Jay Patrick (1912-2003), Founder of Alacer (Emergen-C) - Compilation of Jay Patrick's historical writings on Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Ascorbates, and mineral ascorbates

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Jay Patrick, Founder of Alacer
Novice User Joined On 2/2009
Posted On Sep 24, 2009
Before retiring, I worked for a nutriceutical company (Alacer, maker of Emergen-C
vitamin C supplements) for several years that has the largest selling vitamin C
product in the US. The company founder worked with Pauling, Stone, Gyorgyi and
Hoffer to develop a C that could be given in high doses without the high acidity of
ascorbic acid alone. Ascorbic acid is not C, the mineral ascorbates are, but you
need all eight of them in balance. Not just sodium alone.
No doubt a person with undiagnosed chronic scurvy (which is what a lot of illness
is) will respond favorably to the addition of any of the ascorbates, but for
maximal results I would certainly not depend solely on sodium ascorbate. Calcium
and sodium ascorbate are only 1/4 of the ascorbate complex that makes up vitamin C.
There is also magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese, chromium... and I can't
remember the 8th one, but it is important, too.
The downside to mineral ascorbates is that, with the exception of calcium,
magnesium and sodium, the others degrade quickly. So quickly that they cannot be
packaged for marketing.
Recognizing the problem, it was determined that all of the necessary minerals, in
natural body ratios to one another, must be reacted and immediately consumed. This
was done by combining the 8 minerals, in carbonate form, with ascorbic acid and
some natural fruit flavor, packed as powder in individual one dose hermetically
sealed packets. When water is added to the packet contents in a glass the acid
reacts with the mineral carbonates and, Voila! a glass of true vitamin C is created
for immediate consumption.
The company is Alacer. The product is Emergen-C. The creator of the product is
probably one of the great unsung heros of Vitamin C research. His name is Jay
Patrick. He passed away at the age of 92 and ran the company every day until about
a week before his demise. He had to be dragged to the hospital. His diet was
deplorable and he got no exercise. I attribute his longevity to his massive
consumption of his own invention.
Collection of writings of Jay Patrick
Articles by Jay Patrick,
Chairman of The Committee for World Health,
President of Alacer Corp. (maker of Alacer Emergen-C vitamin C supplement)
Jay Patrick (1912-2003) - James W. "Jay" Patrick, president and founder of Alacer
Corp. of Foothill Ranch, Calif., died of natural causes on Feb 26, 2003. He was 90.
Mr. Jay Patrick developed vitamin C products in the form of mineral ascorbates,
including the company's best-selling Emergen-C Fizzing Vitamin C Drink Mixes. He
believed that this form of vitamin C, as opposed to the more common ascorbic acid,
could be consumed in higher doses because it was less acidic, easier to digest and
directly absorbed into the cells.
"My father had such great drive about his passion—mineral ascorbates," said Ron
Patrick, Alacer's vice president of operations. "He would talk to new employees,
salesmen trying to sell other products, bankers or waitresses—it didn't matter who
they were—about the value of mineral ascorbates. His mission was that you
understood the value of mineral ascorbates."
Jay Patrick became a vitamin C proponent in his late 50s, when he was working as a
lab chemist at the TECT chemical company in Northvale, N.J. He discovered the
vitamin C research of Irwin Stone, Ph.D., and began taking 2 grams of C daily to
alleviate severe jaw pain that doctors could not help. After the pain stopped
within a week, Mr. Patrick embarked on his life's work of studying the health
benefits of the energy-boosting vitamin and sharing this information with others.
In 1970, Mr. Patrick formed the Alacer Corp. to continue his research on mineral
ascorbates. He studied the work of vitamin C pioneers and Nobel laureates Linus
Pauling and Albert Szent-Gyorgi, the latter of whom became a company consultant.
Alacer introduced Super Gram C in 1970 and launched the effervescent Emer'gen-C
eight years later.
"Jay really did a lot to increase the public's appreciation of the importance of
vitamin C," said Stephen Lawson, spokesman for Linus Pauling Institute in Corvalis,
Ore., who worked with Mr. Patrick at the Third World Congress on Vitamin C in
Victoria, British Columbia, in 2001.
Mr. Patrick remained active in the company until his death, continuing to
distribute monthly supplies of Emer'gen-C packets to his staff, writing the book
Staying Alive and Being Alive and donating vitamins to organizations around the
world. He also continued to work with the Committee for World Health, the nonprofit
research foundation he formed in 1978.
Mr. Patrick is survived by his wife, Ymelda, his son Ron, daughters Lorna, Alice
and Janet, and 13 grandchildren. Donations can be made in his memory to The
Committee for World Health, 19571 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610.
Jay Patrick, Founder of Alacer, King of C Effervesces With Energy by Barbara Hey |
Apr 24, 2008
Jay Patrick has spent most of his adult life consumed by, and consuming, vitamin C.
When he was in his late 50s, working as a lab chemist in New Jersey, he was felled
by severe jaw pain that could not be quelled by conventional medicine. He happened
upon research that extolled the health and energy-promoting virtues of vitamin C,
and he embarked on a regimen of 2,000 mg per day. Within a week his pain was gone,
his life path altered forever.
"At the age of 60, I found my purpose in life," says Patrick, now 91 years old.
That purpose was and still is—with unremitting fervor—to spread the word about
mineral ascorbates, a form of vitamin C that animals, but not humans, produce in
their livers. Animals live seven times past their maturity (a dog, for instance, is
mature at 2 but lives on average to 14). Says Patrick, it's possible that humans
could do the same (mature at 15, maybe live to 105) if they too had an abundance of
mineral ascorbates circulating in their bodies.
The research that ignited his passion all those years ago was that of Irwin Stone,
Ph.D., a pioneer proponent of vitamin C. When Patrick's interest in C first was
piqued, he would pilot his boat down the Hudson River to Stone's house on Staten
Island to discuss the healing power of the vitamin. Ultimately, there was a parting
of the ways between these men over the optimal form of vitamin C. Patrick believes
that mineral ascorbates are superior, because, he says, they are more readily
absorbed by the body, not as acidic and easier to digest compared to other forms—
therefore allowing higher dose consumption.
According to Patrick, ascorbic acid, the most common form of supplemental C, is
more likely to cause stomach upset and so just doesn't pack the punch of the seven
mineral ascorbates (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc,
chromium) that are the carriers, and, Patrick insists, the preferable form of the
His new mission in life led Patrick to California, where he established Alacer
Corp. in 1970 and continued his research. He studied the work of other champions of
vitamin C, including Nobel laureates Linus Pauling and Albert Szent-Gyorgi, the
latter of whom worked as an Alacer consultant at the company's conception.
Patrick's goal was to develop vitamin C products using mineral ascorbates as the
vitamin's delivery system. This allows the vitamin to bypass the digestive tract
and be directly absorbed into the cells where it's needed. "We found that
ascorbates act as carrying agents, delivering the nutrients to every cell of the
body," he says.
He soon achieved his goal. Alacer's first product—Super Gram C—a timed-release
capsule of 1,000 mg mineral ascorbates, was introduced in 1970. Eight years later,
Alacer debuted what soon became the company's ubiquitous and best-selling product,
Emer'gen-C—packets of effervescent powder that contain 1,000 mg of mineral
ascorbates, 38 mineral complexes and B vitamins. Emer'gen-C is now available in
more than 20 flavors, even coffee and cola, plus a strawberry formulation for kids.
Those colorful packets, said to boost energy and labeled with encouragement ("Get
Up & Go!"), are now the top-selling vitamin C products sold in health food stores,
and the fourth-best-selling brand of vitamin C sold in mainstream grocery stores.
If it were up to Patrick, he'd speak of nothing but C, specifically mineral
ascorbates, what he refers to as "the real vitamin C."
"My father's life is vitamin C," says son Ron Patrick, vice president of operations
for Alacer. "[My father] has lived and breathed it for more than 30 years."
According to the elder Patrick, everyone needs C and lots of it. "Most of us are
wandering on a precipice, with minimal amounts of vitamin C in our body, making us
vulnerable to trauma," he says, which is not an issue for Patrick, who stands on
solid ground after decades of daily supplementation.
"He's probably taken vitamin C longer than anyone," says Ron of his father. So if
there is merit to his belief in the power of the vitamin, Jay Patrick is living
proof. "I take 10 grams of mineral ascorbates each day. I haven't had a cold in 30
years, and I have coronary arteries completely free of plaque," Patrick says.
Alacer's press packet contains a copy of Patrick's latest brain MRI, showing a
hearty-sized hippocampus, the site responsible for cognitive functioning, unusual
in its heft for a man his age, he says.
"Wonder why my hair is this color?" asks Patrick, pointing to his muted-brown locks
one afternoon in March while sitting at Alacer's booth at Natural Products Expo
West in Anaheim, Calif. No words necessary; he demonstrates the answer by tossing
two Super Gram IIIs into the back of his throat and following those with a chaser
of tropical-fruit-flavored Emer'gen-C. "If you do that three times a day, one pill
or one packet, you'll be covered," he advises.
But for Patrick it's not enough that he knows the answer; he wants others—millions
of others—to know the truth of what he says and to follow his lead. That there is
this substance that could help so many but is taken by so few drives him to keep
going, to keep spreading the word. He credits vitamin C with an impressive and
surprising array of health benefits: improving vision (his, he says, is 20/20),
increasing muscle tone in children with cerebral palsy, preventing cognitive and
memory loss, aiding in liver regeneration, correcting sleep apnea, even helping
coma victims return to consciousness.
He founded the Committee for World Health in 1978 to do further research on how
vitamin C might help treat and prevent these and other illnesses. The committee is
researching the effects of mineral ascorbates on patients hospitalized in Mexico
and Russia, looking in particular at liver ailments such as hepatitis and
cirrhosis. In addition, the committee is currently working with the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation, seeking to donate products to AIDS-plagued central Africa.
For the past 32 years, Patrick's focus has been on developing products,
particularly those with mineral ascorbates, although Alacer's line has expanded
beyond vitamin C. And he's had his challenges.
"Like any pioneer, he had to figure out the entire production process," says his
son. "But through it all, he just wouldn't quit." And all these years later,
Patrick still puts in long hours at the office, arriving at his desk every morning
at 8 a.m., (with a midday break for a gym workout), overseeing his business,
thinking continually of ways to get his message across. "He is still very active in
the company; the master chef, the final arbiter of products," says his son.
In his spare time, Patrick writes articles (e.g., "Are Girls Smarter [than boys]?"
Answer: more circulating mineral ascorbates), and he just completed a book, Staying
Alive and Being Alive, that is excerpted on the company Web site. The site also
includes testimonials from devotees of Emer'gen-C, such as actors Chuck Norris and
Sylvester Stallone.
Patrick displays an energy that results in equal measure from his ingestion of and
passion for mineral ascorbates. To Patrick, his vitamin C products are not just
supplements; they are something that could save us all. "I am going to live to 100
because it is so critical to me to continue to get out the word about vitamin C,"
he says with conviction. "I know I am living a useful life."
Lawsuit to be Filed Against National Academy of Sciences;
"A Crime Against Our Society,"
Declares Plaintiff Alacer Corp.
FOOTHILL RANCH, Calif.--(BW HealthWire)--
May 10, 2000
via NewsEdge Corporation -
Jay Patrick, 87-year-old president of Alacer Corp., announced today that a lawsuit
is prepared and will be filed in about 10 days against the National Academy of
Sciences, for "their absolute falsehoods in regard to the use of high levels of
Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene."
Alacer Corp. is the producer of Emer'gen-C(TM), an effervescent drink mix that,
according to independent SPINS market research, holds a 45 percent market share of
Vitamin C sold in health food outlets in the United States. When water is added to
Emer'gen-C(TM), the ascorbic acid reacts with the mineral salts, creating mineral
ascorbates like those produced naturally in the livers of more than 99.9% of all
animals - except humans.
The Alacer suit will concentrate on alleged false statements made regarding Vitamin
C, that contradict the Academy's own findings reported in their recently released
Dietary Reference Intakes report, according to Patrick. "We regard our genetic
inability to produce mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in our own bodies as the major
disease of the world. This ailment renders us unable to counter innumerable
diseases which can never be cured by drug approaches and which greatly shorten our
lives," Patrick said.
The suit will seek compensatory damages and ask the Court to declare that the "true
Vitamin C" is mineral ascorbates, not ascorbic acid. Mineral ascorbates can be
ingested at levels 20 or more times that of ascorbic acid without fear of diarrhea
or other gastrointestinal disturbance. "We shall summon major scientists of the
world in support of our charges," said Patrick. "We intend to show that the role of
Vitamin C in life extension far exceeds the antioxidant capabilities which the
National Academy of Sciences, in its public hearings, indicates is its sole
function. Accordingly, we are prepared to prove that the Academy is actually lying
in their remarks, which cover all diseases of humankind. Indeed, we feel that their
statements constitute a crime against our society. Thus, we shall ask that the
federal charter of the Institute be revoked."
About Jay Patrick
At age 59, Patrick was head of a chemical specialties corporation in northern New
Jersey. He had developed in 1954 the outstanding replacement of the highly toxic
carbon tetrachloride, stabilized 1-1-1 trichloroethane, and such products as IBM
Tape Cleaner and Developer for use by IBM Computers throughout the world.
At the time, Patrick was not at all interested in nutritional supplements. However,
he started to suffer from extreme pains of the TM joints and turned to dentists,
without satisfaction, to help eliminate them. Looking for a solution, Patrick
became a good friend of Dr. Irwin Stone, an enzyme chemist studying Vitamin C and
its many benefits.
Among the things that Stone told him was that all humans suffer from a genetic
disease, our inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies. On the contrary,
99.9% of all animals manufacture the neutral mineral ascorbates in their own
Patrick tried five or six grams of ascorbic acid and quickly noted that about 95%
of his TMJ pain went away. This immediately attracted his interest. He resolved
that he would find some way to produce the same mineral ascorbates used so
successfully by animals. Accordingly, he shut down his New Jersey plant and
returned to his native California.
Within the coming years he set up a plant to produce timed-release mineral
ascorbates and other food supplements, which proved quite successful. However, in
1978 he conceived the idea of making a product that would simulate the production
of C by animals. It turned out to be Emer'gen-C(TM) effervescent drink mix which
has become the outstanding source of Vitamin C in the United States, as sold
through health food stores and, lately, in many grocery chains.
Patrick has written some 100 articles on health and his book "Staying Alive and
Being Alive" will shortly be published. It includes articles such as "How to Get
Out of the Hospital Alive", "Four Great Medical Hoaxes", "What Kills Most of Us",
and "Specialized Woman".
Patrick's wife, Ymelda, has 16 grandchildren. They are all in excellent health and
are outstanding students. The reason, he says, is that their mothers had 8 to 10
grams of Alacer's Vitamin C mineral ascorbates during each pregnancy.
Jay Patrick , Founder of Alacer, with a Dose of Marketing : Irvine Vitamin Firm
Alacer to Begin Advertising
MARCH 24, 1995 12 AM PT
IRVINE — Jay Patrick, just shy of his 83rd birthday, goes to work every day in
offices cluttered with electronic gadgetry and books and articles about health and
nutrition. A sofa bed in one corner is always open so he can take his daily 22-
minute nap.
The founder and president of a 23-year-old Irvine company that makes vitamins and
other food supplements counted the late Linus Pauling among his friends. In fact,
he credits the Nobel-prize winning chemist with getting him into his line of work.
Now, he is one of his own best customers. He takes 10 grams of vitamin C every
day--about 150 times the recommended daily allowance--because, he says, it ensures
his good health and vitality.
After years in relative obscurity, Patrick has decided to raise the profile of
Alacer Corp. by making a push into the rapidly growing health-food segment of the
retail industry. Alacer, which sells its products in health-food stores nationwide,
will begin advertising and marketing its full line of vitamin and mineral tablets,
bottled water with electrolyte additives and vitamin-enriched skin-care products.
Privately held Alacer is timing its marketing move well, observers and analysts
say. The vitamin industry as a whole has seen its sales grow steadily in the 1990s.
Total sales of food supplements were a record $4 billion for 1993, according to the
Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group based in Washington. That
represented a 10% increase from the previous year.
Tony Cherbak, a retail analyst with Deloitte & Touche, said the health-food and
food-supplement industries have not been tracked carefully until recently because
they made up such a small segment of the total retail market.
The reason for the recent sales growth, he said, is not known, but Deloitte &
Touche, as well as other consulting groups, are beginning to research it.
Those inside the industry, though, offer this answer: “People can’t afford to be
sick because of the high cost of health care,” said Bernie Bubman, co-founder of
Great Earth Vitamin Stores, a Los Angeles-based chain. “So they are looking for
Whatever the reason for the boom, it bodes well for Alacer, which employs about 100
people and estimates its annual revenue at about $6 million.
The company already has a devoted customer base, including some celebrities.
Supermodel Cindy Crawford, for example, has touted the company’s E-mergen-C vitamin
supplement in fashion magazine articles.
Alacer’s growth has been achieved up to now strictly by word-of-mouth. The company
has no sales staff--its products are shipped to distribution companies that fill
retailers’ orders.
“The company was always been a product-driven company,” said Michael Maynard,
Alacer’s newly hired director of marketing. Little money or effort went into
promotions, he said, largely because Patrick is not a typical businessman.
He never mentions the bottom line, and terms like “operating margin” are rarely
“As I got older,” Patrick said, “I became more interested in finding ways to live a
longer and healthier life.”
That and his friendship with Pauling, who advocated large doses of vitamins to
stave off illness, led Patrick into the food supplement business. He never had a
marketing plan or an advertising budget.
Now, though, “that is all changing,” Maynard said. He would not give specifics, he
said, except that “the advertising budget will be brought up to more than the
national average, which is about 4% of sales.”
Healthy Sales
U.S. sales of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements increased 14% in
1993. Retail sales, in billions of dollars: 1989: $3.2 1990: $3.3 1991: $3.3 1992:
$3.7 1993: $4.2
Popular Choices
In 1993, vitamins and minerals alone accounted for $3.6 billion in sales, with
multivitamins and vitamins C and E being the top sellers. Market share for 1993,
the most recent year for which data is available: Multivitamins: 44% Vitamin C: 12%
Vitamin E: 12% B complex: 8% Calcium: 7% Iron: 5% Other vitamins, minerals: 12%
Source: Council for Responsible Nutrition; Researched by JANICE L. JONES / Los
Angeles Times
Pauling Road Address Fits New Vitamin Factory to a ‘C’
MARCH 20, 1996 12 AM PT
What better place to put a vitamin factory than on Pauling Road in Foothill Ranch?
After all, the street is named after the late Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize-winning
chemist who helped to make Vitamin C a household word.
What’s more, Jay Patrick, the 84-year-old founder and president of Alacer Corp.,
counted Pauling, who died in 1994, as a mentor and friend. During the 1970s, the
two men helped to popularize the benefits of taking Vitamin C.
Patrick was supposed to preside over a March 14 groundbreaking for the new, 58,000-
square-foot plant and headquarters office that Alacer wants to build on Pauling
Road. But Mother Nature intervened with a rainstorm, and the groundbreaking will be
rescheduled at an as-yet-undetermined date.
About 100 people work at the company’s existing facility in Irvine, which
manufactures vitamins and dietary supplements. The new plant will turn out Alacer’s
line of vitamin and mineral tablets, along with a topical nutrition skin-care line.
As for the Pauling Road name, Alacer spokesman Michael Maynard says that it was a
bit of “weird luck.” Patrick was reviewing several possible sites in Foothill Ranch
when he saw the Pauling sign that helped to clinch the deal.
Foothill Ranch Exec Targeted Over Toxic Waste
JUNE 24, 2000 12 AM PT
He runs a multimillion-dollar Foothill Ranch vitamin company whose products get
rave reviews from actors Sylvester Stallone and Chuck Norris and New York Mets
catcher Mike Piazza.
But New Jersey officials are preparing a bitter pill for 88-year-old Jay Patrick:
They want to force him to pay for the estimated $2-million cleanup at the site of a
chemical company he ran for 25 years in Bergen County where about 1,000 drums of
toxic solvents were found buried.
Patrick acknowledges that Tect Inc., the Northvale company where he served as
president and chief chemist, buried chemicals. But he says it had no alternative
and believes there’s little New Jersey can do about it 32 years later.
“I can’t say I’m proud that we buried those things, but there was nothing else we
could do,” Patrick told The Record of Hackensack. “We couldn’t burn it because that
would kill people, and we couldn’t bury it up in the mountains. There was no
Patrick said he expects his vitamin supplement company, Alacer Corp., to take in
about $24 million this year.
That has New Jersey officials hopeful they can recover most or all of the cost of
cleaning up the site.
When the contamination was discovered in March, Northvale officials assumed the
company’s former owner was long dead. But after Northvale Mayor John Rooney
publicized the contamination, a local newspaper received an anonymous letter
asserting the owner was living in California.
Rooney said that because the contamination occurred more than 30 years ago, Patrick
cannot be prosecuted criminally. And there were no laws in effect at the time
prohibiting the burial of solvents on an industrial site.
He said he hopes the borough or state can sue Patrick to recover costs of the
cleanup, which the state is paying for out of an account funded by levies on the
chemical industry.
Mothers, Fathers: Is Your Child on Ritalin?
We of Alacer believe that, in most cases Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
results from the child’s greater-than-average need for good nutrition,especially
Vitamin C, in the form of the mineral ascorbates. Surely the child does not suffer
from a nutritional deficiency of methyl-phenidate, the true name of this drug.
Accordingly, we will furnish the first 500 parents of any child now on Ritalin,who
wish to try our nutritional approach, with a free bottle of Super Gram III Jr.,
containing 100 Timed Release tablets, a 33 day supply. We ask only for a report on
the results obtained.
We look at it this way: Some 4,000 genetic diseases have been identified. They
include sickle cell anemia from which many African-Americans suffer and
phenylketonuria from which a few children suffer at birth and until they are at
least 12 years old. But almost no attention is given to the major genetic disease
which afflicts absolutely every living person, hypoascorbemia, the inability to
produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in our own livers: (as do 99.9% of all
other animals). Says E. Cheraskin, M. D., D.M. D., who has researched the subject
for some 38 years and authored 23 books: "Hypoascorbemia, our genetic inability to
produce the mineral forms of Vitamin C in our own bodies, is the major disease of
the world. It renders us far more susceptible to disease and generally shortens our
lives some 20 years or more."
Indeed, C. Alan B. Clemetson, professor of Tulane University School of Medicine and
author of 3 volumes on Vitamin C, further comments: "One would never think of
treating a patient with sickle cell disease or cystic fibrosis of the pancreas
without taking those inborn errors of metabolism into account. Likewise, no human
being should ever be treated without regard to our common metabolic defect
(hypoascorbemia)." (Page 11, Volume 1, Vitamin C, C. Alan B. Clemetson)
Growing up, it is well established, in an enormous strain on the body. Indeed, many
children develop growing pains, as their legs stretch upward in growth. Most
children, especially those of higher intelligence, may burn up the limited amounts
of Vitamin C available to them. Thus, they suffer from frank scurvy, although it
may not be obvious to the pediatrician.
Stress and greater activity will themselves do this and, therefore, the consequence
is that their brains are short on Vitamin C and other nutrients. This is reflected
partly in an inability to concentrate adequately on any particular subject. Thus
the child becomes somewhat "scatterbrained" and jumps nervously from subject to
subject in hyperactivity.
We think that taking a drug such as Ritalin which has some 18 or more side effects
is the wrong way to go. As with almost every disease, as Doctors Cheraskin,
Clementson, and countless others familiar with the subject will tell you, a first
priority is to do something about the child’s great need in growing up for good
levels of the mineral ascorbates.
Indeed, there are findings that ascorbate will even increase height in many
children as much as one inch in less than a year of intake. (Page 4, Vitamin C: Who
Needs It?, E. Cheraskin, MD, DMD, Arlington Press.)
Side Effects of Ritalin Children
Loss of appetite, trouble in sleeping, stomach pain, and weight loss, may be
especially likely to occur in children, who are usually more sensitive than adults
to the effects of methylphenidate. Also, there have been reports of children’s
growth rate being slowed when methylphenidate was used for a long time. Some
doctors recommend drug-free periods during treatment with methylphenidate. (Page
1119, Complete Drug Reference, US Pharmacopeia)
"I regard it as a National disgrace," says Jay Patrick, Alacer President, "that one
million or more children are given a drug during their formative years, when
probably most of them need only good nutrition. They especially need the mineral
ascorbates of Vitamin C."
Parents who are interested in this approach are invited to send e-mail to
[email protected]. They need only identify themselves, give the name, address, and
age of the child, and agree to report the results obtained. They will then be sent
a 100 tablet bottle of Alacer’s Super Gram III jr., mineral ascorbates with
multiple vitamins and trace elements, a 33-day supply. The child is to take one
tablet, three times daily.
Based in Foothill Ranch, Calif., Alacer Corp. is a leading manufacturer of over 75
dietary and nutritional supplements, headed by their flagship product Emergen-C,
the best selling Vitamin C drink mix on the market, furnishing one gram (1000 mg.)
of mineral Ascorbates, with 200 mg. of powerful potassium, other major minerals and
B vitamins per packet. Alacer Corp. staged two World Congresses on Vitamin C, in
Palm Springs (1978) and in San Diego (1991).
Alacer Corp. is America’s leading producer of fully reacted Mineral Ascorbate
products. Its Emergen-C Vitamin C drink mix has been the best selling Vitamin C
product in health food stores for many years. And its Super Gram III and Miracle
Sports Water have been industry favorites for many years as well.
By Jay Patrick
"If I get pneumonia, and am taken to a hospital, where I die, they might attach a
card, as they do in Hungary, to my big toe, which would read:
"CAUSE of DEATH: Pneumonia." But I would probably have died of scurvy."
* * *
Nobel Laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, is speaking at the World Congress on
Vitamin C. He is the Nobelist who received the prize for his isolation of the magic
substance, Vitamin C, from the paprika pepper of his native Hungary.
Behind Szent-Gyorgyi’s remarks is a simple fact that leaves most people behind the
proverbial 8 Ball.
Some 50% of us already have in our bodies such avengers as pneumonococci,
staphylococci, streptococci, or bacilli, which can bring on this deadly lung
disease. Or we may also include influenza viruses, adenoviruses, syncytial viruses,
rhinoviruses, coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and others, from our
Rather frightening, isn’t it? But the Merck Manual says that the foregoing account
for some 75% of pulmonary infections in schools and military recruits.
An Inside Job
Some 32 years ago, while operating a chemical plant in Northern New Jersey, I
received a telephone call that my father, who lived in San Diego, was being
operated upon for appendicitis. I immediately boarded a plane, and the following
morning was able to greet him in Mercy Hospital, after they had operated upon him.
I found that he didn’t have appendicitis, but an inflamed pancreas.
However, within a few hours after greeting my father, because of the high stress of
the operation, he came down with a severe case of pneumonia and died about 24 hours
later. I now know that he probably died of scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, about which I
knew nothing at the time. He, obviously, had the pneumonoccus bacteria already in
his body, yet his resistance, at age 79, was so poor that he promptly succumbed.
Thus, you see, we don’t have to "catch" any of these life-threatening diseases.
Many of them are already inside of us, while our immune system holds them in check.
So, if we don’t want to come down with any of these unattractive ways to die, we
must do what we can to keep our resistance up. And the secret seems to be: The
right lifestyle, supported by very good nutritional supplement, which absolutely
must include the mineral ascorbates, the real forms of Vitamin C that most animals
other than humans produce in their bodies in multigram quantities.
Here and now, is where high intake of the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C should
enter in your life to stay!
Healthy people, say The National Institutes of Health, require a body pool of at
least 1500 mg of mineral ascorbates, the only form in which "C" is stored in our
organs, such as:
adrenals brain eyes gonads pituitary pancreas liver
These organs and any area of the body where intense activity is to occur must, for
your energy and resistance to disease, maintain a fair level of this miraculous
carbohydrate which Szent-Gyorgyi has described as "the ‘glue’ that holds our bodies
I feel that the collection points for mineral ascorbates should be considered
Miniature Storage Batteries, which, when "run down", leave us exhausted and almost
defenseless against disease.
What Kills Most of Us
By Jay Patrick
It is obvious that the human body wears unevenly. But the most stressed of all
organs are the heart and the arteries that serve it. In a 76-year lifetime, the
average heart, weighing a little over one pound, will pump some 52,680,000 gallons
of blood, which the arteries must carry about the body.
The coronary arteries can withstand this enormous load and the friction on the
vessel wall, which are maintained only by continuous replacement of their lining,
the intima. This lining must remain smoother than the finest silk for good arterial
But, because of poor nutrition, the new cells that try to provide a new lining
every two or three days are, with advancing years, of poor quality, so the surface
of the lining becomes rough and then starts to bleed.
Patching the Pipes
The body rushes to repair the holes, but, as the bleeding stops, tough, inflexible
scar tissue replaces the mirror-smooth surface of the artery and makes the vessel
more rigid (atherosclerosis). Then, Protein A quickly adheres to this surface,
followed by cholesterol, lipids, and calcium. These products, which are essential
to body function and, for perhaps 40 years, have circulated freely over a very
smooth surface, now start to accumulate, forming sludge that blocks circulation,
ultimately bringing on death, or the very temporary patch-up job of the heart
Yet, the cause of this arterial breakdown has been apparent for many years. In
1957, two Canadian physicians, Drs. G.C. Willis and W.J. McCormick, clearly
identified it as scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, the same liver disease that, centuries
ago, killed off most of the sailors who were at sea for months without fresh
vegetables or citrus fruit.
Magellan, in 1519, set sail with a fleet of five ships on one of history's great
voyages, the circumnavigation of the earth. Three years later, only one ship, with
only 18 members of the original crew, returned to Spain, without Magellan.
"Limeys" Survive
Over two hundred years later, in 1747, James Lind, a British ship's surgeon,
studied the mysterious malady and found that lemon juice contained an unknown
substance that could save his sailors' lives. For lack of limes, the average ship
had to return to port within a few weeks, else the bodies of most of the seamen
literally fell apart, so they quickly died. But, when the British Navy learned to
carry limes (lemons) on their cruises, they could stay at sea for many months.
But foreign navies, which operated without limes, were greatly handicapped, and had
to return to port within a few weeks. They could not carry out long voyages, so it
is no wonder that the British navy became so successful, that Britannia Ruled the
Seas for more than a century thereafter.
Finally, the magic substance was isolated by Dr. Albert Szent Gyorgyi, the
Hungarian scientist, who obtained a great volume from the Paprika pepper of his
native land. At first, it was called hexuronic acid----but later re-named ascorbic
Now, I have frequently explained that ascorbic acid is a highly reactive substance
that is short on electrons, so it is always looking for mates with which to unite.
Thus, when we ingest the acid, we are engaging in a biochemical lottery, since,
when it enters the stomach, it may react with whatever product is available. That's
because it is only an intermediate for the neutral, mineral ascorbates, which most
animals produce in their livers, and then circulate freely through their bodies.
First Things First
"What we don't see doesn't hurt us. What we don't know doesn't pain" (from the
once-popular song, Please Don't Take Away My Dreams).
Yet, we great intellectuals, who can fly all over the world, peer into the depths
of the cell and know its workings, create the Hydrogen Bomb, rocket to the moon,
maybe clone ourselves, and so, on and on: We cannot understand that what is
happening to our bodies is the same thing that happened to those ancient sailors.
It is scurvy in a subtle form. We can't see it, so we think it does not exist.
We are getting more and more news about the great accomplishments in the field of
genetics. Some 4,000 genetic diseases have been identified. Already, we are
assuming the God-like role of correcting some of them.
Yet, two genetic liver diseases that oppress all humanity are virtually ignored.
The major one is hypoascorbemia, inability to produce Vitamin C in our own livers,
as do 99.99% of all other animals. Known exceptions: humans, the guinea pig,
monkeys, apes, a type of bat, and a rare rat. The second liver disease from which
all humans suffer is hypouricasemia. We lack the enzyme uricase, which breaks down
excess uric acid, the cause of gout, and converts it into harmless allantoin and
carbon dioxide.
So billions and billions of dollars are being expended by research corporations to
find solutions to some 4,000 different genetic diseases that affect, erratically
some of our population. But very little attention is being given to the two major
liver diseases that, in one way or another, affect all humans. Some attention is
being given to uricase, and perhaps 50,000 studies have been made of Vitamin C, but
no one really works on the problem of re-establishing production of this major
substance in our own bodies. Yet mineral ascorbates participate in perhaps 1,000
metabolic functions in the body, especially as the interaction of one substance
upon another is considered.
The Great Reaper
This is the liver disease from which all of us who are spared accidental death
shall surely die. Why? Because we don't get the superior resistance to disease and
longer life, starting, at least, while in our mothers' wombs, that the real Vitamin
C, the mineral ascorbates, provide.
So, those who take ascorbic acid under the impression that it is Vitamin C are much
in error. Ascorbic acid is the intermediate form of "C", as it is present in
vegetables and fruit. Humans cannot tolerate in much volume the acidity of ascorbic
acid (pH 2), as it irritates the kidneys, bladder, and intestines. Yet, in the
multi gram quantities we require for good health and longer life, it causes
mineral-loosing diuresis and diarrhea.
You may ask: How much mineral ascorbate do we really need?
I can't give you an exact formula, because it depends so much on your sex, age,
life style, and physical condition. I can tell you, though, that I weigh about 168
lbs., have been taking from 8 to 14 grams daily for the past 25 years. I have not
had any colds for some 23 years, as they were comparatively easy to eliminate.
Avoiding attacks of the "flu" was harder, though. By stepping up my intake of
ascorbates, I could usually knock them out in one to two days. However, for the
past 10 years or so I have not had even one such attack.
If you are a woman under 40, you probably do not require as much ascorbate as a man
of the same weight. World authority on Vitamin C Irwin Stone told me, some 27 years
ago, that he believed that women produce small amounts of vitamin C in their own
bodies, which accounts, he said, for their living 6 to 8 years longer than men.
Cardiologists inform me that women usually start the formation of plaque about 10
years later than men, but that they often catch up with them in later life.
A Dog's Life
Perhaps you have a dog. Dogs are more fortunate than we, in that they do produce
some 2.8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, as equated to a 154 lb. human. And, as
Dr. Stone pointed out to me some 26 years ago, dogs and most animals other than the
human animal live 7 times their period of maturity. 2 times 7 is 14. On this basis
we human animals should live 7 times our period of maturity which is 20 to 25. 7
times 20 is 140, far above the average of about 76 years.
But, if you own a dog, you will probably notice that, as he gets to be 8 or 10
years old, he starts to have problems. His skin may be affected, for instance, and
bloody scale will appear. This is because his production of ascorbate is declining.
But if you regularly give your dog adequate mineral ascorbates, this scale will
disappear, and he, she, may live up to 20 years. (I once wrote an article: "Forget
about yourself. Just Take Care of Your Dog."
So dogs may show their lack of adequate ascorbate more outwardly than we.
Obviously, our reaction in the lining of our arteries is not visible to the naked
eye. Deficiency of ascorbate can appear in countless ways. I read of one famous TV
star who is going blind. I am sure that she would not be going blind if she had
adequate mineral ascorbates in her body, because, next to the adrenals and the
brain, high concentrations of ascorbate are quite necessary to prevent degradation
of the eyesight, and the high intra-ocular pressure that brings on glaucoma.
When I was nearly 83 years of age, I heard of a miraculous Ultrafast CT scan, which
is about 10 times as fast as the "CAT" scan of which you may have heard. I learned
that there was one of these CT scans at the UCLA Cardiovascular center in Torrance,
Checking for Plaque
So I decided to go and have a cross section pictures of my arteries taken. I felt a
bit apprehensive. I wondered if I had been misleading people for some 23 or so
years regarding the feeding and care of their arteries.
I climbed into the tunnel of the Ultrafast CT scan, and in about 30 seconds they
took 30 different cross-section views of my arteries. The highly cooperative
technician allowed my cameraman and me to watch the results as they were displayed
on the screen. The coronary arteries were absolutely clear (0) of all calcium, so
he told me that this was "a new record for an 82-year-old man"!
You see, calcium is the third major substance that clogs the arteries, and the only
one that can be picked up by the x-ray. However, the American Heart Association
believes that the presence or non-presence of calcium is a clear indication of the
total plaque. Thus, I was greatly relieved.
So, I later returned to discuss this extraordinary finding with Dr. Bruce Brundage,
head of the Cardiovascular Center. He quickly told me that the finding was
interesting, but that it was purely anecdotal, in that an excellent result with one
person was not scientific proof that it would occur with the general population. I
agreed with him, so, the following week I brought back 10 of our employees who had
been taking our mineral ascorbate products.
CT Scan Results
Age Normal
range CT Scan
Jay Patrick 82 years old over 800 0 calcium
Linda Tagle 76 years old 550-800 0 Calcium
Ymelda Patrick 57 years old 260-450 0 Calcium
HU 43 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
AR 42 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
JU 42 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
JE 47 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
RA 47 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
SU 57 years old 260-450 97 Calcium
EM 55 years old 260-450 155 Calcium
Of the 10 people subsequently checked out, 8 had 0 levels of calcium and the
remaining 2 had low levels at which no symptoms appear.
We compared the averages of asyptomatic persons with data provided by several
cardiovascular centers. This data showed that it was highly illogical that anyone
in the age group covered could possibly get such astounding readings. Indeed, I
challenge anyone in the world to take the same age group, which includes a 77 year
old woman and an 82 year old man, and get such remarkable findings. The two of our
employees who had the higher readings had not been taking their recommended dosage
of 4 to 8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, so they did not show up as well as
they should. However, you will note that they were below the readings for other
asymptomatic people in their age group.
Saving Smokers?
Furthermore, two of the people, much to our regret, are smokers, who outside of
their work probably consume up to a pack of cigarettes a day. Thus, even these
people were getting protection against a bad habit that tends to induce cancer and
arterial breakdown!
Dr. McCormick reported his finding that every cigarette burns up at least 25 mg of
ascorbate, so, obviously, the mineral ascorbates have certainly been compensating
in some regard for the bad habit of our two smokers. Perhaps this is something that
those cigarette addicts should know about! Further studies of this phenomenon
should be undertaken forthwith. (Some 46 Million people are said to be smokers).
Arrangements are being made for studies at several universities of people who take
the mineral ascorbates for at least a two-year period. 100 people will receive the
mineral ascorbates and 100 will receive a placebo.
Thus we are steadily proving that all the malarkey about cholesterol represents the
greatest medical farce of our century, to quote one writer. We have formed The
Committee for World Health to conduct a further investigation of the mineral
ascorbates. As a non-profit foundation, we expect that it will get the funds to
conduct much needed research that has not really ever been done.
Dr. Sherry Lewen, an English researcher, who made a remarkably thorough study of
Vitamin C, reports in his book that the second liver enzyme has been given healthy
men, and 25% turned up as ascorbate in their bodies. The Committee is going to see
what can be done to introduce all four ascorbate pathway enzymes into the liver, so
as to eliminate the need for supplementation of mineral ascorbates.
Meanwhile, I strongly recommend mineral ascorbates with the B vitamins and trace
elements, timed released, as the best approach to the problem.
Scientists are steadily discovering more and more aspects in which our bodies are
less than perfect. I have discussed two known liver diseases, hypoascorbemia and
hypouricasemia, but there are other inborn ailments that assail most or all of us.
In my view, hypoascorbemia is the major ailment of all human kind. The mineral
ascorbates that most animals can produce protect their bodies so effectively that,
as noted, these animals live 7 times their period of maturity, whereas we live only
3.8 times. As to hypouricasemia: some of us can suffer mightily from this excessive
production of uric acid, which is commonly known as gout.
Now the normal conception of the gout sufferer is that of an elderly, overweight,
highly dissipating person, whose big toe enlarges and makes it difficult for him to
But this is a poorly formed idea of gout. Actually it is a major disease that
affects countless millions, often in subtle ways. Indeed, it may develop into a bad
case of gout arthritis, which can affect the entire body and, in its extremes, so
damage the joints as to make one a helpless cripple.
So, I have discussed the two major, genetic diseases that affect all humanity.
There are other genetic diseases from which most of us suffer that are being
largely ignored. I shall give attention to them in a subsequent article. But, if
the medical profession and medical research will only give more consideration to
nutritional approaches to these ailments, I am confident that major strides will be
made toward the better health of the world.
Are You On The Brink?
By Jay Patrick
Nearly everyone expresses dismay that some 50,000 Americans annually lose their
lives in automobile accidents. Yet the Scientific American Magazine reports in its
April, ’97 SAM -CD Surgery, that the major annual loss of Americans up to 38 years
old amounts to about 150,000 people... from another cause. It’s not AIDS. And who
can guess what it is? It’s trauma!
Most dictionaries define trauma as: "a body injury produced by violence or any
thermal, chemical, or other extrinsic agent".
This "body injury" may not be at all obvious. It may be an internal disruption of
body function that cannot be seen. However, you might note that three times as
many, or some 450,000 additional people who, also, endure trauma, yet do not die,
says this distinguished periodical, will, nevertheless, suffer permanent
This adds up to the horrifying toll of some 600,000 young Americans annually, who
either die suddenly or suffer life-long disability . . . many of whom may not have
a scratch on them! (Aren’t they as important as those who have AIDS?)
High Stress
Actually, Dr. Irwin Stone, world pioneer on vitamin C, pointed out to me, in 1970,
that some 50% of those who die in automobile accidents suffer no real bodily
injury, yet die from the trauma, the high stress of the accident. The chart
furnished by The Scientific American in their excellent CD, shows the timing of 862
mysterious deaths from trauma, over a two year period, at a San Francisco General
Almost half of those who did reach the hospital (390) were either Dead on Arrival,
or died within half an hour. No one in our hospitals knows what to do for them!
(Many do not get to a hospital, but go directly to the morgue.)
The "wild" aspect of these findings is that the injuries to these persons are not
regarded as intrinsically life threatening. Thus, the deaths are identified as due
to trauma.
Some 27 years ago Dr. Stone told me that about 50 percent of those who die in
automobile accidents, die not from any substantial injuries, but due to the high
stress, the trauma, of the accident. Stone felt that, accordingly, it is of high
importance that accident victims get immediate help. Thus, he believed that prompt
intake of vitamin C, which is the outstanding anti-stress agent in the world,
preferable in the form of mineral ascorbates, would save many lives.
"Researchers found," he said, " if one just jingles keys in front of a rat’s cage,
that, in response to this stress, the rat will quadruple its output of Vitamin C".
This illustrates an animal’s need for ascorbate, in order to deal with
emergencies... and we are animals, too, and have animal bodily needs. Yet 99.9% of
all other animals produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in their own bodies,
protecting them against countless ills against which we have almost no protection.
The Scientific American estimates that about three times as many people die
annually from Trauma (about 150,000) as from AIDS (about 50,000).
The Major Killer
Indeed, at the first World Congress on Vitamin C which I staged in Palm Springs in
1978, Dr. Stone’s topic was Sudden Death. All of this made sense to me, so I
introduced at the World Congress where Stone spoke, a new product, named Emergen-C
Drink Mix. Emergen-C forms the highly effective mineral ascorbates of vitamin C,
and tends to get them very rapidly into the body. It has been the outstanding
nutritional drink of America for some 18 years.
As the powder effervesces in water, it forms 7 mineral ascorbates, plus about 25
other mineral complexes, which get nutrients into the cell almost immediately. But
daily intake of C, preferably in Timed Release form, with B vitamins and other
trace substances (Super Gram III), can probably help enormously to avoid such
emergencies. Of course, it will, also step up the immune system, as well.
Stone felt that some 98% of the population was suffering from sub-clinical scurvy
(lack of vitamin C). He said it was sub-clinical only because the doctors cannot
recognize it for what it really is, frank scurvy, ready to show itself when sudden,
high stress is thrust upon the body, burning up what residual C is available to
continue its physiological operations. Since almost half of the 862 deaths shown on
the chart occurred within the first half hour of hospital entrance, certainly some
quick action was needed to save these lives, yet obviously, no such quick action
was taken, or is daily being taken, with such everyday cases.
Dr. Stone also told me that animals who, unlike humans, can produce vitamin C in
their own livers, produce it in 5 stages. After the 4th stage, in reaction to 4
enzymes, the glucose circulating in their blood becomes ascorbic acid, but it then
goes through a 5th stage in which the ascorbic acid reacts with minerals present in
the liver to form mineral ascorbates. These are neutral forms of C which, unlike
the highly acidic, ascorbic acid, are non-irritating to the blood vessels of the
body. They are also picked up more quickly by body cells, since the minerals act as
ascorbate transporters to carry this vital nutrition throughout every area, from
head to toe.
The Terror of Trauma
I regard this as a very terrifying situation: That so many thousands of our
fellows, when subject to some stress, without visibly sign of physical injury, may
die in a matter of minutes. It’s hard to believe, but it’s been documented for many
years. In fact, I have discussed the subject at great length with a distinguished
physician and re-searcher who has been a close advisor for some 25 years, Dr. Abram
Hoffer of Victoria, B.C. It was he and another Canadian researcher, Dr. Humphrey
Osmond, who first learned, some 35 years ago, that most schizophrenia can be cured
or checked with high doses of Vitamin C and niacin. Still carrying on a very active
practice, at 79, Hoffer recently said:
"Many years ago, when only crude measures were employed, it was found that animals
exposed to stress such as throwing them into cold water, would lose all the vitamin
C from their adrenal glands. As with humans, the adrenal cortex is the animals’
major depository of Vitamin C, which may seem strange. Why is it there? I think it
is there because it surrounds the adrenal medulla which is full of adrenaline. The
adrenaline released from the medulla, the center of the gland, must travel through
the cortex. I think the ascorbate is used to protect the adrenaline from oxidation,
so that it can be released in its true state, not as some by-product such as
adrenochrome, which induces schizophrenia.
"I am convinced," he continues, "that if everyone were to take enough ascorbate,
they would not die as frequently as they now do from severe shock, excluding major
loss of blood or organs. I think Irwin Stone was correct. Several years ago, I
tried to get the local hospital to place all patients on the surgical waiting list
on at least one gram a day, telling them that they could drastically cut down
deaths and the number of days in the hospital, but they would not even consider
this. I believe vitamin C is the major anti-stress nutrient in the body.
Furthermore, if you take "C" as the neutral mineral ascorbates, your body can
easily tolerate many, many grams of this live-saving nutrient." What Causes Sudden
One important piece of information that is missing from the S.F. Hospital report;
What were the life styles of these 862 who went so suddenly to their death?
Alas, this information is not readily available. But I will bet that smokers
greatly predominated. Many years ago the pioneering Canadian physician, Dr. W.F.
McCormick, calculated that each cigarette burns up about 25 mg of ascorbate in the
average body. So, a few cigarettes can quickly put one in a deficit condition
regarding his 'C' level, especially in his brain, the master cylinder that is
secondary only to the adrenal glands as a storage point for ascorbate.
Anyway, I'm going to ask the Committee for World Health to conduct an investigation
of the life habits of all people who end up so suddenly in the morgue without any
substantial body injuries. Such information, in fact, should be an integral part of
every coroner's report.
Taking the Breath Away
In Israel, two researchers, Biochemists Herman Soreg and Alon Friedman of Hebrew
University recently unearthed a great clue as to a major brain dysfunction that may
occur when the body is short on mineral ascorbates.
The Israel army was concerned that its soldiers might be subject to a chemical
attack that interferes with the function of an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. So the
soldiers administered pyridostigmine, a drug that protects against such chemical
attacks. Although the attacks never took place, after the soldiers had been in
combat, the drug bridged the blood brain barrier, and induced serious side effects,
something it was not supposed to do, reports the May '97 issue of Discover.
Puzzled by this result, Soreg and Friedman immersed mice in very cold water to
stress them, then injected blue dye, which promptly went to the supposedly
impregnable brains of the animals.
This is a rather revolutionary finding, since it opens up the possibility that,
under conditions of severe stress, the human brain may be subject to invasion from
which it is supposedly immune.
Biochemists have long since been aware that the brain protects itself with the
blood brain barrier against countless potentially damaging substances present in
the normal body. But, if stress can induce the brain to lower its bars, the menace
that trauma presents to mental and physical well-being can be greatly intensified.
Thus, the brain which has lost all or almost all of its ascorbate protector appears
to have a much greater vulnerability to total break-down, with deadly consequences.
I surmise that this sudden admission to the brain of such usually inadmissible,
potentially poisonous substances may be one of the principal factors in the high
incidence of sudden death.
But why don't other animals, including the young ones, experience sudden death
under the trauma of stress? That must be because more than 99.9% produce high
levels of ascorbate in their own bodies. As I have previously mentioned, just
jingle keys in front of a rat's cage, and it will quadruple its output of ascorbate
to counter the stress.
panacea: a remedy for all disease or ills.
Panacea: an ancient Greek Goddess of Healing.
Long ago, Dr. Irwin Stone told me "ascorbate is the only known panacea. No matter
what one's ailment, it helps to mitigate or cure it." Ascorbate works, he
explained, in countless ways to protect the body and re-establish its full
function. I feel that it has remarkable ability to restore balance to the cell, the
unit of life.
Another ascorbate researcher, Dr. Frederick Klenner, of Reidville, N.C. found that
intravenous administration of massive amounts of ascorbate could bring about the
complete recovery of patients suffering from an enormous variety of ailments,
ranging from snake bite to encephalitis of the brain. His results are all
documented in a book.
The Real "C"
Thus, it became evident to me, some 25 years ago, that the only real vitamin C is
the type of C that animals produce in their own bodies, mineral ascorbates. And so
I abandoned the chemical business which I had headed for some 30 years in New
Jersey, and returned to my native California, determined to produce the mineral
ascorbates so essential to full health and long life.
Yet most of the world is not awakened to this fact: If you try to take the level of
"C" you require, which should be many grams, generally, you will find that you
cannot tolerate ascorbic acid in the multi gram quantities your body really needs.
Ascorbic acid has a pH of about 2, which is highly irritating to the kidneys and
bladder and tends to pull minerals out of the body, rather than introduce them, as
is the case with mineral ascorbates.
Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling learned this, but he still kept on advising people to
take the "cheapest "C" available, even though he reported highly adverse findings
in the book "Cancer and Vitamin C", which he co-authored with Dr. Ewan Cameron, in
that high intake (10 grams) of ascorbic acid induced "heartburn, flatulence,
nausea, and especially diarrhea".
So I had a good reason for naming our new product Emergen-C which, when immersed in
water, immediately forms the mineral ascorbates.
In 1989 I noted a San Jose, Calif. Mercury newspaper article which stated: "Asians
In Their 30’s Are Dying Mysteriously". I wrote the paper, explaining that their
cause of death was quite obviously scurvy, but received no reply. Two years later,
in 1991, after returning from staging the Second World Congress in San Diego, we
had a most dismaying occurrence. A 32-year-old Filipino had been working for us as
head of our maintenance department for about two years. Since we had moved to
Irvine, he had a long distance to drive, so he chose to work a ten-hour, four-day
week, which put extra stress on his body. He also declined to take any of our
vitamin C products which we were producing.
On a Wednesday, this young man rose at 12:00 midnight from his bed, only to
promptly die. I attended his funeral, where they spoke of all the many things he
had been doing for his fellow Filipino’s in the community, which, of course
contributed to more stress on his body.
After the funeral, I attended a luncheon in the home of the sister-in-law with whom
he and his family lived. Spread before me was me was a very long table, all laden
with boiled food. His sister-in-law, an anesthesiologist, explained that while she
might take half an hour to prepare a meal, he took three hours, obviously boiling
everything to death...
This was further proof that he had cooked out all the residual vitamin C in his
food, which seems to be a common practice among Asians. I now had the explanation
of his death, scurvy, as well as the deaths of many other Asians, Sudden Death, by
the book of Dr. Irwin Stone.
Baa, Baa, Baa!
Rudy Vallee, Jay Patrick, and Ymelda Patrick
When he was about 82 years old, the famed old-time singer, Rudy Vallee, the Bing
Crosby of his time, (The Wiffenpoof Song, The Stein Song) got in touch with me and
asked for assistance with his diet. We supplied him with our mineral ascorbates and
other products for about three years. Indeed, my wife and I attended, in 1985, a
Thanksgiving dinner for twelve in his Hollywood home, which proved to be his last
However, he later had a fall on his estate and had to have 13 stitches taken in his
head, although no bones were broken, probably due to his good diet. But, he was not
in touch with me over a period of some three weeks. I learned that an x-ray
technician had discovered that he had a tumor on his esophagus. Rudy decided to
have the tumor taken out, without mentioning it to me, although I would have warned
him to maintain a high level of ascorbates both before and after the operation.
He underwent the operation at a well-known Los Angeles hospital. The operation was
a "success" and the tumor benign, but he promptly had a stroke that left him in a
coma! I visited him, although he was still unconscious, but he died two weeks after
the operation. I later learned that he had no ascorbate before or after the
operation, as the hospital had taken it away from him, so he suffered the rebound
effect of total deprivation of "C" without any of the supportive action which he
needed in a period of great stress. Thus, I believe his brain gave in to the shock,
so he suffered a very serious stroke.
Equal Problem, Different Result!
Interestingly, when having a routine examination about three years later, I learned
that I, too, had a tumor on my esophagus, although it had never bothered me.
Indeed, it may have been there for more than 25 years. However, I decided to have
it taken out while I was in condition good enough to sustain an operation. But I
was much concerned that good blood for transfusion be available, since I did not
regard the blood banks at that time as being too trustworthy.
The first surgeon I consulted in Anaheim regarding my request for good nutrition
was a very imperious fellow, who told me very emphatically that his patients would
take what he told them they should take and nothing else. So I immediately
discharged him and turned to Loma Linda Hospital, near San Bernardino, California.
The fine surgeon there readily agreed that I could take all of the vitamins I
wished, both before and after the operation.
I accumulated four pints of O Positive blood with the Red Cross, three from my
stepchildren and one from me, which were sent to the hospital for my specific
use. . I, also, was determined to maintain high levels of mineral ascorbate, both
before and after the operation, since I did not want to follow the death route
taken by my friend Rudy.
So I went in for the operation on a Friday morning and took some 10 grams of
mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins, Timed Release. They operated at about noon. But
this was a rather difficult operation, which involved spreading apart the ribs on
my left side.. However, my blood coagulated so readily that not one drop of blood
was needed for transfusion.. I walked away from the hospital the following Tuesday
morning, essentially very well recovered from the operation.
Thus I have reported on two operations of the same type, on men in their 80’s, with
opposite results. You may choose which way you care to go, if you require an
What Helps Keep Us Alive
I have re-established the Committee for World Health as a non-profit foundation to
investigate more intensively the major ailments of man, especially the Two Genetic
Liver Diseases, hypoascorbemia (inability to produce vitamin C in one’s own body),
and hypouricasemia (inability to produce uricase, which inactivates the uric acid
that induces gout and the crippling disease, gout arthritis).
The Committee, under the direction of molecular biochemist, Dr. Richard Dana, is
trying to organize in San Diego a program under which patients arriving at a local
hospital will be given at least two grams of mineral ascorbates, immediately, upon
arrival. The ascorbates will be given either as an effervescent drink, a tablet, or
intravenously. Once this program has been followed, I predict it will clearly
become evident that deaths and disability from trauma can be radically reduced. The
period of recovery will also be shortened mightily, you may be sure. Indeed, I
hereby challenge the hospitals to give this program a try. Certainly, it can help
to keep their patients around a little longer, instead of their being carted off to
the morgue.
This program will help to prove to a disbelieving medical profession what can be
done about the disabling liver disease, hypoascorbemia, that handicaps all
humankind. However, such emergency procedures, though helpful in saving lives, are
not really enough. All of us should be taking from 4 to 10 grams daily of mineral
ascorbates in timed release tablets, which would protect us against the situations
that bring on trauma and strengthen our resistance to disease, as well.
But I must tell you, at this juncture, that the intransigence of the medical
profession is almost beyond belief. Most doctors and most medical researchers are
so wrapped up in their strictly drug approach, where the big money is, that it is,
still, most difficult to break through the Wall of Authority that they have imposed
on our very lives. Thus, the chief concern of so many in the profession is to
protect their turf, rather than to really help their patients. And the average
doctor is, himself, so immersed in this drug, patch-up approach that he doesn’t
live as long as his patients: He dies at 57!
An Exceptional Physician
A notable exception is Dr. William Saccoman of El Cajon, who has utilized nutrition
in his practice for some 20 years. I wrote about him some 17 years ago. The wife of
an Orange County publicist had been in an Anaheim hospital for several weeks, with
a badly swollen leg from phlebitis, about which they could do nothing. In fact,
they feared that the clot in her leg might loosen, travel to her heart, and kill
her. But they didn’t know what to do about her case, so, astoundingly, they asked
that she leave the hospital. At my suggestion, her husband picked her up in his
car, and drove her to Dr. Saccoman in San Diego, who promptly put her in a
hospital. There, he gave her, alternately, tablets of mineral ascorbates and
niacin. Within three days she left the hospital, a well woman.
But, some months later, after the doctor had performed a few more miracles of
alternative medicine, he was told that he was no longer accredited to the hospital,
so he could not place any more patients there. In subsequent years, as Saccoman
proceeded to employ his knowledge of good nutrition In two other San Diego
hospitals, he was, for similar reasons, denied their facilities for his patients.
Understand, though, this is par for the course. All over the U.S., doctors have
even lost their licenses to practice simply because their methods did not conform
to the generally accepted procedures of their peers. Since most of their peers know
almost nothing about nutrition, a great injustice to the doctors who do, and to
their patients, obviously ensues Thus does a Medical Monopoly, supposed established
to protect the public, serve, instead to abuse the public and to enormously step up
the death rate and the failures of doctors to perform for the public good.
Cop Stress
Dr Hugh Riordan, who heads The Center for the Improvement of Human Function, in
Wichita, Kansas wondered about what happens to blood levels of ascorbate under
stress. So, he checked the ascorbate blood levels of a group of Wichita policemen,
just before they were to go on strenuous night duty. He found their ascorbate
levels to be fair. Then he checked the policemen again, after 8 hours of stressful
duty. Ascorbate blood levels: undetectable.
Stallone Survives
In producing the first Rambo film, Sylvester Stallone underwent many days of
strenuous agony.
I interviewed him for three and a half hours after he had completed the picture, in
his California home. He felt I had saved his life with Emergen-C. You can see the
story, as it appeared in Sports Science. ()
On The Edge
Obviously, the average person is tottering on the edge of a precipice, unaware that
a minor accident can easily occur that can quickly destroy him, or immobilize him
for life.
A word to the wise is sometimes sufficient.
Cost Analysis: The reported cost of treating one case of AIDS latest, highly
touted, drug is $15,000 annually, or $41.10 a day. However, we believe Death from
Trauma can probably be prevented for as low as 16 cents a day.
Try our mineral ascorbates! We know that you will feel a clear benefit the very
First Day !
In producing the first Rambo film, Sylvester Stallone underwent many days of
strenuous agony.
Jay Patrick interviewed Sylvester Stallone for three and a half hours after he had
completed the picture, in his California home.
He felt that Jay Patrick had saved his life.
See the story, as it appeared in Sports Science:
"For a while I thought I was going to die. But I took a packet of Emergen-C every
45 minutes or an hour"
-------Sylvester Stallone
Rambo’s First Aid –
Tougher than tough. America’s rough guy Rambo faced heavyweight horrors and
conquered them all. A little more human Stylvester Stallone had a harder time of
it. In First Blood he had to plow through icy waters and torrential downpours and
often slept outside in a wind-chill factor of 45 degrees below. Rambo may have
taken it all in stride, but Stallone the man credits his survival to Emergen-C a
new type of vitamin C drink made by the Alacer Corp.
When water is added to the effervescent drink mix, Emergen-C provides 1000
milligrams of C with B vitamins and 25 mineral ascorbates and complexes that are
readily assimilated by the body-including potassium ascorbate, a radical new
combination of Vitamin C and on of the body’s most important minerals.
Potassium is the major mineral in the body’s cells, and it plays a crucial role in
metabolism. It’s also the first element lost when the body is under stress.
Using the VIVO SOFTWARE PLAYER you can listen to Sylvester Stallone talk about how
Emergen-C and SUPERGRAM helped him: Click Here
Try our mineral ascorbates! We know that you
will feel a clear benefit the very First Day !
We’ll send you a 36 packet box of Emergen-C Effervescent Drink Mix (1000 mg of
mineral ascorbates per packet) and a 40 Tablet bottle of Super Gram III (1000 mg of
Timed Release Mineral Ascorbates per tablet, plus B Vitamins, 7 minerals,8 mixed
bioflavonoids, in a base of Ginko Biloba and over 200 trace substances).You’ll get
enough of these two break-through products to provide you with Two (2) grams of
Mineral Ascorbates daily for 36, plus days.
Send $19.95 for this, double dose, 36-day supply, with extra data, postpaid, U.S.
Frequently Asked Questions about Emer'gen-C:
Emer'gen-C is Alacer’s top selling product. This effervescent drink mix is a
nutritional supplement that offers you 500 to 1,000 mg of Vitamin C in the form of
Mineral Ascorbates. Mineral Ascorbates can be absorbed by the body in much higher
levels and are free from the side effects associated with ascorbic acid, the
‘typical’ Vitamin C, such as upset stomach and heartburn. While packaged, Emer’genC is in the form of ascorbic acid. However, once it is mixed with water, a chemical
reaction takes place converting the acids into a nearly neutral pH effervescent
drink of Mineral Ascorbates.
Q: How many flavors of Emer'gen-C are there?
A:We currently produce 14 different flavors or mixtures of Emer’gen-C. They are,
Lemon/Lime, Tangerine, Raspberry, Cranberry, Orange, Tropical, Strawberry for Kids,
Strawberry for Adults, Tangerine Power for Joints, Coffee, Mixed Berry Hi-Calcium,
and our three unsweetened formulas, Lite, Lite with MSM, and Lite Triple Power with
Glucosamine and Chondroitin.
Q: What is the difference between regular Emer’gen-C and your Lite Emer’gen-C
A: The three “Lite” formulas are unsweetened and are available in a light, neutral
citrus flavor. Also, the Lite formulas contain only three B Vitamins, B3, B12, and
Folic Acid.
Q: Is Emer'gen-C Gluten free?
A: Yes. All of Alacer products are Gluten Free.
Q: What is Aspartic acid?
A: Aspartic acid is a naturally occurring amino acid; it is not a sweetener.
Q: What is MSM and what does it do?
A: MSM is a non-metallic sulfur compound that occurs widely in nature. It is
nontoxic, physiologically active, and possesses some anti-inflammatory properties.
Q: Is “Aspartate” the same as “Nutra-Sweet?
A: No. People often confuse aspartate with Aspartame, commonly known as Nutra-Sweet
or Equal, the artificial sweeteners. Aspartate, also known as aspartic acid, is a
naturally occurring amino acid, a building block for proteins and an important
Q: How much ‘sugar’ is in Emer’gen-C?
A: Except for our unsweetened Emer’gen-C Lite formulas, Emer’gen-C is sweetened
with fructose with the amount ranging from 5 to 6 grams depending upon the flavor.
The highest calorie count in any Emer’gen-C flavor is 30 (which is Emer'gen-C
Strawberry for kids). The highest calorie count on the basic Emer'gen-C is 20
Q: What are Glucosamine and Chondroitin?
A: Glucosamine Sulfate is derived from shellfish and helps to rebuild damaged
cartilage. Chondroitin Sulfate is derived from animal cartilage and reduces the
breakdown of existing cartilage. In addition, both Glucosamine and Chrondroitin act
as an anti-inflammatory. Alacer Corp. supplies Glucosamine and Chondroitin in its
Tangerine flavored Power for Joints Emer’gen-C sweetened with fructose as well as
in its unsweetened formula, Triple Power.
Q: What is different about your Nutritious Coffee Emer’gen-C?
A: TThe main differences are that this Emer’gen-C product contains a level teaspoon
of Columbian Decaf Coffee, has no calories and contains 500 mg of Vitamin C as
Mineral Ascorbates rather than the usual 1,000 mg found in our regular product.
Q: Is it OK for someone who is pregnant to take Emer’gen-C?
A: While we do have information that many pregnant women take Emer’gen-C without
complications, this is a question that should be answered by your physician before
using any product of this nature.
Q: Where can I buy Emer’gen-C?
A: Emer’gen-C is sold at most heath food stores, grocery stores, and pharmacies.
For a list of the major retailers that carry Emer’gen-C or to find a health food
store or health practitioner that carries it please go to the “Retailers” page at
this website.
Q: I have heard that Emer’gen-C is a good product to take for a ‘hangover’. Is this
A: That has been reported to us as a true statement. Due to the dehydration effect
that alcohol can have, the electrolyte replacement aspect of Emer’gen-C can help
rehydrate the body and help with this problem.
Q: Will Emer’gen-C cure the ‘Common Cold’?
A: While we do not make that specific claim, some of our customers claim that
Emer’gen-C helps them maintain a more healthy body and consequentially may help you
when you experience cold symptoms. There is no known ‘cure’ for the common cold.
Q: How long will my unopened packages of Emer’gen-C maintain their potency?
A: Under normal conditions and not exposed to extreme heat or cold, Emer’gen-C has
a shelf life of 24 months.
Q: How many packets of Emer’gen-C should I take in one day?
A: We recommend two or more packets a day, however it depends on the individual’s
age, weight, health, and physical activity. We sponsor a number of athletes and
hear of active people every day who take a much higher quantity.
Q: Why do you have a Strawberry for Kids and a Strawberry for Adults Emer’gen-C?
What’s the difference?
A: The Strawberry flavor is our ‘Multi-Vitamin’ product. It contains the A, B, C,
D, E and K Vitamins. The difference between them is in the dosage of vitamins.
Also, the Strawberry for Kids is sweeter tasting.
Q: In light of this, how many of the ‘regular’ Emer’gen-C packets are recommended
per day?
A: Again, we recommend that you take two or more packets each day to help you
maintain a more healthy body. Many of our customers report that they will take an
Emer’gen-C when they become tired or ‘run down’, as the B Vitamins mixed with the 7
Mineral Ascorbates help restore their energy. Some typical use patterns include:
One packet in the morning to get going.
One packet at that 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm energy low many people experience.
One after exercising to replenish lost electrolytes and rehydrate the body
Q: Will I have trouble sleeping if I take Emer’gen-C late in the day?
This is not a common problem, but just as some people experience restlessness or
sleeplessness when doing cardio exercise late in the day, this depends on the
individual. There are no stimulants like caffeine or ephedrine in our product, so
this should not be an issue.
Q: Is Emer’gen-C OK for persons with diabetes?
A: We make three Emer’gen-C “Lite” formulas without sweeteners of any kind for our
customers with Diabetes. Please consult with your personal physician to determine
if our other flavors with Fructose are ok for you.
Q: What is the source of energy?
Minerals assist the body with energy production.
Vitamin C supports adrenal function and helps with fatigue and slow metabolism.
When minerals and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are combined in the same. molecule,
Mineral Ascorbates are formed. The advantages of linking minerals with ascorbic
acid are meaningful.
Ascorbic acid, by itself, is quickly absorbed through the intestinal tract and
afterwards, excess quantities are rapidly excreted from the body . In fact, studies
show that approximately 73% of ascorbic acid ingested gets removed from the body in
less than 24 hours. In contrast, only approximately 5% of the Mineral Ascorbates
are eliminated during the same time period.
It is this almost complete absorption of these energy nutrients by the body’s 70
trillion cells, in combination with the instant absorption provided by the unique
delivery system of effervescent Emer’gen-C that delivers the SUPER ENERGY.
B12, in particular, is the “energy” vitamin, as it increases energy level, whether
obtained from eating B12 foods or from supplemental use.
Alpha lipoic acid plays an essential role in cellular and muscular energy
production by helping the body burn sugar.
Q: Can you overdose on Vitamin C?
A: a. Vitamin C is water soluble and nontoxic even in large doses. Mineral
Ascorbates, our nonacidic form of Vitamin C, is generally free of the side effects
common in taking large doses of ascorbic acid Vitamin C, such as; diarrhea, nausea,
and heartburn. But, it is possible to over saturate the body’s tissue fluids with
Vitamin C, with diarrhea being the most common and usually the first signal.
Q: Why do you recommend 2 or more packets a day? That is more than 2000% of the RDA
for Vitamin C! Doesn’t the body just eliminate the extra?
A: Ta. The body will eliminate what it can’t absorb through the urine. However,
Vitamin C, when reacted with minerals and transformed into a nonacidic state, is
absorbed by the body by up to 85 to 95% more than ascorbic acid.
Q: What is the source of each ingredient? Are they synthetic?
A: a. Some of the ingredients are from natural sources and some are synthetic.
Synthetic vitamins have the same molecular structure as naturalvitamins and are
indistinguishable by the body.
Q: What is the source of the natural colors and flavors?
A: a. The colors and flavors are derived from natural sources. Emer’gen-C does not
contain MSG or artificial colors and flavoring.
Q: What is the age group for the Strawberry Emer’gen-C for Kids?
A: Age 4 and older, but always check with your physician first.
Q: Is it safe for children if they are already taking a multivitamin?
A: a. Some vitamins are fat-soluble and can be toxic if taken in excess. This is a
question best answered by your physician or pharmacist.
Q: Are all the Emer’gen-C formulas considered a multivitamin or just the
A: a. Just the strawberry is considered a multivitamin. The other Emer’gen-C
formulas don’t contain all the necessary nutrients to be classified a multivitamin.
Q: Isn’t there a lot of sodium in Emer’gen-C?
A: a. A single Emer’gen-C packet only contains 60 mg or 3% of the daily value
(2,400 mg for 2,000 calorie diet).
Q: I am very active and have knee problems. How many packets of Power for Joints or
Lite Triple Power can I take a day?
A: a. It is generally recommended that an individual takes, 1,500 mg of Glucosamine
and 1,200 mg of Chondroitin daily. That’s the equivalent of 3 packets daily
Q: Can I put this in tea or coffee?
A: a. Yes. It is recommended that Emer’gen-C be used in combination with water,
however; our studies indicate that you can add Emer’gen-C to tea, coffee, and juice
without loss of any significant nutritional value.
Q: Will the ingredients still be active if I carry it around in my water bottle for
a few hours?
A: a. Although Emer’gen-C tastes better if you drink in immediately, it will remain
effective for 6-8 hours, and longer if refrigerated.
Q: How do I know if I should take MSM or Glucosamine/Chondroitin for my joint
A: a. MSM is commonly used as an anti-inflammatory, while Glucosamine rebuilds
cartilage and Chondroitin replenishes the fluid between joints. Both act as an
What Most People Don't Know About Vitamin C
By Jay Patrick
Looking for the Real Vitamin C? It isn't Ascorbic Acid! Ascorbic Acid is only an
intermediate form present in many fruits and plants. Suppose you take Ascorbic Acid
in the quantity you need to protect yourself against aging, cancer, heart attack,
stroke, arthritis, and cataract - that's maybe 4 to 10 grams a day. (Archives,
National Academy of Sciences, August 1989) You'll find that it brings your urine
down to the acid level of 4 - 4.5 pH, irritates your kidneys and bladder, and
causes with it diurectic action, the loss of valuable minerals such as potassium,
calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc, which are quite essential to life.
"As a result of ingesting 10 grams of Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) a day some of
these healthy individuals developed heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially
diarrhea, and were forced to withdraw from the experimental study..." (from Cancer
and Vitamin C, by Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling).
If they had used Mineral Ascorbates, there would have been no such reaction.
Mineral Ascorbates have countless advantages over pure Ascorbic Acid or single
ascorbates such as Calcium Ascorbate.
99.9% of all animals in the world produce their own Vitamin C in the form of
Mineral Ascorbates. Unfortunately, humans suffer from a genetic defect,
hypoascorbemia, an inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies. Only a few
other animals are known to share this problem which humans: guinea pigs, monkeys,
apes, and a type of bat.
This may greatly explain why humans don't live so long as they might. A dog matures
at 2 years and lives at least 7 times his period of maturity, or 14 years. Humans
mature at 20 to 25 years. Seven times 20 equals 140 years, which would appear to be
our life potential, if we could produce ascorbate in our own bodies.
Next to the skin, the liver is the major organ of the body. Animals who produce
ascorbate react the glucose circulating in their blood with four liver enzymes with
produce Ascorbic Acid. But this Ascorbic Acid is never circulated in the body. It
immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form Mineral Ascorbates of
potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and other trace
elements. These are neutral mineral ascorbate transporters, as well as ascorbate
transporters to some 70 trillion body cells.
Do You Know That There Are Two Kinds of Vitamin C?
By Jay Patrick
This form of Vitamin C is found naturally in citrus fruits, hip berries, acerola,
fresh tea leaves, and peppers. It has a pH of 2 to 3, which is clearly on the acid
side. This acid can be tolerated in humans at varying levels, ranging from 200 mg.
to 2,000 mg. daily. Usually, gram quantities lower the pH of the urine from the
norm of about 6.8 to 4. to 4.5. This is increasingly irritating to the kidneys and
bladder, inducing a strong diuretic action, which results in a marked loss of
valuable mineral from the body, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, and heartburn.
(Cancer and Vitamin C, Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling)
Since ascorbic acid is an unstable, highly reactive substance, it may react,
instead, with countless other materials, especially in the stomach. This means that
the acid may be used inefficiently in the human body. It is, indeed, a highly
active form of "C" which is not always accepted by body cells, and, as stated, may
rapidly go to the kidneys and bladder for excretion from the body.
These mineral forms of Vitamin C are the basic versions utilized by all animals
that, unlike humans, can produce "C" in their own bodies. (Only humans, the guinea
pig, the monkey, the ape, and a type of bat have been shown to suffer from this
genetic disease, hypoascorbemia.)
With four enzymes in their livers, 99% of all animals in the world manufacture
ascorbic acid. But, in a fifth stage, which is often ignored, the acid reacts with
the minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates.
Actually, the name Vitamin C is a misnomer, according to Dr. Irwin Stone, world
authority on the subject. Vitamins are required by the body in only microgram or
milligram quantities, whereas mineral ascorbates are required in quantities of many
grams, if the needs of the human body are to be fully met.
Into The Cells
These neutral, minerals ascorbates are both mineral transporters and ascorbate
transporters. Thus, they are rapidly accepted by some 70 trillion cells of the
human body, which require both minerals and ascorbate for survival.
This means that, instead of losing minerals vital to life such as potassium,
calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and chromium, as with ascorbic
acid - these sustaining substances are being added to body cells to help them
maintain the equilibrium that is vital to good health and survival. In fact,
Vitamin C can be stored in organs such as the adrenals, the brain, and the heart
only as mineral ascorbates.
Stored Life Savers
In contrast with the wasteful and inefficient ascorbic acid, the neutral mineral
ascorbates are undoubtedly the most efficient form of Vitamin C available, as they
can quickly get into the cell, the unit of life.
In the cells of major organs, these enormously versatile Life Savers are stored for
their most effective use, as required, to meet both continuous and emergency needs
of the body. Thus, the mineral ascorbates have the capacity to increase greatly the
fantastic protective and energy enhancing power of Vitamin C, which among perhaps
1,000 interacting functions in the body, is essential to the production of
adrenalin, the power hormone that we expend so rapidly, especially in stressful
10 Benefits of Timed Release, Fully Reacted Mineral Ascorbates
By Jay Patrick
Critics of megadose intake of Vitamin C state that enormous amounts of the
substance spill over into the urine. There is considerable truth to this statement,
especially under some of the following circumstances:
If the form taken is ascorbic acid, which, especially at high levels, is irritating
to the kidneys, bladder, and urethra.
If the intake is suddenly increased. In such cases, the cells have not had time to
get accustomed to being offered such high levels of "C," so they are not ready to
accept it, and it heads for the kidneys.
If the ascorbic acid is in the form of a powder, liquid, or non-timed release
tablet. In such concentrated form, without minerals, the substance hits the cells
too suddenly to be well picked up.
On the other hand, in animals that produce "C" in their own bodies, the ascorbic
acid produced in the liver is promptly reacted with minerals before circulation in
the blood stream. Such mineral ascorbates are more readily accepted by body cells
because the minerals often serve as ascorbate transporters to aid in assimilation
of the ascorbate by the cell.
Further, the much preferred approach is to take most of one's "C" as mineral
ascorbates as timed release, since this form provides the following benefits:
1. Interacts With Entire Gl Tract
No more than 25% of the ascorbates present in a suitably timed tablet should be
dissolved in the stomach. The 75% balance should be timed to go on, as can best be
managed, past the short, highly oxygenated duodenum at the beginning of the small
intestine. Dr. Sherry Lewin points out that much degradation of "C" can occur in
this short section, that timed release "C" can go through the area with minimum
loss, for better assimilation in the remaining 27 feet or so of the digestive
The pancreas secretes large quantities of bicarbonate of soda as the food enters
the intestines, producing a mildly alkaline media that is unlikely to cause much
disassociation of the ascorbate complex. From there on, the benefits of contact of
the neutral, mineral ascorbates with the trillions of receptive cells lining the
remainder of some 27 feet of neutral digestive tract through both small and large
intestines (the duodenum, jejunum, the ileum, the ascending colon, the transverse
colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon), all the way to the rectum and
anus... can be quite substantial.
Surely the protection of mineral ascorbates all the way through the digestive tract
to the rectum should do something to prevent the development of hemorrhoids.
(Judging by the commercials, this seems to be a very prevalent ailment. Even Jimmy
Carter had to go into a hospital in January of 1982 for a hemorrhoid operation.)
Surely, too, a good steady, daily level of these ascorbates should be of great
benefit in preventing intestinal cancer, among other things.
2. Compensates For Different Rates Of Digestion
Mineral ascorbates should be properly timed for steady release over a period of
approximately 8 hours. This means that, instead of being dumped in one mass in the
stomach alone, there are many different sites for assimilation of these more stable
and effective forms of Vitamin C.
But tossing any form of "C" into the stomach is to plunge the highly reactive
substance into a maelstrom, a tumultuous, highly acidic bag through which
peristaltic, mixing waves act about every 20 seconds to blend food with
hydrochloric acid and a variety of gastric secretions.
As with any type of "C," but, especially, with ascorbic acid, utilization of these
substances is a biochemical lottery, which varies greatly from minute to minute,
depending much on the food, acids, enzymes, and other material therein, which can
react favorably or unfavorably with this vital but unstable sustainer of life.
Animals that produce Vitamin C in their own bodies will certainly get some of the
substance in the food they eat, though it is usually cellulose and bioflavonoid
bound, which is protective in the stomach and aids assimilation. But these same
animals get their major requirements of "C" from the mineral ascorbates formed in
their own livers as the ascorbic acid therein produced reacts with minerals
available from the blood serum.
3. Provides Ready Passage Through Cell Membranes
The mineral ascorbates, being fully reacted, can then pass more readily through the
cell membranes, bringing to the cells both essential minerals and "C".
Thus, complexes of calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and molybdenum can act as
mineral transporters to carry minerals efficiently to body cells and as ascorbate
transporters to bring to the cells the life sustaining power without which we die
from scurvy and countless other ailments, including those resulting from
malfunction of the immune system.
It should be evident that the ingestion of suitably timed mineral ascorbates
enables you to practice "The Art of Gentle Persuasion," to get your body cells to
accept the higher levels of Vitamin C that they tend, with advancing age, to more
and more reject. This may be regarded as a clear aspect of aging, that the cells
thus commit suicide by refusing to let in through their mysterious membranes the
very nutrients necessary for their good health and longer life.
4. Works When Your Body Needs It Most
Without timed release mineral ascorbates, it is exceedingly difficult for one to
maintain in his body on a 24 hour basis a reasonably steady level of Vitamin C.
Ordinary tablets or powders put him or her on a roller coaster. This is especially
true during the night, when sleep should be as continuous as possible. The chief
regeneration of the body, especially of the skin, occurs during the night. All the
right nutrients must be available to allow this to occur.
Your Day Starts the Night Before. Between midnight and 4 a.m., the circulation of
the body falls to its lowest point. It is a period of transition, as the body
starts to produce 43 plus hormones. It is also a period of stress, when most of the
babies prefer to be born, when most of the heart attacks tend to occur. (Read Body
Time by Gay Gaer Luce, Pantheon.)
Thus, at bedtime, I take 3 or 4 grams of timed release calcium-magnesium ascorbate,
CMA. I then usually enjoy a very relaxed sleep . . . and awaken in the morning
quite alert, with a sense of well-being that carries me through much of the day. I
am convinced that this is largely due to the action of magnesium ascorbate in
balancing the calcium ascorbate.
Calcium is known to be conducive to sleep, but this action is principally on the
brain. Muscles cannot relax, however, without magnesium. Milk is high in calcium
but low in magnesium. There is evidence that the dull minds that many people have
in the morning are due to high levels of calcium accumulated in the brain. This
calcium is not adequately balanced with magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is a major
factor in ischemic heart disease, which kills more than half of all US citizens
every year, says Dr. Mildred Seelig, world authority on magnesium . Timed release
calcium-magnesium ascorbate supplies nutrients which assist in both relaxation and
restoration of muscles, organs, and skin during the night. Dr. Irwin Stone says
that "C", working internally on the skin and entire body is far superior to
anything that can be applied as a lotion externally.
The margin between life and death from scurvy is very small. As little as 10 mg. of
"C" daily may prevent the extreme condition of frank scurvy, when the teeth fall
out, the gums bleed profusely, and all organs of the body are separated.
Subclinical scurvy is everywhere, but is less apparent.
FLU Vaccines 'Worthless' Says Eminent FDA Virologist
By Jay Patrick
5 December 1998
"There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in
preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines
know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway."
------Dr. J. Anthony Morris
"There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons
of any age."
-------Paul Frame, M.D.,
Journal of Family Practice
Now come those great people of the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta to tell us
that 80% of all seniors should rush out and get the latest "flu" shot. This is the
same enterprising branch of the Federal Government that brought us in 1977 The
Swine Flu Vaccine.
The "Flu" That Never Was
I wrote two articles on the subject at the time, discussing the hazards of the
ridiculous vaccine that has been tossed together on an impromptu basis. The
distinguished virologist, Dr. J. Anthony Morris, lost his job at the FDA because he
warned his superiors that the vaccine was of no value. Further, as my articles
stated, there was not a single case of swine flu in the country. There was no
epidemic to control.
Yet some 128 people died promptly after getting the vaccine. What may be more
important, 43,000,000 people were deceived into taking the vaccine. You may be sure
too, that within most of these millions who are still alive the vaccine still
lingers in their bodies, awaiting some metabolic change which might trigger viral
activity, contributing to ill health or untimely death.
The latest flu vaccine is being produced by three companies and is of the killed
virus type. Many producers of vaccines have dropped out of such activity because
they fear the high cost of court judgements against them for side effects of such
vaccines, which may bring on severe illness or death.
The whole, messy situation is well outlined in an article in the Wall Street
Journal of January 16. Anyone considering the use of a vaccine should first read
this article. Though chiefly concerned with a new chicken pox vaccine that may soon
be available, offered by Merck and Co., the article dwells upon the life-long
hazards that attend the use of a vaccine.
The Trojan Horse
You see, this type of live virus vaccine contains disease viruses which have been
artificially weakened so that, hopefully, they are unable to induce symptoms of the
disease yet are strong enough to fool the body into producing antibodies able to
hold in check more virile disease viruses that may come along. But, once the
damaged viruses are in the body, they present a life-time of risk. They may never
recover their original strength, or they may mutate to produce some other disease
that is as bad or worse than the ailment they were supposed to prevent.
At the present time, no one knows for sure just what can happen, as time goes by,
with these weakened but still alive viruses.
"The chicken pox virus lurks in the body, " says The Wall Street Journal, "after
the illness passes. For reasons that aren't understood, it sometimes reawakens when
the subject is 60 or 70 years old to cause shingles, a nerve inflammation marked by
pain and blisters."
Viruses are, as I have long observed, the major foe of all humanity. They are
everywhere, they are indefatigable, resourceful, and immortal. They were a part of
our very beginnings, and they are never going to leave us.
Once a virus is within one's body, only the person's immune system can protect him.
It is then up to his immune system to keep it under control, to prevent its
replication within hours to astronomical numbers that can soon defy counting. As
stated, vaccines seek to fool the body into arming itself with antibodies in
advance of any attack. But these fearless invaders can regain their strength, or
change the DNA or RNA of which they are chiefly composed and start to harass or
kill us off with some other disease source to which they have mutated.
Hope for the Future
The Journal comments that we may have much superior vaccines in the near future.
Genetic engineers will be able to splice together proteins to make just that part
of the virus that produces immunity, with none of the parts that produce disease."
As it now stands, children are often being forced to take vaccines that may later
induce debilitating or fatal disease, and in many states children can be expelled
from school if their parents refuse such dangerous vaccines. Many organizations
have been formed to resist these arbitrary rulings by school boards.
What's To Do?
Right now, I am sure, our best hope lies in doing everything we can to keep our
immune system hourly, day by day, in the best possible condition to repel the
invaders. This involves a life style balanced with moderate exercise, adequate
sleep, sunshine, good thoughts, good food, and supplementation of the diet with a
wide variety of nutrients known to be required by the immune system.
For me, this must include a daily intake of at least 8 grams of timed released
mineral ascorbates
About That Barn Door
By Jay Patrick
We should understand that every viral attack is potentially of a very serious
nature. The attack may come from a very easy-going virus such as the common cold...
or it may threaten one's very life and/or health.
Unfortunately, by the time a doctor can diagnose the nature of the virus or
bacteria attacking you, it may be so firmly entrenched in your body that you will
have a difficult time winning the battle.
Indeed, it is reported that with infectious mononucleosis, for instance, the
infection cannot be positively identified until it has run its course for two weeks
or more. If positive, the infection may persist for up to one year, although it
generally reverts to a negative finding by 54 to 84 days. Famed researcher and
lecturer Dr. E. Cheraskin has given a few lectures entitled "The Name of the Game
is The Name." He points out that many physicians seem to think that their chief
responsibility to a patient is simply to give a name to his or her ailment, that
naming the disease is almost the sole factor in effecting a cure. Certainly, it
helps to know just what virus or bacteria is leading the attack, but, meantime, no
moment should be lost in trying to step up the body's resistance to the invasion.
So, I believe that one's health and survival depends heavily on maximizing the
immune system at all times, keeping it in readiness to repel that invasion which,
sooner or later, comes along. Further, there is the factor that such raiders as the
pneumococci bacteria that brings on pneumonia (killing up to 50,000 annually) are
already inside the bodies of 50% or so of us, just waiting to pounce, when our
defenses drop.
Thus, I never skip my high daily intake of mineral ascorbates of vitamin C, with
synergistic vitamins and minerals (over 10 grams daily). So I'll brag a little: I
am 85 years old, haven't had a cold for 23 years, I still have 20/20 vision, and
work a 50 hour week, so, maybe, I'm doing something right.
Three Great Medical Hoaxes
By Jay Patrick
22 Feb 1999
In 1974, I wrote in Let's Live Magazine of the Great American Deception: The Swine
Flu Vaccine: Hog Wash.
Over 43,000,000 trusting Americans were innoculated with this makeshift vaccine
rounded up for a non-existent epidemic. Over 128 died immediately from its effects.
Untold numbers may have had their lives shortened. That's because the vaccine will
probably remain in their bodies for their entire lives.
Science magazine commented: There can be few graver opportunities for man-made
disaster than the mass immunization campaigns that are now routine in many
countries. Should the vaccine preparations become contaminated with an undetected
agent present in the host cells, a whole generation of vaccines could be put in
This, of course, is no science fiction writer's horror story--It has already
happened once; millions of people have been injected with a monkey virus known as
SV40, which was found in 1961 to be contaminating polio and adenovirus vaccines.
The virus causes cancer in hamsters; no one yet knows what it may do in man.
Drugs for Hypertension
For many decades, physicians have been loading patients who have elevated blood
pressure levels with countless drugs aimed at preventing heart attack and stroke.
Comes now the latest study, as reported by the New York Times. Drastic reductions
in blood pressure increase the risk of heart attack, even the treatment of high
blood pressure does not reduce heart attacks. (Einstein Medical College, New York)
Why is this so? Because the drugs produce countless side effects which are often
relieved by drugs that produce other side effects, and by drugs to reduce those
side effects, endlessly.
The Great Cholesterol Farce
Now comes Thomas J. Moore in The Atlantic, a distinguished source of information
for more than 124 years, to outline the real facts regarding The Cholesterol Myth.
I have described it as The Great Cholesterol Farce in an Alacer Report (Feb.,
1985). But it is more than that. It is truly a great medical Fraud on the American
public that is costing millions of lives.
However, what Moore tells you is not all new. It has been evident for some 30 years
that cholesterol is not the real villain in heart disease and stroke. In 1962, The
American Medical Association commented:
"The anti-fat-cholesterol fad is not just foolish and futile. It carries some
But in recent years, the AMA has been on the band wagon, advocating testing for
cholesterol by physicians and all manner of treatment, including cholestyramine
(Questran) which reduces cholesterol only about 6.7%, yet causes constipation, gas,
heartburn, and bloating, even death. Another drug is clofibrate. In a five year
trial, 162 deaths had occurred in the group taking the drug, only 127 in the
control group.
I suggest you get a copy of The Atlantic for September, 1989, and read the whole,
sordid story, of this unscientific flim-flam, in which the AMA, a major drug
manufacturer, the American Heart Association, Kellogg, and the media have all
suckered the American public into believing that cholesterol is the problem.
You have been persuaded to cut down on eggs, the best protein around, which is
detrimental to your health. You have been misled into thinking that cholesterol
control will save you from heart attack and stroke, which it will not. Millions of
people will die prematurely because they have been "barking up the wrong tree",
failing to do the right things.
But it is a bonanza for the physician, who can scare you into a lot of testing and
increase his income at least 30%. The whole ridiculous campaign has intensified,
"as the world learned how much money could be made by scaring people about
cholesterol", says Thomas J. Moore.
Even health food magazines have been taken in by these big lies. And oat bran sales
have increased 1,000% in this vain pursuit.
Still, the cause of the problem is not being addressed. Most Americans are
ingesting 20 to 38 times their requirement of salt. This throws some 70 trillion
cells of their bodies out of order and speeds up the loss of the vital potassium.
Countless studies show that Americans need less salt and more potassium. One 12-
year study of 1959 residents of Rancho Bernardo, Calif., showed that those who had
about 1,000 mg. more of potassium in their diet had no deaths from stroke at all.
(New England Journal of Medicine)
It’s all explained very well in The K Factor, by Richard D. Moore, M.D. Ph.D., and
George D. Webb, Ph.D. Now offered by Pocket Books, it tells how potassium, (K),
magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C help to protect the intima, the lining of our
arteries. When we are short on these factors, a break can occur in the lining,
which becomes the collecting point for cholesterol, calcium, and lipids (fats) to
form in a matrix.
Since nearly every cell of the body produces cholesterol, which is a vital
precursor of bile to digest our food and of sex hormones, it well may be, says Dr.
Richard Passwater (Super-Nutrition for Healthy Hearts) that the cholesterol does
not come from the circulating blood... but from the very cells at the point of
injury to the intima.
You can save your own life by providing your body with the nutrients it needs for
good health, especially the K Factors of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese,
and Chromium as ascorbates of Vitamin C.
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Getting Down
to the Bare Bones
By Jay Patrick
Our whole bodies are in a continuous state of flux. This even includes the
skeleton, which is constantly discarding old cells and adding new ones.
Bone remodels itself to remove worn cells and to maintain the proper amount of
calcium in the blood. Indeed, bone is the body’s storage point or reservoir for
calcium. However, some parts of a bone’s shaft, consisting of compact bone, may
never be remodeled.
Two kinds of bone cell do this work; the osteoblasts, which manufacture new bone
tissue, and the osteoclasts, which consume old and worn bone matter.
But bone gets full strength and flexibility from the connective tissue, which
intertwines with it, and serves to interface each bone with other bones.
Vitamin D, which is produced on the skin under sunlight, or may be ingested in the
diet, is widely known to be essential to the deposition of minerals in the bone
structure. These minerals are chiefly calcium and phosphorus. Bone re-absorption,
in a process of constant renewal, is much dependent on parathyroid hormone, too.
Yet, the role of Vitamin C, probably most effective as calcium, magnesium,
manganese, and zinc ascorbates, is too much ignored. The connective tissue which is
so absolutely essential to bone strength, flexibility, and endurance, cannot be
formed or maintained without ascorbates, the only forms of "C" stored in the body.
Such ascorbates are essential to the hydroxylation of the amino acid proline in the
formation and maintenance of the connective tissue. But this tissue is subject to
molecular aging (Goodhart & Shils), to crosslinking which can be retarded with
adequate levels of antioxidants such as ascorbate, selenium, chromium, and
methionine. Obviously, too, a good level of protein intake, including proline, aids
in connective tissue health.
Healthy bones tissue is, on a weight basis, fully as strong as steel. The bone's
interior is constructed somewhat like a bridge. Tiny strands of connective tissue,
each strand capable of supporting a weight of 25 lbs, act like guy wires to give
great strength and flexibility. Thus, healthy bones will usually bend rather than
break, as they so commonly do.
Millions of women have been seduced into thinking that all they need to do is take
calcium, usually calcium carbonate, to maintain their bone structure. Others have
been induced to take estrogen, which it is now known to increase breast cancer 43%.
What everyone really needs is the mineral ascorbates.
The Wellness Letter of the University of California observed a few years ago that
there appears to be too much emphasis on high calcium intake, that manganese is
needed, also, for good bone structure. And surely the best form is manganese
ascorbate. I have been taking 10 to 12 grams daily for some 25 years of Timed
Release mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, maganese,
molybdenum, zinc, and chromium. A recent hospital check shows that, though nearing
85 years old, my bone density is 118% of the average 30-year old-male. So, maybe, I
am doing something right!
Osteoporosis is highly prevalent. Often in degrees not at all obvious to either
patient or physician. Athletes, especially, have this problem, due to the
extraordinary stresses they impose on their bodies. Probably 75% of their bone
breakage is due to poor bone structure.
You may first know about it, when, suddenly, as you get up to answer the door bell,
a hip joint breaks under you. It’s a bone disease characterized by insufficient
production of bone matrix (in which ascorbates, proline, and Vitamin D are
involved), and by serious reduction in bone calcium.
With women especially, it is an advancing problem. Researchers maintain that,
starting at age 25, women continue to loose 1% of bone calcium with every advancing
year. Thus, a woman of 60, will usually have lost 35% of her bone calcium!
This condition is believed largely due, with advancing age, to reduce estrogen
production, which is substantially halted after the menopause. Unfortunately, the
administration of estrogen is now known to be cancer-inducing. However, medicine
completely ignores the need for mineral ascorbates.
This view may be erroneous. I believe that women produce small amounts of ascorbate
in their own bodies, while they are of child bearing age.
Exercise. . .But!
But hormones will not do it all. With both sexes, osteoporosis can, and often is,
very much due to malnutrition and reduced activity. So, exercise helps, but:
Jogging, especially on pavement, can pound cartilage into dust. Jogging injuries to
the knee have become so common that orthopedists in Los Angeles have named one
popular running route "The street of the wounded knee". (Walking and running are
much easier on the joints and the spine, many orthopedic physicians say.)
Knee injuries are also common in skiing accidents. Legs break more readily if they
do not have full flexibility, and the twisting required to smash a tennis ball from
the baseline can easily rip a cartilage of the knee joint. In bicycling, pumping up
a steep hill puts intense pressure on the kneecap, so that, in extreme cases, the
underside of the cap starts to fray. Kneeling on a surfboard creates a hard bump
under the kneecap called "surfer’s knob".
In football, 70% of professional players have knee injuries before the age of 26,
including nearly every quarterback.
When teenagers and younger children undergo excessive training with heavy weights,
they can damage their bones, and some doctors believe, stunt growth.
Obviously, exercise should be done in moderation. But the more one does, the more
he or she needs mineral ascorbates to help maintain the flexibility of his muscles
and bones, plus other anti-oxidants and good protein. Your doctor will know all
about your need for calcium but usually very little about magnesium. But remember
this: Magnesium is essential for the normal metabolisms of potassium and calcium in
adult man, essential for the mobilization of calcium from bone hypocalccemia (low
calcium) should suggest the possibility of significant magnesium depletion.
Modern Nutrition, Goodhart & Shils
Thus calcium-magnesium ascorbate, a neutral, stable chelate of Vitamin C,
represents a wonderful source of the two essential minerals with the equally
essential "C".
Some 30 to 50 percent of present hospitalization is medically unnecessary, but
alternative services that could be therapeutically more effective and economically
more efficient, have almost disappeared.
Fritjof Capra, The Turning Point (Simon and Schuster) (to be continued...)
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The Health Gap
Avoiding The Major Killers
By Jay Patrick
"Everyone of us gets dozens of cancers each day," Dr. Carl Pfeiffer of Princeton,
N. J. used to say; But our bodies immediately check the growth of most of them, so,
usually, nothing happens. Thousands of scientists are daily working on means to
grapple with this great destroyer, but it appears to me that their efforts are
largely misdirected. An enormous amount of their time seems to be devoted to "early
detection" of cancer, at which time the battle is often lost, rather than to
measures that might wholly prevent emergence of the great killer.
Cancer is known to be mostly a disease of the aging, as the immune system of the
body goes into steady decline. Indeed, it is this same "system", or "response",
that has brought us forward through the ages, against almost insurmountable odds,
as we fought every imaginable enemy. Yet, somewhere along the tortuous pathway of
our development, we either lost, or never had, the one, almost magical, cellular
balancer, detoxifier, and fortifier necessary to extend our lives, to help make our
bodies whole, and to step up mightily our resistance to disease.
It appears that, in approaching the problem, we must, first, consider what is most
missing in our bodies, that might provide the "fuel" to enable our cells to throw
off a host of vicious invaders, including bacteria, viruses, and radiation.
The Missing Agents
Outstanding among these missing elements are the mineral ascorbates, of which their
intermediate form, ascorbic acid, has been mislabeled Vitamin C. It is in the full
study of these peerless carbo that our medical science has been grossly deficient.
Yes, there are some 80,000 papers on the subject of ascorbic acid, but little
consideration has been given to the most active forms of this powerful molecule,
which protect more than 99.9% of all other animals, the mineral ascorbates.
Thanks to the pioneering work of the British navy, long ago, which found that
lemons (limes) could protect its men at sea for months from almost sure death, an
awareness of the need for ascorbate, after countless centuries of radically
shortened life, is slowly emerging. But this need should be measured in grams
rather than in milligrams, because it is not really a vitamin but a liver
metabolite, as world authority, Dr. Irwin Stone labeled it many decades ago. Yes,
minute quantities will not suffice, if we would strive to be fully alive and fully
Setting the Stage
The stage for our two most basic ailments, heart attack and cancer is slowly set,
with each advancing year. Deprived of adequate mineral ascorbates, the linings of
our arteries start to bleed, then clot, forming scar tissue. This scar tissue then
collects the cholesterol, lipids, and, finally, calcium of the plaque that,
finally, totally blocks the flow of blood to the heart, inducing death.
However, with a poorly functioning immune system, which can be due in great measure
to lack of the mineral ascorbates, either heart attack or cancer may get you first.
This wonderful immune response, as some researchers like to call it, must have
every nutrient working for it in synergistic power to help ward off a multitude of
invaders ranging from the common cold to the most life-threatening diseases.
So, if we were able to produce enough mineral ascorbates to give six to ten grams
daily to the entire population, I am confident that the incidence of death from
disease, say, to the age of 80, would decline about 50% or more.
Won’t you join me? I like to keep some friends close to my own age (85).
P.S. When we had the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, CA., x-ray 10 of our
employees with the Ultrafast CT scan, 8 out of 10 showed zero (0) plaque, and the
9th and 10th showed very low levels, also insignificant, at which no symptoms
Furthermore, we are inviting several hundred physicians, who have taken our mineral
ascorbates for many years, to get their arteries, also, checked We shall publish
the results as soon as available.
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Are your Vitamin C batteries running down?
Jay Patrick
December 1998
By Jay Patrick
"If I get pneumonia, and am taken to a hospital, where I die, they might attach a
card, as they do in Hungary, to my big toe, which would read:
"CAUSE of DEATH: Pneumonia." But I would probably have died of scurvy."
* * *
Nobel Laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, is speaking at the World Congress on
Vitamin C. He is the Nobelist who received the prize for his isolation of the magic
substance, Vitamin C, from the paprika pepper of his native Hungary.
Behind Szent-Gyorgyi’s remarks is a simple fact that leaves most people behind the
proverbial 8 Ball.
Some 50% of us already have in our bodies such avengers as pneumonococci,
staphylococci, streptococci, or bacilli, which can bring on this deadly lung
disease. Or we may also include influenza viruses, adenoviruses, syncytial viruses,
rhinoviruses, coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and others, from our
Rather frightening, isn’t it? But the Merck Manual says that the foregoing account
for some 75% of pulmonary infections in schools and military recruits.
An Inside Job
Some 32 years ago, while operating a chemical plant in Northern New Jersey, I
received a telephone call that my father, who lived in San Diego, was being
operated upon for appendicitis. I immediately boarded a plane, and the following
morning was able to greet him in Mercy Hospital, after they had operated upon him.
I found that he didn’t have appendicitis, but an inflamed pancreas.
However, within a few hours after greeting my father, because of the high stress of
the operation, he came down with a severe case of pneumonia and died about 24 hours
later. I now know that he probably died of scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, about which I
knew nothing at the time. He, obviously, had the pneumonoccus bacteria already in
his body, yet his resistance, at age 79, was so poor that he promptly succumbed.
Thus, you see, we don’t have to "catch" any of these life-threatening diseases.
Many of them are already inside of us, while our immune system holds them in check.
So, if we don’t want to come down with any of these unattractive ways to die, we
must do what we can to keep our resistance up. And the secret seems to be: The
right lifestyle, supported by very good nutritional supplement, which absolutely
must include the mineral ascorbates, the real forms of Vitamin C that most animals
other than humans produce in their bodies in multigram quantities.
Here and now, is where high intake of the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C should
enter in your life to stay!
Healthy people, say The National Institutes of Health, require a body pool of at
least 1500 mg of mineral ascorbates, the only form in which "C" is stored in our
organs, such as:
adrenals brain eyes gonads pituitary pancreas liver
These organs and any area of the body where intense activity is to occur must, for
your energy and resistance to disease, maintain a fair level of this miraculous
carbohydrate which Szent-Gyorgyi has described as "the ‘glue’ that holds our bodies
I feel that the collection points for mineral ascorbates should be considered
Miniature Storage Batteries, which, when "run down", leave us exhausted and almost
defenseless against disease.
(714) 454-3999
"Deaths from Viagra* Can Be Reduced," says researcher.
FOOTHILL RANCH, CA (June 11, 1998) – On Tuesday, The Food and Drug Administration
released information regarding 16 known cases of men dying after using the popular
impotence drug Viagra*. The men who died range in age from 48 to 80, and all were
taking the new wonder drug.
"Some deaths due to ingestion of Viagra are to be expected," states Dr. Richard
Dana, Director of the Committee for World Health, Foothill Ranch, CA.
"This is because," he adds, "people who have for some time been impotent, place an
enormous load on their bodies when they suddenly respond to a powerful urge for
intercourse. Among other things, this is a very heavy burden on the adrenal glands
that require Vitamin C for the production of adrenaline, and countless other
functions, including sperm motility.
"Indeed, it is the same form of Sudden Death that daily kills thousands who suffer
from trauma. Scientific American (April, 1997) commented on the sudden traumatic
deaths of 862 people after admission to San Francisco General Hospital, over a two
year period. This great stress on the body may be especially felt by the heart and
the circulatory system, resulting in heart attack or stroke.
"Individuals should show prudence about sudden exertion for which they are
unprepared. However, the intake of six or more grams of mineral ascorbates** daily
will help prepare them for the heavy exertion that is involved.
"Pfizer has warned that a great variety of ailments may result from ingestion of
Viagra. These include angina, heart failure, heart palpitations, tendon rupture,
cataracts, shock, and death.
"The introduction of a product of such biochemical activity is unprecedented.
Accordingly, many users of the drug are almost totally unprepared for such a surge
in physical activity. Thus, we may expect that deaths will continue, probably at an
accelerating pace.
"These deaths may be partly due to intake of very high levels of Viagra in patients
seeking a better response.
Mineral Ascorbates in Aging and Cancer
"Many of the side effects noted can be prevented by the mineral ascorbates. Indeed,
almost our entire population is quite deficient in this type of vitamin C, the only
form in which it is produced by animals who do not suffer the genetic defect that
lowers the immune response and general well-being of all humanity. In its ongoing
research, the Committee for World Health has made a recent finding that the mineral
ascorbates are effective in controlling the cellular telomeric structures which are
essential for life and clearly involved in aging and cancer," Dr. Dana states, in
(Most health food stores carry the neutral mineral ascorbates in timed-release
form, or as an effervescent drink mix).
# # #
It should be noted that Dr. Dana issued an Internet warning on May 1, 1998
regarding the unfavorable consequences of Viagra ingestion.
Dr. Dana is the UCSD molecular biochemist who discovered heat shock-proteins in the
human placenta and four streamlined procedures for the rapid isolation of RNA and
DNA from tuberculosis bacteria, cancer cells, and virtually all cell types from
plants to bacteria to animals. (For a list of additional publications see
Dana, R. C.; Welch, W. J.; Deftos, L. J. Heat shock proteins bind calcitonin.
Endocrinology, v.126, n.1, (1990): 672-674.
Dana, R. C.; Saghbini, M.; Lippman, D.; Cheung, A. L. Journal of NIH Research, v.7,
(1995): 61.
Tantod, B.; Saghbini, M.; Barnes, L.; Dana, R. A new rapid method for
undegraded RNA isolation from diverse organisms. Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting
of the American Society for Cell Biology, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 10-14,
Dana, R. C. The Genetic Revolution. San Diego Conference, American Association of
Clinical Chemists, November, 1994.
*Pfizer Trademark
**Almost the entire research community believes that ascorbic acid, as present in
citrus fruits, is the real vitamin C. Actually, in its acid form it is only an
intermediate in the production of the neutral mineral ascorbates produced by 99% of
animals. These animals do not suffer the genetic defect that renders humans almost
totally unable to produce the mineral ascorbates in their own livers. Thus, mineral
ascorbates are the only forms of vitamin C which can be properly identified as the
real vitamin C. These neutral substances can be utilized by the body in the multigram quantities which promote full health. Hence, the side affects of nausea and
diarrhea induced by large doses of ascorbic acid can be avoided.
Research in Pediatrics
The effect of nutritional supplementation with Vitamin C (in the form of mineral
ascorbates) on the rehabilitation process of children suffering from cerebral palsy
is studied in collaboration with the Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy
of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia. The study is performed by Ludmila Antonova,
Ph. D., Senior Research Scientist at the Institute. This research is currently
being funded by modest donations from two sources, however, additional funds are
The group of Russian researchers
At the picture: The group of Russian scientists working at the Department of
Rehabilitating Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy in the Research Institute
of Pediatrics, Moscow, Russia. Ludmila is the second from the left in the second
The electroneuromyography method is used to evaluate the state of the neuromotor
apparatus of children with cerebral palsy. The magnitude and the character of the
bioelectric activity provides information about muscle function, their coordinatory
interactions, the state of the motor-neuronal pool of the spinal cord, and the
mechanisms of the central regulation of the muscle tonus before and after the
administration of the mineral ascorbates.
Initial results show that administration of mineral ascorbates, in addition to the
conventional treatment the children receive at the Hospital of the Institute of
Pediatrics, increased the muscle fatigue time (the muscle stamina) of children
suffering from cerebral palsy by an impressive 200% above their norm. The tests
were also conducted on healthy children, who increased their muscle fatigue time by
150%. Increase in the levels of the muscle bioelectrical activity and of the
constant brain potentials were observed, too (see pictures below).
Vitamin C is essential in many biological processes including the synthesis of
collagen and neurotransmitters. It may explain the dramatic changes in muscle
stamina after administration of mineral ascorbates observed in our experiments.
Children with cerebral palsy are known to suffer from malnutrition (which may be
especially true in modern Russia). Continuous vitamin supplementation after they
are released from the Hospital might significantly improve quality of their lifes.
Unfortunately, most Russian parents can not afford it.
Please help provide vitamins to children suffering from cerebral palsy.
Visit our Donations page!
E-mail for more information or write to:
Dr. Richard C. Dana
Jay Patrick, Alacer
Director, Committee for World Health
19571 Pauling
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
The Committee for World Health was established in 1978 by Jay Patrick with the aim
to engage in research in the field of human health "as it may especially pertain to
good nutrition well before the birth of a child, including the mother and father
and progressively, as the child may enter into all stages of life: youth, maturity,
middle age, old age, and inevitable death." The Committee started its activities
with staging the First World Congress on Vitamin C in Palm Springs in 1978. The
Congress was attended by such celebrities as Nobel laureates Linus Pauling and
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, as well as other pioneers of Vitamin C research: Dr. Irwin
Stone, Dr. Abram Hoffer et al.
In 1997 The Committee has been re-organized as a non-profit research foundation,
with Jay Patrick as the Chairman and Richard C. Dana, Ph.D., as the Director. Abram
Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., E. Cheraskin, M.D., Ph.D., Jeffrey Buzby, Ph.D., Goerge
Bartzokis, M.D., and Alexey M. Olovnikov, Ph.D., are currently the members of the
Advisory Board.
The Committee has outlined its objectives. The research is to concentrate on the
potential of the nutritional supplements, in particular, mineral ascorbates, to
improve the health of humanity and maximize resistance to disease and general
aging. The methods of molecular biology, along with the clinical and preclinical
research, are to be used to study two genetic liver diseases of humanity -
hypoascorbemia and hypouricasemia.
Other topics of interest include: Nutritional supplements and cardiovascular
health; Nutrition and prevention of osteoporosis; Cerebral palsy and the potential
of nutritional supplements in alleviation of it's symptoms; Improved treatment of
wounds; Exercise physiology and replenishment of bodily fluids; Topical treatment
of muscle pain; Dermatological research on control of acne.
It is assumed that some of the research will be carried out by the foundation
itself and some will be undertaken by various universities and other health
investigators around the world. Among the institutions currently involved in the
research projects with The Committee are: University of Southern California;
University of California, Los Angeles; Boston Medical Center; Institute of
Pediatrics, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Several research projects have been started since February 1997. Initial financial
support was provided mainly by Alacer Corp. and Jay Patrick. Additional donations
will be greatly appreciated.
The Committee is also involved in various charitable actions. In a disaster relief
effort, The Committee assisted in delivering nutritional supplement products to
people in Jarrell, Texas after a tornado destroyed homes (May 1997), to the victims
of the hurricane Floyd (September 1999), and continues this mission on many
occasions when flood, earthquake or other natural disaster strikes. Please visit
this link for information on our current projects and to make your contribution
using secure credit card transaction.
In Zimbabwe, at the orphanage of Fairfield Hospital, we are giving nutritional
supplements to children who suffer from AIDS, malaria, and numerous other viral and
parasitic diseases. Most of the children suffer from malnutrition and vitamin
deficiencies, and correcting them will improve their health in many ways, in
particular, by boosting their immune system.
With modest funds, we of The Committee for World Health know that we can spearhead
a series of scientific investigations that will prove beyond all doubt that the
nutritional approach can overcome or mitigate widely held diseases, saving millions
of lives and billions of dollars.
Please e-mail us for more information or write to:
Committee for World Health
19571 Pauling
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
Phone: 888-580-5950
FAX: 949-951-0917
The Story of Alacer Corp. and Jay Patrick
Jay Patrick
Alacer: Latin word meaning "lively and energetic"
In 1968, after serving 25 years as Chief Chemist and President of a successful
chemical company, Jay Patrick turned his attention toward the subject of nutrition.
At age 59, Jay was starting to have some health problems, especially his jaws,
which were aching at the end of the week.
After a great deal of research, he met Dr. Irwin Stone, who was then working on
Staten Island, New York, only some 25 miles from the chemical company in Northvale,
New Jersey, which Jay headed. Stone introduced him to Vitamin C and he soon found
that six or seven grams daily eliminated 95% of his pain.
Although he had never before been much interested in nutrition, Jay then embarked
on intensive research of the subject.
He met Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the Nobel Laureate who first isolated Vitamin C
(later a consultant for Alacer); visited Roger Williams, pioneer researcher of
pantothenic and folic acids; Dr. E. Cheraskin, who has now spent some 35 years of
his life investigating Vitamin C; Dr. Abram Hoffer, who along with Dr. Harvey
Osmond discovered that he could cure some 85% of his schizophrenia patients with
Vitamin C and niacin; and, of course, Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Laureate who wrote a
number of books on Vitamin C and was regarded as a world authority on the subject.
Dr. Stone told Jay that ascorbic acid is really the poorest form of Vitamin C for
humans. Jay learned that 99.9% of all the animals in the world have the ability to
convert the ascorbic acid developed in their livers into neutral mineral ascorbates
before being circulated in their bodies. However, humans do not have this ability.
We suffer from hypoascorbemia, the genetic disease which makes it impossible for us
to produce ascorbate in our own bodies.
Learning that ascorbate-producing animals live some seven times their period of
maturity, he recognized that humans could not hope to live much longer than they do
unless some effort were made to compensate for their genetic defect. (Humans mature
at 20-25 years, thus 7 X 20 = 140 years.) He, accordingly, formed Alacer Corp. in
1970 and undertook the manufacture of the mineral ascorbates.
In 1978, Jay personally staged and directed The First World Congress on Vitamin C,
where Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was honored for the 50th anniversary of his
isolation of Vitamin C, along with 27 other world pioneers on the subject.
In 1980, becoming aware of the great potential of the virus to produce world wide
plagues, he formed and directed The World Congress on the Virus. Among the notable
speakers on this occasion were Nobel Laureate, Dr. Carleton Gajdusek and Dr.
Clarence Gibbs of the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Archie Kalokerinos of
Australia, who established that sudden infant death among the aborigines is clearly
due to lack of Vitamin C.
In 1991, Jay formed and directed The Second World Congress on Vitamin C and the
Immune System, bringing in researchers from points as distant as Czechoslovakia
(Dr. Emil Ginter, who determined along with Constance Spittle of England that
Vitamin C is essential for the conversion of cholesterol into bile to digest our
foods and that it also aids in dispersion of cholesterol in the blood stream.)
Jay maintains that you're never too old to try again or to keep working for good
health. Now in his 86th year, Jay still works a 60 hour week as Alacer's President,
and will soon finish his book covering his life's research into Vitamin C and
Mineral Ascorbates.
Anti-Aging Project
OBJECTIVE: To determine if mineral ascorbates can maintain the telomerase which
increases cell life. There is ample evidence that the mineral ascorbates, which
humans cannot produce in volume in their own livers, balance the cells against
innumerable invaders. However, it is the purpose of this investigation to find out
if these ascorbates also extend life by maintaining the telomerase, which is an
essential factor in the replication of the cell.
* * * *
Telomeres are small segments of DNA which coat the tips of chromosomes and become
shorter with each cell division. Human telomeres are composed of multiple repeats
of the sequence TTAGGG. These telomeres are necessary for life and function to
prevent the chromosomes from unraveling. After some 80 cell divisions the telomere
becomes so short that the cells stop dividing and the cell enters a state of
senescence and dies.
A Biological Time Bomb
Telomerase is an enzyme that repairs damaged telomeres. Most human cells stop
making telomerase early in life and, therefore, create A Biological Time Bomb that
kills us in our 70's and 80's. It is our premise that vitamin C as mineral
ascorbates can prevent this time bomb from going off.
In our experiments, we will measure telomerase in cells treated with mineral
ascorbates and Vitastic and also in cells isolated from individuals who have taken
these products. If we find that there is an increase in the level of telomerase, it
could show another means by which mineral ascorbates extend human life.
Our working hypothesis is that the failure to elongate telomeres or altering
telomeric repeat sequences results in senescence and death. Therefore, additional,
animal studies will be performed to address this issue more fully.
The telomere structure will be studied and the effects of mineral ascorbates on
telomere elongation will be elucidated. The telomeric region will be cloned by
using an integration event. Studying the DNA regions flanking the insert at the
proximal and distal end we will investigate the stability of the foreign DNA
molecule in the telomere region. Moreover, using inhibitors of reverse
transcriptase, which is a crucial step in both proven mechanism of telomere
elongation (telomerase and retrotransposition), attempts will be made to inhibit
this process.
Another experimental approach is based on the hypothesis that genes that control
the M1 (Mortality Stage 1) mechanisms of cellular senescence are located adjacent
to telomeres and that their expression is modified by telomere length. It is
possible that mineral ascorbates of vitamin C could act here.
Therefore a long-term goal of this research will be to clone genes in the subtelomeric DNA which may be influenced by mineral ascorbates and show their
involvement in regulating control of telomere length, and elucidating their
functional roles in the regulation of Ml.
We are also initiating controlled studies to look at the maturation and aging of
guinea pigs under the influence of mineral ascorbates. Results will rapidly predict
the human condition.
Our laboratory has ordered cell and molecular biology instruments and supplies to
initiate these studies. Our newly purchased equipment includes a cell incubator,
sterile hood, a DNA electrophoresis apparatus, telomerase analysis kit,
thermocycler, microfuge, DNA transilluminator, and densitometry quantitation
We will report preliminary results from our experiments during the next few weeks
and hope to show how vitamin C as mineral ascorbates can alter telomeric function
and prolong life.
Richard Dana, Ph. D.
June 18, 1999
Vitamin C Supplements Prevent
Alzheimer’s Disease, Rush-Harvard Study Shows
A study of 633 persons, ages 65 years and older, at Rush University for Healthy
Aging and Harvard Medical School, found that 91 of the sample participants, after
the follow-up period of 4.3 years, were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Yet,
none of the 27 Vitamin C supplement users had the disease.
It was concluded that use of vitamin supplements may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s
Disease. Commenting on these results, Dr. George Bartzokis, a brain specialist and
Chief of Psychiatry, Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, who works
concurrently with UCLA, points out: "These results indicate that one may halt the
progression of the disease by supplementation with Vitamin C." Dr. Bartzokis is,
himself, a dedicated user of Alacer’s Emer’gen-C, which forms the true Vitamin C
mineral ascorbates, when water is added to the effervescent drink mix.
When shown a magnetic resonance image of Jay Patrick, the very active, 87-year old
president of Alacer Corp., Dr. Bartzokis commented that the hippocampal area, which
is ordinarily ruthlessly attacked by Alzheimer’s, was very large and was, indeed,
much larger than that of the average brain.
The hippocampus is much involved in cognitive functions and memory formation. The
latest research shows that good nutrition can increase neuronal plasticity of this
major brain region. This data contradicts the long-held view that humans, with
advancing years, must lose as many as a million brain cells daily. Men generally
show brain shrinkage varying from 15 to 40% by the time they reach advanced age.
Most women show only 1% shrinkage, except for those with Alzheimer’s.
Patrick first developed the drink mix, marketed as Emer’gen-C, in 1978, and has
been taking 10 to 12 grams of the mineral ascorbates daily, ever since. An
independent study shows that Emer’gen-C sales represent a major share of all
Vitamin C products in the United States.
While Vitamin E was also part of the study, Dr. Bartzokis has determined that it
was not a significant factor in the improvement of these patients.
Dr. Bartzokis is also heading a million-dollar program of intensive brain research
funded by the National Institute of Health, which will take into consideration many
aspects of nutritional supplementation which have not before been much considered.
(Jay Patrick is suing the NIH in Federal Court for correction of the mis-labeling
of Vitamin C, a worldwide error.)
Patrick received the prestigious Scientific Achievement Award of the American
Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, when addressing the audience of medical
professionals at a recent Chicago meeting, on June 13th. The award was for
"Outstanding Innovative Technologies in Vitamin C and Mineral Ascorbate Research
and Development".
Patrick comments: "Inspired by a meeting with Dr. Irwin Stone in 1969, I have been
working actively for 30 years to show that the ascorbic acid that is present in
citrus fruits is not the real Vitamin C. Its acidity cannot be well tolerated by
the body, so it has been utilized at much lower intake levels than are easily
possible with the neutral mineral ascorbates, such as are produced in the bodies of
99.9% of animals."
MRI of Jay Patrick:
MRI of Jay Patrick
In 1994, Patrick learned of the Ultrafast CT Scan Procedure -- a Super C.A.T. Scan
for the determination of coronary artery occlusion, the principal cause of heart
disease and our major killer. He went to the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, California to check his own coronary condition. After
the scan, the technician reported to Patrick that he had a zero (0) level of
plaque, describing this as "a new record" for an 82-year old man.
Patrick returned a few days later to discuss the results of his CT Scan with the
Chief of Staff, who quickly described it as "an artifact finding of no scientific
Subsequently, Patrick brought 9 of his employees who had been taking the mineral
ascorbates (including a 76-year old woman) to UCLA for scanning. The results of
these scans are shown on the chart below. Note that 8 out of 10 tested show zero
(0) plaque, while the levels of the remaining 2 were so low as to be of no
significant consequence.
Since that time, Patrick has since repeatedly challenged any doctor in the world to
pick 10 people of similar ages and show that even one or two of them had zero
levels of plaque. He has had no takers.
Asymptomatic Levels for Age Group
Jay Patrick
Over 800
Linda Tagle
Ymelda Patrick
Would You Like A Second Chance?
By Jay Patrick
Would you like A Second Chance with your life?
---To do the things you never were able to do, to accomplish what you were never
able to accomplish, perhaps, if you are ambitious, to leave the world a little
better off than it would have been without you?
I believe that many of you can have that Second Chance, just as I believe that I am
having my Second Chance.
About 21 years ago, I read in Life Magazine of a chemist named Irwin Stone, who had
spent most of his adult life investigating the powers of Vitamin C.
I had long ignored vitamins and minerals, being turned off by the wild claims of a
pyramiding operation that highly touted the virtues of alfalfa, which didn't seem
to do miracles for horses.
President of a Northern New Jersey chemical company, I had recently been suffering
from severe jaw pains, especially toward the end of a stressful week. Learning that
Dr. Stone lived on nearby Staten Island, New York, I took my boat down the Hudson
to meet him and his wife.
I found them a middle-aged couple, living in a modest cottage not far from the
Island's inner harbor. He worked as an enzyme chemist for a Staten Island firm. His
wife, Barbara, was his research assistant, helping to organize his voluminous
papers on Vitamin C. Irwin had completed a book on Vitamin C, he told me, and was
looking for a publisher.
However, both of them had a head-on collision with a drunken driver while driving
through Rapid City, South Dakota, some 10 years before. This had put them in a
hospital, near death, for many weeks. But, they both credited high intake of
Vitamin C for their recovery, although injury to their throats had made it
difficult for them to swallow food, and, especially, vitamin tablets. Indeed, the
injury had included damage to Irwin's larynx, which left him with a high squeaky
The three of us had many dinners together, while the dedicated chemist told me more
of his love, which he described as the only known panacea, which is beneficial to
humans in every walk of life, and with every ailment, because, for one thing, it is
the outstanding anti-stress agent, he explained.
I was soon taking six or seven grams of "C" daily---and quickly found that my jaw
pains had disappeared.
During our many conversations, Irwin explained to me that we humans suffer from a
genetic disease, which he named hypoascorbemia, that makes it impossible for us to
produce Vitamin C in our own livers. Only monkeys, apes, guinea pigs, humans, and a
type of bat, he reported, suffer from this ailment. All of the other 99.9% of
animals convert the glucose circulating through their livers, in four stages, with
four enzymes, into ascorbic acid. But this ascorbic acid never circulates in the
animal's blood in its acid form. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the
liver to form neutral mineral ascorbates. These mineral ascorbates are both
ascorbate and mineral transporters, being readily accepted by some 70 trillion body
cells which must have both minerals and ascorbates to function, entering the body
in the blood stream, for storage in the adrenals, brain, and other organs only as
mineral ascorbates.
Thus, Stone emphasized ascorbic acid, although the form of "C" present in oranges,
lemons, and other fruit, is not the form of Vitamin C animals circulate. It is an
acid intermediate, not the true Vitamin C, which, in volume, is hard on the kidneys
and bladder, and induces excessive loss of minerals. Their bodies prefer the nonacid mineral ascorbates, which work so well, as continuously produced in their
bodies, that they live 7 to 14 times their period of maturity.
And so, he explained, the dog, for instance, matures in 2 years and lives 2 times
7, or 14 years. But humans, who mature at 20 to 25 years, should, on this basis,
live at least 20 times 7, or 140 years. Instead, life expectancy is presently only
about 76 years.
Some 10 years before our meeting, Dr. Stone had attended a scientific meeting at
which Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dr. Linus Pauling spoke. He noted that Pauling
expressed regret that he would not live to see much of the fruit of his
discoveries. Stone then wrote Pauling, stating that if he would take Vitamin C, he
could greatly extend his life. Dr. Pauling took him at his word, and soon achieved
worldwide publicity for his books on the value of Vitamin C . . . and for intake of
many grams of "C".
So, Dr. Pauling had his Second Chance. He was able to see much of much of the fruit
of his labors and to enjoy worldwide acclaim before his death at 93.
My principal mentor, Irwin Stone, did not do so well. In 1984, I attended a
scientific meeting at the Baltimore Hotel in Los Angeles, where Stone was to
receive an award for his 50 years of research on Vitamin C.
As my wife, Ymelda, and I entered the hotel, we saw Dr. Stone and Barbara finishing
their meal in a French restaurant. We talked, and I told him I had brought some
mineral ascorbates in powder form, which would be easy for him to swallow. We
agreed to have dinner together the following night.
At about 3:30 the following morning, I was awakened by the telephone in our room.
It was Barbara. She said: "Jay, my darling husband has just died. Will you come up
to the room?"
I quickly put on my clothes and went up to their room. There Irwin lay, lifeless on
the bed, with a strange, yellowish tint to his body.
Barbara tearfully explained that he had awakened at about 3:00 a.m. choking from
regurgitation of the food he had eaten the night before, but she was unable to help
him. She apparently knew something about the Heimlich Maneuver, but she was not
strong enough to perform it on him. So, Irwin quickly choked to death, early on the
very day he was to receive an award!
But, Irwin Stone left a legacy. I am honored to carry it on as well as I can.
Indeed, as I have been enabled to scientifically probe the acute need of all
humanity for the mineral ascorbates, I find that society has an overwhelming demand
for these mineral forms of the true "C". Indeed, I am convinced that, were it
possible to arrange to have substantial segments of our society enjoy the benefits
of mineral ascorbates, even from their mothers' wombs, the upgrading of the
populous would be truly astounding.
Yes, you can have a Second Chance, even as I, at age 57, had my chance. Now in my
86th year, I am most grateful for this second opportunity to prove my worth to
P.S. If you want to know how I did it, contact me at:
Alacer Corp.,
19631 Pauling,
Foothill Ranch, CA, 92610
or E-mail: [email protected].
The Health Gap
Avoiding The Major Killers
By Jay Patrick
"Everyone of us gets dozens of cancers each day," Dr. Carl Pfeiffer of Princeton,
N. J. used to say; But our bodies immediately check the growth of most of them, so,
usually, nothing happens. Thousands of scientists are daily working on means to
grapple with this great destroyer, but it appears to me that their efforts are
largely misdirected. An enormous amount of their time seems to be devoted to "early
detection" of cancer, at which time the battle is often lost, rather than to
measures that might wholly prevent emergence of the great killer.
Cancer is known to be mostly a disease of the aging, as the immune system of the
body goes into steady decline. Indeed, it is this same "system", or "response",
that has brought us forward through the ages, against almost insurmountable odds,
as we fought every imaginable enemy. Yet, somewhere along the tortuous pathway of
our development, we either lost, or never had, the one, almost magical, cellular
balancer, detoxifier, and fortifier necessary to extend our lives, to help make our
bodies whole, and to step up mightily our resistance to disease.
It appears that, in approaching the problem, we must, first, consider what is most
missing in our bodies, that might provide the "fuel" to enable our cells to throw
off a host of vicious invaders, including bacteria, viruses, and radiation.
The Missing Agents
Outstanding among these missing elements are the mineral ascorbates, of which their
intermediate form, ascorbic acid, has been mislabeled Vitamin C. It is in the full
study of these peerless carbo that our medical science has been grossly deficient.
Yes, there are some 80,000 papers on the subject of ascorbic acid, but little
consideration has been given to the most active forms of this powerful molecule,
which protect more than 99.9% of all other animals, the mineral ascorbates.
Thanks to the pioneering work of the British navy, long ago, which found that
lemons (limes) could protect its men at sea for months from almost sure death, an
awareness of the need for ascorbate, after countless centuries of radically
shortened life, is slowly emerging. But this need should be measured in grams
rather than in milligrams, because it is not really a vitamin but a liver
metabolite, as world authority, Dr. Irwin Stone labeled it many decades ago. Yes,
minute quantities will not suffice, if we would strive to be fully alive and fully
Setting the Stage
The stage for our two most basic ailments, heart attack and cancer is slowly set,
with each advancing year. Deprived of adequate mineral ascorbates, the linings of
our arteries start to bleed, then clot, forming scar tissue. This scar tissue then
collects the cholesterol, lipids, and, finally, calcium of the plaque that,
finally, totally blocks the flow of blood to the heart, inducing death.
However, with a poorly functioning immune system, which can be due in great measure
to lack of the mineral ascorbates, either heart attack or cancer may get you first.
This wonderful immune response, as some researchers like to call it, must have
every nutrient working for it in synergistic power to help ward off a multitude of
invaders ranging from the common cold to the most life-threatening diseases.
So, if we were able to produce enough mineral ascorbates to give six to ten grams
daily to the entire population, I am confident that the incidence of death from
disease, say, to the age of 80, would decline about 50% or more.
Won’t you join me? I like to keep some friends close to my own age (85).
P.S. When we had the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, CA., x-ray 10 of our
employees with the Ultrafast CT scan, 8 out of 10 showed zero (0) plaque, and the
9th and 10th showed very low levels, also insignificant, at which no symptoms
Furthermore, we are inviting several hundred physicians, who have taken our mineral
ascorbates for many years, to get their arteries, also, checked We shall publish
the results as soon as available.
What Kills Most of Us
By Jay Patrick
It is obvious that the human body wears unevenly. But the most stressed of all
organs are the heart and the arteries that serve it. In a 76-year lifetime, the
average heart, weighing a little over one pound, will pump some 52,680,000 gallons
of blood, which the arteries must carry about the body.
The coronary arteries can withstand this enormous load and the friction on the
vessel wall, which are maintained only by continuous replacement of their lining,
the intima. This lining must remain smoother than the finest silk for good arterial
But, because of poor nutrition, the new cells that try to provide a new lining
every two or three days are, with advancing years, of poor quality, so the surface
of the lining becomes rough and then starts to bleed.
Patching the Pipes
The body rushes to repair the holes, but, as the bleeding stops, tough, inflexible
scar tissue replaces the mirror-smooth surface of the artery and makes the vessel
more rigid (atherosclerosis). Then, Protein A quickly adheres to this surface,
followed by cholesterol, lipids, and calcium. These products, which are essential
to body function and, for perhaps 40 years, have circulated freely over a very
smooth surface, now start to accumulate, forming sludge that blocks circulation,
ultimately bringing on death, or the very temporary patch-up job of the heart
Yet, the cause of this arterial breakdown has been apparent for many years. In
1957, two Canadian physicians, Drs. G.C. Willis and W.J. McCormick, clearly
identified it as scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, the same liver disease that, centuries
ago, killed off most of the sailors who were at sea for months without fresh
vegetables or citrus fruit.
Magellan, in 1519, set sail with a fleet of five ships on one of history's great
voyages, the circumnavigation of the earth. Three years later, only one ship, with
only 18 members of the original crew, returned to Spain, without Magellan.
"Limeys" Survive
Over two hundred years later, in 1747, James Lind, a British ship's surgeon,
studied the mysterious malady and found that lemon juice contained an unknown
substance that could save his sailors' lives. For lack of limes, the average ship
had to return to port within a few weeks, else the bodies of most of the seamen
literally fell apart, so they quickly died. But, when the British Navy learned to
carry limes (lemons) on their cruises, they could stay at sea for many months.
But foreign navies, which operated without limes, were greatly handicapped, and had
to return to port within a few weeks. They could not carry out long voyages, so it
is no wonder that the British navy became so successful, that Britannia Ruled the
Seas for more than a century thereafter.
Finally, the magic substance was isolated by Dr. Albert Szent Gyorgyi, the
Hungarian scientist, who obtained a great volume from the Paprika pepper of his
native land. At first, it was called hexuronic acid----but later re-named ascorbic
Now, I have frequently explained that ascorbic acid is a highly reactive substance
that is short on electrons, so it is always looking for mates with which to unite.
Thus, when we ingest the acid, we are engaging in a biochemical lottery, since,
when it enters the stomach, it may react with whatever product is available. That's
because it is only an intermediate for the neutral, mineral ascorbates, which most
animals produce in their livers, and then circulate freely through their bodies.
First Things First
"What we don't see doesn't hurt us. What we don't know doesn't pain" (from the
once-popular song, Please Don't Take Away My Dreams).
Yet, we great intellectuals, who can fly all over the world, peer into the depths
of the cell and know its workings, create the Hydrogen Bomb, rocket to the moon,
maybe clone ourselves, and so, on and on: We cannot understand that what is
happening to our bodies is the same thing that happened to those ancient sailors.
It is scurvy in a subtle form. We can't see it, so we think it does not exist.
We are getting more and more news about the great accomplishments in the field of
genetics. Some 4,000 genetic diseases have been identified. Already, we are
assuming the God-like role of correcting some of them.
Yet, two genetic liver diseases that oppress all humanity are virtually ignored.
The major one is hypoascorbemia, inability to produce Vitamin C in our own livers,
as do 99.99% of all other animals. Known exceptions: humans, the guinea pig,
monkeys, apes, a type of bat, and a rare rat. The second liver disease from which
all humans suffer is hypouricasemia. We lack the enzyme uricase, which breaks down
excess uric acid, the cause of gout, and converts it into harmless allantoin and
carbon dioxide.
So billions and billions of dollars are being expended by research corporations to
find solutions to some 4,000 different genetic diseases that affect, erratically
some of our population. But very little attention is being given to the two major
liver diseases that, in one way or another, affect all humans. Some attention is
being given to uricase, and perhaps 50,000 studies have been made of Vitamin C, but
no one really works on the problem of re-establishing production of this major
substance in our own bodies. Yet mineral ascorbates participate in perhaps 1,000
metabolic functions in the body, especially as the interaction of one substance
upon another is considered.
The Great Reaper
This is the liver disease from which all of us who are spared accidental death
shall surely die. Why? Because we don't get the superior resistance to disease and
longer life, starting, at least, while in our mothers' wombs, that the real Vitamin
C, the mineral ascorbates, provide.
So, those who take ascorbic acid under the impression that it is Vitamin C are much
in error. Ascorbic acid is the intermediate form of "C", as it is present in
vegetables and fruit. Humans cannot tolerate in much volume the acidity of ascorbic
acid (pH 2), as it irritates the kidneys, bladder, and intestines. Yet, in the
multi gram quantities we require for good health and longer life, it causes
mineral-loosing diuresis and diarrhea.
You may ask: How much mineral ascorbate do we really need?
I can't give you an exact formula, because it depends so much on your sex, age,
life style, and physical condition. I can tell you, though, that I weigh about 168
lbs., have been taking from 8 to 14 grams daily for the past 25 years. I have not
had any colds for some 23 years, as they were comparatively easy to eliminate.
Avoiding attacks of the "flu" was harder, though. By stepping up my intake of
ascorbates, I could usually knock them out in one to two days. However, for the
past 10 years or so I have not had even one such attack.
If you are a woman under 40, you probably do not require as much ascorbate as a man
of the same weight. World authority on Vitamin C Irwin Stone told me, some 27 years
ago, that he believed that women produce small amounts of vitamin C in their own
bodies, which accounts, he said, for their living 6 to 8 years longer than men.
Cardiologists inform me that women usually start the formation of plaque about 10
years later than men, but that they often catch up with them in later life.
A Dog's Life
Perhaps you have a dog. Dogs are more fortunate than we, in that they do produce
some 2.8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, as equated to a 154 lb. human. And, as
Dr. Stone pointed out to me some 26 years ago, dogs and most animals other than the
human animal live 7 times their period of maturity. 2 times 7 is 14. On this basis
we human animals should live 7 times our period of maturity which is 20 to 25. 7
times 20 is 140, far above the average of about 76 years.
But, if you own a dog, you will probably notice that, as he gets to be 8 or 10
years old, he starts to have problems. His skin may be affected, for instance, and
bloody scale will appear. This is because his production of ascorbate is declining.
But if you regularly give your dog adequate mineral ascorbates, this scale will
disappear, and he, she, may live up to 20 years. (I once wrote an article: "Forget
about yourself. Just Take Care of Your Dog."
So dogs may show their lack of adequate ascorbate more outwardly than we.
Obviously, our reaction in the lining of our arteries is not visible to the naked
eye. Deficiency of ascorbate can appear in countless ways. I read of one famous TV
star who is going blind. I am sure that she would not be going blind if she had
adequate mineral ascorbates in her body, because, next to the adrenals and the
brain, high concentrations of ascorbate are quite necessary to prevent degradation
of the eyesight, and the high intra-ocular pressure that brings on glaucoma.
When I was nearly 83 years of age, I heard of a miraculous Ultrafast CT scan, which
is about 10 times as fast as the "CAT" scan of which you may have heard. I learned
that there was one of these CT scans at the UCLA Cardiovascular center in Torrance,
Checking for Plaque
So I decided to go and have a cross section pictures of my arteries taken. I felt a
bit apprehensive. I wondered if I had been misleading people for some 23 or so
years regarding the feeding and care of their arteries.
I climbed into the tunnel of the Ultrafast CT scan, and in about 30 seconds they
took 30 different cross-section views of my arteries. The highly cooperative
technician allowed my cameraman and me to watch the results as they were displayed
on the screen. The coronary arteries were absolutely clear (0) of all calcium, so
he told me that this was "a new record for an 82-year-old man"!
You see, calcium is the third major substance that clogs the arteries, and the only
one that can be picked up by the x-ray. However, the American Heart Association
believes that the presence or non-presence of calcium is a clear indication of the
total plaque. Thus, I was greatly relieved.
So, I later returned to discuss this extraordinary finding with Dr. Bruce Brundage,
head of the Cardiovascular Center. He quickly told me that the finding was
interesting, but that it was purely anecdotal, in that an excellent result with one
person was not scientific proof that it would occur with the general population. I
agreed with him, so, the following week I brought back 10 of our employees who had
been taking our mineral ascorbate products.
CT Scan Results
Age Normal
range CT Scan
Jay Patrick 82 years old over 800 0 calcium
Linda Tagle 76 years old 550-800 0 Calcium
Ymelda Patrick 57 years old 260-450 0 Calcium
HU 43 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
AR 42 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
JU 42 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
JE 47 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
RA 47 years old 155-310 0 Calcium
SU 57 years old 260-450 97 Calcium
EM 55 years old 260-450 155 Calcium
Of the 10 people subsequently checked out, 8 had 0 levels of calcium and the
remaining 2 had low levels at which no symptoms appear.
We compared the averages of asyptomatic persons with data provided by several
cardiovascular centers. This data showed that it was highly illogical that anyone
in the age group covered could possibly get such astounding readings. Indeed, I
challenge anyone in the world to take the same age group, which includes a 77 year
old woman and an 82 year old man, and get such remarkable findings. The two of our
employees who had the higher readings had not been taking their recommended dosage
of 4 to 8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, so they did not show up as well as
they should. However, you will note that they were below the readings for other
asymptomatic people in their age group.
Saving Smokers?
Furthermore, two of the people, much to our regret, are smokers, who outside of
their work probably consume up to a pack of cigarettes a day. Thus, even these
people were getting protection against a bad habit that tends to induce cancer and
arterial breakdown!
Dr. McCormick reported his finding that every cigarette burns up at least 25 mg of
ascorbate, so, obviously, the mineral ascorbates have certainly been compensating
in some regard for the bad habit of our two smokers. Perhaps this is something that
those cigarette addicts should know about! Further studies of this phenomenon
should be undertaken forthwith. (Some 46 Million people are said to be smokers).
Arrangements are being made for studies at several universities of people who take
the mineral ascorbates for at least a two-year period. 100 people will receive the
mineral ascorbates and 100 will receive a placebo.
Thus we are steadily proving that all the malarkey about cholesterol represents the
greatest medical farce of our century, to quote one writer. We have formed The
Committee for World Health to conduct a further investigation of the mineral
ascorbates. As a non-profit foundation, we expect that it will get the funds to
conduct much needed research that has not really ever been done.
Dr. Sherry Lewen, an English researcher, who made a remarkably thorough study of
Vitamin C, reports in his book that the second liver enzyme has been given healthy
men, and 25% turned up as ascorbate in their bodies. The Committee is going to see
what can be done to introduce all four ascorbate pathway enzymes into the liver, so
as to eliminate the need for supplementation of mineral ascorbates.
Meanwhile, I strongly recommend mineral ascorbates with the B vitamins and trace
elements, timed released, as the best approach to the problem.
Scientists are steadily discovering more and more aspects in which our bodies are
less than perfect. I have discussed two known liver diseases, hypoascorbemia and
hypouricasemia, but there are other inborn ailments that assail most or all of us.
In my view, hypoascorbemia is the major ailment of all human kind. The mineral
ascorbates that most animals can produce protect their bodies so effectively that,
as noted, these animals live 7 times their period of maturity, whereas we live only
3.8 times. As to hypouricasemia: some of us can suffer mightily from this excessive
production of uric acid, which is commonly known as gout.
Now the normal conception of the gout sufferer is that of an elderly, overweight,
highly dissipating person, whose big toe enlarges and makes it difficult for him to
But this is a poorly formed idea of gout. Actually it is a major disease that
affects countless millions, often in subtle ways. Indeed, it may develop into a bad
case of gout arthritis, which can affect the entire body and, in its extremes, so
damage the joints as to make one a helpless cripple.
So, I have discussed the two major, genetic diseases that affect all humanity.
There are other genetic diseases from which most of us suffer that are being
largely ignored. I shall give attention to them in a subsequent article. But, if
the medical profession and medical research will only give more consideration to
nutritional approaches to these ailments, I am confident that major strides will be
made toward the better health of the world.
Are You On The Brink?
By Jay Patrick
Nearly everyone expresses dismay that some 50,000 Americans annually lose their
lives in automobile accidents. Yet the Scientific American Magazine reports in its
April, ’97 SAM -CD Surgery, that the major annual loss of Americans up to 38 years
old amounts to about 150,000 people... from another cause. It’s not AIDS. And who
can guess what it is? It’s trauma!
Most dictionaries define trauma as: "a body injury produced by violence or any
thermal, chemical, or other extrinsic agent".
This "body injury" may not be at all obvious. It may be an internal disruption of
body function that cannot be seen. However, you might note that three times as
many, or some 450,000 additional people who, also, endure trauma, yet do not die,
says this distinguished periodical, will, nevertheless, suffer permanent
This adds up to the horrifying toll of some 600,000 young Americans annually, who
either die suddenly or suffer life-long disability . . . many of whom may not have
a scratch on them! (Aren’t they as important as those who have AIDS?)
High Stress
Actually, Dr. Irwin Stone, world pioneer on vitamin C, pointed out to me, in 1970,
that some 50% of those who die in automobile accidents suffer no real bodily
injury, yet die from the trauma, the high stress of the accident. The chart
furnished by The Scientific American in their excellent CD, shows the timing of 862
mysterious deaths from trauma, over a two year period, at a San Francisco General
Almost half of those who did reach the hospital (390) were either Dead on Arrival,
or died within half an hour. No one in our hospitals knows what to do for them!
(Many do not get to a hospital, but go directly to the morgue.)
The "wild" aspect of these findings is that the injuries to these persons are not
regarded as intrinsically life threatening. Thus, the deaths are identified as due
to trauma.
Some 27 years ago Dr. Stone told me that about 50 percent of those who die in
automobile accidents, die not from any substantial injuries, but due to the high
stress, the trauma, of the accident. Stone felt that, accordingly, it is of high
importance that accident victims get immediate help. Thus, he believed that prompt
intake of vitamin C, which is the outstanding anti-stress agent in the world,
preferable in the form of mineral ascorbates, would save many lives.
"Researchers found," he said, " if one just jingles keys in front of a rat’s cage,
that, in response to this stress, the rat will quadruple its output of Vitamin C".
This illustrates an animal’s need for ascorbate, in order to deal with
emergencies... and we are animals, too, and have animal bodily needs. Yet 99.9% of
all other animals produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in their own bodies,
protecting them against countless ills against which we have almost no protection.
The Scientific American estimates that about three times as many people die
annually from Trauma (about 150,000) as from AIDS (about 50,000).
The Major Killer
Indeed, at the first World Congress on Vitamin C which I staged in Palm Springs in
1978, Dr. Stone’s topic was Sudden Death. All of this made sense to me, so I
introduced at the World Congress where Stone spoke, a new product, named Emergen-C
Drink Mix. Emergen-C forms the highly effective mineral ascorbates of vitamin C,
and tends to get them very rapidly into the body. It has been the outstanding
nutritional drink of America for some 18 years.
As the powder effervesces in water, it forms 7 mineral ascorbates, plus about 25
other mineral complexes, which get nutrients into the cell almost immediately. But
daily intake of C, preferably in Timed Release form, with B vitamins and other
trace substances (Super Gram III), can probably help enormously to avoid such
emergencies. Of course, it will, also step up the immune system, as well.
Stone felt that some 98% of the population was suffering from sub-clinical scurvy
(lack of vitamin C). He said it was sub-clinical only because the doctors cannot
recognize it for what it really is, frank scurvy, ready to show itself when sudden,
high stress is thrust upon the body, burning up what residual C is available to
continue its physiological operations. Since almost half of the 862 deaths shown on
the chart occurred within the first half hour of hospital entrance, certainly some
quick action was needed to save these lives, yet obviously, no such quick action
was taken, or is daily being taken, with such everyday cases.
Dr. Stone also told me that animals who, unlike humans, can produce vitamin C in
their own livers, produce it in 5 stages. After the 4th stage, in reaction to 4
enzymes, the glucose circulating in their blood becomes ascorbic acid, but it then
goes through a 5th stage in which the ascorbic acid reacts with minerals present in
the liver to form mineral ascorbates. These are neutral forms of C which, unlike
the highly acidic, ascorbic acid, are non-irritating to the blood vessels of the
body. They are also picked up more quickly by body cells, since the minerals act as
ascorbate transporters to carry this vital nutrition throughout every area, from
head to toe.
The Terror of Trauma
I regard this as a very terrifying situation: That so many thousands of our
fellows, when subject to some stress, without visibly sign of physical injury, may
die in a matter of minutes. It’s hard to believe, but it’s been documented for many
years. In fact, I have discussed the subject at great length with a distinguished
physician and re-searcher who has been a close advisor for some 25 years, Dr. Abram
Hoffer of Victoria, B.C. It was he and another Canadian researcher, Dr. Humphrey
Osmond, who first learned, some 35 years ago, that most schizophrenia can be cured
or checked with high doses of Vitamin C and niacin. Still carrying on a very active
practice, at 79, Hoffer recently said:
"Many years ago, when only crude measures were employed, it was found that animals
exposed to stress such as throwing them into cold water, would lose all the vitamin
C from their adrenal glands. As with humans, the adrenal cortex is the animals’
major depository of Vitamin C, which may seem strange. Why is it there? I think it
is there because it surrounds the adrenal medulla which is full of adrenaline. The
adrenaline released from the medulla, the center of the gland, must travel through
the cortex. I think the ascorbate is used to protect the adrenaline from oxidation,
so that it can be released in its true state, not as some by-product such as
adrenochrome, which induces schizophrenia.
"I am convinced," he continues, "that if everyone were to take enough ascorbate,
they would not die as frequently as they now do from severe shock, excluding major
loss of blood or organs. I think Irwin Stone was correct. Several years ago, I
tried to get the local hospital to place all patients on the surgical waiting list
on at least one gram a day, telling them that they could drastically cut down
deaths and the number of days in the hospital, but they would not even consider
this. I believe vitamin C is the major anti-stress nutrient in the body.
Furthermore, if you take "C" as the neutral mineral ascorbates, your body can
easily tolerate many, many grams of this live-saving nutrient." What Causes Sudden
One important piece of information that is missing from the S.F. Hospital report;
What were the life styles of these 862 who went so suddenly to their death?
Alas, this information is not readily available. But I will bet that smokers
greatly predominated. Many years ago the pioneering Canadian physician, Dr. W.F.
McCormick, calculated that each cigarette burns up about 25 mg of ascorbate in the
average body. So, a few cigarettes can quickly put one in a deficit condition
regarding his 'C' level, especially in his brain, the master cylinder that is
secondary only to the adrenal glands as a storage point for ascorbate.
Anyway, I'm going to ask the Committee for World Health to conduct an investigation
of the life habits of all people who end up so suddenly in the morgue without any
substantial body injuries. Such information, in fact, should be an integral part of
every coroner's report.
Taking the Breath Away
In Israel, two researchers, Biochemists Herman Soreg and Alon Friedman of Hebrew
University recently unearthed a great clue as to a major brain dysfunction that may
occur when the body is short on mineral ascorbates.
The Israel army was concerned that its soldiers might be subject to a chemical
attack that interferes with the function of an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. So the
soldiers administered pyridostigmine, a drug that protects against such chemical
attacks. Although the attacks never took place, after the soldiers had been in
combat, the drug bridged the blood brain barrier, and induced serious side effects,
something it was not supposed to do, reports the May '97 issue of Discover.
Puzzled by this result, Soreg and Friedman immersed mice in very cold water to
stress them, then injected blue dye, which promptly went to the supposedly
impregnable brains of the animals.
This is a rather revolutionary finding, since it opens up the possibility that,
under conditions of severe stress, the human brain may be subject to invasion from
which it is supposedly immune.
Biochemists have long since been aware that the brain protects itself with the
blood brain barrier against countless potentially damaging substances present in
the normal body. But, if stress can induce the brain to lower its bars, the menace
that trauma presents to mental and physical well-being can be greatly intensified.
Thus, the brain which has lost all or almost all of its ascorbate protector appears
to have a much greater vulnerability to total break-down, with deadly consequences.
I surmise that this sudden admission to the brain of such usually inadmissible,
potentially poisonous substances may be one of the principal factors in the high
incidence of sudden death.
But why don't other animals, including the young ones, experience sudden death
under the trauma of stress? That must be because more than 99.9% produce high
levels of ascorbate in their own bodies. As I have previously mentioned, just
jingle keys in front of a rat's cage, and it will quadruple its output of ascorbate
to counter the stress.
panacea: a remedy for all disease or ills.
Panacea: an ancient Greek Goddess of Healing.
Long ago, Dr. Irwin Stone told me "ascorbate is the only known panacea. No matter
what one's ailment, it helps to mitigate or cure it." Ascorbate works, he
explained, in countless ways to protect the body and re-establish its full
function. I feel that it has remarkable ability to restore balance to the cell, the
unit of life.
Another ascorbate researcher, Dr. Frederick Klenner, of Reidville, N.C. found that
intravenous administration of massive amounts of ascorbate could bring about the
complete recovery of patients suffering from an enormous variety of ailments,
ranging from snake bite to encephalitis of the brain. His results are all
documented in a book.
The Real "C"
Thus, it became evident to me, some 25 years ago, that the only real vitamin C is
the type of C that animals produce in their own bodies, mineral ascorbates. And so
I abandoned the chemical business which I had headed for some 30 years in New
Jersey, and returned to my native California, determined to produce the mineral
ascorbates so essential to full health and long life.
Yet most of the world is not awakened to this fact: If you try to take the level of
"C" you require, which should be many grams, generally, you will find that you
cannot tolerate ascorbic acid in the multi gram quantities your body really needs.
Ascorbic acid has a pH of about 2, which is highly irritating to the kidneys and
bladder and tends to pull minerals out of the body, rather than introduce them, as
is the case with mineral ascorbates.
Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling learned this, but he still kept on advising people to
take the "cheapest "C" available, even though he reported highly adverse findings
in the book "Cancer and Vitamin C", which he co-authored with Dr. Ewan Cameron, in
that high intake (10 grams) of ascorbic acid induced "heartburn, flatulence,
nausea, and especially diarrhea".
So I had a good reason for naming our new product Emergen-C which, when immersed in
water, immediately forms the mineral ascorbates.
In 1989 I noted a San Jose, Calif. Mercury newspaper article which stated: "Asians
In Their 30’s Are Dying Mysteriously". I wrote the paper, explaining that their
cause of death was quite obviously scurvy, but received no reply. Two years later,
in 1991, after returning from staging the Second World Congress in San Diego, we
had a most dismaying occurrence. A 32-year-old Filipino had been working for us as
head of our maintenance department for about two years. Since we had moved to
Irvine, he had a long distance to drive, so he chose to work a ten-hour, four-day
week, which put extra stress on his body. He also declined to take any of our
vitamin C products which we were producing.
On a Wednesday, this young man rose at 12:00 midnight from his bed, only to
promptly die. I attended his funeral, where they spoke of all the many things he
had been doing for his fellow Filipino’s in the community, which, of course
contributed to more stress on his body.
After the funeral, I attended a luncheon in the home of the sister-in-law with whom
he and his family lived. Spread before me was me was a very long table, all laden
with boiled food. His sister-in-law, an anesthesiologist, explained that while she
might take half an hour to prepare a meal, he took three hours, obviously boiling
everything to death...
This was further proof that he had cooked out all the residual vitamin C in his
food, which seems to be a common practice among Asians. I now had the explanation
of his death, scurvy, as well as the deaths of many other Asians, Sudden Death, by
the book of Dr. Irwin Stone.
Baa, Baa, Baa!
Rudy Vallee, Jay Patrick, and Ymelda Patrick
When he was about 82 years old, the famed old-time singer, Rudy Vallee, the Bing
Crosby of his time, (The Wiffenpoof Song, The Stein Song) got in touch with me and
asked for assistance with his diet. We supplied him with our mineral ascorbates and
other products for about three years. Indeed, my wife and I attended, in 1985, a
Thanksgiving dinner for twelve in his Hollywood home, which proved to be his last
However, he later had a fall on his estate and had to have 13 stitches taken in his
head, although no bones were broken, probably due to his good diet. But, he was not
in touch with me over a period of some three weeks. I learned that an x-ray
technician had discovered that he had a tumor on his esophagus. Rudy decided to
have the tumor taken out, without mentioning it to me, although I would have warned
him to maintain a high level of ascorbates both before and after the operation.
He underwent the operation at a well-known Los Angeles hospital. The operation was
a "success" and the tumor benign, but he promptly had a stroke that left him in a
coma! I visited him, although he was still unconscious, but he died two weeks after
the operation. I later learned that he had no ascorbate before or after the
operation, as the hospital had taken it away from him, so he suffered the rebound
effect of total deprivation of "C" without any of the supportive action which he
needed in a period of great stress. Thus, I believe his brain gave in to the shock,
so he suffered a very serious stroke.
Equal Problem, Different Result!
Interestingly, when having a routine examination about three years later, I learned
that I, too, had a tumor on my esophagus, although it had never bothered me.
Indeed, it may have been there for more than 25 years. However, I decided to have
it taken out while I was in condition good enough to sustain an operation. But I
was much concerned that good blood for transfusion be available, since I did not
regard the blood banks at that time as being too trustworthy.
The first surgeon I consulted in Anaheim regarding my request for good nutrition
was a very imperious fellow, who told me very emphatically that his patients would
take what he told them they should take and nothing else. So I immediately
discharged him and turned to Loma Linda Hospital, near San Bernardino, California.
The fine surgeon there readily agreed that I could take all of the vitamins I
wished, both before and after the operation.
I accumulated four pints of O Positive blood with the Red Cross, three from my
stepchildren and one from me, which were sent to the hospital for my specific
use. . I, also, was determined to maintain high levels of mineral ascorbate, both
before and after the operation, since I did not want to follow the death route
taken by my friend Rudy.
So I went in for the operation on a Friday morning and took some 10 grams of
mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins, Timed Release. They operated at about noon. But
this was a rather difficult operation, which involved spreading apart the ribs on
my left side.. However, my blood coagulated so readily that not one drop of blood
was needed for transfusion.. I walked away from the hospital the following Tuesday
morning, essentially very well recovered from the operation.
Thus I have reported on two operations of the same type, on men in their 80’s, with
opposite results. You may choose which way you care to go, if you require an
What Helps Keep Us Alive
I have re-established the Committee for World Health as a non-profit foundation to
investigate more intensively the major ailments of man, especially the Two Genetic
Liver Diseases, hypoascorbemia (inability to produce vitamin C in one’s own body),
and hypouricasemia (inability to produce uricase, which inactivates the uric acid
that induces gout and the crippling disease, gout arthritis).
The Committee, under the direction of molecular biochemist, Dr. Richard Dana, is
trying to organize in San Diego a program under which patients arriving at a local
hospital will be given at least two grams of mineral ascorbates, immediately, upon
arrival. The ascorbates will be given either as an effervescent drink, a tablet, or
intravenously. Once this program has been followed, I predict it will clearly
become evident that deaths and disability from trauma can be radically reduced. The
period of recovery will also be shortened mightily, you may be sure. Indeed, I
hereby challenge the hospitals to give this program a try. Certainly, it can help
to keep their patients around a little longer, instead of their being carted off to
the morgue.
This program will help to prove to a disbelieving medical profession what can be
done about the disabling liver disease, hypoascorbemia, that handicaps all
humankind. However, such emergency procedures, though helpful in saving lives, are
not really enough. All of us should be taking from 4 to 10 grams daily of mineral
ascorbates in timed release tablets, which would protect us against the situations
that bring on trauma and strengthen our resistance to disease, as well.
But I must tell you, at this juncture, that the intransigence of the medical
profession is almost beyond belief. Most doctors and most medical researchers are
so wrapped up in their strictly drug approach, where the big money is, that it is,
still, most difficult to break through the Wall of Authority that they have imposed
on our very lives. Thus, the chief concern of so many in the profession is to
protect their turf, rather than to really help their patients. And the average
doctor is, himself, so immersed in this drug, patch-up approach that he doesn’t
live as long as his patients: He dies at 57!
An Exceptional Physician
A notable exception is Dr. William Saccoman of El Cajon, who has utilized nutrition
in his practice for some 20 years. I wrote about him some 17 years ago. The wife of
an Orange County publicist had been in an Anaheim hospital for several weeks, with
a badly swollen leg from phlebitis, about which they could do nothing. In fact,
they feared that the clot in her leg might loosen, travel to her heart, and kill
her. But they didn’t know what to do about her case, so, astoundingly, they asked
that she leave the hospital. At my suggestion, her husband picked her up in his
car, and drove her to Dr. Saccoman in San Diego, who promptly put her in a
hospital. There, he gave her, alternately, tablets of mineral ascorbates and
niacin. Within three days she left the hospital, a well woman.
But, some months later, after the doctor had performed a few more miracles of
alternative medicine, he was told that he was no longer accredited to the hospital,
so he could not place any more patients there. In subsequent years, as Saccoman
proceeded to employ his knowledge of good nutrition In two other San Diego
hospitals, he was, for similar reasons, denied their facilities for his patients.
Understand, though, this is par for the course. All over the U.S., doctors have
even lost their licenses to practice simply because their methods did not conform
to the generally accepted procedures of their peers. Since most of their peers know
almost nothing about nutrition, a great injustice to the doctors who do, and to
their patients, obviously ensues Thus does a Medical Monopoly, supposed established
to protect the public, serve, instead to abuse the public and to enormously step up
the death rate and the failures of doctors to perform for the public good.
Cop Stress
Dr Hugh Riordan, who heads The Center for the Improvement of Human Function, in
Wichita, Kansas wondered about what happens to blood levels of ascorbate under
stress. So, he checked the ascorbate blood levels of a group of Wichita policemen,
just before they were to go on strenuous night duty. He found their ascorbate
levels to be fair. Then he checked the policemen again, after 8 hours of stressful
duty. Ascorbate blood levels: undetectable.
Stallone Survives
In producing the first Rambo film, Sylvester Stallone underwent many days of
strenuous agony.
I interviewed him for three and a half hours after he had completed the picture, in
his California home. He felt I had saved his life with Emergen-C. You can see the
story, as it appeared in Sports Science. ()
On The Edge
Obviously, the average person is tottering on the edge of a precipice, unaware that
a minor accident can easily occur that can quickly destroy him, or immobilize him
for life.
A word to the wise is sometimes sufficient.
Cost Analysis: The reported cost of treating one case of AIDS latest, highly
touted, drug is $15,000 annually, or $41.10 a day. However, we believe Death from
Trauma can probably be prevented for as low as 16 cents a day.
Try our mineral ascorbates! We know that you will feel a clear benefit the very
First Day !
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32
1) Are Girls Smarter?
Biologists have long been aware that girls have many superiorities over boys in
performance, perhaps in intelligence.
The July 30th issue of U.S. News and World Report elaborates upon this difference
between the sexes. They state: "Boys earn 70% of the D's and F's that teachers dole out.
They make up 2/3 of students labeled learning disabled. They are the culprits in a
whopping 9 of 10 alcohol and drug-related violations and the suspected perpetrators in 4
out of 5 crimes that end up in juvenile court."
They go on about this inferiority yet there is no explanation of its cause. I think I know
the cause. I have written an article entitled "Specialized Woman" in which I discuss a
factor that seems to be greatly ignored by biologists.
Women are truly specialized in that their bodies are formed for childbirth. However, in
order to produce a whole baby, it is quite necessary that the woman have some excess
Vitamin C as mineral ascorbates in her body.
The Body's Glue
If she does not, the connective tissue that separates every organ and holds the body
together cannot be formed. This connective tissue is produced in the infant baby's body
with mineral ascorbates and amino acids such as proline and lysine. Indeed, Nobel
Laureate Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi has said that ascorbate is "the glue that holds the body
Furthermore, once she has the baby, the woman's milk contains the mineral ascorbates
of Vitamin C that she has produced, which is quite essential for the full health of the baby.
(The formulas confidently used by many mothers may contain a little bit of ascorbic acid
but are really very poor simulations of true mother's milk.)
Actually, most people never fully develop their bodies, because we suffer from a genetic
defect that we cannot produce mineral ascorbates in our livers. In my case, I came in to
the world with weak arches in my feet. Accordingly, I had to wear steel arch supports for
around 50 years, which handicapped me greatly in my walking. But, within a few months
after I started taking Vitamin C, at age 59, my arches acquired greater strength and I was
able to throw away the painful arch supports.
Because she produces this ascorbate in her own body, the woman's coronary arteries
tend to remain essentially clear. This is not because she produces less cholesterol in her
body, the major fraud of our medical profession, but because the lining of the coronary
arteries is replaced every 2 or 3 days, and it must be replaced with cells that contain
adequate Vitamin C, otherwise they bleed. They then form scar tissue in the artery wall
which was once mirror-like in its finish. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol,
followed by lipids and calcium, in about equal parts.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Thus, it is clearly evident to me that girls are specialized for the production of babies, as
noted in my article Specialized Woman. Their babies must have an adequate supply of
mineral ascorbates in the womb to aid in the construction of the connective tissue that
separates every organ of the body and for the other stresses of being born. So, until she is
no longer of child-bearing age, the woman's body is daily loaded with a substantial volume
of mineral ascorbates. But, until required for childbirth, this mineral ascorbate can serve to
substantially enhance the function of her brain and, to, also, protect her coronary arteries.
Master Control Center
Repeating: This level of mineral ascorbate production serves not only as an essential of
childbirth but can aid the young woman's brain, the master control center of the body, to
function more effectively.
I think that's why girls are smarter.
On the other hand, there is no evidence that men ever produce mineral ascorbates in
their bodies. This explains why they usually experience occlusion of their coronary arteries
at least 10 years sooner than women.
This is just one example, but there must be many. Actually our brains require enormous
amounts of mineral ascorbates in their development and for daily function. Thus, we have
noted that pregnant women who take 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates during their
pregnancy produce children who are essentially whole, physically, and, also, tend to be of
superior intelligence.
This is because Mother Nature does not provide enough mineral ascorbates in women
to maximize their benefits. In this connection, it is interesting to note that production of
ascorbate among some 3.4 million species of animal averages 10 grams (10,000 mg) of
mineral ascorbates daily, when equated to a 154 lb. human.
Furthermore, the brains of all young children, as well as their bodies, are still in a
developmental stage and can benefit greatly if they receive the mineral ascorbates, after
birth, and for many, many years thereafter.
But, all this seems to show a way in which we can step up the level of boys' intelligence.
Just give them mineral ascorbates daily! This will help them to catch up with the girls.
Conclusion: I think that research under which schoolboys are given at least 1 gram (1
packet, 1000 mg) of mineral ascorbates daily for an entire semester should promptly be
conducted. I am sure beyond all doubt that substantial elevation of their mental powers will
occur, plus an appreciable benefit to their health, even though levels much higher than 1
gram daily should be tried by those who are seriously interested in accomplishing great
Any school interested in conducting this valuable research is invited to contact me.
2) Sudden Death
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
by Jay Patrick
In March of 1978, I formed The Committee for World Health, first, to stage the World
Congress on Vitamin C, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the isolation of ascorbic acid
by Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi.
Among the leading speakers on that occasion was Dr. Irwin Stone, the enzymatic chemist
who did most to promote Vitamin C, although he contented himself with ascorbic acid,
which is not really Vitamin C but the fourth stage in the animal's body. The fifth stage is
where the ascorbic acid reacts with minerals present in the liver to form the neutral
ascorbates of some seven different minerals, which can go into body cells far more
effectively than the highly acid ascorbic acid.
Aside: I recently completed the reading of Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Dana, a
relative of our Director of Research, also a Richard Dana. In this 400-page document he
reports two cases where a number of their sailors suffered so severely from scurvy that
they almost died. Indeed their lives were saved only by fresh vegetables, which contained
enough ascorbate to bring them back from their extreme conditions, which, in the absence
of a total breakdown of the body, scurvy, is never, ever a condition of really good health of
mind and body to which we all would aspire. Indeed, it is a state of terminal health, which,
Stone said, applies to the great majority of us. That is why a serious accident can, with its
enormous trauma, quickly deprive the brain of that vital substance without which it cannot
function, ascorbate, which results in hundreds of thousands of deaths annually from the
resulting trauma.
However, Dr. Irwin Stone's presentation at that Congress follows,
Sudden Death
A Look Back From Ascorbate's 50th Anniversary by Dr. Irwin Stone
At sea, where no greens, fresh meats or fruits are to be had, the prognostics in this
disease are sometimes deceitful; for people that appear to be but slightly scorbutic, are apt
to be suddenly and unexpectedly seized with some of its worse symptoms. Their dropping
down dead upon an exertion of their strength, or change of air, is not easily foretold;
though it generally happens after a tedious confinement in a foul air.
James Lind, Treatise of the Scurvy, 1753
Sudden Death has been known and observed for centuries as the characteristic final
pathognomonic symptom of scurvy. There are numerous references, like the one above, in
Dr. James Lind's Medical Classic, "A Treatise of the Scurvy," published in 1753, to sudden
and unexpected death due to scurvy.
Lind: born in 1716, died in 1794, will be remembered as the great British Naval Physician
called "The Father of Nautical Medicine," who conducted the first scientifically accurate
medical experiment on shipboard on 12 scorbutic sailors in 1740. He proved that the
appearance of the classic symptoms of scurvy could be prevented or cleared up by giving
its victims or potential victims one ounce of fresh lemon juice a day.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Providing the seamen with this daily ration of lemon juice was proposed to the British
Admiralty to eliminate scurvy in the Royal Navy. It took 42 years and the "Sudden Deaths"
of an estimated 100,000 scorbutic sailors before this simple suggestion was approved.
This regulation went into effect in 1795, one year after Lind had passed away, so he never
saw the great benefits from the practical application of his work. This simple expedient,
besides saving the lives of countless seamen, British ships could remain at sea for months
because they carried limes. Other navies had to return home within weeks or lose most of
their crews to scurvy. This assured Britain the Mastery of the Seas and completely
changed the course of history in the 19th Century.
Lind's unusual book was the first early medical tract that reads like a modern textbook of
Medicine. It records not only Dr. Lind's many years of personal contact and observations
on scorbutic sailors on shipboard, but also his wide experience in autopsies on sailors who
experienced this "Sudden Death." The book is unique in that Dr. Lind also records the
observations of earlier authors writing on this dread disease in a chapter called,
"Bibliotheca Scorbutica." His first reference to sudden death is dated 1541. His book
should be reprinted and made required reading in the Medical Schools so that present
MD's do not forget the lessons of scurvy and will be alerted to the deadly dangers of this
disease, which is still so endemic and wide spread in our population.
It also showed 19th Century and early 20th Century Medicine how to avoid the terminal
symptoms of this deadly disease, which in their ignorance they equated with a total cure of
the disease. One bad feature of Lind's work was that it tended to confirm the centuries-old
impression that scurvy was related to the foods we ate. This led to further clinical work by
nutritionists of the latter part of the 19th Century and early 20th Century which ultimately
produced the conclusion that diseases could be caused by something missing in the diet.
Casimir Funk proposed, in 1912, the "Vitamine-Deficiency Disease Hypothesis."
In 1912, not much more was known about scurvy than was recorded by Lind in 1753 and
"Vitamine C" was just a speculative, hypothetical substance whose existence was not
even certain until 20 years later with the discovery of ascorbic acid. The application of this
hypothesis to the diseases caused by vitamin A or the B vitamins has stood the test of
Time better than the total application of this hypothesis to scurvy. Further research on
ascorbate after its discovery in the early 1930's brought out data which questioned the
accuracy of the vitamin C Hypothesis, especially in the matter of the size of the required
daily intakes of ascorbate.
Man's Genetic Disease
This led to the showing in 1966 that scurvy's basic etiology was that of an "inborn error of
carbohydrate metabolism," a liver-enzyme disease, named Hypoascorbemia, caused by a
defective human gene for the liver enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO) and not simply
caused by improper foods. This birth defect for GLO prevents humans from producing their
own large quantities of ascorbate each day, as nearly all the other mammals do. Improper
foods are not a cause of this disease, but merely a complication involved in the workings
of this potentially fatal birth defect, the real cause.
By this time, however, the misleading Vitamin C-Nutritional hypothesis had become
euphoric established Medical Dogma, requiring a re-education and re-orientation of
present and future doctors into the many dangers to health of this universal human birth
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
After over 60 years of this nutritional propaganda, major medical mental-blocks have been
created which have interfered with clinical research by preventing clear thinking regarding
the necessary dosages of daily ascorbate required for fully correcting this birth defect and
for health maintenance and the therapy of many diseases. Because of ignorance of the
proper daily dosage, Hypoascorbemia is endemic and Chronic Subclinical Scurvy (CSS
Syndrome) has become our most widespread and insidious disease. The chronic insults of
the CSS Syndrome sets the stage for the high incidence, morbidity and high mortality of
cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many other current serious medical problems
including Sudden Infant Death and Drug Addiction. The continuing application of the
outdated tenets of this vitamin C Hypothesis by orthodox Medicine has only assured the
continued high rate of scorbutic sicknesses and scorbutic sudden death in our population,
deaths that can be so easily and inexpensively avoided.
Crib Death
The first and most obvious condition of modern "Sudden Death" which comes to mind is
the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or "Crib Death." This kills 8,000 to 10,000 infants a
year in this country, which is probably a low estimate. In this fatal condition we have the
most data involving its relation to scurvy and it is almost a certainty, even without doubleblind studies, that these deaths are due to infantile scurvy and are unnecessary and easily
preventable. Through the clinical efforts of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner and Drs. Archie
Kalokerinos and Glen Dettman, this disease should no longer exist and it is only a matter
of resolving some high level medical politics before it will become extinct. Reference
should be especially made to Dr. Kalokerinos' book on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,
The disease usually afflicts infants under 1 year old and runs its course swiftly and surely -
the baby is put to bed in apparent health and is found dead the next morning. Neither
suffocation or strangulation from the bedclothes are a factor and Drs. Klenner, Kalokerinos
and Dettman agree that the cause is infantile scurvy, a condition that can be so easily
corrected and avoided. There are usually no characteristic physical signs of the disease
after death except possibly some slight, hardly noticeable Iiver changes and the
pathognomonic absence of ascorbate in the residual urine in the bladder at autopsy. This
latter finding is not characteristic of SIDS, because nearly all sick scorbutic patients who
expire, infants, older children and adults will show zero ascorbate urinary spillover, by the
C-STIX test. The term "Sick Scorbutic Patients" is applicable to nearly all hospital
admissions and has led Dr. Robert Cathcart to call hospitals "Scurvy Houses."
Let us now glance at the physiological history of the future SIDS victim. When babies are
born to scorbutic mothers, the bulk of which present day mothers are in this condition, the
infant has already suffered from 9 months of intrauterine subclinical scurvy, even though
the fetus tried hard to scavenge every bit of the anti-stressor ascorbate, from the mother's
body. Sickly and smoking mothers put an added burden on the ascorbate metabolism of
the infant. When the incident stresses get far beyond ascorbate compensation, that is
when SIDS takes over and sudden death ensues.
Prevention of SIDS should begin before the baby is born. The Mother should use the
regime suggested by Dr. Klenner of about 10 to 15 grams of ascorbate a day throughout
pregnancy and lactation. Strong multivitamin and multimineral preparations should also be
taken. When the baby is born, it should be given for the first year, about 1 gram a day of
ascorbate in spaced doses. Besides its preventive effect in SIDS, this regime has many
other salutary effects on the course of pregnancy, childbirth, healing, lactation and the
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
production of an extremely robust, healthy baby as shown by its use in over 2,500
pregnancies by Dr. Klenner.
Sudden Adult Deaths
Let us look now into the sudden deaths occurring in adults like heart attacks, strokes,
bursting aneurisms, the traumatic and hemorrhagic shock that quickly kills accident
victims, the surgical shock that finishes off the patient on the operating table, the fatal
anaphylactic shock reactions, the rapidly fatal acute leukemias, fatal exposure to ionizing
radiation, the fatal rejection of transplanted organs and many others.
These are all basically conditions that occur as a result of the long term insults of the
chronic lack of abundant amounts of ascorbate, producing, to name a few: low strength,
poor quality collagen in the heart and vascular system and other organs, having an
immune system that lacks ascorbate to keep it functioning at 100% efficiency, lack of
sufficient ascorbate to maintain biochemical homeostasis at a cellular level by allowing the
oxidation-reduction potential (rH) of the tissues to rise beyond its optimal level. An internal
environment of abundant ascorbate is characteristic of most of the other mammals, a trait
that has served them well over the past 165 million years.
I can personally attest to the value of ascorbate in controlling shock. Both my wife and I
were involved in a serious automobile accident in 1960 in which we were both severely
injured. We had been taking regularly at that time and for many years prior, about 5 grams
of ascorbate daily. Neither of us went into traumatic or hemorrhagic shock, which,
undoubtedly saved our lives. I am convinced that I would not have survived the injuries
and blood loss without the help of the large doses of ascorbate.
What this all boils down to is that Sudden Death in adults is similar in etiology to the
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, except that in adults it takes a little longer. Basically the
roots of both these types of death are steeped in the easily correctable chronic subclinical
scurvy that afflicts nearly every member of our population. The mere addition of 10 to 20
grams of ascorbate to our daily intake would essentially correct the CSS Syndrome for
most people, at least it would be a good point to start. Studies should be started to see
what the correction effect on health and "Sudden Death" would be. If it works as well as I
think it should, this simple expedient would completely wreck our present statistical tables
on the incidence of diseases, death and life expectancy.
The Ignored Disease
In future cases of sudden death, the important influence of the patient's uncorrected
chronic subclinical scurvy should always be suspect and this is easily confirmed by testing
the urine with the 10 second C-STIX test. It will come as an unpleasant surprise to the well
financed watch-dog Government Agencies whose duties include the maintenance of the
good health of the American people and a reduction in the American death rates to learn
that this ancient killer, the CSS Syndrome, is still plaguing Mankind with pretty good
efficiency. This is the disease that the Center for Disease Control, the various divisions of
National Institutes of Health colossus, the Food and Drug Administration thought was
licked in 1912, by giving "Homeopathic" doses of ascorbate.
When confronted with any new disease which does not respond to their customary
medications, these Agencies always seem so helpless and hopeless and never think of
looking into the scorbutic status of the patient. The stressful medications, vaccines and
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
treatments that they use only further deplete their victims' bodies of the little ascorbate
present and exacerbate the CSS Syndrome.
The vaccines usually don't work because the scorbutic patient's immune system does not
respond efficiently. They would achieve a lot more success in their treatments if they used
mega doses of ascorbate to supplement their present orthodox therapy, because right now
their treatments are handicapped by the lack of resistance and the poor physiological
responses of a severely scorbutic body.
I will just mention two recent instances to illustrate my point. The first is the "Legionnaire's
Disease" which appeared a couple of years ago, with many deaths. It is still an unknown
entity. In all that I have read about this disease, I have never seen a report that anyone
tested the scorbutic status of the patients either during life or after death, nor that anyone
ever administered therapeutic dose of ascorbate. This seems incredible, when it is realized
that the CSS Syndrome is our most widespread disease and everyone suffers from the
birth defect for GLO causing it. It is likely that a few mega intravenous shots of mineral
ascorbate would have saved these poor victims. Why wasn't it tried as a "last resort"?
They had nothing better to offer?
The Mystery Deaths
The second is the more recent "Mystery Deaths" which, according to a recent account are
killing about 6,000 victims a year. The deaths "continue to baffle the medical experts"
which comprise, at least, the Medical Examiners of Chicago, Indianapolis, Dallas and
Miami. They all agree that "stress-physical or emotional appears to play a role in some of
the mystery deaths." All right, but did these coroners take the next logical step and simply
determine the ascorbate level in the residual urine in the victim's-bladder? Probably not,
otherwise they would have duplicated our autopsy results of zero. (A person fully
correcting the CSS Syndrome excretes at least 100 mg% ascorbate).
There are "a small number of cases every year in every major U.S. city involving the
natural deaths of otherwise healthy young people, most of them 15 to 30 years old, for
which no trace of a cause can be found. Most of them literally drop dead." Dr. Lind, 225
years ago, provided the diagnosis for "Mystery Death" which is quoted on the first page of
this paper. Lind's use of "Foul Air" can now be interpreted as tobacco smoke, gasoline
fumes and "Major City" pollution.
In my opinion these "Mystery Deaths" are nothing more than "Crib Deaths" on an older
age group who have successfully avoided dying in their cribs only to be struck down later
by the same poorly corrected birth defect for GLO. Like crib death, this "Mystery Death"
could be prevented by Dr. Klenner's regime of giving, beginning at birth, 1 gram per day of
ascorbate per year of age up to age 10 and then 10 grams a day there after for the rest of
life. On days of heavy stress more ascorbate may be required.
The greatest advance in this century for improving the health of the American people and
increasing their healthy, productive Life Span, will come only when the National Institutes
of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration and all other
concerned with health become aware of the necessity for eliminating the CSS Syndrome
by simply and fully correcting this human birth defect for GLO, and recommended an
inexpensive megascorbic protective regime.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Until this is done, the American public will continue in its unhealthy scorbutic ways, going
from one medical crisis to another. At present, this decision depends upon the whims of
the great Medical Bureaucracy and the tax paying public should have much more to say.
The decision is forty years overdue. The time is now. Write your Congressman!!
Sudden and unexpected death has been a characteristic pathognomonic symptom of
scurvy known for centuries. The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the only characteristic
symptom of which is the sudden and unexpected death of the apparently healthy victim,
has been shown to be due to infantile scurvy. Because of the genetic origin of scurvy and
the inadequate correction of this human birth defect, among large sectors of our
population, it is postulated, and evidence is presented, that other forms of sudden and
unexpected death which massacre millions yearly, are manifestations of the continued
long term insults of the chronic subclinical scurvy afflicting all these victims.
These include Sudden Death caused by heart attacks, strokes, the traumatic and
hemorrhagic shock in accident victims, the surgical shock which finishes off patients on the
operating table, anaphylactic shock reactions, the rapidly fatal leukemias, fatal exposure to
ionizing, adiation, fatal rejection of transplanted organs, Legionnaire's disease and the new
"Mystery Deaths" in which apparently healthy, 15 to 30 year olds, just suddenly and
unexpectedly, drop dead.
It is suggested that the full correctlon of this human birth defect by simply taking daily
mega doses of ascorbate would act prophylactically to reduce this slaughter. It is also
suggested that clinical tests of this harmless procedure be started by government
agencies whose function is to protect the health and reduce the death rate of the American
3) Comatose Patient Returns to Life
We all know that in these non-biblical times no one is ever brought back to life from the
dead. German Grandillo, age 24, could be a different case.
This young and handsome Mexican citizen was in an automobile accident in the
Imperial Valley, California, on February 2nd. He suffered no obvious physical injury, but the
shock of the whole affair resulted in brain hypoxia, and he became completely comatose.
Only the area of the brain which controls the breathing remained operational.
He was taken to a San Diego hospital on a respirator where they performed two
operations, the first, a tracheotomy in which a tube went down into his body to bypass the
nasal passages for breathing and, secondly, an opening was made into the stomach and a
tube inserted for feeding him.
For two months he lay in the San Diego hospital with minimum indications of any life,
accumulating enormous daily bills for his 24-hour care. His parents, good citizens of
Mexico City, found the heavy hospital expense unbearable and transferred him to the
much lower cost Ingles Hospital in Tijuana, under the supervision of Dr. Armando Garcia, a
surgeon. Doctors who attended him thought he would die within 10 days.
The patient lay in the Tijuana hospital for some three months, under 24-hour nursing
care, without any signs of improvement. Then, learning of the powerful benefits of the
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
mineral ascorbates as available in the U.S.A., Dr. Garcia decided to try these remarkable
forms of "C" such as 3.4 million species of animals produce in their own livers, the real
mineral ascorbates. These are neutral in pH and quite essential to brain and body cells.
These ascorbates, produced by Alacer Corp., are available as Emer'gen-C™. This product
consists of seven mineral carbonates and acids such as ascorbic and citric acids plus B
vitamins, enclosed in a tight, hermetically sealed packet. When water is added, a reaction
occurs, producing mineral ascorbates such as most animals other than humans, who
cannot, because of a genetic defect, produce in their own bodies.
Some two months ago Dr. Garcia started with the introduction of six grams, six
packages, of the Emer'gen-C™ products in liquid form directly into the stomach. After a
week or two of this treatment, the patient showed the response of high irritation, as
something was happening to him which was not under his control. The dosage was
reduced to four grams daily after this, and within about four weeks German opened his
eyes and started to come alive. This progress has continued. German can now smile,
actually enjoy a joke, and will respond to such requests as that he move his legs, although
his arms are less responsive.
During the next three weeks the plan is to remove the tracheotomy tube, so that he will
be able to speak for himself, although Dr. Garcia warns that this must be done very
carefully and slowly, as the young man needs to learn to breathe through his nostrils
again. Once this is accomplished, the patient will be taken to Mexico City where he will
spend a week of checkup, and, hopefully, then return to his home for further rehabilitation.
We think this is a first in the field of medicine and believe that many other comatose
patients in the world can be brought back to reality with mineral ascorbates. Indeed, Dr.
Garcia is in a wonderful position to do this, a very kind and talented surgeon who wants to
do as much good as he can.
Dr. Garcia would like to take on more comatose patients, but the problem is that the cost
of maintaining them in his hospital amounts to $200 a day for each person. (In the USA it
is $2,200 to $5,000 a day.)
We think this is a major victory for all humanity. We believe that the mineral ascorbates
should be tried on comatose people all over the world. Surely, it will do nothing but good
for them. There may be some failures, but we predict that there will be mostly success.
Interested parties are invited to contact us for any details that they feel are lacking.
Furthermore, we believe that the medical profession should open its eyes to the major role
of the mineral ascorbates. The lack of these substances, which, due to a genetic defect we
cannot produce in our own bodies, renders us far more susceptible to disease and
shortens our lives greatly. Indeed, this is what we regard as the great "hole" in our
persons. We believe that the doctor should, first, work to replace this genetic defect as
best he can, and that he will then find that far less medicine is required for his patient.
Hopefully, this could bring about a revolution in the practice of medicine.
We are accordingly appealing to all humanity for funds to permit this fantastic work to go
on, to quickly prove to the world that the brain can be brought back to life with mineral
ascorbates. Thus, we solicit funds to be mailed to the Committee for World Health,
attention of Dr. Richard Dana, for transfer into this wonderful, earthshaking project. Credit
cards may be used.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
4) Trauma and Sudden Death
Above is a chart which outlines the deaths of 860 people from trauma in the San Francisco
General Hospital over a three-year period.
Obviously the brains of these people completely died as an effect of the trauma. In the
excellent Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary we find that trauma is defined as a
physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence. Actually, it is not truly the
usual type of physical injury, as it may only involve a shock to the brains which causes
them to cease their function.
Thus, we see that the coma from which German suffers lies in the fact that he suffered the
trauma of an automobile accident that eliminated all his brain control, except for
respiration. According to Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary, coma is the principal
cause of death between the ages of 1 and 44 years. The Center for Disease Control
reports that 107,000 people died from trauma between the ages of 1 and 44 in the year
2000, out of 180,000 total deaths, or 59%. This is an astounding figure which has never
circulated freely to the public. You may be sure that our medical profession does not know
the cause or causes of trauma except that which is induced by drugs or poisons.
Obviously it is principally a lack of mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C. Thus, compared to
trauma, all other ailments are secondary. But why does trauma occur? It occurs, as world
authority Dr. Irwin Stone told me some 31 years ago, because of lack of Vitamin C in the
brain, or hypoascorbemia as he defined the term.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Smokers are mostly likely to die of trauma, since they place an extra burden on their
bodies which reduces whatever level of Vitamin C is present, and renders them more and
more susceptible to shock.
We've all been under the impression that heart disease is the major cause of death.
Obviously it is not from birth to age 44. Those who live beyond 44 either have brains more
resistant to shock or are getting some of the mineral ascorbates their bodies so much
require. Of course, many drugs can so affect the brain as to induce a state of coma, and
Taber's Dictionary mentions most of them. However, along with the entire medical system,
it ignores the susceptibility of the brain to a shortage of Vitamin C, which is so essential to
its electronic action.
Now we're all concerned about some 45,000 or so people who die every year from
automobile accidents. Many of these do die from trauma alone, but the overall figure of
deaths from trauma is almost completely ignored in our society and in our medical
profession. Stone regarded the automobile accident as the principal cause of trauma, but
based on the figures it is not. However Stone told me that if we could get Vitamin C in
these people immediately, their lives would be saved. Of course, at that time his vision was
limited to ascorbic acid, which the world also feels is Vitamin C. It is true that in the animal
liver ascorbic acid is the fourth product produced from sugar in the liver with four enzymes.
However, Stone pointed out that this acid, which has a low pH of about 2, does not go into
circulation in the animal's body. Instead, it reacts with countless other minerals present in
the liver to form the mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, etc. So I can now
describe the major oversight of medicine: It is that we all suffer from a multi-gram
deficiency of mineral ascorbates, which affects not only our brains but our entire body, our
immune system's reaction to the disease, the flexibility and bone structure of our entire
bodies, and our longevity. I now find myself, at age 89, with the major responsibility of
getting the science and medical procedures of the world straightened out, so as to benefit
all people immeasurably.
This is something I had not planned. I was, at age 58, operating a small chemical
specialties firm in New Jersey, without a great scientific background.
I invented the stabilization of 1-1 trichloroethane, a low-cost solvent which was a byproduct in Dow Company's manufacture of Saran. About 1/20th as toxic as carbon
tetrachloride, this met and still meets a major safety use in our society. I was also happy to
develop the IBM Tape Transport Cleaner and Developer for IBM tapes throughout the
world, which also replaced the dangerous carbon tetrachloride. But I knew nothing about
So, I started to have serious Tempero-Mandibular joint pains about Thursday and Friday of
every week, as the stress of work came upon me. I sought out dentists, who claimed that I
simply needed better balance of my teeth. However, after some seven sessions with a
dentist, who ground away my teeth, I abandoned this solution. But I came upon an article
in Life Magazine which showed Irwin Stone, an enzyme chemist as the world authority on
Vitamin C. I noted that he lived on Staten Island, New York, so I contacted him and met
with him about every Sunday where he and his wife discussed his major hobby, the
investigation of Vitamin C.
Stone persuaded me to take several grams of C, and within a week or two I noticed that
my TM joint pains had disappeared, never again to occur! This impressed me greatly, so
the investigation of ascorbate became a lifetime pursuit for me.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
I learned, however, that Stone was fully content with ascorbic acid as a source of Vitamin
C, whereas he admitted to me that it was only the fourth stage in a five-stage process. He
pointed out to me that in the liver the fifth stage consisted of reaction with minerals to form
the mineral ascorbates, neutral forms of C which could circulate in the animal's body
without the irritation of a product which has a pH of 2.
So Stone's book, The Healing Factor, Vitamin C Against Disease, came out in October of
1972. Yet, here again, he completely ignored the mineral ascorbates which animals
produce and relied on ascorbic acid. There was no mention of the mineral ascorbates
whatsoever in his book, a procedure also followed in the books of Linus Pauling.
So, I shut down my New Jersey operation and returned to my native California, there to
produce the mineral ascorbates, first as a timed-release tablet and in 1978 as a powder,
which, when water is applied, a form of neutral mineral ascorbates is produced that can be
highly effective. Since then I have resolved to make the world understand how much they
are dependent upon the mineral ascorbates for their very lives and to widen the
acceptance of a product which helps to correct the genetic disease from which we suffer.
This has been a rather frustrating experience because everywhere one turns, ascorbic
acid is regarded as the real Vitamin C, whereas it clearly is not. We should turn, instead, to
what the animals produce in their own bodies as being the only type of Vitamin C which we
can tolerate in the many grams in which it is required for the maintenance of our bodies.
Ascorbic acid belongs with the acid fruits in which it is present.
I feel that I must live to be at least 100 to have a hope of accomplishing the widespread
acceptance of the mineral ascorbates. As we can show its remarkable affects in bringing
back the "dead", or those who are comatose, it must be important as a preventive
measure in maintaining our general health. I am sure that I should not be alive had I not
been taking approximately 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates for some 28 years.
However, I have assumed the responsibility to do my best in this regard for people of the
Taber's Medical Dictionary says that the majority of deaths from trauma occur in the first
several hours after the event. The trauma may involve some physical injury, especially to
the head, but in many, many cases it can involve only an enormous shock to the person
which rapidly affects his brain and brings on death. Were this not so, one might expect that
death would not occur so quickly. Most people are on a precipice in regard to the mineral
ascorbate needs of the brain. Since the balance is so fragile, an enormous shock to the
person, whether it be from an automobile accident or other high stress, the brain, which
requires so much ascorbate to perform the functions of a general control point of the body,
that it can quickly break down and bring on death, or near death as in the case of coma,
wherein only the respiration controls remain. As evidence one might turn to the report of
the San Francisco General Hospital. Most died within the first half-hour of entering the
hospital, which is not a normal consequence of physical injury. It is much more significant
of a breakdown of the brain under stress.
Trauma is a sort of catch-all ailment as it is applied, since in one sense it includes some
physical injury but in another sense it may involve little or no physical injury but enormous
stress of a catastrophe in one's life. The exact causes of this trauma may not or ever be
clearly defined. However, certainly in the case of a high stress to the brain from a quick
look, again, at the report of the San Francisco General Hospital. You will note that 390
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
people died within the first half-hour of entrance. This is not the swift course of the usual
physical injury but can come from a collapse of the brain.
5) What Most Brains Lack
About 250,000 people are known to die annually from trauma alone. Trauma usually
involves some sort of shock such as an automobile accident, or, perhaps, extremely
disturbing new. As trauma, it is often without any physical injury. Actually, many more die
from trauma than are properly identified, I am sure. Frequently, we see the report: "He died
in his sleep of natural causes."
It is my considered opinion that these "natural causes" were that his brain had run out of
the small amount of mineral ascorbate on which it had been subsisting, so collapse of the
entire body became inevitable. This is because, as Dr Irwin Stone and I agreed, most
people live on a precipice, with just enough ascorbate to keep them alive without
The brain requires fuel for every thought we think and for countless body functions,
including respiration. Our lives are entirely dependent on this great center of operations.
Indeed, it must be for lack of full brain function that many, many of the crimes are
committed in this society.
The adrenal glands are a great storage point for the ascorbates, which are vitally
needed for the production of the powerful hormone adrenalin. The brain probably draws
from the glandular storage points, since the whole body cannot survive without its function,
but the average person has negligible amounts of ascorbate available.
This is understandable when we consider that the usual daily output of 1,5 million other
animals amounts to over 10 grams (10,000 mg) daily, when equated to a 154 pound
person. So this is in grave contrast to the 60 mg the famed (for me, infamous), National
Academy of Sciences tells us is all the average person needs.
This misinformation, basis of the USRDA's, should go down in history as the major
attack on the health of our society. Since we human animals have no chance of living full,
healthful lives without many grams daily of the mineral ascorbates that almost all other
animals produce in their own livers.
We, the most intelligent beings in the world, have this handicapping ignominy.
Somehow, the consumer must learn these facts about Cholesterol:
1. Cholesterol is an important substance produced by essentially every cell of the body.
2. It is the precursor of many body hormones, including the sex hormones.
3. When we eat products which contain cholesterol, such as eggs, the level of the
substance in the body may temporarily rise, only to return to normal in approximately 24
hours, as the body shuts down its production to compensate.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
4. Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs is of no value in reducing the clogging of your
arteries. These arteries collect cholesterol only because their linings, which are replaced
every two or three days, contain cells, which, due to their low level of mineral ascorbates,
tend to bleed, and soon form scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the
cholesterol, regardless of its level in your body. Accordingly, the way to keep your arteries
clear is to keep your body well supplied with grams of mineral ascorbates, which can
prevent the bleeding.
5. Taking a cholesterol-lowering drug does absolutely nothing to lower plugging up your
arteries. Thus, it does you more harm than good, and acts as a poison in your body. This
benefits only the drug company, your druggist, and your doctor.
I consider this an attack that smacks of fraud, that must be largely but cleverly financed
by the drug industry that expects cholesterol-lowering drugs to rise to a $30 Billion annual
6) Effect of Vitamin C as Mineral Ascorbates on
Pushchino Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow region, Russia;
Committee for World Health, Foothill Ranch, California, U.S.A.
The goal of the investigation was to study the influence of Vitamin C as Mineral
Ascorbates on schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a disease with many different forms and syndromes. In our short-term
study we were relying on the diagnosis previously made by a psychiatrist. In this report we
will present our observations concerning the influence of nutritional supplements with large
doses of Mineral Ascorbates on the status of persons with schizophrenia. The group
consisted of 8 persons with schizophrenia. The influence of supplements on their status
was determined from our observations, as well as from the reports made by the patients
and their relatives and friends.
We used the following Vitamin C supplements for treatment of these persons:
Emer'gen-C™ (Alacer Corp), and tablets of CMA - Calcium-Magnesium Ascorbate (Alacer
Corp). The patients volunteered to participate in the research and were under the
supervision of the physician during the study. Megadoses of Vitamin C (as Mineral
Ascorbates) were used (individual doses adapted by the physician).
1. R. T., 55. Schizophrenia. She has been ill since 1980. The last six years she didn't
work and was on disability (invalid of the II group). Every year she spends one to two
months in a psychiatric hospital. Recurrences of the disease usually happened in the
spring. Before starting the intake of supplements, she had just come from a mental
hospital where she received large doses of psychotropic drugs. She was depressed,
talking with difficulty and thinking very slowly. The changes in her mental state were
obvious almost immediately after she started on mineral ascorbates. Depression
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
disappeared, she became cheerful and merry. She was surprised with her quick recovery
and convinced that intake of supplements helped her. R.T. recollects a similar period after
hospital stay and is surprised with her very fast recovery this time. She would like to take
higher doses of supplements but has a problem with her kidneys and liver. She noted,
though, that her urination improved and became almost normal.
2. S. V., 50. Schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis. She was sick for
approximately 15 years, the last 8 years she was on disability (an invalid of the II group)
and did not work. She was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric hospital. She began to take
the vitamins in a stage of mania. She liked Emer'gen-C™ very much, took very large
doses, and probably this induced even more agitation. She began to drink alcohol and
look out for men. The physician and her daughter even wanted to hospitalize her, but
increased doses of her usual medication helped to stabilize her state. S.V. became quieter
and more adequate. For a while she was taking only CMA at night, as her sleep and
general mental state improved. In our last meetings she read poetry, talked about church
she regularly visits, and spoke about her work in the Invalid society, where she volunteers
as a book-keeper and helps other people with disabilities. S.V. is very pleased with the
effect of the mineral ascorbates, she works with much more pleasure, sleeps well. She has
regained joy of life and a feeling of self-value.
3. A. V., 51. Schizophrenia, manic-depressive syndrome for 10 years. Invalid of the II
group, does not work. She was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric hospital, the last time -
two years ago. For all these years she courageously fought the illness, was attending,
when she could, fitness groups, walked a lot, communicated with friends, who have not left
her alone in trouble and helped her as they could. Unfortunately, her husband was
frightened by her illness, has left for the US to work and helps her very little at present.
Despite constant intake of psychotropic medications, her intellect is still active, though her
interests became narrow. She has trouble with acquiring new skills. For the last two years
her mental state and the ability to take care of herself gradually improved. She
understands it is necessary to stay connected and be useful to people, and so, she now
helps her friends with pleasure, baby-sitting, cooking meals etc.
Intake of mineral ascorbates assisted her recovery to normal life, has increased her
general vigor, made tiresome housework (general cleaning of a house, work in the kitchen
and garden) possible. Formerly, because of treatment with haloperidol, she could not sit
still in one place and had to pace about. Since last year, the dose of this medication was
lowered (to 0.5 mg), and though her persistent urge to move was diminished, only the
mineral ascorbates intake helped her to get rid of this symptom completely.
4. S. L., 39. Manic-depressive syndrome with repeated hospitalizations. Invalid of the II
group. The desire to understand and overcome her illness, to become a better person has
forced her to accept many healthy practices. She tries to be busy at all times: she does
karate, music (vocal and guitar), visits an art studio to study drawing. She is a good
computer programmer, and now she started to work in a computer company. She develops
bookkeeping computer programs used by businesses. She takes medications only in a
case of a conflict or sleep disturbance. Though she understood the necessity of taking her
medications, she was concerned about taking supplements in megadoses because she
was trying to avoid synthetic compounds. The positive experience of others changed her
attitude. After she started on Emergen-C™ and CMA, she noticed a significant
improvement in her ability to take care of herself, became more active, felt joy of life, her
sleep improved, and she had beautiful dreams.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
5. S. M., 33. Schizophrenia with autism since 16. Invalid of the II group. He was
offended by unkind remarks of his classmates at high school and stopped going there,
refused to leave the house at all and to communicate with anybody, except his parents. He
has created his own world, which is comfortable to him, has intense spiritual life: listens to
alternative music, writes fantastic novels, draws. At present S.M. does not take medication,
sleeps well. He is quiet, able to take care of himself and can even prepare meals for his
parents, does repairs in the apartment and works in the garden (in the absence of
neighbors). The parents try to create best conditions for him, love him. Their life is devoted
to the son. S.M. liked Emer'gen-C™ but refused to take CMA. It is difficult to tell in this
case if there were any changes in his condition, as his way of life has not changed, and he
doesn't want any changes. All information was through the parents, who noticed, though,
that S.M. became easier to communicate with.
6. G. I., 53. Schzophrenia for about 15 years. Chronically depressed. Troubles in
personal life: unsuccessful delivery, divorce from her husband, quarrels with her daughter
have resulted in a decline in her mental and general health. It is difficult to communicate
with her, she hears only herself. After taking Emer'gen-C™ in the morning and CMA with
melatonin in the evening, G.I. has become a bit more vigorous, looks healthier, so there is
hope for a significant shift for the better.
7. K. Y., 49. The disease started after hysterectomy followed by divorce. She is sick for
about 10 years. She was repeatedly treated in a hospital. She is depressed, hardly carries
out common tasks. Her daughter has purchased in Holland an analogue of serotonin
named "Seroxat" and St.-John's wort preparations which helped her depression. Now she
takes Emer'gen-C™in the morning and CMA in the evening. Sometimes she adds Super
GramIII™. Her state improved considerably in 3 weeks of such intake. K.Y. has good
mood, feels energetic. Her morning fatigue and dizziness have gone, her vision improved,
appetite normalized.
8. K. E., 62. Schizophrenia, depression. She is treated by a psychiatrist. She felt
unhappy, restless, constantly complained about various disorders, and randomly took
medications. She felt that everything was bad. Her big problem is loneliness, though K.E.
attends the church together with K. Y. After 3 weeks of intake of mineral ascorbates her
condition considerably improved. She is in a good mood now and taking care of her
appearance for the first time in a long time.
All patients noted significant improvement of their physical and mental state after 3
weeks of intake of Mineral Ascorbate supplements (Emergen-C™ and CMA). Their energy
level during the day increased, and they slept better at night. They were less tired, could
work more and felt happier. It is necessary to mention a very fast recovery of R. T. after
treatment in a psychiatric hospital and significant reduction of depression in K. E. and K. Y.
Though conventional treatment (medication) helps to alleviate many symptoms of
schizophrenia, this illness is considered incurable. The drugs used to treat schizophrenia
have many side effects. Use of vitamins, especially Vitamin C as mineral ascorbates, in
addition to drugs, undoubtedly, is a big step forward in the improvement of the patient's
quality of life. In our opinion, mineral ascorbates therapy should be introduced to all
psychiatric hospitals. This is especially true in Russia, taking into account the poor nutrition
of the population in general and, especially, during their stay in a hospital.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Eight persons with schizophrenia were treated with megadoses of Vitamin C as Mineral
Ascorbates for three weeks under the supervision of a physician at the Pushchino Medical
Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. The following effects were observed:
1. Improvement in their physical and mental state.
2. Depression was significantly reduced.
3. Night sleep was improved.
4. Appetite was normalized.
5. An adequate perception of reality resulted.
6. There was an increased ability to take care of themselves.
7. An improved mood, feeling of joy of life resulted.
8. Improved social life, also, resulted.
The patients thank Alacer Corp., The Committee for World Health and personally Jay
Patrick for their return to full life.
7) Effects of Mineral Ascorbates: Heart Disease
Prevention in Smokers
10 million people in the United States have died from smoking since 1964. 98,000
people die annually from coronary heart disease attributable to smoking which we regard
as largely preventable.
Coronary artery calcium scores are correlated with smoking, according to research
reports published in the American Journal of Cardiology by Dr. J. M. Tobis and
colleagues1, as well as in numerous other publications2-8. It is also known that smoker's
organs are depleted of Vitamin C. Mineral ascorbates have been shown to prevent
calcification of coronary arteries (see chart 1). Yet no one has considered the obvious
causes of breakdown of the immune system, due to the human genetic defect of
hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce adequate amounts of Vitamin C. Cost to society
of this human frailty is enormous. Our research of 28 years has confirmed this. Indeed
researchers have been working with the wrong product L-ascorbic acid, which is not the
real Vitamin C.
1.5 million animals produce an average 10,000 mg of mineral ascorbates when equated
to a 150 lb human, which is 179 times the generally accepted 60 mg (or lately 90 mg) of
"C", which the public has been mislead to believe is the desirable level of this essential
element of life.
Chart 1. CT scores of some Alacer employees

