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English Pages 131 Year 2003
There are some minor spelling and grammatical mistakes, as it is a raw extracted author’s copy. As it is a banned book it was difficult to get it. Thankfully, complete book is here. Please share with all your friends and family as it is extremely important to spread awareness about this great Civilizational Threat which is already responsible for the partition of our sacred motherland.
CONTENTS FORWARD INTRODUCTION I.Historical back ground of Islam in India. II.Mohd’s life in brief. III.Islam after Mohd's death. IV.Causes of Islam's fast growth. V.Islam's spread in India. VI.Views of National Leaders on Islam VII.Islamic Jehad or Terrorism. VIII.Islam is Arab Nationalism. IX.Muslim problem in India. X.Old Muslim problem in India, resurfacingCaution to India. XI.Islamic plan of India's conquest. XII.Time for decision. XIII.Need of awareness amongst the Indian youth. XIV.Muslim problem in India and the world. XIV (A).Islam, India and Bangladesh. XV.Provocative Ayats in Quaran. XVI.Quaran and The Non-Muslims. XVII.Are there solutions to Muslim problem? XVIII.Dr B. R. Ambedkar had visualized Muslim problem XIX.Buddhist frescos at Bamiyan in Afghanistan. XX.Immediate need of Hindus – Revival of Jansangh. XXI.Message for the Muslims in India XXII.Islam in politics of 21 s t century. XXIII.The Dilemma of Vajpayee as Muslims-see it? XXIV.Indian Muslim's call for Mughalastan from out of India. XXV.Kashmir Problem from Islamic angle. XXVI.Belief in Fundamental Islamization. XXVII.Pseudo Secularists in India. Post Credit: A TRIBUTE TO GURU TEG BAHADUR th The 9 Sikh Guru Behaded for refusing to convert to Islam. BALIDAN DIVAS: NOV. 11, 1675
ISLAM A CONCEPT OF POLITICAL WORLD INVASION BY MUSLIMS Maulana Mohd Ali whom Mahatma Gandhi called his brother is on record humiliating the Mahatma and saying "Yes, according to Islam I hold an adulterous and fallen Musalmaan even better than Mahatma Gandhi". Gandhi advocated pardon to the Assassin Muslim who killed Swami Shradhhanand
ISLAM IS THIS NOT TRUE ? 1] GURU TEG BAHADUR WAS BEHEADED BY ISLAMIC ZEALOT AURANGZEB FOR REFUSING TO EMBRACE ISLAM 2] Were not the two young sons of Guru Govind Singh cast alive in a wall at SIRHIND in Punjab for their refusal to embrace Islam? 3] Was not young HAQIQAT RAI a Hindu 'Balak' (a child of 12 years of age) from SIALKOT sentenced to death by Islamic QAZI of LAHORE ON HIS REFUSAL TO EMBRACE ISLAM ? * * * Islamic Juris Prudence 1] Evidentiary value of one man equals the evidence of two women. 2] A Muslim can divorce his wife through TALAQ - E – BIDDAT by pronouncing three times, even when joking or in a state of intoxication, TALAQ, TALAQ, TALAQ. A man can have four wifes but a women can have only one husband. This is the law of SHARIAT. 3] A female can inherit only half of what a male can inherit. 4] A divorced wife cannot remarry her divorced husband unless she marries someone else and proves cohabitation before being allowed to remarry her former divorced husband. THE WORLD HAS MOVED INTO 21ST Century with superior civilization in the hope of creating one peaceful world for all world citizens to live in peace & dignity with assured human rights.
FOREWORD Dr. PRAVEEN TOGADIA I have been chosen to write a foreword to the above book written by Supreme Court Advocate Mr. .R.V. Bhasin who in the year 1947 left Lahore then in India and now in Pakistan along with his other members of the family Even at Lahore in his very young age, Mr. Bhasin entered the RSS Shakha displaying his love & respect for his Hindu faith At young age, The children are usually influenced by their parents, elders and other friends Mr. R V Bhasin the author of the book shows his good reason and strong conviction in the Hinduism or the Hindu way of life Leaving behind everything earned and collected by his ancestors, Mr. Bhasin with his other family members chose to leave behind in Pakistan, all that really matters to most human beings, the material aspects of this world. Similarly, we the people who always lived in India, do indeed owe, to such like persons 3 families that gratitude for which we the Hindus in particular, earned country's freedom. This book with Mr.Bhasin's analytical Lawyer's mind does convincingly bring out the details of Muslims faith in Islam, a semetic religion That was born in Saudi Arabia in the year 632 AD 16 almost 1400 yrs ago and The book specially places truthful realities with historical citations and pertinent information about The contents of Muslim's holy book Quaran'. Islam after Christianity is the widely spread theocratic faith about which if not all the world inhabitants should know at least this much as is contained in this book 'ISLAM - A CONCEPT OF POLITICAL WORLD INVASION BY MUSLIMS', should be known. I am happy to observe the collosal research carried out by the author of the book that shall pass any unbiased scrutiny by any cross section of the world society, with compliments and credit. Freedom of speech & expression as guaranteed To the citizens of India have been intelligently used by the author to furnish well researched information about Islam & the Muslims in India that must help every sort of books readership, anywhere in the world. I am of the firm view that due to our own history and future national planning, the information and Knowledge as revealed in this book with conviction and authenticity can be effectively used by one & all in India 10 serve the cause of humanity through Hinduism, that rejects dogmatism & allows untold freedom to its followers. I have also had the honour of releasing Mr. R.V. Bhasin 5 earlier book. 'ESSENCE OF HINDUISM1 that too provides to the readers, a grand vision of India's past heritage and explanation of Hinduisms grand Vedic Philosophy. Neither of these two books should enter into any controversy and the worldwide readership shall be better illuminated by going through this book written for the benefit of one and all in simple English language That has become the LINGUIA FRANCA of the most young educated urban children and not so old young parents, now living all over the world The book in its short form does reveal even to the learned specialists, some very purposeful facts about Islam and its true pursuit to convert the entire world into DARUL ISLAM & ARAB NATIONALISM. Having carefully looked at the contents of the book with fearless narration by its author. I wish him success and congratulate him for his appreciable efforts in writing this admirable short treatise in
the form of a book May be, even The present BJP Govt. led by Shri, Vajpayee & Shri L.K Advani discover something Re-evaluated by book s author who has recorded also Parliament views of Dr. B R Ambedkar. The book has correctly analyzed the meaning and necessity of amending India's Constitution and calling India i.e.. Bharat also as Hindustan 'A HINDU RASHTRA1. IT has really no political overtones but a strong factor of uplifting the morale of India's majority population of almost 80 core Hindus in the population of over 100 crore total inhabitants. Our present world with this book for its own necessity based on history S literature is bound to become richer m its overall perspective. I recommend every Indian or at least every Hindu family to look into this book and to authentically discover, the realities of Islam which although means PEACE, yet is not pursued with this clear aim to help the entire world society The clear statement of QURAN in its unarnendibility & rigidity sanctioning violence is what requires the present day world leaders first To know & then to plan the welfare of the entire human society by taking into account the sordid realities and facts contained in the holy Quran Unfortunately, it is ironical culture that the recommended conduct on the part of the believers i e the Muslims provides for disturbance of world peace and giving birth To Terrorism in its wake. Many more Islamic O5AMA- BIN- LADENS are said shall be born which statement is recently made by the Muslim President of Egypt Mr. Hosani Mubarak. The book shall definitely serve the world and the people believing in different faiths living happily on the surface of the Indian sub-continent. The concept of Hindu Rashtra is no devaluation of Hindu's firm's belief in VASUDEVAM KUTUMBKAM & SARVE BHAVANTU SUKHINAM The world is one family and the welfare of each of its inhabitants must be its sole concern Myself and my Hindu brethren will like to serve mankind through our unshakable faith in the real philosophy of Hinduism whose vernacular translation is HINDUTVA S which by its fundamental belief is the honest SECULARISM. It is time that the Hindus stood up for their rights in their own country S. Took special note of country's own history particularly taking note of Muslims continuous & sustained hatred towards them & their religious beliefs in Idol worship With such un-comprisable, stiff & unbridgeable gap between The beliefs of the two communities, Hindus in India cannot afford to neglect, building themselves m strength to protect Their ancient social S cultural values Even in The present India, I for one strongly apprehend that at least if not 100%, a great percentage of Muslims continue To owe extra territorial loyalties to Arab land than to India In the event of any military conflict between India and Pakistan, a large number of Indian Muslims may be expected to aid Pakistan than India. This is clearly established from the going on terrorism caused by Muslims backed by ISI. This has to be our concern to tackle ISI agents in India. Every Indian, particularly the Hindus in India, must unite to fully assert their political strength in favour of that Govt. which should openly work to support & advance the truly Hindu Social & cultural values of India's past grandeur. No comprise be allowed to be made
in the fallacious projection of pseudo secularism as is being demanded by the leftists in India. Hindutva is itself secular and all those born in India ought to be the honest & true Indians. Our written Constitution guarantees to every Indian citizen, a right to live in peace with freedom in a Hindu Rashtra. This is the truthful statement, This is what, I as an Indian born of Hindu parents, dream of: Let this book be blessed to educate one and all about the revealition of Islam and its effect on India and her people. Dr. Praveen Togad [a International Genl. Secy. Vishwa Hindu Panshad]
ISLAM A CONCEPT OF POLITICAL WORLD INVASION BY MUSLIMS INTRODUCTION With the dawn of 21 sl century mankind moves forward with some hope to evolve a better and more peaceful world for the humans living on earth. It has behind it, sufficient amount of ancient and medieval historical records. The world experience of the past cannot ignore social, cultural, economic and politcal upliftment of man. The world holds a colossal store house of man's accomplishment in growing towards maturity of human mind. Hence, none can escape taking into account human's belief in theology or religion or faith while attempting to shape man's own future to ensure moving as one human family inhabiting the planet earth.. Indeed, man's continuing evolution has also found a common basis of trying to shape his future on the pedestal of science and the great progress made by it in the last 3 to 400 years. Man's continuing belief in his faith or religion has undisputedly cast its effect on his own maturity in social, cultural, economic and political necessities. Human problems when collectively taken finally focus on one common point i.e. the humans need to establish a firm political centre. By this, it is meant to control human actions on theological beliefs. In the case of Islamic faith, one cannot fail to notice that the Islamic doctrine has remained totally stagnant. It is for the reason that the holy book of Quaran itself forbids any one to dare alter anything in it since it is a dogmatic assertion what is contained in it, is the last word of God Almighty, the Allaha. The world of today is pushed to take a special notice of Muslim world's Pan Islamic vision. Islamic theology is strongly tied to its root of converting the entire world into one Islamic society and according to it, this alone is the correct road to final world peaceAt does not accept any other road thought by man equally good to emancipate hinself. Islam is therefore totally opposed to any other theological idea. In this context, it not only challenges the world society by being intolerant but it sanctions violence as an accepted notion to wage wars that are called Jehads against the non-believers. Islam divides the human society into two clear halves. Those who believe in the basic tenets of Islam and those who do not. The Islamic faith begins with Muslims accepting the only declaration which is LA-ILLAHA, MOHD. RASULALLAHA (There is only one God and Mohammed is his Prophet) This is known as Kalma by the recitation of which when done three times, the recitor stands converted into a Muslim. To convert into Islam for anyone from any faith, all that is needed is to recite the above Kalma three times and nothing further is needed by way of any ritual or any social, cultural or religious ceremony. It is really so simple. The five pillars of Islamic faith as set out in-the holy book called The Quaran are: 1. Recitation of the above Kalma.
2. Offering of Namaaz as per Quaranic Ayats (couplets con- tained for the purpose in the text of Quaran), five times a day. A special community gathering of reading of Namaez on each Friday of the week is a special religious ordainment for-the Muslims. 3. Zakat (giving of charity). 20% of any Muslims own earnings are ordained to be given as Zakat to the poor. 4. Roza (keeping of the fast) Muslims are ordained to keep fasts on each day in the holy month of Ramadhan. The Muslims follow the lunar calendar. 5. Haj (visit to Mecca in Saudi Arabia). Muslims are ordained to visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once in their life time to perform special rituals as per theological clictations. Islam and Mohd in reality are one and the same thing. Mohd who was the founder of Islam was born in Saudi Arabia in a tribe with its name as 'Quereshi'. The concept of Islam grew in him when he was 52 years old. He died at the age of 62. It is only in the last 10 years of his life that he often retired in a cave near Mecca where he claimed to have recieved odrainments from the God Almighty. The messages so recieved by him came to be later complied by his successors in the holy book of the Muslim's called the Quaran. He claims what is contained there-in is the last message given to the mankind through him by God Almighty called Allah. How he himself followed and carried out several deeds as the messenger of the God as his chosen Prophet are further recorded as his Hadhits. A Muslim is ordained to follow both the dictations of Quaran and the declarations made as the Hadbits. Theologically, any differnce in opinion while interpreting the texts of Quaran or Hadhits is left to the religious leader called the Mullahs, who are the heads of Mosque where the Muslims meet to offer Namaaz. It is unmistakably stated in Quaran that the entire world is to be comsidered divided in two camps, 1. Those who belive and owe their allegiance to Islam. They are the Muslims or the believers 2. Those who do not owe the allegiance to Islam and who do not accept Mohd as the Prophet sent by Allaha with his message as contained in Quaran and Hadiths. Once a Muslim by faith or choice the is not thereafter ever permitted any freedom to walk out of it. Those who do not believe as above are the non-believers. They are termed as the Kafirs. What is not in accordance with the dictations in Quaran and Hadiths is called Kufr A true Muslim is ordained to convert the entire world society into the society of the believers and to encleavour to totally exterminate the society of the non-believers termed as Kafirs. What is not in accordance with the clictations in Quaran is termed as Kufr. The Muslims believe and are ordained by their holy religious texts to eliminate Kufl- and the Kafirs from the surface of the earth. Any bloody war that is fought by the believers against the nonbelievers carries the religious sanction of Islam, the literal meaning of which is peace, it 6-penly 'directs the Muslims to behead the Kafirs and to lay their lives to exterminate Kufr even at the cost of their own lives. It is one of the three Semetic faiths that supports violence to spread the message of God amongst the humans. The other two religions are Christianity and Judaism.
