Keren! Stage 2 Course Book 0733931804, 9780733931802

Keren! is an Indonesian series for junior secondary students. Written for the LOTE national profiles, Keren! addresses t

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Keren! Stage 2 Course Book
 0733931804, 9780733931802

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Ian J. White


Education Australia

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and associated companies around the world

Acknowledgements I am indebted to the many friends and colleagues who not only greatly encouraged me, but who also willingly gave of their time and their expertise during the writing of this book. Special thanks to the Indonesian teaching staff and the students at Eltham College, Victoria, for all of the times that I called on them for help with various issues. In particular, I want to thank one of my former students, Bridey Kerwick, who appears throughout this book as 'Nicky'. Bridey happily gave of her time to be photographed, both in Australia and in Indonesia. I am very grateful to Bridey, and to her parents, for their willingness to be involved in this project. I am grateful, also, for the advice of my friend and colleague, Ms Widha Chaidir, who proofread the manuscript. It goes without saying, of course, that any errors remaining in the text are the responsibility of the author alone. Ian

J. White

The publishers thank the following for contributions to this book: Photodisc, p. 148 (bottom right) Pizza Hut Australia (reprinted with permission), p. 82

Pearson Education Australia A division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd Level 9, 5 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Australia Offices in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth, and associated companies throughout the world. Copyright © Pearson Education Australia 2002 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) First published 2002 Reprinted 2006 All rights reserved. Except under the conditions described in the Copyright Act 1968 of Australia and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Edited by Stephen Roche Illustrated by Stephen Francis and Bruce Rankin Designed by Rebecca Yule Cover photograph by Lyz Turner-Clark Set in Stone Informal Produced by Pearson Education Australia Printed in China (SWTC/02) National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data White, Ian J. Keren! Indonesian 2. 10 ISBN 0-7339-3180-4 (course book) 13 ISBN 978-0-7339-3180-2 (course book) l. Indonesian language - Textbooks for foreign speakers - English. 2. Indonesian language - Usage. 3. Indonesian language - Problems, exercises, etc. 4. Indonesian language - Study and teaching (Secondary). I. Title. (Series: Indonesian language series, Keren!)

499.22183421 Every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge copyright. However, should any infringement have occurred, the publishers tender their apologies and invite copyright owners to contact the publishers. The names, logos and icons identifying business products in this publication are registered trademarks of their respective holder. The publisher's policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests


Daftar isi Topik satu

hat Introduction Character profiles

vi ix

Di rumah teman


Storyboard: Berangkat ke kota Yogyakarta Train travel in Java, indekost, what things are made from, before and after, furniture, enquiring about and indicating possession, houses, rooms, home life, where to store things Grammar: ■


Topic-comment sentences

Indicating past tense

Cultural notes: Indekost, mushola, keris, house styles Revision

Topik dua

Jalan kami


Storyboard: Mari kita berlari Enquiring about and indicating distance, classifiers for occupations, numbers over 1,000, interrogative 'when', dropping in, frequency, street traders, approaching places, approaching points in time, messages Grammar: ■

Indicating future tense

Nouns with ke-an affixation

Priority positioning

The conjunction bahwa

Cultural notes: Moslem prayers, street life, Lebaron, Islam and Hindu-Bali Revision

Topik tiga


Ayo, kita ke restoran ! Storyboard: Di restoran 'Pesta Perak' With whom?, indicating 'when', where things and people come from, reading the menu, ordering, food likes and dislikes, disappointments, choosing alternatives, fast food, Padang restaurants, expressing opinions, dealing with confusion, asking for the bill



Grammar: Plural forms of address Ke-an verb forms

Verbs: an introduction Indicating present tense Cultural notes: Restaurants and eating places, black and white coffee, recipes, fast food Revision

Topik empat


Perlu ke dokter? Storyboard: Kecelakaan di jalan Parts of the body, asking what the matter is, illnesses and describing symptoms, wishing a speedy recovery, buying medicine, the uses of jamu and medicines, quoting somebody as an authority, healthy eating, breaking bad news Grammar: ■

Pun, meaning 'also'

Verbs with the ber- prefix

Cultural notes: Jamu and the jamu industry Revision

Topik lima

Tempat berbelanja di kota Yogyakarta


Storyboard: Aduh! Bingung mencari oleh-oleh! One of .. ., making people plural (para), where can I find? , anything and nothing, shopping in Yogyakarta, where things are made, what's suitable and what's not suitable, enquiring about and indicating certainty, enquiring about and indicating size, items of clothing, describing fruits Grammar: ■