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Name Age Asymptomatic levels Calcium
for age group
Jay Patrick 82 Over 800 0
Linda Tagle 76 550-800 0
Ymelda Patrick 57 260-450 0
HU 43 155-310 0
AR 42 155-310 0
JU 42 155-310 0
JE 47 155-310 0
RA 47 155-310 0
SU 57 260-450 97
EM 55 260-450 155
We purpose to test the effects of mineral ascorbates as a means of eliminating calcium
deposits from the coronary arteries in smokers and show that they may reverse the
negative effects of smoking within a matter of weeks or months.
Research Proposal
100 adults who smoke at least 1 pack of cigarettes per day will be given 8 grams of
mineral ascorbates daily: 4 grams of SuperGram III (Alacer Corp) tablets at 9 a.m., 12
p.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. along with 4 packets of Emer'gen-C (Alacer Corp) for 120 days.
Calcium deposits in the coronary arteries will be measured by ultrafast computed
tomography (CT) and plaque measured by intracoronary ultrasound (ICUS) before and
after receiving mineral ascorbates for 120 days. 200 bottles of SuperGram III (260 ct) and
14 cases of Emer'gen-C will be donated by Alacer Corp for this study.
Determination of plasma mineral ascorbate levels will be performed monthly to ensure
patient compliance.
Pulmonary function tests will be performed to determine improvement in lung capacity
before and after 120 days of treatment with mineral ascorbates.
Research results will be compiled by physicians and technicians at a major medical
center in Mexico under the supervision of Dr. Fantozzi and The Committee for World
A report of preliminary results will be communicated at the III World Congress on
Vitamin C, June 10-12, 2001 in Victoria, British Columbia.
1 Goel M, Wong ND, Eisenberg H, Hagar J, Kelly K, Tobis JM. Am J Cardiol 1992, v 70,
2 Kuller LH et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1999, v 19, 2189-2198
3 Mielke CH Jr et al. J Cardiovasc Risk 2001, v 8, 81-86
4 Detrano RC et al. Am Heart J 1994, v 127, 1526-1532
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
5 Schmermund A et al. Circulation 1997, v 96, 1461-1469
6 Schmermund A et al. Am J Cardiol 1998, v 81, 141-146
7 Nishino M et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000, v 35, 314-320
8 Weissman NJ. et al. Am J Cardiol 1999, v 84, 37-40
8) A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People
In view of the radical deterioration of the care of people and of the enormously
accelerating costs of drugs which generally do as much harm as good, we suggest that a
trial of the mineral ascorbates will show a low cost way of meeting a great variety of health
needs. This method can be proved out in as little time as four months of application of
some 6 grams daily of mineral ascorbates, 50% derived from our Emer'gen-C™ and 50%
derived from our Super Gram III™, in daily ingestion.
To prove out the excellence of this approach and its low cost, we suggest that 10
patients from each of the following categories be selected for these daily nutritional
1. 10 heart patients who are not in dangerous condition.
2. 10 schizophrenia patients.
3. 10 patients who seem to be entering into an Alzheimer state.
4. 10 patients who are suffering from hypertension - Their diastolic reading should not
exceed 95, and all drugs are withdrawn for the period of 4 months.
5. 10 patients who wear glasses - These patients are to be examined by an oculist
before the start of the treatment who will verify the strength of the lenses required for their
6. 10 patients who have difficulty hearing - These patients will be checked for the exact
state of their hearing prior to treatment.
Some check of these people should be made at approximately a two-month point to
ascertain that they are progressing all right and that no serious danger to their health has
resulted. At the end of the four-month period the heart and hypertension people are to
have their coronary arteries checked by the Ultrafast CT Scan procedure. It is expected
that the majority of these will show a zero or near zero rating as to the calcium levels in
their arteries. It is expected that at this time those having their eyesight and hearing
improved will be checked as to the lower strength of their glasses and the lower rating of
their hearing.
The Alacer Corporation will furnish all of the materials required for these studies, free-ofcharge.
We strongly urge the Mexican government to buy an Ultrafast CT Scan, which can be
placed into operation within two or three months, to perform the tests of the first four types
of patients. The fifth type can be checked by an oculist, and the sixth type can be checked
by a hearing specialist.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
9) A Cure for Foot and Mouth and Mad Cow is
10) Specialized Woman and Our Medical Wasteland
The most basic motivation of every living thing is to reproduce... reproduce... and
reproduce itself.
In human females, much of the body is, obviously, specially designed for this purpose.
A product of one specialization is her breast milk, which has no synthetic equal in its ability
to aid the growth and health of the infant.
But, there is one aspect of a woman's specialization that is almost universally ignored --
she can produce small amounts of the mineral ascorbates of "Vitamin C" in her own body,
it seems evident to us.
This supply of mineral ascorbates, although inadequate for full development of the
infant, must be essential for its survival. Indeed, some of the ascorbate is produced in the
placenta, with the result that the baby has some 400 millimoles of ascorbate per liter of
blood on the day of birth, although the male baby will have little or no ascorbate thereafter
other than what he gets from mother's milk and the food he eats.
The Centers for Disease Control report that mother's milk contains, on average, 40 mg
of Vitamin C per liter. Furthermore, you may be sure that this "C" is present as mineral
ascorbates, not as the somewhat intolerable ascorbic acid. This intake of mineral
ascorbates is of major importance to the young infant, who can use it in a thousand ways,
especially to develop the connective tissue, which is 30% of the protein of his or her body.
In addition to many other ways, including stepping up of his resistance to disease. Yet the
usual formula, sold as imitation mothers' milk, has very little Vitamin C and it certainly is
not present as mineral ascorbates.
Evidence now shows that throughout a woman's early life her coronary arteries are
protected against the scurvy that causes men to start accumulating plaque in their arteries,
sometimes as early as in their 20's. In a woman, such clogging does not usually start until
the early 50's, when she is beyond the normal childbearing age.
Long ago, researcher, Dr. E. Cheraskin, told me that "the body is never wasteful". In
other words, what the body produces is for the purpose of contributing to the life process,
that, if it will not so contribute, it halts, or radically restricts such production.
I am inclined to think that after a woman is past childbearing age, the body loses interest
in furnishing her with her full requirements for extended life and really good health. Of
course, the body does aid her in furnishing ascorbate for a child in her milk, because the
young child cannot enjoy full development of its brain and body structure without it. But,
once the male child is weaned, it must largely starve for ascorbate, with never quite
enough to aid in full growth and resistance to disease.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
But, because she is programmed to produce children, the woman apparently produces
small amounts of ascorbate through most of her early life, especially as she reaches
puberty. However, after the menopause, as her production comes to a halt, she then
enters a period of great susceptibility to atherosclerosis, clogging of the coronary arteries.
We do not believe that this is because she is now without estrogen. Rather, we think it is
because her modest production of ascorbate has also come to a halt. THE BODY HAS
same category as her husband, who has probably never produced any measurable
amounts of ascorbate.
However, as the young girl becomes a teenager, it is apparent that quantities of
ascorbate are produced in her body which are adequate for many years to prevent the
occlusion of her coronary arteries and to supply her brain, as well. But, as she goes into
the menopause, the supply of ascorbate for arteries halts, so that the intima of the arteries
starts to bleed, forming scar tissue, which collects the cholesterol that previously zoomed
So, approximately 10 years after the man may have a substantial accumulation of
plaque in his arteries, she starts to imitate him in the in the same sort of congestion, but
still manages to live approximately six to eight years longer, because of the delay in this
adverse accumulation. However, it is interesting to note that the man's brain may, with
advancing age, shrink from 15 to 40%, whereas the woman's brain tends to shrink little
more than 1%.
However, I show herewith a MRI picture of my brain at 87 years. You will note that no
shrinkage has occurred. I think my 27 years or so on mineral ascorbates has something to
do with the phenomenon.

When shown a magnetic
resonance image of Jay
Patrick, the very active
president of Alacer Corp.,
Dr. George Bartzokis of
UCLA commented that (IMAGE MISSING)
the hippocampal area
was very large and was,
indeed, much larger than
that of the average brain.
The average male brain
shows 15-40% shrinkage.
It seems obvious that, after the woman is past the child bearing stage; her body loses
interest in furnishing mineral ascorbates sufficient for her full health requirements.
Because her production of estrogen also shuts down, our great men of medicine have
assumed that the administration of this hormone will bring her back to good health, but the
very latest governmental study confirms that hormone therapy brings on cancer and other
health disasters.
So both doctors and patients are in great disarray. To this great group may also be
added those who seek vaccines to meet the coming world-wide challenges of epidemics of
smallpox, influenza, anthrax, and a host of trillions upon trillions of viral and bacterial
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
assailants that may besiege us. Whether these deadly foes are brought to us by our
enemies, or by the vagaries of Nature, some of them, in time, will surely set upon us.
Yet those scientists who tell us the truth about our vaccines, point out that they often
have the hidden power to kill or maim. In l977, I wrote about the Swine Flu Vaccine foisted
upon some 43,000,000 people, with 128 people dying immediately. Yet there was not even
one case of swine flu!
Science magazine commented:
"There can be few graver opportunities for man-made disaster than the mass
immunization campaigns that are now routine in many countries. Should the vaccine
preparations become contaminated with an undetected agent present in the host cells, a
whole generation of vaccines could be put in jeopardy."
"This, of course, is no science fiction writer's horror story---It has already happened
once; millions of people have been injected with a monkey virus known as SV40,
hamsters; no one yet knows what it may do in man, which was found in 1961 to be
contaminating polio and adenovirus vaccines."
Further, the list of our viral and bacterial enemies is almost infinite, but, we have a great
power at hand that can rise to meet many of them. It is our fabulous immune system within
us that, without proper support, has brought us through the ages, and it can do a far better
job for us if we just give it the operational support it requires.
We have, you see, a genetic defect that we cannot produce in our own livers, as do
some 3.3 million other animals, the mineral ascorbates that can enable us to fight these
assailants more effectively. We have in this regard largely relied on an acid intermediate,
ascorbic acid, which we call Vitamin C, that is poorly tolerated by our bodies, and cannot
fully perform the biochemical miracles of the mineral ascorbates. Most of our misguided
nutritional authorities insist on calling it Vitamin C. World pioneer Irwin Stone told me that it
should not really be called a vitamin, since most vitamins are required in very small
quantities. Instead, he termed it "a liver metabolite", which is required in multi gram
quantities. Most animals produce it at the level of 10 grams (10,000 mg) daily, when
equated to a 70 kilo (154 lb.) person.
Thus, it seems obvious that the woman's supply of ascorbate is never completely
halted, but the smaller quantity available is picked up by the body's control center, the
brain. So, the shrinkage of this vital organ is still minimal throughout the remainder of her
But, there is little ascorbate left for the brain of the teenage male, who needs almost the
entire small amount of ascorbate available for the tissue required in body growth. It is
obvious that his brain along with meager quantities of this magic substance during this
period, still leaves him susceptible to mental derangement.
In some persons, it becomes so extreme as to make them think they must engage in
some violent acts of aggression in order to clear their brains. This is, I believe, the primary
cause of the murderous conduct with which many of these frustrated young males
respond. Their brains require 10 times as much ascorbate as the blood plasma to receive
amounts adequate for full function.
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Therein lays, I am fully confident, the basic reason why young men go to the extreme
misconduct of murder.
Of course, we do know that a lack of estrogen renders the woman less interested in sex,
and perhaps, a little less feminine in other respects. Doctors have sought to meet this
need by prescribing estrogen, often with small amounts of the male hormone,
testosterone. Harvard University has reported that this hormone therapy also greatly
benefits the coronary arteries and reduces clogging drastically.
However, the Harvard report adds that estrogen therapy increases the risk of breast
cancer by about 43%, which about ties the score. Basically, the woman just switches her
mode of death from heart attack to cancer.
My associates and I think we have the solution to this problem. We believe that
administering estrogen simply "fools" the body into believing that a baby is still ahead, and
that ascorbate production should still be maintained. So, while this has the beneficial effect
of preventing the clogging of arteries, it upsets the delicate balance of the immune
response that keeps the body's cells under control and inhibits the wild cellular replication
that we call cancer.
Woman is special in so many ways. They have complex hormonal rhythms which
control their physiological and mental states which are necessary for sexual activity,
pregnancy, and child rearing. Their anatomical structures are specialized for intercourse,
fertilization, pregnancy, and milk production. Each of these special processes in one way
or another requires mineral ascorbates for full function; accordingly, my associates and I
have concluded that if women want to avoid both heart attack and cancer, the most logical
course is to ingest substantial amounts of the mineral ascorbates, which are highly
beneficial to the body at any age.
The Major Ailment
Since we regard hypoascorbemia as the number one major ailment that affects all
humanity, we know that both sexes can ingest multigram amounts of these substances
with the confidence that they are meeting one of their most basic needs.
Hypoascorbemia, the "hidden scurvy", is almost totally ignored by medicine. This
"scurvy" attacks men approximately 10 years earlier than it does women.
Most researchers think atherosclerosis affects women later in their lives due to the
abandonment of estrogen production. This may be described as the old error of post hoc,
ergo propter hoc, after this, therefore, because of this...
During a 77-year life span, 72,000,000 gallons of blood pass through the coronary
arteries. This causes an abrasive action on the intima, the lining of the arteries. To repair
this damage, the cells of the intima are replaced every two or three days. However, as
these cells may lack the mineral ascorbates necessary to form truly healthy replacement
cells, they start to bleed.
The body strives valiantly to meet this challenge, so hemorrhaging is gradually halted.
But scar tissue forms on the surface of the arterial lining. It is this scar tissue that first
collects a small amount of Protein A, as the Linus Pauling Institute discovered. The Protein
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A is quickly followed by cholesterol, lipids (fats), and calcium, in approximately equal
These three layers compose the plaque that destroys most of us, as they shut off the
flow of blood to the heart.
Let me give you some preliminary proof: I have been taking 10 grams of mineral
ascorbates on a daily basis for more than 25 years. Also for many years, my employees
have received monthly supplies of their ascorbate requirements, generally at lower levels.
Ten people over the age of 40 (ages ranging from 42 to my age at that time, 82) were
tested, and one woman, age 55, with a mean average of 55.8. Eight of them, including me,
showed zero levels of calcium plaque, one man showed a level of 97, and one woman a
level of 155. Even these two scores were well below the level of 260 to 450 of calcium at
which even mild symptoms are manifest, as you can see by the chart.

Name Age Asymptomatic levels Calcium
for age group
Jay Patrick 82 Over 800 0
Linda Tagle 76 550-800 0
Ymelda Patrick 57 260-450 0
HU 43 155-310 0
AR 42 155-310 0
JU 42 155-310 0
JE 47 155-310 0
RA 47 155-310 0
SU 57 260-450 97
EM 55 260-450 155
We challenge any physician in the world to have 10 of his patients of the same
approximate age group checked out by the same Ultrafast CT Scan technique, and get
even 2 or 3 of the 10 with 0 calcium levels.
Where, in all the annals of medicine have any such results been reported?
You may search the literature endlessly, to no avail.
Of course, it will take hundreds of similar results to convince slow-moving medicine that
they have been "barking up the wrong tree", that it is not the essential substance
cholesterol that, of itself, causes the plaque anymore than it is the equally essential
calcium. (Do they tell you to lower your calcium intake?) Indeed, there has been a recent
finding that people with the really low cholesterol levels have poorly functioning brains. For
sure, those who have been selling this baloney seem to suffer from the same cerebral
problems. Doctors make too much money getting you into their offices to check your
cholesterol, plus devising futile methods to reduce your susceptibility to this great killer... to
give up this income easily!
Medical researchers "cannot see the forest for the trees". For more than 50 years,
based on misinterpretation of the Framingham Study, they have embraced the stupid
theory that cholesterol, per se, causes clogging of the arteries.
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Here is the logical explanation of atherosclerosis, which I have been involved in
understanding for some 27 years.
Despite the beautiful faces and bodies that emerge with many of our children, not a
single one of us is ever perfect. Some 4,000 genetic diseases encumber all humanity to
varying, individual degrees.
Yet, every living person suffers from at least two of these inborn errors. They are
hypoascorbemia, inability to produce mineral ascorbates, as do some 99.9% of other
animals, and hypouricasemia, inability to produce uricase, the enzyme that controls
excess production of uric acid, and the antioxidant that induces gout, principally in men.
A Wasteland
We can manage to keep the symptoms of gout under fairly good control, but in meeting
the needs of the major disease that dooms most of us to great travail and premature
death, hypoascorbemia, our medical "science" is one vast wasteland. Indeed, the very
physicians who would advise us about our health show their incompetence by dying, on
the average, before they are 60 years old. This is an age at which they have reached less
than half of their theoretical life expectancy of 140 years, or 7 times 20, our period of
maturity, as live other animals that produce copious amounts of ascorbate in their own
A Mixed Bag
Yet researchers are finding that women given hormone-replacement therapy, which
principally consists of estrogen and small quantities of the male hormone, testosterone,
are largely free of this plaque, and that their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is
53% lower.
However, the risk of death from breast cancer, The Harvard Health Letter reports, of
those on hormone therapy for 10 years or more, is "43% higher than in non-users". This
would seem to largely cancel out the benefits of such therapy.
But what is happening to an older woman who develops plaque in her arteries, the
principal cause of heart disease? The obvious conclusion is that this is due to her halted
production of mineral ascorbates. (See chart.)
Since babies are no longer being produced, the chief motivation of the woman's body,
the need for this vital life substance, ascorbate, is less acute. So, unfortunately, her
coronary arteries, indeed, her whole body, loses this life-extending protection.
But, because of the early protection of her body, the woman still lives 6 to 8 years longer
than a man.
Less than one thousand years ago, the average woman would be dead in her early
40's, the time at which she now tends to enter the menopause.
The eminent health researcher, Dr. E. Cheraskin, of the University of Alabama, has said
"the body is never wasteful", that it does not produce substances for which there is no
particular need. Since the woman of the past was due to die in her 40's, there was no
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great need to produce mineral ascorbates to protect her arteries, since they could last a
few years after the end of menopause quite well.
So, when doctors come along and give estrogen to a woman after she has largely
ceased production of the hormone, the body can be misled into thinking that pregnancy is
ahead, so it's necessary to produce small amounts of the mineral ascorbates to aid
development of the fetus. But it is now quite evident that this small amount of ascorbate,
although probably essential to survival, is grossly inadequate for full, healthy development
of the child.
Catching Up
However, in her later years, at about age 60, the woman catches up with a man, a
UCLA cardiovascular researcher reports, in the level of plaque. But she still tends to live
longer than a man, probably because the flow of blood to her heart has been slowed for a
shorter period of time. Thus, the heart, indeed, her whole body, has more strength and
Four enzymes are utilized in the liver of most animals for the production of ascorbic
acid, although this highly reactive acid, then, undergoes a fifth stage of reaction with
minerals in the liver to produce the neutral mineral ascorbates. Thus, the ascorbates are
the true Vitamin C, or liver metabolites, as produced in 99.9% of other animals, which can
then circulate in the blood without irritation. These mineral ascorbates are then more
readily accepted by body cells, since the minerals with which they are complexed, such as
potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, all essential to cell function, all act as
transporters of ascorbate through the cell wall. The cell, we remind you, is the basic unit of
life, and there are some 70 trillion cells in the average body.
Fooling Mother Nature?
As indicated, what must happen with women taking hormone replacement therapy is
that their bodies are fooled into thinking that they are still of child-bearing age and will,
consequently, tend to resume their production of ascorbate to help the fetus in the womb.
But resumption of ascorbate production, instead of aiding a non-existent fetus, helps
prevent what I have described as The Hidden Scurvy that is radically shortening the life of
every living person.
Indeed, I have stated that everyone in the world, who does not die from some accident,
will die of scurvy. That is because we are shorted on this vital substance while even in the
wombs of our mothers. I have some tangible proof of this.
To the children of my second wife, Ymelda, 13 children have been born. At least 11 of
these grandchildren were born to mothers who took daily, 8 to 10 grams of mineral
ascorbates during their pregnancies. The oldest of these, Felicia, 20 years old, has been
graduated with high honors from high school. (She now is in complete charge of a diving
operation in Hawaii.)
A straight "A" student and mathematics whiz, she has such astounding strength and
agility that she was been offered training in karate for the Olympics.
All twelve are honor students, which is not a coincidence. They received the mineral
ascorbates at the most important time of their lives, facilitating full brain, body, and muscle
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development. But, nevertheless, they still take multi gram quantities daily for maintenance
of their bodies.
But, lacking the application of the mineral ascorbates, our society is daily producing a
mass of children who emerge from the womb with at least one strike against them. With
inadequately developed minds and bodies, they shall have to cope with an increasingly
complicated world.
Careful, unbiased examination of the biochemistry involved will show that:
1. Women produce small amounts of mineral ascorbates in their bodies until they go
through the menopause. The best proof of is is that, unlike men, their arteries remain
comparatively free of plaque until they are in their 40's.
2. This ascorbate helps maintain the integrity of the intima (lining) of the coronary
arteries, so that no bleeding resulting from the abrasive action of blood transfer occurs.
3. When a woman has gone through the menopause, both estrogen and ascorbate
production is obviously halted, so bleeding of the intima of the coronary arteries tends to
occur. As bleeding stops, alternately, scar tissue is formed. This scar tissue then collects,
sequentially, the cholesterol, lipids, and calcium, which compose the plaque. Ultimately,
this plaque can so block the flow of blood to the heart as to induce death.
4. Estrogen therapy must fool the woman's body into believing that she is still of
childbearing age, so some ascorbate production is resumed. Thus, ascorbate protection of
the intima is, also, resumed, and little or no plaque accumulates.
5. However, although the body has been fooled into resuming ascorbate production, its
immune system is so confused that it is thrown out of balance, so the immune response
malfunctions, and a high percent-age of cancer of the breast occurs.
My Solution:
So, the solution to the problem is so obvious as to escape the bright minds of many
learned but drug-oriented physicians: Instead of dangerous estrogen, give the patient
large amounts of mineral ascorbates, 5 to 10 grams daily, and great benefits can surely be
This procedure is not at all comparable to estrogen therapy, since all humankind suffers
from the genetic defect that, unlike more than 99.9% of other animals, we cannot produce
really adequate amounts of mineral ascorbates in our own livers. This is clearly an
unsolved genetic defect that shortens the life span and reduces the capability of every
person on this planet. However, it can be greatly alleviated by the ingestion of mineral
But, you may say that estrogen intake increases a woman's interest in sex. Yes, but this
is an artificial expedient. Her body is designed for reproduction.
Once the childbearing period has passed, she does not need the sexual urge, the body
reasons, because she cannot produce more children! So, thus, the intake of estrogen to
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make life more interesting is fraught with the danger of malfunction of the body, with
unhappy results such as cancer and, sometimes, a long list of undesirable consequences
not fully equated by the medical profession.
Very recent studies confirm a considerable difference between women and men, often
with regard to relative survival rates. The New England Journal of Medicine reported in its
July 22, 1999 issue that a study of 385,000 heart attack patients showed that women
under 50 were more than twice as likely as men to die before being discharged from the
hospital. With advancing age, these differences diminished, but they persisted until
approximately age 75, at which point they tended to even out.
A second study covering over 12,000 patients who had heart attacks or severe chest
pain known as unstable angina, showed that women often have symptoms that are
atypical to those of men, which makes diagnosis much more difficult when they show up to
the hospital, often leading to much different outcomes.
Accordingly, it becomes more and more important that women, especially with
advancing age, fortify their bodies with the mineral ascorbates which they can no longer at
all produce. But men, who have survived with the minimum amounts which they get in their
food, plus the usual supplementation, will readily die, often in their sleep.
11) The Mind Alive
He who truly has "The Mind Alive" conducts his life with zest. Each encounter with life's
problems becomes an adventure, a game to be played, a challenge of his resourcefulness
in seeking the answers, the solutions, the courses of action or inaction through the maze
of alternatives that are exposed.
He is the investigator, the analyzer, the sleuth. He explores; he seeks out the data in
which each problem is wrapped. He is confident; he is intrigued by each new obstacle that
emerges. He is relaxed in his outlook, yet fully alert to each nuance of a subject... and
ready to spring into action once he has made a decision.
He has a great inner humility, though it may not so much show. He has made three
basic discoveries: How little he knows; how much he has to learn, and; how much he will
never know.
He seeks out the knowledge of others, their opinions, their conclusions. He is prepared
to consider almost any relevant idea and knows that, even if untenable, it may be a
springboard for a better idea.
He knows that decisions must be made with some dispatch -- even the decision to do
nothing -- or to set aside a problem for reconsideration in the light of another day or in
conference with his associates. He knows that "time is of the essence", that every action
comes entwined in the circumstances of the moment. He knows that the Past is a great
reservoir for the Future, but that each day, each hour brings a new realignment of all the
forces of nature and of man's relationship to his fellows and to his environment.
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Yet, "The Mind Alive" has no existence by itself. It is an integral part of the well-adjusted,
well-fed body. Each is bound to the other, not as master to servant... but as co-owner of
the enterprise, Life.
In its most effective form it is a mating of enormous power and potential. Yet, it depends
so much on superb performance for fine-tuning, a balancing act that moderates boldness
with restraint and the selective filtration of a host of stimuli.
The human brain is a miracle that deserves much more than the Nobel Prize. We are
daily learning more and more about it, yet it still exceeds (and may always exceed) in
countless functions, the workings of any computer of any feasible size. We now know that
our thoughts can control not only the obvious body functions of speech and other muscle
movement, but, as bio-feedback makes evident, many other physiological actions such as
pulse rate, blood pressure, and circulation -- once thought to be the exclusive domain of
the autonomic nervous system.
However, this astounding organ needs a lot of TLC (Tender Loving Care) if one is to
come at all close to operating it at, say, even 35% of its potential. We must first recognize
that, although the brain is usually only about 1/52nd of total body weight, it requires as
fuel, about 25% of the oxygen brought in by the lungs and close to 25% of the glucose
circulating in the blood. And these energy requirements persist on a 24-hour basis, awake
or asleep.
The brain is poised, however, in very delicate balance. Researchers have found that
even microscopic amounts of many different substances, such as LSD, present at a level
of as little as 3 millionths of an ounce, can throw any person quite out of his mind. It is,
indeed, the most powerful psychedelic drug known to man. It concentrates in the more
primitive centers such as the hippocampus (related to memory) and the pineal gland. It
arouses dreaming and blocks the firing of neurons that respond to seratonin, the chemical
messenger of the brain.
Yet some degree of mental imbalance occurs among millions of us with every passing
day. Certainly this is evident on our highways as many go wild under the influence of
alcohol, drugs, stress, the competitive urge, and/or the sense of power that a fast,
maneuverable auto gives them. The wonder is that many times more people do not die in
this way.
So, as anyone may seek to use his mind more effectively, he must recognize that it is,
indeed, a very delicately adjusted instrument that will enable him to accomplish much if he
can only bring it and hold it closer to perfect pitch. As one strives to accomplish more, each
succeeding success fortifies and re-enforces the next effort.
As we learn more about the brain, we are discovering that it is a much more flexible
instrument than it first appeared to be. For instance, while it is evident that specific areas
of the brain do specialize in the control of specific bodily functions, there is not only
continuous interaction with all other areas, but when injury occurs, another segment of the
brain may take over many of the functions of the damaged tissue. But, probably most
encouraging of all is the news that, even though our bodies may show clear signs of
advancing age, our brains can soar on to substantially higher levels of activity than ever
before possible. Lane Lenard explains it very well as the Dynamic Brain (Science Digest,
12/83). He says: "Traditionally, most neuroscientists have envisioned the brain as a static,
two-to-three pound mass composed of billions of individual nerve cells, or neurons, plus
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structural or support cells. All connections between the neurons were made, it was
assumed, early in life, after which the only change was a gradual loss of neurons through
age. But new research is showing the brain to be an active, dynamic, ever-changing
structure. Neuroscientists can open up new channels of communication in your brain...
neurons need to be stimulated. If they aren't, their connections will regress or die
out." (Emphasis the author's.)
Yes, this view runs counter to most of what we have been taught, that, starting at the
point of maturity between 20 and 25 years of age, this body goes into steady decline as it
proceeds toward ultimate death. But I am convinced that the right life style, the right
nutrition, and the right thoughts can bring the body forward after maturity, radically slowing
the decline of physical prowess… and further, I KNOW that, even after a chronological 86
years or more, the mind can develop to a level of performance far above its ability at any
earlier age.
Yet, this is not happening so very much with most people. I have driven through the
streets of St. Petersburg, Florida, famous for the numbers of its elderly citizens. It is said
that, seated on one of the fine benches lining every block of the city's main street, one
venerable citizen said to another: "What was that thing we used to do?"
He who would have "The Mind Alive" at any age must be doing something that is very
interesting to him, that presents frequent challenges that are not beyond his abilities to
meet. This is not so easy to accomplish -- to find such a career is of itself a real challenge.
Not everyone in this complicated society can have an interesting job. Any job can be made
more interesting, though, and the person who takes that interest can usually work himself
up to a higher level, a position of greater challenge and interest. For myself, I will say that I
had a number of rather interesting positions through life, but I did not find a truly wonderful
challenge until I entered the field of nutrition, health research, and food supplementation.
There I found, to my great surprise, that much remained to be done, that I could fill a lot of
gaps, meet the needs of a great many people that were not being met. One of the basic
formulas for success is said to be: "Find a need and fill it."
Of course, there is, I will confirm, no substitute for experience. Simulations of war as war
games have their value for the soldier. Simulations of business problems and adventures
have their value for the business student. Indeed, they represent types of experience,
though often without the full complexity of reality. But those who really reach out in life
acquire a reservoir of real, unvarnished experience that provides the brain with a powerful
base of operations.
As this book nears its conclusion, or what might best be described as a stop-off point, I
want to report that, intellectually, I am probably its major beneficiary. Trying to put together
data, thoughts, opinions that might be, hopefully, of genuine benefit to others has proved
to be the major challenge of my career. But, more than that, it has stimulated my mind, my
brain, my neurons to a level of activity which is, I believe, at least 25% higher than that of
which I was able even six months ago. Note that I use the word "able" rather than
"capable". Lost, apparently in the movement of the American language during the past
half-century, is what I regard as an important distinction in the word "capable" as the power
to develop the state of being "able". "Ability" has always been to me, more specifically, the
state of being able to perform a given task.
There is really, I think, no true synonym in the American language. The varied nuances
of meaning are very important to us if we are to do our best thinking, because words are
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
the encapsulated tools of thought which we require for the solution of problems. He who
has a small vocabulary has a small mind. The semi-developed neurons may be there, but
he lacks the encapsulated nuances to facilitate and sharpen his thinking, to stimulate his
neurons to make new contacts with other neurons. I believe this is one serious problem
restricting many of our citizens who are of foreign extraction: They grow up speaking two
languages poorly. So they lack the tools they need to express themselves, to understand
others, to read, to write, to think effectively.
Putting this book together, while covering a host of business and engineering problems,
has too often interfered with my sleep pattern, which I find of great importance to my daily
performance and general health. Yet, on the positive side, the project has clearly fine
tuned my mind and heightened my knowledge and understanding. In my 20's I wrote a
short poem which went a little like this:
You helped us all to clean the house and put it well in order.
To organize the garden and to paint a new white border.
You encouraged us to fix the fence and restore the family name.
Thank you much for all these things, Company that never came!
William Shakespeare, John Milton, Robert Frost - they and all the other greats may rest
comfortably in their graves. I promise that I shall do nothing which will excite their envy.
So, if my readers be but few, I shall benefit more than you.
Because of the innate power and potential of the human mind, it has been the subject of
a great deal of research and a great deal of speculation, some of it "far out". The human
brain is surely the best brain among all living things. I had great hopes for the dolphins,
who can carry on two conversations simultaneously, but so far, our communication
networks have not been able to have satisfactory talks with them. Besides, we already
know that almost any woman can carry on two conversations simultaneously, anyway.
Maya Pines wrote The Brain Changers, published in 1973. She predicted that small
implants would be going into human brains to influence behavior and well being within a
decade. That decade has passed, and more and we do not have them yet, but many such
things will surely happen. Of course, we already have heart pacemakers implanted in the
chests of many thousands... and working rather well.
But the greatest potential of the human brain seems to lie in the determination and
utilization of the lifestyle and food, fuel supplementation that will maximize its functions.
12) Why Teenage Boys Kill
We don't think anyone has commented on the fact that teenage boys are doing the
killing, rather than girls.
But there is a basic reason for the misconduct of these young men. Of course, as
teenagers they are going through an identity crisis as to their place in this highly
complicated world. This introduces an enormous amount of stress which they are less
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
empowered to meet than young girls. The body of the teenage girl, even though it may not
have achieved its full size, is all ready for reproduction. This means that she is producing a
considerable quantity of mineral ascorbates in her own body, since the essential
connective tissue, described by Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi as "the glue of the body", must be
present to separate each organ from another and act as a strengthening agent for the
entire body. Without this connective tissue, the baby's body would fall apart, and death
would ensue. And surely the brain is receiving considerable ascorbates, too.
So the young man suffers great mental distress, because his brain cannot function
adequately. This function includes the production of hormones as well as thought. So he
tends to experience enormous frustration and, accordingly, seeks, often desperately, for
relief. This relief may take many forms, but its most aggressive form includes murder. The
young man who ran over four or five girls with his car is reported to have gleefully said, "I
am the angel of death." This gave relief to his tortured mind. It is the mineral ascorbates
such as all but a few animals can produce in their own bodies that are well accepted by
the human brain. Now, some 1.5 million animals produce these mineral ascorbates in their
own livers, but human production is inadequate, since one gene, L-gulonolactone oxidase,
is lacking. Of course the quantities of mineral ascorbates for the world market are so
flabbergasting in volume as to deny availability to most people.
Dr. Mark Levine of the National Institute of Health, a world authority, comments that the
ascorbic acid such as is present in fruits and vegetables and available separately does not
readily get into the brain. The more acceptable mineral ascorbates are necessary, as they
can facilitate the uptake of the ascorbate by the brain cells.
The Committee for World Health hopes to shortly introduce the missing enzyme which
will enable people to produce the ascorbates in their own livers. However getting this
enzyme into the bodies of some six billion people is currently an insurmountable task.
Animals produce the mineral ascorbates at a daily rate equivalent to 10,000 mg (10
grams), when equated to a 154 lb. person. However, if young people were to receive as
little as 2 grams of these ascorbates daily, considerable improvement in brain and body
function would be apparent.
13) A Case of Sleep Apnea
The foundation recently encountered a case of non-obstructive sleep apnea which has
entirely gone away after some four months of ingestion of mineral ascorbates.
This male had been using a machine which nightly forced air into his lungs, making a
great deal of noise and deteriorating his relationship with his wife.
He started taking 8 or 10 grams of mineral ascorbates and immediately noted an
improved sense of well-being. However after several months, he left off the machine and
found that he could sleep very well without it. We should like to hear from doctors and
patients who have this non-obstructive type of apnea, which does not require an operation,
to determine if mineral ascorbates will not also help them, since there must be something
lacking in brain coordination.
Accordingly, doctors and patients who are struggling with this often-deadly disease are
invited to contact either our Director of Research, Dr. Richard Dana or me in this regard.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Yours truly,
Committee for World Health
Jay Patrick, Chairman
14) Miraculous Recovery: Sleep Apnea
I want to report on a case of sleep apnea. This man had been on a positive pressure
machine at night which was quite essential for his survival. However, after some 3 or 4
months on 10 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, he no longer requires a machine, and
can sleep very well at night, without snoring and without use of a machine.
Since this is only one case, we should like to confirm the highly favorable results
returned on this type of apnea. Accordingly, if any of our readers suffer from the nonobstructive sleep apnea, we are interested in supplying them with the mixed ascorbates for
them to try for up to four months in hope of affecting a solution to the problem.
Accordingly, if you have had identification that you do not suffer from the obstructive
sleep apnea, which reportedly requires an operation, we want to help you. Please e-mail
the details to me of your problem or telephone, and we will get busy with your problem as
quickly as possible.
Committee for World Health
Richard Dana, Director
15) The Two Things that Harvard University Doesn't
Know About Heart Disease
This is a follow-up on Harvard Health Letter in which they include an article, "The Ten
Things You Should Know About Heart Disease". It is evident to the writer that they don't
know enough about heart disease themselves. For instance, we find that the progression
of congestion in the coronary arteries proceeds in this fashion: The intima, the lining of the
arteries, is replaced every two or three days with new cells, but if these new cells do not
incorporate adequate mineral ascorbate they start to bleed and ultimately form hard
deposits in the arteries. These deposits are what collects the cholesterol, which is followed
by about equal amounts of lipids and calcium. Provide the body with adequate mineral
ascorbates and this doesn't occur. As you can see from this study made by UCLA
Cardiovascular Center of 10 Alacer employees, you will note that 8 of these people
showed zero levels of calcium in the arteries, which indicates that there is little else.
16) Confessions of a Scientist *
By Richard Dana, M.S., Ph.D.
I started work as Director of the Committee for World Health in early January of 1996.
After 20 years in regular academic research I was very skeptical of the approach to
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
mineral ascorbates which I was to explore. But I liked Jay Patrick, founder of the
Committee, and his associates, and thought I should give this unorthodox approach a try.
I had come from a very conventional American Medical Association background. I had
worked at a number of major medical research institutes such as Columbia University;
University of California, San Francisco; University of California, San Diego; Scripps Clinic
and Research Foundation; and Children's Hospital, Orange County.
Taking 8 to 12 grams of mineral ascorbates daily as Emer'gen-C™ and Super Gram
III™, I started to notice some remarkable results. For many years, I could twist one of my
ankles so readily as to lay me up for a day or two. Furthermore, if I made a minor twist of
my legs, my knees would swell up to the point where I wondered if I did not need surgery.
But these episodes quickly ended. I had had a long history of stomach problems, a queasy
stomach most of the time. My hearing was very poor to the extent that I had to wear a
hearing aid during most of the subsequent years. However, I have lately found I can throw
away my hearing aids and hear very well without any problem.
In checking with an audiologist, I found that in the last year or so my hearing has
improved 5 to 10 decibels, so that I no longer require hearing assistance and can go freely
about. For some years I had some problems with multi-tasking projects in my mind. Those
problems have now ended, and I feel a degree of alertness I've never experienced before.
(I learned that the brain requires 10 times the volume of ascorbate as in the blood plasma.)
In addition, I daily enjoy a feeling of well-being which is an important part of my life. But I
never heard of any phenomenon such as this, or encountered in all of my scientific
literature any mention of such powers of the mineral ascorbates.
These results jibe with the daily influx of favorable testimonials from all over the world. I
am now 54 years old, the exact age at which my father collapsed and died. Of course, he
never had any benefit of the mineral ascorbates. Actually, he died from a massive
occlusion of his coronary arteries. I had myself checked a few days ago with an Imatron
CT Scan at the UCLA Cardiovascular Center which can actually see the insides of your
intestines, etc. They found a zero level of calcium deposits, indicating that I have
essentially no plaque whatsoever in my arteries. This means that I must be doing
something right. Indeed, we have proved that the mineral ascorbates repair the intima, the
lining of the coronary arteries, so that they are opened wide to blood circulation.
It seems that there has been a genetic influence in my family that rendered nearly
everyone susceptible to occlusion of the coronary arteries. Thus, 8 out of 10 of my uncles
died at an early age, most of them because their coronary arteries became clogged.
A Major Medical Fraud
The theory that cholesterol is of itself responsible for the problem represents one of the
major corruptions of the medical profession. For 50 years they have been telling us this,
and for 50 years the idea that you can control occlusion of your arteries by reducing the
level of your intake is one of the phony things by which most doctors live. Actually, the
body has a mechanism to control the level of cholesterol. If you eat a lot of cholesterolcontaining eggs, areas of your body reduce the production of cholesterol, or increase it, if
no other sources of this vital substance are being taken in.
Indeed, we have confirmed a theory of two Canadian physicians. It is this: our coronary
arteries can pass over 80 million gallons of blood during a long lifetime. Since the blood is
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
mildly abrasive, due to the presence of the minerals in the blood plasma, it would,
certainly, during much less than this time, wear away the cells which line the arteries.
However, the arteries protect themselves with intimal cells, the lining which is replaced
every two or three days. But, if there is no good Vitamin C, preferably as mineral
ascorbates, present in the cells of the intima, they start to bleed and then settle down as
scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, the lipids, and the calcium.
Cholesterol is indeed a part of the clogging of the arteries, but only because it is collected
by the scar tissue. The particular level of cholesterol is rarely a factor in your body, so long
as it is within reason. It is because the lining is so damaged that it collects the cholesterol,
not per se, because of a particular level of this essential hormone-producing substance,
Note the chart below, showing that 8 out of 10 of Alacer employees had zero levels of
plaque in their arteries. This is because they have been taking the mineral ascorbates
produced by Alacer for in excess of six months. Modern medicine simply does not offer
any such results as this.

