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English Pages 376 [375] Year 2008
] ewish Property Claims Against Arab Countries
Michael R. Fischbach
Publishers Since I893 NEW YORK
Copyright © 2008 MichaelR. Fischbach
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Fischbach, Michael R. Jewish propeny claims against Arab countries / Michael R Fischbach. p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-23I-I3538-2 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-23I-JI78I-2 (ebook) r. Jewish property-Arab countries.
2. Arab-Israeli conflict-Influence.
3. Arab countries-Ethnic relations . I. Title. DSl36.A68FJ7
956.o4 - dc22
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References to Internet Web sites (URLs) were accurate at the time of writing. Neither the author nor Columbia University Press is responsible for URLs that may have expired or changed since the manuscript was prepared.
To Lisa) Tara) Grace) and Sophia
r. The Loss of Jewish Property in the Arab World Middle Eastern and North African Jews, Zionism, and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War ro The r948 Arab-Israeli War, Population Displacement, and Property Losses 26 Syria 29 Egypt 39 Yemen and Aden 48 Iraq 52 Libya 67 Lebanon 79 Jordan Sr
vm Contents
The West Bank and Gaza 84 The Maghrib 88
2. Jewish Claims in the Context of the Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Peace Process, 1948~2om 99 Holocaust Reparations, Israel's Finances, and Claims Against Arab Countries IOO Comparability ofJ ewish and Palestinian Property Claims I04 Demand for I948 War Damages I08 Early Actions Linking Jewish and Palestinian Property Losses and Claims m Israeli Linkage ofJewish and Palestinian Property after I95I I20 International Response to Linkage I26 Israeli Documentation ofJewish Claims in the 1950s I3 0 Aberrant Cases: Addressing Claims Outside of the Conflict's Context I39 Mizrahi/Sephardic Organizations, Linkage, and the Question ofJewish "Refugees" I58 Israel's Peace Treaties with Egypt and Jordan I73 The Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process I8o
3. The Status of Jewish Property Claims Today 191 Syria I92 Lebanon I96 Egypt 198 Jordan 207 The West Bank and Gaza 207 The Maghrib 2I3 Yemen 2I4 The U.S. Invasion oflraq and Jewish Claims 2I5 Compensation and Restitution from Libya! 223 Preparations for Renewed Israeli-Palestinian Talks 226 Conclusion
I. I.
Land Claimed by the JNF in Syria after 1948
1.2. Former PICA Land Claimed by Israel in Lebanon after 1948
1.3. Jewish Landin the West Bank Controlled by Jordan after 1948 2.1. Value ofJewish Property Losses in Arab Countries and/or to Arab Citizens Recorded by Israeli Registrar of Foreign Claims, 1949-1950 103 2.2. Sample of Estimates of the Scope and Value ofi948 Palestinian Refugee Property Losses (Land and Real Estate Only) 122 2.3. Value ofJewish Property Losses in Arab Countries and/or to Arab Citizens Recorded by Israeli Registrar of Foreign Claims, 1949-1956 133 2.4. Value ofJewish Endowment (Waqf) Property in Iraq Estimated by Three Iraqi Jewish Experts, 1951 134
x List of 'Tables
2.5. Value ofJewish Property Losses in Iraq Recorded by
Israeli Registrar of Foreign Claims, I949-I952
2.6. Type and Value of Property Losses Registered with the
Central Registry ofJ ewish Losses in Egypt by Jews Resident in Israel, r957 r47 2.7. Nationalities ofJews Registering Property Losses with the
Central Registry ofJewish Losses in Egypt, I957-I959 2. 8.
