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Keylontic Science Overview
KEYLONTIC SCIENCE Spiritual Science Overview and Techniques for Earth’s Unfolding Drama through 2047
A simplified version of information presented by
Ashayana Deane and Azurtanya Deane by Nhaghnee T. Chrystal (Project Coordinator) Nina Silver (Editor & Co-Author) Rosaleen Tobin (Co-Author) Merri Lou Dobler (Co-Author) With supporting documentation by The Step-Down Team: Amy Cantrell, Marie Gianaris, Georgina Hale, Sarfraz Mukhtar (Fraz) …
Keylontic Science Overview
Table of Contents Introduction
Part I. The Mechanics of Creation
Chapter 1. God Defining God An Overview of Creation
Chapter 2. The Substance of Creation The 3 Primal Life Force Currents The Base-12 Christos Divine Blueprint, Expressed as the Kathara Grid The Reuche The Flame of Amoraea Merkaba, the Eternal Living Breath of God The First Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom The Stairway To Heaven Star Gates Creation As A Mansion
Chapter 3. The Energy Matrix and Our Time Matrix The Energy Matrix Scalar Waves and Flash-Line Sequences Our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix Light, Sound, and Symbol Codes Light Sound
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Symbol Codes Chapter 4. Eternal Life, Ascension, and Our Free Will Universe Free Will and the Laws of Creation The Checks and Balances of Free Will Expression Molecular Compaction The Radial Body and The Flame Body Ascension—Stepping Back Up to Source True Ascended Mastery DNA Templates and Ascension Angels and Angelic Humans Fallen Angelics Indigos The Personal Meaning of Ascension Part II. The History of Planet Earth Chapter 5. The Players What Is Co-Creation? Our Time Matrix Co-Creators Original Sin—The True Story Black Hole Systems Who Are The Fallen Angelics? In What Universes Do The Fallen Angelics Live? What Do The Fallen Angelics Want? What Have The Fallen Angelics Perpetrated? Chapter 6: The Great Healing Experiment 250 Billion Years Ago 150 Billion Years Ago 570 Million Years Ago 568 to 560 Million Years Ago 550 Million Years Ago 250 to 5.5 Million Years Ago 4.5 Million Years Ago
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3.7 Million Years Ago 3 Million Years Ago 848,800 BC 840,000 Years Ago 798,000 BC 208,216 BC 25,500 BC 10,500 BC 9,558 BC 10 AD - 27 AD 325 AD 559 AD - 609 AD Today: The Damage That Needs Repair Part III. The Final Conflict Drama and Its Resolution Chapter 7. The Affliction: Anti-Christos Technology The Eye of Metatron, the BeaST, and the Wesedak/Wesedrak drama The NET, NCT-Bases, NDC-Grid, and APINs Chapter 8. The Stellar Activations Cycle What Exactly Are Star Gates? What Is A Stellar Activations Cycle? What Are The Mechanics Involved In Ascension? The Christos Realignment Mission
Chapter 9. The Real “Judgement” Day The Trial Cycle and Tribulation Cycle The Final Conflict Drama The Arc of the Covenant
Chapter 10. The Cleansing: Bringing Back Base-12
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The HE-Thar-O Cycle (March 23, 2002 - December 21, 2012) HE-Thar-O Cycle Timeline The Internal Rod and Staff: Merkaba Vehicle Repair HE-Thar-O Electrical Merkaba Spiral Peak (May 27, 2003) HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak 24-hour Process HE-Esta Temporary Axis Stasis Period (May 28 - August 11, 2003) HE-Thal-on Magnetic Merkaba Spiral Peak (August 12 - 14, 2003) Chapter 11. The Renewal Zeta-Drakonian Frequency Fence (1748 - Present) The Bridge Zone Project (1983 - December 21, 2012) The Arc Zone Project (August 14, 2003 - December 21, 2012) The 3-Day Particle Conversion (August 12 - 14, 2003) Reush-TA or Resetting the Divine Blueprint (August 12, 2003 - December 21, 2012) Ecka-ShI Peak, or Re-Birth of the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom (August 12, 2003 December 21, 2012) Recent Updates Chapter 12. The Keylontic Science Techniques Sound Light or Colors Symbols Combining Sound, Color, and Symbols The Maharic Seal The 12 Lessons, Attitudes and Responsibilities of Spiritual Mastery
Keylontic Science Overview
Introduction Our home, Earth, is a planet of breathtaking beauty. Humans are endowed with intelligence, creativity, passion, and the gift of self-reflection. The myriad and abundant natural resources provide everything we could ever want or need. And the possibilities offered by modern technology are almost unlimited. Theoretically, at least, our lives should be filled with joyful and loving adventures, as we discover each day who we are and what we are capable of becoming. But the reality of the 21st century tells a very different story. All over the world, people are hungry and thirsty, denied adequate food and pure water. Massive environmental contamination has occurred, with pollutants of various kinds ranging from dangerous synthetic chemicals to genetically engineered crops. Humanity suffers ill health—major disease outbreaks occur on a regular basis, and more and more people than ever suffer from degenerative conditions. There is a great inequality in the allocation of money and natural resources. While the rich are getting richer, poverty flourishes. Crimes and wars are rampant. The oppression of “minority” groups—such as people of color, women, and those expressing sexually unpopular viewpoints—continues. And our beloved planet Earth is mirroring humanity’s depravity in unusual weather changes. Although there is a yearning for harmony on Earth—and much goodness to be found if one looks for it—there is something seriously, intuitively wrong right now. Despite our innate potential—our God-given gifts of intelligence, creativity, resourcefulness, joy, and love—the world is becoming more and more difficult to navigate. As we watch and experience the turmoil unfolding at this time on both planetary and personal levels, it is becoming obvious that these dramas are the tip of the iceberg—even though we might not know what exactly is in the iceberg. This book on Keylontic Science has been written to help you understand that iceberg beyond anything that you might have seen, heard, and experienced so far in your ordinary, day-to-day reality. Keylontic Science is the science of creation, or energy dynamics, as it applies to a multidimensional, perpetual motion universe. Put another way, Keylontic Science is about particle
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mechanics—pulsing and vibrating energy patterns in the form of light and sound—within which creation takes place. There is a sentient, organized, intelligent, creative force of vast proportions that is responsible for the design and creation of the cosmos, a force that some call God and that in this book will usually be referred to as “Source.” In this book, you will learn why there has been so much conflicting information in the fields of history, science and religion, and the truth behind what we have been artificially force-fed for aeons. You will learn the physics by which each one of us has come into manifestation, the nature of our Free Will Universe, and how this information ties in to world political events as well as the most intimate fabric of our lives. You will also discover the evolutionary “glitch” from billions of years ago that gave us the negative energetic patterns we still carry today. And, most importantly, you will be given the reasoning and the mechanics behind the Keylontic Science techniques that rapidly and successfully heal these negative patterns. In addition, this book will help you discover and understand the dynamics we might expect to see on Earth in the next few “eventful” months (from now to August 14, 2003) and through December 21, 2012. Where does this information come from? This information, collectively called the Freedom Teachings, is derived from factual text books that in turn are based on information from the Cloister-Dora-Teura-Plates (or CDT-Plates). The CDT-Plates are a set of 12 silver-metallic, digital, holographic, crystalline recorder discs (like CDs, but with gargantuan storage capacity). They are real, physical objects; each one is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. These 12 storage devices have been kept in the private, protective custody of certain family lines on Earth for thousands of years. Some of the knowledge contained in the CDT-Plates, which we will explore in this book, includes creation mechanics, universal unified field physics, and The Law of Divine Love (or Law of One) teachings. It is this ancient knowledge that has been the foundation for all other spiritual and religious disciplines on the planet. Periodically, this knowledge returns to public view when it is most needed to assist Earth populations, when great changes in the evolutionary path of all Earth species are destined to unfold. Direct CDT-Plate translation, or translation of the higher aspects of Unified Field knowledge, is exceedingly difficult. It requires advanced consciousness and training, and these plates are currently being translated for
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public view by Ashayana Deane and Azurtanya Deane of the Azurite Press (www.azuritepress.com). Please note that a condensed book can provide only some basic concepts. The incredibly rich and complex scientific-spiritual background is found in the Azurite Press literature and video workshops for sale on the website above. Nevertheless, this book should give you enough information to encourage you to start doing the Keylontic Science techniques if you are new to this work, and to support you in doing the Keylontic Science techniques if you have already begun. Note that the Keylontic Science techniques for personal and planetary healing are free, available to all. As you read, keep in mind that this book is not based on abstract concepts, but rather real phenomena about the very nature of creation on all levels—levels from the most mundane to the most “esoteric.”
Keylontic Science Overview
Part I. The Mechanics of Creation Chapter 1 God
The longing for union and the quest for life’s purpose are behind almost all religions, spiritual quests, and paradigms of piety. Yet, despite the plethora of religions to choose from, many people still feel separate and alienated from God. People’s spiritual hunger often becomes even more intense as they sense that their feelings of disconnection and separation are not natural. The many religious traditions promising comfort and salvation require faith if one is to gain solace from them. Yet in order to have faith, one must suspend the capacity to reason and question—often ignoring one’s own feelings, experiences, and beliefs—and follow an external authority. Can we truly commune with the Divine if, in the process of that communion, we are required to disown and ignore who we are? Is discarding parts of our own self the best way to know God? The model that we are about to present says that to know yourself is to know God—and that to know God is to know yourself. This is because we are made of the very stuff that comprises Source-God. The actual physics behind this statement will unfold as we continue. As you read, keep in mind that in any discussion of physics—the energy of creation—we are also discussing love, physical existence, everything. They all go together. Defining God Some people believe that it is impossible to define God—after all, who has ever seen, heard, or felt the totality of Source? It is so much bigger than we are! Some people do not believe that a God exists. And those who are convinced there is a God, disagree as to its nature. Debates abound as to whether our creator is completely benevolent, punitive, or a mixture of the two. It is clear that no one really knows what Source is. Otherwise, we would not have so many religions offering different possibilities about the nature of creation. The number of religions—
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and the disparity between them—also implies that it is not possible to know God. But what if it were possible to know Source? Must we accept that our ignorance is an unavoidable, inevitable fact of existence? Although most religious teachings are filled with accounts of a vengeful creator who inflicts punishments on humans who make “him” angry, even a cursory review at how the universe is made tells a very different story. From the tiniest sub-atomic particle to the largest galaxy, from a small seed to the oldest tree, from the simplest insect to the complex human being—you can see an inherent order and organization to the universe, which suggests a vast intelligence or consciousness behind creation. That the universe organizes itself into various templates or patterns upon which all life forms are built is evident when you see the structured, deliberate arrangements of molecules, minerals, cells, animals, plants, people, planets. One example of a pattern observed by scientists is the spiraling curves that exist in nature. The curve is present in an egg (the most pure manifestation of this spiral form), snail shells, beans, embryos, and even the way in which a snake glides. Another aspect of existence—that each part of creation contains all—has become evident with the invention of the holographic photograph. A hologram is a 3-Dimensional photograph that is so complete, any piece that is cut from it and illuminated with coherent light will provide an image of the entire hologram. It may be a different view, a different angle, but all the information is present. The holographic photo can be regarded as a microcosm of how the universe operates. Just as an acorn contains the blueprint for an entire oak tree, each aspect of creation reflects the whole. There is a living intelligent spark of Source present in all of creation, providing form, structure, and function to everything that is manifest. Assuming there is a deliberate intelligence behind all of creation, how do we know that it is benevolent, and not indifferent or cruel? Although there is much goodness in the world, there is also enormous violence and hatred, despair and sadness. If Source made us, how could it allow such misery to exist—unless it didn’t care, or was even malicious at times? Let us consider how living creatures are designed. No step in the natural world is capricious or wasted. Every process, movement, and activity is carried out with the intention to expend the
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least amount of energy toward a desired goal. When plants decay, their nutrients are recycled for the growth of new plants. Water that evaporates as dew in the morning returns as rain in the afternoon. The song of a bird sounds lovely to us—and also to the bird with whom it is trying to mate. The leaping of a deer appears graceful and effortless; it is to the deer’s advantage to run well when it is trying to escape from a predator. The common thread of all these acts is meaning and purpose. There is also meaning and purpose to what humans do. When we love, and express our love freely and generously, we are relaxed. Our overall health is better, our lives run more smoothly, and we have a more optimistic view of the world. You could say that we feel connected to ourselves and to life. When we are afraid to express our love and instead live in fear or chronic rage, we are tense. Our health suffers, our lives often don’t run well, and we have a more pessimistic view of the world. You could say that we feel disconnected to ourselves and to life. People who love, are trusting in the goodness of Source (or of some form of creative intelligence) and can be direct in getting their needs met. This tends to make them respectful of others—because to love oneself is to love others. People who fear, are not trusting in the goodness of Source (or of some form of creative intelligence) and are less direct in getting their needs met. This tends to make them disrespectful of others—because to not fully love oneself is to not fully love others. Expansion feels good and contraction feels bad. Scientists know that depressed or sad people who smile are more inclined to feel better and attain a more uplifted mood; whereas frowning really does augment (and can even create) depression. Simply put, expansion allows for using one’s energy in the most economic way possible. Contraction signifies a damming up of one’s energy and not getting one’s needs met. If we are to continue as a species, what is the most efficient way? To live in fear, or to live in love? Surely it is to live in love—for Source would not build conflict, contraction, and fear into the grand design. On a survival level, fear is not efficient. On a moral level, it is not right. On an emotional level, it does not feel good. And on a spiritual level, it is not sacred. The universe is constructed and operates in such a way that Source is unconditional love. Unconditional love means that you are in complete harmony or resonance with what is around you—just like a vibrating tuning fork held next to a non-vibrating tuning fork, which then begins
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to vibrate as well. When you embrace the vibration of what is around you (a plant, rock, animal, person, situation), this resonance translates on an emotional level into acceptance, tolerance, and compassion. Unconditional love, therefore, is a frequency, a coherent movement of energy that includes and enfolds all life forms. But, you may ask, what about all the disharmony in the world, in the form of fighting and ill will? The word “coherent” is key. Coherence characterizes living, evolving, expanding and open systems, whereas the lack of coherence characterizes systems that are in a state of atrophy, and are de-evolving, contracting, closed and finite. This will be elaborated on later. For now, it is important to note that open systems can perceive and manifest unconditional love more easily than closed systems—which both reflects and results in higher frequency. God is an intelligent, loving energy that is not external to us. The practice of externalizing God was perpetrated on humans long ago to sever our connection to Source and rob us of our considerable power to create, heal, and love. We are all sparks of God, a part of Source, and have simply forgotten who we are. Once we remember, we can reclaim the power—and the love—that is intrinsically ours. Everything in existence is an expression of God. Nothing exists outside of Source. As any discussion of Source can potentially be very confusing, because even while we refer to Source as “it,” Source is also us. We are a part of Source. One way to integrate the consciousness of yourself-as-Divine is to substitute the words “I” and “we” when you read “Source” and “it.” An Overview of Creation One might say that the process of creation (or life as we know it) began when Source wanted to experience itself and know itself better. Up until then, Source was undifferentiated unconditional love. Now it began to create—still with its original intention of unconditional love—by siphoning off part of its consciousness into smaller aspects of itself that were individuated from, but still part of, itself. This meant decreasing the intensity of its pure frequency as Source became more and more manifest. Matter that is “manifest” means anything that can be perceived with the senses. The more manifest something is, the more detail is perceived. For instance, soil is more manifest than clouds or light. Or, a melody played on the piano is more manifest than sub-sonic pulses. The
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way in which Source’s individuation process is manifested can be analogized to the way in which electrical current is transmitted. You want electricity to power your home, but first the current needs to run from the very thick, durable main wire (right near the source of the electricity) through a transformer. Otherwise, the current will fry the thinner, less durable secondary and tertiary, and ever-so-smaller wires that branch off into your home from the main feeder wire. In a similar way, the charge or consciousness of God is reduced to “fit” into its myriad containers of individuated creation—a process referred to as “stepped down.” The next several sections contain details of how this “down-stepping” works. If you can’t follow all the details or if you find the numerous terms confusing, that’s okay. Right now, the details aren’t as important as the concepts behind them. The most important points to keep in mind are: ♦
The microcosm (manifested existence) is a reflection of the macrocosm (Source). The opposite also holds true—as above, so below. Since life as we know it began with God’s intention or thought of creating from a place of unconditional love—and we are all a part of Source—this means that all creation also carries the ability to create manifest matter and events via thought. So, unless there is damage (this will be discussed shortly), manifest matter is perpetual, eternal and infinite, with the ability to “co-create via thought,” just like God-Source. Source manifests from the general to the specific. In other words, as Source becomes more differentiated, the high frequencies become “stepped down,” or more immediately comprehensible and recognizable to us from our limited 3-Dimensional perspective. Put another way, the frequencies begin as pure energy, and by the time they manifest on planet Earth, that pure energy is perceived as matter. All frequencies at the highest level of God-Source have corresponding manifestations in even the densest matter, including in human beings. As Source manifests lower and lower in frequency, matter becomes denser. This is exhibited by the smaller amount of space between atoms, the differing speed of the particles comprising those atoms, the angular rotation of particles spin, and also by the different chemical compounds that constitute matter. The more “stepped down” existence is from Source, the smaller the amount of higher frequencies it is able to contain. This means that the particles that comprise matter are “phase locked” in denser, lower-frequency reality systems to a much greater extent
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than they are in the higher-frequency realms. This phase locking makes the lowerfrequency realities appear and behave in ways that are more fixed and less malleable than in the higher-frequency realities. Phase locking also indicates a more distinct differentiation from Source. ♦
As Source steps down its consciousness, polarity must exist in order for Source to experience itself. In order for Source to experience itself as separate from itself (always, though, within a greater context of unity, which indicates unconditional love), whatever it creates must, by definition, contain polarity, even if it’s a small amount. Put another way, in order for unconditional love to be perceived and experienced, there must be someone or something who is doing the perceiving and experiencing. This perception and experience cannot take place unless there is “Opposite Expression”— an expression opposite of unconditional love—to provide a baseline from which to perceive and experience that love! However, when Opposite Expression does occur, with certain exceptions (see the last point in this chapter), it is always a very small amount, and never enough to override the vast supply of unconditional love that characterizes original creation. The down-stepping of Source’s consciousness into manifest matter creates the illusion of time. When consciousness becomes formless or is no longer phase-locked, the illusions of linear time and different reality systems dissolve. Just as Source steps down its consciousness, consciousness can likewise evolve or “step up” back to Source. Consciousness “steps up” from simple to complex forms, which we call the “evolutionary process.” Evolution, incidentally, implies progression of time (see above). It also implies moving into a higher “space” or reality system—a down-stepping point closer to Source. Connection to Source is reflected by the amount of organization in a being’s structure. Consciousness is comprised of particles, or units of consciousness. These particles can be either organized or unorganized, and exist in either high-frequency or lowfrequency realities. The more organized particles are, the more complex they are, the more structure they have, and the more memory they have of themselves as Source. The presence of unorganized particles implies damage to the structure, though they still contain accessible memory if the structure can be repaired in time. If the structure is completely damaged, unorganized particles contain no memory and are considered simple cosmic space dust. Eventually, they can evolve into a more complex form of
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organized particles, once again, to start a new perpetual, living memory of individuated identity. ♦
When excessive damage occurs at any level of creation, whether very dense or not as dense (except the levels closest to Source), certain afflictions begin to manifest. The levels of existence closest to Source are impervious to being damaged. The “observer/observed” dichotomy is almost non-existent at these levels; but the experience is one of perpetual bliss. However, on any other level of creation, if the various manifest forms are damaged enough, the following generally occurs: a. The perceived separation from God-Source creates excessive amounts of polarity. On a mental level, this polarity expresses itself in opposites of thinking such as “win/lose,” “either/or,” “me versus you,” “us versus them,” etc. On an emotional level, this polarity expresses itself in opposites of feeling such as “love/ hate,” “mania/depression,” etc. On a behavioral level, this polarity expresses itself in rape, physical torture, war, murder, etc. b. The frequencies of unconditional love are more difficult to access. c. One has difficulty perceiving one’s connection to Source. d. One’s ability to co-create becomes hindered. First, there can be a significant delay in time between when one has a thought and when that thought is manifest in a given reality system. Second, the thought and its intended manifestation may not always be the same.
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Chapter 2 The Substance of Creation As you can imagine, due to the complex nature of creation—after all, we’re only talking about how God creates everything in the world!—this section may seem rather dense with terminology and detail. However, we will be discussing many of these terms and concepts throughout this book, so you will have a chance to familiarize yourself with them. After Source has the thought or intention to create, its first “down-stepping” of its consciousness takes place within the “Center Point of All Union,” or Yunasai. (The term “Yunasai” will not be used very much in this book, but we have included it because it is the level closest to Source.) Within this Center Point of All Union, the following pieces of creation are further “down-stepped” in the following forms. The 3 Primal Life Force Currents All manifest creation is composed of particles that are categorized as belonging to one of the three groupings of the 3 Primal Life Force Currents. These currents form the basis of particles that will eventually constitute existence—whether that existence is in a phase-locked, dimensional framework or in a formless, non-dimensional framework. Depending on the dimension in which they appear, the rhythm and axis of those particles vary. We discuss dimensions in depth in the next chapter. The 1st current is ManU (with a neutral charge); the 2nd current is EirA (with a magnetic charge); and the 3rd current is ManA (with an electrical charge). The ManU—as the current created first—gives birth to the other two. The ManU first produces the EirA, and then the EirA produces the ManA. The chart below indicates many of the characteristics of the 3 Primal Life Force Currents. You don’t have to know or understand everything in this chart. We will discuss these three energy streams briefly in this section, and elaborate more in the next chapter.
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/////////////////// ManU
Order of creation
The first current
The 2nd current, springing The 3rd current, forth from the ManU springing forth from the EirA
Type of charge
Electromagnetic (both electrical and magnetic)
Neutral; non-polarized (+/–)
Negative (–)
Positive (+)
Contracting and receiving Expanding and transmitting
Merkaba spin and
No spin
Breath correlation
Units of Ante-particles or anteconsciousne matter: ss Partiki (sub-atomic expression)
Particles or matter: Particum
Anti-particles or antimatter: Partika
Perception of Electro-tonal (combined matter light and sound)
Religious Divine Spirit, as part of the Divine Feminine, as part connotations Divine Trinity of the Divine Trinity In the beginning was the void
Divine Masculine, as part of the Divine Trinity
Then there was the word And then there was light
Of the 3 Primal Life Force Currents, the ManU could be thought of as the embodiment of the oneness of Source. It represents unity (both electrical and magnetic, or electromagnetic) that contains the potential for diversity (which is the magnetic EirA and the electrical ManA). Each current represents either an expansion, contraction, or stillness in terms of Source’s movement. The ManU is also known as the still-point—a window, or sort of conduit, between
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Source and creation—which allows creation to step into, and out of, manifestation. The EirA current that then springs from the ManU is contractive and draws in, or receives. And the ManA current that then springs from the EirA is expansive and sends out, or transmits. What these movements mean, and the context in which they operate, will become clearer when we later discuss Merkaba. Each current also represents a particular type of particle. The charges and polarities of the currents (or the lack of charge and polarity, as with the ManU)—and the interplay between them—create the hologram that is our 3-Dimensional reality system. Finally, each current literally manifests to us as sound, light, or a combination of both (electro-tonal). We will discuss the quality of the particles and their function, as well as other 3-Dimensional reality systems, in the next chapter. The Base-12 Christos Divine Blueprint, Expressed as the Kathara Grid The next “down-step” in the framework of manifest creation is the Christos Divine Blueprint. The Christos Divine Blueprint describes certain complex geometrical and mathematical relationships that are literally the instructions for how all manifest matter should be assembled. These instructions are expressed as the Kathara Grid—a symmetrical, mathematicallyencoded energy pattern or template for everything in creation. All manifest matter contains Kathara Grids at a subtle energy level. From an atom to a molecule, from a single cell to an entire organism, from a rock to a tree to a dog to a human being, all of these are formed by the Kathara Grid energy templates containing the Divine Blueprint. Since the tiniest atom as well as finished human beings contain Kathara Grids, this means that there are miniscule Kathara Grids within larger Kathara Grids within even larger Kathara Grids. The structure of a Kathara Grid never varies. Looking very much like a double-terminated quartz crystal, it contains 12 symmetrically placed spheres connected by channels of energy in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal straight lines. The number 12 is key here, for that is the number of the Divine Blueprint, which has given the Kathara Grids their specific form. The number 12 consistently appears throughout our biology, our celestial relationships, and our history. The universes, galaxies, humans—indeed, all creation—is designed to run on Base-12. The original, literal meaning of “Christ,” derived from the word “Christos,” is “Base-12.” We will be discussing the Divine Blueprint throughout this book in two contexts: what Source originally intended, and the backlash that results when this Base-12 coding is damaged within
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manifest creation. This backlash, which is called “anti-Christos,” refers to any distorted creation whose template deviates from the original Base-12 coding. A diagram of the Kathara Grid may appear familiar to you. This is because the “tree of life” diagram from some religious traditions was originally derived from a Kathara Grid! However, the patterns are very different. Some similar-appearing grids contain fewer spheres, while others contain 12 spheres that are arranged in a different configuration. It is important to realize that even similar-appearing diagrams mean very different things and have very different functions. This is because geometrical relationships are instructions. You can observe this in chemistry, where molecules of the same elements, rearranged, produce an entirely different substance. If you change the quantity of something, its sequence, and/or its spatial relationship to other components, you change the final product. The first two Kathara Grids in creation (down-stepped from the 3 Primal Life Force Currents) are located within the Center Point of All Union. You might regard these as the “mommy” and “daddy” Kathara Grids from which all other Kathara Grids spring. The “mommy” Kathara Grid, which is composed entirely of EirA frequency (the 2nd Primal Life Force Current), is called the Kristalla, which means “God intends.” The “daddy” Kathara Grid, which is composed entirely of ManA frequency (the 3rd Primal Life Force Current), is called the Kristos, which means “God expresses.” The names for the two Kathara Grids accurately reflect their function, for creation is indeed intention plus expression. The smaller Kristalla Kathara Grid is perched inside the larger Kristos Kathara Grid at a 90° angle, and both are inside a larger, teardrop-shaped “bubble.” As you will see, the teardrop shape is common to many of the energetic structures that comprise our subtle body anatomy. Together, the Kristalla and Kristos form the First Krist Template, the forerunner of all other Kathara Grids and the very first foundation or platform upon which manifest matter is held together. The basic Kathara Grid structure is continually replicated all the way down to the lowest-frequency levels, as Source modulates and lessens its frequencies to manifest in more “concrete” ways. (You don’t have to remember the names “Kristalla” or “Kristos,” but throughout this book we will be discussing Kathara Grids as well as the First Krist Template, which refers to the original first level of creation.) The Krist, Kristalla, and Kristos not only comprise the original creation format, but they reflect the original “divine trinity” just as the 3 Primal Life Force Currents do. The “divine trinity” mentioned in so many religions is not an
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external Creator God demanding worship, but rather, denotes the energies of Source—a trinity of energies that are internal and intrinsic to everything in creation. One way to get a sense of the Kathara Grid is to understand where the Kathara Spheres are located in the human body. Many people are familiar with chakras, the energy vortices at certain points in the physical body. Kathara Spheres exist at a far more subtle level of our being, but they too correspond to certain points in the physical body. You could think of chakras as energetically midway between the Kathara Spheres and the physical body. In fact, it is the Kathara Spheres that create the chakras. This means that healing on the level of Kathara Spheres affects the entire system at a more profound level than when working with chakras alone. To summarize, the Christos Divine Blueprint is a creation “instruction primer,” and the Kathara Grids are the fulfillment of those instructions by forming according to a Base-12 template. The Reuche Source, acting like a transformer, further “steps down” what it has already created. This time, it forms and places a set of 12 Reuche Pillars onto the above-mentioned First Krist Template (composed of the first 2 Kathara Grids). The Reuche Pillars are 12 energy pillars symmetrically arranged in a circular pattern. They vibrationally interact to create the 13th Pillar in their center. The central Pillar consists of ManU current. Six of the pillars around the center consist of EirA current, and the other 6 pillars consist of ManA current. Through perpetually arcing towards and away from the 13th Pillar, the 12 Reuche Pillars set the rhythm of Merkaba (discussed shortly). This means that the flow of life force into and out of manifest creation is steady, uniform and limitless, unless damage has been done to the Divine Blueprint. The Reuche will be discussed more in Part III. It plays a key role in the Keylontic Science techniques that are used to repair distortions in one’s Divine Blueprint. The Flame of Amoraea
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The next “down-step” in the framework of manifest creation is the Flame of Amoraea. The word “Amoraea” means “Divine Love.” You may recognize this intent in similar-sounding words of different languages: “amour” in French, “amore” in Italian, “paramour” in English. The Flame of Amoraea is well named. There has to be enormous love in its intent and function, for it is the Center Point of Creation. As this Center Point, the Amoraea Flame is the focus of great energetic activity. The Amoraea Flame is central on many levels: it is often called the 13th Pillar, the central pillar of the Reuche. It is also located at the Azur-A, the center of the Kristos Seed Atom (discussed shortly). In the human body, the Azur-A point is centrally located at the thymus gland, between the heart and throat chakras. The Amoraea Flame is indeed the Center Point of Creation because it is from this still, peaceful point that we can access our own internal and eternal connection to God, knowing ourselves as living expressions of the Source of all creation. But the Amoraea Flame plays another vital role as well. As will be discussed shortly, we were meant to have eternal life, reflecting the eternal quality of Source. Anything in creation that is imbued with sufficient amounts of the Flame of Amoraea also has eternal life. We will be discussing the Amoraea Flame throughout this book, as many Keylontic Science techniques are geared toward helping us access our original connection to Source by focusing on our own personal AzurA point. Merkaba, the Eternal Living Breath of God Once we have a creation, how does Source make it live? We can analogize the Merkaba to the core rhythms of expansion and contraction in one’s breathing. These rhythms in our breathing are the living mirror of the way Source itself circulates energy throughout creation.
The perpetual motion, living “circulatory system” throughout creation is known as Merkaba. The simplest Merkaba Field consists of two counter-rotating energy Merkaba Spirals—one magnetic, one electrical—that together, resemble a six-pointed “Star of David,” with one cone pointing down and the other cone pointing up. In our universe, the bottom spiral is comprised of EirA current and spins counterclockwise, regarded as the in-breath of God. The top spiral is comprised of ManA current and spins clockwise, regarded as the out-breath of God. Each spiral spins at a different speed. At the center of the two spirals is the neutrally-charged AzurA (see previous section) regarded as the pause-breath of God. The AzurA regulates the proper
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functioning of Merkaba. A properly functioning Merkaba Field means that its counter-rotating Merkaba Spirals are rotating with the correct spin rates, directions, and ratios, with the AzurA at their center receiving a constant flow of loving energy from the Flame of Amoraea. Again, we mention the important AzurA. This is why various Keylontic Science techniques focus on the AzurA. The dynamic interaction among the top Merkaba Spiral, bottom Merkaba Spiral, and the AzurA, is literally how the pure love of Source is circulated throughout all of creation. Everything in creation, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy, possesses its own Merkaba Field. When a personal or planetary Merkaba Field is functioning well, every atom in creation is connected to God-Source and to the limitless life force energy that Source constantly provides. The individual or planet is fully aware of itself all the way back to Source, enjoying an open, intimate relationship with God-Source while still engaged in individual manifestation. Since the supply of life force energy is continual, this means that the being also has eternal life. However, when a Merkaba Field is not functioning correctly, the living being becomes depleted, ill, mentally and emotionally incoherent, and eventually dies. Damage to the Merkaba Fields cuts off creation’s natural, open, two-way connection to the eternal life stream and the living God-Source. Some of you may have heard the term “Merkaba” used in relation to a Merkaba Vehicle. This is simply the name given to a Merkaba Field that is not phase-locked and can therefore allow one to pass between reality systems. When the Divine Blueprint has been damaged, creation can get stuck, or phase-locked, into a given reality system. Different reality systems will be explored in more detail shortly. The First Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom
The next “down-step” in the framework of manifest creation is the First Cosmic 15-Cell Kristos Seed Atom, called the Kristos Seed Atom for short. Located at the center of the First Krist Template, it is created by the perpetual spin of the Merkaba Field. The Kristos Seed Atom embodies the pure, unconditional love of Source expressed as the Flame of Amoraea.
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The Kristos Seed Atom is very much like the “first ovum” created by God, so for this reason it is sometimes called the “Cosmic egg.” The Kristos Seed Atom holds the final code or program for creation to actually manifest. Then it replicates itself. The one cell divides into many different cells, which then divide into even more cells. As these cells continually divide, they embody a more specific function. The comparison of the Kristos Seed Atom to a human egg is more than an analogy, though. Since the cells in our bodies are, after all, an expression of Source, we operate this way because God operates this way. We are all a face of God. The Kristos Seed Atom (which spawns The Stairway to Heaven, discussed shortly) replicates itself on smaller-scale levels all the way from Source down to the densest realities. Some of its descendents are the Universal Christos Seed Atoms (which spawn universes) and Personal God Seed Atoms (which spawn individuated creation, including human beings). Whatever its level of down-stepping, the Kristos Seed Atom is imbued with the Base-12 Divine Blueprint, radiating Source’s intention of unconditional love in all original creation. However, problems can emerge in certain lower levels of creation when there is corruption or distortion in the Divine Blueprint. This will be explained shortly. The Stairway To Heaven After creating the other forms mentioned above, Source lowers or steps its charge down the 6flight Stairway To Heaven. It is along this Stairway To Heaven that the God Worlds of the Cosmos are found. The level or frequency of a given God World depends on which flight of steps it resides. The energy progresses from the upper, least differentiated level of Source all the way down to the most manifest—”concrete” or distinct—level of Source. The Stairway To Heaven can be analogized to perceiving God in the most immediate way (direct cognition or “inner knowing”) at the top of the 6th flight of steps, and then walking down 6 flights to your home in 3-Dimensional reality. As you will learn, Earth resides in the Veca Universe, which is the only level that is not called a “God World.” The 6 levels of the Stairway To Heaven are worth noting, because they indicate levels of frequency and the structure of the many worlds of creation. The top level, 6—the level at which the First Krist Template resides—is at Source. The next 5 levels, in descending order, are:
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Level 5: Eckasha-Aah Highest God Worlds Level 4: Eckasha-A Higher God Worlds Level 3: Eckasha Middle God Worlds Level 2: Ecka Lower Inner God Worlds Level 1: Veca Universes We will be discussing these various levels of existence throughout this book. Star Gates Far from being a fantasy of a sci-fi movie writer, Star Gates are very real. Simply put, they are portals or openings that allow one to travel inter-dimensionally on The Stairway To Heaven, either up or down. The structure of Star Gates is a little more complicated to explain. You will recall that the universe runs on the Christos Divine Blueprint, a Base-12 program that is expressed mathematically as the 12-sphere Kathara Grid. Basically, Star Gates follow the pattern of Kathara Grids. The 12 Star Gates are the 12 spheres that you see on the Kathara template. There are 12 Star Gates for each planet, 12 Star Gates for each larger galaxy, and 12 Star Gates for each still larger universe. And, of course, on a microcosmic level, these 12 spherical openings correspond to the 12 Star Gates of the Kathara Grid of a person. The role that Star Gates play in one’s personal anatomy will become much clearer in Parts II and III. For now, we will mention that normally, one cannot pass through a Star Gate except during certain periods in history, and under specific circumstances. Creation As A Mansion Is even this “stepped-down” version of creation getting a little too complex, too soon? Don’t be discouraged if you don’t understand the details above; it takes time to master them. Meanwhile, to help in that understanding, you can use the analogy of a mansion to describe the various parts of creation. ♦
The creation “instruction primer,” or architect’s plans for building the mansion, is the Christos Divine Blueprint expressed as the Kathara Grid.