Name Age Asymptomatic levels Calcium
for age group
Jay Patrick 82 Over 800 0
Linda Tagle 76 550-800 0
Ymelda Patrick 57 260-450 0
HU 43 155-310 0
AR 42 155-310 0
JU 42 155-310 0
JE 47 155-310 0
RA 47 155-310 0
SU 57 260-450 97
EM 55 260-450 155
For some 50 years the medical profession has clung to the erroneous idea that reducing
the level of cholesterol will reduce occlusion of the coronary arteries. This approach is a
fraudulent concept which benefits both doctors and drug companies.
In fact, I challenge all the doctors in the world to assemble 10 people of approximate
ages as shown and check them for such congestion, using either the Ultrafast CT Scan or
magnetic resonance identification. They certainly will not have even 1 or 2 out of the 10
that show absolutely clear arteries.
Although there are in excess of 100,000 studies which have been made on ascorbic
acid, practically none has been made on what is the real Vitamin C, a total of some seven
mineral ascorbates which the animal body manufactures in its own liver. Calcium
ascorbate and sodium ascorbate have been given some attention. Indeed, for many
decades sodium ascorbate has been used widely for intravenous introduction into the
human body. One of the principal health researchers is the National Academy of Sciences
which has managed to stifle further research on any form of "C", including the
intermediate, ascorbic acid. It is, therefore, almost impossible anymore to get approval of
any research on the subject in this country.
The writer attended some nine months ago a meeting in Vancouver, B.C., where a
presentation was made on research of some seven products unsuccessfully employed to
halt schizophrenia. Dr. Frederick Klenner utilized several hundred grams daily of sodium
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
ascorbate intravenously in curing everything from viral encephalitis to multiple sclerosis.
While the IV approach is effective, it is costly, and I'm sure not nearly so effective as the
full range of mineral ascorbates, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese,
and zinc, as the major bodily forms in bringing countless ailments under control. And the
mineral ascorbates are now available for one's intake, in an economical way.
Ascorbate Research Blocked
However, we need a vast amount of research on this subject. Accordingly, I ask my
colleagues to give consideration to investigation of viral pneumonia, chicken pox,
tuberculosis, malaria, mononucleosis, arthritis, cancer, leukemia, diabetes, Helicobacter
pylori, surgery recovery and wound healing, chronic fatigue syndrome, influenza, reduction
of strokes, therapeutic benefit against additional strokes, to mention a few. A major
consideration can be evaluation of women's pregnancies. The five daughters of Ymelda
Patrick took 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates during their pregnancies, with a result of
12 highly intelligent children that are in wonderful health and are A students in school. Of
course, at the present time, it is still almost impossible to get any governmental support
from these studies. I believe that the pharmaceutical industry is largely responsible for this.
Since the National Academy of Sciences relies on the drug industry for its principal
financial support, it turns out that, per se, the discouragement of these companies, which
seek billions in return on its pharmaceutical studies, puts a wet blanket on the most
important research that should be going on.
This list is far from complete, as mineral ascorbates support the immune system against
any invader that would disrupt cell balance. It has been our principal source of survival
through the centuries of our residence on this earth. But it has been forever incapacitated
by our failure to produce the mineral ascorbates in our own livers, since we lack the fourth
enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, which produces the fourth stage of mineral ascorbate
synthesis, ascorbic acid, to be followed by the fifth stage involving the reaction of ascorbic
acid to minerals present in the liver.
Notation: Solutions are now available which have extraordinary purity, being pyrogenfree and extremely pure ascorbate which works so effectively in the bloodstream. Usually
of sodium ascorbate, they can be used intravenously in the body in great volume, if
necessary and, often, with extraordinary results.
Products are economical and freely available which will produce 1 gram of mineral
ascorbates, when water is added. Some 70 trillion cells of the body require the following
minerals in this order:
Potassium - 20 parts
Sodium - 5 parts
Calcium - 3 parts
Magnesium - 2 parts
Manganese - ½ part
Zinc - trace
These mineral ascorbates act as mineral transporters to bring the ascorbate into body
cells and aid the fantastic mitochondria within, which produce some 90% of the energy of
the body, to function effectively against most invaders.
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As a consequence of repeated ignorance of this basic disease of the world,
hypoascorbemia, by the National Academy of Sciences and its affiliates, some 90% of the
people of the world have been influenced to ignore their basic disease, inability to produce
mineral ascorbates in their bodies, as do some 1.5 million other animal species.
Indeed, this major disease is responsible for the shortened, precarious lives of most
people and our poor immunity to almost every disease, starting with the common cold,
which usually becomes completely eradicated in the lives of those who take the mineral
ascorbates daily.
The condition of medical science in this regard is insufferable, outrageous, and
deplorable. We cannot be a modern nation, a modern world, and suffer the consequences
of this ailment any longer.
Thus, I am in agreement with Jay Patrick, who has "a holy crusade" to aid the world in
facing its major health problem. Now 88 years old, he wants to live to be at least 100, so
that he may advance this major cause.
By Jay Patrick
Yes, humans are the most intelligent of some 1.5 million different species of animals in
the world, yet they are among the less than 10 animals who are known to suffer from this
devastating disease which Irwin Stone named hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce
mineral ascorbates in their own bodies. In regard to the misshapen children that are often
born, Omar Khayam said "Did the hand of the potter shake?" Yet the Pope himself is
slowly dying for lack of the mineral ascorbates that could have helped to keep him well.
We sent him some, but his learned advisors turned them down.
At the First World Congress which I staged in 1978 in Palm Springs, Nobel Laureate
Albert Szent-Györgyi said: "Is this affliction really the penalty for the apple that Adam and
Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?"
The foundation which I have set up has as one of its chief objectives the restoration of
the gene that is responsible for our inability to produce in our livers L-gulonolactone
oxidase, the fourth enzyme. If we had a little bit of outside financial support, we might be
able to figure out a way to re-insert this gene in the human body, but our efforts are largely
ignored and millions of people, in fact almost the whole world, suffer the ignominy of this
Meanwhile we are making remarkable progress toward the conversion of stem cells into
heart muscle cells, which we firmly believe can be injected into the human heart and
restore its strength. Actually, I am hopeful to share in this major benefit, since my heart is
weakening. It has already pumped some 80 million gallons of blood through my arteries,
this wonderful two pound organ, which compares with the 52 million gallons of oil the ship
Valdez spilled in Alaska, may not last me until I can complete my holy cause to which
hardly anyone else pays any attention, and bring the world to recognize how much more
each of us can accomplish if he or she has the support of these mineral ascorbates.
For our real survival, we must turn away from the ridiculous drugs offered by our
pharmaceutical industry. The majority of these drugs may serve some biological benefit in
the body at the cost of as many as a dozen side effects which can destroy us. For
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
instance, my heart specialist gave me a potassium tablet which I did not need, since my
daily intake is more than 1,000mg of potassium as potassium ascorbate, the best form of
potassium available. I also eat at least three bananas weekly which give me more. This
potassium tablet upset my entire digestive system, causing gas, diarrhea, and pain. I
quickly threw it away and have been doing exceedingly well since. The list of side effects
for this tablet is enormous, you may be sure. More and more am I able to understand why
some 100,000 people die in our country every year from the misapplication of drugs given
them. This is absolutely ridiculous. We would do much better if we shut down the whole
drug industry and just concentrated on the vitamins and minerals we actually need, but
most of all the mineral ascorbates. Yet a multi-billion dollar industry will quickly seek to
silence me.
But first of all, we must end the drug reign of our so-called National Academy of
Sciences, which misleads our FDA and most of the world in misunderstandings of our true
dietary needs.
I have accordingly instituted a court complaint against the National Academy of
Sciences which will compel them to show how they act so emphatically against the public
interest. This complaint was first filed in the federal court, but they found a way legally to
get out of it. Our current complaint is in the Superior State Court at Santa Ana, California. I
shall welcome your support and the support of every true scientist.
The National Academy of Sciences is a shameful sham of an organization, the principal
servant of the drug companies, rather than the American people they are intended to
serve. The organization should be promptly disbanded and another set up which is
financed by the U.S. Government alone, which will help greatly to promote the impartiality
with which it must operate. In most of the labs of the country, funding is by federal grants,
but almost every professor can get money from various other drug companies, also, and
from private monies, which will very much direct his research and his partiality. Many
things must be done to correct this situation and cannot readily be detailed. Even the
horrifying disease of leprosy, with which some 10 million people are afflicted (see Discover
Magazine, November 2000), might benefit dramatically from the mineral ascorbates.
Surely 10 grams or more daily should be tried on these forgotten people. Incidentally, the
monkey who cannot produce its own mineral ascorbates, suffers intensely from this
ailment. It should be the first animal on which the mineral ascorbates are tried.
For instance, the NAS came out with a statement some months ago that people should
not use more than 2 grams of Vitamin C because it can produce diarrhea. Of course, they
are only speaking of ascorbic acid, as they seem totally unaware that it is only an
intermediate in the production of Vitamin C in the animal's body. This reaction is only partly
true, as the reaction of various people varies enormously. Some can only stand 2 grams,
others as many as 10 grams of ascorbic acid without any diarrhea. Indeed, the body can
become used to the acidity of the product to a considerable degree, indeed tolerant. They
should wake up and learn that the mineral ascorbates which the animal produces can be
the only true "C". Furthermore, the mineral ascorbates are also neutral in pH and can be
taken in the larger gram quantities so essential in good body function, without any adverse
reaction whatsoever. However, the NAS doesn't recognize that ascorbic acid is not the real
Vitamin C but only an intermediate in the animal's body, the fourth product of reaction in
the liver, which then immediately goes into a fifth stage where it reacts with minerals
present in the liver to form potassium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, magnesium
ascorbate, and all of the other ascorbates which then go through the body through the
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
bloodstream of the animal and into the cells, which are so happy to have not only
ascorbate but minerals that they vitally need.
A high percentage of researchers work on a project just because it was funded, not
because it bears any particular relationship to the real problems of life. In fact, hundreds of
millions of dollars of funding occur most basically because the money is there to be spent.
Yet the most basic life problem of the world is totally ignored, the fact that we humans, the
most intelligent of 1.5 million species of animals suffer from a genetic defect, our inability
to produce mineral ascorbates in our own bodies that will eventually kill each of us, who
does not die accidentally. This is because without adequate amounts of mineral
ascorbates, our mothers cannot put together essentially perfect bodies in pregnancy.
Thus, there are rarely perfect babies, without some, often unperceivable, defects of
construction, that can precipitate death. Further, lacking the fantastic support of the
immune system which mineral ascorbates can bring about, we are susceptible to
countless diseases which a stronger immune system could ward off, that precipitate death
or marked incapacitation. Yes, each of us lacks, as stated, the fourth enzyme in his/her
liver, L-gulonolactone oxidase, which would enable our livers to perform the formation of
ascorbic acid, the fourth stage, which is rapidly followed by the reaction into mineral
ascorbates of the fifth stage, the making of the neutral mineral ascorbates.
The National Academy of Sciences has assumed a scientific responsibility far beyond
that of any individual who may be concerned with his first amendment rights. Nearly every
observation that this organization issues is copied throughout the world, in the belief that it
is scientifically based and will promote good health.
Yet this organization has consistently recommended that the average intake of Vitamin
C for an adult should be 60 mg daily, whereas the average daily production of Vitamin C
by some 1.5 million species of other animals is in excess of 10,000 mg when compared to
a 70 kg human, which is 167 times the small dosage recommended by the NAS.
It is one of the purposes of this suit to inquire from the NAS how they managed to arrive
at such a ridiculous figure as 60 mg, although it has lately been increased to 90 mg,
without any explanation. Of course their research is with the wrong item, since ascorbic
acid is not the real Vitamin C as can be readily established. Ascorbic acid is not well
accepted by the body and therefore the multi-gram quantities adequate for good health
cannot be ingested in this form. In short, they have been studying the wrong substance
and therefore all of their research is invalid and the first amendment is not involved in this
misadventure, as they claim.
17) The Missing Link in our Health
Very few of us recognize that we lack a most important ingredient to our general health
and long life. It is mineral ascorbate. We cannot produce in our own livers the mineral
ascorbates that would fortify our immune system which is our principal and essential
defense against all manner of attack from bacteria, viruses, insects, and all manner of
things that attack our bodies. Now, there are approximately 1.5 million animals in this
world, and we are among them. But, of all these animals, less than 10 have been shown to
have the same ailment from which we suffer, hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce
mineral ascorbates in our own livers.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Now these animals who do use these fantastic substances live at least seven times their
period of maturity. A dog that matures at 2 years lives 7 times 2 to 14. Yet we who mature
between 20 and 25, should on this basis, live 7 times 20 which is 140, not some 76 or so
18) A Holy Crusade
Every man, woman, and child in the world suffers from this disease which reduces his/
her resistance to every ailment that comes along and shortens his life, puts lines in his/her
face, reduces the vision, reduces the hearing, reduces acuity, and in general in many ways
reduces the joy of life. In the livers of 1.5 million or so animals in this world are four
enzymes which convert the glucose in their blood into ascorbic acid in four stages. Of all of
these animals less than ten have been shown to lack any of these necessary enzymes,
but humans lack the fourth enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, as do monkeys, apes, the
guinea pig, a Japanese snake, a certain bat, and possibly a few others.
Now humans are undoubtedly the most intelligent of all the animals and certainly the
most articulate and they have helped to reshape this world of ours mightily for good or for
bad. Yet we humans lack the ability to produce this simple, sugar-related product that has
up to 1,000 functions in our bodies.
19) The Immune System and What Kills Most of Us
There is one outstanding oversight, worldwide, in the entire field of scientific medicine.
Because of this oversight, millions of people are born without fully fulfilled bodies, and
most of them fall prey to countless diseases and ailments from which they would not
otherwise suffer, and almost all of them die many decades ahead of their time.
It is a disease which results in inadequate support of the major protection which we
have to all manner of disease, as it lies in the support of our remarkable but inadequate
immune system.
It is the major weakness of all our bodies, which often results in sudden infant death and
sudden death of the adult who is subject to trauma. It is probably responsible for the
sudden death of the elderly who die in their sleep, who reportedly pass away due to
natural causes. The natural cause is that their bodies run out of what Dr. Albert-SzentGyörgyi has described as the "glue" of life.
It is the disease which has been identified as being shared by less than 10 other
animals of some 1.5 million on this earth. Because of this ailment our organs do not
always hold together, our skin prematurely ages, our bones are substantially weakened
and break easily, we fall easy prey to some 200 cold viruses and a great variety of
influenza viruses, our tendons are often weakened, our brains cannot operate at peak
efficiency, and our eyes frequently require the support of glasses for good vision, or fall
into a great variety of eye diseases, such as cataracts and glaucoma. Without this magic
substance our bodies cannot form with amino acids the connective tissue that separates
each organ and holds us together. Without it the lining of our arteries starts to bleed, then
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
forms the scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, fats, and calcium that can block our
coronary arteries and shut down our hearts.
Some 32 years ago one of the authors (Patrick) was suffering from the severe pain of
the TM joints toward the end of every week. His dentist failed to help him at all. He eagerly
responded to an article by Irwin Stone, a real pioneer on Vitamin C, in a current Life
magazine. Weekly meetings with Stone, who lived on Staten Island some 50 miles away
from Patrick's home in New Jersey, opened his eyes. He took about 4 or 5 grams of
ascorbic acid, and quickly noted that his TM joint pain had some 95% disappeared. This
awakened him to the enormous potential of the product. He learned from Stone that most
animals produce the real Vitamin C in their own livers. The glucose circulating in their
blood hits four enzymes, forming ascorbic acid. But this ascorbic acid then reacts with
minerals present to form the fabulous mineral ascorbates.
20) Where Sunscreens Fail
"Sunscreens do a great of stopping sunburn by absorbing ultraviolet rays. But there are
other parts of the light spectrum that many sunscreens don't block, that may play a role in
causing skin cancer, particularly melanoma, the most dangerous form of the disease."
--Harvard Health Letter
What your body really needs is the extra protection of mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C
inside you, working through your skin to protect you. And the best forms of C are the
mineral ascorbates such as you produce when Emer'gen-C™ dissolves in water, or as are
present in our Super Gram III™ timed-release mineral ascorbates.
These products are usually available wherever health foods are sold.
Melanoma, also known as malignant melanoma or cutaneous melanoma, is the least
common but most dangerous form of skin cancer. Each year, about 42,000 new cases of
melanoma are diagnosed in the U.S. (a number that has been going up), and the disease
causes 7,300 deaths. Intense, intermittent exposure to the sun, rather than cumulative
exposure, is believed to be the principal cause of melanoma. In men, a common area for
melanomas is the back, and for women, the lower legs. Melanomas can grow from an
existing mole, but about half the time, they appear as new, dark patches of skin. You
should have a doctor look at any mole that has changed size, shape, bleeds, has
developed irregular edges, varies in color, or has become itchy. Any new dark area of skin
that is greater than a quarter of an inch should also be checked out. If it's caught early and
hasn't spread, a melanoma can be removed surgically, although a wide area of skin might
be taken to make sure all the cancer is removed.
21) Vitamin C as an Anti-Aging Therapy
It may interest you to know how I became involved in Vitamin C. I had reached the age
of 59 operating a chemical specialties firm in New Jersey for close to 30 years. At that
time, I managed to develop the leading replacement for carbon tetrachloride which had
killed many people. I did reduce the number of fatalities I'm sure. However, I was not
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
greatly interested in nutrition partly because of all the wild claims. Toward the end of each
week as the stress of my operations accumulated, I developed pains in my TM joints. I
went from doctor to doctor, dentist to dentist, and one of them spent some seven
occasions grinding away on my teeth to improve my bite without any success at all. I
happened to read LIFE magazine which featured Dr. Irwin Stone and learned that he lived
in Staten Island which is very close to me. I became very well acquainted with the doctor
and his wife. We had sessions every Sunday and discussed Vitamin C and his
enthusiastic support of it. He said it makes you almost invincible. I learned a great deal
from him and am engaged in carrying on his work, beyond where he envisioned it.
Dr. Stone said that human kind didn't produce any C at all. I've since concluded that it's
impossible for the mother to produce a baby without producing some Vitamin C because
the connective tissue of the body has to be made with C and amino acids. And, her baby
would fall apart if she didn't produce some C. Indeed, the baby does have a good level of
Vitamin C in his body the first day of birth and the mother's milk does produce C that
enables the body to survive.
Perhaps, out of context, I want to share with you both a personal and professional
success story. A few years ago, I heard of a method of determining the coronary
occlusions that occur so I went to UCLA Cardiovascular Center and ran through their
routine. Their technician was astounded to find that I have zero levels of calcium in my
arteries which indicates zero plaque, setting a new record. I went back to the head of the
Cardiovascular Center and wondered if that impressed him a little bit, and of course it's
just only of one person therefore, anecdotal. He denied that was of much significance. For
me, it was of some significance, so I brought nine more of the workers who have been
taking our products because we are interested in saving their lives, improving their
expertise, etc. It turned out that 8 of 10 that they checked out had zero levels. The ages
ran from 43 to 76 years old. The remaining two registered at 400 and above 450, below
problem levels.
I have been taking care of a San Diego doctor who has been buying our products and
he's very much into chelation therapy. I persuaded him and his wife to go to the
Cardiovascular Center. She'd been taking our product very religiously and showed up at
zero levels; he had 1,350 which is in danger of a heart attack.
In 1966, Dr. Irwin Stone published the paper "On the Genetic Etiology of Scurvy,"
pointing out that in scurvy, we are dealing with a genetic, liver-enzyme disease and not
simply a dietary disturbance. The liver enzyme disease, hypoascorbemia, is caused by a
defective human gene for the liver enzyme, l-gulonolactone oxidase, GLO for short, and
was not simply caused by improper foods. This birth defect for GLO prevents humans from
producing their own large quantities of ascorbic each day as nearly all the other mammals
do. Improper foods are not a cause of this disease, but merely a complication involved in
the workings of this potentially fatal birth defect, the real cause.
Because of ignorance of the proper daily dosage of Vitamin C, hypoascorbemia later
known as chronic subclinical scurvy, the so-called CSS syndrome, has become our most
widespread and insidious disease. The chronic insults of the CSS syndrome sets the stage
for the high incidence of morbidity, and high mortality of cancer, heart disease, strokes,
diabetes, and many other current serious medical problems, including sudden infant death
and drug addiction. The continuing application of the outdated tenets of this Vitamin C
hypothesis by orthodox medicine, has only assured the continued high rate of scorbutic
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
sicknesses and scorbutic sudden death in our population. Thus, it can be so easily and
inexpensively avoided.
Imagine the liver of an animal who produces ascorbate. The four enzymes in the liver
react with glucose circulating in its blood to produce ascorbic acid. Stone pointed out, in
just a random way, that ascorbic acid doesn't go into circulation in the body. It immediately
reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates which can get into the
cell more readily. Dr. Stone went around giving out little packets of ascorbic acid with 1
gram of sugar. He wasn't aware, of course, of the great intake of sugar (which is now 159
lb per person and it's one of our major problems). A youngster who may drink as many as
seven Cokes a day, takes in all this sugar without any Vitamin B or C to aid his body in
metabolizing it.
Unfortunately, that is one way that we are delivering to the countries of the world a new
form of America which really doesn't aid our place in the world, because it will kill-off many
people ultimately.
The general scientific community keeps referring to ascorbic acid as Vitamin C. Ascorbic
acid is absolutely not the vitamin C - it's only an intermediate in an animals' body and
present only in plants, fruits really. We are not fruits. We are animals and require neutral
forms of ascorbate. The whole science of examining the value of Vitamin C is rotten
because they are using the wrong form of Vitamin C, i.e., their conclusions about its
producing stones in the kidneys, for instance.
Imagine your Vitamin C batteries running down. This is one way to get people to
recognize the nature of the problem because every organ in your body requires Vitamin C,
and more than any other, your brain requires it. The UCLA Cardiovascular Center told me
that women get coronary occlusion ten years later then men. The reason is that they do
produce some C in their bodies because they have to make a baby. Making that baby
necessitates C and amino acids to make the connective tissue that holds the body
together. Now no one has noted this really, in all the scientific data about babies, but they
have to make ascorbate in order to produce a baby or we would never have a baby that
would hold together. Its organs would grow together and it would die. It is not ascorbic acid
that you would get in your mother's womb - it is mineral ascorbates!
As the woman ceases to menstruate, her output of C goes down and she can get
occlusions of the coronary artery. It is said that cholesterol alone is truly involved in the
occlusion of the arteries which accounts to the major corruption of our medical field. It
certainly is not the primary factor. The reason our coronary arteries clog up is due to lack
of Vitamin C in the intima, the lining of the artery, which starts to hemorrhage (bleed) and
then forms scar tissue. It is this scar tissue, which Dr. William McCormick in the 1950's had
pointed out, is responsible for collecting equal parts of cholesterol, lipids and then calcium.
As soon as the so-called science of medicine recognizes this, a lot of people will be getting
better and better and will not be wasting their money on checking their cholesterol. Actually
the cholesterol is a vital substance in the body because it is the intermediate for the
production for the sex hormones, and it produces a good many other products too in its
own way. So, that is a major myth in our scientific community, and I'm resolved, before I
die, to rid the world of this ridiculous premise.
"If you do not have ascorbic acid, you can't build a healthy body and you can't correct it
later. If you build a wall, you put the bricks down and put mortar and cement on every one.
You can't put the bricks together and then and then pour mortar on top of it. It will never
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
hold."-- Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi We think of the human body as being almost perfect but
yet they're some 4,000 genetic diseases that are ailing us. We are concerned with four
which occur with every person. First, the production of melatonin which usually halts at
entirely age 12. It is a product of serotonin, the chemical messenger of the body. Secondly,
the human body is unable to produce an adequate amount of mineral ascorbates for its
protection against disease and prolonged life. Third, human bodies are unable to produce
the enzyme uricase, which breaks down the uric acid that causes gout. And lastly, we have
inherited a mechanism for retaining sodium when the blood plasma gets down to a level
and requires it, but no such mechanism exists for the retention of potassium. Now, of
course, you're sold on sports products which have as much as 4½ times as much sodium
as potassium. It should be the reverse. Everyone needs potassium.
In the effervescent product which we developed to produce the mineral ascorbates, with
the addition of water, the product effervesces and produces the mineral ascorbates such
as we cannot make in our own bodies. The cell merely requires more potassium than we
get, whereas it desires 100 parts of potassium, to 5 of sodium, to 3 of calcium, to 2 of
magnesium. These neutral mineral ascorbates are readily accepted by the cells, and they
immediately feed the mitochondria which are the tiny chemical factories that help us to
think every thought, or move every muscle. The product that I developed and introduced at
the First World Congress in Palm Springs, in 1978, incorporates mineral carbonates which
react with ascorbic acid and form the true mineral ascorbates, coupled with the B vitamins
and other trace elements. It also goes most readily into the cells, because the minerals act
as ascorbate transporters, feeding the mitochondria those tiny factories to which we owe
every breath we take and every muscle we move.
In a study of potassium levels in approximately 1,000 people in Rancho Bernardo,
California, they found that when they were getting 1,000 mg of potassium daily, they did
not experience any strokes over a ten-year period. Molybdenum has the highest stability
and potassium, is the lowest. So, if we make a product of potassium ascorbate, it's not
going to be potassium ascorbate very long.
In 1977, I decided that we would make a drink to get potassium immediately into the
body. It could be the poor man's chelating agent and that it would disassociate and leave
ascorbate free to pick-up the calcium deposits that are a part of the coronary artery. I
discovered that it would greatly increase one's energy and ability. That is why we are
making as many as a million packets of this product daily, and it is the largest selling form
of Vitamin C in the world. It is a great way to get mineral ascorbates into the cells in the
body, which is the basic unit of all health.
Would it interest you to know that 150,000 people die annually from trauma? There is a
record of a two-year period at San Francisco General Hospital that 390 people died within
the first ½ hour after they entered the hospital. Dr. Stone pointed this out to me, and I
thought that a good name for a product would be Emer'gen-C™ because he said that 50%
of people that die in automobile accidents die from the trauma alone. If we could get C to
them immediately we could save their lives, and so that has been very much in my mind
since. One-way or another, we can live or die depending on the level of ascorbate in our
bodies. The man who dies in his sleep - they say he died of natural causes. He perhaps
died of unnatural causes because he ran out of C in his body and it just falls apart.
The brain will grab whatever C is in the body because if your brain can't work - you can't
work. Most mens' brains shrink from 15% to 40%. Womens' brains shrink only 1%
because apparently the amount of Vitamin C they have in their bodies goes to the brain.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
22) How Emerʼgen-C Works - Life Giving Ascorbates
23) Ascorbate: Humanity's Most Needed Substance
Dr. Albert-Szent-Györgyi, the Hungarian scientist, first isolated one form of Vitamin C,
ascorbic acid, from the paprika pepper produced in great volume by his country. However,
science has generally failed to recognize that ascorbic acid, while suitable for acidic plants
such as oranges and lemons, is not truly suited for use in volume in the human body. It
has a pH of about 2 and any substantial quantities will bring the pH of the urine down from
nearly 7 to 4, irritate the bladder, and induce excessive urination with subsequent loss of
As the volume of ascorbic acid intake may be increased, it becomes more and more
difficult for the body to utilize this nutrient. Indeed, the National Academy has emphasized
that 2 grams of ascorbic acid can induce diarrhea. This is true of some people but not all,
since there is great individual variation in the acceptance of this acid by humans. Indeed,
some humans can be sufficiently accustomed to its acidity as to be able to accept many
grams in excess of 2 grams daily, although the benefits of the product are not usually
proportional to the greater intake.
As a result of this erroneous acceptance of ascorbic acid as the real ascorbate, the
entire medical community has been confused as to the true value of ascorbate. Indeed,
when introduced into the body in the mineral ascorbates of such as animals who do not
suffer from the genetic defect which shortens human life, the benefits of high levels
extending up to as high as 20 grams daily can be clearly realized. Thus, because most of
medical science has been following the wrong star, not using the highly acceptable mineral
ascorbates in their research, the entire field of nutrition has suffered enormously.
Vitamin C is essential to almost all life, especially is this true of animals, and we are one
of them.
24) The Storage Batteries of Our Bodies
"If I get pneumonia, and am taken to a hospital, where I die, they might attach a card, as
they do in Hungary, to my big toe, which would read: "CAUSE of DEATH: Pneumonia." But
I would probably have died of scurvy."
* * *
Nobel Laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, is speaking at the World Congress on Vitamin
C. He is the Nobelist who received the prize for his isolation of the magic substance,
Vitamin C, from the paprika pepper of his native Hungary.
Behind Szent-Gyorgyi's remarks is a simple fact that leaves most people behind the
proverbial 8 Ball.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Some 50% of us already have in our bodies such avengers as pneumonococci,
staphylococci, streptococci, or bacilli, which can bring on this deadly lung disease. Or we
may also include influenza viruses, adenoviruses, syncytial viruses, rhinoviruses,
coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and others, from our childhood.
Rather frightening, isn't it? But the Merck Manual says that the foregoing account for
some 75% of pulmonary infections in schools and military recruits.
An Inside Job
Some 32 years ago, while operating a chemical plant in Northern New Jersey, I received
a telephone call that my father, who lived in San Diego, was being operated upon for
appendicitis. I immediately boarded a plane, and the following morning was able to greet
him in Mercy Hospital, after they had operated upon him. I found that he didn't have
appendicitis, but an inflamed pancreas.
However, within a few hours after greeting my father, because of the high stress of the
operation, he came down with a severe case of pneumonia and died about 24 hours later.
I now know that he probably died of scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, about which I knew nothing
at the time. He, obviously, had the pneumonoccus bacteria already in his body, yet his
resistance, at age 79, was so poor that he promptly succumbed.
Thus, you see, we don't have to "catch" any of these life-threatening diseases. Many of
them are already inside of us, while our immune system holds them in check.
So, if we don't want to come down with any of these unattractive ways to die, we must
do what we can to keep our resistance up. And the secret seems to be: The right lifestyle,
supported by very good nutritional supplement, which absolutely must include the mineral
ascorbates, the real forms of Vitamin C that most animals other than humans produce in
their bodies in multigram quantities.
Here and now, is where high intake of the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C should enter
in your life to stay!
Healthy people, say The National Institutes of Health, require a body pool of at least
1500 mg of mineral ascorbates, the only form in which "C" is stored in our organs, such as:
adrenals, brain, eyes, gonads, pituitary, pancreas, liver
These organs and any area of the body where intense activity is to occur must, for your
energy and resistance to disease, maintain a fair level of this miraculous carbohydrate
which Szent-Gyorgyi has described as "the 'glue' that holds our bodies together."
I feel that the collection points for mineral ascorbates should be considered Miniature
Storage Batteries, which, when "run down", leave us exhausted and almost defenseless
against disease.
25) Subclinical Scurvy
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Irwin Stone has said that some 98% of the population suffers from subclinical scurvy,
that is subclinical only because the doctors do not recognize it for what it is, a
malfunctioning of the body due to lack of ascorbate.
* * *
"Biochemical stress" embodies a number of various stresses the resultant effects of
which are increased vitamin C requirements; if these are not met, certain tissues will begin
to malfunction. The subsequent inability of the human system as a whole to cope with the
malfunctioning results eventually in symptoms associated with particular illnesses. The
symptoms used as the criteria of vitamin C deficiency that have been adopted by the
Establishment of the medical profession are those of scurvy. The daily dose required to
inhibit scurvy - often termed the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) - is given by
various medical authorities as between 10 to 125 mg daily. However, scurvy is a clinical
manifestation of prolonged and extreme vitamin C deficiency. Long before the symptoms
appear, subclinical deficiency of the vitamin persists in certain tissues of particular
individuals, and this situation can last for some time during which the individuals' activities
are increasingly below par. (Boldface: ours)
-- Sherry Lewin, Department of Postgraduate Molecular Biology, North-East London
Polytechnic, London, England
* * *
There are some 1.4 to 1.6 million different species of animal in this world. Thus far, less
than 10 have been found to suffer from the genetic disease, hypoascorbemia, that cannot
produce mineral ascorbates in their own bodies.
These few include humans, the monkey, the ape, and the guinea pig. Some millions of
years ago, says Stone, the ancestors of man lost the fourth enzyme, L-gulonolactone
oxidase, the fourth step in the conversion in the liver of glucose to mineral ascorbate.
Fortunately, says Stone, these ancestors were undoubtedly living in a lush, tropical area
where fresh fruit containing ascorbic acid was freely available. While these amounts of
ascorbic acid would not be sufficient to provide full health, they did provide enough to
permit survival. But, here we are, as humankind multiplies to some 3 billion on this earth,
the most intelligent and resourceful creatures around. Yet, we suffer from this disease that
brings ill health to most of us and has such horrible consequences to many.
But there is the further consideration that we are not using our intelligence to do much of
anything about this ailment, our major disease. Our National Academy of Sciences, for
instance, is so much controlled by the drug manufacturers that they mislead us into
believing that tiny amounts of ascorbate are sufficient to give us good health and long life.
They do this because their promoters want the profits, the billions of dollars in reward, for
their distortion of our true needs.
We of the United States, the most prosperous country in the world, which spends the
most on health, rate only 24th with an expectancy of 70 years of life.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
26) Unexplored but highly necessary investigations of
the role of Vitamin C in the human body which should
be undertaken
Since the pregnant woman must develop a child whose body contains large amounts of
connective tissue that can be produced only with the reaction of Vitamin C to amino acids,
it is germane that this be fully investigated.
It is a general belief that both men and women are unable to produce any mineral
ascorbates whatsoever. However, it is obvious that the woman does produce some
mineral ascorbates, especially when she is pregnant, as the baby must have ascorbate to
make with amino acids the connective tissue that separates every organ of the body and
helps hold the infant's body together. (See Jay Patrick's article Specialized Woman.) The
woman also tends to develop obstruction of the coronary arteries at least 10 years later
than men.
This seems obviously due to her production of ascorbate for childbirth, since Alacer
Corp. has established that such obstruction is due to this phenomenon: The lining of
human coronary arteries is replaced every two or three days with new cells. If these cells
do not contain adequate levels of ascorbate, they start to bleed, and then form scar tissue.
This scar tissue serves to collect the cholesterol, the lipids, and the calcium which can
ultimately jam up the coronary artery entirely, the principal cause of death from heart
8 out of 10 Alacer employees showed zero levels of plaque, when checked out at UCLA
Cardiovascular Center, as shown below. Yet, the dogma that it is a high level of cholesterol
in the body which, of itself, is responsible for the clogging of the arteries which has
persisted for some 15 years, and never been proved. Indeed Alacer regards it as the major
fraud of the medical field.
We firmly believe the clogging of the arteries is due almost entirely to lack of the mineral

Name Age Asymptomatic levels Calcium
for age group
Jay Patrick 82 Over 800 0
Linda Tagle 76 550-800 0
Ymelda Patrick 57 260-450 0
HU 43 155-310 0
AR 42 155-310 0
JU 42 155-310 0
JE 47 155-310 0
RA 47 155-310 0
SU 57 260-450 97
EM 55 260-450 155
UCLA Cardiovascular Findings, 1994
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
27) Forget About Yourself: Just Take Care of Your Dog
or Cat
Dogs and cats have a great advantage! They can produce their own mineral ascorbates
in their bodies, something humans cannot do. This means that a dog that matures at 2
years can live 7 times 2 or 14 years. On this basis we humans who come of age at 20-25
should be able to live 7 times 20 or 140 years. Obviously we cannot, especially if we
depend on our own meager production of ascorbate.
A dog may go along nicely producing the ascorbate at the rate of 2.8g daily (when
equated to a 152 lb. human). However, after the dog is some 5 years old, production of the
ascorbate tends to decline. This is especially to be noted as it approaches the age of 6-8
years, its coat may become rough, even bloody, its energy may decline, and various other
adverse health symptoms may appear.
However, the daily administration of small amounts of mineral ascorbates, as produced
by Alacer, can quickly correct this problem, usually eliminating the adverse symptoms and
prolonging the dog's life.
I once wrote an article entitled "Forget About Yourself, Just Take Care of Your Dog."
Many people may take this advice about the animals they so much love. Certainly the
expense of maintaining a dog in ill health has gone up drastically. The dog's bones and
ligaments may crumble, and major and most expensive repairs by the veterinarian may be
As you note the great improvement in Bowzer, you may decide that you want to do
something about your own life, which is drastically curtailed by your inability to produce
mineral ascorbates in your own body. This is a genetic ailment from which we humans
suffer that has received very little attention in the medical journals. Only a few animals
share our genetic deficiency. They are the monkey, the ape, the guinea pig, a type of
Japanese rat, some bats, and a few other of the many animals. Some 99.9% of all animals
do produce the mineral ascorbates, the neutral forms of C, which unlike ascorbic acid, are
readily accepted by the many cells of the body and do not induce diarrhea and nausea
when taken in volume, as is the case with ascorbic acid.
28) Why Your Dog Gets Arthritis
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that dogs given a Pfizer arthritis medicine
called Rimadyn for their arthritis are now dying in considerable numbers.
The drug was originally developed for humans, but Pfizer chose the safer way of trying
it, first, on dogs. TV spots proudly announced the product and veterinarians started
treating their patients with the product.
The story discusses a 6-year old Siberian husky with stiff back legs, named Montana.
Shortly after Montana started with the drug he "went limp, wobbling instead of walking."
Seizures soon developed and vomiting, so Montana was finally put to sleep, with a case of
severe liver damage.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
This story brings me back to some of my first visits, about thirty years ago, with Dr. Irwin
Stone, an enzyme chemist, who spent fifty years of his life investigating Vitamin C. "Dogs
live about 7 times their period of maturity, maturing at 2 years, they usually die at age 14,"
he told me. "A dog starts out life producing mineral ascorbates or Vitamin C in its liver at
the rate of about 2.8 grams daily, when equated to a 70 kg (154 lb.) person, but he cannot
maintain this level," the doctor said. At about 6 years of age the production of mineral
ascorbates goes into decline, and he starts having problems. His energy declines, his fur
coat tends to show imperfections, and bloody spots may appear. Other signs of scurvy
(lack of ascorbates) show up, including arthritis.
"But if you start giving a dog Vitamin C in good volume, his health will return and he may
live well beyond his allotted 14 years," Stone said.
Stone further outlined the process by which animals produce mineral ascorbates in their
own livers. The glucose circulating in the blood hits four liver enzymes, the last being Lgulonolactone oxidase, which convert the sugar into ascorbic acid. But he quickly
reminded me that the acid form, which would be injurous to the arteries and veins, does
not go into circulation, but immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form
mineral ascorbates such as potassium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate,
and magnesium ascorbate.
These are neutral forms of "C" which help carry the ascorbate into the cells of the body,
supplying a wonderful, helpful combination of minerals and ascorbate.
This, both Stone and I agreed, is the real Vitamin C as produced by animals for animals,
yet almost everywhere people are still under the illusion that ascorbic acid is Vitamin C. It
really isn't. It is an intermediate in the production of the real, neutral in pH mineral
ascorbates, which rapidly step up the body's operations. Actually, in one way or another,
these mineral ascorbates have probably a thousand or more functions in the animal body.
For instance, the connective tissue that separates each organ from another can be formed
only with ascorbate and amino acids. You might note from my article "Specialized
Women", how I state that women are primarily designed for childbearing. As a
consequence, they must produce some mineral ascorbates in their own bodies, else, as
the baby grows, the connective tissue required to separate each of its organs could not be
formed. Indeed, women also produce mineral ascorbates for the milk with which they
nurse their babies, contributing much to their growth and health.
So it is this reduced mineral ascorbate output that is responsible for the decline, and the
premature death of every dog, and since we humans are of the animal kingdom, what
meager output of the ascorbates we may produce or obtain in our diet results in premature
aging, disease and death.
Now you may give your dog, as he gets older, Vitamin C tablets which may be little
more than ascorbic acid. Small amounts can help him, but the more you give the more you
will induce the pH of his urine to decline from nearly 7 to 4, inducing excessive loss of
minerals from his body and not contributing much to his or her benefit. On the other hand,
if you choose to give your dog Alacer's timed-release mineral ascorbates, Super Gram
III™, code 64, your dog will benefit immensely. For each 40 lbs. of animal, you might throw
down its throat a Super Gram III™, code 64, tablet once daily. If the dog weighs more like
20 lbs., we suggest, instead, our Super Gram III™ Senior, code 2, which are only half the
usual size and will slide down a small dog's throat quite easily.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
About Your Life
Another matter which Dr. Stone mentioned: humans mature at ages 20-25, and 7 times
20 is 140 years, which Stone felt is the proper life expectancy of humans if they could only
produce the mineral ascorbates in good volume, as do most animals.
So this is another example of how stupidly our medical profession acts, usually ignoring
the basic needs of the animal body and choosing to insert some ridiculous drug, which is
usually loaded with countless side effects. Also, there might be some guidance for you in
your own life. You might consider the mineral ascorbates which are offered in many forms.
In the powder form, as Emer'gen-C™, as the ingredients effervesce, you are producing the
animal-type mineral ascorbates, which are also loaded with B vitamins and the essential
minerals. In timed release form, as Super Gram III™ you can also take these products
without any side effect whatsoever, and help keep yourself on the road to good health.
Unfortunately, humans suffer from a serious genetic defect in that they cannot produce
substantial amounts of the real Vitamin C in their own livers, as do some 99.9% of all
animals. This is really quite ridiculous that we, the major, most intelligent animal in the
world should suffer this serious shortcoming in the function of our bodies. Fortunately, we
can now make amends for it by taking the mineral ascorbates, such as I have been
imbibing for nearly 30 years. This old dog is now in his 88th arthritis-free year, and heading
toward at least 100.
29) What the American Heart Association and Most
Medical Science Do Not Know About Vitamin C
Far more than 100,000 studies of ascorbic acid, as Vitamin C, have been conducted,
since the product was first identified from the research of Hungarian scientist Albert SzentGyörgyi, in the mid-30's.
However, to the writer's knowledge all reports of ascorbic acid have been listed as
favorable to the health. That is, all until a paper recently popped up, a report of James H.
Dwyer, professor of Preventative Medicine, before a March 2 meeting of the American
Heart Association's Conference on Cardiovascular Disease.
Dwyer reported that people taking about 500 mg of Vitamin C in supplements each day
for a year showed a progression in carotid wall thickness that was 2½ times greater than
those that did not take a Vitamin C supplement. Further, he reported a five-fold increase in
the rate of atherosclerosis progression among smokers.
First of all there is one basic thing wrong with the study. Dr. Dwyer did not use the real
Vitamin C.
Although scientific medicine still has not awakened to the fact, ascorbic acid is not the
real Vitamin C.
Some thirty-one years ago, Dr. Irwin Stone, who spent 50 years of his life researching
ascorbate, reported to me that every human being suffers a genetic disease which greatly
shortens his life and greatly increases his susceptibility to disease. He called it
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
hypoascorbemia, an inability of humans to produce adequate amounts of C, resulting in a
continuous state of scurvy, the condition that felled the early English sailors.
Stone further explained that it is a genetic disease suffered by humans, the monkey, the
ape, a type of bat, a Japanese snake, the guinea pig, and a few other unidentified animals.
Some 99.9% of all other animals produce ascorbate, generally in copious quantities in
their own livers, although the original site of such production in many was the kidney.
In animals, Dr. Stone explained, the glucose circulating in the blood enters the liver and
hits four enzymes, the last being L-gulonolactone oxidase, whereupon it is converted into
ascorbic acid. But the acid does not enter the animal's circulatory system, Stone
emphasized. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral
ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc. These minerals
act as ascorbate transporters to carry the ascorbate into the cell. In addition they serve to
form neutral products which do not irritate the lining of the arteries and veins.
On the other hand ascorbic acid, has a pH of 2 - 3. In quantity, it can bring the pH of the
urine down from nearly 7 to 4, irritate the kidneys, and induce substantial loss of minerals
in its diuretic action.
Stone recognized that ascorbic acid was not the real Vitamin C. He acknowledged that
99%+ animals produce the mineral ascorbates in their own livers, but he never did much
about the problem, nor did Linus Pauling. This great genius had a prominent blind spot.
Indeed, Pauling and Dr. Ewin Cameron coauthored a book dealing with Vitamin C and
cancer. In this book they reported on their efforts to treat cancer patients with ascorbic
acid, as follows:
"As a result of ingesting 10 grams of C (as ascorbic acid) a day some of these healthy
individuals developed heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially diarrhea and were
forced to withdraw from the experimental study" (from Cancer and Vitamin C by Ewin
Cameron and Linus Pauling).
On the other hand, within a year after becoming acquainted with Stone in 1969, I set
about to produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C. I returned to my native California
and first arranged for a chemist experienced in timed-release to produce timed-release
mineral ascorbates, which I immediately starting taking at the level of around 8 grams
I shortly took over a food supplement plant and commenced the volume production of 1-
gram tablets of mineral ascorbates together with B Vitamins and other trace elements. I
have been taking these mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins and other trace elements for
some 30 years now. I can report that I have not had a single cold during this 30-year
period, nor have I had a real attack of "flu" in 17 years.
Although there are some 200 varieties of the cold virus, I don't even get a runny nose,
indicating that I am under attack. My immune system is so effective in countering these
and other countless invaders that I really do not come down with any infectious disease
Interesting note: while our pharmaceutical houses make vast fortunes concocting all
sorts of strange, generally poisonous medicines, we almost wholly ignore the fact that our
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
immune system has the enormous power of keeping us well, if we only give it the "tools" it
needs to function.
Indeed, there is no known medicine for a great variety of infectious diseases with
tuberculosis and pneumonia, probably topping the list. Yet a well-fortified immune system
can keep these ailments well under control.
Learning of the Ultrafast CT Scan, I went at age 82 to the UCLA Cardiovascular Center
in Torrance, California. They promptly found that I had zero level of calcium in my coronary
arteries, indicating almost zero plaque, and proclaimed me "the outstanding man in the
world" in this regard. However, since their chief of staff was so brutally committed to
conventional approaches to cardiovascular disease, I conceded to him that my case was
anecdotal and, therefore, of little scientific interest.
I accordingly came back to the cardiovascular center with nine of our workers who had
been taking our products. As you can see from the enclosed chart, 8 out of 10 had zero
levels of plaque and the remaining two had low levels that represented no cardiovascular
problem. These findings confirm what the real Vitamin C can do for humans. Millions of
Americans have now taken our effervescent form of Vitamin C under the trade name
Emer'gen-C™ and are walking, talking testimonials of the value of mineral ascorbates.
These effervescent products duplicate what the animals produce in their own livers.
Indeed, since so many other nutrients are included with the product, there is great synergy
to the function.

Name Age Asymptomatic levels Calcium
for age group
Jay Patrick 82 Over 800 0
Linda Tagle 76 550-800 0
Ymelda Patrick 57 260-450 0
HU 43 155-310 0
AR 42 155-310 0
JU 42 155-310 0
JE 47 155-310 0
RA 47 155-310 0
SU 57 260-450 97
EM 55 260-450 155
Of course our timed-release mineral ascorbates, Super Gram III™, are also highly
effective in bringing up one's ascorbate level. I now take about 12 grams daily of the two
products at age 87. I am happy to report I still have 20/20 vision, that my bone density is
118% of a 30-year-old man, and that I just don't get infectious diseases.
Since our production of Emer'gen-C™ is now at the rate of 1,000,000 packets daily, we
have a research project which so far exceeds the efforts of Dr. Dwyer as to render his
report insignificant. We daily receive glowing reports of our customers' successes with our
products. Indeed we now call upon our customers to report to us formally as to the years
they have used our mineral ascorbates and as to the success they have had with them.
We are issuing this request on the Internet in the knowledge that we shall get a great
response which will far exceed any study of Vitamin C, especially the real Vitamin C, yet
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
30) Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for
Misrepresenting Vitamin C
Alacer Corp. today filed in Federal District Court an action to compel the National
Academy of Sciences to change their views regarding the non-benefits of large amounts of
Vitamin C in protecting the body from a variety of illnesses, including the common cold.
The suit contests the statement that there is "insufficient evidence to recommend that
Americans get more of the nutrients, Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene than is
necessary to prevent basic nutritional deficiencies." Indeed, the panel stated on April 14th,
in a public release, that "extremely high doses of such nutrients may lead to health
problems rather than conferring benefits."
The first aspect of the complaint emphasizes that the National Academy of Sciences
does not even know the true nature of Vitamin C. The panel erroneously regards ascorbic
acid as the real "C", whereas there is irrefutable evidence that the neutral mineral
ascorbates such as produced in 99.9% of all animals' bodies are the true form of this vital
nutrient. Furthermore, the action emphasizes that because evaluation has been performed
with ascorbic acid, which the panel notes, in 2-gram quantities induces diarrhea, most
health researchers have stopped right there. They have totally failed to evaluate the
neutral, mineral ascorbates which can be ingested in the body at levels far above 20 times
that of ascorbic acid. The scientific world has not done its job!
Health investigators have never really determined the value of the mineral ascorbates at
the levels necessary for them to work miracles in the human body. This mistaken attitude
regarding the need for the true, animal forms of ascorbate has greatly constricted the
market for the viable substance which is truly essential to healthful life. Indeed, the human
mother has to produce modest quantities of mineral ascorbate in order for her baby to form
a complete body. This is because ascorbate reacts with amino acids to form the
connective tissue which separates every organ of the body and also holds them together.
Without production of some quantities of this substance, mineral ascorbate, which has
been largely ignored by the medical profession, no babies could really be born. After birth,
the mother produces mineral ascorbates in her milk, which nurtures the baby far better
than man-made formula containing ascorbic acid.
Because they are researching the wrong product, ascorbic acid, rather than mineral
ascorbates, nutritional researchers of the world have generally failed to identify the full,
multigram requirements of this vital substance. Yet even the dog produces at the rate of
2.8 grams daily of mineral ascorbates when equated to a 154 lb. person. Most animals live
7 to 14 times their period of maturity. Thus, the dog maturing at 2 years, lives to be about
14. On this same basis the human animal, maturing at 20-25, should live at least 7 times
20 to 140 years, which he certainly does not.
Few people are aware that we humans suffer from a genetic disease, our inability to
produce mineral ascorbates in our own bodies, as do more than 99.9% of all other
animals. Only a few animals have been shown to suffer from this life-shortening and poor
resistance to disease. They are the monkey, the ape, the guinea pig, a type of Japanese
snake, a certain bat, and a few other animals. Labeled hypoascorbemia by pioneer
researcher Dr. Irwin Stone, it is truly the major disease of the world. This is because the
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
human body is continually attacked by hundreds of viruses and bacteria which only an
immune system well fortified with mineral ascorbates can hope to counter.
Now, the President of Alacer Corp., Jay Patrick, has been taking mineral ascorbates for
some 28 years. During this time he has never had a cold, nor even the sniffles suggesting
that a cold has attacked his body, nor in the past 17 years has he suffered for more than a
portion of a day from an attack of influenza.
All of this suggests that millions of people are dying prematurely from diseases their
bodies should be able to counter. And further their lives are shortened by their reduced
ability to maintain their bodies in good working condition. For instance, the human brain
requires about ten times as much Vitamin C as the blood plasma. Those who take
multigrams of mineral ascorbates will also find that their eyesight lasts them longer and
that they do not require frequent step-ups in magnification of their glasses, if they require
glasses at all. The nearly 88-year-old Jay Patrick still has 20/20 vision, the bone density
118% of a 30-year-old man, and almost zero plaque in his coronary arteries. (Patrick takes
some 12 to 14 grams of mineral ascorbates daily.)
Alacer Corp. supplies the mineral ascorbates in two basic forms. The first is as an
effervescent drink mix which reacts in water to form mineral ascorbates of potassium,
sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and chromium under the trade name
Emer'gen-C™. One-gram tablets, a timed-release of the mineral ascorbates, are also
available. Alacer has long made it a practice to furnish the mineral ascorbates to its
employees. Accordingly, 8 out of 10 of employees tested have shown zero levels of
plaque. This is a phenomenon which has been duplicated nowhere in the world. Alacer
accordingly feels that millions of lives can be improved and radically extended for those
who daily receive adequate quantities of these ascorbates. But doctors are not going to
recognize this ascorbate need until researchers come to know the fantastic health value of
these true forms of C.

Name Age Asymptomatic levels Calcium
for age group
Jay Patrick 82 Over 800 0
Linda Tagle 76 550-800 0
Ymelda Patrick 57 260-450 0
HU 43 155-310 0
AR 42 155-310 0
JU 42 155-310 0
JE 47 155-310 0
RA 47 155-310 0
SU 57 260-450 97
EM 55 260-450 155
Study made at UCLA Cardiovascular Center, Torrance, California
The panel makes a very broad statement: "There is no convincing scientific evidence
that taking large amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, or the nutrients Selenium and Beta
Carotene can reduce the chances of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's
disease, or other illnesses, a National Academy of Sciences panel announced yesterday."
It is the intent of the suit to address only the conclusions viewed regarding Vitamin C,
since these conclusions are so far out of line of general research on the subject.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
The true Vitamin C, mineral ascorbates, is so essential to the full function of the animal
body that its presence in substantial quantities is obviously of great benefit in preventing
countless ailments, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease.
Indeed, since the true cause of most heart disease is the occlusion of the coronary
arteries, it is of great interest to note that Alacer has established that mineral ascorbates
can so benefit these arteries as to maintain zero levels of plaque. Diabetics who take
mineral ascorbates can prevent deterioration of their eyesight and countless other
A recent study of which Harvard University was a part showed that among 663 people
evaluated, those 26 people who had been taking Vitamin C suffered from no Alzheimer's
disease whatsoever.
As to the inclusion of the phrase "or other illnesses", the panel should recognize that it
cannot logically include this phrase, since it includes thousands of illnesses which have not
been evaluated.
Actually, there is ample proof available that large amounts of mineral ascorbates can not
only prevent the common cold, but nip it in the bud.
Further, the panel seems under the impression that the sole function of Vitamin C is as
an antioxidant, which is very far from the truth. Actually, the full utility of mineral ascorbates
in the animal body reaches such numbers as to defy enumeration. For instance, the brain
requires ten times the level of the blood plasma for good function, which fantastically
protects the eyesight. The adrenal glands cannot produce adrenaline without mineral
ascorbates. The lining of the coronary arteries, the intima, without adequate amounts of
mineral ascorbates, starts to bleed, finally forming scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which
collects the cholesterol. Without it no cholesterol could attach itself to the wall of the artery.
Thus, mineral ascorbates have a major role in protecting the human body against the
major cause of death, heart disease, which is usually due to the accumulation of plaque in
the arteries. As Alacer has long pointed out, the 50-year-old view that high levels of
cholesterol are of themselves responsible for the collection of plaque in the artery, is the
major "fraud" of the medical profession, because this phenomenon has never been
Clearly the governmental agency is at fault in these respects: They classify Vitamin C as
only an antioxidant. This is only one aspect of the power of this remarkable substance.
Mineral ascorbates are involved in the most vital aspects of body construction. The mother
has to produce some amounts of mineral ascorbates during her pregnancy else the
connective tissue which separates each organ and holds the body together could not be
made. This is a scientific fact overlooked by most of medical science.
The mineral ascorbates feed the mitochondria in our body cells. They are the essential
engines of some 70 trillion cells of our bodies, furnishing some 90% of the energy, without
which we would not be able to move a finger, blink an eye, or think a single thought.
Further, if these mitochondria lack sufficient minerals and ascorbate to permit their full
function, their DNA will mutate, leading to disastrous consequences such as Alzheimer's
disease, diabetes, dementia, and other bodily breakdown.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
The most obvious consequence of inadequate mineral ascorbates is scurvy, which
manifests itself in countless ways of bodily breakdown. General ill health, sallow
complexion, loss of energy, pains in the extremities and joints, spongy, bleeding gums, foul
breath, loosening of teeth, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and painful, brawny indurations of
muscles result.
Mineral ascorbates are involved in perhaps 1,000 enzymatic reactions in the body, in
the production of adrenaline, hormones, in the function of the brain, which requires 10
times as much ascorbate as the blood plasma. Furthermore, the immune system which,
despite the futile efforts of drug companies, is the major protection of our bodies against
disease. Indeed, doctors now concede that the immune system is the only protection that
humans now have against this dread disease.
Tuberculosis, once thought to have been eliminated from our society, is rapidly rearing
its head again. Here again the major protection against this destructive ailment is the
immune system, properly supported with mineral ascorbates.
Thus, in summation, it is obvious that the National Academy of Sciences is a flopout.
They have done the citizens of the world a major disservice in dismissing ascorbates so
lightly. Indeed, it is obvious that they should resign their jobs and turn to some useful work.
These people who are paid to assist us to better health have truly committed a crime
against our society! Alacer intends to gather together major medical researchers of the
world to give personal evidence that all of the afore-mentioned charges are absolutely
31) A Crime Against Our Society!
Alacer Corp. Foothill Ranch, CA
May 9, 2000
Jay Patrick, 87-year-old president of Alacer Corp., wishes to announce that Alacer is
preparing a suit against the National Academy of Sciences for their absolute falsehoods in
regard to the use of high levels of Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene.
Alacer is the producer of Emer'gen-C™, the leading effervescent drink mix, which forms,
with water, the real mineral ascorbates such as more than 99% of all animals, except
humans, produce in their own livers.
The suit will concentrate on the completely false statements made regarding Vitamin C,
which contradict their own findings, as reported in their Dietary Reference Intakes report,
just released. We regard our genetic inability to produce mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C
in our own bodies as the major disease of the world. This ailment renders us unable to
counter innumerable diseases which can never be cured by drug approaches and which
greatly shorten our lives.
Alacer attorneys will be filing the suit in about 10 days. We shall summon major
scientists of the world in support of our charges. The role of Vitamin C in life extension, it
will be shown, far exceeds the antioxidant capabilities which the National Academy of
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Sciences indicates is its sole function. Accordingly, we are prepared to prove that the
Academy is actually lying in their remarks, which cover all diseases of humankind. Indeed,
we feel that their statements constitute a crime against our society. Thus, we shall ask that
the federal charter of the Institute be revoked.
32) A Terrifying Male Problem
Boys and girls are not alike, by any means. Girls are specialized for one basic thing, the
production of children. So Mother Nature does a great many things to facilitate the
production of progeny. Among these things, the mother is enabled to produce the mineral
ascorbates of Vitamin C. As a baby may start to form inside her, one of the most basic
things it needs is ascorbates. These ascorbates can, with amino acids, form collagen, the
connective tissue which represents 30% of the protein of the body. This essential
connective tissue separates each organ and prevents its intruding upon another and
performs many other functions including the protection of the heart. This ascorbate
production probably starts well before she becomes a teenager, but it is a general form of
mineral ascorbates which extends to the brain and helps to stabilize the function of the
brain. Because of this general ascorbate production, the young lady, as she grows older,
does not tend to get any clogging of her coronary arteries. This is because enough of the
mineral ascorbates is available to the cells of the intima, which are replaced every 2 or 3
days, to prevent bleeding, which later results in the forming of a hard clot that collects
The mineral ascorbates also serve in the motherʼs milk which she provides from her
breast for her young and are a vital component in forming the whole person. The woman
tends to maintain good mineral ascorbate production through her 40ʼs and until she has
reached menopause. At this time Mother Nature decides that she doesnʼt really need
anymore Vitamin C because she is not going to produce anymore children, so she quickly
halts the production of the ascorbate with the consequence that the woman, as she enters
her 50ʼs, may have just as much tendency in the clogging as the male. But, Mother Nature
is no longer concerned with her, because she cannot any longer produce babies, so She
largely drops the production of “C” in the woman's body, who will probably catch up with
men in this arterial congestion as she grows older. However, enough ascorbate is still
produced, so that the female brain shrinks no more than 1%, in contrast with male
shrinkage of up to 40%.
On the other hand, the male teenager cannot produce any mineral ascorbates in his
body at all. As a consequence he tends to run short on the ascorbate in many parts of his
body, but, especially in the brain, which blocks the mental stability he would otherwise
have. Thus the teenage boy has nearly five times the tendency to commit suicide as the
girl! Furthermore he may decide to murder many of his fellows, as has happened in many
wild school scenes.
So the boy goes into manhood, but he has more problems than the girl. He does suffer
from a tendency to be hyperkinetic for which the drug Ritalin may be administered.
Furthermore, his brain lacks the stability, the balance of a well ordered brain, and he may
go into a life of crime. As a consequence there are 13 times as many men in Federal
prison as there are women. This is a horrifying situation. Apparently no one has figured out
that mineral ascorbates could correct it, and no real solutions to the murderous actions of
the teenager have come from our medical people. I am personally much upset by this
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
situation, I can recall that my years as a teenager were not always pleasant, and I never
knew what to do about some of the mental anguish that seemed to beset me.
I estimate that the young man desperately needs, at least, one or two grams of mineral
ascorbates daily which would certainly straighten out his life considerably, and I shall
welcome any approach which involves a trial of this nature.
So those men who manage to survive the teenage period still have a hard time with life.
They manage to fill our state and federal prisons to overflowing with enormous disruption
of the family life of many. This, of course, has an adverse affect upon their children and
their wives.
As stated, there are about 13 of these males for every female in federal prisons, more
than five times as many men are incarcerated for drug offences in state prisons, where
crimes of violence predominate. Most of them have turned to drugs because, lacking the
supportive mineral ascorbates that balance the woman, their minds are restless, searching
always for the content that drugs temporarily supply. Production of the male hormone
makes them more aggressive but they are in a true state of scurvy, which leaves a great
hole, in their personalities.
We certainly do not have a successful society if we are continuously building more and
more prisons for a substantial portion of our population. Through the years innumerable
programs have been proposed for bringing these offenders back to normal life, but none
has proved successful. We believe that the predominating factor is being wholly ignored:
No man or woman can be a whole person without an adequate supply of mineral
ascorbates serving up to 1,000 different functions in the human body. Vitamin C pioneer
Irwin Stone has described this as, “The greatest single physiological and biochemical
catastrophe to happen to man in the course of evolution”. It is also, I might add, the major
disease oversight of all humankind.
Now, there has been a great deal of research with ascorbic acid, which is erroneously
recognized as Vitamin C, which it is not! Mineral ascorbates of ascorbic acid is the fourth
stage in the production of mineral ascorbates in the bodies of up to 3.3 million animals
which do not suffer from our genetic defect yet. This highly reactive substance then goes
through a fifth stage, where it reacts with minerals present in the animalʼs liver, which
produces the neutral mineral ascorbates. These minerals assist the ascorbate in getting to
the body cells. Now, researchers have conducted many studies of ascorbic acid, but they
do not realize that they are working with the wrong product! Thus, billions of research
dollars and thousands of research days are thrown away, with little benefit to us. Only
limited amounts of this acid can be accepted into the human body. Our researchers have
for years told us that 60 milligrams daily is all the adult requires, although this was lately
advanced to 90 milligrams yet, the very latest findings show 85% of ascorbic acid goes out
in the urine!
Irwin Stone told me some 32 years ago that ascorbic acid is misnamed a vitamin. This,
he said, is because vitamins are required in very limited quantities of milligrams, whereas
the real Vitamin C is required in gram quantities. Accordingly, he said it should be
described as “a liver metabolite”.
Accordingly, most people have been trying to get along on the USRDA for “Vitamin C,
which, at 90 mg, is about 1/167th % of the amount of mineral ascorbates produced by the
average animal, when equated to a 154 pound person”. A ridiculous level, yes?
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
Further, researchers continue to evaluate the wrong substance, ascorbic acid, rather
than the true liver metabolites that are the neutral mineral ascorbates.
This is a most serious error which results in the early death and disease of countless
millions of people. Further, it means that endless research with the wrong product will get
nothing but the wrong answers. How such a major misunderstanding of the true mineral
ascorbates can continue to be supported is most difficult to understand. Understanding is
heightened, however when one considers that the pharmaceutical houses work hard to
support this attitude, since the true mineral ascorbates, when taken in adequate volume,
can probably eliminate more than 90 % of the drugs they sell for billions of dollars. These
drug monarchies continue to arrange for the discussion of Vitamin C as primarily an
antioxidant, when the mineral ascorbates have perhaps 1,000 functions in the human
body, supporting the brain hormone production, the connective tissue that is 30% of the
protein of the body, the immune system that can identify countless deadly agents and
supporting the internal warfare against them.
The misunderstanding of the true state of the mineral ascorbates is responsible for the
premature death and misapplied life of more than 90% of the population of the world.
Scurvy is everywhere, although seldom identified, and almost nothing is being done
about it.
“He died in his sleep, apparently of natural causes.” Thus, is related the passing of
many a person, whose body and brain have just run out of mineral ascorbates, so that
death ensues. Irwin Stone describes this as “sudden death”, which, also, may come as a
result of a shock to the body in an automobile accident, for instance. The archives of the
San Francisco General Hospital report on 862 persons who arrived at their hospital in a
state of shock. 390 of them died within the first half hour, with little or no bodily injuries,
only because their brains had run out of mineral ascorbates.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
I want you to know that I am thoroughly disgusted with our medical profession. I regard
it as incompetent to serve us adequately. The average physician is said to die at age 58.5
years, the very person to whom we turn for advice regarding any illness.
Only a major force can bring us out of this dilemma. Those who really want to survive
can take gram quantities of the mineral ascorbates and generally, enjoy a much better life
and a longer life. It is my pleasure, through my company, to serve these intelligent people.
I am devoting the remaining 10 or 15 years of my life to awakening more and more of
these half dead brains to what can be a wonderful life and a longer life with mineral
ascorbates. At age 90 I have blood pressure 120/60, the bone density 118% of a 30 year
old man, and an assortment of organs that can serve me, I believe, for the next 10 or 15
Indeed, I am the only person in the world who has been taking the mineral ascorbates
for some 32 years, because I bothered to produce them for others and for myself. I shall
welcome all others who have the intelligence to give this new approach to life a good try.
MRI of Jayʼs brain (90 y.o.) MISSING
MRI of the brain of the 65 y.o. MISSING

MRI of the brain of the 83 y.o. MISSING

Project Suicide
Every month or so I am horrified to learn that a teenage student has murdered many of
his fellow students and possibly his teacher, and then committed suicide. Everyone is
puzzled by this happening, with much disgust for a few days, maybe a week, and then
forgotten some months later. A study of the subject is made by the Institute of Medicine,
called Suicide Prevention and Intervention. The Summary of a Workshop the title page
carries this quotation:
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do”. - Goethe
The committee was composed of 14 MDs varying from The University of California in
Irvine to Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass. However, they did not do very much,
completely ignoring the basic physiological reason the teen age male goes bad.
Time Magazine of August 18, 2002 reports that the incidence of bipolar brain problems,
once called manic depression, is increasing greatly and is now striking not only adults but
young people.
Time Magazine pictures seven manic geniuses: Lord Byron, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert
Schumann, Vincent Van Gogh, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, and Kurt Cobain. Of
great interest is the fact that there are six men to one woman, further confirming the male
problem. Doctors have proved helpless in effecting any important relief from this major
disease, which I regard as emanating primarily from a major deficiency of the mineral
ascorbates. However, so long as they continue to regard ascorbic acid as the true mineral
ascorbate, which it is not, they shall continue to be unsuccessful. Ascorbic acid is 85% lost
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
from the body in the urine, rather than going directly into the cells of the body, as is the
case with the mineral ascorbates.
* * *
Jay was born and raised in San Diego, California. He began his career in 1936 at Lord
Abbott and Company in New York City. He left the Wall Street firm when the market fell
and founded the Flex Record Company where he developed the first paper-based sound
recording blanks. In 1940, Jay accepted a position at Detrex Corporation in Detroit
supervising the installation of metal processing equipment as part of the war effort. After
World War II ended, Jay founded Tect Inc., in Northvale, New Jersey where he developed
a highly effective solvent to replace the dangerous carbon tetrachloride. Jay also
developed IBM Tape Cleaner and Developer to service all IBM computers in the world.
In 1968, after years of serving as chief chemist and president of his successful chemical
specialties company, Jay turned his attention to the subject of nutrition.
But to start with Patrick was not at all interested in nutritional supplements. However, he
started to suffer from extreme pains of the TM joints and turned to dentists to help
eliminate them. One dentist had ground down his teeth for some seven sessions without
relief of the pain.
Patrick then happened to notice a full-page article on Irwin Stone, who had been
spending his extra time as an enzyme chemist on studying Vitamin C and its many
benefits. He learned that Stone was located on Staten Island, New York. So he climbed in
his boat up the Hudson River and went to see Stone, landing at the Staten Island Marina.
They became good friends and visited together weekly.
Among the things that Stone told him was that all humans suffer from a genetic disease,
our inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies, as do some 99.9% of all animals. He
explained that animals produce the neutral mineral ascorbates in their own livers.
Patrick tried five or six grams of ascorbic acid and quickly noted that about 95% of his
TMJ pain went away. This immediately attracted his interest. He resolved that he would
find some way to produce the same mineral ascorbates used so successfully by animals.
Accordingly, he shut down his New Jersey plant and returned to his native California.
Shortly thereafter, Jay founded Alacer Corp. in 1970, where he continued his research
into Vitamin C in the form of mineral ascorbates. He appeared on many radio and
television shows with Dr. Linus Pauling, a Nobel Laureate who wrote a number of books
on Vitamin C and became recognized as an authority on the subject.
In 1970, Jay developed a timed-release Vitamin C tablet that included all seven mineral
ascorbates, in addition to other vitamins and minerals. The product proved highly
successful and in 1978, Jay and the Alacer team developed a product containing mineral
carbonates which would react in water to form a great tasting drink, simulating the animal
production of the seven mineral ascorbates which humans cannot produce in their own
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003
bodies. The name of the product was Emerʼgen-C referred to by Jay as “the real Vitamin
C.” It was introduced to the World Congress on Vitamin C in 1978 and thrust Alacer Corp.
to worldwide prominence, with the production of millions of Emerʼgen-CÒ packets.
Jay Patrick committed the last 30 years of his life to improving the health of all
humankind. Even past his 90th birthday, Jay could still be found in his office at Alacer
working to promote the countless benefits of Vitamin C in the form of mineral ascorbates.
Millions of people around the globe continue to benefit from this caring, passion, and
Within the coming years he set up a plant to produce timed-release mineral ascorbates
and other food supplements, which proved quite successful. However, in 1978 he
conceived the idea of making a product which would simulate the production of C by
animals. It turned out to be Emer'gen-C™ effervescent drink mix, which quickly reacts with
the various products necessary for formation of the mineral ascorbates. Emer'gen-C™ has
become the outstanding Vitamin C in the United States as sold through health food stores
and, lately, in many grocery chains.
Patrick has written some 100 articles on health and also wrote the book “Staying Alive
and Being Alive” which has been lost along with many of his articles. These includes
articles like "How to Get Out of the Hospital Alive", "Four Great Medical Hoaxes", "What
Kills Most of Us", and "Specialized Woman".
P.S. Patrick's wife, Ymelda, has 16 grandchildren, all of whom are remarkable people.
All are in excellent health. All are A or B students. The apparent reason? Their mothers
had 8 to 10 grams of Alacer's mineral ascorbates during each pregnancy.
Jay Patrick passed away February 26, 2003 at the age of 90. Jay lived a meaningful
and prosperous life that touched millions of people in many different ways. His
development of Alacer products, which feature Vitamin C in the form of mineral
ascorbates, provided one of his most cherished influences worldwide.
If you find or have any other articles by Jay please make them publicly available.
Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the Alacer's website after his death in 2003
Recommend Papers

Jay Patrick (1912-2003), Founder of Alacer (Emergen-C) - Compilation of Jay Patrick's historical writings on Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Ascorbates, and mineral ascorbates

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Jay Patrick, Founder of Alacer prosilver Novice User Joined On 2/2009 Posted On Sep 24, 2009 Before retiring, I worked for a nutriceutical company (Alacer, maker of Emergen-C vitamin C supplements) for several years that has the largest selling vitamin C product in the US. The company founder worked with Pauling, Stone, Gyorgyi and Hoffer to develop a C that could be given in high doses without the high acidity of ascorbic acid alone. Ascorbic acid is not C, the mineral ascorbates are, but you need all eight of them in balance. Not just sodium alone. No doubt a person with undiagnosed chronic scurvy (which is what a lot of illness is) will respond favorably to the addition of any of the ascorbates, but for maximal results I would certainly not depend solely on sodium ascorbate. Calcium and sodium ascorbate are only 1/4 of the ascorbate complex that makes up vitamin C. There is also magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese, chromium... and I can't remember the 8th one, but it is important, too. The downside to mineral ascorbates is that, with the exception of calcium, magnesium and sodium, the others degrade quickly. So quickly that they cannot be packaged for marketing. Recognizing the problem, it was determined that all of the necessary minerals, in natural body ratios to one another, must be reacted and immediately consumed. This was done by combining the 8 minerals, in carbonate form, with ascorbic acid and some natural fruit flavor, packed as powder in individual one dose hermetically sealed packets. When water is added to the packet contents in a glass the acid reacts with the mineral carbonates and, Voila! a glass of true vitamin C is created for immediate consumption. The company is Alacer. The product is Emergen-C. The creator of the product is probably one of the great unsung heros of Vitamin C research. His name is Jay Patrick. He passed away at the age of 92 and ran the company every day until about a week before his demise. He had to be dragged to the hospital. His diet was deplorable and he got no exercise. I attribute his longevity to his massive consumption of his own invention.

Collection of writings of Jay Patrick Articles by Jay Patrick, Chairman of The Committee for World Health, President of Alacer Corp. (maker of Alacer Emergen-C vitamin C supplement) Jay Patrick (1912-2003) - James W. "Jay" Patrick, president and founder of Alacer Corp. of Foothill Ranch, Calif., died of natural causes on Feb 26, 2003. He was 90. Mr. Jay Patrick developed vitamin C products in the form of mineral ascorbates, including the company's best-selling Emergen-C Fizzing Vitamin C Drink Mixes. He believed that this form of vitamin C, as opposed to the more common ascorbic acid, could be consumed in higher doses because it was less acidic, easier to digest and directly absorbed into the cells. "My father had such great drive about his passion—mineral ascorbates," said Ron Patrick, Alacer's vice president of operations. "He would talk to new employees, salesmen trying to sell other products, bankers or waitresses—it didn't matter who

they were—about the value of mineral ascorbates. His mission was that you understood the value of mineral ascorbates." Jay Patrick became a vitamin C proponent in his late 50s, when he was working as a lab chemist at the TECT chemical company in Northvale, N.J. He discovered the vitamin C research of Irwin Stone, Ph.D., and began taking 2 grams of C daily to alleviate severe jaw pain that doctors could not help. After the pain stopped within a week, Mr. Patrick embarked on his life's work of studying the health benefits of the energy-boosting vitamin and sharing this information with others. In 1970, Mr. Patrick formed the Alacer Corp. to continue his research on mineral ascorbates. He studied the work of vitamin C pioneers and Nobel laureates Linus Pauling and Albert Szent-Gyorgi, the latter of whom became a company consultant. Alacer introduced Super Gram C in 1970 and launched the effervescent Emer'gen-C eight years later. "Jay really did a lot to increase the public's appreciation of the importance of vitamin C," said Stephen Lawson, spokesman for Linus Pauling Institute in Corvalis, Ore., who worked with Mr. Patrick at the Third World Congress on Vitamin C in Victoria, British Columbia, in 2001. Mr. Patrick remained active in the company until his death, continuing to distribute monthly supplies of Emer'gen-C packets to his staff, writing the book Staying Alive and Being Alive and donating vitamins to organizations around the world. He also continued to work with the Committee for World Health, the nonprofit research foundation he formed in 1978. Mr. Patrick is survived by his wife, Ymelda, his son Ron, daughters Lorna, Alice and Janet, and 13 grandchildren. Donations can be made in his memory to The Committee for World Health, 19571 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610. Jay Patrick, Founder of Alacer, King of C Effervesces With Energy by Barbara Hey | Apr 24, 2008 Jay Patrick has spent most of his adult life consumed by, and consuming, vitamin C. When he was in his late 50s, working as a lab chemist in New Jersey, he was felled by severe jaw pain that could not be quelled by conventional medicine. He happened upon research that extolled the health and energy-promoting virtues of vitamin C, and he embarked on a regimen of 2,000 mg per day. Within a week his pain was gone, his life path altered forever. "At the age of 60, I found my purpose in life," says Patrick, now 91 years old. That purpose was and still is—with unremitting fervor—to spread the word about mineral ascorbates, a form of vitamin C that animals, but not humans, produce in their livers. Animals live seven times past their maturity (a dog, for instance, is mature at 2 but lives on average to 14). Says Patrick, it's possible that humans could do the same (mature at 15, maybe live to 105) if they too had an abundance of mineral ascorbates circulating in their bodies. The research that ignited his passion all those years ago was that of Irwin Stone, Ph.D., a pioneer proponent of vitamin C. When Patrick's interest in C first was piqued, he would pilot his boat down the Hudson River to Stone's house on Staten Island to discuss the healing power of the vitamin. Ultimately, there was a parting of the ways between these men over the optimal form of vitamin C. Patrick believes that mineral ascorbates are superior, because, he says, they are more readily absorbed by the body, not as acidic and easier to digest compared to other forms— therefore allowing higher dose consumption.

According to Patrick, ascorbic acid, the most common form of supplemental C, is more likely to cause stomach upset and so just doesn't pack the punch of the seven mineral ascorbates (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, chromium) that are the carriers, and, Patrick insists, the preferable form of the vitamin. His new mission in life led Patrick to California, where he established Alacer Corp. in 1970 and continued his research. He studied the work of other champions of vitamin C, including Nobel laureates Linus Pauling and Albert Szent-Gyorgi, the latter of whom worked as an Alacer consultant at the company's conception. Patrick's goal was to develop vitamin C products using mineral ascorbates as the vitamin's delivery system. This allows the vitamin to bypass the digestive tract and be directly absorbed into the cells where it's needed. "We found that ascorbates act as carrying agents, delivering the nutrients to every cell of the body," he says. He soon achieved his goal. Alacer's first product—Super Gram C—a timed-release capsule of 1,000 mg mineral ascorbates, was introduced in 1970. Eight years later, Alacer debuted what soon became the company's ubiquitous and best-selling product, Emer'gen-C—packets of effervescent powder that contain 1,000 mg of mineral ascorbates, 38 mineral complexes and B vitamins. Emer'gen-C is now available in more than 20 flavors, even coffee and cola, plus a strawberry formulation for kids. Those colorful packets, said to boost energy and labeled with encouragement ("Get Up & Go!"), are now the top-selling vitamin C products sold in health food stores, and the fourth-best-selling brand of vitamin C sold in mainstream grocery stores. If it were up to Patrick, he'd speak of nothing but C, specifically mineral ascorbates, what he refers to as "the real vitamin C." "My father's life is vitamin C," says son Ron Patrick, vice president of operations for Alacer. "[My father] has lived and breathed it for more than 30 years." According to the elder Patrick, everyone needs C and lots of it. "Most of us are wandering on a precipice, with minimal amounts of vitamin C in our body, making us vulnerable to trauma," he says, which is not an issue for Patrick, who stands on solid ground after decades of daily supplementation. "He's probably taken vitamin C longer than anyone," says Ron of his father. So if there is merit to his belief in the power of the vitamin, Jay Patrick is living proof. "I take 10 grams of mineral ascorbates each day. I haven't had a cold in 30 years, and I have coronary arteries completely free of plaque," Patrick says. Alacer's press packet contains a copy of Patrick's latest brain MRI, showing a hearty-sized hippocampus, the site responsible for cognitive functioning, unusual in its heft for a man his age, he says. "Wonder why my hair is this color?" asks Patrick, pointing to his muted-brown locks one afternoon in March while sitting at Alacer's booth at Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, Calif. No words necessary; he demonstrates the answer by tossing two Super Gram IIIs into the back of his throat and following those with a chaser of tropical-fruit-flavored Emer'gen-C. "If you do that three times a day, one pill or one packet, you'll be covered," he advises. But for Patrick it's not enough that he knows the answer; he wants others—millions of others—to know the truth of what he says and to follow his lead. That there is this substance that could help so many but is taken by so few drives him to keep going, to keep spreading the word. He credits vitamin C with an impressive and

surprising array of health benefits: improving vision (his, he says, is 20/20), increasing muscle tone in children with cerebral palsy, preventing cognitive and memory loss, aiding in liver regeneration, correcting sleep apnea, even helping coma victims return to consciousness. He founded the Committee for World Health in 1978 to do further research on how vitamin C might help treat and prevent these and other illnesses. The committee is researching the effects of mineral ascorbates on patients hospitalized in Mexico and Russia, looking in particular at liver ailments such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. In addition, the committee is currently working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, seeking to donate products to AIDS-plagued central Africa. For the past 32 years, Patrick's focus has been on developing products, particularly those with mineral ascorbates, although Alacer's line has expanded beyond vitamin C. And he's had his challenges. "Like any pioneer, he had to figure out the entire production process," says his son. "But through it all, he just wouldn't quit." And all these years later, Patrick still puts in long hours at the office, arriving at his desk every morning at 8 a.m., (with a midday break for a gym workout), overseeing his business, thinking continually of ways to get his message across. "He is still very active in the company; the master chef, the final arbiter of products," says his son. In his spare time, Patrick writes articles (e.g., "Are Girls Smarter [than boys]?" Answer: more circulating mineral ascorbates), and he just completed a book, Staying Alive and Being Alive, that is excerpted on the company Web site. The site also includes testimonials from devotees of Emer'gen-C, such as actors Chuck Norris and Sylvester Stallone. Patrick displays an energy that results in equal measure from his ingestion of and passion for mineral ascorbates. To Patrick, his vitamin C products are not just supplements; they are something that could save us all. "I am going to live to 100 because it is so critical to me to continue to get out the word about vitamin C," he says with conviction. "I know I am living a useful life."

Lawsuit to be Filed Against National Academy of Sciences; "A Crime Against Our Society," Declares Plaintiff Alacer Corp. FOOTHILL RANCH, Calif.--(BW HealthWire)-May 10, 2000 via NewsEdge Corporation Jay Patrick, 87-year-old president of Alacer Corp., announced today that a lawsuit is prepared and will be filed in about 10 days against the National Academy of Sciences, for "their absolute falsehoods in regard to the use of high levels of Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene." Alacer Corp. is the producer of Emer'gen-C(TM), an effervescent drink mix according to independent SPINS market research, holds a 45 percent market Vitamin C sold in health food outlets in the United States. When water is Emer'gen-C(TM), the ascorbic acid reacts with the mineral salts, creating ascorbates like those produced naturally in the livers of more than 99.9% animals - except humans.

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The Alacer suit will concentrate on alleged false statements made regarding Vitamin C, that contradict the Academy's own findings reported in their recently released

Dietary Reference Intakes report, according to Patrick. "We regard our genetic inability to produce mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in our own bodies as the major disease of the world. This ailment renders us unable to counter innumerable diseases which can never be cured by drug approaches and which greatly shorten our lives," Patrick said. The suit will seek compensatory damages and ask the Court to declare that the "true Vitamin C" is mineral ascorbates, not ascorbic acid. Mineral ascorbates can be ingested at levels 20 or more times that of ascorbic acid without fear of diarrhea or other gastrointestinal disturbance. "We shall summon major scientists of the world in support of our charges," said Patrick. "We intend to show that the role of Vitamin C in life extension far exceeds the antioxidant capabilities which the National Academy of Sciences, in its public hearings, indicates is its sole function. Accordingly, we are prepared to prove that the Academy is actually lying in their remarks, which cover all diseases of humankind. Indeed, we feel that their statements constitute a crime against our society. Thus, we shall ask that the federal charter of the Institute be revoked." About Jay Patrick At age 59, Patrick was head of a chemical specialties corporation in northern New Jersey. He had developed in 1954 the outstanding replacement of the highly toxic carbon tetrachloride, stabilized 1-1-1 trichloroethane, and such products as IBM Tape Cleaner and Developer for use by IBM Computers throughout the world. At the time, Patrick was not at all interested in nutritional supplements. However, he started to suffer from extreme pains of the TM joints and turned to dentists, without satisfaction, to help eliminate them. Looking for a solution, Patrick became a good friend of Dr. Irwin Stone, an enzyme chemist studying Vitamin C and its many benefits. Among the things that Stone told him was that all humans suffer from a genetic disease, our inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies. On the contrary, 99.9% of all animals manufacture the neutral mineral ascorbates in their own livers. Patrick tried five or six grams of ascorbic acid and quickly noted that about 95% of his TMJ pain went away. This immediately attracted his interest. He resolved that he would find some way to produce the same mineral ascorbates used so successfully by animals. Accordingly, he shut down his New Jersey plant and returned to his native California. Within the coming years he set up a plant to produce timed-release mineral ascorbates and other food supplements, which proved quite successful. However, in 1978 he conceived the idea of making a product that would simulate the production of C by animals. It turned out to be Emer'gen-C(TM) effervescent drink mix which has become the outstanding source of Vitamin C in the United States, as sold through health food stores and, lately, in many grocery chains. Patrick has written some 100 articles on health and his book "Staying Alive and Being Alive" will shortly be published. It includes articles such as "How to Get Out of the Hospital Alive", "Four Great Medical Hoaxes", "What Kills Most of Us", and "Specialized Woman". Patrick's wife, Ymelda, has 16 grandchildren. They are all in excellent health and are outstanding students. The reason, he says, is that their mothers had 8 to 10 grams of Alacer's Vitamin C mineral ascorbates during each pregnancy. Jay Patrick , Founder of Alacer, with a Dose of Marketing : Irvine Vitamin Firm

Alacer to Begin Advertising BY HOPE HAMASHIGE MARCH 24, 1995 12 AM PT SPECIAL TO THE TIMES IRVINE — Jay Patrick, just shy of his 83rd birthday, goes to work every day in offices cluttered with electronic gadgetry and books and articles about health and nutrition. A sofa bed in one corner is always open so he can take his daily 22minute nap. The founder and president of a 23-year-old Irvine company that makes vitamins and other food supplements counted the late Linus Pauling among his friends. In fact, he credits the Nobel-prize winning chemist with getting him into his line of work. Now, he is one of his own best customers. He takes 10 grams of vitamin C every day--about 150 times the recommended daily allowance--because, he says, it ensures his good health and vitality. After years in relative obscurity, Patrick has decided to raise the profile of Alacer Corp. by making a push into the rapidly growing health-food segment of the retail industry. Alacer, which sells its products in health-food stores nationwide, will begin advertising and marketing its full line of vitamin and mineral tablets, bottled water with electrolyte additives and vitamin-enriched skin-care products. Privately held Alacer is timing its marketing move well, observers and analysts say. The vitamin industry as a whole has seen its sales grow steadily in the 1990s. Total sales of food supplements were a record $4 billion for 1993, according to the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group based in Washington. That represented a 10% increase from the previous year. Tony Cherbak, a retail analyst with Deloitte & Touche, said the health-food and food-supplement industries have not been tracked carefully until recently because they made up such a small segment of the total retail market. The reason for the recent sales growth, he said, is not known, but Deloitte & Touche, as well as other consulting groups, are beginning to research it. Those inside the industry, though, offer this answer: “People can’t afford to be sick because of the high cost of health care,” said Bernie Bubman, co-founder of Great Earth Vitamin Stores, a Los Angeles-based chain. “So they are looking for alternatives.” Whatever the reason for the boom, it bodes well for Alacer, which employs about 100 people and estimates its annual revenue at about $6 million. The company already has a devoted customer base, including some celebrities. Supermodel Cindy Crawford, for example, has touted the company’s E-mergen-C vitamin supplement in fashion magazine articles. Alacer’s growth has been achieved up to now strictly by word-of-mouth. The company has no sales staff--its products are shipped to distribution companies that fill retailers’ orders. “The company was always been a product-driven company,” said Michael Maynard, Alacer’s newly hired director of marketing. Little money or effort went into promotions, he said, largely because Patrick is not a typical businessman. He never mentions the bottom line, and terms like “operating margin” are rarely heard. “As I got older,” Patrick said, “I became more interested in finding ways to live a

longer and healthier life.” That and his friendship with Pauling, who advocated large doses of vitamins to stave off illness, led Patrick into the food supplement business. He never had a marketing plan or an advertising budget. Now, though, “that is all changing,” Maynard said. He would not give specifics, he said, except that “the advertising budget will be brought up to more than the national average, which is about 4% of sales.” (BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC) Healthy Sales U.S. sales of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements increased 14% in 1993. Retail sales, in billions of dollars: 1989: $3.2 1990: $3.3 1991: $3.3 1992: $3.7 1993: $4.2 Popular Choices In 1993, vitamins and minerals alone accounted for $3.6 billion in sales, with multivitamins and vitamins C and E being the top sellers. Market share for 1993, the most recent year for which data is available: Multivitamins: 44% Vitamin C: 12% Vitamin E: 12% B complex: 8% Calcium: 7% Iron: 5% Other vitamins, minerals: 12% Source: Council for Responsible Nutrition; Researched by JANICE L. JONES / Los Angeles Times

Pauling Road Address Fits New Vitamin Factory to a ‘C’ BY GREG JOHNSON MARCH 20, 1996 12 AM PT What better place to put a vitamin factory than on Pauling Road in Foothill Ranch? After all, the street is named after the late Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist who helped to make Vitamin C a household word. What’s more, Jay Patrick, the 84-year-old founder and president of Alacer Corp., counted Pauling, who died in 1994, as a mentor and friend. During the 1970s, the two men helped to popularize the benefits of taking Vitamin C. Patrick was supposed to preside over a March 14 groundbreaking for the new, 58,000square-foot plant and headquarters office that Alacer wants to build on Pauling Road. But Mother Nature intervened with a rainstorm, and the groundbreaking will be rescheduled at an as-yet-undetermined date. About 100 people work at the company’s existing facility in Irvine, which manufactures vitamins and dietary supplements. The new plant will turn out Alacer’s line of vitamin and mineral tablets, along with a topical nutrition skin-care line. As for the Pauling Road name, Alacer spokesman Michael Maynard says that it was a bit of “weird luck.” Patrick was reviewing several possible sites in Foothill Ranch when he saw the Pauling sign that helped to clinch the deal. * Foothill Ranch Exec Targeted Over Toxic Waste

L.A. TIMES ARCHIVES JUNE 24, 2000 12 AM PT FROM ASSOCIATED PRESS He runs a multimillion-dollar Foothill Ranch vitamin company whose products get rave reviews from actors Sylvester Stallone and Chuck Norris and New York Mets catcher Mike Piazza. But New Jersey officials are preparing a bitter pill for 88-year-old Jay Patrick: They want to force him to pay for the estimated $2-million cleanup at the site of a chemical company he ran for 25 years in Bergen County where about 1,000 drums of toxic solvents were found buried. Patrick acknowledges that Tect Inc., the Northvale company where he served as president and chief chemist, buried chemicals. But he says it had no alternative and believes there’s little New Jersey can do about it 32 years later. “I can’t say I’m proud that we buried those things, but there was nothing else we could do,” Patrick told The Record of Hackensack. “We couldn’t burn it because that would kill people, and we couldn’t bury it up in the mountains. There was no alternative.” Patrick said he expects his vitamin supplement company, Alacer Corp., to take in about $24 million this year. That has New Jersey officials hopeful they can recover most or all of the cost of cleaning up the site. When the contamination was discovered in March, Northvale officials assumed the company’s former owner was long dead. But after Northvale Mayor John Rooney publicized the contamination, a local newspaper received an anonymous letter asserting the owner was living in California. Rooney said that because the contamination occurred more than 30 years ago, Patrick cannot be prosecuted criminally. And there were no laws in effect at the time prohibiting the burial of solvents on an industrial site. He said he hopes the borough or state can sue Patrick to recover costs of the cleanup, which the state is paying for out of an account funded by levies on the chemical industry. Mothers, Fathers: Is Your Child on Ritalin? We of Alacer believe that, in most cases Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder results from the child’s greater-than-average need for good nutrition,especially Vitamin C, in the form of the mineral ascorbates. Surely the child does not suffer from a nutritional deficiency of methyl-phenidate, the true name of this drug. Accordingly, we will furnish the first 500 parents of any child now on Ritalin,who wish to try our nutritional approach, with a free bottle of Super Gram III Jr., containing 100 Timed Release tablets, a 33 day supply. We ask only for a report on the results obtained. We look at it this way: Some 4,000 genetic diseases have been identified. They include sickle cell anemia from which many African-Americans suffer and phenylketonuria from which a few children suffer at birth and until they are at least 12 years old. But almost no attention is given to the major genetic disease

which afflicts absolutely every living person, hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in our own livers: (as do 99.9% of all other animals). Says E. Cheraskin, M. D., D.M. D., who has researched the subject for some 38 years and authored 23 books: "Hypoascorbemia, our genetic inability to produce the mineral forms of Vitamin C in our own bodies, is the major disease of the world. It renders us far more susceptible to disease and generally shortens our lives some 20 years or more." Indeed, C. Alan B. Clemetson, professor of Tulane University School of Medicine and author of 3 volumes on Vitamin C, further comments: "One would never think of treating a patient with sickle cell disease or cystic fibrosis of the pancreas without taking those inborn errors of metabolism into account. Likewise, no human being should ever be treated without regard to our common metabolic defect (hypoascorbemia)." (Page 11, Volume 1, Vitamin C, C. Alan B. Clemetson) Growing up, it is well established, in an enormous strain on the body. Indeed, many children develop growing pains, as their legs stretch upward in growth. Most children, especially those of higher intelligence, may burn up the limited amounts of Vitamin C available to them. Thus, they suffer from frank scurvy, although it may not be obvious to the pediatrician. Stress and greater activity will themselves do this and, therefore, the consequence is that their brains are short on Vitamin C and other nutrients. This is reflected partly in an inability to concentrate adequately on any particular subject. Thus the child becomes somewhat "scatterbrained" and jumps nervously from subject to subject in hyperactivity. We think that taking a drug such as Ritalin which has some 18 or more side effects is the wrong way to go. As with almost every disease, as Doctors Cheraskin, Clementson, and countless others familiar with the subject will tell you, a first priority is to do something about the child’s great need in growing up for good levels of the mineral ascorbates. Indeed, there are findings that ascorbate will even increase height in many children as much as one inch in less than a year of intake. (Page 4, Vitamin C: Who Needs It?, E. Cheraskin, MD, DMD, Arlington Press.) Side Effects of Ritalin Children Loss of appetite, trouble in sleeping, stomach pain, and weight loss, may be especially likely to occur in children, who are usually more sensitive than adults to the effects of methylphenidate. Also, there have been reports of children’s growth rate being slowed when methylphenidate was used for a long time. Some doctors recommend drug-free periods during treatment with methylphenidate. (Page 1119, Complete Drug Reference, US Pharmacopeia) "I regard it as a National disgrace," says Jay Patrick, Alacer President, "that one million or more children are given a drug during their formative years, when probably most of them need only good nutrition. They especially need the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C." Parents who are interested in this approach are invited to send e-mail to [email protected]. They need only identify themselves, give the name, address, and age of the child, and agree to report the results obtained. They will then be sent a 100 tablet bottle of Alacer’s Super Gram III jr., mineral ascorbates with multiple vitamins and trace elements, a 33-day supply. The child is to take one tablet, three times daily. Based in Foothill Ranch, Calif., Alacer Corp. is a leading manufacturer of over 75 dietary and nutritional supplements, headed by their flagship product Emergen-C,

the best selling Vitamin C drink mix on the market, furnishing one gram (1000 mg.) of mineral Ascorbates, with 200 mg. of powerful potassium, other major minerals and B vitamins per packet. Alacer Corp. staged two World Congresses on Vitamin C, in Palm Springs (1978) and in San Diego (1991). Alacer Corp. is America’s leading producer of fully reacted Mineral Ascorbate products. Its Emergen-C Vitamin C drink mix has been the best selling Vitamin C product in health food stores for many years. And its Super Gram III and Miracle Sports Water have been industry favorites for many years as well.

By Jay Patrick "If I get pneumonia, and am taken to a hospital, where I die, they might attach a card, as they do in Hungary, to my big toe, which would read: "CAUSE of DEATH: Pneumonia." But I would probably have died of scurvy." * * * Nobel Laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, is speaking at the World Congress on Vitamin C. He is the Nobelist who received the prize for his isolation of the magic substance, Vitamin C, from the paprika pepper of his native Hungary. Behind Szent-Gyorgyi’s remarks is a simple fact that leaves most people behind the proverbial 8 Ball. Some 50% of us already have in our bodies such avengers as pneumonococci, staphylococci, streptococci, or bacilli, which can bring on this deadly lung disease. Or we may also include influenza viruses, adenoviruses, syncytial viruses, rhinoviruses, coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and others, from our childhood. Rather frightening, isn’t it? But the Merck Manual says that the foregoing account for some 75% of pulmonary infections in schools and military recruits. An Inside Job Some 32 years ago, while operating a chemical plant in Northern New Jersey, I received a telephone call that my father, who lived in San Diego, was being operated upon for appendicitis. I immediately boarded a plane, and the following morning was able to greet him in Mercy Hospital, after they had operated upon him. I found that he didn’t have appendicitis, but an inflamed pancreas. However, within a few hours after greeting my father, because of the high stress of the operation, he came down with a severe case of pneumonia and died about 24 hours later. I now know that he probably died of scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, about which I knew nothing at the time. He, obviously, had the pneumonoccus bacteria already in his body, yet his resistance, at age 79, was so poor that he promptly succumbed. Thus, you see, we don’t have to "catch" any of these life-threatening diseases. Many of them are already inside of us, while our immune system holds them in check. So, if we don’t want to come down with any of these unattractive ways to die, we must do what we can to keep our resistance up. And the secret seems to be: The right lifestyle, supported by very good nutritional supplement, which absolutely must include the mineral ascorbates, the real forms of Vitamin C that most animals other than humans produce in their bodies in multigram quantities. Here and now, is where high intake of the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C should enter in your life to stay!

Healthy people, say The National Institutes of Health, require a body pool of at least 1500 mg of mineral ascorbates, the only form in which "C" is stored in our organs, such as: adrenals brain eyes gonads pituitary pancreas liver These organs and any area of the body where intense activity is to occur must, for your energy and resistance to disease, maintain a fair level of this miraculous carbohydrate which Szent-Gyorgyi has described as "the ‘glue’ that holds our bodies together." I feel that the collection points for mineral ascorbates should be considered Miniature Storage Batteries, which, when "run down", leave us exhausted and almost defenseless against disease.

What Kills Most of Us By Jay Patrick It is obvious that the human body wears unevenly. But the most stressed of all organs are the heart and the arteries that serve it. In a 76-year lifetime, the average heart, weighing a little over one pound, will pump some 52,680,000 gallons of blood, which the arteries must carry about the body. The coronary arteries can withstand this enormous load and the friction on the vessel wall, which are maintained only by continuous replacement of their lining, the intima. This lining must remain smoother than the finest silk for good arterial health. But, because of poor nutrition, the new cells that try to provide a new lining every two or three days are, with advancing years, of poor quality, so the surface of the lining becomes rough and then starts to bleed. Patching the Pipes The body rushes to repair the holes, but, as the bleeding stops, tough, inflexible scar tissue replaces the mirror-smooth surface of the artery and makes the vessel more rigid (atherosclerosis). Then, Protein A quickly adheres to this surface, followed by cholesterol, lipids, and calcium. These products, which are essential to body function and, for perhaps 40 years, have circulated freely over a very smooth surface, now start to accumulate, forming sludge that blocks circulation, ultimately bringing on death, or the very temporary patch-up job of the heart bypass. Yet, the cause of this arterial breakdown has been apparent for many years. In 1957, two Canadian physicians, Drs. G.C. Willis and W.J. McCormick, clearly identified it as scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, the same liver disease that, centuries ago, killed off most of the sailors who were at sea for months without fresh vegetables or citrus fruit. Magellan, in 1519, set sail with a fleet of five ships on one of history's great voyages, the circumnavigation of the earth. Three years later, only one ship, with only 18 members of the original crew, returned to Spain, without Magellan. "Limeys" Survive Over two hundred years later, in 1747, James Lind, a British ship's surgeon, studied the mysterious malady and found that lemon juice contained an unknown substance that could save his sailors' lives. For lack of limes, the average ship

had to return to port within a few weeks, else the bodies of most of the seamen literally fell apart, so they quickly died. But, when the British Navy learned to carry limes (lemons) on their cruises, they could stay at sea for many months. But foreign navies, which operated without limes, were greatly handicapped, and had to return to port within a few weeks. They could not carry out long voyages, so it is no wonder that the British navy became so successful, that Britannia Ruled the Seas for more than a century thereafter. Finally, the magic substance was isolated by Dr. Albert Szent Gyorgyi, the Hungarian scientist, who obtained a great volume from the Paprika pepper of his native land. At first, it was called hexuronic acid----but later re-named ascorbic acid. Now, I have frequently explained that ascorbic acid is a highly reactive substance that is short on electrons, so it is always looking for mates with which to unite. Thus, when we ingest the acid, we are engaging in a biochemical lottery, since, when it enters the stomach, it may react with whatever product is available. That's because it is only an intermediate for the neutral, mineral ascorbates, which most animals produce in their livers, and then circulate freely through their bodies. First Things First "What we don't see doesn't hurt us. What we don't know doesn't pain" (from the once-popular song, Please Don't Take Away My Dreams). Yet, we great intellectuals, who can fly all over the world, peer into the depths of the cell and know its workings, create the Hydrogen Bomb, rocket to the moon, maybe clone ourselves, and so, on and on: We cannot understand that what is happening to our bodies is the same thing that happened to those ancient sailors. It is scurvy in a subtle form. We can't see it, so we think it does not exist. We are getting more and more news about the great accomplishments in the field of genetics. Some 4,000 genetic diseases have been identified. Already, we are assuming the God-like role of correcting some of them. Yet, two genetic liver diseases that oppress all humanity are virtually ignored. The major one is hypoascorbemia, inability to produce Vitamin C in our own livers, as do 99.99% of all other animals. Known exceptions: humans, the guinea pig, monkeys, apes, a type of bat, and a rare rat. The second liver disease from which all humans suffer is hypouricasemia. We lack the enzyme uricase, which breaks down excess uric acid, the cause of gout, and converts it into harmless allantoin and carbon dioxide. So billions and billions of dollars are being expended by research corporations to find solutions to some 4,000 different genetic diseases that affect, erratically some of our population. But very little attention is being given to the two major liver diseases that, in one way or another, affect all humans. Some attention is being given to uricase, and perhaps 50,000 studies have been made of Vitamin C, but no one really works on the problem of re-establishing production of this major substance in our own bodies. Yet mineral ascorbates participate in perhaps 1,000 metabolic functions in the body, especially as the interaction of one substance upon another is considered. The Great Reaper This is the liver disease from which all of us who are spared accidental death shall surely die. Why? Because we don't get the superior resistance to disease and longer life, starting, at least, while in our mothers' wombs, that the real Vitamin

C, the mineral ascorbates, provide. So, those who take ascorbic acid under the impression that it is Vitamin C are much in error. Ascorbic acid is the intermediate form of "C", as it is present in vegetables and fruit. Humans cannot tolerate in much volume the acidity of ascorbic acid (pH 2), as it irritates the kidneys, bladder, and intestines. Yet, in the multi gram quantities we require for good health and longer life, it causes mineral-loosing diuresis and diarrhea. You may ask: How much mineral ascorbate do we really need? I can't give you an exact formula, because it depends so much on your sex, age, life style, and physical condition. I can tell you, though, that I weigh about 168 lbs., have been taking from 8 to 14 grams daily for the past 25 years. I have not had any colds for some 23 years, as they were comparatively easy to eliminate. Avoiding attacks of the "flu" was harder, though. By stepping up my intake of ascorbates, I could usually knock them out in one to two days. However, for the past 10 years or so I have not had even one such attack. If you are a woman under 40, you probably do not require as much ascorbate as a man of the same weight. World authority on Vitamin C Irwin Stone told me, some 27 years ago, that he believed that women produce small amounts of vitamin C in their own bodies, which accounts, he said, for their living 6 to 8 years longer than men. Cardiologists inform me that women usually start the formation of plaque about 10 years later than men, but that they often catch up with them in later life. A Dog's Life Perhaps you have a dog. Dogs are more fortunate than we, in that they do produce some 2.8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, as equated to a 154 lb. human. And, as Dr. Stone pointed out to me some 26 years ago, dogs and most animals other than the human animal live 7 times their period of maturity. 2 times 7 is 14. On this basis we human animals should live 7 times our period of maturity which is 20 to 25. 7 times 20 is 140, far above the average of about 76 years. But, if you own a dog, you will probably notice that, as he gets to be 8 or 10 years old, he starts to have problems. His skin may be affected, for instance, and bloody scale will appear. This is because his production of ascorbate is declining. But if you regularly give your dog adequate mineral ascorbates, this scale will disappear, and he, she, may live up to 20 years. (I once wrote an article: "Forget about yourself. Just Take Care of Your Dog." So dogs may show their lack of adequate ascorbate more outwardly than we. Obviously, our reaction in the lining of our arteries is not visible to the naked eye. Deficiency of ascorbate can appear in countless ways. I read of one famous TV star who is going blind. I am sure that she would not be going blind if she had adequate mineral ascorbates in her body, because, next to the adrenals and the brain, high concentrations of ascorbate are quite necessary to prevent degradation of the eyesight, and the high intra-ocular pressure that brings on glaucoma. When I was nearly 83 years of age, I heard of a miraculous Ultrafast CT scan, which is about 10 times as fast as the "CAT" scan of which you may have heard. I learned that there was one of these CT scans at the UCLA Cardiovascular center in Torrance, CA. Checking for Plaque So I decided to go and have a cross section pictures of my arteries taken. I felt a bit apprehensive. I wondered if I had been misleading people for some 23 or so

years regarding the feeding and care of their arteries. I climbed into the tunnel of the Ultrafast CT scan, and in about 30 seconds they took 30 different cross-section views of my arteries. The highly cooperative technician allowed my cameraman and me to watch the results as they were displayed on the screen. The coronary arteries were absolutely clear (0) of all calcium, so he told me that this was "a new record for an 82-year-old man"! You see, calcium is the third major substance that clogs the arteries, and the only one that can be picked up by the x-ray. However, the American Heart Association believes that the presence or non-presence of calcium is a clear indication of the total plaque. Thus, I was greatly relieved. So, I later returned to discuss this extraordinary finding with Dr. Bruce Brundage, head of the Cardiovascular Center. He quickly told me that the finding was interesting, but that it was purely anecdotal, in that an excellent result with one person was not scientific proof that it would occur with the general population. I agreed with him, so, the following week I brought back 10 of our employees who had been taking our mineral ascorbate products. CT Scan Results Age Normal range CT Scan Results Jay Patrick 82 years old over 800 0 calcium Linda Tagle 76 years old 550-800 0 Calcium Ymelda Patrick 57 years old 260-450 0 Calcium HU 43 years old 155-310 0 Calcium AR 42 years old 155-310 0 Calcium JU 42 years old 155-310 0 Calcium JE 47 years old 155-310 0 Calcium RA 47 years old 155-310 0 Calcium SU 57 years old 260-450 97 Calcium EM 55 years old 260-450 155 Calcium Of the 10 people subsequently checked out, 8 had 0 levels of calcium and the remaining 2 had low levels at which no symptoms appear. We compared the averages of asyptomatic persons with data provided by several cardiovascular centers. This data showed that it was highly illogical that anyone in the age group covered could possibly get such astounding readings. Indeed, I challenge anyone in the world to take the same age group, which includes a 77 year old woman and an 82 year old man, and get such remarkable findings. The two of our employees who had the higher readings had not been taking their recommended dosage of 4 to 8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, so they did not show up as well as they should. However, you will note that they were below the readings for other asymptomatic people in their age group. Saving Smokers? Furthermore, two of the people, much to our regret, are smokers, who outside of their work probably consume up to a pack of cigarettes a day. Thus, even these people were getting protection against a bad habit that tends to induce cancer and arterial breakdown! Dr. McCormick reported his finding that every cigarette burns up at least 25 mg of ascorbate, so, obviously, the mineral ascorbates have certainly been compensating in some regard for the bad habit of our two smokers. Perhaps this is something that those cigarette addicts should know about! Further studies of this phenomenon

should be undertaken forthwith. (Some 46 Million people are said to be smokers). Arrangements are being made for studies at several universities of people who take the mineral ascorbates for at least a two-year period. 100 people will receive the mineral ascorbates and 100 will receive a placebo. Thus we are steadily proving that all the malarkey about cholesterol represents the greatest medical farce of our century, to quote one writer. We have formed The Committee for World Health to conduct a further investigation of the mineral ascorbates. As a non-profit foundation, we expect that it will get the funds to conduct much needed research that has not really ever been done. Dr. Sherry Lewen, an English researcher, who made a remarkably thorough study of Vitamin C, reports in his book that the second liver enzyme has been given healthy men, and 25% turned up as ascorbate in their bodies. The Committee is going to see what can be done to introduce all four ascorbate pathway enzymes into the liver, so as to eliminate the need for supplementation of mineral ascorbates. Meanwhile, I strongly recommend mineral ascorbates with the B vitamins and trace elements, timed released, as the best approach to the problem. Scientists are steadily discovering more and more aspects in which our bodies are less than perfect. I have discussed two known liver diseases, hypoascorbemia and hypouricasemia, but there are other inborn ailments that assail most or all of us. In my view, hypoascorbemia is the major ailment of all human kind. The mineral ascorbates that most animals can produce protect their bodies so effectively that, as noted, these animals live 7 times their period of maturity, whereas we live only 3.8 times. As to hypouricasemia: some of us can suffer mightily from this excessive production of uric acid, which is commonly known as gout. Now the normal conception of the gout sufferer is that of an elderly, overweight, highly dissipating person, whose big toe enlarges and makes it difficult for him to walk. But this is a poorly formed idea of gout. Actually it is a major disease that affects countless millions, often in subtle ways. Indeed, it may develop into a bad case of gout arthritis, which can affect the entire body and, in its extremes, so damage the joints as to make one a helpless cripple. So, I have discussed the two major, genetic diseases that affect all humanity. There are other genetic diseases from which most of us suffer that are being largely ignored. I shall give attention to them in a subsequent article. But, if the medical profession and medical research will only give more consideration to nutritional approaches to these ailments, I am confident that major strides will be made toward the better health of the world. Are You On The Brink? By Jay Patrick Nearly everyone expresses dismay that some 50,000 Americans annually lose their lives in automobile accidents. Yet the Scientific American Magazine reports in its April, ’97 SAM -CD Surgery, that the major annual loss of Americans up to 38 years old amounts to about 150,000 people... from another cause. It’s not AIDS. And who can guess what it is? It’s trauma! Most dictionaries define trauma as: "a body injury produced by violence or any thermal, chemical, or other extrinsic agent". This "body injury" may not be at all obvious. It may be an internal disruption of body function that cannot be seen. However, you might note that three times as

many, or some 450,000 additional people who, also, endure trauma, yet do not die, says this distinguished periodical, will, nevertheless, suffer permanent disability! This adds up to the horrifying toll of some 600,000 young Americans annually, who either die suddenly or suffer life-long disability . . . many of whom may not have a scratch on them! (Aren’t they as important as those who have AIDS?) High Stress Actually, Dr. Irwin Stone, world pioneer on vitamin C, pointed out to me, in 1970, that some 50% of those who die in automobile accidents suffer no real bodily injury, yet die from the trauma, the high stress of the accident. The chart furnished by The Scientific American in their excellent CD, shows the timing of 862 mysterious deaths from trauma, over a two year period, at a San Francisco General Hospital:

Almost half of those who did reach the hospital (390) were either Dead on Arrival, or died within half an hour. No one in our hospitals knows what to do for them! (Many do not get to a hospital, but go directly to the morgue.) The "wild" aspect of these findings is that the injuries to these persons are not regarded as intrinsically life threatening. Thus, the deaths are identified as due to trauma. Some 27 years ago Dr. Stone told me that about 50 percent of those who die in automobile accidents, die not from any substantial injuries, but due to the high stress, the trauma, of the accident. Stone felt that, accordingly, it is of high importance that accident victims get immediate help. Thus, he believed that prompt intake of vitamin C, which is the outstanding anti-stress agent in the world, preferable in the form of mineral ascorbates, would save many lives. "Researchers found," he said, " if one just jingles keys in front of a rat’s cage, that, in response to this stress, the rat will quadruple its output of Vitamin C". This illustrates an animal’s need for ascorbate, in order to deal with emergencies... and we are animals, too, and have animal bodily needs. Yet 99.9% of all other animals produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in their own bodies, protecting them against countless ills against which we have almost no protection. The Scientific American estimates that about three times as many people die annually from Trauma (about 150,000) as from AIDS (about 50,000). The Major Killer Indeed, at the first World Congress on Vitamin C which I staged in Palm Springs in 1978, Dr. Stone’s topic was Sudden Death. All of this made sense to me, so I introduced at the World Congress where Stone spoke, a new product, named Emergen-C Drink Mix. Emergen-C forms the highly effective mineral ascorbates of vitamin C, and tends to get them very rapidly into the body. It has been the outstanding nutritional drink of America for some 18 years. As the powder effervesces in water, it forms 7 mineral ascorbates, plus about 25 other mineral complexes, which get nutrients into the cell almost immediately. But daily intake of C, preferably in Timed Release form, with B vitamins and other trace substances (Super Gram III), can probably help enormously to avoid such emergencies. Of course, it will, also step up the immune system, as well. Stone felt that some 98% of the population was suffering from sub-clinical scurvy

(lack of vitamin C). He said it was sub-clinical only because the doctors cannot recognize it for what it really is, frank scurvy, ready to show itself when sudden, high stress is thrust upon the body, burning up what residual C is available to continue its physiological operations. Since almost half of the 862 deaths shown on the chart occurred within the first half hour of hospital entrance, certainly some quick action was needed to save these lives, yet obviously, no such quick action was taken, or is daily being taken, with such everyday cases. Dr. Stone also told me that animals who, unlike humans, can produce vitamin C in their own livers, produce it in 5 stages. After the 4th stage, in reaction to 4 enzymes, the glucose circulating in their blood becomes ascorbic acid, but it then goes through a 5th stage in which the ascorbic acid reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates. These are neutral forms of C which, unlike the highly acidic, ascorbic acid, are non-irritating to the blood vessels of the body. They are also picked up more quickly by body cells, since the minerals act as ascorbate transporters to carry this vital nutrition throughout every area, from head to toe. The Terror of Trauma I regard this as a very terrifying situation: That so many thousands of our fellows, when subject to some stress, without visibly sign of physical injury, may die in a matter of minutes. It’s hard to believe, but it’s been documented for many years. In fact, I have discussed the subject at great length with a distinguished physician and re-searcher who has been a close advisor for some 25 years, Dr. Abram Hoffer of Victoria, B.C. It was he and another Canadian researcher, Dr. Humphrey Osmond, who first learned, some 35 years ago, that most schizophrenia can be cured or checked with high doses of Vitamin C and niacin. Still carrying on a very active practice, at 79, Hoffer recently said: "Many years ago, when only crude measures were employed, it was found that animals exposed to stress such as throwing them into cold water, would lose all the vitamin C from their adrenal glands. As with humans, the adrenal cortex is the animals’ major depository of Vitamin C, which may seem strange. Why is it there? I think it is there because it surrounds the adrenal medulla which is full of adrenaline. The adrenaline released from the medulla, the center of the gland, must travel through the cortex. I think the ascorbate is used to protect the adrenaline from oxidation, so that it can be released in its true state, not as some by-product such as adrenochrome, which induces schizophrenia. "I am convinced," he continues, "that if everyone were to take enough ascorbate, they would not die as frequently as they now do from severe shock, excluding major loss of blood or organs. I think Irwin Stone was correct. Several years ago, I tried to get the local hospital to place all patients on the surgical waiting list on at least one gram a day, telling them that they could drastically cut down deaths and the number of days in the hospital, but they would not even consider this. I believe vitamin C is the major anti-stress nutrient in the body. Furthermore, if you take "C" as the neutral mineral ascorbates, your body can easily tolerate many, many grams of this live-saving nutrient." What Causes Sudden Death? One important piece of information that is missing from the S.F. Hospital report; What were the life styles of these 862 who went so suddenly to their death? Alas, this information is not readily available. But I will bet that smokers greatly predominated. Many years ago the pioneering Canadian physician, Dr. W.F. McCormick, calculated that each cigarette burns up about 25 mg of ascorbate in the average body. So, a few cigarettes can quickly put one in a deficit condition regarding his 'C' level, especially in his brain, the master cylinder that is

secondary only to the adrenal glands as a storage point for ascorbate. Anyway, I'm going to ask the Committee for World Health to conduct an investigation of the life habits of all people who end up so suddenly in the morgue without any substantial body injuries. Such information, in fact, should be an integral part of every coroner's report. Taking the Breath Away In Israel, two researchers, Biochemists Herman Soreg and Alon Friedman of Hebrew University recently unearthed a great clue as to a major brain dysfunction that may occur when the body is short on mineral ascorbates. The Israel army was concerned that its soldiers might be subject to a chemical attack that interferes with the function of an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. So the soldiers administered pyridostigmine, a drug that protects against such chemical attacks. Although the attacks never took place, after the soldiers had been in combat, the drug bridged the blood brain barrier, and induced serious side effects, something it was not supposed to do, reports the May '97 issue of Discover. Puzzled by this result, Soreg and Friedman immersed mice in very cold water to stress them, then injected blue dye, which promptly went to the supposedly impregnable brains of the animals. This is a rather revolutionary finding, since it opens up the possibility that, under conditions of severe stress, the human brain may be subject to invasion from which it is supposedly immune. Biochemists have long since been aware that the brain protects itself with the blood brain barrier against countless potentially damaging substances present in the normal body. But, if stress can induce the brain to lower its bars, the menace that trauma presents to mental and physical well-being can be greatly intensified. Thus, the brain which has lost all or almost all of its ascorbate protector appears to have a much greater vulnerability to total break-down, with deadly consequences. I surmise that this sudden admission to the brain of such usually inadmissible, potentially poisonous substances may be one of the principal factors in the high incidence of sudden death. But why don't other animals, including the young ones, experience sudden death under the trauma of stress? That must be because more than 99.9% produce high levels of ascorbate in their own bodies. As I have previously mentioned, just jingle keys in front of a rat's cage, and it will quadruple its output of ascorbate to counter the stress. panacea: a remedy for all disease or ills. Panacea: an ancient Greek Goddess of Healing. Long ago, Dr. Irwin Stone told me "ascorbate is the only known panacea. No matter what one's ailment, it helps to mitigate or cure it." Ascorbate works, he explained, in countless ways to protect the body and re-establish its full function. I feel that it has remarkable ability to restore balance to the cell, the unit of life. Another ascorbate researcher, Dr. Frederick Klenner, of Reidville, N.C. found that intravenous administration of massive amounts of ascorbate could bring about the complete recovery of patients suffering from an enormous variety of ailments, ranging from snake bite to encephalitis of the brain. His results are all

documented in a book. The Real "C" Thus, it became evident to me, some 25 years ago, that the only real vitamin C is the type of C that animals produce in their own bodies, mineral ascorbates. And so I abandoned the chemical business which I had headed for some 30 years in New Jersey, and returned to my native California, determined to produce the mineral ascorbates so essential to full health and long life. Yet most of the world is not awakened to this fact: If you try to take the level of "C" you require, which should be many grams, generally, you will find that you cannot tolerate ascorbic acid in the multi gram quantities your body really needs. Ascorbic acid has a pH of about 2, which is highly irritating to the kidneys and bladder and tends to pull minerals out of the body, rather than introduce them, as is the case with mineral ascorbates. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling learned this, but he still kept on advising people to take the "cheapest "C" available, even though he reported highly adverse findings in the book "Cancer and Vitamin C", which he co-authored with Dr. Ewan Cameron, in that high intake (10 grams) of ascorbic acid induced "heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially diarrhea". So I had a good reason for naming our new product Emergen-C which, when immersed in water, immediately forms the mineral ascorbates. In 1989 I noted a San Jose, Calif. Mercury newspaper article which stated: "Asians In Their 30’s Are Dying Mysteriously". I wrote the paper, explaining that their cause of death was quite obviously scurvy, but received no reply. Two years later, in 1991, after returning from staging the Second World Congress in San Diego, we had a most dismaying occurrence. A 32-year-old Filipino had been working for us as head of our maintenance department for about two years. Since we had moved to Irvine, he had a long distance to drive, so he chose to work a ten-hour, four-day week, which put extra stress on his body. He also declined to take any of our vitamin C products which we were producing. On a Wednesday, this young man rose at 12:00 midnight from his bed, only to promptly die. I attended his funeral, where they spoke of all the many things he had been doing for his fellow Filipino’s in the community, which, of course contributed to more stress on his body. After the funeral, I attended a luncheon in the home of the sister-in-law with whom he and his family lived. Spread before me was me was a very long table, all laden with boiled food. His sister-in-law, an anesthesiologist, explained that while she might take half an hour to prepare a meal, he took three hours, obviously boiling everything to death... This was further proof that he had cooked out all the residual vitamin C in his food, which seems to be a common practice among Asians. I now had the explanation of his death, scurvy, as well as the deaths of many other Asians, Sudden Death, by the book of Dr. Irwin Stone. Baa, Baa, Baa! Rudy Vallee, Jay Patrick, and Ymelda Patrick When he was about 82 years old, the famed old-time singer, Rudy Vallee, the Bing Crosby of his time, (The Wiffenpoof Song, The Stein Song) got in touch with me and

asked for assistance with his diet. We supplied him with our mineral ascorbates and other products for about three years. Indeed, my wife and I attended, in 1985, a Thanksgiving dinner for twelve in his Hollywood home, which proved to be his last Thanksgiving. However, he later had a fall on his estate and had to have 13 stitches taken in his head, although no bones were broken, probably due to his good diet. But, he was not in touch with me over a period of some three weeks. I learned that an x-ray technician had discovered that he had a tumor on his esophagus. Rudy decided to have the tumor taken out, without mentioning it to me, although I would have warned him to maintain a high level of ascorbates both before and after the operation. He underwent the operation at a well-known Los Angeles hospital. The operation was a "success" and the tumor benign, but he promptly had a stroke that left him in a coma! I visited him, although he was still unconscious, but he died two weeks after the operation. I later learned that he had no ascorbate before or after the operation, as the hospital had taken it away from him, so he suffered the rebound effect of total deprivation of "C" without any of the supportive action which he needed in a period of great stress. Thus, I believe his brain gave in to the shock, so he suffered a very serious stroke. Equal Problem, Different Result! Interestingly, when having a routine examination about three years later, I learned that I, too, had a tumor on my esophagus, although it had never bothered me. Indeed, it may have been there for more than 25 years. However, I decided to have it taken out while I was in condition good enough to sustain an operation. But I was much concerned that good blood for transfusion be available, since I did not regard the blood banks at that time as being too trustworthy. The first surgeon I consulted in Anaheim regarding my request for good nutrition was a very imperious fellow, who told me very emphatically that his patients would take what he told them they should take and nothing else. So I immediately discharged him and turned to Loma Linda Hospital, near San Bernardino, California. The fine surgeon there readily agreed that I could take all of the vitamins I wished, both before and after the operation. I accumulated four pints of O Positive blood with the Red Cross, three from my stepchildren and one from me, which were sent to the hospital for my specific use. . I, also, was determined to maintain high levels of mineral ascorbate, both before and after the operation, since I did not want to follow the death route taken by my friend Rudy. So I went in for the operation on a Friday morning and took some 10 grams of mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins, Timed Release. They operated at about noon. But this was a rather difficult operation, which involved spreading apart the ribs on my left side.. However, my blood coagulated so readily that not one drop of blood was needed for transfusion.. I walked away from the hospital the following Tuesday morning, essentially very well recovered from the operation. Thus I have reported on two operations of the same type, on men in their 80’s, with opposite results. You may choose which way you care to go, if you require an operation. What Helps Keep Us Alive I have re-established the Committee for World Health as a non-profit foundation to investigate more intensively the major ailments of man, especially the Two Genetic Liver Diseases, hypoascorbemia (inability to produce vitamin C in one’s own body),

and hypouricasemia (inability to produce uricase, which inactivates the uric acid that induces gout and the crippling disease, gout arthritis). The Committee, under the direction of molecular biochemist, Dr. Richard Dana, is trying to organize in San Diego a program under which patients arriving at a local hospital will be given at least two grams of mineral ascorbates, immediately, upon arrival. The ascorbates will be given either as an effervescent drink, a tablet, or intravenously. Once this program has been followed, I predict it will clearly become evident that deaths and disability from trauma can be radically reduced. The period of recovery will also be shortened mightily, you may be sure. Indeed, I hereby challenge the hospitals to give this program a try. Certainly, it can help to keep their patients around a little longer, instead of their being carted off to the morgue. This program will help to prove to a disbelieving medical profession what can be done about the disabling liver disease, hypoascorbemia, that handicaps all humankind. However, such emergency procedures, though helpful in saving lives, are not really enough. All of us should be taking from 4 to 10 grams daily of mineral ascorbates in timed release tablets, which would protect us against the situations that bring on trauma and strengthen our resistance to disease, as well. But I must tell you, at this juncture, that the intransigence of the medical profession is almost beyond belief. Most doctors and most medical researchers are so wrapped up in their strictly drug approach, where the big money is, that it is, still, most difficult to break through the Wall of Authority that they have imposed on our very lives. Thus, the chief concern of so many in the profession is to protect their turf, rather than to really help their patients. And the average doctor is, himself, so immersed in this drug, patch-up approach that he doesn’t live as long as his patients: He dies at 57! An Exceptional Physician A notable exception is Dr. William Saccoman of El Cajon, who has utilized nutrition in his practice for some 20 years. I wrote about him some 17 years ago. The wife of an Orange County publicist had been in an Anaheim hospital for several weeks, with a badly swollen leg from phlebitis, about which they could do nothing. In fact, they feared that the clot in her leg might loosen, travel to her heart, and kill her. But they didn’t know what to do about her case, so, astoundingly, they asked that she leave the hospital. At my suggestion, her husband picked her up in his car, and drove her to Dr. Saccoman in San Diego, who promptly put her in a hospital. There, he gave her, alternately, tablets of mineral ascorbates and niacin. Within three days she left the hospital, a well woman. But, some months later, after the doctor had performed a few more miracles of alternative medicine, he was told that he was no longer accredited to the hospital, so he could not place any more patients there. In subsequent years, as Saccoman proceeded to employ his knowledge of good nutrition In two other San Diego hospitals, he was, for similar reasons, denied their facilities for his patients. Understand, though, this is par for the course. All over the U.S., doctors have even lost their licenses to practice simply because their methods did not conform to the generally accepted procedures of their peers. Since most of their peers know almost nothing about nutrition, a great injustice to the doctors who do, and to their patients, obviously ensues Thus does a Medical Monopoly, supposed established to protect the public, serve, instead to abuse the public and to enormously step up the death rate and the failures of doctors to perform for the public good. Cop Stress Dr Hugh Riordan, who heads The Center for the Improvement of Human Function, in

Wichita, Kansas wondered about what happens to blood levels of ascorbate under stress. So, he checked the ascorbate blood levels of a group of Wichita policemen, just before they were to go on strenuous night duty. He found their ascorbate levels to be fair. Then he checked the policemen again, after 8 hours of stressful duty. Ascorbate blood levels: undetectable. Stallone Survives In producing the first Rambo film, Sylvester Stallone underwent many days of strenuous agony. I interviewed him for three and a half hours after he had completed the picture, in his California home. He felt I had saved his life with Emergen-C. You can see the story, as it appeared in Sports Science. () On The Edge Obviously, the average person is tottering on the edge of a precipice, unaware that a minor accident can easily occur that can quickly destroy him, or immobilize him for life. A word to the wise is sometimes sufficient. Cost Analysis: The reported cost of treating one case of AIDS latest, highly touted, drug is $15,000 annually, or $41.10 a day. However, we believe Death from Trauma can probably be prevented for as low as 16 cents a day. Try our mineral ascorbates! We know that you will feel a clear benefit the very First Day ! In producing the first Rambo film, Sylvester Stallone underwent many days of strenuous agony. Jay Patrick interviewed Sylvester Stallone for three and a half hours after he had completed the picture, in his California home. He felt that Jay Patrick had saved his life. See the story, as it appeared in Sports Science: "For a while I thought I was going to die. But I took a packet of Emergen-C every 45 minutes or an hour" -------Sylvester Stallone Rambo’s First Aid – Tougher than tough. America’s rough guy Rambo faced heavyweight horrors and conquered them all. A little more human Stylvester Stallone had a harder time of it. In First Blood he had to plow through icy waters and torrential downpours and often slept outside in a wind-chill factor of 45 degrees below. Rambo may have taken it all in stride, but Stallone the man credits his survival to Emergen-C a new type of vitamin C drink made by the Alacer Corp. When water is added to milligrams of C with B readily assimilated by combination of Vitamin

the effervescent drink mix, Emergen-C provides 1000 vitamins and 25 mineral ascorbates and complexes that are the body-including potassium ascorbate, a radical new C and on of the body’s most important minerals.

Potassium is the major mineral in the body’s cells, and it plays a crucial role in metabolism. It’s also the first element lost when the body is under stress. Using the VIVO SOFTWARE PLAYER you can listen to Sylvester Stallone talk about how Emergen-C and SUPERGRAM helped him: Click Here Try our mineral ascorbates! We know that you will feel a clear benefit the very First Day ! We’ll send you a 36 packet box of Emergen-C Effervescent Drink Mix (1000 mg of mineral ascorbates per packet) and a 40 Tablet bottle of Super Gram III (1000 mg of Timed Release Mineral Ascorbates per tablet, plus B Vitamins, 7 minerals,8 mixed bioflavonoids, in a base of Ginko Biloba and over 200 trace substances).You’ll get enough of these two break-through products to provide you with Two (2) grams of Mineral Ascorbates daily for 36, plus days. Send $19.95 for this, double dose, 36-day supply, with extra data, postpaid, U.S. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY! DON’T WAIT FOR AN EMERGEN-C! Frequently Asked Questions about Emer'gen-C: Emer'gen-C is Alacer’s top selling product. This effervescent drink mix is a nutritional supplement that offers you 500 to 1,000 mg of Vitamin C in the form of Mineral Ascorbates. Mineral Ascorbates can be absorbed by the body in much higher levels and are free from the side effects associated with ascorbic acid, the ‘typical’ Vitamin C, such as upset stomach and heartburn. While packaged, Emer’genC is in the form of ascorbic acid. However, once it is mixed with water, a chemical reaction takes place converting the acids into a nearly neutral pH effervescent drink of Mineral Ascorbates. Q: How many flavors of Emer'gen-C are there? A:We currently produce 14 different flavors or mixtures of Emer’gen-C. They are, Lemon/Lime, Tangerine, Raspberry, Cranberry, Orange, Tropical, Strawberry for Kids, Strawberry for Adults, Tangerine Power for Joints, Coffee, Mixed Berry Hi-Calcium, and our three unsweetened formulas, Lite, Lite with MSM, and Lite Triple Power with Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Q: What is the difference between regular Emer’gen-C and your Lite Emer’gen-C flavors? A: The three “Lite” formulas are unsweetened and are available in a light, neutral citrus flavor. Also, the Lite formulas contain only three B Vitamins, B3, B12, and Folic Acid. Q: Is Emer'gen-C Gluten free? A: Yes. All of Alacer products are Gluten Free. Q: What is Aspartic acid? A: Aspartic acid is a naturally occurring amino acid; it is not a sweetener. Q: What is MSM and what does it do? A: MSM is a non-metallic sulfur compound that occurs widely in nature. It is nontoxic, physiologically active, and possesses some anti-inflammatory properties. Q: Is “Aspartate” the same as “Nutra-Sweet? A: No. People often confuse aspartate with Aspartame, commonly known as Nutra-Sweet or Equal, the artificial sweeteners. Aspartate, also known as aspartic acid, is a naturally occurring amino acid, a building block for proteins and an important

metabolyte. Q: How much ‘sugar’ is in Emer’gen-C? A: Except for our unsweetened Emer’gen-C Lite formulas, Emer’gen-C is sweetened with fructose with the amount ranging from 5 to 6 grams depending upon the flavor. The highest calorie count in any Emer’gen-C flavor is 30 (which is Emer'gen-C Strawberry for kids). The highest calorie count on the basic Emer'gen-C is 20 calories. Q: What are Glucosamine and Chondroitin? A: Glucosamine Sulfate is derived from shellfish and helps to rebuild damaged cartilage. Chondroitin Sulfate is derived from animal cartilage and reduces the breakdown of existing cartilage. In addition, both Glucosamine and Chrondroitin act as an anti-inflammatory. Alacer Corp. supplies Glucosamine and Chondroitin in its Tangerine flavored Power for Joints Emer’gen-C sweetened with fructose as well as in its unsweetened formula, Triple Power. Q: What is different about your Nutritious Coffee Emer’gen-C? A: TThe main differences are that this Emer’gen-C product contains a level teaspoon of Columbian Decaf Coffee, has no calories and contains 500 mg of Vitamin C as Mineral Ascorbates rather than the usual 1,000 mg found in our regular product. Q: Is it OK for someone who is pregnant to take Emer’gen-C? A: While we do have information that many pregnant women take Emer’gen-C without complications, this is a question that should be answered by your physician before using any product of this nature. Q: Where can I buy Emer’gen-C? A: Emer’gen-C is sold at most heath food stores, grocery stores, and pharmacies. For a list of the major retailers that carry Emer’gen-C or to find a health food store or health practitioner that carries it please go to the “Retailers” page at this website. Q: I have heard that Emer’gen-C is a good product to take for a ‘hangover’. Is this true? A: That has been reported to us as a true statement. Due to the dehydration effect that alcohol can have, the electrolyte replacement aspect of Emer’gen-C can help rehydrate the body and help with this problem. Q: Will Emer’gen-C cure the ‘Common Cold’? A: While we do not make that specific claim, some of our customers claim that Emer’gen-C helps them maintain a more healthy body and consequentially may help you when you experience cold symptoms. There is no known ‘cure’ for the common cold. Q: How long will my unopened packages of Emer’gen-C maintain their potency? A: Under normal conditions and not exposed to extreme heat or cold, Emer’gen-C has a shelf life of 24 months. Q: How many packets of Emer’gen-C should I take in one day? A: We recommend two or more packets a day, however it depends on the individual’s age, weight, health, and physical activity. We sponsor a number of athletes and hear of active people every day who take a much higher quantity. Q: Why do you have a Strawberry for Kids and a Strawberry for Adults Emer’gen-C? What’s the difference? A: The Strawberry flavor is our ‘Multi-Vitamin’ product. It contains the A, B, C, D, E and K Vitamins. The difference between them is in the dosage of vitamins. Also, the Strawberry for Kids is sweeter tasting.