Type and Value of Total Property Losses Registered with the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt, I957-I959 I49
2.9. Sample ofJewish Communal Property in Larger Towns
in Algeria as of July r, r962
l'Agence de defense des biens et interet:s des rapatries (Agency for Defense of the Property and Interests of Repatriates)
Association Internationale Nebi Daniel
American Jewish Archives
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Committee Archives
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Archives
Association des Juifs originaires d'Algerie
l'Agence Nationale d'Indemnisation des Fran',dis d'Outre Mer (National Agency for Compensation of Overseas French)
American Sephardi Federation
American Sephardi Federation Records
Canadian Jewish Conference
xii Abbreviations
Coalition Provisional Authority
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Commission for the Resolution of Real Property Disputes
Central Zionist Archives
Front de le liberation nationale
Historical Society ofJews from Egypt
International Committee ofJews from Arab Lands
International journal ofMiddle East Studies
Iraqi National Congress
Iraq Property Claims Commission
Israel State Archives
Jewish Agency
Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Mrica
Justice for Jews from Arab Countries
Jewish National Fund
National Archives and Records Administration
Near East Air Transit
Palestinian Authority
Palestine Electric Corporation
Palestine Jewish Colonization Association
Palestine Land Development Company
Palestine Liberation Organization
Palestine Potash Company
Public Records Office
Revolutionary Command Council
Abbreviations xm
Refugee Working Group
United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine
United Nations H igh Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
United Nations Secretariat Archives
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
United Press International
United Restitution Organization
Union de defense des interers des FranEconomics> and Cukure I2, 4 and I3 , I (20 05 and 200 6). S6. Akiva Eldar, "Zionism on Trial;' Haarctz Internet ed. , January 3I, 2005. S7. Report on Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories (March-April 200 5) : 6.
ss. Blougrund, The JewishNationalFund, s, ro . S9. Report on Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories (March-April 200 5): 6. 90. Akiva Eldar, "Theft Under the Cover ofideology;' Haaretz, September 6 , 2005. 9r. Blougrund, TheJewishNationalFund, IO-Ir. 92. Ibrahim Barzak, "Abbas Decrees Settlements for Public Use;' Associated Press, August 20, 2005; "Abbas Signs Decree Giving PA Control over Settle-
308 Notes
ment Lands;' Haarctz Internet ed., August 20, 2005; "Abbas Signs Decree on Gaza Property;' Haarctz Internet ed., August 2r, 2005. The text of the decree was published by al-Quds,August 2r, 2005. 93. Press release of the International Sephardic Leadership Council, December 5, 2004. Available at http://www.sephardiccouncil.org/press-ravmadar. html. 94. Larry Luxner, "Muslims Restore Tunisia Shuls;' Jewish Telegraphic Agency, January r6, 2008. 95. Mark Tessler and Linda L. Hawkins, "The Political Culture ofJews in Tunisia and Morocco;' International Journal ofMiddle East Studies II, r (Februaryr98o): 67. 96. UN Human Rights Committee, "Communication No r424/2005: Algeria. 20/I2/2006. CCPR/C/88/DI424/2005. (Jurisprudence) (December 20, 2006). 97. "Une rumeur infondee declenche une campagne antisemite en Algerie;' LeMonde, June 28 , 200 5. 98. "Jewish Exiles Return to Algeria;' Middle East Online, May 23, 2005. Available at http: //www.middle-east-online.comjenglish/l id = r3572. 