The Geo/Political states not managed or controlled by the above named Islamic believers are termed as Darul-Herb and those Geo/Political states that are under the political control of the Islamic believers are called as Darul-lslam. The entire Muslim society of believers is ordained by the Islamic theology as contained in the holy book of Quaran to convert the non-believers into believers and Islamic religious sanction is openly accorded for waging if necessary, any number of bloody wars. These wars are termed as Jel7ads. A Muslim is further ordained to wage a Jehad against the non-believers even at the cost of his life. In fact, this is his first and foremost religious duty. Should he die in this ursuit, the God assumed Almighty as per Quaranic statements assures to such pursuero ait an assured life of joy and pleasure in the heavens where he is promised to be served by 72 beautiful maidens and 72 young male children to beget pleasure. Such a persom is called as Shaheed. Shoul he survive while pursuing this aim and live on the earth, Quaran promises on behalf of the God Almighty Allaha to enjoy the life on earth by using all that he gets by way of victory over the Kafirs. Of the wealth, that the Islamic victor begets as the pursuer of this aim, a Muslim is to part with 1/5th of such capture that includes number of females and children, to the king and to enjoy the remainder 4/5th of the captured wealth as his own personal property. No believer is answerable ever thereafter to, anyone. Such capture of worldly possessions gained whilet pursuing this holy aim of Mulsims is called as 'Male Ganimat'. Mohd. the Prophet himself took two out of his eleven wives as, 'Male Ganimat' after converting them into Islamic faith and marrying them as,per his own sanctioned religious beliefs. He got the political 'Male Ganimat' after scoring some military victories over his rivals liberalism that Islam allows to his followers over the non-believers. The present day world is now suurounded by this ideology that challenges the existence of human freedom which is allowed only to the believers as per Islamic faith. This began some 1400 years before and has become a serious world problem today. Islam declares to its followers where political governance is in the hands of the believers, they are to act and crush any counter idea and where it still lacks political control then to lie on wait for the moment when through all other means, Darul-Herb gets coverted into Darul-Islam. Indians have experienced both lives while living under Islamic political domination and when not under Islamic domination. When the British control ended over India in 1947, )ndian sub- contient was divided into India and Pakistan. Our leaders expected that by agreeing to such divisions, the country will get rid of Islamic desire to convert India as a part of Pan Isallnic territory. However, as can be seen and it cannot be differed that our experience since Independence has been totally different. Although Muslims left in India were in miniority and by comparison of figures, although they are still in minority yet a similar scenario that existed and caused the division of the country in 1947, has started reappearing before the present day India, once again. One needs to look at certain published literature from England under the authorship of a Muslim settler there to discover the real intentions of the true Islamic believes. An author by the name of Anwar Sheikh has published the following books that shall startle any reader since the author reveals the underlying volcanic Islamic intentions.
The books now available in the world market are: 1. Islam - Arab National Movement 2. Islam -Arab Imperialism 3. Islam - Sex and Violence
CHAPTER-I HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ISLAM IN INDIA Religion of Islam was started by Mohd. said to the Prophet sent to earth by the God Almighty in about the middle of the 711 century AD. The followers of this religion are called the Muslims. Mohd.was born in Saudi Arabia in a tribe by the name of Queresh. This is one of the three Semetic faiths that grew up finally into a very strong belief under the name of Islam. The word Islam in Arabic language means Peace. The other Semeitc faiths are Judaism followed by Jews and the third is Christianity that came into being with the birth and death of Jesus Christ. In the above three faiths, there are some similarties. All the three faiths accept their initiators as the messengers or sons of God. They also similarly place their unquestioned trust in their respective holy books called as 1. OLD TESTAMENT (Judaism started by Moses) 2. NEW TESTAMENT or Bible (Christianity started by Lord Jesus) and 3. ISALM (started by Mohd. with its holy book called QUARAN). All the three faiths thus draw their inspirations from their respective books and the initiators of the same. While the Old Testament and the Bible were first written in the Hebrew language, Quaran the holy book of Islam came to be written in the Arabic. The followers of all the three religions thus owe their allegiance to their respective books and to their initiators. Naturally, the followers of each Sect restrict themselves within the close circle of their holy book's contents and develop a special fraternal relationship between themselves as the respective followers of their faiths. The human society as such is therefore divided on the basis of the following of what is said in their respective holy books,. Beyond the following, the rest of the humanity is not accorded any special or otherwise fraternal sort of relationship. All the three faiths do not bring within its embrace, all humans tied together as the fellow humans. Therefore, these sects create within the society special and narrow circles of brotherhood based on the fellowship of the followers only. Whereas, religion as followed by the humans should have a tendency of uniting the entire human society under some special social code, the above named Semetic faiths divide the society into narrow sects. This is very much unlike the ancient Aryan's Sanatan Dharma about which India's every sacred religious scriptures speak in terms of 1. Vasudevam Kutumbkam 2. Sarva Dharma Sambhava means that the whole world is one family. Sarva Dharma Sambhava means it is possible to accomodate all faiths and religions at the same time. The followers of Judaism called the Jews have their holy city in Jerusalem. Christianity came out of Judaism. Lord Jesus was its cause. Its holy place of birth is at Bethlehem presently in Israel. Somehow, there were some differences in the contents of the Old Testament and the propogatory statements of Lord Jesus.1-Some Jews were opposed to the same. A Governer appointed on behalf of the ruler of Rome in Bethlehem was led to prosecute and hang Lord. Jesus on the Cross. However, a few followers of Lord Jesus contniued to spread his message. Three hundred years later came King Constantine who accepted Christianity that grew into a forceful and strong faith that soon spread around Rome & in other parts of Europe.
In the 11th century, the Roman Empire stood split in two parts-into west and east. The Western Roman Empire and the Western Church accepted Rome as their guiding light of faith and politics. The Eastern Roman Empire was guided from Constantinople now called Istanbul. The Western Roman Church accepted its leader at Rome and called him the Pope who ruled over the entire Western Europe and Western Church. The followers of Pope are called the Catholics. The Eastern Church that split up did not accept Rome and Pope as their leader. Hence, Russia, Greece, Georgia, Syria and some none Eastern European coutnries followed their own revised religious ideas. Some strong feelings of Nationalism exhibit a natural tendency within humans. This brings about a sense of commonness among groups of humans when it is based upon some common gains to be made by the huamns inhabiting some territory that is politically governed for them. It is not only but natural that a homogeneous society comes into being. A feeling of Nationalism is in fact an emotional upsurge that unites all people into one society when the emotions involved work to uplift the humans inhabiting a territory governed in their intrests. Indian society by virtue of sub-continent's a large mass of land provides such basis. This singular geographical entity itself is responsible for unifying all its inhabitants to adopt and work for some common kind of social and cultural upliftment. On top of it, the great land mass with flowing rivers of water further provides such a National cohesion. Such factors are divinely given to the people of India. A great stretch of plains with one commonness provides to Indian people, not only a sense of unity but it delivers to one and, all, a sense of fraternity. This is because of society's common concern. This has over the centuries of time ripened into a common cultural, social, economical and spiritual faith. The most important singular factor that binds a nation is the faith of the people in their ancestry and religion. Put together, it is termed as 'Nationality'. Ancient Indian sages, their spirituals pursuits and messages of one world family (Vasu-devam Kutummbkam) have greatly contributed to the very thought process of one India. Max Muller, Dr.Annie Beasant and several other world leaders of the past have openly declared, India without Hindusim is unthinkable. An independent India and her people are thus divinely ordained to protect their spiritual chord of National unity in which social and cultural emotions in commonness can be seen. We have therefore to take particular care of Hindutva philosophy that provides such a strong force of one commonness. This in turn does have its roots in India's ancient religion. The religion has its roots in the minds of every Indian. Any attack on this activity and faith shall therefore need a very strong fencing around the philosophical principles of the Vedas. It is from there that such feelings of Indian Nationalism and Hinduism have grown. The latter is not merely a faith or belief in any sort of Gospel's spread and introduced by its thinker, but Hinduism is in fact a way of life lived by the Indian people since time immemorial. Indianism and Hinduism have thus to be unabashedly declared as synonymous. It is this singular factor that provides to India its real inherent strength of every sort. This is regardless of the method chosen for its political governance.
Any idea contrary to this is suicidal and hence must be opposed with all the strength that the people of.1ndia can muster. Unlike original Indian political thinkers like Tilak, Lajpat Rai, Vipin Chander Paul and other such like political Leaders of the generations, the recent political Leaders like Gandhi and Nehru in fact came under the influence of the British system of education. A clear change towards Westernism became noticeable in the Indian history. This began with Gandhi and Nehru both diluting their inner feelings towards Hinduism and in its place, they substituted prematurely a sort of secularism. Indeed, this affected the minds of the people of India. Nothing more could please the British Imperialists who desired Indian society to split into groups based on anything other than one religion. Hindus being in majority were to be taken special care of. India came to be finally balkanized into two separate independent nations of India and Pakistan. The latter stood further divided into Pakistan and Bangladesh. The dawning of the date of freedom from the British yoke was delayed only because of the success of Mr. Jinnha of the Muslim league who openly declared that Hindus and Mulims in India were two separate nations. This came to be called to be a Two Nations Theory. This was supported by the British. Those Hindus and Muslims who had lived together for past centuries suddenly mistrusted each other on religious grounds till an open demand of the Muslims to convert Hindu India (Darul Herb) into (Darul Islam) a State governed totally by the Muslims. It is thus, a clear defeat of the Congress Leaders that was responsible for the geographical division of the subcontinent into two different sovereign countries. Hence, with such a historical past, reemergence of the political situation this time created by the left over Muslims in India after the partition of the country, does definitely arouse the legitimate concern to the majority population of the Hindus in India. Indeed, Hindus are rightly apprehensive to ensure what is left of the sub-continent is not allowed to drift into Darul Islam once aagain. To wipe off any Darul Herb, is the declared policy of the Millat (Pan Islamic fraternity). This sort of gradual maturity can be seen in the Indian State of J&K. Hence, unless Hindus ancientism acting as one common Nation unite themselves into a strong Nation with it as its sole aim , the country does run a great risk in times to come to convert the whole of India into Darul Islam. Muslims do not and cannot accept any non-believer as equal to them and hence Modi of Gujarat is too right when he cautions Indian people UNITE to safeguard themselves from the Muslim invasion who are waiting only to convert India from Darul Herb to Darul Islam and now openly say and believe in HAM PAANCH - HAMARRE PACCHIS.