Q: In light of this, how many of the ‘regular’ Emer’gen-C packets are recommended per day? A: Again, we recommend that you take two or more packets each day to help you maintain a more healthy body. Many of our customers report that they will take an Emer’gen-C when they become tired or ‘run down’, as the B Vitamins mixed with the 7 Mineral Ascorbates help restore their energy. Some typical use patterns include: One packet in the morning to get going. One packet at that 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm energy low many people experience. One after exercising to replenish lost electrolytes and rehydrate the body Q: Will I have trouble sleeping if I take Emer’gen-C late in the day? This is not a common problem, but just as some people experience restlessness or sleeplessness when doing cardio exercise late in the day, this depends on the individual. There are no stimulants like caffeine or ephedrine in our product, so this should not be an issue. Q: Is Emer’gen-C OK for persons with diabetes? A: We make three Emer’gen-C “Lite” formulas without sweeteners of any kind for our customers with Diabetes. Please consult with your personal physician to determine if our other flavors with Fructose are ok for you. Q: What is the source of energy? Minerals assist the body with energy production. Vitamin C supports adrenal function and helps with fatigue and slow metabolism. When minerals and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are combined in the same. molecule, Mineral Ascorbates are formed. The advantages of linking minerals with ascorbic acid are meaningful. Ascorbic acid, by itself, is quickly absorbed through the intestinal tract and afterwards, excess quantities are rapidly excreted from the body . In fact, studies show that approximately 73% of ascorbic acid ingested gets removed from the body in less than 24 hours. In contrast, only approximately 5% of the Mineral Ascorbates are eliminated during the same time period. It is this almost complete absorption of these energy nutrients by the body’s 70 trillion cells, in combination with the instant absorption provided by the unique delivery system of effervescent Emer’gen-C that delivers the SUPER ENERGY. B12, in particular, is the “energy” vitamin, as it increases energy level, whether obtained from eating B12 foods or from supplemental use. Alpha lipoic acid plays an essential role in cellular and muscular energy production by helping the body burn sugar. Q: Can you overdose on Vitamin C? A: a. Vitamin C is water soluble and nontoxic even in large doses. Mineral Ascorbates, our nonacidic form of Vitamin C, is generally free of the side effects common in taking large doses of ascorbic acid Vitamin C, such as; diarrhea, nausea, and heartburn. But, it is possible to over saturate the body’s tissue fluids with Vitamin C, with diarrhea being the most common and usually the first signal. Q: Why do you recommend 2 or more packets a day? That is more than 2000% of the RDA for Vitamin C! Doesn’t the body just eliminate the extra? A: Ta. The body will eliminate what it can’t absorb through the urine. However, Vitamin C, when reacted with minerals and transformed into a nonacidic state, is absorbed by the body by up to 85 to 95% more than ascorbic acid. Q: What is the source of each ingredient? Are they synthetic?

A: a. Some of the ingredients are from natural sources and some are synthetic. Synthetic vitamins have the same molecular structure as naturalvitamins and are indistinguishable by the body. Q: What is the source of the natural colors and flavors? A: a. The colors and flavors are derived from natural sources. Emer’gen-C does not contain MSG or artificial colors and flavoring. Q: What is the age group for the Strawberry Emer’gen-C for Kids? A: Age 4 and older, but always check with your physician first. Q: Is it safe for children if they are already taking a multivitamin? A: a. Some vitamins are fat-soluble and can be toxic if taken in excess. This is a question best answered by your physician or pharmacist. Q: Are all the Emer’gen-C formulas considered a multivitamin or just the strawberry? A: a. Just the strawberry is considered a multivitamin. The other Emer’gen-C formulas don’t contain all the necessary nutrients to be classified a multivitamin. Q: Isn’t there a lot of sodium in Emer’gen-C? A: a. A single Emer’gen-C packet only contains 60 mg or 3% of the daily value (2,400 mg for 2,000 calorie diet). Q: I am very active and have knee problems. How many packets of Power for Joints or Lite Triple Power can I take a day? A: a. It is generally recommended that an individual takes, 1,500 mg of Glucosamine and 1,200 mg of Chondroitin daily. That’s the equivalent of 3 packets daily Q: Can I put this in tea or coffee? A: a. Yes. It is recommended that Emer’gen-C be used in combination with water, however; our studies indicate that you can add Emer’gen-C to tea, coffee, and juice without loss of any significant nutritional value. Q: Will the ingredients still be active if I carry it around in my water bottle for a few hours? A: a. Although Emer’gen-C tastes better if you drink in immediately, it will remain effective for 6-8 hours, and longer if refrigerated. Q: How do I know if I should take MSM or Glucosamine/Chondroitin for my joint aches? A: a. MSM is commonly used as an anti-inflammatory, while Glucosamine rebuilds cartilage and Chondroitin replenishes the fluid between joints. Both act as an anti-inflammatory What Most People Don't Know About Vitamin C By Jay Patrick Looking for the Real Vitamin C? It isn't Ascorbic Acid! Ascorbic Acid is only an intermediate form present in many fruits and plants. Suppose you take Ascorbic Acid in the quantity you need to protect yourself against aging, cancer, heart attack, stroke, arthritis, and cataract - that's maybe 4 to 10 grams a day. (Archives, National Academy of Sciences, August 1989) You'll find that it brings your urine down to the acid level of 4 - 4.5 pH, irritates your kidneys and bladder, and causes with it diurectic action, the loss of valuable minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc, which are quite essential to life. "As a result of ingesting 10 grams of Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) a day some of these healthy individuals developed heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially diarrhea, and were forced to withdraw from the experimental study..." (from Cancer

and Vitamin C, by Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling). If they had used Mineral Ascorbates, there would have been no such reaction. Mineral Ascorbates have countless advantages over pure Ascorbic Acid or single ascorbates such as Calcium Ascorbate. 99.9% of all animals in the world produce their own Vitamin C in the form of Mineral Ascorbates. Unfortunately, humans suffer from a genetic defect, hypoascorbemia, an inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies. Only a few other animals are known to share this problem which humans: guinea pigs, monkeys, apes, and a type of bat. This may greatly explain why humans don't live so long as they might. A dog matures at 2 years and lives at least 7 times his period of maturity, or 14 years. Humans mature at 20 to 25 years. Seven times 20 equals 140 years, which would appear to be our life potential, if we could produce ascorbate in our own bodies. Next to the skin, the liver is the major organ of the body. Animals who produce ascorbate react the glucose circulating in their blood with four liver enzymes with produce Ascorbic Acid. But this Ascorbic Acid is never circulated in the body. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form Mineral Ascorbates of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and other trace elements. These are neutral mineral ascorbate transporters, as well as ascorbate transporters to some 70 trillion body cells. Do You Know That There Are Two Kinds of Vitamin C? By Jay Patrick 1. ASCORBIC ACID: This form of Vitamin C is found naturally in citrus fruits, hip berries, acerola, fresh tea leaves, and peppers. It has a pH of 2 to 3, which is clearly on the acid side. This acid can be tolerated in humans at varying levels, ranging from 200 mg. to 2,000 mg. daily. Usually, gram quantities lower the pH of the urine from the norm of about 6.8 to 4. to 4.5. This is increasingly irritating to the kidneys and bladder, inducing a strong diuretic action, which results in a marked loss of valuable mineral from the body, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, and heartburn. (Cancer and Vitamin C, Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling) Since ascorbic acid is an unstable, highly reactive substance, it may react, instead, with countless other materials, especially in the stomach. This means that the acid may be used inefficiently in the human body. It is, indeed, a highly active form of "C" which is not always accepted by body cells, and, as stated, may rapidly go to the kidneys and bladder for excretion from the body. 2. MINERAL ASCORBATES: These mineral forms of Vitamin C are the basic versions utilized by all animals that, unlike humans, can produce "C" in their own bodies. (Only humans, the guinea pig, the monkey, the ape, and a type of bat have been shown to suffer from this genetic disease, hypoascorbemia.) With four enzymes in their livers, 99% of all animals in the world manufacture ascorbic acid. But, in a fifth stage, which is often ignored, the acid reacts with the minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates. Actually, authority milligram grams, if

the name Vitamin C is a misnomer, according to Dr. Irwin Stone, world on the subject. Vitamins are required by the body in only microgram or quantities, whereas mineral ascorbates are required in quantities of many the needs of the human body are to be fully met.

Into The Cells These neutral, minerals ascorbates are both mineral transporters and ascorbate transporters. Thus, they are rapidly accepted by some 70 trillion cells of the human body, which require both minerals and ascorbate for survival. This means that, instead of losing minerals vital to life such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and chromium, as with ascorbic acid - these sustaining substances are being added to body cells to help them maintain the equilibrium that is vital to good health and survival. In fact, Vitamin C can be stored in organs such as the adrenals, the brain, and the heart only as mineral ascorbates. Stored Life Savers In contrast with the wasteful and inefficient ascorbic acid, the neutral mineral ascorbates are undoubtedly the most efficient form of Vitamin C available, as they can quickly get into the cell, the unit of life. In the cells of major organs, these enormously versatile Life Savers are stored for their most effective use, as required, to meet both continuous and emergency needs of the body. Thus, the mineral ascorbates have the capacity to increase greatly the fantastic protective and energy enhancing power of Vitamin C, which among perhaps 1,000 interacting functions in the body, is essential to the production of adrenalin, the power hormone that we expend so rapidly, especially in stressful situations.

10 Benefits of Timed Release, Fully Reacted Mineral Ascorbates By Jay Patrick Critics of megadose intake of Vitamin C state that enormous amounts of the substance spill over into the urine. There is considerable truth to this statement, especially under some of the following circumstances: If the form taken is ascorbic acid, which, especially at high levels, is irritating to the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. If the intake is suddenly increased. In such cases, the cells have not had time to get accustomed to being offered such high levels of "C," so they are not ready to accept it, and it heads for the kidneys. If the ascorbic acid is in the form of a powder, liquid, or non-timed release tablet. In such concentrated form, without minerals, the substance hits the cells too suddenly to be well picked up. On the other hand, in animals that produce "C" in their own bodies, the ascorbic acid produced in the liver is promptly reacted with minerals before circulation in the blood stream. Such mineral ascorbates are more readily accepted by body cells because the minerals often serve as ascorbate transporters to aid in assimilation of the ascorbate by the cell. Further, the much preferred approach is to take most of one's "C" as mineral ascorbates as timed release, since this form provides the following benefits: 1. Interacts With Entire Gl Tract No more than 25% of the ascorbates present in a suitably timed tablet should be dissolved in the stomach. The 75% balance should be timed to go on, as can best be managed, past the short, highly oxygenated duodenum at the beginning of the small intestine. Dr. Sherry Lewin points out that much degradation of "C" can occur in

this short section, that timed release "C" can go through the area with minimum loss, for better assimilation in the remaining 27 feet or so of the digestive tract. The pancreas secretes large quantities of bicarbonate of soda as the food enters the intestines, producing a mildly alkaline media that is unlikely to cause much disassociation of the ascorbate complex. From there on, the benefits of contact of the neutral, mineral ascorbates with the trillions of receptive cells lining the remainder of some 27 feet of neutral digestive tract through both small and large intestines (the duodenum, jejunum, the ileum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon), all the way to the rectum and anus... can be quite substantial. Surely the protection of mineral ascorbates all the way through the digestive tract to the rectum should do something to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. (Judging by the commercials, this seems to be a very prevalent ailment. Even Jimmy Carter had to go into a hospital in January of 1982 for a hemorrhoid operation.) Surely, too, a good steady, daily level of these ascorbates should be of great benefit in preventing intestinal cancer, among other things. 2. Compensates For Different Rates Of Digestion Mineral ascorbates should be properly timed for steady release over a period of approximately 8 hours. This means that, instead of being dumped in one mass in the stomach alone, there are many different sites for assimilation of these more stable and effective forms of Vitamin C. But tossing any form of "C" into the stomach is to plunge the highly reactive substance into a maelstrom, a tumultuous, highly acidic bag through which peristaltic, mixing waves act about every 20 seconds to blend food with hydrochloric acid and a variety of gastric secretions. As with any type of "C," but, especially, with ascorbic acid, utilization of these substances is a biochemical lottery, which varies greatly from minute to minute, depending much on the food, acids, enzymes, and other material therein, which can react favorably or unfavorably with this vital but unstable sustainer of life. Animals that produce Vitamin C in their own bodies will certainly get some of the substance in the food they eat, though it is usually cellulose and bioflavonoid bound, which is protective in the stomach and aids assimilation. But these same animals get their major requirements of "C" from the mineral ascorbates formed in their own livers as the ascorbic acid therein produced reacts with minerals available from the blood serum. 3. Provides Ready Passage Through Cell Membranes The mineral ascorbates, being fully reacted, can then pass more readily through the cell membranes, bringing to the cells both essential minerals and "C". Thus, complexes of calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and molybdenum can act as mineral transporters to carry minerals efficiently to body cells and as ascorbate transporters to bring to the cells the life sustaining power without which we die from scurvy and countless other ailments, including those resulting from malfunction of the immune system. It should be evident that the ingestion of enables you to practice "The Art of Gentle accept the higher levels of Vitamin C that and more reject. This may be regarded as a

suitably timed mineral ascorbates Persuasion," to get your body cells to they tend, with advancing age, to more clear aspect of aging, that the cells

thus commit suicide by refusing to let in through their mysterious membranes the very nutrients necessary for their good health and longer life. 4. Works When Your Body Needs It Most Without timed release mineral ascorbates, it is exceedingly difficult for one to maintain in his body on a 24 hour basis a reasonably steady level of Vitamin C. Ordinary tablets or powders put him or her on a roller coaster. This is especially true during the night, when sleep should be as continuous as possible. The chief regeneration of the body, especially of the skin, occurs during the night. All the right nutrients must be available to allow this to occur. Your Day Starts the Night Before. Between midnight and 4 a.m., the circulation of the body falls to its lowest point. It is a period of transition, as the body starts to produce 43 plus hormones. It is also a period of stress, when most of the babies prefer to be born, when most of the heart attacks tend to occur. (Read Body Time by Gay Gaer Luce, Pantheon.) Thus, at bedtime, I take 3 or 4 grams of timed release calcium-magnesium ascorbate, CMA. I then usually enjoy a very relaxed sleep . . . and awaken in the morning quite alert, with a sense of well-being that carries me through much of the day. I am convinced that this is largely due to the action of magnesium ascorbate in balancing the calcium ascorbate. Calcium is known to be conducive to sleep, but this action is principally on the brain. Muscles cannot relax, however, without magnesium. Milk is high in calcium but low in magnesium. There is evidence that the dull minds that many people have in the morning are due to high levels of calcium accumulated in the brain. This calcium is not adequately balanced with magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is a major factor in ischemic heart disease, which kills more than half of all US citizens every year, says Dr. Mildred Seelig, world authority on magnesium . Timed release calcium-magnesium ascorbate supplies nutrients which assist in both relaxation and restoration of muscles, organs, and skin during the night. Dr. Irwin Stone says that "C", working internally on the skin and entire body is far superior to anything that can be applied as a lotion externally. The margin between life and death from scurvy is very small. As little as 10 mg. of "C" daily may prevent the extreme condition of frank scurvy, when the teeth fall out, the gums bleed profusely, and all organs of the body are separated. Subclinical scurvy is everywhere, but is less apparent. FLU Vaccines 'Worthless' Says Eminent FDA Virologist By Jay Patrick 5 December 1998 "There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway." ------Dr. J. Anthony Morris "There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age." -------Paul Frame, M.D., Journal of Family Practice Now come those great people of the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta to tell us that 80% of all seniors should rush out and get the latest "flu" shot. This is the same enterprising branch of the Federal Government that brought us in 1977 The Swine Flu Vaccine.

The "Flu" That Never Was I wrote two articles on the subject at the time, discussing the hazards of the ridiculous vaccine that has been tossed together on an impromptu basis. The distinguished virologist, Dr. J. Anthony Morris, lost his job at the FDA because he warned his superiors that the vaccine was of no value. Further, as my articles stated, there was not a single case of swine flu in the country. There was no epidemic to control. Yet some 128 people died promptly after getting the vaccine. What may be more important, 43,000,000 people were deceived into taking the vaccine. You may be sure too, that within most of these millions who are still alive the vaccine still lingers in their bodies, awaiting some metabolic change which might trigger viral activity, contributing to ill health or untimely death. The latest flu vaccine is being produced by virus type. Many producers of vaccines have they fear the high cost of court judgements vaccines, which may bring on severe illness

three companies and is of the killed dropped out of such activity because against them for side effects of such or death.

The whole, messy situation is well outlined in an article in the Wall Street Journal of January 16. Anyone considering the use of a vaccine should first read this article. Though chiefly concerned with a new chicken pox vaccine that may soon be available, offered by Merck and Co., the article dwells upon the life-long hazards that attend the use of a vaccine. The Trojan Horse You see, this type of live virus vaccine contains disease viruses which have been artificially weakened so that, hopefully, they are unable to induce symptoms of the disease yet are strong enough to fool the body into producing antibodies able to hold in check more virile disease viruses that may come along. But, once the damaged viruses are in the body, they present a life-time of risk. They may never recover their original strength, or they may mutate to produce some other disease that is as bad or worse than the ailment they were supposed to prevent. At the present time, no one knows for sure just what can happen, as time goes by, with these weakened but still alive viruses. "The chicken pox virus lurks in the body, " says The Wall Street Journal, "after the illness passes. For reasons that aren't understood, it sometimes reawakens when the subject is 60 or 70 years old to cause shingles, a nerve inflammation marked by pain and blisters." Viruses are, as I have long observed, the major foe of all humanity. They are everywhere, they are indefatigable, resourceful, and immortal. They were a part of our very beginnings, and they are never going to leave us. Once a virus is within one's body, only the person's immune system can protect him. It is then up to his immune system to keep it under control, to prevent its replication within hours to astronomical numbers that can soon defy counting. As stated, vaccines seek to fool the body into arming itself with antibodies in advance of any attack. But these fearless invaders can regain their strength, or change the DNA or RNA of which they are chiefly composed and start to harass or kill us off with some other disease source to which they have mutated. Hope for the Future The Journal comments that we may have much superior vaccines in the near future.

Genetic engineers will be able to splice together proteins to make just that part of the virus that produces immunity, with none of the parts that produce disease." As it now stands, children are often being forced to take vaccines that may later induce debilitating or fatal disease, and in many states children can be expelled from school if their parents refuse such dangerous vaccines. Many organizations have been formed to resist these arbitrary rulings by school boards. What's To Do? Right now, I am sure, our best hope lies in doing everything we can to keep our immune system hourly, day by day, in the best possible condition to repel the invaders. This involves a life style balanced with moderate exercise, adequate sleep, sunshine, good thoughts, good food, and supplementation of the diet with a wide variety of nutrients known to be required by the immune system. For me, this must include a daily intake of at least 8 grams of timed released mineral ascorbates About That Barn Door By Jay Patrick We should understand that every viral attack is potentially of a very serious nature. The attack may come from a very easy-going virus such as the common cold... or it may threaten one's very life and/or health. Unfortunately, by the time a doctor can diagnose the nature of the virus or bacteria attacking you, it may be so firmly entrenched in your body that you will have a difficult time winning the battle. Indeed, it is reported that with infectious mononucleosis, for instance, the infection cannot be positively identified until it has run its course for two weeks or more. If positive, the infection may persist for up to one year, although it generally reverts to a negative finding by 54 to 84 days. Famed researcher and lecturer Dr. E. Cheraskin has given a few lectures entitled "The Name of the Game is The Name." He points out that many physicians seem to think that their chief responsibility to a patient is simply to give a name to his or her ailment, that naming the disease is almost the sole factor in effecting a cure. Certainly, it helps to know just what virus or bacteria is leading the attack, but, meantime, no moment should be lost in trying to step up the body's resistance to the invasion. So, I believe that one's health and survival depends heavily on maximizing the immune system at all times, keeping it in readiness to repel that invasion which, sooner or later, comes along. Further, there is the factor that such raiders as the pneumococci bacteria that brings on pneumonia (killing up to 50,000 annually) are already inside the bodies of 50% or so of us, just waiting to pounce, when our defenses drop. Thus, I never skip my high daily intake of mineral ascorbates of vitamin C, with synergistic vitamins and minerals (over 10 grams daily). So I'll brag a little: I am 85 years old, haven't had a cold for 23 years, I still have 20/20 vision, and work a 50 hour week, so, maybe, I'm doing something right.

Three Great Medical Hoaxes By Jay Patrick 22 Feb 1999 HOAX I

In 1974, I wrote in Let's Live Magazine of the Great American Deception: The Swine Flu Vaccine: Hog Wash. Over 43,000,000 trusting Americans were innoculated with this makeshift vaccine rounded up for a non-existent epidemic. Over 128 died immediately from its effects. Untold numbers may have had their lives shortened. That's because the vaccine will probably remain in their bodies for their entire lives. Science magazine commented: There can be few graver opportunities for man-made disaster than the mass immunization campaigns that are now routine in many countries. Should the vaccine preparations become contaminated with an undetected agent present in the host cells, a whole generation of vaccines could be put in jeopardy. This, of course, is no science fiction writer's horror story--It has already happened once; millions of people have been injected with a monkey virus known as SV40, which was found in 1961 to be contaminating polio and adenovirus vaccines. The virus causes cancer in hamsters; no one yet knows what it may do in man. HOAX II Drugs for Hypertension For many decades, physicians have been loading patients who have elevated blood pressure levels with countless drugs aimed at preventing heart attack and stroke. Comes now the latest study, as reported by the New York Times. Drastic reductions in blood pressure increase the risk of heart attack, even the treatment of high blood pressure does not reduce heart attacks. (Einstein Medical College, New York) Why is this so? Because the drugs produce countless side effects which are often relieved by drugs that produce other side effects, and by drugs to reduce those side effects, endlessly. HOAX III The Great Cholesterol Farce Now comes Thomas J. Moore in The Atlantic, a for more than 124 years, to outline the real I have described it as The Great Cholesterol 1985). But it is more than that. It is truly public that is costing millions of lives.

distinguished source of information facts regarding The Cholesterol Myth. Farce in an Alacer Report (Feb., a great medical Fraud on the American

However, what Moore tells you is not all new. It has been evident for some 30 years that cholesterol is not the real villain in heart disease and stroke. In 1962, The American Medical Association commented: "The anti-fat-cholesterol fad is not just foolish and futile. It carries some risk." But in recent years, the AMA has been on the band wagon, advocating testing for cholesterol by physicians and all manner of treatment, including cholestyramine (Questran) which reduces cholesterol only about 6.7%, yet causes constipation, gas, heartburn, and bloating, even death. Another drug is clofibrate. In a five year trial, 162 deaths had occurred in the group taking the drug, only 127 in the control group. I suggest you get a copy of The Atlantic for September, 1989, and read the whole, sordid story, of this unscientific flim-flam, in which the AMA, a major drug manufacturer, the American Heart Association, Kellogg, and the media have all suckered the American public into believing that cholesterol is the problem.

You have been persuaded to cut down on eggs, the best protein around, which is detrimental to your health. You have been misled into thinking that cholesterol control will save you from heart attack and stroke, which it will not. Millions of people will die prematurely because they have been "barking up the wrong tree", failing to do the right things. But it is a bonanza for the physician, who can scare you into a lot of testing and increase his income at least 30%. The whole ridiculous campaign has intensified, "as the world learned how much money could be made by scaring people about cholesterol", says Thomas J. Moore. Even health food magazines have been taken in by these big lies. And oat bran sales have increased 1,000% in this vain pursuit. Still, the cause of the problem is not being addressed. Most Americans are ingesting 20 to 38 times their requirement of salt. This throws some 70 trillion cells of their bodies out of order and speeds up the loss of the vital potassium. Countless studies show that Americans need less salt and more potassium. One 12year study of 1959 residents of Rancho Bernardo, Calif., showed that those who had about 1,000 mg. more of potassium in their diet had no deaths from stroke at all. (New England Journal of Medicine) It’s all explained very well in The K Factor, by Richard D. Moore, M.D. Ph.D., and George D. Webb, Ph.D. Now offered by Pocket Books, it tells how potassium, (K), magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C help to protect the intima, the lining of our arteries. When we are short on these factors, a break can occur in the lining, which becomes the collecting point for cholesterol, calcium, and lipids (fats) to form in a matrix. Since nearly every cell of the body produces cholesterol, which is a vital precursor of bile to digest our food and of sex hormones, it well may be, says Dr. Richard Passwater (Super-Nutrition for Healthy Hearts) that the cholesterol does not come from the circulating blood... but from the very cells at the point of injury to the intima. You can save your own life by providing your body with the nutrients it needs for good health, especially the K Factors of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Chromium as ascorbates of Vitamin C.

Click here to return to Home Page Comments can be forwarded to Alacer's . Getting Down to the Bare Bones By Jay Patrick Our whole bodies are in a continuous state of flux. This even includes the skeleton, which is constantly discarding old cells and adding new ones. Bone remodels itself to remove worn cells and to maintain the proper amount of calcium in the blood. Indeed, bone is the body’s storage point or reservoir for calcium. However, some parts of a bone’s shaft, consisting of compact bone, may never be remodeled. Two kinds of bone cell do this work; the osteoblasts, which manufacture new bone tissue, and the osteoclasts, which consume old and worn bone matter.

But bone gets full strength and flexibility from the connective tissue, which intertwines with it, and serves to interface each bone with other bones. Vitamin D, which is produced on the skin under sunlight, or may be ingested in the diet, is widely known to be essential to the deposition of minerals in the bone structure. These minerals are chiefly calcium and phosphorus. Bone re-absorption, in a process of constant renewal, is much dependent on parathyroid hormone, too. Yet, the role of Vitamin C, probably most effective as calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc ascorbates, is too much ignored. The connective tissue which is so absolutely essential to bone strength, flexibility, and endurance, cannot be formed or maintained without ascorbates, the only forms of "C" stored in the body. Such ascorbates are essential to the hydroxylation of the amino acid proline in the formation and maintenance of the connective tissue. But this tissue is subject to molecular aging (Goodhart & Shils), to crosslinking which can be retarded with adequate levels of antioxidants such as ascorbate, selenium, chromium, and methionine. Obviously, too, a good level of protein intake, including proline, aids in connective tissue health. Healthy bones tissue is, on a weight basis, fully as strong as steel. The bone's interior is constructed somewhat like a bridge. Tiny strands of connective tissue, each strand capable of supporting a weight of 25 lbs, act like guy wires to give great strength and flexibility. Thus, healthy bones will usually bend rather than break, as they so commonly do. Millions of women have been seduced into thinking that all they need to do is take calcium, usually calcium carbonate, to maintain their bone structure. Others have been induced to take estrogen, which it is now known to increase breast cancer 43%. What everyone really needs is the mineral ascorbates. The Wellness Letter of the University of California observed a few years ago that there appears to be too much emphasis on high calcium intake, that manganese is needed, also, for good bone structure. And surely the best form is manganese ascorbate. I have been taking 10 to 12 grams daily for some 25 years of Timed Release mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, maganese, molybdenum, zinc, and chromium. A recent hospital check shows that, though nearing 85 years old, my bone density is 118% of the average 30-year old-male. So, maybe, I am doing something right! Osteoporosis is highly prevalent. Often in degrees not at all obvious to either patient or physician. Athletes, especially, have this problem, due to the extraordinary stresses they impose on their bodies. Probably 75% of their bone breakage is due to poor bone structure. You may first know about it, when, suddenly, as you get up to answer the door bell, a hip joint breaks under you. It’s a bone disease characterized by insufficient production of bone matrix (in which ascorbates, proline, and Vitamin D are involved), and by serious reduction in bone calcium. With women especially, it is an advancing problem. Researchers maintain that, starting at age 25, women continue to loose 1% of bone calcium with every advancing year. Thus, a woman of 60, will usually have lost 35% of her bone calcium! This condition is believed largely due, with advancing age, to reduce estrogen production, which is substantially halted after the menopause. Unfortunately, the administration of estrogen is now known to be cancer-inducing. However, medicine

completely ignores the need for mineral ascorbates. This view may be erroneous. I believe that women produce small amounts of ascorbate in their own bodies, while they are of child bearing age. Exercise. . .But! But hormones will not do it all. With both sexes, osteoporosis can, and often is, very much due to malnutrition and reduced activity. So, exercise helps, but: Jogging, especially on pavement, can pound cartilage into dust. Jogging injuries to the knee have become so common that orthopedists in Los Angeles have named one popular running route "The street of the wounded knee". (Walking and running are much easier on the joints and the spine, many orthopedic physicians say.) Knee injuries are also common in skiing accidents. Legs break more readily if they do not have full flexibility, and the twisting required to smash a tennis ball from the baseline can easily rip a cartilage of the knee joint. In bicycling, pumping up a steep hill puts intense pressure on the kneecap, so that, in extreme cases, the underside of the cap starts to fray. Kneeling on a surfboard creates a hard bump under the kneecap called "surfer’s knob". In football, 70% of professional players have knee injuries before the age of 26, including nearly every quarterback. When teenagers and younger children undergo excessive training with heavy weights, they can damage their bones, and some doctors believe, stunt growth. Obviously, exercise should be done in moderation. But the more one does, the more he or she needs mineral ascorbates to help maintain the flexibility of his muscles and bones, plus other anti-oxidants and good protein. Your doctor will know all about your need for calcium but usually very little about magnesium. But remember this: Magnesium is essential for the normal metabolisms of potassium and calcium in adult man, essential for the mobilization of calcium from bone hypocalccemia (low calcium) should suggest the possibility of significant magnesium depletion. Modern Nutrition, Goodhart & Shils Thus calcium-magnesium ascorbate, a neutral, stable chelate of Vitamin C, represents a wonderful source of the two essential minerals with the equally essential "C". Some 30 to 50 percent of present hospitalization is medically unnecessary, but alternative services that could be therapeutically more effective and economically more efficient, have almost disappeared. Fritjof Capra, The Turning Point (Simon and Schuster) (to be continued...)

Click here to return to Home Page Comments can be forwarded to Alacer's . The Health Gap or Avoiding The Major Killers By Jay Patrick

"Everyone of us gets dozens of cancers each day," Dr. Carl Pfeiffer of Princeton, N. J. used to say; But our bodies immediately check the growth of most of them, so, usually, nothing happens. Thousands of scientists are daily working on means to grapple with this great destroyer, but it appears to me that their efforts are largely misdirected. An enormous amount of their time seems to be devoted to "early detection" of cancer, at which time the battle is often lost, rather than to measures that might wholly prevent emergence of the great killer. Cancer is known to be mostly a disease of the aging, as the immune system of the body goes into steady decline. Indeed, it is this same "system", or "response", that has brought us forward through the ages, against almost insurmountable odds, as we fought every imaginable enemy. Yet, somewhere along the tortuous pathway of our development, we either lost, or never had, the one, almost magical, cellular balancer, detoxifier, and fortifier necessary to extend our lives, to help make our bodies whole, and to step up mightily our resistance to disease. It appears that, in approaching the problem, we must, first, consider what is most missing in our bodies, that might provide the "fuel" to enable our cells to throw off a host of vicious invaders, including bacteria, viruses, and radiation. The Missing Agents Outstanding among these missing elements are the mineral ascorbates, of which their intermediate form, ascorbic acid, has been mislabeled Vitamin C. It is in the full study of these peerless carbo that our medical science has been grossly deficient. Yes, there are some 80,000 papers on the subject of ascorbic acid, but little consideration has been given to the most active forms of this powerful molecule, which protect more than 99.9% of all other animals, the mineral ascorbates. Thanks to the pioneering work of the British navy, long ago, which found that lemons (limes) could protect its men at sea for months from almost sure death, an awareness of the need for ascorbate, after countless centuries of radically shortened life, is slowly emerging. But this need should be measured in grams rather than in milligrams, because it is not really a vitamin but a liver metabolite, as world authority, Dr. Irwin Stone labeled it many decades ago. Yes, minute quantities will not suffice, if we would strive to be fully alive and fully well. Setting the Stage The stage for our two most basic ailments, heart attack and cancer is slowly set, with each advancing year. Deprived of adequate mineral ascorbates, the linings of our arteries start to bleed, then clot, forming scar tissue. This scar tissue then collects the cholesterol, lipids, and, finally, calcium of the plaque that, finally, totally blocks the flow of blood to the heart, inducing death. However, with a poorly functioning immune system, which can be due in great measure to lack of the mineral ascorbates, either heart attack or cancer may get you first. This wonderful immune response, as some researchers like to call it, must have every nutrient working for it in synergistic power to help ward off a multitude of invaders ranging from the common cold to the most life-threatening diseases. So, if we were able to produce enough mineral ascorbates to give six to ten grams daily to the entire population, I am confident that the incidence of death from disease, say, to the age of 80, would decline about 50% or more. Won’t you join me? I like to keep some friends close to my own age (85). P.S. When we had the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, CA., x-ray 10 of our employees with the Ultrafast CT scan, 8 out of 10 showed zero (0) plaque, and the

9th and 10th showed very low levels, also insignificant, at which no symptoms appear. Furthermore, we are inviting several hundred physicians, who have taken our mineral ascorbates for many years, to get their arteries, also, checked We shall publish the results as soon as available.

Click here to return to Home Page Comments can be forwarded to Alacer's . Are your Vitamin C batteries running down? Jay Patrick December 1998 By Jay Patrick "If I get pneumonia, and am taken to a hospital, where I die, they might attach a card, as they do in Hungary, to my big toe, which would read: "CAUSE of DEATH: Pneumonia." But I would probably have died of scurvy." * * * Nobel Laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, is speaking at the World Congress on Vitamin C. He is the Nobelist who received the prize for his isolation of the magic substance, Vitamin C, from the paprika pepper of his native Hungary. Behind Szent-Gyorgyi’s remarks is a simple fact that leaves most people behind the proverbial 8 Ball. Some 50% of us already have in our bodies such avengers as pneumonococci, staphylococci, streptococci, or bacilli, which can bring on this deadly lung disease. Or we may also include influenza viruses, adenoviruses, syncytial viruses, rhinoviruses, coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and others, from our childhood. Rather frightening, isn’t it? But the Merck Manual says that the foregoing account for some 75% of pulmonary infections in schools and military recruits. An Inside Job Some 32 years ago, while operating a chemical plant in Northern New Jersey, I received a telephone call that my father, who lived in San Diego, was being operated upon for appendicitis. I immediately boarded a plane, and the following morning was able to greet him in Mercy Hospital, after they had operated upon him. I found that he didn’t have appendicitis, but an inflamed pancreas. However, within a few hours after greeting my father, because of the high stress of the operation, he came down with a severe case of pneumonia and died about 24 hours later. I now know that he probably died of scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, about which I knew nothing at the time. He, obviously, had the pneumonoccus bacteria already in his body, yet his resistance, at age 79, was so poor that he promptly succumbed. Thus, you see, we don’t have to "catch" any of these life-threatening diseases. Many of them are already inside of us, while our immune system holds them in check. So, if we don’t want to come down with any of these unattractive ways to die, we must do what we can to keep our resistance up. And the secret seems to be: The right lifestyle, supported by very good nutritional supplement, which absolutely must include the mineral ascorbates, the real forms of Vitamin C that most animals

other than humans produce in their bodies in multigram quantities. Here and now, is where high intake of the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C should enter in your life to stay! Healthy people, say The National Institutes of Health, require a body pool of at least 1500 mg of mineral ascorbates, the only form in which "C" is stored in our organs, such as: adrenals brain eyes gonads pituitary pancreas liver These organs and any area of the body where intense activity is to occur must, for your energy and resistance to disease, maintain a fair level of this miraculous carbohydrate which Szent-Gyorgyi has described as "the ‘glue’ that holds our bodies together." I feel that the collection points for mineral ascorbates should be considered Miniature Storage Batteries, which, when "run down", leave us exhausted and almost defenseless against disease.

CONTACT: DR. RICHARD DANA (714) 454-3999 "Deaths from Viagra* Can Be Reduced," says researcher. FOOTHILL RANCH, CA (June 11, 1998) – On Tuesday, The Food and Drug Administration released information regarding 16 known cases of men dying after using the popular impotence drug Viagra*. The men who died range in age from 48 to 80, and all were taking the new wonder drug. "Some deaths due to ingestion of Viagra are to be expected," states Dr. Richard Dana, Director of the Committee for World Health, Foothill Ranch, CA. "This is because," he adds, "people who have for some time been impotent, place an enormous load on their bodies when they suddenly respond to a powerful urge for intercourse. Among other things, this is a very heavy burden on the adrenal glands that require Vitamin C for the production of adrenaline, and countless other functions, including sperm motility. "Indeed, it is the same form of Sudden Death that daily kills thousands who suffer from trauma. Scientific American (April, 1997) commented on the sudden traumatic deaths of 862 people after admission to San Francisco General Hospital, over a two year period. This great stress on the body may be especially felt by the heart and the circulatory system, resulting in heart attack or stroke. "Individuals should show prudence about sudden exertion for which they are unprepared. However, the intake of six or more grams of mineral ascorbates** daily will help prepare them for the heavy exertion that is involved. "Pfizer has warned that a great variety of ailments may result from ingestion of Viagra. These include angina, heart failure, heart palpitations, tendon rupture, cataracts, shock, and death. "The introduction of a product of such biochemical activity is unprecedented. Accordingly, many users of the drug are almost totally unprepared for such a surge

in physical activity. Thus, we may expect that deaths will continue, probably at an accelerating pace. "These deaths may be partly due to intake of very high levels of Viagra in patients seeking a better response. Mineral Ascorbates in Aging and Cancer "Many of the side effects noted can be prevented by the mineral ascorbates. Indeed, almost our entire population is quite deficient in this type of vitamin C, the only form in which it is produced by animals who do not suffer the genetic defect that lowers the immune response and general well-being of all humanity. In its ongoing research, the Committee for World Health has made a recent finding that the mineral ascorbates are effective in controlling the cellular telomeric structures which are essential for life and clearly involved in aging and cancer," Dr. Dana states, in conclusion. (Most health food stores carry the neutral mineral ascorbates in timed-release form, or as an effervescent drink mix). # # # It should be noted that Dr. Dana issued an Internet warning on May 1, 1998 regarding the unfavorable consequences of Viagra ingestion. Dr. Dana is the UCSD molecular biochemist who discovered heat shock-proteins in the human placenta and four streamlined procedures for the rapid isolation of RNA and DNA from tuberculosis bacteria, cancer cells, and virtually all cell types from plants to bacteria to animals. (For a list of additional publications see www.wrldhlth.org) Dana, R. C.; Welch, W. J.; Deftos, L. J. Heat shock proteins bind calcitonin. Endocrinology, v.126, n.1, (1990): 672-674. Dana, R. C.; Saghbini, M.; Lippman, D.; Cheung, A. L. Journal of NIH Research, v.7, (1995): 61. Tantod, B.; Saghbini, M.; Barnes, L.; Dana, R. A new rapid method for undegraded RNA isolation from diverse organisms. Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 10-14, 1994. Dana, R. C. The Genetic Revolution. San Diego Conference, American Association of Clinical Chemists, November, 1994. *Pfizer Trademark **Almost the entire research community believes that ascorbic acid, as present in citrus fruits, is the real vitamin C. Actually, in its acid form it is only an intermediate in the production of the neutral mineral ascorbates produced by 99% of animals. These animals do not suffer the genetic defect that renders humans almost totally unable to produce the mineral ascorbates in their own livers. Thus, mineral ascorbates are the only forms of vitamin C which can be properly identified as the real vitamin C. These neutral substances can be utilized by the body in the multigram quantities which promote full health. Hence, the side affects of nausea and diarrhea induced by large doses of ascorbic acid can be avoided.

Research in Pediatrics The effect of nutritional supplementation with Vitamin C (in the form of mineral ascorbates) on the rehabilitation process of children suffering from cerebral palsy is studied in collaboration with the Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia. The study is performed by Ludmila Antonova, Ph. D., Senior Research Scientist at the Institute. This research is currently being funded by modest donations from two sources, however, additional funds are needed. The group of Russian researchers At the picture: The group of Russian scientists working at the Department of Rehabilitating Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy in the Research Institute of Pediatrics, Moscow, Russia. Ludmila is the second from the left in the second row. The electroneuromyography method is used to evaluate the state of the neuromotor apparatus of children with cerebral palsy. The magnitude and the character of the bioelectric activity provides information about muscle function, their coordinatory interactions, the state of the motor-neuronal pool of the spinal cord, and the mechanisms of the central regulation of the muscle tonus before and after the administration of the mineral ascorbates. Initial results show that administration of mineral ascorbates, in addition to the conventional treatment the children receive at the Hospital of the Institute of Pediatrics, increased the muscle fatigue time (the muscle stamina) of children suffering from cerebral palsy by an impressive 200% above their norm. The tests were also conducted on healthy children, who increased their muscle fatigue time by 150%. Increase in the levels of the muscle bioelectrical activity and of the constant brain potentials were observed, too (see pictures below).

Vitamin C is essential in many biological processes including the synthesis of collagen and neurotransmitters. It may explain the dramatic changes in muscle stamina after administration of mineral ascorbates observed in our experiments. Children with cerebral palsy are known to suffer from malnutrition (which may be especially true in modern Russia). Continuous vitamin supplementation after they are released from the Hospital might significantly improve quality of their lifes. Unfortunately, most Russian parents can not afford it. Please help provide vitamins to children suffering from cerebral palsy. Visit our Donations page! E-mail for more information or write to: Dr. Richard C. Dana Jay Patrick, Alacer Director, Committee for World Health 19571 Pauling Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 The Committee for World Health was established in 1978 by Jay Patrick with the aim to engage in research in the field of human health "as it may especially pertain to good nutrition well before the birth of a child, including the mother and father

and progressively, as the child may enter into all stages of life: youth, maturity, middle age, old age, and inevitable death." The Committee started its activities with staging the First World Congress on Vitamin C in Palm Springs in 1978. The Congress was attended by such celebrities as Nobel laureates Linus Pauling and Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, as well as other pioneers of Vitamin C research: Dr. Irwin Stone, Dr. Abram Hoffer et al. In 1997 The Committee has been re-organized as a non-profit research foundation, with Jay Patrick as the Chairman and Richard C. Dana, Ph.D., as the Director. Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., E. Cheraskin, M.D., Ph.D., Jeffrey Buzby, Ph.D., Goerge Bartzokis, M.D., and Alexey M. Olovnikov, Ph.D., are currently the members of the Advisory Board. The Committee has outlined its objectives. The research is to concentrate on the potential of the nutritional supplements, in particular, mineral ascorbates, to improve the health of humanity and maximize resistance to disease and general aging. The methods of molecular biology, along with the clinical and preclinical research, are to be used to study two genetic liver diseases of humanity hypoascorbemia and hypouricasemia. Other topics of interest include: Nutritional supplements and cardiovascular health; Nutrition and prevention of osteoporosis; Cerebral palsy and the potential of nutritional supplements in alleviation of it's symptoms; Improved treatment of wounds; Exercise physiology and replenishment of bodily fluids; Topical treatment of muscle pain; Dermatological research on control of acne. It is assumed that some of the research will be carried out by the foundation itself and some will be undertaken by various universities and other health investigators around the world. Among the institutions currently involved in the research projects with The Committee are: University of Southern California; University of California, Los Angeles; Boston Medical Center; Institute of Pediatrics, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Several research projects have been started since February 1997. Initial financial support was provided mainly by Alacer Corp. and Jay Patrick. Additional donations will be greatly appreciated. The Committee is also involved in various charitable actions. In a disaster relief effort, The Committee assisted in delivering nutritional supplement products to people in Jarrell, Texas after a tornado destroyed homes (May 1997), to the victims of the hurricane Floyd (September 1999), and continues this mission on many occasions when flood, earthquake or other natural disaster strikes. Please visit this link for information on our current projects and to make your contribution using secure credit card transaction. In Zimbabwe, at the orphanage of Fairfield Hospital, we are giving nutritional supplements to children who suffer from AIDS, malaria, and numerous other viral and parasitic diseases. Most of the children suffer from malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies, and correcting them will improve their health in many ways, in particular, by boosting their immune system. With modest funds, we of The Committee for World Health know that we can spearhead a series of scientific investigations that will prove beyond all doubt that the nutritional approach can overcome or mitigate widely held diseases, saving millions of lives and billions of dollars. Please e-mail us for more information or write to: Committee for World Health 19571 Pauling

Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Phone: 888-580-5950 FAX: 949-951-0917

The Story of Alacer Corp. and Jay Patrick Jay Patrick Alacer: Latin word meaning "lively and energetic" In 1968, after serving 25 years as Chief Chemist and President of a successful chemical company, Jay Patrick turned his attention toward the subject of nutrition. At age 59, Jay was starting to have some health problems, especially his jaws, which were aching at the end of the week. After a great deal of research, he met Dr. Irwin Stone, who was then working on Staten Island, New York, only some 25 miles from the chemical company in Northvale, New Jersey, which Jay headed. Stone introduced him to Vitamin C and he soon found that six or seven grams daily eliminated 95% of his pain. Although he had never before been much interested in nutrition, Jay then embarked on intensive research of the subject. He met Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the Nobel Laureate who first isolated Vitamin C (later a consultant for Alacer); visited Roger Williams, pioneer researcher of pantothenic and folic acids; Dr. E. Cheraskin, who has now spent some 35 years of his life investigating Vitamin C; Dr. Abram Hoffer, who along with Dr. Harvey Osmond discovered that he could cure some 85% of his schizophrenia patients with Vitamin C and niacin; and, of course, Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Laureate who wrote a number of books on Vitamin C and was regarded as a world authority on the subject. Dr. Stone told Jay that ascorbic acid is really the poorest form of Vitamin C for humans. Jay learned that 99.9% of all the animals in the world have the ability to convert the ascorbic acid developed in their livers into neutral mineral ascorbates before being circulated in their bodies. However, humans do not have this ability. We suffer from hypoascorbemia, the genetic disease which makes it impossible for us to produce ascorbate in our own bodies. Learning that ascorbate-producing animals live some seven times their period of maturity, he recognized that humans could not hope to live much longer than they do unless some effort were made to compensate for their genetic defect. (Humans mature at 20-25 years, thus 7 X 20 = 140 years.) He, accordingly, formed Alacer Corp. in 1970 and undertook the manufacture of the mineral ascorbates. In 1978, Jay personally staged and directed The First World Congress on Vitamin C, where Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was honored for the 50th anniversary of his isolation of Vitamin C, along with 27 other world pioneers on the subject. In 1980, becoming aware of the great potential of the virus to produce world wide plagues, he formed and directed The World Congress on the Virus. Among the notable speakers on this occasion were Nobel Laureate, Dr. Carleton Gajdusek and Dr. Clarence Gibbs of the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Archie Kalokerinos of Australia, who established that sudden infant death among the aborigines is clearly due to lack of Vitamin C. In 1991, Jay formed and directed The Second World Congress on Immune System, bringing in researchers from points as distant (Dr. Emil Ginter, who determined along with Constance Spittle Vitamin C is essential for the conversion of cholesterol into

Vitamin C and the as Czechoslovakia of England that bile to digest our

foods and that it also aids in dispersion of cholesterol in the blood stream.) Jay maintains that you're never too old to try again or to keep working for good health. Now in his 86th year, Jay still works a 60 hour week as Alacer's President, and will soon finish his book covering his life's research into Vitamin C and Mineral Ascorbates. Anti-Aging Project OBJECTIVE: To determine if mineral ascorbates can maintain the telomerase which increases cell life. There is ample evidence that the mineral ascorbates, which humans cannot produce in volume in their own livers, balance the cells against innumerable invaders. However, it is the purpose of this investigation to find out if these ascorbates also extend life by maintaining the telomerase, which is an essential factor in the replication of the cell. * * * * Telomeres are small segments of DNA which coat the tips of chromosomes and become shorter with each cell division. Human telomeres are composed of multiple repeats of the sequence TTAGGG. These telomeres are necessary for life and function to prevent the chromosomes from unraveling. After some 80 cell divisions the telomere becomes so short that the cells stop dividing and the cell enters a state of senescence and dies. A Biological Time Bomb Telomerase is an enzyme that repairs damaged telomeres. Most human cells stop making telomerase early in life and, therefore, create A Biological Time Bomb that kills us in our 70's and 80's. It is our premise that vitamin C as mineral ascorbates can prevent this time bomb from going off. In our experiments, we will measure telomerase in cells treated with mineral ascorbates and Vitastic and also in cells isolated from individuals who have taken these products. If we find that there is an increase in the level of telomerase, it could show another means by which mineral ascorbates extend human life. Our working hypothesis is that the failure to elongate telomeres or altering telomeric repeat sequences results in senescence and death. Therefore, additional, animal studies will be performed to address this issue more fully. The telomere structure will be studied and the effects of mineral ascorbates on telomere elongation will be elucidated. The telomeric region will be cloned by using an integration event. Studying the DNA regions flanking the insert at the proximal and distal end we will investigate the stability of the foreign DNA molecule in the telomere region. Moreover, using inhibitors of reverse transcriptase, which is a crucial step in both proven mechanism of telomere elongation (telomerase and retrotransposition), attempts will be made to inhibit this process. Another experimental approach is based on the hypothesis that genes that control the M1 (Mortality Stage 1) mechanisms of cellular senescence are located adjacent to telomeres and that their expression is modified by telomere length. It is possible that mineral ascorbates of vitamin C could act here. Therefore a long-term goal of this research will be to clone genes in the subtelomeric DNA which may be influenced by mineral ascorbates and show their involvement in regulating control of telomere length, and elucidating their functional roles in the regulation of Ml. We are also initiating controlled studies to look at the maturation and aging of guinea pigs under the influence of mineral ascorbates. Results will rapidly predict

the human condition. Our laboratory has ordered cell and molecular biology instruments and supplies to initiate these studies. Our newly purchased equipment includes a cell incubator, sterile hood, a DNA electrophoresis apparatus, telomerase analysis kit, thermocycler, microfuge, DNA transilluminator, and densitometry quantitation software. We will report preliminary results from our experiments during the next few weeks and hope to show how vitamin C as mineral ascorbates can alter telomeric function and prolong life. Richard Dana, Ph. D. NEWS RELEASE June 18, 1999 Vitamin C Supplements Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease, Rush-Harvard Study Shows A study of 633 persons, ages 65 years and older, at Rush University for Healthy Aging and Harvard Medical School, found that 91 of the sample participants, after the follow-up period of 4.3 years, were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Yet, none of the 27 Vitamin C supplement users had the disease. It was concluded that use of vitamin supplements may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. Commenting on these results, Dr. George Bartzokis, a brain specialist and Chief of Psychiatry, Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, who works concurrently with UCLA, points out: "These results indicate that one may halt the progression of the disease by supplementation with Vitamin C." Dr. Bartzokis is, himself, a dedicated user of Alacer’s Emer’gen-C, which forms the true Vitamin C mineral ascorbates, when water is added to the effervescent drink mix. When shown a magnetic resonance image of Jay Patrick, the very active, 87-year old president of Alacer Corp., Dr. Bartzokis commented that the hippocampal area, which is ordinarily ruthlessly attacked by Alzheimer’s, was very large and was, indeed, much larger than that of the average brain. The hippocampus is much involved in cognitive functions and memory formation. The latest research shows that good nutrition can increase neuronal plasticity of this major brain region. This data contradicts the long-held view that humans, with advancing years, must lose as many as a million brain cells daily. Men generally show brain shrinkage varying from 15 to 40% by the time they reach advanced age. Most women show only 1% shrinkage, except for those with Alzheimer’s. Patrick first developed the drink mix, marketed as Emer’gen-C, in 1978, and has been taking 10 to 12 grams of the mineral ascorbates daily, ever since. An independent study shows that Emer’gen-C sales represent a major share of all Vitamin C products in the United States. While Vitamin E was also part of the study, Dr. Bartzokis has determined that it was not a significant factor in the improvement of these patients. Dr. Bartzokis is also heading a million-dollar program of intensive brain research funded by the National Institute of Health, which will take into consideration many

aspects of nutritional supplementation which have not before been much considered. (Jay Patrick is suing the NIH in Federal Court for correction of the mis-labeling of Vitamin C, a worldwide error.) Patrick received the prestigious Scientific Achievement Award of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, when addressing the audience of medical professionals at a recent Chicago meeting, on June 13th. The award was for "Outstanding Innovative Technologies in Vitamin C and Mineral Ascorbate Research and Development". Patrick comments: "Inspired by a meeting with Dr. Irwin Stone in 1969, I have been working actively for 30 years to show that the ascorbic acid that is present in citrus fruits is not the real Vitamin C. Its acidity cannot be well tolerated by the body, so it has been utilized at much lower intake levels than are easily possible with the neutral mineral ascorbates, such as are produced in the bodies of 99.9% of animals." MRI of Jay Patrick: MRI of Jay Patrick

ADDENDUM In 1994, Patrick learned of the Ultrafast CT Scan Procedure -- a Super C.A.T. Scan for the determination of coronary artery occlusion, the principal cause of heart disease and our major killer. He went to the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, California to check his own coronary condition. After the scan, the technician reported to Patrick that he had a zero (0) level of plaque, describing this as "a new record" for an 82-year old man. Patrick returned a few days later to discuss the results of his CT Scan with the Chief of Staff, who quickly described it as "an artifact finding of no scientific significance". Subsequently, Patrick brought 9 of his employees who had been taking the mineral ascorbates (including a 76-year old woman) to UCLA for scanning. The results of these scans are shown on the chart below. Note that 8 out of 10 tested show zero (0) plaque, while the levels of the remaining 2 were so low as to be of no significant consequence. Since that time, Patrick has since repeatedly challenged any doctor in the world to pick 10 people of similar ages and show that even one or two of them had zero levels of plaque. He has had no takers. Asymptomatic Levels for Age Group Jay Patrick 82 Years Over 800

0 Calcium Linda Tagle 76 " 550-800 0 " Ymelda Patrick 57 " 260-450 0 " HU 43 " 155-310 0 " AR 42 " 155-310 0 " JU 42 " 155-310

0 " JE 47 " 155-310 0 " RA 47 " 155-310 0 " SU 57 " 260-450 97 " EM 55 " 260-450 155 " Would You Like A Second Chance? By Jay Patrick Would you like A Second Chance with your life? ---To do the things you never were able to do, to accomplish what you were never

able to accomplish, perhaps, if you are ambitious, to leave the world a little better off than it would have been without you? I believe that many of you can have that Second Chance, just as I believe that I am having my Second Chance. About 21 years ago, I read in Life Magazine of a chemist named Irwin Stone, who had spent most of his adult life investigating the powers of Vitamin C. I had long ignored vitamins and minerals, being turned off by the wild claims of a pyramiding operation that highly touted the virtues of alfalfa, which didn't seem to do miracles for horses. President of a Northern New Jersey chemical company, I had recently been suffering from severe jaw pains, especially toward the end of a stressful week. Learning that Dr. Stone lived on nearby Staten Island, New York, I took my boat down the Hudson to meet him and his wife. I found them a middle-aged couple, living in a modest cottage not far from the Island's inner harbor. He worked as an enzyme chemist for a Staten Island firm. His wife, Barbara, was his research assistant, helping to organize his voluminous papers on Vitamin C. Irwin had completed a book on Vitamin C, he told me, and was looking for a publisher. However, both of them had a head-on collision with a drunken driver while driving through Rapid City, South Dakota, some 10 years before. This had put them in a hospital, near death, for many weeks. But, they both credited high intake of Vitamin C for their recovery, although injury to their throats had made it difficult for them to swallow food, and, especially, vitamin tablets. Indeed, the injury had included damage to Irwin's larynx, which left him with a high squeaky voice. The three of us had many dinners together, while the dedicated chemist told me more of his love, which he described as the only known panacea, which is beneficial to humans in every walk of life, and with every ailment, because, for one thing, it is the outstanding anti-stress agent, he explained. I was soon taking six or seven grams of "C" daily---and quickly found that my jaw pains had disappeared. During our many conversations, Irwin explained to me that we humans suffer from a genetic disease, which he named hypoascorbemia, that makes it impossible for us to produce Vitamin C in our own livers. Only monkeys, apes, guinea pigs, humans, and a type of bat, he reported, suffer from this ailment. All of the other 99.9% of animals convert the glucose circulating through their livers, in four stages, with four enzymes, into ascorbic acid. But this ascorbic acid never circulates in the animal's blood in its acid form. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form neutral mineral ascorbates. These mineral ascorbates are both ascorbate and mineral transporters, being readily accepted by some 70 trillion body cells which must have both minerals and ascorbates to function, entering the body in the blood stream, for storage in the adrenals, brain, and other organs only as mineral ascorbates. Thus, Stone emphasized ascorbic acid, although the form of "C" present in oranges, lemons, and other fruit, is not the form of Vitamin C animals circulate. It is an acid intermediate, not the true Vitamin C, which, in volume, is hard on the kidneys and bladder, and induces excessive loss of minerals. Their bodies prefer the nonacid mineral ascorbates, which work so well, as continuously produced in their bodies, that they live 7 to 14 times their period of maturity.

And so, he explained, the dog, for instance, matures in 2 years and lives 2 times 7, or 14 years. But humans, who mature at 20 to 25 years, should, on this basis, live at least 20 times 7, or 140 years. Instead, life expectancy is presently only about 76 years. Some 10 years before our meeting, Dr. Stone had attended a scientific meeting at which Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dr. Linus Pauling spoke. He noted that Pauling expressed regret that he would not live to see much of the fruit of his discoveries. Stone then wrote Pauling, stating that if he would take Vitamin C, he could greatly extend his life. Dr. Pauling took him at his word, and soon achieved worldwide publicity for his books on the value of Vitamin C . . . and for intake of many grams of "C". So, Dr. Pauling had his Second Chance. He was able to see much of much of the fruit of his labors and to enjoy worldwide acclaim before his death at 93. My principal mentor, Irwin Stone, did not do so well. In 1984, I attended a scientific meeting at the Baltimore Hotel in Los Angeles, where Stone was to receive an award for his 50 years of research on Vitamin C. As my wife, Ymelda, and I entered the hotel, we saw Dr. Stone and Barbara finishing their meal in a French restaurant. We talked, and I told him I had brought some mineral ascorbates in powder form, which would be easy for him to swallow. We agreed to have dinner together the following night. At about 3:30 the following morning, I was awakened by the telephone in our room. It was Barbara. She said: "Jay, my darling husband has just died. Will you come up to the room?" I quickly put on my clothes and went up to their room. There Irwin lay, lifeless on the bed, with a strange, yellowish tint to his body. Barbara tearfully explained that he had awakened at about 3:00 a.m. choking from regurgitation of the food he had eaten the night before, but she was unable to help him. She apparently knew something about the Heimlich Maneuver, but she was not strong enough to perform it on him. So, Irwin quickly choked to death, early on the very day he was to receive an award! But, Irwin Stone left a legacy. I am honored to carry it on as well as I can. Indeed, as I have been enabled to scientifically probe the acute need of all humanity for the mineral ascorbates, I find that society has an overwhelming demand for these mineral forms of the true "C". Indeed, I am convinced that, were it possible to arrange to have substantial segments of our society enjoy the benefits of mineral ascorbates, even from their mothers' wombs, the upgrading of the populous would be truly astounding. Yes, you can have a Second Chance, even as I, at age 57, had my chance. Now in my 86th year, I am most grateful for this second opportunity to prove my worth to society. P.S. If you want to know how I did it, contact me at: Alacer Corp., 19631 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA, 92610 or E-mail: [email protected].

The Health Gap or Avoiding The Major Killers By Jay Patrick "Everyone of us gets dozens of cancers each day," Dr. Carl Pfeiffer of Princeton, N. J. used to say; But our bodies immediately check the growth of most of them, so, usually, nothing happens. Thousands of scientists are daily working on means to grapple with this great destroyer, but it appears to me that their efforts are largely misdirected. An enormous amount of their time seems to be devoted to "early detection" of cancer, at which time the battle is often lost, rather than to measures that might wholly prevent emergence of the great killer. Cancer is known to be mostly a disease of the aging, as the immune system of the body goes into steady decline. Indeed, it is this same "system", or "response", that has brought us forward through the ages, against almost insurmountable odds, as we fought every imaginable enemy. Yet, somewhere along the tortuous pathway of our development, we either lost, or never had, the one, almost magical, cellular balancer, detoxifier, and fortifier necessary to extend our lives, to help make our bodies whole, and to step up mightily our resistance to disease. It appears that, in approaching the problem, we must, first, consider what is most missing in our bodies, that might provide the "fuel" to enable our cells to throw off a host of vicious invaders, including bacteria, viruses, and radiation. The Missing Agents Outstanding among these missing elements are the mineral ascorbates, of which their intermediate form, ascorbic acid, has been mislabeled Vitamin C. It is in the full study of these peerless carbo that our medical science has been grossly deficient. Yes, there are some 80,000 papers on the subject of ascorbic acid, but little consideration has been given to the most active forms of this powerful molecule, which protect more than 99.9% of all other animals, the mineral ascorbates. Thanks to the pioneering work of the British navy, long ago, which found that lemons (limes) could protect its men at sea for months from almost sure death, an awareness of the need for ascorbate, after countless centuries of radically shortened life, is slowly emerging. But this need should be measured in grams rather than in milligrams, because it is not really a vitamin but a liver metabolite, as world authority, Dr. Irwin Stone labeled it many decades ago. Yes, minute quantities will not suffice, if we would strive to be fully alive and fully well. Setting the Stage The stage for our two most basic ailments, heart attack and cancer is slowly set, with each advancing year. Deprived of adequate mineral ascorbates, the linings of our arteries start to bleed, then clot, forming scar tissue. This scar tissue then collects the cholesterol, lipids, and, finally, calcium of the plaque that, finally, totally blocks the flow of blood to the heart, inducing death. However, with a poorly functioning immune system, which can be due in great measure to lack of the mineral ascorbates, either heart attack or cancer may get you first. This wonderful immune response, as some researchers like to call it, must have every nutrient working for it in synergistic power to help ward off a multitude of invaders ranging from the common cold to the most life-threatening diseases. So, if we were able to produce enough mineral ascorbates to give six to ten grams daily to the entire population, I am confident that the incidence of death from disease, say, to the age of 80, would decline about 50% or more.

Won’t you join me? I like to keep some friends close to my own age (85). P.S. When we had the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, CA., x-ray 10 of our employees with the Ultrafast CT scan, 8 out of 10 showed zero (0) plaque, and the 9th and 10th showed very low levels, also insignificant, at which no symptoms appear. Furthermore, we are inviting several hundred physicians, who have taken our mineral ascorbates for many years, to get their arteries, also, checked We shall publish the results as soon as available. What Kills Most of Us By Jay Patrick It is obvious that the human body wears unevenly. But the most stressed of all organs are the heart and the arteries that serve it. In a 76-year lifetime, the average heart, weighing a little over one pound, will pump some 52,680,000 gallons of blood, which the arteries must carry about the body. The coronary arteries can withstand this enormous load and the friction on the vessel wall, which are maintained only by continuous replacement of their lining, the intima. This lining must remain smoother than the finest silk for good arterial health. But, because of poor nutrition, the new cells that try to provide a new lining every two or three days are, with advancing years, of poor quality, so the surface of the lining becomes rough and then starts to bleed. Patching the Pipes The body rushes to repair the holes, but, as the bleeding stops, tough, inflexible scar tissue replaces the mirror-smooth surface of the artery and makes the vessel more rigid (atherosclerosis). Then, Protein A quickly adheres to this surface, followed by cholesterol, lipids, and calcium. These products, which are essential to body function and, for perhaps 40 years, have circulated freely over a very smooth surface, now start to accumulate, forming sludge that blocks circulation, ultimately bringing on death, or the very temporary patch-up job of the heart bypass. Yet, the cause of this arterial breakdown has been apparent for many years. In 1957, two Canadian physicians, Drs. G.C. Willis and W.J. McCormick, clearly identified it as scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, the same liver disease that, centuries ago, killed off most of the sailors who were at sea for months without fresh vegetables or citrus fruit. Magellan, in 1519, set sail with a fleet of five ships on one of history's great voyages, the circumnavigation of the earth. Three years later, only one ship, with only 18 members of the original crew, returned to Spain, without Magellan. "Limeys" Survive Over two hundred years later, in 1747, James Lind, a British ship's surgeon, studied the mysterious malady and found that lemon juice contained an unknown substance that could save his sailors' lives. For lack of limes, the average ship had to return to port within a few weeks, else the bodies of most of the seamen literally fell apart, so they quickly died. But, when the British Navy learned to carry limes (lemons) on their cruises, they could stay at sea for many months. But foreign navies, which operated without limes, were greatly handicapped, and had to return to port within a few weeks. They could not carry out long voyages, so it

is no wonder that the British navy became so successful, that Britannia Ruled the Seas for more than a century thereafter. Finally, the magic substance was isolated by Dr. Albert Szent Gyorgyi, the Hungarian scientist, who obtained a great volume from the Paprika pepper of his native land. At first, it was called hexuronic acid----but later re-named ascorbic acid. Now, I have frequently explained that ascorbic acid is a highly reactive substance that is short on electrons, so it is always looking for mates with which to unite. Thus, when we ingest the acid, we are engaging in a biochemical lottery, since, when it enters the stomach, it may react with whatever product is available. That's because it is only an intermediate for the neutral, mineral ascorbates, which most animals produce in their livers, and then circulate freely through their bodies. First Things First "What we don't see doesn't hurt us. What we don't know doesn't pain" (from the once-popular song, Please Don't Take Away My Dreams). Yet, we great intellectuals, who can fly all over the world, peer into the depths of the cell and know its workings, create the Hydrogen Bomb, rocket to the moon, maybe clone ourselves, and so, on and on: We cannot understand that what is happening to our bodies is the same thing that happened to those ancient sailors. It is scurvy in a subtle form. We can't see it, so we think it does not exist. We are getting more and more news about the great accomplishments in the field of genetics. Some 4,000 genetic diseases have been identified. Already, we are assuming the God-like role of correcting some of them. Yet, two genetic liver diseases that oppress all humanity are virtually ignored. The major one is hypoascorbemia, inability to produce Vitamin C in our own livers, as do 99.99% of all other animals. Known exceptions: humans, the guinea pig, monkeys, apes, a type of bat, and a rare rat. The second liver disease from which all humans suffer is hypouricasemia. We lack the enzyme uricase, which breaks down excess uric acid, the cause of gout, and converts it into harmless allantoin and carbon dioxide. So billions and billions of dollars are being expended by research corporations to find solutions to some 4,000 different genetic diseases that affect, erratically some of our population. But very little attention is being given to the two major liver diseases that, in one way or another, affect all humans. Some attention is being given to uricase, and perhaps 50,000 studies have been made of Vitamin C, but no one really works on the problem of re-establishing production of this major substance in our own bodies. Yet mineral ascorbates participate in perhaps 1,000 metabolic functions in the body, especially as the interaction of one substance upon another is considered. The Great Reaper This is the liver disease from which all of us who are spared accidental death shall surely die. Why? Because we don't get the superior resistance to disease and longer life, starting, at least, while in our mothers' wombs, that the real Vitamin C, the mineral ascorbates, provide. So, those who take ascorbic acid under the impression that it is Vitamin C are much in error. Ascorbic acid is the intermediate form of "C", as it is present in vegetables and fruit. Humans cannot tolerate in much volume the acidity of ascorbic acid (pH 2), as it irritates the kidneys, bladder, and intestines. Yet, in the

multi gram quantities we require for good health and longer life, it causes mineral-loosing diuresis and diarrhea. You may ask: How much mineral ascorbate do we really need? I can't give you an exact formula, because it depends so much on your sex, age, life style, and physical condition. I can tell you, though, that I weigh about 168 lbs., have been taking from 8 to 14 grams daily for the past 25 years. I have not had any colds for some 23 years, as they were comparatively easy to eliminate. Avoiding attacks of the "flu" was harder, though. By stepping up my intake of ascorbates, I could usually knock them out in one to two days. However, for the past 10 years or so I have not had even one such attack. If you are a woman under 40, you probably do not require as much ascorbate as a man of the same weight. World authority on Vitamin C Irwin Stone told me, some 27 years ago, that he believed that women produce small amounts of vitamin C in their own bodies, which accounts, he said, for their living 6 to 8 years longer than men. Cardiologists inform me that women usually start the formation of plaque about 10 years later than men, but that they often catch up with them in later life. A Dog's Life Perhaps you have a dog. Dogs are more fortunate than we, in that they do produce some 2.8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, as equated to a 154 lb. human. And, as Dr. Stone pointed out to me some 26 years ago, dogs and most animals other than the human animal live 7 times their period of maturity. 2 times 7 is 14. On this basis we human animals should live 7 times our period of maturity which is 20 to 25. 7 times 20 is 140, far above the average of about 76 years. But, if you own a dog, you will probably notice that, as he gets to be 8 or 10 years old, he starts to have problems. His skin may be affected, for instance, and bloody scale will appear. This is because his production of ascorbate is declining. But if you regularly give your dog adequate mineral ascorbates, this scale will disappear, and he, she, may live up to 20 years. (I once wrote an article: "Forget about yourself. Just Take Care of Your Dog." So dogs may show their lack of adequate ascorbate more outwardly than we. Obviously, our reaction in the lining of our arteries is not visible to the naked eye. Deficiency of ascorbate can appear in countless ways. I read of one famous TV star who is going blind. I am sure that she would not be going blind if she had adequate mineral ascorbates in her body, because, next to the adrenals and the brain, high concentrations of ascorbate are quite necessary to prevent degradation of the eyesight, and the high intra-ocular pressure that brings on glaucoma. When I was nearly 83 years of age, I heard of a miraculous Ultrafast CT scan, which is about 10 times as fast as the "CAT" scan of which you may have heard. I learned that there was one of these CT scans at the UCLA Cardiovascular center in Torrance, CA. Checking for Plaque So I decided to go and have a cross section pictures of my arteries taken. I felt a bit apprehensive. I wondered if I had been misleading people for some 23 or so years regarding the feeding and care of their arteries. I climbed into the tunnel of the Ultrafast CT scan, and in about 30 seconds they took 30 different cross-section views of my arteries. The highly cooperative technician allowed my cameraman and me to watch the results as they were displayed on the screen. The coronary arteries were absolutely clear (0) of all calcium, so

he told me that this was "a new record for an 82-year-old man"! You see, calcium is the third major substance that clogs the arteries, and the only one that can be picked up by the x-ray. However, the American Heart Association believes that the presence or non-presence of calcium is a clear indication of the total plaque. Thus, I was greatly relieved. So, I later returned to discuss this extraordinary finding with Dr. Bruce Brundage, head of the Cardiovascular Center. He quickly told me that the finding was interesting, but that it was purely anecdotal, in that an excellent result with one person was not scientific proof that it would occur with the general population. I agreed with him, so, the following week I brought back 10 of our employees who had been taking our mineral ascorbate products. CT Scan Results Age Normal range CT Scan Results Jay Patrick 82 years old over 800 0 calcium Linda Tagle 76 years old 550-800 0 Calcium Ymelda Patrick 57 years old 260-450 0 Calcium HU 43 years old 155-310 0 Calcium AR 42 years old 155-310 0 Calcium JU 42 years old 155-310 0 Calcium JE 47 years old 155-310 0 Calcium RA 47 years old 155-310 0 Calcium SU 57 years old 260-450 97 Calcium EM 55 years old 260-450 155 Calcium Of the 10 people subsequently checked out, 8 had 0 levels of calcium and the remaining 2 had low levels at which no symptoms appear. We compared the averages of asyptomatic persons with data provided by several cardiovascular centers. This data showed that it was highly illogical that anyone in the age group covered could possibly get such astounding readings. Indeed, I challenge anyone in the world to take the same age group, which includes a 77 year old woman and an 82 year old man, and get such remarkable findings. The two of our employees who had the higher readings had not been taking their recommended dosage of 4 to 8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, so they did not show up as well as they should. However, you will note that they were below the readings for other asymptomatic people in their age group. Saving Smokers? Furthermore, two of the people, much to our regret, are smokers, who outside of their work probably consume up to a pack of cigarettes a day. Thus, even these people were getting protection against a bad habit that tends to induce cancer and arterial breakdown! Dr. McCormick reported his finding that every cigarette burns up at least 25 mg of ascorbate, so, obviously, the mineral ascorbates have certainly been compensating in some regard for the bad habit of our two smokers. Perhaps this is something that those cigarette addicts should know about! Further studies of this phenomenon should be undertaken forthwith. (Some 46 Million people are said to be smokers). Arrangements are being made for studies at several universities of people who take the mineral ascorbates for at least a two-year period. 100 people will receive the mineral ascorbates and 100 will receive a placebo.

Thus we are steadily proving that all the malarkey about cholesterol represents the greatest medical farce of our century, to quote one writer. We have formed The Committee for World Health to conduct a further investigation of the mineral ascorbates. As a non-profit foundation, we expect that it will get the funds to conduct much needed research that has not really ever been done. Dr. Sherry Lewen, an English researcher, who made a remarkably thorough study of Vitamin C, reports in his book that the second liver enzyme has been given healthy men, and 25% turned up as ascorbate in their bodies. The Committee is going to see what can be done to introduce all four ascorbate pathway enzymes into the liver, so as to eliminate the need for supplementation of mineral ascorbates. Meanwhile, I strongly recommend mineral ascorbates with the B vitamins and trace elements, timed released, as the best approach to the problem. Scientists are steadily discovering more and more aspects in which our bodies are less than perfect. I have discussed two known liver diseases, hypoascorbemia and hypouricasemia, but there are other inborn ailments that assail most or all of us. In my view, hypoascorbemia is the major ailment of all human kind. The mineral ascorbates that most animals can produce protect their bodies so effectively that, as noted, these animals live 7 times their period of maturity, whereas we live only 3.8 times. As to hypouricasemia: some of us can suffer mightily from this excessive production of uric acid, which is commonly known as gout. Now the normal conception of the gout sufferer is that of an elderly, overweight, highly dissipating person, whose big toe enlarges and makes it difficult for him to walk. But this is a poorly formed idea of gout. Actually it is a major disease that affects countless millions, often in subtle ways. Indeed, it may develop into a bad case of gout arthritis, which can affect the entire body and, in its extremes, so damage the joints as to make one a helpless cripple. So, I have discussed the two major, genetic diseases that affect all humanity. There are other genetic diseases from which most of us suffer that are being largely ignored. I shall give attention to them in a subsequent article. But, if the medical profession and medical research will only give more consideration to nutritional approaches to these ailments, I am confident that major strides will be made toward the better health of the world. Are You On The Brink? By Jay Patrick Nearly everyone expresses dismay that some 50,000 Americans annually lose their lives in automobile accidents. Yet the Scientific American Magazine reports in its April, ’97 SAM -CD Surgery, that the major annual loss of Americans up to 38 years old amounts to about 150,000 people... from another cause. It’s not AIDS. And who can guess what it is? It’s trauma! Most dictionaries define trauma as: "a body injury produced by violence or any thermal, chemical, or other extrinsic agent". This "body injury" may not be at all obvious. It may be an internal disruption of body function that cannot be seen. However, you might note that three times as many, or some 450,000 additional people who, also, endure trauma, yet do not die, says this distinguished periodical, will, nevertheless, suffer permanent disability! This adds up to the horrifying toll of some 600,000 young Americans annually, who either die suddenly or suffer life-long disability . . . many of whom may not have a scratch on them! (Aren’t they as important as those who have AIDS?)

High Stress Actually, Dr. Irwin Stone, world pioneer on vitamin C, pointed out to me, in 1970, that some 50% of those who die in automobile accidents suffer no real bodily injury, yet die from the trauma, the high stress of the accident. The chart furnished by The Scientific American in their excellent CD, shows the timing of 862 mysterious deaths from trauma, over a two year period, at a San Francisco General Hospital:

Almost half of those who did reach the hospital (390) were either Dead on Arrival, or died within half an hour. No one in our hospitals knows what to do for them! (Many do not get to a hospital, but go directly to the morgue.) The "wild" aspect of these findings is that the injuries to these persons are not regarded as intrinsically life threatening. Thus, the deaths are identified as due to trauma. Some 27 years ago Dr. Stone told me that about 50 percent of those who die in automobile accidents, die not from any substantial injuries, but due to the high stress, the trauma, of the accident. Stone felt that, accordingly, it is of high importance that accident victims get immediate help. Thus, he believed that prompt intake of vitamin C, which is the outstanding anti-stress agent in the world, preferable in the form of mineral ascorbates, would save many lives. "Researchers found," he said, " if one just jingles keys in front of a rat’s cage, that, in response to this stress, the rat will quadruple its output of Vitamin C". This illustrates an animal’s need for ascorbate, in order to deal with emergencies... and we are animals, too, and have animal bodily needs. Yet 99.9% of all other animals produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in their own bodies, protecting them against countless ills against which we have almost no protection. The Scientific American estimates that about three times as many people die annually from Trauma (about 150,000) as from AIDS (about 50,000). The Major Killer Indeed, at the first World Congress on Vitamin C which I staged in Palm Springs in 1978, Dr. Stone’s topic was Sudden Death. All of this made sense to me, so I introduced at the World Congress where Stone spoke, a new product, named Emergen-C Drink Mix. Emergen-C forms the highly effective mineral ascorbates of vitamin C, and tends to get them very rapidly into the body. It has been the outstanding nutritional drink of America for some 18 years. As the powder effervesces in water, it forms 7 mineral ascorbates, plus about 25 other mineral complexes, which get nutrients into the cell almost immediately. But daily intake of C, preferably in Timed Release form, with B vitamins and other trace substances (Super Gram III), can probably help enormously to avoid such emergencies. Of course, it will, also step up the immune system, as well. Stone felt that some 98% of the population was suffering from sub-clinical scurvy (lack of vitamin C). He said it was sub-clinical only because the doctors cannot recognize it for what it really is, frank scurvy, ready to show itself when sudden, high stress is thrust upon the body, burning up what residual C is available to continue its physiological operations. Since almost half of the 862 deaths shown on the chart occurred within the first half hour of hospital entrance, certainly some quick action was needed to save these lives, yet obviously, no such quick action was taken, or is daily being taken, with such everyday cases.

Dr. Stone also told me that animals who, unlike humans, can produce vitamin C in their own livers, produce it in 5 stages. After the 4th stage, in reaction to 4 enzymes, the glucose circulating in their blood becomes ascorbic acid, but it then goes through a 5th stage in which the ascorbic acid reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates. These are neutral forms of C which, unlike the highly acidic, ascorbic acid, are non-irritating to the blood vessels of the body. They are also picked up more quickly by body cells, since the minerals act as ascorbate transporters to carry this vital nutrition throughout every area, from head to toe. The Terror of Trauma I regard this as a very terrifying situation: That so many thousands of our fellows, when subject to some stress, without visibly sign of physical injury, may die in a matter of minutes. It’s hard to believe, but it’s been documented for many years. In fact, I have discussed the subject at great length with a distinguished physician and re-searcher who has been a close advisor for some 25 years, Dr. Abram Hoffer of Victoria, B.C. It was he and another Canadian researcher, Dr. Humphrey Osmond, who first learned, some 35 years ago, that most schizophrenia can be cured or checked with high doses of Vitamin C and niacin. Still carrying on a very active practice, at 79, Hoffer recently said: "Many years ago, when only crude measures were employed, it was found that animals exposed to stress such as throwing them into cold water, would lose all the vitamin C from their adrenal glands. As with humans, the adrenal cortex is the animals’ major depository of Vitamin C, which may seem strange. Why is it there? I think it is there because it surrounds the adrenal medulla which is full of adrenaline. The adrenaline released from the medulla, the center of the gland, must travel through the cortex. I think the ascorbate is used to protect the adrenaline from oxidation, so that it can be released in its true state, not as some by-product such as adrenochrome, which induces schizophrenia. "I am convinced," he continues, "that if everyone were to take enough ascorbate, they would not die as frequently as they now do from severe shock, excluding major loss of blood or organs. I think Irwin Stone was correct. Several years ago, I tried to get the local hospital to place all patients on the surgical waiting list on at least one gram a day, telling them that they could drastically cut down deaths and the number of days in the hospital, but they would not even consider this. I believe vitamin C is the major anti-stress nutrient in the body. Furthermore, if you take "C" as the neutral mineral ascorbates, your body can easily tolerate many, many grams of this live-saving nutrient." What Causes Sudden Death? One important piece of information that is missing from the S.F. Hospital report; What were the life styles of these 862 who went so suddenly to their death? Alas, this information is not readily available. But I will bet that smokers greatly predominated. Many years ago the pioneering Canadian physician, Dr. W.F. McCormick, calculated that each cigarette burns up about 25 mg of ascorbate in the average body. So, a few cigarettes can quickly put one in a deficit condition regarding his 'C' level, especially in his brain, the master cylinder that is secondary only to the adrenal glands as a storage point for ascorbate. Anyway, I'm going to ask the Committee for World Health to conduct an investigation of the life habits of all people who end up so suddenly in the morgue without any substantial body injuries. Such information, in fact, should be an integral part of every coroner's report.

Taking the Breath Away In Israel, two researchers, Biochemists Herman Soreg and Alon Friedman of Hebrew University recently unearthed a great clue as to a major brain dysfunction that may occur when the body is short on mineral ascorbates. The Israel army was concerned that its soldiers might be subject to a chemical attack that interferes with the function of an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. So the soldiers administered pyridostigmine, a drug that protects against such chemical attacks. Although the attacks never took place, after the soldiers had been in combat, the drug bridged the blood brain barrier, and induced serious side effects, something it was not supposed to do, reports the May '97 issue of Discover. Puzzled by this result, Soreg and Friedman immersed mice in very cold water to stress them, then injected blue dye, which promptly went to the supposedly impregnable brains of the animals. This is a rather revolutionary finding, since it opens up the possibility that, under conditions of severe stress, the human brain may be subject to invasion from which it is supposedly immune. Biochemists have long since been aware that the brain protects itself with the blood brain barrier against countless potentially damaging substances present in the normal body. But, if stress can induce the brain to lower its bars, the menace that trauma presents to mental and physical well-being can be greatly intensified. Thus, the brain which has lost all or almost all of its ascorbate protector appears to have a much greater vulnerability to total break-down, with deadly consequences. I surmise that this sudden admission to the brain of such usually inadmissible, potentially poisonous substances may be one of the principal factors in the high incidence of sudden death. But why don't other animals, including the young ones, experience sudden death under the trauma of stress? That must be because more than 99.9% produce high levels of ascorbate in their own bodies. As I have previously mentioned, just jingle keys in front of a rat's cage, and it will quadruple its output of ascorbate to counter the stress. panacea: a remedy for all disease or ills. Panacea: an ancient Greek Goddess of Healing. Long ago, Dr. Irwin Stone told me "ascorbate is the only known panacea. No matter what one's ailment, it helps to mitigate or cure it." Ascorbate works, he explained, in countless ways to protect the body and re-establish its full function. I feel that it has remarkable ability to restore balance to the cell, the unit of life. Another ascorbate researcher, Dr. Frederick Klenner, of Reidville, N.C. found that intravenous administration of massive amounts of ascorbate could bring about the complete recovery of patients suffering from an enormous variety of ailments, ranging from snake bite to encephalitis of the brain. His results are all documented in a book. The Real "C" Thus, it became evident to me, some 25 years ago, that the only real vitamin C is the type of C that animals produce in their own bodies, mineral ascorbates. And so I abandoned the chemical business which I had headed for some 30 years in New

Jersey, and returned to my native California, determined to produce the mineral ascorbates so essential to full health and long life. Yet most of the world is not awakened to this fact: If you try to take the level of "C" you require, which should be many grams, generally, you will find that you cannot tolerate ascorbic acid in the multi gram quantities your body really needs. Ascorbic acid has a pH of about 2, which is highly irritating to the kidneys and bladder and tends to pull minerals out of the body, rather than introduce them, as is the case with mineral ascorbates. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling learned this, but he still kept on advising people to take the "cheapest "C" available, even though he reported highly adverse findings in the book "Cancer and Vitamin C", which he co-authored with Dr. Ewan Cameron, in that high intake (10 grams) of ascorbic acid induced "heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially diarrhea". So I had a good reason for naming our new product Emergen-C which, when immersed in water, immediately forms the mineral ascorbates. In 1989 I noted a San Jose, Calif. Mercury newspaper article which stated: "Asians In Their 30’s Are Dying Mysteriously". I wrote the paper, explaining that their cause of death was quite obviously scurvy, but received no reply. Two years later, in 1991, after returning from staging the Second World Congress in San Diego, we had a most dismaying occurrence. A 32-year-old Filipino had been working for us as head of our maintenance department for about two years. Since we had moved to Irvine, he had a long distance to drive, so he chose to work a ten-hour, four-day week, which put extra stress on his body. He also declined to take any of our vitamin C products which we were producing. On a Wednesday, this young man rose at 12:00 midnight from his bed, only to promptly die. I attended his funeral, where they spoke of all the many things he had been doing for his fellow Filipino’s in the community, which, of course contributed to more stress on his body. After the funeral, I attended a luncheon in the home of the sister-in-law with whom he and his family lived. Spread before me was me was a very long table, all laden with boiled food. His sister-in-law, an anesthesiologist, explained that while she might take half an hour to prepare a meal, he took three hours, obviously boiling everything to death... This was further proof that he had cooked out all the residual vitamin C in his food, which seems to be a common practice among Asians. I now had the explanation of his death, scurvy, as well as the deaths of many other Asians, Sudden Death, by the book of Dr. Irwin Stone. Baa, Baa, Baa! Rudy Vallee, Jay Patrick, and Ymelda Patrick When he was about 82 years old, the famed old-time singer, Rudy Vallee, the Bing Crosby of his time, (The Wiffenpoof Song, The Stein Song) got in touch with me and asked for assistance with his diet. We supplied him with our mineral ascorbates and other products for about three years. Indeed, my wife and I attended, in 1985, a Thanksgiving dinner for twelve in his Hollywood home, which proved to be his last Thanksgiving. However, he later had a fall on his estate and had to have 13 stitches taken in his head, although no bones were broken, probably due to his good diet. But, he was not

in touch with me over a period of some three weeks. I learned that an x-ray technician had discovered that he had a tumor on his esophagus. Rudy decided to have the tumor taken out, without mentioning it to me, although I would have warned him to maintain a high level of ascorbates both before and after the operation. He underwent the operation at a well-known Los Angeles hospital. The operation was a "success" and the tumor benign, but he promptly had a stroke that left him in a coma! I visited him, although he was still unconscious, but he died two weeks after the operation. I later learned that he had no ascorbate before or after the operation, as the hospital had taken it away from him, so he suffered the rebound effect of total deprivation of "C" without any of the supportive action which he needed in a period of great stress. Thus, I believe his brain gave in to the shock, so he suffered a very serious stroke. Equal Problem, Different Result! Interestingly, when having a routine examination about three years later, I learned that I, too, had a tumor on my esophagus, although it had never bothered me. Indeed, it may have been there for more than 25 years. However, I decided to have it taken out while I was in condition good enough to sustain an operation. But I was much concerned that good blood for transfusion be available, since I did not regard the blood banks at that time as being too trustworthy. The first surgeon I consulted in Anaheim regarding my request for good nutrition was a very imperious fellow, who told me very emphatically that his patients would take what he told them they should take and nothing else. So I immediately discharged him and turned to Loma Linda Hospital, near San Bernardino, California. The fine surgeon there readily agreed that I could take all of the vitamins I wished, both before and after the operation. I accumulated four pints of O Positive blood with the Red Cross, three from my stepchildren and one from me, which were sent to the hospital for my specific use. . I, also, was determined to maintain high levels of mineral ascorbate, both before and after the operation, since I did not want to follow the death route taken by my friend Rudy. So I went in for the operation on a Friday morning and took some 10 grams of mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins, Timed Release. They operated at about noon. But this was a rather difficult operation, which involved spreading apart the ribs on my left side.. However, my blood coagulated so readily that not one drop of blood was needed for transfusion.. I walked away from the hospital the following Tuesday morning, essentially very well recovered from the operation. Thus I have reported on two operations of the same type, on men in their 80’s, with opposite results. You may choose which way you care to go, if you require an operation. What Helps Keep Us Alive I have re-established the Committee for World Health as a non-profit foundation to investigate more intensively the major ailments of man, especially the Two Genetic Liver Diseases, hypoascorbemia (inability to produce vitamin C in one’s own body), and hypouricasemia (inability to produce uricase, which inactivates the uric acid that induces gout and the crippling disease, gout arthritis). The Committee, under the direction of molecular biochemist, Dr. Richard Dana, is trying to organize in San Diego a program under which patients arriving at a local hospital will be given at least two grams of mineral ascorbates, immediately, upon arrival. The ascorbates will be given either as an effervescent drink, a tablet, or

intravenously. Once this program has been followed, I predict it will clearly become evident that deaths and disability from trauma can be radically reduced. The period of recovery will also be shortened mightily, you may be sure. Indeed, I hereby challenge the hospitals to give this program a try. Certainly, it can help to keep their patients around a little longer, instead of their being carted off to the morgue. This program will help to prove to a disbelieving medical profession what can be done about the disabling liver disease, hypoascorbemia, that handicaps all humankind. However, such emergency procedures, though helpful in saving lives, are not really enough. All of us should be taking from 4 to 10 grams daily of mineral ascorbates in timed release tablets, which would protect us against the situations that bring on trauma and strengthen our resistance to disease, as well. But I must tell you, at this juncture, that the intransigence of the medical profession is almost beyond belief. Most doctors and most medical researchers are so wrapped up in their strictly drug approach, where the big money is, that it is, still, most difficult to break through the Wall of Authority that they have imposed on our very lives. Thus, the chief concern of so many in the profession is to protect their turf, rather than to really help their patients. And the average doctor is, himself, so immersed in this drug, patch-up approach that he doesn’t live as long as his patients: He dies at 57! An Exceptional Physician A notable exception is Dr. William Saccoman of El Cajon, who has utilized nutrition in his practice for some 20 years. I wrote about him some 17 years ago. The wife of an Orange County publicist had been in an Anaheim hospital for several weeks, with a badly swollen leg from phlebitis, about which they could do nothing. In fact, they feared that the clot in her leg might loosen, travel to her heart, and kill her. But they didn’t know what to do about her case, so, astoundingly, they asked that she leave the hospital. At my suggestion, her husband picked her up in his car, and drove her to Dr. Saccoman in San Diego, who promptly put her in a hospital. There, he gave her, alternately, tablets of mineral ascorbates and niacin. Within three days she left the hospital, a well woman. But, some months later, after the doctor had performed a few more miracles of alternative medicine, he was told that he was no longer accredited to the hospital, so he could not place any more patients there. In subsequent years, as Saccoman proceeded to employ his knowledge of good nutrition In two other San Diego hospitals, he was, for similar reasons, denied their facilities for his patients. Understand, though, this is par for the course. All over the U.S., doctors have even lost their licenses to practice simply because their methods did not conform to the generally accepted procedures of their peers. Since most of their peers know almost nothing about nutrition, a great injustice to the doctors who do, and to their patients, obviously ensues Thus does a Medical Monopoly, supposed established to protect the public, serve, instead to abuse the public and to enormously step up the death rate and the failures of doctors to perform for the public good. Cop Stress Dr Hugh Riordan, who heads The Center for the Improvement of Human Function, in Wichita, Kansas wondered about what happens to blood levels of ascorbate under stress. So, he checked the ascorbate blood levels of a group of Wichita policemen, just before they were to go on strenuous night duty. He found their ascorbate levels to be fair. Then he checked the policemen again, after 8 hours of stressful duty. Ascorbate blood levels: undetectable. Stallone Survives

In producing the first Rambo film, Sylvester Stallone underwent many days of strenuous agony. I interviewed him for three and a half hours after he had completed the picture, in his California home. He felt I had saved his life with Emergen-C. You can see the story, as it appeared in Sports Science. () On The Edge Obviously, the average person is tottering on the edge of a precipice, unaware that a minor accident can easily occur that can quickly destroy him, or immobilize him for life. A word to the wise is sometimes sufficient. Cost Analysis: The reported cost of treating one case of AIDS latest, highly touted, drug is $15,000 annually, or $41.10 a day. However, we believe Death from Trauma can probably be prevented for as low as 16 cents a day. Try our mineral ascorbates! We know that you will feel a clear benefit the very First Day !

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 1) Are Girls Smarter? Biologists have long been aware that girls have many superiorities over boys in performance, perhaps in intelligence. The July 30th issue of U.S. News and World Report elaborates upon this difference between the sexes. They state: "Boys earn 70% of the D's and F's that teachers dole out. They make up 2/3 of students labeled learning disabled. They are the culprits in a whopping 9 of 10 alcohol and drug-related violations and the suspected perpetrators in 4 out of 5 crimes that end up in juvenile court." They go on about this inferiority yet there is no explanation of its cause. I think I know the cause. I have written an article entitled "Specialized Woman" in which I discuss a factor that seems to be greatly ignored by biologists. Women are truly specialized in that their bodies are formed for childbirth. However, in order to produce a whole baby, it is quite necessary that the woman have some excess Vitamin C as mineral ascorbates in her body. The Body's Glue If she does not, the connective tissue that separates every organ and holds the body together cannot be formed. This connective tissue is produced in the infant baby's body with mineral ascorbates and amino acids such as proline and lysine. Indeed, Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi has said that ascorbate is "the glue that holds the body together." Furthermore, once she has the baby, the woman's milk contains the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C that she has produced, which is quite essential for the full health of the baby. (The formulas confidently used by many mothers may contain a little bit of ascorbic acid but are really very poor simulations of true mother's milk.) Actually, most people never fully develop their bodies, because we suffer from a genetic defect that we cannot produce mineral ascorbates in our livers. In my case, I came in to the world with weak arches in my feet. Accordingly, I had to wear steel arch supports for around 50 years, which handicapped me greatly in my walking. But, within a few months after I started taking Vitamin C, at age 59, my arches acquired greater strength and I was able to throw away the painful arch supports. Because she produces this ascorbate in her own body, the woman's coronary arteries tend to remain essentially clear. This is not because she produces less cholesterol in her body, the major fraud of our medical profession, but because the lining of the coronary arteries is replaced every 2 or 3 days, and it must be replaced with cells that contain adequate Vitamin C, otherwise they bleed. They then form scar tissue in the artery wall which was once mirror-like in its finish. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, followed by lipids and calcium, in about equal parts. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Thus, it is clearly evident to me that girls are specialized for the production of babies, as noted in my article Specialized Woman. Their babies must have an adequate supply of mineral ascorbates in the womb to aid in the construction of the connective tissue that separates every organ of the body and for the other stresses of being born. So, until she is no longer of child-bearing age, the woman's body is daily loaded with a substantial volume of mineral ascorbates. But, until required for childbirth, this mineral ascorbate can serve to substantially enhance the function of her brain and, to, also, protect her coronary arteries. Master Control Center Repeating: This level of mineral ascorbate production serves not only as an essential of childbirth but can aid the young woman's brain, the master control center of the body, to function more effectively. I think that's why girls are smarter. On the other hand, there is no evidence that men ever produce mineral ascorbates in their bodies. This explains why they usually experience occlusion of their coronary arteries at least 10 years sooner than women. This is just one example, but there must be many. Actually our brains require enormous amounts of mineral ascorbates in their development and for daily function. Thus, we have noted that pregnant women who take 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates during their pregnancy produce children who are essentially whole, physically, and, also, tend to be of superior intelligence. This is because Mother Nature does not provide enough mineral ascorbates in women to maximize their benefits. In this connection, it is interesting to note that production of ascorbate among some 3.4 million species of animal averages 10 grams (10,000 mg) of mineral ascorbates daily, when equated to a 154 lb. human. Furthermore, the brains of all young children, as well as their bodies, are still in a developmental stage and can benefit greatly if they receive the mineral ascorbates, after birth, and for many, many years thereafter. But, all this seems to show a way in which we can step up the level of boys' intelligence. Just give them mineral ascorbates daily! This will help them to catch up with the girls. Conclusion: I think that research under which schoolboys are given at least 1 gram (1 packet, 1000 mg) of mineral ascorbates daily for an entire semester should promptly be conducted. I am sure beyond all doubt that substantial elevation of their mental powers will occur, plus an appreciable benefit to their health, even though levels much higher than 1 gram daily should be tried by those who are seriously interested in accomplishing great results. Any school interested in conducting this valuable research is invited to contact me.

2) Sudden Death Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Introduction by Jay Patrick In March of 1978, I formed The Committee for World Health, first, to stage the World Congress on Vitamin C, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the isolation of ascorbic acid by Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi. Among the leading speakers on that occasion was Dr. Irwin Stone, the enzymatic chemist who did most to promote Vitamin C, although he contented himself with ascorbic acid, which is not really Vitamin C but the fourth stage in the animal's body. The fifth stage is where the ascorbic acid reacts with minerals present in the liver to form the neutral ascorbates of some seven different minerals, which can go into body cells far more effectively than the highly acid ascorbic acid. Aside: I recently completed the reading of Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Dana, a relative of our Director of Research, also a Richard Dana. In this 400-page document he reports two cases where a number of their sailors suffered so severely from scurvy that they almost died. Indeed their lives were saved only by fresh vegetables, which contained enough ascorbate to bring them back from their extreme conditions, which, in the absence of a total breakdown of the body, scurvy, is never, ever a condition of really good health of mind and body to which we all would aspire. Indeed, it is a state of terminal health, which, Stone said, applies to the great majority of us. That is why a serious accident can, with its enormous trauma, quickly deprive the brain of that vital substance without which it cannot function, ascorbate, which results in hundreds of thousands of deaths annually from the resulting trauma. However, Dr. Irwin Stone's presentation at that Congress follows, Sudden Death A Look Back From Ascorbate's 50th Anniversary by Dr. Irwin Stone At sea, where no greens, fresh meats or fruits are to be had, the prognostics in this disease are sometimes deceitful; for people that appear to be but slightly scorbutic, are apt to be suddenly and unexpectedly seized with some of its worse symptoms. Their dropping down dead upon an exertion of their strength, or change of air, is not easily foretold; though it generally happens after a tedious confinement in a foul air. James Lind, Treatise of the Scurvy, 1753 Sudden Death has been known and observed for centuries as the characteristic final pathognomonic symptom of scurvy. There are numerous references, like the one above, in Dr. James Lind's Medical Classic, "A Treatise of the Scurvy," published in 1753, to sudden and unexpected death due to scurvy. Lind: born in 1716, died in 1794, will be remembered as the great British Naval Physician called "The Father of Nautical Medicine," who conducted the first scientifically accurate medical experiment on shipboard on 12 scorbutic sailors in 1740. He proved that the appearance of the classic symptoms of scurvy could be prevented or cleared up by giving its victims or potential victims one ounce of fresh lemon juice a day.

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Providing the seamen with this daily ration of lemon juice was proposed to the British Admiralty to eliminate scurvy in the Royal Navy. It took 42 years and the "Sudden Deaths" of an estimated 100,000 scorbutic sailors before this simple suggestion was approved. This regulation went into effect in 1795, one year after Lind had passed away, so he never saw the great benefits from the practical application of his work. This simple expedient, besides saving the lives of countless seamen, British ships could remain at sea for months because they carried limes. Other navies had to return home within weeks or lose most of their crews to scurvy. This assured Britain the Mastery of the Seas and completely changed the course of history in the 19th Century. Lind's unusual book was the first early medical tract that reads like a modern textbook of Medicine. It records not only Dr. Lind's many years of personal contact and observations on scorbutic sailors on shipboard, but also his wide experience in autopsies on sailors who experienced this "Sudden Death." The book is unique in that Dr. Lind also records the observations of earlier authors writing on this dread disease in a chapter called, "Bibliotheca Scorbutica." His first reference to sudden death is dated 1541. His book should be reprinted and made required reading in the Medical Schools so that present MD's do not forget the lessons of scurvy and will be alerted to the deadly dangers of this disease, which is still so endemic and wide spread in our population. It also showed 19th Century and early 20th Century Medicine how to avoid the terminal symptoms of this deadly disease, which in their ignorance they equated with a total cure of the disease. One bad feature of Lind's work was that it tended to confirm the centuries-old impression that scurvy was related to the foods we ate. This led to further clinical work by nutritionists of the latter part of the 19th Century and early 20th Century which ultimately produced the conclusion that diseases could be caused by something missing in the diet. Casimir Funk proposed, in 1912, the "Vitamine-Deficiency Disease Hypothesis." In 1912, not much more was known about scurvy than was recorded by Lind in 1753 and "Vitamine C" was just a speculative, hypothetical substance whose existence was not even certain until 20 years later with the discovery of ascorbic acid. The application of this hypothesis to the diseases caused by vitamin A or the B vitamins has stood the test of Time better than the total application of this hypothesis to scurvy. Further research on ascorbate after its discovery in the early 1930's brought out data which questioned the accuracy of the vitamin C Hypothesis, especially in the matter of the size of the required daily intakes of ascorbate. Man's Genetic Disease This led to the showing in 1966 that scurvy's basic etiology was that of an "inborn error of carbohydrate metabolism," a liver-enzyme disease, named Hypoascorbemia, caused by a defective human gene for the liver enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO) and not simply caused by improper foods. This birth defect for GLO prevents humans from producing their own large quantities of ascorbate each day, as nearly all the other mammals do. Improper foods are not a cause of this disease, but merely a complication involved in the workings of this potentially fatal birth defect, the real cause. By this time, however, the misleading Vitamin C-Nutritional hypothesis had become euphoric established Medical Dogma, requiring a re-education and re-orientation of present and future doctors into the many dangers to health of this universal human birth defect. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

After over 60 years of this nutritional propaganda, major medical mental-blocks have been created which have interfered with clinical research by preventing clear thinking regarding the necessary dosages of daily ascorbate required for fully correcting this birth defect and for health maintenance and the therapy of many diseases. Because of ignorance of the proper daily dosage, Hypoascorbemia is endemic and Chronic Subclinical Scurvy (CSS Syndrome) has become our most widespread and insidious disease. The chronic insults of the CSS Syndrome sets the stage for the high incidence, morbidity and high mortality of cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many other current serious medical problems including Sudden Infant Death and Drug Addiction. The continuing application of the outdated tenets of this vitamin C Hypothesis by orthodox Medicine has only assured the continued high rate of scorbutic sicknesses and scorbutic sudden death in our population, deaths that can be so easily and inexpensively avoided. Crib Death The first and most obvious condition of modern "Sudden Death" which comes to mind is the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or "Crib Death." This kills 8,000 to 10,000 infants a year in this country, which is probably a low estimate. In this fatal condition we have the most data involving its relation to scurvy and it is almost a certainty, even without doubleblind studies, that these deaths are due to infantile scurvy and are unnecessary and easily preventable. Through the clinical efforts of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner and Drs. Archie Kalokerinos and Glen Dettman, this disease should no longer exist and it is only a matter of resolving some high level medical politics before it will become extinct. Reference should be especially made to Dr. Kalokerinos' book on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, EVERY SECOND CHILD. The disease usually afflicts infants under 1 year old and runs its course swiftly and surely the baby is put to bed in apparent health and is found dead the next morning. Neither suffocation or strangulation from the bedclothes are a factor and Drs. Klenner, Kalokerinos and Dettman agree that the cause is infantile scurvy, a condition that can be so easily corrected and avoided. There are usually no characteristic physical signs of the disease after death except possibly some slight, hardly noticeable Iiver changes and the pathognomonic absence of ascorbate in the residual urine in the bladder at autopsy. This latter finding is not characteristic of SIDS, because nearly all sick scorbutic patients who expire, infants, older children and adults will show zero ascorbate urinary spillover, by the C-STIX test. The term "Sick Scorbutic Patients" is applicable to nearly all hospital admissions and has led Dr. Robert Cathcart to call hospitals "Scurvy Houses." Let us now glance at the physiological history of the future SIDS victim. When babies are born to scorbutic mothers, the bulk of which present day mothers are in this condition, the infant has already suffered from 9 months of intrauterine subclinical scurvy, even though the fetus tried hard to scavenge every bit of the anti-stressor ascorbate, from the mother's body. Sickly and smoking mothers put an added burden on the ascorbate metabolism of the infant. When the incident stresses get far beyond ascorbate compensation, that is when SIDS takes over and sudden death ensues. Prevention of SIDS should begin before the baby is born. The Mother should use the regime suggested by Dr. Klenner of about 10 to 15 grams of ascorbate a day throughout pregnancy and lactation. Strong multivitamin and multimineral preparations should also be taken. When the baby is born, it should be given for the first year, about 1 gram a day of ascorbate in spaced doses. Besides its preventive effect in SIDS, this regime has many other salutary effects on the course of pregnancy, childbirth, healing, lactation and the Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

production of an extremely robust, healthy baby as shown by its use in over 2,500 pregnancies by Dr. Klenner. Sudden Adult Deaths Let us look now into the sudden deaths occurring in adults like heart attacks, strokes, bursting aneurisms, the traumatic and hemorrhagic shock that quickly kills accident victims, the surgical shock that finishes off the patient on the operating table, the fatal anaphylactic shock reactions, the rapidly fatal acute leukemias, fatal exposure to ionizing radiation, the fatal rejection of transplanted organs and many others. These are all basically conditions that occur as a result of the long term insults of the chronic lack of abundant amounts of ascorbate, producing, to name a few: low strength, poor quality collagen in the heart and vascular system and other organs, having an immune system that lacks ascorbate to keep it functioning at 100% efficiency, lack of sufficient ascorbate to maintain biochemical homeostasis at a cellular level by allowing the oxidation-reduction potential (rH) of the tissues to rise beyond its optimal level. An internal environment of abundant ascorbate is characteristic of most of the other mammals, a trait that has served them well over the past 165 million years. I can personally attest to the value of ascorbate in controlling shock. Both my wife and I were involved in a serious automobile accident in 1960 in which we were both severely injured. We had been taking regularly at that time and for many years prior, about 5 grams of ascorbate daily. Neither of us went into traumatic or hemorrhagic shock, which, undoubtedly saved our lives. I am convinced that I would not have survived the injuries and blood loss without the help of the large doses of ascorbate. What this all boils down to is that Sudden Death in adults is similar in etiology to the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, except that in adults it takes a little longer. Basically the roots of both these types of death are steeped in the easily correctable chronic subclinical scurvy that afflicts nearly every member of our population. The mere addition of 10 to 20 grams of ascorbate to our daily intake would essentially correct the CSS Syndrome for most people, at least it would be a good point to start. Studies should be started to see what the correction effect on health and "Sudden Death" would be. If it works as well as I think it should, this simple expedient would completely wreck our present statistical tables on the incidence of diseases, death and life expectancy. The Ignored Disease In future cases of sudden death, the important influence of the patient's uncorrected chronic subclinical scurvy should always be suspect and this is easily confirmed by testing the urine with the 10 second C-STIX test. It will come as an unpleasant surprise to the well financed watch-dog Government Agencies whose duties include the maintenance of the good health of the American people and a reduction in the American death rates to learn that this ancient killer, the CSS Syndrome, is still plaguing Mankind with pretty good efficiency. This is the disease that the Center for Disease Control, the various divisions of National Institutes of Health colossus, the Food and Drug Administration thought was licked in 1912, by giving "Homeopathic" doses of ascorbate. When confronted with any new disease which does not respond to their customary medications, these Agencies always seem so helpless and hopeless and never think of looking into the scorbutic status of the patient. The stressful medications, vaccines and Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

treatments that they use only further deplete their victims' bodies of the little ascorbate present and exacerbate the CSS Syndrome. The vaccines usually don't work because the scorbutic patient's immune system does not respond efficiently. They would achieve a lot more success in their treatments if they used mega doses of ascorbate to supplement their present orthodox therapy, because right now their treatments are handicapped by the lack of resistance and the poor physiological responses of a severely scorbutic body. I will just mention two recent instances to illustrate my point. The first is the "Legionnaire's Disease" which appeared a couple of years ago, with many deaths. It is still an unknown entity. In all that I have read about this disease, I have never seen a report that anyone tested the scorbutic status of the patients either during life or after death, nor that anyone ever administered therapeutic dose of ascorbate. This seems incredible, when it is realized that the CSS Syndrome is our most widespread disease and everyone suffers from the birth defect for GLO causing it. It is likely that a few mega intravenous shots of mineral ascorbate would have saved these poor victims. Why wasn't it tried as a "last resort"? They had nothing better to offer? The Mystery Deaths The second is the more recent "Mystery Deaths" which, according to a recent account are killing about 6,000 victims a year. The deaths "continue to baffle the medical experts" which comprise, at least, the Medical Examiners of Chicago, Indianapolis, Dallas and Miami. They all agree that "stress-physical or emotional appears to play a role in some of the mystery deaths." All right, but did these coroners take the next logical step and simply determine the ascorbate level in the residual urine in the victim's-bladder? Probably not, otherwise they would have duplicated our autopsy results of zero. (A person fully correcting the CSS Syndrome excretes at least 100 mg% ascorbate). There are "a small number of cases every year in every major U.S. city involving the natural deaths of otherwise healthy young people, most of them 15 to 30 years old, for which no trace of a cause can be found. Most of them literally drop dead." Dr. Lind, 225 years ago, provided the diagnosis for "Mystery Death" which is quoted on the first page of this paper. Lind's use of "Foul Air" can now be interpreted as tobacco smoke, gasoline fumes and "Major City" pollution. In my opinion these "Mystery Deaths" are nothing more than "Crib Deaths" on an older age group who have successfully avoided dying in their cribs only to be struck down later by the same poorly corrected birth defect for GLO. Like crib death, this "Mystery Death" could be prevented by Dr. Klenner's regime of giving, beginning at birth, 1 gram per day of ascorbate per year of age up to age 10 and then 10 grams a day there after for the rest of life. On days of heavy stress more ascorbate may be required. The greatest advance in this century for improving the health of the American people and increasing their healthy, productive Life Span, will come only when the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration and all other concerned with health become aware of the necessity for eliminating the CSS Syndrome by simply and fully correcting this human birth defect for GLO, and recommended an inexpensive megascorbic protective regime.

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Until this is done, the American public will continue in its unhealthy scorbutic ways, going from one medical crisis to another. At present, this decision depends upon the whims of the great Medical Bureaucracy and the tax paying public should have much more to say. The decision is forty years overdue. The time is now. Write your Congressman!! Sudden and unexpected death has been a characteristic pathognomonic symptom of scurvy known for centuries. The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the only characteristic symptom of which is the sudden and unexpected death of the apparently healthy victim, has been shown to be due to infantile scurvy. Because of the genetic origin of scurvy and the inadequate correction of this human birth defect, among large sectors of our population, it is postulated, and evidence is presented, that other forms of sudden and unexpected death which massacre millions yearly, are manifestations of the continued long term insults of the chronic subclinical scurvy afflicting all these victims. These include Sudden Death caused by heart attacks, strokes, the traumatic and hemorrhagic shock in accident victims, the surgical shock which finishes off patients on the operating table, anaphylactic shock reactions, the rapidly fatal leukemias, fatal exposure to ionizing, adiation, fatal rejection of transplanted organs, Legionnaire's disease and the new "Mystery Deaths" in which apparently healthy, 15 to 30 year olds, just suddenly and unexpectedly, drop dead. It is suggested that the full correctlon of this human birth defect by simply taking daily mega doses of ascorbate would act prophylactically to reduce this slaughter. It is also suggested that clinical tests of this harmless procedure be started by government agencies whose function is to protect the health and reduce the death rate of the American people.

3) Comatose Patient Returns to Life We all know that in these non-biblical times no one is ever brought back to life from the dead. German Grandillo, age 24, could be a different case. This young and handsome Mexican citizen was in an automobile accident in the Imperial Valley, California, on February 2nd. He suffered no obvious physical injury, but the shock of the whole affair resulted in brain hypoxia, and he became completely comatose. Only the area of the brain which controls the breathing remained operational. He was taken to a San Diego hospital on a respirator where they performed two operations, the first, a tracheotomy in which a tube went down into his body to bypass the nasal passages for breathing and, secondly, an opening was made into the stomach and a tube inserted for feeding him. For two months he lay in the San Diego hospital with minimum indications of any life, accumulating enormous daily bills for his 24-hour care. His parents, good citizens of Mexico City, found the heavy hospital expense unbearable and transferred him to the much lower cost Ingles Hospital in Tijuana, under the supervision of Dr. Armando Garcia, a surgeon. Doctors who attended him thought he would die within 10 days. The patient lay in the Tijuana hospital for some three months, under 24-hour nursing care, without any signs of improvement. Then, learning of the powerful benefits of the Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

mineral ascorbates as available in the U.S.A., Dr. Garcia decided to try these remarkable forms of "C" such as 3.4 million species of animals produce in their own livers, the real mineral ascorbates. These are neutral in pH and quite essential to brain and body cells. These ascorbates, produced by Alacer Corp., are available as Emer'gen-C™. This product consists of seven mineral carbonates and acids such as ascorbic and citric acids plus B vitamins, enclosed in a tight, hermetically sealed packet. When water is added, a reaction occurs, producing mineral ascorbates such as most animals other than humans, who cannot, because of a genetic defect, produce in their own bodies. Some two months ago Dr. Garcia started with the introduction of six grams, six packages, of the Emer'gen-C™ products in liquid form directly into the stomach. After a week or two of this treatment, the patient showed the response of high irritation, as something was happening to him which was not under his control. The dosage was reduced to four grams daily after this, and within about four weeks German opened his eyes and started to come alive. This progress has continued. German can now smile, actually enjoy a joke, and will respond to such requests as that he move his legs, although his arms are less responsive. During the next three weeks the plan is to remove the tracheotomy tube, so that he will be able to speak for himself, although Dr. Garcia warns that this must be done very carefully and slowly, as the young man needs to learn to breathe through his nostrils again. Once this is accomplished, the patient will be taken to Mexico City where he will spend a week of checkup, and, hopefully, then return to his home for further rehabilitation. We think this is a first in the field of medicine and believe that many other comatose patients in the world can be brought back to reality with mineral ascorbates. Indeed, Dr. Garcia is in a wonderful position to do this, a very kind and talented surgeon who wants to do as much good as he can. Dr. Garcia would like to take on more comatose patients, but the problem is that the cost of maintaining them in his hospital amounts to $200 a day for each person. (In the USA it is $2,200 to $5,000 a day.) We think this is a major victory for all humanity. We believe that the mineral ascorbates should be tried on comatose people all over the world. Surely, it will do nothing but good for them. There may be some failures, but we predict that there will be mostly success. Interested parties are invited to contact us for any details that they feel are lacking. Furthermore, we believe that the medical profession should open its eyes to the major role of the mineral ascorbates. The lack of these substances, which, due to a genetic defect we cannot produce in our own bodies, renders us far more susceptible to disease and shortens our lives greatly. Indeed, this is what we regard as the great "hole" in our persons. We believe that the doctor should, first, work to replace this genetic defect as best he can, and that he will then find that far less medicine is required for his patient. Hopefully, this could bring about a revolution in the practice of medicine. We are accordingly appealing to all humanity for funds to permit this fantastic work to go on, to quickly prove to the world that the brain can be brought back to life with mineral ascorbates. Thus, we solicit funds to be mailed to the Committee for World Health, attention of Dr. Richard Dana, for transfer into this wonderful, earthshaking project. Credit cards may be used. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

4) Trauma and Sudden Death

Above is a chart which outlines the deaths of 860 people from trauma in the San Francisco General Hospital over a three-year period. Obviously the brains of these people completely died as an effect of the trauma. In the excellent Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary we find that trauma is defined as a physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence. Actually, it is not truly the usual type of physical injury, as it may only involve a shock to the brains which causes them to cease their function. Thus, we see that the coma from which German suffers lies in the fact that he suffered the trauma of an automobile accident that eliminated all his brain control, except for respiration. According to Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary, coma is the principal cause of death between the ages of 1 and 44 years. The Center for Disease Control reports that 107,000 people died from trauma between the ages of 1 and 44 in the year 2000, out of 180,000 total deaths, or 59%. This is an astounding figure which has never circulated freely to the public. You may be sure that our medical profession does not know the cause or causes of trauma except that which is induced by drugs or poisons. Obviously it is principally a lack of mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C. Thus, compared to trauma, all other ailments are secondary. But why does trauma occur? It occurs, as world authority Dr. Irwin Stone told me some 31 years ago, because of lack of Vitamin C in the brain, or hypoascorbemia as he defined the term.

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Smokers are mostly likely to die of trauma, since they place an extra burden on their bodies which reduces whatever level of Vitamin C is present, and renders them more and more susceptible to shock. We've all been under the impression that heart disease is the major cause of death. Obviously it is not from birth to age 44. Those who live beyond 44 either have brains more resistant to shock or are getting some of the mineral ascorbates their bodies so much require. Of course, many drugs can so affect the brain as to induce a state of coma, and Taber's Dictionary mentions most of them. However, along with the entire medical system, it ignores the susceptibility of the brain to a shortage of Vitamin C, which is so essential to its electronic action. Now we're all concerned about some 45,000 or so people who die every year from automobile accidents. Many of these do die from trauma alone, but the overall figure of deaths from trauma is almost completely ignored in our society and in our medical profession. Stone regarded the automobile accident as the principal cause of trauma, but based on the figures it is not. However Stone told me that if we could get Vitamin C in these people immediately, their lives would be saved. Of course, at that time his vision was limited to ascorbic acid, which the world also feels is Vitamin C. It is true that in the animal liver ascorbic acid is the fourth product produced from sugar in the liver with four enzymes. However, Stone pointed out that this acid, which has a low pH of about 2, does not go into circulation in the animal's body. Instead, it reacts with countless other minerals present in the liver to form the mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, etc. So I can now describe the major oversight of medicine: It is that we all suffer from a multi-gram deficiency of mineral ascorbates, which affects not only our brains but our entire body, our immune system's reaction to the disease, the flexibility and bone structure of our entire bodies, and our longevity. I now find myself, at age 89, with the major responsibility of getting the science and medical procedures of the world straightened out, so as to benefit all people immeasurably. This is something I had not planned. I was, at age 58, operating a small chemical specialties firm in New Jersey, without a great scientific background. I invented the stabilization of 1-1 trichloroethane, a low-cost solvent which was a byproduct in Dow Company's manufacture of Saran. About 1/20th as toxic as carbon tetrachloride, this met and still meets a major safety use in our society. I was also happy to develop the IBM Tape Transport Cleaner and Developer for IBM tapes throughout the world, which also replaced the dangerous carbon tetrachloride. But I knew nothing about nutrition. So, I started to have serious Tempero-Mandibular joint pains about Thursday and Friday of every week, as the stress of work came upon me. I sought out dentists, who claimed that I simply needed better balance of my teeth. However, after some seven sessions with a dentist, who ground away my teeth, I abandoned this solution. But I came upon an article in Life Magazine which showed Irwin Stone, an enzyme chemist as the world authority on Vitamin C. I noted that he lived on Staten Island, New York, so I contacted him and met with him about every Sunday where he and his wife discussed his major hobby, the investigation of Vitamin C. Stone persuaded me to take several grams of C, and within a week or two I noticed that my TM joint pains had disappeared, never again to occur! This impressed me greatly, so the investigation of ascorbate became a lifetime pursuit for me. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

I learned, however, that Stone was fully content with ascorbic acid as a source of Vitamin C, whereas he admitted to me that it was only the fourth stage in a five-stage process. He pointed out to me that in the liver the fifth stage consisted of reaction with minerals to form the mineral ascorbates, neutral forms of C which could circulate in the animal's body without the irritation of a product which has a pH of 2. So Stone's book, The Healing Factor, Vitamin C Against Disease, came out in October of 1972. Yet, here again, he completely ignored the mineral ascorbates which animals produce and relied on ascorbic acid. There was no mention of the mineral ascorbates whatsoever in his book, a procedure also followed in the books of Linus Pauling. So, I shut down my New Jersey operation and returned to my native California, there to produce the mineral ascorbates, first as a timed-release tablet and in 1978 as a powder, which, when water is applied, a form of neutral mineral ascorbates is produced that can be highly effective. Since then I have resolved to make the world understand how much they are dependent upon the mineral ascorbates for their very lives and to widen the acceptance of a product which helps to correct the genetic disease from which we suffer. This has been a rather frustrating experience because everywhere one turns, ascorbic acid is regarded as the real Vitamin C, whereas it clearly is not. We should turn, instead, to what the animals produce in their own bodies as being the only type of Vitamin C which we can tolerate in the many grams in which it is required for the maintenance of our bodies. Ascorbic acid belongs with the acid fruits in which it is present. I feel that I must live to be at least 100 to have a hope of accomplishing the widespread acceptance of the mineral ascorbates. As we can show its remarkable affects in bringing back the "dead", or those who are comatose, it must be important as a preventive measure in maintaining our general health. I am sure that I should not be alive had I not been taking approximately 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates for some 28 years. However, I have assumed the responsibility to do my best in this regard for people of the world. Taber's Medical Dictionary says that the majority of deaths from trauma occur in the first several hours after the event. The trauma may involve some physical injury, especially to the head, but in many, many cases it can involve only an enormous shock to the person which rapidly affects his brain and brings on death. Were this not so, one might expect that death would not occur so quickly. Most people are on a precipice in regard to the mineral ascorbate needs of the brain. Since the balance is so fragile, an enormous shock to the person, whether it be from an automobile accident or other high stress, the brain, which requires so much ascorbate to perform the functions of a general control point of the body, that it can quickly break down and bring on death, or near death as in the case of coma, wherein only the respiration controls remain. As evidence one might turn to the report of the San Francisco General Hospital. Most died within the first half-hour of entering the hospital, which is not a normal consequence of physical injury. It is much more significant of a breakdown of the brain under stress. Trauma is a sort of catch-all ailment as it is applied, since in one sense it includes some physical injury but in another sense it may involve little or no physical injury but enormous stress of a catastrophe in one's life. The exact causes of this trauma may not or ever be clearly defined. However, certainly in the case of a high stress to the brain from a quick look, again, at the report of the San Francisco General Hospital. You will note that 390 Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

people died within the first half-hour of entrance. This is not the swift course of the usual physical injury but can come from a collapse of the brain.

5) What Most Brains Lack About 250,000 people are known to die annually from trauma alone. Trauma usually involves some sort of shock such as an automobile accident, or, perhaps, extremely disturbing new. As trauma, it is often without any physical injury. Actually, many more die from trauma than are properly identified, I am sure. Frequently, we see the report: "He died in his sleep of natural causes." It is my considered opinion that these "natural causes" were that his brain had run out of the small amount of mineral ascorbate on which it had been subsisting, so collapse of the entire body became inevitable. This is because, as Dr Irwin Stone and I agreed, most people live on a precipice, with just enough ascorbate to keep them alive without emergencies. The brain requires fuel for every thought we think and for countless body functions, including respiration. Our lives are entirely dependent on this great center of operations. Indeed, it must be for lack of full brain function that many, many of the crimes are committed in this society. The adrenal glands are a great storage point for the ascorbates, which are vitally needed for the production of the powerful hormone adrenalin. The brain probably draws from the glandular storage points, since the whole body cannot survive without its function, but the average person has negligible amounts of ascorbate available. This is understandable when we consider that the usual daily output of 1,5 million other animals amounts to over 10 grams (10,000 mg) daily, when equated to a 154 pound person. So this is in grave contrast to the 60 mg the famed (for me, infamous), National Academy of Sciences tells us is all the average person needs. This misinformation, basis of the USRDA's, should go down in history as the major attack on the health of our society. Since we human animals have no chance of living full, healthful lives without many grams daily of the mineral ascorbates that almost all other animals produce in their own livers. We, the most intelligent beings in the world, have this handicapping ignominy. Somehow, the consumer must learn these facts about Cholesterol: 1. Cholesterol is an important substance produced by essentially every cell of the body. 2. It is the precursor of many body hormones, including the sex hormones. 3. When we eat products which contain cholesterol, such as eggs, the level of the substance in the body may temporarily rise, only to return to normal in approximately 24 hours, as the body shuts down its production to compensate. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

4. Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs is of no value in reducing the clogging of your arteries. These arteries collect cholesterol only because their linings, which are replaced every two or three days, contain cells, which, due to their low level of mineral ascorbates, tend to bleed, and soon form scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, regardless of its level in your body. Accordingly, the way to keep your arteries clear is to keep your body well supplied with grams of mineral ascorbates, which can prevent the bleeding. 5. Taking a cholesterol-lowering drug does absolutely nothing to lower plugging up your arteries. Thus, it does you more harm than good, and acts as a poison in your body. This benefits only the drug company, your druggist, and your doctor. I consider this an attack that smacks of fraud, that must be largely but cleverly financed by the drug industry that expects cholesterol-lowering drugs to rise to a $30 Billion annual market.