Group classifiers potong and helai

'Both ... and .. . ' (baik ... maupun ... ) Verbs with the me- prefix

Cultural notes: Appropriate dress, wayang performances Revision

Topik enam

Berkunjung ke daerah pedesaan Storyboard: Mengunjungi sanak-saudara di desa Travel timetables, what's necessary and what's not necessary, indicating contrast, city and village lifestyles compared, Borobudur temple, enquiring about and indicating shape, 'for' a period of time, expressing astonishment, impressions, plans, relating experiences



Grammar: ■

The conjunctions sehingga and supaya Nouns formed with the pe- prefix


-kan suffix with causative effect

Cultural notes: Om and Tante, the rural population, gotong royong, rice cultivation in Indonesia Revision

Topik tujuh

Tempat-tempat yang menarik di kota Yogyakarta


Storyboard: Ke keraton Sultan Yogyakarta city, confirmatory questions with suffix -kah, what's it called?, what people are doing, batik process, asking for recommendations, asking if something can be done, agreeing and disagreeing Grammar: ■

pe- prefix attached to adjective stem words

-kan suffix, meaning untuk

apakah used as a conjunction

Cultural notes: The keraton and the Sultan, Nyai Roro Kidul, the ancient temples of Java Revision

Kosa kata Bahasa Indonesia-Bahasa Inggris


Bahasa Inggris-Bahasa Indonesia



Mari kita bertamasya ke Yogya ! Nicky is now living in Indonesia with her parents, though she remains in contact with her former school friends and Indonesian teacher, Bu Simpson, in Australia. In Keren! 2, Nicky travels to the city of Yogyakarta, where she stays with the cousin of her friend Melati. Nicky finds Yogyakarta a fascinating city, and very different from the hustle and bustle of Jakarta. Each topic of this course begins with a storyboard (cartoon comic strip dialogue) featuring Nicky and her friends. Each topic in the Course Book is paralleled by the topics in the Activity Book and on the Audio CDs. In each topic, you will find many of the elements listed below, and your attention will be drawn to them by their respective icons.

Awas! Take care!

You met Semar in Keren! 1. Semar will draw your attention to points which need special attention.

Percakapan Dialogue

Each topic is taught thematically and is built around a cartoon comic strip storyboard. Each cartoon dialogue is performed on the Audio CDs.

Dengarkanlah ! Listen!

In addition to the dialogues, there are a number of other different types of listening activities, including recordings of reading passages for listening comprehension, models for pronunciation practice, models of conversations for roleplay practice, vocabulary exercises, revision exercises at the end of topics, and end-of-topic listening tests. All of these are recorded on the Audio CDs.

Tata bahasa Grammar ... building the foundations

. Explanations of grammar accompanied by examples and grammar-based exercises help you learn the structure of the language. Learning a language is a little like building a house. You need to start with a strong foundation . The grammar is the foundation. Learning the vocabulary is important, but it is an understanding of the grammar which allows you to use that vocabulary in sentences of your own.

Kosa kata Word bank

The word lists include all vocabulary used in the dialogues, reading passages and examples.

Ungkapan penting Key expressions and words

These are key words and expressions for you to learn in each topic.

Kerja sama Pair work

Practise the vocabulary and expressions introduced in Kosa kata and Ungkapan penting by asking and answering questions with a partner.

Mengerti? Do you understand?

Simple exercises: multiple choice, true or false, reordering of sentences. These exercises consolidate your understanding of the material you listen to in the dialogues, as well as the material you read in the reading passages.

Bercakap-cakap Chatting

Practise everyday conversations and dialogue activities related to each topic. Included are model dialogues, fill-in-the-blank dialogues and pair work where you are required to make up, and act out, your own conversation based on a model or a given scenario.

Ulangan Revision

This includes multiple-choice questions covering the main vocabulary and grammatical concepts of each topic, including short listening and reading activities which are designed to help you prepare for the end-of-topic tests.

Mari bermain ! Let's play!

A variety of games designed to reinforce new vocabulary and promote oral language.



Aktivitas tambahan Extension material

Activities and reading materials designed to challenge the more able students. These may be used according to the individual needs of the classroom.

Kebudayaan Indonesia Indonesian cultural notes

Cultural information _o n Indonesia and Indonesian lifestyles relevant to the topic, allowing comparisons to be drawn between Indonesian culture and Australian culture where relevant.

Kelnulay_aan Iwnuia

Ide yang hebat! Great ideas!

This section appears at various points throughout the Course Book. The activities are designed to encourage students to use the Indonesian language to talk about their own interests and experiences. This section also includes ideas for students and teachers to give the classroom an Indonesian atmosphere through the making of displays and wall charts.

Hubungan Internet Relevant Internet sites

This section directs students to the Companion Website, where they can find review questions, cultural information and links to relevant Internet sites.