CHAPTER-II MOHD'S LIFE IN BRIEF The founder of Islamic religion, Mohd. was born near Mecca in Saudi Arabia in a local tribe of the Pagans called Queresh on 20th April in 570 AD. The Pagans of those days were believers in idol worship. In a temple at Kaba, near Mecca, was a place were people gathered every year to worship several idols of their deities. Mohd.'s mother's name was Amina who was the wife of a Quereshi Pagan by the name of Abdullah. Before the birth of Mohd., Abdullah died and hence Mohd. was a posthumous child who was brought up on the milk of a hired nurse by the name of Halima since Amina the mother of Mohd. had become so weak that.she could not provide to the child her motherly milk. As per the customs of the Pagans who followed several rituals started by the Jews, Mohd.'s penis was circumcised. This practice was in vogue with the Jews of Saudi Arabia and was also followed by the local tribes composed of the Pagans. Hence, circumcising the penis is not the original Islamic ritual. It is an ancient Jewish custom, which began in the deserts probaly because of shortage of water. Mohd. was thus brought up by Halima for 6 years and was later delivered back to his mother Amina. Soon thereafter, she died and further bringing up was done by the Grandmother of Mohd. who too died at the age of 80. Mohd. thereafter was brought up by his uncle Abu Taliib. This took place near Mecca in Saudi Arabia. As he grew up, the uncle of Mohd. had him employed with one rich widow by the name of Khadija. She carried out trade with territories around by exchanging merchandize moved from one place to the other on Camel backs. These were called Kafilas. Mohd as an employee of Khadija at the age of 25 took care of Khadija's Kafilas and hence gave aid to Khadija in her trade. She was herself 15 years older than Mohd. She was a widow after the death of her two former husbands. Both decided to get married and from this wedlock, six children are said to have been born, out of which five children died attheir young ages. Only one child survived as the daughter of Mohd. by the name of Fatima who later married Ali. During this period, it is said that Mohd. used to have strange attacks of some disease for which he uused to retire to a cave near Mecca. He anounced to the world that in the cave he used to meet God's messenger Gabriel who gave to Mohd. God's own messages which he called as 11hams. He therefore, delivered to himself a title of God's Prophet, which later came to be termed as RasuleAllahe. His wife Khadija was the first to become his follower who later came to be termed as the believers, Muslims or Musalmans. it is at about this time Mohd. announced amongst his followers the first message of God i.e. an Ilharn which is LA ILLAHA, MOHD. RASUL ILLAHA (there is only one God and Mohd. is his Prophet). New Para Khadija was followed by Abu Bakr (father of Ayesha who later married Mohd) and Ali (who later became the son-in-law of Mohd). His old uncle inspite of persuasion did not accept Mohd.'s demand. Thereafter, the old uncle also died at his ripe age of 80. On his death, Mohd is said to have followed the custom of his tribe to seek peace for the departed soul at his grave but immediately thereafter he stopped himself going to the grave of his own mother and also prevented his followers never to attach themselves with the dead and the buried people. He declared it as contrary to his belief calling it as Kufr and the one who disobeyed such direction was to the termed as Kafir
Mohd at about this time had reached the age of 52 and many locals had joined him accepting his aforesaid Kalma. The Pagans because of their ancient beliefs were themselves idol worshippers and amongst their accepted dieties were prominently known names of Ilia, Laat, Milat and Ujja. These idols with many more idols were kept in the holy place or in a temple of the Pagans near Mecca. Every year, thousands of people used to visit this place and such a visit for religious belief was called the Haj. The idols in this temple were later destroyed except for one round black stone which is still retained in this very temple. This temple was called by the name of Kaba. Later in time, Mohd. himself invaded this temple at Mecca from Medina where he had migrated in order to spread his new message of Islam. With him went from Mecca to Medina, his followers that included Abu Bakr, Osman and Ali. The date of Mohd.'s move from Mecca to Medina has come to be called as Hijrat. This took place in the year 622 AD and is reckoned as the starting date of Muslim calendar. In this period of 10 years from his age of 52 to 62, Mohd succeeded in converting many Pagans to his belief. Amongst those who opposed him were also some important local tribal leaders. One SAIDE, a follower of Mohd assassinated an opposing Queresh for which conduct the aforesaid SAIDE earned special praise from Mohd and his conduct is recorded as the first death given by a believer to a non-believer. It is however interesting to note that although Mohd. praised the believe4 for his murderous conduct of killing a non-believer but finding that there will be many more important tribal leaders including within the tribe of the Queresh who shall not approve of such despicable conduct of releigous oppostion. He is said to have recorded himself issuing a Fatwa calling upon his followers not to resort to murders for forcing anyone to convert from his faith professed by Mohd. As can also be seen, this Ayat (included in the holy book of Quaran) is the only single Ayat that is quoted by the Muslims as their faith in peace and tolerance of other religions. This was forced on account of importa ' nt political reasons because there is no other Ayat in any Sura of Quaran ever said later in time repeating the spirit of this Ayat. On the other hand, there are a nunber of opposing Ayats contained in the holy Quaran that go clearly contrary to the above. At the end of this book, the original text translated from Arabic into English with the number of Suras and Ayats are recorded for easy reference to enable readers to understand and decide for themselves the real truth. At Medina, Mohd. became a great success and soon earned for himself the tittle of Khalifa and Imam both. By this, Mohd. became both the religious and the political head of his followers and formed a force of his followers that undertook almost 82 military adventures, out of which 26 military marches were led by Mohd. himself. Khadija his wife and his old uncle are both said to have died when Mohd was about 50 years of age. Earlier on, Mohd. was ably guided both by his wife Khadija and his old uncle but on their death, he himself started his political life of military adventures while acting as the Khalifa and Imam both. It was he who laid the foundation of Islamic theocracy solely and exclusively on the basis of his accepted religion. He got great military successes including winning the town of Mecca and the temple at Kaba. He directed the destruction of over 300 idols earlier worshiped by the Pagans
including by his own Quereshi tribesmen. He allowed only one installation of the black round meteoric stone to be installed in that temple which to date continues to be revered by the Muslims, all over the world. Muslims during HAJ are believed to kiss this stone as a religious rule with utmost reverence. During this period, a large number of opposing Pagans were killed and Mohd laid some firm rules of victory amongst which are, that a victor who is a believer in the faith of Islam is allowed by the God Almighty himself to enjoy 4/5th of his loot of capture in any military victory over the non-believers and to offer the remaining 1/5th to the Khalifa or to his appointed representative. This is called Male Ganimat and is given as God's own gift to the believer. This includes women and children of the opponents as well. The widows of the dead are religiously allowed to be enjoyed by the victor believers. Where the opponent husband is alive with his wife, the victor believer can take away the wife of the opponent soliders as the religion of Islam declares canceling of the husband/wife relationship of the vanquished opponents, unless the opponents prayed to be pardoned by embracing the religion of Islam by giving up their former faith. In course of 10 years of Mohd.'s life from the age of 52 to 62, Mohd as a widower after the death of his first wife Khadija is said to have taken 11 more wives during this period. At the age of about 52, he married a Jew widow who was converted to Islam. After moving to Medina, he directed his friend and comrade Abu Bakr to marry his seven years old daughter Ayesha to him when he himself was about 52 years of age. It is said that Abu Bakr declined to do so saying that his daughter by the name of Ayesha was too young and was also engaged to some one else. This being a promise could not be broken. In relationship Ayesha was the niece of Mohd. who put aside the objection of Abu Bakr saying that he had an Ilham from Allah that he had given birth to Ayesha to, become his wife. This could not be altered. He is said to have cohabited with her when she became of suitable age perhaps when she was only 9 to 10 years old. He also later married the widow daughter of his another comrade Oomer whose name was Hapsa. This was his fourth marriage. The name of his fifth wife was Jinab who too was a widow of his another comrade by the name of Abdullah. The sixth wife of Mohd. was said to be the mother of four children and was a Hindu who was converted for this purpose to accept Islam. The seventh wife was one Zarnab. She was the Zainab wife of a slave by the name of Jaid whom Mohd. took as his adopted son and made him divorce his wife so that she could marry Mohd. She is said to have been a very beautiful woman who took the fancy of Mohd, who had seen her naked when she was once bathing? Here too, Mohd. is said to have stated that he had another Ilharn from Allah that he should marry her and that she was given birth on the earth for this purpose. Mohd.'s eighth wife was Zoria. The ninth wife went under the name of Umda Habiba. The name of Mohd.s tenth wife was Sophia. The eleventh wife of Mohd. was 26 years of age and was the widow of his own uncle Usman, Her name was Mairmuna. Many writers have stated.that besides the above, Mohd. also had more than 11 wives both religiously married and otherwise. He also had two famous further wives from out of the slaves whose names were Moria and Hindan. They became available to him as Male Ganimat after scoring his military victories over his political
opponents. Moria gave birth to one son of Mohd who was named as lbhrahim. He is said to have died at young age itself. Mohd is also said to have sanctioned marriage by the custom of 'Mittah' by which it is meant that a believer Muslim can marry a woman for a contracted period of time and can so enjoy his life with his female partner without incurring life time burden of her. lit is a marriage by contract for some fixed time only. Mohd.'s most loved wife Aayesha became a widow at the age of 18 years only. She is said to have recorded in Islamic history some facts known to her as the wife of Mohd. who according to her was very greatly fond of women and good perfumes. At the age of 62, Mohd. died with his head in the lap of his most loved wife Ayesha. Abu Bakr, Oomer and Usman were accorded Khalifaship after the death of Mohd. They were his fathers-in-law because he had married their daughters. He is also said to have made one of his followers divorce his wife so that he could marry her since he said, he had an alham from the God Almighty that she was born on the earth for him only. While the Sunnis accept three named persons as above, succeeding Mohd as Khalifas after his death, Shea Muslims do not & regard 2 nd Khalifa, Ali only as the next Khalifa after Mohd's death. One may really have to look in the Islamic hisotry for discovering more important social and other suchlike human beliefs in the days of Mohd in the area of Saudi Arabia. Mohd was born in the year 570 AD. He grew up in his early childhood under queer circumstances as he was born as a posthumous child. He indeed must have been brought up under very strenuous circumstances. He began his divine thought when he was about 52 years of age. He established Islam and preached it including by waging wars for a period of only 10 years, Much about his beliefs came to be written later in time when he was followed by the selected/elected or appointed Khaifas being Abu Bakr, Oomer and Usman who are really responsible for compiling booth the book of the holy Quaran and also for collecting most of his Hadits which too are also followed by all Muslims. Saudi Arabia at that point of time had scattered population of mostly war like but illiterate people divided in small tribes. Mohd.'s own tribe was called, a tribe of the Quereshis. The Jews and the Christians following Moses and Jesus Christ had already been born and during this total period of almost 1000 years or so, these Semetic religions had already cast their shadows of influence over the entire period of time on almost the entire geographical area extending also in the west. Because of acceptance by Rome of Christianity, historically the Roman Empire itself lost its control over this period of time, the successors of Mohd. undertook spreading the influence of Islam into Europe itself. It also extended its influence towards the east upto Persia and in the next about 150 years the Islamic crusaders totally overtook the whole of Persia and the area around Mesopotamia now called Iraq plus Turkey. The earlier Civilization in Egypt was dominated by the Pharisaic beliefs and later it was dominated by Moses and Jesus. With the entry of Islam, whole of Egypt stood converted to Islam. Similarly, in east, the entire area of Persia and Mesopotamia took to Islam. Islam spread upto Spain in Europe till the Christian crusaders won over once again the area dominated by Islam. Catholic Romans were led into such kind of battles by the holy Pope at Rome. The battles fought by the Christians have been
named as the CRUSADES & the soldiers fighting as Christians were called as CRUSADERS. With the above history, one can note that there really did not exist a well explained and simple philosophy of religion and for this reason, it was perhaps easier for the Islamic followers to swiftly win over the political dominance with the name of simple theology that was called as Islam. The support of arms was its moving crutch. Although, Mohd. himself lived for a short period of only 10 years which marks the beginning of the era of Hijra for the Muslims but its continued expansion and retention is explainable mostly on account of its severe rigidity that had in fact less to do with humans or humanity on earth but had divine promises kept for the humans to await the day of judgement when the Lord i.e. the Allaha shall himself deliver to the dead souls, rewards on the day of Quamat. It was an easy to understand religious gospel that had the intrinsic quality of pulling towards it, mass of illiterate humanity. None can however doubt or deny the real strength and cause of its fast spread all around, owes to its severe rigidity enforced on the point of sword. This is one religion that supports its spread by waging Jehads including justifying conducts of terrorism when it says " show no mercy to the non-believers (Kafirs) or the idol worshippers and lie in wait for them to behead them when they appear before you. (the believers i.e. the Muslims)". This quotation is taken from the book of holy Quaran. With the success of wars begun by Mohd, himself who rewarded his followers even when they took to cruelty against the non-believers. This policy continues till to date because a Muslim can rely upon hs own divine ordainments contained in their holy book of Quaran that openly justifies violence in the cause of the spread of Islam. It is ordained upon them i.e. the believers or the Muslims to lay their lives and fear not for the consequences because if one dies while waging a Jehad, Allaha the Almighty awaits his arrival in the heavens with the promises to provide to him all the earthly pleasures of life that includes young lads, beautiful women, special heavenly wine in the beautiful surroundings and environments with rivers full of water flowing to deliver to such a person called as Shaheed all that he might have missed for his death while fighting the holy Jehad. Should he survive, he is decorated with a title of Ghazi and is entitled to retain 4/5th of all that he has gained from the wealth of his opponent as his legitimately sanctioned religious earnings and leaving the balance l/5th of such element of plunder to the Khalifa or his war commander. Mohd himself has unambiguously stated that he lived and led his life only from the earnings of such successful Jehads. This came to be called as Male-Ganimat. Saudi Arabia being a sandy soil lacking- water must have made its inhabitants fighting each other perhaps for earning the bare needs to exist. Mohd. was born during this period when the world around that area had not been sufficiently aroused and educated in spiritualism. From his beliefs in divinity and to pursue divine blessings through recitation of prayers, 5 times a day, observing fast during the holy month of Ramadhan and offering Zakt to the poor must have worked as items of humans faith in divinity i.e. the God who is Allaha for the Muslims. It is however strange that with the faith in noble ideals as above, how could cruelty through killings and waging wars as Jehads, even
by adopting tactics of terrorism can ever be made to go hand in hand. It is thereforealmost clear that Mohd. and his followers who are rigidity controlled fully understood the importance of religious faith taking political control of geographical areas. Without this, no peace can be guaranteed. He clearly understood that in his days, perhaps Jews and Christians fought for the only reason for not following the same religious gospel. He intrdouced yet another third Semitic religion by directing his followers to fight till the entire territory of the world is politically brought under the control of the Muslims. It is only then that they crush every kind of religious opposition and a true Muslim must work towards it, even if it means for him to die in this cause. Hence, although the word Islam literally means in Arabic language Peace yet for all purpose. Islam is only a concept of poltitical world invasion by the Muslims. Terrorism as is being seen in present times and as is being caused by Islam's followers like Osama-BinLaden is nothing but an effort and pursuit in the direction of world conquest by the Muslims. This has been so dectared by fundamental Muslims. One may note the peculiar characteristic of Islamic faith when its holy book permits into it any one without any restriction by reciting just 3 times LA ILLAHA, MOHID. RASUL ILLAHA but not permitting anyone who has once entered into it, any freedom to walk out. Should any one endeavour to walk out of Islamic faith, the believers are allowed to behead such walkers. For doing so, they shall be serving the honest and the best cause of Islam.