6) Effect of Vitamin C as Mineral Ascorbates on Schizophrenia Pushchino Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow region, Russia; Committee for World Health, Foothill Ranch, California, U.S.A. The goal of the investigation was to study the influence of Vitamin C as Mineral Ascorbates on schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a disease with many different forms and syndromes. In our short-term study we were relying on the diagnosis previously made by a psychiatrist. In this report we will present our observations concerning the influence of nutritional supplements with large doses of Mineral Ascorbates on the status of persons with schizophrenia. The group consisted of 8 persons with schizophrenia. The influence of supplements on their status was determined from our observations, as well as from the reports made by the patients and their relatives and friends. We used the following Vitamin C supplements for treatment of these persons: Emer'gen-C™ (Alacer Corp), and tablets of CMA - Calcium-Magnesium Ascorbate (Alacer Corp). The patients volunteered to participate in the research and were under the supervision of the physician during the study. Megadoses of Vitamin C (as Mineral Ascorbates) were used (individual doses adapted by the physician). Results 1. R. T., 55. Schizophrenia. She has been ill since 1980. The last six years she didn't work and was on disability (invalid of the II group). Every year she spends one to two months in a psychiatric hospital. Recurrences of the disease usually happened in the spring. Before starting the intake of supplements, she had just come from a mental hospital where she received large doses of psychotropic drugs. She was depressed, talking with difficulty and thinking very slowly. The changes in her mental state were obvious almost immediately after she started on mineral ascorbates. Depression Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

disappeared, she became cheerful and merry. She was surprised with her quick recovery and convinced that intake of supplements helped her. R.T. recollects a similar period after hospital stay and is surprised with her very fast recovery this time. She would like to take higher doses of supplements but has a problem with her kidneys and liver. She noted, though, that her urination improved and became almost normal. 2. S. V., 50. Schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis. She was sick for approximately 15 years, the last 8 years she was on disability (an invalid of the II group) and did not work. She was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric hospital. She began to take the vitamins in a stage of mania. She liked Emer'gen-C™ very much, took very large doses, and probably this induced even more agitation. She began to drink alcohol and look out for men. The physician and her daughter even wanted to hospitalize her, but increased doses of her usual medication helped to stabilize her state. S.V. became quieter and more adequate. For a while she was taking only CMA at night, as her sleep and general mental state improved. In our last meetings she read poetry, talked about church she regularly visits, and spoke about her work in the Invalid society, where she volunteers as a book-keeper and helps other people with disabilities. S.V. is very pleased with the effect of the mineral ascorbates, she works with much more pleasure, sleeps well. She has regained joy of life and a feeling of self-value. 3. A. V., 51. Schizophrenia, manic-depressive syndrome for 10 years. Invalid of the II group, does not work. She was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric hospital, the last time two years ago. For all these years she courageously fought the illness, was attending, when she could, fitness groups, walked a lot, communicated with friends, who have not left her alone in trouble and helped her as they could. Unfortunately, her husband was frightened by her illness, has left for the US to work and helps her very little at present. Despite constant intake of psychotropic medications, her intellect is still active, though her interests became narrow. She has trouble with acquiring new skills. For the last two years her mental state and the ability to take care of herself gradually improved. She understands it is necessary to stay connected and be useful to people, and so, she now helps her friends with pleasure, baby-sitting, cooking meals etc. Intake of mineral ascorbates assisted her recovery to normal life, has increased her general vigor, made tiresome housework (general cleaning of a house, work in the kitchen and garden) possible. Formerly, because of treatment with haloperidol, she could not sit still in one place and had to pace about. Since last year, the dose of this medication was lowered (to 0.5 mg), and though her persistent urge to move was diminished, only the mineral ascorbates intake helped her to get rid of this symptom completely. 4. S. L., 39. Manic-depressive syndrome with repeated hospitalizations. Invalid of the II group. The desire to understand and overcome her illness, to become a better person has forced her to accept many healthy practices. She tries to be busy at all times: she does karate, music (vocal and guitar), visits an art studio to study drawing. She is a good computer programmer, and now she started to work in a computer company. She develops bookkeeping computer programs used by businesses. She takes medications only in a case of a conflict or sleep disturbance. Though she understood the necessity of taking her medications, she was concerned about taking supplements in megadoses because she was trying to avoid synthetic compounds. The positive experience of others changed her attitude. After she started on Emergen-C™ and CMA, she noticed a significant improvement in her ability to take care of herself, became more active, felt joy of life, her sleep improved, and she had beautiful dreams. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

5. S. M., 33. Schizophrenia with autism since 16. Invalid of the II group. He was offended by unkind remarks of his classmates at high school and stopped going there, refused to leave the house at all and to communicate with anybody, except his parents. He has created his own world, which is comfortable to him, has intense spiritual life: listens to alternative music, writes fantastic novels, draws. At present S.M. does not take medication, sleeps well. He is quiet, able to take care of himself and can even prepare meals for his parents, does repairs in the apartment and works in the garden (in the absence of neighbors). The parents try to create best conditions for him, love him. Their life is devoted to the son. S.M. liked Emer'gen-C™ but refused to take CMA. It is difficult to tell in this case if there were any changes in his condition, as his way of life has not changed, and he doesn't want any changes. All information was through the parents, who noticed, though, that S.M. became easier to communicate with. 6. G. I., 53. Schzophrenia for about 15 years. Chronically depressed. Troubles in personal life: unsuccessful delivery, divorce from her husband, quarrels with her daughter have resulted in a decline in her mental and general health. It is difficult to communicate with her, she hears only herself. After taking Emer'gen-C™ in the morning and CMA with melatonin in the evening, G.I. has become a bit more vigorous, looks healthier, so there is hope for a significant shift for the better. 7. K. Y., 49. The disease started after hysterectomy followed by divorce. She is sick for about 10 years. She was repeatedly treated in a hospital. She is depressed, hardly carries out common tasks. Her daughter has purchased in Holland an analogue of serotonin named "Seroxat" and St.-John's wort preparations which helped her depression. Now she takes Emer'gen-C™in the morning and CMA in the evening. Sometimes she adds Super GramIII™. Her state improved considerably in 3 weeks of such intake. K.Y. has good mood, feels energetic. Her morning fatigue and dizziness have gone, her vision improved, appetite normalized. 8. K. E., 62. Schizophrenia, depression. She is treated by a psychiatrist. She felt unhappy, restless, constantly complained about various disorders, and randomly took medications. She felt that everything was bad. Her big problem is loneliness, though K.E. attends the church together with K. Y. After 3 weeks of intake of mineral ascorbates her condition considerably improved. She is in a good mood now and taking care of her appearance for the first time in a long time. Discussion All patients noted significant improvement of their physical and mental state after 3 weeks of intake of Mineral Ascorbate supplements (Emergen-C™ and CMA). Their energy level during the day increased, and they slept better at night. They were less tired, could work more and felt happier. It is necessary to mention a very fast recovery of R. T. after treatment in a psychiatric hospital and significant reduction of depression in K. E. and K. Y. Though conventional treatment (medication) helps to alleviate many symptoms of schizophrenia, this illness is considered incurable. The drugs used to treat schizophrenia have many side effects. Use of vitamins, especially Vitamin C as mineral ascorbates, in addition to drugs, undoubtedly, is a big step forward in the improvement of the patient's quality of life. In our opinion, mineral ascorbates therapy should be introduced to all psychiatric hospitals. This is especially true in Russia, taking into account the poor nutrition of the population in general and, especially, during their stay in a hospital. Summary Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Eight persons with schizophrenia were treated with megadoses of Vitamin C as Mineral Ascorbates for three weeks under the supervision of a physician at the Pushchino Medical Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. The following effects were observed: 1. Improvement in their physical and mental state. 2. Depression was significantly reduced. 3. Night sleep was improved. 4. Appetite was normalized. 5. An adequate perception of reality resulted. 6. There was an increased ability to take care of themselves. 7. An improved mood, feeling of joy of life resulted. 8. Improved social life, also, resulted. The patients thank Alacer Corp., The Committee for World Health and personally Jay Patrick for their return to full life.

7) Effects of Mineral Ascorbates: Heart Disease Prevention in Smokers 10 million people in the United States have died from smoking since 1964. 98,000 people die annually from coronary heart disease attributable to smoking which we regard as largely preventable. Coronary artery calcium scores are correlated with smoking, according to research reports published in the American Journal of Cardiology by Dr. J. M. Tobis and colleagues1, as well as in numerous other publications2-8. It is also known that smoker's organs are depleted of Vitamin C. Mineral ascorbates have been shown to prevent calcification of coronary arteries (see chart 1). Yet no one has considered the obvious causes of breakdown of the immune system, due to the human genetic defect of hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce adequate amounts of Vitamin C. Cost to society of this human frailty is enormous. Our research of 28 years has confirmed this. Indeed researchers have been working with the wrong product L-ascorbic acid, which is not the real Vitamin C. 1.5 million animals produce an average 10,000 mg of mineral ascorbates when equated to a 150 lb human, which is 179 times the generally accepted 60 mg (or lately 90 mg) of "C", which the public has been mislead to believe is the desirable level of this essential element of life. Chart 1. CT scores of some Alacer employees

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Jay Patrick Linda Tagle Ymelda Patrick HU








82 76 57 43 42 42 47 47 57 55

Asymptomatic levels for age group Over 800











0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 155

We purpose to test the effects of mineral ascorbates as a means of eliminating calcium deposits from the coronary arteries in smokers and show that they may reverse the negative effects of smoking within a matter of weeks or months. Research Proposal 100 adults who smoke at least 1 pack of cigarettes per day will be given 8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily: 4 grams of SuperGram III (Alacer Corp) tablets at 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. along with 4 packets of Emer'gen-C (Alacer Corp) for 120 days. Calcium deposits in the coronary arteries will be measured by ultrafast computed tomography (CT) and plaque measured by intracoronary ultrasound (ICUS) before and after receiving mineral ascorbates for 120 days. 200 bottles of SuperGram III (260 ct) and 14 cases of Emer'gen-C will be donated by Alacer Corp for this study. Determination of plasma mineral ascorbate levels will be performed monthly to ensure patient compliance. Pulmonary function tests will be performed to determine improvement in lung capacity before and after 120 days of treatment with mineral ascorbates. Research results will be compiled by physicians and technicians at a major medical center in Mexico under the supervision of Dr. Fantozzi and The Committee for World Health. A report of preliminary results will be communicated at the III World Congress on Vitamin C, June 10-12, 2001 in Victoria, British Columbia. References 1 Goel M, Wong ND, Eisenberg H, Hagar J, Kelly K, Tobis JM. Am J Cardiol 1992, v 70, 977-980 2 Kuller LH et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1999, v 19, 2189-2198 3 Mielke CH Jr et al. J Cardiovasc Risk 2001, v 8, 81-86 4 Detrano RC et al. Am Heart J 1994, v 127, 1526-1532 Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

5 Schmermund A et al. Circulation 1997, v 96, 1461-1469 6 Schmermund A et al. Am J Cardiol 1998, v 81, 141-146 7 Nishino M et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000, v 35, 314-320 8 Weissman NJ. et al. Am J Cardiol 1999, v 84, 37-40

8) A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People In view of the radical deterioration of the care of people and of the enormously accelerating costs of drugs which generally do as much harm as good, we suggest that a trial of the mineral ascorbates will show a low cost way of meeting a great variety of health needs. This method can be proved out in as little time as four months of application of some 6 grams daily of mineral ascorbates, 50% derived from our Emer'gen-C™ and 50% derived from our Super Gram III™, in daily ingestion. To prove out the excellence of this approach and its low cost, we suggest that 10 patients from each of the following categories be selected for these daily nutritional treatments: 1. 10 heart patients who are not in dangerous condition. 2. 10 schizophrenia patients. 3. 10 patients who seem to be entering into an Alzheimer state. 4. 10 patients who are suffering from hypertension - Their diastolic reading should not exceed 95, and all drugs are withdrawn for the period of 4 months. 5. 10 patients who wear glasses - These patients are to be examined by an oculist before the start of the treatment who will verify the strength of the lenses required for their sight. 6. 10 patients who have difficulty hearing - These patients will be checked for the exact state of their hearing prior to treatment. Some check of these people should be made at approximately a two-month point to ascertain that they are progressing all right and that no serious danger to their health has resulted. At the end of the four-month period the heart and hypertension people are to have their coronary arteries checked by the Ultrafast CT Scan procedure. It is expected that the majority of these will show a zero or near zero rating as to the calcium levels in their arteries. It is expected that at this time those having their eyesight and hearing improved will be checked as to the lower strength of their glasses and the lower rating of their hearing. The Alacer Corporation will furnish all of the materials required for these studies, free-ofcharge. We strongly urge the Mexican government to buy an Ultrafast CT Scan, which can be placed into operation within two or three months, to perform the tests of the first four types of patients. The fifth type can be checked by an oculist, and the sixth type can be checked by a hearing specialist.

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9) A Cure for Foot and Mouth and Mad Cow is Discovered MISSING

10) Specialized Woman and Our Medical Wasteland The most basic motivation of every living thing is to reproduce... reproduce... and reproduce itself. In human females, much of the body is, obviously, specially designed for this purpose. A product of one specialization is her breast milk, which has no synthetic equal in its ability to aid the growth and health of the infant. But, there is one aspect of a woman's specialization that is almost universally ignored -she can produce small amounts of the mineral ascorbates of "Vitamin C" in her own body, it seems evident to us. This supply of mineral ascorbates, although inadequate for full development of the infant, must be essential for its survival. Indeed, some of the ascorbate is produced in the placenta, with the result that the baby has some 400 millimoles of ascorbate per liter of blood on the day of birth, although the male baby will have little or no ascorbate thereafter other than what he gets from mother's milk and the food he eats. The Centers for Disease Control report that mother's milk contains, on average, 40 mg of Vitamin C per liter. Furthermore, you may be sure that this "C" is present as mineral ascorbates, not as the somewhat intolerable ascorbic acid. This intake of mineral ascorbates is of major importance to the young infant, who can use it in a thousand ways, especially to develop the connective tissue, which is 30% of the protein of his or her body. In addition to many other ways, including stepping up of his resistance to disease. Yet the usual formula, sold as imitation mothers' milk, has very little Vitamin C and it certainly is not present as mineral ascorbates. Evidence now shows that throughout a woman's early life her coronary arteries are protected against the scurvy that causes men to start accumulating plaque in their arteries, sometimes as early as in their 20's. In a woman, such clogging does not usually start until the early 50's, when she is beyond the normal childbearing age. Long ago, researcher, Dr. E. Cheraskin, told me that "the body is never wasteful". In other words, what the body produces is for the purpose of contributing to the life process, that, if it will not so contribute, it halts, or radically restricts such production. I am inclined to think that after a woman is past childbearing age, the body loses interest in furnishing her with her full requirements for extended life and really good health. Of course, the body does aid her in furnishing ascorbate for a child in her milk, because the young child cannot enjoy full development of its brain and body structure without it. But, once the male child is weaned, it must largely starve for ascorbate, with never quite enough to aid in full growth and resistance to disease. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

But, because she is programmed to produce children, the woman apparently produces small amounts of ascorbate through most of her early life, especially as she reaches puberty. However, after the menopause, as her production comes to a halt, she then enters a period of great susceptibility to atherosclerosis, clogging of the coronary arteries. We do not believe that this is because she is now without estrogen. Rather, we think it is because her modest production of ascorbate has also come to a halt. THE BODY HAS ACCOMPLISHED ITS PRIME PURPOSE -- PRODUCING A BABY. So it places her in the same category as her husband, who has probably never produced any measurable amounts of ascorbate. However, as the young girl becomes a teenager, it is apparent that quantities of ascorbate are produced in her body which are adequate for many years to prevent the occlusion of her coronary arteries and to supply her brain, as well. But, as she goes into the menopause, the supply of ascorbate for arteries halts, so that the intima of the arteries starts to bleed, forming scar tissue, which collects the cholesterol that previously zoomed by. So, approximately 10 years after the man may have a substantial accumulation of plaque in his arteries, she starts to imitate him in the in the same sort of congestion, but still manages to live approximately six to eight years longer, because of the delay in this adverse accumulation. However, it is interesting to note that the man's brain may, with advancing age, shrink from 15 to 40%, whereas the woman's brain tends to shrink little more than 1%. However, I show herewith a MRI picture of my brain at 87 years. You will note that no shrinkage has occurred. I think my 27 years or so on mineral ascorbates has something to do with the phenomenon.

When shown a magnetic resonance image of Jay Patrick, the very active president of Alacer Corp., Dr. George Bartzokis of UCLA commented that the hippocampal area was very large and was, indeed, much larger than that of the average brain. The average male brain shows 15-40% shrinkage.


It seems obvious that, after the woman is past the child bearing stage; her body loses interest in furnishing mineral ascorbates sufficient for her full health requirements. Because her production of estrogen also shuts down, our great men of medicine have assumed that the administration of this hormone will bring her back to good health, but the very latest governmental study confirms that hormone therapy brings on cancer and other health disasters. So both doctors and patients are in great disarray. To this great group may also be added those who seek vaccines to meet the coming world-wide challenges of epidemics of smallpox, influenza, anthrax, and a host of trillions upon trillions of viral and bacterial Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

assailants that may besiege us. Whether these deadly foes are brought to us by our enemies, or by the vagaries of Nature, some of them, in time, will surely set upon us. Yet those scientists who tell us the truth about our vaccines, point out that they often have the hidden power to kill or maim. In l977, I wrote about the Swine Flu Vaccine foisted upon some 43,000,000 people, with 128 people dying immediately. Yet there was not even one case of swine flu! Science magazine commented: "There can be few graver opportunities for man-made disaster than the mass immunization campaigns that are now routine in many countries. Should the vaccine preparations become contaminated with an undetected agent present in the host cells, a whole generation of vaccines could be put in jeopardy." "This, of course, is no science fiction writer's horror story---It has already happened once; millions of people have been injected with a monkey virus known as SV40, hamsters; no one yet knows what it may do in man, which was found in 1961 to be contaminating polio and adenovirus vaccines." Further, the list of our viral and bacterial enemies is almost infinite, but, we have a great power at hand that can rise to meet many of them. It is our fabulous immune system within us that, without proper support, has brought us through the ages, and it can do a far better job for us if we just give it the operational support it requires. We have, you see, a genetic defect that we cannot produce in our own livers, as do some 3.3 million other animals, the mineral ascorbates that can enable us to fight these assailants more effectively. We have in this regard largely relied on an acid intermediate, ascorbic acid, which we call Vitamin C, that is poorly tolerated by our bodies, and cannot fully perform the biochemical miracles of the mineral ascorbates. Most of our misguided nutritional authorities insist on calling it Vitamin C. World pioneer Irwin Stone told me that it should not really be called a vitamin, since most vitamins are required in very small quantities. Instead, he termed it "a liver metabolite", which is required in multi gram quantities. Most animals produce it at the level of 10 grams (10,000 mg) daily, when equated to a 70 kilo (154 lb.) person. Thus, it seems obvious that the woman's supply of ascorbate is never completely halted, but the smaller quantity available is picked up by the body's control center, the brain. So, the shrinkage of this vital organ is still minimal throughout the remainder of her life. But, there is little ascorbate left for the brain of the teenage male, who needs almost the entire small amount of ascorbate available for the tissue required in body growth. It is obvious that his brain along with meager quantities of this magic substance during this period, still leaves him susceptible to mental derangement. In some persons, it becomes so extreme as to make them think they must engage in some violent acts of aggression in order to clear their brains. This is, I believe, the primary cause of the murderous conduct with which many of these frustrated young males respond. Their brains require 10 times as much ascorbate as the blood plasma to receive amounts adequate for full function. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Therein lays, I am fully confident, the basic reason why young men go to the extreme misconduct of murder. Of course, we do know that a lack of estrogen renders the woman less interested in sex, and perhaps, a little less feminine in other respects. Doctors have sought to meet this need by prescribing estrogen, often with small amounts of the male hormone, testosterone. Harvard University has reported that this hormone therapy also greatly benefits the coronary arteries and reduces clogging drastically. However, the Harvard report adds that estrogen therapy increases the risk of breast cancer by about 43%, which about ties the score. Basically, the woman just switches her mode of death from heart attack to cancer. My associates and I think we have the solution to this problem. We believe that administering estrogen simply "fools" the body into believing that a baby is still ahead, and that ascorbate production should still be maintained. So, while this has the beneficial effect of preventing the clogging of arteries, it upsets the delicate balance of the immune response that keeps the body's cells under control and inhibits the wild cellular replication that we call cancer. Woman is special in so many ways. They have complex hormonal rhythms which control their physiological and mental states which are necessary for sexual activity, pregnancy, and child rearing. Their anatomical structures are specialized for intercourse, fertilization, pregnancy, and milk production. Each of these special processes in one way or another requires mineral ascorbates for full function; accordingly, my associates and I have concluded that if women want to avoid both heart attack and cancer, the most logical course is to ingest substantial amounts of the mineral ascorbates, which are highly beneficial to the body at any age. The Major Ailment Since we regard hypoascorbemia as the number one major ailment that affects all humanity, we know that both sexes can ingest multigram amounts of these substances with the confidence that they are meeting one of their most basic needs. Hypoascorbemia, the "hidden scurvy", is almost totally ignored by medicine. This "scurvy" attacks men approximately 10 years earlier than it does women. Most researchers think atherosclerosis affects women later in their lives due to the abandonment of estrogen production. This may be described as the old error of post hoc, ergo propter hoc, after this, therefore, because of this... During a 77-year life span, 72,000,000 gallons of blood pass through the coronary arteries. This causes an abrasive action on the intima, the lining of the arteries. To repair this damage, the cells of the intima are replaced every two or three days. However, as these cells may lack the mineral ascorbates necessary to form truly healthy replacement cells, they start to bleed. The body strives valiantly to meet this challenge, so hemorrhaging is gradually halted. But scar tissue forms on the surface of the arterial lining. It is this scar tissue that first collects a small amount of Protein A, as the Linus Pauling Institute discovered. The Protein Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

A is quickly followed by cholesterol, lipids (fats), and calcium, in approximately equal amounts. These three layers compose the plaque that destroys most of us, as they shut off the flow of blood to the heart. Let me give you some preliminary proof: I have been taking 10 grams of mineral ascorbates on a daily basis for more than 25 years. Also for many years, my employees have received monthly supplies of their ascorbate requirements, generally at lower levels. Ten people over the age of 40 (ages ranging from 42 to my age at that time, 82) were tested, and one woman, age 55, with a mean average of 55.8. Eight of them, including me, showed zero levels of calcium plaque, one man showed a level of 97, and one woman a level of 155. Even these two scores were well below the level of 260 to 450 of calcium at which even mild symptoms are manifest, as you can see by the chart. Name

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Asymptomatic levels for age group Over 800











0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 155

We challenge any physician in the world to have 10 of his patients of the same approximate age group checked out by the same Ultrafast CT Scan technique, and get even 2 or 3 of the 10 with 0 calcium levels. Where, in all the annals of medicine have any such results been reported? You may search the literature endlessly, to no avail. Of course, it will take hundreds of similar results to convince slow-moving medicine that they have been "barking up the wrong tree", that it is not the essential substance cholesterol that, of itself, causes the plaque anymore than it is the equally essential calcium. (Do they tell you to lower your calcium intake?) Indeed, there has been a recent finding that people with the really low cholesterol levels have poorly functioning brains. For sure, those who have been selling this baloney seem to suffer from the same cerebral problems. Doctors make too much money getting you into their offices to check your cholesterol, plus devising futile methods to reduce your susceptibility to this great killer... to give up this income easily! Medical researchers "cannot see the forest for the trees". For more than 50 years, based on misinterpretation of the Framingham Study, they have embraced the stupid theory that cholesterol, per se, causes clogging of the arteries. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Here is the logical explanation of atherosclerosis, which I have been involved in understanding for some 27 years. Despite the beautiful faces and bodies that emerge with many of our children, not a single one of us is ever perfect. Some 4,000 genetic diseases encumber all humanity to varying, individual degrees. Yet, every living person suffers from at least two of these inborn errors. They are hypoascorbemia, inability to produce mineral ascorbates, as do some 99.9% of other animals, and hypouricasemia, inability to produce uricase, the enzyme that controls excess production of uric acid, and the antioxidant that induces gout, principally in men. A Wasteland We can manage to keep the symptoms of gout under fairly good control, but in meeting the needs of the major disease that dooms most of us to great travail and premature death, hypoascorbemia, our medical "science" is one vast wasteland. Indeed, the very physicians who would advise us about our health show their incompetence by dying, on the average, before they are 60 years old. This is an age at which they have reached less than half of their theoretical life expectancy of 140 years, or 7 times 20, our period of maturity, as live other animals that produce copious amounts of ascorbate in their own bodies. A Mixed Bag Yet researchers are finding that women given hormone-replacement therapy, which principally consists of estrogen and small quantities of the male hormone, testosterone, are largely free of this plaque, and that their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is 53% lower. However, the risk of death from breast cancer, The Harvard Health Letter reports, of those on hormone therapy for 10 years or more, is "43% higher than in non-users". This would seem to largely cancel out the benefits of such therapy. But what is happening to an older woman who develops plaque in her arteries, the principal cause of heart disease? The obvious conclusion is that this is due to her halted production of mineral ascorbates. (See chart.) Since babies are no longer being produced, the chief motivation of the woman's body, the need for this vital life substance, ascorbate, is less acute. So, unfortunately, her coronary arteries, indeed, her whole body, loses this life-extending protection. But, because of the early protection of her body, the woman still lives 6 to 8 years longer than a man. Less than one thousand years ago, the average woman would be dead in her early 40's, the time at which she now tends to enter the menopause. The eminent health researcher, Dr. E. Cheraskin, of the University of Alabama, has said "the body is never wasteful", that it does not produce substances for which there is no particular need. Since the woman of the past was due to die in her 40's, there was no Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

great need to produce mineral ascorbates to protect her arteries, since they could last a few years after the end of menopause quite well. So, when doctors come along and give estrogen to a woman after she has largely ceased production of the hormone, the body can be misled into thinking that pregnancy is ahead, so it's necessary to produce small amounts of the mineral ascorbates to aid development of the fetus. But it is now quite evident that this small amount of ascorbate, although probably essential to survival, is grossly inadequate for full, healthy development of the child. Catching Up However, in her later years, at about age 60, the woman catches up with a man, a UCLA cardiovascular researcher reports, in the level of plaque. But she still tends to live longer than a man, probably because the flow of blood to her heart has been slowed for a shorter period of time. Thus, the heart, indeed, her whole body, has more strength and endurance. Four enzymes are utilized in the liver of most animals for the production of ascorbic acid, although this highly reactive acid, then, undergoes a fifth stage of reaction with minerals in the liver to produce the neutral mineral ascorbates. Thus, the ascorbates are the true Vitamin C, or liver metabolites, as produced in 99.9% of other animals, which can then circulate in the blood without irritation. These mineral ascorbates are then more readily accepted by body cells, since the minerals with which they are complexed, such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, all essential to cell function, all act as transporters of ascorbate through the cell wall. The cell, we remind you, is the basic unit of life, and there are some 70 trillion cells in the average body. Fooling Mother Nature? As indicated, what must happen with women taking hormone replacement therapy is that their bodies are fooled into thinking that they are still of child-bearing age and will, consequently, tend to resume their production of ascorbate to help the fetus in the womb. But resumption of ascorbate production, instead of aiding a non-existent fetus, helps prevent what I have described as The Hidden Scurvy that is radically shortening the life of every living person. Indeed, I have stated that everyone in the world, who does not die from some accident, will die of scurvy. That is because we are shorted on this vital substance while even in the wombs of our mothers. I have some tangible proof of this. To the children of my second wife, Ymelda, 13 children have been born. At least 11 of these grandchildren were born to mothers who took daily, 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates during their pregnancies. The oldest of these, Felicia, 20 years old, has been graduated with high honors from high school. (She now is in complete charge of a diving operation in Hawaii.) A straight "A" student and mathematics whiz, she has such astounding strength and agility that she was been offered training in karate for the Olympics. All twelve are honor students, which is not a coincidence. They received the mineral ascorbates at the most important time of their lives, facilitating full brain, body, and muscle Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

development. But, nevertheless, they still take multi gram quantities daily for maintenance of their bodies. But, lacking the application of the mineral ascorbates, our society is daily producing a mass of children who emerge from the womb with at least one strike against them. With inadequately developed minds and bodies, they shall have to cope with an increasingly complicated world. Summarizing: Careful, unbiased examination of the biochemistry involved will show that: 1. Women produce small amounts of mineral ascorbates in their bodies until they go through the menopause. The best proof of is is that, unlike men, their arteries remain comparatively free of plaque until they are in their 40's. 2. This ascorbate helps maintain the integrity of the intima (lining) of the coronary arteries, so that no bleeding resulting from the abrasive action of blood transfer occurs. 3. When a woman has gone through the menopause, both estrogen and ascorbate production is obviously halted, so bleeding of the intima of the coronary arteries tends to occur. As bleeding stops, alternately, scar tissue is formed. This scar tissue then collects, sequentially, the cholesterol, lipids, and calcium, which compose the plaque. Ultimately, this plaque can so block the flow of blood to the heart as to induce death. 4. Estrogen therapy must fool the woman's body into believing that she is still of childbearing age, so some ascorbate production is resumed. Thus, ascorbate protection of the intima is, also, resumed, and little or no plaque accumulates. 5. However, although the body has been fooled into resuming ascorbate production, its immune system is so confused that it is thrown out of balance, so the immune response malfunctions, and a high percent-age of cancer of the breast occurs. My Solution: So, the solution to the problem is so obvious as to escape the bright minds of many learned but drug-oriented physicians: Instead of dangerous estrogen, give the patient large amounts of mineral ascorbates, 5 to 10 grams daily, and great benefits can surely be obtained. This procedure is not at all comparable to estrogen therapy, since all humankind suffers from the genetic defect that, unlike more than 99.9% of other animals, we cannot produce really adequate amounts of mineral ascorbates in our own livers. This is clearly an unsolved genetic defect that shortens the life span and reduces the capability of every person on this planet. However, it can be greatly alleviated by the ingestion of mineral ascorbates. But, you may say that estrogen intake increases a woman's interest in sex. Yes, but this is an artificial expedient. Her body is designed for reproduction. Once the childbearing period has passed, she does not need the sexual urge, the body reasons, because she cannot produce more children! So, thus, the intake of estrogen to Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

make life more interesting is fraught with the danger of malfunction of the body, with unhappy results such as cancer and, sometimes, a long list of undesirable consequences not fully equated by the medical profession. Addendum: Very recent studies confirm a considerable difference between women and men, often with regard to relative survival rates. The New England Journal of Medicine reported in its July 22, 1999 issue that a study of 385,000 heart attack patients showed that women under 50 were more than twice as likely as men to die before being discharged from the hospital. With advancing age, these differences diminished, but they persisted until approximately age 75, at which point they tended to even out. A second study covering over 12,000 patients who had heart attacks or severe chest pain known as unstable angina, showed that women often have symptoms that are atypical to those of men, which makes diagnosis much more difficult when they show up to the hospital, often leading to much different outcomes. Accordingly, it becomes more and more important that women, especially with advancing age, fortify their bodies with the mineral ascorbates which they can no longer at all produce. But men, who have survived with the minimum amounts which they get in their food, plus the usual supplementation, will readily die, often in their sleep.

11) The Mind Alive He who truly has "The Mind Alive" conducts his life with zest. Each encounter with life's problems becomes an adventure, a game to be played, a challenge of his resourcefulness in seeking the answers, the solutions, the courses of action or inaction through the maze of alternatives that are exposed. He is the investigator, the analyzer, the sleuth. He explores; he seeks out the data in which each problem is wrapped. He is confident; he is intrigued by each new obstacle that emerges. He is relaxed in his outlook, yet fully alert to each nuance of a subject... and ready to spring into action once he has made a decision. He has a great inner humility, though it may not so much show. He has made three basic discoveries: How little he knows; how much he has to learn, and; how much he will never know. He seeks out the knowledge of others, their opinions, their conclusions. He is prepared to consider almost any relevant idea and knows that, even if untenable, it may be a springboard for a better idea. He knows that decisions must be made with some dispatch -- even the decision to do nothing -- or to set aside a problem for reconsideration in the light of another day or in conference with his associates. He knows that "time is of the essence", that every action comes entwined in the circumstances of the moment. He knows that the Past is a great reservoir for the Future, but that each day, each hour brings a new realignment of all the forces of nature and of man's relationship to his fellows and to his environment. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Yet, "The Mind Alive" has no existence by itself. It is an integral part of the well-adjusted, well-fed body. Each is bound to the other, not as master to servant... but as co-owner of the enterprise, Life. In its most effective form it is a mating of enormous power and potential. Yet, it depends so much on superb performance for fine-tuning, a balancing act that moderates boldness with restraint and the selective filtration of a host of stimuli. The human brain is a miracle that deserves much more than the Nobel Prize. We are daily learning more and more about it, yet it still exceeds (and may always exceed) in countless functions, the workings of any computer of any feasible size. We now know that our thoughts can control not only the obvious body functions of speech and other muscle movement, but, as bio-feedback makes evident, many other physiological actions such as pulse rate, blood pressure, and circulation -- once thought to be the exclusive domain of the autonomic nervous system. However, this astounding organ needs a lot of TLC (Tender Loving Care) if one is to come at all close to operating it at, say, even 35% of its potential. We must first recognize that, although the brain is usually only about 1/52nd of total body weight, it requires as fuel, about 25% of the oxygen brought in by the lungs and close to 25% of the glucose circulating in the blood. And these energy requirements persist on a 24-hour basis, awake or asleep. The brain is poised, however, in very delicate balance. Researchers have found that even microscopic amounts of many different substances, such as LSD, present at a level of as little as 3 millionths of an ounce, can throw any person quite out of his mind. It is, indeed, the most powerful psychedelic drug known to man. It concentrates in the more primitive centers such as the hippocampus (related to memory) and the pineal gland. It arouses dreaming and blocks the firing of neurons that respond to seratonin, the chemical messenger of the brain. Yet some degree of mental imbalance occurs among millions of us with every passing day. Certainly this is evident on our highways as many go wild under the influence of alcohol, drugs, stress, the competitive urge, and/or the sense of power that a fast, maneuverable auto gives them. The wonder is that many times more people do not die in this way. So, as anyone may seek to use his mind more effectively, he must recognize that it is, indeed, a very delicately adjusted instrument that will enable him to accomplish much if he can only bring it and hold it closer to perfect pitch. As one strives to accomplish more, each succeeding success fortifies and re-enforces the next effort. As we learn more about the brain, we are discovering that it is a much more flexible instrument than it first appeared to be. For instance, while it is evident that specific areas of the brain do specialize in the control of specific bodily functions, there is not only continuous interaction with all other areas, but when injury occurs, another segment of the brain may take over many of the functions of the damaged tissue. But, probably most encouraging of all is the news that, even though our bodies may show clear signs of advancing age, our brains can soar on to substantially higher levels of activity than ever before possible. Lane Lenard explains it very well as the Dynamic Brain (Science Digest, 12/83). He says: "Traditionally, most neuroscientists have envisioned the brain as a static, two-to-three pound mass composed of billions of individual nerve cells, or neurons, plus Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

structural or support cells. All connections between the neurons were made, it was assumed, early in life, after which the only change was a gradual loss of neurons through age. But new research is showing the brain to be an active, dynamic, ever-changing structure. Neuroscientists can open up new channels of communication in your brain... neurons need to be stimulated. If they aren't, their connections will regress or die out." (Emphasis the author's.) Yes, this view runs counter to most of what we have been taught, that, starting at the point of maturity between 20 and 25 years of age, this body goes into steady decline as it proceeds toward ultimate death. But I am convinced that the right life style, the right nutrition, and the right thoughts can bring the body forward after maturity, radically slowing the decline of physical prowess… and further, I KNOW that, even after a chronological 86 years or more, the mind can develop to a level of performance far above its ability at any earlier age. Yet, this is not happening so very much with most people. I have driven through the streets of St. Petersburg, Florida, famous for the numbers of its elderly citizens. It is said that, seated on one of the fine benches lining every block of the city's main street, one venerable citizen said to another: "What was that thing we used to do?" He who would have "The Mind Alive" at any age must be doing something that is very interesting to him, that presents frequent challenges that are not beyond his abilities to meet. This is not so easy to accomplish -- to find such a career is of itself a real challenge. Not everyone in this complicated society can have an interesting job. Any job can be made more interesting, though, and the person who takes that interest can usually work himself up to a higher level, a position of greater challenge and interest. For myself, I will say that I had a number of rather interesting positions through life, but I did not find a truly wonderful challenge until I entered the field of nutrition, health research, and food supplementation. There I found, to my great surprise, that much remained to be done, that I could fill a lot of gaps, meet the needs of a great many people that were not being met. One of the basic formulas for success is said to be: "Find a need and fill it." Of course, there is, I will confirm, no substitute for experience. Simulations of war as war games have their value for the soldier. Simulations of business problems and adventures have their value for the business student. Indeed, they represent types of experience, though often without the full complexity of reality. But those who really reach out in life acquire a reservoir of real, unvarnished experience that provides the brain with a powerful base of operations. As this book nears its conclusion, or what might best be described as a stop-off point, I want to report that, intellectually, I am probably its major beneficiary. Trying to put together data, thoughts, opinions that might be, hopefully, of genuine benefit to others has proved to be the major challenge of my career. But, more than that, it has stimulated my mind, my brain, my neurons to a level of activity which is, I believe, at least 25% higher than that of which I was able even six months ago. Note that I use the word "able" rather than "capable". Lost, apparently in the movement of the American language during the past half-century, is what I regard as an important distinction in the word "capable" as the power to develop the state of being "able". "Ability" has always been to me, more specifically, the state of being able to perform a given task. There is really, I think, no true synonym in the American language. The varied nuances of meaning are very important to us if we are to do our best thinking, because words are Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

the encapsulated tools of thought which we require for the solution of problems. He who has a small vocabulary has a small mind. The semi-developed neurons may be there, but he lacks the encapsulated nuances to facilitate and sharpen his thinking, to stimulate his neurons to make new contacts with other neurons. I believe this is one serious problem restricting many of our citizens who are of foreign extraction: They grow up speaking two languages poorly. So they lack the tools they need to express themselves, to understand others, to read, to write, to think effectively. Putting this book together, while covering a host of business and engineering problems, has too often interfered with my sleep pattern, which I find of great importance to my daily performance and general health. Yet, on the positive side, the project has clearly fine tuned my mind and heightened my knowledge and understanding. In my 20's I wrote a short poem which went a little like this: You helped us all to clean the house and put it well in order. To organize the garden and to paint a new white border. You encouraged us to fix the fence and restore the family name. Thank you much for all these things, Company that never came! William Shakespeare, John Milton, Robert Frost - they and all the other greats may rest comfortably in their graves. I promise that I shall do nothing which will excite their envy. So, if my readers be but few, I shall benefit more than you. Because of the innate power and potential of the human mind, it has been the subject of a great deal of research and a great deal of speculation, some of it "far out". The human brain is surely the best brain among all living things. I had great hopes for the dolphins, who can carry on two conversations simultaneously, but so far, our communication networks have not been able to have satisfactory talks with them. Besides, we already know that almost any woman can carry on two conversations simultaneously, anyway. Maya Pines wrote The Brain Changers, published in 1973. She predicted that small implants would be going into human brains to influence behavior and well being within a decade. That decade has passed, and more and we do not have them yet, but many such things will surely happen. Of course, we already have heart pacemakers implanted in the chests of many thousands... and working rather well. But the greatest potential of the human brain seems to lie in the determination and utilization of the lifestyle and food, fuel supplementation that will maximize its functions.

12) Why Teenage Boys Kill We don't think anyone has commented on the fact that teenage boys are doing the killing, rather than girls. But there is a basic reason for the misconduct of these young men. Of course, as teenagers they are going through an identity crisis as to their place in this highly complicated world. This introduces an enormous amount of stress which they are less Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

empowered to meet than young girls. The body of the teenage girl, even though it may not have achieved its full size, is all ready for reproduction. This means that she is producing a considerable quantity of mineral ascorbates in her own body, since the essential connective tissue, described by Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi as "the glue of the body", must be present to separate each organ from another and act as a strengthening agent for the entire body. Without this connective tissue, the baby's body would fall apart, and death would ensue. And surely the brain is receiving considerable ascorbates, too. So the young man suffers great mental distress, because his brain cannot function adequately. This function includes the production of hormones as well as thought. So he tends to experience enormous frustration and, accordingly, seeks, often desperately, for relief. This relief may take many forms, but its most aggressive form includes murder. The young man who ran over four or five girls with his car is reported to have gleefully said, "I am the angel of death." This gave relief to his tortured mind. It is the mineral ascorbates such as all but a few animals can produce in their own bodies that are well accepted by the human brain. Now, some 1.5 million animals produce these mineral ascorbates in their own livers, but human production is inadequate, since one gene, L-gulonolactone oxidase, is lacking. Of course the quantities of mineral ascorbates for the world market are so flabbergasting in volume as to deny availability to most people. Dr. Mark Levine of the National Institute of Health, a world authority, comments that the ascorbic acid such as is present in fruits and vegetables and available separately does not readily get into the brain. The more acceptable mineral ascorbates are necessary, as they can facilitate the uptake of the ascorbate by the brain cells. The Committee for World Health hopes to shortly introduce the missing enzyme which will enable people to produce the ascorbates in their own livers. However getting this enzyme into the bodies of some six billion people is currently an insurmountable task. Animals produce the mineral ascorbates at a daily rate equivalent to 10,000 mg (10 grams), when equated to a 154 lb. person. However, if young people were to receive as little as 2 grams of these ascorbates daily, considerable improvement in brain and body function would be apparent.

13) A Case of Sleep Apnea The foundation recently encountered a case of non-obstructive sleep apnea which has entirely gone away after some four months of ingestion of mineral ascorbates. This male had been using a machine which nightly forced air into his lungs, making a great deal of noise and deteriorating his relationship with his wife. He started taking 8 or 10 grams of mineral ascorbates and immediately noted an improved sense of well-being. However after several months, he left off the machine and found that he could sleep very well without it. We should like to hear from doctors and patients who have this non-obstructive type of apnea, which does not require an operation, to determine if mineral ascorbates will not also help them, since there must be something lacking in brain coordination. Accordingly, doctors and patients who are struggling with this often-deadly disease are invited to contact either our Director of Research, Dr. Richard Dana or me in this regard. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Yours truly, Committee for World Health Jay Patrick, Chairman

14) Miraculous Recovery: Sleep Apnea I want to report on a case of sleep apnea. This man had been on a positive pressure machine at night which was quite essential for his survival. However, after some 3 or 4 months on 10 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, he no longer requires a machine, and can sleep very well at night, without snoring and without use of a machine. Since this is only one case, we should like to confirm the highly favorable results returned on this type of apnea. Accordingly, if any of our readers suffer from the nonobstructive sleep apnea, we are interested in supplying them with the mixed ascorbates for them to try for up to four months in hope of affecting a solution to the problem. Accordingly, if you have had identification that you do not suffer from the obstructive sleep apnea, which reportedly requires an operation, we want to help you. Please e-mail the details to me of your problem or telephone, and we will get busy with your problem as quickly as possible. Committee for World Health Richard Dana, Director

15) The Two Things that Harvard University Doesn't Know About Heart Disease This is a follow-up on Harvard Health Letter in which they include an article, "The Ten Things You Should Know About Heart Disease". It is evident to the writer that they don't know enough about heart disease themselves. For instance, we find that the progression of congestion in the coronary arteries proceeds in this fashion: The intima, the lining of the arteries, is replaced every two or three days with new cells, but if these new cells do not incorporate adequate mineral ascorbate they start to bleed and ultimately form hard deposits in the arteries. These deposits are what collects the cholesterol, which is followed by about equal amounts of lipids and calcium. Provide the body with adequate mineral ascorbates and this doesn't occur. As you can see from this study made by UCLA Cardiovascular Center of 10 Alacer employees, you will note that 8 of these people showed zero levels of calcium in the arteries, which indicates that there is little else.

16) Confessions of a Scientist * By Richard Dana, M.S., Ph.D. I started work as Director of the Committee for World Health in early January of 1996. After 20 years in regular academic research I was very skeptical of the approach to Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

mineral ascorbates which I was to explore. But I liked Jay Patrick, founder of the Committee, and his associates, and thought I should give this unorthodox approach a try. I had come from a very conventional American Medical Association background. I had worked at a number of major medical research institutes such as Columbia University; University of California, San Francisco; University of California, San Diego; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation; and Children's Hospital, Orange County. Taking 8 to 12 grams of mineral ascorbates daily as Emer'gen-C™ and Super Gram III™, I started to notice some remarkable results. For many years, I could twist one of my ankles so readily as to lay me up for a day or two. Furthermore, if I made a minor twist of my legs, my knees would swell up to the point where I wondered if I did not need surgery. But these episodes quickly ended. I had had a long history of stomach problems, a queasy stomach most of the time. My hearing was very poor to the extent that I had to wear a hearing aid during most of the subsequent years. However, I have lately found I can throw away my hearing aids and hear very well without any problem. In checking with an audiologist, I found that in the last year or so my hearing has improved 5 to 10 decibels, so that I no longer require hearing assistance and can go freely about. For some years I had some problems with multi-tasking projects in my mind. Those problems have now ended, and I feel a degree of alertness I've never experienced before. (I learned that the brain requires 10 times the volume of ascorbate as in the blood plasma.) In addition, I daily enjoy a feeling of well-being which is an important part of my life. But I never heard of any phenomenon such as this, or encountered in all of my scientific literature any mention of such powers of the mineral ascorbates. These results jibe with the daily influx of favorable testimonials from all over the world. I am now 54 years old, the exact age at which my father collapsed and died. Of course, he never had any benefit of the mineral ascorbates. Actually, he died from a massive occlusion of his coronary arteries. I had myself checked a few days ago with an Imatron CT Scan at the UCLA Cardiovascular Center which can actually see the insides of your intestines, etc. They found a zero level of calcium deposits, indicating that I have essentially no plaque whatsoever in my arteries. This means that I must be doing something right. Indeed, we have proved that the mineral ascorbates repair the intima, the lining of the coronary arteries, so that they are opened wide to blood circulation. It seems that there has been a genetic influence in my family that rendered nearly everyone susceptible to occlusion of the coronary arteries. Thus, 8 out of 10 of my uncles died at an early age, most of them because their coronary arteries became clogged. A Major Medical Fraud The theory that cholesterol is of itself responsible for the problem represents one of the major corruptions of the medical profession. For 50 years they have been telling us this, and for 50 years the idea that you can control occlusion of your arteries by reducing the level of your intake is one of the phony things by which most doctors live. Actually, the body has a mechanism to control the level of cholesterol. If you eat a lot of cholesterolcontaining eggs, areas of your body reduce the production of cholesterol, or increase it, if no other sources of this vital substance are being taken in. Indeed, we have confirmed a theory of two Canadian physicians. It is this: our coronary arteries can pass over 80 million gallons of blood during a long lifetime. Since the blood is Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

mildly abrasive, due to the presence of the minerals in the blood plasma, it would, certainly, during much less than this time, wear away the cells which line the arteries. However, the arteries protect themselves with intimal cells, the lining which is replaced every two or three days. But, if there is no good Vitamin C, preferably as mineral ascorbates, present in the cells of the intima, they start to bleed and then settle down as scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, the lipids, and the calcium. Cholesterol is indeed a part of the clogging of the arteries, but only because it is collected by the scar tissue. The particular level of cholesterol is rarely a factor in your body, so long as it is within reason. It is because the lining is so damaged that it collects the cholesterol, not per se, because of a particular level of this essential hormone-producing substance, cholesterol. Note the chart below, showing that 8 out of 10 of Alacer employees had zero levels of plaque in their arteries. This is because they have been taking the mineral ascorbates produced by Alacer for in excess of six months. Modern medicine simply does not offer any such results as this.



Asymptomatic levels


for age group Jay Patrick 82

Over 800

0 Linda Tagle 76


0 Ymelda Patrick 57


0 HU



0 AR



0 JU



0 JE



0 RA



0 SU



97 EM



155 For some 50 years the medical profession has clung to the erroneous idea that reducing the level of cholesterol will reduce occlusion of the coronary arteries. This approach is a fraudulent concept which benefits both doctors and drug companies. In fact, I challenge all the doctors in the world to assemble 10 people of approximate ages as shown and check them for such congestion, using either the Ultrafast CT Scan or magnetic resonance identification. They certainly will not have even 1 or 2 out of the 10 that show absolutely clear arteries. Although there are in excess of 100,000 studies which have been made on ascorbic acid, practically none has been made on what is the real Vitamin C, a total of some seven mineral ascorbates which the animal body manufactures in its own liver. Calcium ascorbate and sodium ascorbate have been given some attention. Indeed, for many decades sodium ascorbate has been used widely for intravenous introduction into the human body. One of the principal health researchers is the National Academy of Sciences which has managed to stifle further research on any form of "C", including the intermediate, ascorbic acid. It is, therefore, almost impossible anymore to get approval of any research on the subject in this country. The writer attended some nine months ago a meeting in Vancouver, B.C., where a presentation was made on research of some seven products unsuccessfully employed to halt schizophrenia. Dr. Frederick Klenner utilized several hundred grams daily of sodium Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

ascorbate intravenously in curing everything from viral encephalitis to multiple sclerosis. While the IV approach is effective, it is costly, and I'm sure not nearly so effective as the full range of mineral ascorbates, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, as the major bodily forms in bringing countless ailments under control. And the mineral ascorbates are now available for one's intake, in an economical way. Ascorbate Research Blocked However, we need a vast amount of research on this subject. Accordingly, I ask my colleagues to give consideration to investigation of viral pneumonia, chicken pox, tuberculosis, malaria, mononucleosis, arthritis, cancer, leukemia, diabetes, Helicobacter pylori, surgery recovery and wound healing, chronic fatigue syndrome, influenza, reduction of strokes, therapeutic benefit against additional strokes, to mention a few. A major consideration can be evaluation of women's pregnancies. The five daughters of Ymelda Patrick took 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates during their pregnancies, with a result of 12 highly intelligent children that are in wonderful health and are A students in school. Of course, at the present time, it is still almost impossible to get any governmental support from these studies. I believe that the pharmaceutical industry is largely responsible for this. Since the National Academy of Sciences relies on the drug industry for its principal financial support, it turns out that, per se, the discouragement of these companies, which seek billions in return on its pharmaceutical studies, puts a wet blanket on the most important research that should be going on. This list is far from complete, as mineral ascorbates support the immune system against any invader that would disrupt cell balance. It has been our principal source of survival through the centuries of our residence on this earth. But it has been forever incapacitated by our failure to produce the mineral ascorbates in our own livers, since we lack the fourth enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, which produces the fourth stage of mineral ascorbate synthesis, ascorbic acid, to be followed by the fifth stage involving the reaction of ascorbic acid to minerals present in the liver. Notation: Solutions are now available which have extraordinary purity, being pyrogenfree and extremely pure ascorbate which works so effectively in the bloodstream. Usually of sodium ascorbate, they can be used intravenously in the body in great volume, if necessary and, often, with extraordinary results. Products are economical and freely available which will produce 1 gram of mineral ascorbates, when water is added. Some 70 trillion cells of the body require the following minerals in this order: Potassium - 20 parts Sodium - 5 parts Calcium - 3 parts Magnesium - 2 parts Manganese - ½ part Zinc - trace These mineral ascorbates act as mineral transporters to bring the ascorbate into body cells and aid the fantastic mitochondria within, which produce some 90% of the energy of the body, to function effectively against most invaders.

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

As a consequence of repeated ignorance of this basic disease of the world, hypoascorbemia, by the National Academy of Sciences and its affiliates, some 90% of the people of the world have been influenced to ignore their basic disease, inability to produce mineral ascorbates in their bodies, as do some 1.5 million other animal species. Indeed, this major disease is responsible for the shortened, precarious lives of most people and our poor immunity to almost every disease, starting with the common cold, which usually becomes completely eradicated in the lives of those who take the mineral ascorbates daily. The condition of medical science in this regard is insufferable, outrageous, and deplorable. We cannot be a modern nation, a modern world, and suffer the consequences of this ailment any longer. Thus, I am in agreement with Jay Patrick, who has "a holy crusade" to aid the world in facing its major health problem. Now 88 years old, he wants to live to be at least 100, so that he may advance this major cause. Addendum By Jay Patrick Yes, humans are the most intelligent of some 1.5 million different species of animals in the world, yet they are among the less than 10 animals who are known to suffer from this devastating disease which Irwin Stone named hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce mineral ascorbates in their own bodies. In regard to the misshapen children that are often born, Omar Khayam said "Did the hand of the potter shake?" Yet the Pope himself is slowly dying for lack of the mineral ascorbates that could have helped to keep him well. We sent him some, but his learned advisors turned them down. At the First World Congress which I staged in 1978 in Palm Springs, Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi said: "Is this affliction really the penalty for the apple that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?" The foundation which I have set up has as one of its chief objectives the restoration of the gene that is responsible for our inability to produce in our livers L-gulonolactone oxidase, the fourth enzyme. If we had a little bit of outside financial support, we might be able to figure out a way to re-insert this gene in the human body, but our efforts are largely ignored and millions of people, in fact almost the whole world, suffer the ignominy of this impoverishment. Meanwhile we are making remarkable progress toward the conversion of stem cells into heart muscle cells, which we firmly believe can be injected into the human heart and restore its strength. Actually, I am hopeful to share in this major benefit, since my heart is weakening. It has already pumped some 80 million gallons of blood through my arteries, this wonderful two pound organ, which compares with the 52 million gallons of oil the ship Valdez spilled in Alaska, may not last me until I can complete my holy cause to which hardly anyone else pays any attention, and bring the world to recognize how much more each of us can accomplish if he or she has the support of these mineral ascorbates. For our real survival, we must turn away from the ridiculous drugs offered by our pharmaceutical industry. The majority of these drugs may serve some biological benefit in the body at the cost of as many as a dozen side effects which can destroy us. For Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

instance, my heart specialist gave me a potassium tablet which I did not need, since my daily intake is more than 1,000mg of potassium as potassium ascorbate, the best form of potassium available. I also eat at least three bananas weekly which give me more. This potassium tablet upset my entire digestive system, causing gas, diarrhea, and pain. I quickly threw it away and have been doing exceedingly well since. The list of side effects for this tablet is enormous, you may be sure. More and more am I able to understand why some 100,000 people die in our country every year from the misapplication of drugs given them. This is absolutely ridiculous. We would do much better if we shut down the whole drug industry and just concentrated on the vitamins and minerals we actually need, but most of all the mineral ascorbates. Yet a multi-billion dollar industry will quickly seek to silence me. But first of all, we must end the drug reign of our so-called National Academy of Sciences, which misleads our FDA and most of the world in misunderstandings of our true dietary needs. I have accordingly instituted a court complaint against the National Academy of Sciences which will compel them to show how they act so emphatically against the public interest. This complaint was first filed in the federal court, but they found a way legally to get out of it. Our current complaint is in the Superior State Court at Santa Ana, California. I shall welcome your support and the support of every true scientist. The National Academy of Sciences is a shameful sham of an organization, the principal servant of the drug companies, rather than the American people they are intended to serve. The organization should be promptly disbanded and another set up which is financed by the U.S. Government alone, which will help greatly to promote the impartiality with which it must operate. In most of the labs of the country, funding is by federal grants, but almost every professor can get money from various other drug companies, also, and from private monies, which will very much direct his research and his partiality. Many things must be done to correct this situation and cannot readily be detailed. Even the horrifying disease of leprosy, with which some 10 million people are afflicted (see Discover Magazine, November 2000), might benefit dramatically from the mineral ascorbates. Surely 10 grams or more daily should be tried on these forgotten people. Incidentally, the monkey who cannot produce its own mineral ascorbates, suffers intensely from this ailment. It should be the first animal on which the mineral ascorbates are tried. For instance, the NAS came out with a statement some months ago that people should not use more than 2 grams of Vitamin C because it can produce diarrhea. Of course, they are only speaking of ascorbic acid, as they seem totally unaware that it is only an intermediate in the production of Vitamin C in the animal's body. This reaction is only partly true, as the reaction of various people varies enormously. Some can only stand 2 grams, others as many as 10 grams of ascorbic acid without any diarrhea. Indeed, the body can become used to the acidity of the product to a considerable degree, indeed tolerant. They should wake up and learn that the mineral ascorbates which the animal produces can be the only true "C". Furthermore, the mineral ascorbates are also neutral in pH and can be taken in the larger gram quantities so essential in good body function, without any adverse reaction whatsoever. However, the NAS doesn't recognize that ascorbic acid is not the real Vitamin C but only an intermediate in the animal's body, the fourth product of reaction in the liver, which then immediately goes into a fifth stage where it reacts with minerals present in the liver to form potassium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, and all of the other ascorbates which then go through the body through the Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

bloodstream of the animal and into the cells, which are so happy to have not only ascorbate but minerals that they vitally need. A high percentage of researchers work on a project just because it was funded, not because it bears any particular relationship to the real problems of life. In fact, hundreds of millions of dollars of funding occur most basically because the money is there to be spent. Yet the most basic life problem of the world is totally ignored, the fact that we humans, the most intelligent of 1.5 million species of animals suffer from a genetic defect, our inability to produce mineral ascorbates in our own bodies that will eventually kill each of us, who does not die accidentally. This is because without adequate amounts of mineral ascorbates, our mothers cannot put together essentially perfect bodies in pregnancy. Thus, there are rarely perfect babies, without some, often unperceivable, defects of construction, that can precipitate death. Further, lacking the fantastic support of the immune system which mineral ascorbates can bring about, we are susceptible to countless diseases which a stronger immune system could ward off, that precipitate death or marked incapacitation. Yes, each of us lacks, as stated, the fourth enzyme in his/her liver, L-gulonolactone oxidase, which would enable our livers to perform the formation of ascorbic acid, the fourth stage, which is rapidly followed by the reaction into mineral ascorbates of the fifth stage, the making of the neutral mineral ascorbates. The National Academy of Sciences has assumed a scientific responsibility far beyond that of any individual who may be concerned with his first amendment rights. Nearly every observation that this organization issues is copied throughout the world, in the belief that it is scientifically based and will promote good health. Yet this organization has consistently recommended that the average intake of Vitamin C for an adult should be 60 mg daily, whereas the average daily production of Vitamin C by some 1.5 million species of other animals is in excess of 10,000 mg when compared to a 70 kg human, which is 167 times the small dosage recommended by the NAS. It is one of the purposes of this suit to inquire from the NAS how they managed to arrive at such a ridiculous figure as 60 mg, although it has lately been increased to 90 mg, without any explanation. Of course their research is with the wrong item, since ascorbic acid is not the real Vitamin C as can be readily established. Ascorbic acid is not well accepted by the body and therefore the multi-gram quantities adequate for good health cannot be ingested in this form. In short, they have been studying the wrong substance and therefore all of their research is invalid and the first amendment is not involved in this misadventure, as they claim.

17) The Missing Link in our Health Very few of us recognize that we lack a most important ingredient to our general health and long life. It is mineral ascorbate. We cannot produce in our own livers the mineral ascorbates that would fortify our immune system which is our principal and essential defense against all manner of attack from bacteria, viruses, insects, and all manner of things that attack our bodies. Now, there are approximately 1.5 million animals in this world, and we are among them. But, of all these animals, less than 10 have been shown to have the same ailment from which we suffer, hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce mineral ascorbates in our own livers. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Now these animals who do use these fantastic substances live at least seven times their period of maturity. A dog that matures at 2 years lives 7 times 2 to 14. Yet we who mature between 20 and 25, should on this basis, live 7 times 20 which is 140, not some 76 or so years.

18) A Holy Crusade Every man, woman, and child in the world suffers from this disease which reduces his/ her resistance to every ailment that comes along and shortens his life, puts lines in his/her face, reduces the vision, reduces the hearing, reduces acuity, and in general in many ways reduces the joy of life. In the livers of 1.5 million or so animals in this world are four enzymes which convert the glucose in their blood into ascorbic acid in four stages. Of all of these animals less than ten have been shown to lack any of these necessary enzymes, but humans lack the fourth enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, as do monkeys, apes, the guinea pig, a Japanese snake, a certain bat, and possibly a few others. Now humans are undoubtedly the most intelligent of all the animals and certainly the most articulate and they have helped to reshape this world of ours mightily for good or for bad. Yet we humans lack the ability to produce this simple, sugar-related product that has up to 1,000 functions in our bodies.

19) The Immune System and What Kills Most of Us There is one outstanding oversight, worldwide, in the entire field of scientific medicine. Because of this oversight, millions of people are born without fully fulfilled bodies, and most of them fall prey to countless diseases and ailments from which they would not otherwise suffer, and almost all of them die many decades ahead of their time. It is a disease which results in inadequate support of the major protection which we have to all manner of disease, as it lies in the support of our remarkable but inadequate immune system. It is the major weakness of all our bodies, which often results in sudden infant death and sudden death of the adult who is subject to trauma. It is probably responsible for the sudden death of the elderly who die in their sleep, who reportedly pass away due to natural causes. The natural cause is that their bodies run out of what Dr. Albert-SzentGyörgyi has described as the "glue" of life. It is the disease which has been identified as being shared by less than 10 other animals of some 1.5 million on this earth. Because of this ailment our organs do not always hold together, our skin prematurely ages, our bones are substantially weakened and break easily, we fall easy prey to some 200 cold viruses and a great variety of influenza viruses, our tendons are often weakened, our brains cannot operate at peak efficiency, and our eyes frequently require the support of glasses for good vision, or fall into a great variety of eye diseases, such as cataracts and glaucoma. Without this magic substance our bodies cannot form with amino acids the connective tissue that separates each organ and holds us together. Without it the lining of our arteries starts to bleed, then

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

forms the scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, fats, and calcium that can block our coronary arteries and shut down our hearts. Some 32 years ago one of the authors (Patrick) was suffering from the severe pain of the TM joints toward the end of every week. His dentist failed to help him at all. He eagerly responded to an article by Irwin Stone, a real pioneer on Vitamin C, in a current Life magazine. Weekly meetings with Stone, who lived on Staten Island some 50 miles away from Patrick's home in New Jersey, opened his eyes. He took about 4 or 5 grams of ascorbic acid, and quickly noted that his TM joint pain had some 95% disappeared. This awakened him to the enormous potential of the product. He learned from Stone that most animals produce the real Vitamin C in their own livers. The glucose circulating in their blood hits four enzymes, forming ascorbic acid. But this ascorbic acid then reacts with minerals present to form the fabulous mineral ascorbates.

20) Where Sunscreens Fail "Sunscreens do a great of stopping sunburn by absorbing ultraviolet rays. But there are other parts of the light spectrum that many sunscreens don't block, that may play a role in causing skin cancer, particularly melanoma, the most dangerous form of the disease." --Harvard Health Letter What your body really needs is the extra protection of mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C inside you, working through your skin to protect you. And the best forms of C are the mineral ascorbates such as you produce when Emer'gen-C™ dissolves in water, or as are present in our Super Gram III™ timed-release mineral ascorbates. These products are usually available wherever health foods are sold. Melanoma, also known as malignant melanoma or cutaneous melanoma, is the least common but most dangerous form of skin cancer. Each year, about 42,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed in the U.S. (a number that has been going up), and the disease causes 7,300 deaths. Intense, intermittent exposure to the sun, rather than cumulative exposure, is believed to be the principal cause of melanoma. In men, a common area for melanomas is the back, and for women, the lower legs. Melanomas can grow from an existing mole, but about half the time, they appear as new, dark patches of skin. You should have a doctor look at any mole that has changed size, shape, bleeds, has developed irregular edges, varies in color, or has become itchy. Any new dark area of skin that is greater than a quarter of an inch should also be checked out. If it's caught early and hasn't spread, a melanoma can be removed surgically, although a wide area of skin might be taken to make sure all the cancer is removed.

21) Vitamin C as an Anti-Aging Therapy It may interest you to know how I became involved in Vitamin C. I had reached the age of 59 operating a chemical specialties firm in New Jersey for close to 30 years. At that time, I managed to develop the leading replacement for carbon tetrachloride which had killed many people. I did reduce the number of fatalities I'm sure. However, I was not Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

greatly interested in nutrition partly because of all the wild claims. Toward the end of each week as the stress of my operations accumulated, I developed pains in my TM joints. I went from doctor to doctor, dentist to dentist, and one of them spent some seven occasions grinding away on my teeth to improve my bite without any success at all. I happened to read LIFE magazine which featured Dr. Irwin Stone and learned that he lived in Staten Island which is very close to me. I became very well acquainted with the doctor and his wife. We had sessions every Sunday and discussed Vitamin C and his enthusiastic support of it. He said it makes you almost invincible. I learned a great deal from him and am engaged in carrying on his work, beyond where he envisioned it. Dr. Stone said that human kind didn't produce any C at all. I've since concluded that it's impossible for the mother to produce a baby without producing some Vitamin C because the connective tissue of the body has to be made with C and amino acids. And, her baby would fall apart if she didn't produce some C. Indeed, the baby does have a good level of Vitamin C in his body the first day of birth and the mother's milk does produce C that enables the body to survive. Perhaps, out of context, I want to share with you both a personal and professional success story. A few years ago, I heard of a method of determining the coronary occlusions that occur so I went to UCLA Cardiovascular Center and ran through their routine. Their technician was astounded to find that I have zero levels of calcium in my arteries which indicates zero plaque, setting a new record. I went back to the head of the Cardiovascular Center and wondered if that impressed him a little bit, and of course it's just only of one person therefore, anecdotal. He denied that was of much significance. For me, it was of some significance, so I brought nine more of the workers who have been taking our products because we are interested in saving their lives, improving their expertise, etc. It turned out that 8 of 10 that they checked out had zero levels. The ages ran from 43 to 76 years old. The remaining two registered at 400 and above 450, below problem levels. I have been taking care of a San Diego doctor who has been buying our products and he's very much into chelation therapy. I persuaded him and his wife to go to the Cardiovascular Center. She'd been taking our product very religiously and showed up at zero levels; he had 1,350 which is in danger of a heart attack. In 1966, Dr. Irwin Stone published the paper "On the Genetic Etiology of Scurvy," pointing out that in scurvy, we are dealing with a genetic, liver-enzyme disease and not simply a dietary disturbance. The liver enzyme disease, hypoascorbemia, is caused by a defective human gene for the liver enzyme, l-gulonolactone oxidase, GLO for short, and was not simply caused by improper foods. This birth defect for GLO prevents humans from producing their own large quantities of ascorbic each day as nearly all the other mammals do. Improper foods are not a cause of this disease, but merely a complication involved in the workings of this potentially fatal birth defect, the real cause. Because of ignorance of the proper daily dosage of Vitamin C, hypoascorbemia later known as chronic subclinical scurvy, the so-called CSS syndrome, has become our most widespread and insidious disease. The chronic insults of the CSS syndrome sets the stage for the high incidence of morbidity, and high mortality of cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and many other current serious medical problems, including sudden infant death and drug addiction. The continuing application of the outdated tenets of this Vitamin C hypothesis by orthodox medicine, has only assured the continued high rate of scorbutic Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

sicknesses and scorbutic sudden death in our population. Thus, it can be so easily and inexpensively avoided. Imagine the liver of an animal who produces ascorbate. The four enzymes in the liver react with glucose circulating in its blood to produce ascorbic acid. Stone pointed out, in just a random way, that ascorbic acid doesn't go into circulation in the body. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates which can get into the cell more readily. Dr. Stone went around giving out little packets of ascorbic acid with 1 gram of sugar. He wasn't aware, of course, of the great intake of sugar (which is now 159 lb per person and it's one of our major problems). A youngster who may drink as many as seven Cokes a day, takes in all this sugar without any Vitamin B or C to aid his body in metabolizing it. Unfortunately, that is one way that we are delivering to the countries of the world a new form of America which really doesn't aid our place in the world, because it will kill-off many people ultimately. The general scientific community keeps referring to ascorbic acid as Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is absolutely not the vitamin C - it's only an intermediate in an animals' body and present only in plants, fruits really. We are not fruits. We are animals and require neutral forms of ascorbate. The whole science of examining the value of Vitamin C is rotten because they are using the wrong form of Vitamin C, i.e., their conclusions about its producing stones in the kidneys, for instance. Imagine your Vitamin C batteries running down. This is one way to get people to recognize the nature of the problem because every organ in your body requires Vitamin C, and more than any other, your brain requires it. The UCLA Cardiovascular Center told me that women get coronary occlusion ten years later then men. The reason is that they do produce some C in their bodies because they have to make a baby. Making that baby necessitates C and amino acids to make the connective tissue that holds the body together. Now no one has noted this really, in all the scientific data about babies, but they have to make ascorbate in order to produce a baby or we would never have a baby that would hold together. Its organs would grow together and it would die. It is not ascorbic acid that you would get in your mother's womb - it is mineral ascorbates! As the woman ceases to menstruate, her output of C goes down and she can get occlusions of the coronary artery. It is said that cholesterol alone is truly involved in the occlusion of the arteries which accounts to the major corruption of our medical field. It certainly is not the primary factor. The reason our coronary arteries clog up is due to lack of Vitamin C in the intima, the lining of the artery, which starts to hemorrhage (bleed) and then forms scar tissue. It is this scar tissue, which Dr. William McCormick in the 1950's had pointed out, is responsible for collecting equal parts of cholesterol, lipids and then calcium. As soon as the so-called science of medicine recognizes this, a lot of people will be getting better and better and will not be wasting their money on checking their cholesterol. Actually the cholesterol is a vital substance in the body because it is the intermediate for the production for the sex hormones, and it produces a good many other products too in its own way. So, that is a major myth in our scientific community, and I'm resolved, before I die, to rid the world of this ridiculous premise. "If you do not have ascorbic acid, you can't build a healthy body and you can't correct it later. If you build a wall, you put the bricks down and put mortar and cement on every one. You can't put the bricks together and then and then pour mortar on top of it. It will never Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

hold."-- Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi We think of the human body as being almost perfect but yet they're some 4,000 genetic diseases that are ailing us. We are concerned with four which occur with every person. First, the production of melatonin which usually halts at entirely age 12. It is a product of serotonin, the chemical messenger of the body. Secondly, the human body is unable to produce an adequate amount of mineral ascorbates for its protection against disease and prolonged life. Third, human bodies are unable to produce the enzyme uricase, which breaks down the uric acid that causes gout. And lastly, we have inherited a mechanism for retaining sodium when the blood plasma gets down to a level and requires it, but no such mechanism exists for the retention of potassium. Now, of course, you're sold on sports products which have as much as 4½ times as much sodium as potassium. It should be the reverse. Everyone needs potassium. In the effervescent product which we developed to produce the mineral ascorbates, with the addition of water, the product effervesces and produces the mineral ascorbates such as we cannot make in our own bodies. The cell merely requires more potassium than we get, whereas it desires 100 parts of potassium, to 5 of sodium, to 3 of calcium, to 2 of magnesium. These neutral mineral ascorbates are readily accepted by the cells, and they immediately feed the mitochondria which are the tiny chemical factories that help us to think every thought, or move every muscle. The product that I developed and introduced at the First World Congress in Palm Springs, in 1978, incorporates mineral carbonates which react with ascorbic acid and form the true mineral ascorbates, coupled with the B vitamins and other trace elements. It also goes most readily into the cells, because the minerals act as ascorbate transporters, feeding the mitochondria those tiny factories to which we owe every breath we take and every muscle we move. In a study of potassium levels in approximately 1,000 people in Rancho Bernardo, California, they found that when they were getting 1,000 mg of potassium daily, they did not experience any strokes over a ten-year period. Molybdenum has the highest stability and potassium, is the lowest. So, if we make a product of potassium ascorbate, it's not going to be potassium ascorbate very long. In 1977, I decided that we would make a drink to get potassium immediately into the body. It could be the poor man's chelating agent and that it would disassociate and leave ascorbate free to pick-up the calcium deposits that are a part of the coronary artery. I discovered that it would greatly increase one's energy and ability. That is why we are making as many as a million packets of this product daily, and it is the largest selling form of Vitamin C in the world. It is a great way to get mineral ascorbates into the cells in the body, which is the basic unit of all health. Would it interest you to know that 150,000 people die annually from trauma? There is a record of a two-year period at San Francisco General Hospital that 390 people died within the first ½ hour after they entered the hospital. Dr. Stone pointed this out to me, and I thought that a good name for a product would be Emer'gen-C™ because he said that 50% of people that die in automobile accidents die from the trauma alone. If we could get C to them immediately we could save their lives, and so that has been very much in my mind since. One-way or another, we can live or die depending on the level of ascorbate in our bodies. The man who dies in his sleep - they say he died of natural causes. He perhaps died of unnatural causes because he ran out of C in his body and it just falls apart. The brain will grab whatever C is in the body because if your brain can't work - you can't work. Most mens' brains shrink from 15% to 40%. Womens' brains shrink only 1% because apparently the amount of Vitamin C they have in their bodies goes to the brain. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

22) How Emerʼgen-C Works - Life Giving Ascorbates MISSING

23) Ascorbate: Humanity's Most Needed Substance Dr. Albert-Szent-Györgyi, the Hungarian scientist, first isolated one form of Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, from the paprika pepper produced in great volume by his country. However, science has generally failed to recognize that ascorbic acid, while suitable for acidic plants such as oranges and lemons, is not truly suited for use in volume in the human body. It has a pH of about 2 and any substantial quantities will bring the pH of the urine down from nearly 7 to 4, irritate the bladder, and induce excessive urination with subsequent loss of minerals. As the volume of ascorbic acid intake may be increased, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to utilize this nutrient. Indeed, the National Academy has emphasized that 2 grams of ascorbic acid can induce diarrhea. This is true of some people but not all, since there is great individual variation in the acceptance of this acid by humans. Indeed, some humans can be sufficiently accustomed to its acidity as to be able to accept many grams in excess of 2 grams daily, although the benefits of the product are not usually proportional to the greater intake. As a result of this erroneous acceptance of ascorbic acid as the real ascorbate, the entire medical community has been confused as to the true value of ascorbate. Indeed, when introduced into the body in the mineral ascorbates of such as animals who do not suffer from the genetic defect which shortens human life, the benefits of high levels extending up to as high as 20 grams daily can be clearly realized. Thus, because most of medical science has been following the wrong star, not using the highly acceptable mineral ascorbates in their research, the entire field of nutrition has suffered enormously. Vitamin C is essential to almost all life, especially is this true of animals, and we are one of them.

24) The Storage Batteries of Our Bodies "If I get pneumonia, and am taken to a hospital, where I die, they might attach a card, as they do in Hungary, to my big toe, which would read: "CAUSE of DEATH: Pneumonia." But I would probably have died of scurvy." *** Nobel Laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, is speaking at the World Congress on Vitamin C. He is the Nobelist who received the prize for his isolation of the magic substance, Vitamin C, from the paprika pepper of his native Hungary. Behind Szent-Gyorgyi's remarks is a simple fact that leaves most people behind the proverbial 8 Ball. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Some 50% of us already have in our bodies such avengers as pneumonococci, staphylococci, streptococci, or bacilli, which can bring on this deadly lung disease. Or we may also include influenza viruses, adenoviruses, syncytial viruses, rhinoviruses, coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and others, from our childhood. Rather frightening, isn't it? But the Merck Manual says that the foregoing account for some 75% of pulmonary infections in schools and military recruits. An Inside Job Some 32 years ago, while operating a chemical plant in Northern New Jersey, I received a telephone call that my father, who lived in San Diego, was being operated upon for appendicitis. I immediately boarded a plane, and the following morning was able to greet him in Mercy Hospital, after they had operated upon him. I found that he didn't have appendicitis, but an inflamed pancreas. However, within a few hours after greeting my father, because of the high stress of the operation, he came down with a severe case of pneumonia and died about 24 hours later. I now know that he probably died of scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, about which I knew nothing at the time. He, obviously, had the pneumonoccus bacteria already in his body, yet his resistance, at age 79, was so poor that he promptly succumbed. Thus, you see, we don't have to "catch" any of these life-threatening diseases. Many of them are already inside of us, while our immune system holds them in check. So, if we don't want to come down with any of these unattractive ways to die, we must do what we can to keep our resistance up. And the secret seems to be: The right lifestyle, supported by very good nutritional supplement, which absolutely must include the mineral ascorbates, the real forms of Vitamin C that most animals other than humans produce in their bodies in multigram quantities. Here and now, is where high intake of the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C should enter in your life to stay! Healthy people, say The National Institutes of Health, require a body pool of at least 1500 mg of mineral ascorbates, the only form in which "C" is stored in our organs, such as: adrenals, brain, eyes, gonads, pituitary, pancreas, liver These organs and any area of the body where intense activity is to occur must, for your energy and resistance to disease, maintain a fair level of this miraculous carbohydrate which Szent-Gyorgyi has described as "the 'glue' that holds our bodies together." I feel that the collection points for mineral ascorbates should be considered Miniature Storage Batteries, which, when "run down", leave us exhausted and almost defenseless against disease.

25) Subclinical Scurvy Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Irwin Stone has said that some 98% of the population suffers from subclinical scurvy, that is subclinical only because the doctors do not recognize it for what it is, a malfunctioning of the body due to lack of ascorbate. *** "Biochemical stress" embodies a number of various stresses the resultant effects of which are increased vitamin C requirements; if these are not met, certain tissues will begin to malfunction. The subsequent inability of the human system as a whole to cope with the malfunctioning results eventually in symptoms associated with particular illnesses. The symptoms used as the criteria of vitamin C deficiency that have been adopted by the Establishment of the medical profession are those of scurvy. The daily dose required to inhibit scurvy - often termed the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) - is given by various medical authorities as between 10 to 125 mg daily. However, scurvy is a clinical manifestation of prolonged and extreme vitamin C deficiency. Long before the symptoms appear, subclinical deficiency of the vitamin persists in certain tissues of particular individuals, and this situation can last for some time during which the individuals' activities are increasingly below par. (Boldface: ours) -- Sherry Lewin, Department of Postgraduate Molecular Biology, North-East London Polytechnic, London, England *** There are some 1.4 to 1.6 million different species of animal in this world. Thus far, less than 10 have been found to suffer from the genetic disease, hypoascorbemia, that cannot produce mineral ascorbates in their own bodies. These few include humans, the monkey, the ape, and the guinea pig. Some millions of years ago, says Stone, the ancestors of man lost the fourth enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, the fourth step in the conversion in the liver of glucose to mineral ascorbate. Fortunately, says Stone, these ancestors were undoubtedly living in a lush, tropical area where fresh fruit containing ascorbic acid was freely available. While these amounts of ascorbic acid would not be sufficient to provide full health, they did provide enough to permit survival. But, here we are, as humankind multiplies to some 3 billion on this earth, the most intelligent and resourceful creatures around. Yet, we suffer from this disease that brings ill health to most of us and has such horrible consequences to many. But there is the further consideration that we are not using our intelligence to do much of anything about this ailment, our major disease. Our National Academy of Sciences, for instance, is so much controlled by the drug manufacturers that they mislead us into believing that tiny amounts of ascorbate are sufficient to give us good health and long life. They do this because their promoters want the profits, the billions of dollars in reward, for their distortion of our true needs. We of the United States, the most prosperous country in the world, which spends the most on health, rate only 24th with an expectancy of 70 years of life.

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

26) Unexplored but highly necessary investigations of the role of Vitamin C in the human body which should be undertaken Since the pregnant woman must develop a child whose body contains large amounts of connective tissue that can be produced only with the reaction of Vitamin C to amino acids, it is germane that this be fully investigated. It is a general belief that both men and women are unable to produce any mineral ascorbates whatsoever. However, it is obvious that the woman does produce some mineral ascorbates, especially when she is pregnant, as the baby must have ascorbate to make with amino acids the connective tissue that separates every organ of the body and helps hold the infant's body together. (See Jay Patrick's article Specialized Woman.) The woman also tends to develop obstruction of the coronary arteries at least 10 years later than men. This seems obviously due to her production of ascorbate for childbirth, since Alacer Corp. has established that such obstruction is due to this phenomenon: The lining of human coronary arteries is replaced every two or three days with new cells. If these cells do not contain adequate levels of ascorbate, they start to bleed, and then form scar tissue. This scar tissue serves to collect the cholesterol, the lipids, and the calcium which can ultimately jam up the coronary artery entirely, the principal cause of death from heart disease. 8 out of 10 Alacer employees showed zero levels of plaque, when checked out at UCLA Cardiovascular Center, as shown below. Yet, the dogma that it is a high level of cholesterol in the body which, of itself, is responsible for the clogging of the arteries which has persisted for some 15 years, and never been proved. Indeed Alacer regards it as the major fraud of the medical field. We firmly believe the clogging of the arteries is due almost entirely to lack of the mineral ascorbates. Name

Jay Patrick Linda Tagle Ymelda Patrick HU








82 76 57 43 42 42 47 47 57 55

Asymptomatic levels for age group Over 800











0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 155

UCLA Cardiovascular Findings, 1994

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27) Forget About Yourself: Just Take Care of Your Dog or Cat Dogs and cats have a great advantage! They can produce their own mineral ascorbates in their bodies, something humans cannot do. This means that a dog that matures at 2 years can live 7 times 2 or 14 years. On this basis we humans who come of age at 20-25 should be able to live 7 times 20 or 140 years. Obviously we cannot, especially if we depend on our own meager production of ascorbate. A dog may go along nicely producing the ascorbate at the rate of 2.8g daily (when equated to a 152 lb. human). However, after the dog is some 5 years old, production of the ascorbate tends to decline. This is especially to be noted as it approaches the age of 6-8 years, its coat may become rough, even bloody, its energy may decline, and various other adverse health symptoms may appear. However, the daily administration of small amounts of mineral ascorbates, as produced by Alacer, can quickly correct this problem, usually eliminating the adverse symptoms and prolonging the dog's life. I once wrote an article entitled "Forget About Yourself, Just Take Care of Your Dog." Many people may take this advice about the animals they so much love. Certainly the expense of maintaining a dog in ill health has gone up drastically. The dog's bones and ligaments may crumble, and major and most expensive repairs by the veterinarian may be required. As you note the great improvement in Bowzer, you may decide that you want to do something about your own life, which is drastically curtailed by your inability to produce mineral ascorbates in your own body. This is a genetic ailment from which we humans suffer that has received very little attention in the medical journals. Only a few animals share our genetic deficiency. They are the monkey, the ape, the guinea pig, a type of Japanese rat, some bats, and a few other of the many animals. Some 99.9% of all animals do produce the mineral ascorbates, the neutral forms of C, which unlike ascorbic acid, are readily accepted by the many cells of the body and do not induce diarrhea and nausea when taken in volume, as is the case with ascorbic acid.

28) Why Your Dog Gets Arthritis The Wall Street Journal recently reported that dogs given a Pfizer arthritis medicine called Rimadyn for their arthritis are now dying in considerable numbers. The drug was originally developed for humans, but Pfizer chose the safer way of trying it, first, on dogs. TV spots proudly announced the product and veterinarians started treating their patients with the product. The story discusses a 6-year old Siberian husky with stiff back legs, named Montana. Shortly after Montana started with the drug he "went limp, wobbling instead of walking." Seizures soon developed and vomiting, so Montana was finally put to sleep, with a case of severe liver damage. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

This story brings me back to some of my first visits, about thirty years ago, with Dr. Irwin Stone, an enzyme chemist, who spent fifty years of his life investigating Vitamin C. "Dogs live about 7 times their period of maturity, maturing at 2 years, they usually die at age 14," he told me. "A dog starts out life producing mineral ascorbates or Vitamin C in its liver at the rate of about 2.8 grams daily, when equated to a 70 kg (154 lb.) person, but he cannot maintain this level," the doctor said. At about 6 years of age the production of mineral ascorbates goes into decline, and he starts having problems. His energy declines, his fur coat tends to show imperfections, and bloody spots may appear. Other signs of scurvy (lack of ascorbates) show up, including arthritis. "But if you start giving a dog Vitamin C in good volume, his health will return and he may live well beyond his allotted 14 years," Stone said. Stone further outlined the process by which animals produce mineral ascorbates in their own livers. The glucose circulating in the blood hits four liver enzymes, the last being Lgulonolactone oxidase, which convert the sugar into ascorbic acid. But he quickly reminded me that the acid form, which would be injurous to the arteries and veins, does not go into circulation, but immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates such as potassium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, and magnesium ascorbate. These are neutral forms of "C" which help carry the ascorbate into the cells of the body, supplying a wonderful, helpful combination of minerals and ascorbate. This, both Stone and I agreed, is the real Vitamin C as produced by animals for animals, yet almost everywhere people are still under the illusion that ascorbic acid is Vitamin C. It really isn't. It is an intermediate in the production of the real, neutral in pH mineral ascorbates, which rapidly step up the body's operations. Actually, in one way or another, these mineral ascorbates have probably a thousand or more functions in the animal body. For instance, the connective tissue that separates each organ from another can be formed only with ascorbate and amino acids. You might note from my article "Specialized Women", how I state that women are primarily designed for childbearing. As a consequence, they must produce some mineral ascorbates in their own bodies, else, as the baby grows, the connective tissue required to separate each of its organs could not be formed. Indeed, women also produce mineral ascorbates for the milk with which they nurse their babies, contributing much to their growth and health. So it is this reduced mineral ascorbate output that is responsible for the decline, and the premature death of every dog, and since we humans are of the animal kingdom, what meager output of the ascorbates we may produce or obtain in our diet results in premature aging, disease and death. Now you may give your dog, as he gets older, Vitamin C tablets which may be little more than ascorbic acid. Small amounts can help him, but the more you give the more you will induce the pH of his urine to decline from nearly 7 to 4, inducing excessive loss of minerals from his body and not contributing much to his or her benefit. On the other hand, if you choose to give your dog Alacer's timed-release mineral ascorbates, Super Gram III™, code 64, your dog will benefit immensely. For each 40 lbs. of animal, you might throw down its throat a Super Gram III™, code 64, tablet once daily. If the dog weighs more like 20 lbs., we suggest, instead, our Super Gram III™ Senior, code 2, which are only half the usual size and will slide down a small dog's throat quite easily. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

About Your Life Another matter which Dr. Stone mentioned: humans mature at ages 20-25, and 7 times 20 is 140 years, which Stone felt is the proper life expectancy of humans if they could only produce the mineral ascorbates in good volume, as do most animals. So this is another example of how stupidly our medical profession acts, usually ignoring the basic needs of the animal body and choosing to insert some ridiculous drug, which is usually loaded with countless side effects. Also, there might be some guidance for you in your own life. You might consider the mineral ascorbates which are offered in many forms. In the powder form, as Emer'gen-C™, as the ingredients effervesce, you are producing the animal-type mineral ascorbates, which are also loaded with B vitamins and the essential minerals. In timed release form, as Super Gram III™ you can also take these products without any side effect whatsoever, and help keep yourself on the road to good health. Unfortunately, humans suffer from a serious genetic defect in that they cannot produce substantial amounts of the real Vitamin C in their own livers, as do some 99.9% of all animals. This is really quite ridiculous that we, the major, most intelligent animal in the world should suffer this serious shortcoming in the function of our bodies. Fortunately, we can now make amends for it by taking the mineral ascorbates, such as I have been imbibing for nearly 30 years. This old dog is now in his 88th arthritis-free year, and heading toward at least 100.

29) What the American Heart Association and Most Medical Science Do Not Know About Vitamin C Far more than 100,000 studies of ascorbic acid, as Vitamin C, have been conducted, since the product was first identified from the research of Hungarian scientist Albert SzentGyörgyi, in the mid-30's. However, to the writer's knowledge all reports of ascorbic acid have been listed as favorable to the health. That is, all until a paper recently popped up, a report of James H. Dwyer, professor of Preventative Medicine, before a March 2 meeting of the American Heart Association's Conference on Cardiovascular Disease. Dwyer reported that people taking about 500 mg of Vitamin C in supplements each day for a year showed a progression in carotid wall thickness that was 2½ times greater than those that did not take a Vitamin C supplement. Further, he reported a five-fold increase in the rate of atherosclerosis progression among smokers. First of all there is one basic thing wrong with the study. Dr. Dwyer did not use the real Vitamin C. Although scientific medicine still has not awakened to the fact, ascorbic acid is not the real Vitamin C. Some thirty-one years ago, Dr. Irwin Stone, who spent 50 years of his life researching ascorbate, reported to me that every human being suffers a genetic disease which greatly shortens his life and greatly increases his susceptibility to disease. He called it

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

hypoascorbemia, an inability of humans to produce adequate amounts of C, resulting in a continuous state of scurvy, the condition that felled the early English sailors. Stone further explained that it is a genetic disease suffered by humans, the monkey, the ape, a type of bat, a Japanese snake, the guinea pig, and a few other unidentified animals. Some 99.9% of all other animals produce ascorbate, generally in copious quantities in their own livers, although the original site of such production in many was the kidney. In animals, Dr. Stone explained, the glucose circulating in the blood enters the liver and hits four enzymes, the last being L-gulonolactone oxidase, whereupon it is converted into ascorbic acid. But the acid does not enter the animal's circulatory system, Stone emphasized. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc. These minerals act as ascorbate transporters to carry the ascorbate into the cell. In addition they serve to form neutral products which do not irritate the lining of the arteries and veins. On the other hand ascorbic acid, has a pH of 2 - 3. In quantity, it can bring the pH of the urine down from nearly 7 to 4, irritate the kidneys, and induce substantial loss of minerals in its diuretic action. Stone recognized that ascorbic acid was not the real Vitamin C. He acknowledged that 99%+ animals produce the mineral ascorbates in their own livers, but he never did much about the problem, nor did Linus Pauling. This great genius had a prominent blind spot. Indeed, Pauling and Dr. Ewin Cameron coauthored a book dealing with Vitamin C and cancer. In this book they reported on their efforts to treat cancer patients with ascorbic acid, as follows: "As a result of ingesting 10 grams of C (as ascorbic acid) a day some of these healthy individuals developed heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially diarrhea and were forced to withdraw from the experimental study" (from Cancer and Vitamin C by Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling). On the other hand, within a year after becoming acquainted with Stone in 1969, I set about to produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C. I returned to my native California and first arranged for a chemist experienced in timed-release to produce timed-release mineral ascorbates, which I immediately starting taking at the level of around 8 grams daily. I shortly took over a food supplement plant and commenced the volume production of 1gram tablets of mineral ascorbates together with B Vitamins and other trace elements. I have been taking these mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins and other trace elements for some 30 years now. I can report that I have not had a single cold during this 30-year period, nor have I had a real attack of "flu" in 17 years. Although there are some 200 varieties of the cold virus, I don't even get a runny nose, indicating that I am under attack. My immune system is so effective in countering these and other countless invaders that I really do not come down with any infectious disease whatsoever. Interesting note: while our pharmaceutical houses make vast fortunes concocting all sorts of strange, generally poisonous medicines, we almost wholly ignore the fact that our Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

immune system has the enormous power of keeping us well, if we only give it the "tools" it needs to function. Indeed, there is no known medicine for a great variety of infectious diseases with tuberculosis and pneumonia, probably topping the list. Yet a well-fortified immune system can keep these ailments well under control. Learning of the Ultrafast CT Scan, I went at age 82 to the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, California. They promptly found that I had zero level of calcium in my coronary arteries, indicating almost zero plaque, and proclaimed me "the outstanding man in the world" in this regard. However, since their chief of staff was so brutally committed to conventional approaches to cardiovascular disease, I conceded to him that my case was anecdotal and, therefore, of little scientific interest. I accordingly came back to the cardiovascular center with nine of our workers who had been taking our products. As you can see from the enclosed chart, 8 out of 10 had zero levels of plaque and the remaining two had low levels that represented no cardiovascular problem. These findings confirm what the real Vitamin C can do for humans. Millions of Americans have now taken our effervescent form of Vitamin C under the trade name Emer'gen-C™ and are walking, talking testimonials of the value of mineral ascorbates. These effervescent products duplicate what the animals produce in their own livers. Indeed, since so many other nutrients are included with the product, there is great synergy to the function.



Asymptomatic levels


for age group Jay Patrick 82

Over 800

0 Linda Tagle 76


0 Ymelda Patrick 57


0 HU



0 AR



0 JU



0 JE



0 RA



0 SU



97 EM



155 Of course our timed-release mineral ascorbates, Super Gram III™, are also highly effective in bringing up one's ascorbate level. I now take about 12 grams daily of the two products at age 87. I am happy to report I still have 20/20 vision, that my bone density is 118% of a 30-year-old man, and that I just don't get infectious diseases. Since our production of Emer'gen-C™ is now at the rate of 1,000,000 packets daily, we have a research project which so far exceeds the efforts of Dr. Dwyer as to render his report insignificant. We daily receive glowing reports of our customers' successes with our products. Indeed we now call upon our customers to report to us formally as to the years they have used our mineral ascorbates and as to the success they have had with them. We are issuing this request on the Internet in the knowledge that we shall get a great response which will far exceed any study of Vitamin C, especially the real Vitamin C, yet undertaken.

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

30) Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for Misrepresenting Vitamin C Alacer Corp. today filed in Federal District Court an action to compel the National Academy of Sciences to change their views regarding the non-benefits of large amounts of Vitamin C in protecting the body from a variety of illnesses, including the common cold. The suit contests the statement that there is "insufficient evidence to recommend that Americans get more of the nutrients, Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene than is necessary to prevent basic nutritional deficiencies." Indeed, the panel stated on April 14th, in a public release, that "extremely high doses of such nutrients may lead to health problems rather than conferring benefits." The first aspect of the complaint emphasizes that the National Academy of Sciences does not even know the true nature of Vitamin C. The panel erroneously regards ascorbic acid as the real "C", whereas there is irrefutable evidence that the neutral mineral ascorbates such as produced in 99.9% of all animals' bodies are the true form of this vital nutrient. Furthermore, the action emphasizes that because evaluation has been performed with ascorbic acid, which the panel notes, in 2-gram quantities induces diarrhea, most health researchers have stopped right there. They have totally failed to evaluate the neutral, mineral ascorbates which can be ingested in the body at levels far above 20 times that of ascorbic acid. The scientific world has not done its job! Health investigators have never really determined the value of the mineral ascorbates at the levels necessary for them to work miracles in the human body. This mistaken attitude regarding the need for the true, animal forms of ascorbate has greatly constricted the market for the viable substance which is truly essential to healthful life. Indeed, the human mother has to produce modest quantities of mineral ascorbate in order for her baby to form a complete body. This is because ascorbate reacts with amino acids to form the connective tissue which separates every organ of the body and also holds them together. Without production of some quantities of this substance, mineral ascorbate, which has been largely ignored by the medical profession, no babies could really be born. After birth, the mother produces mineral ascorbates in her milk, which nurtures the baby far better than man-made formula containing ascorbic acid. Because they are researching the wrong product, ascorbic acid, rather than mineral ascorbates, nutritional researchers of the world have generally failed to identify the full, multigram requirements of this vital substance. Yet even the dog produces at the rate of 2.8 grams daily of mineral ascorbates when equated to a 154 lb. person. Most animals live 7 to 14 times their period of maturity. Thus, the dog maturing at 2 years, lives to be about 14. On this same basis the human animal, maturing at 20-25, should live at least 7 times 20 to 140 years, which he certainly does not. Few people are aware that we humans suffer from a genetic disease, our inability to produce mineral ascorbates in our own bodies, as do more than 99.9% of all other animals. Only a few animals have been shown to suffer from this life-shortening and poor resistance to disease. They are the monkey, the ape, the guinea pig, a type of Japanese snake, a certain bat, and a few other animals. Labeled hypoascorbemia by pioneer researcher Dr. Irwin Stone, it is truly the major disease of the world. This is because the

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

human body is continually attacked by hundreds of viruses and bacteria which only an immune system well fortified with mineral ascorbates can hope to counter. Now, the President of Alacer Corp., Jay Patrick, has been taking mineral ascorbates for some 28 years. During this time he has never had a cold, nor even the sniffles suggesting that a cold has attacked his body, nor in the past 17 years has he suffered for more than a portion of a day from an attack of influenza. All of this suggests that millions of people are dying prematurely from diseases their bodies should be able to counter. And further their lives are shortened by their reduced ability to maintain their bodies in good working condition. For instance, the human brain requires about ten times as much Vitamin C as the blood plasma. Those who take multigrams of mineral ascorbates will also find that their eyesight lasts them longer and that they do not require frequent step-ups in magnification of their glasses, if they require glasses at all. The nearly 88-year-old Jay Patrick still has 20/20 vision, the bone density 118% of a 30-year-old man, and almost zero plaque in his coronary arteries. (Patrick takes some 12 to 14 grams of mineral ascorbates daily.) Alacer Corp. supplies the mineral ascorbates in two basic forms. The first is as an effervescent drink mix which reacts in water to form mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and chromium under the trade name Emer'gen-C™. One-gram tablets, a timed-release of the mineral ascorbates, are also available. Alacer has long made it a practice to furnish the mineral ascorbates to its employees. Accordingly, 8 out of 10 of employees tested have shown zero levels of plaque. This is a phenomenon which has been duplicated nowhere in the world. Alacer accordingly feels that millions of lives can be improved and radically extended for those who daily receive adequate quantities of these ascorbates. But doctors are not going to recognize this ascorbate need until researchers come to know the fantastic health value of these true forms of C.



Asymptomatic levels


for age group Jay Patrick 82

Over 800

0 Linda Tagle 76


0 Ymelda Patrick 57


0 HU



0 AR



0 JU



0 JE



0 RA



0 SU



97 EM



155 Study made at UCLA Cardiovascular Center, Torrance, California The panel makes a very broad statement: "There is no convincing scientific evidence that taking large amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, or the nutrients Selenium and Beta Carotene can reduce the chances of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or other illnesses, a National Academy of Sciences panel announced yesterday." It is the intent of the suit to address only the conclusions viewed regarding Vitamin C, since these conclusions are so far out of line of general research on the subject. Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

The true Vitamin C, mineral ascorbates, is so essential to the full function of the animal body that its presence in substantial quantities is obviously of great benefit in preventing countless ailments, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Indeed, since the true cause of most heart disease is the occlusion of the coronary arteries, it is of great interest to note that Alacer has established that mineral ascorbates can so benefit these arteries as to maintain zero levels of plaque. Diabetics who take mineral ascorbates can prevent deterioration of their eyesight and countless other disabilities. A recent study of which Harvard University was a part showed that among 663 people evaluated, those 26 people who had been taking Vitamin C suffered from no Alzheimer's disease whatsoever. As to the inclusion of the phrase "or other illnesses", the panel should recognize that it cannot logically include this phrase, since it includes thousands of illnesses which have not been evaluated. Actually, there is ample proof available that large amounts of mineral ascorbates can not only prevent the common cold, but nip it in the bud. Further, the panel seems under the impression that the sole function of Vitamin C is as an antioxidant, which is very far from the truth. Actually, the full utility of mineral ascorbates in the animal body reaches such numbers as to defy enumeration. For instance, the brain requires ten times the level of the blood plasma for good function, which fantastically protects the eyesight. The adrenal glands cannot produce adrenaline without mineral ascorbates. The lining of the coronary arteries, the intima, without adequate amounts of mineral ascorbates, starts to bleed, finally forming scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol. Without it no cholesterol could attach itself to the wall of the artery. Thus, mineral ascorbates have a major role in protecting the human body against the major cause of death, heart disease, which is usually due to the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. As Alacer has long pointed out, the 50-year-old view that high levels of cholesterol are of themselves responsible for the collection of plaque in the artery, is the major "fraud" of the medical profession, because this phenomenon has never been proved. Clearly the governmental agency is at fault in these respects: They classify Vitamin C as only an antioxidant. This is only one aspect of the power of this remarkable substance. Mineral ascorbates are involved in the most vital aspects of body construction. The mother has to produce some amounts of mineral ascorbates during her pregnancy else the connective tissue which separates each organ and holds the body together could not be made. This is a scientific fact overlooked by most of medical science. The mineral ascorbates feed the mitochondria in our body cells. They are the essential engines of some 70 trillion cells of our bodies, furnishing some 90% of the energy, without which we would not be able to move a finger, blink an eye, or think a single thought. Further, if these mitochondria lack sufficient minerals and ascorbate to permit their full function, their DNA will mutate, leading to disastrous consequences such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, dementia, and other bodily breakdown.

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

The most obvious consequence of inadequate mineral ascorbates is scurvy, which manifests itself in countless ways of bodily breakdown. General ill health, sallow complexion, loss of energy, pains in the extremities and joints, spongy, bleeding gums, foul breath, loosening of teeth, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and painful, brawny indurations of muscles result. Mineral ascorbates are involved in perhaps 1,000 enzymatic reactions in the body, in the production of adrenaline, hormones, in the function of the brain, which requires 10 times as much ascorbate as the blood plasma. Furthermore, the immune system which, despite the futile efforts of drug companies, is the major protection of our bodies against disease. Indeed, doctors now concede that the immune system is the only protection that humans now have against this dread disease. Tuberculosis, once thought to have been eliminated from our society, is rapidly rearing its head again. Here again the major protection against this destructive ailment is the immune system, properly supported with mineral ascorbates. Thus, in summation, it is obvious that the National Academy of Sciences is a flopout. They have done the citizens of the world a major disservice in dismissing ascorbates so lightly. Indeed, it is obvious that they should resign their jobs and turn to some useful work. These people who are paid to assist us to better health have truly committed a crime against our society! Alacer intends to gather together major medical researchers of the world to give personal evidence that all of the afore-mentioned charges are absolutely true.

31) A Crime Against Our Society! NEWS RELEASE Alacer Corp. Foothill Ranch, CA May 9, 2000 Jay Patrick, 87-year-old president of Alacer Corp., wishes to announce that Alacer is preparing a suit against the National Academy of Sciences for their absolute falsehoods in regard to the use of high levels of Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene. Alacer is the producer of Emer'gen-C™, the leading effervescent drink mix, which forms, with water, the real mineral ascorbates such as more than 99% of all animals, except humans, produce in their own livers. The suit will concentrate on the completely false statements made regarding Vitamin C, which contradict their own findings, as reported in their Dietary Reference Intakes report, just released. We regard our genetic inability to produce mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in our own bodies as the major disease of the world. This ailment renders us unable to counter innumerable diseases which can never be cured by drug approaches and which greatly shorten our lives. Alacer attorneys will be filing the suit in about 10 days. We shall summon major scientists of the world in support of our charges. The role of Vitamin C in life extension, it will be shown, far exceeds the antioxidant capabilities which the National Academy of Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Sciences indicates is its sole function. Accordingly, we are prepared to prove that the Academy is actually lying in their remarks, which cover all diseases of humankind. Indeed, we feel that their statements constitute a crime against our society. Thus, we shall ask that the federal charter of the Institute be revoked.

32) A Terrifying Male Problem Boys and girls are not alike, by any means. Girls are specialized for one basic thing, the production of children. So Mother Nature does a great many things to facilitate the production of progeny. Among these things, the mother is enabled to produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C. As a baby may start to form inside her, one of the most basic things it needs is ascorbates. These ascorbates can, with amino acids, form collagen, the connective tissue which represents 30% of the protein of the body. This essential connective tissue separates each organ and prevents its intruding upon another and performs many other functions including the protection of the heart. This ascorbate production probably starts well before she becomes a teenager, but it is a general form of mineral ascorbates which extends to the brain and helps to stabilize the function of the brain. Because of this general ascorbate production, the young lady, as she grows older, does not tend to get any clogging of her coronary arteries. This is because enough of the mineral ascorbates is available to the cells of the intima, which are replaced every 2 or 3 days, to prevent bleeding, which later results in the forming of a hard clot that collects cholesterol. The mineral ascorbates also serve in the motherʼs milk which she provides from her breast for her young and are a vital component in forming the whole person. The woman tends to maintain good mineral ascorbate production through her 40ʼs and until she has reached menopause. At this time Mother Nature decides that she doesnʼt really need anymore Vitamin C because she is not going to produce anymore children, so she quickly halts the production of the ascorbate with the consequence that the woman, as she enters her 50ʼs, may have just as much tendency in the clogging as the male. But, Mother Nature is no longer concerned with her, because she cannot any longer produce babies, so She largely drops the production of “C” in the woman's body, who will probably catch up with men in this arterial congestion as she grows older. However, enough ascorbate is still produced, so that the female brain shrinks no more than 1%, in contrast with male shrinkage of up to 40%. On the other hand, the male teenager cannot produce any mineral ascorbates in his body at all. As a consequence he tends to run short on the ascorbate in many parts of his body, but, especially in the brain, which blocks the mental stability he would otherwise have. Thus the teenage boy has nearly five times the tendency to commit suicide as the girl! Furthermore he may decide to murder many of his fellows, as has happened in many wild school scenes. So the boy goes into manhood, but he has more problems than the girl. He does suffer from a tendency to be hyperkinetic for which the drug Ritalin may be administered. Furthermore, his brain lacks the stability, the balance of a well ordered brain, and he may go into a life of crime. As a consequence there are 13 times as many men in Federal prison as there are women. This is a horrifying situation. Apparently no one has figured out that mineral ascorbates could correct it, and no real solutions to the murderous actions of the teenager have come from our medical people. I am personally much upset by this Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

situation, I can recall that my years as a teenager were not always pleasant, and I never knew what to do about some of the mental anguish that seemed to beset me. I estimate that the young man desperately needs, at least, one or two grams of mineral ascorbates daily which would certainly straighten out his life considerably, and I shall welcome any approach which involves a trial of this nature. So those men who manage to survive the teenage period still have a hard time with life. They manage to fill our state and federal prisons to overflowing with enormous disruption of the family life of many. This, of course, has an adverse affect upon their children and their wives. As stated, there are about 13 of these males for every female in federal prisons, more than five times as many men are incarcerated for drug offences in state prisons, where crimes of violence predominate. Most of them have turned to drugs because, lacking the supportive mineral ascorbates that balance the woman, their minds are restless, searching always for the content that drugs temporarily supply. Production of the male hormone makes them more aggressive but they are in a true state of scurvy, which leaves a great hole, in their personalities. We certainly do not have a successful society if we are continuously building more and more prisons for a substantial portion of our population. Through the years innumerable programs have been proposed for bringing these offenders back to normal life, but none has proved successful. We believe that the predominating factor is being wholly ignored: No man or woman can be a whole person without an adequate supply of mineral ascorbates serving up to 1,000 different functions in the human body. Vitamin C pioneer Irwin Stone has described this as, “The greatest single physiological and biochemical catastrophe to happen to man in the course of evolution”. It is also, I might add, the major disease oversight of all humankind. Now, there has been a great deal of research with ascorbic acid, which is erroneously recognized as Vitamin C, which it is not! Mineral ascorbates of ascorbic acid is the fourth stage in the production of mineral ascorbates in the bodies of up to 3.3 million animals which do not suffer from our genetic defect yet. This highly reactive substance then goes through a fifth stage, where it reacts with minerals present in the animalʼs liver, which produces the neutral mineral ascorbates. These minerals assist the ascorbate in getting to the body cells. Now, researchers have conducted many studies of ascorbic acid, but they do not realize that they are working with the wrong product! Thus, billions of research dollars and thousands of research days are thrown away, with little benefit to us. Only limited amounts of this acid can be accepted into the human body. Our researchers have for years told us that 60 milligrams daily is all the adult requires, although this was lately advanced to 90 milligrams yet, the very latest findings show 85% of ascorbic acid goes out in the urine! Irwin Stone told me some 32 years ago that ascorbic acid is misnamed a vitamin. This, he said, is because vitamins are required in very limited quantities of milligrams, whereas the real Vitamin C is required in gram quantities. Accordingly, he said it should be described as “a liver metabolite”. Accordingly, most people have been trying to get along on the USRDA for “Vitamin C, which, at 90 mg, is about 1/167th % of the amount of mineral ascorbates produced by the average animal, when equated to a 154 pound person”. A ridiculous level, yes? Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

Further, researchers continue to evaluate the wrong substance, ascorbic acid, rather than the true liver metabolites that are the neutral mineral ascorbates. This is a most serious error which results in the early death and disease of countless millions of people. Further, it means that endless research with the wrong product will get nothing but the wrong answers. How such a major misunderstanding of the true mineral ascorbates can continue to be supported is most difficult to understand. Understanding is heightened, however when one considers that the pharmaceutical houses work hard to support this attitude, since the true mineral ascorbates, when taken in adequate volume, can probably eliminate more than 90 % of the drugs they sell for billions of dollars. These drug monarchies continue to arrange for the discussion of Vitamin C as primarily an antioxidant, when the mineral ascorbates have perhaps 1,000 functions in the human body, supporting the brain hormone production, the connective tissue that is 30% of the protein of the body, the immune system that can identify countless deadly agents and supporting the internal warfare against them. The misunderstanding of the true state of the mineral ascorbates is responsible for the premature death and misapplied life of more than 90% of the population of the world. Scurvy is everywhere, although seldom identified, and almost nothing is being done about it. “He died in his sleep, apparently of natural causes.” Thus, is related the passing of many a person, whose body and brain have just run out of mineral ascorbates, so that death ensues. Irwin Stone describes this as “sudden death”, which, also, may come as a result of a shock to the body in an automobile accident, for instance. The archives of the San Francisco General Hospital report on 862 persons who arrived at their hospital in a state of shock. 390 of them died within the first half hour, with little or no bodily injuries, only because their brains had run out of mineral ascorbates.

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

I want you to know that I am thoroughly disgusted with our medical profession. I regard it as incompetent to serve us adequately. The average physician is said to die at age 58.5 years, the very person to whom we turn for advice regarding any illness. Only a major force can bring us out of this dilemma. Those who really want to survive can take gram quantities of the mineral ascorbates and generally, enjoy a much better life and a longer life. It is my pleasure, through my company, to serve these intelligent people. I am devoting the remaining 10 or 15 years of my life to awakening more and more of these half dead brains to what can be a wonderful life and a longer life with mineral ascorbates. At age 90 I have blood pressure 120/60, the bone density 118% of a 30 year old man, and an assortment of organs that can serve me, I believe, for the next 10 or 15 years. Indeed, I am the only person in the world who has been taking the mineral ascorbates for some 32 years, because I bothered to produce them for others and for myself. I shall welcome all others who have the intelligence to give this new approach to life a good try. MRI of Jayʼs brain (90 y.o.) MISSING MRI of the brain of the 65 y.o. MISSING

MRI of the brain of the 83 y.o. MISSING

Project Suicide Every month or so I am horrified to learn that a teenage student has murdered many of his fellow students and possibly his teacher, and then committed suicide. Everyone is puzzled by this happening, with much disgust for a few days, maybe a week, and then forgotten some months later. A study of the subject is made by the Institute of Medicine, called Suicide Prevention and Intervention. The Summary of a Workshop the title page carries this quotation: “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do”. - Goethe The committee was composed of 14 MDs varying from The University of California in Irvine to Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass. However, they did not do very much, completely ignoring the basic physiological reason the teen age male goes bad. Time Magazine of August 18, 2002 reports that the incidence of bipolar brain problems, once called manic depression, is increasing greatly and is now striking not only adults but young people. Time Magazine pictures seven manic geniuses: Lord Byron, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Schumann, Vincent Van Gogh, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, and Kurt Cobain. Of great interest is the fact that there are six men to one woman, further confirming the male problem. Doctors have proved helpless in effecting any important relief from this major disease, which I regard as emanating primarily from a major deficiency of the mineral ascorbates. However, so long as they continue to regard ascorbic acid as the true mineral ascorbate, which it is not, they shall continue to be unsuccessful. Ascorbic acid is 85% lost Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

from the body in the urine, rather than going directly into the cells of the body, as is the case with the mineral ascorbates. ***

ABOUT PATRICK Jay was born and raised in San Diego, California. He began his career in 1936 at Lord Abbott and Company in New York City. He left the Wall Street firm when the market fell and founded the Flex Record Company where he developed the first paper-based sound recording blanks. In 1940, Jay accepted a position at Detrex Corporation in Detroit supervising the installation of metal processing equipment as part of the war effort. After World War II ended, Jay founded Tect Inc., in Northvale, New Jersey where he developed a highly effective solvent to replace the dangerous carbon tetrachloride. Jay also developed IBM Tape Cleaner and Developer to service all IBM computers in the world. In 1968, after years of serving as chief chemist and president of his successful chemical specialties company, Jay turned his attention to the subject of nutrition. But to start with Patrick was not at all interested in nutritional supplements. However, he started to suffer from extreme pains of the TM joints and turned to dentists to help eliminate them. One dentist had ground down his teeth for some seven sessions without relief of the pain. Patrick then happened to notice a full-page article on Irwin Stone, who had been spending his extra time as an enzyme chemist on studying Vitamin C and its many benefits. He learned that Stone was located on Staten Island, New York. So he climbed in his boat up the Hudson River and went to see Stone, landing at the Staten Island Marina. They became good friends and visited together weekly. Among the things that Stone told him was that all humans suffer from a genetic disease, our inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies, as do some 99.9% of all animals. He explained that animals produce the neutral mineral ascorbates in their own livers. Patrick tried five or six grams of ascorbic acid and quickly noted that about 95% of his TMJ pain went away. This immediately attracted his interest. He resolved that he would find some way to produce the same mineral ascorbates used so successfully by animals. Accordingly, he shut down his New Jersey plant and returned to his native California. Shortly thereafter, Jay founded Alacer Corp. in 1970, where he continued his research into Vitamin C in the form of mineral ascorbates. He appeared on many radio and television shows with Dr. Linus Pauling, a Nobel Laureate who wrote a number of books on Vitamin C and became recognized as an authority on the subject. In 1970, Jay developed a timed-release Vitamin C tablet that included all seven mineral ascorbates, in addition to other vitamins and minerals. The product proved highly successful and in 1978, Jay and the Alacer team developed a product containing mineral carbonates which would react in water to form a great tasting drink, simulating the animal production of the seven mineral ascorbates which humans cannot produce in their own Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

bodies. The name of the product was Emerʼgen-C referred to by Jay as “the real Vitamin C.” It was introduced to the World Congress on Vitamin C in 1978 and thrust Alacer Corp. to worldwide prominence, with the production of millions of Emerʼgen-CÒ packets. Jay Patrick committed the last 30 years of his life to improving the health of all humankind. Even past his 90th birthday, Jay could still be found in his office at Alacer working to promote the countless benefits of Vitamin C in the form of mineral ascorbates. Millions of people around the globe continue to benefit from this caring, passion, and dedication. Within the coming years he set up a plant to produce timed-release mineral ascorbates and other food supplements, which proved quite successful. However, in 1978 he conceived the idea of making a product which would simulate the production of C by animals. It turned out to be Emer'gen-C™ effervescent drink mix, which quickly reacts with the various products necessary for formation of the mineral ascorbates. Emer'gen-C™ has become the outstanding Vitamin C in the United States as sold through health food stores and, lately, in many grocery chains. Patrick has written some 100 articles on health and also wrote the book “Staying Alive and Being Alive” which has been lost along with many of his articles. These includes articles like "How to Get Out of the Hospital Alive", "Four Great Medical Hoaxes", "What Kills Most of Us", and "Specialized Woman". P.S. Patrick's wife, Ymelda, has 16 grandchildren, all of whom are remarkable people. All are in excellent health. All are A or B students. The apparent reason? Their mothers had 8 to 10 grams of Alacer's mineral ascorbates during each pregnancy. Jay Patrick passed away February 26, 2003 at the age of 90. Jay lived a meaningful and prosperous life that touched millions of people in many different ways. His development of Alacer products, which feature Vitamin C in the form of mineral ascorbates, provided one of his most cherished influences worldwide. If you find or have any other articles by Jay please make them publicly available.

Jay Patrickʼs Articles 1-32 as removed from the alacer website after his death in 2003

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The Story of Alacer Corp. and Jay Patrick

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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

The Story of Alacer Corp. and Jay Patrick

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR

Alacer: Latin word meaning "lively and energetic" In 1968, after serving 25 years as Chief Chemist and President of a successful chemical company, Jay Patrick turned his attention toward the subject of nutrition. At age 59, Jay was starting to have some health problems, especially his jaws, which were aching at the end of the week. After a great deal of research, he met Dr. Irwin Stone, who was then working on Staten Island, New York, only some 25 miles from the chemical company in Northvale, New Jersey, which Jay headed. Stone introduced him to Vitamin C and he soon found that six or seven grams daily eliminated 95% of his pain. Although he had never before been much interested in nutrition, Jay then embarked on intensive research of the subject. He met Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the Nobel Laureate who first isolated Vitamin C (later a consultant for



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Alacer); visited Roger Williams, pioneer researcher of pantothenic and folic acids; Dr. E. Cheraskin, who has now spent some 35 years of his life investigating Vitamin C; Dr. Abram Hoffer, who along with Dr. Harvey Osmond discovered that he could cure some 85% of his schizophrenia patients with Vitamin C and niacin; and, of course, Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Laureate who wrote a number of books on Vitamin C and was regarded as a world authority on the subject. Dr. Stone told Jay that ascorbic acid is really the poorest form of Vitamin C for humans. Jay learned that 99.9% of all the animals in the world have the ability to convert the ascorbic acid developed in their livers into neutral mineral ascorbates before being circulated in their bodies. However, humans do not have this ability. We suffer from hypoascorbemia, the genetic disease which makes it impossible for us to produce ascorbate in our own bodies. Learning that ascorbate-producing animals live some seven times their period of maturity, he recognized that humans could not hope to live much longer than they do unless some effort were made to compensate for their genetic defect. (Humans mature at 20-25 years, thus 7 X 20 = 140 years.) He, accordingly, formed Alacer Corp. in 1970 and undertook the manufacture of the mineral ascorbates. In 1978, Jay personally staged and directed The First World Congress on Vitamin C, where Dr. Albert SzentGyorgyi was honored for the 50th anniversary of his isolation of Vitamin C, along with 27 other world pioneers on the subject. In 1980, becoming aware of the great potential of the virus to produce world wide plagues, he formed and directed The World Congress on the Virus. Among the notable speakers on this occasion were Nobel Laureate, Dr. Carleton Gajdusek and Dr. Clarence Gibbs of the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Archie Kalokerinos of Australia, who established that sudden infant death among the aborigines is clearly due to lack of Vitamin C.



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The Story of Alacer Corp. and Jay Patrick

In 1991, Jay formed and directed The Second World Congress on Vitamin C and the Immune System, bringing in researchers from points as distant as Czechoslovakia (Dr. Emil Ginter, who determined along with Constance Spittle of England that Vitamin C is essential for the conversion of cholesterol into bile to digest our foods and that it also aids in dispersion of cholesterol in the blood stream.) Jay maintains that you're never too old to try again or to keep working for good health. Now in his 86th year, Jay still works a 60 hour week as Alacer's President, and will soon finish his book covering his life's research into Vitamin C and Mineral Ascorbates.

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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

Three Great Medical Hoaxes By Jay Patrick

HOAX I In 1974, I wrote in Let's Live Magazine of the Great American Deception: The Swine Flu Vaccine: Hog Wash. Over 43,000,000 trusting Americans were innoculated with this makeshift vaccine rounded up for a nonexistent epidemic. Over 128 died immediately from its effects. Untold numbers may have had their lives shortened. That's because the vaccine will probably remain in their bodies for their entire lives. Science magazine commented: There can be few graver opportunities for man-made disaster than the mass immunization campaigns that are now routine in many countries. Should the vaccine preparations become contaminated with an undetected agent present in the host cells, a whole generation of vaccines could be put in jeopardy. This, of course, is no science fiction writer's horror story--It has already happened once; millions of people have been injected with a monkey virus known as SV40, which was found in 1961 to be contaminating polio and adenovirus vaccines. The virus causes cancer in hamsters; no one yet knows what it may do in man.

HOAX II Drugs for Hypertension

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For many decades, physicians have been loading patients who have elevated blood pressure levels with countless drugs aimed at preventing heart attack and stroke. Comes now the latest study, as reported by the New York Times. Drastic reductions in blood pressure increase the risk of heart attack, even the treatment of high blood pressure does not reduce heart attacks. (Einstein Medical College, New York) Why is this so? Because the drugs produce countless side effects which are often relieved by drugs that produce other side effects, and by drugs to reduce those side effects, endlessly.

HOAX III The Great Cholesterol Farce Now comes Thomas J. Moore in The Atlantic, a distinguished source of information for more than 124 years, to outline the real facts regarding The Cholesterol Myth. I have described it as The Great Cholesterol Farce in an Alacer Report (Feb., 1985). But it is more than that. It is truly a great medical Fraud on the American public that is costing millions of lives. However, what Moore tells you is not all new. It has been evident for some 30 years that cholesterol is not the real villain in heart disease and stroke. In 1962, The American Medical Association commented:

"The anti-fat-cholesterol fad is not just foolish and futile. It carries some risk." But in recent years, the AMA has been on the band wagon, advocating testing for cholesterol by physicians and all manner of treatment, including cholestyramine (Questran) which reduces cholesterol only about 6.7%, yet causes constipation, gas, heartburn, and bloating, even death. Another drug is clofibrate. In a five year https://web.archive.org/web/19990222095208/http://alacercorp.com/hoax1.htm


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trial, 162 deaths had occurred in the group taking the drug, only 127 in the control group. I suggest you get a copy of The Atlantic for September, 1989, and read the whole, sordid story, of this unscientific flim-flam, in which the AMA, a major drug manufacturer, the American Heart Association, Kellogg, and the media have all suckered the American public into believing that cholesterol is the problem. You have been persuaded to cut down on eggs, the best protein around, which is detrimental to your health. You have been misled into thinking that cholesterol control will save you from heart attack and stroke, which it will not. Millions of people will die prematurely because they have been "barking up the wrong tree", failing to do the right things. But it is a bonanza for the physician, who can scare you into a lot of testing and increase his income at least 30%. The whole ridiculous campaign has intensified, "as the world learned how much money could be made by scaring people about cholesterol", says Thomas J. Moore. Even health food magazines have been taken in by these big lies. And oat bran sales have increased 1,000% in this vain pursuit. Still, the cause of the problem is not being addressed. Most Americans are ingesting 20 to 38 times their requirement of salt. This throws some 70 trillion cells of their bodies out of order and speeds up the loss of the vital potassium. Countless studies show that Americans need less salt and more potassium. One 12-year study of 1959 residents of Rancho Bernardo, Calif., showed that those who had about 1,000 mg. more of potassium in their diet had no deaths from stroke at all. (New England Journal of Medicine)



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It’s all explained very well in The K Factor, by Richard D. Moore, M.D. Ph.D., and George D. Webb, Ph.D. Now offered by Pocket Books, it tells how potassium, (K), magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C help to protect the intima, the lining of our arteries. When we are short on these factors, a break can occur in the lining, which becomes the collecting point for cholesterol, calcium, and lipids (fats) to form in a matrix. Since nearly every cell of the body produces cholesterol, which is a vital precursor of bile to digest our food and of sex hormones, it well may be, says Dr. Richard Passwater (Super-Nutrition for Healthy Hearts) that the cholesterol does not come from the circulating blood... but from the very cells at the point of injury to the intima. You can save your own life by providing your body with the nutrients it needs for good health, especially the K Factors of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Chromium as ascorbates of Vitamin C.

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A Holy Crusade

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A Holy Crusade Every man, woman, and child in the world suffers from this disease which reduces his/her resistance to every ailment that comes along and shortens his life, puts lines in his/her face, reduces the vision, reduces the hearing, reduces acuity, and in general in many ways reduces the joy of life. In the livers of 1.5 million or so animals in this world are four enzymes which convert the glucose in their blood into ascorbic acid in four stages. Of all of these animals less than ten have been shown to lack any of these necessary enzymes, but humans lack the fourth enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, as do monkeys, apes, the guinea pig, a Japanese snake, a certain bat, and possibly a few others. Now humans are undoubtedly the most intelligent of all the animals and certainly the most articulate and they have helped to reshape this world of ours mightily for good or for bad. Yet we humans lack the ability to produce this simple, sugar-related product that has up to 1,000 functions in our bodies. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

10 Benefits of Timed Release, Fully Reacted Mineral Ascorbates By Jay Patrick

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR

Critics of megadose intake of Vitamin C state that enormous amounts of the substance spill over into the urine. There is considerable truth to this statement, especially under some of the following circumstances: If the form taken is ascorbic acid, which, especially at high levels, is irritating to the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. If the intake is suddenly increased. In such cases, the cells have not had time to get accustomed to being offered such high levels of "C," so they are not ready to accept it, and it heads for the kidneys. If the ascorbic acid is in the form of a powder, liquid, or non-timed release tablet. In such concentrated form, without minerals, the substance hits the cells too suddenly to be well picked up. On the other hand, in animals that produce "C" in their own bodies, the ascorbic acid produced in the liver is promptly reacted with minerals before circulation in the blood stream. Such mineral ascorbates are more readily accepted by body cells because the minerals often serve as ascorbate transporters to aid in assimilation of the ascorbate by the cell. Further, the much preferred approach is to take most of one's "C" as mineral ascorbates as timed release,



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since this form provides the following benefits: 1. Interacts With Entire Gl Tract No more than 25% of the ascorbates present in a suitably timed tablet should be dissolved in the stomach. The 75% balance should be timed to go on, as can best be managed, past the short, highly oxygenated duodenum at the beginning of the small intestine. Dr. Sherry Lewin points out that much degradation of "C" can occur in this short section, that timed release "C" can go through the area with minimum loss, for better assimilation in the remaining 27 feet or so of the digestive tract. The pancreas secretes large quantities of bicarbonate of soda as the food enters the intestines, producing a mildly alkaline media that is unlikely to cause much disassociation of the ascorbate complex. From there on, the benefits of contact of the neutral, mineral ascorbates with the trillions of receptive cells lining the remainder of some 27 feet of neutral digestive tract through both small and large intestines (the duodenum, jejunum, the ileum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon), all the way to the rectum and anus... can be quite substantial. Surely the protection of mineral ascorbates all the way through the digestive tract to the rectum should do something to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. (Judging by the commercials, this seems to be a very prevalent ailment. Even Jimmy Carter had to go into a hospital in January of 1982 for a hemorrhoid operation.) Surely, too, a good steady, daily level of these ascorbates should be of great benefit in preventing intestinal cancer, among other things. 2. Compensates For Different Rates Of Digestion Mineral ascorbates should be properly timed for steady release over a period of approximately 8 hours. This means that, instead of being dumped in one mass in the stomach alone, there are many different sites for



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assimilation of these more stable and effective forms of Vitamin C. But tossing any form of "C" into the stomach is to plunge the highly reactive substance into a maelstrom, a tumultuous, highly acidic bag through which peristaltic, mixing waves act about every 20 seconds to blend food with hydrochloric acid and a variety of gastric secretions. As with any type of "C," but, especially, with ascorbic acid, utilization of these substances is a biochemical lottery, which varies greatly from minute to minute, depending much on the food, acids, enzymes, and other material therein, which can react favorably or unfavorably with this vital but unstable sustainer of life. Animals that produce Vitamin C in their own bodies will certainly get some of the substance in the food they eat, though it is usually cellulose and bioflavonoid bound, which is protective in the stomach and aids assimilation. But these same animals get their major requirements of "C" from the mineral ascorbates formed in their own livers as the ascorbic acid therein produced reacts with minerals available from the blood serum. 3. Provides Ready Passage Through Cell Membranes The mineral ascorbates, being fully reacted, can then pass more readily through the cell membranes, bringing to the cells both essential minerals and "C". Thus, complexes of calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and molybdenum can act as mineral transporters to carry minerals efficiently to body cells and as ascorbate transporters to bring to the cells the life sustaining power without which we die from scurvy and countless other ailments, including those resulting from malfunction of the immune system. It should be evident that the ingestion of suitably timed mineral ascorbates enables you to practice "The https://web.archive.org/web/19990202074834/http://www.alacercorp.com/10.htm


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Art of Gentle Persuasion," to get your body cells to accept the higher levels of Vitamin C that they tend, with advancing age, to more and more reject. This may be regarded as a clear aspect of aging, that the cells thus commit suicide by refusing to let in through their mysterious membranes the very nutrients necessary for their good health and longer life. 4. Works When Your Body Needs It Most Without timed release mineral ascorbates, it is exceedingly difficult for one to maintain in his body on a 24 hour basis a reasonably steady level of Vitamin C. Ordinary tablets or powders put him or her on a roller coaster. This is especially true during the night, when sleep should be as continuous as possible. The chief regeneration of the body, especially of the skin, occurs during the night. All the right nutrients must be available to allow this to occur. Your Day Starts the Night Before. Between midnight and 4 a.m., the circulation of the body falls to its lowest point. It is a period of transition, as the body starts to produce 43 plus hormones. It is also a period of stress, when most of the babies prefer to be born, when most of the heart attacks tend to occur. (Read Body Time by Gay Gaer Luce, Pantheon.) Thus, at bedtime, I take 3 or 4 grams of timed release calcium-magnesium ascorbate, CMA. I then usually enjoy a very relaxed sleep . . . and awaken in the morning quite alert, with a sense of well-being that carries me through much of the day. I am convinced that this is largely due to the action of magnesium ascorbate in balancing the calcium ascorbate. Calcium is known to be conducive to sleep, but this action is principally on the brain. Muscles cannot relax, however, without magnesium. Milk is high in calcium but low in magnesium. There is evidence that the dull minds that many people have in the morning are due to high levels of calcium accumulated in the brain. This calcium is not adequately balanced with magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is a major factor in ischemic https://web.archive.org/web/19990202074834/http://www.alacercorp.com/10.htm


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heart disease, which kills more than half of all US citizens every year, says Dr. Mildred Seelig, world authority on magnesium . Timed release calciummagnesium ascorbate supplies nutrients which assist in both relaxation and restoration of muscles, organs, and skin during the night. Dr. Irwin Stone says that "C", working internally on the skin and entire body is far superior to anything that can be applied as a lotion externally. The margin between life and death from scurvy is very small. As little as 10 mg. of "C" daily may prevent the extreme condition of frank scurvy, when the teeth fall out, the gums bleed profusely, and all organs of the body are separated. Subclinical scurvy is everywhere, but is less apparent.

