subvarieties of codimension one in a complex manifold are characterized by the property that they are locally the sets of zeros of a single holomorphic function. Intersections of the form W in a quite similar manner for any
Π (w
can be described
r = 1,...,g-l ; but for
r < g-1
there are many more cases to consider than in the proof of Theorem l8, and it seems rather doubtful that the results are worth the effort involved in disentangling all the possibilities that arise.
A comment on the notation is perhaps in order here.
seems pointless to maintain separate notations for the Jacobi homomorphism and Μ
r(M, &• )
> j(M)
and the Jacobi mappings Μ
— > J(M)
(r) ' — > j(M) , once the properties of these various mappings
have been established; so contrary to the practice adopted in §3 the same letter
φ has been used for all of these mappings,
leaving them to be distinguished either by context or explicitly as necessary. (c)
The existence of endomorphisms
C: j(M) — > J(M) other
than the trivial ones defined by matrices of the form trary integers plex torus
for arbi
imposes rather severe restrictions on the com
j(M) ; thus the exceptional cases considered in this
section, especially that described in Corollary 3 to Theorem 18, can only occur for Riemann surfaces whose Jacobi varieties are of quite special forms.
It would be of some interest to see whether
these cases can indeed occur at all. The endomorphisms of nontrivial sort are called complex multiplications of the torus
J(M) ;
their investigation is an interesting subject in its own right, and has been the subject of an extensive literature. (d)
(See [26].)
The proof of Torelli's theorem given here, based on the
analysis of intersections in Jacobi varieties in the preceding sections (b) and (c), is essentially that given by A. Weil in [10], translated from the algebro-geometric to the analytic point of view; separate proofs of Torelli's theorem in the cases of genus
g = 3
g = k , avoiding the complications discussed in section
(c) and the remaining gap in the proof in these notes, can also be found in [10].
A rather shorter and more direct proof of Torelli's
theorem, based on an extension of the techniques discussed in sec tion (a) rather than on the general discussion of intersections in section (b), was given by Η. H. Martens in [2] and [3]. proofs can be found in the references listed next.
The main source for the material discussed in
this chapter is [10]. Other treatments of Torelli*s theorem and discussions of related results can be found in the following, and in [2], [3], [7]· [23] Andreotti, Aldo, Recherches sur les surfaces algebriques irregulieres, Mem. Acad. Belg. 2j(l952), fasc. 7. [2½]
on a theorem of Torelli, Amer. Jour, of Math. 80
(1958), 801-828. [25] Torelli, R., Sulle varieta di Jacobi, Rend. Accademia Lincei 22(19110, 98-IO3. [26] Weil, Andre, On the theory of complex multiplication, Proc. International Symposium on Algebraic Number Theory, Tokyo (1955), 9-22.
On conditions ensuring that
One special case of the topological argument outlined on page 10U is of particular interest; and since it involves only quite well known topological techniques in a very straightforward manner, it is perhaps worthwhile appending a more detailed discussion of that case. If for some index
the subvariety
then the Jacobi mapping
is a nonsingular com-
plex analytic homeamorphism between submanifold
is empty,
and the complex analytic
; thus
can be viewed as a regularly
imbedded analytic submanifold of
J(M) . As such there is a well
defined analytic normal bundle
, which is a complex analytic (r)
vector bundle of rank
over the manifold
sum of the tangent bundle
' ; and the direct
and this normal bundle
is topological1y equivalent to the restriction to the submanifold of the tangent bundle to
J(M) , hence that direct sum
is topological!y equivalent to a trivial vector bundle of rank over the manifold
Therefore introducing the total Chern
, it follows that
(r) The topological properties of the symmetric products
have been described very conveniently by I. G. Macdonald in [18],
and can be summarized briefly as follows.
The cohomology ring
is generated by elements degree 1 and an element
t) of degree 2; these are subject to the
usual commutativity relations, namely that elements of degree 1 anticommute with one another and commute with elements of degree 2 , and in addition to the relations (2) where
are any distinct integers
are any integers such that
is generated by the single element
is generated by the
independent ele-
where ; as usual
a binomial coefficient. d
Chern class of the tangent bundle to the manifold
the total M
(3) These assertions are demonstrated in [l8], with the same notation. An additional useful observation is the following. Lemma 8. integers
and for any index
For any index in
and any distinct
[l,g] ,
and any distinct integers
[l,g] ,
r-l-a / ... σ 1 η = (σ1 l a
, , \ r-2 , /, \ r-1 +...+ σ.^ )η + (1-&)τ\ l a
Both relations hold trivially for
second relation also holds trivially for strated by induction on the index
a = 0 , and the
a = 1 ; and will be demon
a . To prove the first relation
note that as a consequence of (2) it follows that φ. ... φ. η l a then
" = 0 whenever
φ. ... φ. η ~ Χ 1 a
1 < a < ^-(r+l) ; and evidently
= 0 whenever
1 < a < r . Assuming that the
first relation holds for all indices less than the expansion of the product
and considering
(σ. -η) ... (σ. -η)η " 1 a
= 0 , all of
the terms in the expansion of this product except for the term σ. ... σ. η 1 1 a
coincide with the corresponding terms in the expan-
sion of the product therefore that
(η-η) ... (η-η)η "
σ. . . . σ . η " 1 a
; and it follows immediately
as desired.