99. Itamar Eichner, "Rabbi Shabazi's Bones to be Buried in Israeli;' YNET New. com, January 2r, 2008. Available at www.ynetnews.com. roo. Shenhav, The Arab Jews, I7I. ror. Shenhav, "Ethnicity and National Memory;' 45. ro2. Associated Press, December 29, 2005, in Israel Insider. Available at http://www.mafhoum.comjpress9/263S25.htm. r03. Levin, Locked Doors, 9. ro4. Zuhayr Andrawus, "al-Murashshah li-Mansab Wazir al-'Adl al-'Iraqi Yu'ayyid I'adat Amlak al-Yahud al-'Iraqiyyin allati Sadiraha al-Nizam" [The Candidate for the Position ofiraqi Justice Minister Supports the Return of the Property ofiraqi Jews That Was Confiscated by the Regime], al-Hayat (July II, 2003), citing al-Quds al-'Arabi and YediotAharonot. ro5. Lawrence Smallman, "Israel Wants Iraq to Pay Compensation;' Aljazeera.net, June r, 2004. ro6. Judith Millet, "Iraqi Documents on Israel Surface on a Cultural Hunt;' New York Times, May 5, 2003; Michael R. Fischbach, "Israel Tallies Up Compensation Claims by Iraq's Jews;' Daily Star, September 4, 2004. I07. "The Iraqi Jewish Archive Preservation Report" (October 2, 2003). Available at http :fjoi.uchicago. edujO IjiRAQ/melajiraqiJ ewishAtchiveReport. htm. ro8. Eric J. Greenberg, "Fate of Rare Document Trove Remains Unclear as Iraqi Regime Takes Charge;' Forward (July 2, 2004). I09. Private communication with Doris A. Hamburg (November 7, 2007). IIO . Matthew Gutman, "Baghdad Files Strengthen Jews' Property Claims;' Jerusalem Post Internet ed., June r, 2004. m. Gutman, "Baghdad Files Strengthen Jews' Property Claims"; Lawrence
Smallman, "Israel Wants Iraq to Pay Compensation:' I spent nearly two years trying to obtain copies of these documents from the U.S. military and Department of State through a Freedom of Information Act request but was unsuccessful. Several government and military agencies claimed that they tried to locate the documents but were unsuccessful even in finding reference to their ever having been captured. rr2. Matthew Gutman, "Moderate Iraqi Shi'ites Seem Tolerant, but How Much Power Will They Havel" Jewish Telegraphic Agency, May 5, 2003. rr3. Jane Beresford, "The Baghdad Librarian's Story;' Taking a Stand, BBC Radio 4 , January 8, 2008. Available at http:/fnews.bbc.co.uk/2/hijmiddle-east/ 7I772o8.stm. II4. Assam Bairn, "Iraqi Jews to Resume Prayers at Yechezkel's Tomb;' Ma'ariv, June 9, 2003; Tim Judah, "Passover in Baghdad;' Granta.com. Available at http: //www.granta.commjextracts/20IO . rrs. Carlos C. Huerta, "Jewish Heartbreak and Hope in Nineveh;' Jerusalem Post, July 24, 200 3. rr6. "Tomb ofNahum in Iraq Needs Urgent Repairs;' Point ofNo Return, January 4, 2007. Available at www.jewishrefugees.blogspot.com. II7. Douglas Davis, "Iraq to Weigh Returing Jewish Property;'Jerusalem Post Internet ed., December, 26, 2003. rr8. Dexter Filkins, "Iraqi Council Weighs Return ofJews, Rejecting it So Far;' New York Times , February 28, 2004. rr9. Ibid; Sarah Sennott, "It Is Now or Never;' Newsweek-MSNBC.com, April 9, 2004. r2o . Dar al-Salam, July ro , 2003, cited in Nimrod Raphaeli, "The New Iraqi Press and the Jews;' Middle East Media Research Institute, Inquiry and Analysis Series, no. I46, August 26,2003. r2r. "Cleric Calls for Killing ofJews who Buy Land;' Reuters, June 28 , 2003. r22. "Turkey Responds to Activities ofJewish-Based Kmdish Credit Bank with Ziraat Bank;' Cihan News Agency, November r3, 2003. Available at http:// www.casi.org.ukjdiscussj200 3/msgo48I8 .html. r23. Ronen Tal, "Claiming Babylon's Stolen Treasures;' Y Net News.com, May 29, 2006; Shihada, "Ya'tabaruna Anfusahum al-Majmu'a al-Yahudiyya al-'Arabiyya al-Akbar fi'l-Dawla al-'Ibriyya"; Irwin Cotler, David Matas, and Stanley Urman, "Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries: The Case for Rights and Redress" (New York: Justice for Jews from Arab Countries, 2007), sec. 6(D)(d). r24. See the court's various rulings in the case, HCJ 8902jos, Amutat Shemesh-Shalom ve Shilumim v. Prime Minister et al, on the court's website: www.court.gov.il. r2s. Shlomo Shamir, "Iraqi-Jewish Expats to Seek Compensation for Lost Assets;' Haaretz, May r6, 2003. r26. Pazit Ravina, "Ex-Iraqi Jews Plan Massive Class-Action Suit for Lost Assets;' Jerusalem Report) June 20 , 2003.