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3/9/23, 2:50 PM

Comatose Patient Returns to Life

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20011218232809/http://www.c…

Comatose Patient Returns to Life By Jay Patrick, Chairman of the Committee for World Health We all know that in these non-biblical times no one is ever brought back to life from the dead. German Grandillo, age 24, could be a different case. This young and handsome Mexican citizen was in an automobile accident in the Imperial Valley, California, on February 2. He suffered no obvious physical injury, but the shock of the whole affair resulted in brain hypoxia, and he became completely comatose. Only the area of the brain which controls the breathing remained operational. He was taken to a San Diego hospital on a respirator where they performed two operations, the first, a tracheotomy in which a tube went down into his body to bypass the nasal passages for breathing and, secondly, an opening was made into the stomach and a tube inserted for feeding him. For two months he lay in the San Diego hospital with minimum indications of any life, accumulating enormous daily bills for his 24-hour care. His parents, good citizens of Mexico City, found the heavy hospital expense unbearable and transferred him to the much lower cost Ingles Hospital in Tijuana, under the supervision of Dr. Armando Garcia, a surgeon. Doctors who attended him thought he would die within 10 days. The patient lay in the Tijuana hospital for some three months, under 24-hour nursing care, without any signs of improvement. Then, learning of the powerful benefits of the mineral ascorbates as available in the U.S.A., Dr. Garcia decided to try these remarkable forms of "C" such as 3.4 million species of animals produce in their own livers, the real mineral ascorbates. These are neutral in pH and quite essential to brain and body cells. These ascorbates, produced by Alacer Corp., are available as Emer'gen-C™. This product consists of seven mineral carbonates and acids such as ascorbic and citric acids plus B vitamins, enclosed in a tight, hermetically sealed packet. When water is added, a reaction occurs, producing mineral ascorbates such as most animals other than humans, who cannot, because of a genetic defect, produce in their own bodies. Some two months ago Dr. Garcia started with the introduction of six grams, six packages, of the Emer'gen-C™ products in liquid form directly into the stomach. After a week or two of this treatment, the patient showed the response of high irritation, as something was happening to him which was not under his control. The dosage was reduced to four grams daily after this, and within about four weeks German opened his eyes and started to come alive. This progress has https://web.archive.org/web/20011218232809/http://www.cworldhealth.org/mexico.htm


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continued. German can now smile, actually enjoy a joke, and will respond to such requests as that he move his legs, although his arms are less responsive. During the next three weeks the plan is to remove the tracheotomy tube, so that he will be able to speak for himself, although Dr. Garcia warns that this must be done very carefully and slowly, as the young man needs to learn to breathe through his nostrils again. Once this is accomplished, the patient will be taken to Mexico City where he will spend a week of checkup, and, hopefully, then return to his home for further rehabilitation. We think this is a first in the field of medicine and believe that many other comatose patients in the world can be brought back to reality with mineral ascorbates. Indeed, Dr. Garcia is in a wonderful position to do this, a very kind and talented surgeon who wants to do as much good as he can. Dr. Garcia would like to take on more comatose patients, but the problem is that the cost of maintaining them in his hospital amounts to $200 a day for each person. (In the USA it is $2,200 to $5,000 a day.) We think this is a major victory for all humanity. We believe that the mineral ascorbates should be tried on comatose people all over the world. Surely, it will do nothing but good for them. There may be some failures, but we predict that there will be mostly success. Interested parties are invited to contact us for any details that they feel are lacking. Furthermore, we believe that the medical profession should open its eyes to the major role of the mineral ascorbates. The lack of these substances, which, due to a genetic defect we cannot produce in our own bodies, renders us far more susceptible to disease and shortens our lives greatly. Indeed, this is what we regard as the great "hole" in our persons. We believe that the doctor should, first, work to replace this genetic defect as best he can, and that he will then find that far less medicine is required for his patient. Hopefully, this could bring about a revolution in the practice of medicine We are accordingly appealing to all humanity for funds to permit this fantastic work to go on, to quickly prove to the world that the brain can be brought back to life with mineral ascorbates. Thus, we solicit funds to be mailed to the Committee for World Health, attention of Dr. Richard Dana, for transfer into this wonderful, earthshaking project. Credit cards may be used.



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Comatose Patient Returns to Life

Dr. Armando Garcia and Dr. Richard Dana visit German Grandillo, 24 years old, now recovering completely after some 4 months as a comatose patient.

German Grandillo, with one of the nurses who have attended him on a 24 hour basis.

Trauma and Sudden Death



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Comatose Patient Returns to Life

Above is a chart which outlines the deaths of 860 people from trauma in the San Francisco General Hospital over a three-year period. Obviously the brains of these people completely died as an effect of the trauma. In the excellent Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary we find that trauma is defined as a physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence. Actually, it is not truly the usual type of physical injury, as it may only involve a shock to the brains which causes them to cease their function. Thus, we see that the coma from which German suffers lies in the fact that he suffered the trauma of an automobile accident that eliminated all his brain control, except for respiration. According to Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary, coma is the principal cause of death between the ages of 1 and 44 years. The Center for Disease Control reports that 107,000 people died from trauma between the ages of 1 and 44 in the year 2000, out of 180,000 total deaths, or 59%. This is an astounding figure which has never circulated freely to the public. You may be sure that our medical profession does not know the cause or causes of trauma except that which is induced by drugs or poisons. Obviously it is principally a lack of mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C. Thus, compared to trauma, all other ailments are secondary. But why does trauma occur? It occurs, as world authority Dr. Irwin Stone told me some 31 years ago, because of lack of Vitamin C in the brain, or hypoascorbemia as he defined the term. Smokers are mostly likely to die of trauma, since they place an extra burden on their bodies which reduces whatever level of Vitamin C is present, and renders them more and more susceptible to shock. We've all been under the impression that heart disease is the major cause of death. Obviously it is not from birth to age 44. Those who live beyond 44 either have brains more resistant to shock or are getting some of the mineral ascorbates their bodies so much require. Of course, many drugs can so affect the brain as to induce a state of coma, and Taber's Dictionary mentions most of https://web.archive.org/web/20011218232809/http://www.cworldhealth.org/mexico.htm


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them. However, along with the entire medical system, it ignores the susceptibility of the brain to a shortage of Vitamin C, which is so essential to its electronic action. Now we're all concerned about some 45,000 or so people who die every year from automobile accidents. Many of these do die from trauma alone, but the overall figure of deaths from trauma is almost completely ignored in our society and in our medical profession. Stone regarded the automobile accident as the principal cause of trauma, but based on the figures it is not. However Stone told me that if we could get Vitamin C in these people immediately, their lives would be saved. Of course, at that time his vision was limited to ascorbic acid, which the world also feels is Vitamin C. It is true that in the animal liver ascorbic acid is the fourth product produced from sugar in the liver with four enzymes. However, Stone pointed out that this acid, which has a low pH of about 2, does not go into circulation in the animal's body. Instead, it reacts with countless other minerals present in the liver to form the mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, etc. So I can now describe the major oversight of medicine: It is that we all suffer from a multi-gram deficiency of mineral ascorbates, which affects not only our brains but our entire body, our immune system's reaction to the disease, the flexibility and bone structure of our entire bodies, and our longevity. I now find myself, at age 89, with the major responsibility of getting the science and medical procedures of the world straightened out, so as to benefit all people immeasurably. This is something I had not planned. I was, at age 58, operating a small chemical specialties firm in New Jersey, without a great scientific background. I invented the stabilization of 1-1 trichloroethane, a low-cost solvent which was a by-product in Dow Company's manufacture of Saran. About 1/20th as toxic as carbon tetrachloride, this met and still meets a major safety use in our society. I was also happy to develop the IBM Tape Transport Cleaner and Developer for IBM tapes throughout the world, which also replaced the dangerous carbon tetrachloride. But I knew nothing about nutrition. So, I started to have serious Tempero-Mandibular joint pains about Thursday and Friday of every week, as the stress of work came upon me. I sought out dentists, who claimed that I simply needed better balance of my teeth. However, after some seven sessions with a dentist, who ground away my teeth, I abandoned this solution. But I came upon an article in Life Magazine which showed Irwin Stone, an enzyme chemist as the world authority on Vitamin C. I noted that he lived on Staten Island, New York, so I contacted him and met with him about every Sunday where he and his wife discussed his major hobby, the investigation of Vitamin C. Stone persuaded me to take several grams of C, and within a week or two I noticed that my TM joint pains had disappeared, never again to occur! This impressed me greatly, so the investigation of ascorbate became a lifetime pursuit for me.



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Comatose Patient Returns to Life

I learned, however, that Stone was fully content with ascorbic acid as a source of Vitamin C, whereas he admitted to me that it was only the fourth stage in a five-stage process. He pointed out to me that in the liver the fifth stage consisted of reaction with minerals to form the mineral ascorbates, neutral forms of C which could circulate in the animal's body without the irritation of a product which has a pH of 2. So Stone's book, The Healing Factor, Vitamin C Against Disease, came out in October of 1972. Yet, here again, he completely ignored the mineral ascorbates which animals produce and relied on ascorbic acid. There was no mention of the mineral ascorbates whatsoever in his book, a procedure also followed in the books of Linus Pauling. So, I shut down my New Jersey operation and returned to my native California, there to produce the mineral ascorbates, first as a timed-release tablet and in 1978 as a powder, which, when water is applied, a form of neutral mineral ascorbates is produced that can be highly effective. Since then I have resolved to make the world understand how much they are dependent upon the mineral ascorbates for their very lives and to widen the acceptance of a product which helps to correct the genetic disease from which we suffer. This has been a rather frustrating experience because everywhere one turns, ascorbic acid is regarded as the real Vitamin C, whereas it clearly is not. We should turn, instead, to what the animals produce in their own bodies as being the only type of Vitamin C which we can tolerate in the many grams in which it is required for the maintenance of our bodies. Ascorbic acid belongs with the acid fruits in which it is present. I feel that I must live to be at least 100 to have a hope of accomplishing the widespread acceptance of the mineral ascorbates. As we can show its remarkable affects in bringing back the "dead", or those who are comatose, it must be important as a preventive measure in maintaining our general health. I am sure that I should not be alive had I not been taking approximately 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates for some 28 years. However, I have assumed the responsibility to do my best in this regard for people of the world. Taber's Medical Dictionary says that the majority of deaths from trauma occur in the first several hours after the event. The trauma may involve some physical injury, especially to the head, but in many, many cases it can involve only an enormous shock to the person which rapidly affects his brain and brings on death. Were this not so, one might expect that death would not occur so quickly. Most people are on a precipice in regard to the mineral ascorbate needs of the brain. Since the balance is so fragile, an enormous shock to the person, whether it be from an automobile accident or other high stress, the brain, which requires so much ascorbate to perform the functions of a general control point of the body, that it can quickly break down and bring on death, or near death as in the case of coma, wherein only the respiration controls remain. As evidence one might turn to the report of the San Francisco General Hospital. Most died within the first half-hour of entering the hospital, which is not a normal consequence of physical injury. It is much more significant of a breakdown of the brain under stress. https://web.archive.org/web/20011218232809/http://www.cworldhealth.org/mexico.htm


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Comatose Patient Returns to Life

Trauma is a sort of catch-all ailment as it is applied, since in one sense it includes some physical injury but in another sense it may involve little or no physical injury but enormous stress of a catastrophe in one's life. The exact causes of this trauma may not or ever be clearly defined. However, certainly in the case of a high stress to the brain from a quick look, again, at the report of the San Francisco General Hospital. You will note that 390 people died within the first half-hour of entrance. This is not the swift course of the usual physical injury but can come from a collapse of the brain. Read more about Sudden Death Back to the Index page



3/9/23, 3:36 PM

Flu Pandemic and Vitamin C

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19991010010615/http://www.a…  

The "Flu" Pandemic is Here!

By Jay Patrick and Richard Dana, Ph.D. The Center for Disease Control reports that 10% of the population in 34 states and the District of Columbia now have the flu. By the time you read this, enough samples of this virus have been transported around the world to make it a pandemic. Such diseases are swiftly carried by passengers in airplanes, so that an epidemic can quickly become a pandemic. It was 1918, at the end of the First World War. I, Jay Patrick, was six years old and had just started in the first grade of Florence School in San Diego. It was a beautiful, sunny room, and I had a seat in the first row. I had been in school only a week or two when, suddenly, a world disaster struck! It was the flu pandemic of 1918, which soon killed 20 to 30 million people. I cannot remember a whole lot about the affair, but I do recall that most people started going around the streets with gauze or masks covering the mouth and nose, in an effort to filter out whatever might be causing the disease. It turned out to be a virus, about which we understood very little at the time. No one really knew the true cause of the "flu" that was killing so many. Decades went by before they came to recognize how insidiously the virus injects itself in the cell, multiplies a hundred times, and



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Flu Pandemic and Vitamin C

then goes out to other cells, to replicate many times. Quite a few people around San Diego died, but no one in my family was affected. However, I was taken out of school for many months, so I lost a grade of school and had to start all over again, once the pandemic had ended. I have been reading about this world disaster in the latest issue of Scientific American, January 1999. The article discusses the major problems of dealing with viral vaccines and points out that the virus can mutate very rapidly to a different configuration, which our antibodies cannot identify. Indeed, it takes some six months to a year to produce a vaccine for a particular virus. This is one of the great misunderstandings regarding the flu vaccine that people are induced to take by our government. Always Elusive Dr. J. Anthony Morris, a virologist, once headed the Vaccine Quality Control of the FDA. He tells me that by the time a pharmaceutical house has identified the virus and produced the necessary vaccine to meet the configuration of a particular virus (which takes at least six months), the virus has mutated to another form. So, pharmaceutical houses end up guessing, up to a year in advance, what the next flu virus will be like. And they usually fail to guess correctly. Dr. Morris feels that the vaccines being taken by people are totally useless and are a major fraud of the U.S. Government and the pharmaceutical houses that produce them. In this they usually fail. As to other viruses that may come upon us, Scientific American points out that we are very poorly prepared for such a deadly agent. It states: "Next time humankind may not be as fortunate as we were in 1918. If a virus as deadly as even the Hong Kong strain, which came along in 1968, were to come again today, 30% of the earth's population could conceivably be dead from the virus itself." https://web.archive.org/web/19991010010615/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/pandemic.htm


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Flu Pandemic and Vitamin C

Now that is more than the 20 million deaths of 1918. The world population is estimated at about 6.5 billion -- this means that some 2 billion people will die, because they will have nothing to oppose the virus. After the devastating worldwide epidemic, or pandemic, of "flu" in 1918, we had the Asian Flu in 1957 (which killed 70,000 in the US), the Hong Kong Flu in 1968 (which killed 34,000), and the Russian Flu in 1977. Despite their names, all four "flu's", says Scientific American, are thought to have originated in China. China, with the world's largest population (over one billion) is in great turmoil. Some of its people are doing very well economically, while others are starving as they seek to transform their society. So, we may expect this breeding ground, as well as others, to produce more and more epidemics, which frequently turn into pandemics. Viruses are everywhere…and always in various forms in the bodies of people. We may be sure that deadly strains are being developed, almost daily, which wait only an appropriate time to spread. These debilitated people have poorly organized immune systems and, so, are unable to successfully oppose the viruses entering their bodies. Accordingly, a virus can mutate more effectively in them. So, if one of these impoverished people develops a viral infection in his body, he may then infect a more prosperous Chinese. If this second fellow turns out to be a world traveler, he than can quickly transport the infection to many distant spots around the globe. In ways so simple can a pandemic be born. Now, we don't know at this point whether the Chinese were again the originators of this flu. It could have started in China and not have been reported, until it became evident in the United States. We have figured out that a single virus, which infects the cells of a person's body, and starts to work in the host cell, quickly producing https://web.archive.org/web/19991010010615/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/pandemic.htm


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100 replicas of itself, which then go to other body cells, can quickly go into the higher mathematics of replication. Indeed, within a few hours, this single cell, if unopposed by the immune system, can be trillions and trillions of viral invaders! Furthermore, we must recognize that as viruses can get into animals, especially the human animal, they have greatly improved methods of transportation throughout the world. Indeed, it is surely One World, now, so far as many diseases are concerned. Within one or two days, a virus can be spread around the world. The number of Chinese who are world travelers is increasing! Public health experts warned that another pandemic can strike any time now, says Scientific American, and that it could well be as vicious as the 1918 episode. "In 1997," the journal says, "when a lethal influenza variant afflicted 18 people in Hong Kong, contributing to the death of six, officials feared the next wave had begun." Authorities in the region managed to contain the problem quickly, however, by finding the source -infected chickens, ducks, and geese -- and then destroying all the poultry in Hong Kong. This was an unusual bit of good luck, it can safely be said, that the source of the virus was quickly identified, that it could be isolated, and that the necessary measures were taken. Although two new drugs have been developed to fight influenza, Zanamibir and GS-4104, even if they really work, getting them to the world masses is a colossal production and distribution problem. We should note that in every viral or bacterial epidemic, some people survive and some people die. Why? Those who survive have immune systems that are adequate to fight the problem. What to Do So, what can we personally do to withstand the inevitable attack? We can maintain our bodies in https://web.archive.org/web/19991010010615/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/pandemic.htm


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Flu Pandemic and Vitamin C

peak condition by taking the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C, plus all of the other known nutrients, minerals, B-Vitamins, and trace elements which are so necessary to keep the immune system in top condition. For instance, the common cold strikes most people in the winter, when they get less sunshine and eat less fresh vegetables. But, I can report that I have not had a cold for 25 or 26 years, nor have I had even an indication of an attack of the flu for some 15 or 16 years. Why? Because I take at least ten grams of mineral ascorbates daily, plus all the other known minerals and nutrients, helping to keep my immune system in peak condition. Most of the peoples of the world will, however, ignore this basic need and thus, it is inevitable that many millions will die needlessly. Do not count on your government to protect you against these viral invaders, either. These deadly foes sweep in so rapidly and in such great volume that no public agency can cope with them. It is up to you to protect yourself against such an attack. Any view that our doctors can really protect us against such a fearful agent is pure nonsense. Influenza viruses undergo two kinds of change. One is a series of mutations over time that cause a gradual evolution of the virus, known as antigenic drift. The other is an abrupt change in the surface antigen proteins, known as antigenic shift, thus suddenly creating a new subtype of the virus. When antigenic shift occurs, the population does not have antibody protection against the virus. --Center for Disease Control P.S. (By J.P.) I daily take about 4 or 6 packets of Emer'gen-C effervescent drink mix and at least 6 of our Super Gram III timed-release mineral ascorbate tablets with B-vitamins and trace elements -- two with each meal. I also often take 2 or 3 grams of CMA (calcium mineral ascorbates) at bedtime. Obviously, my supplementation works. It https://web.archive.org/web/19991010010615/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/pandemic.htm


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Flu Pandemic and Vitamin C

should work for you too! I am immediately doubling the allocation of mineral ascorbates to my employees from 5 grams daily to 10 grams. Back to Alacer Home Page Comments can be forwarded to Alacer's Copyright ©1999, Alacer Corp.




3/9/23, 3:42 PM

Incredible Opportunity

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19980208124114/http://www.al…

INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY! POSITIONS NOW OPEN at Alacer Corp Some 26 years after its inception, Alacer Corp., world pioneer on the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C, is now poised for truly remarkable growth. Jay Patrick, the company founder and something of a world authority on Vitamin C, is now re-shuffling the organization to aid it in merchandising of some 74 remarkable nutritional products. Indeed, several of these products have potentials of $1 Billion dollars in sales (i.e. a liquid that gives topical nutrition to the head, and brings back the natural pigmentation of the hair, stimulating its growth as well.) Who before, has ever done this? ... and it's part of a broad based patent for a remarkable shaving lotion that cuts shaving time some 40%, improves the quality of the skin, and makes razor blades last one to two months. Then there's Emergen-C! Due to its unique composition, on which new patents are pending, it has become the outstanding Vitamin C product in the United States, since its introduction in 1978 at The First World Congress on Vitamin C. Facilities to increase production of this effervescent C product, which is available in some 6 different flavor formulations, is being stepped up toward 1,000,000 packets daily. Other great items include a fantastic new Vitastic Throat Spray that not only sooths the throat and steps up the resonance of the voice, but is also hard on bacteria and noxious odors ... and Alacers Miracle Sports Water, the coming Miracle Mouth Wash, and Inter-Act Eye tablets, are https://web.archive.org/web/19980208124114/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/job.htm


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Incredible Opportunity

some further examples of new or pending products which have not even begun to reach market saturation. So, what? We need help! We need sales help, advertising help, and administrative help to carry the ball! Send your resume, by e-mail and we will try to respond very quickly.

Send resume by e-mail to: [email protected] or FAX it to (714) 951-7235



3/9/23, 3:54 PM

Jay Patrick, 1912-2003


Jay Patrick, 1912-2003 NFM Staff | Apr 24, 2008 James W. "Jay" Patrick, president and founder of Alacer Corp. of Foothill Ranch, Calif., died of natural causes on Feb. 26. He was 90. Mr. Patrick developed vitamin C products in the form of mineral ascorbates, including the company's best-selling Emer'gen-C Fizzing Vitamin C Drink Mixes. He believed that this form of vitamin C, as opposed to the more common ascorbic acid, could be consumed in higher doses because it was less acidic, easier to digest and directly absorbed into the cells. "My father had such great drive about his passion—mineral ascorbates," said Ron Patrick, Alacer's vice president of operations. "He would talk to new employees, salesmen trying to sell other products, bankers or waitresses—it didn't matter who they were— about the value of mineral ascorbates. His mission was that you understood the value of mineral ascorbates." Jay Patrick became a vitamin C proponent in his late 50s, when he was working as a lab chemist at the TECT chemical company in Northvale, N.J. He discovered the vitamin C research of Irwin Stone, Ph.D., and began taking 2 grams of C daily to alleviate severe jaw pain that doctors could not help. After the pain stopped within a week, Mr. Patrick embarked on his life's work of studying https://www.newhope.com/print/34294


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Jay Patrick, 1912-2003

the health benefits of the energy-boosting vitamin and sharing this information with others. In 1970, Mr. Patrick formed the Alacer Corp. to continue his research on mineral ascorbates. He studied the work of vitamin C pioneers and Nobel laureates Linus Pauling and Albert Szent-Gyorgi, the latter of whom became a company consultant. Alacer introduced Super Gram C in 1970 and launched the effervescent Emer'gen-C eight years later. "Jay really did a lot to increase the public's appreciation of the importance of vitamin C," said Stephen Lawson, spokesman for Linus Pauling Institute in Corvalis, Ore., who worked with Mr. Patrick at the Third World Congress on Vitamin C in Victoria, British Columbia, in 2001. Mr. Patrick remained active in the company until his death, continuing to distribute monthly supplies of Emer'gen-C packets to his staff, writing the book Staying Alive and Being Alive and donating vitamins to organizations around the world. He also continued to work with the Committee for World Health, the nonprofit research foundation he formed in 1978. Mr. Patrick is survived by his wife, Ymelda, his son Ron, daughters Lorna, Alice and Janet, and 13 grandchildren. Donations can be made in his memory to The Committee for World Health, 19571 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610. For more on Jay Patrick, see "King of C Effervesces With Energy" in the July 2002 issue of The Natural Foods Merchandiser.

Source URL:https://www.newhope.com/news/jay-patrick-1912-2003



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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Alacer: Jay Patrick President Relations (800) 854-0249 8501

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Jay Patrick, 88-year-old president of Alacer Corp., announces that it is today filing an action in the United States District Court, Santa Ana, against the National Academy of Sciences and its associated boards. Lies That Cost Lives The action will report that in recent public releases the Academy has made references to Vitamin C in which it indicated that its principal function is as an antioxidant. This amounts to an actual lie, since it obscures hundreds of other functions of this vital metabolite which aids humans to strengthen their immune systems to fight countless viruses and bacteria that daily assail us, heal wounds quickly, and greatly extend our lives. "Indeed," says Patrick, "Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert-Szent-Györgyi has described Vitamin C as 'the glue that holds our bodies together.' " Yet, for many decades NAS and its associates have maintained that adults require no more than 60 mg of Vitamin C daily. Yet, about 1.5 million animals who do not suffer the genetic disease that prevents humans from producing ascorbate in their own livers, manufacture mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in their own bodies at levels as high as 10,000 mg daily or 166 times their recommendation for adults. However, at the 60 mg daily level, humans are suffering from subclinical scurvy, "which is subclinical," Dr. Irwin Stone has said, "only because doctors do not recognize it for what it is, scurvy."

This is Science? Since the NAS has no funds of its own for research, it is forced to seek funds from suppliers of the very products it is investigating. It also takes money from the drug companies who are most interested in curbing the use of Vitamin C, so that they can sell more drugs in their billion-dollar market. Furthermore, the NAS warns that 2 grams of Vitamin C will cause diarrhea. Obviously, they think ascorbic acid is Vitamin C, which it is not. The real Vitamin C such as produced in their own bodies by animals occurs as neutral mineral ascorbates, which do not induce diarrhea. Indeed, ascorbic acid is poorly accepted by the body and can also cause loss of minerals, whereas the mineral ascorbates step up the body's much-needed elements and greatly improve



cellular activity. Thus, the suit also asks the court to declare the obvious - that the true Vitamin C is mineral ascorbate.




3/9/23, 3:40 PM


Why We Need to Supplement Our C Intake Read the Deposition Read the News Release of May 20, 2000 Back to Alacer Home Page



3/9/23, 4:03 PM


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Vitamin C May Reduce Pregnancy Complication   Source: American

Journal of Clinical Nutrition, April 2005

Apr 12, 2005 — NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - If a pregnant woman's waters break too early, her unborn baby can be put in danger of complications. The risk of this happening, however, may be reduced if she takes daily supplements of vitamin C after the half-way point of pregnancy, researchers now report.


Vitamin C is known to play an important role in maintaining the membranes that enclose the fetus and amniotic fluid. Although previous reports have linked low levels of vitamin C in the mother with an increased risk of "premature rupture of membranes" or PROM occurring, it was unclear if using vitamin C supplements helps reduce this risk. To investigate, Dr. Ester Casanueva and colleagues, from the National Institute of Perinatology in Mexico City, assessed the outcomes of 120 pregnant women who were randomly assigned to take 100 milligrams of vitamin C or an inactive placebo daily, starting at the 20th week of gestation


A total of 109 women completed the study, the team reports in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. They found that after the intervention began at 20 weeks, vitamin C levels decreased in the control group, but increased in the supplement group. Vitamin C supplements were also associated with a reduced risk of PROM. It occurred in 14 of 57 pregnancies (25 percent) in the control group compared with just 4 of 52 pregnancies (8 percent) in the vitamin C group. Because PROM may be responsible for 40 percent or more of all cases of preterm labor, vitamin C supplements may be "a valuable tool in sustaining pregnancy to term," the authors conclude.

Monday November 21st, 2005


© 1997-2004 Alacer Corp


3/9/23, 3:34 PM

Subclinical Scurvy

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Subclinical Scurvy Irwin Stone has said that some 98% of the population suffers from subclinical scurvy, that is subclinical only because the doctors do not recognize it for what it is, a malfunctioning of the body due to lack of ascorbate. *** "Biochemical stress" embodies a number of various stresses the resultant effects of which are increased vitamin C requirements; if these are not met, certain tissues will begin to malfunction. The subsequent inability of the human system as a whole to cope with the malfunctioning results eventually in symptoms associated with particular illnesses. The symptoms used as the criteria of vitamin C deficiency that have been adopted by the Establishment of the medical profession are those of scurvy. The daily dose required to inhibit scurvy - often termed the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) - is given by various medical authorities as between 10 to 125 mg daily. However, scurvy is a clinical manifestation of prolonged and extreme vitamin C deficiency. Long before the symptoms appear, subclinical deficiency of the vitamin persists in certain tissues of particular individuals, and this situation can last for some time during which the individuals' activities are increasingly below par. (Boldface: ours) - - Sherry Lewin, Department of Postgraduate Molecular Biology, NorthEast London Polytechnic, London, England *** There are some 1.4 to 1.6 million different specie of animal in this world. Thus far, less than 10 have been found to suffer from the genetic disease, hypoascorbemia, that cannot produce mineral ascorbates in their own bodies. These few include humans, the monkey, the ape, and the guinea pig. Some millions of years ago, says Stone, the ancestors of man lost the fourth enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, the fourth step in the conversion in the liver of glucose to mineral ascorbate. Fortunately, says Stone, these ancestors were undoubtedly living in a lush, tropical area where fresh fruit containing ascorbic acid was freely available. While these amounts of ascorbic acid would not be sufficient to provide full health, they did provide enough to permit survival. But, here https://web.archive.org/web/20020210203004/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Scurvy.htm


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Subclinical Scurvy

we are, as humankind multiplies to some 3 billion on this earth, the most intelligent and resourceful creatures around. Yet, we suffer from this disease that brings ill health to most of us and has such horrible consequences to many. But there is the further consideration that we are not using our intelligence to do much of anything about this ailment, our major disease. Our National Academy of Sciences, for instance, is so much controlled by the drug manufacturers that they mislead us into believing that tiny amounts of ascorbate are sufficient to give us good health and long life. They do this because their promoters want the profits, the billions of dollars in reward, for their distortion of our true needs. We of the United States, the most prosperous country in the world, which spends the most on health, rate only 24th with an expectancy of 70 years of life. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 2:49 PM

Sudden Death

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20011024232936/http://www.c…

By Jay Patrick In March of 1978, I formed The Committee for World Health, first, to stage the World Congress on Vitamin C, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the isolation of ascorbic acid by Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi. Among the leading speakers on that occasion was Dr. Irwin Stone, the enzymatic chemist who did most to promote Vitamin C, although he contented himself with ascorbic acid, which is not really Vitamin C but the fourth stage in the animal's body. The fifth stage is where the ascorbic acid reacts with minerals present in the liver to form the neutral ascorbates of some seven different minerals, which can go into body cells far more effectively than the highly acid ascorbic acid. Aside: I recently completed the reading of Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Dana, a relative of our Director of Research, also a Richard Dana. In this 400-page document he reports two cases where a number of their sailors suffered so severely from scurvy that they almost died. Indeed their lives were saved only by fresh vegetables, which contained enough ascorbate to bring them back from their extreme conditions, which, in the absence of a total breakdown of the body, scurvy, is never, ever a condition of really good health of mind and body to which we all would aspire. Indeed, it is a state of terminal health, which, Stone said, applies to the great majority of us. That is why a serious accident can, with its enormous trauma quickly deprive the brain of that vital substance without which it cannot function, ascorbate, which results in hundreds of thousands of deaths annually from the resulting trauma. However, Dr. Irwin Stone's presentation at that Congress follows,

Sudden Death A Look Back From Ascorbate's 50th Anniversary by Dr. Irwin Stone At sea, where no greens, fresh meats or fruits are to be had, the prognostics in this disease are sometimes deceitful; for people that appear to be but slightly scorbutic, are apt to be suddenly and unexpectedly seized with some of its worse symptoms. Their dropping down dead upon an exertion of their strength, or change of air, is not easily foretold; though it generally happens after a tedious confinement in a foul air. James Lind, Treatise of the Scurvy, 1753 https://web.archive.org/web/20011024232936/http://www.cworldhealth.org/sudden.htm


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Sudden Death

Sudden Death has been known and observed for centuries as the characteristic final pathognomonic symptom of scurvy. There are numerous references, like the one above, in Dr. James Lind's Medical Classic, "A Treatise of the Scurvy," published in 1753, to sudden and unexpected death due to scurvy. Lind: born in 1716, died in 1794, will be remembered as the great British Naval Physician called "The Father of Nautical Medicine," who conducted the first scientifically accurate medical experiment on shipboard on 12 scorbutic sailors in 1740. He proved that the appearance of the classic symptoms of scurvy could be prevented or cleared up by giving its victims or potential victims one ounce of fresh lemon juice a day. Providing the seamen with this daily ration of lemon juice was proposed to the British Admiralty to eliminate scurvy in the Royal Navy. It took 42 years and the "Sudden Deaths" of an estimated 100,000 scorbutic sailors before this simple suggestion was approved. This regulation went into effect in 1795, one year after Lind had passed away, so he never saw the great benefits from the practical application of his work. This simple expedient, besides saving the lives of countless seamen, British ships could remain at sea for months because they carried limes. Other navies had to return home within weeks or lose most of their crews to scurvy. This assured Britain the Mastery of the Seas and completely changed the course of history in the 19th Century. Lind's unusual book was the first early medical tract that reads like a modern textbook of Medicine. It records not only Dr. Lind's many years of personal contact and observations on scorbutic sailors on shipboard, but also his wide experience in autopsies on sailors who experienced this "Sudden Death." The book is unique in that Dr. Lind also records the observations of earlier authors writing on this dread disease in a chapter called, "Bibliotheca Scorbutica." His first reference to sudden death is dated 1541. His book should be reprinted and made required reading in the Medical Schools so that present MD's do not forget the lessons of scurvy and will be alerted to the deadly dangers of this disease, which is still so endemic and wide spread in our population. It also showed 19th Century and early 20th Century Medicine how to avoid the terminal symptoms of this deadly disease, which in their ignorance they equated with a total cure of the disease. One bad feature of Lind's work was that it tended to confirm the centuries-old impression that scurvy was related to the foods we ate. This led to further clinical work by nutritionists of the latter part of the 19th Century and early 20th Century which ultimately produced the conclusion that diseases could be caused by something missing in the diet. Casimir Funk proposed, in 1912, the "Vitamine-Deficiency Disease Hypothesis.'' In 1912, not much more was known about scurvy than was recorded by Lind in 1753 and "Vitamine C" was just a speculative, hypothetical https://web.archive.org/web/20011024232936/http://www.cworldhealth.org/sudden.htm


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Sudden Death

substance whose existence was not even certain until 20 years later with the discovery of ascorbic acid. The application of this hypothesis to the diseases caused by vitamin A or the B vitamins has stood the test of Time better than the total application of this hypothesis to scurvy. Further research on ascorbate after its discovery in the early 1930's brought out data which questioned the accuracy of the vitamin C Hypothesis, especially in the matter of the size of the required daily intakes of ascorbate. Man's Genetic Disease This led to the showing in 1966 that scurvy's basic etiology was that of an "inborn error of carbohydrate metabolism," a liver-enzyme disease, named, Hypoascorbemia caused by a defective human gene for the liver enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO) and not simply caused by improper foods. This birth defect for GLO prevents humans from producing their own large quantities of ascorbate each day, as nearly all the other mammals do. Improper foods are not a cause of this disease, but merely a complication involved in the workings of this potentially fatal birth defect, the real cause. By this time, however, the misleading vitamin C-Nutritional hypothesis had become euphoric established Medical Dogma, requiring a reeducation and re-orientation of present and future doctors into the many dangers to health of this universal human birth defect. After over 60 years of this nutritional propaganda, major medical mentalblocks have been created which have interfered with clinical research by preventing clear thinking regarding the necessary dosages of daily ascorbate required for fully correcting this birth defect and for health maintenance and the therapy of many diseases. Because of ignorance of the proper daily dosage, Hypoascorbemia is endemic and Chronic Subclinical Scurvy (CSS Syndrome) has become our most widespread and insidious disease. The chronic insults of the CSS Syndrome sets the stage for the high incidence, morbidity and high mortality of cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many other current serious medical problems including Sudden Infant Death and Drug Addiction. The continuing application of the outdated tenets of this vitamin C Hypothesis by orthodox Medicine has only assured the continued high rate of scorbutic sicknesses and scorbutic sudden death in our population, deaths that can be so easily and inexpensively avoided. Crib Death The first and most obvious condition of modern "Sudden Death" which comes to mind is the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or "Crib Death." This kills 8,000 to 10,000 infants a year in this country, which is probably a low estimate. In this fatal condition we have the most data involving its relation to scurvy and it is almost a certainty, even without double-blind studies, that these deaths are due to infantile scurvy and are https://web.archive.org/web/20011024232936/http://www.cworldhealth.org/sudden.htm


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Sudden Death

unnecessary and easily preventable. Through the clinical efforts of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner and Drs. Archie Kalokerinos and Glen Dettman, this disease should no longer exist and it is only a matter of resolving some high level medical politics before it will become extinct. Reference should be especially made to Dr. Kalokerinos' book on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, EVERY SECOND CHILD. The disease usually afflicts infants under 1 year old and runs its course swiftly and surely - the baby is put to bed in apparent health and is found dead the next morning. Neither suffocation or strangulation from the bedclothes are a factor and Drs. Klenner, Kalokerinos and Dettman agree that the cause is infantile scurvy, a condition that can be so easily corrected and avoided. There are usually no characteristic physical signs of the disease after death except possibly some slight, hardly noticeable Iiver changes and the pathognomonic absence of ascorbate in the residual urine in the bladder at autopsy. This latter finding is not characteristic of SIDS, because nearly all sick scorbutic patients who expire, infants, older children and adults will show zero ascorbate urinary spillover, by the C-STIX test. The term "Sick Scorbutic Patients" is applicable to nearly all hospital admissions and has led Dr. Robert Cathcart to call hospitals "Scurvy Houses." Let us now glance at the physiological history of the future SIDS victim. When babies are born to scorbutic mothers, the bulk of which present day mothers are in this condition, the infant has already suffered from 9 months of intrauterine subclinical scurvy, even though the fetus tried hard to scavenge every bit of the anti-stressor ascorbate, from the mother's body. Sickly and smoking mothers put an added burden on the ascorbate metabolism of the infant. When the incident stresses get far beyond ascorbate compensation, that is when SIDS takes over and sudden death ensues. Prevention of SIDS should begin before the baby is born. The Mother should use the regime suggested by Dr. Klenner of about 10 to 15 grams of ascorbate a day throughout pregnancy and lactation. Strong multivitamin and multimineral preparations should also be taken. When the baby is born, it should be given for the first year, about 1 gram a day of ascorbate in spaced doses. Besides its preventive effect in SIDS, this regime has many other salutary effects on the course of pregnancy, childbirth, healing, lactation and the production of an extremely robust, healthy baby as shown by its use in over 2,500 pregnancies by Dr. Klenner. Sudden Adult Deaths Let us look now into the sudden deaths occurring in adults like heart attacks, strokes, bursting aneurisms, the traumatic and hemorrhagic shock that quickly kills accident victims, the surgical shock that finishes off the patient on the operating table, the fatal anaphylactic shock https://web.archive.org/web/20011024232936/http://www.cworldhealth.org/sudden.htm


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Sudden Death

reactions, the rapidly fatal acute leukemias, fatal exposure to ionizing radiation, the fatal rejection of transplanted organs and many others. These are all basically conditions that occur as a result of the long term insults of the chronic lack of abundant amounts of ascorbate, producing, to name a few: low strength, poor quality collagen in the heart and vascular system and other organs, having an immune system that lacks ascorbate to keep it functioning at 100% efficiency, lack of sufficient ascorbate to maintain biochemical homeostasis at a cellular level by allowing the oxidation reduction potential (rH) of the tissues to rise beyond its optimal level. An internal environment of abundant ascorbate is characteristic of most of the other mammals, a trait that has served them well over the past 165 million years. I can personally attest to the value of ascorbate in controlling shock. Both my wife and I were involved in a serious automobile accident in 1960 in which we were both severely injured. We had been taking regularly at that time and for many years prior, about 5 grams of ascorbate daily. Neither of us went into traumatic or hemorrhagic shock, which, undoubtedly saved our lives. I am convinced that I would not have survived the injuries and blood loss without the help of the large doses of ascorbate. What this all boils down to is that Sudden Death in adults is similar in etiology to the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, except that in adults it takes a little longer. Basically the roots of both these types of death are steeped in the easily correctable chronic subclinical scurvy that afflicts nearly every member of our population. The mere addition of 10 to 20 grams of ascorbate to our daily intake would essentially correct the CSS Syndrome for most people, at least it would be a good point to start. Studies should be started to see what the correction effect on health and "Sudden Death" would be. If it works as well as I think it should, this simple expedient would completely wreck our present statistical tables on the incidence of diseases, death and life expectancy. The Ignored Disease In future cases of sudden death, the important influence of the patient's uncorrected chronic subclinical scurvy should always be suspect and this is easily confirmed by testing the urine with the 10 second C-STIX test. It will come as an unpleasant surprise to the well financed watch-dog Government Agencies whose duties include the maintenance of the good health of the American people and a reduction in the American death rates to learn that this ancient killer, the CSS Syndrome, is still plaguing Mankind with pretty good efficiency. This is the disease that the Center for Disease Control, the various divisions of National Institutes of Health colossus, the Food and Drug Administration thought was licked in 1912, by giving "Homeopathic" doses of ascorbate.



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Sudden Death

When confronted with any new disease which does not respond to their customary medications, these Agencies always seem so helpless and hopeless and never think of looking into the scorbutic status of the patient. The stressful medications, vaccines and treatments that they use only further deplete their victims' bodies of the little ascorbate present and exacerbate the CSS Syndrome. The vaccines usually don't work because the scorbutic patient's immune system does not respond efficiently. They would achieve a lot more success in their treatments if they used mega doses of ascorbate to supplement their present orthodox therapy, because right now their treatments are handicapped by the lack of resistance and the poor physiological responses of a severely scorbutic body. I will just mention two recent instances to illustrate my point. The first is the "Legionnaire's Disease" which appeared a couple of years ago, with many deaths. It is still an unknown entity. In all that I have read about this disease, I have never seen a report that anyone tested the scorbutic status of the patients either during life or after death, nor that anyone ever administered therapeutic dose of ascorbate. This seems incredible, when it is realized that the CSS Syndrome is our most widespread disease and everyone suffers from the birth defect for GLO causing it. It is likely that a few mega intravenous shots of mineral ascorbate would have saved these poor victims. Why wasn't it tried as a "last resort"? They had nothing better to offer? The Mystery Deaths The second is the more recent "Mystery Deaths" which, according to a recent account are killing about 6,000 victims a year. The deaths "continue to baffle the medical experts" which comprise, at least, the Medical Examiners of Chicago, Indianapolis, Dallas and Miami. They all agree that "stress-physical or emotional appears to play a role in some of the mystery deaths." All right, but did these coroners take the next logical step and simply determine the ascorbate level in the residual urine in the victim's-bladder? Probably not, otherwise they would have duplicated our autopsy results of zero. (A person fully correcting the CSS Syndrome excretes at least 100 mg% ascorbate). There are "a small number of cases every year in every major U.S. city involving the natural deaths of otherwise healthy young people, most of them 15 to 30 years old, for which no trace of a cause can be found. Most of them literally drop dead." Dr. Lind, 225 years ago, provided the diagnosis for "Mystery Death" which is quoted on the first page of this paper. Lind's use of "Foul Air" can now be interpreted as tobacco smoke, gasoline fumes and "Major City" pollution. In my opinion these "Mystery Deaths" are nothing more than "Crib Deaths" on an older age group who have successfully avoided dying in their cribs only to be struck down later by the same poorly corrected birth https://web.archive.org/web/20011024232936/http://www.cworldhealth.org/sudden.htm


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Sudden Death

defect for GLO. Like crib death, this "Mystery Death" could be prevented by Dr. Klenner's regime of giving, beginning at birth, 1 gram per day of ascorbate per year of age up to age 10 and then 10 grams a day there after for the rest of life. On days of heavy stress more ascorbate may be required. The greatest advance in this century for improving the health of the American people and increasing their healthy, productive Life Span, will come only when the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration and all other concerned with health become aware of the necessity for eliminating the CSS Syndrome by simply and fully correcting this human birth defect for GLO, and recommended an inexpensive megascorbic protective regime. Until this is done, the American public will continue in its unhealthy scorbutic ways, going from one medical crisis to another. At present, this decision depends upon the whims of the great Medical Bureaucracy and the tax paying public should have much more to say. The decision is forty years overdue. The time is now. Write your Congressman!! Sudden and unexpected death has been a characteristic pathognomonic symptom of scurvy known for centuries. The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the only characteristic symptom of which is the sudden and unexpected death of the apparently healthy victim, has been shown to be due to infantile scurvy. Because of the genetic origin of scurvy and the inadequate correction of this human birth defect, among large sectors of our population, it is postulated, and evidence is presented, that other forms of sudden and unexpected death which massacre millions yearly, are manifestations of the continued long term insults of the chronic subclinical scurvy afflicting all these victims. These include Sudden Death caused by heart attacks, strokes, the traumatic and hemorrhagic shock in accident victims, the surgical shock which finishes off patients on the operating table, anaphylactic shock reactions, the rapidly fatal leukemias, fatal exposure to ionizing, adiation, fatal rejection of transplanted organs, Legionnaire's disease and the new "Mystery Deaths" in which apparently healthy, 15 to 30 year olds, just suddenly and unexpectedly, drop dead. It is suggested that the full correctlon of this human birth defect by simply taking daily mega doses of ascorbate would act prophylactically to reduce this slaughter. It is also suggested that clinical tests of this harmless procedure be started by government agencies whose function is to protect the health and reduce the death rate of the American people. Back to the Index page



3/9/23, 2:56 PM

The Storage Batteries of Our Bodies

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20020213214446/http://alacercorp.com:…

The Storage Batteries of Our Bodies By Jay Patrick "If I get pneumonia, and am taken to a hospital, where I die, they might attach a card, as they do in Hungary, to my big toe, which would read: "CAUSE of DEATH: Pneumonia." But I would probably have died of scurvy." *** Nobel Laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, is speaking at the World Congress on Vitamin C. He is the Nobelist who received the prize for his isolation of the magic substance, Vitamin C, from the paprika pepper of his native Hungary. Behind Szent-Gyorgyi's remarks is a simple fact that leaves most people behind the proverbial 8 Ball. Some 50% of us already have in our bodies such avengers as pneumonococci, staphylococci, streptococci, or bacilli, which can bring on this deadly lung disease. Or we may also include influenza viruses, adenoviruses, syncytial viruses, rhinoviruses, coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and others, from our childhood. Rather frightening, isn't it? But the Merck Manual says that the foregoing account for some 75% of pulmonary infections in schools and military recruits. An Inside Job Some 32 years ago, while operating a chemical plant in Northern New Jersey, I received a telephone call that my father, who lived in San Diego, was being operated upon for appendicitis. I immediately boarded a plane, and the following morning was able to greet him in Mercy Hospital, after they had operated upon him. I found that he didn't have appendicitis, but an inflamed pancreas. However, within a few hours after greeting my father, because of the high stress of the operation, he came down with a severe case of pneumonia and died about 24 hours later. I now know that he probably died of scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, about which I knew nothing at the time. He,



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The Storage Batteries of Our Bodies

obviously, had the pneumonoccus bacteria already in his body, yet his resistance, at age 79, was so poor that he promptly succumbed. Thus, you see, we don't have to "catch" any of these life-threatening diseases. Many of them are already inside of us, while our immune system holds them in check. So, if we don't want to come down with any of these unattractive ways to die, we must do what we can to keep our resistance up. And the secret seems to be: The right lifestyle, supported by very good nutritional supplement, which absolutely must include the mineral ascorbates, the real forms of Vitamin C that most animals other than humans produce in their bodies in multigram quantities. Here and now, is where high intake of the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C should enter in your life to stay! Healthy people, say The National Institutes of Health, require a body pool of at least 1500 mg of mineral ascorbates, the only form in which "C" is stored in our organs, such as: adrenals, brain, eyes, gonads, pituitary ,pancreas, liver These organs and any area of the body where intense activity is to occur must, for your energy and resistance to disease, maintain a fair level of this miraculous carbohydrate which Szent-Gyorgyi has described as "the 'glue' that holds our bodies together." I feel that the collection points for mineral ascorbates should be considered Miniature Storage Batteries, which, when "run down", leave us exhausted and almost defenseless against disease. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 3:15 PM

Unexplored but highly necessary investigations of the role of Vitamin C in the human body which should be undertaken

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Unexplored but highly necessary investigations of the role of Vitamin C in the human body which should be undertaken Since the pregnant woman must develop a child whose body contains large amounts of connective tissue that can be produced only with the reaction of Vitamin C to amino acids, it is germane that this be fully investigated. It is a general belief that both men and women are unable to produce any mineral ascorbates whatsoever. However, it is obvious that the woman does produce some mineral ascorbates, especially when she is pregnant, as the baby must have ascorbate to make with amino acids the connective tissue that separates every organ of the body and helps hold the infant's body together. (See Jay Patrick's article Specialized Woman.) The woman also tends to develop obstruction of the coronary arteries at least 10 years later than men. This seems obviously due to her production of ascorbate for childbirth, since Alacer Corp. has established that such obstruction is due to this phenomenon: The lining of human coronary arteries is replaced every two or three days with new cells. If these cells do not contain adequate levels of ascorbate, they start to bleed, and then form scar tissue. This scar tissue serves to collect the cholesterol, the lipids, and the calcium which can ultimately jam up the coronary artery entirely, the principal cause of death from heart disease. 8 out of 10 Alacer employees showed zero levels of plaque, when checked out at UCLA Cardiovascular Center, as shown below. Yet, the dogma that it is a high level of cholesterol in the body which, of itself, is responsible for the clogging of the arteries which has persisted for some 15 years, and never been proved. Indeed Alacer regards it as the major fraud of the medical field. We firmly believe the clogging of the arteries is due almost entirely to lack of the mineral ascorbates.



3/9/23, 3:15 PM

Unexplored but highly necessary investigations of the role of Vitamin C in the human body which should be undertaken

UCLA Cardiovascular Findings, 1994 Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 2:55 PM

Vitamin C as an Anti-Aging Therapyl

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20020213215239/http://www.alacercorp.…

Vitamin C as an Anti-Aging Therapy Jay Patrick, President, CEO and Founder Alacer Corp. It may interest you to know how I became involved in Vitamin C. I had reached the age of 59 operating a chemical specialties firm in New Jersey for close to 30 years. At that time, I managed to develop the leading replacement for carbon tetrachloride which had killed many people. I did reduce the number of fatalities I'm sure. However, I was not greatly interested in nutrition partly because of all the wild claims. Toward the end of each week as the stress of my operations accumulated, I developed pains in my TM joints. I went from doctor to doctor, dentist to dentist, and one of them spent some seven occasions grinding away on my teeth to improve my bite without any success at all. I happened to read LIFE magazine which featured Dr. Irwin Stone and learned that he lived in Staten Island which is very close to me. I became very well acquainted with the doctor and his wife. We had sessions every Sunday and discussed Vitamin C and his enthusiastic support of it. He said it makes you almost invincible. I learned a great deal from him and am engaged in carrying on his work, beyond where he envisioned it. Dr. Stone said that human kind didn't produce any C at all. I've since concluded that it's impossible for the mother to produce a baby without producing some Vitamin C because the connective tissue of the body has to be made with C and amino acids. And, her baby would fall apart if she didn't produce some C. Indeed, the baby does have a good level of Vitamin C in his body the first day of birth and the mother's milk does produce C that enables the body to survive. Perhaps, out of context, I want to share with you both a personal and professional success story. A few years ago, I heard of a method of determining the coronary occlusions that occur so I went to UCLA Cardiovascular Center and ran through their routine. Their technician was astounded to find that I have zero levels of calcium in my arteries which indicates zero plaque, setting a new record. I went back to the head of the Cardiovascular Center and wondered if that impressed him a little bit, and of course it's just only of one person therefore, anecdotal. He denied that was of much significance. For me, it was of some significance, so I brought nine more of the workers who have been taking our products because we are interested in saving their lives, improving their expertise, etc. It turned out that 8 of 10 that they checked out had zero levels. The ages ran from 43 to 76 years old. The remaining two registered at 400 and above 450, below problem levels. https://web.archive.org/web/20020213215239/http://www.alacercorp.com/VitaminC.htm


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Vitamin C as an Anti-Aging Therapyl

I have been taking care of a San Diego doctor who has been buying our products and he's very much into chelation therapy. I persuaded him and his wife to go to the Cardiovascular Center. She'd been taking our product very religiously and showed up at zero levels; he had 1,350 which is in danger of a heart attack. In 1966, Dr. Irwin Stone published the paper "On the Genetic Etiology of Scurvy," pointing out that in scurvy, we are dealing with a genetic, liverenzyme disease and not simply a dietary disturbance. The liver enzyme disease, hypoascorbemia, is caused by a defective human gene for the liver enzyme, l-gulonolactone oxidase, GLO for short, and was not simply caused by improper foods. This birth defect for GLO prevents humans from producing their own large quantities of ascorbic each day as nearly all the other mammals do. Improper foods are not a cause of this disease, but merely a complication involved in the workings of this potentially fatal birth defect, the real cause. Because of ignorance of the proper daily dosage of Vitamin C, hypoascorbemia later known as chronic subclinical scurvy, the so-called CSS syndrome, has become our most widespread and insidious disease. The chronic insults of the CSS syndrome sets the stage for the high incidence of morbidity, and high mortality of cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and many other current serious medical problems, including sudden infant death and drug addiction. The continuing application of the outdated tenets of this Vitamin C hypothesis by orthodox medicine, has only assured the continued high rate of scorbutic sicknesses and scorbutic sudden death in our population. Thus, it can be so easily and inexpensively avoided. Imagine the liver of an animal who produces ascorbate. The four enzymes in the liver react with glucose circulating in its blood to produce ascorbic acid. Stone pointed out, in just a random way, that ascorbic acid doesn't go into circulation in the body. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates which can get into the cell more readily. Dr. Stone went around giving out little packets of ascorbic acid with 1 gram of sugar. He wasn't aware, of course, of the great intake of sugar (which is now 159 lb per person and it's one of our major problems). A youngster who may drink as many as seven Cokes a day, takes in all this sugar without any Vitamin B or C to aid his body in metabolizing it. Unfortunately, that is one way that we are delivering to the countries of the world a new form of America which really doesn't aid our place in the world, because it will kill-off many people ultimately. The general scientific community keeps referring to ascorbic acid as Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is absolutely not the vitamin C - it's only an intermediate in an animals' body and present only in plants, fruits really. We are not fruits. We are animals and require neutral forms of ascorbate. The whole science of examining the value of Vitamin C is rotten because they are using the wrong form of Vitamin C, i.e., their conclusions about its producing stones in the kidneys, for instance.



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Vitamin C as an Anti-Aging Therapyl

Imagine your Vitamin C batteries running down. This is one way to get people to recognize the nature of the problem because every organ in your body requires Vitamin C, and more than any other, your brain requires it. The UCLA Cardiovascular Center told me that women get coronary occlusion ten years later then men. The reason is that they do produce some C in their bodies because they have to make a baby. Making that baby necessitates C and amino acids to make the connective tissue that holds the body together. Now no one has noted this really, in all the scientific data about babies, but they have to make ascorbate in order to produce a baby or we would never have a baby that would hold together. Its organs would grow together and it would die. It is not ascorbic acid that you would get in your mother's womb - it is mineral ascorbates! As the woman ceases to menstruate, her output of C goes down and she can get occlusions of the coronary artery. It is said that cholesterol alone is truly involved in the occlusion of the arteries which accounts to the major corruption of our medical field. It certainly is not the primary factor. The reason our coronary arteries clog up is due to lack of Vitamin C in the intima, the lining of the artery, which starts to hemorrhage (bleed) and then forms scar tissue. It is this scar tissue, which Dr. William McCormick in the 1950's had pointed out, is responsible for collecting equal parts of cholesterol, lipids and then calcium. As soon as the so-called science of medicine recognizes this, a lot of people will be getting better and better and will not be wasting their money on checking their cholesterol. Actually the cholesterol is a vital substance in the body because it is the intermediate for the production for the sex hormones, and it produces a good many other products too in its own way. So, that is a major myth in our scientific community, and I'm resolved, before I die, to rid the world of this ridiculous premise. "If you do not have ascorbic acid, you can't build a healthy body and you can't correct it later. If you build a wall, you put the bricks down and put mortar and cement on every one. You can't put the bricks together and then and then pour mortar on top of it. It will never hold."-- Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi We think of the human body as being almost perfect but yet they're some 4,000 genetic diseases that are ailing us. We are concerned with four which occur with every person. First, the production of melatonin which usually halts at entirely age 12. It is a product of serotonin, the chemical messenger of the body. Secondly, the human body is unable to produce an adequate amount of mineral ascorbates for its protection against disease and prolonged life. Third, human bodies are unable to produce the enzyme uricase, which breaks down the uric acid that causes gout. And lastly, we have inherited a mechanism for retaining sodium when the blood plasma gets down to a level and requires it, but no such mechanism exists for the retention of potassium. Now, of course, you're sold on sports products which have as much as 4˝ times as much sodium as potassium. It should be the reverse. Everyone needs potassium. In the effervescent product which we developed to produce the mineral ascorbates, with the addition of water, the product effervesces and produces the mineral ascorbates such as we cannot make in our own bodies. The cell merely requires more potassium than we get, whereas it https://web.archive.org/web/20020213215239/http://www.alacercorp.com/VitaminC.htm


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Vitamin C as an Anti-Aging Therapyl

desires 100 parts of potassium, to 5 of sodium, to 3 of calcium, to 2 of magnesium. These neutral mineral ascorbates are readily accepted by the cells, and they immediately feed the mitochondria which are the tiny chemical factories that help us to think every thought, or move every muscle. The product that I developed and introduced at the First World Congress in Palm Springs, in 1978, incorporates mineral carbonates which react with ascorbic acid and form the true mineral ascorbates, coupled with the B vitamins and other trace elements. It also goes most readily into the cells, because the minerals act as ascorbate transporters, feeding the mitochondria those tiny factories to which we owe every breath we take and every muscle we move. In a study of potassium levels in approximately 1,000 people in Rancho Bernardo, California, they found that when they were getting 1,000 mg of potassium daily, they did not experience any strokes over a ten-year period. Molybdenum has the highest stability and potassium, is the lowest. So, if we make a product of potassium ascorbate, it's not going to be potassium ascorbate very long. In 1977, I decided that we would make a drink to get potassium immediately into the body. It could be the poor man's chelating agent and that it would disassociate and leave ascorbate free to pick-up the calcium deposits that are a part of the coronary artery. I discovered that it would greatly increase one's energy and ability. That is why we are making as many as a million packets of this product daily, and it is the largest selling form of Vitamin C in the world. It is a great way to get mineral ascorbates into the cells in the body, which is the basic unit of all health. Would it interest you to know that 150,000 people die annually from trauma? There is a record of a two-year period at San Francisco General Hospital that 390 people died within the first ˝ hour after they entered the hospital. Dr. Stone pointed this out to me, and I thought that a good name for a product would be Emer'gen-CTM because he said that 50% of people that die in automobile accidents die from the trauma alone. If we could get C to them immediately we could save their lives, and so that has been very much in my mind since. One-way or another, we can live or die depending on the level of ascorbate in our bodies. The man who dies in his sleep - they say he died of natural causes. He perhaps died of unnatural causes because he ran out of C in his body and it just falls apart. The brain will grab whatever C is in the body because if your brain can't work - you can't work. Most mens' brains shrink from 15% to 40%. Womens' brains shrink only 1% because apparently the amount of Vitamin C they have in their bodies goes to the brain. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 3:50 PM

Where Sunscreens Fail

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Where Sunscreens Fail "Sunscreens do a great of stopping sunburn by absorbing ultraviolet rays. But there are other parts of the light spectrum that many sunscreens don't block, that may play a role in causing skin cancer, particularly melanoma, the most dangerous form of the disease." --Harvard Health Letter What your body really needs is the extra protection of mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C inside you, working through your skin to protect you. And the best forms of C are the mineral ascorbates such as you produce when Emer'gen-CTM dissolves in water, or as are present in our Super Gram IIITM timed-release mineral ascorbates. These products are usually available wherever health foods are sold. Melanoma, also known as malignant melanoma or cutaneous melanoma, is the least common but most dangerous form of skin cancer. Each year, about 42,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed in the U.S. (a number that has been going up), and the disease causes 7,300 deaths. Intense, intermittent exposure to the sun, rather than cumulative exposure, is believed to be the principal cause of melanoma. In men, a common area for melanomas is the back, and for women, the lower legs. Melanomas can grow from an existing mole, but about half the time, they appear as new, dark patches of skin. You should have a doctor look at any mole that has changed size, shape, bleeds, has developed irregular edges, varies in color, or has become itchy. Any new dark area of skin that is greater than a quarter of an inch should also be checked out. If it's caught early and hasn't spread, a melanoma can be removed surgically, although a wide area of skin might be taken to make sure all the cancer is removed. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 2:54 PM

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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

By Jay Patrick We should understand that every viral attack is potentially of a very serious nature. The attack may come from a very easy-going virus such as the common cold... or it may threaten one's very life and/or health. Unfortunately, by the time a doctor can diagnose the nature of the virus or bacteria attacking you, it may be so firmly entrenched in your body that you will have a difficult time winning the battle. Indeed, it is reported that with infectious mononucleosis, for instance, the infection cannot be positively identified until it has run its course for two weeks or more. If positive, the infection may persist for up to one year, although it generally reverts to a negative finding by 54 to 84 days. Famed researcher and lecturer Dr. E. Cheraskin has given a few lectures entitled "The Name of the Game is The Name." He points out that many physicians seem to think that their chief responsibility to a patient is simply to give a name to his or her ailment, that naming the disease is almost the sole factor in effecting a cure. Certainly, it helps to know just what virus or bacteria is



3/9/23, 2:54 PM

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leading the attack, but, meantime, no moment should be lost in trying to step up the body's resistance to the invasion. So, I believe that one's health and survival depends heavily on maximizing the immune system at all times, keeping it in readiness to repel that invasion which, sooner or later, comes along. Further, there is the factor that such raiders as the pneumococci bacteria that brings on pneumonia (killing up to 50,000 annually) are already inside the bodies of 50% or so of us, just waiting to pounce, when our defenses drop. Thus, I never skip my high daily intake of mineral ascorbates of vitamin C, with synergistic vitamins and minerals (over 10 grams daily). So I'll brag a little: I am 85 years old, haven't had a cold for 23 years, I still have 20/20 vision, and work a 50 hour week, so, maybe, I'm doing something right.

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Corporate Background Overview Alacer Corp., based in Foothill Ranch, CA, develops, manufactures and markets vitamin supplements. Alacer is a world leader in vitamin C innovations. The company develops Vitamin C products in the form of mineral ascorbates, the “real Vitamin C,” which when compared to traditional Vitamin C products have increased health benefits and no adverse side effects. Since vitamin C is an acid (ascorbic acid) which can irritate the kidneys, bladder and intestines, side effects associated with Vitamin C intake in large doses include heartburn, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. Researchers have found that ascorbic acid was really just an intermediary form of the vitamin and that in the form of mineral ascorbates it could provide all of the health benefits with none of the side effects. Mineral ascorbates are produced naturally by most animals (but not humans), yet when consumed regularly by humans serve as excellent transporters of Vitamin C to the over 70 trillion cells in the body. Mineral ascorbates have additional benefits, including increased energy, improved vision and reduced susceptibility to the common cold. Beginnings Jay Patrick, founder, president & CEO of Alacer first became interested in Vitamin C over 30 years ago. At age 58, Patrick began researching mineral ascorbates and using them in various supplements. In 1972, Alacer Corp. was established to begin developing Vitamin C products focusing on the “real Vitamin C,” mineral ascorbates. Products


Emer’gen-C™ is an effervescent drink mix which comes in many flavors and contains up to 1000 mg. of vitamin C as mineral ascorbates in addition to 32 mineral complexes and B vitamins. Emer’gen-C is America’s favorite vitamin C drink mix and is sold in health food stores (where Alacer holds 40% of the market share) as well as drug stores and grocery stores. Sales outlets include: Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Sav-on/Osco, Kroger/Ralphs, Albertsons, Vons, Smith’s Food & Drug, Safeway, Trader Joe’s, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, GNC, Wild Oats and Whole Foods. Super Gram II & III™ are timed-release tablets designed to deliver 1,000 mg of vitamin C per tablet. Also comes in a juice enhancer powder form. Miracle Sports Water™ is the world’s only water specially designed for today’s active lifestyle fortified with electrolytes potassium, calcium and manganese. Electromix™ is a water additive and supplement that contains the same electrolytes found in the Miracle Sports Water. Vitastic® Health & Beauty Care products are the only health and beauty care products to offer a patented nutrient delivery system. Essential vitamins and minerals can penetrate the skin in seconds, getting directly to the cells, muscles and connective tissues.


Fast Facts Alacer Corp. was founded in 1972 by Jay Patrick 19631 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (800) 854-0249 - www.alacer.com Vern Peck, Acting President, Executive Vice President Ron Patrick, Executive Vice President, Vice President, Operations Bruce Sweyd, Vice President, Marketing & Sales Melissa Peters, Marketing and Media Relations Manager Mirwais Niazi, Sales and Marketing Manager ####



3/9/23, 3:36 PM

Alacer Corp - Press Releases

Saturday February 7th, 2004


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3/9/23, 3:33 PM

The Real Vitamin C - Mineral Ascorbates (Alacer Corp.)

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19990202220435/http://www.ala…

Muscle Stamina Improved! Research Shows Astounding Effects of Emergen-C

Baseball Stars Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley


An Editorial Our minds are easily diverted from our most basic need: good health. It is both the means and the goal of the rational person. It provides the strength, the insight, the consistency that makes it possible for any dream of fame, of wealth, of accomplishment to come true. It is the sine qua non (without which, nothing) of life. We need good health to attain our goals, and we need good health to maintain them and to enjoy them.   But putting it all together can be most difficult. Most of us tend to concentrate our efforts in one direction only. Life, today, is very complicated and becoming more complicated. Each of us must summon all his wits and self control to avoid going too far in any direction, to find the wisdom and the strength to put it all together in the balance that is an essential aspect of the truly successful life.   Jay Patrick

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Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick https://web.archive.org/web/19990202220435/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/index514.htm


3/9/23, 3:33 PM

The Real Vitamin C - Mineral Ascorbates (Alacer Corp.)

About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR FREE Streaming Video Player:



3/9/23, 2:43 PM

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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercor…

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

Are You On The Brink? By Jay Patrick Nearly everyone expresses dismay that some 50,000 Americans annually lose their lives in automobile accidents. Yet the Scientific American Magazine reports in its April, ’97 SAM -CD Surgery, that the major annual loss of Americans up to 38 years old amounts to about 150,000 people... from another cause. It’s not AIDS. And who can guess what it is? It’s trauma!

Most dictionaries define trauma as: "a body injury produced by violence or any thermal, chemical, or other extrinsic agent". This "body injury" may not be at all obvious. It may be an internal disruption of body function that cannot be seen. However, you might note that three times as many, or some 450,000 additional people who, also, endure trauma, yet do not die, says this distinguished periodical, will, nevertheless, suffer permanent disability! This adds up to the horrifying toll of some 600,000 young Americans annually, who either die suddenly or suffer life-long disability . . . many of whom may not have a scratch on them! (Aren’t they as important as those who have AIDS?) High Stress Actually, Dr. Irwin Stone, world pioneer on vitamin C, pointed out to me, in 1970, that some 50% of those who die in automobile accidents suffer no real bodily injury, yet die from the trauma, the high stress of the accident. The chart furnished by The Scientific American in their excellent CD, shows the timing of 862 mysterious deaths from trauma, over a two year period, at a San Francisco General Hospital:



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Almost half of those who did reach the hospital (390) were either Dead on Arrival, or died within half an hour. No one in our hospitals knows what to do for them! (Many do not get to a hospital, but go directly to the morgue.) The "wild" aspect of these findings is that the injuries to these persons are not regarded as intrinsically life threatening. Thus, the deaths are identified as due to trauma. Some 27 years ago Dr. Stone told me that about 50 percent of those who die in automobile accidents, die not from any substantial injuries, but due to the high stress, the trauma, of the accident. Stone felt that, accordingly, it is of high importance that accident victims get immediate help. Thus, he believed that prompt intake of vitamin C, which is the outstanding anti-stress agent in the world, preferable in the form of mineral ascorbates, would save many lives. "Researchers found," he said, " if one just jingles keys in front of a rat’s cage, that, in response to this stress, the rat will quadruple its output of Vitamin C". This illustrates an animal’s need for ascorbate, in order to deal with emergencies... and we are animals, too, and have animal bodily needs. Yet 99.9% of all other animals produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in their own bodies, protecting them against countless ills against which we have almost no protection. https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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The Scientific American estimates that about three times as many people die annually from Trauma (about 150,000) as from AIDS (about 50,000). The Major Killer Indeed, at the first World Congress on Vitamin C which I staged in Palm Springs in 1978, Dr. Stone’s topic was Sudden Death. All of this made sense to me, so I introduced at the World Congress where Stone spoke, a new product, named Emergen-C Drink Mix. EmergenC forms the highly effective mineral ascorbates of vitamin C, and tends to get them very rapidly into the body. It has been the outstanding nutritional drink of America for some 18 years. As the powder effervesces in water, it forms 7 mineral ascorbates, plus about 25 other mineral complexes, which get nutrients into the cell almost immediately. But daily intake of C, preferably in Timed Release form, with B vitamins and other trace substances (Super Gram III), can probably help enormously to avoid such emergencies. Of course, it will, also step up the immune system, as well. Stone felt that some 98% of the population was suffering from sub-clinical scurvy (lack of vitamin C). He said it was sub-clinical only because the doctors cannot recognize it for what it really is, frank scurvy, ready to show itself when sudden, high stress is thrust upon the body, burning up what residual C is available to continue its physiological operations. Since almost half of the 862 deaths shown on the chart occurred within the first half hour of hospital entrance, certainly some quick action was needed to save these lives, yet obviously, no such quick action was taken, or is daily being taken, with such everyday cases. Dr. Stone also told me that animals who, unlike humans, can produce vitamin C in their own livers, produce it in 5 stages. After the 4th stage, in reaction to 4 enzymes, the glucose circulating in their blood becomes ascorbic acid, but it then goes through a 5th stage in which the ascorbic acid reacts with minerals https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates. These are neutral forms of C which, unlike the highly acidic, ascorbic acid, are non-irritating to the blood vessels of the body. They are also picked up more quickly by body cells, since the minerals act as ascorbate transporters to carry this vital nutrition throughout every area, from head to toe. The Terror of Trauma I regard this as a very terrifying situation: That so many thousands of our fellows, when subject to some stress, without visibly sign of physical injury, may die in a matter of minutes. It’s hard to believe, but it’s been documented for many years. In fact, I have discussed the subject at great length with a distinguished physician and re-searcher who has been a close advisor for some 25 years, Dr. Abram Hoffer of Victoria, B.C. It was he and another Canadian researcher, Dr. Humphrey Osmond, who first learned, some 35 years ago, that most schizophrenia can be cured or checked with high doses of Vitamin C and niacin. Still carrying on a very active practice, at 79, Hoffer recently said:

"Many years ago, when only crude measures were employed, it was found that animals exposed to stress such as throwing them into cold water, would lose all the vitamin C from their adrenal glands. As with humans, the adrenal cortex is the animals’ major depository of Vitamin C, which may seem strange. Why is it there? I think it is there because it surrounds the adrenal medulla which is full of adrenaline. The adrenaline released from the medulla, the center of the gland, must travel through the cortex. I think the ascorbate is used to protect the adrenaline from oxidation, so that it can be released in its true state, not as some by-product such as adrenochrome, which induces schizophrenia. "I am convinced," he continues, "that if everyone were to take enough ascorbate, they would not die as frequently as they now do from severe shock, excluding major loss of blood or organs. I think Irwin Stone was correct. Several years ago, I tried to get the https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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local hospital to place all patients on the surgical waiting list on at least one gram a day, telling them that they could drastically cut down deaths and the number of days in the hospital, but they would not even consider this. I believe vitamin C is the major anti-stress nutrient in the body. Furthermore, if you take "C" as the neutral mineral ascorbates, your body can easily tolerate many, many grams of this livesaving nutrient." What Causes Sudden Death? One important piece of information that is missing from the S.F. Hospital report; What were the life styles of these 862 who went so suddenly to their death? Alas, this information is not readily available. But I will bet that smokers greatly predominated. Many years ago the pioneering Canadian physician, Dr. W.F. McCormick, calculated that each cigarette burns up about 25 mg of ascorbate in the average body. So, a few cigarettes can quickly put one in a deficit condition regarding his 'C' level, especially in his brain, the master cylinder that is secondary only to the adrenal glands as a storage point for ascorbate. Anyway, I'm going to ask the Committee for World Health to conduct an investigation of the life habits of all people who end up so suddenly in the morgue without any substantial body injuries. Such information, in fact, should be an integral part of every coroner's report. Taking the Breath Away In Israel, two researchers, Biochemists Herman Soreg and Alon Friedman of Hebrew University recently unearthed a great clue as to a major brain dysfunction that may occur when the body is short on mineral ascorbates. The Israel army was concerned that its soldiers might be subject to a chemical attack that interferes with the function of an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. So the soldiers administered pyridostigmine, a drug that protects against such chemical attacks. Although the https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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attacks never took place, after the soldiers had been in combat, the drug bridged the blood brain barrier, and induced serious side effects, something it was not supposed to do, reports the May '97 issue of Discover. Puzzled by this result, Soreg and Friedman immersed mice in very cold water to stress them, then injected blue dye, which promptly went to the supposedly impregnable brains of the animals. This is a rather revolutionary finding, since it opens up the possibility that, under conditions of severe stress, the human brain may be subject to invasion from which it is supposedly immune. Biochemists have long since been aware that the brain protects itself with the blood brain barrier against countless potentially damaging substances present in the normal body. But, if stress can induce the brain to lower its bars, the menace that trauma presents to mental and physical well-being can be greatly intensified. Thus, the brain which has lost all or almost all of its ascorbate protector appears to have a much greater vulnerability to total break-down, with deadly consequences. I surmise that this sudden admission to the brain of such usually inadmissible, potentially poisonous substances may be one of the principal factors in the high incidence of sudden death. But why don't other animals, including the young ones, experience sudden death under the trauma of stress? That must be because more than 99.9% produce high levels of ascorbate in their own bodies. As I have previously mentioned, just jingle keys in front of a rat's cage, and it will quadruple its output of ascorbate to counter the stress. panacea: a remedy for all disease or ills. Panacea: an ancient Greek Goddess of Healing. Long ago, Dr. Irwin Stone told me "ascorbate is the only known panacea. No matter what one's ailment, it https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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Alacer Corp y p helps to mitigate or cure it." Ascorbate works, he explained, in countless ways to protect the body and re-establish its full function. I feel that it has remarkable ability to restore balance to the cell, the unit of life.

Another ascorbate researcher, Dr. Frederick Klenner, of Reidville, N.C. found that intravenous administration of massive amounts of ascorbate could bring about the complete recovery of patients suffering from an enormous variety of ailments, ranging from snake bite to encephalitis of the brain. His results are all documented in a book. The Real "C" Thus, it became evident to me, some 25 years ago, that the only real vitamin C is the type of C that animals produce in their own bodies, mineral ascorbates. And so I abandoned the chemical business which I had headed for some 30 years in New Jersey, and returned to my native California, determined to produce the mineral ascorbates so essential to full health and long life. Yet most of the world is not awakened to this fact: If you try to take the level of "C" you require, which should be many grams, generally, you will find that you cannot tolerate ascorbic acid in the multi gram quantities your body really needs. Ascorbic acid has a pH of about 2, which is highly irritating to the kidneys and bladder and tends to pull minerals out of the body, rather than introduce them, as is the case with mineral ascorbates. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling learned this, but he still kept on advising people to take the "cheapest "C" available, even though he reported highly adverse findings in the book "Cancer and Vitamin C", which he co-authored with Dr. Ewan Cameron, in that high intake (10 grams) of ascorbic acid induced "heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially diarrhea".



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Alacer Corp

So I had a good reason for naming our new product Emergen-C which, when immersed in water, immediately forms the mineral ascorbates. In 1989 I noted a San Jose, Calif. Mercury newspaper article which stated: "Asians In Their 30’s Are Dying Mysteriously". I wrote the paper, explaining that their cause of death was quite obviously scurvy, but received no reply. Two years later, in 1991, after returning from staging the Second World Congress in San Diego, we had a most dismaying occurrence. A 32-year-old Filipino had been working for us as head of our maintenance department for about two years. Since we had moved to Irvine, he had a long distance to drive, so he chose to work a ten-hour, four-day week, which put extra stress on his body. He also declined to take any of our vitamin C products which we were producing. On a Wednesday, this young man rose at 12:00 midnight from his bed, only to promptly die. I attended his funeral, where they spoke of all the many things he had been doing for his fellow Filipino’s in the community, which, of course contributed to more stress on his body. After the funeral, I attended a luncheon in the home of the sister-in-law with whom he and his family lived. Spread before me was me was a very long table, all laden with boiled food. His sister-in-law, an anesthesiologist, explained that while she might take half an hour to prepare a meal, he took three hours, obviously boiling everything to death... This was further proof that he had cooked out all the residual vitamin C in his food, which seems to be a common practice among Asians. I now had the explanation of his death, scurvy, as well as the deaths of many other Asians, Sudden Death, by the book of Dr. Irwin Stone. Baa, Baa, Baa!



3/9/23, 2:43 PM

Alacer Corp

Rudy Vallee, Jay Patrick, and Ymelda Patrick When he was about 82 years old, the famed old-time singer, Rudy Vallee, the Bing Crosby of his time, (The Wiffenpoof Song, The Stein Song) got in touch with me and asked for assistance with his diet. We supplied him with our mineral ascorbates and other products for about three years. Indeed, my wife and I attended, in 1985, a Thanksgiving dinner for twelve in his Hollywood home, which proved to be his last Thanksgiving. However, he later had a fall on his estate and had to have 13 stitches taken in his head, although no bones were broken, probably due to his good diet. But, he was not in touch with me over a period of some three weeks. I learned that an x-ray technician had discovered that he had a tumor on his esophagus. Rudy decided to have the tumor taken out, without mentioning it to me, although I would have warned him to maintain a high level of ascorbates both before and after the operation. He underwent the operation at a well-known Los Angeles hospital. The operation was a "success" and the tumor benign, but he promptly had a stroke that left him in a coma! I visited him, although he was still unconscious, but he died two weeks after the operation. I later learned that he had no ascorbate before or after the operation, as the hospital had taken it away from him, so he suffered the rebound effect of total deprivation of "C" without any of the supportive action which he needed in a period of great stress. Thus, I believe his brain gave in to the shock, so he suffered a very serious stroke. https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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Alacer Corp

Equal Problem, Different Result! Interestingly, when having a routine examination about three years later, I learned that I, too, had a tumor on my esophagus, although it had never bothered me. Indeed, it may have been there for more than 25 years. However, I decided to have it taken out while I was in condition good enough to sustain an operation. But I was much concerned that good blood for transfusion be available, since I did not regard the blood banks at that time as being too trustworthy. The first surgeon I consulted in Anaheim regarding my request for good nutrition was a very imperious fellow, who told me very emphatically that his patients would take what he told them they should take and nothing else. So I immediately discharged him and turned to Loma Linda Hospital, near San Bernardino, California. The fine surgeon there readily agreed that I could take all of the vitamins I wished, both before and after the operation. I accumulated four pints of O Positive blood with the Red Cross, three from my stepchildren and one from me, which were sent to the hospital for my specific use. . I, also, was determined to maintain high levels of mineral ascorbate, both before and after the operation, since I did not want to follow the death route taken by my friend Rudy. So I went in for the operation on a Friday morning and took some 10 grams of mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins, Timed Release. They operated at about noon. But this was a rather difficult operation, which involved spreading apart the ribs on my left side.. However, my blood coagulated so readily that not one drop of blood was needed for transfusion.. I walked away from the hospital the following Tuesday morning, essentially very well recovered from the operation. Thus I have reported on two operations of the same type, on men in their 80’s, with opposite results. You may choose which way you care to go, if you require an operation. https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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Alacer Corp

What Helps Keep Us Alive I have re-established the Committee for World Health as a non-profit foundation to investigate more intensively the major ailments of man, especially the Two Genetic Liver Diseases, hypoascorbemia (inability to produce vitamin C in one’s own body), and hypouricasemia (inability to produce uricase, which inactivates the uric acid that induces gout and the crippling disease, gout arthritis). The Committee, under the direction of molecular biochemist, Dr. Richard Dana, is trying to organize in San Diego a program under which patients arriving at a local hospital will be given at least two grams of mineral ascorbates, immediately, upon arrival. The ascorbates will be given either as an effervescent drink, a tablet, or intravenously. Once this program has been followed, I predict it will clearly become evident that deaths and disability from trauma can be radically reduced. The period of recovery will also be shortened mightily, you may be sure. Indeed, I hereby challenge the hospitals to give this program a try. Certainly, it can help to keep their patients around a little longer, instead of their being carted off to the morgue. This program will help to prove to a disbelieving medical profession what can be done about the disabling liver disease, hypoascorbemia, that handicaps all humankind. However, such emergency procedures, though helpful in saving lives, are not really enough. All of us should be taking from 4 to 10 grams daily of mineral ascorbates in timed release tablets, which would protect us against the situations that bring on trauma and strengthen our resistance to disease, as well. But I must tell you, at this juncture, that the intransigence of the medical profession is almost beyond belief. Most doctors and most medical researchers are so wrapped up in their strictly drug approach, where the big money is, that it is, still, most difficult to break through the Wall of Authority that they have imposed on our very lives. Thus, the chief https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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Alacer Corp

concern of so many in the profession is to protect their turf, rather than to really help their patients. And the average doctor is, himself, so immersed in this drug, patch-up approach that he doesn’t live as long as his patients: He dies at 57! An Exceptional Physician A notable exception is Dr. William Saccoman of El Cajon, who has utilized nutrition in his practice for some 20 years. I wrote about him some 17 years ago. The wife of an Orange County publicist had been in an Anaheim hospital for several weeks, with a badly swollen leg from phlebitis, about which they could do nothing. In fact, they feared that the clot in her leg might loosen, travel to her heart, and kill her. But they didn’t know what to do about her case, so, astoundingly, they asked that she leave the hospital. At my suggestion, her husband picked her up in his car, and drove her to Dr. Saccoman in San Diego, who promptly put her in a hospital. There, he gave her, alternately, tablets of mineral ascorbates and niacin. Within three days she left the hospital, a well woman. But, some months later, after the doctor had performed a few more miracles of alternative medicine, he was told that he was no longer accredited to the hospital, so he could not place any more patients there. In subsequent years, as Saccoman proceeded to employ his knowledge of good nutrition In two other San Diego hospitals, he was, for similar reasons, denied their facilities for his patients. Understand, though, this is par for the course. All over the U.S., doctors have even lost their licenses to practice simply because their methods did not conform to the generally accepted procedures of their peers. Since most of their peers know almost nothing about nutrition, a great injustice to the doctors who do, and to their patients, obviously ensues Thus does a Medical Monopoly, supposed established to protect the public, serve, instead to abuse the public and to enormously step up the death rate and the failures of doctors to perform for the public good. https://web.archive.org/web/19981205113237/http://alacercorp.com/tr1.htm


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Alacer Corp

Cop Stress Dr Hugh Riordan, who heads The Center for the Improvement of Human Function, in Wichita, Kansas wondered about what happens to blood levels of ascorbate under stress. So, he checked the ascorbate blood levels of a group of Wichita policemen, just before they were to go on strenuous night duty. He found their ascorbate levels to be fair. Then he checked the policemen again, after 8 hours of stressful duty. Ascorbate blood levels: undetectable. Stallone Survives In producing the first Rambo film, Sylvester Stallone underwent many days of strenuous agony. I interviewed him for three and a half hours after he had completed the picture, in his California home. He felt I had saved his life with Emergen-C. You can see the story, as it appeared in Sports Science. ( ) On The Edge Obviously, the average person is tottering on the edge of a precipice, unaware that a minor accident can easily occur that can quickly destroy him, or immobilize him for life. A word to the wise is sometimes sufficient. Cost Analysis: The reported cost of treating one case of AIDS latest, highly touted, drug is $15,000 annually, or $41.10 a day. However, we believe Death from Trauma can probably be prevented for as low as 16 cents a day. Try our mineral ascorbates! We know that you will feel a clear benefit the very First Day !

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3/9/23, 2:43 PM

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3/9/23, 3:45 PM

Are You On The Brink

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20030509045517/http://www.a… Are You On The Brink?(continued)

Baa, Baa. Baa!

Rudy Vallee, Jay Patrick, and Ymelda Patrick When he was about 82 years old, the famed old-time singer, Rudy Vallee, the Bing Crosby of his time, (The Wiffenpoof Song, The Stein Song) got in touch with me and asked for assistance with his diet. We supplied him with our mineral ascorbates and other products for about three years. Indeed, my wife and I attended, in 1985, a Thanksgiving dinner for twelve in his Hollywood home, which proved to be his last Thanksgiving. However, he later had a fall on his estate and had to have 13 stitches taken in his head, although no bones were broken, probably due to his good diet. But, he was not in touch with me over a period of some three weeks. I learned that an x-ray technician had discovered that he had a tumor on his esophagus. Rudy decided to have the tumor taken out, without mentioning it to me, although I would have warned him to maintain a high level of ascorbates both before and after the operation. He underwent the operation at a well-known Los Angeles hospital. The operation was a "success" and the tumor benign, but he promptly had a stroke that left him in a coma! I visited him, although he was still unconscious, but he died two weeks after the operation. I later learned that he had no ascorbate before or after the operation, as the hospital had taken it away from him, so he suffered the rebound effect of total deprivation of "C" without any of the supportive action which he needed in a period of great stress. Thus, I believe his brain gave in to the shock, so he suffered a very serious stroke. https://web.archive.org/web/20030509045517/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/tr4.htm


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Are You On The Brink

Equal Problem, Different Result ! Interestingly, when having a routine examination about three years later, I learned that I, too, had a tumor on my esophagus, although it had never bothered me. Indeed, it may have been there for more than 25 years. However, I decided to have it taken out while I was in condition good enough to sustain an operation. But I was much concerned that good blood for transfusion be available, since I did not regard the blood banks at that time as being too trustworthy. The first surgeon I consulted in Anaheim regarding my request for good nutrition was a very imperious fellow, who told me very emphatically that his patients would take what he told them they should take and nothing else. So I immediately discharged him and turned to Loma Linda Hospital, near San Bernardino, California. The fine surgeon there readily agreed that I could take all of the vitamins I wished, both before and after the operation. I accumulated four pints of O Positive blood with the Red Cross, three from my stepchildren and one from me, which were sent to the hospital for my specific use. . I, also, was determined to maintain high levels of mineral ascorbate, both before and after the operation, since I did not want to follow the death route taken by my friend Rudy. So I went in for the operation on a Friday morning and took some 10 grams of mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins, Timed Release. They operated at about noon. But this was a rather difficult operation, which involved spreading apart the ribs on my left side.. However, my blood coagulated so readily that not one drop of blood was needed for transfusion.. I walked away from the hospital the following Tuesday morning, essentially very well recovered from the operation. Thus I have reported on two operations of the same type, on men in their 80’s, with opposite results. You may choose which way you care to go, if you require an operation.

What Helps Keep Us Alive I have re-established the Committee for World Health as a non-profit foundation to investigate more intensively the major ailments of man, especially the Two Genetic Liver Diseases, hypoascorbemia (inability to produce vitamin C in one’s own body), and hypouricasemia (inability to produce uricase, which inactivates the uric acid that induces gout and the crippling disease, gout arthritis). https://web.archive.org/web/20030509045517/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/tr4.htm


3/9/23, 3:45 PM

Are You On The Brink

The Committee, under the direction of molecular biochemist, Dr. Richard Dana, is trying to organize in San Diego a program under which patients arriving at a local hospital will be given at least two grams of mineral ascorbates, immediately, upon arrival. The ascorbates will be given either as an effervescent drink, a tablet, or intravenously. Once this program has been followed, I predict it will clearly become evident that deaths and disability from trauma can be radically reduced. The period of recovery will also be shortened mightily, you may be sure. Indeed, I hereby challenge the hospitals to give this program a try. Certainly, it can help to keep their patients around a little longer, instead of their being carted off to the morgue. This program will help to prove to a disbelieving medical profession what can be done about the disabling liver disease, hypoascorbemia, that handicaps all humankind. However, such emergency procedures, though helpful in saving lives, are not really enough. All of us should be taking from 4 to 10 grams daily of mineral ascorbates in timed release tablets, which would protect us against the situations that bring on trauma and strengthen our resistance to disease, as well. But I must tell you, at this juncture, that the intransigence of the medical profession is almost beyond belief. Most doctors and most medical researchers are so wrapped up in their strictly drug approach, where the big money is, that it is, still, most difficult to break through the Wall of Authority that they have imposed on our very lives. Thus, the chief concern of so many in the profession is to protect their turf, rather than to really help their patients. And the average doctor is, himself, so immersed in this drug, patch-up approach that he doesn’t live as long as his patients: He dies at 57!

An Exceptional Physician A notable exception is Dr. William Saccoman of El Cajon, who has utilized nutrition in his practice for some 20 years. I wrote about him some 17 years ago. The wife of an Orange County publicist had been in an Anaheim hospital for several weeks, with a badly swollen leg from phlebitis, about which they could do nothing. In fact, they feared that the clot in her leg might loosen, travel to her heart, and kill her. But they didn’t know what to do about her case, so, astoundingly, they asked that she leave the hospital. At my suggestion, her husband picked her up in his car, and drove her to Dr. Saccoman in San Diego, who promptly put her in a hospital. There, he gave her, alternately, tablets of mineral ascorbates and niacin. Within three days she left the hospital, a well woman. But, some months later, after the doctor had performed a few more https://web.archive.org/web/20030509045517/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/tr4.htm


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Are You On The Brink

miracles of alternative medicine, he was told that he was no longer accredited to the hospital, so he could not place any more patients there. In subsequent years, as Saccoman proceeded to employ his knowledge of good nutrition In two other San Diego hospitals, he was, for similar reasons, denied their facilities for his patients. Understand , though, this is par for the course. All over the U. S., doctors have even lost their licenses to practice simply because their methods did not conform to the generally accepted procedures of their peers. Since most of their peers know almost nothing about nutrition, a great injustice to the doctors who do, and to their patients, obviously ensues Thus does a Medical Monopoly, supposed established to protect the public, serve, instead to abuse the public and to enormously step up the death rate and the failures of doctors to perform for the public good.

Cop Stress Dr Hugh Riordan, who heads The Center for the Improvement of Human Function, in Wichita, Kansas wondered about what happens to blood levels of ascorbate under stress. So, he checked the ascorbate blood levels of a group of Wichita policemen, just before they were to go on strenuous night duty. He found their ascorbate levels to be fair. Then he checked the policemen again, after 8 hours of stressful duty. Ascorbate blood levels: undetectable.

next page index



3/9/23, 2:59 PM

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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR FREE Streaming Video Player:

By Jay Patrick "If I get pneumonia, and am taken to a hospital, where I die, they might attach a card, as they do in Hungary, to my big toe, which would read: "CAUSE of DEATH: Pneumonia." But I would probably have died of scurvy." *** Nobel Laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, is speaking at the World Congress on Vitamin C. He is the Nobelist who received the prize for his isolation of the magic substance, Vitamin C, from the paprika pepper of his native Hungary. Behind Szent-Gyorgyi’s remarks is a simple fact that leaves most people behind the proverbial 8 Ball. Some 50% of us already have in our bodies such avengers as pneumonococci, staphylococci, streptococci, or bacilli, which can bring on this deadly lung disease. Or we may also include influenza viruses, adenoviruses, syncytial viruses, rhinoviruses, coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and others, from our childhood. Rather frightening, isn’t it? But the Merck Manual says that the foregoing account for some 75% of pulmonary infections in schools and military recruits. An Inside Job



3/9/23, 2:59 PM

Alacer Corp

Some 32 years ago, while operating a chemical plant in Northern New Jersey, I received a telephone call that my father, who lived in San Diego, was being operated upon for appendicitis. I immediately boarded a plane, and the following morning was able to greet him in Mercy Hospital, after they had operated upon him. I found that he didn’t have appendicitis, but an inflamed pancreas. However, within a few hours after greeting my father, because of the high stress of the operation, he came down with a severe case of pneumonia and died about 24 hours later. I now know that he probably died of scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, about which I knew nothing at the time. He, obviously, had the pneumonoccus bacteria already in his body, yet his resistance, at age 79, was so poor that he promptly succumbed. Thus, you see, we don’t have to "catch" any of these life-threatening diseases. Many of them are already inside of us, while our immune system holds them in check. So, if we don’t want to come down with any of these unattractive ways to die, we must do what we can to keep our resistance up. And the secret seems to be: The right lifestyle, supported by very good nutritional supplement, which absolutely must include the mineral ascorbates, the real forms of Vitamin C that most animals other than humans produce in their bodies in multigram quantities. Here and now, is where high intake of the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C should enter in your life to stay! Healthy people, say The National Institutes of Health, require a body pool of at least 1500 mg of mineral ascorbates, the only form in which "C" is stored in our organs, such as: adrenals brain eyes gonads pituitary pancreas liver



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Alacer Corp

These organs and any area of the body where intense activity is to occur must, for your energy and resistance to disease, maintain a fair level of this miraculous carbohydrate which Szent-Gyorgyi has described as "the ‘glue’ that holds our bodies together." I feel that the collection points for mineral ascorbates should be considered Miniature Storage Batteries, which, when "run down", leave us exhausted and almost defenseless against disease.

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3/9/23, 3:24 PM

Committee for World Health want to send mineral ascorbates to India to relieve arsenic poisoning

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19980208124026/http://www.a…

NEWS RELEASE February 6, 1998.

World Health Group Tackles Arsenic Poisoning The Committee for World Health announces that it is embarking on a research project in India to correct the severe cases of arsenic poisoning. This is a potentially lethal problem among the people who must drink well water highly contaminated with this known poison. The feasibility of this program was made quite evident by a recent disclosure of the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Kansas that zinc has the ability to increase production of an arsenic: metalbinding protein which greatly decreases its toxicity and somewhat aids in its elimination from the body. Associated With Leprosy Plans are being formulated for a 6 to 12 month study of groups of 100 to 200 people. In the areas of India most effected by arsenic poisoning, it induces cancer, skin lesions giving the appearances of leprosy, and ultimate death, are Bangladesh and West Bengal, as reported by the 1998 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica Medical and Health Annual. The arsenic induces a great variety of skin lesions, which are unsightly and tend to deny sufferers jobs they badly need, are often mistaken for lesions of leprosy, which causes the afflicted to be socially shunned and forced to maintain isolated lives. Actual deaths from arsenic poisoning have been relatively low thus far, but it is expected that they will increase radically in the next 5 to 10 years, because of the long latency period between the initial, daily exposure in their drinking water, and the actual development of malignancy. Apparently, due to economic constraints, little has been done by Indian health authorities to correct this situation. Since, as with all human beings, the population obviously suffers from scurvy (lack of Vitamin C), it is felt that the mineral ascorbate tablets, which are to include the B Vitamins, can work a fivefold effect: Inactivate the poisonous action of arsenic https://web.archive.org/web/19980208124026/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/cfwh/arsenic.htm


3/9/23, 3:24 PM

Committee for World Health want to send mineral ascorbates to India to relieve arsenic poisoning

Reduce the state of scurvy that exists among these people Supplement their diets with minerals, especially magnesium and manganese, which they are probably lacking Furnish the essential B Vitamins Add the general benefits of zinc to the immune system Add selenium to their diets, of which they are in short supply A dosage of two grams daily of the mineral ascorbates will be initially undertaken: one in the morning and one in the evening, and the tablets are timed-release to maximize their effect on the entire system, including the lower gut and colon. While the Committee feels that a higher level of mineral ascorbates would be more beneficial, it is seeking to find a dosage that will be so economical for these impoverished people that it can be generally afforded. The daily dosage will cost less than 20 cents.



3/9/23, 3:23 PM

Why We Need Vitamin C Supplements

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20000918071340/http://www.alac…

We Animals Below are listed equivalent levels of C produced by six animals, which include the lowproducing dog and cat. This still averages 10,775 mg daily, nearly 11 grams. When we divide this by the 60 mg which the National Academy of Sciences has supposedly, scientifically, figured out, we learn that they think human requirements are about 180 times less than those of these animals. Can you believe this? Millions of people on this earth never truly develop into whole persons, never have the resistance to

Why We Need to Supplement Our C Intake (Excerpts from www.cforyourself.com written by Rusty Hoge) With very few exceptions, all animal species synthesize Vitamin C in their bodies. We don't. The generally accepted theory is that a mutation occurred in man some tens of thousands of years ago that disabled this synthesis process. If we were getting adequate C from our diet to allow a reasonable level of health, then the mutation could take hold. Indeed, natural selection favors those organisms with only the absolutely necessary machinery. A reader from Arizona State University, Tatiana Covington discussed this in a letter to me thus: Scurvy is actually a species-wide enzyme deficiency disorder, exactly like Tay-Sachs, gauchers, or Niemann-Pick Type C. There are 4 enzymes which convert glucose into ascorbic acid--but we can only make the first 3. The gene for the 4th--gulonolactone oxidase--is massively damaged and totally useless. Thus we cannot make the last enzyme, and hence cannot turn gulonolactone, which is almost useless against reactive oxygen species, into ascorbic acid, which is the centerpiece of antioxidant, ntiradical defense of essentially all air-exposed life on Earth. Without it, indeed, the biosphere would collapse and Earth would be a dead world within a century. Our antioxidant protection is thus shot to hell. The correct vitamin C level for a human being--a mammal--is c. 2000-3000 mg/kg, and the correct production rate, typical for mammals, is 60 mg-kg/day. But we lack GLO, and so our level is c. 25 mg/kg and our synthesis rate is 0. By the way, we are very poor absorbers of C, and thus find it almost impossible to get past 30 mg/kg. (see chart below, Ed.) Thus the correct path is obvious: reinstall the *gene* for GLO and be done with it, thus curing the universal scurvy. Mammals with the enzyme--which is almost all of them--can live 8-10 times their maturity age. Mammals without it have a hard time reaching 3-4 times. Thus this shows that reinstallation of the GLO gene would extend the human lifespan to c. 300 years. One mistake, one missing enzyme, one blocked pathway--and you are dead. Ask any hemophiliac. Our diets have changed dramatically since then. We live in much less hospitable climates. We don't pick fresh fruits from trees like our primate ancestors. Our diets are almost universally lacking in nutritional value. Please see the Food Sources Chart. For an excellent



3/9/23, 3:23 PM

fight disease or to heal wounds, and die at least 20 years ahead of their time, because of the shear stupidity of the National Academy of Sciences and its adherents throughout the world. Note the enormous production of mineral ascorbates by the mammals listed in the first column. In the second column we have the equivalent amount a 154 lb. human would produce, which would certainly transform our lives if we had any such production, whereas most of us generate little or no ascorbate.

Why We Need Vitamin C Supplements

discussion of the value of supplementation in general, please visit Healthy.net. Vitamin C is also not stored well in our bodies. We use it constantly and yet our intake is meager. Only with regular supplementation in quantities that fill our body's every need will we approach optimum health and the elimination of disease.

Daily Production of Ascorbate in Mammals Animal Mouse Rabbit Goat Rat Dog Cat

Milligrams/Kg Man's Body Equiv. Weight/per Day per Day 275 226 190 150 40 40

19250 15820 13300 10500 2800 2800

Average production of mineral ascorbates is 10,775 mg daily

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3/9/23, 3:37 PM

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20020210202520/http://www.alacercorp.…

The Mind Alive By Jay Patrick He who truly has "The Mind Alive" conducts his life with zest. Each encounter with life's problems becomes an adventure, a game to be played, a challenge of his resourcefulness in seeking the answers, the solutions, the courses of action or inaction through the maze of alternatives that are exposed. He is the investigator, the analyzer, the sleuth. He explores; he seeks out the data in which each problem is wrapped. He is confident; he is intrigued by each new obstacle that emerges. He is relaxed in his outlook, yet fully alert to each nuance of a subject...and ready to spring into action once he has made a decision. He has a great inner humility, though it may not so much show. He has made three basic discoveries: How little he knows; how much he has to learn, and; how much he will never know. He seeks out the knowledge of others, their opinions, their conclusions. He is prepared to consider almost any relevant idea and knows that, even if untenable, it may be a springboard for a better idea. He knows that decisions must be made with some dispatch -- even the decision to do nothing -- or to set aside a problem for reconsideration in the light of another day or in conference with his associates. He knows that "time is of the essence", that every action comes entwined in the circumstances of the moment. He knows that the Past is a great reservoir for the Future, but that each day, each hour brings a new realignment of all the forces of nature and of man's relationship to his fellows and to his environment. Yet, "The Mind Alive" has no existence by itself. It is an integral part of the well-adjusted, well-fed body. Each is bound to the other, not as master to servant...but as co-owner of the enterprise, Life. In its most effective form it is a mating of enormous power and potential. Yet, it depends so much on superb performance for fine-tuning, a balancing act that moderates boldness with restraint and the selective filtration of a host of stimuli.



3/9/23, 3:37 PM

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

The human brain is a miracle that deserves much more than the Nobel Prize. We are daily learning more and more about it, yet it still exceeds (and may always exceed) in countless functions, the workings of any computer of any feasible size. We now know that our thoughts can control not only the obvious body functions of speech and other muscle movement, but, as bio-feedback makes evident, many other physiological actions such as pulse rate, blood pressure, and circulation -- once thought to be the exclusive domain of the autonomic nervous system. However, this astounding organ needs a lot of TLC (Tender Loving Care) if one is to come at all close to operating it at, say, even 35% of its potential. We must first recognize that, although the brain is usually only about 1/52nd of total body weight, it requires as fuel, about 25% of the oxygen brought in by the lungs and close to 25% of the glucose circulating in the blood. And these energy requirements persist on a 24hour basis, awake or asleep. The brain is poised, however, in very delicate balance. Researchers have found that even microscopic amounts of many different substances, such as LSD, present at a level of as little as 3 millionths of an ounce, can throw any person quite out of his mind. It is, indeed, the most powerful psychedelic drug known to man. It concentrates in the more primitive centers such as the hippocampus (related to memory) and the pineal gland. It arouses dreaming and blocks the firing of neurons that respond to seratonin, the chemical messenger of the brain. Yet some degree of mental imbalance occurs among millions of us with every passing day. Certainly this is evident on our highways as many go wild under the influence of alcohol, drugs, stress, the competitive urge, and/or the sense of power that a fast, maneuverable auto gives them. The wonder is that many times more people do not die in this way. So, as anyone may seek to use his mind more effectively, he must recognize that it is, indeed, a very delicately adjusted instrument that will enable him to accomplish much if he can only bring it and hold it closer to perfect pitch. As one strives to accomplish more, each succeeding success fortifies and re-enforces the next effort. As we learn more about the brain, we are discovering that it is a much more flexible instrument than it first appeared to be. For instance, while it is evident that specific areas of the brain do specialize in the control of specific bodily functions, there is not only continuous interaction with all other areas, but when injury occurs, another segment of the brain may take over many of the functions of the damaged tissue. But, probably most encouraging of all is the news that, even though our bodies may show clear signs of advancing age, our brains can soar on to substantially higher levels of activity than ever before possible. Lane Lenard explains it very well as the Dynamic Brain (Science Digest, 12/83). He says: "Traditionally, most neuroscientists have envisioned the brain as a static, two-to-three pound mass composed of billions of individual nerve cells, or neurons, plus structural or support cells. All connections between the neurons were made, it was assumed, early in life, after which the only change was a gradual loss of neurons through age. But new research is showing the brain to be an active, dynamic, https://web.archive.org/web/20020210202520/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Mind.htm


3/9/23, 3:37 PM

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

ever-changing structure. Neuroscientists can open up new channels of communication in your brain...neurons need to be stimulated. If they aren't, their connections will regress or die out." (Emphasis the author's.) Yes, this view runs counter to most of what we have been taught, that, starting at the point of maturity between 20 and 25 years of age, this body goes into steady decline as it proceeds toward ultimate death. But I am convinced that the right life style, the right nutrition, and the right thoughts can bring the body forward after maturity, radically slowing the decline of physical prowess…and further, I KNOW that, even after a chronological 86 years or more, the mind can develop to a level of performance far above its ability at any earlier age. Yet, this is not happening so very much with most people. I have driven through the streets of St. Petersburg, Florida, famous for the numbers of its elderly citizens. It is said that, seated on one of the fine benches lining every block of the city's main street, one venerable citizen said to another: "What was that thing we used to do?" He who would have "The Mind Alive" at any age must be doing something that is very interesting to him, that presents frequent challenges that are not beyond his abilities to meet. This is not so easy to accomplish -- to find such a career is of itself a real challenge. Not everyone in this complicated society can have an interesting job. Any job can be made more interesting, though, and the person who takes that interest can usually work himself up to a higher level, a position of greater challenge and interest. For myself, I will say that I had a number of rather interesting positions through life, but I did not find a truly wonderful challenge until I entered the field of nutrition, health research, and food supplementation. There I found, to my great surprise, that much remained to be done, that I could fill a lot of gaps, meet the needs of a great many people that were not being met. One of the basic formulas for success is said to be: "Find a need and fill it." Of course, there is, I will confirm, no substitute for experience. Simulations of war as war games have their value for the soldier. Simulations of business problems and adventures have their value for the business student. Indeed, they represent types of experience, though often without the full complexity of reality. But those who really reach out in life acquire a reservoir of real, unvarnished experience that provides the brain with a powerful base of operations. As this book nears its conclusion, or what might best be described as a stop-off point, I want to report that, intellectually, I am probably its major beneficiary. Trying to put together data, thoughts, opinions that might be, hopefully, of genuine benefit to others has proved to be the major challenge of my career. But, more than that, it has stimulated my mind, my brain, my neurons to a level of activity which is, I believe, at least 25% higher than that of which I was able even six months ago. Note that I use the word "able" rather than "capable". Lost, apparently in the movement of the American language during the past half-century, is what I regard as an important distinction in the word "capable" as the power to develop the state of being "able". "Ability" has always been to me, more specifically, the state of being able to perform a given task. https://web.archive.org/web/20020210202520/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Mind.htm


3/9/23, 3:37 PM

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

There is really, I think, no true synonym in the American language. The varied nuances of meaning are very important to us if we are to do our best thinking, because words are the encapsulated tools of thought which we require for the solution of problems. He who has a small vocabulary has a small mind. The semi-developed neurons may be there, but he lacks the encapsulated nuances to facilitate and sharpen his thinking, to stimulate his neurons to make new contacts with other neurons. I believe this is one serious problem restricting many of our citizens who are of foreign extraction: They grow up speaking two languages poorly. So they lack the tools they need to express themselves, to understand others, to read, to write, to think effectively. Putting this book together, while covering a host of business and engineering problems, has too often interfered with my sleep pattern, which I find of great importance to my daily performance and general health. Yet, on the positive side, the project has clearly fine tuned my mind and heightened my knowledge and understanding. In my 20's I wrote a short poem which went a little like this: You helped us all to clean the house and put it well in order. To organize the garden and to paint a new white border. You encouraged us to fix the fence and restore the family name. Thank you much for all these things, Company that never came! William Shakespeare, John Milton, Robert Frost - they and all the other greats may rest comfortably in their graves. I promise that I shall do nothing which will excite their envy. So, if my readers be but few, I shall benefit more than you. Because of the innate power and potential of the human mind, it has been the subject of a great deal of research and a great deal of speculation, some of it "far out". The human brain is surely the best brain among all living things. I had great hopes for the dolphins, who can carry on two conversations simultaneously, but so far, our communication networks have not been able to have satisfactory talks with them. Besides, we already know that almost any woman can carry on two conversations simultaneously, anyway. Maya Pines wrote The Brain Changers, published in 1973. She predicted that small implants would be going into human brains to influence behavior and well being within a decade. That decade has passed, and more and we do not have them yet, but many such things will surely happen. Of course, we already have heart pacemakers implanted in the chests of many thousands...and working rather well. But the greatest potential of the human brain seems to lie in the determination and utilization of the lifestyle and food, fuel supplementation that will maximize its functions. Home



3/9/23, 3:37 PM

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

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3/9/23, 2:21 PM

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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20011015073246/http://www.ala…

Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley


The Mind Alive from the forthcoming book "Staying Alive and Being Alive"

By Jay Patrick

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR FREE Streaming Video Player:

He who truly has "The Mind Alive" conducts his life with zest. Each encounter with life's problems becomes an adventure, a game to be played, a challenge of his resourcefulness in seeking the answers, the solutions, the courses of action or inaction through the maze of alternatives that are exposed. He is the investigator, the analyzer, the sleuth. He explores; he seeks out the data in which each problem is wrapped. He is confident; he is intrigued by each new obstacle that emerges. He is relaxed in his outlook, yet fully alert to each nuance of a subject...and ready to spring into action once he has made a decision. He has a great inner humility, though it may not so much show. He has made three basic discoveries: How little he knows; how much he has to learn, and; how much he will never know. He seeks out the knowledge of others, their opinions, their conclusions. He is prepared to consider almost any relevant idea and knows that, even if untenable, it may be a springboard for a better idea.



3/9/23, 2:21 PM

Alacer Corp

He knows that decisions must be made with some dispatch -- even the decision to do nothing -- or to set aside a problem for reconsideration in the light of another day or in conference with his associates. He knows that "time is of the essence", that every action comes entwined in the circumstances of the moment. He knows that the Past is a great reservoir for the Future, but that each day, each hour brings a new realignment of all the forces of nature and of man's relationship to his fellows and to his environment. Yet, "The Mind Alive" has no existence by itself. It is an integral part of the welladjusted, well-fed body. Each is bound to the other, not as master to servant...but as co-owner of the enterprise, Life. In its most effective form it is a mating of enormous power and potential. Yet, it depends so much on superb performance for fine-tuning, a balancing act that moderates boldness with restraint and the selective filtration of a host of stimuli. The human brain is a miracle that deserves much more than the Nobel Prize. We are daily learning more and more about it, yet it still exceeds (and may always exceed) in countless functions, the workings of any computer of any feasible size. We now know that our thoughts can control not only the obvious body functions of speech and other muscle movement, but, as bio-feedback makes evident, many other physiological actions such as pulse rate, blood pressure, and circulation -- once thought to be the exclusive domain of the autonomic nervous system.



3/9/23, 2:21 PM

Alacer Corp

However, this astounding organ needs a lot of TLC (Tender Loving Care) if one is to come at all close to operating it at, say, even 35% of its potential. We must first recognize that, although the brain is usually only about 1/52nd of total body weight, it requires as fuel, about 25% of the oxygen brought in by the lungs and close to 25% of the glucose circulating in the blood. And these energy requirements persist on a 24hour basis, awake or asleep. The brain is poised, however, in very delicate balance. Researchers have found that even microscopic amounts of many different substances, such as LSD, present at a level of as little as 3 millionths of an ounce, can throw any person quite out of his mind. It is, indeed, the most powerful psychedelic drug known to man. It concentrates in the more primitive centers such as the hippocampus (related to memory) and the pineal gland. It arouses dreaming and blocks the firing of neurons that respond to seratonin, the chemical messenger of the brain. Yet some degree of mental imbalance occurs among millions of us with every passing day. Certainly this is evident on our highways as many go wild under the influence of alcohol, drugs, stress, the competitive urge, and/or the sense of power that a fast, maneuverable auto gives them. The wonder is that many times more people do not die in this way. So, as anyone may seek to use his mind more effectively, he must recognize that it is, indeed, a very delicately adjusted instrument that will enable him to accomplish much if he can only bring it and hold it closer to perfect pitch. As one strives to accomplish more, each succeeding https://web.archive.org/web/20011015073246/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap31-mind.htm


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success fortifies and re-enforces the next effort. As we learn more about the brain, we are discovering that it is a much more flexible instrument than it first appeared to be. For instance, while it is evident that specific areas of the brain do specialize in the control of specific bodily functions, there is not only continuous interaction with all other areas, but when injury occurs, another segment of the brain may take over many of the functions of the damaged tissue. But, probably most encouraging of all is the news that, even though our bodies may show clear signs of advancing age, our brains can soar on to substantially higher levels of activity than ever before possible. Lane Lenard explains it very well as the Dynamic Brain (Science Digest, 12/83). He says: "Traditionally, most neuroscientists have envisioned the brain as a static, twoto-three pound mass composed of billions of individual nerve cells, or neurons, plus structural or support cells. All connections between the neurons were made, it was assumed, early in life, after which the only change was a gradual loss of neurons through age. But new research is showing the brain to be an active, dynamic, everchanging structure. Neuroscientists can open up new channels of communication in your brain...neurons need to be stimulated. If they aren't, their connections will regress or die out." (Emphasis the author's.) Yes, this view runs counter to most of what we have been taught, that, starting at the point of maturity between 20 and 25 years of age, this body goes into steady decline as it proceeds toward ultimate death. But I am convinced that the right life style, the right nutrition, and the right thoughts can bring the body forward after maturity, radically https://web.archive.org/web/20011015073246/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap31-mind.htm


3/9/23, 2:21 PM

Alacer Corp y y y slowing the decline of physical prowess… and further, I KNOW that, even after a chronological 86 years or more, the mind can develop to a level of performance far above its ability at any earlier age.

Yet, this is not happening so very much with most people. I have driven through the streets of St. Petersburg, Florida, famous for the numbers of its elderly citizens. It is said that, seated on one of the fine benches lining every block of the city's main street, one venerable citizen said to another: "What was that thing we used to do?" He who would have "The Mind Alive" at any age must be doing something that is very interesting to him, that presents frequent challenges that are not beyond his abilities to meet. This is not so easy to accomplish -to find such a career is of itself a real challenge. Not everyone in this complicated society can have an interesting job. Any job can be made more interesting, though, and the person who takes that interest can usually work himself up to a higher level, a position of greater challenge and interest. For myself, I will say that I had a number of rather interesting positions through life, but I did not find a truly wonderful challenge until I entered the field of nutrition, health research, and food supplementation. There I found, to my great surprise, that much remained to be done, that I could fill a lot of gaps, meet the needs of a great many people that were not being met. One of the basic formulas for success is said to be: "Find a need and fill it." Of course, there is, I will confirm, no substitute for experience. Simulations of war as war games have their value for the soldier. Simulations of business problems and adventures have their value for the https://web.archive.org/web/20011015073246/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap31-mind.htm


3/9/23, 2:21 PM

Alacer Corp

business student. Indeed, they represent types of experience, though often without the full complexity of reality. But those who really reach out in life acquire a reservoir of real, unvarnished experience that provides the brain with a powerful base of operations. As this book nears its conclusion, or what might best be described as a stop-off point, I want to report that, intellectually, I am probably its major beneficiary. Trying to put together data, thoughts, opinions that might be, hopefully, of genuine benefit to others has proved to be the major challenge of my career. But, more than that, it has stimulated my mind, my brain, my neurons to a level of activity which is, I believe, at least 25% higher than that of which I was able even six months ago. Note that I use the word "able" rather than "capable". Lost, apparently in the movement of the American language during the past halfcentury, is what I regard as an important distinction in the word "capable" as the power to develop the state of being "able". "Ability" has always been to me, more specifically, the state of being able to perform a given task. There is really, I think, no true synonym in the American language. The varied nuances of meaning are very important to us if we are to do our best thinking, because words are the encapsulated tools of thought which we require for the solution of problems. He who has a small vocabulary has a small mind. The semi-developed neurons may be there, but he lacks the encapsulated nuances to facilitate and sharpen his thinking, to stimulate his neurons to make new contacts with other neurons. I believe this is one serious problem restricting many of our citizens who are of foreign extraction: https://web.archive.org/web/20011015073246/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap31-mind.htm


3/9/23, 2:21 PM

g They grow up speaking two languages poorly. So they lack the tools they need to express themselves, to understand others, to read, to write, to think effectively. Alacer Corp

Putting this book together, while covering a host of business and engineering problems, has too often interfered with my sleep pattern, which I find of great importance to my daily performance and general health. Yet, on the positive side, the project has clearly fine tuned my mind and heightened my knowledge and understanding. In my 20's I wrote a short poem which went a little like this: You helped us all to clean the house and put it well in order. To organize the garden and to paint a new white border. You encouraged us to fix the fence and restore the family name. Thank you much for all these things, Company that never came! William Shakespeare, John Milton, Robert Frost - they and all the other greats may rest comfortably in their graves. I promise that I shall do nothing which will excite their envy. So, if my readers be but few, I shall benefit more than you. Because of the innate power and potential of the human mind, it has been the subject of a great deal of research and a great deal of speculation, some of it "far out". The human brain is surely the best brain among all living things. I had great hopes for the dolphins, who can carry on two conversations simultaneously, but so far, our communication networks have not been able to have satisfactory talks with them. https://web.archive.org/web/20011015073246/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap31-mind.htm


3/9/23, 2:21 PM

Alacer Corp

Besides, we already know that almost any woman can carry on two conversations simultaneously, anyway. Maya Pines wrote The Brain Changers, published in 1973. She predicted that small implants would be going into human brains to influence behavior and well being within a decade. That decade has passed, and more and we do not have them yet, but many such things will surely happen. Of course, we already have heart pacemakers implanted in the chests of many thousands...and working rather well. But the greatest potential of the human brain seems to lie in the determination and utilization of the lifestyle and food, fuel supplementation that will maximize its functions.

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3/9/23, 3:26 PM

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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19990423233438/http://www.ala…

Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR FREE Streaming Video Player:


Life Begins at Sixty? By Jay Patrick Life Begins at Forty is the title of a fascinating book I own. Published in 1932, over half a century ago, and written by Walter B. Pitkin, Professor of Journalism at Columbia University, it brought startling news that a man could go forward in his 40's to a great career in a land of great opportunity. This was, indeed, news in 1932, at the bottom of the depression. (Strangely, Pitkin ignores the sad state of the economy at that time, as millions of people were jobless and hungry, and banks were closing, one after the other.) But life expectancy at birth had risen from 47 years at the turn of the century to about 55 by 1932. Pitkin said:

"Before the Machine Age, men wore out at forty. When the World War broke out, the British found their recruits from mine and mill towns 'already aging at thirty-five'… Nobody knows much about this complex world until he is close to forty." He reported, though, that by age 40, men had a sharp drop in their energy level, so they would have to use their matured wisdom and abilities to pursue the better life of which he judged them capable.



3/9/23, 3:26 PM

Alacer Corp

Let me give you some fascinating excerpts from Life Begins at Forty:

"…But in all the more progressive factory centers life grows easier -- in spite of depressions and war. Thanks to SuperPower and the Machine, housework is becoming a joke...many able people, like many geniuses, blossom late. Every art and science can exhibit a wealth of instances here. "Titian was of no consequence whatsoever until past 40, but he improved up to 70 and worked hard until 90... Handel wrote 'The Messiah' when 56, and Haydn's best works all came after 50 -- his 'Creation' was done at 67...Michelangelo's most tremendous conceptions were projected into paint between his 59th and 89th years. "…At 40, in brief, most men have not yet arrived and have not yet found themselves fully...So, while fools die young, superior people learn to live late...As for the average citizen, he goes on working, colorless and inert, neither a joy to himself nor a burden to anybody else. Neither he nor the fool will read these pages, so we may safely blurt out the truth about them both. Just as freedom is only for the free, and power for the powerful, so with living: life begins at 40 for those who have something to live for and in and by. For the empty it is a void. For the stupid, it is a stupidity. For the weak, it is a conscious death. But for the vigorous and the vivid, it is the end of an overture and the beginning of still greater music." So Pitkin had some quite interesting things to say about life and goals...and may have been on the right track in many ways. However, his accuracy as a prophet of our https://web.archive.org/web/19990423233438/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/chap3-60.htm


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economic future is somewhat short of the mark.

"In the decade between 1970 and 1980, electric and chemical power will be as cheap as water now is; energy will have ceased to be a factor in calculating costs of consumption goods...food will have lost its significance in the family budget...clothing will be so cheap that nobody will worry over its cost, save on the luxury level...where today millions of children with good minds and good constitutions are stunted and retarded intellectually by hunger, bad food, narcotics, alcohol, overwork, evil companions and a host of diseases mostly preventable, the world of 1975 will have delivered all such from bondage, except perhaps in the worst parts of the equatorial belt." Utopia is still beyond the blue horizon. But instead of dying off at about 55 years of age, as happened for most people half a century ago, we are now living to about 75 and it is predicted that we will possibly get up to about 80 by the year 2,000. Yes, it's progress, but it's not anything like the progress it should be because, to begin with, we are producing: An Inferior Race "Each year," says J. A. Miller (Science News), "approximately 16 million babies are born abnormally small because their growth was retarded in the womb. These infants, in general, run higher than normal risks of health problems at and after birth...Minor nervous system defects, such as poor motor coordination and learning problems, are difficult to identify until the child is at least six years old."