To prove the
second relation note as above that as a consequence of (2) it follows that
φ. •""l
... φ. η
= 0 whenever
1 < a < r . Assuming then
that the second relation holds for all indices less than lows that
it fol
which yields the desired result and concludes the proof of the lemma. Combining the preceding observations leads rather directly to the following result. Lemma 9-
If for some index
the subvariety
is empty, then the Chern classes of the normal bundle have the form
with the usual notation for the binomial coefficients.
If the subvariety
is empty then it
follows from (l) and (3) that
recalling that
and that )
CK = 0 .
The class
consists of those terms of degree
in the
above summation; and applying the first relation in Lemma 8 and expanding the summation, it follows that
Note that
for any indices
if not well known, this is at
least easily demonstrated by induction, and the details will be omitted.
Applying (1+) it then follows that
and this can be simplified by applying a standard form of the Vandermonde convolution formula [see J. Riordan, Combinatorial Identities (Wiley, New York, 1968), formula (5) on page 8], yielding the result that
as desired.
The class
terms of degree
:onsists of those in the original summation; and expanding the
resultant summation and applying the second relation in Lemma 8 , it follows that
Applying (U) once more this can be rewritten
and after further simplification by an application of the Vandermonde convolution formula as before it follows that
which serves to complete the proof of the lemma. The formulas of Lemma 9 are already simple enough for the present purposes, even though further simplifications are still possible.
Thus for the special case that is nonzero only for
note that so the sum-
mation in the first formula of Lemma 9 can be restricted to these two indices and the result easily calculated; and the calculations are equally simple for the special cases that
g = 2r-3 , and for both the first and second formulas of Lemma 9The relevant results are the following: (5)
if g = 2r-3 then η = 0 and _ r-k r
„ r-3 /2r-lw , ^ r(r-l)v r-2'v 1
/2r-3\ r-1 r-1' '
λ r-2 g' '
These observations then lead almost immediately to the principal result of this appendix. Theorem 20.
On a Riemann surface of genus
g > 2 if
? 2 2r - (g+2) > 0 then necessarily W j= 0 and G ^ φ . ρ
It clearly suffices merely to show that G j=- φ
for the least value of the index
r such that 2r - (g+2) > 0 ,
hence for the index r such that for the index r such that
g = 2r-2 when g is even and
g = 2r-3 when
g is odd. If
G = φ when
g = 2r-2
then since
g-r = r-2
=0 ,
(r) n^ ε Η (Μ ' ,Z) i s a Chern class for the normal where as Ν(NT before bundle ') , a vector bundle of rank g-r over the manifold undj ; but (6) shows that η φ 0 , a contradiction.
Μ when η
g = 2r-3 then since g-r = r-3 necessarily
. = 0 ; but (7) shows that η
If G = φ
η = 0 and
/ 0 , a contradiction again,
and the proof is thereby completed. This result completes Theorem Ik in a natural manner, at least in the case that
ν = 2 . For Theorem 1Mb) implies that for
any nonempty irreducible component V
of the analytic subvariety
W C J(M) necessarily dim V > 2r - (g+2) , recalling Corollary 1 to that theorem; and Theorem 20 shows that whenever 2r - (g+2) > 0 there necessarily exist some nonempty components of the subvariety p
W C j(M) . Combining these results with Theorem J it follows that -I85-
2r - (g+2) < dim W 2 < r-2 r =
A superficial glance at Theorem lh(a.) might lead one to expect a somewhat better result than that given by Theorem 20, until one recalls that
G r
is generally fibred over
w with fibre dimenr 2 sion 1 and hence that any irreducible component of G must be of
dimension at least 1; indeed it is apparent from (5) that the argu ment in Theorem 20 fails for the case that
g = 2r-l .
Corollary 1 to Theorem 20. Any compact Riemann surface of genus
admits a representation as a branched analytic cover
ing of the Riemann sphere
of at most
[**=—] + 1 sheets.
The assertion is trivial for g = 0,1 . If g > 2 ο it follows from Theorem 20 that W / 0 whenever 2r - (g+2) > 0 , hence in particular that W fi 0 that value of ξ
c(|) = r
r = [ g ? ]+ 1 . Thus for
there must exist a complex analytic line bundle and
> 2 ; and the quotient of any two
linearly independent holomorphic sections of
ξ is a meromorphic
function which represents the given Riemann surface as a branched analytic covering of the Riemann sphere of at most
r sheets,
thereby completing the proof of the Corollary. This Corollary indicates the particular interest associated to the problem of determining whether \T jL φ ·} other proofs of the Corollary have been given by T. Meis [2k],
G. Kempf [12], and S.
Kleiman and D. Laksov [lU], and rather incomplete proofs appeared
much earlier in the literature. whenever
rv - (v-l)(g+v) > 0
The analogous proof that W
/ 0
requires rather more topological
machinery, along the lines indicated in [12] and [14].
Index of symbols
M , compact Riemann surface of genus (r) M
', symmetric product of r copies of
j(M), Jacobi variety of P(M), Picard variety of [39 subvarieties of positive divisors,