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♦ ♦
The floors, walls, and decorations of the mansion are the Kristos Seed Atom. The ventilation and return duct system (which circulates fresh air from the outside throughout the many rooms and floors of the mansion) is the Merkaba.
The main ventilation and return duct is the AzurA.
The 12 Reuche Pillars provide the temperature control in the ventilation system.
The Star Gates are the elevators in the mansion that connect all the floors to each other. The 3 Primal Life Force Currents are the raw material that comprise everything in the mansion. The Center Point of Creation, or Yunasai, is the foundation of the mansion where everything connects.
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Chapter 3 The Energy Matrix and Our Time Matrix At first, it might seem a little strange to regard what we call “reality” as an Energy Matrix. But physicists know that matter is comprised of smaller particles that, on sub-atomic levels, are no longer solid, but moving energy. Solid matter has sometimes been referred to as “frozen” light. Given what we have already discussed—and what will continue to unfold throughout this book —that phrase is quite appropriate. However, we would add that “reality” also consists of “formless, inaudible” sound. The existence of a Time Matrix can be even harder to grasp. For, to many people, time— which indicates a beginning, a middle, and an end to things—seems intrinsic to the fabric of daily living. But “time” is actually something that is constructed. It has been created to provide a structure by which consciousness can evolve from simple to more complex forms. The energy and time created by Source are not fixed, but malleable. Source has constructed these for it (us) to play with, experiment with, and enjoy. Both the Energy Matrix and the Time Matrix that Source has created are, again, manifestations of the down-stepping process. Source first creates the Energy Matrix, and then the Time Matrix—which “resides” inside the Energy Matrix. Due to the nature of these two very different realities, the experience of time, space, and matter can only be experienced within the confines of the Time Matrix. First we will discuss the Energy Matrix. The Energy Matrix Of all the elements that comprise creation, the Energy Matrix may be one of the most difficult to describe. Perhaps this is because the Energy Matrix is close to Source—much less “stepped down” than our own Time Matrix—and hence, much more diffuse and unfamiliar. Although we may recognize that many spiritual and religious traditions on Earth have been diluted with omissions and corrupted with half-truths, we can still find a clue about the composition of the Energy Matrix in the creation story of the Bible in its statement that in the beginning was the word. The Energy Matrix is primarily comprised of sound. In Keylontic Science, we call these the 3 Primal Sound Fields. As stated earlier, this sound is formless, inaudible sound. Despite its non-dimensionalized, formless, timeless structure, the Energy
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Matrix is just as much a part of the “reality” of the cosmos and Source as our own 15Dimensional Time Matrix in which we reside. Since the Energy Matrix is so diffuse and close to Source, it does not contain the time-spacematter to which we are accustomed in our Time Matrix. It does, however, contain living, highly sentient consciousness. The origin of the “ascended masters” mentioned in various spiritual traditions is actually the 3 Ascended Master levels embodied by each of the 3 Primal Sound Fields. It is awesome to realize that before Source individuated its consciousness into each person on Earth, all of us were originally part of one of those sound fields! Aside from a passing mention in this chapter, we won’t be mentioning the Energy Matrix again in this book, since it is not part of our immediate reality. The only other thing you need to know about the Energy Matrix is that it gives birth to the numerous Time Matrices that comprise creation. Again, the Bible gives us a clue in its statement that God said (sound) “Let there be light.” As we will show, sound and light provide the foundation for all of creation. In order to understand how sound and light help to create our Time Matrix, we first need to discuss scalar waves. Scalar Waves and Flash-Line Sequences From the perspective of Source, everything in creation takes place within the same time and the same space. Hence, Source does not “go” anywhere in order to create. Yet how is it that from our vantage point, we experience movement, time, and space within creation? The answer is related to the 3 different types of particles manifested by the 3 Primal Life Force Currents. As stated in Chapter 2, the ManU current creates Partiki, which are anteparticles (as in antecedent, since the ManU is created first by Source). The EirA in turn creates Particum, which are particles. And the ManA creates Partika, which are anti-particles. (The word “anti” is used in this context simply to imply a complement or opposite. Particles and antiparticles are each others’ opposites.) These three particles, or units of consciousness, comprise everything in creation.
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These differently-charged particles group themselves into energetic fields of living consciousness called scalar waves. It is these scalar wave patterns inherently composed of all three types of particles that form what we call “reality.” Scalar waves are not detectable using conventional electronic equipment. Nonetheless, some physicists have long recognized their existence, and even built machines to simulate such waves. You may remember that in the Introduction we referred to Keylontic Science as the science of creation—or vibrating and pulsing energy patterns in the form of sound and light. Scalar waves are stationary, columnar waves of electromagnetic energy. They form the energy patterns of the Energy Matrix and the Time Matrix. Although we say that scalar waves are electromagnetic, they don’t behave like what we perceive to be typical electromagnetic waves. “Typical” electromagnetic energy moves in a discernable way, from a point of origin with a measurable speed and direction. After a certain point, electromagnetic waves “decay” or dissipate. Scalar waves, on the other hand, don’t behave like waves at all. Having no linear, progressive motion, they stand still in one place rather than moving through space (like, for instance, ocean waves). Moreover, scalar waves cross infinite distance instantaneously. And, when following the rhythm intended by the Divine Blueprint, they do not dissipate. The trick to understanding scalar waves lies in the knowledge of the particles that produce them. Although scalar waves remain anchored in place, to the 3-Dimensional mind they appear to move because the Partiki, Particum, and Partika units that comprise the scalar wave fields flash on and off in one location. It is the scalar waves—or flash-line sequence rhythms of the particles—that create the “realities” of our Time Matrix. The flash-line sequences can be analogized to sets of marquee lights. If we had a row of lights, all flashing on and off at different rhythms, this would give the perception of movement. When light #1 is on, light #2 is off. When light #1 goes off, light #2 goes on immediately, while light #3 prepares to go on as soon as light #2 goes off. Now change the order of which lights do what. What is really happening is that as some lights turn on, others turn off. The energy of each light being turned on and off makes creation come into and out of manifestation. These sequences happen so fast, the movement we perceive is actually an illusion! These particles represent phases that primal energy passes through as it moves into and out of manifestation.
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This process of expansion and contraction, or flashing on and off, is mirrored throughout creation. Now let’s make it even more interesting. If, again using the analogy of marquee lights, you add unlimited rows of lights—and change the rhythm and speed of each line as well—you have an unlimited number of flash-line sequences. Creation works the same way. This flash-line sequencing occurs as a three-step creation process: planting the intention (EirA), creating the intention (ManU), and manifesting the intention (ManA). EirA contracts and receives (or “flashes off”), expressing the impulse to return to Source to plant the intention for the next “freeze frame” of intended creation. ManU, as the still-point, takes that imbedded intention and forms the intended creation. ManA expands and transmits (or “flashes on”), expressing the impulse to project itself into intended manifestation. It is in the EirA and the ManA that we find polarity. The EirA current can be said to express the divine feminine, and the electrical ManA can be said to express the divine masculine. In ordinary reality, electricity and magnetism are complementary; they can actually create each other under certain conditions. This helps us understand that everything in manifestation has an energetic “other half.” However, keep in mind that we associate “feminine” and “masculine” with these particles only because in females, the magnetic charge predominates and in males, the electrical charge predominates. On Earth, the original meaning of these energetic imprints has been twisted so much that we assign radically different qualities to each sex. Such extreme polarity was never meant to be—for it no longer functions within the context of unity and equality (unconditional love), but in the context of separation and conflict (not-love). Such drastic polarity could occur only if there were severe damage to the Divine Blueprint. There is one more component to these energies that is important to emphasize here. The electromagnetic ManU ante-particles (Partiki) embody the stillness from which these other two energies emerge. The magnetic EirA particles (Particum) embody sound. The electrical ManA anti-particles (Partika) embody light. And the rhythmical, on-off flash-line sequences of all the particles—which create mathematical interrelationships—form symmetrical energetic shapes, which in Keylontic Science are referred to as symbol codes.
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Thus we are comprised of scalar waves that take the form of sound, light and symbol codes. The scalar waves do not merely evoke the idea of sound or light or symbols; they are the very manifestations of light, sound and symbols. If there are distortions in our scalar wave patterns, then how we manifest on various other levels—physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually—will be distorted as well. But understanding the true nature of how we are constructed in light, sound and symbol codes means that we can heal ourselves—also using light, sound and symbol codes. This explains why sound, light (color), and symbols have been used for healing for aeons by various spiritual traditions. However, Keylontic Science is the only set of teachings that addresses the full, complex detail of how creation is put together. The light, sound and symbol codes that form the basis of all Keylontic Science techniques produce rapid healing of our templates because they utilize the original scalar wave patterns of a Base-12 Christos Divine Blueprint. We will discuss light, sound, and symbol codes more in this chapter, and describe some of the Keylontic Science techniques in the last chapter of this book. Our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix There are uncountable Time Matrices created by Source, all formed by the flash-line sequences of the 3 types of particles. All Time Matrices are constructed similarly; but we will be personalizing our discussion to the matrix in which we reside. Our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is grouped into sets of 5 Harmonic Universes or Density Levels. Each Density Level can be regarded as a completely separate 3-dimensional reality system. Hence, the 15-dimensional structure. The purest, most undifferentiated frequencies in our Time Matrix are closest to Source. As Source “stepped down” its energy into denser and denser Harmonic Universes, it left its higher frequencies at the topmost Density Level. The order in which the Harmonic Universes were created (from the top down) reflect the frequency-holding ability of each Harmonic Universe. Harmonic Universes form the structure of a Time Matrix. Harmonic Universes are so named because each has its own distinctive frequency; sound, light, and symbol codes; and time cycle. In a sense, each is a universe unto itself. Characteristics of each of the 5 Harmonic
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Universes, outlined below, reveal a correlation between the degree of density and its form, as well as an identity level. Time is also modified according to which Harmonic Universe you are in. The higher the Harmonic Universe, the future you go. Also, the higher in frequency you are, the more your perception of time naturally slows down—similar to experiencing more of the “eternal now.”
Harmonic Universe or Density Level Harmonic Universe-5 (also called Density-5 Time Cycle)
Containing Dimensions
Type of Matter or Biology Identity of Being (“Reality” System)
Dimensions 13, 14 & Ante-Matter, which is 15 thermoplasmic light (also known as the 3 Primal Light Fields)
Rishi, or Higher Self
Harmonic Universe-4 Dimensions 10, 11 & (also called 12 Density-4 Time Cycle)
Pre-Matter, which is hydroplasmic liquid light
Avatar or Christos Self
Harmonic Universe-3 Dimensions 7, 8 & 9 (also called Density-3 Time Cycle)
Etheric Matter, which is silica based biology
Oversoul Self
Harmonic Universe-2 Dimensions 4, 5 & 6 (also called Density-2 Time Cycle)
Physical Matter, which is carbon-silica based biology.
Soul Self
Harmonic Universe-1 Dimensions 1, 2 & 3 (also called Density-1 Time Cycle)
Gross Physical Matter, which is carbon based biology
Incarnate Self
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You will notice in this chart that each Density Level contains an Identity of Being. (As you will see in Chapter 4, “Self” in the chart above is used as a collective term). Each one of us has parts of ourselves that “lives” at each of these levels of consciousness—somewhat like a 5story house with direct phone lines to close relatives, each on a separate floor in their own apartment. Our current, everyday consciousness is usually stationed at the level of Harmonic Universe-1 (the Incarnate level). However, there are equally aware and alive parts of ourselves at the Soul, Oversoul, Avatar and Rishi levels, even if we are not conscious of them in our 3-Dimensional state. Each level of our being has a corresponding physical structure, and also level of consciousness. For example, our Incarnate self is embodied in dense physical or carbon based form, which has a specific atomic structure. At the Soul level, our body would feel equally real and physical to us—though less dense—with a carbon-silica based biology and a different atomic structure. This holds true all the way up to the least dense level. Our biology, the physical structure of our body, and the consciousness of who we are, coincide. They are not separate aspects of our being. Each of these Harmonic Universes has its own Density Merkaba Field, which in turn contains three smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields. It is our Merkaba Vehicle that allows us to travel between Harmonic Universes—again, provided our Divine Blueprint is intact. This will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 4. In keeping with the rest of Base-12 creation, the core human DNA imprint is also built on the Christos Divine Blueprint. This means that the true DNA template should consist of 12 strands. The first DNA strand corresponds to the level of the 1st dimension, the 2nd DNA strand corresponds to the level of the 2nd dimension, and so on. Under normal circumstances, these 12 strands would permit us to transmute our Harmonic Universe-1 carbon-based structure into the less dense carbon-silica structure of Harmonic Universe-2. Our biology in Density-1, if functioning properly, has the minimum potential to be transmuted into the structures of Density-2, Density-3 and Density-4. In other words, a 12-strand DNA template corresponds to Density-1 through Density-4. That our DNA has 12 strands implies that human biology was designed to embody 12 dimensions of conscious awareness—in other words, to fully embody all Stations of Identity up
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to the Avatar level in Harmonic Universe-4. However, few people at present are aware of these other levels. The embodiment of these, and even higher, levels will be discussed in Chapter 4. Due to events that will be described later in the history chapters, the amount of functional DNA in humanity has been severely decreased—reflected by the “junk DNA” label we have been given by unknowing scientists. Currently, most of us are functioning at a level of approximately 3 to 3.5 mutated strand activation. The number of DNA strands activated (called DNA accretion level) determines our ability to perceive different reality systems. Right now we perceive physical gross matter in our current reality system. Referencing the chart above, can you imagine being in the Density-4 reality system where all forms are made of liquid light? With our DNA so flawed, we are limited in our ability to access higher dimensions—which includes higher levels of our own identity! In Part III, we will explain how this damage to our DNA can be repaired. The Keylontic Science techniques are designed to help anchor or embody our own higher levels of consciousness in the most expedient way. Light, Sound, and Symbol Codes Light Each dimension within the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix oscillates at a particular color frequency. Contemporary science has already established that different colors have different frequencies. For example, when you shine a light through a prism, red is the color of lowest frequency, and violet is the highest, in the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Imagine, then, that the lowest-frequency dimension (Dimension-1) emits the color red. The first seven dimensions correspond to the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The lowest-frequency dimension emits the color red, the second lowestfrequency dimension emits the color orange, and so on. Each dimension, with its characteristic rhythm and color, has a distinct energy signature which differentiates it from the levels above or below it. However, there are more than 7 dimensions in this Time Matrix. As we discussed in the previous section, each Time Matrix is based on a 15-dimensional structure. Therefore, the colors for dimensions eight through fifteen are, in sequence: gold, silver, dark sapphire blue, dark silver, white, pale turquoise, pale yellow-gold, and pale pink. Based on this model we
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would expect, for example, the color of pale yellow-gold (in Dimension-14) to be of a higher frequency than a more metallic gold color (in Dimension-8). What this also implies is that in dimensional terms, the color blue for example, is an expression of the Dimension-5 frequency. Therefore, in certain Keylontic Science guided visualizations when we are asked to imagine something in this color, we are accessing the level of the 5th Dimension. In visualizing an image in the color blue, we are accessing our Dimension-5 Soul Identity of Being level (see chart from last section). So one way to access the energy of a particular dimension is visualize the light/color translation (associated with ManA) of that level. To reiterate, the dimensions and their respective colors are: ♦
1 - red
2 - orange
3 - yellow
4 - green
5 - blue
6 - indigo
7 - violet
8 - gold
9 - silver
10 - blue-black
11 - silver-black
12 - white
13 - pale turquoise
14 - pale yellow-gold
15 - pale pink
Most esoteric traditions speak of 7 chakras (energy vortices at certain points on the body), and their 7 corresponding auric fields (egg-shaped energy fields that completely encase and penetrate the human body). These 7 chakras and their corresponding auric fields correspond to the colors of the rainbow, red through purple, which some people are able to perceive. However, what most people don’t know is that these chakras are energized by the Kathara
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Grid—the Kathara Grid actually gives the chakras their spin—and are connected to their corresponding Merkaba Fields to circulate life force. Moreover, there are actually 15 major chakras as well as 15 auric levels—all of which correspond to the above 15 colors, as these are embodiments of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. The 15 chakras consist of 7 embodied chakras and 8 outer chakras that literally connect us to Earth, the galaxy, and the universe. Sound In addition to being comprised of light (ManA), each dimensional band is also comprised of sound (EirA). So if each dimension has a characteristic color, it is reasonable to assume that it also has a corresponding tone. Another way to access the energy of a particular frequency band or dimension is to hum or sing the tonal translation of the vibration (associated with EirA) of that level. Anuhazi was the original Christos language of our Time Matrix. Each sound in the Anuhazi language corresponds to an actual, intrinsic energy pattern within our DNA templates (the DNA template will be discussed later in this section). Just as each dimension expresses itself in a particular color, there is also a corresponding sound tone as follows. It is likely that some of these sounds are familiar to you already. ♦
1 - Chi (pronounced “Chee”)
2 - Ki (pronounced “Kee”)
3 - Rei (pronounced “Ray”)
4 - Prana (pronounced “Prah-nah”)
5 - Mana (pronounced “Mah-nah”)
6 - Traia (pronounced “Tray-ah”)
7 - Mira (pronounced “Mi-rah”)
8 - Maya (pronounced “My-yah”)
9 - Yana (pronounced “Yah-nah”)
10 - Ta’a (pronounced “Tah-ah”)
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11 - Hara (pronounced “Hah-rah”)
12 - Ma’a (pronounced “Mah-ah”)
13 - Kee (pronounced “Kee”). Although Dimension-2 “Ki” and Dimension-13 “Kee” are pronounced the same, using different letters of the alphabet creates a different mathematical configuration or symbol code, and thus a different frequency or meaning.
14 - Ra (pronounced “Rah”)
15- ShA (pronounced “Shay”)
The same strategy for using color works for sound. Suppose we wish to express, in sound, the essence of the Christos or Avatar Identity of Being (at the Harmonic Universe-4 level in the Time Matrix). We would do this by using a combination of the sounds associated with the 10th, 11th, and 12th dimensions: Ta’a, Hara, and Ma’a. In Keylontic Science, these words are encapsulated in the word “Maharata,” which contains all of these sounds in order of the highest first (from the 12th to the 10th dimension). Since these sounds are, in a very real sense, a part of the language of creation, they are therefore a language that our atoms speak. By using these original sounds, we are communicating with ourselves at the most purified levels of our being—re-tuning our atoms, cells, and DNA structures to the original “perfect pitch” of creation. Conversely, if these sounds are changed in a way that is “out of tune” with the perfect pitch of creation, the result can be a distortion that affects our core template or blueprint. These biological and energetic distortions, known as reversals, are kind of like having a word spelled backwards. The power of sound is substantial, and can be used to heal or harm, as we will discover in Part III. Symbol Codes In addition to being comprised of light (ManA) and sound (EirA), each dimension is also comprised of symbol codes, which adds the final ManU component. Symbol codes are pulsing (light) and vibrating (sound) energy patterns. These patterns actually create something with the individual light and sound.
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Earlier in this chapter, we explained that scalar waves and their flash-line sequences are mathematical instructions. Symbol codes are comprised of myriad flash-line sequences. It is through the mathematical instructions of the flash-line sequences that symbol codes create a shape, object, or form. They do this by rhythmically phasing these sequences into and out of manifestation. Different rhythms create different things. In our Time Matrix, anything that manifests as a shape, object or form—and this includes human beings!—is a symbol code, or a combination of symbol codes. The mathematical instructions in the symbol codes actually do more than control the particle flashing rhythms (frequency): they also control the angular rotation of the particles’ spin. This concept is very important because it determines which reality system you are experiencing. All reality systems actually exist within the same space, but at a different angular rotation of particles spin. As mentioned in Chapter 2, the Merkaba Vehicle is what actually transports you to the new reality system. There are several components of Merkaba, including what is known as Shields. Shields are horizontal and vertical disks of energy that contain much information (such as the patterns and coding for the DNA), and spin to help circulate life force. When certain symbol codes are activated within the Shields, the multiple Shields spin faster (much like the gears of a clock). This raises one’s frequency high enough to activate the Merkaba Vehicle. Activated symbol codes within the Shields also causes the particles to shift the axis of their angular rotation to a completely different reality system—whether into a different Harmonic Universe, or an entirely different level on The Stairway to Heaven. Therefore, symbol codes are much more powerful than using light or sound alone. They fully embrace both, as well as other aspects of creation. Some symbol codes are much more complex than others. Becoming cognizant of the symbols in our homes, at work, and throughout our daily lives can begin to shed light on what we are manifesting inside of the reality we experience. Symbol codes whose energy patterns have distortions in the Divine Blueprint can negatively affect our DNA. In addition to working with specific lights and sounds, the Keylontic Science techniques work with original symbol codes of the Divine Blueprint, which can help reset the DNA.
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Now that you have a foundation for understanding light, sound, and symbol codes, you are ready to learn about their effects on the DNA templates of numerous beings. That is the topic of the next chapter
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Chapter 4 Eternal Life, Ascension, and Our Free Will Universe When we originally stepped down into manifestation—as parts of Source that were very connected to itself—we naturally harmonized with the Law of Divine Love (also known as the Law of One). This natural law states that all creation is part of, and equally cherished by, an unconditionally loving Source—whether or not a creation itself chooses to express unconditional love. But as parts of Source, we originally embraced ourselves and each other with love. We also had a properly functioning Merkaba Field that was able to perpetually replenish the life force currents of Source. Since Source is eternal, and our Merkaba Field generated an unlimited supply of life force, this means that originally, we were created as beings with eternal life. In scientific circles, the notion of eternal life is considered a myth or wishful thinking. Those religions and spiritual traditions that do believe in eternal life mention that only the worthy— often called “ascended masters”—have that privilege; but it usually is not clear who qualifies as an Ascended Master, or what “ascension” really means. Furthermore, one’s ability to attain eternal life and ascended mastery seems to be based on whether one is deemed worthy by Source. But if Source is unconditionally loving, then who are the judges? And if we are God, why aren’t we good enough? It is a breach in the Christos Base-12 Divine Blueprint—a distortion of the mathematical scalar wave patterns of which we are comprised—that has interfered with the ability of our Merkaba Field to draw in sufficient life force and enable us to enjoy eternal life. If our Divine Blueprint were intact, we would also be able to ascend. In a broad sense, the term ascension means to climb from one place to a higher one. In a more narrow, religious sense, ascension denotes a respite from the bounds of earthly confinement, with or without one’s consciousness dragging the physical form behind it. However, true ascension is the freedom to move, at will, back through the stair-stepped creation process by which we, as Source, entered into dimensionalization. Encoded into our very templates is the ability to take our physical body and travel from one dimension to another! It does not involve any hocus-pocus or religious superstition—but rather, a solid knowledge of creation mechanics and the physics of how
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matter is dimensionalized. Ascension is the attainment of self-mastery—not only of creation mechanics, but also of our mental and emotional processes. This is what ascended mastery truly means. Many of us on Earth are the Ascended Masters that various religions describe. The reality of our situation on planet Earth, however, tells a very different story. The closest we seem to get to “ascension” is some form of “afterlife,” of life after physical death. The majority of Earth’s population believes that the person’s “spark” (generally referred to as the soul) is preserved after the death of the body. For many, “life after death” means reincarnation—the act of being sequentially reborn in future times, as different people in different bodies but with the same “spark” or “essence” carried through from body to body. Some people remember their “past lives”—and consider themselves fortunate for doing so. It is indeed true that we carry our consciousness with us after the demise of the physical body, and we are reborn into different bodies at some future point in the timeline. The tragedy of reincarnation, however, is that it is an aberration. We were designed to ascend—to move at will into other dimensions, and to take our bodies with us along with our consciousness. This is why some Eastern religions speak of reincarnation as imprisonment on the “wheel,” which turns over and over and over again. Somewhere, deep within our cellular memory, is the knowledge that this was never meant to be! We were intended to be the masters of the wheel and drive it, not the other way around. What happened to us that we seem to be a shadow of who we once were? Why and how this occurred, and how it can be remedied, will be addressed in Parts II and III. In the meantime, we need to know exactly what eternal life and ascension mean, what the challenges are of living in a Free Will Time Matrix, and who we really are in our inherent Divine Blueprint coding. Free Will and the Laws of Creation
Although we use the term “law” when referring to specific laws of creation, this term can be misleading. It’s not as though Source sends out police officers armed with clubs to make sure that every being in creation obeys the “rules.” Rather, it is the preference of Source that all of its manifest expressions behave with unconditional love, so that its original intention of perpetual motion, eternal life, and love-based, co-creative, Free Will expression can be the norm throughout creation.
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Beings who honor and embrace unconditional Divine Love experience freedom, unlimited opportunities to create and explore, an unlimited supply of energy, peace, and ecstatic joy. In this state, every being knows its personal relationship with Source. This Path of Joy is what Source had in mind for itself when down-stepping into creation—after all, expansion by definition is love; and the best mechanisms for propagation and self-regulation are ones that are infused with love. So why would Source choose anything else? The primary “house rule” of creation, then—called the Conservation of the Original Divine Intention—is expressed as the natural physics and spiritual laws as “cause and effect,” or “the law of reciprocity” (“You will reap what you sow” or “What goes around comes around”). The operation of these laws is a natural, automatic, and impersonal expression of Divine Will— which, really, is ultimately the will of every one of us at that connected-to-Source level of our being! Part of Source’s way to know itself is through Free Will creation. The phrase “Free Will” indicates that we can make a choice between two or more possibilities. That two or more choices exist implies even a small degree of polarity (or Opposite Expression) between the choices. As we briefly discussed in Chapter 1, even minute polarity that exists within unconditional love indicates something that is non-love. However, this is normally not a problem. As long as manifest existence resonates within the Christos Divine Blueprint, there is the opportunity for correct choices to be made. Problems arise when distortions of the original Base-12 Christos Divine Blueprint result in excess Opposite Expression—that is, behavior not based on unconditional love. Problems also occur when excess Opposite Expression results in further distortions of the Christos Divine Blueprint. You may recall that the Divine Blueprint is expressed in certain mathematical relationships that form the Kathara Grid, a template of all life. On an energetic level, when a part of creation becomes sufficiently distorted, it no longer carries those precise mathematical relationships. Without the Divine Blueprint intact, we get an anti-Christos pattern that no longer reflects a Base-12 configuration. On an emotional level, the part of distorted creation that is now anti-Christos can no longer love. It is unable to harmonize with, and embrace, other parts of creation. On a behavioral level, the anti-Christos part of creation acts in ways that disrespect, hurt, or damage other parts of creation.
The Checks and Balances of Free Will Expression The concept of Free Will does not mean that Source wants, or encourages, behaviors and attitudes that do not express unconditional love. It means that, Source, in creating a Free Will universe, had to allow for the possibility that at some point, Free Will might be directed toward an agenda that was not in harmony with the expression of unconditional, Divine Love. Therefore, from the outset of creation, Source developed a “checks and balances” frequencybased strategy to restore Divine Right Order if at any point excessive non-love threatened to jeopardize the cosmic order. Source allowed for the possibility of non-love (Opposite Expression) to be expressed. However, if any of the God Worlds in The Stairway To Heaven—Level-5 Ecka all the way up to the First Krist Template—were ever threatened, the integrity of Divine Right Order would be restored. To again use the analogy of the oak tree, it is as though the branches and leaves could explore Free Will to either extreme—even to the point of self-destruction—but the trunk and roots (God Worlds) would never be allowed to be threatened; because otherwise, the continuing existence of the entire tree would be compromised. Some people might perceive the natural self-corrective measures as punishment or judgement, but it is important to realize that Source is not judging us. Rather, this is a divine frequency mechanism that merely triggers corrective action if Free Will choice is abused. These corrective measures, which are delivered in frequency (rather than being expressed as “the wrath of God”), are scheduled to take place from 2003 - 2012. We will describe them in Part III. Molecular Compaction
In a Christos being, the mathematical relationships of its scalar wave templates allow it to receive perpetual nourishment from Source. Such a being has an unlimited supply of energy, co-creation with Source, enormous bliss and love—and the freedom of eternal life. On the other hand, in an anti-Christos being, the distorted mathematical relationships of its scalar wave templates prevent it from receiving perpetual nourishment from Source. Such a being imprisons itself with a limited supply of energy, a feeling of alienation from Source, emotional vacancy—and eventually consumes itself, because it has finite life.
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In a being with sufficient anti-Christos damage, its structures no longer function properly. The spins of its natural Merkaba Spirals are reversed. This lessens the being’s ability to draw life force energy from the naturally rotating planetary, galactic and universal Merkaba Spirals— and, if they have been distorted as well, this further lessens the life force available. When damage to the Divine Blueprint reaches critical mass, there is complete reversal of Merkaba spin (called Monadic Reversal). This distorts the Christos Seed Atom in the Azur-A point (or thymus gland, the beginning location of the 8th Chakra) into an anti-Christos Seed Atom. Because it cannot draw in sustenance from Source, an anti-Christos Seed Atom must turn in on itself for sustenance. This gradually causes it to become denser at its core. In effect, it becomes a Black Hole: after expanding its available energy outward, it reverses polarity and draws energy back into its center. Its Merkaba Field begins Molecular Compaction, a state where particles and anti-particles eventually annihilate each other. Finally, the Divine Blueprint shatters, and the Merkaba Field collapses completely. This is the phenomenon behind the expression “ashes to ashes and dust to dust.” The particle units that had expressed themselves as individual identities return to Source as undifferentiated units of energy with no memory. The details of this finite life self-imprisonment are chilling, but it is good to know them. Understanding the mechanics of anti-Christos distortion helps us recognize how Keylontic Science techniques can be used to help restore the Divine Blueprint. Keep in mind that this return to dust will not be experienced by beings who honor the Law of Divine Love. Pursuing a Christos or an anti-Christos path is a choice. If there is potential Monadic Reversal but a being has not yet suffered irreversible Divine Blueprint damage, one can always choose to restore one’s consciousness and the integrity of its Christos Seed Atom and Merkaba. How this can be done will be discussed in Part III. Ascension—Stepping Back Up to Source Beings who follow the Law of Divine Love, and whose templates are in Divine Right Order, are able to ascend. We have already discussed the concept of down-stepping or stair-stepped creation, the means by which Source explores the farthest reaches of manifestation. We, as Source, “descend” this staircase, leaving part of our consciousness at each Density level through which we pass. It is at the Harmonic Universe-4, Christos level (Dimension-12) that we
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step into a more individuated level of expression; but even at that level we are magnificent individuals—12th Dimensional Avatars, or Christos beings. In order to enjoy all the facets of dimensional expression, the Avatar level chooses to divide itself into 12 Oversouls to explore Harmonic Universe-3, with the intention of being simultaneously conscious of the experiences of each of these levels. Similarly, the Oversoul sends out 12 “scouts” to explore Harmonic Universe-2, the Soul level. And finally, the Soul level sends another 12 scouts to experience the Incarnate Identities of Being. This means that, for every Avatar level, there are at least 1728 parts of self spread out over four Harmonic Universes (12 x 12 x 12 x 12). This was meant to be fun, a game of exploration and discovery. Our original intention was to remember this process, even as we arrived at the bottom step (Harmonic Universe-1)—and be aware and awake enough to make our way, at will, and with love and joy, back up the stairs. To get from Harmonic Universe-1 to Harmonic Universe-2, we would simply gather together all of our selves that had been exploring Harmonic Universe-1, and reassemble them in Harmonic Universe-2. To get from Harmonic Universe-2 to Harmonic Universe-3, we would simply gather together all of our selves that had been exploring Harmonic Universe-2, and reassemble them in Harmonic Universe-3. This stepping-up process would continue all the way up at least to the Christos level, and possibly beyond, depending on what was encoded in our DNA template. At some point in this ascension process, we would return to the Primal Light Fields of our Rishi level, and then return to the Primal Sound Fields, the station of our Ascended Master levels of consciousness of the Energy Matrix. (Keep in mind that a being descends into manifestation, and ascends out of manifestation, through Star Gates.) Thus the process of ascension involves returning whence we came. In a very real sense, one can think of ascension as re-integration—reuniting the diverse parts of ourselves as we make our way back up The Stairway To Heaven. This re-integration needs to take place on all levels of our being—from our consciousness to our biology to our atomic structure. Earlier in this book we discussed the dynamics of how, as Source manifests itself into lower dimensions, matter becomes denser. This greater density is reflected not only in the different chemical compounds that constitute matter, but also in the different speed of the particles comprising that matter’s atoms, the angular rotation of particles spin, and the smaller amount
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of space between atoms. By implication, when we wish to make our way back up through various Star Gates into different dimensions, we need to reverse this process—for example, increasing the amount of space between atoms. One way to understand ascension is to use the analogy of music. People who are talented in music know that they can change keys with a pleasant-sounding modulation (one that harmonizes with our ears). A similar principle applies to shifting from one Harmonic Universe to the next. If our Divine Blueprint were fully functional, at any given moment we could easily and smoothly change from one musical key to another—in other words, move our body, along with our consciousness, from one Harmonic Universe to another. When we navigate to different Harmonic Universes, we are modulating, or changing musical keys, correctly. But right now, we find ourselves confined to singing or playing in one key only. In fact, we have forgotten that other keys (and rhythms) even exist! The ability to sing in only one key limits our consciousness to one Harmonic Universe. And this limitation is reflected in every atom of our body. The distortions in our biology (our DNA) limits our consciousness, which is phase-locked, or confined to the Incarnate level. With true dimensional ascension, all levels of our being are accessible to us at will. We can play in whatever key feels most appropriate. The Radial Body and The Flame Body It would be nice to have some fun again, traveling up and down The Stairway to Heaven. How do we break the barrier between dimensions—in other words, ascend? We must create a “vehicle” that will allow our atoms to move from one key to another. You might want to refer to the chart of the 5 Harmonic Universes in Chapter 3 as we discuss how it is done. Between each Density (Harmonic Universe) is a Void, or magnetic repulsion barrier that separates one reality system and another. Within this Void resides the Radial Body. The Radial Body phase-locks the Merkaba Fields in order to allow the being to experience a given reality system. There is nothing wrong with a Merkaba Field being phase-locked—unless the being wishes to leave that Harmonic Universe for another reality system.