3/9/23, 3:26 PM

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3/9/23, 2:18 PM

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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.ala…

Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley CLICK HERE FOR FREE Streaming Video Player:


Specialized Woman and Our Medical Wasteland By Jay Patrick The most basic motivation of every living thing is to reproduce...reproduce...and reproduce itself. In human females, much of the body is, obviously, specially designed for this purpose. A product of one specialization is her breast milk, which has no synthetic equal in its ability to aid the growth and health of the infant. But, there is one aspect of a woman's specialization that is almost universally ignored -- she can produce small amounts of the mineral ascorbates of "Vitamin C" in her own body, it seems evident to us. This supply of mineral ascorbates, although inadequate for full development of the infant, must be essential for its survival. Indeed, some of the ascorbate is produced in the placenta, with the result that the baby has some 400 millimoles of ascorbate per liter of blood on the day of birth, although the baby will have little or no ascorbate thereafter. The National Academy of Science reports that mothers' milk contains, on average, 40



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Alacer Corp

mg. of Vitamin C per liter. Furthermore, you may be sure that this "C" is present as mineral ascorbates, not as the somewhat intolerable ascorbic acid. This intake of mineral ascorbates is of major importance to the young infant, who can use it in a thousand ways, especially to develop the connective tissue, which is 30% of the protein of his body. In addition to many other ways, including stepping up of his resistance to disease. Yet the usual formula sold as imitation mothers' milk, has very little Vitamin C and it certainly is not present as mineral ascorbates. Evidence now shows that throughout a woman's early life her coronary arteries are protected against the scurvy that causes men to start accumulating plaque in their arteries, sometimes as early as in their 20's. In a woman, such clogging does not usually start until the late 40's, when she is beyond the normal childbearing age. Long ago, researcher, Dr. E. Cheraskin, told me that "the body is never wasteful". In other words, what the body produces is for the purpose of contributing to the life process, that, if it will not so contribute, it halts, or radically restricts such production. I am inclined to think that after a woman is past childbearing age, the body loses interest in furnishing her with her full requirements for extended life and really good health. Of course, the body does aid her in furnishing ascorbate for a child in her milk, because the young child cannot enjoy full development of its brain and body structure without it. But, once the child is weaned, it must largely starve for ascorbate, with never quite enough to aid in full growth and resistance to disease. https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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But, because she is programmed to produce children, the woman apparently produces small amounts of ascorbate through most of her early life, especially as she reaches puberty. However, as her production of estrogen comes to a halt, she then enters a period of great susceptibility to atherosclerosis, clogging of the coronary arteries. We do not believe that this is because she is now without estrogen. Rather, we think it is because her modest production of ascorbate has also come to a halt. THE BODY HAS ACCOMPLISHED ITS PRIME PURPOSE -- PRODUCING A BABY. So it places her in the same category as her husband, who has probably never produced any measurable amounts of ascorbate. Of course, we do know that this lack of estrogen renders the woman less interested in sex, and perhaps, a little less feminine in other respects. Doctors have sought to meet this need by prescribing estrogen, often with small amounts of the male hormone, progesterone. Harvard University reports that this hormone therapy also greatly benefits the coronary arteries and reduces clogging drastically. However, the Harvard report adds that estrogen therapy increases the risk of breast cancer by about 43%, which about ties the score. Basically, the woman just switches her mode of death from heart attack to cancer. My associates and I think we have the solution to this problem. We believe that administering estrogen simply "fools" the body into believing that a baby is still ahead, and that ascorbate production should still be maintained. So, while this has the beneficial effect of preventing the clogging of arteries, it upsets the delicate https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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balance of the immune response that keeps the body's cells under control and inhibits the wild cellular replication that we call cancer. Woman are special in many ways. They have complex hormonal rhythms which control their physiological and mental states which are necessary for sexual activity, pregnancy, and child rearing. Their anatomical structures are specialized for intercourse, fertilization, pregnancy, and milk production. Each of these special processes in one way or another requires mineral ascorbates. Accordingly, my associates and I have concluded that if women want to avoid both heart attack and cancer, the most logical course is to ingest substantial amounts of the mineral ascorbates, which are highly beneficial to the body at any age. Since we regard hypoascorbemia as the number one major ailment that affects all humanity, we know that women (and men) can ingest multigram amounts of these substances with the confidence that they are meeting one of their most basic needs. Hypoascorbemia, the "hidden scurvy", is almost totally ignored by medicine. This "scurvy" attacks men approximately 10 years earlier than it does women. Most researchers think atherosclerosis affects women later in their lives due to the abandonment of estrogen production. This may be described as the old error of post hoc, ergo propter hoc, after this, therefore, because of this... But my associates and I do not believe that estrogen has such power. During a 77-year life span, 72,000,000 gallons of blood pass https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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through the coronary arteries. This causes an abrasive action on the intima, the lining of the arteries. To repair this damage, the cells of the intima are replaced every two or three days to repair this damage. However, as these cells may lack the mineral ascorbates necessary to form truly health replacement cells, the intima starts to bleed. The body strives valiantly to meet this challenge, so hemorrhaging is gradually halted. But scar tissue forms on the surface of the arterial lining. It is this scar tissue that first collects a small amount of Protein A, as the Linus Pauling Institute discovered. The Protein A is quickly followed by cholesterol, lipids (fats), and calcium, in approximately equal amounts. These three layers compose the plaque that destroys most of us, as it shuts off the flow of blood to the heart. Let me give you some preliminary proof: I have been taking 10 grams of mineral ascorbates on a daily basis for more than 25 years. Also for many years, my employees have received monthly supplies of their ascorbate requirements, generally at lower levels. Ten people over the age of 40(ages ranging from 42 to my age at that time, 82) were tested, and one woman, age 55, with a mean average of 55.8. Eight of them, including me, showed zero levels of calcium plaque, one man showed a level of 97, and one woman a level of l55. Even these two scores were well below the level of 260 to 450 of calcium at which even mild symptoms are manifest, as you can see by the chart. Accordingly: https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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We challenge any physician in the world to have 10 of his patients of the same approximate age group checked out by the same Ultrafast CT Scan technique, and get even 2 or 3 of the 10 with 0 calcium levels. Where, in all the annals of medicine have any such results been reported? You may search the literature endlessly, to no avail. Of course, it will take hundreds of similar results to convince slow-moving medicine that they have been "barking up the wrong tree", that it is not the essential substance cholesterol that, of itself, causes the plaque anymore than it is the equally essential calcium. (Do they tell you to lower your calcium intake?) Indeed, there has been a recent finding that people with the really low cholesterol levels have poorly functioning brains. For sure, those who have been selling this baloney seem to suffer from the same cerebral problems. Doctors make too much money getting you into their offices to check your cholesterol, plus devising futile methods to reduce your susceptibility to this great killer... to give up this income easily! Medical researchers "cannot see the forest for the trees". For more than 30 years they have embraced the stupid theory that cholesterol, per se, causes clogging of the arteries. Here is the logical explanation of atherosclerosis, which I have been involved in understanding for some 27 years. But, despite the beautiful faces and bodies that emerge with many of our children, not https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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a single one of us is ever perfect. Some 4,000 genetic diseases encumber all humanity to varying, individual degrees. Yet, every living person suffers from at least two of these inborn errors. They are hypoascorbemia, inability to produce mineral ascorbates, as do some 99.9% of other animals, and hypouricasemia, inability to produce uricase, the enzyme that controls excess production of uric acid, the antioxidant that induces gout, principally in men. A Wasteland We can manage to keep the symptoms of gout under fairly good control, but in meeting the needs of the major disease that dooms most of us to great travail and premature death, hypoascorbemia, our medical "science" is one vast wasteland. Indeed, the very physicians who would advise us about our health show their incompetence by dying, on the average, before they are 60 years old. This is an age at which they have reached less than half of their theoretical life expectancy of 140 years, or 7 times 20, our period of maturity, as live other animals who produce copious amounts of ascorbate in their own bodies. A Mixed Bag Yet researchers are finding that women given hormone-replacement therapy, which principally consists of estrogen and small quantities of the male hormone, testosterone, are largely free of this plaque, and that their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is 53% lower. However, the risk of death from breast cancer, The Harvard Health Letter reports, https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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of those on hormone therapy for 10 years or more, is "43% higher than in non-users". This would seem to largely cancel out the benefits of such therapy. But what is happening to an older woman who develops plaque in her arteries, the principal cause of heart disease? It is our conclusion that this is due to her halted production of mineral ascorbates. (See chart.) Since babies are no longer being produced, the chief motivation of the woman's body, the need for this vital life substance, ascorbate, is less acute. So, unfortunately, her coronary arteries, indeed, her whole body, loses this life-extending protection. But, because of the early protection of her body, the woman still lives 6 to 8 years longer than a man. Less than one thousand years ago, the average woman would be dead in her early 40's, the time at which she now tends to enter the menopause. The eminent health researcher, Dr. E. Cheraskin, of the University of Alabama, has said "the body is never wasteful", that it does not produce substances for which there is no particular need. Since the woman of the past was due to die in her 40's, there was no great need to produce mineral ascorbates to protect her arteries, since they could last a few years after the end of menopause quite well. So, when doctors come along and give estrogen to a woman after she has largely ceased production of the hormone, the body can be misled into thinking that pregnancy is ahead, so it's necessary to produce small https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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amounts of the mineral ascorbates to aid development of the fetus. But it is now quite evident that this small amount of ascorbate, although probably essential to survival, is grossly inadequate for full, healthy development of the child. Catching Up However, in her later years, at about age 60, the woman catches up with a man. A UCLA cardiovascular researcher reports, in the level of plaque. But she still tends to live longer than a man, probably because the flow of blood to her heart has been slowed for a shorter period of time. Thus, the heart, indeed, her whole body, has more strength and endurance. Four enzymes are utilized in the liver of most animals for the production of ascorbic acid, although this highly reactive acid, then, undergoes a fifth stage of reaction with minerals in the liver to produce the neutral mineral ascorbates. Thus, the ascorbates are the true Vitamin C, or liver metabolites, as produced in 99.9% of other animals, which can then circulate in the blood without irritation. These mineral ascorbates are then more readily accepted by body cells, since the minerals with which they are complexed, such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, all essential to cell function, all act as transporters of ascorbate through the cell wall. The cell, we remind you, is the basic unit of life, and there are some 70 trillion cells in the average body. Fooling Mother Nature? What must happen with women taking hormone replacement therapy is that their bodies are fooled into thinking that they are https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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still of child-bearing age and will, consequently, tend to resume their production of ascorbate to help the fetus in the womb. But resumption of ascorbate production, instead of aiding a non-existent fetus, helps prevent what I have described as The Hidden Scurvy that is radically shortening the life of every living person. Indeed, I have stated that everyone in the world, who does not die from some accident, will die of scurvy. That is because we are shorted on this vital substance while even in the wombs of our mothers. I have some tangible proof of this. To the children of my second wife, Ymelda, 13 children have been born. At least 11 of these grandchildren were born to mothers who took, daily, 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates during their pregnancies. The oldest of these, Felicia, 19 years old, has been graduated with high honors from high school. A straight A student and mathematics whiz, she has such astounding strength and agility that she has been offered training in karate for the Olympics. All eleven are honor students, which is not a coincidence. They received the mineral ascorbates at the most important time of their lives, facilitating full brain, body, and muscle development. So, lacking the application of the mineral ascorbates, our society is daily producing a mass of children who emerge from the womb with at least one strike against them. With inadequately developed minds and bodies, they shall have to cope with an increasingly complicated world. https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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Summarizing: So, careful, unbiased examination of the biochemistry involved will show that: 1. Women produce small amounts of mineral ascorbates in their bodies until they go through the menopause. The best proof of this is that, unlike men, their arteries remain comparatively free of plaque until they are in their 40's. 2. This ascorbate helps maintain the integrity of the intima (lining) of the coronary arteries, so that no bleeding resulting from the abrasive action of blood transfer occurs. (In a 77 year life some 72,000,000 gallons of blood are pumped through the arteries.) 3. When a woman has gone through the menopause, both estrogen and ascorbate production are obviously halted, so bleeding of the intima of the coronary arteries tends to occur. As bleeding stops, alternately, scar tissue is formed. This scar tissue then collects, sequentially, the cholesterol, lipids, and calcium, which compose the plaque. Ultimately, this plaque can so block the flow of blood to the heart as to induce death. 4. Estrogen therapy must fool the woman's body into believing that she is still of childbearing age, so ascorbate production is resumed. Thus, ascorbate protection of the intima is, also, resumed, and little or no plaque accumulates. 5. However, although the body has been fooled into resuming ascorbate production, its immune system is so confused that it is thrown out of balance, so the immune response malfunctions, and a high percentage of cancer of the breast occurs. https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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My Solution: So, the solution to the problem is so obvious as to escape the bright minds of many learned but drug-oriented physicians: Instead of dangerous estrogen, give the patient large amounts of mineral ascorbates, 5 to 10 grams daily, and great benefits can surely be obtained. This procedure is not at all comparable to estrogen therapy, since all humankind suffers from the genetic defect that, unlike more than 99.9% of other animals, we cannot produce really adequate amounts of mineral ascorbates in our own livers. This is clearly an unsolved genetic defect that shortens the life span and reduces the capability of every person on this planet. However, it can be greatly alleviated by the ingestion of mineral ascorbates. But, you may say that estrogen intake increases a woman's interest in sex. Yes, but this is an artificial expedient. Her body is designed for reproduction. Once the childbearing period has passed, she does not need the sexual urge, the body reasons, because she cannot produce more children! So, thus, the intake of estrogen to make life more interesting is fraught with the danger of malfunction of the body, with unhappy results such as cancer and, sometimes, a long list of undesirable consequences not fully equated by the medical profession. Addendum: Very recent studies confirm a considerable difference between woman and men, often with regard to relative survival rates. The New England Journal of Medicine reported https://web.archive.org/web/20011015075152/http://www.alacercorp.com/chap4-SW.htm


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in its July 22, 1999 issue that a study of 385,000 heart attack patients showed that woman under 50 were more than twice as likely as men to die before being discharged from the hospital. With advancing age, these differences diminished, but they persisted until approximately age 75, at which point they tended to even out. A second study covering over 12,000 patients who had heart attacks or severe chest pain known as unstable angina, showed that woman often have symptoms that are atypical to those of men, which makes diagnosis much more difficult when they show up to the hospital, often leading to much different outcomes. Accordingly, it becomes more and more important that woman, especially with advancing age, fortify their bodies with the mineral ascorbates which they can no longer at all produce.

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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR FREE Streaming Video Player:

Chapter 14

The Flu Vaccine: More Hogwash By Jay Patrick Since 1974, I have been writing articles explaining the truly fraudulent nature of some of the vaccines promoted by the Center for Disease Control and some of our scientific organizations. The first article spoke of the Swine Flu Vaccine, which was injected in some 43 million trusting Americans, when there was absolutely no Swine Flu in the Country. Indeed, the vaccine killed some 128 people almost immediately, and this vaccine still lodges somewhere in the bodies of those who remain of the 43 million who were injected. Furthermore, as the magazine, Science, has commented, "such vaccines have horrendous potential due to their errant ways to kill off millions of people, rather than help them." Yet, to my amazement, now comes the October, 1998 issue of the Wellness Letter of the University of California, Berkeley, which recommends the flu vaccine, especially for people over 65. I have consulted with my good friend, Dr. J. Anthony Morris.



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Dr. Morris is a distinguished virologist who was in charge of quality control at the FDA when the swine flu virus was first developed. He warned that the vaccine was no good and should not be used. For that, he was discharged on trumped-up charges and still has not received a cent of back pay for the past twenty-four years since losing his FDA position. Accordingly, I faxed a copy of the U.C. Wellness Letter to Dr. Morris. Here are some of his comments. The Wellness Letter suggests that those of any age with cancer, asthma, lung or heart disease, diabetes, HIV, or certain other chronic disorders; and women in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, should get these shots. "If this is so," Dr. Morris asks, "why are trained physicians administering the vaccine to less than 30% of those in the other eight listed categories. I can tell you why. They don't trust it! Dr. Morris and other authorities explained that it is a guessing game as to what the nature of the vaccine may be. This is because it takes nearly a year to prepare a vaccine, so that by the time the vaccine is out, the virus has mutated to a different form. They make an effort to calculate, based on the average viruses that appeared, just what the nature of the virus will be. But this is only a guessing game, which they seldom win. Thus, the vaccine that you may usually receive each year is not specific for the virus it is supposed to inhibit, but is usually designed for a non-existent virus, so it is of no value to you. Indeed, it may do you more harm than good. https://web.archive.org/web/19991009184417/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/fluvaccine.htm


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Perhaps you care to turn to my article under Flu Vaccines: Worthless.

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Comatose Patient Returns to Life

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Comatose Patient Returns to Life We all know that in these non-biblical times no one is ever brought back to life from the dead. German Grandillo, age 24, could be a different case. This young and handsome Mexican citizen was in an automobile accident in the Imperial Valley, California, on February 2nd. He suffered no obvious physical injury, but the shock of the whole affair resulted in brain hypoxia, and he became completely comatose. Only the area of the brain which controls the breathing remained operational. He was taken to a San Diego hospital on a respirator where they performed two operations, the first, a tracheotomy in which a tube went down into his body to bypass the nasal passages for breathing and, secondly, an opening was made into the stomach and a tube inserted for feeding him. For two months he lay in the San Diego hospital with minimum indications of any life, accumulating enormous daily bills for his 24-hour care. His parents, good citizens of Mexico City, found the heavy hospital expense unbearable and transferred him to the much lower cost Ingles Hospital in Tijuana, under the supervision of Dr. Armando Garcia, a surgeon. Doctors who attended him thought he would die within 10 days. The patient lay in the Tijuana hospital for some three months, under 24hour nursing care, without any signs of improvement. Then, learning of the powerful benefits of the mineral ascorbates as available in the U.S.A., Dr. Garcia decided to try these remarkable forms of "C" such as 3.4 million species of animals produce in their own livers, the real mineral ascorbates. These are neutral in pH and quite essential to brain and body cells. These ascorbates, produced by Alacer Corp., are available as Emer'gen-CTM. This product consists of seven mineral carbonates and acids such as ascorbic and citric acids plus B vitamins, enclosed in a tight, hermetically sealed packet. When water is added, a reaction occurs, producing mineral ascorbates such as most animals other than humans, who cannot, because of a genetic defect, produce in their own bodies. https://web.archive.org/web/20020210200148/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Comatose.htm


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Comatose Patient Returns to Life

Some two months ago Dr. Garcia started with the introduction of six grams, six packages, of the Emer'gen-CTM products in liquid form directly into the stomach. After a week or two of this treatment, the patient showed the response of high irritation, as something was happening to him which was not under his control. The dosage was reduced to four grams daily after this, and within about four weeks German opened his eyes and started to come alive. This progress has continued. German can now smile, actually enjoy a joke, and will respond to such requests as that he move his legs, although his arms are less responsive. During the next three weeks the plan is to remove the tracheotomy tube, so that he will be able to speak for himself, although Dr. Garcia warns that this must be done very carefully and slowly, as the young man needs to learn to breathe through his nostrils again. Once this is accomplished, the patient will be taken to Mexico City where he will spend a week of checkup, and, hopefully, then return to his home for further rehabilitation. We think this is a first in the field of medicine and believe that many other comatose patients in the world can be brought back to reality with mineral ascorbates. Indeed, Dr. Garcia is in a wonderful position to do this, a very kind and talented surgeon who wants to do as much good as he can. Dr. Garcia would like to take on more comatose patients, but the problem is that the cost of maintaining them in his hospital amounts to $200 a day for each person. (In the USA it is $2,200 to $5,000 a day.) We think this is a major victory for all humanity. We believe that the mineral ascorbates should be tried on comatose people all over the world. Surely, it will do nothing but good for them. There may be some failures, but we predict that there will be mostly success. Interested parties are invited to contact us for any details that they feel are lacking. Furthermore, we believe that the medical profession should open its eyes to the major role of the mineral ascorbates. The lack of these substances, which, due to a genetic defect we cannot produce in our own bodies, renders us far more susceptible to disease and shortens our lives greatly. Indeed, this is what we regard as the great "hole" in our persons. We believe that the doctor should, first, work to replace this genetic defect as best he can, and that he will then find that far less medicine is required for his patient. Hopefully, this could bring about a revolution in the practice of medicine We are accordingly appealing to all humanity for funds to permit this fantastic work to go on, to quickly prove to the world that the brain can be brought back to life with mineral ascorbates. Thus, we solicit funds to be mailed to the Committee for World Health, attention of Dr. Richard Dana, for transfer into this wonderful, earthshaking project. Credit cards may be used. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



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Confessions of a Scientist

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Confessions of a Scientist * By Richard Dana, M.S., Ph.D. I started work as Director of the Committee for World Health in early January of 1996. After 20 years in regular academic research I was very skeptical of the approach to mineral ascorbates which I was to explore. But I liked Jay Patrick, founder of the Committee, and his associates, and thought I should give this unorthodox approach a try. I had come from a very conventional American Medical Association background. I had worked at a number of major medical research institutes such as Columbia University; University of California, San Francisco; University of California, San Diego; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation; and Children's Hospital, Orange County. Taking 8 to 12 grams of mineral ascorbates daily as Emer'gen-CTM and Super Gram IIITM, I started to notice some remarkable results. For many years, I could twist one of my ankles so readily as to lay me up for a day or two. Furthermore, if I made a minor twist of my legs, my knees would swell up to the point where I wondered if I did not need surgery. But these episodes quickly ended. I had had a long history of stomach problems, a queasy stomach most of the time. My hearing was very poor to the extent that I had to wear a hearing aid during most of the subsequent years. However, I have lately found I can throw away my hearing aids and hear very well without any problem. In checking with an audiologist, I found that in the last year or so my hearing has improved 5 to 10 decibels, so that I no longer require hearing assistance and can go freely about. For some years I had some problems with multi-tasking projects in my mind. Those problems have now ended, and I feel a degree of alertness I've never experienced before. (I learned that the brain requires 10 times the volume of ascorbate as in the blood plasma.) In addition, I daily enjoy a feeling of well-being which is an important part of my life. But I never heard of any phenomenon such as this, or encountered in all of my scientific literature any mention of such powers of the mineral ascorbates. These results jibe with the daily influx of favorable testimonials from all over the world. I am now 54 years old, the exact age at which my father collapsed and died. Of course, he never had any benefit of the mineral https://web.archive.org/web/20011217220950/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Confessions.htm


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Confessions of a Scientist

ascorbates. Actually, he died from a massive occlusion of his coronary arteries. I had myself checked a few days ago with an Imatron CT Scan at the UCLA Cardiovascular Center which can actually see the insides of your intestines, etc. They found a zero level of calcium deposits, indicating that I have essentially no plaque whatsoever in my arteries. This means that I must be doing something right. Indeed, we have proved that the mineral ascorbates repair the intima, the lining of the coronary arteries, so that they are opened wide to blood circulation. It seems that there has been a genetic influence in my family that rendered nearly everyone susceptible to occlusion of the coronary arteries. Thus, 8 out of 10 of my uncles died at an early age, most of them because their coronary arteries became clogged.

A Major Medical Fraud The theory that cholesterol is of itself responsible for the problem represents one of the major corruptions of the medical profession. For 50 years they have been telling us this, and for 50 years the idea that you can control occlusion of your arteries by reducing the level of your intake is one of the phony things by which most doctors live. Actually, the body has a mechanism to control the level of cholesterol. If you eat a lot of cholesterol-containing eggs, areas of your body reduce the production of cholesterol, or increase it, if no other sources of this vital substance are being taken in. Indeed, we have confirmed a theory of two Canadian physicians. It is this: our coronary arteries can pass over 80 million gallons of blood during a long lifetime. Since the blood is mildly abrasive, due to the presence of the minerals in the blood plasma, it would, certainly, during much less than this time, wear away the cells which line the arteries. However, the arteries protect themselves with intimal cells, the lining which is replaced every two or three days. But, if there is no good Vitamin C, preferably as mineral ascorbates, present in the cells of the intima, they start to bleed and then settle down as scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, the lipids, and the calcium. Cholesterol is indeed a part of the clogging of the arteries, but only because it is collected by the scar tissue. The particular level of cholesterol is rarely a factor in your body, so long as it is within reason. It is because the lining is so damaged that it collects the cholesterol, not per se, because of a particular level of this essential hormone-producing substance, cholesterol. Note the chart below, showing that 8 out of 10 of Alacer employees had zero levels of plaque in their arteries. This is because they have been taking the mineral ascorbates produced by Alacer for in excess of six months. Modern medicine simply does not offer any such results as this.



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Confessions of a Scientist

For some 50 years the medical profession has clung to the erroneous idea that reducing the level of cholesterol will reduce occlusion of the coronary arteries. This approach is a fraudulent concept which benefits both doctors and drug companies. In fact, I challenge all the doctors in the world to assemble 10 people of approximate ages as shown and check them for such congestion, using either the Ultrafast CT Scan or magnetic resonance identification. They certainly will not have even 1 or 2 out of the 10 that show absolutely clear arteries. Although there are in excess of 100,000 studies which have been made on ascorbic acid, practically none has been made on what is the real Vitamin C, a total of some seven mineral ascorbates which the animal body manufactures in its own liver. Calcium ascorbate and sodium ascorbate have been given some attention. Indeed, for many decades sodium ascorbate has been used widely for intravenous introduction into the human body. One of the principal health researchers is the National Academy of Sciences which has managed to stifle further research on any form of "C", including the intermediate, ascorbic acid. It is, therefore, almost impossible anymore to get approval of any research on the subject in this country. The writer attended some nine months ago a meeting in Vancouver, B.C., where a presentation was made on research of some seven products unsuccessfully employed to halt schizophrenia. Dr. Frederick Klenner utilized several hundred grams daily of sodium ascorbate intravenously in curing everything from viral encephalitis to multiple sclerosis. While the IV approach is effective, it is costly, and I'm sure not nearly so effective as the full range of mineral ascorbates, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, as the major bodily forms in bringing countless ailments under control. And the mineral ascorbates are now available for one's intake, in an economical way.

Ascorbate Research Blocked However, we need a vast amount of research on this subject. Accordingly, I ask my colleagues to give consideration to investigation of viral pneumonia, chicken pox, tuberculosis, malaria, mononucleosis, arthritis, cancer, leukemia, diabetes, Helicobacter pylori, surgery recovery and wound healing, chronic fatigue syndrome, influenza, reduction of strokes, therapeutic benefit against additional strokes, to mention a few. A https://web.archive.org/web/20011217220950/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Confessions.htm


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major consideration can be evaluation of women's pregnancies. The five daughters of Ymelda Patrick took 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates during their pregnancies, with a result of 12 highly intelligent children that are in wonderful health and are A students in school. Of course, at the present time, it is still almost impossible to get any governmental support from these studies. I believe that the pharmaceutical industry is largely responsible for this. Since the National Academy of Sciences relies on the drug industry for its principal financial support, it turns out that, per se, the discouragement of these companies, which seek billions in return on its pharmaceutical studies, puts a wet blanket on the most important research that should be going on. This list is far from complete, as mineral ascorbates support the immune system against any invader that would disrupt cell balance. It has been our principal source of survival through the centuries of our residence on this earth. But it has been forever incapacitated by our failure to produce the mineral ascorbates in our own livers, since we lack the fourth enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, which produces the fourth stage of mineral ascorbate synthesis, ascorbic acid, to be followed by the fifth stage involving the reaction of ascorbic acid to minerals present in the liver. Notation: Solutions are now available which have extraordinary purity, being pyrogen-free and extremely pure ascorbate which works so effectively in the bloodstream. Usually of sodium ascorbate, they can be used intravenously in the body in great volume, if necessary and, often, with extraordinary results. Products are economical and freely available which will produce 1 gram of mineral ascorbates, when water is added. Some 70 trillion cells of the body require the following minerals in this order: Potassium - 20 parts Sodium - 5 parts Calcium - 3 parts Magnesium - 2 parts Manganese - ½ part Zinc - trace These mineral ascorbates act as mineral transporters to bring the ascorbate into body cells and aid the fantastic mitochondria within, which produce some 90% of the energy of the body, to function effectively against most invaders. As a consequence of repeated ignorance of this basic disease of the world, hypoascorbemia, by the National Academy of Sciences and its affiliates, some 90% of the people of the world have been influenced to ignore their basic disease, inability to produce mineral ascorbates in their bodies, as do some 1.5 million other animal species. Indeed, this major disease is responsible for the shortened, precarious lives of most people and our poor immunity to almost every disease, starting with the common cold, which usually becomes completely eradicated in the lives of those who take the mineral ascorbates daily. https://web.archive.org/web/20011217220950/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Confessions.htm


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Confessions of a Scientist

The condition of medical science in this regard is insufferable, outrageous, and deplorable. We cannot be a modern nation, a modern world, and suffer the consequences of this ailment any longer. Thus, I am in agreement with Jay Patrick, who has "a holy crusade" to aid the world in facing its major health problem. Now 88 years old, he wants to live to be at least 100, so that he may advance this major cause.

ADDENDUM By Jay Patrick Yes, humans are the most intelligent of some 1.5 million different species of animals in the world, yet they are among the less than 10 animals who are known to suffer from this devastating disease which Irwin Stone named hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce mineral ascorbates in their own bodies. In regard to the misshapen children that are often born, Omar Khayam said "Did the hand of the potter shake?" Yet the Pope himself is slowly dying for lack of the mineral ascorbates that could have helped to keep him well. We sent him some, but his learned advisors turned them down. At the First World Congress which I staged in 1978 in Palm Springs, Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi said: "Is this affliction really the penalty for the apple that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?" The foundation which I have set up has as one of its chief objectives the restoration of the gene that is responsible for our inability to produce in our livers L-gulonolactone oxidase, the fourth enzyme. If we had a little bit of outside financial support, we might be able to figure out a way to reinsert this gene in the human body, but our efforts are largely ignored and millions of people, in fact almost the whole world, suffer the ignominy of this impoverishment. Meanwhile we are making remarkable progress toward the conversion of stem cells into heart muscle cells, which we firmly believe can be injected into the human heart and restore its strength. Actually, I am hopeful to share in this major benefit, since my heart is weakening. It has already pumped some 80 million gallons of blood through my arteries, this wonderful two pound organ, which compares with the 52 million gallons of oil the ship Valdez spilled in Alaska, may not last me until I can complete my holy cause to which hardly anyone else pays any attention, and bring the world to recognize how much more each of us can accomplish if he or she has the support of these mineral ascorbates. For our real survival, we must turn away from the ridiculous drugs offered by our pharmaceutical industry. The majority of these drugs may serve some biological benefit in the body at the cost of as many as a dozen side effects which can destroy us. For instance, my heart specialist gave me a potassium tablet which I did not need, since my daily intake is more than 1,000mg of potassium as potassium ascorbate, the best form of potassium available. I also eat at least three bananas weekly which give me more. This potassium tablet upset my entire digestive system, causing gas, diarrhea, and pain. I quickly threw it away and have been https://web.archive.org/web/20011217220950/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Confessions.htm


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Confessions of a Scientist

doing exceedingly well since. The list of side effects for this tablet is enormous, you may be sure. More and more am I able to understand why some 100,000 people die in our country every year from the misapplication of drugs given them. This is absolutely ridiculous. We would do much better if we shut down the whole drug industry and just concentrated on the vitamins and minerals we actually need, but most of all the mineral ascorbates. Yet a multi-billion dollar industry will quickly seek to silence me. But first of all, we must end the drug reign of our so-called National Academy of Sciences, which misleads our FDA and most of the world in misunderstandings of our true dietary needs. I have accordingly instituted a court complaint against the National Academy of Sciences which will compel them to show how they act so emphatically against the public interest. This complaint was first filed in the federal court, but they found a way legally to get out of it. Our current complaint is in the Superior State Court at Santa Ana, California. I shall welcome your support and the support of every true scientist. The National Academy of Sciences is a shameful sham of an organization, the principal servant of the drug companies, rather than the American people they are intended to serve. The organization should be promptly disbanded and another set up which is financed by the U.S. Government alone, which will help greatly to promote the impartiality with which it must operate. In most of the labs of the country, funding is by federal grants, but almost every professor can get money from various other drug companies, also, and from private monies, which will very much direct his research and his partiality. Many things must be done to correct this situation and cannot readily be detailed. Even the horrifying disease of leprosy, with which some 10 million people are afflicted (see Discover Magazine, November 2000), might benefit dramatically from the mineral ascorbates. Surely 10 grams or more daily should be tried on these forgotten people. Incidentally, the monkey who cannot produce its own mineral ascorbates, suffers intensely from this ailment. It should be the first animal on which the mineral ascorbates are tried. For instance, the NAS came out with a statement some months ago that people should not use more than 2 grams of Vitamin C because it can produce diarrhea. Of course, they are only speaking of ascorbic acid, as they seem totally unaware that it is only an intermediate in the production of Vitamin C in the animal's body. This reaction is only partly true, as the reaction of various people varies enormously. Some can only stand 2 grams, others as many as 10 grams of ascorbic acid without any diarrhea. Indeed, the body can become used to the acidity of the product to a considerable degree, indeed tolerant. They should wake up and learn that the mineral ascorbates which the animal produces can be the only true "C". Furthermore, the mineral ascorbates are also neutral in pH and can be taken in the larger gram quantities so essential in good body function, without any adverse reaction whatsoever. However, the NAS doesn't recognize that ascorbic acid is not the real Vitamin C but only an intermediate in the animal's body, the fourth product of reaction in the liver, which then immediately goes into a fifth stage where it reacts with minerals present in the liver to form potassium https://web.archive.org/web/20011217220950/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Confessions.htm


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Confessions of a Scientist

ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, and all of the other ascorbates which then go through the body through the bloodstream of the animal and into the cells, which are so happy to have not only ascorbate but minerals that they vitally need. A high percentage of researchers work on a project just because it was funded, not because it bears any particular relationship to the real problems of life. In fact, hundreds of millions of dollars of funding occur most basically because the money is there to be spent. Yet the most basic life problem of the world is totally ignored, the fact that we humans, the most intelligent of 1.5 million species of animals suffer from a genetic defect, our inability to produce mineral ascorbates in our own bodies that will eventually kill each of us, who does not die accidentally. This is because without adequate amounts of mineral ascorbates, our mothers cannot put together essentially perfect bodies in pregnancy. Thus, there are rarely perfect babies, without some, often unperceivable, defects of construction, that can precipitate death. Further, lacking the fantastic support of the immune system which mineral ascorbates can bring about, we are susceptible to countless diseases which a stronger immune system could ward off, that precipitate death or marked incapacitation. Yes, each of us lacks, as stated, the fourth enzyme in his/her liver, Lgulonolactone oxidase, which would enable our livers to perform the formation of ascorbic acid, the fourth stage, which is rapidly followed by the reaction into mineral ascorbates of the fifth stage, the making of the neutral mineral ascorbates. The National Academy of Sciences has assumed a scientific responsibility far beyond that of any individual who may be concerned with his first amendment rights. Nearly every observation that this organization issues is copied throughout the world, in the belief that it is scientifically based and will promote good health. Yet this organization has consistently recommended that the average intake of Vitamin C for an adult should be 60 mg daily, whereas the average daily production of Vitamin C by some 1.5 million species of other animals is in excess of 10,000 mg when compared to a 70 kg human, which is 167 times the small dosage recommended by the NAS. It is one of the purposes of this suit to inquire from the NAS how they managed to arrive at such a ridiculous figure as 60 mg, although it has lately been increased to 90 mg, without any explanation. Of course their research is with the wrong item, since ascorbic acid is not the real Vitamin C as can be readily established. Ascorbic acid is not well accepted by the body and therefore the multi-gram quantities adequate for good health cannot be ingested in this form. In short, they have been studying the wrong substance and therefore all of their research is invalid and the first amendment is not involved in this misadventure, as they claim. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp.. https://web.archive.org/web/20011217220950/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Confessions.htm


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A CRIME AGAINST OUR SOCIETY! NEWS RELEASE Alacer Corp. Foothill Ranch, CA May 9, 2000 Jay Patrick, 87-year-old president of Alacer Corp., wishes to announce that Alacer is preparing a suit against the National Academy of Sciences for their absolute falsehoods in regard to the use of high levels of Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene. Alacer is the producer of Emer'gen-CTM, the leading effervescent drink mix, which forms, with water, the real mineral ascorbates such as more than 99% of all animals, except humans, produce in their own livers. The suit will concentrate on the completely false statements made regarding Vitamin C, which contradict their own findings, as reported in their Dietary Reference Intakes report, just released. We regard our genetic inability to produce mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in our own bodies as the major disease of the world. This ailment renders us unable to counter innumerable diseases which can never be cured by drug approaches and which greatly shorten our lives. Alacer attorneys will be filing the suit in about 10 days. We shall summon major scientists of the world in support of our charges. The role of Vitamin C in life extension, it will be shown, far exceeds the antioxidant capabilities which the National Academy of Sciences indicates is its sole function. Accordingly, we are prepared to prove that the Academy is actually lying in their remarks, which cover all diseases of humankind. Indeed, we feel that their statements constitute a crime against our society. Thus, we shall ask that the federal charter of the Institute be revoked. ****

ABOUT PATRICK At age 59 Jay Patrick was head of a chemical specialties corporation in northern New Jersey. He had developed in 1954 the outstanding https://web.archive.org/web/20011217220946/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/crime.htm


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replacement of the highly toxic carbon tetrachloride, stabilized 1-1-1 trichloroethane, and such products as IBM Tape Cleaner and Developer for use by IBM Computers throughout the world. But Patrick was not at all interested in nutritional supplements. However, he started to suffer from extreme pains of the TM joints and turned to dentists to help eliminate them. One dentist had ground down his teeth for some seven sessions without relief of the pain. Patrick then happened to notice a full-page article on Irwin Stone, who had been spending his extra time as an enzyme chemist on studying Vitamin C and its many benefits. He learned that Stone was located on Staten Island, New York. So he climbed in his boat up the Hudson River and went to see Stone, landing at the Staten Island Marina. They became good friends and visited together weekly. Among the things that Stone told him was that all humans suffer from a genetic disease, our inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies, as do some 99.9% of all animals. He explained that animals produce the neutral mineral ascorbates in their own livers. Patrick tried five or six grams of ascorbic acid and quickly noted that about 95% of his TMJ pain went away. This immediately attracted his interest. He resolved that he would find some way to produce the same mineral ascorbates used so successfully by animals. Accordingly, he shut down his New Jersey plant and returned to his native California. Within the coming years he set up a plant to produce timed-release mineral ascorbates and other food supplements, which proved quite successful. However, in 1978 he conceived the idea of making a product which would simulate the production of C by animals. It turned out to be Emer'gen-CTM effervescent drink mix, which quickly reacts with the various products necessary for formation of the mineral ascorbates. Emer'gen-CTM has become the outstanding Vitamin C in the United States as sold through health food stores and, lately, in many grocery chains. Patrick has written some 100 articles on health and his book Staying Alive and Being Alive will shortly be published. It includes articles such as "How to Get Out of the Hospital Alive", "Four Great Medical Hoaxes", "What Kills Most of Us", and "Specialized Woman". P.S. Patrick's wife, Ymelda, has 16 grandchildren, all of whom are remarkable people. All are in excellent health. All are A or B students. The reason? Their mothers had 8 to 10 grams of Alacer's mineral ascorbates during each pregnancy. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



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Daily Vitamin C to Cut Heart Disease and Diabetes, New Findings Source: foodnavigator.com 14/04/2004 - Vitamin

C breaks boundaries with a new study showing for the first time that the vitamin reduce levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation and chronic disease risk in humans. Their findings could provide tools to beat heart disease and diabetes, and with it new opportunities for the food industry. Researchers at the University of California say that participants who took about 500 milligrams of vitamin C supplements per day saw a 24 per cent drop in plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) levels after two months. Recent research suggests that CRP may be a better predictor of heart disease than cholesterol levels. "C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation, and there is a growing body of evidence that chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer's disease," said Gladys Block, UC Berkeley professor of epidemiology and public health nutrition and lead author of the study. If our finding of vitamin C's ability to lower CRP is confirmed through other trials, vitamin C could become an important public health intervention, she added. The study, published in the April issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, is the first time vitamin C has been shown to decrease levels of CRP, a biomarker that has garnered increasing attention among health researchers in recent years. Inflammation occurs as part of the body's defense against infection or injury. The body triggers the production of inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-6, that then triggers the production of CRP by the liver. "CRP levels can go up 100-fold within a short period of time as a reaction to an infection, but they then drop back down rapidly after the acute infection passes," said Christopher Jensen, a research scientist in Block's lab and co-author of the paper. "It's not clear how vitamin C was able to lower CRP levels for people in this study," he added.


The scientists theorise that perhaps vitamin C may suppress the production of cytokines, but they assert that this hypothesis needs to be investigated through future studies.


They say that long-term adverse health effects occur when inflammation persists at low levels. This chronic inflammation, with persistent low levels of CRP, has been found among smokers and Type 2 diabetics, as well as among overweight or obese persons. Scientists have only recently begun to understand such chronic inflammation as an important factor in disease. "Several large studies have suggested that CRP may be a better predictor of heart disease than cholesterol levels, although this has been questioned," said Marion Dietrich, a UC Berkeley researcher in nutritional epidemiology and another co-author of the study. " CRP is widely recognised as an important biomarker for inflammation. Elevated CRP concentrations have been found in obese people, indicating that obesity is associated with chronic inflammation. The association may help explain why overweight people are at increased risk for chronic disease development such as diabetes, heart disease or certain types of cancer." For the study, researchers tested 160 healthy adults from Berkeley and Oakland in California who either smoked or were exposed to second-hand smoke. The researchers adjusted for body mass index and baseline CRP concentrations. People who had high levels of CRP to start with, likely due to existing illness, were excluded from the study. Participants were randomly assigned to receive a daily dose of a placebo, a vitamin C supplement of about 500 milligrams, or a mixture of antioxidants made up of vitamin C, vitamin E and alpha-lipoic acid. Neither the researchers nor the participants knew which group a subject belonged to in the double-blind study. Plasma CRP levels were measured from blood samples before and after the two-month trial. Levels of CRP decreased significantly, by 24 per cent, among participants who had taken the vitamin C pills when compared to those in the placebo group. For those taking the antioxidant mixture, levels of CRP decreased 4.7 percent compared to the placebo group, but the change was not statistically significant. The researchers noted that in other studies, higher doses of vitamin E produced lower CRP levels among Type 2 diabetics and healthy individuals. "We were surprised to find no statistical change in CRP levels among people taking the antioxidant mixture, while those taking the vitamin C supplement saw a significant 24 per cent drop," said Block. "However, the only other study to administer vitamin C and vitamin E together also did not show an effect on CRP." It's possible that there is some interaction among the antioxidants that rendered the mixture less effective in reducing CRP levels, but that's not clear at this time, said Block. The National Institutes of Health has awarded Block a grant to conduct another randomised trial of vitamin C and CRP levels in order to confirm the findings.

Sunday November 20th, 2005


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Vitamin C deficiency common in people with severe asthma   Increasing vitamin C intake could help people with severe asthma, report researchers today, who call for further investigation of the vitamin’s role in protecting against the disease, writes Dominique Patton. Source: nutraingredients.com Previous population studies have found an association between with decreased intakes of antioxidants such as vitamin C and incidence of asthma although follow-up studies looking particularly at vitamin C have produced conflicting results. The new study, published in the August issue of the European Respiratory Journal (vol 26, no2), investigated the possibility that decreased levels of antioxidants may also contribute to the development of severe asthma.


Neil Misso from the Asthma & Allergy Research Institute in Australia and his colleagues compared the dietary intakes and blood concentrations of antioxidants, including vitamin C, in 28 patients with severe asthma compared with 53 mild asthmatic patients and 43 subjects without asthma.


Among all subjects the dietary intakes of vitamin C and carotene, which are mainly derived from fruit and vegetables, were lower in males than in females. Men with severe asthma had a particularly low intake of these antioxidants. The blood concentrations of vitamin C were markedly lower in patients with severe asthma compared to subjects with mild asthma or those without asthma, and this difference was observed in both males and females, said the researchers. The study also identified patients with severe asthma as being more overweight, with a higher intake of fat and a higher blood cholesterol concentration compared with the other subjects. In addition, lung function was better in subjects with high blood vitamin C and low blood cholesterol concentrations. The study suggests that patients, and particularly males, with severe asthma may benefit from making sure they have an adequate intake of antioxidants such as vitamin C in their diet. The researchers noted that in a recent trial, children with mild asthma found no benefit from taking vitamin C.

But they write that "the results of the present study, together with recent evidence that the beneficial effects of antioxidants may be influenced by polymorphisms in the glutathione

Tuesday February 7th, 2006


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3/9/23, 3:04 PM

Two kinds of Vitamin C

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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Do You Know That There Are Two Kinds of Vitamin C? By Jay Patrick

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR

1. ASCORBIC ACID: This form of Vitamin C is found naturally in citrus fruits, hip berries, acerola, fresh tea leaves, and peppers. It has a pH of 2 to 3, which is clearly on the acid side. This acid can be tolerated in humans at varying levels, ranging from 200 mg. to 2,000 mg. daily. Usually, gram quantities lower the pH of the urine from the norm of about 6.8 to 4. to 4.5. This is increasingly irritating to the kidneys and bladder, inducing a strong diuretic action, which results in a marked loss of valuable mineral from the body, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, and heartburn. (Cancer and Vitamin C, Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling) Since ascorbic acid is an unstable, highly reactive substance, it may react, instead, with countless other materials, especially in the stomach. This means that the acid may be used inefficiently in the human body. It is, indeed, a highly active form of "C" which is not always accepted by body cells, and, as stated, may rapidly go to the kidneys and bladder for excretion from the body. 2. MINERAL ASCORBATES: These mineral forms of Vitamin C are the basic versions utilized by all animals that, unlike humans, can produce "C" in their own bodies. (Only humans, the guinea pig, the monkey, the ape, and a type of bat



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Two kinds of Vitamin C

have been shown to suffer from this genetic disease, hypoascorbemia.) With four enzymes in their livers, 99% of all animals in the world manufacture ascorbic acid. But, in a fifth stage, which is often ignored, the acid reacts with the minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates. Actually, the name Vitamin C is a misnomer, according to Dr. Irwin Stone, world authority on the subject. Vitamins are required by the body in only microgram or milligram quantities, whereas mineral ascorbates are required in quantities of many grams, if the needs of the human body are to be fully met. Into The Cells These neutral, minerals ascorbates are both mineral transporters and ascorbate transporters. Thus, they are rapidly accepted by some 70 trillion cells of the human body, which require both minerals and ascorbate for survival. This means that, instead of losing minerals vital to life such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and chromium, as with ascorbic acid - these sustaining substances are being added to body cells to help them maintain the equilibrium that is vital to good health and survival. In fact, Vitamin C can be stored in organs such as the adrenals, the brain, and the heart only as mineral ascorbates. Stored Life Savers In contrast with the wasteful and inefficient ascorbic acid, the neutral mineral ascorbates are undoubtedly the most efficient form of Vitamin C available, as they can quickly get into the cell, the unit of life. In the cells of major organs, these enormously versatile Life Savers are stored for their most effective use, as required, to meet both continuous and emergency needs of the body. Thus, the mineral ascorbates have the capacity to increase greatly the



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p y g y fantastic protective and energy enhancing power of Vitamin C, which among perhaps 1,000 interacting functions in the body, is essential to the production of adrenalin, the power hormone that we expend so rapidly, especially in stressful situations. Two kinds of Vitamin C

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3/9/23, 3:29 PM

A Holy Crusade

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Effects of Mineral Ascorbates: Heart Disease Prevention in Smokers 10 million people in the United States have died from smoking since 1964. 98,000 people die annually from coronary heart disease attributable to smoking which we regard as largely preventable. Coronary artery calcium scores are correlated with smoking, according to research reports published in the American Journal of Cardiology by Dr. J. M. Tobis and colleagues1, as well as in numerous other publications28. It is also known that smoker's organs are depleted of Vitamin C. Mineral ascorbates have been shown to prevent calcification of coronary arteries (see chart 1). Yet no one has considered the obvious causes of breakdown of the immune system, due to the human genetic defect of hypoascorbemia, the inability to produce adequate amounts of Vitamin C. Cost to society of this human frailty is enormous. Our research of 28 years has confirmed this. Indeed researchers have been working with the wrong product L-ascorbic acid, which is not the real Vitamin C. 1.5 million animals produce an average 10,000 mg of mineral ascorbates when equated to a 150 lb human, which is 179 times the generally accepted 60 mg (or lately 90 mg) of "C", which the public has been mislead to believe is the desirable level of this essential element of life.



3/9/23, 3:29 PM

A Holy Crusade

Chart 1. CT scores of some Alacer employees

We purpose to test the effects of mineral ascorbates as a means of eliminating calcium deposits from the coronary arteries in smokers and show that they may reverse the negative effects of smoking within a matter of weeks or months. Research Proposal 100 adults who smoke at least 1 pack of cigarettes per day will be given 8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily: 4 grams of SuperGram III (Alacer Corp) tablets at 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. along with 4 packets of Emer'gen-C (Alacer Corp) for 120 days. Calcium deposits in the coronary arteries will be measured by ultrafast computed tomography (CT) and plaque measured by intracoronary ultrasound (ICUS) before and after receiving mineral ascorbates for 120 days. 200 bottles of SuperGram III (260 ct) and 14 cases of Emer'gen-C will be donated by Alacer Corp for this study. Determination of plasma mineral ascorbate levels will be performed monthly to ensure patient compliance. Pulmonary function tests will be performed to determine improvement in lung capacity before and after 120 days of treatment with mineral ascorbates. Research results will be compiled by physicians and technicians at a major medical center in Mexico under the supervision of Dr. Fantozzi and The Committee for World Health. A report of preliminary results will be communicated at the III World Congress on Vitamin C, June 10-12, 2001 in Victoria, British Columbia. References 1 Goel M, Wong ND, Eisenberg H, Hagar J, Kelly K, Tobis JM. Am J Cardiol 1992, v 70, 977-980 2 Kuller LH et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1999, v 19, 2189-2198 https://web.archive.org/web/20020213215440/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/effect2.htm


3/9/23, 3:29 PM

A Holy Crusade

3 Mielke CH Jr et al. J Cardiovasc Risk 2001, v 8, 81-86 4 Detrano RC et al. Am Heart J 1994, v 127, 1526-1532 5 Schmermund A et al. Circulation 1997, v 96, 1461-1469 6 Schmermund A et al. Am J Cardiol 1998, v 81, 141-146 7 Nishino M et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000, v 35, 314-320 8 Weissman NJ. et al. Am J Cardiol 1999, v 84, 37-40 Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



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EFFECT OF VITAMIN C AS MINERAL ASCORBATES ON SCHIZOPHRENIA Pushchino Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow region, Russia; To: Committee for World Health, Foothill Ranch, California, U.S.A.

Report The goal of the investigation was to study the influence of Vitamin C as Mineral Ascorbates on schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a disease with many different forms and syndromes. In our short-term study we were relying on the diagnosis previously made by a psychiatrist. In this report we will present our data concerning the influence of nutritional supplements with large doses of Mineral Ascorbates on the status of persons with schizophrenia. The group consisted of 8 persons with schizophrenia. The influence of supplements on their status was determined from our observations, as well as from the reports made by the patients and their relatives and friends. We used the following Vitamin C supplements for treatment of these persons: "Emer'gen-C™" (Alacer Corp), and tablets of "CMA" (Alacer Corp), Calcium Magnesium Ascorbate. The patients volunteered to participate in the research and were under the supervision of the physician during the study. Megadoses of Vitamin C (as Mineral Ascorbates) were used (individual doses adapted by the physician). 1. R.T., 55. Schizophrenia. She has been ill since 1980. The last six years she didn't work and was on disability (invalid of the II group). Every year she spends one to two months in a psychiatric hospital. Recurrences of the https://web.archive.org/web/20020206213545/http://www.cworldhealth.org/schizophrenia.htm


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disease usually happened in the spring. Before starting the intake of supplements, she had just come from a mental hospital where she received large doses of psychotropic drugs. She was depressed, talking with difficulty and thinking very slowly. The changes in her mental state were obvious almost immediately after she started on mineral ascorbates. Depression disappeared, she became cheerful and merry. She was surprised with her quick recovery and convinced that intake of supplements helped her. R.T. recollects a similar period after hospital stay and is surprised with her very fast recovery this time. She would like to take higher doses of supplements but has a problem with her kidneys and liver. She noted, though, that her urination improved and became almost normal. 2. S.V., 50. Schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis. She was sick for approximately 15 years, the last 8 years she was on disability (an invalid of the II group) and did not work. She was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric hospital. She began to take the vitamins in a stage of mania. She liked "Emer'gen-C™" very much, took very large doses, and probably this induced even more agitation. The physician and her daughter even wanted to hospitalize her, but increased doses of her usual medication helped to stabilize her state. S.V. became quieter and more adequate. For a while she was taking only "CMA" at night, as her sleep and general mental state improved. In our last meetings she read poetry, talked about church she regularly visits, and spoke about her work in the Invalid society, where she volunteers as a book-keeper and helps other people with disabilities. S.V. is very pleased with the effect of the mineral ascorbates, she works with much more pleasure, sleeps well. She has regained joy of life and a feeling of self-value. 3. A.V., 51. Schizophrenia, manic-depressive syndrome for 10 years. Invalid of the II group, does not work. She was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric hospital, the last time two years ago. For all these years she courageously fought the illness, was attending, when she could, fitness groups, walked a lot, communicated with friends, who have not left her alone in trouble and helped her as they could. Unfortunately, her husband was frightened by her illness and helps her very little at present. Despite constant intake of psychotropic medications, her intellect is still active, though her interests became narrow. She has trouble with acquiring new skills. For the last two years her mental state and the ability to take care of herself gradually improved. She understands it is https://web.archive.org/web/20020206213545/http://www.cworldhealth.org/schizophrenia.htm


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necessary to stay connected and be useful to people, and so, she now helps her friends with pleasure, baby-sitting, cooking meals etc. Intake of mineral ascorbates assisted her recovery to normal life, has increased her general vigor, made tiresome housework (general cleaning of a house, work in the kitchen and garden) possible. Formerly, because of treatment with haloperidol, she could not sit still in one place and had to pace about. Since last year, the dose of this medication was lowered (to 0.5 mg), and though her persistent urge to move was diminished, only the mineral ascorbates intake helped her to get rid of this symptom completely. 4. S.L., 39. Manic-depressive syndrome with repeated hospitalizations. Invalid of the II group. The desire to understand and overcome her illness, to become a better person has forced her to accept many healthy practices. She tries to be busy at all times: she does karate, music (vocal and guitar), visits an art studio to study drawing. She is a good computer programmer, and now she started to work in a computer company. She develops bookkeeping computer programs used by businesses. She takes medications only in a case of a conflict or sleep disturbance. Though she understood the necessity of taking her medications, she was concerned about taking supplements in megadoses because she was trying to avoid synthetic compounds. The positive experience of others changed her attitude. After she started on "Emergen-C™" and "CMA", she noticed a significant improvement in her ability to take care of herself, became more active, felt joy of life, her sleep improved, and she had beautiful dreams. 5. S.M., 33. Schizophrezia with autism since 16. Invalid of the II group. He was offended by unkind remarks of his classmates at high school and stopped going there, refused to leave the house at all and to communicate with anybody, except his parents. He has created his own world, which is comfortable to him, has intense spiritual life: listens to alternative music, writes fantastic novels, draws. At present S.M. does not take medication, sleeps well. He is quiet, able to take care of himself and can even prepare meals for his parents, does repairs in the apartment and works in the garden (in the absence of neighbors). The parents try to create best conditions for him, love him. Their life is devoted to the son. S.M. liked "Emer'gen-C™" but refused to take "CMA". It is difficult to tell in this case if there were any changes in his condition, as his way of life has not changed, and he doesn't want any changes. All information was through the parents, https://web.archive.org/web/20020206213545/http://www.cworldhealth.org/schizophrenia.htm


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who noticed, though, that S.M. became easier to communicate with. 6. G.I., 53. Schzophrenia for about 15 years. Chronically depressed. Troubles in personal life: unsuccessful delivery, divorce from her husband, quarrels with her daughter have resulted in a decline in her mental and general health. It is difficult to communicate with her, she hears only herself. After taking "Emer'gen-C™" in the morning and "CMA" in the evening, G.I. has become a bit more vigorous, looks healthier, so there is hope for a significant shift for the better. 7. K.L., 49. The disease started after hysterectomy followed by divorce. She is sick for about 10 years. She was repeatedly treated in a hospital. She is depressed, hardly carries out common tasks. Her daughter has purchased in Holland an analogue of serotonin named "Seroxat" and St.-John's wort preparations which helped her depression. Now she takes "Emer'gen-C™" in the morning and "CMA" in the evening. Sometimes she adds "Super Gram III™". Her state improved considerably in 3 weeks of such intake. K.L. has good mood, feels energetic. Her morning fatigue and dizziness have gone, her vision improved, appetite normalized. 8. K.E., 62. Schizophrenia, depression. She is treated by a psychiatrist. She felt unhappy, restless, constantly complained about various disorders, and randomly took medications. She felt that everything was bad. Her big problem is loneliness, though K.E. attends the church with her friend. After 3 weeks of intake of mineral ascorbates her condition considerably improved. She is in a good mood now and taking care of her appearance for the first time in a long time.

DISCUSSION All patients noted significant improvement of their physical and mental state after 3 weeks of intake of Mineral Ascorbate supplements ("Emergen-C™" and "CMA"). Their energy level during the day increased, and they slept better at night. They were less tired, could work more and felt happier. It is necessary to mention a very fast recovery of R.T. after treatment in a psychiatric hospital and significant reduction of depression in K.L. and K.E. Though conventional treatment (medication) helps to alleviate many symptoms of schizophrenia, this illness is considered incurable. The drugs used to treat schizophrenia have many side effects. Use of vitamins, https://web.archive.org/web/20020206213545/http://www.cworldhealth.org/schizophrenia.htm


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especially Vitamin C as mineral ascorbates, in addition to drugs, undoubtedly, is a big step forward in the improvement of the patient's quality of life. In our opinion, mineral ascorbates therapy should be introduced to all psychiatric hospitals. This is especially true in Russia, taking into account the poor nutrition of the population in general and, especially, during their stay in a hospital.

SUMMARY Eight persons with schizophrenia were treated with megadoses of Vitamin C as Mineral Ascorbates for three weeks under the supervision of a physician at the Pushchino Medical Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. The following effects were observed: 1. Improvement in their physical and mental state 2. Depression was significantly reduced. 3. Night sleep was improved. 4. Appetite was normalized. 5. An adequate perception of reality resulted. 6. There was an increased ability to take care of themselves. 7. An improved mood, feeling of joy of life resulted. 8. Improved social life, also, resulted. The patients thank Alacer Corp., the Committee for World Health and personally Jay Patrick for their return to full life.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Emer'gen-C:


Emer'gen-C is Alacer's top selling product. This drink is a nutritional supplement that offers you 1,000 mg of Vitamin C in the form of Mineral Ascorbates. Mineral Ascorbates can be absorbed by the body in much higher levels and are free from the side effects associated with Ascorbic acid, (the 'typical' Vitamin C) such as upset stomach and heartburn. While packaged, Emer'gen-C is in the form of Ascorbic Acid. However, once mixed it is mixed with water, a chemical reaction takes place converting the acids into a nearly neutral pH effervescent drink of Mineral Ascorbates. Since the Vitamin C is attached to the minerals through carbonation, these same minerals act as transporters, taking the Vitamin C directly into the cell wall for fast absorption. Q: How many flavors of Emer'gen-C are there? A: We currently produce 14 different flavors or mixtures of Emer'gen-C. Our three most popular flavors are Lemon-Lime (our first, original flavor), Raspberry, and Tangerine. Q: What is the difference between regular Emer’gen-C and your Lite Emer’gen-C flavors? A: The three “Lite” flavors have no sweetener at all, come in a light, neutral citrus flavor, and have only one B Vitamin, B12. Q: What is MSM and what does it do? A: MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) is easier remembered as “Organic Sulfur”. MSM is a non-metallic sulfur compound which occurs widely in nature. This remarkable product is in the ‘oxygen family’ of elements and is a healer. It is food for healing wounds, helping to heal pulled muscles and tendons. Some Dermatologists use MSM to help control Rosacea and Class 4 Acne. It will also help you maintain good skin and hair. Q: Is “Aspertate” the same as “Nutra-Sweet? A: No. People often confuse Aspertate with Aspartame, which is one of the main ingredients in Nutra-Sweet. Aspertate is also known as Aspartic Acid, which is a naturally occurring amino acid found in nature. Aspertate must have another amino acid know as Phenyalanine to form the artificial sweetener known as Nutra-Sweet. Q: How much ‘sugar’ is in Emer’gen-C? A: Fructose is the sweetener used in Emer’gen-C. Amounts will range from 2.6 to 4.5 grams depending upon the flavor. The highest calorie count in any Emer’gen-C flavor is 20. Q: What are Glucosamine and Chondroitin? A: Glucosamine Sulfate is made from animal cartilage and helps to heal and, in some instances, actually replace damaged cartilage. Chondroitin Sulfate is made from ground up shrimp shells and provides the fluid in the joint. We manufacture two types of this product, one in our Triple Power with no sweetener and one in Power for Joints, which is a Tangerine flavor and therefore contains fructose as the sweetener. As a result of the ingredients, one caution to make to a consumer is that if he/she has a shellfish allergy, he/she should select another flavor and not take the glucosamine and chondroitin products. Q: What is different about your Nutritious Coffee Emer’gen-C? A: The main differences are that this Emer’gen-C product contains a level teaspoon of Columbian Decaf Coffee, has no calories and contains 500 mg of Vitamin C as Mineral Ascorbates rather than the usual 1,000 mg found in our regular product. Q: Is there a difference between Emer’gen-C and Ester C? A: Yes. Ester C is a ‘buffered C’ and uses Calcium Ascorbate as the main ingredient. Emer’gen-C uses Calcium, Chromium, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc to form the Vitamin C known as Emer’gen-C. Q: Is it OK for someone who is pregnant to take Emer’gen-C? A: While we do have information that many pregnant women take Emer’gen-C without complications, this is a question that should be answered by your physician before using any product of this nature. Q: Where can I buy Emer’gen-C? A: Emer’gen-C is sold at many heath food stores, grocery stores, pharmacies and such. Some of our larger retail chains are listed on our Retailer locator page. Q: I have heard that Emer’gen-C is a good product to take for a ‘hangover’. Is this true? A: That has been reported to us as a true statement. Due to the dehydration effect that alcohol can have, the electrolyte replacement aspect of Emer’gen-C can help rehydrate the body and help with this problem. Q: Will Emer’gen-C cure the ‘Common Cold’? A: While we do not make that specific claim, some of our customers claim that Emer’gen-C helps them maintain a more healthy body and consequentially may help you when you experience cold symptoms. There is no known ‘cure’ for the common cold. Q: How long will my unopened packages of Emer’gen-C maintain their potency? A: Under normal conditions and not exposed to extreme heat or cold, Emer’gen-C has a normal shelf life of approximately 24 months. Q: Do you use sugar and salt in Emer’gen-C for electrolyte replacement, similar to Gatorade? A: No. We use the combination of Potassium and Magnesium to generate our electrolyte salts. Q: How many packets of Emer’gen-C should I take in one day? A: We recommend two to three packets a day, however this depends on the individual. We sponsor a number of athletes and hear of active people every day who take a much higher quantity, but the average user consumes two to three packets per day. Q: Why do you have a Strawberry for Kids and a Strawberry for Adults Emer’gen-C? What’s the difference? A: The Strawberry flavor is our ‘Multi-Vitamin’ product. It contains the A, B, C, D, E and K Vitamins. The reason we differentiate between Kids and Adults is the dosage and type of Vitamins included. The A, D, E and K Vitamins are known as “fat soluble’ Vitamins and are stored in the body. Too much of these vitamins can be toxic. In contrast to this, the B and C Vitamins are ‘water soluble’ and what the body can’t absorb will be eliminated through the urine. Because of the fat-soluble vitamins in our Strawberry Emer’gen-C, we have reduced the dosage for children less than 10 years of age to a half-dose. Q: In light of this, how many of the ‘regular’ Emer’gen-C packets are recommended per day? A: Again, we recommend that you take two to three packets each day to help you maintain a more healthy body. However, because the B and C Vitamins are ‘water soluble’, you can take as many as you like at any time. Many of our



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Alacer Corp - Testimonials customers report that they will take an Emer’gen-C when they become tired or ‘run down’, as the B Vitamins mixed with the 7 Mineral Ascorbates help restore their energy. Some typical use patterns include:

One packet in the morning to get going. One packet at that 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm energy low many people experience. One after exercising to replenish lost electrolytes and rehydrate the body Q: Will I have trouble sleeping if I take Emer’gen-C late in the day? A: This is not a common problem, but just as some people experience restlessness or sleeplessness when doing cardio exercise late in the day, this does depend on the individual. There are no other stimulants like caffeine or ephedrine in our product, so this should not be an issue. However, to avoid this problem, we recommend taking Emer’gen-C at least a few hours before bedtime. Q: Is Emer’gen-C OK for persons with diabetes? A: All medical questions should be referred to your personal physician. We sweeten Emer’gen-C with Fructose, which is a mono-sacchride. It is slowly metabolized in the liver and requires no insulin to be digested. However, we make our three “Lite” products without sweeteners of any kind for our customers with Diabetes. Again, please consult with your personal physician to determine if Fructose is ok for you. Q: What is the source of energy? A: It is when Minerals assist the body with energy production. Vitamin C supports adrenal function and helps with fatigue and slow metabolism. When minerals and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are combined in the same molecule, Mineral Ascorbates are formed. The advantages of linking minerals with ascorbic acid are meaningful. Ascorbic acid, by itself, is quickly absorbed through the intestinal tract and afterwards, excess quantities are rapidly excreted from the body. In fact, studies show that approximately 73% of ascorbic acid ingested gets removed from the body in less than 24 hours. In contrast, only approximately 5% of the mineral ascorbates are eliminated during the same time period.

It is this almost complete absorption of these energy nutrients by the body’s 70 trillion cells, in combination with the instant absorption provided by the unique delivery system of effervescent Emer’gen-C that delivers the SUPER ENERGY. B12, in particular, is the “energy” vitamin, as it increases energy level, whether obtained from eating B12 foods or from supplemental use. Alpha Lipoic Acid plays an essential role in cellular and muscular energy production by helping the body burn sugar. Q: Can you overdose on Vitamin C? A: Vitamin C is water soluble and nontoxic even in large doses. Mineral Ascorbates, our nonacidic form of Vitamin C, is generally free of the side effects common in taking large doses of ascorbic acid Vitamin C, such as; diarrhea, nausea, and heartburn. But, it is possible to over saturate the body’s tissue fluids with Vitamin C, with diarrhea being the most common and usually the first signal. Q: Why do you recommend 2-3 packets a day? That is more than 2000-3000% of the RDA for Vitamin C! Doesn’t the body just eliminate the extra? A: The body will eliminate what it can’t absorb through the urine. HOWEVER; Vitamin C, when reacted with minerals and transformed into a nonacidic state, is absorbed by the body by up to 85 to 95% more than ascorbic acid. Q: What is the source of each ingredient? Are they synthetic? A: Some of the ingredients are from natural sources and some are synthetic. Synthetic vitamins have the identical molecular structure as natural vitamins and are indistinguishable by the body. Q: What is the source of the natural colors and flavors? A: The colors and flavors are derived from real fruit powders. Emer’gen-C does not contain MSG or artificial colors and flavoring. Q: What is the age group for the Strawberry Emer’gen-C for Kids? A: Ages 4-10, but always check with your physician first. Q: Is it safe for children if they are already taking a multivitamin? A: Some vitamins are fat-soluble and can be toxic if taken in excess. This is a question best answered by your physician or pharmacist. Q: Are all the Emer’gen-C formulas considered a multivitamin or just the strawberry? A: Just the strawberry is considered a multivitamin. The other Emer’gen-C formulas don’t contain all the necessary nutrients to be classified a multivitamin. Q: Why is there so much sodium? A: There is no RDA for sodium, however; the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs suggests about 2 grams (or 2000 mg) of sodium daily. A single Emer’gen-C packet only contains 60 mg or 3% of the recommendation. Q: I am very active and have knee problems. How many packets of Power for Joints or Lite Triple Power can I take a day? A: It is generally recommended that an individual take 1500 mg of Glucosamine and 1200 mg of Chondroitin daily. That’s the equivalent of 3 packets daily. Q: Can I put this in tea or coffee? A: It is recommended that Emer’gen-C be used in combination with water. We don’t know what kind of an effect tea or coffee would have on Emer’gen-C’s effectiveness. Q: Will the ingredients still be active if I carry it around in my water bottle for a few hours? A: Emer’gen-C will remain effective for 6-8 hours, and longer if refrigerated. Q: How do I know if I should take the MSM or the Glucosamine/Chondroitin for my joint aches? A: MSM is commonly used as an anti-inflammatory, while Glucosamine rebuilds cartilage and Chondroitin replenishes the fluid between joints. Both act as an anti-inflammatory. If you have a question that wasn't answered above then please fill out our contact form.



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Saturday February 7th, 2004


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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20020213214132/http://alacercor…

Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

FLU Vaccines 'Worthless' Says Eminent FDA Virologist By Jay Patrick "There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway." ------Dr. J. Anthony Morris

"There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age." -------Paul Frame, M.D., Journal of Family Practice Now come those great people of the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta to tell us that 80% of all seniors should rush out and get the latest "flu" shot. This is the same enterprising branch of the Federal Government that brought us in 1977 The Swine Flu Vaccine. The "Flu" That Never Was I wrote two articles on the subject at the time, discussing the hazards of the ridiculous vaccine that has been tossed together on an impromptu basis. The distinguished virologist, Dr. J. Anthony Morris, lost his job at the FDA because he warned his superiors that the vaccine was of no value. Further,



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as my articles stated, there was not a single case of swine flu in the country. There was no epidemic to control. Yet some 128 people died promptly after getting the vaccine. What may be more important, 43,000,000 people were deceived into taking the vaccine. You may be sure too, that within most of these millions who are still alive the vaccine still lingers in their bodies, awaiting some metabolic change which might trigger viral activity, contributing to ill health or untimely death. The latest flu vaccine is being produced by three companies and is of the killed virus type. Many producers of vaccines have dropped out of such activity because they fear the high cost of court judgements against them for side effects of such vaccines, which may bring on severe illness or death. The whole, messy situation is well outlined in an article in the Wall Street Journal of January 16. Anyone considering the use of a vaccine should first read this article. Though chiefly concerned with a new chicken pox vaccine that may soon be available, offered by Merck and Co., the article dwells upon the life-long hazards that attend the use of a vaccine. The Trojan Horse You see, this type of live virus vaccine contains disease viruses which have been artificially weakened so that, hopefully, they are unable to induce symptoms of the disease yet are strong enough to fool the body into producing antibodies able to hold in check more virile disease viruses that may come along. But, once the damaged viruses are in the body, they present a life-time of risk. They may never recover their original strength, or they may mutate to produce some other disease that is as bad or worse than the ailment they were supposed to prevent.



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At the present time, no one knows for sure just what can happen, as time goes by, with these weakened but still alive viruses. "The chicken pox virus lurks in the body, " says The Wall Street Journal, "after the illness passes. For reasons that aren't understood, it sometimes reawakens when the subject is 60 or 70 years old to cause shingles, a nerve inflammation marked by pain and blisters." Viruses are, as I have long observed, the major foe of all humanity. They are everywhere, they are indefatigable, resourceful, and immortal. They were a part of our very beginnings, and they are never going to leave us. Once a virus is within one's body, only the person's immune system can protect him. It is then up to his immune system to keep it under control, to prevent its replication within hours to astronomical numbers that can soon defy counting. As stated, vaccines seek to fool the body into arming itself with antibodies in advance of any attack. But these fearless invaders can regain their strength, or change the DNA or RNA of which they are chiefly composed and start to harass or kill us off with some other disease source to which they have mutated. Hope for the Future The Journal comments that we may have much superior vaccines in the near future. Genetic engineers will be able to splice together proteins to make just that part of the virus that produces immunity, with none of the parts that produce disease." As it now stands, children are often being forced to take vaccines that may later induce debilitating or fatal disease, and in many states children can be expelled from school if their parents refuse such dangerous vaccines. Many organizations have been https://web.archive.org/web/20020213214132/http://alacercorp.com/aflu.htm


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formed to resist these arbitrary rulings by school boards. What's To Do? Right now, I am sure, our best hope lies in doing everything we can to keep our immune system hourly, day by day, in the best possible condition to repel the invaders. This involves a life style balanced with moderate exercise, adequate sleep, sunshine, good thoughts, good food, and supplementation of the diet with a wide variety of nutrients known to be required by the immune system. For me, this must include a daily intake of at least 8 grams of timed released mineral ascorbates Comments can be forwarded to Alacer's Copyright ©1997, Alacer Corp.




3/9/23, 3:31 PM

Forget About Yourself: Just Take Care of Your Dog or Cat

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Forget About Yourself: Just Take Care of Your Dog or Cat Dogs and cats have a great advantage! They can produce their own mineral ascorbates in their bodies, something humans cannot do. This means that a dog that matures at 2 years can live 7 times 2 or 14 years. On this basis we humans who come of age at 20-25 should be able to live 7 times 20 or 140 years. Obviously we cannot, especially if we depend on our own meager production of ascorbate. A dog may go along nicely producing the ascorbate at the rate of 2.8g daily (when equated to a 152 lb. human). However, after the dog is some 5 years old, production of the ascorbate tends to decline. This is especially to be noted as it approaches the age of 6-8 years, its coat may become rough, even bloody, its energy may decline, and various other adverse health symptoms may appear. However, the daily administration of small amounts of mineral ascorbates, as produced by Alacer, can quickly correct this problem, usually eliminating the adverse symptoms and prolonging the dog's life. I once wrote an article entitled "Forget About Yourself, Just Take Care of Your Dog." Many people may take this advice about the animals they so much love. Certainly the expense of maintaining a dog in ill health has gone up drastically. The dog's bones and ligaments may crumble, and major and most expensive repairs by the veterinarian may be required. As you note the great improvement in Bowzer, you may decide that you want to do something about your own life, which is drastically curtailed by your inability to produce mineral ascorbates in your own body. This is a genetic ailment from which we humans suffer that has received very little attention in the medical journals. Only a few animals share our genetic deficiency. They are the monkey, the ape, the guinea pig, a type of Japanese rat, some bats, and a few other of the many animals. Some 99.9% of all animals do produce the mineral ascorbates, the neutral forms of C, which unlike ascorbic acid, are readily accepted by the many cells of the body and do not induce diarrhea and nausea when taken in volume, as is the case with ascorbic acid. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp.. https://web.archive.org/web/20020210194802/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Forget.htm


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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19981206013756/http://alacercor…

Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN?

Getting Down to the Bare Bones By Jay Patrick Our whole bodies are in a continuous state of flux. This even includes the skeleton, which is constantly discarding old cells and adding new ones. Bone remodels itself to remove worn cells and to maintain the proper amount of calcium in the blood. Indeed, bone is the body’s storage point or reservoir for calcium. However, some parts of a bone’s shaft, consisting of compact bone, may never be remodeled.


Two kinds of bone cell do this work; the osteoblasts, which manufacture new bone tissue, and the osteoclasts, which consume old and worn bone matter.

FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist

But bone gets full strength and flexibility from the connective tissue, which intertwines with it, and serves to interface each bone with other bones.


Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

Vitamin D, which is produced on the skin under sunlight, or may be ingested in the diet, is widely known to be essential to the deposition of minerals in the bone structure. These minerals are chiefly calcium and phosphorus. Bone re-absorption, in a process of constant renewal, is much dependent on parathyroid hormone, too. Yet, the role of Vitamin C, probably most effective as calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc ascorbates, is too much ignored. The connective tissue which is so absolutely essential to bone strength, flexibility, and endurance, cannot be formed or maintained without ascorbates, the only forms of "C" stored in the body.

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Such ascorbates are essential to the hydroxylation of the amino acid proline in the formation and maintenance of the connective tissue. But this tissue is subject to molecular aging (Goodhart & Shils), to crosslinking which can be retarded with adequate levels of antioxidants such as ascorbate, selenium, chromium, and methionine. Obviously, too, a good level of protein intake, including proline, aids in connective tissue health. Healthy bones tissue is, on a weight basis, fully as strong as steel. The bone's interior is constructed somewhat like a bridge. Tiny strands of connective tissue, each strand capable of supporting a weight of 25 lbs, act like guy wires to give great strength and flexibility. Thus, healthy bones will usually bend rather than break, as they so commonly do. Millions of women have been seduced into thinking that all they need to do is take calcium, usually calcium carbonate, to maintain their bone structure. Others have been induced to take estrogen, which it is now known to increase breast cancer 43%. What everyone really needs is the mineral ascorbates. The Wellness Letter of the University of California observed a few years ago that there appears to be too much emphasis on high calcium intake, that manganese is needed, also, for good bone structure. And surely the best form is manganese ascorbate. I have been taking 10 to 12 grams daily for some 25 years of Timed Release mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, maganese, molybdenum, zinc, and chromium. A recent hospital check shows that, though nearing 85 years old, my bone density is 118% of the average 30-year old-male. So, maybe, I am doing something right!

Osteoporosis is highly prevalent. Often in degrees not at all obvious to either patient or physician. Athletes, especially, have this problem, due to the extraordinary https://web.archive.org/web/19981206013756/http://alacercorp.com/getting.htm


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stresses they impose on their bodies. Probably 75% of their bone breakage is due to poor bone structure. You may first know about it, when, suddenly, as you get up to answer the door bell, a hip joint breaks under you. It’s a bone disease characterized by insufficient production of bone matrix (in which ascorbates, proline, and Vitamin D are involved), and by serious reduction in bone calcium. With women especially, it is an advancing problem. Researchers maintain that, starting at age 25, women continue to loose 1% of bone calcium with every advancing year. Thus, a woman of 60, will usually have lost 35% of her bone calcium! This condition is believed largely due, with advancing age, to reduce estrogen production, which is substantially halted after the menopause. Unfortunately, the administration of estrogen is now known to be cancer-inducing. However, medicine completely ignores the need for mineral ascorbates. This view may be erroneous. I believe that women produce small amounts of ascorbate in their own bodies, while they are of child bearing age. Exercise. . .But! But hormones will not do it all. With both sexes, osteoporosis can, and often is, very much due to malnutrition and reduced activity. So, exercise helps, but: Jogging, especially on pavement, can pound cartilage into dust. Jogging injuries to the knee have become so common that orthopedists in Los Angeles have named one popular running route "The street of the wounded knee". (Walking and running are much easier on the joints and the spine, many orthopedic physicians say.) Knee injuries are also common in skiing accidents. Legs break more readily if they do not have full flexibility, and the twisting required to smash a tennis ball from the baseline can easily rip a cartilage of the knee joint. https://web.archive.org/web/19981206013756/http://alacercorp.com/getting.htm


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y p g j In bicycling, pumping up a steep hill puts intense pressure on the kneecap, so that, in extreme cases, the underside of the cap starts to fray. Kneeling on a surfboard creates a hard bump under the kneecap called "surfer’s knob". Alacer Corp

In football, 70% of professional players have knee injuries before the age of 26, including nearly every quarterback. When teenagers and younger children undergo excessive training with heavy weights, they can damage their bones, and some doctors believe, stunt growth. Obviously, exercise should be done in moderation. But the more one does, the more he or she needs mineral ascorbates to help maintain the flexibility of his muscles and bones, plus other anti-oxidants and good protein. Your doctor will know all about your need for calcium but usually very little about magnesium. But remember this: Magnesium is essential for the normal metabolisms of potassium and calcium in adult man, essential for the mobilization of calcium from bone hypocalccemia (low calcium) should suggest the possibility of significant magnesium depletion. Modern Nutrition, Goodhart & Shils Thus calcium-magnesium ascorbate, a neutral, stable chelate of Vitamin C, represents a wonderful source of the two essential minerals with the equally essential "C". Some 30 to 50 percent of present hospitalization is medically unnecessary, but alternative services that could be therapeutically more effective and economically more efficient, have almost disappeared. Fritjof Capra, The Turning Point (Simon and Schuster) (to be continued...)



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3/9/23, 3:40 PM

Alacer Corporation vs National Academy of Sciences

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3/9/23, 3:40 PM

Alacer Corporation vs National Academy of Sciences

Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for Misrepresenting Vitamin C Alacer Corp. today filed in Federal District Court an action to compel the National Academy of Sciences to change their views regarding the non-benefits of large amounts of Vitamin C in protecting the body from a variety of illnesses, including the common cold. The suit contests the statement that there is "insufficient evidence to recommend that Americans get more of the nutrients, Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene than is necessary to prevent basic nutritional deficiencies." Indeed, the panel stated on April 14th, in a public release, that "extremely high doses of such nutrients may lead to health problems rather than conferring benefits." The first aspect of the complaint emphasizes that the National Academy of Sciences does not even know the true nature of Vitamin C. The panel erroneously regards ascorbic acid as the real "C", whereas there is irrefutable evidence that the neutral mineral ascorbates such as produced in 99.9% of all animals' bodies are the true form of this vital nutrient. Furthermore, the action emphasizes that because evaluation has been performed with ascorbic acid, which the panel notes, in 2-gram quantities induces diarrhea, most health researchers have stopped right there. They have totally failed to evaluate the neutral, mineral ascorbates which can be ingested in the body at levels far above 20 times that of ascorbic acid. The scientific world has not done its job! Health investigators have never really determined the value of the mineral ascorbates at the levels necessary for them to work miracles in the human body. This mistaken attitude regarding the need for the true, animal forms of ascorbate has greatly constricted the market for the viable substance which is truly essential to healthful life. Indeed, the human mother has to produce modest quantities of mineral ascorbate in order for her baby to form a complete body. This is because ascorbate reacts with amino acids to form the connective tissue which separates every organ of the body and also holds them together. Without production of some quantities of this substance, mineral ascorbate, which has been largely ignored by the medical profession, no babies could really be born. After birth, the mother produces mineral ascorbates in her milk, which nurtures the baby far better than man-made formula containing ascorbic acid. Because they are researching the wrong product, ascorbic acid, rather than mineral ascorbates, nutritional researchers of the world have generally failed to identify the full, multigram requirements of this vital substance. Yet even the dog produces at the rate of 2.8 grams daily of mineral ascorbates when equated to a 154 lb. person. Most animals live 7 to 14 times their period of maturity. Thus, the dog maturing at 2 years, lives to be about 14. On this same basis the human animal, maturing at 20-25, should live at least 7 times 20 to 140 years, which he certainly does not. https://web.archive.org/web/20000918071348/http://www.alacercorp.com/lawsuit-FedAct.html


Few people are aware that we humans suffer from a genetic disease, our

3/9/23, 3:40 PM

Alacer Corporation vs National Academy of Sciences

99.9% of all other animals. Only a few animals have been shown to suffer from this life-shortening and poor resistance to disease. They are the monkey, the ape, the guinea pig, a type of Japanese snake, a certain bat, and a few other animals. Labeled hypoascorbemia by pioneer researcher Dr. Irwin Stone, it is truly the major disease of the world. This is because the human body is continually attacked by hundreds of viruses and bacteria which only an immune system well fortified with mineral ascorbates can hope to counter. Now, the President of Alacer Corp., Jay Patrick, has been taking mineral ascorbates for some 28 years. During this time he has never had a cold, nor even the sniffles suggesting that a cold has attacked his body, nor in the past 17 years has he suffered for more than a portion of a day from an attack of influenza. All of this suggests that millions of people are dying prematurely from diseases their bodies should be able to counter. And further their lives are shortened by their reduced ability to maintain their bodies in good working condition. For instance, the human brain requires about ten times as much Vitamin C as the blood plasma. Those who take multigrams of mineral ascorbates will also find that their eyesight lasts them longer and that they do not require frequent stepups in magnification of their glasses, if they require glasses at all. The nearly 88-year-old Jay Patrick still has 20/20 vision, the bone density 118% of a 30year-old man, and almost zero plaque in his coronary arteries. (Patrick takes some 12 to 14 grams of mineral ascorbates daily.) Alacer Corp. supplies the mineral ascorbates in two basic forms. The first is as an effervescent drink mix which reacts in water to form mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and chromium under the trade name Emer'gen-C. One-gram tablets, a timed-release of the mineral ascorbates, are also available. Alacer has long made it a practice to furnish the mineral ascorbates to its employees. Accordingly, 8 out of 10 of employees tested have shown zero levels of plaque. This is a phenomenon which has been duplicated nowhere in the world. Alacer accordingly feels that millions of lives can be improved and radically extended for those who daily receive adequate quantities of these ascorbates. But doctors are not going to recognize this ascorbate need until researchers come to know the fantastic health value of these true forms of C.   Jay Patrick Linda Tagle Ymelda Patrick HU AR JU JE RA SU EM

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3/9/23, 3:40 PM

Alacer Corporation vs National Academy of Sciences

The panel makes a very broad statement: "There is no convincing scientific evidence that taking large amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, or the nutrients Selenium and Beta Carotene can reduce the chances of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or other illnesses, a National Academy of Sciences panel announced yesterday." It is the intent of the suit to address only the conclusions viewed regarding Vitamin C, since these conclusions are so far out of line of general research on the subject. The true Vitamin C, mineral ascorbates, is so essential to the full function of the animal body that its presence in substantial quantities is obviously of great benefit in preventing countless ailments, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Indeed, since the true cause of most heart disease is the occlusion of the coronary arteries, it is of great interest to note that Alacer has established that mineral ascorbates can so benefit these arteries as to maintain zero levels of plaque. Diabetics who take mineral ascorbates can prevent deterioration of their eyesight and countless other disabilities. A recent study of which Harvard University was a part showed that among 663 people evaluated, those 26 people who had been taking Vitamin C suffered from no Alzheimer's disease whatsoever. As to the inclusion of the phrase "or other illnesses", the panel should recognize that it cannot logically include this phrase, since it includes thousands of illnesses which have not been evaluated. Actually, there is ample proof available that large amounts of mineral ascorbates can not only prevent the common cold, but nip it in the bud. Further, the panel seems under the impression that the sole function of Vitamin C is as an antioxidant, which is very far from the truth. Actually, the full utility of mineral ascorbates in the animal body reaches such numbers as to defy enumeration. For instance, the brain requires ten times the level of the blood plasma for good function, which fantastically protects the eyesight. The adrenal glands cannot produce adrenaline without mineral ascorbates. The lining of the coronary arteries, the intima, without adequate amounts of mineral ascorbates, starts to bleed, finally forming scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol. Without it no cholesterol could attach itself to the wall of the artery. Thus, mineral ascorbates have a major role in protecting the human body against the major cause of death, heart disease, which is usually due to the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. As Alacer has long pointed out, the 50-year-old view that high levels of cholesterol are of themselves responsible for the collection of plaque in the artery, is the major "fraud" of the medical profession, because this phenomenon has never been proved. Clearly the governmental agency is at fault in these respects: They classify Vitamin C as only an antioxidant. This is only one aspect of the power of this remarkable substance. Mineral ascorbates are involved in the most vital aspects of body construction. The mother has to produce some amounts of4/6 https://web.archive.org/web/20000918071348/http://www.alacercorp.com/lawsuit-FedAct.html mineral ascorbates during her pregnancy else the connective tissue which

3/9/23, 3:40 PM

Alacer Corporation vs National Academy of Sciences

separates each organ and holds the body together could not be made. This is a scientific fact overlooked by most of medical science. The mineral ascorbates feed the mitochondria in our body cells. They are the essential engines of some 70 trillion cells of our bodies, furnishing some 90% of the energy, without which we would not be able to move a finger, blink an eye, or think a single thought. Further, if these mitochondria lack sufficient minerals and ascorbate to permit their full function, their DNA will mutate, leading to disastrous consequences such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, dementia, and other bodily breakdown. The most obvious consequence of inadequate mineral ascorbates is scurvy, which manifests itself in countless ways of bodily breakdown. General ill health, sallow complexion, loss of energy, pains in the extremities and joints, spongy, bleeding gums, foul breath, loosening of teeth, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and painful, brawny indurations of muscles result. Mineral ascorbates are involved in perhaps 1,000 enzymatic reactions in the body, in the production of adrenaline, hormones, in the function of the brain, which requires 10 times as much ascorbate as the blood plasma. Furthermore, the immune system which, despite the futile efforts of drug companies, is the major protection of our bodies against disease. Indeed, doctors now concede that the immune system is the only protection that humans now have against this dread disease. Tuberculosis, once thought to have been eliminated from our society, is rapidly rearing its head again. Here again the major protection against this destructive ailment is the immune system, properly supported with mineral ascorbates. Thus, in summation, it is obvious that the National Academy of Sciences is a flopout. They have done the citizens of the world a major disservice in dismissing ascorbates so lightly. Indeed, it is obvious that they should resign their jobs and turn to some useful work. These people who are paid to assist us to better health have truly committed a crime against our society! Alacer intends to gather together major medical researchers of the world to give personal evidence that all of the aforementioned charges are absolutely true.



3/9/23, 3:40 PM

Alacer Corporation vs National Academy of Sciences

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3/9/23, 3:40 PM


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Alacer: Jay Patrick President Relations (800) 854-0249 8501

Contact Agent:

Adam Fell Estey-Hoover Public (949) [email protected]


Foothill Ranch, CA (Wednesday, May 10, 2000)--- Jay Patrick, 87-year-old president of Alacer Corp., announced today that a lawsuit is prepared and will be filed in about 10 days against the National Academy of Sciences, for “their absolute falsehoods in regard to the use of high levels of Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene.” Alacer Corp. is the producer of Emer'gen-CTM, an effervescent drink mix that, according to independent SPINS market research, holds a 45 percent market share of Vitamin C sold in health food outlets in the U.S.. When water is added to Emer’gen-CTM, the ascorbic acid reacts with the mineral salts, creating mineral ascorbates like those produced naturally in the livers of more than 99.9% of all animals – except humans. The Alacer suit will concentrate on alleged false statements made regarding Vitamin C, that contradict the Academy’s own findings reported in their recently released Dietary Reference Intakes report, according to Patrick. “ We regard our genetic inability to produce mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in our own bodies as the major disease of the world. This ailment renders us unable to counter innumerable diseases which can never be cured by drug approaches and which greatly shorten our lives,” Patrick said. The suit will seek compensatory damages and ask the Court to declare that the “true Vitamin C” is mineral ascorbates, not ascorbic acid. Mineral ascorbates can be ingested at levels 20 or more times that of ascorbic acid without fear of diarrhea or other gastrointestinal disturbance. “We shall summon major scientists of the world in support of our charges,” said Patrick. “We intend to show that the role of Vitamin C in life extension far exceeds the antioxidant capabilities which the National Academy of Sciences, in its public hearings, indicates is its sole function. Accordingly, we are prepared to prove that the Academy is actually lying in their remarks, which cover all diseases of humankind. Indeed, we feel that their statements constitute a crime against our society. Thus, we shall ask that the federal charter of the Institute be revoked.”




ABOUT JAY PATRICK At age 59 Jay Patrick was head of a chemical specialties corporation in northern New Jersey. He had developed in 1954 the outstanding replacement of the highly toxic carbon tetrachloride, stabilized 1-1-1 trichloroethane, and such products as IBM Tape Cleaner and Developer for use by IBM Computers throughout the world. At the time, Patrick was not at all interested in nutritional supplements. However, he started to suffer from extreme pains of the TM joints and turned to dentists, without satisfaction, to help eliminate them. Looking for a solution, Patrick became a good friend of Dr. Irwin Stone, an enzyme chemist studying Vitamin C and its many benefits. Among the things that Stone told him was that all humans suffer from a genetic disease, our inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies. On the contrary, 99.9% of all animals manufacture the neutral mineral ascorbates in their own livers. Patrick tried five or six grams of ascorbic acid and quickly noted that about 95% of his TMJ pain went away. This immediately attracted his interest. He resolved that he would find some way to produce the same mineral ascorbates used so successfully by animals. Accordingly, he shut down his New Jersey plant and returned to his native California. Within the coming years he set up a plant to produce timed-release mineral ascorbates and other food supplements, which proved quite successful. However, in 1978 he conceived the idea of making a product that would simulate the production of C by animals. It turned out to be Emer'gen-CTM effervescent drink mix which has become the outstanding source of Vitamin C in the United States, as sold through health food stores and, lately, in many grocery chains. Patrick has written some 100 articles on health and his book Staying Alive and Being Alive will shortly be published. It includes articles such as "How to Get Out of the Hospital Alive", "Four Great Medical Hoaxes", "What Kills Most of Us", and "Specialized Woman". Patrick's wife, Ymelda, has 16 grandchildren. They are all in excellent health and are outstanding students. The reason, he says, is that their mothers had 8 to 10 grams of Alacer's mineral ascorbates during each pregnancy.



3/9/23, 3:40 PM


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3/9/23, 3:25 PM

Alacer News Release - Committee for World Health Research

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December 22,

Letter to Discover Magazine December 22, 1998 Mr. Marc Zabludoff, Editor In Chief DISCOVER 114 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011-5690 Sent via facsimile (212) 633-4817 Dear Mr. Zabludoff: That is an excellent article on the "flu" in January's edition. There is, however, one major error. The author, Patricia Gadsby, states that "our best protection against 'flu' viruses is vaccines." But she admits that there are no good matches for the Bird "Flu" Virus. Actually, our best protection against any "flu" and any bacterial attack is a fully functional immune system. Such an immune system, which sets to work instantly against almost any invader, is possible only if one has the support of timedrelease mineral ascorbates -- the real Vitamin C, plus all BVitamins and trace elements -- working synergistically to support the remarkable immune response that humans have developed over many thousands of years. For instance, our 86-year old Chairman, Jay Patrick, who first developed the multi-ascorbate products, has not had a cold for 26 years, nor even the beginnings of a "flu" attack for some 17 years. Furthermore, he has 20/20 vision, zero level of plaque in his coronary arteries, and a skeletal density 118% of a 30year old man. Our lab finds that ascorbates step up cellular activity some 400%, control the cellular telomeres that induce cancer, step up one's general energy level, prolong life, and work countless other miracles in body function.



3/9/23, 3:25 PM

Alacer News Release - Committee for World Health Research

The basic reason for these miracles is that we all suffer from the genetic deficiency, hypoascorbemia, which renders humans unable to produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C in their own bodies. We are daily finding world-wide evidence that that one cannot be a whole person without the synergistic nutrition that is available from such products. Most people think ascorbic acid is Vitamin C. But it is only an intermediate form, as it occurs in plants. Animals who produce "C" in their own livers convert the acid into neutral mineral ascorbates which their bodies can tolerate in the gram quantities essential for good health and resistance to disease. Accordingly, the average person requires from six to ten grams of mineral ascorbates, we find. A few people can tolerate more than one gram of ascorbic acid, as it brings the pH of the urine down to about four and it can produce diarrhea and nausea. These are facts the whole world must come to recognize. Should a deadly "flu" come along, pharmaceutical houses could take six months to develop a vaccine. Meanwhile, 2030% of the world's population could die. Furthermore, by the time a vaccine is developed, the virus can mutate to another form. This makes the vaccine an elusive chase after a chameleon agent of death. Yours truly, COMMITTEE FOR WORLD HEALTH Richard Dana, Ph.D., Director

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3/9/23, 4:05 PM


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Vitamin C May Be a Life-Saver Source:


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The Independent

Mega-doses of Vitamin C can counter avian flu, hepatitis and herpes, and can even control the advance of Aids Imagine that a deadly virus is sweeping the world, killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of children. Nothing seems able to stop it - until a doctor stands up at the American Medical Association and reports on 60 cases involving severely infected children, all of whom have been cured. Yet his work, subsequently reported in a peer-review journal, is ignored, leaving the virus to wreak havoc for decades. This isn't a docudrama about some futuristic plague - it's a true story about what happened in June 1949 when polio was at its peak. Dr Frederick Klenner, a clinical researcher from Reidsville, North Carolina, reported that a massive intravenous dose of Vitamin C - up to 20,000mg daily for three days (today's recommended daily allowance is 60mg) - had cured 60 of his patients. The findings were published in a medical journal, yet there was virtually no interest. Apart from a couple of minor trials, no attempt was made to find out if they had any scientific substance. Relating this curious incident in a new book, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases & Toxins: Curing the Incurable, Dr Thomas Levy, a US cardiologist, admits to being gripped by a range of emotions when he came across Klenner's work and other studies that replicated it. "To know that polio had been easily cured yet so many people continued to die, or survived to be permanently crippled by it, was difficult to accept." Levy argues that the medical profession has routinely ignored research showing that high doses of Vitamin C can combat bacteria, toxins and severe viral infections including avian flu, SARS, hepatitis and herpes. And this is not a case of doctors sniffing at anecdotal evidence from a handful of enthusiasts. "Vitamin C is possibly the best-researched substance in the world. There are more than 24,000 papers and articles on the authoritative clinical website, Medline. Yet virtually the all the evidence has been dismissed." Levy even claims that Aids can be controlled if a high enough dosage of Vitamin C is maintained. This is not the first time doctors have had their cages rattled over the benefits of Vitamin C. The controversy has been simmering since 1753, when just a couple of sucks of a lime were shown to prevent scurvy. In the 1950s the chemist Linus Pauling, a double Nobel prize-winner, promoted the use of mega-doses of Vitamin C, but his research was rubbished by clinicians. Recently, the anti-Vitamin C sentiment has grown. It has been blamed for causing the formation of kidney stones, and a study published in the journal Science in 2001 found that even 200mg doses of Vitamin C "facilitated the production of DNA-damaging agents associated with a variety of cancers". This finding was widely interpreted as proving that Vitamin C causes cancer. Britain's Food Standards Agency recommends taking a maximum of 1,000mg of Vitamin C a day. But a directive going through the European Parliament aims to reduce this to less than 100mg in an attempt to harmonise dosages across the Continent. Despite being dubbed "illegal" by the advocate general of the European Court of Justice last week, the directive could still be passed. The controversy has not put off consumers, many of whom take Vitamin C to ward off colds. The 1,000 mg capsule is the most popular single vitamin in Britain, with the 500mg version second. Some people argue that we can get sufficient Vitamin C from a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, but Levy disagrees. The problem, he says, is that a genetic design fault makes us unable to synthesise our own Vitamin C. Levy claims that while recommended daily allowances of 60mg are enough to prevent the development of scurvy in otherwise healthy people, much higher levels are required to maintain health when an infection strikes. At such times, the body begins to "metabolise unusually large amounts of vitamin C, keeping stores so depleted that the recommended daily allowance will not even prevent many of the symptoms of scurvy from developing". Levy claims that the reason why most animals stay healthy throughout their lives, while humans spend years coping with one or more chronic diseases, is that animals make their own Vitamin C. The wild goat, for instance, makes around 13,000mg a day, rising to 100,000mg when faced with life-threatening infectious or toxic stress, according to a 1961 study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. So, is Levy right? Should everyone be taking mega-doses every day and having intravenous infusions when they fall ill? Possibly. Dr Rodney Adeniyi-Jones regularly gives 20,000mg doses to people with arterial disease and as part of a flu treatment protocol, describing its effects as "beneficial... but not miraculous". And Professor George Lewith of the Centre for Complementary and Integrated Medicine says that while Vitamin C is not a panacea, it does have clinical benefits depending on the dosage. "There may be doses that are therapeutic, while another dose may be damaging for the same condition. It is not a dose-response curve as with pharmaceuticals, and we need to be cautious until this is better understood." But he also warns that: "Many of the [Vitamin C] trials have been badly done and what evidence exists is mixed. Both those in favour and against high doses frequently misinterpret the data." Levy may well be seen to have an axe to grind, yet the evidence seems to support his view that apart from causing diarrhoea, megadoses of Vitamin C are not toxic. He says that a series of studies published in leading journals have shown that, far from causing cancer, Vitamin C is a safe supplement for chronic cancer patients. Further large studies suggest that supplements do not put a normal person at greater risk of developing kidney stones. According to Levy, the problem is not that people might take too much, but that they won't take enough - and thus won't get the desired effects. "There's a popular medical view that taking Vitamin C just makes expensive urine. Some of it is lost in urine, but the more you consume, the more stays in your body." With a new book on the way claiming that Vitamin C deficiency is also a primary cause of cardiovascular disease, Levy cannot be accused of underselling his case. Nor can he overcome the fact that proper clinical trials are still desperately needed. Considering its overall safety, there appears to be no good reason why anyone with a chronic or acute health problem should not try, at the very least, a couple of week's regime of two or three 1,000mg tablets of Vitamin C a day. Need to Know: So how much should you take? * For a cold Three 1,000mg doses a day, according to the campaign group Consumers for Health Choice. * For flu Although it's more serious, the viral load is similar, according to research, and taking up to 20,000mg a day could be beneficial. * For shingles Research has shown that this painful post-viral condition can be pretty well cured by an injection of 3,000mg of vitamin C. Taking four 1,000mg tablets orally for three days could be worthwhile as well.



3/9/23, 4:05 PM

https://web.archive.org/web/20051119175302/http://www.alacer.com:80/vc_info/life_saver.asp * For a hangover Taking 1,000mg daily in the week before a booze-up reduces stress on the liver. If you're drunk and want to look sober, a large dose of vitamin C will prevent drunken behaviour, according to a 1986 study, "Alcohol and Alcoholism". * To maintain your health A 1,000mg daily dose is regarded as safe by the Food Standards Agency, and adequate to keep sufficient vitamin C in the plasma and tissues. "We believe this is absolutely safe and definitely beneficial to people's health," says Sue Croft of Consumers for Health Choice.

©2005 Independent News & Media (UK) Ltd.

By Jane Feinmann 12 April 2005

Sunday November 20th, 2005


© 1997-2004 Alacer Corp


3/9/23, 3:20 PM

Alacer Corp - How Emer'gen-C works - Life Giving Ascorbates by Jay Patrick

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Life Giving Ascorbates In this age of holistic medicines and herbal supplements, Vitamin C continues to be one of the most talkedabout substances, with health benifits that include greater energy, stronger bones, improved vision, increased disease resistance, and longer life. Every living person is born with this genetic imperfection, called hypoascorbemia (the

inability to produce Ascorbic acid), which also handicaps the monkey, the ape, the guinea pig, the bat, and a few other animals that share the genetic deficiency with us. Therefore all humans need to ingest Vitamin C to survive. Without it you would die. Pioneer ascorbate researcher Dr. Irwin Stone pointed our that the animals that do not suffer from the ascorbate deficiency live at least 7 times their period of maturity. Since humans mature at ages 20 to 25, 7 times 20 would bring us to a much riper age of 140 years or more. Thats a feat we can all look forward to!


However, the problem is that the product most people have come to view as Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is only an intermediate in the production of the real Vitamin C. That's because more the 99% of all animals produce four liver enzymes which convert the sugar in the blood into ascorbic acid. This ascorbic acid immediately reacts with liver minerals to form potassium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, zinc ascorbate, and other mineral ascorbates. These neutral ascorbates, the real Vitamin C, are welcomed by some 70 trillion body cells which must, also, have minerals for proper function. On the contrary, people who ingest substantial amounts of ascorbic acid tend to have diarrhea, flatulence, and nausea, with the pH of the urine falling from about 7 to a painful 4. Thus, they cannot maximize the benefits of Vitamin C. and their lives and life expectancy suffer accordingly.


It is unfortunate that most health research has failed to recognize that ascorbic acid is quite satisfactory for acidic fruit such as oranges, lemons, and limes, yet really not acceptable in quantity for humans who must maintain a body pH of about 7. Men cannot produce measurable amounts of the life-saving substance. Women do produce small amounts of mineral ascorbates during pregnancy, else the baby's body would not hold together, as ascorbate is essential for the production of the connective tissue.

How does Alacer's Emer'gen-C® work? Containing a composition of ascorbic acid with various mineral carbonates simply open the moisture-proof, air-tight package and place the contents in to a container such as a glass and add 4 to 6ozs of water causing the ascorbic acid to react with the mineral carbonates, creating the minereal ascorbates. Thus, the production of mineral ascorbates as it occurs in most animals' bodies is simulated, and the powerful, effervescent, health product, Emer'gen-C®, which includes a host of other vitamins, is formed. Emer'gen-C® is now available in over fourteen different, natural flavors.



3/9/23, 3:20 PM

Alacer Corp - How Emer'gen-C works - Life Giving Ascorbates by Jay Patrick

Tuesday November 9th, 2004


© 1997-2004 Alacer Corp


3/9/23, 3:34 PM

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20020210200723/http://www.alacercorp.…

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People In view of the radical deterioration of the care of people and of the enormously accelerating costs of drugs which generally do as much harm as good, we suggest that a trial of the mineral ascorbates will show a low cost way of meeting a great variety of health needs. This method can be proved out in as little time as four months of application of some 6 grams daily of mineral ascorbates, 50% derived from our Emer'gen-CTM and 50% derived from our Super Gram IIITM, in daily ingestion. To prove out the excellence of this approach and its low cost, we suggest that 10 patients from each of the following categories be selected for these daily nutritional treatments: 1. 10 heart patients who are not in dangerous condition 2. 10 schizophrenia patients 3. 10 patients who seem to be entering into an Alzheimer state 4. 10 patients who are suffering from hypertension - Their diastolic reading should not exceed 95, and all drugs are withdrawn for the period of 4 months. 5. 10 patients who wear glasses - These patients are to be examined by an oculist before the start of the treatment who will verify the strength of the lenses required for their sight. 6. 10 patients who have difficulty hearing - These patients will be checked for the exact state of their hearing prior to treatment. Some check of these people should be made at approximately a twomonth point to ascertain that they are progressing all right and that no serious danger to their health has resulted. At the end of the four-month period the heart and hypertension people are to have their coronary arteries checked by the Ultrafast CT Scan procedure. It is expected that the majority of these will show a zero or near zero rating as to the calcium levels in their arteries. It is expected that at this time those having their eyesight and hearing improved will be checked as to the lower strength of their glasses and the lower rating of their hearing. The Alacer Corporation will furnish all of the materials required for these studies, free-of-charge.



3/9/23, 3:34 PM

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

We strongly urge the Mexican government to buy an Ultrafast CT Scan, which can be placed into operation within two or three months, to perform the tests of the first four types of patients. The fifth type can be checked by an oculist, and the sixth type can be checked by a hearing specialist. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 3:21 PM

Alacer Corp - What Most Brains Lack by Jay Patrick

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20040207043824/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/articles/brains.htm



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What Most Brains Lack About 250,000 people are known to die annually from trauma alone. Trauma usually involves some sort of shock such as an automobile accident, or, perhaps, extremely disturbing new. As trauma, it is often without any physical injury. Actually, many more die from trauma than are properly identified, I am sure. Frequently, we see the report: "He died in his sleep of natural causes." It is my considered opinion that these "natural causes" were that his brain had run out of the small amount of mineral ascorbate on which it had been subsisting, so collapse of the entire body became inevitable. This is because, as Dr Irwin Stone and I agreed, most people live on a precipice, with just enough ascorbate to keep them alive without emergencies. The brain requires fuel for every thought we think and for countless body functions, including respiration. Our lives are entirely dependent on this great center of operations. Indeed, it must be for lack of full brain function that many, many of the crimes are committed in this society. The adrenal glands are a great storage point for the ascorbates, which are vitally needed for the production of the powerful hormone adrenalin. The brain probably draws from the glandular storage points, since the whole body cannot survive without its function, but the average person has negligible amounts of ascorbate available.


This is understandable when we consider that the usual daily output of 1,5 million other animals amounts to over 10 grams (10,000 mg.) daily, when equated to a 154 pound person. So this is in grave contrast to the 60 to mg. the famed, (for me, infamous), National Academy of Sciences tells us is all the average person needs. This misinformation, basis of the USRDA's, should go down in history as the major attack on the health of our society. Since we human animals have no chance of living full, healthful lives without many grams daily of the mineral ascorbates that almost all other animals produce in their own livers.


We, the most intelligent beings in the world, have this handicapping ignominy. Somehow, the consumer must learn these facts about Cholesterol: 1. Cholesterol is an important substance produced by essentially every cell of the body. 2. It is the precursor of many body hormones, including the sex hormones. 3. When we eat products which contain cholesterol, such as eggs, the level of the substance in the body may temporarily rise, only to return to normal in approximately 24 hours, as the body shuts down its production to compensate. 4. Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs is of no value in reducing the clogging of your arteries. These arteries collect cholesterol only because their linings, which are replaced every two or three days, contain cells, which, due to their low level of mineral ascorbates, tend to bleed, and soon form scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, regardless of its level in your body. Accordingly, the way to keep your arteries clear is to keep your body well supplied with grams of mineral ascorbates, which can prevent the bleeding. 5. Taking a cholesterol-lowering drug does absolutely nothing to lower plugging up your arteries. Thus, it does you more harm than good, and acts as a poison in your body. This benefits only the drug company, your druggist, and your doctor. I consider this an attack that smacks of fraud, that must be largely but cleverly financed by the drug industry that expects cholesterol-lowering drugs to rise to a $30 Billion annual market.



3/9/23, 3:21 PM

Alacer Corp - What Most Brains Lack by Jay Patrick

Saturday February 7th, 2004


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3/9/23, 3:25 PM

Alacer News Release - Committee for World Health Research

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May 1, 1998.

World Health Group Studies Muscle Stamina MINERAL ASCORBATES SHOWN TO DRAMATICLY IMPROVE MUSCLE STAMINA IN RECENT STUDY BY RUSSIAN DOCTORS. MOSCOW, RUSSIA (May 1, 1998) – Initial results of a recent study conducted by The Institute of Pediatrics at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow, Russia, with the support of the Committee For World Health, USA, found that mineral ascorbates increased the muscle fatigue time of healthy children by 150%. The tests were also conducted on children suffering from cerebral palsy, who increased their muscle fatigue time by an impressive 200% above their norm. "These astounding increases in muscle endurance," says Dr. Richard Dana, the Executive Director of the Committee, "should awaken the world to the acute need for mineral ascorbates by both normal children and those suffering from cerebral palsy." The tests were conducted over 30 days in which some children received two grams of mineral ascorbates in the effervescent drink form of Emergen-C, while others received no mineral ascorbates. Tests were conducted to see how long each child could hold a muscle contraction before reaching the point of fatigue. The results (see accompanying chart) were amazing, as the children taking the mineral ascorbates along with regular excercise made a dramatic improvement over the children who simply exercised. The Institute of Pediatrics has become so encouraged by these results that they are already engaged in additional studies regarding the improvement of brain potentials with mineral ascorbates. Alacer Corp of Foothill Ranch, CA, is furnishing the mineral ascorbates (Emergen-C). The Committee for World Health is a non-profit organization dedicated to conducting health research in areas it feels have been greatly ignored by health scientists. Among its current https://web.archive.org/web/19990202142724/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/cfwh/muscle.htm


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Alacer News Release - Committee for World Health Research

projects is the providing of mineral ascorbate of vitamin C to help fight the deadly arsenic poisoning occuring in Bangladesh, India and the devastating malaria in Zimbabwe, Africa.

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3/9/23, 3:50 PM

Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for Misrepresenting Vitamin C

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Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for Misrepresenting Vitamin C Alacer Corp. today filed in Federal District Court an action to compel the National Academy of Sciences to change their views regarding the nonbenefits of large amounts of Vitamin C in protecting the body from a variety of illnesses, including the common cold. The suit contests the statement that there is "insufficient evidence to recommend that Americans get more of the nutrients, Vitamin C, E, Selenium, and Beta Carotene than is necessary to prevent basic nutritional deficiencies." Indeed, the panel stated on April 14th, in a public release, that "extremely high doses of such nutrients may lead to health problems rather than conferring benefits." The first aspect of the complaint emphasizes that the National Academy of Sciences does not even know the true nature of Vitamin C. The panel erroneously regards ascorbic acid as the real "C", whereas there is irrefutable evidence that the neutral mineral ascorbates such as produced in 99.9% of all animals' bodies are the true form of this vital nutrient. Furthermore, the action emphasizes that because evaluation has been performed with ascorbic acid, which the panel notes, in 2-gram quantities induces diarrhea, most health researchers have stopped right there. They have totally failed to evaluate the neutral, mineral ascorbates which can be ingested in the body at levels far above 20 times that of ascorbic acid. The scientific world has not done its job! Health investigators have never really determined the value of the mineral ascorbates at the levels necessary for them to work miracles in the human body. This mistaken attitude regarding the need for the true, animal forms of ascorbate has greatly constricted the market for the viable substance which is truly essential to healthful life. Indeed, the human mother has to produce modest quantities of mineral ascorbate in order for her baby to form a complete body. This is because ascorbate reacts with amino acids to form the connective tissue which separates every organ of the body and also holds them together. Without production of some quantities of this substance, mineral ascorbate, which has been largely ignored by the medical profession, no babies could really be born. After birth, the mother produces mineral https://web.archive.org/web/20020215001248/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/sues.htm


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Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for Misrepresenting Vitamin C

ascorbates in her milk, which nurtures the baby far better than man-made formula containing ascorbic acid. Because they are researching the wrong product, ascorbic acid, rather than mineral ascorbates, nutritional researchers of the world have generally failed to identify the full, multigram requirements of this vital substance. Yet even the dog produces at the rate of 2.8 grams daily of mineral ascorbates when equated to a 154 lb. person. Most animals live 7 to 14 times their period of maturity. Thus, the dog maturing at 2 years, lives to be about 14. On this same basis the human animal, maturing at 20-25, should live at least 7 times 20 to 140 years, which he certainly does not. Few people are aware that we humans suffer from a genetic disease, our inability to produce mineral ascorbates in our own bodies, as do more than 99.9% of all other animals. Only a few animals have been shown to suffer from this life-shortening and poor resistance to disease. They are the monkey, the ape, the guinea pig, a type of Japanese snake, a certain bat, and a few other animals. Labeled hypoascorbemia by pioneer researcher Dr. Irwin Stone, it is truly the major disease of the world. This is because the human body is continually attacked by hundreds of viruses and bacteria which only an immune system well fortified with mineral ascorbates can hope to counter. Now, the President of Alacer Corp., Jay Patrick, has been taking mineral ascorbates for some 28 years. During this time he has never had a cold, nor even the sniffles suggesting that a cold has attacked his body, nor in the past 17 years has he suffered for more than a portion of a day from an attack of influenza. All of this suggests that millions of people are dying prematurely from diseases their bodies should be able to counter. And further their lives are shortened by their reduced ability to maintain their bodies in good working condition. For instance, the human brain requires about ten times as much Vitamin C as the blood plasma. Those who take multigrams of mineral ascorbates will also find that their eyesight lasts them longer and that they do not require frequent step-ups in magnification of their glasses, if they require glasses at all. The nearly 88-year-old Jay Patrick still has 20/20 vision, the bone density 118% of a 30-year-old man, and almost zero plaque in his coronary arteries. (Patrick takes some 12 to 14 grams of mineral ascorbates daily.) Alacer Corp. supplies the mineral ascorbates in two basic forms. The first is as an effervescent drink mix which reacts in water to form mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and chromium under the trade name Emer'gen-CTM. One-gram tablets, a timed-release of the mineral ascorbates, are also available. Alacer has long made it a practice to furnish the mineral ascorbates to its employees. Accordingly, 8 out of 10 of employees tested have shown zero levels of plaque. This is a phenomenon which has been duplicated nowhere in the world. Alacer accordingly feels that millions of lives can be improved and radically extended for those who daily receive adequate quantities of these ascorbates. But doctors are not going to recognize this https://web.archive.org/web/20020215001248/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/sues.htm


3/9/23, 3:50 PM

Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for Misrepresenting Vitamin C

ascorbate need until researchers come to know the fantastic health value of these true forms of C.

Study made at UCLA Cardiovascular Center, Torrance, California The panel makes a very broad statement: "There is no convincing scientific evidence that taking large amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, or the nutrients Selenium and Beta Carotene can reduce the chances of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or other illnesses, a National Academy of Sciences panel announced yesterday." It is the intent of the suit to address only the conclusions viewed regarding Vitamin C, since these conclusions are so far out of line of general research on the subject. The true Vitamin C, mineral ascorbates, is so essential to the full function of the animal body that its presence in substantial quantities is obviously of great benefit in preventing countless ailments, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Indeed, since the true cause of most heart disease is the occlusion of the coronary arteries, it is of great interest to note that Alacer has established that mineral ascorbates can so benefit these arteries as to maintain zero levels of plaque. Diabetics who take mineral ascorbates can prevent deterioration of their eyesight and countless other disabilities. A recent study of which Harvard University was a part showed that among 663 people evaluated, those 26 people who had been taking Vitamin C suffered from no Alzheimer's disease whatsoever. As to the inclusion of the phrase "or other illnesses", the panel should recognize that it cannot logically include this phrase, since it includes thousands of illnesses which have not been evaluated. Actually, there is ample proof available that large amounts of mineral ascorbates can not only prevent the common cold, but nip it in the bud. Further, the panel seems under the impression that the sole function of Vitamin C is as an antioxidant, which is very far from the truth. Actually, the full utility of mineral ascorbates in the animal body reaches such numbers as to defy enumeration. For instance, the brain requires ten times the level of the blood plasma for good function, which fantastically protects the eyesight. The adrenal glands cannot produce adrenaline without mineral ascorbates. The lining of the coronary arteries, the intima, without adequate amounts of mineral ascorbates, starts to bleed, finally https://web.archive.org/web/20020215001248/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/sues.htm


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Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for Misrepresenting Vitamin C

forming scar tissue. It is this scar tissue which collects the cholesterol. Without it no cholesterol could attach itself to the wall of the artery. Thus, mineral ascorbates have a major role in protecting the human body against the major cause of death, heart disease, which is usually due to the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. As Alacer has long pointed out, the 50-year-old view that high levels of cholesterol are of themselves responsible for the collection of plaque in the artery, is the major "fraud" of the medical profession, because this phenomenon has never been proved. Clearly the governmental agency is at fault in these respects: They classify Vitamin C as only an antioxidant. This is only one aspect of the power of this remarkable substance. Mineral ascorbates are involved in the most vital aspects of body construction. The mother has to produce some amounts of mineral ascorbates during her pregnancy else the connective tissue which separates each organ and holds the body together could not be made. This is a scientific fact overlooked by most of medical science. The mineral ascorbates feed the mitochondria in our body cells. They are the essential engines of some 70 trillion cells of our bodies, furnishing some 90% of the energy, without which we would not be able to move a finger, blink an eye, or think a single thought. Further, if these mitochondria lack sufficient minerals and ascorbate to permit their full function, their DNA will mutate, leading to disastrous consequences such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, dementia, and other bodily breakdown. The most obvious consequence of inadequate mineral ascorbates is scurvy, which manifests itself in countless ways of bodily breakdown. General ill health, sallow complexion, loss of energy, pains in the extremities and joints, spongy, bleeding gums, foul breath, loosening of teeth, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and painful, brawny indurations of muscles result. Mineral ascorbates are involved in perhaps 1,000 enzymatic reactions in the body, in the production of adrenaline, hormones, in the function of the brain, which requires 10 times as much ascorbate as the blood plasma. Furthermore, the immune system which, despite the futile efforts of drug companies, is the major protection of our bodies against disease. Indeed, doctors now concede that the immune system is the only protection that humans now have against this dread disease. Tuberculosis, once thought to have been eliminated from our society, is rapidly rearing its head again. Here again the major protection against this destructive ailment is the immune system, properly supported with mineral ascorbates. Thus, in summation, it is obvious that the National Academy of Sciences is a flopout. They have done the citizens of the world a major disservice in dismissing ascorbates so lightly. Indeed, it is obvious that they should resign their jobs and turn to some useful work.



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Alacer Corp. Sues National Academy of Sciences for Misrepresenting Vitamin C

These people who are paid to assist us to better health have truly committed a crime against our society! Alacer intends to gather together major medical researchers of the world to give personal evidence that all of the afore-mentioned charges are absolutely true. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 4:00 PM

Alacer Corp - Press Releases

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IN MEMORY - Jay Patrick, Founder of Alacer Corp., Passes Away FOOTHILL RANCH, CA (April 14, 2003) -- Alacer Corp. founder and President Jay Patrick passed away February 26, 2003 at the age of 90. Jay lived a meaningful and prosperous life that touched millions of people in many different ways. His development of Alacer products, which feature Vitamin C in the form of mineral ascorbates, provided one of his most cherished influences worldwide. Jay was born and raised in San Diego, California. He began his career in 1936 at Lord Abbott and Company in New York City. He left the Wall Street firm when the market fell and founded the Flex Record Company where he developed the first paper-based sound recording blanks. In 1940, Jay accepted a position at Detrex Corporation in Detroit supervising the installation of metal processing equipment as part of the war effort. After World War II ended, Jay founded Tect Inc., in Northvale, New Jersey where he developed a highly effective solvent to replace the dangerous carbon tetrachloride. Jay also developed IBM Tape Cleaner and Developer to service all IBM computers in the world.


In 1968, after years of serving as chief chemist and president of his successful chemical specialties company, Jay turned his attention to the subject of nutrition. He made frequent visits to Dr. Irwin Stone, one of the foremost authorities on Vitamin C. As a result, Jay learned more about the remarkable benefits of Vitamin C in its purest form. Shortly thereafter, Jay founded Alacer Corp. in 1970, where he continued his research into Vitamin C in the form of mineral ascorbates. He appeared on many radio and television shows with Dr. Linus Pauling, a Nobel Laureate who wrote a number of books on Vitamin C and became recognized as an authority on the subject.


In 1970, Jay developed a timed-release Vitamin C tablet that included all seven mineral ascorbates, in addition to other vitamins and minerals. The product proved highly successful and in 1978, Jay and the Alacer team developed a product containing mineral carbonates which would react in water to form a great tasting drink, simulating the animal production of the seven mineral ascorbates which humans cannot produce in their own bodies. The name of the product was Emer’gen-CÒ referred to by Jay as “the real Vitamin C.” It was introduced to the World Congress on Vitamin C in 1978 and thrust Alacer Corp. to worldwide prominence, with the production of millions of Emer’gen-CÒ packets. Jay Patrick committed the last 30 years of his life to improving the health of all humankind. Even past his 90th birthday, Jay could still be found in his office at Alacer working to promote the countless benefits of Vitamin C in the form of mineral ascorbates. Millions of people around the globe continue to benefit from this caring, passion, and dedication. ####

Friday August 6th, 2004


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3/9/23, 3:43 PM


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Vitamin C, Linus Pauling was right all along. A doctor's opinion Source: Medical

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17 Aug 2004 Here is an article written by Dr Hilary Roberts about Linus Pauling and his views on vitamin C. Summary It is the 10th anniversary of the death of Linus Pauling and his most controversial scientific conjectures about the health benefits of vitamin C are being confirmed. The weight of evidence may yet force the medical establishment to accept his ideas on nutrition and health. Linus Pauling’s claim, that he knew a cure for heart disease, cancer and infections, was greeted with ridicule. His remarkable health claims concerned the substance we know as vitamin C. Now, ten years after his death on 19th August 1994, his revolutionary ideas are finally on the way to vindication. Given his history, it should not surprise us if Pauling was right all along. He was, after all, the leading chemist of the last century and, arguably, the greatest ever American scientist. He remains the only person to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes, the first for Chemistry (1954) and the second for peace (1962). In addition to being one of the greatest scientists ever, he was a renowned humanitarian. By the time of his death, the medical establishment had branded Pauling a quack, because he advocated the use of high doses of vitamin C to treat many diseases. Irwin Stone first introduced Pauling to vitamin C, and explained that it wasn’t really a vitamin at all, but an essential substance we could no longer manufacture in our bodies. Most animals make their own vitamin C, in large amounts. In humans, the gene for this ability has mutated and no longer works properly. When Pauling looked into Stone’s claims, he found that conventional medicine had long ignored evidence from respected physicians and scientists. This research suggested that high doses of vitamin C might be a cure for many illnesses, including cancer and heart disease. However, when he explained these findings in his wonderfully constructed books “Vitamin C and the Common Cold” and “How to Live Longer and Feel Better”, the medical profession was incensed, implying that a mere chemist could not possibly understand the intricacies of medical science. If Pauling was correct, vitamin C could help overcome the major killers in the industrialised world. This sounded so unlikely that a lesser scientist making the claim would probably have been ignored; the medical world had already disregarded similar reports of vitamin C. Linus Pauling had a reputation for being 20 years ahead of other scientists. He may well have been years ahead in other fields but, in medicine, the insiders considered such a thing to be impossible. Pauling battled with the medical authorities and convinced a lot of the public of the benefits of high dose vitamin C. He took on the medical establishment because the implication for health was enormous: an end to premature death and unnecessary suffering from heart disease, infection and many cancers. Since Pauling’s death, the medical establishment has reclaimed the scientific position with a series of experiments on vitamin C. In particular, the NIH measured the distribution of vitamin C in the body and claimed that Pauling was wrong about the need for high doses, as the blood could be saturated at low doses [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 3704–9.]. They added that doses higher than one gram were potentially dangerous. From this point on, the high dose vitamin C lobby were on the defensive. If the body could be saturated at low doses, the argument went, higher doses were simply a waste or even potentially dangerous. However, clinical reports of the utility of high dose vitamin C had been repeated in the literature for over 50 years. These reports continued, particularly in the fields of heart disease, infections and cancer, contradicting the NIH conclusions. Either the clinical reports of the efficacy of high doses were incorrect, or the NIH experimental work was flawed. Taking note of this inconsistency, Drs Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts decided to investigate the data for a book (“Ascorbate, the science of vitamin C”, www.lulu.com/ascorbate). They began by looking at the apparently ludicrous claims for the medical effects of vitamin C. Pauling had stated that the substance could cure cancer and that shortage was the major cause of heart disease. Among his many scientific advances, Pauling had made occasional errors: perhaps he had done the same with vitamin C. If he was wrong, his hypotheses should be easy to refute. When they examined the evidence, Hickey and Roberts found background evidence for Pauling’s ideas from independent scientific and medical reports, covering half a century. The findings in these papers could neither be dismissed as placebo effects nor easily explained. The reports included remission of AIDS, cures for cancer, and the immediate recovery of children at the point of death from septic shock. The claims seemed so out of the ordinary that they were hard to believe. However, Hickey and Roberts could find no counter examples in the scientific or medical literature. If these positive reports were indeed wrong, no-one had shown this to be true. The scientific evidence was consistent with Pauling’s ideas, with a few notable exceptions. The primary exception was the NIH data on blood and tissue saturation. The medical establishment accepted the NIH conclusions and held them in the highest regard. The US Institute of Medicine had based their official recommended dietary allowance (RDA) on these results. If the NIH was correct, then Pauling was wrong and the positive reports of high doses must be invalid. The NIH conclusions were not correct, however. Hickey and Roberts examined their experiments and found them to be full of errors. For example, the researchers had given a dose of vitamin C, waited until it had been excreted and then measured blood levels. Using this procedure, they found that increasing the dose did not greatly increase the blood levels. Instead of realising that this was because the dose had been excreted, the NIH claimed it was because the body was saturated, so higher doses were redundant. They then used white blood cells as a model for normal cells, to see how they absorbed vitamin C from their surroundings. These white blood cells are specialised to absorb vitamin C, even when supplies are low. If other body cells were similar to white blood cells, we would normally have a reserve of 40 grams in our bodies. In this case, given the proposed RDA of 200mg, it would take 2-3 years to fill a depleted body. This is demonstrably incorrect: the classic example is that James Lind’s sailors recovered from scurvy in a matter of days when they were given citrus fruits containing small amounts of vitamin C. These mistakes were gross and unsupportable. In order to check their re-interpretation of the data, Hickey sent emails to the NIH, the Institute of Medicine and every scientist he could contact who was associated with the RDA, asking them to provide a reasonable scientific response to these errors. No-one was able to provide such a response. Since it is normal scientific practice to explain and defend your ideas, the hypothesis that people only need small amounts of vitamin C looks increasingly shaky. Even the NIH’s subsequent data contradicts their earlier work. The NIH vitamin C group published a series of papers on vitamin C and cancer [Ann Intern Med, 140(7), 533-7.]. In these papers, they suggested that repeated doses of oral vitamin C would produce blood levels of at least 220 microM (a measure of the concentration) , which is three times greater than the 70 microM maximum “saturated” value they claimed in their RDA papers. While their own papers clearly showed that their low-dose claims were wrong, the NIH appeared not to notice. Instead, they suggested that intravenous doses could produce higher blood levels, which might be effective against cancer. Even though their data were coming closer to Pauling’s findings on the use of vitamin C in cancer, the NIH took the opportunity to mount another attack on Linus Pauling, suggesting he did not know the difference between oral and intravenous (IV) vitamin C. Pauling had performed a series of trials with Dr Ewan Cameron, a Scottish cancer specialist, showing that intravenous



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https://web.archive.org/web/20041031015358/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/vc_info/opinion.asp vitamin C allowed cancer patients to live much longer than expected. Numerous other studies confirmed this effect, particularly the work of Dr Abram Hoffer and Dr Hugh Riordan. The Mayo Clinic tried to refute this research but failed, as they used low, oral doses, making their results invalid. In their own cancer paper, the NIH researchers claimed that Pauling and Cameron’s use of the IV route was “serendipitous”, implying that Pauling did not know the difference between injected and oral doses. In fact, Pauling had written explicitly about this difference, so the NIH criticism was misplaced. A new scientific theory, called the dynamic flow model, explains all the observed responses to vitamin C in the literature. This model is described in the book “Ascorbate”, mentioned above. According to the model, people should ideally be in a state of dynamic flow, which means they should ingest more vitamin C than they need, in the form of divided dose supplements. The extra ascorbate flows through the body and is excreted in the urine. It is not wasted, however, as the excess acts as a reservoir when extra vitamin C is required. Dynamic flow is the closest we humans can get to restoring our physiology to how it was before we lost the ability to make vitamin C in our bodies, as most other animals still do. It is difficult to imagine what Linus Pauling would have made of all this had he lived. Hickey and Roberts like to think that he would have pointed out the NIH errors earlier. He might have had fun explaining that the NIH could not perform a simple experiment, yet tried to blame him for the deficiencies in the Mayo Clinic’s research. It is now 10 years since Pauling’s death. Biologist René Dubos suggested that the mainstream converges with Pauling twenty years later. If so, we only have another decade to wait until the medical establishment can admit that Pauling was right all along.

Sunday October 31st, 2004


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3/9/23, 3:30 PM


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3/9/23, 3:30 PM


AN ALACER PROPOSAL TO THE FDA REGARDING CORRECT NAMING OF VITAMIN C A PETITION In listing of the ingredients on our products we have been complying with your stipulation that ascorbic acid be listed as Vitamin C. However, we are not inclined to continue this practice, because we know full well that it is only an intermediate of Vitamin C. Indeed, it is in fact, a highly acidic material that can react with almost anything around, that is present in many citrus products, such as oranges and lemons. Actually, you are following world practice, which involves mislabeling of this chemical. Investigation shows that animals who produce Vitamin C in their own livers utilize a fifth stage wherein it is reacted with minerals present in the liver to form the neutral mineral ascorbates. These mineral ascorbates can then act as wonderful transporters of ascorbate into the cells, which are often in grave need of minerals, as well as ascorbate. Were this reaction not to occur, the 2-3 pH acidity of ascorbic acid would have a highly deleterious action on the arteries and linings of the animal and would not be picked up so readily by body cells as the mineral ascorbates. We maintain that any product which is labeled a vitamin should be either naturally occurring in the animal body or of such a nature as to be readily acceptable to body arteries and cells. It is true that humans can ingest ascorbic acid in its present state. However, the ability of the body to handle it in its acid form is quite limited and varies from person to person. As Irwin Stone, world pioneer on Vitamin C, told the writer some 30 years ago, “If one takes much ascorbic acid, it makes the whole urinary tract acid, since it brings the urine down from 7 to a pH of about 4.” While this may discourage the growth of bacteria in the tract, it also tends to be quite painful to the subject and, also, steps-up urination with subsequent loss of minerals. Thus, the view that one can obtain the truly healthful level of Vitamin C with ascorbic acid is very much in error. This is primarily because Vitamin C is required by the human body for full health at levels enormously above the level at which a person may tolerate the highly acidic intermediate.