Cross-referencing The Keren! 2 Course Book runs parallel to, and is supported by, the Keren! 2 Activity Book. Many of the icons used in the Course Book also appear in the Activity Book. In many sections of the Course Book you will find a cross-reference to relevant activities in the Activity Book. For example, if at the commencement of a section you find the reference AB 1.10, 1.11, this would mean that activities 1. 10 and 1.11 in the Activity Book can be used to practise and consolidate the material which is being covered in that particular section of the Course Book. Many sections in the Course Book are also accompanied by audio recordings. Where this happens, you will find a cross-reference (for example, Dengarkanlahh! 1.8) indicating the appropriate track on the Audio CD .



nama: Nicky

nama: Dedi

tinggal di: Jakarta

tinggal di: Yogyakarta

umur: enam belas tahun

umur: empat belas tahun

hari ulang tahun: 23 Maret

hari ulang tahun: 21 Juli





warna kesayangan: hijau

warna kesayangan: biru

makanan kesayangan: ayam goreng

makanan kesayangan: bakmi goreng

kesukaan: berbelanja

kesukaan: bermain skateboard

• IX

ama saya man Achi! Saya I di kota Yogyak Mari berkunjun Yogya!

nama: Achi

nama: Budi

tinggal di: Yogyakarta

tinggal di: Yogyakarta

umur: tujuh belas tahun

umur: tujuh belas tahun

hari ulang tahun: 8 Desember

hari ulang tahun: 28 Februari





warna kesayangan: merah

warna kesayangan: kuning dan hitam

makanan kesayangan: masakan Padang

makanan kesayangan: martabak

kesukaan: menonton film di bioskop

kesukaan: bermain tenis


Learning outcomes Communicative ($'

To be able to describe houses, including the names of various rooms, the furniture in various rooms, and the kind of family activities commonly conducted in various rooms


To be able to ask what something is made from, and to respond by saying what something is made from


To be able to use contrasting adjectives in sentences saying 'It's not ... , but it's not ... either'


To be able to use 'before' and 'after' and to distinguish them from 'already' and 'not yet'


To be able to use the appropriate word for 'while' in different situations


To be able to formulate and use topic-comment sentences, with particular emphasis on sentences where the subject of the sentence is an inanimate object


To be able to use emphasis when comparing things


To be able to enquire about possession and to be able to indicate possession


To be able to indicate past tense in different situations


To be able to ask where certain things are kept, and to be able to indicate where certain things are kept

Cultural ($'

To understand the indekost system of boarding common among tertiary students in 1 Indonesian cities


To understand the purpose of the mushola in Indonesian homes and in public places


To understand a little of Indonesian customs and etiquette at the meal table


To understand the importance of the keris in Indonesian (particularly Javanese) society, and some of the beliefs associated with it

Informational ($'

To gain a basic knowledge of the diversity of housing styles found in Indonesia, including both urban residences and the traditional housing styles of some of the major ethnic groups

Berangkat ke kota Yogyakarta Nicky is leaving for a visit to the city of Yogyakarta. Melati has arranged for Nicky to stay with her cousin in Yogyakarta.


Sela mat berlibur di Yogya, Nicky. Sampaikan sa/am soya kepada Achi dan keluarganya.

, soya /ahir di ·un, tapi sek

ah, kita sudah s Yogya. Mudahakan senan

Naik kereta api dari kota Jakarta ke kota Yogyakarta Pulau Jawa terdiri atas tiga propinsi: propinsi Jawa Barnt, propinsi Jawa Timur, dan propinsi Jawa Tengah. lbu kota propinsi Jawa Barnt adalah kota Bandung. Ibu kota propinsi Jawa Tengah u adalah kota Semarang, dan ibu kota propinsi Jawa Timur adalah kota Surabaya. Di bagian selatan propinsi Jawa Tengah terdapat juga Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kota Key Yogyakarta adalah ibu Mountains kota Daerah lstimewa ............ Railway line Yogyakarta. Jumlah 100 200 km 0 penduduk Daerah lstimewa Yogyakarta kira-kira tiga juta orang. Achi, sepupu Melati, tinggal di kota Yogyakarta dengan keluarganya. Nicky akan berlibur di rumah mereka.


Nicky naik kereta api Bima dari kota Jakarta ke kota Yogyakarta. Kereta api itu melalui kota Cirebon, Bandung, dan Tasikmalaya, dan sampai di kota Yogyakarta pada pukul 4.30 sore. Di kota Yogyakarta, Nicky dijemput oleh Achi di Stasiun Tugu. Rumah keluarga Achi hanya kira-kira lima kilometer dari Stasiun Tugu, jadi Achi akan mengajak Nicky ke rumahnya naik taksi.

Di kota Yogyakarta terdapat banyak sekali becak. Di kota Jakarta, Nicky belum pernah melihat becak karena di Jakarta becak sudah tidak ada lagi. Di depan Stasiun Tugu ada banyak becak. Tukangtukang becak menunggu di sana karena banyak orang ingin pulang dari stasiun naik becak. Orang juga bisa pulang dari stasiun naik andong, naik bus, atau naik taksi. Karena kopor Nicky cukup besar dan berat, Achi mengajak Nicky pulang ke rumahnya naik taksi.

sepupu telepon

cousin telephone


to wony tobemet ~/wlthN



tempat dwlak




omngosll laJdr

native born but~)

h• dlan

a~ place


a ~(t,ainJ

berllbur som.palk'81


sampal terma.1llk

-""'~"' arik including

~Atls hoped

restaurant carriage (oh train)

-.unggu Glldong








Kapan kita sampai di ... ?

When will we arrive in ... ?

Ini pertama kali.

This is the first time.

Apa(kah) Anda orang asli ... ?

Are you a native of ... ?

Saya lahir di ...

I was born in .. .

Kita sudah sampai.

We have arrived.

Sebentar saja!

Hang on a sec!

Selamat berlibur di ...

Enjoy your holiday in ...

Sampaikan salam saya kepada ...

Give my regards to ...

belum pernah

not yet ever/never yet

tidak ada lagi

no longer exist


Achi dan keluarganya tinggal di Jalan Lembang Keluarga Sudarmo tinggal di Jalan Lembang 19, di daerah kota Yogyakarta yang disebut kampung Cempaka. Rumah mereka besar dan bagus. Di rumah itu tinggal lima orang; Bapak Sudarmo, lbu Sudarmo, anak perempuan mereka bernama Achi, anak laki-laki mereka bernama Dedi, dan seorang anak kos bernama Mustafa. Mustafa adalah orang Minangkabau dan berasal dari kota Padang. Dia ke Yogyakarta untuk belajar di universitas Gajah Mada yang terletak tidak begitu jauh dari rumah keluarga Sudarmo. Achi adalah anak sulung dalam keluarga Sudarmo. Ini rumah keluarga Sudarmo.


kamar©Jo□ 0

makano dapur

□ kamar k~mar t1dur







KebuJay_aan !1tM1telia

In many Indonesian cities, young people from other parts of Indonesia rent rooms with local families. Anak kost or anak kos is the term used meaning 'boarder' or 'lodger'. Kost or kos is derived from the Dutch word indekost, meaning 'to board'. If asked where they live, young people who are boarding often respond with something like Saya indekost di rumah Pak Darmo. The practice is particularly common in Yogyakarta, where many young people come from other parts of Indonesia to study at one of Yogyakarta's numerous universities.

indekost 1121-7Z473N. Suami fllri,1(.wati pnt -r1 JI. Dem· po Kby 8aru & Komp.Ganlda JI.Ry.Ps.Mlnggu

1 llmr utk betmrja slang. Telp. Pinlu - .. JI.Clsanggir1 11112. Kbybaru. 7383349

le. -

dim, Spr1ng bed, Lmr1 & Fu.lain, lolc.llr1g dlblc Ps.Baru(JI.Lau121o)()811111181181.Ql111184300

. - Sffiico,blnarlllhnln mlMi 600 rtt/bln,

thnan hub--75-08161-24 -

Vllle,Dkl Grogol.K~ -

•,Ac,Kmr mancff

dldlm,Spring Bed,Gllall/Pll1dr.Hub:5805280

tta,p 40rb,Tv,Ac,Telp,CUCI,- _ Pam, BIia Bulanan.lmperial 1.-1 _ , Tefp:8283068

-.AC utlt -

karlr J I . - No.20 8351701

1111Q Dalam . -.Tllp:8303211 -

-Ac/Non ~ Pu1lh 300-750rblllln, SlJgo, Ac,T_, _ Tll1Qlh _Hub:4532052/42111C133 Kool di Daorah llonNt,Ac,Wll,S.llod, KIii· kal,Tv,Tlp Pabx,Km Olmll.uor,Hub.5745ell0/91 Koll K'wan/11 di Fa1maWa11 (JI.Abdul Mljld No.3), AC, Vilion,Spring Bed Ph:7198067 Kool lt.watl/SII, lonr.llaru, Perabol Bini, l.ok.Slr1o, Plntu m s k -.Hb.4257117/Ylylh

I/Wrl. + Cuct 300rbl8ln Olcl Rull Unun Hub.lbuTommy KS.Tubun IV no.a.-Ph.5415515 Kall: K'WBMi AC,Cuci,Str11ca.Tlp,Plrldr Luu JI.Pombangunan 11153 Pelojo U1ara Ph.8335310 -

pria/War1111/suillllri " - Gonjing P,arnuka

Kampung Ambon 1lp ◄20-9220

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--Kho~.--Acfll llcp.G,_, Vile Ph 5110-