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Anyone who wants to ascend—move from one reality system to another—must release the phase-lock on the personal, planetary, galactic, and universal Radial Bodies. We do this by activating our Flame Body. During ascension, the Radial Body is stretched into a Flame Body—appropriately named, because its shape actually looks like a flame or teardrop-shaped capsule that forms an opening, or ManU Window at the top of the teardrop. The neutral charge of this ManU Window allows the Flame of Amoraea to anchor within us and causes certain corresponding chemical changes in the body. Once the Flame Body is activated, the Merkaba Field becomes a Merkaba Vehicle—and the being can then pass through a Star Gate into another Harmonic Universe. Recently disclosed Keylontic Science techniques help to quickly activate the Flame Body for the upcoming ascension process. The Merkaba Vehicle that is produced once the Merkaba Field is released from phase-lock is capable of preserving the 3-Dimensional form safely inside of it as the form passes through the Voids. The form literally dis-assembles into organized particles inside of a “null zone,” which protects it as it passes through a Star Gate. The Merkaba Vehicle then shifts its axis to the new time-space co-ordinate, allowing the atomic form to re-assemble itself within the new space-time vector—to sing in tune and in rhythm with its new environment! Star Gates obviously play an important role in ascension, since they are the literal passages within Time Matrices and between Time Matrices. We will discuss Star Gates at length in Chapter 8. But briefly, we will state here that Star Gates are used for “long distance” ascension within The Stairway to Heaven; they allow for vertical passage. Portals are similar openings to Star Gates because they too allow for inter-dimensional travel. However, there are different types of Portals. Diagonal ones are used for ascending “locally within a universe.” Horizontal Portals are used for time travel between past, present and future. While the process of ascension involves changes in atomic structure, biology, cognition and perception, knowledge of such processes is not in itself sufficient to permit successful dimensional ascension. Rather, the apparatus required for ascension must be intact. When this apparatus is damaged—such as with fragmented consciousness, distorted DNA templates, and reversed Merkaba spins—ascension is not possible. This damage does not happen by accident. It is the result of unloving Free Will choices somewhere along the dimensional scale. When Free Will is exercised in accordance with Divine Love, this state of love is reflected in
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one’s biology, and vice versa. Biology and consciousness go together. Our way of thinking impacts our biological structure, just as our biological structure impacts our thinking. True Ascended Mastery While it is true that creation in this Time Matrix came through the Primal Sound Fields (the station of the Ascended Master consciousness collective), a being within the Time Matrix is not considered to be the embodiment of an Ascended Master unless it has experienced a full 15Dimensional projection into the Time Matrix and a full 15-Dimensional ascension back out of the Time Matrix before again returning to manifestation within time. Thus, those who have progressed in partial ascension within the dimensional scales of the Time Matrix are not true Ascended Masters. Any being or collective that proclaims itself as an Ascended Master—enjoying a position of prestige or power on the basis of its existence in a dimension higher than humans —is assuming a higher rank in a spiritual pecking order that is the exact antithesis to true, unconditional, Christos love. The same applies to any being that uses the rank of Angel or Archangel as a means to impress or control. Divine Love recognizes all as equal in worth. Granted, some expressions of God may exhibit more awareness than others; but in the eyes of the divine, all are equally loved and of equal value. A true Ascended Master has, by implication, mastered the Law of Divine Love and thus embodies true humility. Such a being has no need to proclaim its “title.” Thus, any custom, mythology, channeled material, propaganda, or other dogma that distinguishes between ascended celestial beings (or something similar) and lowly humanity, sinners (or something similar)—or, conversely, that uses inappropriately excessive flattery—is actually coming from an anti-Christos stance of hierarchy, regardless of how sweetly its messages might be worded. In the rest of this section, we will discuss the actual energetic characteristics of some of the beings who claim to be “ascended masters”—and some of the beings who might be tempted to listen to them. DNA Templates and Ascension As mentioned in Part I, the full expression of a Kathara Grid is its 12 Spheres. The 12 Kathara Spheres (personal Star Gates) directly correspond to the 12-strand DNA template—which holds our memory and sense of individual identity—and in turn correlates with the first 12 dimensions and the first 12 Stations of Identity of our beings.
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In order to ascend, a being must possess at least a 12-strand fully functioning DNA template. Although some do have at least 12 strands, at this moment on Earth no one’s DNA is intact. Over aeons, our DNA has become fragmented, adulterated, and partially destroyed. Humans should have 144 chromosomes; but since matter on Earth has a Base-4 mutation, we generally have only 46. That is why scientists have not been able to detect the true shape and nature of DNA, and have labeled those fragmented DNA portions that do not produce proteins and seem “different” as “junk DNA.” Among those on Earth whose templates are coded to follow the Divine Blueprint of at least a 12-strand DNA template, not everyone in a human body has the same number of DNA strands. Some have more than 12, though still following the Divine Blueprint. Finally, there are some whose DNA does not follow the Divine Blueprint at all. These individuals may appear to be the same, but they are not and have fewer than 12 strands of DNA. In this section, we will discuss several groups with different types of DNA. It is well known among scientists that the human body is a bioelectrical energy conductor. It is directly, organically and energetically connected with the DNA template of Earth, also referred to as the Planetary Grids. The human body is the only body organic to Earth capable of running the frequency of the Christos spark. This is needed for manual restoration of Earth’s DNA template. Through this interconnected process, humans can assist in regenerating their own organic Christos Divine Blueprint while simultaneously helping to restore Earth’s Divine Blueprint. Angels and Angelic Humans As we mentioned above, we have Stations of Identity at each dimensional level (with a different quality of experience or perception). To name just a few, Dimension-4 is associated with the astral level, and Dimension-5 is associated with the archetypal. Dimension-6 is associated with the angelic level. The word “angel” comes straight from the name of our identity at Dimension-6! Angels are not something external to us. At the sixth dimensional level, everyone is an angel; it is not an exclusive club. The same goes for any level of being all the way up the dimensional scale. What is preventing us from direct access to, say, our angelic self, is the damage to our Kathara Grid, Merkaba Fields, and DNA.
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The original blueprint for Angelic Humans called for 12 fully functioning DNA strands. At our current level of functioning, it almost seems like a fantasy to imagine that we are truly this magnificent. However, a full 12-strand DNA template, even if damaged, still retains the potential to return to conscious at-one-ment with Source. Beings with such a template usually feel a nostalgia and longing for union with their God-self, because they still have cellular memory of such union. Fallen Angelics Many of us have heard the stories of fallen angels who rebelled against “God” in the “original sin” of pride. Through a history that spans billions of years (see Part II for more details), certain groups from the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions (Harmonic Universe-4) gradually—through their own Free Will choices—disconnected themselves from the conscious memory of their direct and intimate connection with Source. Nothing can exist outside of Source; but if one’s consciousness becomes distorted enough, it can create that illusion, which is eventually perceived as reality. This perception of separation mirrors itself in one’s biology or DNA template. Ultimately, such a being is limited to less than a 12-strand DNA capacity; generally, that limit is a maximum of 11.5 DNA strands. Those whose anti-Christos choices are irrevocably reflected in their DNA template and Merkaba are considered fallen. Throughout aeons, fallen beings have been offered the chance (called the “Path of Redemption”) to change their behavior, attitudes, and energy template—which would correspond to the restoration of the Divine Blueprint. However, this path requires strength; from a dimensionalized perspective, it takes “time.” Normally, no quick fix exists to repair DNA that is not coded to the Base-12 Divine Blueprint. Although many have achieved this repair successfully, others have refused this Path of Redemption and retained their unloving, antiChristos stance. In Harmonic Universe-4, all beings are Avatars. However, any Avatar with less than a 12-strand coding that has refused the Path of Redemption—and thus its link with unconditional love—is a “dark” Avatar. To “ordinary folk” on planet Earth, a being at this level that lacks 12-strand coding can still seem impressive and magnificent, for the high frequency that it has accrued allows it to accomplish apparent miracles such as de-manifestation, telekinesis, mind reading, and more. But these hocus-pocus tricks are flashy and without substance, as they lack love. A
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Dark Avatar can direct its formidable intelligence, creativity, and power into ensuring its own survival at the expense of others. As a predator and parasite, it will do anything and everything to build a stockpile of energy to sustain itself for as long as possible. A Dark Avatar will also make sure to keep other life forms “in the dark” about its agendas. Therefore, if one is from a higher dimension, this does not guarantee its Christos status. In fact, some humans would be shocked to learn that a life form from a higher dimension is not necessarily any more godly, trustworthy, or “spiritual” than the average person on the street. It may even ruthlessly take advantage of humans’ perceptual DNA blockages by assuming rank in an anti-Christos spiritual hierarchy. Indigos Collectively, the Indigos are known as the Indigo Children. Although this term implies that all Indigos are children, this is not the case, as many adults are indeed Indigo Children. And, while various “New Age” organizations describe the behavior of these super intelligent and loving beings, there are few (if any) explanations as to where the Indigos come from or why they are here. Most Indigos know at a very young age that they are here for a purpose. Because they have cellular memory of societies that are built on Christos principles, they often have a sense of not belonging in contemporary Earth culture: they instinctively know that things are not supposed to be this way. They often feel different from those around them. They can be very sensitive, intuitive and psychic, and tend to be misunderstood by adults and peers who are not as aware as they are. One of their greatest challenges can be their naturally trusting nature—an innocence that at times appears as gullibility. Because they are usually idealistic and wellintentioned, they find it hard to believe that anyone else could be otherwise. As a result, they often can be easily duped or manipulated. Indigos are so-called because they come into incarnation with the 5th and 6th DNA strand activated—in other words, “sparked” or given a jump-start, similar to when the motor of a car is idling. (A fully functioning DNA strand can be analogized to when the car is actually driving.) The 5th strand of DNA corresponds to the 5th dimension and the 5th Kathara Sphere on the Kathara Grid (Divine Blueprint template). Similarly, the 6th DNA strand corresponds to the 6th dimension and 6th Kathara Sphere. The color of the 6th dimension is Indigo; hence the name.
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A detailed study of the history of the races of our Time Matrix, available in Ashayana Deane’s book Voyagers, makes it clear that the activation of these strands at this point in time is hugely significant. The parts of our being that exist in other dimensions could also be said to exist on different timelines. The Indigos represent a new wave of consciousness that has been incarnating on Earth’s track of time for about 200 years. They also represent a very old wave of consciousness once prevalent on Earth in its long history. In their re-emergence today, Indigos serve as harbingers of our race evolution—the way-showers of things to come—as our race evolution moves closer to its intended destination of true ascension. While the Angelic Human template has a potential for 12-strand DNA activation, the template of an Indigo allows for expression of 12 to 48 DNA strands or frequencies of consciousness. Indigos are here on Earth because they have come to play their part within a huge evolutionary mission. Because of their higher strand activation and potential for embodying between 12 and 48 frequency bands of consciousness, Indigos are like high-powered anchoring rods and can act like powerful transforming stations for incoming energies. As increasingly more powerful pulses of energy are released into the planet by both Christos and anti-Christos races (discussed in Part II), Indigos—who due to their advanced DNA coding can handle huge amounts of frequency in their bodies—will prove to be valuable, even indispensable. Their special genetic coding can be used to access Star Gates and stabilize Earth’s Planetary Grids, invaluable in preventing cataclysmic Earth changes such as earthquakes or pole shift. (Pole shift will be discussed in Chapter 8.) There are three classifications of Indigos: Type-1, Type-2, and Type-3. Indigo Type-1s are the most rare. They began incarnating in the 1960s and 1970s. Presently only about 350 are on Earth, with more scheduled to incarnate. Indigo Type-1s carry a 30 to 48-strand DNA template. This means that their consciousness has the potential to expand up to the 3 Ascended Master identity levels. Whether or not they have conscious memory of their evolutionary history, they have already experienced at least one full cycle of incarnating into complete dimensionalization and returning fully back to the Ascended Master levels of the Energy Matrix. This qualifies them as being true Ascended Masters. Indigo Type-1s have a core life purpose to perform advanced Planetary Grid work.
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Indigo Type-2s have a 24 to 30-strand DNA template. They began incarnating 75-100 years ago, most since the late 1950s, and more are scheduled to incarnate. Their life purpose is to help raise consciousness within Earth’s Angelic Human lineage, as well as to assist Indigo Type-1s in holding and running higher dimensional frequency for Planetary Grid work. The consciousness of Indigo Type-2s has the ability to expand past the 12-strand DNA capacity to embody the Avatar identity, and pass even that into the higher Rishi identity level. Indigo Type-3s have a 12-strand DNA template. Having begun incarnating in very small numbers about 200 years ago, there are presently about 2.5 million on Earth, with more scheduled to incarnate. Indigo Type-3s have a core purpose of assisting in creating a new race line through which ancient fallen races can evolve back into the light. This is of great assistance to fallen races and Angelic Humans in terms of realigning the current DNA mutations. If any of this information rings true for you, it might be worth considering if you are an Indigo. The many Indigos who are not aware of their true identity might be described as “sleeping” Ascended Masters, Rishis or Avatars. And the structure of our contemporary society is largely designed to make sure they never find out! Any Indigo living in core integrity—whether or not consciously working with higher frequencies—is a living gift to Earth at this time. Indigos who can awaken sufficiently to the truth of who they are, and their purpose for choosing embodiment at this time, can give a gift of almost unimaginable magnitude to Earth and this Universe by running these higher frequencies found in the Keylontic Science techniques. Just as human DNA is connected to Earth’s DNA, Earth’s DNA is connected to Universal DNA. We truly are all one! We will end this section with a brief look at some of the mechanics of personal ascension. This topic will be more fully addressed in the context of planetary ascension later in this book. The Personal Meaning of Ascension Now that we have described true ascension, what does it mean to do this from an individual perspective? What actually happens during this process? First, ascension will not occur at all unless the Divine Blueprint is functioning properly. If and when ascension does occur, the process happens in literally a split second. It is effortless, as
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the DNA template goes on auto-pilot. So there is nothing to study for or to be worried about. However, the current Keylontic Science techniques will help to quickly restore the Divine Blueprint so that ascension can take place. Although ascension happens in a flash, preparing Earth and its life forms for ascension takes a long time—in fact, 26,556 years. The reason for this lengthy time period is that both the planet and its inhabitants need to undergo specific processes in preparation for ascension. These processes include progression through time cycles and the opening of Star Gates, which allows frequency infusions to enter. These infusions raise particle pulsation rhythms, allowing Particle Conversion and a timeline (or reality system) shift to take place. All of this will be described in the following chapters. We are currently in the midst of a Star Gate opening cycle. That is why it is so important to release the information in this book. A being’s DNA template—which both reflects and determines one’s level of spiritual evolution —is responsible for the dimensional level (if any) that can be accessed during ascension periods. Ascension within our Time Matrix is dependent upon the following: ♦
Having a minimum 12-strand DNA template.
Having Merkaba Fields rotating in the correct directions, spin rates and ratios.
♦ ♦
Having enough Divine Blueprint left in one’s DNA template and Shields to deliver instructions—such as properly navigating to new time-space co-ordinates of the ascension destination, or releasing phase-locked Merkaba Fields upon departure, and then activating them upon arrival at the new reality system. Having a high enough particle pulsation rhythm (also known as accretion level) to undergo a Particle Conversion (see Chapter 11). Activating all 12 strands, if only for a nanosecond, during the actual ascension “travel.” Releasing celestaline, a transient chemical hormone that only appears in the human body just before ascension. At the moment the celestaline is released, the DNA strands collapse into light, and the phase-lock of the Merkaba Field releases to form the Merkaba Vehicle.
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Activating the Merkaba Vehicle to enable travel to a new reality system. This allows the being’s matter form to be dis-assembled, yet safely preserved, inside the spiraling Merkaba Vehicle. Aligning with a new timeline. The activated Merkaba Vehicle and the being’s matter form within it undergo a timeline axis shift, or a shift in angular rotation of particles spin, allowing that being to re-assemble at the new space-time coordinate. Once the new coordinate on The Stairway to Heaven is reached, the DNA re-assembles back into the “preserved” being’s matter form. The result is the being’s experience of a new reality system and Identity of Being.
You may be familiar with the popular science fiction television program, Star Trek. In the future, the main characters on a hi-tech starship go “where no one has gone before” to explore distant galaxies. One of the advanced technological devices on the ship is the “transporter beam,” which moves people and objects from place to place instantaneously, across time and space. The transporter beam locks onto the time-space co-ordinate of a being, converts that being into the particles or units of consciousness of which it is comprised, and then reassembles those particles back into the same structure in another time-space co-ordinate. Since the first TV program went on the air in the 1960s, Star Trek has spawned several generations of characters in different future timelines with their own TV serials, not to mention movies, comic books, and plastic figurines. Why is Star Trek so popular? Because it has kindled something deep within the memories of those watching the program! “Beam me up, Scotty” is not too far off from how true ascension really works—except we don’t need external equipment to get us from one place to another. So why does this still seem like science fiction instead of science fact? It’s because a damaged Merkaba Field, built upon a damaged Divine Blueprint, is incapable of activating the Merkaba Vehicle through which time travel, portal passage, Star Gate passage, and complete identity and ascension can be realized. Equally significant, though, is the damage that has been done to our consciousness and memory—and hence, our recognition and sense of what is truly possible. In our Time Matrix, our Divine Blueprint has become so damaged that we have forgotten who we are, where we came from, and where we are supposed to be going, or “ascending to.”
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Chapter 5 The Players We are now at least somewhat familiar with some of the building blocks that allowed each one of us to come into manifestation. Some of you may have experienced a sense of recognition when reading the concepts in the previous section: part of us remembers and longs for that state of pure unconditional love and union. Since we know that this state really does exist, the question naturally arises, Why and how did we ever let ourselves forget? And, perhaps even more importantly, How on earth (literally!) can we reconnect our current state of consciousness with the bliss, freedom, love, and true co-creative power that such intimacy with Source implies? View the state of the world, and it is obvious that much of the consciousness of our planet, and its peoples, appears cut off from the attributes that we instinctively ascribe to Source. The many good-hearted people who long to make the world a better place recognize, somewhere deep inside their core, that this is not the way it was supposed to be. Most religious traditions tell us that we were put here to be in charge of—if not have dominion over—all the other creatures on this planet, to say nothing of the planet itself. Yet in a truly Christos universe, no one has control over anyone else. If Source is unconditional love, then the behavior of humans should be no less noble. Otherwise, we are not living up to our true potential as parts of Source. There are reasons why unconditional love has not been the model of behavior on planet Earth for a very long time—reasons that were alluded to in Chapter 4. For literally billions of years, there has been an agenda to keep us ignorant of our true history and purpose. Part II of this book will explore key aspects of history and politics—not only of Earth, but of our entire Time Matrix—that will tell us why. Knowing the true history and politics of this planet will help us understand the psychological, emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, and energetic distortions that are now so firmly entrenched in our being, they seem normal. But what is considered “normal” does not necessarily mean natural, ethical, or right. In having our true history restored to us, we can take appropriate steps to reinstate our connection to Source— and with it, our love, our self-empowerment, and our healing.
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What is Co-Creation? The history of our creation has been grossly distorted. Science tells us about the “big bang” theory and how we basically grew legs from pond scum. Religious traditions ask us to have blind faith that we somehow instantly appeared with a wave of God’s magic wand. Science does not incorporate spirituality or the potential of multi-dimensional phenomena. And religious traditions avoid science, teach us not to think, and discourage us from asking questions. Neither angle provides a plausible answer—which leaves most of us unsatisfied at our core as to how we really came about. You may remember from Chapter 2 that the down-stepping process begins with Source’s intention to create, which is really thought formation—the original thought, again, being unconditional love. Source’s original creations are designed to have perpetual motion, eternal life, and love-based, co-creative, Free Will expression. “As above, so below” means that all manifest existence is simultaneously the creator and the created. It also means that we have the ability to co-create matter and events through thought. Thus, part of you “up there” (your higher identities) created you “down here” (your Incarnate Identities) in cooperation with Source. So…you created you!—compliments of you-as-Source, of course. Now that you have learned the various “down-steps” taken by Source to create manifest matter, it is easier to understand that we human beings, in our current condition here in Density-1, are actually quite low on the “frequency chain.” It is true that we were created by Source. But it might be more accurate to say that we were co-created by Source and by the myriad levels of consciousness between us and Source down The Stairway to Heaven. In other words, these other levels of consciousness played a direct role in co-creating us. It makes sense that Source-as-creator does not do all of the creating on its own—because after all, how much fun would it be to begin a game, make all of the rules and all of the players, and then tell them exactly what to think? Our Time Matrix Co-Creators How—and when—did creation in our Time Matrix actually begin?
The creation of our Time Matrix began 950 billion years ago with the higher 3 Primal Sound Fields of the Energy Matrix—which is much closer to Source than any Time Matrix. It is
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these Primal Sound Fields that gave birth to the original Ascended Masters, mentioned in various spiritual traditions. (In Keylontic Science, these Primal Sound Field-Ascended Masters are called the Yanas.) Then, in Source’s typical stepped-down fashion, from the 3 Primal Sound Fields emerged the 3 Founders Races—the first individuation of Source, and the original co-creators in our Time Matrix. The Founders Races were known as the Breneau. There were three different “families” or “Orders” of the Breneau. Each Order was characterized by a different color frequency in its template. The Breneau, in turn, created the life forms in this Time Matrix. The Breneau, close to Source and deeply connected to Source, followed the laws of creation. No matter how many, or varied, were the species that they created, the templates of every life form followed the Base-12 Christos Divine Blueprint. The numerous life forms that the Breneau created were called the Christos Founders Races. The Christos Founders Races were stationed in Density-4, one level below where the Breneau were stationed (Density-5). The Breneau—and all of the life forms that they created—agreed to abide by the Emerald Covenant, a peace treaty of co-evolution that respects the sanctity of the Christos Divine Blueprint and the Law of Divine Love. From our perspective here on Earth, the bi-pedal human form might seem to be the “natural”— or only—form in existence that houses advanced intelligence. However, this is not true! Just a few of the other Christos Founders Races species that the Breneau created include: ♦
Elohim - the “Cat People,” produced first on the Lyra-Arametena planet in the Lyran Constellation. Seraphim - the “Bird People,” “Insect People,” “Dragon Moth People,” and “Reptilian People,” produced second on the Lyra-Vega planet in the same constellation. Braharama - the “Whale People,” “Dolphin People,” “Bird-Horse-Deer People,” “Ape People,” and “Cat-Ape Hybrid People,” produced third on the Lyra-Aveyon planet in the same constellation.
Because all of these life forms contained the Base-12 Divine Blueprint, despite their differences in appearance, customs, genetics and behavior, they really did get along for 700 billion years. But then something happened
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Original Sin—the True Story Sometimes, even in advanced cultures and high-frequency dimensions, it’s possible to indulge in too much of a good thing. Just as human inbreeding among close relatives (sister and brother, even cousins) can cause genetic defects like mental retardation, inbreeding among the Christos Founders Races caused mutations of their 12-strand DNA template or Divine Blueprint. The strands of DNA that were mutated caused the full DNA template to no longer function the way it was designed. As a result, these beings could no longer access multidimensional levels of consciousness, could no longer ascend, and lost their conscious direct connection to Source. Normally, a working 12-strand DNA template has all 12 strands operating with organized particle units. However, a DNA template produces “junk DNA” as minute pieces break loose into disorganized particle units from their operating strands. In the Christos Founders Races, distortions in the DNA template were passed on through their descendants, progressively creating even more DNA mutations. Fights and wars became commonplace as these beings forgot the unconditional love of Source. Feelings of separation reached such gargantuan proportions that intense fighting took place during what became known as the Lyran-Elohim Wars. Estranged races retaliated against Source-connected races by literally blowing up the 12th Kathara Sphere/Star Gate right off of the Universal Kathara Grid. This 12th Kathara Sphere, or Universal Star Gate-12, was a planet located in Dimension-12 and known as Lyra-Aramatena. The annihilation of Universal Star Gate-12 created a partially fallen Black Hole system (completely fallen Black Holes will be discussed later). This was the true “Original Sin” referred to in the Bible, and it took place 250 billion years ago. Black Hole Systems Black Hole systems are insidious. They are produced when a planet or galaxy is blown up, resulting in the destruction of part of the Universal Kathara Grid (also called the Universal Templar Complex). Remember that the Kathara Grid has a Base-12 coding; it is the Divine Blueprint. With part of a grid is missing, its coding is no longer Base-12. This has enormous repercussions in how that part of creation functions.
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Anything in, or near, that part of the damaged grid is now subject to operating in a nonBase-12, anti-Christos way. This is because a Black Hole, by definition, is a constricting, closed system, that pulls things into itself and does not allow them to leave. Everything that gets sucked into a Black Hole—be it planet, person, animal, plant, or mineral—becomes altered. First and foremost, It suffers a reversal in the spin of its Merkaba Spirals. This reversal means that the spirals can no longer draw in and circulate unlimited life force from Source, as a closed system has been created. Where ordinarily the spirals would expand, they now contract; and where they ordinarily would contract, they now expand. Inside a Black Hole, the particles comprising a planet or being become scrambled, unable to re-enter a living Time Matrix. The structure of the planet—as well as the DNA of the beings who live on it—becomes fragmented. Anything in creation that lacks the ability to hold the Base-12 Divine Blueprint cannot continue its normal, evolutionary (ascension-oriented) cycle. Life forms from completely fallen Black Hole systems that become finite creations are said to be in complete Monadic Reversal. As we mentioned in the previous chapter, Monadic Reversal is a process whereby there is complete reversal of Merkaba spin, and the activated DNA is now biologically dysfunctional. The Christos Seed Atom becomes transformed into an anti-Christos Seed Atom. To analogize Monadic Reversal to a song, you can still sing that song—and it may in fact be quite complicated and impressive—but the song is now backwards. Its original intent and meaning are lost. With the influence of a backwards song, many aspects of the being’s life are now in reverse as well. The most obvious reversal is the notion that power over others, rather than Divine Love, is necessary and desirable. Without Divine Love, a being in a Black Hole now lacks the capacity for eternal life and instead becomes finite. Eventually the being will implode, much like a supernova. Whatever templates it has left will be fragmented into unorganized units of consciousness. Units of consciousness that are not organized are considered “raw material” of Source. They have no self-awareness, so even though they are still part of Source, there is no memory to interpret, process, or enjoy the experiences that these units of consciousness have undergone. One might wonder how horrors like Black Hole universes can be allowed by Source to exist. It is true that Black Holes, which can no longer support a Divine Blueprint, are not in alignment with Divine Will. However, in a Free Will Universe, up to the point when the entirety of creation
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is threatened, Source allows them to exist. But the inhabitants of Black Hole systems undergoing Monadic Reversal pay a terrible price. With their Divine Blueprint damaged, they lose their emotional bodies and no longer feel emotions, including compassion. And they no longer directly experience the unity of life. They become severed from a conscious, direct twoway relationship with Source. It’s important to recognize that this is not because Source is angry or vengeful, but because these beings’ DNA templates can no longer support a Base-12 Christos structure. It has been through the choices of these beings that such an anti-Christos, Black Hole structure was created—and in the natural law of cause-and-effect, they must live with the consequences of their choice. There is hope, however, for beings in a Black Hole who have not yet undergone complete Monadic Reversal. If enough of their Divine Blueprint is intact, they can restore their templates, Merkaba Fields, DNA, etc., through the Path of Redemption, and eventually evolve back up the ladder of ascension while learning the lessons of Divine Love. If they do not choose to do the necessary work to restore their Divine Blueprint, they must continue to live in a hell that they themselves have created. Who Are The Fallen Angelics? It is interesting to note that some Earth religions, such as Islam, talk about “demons” who live in other dimensions and suck on the energy of people. As we mentioned earlier, all spiritual traditions of Earth were originally derived from the teachings of the CDT-Plates, and therefore contain pieces of the truth. The partial Black Hole created by blowing up Universal Star Gate-12 (the Original Sin) is better known as “Hell” or “Hades” in some religious teachings. The true name for this Black Hole is Phantom Matrix. Fallen beings were discussed in Chapter 4. The perpetrators of the Original Sin are referred to throughout this book as the Fallen Angelics, or FAs. There are two primary groups of FAs responsible for blowing up Lyra-Aramatena, Universal Star Gate-12. These two main antiChristos “family lines” will be mentioned throughout the rest of this book. The first FA group consisted of the Cat-Ape Hybrid People or Anyu. They were called the Fallen Elohim. Originally, they came from Universal Star Gate-11, or the 11th Star Gate of our Universal Kathara Grid. Universal Star Gate-11 is the planet known as Lyra-Aveyon in Dimension-11. After Universal Star Gate-12 (Lyra-Aramatena) was destroyed, the home of the
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Fallen Elohim became Phantom Matrix, their DNA templates reflecting Base-11 coding. This group later came to be known as the Fallen Annu-Elohim—or the Annunaki, for short. The second FA group consisted of the Dragon-moth and Reptilian People They were called the Fallen Seraphim. Originally, they came from Universal Star Gate-10, the planet known as Lyra-Vega from Dimension-10. After the destruction of Universal Star Gate-12, their home too became Phantom Matrix. However, their DNA templates reflected Base-10 coding. This group later came to be known as the Fallen Drakonian Seraphim—or the Drakonians, for short. The Annunaki, with a DNA strand content of Base-11, can be expected to be more intelligent than the Drakonians, with a DNA strand content of Base-10, as they hold more memory and consciousness. However, intelligence applied in an anti-Christos manner becomes manipulative, devious, and fundamentally unloving. A good example of this is an absolutely brilliant and diplomatic—yet ruthless—”Godfather” figure, whose motto is “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.” The ways in which the Annunaki and their allies attempt to control involve the more subtle path of tampering with religions, esoteric philosophies, and spirituality. The Drakonians, with their more limited intelligence, are capable of less subtlety and therefore tend to be more direct than the Annunaki in their dominion quests. Their style is to take overt control through war, martial law, and repressive religions. It is no coincidence that these types of regime are often referred to as Drakonian! Now that we know about the Base-12 Divine Blueprint compared to fallen DNA coding, we can understand how FA coding has infiltrated so much of Earth culture—and to which FA group that coding belongs. An example of this infiltration is our decimal system. We should actually be using a Base-12 numerical system. Another example is the 10 Commandments found in the Bible. There are actually 12 Commandments! In What Universes Do The Fallen Angelics Live? With so many universes created by Source, the FAs have had lots of room to spread out. Not all FAs live in Phantom Matrix. Some are originally from different cosmic co-ordinates on The Stairway to Heaven and became trapped in the partially fallen Phantom Matrix. Others are from completely fallen Black Holes—again, in an entirely different cosmic co-ordinate. Some
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live on Earth in human hybrid form! We will discuss this shortly. But meanwhile, it is important to understand the parallel universes in which many of these fallen beings have been residing. The concept of parallel selves and parallel planets has been around for a while in popular culture. Despite being touted as “entertainment” in films and comic books, these concepts are very real. As we stated above, one of the best ways to hide a truth is to hide it in plain sight. In Chapters 2 and 3 we discussed Partiki “ante-particles,” Particum “particles,” and Partika “anti-particles.” Together this “divine trinity” of particles forms various patterns repeated throughout the Stairway to Heaven. For instance, the Partiki (ManU) expression of Earth, known as Inner Earth, has given birth to both a Particum and Partika version of Earth. The Earth on which we live is the Particum or magnetic expression. Our parallel version of Earth is the Partika or electrical expression. From where we live, the Partika expression of our Earth is called Parallel Earth, just as “our” Particum earth is considered their parallel. These parallels apply all the way up to The Stairway to Heaven—planets, galaxies, and universes. Please note that due to the differences in the charge of their particles, the parallels are not exactly alike. But they are close enough in similarity to be recognizable as “parallels” of each other. The chart below presents all this information at a glance ////////////////////////////////////// ///
Order of creation
First current
Second current
Third current
Type of particle
Ante-particle Partiki
Particle Particum
Anti-particle Partika
Inner Earth
Parallel Earth
In line with Source’s down-stepping process, Inner Earth is at a down-stepping point closer to Source than its descendants, Earth and Parallel Earth. In fact, Inner Earth is located one entire level up in The Stairway to Heaven. So Inner Earth is located in the Ecka God Worlds; whereas both Earth and Parallel Earth are located in our Veca Universe.
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These laws of creation have great impact on us on a personal level. We have Incarnate selves who live on Parallel Earth—just as we have corresponding higher identities that live in our Parallel Universe. As stated earlier, the process of ascension means that we climb up The Stairway to Heaven and reunite with our high-dimensional, Particum selves. However, ascension also means that we reunite with our higher-dimensional Partiki and Partika selves. The reality of parallel universes has profound implications. It means that the Black Hole systems have their parallels too. Just as Earth has a parallel double located in a completely different Time Matrix from us, Phantom Matrix also has its own parallel double located in a completely different Time Matrix from it. After the Lyran-Elohim wars, the Particum Phantom Matrix became the new home of the Annunaki FAs, and the parallel Partika Phantom Matrix became the new home of the Drakonian FAs. The numbers of beings who were pursuing an anti-Christos agenda were rapidly expanding. What Do The Fallen Angelics Want? We mentioned earlier in this chapter that a Black Hole being undergoing complete Monadic Reversal will eventually implode, due to the distortions in its template and resulting inability to draw in eternal life sustenance from Source. It is guaranteed to implode—that is, unless it can replenish its life force. How does it do this? By feeding off life force from eternal life Christos systems. This is the danger that Fallen Angelics have posed to us for aeons. Knowing the history, origins, biology, and temperament of the FAs is vitally important—for these players are the true motivating forces behind the current planetary climate of senseless wars, brutality, and unloving acts of all kinds. Every battle that has ever been fought throughout the history of our planet—as well as in our Time Matrix—has been the direct result of the ongoing competition for control of the universal “real estate” between these two FA factions and their minions. They are literally involved in a fight for their very survival, and we are their food. As you continue reading, the horrifying and often bizarre events taking place in the political, cultural, and social arenas (discussed in Part III) will make more sense to you. We mentioned earlier in this chapter that a Black Hole being undergoing complete Monadic Reversal will eventually implode, due to the distortions in its template and resulting inability to
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draw in eternal life sustenance from Source. It is guaranteed to implode, that is, unless it can replenish its life force. How does it do this? By feeding off life force from eternal life Christos systems. This is the danger that Fallen Angelics have posed to us for aeons. One way in which Black Holes can connect to Christos structures is through wormholes, or artificially constructed openings. (By comparison, Star Gates of the Kathara Grid are natural openings.) These wormholes allow anti-Christos beings to feed off the life force of living systems. Unless this feeding frenzy is checked, the Divine Blueprint beings who are “fodder” will ultimately deteriorate to the point where they themselves fall into the Black Hole. After the former Christos beings become finite systems themselves and are “used up,” the FAs must replace them with more food, or else face imminent collapse. One way to ensure continued survival of finite systems is to expand their wormholes to capture yet more eternal life forms— that is, to create other openings and connections into other Christos living systems. Eventually, the Christos Divine Blueprints of those living systems are destroyed too, and they collapse completely into the Black Hole. A Black Hole is, literally, a bottomless pit. The Wesedaks are trying to do just this with Earth. First, they intentionally “wormholed” their way into Phantom Matrix. Then, more recently through Phantom Matrix—again, through a wormhole—they gained access to our living Time Matrix Why is our little planet Earth in Density-1 of such interest to all these FAs? Since Earth is Universal Star Gate-3 in the Universal Templar Complex, and is still considered “living,” it becomes important in three ways. First, as a universal Star Gate/opening on the Universal Kathara Grid template, Earth provides passage out of this universe and into other universes— thus allowing access to even more life force. Second, Earth provides an immediate source of food, as does the entire Time Matrix within which Earth resides. Third, some FAs have lost their planets due to implosion, or due to their getting trapped in Phantom Matrix. They see Earth as a viable planet to inhabit because it is compatible with their biology. Simply put, we are “prime real estate” for the FAs. Since, as we said before, their distorted templates deprive the FAs of an emotional body and the compassion that accompanies it, our humanity, will, purpose, desires, or suffering do not matter to them. You have probably noticed that there are beings on earth right now, beings who appear human, whose behavior is as ruthless as the FA behavior we are describing. The
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ruthlessness, corruption, and lack of compassion you see in some of the people around you are very real. There is a good reason for these anti-Christos traits. Not everyone around you is what they seem. This is discussed in the following section. What Have The Fallen Angelics Perpetrated? How exactly the FAs gained access to Earth, at various times in our planet’s history, will be discussed more in later chapters. Right now, we will concentrate on a few of their methods. The major FA groups—the Annunaki and the Drakonians—are guilty of using “infiltration through hybridization programs” to breed species to live on Earth. The “infiltration through hybridization” agenda (described in detail in Voyagers I by Ashayana Deane) has been done through: ♦
Direct incarnation. The FAs incarnate into the wombs of women whose babies are gestating. This ensures that their gene codes will survive inside a biological human form. Physical abduction and rape. The woman is literally raped for her gene codes. The child born of that rape carries mixed codes. This is especially valuable to FA races if the mother has a pure Angelic Human or Indigo gene code. Astral abduction and rape. It is possible for rape to occur on an astral level. Enforced sexuality allows the aggressor to invade and control someone’s energy fields. Some women have recalled being raped on space ships. Astral abduction for stealing or altering DNA. Many people have reported being taken onto space ships and unwillingly subjected to surgery and other unpleasant procedures. Emotional badgering. Under the guise of emotional openness and good will are sly tactics to take advantage of the naivete of Indigos and Angelic Humans and their ability to love. One common exhortation, typically heard in “New Age” circles, is to “open your heart.” But this is not simply a request to express love, compassion, and goodwill toward other life forms. It is a subtly devious phrase that is actually geared towards inducing Indigos and Angelic Humans to open their astral field, which is connected to the heart chakra. An open astral field is an open invitation for unscrupulous forces to execute field possession and permanent identification (“tagging”). It is possible to love,
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and at the same time, maintain one’s energy boundaries. FAs are experts at feigning emotion in order to manipulate humans. Many FAs, especially those from higher dimensional levels, have brilliant minds—but they do not possess the ability to feel love, compassion, or any emotion at all. With their all head and no heart focus, they encourage humans to be all heart and no head, to switch off their minds and question nothing. Questioning is labeled as being “judgmental” or “in the head.” If humans buy into this, it makes them easy fodder for manipulation. They can even be manipulated (in the nicest possible way, of course!) into doing the FAs’ dirty work for them! ♦
Using stolen DNA to clone FA mind-controlled human hybrid “sleepers.” Sleepers are beings who are triggered to awaken to a task at a specific time, who have the ability to interface with Earth cultures while in their human body guise. To give an example of being a “sleeper” in everyday life: you are standing in line at the grocery store, daydreaming, when the person behind you nudges you because it’s your turn. Instantly awake, you automatically put your items up to be scanned. (This is also discussed in Voyagers I). This kind of automatic response may be considered harmless or helpful for common tasks such as, say, driving a car. However, there are very sophisticated levels of mind control that can induce people to perform tasks they might never want to do if fully conscious. Mind control is discussed more in depth in Chapter 11. Consensual breeding. To allow breeding to occur without resistance, Earth religions were deliberately infused long ago with a patriarchal slant, to ensure that females would be more submissive. This included the Biblical directives to “be fruitful and multiply,” that a woman must do so only within the confines of marriage, and that a wife must obey her husband at all times.