IZ7. Ibid. rz8. "Londoner Claims Ancient Jewish Title and a Fortune in Iraq;' Wall Street Journal, June 30, zoo3. rz9. Orly Halpern, "Iraq Jews Demand Compensation for Billions in Lost Assets:' Jerusalem Post, August 3r, zoos. r30. Haaretz, May 6, zoo 3. r3r. Halpern, "Iraq Jews Demand Compensation:' r3z. Stewart Ain, "Iraqi Jews Seeking Claims;' Jewish Week, May Z3, zoo3; Ran Dagoni and Itamar Levin, "Iraqi Jews Mulling Compensation Lawsuits Against Iraq;' Globes Internet ed., July z , zoo3; Dexter Filkins, "Iraqi Council Weighs Return ofJews, Rejecting it so Far;' New York Times, February z8, Z004. 133. Interview with Heskel Haddad, October zz, zoo7. r34. Jenny Hazan, "Baghdad Evacuees Celebrate Arrival in Israel;'Jerusalem Post, July Z7, zoo3. r3s. "Helmet Given Back to Israelis;' Associated Press, August r7, zoo3. r36. James D. Besser, "Iraq Restitution Gets Push;' Jewish Week, January z, Z004. 137. Palestine Report, March I7, zoo4. r38. Interview with 'Oved Ben 'Ozer, Tel Aviv, August 30, zoo6. r39. Interview with Heskel Haddad, October zz, zoo7. 140 . Shlomo Shamir, "Insurance Firm to Pay Jews Who Fled Iraq in r9sos;' Haaretz Internet ed., April zo, zoo4; "French Insurer to Pay Iraqi Jewish Claims;' Reuters, April I9, zoo4. I4I. The Scribe z o, October r986. r4z. Sunday Times [London], Julys, zo oo, cited in "Massad Snatches Sacred Jewish Texts from Saddam;' The Scribe 73 (July zooo ); "Abandoned Iraqi Torah Makes Trek to New York;' Jewish Telegraphic Agency, December 3, I999. r43. AlrHayat, May 3r, zoo 3, and alrSharq al-Awsat, May 8, zo o3, cited in Raphaeli, "The New Iraqi Press and the Jews." 144. Michael Arnold, "Under Saddam's Eye;' Jerusalem Post, March r3, 1998. r4s. Orly Halpern, "Iraq Jews to Demand Compensation for Billions in Lost Assets." r46. Tony Harnden, "Gaddafi Regime in Secret Talks with Top Israelis;' Telegraph [London], January 8, zoo4; Inigo Gilmore, "Libyan Jews Claim £room for Seized Wealth;' Sunday Telegraph , January n, zoo4; Michael R. Fischbach, "Will Libya's Jews Get Back What Gadhafi Confiscated!" Daily Star, May r7, zoos. 147. Orly Halpern, "Israelis Brace for Libya Visit;' Jerusalem Post, March 3, zoos. r48. Gilmore, "Libyan Jews Claim £room for Seized Wealth"; Marion Fischel, "Gaddafi Offers Compensation to Libyan Jews;' Jerusalem Post, September r, zoo4.
Notes 3n
I49. KhaledAbu Toameh, "Ghaddafi's Son: Atab Leaders Should Embrace US Reform Proposals;' Jerusalem Post, March 2S, 2004. ISO. Itamar Levin, "Qadhafi: Jews Must Be Compensated for Loss of Property;' Globes, September I, 2004. IS I. AmericanJewish Yearbook 1985, 32r. IS2. Ha-