Consequently, the whole world’s nutritional approach in regard to the


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C, the neutral mineral ascorbates, but only an intermediate ascorbic acid, which is not totally effective in the body and causes, as the level advances, serious diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn and nausea in many. (Reference Cancer and Vitamin C, by Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling) The ridiculous USRDA of 60 mg. daily of ascorbic acid for an adult is on its way out. But researchers who recommend higher levels are still on the wrong track. They are using the highly acidic ascorbic acid which contains no minerals whatsoever that can neutralize the product and facilitate its transport into the cells. It is true that two mineral ascorbates are available to the public, the first being sodium ascorbate, which is used widely in intravenous introduction of ascorbate. There, researchers such as Dr. Frank Klenner, have utilized in I.V. introduction, as much as 200 grams daily in order to kill off many vicious diseases such as: Insidious Virus; Encephalitis; Virus Pneumonia; Poliomyelitis; Hepatitis; Herpes Simplex and Zoster; Chicken Pox; Measles; Mumps; Mononucleosis; Pancreatitis; Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever; Trichinosis; Tetanus (Lock Jaw); Urethritis and Cystitis; Alcoholism; Arthritis; Cancer; Leukemia; and others. Truly remarkable results have been reached with high doses in this manner. However, we submit that the sodium form is not readily accepted by the cells of the body. This is because the average person’s intake of sodium is from 10-38 times the requirement of ½ gram daily (as sodium chloride). Thus, the sodium potassium pump of the cell becomes overwhelmed as it seeks to maintain a ratio of 20 parts of potassium to 1 part of sodium. This means that a logical, more efficient approach is not being followed in getting ascorbate into the cells. Calcium ascorbate, usually offered at a very high price, has also been used for various purposes -- sometimes for I.V. However, it is only one of the major mineral ascorbates and is not fully acceptable into the cells without the other minerals. We find that the best way to get into the cells is to offer the range of mineral ascorbates, approximating the desirable level of the minerals the cells want for good cellular health. Thus, we believe a mineral ascorbate should be very high in potassium and be fed with all the other basic minerals as mineral ascorbates. Incidentally, the idea that most people tend to suffer from a shortage of sodium appears to be much in error. This error is due not only to the extraordinarily high level of sodium in our food, but also to the fact that there exists in the body, a mechanism inducing the retention of sodium when sodium https://web.archive.org/web/20000822044511/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/fdaproposal.htm levels become too low.


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However, there is no such mechanism to conserve potassium. So, potassium levels among people tend to be low, whereas it is quite the contrary with sodium. High sodium loss does occur under considerable physical stress. It must occur because the body is probably loaded with sodium and the individual could die without some release of the product. This phenomenon has misled many researchers into believing that high intake of sodium is a necessity, especially for athletes. We believe that far superior results regarding many body ailments can be obtained by the oral or intravenous introduction of the full range of the principal mineral ascorbates -potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. There is a problem, however, of introducing tablets high in potassium. Because the molecular bond is very weak in this product, the two products may readily disassociate. Such disassociation of potassium in the animal body is not a problem, because the potassium ascorbate produced in the liver goes promptly into circulation and tends to be quickly picked up as a potassium ascorbate. However, in seeking to get these vital substances into the human body in a way in which it might approach the efficiency of animals that produce mineral ascorbates in their own bodies, we have found that the assimilation of an effervescent drink containing the basic mineral ascorbates is a highly efficient procedure to be followed. The potassium gets quickly to the cells with the other components, and the mitochondria can do a better job of producing 90% of the energy of the body, so a step-up of energy can almost immediately be felt. In a ten-year study of inhabitants of Rancho Bernardo, California, it was found that those who managed to get 1,000 mg. of potassium in their bodies daily suffered no strokes whatsoever in the ten-year period. So, the incorporation of 200 mg. of potassium in each effervescent drink mix packet, as the major element, has been fully justified through some 21 years of experience with the product. Indeed, the daily ingestion of five packets of the mix will furnish 1,000 mg. of potassium. We believe that much superior results can be obtained with I.V. use of ascorbate if all of the major ascorbates are used together, as compared with sodium ascorbate alone. We are constructing a mechanism that will make this possible. Most animals produce mineral ascorbates at levels of many grams, not milligrams, as the FDA seems to believe. Even the lowly rat produces it at 19.4 grams when equated to a 70-kilo (154-lb.) human. So, most of the research on humans has been, consequently, at levels far below the requirement at which this product, which is actually not a vitamin, because it is required at something like 1,000 times the level of vitamins, but as Irwin Stone described it is a “liver



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Consequently, when the world comes to acknowledge this major

difference between the two substances: the acidic ascorbic acid vs. the neutral mineral ascorbates, radical benefits will occur to the converted users of high levels of the mineral ascorbates.

TO THE FDA We regard it as the business of the FDA to look at the facts and act accordingly -- to know what the correct scientific policy is regarding the utilization of food supplements in the body. These facts cannot be disregarded. However, we do not expect that you will pay much attention to this petition, so we are suing your adviser, the National Academy of Sciences, in Federal Court for correction of these mislabeling procedures.

ALZHEIMER’S ADDENDUM As the life expectancy of people rises, more and more are acquiring Alzheimer’s. We feel that there is evidence that this is due to the steadily declining level of ascorbate in their bodies, especially the brain. Indeed, the brain seeks to utilize most of the ascorbate of the body. It contains, generally, more than 10 times the level of ascorbate of the blood plasma, and ascorbate is surely a very essential nutrient for the full function of the brain. The eyes seek to retain a level of ascorbate at least 25 times the plasma level. A very recent research announcement discloses that an antibody to amyloid protein has been discovered through research on mice, which, it is hoped, can prevent Alzheimer’s. We believe that shrinkage of the brain that occurs at a level of 15-40% in men and at least 1% in women is a factor that requires enormous research. Since mice are very high producers of the mineral ascorbates, they seem an inappropriate subject for this research. Guinea pigs, which cannot produce the mineral ascorbates, are a more logical subject of such investigation. Shrinkage of the brain seems to attend Alzheimer’s. Women, we believe, produce modest amounts of ascorbate during much of their lives, else they would not be able to produce complete babies, since ascorbate is essential for the formation, with amino acids, of the connective tissue that separates every organ of the body, which is 30% of the body protein. Yet, as many women as men, do ultimately, get Alzheimer’s, but these seem to be women whose production of ascorbate has radically declined, since they show brain https://web.archive.org/web/20000822044511/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/fdaproposal.htm shrinkage in excess of the usual 1%, which is an attendant factor in the ailment,


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Accordingly, we feel that the outstanding subject for research in regard to this dreaded disease is the full investigation of the factor of mineral ascorbates in the human brain. WHY NOT OTHER ANIMALS? Very old animals have been known to get the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. But, scientists are also aware that their production of mineral ascorbates declines steadily with their aging. So, there again, we believe we know where the responsibility lies. Of course, this evidence is anecdotal. However: the writer has been taking mineral ascorbates for some 30 years at levels of 8-12 grams daily. A recent MRI of his brain (shown herewith) showed essentially no brain shrinkage and enlargement of the hippocampus area, which at least one brain specialist regards as quite significant. People who have been taking mineral ascorbates and who are now reaching advanced age can be identified. Accordingly, the first thing that should be done regarding this research is to seek out these people, have MRIs performed on their brains, and determine if they have little or no brain shrinkage. The probability is that they are not getting Alzheimer’s. Of course the usual cognitive test for Alzheimer’s can also be conducted. These procedures can be quickly followed and will help give clues for further research on this important subject. So, we know that the misnaming of ascorbic acid as Vitamin C enormously hinders its use, since the quantities required for fantastic benefit are multi-gram quantities, yet most people react adversely to much smaller quantities of ascorbic acid. Accordingly, researchers of the world are following the wrong star and should be brought to their senses. People who take 4-10 grams of mineral ascorbates can benefit fantastically, curb the incidence of disease, and extend their lives. I have not had a cold for 30 years, or even a touch of the flu for 18 years. The remarkable thing is I never even get the hint of a runny nose that a cold virus might be attacking me. On the other hand, we are told that when a virus attacks our bodies, it takes several days for us to summon the antibodies, etc., so forth, to hold it down. This is not so with me, and I regard it as a phenomenon worthy of great investigation. I also have 20/20 vision in my 89th year, the bone density 118% of a 30year old man, and zero level of plaque in my arteries, as do 8 out of every 10 of Alacer employees who have been checked at the UCLA Cardiovascular Center. I challenge any physician in the world to equal these results. https://web.archive.org/web/20000822044511/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/fdaproposal.htm

Yours truly,



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60 mg. of Vitamin C per day, for an adult, for many decades the USRDA, is about 167th of the average animal's production of mineral ascorbates (10,000 mg.), when equated to a 154 lb. human. Does this make any sense?


3/9/23, 3:30 PM


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Review Requested for Recommended Dietary Allowance For Vitamin C

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Source:NPI Center 2004-08-24 - Knowledge of Health, Inc.

With newly published research reports showing that higher concentrations of vitamin C can be achieved in the blood plasma than previously thought possible, antioxidant researchers have penned their names to a plea for a scientific re-evaluation of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C. A dozen prominent antioxidant researchers, authors, and clinicians say the prevalent belief that 200 milligrams of oral vitamin C, an amount that can be obtained by eating five servings of selected fresh fruits and vegetables, can saturate the blood plasma and additional amounts are excreted in the urine, has now been disproved. Two recently published papers indicate that blood plasma levels of ascorbic acid can be raised three times greater than a flawed 1996 study indicates. One of the published studies shows that blood plasma concentrations of vitamin C continue to rise with a single 1000 milligrams dose of supplemental vitamin C. Drs. Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts, pharmacology graduates of the University of Manchester in England assert the initial studies used to determine the blood plasma saturation point for vitamin C failed to calculate for the half life of this vitamin. In their newly published book, Drs. Hickey and Roberts show that the original calculations used to establish the RDA were performed 12 hours, or 24 half lives, after oral consumption of vitamin C and are therefore invalid. (Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C, 264 pages, referenced, ebook: www.lulu.com/ascorbate) In addition to Drs. Hickey and Roberts, the list of researchers calling for a re-evaluation of the RDA for vitamin C includes: Thomas E. Levy MD, JD, author of Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation; 2002); Robert F. Cathcart III, MD, a practicing physician and advocate of high oral-dose vitamin C therapy; Richard Passwater PhD, antioxidant researcher and author of Supernutrition; Patrick Holford, London, author of the Optimum Nutrition Bible; Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., Graduate Sydney University, Australia, author of Vitamin C: Nature's Miraculous Healing Missile; Joel M. Kaufman, PhD, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, special interest in medicinal chemistry; Professor Ian Brighthope, Managing Director, Nutrition Care Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, Australia; Hugh D. Riordan, M.D., Director Bio-Communications Research Institute, Wichita, Kansas; and Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD., F.R.C.P., a practicing physician, advocate of nutritional medicine and editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. The written plea was sent to the Institutes of Medicine, Food & Nutrition Board, which establishes the Recommended Dietary Allowances for essential nutrients. ] #### PLEA CONCERNING ORAL VITAMIN C/RDA FOR VITAMIN C As health professionals who have been involved in vitamin C research, it has recently come to our attention that higher blood plasma concentrations of vitamin C can be achieved through oral intake than previously thought possible. , This scientific revelation has ramifications upon the current Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C and personal health regimens for consumers. It is apparent the current published advice, that the blood plasma concentration for vitamin C is saturated at 200 milligrams oral consumption, must be revised. Furthermore, it is apparent the RDA for vitamin C needs immediate re-evaluation. We urge the scientific community and other responsible health authorities to take timely action to correct misinformation concerning oral dosing of vitamin C and to join an effort to re-evaluate the RDA for vitamin C. Signed: Steve Hickey Ph.D., Metropolitan University of Manchester, England. Co-author, Ascorbate, The Science of Vitamin C, www.lulu.com/ascorbate, 2004. ISBN 1-4116-0724-4 Telephone from USA: 011 44 161 962 5495 Hilary Roberts, Ph.D., graduate University of Manchester, England. www.lulu.com/ascorbate, 2004. ISBN 1-4116-0724-4

Co-author, Ascorbate, The Science of Vitamin C,

Professor Ian Brighthope, Managing Director, Nutrition Care Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, 25 - 27 Keysborough Avenue, Keysborough Victoria 3173 Australia, Phone: +613 9769 0811, Fax: +613 9769 0822 Robert F. Cathcart III, M.D., advocate of high-dose vitamin C therapy; 127 Second Street, Suite 4, Los Altos, California 94022; Telephone: 650-949-2822; FAX: 650-949-5083 Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD., F.R.C.P. ; Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine; Suite 3 - 2727 Quadra St ; Victoria, British Columbia V8T 4E5 Canada; Telephone: 250-386-8756; Fax 604-386-5828; email: [email protected] Patrick Holford, London, founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) and the Brain Bio Centre; author of The Optimum Nutrition Bible, Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 2949 ex 22, Fax: +44 (0)20 8874 5003; Websites: www.holfordhealth.com (USA), www.patrickholford.com (UK), email: [email protected] Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., Graduate Sydney University. He is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for Health, a Fellow of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, Fellow of the Australasian College of Biomedical Scientists, and a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. He has authored Vitamin C: Nature's Miraculous Healing Missile (1993). Currently he is semi-retired, living in Tamworth, New South Wales. Address: 20 Kennedy Close, Cooranbong, Australia, NSW 2265; Telephone: 61 2 4977 2957; Email: [email protected] Joel M. Kauffman, PhD, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Emeritus Professor of organic chemistry, MIT. Special interest in medicinal chemistry. 65 Meadowbrook Rd. Wayne, PA 19087-2510. Telephone: 215- 596-8839. Email: [email protected] Thomas Edward Levy, M.D., J.D., Tulane University School of Medicine, 1972-76-M.D.; Fellowship in Cardiology, 1979-81, Tulane Univ. Affiliated Hospitals; author, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable, Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation; 2002. Telephone: 800-331-2303, 719-548-1600; Fax 719 572-8081 or email to [email protected] Dr. Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D., antioxidant researcher, author "Supernutrition," Berlin, Maryland. Email: [email protected] Telephone: 410-641-7411. Hugh D. Riordan, M.D., President - The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning Int'l, Inc., Director - Bio-Communications Research Institute, 3100 North Hillside Avenue, Wichita, KS 67219 U.S.A., Phone: 316-682-3100, Fax: 316-682-5054, e-mail: [email protected], website: www.brightspot.org



3/9/23, 4:05 PM

https://web.archive.org/web/20041204115841/http://www.alacer.com:80/vc_info/review.asp Andrew W. Saul, PhD, Contributing Editor, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Number 8 Van Buren Street, Holley, New York 14470 USA. Email: [email protected] REFERENCES Padayatty SJ, Sun H, Wang Y, Riordan HD, Hewitt SM, Katz A, Wesley RA, Levine M., Vitamin C pharmacokinetics: implications for oral and intravenous use, Annals Internal Medicine, April 6, 140: 533-37, 2004. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the National Cancer Institut, and the Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1372, USA. BACKGROUND: Vitamin C at high concentrations is toxic to cancer cells in vitro. Early clinical studies of vitamin C in patients with terminal cancer suggested clinical benefit, but 2 double-blind, placebo-controlled trials showed none. However, these studies used different routes of administration. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether plasma vitamin C concentrations vary substantially with the route of administration. DESIGN: Dose concentration studies and pharmacokinetic modeling. SETTING: Academic medical center. PARTICIPANTS: 17 healthy hospitalized volunteers. MEASUREMENTS: Vitamin C plasma and urine concentrations were measured after administration of oral and intravenous doses at a dose range of 0.015 to 1.25 g, and plasma concentrations were calculated for a dose range of 1 to 100 g. RESULTS: Peak plasma vitamin C concentrations were higher after administration of intravenous doses than after administration of oral doses (P < 0.001), and the difference increased according to dose. Vitamin C at a dose of 1.25 g administered orally produced mean (+/-sd) peak plasma concentrations of 134.8 +/- 20.6 micromol/L compared with 885 +/- 201.2 micromol/L for intravenous administration. For the maximum tolerated oral dose of 3 g every 4 hours, pharmacokinetic modeling predicted peak plasma vitamin C concentrations of 220 micromol/L and 13 400 micromol/L for a 50-g intravenous dose. Peak predicted urine concentrations of vitamin C from intravenous administration were 140-fold higher than those from maximum oral doses. LIMITATIONS: Patient data are not available to confirm pharmacokinetic modeling at high doses and in patients with cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Oral vitamin C produces plasma concentrations that are tightly controlled. Only intravenous administration of vitamin C produces high plasma and urine concentrations that might have antitumor activity. Because efficacy of vitamin C treatment cannot be judged from clinical trials that use only oral dosing, the role of vitamin C in cancer treatment should be reevaluated. Polidori MC, Mecocci P, Levine M, Frei B., Short-term and long-term vitamin C supplementation in humans dose-dependently increases the resistance of plasma to ex vivo lipid peroxidation, Archives Biochemistry Biophysics, March 423: 109-15, 2004. Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, Heinrich-Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany. To assess the effects of short-term and long-term vitamin C supplementation in humans on plasma antioxidant status and resistance to oxidative stress, plasma was obtained from 20 individuals before and 2h after oral administration of 2g of vitamin C, or from eight subjects enrolled in a vitamin C depletion-repletion study using increasing daily doses of vitamin C from 30 to 2500 mg. Plasma concentrations of ascorbate, but not other physiological antioxidants, increased significantly after short-term supplementation, and increased progressively in the long-term study with increasing vitamin C doses of up to 1000 mg/day. Upon incubation of plasma with a free radical initiator, ascorbate concentrations were positively correlated with the lag phase preceding detectable lipid peroxidation. We conclude that vitamin C supplementation in humans dose-dependently increases plasma ascorbate concentrations and, thus, the resistance of plasma to lipid peroxidation ex vivo. Plasma and body saturation with vitamin C in humans appears desirable to maximize antioxidant protection and lower risk of oxidative damage.

Saturday December 4th, 2004


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The Science of Vitamin C


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By Gailon Totheroh CBN News Science & Medical Reporter

The RDA, or Recommended Daily Allowance, for vitamin C suggests that men should get 75 milligrams a day and women 90 milligrams.

CBN.com (CBN News) - If you were told there was a safe drug that would fight viruses, reduce heart disease and cancer and extend life, would you buy it? And if you found out you could get it over the counter for 25 cents a day, would you definitely buy it? And if your government and your doctor told you not to waste your money on it, would you be angry? That substance is named Ascorbic Acid, otherwise known as vitamin C.

Maybe you would be better off if you were a dog. Dr. Steve Hickey, a biophysicist from Manchester, England, and co-author of "Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C," says, "The evidence is that cats and dogs hardly ever get heart disease."

Why is that? It is because of vitamin C. But, you say, you have never seen any bow-wows at the vitamin counter, nor near the citrus at the grocery. So what gives?

Hickey explains, "Cats and dogs manufacture their own vitamin C."

And, no, not in a lab, silly, in their bodies.

Hickey said this is true of nearly all plants and nearly all animals. "Humans are a little bit strange," he says.

Hickey says humans are odd because our bodies can no longer make the Ascorbic Acid as they once did. So to get a dog's life today, as far as heart health, we have got to get C from food and supplements. And that intake may provide more than just heart health.

"Over the last 30 years," Hickey says, "we have had repeated reports and case study data of cures and highly effective treatments, treatments that increase the life span of terminal cancer patients, [increase their] expected life span by a factor of three."

So, are Americans getting enough to keep major diseases at bay? Well, that is a good question. The government says we don't need much.

The RDA, or Recommended Daily Allowance, for vitamin C suggests that men should get 75 milligrams a day and women 90 milligrams. Yet a dog the size of an adult would internally make about 2,500 milligrams.

For Hickey, the human recommendation is way too low, and should be closer to what an animal, like a dog, would make.

Dr. Hickey continues, "A normal, healthy individual might look for a 500 milligram vitamin C tablet and take it with every meal."

Nutrition researcher Carol Johnston at Arizona State University says, based on her own research and other vitamin C studies, she personally takes 1000 milligrams (1 gram) a day.

The government RDA, however, will only keep most people from getting scurvy, a wasting disease that leads to weakness of skin, gums and blood vessels; reduced ability to fight disease; and premature death.

You might expect that scurvy only exists in poor countries, but Johnston says scurvy is on the rise in America.

Data from 20 years ago put five percent of adults at scurvy levels, with the unexpected current figures at 15 percent.

Hickey says if there were an emphasis on the 1000 milligrams daily, those millions at scurvy levels would diminish and the rest of the population would be healthier. He says part of that better health would be increased resistance to deadly germs, as well as those annoying, but all too common, colds that plague us every winter.

So what error led our government down the wrong path on vitamin C? They did not account for vitamin C's half-life of half an hour. Half-lives measure depletion from the blood.

In a research study, the government waited 12 hours before looking at blood levels of people taking high and low doses. After 20-some half lives, both the high and low doses had depleted to the same level in the blood. Low doses thus appeared just as good as high doses.

Hickey says that is bad science, betraying a bias for low doses. He states, "Instead of looking at that as a hypothesis, as an idea to be tested, an idea to be thrown away, if possible, they looked at it -- and look at it -- as a scientific law."

Hickey says that the bias against lavishing vitamin C on people's diets is widespread and goes back many years. "The medical establishment had actually got it wrong, and their science was poor, and the physicians who were claiming enormous benefits for high doses -- their science was correct," he remarks.



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https://web.archive.org/web/20041031015214/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/vc_info/science.asp Hickey says that the government should have paid attention to literally thousands of studies suggesting that more vitamin C is better

"Taken as a whole," he says, "that evidence invalidates the hypothesis that small doses and low blood levels are all a person needs for good health."

Why exactly is vitamin C so important, and why might getting more make a difference?

The well-known benefit of C is as an antioxidant. That is, C helps protect the body from the damage of daily living. Not as well-known is C's crucial role in forming collagen in the body. Collagen can be called the body's glue. That means it is crucial for the strength and flexibility of the blood vessels, a bastion against heart disease.

And vitamin C's antibiotic properties appear strongest at very high doses of vitamin C. Some physicians have used as much as a thousand times the RDA intravenously to treat certain diseases.

"And, that difference in magnitude is enormous," Hickey says. "It's the difference between the speed of a snail and the speed of a jet."

Even our ancient diet is believed to have included as much as 600 milligrams a day. To get that amount today, people would have to eat all fruit, all the time. And that, of course, is not practical today.

Still, Hickey does recommend the fruits and vegetables. He says, "The different colors might indicate different levels of antioxidants within those skins and what you're looking for is a lot of different colored fruits and vegetables."

Yet, he says, don't count on those fruits and vegetable for your vitamin C; they will not guarantee a person consistent and high-enough levels of the vitamin.

CBN News asked Dr. Hickey what was the best form of vitamin C to take. Hickey responded, "Well, an ideal form is vitamin C powder, because it's low cost and it's easy to take."

The trouble is, standard medicine has long had evidence that the nation's top killer -- yes, heart disease and strokes -- result from low vitamin C

"But in the past half a century, says Hickey, "the medical establishment has not performed even a simple experiment to refute that hypothesis."

Hickey says those experiments need to be done, and if not, about 95 percent of the population could rightfully assume they are not getting enough vitamin C.

The importance of vitamin C for good health is becoming increasingly evident, but with medical and government policies increasingly downplaying the nutrient, consumers are led to believe that a little dab will do you -- but it won't.

NOTE: If you have problems with acid reflux or excess stomach acid, opt for the "buffered" form of vitamin C



3/9/23, 3:43 PM


Sunday October 31st, 2004


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3/9/23, 2:58 PM

Apnea Project of the CFWH

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Miraculous Recovery: Sleep Apnea I want to report on a case of sleep apnea. This man had been on a positive pressure machine at night which was quite essential for his survival. However, after some 3 or 4 months on 10 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, he no longer requires a machine, and can sleep very well at night, without snoring and without use of a machine. Since this is only one case, we should like to confirm the highly favorable results returned on this type of apnea. Accordingly, if any of our readers suffer from the non-obstructive sleep apnea, we are interested in supplying them with the mixed ascorbates for them to try for up to four months in hope of affecting a solution to the problem. Accordingly, if you have had identification that you do not suffer from the obstructive sleep apnea, which reportedly requires an operation, we want to help you. Please e-mail the details to me of your problem or telephone, and we will get busy with your problem as quickly as possible. Committee for World Health Jay Patrick, Chairman Phone: 949-916-7862 Home

Approved as a non-profit research foundation and exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donors may deduct contributions to us as provided in section 170 of the Code. https://web.archive.org/web/20011218231801/http://www.cworldhealth.org/apnea.htm


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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

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3/9/23, 3:15 PM

Jay Patrick interviewed Sylvester Stallone

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19990203041907/http://www.a…

Stallone Survives In producing the first Rambo film, Sylvester Stallone underwent many days of strenuous agony. Jay Patrick interviewed Sylvester Stallone for three and a half hours after he had completed the picture, in his California home. He felt that Jay Patrick had saved his life. See the story, as it appeared in Sports


"For a while I thought I was going to die. But I took a packet of Emergen-C every 45 minutes or an hour" -------Sylvester Stallone

Rambo’s First Aid – Tougher than tough. America’s rough guy Rambo faced heavyweight horrors and conquered them all. A little more human Stylvester Stallone had a harder time of it. In First Blood he had to plow through icy waters and torrential downpours and often slept outside in a windchill factor of 45 degrees below. Rambo may have taken it all in stride, but Stallone the man credits his survival to Emergen-C a new type of vitamin C drink made by the Alacer Corp. When water is added to the effervescent drink mix, Emergen-C provides 1000 milligrams of C with B vitamins and 25 mineral ascorbates and complexes that are readily assimilated by the bodyincluding potassium ascorbate, a radical new combination of Vitamin C and on of the body’s most important minerals. Potassium is the major mineral in the body’s cells, and it plays a crucial role in metabolism. It’s also the first element lost when the body is under stress. https://web.archive.org/web/19990203041907/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/traum5a.htm


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Jay Patrick interviewed Sylvester Stallone

Using the VIVO SOFTWARE PLAYER you can listen to Sylvester Stallone talk about how Emergen-C and SUPERGRAM helped him: Click Here

Try our mineral ascorbates! We know that you will feel a clear benefit the very First Day ! We’ll send you a 36 packet box of Emergen-C Effervescent Drink Mix (1000 mg of mineral ascorbates per packet) and a 40 Tablet bottle of Super Gram III (1000 mg of Timed Release Mineral Ascorbates per tablet, plus B Vitamins, 7 minerals,8 mixed bioflavonoids, in a base of Ginko Biloba and over 200 trace substances).You’ll get enough of these two break-through products to provide you with Two (2) grams of Mineral Ascorbates daily for 36, plus days. Send $19.95 for this, double dose, 36-day supply, with extra data, postpaid, U.S.

PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY! DON’T WAIT FOR AN EMERGEN-C! RELATED STORY: CINDY CRAWFORD says Emergen-C is a "travel essential." Comments can be forwarded to Alacer's Copyright ©1997, Alacer Corp.




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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

10 Benefits of Timed Release, Fully Reacted Mineral Ascorbates By Jay Patrick

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

Critics of megadose intake of Vitamin C state that enormous amounts of the substance spill over into the urine. There is considerable truth to this statement, especially under some of the following circumstances: If the form taken is ascorbic acid, which, especially at high levels, is irritating to the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. If the intake is suddenly increased. In such cases, the cells have not had time to get accustomed to being offered such high levels of "C," so they are not ready to accept it, and it heads for the kidneys. If the ascorbic acid is in the form of a powder, liquid, or non-timed release tablet. In such concentrated form, without minerals, the substance hits the cells too suddenly to be well picked up. On the other hand, in animals that produce "C" in their own bodies, the ascorbic acid produced in the liver is promptly reacted with minerals before circulation in the blood stream. Such mineral ascorbates are more readily accepted by body cells because the minerals often serve as ascorbate



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transporters to aid in assimilation of the ascorbate by the cell. Further, the much preferred approach is to take most of one's "C" as mineral ascorbates as timed release, since this form provides the following benefits: 1. Interacts With Entire Gl Tract No more than 25% of the ascorbates present in a suitably timed tablet should be dissolved in the stomach. The 75% balance should be timed to go on, as can best be managed, past the short, highly oxygenated duodenum at the beginning of the small intestine. Dr. Sherry Lewin points out that much degradation of "C" can occur in this short section, that timed release "C" can go through the area with minimum loss, for better assimilation in the remaining 27 feet or so of the digestive tract. The pancreas secretes large quantities of bicarbonate of soda as the food enters the intestines, producing a mildly alkaline media that is unlikely to cause much disassociation of the ascorbate complex. From there on, the benefits of contact of the neutral, mineral ascorbates with the trillions of receptive cells lining the remainder of some 27 feet of neutral digestive tract through both small and large intestines (the duodenum, jejunum, the ileum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon), all the way to the rectum and anus... can be quite substantial. Surely the protection of mineral ascorbates all the way through the digestive tract to the rectum should do something to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. (Judging by the commercials, this seems to be a very prevalent ailment. Even Jimmy Carter had to go into a hospital in January of 1982 for a hemorrhoid operation.) Surely, too, a good steady, daily level of these ascorbates should be of



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great benefit in preventing intestinal cancer, among other things. 2. Compensates For Different Rates Of Digestion Mineral ascorbates should be properly timed for steady release over a period of approximately 8 hours. This means that, instead of being dumped in one mass in the stomach alone, there are many different sites for assimilation of these more stable and effective forms of Vitamin C. But tossing any form of "C" into the stomach is to plunge the highly reactive substance into a maelstrom, a tumultuous, highly acidic bag through which peristaltic, mixing waves act about every 20 seconds to blend food with hydrochloric acid and a variety of gastric secretions. As with any type of "C," but, especially, with ascorbic acid, utilization of these substances is a biochemical lottery, which varies greatly from minute to minute, depending much on the food, acids, enzymes, and other material therein, which can react favorably or unfavorably with this vital but unstable sustainer of life. Animals that produce Vitamin C in their own bodies will certainly get some of the substance in the food they eat, though it is usually cellulose and bioflavonoid bound, which is protective in the stomach and aids assimilation. But these same animals get their major requirements of "C" from the mineral ascorbates formed in their own livers as the ascorbic acid therein produced reacts with minerals available from the blood serum. 3. Provides Ready Passage Through Cell Membranes The mineral ascorbates, being fully reacted, can then pass more readily through the cell https://web.archive.org/web/20020215010102/http://www.alacercorp.com/10.htm


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membranes, bringing to the cells both essential minerals and "C". Thus, complexes of calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and molybdenum can act as mineral transporters to carry minerals efficiently to body cells and as ascorbate transporters to bring to the cells the life sustaining power without which we die from scurvy and countless other ailments, including those resulting from malfunction of the immune system. It should be evident that the ingestion of suitably timed mineral ascorbates enables you to practice "The Art of Gentle Persuasion," to get your body cells to accept the higher levels of Vitamin C that they tend, with advancing age, to more and more reject. This may be regarded as a clear aspect of aging, that the cells thus commit suicide by refusing to let in through their mysterious membranes the very nutrients necessary for their good health and longer life. 4. Works When Your Body Needs It Most Without timed release mineral ascorbates, it is exceedingly difficult for one to maintain in his body on a 24 hour basis a reasonably steady level of Vitamin C. Ordinary tablets or powders put him or her on a roller coaster. This is especially true during the night, when sleep should be as continuous as possible. The chief regeneration of the body, especially of the skin, occurs during the night. All the right nutrients must be available to allow this to occur. Your Day Starts the Night Before. Between midnight and 4 a.m., the circulation of the body falls to its lowest point. It is a period of transition, as the body starts to produce 43 plus hormones. It is also a period of stress, when most of the babies prefer to be born, when most of the heart attacks tend to occur. (Read Body Time by Gay Gaer Luce, Pantheon.) https://web.archive.org/web/20020215010102/http://www.alacercorp.com/10.htm


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Thus, at bedtime, I take 3 or 4 grams of timed release calcium-magnesium ascorbate, CMA. I then usually enjoy a very relaxed sleep . . . and awaken in the morning quite alert, with a sense of wellbeing that carries me through much of the day. I am convinced that this is largely due to the action of magnesium ascorbate in balancing the calcium ascorbate. Calcium is known to be conducive to sleep, but this action is principally on the brain. Muscles cannot relax, however, without magnesium. Milk is high in calcium but low in magnesium. There is evidence that the dull minds that many people have in the morning are due to high levels of calcium accumulated in the brain. This calcium is not adequately balanced with magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is a major factor in ischemic heart disease, which kills more than half of all US citizens every year, says Dr. Mildred Seelig, world authority on magnesium . Timed release calcium-magnesium ascorbate supplies nutrients which assist in both relaxation and restoration of muscles, organs, and skin during the night. Dr. Irwin Stone says that "C", working internally on the skin and entire body is far superior to anything that can be applied as a lotion externally. The margin between life and death from scurvy is very small. As little as 10 mg. of "C" daily may prevent the extreme condition of frank scurvy, when the teeth fall out, the gums bleed profusely, and all organs of the body are separated. Subclinical scurvy is everywhere, but is less apparent.

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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

The Health Gap or Avoiding The Major Killers By Jay Patrick "Everyone of us gets dozens of cancers each day," Dr. Carl Pfeiffer of Princeton, N. J. used to say; But our bodies immediately check the growth of most of them, so, usually, nothing happens. Thousands of scientists are daily working on means to grapple with this great destroyer, but it appears to me that their efforts are largely misdirected. An enormous amount of their time seems to be devoted to "early detection" of cancer, at which time the battle is often lost, rather than to measures that might wholly prevent emergence of the great killer. Cancer is known to be mostly a disease of the aging, as the immune system of the body goes into steady decline. Indeed, it is this same "system", or "response", that has brought us forward through the ages, against almost insurmountable odds, as we fought every imaginable enemy. Yet, somewhere along the tortuous pathway of our development, we either lost, or never had, the one, almost magical, cellular balancer, detoxifier, and fortifier necessary to extend our lives, to help make our bodies whole, and to step up mightily our resistance to disease. It appears that, in approaching the problem, we must, first, consider what is most missing in our bodies, that might provide the "fuel" to enable our



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cells to throw off a host of vicious invaders, including bacteria, viruses, and radiation. The Missing Agents Outstanding among these missing elements are the mineral ascorbates, of which their intermediate form, ascorbic acid, has been mislabeled Vitamin C. It is in the full study of these peerless carbo that our medical science has been grossly deficient. Yes, there are some 80,000 papers on the subject of ascorbic acid, but little consideration has been given to the most active forms of this powerful molecule, which protect more than 99.9% of all other animals, the mineral ascorbates. Thanks to the pioneering work of the British navy, long ago, which found that lemons (limes) could protect its men at sea for months from almost sure death, an awareness of the need for ascorbate, after countless centuries of radically shortened life, is slowly emerging. But this need should be measured in grams rather than in milligrams, because it is not really a vitamin but a liver metabolite, as world authority, Dr. Irwin Stone labeled it many decades ago. Yes, minute quantities will not suffice, if we would strive to be fully alive and fully well. Setting the Stage The stage for our two most basic ailments, heart attack and cancer is slowly set, with each advancing year. Deprived of adequate mineral ascorbates, the linings of our arteries start to bleed, then clot, forming scar tissue. This scar tissue then collects the cholesterol, lipids, and, finally, calcium of the plaque that, finally, totally blocks the flow of blood to the heart, inducing death. However, with a poorly functioning immune system, which can be due in great measure to lack of the mineral ascorbates, either heart attack or cancer may get you first. This wonderful immune response, as some researchers like to call it, must have every



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nutrient working for it in synergistic power to help ward off a multitude of invaders ranging from the common cold to the most life-threatening diseases. So, if we were able to produce enough mineral ascorbates to give six to ten grams daily to the entire population, I am confident that the incidence of death from disease, say, to the age of 80, would decline about 50% or more. Won’t you join me? I like to keep some friends close to my own age (85). P.S. When we had the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, CA., x-ray 10 of our employees with the Ultrafast CT scan, 8 out of 10 showed zero (0) plaque, and the 9th and 10th showed very low levels, also insignificant, at which no symptoms appear. Furthermore, we are inviting several hundred physicians, who have taken our mineral ascorbates for many years, to get their arteries, also, checked We shall publish the results as soon as available.

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3/9/23, 3:32 PM

The Immune System and What Kills Most of Us

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The Immune System and What Kills Most of Us There is one outstanding oversight, worldwide, in the entire field of scientific medicine. Because of this oversight, millions of people are born without fully fulfilled bodies, and most of them fall prey to countless diseases and ailments from which they would not otherwise suffer, and almost all of them die many decades ahead of their time. It is a disease which results in inadequate support of the major protection which we have to all manner of disease, as it lies in the support of our remarkable but inadequate immune system. It is the major weakness of all our bodies, which often results in sudden infant death and sudden death of the adult who is subject to trauma. It is probably responsible for the sudden death of the elderly who die in their sleep, who reportedly pass away due to natural causes. The natural cause is that their bodies run out of what Dr. Albert-Szent-Györgyi has described as the "glue" of life. It is the disease which has been identified as being shared by less than 10 other animals of some 1.5 million on this earth. Because of this ailment our organs do not always hold together, our skin prematurely ages, our bones are substantially weakened and break easily, we fall easy prey to some 200 cold viruses and a great variety of influenza viruses, our tendons are often weakened, our brains cannot operate at peak efficiency, and our eyes frequently require the support of glasses for good vision, or fall into a great variety of eye diseases, such as cataracts and glaucoma. Without this magic substance our bodies cannot form with amino acids the connective tissue that separates each organ and holds us together. Without it the lining of our arteries starts to bleed, then forms the scar tissue which collects the cholesterol, fats, and calcium that can block our coronary arteries and shut down our hearts. Some 32 years ago one of the authors (Patrick) was suffering from the severe pain of the TM joints toward the end of every week. His dentist failed to help him at all. He eagerly responded to an article by Irwin Stone, a real pioneer on Vitamin C, in a current Life magazine. Weekly meetings with Stone, who lived on Staten Island some 50 miles away from Patrick's home in New Jersey, opened his eyes. He took about 4 or 5 grams of ascorbic acid, and quickly noted that his TM joint pain had some 95% disappeared. This awakened him to the enormous potential of https://web.archive.org/web/20020210202030/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Immune.htm


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The Immune System and What Kills Most of Us

the product. He learned from Stone that most animals produce the real Vitamin C in their own livers. The glucose circulating in their blood hits four enzymes, forming ascorbic acid. But this ascorbic acid then reacts with minerals present to form the fabulous mineral ascorbates. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 3:15 PM

Ascorbate: Humanity's Most Needed Substance

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Trauma and Sudden Death Above is a chart which outlines the deaths of 860 people from trauma in the San Francisco General Hospital over a three-year period. Obviously the brains of these people completely died as an effect of the trauma. In the excellent Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary we find that trauma is defined as a physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence. Actually, it is not truly the usual type of physical injury, as it may only involve a shock to the brains which causes them to cease their function. Thus, we see that the coma from which German suffers lies in the fact that he suffered the trauma of an automobile accident that eliminated all his brain control, except for respiration. According to Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary, coma is the principal cause of death between the ages of 1 and 44 years. The Center for Disease Control reports that 107,000 people died from trauma between the ages of 1 and 44 in the year 2000, out of 180,000 total deaths, or 59%. This is an astounding figure which has never circulated freely to the public. You may be sure that our medical profession does not know the cause or causes of trauma except that which is induced by drugs or poisons. Obviously it is principally a lack of mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C. Thus, compared to trauma, all other ailments are secondary. But why does trauma occur? It occurs, as world authority Dr. Irwin Stone told me some 31 years ago, because of lack of Vitamin C in the brain, or hypoascorbemia as he defined the term. Smokers are mostly likely to die of trauma, since they place an extra burden on their bodies which reduces whatever level of Vitamin C is present, and renders them more and more susceptible to shock. We've all been under the impression that heart disease is the major cause of death. Obviously it is not from birth to age 44. Those who live beyond 44 either have brains more resistant to shock or are getting some of the mineral ascorbates their bodies so much require. Of course, many drugs can so affect the brain as to induce a state of coma, and Taber's Dictionary mentions most of them. However, along with the entire medical system, it ignores the susceptibility of the brain to a shortage of Vitamin C, which is so essential to its electronic action.



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Ascorbate: Humanity's Most Needed Substance

Now we're all concerned about some 45,000 or so people who die every year from automobile accidents. Many of these do die from trauma alone, but the overall figure of deaths from trauma is almost completely ignored in our society and in our medical profession. Stone regarded the automobile accident as the principal cause of trauma, but based on the figures it is not. However Stone told me that if we could get Vitamin C in these people immediately, their lives would be saved. Of course, at that time his vision was limited to ascorbic acid, which the world also feels is Vitamin C. It is true that in the animal liver ascorbic acid is the fourth product produced from sugar in the liver with four enzymes. However, Stone pointed out that this acid, which has a low pH of about 2, does not go into circulation in the animal's body. Instead, it reacts with countless other minerals present in the liver to form the mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, etc. So I can now describe the major oversight of medicine: It is that we all suffer from a multi-gram deficiency of mineral ascorbates, which affects not only our brains but our entire body, our immune system's reaction to the disease, the flexibility and bone structure of our entire bodies, and our longevity. I now find myself, at age 89, with the major responsibility of getting the science and medical procedures of the world straightened out, so as to benefit all people immeasurably. This is something I had not planned. I was, at age 58, operating a small chemical specialties firm in New Jersey, without a great scientific background. I invented the stabilization of 1-1 trichloroethane, a low-cost solvent which was a by-product in Dow Company's manufacture of Saran. About 1/20th as toxic as carbon tetrachloride, this met and still meets a major safety use in our society. I was also happy to develop the IBM Tape Transport Cleaner and Developer for IBM tapes throughout the world, which also replaced the dangerous carbon tetrachloride. But I knew nothing about nutrition. So, I started to have serious Tempero-Mandibular joint pains about Thursday and Friday of every week, as the stress of work came upon me. I sought out dentists, who claimed that I simply needed better balance of my teeth. However, after some seven sessions with a dentist, who ground away my teeth, I abandoned this solution. But I came upon an article in Life Magazine which showed Irwin Stone, an enzyme chemist as the world authority on Vitamin C. I noted that he lived on Staten Island, New York, so I contacted him and met with him about every Sunday where he and his wife discussed his major hobby, the investigation of Vitamin C. Stone persuaded me to take several grams of C, and within a week or two I noticed that my TM joint pains had disappeared, never again to occur! This impressed me greatly, so the investigation of ascorbate became a lifetime pursuit for me. I learned, however, that Stone was fully content with ascorbic acid as a source of Vitamin C, whereas he admitted to me that it was only the fourth stage in a five-stage process. He pointed out to me that in the liver the fifth stage consisted of reaction with minerals to form the mineral



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Ascorbate: Humanity's Most Needed Substance

ascorbates, neutral forms of C which could circulate in the animal's body without the irritation of a product which has a pH of 2. So Stone's book, The Healing Factor, Vitamin C Against Disease, came out in October of 1972. Yet, here again, he completely ignored the mineral ascorbates which animals produce and relied on ascorbic acid. There was no mention of the mineral ascorbates whatsoever in his book, a procedure also followed in the books of Linus Pauling. So, I shut down my New Jersey operation and returned to my native California, there to produce the mineral ascorbates, first as a timedrelease tablet and in 1978 as a powder, which, when water is applied, a form of neutral mineral ascorbates is produced that can be highly effective. Since then I have resolved to make the world understand how much they are dependent upon the mineral ascorbates for their very lives and to widen the acceptance of a product which helps to correct the genetic disease from which we suffer. This has been a rather frustrating experience because everywhere one turns, ascorbic acid is regarded as the real Vitamin C, whereas it clearly is not. We should turn, instead, to what the animals produce in their own bodies as being the only type of Vitamin C which we can tolerate in the many grams in which it is required for the maintenance of our bodies. Ascorbic acid belongs with the acid fruits in which it is present. I feel that I must live to be at least 100 to have a hope of accomplishing the widespread acceptance of the mineral ascorbates. As we can show its remarkable affects in bringing back the "dead", or those who are comatose, it must be important as a preventive measure in maintaining our general health. I am sure that I should not be alive had I not been taking approximately 8 to 10 grams of mineral ascorbates for some 28 years. However, I have assumed the responsibility to do my best in this regard for people of the world. Taber's Medical Dictionary says that the majority of deaths from trauma occur in the first several hours after the event. The trauma may involve some physical injury, especially to the head, but in many, many cases it can involve only an enormous shock to the person which rapidly affects his brain and brings on death. Were this not so, one might expect that death would not occur so quickly. Most people are on a precipice in regard to the mineral ascorbate needs of the brain. Since the balance is so fragile, an enormous shock to the person, whether it be from an automobile accident or other high stress, the brain, which requires so much ascorbate to perform the functions of a general control point of the body, that it can quickly break down and bring on death, or near death as in the case of coma, wherein only the respiration controls remain. As evidence one might turn to the report of the San Francisco General Hospital. Most died within the first half-hour of entering the hospital, which is not a normal consequence of physical injury. It is much more significant of a breakdown of the brain under stress. Trauma is a sort of catch-all ailment as it is applied, since in one sense it includes some physical injury but in another sense it may involve little or no physical injury but enormous stress of a catastrophe in one's life. The exact causes of this trauma may not or ever be clearly defined. However, https://web.archive.org/web/20020210210046/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Trauma.htm


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Ascorbate: Humanity's Most Needed Substance

certainly in the case of a high stress to the brain from a quick look, again, at the report of the San Francisco General Hospital. You will note that 390 people died within the first half-hour of entrance. This is not the swift course of the usual physical injury but can come from a collapse of the brain. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 3:32 PM

The Two Things that Harvard University Doesn't Know About Heart Disease

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The Two Things that Harvard University Doesn't Know About Heart Disease This is a follow-up on Harvard Health Letter in which they include an article, "The Ten Things You Should Know About Heart Disease". It is evident to the writer that they don't know enough about heart disease themselves. For instance, we find that the progression of congestion in the coronary arteries proceeds in this fashion: The intima, the lining of the arteries, is replaced every two or three days with new cells, but if these new cells do not incorporate adequate mineral ascorbate they start to bleed and ultimately form hard deposits in the arteries. These deposits are what collects the cholesterol, which is followed by about equal amounts of lipids and calcium. Provide the body with adequate mineral ascorbates and this doesn't occur. As you can see from this study made by UCLA Cardiovascular Center of 10 Alacer employees, you will note that 8 of these people showed zero levels of calcium in the arteries, which indicates that there is little else Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR

CONTACT: DR. RICHARD DANA (714) 454-3999

"Deaths from Viagra* Can Be Reduced," says researcher. FOOTHILL RANCH, CA (June 11, 1998) – On Tuesday, The Food and Drug Administration released information regarding 16 known cases of men dying after using the popular impotence drug Viagra*. The men who died range in age from 48 to 80, and all were taking the new wonder drug. "Some deaths due to ingestion of Viagra are to be expected," states Dr. Richard Dana, Director of the Committee for World Health, Foothill Ranch, CA. "This is because," he adds, "people who have for some time been impotent, place an enormous load on their bodies when they suddenly respond to a powerful urge for intercourse. Among other things, this is a very heavy burden on the adrenal glands that require Vitamin C for the production of adrenaline, and countless other functions, including sperm motility. "Indeed, it is the same form of Sudden Death that daily kills thousands who suffer from trauma. Scientific American (April, 1997) commented on the sudden traumatic deaths of 862 people after admission to San Francisco General Hospital, over a two year period. This great stress on the body may be especially felt by the heart and the circulatory system, resulting in heart attack or stroke. "Individuals should show prudence about sudden exertion for which they are unprepared. However, the intake of six or more grams of mineral ascorbates**



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daily will help prepare them for the heavy exertion that is involved. "Pfizer has warned that a great variety of ailments may result from ingestion of Viagra. These include angina, heart failure, heart palpitations, tendon rupture, cataracts, shock, and death. "The introduction of a product of such biochemical activity is unprecedented. Accordingly, many users of the drug are almost totally unprepared for such a surge in physical activity. Thus, we may expect that deaths will continue, probably at an accelerating pace. "These deaths may be partly due to intake of very high levels of Viagra in patients seeking a better response.

Mineral Ascorbates in Aging and Cancer "Many of the side effects noted can be prevented by the mineral ascorbates. Indeed, almost our entire population is quite deficient in this type of vitamin C, the only form in which it is produced by animals who do not suffer the genetic defect that lowers the immune response and general well-being of all humanity. In its ongoing research, the Committee for World Health has made a recent finding that the mineral ascorbates are effective in controlling the cellular telomeric structures which are essential for life and clearly involved in aging and cancer," Dr. Dana states, in conclusion. (Most health food stores carry the neutral mineral ascorbates in timed-release form, or as an effervescent drink mix). ### It should be noted that Dr. Dana issued an Internet warning on May 1, 1998 regarding the unfavorable consequences of Viagra ingestion. Dr. Dana is the UCSD molecular biochemist who discovered heat shock-proteins in the human placenta and four streamlined procedures for the rapid isolation https://web.archive.org/web/19990220054456/http://alacercorp.com:80/viagra.htm


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of RNA and DNA from tuberculosis bacteria, cancer cells, and virtually all cell types from plants to bacteria to animals. (For a list of additional publications see www.wrldhlth.org) Dana, R. C.; Welch, W. J.; Deftos, L. J. Heat shock proteins bind calcitonin. Endocrinology, v.126, n.1, (1990): 672-674. Dana, R. C.; Saghbini, M.; Lippman, D.; Cheung, A. L. Journal of NIH Research, v.7, (1995): 61. Tantod, B.; Saghbini, M.; Barnes, L.; Dana, R. A new rapid method for undegraded RNA isolation from diverse organisms. Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, Francisco, CA, USA, December 10-14, 1994.


Dana, R. C. The Genetic Revolution. San Diego Conference, American Association of Clinical Chemists, November, 1994. *Pfizer Trademark **Almost the entire research community believes that ascorbic acid, as present in citrus fruits, is the real vitamin C. Actually, in its acid form it is only an intermediate in the production of the neutral mineral ascorbates produced by 99% of animals. These animals do not suffer the genetic defect that renders humans almost totally unable to produce the mineral ascorbates in their own livers. Thus, mineral ascorbates are the only forms of vitamin C which can be properly identified as the real vitamin C. These neutral substances can be utilized by the body in the multi-gram quantities which promote full health. Hence, the side affects of nausea and diarrhea induced by large doses of ascorbic acid can be avoided.

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Vitamins E and C Confirmed Safe at High Doses Source: medicalnewstoday.com Fourteen leading safety and antioxidant experts reviewed the available scientific literature on vitamins E and C and concluded vitamin E is safe for the general population at intakes up to 1600 IU daily and vitamin C is safe at up to 2000 mg daily, according to a new article published in the April issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN). "This peer-reviewed expert analysis should help reassure consumers about the safety of vitamin E for a healthy population at the most common daily doses on the market -- 400 IU and 200 IU -- for vitamin E single supplements," said John Hathcock, Ph.D., vice president, scientific and international affairs, Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the lead author on the article. However, Dr. Hathcock pointed out that consumers should not view the study's conclusions as a license to exceed recommended doses on product labels, noting that the UL ("Tolerable Upper Intake Level") is a dose at which "there is no known harm but it is not a recommendation or suggestion for daily use." In reviewing the available scientific literature on vitamins E and C, the scientists reviewed clinical trials as well as epidemiological studies in humans, determining there was sufficient information from human data to support a conclusion on safety. This is in contrast to the approach taken by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), a scientific advisory body, which established its UL for vitamin E based on an extrapolation from animal data. The IOM set a UL at 1000 mg for vitamin E (which is equivalent to 1000 IU synthetic; 1500 IU natural). With regard to vitamin C, the authors noted that "Numerous studies of vitamin C supplementation have provided no pattern of evidence to support concerns about safety other than occasional gastrointestinal upset or mild diarrhea..." The authors came to the same conclusion as the IOM in establishing the UL at 2000 mg for vitamin C. The review of the scientific literature encompassed 95 references, including the recent, controversial meta-analysis on vitamin E from Johns Hopkins University. Vitamins E and C are among the most popular dietary supplements. Many studies suggest that these antioxidant supplements, either alone or in combination with other supplements, can help promote overall good health and be helpful in lowering the risk of specific chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer's, age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, some types of cancer, and ischemic heart disease.


The article, titled "Vitamins E and C are safe across a broad range of intakes," is available on-line at: http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/81/4/736.


In addition to Dr. Hathcock, the authors include: Angelo Azzi, M.D., Ph.D., the University of Bern, Switzerland; Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., Tufts University; Tammy Bray, Ph.D., Oregon State University, Corvallis; Annette Dickinson, Ph.D., Council for Responsible Nutrition; Balz Frei, Ph.D., Oregon State University, Corvallis; Ishwarlal Jialal, M.D., Ph.D., University of California, Davis; Carol S. Johnston, Ph.D., Arizona State University, Mesa; Frank J. Kelly, Ph.D., King's College, London, United Kingdom; Klaus Kraemer, Ph.D., formerly with BASF, Germany; Lester Packer, Ph.D., University of Southern California, Los Angeles; Sampath Parthasarathy, Ph.D., Louisiana State University, New Orleans; Helmut Sies, M.D., Ph.D., Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany; Maret G. Traber, Ph.D., Oregon State University, Corvallis. The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), founded in 1973, is a Washington, D.C.-based trade association representing dietary supplement industry ingredient suppliers and manufacturers. CRN members adhere to a strong code of ethics, comply with dosage limits and manufacture dietary supplements to high quality standards under good manufacturing practices. Council for Responsible Nutrition http://www.crnusa.org

Sunday November 20th, 2005

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Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us CLICK HERE FOR

What Kills Most of Us By Jay Patrick It is obvious that the human body wears unevenly. But the most stressed of all organs are the heart and the arteries that serve it. In a 76-year lifetime, the average heart, weighing a little over one pound, will pump some 52,680,000 gallons of blood, which the arteries must carry about the body. The coronary arteries can withstand this enormous load and the friction on the vessel wall, which are maintained only by continuous replacement of their lining, the intima. This lining must remain smoother than the finest silk for good arterial health. But, because of poor nutrition, the new cells that try to provide a new lining every two or three days are, with advancing years, of poor quality, so the surface of the lining becomes rough and then starts to bleed. Patching the Pipes The body rushes to repair the holes, but, as the bleeding stops, tough, inflexible scar tissue replaces the mirror-smooth surface of the artery and makes the vessel more rigid (atherosclerosis). Then, Protein A quickly adheres to this surface, followed by cholesterol, lipids, and calcium. These products, which are essential to body function and, for perhaps 40 years, have circulated freely over a very smooth surface, now start to accumulate, forming sludge that blocks circulation, ultimately bringing on death, or the very temporary patch-up job of the heart bypass. Yet, the cause of this arterial breakdown has been apparent for many years. In 1957, two Canadian physicians, Drs. G.C. Willis and W.J. McCormick, clearly identified it as scurvy, lack of Vitamin C, the same liver



3/9/23, 2:43 PM

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disease that, centuries ago, killed off most of the sailors who were at sea for months without fresh vegetables or citrus fruit. Magellan, in 1519, set sail with a fleet of five ships on one of history's great voyages, the circumnavigation of the earth. Three years later, only one ship, with only 18 members of the original crew, returned to Spain, without Magellan. "Limeys" Survive Over two hundred years later, in 1747, James Lind, a British ship's surgeon, studied the mysterious malady and found that lemon juice contained an unknown substance that could save his sailors' lives. For lack of limes, the average ship had to return to port within a few weeks, else the bodies of most of the seamen literally fell apart, so they quickly died. But, when the British Navy learned to carry limes (lemons) on their cruises, they could stay at sea for many months. But foreign navies, which operated without limes, were greatly handicapped, and had to return to port within a few weeks. They could not carry out long voyages, so it is no wonder that the British navy became so successful, that Britannia Ruled the Seas for more than a century thereafter. Finally, the magic substance was isolated by Dr. Albert Szent Gyorgyi, the Hungarian scientist, who obtained a great volume from the Paprika pepper of his native land. At first, it was called hexuronic acid----but later re-named ascorbic acid. Now, I have frequently explained that ascorbic acid is a highly reactive substance that is short on electrons, so it is always looking for mates with which to unite. Thus, when we ingest the acid, we are engaging in a biochemical lottery, since, when it enters the stomach, it may react with whatever product is available. That's because it is only an intermediate for the neutral, mineral ascorbates, which most animals produce in



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What Kills Most of Us

their livers, and then circulate freely through their bodies. First Things First "What we don't see doesn't hurt us. What we don't know doesn't pain" (from the once-popular song, Please Don't Take Away My Dreams). Yet, we great intellectuals, who can fly all over the world, peer into the depths of the cell and know its workings, create the Hydrogen Bomb, rocket to the moon, maybe clone ourselves, and so, on and on: We cannot understand that what is happening to our bodies is the same thing that happened to those ancient sailors. It is scurvy in a subtle form. We can't see it, so we think it does not exist. We are getting more and more news about the great accomplishments in the field of genetics. Some 4,000 genetic diseases have been identified. Already, we are assuming the God-like role of correcting some of them. Yet, two genetic liver diseases that oppress all humanity are virtually ignored. The major one is hypoascorbemia, inability to produce Vitamin C in our own livers, as do 99.99% of all other animals. Known exceptions: humans, the guinea pig, monkeys, apes, a type of bat, and a rare rat. The second liver disease from which all humans suffer is hypouricasemia. We lack the enzyme uricase, which breaks down excess uric acid, the cause of gout, and converts it into harmless allantoin and carbon dioxide. So billions and billions of dollars are being expended by research corporations to find solutions to some 4,000 different genetic diseases that affect, erratically some of our population. But very little attention is being given to the two major liver diseases that, in one way or another, affect all humans. Some attention is being given to uricase, and perhaps 50,000 studies have been made of Vitamin C, but no one really works on the problem of re-establishing production of this major substance in our own bodies. Yet mineral ascorbates https://web.archive.org/web/19981203042444/http://alacercorp.com/what.htm


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What Kills Most of Us

participate in perhaps 1,000 metabolic functions in the body, especially as the interaction of one substance upon another is considered. The Great Reaper This is the liver disease from which all of us who are spared accidental death shall surely die. Why? Because we don't get the superior resistance to disease and longer life, starting, at least, while in our mothers' wombs, that the real Vitamin C, the mineral ascorbates, provide. So, those who take ascorbic acid under the impression that it is Vitamin C are much in error. Ascorbic acid is the intermediate form of "C", as it is present in vegetables and fruit. Humans cannot tolerate in much volume the acidity of ascorbic acid (pH 2), as it irritates the kidneys, bladder, and intestines. Yet, in the multi gram quantities we require for good health and longer life, it causes mineral-loosing diuresis and diarrhea. You may ask: How much mineral ascorbate do we really need? I can't give you an exact formula, because it depends so much on your sex, age, life style, and physical condition. I can tell you, though, that I weigh about 168 lbs., have been taking from 8 to 14 grams daily for the past 25 years. I have not had any colds for some 23 years, as they were comparatively easy to eliminate. Avoiding attacks of the "flu" was harder, though. By stepping up my intake of ascorbates, I could usually knock them out in one to two days. However, for the past 10 years or so I have not had even one such attack. If you are a woman under 40, you probably do not require as much ascorbate as a man of the same weight. World authority on Vitamin C Irwin Stone told me, some 27 years ago, that he believed that women produce small amounts of vitamin C in their own bodies, which accounts, he said, for their living 6 to 8 years longer than men. Cardiologists inform me that https://web.archive.org/web/19981203042444/http://alacercorp.com/what.htm


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women usually start the formation of plaque about 10 years later than men, but that they often catch up with them in later life. A Dog's Life Perhaps you have a dog. Dogs are more fortunate than we, in that they do produce some 2.8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, as equated to a 154 lb. human. And, as Dr. Stone pointed out to me some 26 years ago, dogs and most animals other than the human animal live 7 times their period of maturity. 2 times 7 is 14. On this basis we human animals should live 7 times our period of maturity which is 20 to 25. 7 times 20 is 140, far above the average of about 76 years. But, if you own a dog, you will probably notice that, as he gets to be 8 or 10 years old, he starts to have problems. His skin may be affected, for instance, and bloody scale will appear. This is because his production of ascorbate is declining. But if you regularly give your dog adequate mineral ascorbates, this scale will disappear, and he, she, may live up to 20 years. (I once wrote an article: "Forget about yourself. Just Take Care of Your Dog." So dogs may show their lack of adequate ascorbate more outwardly than we. Obviously, our reaction in the lining of our arteries is not visible to the naked eye. Deficiency of ascorbate can appear in countless ways. I read of one famous TV star who is going blind. I am sure that she would not be going blind if she had adequate mineral ascorbates in her body, because, next to the adrenals and the brain, high concentrations of ascorbate are quite necessary to prevent degradation of the eyesight, and the high intra-ocular pressure that brings on glaucoma. When I was nearly 83 years of age, I heard of a miraculous Ultrafast CT scan, which is about 10 times as fast as the "CAT" scan of which you may have heard. I learned that there was one of these CT scans at the UCLA Cardiovascular center in Torrance, CA. https://web.archive.org/web/19981203042444/http://alacercorp.com/what.htm


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Checking for Plaque So I decided to go and have a cross section pictures of my arteries taken. I felt a bit apprehensive. I wondered if I had been misleading people for some 23 or so years regarding the feeding and care of their arteries. I climbed into the tunnel of the Ultrafast CT scan, and in about 30 seconds they took 30 different crosssection views of my arteries. The highly cooperative technician allowed my cameraman and me to watch the results as they were displayed on the screen. The coronary arteries were absolutely clear (0) of all calcium, so he told me that this was "a new record for an 82-year-old man"! You see, calcium is the third major substance that clogs the arteries, and the only one that can be picked up by the x-ray. However, the American Heart Association believes that the presence or non-presence of calcium is a clear indication of the total plaque. Thus, I was greatly relieved. So, I later returned to discuss this extraordinary finding with Dr. Bruce Brundage, head of the Cardiovascular Center. He quickly told me that the finding was interesting, but that it was purely anecdotal, in that an excellent result with one person was not scientific proof that it would occur with the general population. I agreed with him, so, the following week I brought back 10 of our employees who had been taking our mineral ascorbate products. CT Scan Results Age

Normal range

CT Scan Results

Jay Patrick

82 years old

over 800

Linda Tagle

76 years old

550-800 0 Calcium


0 calcium


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What Kills Most of Us

Ymelda Patrick

57 years old

260-450 0 Calcium


43 years old

155-310 0 Calcium


42 years old

155-310 0 Calcium


42 years old

155-310 0 Calcium


47 years old

155-310 0 Calcium


47 years old

155-310 0 Calcium


57 years old


97 Calcium


55 years old


155 Calcium

Of the 10 people subsequently checked out, 8 had 0 levels of calcium and the remaining 2 had low levels at which no symptoms appear. We compared the averages of asyptomatic persons with data provided by several cardiovascular centers. This data showed that it was highly illogical that anyone in the age group covered could possibly get such astounding readings. Indeed, I challenge anyone in the world to take the same age group, which includes a 77 year old woman and an 82 year old man, and get such remarkable findings. The two of our employees who had the higher readings had not been taking their recommended dosage of 4 to 8 grams of mineral ascorbates daily, so they did not show up as well as they should. However, you will note that they were below the readings for other asymptomatic people in their age group. Saving Smokers? Furthermore, two of the people, much to our regret, are smokers, who outside of their work probably https://web.archive.org/web/19981203042444/http://alacercorp.com/what.htm


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consume up to a pack of cigarettes a day. Thus, even these people were getting protection against a bad habit that tends to induce cancer and arterial breakdown! Dr. McCormick reported his finding that every cigarette burns up at least 25 mg of ascorbate, so, obviously, the mineral ascorbates have certainly been compensating in some regard for the bad habit of our two smokers. Perhaps this is something that those cigarette addicts should know about! Further studies of this phenomenon should be undertaken forthwith. (Some 46 Million people are said to be smokers). Arrangements are being made for studies at several universities of people who take the mineral ascorbates for at least a two-year period. 100 people will receive the mineral ascorbates and 100 will receive a placebo. Thus we are steadily proving that all the malarkey about cholesterol represents the greatest medical farce of our century, to quote one writer. We have formed The Committee for World Health to conduct a further investigation of the mineral ascorbates. As a non-profit foundation, we expect that it will get the funds to conduct much needed research that has not really ever been done. Dr. Sherry Lewen, an English researcher, who made a remarkably thorough study of Vitamin C, reports in his book that the second liver enzyme has been given healthy men, and 25% turned up as ascorbate in their bodies. The Committee is going to see what can be done to introduce all four ascorbate pathway enzymes into the liver, so as to eliminate the need for supplementation of mineral ascorbates. Meanwhile, I strongly recommend mineral ascorbates with the B vitamins and trace elements, timed released, as the best approach to the problem. Scientists are steadily discovering more and more aspects in which our bodies are less than perfect. I have discussed two known liver diseases, https://web.archive.org/web/19981203042444/http://alacercorp.com/what.htm


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What Kills Most of Us

hypoascorbemia and hypouricasemia, but there are other inborn ailments that assail most or all of us. In my view, hypoascorbemia is the major ailment of all human kind. The mineral ascorbates that most animals can produce protect their bodies so effectively that, as noted, these animals live 7 times their period of maturity, whereas we live only 3.8 times. As to hypouricasemia: some of us can suffer mightily from this excessive production of uric acid, which is commonly known as gout. Now the normal conception of the gout sufferer is that of an elderly, overweight, highly dissipating person, whose big toe enlarges and makes it difficult for him to walk. But this is a poorly formed idea of gout. Actually it is a major disease that affects countless millions, often in subtle ways. Indeed, it may develop into a bad case of gout arthritis, which can affect the entire body and, in its extremes, so damage the joints as to make one a helpless cripple. So, I have discussed the two major, genetic diseases that affect all humanity. There are other genetic diseases from which most of us suffer that are being largely ignored. I shall give attention to them in a subsequent article. But, if the medical profession and medical research will only give more consideration to nutritional approaches to these ailments, I am confident that major strides will be made toward the better health of the world.

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3/9/23, 3:48 PM

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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/19990203054602/http://www.ala…

Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

What Most People Don't Know About Vitamin C By Jay Patrick Looking for the Real Vitamin C? It isn't Ascorbic Acid! Ascorbic Acid is only an intermediate form present in many fruits and plants. Suppose you take Ascorbic Acid in the quantity you need to protect yourself against aging, cancer, heart attack, stroke, arthritis, and cataract - that's maybe 4 to 10 grams a day. (Archives, National Academy of Sciences, August 1989) You'll find that it brings your urine down to the acid level of 4 4.5 pH, irritates your kidneys and bladder, and causes with it diurectic action, the loss of valuable minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc, which are quite essential to life. "As a result of ingesting 10 grams of Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) a day some of these healthy individuals developed heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially diarrhea, and were forced to withdraw from the experimental study..." (from Cancer and Vitamin C, by Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling). If they had used Mineral Ascorbates, there would have been no such reaction. Mineral Ascorbates have countless advantages over pure Ascorbic Acid or single ascorbates such as Calcium Ascorbate. 99.9% of all animals in the world produce their own Vitamin C in the form of Mineral Ascorbates. Unfortunately, humans suffer from a genetic defect, hypoascorbemia, an inability to produce Vitamin C in our own bodies. Only a few other animals are known to

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share this problem which humans: guinea pigs, monkeys, apes, and a type of bat. This may greatly explain why humans don't live so long as they might. A dog matures at 2 years and lives at least 7 times his period of maturity, or 14 years. Humans mature at 20 to 25 years. Seven times 20 equals 140 years, which would appear to be our life potential, if we could produce ascorbate in our own bodies. Next to the skin, the liver is the major organ of the body. Animals who produce ascorbate react the glucose circulating in their blood with four liver enzymes with produce Ascorbic Acid. But this Ascorbic Acid is never circulated in the body. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form Mineral Ascorbates of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and other trace elements. These are neutral mineral ascorbate transporters, as well as ascorbate transporters to some 70 trillion body cells.

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3/9/23, 3:52 PM

Alacer Corp - What Others Say...

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20011221021342/http://www.al…

What Others Say About Emergen-C Emergen-C Treatment Watch out for Emergen-C, the latest health food supplement which has already attracted a cult following. Unlike other Vitamin C supplements, it's a combination of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and specific minerals which make it easier for your body to assimilate and absorb. A great emergency remedy for everything from hangovers to jet lag, its effects last for up to eight hours. Better than a dozen cups of coffee, and healthier.

Stallone and Jay Patrick

Rambo's First Aid "For a while I thought I was going to die. . .But I took a packet of Emergen-C every 45 minutes or an hour. . ." - Sylvester Stallone Tougher than tough, America's rough guy Rambo faced heavy-weight horrors and conquered them all. A little more human, Sylvester Stallone had a harder time of it. In First Blood he had to plow through icy waters and torrential downpours and often slept outside with a wind-chill factor of 45 degrees below. Rambo may have taken it all in stride, but Stallone the man credits his survival to Emergen-C.



3/9/23, 3:52 PM

Alacer Corp - What Others Say...

Chuck Norris and Jay Patrick

Martial Arts Star Keeps Fit with Alacer Dear Jay, I just wanted to let you know the program you have me on is working quite well. I have been traveling quite extensively with Vice President Bush being Master of Ceremonies for his rallies. Then I will be leaving for Israel right after the election. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for being so concerned about my condition. I really appreciate it! I am feeling excellent. I am training regularly and with your program, I will be ready to take on the "bad guys" in my next film "Red Eagle". Again, thanks Jay for everything. Sincerely, Chuck Norris

Fran Drescher



3/9/23, 3:52 PM

Alacer Corp - What Others Say...

Fights germs with vitamic C (Reprinted from Woman's World, January 1996) To Millions of TV Viewers, Fran Drescher is the wisecracking but lovable Nanny who keeps a sharp eye on her onscreen charges. But Fran takes good care of herself as well especially when she has to fly and faces, as she puts it, "breathing everyone else's germs". When she flies, says Fran, "I'll bolster my energy and resistance by taking two Emergen-C powders" (that's super-concentrated Vitamin C). It's available at health-food stores and is easily dissolved in liquids. And if Fran feels like she's coming down with a cold before she takes a flight, she'll drink a lot of water or tea and pack some extra packets of Emergen-C. "It really does help," she says.

John Balik, Publisher of Iron Man Magazine, in 1969 at Vince's Gym.

Evolution From Experience (Reprinted from IRON MAN, April 1996) I start the day with Alacer's Emergen-C Lo-Cal, two packets in my insulated coffee mug, which gives me 2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C. I don't drink coffee, so this is what I sip the first half hour I'm awake. https://web.archive.org/web/20011221021342/http://www.alacercorp.com/others.htm


3/9/23, 3:52 PM

Alacer Corp - What Others Say... p Alacer's Emergen-C Lo-Cal is the centerpiece of my vitamin supplementation. I use 6 to 10 packets per day depending on my stress level and if I feel as though I may be coming down with something. My total Vitamin C intake is 10 to 15 grams per day. In addition to the ascorbate powder, I take one gram of ascorbate with each of my five regular feedings.

At bedtime, which is usually between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., I use Alacer's sublingual melatonin and the company's night time C product, CMA. This combination works very well for me, providing restful, uninterrupted sleep with no hangover. Before switching from conventional ascorbic acid to Alacer's ascorbates, I found that my stomach and intestinal tract couldn't tolerate much above eight grams per day. to return to Home Page Comments can be forwarded to Alacer's Copyright ©1997, Alacer Corp.




3/9/23, 3:18 PM

What the American Heart Association and Most Medical Science Do Not Know About Vitamin C

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What the American Heart Association and Most Medical Science Do Not Know About Vitamin C By Jay Patrick, President, Alacer Corp. Far more than 100,000 studies of ascorbic acid, as Vitamin C, have been conducted, since the product was first identified from the research of Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi, in the mid-30's. However, to the writer's knowledge all reports of ascorbic acid have been listed as favorable to the health. That is, all until a paper recently popped up, a report of James H. Dwyer, professor of Preventative Medicine, before a March 2 meeting of the American Heart Association's Conference on Cardiovascular Disease. Dwyer reported that people taking about 500 mg. of Vitamin C in supplements each day for a year showed a progression in carotid wall thickness that was 2˝ times greater than those that did not take a Vitamin C supplement. Further, he reported a five-fold increase in the rate of atherosclerosis progression among smokers. First of all there is one basic thing wrong with the study. Dr. Dwyer did not use the real Vitamin C. Although scientific medicine still has not awakened to the fact, ascorbic acid is not the real Vitamin C. Some thirty-one years ago, Dr. Irwin Stone, who spent 50 years of his life researching ascorbate, reported to me that every human being suffers a genetic disease which greatly shortens his life and greatly increases his susceptibility to disease. He called it hypoascorbemia, an inability of humans to produce adequate amounts of C, resulting in a continuous state of scurvy, the condition that felled the early English sailors. Stone further explained that it is a genetic disease suffered by humans, the monkey, the ape, a type of bat, a Japanese snake, the guinea pig, and a few other unidentified animals. Some 99.9% of all other animals produce ascorbate, generally in copious quantities in their own livers, although the original site of such production in many was the kidney. In animals, Dr. Stone explained, the glucose circulating in the blood enters the liver and hits four enzymes, the last being L-gulonolactone https://web.archive.org/web/20011217220424/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/American.htm


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What the American Heart Association and Most Medical Science Do Not Know About Vitamin C

oxidase, whereupon it is converted into ascorbic acid. But the acid does not enter the animal's circulatory system, Stone emphasized. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form mineral ascorbates of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc. These minerals act as ascorbate transporters to carry the ascorbate into the cell. In addition they serve to form neutral products which do not irritate the lining of the arteries and veins. On the other hand ascorbic acid, has a pH of 2 - 3. In quantity, it can bring the pH of the urine down from nearly 7 to 4, irritate the kidneys, and induce substantial loss of minerals in its diuretic action. Stone recognized that ascorbic acid was not the real Vitamin C. He acknowledged that 99%+ animals produce the mineral ascorbates in their own livers, but he never did much about the problem, nor did Linus Pauling. This great genius had a prominent blind spot. Indeed, Pauling and Dr. Ewin Cameron coauthored a book dealing with Vitamin C and cancer. In this book they reported on their efforts to treat cancer patients with ascorbic acid, as follows: "As a result of ingesting 10 grams of C (as ascorbic acid) a day some of these healthy individuals developed heartburn, flatulence, nausea, and especially diarrhea and were forced to withdraw from the experimental study" from Cancer and Vitamin C by Ewin Cameron and Linus Pauling. On the other hand, within a year after becoming acquainted with Stone in 1969, I set about to produce the mineral ascorbates of Vitamin C. I returned to my native California and first arranged for a chemist experienced in timed-release to produce timed-release mineral ascorbates, which I immediately starting taking at the level of around 8 grams daily. I shortly took over a food supplement plant and commenced the volume production of 1-gram tablets of mineral ascorbates together with B Vitamins and other trace elements. I have been taking these mineral ascorbates with B Vitamins and other trace elements for some 30 years now. I can report that I have not had a single cold during this 30-year period, nor have I had a real attack of "flu" in 17 years. Although there are some 200 varieties of the cold virus, I don't even get a runny nose, indicating that I am under attack. My immune system is so effective in countering these and other countless invaders that I really do not come down with any infectious disease whatsoever. Interesting note: while our pharmaceutical houses make vast fortunes concocting all sorts of strange, generally poisonous medicines, we almost wholly ignore the fact that our immune system has the enormous power of keeping us well, if we only give it the "tools" it needs to function. Indeed, there is no known medicine for a great variety of infectious diseases with tuberculosis and pneumonia, probably topping the list. Yet a well-fortified immune system can keep these ailments well under control.



3/9/23, 3:18 PM

What the American Heart Association and Most Medical Science Do Not Know About Vitamin C

Learning of the Ultrafast C/T Scan, I went at age 82 to the UCLA Cardiovascular Center in Torrance, California. They promptly found that I had zero level of calcium in my coronary arteries, indicating almost zero plaque, and proclaimed me "the outstanding man in the world" in this regard. However, since their chief of staff was so brutally committed to conventional approaches to cardiovascular disease, I conceded to him that my case was anecdotal and, therefore, of little scientific interest. I accordingly came back to the cardiovascular center with nine of our workers who had been taking our products. As you can see from the enclosed chart, 8 out of 10 had zero levels of plaque and the remaining two had low levels that represented no cardiovascular problem. These findings confirm what the real Vitamin C can do for humans. Millions of Americans have now taken our effervescent form of Vitamin C under the trade name Emer'gen-CTM and are walking, talking testimonials of the value of mineral ascorbates. These effervescent products duplicate what the animals produce in their own livers. Indeed, since so many other nutrients are included with the product, there is great synergy to the function.

Of course our timed-release mineral ascorbates, Super Gram IIITM, are also highly effective in bringing up one's ascorbate level. I now take about 12 grams daily of the two products at age 87. I am happy to report I still have 20/20 vision, that my bone density is 118% of a 30-year-old man, and that I just don't get infectious diseases. Since our production of Emer'gen-CTM is now at the rate of 1,000,000 packets daily, we have a research project which so far exceeds the efforts of Dr. Dwyer as to render his report insignificant. We daily receive glowing reports of our customers' successes with our products. Indeed we now call upon our customers to report to us formally as to the years they have used our mineral ascorbates and as to the success they have had with them. We are issuing this request on the Internet in the knowledge that we shall get a great response which will far exceed any study of Vitamin C, especially the real Vitamin C, yet undertaken. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 3:49 PM

A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20020210203512/http://www.alacercorp.…

Why Teenage Boys Kill By Richard Dana, Ph.D. and Jay Patrick We don't think anyone has commented on the fact that teenage boys are doing the killing, rather than girls. But there is a basic reason for the misconduct of these young men. Of course, as teenagers they are going through an identity crisis as to their place in this highly complicated world. This introduces an enormous amount of stress which they are less empowered to meet than young girls. The body of the teenage girl, even though it may not have achieved its full size, is all ready for reproduction. This means that she is producing a considerable quantity of mineral ascorbates in her own body, since the essential connective tissue, described by Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi as "the glue of the body", must be present to separate each organ from another and act as a strengthening agent for the entire body. Without this connective tissue, the baby's body would fall apart, and death would ensue. And surely the brain is receiving considerable ascorbates, too. So the young man suffers great mental distress, because his brain cannot function adequately. This function includes the production of hormones as well as thought. So he tends to experience enormous frustration and, accordingly, seeks, often desperately, for relief. This relief may take many forms, but its most aggressive form includes murder. The young man who ran over four or five girls with his car is reported to have gleefully said, "I am the angel of death." This gave relief to his tortured mind. It is the mineral ascorbates such as all but a few animals can produce in their own bodies that are well accepted by the human brain. Now, some 1.5 million animals produce these mineral ascorbates in their own livers, but human production is inadequate, since one gene, Lgulonolactone oxidase, is lacking. Of course the quantities of mineral ascorbates for the world market are so flabbergasting in volume as to deny availability to most people. Dr. Mark Levine of the National Institute of Health, a world authority, comments that the ascorbic acid such as is present in fruits and vegetables and available separately does not readily get into the brain. The more acceptable mineral ascorbates are necessary, as they can facilitate the uptake of the ascorbate by the brain cells. The Committee for World Health hopes to shortly introduce the missing enzyme which will enable people to produce the ascorbates in their own https://web.archive.org/web/20020210203512/http://www.alacercorp.com:80/Teenage.htm


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A Revolution in the Care of the Mexican People

livers. However getting this enzyme into the bodies of some six billion people is currently an insurmountable task. Animals produce the mineral ascorbates at a daily rate equivalent to 10,000 mg (10 grams), when equated to a 154 lb. person. However, if young people were to receive as little as 2 grams of these ascorbates daily, considerable improvement in brain and body function would be apparent. Home Copyright © 1997-2000 Alacer Corp..



3/9/23, 2:56 PM

Alacer Corp

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20011217011843/http://www.ala…

Streaming Video Interviews Brett Butler Mike Piazza Eric Karros Darren Dreifort Billy Ashley

Articles by Jay Patrick President of Alacer Corp ARE YOUR VITAMIN C BATTERIES RUNNING DOWN? THE HEALTH GAP or AVOIDING THE MAJOR KILLERS FLU Vaccines 'Worthless', Says Eminent FDA Virologist GETTING DOWN TO THE BARE BONES Three Great Medical Hoaxes

Other articles by Jay Patrick About That Barn Door The Real Vitamin C: Mineral Ascorbates Are You On The Brink? What Kills Most of Us

Would You Like A Second Chance? By Jay Patrick Would you like A Second Chance with your life? ---To do the things you never were able to do, to accomplish what you were never able to accomplish, perhaps, if you are ambitious, to leave the world a little better off than it would have been without you? I believe that many of you can have that Second Chance, just as I believe that I am having my Second Chance. About 21 years ago, I read in Life Magazine of a chemist named Irwin Stone, who had spent most of his adult life investigating the powers of Vitamin C. I had long ignored vitamins and minerals, being turned off by the wild claims of a pyramiding operation that highly touted the virtues of alfalfa, which didn't seem to do miracles for horses. President of a Northern New Jersey chemical company, I had recently been suffering from severe jaw pains, especially toward the end of a stressful week. Learning that Dr. Stone lived on nearby Staten Island, New York, I took my boat down the Hudson to meet him and his wife. I found them a middle-aged couple, living in a modest cottage not far from the Island's inner harbor. He worked as an enzyme chemist for a



3/9/23, 2:56 PM

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Alacer Corp

Staten Island firm. His wife, Barbara, was his research assistant, helping to organize his voluminous papers on Vitamin C. Irwin had completed a book on Vitamin C, he told me, and was looking for a publisher. However, both of them had a head-on collision with a drunken driver while driving through Rapid City, South Dakota, some 10 years before. This had put them in a hospital, near death, for many weeks. But, they both credited high intake of Vitamin C for their recovery, although injury to their throats had made it difficult for them to swallow food, and, especially, vitamin tablets. Indeed, the injury had included damage to Irwin's larynx, which left him with a high squeaky voice. The three of us had many dinners together, while the dedicated chemist told me more of his love, which he described as the only known panacea, which is beneficial to humans in every walk of life, and with every ailment, because, for one thing, it is the outstanding anti-stress agent, he explained. I was soon taking six or seven grams of "C" daily--and quickly found that my jaw pains had disappeared. During our many conversations, Irwin explained to me that we humans suffer from a genetic disease, which he named hypoascorbemia, that makes it impossible for us to produce Vitamin C in our own livers. Only monkeys, apes, guinea pigs, humans, and a type of bat, he reported, suffer from this ailment. All of the other 99.9% of animals convert the glucose circulating through their livers, in four stages, with four enzymes, into ascorbic acid. But this ascorbic acid never circulates in the animal's blood in its acid form. It immediately reacts with minerals present in the liver to form neutral mineral ascorbates. These mineral ascorbates are both ascorbate and mineral transporters, being readily accepted by some 70 trillion body cells which must have both minerals and ascorbates to function,



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Alacer Corp

entering the body in the blood stream, for storage in the adrenals, brain, and other organs only as mineral ascorbates. Thus, Stone emphasized ascorbic acid, although the form of "C" present in oranges, lemons, and other fruit, is not the form of Vitamin C animals circulate. It is an acid intermediate, not the true Vitamin C, which, in volume, is hard on the kidneys and bladder, and induces excessive loss of minerals. Their bodies prefer the non-acid mineral ascorbates, which work so well, as continuously produced in their bodies, that they live 7 to 14 times their period of maturity. And so, he explained, the dog, for instance, matures in 2 years and lives 2 times 7, or 14 years. But humans, who mature at 20 to 25 years, should, on this basis, live at least 20 times 7, or 140 years. Instead, life expectancy is presently only about 76 years. Some 10 years before our meeting, Dr. Stone had attended a scientific meeting at which Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dr. Linus Pauling spoke. He noted that Pauling expressed regret that he would not live to see much of the fruit of his discoveries. Stone then wrote Pauling, stating that if he would take Vitamin C, he could greatly extend his life. Dr. Pauling took him at his word, and soon achieved worldwide publicity for his books on the value of Vitamin C . . . and for intake of many grams of "C". So, Dr. Pauling had his Second Chance. He was able to see much of much of the fruit of his labors and to enjoy worldwide acclaim before his death at 93. My principal mentor, Irwin Stone, did not do so well. In 1984, I attended a scientific meeting at the Baltimore Hotel in Los Angeles, where Stone was to receive an award for his 50 years of research on Vitamin C.



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Alacer Corp

As my wife, Ymelda, and I entered the hotel, we saw Dr. Stone and Barbara finishing their meal in a French restaurant. We talked, and I told him I had brought some mineral ascorbates in powder form, which would be easy for him to swallow. We agreed to have dinner together the following night. At about 3:30 the following morning, I was awakened by the telephone in our room. It was Barbara. She said: "Jay, my darling husband has just died. Will you come up to the room?" I quickly put on my clothes and went up to their room. There Irwin lay, lifeless on the bed, with a strange, yellowish tint to his body. Barbara tearfully explained that he had awakened at about 3:00 a.m. choking from regurgitation of the food he had eaten the night before, but she was unable to help him. She apparently knew something about the Heimlich Maneuver, but she was not strong enough to perform it on him. So, Irwin quickly choked to death, early on the very day he was to receive an award! But, Irwin Stone left a legacy. I am honored to carry it on as well as I can. Indeed, as I have been enabled to scientifically probe the acute need of all humanity for the mineral ascorbates, I find that society has an overwhelming demand for these mineral forms of the true "C". Indeed, I am convinced that, were it possible to arrange to have substantial segments of our society enjoy the benefits of mineral ascorbates, even from their mothers' wombs, the upgrading of the populous would be truly astounding. Yes, you can have a Second Chance, even as I, at age 57, had my chance. Now in my 86th year, I am most grateful for this second opportunity to prove my worth to society. https://web.archive.org/web/20011217011843/http://www.alacercorp.com/2nd_chance.htm


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Alacer Corp

P.S. If you want to know how I did it, contact me at: Alacer Corp., 19631 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA, 92610 or E-mail: [email protected].

to return to Home Page Comments can be forwarded to Alacer's Copyright ©1997, Alacer Corp.




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3/9/23, 2:58 PM

Alzheimer Project of the CFWH

The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20020206201033/http://www.c…

Alzheimer Disease Prevention Project MRI - brain

When shown a magnetic resonance image of Jay Patrick, the very active, 87-year old president of Alacer Corp., Dr. Bartzokis commented that the hippocampal area, which is ordinarily ruthlessly attacked by Alzheimer’s, was very large and was, indeed, much larger than that of the average brain.

A study of 633 persons, ages 65 years and older, at Rush University for Healthy Aging and Harvard Medical School, found that 91 of the sample participants, after the followup period of 4.3 years, were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Yet, none of the 27 Vitamin C supplement users had the disease. It was concluded that use of vitamin supplements may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. Commenting on these results, Dr. George Bartzokis, a brain specialist and Chief of Psychiatry, Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, who works concurrently with UCLA, points out: "These results indicate that one may halt the progression of the disease by supplementation with Vitamin C." We will support 30 people for 3 months with 6-10 grams of mineral ascorbates to demonstrate the improvement in mental functions and memory. If you are over 65 years old, have symptoms of memory loss and would like to participate in this project, please write to [email protected] .



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Alzheimer Project of the CFWH


Approved as a non-profit research foundation and exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donors may deduct contributions to us as provided in section 170 of the Code. Copyright © 1997-2000 Committee for World Health.



3/9/23, 3:55 PM

Patrick v. Alacer Corporation | The Recorder

Patrick v. Alacer Corporation December 15, 2011 at 12:00 AM




Legal Library Widow of Company’s Founder is Not Entitled to Stock Owned By Her Husband Prior to Their Marriage But the Increase in the Value of the Stock During the Time of Their Marriage is Community Property December 28, 2011 In Patrick v. Alacer (--- Cal.Rptr.3d ----, Cal.App. 4 Dist., November 16, 2011), a California Court of Appeal considered a dispute between the widow of the founder of a company and trustees of the trust established by her husband to run the company, over whether she could make a claim to her husband’s stock holdings as community property to which she was entitled. The Court ruled that the stock acquired before the marriage was not community property and that the widow had no claim to it. However, the Court also ruled that the increase in the value of the stock during the time of the marriage, unlike the stock itself, was community property. Facts Jay Patrick (“Jay”) founded Alacer Corporation (“Alacer”), a vitamin manufacturing company, in 1972 and was the company’s sole shareholder. He met his future wife, Ymelda Patrick (“Ymelda”) in 1975 and they married in 1988. In 2000, Jay transferred all Alacer shares to a revocable trust and named several business associates as trustees. The trust contained a “Distribution upon Death” provision that limited the amount of shares in Alacer to be inherited by Ymelda upon Jay’s death to 46%. Jay died in 2003. Divorce proceedings from Ymelda were pending at the time of his death.


ARTICLE INFORMATION: Author: Linda M. Monje Law Firm: Kronick Moskovitz Tiedeman Girard A Law Corporation Sacramento Office Practice Area: Litigation Articles File Type:

Ymelda filed suit alleging she and Jay had built Alacer together, both before and during their marriage, and that she had a community property interest in all of the Alacer stock despite the trust’s provision to the contrary. The trial court ruled that Alacer stock was not community property because Jay had acquired it prior to his marriage. But the Court also ruled that the increase in value of the stock from the time of the Patricks’ marriage until Jay’s death was the result of Jay’s efforts while he was married to Ymelda and therefore was community property. The court determined that the increase in value of Alacer during the time of the Patricks’ marriage was approximately $6.5 million, with Ymelda’s 50 percent community share of the increase just over $3.2 million. Both Ymelda and the trustees appealed. Decision The Court cited prior case law to determine how community property law applied to this case. “In California, property acquired prior to marriage is separate, while property acquired during the marriage is presumed community property.” Further, “income from separate property is separate, the intrinsic increase of separate property is separate, but the fruits of the community’s expenditures of time, talent, and labor are community property.” Given those rules, the Court found the trial court was correct to distinguish the stock owned by Jay before his marriage, which was not community property, from the increase in its value during the marriage, which was community property. The Court agreed that the trial court correctly awarded half of the increased value to Ymelda as community property. The trial court was also correct when it ruled Ymelda was not entitled to the Alacer stock acquired by Jay before he met and married Ymelda. That stock was determined to be separate property. The trial court’s ruling was affirmed.

The views expressed in this document are solely the views of the author and not Martindale-Hubbell. This document is intended for informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for consultation with a licensed legal professional in a particular case or circumstance.



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Filed 11/16/11; pub. order 12/14/11 (see end of opn.)


G044589 (Super. Ct. No. 03CC14826)



Defendants and Appellants.

Appeal from a judgment of the Superior Court of Orange County, Josephine Staton Tucker and John C. Gastelum, Judges. Affirmed. Hess-Verdon & Associates, Jillyn Hess-Verdon and Edward L. Laird for Plaintiff and Appellant Ymelda T. Patrick. Bremer Whyte Brown & O‟Meara and Jeremy S. Johnson for Defendant and Appellant Alacer Corporation. Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith and Gary M. Lape for Defendant and Appellant James Turner.

Kidman, Behrens & Tague and Suzanne M. Tague for Defendants and Appellants the Lineal Issue of James W. Patrick, etc. Hinojosa & Wallet and Jeffrey Forer for Defendant and Appellant Thaddeus Smith. Pistone & Wolder and Aaron C. Watts for Defendant and Appellant Alice Nigl. Rutan & Tucker and Theodore I. Wallace, Jr., for Defendant and Appellant Ronald Patrick. Edward H. Stone for Defendant and Appellant Ronald Patrick as Administrator, etc.




We return to the long-running dispute regarding Alacer Corporation (Alacer), maker of the popular Emer‟gen-C vitamin supplements. After company founder James W. “Jay” Patrick died in 2003, ample litigation ensued. Much involves Jay‟s wife, plaintiff Ymelda Patrick, and her claim to Alacer stock held by his trust. Plaintiff appeals from the judgment on her causes of action against Alacer, its directors, the trustees, and the trust beneficiaries. In a bifurcated declaratory relief cause of action, she asked the court to determine her community property interest in Alacer stock. The court found the Alacer stock was Jay‟s separate property, but plaintiff had a community property interest in its increased value during the marriage. It awarded one-half — over $3.2 million — to her, plus prejudgment interest. The court later granted judgment on the pleadings for defendants on the remaining causes of action. It found all were based on plaintiff‟s alleged community property interest in Alacer — but her interest was only in Alacer‟s increased value, not the Alacer stock itself.


Plaintiff asserts four main errors. She contends the court wrongly valued Alacer at the time of Jay‟s death, instead of the time of trial. She claims it used the wrong valuation method. She maintains it should have awarded her Alacer stock. And she contends it wrongly entered judgment on the pleadings against her. The defendants cross-appeal. They contend plaintiff‟s declaratory relief cause of action was time-barred. They claim the community had no interest in Alacer‟s increased value. And they assert the court wrongly awarded prejudgment interest. We affirm. First, plaintiff‟s declaratory relief cause of action was not timebarred. Next, sufficient evidence shows a community property interest existed in Alacer‟s increased value, which the court permissibly valued and apportioned. Plaintiff was not entitled to Alacer stock, but could recover prejudgment interest. Finally, the court correctly entered judgment on the pleadings.


Alacer and the Trust Jay founded Alacer in 1972. He met plaintiff in 1975. They married in 1988. Jay transferred all Alacer shares to a revocable trust in 2000. The trustees were Jay, plaintiff, defendants James Turner, Thaddeus Smith, Ronald Patrick, and another person who later resigned.1 Jay amended the trust‟s “Distribution upon Death” provision in January 2001. The amendment provided: “(1) Because of the pending dissolution of marriage from my wife, Ymelda, her claims of a community property interest in my Alacer stock, 1

“Jay” refers to Alacer founder James W. Patrick. “Plaintiff” refers to plaintiff Ymelda Patrick. “Patrick” refers to Jay‟s son, defendant Ronald Patrick.


and my desire that she not obtain or have control of a majority of the shareholder interest of Alacer, because of her inability to properly run the business, I direct that upon my death, if I am still married to Ymelda and she has at the time of my death a community property interest in the stock of Alacer, that the trustees distribute not more than 46% of the shares now held in my name to Ymelda, as her community share of my entire estate and that the balance of any community property interest that she may have in the Alacer stock or the community property owned by us be distributed to her from my estate as probated by the court and that it not be Alacer stock. It is my intention that of my entire estate she receive nothing of my separate property and only receive her community share of our community property, if any. [¶] (2) I direct the trustees to distribute 25% of my Alacer stock to my son, Ronald J. Patrick. [¶] (3) I direct the trustees to distribute 4% of my Alacer stock to my daughter, Alice, and (4) I direct the trustees to hold the remainder of my Alacer stock to be distributed, 21 years after the death of my youngest living grandchild, equally to my then living lineal issue.” Jay died in February 2003. Thereafter, the trustees elected themselves to Alacer‟s board of directors.

The Alacer and Turner Decisions Plaintiff filed the initial complaint in this action in December 2003. In a third amended complaint, plaintiff asserted direct and shareholder derivative claims against Alacer, Smith, Turner, and Patrick. Plaintiff alleged she and Jay built Alacer together, both before and during their marriage, and that she had a community property interest in the Alacer stock. The third amended complaint led to two appellate opinions: Patrick v. Alacer Corp. (2008) 167 Cal.App.4th 995 (Alacer); and Patrick v. Turner (G037607, Oct. 22, 2008) [nonpub. opn.] (Turner).


In Alacer, we affirmed in part the judgment dismissing Alacer after the court sustained its demurrer without leave to amend. (Alacer, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1017-1018.) We held the court correctly sustained the demurrer to the fraud cause of action because plaintiff could not allege causation. (Id. at p. 1017.) But, we also reversed in part in Alacer. Our holdings still reverberate. At the outset, we held Alacer could not demur to shareholder derivative claims plaintiff brought on its behalf, except on limited grounds related to standing. “[A] nominal defendant corporation generally may not defend a derivative action filed on its behalf. The corporation may assert defenses contesting the plaintiff‟s right or decision to bring suit . . . .” (Alacer, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at p. 1005.) Yet plaintiff alleged standing to assert the derivative claims, we held — “assuming as we must the truth of the allegations,” and giving the “„derivative suit standing requirements a liberal construction.‟” (Alacer, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1011-1012.) We noted plaintiff “alleged she and [Jay] both devoted substantial time and effort during their marriage to creating Alacer‟s vitamin supplements and developing its business.” (Id. at p. 1011.) If true, we held “plaintiff may have acquired a community property interest in [Alacer] through their alleged joint devotion of time and effort to it during their marriage. [Citations.] Plaintiff alleges the increase in value of the Alacer stock, in excess of that attributed to a fair return on her husband‟s original investment, is community property. And the Trust directs the trustees to satisfy this community property interest by transferring Alacer stock to plaintiff. [¶] . . . While the Trust may be the only record shareholder, plaintiff‟s alleged community property interest in Alacer, if true, essentially makes her an unregistered Alacer shareholder.” (Id. at pp. 1011-1012.) Finally, we held the court wrongly entered judgment against plaintiff on her declaratory relief cause of action, in which she “sought a declaration that [she] has a community property interest in Alacer shares.” (Alacer, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at p. 1015.) Plaintiff was allowed to add that cause of action for the first time in the third 5

amended complaint because it “directly respond[ed] to the court‟s reason for sustaining [an] earlier demurrer” — plaintiff‟s lack of “standing as a beneficial shareholder of Alacer.” (Ibid.) The court correctly sustained the demurrer because plaintiff failed “to join indispensible parties, namely, Alice Patrick Nigl and [Jay‟s] lineal issue.” (Id. at p. 1016.) But it should have granted plaintiff leave to amend to add these parties. (Ibid.) In Turner, we reviewed the judgment as to the individual defendants. (Turner, supra, G037607.) We affirmed judgment for them on the fraud cause of action because plaintiff could not allege causation. (Ibid.) We reversed judgment for them on the declaratory relief cause of action, holding plaintiff should have leave to amend to add the indispensible parties. (Ibid.) And we reversed judgment for them on causes of action for breach of fiduciary duty, constructive trust, injunction, and unfair business practices, holding plaintiff sufficiently stated these claims. (Ibid.) We also affirmed orders on several consolidated probate petitions. (Turner, supra, G037607.) We held the court permissibly removed plaintiff as a trustee because “„[t]he removal . . . of a trustee is largely within the discretion of the trial court,‟ and the court did not abuse its discretion by removing plaintiff for trying to dissolve and liquidate Alacer, the trust‟s only asset.” (Ibid.) And because plaintiff was no longer a trustee, she lost standing to assert her own probate petitions. (Turner, supra, G037607.) We rejected her claim to standing as a trust beneficiary, noting the trust made “no donative transfer of property to [her].” (Ibid.) Plaintiff did not allege Jay made “a gift of his separate property to [her]” on the trust. (Ibid.) Rather, plaintiff alleged she already had an existing community property interest in Alacer‟s increased value that must be satisfied by the transfer of Alacer shares. (Ibid.) If all this were found to be true, “then [Jay], by directing the trustees to issue Alacer shares to plaintiff to satisfy her community property interest (if any), would not be giving plaintiff anything to which she is not already entitled. . . . Transferring trust assets to satisfy an existing obligation is the antithesis of a donative transfer.” (Ibid.) 6

Remand, Trial, and the Underlying Judgment After adding the indispensible parties as defendants in a fourth amended complaint, plaintiff filed the operative fifth amended complaint. She asserted direct causes of action for impairment of community property, constructive trust, breach of fiduciary duty, and injunctive relief, as well as shareholder derivative causes of action for breach of fiduciary duty and injunctive relief. Plaintiff also reasserted a declaratory relief cause of action. She sought a declaration of her “community property and stock ownership interest in Alacer.” The court bifurcated this cause of action, staying discovery on the others. After a bench trial on the bifurcated declaratory relief cause of action, the court (Judge Tucker) issued its 17-page final statement of decision in July 2010. It made nine notable express findings. First, plaintiff‟s cause of action was timely. The court found “the declaratory relief cause of action essentially arises out of Family Code § 1101 [subdivision] (b),” which authorizes it to “„determine the rights of ownership in . . . community property, and the classification of all property of the parties to a marriage.‟” Analyzing Family Code, section 1101,2 the court concluded: “by stating that, upon death, an action may be brought „without regard‟ to the three-year limitation, the language [of section 1101] indicates that no limitations period applies.” Because no limitation period governed plaintiff‟s claim, the only time restriction would be laches, which defendants failed to establish. Second, Alacer was Jay‟s separate property. The evidence showed Jay founded Alacer and was its sole shareholder before he married plaintiff. No evidence showed any transmutation. Nor did Alacer somehow lose its separate property status by being “commingled” with community property — i.e., Jay‟s purportedly under2

All further statutory references are to the Family Code unless otherwise

stated. 7

compensated work for Alacer during the marriage. His compensation does not “affect[] an apportionment analysis” or “transmute separate property into community property.” Third, some portion of Alacer‟s increased value must be equitably apportioned to the community. Alacer indisputably increased in value during the marriage, and Jay “put much more than minimal efforts into the business.” His efforts during the marriage were community efforts. Fourth, Alacer‟s value would be apportioned using the method in Pereira v. Pereira (1909) 156 Cal. 1 (Pereira). Courts use this approach when “„business profits are principally attributed to efforts of the community.‟” On the other hand, when “„the business profits accrued are attributed to the character of the separate asset,‟” courts use the method in Van Camp v. Van Camp (1921) 53 Cal.App. 17 (Van Camp). Here, “Alacer‟s growth was the result of a combination of Jay Patrick‟s efforts and the intrinsic value of the separate property business . . . .” Given this, “substantial justice is best accomplished by use of the Pereira formula, paying careful attention to the valuation methodology and the capitalization rate used in the methodology.” Accordingly, the court would apply Pereira and “calculate[] a fair return on [Jay‟s] separate property investment in the business,” with “the remainder belong[ing] to the community.” Fifth, the fair return on Jay‟s separate property investment in Alacer was about $530,000. The parties‟ experts used slightly different methods to determine the Alacer‟s value at the October 1988 date of marriage, but defendant‟s expert agreed it would be appropriate to use the average of their values — just over $250,000. The experts agreed a fair rate of return would be 7.68 percent per annum through Jay‟s death in February 2003. Applying that return to Alacer‟s value at marriage resulted in a separate property interest of just over $530,000. Sixth, Jay‟s February 2003 date of death would be used to value the remaining community property interest in the Alacer stock. While community property is generally valued at the date of trial, Alacer was Jay‟s separate property. The only 8

community property here was “the skill, effort and talent of Jay Patrick that was expended during the marriage. Hence, the court must value that skill, effort and ability from the time the marriage began until Jay died. To state the obvious, when Jay passed away, he no longer contributed any community skill, effort, or talents to increase the value of Alacer.” Seventh, Alacer‟s value at Jay‟s death was just under $7 million. The court adopted defendant‟s expert‟s use of the “capitalization of excess earning” methodology, which the expert described “as the „primary‟ or „most widely used‟ valuation methodology . . . .” It rejected that expert‟s attempt to average the result of that methodology with the significantly lower result of “capitalized cash flow method,” as he “offered no explanation as to why an average would be appropriate in this case.” And the court rejected plaintiff‟s expert‟s reliance on a 2006 bank valuation that led to results that “fluctuated wildly” — $19 million (low end), $73 million (high end), $46 million (initial average), $30 million (“corrected” average). Besides, plaintiff‟s expert has also used the “capitalization of excess earning” methodology to value Alacer at the date of marriage. Adding “the value of Alacer business assets using the excess earnings method” and “the value of non-income producing assets” yielded a total value of just under $7 million. Deducting about $530,000 for Jay‟s return on his separate property investment left a community interest of just under $6.5 million. Plaintiff‟s 50 percent share of the community was just over $3.2 million. Eighth, plaintiff was entitled to prejudgment interest starting at Jay‟s death. Her “community property interest existed as of the date of Jay‟s death” in February 2003, and she had “lost the use of her share of the community property” ever since. Finally, plaintiff was not entitled to receive Alacer shares to satisfy her community property interest. To be sure, Alacer held plaintiff had alleged “standing as a beneficial shareholder to bring her derivative causes of action.” And “[i]t is clear that, if Alacer were a community property business, plaintiff would have a „present, existing, and 9

equal‟ community property interest as a stockholder in Alacer.” But Alacer appropriately did not reach the merits to determine whether Alacer was a community property business. That was the trial court‟s duty and, after the bench trial on the declaratory relief cause of action, the court found the Alacer stock was Jay‟s separate property. “Plaintiff‟s community interest prior to Jay‟s death was in one half of the profits arising from the skill, efforts and industry he applied during the marriage to increase the value of his separate property business. His death does not transform Alacer into a community property business or transform plaintiff‟s right into one for stock ownership.” (Fn. omitted.) With the declaratory relief cause of action resolved, the court (Judge Gastelum) granted judgment on the pleadings to defendants on the remaining causes of action. It found “each of the [causes of actions] is based on Plaintiff‟s assertion she has a shareholder interest or is entitled to the stock of Alacer. [Citations.] These issues were determined adverse to Plaintiff in Phase I.” The court denied plaintiff‟s motion for leave to amend the complaint. It entered judgment accordingly in December 2010.


Plaintiff’s Declaratory Relief Cause of Action Was Timely Defendants contend plaintiff‟s declaratory relief cause of action was timebarred. They invoke various statutes of limitations: the three-year statute for actions “for taking, detaining, or injuring any goods or chattels, including actions for the specific recovery of personal property” (Code Civ. Proc., § 338, subd. (c)); the two-year statute for actions on liabilities “not founded upon an instrument in writing” (Code Civ. Proc., § 339); and the one-year statute for actions on liabilities of persons who “die[] before the expiration of the applicable limitations period” (Code Civ. Proc., § 366.2, subd. (a)).


They assert plaintiff failed to join the indispensible parties within whichever limitations period applies. The court correctly found plaintiff‟s declaratory relief cause of action was timely. That cause of action essentially derives from section 1101, subdivision (b), as the court noted, which provides: “A court may order an accounting of the property and obligations of the parties to a marriage and may determine the rights of ownership in, the beneficial enjoyment of, or access to, community property, and the classification of all property of the parties to a marriage.” The question is what limitations period applies to claims arising from section 1101, subdivision (b). The answer lies in section 1101, subdivision (d). It provides: “(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), any action under subdivision (a) [allowing claims for breach of fiduciary duty] shall be commenced within three years of the date a petitioning spouse had actual knowledge that the transaction or event for which the remedy is being sought occurred. [¶] (2) An action may be commenced under this section upon the death of a spouse or in conjunction with an action for legal separation, dissolution of marriage, or nullity without regard to the time limitations set forth in paragraph (1). [¶] (3) The defense of laches may be raised in any action brought under this section.” Thus, no limitations period applies to claims brought pursuant to section 1101, subdivision (b), except for laches, when the marriage ends though litigation or death. The Legislature took pains in subdivision (d)(1) to set forth a three-year limitations period for claims arising under subdivision (a).3 The Legislature made no effort in subdivision (d)(2) to set forth a corresponding limitations period for claims arising under subdivision (b). As the court aptly noted below, “Having evidenced a


We deny plaintiff‟s request to take judicial notice of section 1101‟s legislative history as irrelevant. We similarly deny defendants‟ request to take judicial notice of the docket from Jay and plaintiff‟s dissolution.


concern with statute of limitation issues, and having just provided a 3-year limitations period in section 1101[, subidivion] (d)(1), had the legislature intended a particular statute of limitations to apply upon death, it would have so stated.” But instead, the plain language of subdivision (d)(2) provides that “[a]n action may be commenced under this section upon the death of a spouse . . . without regard to the time limitations set forth in paragraph (1).” In other words, the Legislature set forth a limitations period and immediately clarified that period‟s own limit.4 Defendants contend section 1101, subdivision (d)(2)‟s exception does not apply to claims arising pursuant to subdivision (b). They note subdivision (d)(1) sets forth a limitation only for claims arising pursuant to subdivision (a), and so the exception in subdivision (d)(2) must apply only to those claims. This reads out of subdivision (d)(2) the reference to actions “under this section.” “This section” is section 1101, both subdivisions (a) and (b). When the Legislature wanted to refer only to one subdivision of section 1101, it did so unambiguously — as it did in subdivision (d)(1), which set the three-year limitations period for “any action under subdivision (a).” “The absence of a limitations period for particular causes of action is not without precedent,” as the court observed. If anything, it is entirely understandable for no limitations period to govern the determination of community property after a marriage ends. A spouse‟s interest in community property during marriage is “present [and] existing.” (§ 751.) When the marriage ends, the spouses hold any unadjudicated community property as tenants in common. (Berry v. Berry (1989) 216 Cal.App.3d 1155, 1159.) And “[t]he statute of limitations never bars relief between tenants in common in an action of partition.” (Adams v. Hopkins (1904) 144 Cal. 19, 27.) Thus, no limitations 4

As the court also noted, a leading commentator similarly concludes “a § 1101 remedy may be pursued at any time — without regard to the three year limitations period — (i) upon the death of a spouse, or (ii) in conjunction with a legal separation, marriage dissolution or nullity action.” (Hogoboom & King, Cal. Practice Guide: Family Law (The Rutter Group 2011) ¶ 8:637, p. 8-158.9.) 12

period applies to actions to partition and account for the community‟s interest in vested retirement benefits. (Sangiolo v. Sangiolo (1978) 87 Cal.App.3d 511, 513.) And no limitations period should apply here, where plaintiff seeks a determination of the community‟s interest in Alacer or its increased value. Nor was the declaratory relief cause of action barred by plaintiff‟s failure to file a timely creditor‟s claim in probate.5 (Prob. Code, § 9100, subd. (a).) Creditor‟s claims must be filed for “„debts or demands against the decedent as might have been enforced against him in his lifetime by personal actions for the recovery of money, and upon which only a money judgment could have been rendered.‟” (Newberger v. Rifkind (1972) 28 Cal.App.3d 1070, 1077 [optionees need not file creditor claims to enforce options exercised after optionor‟s death].) Pending dissolution, plaintiff could not enforce her community property interest against Jay before his death. Moreover, a spouse has a “present existing interest” in community property, “not a mere money claim.”6 (Kenworthy v. Hadden (1978) 87 Cal.App.3d 696, 702.) Thus, the community property interest in a spouse‟s partnership interest may be pursued without first filing a creditor‟s claim. (Id. at p. 703.) Similarly here, no creditor‟s claim was necessary for plaintiff to pursue her community property interest.


In light of this conclusion, we deny as unnecessary defendants‟ request to take judicial notice of pleadings showing plaintiff filed no creditor‟s claim. 6

“A spouse with a community property interest . . . „claims not as a creditor, but as an owner with a “present, existing, and equal interest.”‟” (In re Marriage of Fithian (1977) 74 Cal.App.3d 397, 403 [court may order husband to deposit with it the community‟s share of his retirement pay; even if receiver may not enforce simple money judgment, “wife is not in the position of a creditor”]; see also id. at p. 405 [contempt sanction did not violate ban on imprisonment for debt; “wife claims her community share of the retirement pay as an owner thereof, not as a creditor”].) 13

The Court Permissibly Apportioned The Community Property Interest in Alacer’s Growth The court found the Alacer stock was Jay‟s separate property when he entered the marriage. But the court also found a community property interest in Alacer‟s increase in value during the marriage. It found the community improved Alacer through Jay‟s devotion of nontrivial efforts toward Alacer during the marriage. Using the Pereira method, the court awarded a fair rate of return to Jay‟s separate property investment in Alacer. After ascertaining Alacer‟s value at the time of Jay‟s death, the court awarded the balance of Alacer‟s increased value to the community. No party is satisfied with the court‟s apportionment. Defendants contend there was no community property interest in Alacer‟s growth to apportion because Alacer already over compensated Jay for efforts during the marriage. They further contend the court failed to find Jay‟s efforts were the primary source of Alacer‟s growth, and plaintiff failed to show the precise percentage of any growth attributable to Jay‟s efforts. Plaintiff contends the court should have valued Alacer at the time of trial, not the date of Jay‟s death, when apportioning the community property interest. She also contends the court should have used her expert‟s “capitalized cash flow” valuation method instead of the “capitalization of excess earning” method. None of these challenges withstands review. An overview of community property apportioning rules provides some much needed perspective. “[I]n California, property acquired prior to marriage is separate, while property acquired during the marriage is presumed community property. [Citations.] Income from separate property is separate, the intrinsic increase of separate property is separate, but the fruits of the community‟s expenditures of time, talent, and labor are community property.” (In re Marriage of Dekker (1993) 17 Cal.App.4th 842, 850 (Dekker).) “Where community efforts increase the value of a separate property business, it becomes necessary to quantify the contributions of the separate capital and community effort to the increase.” (Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at p. 851.) “[T]he 14

necessity of apportionment arises when, during marriage, more than minimal community effort is devoted to a separate property business. [Citations.] [¶] The community is entitled to the increase in profits attributable to community endeavor. [Citations.] Accordingly, courts must apportion profits derived from community effort to the community, and profits derived from separate capital are apportioned to separate property.” (Id. at pp. 851-852, fns. omitted.) “Appellate review of a trial court‟s finding that a particular item is separate or community property is limited to a determination of whether any substantial evidence supports the finding. [Citations.] We apply the substantial evidence test . . . to the issue whether equitable apportionment should be applied to this case.” (Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at p. 849.) “Once the court is satisfied that it should apportion business profits, the question arises which method to apply. California courts have developed two alternative approaches to allocating business profits. The Pereira approach is to allocate a fair return to the separate property investment and allocate the balance of the increased value to community property as arising from community efforts. [Citations.] The Van Camp approach is to determine the reasonable value of the community‟s services, allocate that amount to community property and the balance to separate property.” (Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at pp. 852-853, fns. omitted.) “[C]ourts have not developed a precise standard in choosing between Pereira or Van Camp, but have endeavored to adopt that formula which is most appropriate and equitable under the circumstances. [Citation.] The court is not bound to adopt a predetermined percentage as a fair return on separate business capital, nor need it limit the community interest to a salary as reward for a spouse‟s efforts, but may select whichever formula will effect substantial justice between the parties. [Citation.] [¶] Pereira is typically applied where business profits are principally attributed to efforts of the community. [Citations.] Conversely, Van Camp is applied where community effort 15

is more than minimally involved in a separate business, yet the business profits accrued are attributed to the character of the separate asset. [Citations.] The court has discretion to choose whichever formula will effect substantial justice.” (Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at p. 853.) Thus, “[w]e apply the abuse of discretion test to the court‟s application of Pereira.” (Id. at p. 849.) Defendant‟s contentions fly in the face of these apportionment rules. The court has discretion to pick an apportionment method. (Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at pp. 849, 853.) It found “Alacer‟s growth was the result of a combination of Jay Patrick‟s efforts and the intrinsic value of the separate property business,” and substantial evidence supports this finding.7 The court was thus on middle ground, presented with facts between the far ends of the Pereira-Van Camp spectrum. (Dekker, at p. 853.) It exercised its discretion and found “substantial justice is best accomplished by use of the Pereira formula, paying careful attention to the valuation methodology and the capitalization rate used in the methodology.” We see no abuse. The court was not constrained, as defendants insinuate, to using Van Camp by default unless the facts somehow compelled the use of Pereira. “The court has discretion to choose whichever formula will effect substantial justice.” (Dekker, at p. 853.) Having done so, the court was called upon only to determine the value of Jay‟s separate property interest in Alacer at the start of the marriage, and then “allocate a fair return to the separate property investment” during the marriage. (Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at p. 852.) The court did so based on substantial evidence; defendants do not


Plaintiff offered evidence showing the following facts. Jay was an “iconic figure” in the nutrition industry “indistinguishable” from Alacer, whose “presence was inseparable from the products.” His “legendary” work ethic drove him to keep long hours at Alacer, where “he was involved in virtually every aspect of the company,” including product development, manufacturing, business planning, marketing, and hiring. His “guidance” expanded Alacer.


challenge on appeal the valuation of the separate property interest or the calculation of the return rate. And having done this, the court properly then “allocate[d] the balance of the increased value to community property as arising from community efforts.” (Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at pp. 852-853.) It was not required to find whether plaintiff‟s community property interest was already satisfied by Jay‟s Alacer compensation during the marriage.8 The court need not “limit the community interest to a salary as reward for a spouse‟s efforts . . . .” (Id. at p. 853.) “To limit the community to compensation received by way of salary during the marriage would ignore California‟s egalitarian marriage model and the apportionment formula of Pereira . . . .” (Id. at p. 854.) “[Defendants‟] point, that the community received market value compensation, does not affect our inquiry. Whether or not the community received salary, a court must determine to what extent the increased value of the separate property business is attributable to community effort.” (Id. at p. 852.) Nor was plaintiff obligated to show the precise percentage of growth attributable to Jay‟s efforts. Under Pereira, the community property award itself is essentially an implied finding of that. (See Deckker, at p. 854 [“Implicit in the trial court‟s finding that [the husband] was responsible for the increase [in business value] is a finding the [separate property] capital investment would not have returned its 927 percent increase without his efforts”].) And contrary to plaintiff‟s claim, the court properly fixed the increase in Alacer‟s value at Jay‟s death. “Upon the death of a married person, one-half of the community property belongs to the surviving spouse and the other half belongs to the decedent.” (Prob. Code, § 100, subd. (a).) So plaintiff was entitled to one-half of the


The parties offered conflicting evidence on the amount of Jay‟s total Alacer compensation during the marriage. The court found “Jay was reasonably compensated during the marriage,” but aptly noted “neither under-compensation nor overcompensation during marriage affects an apportionment analysis.” 17

community‟s interest in Alacer‟s increased value “[u]pon the death of” Jay. (Ibid.) Thereafter, Alacer itself and any increase in its value continued to be Jay‟s separate property. (§ 770, subds. (a)(1), (a)(3), (b).) Plaintiff, contending Alacer must be valued at the time of trial, relies heavily upon section 2552 and cases applying it. But its plain language renders it inapplicable here: “For the purpose of division of the community estate upon dissolution of marriage or legal separation of the parties . . . the court shall value the assets and liabilities as near practicable to the time of trial.” (§ 2552, subd. (a).) The apportionment here was not made “upon dissolution of marriage or legal separation of the parties . . . .” (Ibid.) And valuing Alacer‟s increased growth at the time of trial would essentially transform plaintiff‟s one-half interest in Jay‟s community efforts into a one-half interest in Alacer itself. That would affect an unwarranted transmutation of Jay‟s separate property into community property. (Cf. § 852 [transmutation requirements].) Plaintiff complains the property division was “profoundly unequal.” It was exactly equal. The court awarded 50 percent of the community property interest to plaintiff, 50 percent to Jay. Plaintiff may be disappointed she did not share in Jay‟s separate property interest in Alacer, but there is nothing unequal about that. For similar reasons, the court also permissibly used the “capitalization of excess earning” method to value Alacer. Plaintiff criticizes defendant‟s expert for using this method and relying “solely at historical information prior to the date of valuation.” Thus, the expert discounted Alacer‟s value for possible threats during Jay‟s lifetime, regardless of whether they came to pass after his death. Even so, and despite plaintiff‟s further flyspecking of the expert‟s opinion, we see no abuse of discretion in adopting the “capitalization of excess earning” method — a method that plaintiff‟s own expert used to value Alacer at the date of marriage. And the court reasonably rejected plaintiff‟s valuation, which “fluctuated wildly” from $19 million to $73 million, before settling at $30 million. 18

In sum, substantial evidence showed plaintiff had a community property interest in Alacer‟s increased value during the marriage, and supported apportioning that community property interest. The court acted within its discretion by using Pereira to apportion Alacer‟s value at the date of Jay‟s death, using the “capitalization of excess earning” method.

Plaintiff Was Not Entitled to Alacer Stock Plaintiff contends that her community property interest in Alacer‟s increased value must be satisfied with an award of Alacer stock. She asserts several supporting theories, none of which hold water. First, plaintiff points her finger at us. She claims our Alacer and Turner decisions established her entitlement to Alacer stock as law of the case. They do no such thing. In Alacer, we held plaintiff adequately alleged shareholder derivative standing. But, we did so “assuming as we must the truth of [her] allegations” and giving the “„derivative suit standing requirements a liberal construction.‟” (Alacer, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1011-1012.) So we did not question plaintiff‟s allegation she had a community property interest in Alacer, which “the Trust directs the trustees to satisfy . . . by transferring Alacer stock to plaintiff.” (Ibid.) We took that as true. In Turner, we held plaintiff was not a trust beneficiary because the trust did not make a donative transfer by specifying how to satisfy plaintiff‟s alleged community property interest in Alacer stock. (Turner, supra, G037607.) Again, we construed plaintiff‟s allegations in her favor and assumed she might somehow show a community property interest in the Alacer stock itself. But at trial, the court found the Alacer stock was Jay‟s separate property. Plaintiff has no “community property interest in [Jay‟s] Alacer stock,” which is what the Trust specified should be satisfied by the transfer of Alacer stock. Nothing in Alacer or Turner required the court to use Alacer stock to satisfy a community property interest in Alacer‟s increased value. 19

Second, plaintiff asserts she and Jay stipulated that she would receive her community property interest in the form of Alacer stock. Plaintiff relies upon the trust, which (again) directs the trustees to transfer shares only to satisfy her alleged “community property interest in [Jay‟s] Alacer stock . . . .” But, she showed no community property interest in Alacer stock. She showed only a community property interest in the increased value of Alacer. The trust is silent on how the trustees should satisfy that. Third, plaintiff contends Alacer became community property because Jay commingled plaintiff‟s community property interest with his separate property. She claims Jay‟s community efforts were “reinvested” in Alacer against her will. How? On our best reading of plaintiff‟s briefs, this occurred when Jay‟s efforts were not apportioned to the community as he made them. But California law does not require apportionment of community efforts devoted to separate property on an ongoing basis, upon pain of transmuting that separate property into community property. Courts account for community efforts toward separate property through equitable apportionment after the marriage, not transmutation during the marriage. (See, e.g., Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at pp. 852-853.) Fourth, plaintiff contends she should receive a pro tanto interest in Alacer. She relies on case law giving the community a pro tanto interest in separate property — real property, typically — purchased, paid down, or improved with community funds. (See, e.g., In re Marriage of Moore (1980) 28 Cal.3d 366, 373-374, In re Marriage of Sherman (2005) 133 Cal.App.4th 795, 802; see generally In re Marriage of Marsden (1982) 130 Cal.App.3d 426, 438-440.) But using the Moore/Marsden approach here would conflict with the prevailing approach used when a separate property business is improved by the devotion of community efforts — equitable apportionment using Pereira or Van Camp. (See, e.g., Dekker, supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at pp. 852-853.) The court did not err by declining to extend the Moore/Marsden approach to this set of facts. 20

Plaintiff Permissibly Received Prejudgment Interest Defendants contend the court wrongly awarded prejudgment interest to plaintiff. It found doing so was “equitable and appropriate” “because plaintiff‟s community interest existed as of the date of Jay‟s death, and because plaintiff has lost the use of her share of the community property . . . .” We see no abuse of discretion. “Prejudgment interest is awarded to compensate a party for the loss of the use of his or her property.” (Bullis v. Security Pac. Nat. Bank (1978) 21 Cal.3d 801, 815 (Bullis).) “In an action for the breach of an obligation not arising from contract . . . interest may be given [as damages], in the discretion of the jury.” (Civ. Code, § 3288.) “[T]he trial court, when acting as the trier of fact, may award prejudgment interest under this section” (Bullis, at p. 814, fn. 16) and its decision will “not be overturned unless [it] abused its discretion” (id. at p. 815).9 Plaintiff‟s loss of use of a community property interest she owned upon Jay‟s death in 2003 (§ 751; Prob. Code, § 100, subd. (a)) sufficiently supports the court‟s exercise of its discretion to award prejudgment interest.10 (See Bullis, at p. 815; see also Redke v. Silvertrust (1971) 6 Cal.3d 94, 106 [Civ. Code, § 3288 allows prejudgment interest award when stepfather wrongly withheld mother‟s separate property from daughter].) Defendants contend the court abused its discretion because plaintiff does not really deserve prejudgment interest. They blame plaintiff for delaying her timely receipt of the community property interest in myriad ways, and impugn plaintiff for other perceived failings. The trial court was in the best position to consider these allegations, 9

(Cf. § 2553 [“The court may make any orders the court considers necessary to carry out” an equal division of community property upon separation or dissolution].) 10

The court may take into account the ascertainability of plaintiff‟s damages in exercising its discretion. (Bullis, supra, 21 Cal.3d at p. 815.) But “[e]ven if plaintiff‟s damages are not liquidated, prejudgment interest may be awarded” pursuant to Civil Code section 3288. (Id. at p. 814.)


yet it found the prejudgment interest award “equitable and appropriate.” The deferential standard of review does not allow us to second-guess the court on the ground of defendants‟ frustration with plaintiff.11

The Court Correctly Entered Judgment on the Pleadings for Defendants The court granted judgment on the pleadings to defendants on plaintiff‟s remaining causes of action. The court found “each of the [causes of actions] is based on Plaintiff‟s assertion she has a shareholder interest or is entitled to the stock of Alacer.” So they are. This is most obviously true for her derivative causes of action, which can be asserted only by record or beneficial shareholders. (Corp. Code, § 800, subd. (b)(1).) Plaintiff alleged beneficial shareholder standing in the third amended complaint by alleging a community property interest in the stock of Alacer. But the court found she had no such interest, and so she has corresponding right to Alacer stock. She thus cannot state any derivative cause of action. But this is also true of plaintiff‟s direct causes of action. She fails to state an impairment or constructive trust causes of action because she is not entitled to the Alacer shares she alleged defendants have withheld from her. Nor can plaintiff save these causes of action by alleging defendants (or Jay) impaired or withheld her community property interest in Alacer‟s increased value by reinvesting it in Alacer. We have already rejected this theory because that is what equitable apportionment is for — to determine and apportion her interest. And plaintiff obtained judgment for her community property interest, plus prejudgment interest to compensate her for her intervening loss of its use. Finally, plaintiff fails to state a breach of fiduciary duty cause of action because she is not an Alacer shareholder to whom defendants owe any fiduciary duty. The court 11

After many years, the parties have made it painfully clear they do not like each other. Less apparent is why they think we care. 22

did not err by granting judgment on the pleadings for defendants and denying plaintiff leave to amend.


The judgment is affirmed. In the interests of justice, the parties shall bear their own costs on appeal.




Filed 12/14/11


G044589 (Super. Ct. No. 03CC14826)



Defendants and Appellants. On the court‟s own motion and for good cause, the opinion filed on November 16, 2011, is certified for publication. It appears that the opinion meets the standards set forth in California rules of Court, rule 8.1105(c). The opinion is ordered published in the Official Reports. IKOLA, J. WE CONCUR: