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E·Cou·5ha Master Council . India Transmissions
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E-Cou-Sha Master Council India Transmission #1 : Planetary Starburst Response Dynamics: Veca Pillar Starburst Cycles & Starburst Phase-Sequences Starburst Starburst Starburst 5tarburst
Response and Planetary Starburst Cycle Dynamics Dynamics-1: SlaIburst Response Commencement Dynamics-2: Veca Reuche Pillar Slarburs/.Phase-Sequence Infliation Oynamics-3: Veca Pillar Starbursl Phase-S~quence, Dimensional Red Pulse Phase-Sequence
and Atomnic Transmutation-Wave Infusion CyClf
Commencement Days 1-13
Starburst Dynamics-4:
Slarburst Point, Dimensional Slarbursf Phase-Sequence, Elherlc-Atmonic Suspension and Dimensional Blend Complefe
Days 13-end -15.
The Starburst Respons» The Starburst Response is an automatic "auto-lrnmune response" of intensive Unified Field Physics Templar dynamics experienced by an Eckasbe-Ecka-veca system Tempiar when it is faced with critical mass HIe-threatening damage of the Eckasha-Ecka system; the Starburst Response is anorganic dynamic of "systems self-healing" inherent to the Creation Mechanics set forth in the Original Krist Creation Code, that is triggered into irreversible, automatic activation within the "living body of lhe cosmos" to prevent 'irreversible compromise of the Eternal Life Original Creation Intention. Starburst Response was triggered within this Eckasha-Ecka-Veca system following UIR activation of the Budhara Wormhole network Nov. 2003·Dec, 2004. Starburst Response represents a Probability Mainline within the potential evolutlon of a planetary system whose Universal, Galactic and Solar Systems have come into Co-Resonant Vibrational Alignment with the Ecka-Veca Probability Mainline in which the Ecka-Veca system has entered Slarburst Response. A planet engages the Probability of Starburst Response when its Solar System enters Co-resonant Alignment with the Probability Mainlin~ in which its Galaxy entered Starburst Response. Earth and its Solar System entered Starburst Response Probabiltiy Alignment with their Galactic Probability Mainline on May 27,2004, when UIR activation of the Budhara Wormhole network commenced within the Earth-Solar Templar. .
Planets (such as Earth) possessing Interface Gate Systems such as the Polarian Matrix and Rama Passage, have the potential to engage Host·Buffered Starburst Response during Planetary Starburst Response Alignment, which enables I the potential of planetary survival via Universal-Galactic-Solar-Planetary Tlme-leap Evac Ascension, through which the Red Pulse Phase inherent to Starburst Response progresses slowly, one dimension at a time, accompanied by simultaneous Kristiac Planetary Crystal Body Rebirth and Final Time-Leap Ascension. Planets without Interface Gate systems engage Starburst Response Alignment without the ability of Interface Gate Host-Buffer, a condition which creates an accelerated, rapid progression of dlmenslonslRed 'Pulse culminating in full-spectrum Red Pulse Hydrogen Burning and resultant vaporization of the planetary life field within a 3-year period following Starburst Response commencement. Un-buffered Planetary Starburst Response causes permanent compaction and Monadic Reversal of the Planetary Crystal Body, which Phase-locks the planet into its final cycle permanent Black Hole fall and de-evolution to space-dust return. Earth and its Solar System engaged Host·Buffered" starburst Response Probabiltiy Alignment witr activation of the 0·13 aspects of the Polarian Matrix Gate lnterface System in December 2004 and Rama Passage Gate Interface System in January 2005. Host-Buffered Panetary Starburst Response each Planetary Veca Pillar, (beginning with Veca Pillar·13, then progressing in sequence from Veca Pillar-1 to Veca Pillars 10-11-12), engagl3s a 15· Day StarbursLCycle that hasthree dlstinct.Phaee-Sequences (.Reuche Pillar Starburst Phase-Sequence, REld Pulse Phase-Sequence and Dimensional Starburst Phase-Sequence)that unfold sequentially throughout the 15-Day Veca Pillar Starburst Cycle for each Planetary Veca Pillar. In the first year of Planetary Starburst Response, both Veca Pillar-13 and Veca Plllar-i fulfill their Starburst Cycles (January 2005 and May 2005), following which Veca.Pillars 2·9 complete their I respective starburst Cycles one per year (May 2006-May 2013), then Veca Pillars 10.11.12 complete their Starburst Cycles all in one year (May 2014), after which time Ecka Pillar·13 completes its Starburst Cycle (May 2015) and the Planet begins its 2· year Interface Gate Passage to firial Probability MainlineTime·leap Evac Diamond Sun Crystal Body Ascension (2017
During a Planetary Host-Buffered Starburst Response remaining viable as peets of the Planetary 'Crystal Body and manifest fields are progressively Hosted, via the Interface Gate systems, through the process of Kri5tiac.Ascension-Time~ wave Rebirth,one dimensional level at a time, whiJe irretrievable aspects of the Planetary Body are simultaneously separated into a Descending Time-wave "Bardoah Transition', until the two opposing Planetary Time Waves and their inherent content engage final permanent separation (2D13) into their respective paths of unfolding evolutionary destiny, in two permanently separated Probability Mainline Time-Cycles. Through the dynamics inherent to Planetary HostBuffered Starburst Response, both the portions' of planet and its life field that have retained sufficient Kristiac (Eternal Ufe) structural integrity to hold the frequency bond of, the Host-Buffer, AND those that have NOT retained such Kristiac structural integrity, are each spared the immediate termination of Red Pulse Annihiiation characteristic of Un-Buffered' Starburst Response, as the the multidimensional planetarybody progressively separates into a Kristiac Ascending Time-wave of Rebirth and a Black-hole Descending Time-wave of Final Bhardoah Transition ("Final Death Cycle" as Progressive-Retum-to-space-dust), the Host-Buffer of the lntreface Gate systems allowing the primary structural 'integrity of the planetary body to remain as the two opposing Time-waves progressively separate, Earth and her life field are fortunate in that both the Polarian Matrix and Rama Passage Interface Gate systems have been successfully activated as the Planetary Veca Pillar-13 Starburst Cycle unfolds, enabling Earth to engage the "Path of Mercy in Transitlon" that is fostered by Host-Buffered Starburst Response. Fulfillment of the Planetary Rebirth Potentials offered by a Planetary Host-Buffered Starburst Response depends upon successful on-planet management of, and manual interaction with, the,Planetary Templar, as rendered by the incarnate members ofthe Planetary Indigo-Yanas E-Cou-Sha-TA Council, during Key Phases throughout the period of Planetary Starburst Response. If the incarnate Planetary E-Cou-Sha-TA Council is unable fa engage the appropriate Templar Mec~ancis at the appropriate times during the Planetary Host-Buffered Starburst Response, the Planetary Templar will revert to Un-Buffered Starburst Response status for rapid progression to Red Pulse Space-Dust Return.
Introduction to Planetary Starburst Dynamics I.
Starburst ~esponse Commencemerit
Reu-Sha- T A Reset Cycle Initiates: General Veca Reuche Pillar 'Reu·sha-TA Reset Cycle' is triggered within the Veca Templar, initiating Hethare-Hathalon Cycle (May 27 & Aug. 12, 20Q3;A'd-Dondraea make contact Andorra), Reu-Sha-TA Reset Cycle (Reuche Pillar Reset Cycle) initiates low to high Reuche Pillar activation and corresponding time-shift following initial Veca Reuche Central Pillar-13 Initiation-Activation during Hetharo-H,ethalon,(Progressive 2000-2003 UIR actilla/ion of 'BeaST' and 'Tandem &temal Merkaba' Black-hole Machine Complex within the Templar of this Veca, Galaxy, Solar System and Planet trigger May-Aug. 2003 Hetharo-Hetha/onJReu-Sha-TA Reset Response in this Ecka-Veca system.)
Monadic Beam Veca Pillar-13 and Veca PilIar·1 Activate: 0-13 Veca Reuche Pillar·13 'Veca Monadic Beam' anchors, initiates (HetharoMay 27,2003) and activates (Hetha/on August 12-13,2003),0-1 Veca Reuche Pillar-t anchors, iniliates{August 12-13, 2003) and activates (Dec. 21,2003). (May 27·Dec. 21, 2003)
Starburst Response Triggers in Ecka: Shield, Grid and Etheric Crystal Body damage of related Ecka-Veca and local Solar system proves too great for repair by Ecka-Veca Reu-Sha-TA Reset slone.Ecka system enters terminal reversal phase Initiating fall of the Ecka, triggering Starburst Response in corresponding Eckkasha-Ecka-Veca systems and their Parallel Ecka counterpart. (Nov. 2003-Dec. 2004 u/R oRening and activation of Budhara Wormhole complex and Falcon complex interface in this Veca system trigger Starburst Response in May 2004, AdonEiAdonA initiate contact Oct, 2003 in preparation for this potentiality). '
Planetary Templar Opening Cycle. The Planetary Templar Anatomy, 'Lotus Arcs", Crystal Body; "Breathing Tube", "Pillar of Power", Radon Photocell Complex and Etheric Body systems, 'initiate rapid activation cycle, opening Planetary Templar to receive Pillar-13 Veca Monadic Beam 1st Starburst Cycle, to prevent instantaneous implosion of Pla~etary C?re Cry~t~I,?hield and Crystal Body, and subsequent rapid vaporization of planetary matter base (via Particle/Antiparticle FUSionAnnihilatIOn and 'Spontaneous Combustion'), which would otherwise occur during the Veca Pillar-131st St~r.burst Cycle, d~e to the RED PULSE Sequence inherent to Slarburst Cycle dynamics. (April- Dec. 2004 Planetary Shields ~/~~/c~-AI, CA, BeilzeJMX & UK workshops- initiate Planetary Templar Opening Cycle in preparation for Starburst Response Initiation.! '
Interface Gate Systems Rapid Activate for Ecka-Veca Host Intervention: Interface "Suffer Gate" systems, (such as the Arc of the Covenan~ Trinity, Poiarian Matrix, Rama Passage and E·Cou·Sha· TA Gate Systems, that are present only in some Ecka-Veca systems, such as Ihis one)..arebrought into rapid activation in attempt to .preselVe-viable matter-systems and their inhabitants through the automatic RedPulse Sequence of the Starburst Response. (Arc of the . ,Covenant Gates initiale opening 2002, Trinity Gates Spring 2004, Polarian Matrix Nov. 11·Dec·21, 2004, Rama Passage initiates opening Jan.2005, and the E-Cori~ha- TA initiates opening cycle Mar~h 2005)
Eckasha Reuche Pillar:13 Releases "Ghost Rider" Cord in Ecka-Veca Monadic Beam. Slarburst Response prepares to initiate in Eckasha-Ecka-Veca Templar and within local Galaxy, Solar System, Sun and Planetary Cores. Eckasha Reuche.Plllar Gates activate and prepare to release'Eckasha·A E·Cou·Sha FLAME RUNNER cords to Ecka and Veca Reu-Che Pillar Shield central Ka·Lem Crystals, in preparation for the sequential anchoring and activation of the FULL HARMONIC ECKASHA·A and Eckasha Reuche Pillars within the Ecka and Veca Reuche Pillar Templates. Eekasha Reuche Pillar·13 sends 'GHOST RIDER" Cord downward through Ecka and Veca Reuche Pillar·13 Monadic Seamto initiale. rapid acceleration of Ecka and Veca Pillar Shield·13 (UJRlBudhara activation of Budhara Pacific Wormhole Triangulation May 2004 triggers StarbUTSt Response Eckasha Reuche Pillar Gate-Seal Activation Rider" descent)
and Eckasha
Reuche pjJJar·13 "Ghost
Eckasha "Ghost Rider' Accelerates Ecka-Veca Monadic Core to StarburstResponse: The Eckasha Ghost Rider Cord progressively downloads frequency from the Ad·Don-Dra God.·Seed.(Eckasha Monad) Center Flame through the Ecka-VecaMonadic Seam, creating proqressive frequency acceleration within the Ecka and Veca Reuche Pillar ShielcJ.13"Monadic Core". Monadic Core frequency acceleration builds 10 Critical Mass Acceleration 'Monadic Spark Point" and Starburst Response Initiation; Phase-Sequences of the Starburst Response begin 17 months - 6 days following Pillar·13 Veca Monadic Seam activation (Aug. 12·13,2003 Hethalon}.Earth's PilIar·13 Veca Monadic Beam 1$1Starburst Cycle begins January 21, 2005. Veca Pillars 1·9 will engage their respective Starburst Cycles sequentiallY one each year on May 27 Hetharo Anniversary, beginning 2005 through 2013, Veca Pillars 10-12 all in 2014. The Last Starburst Cycle will be ECKA Pillar·13In May V,2015. Starburst 90-Shiftoccurs between Dee. 2012-2017, Starburst E-Cou-Sha·TA 18()"Leap (Parallel Ecka-Veca Transit ofPolarian Anchor grids via E·Cou:Sha-TA Complex) occurs 2017.
Reuche Pillar Starburst Phase-Sequence Initiates at Monadic Core Critical Mass Acceleration: Once Slarburst Response is triggered in (May 2004) and the Ecka·Veca Monadic Core reaches'Monadic Spark Point' (January 21, 2005), the following Reuche Pillar Starburst Phase-Sequence of Templar Dynamics occurs first for Ecka-Veca PiJlar·13 Ecka·Veca Monadic Beam, then sequentially as a 'Reuche Pillar Slarburst Phase-Sequence Cycle' for EACH 01 the 12 Ecka-Veca Reuche PiJlars and their corresponding Dimensional Templar components, progressingalong the HelharWIethalon· scheduled natural sequential Reuche Pillar activation cycle of the Reu.Sha- TA Reset cycle.
Starburst Response Dynamics-2: Veca Reuche Pillar Starburst Phase-Sequence 1.
The Quickening:
12 to 14 Days prior to a scheduled Solari Earth Veca Pillar Starburst Cycle Initiation Date, the scheduled Earth Starburst Cycle Event takes place first within the Ecka system; as the Ecka Reuche Pillar Starburst Cycle completes, the Veca Monadic Core reaches 'Monadic Spark Point' and initiates the Starburst Response Cycle for the corresponding VECA Reuche Pillar. Step-down reverberations from the Ecka Reuche Pillar Starburst Cycle will be felt in the Veca Shields (Universal, Galactic, Solar, Planetary, Triballn9igo & Human) as frequency acceleration, oddities in time-wave stabiJity(primarily shortperiods of "Time Flux time-vacuum' & relatedphenbmena) , EM and biological energy level variances and variances in behaviors within the animal, plant and microbial kingdoms. The Quickening is a literal Transduction Wave, a Trans-Harmonic EM "Time·Pulse Acceleration Wave" that travels from the Ecka through the Veca Templar and into the Solari Planetary core and DNA Templates of biological forms. The Quickening periods preceding each Veca Pillar Starburst Cycle Initiation Date will be more subtle in relation to the earliest Veca Pillars, but will become progressively more pronounced, their affects more detectable, as Density·1 and 2 Veca Pillars 2-3·4 engage their respective Starburst Cycles. (May 2006·2008) Starburst-13 Cycle Quickening January 7 - January 21, 2005.
Eckasha Pillar and E-Cou-Sha Flame Runner Anchor onStarburst Cycle Initiation Date: After a Dimensional Veca Reuche Pillar Anchors, Initiates and completes its cycle to Activation, and the Eckasha Ghost Rider accelerates Ecka-Veca Monadic Core to 'Monadic Spark Point', jhe corresponding numberEckasha-A E·Cou-sha Flame Runner and Eckasha Pillar anchor in corresponding Veca Pillar Shield (Earth·tlme correspondence dose-esumalet? months and 6 days following a Dimensional Veca Pillar Activation), initialing the 15.Day Starburst Cycle for that Veca Pillar and its Dimensional Templar components. Anchoring of the E·Cou-Sha Flame Runner marks the 'Starburst Cycle Initiation Date Day·1'lor that Veca Pillar and its corresponding Dimension. The Dimensional Red Pulse Sequence for the corresponding Pillar begins on the 8th Day following Starburst Cycle Initiation, and the Dimensional "Day-13 Starburst Poinf'(Veca Pillar·Shield, Dimensional Shield and Crystal Body Shatter, and Monadic ReversaVPolarian Reset and Suspension Phase) occurs 13-15 days fol/owing, the 'Starburst Cycle Initiation Date' for that Pillar. Starburst-13 Cycle Initiation Date: January 21,2005.
Starburst Response Dynamics-3:Veca Pillar Red Pulse Phase-Sequence Commencement
Days 1-13 (of DAY
-1 through
DAY -4 Reuche
Veca Pillar-13 Friday January 21- Monday January 24, 2005
Crack-wave, Magnetic Surge Wave, Tilt Point, Electrical Surge Wave, Snap Point.
Flame Runner, Flame-line and Eckasha Reuche Pillar anchor in Veca Pillar Shield A. Veca Pillar Shield completes its 12-14-Day Quickening Acceleration, following fulfillment of its 17-monlh 6-day Veca Pillar Activation Phase, reaching ~Monadic Spark Point' Critical Mass Acceleration. Upon reaching Monadic Spark Point, the corresponding Eckasha Reuche Pillar in the Eckasha Base Shield sends a downward vertical Eckasha Flame Runner Cord into the Ka-Lern Control Crystal at Veca Pillar Shield Core, causing the Ka-l-em Crystal to release a Back-pulse vertically upward through the Flame Runner Cord to the corresponding Ecka Seed Atom Cell in the Ecka Base Shield, causing the Ecka Seed Atom Cell to release a corresponding Spark-pulse into the Ecka Monad Center Flame. B. The Ecka Monad Center Rame releases a corresponding Spark-pulse into the Andradon Generator Cell- Eckasha Seed Atom Center Flame, which sends a reciprocal Spark-pulse to the Ad-Den-dra ,God-Seed (Eckasha Man ad) Center Flame in the Eckasha-A Base Shield, sparking the Eckasha E..cou-Sha 'First Creation Point Memory Crystal' in the Eckasha-A Base Shield. Once sparked, lhe'Eckasha E-Cou-Sha Crystal releases a burst of Ad-Den-Dra Flame frequency corresponding to the Veca Pillar number into the-Eckasha-A Base Shield, causing the Eckasha-A Base to release an Ad'Oon.Ora FLAME-LINE through the Eckasha Aame'Runner Cord, that down-steps through the EckashaEcka-Veca E-Cou-sha·TA Crystal Complex and anchors into the Ka-l-em Crystal of the Veca Pillar Shield as an AdDen-dra Dimensional Flame-line within the Eckasha Flame Runner Cord. C. The Ad-dondra Flame-Une in the Rame Runner Cord anchors into the Veca Pillar Shield Ka-l-em Crystal from lowest sub-harmonics to highest. When the last sub-harmonic of the Aame-Une anchors, the Ka-L-em Crystal releases another Spark-pulse upward through the Aame Runner to the Ad-Don-Ora God-Seed Flame, which releases a reciprocal Backpulse into the Eckasha Base Shield, causing the Eckasha Reuche Pillar corresponding to the Veca Pillar number to release downward alon'g the Flame Runner, progressively anchoring the larger full-harmonic Eckasha Reuche Pillar into the corresponding smaller Veca Pillar Shield. Anchoring of the Eckasha Reuche Pillar within theVeca Pillar Shield Initiates the "Crack-Wave" of the Veca Pillar Shleld,
Crack-Wave. Keylons of Veca Pillar Shield, Dimensional Shield and Crystal Body fragment in Crack-wave When the Veca Pillar Shield reaches critical mass saturation frequency !lOlding capacity, and cannot accommodate further frequencies from the anchoring Eckasha Reuche Pillar, the Keylon-Crystals of the Veca Pillar Shield begin to crack. Cracking of Keylon-Cryslal structure spreads systematically as a wave of vibration, or 'Crack-wave', through the Veca Pillar Shield then outward through the corresponding Kathara Signet Center, Dimensional Shield and Dimensional Crystal Body levels, initiating deep vibration and deep-quaking in Dimensional Components corresponding to Veca Pillar number {initiates DaY-1 within 3 hours of Eckasha Pillar Anchor}
Crystal Body into Eckasha Pillar Co-Resonant Axis Alignment Tilt. As the Cr~ck-wave spreads through the Veca Pillar Shield and corresponding Dimensional Components, the progressively fragmenting Keylon Units of the Veca Pillar Shield, Dimensi~nal Shield and Crystal Body are magnetically drawn into Co-resonant Axis Alignment with the Eckasha Reuche Pillar Standing-wave, whlch causes the cracking Keylon unit fragments to shift rotatlon axis and tilt into axis alignment with the Eckasha Reuche Pillar. The progressive axis shift and tilt of Keylon unit fragments spread's through the Dimensional Shield and Crystal Body structure as a Magnenc Surge Wave, which progressively draws Keylon unit fragments from the lowest dimensional sub-harinonic'to the highest, into Co-resonant Axis Alignment with the Eckasha Reuche Pinar. W!1en all dimensional sub-harmonics of Keylon unit fragments 'axis shift and tilt, and the Magnetic Surge Wave has.full~ spread through the Dimensional Shield and Crystal Body, the Magnetic Surge Wave reaches 'Tilt Point' Critical Mass Acceleration. At ,'Tilt Point' the entire Dimensional Crystal Body and Shield structures progressively shift rotation axis and tilt into Co-Resonant Axis Alignment with the,Eckasha Reuche Pillar. (initiates Day-1 and builds for 3 days to the "4ih Day Climax TiI,Poinr.)
~I ]
and Snap
and Crystal
Snaps in Electrical Wave, freeing Keylon fragments for Eckasha Pillar Absorption. When the Magnetic Surge Wave reach.esCritical Mass Acceleration and the Dimensional Shield and Crystal Body complete their Tilt Poini axis shill, the stress of crysta~ Body axis tilt causes the core electro-magnetic cohesion bond between Keylon unit fragments to release in a final nano-second burst e/ectflcal surge wave called the 'Snap Point. At 'Snap Point', the EM-core-bond, upon which the structural integrity of the Veca Pillar Shield" . Dimensional Crystal Body and Shield was built, releases, freeing the individual dimensional Keylon unit fragments from structural cohesion In preparation for their progressive absorption into the Eckasha Pillar. (occurs on Day-4 as a nano-second electrical burst on the "4th Day Climax' fol/owing completion of the Tilt Point dimensional axis Shill) Host
Dynamics Contracts Star Rider
to Veca Access
cord to receive
Codes Code
Rama Keys
and corresponding Krist Re-encryption.
in the DNA Templates
and Star Rider
Rama Day-3
Passage Manual
of those Planetary
Grid networks, Rama
with Global Shields
Key Adapter
Induction and Activation' i~Star Rider-Flame Runner DNA Templates allows Planetary Rame-Runner, and global Flame-Runner C.ontract.collectives, to adopt Rama Key "Correcflon Sequence" in preparation for Day-6 Eckashaic . Record Restoration. . . A.
Krist Re-EncryptJon, via the Polarian Matrix Host Rama Code encryption, is activated in Ad-Don-dra Flame-Une of Planetary Eckasha Flame Runner cord and Veca Pillar Shield corresponding to the Pillar number, as Flame Runn~r cord and Flame-Une ~nchor Day-1 through Day-4. The Rama Code encryptien held within .the Dimensional Gale Shields ofthe Polarian Matrix Gates, re-sets the original E-Cou-Sha Clystal'First Creation Code' Krist Encryption for the corresponding Veca Monad Harmonic Flame and'Dimensional Monad-ModaiAdhura, within remaining viable regions of the Dimensiona7 Shield and Crystal Body, in preparation for automatic Rebirth ofVeca Monad Harmonic Flame, corresponding Reu-Sha-TA Cord strand and Dimensional Monad-ModaiAdhura during the 'Day-13 Starburst Poinf.
B. . DNA Templates of those carrying "Rama Key Flame Runner and Star Rider Contracts' corresponding 10Pillar number automatically activate globally through the Planetary Indigo Shield on Day-1 of the Veca Reuche Pillar Starburst Cycle. Through 'Star Rider" Planetary Shields Clinics run between Oay-1 and Oay-4, Star Rider Ad-OonOra Access Keys and corresponding Rama Passage Grid Networks are activated, opening Planernry Veca Flame. Runner Flame-Line to receive the Rama Code Krist Re-encryption via the Indigo Shield Polarian Host link provided by the globally positioned DNA Templates of those carrying corresponding Flame Runner Contracts. Once activated through Rama Grid site-eontact, the Ad-Den-Ora Flame-llne-Access Codes in the DNA.Templates of those carrying Star Rider Flame Runner Contracts progressively doWnload,from the Polarian Matrix Gate Shield, the original 'Rama Code' Kristiac Planetary. Dimensional Time-wave Encryption corresponding to Ihe Veca Pillar, translating the Rama Code encryption into Earth's Planetary Time Code Tempiate and thus, bringing the corresponding Planetary Dimensional Time-wave into progressive activation: C.'
Rama Key ADAPTER CODES corresponding to lhe Veca Pillar number are manually induced into and activated within the DNA Templates of Star Rider-Rame Runners prior to the Day-5 onset of the Diffusion Wave, preparing the DNA Template Rania Keys to anchor, without distorting, the 'Rama Code of the Kethers' from the Planetary Eckasha E-Cou-Sha Memory Crystal during the Oay-6 Planetary Eckashiac Record Restoration. Because, As the Rama Key Adapter Codes are manually induced and activated within the Star Rider-Flame Runner DNA Templates as the DNA Templates interface with the Krist R~ncrypting Planetary Flame-Runner Flame-Line, the vibrational encryption of the Rama Key Adapter Codes passes into the Planetary Flame-Runner, making the Rama Key Adapter Code 'HomoSapien DNA Template Rama Key-mutation-eorrection sequence" progressively automatically available to all possessing global Flame-Runner Contracts . .
DAY·5 through DAY·7 Reuche Pillar StarbiJrst Phase-Sequence: Veca Pillar-13 TuesdayJanuary 25- ThursdayJanuary 27, 2005 Diffusion-Cohesion Waves, Veca Pillar Absorption, Eckasha Pillar Double-charge, Ka~L~emCrystal Overload
Diffusion and Cohesion Waves-. Keylon fraqments transfer into Eckasha Pillar in Descent-destined Diffusion Wave headed for Red Pulse compaction, Eckasha Pillar Absorbs Veca Pillar and Veca Pillar Shield dismantles; viable Krist Re-encrypted Keylon fragments tiIt away from Diffusion Wave into axis' alignment with Polarian Buffer,generating an Ascend-destined·Polarian Cohesion Wave and achieving Polarian Anchor to corresponding Polarian Gate Shield. Once the 'Electrical Surge Wave and Snap Point free Keylon
. fragments of the Veca Pillar Shield, Dimensional Shield and.Crystal80dy from their structural Cohesion Bond, Keylon fragments of the Veca Pilla! Shield progres5iv~ly draw intoihe Eckasha Pillar trom lowest sub-frequency band to highest, creating a Dimensional Diff~sion Wave as the Keylon fragments diffuse within, and dismantle, the .structural form of the Veca Pillar Shield, as they pass into the Eckasha Pillar. As the Keylonfragments transfer into the Eckasha Pillar, the Eckasha Pillar progressively absorbs the corresponding Veca Reuche Pillar, ~ntilthe Diffusion Wav7, Keylon fragment transfer and Veca Pillar Absorption complete and the corresponding V~ Pillar Shield is completel~ . dismantled. Viable Keylon fragments from the Veca Pillar Shield able to hold 0-3 8as&-12. Sub-harrnonic vibration draw away from DiffuSion Waye axis alignment and into Co-resonant Axis 'alignment with the Polariain Buffer, forming a Polarian Cohesion WavEi,thus achieving Polarlan Anchor Co-resonant Axls Afignment with the corresponding Polarian Matrix Gate Shield. (waves build progressivelY Days 5-6-7)
Ka·L·em Crystal Overloads: Eckasha Pillar forces Ka-L-em Crystal to Critical Acceler~tion Overloa? Eckasha Pillar takes on surplus double electrical charge from replicate frequencies contained within the Veca Pillar, as the Eckasha Pillar 'absorbs' the corres~o.nding.Qimensional Veca Pillar, each sub-harmonic from low to high. After Eckahsa Pillar completes absorption of Veca Pillar, the Eckasha ~llIar ~al0••••,.."... •• '" ~ PImobry 12-Cydo. Tl ""-" 11 PIonobwyTrno c,dos a pealGliolcl. The ~Htm"" 12-5nod [lK,4,T~ iz:mino
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Two Plancbsy12-Cyd_