CHAPTER-III ISLAM AFTER MOHD'S DEATH At the age of 62, Mohd. died with his head in the lap of his favourite and youngestwife Ayesha daughter of Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr, later came to be elected as the next Khalifa. He was already an old man and hence nothing significant really happened during his period of Khilafat. The next to succeed as Khalifas after Abu Bakr's death, were Oomer and Usman. It is stated by the historians as both of them could not really match the calibre of Mohd., they really did not succeed in particular against the loyalists of Ali who was the son-in -law of Mohd. Oomer and Usman were either killed or died. the Khifafat moved from Mecca to Baghdad, Damascus, CaWo and finally to Istanbul in Turkey. In 1925 after the Ottoman Empire stood liquidated with British victory in Europe, Kamal Bin Pasha introduced radical changes and abolished the Khilafat finally. Some agitations on this account also took place even in India, a littler before this time. The Muslims in India were even backed in this cause by no less a person than Mahatma Gandhi yet the Khilafat stood finally dissolved and remians so to date. Islam thus has no Khalifa appointed any more. Imams in the Mosques only interpret the Quaran. The Shea sect have different rules. The Bohri Sheas treat their head as Dahia & hold no one after Ali as any Imam. It was during the period of Oomer and Usman that Quaran as revealed to Mofid. by Gabriel was actually written down as the holy book of the Muslims. The Hadiths also came to be recorded as the declared conduct needed of the Muslims. The Sunni sect of the Muslims consider only Mohd. as the direct prophet of Allaha. They also consider Oomer as the NAYABE RASUL (After Mohd). The other important sect of Islam which came into being as the party of Ali are called the Shias. Ali was the Son-in-law of Mohd married to his daughter Fatima. Ali came to be accepted as the next Khalifa after Mohd. It is from him that Islamic religion gets clevided in two main divisions. Shias are those Muslims who do not approve Abu Bakr, Oomer and Usman as the Khalifa after Mohd. They connect Khalifat directly to Ali who was the son-in-law of Mohd. and who married his daughter Fatima. Shia sect consider Ali the next Khalifa after Mohd. After Ali, his son Hasan became the 5 th Khalifa of the Isamic world. The rivalry for the succession took one Muavia and his son Yazid in Syria to claim Khilafat by displacing Hasan. They also had his son Hussain killed through a pre-planned conspiracy treacherously carried out. In the sandy desert, Ali's son and his accompanying guards were killed for want of water to quench their thirsts. The water containers were punctured and destroyed by the supporters of Yazid son of Muavaia. For this reason the Shias do not consider Muavia and his son Yazid as the successor Khalifas. This treacherous plan and drama of batle took place at a place called Karbala in Iraq. For the Sheas, it has become a holy place and every year as a ritual when the Sunnis mourm the event for learning about the death of Hussain whose horse returned without his master on its back. The Shias too mourn the event which is repeated every year on the day of Moharram. In most places, a white horse with blood stains carried on white sheets is taken in a public procession and the Shea people refrain from looking at this annually celebrated public occasion of Moharram. On this day, we in India have repeatedly seen Sunni/Shia riots and clashes. Even today, Sunnis beat their chests
and bleed themselves by beating their chests with iron chains etc and walk over the burning charcoals. They express their cleeprooted faith in their religious belief. Islam thus gets divided in two sets of Sunnis and Sheas. Iraq, Pakistan and India have most of their Muslim population of the Sunnis while Iran is mostly composed of the Shia Muslim majority. Both Sunnis & Shias continue to rever both Mohd. & their holy book called the Quaran. Shias do not accept Abu Bakr, Oomer and Usman as succesor Khalifas after Mohd, but the Sunnis do. In the valley of Kashmir, there are mixed Muslims with Sunnis generally over numbering the Shias. The Bohri Muslim community in and around Mumbai are mostly the Shias who are just about 3/400 years old coverts from Hindus. Much similarities of social customs can be clearly seen in the practices of the Bohri community and the Hindu religious practices which are clearly noticeable amongst these people. Even the social customs in particular of the Momens in Gujarat are similar to the Hindu system of inheritance of property. In times to follow, there came into existence Aga Khani Muslims who are called the Khojas and the Ahmediyas etc. Some Muslim scholars now declare that there may be as many as 42 different sects of Indians Muslims. All of them however accept both Mohd. and the holy Quaran without question. This singular factor serves as a great unifying reason to include all Muslims in a separate fraternity that has come to be called universally as the 'Millat' ( PAN ISLAMIC UNITY). Pan Islamic concept of Muslim brotherhood is followed the world over, uniting Muslims of every sect on the basis of Quranic dictations and what is recoded in the Hadits. It is the Allaha who speaks his words as. recorded in Quaran and what he desires to do is provided in the Hadiths. Quaran is the last and final world of Allaha and is beyond amendment. The declarations contained in it are conveyed through Mohd. who was the last of Allaha's messengers. After him, no other prophet will ever be born. Nothing more need be said than what is already said in the Quaran. Unless all the believers owe their allegiance to Allaha, Quaran and Mohd. as Allaha's last messenger, no Islamic fraternal concept is to ever advance. This is final and beyond any consideration of any amendment. A chapter in Quaran deals with social system and practices. It provides definite directions for the Muslims to follow. It is fairly exhaustive but not fully and is called as the SHARIAT. This is unambiguously stated that all the believers must follo\N their social dictations without entering into any kind of debate or argument. What is said therein is by the sanction of Allaha told by him through the mouth of his messenger i.e. Prophet Mohd. He is the last and final messenger sent to the world by Allah and after him, none shall ever follow for any purpose whatsoever. This is called as 'Khatme Nawabac'. None must think or do to amend, add or delete anything contained in the holy Quaran which is the last and final message of Allaha, that must bind all messages including the gospels of the earlier accepted Prophets like Moses and Jesus and many more. After Mohd. there is nothing more left for Allaha to tell. With the kind of history after Mohd.'s death, one will notice, the great mixing up of religion with politics which
is promoted even at the cost of peace and open murders. The examples set up are thus adequate in shaping Islam's future that advocates unabashedly Muslims belief in violence to spread itself over the whole world. Nothing short of it has been the aim of any Musalman, a true believer of Islam.
CHAPTER - IV CAUSES OF ISLAM'S FAST GROWTH Most non-Muslims particularly the young Hindus know very little about Islam. How such a faith jrew out of sandy deserts of Saudi Arabia, spread so fast in the world? This is a logical question? A look at the history of the world shall convince anyone that the people leading nomadic, tough life of illiteracy with sword as their companion have generally been successful in supressing even those nations that enjoyed superior culture and followed better styles of civilization. The great Roman Empire was won over by the Nordic German barbarous people. Similarly, much of Central Asian territories were invaded by the tribes of Huns, Mongols and Kushans. They succeeded to over power the peaceful Chinese, Russians and the Indian people. This is an undisputed fact of history. In the middle of 7th century, the area of desert around Saudi Arabia lay divided in many tribes, none of whom had any idea of civilized governance. Mohd. was successful from Madina to organize a superior force to bring under his control many of the small tribes of the Pagans who lived near or close to Mecca. In comparison to them, people living in Palestine, Egypt and Iran had developed superior civilizations and better code of human conduct. One can look at the depature of the Parsis from Iran and moving to Western Coast of India seeking refuge against the forces of Islam who invaded and pushed the Parsis out of Persia or Iran. This happened about 1000 years ago. Even poet lqbal writes "Islam was nourished under the shadow of sword". The religion of Islam promises heavens to those who die in its cause and allows open use of the vanquished's possessions. The main cause of spread of Islarn has been to save one's life. All medieval periods invaders to India used their superior power to not only loot the richness of India but their main aim had always been to spread religion of Islam in India. They also brought about social, cultural, economic and political changes including governance of the captured terrritories on the basis of the rules of Islamic Jurisprudence. Even a murderer could be pardoned if he chose o embrace Islam and gave up his earlier faith or belief. As for example a son of one Hindu King by the name of Vikram Singh in U.P. had murdered another person and was allowed pardon by the Moghul King in Delhi on his giving up his faith in Hindu religion and becoming a Muslim. He came to be renamed as Azam Khan on whose name the city of Azamgarh was later created. The important reason of Islams spread in India is for its belief in rejecting humaneness andaccpeting and enforcing cruelty in its place. Unlike, human values of sacrifice and truthfulness followed in Hinduism, Islam sacrifices and disregards all such human values and proceeds to enforce at all costs, the message of Islam as set OLItin Quaran by Mohd. The Hindu ideals of living in spiritual upliftment by regarding human values as the divinely ordained are easily negatived by Islam. Hindus believe in sacrificing their present, to pursue for Moksha and accept tough conduct like Tapas. While Hinduism believes in the rebirth of soul, abandons the worldly comforts, Islam on the other hand sanctions to its believers, divine orclainments to use all that the Muslims may loot in course of their
victories over the non-Muslims. This singular reason has been a very convenient weapon in the hands of the Muslims to win over other humans. For the reason of promise of heaven even by restoring to foul conducts like enjoying the loots from the materials of the vanquished, the MuslimS do not mind participating in a war called Jehad so that they either relish the present life as victors or go to heaven and enjoy there as the Shaheeds. What they get by way of loot over the vanquished is called A4ale Ganimat This includes women and children of the vanquished and are allowed to be used as slaves or be used to satisfy the lustful conducts of the victorious Muslims. The Quaran declares nullity of marriages of the defeated opponents in a Jehad and it is religiously permitted for the victor Muslims to take even the women of the opponent losers including the married women on the opposite side, 1/5th of the loot is to be delivered to the Khalifa and the balance 4/5th can be used as the personal property of the Jehadis. The Quaran directs its followers to wage wars to destroy temples and the idols which conduct of worshiping idols is termed as Kufr. Those who are guilty of Kufr are called Kafirs. The Quaran ordains the believers to behead the Kafirswho indulge in worshiping idols, wherever they may be found. It also directs a cruel treatment towards the Kafirs who must be subjected to pay special tax called the Jazia for living in Darul lslam. Only then can such non-believers be allowed to survive as third rate citizens called the 'Zimmis'. Sheikh Hamdani while writing his book under the name of Jasiratea-ul-mulk has stated the following conditions to be abided by the Zimmis when living in an Islamic state which according to him were directed to be enforced by the third Khalifa namely Oomer 1. The Zimmis shall not erect or create any more of their own worshiping temples. 2. Any old temple destroyed or demolished is not permitted to be repaired or recreated. 3. Muslim travellers are permitted to use the religious temples of the Zimmis as their temporary abodes. 4. Any Muslim can live in the house of any Zimmi for 3 days without any objection taken by the Zimmi. 5. No misconduct of such a Muslim traveller shall be any offence. 6. None may prevent any Zimmi from converting himself into a Muslim. 7. All Zimmis must respect all Muslims. 8. No Zimmi shall prevent any Muslim from entering any Zimmi organized conference of any nature. 9. No Zimmi shall keep his name that can confuse others as if the Zimmi was a Muslim follower. 10. No Zimmi shall use an attire used by the Muslims and no Zimmi shall be entitled to ride a horse with saddle and reins. 11. No Zimmi shall ever prossess any sword or carry any bow and arrow.
12. No Zimmi shall wear on his fingers any sort of ring, which fashion is reserved solely for the Muslims. 13. No Zimmi shall consume any liquor or sell the same. 14. Zimmis must ensure that they continue to wear only that attire by which they can be distinguished as non-Muslims. 15. The Zimmis must not spread or follow any customs that are not followd by the Muslims. 16. No Zimmi must live close to the houses of Muslims. 17. No Zimmi may dispose off their dead bodies close to the graveyards of the Muslims. 18. No Zimmi may cry loud to mourn his dead ancestors. 19. No Zimmi may ever employ any Muslim as his servant under any circumstance. 20. No Zimmi may help any-spy against the state of the Muslims and if caught he will be liable to death and afl his assets shall be condiscated as Male Ganimat. The above restrictions are said to be the holy ordainments sanctioned byAllaha who is Almighty, all powerfull and merciful. It is said in Arabic. BISMILLAHA, REHMANE RAHIM GOD IS MERCIFUL
CHAPTER-V ISLAM'S SPREAD IN INDIA Men all over the world since time immemorial have been lustful for the reason of their very creation. World religions created by men have attempted to keep under control many of man's natural desires that particularly included his hunger for sex. In order to spread Islam, its teachings have exploited this weakness of man. While a wild man moved higher in civilization to bring about law of monogamy as his acceptable conduct in the ever changing society, Islam on the other hand, religiously sanctioned to its followers four wives instead of one. A close reading of Islam does unmistakably point out fully making use of man's nature. The lowly and debased sort of human nature is fully exploited to spead Islam. Its use of sword, Jehad and promise of earthly pleasures in heavens does go a long way for humans to accept Islam as their faith. Islamic fraternity and its interse support also went a long way-to increase the followers of Islam. On the basis of Prophet Mohd.'s own saying, Maulana Mohd. Ali, a celebrity of Islamic faith had this to say for Mahatma Gandhi. "LOWEST AND THE MEANEST OF EVEN A RAPER BELONGING TO ISLAM IS BETTER THAN MAHATMA GANDHI, WHO IS NOT A MUSALMAN HIMSELF." Islam considers weaker sex of women as a commodity meant for the use and pleasure of men owing allegiance to Islam.'While Islam was able to totally wipe off even better civilizations in Egypt, Persia and in other territoires of the Middle East and Northern Africa, its early spread was finally checked only in India. Those who embraced Islam in India, mosity did so under the threat of sword or were lured into it for its easy promise of heavens where beautiful women and young kids were promised as rewards to the believers. Many of ther upper class Hindus embraced Islam to protect their lives, wealth and fiefdoms. At present, in the total population of about 100 crores Indians, there are said to be almost 16 crores of Muslims. This does not include the populations of Pakistan and Bangladesh who once formed one united India. India thus inhabits second largest Muslim population in the world, next only to Indonesia where too the Muslims find in their social and cultural systems, traces of Hindu influence. It has been seen and analyzed that conversion to Islam in India from the Hindus has been mostly on account of Muslim atrocities openly practiced by Rulers like KhiIjis and Aurangzeb who showed no tolerance and behaved like fanatic despots. The poor cross section of Hindus lower castes joined Islam on inducements of money or to save themselves frorn the strict discipline in the caste system of Hindus. In this period, untouchability amongst the Hindu castes had also been born and that was also one amongst other causes that promoted the spread of Islam in India. It affected the lower castes considerably. In Southern India, Hindus were forced to accept Islamic faith under the sword of both Haider Ali and his son Tippu. On the Malabar Coast of India and in the state of Karnataka, Islam spread on account of compulsion since Tippu and his father Haider Ali scored military victories over their Hindu rivals. in this political game, the South of India was also greatly influenced by the support that the Muslims Rulers in Delhi gave to the Muslim local chiefs. A case
in point is that of Nizam of Hyderabad who himself was a Muslim ruling over the majority class of Hindus in this state. Till about the 14th century end, the state of Kashmir was dominated by the Bramins. This was won over by Afghans and later it was greatly influenced by the Moghuls like Jehangir and Aurangzeb. With the establishment of the British rule in India the Islamic spread itself was greatly influenced. A sort of check took place for some immediate political reasons. Hindu caste system with some orthodox social practices like SATI etc. were checked. Even at present, because of the bad economic condition within the Hindu society in India, the Hindus from all over the country look up for getting better paid jobs in the Gulf Countries of Islamic faith. It is no more a secret that easily earned oil money in these countries is being freely used to not only attract Hindus to go into these countries for jobs but they are even offered extension of visas for staying there should they decide to change their faiths from Hinduism to Islam. While the modern India is greatly desiring to bring into force the idea of family planning in order to check India's growing population, Islam permits the increase of its number of followers by disregarding such a national necessity.* Islam accepts its large families as the gift of the God and opposes any sort of state's own needs to bring into being any the check on the otherwise growing populat;on. Even the census of 1991 and 2001 have proven this point without any element of doubt. There is in Saudi Arabia an alive state agency called the Ministry of religious propagation. That Islamic country provides lucrative funds from own its resources for spreading Islam in other parts of the world where the Governments being non-Islamic are termed as Darul Herb. This has been recently witnessed by the Islamic terrorists attacking even the most up to date nation that is the USA. The attack on the two building of the World Trade Center in New York and later the continuing spread of Islam policy followed earlier by Afghan Government led by Osama-Bin-Ladan and Mullaha Umer are sufficient proofs in themselves. We in India, have also seen the attack on our Parliament House at New Delhi and in the very recent past , we have also witnessed the bloody attacks on Hindu temple at Ahmedabad. Recent bomb blasts at Mumbai on 28thAugust 2003 are further supporters of clear Islamic plan which people of India cannot ignore. For India, it is necessary for any Government to first ensure that one and only one law in all matters applies to each of its citizens. In a democracy that declares itself against theocracy, there is absolutely no room justified from any angle whatsoever to tolerate more than one law based on theocratic beliefs of any cross section of its people. This is really the suicide of the very belief in Nationalism and Secularism. It is here that even the present Government composed of many political partners needs to be openly condemned for not insisting upon its citizens to follow only one rule of law under its civil law code. The Supreme Court of India too has again asserted their declaration of India adopting only one civil code for all its citizens. If a criminal procedure code can be made applicable to one and all, I find no sense and any reasonable argument to live with separate personal laws of its widely
heterogeneous society. India will doom if not in the near future but in the present 21st century unless the Goverment in power altered its stance to enforce one civil code disregarding opposition to it by anyone and from whomsoever, notwithstanding 'the number of people involved. This is a National need and unless enforced, holds in its pregnant womb, symptoms of India itself becoming Darullslam which continues to be the aim of Pan Islamic Nations. They are led by Pakistan who has openly declared its support to Muslims of J & K holding India to ransom for now being possesed of atomic weapons. This is therefore nothing short of a political black mail of which Hindus in India have to take note of.4;If war is checked for reasons of international politics, let my countrymen be cautioned that a clash between the civilizaitons has been predicted by a 1 5th century French philosopher Norstadam. No more of Hindu timidity should allow the Islamic world to unite to defeat the Indian Nationalism. Secularism only means that the state does not-function on any theocratic beliefs and it does not and cannot support pseudo secularism practiced as secularism in the name of multiple Theocracy. If we now fail to take note of events, the generations shall curse us for not sowing the right seeds for India to grow in prosperity and we shall later suffer much more since we have refused and continue to refuse learning any lessons from the history. It is thus appropriate to look at a political concept in Urdu "LAMHON NE KHATA KI, SAIDION NE SAZAA PAL" (for the errors of moments, centuries stood punished.)
CHAPTER-VI VIEWS OF NATIONAL LEADERS ON ISLAM Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, India's first Law Minister published one book on 'Thoughts on Pakistan: He writes as under in that book "(a) Where there is Darul Herb i.e. where political govrance is not directly and clearly under the control of the Muslisms, the Muslims are to fight to ensure that they remain governed only in accordance with the rules laid down in Islamic Jurisprudence. They are ordained to oppose imposition of any law other than their own personal laws when forced to live in a territory not controlled by Islarn". "(b) Islam divides the world in two parts and is proud of it. The territory where political goverance is controlled by Islamic followers is called Darul Islam and which is not so cotnrolled is called Darul Herb. In view of this clear understanding, India can never be a common motherland of Hindus and Muslims born in India. By divine declaration and design Muslims in India must fight to change Indian Darul Herb into Darul Islam even if it means waging a bloody war and Muslims dying in promoting this cause". "(c) We must not merely treat the above as an execrise in academics. Muslims must work and shall work to finally bring about such demographic alterations by which the State of India gets Muslim majority and is governed in accordance with what is contained in Quaran". "(d) Indian history records the Muslims in India planned to invite into India, Muslim rulers of Afghanistan in the year 1918. The intention was to organize an internal rebellion against the British rule opposed solely by the Muslims of india". Hindus were not to be included in this plan. "(e) Muslims in India can not only begin a Jehad but can also invite Muslim rulers from outside to help them convert India into Darul Islam". "(f) Every Muslim must be clearly made to understand that he is a Muslim first and an Indian national only thereafter." “(g) Any realist must understand that Hindus are 'Kafirs' and they are to be beheaded unless they convert into Islam". “(h) No realist can ever accept the continuing loyalty of Muslim troops in Indian forces towards India and disregard the factor of Muslims suddenly changing their loyalty to support any kind of struggle backed by Pan Islarnic agenda". “(i) It matters not if the Hindus on the sub-continent are more in number than the Muslims. By nature, Hindus are coward and timid and one Muslim person is said to equal ten Hindus and hence fear them not is the religious dictation by the Islamic clergy to the Muslims living in India." “(j) Dr. Ambedkar writes "While many debased ideas of Hinduism may be found in the Islamic society of India, what is worst is the treatment Islam gives to its women by dire cting them to live under a veil".
(k) There is no possibility now or hereafter to evolve a common and peaceful society of Hindus and Muslims, living together in peace. (l) No Muslim can ever accept secularism as the common denominator of society. He rejects any kind of Nationalism. (m) Muslims may not support any counter view since the same is irreligious and suicidal to the very spirit of Islam. (n) As per Quaranic disctations, "Any non-believer is worthy only of hate, disassoication and be murdered more so if he holds belief in idol worshiping. A Muslim who beheads an idol worshiper is dear to Allaha and is to be respected as a Ghazi" (Even the secular Akbar the great, beheaded his opponent Hemu in the 2nd battle of Panipat. (o) A Muslim must not deviate on account of advancement in science from his real belief in Allaha and whose last Prophet on earth is Mohd. Muslims must strongly assert themselves even at the cost of their lives and wage a war or a holy Jehad if necessary or when opposed. An opposer must be punished with death even when he surrenders. This is the order of Allaha. (p) Indian can never be a common land to live in freedom available to both Hindus and Muslims. This is the strict belief of the Muslims who must prepare themselves for the final attack and their victory over the Hindus. Much more than what is stated above in brief, in fact has been written by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who himself converted to Buddhism at about the time just before his death. Mrs. Annie Beasant an Irish lady of the Theosophical Society states "Indian leadership unnecessarily suffered by opposing abolition of Khilafat in Turkey. (This refers to Mahatama Gandhi's support to Muslims in India when the British succeeded in abolishing Khilafat by a Turkish leader by the name Kamal Pasha). Muslims in India continue to entertain great hatred towards humanity that includes Hindus. They unabashedly state and justify Islamic conduct of proselytization on the point of sword. The world is watching the spread of Islam all around the world. The Muslims acclaim that none in the world not belonging to Islam will be allowed to pollute the holy land of Islam in Middle East by stepping their feet on it. Should the Muslims of Afghanistan decide to attack India, the Muslims in India are divinely bound to suupport such an attack and to drive away the Britons from the soil of India that should be politically taken over by the Muslims only. The Hindus deserve to be killed and be treated as the servants of the Muslims, which is the cause of their sufferance for not believing in Allaha and his Prophet Mohd. This was the declared policy of Indian Muslims in the year 1918, when a plan was hatched to invite Afghans to invade India for thowing away the British Imperialism. Lala Lajpatrai said "For the last six months I have spent my time in studying History and Muslim jurisprudence. I am compelled to think and declare that it is absurd to imagine Hindu / Muslim unity in India, ever. I may like to trust the present Muslim leaders but I cannot deceive myself from not correctly understanding what is
contained in Quaran and in the Hadits of Mohd. No Muslim leaders dare defy the same." Ravindranath Tagore said "The impossibility of Hindu / Muslim unity in India is based on Muslim belief in Pan Islamic fraternity and this relegates Indian Nationalism for Muslims. No Muslim can ever limit his absolute allegiance to his country or even to his own Nationalism. He survives by being continuosly brain washed to owe allegiance to international Muslim brotherhood, the nucleus of which is located in Saudi Arabia. No Muslim can stand up and fight another Muslim nation". Mahatma Gandhi said "Muslim by nature is made a bully. Hindu by nature is timid and peace loving. I cannot agree to alter my belief in non-violence even when the Muslims in India resort to unwanted barbaric conducts against the Hindus. The time will come and I pray to God to bring a change in the style of human thought that respects Non - violence as a human habit". This is indeed a true style of Hindu thought but can it be any more tolerated, is the question? Jawaharlal Nehru said "On the floor of Lok Sabha while talking on Kashmir, even if the world settles issue of Kashmir in favour of Pakistan, they will yet find another cause to disturb India and her peace for this is natural for them and is most unnatural for India and the Hindus in India". MR. MOHD. ALI JINNHA'S VIEWS While addressing a Muslim league assembly at Lahore in the year 1940, Mohd. Ali Jinhha in his Presidential address said: "Muslims in India are an independent nation that does not and cannot include Hindu Indians in it. I am at a loss to understand the inability of Hindu leadership's understanding this singular fact. Hindus and Muslims are not merely two separate religions. They are two distinctly different social systems. To visualize Hindus and Muslims in India uniting to create a common nation is a mythical concept. It is only a fancy dream of some unawakened Hindu leaders. The mutual hatred between the two socieites has already crossed the permissible limits and this is now the sole cause of the people of India and its rulers the Britons to understand it. While we stand on this cross road, let no further time be lost in acknowledging this truth or else the total India itself will be ruined. Hindus and Muslims follow two different religious ideologies and two different social systems. They neither like to live or eat together or to marry into each others communities. The truth is that Hindus and Muslims are two different civilizations. They also entertain great mutual differencs and hatred towards each other since their thought processes grow on different beliefs. They also draw their respective inspirations from two different sources of History. They have their different religious books and different religious leaders. Hindus in India out number the Muslims. Hence, no common Nationalism can ever be built by the common effort of Hindus and Muslims. Should any contrary effort by made, it will only result in the disturbance of peace. If inspite of this clear vision before me, any effort is ever made to draw out a common Constitution for Hindus and Muslims shall soon throw such a Constitution meant only for some dirty basket".