The FA hybridization program was carefully designed. Ascension for Earth and its life forms would be impossible, and Christos beings would be trapped in finite creation. Eventually, the number of beings with a damaged Divine Blueprint would be so high, that the entire planet would fall into Black Hole status. However we lose our Christos coding and become contaminated with anti-Christos coding from FAs, the price paid by the being in a hybrid body is steep—that is, loss of the conscious memory of a direct connection to an unconditionally loving Source. And make no mistake—we
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are all contaminated, some more heavily than others. Even the Angelic Human or Indigo gene coding on Earth right now suffers both individual and race memory loss. This makes it much easier for these hybrids to carry out the anti-Christos, FA agendas in their human-cloaked forms. One of the best ways to hide something and use it to control people is to put it directly in front of them and call it something else. Much of what is being portrayed as fantasy in our contemporary culture is so close to the truth that we miss it: the proliferation of “Masters of the Universe”-type quests in so-called science fiction, children’s fantasy books, and computer games. It takes courage to face the possibility that much of what we have learned to regard as sacred or normal—”the way things are supposed to be”—is the by-product of a deliberate campaign to control and deceive. Terms like “heretic” or “unpatriotic” have been used throughout history to ostracize those who dared to question or challenge the prevailing authorities, whether political, religious, or social. Some people may even feel that questioning or exposing the status quo is a negative thing, especially if they have been taught that only “positive” emotions and thoughts are acceptable. But denying the true history of our planet doesn’t make it disappear. There is a difference between feeling hopeless and powerless to change a difficult situation, and knowing about that difficult situation in order to then change it. For billions of years, there has been a carefully orchestrated scheme waged against us to make us forget the magnificence of who we truly are. Now that we are waking up, we can do something about the situation we are in! Unfortunately, it is more than just our universe and our Time Matrix that are in trouble. However, the relative handful of Indigos and Angelic Humans that have awakened can move mountains. It is important to note that although many movements ignore these problems altogether—or focus on the half-truths of the “conspiracy theories” of today—Keylontic Science is quite different. It provides vast detail behind the problems, but with very solution-based, peaceful, empowering techniques to deal with these problems. The next chapter will describe what has been done in the past. In Part III, we will explain what can be done in the present.
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Chapter 6 The Great Healing Experiment
From the perspective of a being living the Christos path, what affects one, affects all. And so The Great Healing Experiment for Phantom Matrix began. Before we describe the numerous attempts to help the Fallen Angelics heal, it is important to relate that for a number of reasons, most of these efforts were unsuccessful. During the course of what were actually a series of experiments, three agendas emerged: two anti-Christos, and one Christos agenda. The two anti-Christos agendas were in search of literally stealing life force to prevent their Black Hole system from imploding. They were competitors, since both anti-Christos agendas were trying to steal from the same Time Matrix (ours!). The only way the competing FAs could succeed in making us their dinner was through vying—or even fighting—for control of the Star Gates of our Universal Templar Complex (in our Time Matrix). Depending upon how many Star Gates were captured and which FA side controlled them, would determine just how much of our Time Matrix could be sucked into either of the FA Black Holes. The Christos agenda sought to help the FAs evolve back to the original 12-strand DNA template and life-supporting Divine Blueprint through honoring the Law of Divine Love. This plan would eventually allow Source’s light to enter in naturally, once again. Ascension out of our Time Matrix would again be possible. 250 Billion Years Ago After the Lyran-Elohim Wars, during which the Universal Templar Complex suffered extensive damage, our co-creators decided to help the FAs evolve back to a Christos blueprint. This immediately spawned the creation of certain Christos organizations 250 billion years ago to protect the Universal Templar Complex from implosion and to facilitate The Great Healing Experiment. They are: ♦
Inter-dimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW). This massive universal service organization, assembled by the Yanas and Breneau (see Chapter 5), is comprised of over 25 billion inter-dimensional guardian nations. As the primary
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guardian group of our Time Matrix, its purpose is to reclaim and protect our Time Matrix from FA control. ♦
Azurite Security Team. The IAFW’s specialized security team is comprised of the Azurite Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani Grail Line race. Eieyani means “of the Yanas.” This race has allowed elders from the highest level of the Energy Matrix, as well as the Breneau, to incarnate directly into our Time Matrix for crisis intervention. Upon incarnation, their purpose is to promote the Emerald Covenant agreement to honor Divine Love (see Chapter 5), and to keep the 12 Universal Star Gates in our Time Matrix secure.
The Azurite Security Team, knowing the risk of being trapped in this time and space, has incarnated out of love of for all beings here. As the “gatekeepers” in The Stairway to Heaven, the Eieyani are the forefathers of the Angelic Human (discussed in Chapter 4, and in more detail shortly) and the Eieyani “Indigo Child” Grail Line on Earth (see Chapter 4). Initially, the Azurite security team members incarnated into our Time Matrix. The Azurites, with their full 48strand DNA template, were the forefathers, along with the Christos Founders Races, of the 12strand DNA Angelic Humans and the 12 to 48-strand DNA Indigo Children. (Presently on Earth, Indigo Children Type-1s have 30 to 48 strands of DNA, and Type-2s have 24 to 30. A redemption experiment produced a new lineage of Indigo Type-3s who have only 12 strands.) The first stage of The Great Healing Experiment consisted of the GA placing the Eye of Metatron, a polarization refraction lens, at Dimension 11.5. This would artificially allow Source’s light to come into Phantom Matrix until the FAs had ample time to evolve. (Remember that Phantom Matrix is on a different time vector from, but still connected to, our Time Matrix.) The Azurites’ plan failed. The Eye of Metatron was taken over by the FAs and the Azurite team members were attacked. Despite the major setback in The Great Healing Experiment, the IAFW, Azurite Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani, GA, and Founders Races decided to continue. With their great capacity for unconditional love—for all beings in this Time Matrix—they saw the FA groups as children gone astray, and they held to the belief that where there is life, there is hope.
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150 Billion Years Ago Meanwhile, a group of beings called the “Beetle People” had created a completely fallen Black Hole for themselves. Although this group of FAs lived in a Particum (particle) universe—as does Earth—they lived in an entirely different Time Matrix and different cosmic coordinates altogether. They were called the Wesedaks, from the Wesedak Matrix. The Wesedaks had archenemies: the Wesedraks (similar spelling), who lived in the Partika (anti-particle), completely fallen Wesedrak Matrix (discussed in more detail later). You may recall, from our discussion of parallel universes in Chapter 4, that every person and planet has a double in its parallel universe. The Wesedaks in their particle universe and the Wesedraks in their anti-particle universe are considered doubles of each other as well, with a slight variation in their anti-Christos coding. The Wesedaks had Base-11 coding and the Wesedraks had only a Base-10 coding. It might be helpful to think of the Wesedaks as the “Big Annunaki” and the Base-10 Wesedraks as the “Big Drakonians,” to distinguish them from the “regular” Annunaki and the “regular” Drakonians we spoke about earlier. The Wesedaks, needing food, had their eye on our living Time Matrix—not only for what we could directly provide, but because of our access to other universes. So, with their sophisticated Base-11 coding, the Wesedaks began to plot a wormhole to use to first penetrate Phantom Matrix, and then to seize our Time Matrix. The completely fallen Wesedak Matrix beings were much more formidable than the partially fallen Phantom Matrix beings. Just as the Phantom Matrix FAs saw Christos beings (us) as fair game to do with as they pleased, the Wesedaks saw the Phantom Matrix FAs as weaker, fair game to do their bidding. This forced alliance will be referred throughout this book as the Wesedak-Annunaki. The highly intelligent Wesedaks were eminently familiar with creation mechanics. With this knowledge, they began to craft a sophisticated anti-Christos technology called the BeaST (an acronym for Blank Slate Technology, which will be discussed in Part III). The Wesedaks intended to use this technology to capture our Time Matrix. 570 Million Years Ago
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We now jump to 570 million years ago, when the Wesedaks entered the picture from our perspective on Earth. Phantom Matrix—which was still connected to our living Time Matrix via the Eye of Metatron—was the Wesedaks’ target. To connect to Phantom Matrix—and consequently our Time Matrix—with its BeaST apparatus, the Wesedaks created a complicated device called the Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction Field, or NET (discussed further in Part III). The NET created a barrier called a frequency fence. A frequency fence can be crafted only by those with a working understanding of universal physics. It is a manipulation of sound waves that alters a being’s perceptions and biological responses—a form of mind control. You might remember from Chapter 3 that sound can be used to heal or harm. The purpose of this particular frequency fence was to capture natural life force that was intended for Phantom Matrix or our Time Matrix, and divert it to the NET. The NET, in turn, would funnel the life force back to the Wesedak Matrix. As you can see, there is extensive history to the development of devices and technologies that are capable of severing our system from its natural connection to Source. It was during the Gaian-Orion Wars 570 million years ago that the first piece of Phantom Matrix and our Time Matrix was linked to the BeaST via the NET. 568 to 560 Million Years Ago In an effort to rebuild the Christos template once again after the Gaian-Orion Wars, the Azurites initiated a genetic bio-regenesis healing program (not forced or manipulated hybridization). The original Oraphim Angelic Human race—and their descendents, the 12strand DNA Angelic Humans and the 24 to 48-strand DNA Indigo Children—were created to help with this bio-regenesis program. The all-encompassing DNA templates of these Christos beings were intended to provide an opportunity, for those FAs who desired it, to evolve back to the original Divine Blueprint. It did not matter to what group the FAs had originally belonged. The hope was to place The Great Healing Experiment back on track. Despite this gallant effort by the Azurites, the Fallen Annu-Elohim responded by creating the Annunaki race (which they themselves later came to be called) 568 million years ago with one sole purpose: to destroy the Angelic Humans. This would not be easy, since the Angelic
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Humans (and Indigos) held the security codes in their DNA templates to the Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex. These security codes were symbol codes in the DNA templates that could open Star Gates during a Star Gate opening cycle (see Chapter 8). Under the Wesedak-Annunaki mind control plan, Angelic Humans and Indigos would mindlessly follow instructions to run the DNA template security codes to open Earth’s Shields. This would allow the FAs to invade Earth without Angelic Human or Indigo resistance, and ultimately—once they were on planet—would give them access to invade Inner Earth. The main challenge was to manipulate the Angelic Humans in some way that would give the FAs access to the Star Gates. Direct attempts to mutate the DNA (described in the previous chapter) and a mass mind control complex to distort the behavioral and mental patterns of Earth and its beings, would be implemented. (Mass mind control will be discussed further in Chapter 11.) Once Star Gate control was successful, Angelic Humans would be dispensable. Up until then, they would be an unfortunate but necessary nuisance to the Annunaki. Because of this threat by the new Annunaki race line and the need for heightened security, the Guardian Alliance (GA) security team was assembled. The GA is IAFW’s task force comprised of over 10 million Emerald Covenant league nations within the first four Densities of our Time Matrix. Its primary purpose is to help the Azurites (Eieyani) protect, guide, and oversee the creation and evolution of Angelic Humans. 550 Million Years Ago During this time, the Taran-Sirian Wars took place—and the second part of both Phantom Matrix and our Time Matrix was linked to the BeaST via the NET. To facilitate the next races of the Eieyani Grail Line (Azurites), the GA had to orchestrate sophisticated technology, the Sphere of Amenti. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter 9. Since The Great Healing Experiment was going awry, it was decided as part of the Emerald Covenant that 3 seedings, or planted races, of Angelic Humans would be allowed. If antiChristos behavior destroyed the third seeding, then The Great Healing Experiment would come to an end. 250 to 5.5 Million Years Ago
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It took time for Earth to evolve and pick up grid speed so it could then accommodate the races produced through the Sphere of Amenti. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter 9. The races that came to be known as Angelic Human Seeding-1 began to appear on Earth 250 million years ago. Unfortunately, Angelic Human Seeding-1 was destroyed in the Electric Wars 5.5 million years ago when the third piece of both Phantom Matrix and our Time Matrix was linked to the BeaST via the NET. However, at this time, the GA necessarily intervened. Something had to be done to hold Earth’s planetary shields together from the severe damage they had suffered in the Electric Wars. To remedy this, the GA created the “Wall in Time”—an artificial barrier between and Earth and Phantom Matrix. The GA also created a kind of global “microchip” grid called the Great White Lion Atlantian Pylon Implant Network (APIN). The Golden Eagle APIN, another global microchip grid, was created as well. Without this GA technology, Earth would have descended into Phantom Matrix. These APINs literally hold Earth’s shattered Shields and template together during a Star Gate opening cycle (discussed in Chapter 8). Like the Eye of Metatron, The Wall in Time and the 2 APINs became a target of FA capture throughout Earth’s history. Competing FAs wanted to seize this beneficial technology and then subvert it to run Black Hole frequencies through our Time Matrix. 4.5 Million Years Ago In the Galactic War, the fourth piece of Phantom Matrix and our Time Matrix was linked to the BeaST via the NET. 3.7 Million Years Ago After Angelic Seeding-1 was destroyed in the Electric Wars, the second line of Angelic Humans (Seeding-2) appeared on Earth 3.7 million years ago. 3 Million Years Ago Nibiru is a planet in Phantom Matrix. It used to be the real 12th planet in our solar system before Universal Star Gate-12 was destroyed. Three million years ago, the FAs of Nibiru signed an agreement to follow the Law of Divine Love and thus become an Emerald Covenant Planet. In line with this agreement—and to facilitate healing for Nibiru and its life forms—the
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GA installed 24 Nibiruan Crystal Temples (NCT)-Bases. Like the Eye of Metatron, these NCT Bases also became targets of capture for the FAs.
848,800 BC Angelic Human Seeding-2 was destroyed in The Thousands Year War in 848,800 BC. Due to significant damage to the Universal Templar Complex, the Angelic Human Seeding-3 could only be orchestrated with great assistance from the GA. 840,000 Years Ago A significant date in Earth’s history, 840,000 years ago, marks the GA’s creation of the Arc of the Covenant Star Gate Emergency Override System (known as the Arc of the Covenant). The Arc of the Covenant was built for several reasons. First, it allowed the Seeding-3 of Angelic Humans to occur. Beings enter dimensionalization through Star Gates—but since some of the Star Gates of our Universal Templar Complex had been damaged, another seeding would not have been possible without an artificially constructed, beneficent portal passage. Second, the Arc of the Covenant provided continual life force to protect both our Universal Templar Complex and the Angelic Humans. Finally, the Arc of the Covenant could facilitate emergency evacuations or ascensions on a limited basis in case irreversible cataclysms threatened Earth. Since the Emerald Covenant stated that The Great Healing Experiment would come to an end if the Angelic Human Seeding-3 were destroyed, the GA wanted to take all protective measures possible by providing Angelic Humans with the multifunction Arc of the Covenant portal passage. 798,000 BC After Angelic Seeding-2 was destroyed in the Thousand Years War, despite the fact that The Great Healing Experiment was still not yet successful, the GA was undaunted. The 3rd and final line of Angelic Humans (Seeding-3) appeared on Earth in 798,000 BC. The “Indigo” races seeding continued as well. 208,216 BC
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In 208,216 BC, the Drakonians invaded Inner Earth—the future, Partiki version of our Earth located in the Ecka God Worlds. The Eieyani closed their gates to the attack, but the frequency fallout caused Earth to go through partial pole shift (see Chapter 8). This resulted in damage to Earth’s Base-12 Christos template. Since that time until very recently (discussed shortly), we have been living under a Base-10 anti-Christos template. As explained in Chapter 2, anything that is not in harmony with the Divine Blueprint is grossly impaired in its ability to receive life force 25,500 BC In 25,500 BC, an event occurred that is known in some spiritual and religious circles as the “Lucifer Rebellion.” Earth was finally linked to the NET so it could then be captured by the BeaST. This link was enabled with the installment of the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid (NDC Grid) whose control point was at Stonehenge, England. The Nibiruian crystal temple bases described earlier were captured by FAs to run their Black Hole frequencies through the NDC Grid. 10,500 BC In 10,500 BC, the FAs finally managed to wormhole their way through the GA “Wall in Time” that had been erected 5.5 million years prior. This is the date referred to as the “Luciferian Conquest,” the beginning of the Annunaki world takeover plan. The two wormhole tears into Earth’s Shields were both located in the United States: the Anunnaki Phoenix Wormhole off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida and the Drakonian Falcon Wormhole off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. The NET, both wormholes, and APINs were key to linking the final piece of both Phantom Matrix and our Time Matrix to the BeaST during the next Star Gate opening cycle that would organically occur from 2000 to 2017. In response to the penetration of the “Wall in Time,” the GA successfully capped the wormholes to prevent further damage. 9,558 BC Passage through the Arc of the Covenant portal was possible through the use of two physical items called the Ark (spelled with a “k”) Rod and Staff Star Gate tools (described in Chapter 9). These tools were given by the GA to trusted Angelic Human Race families before the final fall of the continent Atlantis caused by the FA orchestrated Atlantian Flood, also known as The Great Flood in the Bible. The tools were to be used to manually open the Star Gate passage in case emergency evacuation was necessary.
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10 AD - 27 AD This was known as the Christ Period when a man who came to be known as Jesus Christ incarnated to bring the Freedom Teachings back once again. Part of his Emerald Covenant mission was to capture the Ark tools back from the FAs. The mission failed. 325 AD The Council of Nicaea was commissioned by the Church of Rome—which was under Drakonian infiltration—to create the Canonized Bible. The Canonized Bible, which we know today as simply “the Bible,” produced falsified CDT-Plate teachings about Jesus Christ interwoven with Annunaki history. 559 AD - 609 AD Commonly known as the Arthurian Period, this is the time that a man known as King Arthur incarnated to bring the Freedom Teachings back once again. His “Rainbow Roundtables” were gatherings of Indigo Children doing Planetary Grid work to stabilize Earth’s grids. Part of his Emerald Covenant mission was to capture the Ark tools back from the FAs. The mission was successful Today: The Damage That Needs Repair Numerous FA attempts have been made to corrupt the Angelic Human Divine Blueprint. The DNA mutations have become so severe that Angelic Humans have forgotten who they are. This has made it easier for the FAs to fulfill their anti-Christos agendas. Some examples of these DNA mutations are: ♦
560 million years ago - Angelic Humans were originally created with a Base-12 Divine Blueprint, manifesting in 6 fingers on each hand and foot. This has mutated to their having 5 fingers on each hand and foot. 208,216 BC - Earth reverted from a Christos 12-code Pulse to an anti-Christos 10Code Pulse. This drastically impaired our planet’s ability to receive life force. 25,500 BC - Earth was linked with the “BeaSTly” NET, a sophisticated mind control technology that planted false memories and a false history into Earth’s life forms.
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9,558 BC - Shortly after Atlantis sank in 9558 BC, the FAs invaded with weapons of destruction to wipe out all landmarks and history of Atlantis. The story of Atlantis and its descent into Phantom is recounted in the Bible (with many distortions) as “The Great Flood.” 3,470 BC - FAs activated Black Hole frequencies in the Earth’s Shields, which destroyed a large portion of Earth’s templates—and thus the interconnected personal DNA templates of human populations. This led to the “Babble-On Massacre,” in which the Angelic Humans literally could no longer speak! They babbled on until the FAs came down to Earth in their spaceships and (conveniently) gave the Angelic Humans myriad Reverse Matrix Languages. When the mind and body receive reverse matrix languages, illusionary holograms are set in place and processed instead of the real intention. Refer to the discussion on “Light, Sound, and Symbol Codes” in Chapter 3 for more details on what happens when the sequences of energy—or DNA—are reversed. Present Time - Scientists today do not recognize just how intricately one’s personal DNA template is tied to Earth’s Planetary Grids. Damage to Earth equals damage to the personal DNA template! Nor do scientists realize that DNA is multi-dimensional. The portion of DNA that does not produce proteins and seemingly has no purpose is labeled “junk DNA.” But “junk DNA” is formed by mutations that have caused DNA pieces to break loose from the operating strands, subsequently causing memory loss and the inability to have full multi-dimensional consciousness. DNA strands that are functioning according to the Divine Blueprint have a consciousness that opens a being to the true gifts of their Christos Divine Nature
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Chapter 7 The Affliction: Anti-Christos Technology The material you are about to read may be a little uncomfortable and even scary, a “stair-step” out of your comfort zone. However, these next few years promise great hope, a time of healing and celebrating the return to a natural order in creation. Keep this hope in mind, in spite of the human tendency to fear the unknown and sometimes focus on negative events—for the horrifying traumas that seem such a part of everyday life are about to change. Although many atrocities have been perpetrated on this planet—indeed, on the majority of creation within our Time Matrix—Divine Right Order, which was set in motion on January 1, 2000, will rectify this. In Part I, we discussed that in a Free Will universe, Source allows beings to make choices. Now it is time for the consequences of Christos and anti-Christos choices to come into fruition. Beings who have retained their eternal life connection to Source will get what they desire. And those beings who have lost their eternal life connection to Source will also get what they desire, as the Final Conflict Drama—the culmination of 250 billion years—finally plays out. The Eye of Metatron, the BeaST, and the Wesedak/Wesedrak Drama We mentioned in Part II that at the beginning of The Great Healing Experiment, the GA installed the Eye of Metatron in our Time Matrix at Dimension 11.5. This “eye” is a polarization refraction lens (similar to a prism) intended to artificially reflect Source’s higher frequencies into our Time Matrix. Given enough time to be nourished by these higher frequencies, the FAs would eventually evolve back into a Christos Divine Blueprint. Unfortunately, the Eye of Metatron was quickly taken over by FAs 250 billion years ago. The Wesedaks’ plan all along was to capture our Time Matrix piece by piece, starting with the Eye of Metatron at Dimension 11.5 and finishing with Earth in Density-1. After the Eye of Metatron was captured 570 million years ago in the Gaian-Orion Wars, it quickly became a key component of the Wesedak-crafted BeaST (Blank Slate Technology). The purpose of the BeaST was to reverse the natural functioning of the Radial Bodies of the universe, galaxies, planets, and beings of Phantom Matrix and our Time Matrix, all the way from Harmonic Universe-4 down to Harmonic Universe-1. Life force that would normally enter these Radial Bodies to provide sustenance would instead be reflected off the Radial Bodies and then directed into the Wesedak Matrix.
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In Chapter 6, we mentioned that frequency fences are produced by advanced technology that can manipulate one’s very reality by affecting their perception and biological responses. You will see throughout this book how frequency fences have affected our evolution. Some have been constructed by the FAs to prevent us from ascending, and some have been constructed by the GA to protect our birthright of ascension. The BeaST emits sub-sonic pulses to create a frequency fence. In a very real way, this takes away a huge amount of personal power and the freedom to choose (both options of a Free Will universe), due to the distortion in a being’s perception and biological responses. The frequency fence generated by the BeaST cleverly targets the Radial Bodies (the Voids between Harmonic Universes) in order to prevent ascension. You may recall that the Radial Body surrounds myriad levels of the personal, planetary, galactic, and universal energy fields. The Radial Body must be able to activate its corresponding Flame Body for ascension to occur. If the Radial Body is damaged, then ascension is not possible. So far, the BeaST has successfully distorted the Radial Bodies of Harmonic Universe-4 (during the Gaian-Orion Wars 570 million years ago); Harmonic Universe-3 (during the Taran-Sirian Wars 550 million years ago); and Harmonic Universe-2 (during the Electric Wars 5.5 million years ago and then the rest of it during the Galactic War 4.5 million years ago). The FAs hope to distort the final Radial Body during the 2000-2017 Star Gate opening cycle (discussed in the next chapter). From a universal perspective, the BeaST Frequency Fence converges at Universal Star Gate-6 of Sirius-B planet in our Time Matrix; at Universal Star Gate-6 of Sirius-A planet at the partially fallen Phantom Matrix; and at Universal Star Gate-6 of Apollyon planet of the completely fallen Wesedak Matrix. It is the alignment of these three Universal Star Gates 6 to which the “666 Sign of the BeaST” in the Bible is referring. Interestingly, the “666 Sign of the BeaST” resides between the 6th and 7th Universal Star Gates—the location of the universal AzurA point. This universal distortion affects the galactic, planetary, and personal AzurA points. The galactic AzurA point is located between Jupiter and Uranus. The planetary AzurA point is located off the coast of the northwest Sahara desert in Africa on Earth. And the personal AzurA point is located at the thymus gland in the human body. Now you can see why the AzurA point is one of the main focuses of the Keylontic Science technique
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The NET, NCT-Bases, NDC-Grid, and APINs As discussed in Chapter 6, in order for the Wesedaks to connect its BeaST to Phantom Matrix (and subsequently our Time Matrix), they created the NET. The NET is the actual part of the BeaST that creates the Frequency Fence, which siphons life force into the Wesedak Matrix. The NET works through the natural Planetary Grids to emit its “BeaSTly” pulses. You can analogize this process to a huge network of telephone lines. There is one phone company that is the major carrier and owns the copper cables, transformer boxes, and other items that comprise the communications system. Competing telephone companies, which don’t actually own the physical equipment, pay a fee to “piggyback” the signals of their own customers onto the network of the main carrier. Earth’s Planetary Grids (in this analogy, the primary telephone company) were similarly used to carry the secondary messages of the Wesedaks (the secondary telephone company). However, here the analogy stops. The Wesedaks never asked if they could “borrow” Earth’s Planetary Grids. They appropriated the grids of a planet whose life force they were stealing—and in fact, distorted and damaged the particles of those very grids in order to relay their anti-Christos message. The NET was linked with other parts of our Time Matrix starting 570 million years ago. In 25,500 BC, during the “Lucifer Rebellion,” the NET was linked with Earth. What is important to know about the word “Lucifer” is that it is the code name for the Annunaki of Phantom Matrix. Similarly—and shocking to some in the “New Age” movement—”Archangel Michael” is the code name for the Wesedaks of the Wesedak Matrix. This will be elaborated on shortly. To anchor the BeaST on Earth, the NET needed a structure to deliver the sub-sonic pulses of its Frequency Fence. This structure involved the APINs and NCT-Bases (see Chapter 6), originally installed by the GA. By seizing key APINs and NCT-Bases, the “BeaSTly” NDC-Grid was created and anchored at Stonehenge, England. The competing FAs—the WesedakAnnunaki and Wesedak-Drakonians—have been vying for Planetary Grid control via these APINs and NCT-Bases ever since they were installed 3 million years ago and 5.5 millions years ago, respectively, by the GA. For the FAs, Planetary Grid control has meant greater chance of Star Gate control during the next Star Gate opening cycle from 2000 to 2017! Star Gate opening cycles will be discussed in detail in Chapter 8.
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In 25,500 BC, the NET began creating its Frequency Fence around Earth (Harmonic Universe-1). It also created unnatural Shadow Bodies, which were artificially attached to all of Earth’s life forms. These Shadow Bodies allowed the Wesedaks to have direct “feed lines” to every human, animal, plant, and mineral on Earth. The final piece would be to capture control of Earth’s Star Gates and activate Archangel Michael’s Blue Sword of Death “BeaSTly frequencies” through Earth’s Planetary Grids during the next Star Gate opening cycle. Since the last Star Gate opening cycle in 22,326 BC ended in a stalemate, the FAs intended to complete the job during our current Star Gate opening cycle beginning May 5, 2000. If Earth’s Star Gates were successfully captured, the FA plan was to stage a mass public landing on Earth—pretending to be our friends to obtain complete cooperation of “sleeping” Indigos and Angelic Humans (and their DNA templates!)—for final control of the Arc of the Covenant Star Gate system (discussed previously, and in great detail later in Part III). This would give them access to Inner Earth’s Star Gates and The Stairway to Heaven. After the FAs obtained access to The Stairway to Heaven, Earth’s populations and their DNA templates would be expendable. Pole shift (where the polarities of the North and South Poles literally exchange places, or shift) would be orchestrated to wipe out Angelic Human Seeding-3 —which would of course bring The Great Healing Experiment and the Emerald Covenant to an end. The next key date pertaining to this anti-Christos technology is May 27, 2003. On this date, the NET has been scheduled to begin transmitting Dimension 13-Reversed Archangel Michael Blue Death Sword Current via various implants on Earth tied to the BeaST. This “Blue Fire Sword Initiation” is a way of firmly planting reversed energies into Earth and its life forms to pull them permanently into the Wesedak Black Hole system. This extra life force would give the Wesedaks an additional 2 billion years of existence (in Earth time) before imploding. To further complicate matters, the Wesedak-Drakonians have had a certain amount of Planetary Grid control with their own series of implants tied to the same artificial BeaST technology. These implants, named the Green Spear of Destiny, have also been scheduled to activate on May 27th! The fight over the BeaST has been a long battle between the WesedakAnnunaki and the Wesedak-Drakonians for the 2 billion years’ worth of living food: our Time Matrix.
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Since the Divine Blueprint of these FAs has become so distorted, continued GA negotiations with them to accept the spiritually disciplined Path of Redemption—negotiations that have transpired over aeons—have been fruitless. What in our Time Matrix has the potential to be nourishment for these misled FAs? Fodder for them is anything that has less than 31%-33% Divine Blueprint at the precise moments that the Blue Fire Sword and the competing Green Spear of Destiny begin transmitting through Earth on May 27, 2003. Since April 2003, these percentages may change. Regular updates are provided on the website at www.azuritepress.com.
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Chapter 8 Ascension Mechanics and Struggle for Star Gate Control In Chapter 4, we explored the true meaning of ascension. In this chapter, we explain how integral Star Gates are to ascension. True, they are portal passages for inter-dimensional travel, but they are so much more. The main goal of the FA rivals, the Wesedaks and the Wesedraks, is to control the Star Gates—because once you control a Star Gate, you can control any being connected to it. What Exactly Are Star Gates? In God’s creation where the microcosmic is a reflection of the macrocosm, the 12 Star Gates, part of the Christos Divine Blueprint, are the 12 Spheres of the Kathara Grids on the personal, planetary, galactic and universal levels. Star Gates hold the core program for dimensionalized structure—whether it be an individual, a planet, a galaxy, or a universe. Just as there are specific locations in the human body for each Kathara Sphere, Planetary Star Gates link to the planetary Shields and to the planet’s physical matter body. These areas are in specific geographic locations on Earth. Similarly, the planets in our solar system are Galactic Star Gates! Many of the stars we see in the sky are actual Universal Star Gates. Star Gates are locations of such importance that their full power can only be activated by access to control sites known as Cue Sites. This is like needing access to a type of antechamber before one can master the main control tower. These control sites serve as a built-in security system to protect the Planetary Star Gates from FAs who want to dominate or manipulate our Universal Templar Complex. Some Cue Sites are located near their corresponding Planetary Star Gate such as Al Basrah, Iraq (Cue Site 10) and Abadan, Iran (Planetary Star Gate-10). Other Cue Sites are geographically distant from their corresponding Planetary Star Gate such as Kauai, Hawaii (Cue Site-12) and Montsegur, France (Planetary Star Gate-12). The 12 Cue Sites, which trigger activation of Earth’s 12 Star Gates, were installed by the GA over 550 million years ago due to Universal Templar Complex damage. The 12 Cue Sites are
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geographical sites on Earth connected to the 12 Crystal Pylon Temple Star Gate Sites of Inner Earth, which are designed to down-step Source’s frequencies into our damaged Veca Universe. Without this structure in place, the incoming frequencies during a Star Gate opening cycle would be too high for our planet—they would concentrate at Earth’s core, and then cause implosion. Personal Star Gates obviously correspond to the physical anatomy. To give an example, personal Star Gate-4 is the left ovary for women and the left ureter for men. Planetary Star Gate-4 is located at Giza, Egypt. Galactic Star Gate-4 is Mars, and Universal Star Gate-4 happens to be our Sun. Cue Site 4, which activates Planetary Star Gate-4 at Giza, is located at Aguascalientes, Mexico. What Is A Stellar Activations Cycle? Another name for a Star Gate opening cycle is a Stellar Activations Cycle, or SAC for short. During a SAC, the Star Gates of our Universal Templar Complex align and open, allowing for inter-dimensional travel (provided the Divine Blueprint is intact). The Star Gates (Kathara Spheres) of our individual bodies begin to sequentially align with the Star Gates of Earth, with the Star Gates of the galaxy, and with the Star Gates of the universe. This multiple Star Gate alignment allows for the natural ascension process to occur. From the time that Universal Star Gate-12 was blown up (the true Original Sin), the FAs have sought control of the Star Gates of our Universal Templar Complex. As they would conquer the Star Gates one by one, the GA would intervene to help us regain control—and then the FAs would return for another conquest! This drama has been like a finely tuned chess game. It is important to recognize that the GA, as the noble guardians they truly are, have had to exercise care—to help us when needed, but without interfering with our Free Will decisions or assuming the responsibility of our evolutionary process for us. But there does come a time when direct intervention is not only useful, but imperative. Control of our Star Gates means control of our Time Matrix. Whoever has control of the most Star Gates (as well as the more strategic and important ones) during a SAC can win the living food that belongs to those Star Gates. In other words, the FAs with the most Star Gates (and the right ones) will be able to suck the attached consciousness or life force of those Star Gates into one of two competing Black Hole systems
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What Are The Mechanics Involved In Ascension? This section may seem a little technical, but it is important to understand ascension mechanics, since ascension directly relates to what we might expect to see between now and December 21, 2012. Ascension is a science that allows for the evolution of consciousness from simple to more complex forms through a structured, multidimensional system. As we mentioned in earlier chapters, “evolution” implies that “time” is involved with the progression of consciousness. Ascension mechanics involve: ♦
Stellar Activations Cycle (SAC), or Star Gate opening cycle. This enables a clear passage through which a Particle Conversion and timeline shift (ascension) can take place. Particle Conversion. This enables matter to move to higher planes on The Stairway to Heaven. Particle Conversion takes place during a SAC. For now, it’s important to know about the two main phases, where the first phase involves the conversion (or ascension) of the electrical particles of matter, and the second phase involves the conversion (or ascension) of the magnetic particles. Timeline shift. This aligns the converted particles with the new higher plane reality system. The new reality system is on a different timeline axis determined by angular rotation of particles spin. A shift to this new axis creates time acceleration phenomena as Earth and its life forms ascend.
It takes Earth’s axis 26,556 years to make a 360-degree rotation. Natural Star Gate passage (ascension) is possible only once in 26,556 years. (Ascension can also occur through manual override of Star Gate passage, which is discussed later in Chapter 9.) Normally, an actual complete ascension cycle lasts 4,426 years, because there needs to be time to build up to the actual opening of the Star Gates. When Star Gates open, massive amounts of frequency come pouring into the Earth’s Planetary Grids. If there were not a gradual buildup to this event, life forms would not be able to handle the charge. The midpoint of Earth’s ascension cycle originally intended to take place in 2017, and the end-point—the peak of the buildup of energies—was scheduled to take place in 4,230 AD.
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However, the artificial Frequency Fences and other FA anti-Christos technologies of conquest —which have put our entire Time Matrix in danger—have caused the need for intervention. GA intervention is currently helping Earth and its life forms to rapidly accelerate its evolutionary ascension process. This is outlined in Chapter 11 detailing the upcoming 3-Day Particle Conversion; but for now, know that we are currently in the midst of the 2000 - 2017 SAC, during which ascension can take place. During a SAC, the lower dimensional energy capsules dissolve and transmit their particle content up to a new timeline (into the future!). As we discussed in Part I, all planets, life forms, and consciousness are made of particles. With the opening of each of the 12 Earth Star Gates, corresponding frequencies from Dimensions 5 through 9 enter Earth and its life forms as waves of infusions of Ultra High Frequency (UHF). This causes particle pulsation rhythms to increase in speed. Once the sequential opening and alignment of the Star Gates is complete, a final beam of UHF energy can then pass from the Meta-Galactic Core in Dimension-8 through all of the Harmonic Universes. This beam is known alternately as the Universal Maharata Current, the Holographic Beam, and the Photon Belt. Photons (which are super-luminal protons) are created by the fusion of multidimensional particles and anti-particles. The Photon Belt to which modern astronomers refer is the residual energy left over from the last ascension cycle. As these infusions cause particle pulsation rhythms (frequency) to increase, the activation at the planetary level triggers the activations of human beings who “wake up” in consciousness— because remember, the activation of particles corresponds to an activation in both biology and consciousness. Many Indigos are waking up to the mission they are called to do—to assist in the ascension process in a number of ways, including helping others wake up so that they can ascend out of our Time Matrix too. During this current SAC, our concepts of time and reality are sure to be challenged. Our notions of who we are and what makes us tick undergo transformation as our bodies receive new energies. These new energies are coming through in waves—to the Earth and reflected back to us by the Earth—triggering a natural activation process between Earth’s Planetary Grids (Earth’s DNA) and humans’ DNA Templates. You may remember from Part II that the human body is a bioelectrical energy conductor organically and energetically interconnected to
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Earth. Through this interconnected process, humans can assist in regenerating their own organic Christos Divine Blueprint while simultaneously helping to restore the integrity of Earth’s Shields. The Keylontic Science techniques can assist in this process (www.azuritepress.com). Some people will activate at a different rate than others. Those able to hold more energies (and thus activate more DNA) can help Earth’s Planetary Grids, and at the same help other humans to activate. As your body learns to hold more frequency, it expands the consciousness of Earth so that a timeline shift can be made. It is important to remember that the assistance we give the Earth is reciprocal. As we help to anchor energy into the Planetary Grids, the Planetary Grids then feed back those amplifications, thus helping anchor those energies in our own bodies even more. The Christos Realignment Mission All species on Earth were originally created to serve as conduits of frequency through which the GA Christos Realignment Mission of the Universal Templar Complex could take place. Angelic Humans and Indigos were entrusted to gradually bring in Dimension-12 Christos frequency to the Earth through their DNA templates. The ultimate goal was to draw in the required amount of frequency to assist all 4 Harmonic Universes in this Time Matrix to reconnect to the Divine Blueprint of the Universal Templar Complex. However, plans don’t always go as anticipated. The GA Christos Realignment Mission failed during the last SAC of 22,326 BC. That SAC was abruptly, manually stopped. The GA needed to close Earth’s Star Gates before they phase-locked in the “open” position, as this would have allowed the FAs to have control of this planet and this Time Matrix. The Final Conflict Drama was held off until our current SAC, scheduled to occur from 2000 - 2017. SACs are joyful occurrences when the planet possesses its Divine Blueprint. Beings can play in other dimensions and discover more about themselves. But if the planet’s blueprint is damaged, a SAC can be problematic, since the planet is vulnerable to pole shift with FA control of the Star Gates. During the time of a much earlier SAC in 208,216 BC, the WesedakDrakonians had invaded Inner Earth, which led to a partial pole shift of Earth. A partial pole shift causes the Earth to wobble on its axis; and a complete pole shift causes the Earth to flip upside down. Pole shifts are so cataclysmic, total planetary populations can be wiped out. As a result of the partial—but still cataclysmic—pole shift in 208,216 BC, Earth was reverted to a
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Base-10 anti-Christos template from the Base-12 Christos template (also known as the Christos 12-Code Pulse). Since then, the Divine Blueprint and Merkaba Fields of all Earth life have been severely damaged—and hence, so has their natural, open two-way connection to Source. Given Earth’s change from a Christos 12-Code Pulse to an anti-Christos 10-Code Pulse, our current SAC in particular would have had enormous repercussions for all life forms on Earth. Unless Dimension-12 frequency could be anchored before the SAC began, Earth would have been extremely vulnerable to any anti-Christos technologies. Without the help of Dimension-12 frequency, the Indigo Children’s Planetary Grid work—such as with the necessary Rainbow Roundtables (see Chapter 6)—would be so much less effective in protecting both Earth and Inner Earth’s Star Gates from FA final control. For, once the FAs seize Star Gate control during a SAC, they no longer need the DNA templates of Earth’s populations as keys to unlock the Star Gates. Earth’s populations, their DNA no longer needed, would be totally expendable. The FAs have always sought the opportunity to orchestrate pole shift to clear the real estate for themselves and then return when the dust settled. This time, it seemed as though their plan would succeed for sure. By Divine grace, the pendulum once more swung in our direction. On January 1, 2000, Indigo Children successfully anchored the Christos Dimension-12 frequency in Earth—and Earth’s Christos 12-Code Pulse was finally restored for the first time since the 208,216 BC SAC. Since 208,216 BC, Earth and its life forms have been trapped in the Density-1 time cycle, having already missed seven chances for ascension in a row! Finally after all that time, Earth’s Star Gates are fully opening with the potential of ascension. With Christos Dimension-12 frequency now available to us, rapid repair of our Divine Blueprint is possible. The Keylontic Science techniques outlined in Chapter 12 (and available in their entirely at www.azuritepress.com) will expedite this repair.
Now that higher frequencies were anchored in the Earth with the 12-Code Pulse, the GA was able to implement their Plan A, which would override the negative programs put into place by the FA groups. Anchoring of the Divine Blueprint would allow for ascension—thus fulfilling the 22,326 BC Christos Realignment Mission—if enough Base-12 frequency could activate in the Earth before 2003.
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The GA and Indigos were so successful, that unfortunately the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR triggered an early initiation of the BeaST on March 23, 2002. The implications were huge for Earth in terms of ascension. Plan A was no longer valid. Plan B Level-3 Evacuation went into effect immediately as an emergency ascension plan—and an unfortunate alternative—since the many on Earth who did not have enough time to activate their personal DNA templates would not be able to ascend. The BeaST was triggered so far ahead of schedule, that the Dimension-12 frequency had not had ample time to build critical mass. Ironically, on November 24, 2002, this plan changed yet again—but to our utmost benefit! Because the Wesedrak-Drakonians amplified the BeaST, Plan B Level-6 Evacuation was issued by the GA to Angelic Humans and Indigo Children. This plan involves a new buffer safe zone, known as the Arc Zone (see Chapter 11). With this protective frequency cushion, many, many more will have time to ascend.
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Chapter 9 The Real “Judgement” Day
Many problems arise when we look for God outside of ourselves. Now that we know the mechanics of creation—that, as individual, stepped-down faces of God, we were originally intended to have eternal life and are all potential (if not actual) Ascended Masters—it’s a little hard to swallow the stories of a harsh, punitive figurehead that judges us for what we do or don’t do. Most conventional religions have components designed to separate us from Source. If we were truly connected to the unconditional love that suffuses all creation, we would have no need to externalize the Creator in this way. We would also have no need to punish ourselves, for being alienated from Source is its own, sufficiently painful punishment. The so-called “laws of karma” presented by the “New Age” movement contain similar errors. It has been heavily promoted that karma works in a kind of “crime and punishment” fashion: you did something bad to someone in a previous life, and when you meet that person again while on the wheel of reincarnation, there is a cellular memory that both of you carry and now it is the other person’s chance to do to you what you had done to them. Put another way, if you were formerly a victimizer, now it’s your turn to collect and become the victim so you learn how that feels. This is a kind of reversed “golden rule”—do unto others what they did to you before, regardless of whether those deeds are nasty or nice. With the distortions still in our Divine Blueprint, it should come as no surprise that the true understanding of what karma actually is has become distorted as well. It is true that we meet many of those with whom we had contact in other lives. But if God is not a punishing figure, neither is the cosmos—how could that be?—because the cosmos is a part of God! In actuality, karma operates according to the frequency in our templates. The antiChristos distortions that are already there, if not corrected, continue to collect and increase the amount of anti-Christos distortions that you draw to yourself. On the other hand, if you already have a healthy Divine Blueprint, providing you make Free Will choices that are in accordance with the Law of Divine Love, you continue to accrue and increase the Christos unconditional love that you draw to yourself and to your reality field.
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We can use the analogy of magnetism to show how this works. Say you have many thousands of little magnets, the kind you put on the refrigerator door in your kitchen. If you use one magnet to pick up another magnet, you strengthen the magnetic field. Those two magnets, in turn, can be used to pick up more magnets—and soon, you have strengthened the magnetic field so that you can pick up even more, and heavier, magnets. The power of attraction—what you draw into our own reality through frequency—works the same way. Remember that thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and experiences—just like physical objects—are comprised of units of consciousness (particles). It is these units of consciousness that create our reality field, or hologram. What we believe to be “reality” may appear as objects or “factual” concepts instead of particles, but this simply reflects the limitations in our perception right now. It doesn’t change how reality works. Thus, the popularized notion of karma that says we deserve what’s coming to us because we misbehaved, is wrong. In truth, people tend to attract to them those patterns that vibrate the most strongly in their templates. If the particles are not correctly flashing on and off in their flash-line sequences; if the symbol codes lack the correct mathematical relationships; if the colors are the wrong shade or hue; if the sound tones of the songs are out of tune or backward —these all have an effect on our reality system, and on what we do or don’t draw to us. So in a way, changing our reality system is a rather impersonal affair. Knowing the mechanics of creation (which the Keylontic Science techniques address) can help us fix our templates—and hence, our fields and our reality. But there is another component to this as well. Our emotional bodies have become stunted, and in many cases completely shut down. It takes strength, courage, and maturity to get out of the polarity consciousness that says you’re either a victim or a victimizer. When we engage in the blame game, we are doing more than perpetuating something we don’t want: we are outright denying our divinity. The perpetuation of victim/victimizer roles takes away our responsibility for our own lives and puts it in the hands of something external to us. “They did this to me, it’s their fault,” or “I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time” are examples of playing the victim. When people habitually see themselves as victims and play that role, in a devious way they are actually being victimizers. Why? Because in trying to elicit pity, attention, and reassurance from others, they are covertly manipulating others to fix it for them. This ends up draining power and energy from others. It also denies the true self-empowerment of the “victim.”
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Similarly, judging someone is really a form of (sometimes subtly) victimizing them. The roles of victim and victimizer—neither of which expresses a loving, Christos stance—are opposite sides of the same coin. Being involved in the blame game perpetuates the notion that we are powerless to change either ourselves or our circumstances. When we do this, we deny God— in ourselves, in each other, and throughout all of creation. The loss or decrease of our connection to Source can make us feel alienated, alone, unhappy, angry, and depressed. The solution is to own our connection to Source. In doing so, we cannot help but become powerful. But this power is not the power-over others that is so prevalent on Earth right now. Rather, true power consists of self-mastery—such as The 12 Lessons, Attitudes and Responsibilities of Spiritual Mastery that are taught along with the Keylontic Science techniques. There is no way around it: we must make correct choices to help restore the Divine Blueprint. This chapter is all about making the correct choices—what happens when we do, and what happens when we don’t. Taking the Path of Joy or the Path of Sorrow has been a choice—a choice that, in most instances, can be changed. The Trial Cycle and Tribulation Cycle A creation with Divine Blueprint damage becomes diverted from the Path of Joy. To realign with the Path of Joy, an individual has two options. With less Divine Blueprint damage—and hence less risk of Monadic Reversal—a being can take the Path of Conscious Evolution (or Path of the God Seed). Those on this path have retained much of their core integrity and have not abused the laws of Free Will to any extreme degree. This path allows for the most rapid restoration of Merkaba, leading to re-establishment of the more direct, open, personal connection to Source and its corresponding Christos attributes of consciousness. The Path of Conscious Evolution can be accomplished rapidly in a single lifetime. We will discuss the second path in more depth, since it applies to Earth’s current situation. With greater Divine Blueprint damage and closer proximity to Monadic Reversal, a being can take the Path of Redemption (or Path of the Host). This path allows a given creation to set right whatever it had set wrong. Reflecting a slower healing process over a series of lifetimes, this path encourages beings to turn inward to their own inner Christos as their natural source of power, so that they can understand how they have relinquished their power to outside
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sources. This is the last resort for those who have become trapped in the anti-Christos illusions of the Path of Sorrow. The healing and spiritual discipline required to restore one’s template to Base-12 again can create the illusion that Source is a taskmaster. But, as we have already stated, Source does not render punishment. Rather, “the path itself is the perceived punishment.” This can apply to most beings choosing the Path of Redemption, since they are likely unconscious during this realignment and are thus subject to perceiving Source as a punishing figure. Not surprisingly, planet Earth and most of its life forms are currently on this latter unconscious path. The last stage of this Path of Sorrow—before the possibility of full Monadic Reversal—is known as the Trial Cycle. Earth entered its Trial Cycle during the last SAC in 22,326 BC, when the Christos Realignment Mission was stalemated (discussed in the last chapter). If the Trial Cycle is successful, the Path of Redemption (also known as Path of the Host) becomes the Path of Mercy, and Monadic Reversal is averted through a Host Matrix. A Host Matrix simply means that a “host” is required to assist a given creation in its evolutionary or ascension process, because it cannot ascend on its own due to its level of Divine Blueprint damage. However, sufficient Dimension-12 frequency must be anchored by the end of the Trial Cycle so that a being can remain on the Path of Redemption and ascend. If the Trial Cycle is unsuccessful, the being faces the final stage of Monadic Reversal in the 11th Hour Tribulation Cycle. Earth entered its Tribulation Cycle on March 23, 2002, due to early initiation of the BeaST (fully activated on May 27th, 2003). The Tribulation Cycle is a short sub-cycle of time where the Christos and anti-Christos forces emerge in full expression in a Final Conflict Drama (discussed shortly), experienced as a battle between good and evil. Not only will Earth experience this Final Conflict Drama on a planetary level, but populations will experience this drama in their own lives. After the Final Conflict Drama, the Earth will enter Judgment Day on August 12, 2003. However, depending on who is experiencing this day, it can also be experienced as the Day of Celebration. Judgment Day is not an event of Source passing judgment upon the good and evil, casting evil-doers into “Hell” and selecting for ascension to “Heaven” only those who are “fit.” Rather, it is a natural law of physics by which the internal electromagnetic battle between
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the Christos Seed Atom and Merkaba Reversal reaches critical mass. Only one Seed Atom will prevail: Christos or anti-Christos. But whatever the outcome, there will be a gentle separation of the two. If Merkaba Reversal leading to Monadic Reversal can be prevented, the antiChristos Seed Atom will not be created and the being can be “hosted” through its ascension. The final separation will be experienced as Judgement Day only by those beings who lack sufficient core integrity and cannot avoid Monadic Reversal by August 2003. This will be described in detail in Chapter 10. In a very real sense, the “us” that judges, that plays into the dramas of polarity, is actually our DNA templates. If we can anchor frequencies from Dimension-12 up, to help us connect with our higher identities during this time, we may begin to see how connected we are to everyone and everything. We may begin to see how we can make appropriate Free Will choices—as each choice reflects either higher or lower frequency that directly affects our ability to ascend. Those who undergo Monadic Reversal will unknowingly perceive a lack of connection with Source, to ourselves and to all others. Thus, they judge because they perceive an external judge and not their own connection. They don’t understand that the “judgements” they see are a direct result of individual actions and poor Free Will choices. The Day of Celebration will begin a most positive and encouraging time of what is called the “Great Cleansing and Renewal Cycle.” It is like getting up on a beautiful morning and realizing that it truly is a new day, that anything negative you’ve kept hidden in the shadow part of yourself has been purged forever—as we begin to reconnect with who we really are, as magnificent, eternal beings! This renewal, called the HE-Thar-O Cycle or Second Coming of Krist, will be discussed in Chapter 10. For now, just know that the highest frequencies of Source, from the original level of creation at the First Krist Template, will be streaming all the way down The Stairway to Heaven to Reset the Divine Blueprint. This “second coming” will facilitate a gentle separation between the Christos and the anti-Christos Seed Atoms. Those parts of creation with less than 31-33% Divine Blueprint left will experience Judgement Day, as they enter the Path of Diminishing Return. Those parts of creation with 31-33% or more Divine Blueprint left will experience the Day of Celebration, as they enter the Path of Replenishing Return. As of April 2003, everything changed regarding an expedited timeline and the actual percentages of Divine Blueprint required. Further updates can be obtained from
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the Azurite Press website (www.azuritepress.com). You may expect frequent updates, as we are currently in the midst of the Final Conflict Drama. The Final Conflict Drama The Tribulation Cycle in which we currently find ourselves is appropriately named the 11th Hour, as the Final Conflict Drama culminates. To summarize briefly, Earth is considered prime real estate by the Fallen Angelics because its position as a Universal Star Gate provides access out of this Time Matrix, and into other Time Matrices in other universes. During a Stellar Activations Cycle, the FAs can seize control of Earth’s Star Gate, and collapse Earth and our living Time Matrix into one of two competing Black Holes. With Inner Earth’s Star Gate control, they could also attempt to attack The Stairway to Heaven all the up to Source. It is a relief to all sides that this Final Conflict Drama is now coming to an end, resolving 250-billion-year-old argument. The argument began with the blowing up of Universal Star Gate-12. This produced distortions in the Divine Blueprint of two FA groups, which came to be known as the Wesedak-Annunaki and the Wesedrak-Drakonians. With their connection to Source seriously impaired, the Wesedak-Annunaki artificially constructed Dimension-13 reversed current. This current was designed to destroy the entire Stairway to Heaven for control of Source, to access a perpetual flow of “energy food,” and direct it into their Black Hole. The Wesedrak-Drakonians intended to amplify the artificial Dimension-13 reversed current and redirect it into their Black Hole. The FAs’ DNA have become so mutated, they actually think their plan to take over Source itself can work! Remember from our discussion in Chapter 1 how higher consciousness is comprised of organized structure containing memory. Consciousness made of unorganized particles has less memory and can lead to gross distortions of thought patterns that eventually destroy one’s original identity. So the FAs do not realize—and still do not realize—that they are even connected to an unconditionally loving Source, or that Source even has an automatic override mechanism to prevent any anti-Christos threat to the God Worlds. This mechanism, which we will explain in detail in Chapters 10 and 11, is an amazing “reset” that involves us all…right now! It is called the HE-Thar-O Cycle. Before we address Source’s plan for resetting all of creation, however, it will be helpful to give a brief background of our current events so that we can better understand the Final Conflict Drama as it has been unfolding.
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As discussed earlier, the last SAC of 22,326 BC ended in a stalemate. It was understood that due to the natural cycles of when Star Gates open, the Final Conflict Drama would take place during the next 2000-2017 SAC. Then in 1992—after losing significant control of Earth’s Planetary Grids in the 1980s (and thus the potential for the coveted Star Gate control—the Wesedak-Annunaki decided to sign an agreement to join the Emerald Covenant. This was a ruse, since they were covertly rebuilding their ground with Planetary Grid control in preparation for the 2000-2017 SAC. By September 12, 2000, the Wesedak-Annunaki had gained so much ground, they defected the Christos Emerald Covenant agenda for their own anti-Christos motives. Out of fear—sensing that their own Wesedrak-Drakonian side was going to lose in the Final Conflict Drama, and knowing how much Planetary Grid control the Wesedak-Annunaki had gained in those short 8 years—some of the Drakonians joined the Wesedak-Annunaki. This fear-based alliance was called the United Intruder Resistance (UIR). This reorganization resulted in 2 FA groups: the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR and the WesedrakDrakonians. Both of these groups still carried the same objective in wanting the “prime real estate” of Earth and its inhabitants. Then on January 1, 2000, the Indigo Children had a grand victory. Dimension-12 frequency was anchored on planet Earth for the first time since 208,216 BC reverting it back to a Christos 12-code pulse. As a result, a SAC commenced on May 5, 2000. This gave Angelic Humans and Indigos a decided advantage—if they could wake up in time and avail themselves of this Christos frequency to facilitate rapid restoration of the Divine Blueprint of themselves and Earth. The FAs never expected success from the Angelic Humans, Indigos, and their Guardian Alliance inter-dimensional friends. Their plans for a clean, easy takeover were foiled. In celebration of the day before their one-year anniversary, the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR triggered the September 11, 2001, World Trade Towers and Pentagon disaster—a signal to the Wesedrak-Drakonians of their determination to fight outright for Earth’s Star Gates! This day, famously known as 9/11, was the first phase of The Final Conflict Drama. Targeted sub-sonic pulses were delivered to the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Why? Because both are key Planetary Grid sites. A third site, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, was also targeted, but this plan fell through. None of this was haphazard. Using
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psychotronic (mind control) technologies (see Chapter 5), the FA groups triggered bin Laden groups to create a smoke screen of kamikaze pilots so that the sub-sonic pulses to these areas could be cloaked. For, had the buildings collapsed from these powerful anti-Christos sound frequencies without the distraction, the public would have been inclined to investigate the incident more thoroughly. These harmful sound frequencies successfully linked 2 of 3 targeted sites into the portions of the APINs (discussed in Chapter 7) controlled by the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR. “Trumpet” Technology, in which the Wesedak-Annunaki specialize, involves physical instrumentation literally shaped like trumpets that creates and projects sub-space sonic beams to desired longrange targets. These are the real trumpets to which the Biblical Revelation stories allude. Although this technology can be used with loving intention to benefit others, in the hands of the FAs, the Trumpet can cause instantaneous shattering of a target, thus becoming a weapon of mass destruction. Other dramatic currents have also been the direct result of FA ploys and FA technology. The recent war in Iraq, part of the final phase of The Final Conflict Drama and another cloaked event, relates to control of one of the last important pieces of Earth’s Star Gate control—Star Gate 10. As mentioned earlier, Star Gate 10 is located in Iran and its activation site, Cue Site 10, is located in Iraq. The Wesedrak-Drakonians want this living Time Matrix for their own Black Hole. But the Base-10 Wesedrak-Drakonians cannot attempt to control anything higher than Star Gate 10. The Base-11 Wesedak-Annunaki can pull in fodder from the 11th level. Hence, the fight over Star Gate 10 is especially fierce. In Chapter 3, we explained the creation mechanics of sound. In the above case, sound was used to advance one of two anti-Christos agendas in this Final Conflict Drama. But both FA agendas have the same goal—Planetary Grid control, subsequent Star Gate control of Earth, and finally Star Gate control of Inner Earth and The Stairway to Heaven. On March 23, 2002, the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR went too far. In initiating the BeaST technology with their Blue Death Sword, they triggered Source’s built-in, frequency-based override mechanism. This mechanism (called Arc Auto Pilot—discussed next section) caused the beginning of a partial HE-Thar-O Cycle (discussed next chapter) in which half of The Stairway to Heaven would be affected (Eckasha down to Veca). At this point, the situation
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looked pretty grim for Earth’s populations, as Dimension-12 frequency—which had been anchored on Earth only since January 1, 2000—had not had enough time to reach critical mass. This meant that far too many would not be able to ascend in time because they had not yet repaired enough of their Divine Blueprint. Therefore, in response, the GA switched from their prior Plan A agenda to a more current Plan B Level-3 Evacuation agenda. Meanwhile, in response to the Blue Death Sword, the Wesedrak-Drakonians had their own plans for the same BeaST amplifying it on November 24, 2002 with their Green Spear of Destiny. This action really took it past the point of no return. Now, because Earth—and the entire Stairway to Heaven, from the Krist down to Veca—were in the most possible danger, Source’s Arc Auto Pilot override mechanism was triggered once again (on December 5, 2002) to a full HE-Thar-O Cycle. In response, the GA switched to the highest protection plan for creation, Level-6 Evacuation agenda. As it turned out, this was a blessing; for as a result, more of Earth’s populations will be able to ascend since this plan involves the Arc Zone. The Arc Zone will protect a large part of creation with significantly distorted blueprints so that the process of healing may occur. If one of the two FA forces successfully obtain control of Earth’s Star Gates, the FA plan is to stage a mass public landing on Earth. They will pretend to be our friends to obtain complete cooperation of “sleeping” Indigos and Angelic Humans (and their DNA templates!) for final control of the Arc of the Covenant Star Gate system (discussed in the next section). This would give them access to Inner Earth’s Star Gates and The Stairway to Heaven. At this point, Earth’s populations would be dispensable. Pole shift would be orchestrated to wipe out Angelic Human Seeding-3. The FAs’ mission to attempt to take over Source (for an unlimited supply of life force) would commence. Unfortunately, the FAs have become so mutated and alienated from the love of Source, they do not realize that this very twisted plan will never work. The next important date is May 27, 2003—the day the BeaST activates to capture the final piece (us!) of our targeted Time Matrix. The competing Blue Death Sword and Green Spear of Destiny will simultaneously begin transmission of powerful sub-sonic anti-Christos pulses through Earth and its life forms. At that same precise moment, the Source-aligned Amoraea Flame (13th Pillar) will be initiated in Earth’s Shields during the HE-Thar-O Peak (discussed in Chapter 10). Anything with less than 31%-33% Divine Blue Print will realize Monadic Reversal, irreversibly marked as “fodder” for one of two competing FA Black Hole systems. Conversely,
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anything with 31-33% or more Divine Blueprint will begin to experience The Great Healing on the Day of Celebration (discussed in Chapter 11). On Judgment Day or the Day of Celebration, August 12th, 2003, final, gentle separation will take place between the Christos and anti-Christos creations. The Arc of the Covenant Both the Ark (think “gold box”) and the Arc (think “electrical arc”) of the Covenant are real in tangible, physical terms. Their existence and history have long been shrouded in mystery, intentionally hidden by the various competing FA factions that have had access to Earth’s holy books and rewritten them, retaining pieces of the truth in code. The concept of the “Ark” of the Covenant as a gold box of some significance is familiar to many people through their reading of religious texts, as are the terms the Rod and the Staff. What is not so widely known is that the Rod and Staff are radioactive Star Gate tools that allow for manual opening of Star Gates, in case Star Gate passage is needed outside of a normal SAC. To explain the Rod and Staff tools, we need to go back in history a bit. Five and a half million years ago, after the Electric Wars, the GA installed the Earth/Phantom “Wall in Time” barrier to prevent Earth from descending into Phantom Matrix (the partially fallen Black Hole). In 10,500 BC, the Wesedak-Annunaki Phoenix Wormhole and Wesedak-Drakonian Falcon Wormhole were bored into the Wall in Time, after which the GA secured a temporary cap on both Wormholes. In 9560 BC, the temporary GA cap was blown off of the Phoenix and Falcon Wormholes by the FAs to stage “The Great Atlantian Flood” of 9558 BC. Just before the “The Great Flood,” two objects were charged with UHF energy—namely, the Rod and Staff. At this time, these tools were given to facilitate an open relationship between trusted Angelic Humans (of the Egyptian cultures at that time) and Inner Earth, since the Star Gates could not be opened with human bodies due to damaged DNA templates. Star Gate passage with these tools was allowed on an emergency or limited basis only—since Earth’s 10-Code Pulse distortion (from 208,216 BC) would leave Inner Earth vulnerable each time passage occurred.
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In addition to opening Star Gates, the Rod and Staff have the ability to promote rapid healing, create anti-gravity phenomenon, influence weather patterns, and to engrave, as they are also lasers. The Rod is a small, cylindrical object, flat on one side and made of gold. It houses a small portion of Earth’s Dimension-2 orange-gold frequency. Next to crystals, gold carries the highest frequencies on Earth. The Staff, also made of gold, is about 3 feet long. It contains several crystalline stones and houses a minute portion of Tara’s Dimension-5 blue frequency (Tara is Earth’s “Soul Identity of Being” in Harmonic Universe-2, and Gaia is Earth’s “Oversoul Identity of Being” in Harmonic Universe-3). These two objects were stored in the Ark box. The Ark is a lead-lined gold chest energetically charged with a frequency barrier to prevent the Rod and Staff energies from escaping while the objects are in storage. This chest could only be opened by people with the required level of frequency and coding in their DNA. Each tool was powerful in its own right. For example, the parting of the Red Sea was triggered by the Rod in the hands of the being who became known as Moses. Moses also used this tool to scribe the Biblical 10 Commandments, which were intentional distortions to create fear and promote an externalized God—far from the intent of the original 12 Commandments (described below). For the Rod and Staff to be used for Star Gate opening, it was necessary to have both tools in the box in the right place at the right time. Much of the history of the last 10,000 years, including the true background to the Christ and King Arthur missions, revolved around the whereabouts of the Rod and Staff—and, just as importantly, who controlled them. For example, the legendary sword Excalibur was designed to conceal the Staff from the FAs who were attempting to gain control of it. One of the main purposes of the Arthurian mission was to get the Ark box and its tools to where they needed to be in time for the 2000-2017 SAC. This mission was performed successfully by King Arthur and the Indigo Children in 608 AD, when the Ark box was buried in Europe in a location known in ancient times as Lohas, Atlantis. They remain hidden to this day. In time, the Ark in which the Rod and Staff were stored became known as the Arc of the Covenant. The true meaning of the “Arc” of the Covenant became lost to all but a select few who remembered the true significance of these terms.
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There is more to understanding the “Arc” of the Covenant, however. This requires some historical background. Five hundred fifty million years ago, just prior to the fall of Tara in the “Sirian Rebellion,” the GA formed The Covenant of Palaidor, setting in motion the rescue mission to help the trapped souls of Tara. Part of that agreement involved the Sphere of Amenti, a gestalt of consciousness that took on the shape of a sphere. The sphere contained the frequencies of pre-Fall Tara (Tara fell 550 million years ago in the Sirian Rebellion). The sphere also contained the blueprints for the 12-strand DNA human race prototype (which would become Angelic Human Seeding-1). The Sphere of Amenti was placed within the core of the Earth. This allowed a portal link to be established between the core of Earth in Dimension-2 and the core of Tara in Dimension-5. The portals within the Sphere of Amenti’s fields are known as the Halls of Amenti (or Amenti Star Gate system). They are the specific dimensional passageways or Star Gates one must use to incarnate and ascend through to get to and leave from Earth, respectively. Though numerous other portals between Earth and Tara existed, after Tara’s fall these portals had become unstable and their operations unpredictable. The Sphere of Amenti created a stable portal structure that, once operational, would stabilize the other portals and allow open transit between Earth and Tara for beings possessing genetic codes that could endure portal transit. Through the Sphere of Amenti, a bridge was constructed between Tara’s precataclysmic past and future tracks (or cycles) of time. The Sphere of Amenti had other functions as well. It held the blueprint for the human template, counterpart Gaia, as well as all life forms on those planets. If one of these planets were trapped in thus giving hope for the ascension and continued evolution for Earth, Tara, and their Dimension-7 time, they would all be trapped, and ascension would not be possible during normal ascension cycles. When the Sphere of Amenti was placed in Earth’s core 550 million years ago, it took time for Earth to evolve and pick up grid speed before the races that were sent through the Sphere of Amenti could begin to appear on Earth (250 million years ago). The first races represented Seeding-1 of the 12 Angelic Human Tribes, out of which the present Seeding-3 human lineage has emerged.
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From the Sphere of Amenti, five smaller spheres were created and these became the template patterns for five races known as the Cloistered Races who served as “Guardians”— each of which took responsibility for the evolution of specific DNA strands. (These races included the Ur-Antrians, Breanoua, Hibiru, Melchizedeks, and Yunaseti.) Unfortunately, in quick response to the Angelic Human seeding, the FAs created the Annunaki to destroy them, and Angelic Human Seeding-1 was destroyed 5.5 million years ago. Then, 850,000 years ago, at the beginning of the Thousand Years War, the Wesedak-Annunaki planned to destroy the Sphere of Amenti in order to use humans as a worker race. This would prevent further incarnation or ascension via the Amenti Star Gate passage, trapping those souls in Density-1 once again. It was now no longer safe to keep the Sphere of Amenti within Earth’s core. The sphere was removed from Earth and placed within a secure location in the Dimension-9 Andromeda Galaxy 849,000 years ago. Its removal from Earth led to climactic and geographical changes, including widespread flooding. This was the real background of the Biblical flood stories. By 848,800 BC, Angelic Human Seeding-2 was destroyed. Once Earth settled, the GA would have to orchestrate Angelic Human Seeding-3. But this could no longer be done directly through Earth’s core since the Sphere of Amenti (which held the blueprint for the human template) was still in the Andromeda galaxy. Thus, a new portal bridge needed to be created between the Andromeda Galaxy and Earth. This inter-galactic bridge, constructed by the GA 840,000 years ago, was called the Arch of the Emerald Covenant of Palaidor. It later became known as the Arc of the Covenant. Through this “Arc” portal passage system, the race souls of the Sphere of Amenti could once again be re-seeded on Earth. However, this portal was designed to act as a one-way door: souls could descend through its passageway, but could not return to the Sphere of Amenti’s fields for ascension unless they had Dimension-5 coding in their gene structure. This “genetic ticket to freedom” and ascension became known as the Shield of the Arc. Originally, Angelic Humans were all born with an active Shield of the Arc, which allowed them open access to, and guardianship of, Earth’s Arc of the Covenant passage. However, in the 75,500 BC Inner Earth Rebellion, the Wesedak-Annunaki attempted to invade Inner Earth via Earth’s Arc of the Covenant Star Gates. Because of the risk to the Ecka God worlds,
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following 75,500 BC, all Angelic Humans were born without an active Shield of the Arc in their 12-strand DNA templates. This subsequent Dimension-5 Seal of the Arc of the Covenant was designed to be released, once a certain proportion of the Earth’s population had repaired the 5th DNA strand and made it fully operational again. Knowledge of the Arc of the Covenant passage and its mechanics is knowledge of such power and magnitude that it has been the hidden core motivation behind every human war since Seeding-3 began in 798,000 BC. In the hands of FAs, this knowledge could be used to compromise Inner Earth’s Star Gates and thus prevent the GA from assisting Earth during the FAs’ planned Final Conflict Drama of 2000-2017 AD. If inter-dimensional politics had not escalated to a point of crisis, the Arc of the Covenant passage would have gradually, over the course of about 2,000 years, allowed for the return of the Sphere of Amenti to Earth. Should the Ecka God Worlds and higher God Worlds ever be in danger of attack by the FAs, the Arc passage was designed to act as an emergency override system all the way up to the First Krist Template of The Stairway To Heaven. The Arc Auto Pilot would trigger an unnatural, partial or complete HE-Thar-O Cycle or Second Coming of Krist—thus “resetting the cosmic clock” (discussed in Chapter 11) of creation back to the original Christos Divine Blueprint. In an emergency, the Arc passage can anchor into its protective buffer zone any portions of Earth and its life forms that contain activated Shield of the Arc codes. This buffer zone is called the Arc of the Covenant Collective Golden Fleece Host Matrix Platform, also called the Arc Zone (described in Chapter 11). Being inside the Golden Fleece will prevent Black Hole fall during the 2000-2017 SAC. It will also align DNA templates to the timeline with which they are in greatest resonance. In other words, “Time Shifts” can be accomplished via the Amenti Star Gate system from the Arc Zone. To prepare for entry into the Arc Zone, the GA has started providing us with the 12 Commandments known as the Arc of the Covenant Symbol Codes. Specifically, the first and second Dimension-5 Security Arc Seal Code Sequence Techniques already given will quickly help Indigos and Angelic Humans:
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1) Activate the Dimension-5 Seal of the Arc of the Covenant, which in turn activates the Internal Rod and Staff, both necessary for controlling the Merkaba Vehicle. 2) Activate the Shield of the Arc, which in turn powers the Personal and Collective Golden Fleece. 3) Sever the Wesedak Matrix from their feed lines that are connected to our Shadow Bodies, to allow the Shadow Bodies to heal (see Chapter 7). 4) Put their Merkaba Counter-Rotating Spirals on autopilot with correct spin directions, speeds, and proportions. The Golden Fleece of the Arc Zone is activated during the transmission of Flame of Amoraea (13th Pillar—see last section) highest frequencies, provided the Shield of the Arc has been activated in the Personal and Planetary Shields. Those areas of Earth, life forms, and all consciousness that cannot be pulled into the Golden Fleece at that time due to inadequate Divine Blueprint remaining, will be pulled instead into one of the two FA Black Hole systems. Anything pulled into the Golden Fleece is literally frequency-sealed from, while remaining connected to, those areas of Earth and life forms that have not been pulled in. Through the use of the specialized 12 Commandments/Arc Codes mentioned above, the Golden Fleece is formed as an impermeable force field buffer of Ectoplasm comprised of the frequencies of Dimension-14 (pale yellow-gold), Dimension-12 (pale silver), and Dimension-8 (gold). Anything that has not been pulled into the Golden Fleece will eventually become undifferentiated bits of cosmic dust through a gentle separation.
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Chapter 10 The Cleansing: Bringing Back Base-12 The HE-Thar-O Cycle (March 23, 2002 - December 21, 2012) The word HE-Thar-O is from Anuhazi, the original spoken language of our Time Matrix. It means “The Great Silence,” indicating the Still-point which, as you may recall from our discussion of physics in Part I, is a space of ManU current that is neither electrical nor magnetic, but has a neutral charge. Despite its deceptively calm nomenclature, “The Great Silence” is not exactly neutral, given the activity that takes place during this time. A HE-Thar-O Cycle is a naturally-occurring phenomenon that replenishes energy from Source. It is active, vibrant, and crucial to the functioning of everything in creation. This is the great cleansing and renewal period that was predicted in the Hopi legends, the Mayan calendar, and in some of the Egyptian prophecies. Even though records concerning this event had been stolen and then destroyed in Atlantis, the ancients always knew that this event would occur and eagerly awaited its arrival—not just for Earth, but for our entire Time Matrix. This HE-Thar-O Cycle has also been known as The Second Coming of Krist. Interestingly, in the original Ancient Hebrew translations of the Bible, Christ was actually spelled with a “K.” Today in certain religions, this cycle is referred to as “The Second Coming of Christ.” However, it is not a person that is returning, but a new cycle of the replenishing of the Christos Seed Atom, which will reset creation back to its original Christos Divine Blueprint! Many events in this current HE-Thar-O Cycle will reflect this amazing phenomenon back to us on a 3D level. Why would we need a HE-Thar-O Cycle? You may recall from Part I that the First 15-Cell Kristos Seed Atom (at the level closest to Source) can be viewed as a spark of God energy at the AzurA (Center Point of Creation) that comes into a Base-12 template to manifest all downstepped creation. Likewise, all down-stepped manifest forms reflect this AzurA point. However, as each form expresses itself outward into manifestation, at a certain point the original spark of energy is expended. Now, Source originally intended that certain aspects of manifest creation be based not only on loving, co-creative Free Will expression, but also on perpetual motion and eternal life. Therefore, a way is needed to prevent creation from literally “burning out.” This is what a HE-Thar-O Cycle is for. When the original template eventually runs out of energy naturally, a certain point of frequency is reached that triggers Source to simply initiate a HE-
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Thar-O Cycle in which these “sparks of God energy,” are replenished by the release of a pulse of the Amoraea Flame, also known as the 13th Pillar (discussed in Chapter 2). That point is called the First Creation Point. Every creation comes into manifestation at a certain level of frequency. From there it “down-steps” into further manifestation and experience. As it ascends or “steps back up” to Source, it eventually reaches its First Creation Point naturally. How exactly does a HE-Thar-O Cycle work? Under normal circumstances, if all of creation were honoring the Law of Divine Love, there would be no real anti-Christos Seed Atoms to speak of. A HE-Thar-O Cycle would then involve only Christos creations. This natural HE-TharO Cycle would affect the interior of the Christos Seed Atom (Christos, spelled with a “Ch” at this level of creation), as it opened up and allowed in a new burst of direct energy from the Kristos Seed Atom at Source (Kristos, spelled with a “K” at Source level) to come through. This burst of Source’s energy, again, is the Flame of Amoraea, or 13th Pillar. The 13th Pillar would burst into every Christos Seed Atom as a benign Solar Red Pulse wave of energy—benign, since all Christos creations would be able to contain Source’s highest frequencies without any damage. An unnatural HE-Thar-O Cycle is different in that it involves anti-Christos Seed Atoms. In this case (a situation in which Earth and its life forms currently find themselves), the Red Pulse is benign to those who can hold the frequency—that is, beings with 33% or more of their Divine Blueprint intact. Those whose templates hold between 31 and 33% of the Divine Blueprint will need a “host matrix” to assist them. Those with less than 31% Divine Blueprint—FAs, and beings undergoing full Monadic Reversal—will not survive the Solar Red Pulse. (Again, the recent events of April 2003 have expedited timelines and changed what we can expect. This will most likely continue in this current drama with timely updates being provided on the website.) A HE-Thar-O Cycle can be partial or complete. In an incomplete cycle, only a part of the Stairway To Heaven is “refreshed,” from Eckasha God Worlds down to the Veca Universe. In a complete cycle, the entire Stairway To Heaven, from Krist to Veca, is “refreshed.” As stated above, a HE-Thar-O Cycle can also be natural or unnatural. In a natural cycle, the Solar Red Pulse simply rejuvenates the Seed Atoms of creation. Nothing is destroyed or returned to undifferentiated (unorganized) units of consciousness. In an unnatural cycle (which
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we will discuss in more detail in a moment), the Solar Red Pulse regenerates the Seed Atoms of creation. Any part of creation with less than 31-33% Divine Blueprint is returned to undifferentiated units of consciousness of Source, or cosmic dust without memory. The remaining part of creation holding 31-33% or more of its Divine Blueprint can regenerate with its identity and memory intact. At our current moment in the history of this Time Matrix, the artificially-created Black Hole, antiChristos agendas—with their corresponding frequencies—have set off an unnatural HE-Thar-O Cycle. On March 23, 2002, early initiation of the BeaST triggered an unnatural, partial HEThar-O Cycle. And on December 5, 2002, amplification of the BeaST by the opposing FAs triggered an unnatural, complete HE-Thar-O Cycle. It is important to understand that when the First Creation Point of frequency is reached, whether naturally or unnaturally, it is not because Source is angry—rather, it is a simple function of physics. As we have discussed, creation in a Free Will universe is allowed to explore in both Christos and anti-Christos directions. However, a fundamental law of creation physics is Conservation of Original Intention. This is a divine, flawless mechanism that will always prevent any threat to Source if anti-Christos expression goes to an extreme. When threat to Source is imminent, the First Creation Point is naturally triggered in such a way that a separation occurs between Christos and anti-Christos portions of creation. Various parts of atoms, cells, minerals, animals, plants, people, planets, etc., are separated according to the level of Divine Blueprint that they hold. We can use the analogy of a computer to explain a natural versus unnatural HE-Thar-O Cycle. When everything is Christos, a simple, natural reboot of the computer is needed to load new, exciting software (continued co-creation) or to pick up where one left off (continued perpetual life). If things have become too heavily anti-Christos, then an unnatural reboot is necessary because “viruses” have started to infect the computer. The virus scanning mechanism (First Creation Point) locates the damage (less than 31-33% Divine Blueprint), deletes it (13th Pillar), and reboots the computer, saving the unscathed portions of software and data (greater than 33% Divine Blueprint). The result is a much more harmonious environment (regeneration of the 15-Cell Seed Atom, resetting of the Divine Blueprint, and realignment of Merkaba and Shields —all of which equals the ability to ascend). This reboot analogy gives us a framework in which to understand the dynamics and significance of the He-Thar-O Cycle.
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The Great Silence, or still-point, that constitutes HE-Thar-O, very gently regenerates, resets, and realigns. With the kind of massive Divine Blueprint damage that currently exists in our Time Matrix, without this gentle process, implosion of everything would be the only other alternative. This gentle separation makes it easier for all of creation. It is also why the HE-TharO Cycle that the Earth is presently undergoing is known as the Path of Mercy. As the He-Thar-O Cycle approaches, there will first be a merging of all energies—both Christos and anti-Christos—before they will be able to split apart and go their separate ways. It’s important to understand that the impact of the merger of these energies is contingent upon the environment in which the merger takes place. For example, if we combine copper with sulfuric acid, the mixture initially fizzes up and seems to create chaos and violence for a while; but when the fizzing settles down, we get a beautiful blue crystal. However, the success of this interaction depends to a large extent on the container we use. If we use a buffered or inert container that can maintain its own integrity and be unaffected by the interaction within it (such as with a ceramic vessel), the chemical reactions can take place without interference and therefore produce optimum results. On the other hand, if we use a container that is affected by the copper and acid (such as with an aluminum vessel), it would join in the chemical reaction and increase the degree of chaos. In terms of the HE-Thar-O process, the “container” that will provide both the greatest protection and the optimum results is known as the Golden Fleece, or Cloak of Invisibility. Simply put, the Golden Fleece is a buffer zone that protects the above percentages of creation as the HEThar-O is occurring. One could regard this Golden Fleece container as a beautiful goldensilver expanded body vehicle, akin to the benign ceramic vessel that holds the copper and the sulfuric acid as they interact. In this framework, an activated body vehicle, or one that has assimilated the Golden Fleece frequencies, would experience the HE-Thar-O Cycle as a period of great healing. On the other hand, a non-activated body vehicle, or one that has not assimilated the Golden Fleece frequencies, would be vulnerable—just like the catalytic aluminum vessel joining in the copper and acid reaction. Hence, a non-activated body vehicle would experience the HE-Thar-O Cycle as a period of chaos. The Golden Fleece is activated by consistent practice of the more recent Keylontic Science techniques made freely available on the website (www.azuritepress.com). The Flame Body is another important buffer zone
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resident inside the all-encompassing Golden Fleece, and can also be activated via Keylontic Science techniques. This “merging-in-order-to-separate process” activated in Earth’s Shields in November 2002. However, this process has already begun on the subtler levels of our being—especially among the Indigo Children, who will “down-step” the first peak of Source’s highest frequencies in this HE-Thar-O Cycle on May 27, 2003. This first peak is referred to as the HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak. As described in earlier sections, the human body is a bioelectrical energy conductor organically and energetically interconnected to Earth. Indigos (whether or not they are consciously aware of their energy biology) have a higher evolved 12- to 48-strand DNA template that was designed to step down higher frequencies coming in to Earth. As a result of this inborn capacity, it is the Indigos who are going to prevent circuit overload and provide a gentle wakeup to the 12-strand DNA template Angelic Humans during this 2000-2017 SAC. Due to the longstanding mutations in the personal and planetary Shields, the Indigos may experience this transforming process as a kind of tremor in the personal Shield. This “tremor” is due to the temporary crushing of their tiny crystalline Shield structure, as if it were turning into crystal dust. But despite how this might sound, the dissolution of their Shields is a positive event. The Shields must de-construct first, so that the natural mathematical programming can then reassemble itself into its original Christos Divine Blueprint. Whatever can be deconstructed into organized particles is what will be reassembled back into the Divine Blueprint. The He-Thar-O Electrical Peak on May 27th is being initiated by three currents or beams: 2 anti-Christos, and 1 Christos. As the reversed currents of the anti-Christos Blue Fire Sword and the Green Spear of Destiny are transmitted, they will be intersected at a precise angle by the non-reversed currents of the Christos 13th Pillar. The moment that the three opposing currents meet, the templates of creation shatter. However, the pieces of those templates are still preserved and intact. During this intersection, heat and energy progressively build up—and then there is a “snap” and a silence. A stasis point is reached where all particle units of creation, which are penetrated by the three beams, actually stop in that silence. Everything in manifest creation has been fragmented, but is
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unaware of this fragmentation because it is suspended in a static field. Then these particles of preserved creation in the static field start moving toward whatever current they resonate with the most. Anything that can transmute back into the original Christos Divine Blueprint gets pulled toward the original Source current. The parts that cannot be restored get pulled towards one of the reversed currents. At the end of the HE-Thar-O Cycle, those preserved creations in the static field that had the required Divine Blueprint are “cleansed and renewed,” but without the anti-Christos particles of its identity. With the current Level-6 Plan B on Earth, the He-Thar-O Cycle will involve a three-way split of each Seed Atom—either into the Christos Divine Blueprint, into the anti-Christos Blue Fire Sword, or into the anti-Christos Green Spear of Destiny. When the HE-Thar-O Cycle ends on December 21, 2012, the Great Silence ends. Although the Seed Atom begins to separate on May 27, 2003, and the Shields and Merkaba begin to separate on August 12, 2003, these parts actually remain somewhat in the same space and time—in a “hologram within a hologram”—until December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 marks the point at which these parts will permanently separate into whatever timeline they resonate with. This gentle, three-way split taking place in the templates is good for everyone because it avoids the alternative of imploding. In the healing that occurs with the “negative” parts, as much as possible are brought back into the Divine Blueprint. If a healing is not possible because those parts are too discordant with the Divine Blueprint, those parts will eventually return back to Source as undifferentiated units of consciousness. Right now, the Indigos are going through the beginning of the active merger of the reversed currents and the natural Christos non-reversed currents in their bodies. The tremor that the Indigos feel as the first peak of the HE-Thar-O Cycle builds is telling us something of what the planetary body is going to experience on May 27, 2003. These currents that are merging—not only within Indigos, but soon Angelic Humans—are creating living preview moments of HEThar-O. Indigos who help to anchor and transmute these energies for the planet and for the Angelic Humans are fulfilling an ancient promise.
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As the inter-dimensional drama continues to escalate, it is necessary to activate progressively higher levels of our Flame Body and Golden Fleece, with the help of the 12 Commandments (Arc of the Covenant frequencies). This, in turn, helps to build the Flame Body and Golden Fleece energies for our planet and universe. The use of other symbol codes such as the ThunImmanU and Or-ImmanU rebuilds the natural mathematics that form the structure of our Shields. These Keylontic Science techniques and symbol codes are available at no charge on www.azuritepress.com. The December 5, 2002 Level-6 Evacuation Plan means that the Arc of the Covenant portal passage will fully open from Krist to Veca. This will allow The Great Healing of the HE-Thar-O to take place within all creation having the required Divine Blueprint, inside the protective Golden Fleece—a Golden Fleece that will completely surround the entire Stairway To Heaven. (With the latest Level-6 Evacuation agenda, the protection of the Golden Fleece will most likely stabilize Earth’s Planetary Grids to prevent cataclysmic pole shift. The GA has promised to give Indigo Children three months advance warning if any cataclysm were to occur.) The HE-Thar-O that we are experiencing—one of unprecedented magnitude and rapidity— could only have been initiated by anti-Christos behavior that threatened to destroy all of existence. In a very real sense, the HE-Thar-O signifies that it is time for all sides to finish a really old argument and go home. HE-Thar-O Cycle Timeline The Arc of the Covenant portal passage was opened on March 23, 2002, and cannot be closed. This means that there is no backing out of the HE-Thar-O Cycle. The separation of Christos and anti-Christos Seed Atoms will indeed occur. Originally in the Level-3 Plan, the Arc of the Covenant was to undergo a partial opening to reset the Divine Blueprint of half of The Stairway to Heaven. Now, with the Level-6 Plan, the Arc of the Covenant will undergo a complete opening to reset the entire Stairway to Heaven. This opening will allow Source’s Amoraea Flame to gently penetrate all of creation for this “great cleansing and renewal.” The summary of this complete HE-Thar-O Cycle is as follows. During this time, the Flame of Amoraea comes down from the Krist to Veca levels of The Stairway to Heaven in which the Eckasha, Ecka and Veca Systems experience:
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Regenesis of their Seed Atoms.
Reset of the Divine Blueprint.
Realignment of Merkaba and Universal Shields.
It is through activation of the protective Universal Flame Body and Golden Fleece that a gentle process of regenesis, resetting, and realignment can occur. The website www.azuritepress.com posts 12 Commandments and Flame Body Techniques for activating the Golden Fleece and Flame Body, respectively. The details of this complete HE-Thar-O Cycle are below. All the activity is presented in present tense, even though some of the events have obviously passed. You will notice below a differentiation between the words “anchor,” “initiate,” and “activate.” Anchoring means that a platform has been set up by which a transmission of frequency can be sent. Initiation means that this transmission of frequency has commenced. Activation means that that frequency has reached critical mass resulting in a definitive action.
March 23, 2002 ♦ ♦
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The FA technology called the BeaST is initiated by the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR. In response to the BeaST technology, an unnatural, partial Level-3 HE-Thar-O Cycle begins on March 23rd to clear the distortions in the Divine Blueprint. The many steps of this cycle will be addressed throughout this outline. Realignment of Merkaba and Universal Shields begins. Electrical Merkaba Spirals of all Veca and Ecka creations reach First Creation Point due to initiation of the BeaST. Source’s higher frequencies come in, which spins the Electrical Merkaba Spirals faster. This is the first step of activating the Internal Rod and Staff—or building the Merkaba Vehicle. Regenesis begins of the Eckasha Krist Seed Atom and the Veca Christos Seed Atom.
July 24 - November 6, 2002
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The BeaSTly Blue Fire Sword date of transmission on May 27, 2003 is phase-locked on July 24th. The BeaST continues to build critical mass. The Gold Wave Infusion is anchored in the Ecka God Worlds to enable the 13th Pillar to come through. This activates the Veca Christos Seed Atom. The Golden Censer Reversed current is anchored by the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR on November 5-6th to enable the BeaST to send its Blue Death Sword pulses through Earth’s Planetary Grids on May 27, 2003. Their goal is to begin pulling as much of our Time Matrix as possible into their Black Hole on this date. The Gold Wave Infusion is anchored in Earth on November 5-6th approximately 8 years ahead of schedule due to the early initiation of the BeaST. This will allow the 13th Pillar to come through to counteract the Blue Death Sword.
November 24, 2002 ♦
The Wesedrak-Drakonian Green Spear of Destiny is initiated on November 24th with the intention of using the same BeaST technology to amplify and invert the Blue Death Sword on May 27, 2003. Their goal is to begin pulling as much of our Time Matrix as possible into their competing Black Hole on this date.
December 5, 2002 - May 27, 2003 ♦
♦ ♦
On December 5th, unnatural, complete Level-6 HE-Thar-O Cycle begins due to the prior amplification of the BeaST that had occurred on November 24, 2002. On May 27th, Electrical Merkaba Spirals of Veca and Ecka reach critical mass. This day is called the HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak. Also on this day, the 15-Cell Seed Atom splits to begin regenesis of the outer 7 cells, in preparation for the gentle separation of Christos and anti-Christos creations (described later). On May 27th, the Blue Death Sword and Green Spear of Destiny activate. Also on May 27th, the healing 13th Pillar initiates at the same precise moment as the above anti-Christos currents.
May 28 - August 11, 2003
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This is the HE-Esta Stasis Period, when Source’s higher frequencies come in. This spins the Magnetic Merkaba Spirals faster in preparation for the HE-Thal-on Peak on August 12th (below). August 12-14, 2003 ♦
Magnetic Merkaba Spirals of Veca and Ecka reach critical mass in this 3-day period, which is called the HE-Thal-on Magnetic Peak. This causes the Internal Rod and Staff —and the resulting Merkaba Vehicle—to be activated on August 14th. Also, the 15 cells of the Seed Atom finishes its regenesis and the Shields begin separation as the Christos and anti-Christos creations align with their respective timelines. Separations will finalize on December 21, 2012 (described later). Now that both sets of Merkaba Spirals have activated, the Earth undergoes what is known as the 3-Day Particle Conversion. The electrical and then the magnetic particles of Earth and its life forms shift axis to a new timeline or reality system. This new timeline will be the Arc of the Covenant axis to allow those with the required blueprint to enter the Arc Zone for protection during the HE-Thar-O (see Chapter 11). On August 12th, the 13th Pillar activates, as creation separates and begins to align with their respective Christos or anti-Christos timelines. This marks the beginning of The Great Healing. On August 12th, the Universal Flame Body activates in preparation for Reusha-TA (see directly below). On August 12th, during a time known as Reusha-TA, the 1st of 12 Reuche Pillars initiates to begin the reset of the Divine Blueprint (described later). Also on August 12th, the Ecka-ShI Peak initiates. It activates on December 21, 2012, when final separation between the Christos and anti-Christos creations occur (described later). August 14th is either Judgment Day or The Day of Celebration, depending on the amount of Divine Blueprint held in one’s DNA templates.
August 12, 2003 - December 21, 2012
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In what is known as the Reusha-TA, the 12 Reuche Pillars complete both initiation and activation, finalizing the complete reset of the Divine Blueprint.
December 21, 2012 ♦
The Ecka-ShI Peak activates as the Christos and anti-Christos creations complete their separation from each other. The anti-Christos creations move towards their respective Black Hole. Alignment with the Eckasha axis takes place for Christos creations to enter the Bridge Zone Return Cycle. The Internal Rod and Staff: Merkaba Vehicle Repair
The Internal Rod and Staff are not the “external” Rod and Staff tools from 9558 BC. Rather, they are like a built-in steering wheel for the Merkaba Vehicle, activating it for the same end purpose as the external tools: Arc Star Gate passage, or ascension. The Internal Rod and Staff connect in a perfect “Celtic” symmetrical cross at the AzurA. The horizontal Rod connects from palm to palm, and the vertical Staff connects from above the head to the pelvis. The Internal Rod and Staff are controlled by Star Gates 11 and 2 on the Personal, Planetary, Galactic, and Universal Kathara Grids—in both the Particum and Parallel Partika Universes. On February 26, 2003, Arc Star Gate 11, also called Arc Temple 11, was awakened by the Indigo Children in Newgrange, Ireland. Arc Temple 11 is really big. It connects to several key 11 and 2 Star Gate sites in the Universal Templar Complex, which in turn opened from the Indigos’ Planetary Grid work in Newgrange. Thousands of years ago, the FAs had constructed a block on this key Arc Temple 11 to prevent much of our Time Matrix from ascending. Releasing this FA block has allowed for an expedited healing of our entire Veca Universe— especially in Kathara Spheres 1 and 2. On a personal level this affects Chakras 1 and 2 in the lower pelvic areas. To help anchor these healing frequencies more rapidly into the personal body, it is recommended to use the latest Arc Code Sequence Keylontic Science techniques found on the website at www.azuritepress.com. Doing so will also expedite activation of the personal Internal Rod and Staff, which again, are literal energy configurations of the Merkaba Vehicles for the planetary body, the galactic body, the universal body, and our own physical bodies.
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Also known as “The Healing Waters Temple,” Arc Temple 11 is the largest of all Arc Temples. Visiting these healing waters during meditation can not only expedite the healing process even further, but it can prepare one for ascension through practicing bi-location. Bi-location is the beginning of separating the consciousness, the first step to getting the physical body through a Star Gate! Although this meditation has not yet been posted to the website, another powerful healing temple bi-location meditation has been posted, to help you remember this natural process. These bi-location meditations will help to heal and integrate our unnatural, inorganic Shadow Bodies (see Chapter 7) very quickly. The awakening of our Internal Rod and Staff will allow us to heal very old distortions in our DNA and once again activate our Merkaba Vehicle, necessary for ascension to take place (see Chapter 4). This is a healing gift for all who are willing to embrace it. HE-Thar-O Electrical Merkaba Spiral Peak (May 27, 2003) The May 27, 2003 HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak and the following August 12, 2003 HE-Thal-on Magnetic Peak will prepare us for ascension. To understand this preparation for ascension, it is important to know that the HE-Thal-on Magnetic Peak of August, 2003 completes what the HEThar-O Electrical Peak starts. In describing the HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak, we can use the analogy of an airplane. Before using this analogy, certain terms will be used: ♦
The Seed Atom is the pilot.
The Internal Rod and Staff act as the control panel of the airplane.
The Golden Fleece is the “stealth buffer invisible zone” (Arc Zone) created by the instrumentation. The Universal Shields feed the destination coordinates of Inner Earth to the instrumentation. The Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba Vehicle is the “special” airplane that is able to fly in 3 directions so it can arrive at the destination of Inner Earth. If ascension had happened normally, we would have only needed a “regular” Bi-Veca airplane that flew in two directions. Bi-Veca indicates movement in two directions: up or down. Tri-Veca
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indicates movement in three possible directions: up, down, and at an angle. With the expedited Level-6 Evacuation Plan B, we need a “special” Tri-Veca airplane that flies in three directions, which is required for the 45-degree angle of ascension/Star Gate passage into Inner Earth. Using the above analogy, the purpose of the HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak is to create a(n): 1) Seed Atom with Restored Electrical Particles. The pilot begins to be “repaired” (receive the proper healing input), in order to operate the control panel of the airplane correctly. This process is called Regenesis of the Yon-A-Ha Outer 7 ManA Cells of the Christos Seed Atom. Rapid healing and restoration of reversals in the electrical particles of beings with 31-33% or more Divine Blueprint happens at this time. Those with less than 31-33% Divine Blueprint will be unable to anchor enough Dimension-12 frequency to receive restoration of these outer 7 cells of the Christos Seed Atom. In such a case, the electrical particles of the Divine Blueprint will completely reverse to an anti-Christos Spin as the Seed Atom enters Electrical Molecular Compaction and transforms into a finite creation, 7-compacted cell anti-Christos Seed Atom. This is called Electrical Monadic Reversal. Even if you have never heard of Keylontic Science, not all is lost. Many Indigos and Angelic Humans beginning to “wake up” have the required Divine Blueprint to avoid reversals. Some may wake up after the HE-Thar-O and HE-thal-on peaks. However, performing the Keylontic Science techniques as soon as possible will strengthen the individual and planetary fields as we enter the Base-6 Arc Zone on August 14, 2003 through December 21, 2012 (described in more detail in Chapter 11). 2) Internal Rod and Staff. The control panel of the plane begins to be built at this stage, as it emits a “stealth buffer invisible zone” called the Golden Fleece. This protective “Arc Zone” creates a different reality system or “hologram within a hologram” for the Christos timeline. The Christos timeline does not experience the anti-Christos timeline and vice versa. Hence, the Golden Fleece is also referred to as the “cloak of invisibility”. On May 27, 2003, the HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak begins to collapse or scroll the two Veca Particum and Partika Electrical Merkaba Spirals to form the beginning of the
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electrical portion of the Internal Rod and Staff. (The Bible described these events in disguised terms. “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me” was referring to the Internal Rod and Staff that control the Merkaba Vehicle. And “Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place” was referring to the process of forming the Internal Rod and Staff, which commences on May 27, 2003 and completes on August 12, 2003.) 3) Universal Shields Alignment. When properly aligned, the Universal Shields hold the correct coordinates to the Inner Earth destination, and feed this information to the instrumentation. The electrical particles of the Universal Flame Body align with Inner Earth’s axis. 4) Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba Vehicle. The top electrical half of this “special” threedirectional airplane is built at this stage, as it also aligns with Inner Earth’s future timeline. HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak 24-Hour Process This section has more details on the exact process of the HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak, which happens in 24 hours. The HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak takes place in 24 hours, from dawn to the following Golden Dawn: Stage A Dawn. The Seed Atom splits, 3 Primal Life Force Currents come in to the “void opening,” and the Divine Blueprint is broken into pieces to make room for the newly restored Christos Seed Atom. Stage B 2:45-6:00 PM. Both Particum and Partika Universe Electrical Merkaba Spirals reach peak spin speed as they collapse into the ManA Golden Fleece envelope. (The Particum part collapses into the electrical part of the vertical Staff, and the Partika part collapses into the electrical part of the horizontal Rod). This is a good time to observe scientific phenomenon under microscopes—especially in the human body—as there will undoubtedly be perceivable effects.
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Stage C Dusk. The Universal Flame Bodies activate to create the Golden Fleece Heavenly Host— also known as the Golden Silver One—in preparation for alignment with Inner Earth’s axis. The matter forms that are in alignment with the Universal Flame Body alignment “replicate a copy” of their structure within the Golden Fleece as they prepare to enter a temporary state of bi-location until the HE-Thar-O Cycle ends. The Golden Fleece Body begins to shift from the Universal Flame Body alignment to Inner Earth starting at 11:11 PM to begin the 1-hour period known in the Bible as The Great Silence. Stage D1 11:11 PM-12:12 AM. Our Veca Universe has four single Bi-Veca Merkabas. Each of these four Merkabas is in the shape of the Star of David. As described earlier, each Merkaba has two counter-rotating spirals. So our Veca has eight counter-rotating Merkaba Spirals, half of which are EirA and half ManA. At this time, four of the eight Spirals will merge to form the First Double Bi-Veca Merkaba. Specifically, the Electrical Density Single Bi-Veca Merkaba Spirals (of the lower Particum and Partika Universes) combine with the Magnetic Primal Single Bi-Veca Merkaba Spirals (of the higher Particum and Partika Universes). When these four Spirals combine, the First Double BiVeca Merkaba Vehicle is formed. It contains the Golden Fleece Ectoplasmic Replica inside of it. You may recall from the previous section the importance of bi-location as the first step in getting the physical body through a Star Gate. The Ectoplamic Replica is part of this necessary bi-location process. This, in turn, will initiate the electrical “top” half of the Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba. This “top” envelops the Veca and Ecka systems and amplifies the Golden Fleece surrounding the Veca and Ecka systems. The remaining four Veca Spirals stay in a state of temporary Axis Stasis called the HE-Esta Period until they form the Second Double Bi-Veca Merkaba during the HE-Thal-on Magnetic Peak on August 12, 2003. This in turn will initiate the final magnetic “bottom” half of the Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba completing its activation. Once activated, Earth aligns with Inner Earth’s axis for entry into the protective Golden Fleece of the Arc Zone.
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Next, the electrical particles of the 13th Pillar are anchored in the AzurA of the Eckasha, Ecka and Veca systems, allowing for Regenesis of the Yon-A-Ha Outer 7 Cells Cluster of the Christos Seed Atom. Stage D2 12:12 AM to the following “Golden Dawn.” The Golden Fleece spirals into the Yon-A-Ha Cluster, which in turn spirals out two columns of Golden Fleece, collectively called the Seal of the Arc of the Covenant, or the beginning of the Internal Rod and Staff. This Seal serves to link the Veca, via the Golden Fleece, to the Ecka and Eckasha systems, the Universal Flame Body, and Ectoplasmic Replica within the Ecka Primal Light and Sound Fields. Next, a “stepped down Golden Fleece” forms the Shield of the Arc of the Covenant in the Eckasha, Ecka and Veca systems. This Shield is a Golden Fleece frequency platform that begins to draw the remaining four Veca Spirals together as HE-Esta progresses in preparation for the HE-Thal-On Magnetic Peak. Activation of the both Seal and Shield of the Arc spark rapid activation of the Arc of the Covenant passage between the Veca and Ecka systems. This passage in turn opens the HElio-TA-Sis Line, or the Umbilical Cord to the Ecka Ectoplasmic Replica. Once opened, the HElio-TA-Sis Line allows Veca life forms to create a Second Double Bi-Veca Merkaba Golden Fleece Replica through which bi-location can be achieved during and after the HE-Esta Stasis Period. The activated HElio-TA-Sis Line also progressively sends Golden Fleece frequency infusions into the remaining four Veca Spirals, accelerating the spin rates of those spirals during the HE-Esta Period in preparation for the HE-Thal-On Magnetic Peak Inner Earth axis shift. HE-Esta Temporary Axis Stasis Period (May 28-August 11, 2003) The Veca Magnetic Merkaba Spirals begin receiving Dimension-12 frequency infusions, and Regenesis of the Yon-A-Hum Inner 8 Cells Cluster of the Christos Seed Atom begins— but without an axis shift to Inner Earth’s timeline yet. HE-Thal-on Magnetic Merkaba Spiral Peak (August 12-14, 2003)
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The August 12-14, 2003 HE-Thal-on Magnetic Peak completes what the May 27, 2003 HEThar-O Electrical Peak began in terms of preparing us for ascension. The HE-Thal-on Magnetic Peak of August 12-14, 2003 is the true Judgment Day for some— but the Day of Celebration for others—that is alluded to in the Bible. To continue with the same airplane analogy as outlined in the previous HE-Thar-O Electrical Peak section, it will be helpful to refresh your memory: ♦
The Seed Atom is the pilot.
The Internal Rod and Staff act as the control panel of the airplane.
The Golden Fleece is the “stealth buffer invisible zone” (Arc Zone) created by the instrumentation. The Universal Shields feed the destination coordinates of Inner Earth to the instrumentation. The Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba Vehicle is the “special” airplane that is able to fly in 3 directions so it can arrive at the destination of Inner Earth.
The purpose of the HE-Thal-on Magnetic Peak is to create a(n): 1) Seed Atom with Restored Magnetic Particles and Electromagnetic Particles. The pilot’s repair is either successfully or unsuccessfully completed in order to operate one of three different control panels of the airplane. If successful, this process allows Regenesis of the Yon-A-Hum Inner 8 EirA Cells of the Seed Atom. Since the first outer 7 cells have already been regenerated in the HE-Thar-O Peak, this completes Regenesis of the 15-Cell Seed Atoms of the Eckasha, Ecka, and Veca Systems. If unsuccessful, those creations having already undergone Electrical Monadic Reversal on May 27, 2003, will be unable to anchor enough Dimension-12 frequency to receive restoration of the inner 8 cells of the Christos Seed Atom. This leads to Complete Monadic Reversal and an anti-Christos Seed Atom placing such beings on The Path of Diminishing Return.
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This is the time when the three-way Seed Atom split (which began on May 27, 2003) is phase-locked. The Seed Atom finalizes its separation into one of three directions at the activation of the Ecka-ShI Peak on December 21, 2012. These three directions include one Christos timeline and two anti-Christos timelines (Wesedak vs. Wesedrak). Those entering the Day of Celebration will experience rapid healing and restoration of reversals in the magnetic particles. Additionally, in the safety of the Arc Zone for 8+ years, beings will experience The Great Healing of the HE-Thar-O Cycle, which begins August 14, 2003 and completes on December 21, 2012. This time period will enable beings with the required Divine Blueprint to return to The Path of Joy. 2) Internal Rod and Staff. This instrumentation to control the airplane is completed at this stage. On August 12-14, 2003, the HE-Thar-O Magnetic Peak begins to collapse or scroll the two Veca Particum and Partika Magnetic Merkaba Spirals to form the final magnetic portion of the Internal Rod and Staff. 3) Universal Shields Alignment. When properly aligned, the Universal Shields hold the correct coordinates to the Inner Earth destination, and feed this information to the instrumentation. As the magnetic particles of the Universal Shields align with Inner Earth’s axis, the full Universal Flame Body is activated in preparation for the Reusha-TA (described later). 4) Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba Vehicle. The bottom magnetic half of this “special” Tri-Veca airplane is created and the airplane is completed at this stage. Earth aligns Inner Earth for entry into the protective Golden Fleece of the Arc Zone. This axis or timeline shift is a non-trivial event that takes place in what is called the 3-Day Particle Conversion. In order to understand the 3-Day Particle Conversion, it is important first to understand the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence, which necessitated the creation of the Base-12 Bridge Zone Project by the GA. The Zeta Seal Frequency Fence is discussed in the next chapter. Also, know that although the Bridge Zone should have sufficed in assisting Earth and its life forms with ascension, due to early activation of the BeaST, the half-step Base-6 Arc Zone was orchestrated.
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Chapter 11 The Renewal Ascension can be compared to the cocooning process that unfolds perfectly, as one patiently waits for the release of a beautiful butterfly spreading its lovely wings, flying to face a new world, potentials unlimited. In a perfect world, the caterpillar transforms into a majestic butterfly, becoming the essence it was designed to be, or the original Divine Blueprint. However, due to the long history of FA manipulative agendas, the cocooning process of Earth and its life forms have been impacted in negative ways. Hence the fragile butterfly’s chance of even spreading its wings has been compromised. As a result, a new plan for rapidly accelerating our ascension, with the help of the Guardian Alliance, has been set into motion. Before we explain what the GA has done, it is necessary to provide a little history. The tampering of the Earth and all its life forms has governed what measures the GA have taken— and are taking—to protect not only us, but the entire Time Matrix. Zeta-Drakonian Frequency Fence (1748 - Present) The Zetas are from the planet of Apaxein Lau, located in a different time-space continuum from our own Time Matrix. Aeons ago, they wanted to expand their own reality system by consuming adjacent reality systems through “dimensional blending” experiments. These experiments were possible because of their mastery of their own dimensional and time portals. The Zetas were only partially successful. They did not realize that mastery of their own portals would not help them in other time-space continua. Their experiments resulted in the destabilization of their own portals. This caused genetic mutations, and set in motion the death of their planet. To make matters worse, some Zetas became stuck in our Time Matrix, trapped between dimensions. So they began to look for a new planet. Earth seemed like a viable alternative, except that its carbon-based elements caused their species rapid deterioration. Stuck in our Time Matrix far from home—and with Earth’s carbon-based elements causing a certain rapid death—the Zetas became desperate. Their attempts to raise their tolerance to carbon elements proved unsuccessful. Therefore, they initiated a covert “infiltration through hybridization” program on Earth, hoping that this would allow the continuation of their species. The Zetas’ plan involved a future takeover of human societies—they felt that humans were not
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capable of working cooperatively anyway, so why not take the space and resources they needed? It was these Zetas that became known as the Little Greys, the race of beings first discovered in 1947, when a space ship crashed in Roswell, New Mexico and alien bodies were moved in secret to a nearby Air Force base. But Zeta influence on Earth had been established much earlier. In 1748, the Zetas worked towards their goal of appropriating Earth by creating a Mass Mind Control Network called the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence. The Zetas placed their brainwashing program between the 3rd and 4th Dimensions of our Time Matrix. Since that time, the Zetas have been broadcasting via the Zeta Collective Mind Control Complex to directly influence human behavior on subconscious and subliminal levels. Those under the influence of this mind control apparatus are not aware that their perception of events is altered and blocked. Frequency Fences were not new. The Zetas had gotten their idea from the WesedakAnnunaki’s plan to lower their NET apparatus into Dimension-3 to create a Frequency Fence during the 2000-2017 SAC, thus placing all races under covert mind control. The WesedakAnnunaki mind control technology was designed to block one’s ability to accurately perceive reality, and thus change behavior. The Wesedak-Annunaki had aimed their mind control devices at the Angelic Humans and Indigo races so they would mindlessly follow instructions to use their DNA template Security Codes to open Earth’s Shields. This would allow the Wesedak-Annunaki to invade Earth without Angelic Human and Indigo resistance—and ultimately, once they were on planet, they could invade the Ecka/Inner Earth God Worlds. The “Zeta Seal” technology was also capable of inflicting severe damage to Angelic Human and Indigos. The Zeta Seal mutates the Dimension-4 Time Cycle, acting like an etheric implant. This creates mutation in the 4th DNA strand of the personal anatomy. The mutation causes repression of dream recall and memory of multi-dimensional experience. It also obstructs multi-dimensional communication, astral projection, and the soul integration process. Finally, the seal allows Zetas to electrically impulse human response patterns and behavior through subliminal manipulation of their neurological structure. The Zeta Seal dissolves and becomes inoperative when the 4th DNA strand of the Angelic Human or Indigo activates (is fully operable).
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With a vision of a Zeta-controlled future, the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence was designed to stop as much of Earth and its life forms as possible from ascending during the 10-year mass ascension period scheduled for 2012 - 2022. A hybridization program was also begun in the late 1930s with a 4th strand DNA mutated Zeta-human hybrid. It was intended that this hybrid would live after 2017, the date that the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence was scheduled to send electromagnetic pulses to decimate all humans who had their 4th and 5th DNA strands fully activated. In response to these plans, in 1902 the Guardian Alliance began poking holes in the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence to help Earth’s populations repair their 4th DNA strand. The Zetas, needing help to get their deteriorating Frequency Fences working again, approached high security officers in the U.S. Navy in 1943. By offering a rudimentary technology that would allow objects to appear invisible, the Zetas tricked the Navy into conducting the so-called “Philadelphia Experiment” on August 12, 1943. Whatever benefits the Navy thought it had received, the Zetas apparently benefited more: their hidden agenda of commencing repair on their Frequency Fence succeeded, as a result of the tests the Navy had conducted. The Philadelphia Experiment ripped a tear in space and time, thus creating a dimensional warp through which Zeta spaceships could secretly enter Earth’s Dimension-2 Merkaba Field and begin emitting electromagnetic pulses all over again to reconstruct their Frequency Fence. The GA, located in higher levels of The Stairway To Heaven than us, are on “future timelines” and can therefore see what will happen on Earth before it happens. They were able to “see” that Earth would be destroyed as a result of the Philadelphia Experiment. So, in 1972, the GA installed their own Frequency Fence to prevent Earth’s destruction (which, without intervention, would have occurred in 1973). This barrier prevented further harmful electromagnetic pulses from getting through to Earth. To reverse the existing damage caused by the Zetas, the GA used their Frequency Fence to begin an accelerated infusion of high frequency Christos energies into Earth and its life forms. Acceleration of these frequencies was necessary if ascension were to still occur. This meant that humanity would be put on a course of very rapid evolution between 1972 and 2012. Since the GA Frequency Fence was successful in breaking down the reconstructed Zeta Seal Frequency Fence, most of the Zetas decided to work with the GA towards peaceful solutions thereafter. However, the militant Zetas joined the Drakonians in the early 1980s to rebuild the
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Frequency Fence, as both have a common interest of seizing Earth. Since the Drakonians are a hybrid mutation of human ancestors, as members of the human lineage they feel entitled to appropriate Earth and use the planet in whatever way they want—even though their race was banned from Earth 850,000 years ago by the Breneau Founders Races. By this time, a worldwide Earth-based “Interior Government” was firmly entrenched. Members of this Interior Government are hybrids with sufficient anti-Christos coding to allow them to team up with FAs. The Zeta-Drakonians, along with their Interior Government allies, conducted the so-called Montauk Project on August 12, 1983. The Montauk Project expanded the dimensional warp from the Philadelphia Experiment, through which a much larger number of spaceships could secretly enter Earth’s Dimension-2 frequency bands, and once again begin transmitting harmful, mind-control electromagnetic pulses. By August 14, 1983, the time periods of 1943 and 1983 were successfully linked to the Zeta-Drakonian future Dimension-4 Time Cycle. From the perspective of the Zeta-Drakonians, the August 12, 2003 Dimensional Blend Experiment was to be the final experiment that would complete the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence. This Frequency Fence was scheduled to begin “broadcasting” in 2004. It would take 6 years to cause 4th strand DNA mutation in the majority of populations, just before the 2012 SAC. In 1984, the GA became aware of the serious Zeta Seal Frequency Fence problem planned for 2003. From their position on their future timeline, they were able to “see” that by 2976 AD, if the Zeta-Drakonian occupation of Earth were realized during the 2000-2017 SAC, Earth’s populations would be completely decimated. The year 2976 AD would indeed have marked the “end of time,” as many traditions on Earth had prophesied. The 2012-2022 mass ascension process would have been disrupted, Earth’s populations would have come under ZetaDrakonian control, and a nuclear explosion would have annihilated Earth in 2976 AD. This meant that the natural Particle Conversion, due to naturally end in 4230 AD, would have to be expedited. Particle Conversion will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. The GA decided that since humans had demonstrated progress in getting along harmoniously, surely this was worthy of outside intervention. Therefore, in 1984, the GA created the Bridge Zone Project (described in the next section).
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Although the GA removed the Zeta Seal in 1986 through astral alignment, signs of this 4th strand DNA mutation were still appearing in humans. And the threat of Zeta-Drakonian success during the 2000-2017 SAC still loomed. To add to the potential problems, on September 12, 2000, the combined NET and Frequency Fence initiative came under Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR control. The intended target date for beginning the Frequency Fence was now moved earlier, from 2004 to March 23, 2002! An Earth enslaved by Zetas was of no concern to the more powerful Wesedak Dark Avatars, however. Their new plan is to cause pole shift to decimate Earth’s populations, as soon as Earth and Inner Earth Star Gates are opened by the naturallyencoded Indigo and Angelic Human DNA templates. In this current drama, the GA is assisting us at every moment to prevent this—and it does indeed appear as though the Arc Zone will help to stabilize Earth’s Planetary Grids to indeed prevent pole shift from occurring. So the Dark Avatars are planning for a mass landing by the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR invading fleets before this “intended” pole shift. Their plan is to present themselves as peacemakers, claiming to be our ancient creator Gods (and kin) who come to intervene and protect us from destroying ourselves and our planet. They plan to present seemingly miraculous cures for cancer and amazing technologies for environmental cleanup—the personifications of “Angels sent from above.” If mass public landing does indeed occur (and we are seeing certain signs of this already paving the way for this to happen), the Pope and a collective of global religious leaders will gather to inform the public of this “Great gift from God,” seducing the masses into blind subservience. The final phase, which needs to occur before 2012, is for the WesedakAnnunaki-UIR to use Earth’s Star Gates to invade Inner Earth, the real object of the WesedakAnnunaki-UIR conquest. Once Inner Earth is attacked, unannounced pole shift on Earth will be rapidly set in motion by the Wesedak-Annunaki-UIR. The GA plans to give us three months notice if cataclysm is to occur. However, with the protection of the Arc Zone, pole shift seems unlikely. The Bridge Zone Project (1983 - December 21, 2012) Before you continue reading, be aware that since events in this Final Conflict Drama have escalated so rapidly, that the Bridge Zone Project was recently “postponed.” This section describes what would have occurred if the BeaST had not been activated early on March 23, 2002. However, we are including a brief summary of the Bridge Zone Project here because the
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Bridge Zone is still in place and operational. It has merely been postponed, instead of entirely abolished. With the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence operational once again, the GA realized that confronting the Zeta-Drakonians to dismantle the Frequency Fence would have led to retaliation and destructive measures by the FAs. Therefore, the GA decided to create an artificial time continuum that would enable Earth and its populations to literally be moved out of the range of the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence between 2012 and 2017. The GA referred to this artificial time continuum project as the Bridge Zone Project. Without it, Earth would once again be unable to fulfill its promise of ascension—for the 8th consecutive time since 208,216 BC. Even more important, ensuring that ascension took place this time was paramount. Otherwise, Earth would be decimated in 2976 AD! The Bridge Zone (also called the Base-12 Bridge Zone) is a stepped-down frequency buffer safe zone between Dimension-3 and Dimension-4, through which Earth could fully pass, by the end of 2017, via a forced, early 3-Day Particle Conversion. This Particle Conversion would normally take 2,213 years—not a mere 3 days! You may recall (Chapter 8) our discussion on ascension cycles (including their mid-point and end-point), as well as Particle Conversion, the process by which matter ascends. Matter actually ascends or converts in two phases. The “Beam me up, Scotty” analogy may help you conceptualize that in a Particle Conversion, the electrical particles of a being ascend first. This means that these electrical particles actually convert its angular rotation of particles spin into a new timeline or reality system. Then, in a subsequent phase, the magnetic particles follow in a similar manner. The Bridge Zone so radically accelerates the ascension cycle that the normally occurring midpoint (originally 2017) and end-point (originally 4230 AD) were compressed to occur in 2012 and 2017, respectively. Likewise, the Bridge Zone so radically accelerates the Particle Conversion that the normally occurring electrical particles conversion phase (originally 2017) and subsequent magnetic particles conversion phase (originally 4230 AD) were compressed to occur in 3 short days in 2017! It is important to note that within these parameters, mass ascension would occur from 2012-2022. Those who could accrete enough frequency could ascend as early as 2012 to Density-2. The 3-Day Particle Conversion would allow masses to
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ascend up to Harmonic Universe-3 (Density-3)—and those with the required DNA activation could ascend even higher in The Stairway to Heaven—in 2017, at which point the Bridge Zone would be closed or phase-locked. Those portions of Earth and its life forms that made it to the Bridge Zone would still have the opportunity for mass ascension through 2022. After that, it would be a slow process of Divine Blueprint repair, but in the safety of the Christos Bridge Zone. Put another way, the 3-Day Particle Conversion would cause Earth to completely shift out of its Density-1 Time Cycle for expedited mass ascension—an event that would not normally occur until 4230 AD! Upon successful completion, Earth would enter the Bridge Zone as Earth aligned with its new timeline, Inner Earth. A successful Bridge Zone plan also meant that only a portion of Earth and its life forms would be drawn into the Wesedak or Wesedrak Black Hole System via the Phantom Matrix during the 3-Day Particle Conversion. The Bridge Zone was conceived in 1984. In 1997, Earth started its transition into the Bridge Zone as the GA infusion of beneficial Ultra-High Frequency into Earth began raising the particle pulsation rate of Earth’s core. The speed of Earth’s particles would progressively increase, through 2012. Thanks to the Bridge Zone, the Earth would rise above the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence. The Merkaba Fields of Earth and its life forms would re-seal in 2017, locking Earth into the Bridge Zone time continuum. This move to the Bridge Zone would be permanent in this forced, early ascension, through altering the natural Particle Conversion process. Originally, for humanity to shift into the Base-12 Bridge Zone, the 12-strand DNA template populations would have to fully assemble their DNA to the 4.5-strand level. A minimum of 8% would have to assemble the 5th Strand. In addition, 144,000 individuals would need to fully assemble the 6th strand, embody their entire Soul Identity of Being, and begin to assemble strands 7 through 12. This is a high level of activation in relation to what Earth’s populations are accustomed to experiencing. Fortunately, as the FAs advanced their agenda to further deteriorate the Divine Blueprint, the GA was able to further down-step the frequency of the Bridge Zone such that only 4.25 DNA strands had to activate in order for one to enter the Bridge Zone. As mentioned at the beginning of this section, with the early initiation of the BeaST on March 23, 2002, everything has changed. The 3 Day Particle Conversion is now 14 years ahead of
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the Bridge Zone schedule, and will take place on August 12-14, 2003. Although the Bridge Zone is still alive and well, the frequency required for entry into the Bridge Zone is too high for the majority of Earth and its populations to make it through on this early date. Hence, the Arc Zone Project can provide a necessary, temporary, detour in preparation for entry into the Bridge Zone. The Arc Zone Project (August 14, 2003 - December 21, 2012) The Golden Fleece Arc Zone Project was necessitated by the GA because of the FAs’ early initiation of the BeaST. The Arc Zone is a stepped-down frequency buffer safe zone, a part of the Arc of the Covenant passage. The Arc Zone was designed to protect, in the entire Stairway to Heaven, all creation having 31-33% or more Divine Blueprint left during the current HEThar-O Cycle. Situated between our Veca Universe and the Ecka God Worlds, this frequency modulation zone requires less DNA activation (accretion level) for entry than does the Bridge Zone—which is why it is also referred to as the Base-6 Arc Zone Project. In this case, “Base-6” is still connected to the Christos Divine Blueprint. We have mentioned before that one’s accretion level determines whether a being can ascend through Star Gates—and if ascension is possible, what new space-time relocation coordinate(s) are possible for that being. The Arc Zone serves as a “half step” template of dimensional frequency built upon the natural Christos standard Base-12 pattern. Loweraccretion-level beings who can anchor the Shield of the Arc (see Chapter 9) will have entry to the Arc Zone. Upon entry, those beings will have the ability to anchor the rapid frequency increases associated with a SAC. Furthermore, the Arc Zone provides “Golden Fleece” protection as these beings restore their Divine Blueprint in order to return to the previously disrupted path of the Bridge Zone. Entry into the dramatically stepped-down Arc Zone will take place on August 12-14, 2003, at the end of the 3-Day Particle Conversion (see next section)—at which point a timeline shift to the Arc of the Covenant axis will be made via the stepped-down Arc of the Covenant Star Gates. Since these Star Gates are Base-6 (but still, remember, built upon the Divine Blueprint!), this timeline shift can be made by so many more people.
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At this time, the 13th Pillar comes from Level-6 Krist (the level closest to Source on the Stairway To Heaven) all the way down to the lowest Densities of our Veca Universe. Simultaneously, the Universal Flame Body activates to allow this 13th Pillar (Amoraea Flame) to anchor into all creation capable of holding these higher frequencies. This triggers the Reusha-TA—or “Resetting of the Divine Blueprint”—in which the 12 Reuche Pillars sequentially follow, each Pillar carrying a piece to the original Base-12 Divine Blueprint (described later). As a result, those inside the Arc Zone will realize what is called The Great Healing. This is a process that will last almost 9 years, giving beings more time to accrete frequency with the ultimate goal of ascension through Christos Base-12 Star Gates. At the end of The Great Healing, these beings will enter the newly rescheduled Bridge Zone Return Cycle, which begins December 21, 2012. Our Veca Universe is going to be completely “reset”! This means that after December 21, 2012, beings who do not hold a Base-12 Divine Blueprint are not going to be able to survive here, as the frequency on this planet will be too high. Up until then, the Arc Zone, for those who can enter it, will create a Christos hologram within an anti-Christos hologram. When the Bridge Zone Return Cycle is entered, the Christos hologram completely separates from the anti-Christos hologram. The Azurite Press will provide future update s regarding what timeframe and associated events to expect after beings enter the Bridge Zone Return Cycle on December 21, 2012. The 3-Day Particle Conversion: August 12 - 14, 2003 The purpose of our current, unnatural (but beneficial) HE-Thar-O Cycle is regeneration, so that all beings with their Divine Blueprint intact can fulfill their birthright of ascension. True, natural ascension means Christos Star Gate passage. Because of the relentless FA agendas, Earth and its life forms would not have been ready for Base-12 Christos Star Gate passage; their particle pulsation rhythms would not have had a fast enough frequency to get them through the gates. Hence, the necessity for the stepped down Base-12 Bridge Zone and the subsequent, further stepped down Base-6 Arc Zone.
You may remember from Chapter 8 that ascension is possible at the end of every 26,556-year Euiago Time Cycle, during a small period of time therein known as an ascension cycle. Under normal circumstances, the process of ascension during this ascension cycle takes a full 4,426
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years—in two waves, referred to as the mid-point and end-point. Since our current ascension cycle began in 196 BC, the mid-point would have taken place in 2017 and the end-point would have taken place at what is called the Doreadeshi in 4230 AD. Due to abnormal circumstances, such as with the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence, ascension would need to be accelerated, or Earth would be annihilated in 2976 AD. So in order to help us fulfill our birthright of ascension, the GA had to expedite the ascension process first through the Base-12 Bridge Zone in response to the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence. And with early activation of the BeaST on March 23, 2002, ascension needed to be expedited once again, this time through the Base-6 Arc Zone. All planets, life forms and consciousness are made of particles. In order for planets, beings, life forms, etc. to ascend during an ascension cycle, they must undergo Particle Conversion. The two main phases of Particle Conversion are: 1) Electrical Particles Conversion 2) Magnetic Particles Conversion Particle Conversion enables matter to move to higher planes within The Stairway To Heaven. Specifically, the electrons, protons and neutrons or atoms of matter go through a demanifestation and re-manifestation process during a Particle Conversion. In the demanifestation part, dense matter changes to semi-etheric matter to etheric matter to pre-matter hydroplasm and then into a “null zone.” In the re-manifestation part, after passing through the “null zone,” the pre-matter hydroplasm begins to resolidify into an atomic structure that can sustain life in the Arc Zone. Before re-manifestation completes, on the way back from the hydroplasmic “liquid light” state, the first “form” taken on is the semi-etheric crystallized, silicaquartz selenite, celestron-carbon elemental substance called ectoplasm. Upon remanifestation, the resolidified matter is in alignment with a new angular rotation of particles spin. This de-manifestation, re-manifestation phenomenon is the natural process required for transmutation of matter to a new timeline, or reality system (hologram). A normal Particle Conversion happens during an ascension cycle and takes 2,213 years. The GA has expedited our upcoming Particle Conversion to take a mere three days! The following three scenarios will be discussed, presented below at-a-glance first for clarity: ♦
Scenario I: 2,213-Year Particle Conversion under a normal ascension process
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Scenario II: 3-Day Particle Conversion into the Bridge Zone for an expedited ascension process Current Scenario III: 3-Day Particle Conversion into the Arc Zone, then into the Bridge Zone for a further expedited ascension process
Scenario I: 2,213-Year Particle Conversion Under a Normal Ascension Process (no longer an option anymore) 1) Mid-point. As the ascension cycle begins in 196 BC to increase particle pulsation rhythms, this normal 2,213-year “first wave of frequency critical mass” happens in 2017, when the electrical particles of Earth and its life forms reach peak speed. Within five years (2022) after the mid-point. this entire electrical particle base shifts to the Density-2 (Harmonic Universe-2) timeline. 2) End-point. This normal 4,426-year “second wave of frequency critical mass” happens in 4230 AD (marking the natural closing of this ascension cycle, or a natural Doreadeshi), when the remaining magnetic particle base of Earth and its life forms reach peak speed and then shift to the Density-2 timeline. This completes the normal 2,213-Year Particle Conversion process. 3) Ascension. Earth and its life forms naturally ascend through Christos Star Gates into the new Density-2 timeline (a semi-etheric matter reality system). Those beings with higher frequency are able to ascend, or “time shift,” into higher plane reality systems. No Bridge Zone or Arc Zone is required in this scenario, as “true ascension” happens naturally without intrusion. Scenario II: 3-Day Particle Conversion into the Bridge Zone for an Expedited Ascension Process (no longer an option at this time) 1) Mid-point. As the ascension cycle begins in 196 BC to increase particle pulsation rhythms, this normal 2,213-year “first wave of frequency critical mass” happens in 2017, when the electrical particles of Earth and its life forms reach peak speed. In 2012, dimensional blending begins and within five years after the mid-point (2022), the entire electrical particle base of Earth and its life forms shift to the Density-2 timeline.
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2) End-point. This expedited “second wave of frequency critical mass” happens also in 2017 on the 3rd day, when the magnetic particles of Earth and its life forms reach peak speed. Within five years after the mid-point (2022), the entire magnetic particle base of Earth and its life forms shift to the Density-2 timeline. This completes the Particle Conversion completes for an early, forced Doreadeshi. Any portions of Earth and its life forms that did not enter the Bridge Zone on this 3rd day in 2017 would progressively fall into one of two Black Holes. 3) Ascension. Expedited mass ascension occurs from 2012-2022 through entry into the Bridge Zone. Those beings with higher frequency are able to ascend or “time shift” through Christos Star Gates into higher plane reality systems. In this scenario, some beings will enter the protective Bridge Zone but not be able to ascend through Christos Star Gates by 2022. They will have a slower healing process of several incarnations to rebuild their DNA strands, as accreting frequency takes much longer outside of an ascension cycle. Current Scenario III: 3-Day Particle Conversion into the Arc Zone, and then into the Bridge Zone, for a Further Expedited Ascension Process 1) Mid-point. As the ascension cycle begins in 196 BC to increase particle pulsation rhythms, this expedited 2,199-year “first wave of frequency critical mass” happens on August 12, 2003—14 years ahead of the Bridge Zone schedule!—when the electrical particles of Earth and its life forms reach peak speed. The entire electrical particle base of Earth and its life forms will shift a half step below the Ecka God Worlds into the Arc of the Covenant timeline (Arc Zone)—completely out of the Veca Universe. 2) End-point. This expedited “second wave of frequency critical mass” happens on the 3rd day of the 3-day period (August 14, 2003), when the remaining magnetic particle base of Earth and its life forms reach peak speed and then shift into the Arc of the Covenant timeline (Arc Zone). Any portions of Earth and its life forms that did not enter the Arc Zone on this 3rd day in 2003 would progressively fall into one of two Black Holes. However, those entering the Arc Zone, as creation shifts its axis to the Arc of the Covenant timeline, the Particle Conversion process is suspended in the Golden Fleece for The Great Healing as the EckaShI Peak initiates. The Ecka-ShI replaces the early, forced Doreadeshi. An Ecka-ShI undergoes an opening of the Arc of the Covenant Star Gate system, whereas a Doreadeshi does not. On December 21, 2012, the Ecka-ShI activates as Earth and its life forms shift into the Eckasha God Worlds timeline towards the Bridge Zone Return Cycle.
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3) Ascension. Entry into the Arc Zone occurs on August 14, 2003; and then entry into the Bridge Zone occurs on December 21, 2012. Due to the unnatural Level-6 HE-Thar-O Cycle being triggered, the ascension schedule has changed. An update will be posted by the Azurite Press as to how it has changed from the 10-year 2012-2022 mass ascension scenario II schedule. 4) Emergency Evacuation/Ascension. The GA has promised to give us a 3-month warning if any cataclysm is to occur on Earth (such as pole shift)—although the chance of cataclysm has been greatly reduced due to the protective Arc of the Covenant Collective Golden Fleece Host Matrix Flame Body (Arc Zone). Interestingly, if evacuation to Inner Earth were to occur, this would happen around the time of the 3-Day Particle Conversion, which is when Earth comes into alignment with the Inner Earth and Arc of the Covenant timeline.
What will the 3-Day Particle Conversion look like? To answer this question properly, it is important to understand that Earth’s unfolding drama— FA tactics and GA measures in response, which are supportive to our ascension—are truly in a dynamic state. This means that none of us know for certain what to expect. However, updates are provided in a timely manner through ongoing CDT-Plate translations. These translations are “hot off the press,” so to speak, at ongoing Keylontic Science workshops. These workshops are strategically scheduled at key junctures in Earth’s evolutionary process at key Planetary Grid locations. Since the GA reside in various reality systems that are on future timelines from Earth, they can give Indigo Children advance notice of key Planetary Grid work needed to stabilize Earth through these dynamic times. For those who cannot make the workshops, pertinent details are quickly posted to the website (www.azuritepress.com) after each workshop. Given this context, describing what the 3-Day Particle Conversion looks like depends upon what timeline your particles are aligned with. And the timeline you are aligned with determines what reality system or hologram you will experience. There are two basic timelines: Christos and anti-Christos. Since humans are made of particles, they will experience the beginning of a gentle separation into two groups during the 3-Day Particle Conversion on August 12-14, 2003. Each group will
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perceive a different set of events. These events will take place in two separate fields of particle pulsation rhythm. It will be as though different parts of the population “switched to different channels on the television set of manifest events.” One group remains watching the old channel (anti-Christos timeline), and the other group switches the channel of perception to a new station (Christos timeline). On August 14, 2003 alignment with the Christos timeline is referred to as the Day of Celebration, and alignment with the anti-Christos timeline is called Judgment Day. Those beings with enough Divine Blueprint to follow the Christos timeline will align their particles with the Inner Earth and Arc of the Covenant timeline on August 12-14, 2003, as they enter the safety of the Arc Zone. Those beings without enough Divine Blueprint will begin to align with Phantom Matrix, with an eventual timeline shift into one of two Black Holes Systems: the Wesedak or Wesedrak Matrix. During a SAC, the Earth goes through exactly 6 Stellar Activations with corresponding of frequency infusions of currents from Dimension-5 to Dimension-12. The first Stellar Activation started on May 5, 2000 after Indigo Children successfully anchored Dimension-12 frequency in Earth on January 1, 2000. The 3-Day Particle Conversion is triggered by critical mass of the first three of six Stellar Activations in a SAC and their corresponding infusions of frequencies from Dimensions 5 through 6 into Earth. During the 3-Day Particle Conversion, the last three of six Stellar Activations and their corresponding infusions of Dimensions 7 through 9 occur into Earth. Also during the 3-Day Particle Conversion, Earth aligns with the Holographic Beam (or Photon Belt) for infusion of Dimensions 10 through 12 frequencies of the Universal Maharata Current into Earth. These infusions, Dimensions 5-12, rapidly increase Earth’s particle pulsation rhythm and help to activate the corresponding DNA strands. The 3-Day Particle Conversion occurs when the spin ratio of our Density-1 Merkaba reaches the natural speed of the Density-2 Merkaba. Simultaneously, Density-2 Merkaba reaches the natural speed of Density-3 Merkaba, and so on. In a Level-6 HE-Thar-O Cycle, all of the Merkabas of the Stairway To Heaven begin alignment. As the Merkabas synchronize, Earth begins to de-manifest over three days, as electrons convert to protons and protons fuse with neutrons. Particles and anti-particles merge, changing angular rotation of particles spin and creating photons (super-luminal protons). On the third day, Earth re-polarizes or re-manifests
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back into electrons, protons and neutrons—in a matter form conducive for living in the new Arc Zone reality system. For Earth and its life forms to enter the Arc Zone on August 14, 2003, activation of the Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba Vehicle is necessary. Those inside the safety of the Arc Zone will experience the Christos timeline. For the angular rotation of particles spin timeline shift of Earth’s Axis, on August 12-14, 2003, Merkaba alignment up to the Ecka God Worlds via the Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba Vehicle is necessary for humans to enter the safety of the Arc Zone and experience the Christos timeline. Although details of the 3-Day Particle Conversion are listed below, it is paramount to keep in mind that for the most part, the negative aspects listed will be experienced by the anti-Christos timeline—not the Christos timeline. And, given that we are in the midst of a complete HE-TharO Cycle—and even that has not occurred in over 250 billion years—again, how it will look is not yet exactly known. Day 1 ♦
Dimension-7 frequency runs through Earth’s Grids.
The 7th DNA strand is activated.
The outer atmospheres of Earth are affected (430-40,000 miles out).
De-manifestation of Earth begins.
Electrons reverse to become protons, and protons fuse with neutrons to begin the particle-antiparticle merging process. Particle-antiparticle merging changes angular rotation of particles spin and creates photons (super-luminal protons) in the “null zone.”
Beginning of three days of cold darkness; light disappears.
Sounds from Earth come in as low hum to a deep rumble to a higher-pitched whine.
Celestaline transient hormone is released in the human body, causing protons to become neutrons inside the DNA hydrogen bond creating a “ManU Window” to assist
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the body in shifting timelines. Celestaline helps the body to de-densify during Particle Conversion. ♦ ♦
The Merkaba Vehicle activates and begins to realign with a new timeline. Colors in the sky change from a subtle, indigo-blue black to a deep violet-blue hue, assisting electrons, protons and neutrons in their respective changes and fusion, a form of internal cold fusion.
Day 1.5 - 2.5 ♦
The Merkaba Vehicle activates and begins to realign with a new timeline.
Dimension 8 frequency runs through Earth’s grids.
The 8th DNA strand is activated.
The nearer atmospheres and the outer ozone of Earth are affected (25-50 miles out).
Particle-antiparticle merging process of de-manifestation continues.
Sounds from Earth continue to rise in pitch.
♦ ♦
♦ ♦
Internal, flameless spontaneous combustion may occur in life forms that cannot hold Source’s higher frequencies. Gases transmute such as hydrogen into helium, giving off gamma rays. The air sparkles with iridescence and pale violet-silver against the dark skies. Random multi-colored light displays erupt, especially from the polar and equatorial regions. Storms with high velocity winds and extreme electromagnetic fluctuations cause flooding and flash freezing. Earth’s core temperature rises as surface temperatures reduce to sub-zero. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in areas that cannot hold the higher frequencies. Man-made electromagnetic devices cease to operate, including satellites, which may fall back into our atmosphere. “The Night of the Two Moons” (see below) marks the beginning of the passage of matter into the “null zone photon field” for merger with its anti-particles from Parallel Earth. The “two moons” apparition begins with Earth’s moon taking on a pale pink, then
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crimson red cast. The sky becomes dark and starless, and asteroid showers commence. ♦
Matter begins to re-manifest on the new timeline.
Day 2.5 - 3 ♦
Dimension 9 frequency runs through Earth’s Grids.
The 9th DNA strand is activated.
The 15-30 miles out to the inner atmosphere, and the crust all the way to Earth’s core, are affected. The outer atmosphere fields re-manifest on the new timeline. As matter begins to remanifest—first as hydroplasm and finally into gross matter—the first semi-etheric “form” taken on is called ectoplasm. Ectoplasm looks like a frozen sea of crystals, or a world made of glass, until it progressively solidifies into matter. Magnetic fields collapse temporarily as matter is rebuilt on the new timeline (related to the HE-Thal-on Magnetic Peak). Matter continues its re-manifestation process as the angular rotation of particles spin changes to the new timeline. The Arc Zone is entered.
What will the Christos timeline look like? There are two tracks of time on the Christos timeline. The first one is Christos Star Gate ascension. Whether an emergency evacuation or natural Christos Star Gate ascension, as mentioned above, an update will be provided shortly on this topic by the Azurite Press. The second Christos track of time is entry into the Arc Zone. Those entering the Golden Fleece Arc Zone will experience a more stable “Christos Hologram within an anti-Christos Hologram.” During the 3-Day Particle Conversion, people will experience a 3-day period of tension and sensation of atmospheric pressure. They may perceive the appearance of very bright moon halos or two moons in the sky. There may be some storms and interesting phenomena, like things disappearing, but it will not be traumatic.
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“The Night of the Two Moons” prophecy in the Bible (stating that the moon would become blood red, and heaven would fall to earth) begins on the 2nd day of the 3-Day Particle Conversion, and is fulfilled on December 21, 2012, upon entry into the Bridge Zone. This means that “two Earths” will exist simultaneously between August 14, 2003 and December 21, 2012—in which the Christos timeline and the anti-Christos timeline will perceive two different sets of events. Originally in Scenario II, “The Night of the Two Moons” prophecy was to start on the 2nd day and then be fulfilled on the 3rd day of the 3-Day Particle Conversion upon entry into the Bridge Zone. However, the HE-Thar-O Cycle and entry into the Arc Zone on August 14, 2003 will cause over 9 years of a delay in order to allow for The Great Healing. The reason for this is that most humans would not have the required frequency to enter the Bridge Zone by August 14, 2003. While stationed inside the protection of the Arc Zone, perceptually the sensation of lightness, or less weight, will be felt in the atmosphere within the body. A greater feeling of peace, optimism, and personal vibrancy will also be experienced. Higher chakras will activate and conscious integration of soul awareness will accelerate. The ability to access GA information will be quickened, and some will become involved in subtle communication with GA groups (which has already started building momentum). People will begin to see a more apparent division of “light and dark” forces within populations. Those in the Arc Zone will begin to see certain groups and ways of doing things come to an end—or their operations will be moved in a more enlightened direction. The more DNA that is activated, the more memory people will be able to pull from Earth’s Planetary Grids. What will the anti-Christos timeline look like? The negative transitions seen by the anti-Christos Hologram will not be seen or experienced by the Christos Hologram, and the positive transitions of the Christos Hologram will not be seen by the anti-Christos Hologram. These two holograms will become more invisible to each other as the gentle separation of the Shields continues from August 14, 2003 through December 21, 2012. The 3-Day Particle Conversion will also be experienced as a period of tension, fatigue, and accelerated atmospheric pressure, with a temporary disruption of the function of electrical apparatus. Scientists may detect odd variations in Earth’s magnetic fields and a sudden,
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unexplainable increase in gamma ray activity. Solar storms and earth changes may occur. In general, this will be more of an unstable hologram compared to the Christos timeline.
Reusha-TA or Resetting the Divine Blueprint (August 12, 2003 - December 21, 2012) All HE-Thar-O Cycles allow the natural breathing rhythm of Source to flow into, and renew, manifest creation. In our current, artificially triggered, complete HE-Thar-O Cycle or “Second Coming of Krist,” the Reusha-TA is the part of this cycle that will restore the natural Christos breathing rhythm of all creation in The Stairway to Heaven. Those following the Path of Replenishing Return will see the restoration of their Divine Blueprint. The FAs that follow the Path of Diminishing Return will be restored as undifferentiated units of Source. As explained in the prior section, even this path is one of mercy, since these beings will not know the joy that they will have missed. The Reusha-TA begins on August 12, 2003. It is the part of the HE-Thar-O Cycle that facilitates The Great Healing. As long as one has 31-33% or more Divine Blueprint left—which will allow for entry into the Arc Zone at that time—a period of rapid healing will begin. Given the current Divine Blueprint damage, without the protection of the Arc Zone, the frequencies of the Reusha-TA would be too high for any being on Earth to accrete. As you may remember from Chapter 2, the natural in-breath, pause-breath, and out-breath rhythm of Source is created by the 12 Reuche Pillars. The 12 Reuche Pillars (half EirA and half ManA) rhythmically and perpetually “arc” towards and away from the center of the Reuche, creating the Flame of Amoraea, or 13th Pillar. The Amoraea Flame is the key to eternal life. Everything that embodies the Amoraea Flame is directly connected to Source and enjoys a consistent renewal of energy. The 12 Reuche Pillars also set the spin rates of Merkaba, the “circulatory system” of life force through creation. When damage has been done to the Divine Blueprint, a being’s Merkaba is unable to effectively circulate the breath of Source throughout its structure. To rebuild the perpetual Amoraea Flame and Merkaba within creation, the 13th Pillar must complete an initiation-activation process before the 12 Reuche Pillars can begin their descent
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from Source. On May 27, 2003 the 13th Pillar will initiate in Earth. On August 12, 2003, the 13th Pillar will activate in Earth as it streams down from Source. Simultaneously, the Universal Flame Body and protective Golden Fleece will activate, allowing the 13th Pillar to anchor into all creation that can hold these higher frequencies. (The Keylontic Science techniques help to activate the personal Golden Fleece and Flame Body.) An activated Universal Flame Body causes the Universal Shields to start spinning—which in turn starts spinning the galactic, planetary, and personal Shields below it. With all the Shields spinning at the correct rate, and being returned to their proper rhythm and timing, the Reusha-TA—known as Resetting the Cosmic Clock—is triggered on the same day. To say that August 12, 2003 is a big day is an understatement! During the Reusha-TA, the 12 Reuche Pillars will sequentially anchor into Earth in a similar initiation-activation process as described above. The 1st Pillar initiates on August 12, 2003, and activates on December 21, 2003. The remaining 11 pillars will initiate and activate on these same dates (initiate—August 12; activate—December 21) all the way to December 21, 2012, when the last 3 Pillars will activate together. Each of the 12 pillars carries a piece of the original Base-12 Divine Blueprint as it anchors into creation. This is why the Reusha-TA is also known as Resetting the Divine Blueprint. By December 21, 2012, as the 12th and last Reuche Pillar activates, all creation having had the required blueprint to enter the Arc Zone will be healed enough to enter the Bridge Zone or higher. There are some important symbol codes available on the Azurite Press website to help anchor the 13th Pillar and activate the Universal Flame Body on August 12, 2003. An important step beforehand is the initiation of the Eukatharista Flame Body. (This is the origin of the word “Eucharist.”) The Eukatharista Flame Body contains the Universal Flame Body, and—when properly initiated—will allow the Universal Flame Bodies throughout the entire Stairway To Heaven to activate. Interestingly, the faster a Merkaba’s spin rate, the slower the illusion of time. If you have felt that time has shortened dramatically as of late, this is a sign of your Merkaba slowing down, and it would be beneficial to start performing the Keylontic Science techniques on the above website. As it pertains to Merkaba, the 12 Commandments (Arc Code frequencies) will help to
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place your Merkaba on “auto-pilot,” with the correct spin rates, directions, and ratios necessary for ascension.
Ecka-ShI Peak, or Re-Birth of the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom (August 12, 2003 December 21, 2012) The HE-Thar-O Cycle ends with the Ecka-ShI Peak activation on December 21, 2012. Initiated on August 12, 2003, the Ecka-SHI Peak is known as the “Rebirth of the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom.” Upon activation, the Ecka-ShI Peak finalizes separation of all creation’s Shields and Seed Atoms into three different directions: 1) Christos - back towards the original Divine Blueprint for ascension. 2) Anti-Christos - towards the Wesedak-Annunaki/UIR Black Hole System. 3) Anti-Christos - towards the Wesedak-Drakonian Black Hole System. At this point, Earth and its life forms undergo another shift from the Arc of the Covenant timeline to the Eckasha God Worlds timeline. With this second shift, Earth aligns for entry into the Bridge Zone Return Cycle. Rather than completing a Doreadeshi in the originally scheduled 4230 AD, we will complete an Ecka-ShI on December 21, 2012. With a Doreadeshi, the Universe is refreshed without an Arc of the Covenant opening. With this upcoming Ecka-ShI, the entire Stairway to Heaven is refreshed, with a full opening of the Arc of the Covenant. What will December 21, 2012 look like on the Christos timeline? If you perceive the lunar effects of “The Night of the Two Moons” (described earlier) you will know that you are on the Christos timeline, preparing to entering the Bridge Zone Return Cycle. People and things with a lower particle pulsation rhythm will disappear. Like a double exposure in a camera, cities will be hanging out in the sky, and timelines and reality systems will blend. What you think must be mirages—such as land masses emerging from the ocean out of nowhere—will be real! There will be the sudden appearance of buildings, roads, and
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other structures of civilization that one did not remember having existed prior to this timeline shift. People will find themselves in old familiar territories, but with a new twist: they will also see people, organizations, landscapes, and social structures that resemble what was, but are not quite the same. However, it will seem as if these new structures had always been there. What will December 21, 2012 look like on the anti-Christos timeline? The most notable occurrence will be the disappearance of numerous groups of people, who will seem to have vanished from the Earth without a trace. (Those groups are the ones on the Christos timeline.) There will be no explanations in conventional terms for these disappearances. However, with the steady input from the BeaST frequency fences, populations on the anti-Christos timeline will probably be totally unaware of the changes taking place— including the disappearances—as mass mind control will be used to block perception of events. Only Earth changes would be apparent to the Dimension-3 anti-Christos populations. Recent Updates In February of 2003, Indigo Children gathered in Ireland to assist in activating and releasing the seals of Arc Temple 11 (Zephar Duun Star Gate) and Inner Earth Temple 11 (AturA Star Gate), as well as activating what is known as the “3 Pillars of Heaven.” As a result of this work, liquid light currents of Dimension-12 frequency poured into Earth’s geographical locations that were connected to the Arc of the Covenant portal passage. The Zephar-Duun Temple at New Grange, Ireland, and Cue Site-11 on the Island of Eye off the coast of Dublin, have never been fully activated. This is because Earth has never experienced a complete HE-Thar-O Cycle! Over 250 billion years ago, one was experienced in this Universe, but this is something very new for Earth. In order for the complete HE-Thar-O Cycle to happen, there are a number of activations that needed to be done in sequence to open the Planetary Arc of the Covenant Star Gates. The activations of the above-mentioned Temples are one of these sequenced events. There is another one, called the Planetary Sha-Hanna Rite, that is also required (since the planet now has less than a 33% Divine Blueprint). This ceremony was performed, also in February, by Indigo Children. The Sha-Hanna Rite marries planetary male and female energy to generate a Christos Spark in the Planetary Grids, thus amplifying frequency to a minimum of 33% Base-12 accretion level.
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As a result of the above ceremony, on a personal level we have access to a current of healing energy called the “HEliotalic Flow.” This special current allows us to reconnect to the Planetary Seed Atom, which then allows us to anchor the “Golden Fleece” for personal healing and to activate the Eckasha Merkaba and Flame Body. With the seals on the above-mentioned Temples and Cue Site released, and the Sha-Hanna Rite Ceremony complete, the way is now paved for the upcoming HE-Thar-O and HE-Thal-on Peaks of the HE-Thar-O Cycle. Indigos, who came here to stabilize Earth’s Planetary Grids during this SAC, began to anchor and step-down these very high frequencies beginning in early April.
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Chapter 12 The Keylontic Science Techniques Keylontic Science is the science of particle mechanics—pulsing and vibrating energy patterns in the form of light and sound—within which creation takes place. All original creation is based on the Christos Base-12 Divine Blueprint. Since Earth and its life forms are currently operating on a distorted blueprint, it must be repaired in order to ascend during this current SAC. The Keylontic Science techniques can rapidly and completely facilitate this repair by using the original sound, light and symbol codes of the Divine Blueprint. If what you have read so far has resonated with you, you will probably feel inspired to try out some of the Keylontic Science techniques. While the theory and history may sound complicated, or seem to take forever to explain, the techniques themselves are very simple to do. And, they yield palpable results within a very short time. Since increasingly higher frequencies are now being transmitted into Earth during this SAC, a side benefit is that we can now make greater progress in a shorter amount of time than we could have even a year or so ago. As we mentioned earlier, your physical body is a bioelectrical energy conductor organically and energetically interconnected with planet Earth. Choosing to run these higher frequencies through your body will be of paramount assistance to Earth and its populations right now. You are so much more than your physical body! Just because certain phenomena are not readily perceived does not mean that they do not exist. Give it time. Part of DNA activation, which will be expedited with regular use of the Keylontic Science techniques, is beginning to see, hear, and/or feel multi-dimensional phenomenon. Whether conscious of it or not, most people on the planet have been undergoing DNA activation over the past several years. This means that if you start using the Keylontic Science techniques, you have a good chance of sensing the frequencies that are coming into Earth’s Grids. But realize that DNA activation is not the only component to repairing the Divine Blueprint. Many New Age movements infiltrated by FAs help to activate DNA using high frequency techniques—but perhaps only one higher strand of DNA is being activated. In addition, these
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FA techniques unfortunately are intentionally designed to set your Merkaba into a reverse spin. Other infiltrated movements advise, “Open your heart and get out of your mind”— discounting the fact that we need to fully integrate and activate the 3rd Dimensional Mental Body corresponding to the 3rd DNA strand. The heart only relates to the 4th Dimensional Astral Body corresponding to the 4th DNA strand. For ascension to occur, both are important! Remember that to ascend, all 12 DNA strands, if only for a nanosecond, need to be activated simultaneously. Without proper restoration of the Divine Blueprint, this cannot happen. One could analogize working with Keylontic Science techniques to starting a physical fitness program. In all such programs, one is advised to start gently and work up to a more rigorous routine. An over-enthusiastic start could lead to burnout. As with fitness routines, or even learning something like a musical instrument, an hour a day is more effective than seven hours on Sundays! All of the important Keylontic Science techniques are posted on the website www.azuritepress.com at no charge. The most important ones to work with right now, even if you are a beginner, are the Arc Code sequences, which are part of the original 12 Commandments. These Arc Codes will not only activate the DNA, but they will automate your Merkaba with the correct spin rates, directions and spin ratios. Older techniques required physically spinning the body to manually set your Merkaba. Before doing any of the techniques (including the Arc Code sequences), the Maharic Seal is required. This too can be found on the above website in the “techniques” section. Sound In Chapter 3 we discussed how the sounds used in Keylontic Science are tonal translations of the language of creation itself. They are, in a very real and scientific sense, the language that our DNA speaks. In the techniques, original sounds of the Christos Divine Blueprint are used, which correspond to the 15-Dimensional personal anatomy as well as the higher levels of The Stairway to Heaven.
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Light Many esoteric traditions discuss the Kundalini currents. In Keylontic Science, these currents, typically associated with the colors of the 7 embodied chakras, only encompass frequencies from Dimensions 1-9. With our knowledge of 15-Dimensional anatomy, we work with the colors of the Kundalini currents, the Maharata currents of Dimensions 10-12, and the Kee-Ra-ShA currents of Dimensions 13-15. Symbols Just as each dimension has a characteristic color and sound, it can also be expressed in terms of symbols or shapes. These symbols are presented in the materials on Kathara Healing (a discipline within the larger context of Keylontic Science). For now, it is useful to be aware of the symbol for Dimension-12: the six-pointed Star of David. This symbol has a direct bearing on the means by which we can begin to realign ourselves with our natural Christos Divine Blueprint. Combining Sound, Color, and Symbols As discussed in Chapter 3, we are the living, conscious manifestations of sound, light, and symbol codes. The Keylontic Science techniques use a combination of all of these (sound, light, and symbols) to realign us with our original Divine Blueprint from the ground up. For example, the first step in working with Keylontic Science is the reawakening of our connection to our Christos Identity of Being and its corresponding level at Dimension-12. We do this through the practice of the Maharic Seal, which uses the color (pale silver) and symbol (six pointed star) associated with Dimension-12. (The pale silver was not listed in Chapter 3 and so it must be explained. Pale silver is actually a composite of the white of Dimension-12 of Earth and the dark silver of Dimension-11 of Parallel Earth—Parallel Earth is on a future timeline from us, exactly one dimension higher than us. Combining both currents ensures that we are also repairing the Divine Blueprint of all 1728 of our selves in this Time Matrix, half of which are located in our Parallel Universe.) We then strengthen the color and symbol connection by singing or toning the Maharata song. You may recall from Chapter 3 that the tones for Dimension-12, Dimension-11, and Dimension-10, respectively, are Ma’a, Hara, and Ta’a—or Maharata for short. This combination
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of sound, light, and symbol is more powerful than using any one of these components on its own. As it is more holistic, it reaches the core of our being where these are not separate components at all, but rather intrinsic facets of an organic whole. The Maharic Seal The basic primer on which all Keylontic Science techniques are based is the Maharic Seal. The Maharic Current embodies the Identity of Being in Harmonic Universe-4. The Maharic Seal is the first step in Keylontic Science techniques because: ♦
It realigns the entire template with the Christos Frequencies of Dimension-12, with the understanding that higher dimensions contain the frequencies of the dimensions below them. The Dimension-12 Christos level is the doorway to the higher identity levels of our being. For example, we cannot access or activate the Rishi levels of Dimensions 13-15 until we have built a solid base of Dimension-12 frequency within our bodies. A stable Maharic Seal protects the energy field from potential interference by FA forces who might wish to manipulate and control. It reawakens the dormant aspects of the DNA strand template. The 12 Lessons, Attitudes and Responsibilities of Spiritual Mastery
There is a lot to absorb in these 12 chapters. After all, this book contains the history of not only planet Earth and its Time Matrix but of other Time Matrices and Universes as well! And that history is not even complete; it is just a tiny bit of what is most useful for us to know right now, during this intense SAC. It would literally take uncountable words and charts to convey the whole story—something that simply is not possible in a 3-Dimensional book, although the “whole story” is in the domain of the 12 CDT-Plates discussed in the Introduction. However, this book was never intended to replace the massive amounts of information that can be digitally stored on holographic discs. We have written this book as a guide to help you get through some of the most potentially bewildering—but ultimately the most joyful and uplifting— events in our planet’s history.
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The information in this book is useful. However, although it is important to know how to interpret the multi-dimensional events that are going on around you, it may be even more meaningful to avail yourself of the Keylontic Science techniques. The techniques have been posted on the www.azuritepress.com website, free of charge, because the Azurite Press wants you to be prepared for the upcoming Earth changes as well as the changes in your own bodies. Becoming the magnificent, joyful, loving being that Source intended you to be is your birthright. The techniques are your birthright, just as knowing your true personal and planetary history is your birthright. That said, we would be remiss if we did not include one final detail: The 12 Lessons, 12 Attitudes, and 12 Responsibilities of Spiritual Mastery. Many spiritual and religious traditions teach you to give away your power—to a priest, minister, rabbi, shaman, guru. But you don’t need an external figure because you are already connected to Source. The genuine awareness and embodiment of this truth brings great joy and peace— but it also brings responsibilities as well. As a part of God, it is your responsibility to uphold the Law of Divine Love through every Free Will choice you make, every single day. This means that just as you do not hand over your decision-making power, you agree to take responsibility for those choices, even if those choices turn out to be inconvenient or perceived as negative. As an Ascended Master or potential Ascended Master, you can do no less. True Ascended Masters are also in charge of their responses and how they choose to perceive reality. How one responds to one’s reality is a choice, the same as your picking up this book and reading it was a choice. Due to aeons of intentional FA distortions, our physical bodies and emotional bodies need quite a bit of clearing at the moment. We are including The 12 Lessons, 12 Attitudes and 12 Responsibilities of Spiritual Mastery here because we see these as cornerstones for emotional, intellectual, mental, and spiritual health. Even if you do not want to practice the Keylontic Science techniques, these cornerstones of Spiritual Mastery can help you regardless of your path. These principles are for those who have the courage, integrity, sense of justice, and willingness to tap into their innate lovingness. These principles are also for those who wish to cultivate these qualities. Being a Spiritual Master and an Ascended Master go together. When you tap into your
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potential that was given to you by Source, it is easy to be reminded that you are, truly, another face of God. The 12 Lessons of Mastery (from Dance for Life, 2002, © Ashayana Deane) 1. 2. 3. 4.
Primal Life Force Field (the “divine trinity). Down-stepping of the Eckasha, the Anuhazi name for the “divine trinity”. The ALL-ONE-ness or Law of Divine Love (also called Law of One). Scalar Waves or Flash-line sequences (cosmic “Light bulbs and Sound bites”), Unified Field knowledge, and the 12-sphere Kathara Grid. 5. The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, the Christos Base-12 Divine Blueprint Rays, and the structure of our Veca Universe—comprised of both our Particum and our Parallel Partika Universes. 6. ManU and the Atomic Life Force connection. 7. Creation Mechanics. 8. Veca Symbol Codes Healing and Activation of the Eckasha Force. 9. Merkaba Fields and the Merkaba Vehicle 10. The Eckasha Inner Earth Merkaba Vehicle, and the Iahaia Manu Veca Code (one of four). 11. The ManU Seuria Movements: The EirA “Rising Moon”, the ManA “Flowing Waters” and the ManU “Sleeping Flower.” 12. Shadow Body Healing for Density-1 Self-Mastery (using the 12 Actions of Mastery and 12 Attitudes of Mastery). The 12 Attitudes of Mastery (from Dance for Life, 2002, © Ashayana Deane)
Study the 12 Attitudes of Mastery, make an affirmation meditation out of them, and try to make them your way of life.
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1. LOVE. Recognition of the Truth of the ALL-ONE-ness. 2. GRACE. Allowing the ALL-ONE-ness to Be what It Is regardless of whether it suits you. Living Perpetual Forgiveness. 3. GRATITUDE. Appreciating the ALL-ONE-ness; knowing your Alive-ness. 4. REVERENT RESPECT. Acknowledging and giving to the ALL-ONE-ness. 5. RESPONSIBILITY. Co-Creating with, Serving, and being Able to Respond to the ALLONE-ness. 6. TRUST. Knowing the Power and Love of the ALL-ONE-ness. 7. ACCOUNTABILITY. Being in a state of Truth with the ALL-ONE-ness. 8. IMPECCABILITY. Upholding and Protecting the ALL-ONE-ness. 9. MINDFULNESS. Loving, Nurturing, and Being Attentive to the ALL-ONE-ness. 10. FEARLESSNESS. Recognizing the Eternal Infinite Nature and Unconditional Love of the ALL-ONE-ness. 11. ENGAGED DETACHMENT. Permitting the ALL-ONE-ness to Be without assigning Critique, Condemnation or Value Judgement; understanding the Is-ness of and Validating the ALL-ONE-ness. 12. JOY. Choosing to Be the embodied ALL-ONE-ness. The 12 Responsibilities of Mastery (from Dance for Love, 2002, © Ashayana Deane) Study the 12 Responsibilities of Mastery, make an affirmation meditation out of them, and try to make them your way of life. 1. Self-Actualization. Freedom from the “Victim-Victimizer Blame-Game” and willingness to be accountable for all perceivable manifestations as direct projections of intended learning from the personal Consciousness/DNA Template.
2. Self-sovereignty. Freedom from the need for approval from, or the need to rebel against any form of “external authority” through understanding that you, as a manifestation of the God Spirit, have the ability to create personal freedom without
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violating the spiritual rights of others and without allowing others to violate your spiritual rights of being. 3. Self Containment. Taking personal responsibility for, and realizing that at all times you are accountable for, DIRECTING PERSONAL ENERGIES. There is no one or no thing that “upsets you” and thus justifies or validates ANY personal spiritual misuse of reaction, idea, intention or action; YOU “upset yourself” by allowing the emotional body to follow misperceptions of the mental body that tell you your power lies outside of yourself. At any moment you can CHOOSE what words, associations and ideas you will use as the filters through which you interpret an event. “UPSET,” “MAD,” HURT,” or any other category of labeling (conscious or subconscious) are all MENTAL BODY FILTERS that direct emotional and physical body function. The self contained individual recognizes that at all times the freedom of interpretation exists, and thus a “negative” experience and its associated dis-harmonic energies of “upset” feelings can only exist as a personal interpretation of events. Accepting any less responsibility for the direction of personal energies will place you directly into the Victim-Victimizer “Blame Game,” which can only take place among people who are placing their personal power and responsibility for manifestation onto externalized sources. Only you have the power to “upset yourself”; regardless of what others say or do, you are fully entitled to your own interpretation. No one and no thing has the power to upset you unless you give this power away. Self containment comes when one recognizes that the direction of personal energies--physical, emotional and mental (ideas, beliefs, labels, interpretations), conscious and subconscious, is an attainable level of personal master and exists as an implied responsibility that comes with the gift of free will choice. The more responsible you become, the greater freedom and personal empowerment you will know. 4. Self Discipline. Accepting responsibility for directing personal energies toward, rather than in opposition to, the outcomes you desire to experience. The physical, mental and emotional bodies have long been directed by the subconscious forces of the hidden “shadow,” creating within us urges, reactions, thoughts, impulses, perceptions and feelings that often work counter to the life creations we desire to manifest. Part of spiritual master entails teaching ourselves to be consciously diligent in observing our own minds, emotions and physical body-talk, so that we may employ conscious redirection of subconscious shadow energies that run on “auto-pilot.” If we learn to
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“catch ourselves” when “negative” thought patterns or emotions run through us, we can use that moment of recognition to reclaim this errant energy and consciously use the power of affirmative attitude, remedial word choice and direct energy-re-direction to direct opposing energies of the self into fulfillment of desired constructive, spiritually mature creations. It takes self discipline to become the “Lion Tamer” of the often roaring subconscious mind, but we do have the intrinsic power to help our subconscious shadow to evolve through loving but firm redirection, into a “cuddly lap cat” that will gladly join us in our constructive co-creations. Self-discipline emerges when we consistently remind ourselves to employ the “Spiritually Correct” thought, action or attitude, even if we don’t “feel like it” when the shadow sneaks up from “down under.” The shadow parts of self surface so that we may seem, these parts of self come to the conscious mind for healing, through which the conscious mind itself learns greater attributes of mastery. 5. Self Love. It is our own responsibility to love and nurture ourselves through the limitless gift of Divine Spirit that moves through us at every moment; genuine love must come from within, and can only me though genuine spiritual connection to the eternal God-self and its inherent connection to all creation. If we seek love “on the outside” in order to fulfill a personal loneliness or lack within, we enter relationships as “energy vampires”; we are seeking a substitute for our personal God-Force connection through tapping into the God-Force embodied within other people or beings. This is not “LOVE,” it is “NEED,” which implies the “LACK” of something essential, which in turn implies a limited personal connection to God-Source Universal Consciousness. Such lack cannot be filled by external “love,” it can only be filled by recognizing the God within you, and thus recognizing that you are a living embodiment of absolute love. Once this is recognized, you will HAVE the greatest love of all—God Love, and from this Position of Divine Power, you can go into the world seeking those too whom you can give this love, rather than seeking those from whom you can “get” love. When love is approached through Self Love, the motivation is to give joyfully, knowing that anything you might need can be made manifest through the Love of the active God Force that you carry inside yourself. Self Love is a responsibility of spiritual maturity. 6. Spiritual Integrity. It is our absolute responsibility to chose to act with spiritual integrity at al times; there is no excuse to knowingly violate the spiritual rights of others, regardless of how poorly they may react to you. Spiritual Integrity requires that we begin
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to LOOK AT what we are REALLY doing in the way we live our lives. Do our eating habits violate the plant, animal or Earth kingdoms? Do our choices of words and actions show respect for other people and other life forms? Do we “play the survival of the fittest” lack-game to give ourselves an excuse for unethical behaviors in money matters, such as showing our silent rebellion against the government by trying to “cheat” on taxes, or by “showing up” a fellow employee at work to prove you are more worthy and thus more entitled to favor? Do you “tell people what they want to hear” in order to gain their approval and support, even if it is not fully true and does not reflect your personal needs or feelings? Do you try to “get others to do your share” as far as work or responsibilities? Do you use erroneous excuses such as race, gender, creed, academic or economic status to justify disrespectful, exploitative or unkind treatment of others? Spiritual Integrity requires that we take a good hard, FREQUENT look at how we conduct our lives, face the areas of activity in which we are performing in less than spiritually congruent ways, and employ active commitment and discipline to bring these areas of our lives into Spiritual Integrity. One does not “get through the gates of Heaven” (or anywhere else desirable) through using excuse for not employing GENUINE, not feigned, Spiritual Integrity. Cultivating spiritual integrity is a major responsibility on the path of spiritual mastery, and the way the universe works, you “can’t leave home without it.”.. meaning that there is a biological reality of spiritual integrity that manifests chemically within the DNA as a result of that state and focus of your consciousness; if you do not possess a sufficient amount [of] consciousness bearing spiritual integrity, neither will your DNA Template, and though you might be able to “pull the wool over the eyes of others,” your own biology will be your task master...for passage through Star Gates requires a sufficient amount of chemically encoded spiritual integrity of consciousness. 7. Appreciation. Our present society continually teaches us to “want more,” “need more,” “be more,” “do more” etc....we are constantly influenced to perceive what is lacking in order to motivate us to buy more, work more, pay more taxes and be “good little consumer sheep.” Very rarely do we stop to think about all that we DO have...beginning with the gift of Life and mental free will choice. Through this disoriented perceptual filter we can cultivate a full-blow[n] mutation of mental consciousness, in which we begin to believe that “we are entitled,” that “someone OWES us” (GOD, the Universe, our parents, spouse, children, employer, government, etc.). Once we fall into the “You OWE
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me” mind trap, we se ourselves up for continuing self-created frustration, as we place unrealistic and untrue expectations upon life, others and ourselves, and can then get mighty angry or hurt when we find the universe doesn’t conform to our imagined “pictures.” No one OWES us anything...if we feel we are “owed,” then we are entertaining LACK CONSCIOUSNESS...a void within the self is being recognized. If we give to another in order to RECEIVE for ourselves (such as do banks, and often parents or “lovers.”..), and the other does not “pay back” what we expected to receive, we may feel cheated, “taken advantage of,” or “owed.” Perhaps instead such situations emerge in our lives as lessons to teach us that giving should be done for the GIVING ALONE, and not for the expected return. If we give what we desire to give, for the joy of giving, we do not feel owed...if we live for the joy of living, without forcing our demands or expectations upon life, we will not feel that “life has short changed us.”...It matters not what your neighbor possesses, and in comparing ourselves to each other to see how we “measure up,” continually distracts us from seeing and utilizing the blessings that are our own. If we can work to cultivate the ability to APPRECIATE even the smallest of gifts, blessings and gestures, we will begin to create a life that is at least “half full, instead of half empty.” In terms of universal physics, what you focus your attention upon expands, and what you resist persists, and what you do not give the energy of appreciation toward will eventually de-manifest itself right out of your experience. When you approach the world through the chosen filter of genuine GIVING, you are “being an electrical transmitter,” sending energy out to the word around you. When you release electrical energy in this way, you personally become “more magnetic,” as the sending out of energy creates magnetic vortices within the Diodic Grid of your Kathara anatomy. The “magnetized” Diodic points then draw in more universal energy supply, at a higher frequency and quality than the expressed energy, to re-fill the energy void created by the “giving.” When you approach the word with the attitude of “getting,” this natural physics process becomes inverted; the more you try to “pull” energy from the outside world, the more your energy becomes “stuck” in the Diodic Grid as miasms. The miasms progressively reduce the quantity and lower the frequency of the natural energies you can internally draw from the universal supply. Giving, even in its simplest form of giving appreciation, keeps the natural energy flow moving. so whatever you give out will return to you amplified (this works in reverse as well, however; give goodness, you get more goodness in return. Give out bad attitude, ego arrogance and “garbage,” and more of this will return flow your way.) Appreciate what you have, LOVE IT, find
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perspectives through which the joy of it can be known, and know that in the act of genuine appreciation itself you will set loose the powers of manifesting more of what you desire and less of the illusion of lack. The “Universe Owes Me” mind trip is one of the most powerful self-sabotage games in the world ...trade it in for consistent appreciation and your world will progressively expand to hold the reality of the things you most desire. If you feel put upon by the world, and resentful for having your desires unmet, YOU OWE YOURSELF SOMETHING!...A greater understanding of the nature of creation and better use of your personal power within the life creation game. SAY THANK YOU to the GOD FORCE more often...to help yourself remember what things you have to appreciate, and many more of the kind will be sent along your way. 8. Patience. The God Force has its own schedule! We can either acknowledge this intrinsic reality of manifestation and choose to work co-creatively with the God-spirit within, trusting that together you and the universe will create the perfect “Divine Right Timing” (and if that isn’t “Right NOW,” there IS a very good reason for this), or you can let the ego self try to force its will upon the intrinsic nature of time. If Time does not cooperate with your expectations, you can “let that be OK, and trust in Divine Right Timing” or you can progressively frustrate yourself with attachment to the artificial time of clocks, and choose to believe that you cannot have what you desire just because it does not appear when you demand. If we learn to relax, and realize that most things we desire we can indeed achieve in Divine Right Time and Order, we can learn to work cocreatively with the consciousness of time, and find that it will progressively better conform to our wishes when we ASK nicely, rather than DEMAND, and when we trust the universal God spirit to do its part in our co-creation. Patience is a virtue that reflects our comprehension of the nature of Universal Order. 9. Kindness. Like Respect (re: Dance for Life 12 Attitudes of Master), Kindness is a birthright, but one that is quite often overlooked and misunderstood. When we approach the world through genuine kindheartedness, sending love and respect to all of creation in honor of the God Force that lives within all things, we are again, transmitting electrical energy of a higher frequency, that will follow the mechanics of universal physics to bring more of like kind back to us through universal back flow. Kindness is a gift we must first give to ourselves in order to have it to give to others. Kindness implies being conscientious and caring toward the needs, feelings and desires of both the self and others, and to express in action, attitude and intention this concern. Give to yourself
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random acts of kindness, then pass along the gift to all who cross your way. Try being kind to the mean and grouch neighbor, and you may help them rediscover the ability to smile. Treat all things with kindness and you are demonstrating that you acknowledge their intrinsic value as manifestations of the God Force, and you will find quite often the God Force lovingly returns the favor. 10. Conservation. Conservation is a form of respect and appreciation for the God Force energy in all of its expression, from conserving and protecting our natural resources, to being attentive to the needs of our bodies, to using the energies of our words and actions with gentle conservation by which we freely use what is needed, but not more. The God Force continually recycles its energies for the rebirth of new expression; all is given freely, but no thing is valueless or wasted. Conservation demonstrates that we have respect and appreciation for the gift of creative energy that God has to us provided, and as we learn to use this energy, in all its forms, with respect and clear intention, we will progressively fine tune our ability to create what we desire, while assisting all other kingdoms to simultaneously do the same. There is truth in the old saying “Waste not, want not.” If everything we perceive in our hologram of life is understood to be the manifestation of personal God Force energy that it IS, we might all employ a bit more respect, appreciation and conservation toward the use and applications of the energies of the Divine. 11. Cooperation/Diplomacy. Existence is and will always be a co-creative endeavor. We must be willing to allow other beings the fulfillment of their needs and desires if we hope to have our fulfillment known. Creating “Win-Win” situations is the natural way of being; creating with the intention of GIVING genuinely. We might not always agree with the intended creations of others, and we all have a right to our points of view. Diplomacy can be a bridge between forces of opposition, through which effective actions or decisions can be reached to mutually support each perspective. We CAN learn to agree to disagree respectfully, so the Spiritual Art of Co-operative Co-creation can progressively evolve to higher levels of expression. 12. Sense. Learning to identify and appropriately apply both “Common Sense” and the “Uncommon Sense” of spiritual knowing will allow us to establish the greatest balance of energy expression within all aspects of our lives.
Keylontic Science Overview