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Angol nyelvtan


LEflRtlTRflinmG - flnGOL nyELVTflll



Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítást, a mű bővített, illetve rövidített változata kiadásának jogát is. A kiadó írásbeli engedélye nélkül sem a teljes mű, sem annak része semmilyen formában nem sokszorosítható. Kiadói kód: MX-234 ISBN 978 963 962 430 6

© Compact Verlag, M ünchen © Maxim Kiadó, Szeged


Előszó.................................................................................................. 7 Jelmagyarázat .....................................................................................8 1.

Articles (definite, indefinite, zero) - Névelők............................... 9

2. Nouns (singular and plural, countable and uncountable) Főnevek......................................................................................... 23 3. Adjectives (regular and irregular forms, comparisons) Melléknevek .................................................................................33 4. Adverbs (of place, time and manner) - Határozók.................... 47 5. Prepositions (of time and place; after verbs and adjectives) Elöljárószók ..................................................................................61 6. Pronouns (personal, object, possessive; one, some and any) Névmások..................................................................................... 79 7. Gerund, Infinitive and Participle ................................................. 95 8. Auxiliaries and Modal verbs - Segédigék

............................. 113

9. Tenses - Igeidők..........................................................................133 Present Simple - Egyszerű jelen id ő ......................................133 Present Continuous - Folyamatos jelenid ő ............................139 Past Simple - Egyszerű múlt idő ........................................... 147 5


Past Continuous - Folyamatos múlt id ő ............................... 149 Present Perfect - Befejezett jelen idő ....................................153 Expressing the future (will and going to) - Jövő idő kifejezése................................................................................162 10. Passive Voice - Szenvedő szerkezet...........................................167 11. Asking questions, tag-questions - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés ................................................................................... 181 12. Conditionals - Feltételes mód ..................................................193 13. Clauses ( time-clause, defining relative clause) Mellékmondatok ....................................................................... 203 14. Reported speech - Függő beszéd .............................................215 15. Conjunctions and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelemei .......................................................................... 223 16. Word formation - Szóképzés.................................................... 233

Final Test - Záró teszt ...................................................................... 245 Key - Megoldókulcs......................................................................... 259


Előszó Az idegennyelv-tudás egyik alapja a nyelvtani ismeretek elsajátítása. A nyelvtani rendszer megértéséhez, rögzítéséhez és magabiztos hasz­ nálatához sok gyakorlásra van szükség. Ehhez kíván segítséget nyújtani ez a kiadvány, melyben az angol nyelvtan gyakorlására helyeztük a hangsúlyt. A kötet alapvetően az önálló tanulást és gyakorlást kívánja segíteni oly módon, hogy egy-egy nyelvtani jelenség gyakoroltatása előtt anya­ nyelven áttekinti és példákkal illusztrálja annak működését úgy, mintha egy magántanártól kapna a diák magyarázatokat, majd amikor az elmélet már érthető, következhet az elmélyítés. A könyv könnyen befogadhatóvá teszi a nehezebb nyelvtani jelenségeket is, mivel egyszerre csak kisebb egységeket tárgyal. A gyakorlófeladatok fokozatosan nehezednek, így a fejezetek második részében már olyan feladatokat is adunk, melyek komplexebb ismereteket kérnek számon. A könyv végén található összefoglaló teszttel pedig bárki lemérheti tudását, képet kaphat arról, hogy mely területeken erős és mely területeken kell még fejlődnie. Szándékunk az volt, hogy a középszintű érettségire készülő diákoknak adjunk segítséget, ezért elsősorban a középszinten (tehát az A2 - B1 szinten) elvárható ismereteket tárgyaljuk. Az érettségizők mellett azonban jó szívvel ajánljuk minden nyelvtanulónak, kezdőnek és a B1 szinten túl járó haladónak, hiszen mindenki megtalálhatja a szintjének megfelelő feladatokat, vagy felfrissítheti korábbi ismereteit. A gya­ korlatokat témakörönként csoportosítottuk, így téve lehetővé azon nyelvtani egységek gyakorlását, ahol az ismeretek elmélyítése szükséges. A gyakorlókönyv tartalmazza az egyes feladatok megoldását is, mely ugyancsak az önálló tanulást segíti. Bízva abban, hogy kötetünket haszonnal forgatja, jó munkát kívánunk! A Szerző és a Kiadó 1

Jelmagyarázat A könyvben a következő jelölésekkel találkozhat: Q Minden fejezetben megtalálja az adott nyelvtani vagy szókincs­ beli probléma rövid magyarázatát. @ A z adott jelenség könnyen érthető példákon keresztül jelenik meg. Q a kivételekre, a nehézségekre vagy rendhagyó alakra hívja fel a figyelmet, és tanulás-módszertani ötleteket ad. Ü A nehezebb feladatokra hívja fel a figyelmet.


Articles - Névelők

1. Articles - Névelők Q Csakúgy mint a magyar nyelvben, az angolban is megkülön­ böztetünk határozott és határozatlan névelőt. Határozott névelő: the (a/az) Határozatlan névelő: a/an (egy) mássalhangzóval kezdődő szó előtt: a a boy a footballer magánhangzóval kezdődő szó előtt: an an eye an apple Annak eldöntésében, hogy a vagy an névelőt használunk, a kiejtés és nem a szó írott alakja számít. an hour ( a h-t nem ejtjük) a uniform (az első betű kiejtése: ju)


Használja a határozatlan (a - an) névelő megfelelő alakját! Use the right form of the indefinite (a - an) article. museum hospital question French window university airport bridge ca':

umbrella article old car table holiday knife yellow cab Indian restaurant 9

Articles - Névelők

A határozatlan névelő használata 1. ha általánosságban beszélünk egy dologról, nem egy meg­ határozott dologra gondolunk Q There's a red pencil in your hand. - Piros ceruza van a kezedben. Mary works in a bank. - Mari egy bankban dolgozik. 2. leggyakrabban egy ember foglalkozását, rangját, jellemvonását jelölő főnév előtt Q I'm a student. - Diák vagyok. You're a genius. - Te zseni vagy. Q Csak megszámlálható főnevek előtt állhat. Ha egy megszámlálható főnév egyes számban van és nem határozott, a határozatlan névelőt ki kell tenni. Q When i was a child, we lived in Budapest. - Gyerekkoromban Buda­ pesten éltünk. 3. mértékegységek neve előtt (a one számnév helyett) B a kilo of bread - egy kiló kenyér an hour - egy óra a thousand times - ezerszer a couple - egy pár Igen gyakori az alábbi típusú kifejezésekben: once a week - hetente egyszer 2 months a year - évente 2 hónap 50 p a kilo - 50 penny kilója fifty kilometres an hour - óránként 50 km These pineapples are 2 pounds a piece. - Ennek az ananásznak 2 font darabja. 10

Articles - Névelők

Figyelje meg az alábbi kifejezéseket: half a year - fél év half a kilo - fél kiló halfa dozen - fél tucat Q one and a half years - másfél év two and a half kilos - két és fél kiló 4. étkezések neve előtt nem használjuk Q have breakfast/lunch/dinner - reggelizni/ebédelni/vacsorázni What's for lunch today? - Mi van ma ebédre?

Egészítse ki a mondatokat a megfelelő határozatlan névelővel (a/an - 0), ahol szükséges! Fill in he gaps with the right form of the indefinite article (a/an - 0), where necessary. 1. This i s ............. picture of me.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


10 11 12



My younger brother has g o t............. red hair. Her husband i s ............. electrical engineer. Suzanne w a s............. very thin girl when she was young. I never w atch............. football matches on TV. I usually have............. shower in the morning. More than............. thousand students go to that secondary school. They often have.............dinner in ................restaurant. My grandparents don't live here. I can only see them once...... month. Don would like to g e t............. Manchester United football shirt. A re ..............yellow roses your favourite flowers? How often do you play............. tennis? My brother is going to have............. party on Saturday. She is ..........ideal babysitter. She loves playing w ith........... children. 11

Articles - Névelők

15.Jean is studying............. photography because she wants to be ............. photographer. 16.1like to see the dentist tw ice............. year. 17. Matthew is ........... sick. He's been bitten b y ............... spider. 18.1bought him ..........pair of black shoes to wear it at the reception. 19.You a re ............. idiot! 20. Mary le ft............ h a lf................ hour ago.

A határozott névelő használata 1. a már említett, mindenki számára egyértelmű dolgok jelölésére Q There is a car in front of the school. - Van egy autó az iskola előtt. There are two men in the car. - Két férfi van az autóban. 2. olyan tárgyak jelölésére, amelyekből egy van vagy egyértelmű, hogy melyikre gondolunk Q The Moon goes around the Earth. - A Hold kering a Föld körül. The children are playing in the garden. - A gyerekek a kertben játszanak. I'm going to the shop. Do you need anything? - Megyek a boltba. Kérsz valamit? Q space - űr The first living creature in space was a dog. - Az első élőlény az űrben egy kutya volt. 3. sorszámnevek előtt (hisz ezek határozottá teszik a főnevet) G A/e/7Armstrong was the first man on the Moon. - N. A. volt az első ember a Holdon. 4. felsőfokú melléknevek előtt (ezek is egyértelművé teszik, kire gondolunk) 12

Articles - Névelők

Q She is the most beautiful girl in the class. - Ő a legszebb lány az osztályban. 5. hangszerek neve előtt a play igével alkotott kifejezésekben Q Little Johnny is learning to play the piano. - A kis Johnny zongorázni tanul. 6. emberek csoportját jelölő főnevek előtt Q The Beatles were from Liverpool. - A Beatles együttes Liverpoolból származott. 7. emberek csoportját jelölő melléknevek előtt Q The Italians love singing. - Az olaszok szeretnek énekelni. We must help the old. (=old people) - Segítenünk kell az időseket.


Határozott (the) vagy határozatlan (a/an) névelő hiányzik az üres helyekről? Fill in the gaps with the right article: definite (the) or indefinite (alan).

1. Mary i s ............. hairdresser. 2. There's............. envelope in my bag. 3. Look! There's..............bird o n ............... roof. Can you see it? 4. Is there..............cellar in your house? 5. My neighbour's son can play............. drums. 6. I usually wear jeans a n d ............. T-shirt. 7. Elvis Presley is ............. King of Rock and Roll. 8. I have never seen..............alligator. 9. Would you like............. glass of orange juice? 10. Brian i s ........... tallest in the family. 11 .They live o n ........... second floor. 1

Articles - Névelők

12. My sister hasn't found............. job yet. 13. Do you see...........big guy with my sister over there? He's her new boyfriend. 14. Please turn o ff............. television before you go to bed. 15...............First World War started in 1914. 16. There are dark clouds in ........... sky. It's going to rain soon. 17. Bournemouth is ..........seaside resort in...............south of England. 18. I've g o t............. appointment a t ...............dentist's at 6.30. 19. Have you got change fo r ............. pound? 20. Do you go home a t ............. same time every day?

A határozott névelő használata földrajzi nevek előtt 1. folyók, tengerek, óceánok neve előtt Q the Danube - Duna the Black Sea - Fekete-tenger the Atlantic Ocean - Atlanti-óceán 2. több szóból álló vagy birtokos szerkezetet tartalmazó országnevek és egyéb földrajzi nevek előtt s the United States of America - Amerikai Egyesült Államok the Czech Republic - Cseh Köztársaság the Great Wall of China - Kínai Nagy Fal O Great Britain 3. többes számban álló tulajdonnevek előtt Q the Netherlands - Hollandia the Alps - Alpok



4. vendéglátóipari egységek (szálloda, étterem, söröző) és kulturális intézmények (mozi, színház, múzeum) teljes neve előtt, kivéve ha a név személynevet tartalmaz Q the Grand Hotel the Golden Lion (restaurant) the Tate Modern (art gallery) Q Luigi's Bar A határozott névelő rendhagyó használata Q the High Street - Fő utca the Hague - Hága A fentebb említett eseteket kivéve földrajzi nevek, illetve intézménynevek elé nem kell kitenni a határozott névelőt. Q tavak: Lake Michigan városok, országok:

Glasgow Italy

utcák, terek, parkok, hidak:

kastélyok, templomok:

Downing Street Leicester Square Regent's Park Golden Gate Bridge

Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey

vasútállomások, repülőterek:

Paddington Station Heathrow Airport


Articles - Névelők


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a megadott tulajdonnevekkel! Használja a határozott névelőt, ahol szükséges! Complete the sentences with a proper name from the list. Use the definite article where necessary. National Museum Amazon United Kingdom Statue of Liberty

High Street Heathrow Airport Pacific Ocean

Central Park Big Ben Channel Islands

1. The biggest airport in the world i s ................................in London. 2. In many towns the main street is usually called.............................. 3...........................................consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 4. The famous clock in the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is called................................................. 5. The longest river in South America i s .................................. ........... 6................................................... lie between the south coast of England and the north of France. 7. We have seen a very exciting exhibition of French Impressionist paintings in ................................................ 8. For the immigrants to America, the sight o f .................................. meant that they arrived in the land of their dreams. 9. The huge park in the middle of New York is called......................... 10. Hawaii, the 50th state of the United States lies in ..........................

O A radio és a cinema szavak előtt mindig határozott névelő áll (kivéve, ha az épületre gondolunk). A television szó előtt csak akkor áll névelő, ha a készülékre utalunk. 16

Articles - Névelők

Q / very rarely listen to the radio in the afternoon. - Délután ritkán hallgatok rádiót. I don't like going to the cinema on my own. - Nem szeretek egyedül moziba menni. There is a cinema on the corner of our street. - Van egy mozi az utcánk sarkán. How often do you watch television? - Milyen gyakran nézel tévét? Don't forget to switch off the television before going to bed. - Ne felejtsd el kikapcsolni a tévét lefekvés előtt!


Használja a megfelelő névelőt! Ha nem szükséges névelő, húzza ki a helyét! Use the appropriate article where necessary. If you don't need one, draw a line (-).

1. I took my dog fo r............. walk in ............... park. 2. I'd like to become............. chef in ............... elegant restaurant. 3. "Would you like to come t o ............. cinema with me?" "OK, let's go t o ............. Odeon." 4. They lo ve ............. winter sports. Every winter they go skiing in ............. Alps. 5. Do you like............. American football? 6. Would you like............. dripk? 7. When I arrived a t ............. concert, ............... band was playing ............. first song. 8. Paul i s ............. Englishman. 9. I f ............. weather is nice tomorrow, we'll go t o ............... beach. 10. Once........... year we go t o ...............very nice hotel fo r............... wellness weekend. 11. Do you live in ........... town or in ...............country? 12.1 enjoy helping............people. 17

Articles - Névelők 13 ............... Trafalgar Square i s ............... London's most important

public place. 14. Barbara i s ............. optimist. 15. In ..........Great Britain...........sausages are known a s...........bangers. 16. Our holiday w a s............. disaster. 17. What do you usually have fo r ............. breakfast? 18. It's..............secret. Please don't tell it to anyone. 19 ............. Beatles have .............. song about .............. street in Liverpool called............. Penny Lane. 20 ............ first president o f ...............USA was George Washington. 21 ............ orange juice is good for you. 22. Have..............look at the view. Don't you want to ta ke ............... photographs? 23. Why did you paint............. front door of your house red? Didn't you have............. brown paint? 24. In Hungary more and more people learn how to play............. golf. 25. What i s ............. first thing you do in ...............morning?

Q Névelőhasználat a bed, court, church, home, hospital, prison, school, university és work szavak előtt Amikor ezeket a dolgokat rendeltetésszerűen használjuk, tehát arra, amire elsődlegesen szolgálnak, nem használunk előttük névelőt. Q When do you go to bed? - Mikor szoktál lefeküdni? (az ágy az ember pihenésére szolgál) /Ve never been in hospital. - Még soha nem feküdtem kórházban. (betegként) Tina wants to study Mathematics at university. - Tina matematikát akar tanulni az egyetemen. 18

Articles - Névelők

Q Why do you let the cat go on the bed? - Miért engeded meg a macskának, hogy felmenjen az ágyra? I went to the hospital to visit my grandma. - Elmentem meglátogatni a.nagymamámat a kórházban, (nem én vagyok a beteg) Tina went to the university to talk to her professor. - Tina bement az egyetemre, hogy beszéljen a tanárával, (az épületbe ment)


Használja a megfelelő névelőt! Ha nem szükséges névelő, húzza ki a helyét! Use the appropriate article where necessary. If you don't need one, draw a line (-).

1. If you don't go t o ............. bed in time, you won't be able to get up in ........... . morning. 2. Do you go t o ..........school b y ........... bus or b y .......... bicycle? 3. Several people got injured i n ............. accident. They were taken t o ............. hospital right away. 4. Do you take your grandchildren t o ............. church every Sunday? 5. Jane isn't in .............building any more. She left one an d ............... half hours ago. 6. William goes to ............. prison twice .............. week to teach ............. prisoners English and History. 7. How long did you have to stay in ............. hospital after.............. operation? 8. If you go to Brighton in July, you can swim in ............. sea and you can g e t........... nice suntan. 9................. Russian astronaut, Yuri Gagarin w a s ............... first man who went in to ............. space. 10.There is somebody downstairs. C a ll............. police at once!


Articles - Névelők

11. O n ............. way here, I got lost and had to a sk ............... woman fo r ............. directions. 12. If you follow ............. directions I gave you, you will fin d ............... hotel you are looking for. 13 .............kind o f ................. food we eat depends on which part of ............. world we live in. 14 ..........organ o f...........cathedral is ......... second largest in Hungary. 15.1 don'tthinkyou should believeJohn. He nevertells............truth. 16. Joan of Ark w as............. young girl who was also...............soldier a n d ..........famous leader in ........... war against........... English. 17. That old Fiat 126 w a s........... only car I could afford a s ............... young lawyer. 18. There are 50 states in ........... USA................American flag has ..............same number of stars on it. 19. Jim h it....... man in ........... street. Now he is in ........... prison. 20. In England people start............. work later than in Hungary.


Egészítse ki az alábbi szöveget a megfelelő névelővel! Ha nem szükséges névelő, húzza ki a helyét! O Complete the text with the appropriate article. If you don't need one, draw a line (-).

Jason Williamson was .......... (1) basketball coach at ........... (2) American college, and it was his job to fin d .......... (3) good players. It was n o t.......... (4) easy job a s ...........(5) good players were not always .......... (6) smartest people, and very often they were not accepted by ..........(7) college. One day coach Williamson brought ..........(8) excellent player to ..........(9) dean o f.......... (10) college and asked him to take.......... (11) student without..........(12) examination. 20

Articles - Névelők

"W ell,"...........(13) dean said after a while, "first I'd like to ask him .......... (14) few questions." Then he turned t o ...........(15) student and asked him ........... (16) quite easy questions, b u t........ (17) student couldn't answer them. Finally he asked him ............(18) really easy question. "What's five times seven?" ..........(19) student thought fo r.........(20) long time and then answered "thirty-six." ..........(21) dean looked at Jason Williamson helplessly, b u t.......... (22) coach said earnestly, "Please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two". (L. A. Hill: Advanced Anecdotes in American English)

Egészítse ki az alábbi szöveget a megfelelő névelővel! Ha nem szükséges névelő, húzza ki a helyét! (3 Complete the text with the appropriate article. If you don't need one, draw a line (-).


On 31st December...........(1) people celebrate.............. (2) coming of ...........(3) new year throughout Great Britain. But New Year's Eve i s ...........(4) more important festival in Scotland than it is in England; it even h a s ...........(5) special name. It is called Hogmanay. It is not quite clear where........ ..(6) name comes from, but it is connected with eating and drinking. People dress in their best outfit and they gather i n ............. (7) town square and wait for ..............(8) midnight. Many people attend ........... (9) parties. At midnight, when .............. (10) clock strikes twelve, everybody cheers and shouts "Happy New Year!" and sings ...........(11) traditional Scottish song, Auld Lang Syne . They kiss each other and drink...........(12) glass o f ........... (13) Scotch whisky.


Articles - Névelők

Then they visit their friends to wish them ............. (14) happy new year. Many people believe that you will have ...........(15) good luck if ...........(16) first person to come to your house i s ............(17) black, dark stranger. He usually brings...........(18) piece of coal with him as ...........(19) good luck present. Then ............(20) Scottish people perform...........(21) traditional country dances until............(22) early hours o f ............. (23) morning.


Nouns - Főnevek


2. Nouns - Főnevek Q Az angol nyelvben a főnevek csoportosíthatók aszerint, hogy meg­ számlálhatok vagy nem megszámlálhatok. Megszámlálható főnevek - countable nouns a legtöbb olyan főnév, amelyet ténylegesen meg lehet számolni a book, an orange, a chair, a spoon Nem megszámlálható főnevek - uncountable nouns 1. anyagnevek sugar, gold 2. gyűjtőnevek furniture, luggage 3. elvont fogalmak beauty, luck 4. sportok, tantárgyak elnevezése billiards, tennis, Literature


Az alábbiakban a leggyakoribb nem megszámlálható főneveket soroltuk fel, de bizonyos betűket kihagytunk. írja be a hiányzó magán-, ill. mássalhangzókat, és megkapja a listát! Here is a list of the most common uncountable nouns, with the vowels or consonants missing. Fill in the gaps to get the words. A magánhangzó hiányzik _dv_c_ = tanács p_p_r = papír br_ _d = kenyér

A mássalhangzó hiányzik _ee_e = sajt _o_ey = pénz _u_ _e_ = vaj 23

Nouns - Főnevek

n_ _s_ = r__n = r c = f__d t_m_ fl__ r w t r = gl_ss h s w rk =

zaj eső rizs ennivaló idő liszt víz üveg (anyag) házimunka


o e e o

a io

i o ee a e

a i w_ _th_r 0


= = = = = = = = =

információ tenisz benzin kávé spagetti só tej időjárás hó

Főnevek többes száma Q Értelemszerűen csak a megszámlálható főnevek használhatók töb­ bes számban. 1. A többes szám jele:-s books, chairs, lamps sziszegő hangok (s, eh, x, sh) után: -es churches, buses, boxes, bushes 2. Helyesírási tudnivalók: a) mássalhangzót követő szóvégi y -> ie family —» families country -» countries O boys (mivel az -y magánhangzó után áll) b) -fe és -f végződés -> -ve lesz a legismertebb szavakban wife -> wives shelf -> shelves Q roofs, chiefs 24

Nouns - Főnevek


c) az -o végű főnevek egy részénél a többes szám jele -es potato -> potatoes tomato —> tomatoes O radios, photos, pianos 3. Különleges esetek: a) rendhagyó többes számú főnevek man —> men woman women összetett alakban is : Englishmen, policewomen child —> children foot -» feet tooth -> íeeíő mouse (egér) —> m/'ce goose (liba) —> geese b) csak többes számú alakja van people (emberek) c) alakjukat tekintve többes számúnak tűnnek, de valójában nem megszámlálható főnevek news, Maths, Physics, customs (vám) This news was on TV. - Ez a hír volt a tévében. d) a páros testrészeken hordott ruhadarabokat vagy a két részből álló dolgot jelölő főneveket többes számú alakban használjuk jeans (farmernadrág), socks (zokni), glasses (szemüveg) scissors (olló), lungs (tüdő), scales (mérleg)


Nouns - Főnevek

e) néhány főnévnek megegyezik az egyes és többes számú alakja fish —» fish (hal) sheep —> sheep (birka) crossroads -> crossroads (útkereszteződés) series -> series (sorozat)


Adja meg a következő főnevek többes számú alakját! Give the plural forms of the following nouns.

box ........ window .. pen ........ e a r ......... ke y......... bag ........ piano ..... leaf ........ father .... face ....... knife ...... cherry .... dictionary peach ..... housewife

tomato ... kiss ........ lorry....... sandwich life ......... bridge.... knee ...... lady ....... watch .... tooth ..... bookshelf e g g ........ holiday ... slice ....... tra y ........

Nouns - Főnevek


Használja a zárójelben lévő szavakat egyes vagy többes számban! Use the words in brackets in the right form: singular or plural.

1. After dinner I always wash the (dish)......................................... 2. He went to the zoo to have a look at the three new-born (monkey) 3. If you want to have all these (book).......................in this (room) .................... . you need to get another (bookshelf)...................... 4. A mouse has sharp (tooth) ........................................ and it likes (cheese)......................................... 5. The airline lost all my (luggage)......................................... 6. We want to change the (furniture)....................................... in the living-room. 7. We had several rainy (day)............................... during our holiday. 8. Every morning she eats fried (e g g ).........................................for breakfast. 9. Your house needs painting and a change of (wallpaper) 10.We have a lot of (letter) ......................................... to write this afternoon. 11. David has got black (hair)..................................... and dark brown (eye)......................................... 12.This part of the country has some (snow)....................................... in the winter (month)......................................... 13. We had (meat)..................and (vegetable).................. for dinner. 14. If you go on this trip, you will see beautiful (mountain)................ and (lake).......................... 1 5. Would you like some (lemon)..................................... in your tea?


Nouns - Főnevek


Használja az is/are vagy a do/does segédigéket a következő mondatokban! Complete the sentences with the right auxiliaries: is/are or do/does.

1................. there any news from Fiona? 2. I think your hair............. too long for summer. 3. Your new trousers............. not go with this blouse. 4. Th is............. very good advice, thank you. 5. Where............. your parents live? 6. Japanese............. very difficult to learn. 7. All her furniture............. second-hand. 8. There............. too much salt in this soup. 9. Many people say that no news............. good news. 10. Do you know where my glasses............. ? 11.1 think those shoes............really ugly. 12. Most policemen in England............. not carry guns. 13. All the fish in my fish tan k............. black. 14. Our meeting............. not end until 5 o'clock. 15. The giraffe........... the tallest animal in the world. 16. The cheese I've just bought........... really delicious. Try it. 17. Don't go out without your boots on. The snow ............. very deep. 18...............your luggage still in your room? 19. Physics............. not his favourite subject. 20. Kitchen scales............. used for weighing food .

Q Nem megszámlálható főnevek mennyiségét megadhatjuk a szó jellegének megfelelő megszámlálható főnévvel birtokos szerkezetet alkotva.


Nouns - Főnevek

Q a glass of water - egy pohár viz three slices of bread - három szelet kenyér a piece of information - egy információ

Egészítse ki a kifejezéseket a megadott szavakkal, a magyar jelentésnek megfelelően! Egy szó felesleges. Using the words given complete the phrases according to the meaning in Hungarian. There is an extra word that you won't need. glass bar bottle spoonful pound cup

a carton a jar a loaf an item a packet

100 grams a slice a piece a box a bag

1 ................................... of chocolate (egy doboz csokoládé) 2 ..........................................of coke (egy pohár kóla) 3 ..........................................of flour (egy zacskó liszt) 4 ......................................... of milk (egy doboz tej) 5 ......................................... of meat (egy fél kiló hús) 6 ......................................... of cheese (10 dkg sajt) 7 ............................. ........... of coffee (egy csésze kávé) 8 ......................................... of strawberry jam (egy üveg eperlekvár) 9 ......................................... of chocolate cake (egy szelet csokitorta) 10 ....................................... of red wine (egy üveg vörösbor) 11 ....................................... of paper (egy darab papír) 12 ....................................... of sugar (egy kanál cukor) 13 ....................................... of bread (egy vekni kenyér) 29

Nouns - Főnevek

14 ....................................... of tea (egy csomag tea) 15 ....................................... of news (egy hír)


Használja a zárójelben lévő szavakat a megfelelő alakban: egyes vagy többes számban! Use the words in brackets in the right form: singular or plural.

1. We aren't going to eat (soup).................... . so you don't have to put (spoon).............. just (fork)...............and (knife)................... on the table. 2. It is now forbidden to feed the (pigeon) ............................. in Trafalgar Square. 3. (window)............................ are made of (glass)............................ 4. From my window I can see a lot of (tree) .............................and (bush).............................. 5. Ron was so thirsty after training that he drank two (glass) ............................ of water. 6. Our English teacher always gives us a lot of (homework)............... 7. Steve overcooked the (meat)............................ . so it was burnt in (place).............................. 8. Sally speaks four (language).............................. 9. Everyone thanked the (fireman)............................ for their heroic (work).............................. 10.1 found most of the Maths (question)................... very difficult. 11. Evelyn's mind is full of all (kind) ............................ of unusual (thought).............................. 12. We always have a lot of (fun)........................ when we go out on Friday night. 13. How much more (money) ............................ would you need to complete your university (study)............................ ? 30

Nouns - Főnevek

14.0neof the most unusual (game)............................ of football took place on Christmas Day during the First World War. 15. Most (soldier) .............................. suffered terribly in the First World War. 16. During the 1960s and 70s (hippy)............................ had strong (idea)............................ on how the world should be. 17. Fleet Street in London used to be the place where they published all the daily (newspaper).............................. 18. The (tyre)........................ of a car must be kept in good (condition) 19. Close the window before you turn on the light because we'll have a lot of (mosquito)............................ in here. 20.1 feel cold. Can you put some more (w ood)................... on the log fire?

Főnevek neme 1. Az angol nyelvben a tárgyakat és fogalmakat jelölő főnevek semleges neműek. Q This is our house. It was built 9 years ago. 2. Élőlényeket jelölő főnevek esetén a kisgyerekekre utaló szavak (baby, child) és az állatok megnevezése semleges neműnek számít, kivéve, ha tudjuk a gyerek vagy állat nemét. B Look at that kitten in the window. Isn't it lovely? I got a kitten for my birthday. His name is Simon. 3. Egyéb esetekben a főnév jelentése utal arra, milyen nemű az élőlény, amelyet jelöl. B man - woman uncle - aunt 31


Nouns - Főnevek

Hímnemű élőlényeket jelölő főnévből képzővel alkothatunk nőnemű alakot. Q waiter -> waitress host —> hostess


Adja meg a szavak ellentétes nemű párját! Give the opposite gender.

1. landlord .................................. 2. queen ..................................... 3. bull ......................................... 4. son ......................................... 5. grandm a................................. 6. nephew .................................. 7. stewardess............................. 8. duchess ...:............................. 9. boy ......................................... 10. bride..................................... 11.fiancé ..................................... 12.widow .................................... 13. hero...................................... 14. brother-in-law .....................


Adjectives - Melléknevek

3. Adjectives - Melléknevek Q A melléknevek az angol nyelvben is jelzőként vagy az állítmány névszói részeként használatosak csakúgy, minta magyarban. Q Sheila is a beautiful girl. - Sheila szép lány. This car is fast. - Ez az autó gyors. Q A melléknevet nem ragozzuk, még az állítmány névszói részeként sem kapja meg a többes szám jelét. G These boys are very lazy. - Ezek a fiúk nagyon lusták. Egészítse ki a mondatokat az odaillő melléknévvel! Válasszon a megadott listából! Egy szó felesleges. Complete the sentences with an appropriate adjective from the list. There is an extra word. black cold favourite nice serious tidy

blond easy Italian poor smart yellow

blue expensive new popular strong

1 . There're............................ clouds in the sky. It's going to rain soon.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

It's a really............................ day today. Let's have a picnic. Jack has g o t............................ eyes a n d ..............................hair. I love...........................food. They stayed at a very............................ hotel. It cost them a lot. Jane has got a .................... problem. She needs to talk to her mum. ............................ John! He's failed his exam. This soup is to o .............................. I can't eat it. His girlfriend loves............................ roses. 33

A djectives - M elléknevek

10. John's............................ subject is History. 11. Her room is always very.............................. She cleans it regularly. 12. He's a hotel manager. He always has to wear.....................clothes. 13. Joe is a very..........................person. Everybody likes him. 14. This is a very..........................exercise. 15. This coffee is to o ............................Can I have some milk in it?

Q Ha egy főnévre több jelző is vonatkozik, a következő elveket követjük: 1. A véleményt közlő melléknév (beautiful, intelligent, etc.) mindig megelőzi a tényközlőt (old, wooden , blue, etc.). a nice old lamp


2. Ha tényközlő melléknévből van több, hagyatkozzunk bátran a magyar nyelvérzékére! Q an old little village They gave her a sweet little black puppy.

Az alábbi mondatok szavait összekevertük. A szóalakok változtatása nélkül állítsa őket megfelelő sorrendbe, hogy megkapja a mondatokat! The words of the following sentences have been jumbled. Form the correct sentences without changing the form of the words. Q is / car / this I a I nice This is a nice car.


Adjectives - M elléknevek


1. parents / music / my / like / loud / don't 2. has/brow n/got/M ary/eyes/big 3. very / orange juice / this / expensive / was 4. girl / is/slim / Jane/ tall / a 5. door / at / tall / there's / a / man / young / the 6. a/ bought/little/yesterday/I / red / nice/car 7. She's/ long / hair/got/beautiful 8. house / street / our / in / is / new/ narrow/ a / short 9. cold/they/from /fruit/drinks/m ake / fresh 10. like / an / elegant / blouse/ silk / to / have / I'd / green / light

Adja meg a következő melléknevek ellentétes jelentésű párját! Give the opposites of the following adjectives.

3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

light (colour) rich ............. heavy ......... loud ............ long ............

11. ugly ........ 12. interesting 13. black....... 14. big .......... 15. tall .......... 35

A djectives - M elléknevek

6. cold .................... ................... 7. g o o d ................... ................... 8. easy .................... ................... 9. early ................... ................... 10.sa d ...................... ...................

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

slo w .... young .. new .... cheap .. fa r .......

A melléknevek fokozása 1. Toldalékkal fokozzuk az egy szótagú mellékneveket és a két szótagúak egy részét. középfokjele: -er felsőfokjele: -est Q tall - taller - the tallest narrow - narrower - the narrowest 2. A több szótagú mellékneveket összetetten fokozzuk, középfok: more + alapfokú melléknév felsőfok: the most + alapfokú melléknév Q more beautiful - the most beautiful more famous - the most famous 3. A toldalékos alakok helyesírása: a) az egy szótagú, rövid magánhangzót tartalmazó, egy mással­ hangzóra végződő szavak esetén a szóvégi mássalhangzó megkettőződik Q thin - thinner - the thinnest hot - hotter - the hottest b) a mássalhangzó után álló y -» i Q happy - happier - the happiest easy - easier - the easiest

Adjectives - M elléknevek

c) a szóvégi -e kiesik Q nice - nicer - the nicest simple - simpler - the simplest 4. Rendhagyó alakok: alapfok good well (határozószó) bad many/much little far

középfok felsőfok better the best better the best worse the worst more the most less the least farther the farthest (távolság jelölésére) far further the furthest (távolság és idő jelölésére is, „tovább" jelentésben) Q / can't walk any farther/further. - Nem tudok tovább gyalogolni. He left without further explanation. - Minden további magyarázat nélkül távozott. old older the oldest elder the eldest (rokonsági kapcsolatok jelölésére) O This is my elder brother, Peter. - Ő a bátyám, Péter.


Adja meg a melléknevek közép- és felsőfokú alakját! Give the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.

alapfok 1. strong 2. tasty

középfok ......................... ........................

felsőfok ........................ ........................ 37

A djectives - M elléknevek

3. brave 4. brilliant 5. clever 6. good 7. funny 8. exciting 9. clean 10. popular

Egészítse ki a táblázatot a hiányzó alakokkal! Fill in the chart with the missing forms. alapfok 1 .......................... 2 ......................... 3 ......................... 4 ......................... 5. safe 6 ......................... 7 ......................... 8. successful 9 ......................... 10 ....................... 11. serious 12.......................... 13.hard 14.......................... 15. polite


középfok quieter ........................ fewer less ........................ ........................ ........ ............... ........................ ........................ wider ........................ more crowded ........................ drier ........................

felsőfok .................... the prettiest .................... .................... .................... the heaviest the worst .................... the slimmest .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................

Adjectives - Melléknevek b____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Összehasonlítás kifejezése 1. Alapfok kötőszavai: as ...as Q She is as tall as her friend. - Olyan magas, mint a barátja. tagadásban:

not so ... as not as ... as Q She isn't as thin as me. / She isn't so thin as me. - Nem olyan vékony, mint én. 2. Középfok kötőszava : than Q She's taller than her husband. - Magasabb, mint a férje.

O A hasonlító kötőszó után vagy csak főnév, ill. névmás vagy mellékmondat áll. Ha a személyes névmás önmagában áll, tárgyesetbe kerül. Q I'm not as tall as her. / I'm not as tall as she is. - Nem vagyok olyan magas, mint ő. She's taller than me. / She's taller than I am. - Magasabb, mint én. 3. Felsőfok th e .......-est of/in the m ost.... of/in Q She's the tallest o f them. - Ő a legmagasabb közülük. She's the funniest girl in the class. - Ő a legviccesebb lány az osztályban. 4. „minél ... annál" kifejezése the + középfok .... the + középfok 39

A djectives - M elléknevek

Q The more you eat the fatter you will be. - Minél többet eszel, annál kövérebb leszel. 5. fokozatos változás kifejezése („egyre inkább") középfok + and + középfok Q The weather is getting colder and colder. - Egyre hidegebb lesz az idő. 6. „sokkal több", „sokkal szebb", stb. much + középfok Q She looks much younger than she actually is. - Sokkal fiatalabbnak néz ki, mint amilyen valójában. Q Nyomatékosításra középfokú melléknevek előtt a következő szavak használhatók még: a bit, a lot, a little, far. Q This car is far more expensive than we can afford. - Ez az autó sokkal drágább, mint amit megengedhetünk magunknak. This exercise is a bit more difficult than the others. - Ez a feladat egy kicsit nehezebb, mint a többi.


Egészítse ki a mondatokat egy szóval! Complete the sentences with one word.

1. This book i s ............ ............... interesting than the one we had to read last year. 2. Mary i s ............................ so tall as her husband. 3. She spends m uch............................ money than she could afford. 4. This i s ............................ funniest story I've ever heard. 5. This house............................ bigger than it looks from the outside. 6. Chris isn't as bright............................ his sister.

Adjectives - M elléknevek £

7. If you need.................... information, write to the following address. 8. The higher you climb in the mountains............................ harder it is to breathe. 9. It's autumn now. The days are getting shorter........................ shorter. 10. This chair i s ..........................comfortable than that one. 11. Ben writes badly, but not a s .........................as his brother. 12. David is so slow. I can ru n ............................ than he can. 13. This beach is cleaner because it i s ..........................from the city. 14. My bag cost £25, your bag cost £20, so my bag was a bit more ............................ than yours. 15. The more you forget th e......................knowledge you will have.

Q A melléknevekhez hasonlóan képezzük a határozószók közép- ill. felsőfokú alakját. Hasonlító mondatokban is ugyanúgy használhatók, quickly - more quickly - the most quickly Q She can play the guitar more beautifully than anybody else in the group. - Szebben tud gitározni, mint bárki más a csoportban.


A megadott információ és a zárójelben megadott mellék­ nevek felhasználásával alkosson hasonlító mondatokat! Using the information and the adjectives given in brackets make comparative sentences.

Q Laura's pocket money is £5 a week David's pocket money is £8 a week David gets more pocket money a week than Laura.



A djectives - M elléknevek

1. Ben Nevis in Scotland: 1343 m Snowdon in Wales: 1085 m


2. Glasgow: 900mm of rain a year London: 550 mm of rain a year


3. In Scotland: 5,1 million people In Wales: 2,9 million people


4. The summer holiday in Hungarian schools: 10 weeks In British schools: 6 weeks


5. The Sun: 3,5 million people read it The Financial Times: 0,5 million people read it


6. Robbie Williams was born in 1974 Julia Roberts was born in 1967


7. An Opel can go at 230 kph A Ferrari can go at 290 kph


8. I weigh 55 kilos My brother weighs 70 kilos


c 00

Fejezze be a megkezdett mondatokat úgy, hogy jelentésük megegyezzen az eredeti mondatéval! Complete the sentences in a way that they mean the same as the original sentence.


Adjectives - M elléknevek

1. Nobody gets as good marks as Joe does. Joe ............................................................................................. 2. Mary is a lot younger than her husband, Alex. Alex ............................................................................................ 3. We can't run as fast as Mike. Mike can ................................................................................... 4. I didn't think this road was so long. This road is ................................................................................ 5. Football boots cost £10. Ski-boots cost £25. Ski-boots are a lot ..................................................................... 6. I find cycling less tiring than running. I find running ............................................................................ 7. Donét knows more about cars than anyone else in the family. No one in the family know s...................................................... 8. I preferred the organization of last year conference. I think the conference last year was ....................................... 9. I've never eaten such bad pizza. This is the .................................................................................. 10. My watch isn't as expensive as the one you bought. My watch is .............................................................................. 11. Life in the country is not as stressful as in the city. Life in the city is ........................................................................ 12.1 don't find this chocolate cake too tasty. I prefer the vanilla. The vanilla cake is .....................................................................

less + melléknév jelentése: „kevésbé" Q less important - kevésbé fontos less attractive - kevésbé vonzó 43

A djectives - M elléknevek

Felsőfokban: the least + melléknév-,,a legkevésbé"

e David was the least informed about the project. - Dávid volt a legkevésbé tájékozott a tervet illetően.


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a mondatba illő melléknév felsőfokú alakjával! Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives given.

ancient difficult long successful

big intelligent low

bloody high mysterious

cheap hot pretty

1. Chinese is one o f ...........................................languages to learn. 2. I bought...........................................dress in the shop. 3. Hamleys in London i s ................................toy shop in the world. 4. Mont Blanc i s ...........................................mountain in Europe. 5...............................................river of the world is the Nile. 6. Edith i s ...........................................student in the class. 7. As he didn't have much money to spend, he bought..................... computer he could find. 8. Loch Ness is ...........................................place in Scotland, because people say there is a monster in the lake. 9. Stonehenge is one o f ...........................................sights of Britain. 10. The Civil War has been........................... . war in the history of the United States, causing the death of about 635.000 people. 11. Death Valley in California is ........................................... and ...........................................place in the United States. 12. The Beatles w ere..........................group Britain has ever had. 44

Adjectives - M elléknevek

Q Melléknévi igenevek is használhatók melléknévi szerepben. 1. folyamatos melléknévi igenév - Present Participle: az ige -ing végű alakja Q a smiling girl - mosolygós lány the rising sun - a felkelő nap 2. befejezett melléknévi igenév - Past Participle: az ige 3. alakja Q cooked meal - főtt étel a well-known artist - jól ismert művész Q Gyakran használjuk ugyanannak az igének folyamatos és befejezett melléknévi alakját jelzőként. A folyamatos melléknévi igenév cselekvő, míg a befejezett melléknévi igenév szenvedő jelentést hordoz. Q The film was boring. - A film unalmas volt. I was bored during the film - Unatkoztam. This job is tiring. It makes me tired. - A munka fárasztó. Fáraszt (fáradttá tesz).

Használja a megadott igék folyamatos vagy befejezett melléknévi igenévi alakját az alábbi mondatokban! Ügyeljen a helyesírásra! Give the appropriate Present or Past Participle form of the verbs in brackets. Pay attention to spelling. 1. Stop it. I'm not (interest).......................... in what you are saying. 2. My parents were very (disappoint) ................................. when I failed my last exam. 45

A djectives - M elléknevek

3. Were you (worry).................................when you didn't hear from your son for a week? 4. He has the (annoy).......................... habit of biting his fingernails. 5. Rafting in Austria was the most (excite) .................................. experience I've ever had. 6. Have you been working long? You look (exhaust).......................... 7. His explanation was so (tire).................................that after a while I couldn't concentrate. 8. My new job looks very (promise)................................... 9. Everybody was (surprise).................................when they decided to get married. 10.1 didn't like that book. The story is far too (complicate)................. and I was rather (confuse)......................... at the end. 11 .Our teacher was rather (annoy)............................... when most of us didn't do the homework. 12. My cousin has a (charm)......................little daughter. 13. I'm afraid that I'm not very (satisfy)......................with your work. 14. The children were not too (impress) ........................... by the garden of our new house.


A dverbs - H atáro zó k

4. Adverbs - Határozók Q Határozószót melléknévből és folyamatos melléknévi igenévből -ly képzővel képezhetünk. Q slow - slowly brave - bravely amusing - amusingly 1. Helyesírási tudnivalók: a) szóvégi -y —> -i happy - happily b) -able és -ible végű melléknevekben a szóvégi -e kiesik terrible - terribly egyébként a szóvégi -e megmarad nice - nicely O true - truly

Q A következő szavak -ly végűek, de nem határozószók, hanem melléknevek: friendly - barátságos lively - élénk lonely- magányos lovely - kedves, szeretetre méltó silly - ostoba ugly - csúnya 2. Kivételek: a) teljesen más alakja van good - well 47

A dverbs - H atározók

b) melléknévként és határozóként egyaránt használt szavak: deep, early, far, fast, hard, high, late, low, near a fast car - gyors autó to run fast - gyorsan futni a hard job - nehéz munka to work hard - keményen dolgozni an early train - korai vonat to arrive early - korán érkezni a high mountain - magas hegy to climb high - magasra mászni c) a hard, late, near, deep mellékneveknek van -ly képzős alakja, de jelentése eltérő hard - kemény, keményen hardly - alig lately - mostanában late - késői, későn nearly - majdnem near - közeli, közel deeply - mélységesen deep - mély, mélyen (érzelmileg) Q She was deeply hurt. - Mélységesen megbántódott. Q Körülírással is képezhetünk határozót (különösen olyan mellék­ nevekkel, melyekhez nem adhatjuk a -ly képzőt). in a friendly manner - barátságosan in a silly way - ostobán, ostoba módon

Képezzen határozót az alábbi melléknevekből! Make adverbs from the following adjectives. 1. beautiful 2. angry ....

9. heavy 10. fast ..

A dverb s - H atáro zó k

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

logical .... horrible.. curious ... sw eet.... complete

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

strange .... careless.... direct ....... continuous lively ........ glad ........ .


Fejezze be a mondatot a melléknévből képzett határozóval! Complete the sentences with the right adverb.

Q She has a beautiful voice. She can sing beautifully. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Our doorbell makes a loud noise. It rings....................................... John is a hard-working person. He always works........................... It was a very bad match. Our team played...................................... My cousin is always very quiet. Even if she speaks, she speaks very

5. Her English is not as good as her French. She speaks French very 6. Mother was angry with my little brother. She shouted at him 7. Peter had serious injuries in the accident. He w as............................ injured. 8. My mum is a very careful driver. She drives .................................... 9. We took the early train, so we arrived really.................................... 10. She is a very good tennis player. She plays tennis very


A dverb s - H atározók


Melléknév vagy határozószó? Adja meg a zárójelbe tett melléknév mondatba illő alakját! Adjective or adverb? Give the right form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Please be (quiet)..................................I'm trying to concentrate. I'll go and get the doctor. My brother isn't very (good)................... "Did you enjoy the party last night?" "Yes, it was (good).................... The road is wet. Please drive more (slow)....................................... The window was open, so the robber could get into the house (easy).................................. 6. John is a very lazy student. He (hard).................... studies anything. 7. I couldn't write down your name. Could you spell it more (slow) ................................, please? 8. Can you walk a bit more (quick)................................? We'll miss the bus. 9. Lucky you! They'll pay you very (good)................................at your new job. 10. Almost half of the village was (total)................................destroyed in the flood. 11.1 understand some German but only if they speak it (clear) 12. She walked (nervous)............................... up and down the corridor before the exam. 13. Was your mum (angry) ..............................with you when you arrived home (late)................................? 14. He was very (nervous)................................and waited (impatient) ................................before the doctor came out of the maternity ward with his newborn baby. 15. We didn't expect them to come. They arrived (unexpected)


A dverb s - H atáro zó k

16. Janet and James have been (happy)................................ married for ten years. 17. Speak up a bit, please. I can (hard)................................hear you. 18. My friend wanted to surprise me. She made this cake (special) ....................... . for me. 19. They can't move into their new house this month. It's not (complete)................................finished yet. 20. However (fast)..............................I ran, I couldn't catch the tram.

Q Gyakran használunk határozót melléknevek, melléknévi igenevek vagy más határozók nyomatékosítására. Q She's seriously ill. - Komoly beteg. I'm terribly worried. - Borzasztóan aggódom. The reception was organized extremely well. - A fogadást borzasztó jól megszervezték.


Alkosson határozószókat a következő melléknevekből, és egészítse ki a mondatokat! Give the adverb form of the following adjectives and complete the sentences. careful fresh loud

early good quiet

easy healthy

fast heavy

1. He eats very................................- lots of fruit and vegetables. 2. It was very nice of you that you came in s o ................................ last night. You didn't wake me up.


A dverb s - H atározók

3. We had a map and we could find the hotel very............................ 4. Our history teacher talks very..................................It's difficult to follow his explanations. 5. If you get u p ................................ enough, you'll have time to have breakfast. 6. I called my cousin in France but the line was so bad that I had to speak very.................................. 7. It was snow ing................................all last night, so our car is in the deep snow now. 8. This is a very busy road. You should drive very............................here. 9. You can g e t ................................ baked rolls in the bakery round the corner. 10. Our children behaved themselves very................................so they got some ice-cream.

□ A magyartól eltérően az érzékelést jelentő igék: seem, look, sound, feel, taste, smell után nem határozót, hanem melléknevet használunk. Q to seem nice - kedvesnek tűnik to sound interesting - érdekesen hangzik to feel happy - boldognak érzi magát to taste sweet - édes ízű to smell good - jó illatú to look good - jól néz ki This tea tastes too sour. There's too much lemon in it. - Ez a tea túl savanyú. Túl sok citrom van benne.

Melléknév vagy határozószó? Karikázza be a mondatba illő alakot! Adjective or adverb? Circle the correct form.

5 52

A dverb s - H atáro zó k

1. 2. 3. 4.

This apple tastes really good/well. The weather was terrible/terribly all last week. Yorkshire pudding isn't sweet/sweetly but it tastes salty/saltily. Am I phoning at the wrong time? You sound very impatient/ impatiently. 5. "How did you feel after the race?" "I felt happier/more happily than ever." 6. I can't remember anything. Everything happened so quick/quickly. 7. Tina looks smart/smartly in her new jacket. 8. Juan speaks English incredible/incredibly well. 9. Juan is fluent/fluently in English. 10. What's the matter? Why do you look so sad/sadly7 11 .You looked really angry/angrily when I saw you this morning. What was the matter? 12.1 enjoy my job so much that I never feel tired/in a tired way after work. 13. These flowers not only look beautiful/beautifully but they also smell nice/nicely. 14. Why does this soup taste sour/sourlyl Did you put vinegar in it? 15. My father looked at me angry/angrily when I said I didn't want to do it.

A fokhatározó kifejezésének formái 1. very a) A magyar „nagyon" jelentésű határozószó angol megfelelője melléknevek, melléknévi igenevek és határozószók előtt. Q very dark very boring/bored very slowly


A dverbs - H atározók

b) igékre utalva ( az ige után állva) very much Q / like pancakes very much. - Nagyon szeretem a palacsintát. I need you very much. - Nagyon nagy szükségem van rád. 2. rather és quite Mindkettő jelentése „meglehetősen, eléggé", de a rather negatív értelemben használatos inkább. Q It's rather cold. - Elég hideg van. The book I've just read was quite good. - A könyv, amit most olvastam, egész jó volt. 3. so és such Mindkettő jelentése: „olyan". a) so - önállóan álló melléknevek és határozószók előtt áll so + adjective/adverb Q You are so clever. - Olyan okos vagy! Mary can sing so beautifully. - Mary olyan szépen tud énekelni. We arrived at the hotel so late that the restaurant was closed. - Olyan későn érkeztünk meg a szállodába, hogy már zárva volt az étterem. b) such - főnevek, illetve jelzős főnevek előtt áll. Ha a főnév megszámlálható és egyes számban áll, a határozatlan névelőt is ki kell tenni. such + (a/an) + noun Q You are such an idiot. - Olyan ostoba vagy! such + (a/an) + adjective + noun Q You are such a clever girl. - Olyan okos kislány vagy! They are such old books that they are worth a fortune. Ezek olyan régi könyvek, hogy egy vagyont érnek.

Adverbs - H atáro zó k

l/l/e had such bad weather in May that we had to have the heating on. - Olyan rossz idő volt májusban, hogy fűtenünk kellett.

O So many/much Such a lot of Q There were so many people at the exhibition that we couldn't see the paintings. / There were such a lot of people that... - Olyan sokan voltak a kiállításon, hogy nem láttuk a festményeket. 4. too és enough a) too + melléknév/határozószó = túlságosan, túl ... G too expensive - túl drága too late - túl későn This coffee is too hot (to drink). - Ez a kávé túl forró (ahhoz, hogy meg lehessen inni). b) melléknév/határozószó + enough = elég ... , eléggé G old enough - elég öreg early enough - elég korán This car isn't fast enough (to win the race). - Ez az autó nem elég gyors (ahhoz, hogy megnyerje a versenyt). c) enough + főnév = elég (valamiből) G enough money - elég pénz

O A megszámlálható főnevek többes számba kerülnek az „enough" után. G enough books - elég könyv Can you go to the shops? We don't have enough eggs at home. - Elmen né I a boltba? Nincs itthon elég tojás. 55

A dverb s - H atározók

I never have enough time to answer letters. - Soha nincs elég időm arra, hogy levelekre válaszoljak.


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a too vagy az enough és a zárójelben megadott szavak alkotta kifejezésekkel! Complete the sentences using too or enough with the words in brackets.

1. If you don't drive (carefully) ........................................... , you will have an accident. 2. We haven't had (rain) ............................................. lately, so everything is very dry. 3. These shoes are (expensive)..........................................., so I can't afford to by them. 4. Mary doesn't have (experience)..........................................., so she didn't get the job. 5. Nowadays there are (m any)....................................... students at university lectures and there aren't (seats).................................. 6. I couldn't get (sleep)...........................................last night because the neighbours were (noisy)............................................. 7. I can't eat this soup. It's (salty)............................................. 8. I'm not going to buy these shoes. They aren't (b ig)....................... 9. Don't read in this room. It isn't (light)........................................... in here. 10. Last night I couldn't wash my hair because there wasn't (hot water) 11.1 didn't get a 5 for my essay because there were (many) mistakes in it. 12.1 don't think you'll pass your examination. You don't study (hard)


A dverbs - H atározók

13. We didn't go in the sea. It was (cold)............................................. 14. Peter is (young).......................................... to watch this film on his own. 15. In Hungary you can rarely ski because we don't have (snow) ...........................................in the hills. 16.1play the lottery every week but I'm not (lucky)............................ to win. 17.1couldn't lift the parcel. It was (heavy)......................................... 18.1live (close)...........................................to walk to my office.

So vagy such? Adja meg a mondatba illő szót! Ne feled­ kezzen el a megfelelő névelőről (a/an), ahol szükséges! So or such? Fill in the gaps with the right word. Don't forget to use the article (a/an) where necessary.


1. I'm ............... hungry. I must have a bite. 2. Donét fell off his bike today. It w as............... bad fall that he broke his arm. 3. These footballers p la y............... badly that almost nobody goes to watch their matches. 4. You p u t............... much sugar in my coffee that I can't drink it. 5. They live in ............... big house that the members of the family rarely meet. 6. The film w as...............bad that the audience left before it was over. 7. They were really sad because they g o t............... bad news. 8. The man w a s............... exhausted that he fell asleep on the bus. 9. It w a s................difficult question that nobody could answer it. 10. You are............. hardworking students. I'm very proud of you all. 11. Look at him. He looks..............gentleman in his suit.


A dverb s - H atározók

12. Ben has g o t................short hair that he doesn't need a hairdryer to dry it. 13. Thank you for your help. You gave m e ............. useful advice. 14. The traffic was ............. heavy to the airport that we almost missed our plane. 15. It i s ................comfortable armchair that he often falls asleep in it while watching television.


A megadott szavakból választva egészítse ki a mondatokat! Fill in the gaps choosing from the words given.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enough quite rather very Thank you for the meal. It w a s.................. tasty. The ice on the lake isn't thick.................. to skate on it. The rubbish bin was n o t.................full when he emptied it. It's getting................. cold. You should put on your jacket.

5. 6. 7. 8.

enough quite so very When she was living abroad she missed her family and friends ...............much. Be careful with those scissors. They're................. sharp. This T-shirt is not d ry ................. yet to put on. This pencil i s ...............blunt! You can't write nicely with it.

enough quite rather too 9. This purse looks sm all................to fit in my pocket. 10. You a re ................right. I agree with you. 11 .They show ................. many advertisements on TV. 12.These advertisements a re................annoying.

A dverb s - H atáro zó k

rather quite so too 13. The speaker used ............. many technical terms, so very few people understood him. 14. When he heard the good news, he w a s.................. happy that he almost jumped in the air. 15. He had a .................. disappointing result at the test. 16. I've just heard.................. an interesting story. enough quite rather such 17.1don't think you're o ld ................to get married. 18.1had to wait for the manager fo r ................a long time that I got to the station late. 19. We h ad ...............miserable weather during our holiday. 20. My new colleague i s ..............intelligent. enough so very 21. It w a s...............nice of him to give me a lift to the station. 22. We had a house-warming party last weekend.............. many people came that we didn't have...............glasses.


A szavak helyes sorrendbe állításával alkosson mondatokat! Make sentences arranging the words in the right order.

1. way / she / in / friendly / very / behave / didn't / a 2. room / the / enough / piano / there / in / living-room / isn't / for / a 3. when / home / late / was / quite / it / came / he



Adverbs - Határozók


4. very / he / at / way / strange / me / looked / in / a 5. your / strong / coffee / is / enough ? 6. so/ view / was / beautiful / the/ from / mountain / the 7. John / me / such / birthday / nice / gave / a / present 8. have to/ hard / you / work / will / pass / exam / to / the


Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k

5. Prepositions - Elöljárószók Időkifejezés elöljárószókkal 1. at Jelentése: „egy meghatározott időpontban". Q at 7:30 - 7:30-kor at midnight - éjfélkor at noon - délben at the moment - jelenleg, ebben a pillanatban at the same time - egyszerre, ugyanakkor at the age of 1 7 - 17 éves korban O Kivételek (mert valójában időtartamot jelölnek): at night - éjjel at the weekend - hétvégén at Christmas - karácsonykor 2. on a) dátumok és napok előtt „ezen a napon" jelentésben Q on 12 November - november 12-én on Sunday - vasárnap on Christmas Day - karácsony napján b) ha a napszak neve előtt a hét egy napjának neve áll Q on Saturday morning - szombat reggel on Sunday afternoon - vasárnap délután on Monday morning - hétfő reggel on Tuesday night - kedd éjjel We usually go out on Friday nights. - Péntek esténként el szoktunk menni szórakozni.


Prepositions - Elöljárószók

3. in a) Időtartam jelölésére hónapok, évek, évszakok előtt Q in January - januárban in 1999 - 1999-ben in (the) summer - nyáron in the 20th century - a XX. században in the Middle Ages - a középkorban b) napszakok neve előtt Q in the morning - reggel in the afternoon - délután in the evening - este O at night - éjjel on Monday morning - hétfő reggel c) időtartam megadásával „valamennyi időn belül" jelentésben Q in a moment - egy percen belül in an hour - egy órán belül Dinner will be ready in five minutes. - A vacsora öt perc múlva kész.


Egészítse ki a kifejezéseket a megfelelő elöljáróval! Use the appropriate preposition.

1..................... November 5 2 ...................winter 3 ..................... a sunny day 4 .................. Easter 5 .................. Easter Monday 6 .................. 2006 7..................... lunchtime

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

.................night ................ the coffee-break ................ about 10 p.m. ................ my birthday ................ Roman times ................ 6 o'clock ................ New Year's Eve

Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k

8 ............ December 9 ...................the evening 10 .................the next day

18 ................ Christmas Day 19 ................ Christmas 20 ................ Friday afternoon

Nem használunk at/on/in elöljárószót 1. a next és last melléknevek előtt B last night - tegnap éjjel next Sunday - jövő vasárnap last April - tavaly áprilisban next year - jövőre 2. a tomorrow és yesterday határozószavak, illetve a velük alkotott kifejezések előtt B Nobody called you yesterday. - Tegnap senki nem hívott, the day before yesterday - tegnapelőtt the day after tomorrow - holnapután


Figyelje meg az alábbi kifejezéseket: yesterday morning/afternoon/evening - tegnap reggel/délutánf este last night - tegnap éjjel tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening/night - holnap reggel/ délután/este/éjjel

Ugyanez a szabály vonatkozik a this/that mutató névmás után álló, időt kifejező szavakra is. B this morning - ma reggel this week - ezen a héten this Friday - e héten pénteken 63

Prepositions - Elöljárószók

2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Használja a mondatba illő elöljárót (atlon/in) ahol szükséges! Use the appropriate preposition (at/onlin) where necessary.

Admiral Nelson was born in Norfolk, England,............. 1758. Lovers send each other cards............. Valentine's Day. In Hungary you can vote............. the age of 18. We have six difficult lessons............. Monday. He lost his job because he refused to w ork............. the weekend. St. Paul's Cathedral in London was built by Sir Christopher Wren ............. the 17th century. 7. David Beckham was born............. 2nd May, 1975. 8. "How old is Mrs Morén?" "I'm not sure. She must b e ........ her late 30s." 9. People of the "Beat Generation" were called hippies..............the 1960s and 70s. 10. President Day is celebrated............. the third Monday of February. 11. I'm sorry but Mr Davies is o u t............. the moment. Can I take a message? 12.1 have to talk to you. Can we meet............. half an hour? 13. When they heard the fire alarm, they left the building .............. once. 14. The school year begins........... 1st September and ends............... June. 15. So let's meet again ............. Monday............... ten o'clock sharp. 16. We like going on bicycle rides............. Saturday afternoon. 17. The mountains are really beautiful........... autumn. 18. I'm going to get my driving licence............. two weeks. 19.1can't hear any of you if you all speak............. the same time. 20. If you are ready to w ork............. night, you'll get extra money.



Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k


Egészítse ki a mondatokat az at/on/in elöljárószóval és egy kifejezéssel a felsoroltak közül! Complete the sentences with a preposition (at/on/in) and one of the words or phrases listed.

1789 Mother's Day the 1600s

9 o'clock midnight the age of 3

Christmas morning July 4 October 31 spring spring

1. In the USA they celebrate Independence D ay.................................. 2. In the UK people usually start w ork................................................. 3. On December 31 we drink champagne.......................................... to celebrate the New Year. 4. Tiger Woods, the famous American golfer learnt to play golf 5. Kirkpatrick Macmillan made the first bicycle in the world 6. Most children never forget to give some flowers to their mothers 7. Although Halloween,......................................... . is not an official holiday, it's a special day for children in the USA. 8. New England was settled .......................................... by Puritans from England. 9. In England people open their Christmas presents.............................. 10.1 like it when everything gets green...............................................

Időkifejezés egyéb elöljárószókkal 1. from ... to és from ... till/until - „ettől eddig" jelentésben Q from 9 to 12 - 9-tol 12-ig from June to September - júniustól szeptemberig 65

Prepositions - Elöljárószók

from morning till night - reggeltől estig from 1914 until 1918 - 1914-től 1918-ig 2. until/till - ...... ,,-ig" jelentésben Q until the end of the year - év végéig I'll wait here until your class is over. - Itt várok, míg véget ér az órád. 3. by - valamilyen időpontra Q by Sunday - vasárnapra by then /that time - akkorra till Sunday by Sunday - vasárnapig vasárnapra (a jelentésbeli különbség ugyanaz, minta magyarban) by the time (something happens) - amikorra (valami megtörténik) Q By the time I get to the shop in the morning, there are no fresh rolls. - Mire reggel odaérek a boltba, már nincs friss zsemle. 4. between - „között" jelentésben Q between 7 and 8 o'clock - 7 és 8 óra között 5. since + időpont - ... óta Q since 1999 - 1999 óta since Friday - péntek óta since 5 o'clock - 5 óra óta since you last phoned - mióta utoljára telefonáltál

O Ezekkel az időhatározós kifejezésekkel az ige mindig befejezett jelen időben (Present Perfect Tense) áll. Q / have known my best friend since my first day at school. - A leg­ jobb barátomat azóta ismerem, amióta először mentünk iskolába. They have been married since last May. - Tavaly május óta házasok. 66

Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k

6. for + időtartam - ... ideje , ... ideig Q for 5 days - öt napja for a year - egy éve

O Az állítmány befejezett jelen időben (Present Perfect Tense) van, ha a cselekvés még mindig tart. Q / have known my best friend for 15 years. - 1 5 éve ismerem a legjobb barátomat. They've been married for ten months. - Tíz hónapja házasok. Ha a múltban lezárult időtartamot jelölünk, az állítmány egyszerű múlt időbe (Simple Past Tense) kerül. Q / went to primary school for eight years. - Nyolc évig jártam általános iskolába. They lived in the country for five years before they moved to the capital. - Öt évig éltek vidéken, mielőtt a fővárosba költöztek. 7. before - előtt after - után Q before breakfast - reggeli előtt after midnight - éjfél után 8. during + főnév/névmás - „alatt" jelentésben Q It started to rain during the match. - A meccs alatt elkezdett esni az eső. O Ezt a jelentést a while + mellékmondat szerkezettel is kifejez­ hetjük: Q It started to rain while we were playing football. 9. ago - „mennyi idővel ezelőtt" jelentésben Nem elöljáró, hanem névutó, tehát a szó után áll. 67

Prepositions - Elöljárószók

Q a minute ago - egy perce (egy perccel ezelőtt) ages ago - évekkel ezelőtt 20 years ago - húsz évvel ezelőtt

Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a megfelelő elöljárószóval (ill. névutóval) vagy a while kötőszóval! O Complete the sentences with the right prepositions or the word while.


1. He wants to be a good swimmer. He sw im s............6 ..............10 every morning. 2. I couldn't fall asleep........... the lights were on. 3. I haven't seen them ............ the last week of August. 4. My cousin hurt her ankle............ the game last week. 5. I saw Mary in the café ten minutes.............. 6. You had a phone c a ll............you were out. 7. We did a lot of exciting things............our holiday. 8. Can you peel the potatoes............ I chop the onions? 9. Little Jerry was so tired............ training that he fell asleep............. dinner. 10. She hasn't talked to m e ..........we last had an argument. 11. "I need my car on Friday." "Don't worry, it'll be ready .......... then." 12. Were you talking about m e ..........I was in the other room? 13. You are supposed to be quiet..........the headmaster's speech. 14. Don't speak.......... your teacher is speaking. 15.There was no electricity............two hours this morning.

Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k

Helyhatározó kifejezése elöljárószóval 1. at - egy meghatározott pontban Q at the door - az ajtóban at the bus stop - a buszmegállóban at the airport - a repülőtéren at the beginning/end of the street - az utca elején/végén at the bottom/top of the page - a lap alján/tetején Q Jegyezze meg az alábbi kifejezéseket: at home - otthon at work - munkahelyen / a munkahelyén at school - iskolában at university - egyetemen at - egy eseményen, egy bizonyos helyen, valakinél Q at a party - egy partin at a concert - egy koncerten at the hairdresser's - a fodrásznál at the doctor's - az orvosnál 2. in - valamiben benne, valahol bent Q in the building - az épületben in the classroom - az osztályteremben in a village/town/country - egy faluban/városban/országban in my pocket - a zsebemben in the second row - a második sorban in the mountains - a hegyekben O Jegyezze meg: in the picture - a képen in the sun - a napon in the sky - az égen 69

Prepositions - Elöljárószók

A fentiekből következik: arrive at - egy meghatározott pontra vagy eseményre érkezik 63 arrive at school What time did you arrive at the station? - Hánykor érkeztél az állomásra? arrive in - egy országba, városba érkezni Q After a very tiring journey they finally arrived in Malta. - Egy nagyon fárasztó út után végre megérkeztek Máltára. O arrive home - hazaérni Szálloda, étterem, söröző esetén lehet in vagy at is: 63 We stayed at the hotel (in the hotel) you recommended. - Abban a szállodában szálltunk meg, amit te ajánlottál. 3. on - valamin rajta Q on the floor - a padlón on my shoulders - a vállamon on the blackboard - a táblán kifejezésekben: on the left/right - balra/jobbra on the coast - a tengerparton on the river - a folyó (két) partján on the way (to ...) - útban (valahová) on a farm - egy farmon on a bus/train/plane/boat - buszon/vonaton/repülőn/hajón 8 in a car - autóban


Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k £

Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a megfelelő elöljárószóval, ahol szükséges! Complete the sentences with the right prepositions where necessary. I. We've lived............this street............. only two years. 2................summer 2004, that is two years............. . she also worked as a baby-sitter............England. 3. Before going to France, she lived............Austria............. 2 years. 4. When do you usually arrive............home from school? 5. What time did they com e............yesterday evening? 6. The oldest tree............the world is 2700 years old. 7. It can be found............Yosemite National Park............. the USA. 8. There are dark clouds............the sky. 9. Bournemouth is a big city............the south coast of England. 10. She grew u p ............ a farm somewhere............. the south. I I . Who were you waiting f o r ..........the station when I saw you ............ last night? 12. They live..........the third flo o r............. a huge block of flats. 13. Not many people live............the City of London. 14. Around 300,000 people arrive............ the City to w o rk.............. the week, but only 5,000 people remain............night an d ............. weekends. 15. The best time to go there i s ..........the w eek..............9 .............. the morning and 5 ............the evening. 16. We went to a concert............the Royal Albert Hall. 17.............. the year 2000, Americans spent $110 billion ............ restaurants like McDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's. 18. One of the most unusual games of football..........history took place............Christmas D ay............. the First World War.


Prepositions - Elöljárószók

19. A group of English people left England............September 6,1620 ............ the ship "The Mayflower" and 65 days later they arrived .................. the New World and settled ............... Plymoth, Massachusetts. 20. His father grew u p ............the country. 21.1w a s............ school............. the same time that you were there. 22.1tried to g e t............the bus but it was full. 23. Go down this street and the Irish pub i s .......... the end of the street............your right. 24. Can you sign i t ............the bottom of the page? 25. Szeged i s ............the river Tisza. 26..............the way to the airport we saw an accident. 27. They got married..........a little village a month................ 28. W hat's............your hand? 29. Their plane lands..........Heathrow Airport. 30. I'm going to see h im ............hospital..............this afternoon.

További gyakori elöljárószók helyhatározó kifejezésére in front of - előtt Q The teacher is standing in front o f the children. - A tanár a gyerekek előtt áll. behind - mögött Q The blackboard is behind the teacher. - A tábla a tanár mögött van. next to - mellett Q / sit next to John in class. - John mellett ülök órán.


Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k


opposite - szemben Q Put the chair opposite the window. - Tedd a széket az ablakkal szembe! under - alatt Q / keep the waste paper basket under the desk. - A papírkosarat az íróasztal alatt tartom. bellow - alatt Q In November the temperature at night often goes below zero. Novemberben a hőmérséklet gyakran megy 0 fok alá. Q A bellow elöljárószó a függőlegeshez viszonyítva jelenti azt, hogy alatt. Azt jelöli, hogy a síkban valami alacsonyabban vagy egy skálán valami alatt van. Q bellow a line - egy szint alatt bellow the picture - a kép alatt above - fölött Q Above the bookcase there are some nice pictures on the wall. - A könyvszekrény fölött van néhány szép kép a falon. among - között Q You can see wild animals among the trees. - Láthatsz vadállatokat a fák között.

O A between elöljárószó is „között" jelentésben használatos, de azt csak akkor használom, ha „két dolog között" van valami. Q between John and Mary - John és Mary között among a group of children - gyerekek között


Prepositions - Elöljárószók

Mozgás kifejezésére használatos további elöljárószók over - fölött 63 They often fly over the city - Gyakran elrepülnek a város felett. along - valami mentén, végig Q We went for a walk along the river. - Sétáltunk a folyó mellett. across - át, keresztül (rajta, a felszínén) Q Go across the road then turn left. - Menj át az úton, majd fordulj balra! through - át, keresztül ( valamiben benne) G You have to go through the park to get to the cinema. - Át kell menned a parkon, hogy a mozihoz juss. past - valami mellett elhaladva G When you walk past the greengrocer's, the bus stop is right in front of you. - Ha elmentél a zöldséges mellett, a buszmegállót meglátod magad előtt. round - körbe, valamit megkerülve G They built a road to go round the city. - Építettek egy utat, mely megkerüli a várost. to/into - valahová, valamibe G He is young. He has to go to school - Még fiatal. Iskolába kell járnia. When she saw me, she went into the house. - Amikor meglátott, bement a házba.


Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k

out of - ki valahonnan Q Did the bear come out o f his cave on February 2nd? - Kijött a medve a barlangjából február 2-án? O Jegyezze meg az alábbi kifejezéseket: put on the table - az asztalra tenni take o ff the table - levenni az asztalról get on the bus/tram/train - felszállni a buszra/villamosra/vonatra get o ff the bus/tram/train - leszállni a buszról/villamosról/vonatról get in a car - beszállni egy autóba get out of a car - kiszállni egy autóból go on foot - gyalog menni go by car/bus/tram/airplane/bicycle etc. - „valamilyen járművel menni" Q Ha azonban az elöljárószó és a jármű neve közé bármilyen szó kerül, a jármű jellegének megfelelő elöljárószót használjuk. Q in my father's ca r- apukám kocsijával on my new bicycle - az új biciklimmel on the 7:30 train - a 7:30-as vonattal

ID a

Adja meg a mondatba illő elöljárószót vagy elöljárószókat! Fill in the appropriate prepositions.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Don't ju m p ........ that tree. It's too high. This is a digital camera. You don't need to put a film ........ it. In volleyball you have to hit the b all.......... the net. Take your hands.......................... your pocket when you are talking to someone. 75


Prepositions - Elöljárószók

5. Coming home........ the village fair we had to drive......... a narrow road which w ent........ a forest. 6. You don't have to take the road........ the next village. You can walk ........ the fields. 7. When he heard some strange noise........... the middle of the night, he h id ............ his bed and waited silently. 8. There are no parking places.............................our house. You have to g o ........ the corner to park your car. 9. Did you g o ........ England..........plane o r ..........coach? 10. He was so hot that he jumped........ the water with his clothes on. 11. Blériot was the first person to fly ........ the English Channel in 1909. 12. Tower Bridge used to open up so that big ships could g o ...... it. 13. Who are you sitting........................at school? 14. The bakery i s ......the shoe shop and the florist's. 15. People say it is unlucky to w alk........ a ladder. 16. Everybody........ this line failed the exam. 17.1 left my keys........ home. I had to clim b.......... the house.......... the bathroom window. 18..........which station did that man g e t..........the train? 19. It takes 50 minutes to g e t...... Heathrow Airport..........the centre of London.........underground. 20.1was walking ........ home when my father drove.......... me. He stopped and told me to g e t........ the car. 21. Derek likes walking. He never ge ts........ the bus or tram. He goes everywhere........ foot. 22. You can get to the swimming pool........ the No. 60 bus.

to és for: részeshatározó kifejezésére Az angol nyelvben két tárgy van: 76

Prepositions - Elö ljáró szó k

a) A Direct Object a magyar tárgynak felel meg (Mit?). b) Az Indirect Object a magyarban a részeshatározó (Kinek/Minek a részére?). A személyes névmásoknak ezért nincs külön alakjuk a részes esetre. Q Send him a postcard. - Küldj neki egy képeslapot/ Ha az Indirect Object megelőzi a Direct Objectet, (tehát a fenti szórendben állnak: kinek mit), nincs semmi tennivaló, nincs szükség elöljárószóra. bringlgive/lend/send/showltake/tell somebody something Q Send him a postcard. Ha a Direct Object megelőzi az Indirect Objectet, (mit kinek a szórend), az Indirect Object elöljárószóval áll. Az elöljáró leggyakrabban: to. bringlgive/lend/send/show/take/tell something to somebody Q Send a postcard to him. - Küldj neki egy képeslapot/ Would you give this parcel to your husband? - Átadná ezt a csomagot a férjének? O Ha a Direct Object személyes névmás (it/them), csak az utóbbi szórend helyes. Q Give it to Peter. - Add oda Péternek! Show them to your teacher. - Mutasd meg azokat a tanárodnak! Lend it to your friend. - Add kölcsön a barátodnak! Q A következő igék esetében for elöljárószó áll az Indirect Object előtt, ha azt megelőzi a Direct Object: build, buy, find, get, keep, make, read, reserve, etc. Q / bought this house for you. - Ezt a házat neked vettem. He made a nice toy for his son. - Készített a fiának egy szép játékot. 77

Prepositions - Elöljárószók

O De az Indirect Object + Direct Object szórend esetén ezekben a mondatokban sincs elöljárószó. 63 / bought my daughter this house. He made his son a nice toy.


Egészítse ki a mondatokat az elöljárószók egyikével, ahol szükséges! Fill in the gaps with one of the prepositions where necessary.

1. As he didn't need two copies of the book, he gave one of them ............ me. 2. Who did you buy this beautiful bouquet of flowers............? 3. Would you show ............ me how to switch on the washing machine? 4. The shop assistant chose some really pretty curtain material ............ me. 5. Can you read............ us the first paragraph, please? 6. The waiter brought two bottles of red w ine............the people at the next table. 7. Can you pass the pepper............your mum? 8. Will you find another pair of these gloves............me, please? 9. Who sent this beautiful postcard............you? 10.The mother gave............her daughter some advice on hairstyle.

Pronouns - N évm ások

6. Pronouns - Névmások Személyes névmások

Egyes szám 1.sz. 2. sz. 3. sz. Többes szám 1. sz. 2. sz. 3. sz.

Alany eset / you he/she/it we you they

Tárgy és részes eset me you him/her/it us you them

Q / was not there. - Nem voltam ott. Peter didn't see me. - Péter nem látott engem. My teacher gave me some extra homework. - A tanárom adott nekem egy kis plusz feladatot. Az it személyes névmás használata: 1. egyes számban álló tárgyak, fogalmak és állatok helyettesítésére B Look at my turtle. It always sleeps under that stone. - Nézd a teknősöm! Mindig az alatt a kő alatt alszik. "How much is this CD?" - Mennyibe kerül ez a CD? "It's 2500 Forints." - 2500 forint. 2. alanya a személytelen mondatoknak, melyekkel időt, távolságot, időjárást stb. fejezünk ki vagy egy helyzetet jellemzőnk B What time is it? - Mennyi az idő? It's September 1st. - Szeptember 1-je van. It's more than 160 km from here. - Több mint 160 km-re van innen. It's raining. - Esik az eső. It's easy to make pancakes. - Könnyű palacsintát sütni. It's better to say nothing. - Jobb, ha nem mondasz semmit. 79

Pronouns - N évm ások


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a személyes névmás megfelelő alakjával! Fill in the gaps with the right pronoun.

1. If I see Mary tomorrow,........ will te ll..........to come and see you. 2. Your clothes are wet. I think you should take........ off. 3. These trainers only cost five pounds.......... were a bargain! 4. When the cake is ready, take........ out of the oven. 5. Excuse me, could........ tell me where the post office is? 6. Don't try to touch the cage of the lion.......... is very dangerous. 7. I bought so many books th at........ couldn't carry..........all. 8............has just started to rain. 9. Have........ done your homework, Wendy? 10. My family didn't go to the wedding because they didn't send...... an invitation.

There is / there are Q A there is / there are szerkezettel határozatlan alany létezését állítom. Azt fejezem ki, hogy valami van valahol. Q There is a book on my desk. - Van egy könyv az íróasztalomon. There are some children in the park. - Gyerekek vannak a parkban. O Vesd össze: It was stormy on August 20th. - Viharos volt az idő augusztus 20-án. There was a storm on August 20th. - Augusztus 20-án vihar volt.

Pronouns - N évm ások


Használja a mondatba illő it is vagy there is alakot! Give the appropriate form of it is or there is.


1 ...........is a very nice day today. 2 ................. is a man in front of the door of the house. 3. Tell me w hen.............. is good for you to talk about it. 4 ................is a pity that you can't come to my party. 5 .................is a very modern house. 6 ............... is a lovely garden behind their house. 7 ................. is nothing in the box. 8 ................. is nonsense. 9 ................. is a letter for you in the hall. 10 ..............is a bakery, not a supermarket.

Birtokos névmások

Egyes szám 1. 2. 3. Többes szám 1. 2. 3.

sz. sz. sz. sz. sz. sz.

jelzői my your his/her/its our your their

főnévi önálló mine yours his/hers/its ours yours theirs

1. A jelzői birtokos névmások csak főnévvel együtt állnak. Q This is my umbrella. - Ez az én ernyőm. This umbrella is mine. - Ez az ernyő az enyém.


Pronouns - N évm ások

2. Egyes és többes számra egyaránt utalnak. Q This is her child. - Ez az ő gyereke. They are her children. - Az ő gyerekei. This child is hers. - Ez a gyerek az övé. These children are hers. - Ezek a gyerekek az övéi. 3. Kérdést a Whose? kérdőszóval teszünk fel mindkét alakra. B Whose car is this? - Kinek a kocsija ez? Whose is this car? - Kié ez az autó?

Q Figyelje meg az alábbi kifejezést: B

a friend of mine - az egyik barátom Susan came to the party with a friend o f hers. - Susan az egyik barátjával jött a partira.


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a megfelelő (személyes vagy birtokos) névmással! Complete the sentences with the right pronoun.

1. If you lend m e ...............dictionary, I'll look up the new words. 2. Children must obey...............parents. 3. When I read,...............eyes hurt. 4. There's no need to shout. I can hear................ 5.................. am looking for my trainers. Have you seen................ ? 6. There were mothers w ith ...............babies in the room. 7. It's a pity you didn't bring your camera w ith .......... 8. I know you don't like Sue. You don't have to talk to 9. Jill sent...............friend a postcard from Liverpool. 10. Jenny talked to the woman sitting next to on the train.

Pronouns - N évm ások

11. At last we moved into ...............own house. 12. Trees d rop............ leaves in the autumn. 13. You shouldn't say bad things about Chris. He is a cousin of 14. This key doesn't belong to us. It isn 't.............. 1 5. "Are you wearing .............own dress or Jane's?" "It's of course!"

O A melléknévi birtokos névmással használt own szó nyomatékosítja a birtoklást. Q my own room - a saját szobám Gyakori kifejezések ezzel a szerkezettel: on my own - egyedül Mind your own business. - Törődj a magad dolgával! Visszaható névmás Egyes szám 1. 2. 3. Többes szám 1. 2. 3.

sz. sz. sz. sz. sz. sz.

myself yourself himself/herself/itself ourselves yourselves themselves

1. Az ige tárgyaként ugyanúgy használjuk, mint a magyar nyelvben. Q / washed myself before I left. - Megmosakodtam, mielőtt elin­ dultam. He looked at himself in the mirror. - Megnézte magát a tükörben.


Pronouns - N évm ások

2. Az alany nyomatékosítására is használjuk. Ilyenkor vagy a nyoma­ tékosított szó után vagy a mondat végén áll. Q He did it himself. / He himself did it. - Ő maga tette. 3. A by elöljárószóval összekapcsolva azt jelenti: „egyedül". Q Lisa didn't ask for help. She did everything by herself. - Lisa nem kért segítséget. Mindent egyedül csinált meg.


Használja a mondatba illő visszaható névmást! Use the right reflexive pronoun.

1. Y o u .......................have to make that decision. Nobody can do it for you. 2. You can go with them, but I ....................... want to stay at home tonight. 3. As I'm an only child, my parents will live b y ....................... when I go to live in Budapest. 4. Children, take care o f ......................... 5. When everybody forgot about his birthday, Simon bought a present fo r ......................... 6. Every morning before leaving home she looks a t ....................... in the mirror. 7. Did you enjoy.......................at the party, John? 8. Did you know that this painter didn't go to art school but he taught ....................... to paint. 9. I think you are very selfish children. You only think about................ 10. If you want to be successful, you have to believe in .......................

Pronouns - N évm ások

Mutató névmás

Egyes szám Többes szám

közeire mutató this these

távolra mutató that those

A magyartól eltérően a mutató névmás után nem áll határozott névelő a főnév előtt. Q this book - e z a könyv those boys - azok a fiúk

Használja a mondatba illő mutató névmást! Use the right demonstrative pronoun. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I've jus found................pen in my bag. Isn't it yours? Whose a re ................shoes out in the hall? Who w a s................boy I saw you with yesterday evening? Do you know ................people over there? Pete,................is my friend, Christopher. Look a t ................clouds in the sky. We're going to get some snow soon. 7................... tables here are reserved for a group of 10 people. 8. Where did you put............... ugly-looking vase you got from Pete?

some - any - no A megszámlálható főnevek többes számba kerülnek utánuk. Mivel a nem megszámlálható főneveknek nincs többes száma, azok egyes számban maradnak. 85

Pronouns - N évm ások

Q some friends some wine 1. some használata a) állító mondatban „egy kis, néhány, valamennyi" jelentéssel Q / need some advice. - Szükségem van tanácsra. There are some oranges on the table. - Van néhány narancs az asztalon. b) kérdő mondatban udvarias kérés és kínálás kifejezésére G Can I have some bananas, please? - Kaphatok banánt? Would you like some more orange juice? - Kérsz még na­ rancslét? 2. any használata a) kérdő mondatban Q Are there any oranges on the table? - Van narancs az asztalon? Do you need any money? - Szükséged van pénzre? b) tagadó mondatokban G There aren't any oranges on the table. - Nines narancs az asztalon. I don't need any money. - Nincs szükségem pénzre. 3. no használata Állító alakú állítmány mellett tagadó értelemben. G / need no money. - Nincs szükségem pénzre.

Pronouns - N évm ások



Egészítse ki a mondatokat a some, any vagy a no szavakkal! Fill in the gaps with some, any or no.

1. My friend asked me fo r.............. advice but I didn't know what to say. 2. There's.................school today, so you can stay in bed. 3. Would you like.................milk in your tea? 4. I have................. good news. Listen. 5. I left my camera at home, so I couldn't m ake................. photos. 6. Don't give Jenny................. milk, please. She's allergic to milk. 7. Everybody had to stand because there w ere................. chairs in the hall. 8. If you want to make sponge cake, you'll need................. eggs, but I'm afraid I haven't g o t................... 9. I'm sorry I can't help you. I have................. money at all. 10.The baby can't reach................. of his toys, and now he is crying. 11.1 have brought................fresh rolls for breakfast. Here you are. 12. We've never h a d ...............problem with our television set. 13. If you go on spending money like this, you will have hardly ................. left for the second half of the month. 14. Look Mother! Father has brought y o u ................. flowers. 15. There weren't................. teachers in the yard when this happened. 16. Give your baby brother................. tea, please. He's thirsty. 17. Shall I make y o u ................. scrambled eggs? 18.1 have................time to take my car to the garage. Can you do it for me? 19. Don't open ................. of these bottles. Nobody likes sweet champagne here. 20. We h a d ................. rain last night. The pavement is still wet.


Pronouns - N évm ások

o A hardly negatív jelentésű szó, utána any áll. Q There was hardly any air in the room. - Alig volt levegő a szobában. Q A some/any/no előtaggal összetett szavakat is alkothatunk sze­ mélyre, tárgyra vagy helyre utalva: some/any/no + -one/-body-valaki, senki some/any/no + thing - valami, semmi some/any/no + where - valahol, sehol Q / saw somebody entering your room. - Láttam, hogy valaki belép a szobádba. I didn't see anything. / / saw nothing. - Nem láttam semmit. I have put my keys somewhere but now I can't find them. Valahová eltettem a kulcsaimat, és most nem találom őket. Q Every előtaggal hasonlóképpen képezhetek összetett szavakat. Q Everybody was happy to hear the news. - Mindenki örült a hírnek.

Helyettesítse az aláhúzott kifejezéseket a megadott some/anylno előtagú szavakkal, és végezze el a szükséges átalakításokat a mondatban! Replace the underlined phrases with the given compounds and make the necessary changes in the sentence.


1. I don't know a thing about this town. 2. Where are all the people?

(nothing) (everybody)


Pronouns - Névmások ^ }

3. We looked at all the olaces to find the thermometer.


4. There was a man in our aarden.


5. There are no interestina olaces to see here. 6. A person. I don't know who. has taken mv bicvcle. 7. Not one student could answer the teacher's question

(anything) (somebody) (nobody)

8. All the thinas in this room belona to mv brother.


9. There is a stranae thina for vou on the table.


10. Are vou aoina to anv places at the weekend?



Egészítse ki a mondatokat some/any/no előtagú szavakkal! Complete the sentences with some/no/any + one/body/thing/where compounds.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I haven't g o t..................................in my pocket. Is there .................................. to see in this city? Did you m eet..................................coming home from work? There's............................. to eat at home, so I'll have to go shopping. You won't be able to do it on your own. You'll need ............................ to help you. 6. "What are you planning to do at the weekend?" ".......................... " 7. I'm looking for my mobile phone. I can't find i t .............................


a 8.

knew the name of the new student, so we

had to ask him. very 9. Pete, sit down, please. I've got important to tell you. downstairs. Shall I call 10. Listen. I think there's the police? to say, so I left them there. 11.1 didn't have..................... .....................here, and now it's 12.1know I have left my purse gone.

every - all 1. Hasonló a jelentésük, mindkettő használható arra, hogy emberekről vagy dolgokról általánosságban beszéljünk. All után a főnév többes számba kerül, every után viszont egyes számban áll. Q Not all Englishmen are reserved. - Nem minden angol zárkózott. Not every Englishman is reserved. - Nem minden angol zárkózott. 2. Használhatjuk őket arra, hogy egy csoport tagjaira utaljunk velük. Ilyenkor az all határozott névelővel áll. Q She has used all the eggs in the fridge. - Elhasználta az összes tojást a hűtőből. Every egg I cracked was bad. - Minden tojás, amit feltörtem, romlott volt. 3. Az all jelentheti a következőt: the only thing - az egyetlen dolog. Q A ll he's eaten today was a hamburger. - Ma még csak egy hamburgert evett. 90

Pronouns - N évm ások

4. Egyes számban álló főnévvel az all jelentése: „egész". Q / was at home all day. - Egész nap otthon voltam.


Használja a mondatba illő szót (every - all)\ Give the appropriate word (every - all).

1. I get up at 6 .................morning. 2. I was reading................. last night. 3.....................summer holiday he works for McDonald's for a month. 4. Last year she worked................. summer in order to earn enough money to start her studies at university. 5.....................child needs love and care. 6. We couldn't find anywhere to stay for the night because ................. the hotels were full. 7.....................time she goes to town, she buys herself a book. 8.....................the people in the photograph are my relatives. 9.....................you need is love. 10. Look, it's snowing................. the streets are white.

much - many; little - few, a little - a few 1. much és many jelentése: „sok" much + nem megszámlálható főnév: Q much money much time many + megszámlálható főnév többes számban: Q many cars many children 91

Pronouns - N évm ások

Q Általában tagadó és kérdő mondatban használjuk mindkettőt. A lot of / lots of kifejezésekkel helyettesíthetők. 63 How much money can you get for this job ? - Mennyi pénzt lehet kapni ezért a munkáért? There aren't many cars in the town centre at weekends. Hétvégén nem sok autó van a városközpontban. There are a lot o f children in each group. - Minden csoportban sok gyerek van. So much/many, too much/many kifejezések előfordulhatnak állító mondatban is. Q We use too much water. - Túl sok vizet használunk. 2. little és few jelentése: „kevés" (a much és a many ellentétes jelentésű párja) little + nem megszámlálható főnév Q little time little money few + megszámlálható főnév többes számban Q few cars few children Gyakran nyomatékosítjuk az only szóval. Q There were only few people at the concert. - Csak kevesen voltak a koncerten. 3. a little jelentése: „egy kevés" a few jelentése: „egy néhány"


Pronouns - N évm ások

O Amíg a little/few inkább negatív értelmű, az a little / a few pozitív értelmű. Q We have little money. (We can't buy this book now.) - Kevés pénzünk van. We have a little money. (You can choose something for yourself.) - Van egy kis pénzünk. We have few books. (So we often go to the library.) - Kevés könyvünk van. We have a few books. (We can hardly find enough place for them.) - Van egy jó néhány könyvünk.

r\ Használja a mondatba illő szót (much-many, little-few ;a

1 \ J Iittle-a few, a lot of / lots of)\

Give the appropriate word (much-many; little-few, a littlea few, a lot of / lots of). 1. You're having a coffee again! H ow ................... cups of coffee do you drink a day? 2. Although the question was very easy,................... boys were able to answer it. 3. There isn 't................... news in the papers today. 4. Last summer I stayed with my grandmother fo r................... days. 5. I haven't slept................... for two weeks, as I'll have to finish some job by this Sunday. 6. I don't believe you're still hungry. You've eaten................... food. 7. I saw your girlfriend in front of the supermarket ju s t................... minutes ago. 8. N o t................... old people like rap music. 9. H ow ................... times have you broken your wrist?


Pronouns - N évm ások

10.You don't have to water the grass right now. There was ................... rain last night. 11. it was very cold and there were only..............swimmers in the pool. 12. It's not healthy to eat your food with to o ................... salt in it. 13. There w asn't.................traffic on the road to Salisbury. 14. In Britain there are s o ................... TV programmes about gardens, houses and decorations. 15. The rescue team didn't have............. hope after a week of search.


G erund, Infinitive and Participle

7. Gerund, Infinitive and Participle Q Az angolban az ige után álló cselekvést jelentő szó (tehát egy újabb ige) vagy-ing végződéssel vagy főnévi igenévi alakban áll. B / like swimming. - Szeretek úszni. I want to swim. - Úszni akarok. Hogy mikor melyiket használjuk, az az első igétől függ. A leggyakoribb igék amelyek után Gerund (az ige -in g végződésű alakja) áll: admit doing avoid doing consider doing deny doing like/dislike doing love/hate doing enjoy doing finish doing keep doing mind doing practice doing prefer doing ...to doingresist doing risk doing stop doing suggest doing can't help doing can't stand doing

elismer elkerül mérlegel tagad szeret / nem szeret nagyon szeret / utál élvez, szeret befejez folyamatosan/tovább csinál kifogása van ellene gyakorol szívesebben csinál, jobban szeret valamit valaminél ellenáll kockáztat (azt kockáztatja, hogy valami meg fog történni) abbahagy javasol nem tudja megállni ki nem állhat 95

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

Q / enjoy listening to music. - Szeretek zenét hallgatni. Would you mind opening the window? - Kinyitnád az ablakot? I hate answering the phone. - Utálom, hogy nekem kell felvenni a telefont. It was so funny when he fell that I couldn't help laughing. - Olyan vicces volt, amikor elesett, hogy nem bírtam ki nevetés nélkül. Children today prefer watching television to reading. - A gyerekek ma jobban szeretnek tévét nézni, mint olvasni.


Az -in g végű alakok helyesírási szabályait lásd az Igeidők című fejezetben, a folyamatos jelen idő használatánál!


A megadott igék Gerund alakjával egészítse ki a mondatokat! Complete the sentences with the Gerund form of the verbs given.

drive look at play

get up miss run

hit move

laugh steal

1. I hate........................ early in winter because it's still dark outside. 2. My husband doesn't mind ............................. even in foggy weather. 3. The policeman told the thief to stop but he kept........................... 4. His joke was so funny thut we couldn't stop................................... 5. As the kids want xo have their own rooms we're considering ............................ into a bigger house. the plane. 6. If we don't start early enough, we risk ., the violin all afternoon. 7. He practiced 96

Gerund, Infinitive and Participle


8. Jack was so angry with me that he even avoided.......................me. 9. He adm itted.........................the man but denied ......................... his wallet.

A leggyakoribb igék, melyek után to + Infinitive (főnévi igenév) áll: afford to do agree to do appear/seem to do arrange to do decide to do demand to do deserve to do expect to do fail to do forget to do hesitate to do hope to do learn to do manage to do need to do offer to do plan to do prepare to do pretend to do promise to do refuse to do remember to do


megengedheti magának (anyagilag) belegyezik úgy tűnik, látszik elrendez, elintéz eldönt követel megérdemel vár, számít valamire elmulaszt elfelejt / nem jut eszébe megcsinálni valamit - vonakodik, haboz - remél - megtanul - sikerül - meg kell tenni, szükséges - felajánl - tervez - készül - ú g y tesz, tettet -ígér - nem hajlandó megtenni - eszébe jut, nem felejt el megcsinálni valamit 97

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

try to do want to do

- megpróbál - akar

Q Don't forget to call me when you arrive. - Ne felejts el felhívni, ha megérkeztél! I didn't say hello to him as he pretended not to see me. - Nem köszöntem neki, mert úgy tett, mintha nem venne észre. I took a taxi as I wanted to be at home as fast as possible. - Taxival mentem, mert minél gyorsabban otthon akartam lenni.


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a megadott igék főnévi igenévi alakjával! Finish the sentences with the infinitive forms of the verbs given.

buy finish spend

call know tell

clean lend

drive see

1. Our car has a big letter L on, as my brother is learning................. 2. We can't afford............................... a new car now, as my husband doesn't have a job. 3. I was broke, so my friend offered........................ me some money. 4. I know the house doesn't look too nice now but Mrs Jones promised................................it tomorrow. 5. We're planning............................... two weeks in Spain. 6. Jack finally decided............................... the truth. 7. Liz had to work long hours but she managed................................ the job on time. 8. "If you have any problem, don't hesitate................................,"said the hotel receptionist.

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

9. I w ant................................that film. Will it be on tomorrow? 10. Many students have raised their hands. They all seem ................................the answer.

Q Az alábbi igék után Gerund vagy Infinitive egyaránt állhat jelentésváltozás nélkül: begin doing/to do - elkezd start doing/to do - elkezd continue doing/to do - folytat intend doing/to do - szándékozik Q When did it start raining/to rain? - Mikor kezdett el esni?


Használja a zárójelben levő igéket a megfelelő Gerund vagy Infinitive alakban! Use the verbs in brackets in the right form: Gerund or Infinitive.

1. My friend suggested (visit)................................the museum first. 2. He didn't get the job because he failed (arrive)................................ at the interview on time. 3. I hate (do) ................................ the washing up, so I've decided (buy)................................a dishwasher. 4. At what age did you start (learn)................................English? 5. My sister has studied so much for her exam. She deserves (pass) ................................it. 6. It was a very hard match but finally our team managed (win) 7. He's so unlucky. I can't help (feel) ................................ sorry for him. 99

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

8. I couldn't resist (buy)................................these lovely ribbons for your wedding dress. 9. When Ann was on the playground with her children, someone tried (steal)............................... her handbag. 10. What do you intend (do )................................? 11. My ex-boyfriend wanted (talk)................................to me but I kept (work)...............................and refused (listen)................................ to him. 12. Our teacher agreed (take)................................ us on a three-day trip in the mountains. 13. Did you remember (buy) ................................ flowers for your mum's birthday? 14. When will you finish (work)................................on the computer? 15.1 wanted (borrow)................................ my friend's bike, but she said she needed it herself. 16. When we saw the fire, we started (put it o u t)................................ on our own. After a while we decided (call)................................the fire brigade. 17. When Pat went to Hollywood, she was hoping (see) ................................ someone famous in the street, but she didn't. 18.1 don't understand Physics. My friend promised (help) me with it. 19. She never fails (call)................................her mother once a week. 20. As it was raining, Joe suggested (g o )................................ to the cinema instead of the beach. 21.1 was really embarrassed during the concert as I couldn't help (cough)................................all the time. 22. Can you stop (talk)..............................? I'm trying to finish this report. 23. My grandma enjoys (take)................................ long walks every afternoon. 100

Gerund, Infinitive and Participle

24.1 don't mind (be).............................. alone. 25. We can't afford (g o )................................on holiday twice a year.

Az alábbi esetekben szintén Gerund alakot használunk Ha a cselekvést kifejező szó: 1. elöljárószó után áll Q He left without saying good-bye. - Köszönés nélkül ment el. Instead of going to school, little Johnny visited the zoo. - Iskola helyett Jancsika az állatkertbe ment. He's not interested in learning languages. - Nem érdekli a nyelvtanulás. What are the advantages o f going by plane? - Mik az előnyei a repülőnek? 2. prepozíciós (vonzatos) igék után áll O When we went to the pub, Martin insisted on paying for the drinks. - Amikor elmentünk sörözni, Martin ragaszkodott hozzá, hogy ő fizet. I overslept, so I had to apologize for being late. - Elaludtam, ezért bocsánatot kellett kérnem a késésért. Have you ever thought of changing your job? - Gondoltál már arra, hogy állást változtatsz? Akkor is ezt a szerkezetet használjuk, ha az ige és az elöljárószó közé egy tárgy ékelődik. Q Jack always accuses other people of not doing theirjobs properly. - Jack mindig azzal vádol másokat, hogy nem végzik rendesen a munkájukat. 101

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

After the party I thanked my mother for helping so much. A buli után megköszöntem anyukámnak a sok segítséget.

O Figyelem! A következő igealakokban a to elöljárószó, nem pedig a főnévi igenév része, tehát utána Gerund alakban áll az ige. get used to / get accustomed to doing - hozzászokik be used to / be accustomed to doing - hozzá van szokva valamihez look forward to doing - türelmetlenül vár Q / can't get used to getting up early. - Nem tudok hozzászokni a korán keléshez.

O Érdemes megjegyezni, hogy a feel like - „kedve van valamihez" igealakban a like elöljárószó, nem pedig ige. Q / don't feel like going out tonight. - Ma este nincs kedvem elmenni sehova. 3. az alábbi kifejezések után: be busy doing - valami nagyon lefoglalja Q Ann was busy writing a report when I phoned. - Anna épp egy jelentést írt, amikor telefonáltam. it's worth doing - érdemes Q In this situation it's worth listening to other people's advice. Ebben a helyzetben érdemes meghallgatni mások tanácsát. it's no use / it's no good doing - nincs értelme Q It's no use asking him again. - Nincs értelme újra őt megkérni.


G erund, Infinitive and Participle

there's no point in doing - nincs értelme Q It was 77 o'clock at night; so there was no point in waiting for him any longer. - Éjjel 77 óra volt, nem volt értelme tovább várni rá. have difficulty (in) doing - nehézséget okoz, nehezen tudja csinálni Q His teachers have difficulty (in) reading his handwriting. - A tanárai nehezen olvassák el a kézírását. how about doing - mi lenne, mit szólnál hozzá G How about parking your car on the opposite side of the street? Parkolj az utca másik oldalán! Főnévi igenévi (Infinitive) alakot használunk az alábbi esetekben is: 1. Melléknevek után. Ide tartoznak a melléknévi szerepben álló igenevek is. G She was afraid to say anything. - Félt bármit is mondani. I'm happy to see you. - Örülök, hogy látlak. I'm sorry to hear that. - Sajnálattal hallom. It was nice of you to invite me to the party. - Kedves volt tőled, hogy meghívtál a partira. She was surprised to find the kids there. - Meglepődött, hogy ott találta a gyerekeket. 2. Az ask somebody to do something típusú szerkezetekben (tárgyas igék után, amikor a tárgyat is megnevezem). G They don't allow their children to stay up late. - Nem engedik meg a gyerekeiknek, hogy későig fennmaradjanak. Everybody expects her to have a nice career. - Mindenki arra számít, hogy sikeres lesz. Do you want me to help you? - Akarod, hogy segítsek? 103

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

3. A would like, would love, would prefer szerkezetek után. Q Would you like to drink something? - Kérsz inni? I'd love to have an MP3 player. - Nagyon szeretnék egy MP3 lejátszót. 4. Kérdőszó után a következő szerkezetben: Q / don't know which dress to buy. - Nem tudom, melyik ruhát vegyem meg. He taught his son how to drive a car. - Ő tanította meg a fiát autót vezetni. 5. Célhatározói mellékmondat helyett. Q She's going to England to improve her English. - Angliába megy, hogy fejlessze a nyelvtudását. She goes to a gym to keep fit. - Eljár egy tornaterembe edzeni.


Használja a zárójelben lévő igét a megfelelő Gerund vagy Infinitive alakban! Give the right Gerund or Infinitive form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I'm going for a ride on my bike. Would you like (come) ................................with me? 2. After (eat)................................ too much in the Xmas holiday, I'm looking forward to (go )........... ................... to the gym and (work) ............................ out. 3. I don't mind (cook)................ ............... the lunch today as long as you're willing (tidy)............ .................. the kitchen afterwards. 4. Why did you want me (wait) .. ............................. for you? 5. I tried (open)........................... .... the window but it was too high for me (reach)......................... 04

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

6. Why don't you tell the children (play)................................ in the garden in such good weather? 7. We're free this afternoon. What do you suggest (do) ................................? 8. It was so noisy outside that the teacher asked the students (close) ................................the window. 9. I'm glad (see)................................you again. It's such a long time since we last met. 10. Just go on (eat)................................your lunch. I can wait. 11 .The children are big enough (stay).............................. at home on their own. 12. Can you show me how (switch on) ................................ the washing machine? 13.1 can't help (sneeze).................................. I caught a cold at the weekend. 14.Tell Joe (not lock)............................ the door. I'm back in a minute. 15.1wouldn't like you (marry)................................that man. He's old enough (be)................................your father. 16. My grandmother has such a lot of pain in her legs, that she has difficulty (walk)................................without a stick. 17. What a surprise! I didn't expect (see)................................you here. 18. Remember (wash)................................your hands before dinner. 19.lt was very difficult for the Hungarian water-polo team (w in)............................... the match against the Serbian team. 20. Don't forget (switch) ................................ off the lights before (g o )................................to bed. 21 .You must tell the children (brush).............................. their teeth after each meal. 22. In June 2002, Southwest Airlines announced that they would start (force)................................ fat people (buy).................................. two seats on airplanes. 23.1told him (not worry)................................about what happened. 105


Gerund, Infinitive and Participle

24. I'd like (go out)................................tonight. I need some time off work. 25. Leslie is training hard. He hopes (become)................................ a champion swimmer one day. 26. The Millers found it difficult (live)..............................in a house with only one bathroom. 27. Before (g o )................................home she cleaned her desk. 28. There's no point in (have) .............................. a house with a garden if you don't want (look after) ................................ the garden. 29.1 planned (walk) ................................ to the station but my colleague insisted on (give)................................me a lift. 30.This gadget is for (open)................................bottles.

Q Az alábbi szerkezetekben a főnévi igenév to nélkül áll. 1. a let ige után (let somebody do something - hagyni, hogy csináljon valamit) Q Let them come as well. - Hadd jöjjenek ők is! Why don't you let your son have long hair? - Miért nem engeded meg a fiadnak, hogy hosszú haja legyen? 2. a műveltetés egyik fajtájában: make somebody do something - valakivel csináltat valamit Q My brother always makes me do his homework in English. - A test­ vérem mindig velem csináltatja meg az angolleckéjét. 3. érzékelést jelentő igék (see, hear, feel, smell), továbbá a listen to, notice, find, watch igék után Q / heard him come home. - Hallottam, hogy hazaért. 106

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

O Figyelem! Ha a fenti igék szenvedő szerkezetben állnak, a főnévi igenév to-val áll utánuk. Q At the boarder we were made to hand over our passports. A határon át kellett adnunk az útlevelünket. The old man was seen to leave the building. - Látták, hogy az idős ember elhagyta az épületet. Az érzékelést jelentő, illetve a listen to, notice, find, watch igék után a cselekvést -in g végű igével is kifejezhetjük (ez itt Participle). Árnyalatnyi jelentésbeli különbség van: - főnévi igenév esetén a cselekvés lezártságát, - Participle esetén a folyamatosságát hangsúlyozzuk Q / saw him cross the street. - Láttam, hogy átment az úton. I saw him crossing the street. - Láttam, amint megy át az úton. A help ige után a főnévi igenév állhat to-val vagy to nélkül. Q After the party I helped my friend (to) clean the room. - A buli után segítettem a barátomnak kitakarítani. Q Ne felejtsük el, hogy a segédigék után is főnévi igenév áll, né­ melyikük után to-val, legtöbbjük után viszont to nélkül! Q Would you speak up a bit? I can't hear you. - Beszélne egy kicsit hangosabban? Nem hallom. May I go to the cinema? - Elmehetek moziba? I will carry it for you. - Majd én viszem. I had to answer all the questions. - A z összes kérdésre válaszolnom kellett. Q Főnévi igenév to nélkül áll a következő kifejezésekben: would rather do - inkább, szívesebben csinál had better do - jobban tenné 107

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

B I ’d rather cook the meal (than do the washing-up). - Inkább főzök, (mint mosogatok.) His leg hurts. He'd better not play football today. - Fáj a lába. Jobb lenne, ha ma nem játszana.

Tegye ki a főnévi igenév elé a to szót, ahol szükséges! Give the word to in front of the infinitive where necessary. 1. My father refused....... lend me his car so I h ad .........take the bus to town. 2. What do you want m e ....... do? 3. My brother always makes m e ....... do the washing-up for him. 4. Why don't you let h im ....... go biking with his friends? 5. You mustn't....... touch the dogs you meet in the street. They may ....... bite. 6. Your car makes a strange noise. You had better....... take it to the garage. 7. They'd like....... sell their old car. 8. His parents don't allow Jim m y....... watch TV after 9 o'clock in the evening. 9. I'm sorry I forgot....... post your letter. 10.1liked both T-shirts, and I couldn't....... decide which one........ buy. 11. If you ask me, I'd rather....... choose the green jacket. 12. She didn't go to Paris....... seethe Eiffel Tower but........ learn French. 13.1 need....... talk to my father. He m ay.........be ab le.........help me ....... solve the problem. 14. Tim asked m e.....help him with his homework in German. But it turned out that he only wanted m e....... give him the answers. He didn't let m e ....... explain anything. 15. They've arrived finally. I can hear their ca r.....stop in front of the house. 108

Gerund, Infinitive and Participle

Participle - Melléknévi igenév Q Az angol nyelvben is létezik a melléknévi igenévnek folyamatos és befejezett alakja. A folyamatos melléknévi igenév (Present Participle) az ige -ing végződésű alakja. A befejezett melléknévi igenév (Past Participle) az ige 3. alakja. A folyamatos melléknévi igenevet használjuk: 1. jelzőként a) ha egytagú, a jelzett főnév előtt áll Q running water - folyó víz crying baby - síró csecsemő b) ha összetett (tehát egy egész szerkezet), akkor a jelzett főnév után áll Q the boy standing by his mother - az anyja mellett álló fiú 2. go/come ige után fizikai tevékenységet jelentő igékkel B go skating/swimming/jogging etc. - korcsolyázni/úszni/futni megy We've decided to go skiing this winter. - Úgy döntöttünk, hogy megyünk síelni a télen. 3. érzékelést jelentő igék után (lásd előbb!) B / heard him singing in the bathroom. - Hallottam, hogy énekel a fürdőszobában. A befejezett melléknévi igenevet használjuk: jelzőként a) ha egytagú, a jelzett szó előtt áll B a stolen camera - lopott fényképezőgép a well written composition - jól megírt fogalmazás 109

£ G erund, Infinitive and Participle

b) ha összetett (a szenvedő szerkezet rövidítéseként) a jelzett szó után Q a book written by Dickens - Dickens által írott könyv

O A melléknévi igenév egyéb használatát lásd a Melléknevek című fejezetben!


Keresse meg az A oszlop tagmondatainak folytatását a B oszlopban! Match the beginning of the sentences in column A with the ends in column B.

A 1. Little Mary can draw well and hopes ... 2. I couldn't help ... 3. Liz is too young ... 4. Her Mum made Jane ... 5. We're broke now and can't afford ... 6. I hate ... 7. I'm sorry I'm busy. Would you mind ... 8. Do you know how ... 9. Did you see them ... 10. You're driving too fast. I think you should ...

a) b) c) d) e) 110

B correct all her mistakes, coming back later? to open this box? to become an artist one day. slow down a bit.

G erund, Infinitive and Participle

f) g) h) i) j)

to cross the street on her own. leave the shop? to buy the car this year. noticing that she was crying. tidying my room. 1........ 6........

2........ 7........

3........ 8........

4........ 9........

5. 10.

C "sj

Fejezze be a mondatokat Gerund vagy Infinitive szerkezettel! A második mondat jelentse azt, mint az első! Finish the sentences with a Gerund or Infinitive construction. Your sentence should mean the same as the original one.

B The headmaster's decision was difficult for them to accept. They had difficulty accepting the headmaster's decision. 1. After landing the stewardess said "Would all passengers leave the plane through the front door?" The stewardess asked....................................................................... 2. I can't dance. I learnt English waltz from Mary. Mary taught me how ........................................................................ 3. My parents are very keen on walking in the woods. My parents enjoy.............................................................................. 4. "I'm sorry I'm late," Phillip said. Phillip apologised fo r........................................................................ 5. "Be quiet," the teacher says to her students. The teacher w ants............................................................................ 6. Peter went to Rome because he wanted to see the Colosseum. Peter went to Rome.......................................................................... 111


G erund, Infinitive and Participle

7. Two boys started to argue about something unimportant but the teacher stopped them. The teacher didn't le t....................................................................... 8. The clown was very funny. All the children in the circus laughed. The clown m ade............................................................................... 9. I asked Tom and he said he'd cut the grass for me. Tom agreed....................................................................................... 10. What are your plans for the future? What do you intend.......................................................................... 11. Is it all right if I open the window? Do you mind m e ............................................................................... 12. Can you answer the door, please? I'm busy. Would you m ind............................................................................... 13. Would you like to see the Dali exhibition? Would you be interested in .............................................................. 14. He switched off the computer and left the room. After.................................................................................................. 15. He left the restaurant but he didn't pay the bill. He left the restaurant without......................................................... 16. You are a very clever boy. You'll be able to do it by yourself. You are clever enough...................................................................... 17. It is very cloudy. We can't see the other shore across the lake. It's too cloudy................................................................................... 18. They saw the footballer kick another player. The footballer was seen.................................................................... 19.1 prefer playing tennis to watching it on TV. I'd rather........................................................................................... 20. You shouldn't smoke any more if you want to do sports. You should stop................................................................................


A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k


Auxiliaries and Modal verbs - Segédigék

Q Az angol nyelvben a segédigéknek két típusa létezik. - A z egyik típus (Auxiliary) szerepe az, hogy lehetővé tegye az egyes igeidők, illetve kérdő és tagadó alakok megformálását. - A másik típusba (Modal verbs) azok a segédigék tartoznak, melyek valamilyen további jelentést adnak az igealaknak (pl. szükségesség, képesség, kényszer, valószínűség, stb.). Auxiliaries 1.

be Folyamatos alakok képzésére szolgál, ragozott alakja a cselekvő számát és személyét fejezi ki. a) Az alábbi mondatokban folyamatos jelen idejű alakot képeztünk vele: Q They are building a new school in the suburbs. - Új iskolát építenek a külvárosban. She isn't (is not) wearing glasses in this photo. - Ezen a képen nem visel szemüveget. b) Folyamatos múlt idejű alakban: Q / was working all day last Saturday. - Múlt vasárnap egész nap dolgoztam. The musicians were playing a beautiful tune when Joe dropped his keys. - A zenészek épp egy nagyon szép dallamot játszottak, amikor Joe leejtette a kulcsát. c) Szenvedő szerkezet képzéséhez is ezt a segédigét használjuk. Q The packet will be delivered only next Monday. - A csomagot csak jövő hétfőn kézbesítik. 113

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k

What is this tool called in English? - Ezt a szerszámot hogy hívják angolul? 2. do Egyszerű jelen időben a kérdő és tagadó alakú állítmány megformálására szolgál (egyes szám 3. személyben: does). Q How do you go to school? - Hogy szoktál iskolába menni? Jennifer doesn't (does not) like beef stew. - Jennifer nem szereti a marhapörköltet. Egyszerű múlt idejű kérdés és tagadás megformálására a múlt idejű alak szolgál : did. Q Why didn't you call me back last night? - Miért nem hívtál vissza tegnap este? Did you have a nice holiday? - J ó l nyaraltál? 3. have A befejezett jelen idő (Present Perfect) képzésére szolgál (egyes szám 3. személyben: has). Q We Ve (we have) already been up the tower. - Mi már voltunk fönn a toronyban. David has finally found a teaching job in the USA. - Dávid végül talált magának tanári állást az Egyesült Államokban. A fenti igék főigeként is használhatóak. Q David is a teacher. - Dávid tanár. I never do the shopping during the week. - Hét közben soha nem én vásárolok. Ben has a dog. - Bennek van egy kutyája.


A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k

Egészítse ki a mondatokat a be/do/have segédige megfelelő alakjával! Fill in the gaps with the right form of the following auxiliaries: be/do/have.

1 1. 2. 3. 4.

What will happen if y o u ............... not arrive at work on time? "W hen................you start doing aerobics?" "Two years ago." "When........ you have aerobic classes?" "Every Monday and Friday." "Why................ you learning to cook?" "I ................ getting married next month and I ................not know how to cook." 5................... you meet anybody coming home from school? 6. Hungarian people................not drink tea with milk. 7. I ................booked a table at the Greek restaurant for tonight. 8................... your girlfriend ever invite you for a coke? 9. Ja c k ............... not turn up at the meeting yesterday. 10. Please,..............not disturb him now. He................. having a nap. 11 .W e.............. not been to a concert since May. 12. My mother............. not let me put posters on the walls in my room. 13. Sh e ............. just had a shower. Her hair is wet. 14................. they paid the rent yet? 15. When we arrived at the station, she...........already waiting for us. 16.The bridge that connects San Francisco and Oakland ................ called Bay Bridge. 17.These days very few students................not know how to use a computer. 18 ...............the door locked when you got home? 19 ...............your teacher told you your grades? 20.1................meeting my new boss tomorrow, so wish me good luck. 21................. not forget to invite Jill to the party, too. 22. W e ................having an English class when a bee flew through the open window. 115

0 23. How muchi tim timee................you need to learn these words? 24.. you been informed about the time of the course yet? 25.1 told to wait outside.

Modal verbs can (+ főnévi igenév „to" nélkül) 1. Képességet fejez ki, „valaki tud valamit csinálni" jelentésben. Q Anna can read beautifully. - Anna nagyon szépen tud olvasni. "Can you play the guitar?" "Yes, I can. / No, I can't." - „Tudsz gitározni?"„Igen. / Nem." a) Tagadó alakja: cannot = can't Q He's a baby. He can't speak. - Ő még kisbaba. Nem tud beszélni. b) Múlt idejű alakja: could A múltban meglévő általános képesség kifejezésére szolgál. Q / could swim when I was 5 years old. - Öt éves koromban tudtam úszni. Ha azonban erőfeszítés vagy képesség által elért valamilyen múltbeli teljesítményről van szó, a was/were able to + infinitive alakot használjuk. Q He was able to swim across before he collapsed. - Sikerült átúsznia a túlpartra, mielőtt elájult. c) Jövő időben használható a can és a will be able alak is. Q l/l/e won't be able to see that film because we have to leave right now. - Nem fogjuk tudni megnézni azt a filmet, mert azonnal indulnunk kell. They can't come tomorrow. - Ők nem tudnak holnap jönni. 116

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k

Minden más igeidőben a be able to do alakot használjuk. Q / have been able to drive since I was 19. - 19 éves korom óta tudok vezetni. d) A can segédige feltételes módú alakja : could Q If it was nice, we could go swimming. - Ha jó idő lenne, úszhatnánk egyet. Kérdő mondatban a could segédigével udvarias kérést is kifejezhetünk. Q Could you answer the phone, please? - Felvenné a telefont? / Legyen szíves, vegye fel a telefont! 2. Engedélyt is kifejezhetünk vele (can = be allowed to). Q "You can watch this film," mother says to her son. - Megnézheted ezt a filmet - mondja az anya a fiának. "Can I go to the party on Saturday7" - Elmehetek a buliba szombaton7 3. Valószínűséget, lehetőséget is kifejez. Q A house in London can cost a fortune. - Egy ház Londonban egy vagyonba kerülhet. These can't be your glasses. You're wearing yours! - Ez nem lehet a te szemüveged. A tiéd rajtad van!


A can - can't kifejezések felhasználásával alkosson mondatokat! Make sentences using the modal verbs can - can't with the clues.

Q mobile phones/translate sentences Mobile phones can't translate sentences. 117

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se gé d igé k

1. chefs / cook very well 2. sad people/laugh 3. a mobile phone /send messages 4. computers/check spelling 5. MP3 players/hear 6. babies/walk 7. birds/fly 8. phones / have conversations 9. an answering machine/talk 10. CD players / play music


Használja a megfelelő segédigét (could - was/were - able to) állító, kérdő vagy tagadó alakban! Use the appropriate modal verb (could - waslwere - be able to) in the affirmative, interrogative or negative.

1. I ................... understand a lot more German when I was young. 2...........................you answer the phone for me please? 3. However hard he tried h e ................lift the heavy boy by himself. 4. A dam .......................play the violin when he was nine. 118

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - S e g é d ig é k £ j

5. The questions were so difficult that most students....................... answer them. 6. He didn't agree with me first but I ....................... convince him I was right. 7. Though we had to run fast, w e ...................... catch the bus. 8. I saw Peter on the other side of the street. He was trying to say something but I ................... hear him as the street was so noisy. 9. I knew something was wrong because I ...................... smell something burning. 10. After ten years of saving money the Millers................buy a car.


Tegye az időhatározókat a mondatba, és végezze el a szükséges átalakításokat! Use the time expressions in the sentences and make the necessary changes.

Q He can speak Polish fluently now. (when he was 5) He could speak Polish fluently when he was 5. I can't get to the bank, (so far) I haven't been able to get to the bank so far. 1. Marion can drive a car. (when she was 18 years old) 2. I'm sorry but the doctor can't see you right now. (until tomorrow afternoon) 3. Tom finds that he can understand Spanish better than he can speak it. (when he first went to Spain) 4. We can't see that play, (if we don't book seats soon) 119

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se gé d igé k

5. This is all the information I can get now. (so far) 6. I can see very well, (as nobody was sitting in front of me in the theatre) 7. Even the weakest students can complete the exercise, (as they were allowed to look at their notes) 8. Mrs Jones can't buy all the food she needs, (yet) 9. I can't tell you what to do. (if I knew what to do) 10. You can speak English well, (by the time you finish this course)

Egészítse ki a második mondatot úgy, hogy jelentése megegyezzen az első mondatéval! Használja a can illetve a be able to megfelelő alakját! Complete the second sentences in a way that they mean the same as the first ones. Use the right form of can or be able to. 1. Holidays abroad aren't always expensive. Holidays abroad.......................................................... quite cheap. 2. You live very far so I can't visit you very often. If you didn't live so fa r.................................................. more often. 3. Will you let me use your phone, please? .................................................. I use your phone please? 4. He managed to leave Europe before the war began. H e .............................................................. before the war began. 5. It was impossible for me to get into the house as I didn't have my keys with me. 120

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k

I ....................................... get into the house as I didn't have my keys with me. 6. Jill is an excellent handball player. J ill........................................................................ very well. 7. Excuse me, will you open the window? Excuse m e,...................................................................................... ? 8. It is impossible that it is Mary at the door, She's in France now. I t .................................................Mary at the door. She's in France. 9. John can fly a plane. He learnt it when he was in the army. Jo h n ...........................................a plane since he was in the army. 10. Is it all right if I ask you a question? ....................................................... ask you a question?

must és have to - a szükségesség kifejezése 1. must + főnévi igenév „to" nélkül Erős kényszert vagy nyomatékos tanácsot fejez ki jelen és jövő időben. Q / must go now. - Mennem kell. You must come to see us when you're in town. - Feltétlen látogass meg bennünket, ha a városban jársz! Must you leave so early? - Muszáj ilyen korán elmenned? Q Tagadó alakja: a must not = mustn't tiltást fejez ki (=nem szabad), nem pedig a kényszer hiányát (=nem kell). Q You mustn't smoke in here. - Itt bent nem szabad dohányozni. We mustn't be late. - Nem szabad elkésnünk. A „nem kell/szükséges valamit megtenni" tartalmat a needn't + főnévi igenév vagy a don't/doesn't have to + főnévi igenév fejezi ki. 121

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se gé d igé k

Q You needn't answer all the questions. / You don't have to answer all the questions. - Nem kell az összes kérdésre válaszolnod. Mivel sem főnévi igenévi, sem múlt idejű alakja nincs, minden egyéb igeidőben és szerkezetben a have to megfelelő alakját használjuk. Q / felt I had to do it. - Úgy éreztem, muszáj megtennem. Next summer we will have to come back here. - Jövő nyáron feltétlenül vissza kell ide jönnünk. 2. have to + főnévi igenév „Valakinek kell valamit csinálni" jelentésben használjuk minden igeidőben. Egyes szám 3. személyű alakja: has Kérdő és tagadó alakját a do/does segédigével képezzük. Q You don't have to get up yet. - Még nem kell felkelned. Judy has to do all the housework during the week. - Hétköznap Juditnak kell elvégeznie az összes házimunkát. They had to do it alone. - Egyedül kellett megcsinálniuk. I'll have to leave in a few minutes. - Néhány perc múlva indulnom kell. 3. must és have to Jelen időben van a kettő között némi jelentésbeli különbség, must: a beszélő szempontja szerinti, a beszélőtől jövő kényszer have to: kívülről jövő kényszer vagy szükségszerűség Q / must go now. - Mennem kell. (Nem érek rá tovább vagy fáradt vagyok.) I have to go now. - Mennem kell. (Elmegy az utolsó buszom.) You must go now. - Menned kell. (Az akarom, hogy menj.) You have to go now. - Menned kell. (Különben lekésed a vonatot.)


A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k


Tagadja a következő mondatokat! Make the following sentences negative.

1. The little girl has to come with us. 2. He must use a calculator for the Physics test. 3. We have to get up early at the weekend. 4. At university students have to take physical education classes for three semesters. 5. Our guests from Budapest had to change trains on the way here. 6. I have to complete the form on my own. 7. We've had to rewrite our essay twice. 8. If they arrive late, they'll have to wait an hour for the next train. 9. If you have a common cold, you must stay in bed for a week. 10. We had to pay for the concert tickets. 11. An air hostess has to work at home. 12. You have to get a visa if you want to go to Spain.


A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se géd igé k


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a must vagy a have to segédige megfelelő alakjával! Néhány esetben mindkettő használható. Complete the sentences with must or have to in the correct form. Sometimes it is possible to use either form.

1. 2. 3. 4.

"You............................ be home by 10 o'clock," my mum told me. How long (you)................................wear glasses? We couldn't repair the roof. W e............................ call a carpenter. I'm sorry I can't come to your wedding at the weekend. I ............................ go away on business. 5. Kids, you (not)............................ touch the cooker. It's hot. 6. Last night my son had such high fever that w e ............................ call the doctor. 7. Jack hasn't been able to have a restful weekend for a while, as he ............................ work every Saturday for two months. 8. Sheila (no t)............................ get up early, but as she can't sleep long she usually does. 9. Y o u .................. see the French Impressionist exhibition. It's great. 10. How many chapters (you)................. read for the previous class? 11 .That man is a porter. H e.......... carry hundreds of suitcases every day. 12. Look at the time. We...................... finish it now. 13. You (not)..........................be rich to be happy but it helps. 14. John................ do the housework on his own since his wife left him. 15.1............................ answer this letter right away. It's urgent.


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a must vagy a have to segédigék állító vagy tagadó alakjaival! Complete the sentences with affirmative or negative form of must or have to.


A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k

1. "Do you want me to do it completely on my own?" "No, you ................ do it all by yourself, but I can help you only in an hour." 2. In most public schools in Hungary y o u ................wear a uniform. 3. Y o u ....................... see this film if you get the chance. 4. Doctors in Hungary.......................work long hours. 5. Y o u ....................... frighten your little brother with that lion. 6. Accountants....................... be very good at maths. 7. Y o u ....................... do the washing up, we have a dishwasher. 8. Waiters.......................spill food on the customers' dresses. 9. Yo u ....................... use your mobile phone on a plane during take­ off and landing. 10. Stars....................... worry about what to wear in a show. Stylists make this decision. should + főnévi igenév („to" nélkül) „Kellene valamit csinálnia" jelentésben tanácsot fejezünk ki vele. Kérdő és tagadó alakú állítmányt is képezhetünk vele. Q You should stop smoking. - Le kellene szoknod a dohányzásról. Shouldn 't (should not) the kids be in bed by now? - A gyerekeknek ekkorra nem kellene ágyban lenniük? Gyakran használjuk az alábbi szerkezetben: I think you should ... - szerintem kellene I don't think you should ... - szerintem nem kellene B / don't think you should phone her. - Szerintem nem kellene felhívnod. Helyette ought to + főnévi igenév szerkezet is használható. B You ought to stop smoking. Jane ought not to drink any more coffee. She won't be able to sleep. -Jane-nek nem kellene több kávét innia. Nem fog tudni aludni. 125

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se géd igé k


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a should vagy a have to segédige állító vagy tagadó alakjával! Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative forms of the modal verbs should or have to.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Every music student......................practice for three hours a day. Y o u .................................smoke in the kitchen. Y o u ................................ ring the bell, I have got a key. H e ................................. leave home at 6 o'clock every morning to arrive at work on time. 5. You look a bit fat, y o u .................................go on a diet. 6. It wasn't my fault! Y o u .................................look at me like that! 7. My friend doesn't look too good, sh e..........................sleep more. 8. I ................................. collect the kids from the nursery this week. My wife is away. 9. Y o u .................................drive fast, we've got plenty of time. 10. Everybody.................................see the dentist twice a year to get free treatments when needed. 11 .Yo u ......................drive so fast. There's a speed limit on this road. 12. Mary.................................come if she has something else to do. 13. You can't see the professor today. Y o u ...............................have an appointment. 14. Ron has a fever. He ................................. be in the garden, he ................................. be in bed now. 15. Y o u .................................eat your food with so much salt in it. It's bad for you.

may + főnévi igenév („to" nélkül) Engedély kifejezésére szolgál („szabad valamit csinálni") jelen idejű állító és kérdő alakban. 126

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k

Q You may sit down now. - Most már leülhettek. May I go to the cinema? - Elmehetek moziba ? O Az engedély megtagadása tulajdonképpen tiltás, tehát tagadása: mustn't. Q "May I go to the cinema?" "Yes, you may. / No, you m ustn't." Ugyanerre a be allowed to kifejezés tagadó alakját is használhatjuk. Q She isn't allowed to leave before we get home. - Nem mehet el, mielőtt mi hazaérünk. Többi igeidőben: be allowed to kifejezés megfelelő idejű alakját használjuk. Q Were you allowed to go to the cinema? - Elengedtek a moziba? Do you think you'll be allowed to go camping with your friends? - Szerinted elengednek a barátaiddal kempingezni? Udvarias kérés kifejezésére is használhatjuk. Q May I get some more milk, please? - Kaphatok még egy kis tejet? Tegye a zárójelbe tett kifejezéseket a mondatba, és végezze el a szükséges átalakításokat! Insert the words and phrases in brackets into the sentences and make the necessary changes. 1. Mary may hire a clown for her birthday party, (last year) 2. Alison may stay out late at night, (not) 3. Students may enter the room, (well before the exam tomorrow) 4. Little Tommy may come home from school alone, (not yet) 127

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se géd igé k

5. Ben may play computer games, (since he learnt to read) 6. You may throw rubbish in the park, (not) 7. Students may use a calculator in Maths classes, (even in primary schools in ten years' time) 8. Students may go to school without wearing a uniform, (not, when I was at school) 9. Girls may wear a make-up at school, (not in this school) 10.1 may go to that rock festival on my own. (next year)

Valószínűség kifejezése Q A valószínűség fokozatait különböző segédigékkel tudjuk kifejezni. Az alábbi sor a legvalószínűbbtől halad a legkevésbé valószínű felé: must -» may -» might 1. must - „minden bizonnyal" jelentésben Q Tom didn't come to school today. He must be ill. - Tomi nem jött ma iskolába. Biztos beteg. A „biztos nem" jelentés kifejezésére a can't alakot használjuk. Q He can't be ill. I've just seen him playing football in the park. - Nem lehet beteg. Most láttam a parkban focizni. 2. may - „lehet, hogy" jelentésben Q Take an umbrella with you. It may rain this afternoon. - Vigyél magaddal ernyőt! Lehet, hogy esik délután. 128

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k

Don't forget to take your keys. I may not be at home when you get home. - Ne hagyd itthon a kulcsod! Lehet, hogy nem leszek itthon, amikor hazaérsz. 3. might - „talán" jelentésben használjuk, gyakorlatilag alig tér el a jelentése a may segédigétől; a cselekvés bekövetkezésének kisebb a valószínűsége. Q Pete might turn up at the party, but that's not very likely. - Még az is lehet, hogy Péter beugrik a buliba, de nem túl valószínű.


A zárójelbe tett kifejezések felhasználásával írjon mondatokat arról, mi történhet ebben a helyzetben! Használjon tagadó alakokat, ahol szükséges! Make speculations about the following situations using the clues in brackets. Use the negative form where necessary.

Q Someone is knocking at the door. (not Peter) It can't be Peter. (postman) It must be the postman. (your son's friend) It may be your son's friend. 1. Mrs Parker wears something green every day. (like green) (her lucky colour) 2. Rick has just bought his wife a diamond ring, (rich) (love her a lot) 129

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se gé d igé k

3. How old do you think my PE teacher is? (around 35) (not more than 40) 4. Why is Ms Lewis so angry? (have to work overtime) (not be happy about what you said) 5. Jim knows all about ancient Greek gods, (read a lot) (have a good memory)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 130

Egészítse ki a mondatokat a must/can't/may/might/may not segédigék egyikével! G Complete the sentences with the modals: must/can't/mayl might/may not. Don't go too near that dog. I t ............................ bite. The lights are on in the house. They............................ be at home. She leaves the onions on the side of her plate. She ............................ like onions. "What time is it?" "Well, we came at seven, and I'm sure we've been here for at least an hour. So i t ................be around eight o'clock." "We live in a small town." "That........................ be very dull for your kids." "It isn't at all. You can't imagine how much fun they have." "What's that noise on the roof?" " It ............................ be a bird." "No, it ............................ be a bird. Birds don't run across the roof." "Someone told me that Jane is getting married." "You're kidding. Th a t............................ be true."

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se g é d ig é k

8. Phil has just phoned and said that he's in a traffic jam and he ............................ be a couple of minutes late. 9. Steve ............................. be at the doctor's. Yesterday he complained about a bad stomach-ache. 10. "Why isn't Sam coming to the cinema with us?" "I'm not sure but h e ............................ have any money left." 11. "Are you going to invite your ex-boyfriend to the party?" "I'm not sure yet, I .............................. " 12. "Where are you planning to go on holiday next summer?" "Well, we haven't decided yet, but w e ............................ go to Scotland." 13. Michael Schumacher............................ win this race, he's only on the forth place three laps before the end. 14. You've been driving all day. Y o u ............................ be exhausted. 15. "Why is Ann staying in her room alone?" "I don't know. She ............................ want to talk to anyone." Módbeli segédige felhasználásával fejezze be a mondatokat! Rewrite each sentence using a modal verb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ü It's possible that our guests from Canada arrive late. Our guests from Canada................................................................... I think it would be a good idea to go and see a specialist. I think y o u ......................................................................................... I'm sure there are a lot of visitors here in the summer. There.................................................................................................. It's forbidden to park here. Y o u ..................................................................................................... Perhaps Mum is in the garden. M um .................................................................................................. I'm sure waiters are always very busy in this restaurant. Waiters.............................................................................................. 131

A uxiliaries and M odal verbs - Se géd igé k

7. In Hungary it's necessary for every child between the age of 7 and 16 to go to school. Every child between.......................................................................... 8. I tried to phone you in the office but it was impossible for me to get through. I tried to phone you in the office but I ............................................. 9. It wasn't necessary for me to work long hours. I .......................................................................................................... 10. I'm sure they aren't abroad. They................................................................................................... 11. Lisa is very good at dancing. Lisa..................................................................................................... 12.1 insist that you help your father. You..................................................................................................... 13. There's a chance that you'll need some help to finish the work. You..................................................................................................... 14. I'm unable to remember the name of my first teacher. 15.1 managed to run the ten-mile distance, though I felt very tired halfway through the race. I .......................................................................................................... 16. It isn't a good idea to leave now. You..................................................................................................... 17. They taught him to read and write at the age of five. H e ...................................................................................................... 18. David knows how to ride a horse. David................................................................................................. 19. I'm absolutely sure that the result is not correct. The result........................................................................................... 20. It isn't necessary for her to decide immediately. She..................................................................................................... 132

Tenses - Ige id ő k

9. Tenses - Igeidők I.

Present Simple - Egyszerű jelen idő

Q Képzése 1. állító alak az ige szótári alakja Q / like tea with milk. - Szeretem a teát tejjel. egyes szám 3. személyben az ige-s ragot kap az -s, -eh, -sh, -x végű igéken a rag -es Q She likes tea with milk. - Szereti a teát tejjel. She teaches English. - Angolt tanít. Q Egyéb helyesírási tudnivalókról lásd a többes számnál tanultakat! 2. tagadó alak alany + do not + főnévi igenév egyes szám 3. sz. alany + does not + főnévi igenév A segédigét a beszélt nyelvben általában összevont alakban használjuk: do not = don't does not = doesn't Q / don't like tea with milk. - Nem szeretem a teát tejjel. She doesn't like tea with milk. - Nem szereti a teát tejjel. 3. kérdő alak A kérdő mondat szórendje az angolban mindig a következő: (kérdőszó) + segédige + alany + az állítmány többi része 133

Tenses - Igeid ő k

Ebben az igeidőben: (kérdőszó) + do /does + alany + főnévi igenév Eldöntendő kérdés Do you like tea? Does she like tea?

Rövid válasz Yes, I do. / No, I don't. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

Kiegészítendő kérdés (tehát amelyikben van kérdőszó) What do you like? - Mit szeretsz? What does she like? - Mit szeret? O Figyelem! Alanyra kérdezés esetén nem használom a do/does segédigét. Q Who likes tea with milk? - Ki szereti a teát tejjel? Az alábbi egyszerű mondatra a következő kérdések tehetők fel: Peter loves Kate. - Péter szereti Katit. Kérdés Does Peter love Kate? (Szereti Péter Katit?) Who does Peter love? (Kit szeret Péter?) Who loves Kate? (Ki szereti Katit?)

Válasz Yes, he does. He loves Kate. Peter does.

Q Használata 1. jelenben végbemenő, szokásos, ismétlődő cselekvés kifejezésére 63 We live in Szeged. - Szegeden lakunk. They get up early on weekdays. - Hétköznap korán kelnek. He smokes a lot. - Sokat dohányzik.


Tenses - Ige id ő k

2. általános érvényű kijelentésekre vagy igazságokra Q The sun rises in the east. - A nap keleten kel fel. 3. menetrendben, útitervben rögzített cselekvések kifejezésére Q My train leaves at 6:25 tomorrow morning. - Holnap reggel 6.25kor indul a vonatom.


Tagadja az alábbi mondatokat! Make negative sentences.

1. My father drives a Rolls Royce. 2. English children open their Xmas presents on Christmas Eve. 3. My younger brother speaks French. 4. Our lessons start at 7 o'clock in the morning. 5. I want to be an engineer. 6. We spend our holidays abroad. 7. I read my emails every day. 8. My teacher wants to take us to the zoo. 9. It often snows in London in winter. 10. Clothes tell us a lot about the person wearing them.


Tenses - Igeidők

Adja meg a zárójelbe tett igék megfelelő - egyszerű jelen , idejű, állító, kérdő vagy tagadó - alakját! Give the right present simple form of the verbs in brackets: affirmative, interrogative or negative. 1. 2. 3. 4.

It never (snow)................................. in Africa. (Sam/ live).................................in that house? Jane (play).................................football very well. My grandparents (not live)................................. in the same city as we do. 5. What (you/want).................................to buy? 6. Sonia (look)................................. like her sister. 7. Everybody (get)................................. good grades in this group. 8. (bus No. 2 / stop)...................... .......... here? 9. Jennifer and her family really (hate)..........................watching TV. 10. They (sell)...............................very good coffee in this shop.

Q Gyakran használjuk az egyszerű jelen időt gyakoriságot kifejező határozószókkal: 1. always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely Ezek a szavak állító mondatokban az alany és az állítmány között állnak. Q She usually walks to work. - Rendszerint gyalog jár dolgozni. Kérdő és tagadó mondatokban a főnévi igenév előtt állnak. Q /don't always arrive on time. - Nem mindig szoktam pontosan érkezni. Do you often watch television? - Gyakran nézel tévét? 2. ever/never ever-kérdő mondatban használatos („szoktál-e valaha" jelentésben) 136

Tenses - Ige id ő k

Q Do you ever do the washing-up after lunch? - Ebéd után szoktál-e mosogatni? / Van úgy, hogy te mosogatsz ebéd után? never - tagadó értelmű, („soha" jelentésben) Mivel az angolban nincs kettős tagadás, utána állító alakú állítmány áll. Q / never read science fiction. - Soha nem olvasok tudományos­ fantasztikus könyveket. 3. Egyéb időhatározók vagy a mondat legelején vagy a végén állnak. Q At weekends Sue usually goes to see her grandparents. Sue often goes to see her grandparents at weekends. - Hétvé­ genként Zsuzsa gyakran meglátogatja a nagyszüleit.


Tegye a szavakat megfelelő sorrendbe! Rearrange the words to make sentences.

1. ever / 6 o'clock / you / before / do / get up? 2. the / we / theatre / often / go / to 3. does / homework / Patrick / his / never 4. Austria / we / summer / to / go / in / usually 5. you / what time / bed / usually / to / go / do ? 6. tie / at / always / Mr Baker / wears / work / a 7. don't / ever / to / you / write / why / him?


Tenses - Igeidők

8. afternoon / tennis / every / we / Friday / play 9. at / shopping / she / always / the / lunchtime / does 10.do / your / birthday / remember / you / always / girlfriend's?


Tegyen fel kérdéseket az aláhúzott mondatrészekre! Ask questions about the underlined part of the sentence.

1. Jerry wants to be a professional tennis player. 2. These football boots belong to mv brother. 3. We live about three miles away. 4. I like this postcard. 5. He arrives at school at 7.25 every day. 6. I do the shopping in mv family. 7. Mv aunt is a nurse. 8. They usually meet outside the cinema. 9. Kate goes jogging twice a week. 10. Sam doesn't like action films.


Tenses - Ige id ő k

II. Present Continuous - Folyamatos jelen idő Q Képzése A to be létigejelen idejű ragozott alakja + az ige-ing végződésű alakja. 1. állító alak Q He is (He's) reading a magazine. - Folyóiratot olvas éppen. We are (We're) watching TV. - Tévét nézünk. 2. tagadó alak Q He is not (isn't) reading a magazine. - Ő nem olvas folyóiratot éppen. We are not (aren't) watching TV. - Éppen nem nézünk tévét. 3. kérdő alak Q Is he reading a magazine? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. - Folyóiratot olvas? Igen. / Nem. What is he reading? - Mit olvas? Are you watching TV? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't. - Tévét néztek? Igen. / Nem. What are you watching? - Mit néztek? Az -in g végződésű alak helyesírása: 1. a szóvégi mássalhangzó megkettőződik a) az egy szótagú, egy magánhangzót tartalmazó és egy mással­ hangzóra végződő szavakban get - getting stop - stopping b) a két szótagú szavakban, ha a hangsúly a második szótagra esik begin - beginning 139

Tenses - Igeid ő k

c) a brit angolban a szóvégi -I travel - travelling (amerikai angolban: traveling) 2. a szóvégi néma -e kiesik come - coming dance - dancing 3. az -ie végű igék esetén ie -> y lie - lying Q Használata 1. A beszéd pillanatában történő cselekvés kifejezésére (tehát „valaki éppen most csinál valamit"). Gyakran nyomatékosítjuk időhatározóval: now, at present, at the moment. Q They aren't listening. - Nem figyelnek. Ben is doing his homework. - Ben a leckéjét csinálja éppen. It's raining. - Esik. 2. Olyan cselekvés kifejezésére, melyet ebben a pillanatban épp nem csinálok, de mostanában igen, erre az időszakra jellemző cselekvés. Q I'm reading a book by Jane Austen. - Egy Jane Austen-könyvet olvasok. Rita is learning to drive. - Rita vezetni tanul. 3. Tervezett, közeli jövőben bekövetkező cselekvés kifejezésére, ha a mondatban van jövőre utaló időhatározó. Q We're doing the shopping this afternoon. - Ma délután vásárolni fogunk. 4. Ha azt akarjuk hangsúlyozni, hogy a szokásostól eltérően cselekszünk. 140

Tenses - Igeid ő k

S My mother usually drives me to school', but this week I'm going by bus as she's away. - Rendszerint anyukám visz iskolába kocsival, de ezen a héten busszal megyek, mert ő elutazott. Használja a zárójelben lévő igéket folyamatos jelenben! Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Peter (play)............................. computer games at the moment. Jane (swim)............................. in the pool. Everybody in the dorm (study)......................... for the History exam. Our neighbours (pack) .............................. as they (move) ............................. to Australia. 5. Jenny, you (sit)............................. at my desk. 6. Sorry, I can't go now. I (write)............................. my speech. 7. Who (play)............................. the piano next door? 8. What (happen)......................... ? Why (we/ stop).......................... ? 9. We (not study)............................. Chemistry at school this term. 10. The police (still / look fo r)............................. the robbers. 11 .The wind (blow )............................. very heavily now. 12. It's very cold outside. I think it (freeze)............................... 13. "What is this smell?" "Mum (make)............................. a cake in the kitchen." 14. Why (you / d ig )............................. a hole in the garden? 15. Now I (begin)......................to understand the English tense system.


Használja a zárójelbe tett igéket a megfelelő igeidőben: egyszerű vagy folyamatos jelenben! Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. I (wear)

.............. glasses, that's why I (usually / sit) at the front of the class. 141

Tenses - Igeid ő k

2. Can you stop talking? I (watch)............................. an interesting programme on TV. 3. When Peter (finish).........................lunch, he (leave).......................... the dirty dishes on the table. 4. This letter is not ready yet. I (still / write)............................. it. 5. (you / usually/dream)............................. at night? 6. Although he has a French surname he (not/come).......................... from France and (not even / speak)............................. French. 7. Our dog (hate)............................. cats. 8. Banks (not / open)............................. on Sundays. 9. I (plan)............................. a surprise party for Ann. Can you help? 10. Can you answer the phone? I (clean)..............................the fish tank and my hands are wet. 11 .When I (look)............................. out of my bedroom window I can see a park. 12. Now some little boys (play)............................. football. 13. I'll be ready in a minute. I (just / brush)............................. my hair. 14. My car is very old but it (never / break dow n)................................ 15. Listen to that noise. What (happen)............................. out there? Állapotot kifejező igék Vannak olyan igék, amelyeket elsődleges jelentésükben nem használunk folyamatos jelen időben. Ezek az igék állapotot fejeznek ki, az általuk kifejezett cselekvést nem lehet folyamatosan végezni. Ide tartoznak: 1. érzékelést jelentő igék hear, smell (valamilyen illatot áraszt), see, taste (valamilyen ízű), look/appear (valamilyennek látszik) 2. érzelmi viszonyt kifejezők like, love, hate/dislike, want, wish, prefer 142

Tenses - Ige id ő k E

3. szellemi tevékenység eredményét jelentő igék remember, forget, think, know, understand, believe 4. birtoklást kifejező igék have, own (birtokol), belong to (valakié, valakihez tartozik) 5. egyebek exist (létezik), cost (valamennyibe kerül), depend on (függ valamitől), need (szüksége van valamire), mean (jelent) A fenti igék egy részének azonban aktív jelentése is van. Ilyenkor természetesen használhatjuk folyamatos alakban is. look - „néz" jelentésben Q What are you looking at? - Mit nézel? Q She looks sad. - Szomorúnak látszik. smell - „megszagol" jelentésben Q Why are you smelling this meat? - Miért szagolgatod azt a hús? Q It smells delicious. - Nagyon finom illata van. taste - „megkóstol" jelentésben Q She's not eating yet, she's just tasting the soup. - Még nem eszik, csak a levest kóstolja meg. O It tastes sour. - Savanyú (ízű). think - „gondolkodik, gondol valamire" jelentésben Q What are you thinking about? - Mire gondolsz? O I think it's too expensive. - Szerintem (az a véleményem, hogy) túl drága. have - az alábbi kifejezésekben nem birtoklást fejez ki have a shower / a cigarette / a rest / a cup of coffee 143

Tenses - Igeid ő k

Q She can't talk to you now. She's having a shower. - Most nem tud veled beszélni. Éppen zuhanyozik. Q / have a younger brother - Van egy öcsém.


Az alábbi mondatok egy részében rosszul használtuk az igeidőt. Javítsa ki a hibás mondatokat! In some sentences the verb form is not correct. Correct the mistakes.

1. He studies for his exam right now. 2. This cake is tasting delicious. 3. At the end of the film they finally fall in love. 4. Why are you leaving? Don't you enjoy the party? 5. Many people aren't believing in the future. 6. David is a painter and decorator. He works in a hotel lobby now. 7. What are you seeing at the end of the corridor? 8. Does your sister like what she is doing? 9. James is growing a beard now. 10. She's smelling everything before starting to eat.


Használja a megfelelő igeidőt: egyszerű vagy folyamatos jelen! Use the right tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1 . The kids (have) ...........................

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 144

every morning. Hurry up. The taxi (wait)............... Let's go home. It (get).................. Those yellow roses (smell)............ How often (you / have)................. My grandma (come)..................... Please be quiet. Your father (have)

cornflakes for breakfast ..........for us. ......late. ............ lovely. ....... parties? . to see us this weekend. ..........................a rest.

Tenses - Ige id ő k

8. The British (not usually / drink) .................................... tea with lemon but with milk. 9. My parents are in Spain now. They (have)................. a great time. 10.1 (not / understand) .................................... Chemistry at all and tomorrow we (write)................................... a test! 11.What is that smell? I (think) .................................... something (burn)....................................in the kitchen. 12.1(g o )....................................out to get a newspaper, (you / need) ....................................anything? 13. What (this word / mean)................................... ? 14. How many French lessons (you / have) .................................... a week? How (you / get o n )................................... ? 15. Don't wait for her. She (not/come)....................................with us. Az angol igék három alakja 1 . alak: 2. alak: 3. alak:

az ige szótári alakja a múlt idő befejezett melléknévi igenév

A szabályos igék 2. és 3. alakját -ed hozzáadásával képezzük. start - started - started A szabályos alak helyesírása 1. A szóvégi néma-e kiesik. like - liked - liked hate - hated - hated 2. Az egy szótagú, egy rövid magánhangzót tartalmazó, egy mással­ hangzóra végződő szavakban a szóvégi mássalhangzó megkettőződik. stop - stopped - stopped 145

Te n se s - Ig e id ő k

Ugyanez a szabály érvényes azokra a több szótagú szavakra, amelyekben az utolsó, hangsúlyos szótagban van egy magán­ hangzó és egy szóvégi mássalhangzó. prefer - preferred - preferred A brit angolban a szóvégi -I megkettőződik. travel - travelled - travelled 3. A mássalhangzó után álló y —> i-re változik. carry - carried - carried Q play - played - played

Q A rendhagyó igék esetén ilyen szabályszerűség nincs, minden alakot külön meg kell tanulni. go - went - gone run - ran - run think - thought - thought cost - cost - cost

9 1. 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 146

Adja meg a hiányzó alakokat! Give the missing forms.

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle run ............................................................... ............................ rose ........................ ................................................................... made ........................... felt ........................ lie (fekszik) ............................................................... ................................................................... left ......................... ......................................... rung ........................... drove ........................ ........................... flew ........................

Te n se s - Ig e id ő k

10. meet .................................................. 11.................................................................... stolen 12. teach .................................................. 13 ......................... hurt .......... 14 ................................................................. seen 15 ......................... took .......... 16 ................................................................. worn 17. shine ................................................. 18. break ................................................. 19 ......................... ate .......... 20 ................................................................. ridden 21.cost ................................................. 22 ......................... froze .......... 23 ................................................................. grown 24 ......................... hid .......... 25. shoot ................................................. 26. lay ................................................. 27 ......................... spent .......... 28 ................................................................. stood 29.think ................................................. 30............................ fed .......... III. Simple Past - Egyszerű múlt idő Q Képzése 1. állító alak: az ige múlt idejű ( azaz 2.) alakja S / went to the cinema yesterday. - Tegnap moziba mentem. 2. tagadó alak: did segédigével alany + did not (didn't) + főnévi igenév „to" nélkül Q / didn 't go to the cinema yesterday. - Nem mentem tegnap moziba. 147

Te n ses - Ig e id ő k

3. kérdő alak (kérdőszó +) did + alany + főnévi igenév „to" nélkül Q Did you go to the cinema yesterday? Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. Elmentél tegnap moziba? Igen. / Nem. Where did you go yesterday? - Hova mentél tegnap? O Alanyra kérdezés esetén nem használjuk a did segédigét. Q Who went to the cinema yesterday? - Ki ment moziba tegnap? Q Használata 1. Olyan, a múltban lezajlott cselekvést jelöl, melynek a jelennel nincs kapcsolata. A mondatban gyakran múlt időre utaló időhatározó áll. yesterday last week/month/year in 1990 Q Donna visited her relatives in the USA last summer. - Donna tavaly nyáron meglátogatta a rokonait az USA-ban. 2. Múltbeli, szokásos, ismétlődő cselekvés kifejezésére szolgál. Q She woke up every night at 2 o'clock till the age of three. - Három éves koráig minden éjszaka 2-kor felébredt.

Az alábbi egy amerikai tinédzser tipikus napja volt 15 évvel ezelőtt. Tegye a megadott igéket múlt időbe! This is an account of a typical day for an American teenager 15 years ago. Use the verbs in brackets in the past. This is what a day (1. be) ............................. like when I (2. be) ......................a teenager. My mom and dad (3. get u p )......................... at 6.30, and Mom (4. make).............................breakfast for all of us. 148

Te n se s - Ig e id ő k

My brother Tom and I (5. get up) ............................... at 7.00. We (6. be) .............................. lucky, because the school bus (7. stop) .........................right outside our door. We (8. leave)............................ the house when we (9. see).............................it coming around the corner. That (10. b e )......................... at eight o'clock. Our school day (11. start) .............................. at half past eight, and we (12. eat) .............................. lunch at school, too - at 12 o'clock. Lessons (13. finish)......................... at half past three, but we (14. not/usually / ge t)..............................home until 5.00 because Tom and I (15. stay) .............................at school to do sport and music after lessons. Dad (16. leave)...................... for work at 7.30 and (17. get)....................... home after 6.00. My mom (18. not / work)...............................We all (19. eat).............................dinner together at about half past seven. Then we (20. do) ............................. the homework, (21. watch) ........................ television or (22. read).......................until bedtime. (Elizabeth Sharman: Across Cultures) IV.

Past Continuous - Folyamatos múlt idő

Q Képzése A to be létige múlt idejű alakja és az ige -ing végződésű alakja. 1. állító alak Q At 7 o'clock I was watching TV. - 7 órakor éppen tévét néztem. 2. tagadó alak: a létigét tagadjuk Q Sorry. What did you say? I wasn't listening. - Elnézést. Mit mondtál? Nem figyeltem. 3. kérdő alak Q Were they playing football all afternoon ? - Egész délután fociztak? 149

Te n se s - Ig e id ő k

Q Használata Olyan cselekvés kifejezésére szolgál, mely: 1. A múlt egy meghatározott pillanatában folyamatban volt. Q At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon we were driving home from Budapest. - Tegnap délután 5-kor éppen hazafelé tartottunk Budapestről. 2. A múltban hosszú ideig folyamatban volt. Q / was reading all last night. - Egész éjjel olvastam. 3. Éppen folyamatban volt, amikor egy másik megtörtént. A másik cselekvést egyszerű múlt idővel jelöljük. Általában when kötőszóval kapcsoljuk a mondathoz. O We were having lunch when she came. - Éppen ebédeltünk; amikor megjött. I was walking home when I saw an accident. - Éppen hazafelé sétáltam, amikor láttam egy balesetet. 4. Párhuzamosan folyik egy másik cselekvéssel. Ilyenkor mindkét cselekvést folyamatos múlt idővel fejezzük ki, és while kötőszóval kapcsoljuk össze. Q While my mum was preparing lunch, my dad was cutting the grass in the garden. - Amíg anyukám ebédet főzött, apukám füvet nyírt a kertben. 2001. szept. 11-én 8.53-kor egy repülőgép beleütközött a Világkereskedelmi Központ egyik tornyába New Yorkban. Az információkat felhasználva mondja el, mit csináltak a világ különböző tájain abban a pillanatban az emberek! 150

Te n ses - Ig e id ő k

At 8.53 on September 11, 2001 an airplane crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center in New York. Using the clues given, say what the people in different parts of the world were doing at that moment. When the airplane crashed in the tower o f the World Trade Center... Q Nicolas in Nuuk, Greenland / fish Nicolas in Nuuk, Greenland was fishing. 1. Amanda in London, Great-Britain / learn to play golf 2. Zita in Zenta, Serbia / celebrate the birthday of her village 3. Zsófi in Szeged, Hungary / drive home in her father's car 4. Wendy and her family in Oakland, California / get up 5. Sergei and his friends in Moscow, Russia / play football 6. Jose in Brasilia, Brazil / go to his office 7. Sheena in New Delhi, India / have dinner 8. Vong in Saigon, Vietnam / watch TV 9. Takoma in Tokyo, Japan / go to bed 10. Martin and Janet in Sydney, Australia / sleep


Te n se s - Ig e id ő k


Tegye a zárójelben levő igéket a megfelelő múlt időbe! Use the verbs in brackets in the right past tense.

We (lose)............................ our first match this season. Where (you / b e )................. last night? I (try).............. to call you at half past nine but you (not / answer)..................... the phone. 3. I (send).....................an email of complaint to the manager of the hypermarket and they (answer)............................ it immediately. 4. David (play) ............................... tennis with his coach when it (start)............................ to rain. The boy (fall off) ....................................... his bike when a car (stop)............................ right in front of him. 6 . David (hurt).....................his leg when he (run).............................. down the street. My brother (pick)............................ up the nuts from the ground in the garden while I (paint)............................ the fence. 8 . What (you / d o )........................ when you (cut).............................. your little finger? 9. Simon (give)............................ an oral report to the teacher while some other students (write)............................ a test at the back of the classroom. 10. She (not / go) ............................ to bed on Tuesday night. She (revise)............................ for her exam the next morning. 11. The fire alarm (go off) ....................... when the board of directors (have)............................ a meeting. 12. Jill (feed) .......................... the neighbour's cats when they (arrive)............................ home from their holiday. 13. As Jenny (drink).................. a glass of orange juice, someone (knock) .....................her and she (spill)......................... it all over her blouse. 14. Last night we (go )............................. to a concert, but we (arrive) ................................. late. The orchestra (play).......................... . so we (have t o )........................ wait outside for a while. 152

Te n ses - Ig e id ő k

15. My sister (have) ............................. her driving test yesterday. It (be)........................ a hard job as it (rain)...................... heavily. 16. I'm sorry I (not b e)................at home when you (call)................. I (help).....................my friend with his Maths homework. 17. This time last week we (ski)..........................in Austria. 18. It (be)................. beautiful yesterday when we (g o )....................... for a walk in the park. The sun (shine) ..................... and a cool breeze (blow).............................. 19. While grandma (read) ...................... a bedtime story for her grandson, he (fall)............. asleep. She (close)..........................the book and (leave)........................ the room very quietly. 20. "John, (you / hear)................. what I just (say).........................?" "No, I'm sorry, I (not listen)......................."

V. Present Perfect - Befejezett jelen idő Q Képzése A have/has (egyes szám 3. sz.) + az ige 3. alakja. 1. állító alak Q / have (I've) done my homework. - Megcsináltam a leckém. 2. tagadó alak G / have not (haven't) read her latest novel. - A legújabb regényét nem olvastam. 3. kérdő alak G Has she left? - Elment? 153

Te n se s - Ig e id ő k

Q Használata 1. Olyan cselekvést jelöl, amely a múltban lezajlott valamikor, de eredménye a jelenben van. B Someone has closed the window. (So the window is closed now) Valaki becsukta az ablakot. (Tehát az ablak most zárva van.) Mary has cleaned the blackboard. - Mari letörölte a táblát. (Tehát most tiszta.) 2. Amikor a cselekvés a múltban kezdődött, és a jelen pillanatáig tartott. Nyomatékosításra a just határozószót használjuk. B I've ju st sent an email to my friend in Poland. - Épp most küldtem egy e-mailt a barátomnak Lengyelországba. My mum has just left home. - Anyukám épp most ment el itthonról. 3. Tagadó mondattal olyan cselekvést jelölünk, mely még nem történt meg, de még bekövetkezhet. B / haven't been to Australia. - Még nem jártam Ausztráliában. O Queen Victoria never went to Australia. - Viktória királynő soha nem járt Ausztráliában. (Ő már nem is fog.) 4. A múltban elkezdődött, de a jelenben is tartó cselekvést is jelölhetünk vele. Ebben az esetben megadjuk azt is, hogy mióta vagy mennyi ideje tart a cselekvés. B / have lived in Szeged all my life. - Egész életemben Szegeden éltem. They have known each other for years. - Hosszú évek óta ismerik egymást. Ezeket a mondatokat általában jelen idővel fordítjuk magyarra, hiszen a cselekvés még tart. 154

Tenses - Ige id ő k

A befejezett jelen idejű mondatokban leggyakrabban előforduló időhatározók: 1. already Állító mondatban a jelentése: már. Q I've already been there. - Én már jártam ott. Some students have already read the book. - Néhány diák már elolvasta a könyvet. 2. yet Kérdő mondatban a jelentése : már. Q Have you read this book yet? - Olvastad már ezt a könyvet? Tagadó mondatban a jelentése : még. Q / haven't read this book yet. - Én még nem olvastam ezt a könyvet. 3. ever Kérdő mondatban a jelentése: valaha. Q Have you ever been abroad? - Jártál valaha külföldön? 4. never = n o t... yet Q She's never been abroad. = She hasn't been abroad yet. - Még nem járt külföldön. 5. for + időtartam - azt jelöli, mennyi ideje tart a cselekvés for a long time - régóta for 10 minutes - tíz perce Q She's studied English only for a year. - Csak egy éve tanul angolul. since + időpont - azt jelöli, mióta tart a cselekvés since last week - a múlt hét óta since 2000 - 2000 óta 155

Tenses - Igeid ő k

Q She's studied English since September. - Szeptember óta tanul angolul. I haven't seen him since he came to my birthday. - Nem láttam a születésnapom óta. A how long kérdőszóval kérdezünk arra, hogy mennyi ideje vagy mióta tart a cselekvés. Q How long have you lived in this city? - Mennyi ideje laksz ebben a városban? 6. Olyan időhatározó-szók, melyek azt fejezik ki, hogy a cselekvésnek a jelennel van kapcsolata (még tart az az idő) today - ma this morning - ma délelőtt (ha még délelőtt van) lately/recently - mostanában Q I've written six pages of my essay this morning. - Ma délelőtt hat oldalt megírtam a dolgozatomból. O / wrote six pages of my essay this morning. - Ma délelőtt hat oldalt megírtam a dolgozatomból. (Amikor ezt mondjuk, már este van.)


^ Tegye a zárójelbe tett igéket befejezett jelen időbe! >■ ? Give the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. „You (break) ....................................your arm, young man", the doctor told Peter. 2. Sheila (lose)....................................her parents at the department store and now she's crying. 3. I (see) .................................... The Lord of the Rings five times. That's my favourite film. 4. I (never/tell).................................................... a lie. 5. (you / ever / fly )....................................................? 156

Tenses - Ige id ő k

6. Brigit (spend)............................. all her money. Now she's broke. 7. Mary (not / meet)............................ her daughter's boyfriend yet. 8. (your brother / marry).........................................his girlfriend yet? 9. The baby's crying. Jill (not feed).........................................her yet. 10. (you / tell)................................... your parents the good news yet? 11. My cousin (always / want) .................................. to become an archaeologist. 12. Our guests (already/arrive)....................................but we (not lay) ....................................the table yet. 13. This is the most boring programme I (ever / see)......................... 14. We (finish)....................................painting the kitchen. 15. The Browns aren't our neighbours any more. They (move) ....................................into a new apartment. 16. Arden is American but she (learn)................. to speak Hungarian since she came 8 years ago. 17. My teacher (like)...................... cowboy films since he was a child. 18. Naomi is from Africa. She (never/ see)....................................snow. 19.1 should buy a pair of shoes. I (have)..................................this for three years. 20. I'm sorry, but Miss James is not here. She (already / go) ........................... ................home. Egészítse ki a mondatokat a megadott igék befejezett jelen idejű alakjával! Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Tense form of the right word from the list. decide miss

eat ride

invite ring

live speak

make start

1. Imagine, sh e ....................................six hamburgers. 2. Don't go in. The performance (already).................... 157

Tenses - Igeid ő k

3. Why are you still here? (you)....................................the bus? 4. Peter (finally)....................................to apply for university. 5. I (not)....................................to your teacher. I'm sorry, I couldn't reach him on the phone. 6. I think you should read this composition again. Y o u ..................... several spelling mistakes. 7. Don't tell me you'll have to work at the weekend. I (just) ....................................some friends for lunch on Saturday. 8. The telephone....................................four times in the last hour. 9. My grandparents................................... in the same house for over forty years. 10. This is the first time I ................................. a horse.

Tegyen föl két kérdést az alábbi mondatok mindegyikére a zárójelben megadott szavakat felhasználva! Ask two questions about each sentence using the words in bracket. Q I know my sister's boyfriend. (how long) How long have you known him? (when / meet) When did you meet him? 1. Kevin has a beard. (how long?)................................................... (when / start to grow ).................................. 2. Maria's in love with Bob. (how long)..................................................... (when/fall in love)........................................ 3. I've got a car. (how long)...................................................... (when / buy).................................................. 158

Tenses - Ige id ő k

4. James smokes. (how long)...................... (when / start smoking) .... 5. Julia and Tim are married. (how long)...................... (when/get married).......


Egészítse ki a kifejezéseket a megfelelő for vagy since elöljárószóval! Complete the phrases with the right preposition: for or since.

1 ........ 1970 10...............the ski break 2 .............. several years 11...............hours 3 .............. the beginning of the summer 4 ..............a week 12...............May 5 ............. my brother was born 13................the last minutes of the 6 .................half a minute show 7 ..............noon 14...............hundreds of years 8 ..............ages 15...............their wedding 9 .................last winter


Egészítse ki a mondatokat a megfelelő for vagy since elöljárószóval! Fill in the gaps with the right preposition: for or since.

1 . We haven't heard from Jenny....... she went to work in Sweden.

2. 3. 4. 5.

I haven't had time to go swimming He has worked in this factory........ My uncle's hair has got greyer...... Your English has improved a lo t.... 6 . Uncle Jack has had a car ever........

........ more than three weeks. ......... he left school. ...........some time now. ......... I started to teach you. ........ he was seventeen. 159

Tenses - Igeid ő k

7. We haven't seen our friends................... a month now. 8....................... you last visited us the kids have changed a lot. 9. John has been fast asleep................... three hours now. 10. I've been very busy ................... the last couple of weeks.


Tegye az igéket a megfelelő igeidőbe (egyszerű múlt vagy befejezett jelen)! Use the verbs in the right tense (Simple Past or Present Perfect).

1. What (you / have).................................for breakfast this morning? 2. (you / have).................................. lunch yet? 3. When was the last time you two (meet).......................................? 4. Terry (fail)....................................his Biology exam last term. 5. I'm starving. I (not eat)................................... anything all day. 6. Jane (not water)................................... the plants for two weeks. 7. I (get)........................ a nice leather jacket for Christmas last year. 8. (you / ever / try)................................... Chinese food? 9. He (clim b)................................... Mount Blanc. 10. My son (have)................................... this skateboard for a week. He (get)....................................it for his birthday. 11 .We're late again. My parents' plane (already/ land)....................... 12. Who (w in)................................... the World Cup last time? 13. Farmers' markets (recently/become)..............................popular again in the rural areas in England. 14. After her husband's death Queen Victoria (suffer)......................... a terrible depression and she (not perform).................................... any national duty for several years. 15. My aunt (already / b e)....................................to Russia, but it (be) ....................................a long time ago. 160

Tenses - Ige id ő k

16. When I was at university, I .................. (know) your brother well. 17.1 (lose).................................. my wallet. Can you help me find it? 18. Someone (steal)........................ my bike. I (leave).......................... it here an hour ago, and now it's not here. 19. Don't put the butter in the fridge yet. I (finish)................................ breakfast yet. 20. We (buy)................................... new furniture for the living-room. Would you like to see it?


Tegye a zárójeles kifejezéseket a mondatokba, és végezze el a szükséges változtatásokat! Put the phrases in brackets in the sentences and make the necessary changes.

1. We're on the beach now. (for more than an hour) 2. They live in Kings Road, (since their son was born) 3. Diana has failed her exam, (never) 4. I've seen George, (a couple of minutes ago) 5. Tom has made up his mind, (not yet) 6. Anna has read a book in English? (ever?) 7. It's stopped raining, (when?) 8. Martin has already found a good job. (yet?)


Te n ses - Ig e id ő k

9. I haven't been abroad for a while, (how long?) 10.They are engaged, (how long?)

VI. Expressing the future - Jövő idő kifejezése 1. will segédigével will + főnévi igenév 'to' nélkül (Egyes és többes szám első személyben shall is használható.) Személyes névmás után leggyakrabban összevont alakban áll: NI, you'll, he'll, she'll, it'll, we'll, they'll Tagadás: will not = won't Q Használata a) Amikor a jövő idejű cselekvés bekövetkezése a beszélő véleménye, feltételezése vagy következtetése. Q / think it'll rain tomorrow. - Szerintem holnap esni fog. I don't suppose they'll be very happy about it. - Nem hiszem, hogy nagyon fognak neki örülni. b) A beszéd pillanatában meghozott döntés kifejezésére. Q Pl. a tanáraz órán közli, hogy nincs kréta, mire egy diák azt mondja: Ok, I'll bring some. - Majd én hozok. I'll do the shopping for you if you wish. - Én elintézem a bevásárlást helyetted, ha akarod.


Te n ses - Ig e id ő k

c) Állító alakban ígéretet, tagadóban visszautasítást is jelölhet. Q I'll pay you next week. - A jövő héten fizetek. "Would you like a drink?" - „Kérsz inni?" —> "I won't have anything, thanks." - „Nem iszom semmit, köszönöm." d) Kérdő mondatban 2. személyű alannyal udvarias kérést fejez ki. Q Will you do me a favour? - Tennél nekem egy szívességet? Will you come here? - Légy szíves, gyere ide! e) Feltételes jelentéstartalmú mondatok (First Conditional) főmon­ datában. Q We'll go to the beach if it's fine tomorrow. - Kimegyünk a strandra, ha jó idő lesz holnap. O Bővebben lásd a Feltételes mód című fejezetben!

Tegye ki a mondatba illő will vagy won't alakot! Use the form of will or won't that fits in the sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tom needs a mechanic. His c a r.....................start. I'm sure Mary............. enjoy the party. All her friends will be there. Don't worry. There.....................be any problems with the kids. The teacher promises that she............. correct the test next week. "I ..................... give you any homework for the weekend", Mrs Norris said. 6. I hope Jan e.....................like her birthday present. 7. Some people believe that in the year 2050 people..................... go to space for their holiday. 8. H e .....................never trust us again! 9. I .....................give him your message as soon as he returns. 10...................... you bring me my glasses, please? 163

Te n se s - Ig e id ő k

2. going to szerkezettel to be (ragozott alakja) + going to + főnévi igenév Q I'm going to meet him this afternoon. - Ma délután találkozom vele. They aren't going to be there. - Ők nem lesznek ott. Are you going to answer his question? - Válaszolsz a kérdésére? Q Használata a) Tervezett, szándékolt, a közeli jövőben bekövetkező cselekvést jelöl. Q We're going to finish painting the kitchen this afternoon. - Ma délután befejezzük a konyha festését. b) A körülményekből egyértelműen látszó, bizonyosan bekövetkező cselekvés jelölésére. Q Look at the clouds. It's going to rain soon. - Nézd a felhőket! Mindjárt esni fog. She looks very weak. She's going to faint. - Nagyon gyöngének látszik. El fog ájulni. c) A go és come igékkel általában nem használjuk. Helyette folyamatos jelennel utalunk a jövőre. B Is she going to the party? - Megy a buliba? Tegye ki a mondatba illő will vagy going to alakot! Use the form of will or going to that fits in the sentence. 1. I don't feel very well today. I think I .................................go home. 2. You're in class and suddenly you see a mouse running across the room. What (you).................................do? 3. I don't think my parents................................ let me go on that trip. 4. (you / d o )......................................the washing up for me, please? 164

Te n se s - Ig e id ő k

5. People expect that the factory......................................close soon. 6. I (not).................................let that person enter my house. 7. " I ........................love you forever" the man declared to his fiancée. 8. What (you)..........................................do with those newspapers? 9. (you)........................open the door for me, please. My hands are full. 10. " I............................. help you find the museum", said the policeman to the tourist. 11 .Are you going to a fancy dress party? Nobody............................... recognize you in these clothes. 12.1 meet Jack in the library at 6 o'clock. We .................................study together. 13. "It's very cold in here." "Ok, I ........................... turn the heater on." 14. "What do you need those scissors for?" " I .................................cut the dead leaves of the plant." 15. My uncle............................ retire next month. H e............................ have a party. 16. Watch out. That c a r................................ crash into us. 17. My little brother................................ be 5 tomorrow. 18.1 don't think I ............................... get home for dinner. So don't wait for me. 19. Oh, no! We've missed the last boat. What (we).......................do now? 20. My son (no t).................................go to sleep on his own. I have to sit by his bed for at least half an hour every evening.


Használja a jövő idő kifejezésére legalkalmasabb alakot: egyszerű jelen / folyamatos jelen / will / going to! ü Use the most appropriate form to express future activity: Present Simple / Present Continuous / will / going to.

'Would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight?' 'I'm sorry, I can't. I (g o )....................................... to a party." 165

Te n se s - Ig e id ő k

2. "When are you planning to go back to university?" "The new semester (start)....................................... next week." 3. Don't worry. Your father (be) ........................................ at the station to meet you. 4. My sister's birthday is next week. I (give)........................................ her a nice bracelet I made myself. 5. What time (your plane/take o ff)...................................tomorrow? 6. I'm exhausted. I (g o ).........................................bed early tonight. 7. "What (you / d o )....................................this afternoon?" "I (meet) ....................................... an old friend from high school." 8. I'm so excited. My cousin (have)....................................... a baby! 9. Calm down. I don't think you (have)....................................... any problems at the border. 10. (you / take)....................................the children to Spain with you? 11.1 don't think anybody can tell you what life (b e ).......................... like in 50 years'time. 12.1hope scientists (find)......................................the cure for cancer. 13. When (you / d o )....................................... your homework? 14. That suitcase looks really heavy. I (carry)..................................... it for you. 15. The forecast says that we (not/have) ..................................... any more snow from next week.


P assive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s z e rk e z e t

10. Passive Voice - Szenvedő szerkezet Q Akkor használjuk, ha nem tudjuk vagy nem akarjuk megnevezni, ki végezte a cselekvést. Az a fontos, hogy a cselekvést az adott tárgyon elvégezték. Magyarban általános alanyt használunk (legtöbbször többes szám 3. személyt). Q Képzése A to be létige megfelelő idejű ragozott alak + az ige 3. alakja. 1. egyszerű jelen idő (Present Simple): am/is/are + 3. alak Q Millions of emails are sent every day. - Naponta több millió emailt küldünk. 2. egyszerű múlt idő (Past Simple): was/were + 3. alak Q This postcard was sent from Washington D.C. - Ezt a képeslapot Washingtonból küldték. 3. egyszerű jövő idő (Simple Future): will be + 3. alak Q Painting will be finished tomorrow. - A festést holnap befejezzük. Az a mondat alakítható át szenvedő szerkezetűvé, melyben tárgyas ige van.

O Az „Tm going out with my friend." mondat nem alakítható át szenvedő szerkezetűvé, mert bár a „friend" szó alakilag tárgy a mondatban, a „go out" nem tárgyas ige és a „with my friend" a mondatban társhatározó.






the daily paper at around 7.30 every morning.


(alany) (állítmány)


Az aktív mondat tárgya lesz a szenvedő szerkezetű mondat alanya, az állítmány pedig szenvedő alakba kerül. The daily paper

is brought


at around 7.30 every morning.



(állítmány szenvedő alakban)

Ha azt is fontosnak tartom, ki végezte a cselekvést, akkor azt a by elöljárószóval a mondat végére kitehetem. Tom



this letter.



(alany) (állítmány) This letter


- aktív mondat


was written (by Tom). - szenvedő szerkezetű mondat


(alany) (állítmány szenvedő alakban) Q This play was written by Shakespeare. - Ezt a darabot Shakes­ peare írta. Who was this play written by? - Ki írta ezt a darabot? Q Vigyázzunk azonban arra, hogy csak akkor tegyük ki a cselekvést végző személyt a mondat végére, ha meg tudjuk nevezni, vagy nem egyértelmű, hogy ki cselekszik. Figyelje meg a következő mondatokat!


P assive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s z e rk e z e t Í R

A doctor will operate on him soon. —> He will be operated on soon. Ezt a mondatot azért mondjuk szenvedő szerkezettel, mert nem a cselekvést végző személy a fontos, hanem az, hogy mi fog történni az ige tárgyával. Csak akkor tennénk ki a cselekvést végző személyt, ha megneveznénk (vagy ha a portás operálna!).


Az alábbiakban egy esküvő előkészületeit és eseményeit vázoltuk fel. Alkosson szenvedő szerkezetű mondatokat a megadott kifejezéseket felhasználva! Here is a list of wedding preparations and events of a wedding. Using the prompts make sentences in the Passive Voice.

Q time of the wedding / choose The time of the wedding is chosen. 1. the invitations/send 2. the wedding dress / make 3. the wedding rings / buy 4. the wedding cake / bake 5. the bouquet of flowers/order 6. the car/decorate



Passive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s ze rk e ze t

7. the music for the ceremony / choose 8. the restaurant / book 9. photographs/take 10.music/ play


Alkosson szenvedő szerkezetű mondatokat a megadott szavakból! Minden mondat egyszerű jelen időben legyen! Using the prompts make sentences in the Present Simple Passive.

1. my flat/clean / every Friday 2. football / play / by eleven people 3. how / Yorkshire pudding / make ? 4. where / the best champagne / make? 5. what languages / speak/ in Switzerland? 6. this tray/m ake/of plastic 7. a corkscrew / use / for opening bottles 8. Martini/ drink/with ice


Passive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s z e rk e z e t Q

9. a lot of rice/eat/in China 10. English / speak / all over the world 11. Rolls Royce cars / produce / for the rich 12. cars / test / before they / sell


Alkosson szenvedő szerkezetű mondatokat a megadott szavakból! Minden mondat egyszerű múlt időben legyen! Using the prompts make sentences in the Past Simple Passive.

1. our house/build/ten years ago 2. America/ discover/in 1492 3. the grass/not cut/yesterday 4. you / invite/to the party? 5. Pete's car/steal / last night 6. radio/invent/by Marconi 7. nobody / injure / in the car crash 8. my father's office / decorate / last week



P a ssive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s ze rk e ze t

9. several houses / destroy / in the flood last spring 10. this silk dress / design / by Kati Zoób 11. my car / service / a week ago 12. this tree / blow out / in the wind last night


Alakítsa át a következő mondatokat szenvedő szerkezetűvé! Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. 2. We use a kettle for boiling water. 3. They painted the window frames last month. 4. They will arrange everything tomorrow. 5. They make excellent maple syrup in Canada. 6. They will repair the leaking roof next week. 7. They don't sell telephone cards anymore. 8. They will finish the new underground line next year. 9. A very young musician taught her how to play the flute.


Passive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s z e rk e z e t

10. More than 50,000 people visited this exhibition. 11 .They built their new house in less than six months. 12. Milkmen don't deliver milk in cities in England anymore. 13.They will hold the ceremony tomorrow. 14.The dentist pulled out two of his milk teeth the other day. 15. Students lose several different items every day.

Q Természetesen bármilyen igeidőben álló vagy bármilyen módbeli segédigét tartalmazó mondat átalakítható szenvedő szerke­ zetűvé. 1. befejezett jelen (Present Perfect) Q His book has just been published. - Épp most adták ki a köny­ vét. 2. can Q This exercise can't be done. - Ezt a gyakorlatot nem lehet megcsinálni. 3. must Q This letter must be answered at once. - Erre a levélre azonnal válaszolni kell.



P assive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s ze rk e ze t

4. should Q Your dogs should be fed twice a day. - A kutyáidat naponta kétszer kellene etetni.

Alakítsa át a következő mondatokat szenvedő szerkezetűvé! Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.


1. We shouldn't keep animals in cages. 2. She hasn't sent the invitation yet. 3. Nurses look after sick people in hospitals. 4. You can make yoghurt from milk. 5. Did Susan bake this delicious fruit cake? 6. They have finished the water tower. 7. Someone should change the floor of the gym hall in the school. 8. Everybody must write this essay. 9. They will forgive you. 10. Someone has stolen the jewels from the safe. 11 .We should save panda bears.


P assive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s z e rk e z e t r n

12. How much whisky do they produce in Scotland a year? 13. Nobody will hurt them. 14.They found this dog in the street. 15. You should close all the windows before you leave the office. 16. You mustn't leave this gate open. 17.The mechanics have repaired the race car. 18.Three armed men robbed the local bank yesterday. 19. How many cars have they produced in Hungary since they opened the Suzuki Factory in Esztergom? 20. Who built Hadrian's Wall?

O Ha az aktív mondat alanya nobody, akkor a szenvedő szerkezetben tagadó alakú lesz az állítmány. Q Nobody noticed her. -> She wasn't noticed. Q Mivel az angol nyelvben egy mondatban két tárgy is állhat (Direct Object és Indirect Object), mindkettő lehet a szenvedő mondat alanya.


P a ssive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s ze rk e ze t

We sent her

a postcard


from Italy.


Ind irect 0 bj ect Direct 0 bject Indirect Object az alany:

O Az alany mindig alanyesetben van. She was sent a postcard from Italy. i i (alany) (Direct Object) Direct Object az alany: A postcard was sent

to her from Italy.




(Indirect Object)

Az előző mondat a gyakoribb, azaz amikor az „Indirect" tárgyból lesz a szenvedő mondat alanya. A második szerkezetű mondatnál a to vagy for elöljárót ki kell tenni, hisz az „Indirect Object" (részeshatározó) megelőzi a „Direct Object"-et (a tárgyat).

Alakítsa át a következő mondatokat szenvedő szerkezetűvé! Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice.


1. They invited us to their wedding anniversary. 2. You should tell James the bad news as soon as possible.


Passive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s z e rk e z e t Q

3. We'll inform them tomorrow. 4. The local television company has offered Phil a good job. 5. How much did they pay you for digging their garden? 6. They didn't give me the chance to say 'No'. 7. The storm ruined the crops. 8. The local government will give the Millers a bigger flat. 9. The strange noise frightened the children. 10. Her parents buy Sue everything she asks for. 11. Did anyone disturb you last night? 12.The new teacher gave us a lesson yesterday. 13. A very famous surgeon will operate on my father. 14. What did they show you? 15. As his parents died his grandparents brought Ted up. 16.They heard the boy say something rude. 17.This charity organization gives free meals to poor people.



P a ssive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s z e rk e z e t

18. A special delivery service brought this parcel to you. 19.The boss made me do the job on my own. 20. Nobody brought her any flowers.

O A make somebody do something, hear somebody do something szerkezetek szenvedő alakban álló igéit to+infinitive követi. Lásd a „Gerund, Infinitive" fejezetet! Q They made her do the housework. —> She was made to do the housework.

Tegye a zárójelben lévő igéket a megfelelő, cselekvő vagy szenvedő módú egyszerű múlt idejű alakba! 0 Give the right active or passive Past Tense form of the verbs in brackets.


History of the Olympics The earliest recorded Olympic Games (1. hold)..................................... in Olympia, in ancient Greece, in 776 B.C. This tradition (2. take place) .....................................every four years for one thousand years. The modern Olympic movement (3. start) ..................................... when French educator, Pierre de Coubertin, (4. bring).......................... together a group of sports and philosophy leaders from around the


P a ssive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s z e rk e z e t


world for the International Athletic Congress. The group, which later (5. become)............................. the International Olympic Committee, (6. decide).....................................to revive the ancient Games. In 1896, the first modern Olympics (7. h old)................................. in Athens, Greece, their glorious country of origin. The first winter sport (8. include)............................. in 1908: figure skating. Later, ice hockey (9. add).........................................to the competition programme. The first Winter Olympics (10. stage)................................. in Chamonix, France, in 1924. 294 athletes (11. take part).................................. in the events. For the next 68 years, the Winter Games (12. hold) .....................................in the same year as the Summer Games. (Hello Teens, VI/2 - 2006.)

Tegye a zárójelben lévő igéket a megfelelő, cselekvő vagy szenvedő módú egyszerű múlt idejű alakba! 13 Give the right active or passive Past Tense form of the verbs in brackets.


Sugar As tea and coffee (1. g ro w )..................................... in popularity in Britain in the 18th century, the demand for sugar to sweeten them also (2. grow) ........................................ More and more workers (3. need) ......................................on sugar plantations in the West Indies, so their owners (4. import) ...................................... slaves from West Africa. A circular trade (5. develop).................................. and islands such as Jamaica and the Bahamas (6. become)


Ü Passive V o ic e - S z e n v e d ő s ze rk e ze t

British colonies. Ships from Britain (7. carry)..................................... cotton and metal goods to Africa, where they (8. trade)...................... for slaves , who ( 9. ta ke )..................................... on a three-month voyage to the West Indies. They (10. trade) ..................................... with the plantation owners for sugar, and the ships (11. return) ..................................... to Britain with the sugar. Georgian Britain, especially the ports of Liverpool and Bristol, (12. grow )...................... rich on the profits of the slave trade. (Elizabeth Sharman: Across cultures)


A s k in g q u e s tio n s , t a g -q u e s tio n s - K é rd é sfe lte v é s, u tó k é rd é s

11. Asking questions, tag-questions Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés G Az angol nyelvben a kérdésfeltevés fordított szórenddel és segédigével történik! 1. eldöntendő kérdés segédige + alany + Is Tóm Have they

az állítmány többi része watching television? arrived at the theatre yet?

2. kiegészítendő kérdés kérdőszó + segédige + alany + What is Tom Where have they

az állítmány többi része doing ? arrived?

Mivel egyszerű jelen (Simple Present) és egyszerű múlt (Simple Past) időben állító alakban nincs segédige, kérdést a do/does és did segédigét használva teszünk fel. A segédige után a főige főnévi igenévi alakban áll. Q Do you like ice-cream? - Szereted a fagylaltot? What does your father do? - Mi az apukád foglalkozása? What did you do last weekend? - Mit csináltál múlt hétvégén? Ha a mondat állítmánya a létige, akkor csak a szórendet fordítjuk meg. Q Were they at home? - Otthon voltak? A not tagadószó kérdésben is a segédigéhez kapcsolódik.


A s k in g q u e s tio n s , ta g -q u e s t io n s - K é rd é sfe lte v é s, u tó k é rd é s

Q Aren't you satisfied with the result? - Nem vagytok elégedettek az eredménnyel? Why don't you want to do it? - Miért nem akarod megcsinálni?


Keresse meg a választ a kérdésekre! Match the questions with the answers.

1. How did you feel when you heard the news? 2. What's this? 3. Where are you going the stay in London? 4. Did you see the film last night? 5. What is your new teacher like? 6. Why can't you do it? 7. How often do you go skating? 8. Which jacket do you prefer? 9. How is your grandma? 10. When are you planning to come back? 11. How long did it take you to find the house? 12. Have you ever made muffins? 13. What kind of music does he like? 14. Who lives in the house opposite? 15. What would you like to have? 16. Isn't it a lovely day today? a) My best friend. c) Oh yes, it is. e) Next Friday. g) Half an hour. i) She's very strict. k) Twice a week. 182

b) Because I haven't got tools. d) Happy. f) It's a corkscrew. h) A coke, please. j) He likes rap. I) No, I didn't.

A s k in g q u e s tio n s , ta g -q u e s t io n s - K é rd é sfe lte v é s, u tó k é rd é s

m) The brown one. o) At a bed and breakfast place. 1............ 5............ 9............ 13............

2............ 6............ 10............ 14............

n) She is very well, thanks, p) No, I haven't. 3.......... 7.......... 11.......... 15..........

4... 8 . ..

12.. 16..

Q A milyen? magyar kérdőszóval külső és belső tulajdonságra is tudunk kérdezni. Az angol nyelvben erre két különböző kérdést használunk: What is he/she/it like? - Milyen? (belső tulajdonságra kérdez) What does he/she/it look like? - Hogy néz ki? (külsőre kérdez) Q "What is your French pen friend like?" "She's very outgoing and funny." - „Milyen a francia levelezőtársad?" „Nagyon nyitott és vicces." "What does she look like?" "She's tall, slim and has dark brown hair." - „Hogy néz ki?" „Magas, vékony és sötétbarna haja van."

O A fentieket ne tévesszük össze a „What does she like? - Mit szeret?" kérdéssel! Q A how? kérdőszó jelentése: hogyan? Gyakran fordíthatjuk a milyen? kérdőszóval, ha a kérdés arra utal, hogy „hogy ment" valami. Q How did you find the hotel? - Hogy találtátok meg a szállodát?


A sk in g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés

How was the interview? - Milyen volt a meghallgatás/interjú? (Hogy ment?)


A megadott kifejezések felhasználásával tegyen fel kérdéseket, melyekre a válaszokat megadtuk! Using the prompts make the questions. The answers are given.

1. (Sheila / married) "..........................................................................?" "No, she isn't." 2. (she/come/England) "................................................................. ?" "No, she doesn't. She's from Australia." 3. (where / she / stay) ".......................................................................?" "She's staying at a student hostel." 4. (you / meet her) "........................................................................... ?" "Yes, I have." 5. (what/she/like) ".......................................................................... ?" "She's very nice and open." 6. (what/like about Hungary) "........................ "She likes the people and the food." 7. (how often/she/go out) "............................ "Not very often, just once a week." 8. (how long / she/ be in Hungary) "................ "Since the beginning of the school year." 9. (how long/ she/stay) "................................. "She's going to stay for two more months." 10. (where/you/go/last night)"..................... "To the theatre to see Hamlet."


A skin g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés

11. (how much /the tickets)"...............................................................?" "They were free." 12. (her parents/visit her /yet) "........................................................ ?" "Not yet, they're coming next month."

O Ha a mondat alanyára kérdezünk, természetesen nem használható a korábban említett szórendi szabály. Ezekben a kérdésekben a kérdőszó lesz az alany, nem lesz fordított a szórend és nem kell do/does ill. did segédigét tenni a mondatba. Q What makes this noise? - Mi csinálja ezt a zajt? How many people have left? - Hányán mentek el? Who was the driver? - Ki volt a sofőr? Who invented the gramophone?- Ki találta föl a gramofont? Which puppy belongs to you? - Melyik kiskutya a tied?


Tegyen fel kérdéseket a megadott kérdőszavakkal! A válaszokat a zárójelben találja. Ask questions about sentence with the question words. The answers are given in brackets.

1. My brother woke me up this morning. W ho................................................................................................ (My brother.) W ho................................................................................................ (Me.)


A sk in g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés

When................................................................................................? (This morning.) W hat................................................................................................ ? (Woke me up.) 2. It'll be nice and sunny this afternoon. What ............................................................................................... ? (Nice and sunny.) When................................................................................................? (This afternoon.) 3. I've decided to rewrite the letter, because I made too many mistakes. W ho................................................................................................. ? (I have.) W hat.................................................................................................? (To rewrite the letter.) W hy.................................................................................................. ? (Because I made too many mistakes.) W ho..................................................................................................? (I did.) How many........................................................................................ ? (Too many.) 4. Steve was given a gold medal. W ho..................................................................................................? (Steve.) W hat.................................................................................................? (A gold medal.) What kind o f ....................................................................................? (Gold.)


A skin g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés


Tegyen fel kérdéseket az aláhúzott mondatrészekre! Ask questions about the underlined parts of the sentences.

1. Paula has just joined the dramatic group of the school. 2. At the age of eighteen Tony became a professional criminal. 3. I felt relieved when mv exam was over. 4. I have to phone mv mum at 9 o'clock. 5. Someone called you this morning. 6. Geography is Robert's best subject. 7. Jack borrowed mv bike for the weekend. 8. Sue is very reliable. 9. Diana always treats animals kindly. 10.1 was talking to Helen when we were cut off. 11. I'm not really interested in cars. 12.1 saw an interesting advertisement in the local paper. 13. Wendy's teacher was impressed by our performance.


A sk in g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés

14. Sally is never late for school. 15.This ring cost a fortune. 16. Rita is fond of Black Forest gateau. 17.There was a small table by his bed. 18. We couldn't see the other shore of the lake. 19. He'll phone us as soon as he is ready. 20. We've just finished cleaning the kitchen. 21 .They're still trying to find the solution to the problem. 22. I'm going out with mv parents tonight. 23. My sons have had French lessons since September. 24. Charlotte wants the skiing holiday, not the hiking one. 25. Mary's looking at the shop-window. 26. Fiona likes pancakes with maple svrup.


A skin g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés 11

Tag-questions - Utókérdések Q Az „ugye" kifejezés megfelelőjét az angolban mindig a mondat végére tesszük önálló tagmondatként. Az utókérdést segédigével és személyes névmással kifejezett alannyal képezzük. Állító mondat esetén tagadó alakú az utókérdés: Q Pat likes bananas, doesn't she? - Pat szereti a banánt, ugye? The students are in the gym hall, aren't they? - A diákok a tornateremben vannak, ugye? Policemen have to wear a uniform, don't they? - A rendőröknek egyenruhát kell hordaniuk, ugye? Tagadó mondat esetén az utókérdés állító alakú: Q You can't come earlier, can you? - Nem tudsz hamarabb jönni, ugye? She hasn't been to England, has she? - Ő még nem járt Angliában, ugye? Alice won't say a word to anyone, will she? - Alice senkinek egy szót sem fog szólni, ugye? Figyelje meg az utókérdés alakját a különböző igeidőkben, valamint módbeli segédigékkel, állító vagy tagadó alakban: Egyszerű jelen Your father is a teacher, isn't he? - Apukád tanár, ugye? These boys go to the same class, don't they? - Ezek a fiúk ugyanabba az osztályba járnak, ugye?


A sk in g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés

Egyes szám első személyben a tagadó utókérdés: am I not / aren't I. B I'm the youngest here, am I not? (ez a hivatalosabb alak) I'm the youngest here, aren't I? (ez a beszélt nyelvi alak) - Én vagyok itt a legfiatalabb, ugye? O

Folyamatos jelen The guests are enjoying themselves, aren't they? - A vendégek jó l érzik magukat, ugye? Egyszerű múlt Mary didn 't get a bad grade, did she? - Mary nem kapott rossz jegyet, ugye? Folyamatos múlt The car wasn't coming fast, was it? - Az autó nem jött gyorsan, ugye? Befejezett jelen Our new neighbours haven't moved in yet, have they? - Az új szomszédaink még nem költöztek be, ugye? Egyszerű jövő You'll have some more tea, won'tyou? - Még iszol egy kis teát, ugye? Módbeli segédigék can Your children can sing, can't they? - A gyerekeid tudnak énekelni, ugye? could Your friend couldn't translate it, could he? - A barátod nem tudta ezt lefordítani, ugye? should The nurse should be here, shouldn't she? - A nővérnek itt kellene lennie, ugye?


A skin g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés

Felszólító mód Stop talking, will you? - Ne beszélgess, jó 7 Don't open it, will you? - Ne nyisd ki, jó? Let's go for a walk, shall we? - Menjünk sétálni, jó? A there is / there are szerkezet utókérdésben is használható. There's a kitten in your bag, isn't there? - Van egy macska a táskádban, ugye? O Ha a mondat alanya this/that illetve these/those, akkor az utókérdésben it, illetve they alannyal kérdezek vissza. 63 That is your bag, isn't it? - Ez a te táskád, ugye? These aren't ours, are they? - Ezek nem hozzánk tartoznak, ugye?

O Ha a mondatban negatív értelmű szó van - annak ellenére, hogy az állítmány állító alakú -, az utókérdés állító alakú lesz. B Nothing went wrong, did it? - Nem történt semmi baj, ugye? She never smiles, does she? - Soha nem mosolyog, ugye?


Tegye ki az utókérdést a mondatok végére! Put the question tags at the end of each sentence.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Your cat isn't in here,.................................................................... ? Eve has just left,............................................................................. ? Peter came back yesterday,............................................................ ? You won't mind if I go to o ,........................................................... ? I'm not late yet,.............................................................................. ? That isn't your brother,..................................................................?


A sk in g questions, tag-q u estio n s - Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés

7. The animals shouldn't be fed by the visitors,................................. ? 8. We've been awarded a prize,..........................................................? 9. The children would like to have something to drink,.................... ? 10. You didn't forget your key,.............................................................. ? 11 .Your cousin likes living in the capital,............................................? 12. There aren't any problems,.......................................................... ? 13. The secretary has long conversations on the phone,...................? 14. Your father's got a new car,............................................................ ? 15. Mary's going to do her homework in the library,...........................? 16. Not many adults can understand young people today,.................? 17. I'm right,............................ ? 18. Let's forget about it ,............................................ ? 19. Please sit dow n,............................. ? 20. Your fiancé likes turkey,.................................................................. ? 21 .You'll carry it for m e,...................................................................... ? 22. It's going to be fu n ,........................................................................ ? 23. Tina should be here by now,......................................................... ? 24. The robbers have been arrested,.................................................. ? 25. His parents simply can't give up smoking,..................................... ?


C o nditio nal - Feltételes m ód

12. Conditional - Feltételes mód First Conditional - Feltételes jelentéstartalmú mondatok A magyarban ezekben a mondatokban az igék kijelentő módban állnak, a mellékmondatnak feltételes jelentéstartalma van: Q Holnap elmegyünk sétálni', ha szép idő lesz. Lekéssük a vonatot, ha nem sietsz. Képzése Főmondat will + főnévi igenév (Jövő idő / Simple Future)


Mellékmondat jelen idő (Present Simple)

A segédige minden személyben will, és leggyakrabban rövid alakban használjuk: 'II ( I'll, you'll, he'll, well, they'll) G We'll (We will) go for a walk tomorrow if the weather is nice. Holnap elmegyünk sétálni, ha szép idő lesz. We won't go for a walk tomorrow if the weather isn't nice. Holnap nem megyünk el sétálni, ha nem lesz szép idő. if the weather isn't nice. We'll stay at home Otthon maradunk, ha nem lesz jó az idő. Well miss the train if you don't hurry. Lekéssük a vonatot, ha nem sietsz. A magyarhoz hasonlóan a tagmondatok sorrendje felcserélhető. Ha a mellékmondat az első tagmondat, vesszővel választjuk el a főmon­ dattól. Ha a főmondat az első, nem tesszük ki a vesszőt. 193

C o n d itio n al - Feltételes m ód

B If the weather is nice, we'll go for a walk tomorrow. If you don't hurry, we'll miss the train.


Tegye a szavakat a megfelelő sorrendbe, hogy értelmes mondatokat kapjon! Rearrange the words to get meaningful sentences.

1. you, too, me, you'll, my, near, if, cold, come, catch, 2. they'll, the, water, if, die, you, plants, don't 3. drop, it'll, this, you, if, break, glass 4. I'll, gets, before, Tom, him, if, here, 9 o'clock, see 5. go, if, on, you, sick, be, won't, get, the, able, trip, you, to

Tegye a zárójelben levő igéket a megfelelő alakba! Use the words in brackets in the right form. 1. If y o u ......................... (go) to bed at 9'clock, yo u ............................ (not feel) tired in the morning. 2. If you ................................... (not prepare) for the exam, you ............................ (not pass) it. 3. Dave can always rely on his Mum. If h e ......................(ask) her, she ...................... (help) him. 4. That shop closes at 5. If y o u ...................... (arrive) at 5.02, they ...................... (not serve) you. 194

C o n d itio n al - Feltételes m ód

5. If Tina...................... (be) out at the moment, I ....................... (call) her tomorrow. 6. This test match is very important for Peter. H e ...................... (get) in the team if h e ...................... (play) well. 7. If the co o k......................(boil) the egg for more than 3 minutes, i t ...................... (not be) soft. 8. Your eyes...................... (hurt) if yo u ....................... (sit) in front of the computer for too long. 9. If I ...................... (buy) the champagne,........................(you, pay) for the meal? 10. If y o u ......................(listen) to the radio too loud, your neighbour ...................... (complain). 11. H e ..........................(go) on a holiday if h e ...........................(save) some money. 12. S u e ...................... (not do) anything tonight if sh e ........................ (feel) too tired. 13. If I ......................... (not see) Pete tomorrow, I .......................... (call) him. 14. If M ary................. (not go) to the concert tonight, sh e ................ (watch) TV. 15. If y o u .................. (want) to travel to the USA, y o u ........................ (need) a visa.

3 1. 2. 3. 4.

Párosítsa össze a fő- és mellékmondatokat! Match the two halves of the sentences.

A If you leave the meat in the oven for too long, In England, if you park on the double yellow line, If you see him, Will you call me 195

C o n d itio n al - Feltételes m ód

5. 6. 7. 8.

They will start the match You'll learn English more easily Your skin will look nicer You won't be able to sleep enough

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

B if it stops raining. will you tell him about it? if you drink too much coffee. it will burn. you'll have to pay a fine. if you eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. if she wants to come too? if you study a little more every day. 1.............. 5..............


2.............. 6..............

3.............. 7..............

Alkosson feltételes jelentéstartalmú mondatokat a megadott szavak felhasználásával, a minta alapján! Using the words given, make sentences in the first conditional as in the example.

Q drop this glass, break If you drop this glass, it will break. 1. not feel better tomorrow, call the doctor 2. hurry, catch the bus 3. reach the top, have a beautiful view 196

4. 8.

C o n d itio n al - Feltételes m ód

4. enjoy extreme sports, love New Zealand 5. sunny, go to the beach 6. not take your umbrella, get wet 7. read this book carefully, understand it 8. drive more carefully, not have so many accidents

Second Conditional - Jelen idejű feltételes mondatok Q Ezek a mondatok a jelen idejű feltételes módban álló mondatoknak felelnek meg a magyarban. Azt fejezik ki, „mi történne, ha ez lenne a helyzet?" Q Vennék egy új autót, ha több pénzem lenne. Képzése Főmondat would + főnévi igenév

Mellékmondat if múlt idő (Simple Past) if 1 would (I'd) buy a new car 1had more money. Vennék egy új autót ha lenne több pénzem. A would segédige személyes névmásokkal összevont rövid alakja: 'd. (I'd, you'd, he'd, she'd, it'd, we'd, they'd) A mellékmondatban a létige (be) alakja minden személyben lehet: were. 197

C o n d itio n al - Feltételes m ód

Q She'd answer the phone if she were!was at home. - Felvenné a telefont, ha otthon lenne. If I were you... kifejezés azt jelenti: Ha a helyedben lennék... A tagmondatok sorrendje felcserélhető. Az if-es tagmondat után vessző van. Q If I had more money, I'd buy a new car. - Ha több pénzem lenne, vennék egy új autót. Alakítsa át a mondatokat jelen idejű feltételes módúvá a példa alapján! Rewrite the sentences in the second conditional as in the example.


B If she's at home, she'll answer the phone. If she were at home, she'd answer the phone. 1. We'll go to the beach if it isn't too cold. 2. If you break it, you'll have to pay for it. 3. If I don't manage to fix it myself, I'll take it to the mechanic. 4. If you hang the clothes in the garden, they will dry soon. 5. If you like those trainers, I'll buy them for you. 6. What will happen if your brother doesn't come home tonight? 7. Will they cut off my electricity if I don't pay the bill? 198

C o n d itio n al - Feltételes m ód

8. If little Johnny is careful enough, he won't fall off the stairs. 9. Pat will catch a cold if she doesn't put on warm clothes. 10. If it snows at the weekend, we'll go skiing in the mountains. 11 .That box will look better if you paint it light blue. 12. If you travel by plane, you'll get there a lot sooner. 13.They will certainly come if you ask them in time. 14. If I have more time, I'll write a long letter to you. 15. Patsy will be very pleased if you remember her birthday.


Tegye a zárójelben levő igéket a megfelelő alakba, hogy jelen idejű feltételes mondatokat kapjon! Use the right form of the verbs in brackets to get sentences in the second conditional.

1. If my parents......................(give) me more money, I ....................... (buy) a camera. 2. If I ...................... (have) some free time now, I ....................... (play) with my dog. 3.......................... (you, tell) Peter to come to my party if you ...................... (see) him? 4. W h a t.......................... (your mother, do) if you .......................... (not arrive) home on time? 5. If I ...................... (be) you, I ........................(buy) the blue jacket. 199

Co n d itio n al - Feltételes m ód

6. If h e ......................(can do) that alone, h e ....................... (not ask) for your help. 7..........................(you, mind) it if I ........................(come) a little late next Monday? 8. If I ...................... (live) on a desert island, I ....................... (have to) go fishing every day. 9. If my father ................................ (work) in the next town, he ....................... (have to) get up an hour earlier every morning. 10. If Hungarian students ...................... (watch) English films with subtitles, their English......................(improve) a lot. 11. If people......................(take) public transport to work instead of their cars, there......................(be) less pollution in our city. 12.1 .....................(tell) him the truth if I ........................(be) you. 13.1....................(not do) it even if you....................(offer) me a fortune. 14.1 .................... (not marry) him even if h e ....................... (beg) me. 15. Even if you .................... (leave) right away, y o u ...................... (be) at least 5 minutes late. Q Az „even if" kifejezés a feltételt nyomatékosítja, azt jelenti, hogy „még akkor is/sem, ha".


Mit tenne a következő helyzetekben? Adjon egész mondatos vá­ laszokat a zárójelben levő szavak, kifejezések fel használásával! What would you do in the following situations? Answer the questions using the prompts in brackets.

Q What would you do i f ... 1. you met Prince Harry? (autograph) 2. you found a wallet in the street? (police station) 200

C o nditio nal - Feltételes m ód

3. you had a headache? (aspirin) 4. you won the lottery? (travel) 5. you didn't understand your Maths homework? (teacher, explain) 6. you went to London? (double-decker bus) 7. the house next door caught fire? (fire brigade) 8. you got on the wrong bus? (at the next stop) 9. you had a driving licence? (drive to school) 10. you hurt your best friend? (apologise)

Q A can segédigének a feltételes módú alakja: could. G / can't talk to you now, I'm too busy. - Most nem tudok veled beszélni, túl sok dolgom van. If I weren't so busy, I could talk to you now. - Ha nem lenne annyi dolgom, tudnék most beszélni veled.


Mi lenne, ha nem így lenne? írjon feltételes mondatokat a megadott szituációkra a példa alapján! What would happen if the situation was different? Write sentences shown in the example.

G They are sad because I can't go to their wedding party. They would be glad if I could go to their wedding party. 201

Co n d itio n al - Feltételes m ód

1. He doesn't work hard enough, so he earns very little. 2. Your plants don't grow well because you don't water them frequently. 3. Pigs don't have wings, so they can't fly. 4. Chris doesn't want coffee, so I won't make one. 5. I'm not diligent enough, so I don't make any progress. 6. Oil is lighter than water, so it floats. 7. He doesn't like this car, so he won't buy it. 8. We don't know his address, so we can't send him a postcard. 9. I'm not invited to the party, so I won't go. 10. Joanna doesn't feel well, so she won't get out of bed. 11. Chris isn't fat at all, because he doesn't eat a lot. 12. Paul is too short, that's why he isn't in the basketball team. 13.1 can't talk to Jacques because I don't speak French. 14. We can't go skiing as there isn't enough snow. 15. My brother can't swim yet, so he can't go into the pool on his own.


Clauses - M ellékm o ndato k

13.Clauses - Mellékmondatok Time-clause - Időhatározói mellékmondat Leggyakoribb kötőszavai: when - amikor before - mielőtt after - miután as soon as - amint as long as - amíg in case - hátha / arra az esetre, ha until - amíg (valami meg nem történik) while - amíg Q Amikor a mondat jövő időre utal, az időhatározói mellékmon­ datban egyszerű jelen időben (Present Simple) áll az állítmány. E kötőszavak után nem állhat jövő idejű állítmány. Q I'll call you when I arrive. - Felhívlak, amikor megérkezem. Az időhatározói mellékmondat lehet a mondat első tagmondata is, a jelentés nem változik. Ha azonban a mellékmondat az első tagmondat, vessző áll utána. When I arrive, I'll call you.


Az until kötőszó után állító alakú az állítmány, bár magyarul általában tagadó mondattal fordítjuk. Will you stay with the kids until I get back? - Itt maradnál a gyerekekkel, amíg én vissza nem érek?



Clauses - M ellékm ondatok


Kapcsolja össze az alábbi mondatpárokat egy jövő időre utaló összetett mondattá a megadott kötőszó segítségével! Combine the two sentences with the time expressions.

a) I go home. b) I finish work. (when) I'll go home when I finish work, or When I finish work, I'll go home.


a) I go shopping.

b) I call you.


2 . a) He is very happy.

b) He gets the message.(as soon as)

3. a) He buys a newspaper.

b) He gets on the train.

4. a) I finish reading the book.

b) I lend it to you.


5. a) They buy a bag of popcorn.b) They sit down.



6 . a) Mary calls you.

b) Her baby is born.

7. a) I look after your kids.

b) You're away.

8 . a) I tell you my secret.

b) You promise not to tell it to anyone. (as long as)

(as soon as) (while)

9. a) The children go out to play in the garden, b) It stops raining. (as soon as)



a) I take an umbrella with me., b) It rains.

(in case)

Clauses - M ellékm o ndato k


Az alábbi jövő időre utaló mondatokban adja meg a zárójelbe tett igék megfelelő alakját! Give the right form of the verbs in brackets.

I promise I (speak).................... ................................. in London. 2 . All the workers (have to leave) after their shift (be).................. 3. I don't think the fair (close)..... 1.

only English while I (be) .....the factory over. until night (fall)

4. I think you should go sightseeing before it (get)......................... dark. 5. We (not start) .................................. our journey until this fog (disappear).................................... 6. (you / think)................................. about it for a while before you (say)................................. "No"? 7. I (stop)................................. cutting the grass as soon as it (start) ................................. raining. 8. I (have)................................. a nice cup of tea right after I (get) home. 9. I (make)................................. some sandwiches for you in case you (get)................................. hungry on the train. 10. Do you know what she (do) ................................. with her dog when she (g o )................................. on holiday in July? 11 .We (be)................................. on the beach when your plane (land) ................................. but I (have)...................................my mobile phone with me, so (you / give ) ................................. me a ring? 12. Could you wait here until I (find)........................... the manager?


Clauses - M ellékm ondatok

Relative clause - Vonatkozó névmási mellékmondat Q A főmondatban megnevezett főnevet jelöli ki vagy határozza meg közelebbről. A mellékmondat kötőszóval kapcsolódik a főmon­ dathoz. Ezekben a mondatokban a kötőszó elé nem teszünk vesszőt. Ha a főnév személy, a kötőszó who vagy that. Általában a who kötőszót használjuk, ha a főnév alanyesetben van, más esetekben mindkettő jó. Q / met a man. He works in my father's office. -> / met (al)the man who works in my father's office- Találkoztam (egy/) azzal a férfival, aki apukám irodájában dolgozik. You're writing a letter to a man. Do I know him? -> Do I know the man that/who you are writing this letter to? - Ismerem azt az embert, akinek ezt a levelet írod? Ha a főnév egyéb élőlényt vagy tárgyat jelöl, a kötőszó which vagy that. Q / bought a bag. It was in the shop window. -> / bought the bag which/that was in the shop window. - Megvettem a táskát, ami a kirakatban volt. A vonatkozó névmási mellékmondat beékelődhet a főmondatba. Q / met a young boy on the train. He's from Switzerland. -> The young boy that I met on the train is from Switzerland. - A fiú, akivel a vonaton találkoztam, svájci.


Clauses - M ellékm o ndato k


Párosítsa össze a foglalkozásokat a rájuk jellemző tevékenységgel, majd alkosson összetett mondatokat a minta alapján! Match the names of professions with the activities and make sentences with relative clauses as in the example.

e teacher

teach children A teacher is someone who teaches children.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

professor doctor nurse photographer porter chef actor painter

paint portraits cook meals in a restaurant carry luggage perform something on the stage cure sick people give lectures at the university look after sick people in hospital take pictures

Clauses - M ellékm ondatok


Párosítsa össze a tárgyak nevét azzal, amire használjuk őket, majd alkosson összetett mondatokat a minta alapján! Match the objects with what they are used for and make sentences with relative clauses as in the example.

Q an umbrella protect you in the rain An umbrella is something that protects you in the rain. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

a pair of scissors a calculator lawnmower hairdryer washing machine oven CD player vacuum cleaner

bake cakes cut the grass in your garden clean your carpet and floor cut things clean the dirty clothes play music make you hair dry help you count


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Kapcsolja össze a mondatokat a megfelelő vonatkozó névmási kötőszóval! Join the sentences with the right relative pronoun.


Clauses - M ellékm o ndato k

Q Do you like the painting? It's above his desk. Do you like the painting which/that is above his desk? 1. Here is your message. Mr Brown left it yesterday. 2. The couple got a washing machine from his grandmother. It broke down after two weeks. 3. I know a lot of people. They don't speak languages. 4. Where are the guests? They ordered this champagne. 5. This is a river. It flows across our city. 6. There's a man on the phone. He wants to talk to you. 7. I like the flowers. They are in front of your house. 8. She's watching a filpi. I don't like it. 9. There's a hole on this jumper. I bought it yesterday. 10.The ticket office is in the centre. It sold these concert tickets. 11. A person asked us for some directions. He spoke the language with a strange accent. 12. George works in a shop. The shop sells mobile phones.


Clauses - M ellékm ondatok

Q Ha a vonatkozó névmási kötőszó tárgyesetben van, elhagyható. Természetesen ha a kötőszó a mellékmondat alanya, nem hagyható el. B There's a book on my desk which/that doesn't belong to me. Van egy könyv az asztalon, ami nem az enyém. (Ebben a mondatban a kötőszó alany, tehát nem hagyható el.) The book (which/that) I'm reading now is in English. - A könyv, amit most olvasok, angolul van. (Ebben a mondatban a kötőszó a mellékmondat tárgya, tehát elhagyható.) Ha a kötőszóra elöljáró vonatkozik, az elöljáró gyakran a mondat (vagy a szerkezet) végére kerül. Mivel elöljárószó után tárgyeset van az angolban, a kötőszó ilyenkor is elhagyható.

B A camera is something with which you can take photographs. = (Ha az elöljáró a névmás előtt van, csak which használható.) A camera is something which/that you can take photographs with. = A camera is something you can take photographs with. A fényképezőgép olyan dolog, amivel fényképeket lehet készíteni. A who kötőszó tárgyesetben: whom B Tom introduced me the girl with whom he was walking. = Tom introduced me the girl who(m) he was walking with. = Tom introduced me the girl he was walking with. - Tom bemutatta nekem a lányt, akivel sétált.

6 2 10

Használja a vonatkozó névmást, ahol szükséges! Ha elhagyható, húzza ki a helyét! Give the relative pronoun where necessary. Write a dash (-) where you can leave it out.

Clauses - M ellékm o ndato k

1. He's the only student.....................knows the answer. 2. Was the waiter.....................served you in the restaurant polite? 3. The people.....................we visited yesterday were very nice. 4. I like the house.....................they have just bought. 5. A coach is someone.....................trains athletes. 6. I'm reading the book.....................you lent me the other day. 7. Do you know the wom an................. has just entered the room? 8. Where is the h a t.....................you wore yesterday afternoon? 9. Bring me the b o x.................... is under the table. 10.The jo kes.....................he tells are usually very funny. Everybody laughs at them. 11. How did you find the b o y.....................broke your window? 12. This was the worst experience.................. I have ever had. 13. Who was the g ir l.....................gave you a lift home? 14. A kettle is something.....................we boil water in. 15. A piece of chalk is something w ith ..........you write on the board. 16. We stayed at the hotel.....................you recommended. 17. A toothbrush is something................. you brush your teeth with. 18. This is the b u s.................. will take you to the station. 19.1 got on the tram................... was going to the wrong direction. 20. The vase..........fell on the floor was too near the edge of the shelf.

Helyhatározói mellékmondat Q Helyhatározót is kifejezhetünk alárendelő mellékmondattal. A kötőszó: where Q / wouldn't like to live in a place where it is always cold. - Nem szeretnék olyan helyen lakni, ahol mindig hideg van.


Clauses - M ellékm ondatok

A where kötőszó helyett gyakran állhat in/at which: Q The hotel where we stayed was very cheap. = The hotel (which) we stayed at was very cheap. - A szálloda, ahol (amelyben) megszálltunk, nagyon olcsó volt. Birtokviszonyos mellékmondat Q Birtokos is kifejezhető mellékmondattal, ekkor a kötőszó: whose. Q This morning I gave a lift to a neighbour whose car wouldn't start. - Ma reggel elvittem kocsival egy szomszédomat, akinek nem indult az autója.

7 a) b) c) d) e) f)

Fejezze be a mondatokat úgy, hogy hozzájuk kapcsolja a megadott tagmondatok egyikét a where kötőszóval! Complete the sentences using where and one of the sentences as a relative clause.

You want me to put the spoons there. You can have a drink and surf the Internet there. You had your wedding reception there. They can repair my bag there. Sick people are cured there. My father was born there.

Q People who have committed a crime are kept there. A prison is a place where people who have committed a crime are kept. 1. How did you find the restaurant...................................................? 2. A hospital is a place.......................................................................... 212

Clauses - M ellékm o ndato k

3. Can you show me the drawer....................................................... ? 4. A can't find a place in tow n.............................................................. 5. The village....................................................... has grown a lot and become a town. 6. An Internet café is a place ................................................................

Használja a megfelelő vonatkozó névmási kötőszót (who, which, that, whose, where), ahol szükséges! a Use the appropriate relative pronoun (who, which, that, whose, where) where necessary.

8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

I met a boy on holiday in Croatia............. taught me how to dive. Have you watched the video film ............. you rented last week? I spoke to the wom an..............son failed the exam. The doctor............. I was sent to didn't even examine me. The b o y............. idea the excursion was didn't come. The parents..........children are late for the classes will get a note. The tiny island ...........we spent most of our holiday was really charming. 8. East Anglia is the area in England............. you can still see houses with thatched roofs. 9. They had a romantic holiday. The house..............they stayed in didn't have running water and electricity. 10. The b o y........... you met last week asked me to say hello to you. 11 .There are many people............. main ambition is to go to space. 12.The nearest supermarket...... I went to didn't have any bread left. 13.1 usually buy clothes in the sho p ............is next to the library. 14. The coach..............goes to Bath leaves from Platform 4. 15. Did you manage to meet the man t o ............. you sent your letter of complaint? 213

Clauses - M ellékm ondatok

16. Romeo and Juliet were two lovers......parents hated each other. 17. Terry is planning to visit the cóllege........... he studied. 18. The firm ..............Gerry is working for is sending him to its Brussels office. 19. The garden ........... her bedroom window looks over is full of spring flowers. 20. The h ouse........... was in the way of the new motorway was demolished.


Reported speech - Fü g g ő beszéd

14. Reported speech - Függő beszéd Q A függő beszéd lényege, hogy a beszélő szavait nem szó szerint idézzük, hanem annak pontos tartalmát foglaljuk össze. Q "I'm tired," Peter says. -> Peter says that he is tired. - Péter azt mondja, hogy fáradt. Kijelentő mondat Q Kijelentő mondatokat idézve a főmondatot that kötőszóval kapcsolhatjuk a mellékmondathoz, de a kötőszó el is hagyható. A magyarhoz hasonlóan logikusan változtatni kell az alanyt, a mutató, személyes és birtokos névmást, ahol szükséges. Q "My cat likes milk," grandma says. -> Grandma says that her cat likes milk. - A nagymama azt mondja, hogy a macskája szereti a tejet. "I'm leaving you forever," the boy's telling his girlfriend. -» The boy's telling his girlfriend that he's leaving her forever. - A fiú azt mondja a barátnőjének, hogy örökre elhagyja őt. "I'll buy the flowers m yself," the bridegroom says. -> The bridegroom says that he'll buy the flowers himself. - A vőlegény azt mondja, hogy ő maga fogja megvenni a virágokat. Előfordul, hogy nem ugyanazon a helyen idézzük fel valakinek a szavait, mint ahol azok elhangzottak. Ilyenkor természetesen változnak bizonyos helyhatározók, igék: here come bring

-> ->

there go take

Q My mum tells me "You should come here." -> My mum tells me that I should go there. - Anyukám azt mondja nekem, oda kell mennem. 215

Reported speech - Fü g g ő beszéd

Q A függő beszéd főmondatában az ige leggyakrabban: say vagy teli. Jelentésük azonos, de használatuk más. A teli tárgyas ige, tehát utána mindig ki kell tennünk a tárgyat, vagyis azt, akinek mondunk valamit: tell somebody. A say ige után nem kötelező tárgyat tenni. Ha kitesszük azt, hogy kinek mondunk valamit, a to elöljárószót kell használnunk: say something (to somebody). Q Father says that his car won't start. - Apa azt mondja, hogy az autója nem fog beindulni. Father says to the mechanic that his car won't start. - Apa azt mondja a szerelőnek, hogy... Father tells the mechanic that his car won't start. - Apa azt mondja a szerelőnek, hogy...


Fejezze be a következő mondatokat! Használjon függő beszédet! Complete the following sentences. Use reported speech.

1. "I bought my car a week ago." John says........................................................................................... 2. "We're going to get married next year." Tim and Fiona sa y ............................................................................. 3. "My father's an engineer." Ben says............................................................................................. 4. "I've been cleaning this flat all day." The cleaning lady says...................................................................... 5. "We were here last week, too." Judy thinks........................................................................................ 6. "I haven't met your boyfriend yet." My cousin tells m e............................................................................ 7. "I'll be back in an hour." Tim promises his mother.................................................................. 216

Reported speech - Fü g g ő beszéd

8. "I've spent all my money." David confesses his w ife........................................ 9. "You must work a lot harder." The boss tells u s ..................................................... 10. "I'll be able to pass my exam." Susan hopes........................................................... 11. "I'll bring you some tea when you have finished." Susan tells the repairman...................................... 12. "I'll do everything I can to help you." Mother promises her daughter............................. Kérdő mondat Q Amennyiben valakinek a kérdő mondatát idézzük, további változ­ tatásokra van szükség. Alapszabály, hogy a függő kérdés valójában nem kérdés, ezért szórendje egyenes, azaz kérdő helyett állító szórendje van, és nem használjuk benne azokat a segédigéket, amelyek a kérdésfeltevéshez szükségesek: (do/did). Kötőszavak 1. kiegészítendő kérdés esetén a kérdő mondat kérdőszava: who, what, when, stb. B "Where does Jane live?" the teacher asks. —> The teacher asks where Jane lives. - A tanár azt kérdezi, hol lakik Jane. "When did you find your pen ?" my mum asks me. —> My mum asks me where I found my pen. - Anyukám azt kérdezi tőlem, hol találtam meg a toliam. "How long have you been here?" the nurse asks the patient. -» The nurse asks the patient how long he has been there. - A nővér azt kérdezi a betegtől, hogy (a beteg) mióta van ott. 217

Reported speech - Fü g g ő beszéd

2. eldöntendő kérdés esetén: if vagy whether Q "Do you like milk?" my aunt asks me. —> My aunt asks me if/whether I like milk. - A nagynéném azt kérdezi tőlem, hogy szeretem-e a tejet. "Is this the right address?" the woman asks me in the office. —» The woman asks me if/whether that is the right address. - A nő azt kérdezi tőlem, hogy az e a pontos cím. A főmondatban az ask ige mellett használható még: want to know, wonder. Q She wants to know what time they will arrive. - Tudni akarja, hogy mikor érkeznek meg. I wonder what will happen next. - Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy mi fog történni.


Fejezze be a következő mondatokat! Használjon függő kérdést! Complete the following sentences. Use reported questions.

1. "Do you like strawberries?" Grandma asks her granddaughter................................................... 2. "Would you like strawberry ice cream?" The waiter asks u s ............................................................................. 3. "Have you met my brother?" Peter asks Sheila................................................................................ 4. "How long has your mum been away?" The teacher asks Paul........................................................................ 5. "Who is Mrs Brown?" Father wants to know ....................................................................... 6. "Is Mrs Brown your Biology teacher?" Father asks his so n ............................................................................ 7. "What's happening here?" The headmaster asks the students................................................... 218

Reported speech - F ü g g ő beszéd

8. "When did you finish your work last night?" The boss asks Mr Jones......................................................... 9. "Aren't you feeling well?" The school nurse asks Jim m y............................................... 10. "Do you want to go by plane or by coach?" The travel agent asks Mary................................................... 11. "Is it going to rain this afternoon?" I wonder............................................................................... 12. "Can you cook?" My future mother-in-law wants to know ........................... 13. "Who are you in love with?" Mother asks her daughter................................................... 14. "Do you love me?" Sheila asks Bob..................................................................... 15. "What are you planning to do during the autumn break?" The teacher asks her students............................................. Felszólító mondat Q Felszólító mondatokat is idézhetünk függő beszédben. Parancs vagy tiltás esetén a tell somebody to do something főnévi igeneves szerkezetet használjuk. Q "Stand up, Michael." —> The teacher tells Michael to stand up. A tanár azt mondja Michaelnek, hogy álljon fel. ''Don't open my letter," says my brother. -> My brother tells me not to open his letter. - A bátyám azt mondja nekem, hogy ne nyissam ki a levelét. □ Ha kérést tolmácsolunk, az ask somebody to do something szerkezetet használjuk. Q "Sit down, please, Michael." -» The teacher asks Michael to sit down. - A tanár arra kéri Michaelt, hogy üljön le. 219



Reported speech - Fü g g ő beszéd

Q Többes szám első személyű felszólítás esetén a főmondatban gyakran a suggest igét használjuk, a mellékmondatban pedig Gerund alakot vagy a should segédigét. Q "Let's go to the cinema," Mary says. -» Mary suggests going to the cinema. = Mary suggests that we should go to the cinema. - Mary azt javasolta, menjünk moziba.


Tegye függő beszédbe az alábbi mondatokat! Put the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. "Please help me to look for my glasses," my Grandma asks me. 2. "What time is it?" Peter wants to know. 3. "Gerry came to see us yesterday," mum tells me on the phone. 4. "Do you know the answer to this question, Jill?" the teacher asks. 5. "Put on your coat or you may feel cold," mother tells her son. 6. "Please go out and get me a newspaper," father asks Donald. 7. "I'll return in time for the meeting," my boss promises. 8. "Go out and play in the garden," Mary tells her children. 9. "Let's invite both of them," my friend tells me. 10. "Tomorrow we're going to visit the cathedral," the tour guide says to the tourists. 220

Reported speech - F ü g g ő beszéd

11. "Will you post this letter for me?" Mrs White asks her neighbour. 12. "When is the next train to Poole?" a passenger asks the man at the information office. 13. "Why are all your books lying on the floor?" Jane asks her roommate. 14. "Can you bring me a carton of milk when you come?" Grandma asks her grandson. 15. "Who are you waiting for?" Jill asks me. 16. "Don't touch anything until I get back," the Chemistry teacher tells the students. 17. "Will they believe me?" she wonders. 18. "My mum doesn't let me go with you," Peter tells his friends. 19. "Can you slow down a bit?" Jill asks her husband. 20. "Please don't tell the news to anybody," Janet asks her sister.


Adja meg a mondatba illő say, tell vagy ask igét a megfelelő alakban! Complete the sentences with the right verbs (say, tell or ask) in the appropriate form.

1. He has never.... 2. I only wanted to

me I'm right. .... him my name. 221

Reported speech - Fü g g ő beszéd

3. H e ....................... he doesn't want to do it again. 4. Why don't y o u .......................him this question? 5. I'm going t o ....................... you later why I want you to come. 6. Why didn't y o u ....................... me to drive you there? 7. How often do you have t o .......................them to be quiet? 8. W ho....................... that I don't like skiing? 9. They d on't................... you what happens at the end of the film. 10. The officer.....................the woman what her name is.


Állítsa a szavakat megfelelő sorrendbe, hogy értelmes mondatokat kapjon! Rearrange the words to get meaningful sentences.

1. by / has / David / to / back / says / he / 4 o'clock / be 2. the / won't / tells / her / Pat / mouth / that / she / open / dentist 3. bank/a/ asking / Mary/where / is/the / policeman / is 4. gets / mother / wants / what time / David / his / know / to / home 5. wonder / the / isn't / of / students / open / classroom / the / why / door/ their 6. often / John / us / asks / skating / we / go / if 7. visitors/ to / ask / not / noise / librarians/the / make / often 8. in / next to / who / my / asks / son / sat / class / I / me


C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelem ei

15.Conjunctions and linkers Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelemei □ Azonos mondatrészek és tagmondatok összekapcsolására leggyak­ rabban a következő mellérendelő kötőszókat használjuk: 1. and - és Q John and Mary are in love. - János és Mari szerelmesek. She bought a magazine and (she) started to read it. - Vett egy újságot és elkezdte olvasni. O Ha a két tagmondat alanya azonos, nem szükséges megismétel­ nünk az alanyt. 2. or - vagy Q Would you like to have tea or coffee? - Teát vagy kávét kérsz? Would you like to go to the cinema or shall we stay at home tonight? - Szeretnél moziba menni, vagy inkább maradjunk itthon ma este? 3. but - de B The dinner was very good but rather expensive. - A vacsora nagyon jó volt, de meglehetősen drága. I wanted to apologise, but she refused to listen to me. - Bocsánatot akartam kérni tőle, de nem volt hajlandó meghallgatni.


Tegye ki a mondatba illő kötőszót: and/or/but\ Insert the appropriate linking word: and/or/but.

1. I have eaten sushi..............Tom hasn't. 2. Are the clothes in the washing machine............. in the dryer? 223

C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelem ei

3. The old man is extremely kind ............. generous. 4. I like coffee............. I don't like tea. 5. Which do you prefer, the blue sweater............. the green one? 6. Peter drove at 55 mph in a 40 mph zone..........got a traffic ticket. 7. The Vikings came from Scandinavia............. Cleopatra didn't. 8. It was raining hard............. there was a strong wind. 9. Joanna came to the meeting............. Tom stayed at home. 10. Tomorrow there will be some rain........... no wind. 11 .We have a d o g ............. our neighbours have one, too. 12. When I refused to help her any more, she became angry.............. shouted at me. 13. Do you want to watch T V ............. listen to some music? 14.1 like these shoes. They're o ld ............ very comfortable. 15. Do you thinkyou'll be able to finish your w ork............. you'll need someone to help you?


Alkosson összetett mondatokat! Keresse meg a mondathoz illő tagmondatot és kapcsolja őket össze a megfelelő kötőszóval! Make compound sentences. Find the second half of the sentence and join the clauses with the right linking word.

You can sit where you are. I'll call the police. You can ask for help. I can't remember his name. They will hurt even more. We took some nice photographs. There's a radiator in every room. She hasn't got married yet. 224

C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelem ei

Would you like to walk? We can't move in until next month. Q Nobody in the family has got a driving licence. They've got a canbut nobody in the family has got a driving licence. 1. Go away............................................................................................. 2. We went on a sightseeing to u r........................................................ 3. I know we've m et.............................................................................. 4. Shall we call a ta xi............................................................................. 5. You can always call m e..................................................................... 6. This house has central heating......................................................... 7. You can come over here................................................................... 8. We've bought a new house.............................................................. 9. Ruth has been engaged for three years........................................... 10. Try to stay calm while the doctor is treating your wounds...........

Q A tagmondatok közti ok-okozati, következtető és ellentétes viszony kifejezésére a következő kötőszavakat is használhatjuk: 1. because - mert (a cselekvés okának kifejezésére) Q / want to go to bed very early tonight, because I'm very tired. Korán akarok ma este lefeküdni, mert nagyon fáradt vagyok. Frank had to take the train to go home for the holiday, because he didn't have enough money to buy his airplane ticket. - Franknek vonattal kellett hazamennie a szünidőre, mert nem volt elég pénze repülőjegyre.


C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelem ei

2. so - így (következtetés kifejezésére) Q I'm very tired, so I want to go to bed very early tonight. - Nagyon fáradt vagyok, így ma este korán akarok lefeküdni. Frank didn't have enough money to buy his airplane ticket, so he had to take the train to go home for the holiday. - Franknek nem volt elég pénze repülőjegyre, így vonattal kellett hazamennie a szünidőre. 3. although / though / even though - bár, habár Q Although it was quite cold, I went swimming. - Bár elég hideg volt, elmentem úszni. Even though I had a big breakfast, I felt really hungry two hours later. - Bár jól bereggeliztem, két óra múlva újra éhes voltam. 4. Ugyanezt a jelentést tudjuk kifejezni a következő elöljárószóval: in spite of / despite something - valami ellenére Q / went swimming in spite o f / despite the cold weather. - A hideg idő ellenére elmentem úszni. Használhatjuk a következő formában is: Q In spite o f I despite the fact that I had a big breakfast, I felt really hungry two hours later. - Annak ellenére, hogy jól bereggeliztem, két óra múlva újra éhes voltam.


Használja a megfelelő kötőszót (so, because), és a tagmondatokból választva fejezze be a mondatokat! Use the appropriate linking word (so, because) and choosing from the clauses complete the sentences. She was ill. She wasn't interested.


C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szö veg kapcsolóelem ei

It was very hot in the room. He asked the teacher to explain it again. I'm starving now. I didn't know the address. Everybody likes her. It's late. You should try to talk to him. You won't find them at home this evening. 1. I switched on the air-conditioner 2. They've left for Italy........................ 3. Claire is a very friendly g irl............. 4. Judy didn't come to school today ... 5. I won't ask you in ........................... 6. Jill didn't go to the meeting........... 7. I didn't have time to have breakfast 8. I couldn't post the letter................. 9. Jack didn't understand anything ... 10. Tom refuses to listen to m e......... *1


Használja az although, in spite of/despite kifejezéseket! Fejezze be a második mondatot úgy, hogy jelentése megegyezzen az első mondatéval! Use the phrases although, in spite of/despite. Rewrite each sentence without changing the meaning of the first sentence.

1. Although it was raining, we went out for a walk. Despite..........................................................................................


C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelem ei

2. In spite of the snow they decided to go by car. Although........................................................................................... 3. Even though the food they served for dinner was terrible, we went there for dinner the next day too, because Jim liked the waitress. Despite.............................................................................................. 4. Despite being sad Sally tried to smile at everybody there. Although........................................................................................... 5. In spite of her low grades, she was admitted to university. Although........................................................................................... 6. Although Liz is not a Hungarian citizen, she has to pay income taxes in Hungary. Despite.............................................................................................. 7. Despite the fact that he was really tired, he couldn't sleep. Even though...................................................................................... 8. Despite being the better team, they couldn't win the match. Although........................................................................................... *1 4

Egészítse ki a mondatokat a megfelelő szavakkal: although, in spite of/despite1 . Complete the sentences with the right words: although, in spite of/despite.


1...........................the weather, we had a great time in Scotland. 2. He doesn't earn too m uch,................... he has a very responsible position at the firm. 3. Frank didn't panic................... he was alone and lost in the forest. 4....................... driving really carefully, Jack hit someone on the road.


C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelem ei

5. It's still hot in here....................... I've switched off the heating and opened the window. 6 ..................I'm not feeling good, I'll go to class because we're having a test. 7 .................... she's only 2 years old, she understands what's going on in the family. 8 ........................ his fortune, he's a rather unhappy man. 9 .................... Ann is a good student, she didn't get the scholarship. 10 ...................... all the hard work, he didn't pass his exam.1 * 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


Használja a mondatba illő kötőszót: and/or/but/because/ although! Complete the sentences with the right linking word: and/or/ but/because /although.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Esther speaks Spanish w e ll................she lived in Chile for a year. They delivered my letter................it didn't have any stamps on. Tina looks quite f it ....... ............... she doesn't get much exercise. Jill doesn't speak Spanish,.......................she'll have to take classes if she wants to work in Mexico. 5. Fred is a good student,....................... his younger brother isn't. 6. I'm going on a diet,................I won't eat at a fast food restaurant. 7. I couldn't understand her,....................... she talked too fast. 8. It was a cold day,....................... I had to wear my jacket. 9. Why are you wearing this funny hat? Are you going to a party ....................... are you so cold? 10. He's got a guitar,....................... he can't play it. 11.........................he can't play the guitar, he has one. 12. You can go to school on fo o t.......................you can take the bus.


13 it rained heavily, they played the match, 14. Please sit downi ................... make yourself at home while I make a cup of tea. 15.Tom and Tim look alike, they are not exactly the same.

Páros kötőszavak 1. either... o r - vagy ... vagy neither... nor - sem ... sem Q You can go either by coach or by train. - Mehetsz busszal vagy vonattal. You either accept the rules or you're fired. - Vagy elfogadod a szabályokat, vagy ki vagy rúgva. Neither you nor your sister should know about it. - Se neked, se a nővérednek nem kellene tudni erről. 2. both ... and - mind ... mind Q Peter is both lazy and rather irresponsible. - Péter lusta és ráadásul eléggé felelőtlen is. I would like to meet both your father and your mother. - Mind apukáddal, mind anyukáddal szeretnék találkozni. 3. not only ... but also - nemcsak ... hanem Q In the 9th grade you have to study not only Maths but also Chemistry. - A 9. évfolyamon nemcsak matematikát, hanem kémiát is kell tanulni.


C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelem ei

Fejezze ki az alábbi mondatpárok tartalmát egy mondatban a fenti kötőszavakat használva! ü Combine the two sentences using the linking words above.


Q My mother talked to the teacher. My father talked to the teacher, too. Both my mother and my father talked to the teacher. 1. We can prepare dinner for them. We can take them to a restaurant, too.

2. I'm going to give my friend a CD for her birthday, or I can give her a necklace.

3. The driver of the car wasn't injured in the accident. The passengers weren't injured in the accident.

4. The cyclist was taken to hospital. The pedestrian was taken to hospital, too.

5. He never drinks alcohol. He doesn't smoke.

6. I don't know how they do it. They bought a house. They bought a new car at the same time.


C o n ju n ctio n s and linkers - Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelem ei

7. The guests had lunch with us. They stayed here for dinner, too.

8. The Maths teacher is ill today. The Biology teacher is away, too.

9. Tomorrow there will be rain. Or there will be snow.

10. I'm really unlucky. Today I lost my wallet. Then I lost my key, too.


16. Word formation - Szóképzés Főnévképzés Leggyakoribb képzők: 1. Főnévből képezünk főnevet: -ist (a fogalom művelőjét jelöli) novel -> novelist art -> artist -ián (fogalommal jelölt tevékenység művelőjének megnevezésére) music -> musician politics -> politician -ship friend —> friendship relation -> relationship -ess (egy főnév nőnemű alakját képezünk vele) duke —> duchess steward -» stewardess -hood child -> childhood neighbour neighbourhood 2. Melléknévből képezünk főnevet: -ness happy -> happiness kind -» kindness ■ ty# -ity, -y aő/e ability safe -> safety


W ord fo rm ation - Szóképzés

-er foreign —> foreigner teenage -> teenager -th long -> length wide -» width -age short -> shortage -ence intelligent -» intelligence patient -» patience 3. Igéből képezünk főnevet: -er (egyes esetekben -ar, -or, -eer; a képzett szó a cselekvés vég­ zőjét jelöli) advise —> adviser build -> builder create —> creator lie -> liar -al arrive -> arrival refuse -> refusal -ment exc/fe excitement punish -> punishment -tion, -ion, -sion discuss —> discussion educate —> education


W ord fo rm ation - Szó kép zés

-ance disappear -> disappearance insure —> insurance -ing (ez tulajdonképpen a Gerund alak, mely főnevesült) train -» training feel -> feeling 4. Különböző szófajokból képezünk főnevet:


deliver -» delivery robber —» robbery -ism hero -» heroism real -> realism

A fenti szabályoktól azonban -sokszor a helyesírásuk miatt gyakran eltér egyes szavak képzése. destroy —» destruction solve -> solution Egyéb esetekben egyéni szóalkotási mód is előfordulhat: grow -> growth think —> thought weigh -> weight thief -> theft young -> youth


W ord fo rm ation - Szóképzés

Képezzen foglalkozásokat jelölő főneveket az alábbi szavakból, és írja őket a képzőnek megfelelő oszlopba! Form nouns from the following words with the meaning of jobs or activities and write them in the correct column. manage music survive invent produce -er

2 1. 2. 3. 4. 236

interpret art reception mathematics act

politics journal teach entertain economy

science photograph humour style advise



Képezzen a következő szavakból elvont főneveket! Form abstract nouns from the following words.

to discover jealous .... stupid ..... monarch ..

11. 12. 13. 14.

sweet .... to agree ill ......... to secure

W ord fo rm ation - Szó kép zés

5. republican 6. h ig h ....... 7. to ignore . 8. long ....... 9. young .... 10. curious ....


15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

real ........ critics..... original ... to protect to move .. to create .

Képezzen a megadott melléknevekből főnevet és tegye a megfelelő mondatba! Form nouns from the following adjectives and insert them in one of the sentences.

happy short able

deep dark free

personal long

generous lazy

1. The teacher got tired of th e .............................. of the class. 2. The guests at the wedding wished the bride and bridegroom .............................. in their life together. 3. Little Jimmy can't go to sleep in complete..............................., so there's a small lamp switched on in his room. 4. We wanted to buy new furniture, so we measured the .............................. of the room. 5. Do you think Jane has th e .............................. to pass this test? 6. When he offered to give us the money, I was really moved by his 7. T h e ...........................of the lake must be around 40 metres here. 8. At the moment there's a ...............................of fresh vegetables on the market, so they're rather expensive.


W ord fo rm ation - Szóképzés

9. This country fought for a long time to gain h er............................. 10. Some people choose to wear clothes which don't suit their

Mellékn é vképzés 1. Főnévből:


hunger -> hungry health —> healthy

-ly friend -> friendly love -» lovely -en wood -» wooden -ous fame —> famous glory -> glorious -some hand -> handsome -ful pain -> painful care -> careful -less pain -> painless care careless -a I origin -» original tradition -> traditional


W ord fo rm ation - Szó kép zés

-ic, -ical economy -» economical type -> typical -ern east eastern south -> southern 2. Melléknévből és főnévből: -ish green —» greenish child -> childish 3. Igéből: -ive, -tive compete —> competitive produce —> productive -ible, -able sty/'i suitable sense -> sensible

O Igéből képzett folyamatos és befejezett melléknévi igenév is hasz­ nálható melléknévi szerepben. Lásd a Melléknév című fejezetet!


Képezzen melléknevet az alábbi szavakból! Form adjectives from the following words.

1. hope 2. salt . 3. child

11. humour 12. effect ... 13. taste ....

2 39

W o rd fo rm a tio n - S z ó k é p z é s

4. accident.................................. 5. sun ......................................... 6. gold ........................................ 7. wind ....................................... 8. fe a r......................................... 9. steam ..................................... 10. continent.............................

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

fo o l.... noise ... north .. luck.... religion to suit . beauty

Képezzen a zárójelben megadott szavakból a mondatba illő szót! Complete the sentences with the right form of the words given in brackets.

1. To be good at arts and crafts you have to b e ................................... (create) 2. You mustn't sit at the dinner table with ...................................... hands. (dirt) 3. We hardly know anything about our newclassmate. She's so ............................................................................................................(mys 4. Your daughter has grown up to be a very....................................... young lady. (attract) 5. We were so bored by h is ..................................... speech that we almost fell asleep. (end) 6. Many people say that going down amountain is much more ....................................... than climbing it. (danger) 7. Working with children was a .........................................experience. (wonder) 8. He's so rich that he can afford to buy a huge ................................ house in London. (luxury)


W o rd fo rm a tio n - S z ó k é p z é s

9. He wanted to make me have a bite of the meat he roasted, but it looked really............................ . so I refused. (disgust) 10. Since the 1970s there has been a ....................................increase in the destruction of rain forests. (drama)

Ellentétes jelentésű szó képzése Leggyakrabban előtaggal: dislike -» dislike appear -» disappear mis­ behave -> misbehave lead —> mislead un­ happy —> unhappy married -> unmarried In­ correct —> incorrect convenient inconvenient im­ possible -> impossible patient impatient ir­ responsible —> irresponsible regular —> irregular il­ logical -> illogical legal —> illegal


W o rd fo rm a tio n - S z ó k é p z é s


Adja meg a szavak ellentétes jelentésű párját! Give the opposite of the words.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

fortunately.............................. 6. honest ........ to understand........................ 7. human ........ employed................................ 8. perfect........ patient.................................... 9. to agree...... m oral...................................... 10. useful ..........

Igeképzés -en dark -» darken strength -> strengthen


Képezzen a zárójelben megadott szavakból a mondatba illő szót! t i Complete the sentences with the right form of the words given in brackets.

1. John was so good at weightlifting that his coach encouraged him to take part in ................................... (compete) 2. That chair is rather........................................... Come and sit on the sofa. (comfort) 3. If you get lost, ask a policeman fo r ................................ (direct) 4. You can ask about your flight at th e ....................................desk. (inform) 5. Everybody has to go to school. To get some basic......................... is necessary for everybody. (educate) 242

W o rd fo rm a tio n - S z ó k é p z é s

6. Listen to th e ................................... , they will tell you at which gate you can board the plane. (announce) 7. Besides its unique......................................location, Eastern Island also has an extraordinary history. (geography) 8. There is a n ................................to many superstitions, (explain) 9. You're almost 18 now. You'll have to make a .................................... about your future soon. (decide) 10. Jack is a very funny boy, who wants to be a .................................... (comedy) 11. The stamps in my old collection are becoming more and more ............................................................................................................(value) 12. He left without saying anything. Everybody was surprised at his sudden......................................... (appear) 13.1 had a good meal, and it made me rather..................................... (sleep) 14. At the end of the interview they asked me about m y .................. (qualify) 15. He paid a lot of money for the necklace which turned out to be ......................................... (worth) 16. We took a less busy road t o ....................................... our journey. (short) 17. He came home....................................... . so no one was waiting for him. (expect) 18. There was nothing you could do, the situation w as........................ (avoid) 19. Moving to the country would mean a lot of so we finally decided against it. (advantage) 20. Some young people need some....................................... to be able to choose a career. (guide) 21. Old people wear their....................................... clothes at the time of the festival in the village. (tradition) 243

W o rd fo rm a tio n - S z ó k é p z é s

22. Installing air-bags into cars increased (safe) 23. The newspaper is a means of m ass... (communicate) 24.1 don't think you're right. I completely .....................................with (agree) you. 25. He had some...................................... education. He learnt to play (music) the flute.


Fin al Test - Z á ró te s z t

Final Test - Záró teszt


Tegye ki a szövegbe a névelőket, ahova szükséges! Insert an article where necessary.

One o f ............. (1) most famous disguise artist in .............. (2) history was Ralph Burgess,..............(3) Englishman fro m ............... (4) early 20th century. He would often disguise himself a s ..............(5)priest, ..............(6) soldier or .............. (7) elderly man in order to rob ..............(8)people. His disguises were brilliant, and he carefully changed ..............(9) way he spoke, walked, and acted in order to m ake............. (10)disguise more convincing. His plan was simple. First he would put on one of his disguises. Then, he would knock on ..............(11) door o f .............. (12) rich country home and explain how his car had broken down. He used all his charm to convince them. Once inside............. (13) house, he would ask fo r .............. (14) glass of water. Then, w h ile ..............(15) kind old lady or gentlemen was getting it, Ralph would steal..............(16) family silver and put it in ..............(17) large bag that he had with him. In all his life he never had to use ..............(18) violence. Just before his death he wrote ..............(19) letter of confession, which he left to his son, who was completely ignorant of who his father really was. Ralph was ..............(20) example o f .............. (21) brilliantly clever and dedicated disguise artist. /disguise = álruha; álruhába öltözik/


Fin al Test - Z á ró te s zt


írja a kifejezéseket a megfelelő oszlopba! Put the time expressions in the right column.

the 19th century 2006 their wedding day the 1990s Easter Thanksgiving Day June in




írja a kifejezéseket a megfelelő oszlopba! Put the expressions in the right column.

the mountains my hand the radio a village the park the picture my way to work 246

the morning Friday night Tuesday 1 October spring night present the age of 20 6.30 a.m. two weeks New Year's Eve the moment the end of the school year

the floor the bus-stop the sky hospital the station work my bag home bed the mirror the top shelf the cinema school the wall a line the traffic lights the room the end of the street

Final Test - Z á ró te s z t





Egészítse ki a mondatokat a következő szavak egyikével: somebody!anybodyinobody/something/anything/nothing/ somewhere!anywhere!nowhere! Complete the sentences with one of these words: somebody! anybody/nobody/something!anything!nothing!somewhere! anywhere!nowhere.

1. There w a s................. to drink in the fridge, so we went to a pub.

2. 3. 4. 5.

She left the country last year. She lives.....................in the USA. I lost my car key and I can't find i t ....................... Does.....................see...................... ? There I bought.....................for my son's birthday. It's in a month, so now I have to hide i t ....................... 6 . I didn't d o .....................yesterday afternoon. 7. Is there.....................in the room? Why are the lights on? 8 . Would you like to talk t o .....................about this problem? 247


Fin a l Test - Z á ró te s z t

9. James is the only person who understands this theory, else does. 10. You mustn't g o .....................until I come back.

Adja meg a zárójelbe tett szavak megfelelő alakját: Gerund, Infinitive vagy Participle! Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: Gerund, Infinitive or Participle.


1. Our children don't really enjoy (spend).........................the holiday by the sea, they prefer (g o )........................ to the mountains. 2. Dad told us (turn down) ............................ the television as he wanted (make)............................ a phone call. 3. Please let me (help)............................ you (d o ).............................. the washing-up. 4. Kids, can you stop (fight)............................ ? 5. Thank you for (invite)............................ me to the barbecue. I'd love (be)............................ there, but I'm not sure yet. 6. Don is really looking forward to (go) ............................. skating during the break. 7. My mum reminded me (buy)............................ my tram pass. 8. He's not used to (work)............................ on the computer. 9. The food in that restaurant was awful. It made me (feel).............. sick. 10.lt was a holiday of a lifetime, (look) ............................. at San Francisco from the top floor of the Pyramid Building was an unforgettable experience. 11. Let me (pay).......................... for the drinks this time. 12.1 was worried about (learn).......................... Italian, but it turned out (be)............................ quite enjoyable. 13. She was really glad (see).......................... us there. 248

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14. It's a very big city, it's easy (get lost).......................... here. 15.1 hope they won't switch off electricity in my house. I completely forgot (pay)............................ the bill this month. 16. Our neighbours aren't at home. I saw them (leave)......................... an hour ago. 17. It's not worth (travel)............................ far to do the shopping. Petrol is expensive. 18. I'm not allowed (watch)............................ the late night movie. 19. Would you mind (repeat).........................the question? I couldn't hear you. 20. It was too late (g o )............................ anywhere.

6 1 2 3 4 5


Milyen kérdőszavak hiányoznak a következő viccekből? What question words were taken out of the following jokes?

................... is a river rich? Because it's got two banks. ..........................do ghosts go through locked doors? With skeleton keys! ..........................did the ghost say to the other ghost? "Do you believe in people?" ..........................did the ghost fail his Maths exam? Because he used invisible ink. ......................... would you do if you were walking down the street and saw three ghosts following you? Hope it was Halloween. "A man lost fifty pence this morning in the High street," said Me Tavish to a friend, "and I couldn't move until the crowd disappeared." "........................ couldn't you move?" asked the friend. "Well," said Me Tavish, "I didn't want to take my foot off the fifty pence piece." 249

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................... did the big chimney say to the small chimney? "You're too little to smoke." 8 ..........................kind of star is dangerous? A shooting star! 9 ..........................do you make a hotdog stand? Steal its chair! 10. If Mr and Mrs Bigger had a baby, .......................would be the biggest of the family? The baby, because he's a little Bigger! 11 ........................ did the barber win the race? Because he took a shortcut. 12 ........................weighs more, a ton of feather or a ton of bricks? Neither, they both weigh a ton! 13 ........................books can you put in an empty backpack? One! After that it isn't empty! 14 ....................... do you know carrots are good for your eyes? Because you've never seen rabbits wearing glasses! 15 ....................... happens to cows during an earthquake? They give milk shakes!


A megfelelő segédigét használva fejezze ki másképp az aláhúzott kifejezés tartalmát! Express the meaning of the underlined phrases using modal verbs.

1. It was impossible for us to ao to our favourite restaurant because they were decorating it. 2. Is it possible for me to have the menu, please? 3. Would you be so kind as to tell me the code for Manchester, please? 250

Fin a l Test - Z á ró te s z t

4. It's necessary for vou to wear a seatbelt when you drive in England. 5. In some schools it is compulsory for children to wear a uniform. 6. It's possible for vou to walk in the park but vou aren't allowed to skateboard or play football. 7. They look so much alike that I'm sure they're twins. 8. It would be a good idea for vou to talk to your mum first. 9. You aren't allowed to take your ice-cream into the museum. 10. It will be necessary for vou to repair the fence, as it's not a good idea that vour doa comes over to our garden. 11. I'm absolutely sure that he isn't in the library at the moment. 12. Is it necessary for me to get a visa to Egypt? 13. It isn't a good idea to go swimming after a big meal. 14. Is it OK if I open the window? 15.The headmaster let the students leave school early yesterday. 16. It's against the law to steal. 17. Perhaps the bag belongs to Kate. 18. I'm not quite sure if these tomatoes are fresh. 251

Fin a l Test - Z á ró te s z t


Tagadja a következő mondatokat! Make the following sentences negative.

1. It's a very exciting performance. 2. She's working extremely hard this week. 3. He's already finished his beer. 4. The kitchen needs to be decorated every year. 5. We've sold our old car. 6. Peter needs a Think Pad for his job. 7. We'll have to finish it in half an hour. 8. You must answer every question in detail. 9. You may stay up late today. 10. His parents could speak German at the age of five. 11.1 often visit my cousin in Austria. 12. Ann's got two cats. 13.There's a florist's on the corner of the next street. 14.1 bought this watch for my friend.


Fin a l Test - Záró te s z t

15.They grow oranges in England. 16. My house's being decorated at the moment. 17.They'd help you if you asked them. 18.They may sell all the tickets by that time.

A z alábbiakban a Mikulás-történet egy sajátos magyarázatát olvashatja. Tegye a zárójelbe tett igéket egyszerű vagy folyamatos múlt időbe! You can read a rather unique explanation to the Santa Claus story. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense: Past Simple or Continuous.


One cold Christmas Eve, at about 3 in the morning, Santa (1. notice) ....................... an open door. He (2. g o )........................ into the kitchen and (3. see).......................a table full of food and drink. Santa (4. feel) ....................... so hungry and thirsty that he (5. sit) ......................... down and (6. help)....................... himself to the Christmas dinner. But halfway through the meal, Santa (7. hear)....................... a noise coming from upstairs and (8. try )....................... to leave. For some unknown reason, the door wouldn't open so Santa (9. run) ....................... into the living room and (10. hide)......................... up the chimney. At first, the family (11. think)....................... that Santa had tried to come down the chimney in order to deliver the presents. But then they (12. notice)....................... the bits of food in his beard and they (13. become) ....................... suspicious. They (14. go) ....................... into he kitchen and (15. see)........................ that all the food (16. miss)..................... They (17. b e)........................ furious and 253


Final Test - Z á ró te s z t

they (18. pull).................poor Santa out of the chimney and (19. beat) ................... him up. Then they (20. call).........................the police.


Adja meg az alábbi mondatokat szenvedő szerkezetben! Rewrite these sentences in the passive.

1. They're going to open the exhibition of his photographs tomorrow. 2. Last week the Mayor of the city opened a new secondary school in the suburbs. 3. The students use the gym hall only for indoor sports. 4. In Scotland they make haggis on the basis of secret recipes. 5. I'll finish it by tomorrow. 6. Someone has turned the lights off. 7. You have to deal with this parcel very carefully. It's fragile. 8. Someone must tell him the news. 9. We will have to accept the situation sooner or later. 10. An unknown composer wrote this music. 11. I'm sorry but we can't repair your boots. 12. My brother covers the walls of his room with posters of footballers. 254

Fin a l Test - Z á ró te s z t

13.They were repairing her watch while she was doing the shopping in the department store. 14.They have accepted my application. 15. Who built Millennium Bridge? 16.They are going to present their parents with a luxurious cruise on the Mediterranean for their wedding anniversary. 17.The accident happened on a road which they were repairing. 18. They have already offered her the job. 19. You can't swim now because they're cleaning the swimming pool. 20. It was the boss's birthday so they handed round coffee and biscuits.


Egészítse ki a szöveget a zárójelbe tett igék aktív vagy passzív alakjával a megfelelő igeidőben: egyszerű jelen / folyamatos jelen / egyszerű múlt / folyamatos múlt / befejezett jelen! Complete the text with the active or passive from of the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense: Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous / Present Perfect.

The London Eye (1. open)....................... on New Year's Eve 1999 to celebrate the Millennium. It (2. b e ).......................the world's tallest observation wheel. It (3. b e).......................135 metres high and from 255

Final Test - Záró teszt

the top you can see all of London. On a clear day you can see as far as Windsor Castle, which (4. lie ).......................40 kilometres away. The London Eye (5. have) ............................. 32 capsules. Each capsule (6. have)...................room for 25 people. Each trip (7. last)................. 30 minutes. The wheel (8. m ove)....................slowly, at a speed of about 15 metres a minute, but it never (9. stop).................... Passen­ gers (10. have to )..................get on when it (11. move)..................... Since its opening it (12. become) ....................... a landmark of London, just like Big Ben, Tower Bridge or the Statue of Eros. It (13. appear)....................... in several films and TV programmes. In its short life the London Eye (14. become)....................... the most popular UK visitor attraction. It (15. visit) ....................... by over 3.5 million people a year. It (16.mean) ....................... that about 10,000 people (17. take)................... a ride on the London Eye a day. Tickets can (18. buy) ....................... online or by phone. A limited number of tickets (19. be).......................available on the day from the Ticket Office, but go early because you often (20. have to )................... queue.


*\ Adja meg a zárójelbe tett igék megfelelő alakját! Give the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The drivers can continue on their way only if the fog (lift) 2. If I get paid today, I (invite)............................ you for a meal. 3. If she (get).....................up early, she (not b e ).............................. late for school, but she simply can't get up in the morning. 4. If I (have).....................a lot of money, I (drink).............................. champagne with every meal. 5. Peter is 17. If he (be) ............................ eighteen, he (be able) to vote at the election next month. 256

Final Test - Záró teszt

6. If you (decide).....................to come hiking with us, give us a call. 7. It's been raining for days. If the weather (not be)............................ so bad, we (g o )............................ for a walk. 8. If I met someone famous, I (ask)........................ for an autograph. 9. If I (be)............................ you, I (see)..............................a lawyer. 10.1don't have pets. But if I (have) ............................ a dog, I (not call) ............................ it Rex. 11. Ben is asking his parents for a dog. If he (g e t)............................. one, he (call)............................ it Johnny. 12. My boss (be) .................. more decisive if he (be) ..................... more experienced. 13.1don't know what we have in the fridge. If I (have)......................... a beer, you (get)............................ it. 14. If David (have) ............................ the right qualification, he (can apply)............................ for the job, but he doesn't. 15. What (you like)............................ to do tonight? 16.1find this skirt quite expensive now, so I (buy)............................ it when it (be)............................ on sale next month.


Képezzen a mondatba illő szót a zárójelben megadott szavakból! Complete the sentences with the right form of the words given in brackets.

1. 2. 3. 4.

I think it would b e ................. not to answer the letter. (polite) I'm afraid that I'm n o t................. with your work. (satisfy) The fire started because of h er................... (care) To their................. the flying saucer landed right in front of them. (amaze) 5. When he had to explain the situation again, I felt s o ..................... (fool) 257

Final Test - Záró teszt

6. He was one of the most popular................. of his time, (politics) 7. He had difficulties with English.................... (pronounce) 8. I think you have to give me a n .................... (explain) 9. I ................. dropped the mug and it broke into pieces, (accident) 10. Don't b u y................. vegetables, we have fresh ones. (freeze) 11. She shouted................. at the boy to leave the dog alone.(angry) 12. Cycling h a s................... It makes you sweat and feel hot. (advantage) 13. After Joe lost his job, he w a s................. for months. (employ) 14. Because of some ................. the students went to the wrong classroom. (understand) 15. I'm really very................. in travelling. (interest) 16. Peter is th e ................. boy in the group. (strength) 17.1think this game i s ................. interesting than that one. (little) 18. It can be really............... when your neighbours play loud music. (annoy) 19.1 don't have a car because th e ................. is too expensive these days. (insure) 20. The computer market is grow ing................. (rapid) 21. For me it was the m ost................. holiday I've ever had. (enjoy) 22. This i s ...............ridiculous. (absolute) 23. He's giving a lecture at a n ................. conference in Prague. (nation) 24. His grades are bad because he studies rather................... (regular) 25. Although I'm on a diet, these doughnuts looked s o .................... that I couldn't help buying them. (resist)


Key - M ego ld ó ku lcs

Key - Megoldókulcs 1. Articles - Névelők Exercise 1: a - an 1. a museum 2. an umbrella 3. a hospital 4. an article 5. a question 6. an old car 7. a French window 8. a table 9. a university 10. a holiday 11. an airport 12. a knife 13. a bridge 14. a yellow cab 15. a cat 16. an Indian restaurant Exercise 2: a / an - 0 1. a 2. 0 3. an 4. a 5. 0 6. a 7. a 8. 0; a 9. a 10. a 1 1 .0 12. 0 13. a 14. an; 0 15. 0; a 16. a17. 0; a 18. a 19. an20. 0; an Exercise 3: a/an - the I . a 2. an 3. a; the 4. a 5. the 6. a 7. the 8. an 9. a 10. the I I . the 12. a 13. the 14. the 15. The 16. the 17. a; the 18. an; the 19. a 20. the Exercise 4: 1. Heathrow Airport 2. the High Street 3. The United Kingdom 4. Big Ben 5. the Amazon 6. The Channel Islands 7. the National Museum 8. the Statue of Liberty 9. Central Park 10. the Pacific Ocean Exercise 5: 1.a;the 2. a; an 3. the; the 4. -; the 5 .- 6. a 7. the; the; the 8. an 9. the; the 10. a; a; a 11. a; the 1 2 .- 1 3 . - ; - 14. an 1 5 . - ; - ; - 16. a 1 7 .- 18. a 19. The; a; a ; - 20. The; the 2 1 .- 22. a; - 23. the; - 2 4 .- 25. the; the Exercise 6: 1. -; the 2. -; -; - 3. the; - 4. - 5. the; a 6. the; a; the 7. -; the 8. the; a 9. The; the; - 10. the 11. the; a ; 12. the; the 13. The;-; the 14. The; the; the 15. the 16. a; a; a; the; the 17. the; a 18. the; the; the 19. a; th e ;- 2 0 .259

Key - M e goldókulcs

Exercise 7: I . a 2. an 3 . - 4. an 5 .- 6. the 7. the 8. an 9. the I I . the 12. an 13. the 14. a 15. the 1 6 .- 17. the 18. a 20. a 21. The 22. the Exercise 8: I . - 2. the 3. the 4. a 5. a 6. the 7. the 8 . - 9 . I I . a/the 12. a 1 3 .- 14. a 1 5 .- 16. the 17. a 18. a 19. 2 1 . - 22. the 23. the

10. the 19. The

10. the a 2 0 .-

2. Nouns - Főnevek

Exercise 1: A magánhangzó hiányzik: advice, paper, bread, noise, rain, rice, food, time, flour, water, glass, housework A mássalhangzó hiányzik: cheese, money, butter, information, tennis, petrol, coffee, spaghetti, salt, milk, weather, snow Exercise 2: boxes, tomatoes, windows, kisses, pens, lorries, ears, sandwiches, keys, lives, bags, bridges, pianos, knees, leaves, ladies, fathers, watches, faces, teeth, knives, bookshelves, cherries, eggs, dictionaries, holidays, peaches, slices, housewives, trays Exercise 3: 1. dishes 2. monkeys 3. books; room; bookshelf 4. teeth; cheese 5. luggage 6. furniture 7. days 8. eggs 9. wallpaper 10. letters 11. hair; eyes 12. snow; months 13. meat; vegetables 14. mountains; lakes 15. lemon Exercise 4: 1. Is 2. is 3. do 4. is 5. do 6. is 7. is 8. is 9. is 10. are 11. are 12. do 13. are 14. does 15. is 16. is 17. is 18.1s 19. is 20. are Exercise 5: 1. a box 2. a glass 3. a bag 4. a carton 5. a pound 6. 100 grams 7. a cup 8. ajar 9. a slice 10. a bottle 11. a piece 12. a spoonful 260



Key - M ego ld ó ku lcs |

13. a loaf 14. a packet 15. an item Exercise 6: 1. soup; spoons; forks; knives 2. pigeons 3. Windows; glass 4. trees; bushes 5. glasses 6. homework 7. meat; places 8. languages 9. firemen; work 10. questions 11. kinds; thoughts 12. fun. 13. money; studies 14. games 15. soldiers 16. hippies; ideas 17. newspapers 18. tyres; condition 19. mosquitoes 20. wood Exercise 7: 1. landlady 2. king 3. cow 4. daughter 5. grandpa 6. niece 7. steward 8. duke 9. girl 10. bridegroom 11. fiancée 12. widower 13. heroine 14. sister-in-law

3. Adjectives - Melléknevek Exercise 1: 1. black 2. nice 3. blue; blond 4. talian 5. expensive 6. serious 7. Poor 8. cold 9. yellow 10. favourite 11. tidy 12. smart 13. popular 14. easy 15. strong Exercise 2: 1. My parents don't like loud music. 2. Mary has got big brown eyes. 3. This orange juice was very expensive. 4. Jane is a tall slim girl. 5. There's a tc,ll young man at the door. 6. I bought a nice little red car yesterday. 7. She's got beautiful long hair. 8. Our new house is in a short narrow street. 9. They make cold drinks from fresh fruit. 10. I'd like to have an elegant light green silk blouse. Exercise 3: l.d a rk 2. poor 3. light 4. silent/quiet 5. short 6. hot 7. bad 8. hard/difficult 9. late 10. happy 11. beautiful 12. boring 13. white 14. small 15. short 16. fast 17. old 18. old 19. expensive 20. near Exercise 4: alapfok középfok felsőfok 1. strong stronger the strongest 261

Key - M egoldókulcs

2. tasty tastier the tastiest 3. brave braver the bravest 4. brilliant more brilliant the most brilliant 5. clever cleverer the cleverest 6. good better the best 7. funny funnier the funniest 8. exciting more exciting the most exciting 9. clean cleaner the cleanest 10. popular more popular the most popular Exercise 5: alapfok középfok felsőfok 1. quiet quieter the quitest 2. pretty prettier the prettiest 3. few fewer the fewest 4. little less the least 5. safe safer the safest 6. heavy heavier the heaviest 7. bad worse the worst 8. successful more successful the most succesful 9. slim slimmer the slimmest 10. wide wider the widest 11. serious more serious the most serious 12. crowded more crowded the most crowded 13. hard harder the hardest 14. dry drier the driest 15. polite more polite the most polite Exercise 6: 1. more 2. not 3. more 4. the 5. is 6. as 7. further 8. the 9.. 10. more 11. badly 12. faster 13. farther/further 14. expensive 15. less Exercise 7: 1. Ben Nevis in Scotland is higher than Snowdon in Wales. 2. Glasgow is wetter than London. 3. More people live in Scotland 262

Key - M ego ld ó ku lcs

than in Wales. 4. In Britain the summer holiday is shorter than in Hungary. 5. Fewer people read the Financial Times than The Sun. 6. Julia Roberts is older than Robbie Williams. 7. A Ferrari is faster than an Opel. 8. My brother is heavier than me / I am. Exercise 8: 1. Joe gets the best marks. 2. Alex is a lot older than his wife, Mary. 3. Mike can run faster than us / we can. 4. This road is longer than I thought. 5. Ski-boots are a lot more expensive than football boots. 6. I find running more tiring than cycling. 7. No one in the family knows as much about cars as Donét. / No one in the family knows more about cars than Donét. 8. I think the conference last year was better organized. 9. This is the worst pizza I've ever eaten. 10. My watch is cheaper than yours / the one you bought. 11. Life in the city is more stressful than in the country. 12. The vanilla cake is more tasty / tastier than the chocolate cake. Exercise 9: 1. the most difficult 2. the prettiest 3. the biggest 4. the highest 5. The longest 6. the most intelligent 7. the cheapest 8. the most mysterious 9. the most ancient 10. the bloodiest 11. the hottest; the lowest 12. the most successful Exercise 10: 1. interested 2. disappointed 3. worried 4. annoying 5. exciting 6. exhausted 7. tiring 8. promising 9. surprised 10. complicated; confused 11. annoyed 12. charming 13. satisfied 14. impressed

4. Adverbs - Határozók Exercise 1: I. beautifully 2. angrily 3. strangely 4. carelessly 5. directly 6. continuously 7. in a lively way 8. gladly 9. heavily 10. fast I I . logically 12. horribly 13. curiously 14. sweetly 15. completely 263

Key - M egoldókulcs

Exercise 2: 1. loudly 2. hard 3. badly 4. quietly 5. well 6. angrily 7. seriously 8. carefully 9. early 10. well Exercise 3: 1. quiet 2. well 3. good 4. slowly 5. easily 6. hardly 7. slowly 8. quickly 9. well 10. totally 11. clearly 12. nervously 13. angry; late 14. nervous; impatiently 15. unexpectedly 16. happily 17. hardly 18. specially 19. completely 20. fast Exercise 4: 1. healthily 2. quietly 3. easily 4. fast 5. early 6. loudly 7. heavily 8. carefully 9. freshly 10. well Exercise 5: 1. good 2. terrible 3. sweet; salty 4. impatient 5. happier 6. quickly 7. smart 8. incredibly 9. fluent 10. sad 11. angry 12. tired 13. beautiful; nice 14. sour 15. angrily Exercise 6: I. carefully enough 2. enough rain 3. too expensive 4. enough experience 5. too many; enough seats 6. enough sleep; too noisy 7. too salty 8. big enough 9. light enough 10. enough hot water I I . too many 12. hard enough 13. too cold 14. too young 15. enough snow 16. lucky enough 17. too heavy 18. close enough Exercise 7: So - such (a/an) 1.so 2. such a 3. so 4. so 5. such a 6. so 7. such 8. so 9. such a 10. such 11. such a 12. such 13. such 14. so 1 5 .such a Exercise 8: l.very 2. enough 3. quite 4. rather 5. very 6. quite 7. enough 8. so 9. enough 10. quite 11. too 12. rather 13. too 14. so 15. rather 16. quite 17. enough 18. such 19. rather 20. quite 21. very 22. So; enough 264


Key - M eg oldó kulcs |

Exercise 9: 1. She didn't behave in a very friendly way. 2. There isn't enough room for a piano in the living-room. 3. It was quite late when he came home. 4. He looked at me in a very strange way. 5. Is your coffee strong enough? 6. The view was so beautiful from the mountain. 7. John gave me such a nice birthday present. 8. You will have to work hard to pass the exam.

5. Prepositions - Elöljárószók Exercise 1: 1. on 2. in 3. on 4. at 5. on 6. in 7. at 8. in 9. in 10. on 11. at 12. in 13. at 14. on 15. in 16. at 17. on 18. on 19. at 20. on Exercise 2: 1. in 2. on 3. at 4. on 5. at 6. in 7. on 8. in 9. in 10. on 11. at 12. in 13. at 14. on; in 15. on; at 16. on 17. in 18. in 19. at 20. at Exercise 3: 1. on July 4 2. at 9 o'clock 3. at midnight 4. at the age of 3 5. in 1789 6. on Mother's Day 7. on October 31 8. in the 1600s 9. on Christmas morning 10. in spring Exercise 4: 1. from; to 2. until 3. since 4. during 5. ago 6. while 7. during 8. while 9. after; during/before 10. since 11. by 12. while 13. during 14. while 15. for Exercise 5: 1. in; for 2. In; ago; in 3. in; for 4. - 5. - 6. in 7. in; in 8. in 9. on 10. on; in 11. a t ;- 12. on; in 13. in 14. in; during; at; at 15. during; between; in; in 16. in 17. In; in 18. in; on; during 19. on; on; in; in 20. in 21. at; at 22. on 23. at; on 24. at 25. on 26. On 27. in; ago 28. in 29. at 30. in; Exercise 6: 1. off 2. into 3. over 4. out of 5. from; along; through 6. to; 265

Key - M e goldókulcs

across 7. in; under 8. in front of; round 9. to; by; by 10. into 11. across 12. under 13. next to 14. between 15. under 16. below 17. at; into; through 18. At; on 19. from; to; by 2 0 .-; past; in 21. on; on 22. on Exercise 7: 1.to 2. for 3 . - 4. for 5 .- 6. to 7. to 8. for 9. to 1 0 .-

6. Pronouns - Névmások Exercise 1: 1. I; her 2. them 3. They 4. it 5. you 6. It 7. I; them 8. It 9. you 10. us Exercise 2: 1. It 2. There 3. it 4. It 5. It 6. There 7. There 8. It 9. There 10. it Exercise 3: l.y o u r 2. their 3. my 4. you 5. I; them 6. their 7. you 8. her 9. her 10. her 11. our 12. their 13. mine 14. ours 15. your; mine Exercise 4: 1. yourself 2. myself 3. themselves 4. yourselves 5. himself 6. herself 7. yourself 8. himself 9. yourselves 10. yourself Exercise 5: 1. this 2. those 3. that 4. those 5. this 6. those 7. These 8. that Exercise 6: 1. some 2. no 3. some 4. some 5. any 6. any 7. no 8. some; any 9. no 10. any 11. some 12. any 13. any 14. some 15. any 16. some 17. some 18.no 19. any 20. some Exercise 7: 1. I know nothing about this town 2. Where is everybody? 3. We looked everywhere to find the thermometer. 4. There was some­ body in our garden. 5. There isn't anything to see here. 6. Some­ body has taken my bicycle. 7. Nobody could answer the teacher's question. 8. Everything in this room belongs to my brother. 266

Key - M ego ld ó ku lcs

9. There is something for you on the table. 10. Are you going any­ where at the weekend? Exercise 8: 1. anything 2. anything 3. anyone/anybody 4. nothing 5. somebody/someone 6. nothing 7. anywhere 8. nobody 9. something 10. somebody 11. anything 12. somewhere Exercise 9: 1. every 2. all 3. Every 4. all 5. Every 6. all 7. Every 8. All 9. All 10. All Exercise 10: 1. many 2. few 3. much 4. a few 5. much 6. a lot of 7. a few 8. many 9. many 10. a lot of / a little 11. a few 12. much 13. much 14. many 15. much

7. Gerund, Infinitive and Participle Exercise 1: 1. getting up 2. driving 3. running 4. laughing 5. moving 6. missing 7. playing 8. looking at 9. hitting; stealing Exercise 2: 1. to drive 2. to buy 3. to lend 4. to clean 5. to spend 6. to tell 7. to finish 8. to call 9. to see 10. to know Exercise 3: 1. visiting 2. to arrive 3. doing; to buy 4. to learn / learning 5. to pass 6. to win 7. feeling 8. buying 9. to steal 10. doing/ to do 11. to talk; working; to listen 12. to take 13. to buy 14. working 15. to borrow 16. putting it out / to put it out; to call 17. to see 18. to help 19. to call 20. going 21. coughing 22. talking 23. taking 24. being 25. to go Exercise 4: 1. to come 2. eating; going; working 3. cooking; to tidy 4. to wait 5. to open; to reach 6. to play 7. doing 8. to close 9. to see 267

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10. eating 11. to stay 12. to switch on 13. sneezing 14. not to lock 15. to marry; to be 16. walking 17. to see 18. to wash 19. to win 20. to switch; going 21. to brush 22. to force/forcing; to buy 23. not to worry 24. to go out 25. to become 26. to live 27. going 28. having; to look after 29. to walk; giving 30. opening Exercise 5: 1. to; to 2. to 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. to 8. to 9. to 10. -; to 11.— 12. to; to 13. to ;-; to; t o / - 14. to; t o ;- 1 5 .Exercise 6: 1. d 2. i 3. f 4. a 5. h 6. j 7. b 8. c 9. g 10. e Exercise 7: 1. The stewardess asked all the passengers to leave through the frontdoor. 2. Mary taught me how to dance English waltz. 3. My parents enjoy walking in tie woods. 4. Phillip apologised for being late. 5. The teacher wants her students to be quiet. 6. Peter went to Rome to see the Colosseum. 7. The teacher didn't let the boys argue. 8. The clown made all the children in the circus laugh. 9. Tom agreed to cut the grass for me. 10. What do you intend to do / doing in the future? 11. Do you mind rr.e opening the window? 12. Would you mind answering the door? 13. Would you be interested in seeing the Dali exhibition? 14. After switching off the computer he left the room. 15. He left the restaurant without paying the bill. 16. You are clever enough to do it by yoi rself. 17. It's too cloudy to see the other shore across the lake. 18. 7he footballer was seen to kick another player. 19. I'd rather play tennis than watch it on TV. 20. You should stop smoking if you want to do sports.

8. Auxiliaries and Modal verbs - Segédigék Exercise 1: 1. do 2. did 3. do 4. are; am; do 5. Did 6. do 7. have 8. Does/Did 9. did 10. do; is 11. have 12. does 13. has 14. Have 15. was 268

Key - M ego ld ó ku lcs

16. is 17. do 18. Was 19. Has 20. am 21. Do 22. were 23. did 24. Have 25. was Exercise 2: 1. Chefs can cook very well. 2. Sad people can't laugh. 3. A mobile phone can send messages. 4. Computers can check spelling. 5. MP3 players can't hear. 6. Babies can't walk. 7. Birds can fly. 8. Phones can have conversations. 9. An answering machine can talk. 10. CD players can play music. Exercise 3: 1. could 2. Could 3. wasn't able to 4. could 5. couldn't/weren't able to 6. was able to 7. were able to 8. couldn't 9. could 10. were able to Exercise 4: 1. Marion could drive a car when she was 18 years old. 2. I'm sorry but the doctor won't be able to see you until tomorrow afternoon. 3. When he first went to Spain, Tom found that he could understand Spanish better than he could speak it. 4. We won't be able to see that play if we don't book seats soon. 5. This is all the information I have been able to get so far. 6. I could see very well as nobody was sitting in front of me in the theatre. 7. Even the weakest students were able to complete the exercise as they were allowed to look at their notes. 8. Mrs Jones hasn't been able to buy all the food she needs yet. 9. If I knew what to do, I could tell you. 10. By the time you finish this course, you'll be able to speak English well. Exercise 5: 1. can be 2. I could visit you 3. Can I 4. was able to leave Europe 5. wasn't able to/couldn't 6. can play handball 7. could you open the window? 8. can't be 9. has been able to fly 10. Can I Exercise 6: 1. The little girl doesn't have to / needn't come with us. 2. He doesn't have to / needn't use a calculator for the Physics test. 269

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3. We don't have to get up early at the weekend. 4. At university students don't have to take physical education classes for three semesters. 5. Our guests from Budapest didn't have to change trains on the way here. 6. I don't have to complete the form on my own. 7. We haven't had to rewrite our essay twice. 8. If they don't arrive late, they won't have to wait an hour for the next train. 9. If you have a common cold, you needn't / don't have to stay in bed for a week. 10. We didn't have to pay for the concert tickets. 11. An air hostess doesn't have to work at home. 12. You don't have to get a visa if you want to go to Spain. Exercise 7: l.m u st 2. have you had to 3. had to 4. will have to 5. mustn't 6. had to 7. has had to 8. doesn't have to 9. must 10. did you have to 11. has to 12. must / have to 13. don't have to 14. has had to 15. must / have to Exercise 8: 1. don't have to 2. don't have to 3. must 4. have to 5. mustn't 6. must 7. don't have to 8. mustn't 9. mustn't 10. don't have to Exercise 9: I. has to 2. shouldn't 3. don't have to 4. has to 5. should 6. shouldn't 7. should 8. have to 9. don't have to 10. has to I I . shouldn't 12. doesn't have to 13. (will) have to 14. shouldn't; should 15. shouldn't Exercise 10: 1. Last year Mary was allowed to hire a clown for her birthday party. 2. Alison isn't allowed to / mustn't stay out late at night. 3. Students will be allowed to enter the room well before the exam tomorrow. 4. Little Tommy hasn't been allowed to come home from school alone yet. 5. Ben has been allowed to play computer games since he learnt to read. 6. You mustn't throw rubbish in the park. 7. Students will be allowed to use a calculator in Maths classes even in primary schools in ten years' time. 270

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8. Students weren't allowed to go to school without wearing a uniform when I was at school. 9. Girls mustn't / aren't allowed to wear a make-up in this school. 10. I will be allowed to go to that rock festival on my own next year. Exercise 11: 1. She must like wearing green. It may/must be her lucky colour. 2. He must be rich. He must love her a lot. 3. She must/may be around 35. She can't be more than 40. 4. She may/might have to work overtime. She may/might not be happy about what you said. 5. He must read a lot. He must/may have a good memory. Exercise 12: 1. may 2. must 3. may not 4. must 5. must/may 6. must/may/ might; can't 7. can't 8. might 9. must 10. may not 11. may 12. may 13. can't 14. must 15. may not Exercise 13: 1. may arrive late. 2. should go and see a specialist. 3. must be a lot of visitors here in the summer. 4. mustn't park here. 5. may be in the garden. 6. must always be very busy in this restaurant. 7. the age of 7 and 16 must go to school in Hungary. 8. couldn't get through. 9. didn't have to work long hours. 10. can't be abroad. 11. can dance very well. 12. must help your father. 13. may/might need some help to finish the work. 14. can't remember the name of my first teacher. 15. was able to run the ten-mile distance, though I felt very tired halfway through the race. 16. shouldn't leave now. 17. could read and write at the age of five. 18. can ride a horse. 19. can't be correct. 20. doesn't have to decide immediately.


Key - M egold ó ku lcs

9. Tenses - Igeidők Exercise 1: 1. My father doesn't drive a Rolls Royce. 2. English children don't open their Xmas presents on Christmas Eve. 3. My younger brother doesn't speak French. 4. Our lessons don't start at 7 o'clock in the morning. 5. I don't want to be an engineer. 6. We don't spend our holidays abroad. 7. I don't read my emails every day. 8. My teacher doesn't want to take us to the zbo. 9. It doesn't often snow in London in winter. 10. Clothes don't tell us a lot about the person wearing them. Exercise 2: 1. snows 2. Does Sam live 3. plays 4. dor't live. 5. dp you want 6. looks 7. gets 8. Does bus No. 2 stop 9. hate 10. sell Exercise 3: 1. Do you ever get up before 6 o'clock? 2. We often go to the theatre. 3. Patrick never does his homework. 4. We usually go to Austria in summer. 5. What time do you usually go to bed? 6. Mr Baker always wears a tie at work. 7. Why don't you ever write to him? 8. We play tennis every Friday afternoon. 9. She always does the shopping at lunchtime. 10. Do you always remember your girlfriend's birtday? Exercise 4: 1. What does Jerry want to be? 2. Who do these football boots belong to? 3. Who lives about three miles away? 4. What do you like? 5. When / What time does he arrive at school? 6. What do you do in your family? 7. What does your aunt do? 8. Where do they usually meet? 9. How often does Kate go jogging? 10. Who doesn't like action films? Exercise 5: 1. is playing 2. is swimming 3. is studying for 4. are packing; are moving 5. are sitting 6. am writing 7. is playing 8. is happening; 272

Key - M e go ld ó ku lcs

are we stopping 9. are not studying 10. is still looking for 11. is blowing 12. is freezing 13. is making 14. are you digging 15. am beginning Exercise 6: I. wear; I usually sit 2. I'm watching 3. finishes; leaves 4. I'm still writing 5. Do you usually dream 6. doesn't come; doesn't even speak 7. hates 8. don't open 9. I'm planning 10. I'm cleaning I I . look 12. are playing 13. I'm just brushing 14. it never breaks down 15. is happening Exercise 7: 1. He is studying for his exam right now. 2. This cake tastes delicious. 3. - 4. Why are you leaving? Aren't you enjoying the party? 5. Many people don't believe in the future. 6. David is a painter and decorator. He is working in a hotel lobby now. 7. What do you see at the end of the corridor? 8. Does your sister like what she is doing / she does? 9. - 10. She smells everything before starting to eat. Exercise 8: l.h a v e 2. is waiting 3. is getting 4. smell 5. do you have 6. is coming 7. is having 8. don't usually drink 9. are having 10. don't understand; are writing 11. think; is burning 12. am going; Do you need 13. does this word mean 14. do you have; are you getting on 15. is not coming Exercise 9: infinitive - past tense - past participle 1. run - ran - run 2. rise - rose - risen 3. make - made - made 4. feel - felt - felt 5. lie (fekszik) - lay - lain 6. leave - left - left 7. ring - rang - rung 8. drive - drove - driven 9. fly -fle w flown 10. meet - met - met 11. steal - stole - stolen 12. teach taught - taught 13. hurt - hurt - hurt 14. see - saw - seen 15. take - took - taken 16. wear - wore - worn 17. shine shone-shone 18. break-broke - broken 19. eat - ate - eaten 273

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20. ride - rode - ridden 21. cost - cost - cost 22. freeze - froze frozen 23. grow - grew - grown 24. hide - hid - hidden 25. shoot - s h o t -s h o t 26. lay - laid - laid 27. spend - spent - spent 28. stand - stood - stood 29. think - thought - thought 30. feed - fed - fed Exercise 10: l.w a s 2. was 3. got up 4. made 5. got up 6. were 7. stopped 8. left 9. saw 10. was 11. started 12. ate 13. finished 14. didn't usually get 15. stayed 16. left 17. got 18. didn't work 19. ate 20. did 21. watched 22. read Exercise 11: 1. Amanda in London, Great-Britain was learning to play golf. 2. Zita in Zenta, Serbia was celebrating the birthday of her village. 3. Zsófi in Szeged, Hungary was driving home in her father's car. 4. Wendy and her family in Oakland, California were getting up. 5. Sergei and his friends in Moscow, Russia were playing football. 6. Jose in Brasilia, Brazil was going to his office. 7. Sheena in New Delhi, India was having dinner. 8. Vong in Saigon, Vietnam was watching TV. 9. Takoma in Tokyo, Japan was going to bed. 10. Martin and Janet in Sydney, Australia were sleeping. Exercise 12: 1. lost 2. were you; tried; didn't answer 3. sent; answered 4. was playing; started 5. fell off; stopped 6. hurt; was running 7. was picking up; was painting 8. were you doing; cut 9. was giving; were writing 10. didn't go; was revising 11. went off; was having 12. was feeding; arrived 13. was drinking; knocked; spilt 14. went; arrived; was playing; had to 15. had; was; was raining 16. wasn't; called; was helping; 17. were skiing 18. was; went; was shining; was blowing 19. was reading; fell; closed; left 20. did you hear; said; wasn't listening Exercise 13: 1. have broken 2. has lost 3. have seen 4. have never told 274

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5. Have you ever flown 6. has spent 7. hasn't met 8. Has your brother married 9. hasn't fed 10. Have you told 11. has always wanted 12. have already arrived; haven't laid 13. I have ever seen 14. have finished 15. have moved 16. has learnt 17. has liked 18. has never seen 19. have had 20. has already gone Exercise 14: 1. has eaten 2. has already started 3. Have you missed 4. has finally decided 5. haven't spoken 6. have made 7. have just invited 8. has rung 9. have lived 10. have ridden Exercise 15: 1. How long has he had a beard? When did he start to grow it? 2. How long has she been in love with Bob? When did she fall in love with him? 3. How long have you had a car? When did you buy it? 4. How long has James smoked? When did he start smoking? 5. How long have they been married? When did they get married? Exercise 16: 1. since 2. for 3. .- ince 4. for 5. since 6. for 7. since 8. for 9. since 10. since 11. for 12. since 13. since 14. for 15. since Exercise 17: 1. since 2. for .-..since 4. for 5. since 6. since 7. for 8. Since 9. for 10. for Exercise 18: 1. did you have 2. Have you had 3. met 4. failed 5. haven't eaten 6. hasn't watered 7. got 8. Have you ever tried 9. has climbed 10. has had; got 11. has already landed 12. won 13. have recently become 14. suffered; didn't perform 15. has already been; was 16. knew 17. have lost 18. has stolen; left 19. haven't finished 20. havi bought Exercise 19: 1. We've been on the beach for more than an hour. 2. They have lived in Kings Roc.d since their son was born. 3. Diana has never 275

Key - M egold ó ku lcs

failed her exam. 4. I saw George a couple of minutes ago. 5. Tom hasn't made up his mind yet. 6. Has Anna ever read a book in English? 7. When did it stop raining? 8. Has Martin found a good job yet? 9. How long haven't you been abroad? 10. How long have they been engaged? Exercise 20: 1. won't 2. will 3. won't 4. will 5. won't 6. will 7. will 8. will 9. will 10. Will Exercise 21: 1. will 2. will you 3. will 4. Will you do 5. will 6. won't 7. will 8. are you going to 9. Will you 10. will 11. will 12. am going to; are going to 13. will 14. am going to 15. is going to; is going to 16. is going to 17. will 18. will 19. are we going to 20. won't Exercise 22: I. am going 2. starts 3. will be 4. am going to give/am giving 5. does your plane take off 6. am going to 7. are you going to do / are you doing; am meeting / am going to meet 8. is going to have 9. will have 10. Are you going to take / Are you taking I I . will be 12. will find 13. are you going to do 14.w illcarry 15. won't have


Passive Voice - Szenvedő szerkezet

Exercise 1: 1. The invitations are sent. 2. The wedding dress is made. 3. The wedding rings are bought. 4. The wedding cake is baked. 5. The bouquet of flowers is ordered. 6. The car is decorated. 7. The music for the ceremony is chosen. 8. The restaurant is booked. 9. Photographs are taken. 10. Music is played. Exercise 2: 1. My flat is cleaned every Friday. 2. Football is played by eleven people. 3. How is Yorkshire pudding made? 4. Where is the best 276

Key - M e go ld ó ku lcs

champagne made? 5. What languages are spoken in Switzerland? 6. This tray is made of plastic. 7. A corkscrew is used for opening bottles. 8. Martini is drunk with ice. 9. A lot of rice is eaten in China. 10. English is spoken all over the world. 11. Rolls Royce cars are produced for the rich. 12. Cars are tested before they are sold. Exercise 3: 1. Our house was built ten years ago. 2. America was discovered in 1492. 3. The grass wasn't cut yesterday. 4. Were you invited to the party? 5. Pete's car was stolen last night. 6. Radio was invented by Marconi. 7. Nobody was injured in the car crash. 8. My father's office was decorated last week. 9. Several houses were destroyed in the flood last spring. 10. This silk dress was designed by Kati Zoób. 11. My car was serviced a week ago. 12. This tree was blown out in the wind last night. Exercise 4: 1. Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming. 2. A kettle is used for boiling water. 3. The window frames were painted last month. 4. Everything will be arranged tomorrow. 5. Excellent maple syrup is made in Canada. 6. The leaking roof will be repaired next week. 7. Telephone cards aren't sold anymore. 8. The new underground line will be finished next year. 9. She was taught how to play the flute by a very young musician. 10. This exhibition was visited by more than 50,000 people. 11. Their new house was built in less than six months. 12. Milk isn't delivered in cities in England anymore. 13. The ceremony will be held tomorrow. 14. Two of his milk teeth were pulled out the other day. 15. Several different items are lost by students every day. Exercise 5: 1. Animals shouldn't be kept in cages. 2. The invitation hasn't been sent yet. 3. Sick people are looked after by nurses in hospitals. 4. Yoghurt can be made from milk. 5. Was this delicious fruit cake baked by Susan? 6. The water tower has been finished. 277

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7. The floor of the gym hall in the school should be changed. 8. This essay must be written by everybody. 9. You'll be forgiven. 10. The jewels have been stolen from the safe. 11. Panda bears should be saved. 12. How much whisky is produced in Scotland a year? 13. They won't be hurt. 14. This dog was found in the street. 15. All the windows should be closed before you leave the office. 16. This gate mustn't be left open. 17. The race car has been repaired. 18. The local bank was robbed by three armed men yesterday. 19. How many cars have been produced in Hungary since Suzuki Factory was opened in Esztergom? 20. Who was Hadrian's Wall built by? Exercise 6: 1. We were invited to their wedding anniversary. 2. James should be told the bad news as soon as possible. 3. They'll be informed tomorrow. 4. Phil has been offered a good job by the local television company. 5. How much were you paid for digging their garden? 6. I wasn't given the chance to say'No'. 7. The crops were ruined by the storm. 8. The Millers will be given a bigger flat by the local government. 9. The children were frightened by the strange noise. 10. Sue is bought everything she asks for by her parents. / Everything she asks for is bought for Sue by her parents. 11. Were you disturbed last night? 12. We were given a lesson by the new teacher yesterday. 13. My father will be operated on by a very famous surgeon. 14. What were you shown? 15. As his parents died, Ted was brought up by his grandparents. 16. The boy was heard to say something rude. 17. Poor people are given free meals by this charity organization. / Free meals are given to poor people by this charity organization. 18. You were brought this parcel by a special delivery service. / This parcel was brought to you by a special delivery service. 19. I was made to do the job on my own. 20. She wasn't brought any flowers. / No flowers were brought to her. 278

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Exercise 7: 1. were held 2. took place 3. started 4. brought 5. became 6. decided 7. were held 8. was included 9. was added 10. were staged 11. took part 12. were held Exercise 8: 1. grew 2. grew 3. were needed 4. imported 5. was developed 6. became 7. carried 8. were traded 9. were taken 10. were traded 11. returned 12. grew


Asking questions, tag-questions Kérdésfeltevés, utókérdés

Exercise 1: 1. d 2. f 3. o 4. I 5. i 6. b 7. k 8. m 9. n 10. e 11. g 12. p 13. j 14. a 15. h 16. c Exercise 2: 1. Is Sheila married? 2. Does she come from England? 3. Where is she staying? 4. Have you met her? 5. What is she like? 6. What does she like about Hungary? 7. How often does she go out? 8. How long has she been in Hungary? 9. How long is she going to stay? 10. Where did you go last night? 11. How much were the tickets? 12. Have her parents visited her yet? Exercise 3: 1. Who woke you up this morning? Who did he wake up? When did he wake you up? What did he do this morning? 2. What will the weather be like this afternoon? When will the weather be nice? 3. Who has decided to rewrite the letter? What have you decided to do? Why have you decided to rewrite the letter? Who made mistakes? How many mistakes did you make? 4. Who was given a gold medal? What was Steve given? What kind of medal was he given? 279

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Exercise 4: 1. What has Paula just joined? 2. Who became a professional criminal at the age of eighteen? 3. How did you feel when your exam was over? 4. What do you have to do at 9 o'clock? 5. Who called you this morning? 6. What is Robert's best subject? 7. What did Jack borrow for the weekend? 8. What is Sue like? 9. How does Diana always treat animals? 10. Who were you talking to when you were cut off? 11. What aren't you interested in? 12. What kind of advertisement did you see in the local paper? 13. Whose teacher was impressed by our performance? 14. How often is Sally late for school? 15. How much did this ring cost? 16. What is Rita fond of? 17. What was there by his bed? 18. What couldn't you see? 19. When will he phone you? 20. What have you just done? 21. What are they still trying to do? 22. Who are you going out with tonight? 23. How long have your sons had French lessons? 24. Which holiday does Charlotte want? 25. What is Mary looking at? 26. What does Fiona like? Exercise 5: I. is it? 2. hasn't she? 3. didn't he? 4. will you? 5. am I? 6. is it? 7. should they? 8. haven't we? 9. wouldn't they? 10. did you? I I . doesn't he/she? 12. are there? 13. doesn't she? 14. hasn't he? 15. isn't she? 16. can they? 17. aren't I? 18. shall we? 19. will you? 20. doesn't he? 21. won't you? 22. isn't it? 23. shouldn't she? 24. haven't they? 25. can they?


Conditional - Feltételes mód

Exercise 1: 1. If you come too near me, you'll catch my cold. 2. If you don't water the plants, they'll die. 3. If you drop this glass, it'll brake. 4. If Tom gets here before 9 o'clock, I'll see him. 5. If you get sick, you won't be able to go on the trip. 2 80

Key - M ego ld ó ku lcs |

Exercise 2: 1. go; won't feel 2. don't prepare; won't pass 3. asks; will help 4. arrive; won't serve 5. is; will call 6. will get; plays 7. boils; won't be 8. will hurt; sit 9. buy; will you pay 10. listen; will complain 11. will go; saves 12. won't do; feels 13. don't see; will call 14. doesn't go; will watch 15. want; will need Exercise 3: 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. g 5. a 6. h 7. f 8. c Exercise 4: 1. If I don't feel better tomorrow, I will call the doctor. 2. If you hurry, you will catch the bus. 3. If we reach the top, we will have a beautiful view. 4. If they enjoy extreme sports, they will love New Zealand. 5. If it's sunny, we will go to the beach. 6. If you don't take your umbrella, you will get wet. 7. If she reads this book carefully, she will understand it. 8. If you drive more care fully, you won't have so many accidents. Exercise 5: 1. We would go to the beach if it wasn't/weren't too cold. 2. If you broke it, you would have to pay for it. 3. If I didn't manage to fix it myself, I would take it to the mechanic. 4. If you hung the clothes in the garden, they would dry soon. 5. If you liked those trainers, I would buy them for you. 6. What would happen if your brother didn't come home tonight? 7. Would they cut off my electricity if I didn't pay the bill? 8. If little Johnny was/were careful enough, he wouldn't fall off the stairs. 9. Pat would catch a cold if she didn't put on warm clothes. 10. If it snowed at the weekend, we would go skiing in the mountains. 11. That box would look better if you painted it light blue. 12. If you travelled by plane, you would get there a lot sooner. 13. They would certainly come if you asked them in time. 14. If I had more time, I would write a long letter to you. 15. Patsy would be very pleased if you remembered her birthday. 281

Key - M egoldókulcs

Exercise 6: 1. gave; would buy 2. had; would play 3. Would you tell; saw 4. would your mother do; didn't arrive 5. were; would buy 6. couldn't do; wouldn't ask 7. Would you mind; came 8. lived; would have to 9. worked; would have to 10. watched; would improve 11. took; would be 12. would tell; were 13. wouldn't do; offered 14. wouldn't marry; begged 15. left; would be Exercise 7: 1. If I met Prince Harry, I would ask for an autograph. 2. If I found a wallet in the street, I would take it to the police station. 3. If I had a headache, I would take some aspirin. 4. If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. 5. If I didn't understand my Maths homework, I would ask my teacher to explain it. 6. If I went to London, I would take a double-decker bus. 7. If the house next door caught fire, I would call the fire brigade. 8. If I got on the wrong bus, I would get off at the next stop. 9. If I had a driving licence, I would drive to school. 10. If I hurt my best friend, I would apologise to her. Exercise 8: I. If he worked hard, he would earn much more money. 2. If you watered your plants frequently, they would grow well. 3. If pigs had wings, they could fly. 4. If Chris wanted coffee, I would make one. 5. If I was/were diligent enough, I would make some progress. 6. If oil wasn't/weren't lighter than water, it wouldn't loat. 7. If he liked this car, he would buy it. 8. If we knew his address, we could send him a postcard. 9. If I was/were invited to the party, I would go. 10. If Joanna felt well, she would get out of bed. I I . Chris would be fat if he ate a lot. 12. If Paul wasn't/ weren't too short, he would be in the basketball team. 13. If I spoke French, I could talk to Jacques. 14. If there was enough snow, we could go skiing. 15. If my brother could swim, he could go into the pool on his own. 282

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13. Clauses - M ellékmondatok Exercise 1: 1. Before I go shopping, I'll call you. 2. He'll be very happy as soon as he gets the message. 3. He'll buy a newspaper before he gets on the train. 4. After I finish reading the book, I'll lend it to you. 5. They'll buy a bag of popcorn before they sit down. 6. Mary will call you as soon as her baby is born. 7. I'll look after your kids while you're away. 8. I'll tell you my secret as long as you promise not to tell it to anyone. 9. The children will go out to play in the garden as soon as it stops raining. 10. I'll take an umbrella with me in case it rains. Exercise 2: I. will speak; am 2. will have to leave; is 3. will close; falls 4. gets 5. won't start; disappears 6. will you think; say 7. will stop; starts 8. will have; get 9. will make; get 10. will do; goes I I . will be; lands; will have; will you give 12. find Exercise 3: 1. A professor is someone who gives lectures at the university. 2. A doctor is someone who cures sick people. 3. A nurse is some­ one who looks after sick people in hospital. 4. A photographer is someone who takes pictures. 5. A porter is someone who carries luggage. 6. A chef is someone who cooks meals in a restaurant. 7. An actor is someone who performs something on the stage. 8. A painter is someone who paints portraits. Exercise 4: 1. A pair of scissors is something that cuts things. 2. A calculator is something that helps you count. 3. A lawnmower is something that cuts the grass in your garden. 4. A hairdryer is something that makes your hair dry. 5. A washing machine is something that cleans the dirty clothes. 6. An oven is something that bakes cakes. 7. A CD player is something that plays music. 8. A vacuum cleaner 283

Key - M e goldókulcs

is something that cleans your carpet and floor. Exercise 5: 1. Here is your message which/that Mr Brown left yesterday. 2. The washing machine which/that the couple got from his grandmother broke down after two weeks. 3. I know a lot of people who don't speak languages. 4. Where are the guests who ordered this champagne? 5. This is the river which/that flows across our city. 6. There's a man on the phone who wants to talk to you. 7. I like the flowers which/that are in front of your house. 8. She's watching a film which/that I don't like. 9. There's a hole on the jumper which/that I bought yesterday. 10. The ticket office which/that sold these tickets is in the centre. 11. The person who asked us for some directions spoke the language with a strange accent. 12. George works in a shop which /that sells mobile phones. Exercise 6: l.w h o 2. who 3 . - 4 . - 5. who 6 .- 7. who 8 .- 9. which/that 1 0 .- 1 1 .who 1 2 .- 1 3 .who 1 4 .- 1 5 .which 1 6 .- 1 7 .18. which/that 19. which/that 20. which/that Exercise 7: 1. How did you find the restaurant where you had your wedding reception? 2. A hospital is a place where sick people are cured. 3. Can you show me the drawer where you want me to put the spoons? 4. A can't find a place in town where they can repair my bag. 5. The village where my father was born has grown a lot and become a town. 6. An Internet café is a place where you can have a drink and surf the Internet. Exercise 8: l.w h o 2. - 3. whose 4 .- 5. whose 6. whose 7. where 8. where 9 . - 1 0 .- 11. whose 1 2 .- 13. which/that 14. which/that 15. whom 16. whose 17. where 1 8 .- 1 9 .- 20. which/that 284

Key - M e go ld ó ku lcs |


Reported speech - Függő beszéd

Exercise 1: I. John says (that) he bought his car a week ago. 2. Tim and Fiona say (that) they're going to get married next year. 3. Ben says (that) his father's an engineer. 4. The cleaning lady says (that) she's been cleaning that flat all day. 5. Judy thinks (that) they were there last week. 6. My cousin tells me (that) he/she hasn't met my boyfriend yet. 7. Tim promises his mother (that) he'll be back in an hour. 8. David confesses his wife (that) he has spent all his money. 9. The boss tells us (that) we have to work a lot harder. 10. Susan hopes (that) she'll be able to pass her exam. I I . Susan tells the repairman (that) she'll take him some tea when he has finished. 12. Mother promises her daughter (that) she'll do everything she can to help her. Exercise 2: 1. Grandma asks her granddaughter if she likes strawberries. 2. The waiter asks us if we would like strawberry ice-cream. 3. Peter asks Sheila if she has met his brother. 4. The teacher asks Paul how long his mum has been away. 5. Father wants to know who Mrs Brown is. 6. Father asks his son if Mrs Brown is his Biology teacher. 7. The headmaster asks the students what's happening there. 8. The boss asks Mr Jones when he finished his work last night. 9. The school nurse asks Jimmy if he isn't feeling well. 10. The travel agent asks Mary if she wants to go by plane or by coach. 11.1 wonder if it's going to rain this afternoon. 12. My future mother-in-law wants to know if I can cook. 13. Mother asks her daughter who she is in love with. 14. Sheila asks Bob if he loves her. 15. The teacher asks her students what they're planning to do during the autumn break. Exercise 3: 1. My grandma asks me to help her (to) look for her glasses. 285 .

Key - M egold ó ku lcs

2. Peter wants to know what time it is. 3. Mum tells me on the phone (that) Gerry went to see them yesterday. 4. The teacher asks Jill if she knows the answer to that question. 5. Mother tells her son to put on his coat or he may feel cold. 6. Father asks Donald to go out and get him a newspaper. 7. My boss promises (that) he'll return in time for the meeting. 8. Mary tells her children to go out and play in the garden. 9. My friend tells me to invite both of them. 10. The tour guide says to the tourists (that) tomorrow they're going to visit the cathedral. 11. Mrs White asks her neighbour to post that letter for her. 12. A passenger asks the man at the information office when the next train to Poole is. 13. Jane asks her roommate why all her books are lying on the floor. 14. Grandma asks her grandson to bring her a carton of milk when he goes (to see her). 15. Jill asks me who I'm waiting for. 16. The Chemistry teacher tells the students not to touch anything until he/she gets back. 17. She wonders if they will believe her. 18. Peter tells his friends (that) his mum doesn't let him go with them. 19. Jill asks her husband if he can slow down a bit. (Jill asks her husband to slow down a bit.) 20. Janet asks her sister not to tell the news to anybody. Exercise 4: l.to ld 2. tell 3. says 4. ask 5. tell 6. ask/tell 7. tell/ask 8. says 9. tell 10. asks Exercise 5: 1. David says he has to be back by 4 o'clock. 2. Pat tells the dentist that she won't open her mouth. 3. Mary is asking a policeman where the bank is. 4. David wants to know what time his mother gets home. 5. The students wonder why the door of their classroom isn't open. 6. John asks us if we often go skating. 7. Librarians often ask the visitors not to make noise. 8. My son asks me who I sat next to in class. 2 86

Key - M e go ld ó ku lcs



Conjunctions and linkers Kötőszók, a szöveg kapcsolóelemei

Exercise 1: l.b u t 2. or 3. and 4. but 5. or 6. and 7. but 8. and 9. but 10. but 11. and 12. and 13. or 14. but 15. or Exercise 2: 1. or I'll call the police. 2. and we took some nice photographs. 3. but I can't remember his name. 4. or would you like to walk? 5. and ask for help. 6. and there's a radiator in every room. 7. or you can sit where you are. 8. but we can't move in until next month. 9. but she hasn't got married yet. 10. or they'll hurt even more. Exercise 3: 1. because it was very hot in the room. 2. so you won't find them at home this evening. 3. so everybody likes her. 4. because she was ill. 5. because it's late. 6. because she wasn't interested. 7. so I'm starving now. 8. because I didn't know the address. 9. so he asked the teacher to explain it again. 10. so you should try to talk to him. Exercise 4: 1. Despite the rain we went out for a walk. 2. Although it was snowy, they decided to go by car. 3. Despite the terrible food we went there for dinner the next day too, because Jim liked the waitress. 4. Although Sally was said, she tried to smile at every­ body there. 5. Although she had low grades, she was admitted to university. 6. Despite not being / Despite the fact that she isn't a Hungarian citizen, she has to pay income taxes in Hungary. 7. Even though he was really tired, he couldn't sleep. 8. Although they were the better team, they couldn't win the match. Exercise 5: 1. Despite / In spite of 2. although 3. although 4. Despite/In 287

Key - M egoldókulcs

spite of 5. although 6. Although 7. Although 8. Despite /In spite of 9. Although 10. Despite / In spite of Exercise 6: 1. because 2. although 3. although 4. so 5. but 6. so 7. because 8. so 9. or 10. but 11. Although 12. or 13. Although 14. and 15. but Exercise 7: 1. We can either prepare dinner for them or take them to a restaurant. 2. I'm going to give my friend either a CD or a necklace for her birthday. 3. Neither the driver of the car nor the passengers were injured in the accident. 4. Both the cyclist and the pedestrian were taken to hospital. 5. He neither drinks nor smokes. 6. They bought not only a house but also a new car at the same time. 7. The guests had both lunch and dinner with us. 8. Not only the Maths teacher is ill today, but the Biology teacher is also away. 9. Tomorrow there will be either rain or snow. 10. I'm really unlucky. I not only lost my wallet, but also my key.

16. Word form ation - Szóképzés Exercise 1: - er: manager, interpreter, photographer, survivor, teacher, inventor, entertainer, producer, actor, adviser - ian: politician, musician, mathematician - ist: scientist, artist, journalist, receptionist, humorist, stylist, economist Exercise 2: I. discovery 2. jealousy 3. stupidity 4. monarchy 5. epublicanism 6. height 7. ignorance 8. length 9. youth 10. curiosity I I . sweetness 12. agreement 13. illness 14. security 15. reality 16. criticism 17. originality 18. protection 19. movement 20. creation 288

Key - M ego ld ó ku lcs ^

Exercise 3: 1. laziness 2. happiness 3. darkness 4. length 5. ability 6. generosity 7. depth 8. shortage 9. freedom 10. personality Exercise 4: I. hopeful/hopeless 2. salty 3. childish 4. accidental 5. sunny 6. golden 7. windy 8. fearful 9. steamy 10. continental I I . humorous 12. effective 13. tasty 14. foolish 15. noisy 16. northern 17. lucky 18. religious 19. suitable 20. beautiful Exercise 5: 1. creative 2. dirty 3. mysterious 4. attractive 5. endless 6. dangerous 7. wonderful 8. luxurious 9. disgusting 10. dramatic Exercise 6: 1. unfortunately 2. to misunderstand 3. unemployed 4. impatient 5. immoral 6. dishonest 7. inhuman 8. imperfect 9. to disagree 10. useless Exercise 7: 1. competitions 2. uncomfortable 3. directions 4. information 5. education 6. announcement 7. geographical 8. explanation 9. decision 10. comedian 11. valuable 12. disappearance 13. sleepy 14. qualifications 15. worthless 16. shorten 17. unexpectedly 18. unavoidable 19. disadvantages 20. guidance 21. traditional 22. safety 23. communication 24. disagree 25. musical

Final Test - Záró teszt Exercise 1: l.th e 2 .- 3. an 4. the 5. a 6. a 7. an 8 .- 9. the 10. the 11. the 12. a 13. the 14. a 15. the 16. the 17. the 1 8 .- 19. a 20. an 21. a Exercise 2: in: the 19th century, the morning, 2006, spring, the 1990s, 289

Key - M e goldókulcs

two weeks, June on: Friday night, Tuesday, 1 October, their wedding day, Thanks­ giving Day, New Year's Eve at: the end of the school year, night, the age of 20, present, Easter, 6.30 a.m., the moment Exercise 3: in: the mountains, the sky, my hand, hospital, my bag, bed, a village, the mirror, the park, a line, the picture, the room on: the floor, the radio, the top shelf, the wall, my way to work at: the bus-stop, the end of the street, work, the station, home, the cinema, the traffic lights, school Exercise 4: 1. nothing 2. somewhere 3. anywhere 4. anybody; anything 5. something; somewhere 6. anything 7. anybody 8. somebody 9. Nobody 10. anywhere Exercise 5: 1. spending; going 2. to turn down; to make 3. help; (to) do 4. fighting 5. inviting; to be 6. going 7. to buy 8. working 9. feel 10. Looking 11. pay 12. learning; to be 13. to see 14. to get lost 15. to pay 16. leave 17. travelling 18. to watch 19. repeating 20. to go Exercise 6: 1. Why 2. How 3. What 4. Why 5. What 6. Why 7. What 8. What 9. How 10. who 11. Why 12. Which 13. How many 14. How 15. What Exercise 7: 1. We couldn't go to our favourite restaurant because they were decorating it. 2. Can I have the menu, please? 3. Could you tell me the code for Manchester, please? 4. You have to wear a seatbelt when you drive in England. 5. In some schools children have to wear a uniform. 6. You can walk in the park but you mustn't skateboard or play football. 7. They look so much alike, they must be twins. 8. You should talk to your mum first. 9. You 290

Key - M ego ld ó ku lcs

mustn't take your ice-cream into the museum. 10. You'll have to repair the fence, as your dog shouldn't come over to our garden. 11. He can't be in the library at the moment. 12. Do I have to get a visa to Egypt? 13. You shouldn't go swimming after a big meal. 14. May I / Can I open the window? 15. The students were allowed to leave school early yesterday. 16. You mustn't steal. 17. The bag may belong to Kate. 18. These tomatoes may/might not be fresh. Exercise 8: 1. It isn't a very exciting performance. 2. She isn't working extremely hard this week. 3. He hasn't finished his beer yet. 4. The kitchen doesn't need to be decorated every year. 5. We haven't sold our old car. 6. Peter doesn't need a Think Pad for his job. 7. We won't have to finish it in half an hour. 8. You needn't / don't have to answer every question in detail. 9. You aren't allowed to stay up late today. 10. His parents couldn't speak German at the age of five. 11. I don't often visit my cousin in Austria. 12. Ann hasn't got two cats. 13. There isn't a florist's on the corner of the next street. 14. I didn't buy this watch for my friend. 15. They don't grow oranges in England. 16. My house isn't being decorated at the moment. 17. They wouldn't help you if you asked them. 18. They may not sell all the tickets by that time. Exercise 9: 1. noticed 2. went 3. saw 4. was feeling 5. sat 6. helped 7. heard 8. tried 9. ran 10. hid 11. thought 12. noticed 13. became 14. went 15. saw 16. was missing 17. were 18. pulled 19. beat 20. called Exercise 10: 1. The exhibition of his photographs is going to be opened tomorrow. 2. Last week a new secondary school was opened by the Mayor in the suburbs. 3. The gym hall is used only for indoor sports. 4. In Scotland haggis is made on the basis of secret recipes. 5. It'll be finished by tomorrow. 6. The lights have been turned off. 7. This parcel has to be dealt with very carefully. It's fragile. 291

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8. He must be told the news. 9. The situation will have to be accepted sooner or later. 10. This music was written by an unknown composer. 11. I'm sorry but your boots can't be repaired. 12. The walls of my brother's room are covered with posters of footballers. 13. Her watch was being repaired while she was doing the shopping in the department store. 14. My application has been accepted. 15. Who was Millennium Bridge built by? 16. Their parents are going to be presented with a luxurious cruise on the Mediterranean for their wedding anniversary. 17. The accident happened on a road which was being repaired. 18. She has already been offered the job. 19. You can't swim now because the swimming pool is being cleaned. 20. It was the boss's birthday so coffee and biscuits were handed round. Exercise 11: 1. was opened 2. is 3. is 4. lies 5. has 6. has 7. lasts 8. oves 9. stops 10. have to 11. is moving 12. has become 13. has appeared 14. has become 15. is visited 16. means 17. take 18. be bought 19. are 20. have to Exercise 12: I. lifts 2. will invite 3. got; wouldn't be 4. had; would drink. 5. was/ were; would be able 6. decide 7. weren't/wasn't; would go 8. would ask 9. were; would see 10. had; wouldn't call I I . gets; will call 12. would be; was/were 13. have; will get 14. had; could apply 15. would you like 16. will buy; is Exercise 13: 1. impolite 2. satisfied 3. carelessness 4. amazement 5. foolish 6. politicians 7. pronunciation 8. explanation 9. accidentally 10. frozen 11. angrily 12. disadvantages 13. unemployed 14. misunderstanding 15. interested 16. strongest 17. less 18. annoying 19. insurance 20. rapidly 21. enjoyable 22. absolutely 23. international 24. irregularly 25. irresistible 292