CHAPTER - VII ISLAMIC JEHAD OR TERRORISM To wage a holy war called Jehad is amongst the basic principles advocated strongly by Prophet Mohd. According to him, there does not exist any chance of world peace unless the world as a whole is converted into Darul Islam. He has himself unabashedly announced the division of the world into two camps of believers and the nonbelievers. Similarly, the Islamic religion does not abhor violence, but on the other hand, openly justifies and directs its believers to rely on their strength that is intended to be used for the anihiliaton of the people who resist such a violent attack on their own faiths or religion. On reading of a recently published book in English by one Brigadier Malik "Quaranic Concept of War", one learns that Jehad for Muslims is the direction of Allaha to destroy the non-believers totally. It is not at all necessary that those directed to be killed be first found as being guilty of something like violating human rights. This itself, according to the book, is a sufficient offence, not to be a follower of Islam. According to the author, Allaha promises heavens to the Muslims who proceed to wage a Jehad and indulge into destruction of humans not owing allegiance to Islam. Allaha freely sanctions by his divine authority, murder of the nonbelivers and cruel treatment to them. He further permits the Jehadis to put into their own use even the married women of the opponents and treat the children of the vanquished opponents as slaves or at the pleasure of the Jehadis. There is no Quaranic diction or any direction in any Hadit to take non-believers as the prisoners of war. Such captives, because of their non-belief and offer of resistance, is itself a sufficient sin to be beheaded under the sword of the believers. Prophet Mohd. himself has gone to record to say that he lives on the loot of such properties that belonged to the non-belivers. He entitled himself to Male Ganimat and is on record taking captured women in his harem. Even a son, by the name of Ibrahim was born out of one such woman by the name of Moria. But he died when he was very young. In order to truly understand the psyche of the Muslims, one must look at this book's contents that clearly advocattes spread of terrorism in the world for promoting the cause of Islam. One therefore need not wonder as to what happened on 11th Sptember, 2001 in New York when the Islamic terrorists destroyed the two buildings of World Trade Centre and attempted to attack the central military H.Q. buidling of the United States of America located at Washington (DC). According to the author, terrorism and spread of Islam are ordained to march hand in hand in order to destroy the opposition and to frighten those who do not subscribe to the thought of Allaha as stated by Mohd. Terrorism according to Brigader Malik is an essential weapon that must be used before Jehad is commenced if not for anything else but to demoralize the nonbelievers in Islam. A foreword to this book is provided by the ex-President and Military General of Pakistan who was Zia-Ul-Haq. He died in an air crash. Even the present dictator of Pakistant as the President of the country has announced the state policy of Pakistant to support Islamic Jehadwhenever and wherever fought. One can therefore see an integral bond between
Terrorism and Jehadthat finds its first source of origin in the holy book of Quaran. Islam and terrorism cannot be separated. This is discovered from the pages of History. It is therefore important to understand the Muslims psyche who hold faith in Terrorism that in turn goes to support the concept of war or Jehad. The ideology of Islam therefore is less of any human religion based on the need of welfare of the world of humanity. It is really a political campaign of Islamic invasion of the entire world and unless this is finally achieved, the believers are religiously ordained to wage a Jehadand are permitted to take support of Terrorism. ISLAM IS THEREFORE A CONCEPT OF POLITICAL INVASION OF THE WORLD BY MUSLIMS LET THE WORLD NATIONS AND ITS LEADERS TAKE NOTE OF IT
CHAPTER - VIII ISLAM IS ARAB NATIONALISM 98% of Muslims in India are converts from Hindus. While Islam unambiguously ordains upon its followers all over the world to recognize only Mohd. as its last Prophet and abandon every connection of any alternative nature with their past, yet belief in its ideology includes at least one visit to Mecca for, Haj. By this method Islam instills amongst its followers a permanent bondage with the Arabs. Hence, those who convert to Islam not only alter their earlier styles of God remembrance, but they also proceed to divert their Nationalism towards Mecca in the Arab world. One can learn more about this reality by going through the books written by Islamic scholar one Mr. Anwar Sheikh who published the following two works on Islam highlighting the above conclusions. The books are 1. ISLAM THE ARAB NATIONALIST MOVEMENT and 2. ISLAM THE ARAB IMPERIALISM. The books finally conclude that Arab Nationalism drives its followers towards Arabic culture and to spread and use in its way every activity that includes violence. A few of the salient true features appropriate to Islam need to be grasped. 1. Prophet Mohd. himself declared to be the messenger of God. The tribe in which he was born (Querish) was the superior most tribe of the Pagans. The land of Arabia was singularly the ideal Nationalism. 2. What he said and which came to be later recorded in Muslims holy book Quaran is the last word of Allaha. 3. Mohd. declared Kaba ( the round black stone) as the only idol that was given to the Arabs by Allaha. 4. Kaba that was even earlier recognized as the holy place for the Pagans was reasserted as the holy place of Islam. Who so ever should embrace Islam must also simultaneously declare his belief in Kaba and in the Arab superiority meaning Arab Nationalism as well. 5. Muslims anywhere in the world are ortained to bow five times in a day by ritually offering Namaz through observance of rituals that impress upon its followers paying obeisances to the Arab territory of Kaba. The holy Namaz is to be offered by facing towards Mecca. 6. Every Muslim as a matter of ritual must visit Kaba at least once in his life time. Kaba is thus made the symbol of Arab nationalism that must be followed by all follower's of Islam. This automatically cuts off the followers earlier connections with their own nation and in its place, the new belief promotes and altogether different kind of loyalty in the matter of one's Nationalism. 7. Mohd. built only around himself the sole center, an ideal model for the Muslims to follow him as the believers in Islam. The way to heavens for the mortals born on earth passed only through his declarations and all other approaches were declared as Kufr 8. Islam therefore turned itself into the only sanctioned way to reach the abode of God where worldly pleasures left behind by the mortals shall be available to those who follow Mohd. and his declared path. There is very little said of human philosophy and
the creation from the point of view of spirituality in the holy book of Quaran. 9. Quaran came to be written in Arabic. This built immediately an Arab center that was considered as the revealer of the only path to reach the heavens. All non-Arabs who chose to convert to Islam and provide strength to the Arab Nationalism indeed was by itself a great service done by Mohd. to himself, to the Arabs, to the language of the Arabs i.e. Arabic and to bring in its fold all the followers anywhere on the globe. Any Muslim even today openly professes his faith in Islam as declared by Mohd. by unabashedly relegating his loyalty to the family in which he may have been born when compared to the declarations of Mohd. This was a grand design really political in character on which Muslims could advance their cause of expansionism by combining religion with ultimate success in this political aim. Hence this book is tittled as ISLAM - A CONCEPT OF POLITICAL WORLD INVASION BY MUSLIMS. The above followings are the real basis of Arab nationalism. Mohd. successfully united Arab cause containing its language and its culture to be acknowledged by one and all as the superior most declared through him by Allaha himself. No hesitation is seen in the declarations of Islam who clearly condemn and negate any other faith or dogma dealing with religion of spirituality as total falsehood. He went to record those who did not believe in Islam as Kafirs (unwanted by Allaha) and any belief held in the alternative as Kufr. He divided the society in believers and non-believers. He also divided the nations and the world in two distinct parts. The division as can be seen is done on the basis of political control. Those nations who did not rule as per Islamic doctrine are termed as the hated Darul Herb and those who are governed by Muslims under Islamic doctrine are termed as Allaha's loved nations as Darul Islam. He declared himself as the last of Allaha's messenger sent to the earth and what he said, did and recorded in Quaran as the last word of Allaha that cannot be touched, amended or altered ever after him since Allaha had no further message left to give to the mortals born on earth.
CHAPTER - IX MUSLIM PROBLEM IN INDIA To understand the problem of Muslim in India, a peep intol the past history of India is essential. Altough, it is not wihtin the scope of this book to analyze the effect of Islam in India from the year 712 ownwardsm, yet one cannot ignore the essentialities in order to truly understand the present day problem of Muslims in India. This does include, unfortunately role of Muslims in organizing Terrorism in India and using Muslims in India even to spread Terrorism in other parts of the world. One cannot forget the Islamic psyche that revolves around violence for spreading its message and its cause. Mohd. - Bin - Kaism was the first Muslim invader who invaded the territory of Sind in India in the year 712 which at that time was mostly populated by Buddhists. He carried out the slaughter of all adults over the age of 17 unless they agreed to give up their faith in Buddhism and embraced Islam. The local king Dahir was killed and his wife and son Jai Singh committed self-immolation in a fort near Karachi. The two young princesses namely Suraja and Panna bhai were captured alive and were seni as presents to the Kha rifa at Bhagdad. It is said that even MohdBin-Kasim was ordered to be killed and his body sown in the ox hide skin was forwarded to the Khalifa n Bhagdad as per his orders The first invasion lasted for a little time until later i.e. 200 years thereafter, further Islamic invasions on India took place from the Turkish States in Central Asia. This finally gave birth to the rules of Saltnats and later to the Moghul Empire at Delhi. One thing that stands clear from the history is that the mair purpose of such Islamic military invasions was not merely to locl the riches of India but these attacks were essentially directed to spread the very doctrine of Islam in India. The present day problem of Muslims in India in reality is the conitnuation of the very same process that began in India almost 1200 years ago. Islamic dcotrine is totally political. The very concept of Islam and its continuation is nothing else but a continuing political invasion of earlier India and expanding Islam, in the present day India of the 21st century. As far as dogmatic assertions of Islamic theology are concerned, no change whatsoever has taken place in them and hence the destructive attitude of its followers and newer converts into it, cannot be ignored without once again looking at the clictations of Islam. There is no scope whatsoever for any one to ever differ or to amend the Quaranic clictations. With the changes taking place in time and also in the world scenario, Islam's basic philosophy remains static. While the science greatly casts its impact on the lives of the people on earth, Islam does not undertake to alter its original stand that was born in the middle of the V1 century AD under Mohd. It continues to have its main and only aim to convert the entire world into Darul Islam and nothing be spared unless this finality is achieved. The recent attack on the Parliament of India is clear reassertion of Islam's unaltered attitude. This observation is further strengthened by the statements of Osama-BinLaden of AI-Queida who found worldwide support of Muslims. India cannot afford to ignore or neglect to take note of this attiude of Islam that threatens Hindu way of life in India. Looking at the
acts of terrorism in USA, Indonesia, the design of Islam is openly revealed. Islam does not accord equality to any other system political or religious, social or cultural and directs world's social and, economic systems to follow the original plan as was announced by Mohd. and is recorded in Quaran and the Hadits. It has its own system of Islamic Jurispurdence to dispense justice that has not undergone any change in either its civil or criminal matters, notwithstanding how the world itself has changed in the last 1200 years. No non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim and all Muslims are ordained never to trust any non-Muslim or to ever befriend them. No Muslim in a Muslim state is worthy to be considered for any responsible job on behalf of the state and none be ever enrolled as an army solider in any state of Islam. The non -Muslim must be subjected to special taxes and are ordained to be treated with cruelty as a matter of rule. They are termed as the Zimmis' by which word is implied the hated non-believer. Islam is not a religion that permits tolerance. Non-belief in Islam is itself a sufficient offence for an Islamic believer to kill any non-believer and he who resists enfrocement of Islamic faith upon the nonbelievers must be beheaded. Wherever Islam went on the strength of sword, it chose to behead the opposers that included children and women as well. Women are meant for the joy and pleasure of the men of Islam and are allowed to be so used on an islamic invasion scoring military victories. Islam even destroyed valuable world records contained in world libriaries only because the Islamic victors apprehended such libraries contained thoughts and ideas not acceptable or not in accordance with the Islamic theology. The libraries at Sikandrya in Egypt, Taxila, Vikramsheel and Nalanda in India were burnt only because no opposing view or an idea even in the field of science that did not find prior sanction of Islam could be tolerated. Darul Islam came to be created wherever Islamic forces captured territory. Where they filed, the struggle to win was kept going. Hence, even in India of today, this Islamic invasion by the deifnition of its original concept continues. We cannot forget how Bangladesh was created by the help of Indian forces. Originally it was declared as a secular country. Later however, in a very short time, it converted itself into anohter Darul Islam. The same struggle is now going on even within India that stands glaringly visible to the world in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Where the people resented being governed by Isalmic victors, the re-enters were either pushed out or they chose to run away to save their own lives. One cannot forget the period of last 1400 years, when the world itself was not scientifically advanced. The advnce in science over the globe owes its real beginning only in about last 350/400 years. Prior to this, the world itself especially in the Middle East and areas around lacked everything that the present day world provides. The communications were difficult and the victors dealt cruel blows upon the civilized beings. Even earlier invaders like Huns, Mongols/ Kushans and latter the Islamic followers trampled on these areas of the globe to wipe off the better civilizations in countries like Egypt and Persia. From Persia, escaped some Caravans of the Parsis who took refuge in India to save their lives form the Islamic slaughter.
India itself came under the Islamic conquests from 712 to 1192 AD. further efforts were also made to go in the Southern direction of the Indian sub-continent. In the 16 th century, a beginning was made by Sher Shah Suri who himself had Afghan blood in him but had learnt a lot in state management from Raja Todarmal of Chunia, aTehsil in Lahore distirct. Amongst the Moghul rulers, Akbar alone inspite of his illiteracy showed better tollerance towards the locals in India. He too is on record beheading Hemu, the vanquished King in the 2 n' battle of Panipat in order to become a Ghazi. However, his son and grand son failed to follow his initiated policy of tolerance towards the Hindus. It is a part of Moghul history in India when the religional revolts of significant nature grew in all directions of the Indian sub-continent and how the Moghul empire itself uIltimately ended with the British Crown taking over the entire India after crushing India's first battle of independence in the year 1857. Muslims in this battle fought for the Islamic rule & not for real Indian Nationalism. This has been a historical tragedy. Regional leaders like Tanitya Tope at Kanpur bravely fought against the British and registered their claims with the British crown who finally took the whole of India from the hands of Hindus and Muslims rulers, both. Muslims thus failed to serve the real National struggle in the name of secular India. Muslim problem in India at this juncture took another shape. The British desired to rule over, India by exploiting the religious differences between the majority Hindus and the miniority Muslims. To begin with, even the British really failed to understand the Muslim psyche based solely on Quaran. The greater failure of true understanding later resulted in some important political blunders of India's Hindu leaders like Mahatma Ghandi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Indian Nationalism could not be sufficiently aroused to the needed degree aginst the British Imperialism because of not only lack of resources and funds but on the account of the very inherent weakness of Nationalism into which the Muslims never fully and honestly participated. Hindu leaders at no time took this fact intotheir pragmatic planning. It is in the annals of history that the Muslims in fact considered even conspiring against the soil of India. They clsired to drive away the British from its soil by inviting Afghanistan to invade India by relying upon the strength of Muslims within India. Yet, the Hindu leadership of Nehru and Gandhi failed to take into account the real Islamic plan of converting India into Darul Islam. They disregarded the lessons of history. These leaders really failed even to understand the psychology of Islam from the Hindus. Such converts had lost even the minimum love from the Hindus. They were ready to prove their loyalty to the new religion by supporting even the Pan Islamization by becoming themselves as the 5 th Columnist favouring the Islamic invaders. The Hindu leaders sorrily played in the hands of the British and also failed to unite even the Hindu Indian population as one nation desiring to throw away the British yoke and to earn freedom for the whole lot of Indian population as one nation. Muslims, as was stated frankly by Jinnah that they could not co-exist with Hindus under any common Constitution continued to hold this view steadfastly. This fact failed to register in the minds of Hindu politicians. India is an old nation with its own grand culture and traditions. It has its own past glorious history and culture. It is the only
nation that can proudly acclaim its unparalleled culture. None in the world could ever surpass the grandeur of past India. Hence, no mixed nation of people was warranted to be formed unlike the USA where there were diferent political states and many battles including civil wars had to be won to finally draw out one common Constitution of that country to bring about the United States of America. India could never be expected to be united with Muslims who are divinely directed to keep themselves aloof of the Kufrand the Kafirs. This problem existed then and it continues to exist even today when in spite of the partition of the Indian subcontinent into two sovereign countries of India and Pakistan, the problem of Muslims in India haunts India in its face showing further signs of balkanization. Hindus are the idol worshippers and Muslims are ordained to kill the idol worshippers as the worst enemies of Islam. The Quaranic instruction on this point has not undergone any change. For the Islamic world, creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh is a definite accomplishment towards creating Darul I slams out of DarulHei-bs. The battle for further invasion of the Darul Herb in India continues. Our national leaders like Mr. Gandhi and Mr. Nehru both failed whereas Mr. Jinnah indeed succeeded. One cannot but admit this fact of history, which is as clear as the sun shining on a clear day in the skies. Regretfully, this naked expression of Muslims reality is not being dealt with even by the present Government with its Hindu leaders like Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K. Advani. May be this book awakens them. Our leaders thought that they had ended the problem of Mulims in India by accepting the division of the country including after swallowing the prominently announced Gandhi slogan "PAKISTAN CAN ONLY BE BORN ON MY CHEST ". But for the Hindus and their ancient glory in social and cultural fields, Islam failed to Cover whole of India with its own theology as tney had done in Egypt and Persia. This continues to remain as the sore point in the Muslim world. Muslims on the sub-continent continue to lie in wait till this change too can be brought about. In due course if Pakistan and Bangladesh were to merge into India, Muslim population will seriously dominate Hindu politics of today. In reality, while the British might have made use of Hindu/ Muslim conflict in India to manipulate their imperialistic designs, it will be wrong to say that the problem of Muslims in India was created by the British. If that was so, the problem of Muslims ought to have ended with the division of the country into India and Pakistan. The Indian leaders thought although wrongfully, that with the exit of the British from India and with the creation of an independent state of Pakistan, Indians could live in peace as an independent nation itself. How wrong such a political calculation was is now for anyone to see and how the Indian national Congress under the leadership of Nehru and Gandhi miserably failed? The slogan of AkhandHindustan as was made by the Congress leaders stands as an example of admission of Indian leadership's total failure. Can anyone ever deny it? Had we succeeded in making India strong and had we succeeded in ending the problem of Muslims in India, one could have perhaps read that part of Indian history with some sort of consolation. But while Pakistan and Bangladesh stand created by becoming Islamic nations,
we in India inspite of being majority of Hindus live in fear under the continuing threat of terrorism nourished and patronized by our Islamic neighbours. Sorrily, we still do not appear to have learnt any good lesson from the past history and still expect that Muslim in India shall agree to call themselves Indians first and Mulims later. We still feel that with the declared liberal constitution of India, we will able to hold the plurality of India as one strong Indian nation. It is nothing but a kind of PSEUDO SECULARISM that shall never allow any Muslim to neglect his singular or collective role of being a true member of Pan Islamization only. He awaits his correct time of aciton as he has waited in the past. Hindus ought to WAKE UP. I gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the views of former MP Professor Balraj Madhok who has written on this subject some grand literature in English and Hindi which needs to be read by all lovers of India and her ancientism. Professor Balraj Mahclok was also one of the early Presidents of the Jan Singh who went into making a party, to oppose the Congress of Indira Gandhi by the name of Janata Party. Its first Prime Minister was Morarji Desai and his prominent comrades in those days were Choudary Charan Singh, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, L.K. Advani, Raj Narayan, Georgre Fernandez, Madhu Limayee and many more. The party soon split for its internal discohesion and what came out of it was not what went into it originally as the Jan Sangh. An altogether new party with old names of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K.Advani came out of it wiith the new name of BJP. Regretfully, not only they left and marginalized Professor Balraj Mahdok, one of the original thinkers and a senior member but the new party also deviated from their original and declared policy of saving India i.e. Bharat Mata as the legitimate claimants being the descendents of the original race of the Aryans. They are Hindus who love this country as their ancestors did respecting its ancientism, its social traditions and glorious culture of the past. The original sa ron flag of BJS and its election symbol of Deepak was also given up the BJP. It has got to be said and accepted for the reasons of Quaranic dictations and assertions, that the Muslims even though born on the soil of India unless they settle to reorientate some of the Quaranic dictations, shall always be looked at with suspicion. There are some noticeable exceptions but let us not forge that EXCEPTIONS DO NOT MAKE RULES
CHAPTER-X OLD MUSLIM PROBLEM IN INDIA RESURFACING CAUTION TO INDIA After 1000 years, the old Muslim problem has resurfaced in India of which due caution must be taken or else the Indian way of life which is nothing other than Hindu way of life shall stand permanently buried. What are the causes for resurfacing of Muslims attitude more so when in the year 1947, the sub-continent was divded in,two independent states. The Muslims got what they wanted which is 30% of the grand land of Indian sub ~ continent. One may look at the history of the world to discover if at all there is any other such example where centuries old Hindu civilization settled for its own freedom by foregoing a grand portion of tis own land. There could never be another example of the total failure of the political leadership that took in hand such an issue and failed miserably in protecting the interests of the majority community of the Hindus in India. Indian leaders of the Congress were in a hurry to capture seats and political powers. They have gone on record for compromising with the fundamental beliefs of the Hindus. The further tragedy in proof of political blunders made by the Indian National Congress of 1947 is in seeing the resurfacing of this problem in India. Let us not forget that with the advancement in science, we in India and our neighbours in Pakistan believing in different religious ideologies, opens doors of confrontation with each other. For the reasons of their faith in Islamic theology, we are now also endangered by military attacks of atomic bombs. An answer to this question has also to be simultaneously found. To discover and face the realities as they exist, we have first to discover the reasons which are: Lack of knowledqe of Islam : The failure of political leadership in India has made the present state worse than what existed in 1947. The leadership failed to caution the public of the correct and unamendable aims of Islam. It is universally followed by the Muslims all over. It can be easily found out that the roots of this problem go down to Prophet Mohd.'s own role in delivering to the world what is contained in Muslims holy book Quaran and how it is to be acted upon in his declared Hadits. Even the Hindu intelligentsia failed with India's political Leaders to truly understand the long term aim of Islam. Hence, no proper precautions were taken even when the Congress leadership agreed to divide the land of the sub-continent between India and Pakistan. Islam is very much unlike other religious faiths that emphasizes improvements in interse human conducts believing in the true nature of man, which is both benevolent and joyful. Islam is not merely an alternative way of God worship. It is a complete political code of expansionism to bring under it the entire world. It not only hates or discards any other way of life fit for the huannans on the earth but in fact openly sanctions waging of the bloody wars and to behead the opponents to it. It is a political doctrine. Mohd. its Prophet, made himself the nucleus of the Islamic faith that was born in Saudi Arabia in the middle of 7th century. Mohd. himself led over 26 out of a total of 82 small and big wars called Jehads fought for the spread of Islamic faith all over the world. Islam clearly
divides the world society in two camps of believers and the non believers. It announces an endless war until the entire world has been militarily won over by Islam. Its clear message is contained in its holy book the Quaran that can never be altered and it delivers the final message of Allah as stated by Mohd. and is contained in this book. Some of the expressions used in this text are already referred to in this publication are once again stated. These are Millat a n d Kufr, Darul Islam and Darul Herb. Muhajid and Muhadeen, Shahid and Ghazi are some of the further expressions that need to be understood before one can realize the real meaning of Islam which word paradoxically means 'Peace' in the Arabic Language. It is note-worthy that in the last 1400 years after its birth, Muslim have not been able to live in peace with any other community of humans owing faith to any other religious belief. Where the political control of a territory is not in the hands of the Muslims or the territory is governed under any other ideology, the territory is termed as Darul Herb. All Muslims are religiously ordained to die (or become Shaheeds) to convert Darul Herbs into Darul Islams. No Muslim is to consider any non-Muslims as equal to him and none may befriend anyone not believing in Islam. Many historians like Arnold Toyamba, Will Durant, Jadunaath Sarcar and H.G.Wales had to write admitting that the conduct of Muslim rulers in India was founded in the dictation of Islam as contained in Quaran and Hadits. Unless one first educated oneself about Islam and its literature, one would fail to grasp the cause of cruelty meted to the local Hindus of India by the victorious Muslims invaders from the North West of India. The British Imperialism in India came to understand the impossibility of Hindu/ Muslim coexistence and hence they shaped their own strategy of ruling over India by exploiting this clear difference between the large populations of Hindus and Muslims. Muslim league, a political party of the Muslims came to be founded in the year 1905. The very next year i.e. 1906, Aga Khan a religious leader of a crosssection of Muslim society met Lord Minto and demanded separate political rights for the Muslims as electorates while efforts were being made to train Indians into working a Western style of political goverance. The British took the fullest advantage of such diifferences that shall always surface and prevent Indians becoming a homogeneous nation demanding freedom from the British. Hence, in conclusion, it can be said that the early leadership of India under the Indian National Congress totally failed to realize the realities facing India. They neglected to note that the confronation of Muslims against Nationalism had its roots in Muslim's holy book Quaran and no compromise or immediate agreement between the Hindus and Muslims of India could ever be drawn for taking any permanent advantage including ensuring in India, an all time peace. To a very great extent, the unalterable mentality of Muslim and lack of its realization with the Hindu leadership has contributed to the present Muslim problerii of India. Neglecting to affect exchanqe of population on the partition of India Dr. B.R. Ambedkar writing in his book on 'Thoughts on Pakistan' published in the year 1946 clearly justifies an agrument of India and Pakistan exchanging their respective religious populations. Both Gandhi and Nehru ridiculed this sugestion that had found favour
both with Sardar Patel and Rajagopalachari. Dr.Ambedkar was both a lawman and an intellectual historian. He clearly foresaw that Hindu population in Pakistan will be brutally killed or will be converted to Islam. The time has already proven his point. Even Jinnah was inclined to accept this proposal. However, holding myopic view of the political situation, Gandhi and Nehru rejected the idea of which, we can now see its effects. In the Western Pakistan, there were 23% population of Hindus at the time of partition of the country. Not even 1% of Hindu population survives in Pakistan. In Bangladesh, there was 30% Hindu population which has now come down to only 12%. In fact, Hindu leaders went out of their way to have the departing Muslims dismbark from the trains going to Pakistan from India. Such a phenomena has also been filmed and shown in a film called Garam Hawa. While Bangladesh and Pakistan have settled their Hindu problem once and for all, we in India for the failure of our leadership remain stuck up with this sordid problem that could have been solved but is left with us even at the cost of yet another demand that may be made of another Darullslal-n from the present territory of Hindu country. Demand for another Mughalastan is already being talked of. Refer chapter XXIV of this book. Constitutional flaws: We all know that our present Constitution iis basically a reproduction of British made Government of India Act, 1935. We have added to it some provisions from the Constitutions of USA, USSR, FRANCE, IRELAND and GERMANY Many provisions in this Constitution like Article 30, 44 and 370 are unwarranted by virtue of which alone the problem of Muslims in India has resurfaced. Once again the blame for such lack of appreciation of situation squarely falls at the door of the leadership of Indian National Congress. They never could see through the evil possibilities for the good future of India. Once again I have to repeat and say "LAMHON NE KHATA KI, SADION NE SAZAA PAI" (for the errors of moments, centuries stood punished). India is an ancient country with its vast land mass. It was not formed like USA as the United States of India. Its vastness had one common feature of Hindutva. This ought have been fully exploited in the last 50 years or more. We however seem to have tilted in abandoning the desired political unity of the country but instead we drifted to bite the Muslim bait in applauding the differences in Indian society by admiring its diversity and plurality. This singular reason has greatly contributed once again in resurfacing the Muslim problem before us. Indeed it is a very serious issue that can no more be casually dealt with. Our Constitution begins in the name of India i.e. Bharat. I fail to understand as to why the name of the country as was existing ever before and in fact still continues to exist as HIndustan , was not added along with India and Bharat. This could have had a meaning to unite whole of India in the name fo Hindus. This could definitely make a psychological difference and why was it abandoned remains to date a question that defies reasonable answer? In fact, India is not even a federation where people and states with divided loyalties in regions arre brought together for some superior purpose of existence. Hindustan has been a recognized coutnry or a Nation since times immemorial. It is the egoistic mind of the then Congress
leaders who defined the nature in the name of some sort of imagined secularism. All the time, the leadership was obsessed wiith their old design to consider Hindus and Muslims in India as one Nation. Even the partition of the country brought about on the basis of two separate nations for the reason of difference in religions did not seem to have altered the thought process of Congress leadership. We now have to face and pay the price of wrong political decisions done by our earlier leaders. Readers may again look at the clearly expressed views of Mr. Jinnah. The overall structure of the Constitution of India is to protect and pamper the minorities, the largest of which is the Muslim community. With our failure to look into their real ethos, we are once again put to face the very problem for which the country had agreed to divide iitself in two independent political units. Article 30 of the Coonstitution is cletermental to the accepted theory of Hindus and Muslims being two different nations. While we conceded this point at the time of partition, we appear to have lost recognizing it for later times. Similarly, while we integrated the princely states into the union of India, we accorded a special and temporary stautus of almost another free country to the state of J & K. This refers to Article 370. We can now see this having its own affect in that our own pampered local leaders of the National Conference are asking for greater autonomy for J&K. Should this be conceded, what argument shall be left with us to have denied the same status to the states of Travecore and Cochin, Hyderabad, Bhopal and other large princely states that were merged into India without any pre condition? Fragmentation of Hindu sentiment: From the angle of political India, even small groups of Hindus could not be united and brought on one platform to protect their own long time interests. Groups like Arya Samaj, Hindu Maha Sabha, RSS and Sanatan Sabhawere all put under greaf pressures to supress the rising agitation of the Hindus for the reason that everyone expected things to radically change in favour of the Hindus when the country became free in 1947. Within the Congress party, there continued to reamin a strong lobby Of Muslims led by India's first Minister of education Maulana Azad. He was born in Arabia and was educated on Muslim pattern in Cario and was a man of totally Muslim make up. In order to prove the bonafide of Congress party as the secular party in India, both Gandhi and Nehru are on record for having always belittled the Hindu interests yet failing to take into account the effects of such attitude in the long run. What we watched as resurfacing problem of Muslims in India is also based on this reason. One may read Maulana's book (India wins freedom) where he without ambiguity states that he himself opposed the partition of the country on the ground that such a conduct will hit the real interests of the Muslims who as known are religiously ordained to bring about a world of Darul lslam. He was ably assisted in this game by his son-in-law Mr.Hamayun Kabir who also was picked up and appointed as the first secretary to the Ministry of Education. Nehru missed the focal point that a department of education is an ideal forum to prepare the future of the Nation. For such purpose, a man of standing was Dr.Shayama Prasad Mukerjee. He was a staunch Hindu and was ideally suited for the job. However, only to appease the Muslims, Nehru and Gandhi once again committed a great blunder. We in India are paying for such political blunders
even today. Dr, S.P.Mukerjees ability as a political visionary may be seen from the records of debates in the assembly of Bengal before India was partitioned. Sardar Patel was one Congress leader who could be said to have possessed a long distance vision. After being disgusted with the policies followed by Gandhi and Nehru, he is on record having said that he knew "One national Muslim by the name of Jawaharlal Nehru". He died in the year 1950 when Indian Constitution was formally adopted by the first Parliament of India. He along with Dr.Rajendra Prasad resolved the problem of Som Nath Temple in Gujarat once for all but the other problem of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, on account of his early death continues to haunt the entire country even today. Had he lived longer, perhaps he could have influenced country's economic and political policies better suited to Hindus. Maulana Azaad at the time when the country adopted Hindi as country's official language felt belittled and always worked to ensure that Urdu in Arabic script was accorded by the state of India, an equal status with Hindi. He succeeded in it, although not one Muslim can ever claim having contributed to the drawing up of Urdu Script, borrowed from the Arabic, a foreign language indeed. Hindu scholars in Urdu are as many as the Muslims. It is a Turkish word meaning Soldier & had its start during the reign of Akbar. Political situation : In the year 1952 at the time of first election, the Muslim parties particularly in Kerela began making bargains in seat adjustment for winning the elections. The very Muslim party that was responsible for the partition of the country once again resurfaced in Kerela and continued to call itself as Muslim league. Nehru's own Congress party shook hands with the Muslim league in Kerela that gave a fresh momentum once again to the Muslims reemergence at that time which was so close to the year 1947. In this game, even the communist party of India played their own role to participate in elections and brought about a Government in the form of coalition that contained the Muslim league. This itself encouraged the Muslims left in India to reunite themselves and to continue with their old game of expanding Darul Islam wherever on the globe Darul Herb existed. This game in Kerela continues to date and the Muslims voters have realized their new strength of vote in a democracy. Hindus on the other hand have faced. Secularism in India which too cannot be fully prescribed unless Islamic followers agree to alter destructive Ayats contained in their holy book of Quaran. Jan Sangh and Janta party : Congress policy of pampering the Muslims to woo for their votes led to the formation of Jan Sangh by its leader Dr. Shayama Prasad Mukerjee. It was a Nationalist party with Hindutva as its base. It soon began making its impact. Between 1967 and 1975, Jan sangh did emerge as a Nationalist party of the Hindus. However, it stood accepted to begin with only in the North and among the higher castes of Hindus. In 1968, its President Mr.Din Dayal Upadhaya was killed in mysterious circumstances. The coming up of Jan Sangh was affected. It was also affected for some of its internal politics when Professor Balraj Madhok its earlier President was dismembered as the member of Jan Sangh. The cumulative effect looked to pamper the Muslim community in India who did not want to face the ideas of Professor Balraj Madhok, admittedly had past record of strong Hinduism & passion for being a true patriot. His own political
comrades stopped him in his political pursuit. Strangely even at his age of 84, he displays courage & alertness of mind that can help the cause India, even today. The politics in India in the year 1975, when Indira Gandhi declared National Emergency took another shape of giving birth to Janta Party whose first Prime Minister was Morarji Desai. This party too suffered for its internal conflicts between Chou d ary Charan Singh and Morarji Desai. The party had principally been voted to power by the people rejecting conduct of Emergency brought about by Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay Gandhi. He was a young man with some of his own ideas but he was still a political novice. In the year 1977, Janta party was formed with iits victory over the Congress party led by Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Muslim community in particular worked at this time against the policies of Sanjay Gandhi although even vviithout their support, Janta Party could have won the elections all over India. Muslims and their supporters somehow overrated the reasons of Janta Party's victory. Religious leaders of the Muslims like Imam of Jam, Masjid in New Delhi took the credit of over throwing the Government of Indira Gandhi. Amongst other names who Constituted the Janta Party were Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna and George Fernandez. The party in the beginning promised to do away with the miniority commission. The Muslim participants in Janta Party succeeded in defeating this election promise of'Janta Party. Wiithin 3 years of its winning the elections as a new Party into which had gone Hindu Jan Sangh, soon split and what came out of it was not the original Jan Sangh but a new party said to be of Hindus in the name of the BJP. This break up once again suited the Muslims who never desired India to politcically uniite and emerge as a strong political nation owing its roots in India's ancientism. Indira Gandhi was relected in the year 1980. At this point of time, country went through witnessing the demand of Khalistan in Punjab. Muslims and Sikhs united in this game and were supported from outside Pakistan. While Indira Gandhi began reassessing the political situation in India clearly understanding the impact of Muslim thought in India, she was herself assassinated by her own Sikh security guards, Her son Sanjay Gandhi had died earlier in an Air crash. Raiiv Gandhi becomes Prime Minister on his mother's funeral pyre : Radio and television in India have been under the state control. They played up the assassination of Indira Gandhi repeatedly on TV channels that worked as a great medium of publicity to bring Rajiv Gandhi in the seat of India's Prime Ministership. Hindus supported him handsomely. They had been disillusioned by the untimely liquidation of Janta party that almost broke up with open fights between Choudary Charan singh and Morarji Desai. At about this time, the Supreme Court gave a verdict in the case of Shah Bano and her husband. The verdiict ran against the dictations of Prophet Mond. contained in the chapter of Shariat in the holy book of Quaran. The Supreme Court directed the Government to give effect to Article 44 of the Constitution of India so that Muslim women on being divorced by their husbands did not suffer as human beings. The Muslim community or their religious leaders considered this judgement of the Supreme Court as an attack on their personnel rights. Many delegations were led against this to Rajiv Gandhi who in order to
once again woo the votes of the Muslims, succumbed to their pressures and negatived the affect of this judgement of India's highest court by bringing about a Muslim favoured legislation on the strength of his majority in the Parliament of India. Once again the Apex court has given its views this time to the NDA Govt, in the year 2003, that the country does need a common civil code for all its citizens. One of the reasons that is responsible for the spread of Islam in the world is its assured male domination over the females, Rajiv Gandhi as the Prime Minister yielded to the Muslim pressure by abandoning considering its long term affects in India. The Muslims once agin succeeded in a Darul Herb to ensure that they were ruled by their own declared Islmic laws rather han submit to the common law of land controlled by the Government in the territory of Darul Herb. The Muslims were thus in a position to understand that in a period of about 35 years, they have reached a stage not to interfere in their private religious laws notwithstanding that the Indian Constitution itself contains a directory provision by which state is expected to bring about one common civil code of law for everyone in the country. The Muslim problem therefore became more aggressive than what it was in the year1947. External factors I was born at Lahore now in Pakistan. I came to Delhi with my parents, brother and sister on 14th August, 1947. At the time of leaving Lahore, our neighbour one Mr.Ghulam Mohd Butt came to see us off knowing that my fahter who was a Railway officer in the North Westrn Railway had offered to migrate to India. I remember his young son almost of my age at that time said "Hans Ke Liya Hai Pakistan, Ladh Ke Leinge Hindustan." This had become a common Muslim slogan of their victory for having won Pakistan. The creation of Pakistan was itself a sufficient sore point for India to live even as their neighbour. Pakistan's further fragmentation into Bangladesh in fact adds further sore to India. With the population indexes of Hindus and Muslism in the 3 countries, one cannot fail to notice the growing population of Muslims around and inside India. We are presently facing this problem in the Indian state of J & K. Muslims in India can be expected to act to further divide India when the proper time has ripened for that purpose. Hence, policy of Pakistan and Bangladesh cannot be any different towards India. Should the Indian leadership fail once again as before, it is practically prewritten on the wall that in the coming 100 years, there shall be no secular India left but in its place we shall have the whole of India converted into Darul Islan7. It is a word of caution given by me as a warning based upon analysis of the problem breifly carried out in this publication to call upon Hindus in particular and other minority communities living in India to wake up or else what holds for them in the pregnant future is to lose totally one's entity by giving up all that we have had by way of cherished values in our social, cutlural and economic systems. Politically, we are being pushed towards something inevitable for the reason of Hindu leadership persisting as always in contnuing with one political blunder after another. Pakistan and Bangladesh both Islamic Republics on the West and East of India have become a matter of serious concern. The separatist idea of the Muslim, world to convert the entire world into Darul lslam has not undergone any
change in the last 1400 years. We are a big nation with all sorts of resources and manpower blessed with all needed human qualities. Hindus must shed their fears and boldly act to revive the original idea of the Jan Sangh now that we have experienced and seen the total failure of the NDA Government led by the BJP. Its leadership has proven totally inadequate for the challenges before the Indian nation where almost 80% people belong to Hindu faith. This Government of BJP has not even succeeded in solving RAM MANDIR ISSUE. In fact Seven out of Eight top ranking Hindu leaders shall face a criminal trial in a supposedly Hindu country. In addition to the geographical sandwich of India between Pakistan and Bangladesh, we continue to be black mailed by the Islamic nations of the Middle East. They put up the cost of oil for which we in India are desperate. In the year 1970, a barrel of oil drilled in Kuwait was bought by India at the price of 0.70 US Dollars. The present price of the same barrel of oil is over -50 US Dollars. This is causing to us a great headache since the country has to survive by importing huge qualities of oil from the Middle Eastern countries of Islam. This is a very serious problem not only for the people of India but it is in fact a problem for the entire world. Indian leadership has to look into this weakness of the country to discover alternative means of generating power at the cost which we can afford. India has also been put to challenge in its foreign policy. None can forget the Pakistani Terrorists hijacking Indian Airlines plane from Kathmandu and taking it to Kabul. For a country as big as India, the foreign Minister of India had go to Kabul with release of captured convict/terrorists in order to have the passengers in the plane released. A recent news has instantly connected Pakistan's hand in such Terrorism.The very Government in Afghanistan had openly defied the entire world by destroying large Buddhist rock carvings of 2000 years antiques in Bamiyan. They did so in the 21 th century on the belief of their right held by them as stated in the holy book of Muslims called Quaran. The same book unhesitatingly declares the faithful Muslims to fight or wage not one but as many as may be needed, Jehads in order to kill the infields Le, the idol worshippers anywhere on the globe. Oh, Hindus, forget not that you are definitely believers and worshippers of your Gods accepted by you as per your own Dharam Shastras. You are thus carrying out a conduct of Kufr and each one of you who believe in your 33 crores Devi/Devtas are meant to be killed under the sword of Islam that is divenly ordained for the Muslims never to feel shy of acting with utmost cruelty towards you. This is what has been unmistakably brought out in this book. Whereas, you are carrying the message of your ancestors i.e. 1. SARVA DHARMA SAM13HAVA and 2. VASUDEVAM KU1TUMBAM, you are to be punished for holding such views that do not find acceptance in the message of Allha contained in the Quaran and said by his Prophet Mohd. For your non belief in Islam, you are destined to be the companions of fire in the hell of Allha, forget your pursuit for seeking Moksha for it has no room in the message of Allha that gave to Mohd. his Prophet his directions to physically and cruelly destroy you and your faith wherever the faithful may find you. There are 40 Islamic states around India. They act as a united family of Islam. It matters not that we in India have the second largest Muslim population in our own counrty. It matters not that
our Constitution guarantees equal rights to all those born in India. It matters not that the Constitution provides special protection to the minorties into which are contained almost 16 crores Muslims. It matters not that our Constitution further provides special protection to the minorities to spread their religious doctrines and to manage their educational institutions as they may like and to protect their minoritism. It matters not that the very Constitution does not contain any special privilege or protection to the Hindus. It matters not that notwithstanding any bar on account of religion, anyone born in India regardless of his faith can rise to occupy the highest post in the State of India.1t matters not that we have practiced successful democracy in the last 50 years and 3 of our Presidents have been those who were the believers in Islam, yet the Hindus are now put to challenge which is now as clear as the crystal for the whole world to see. REMEMBER, THE TASK OF MOHD. BEGUN 1400 YEARS AGO, IS NOT ENDED AND IT LIES IN WAIT TO SEE THAT THE WORLD IS CONVERTED INTO DARUL ISLAM FROM DARUL HERB OR ELSE ALLAHA THE ALMIGHTY WHO IS SAID TO BE REHMANE RAHIM DOES NOT PROMISE TO YOU, A LIFE OF PEACE ON EARTH.
CHAPTER-XI ISLAMIC PLAN OF INDIA'S CONQUEST The Muslim problem of India should have ended with India's division in two independent states in the year 1947. On the contrary, on analysis, it can be concluded that the problem not only remains unsolved but has become all the more worse than before for the Hindus in India. Unfortunately, even to date, the Hindus remain utterly indifferent to study the underlying genuine ethos of the Muslims. Hindus have not sufficiently educated themselves in the Islamic history. They also remain totally indifferent to the political ramifications of the continuing Terrorism supported by the Muslims particularly in Pakistan who also have their connections undisturbed within India. Even today, the Hindu politically interested organizations remain ununited that suits the real purpose of the Muslims. They remain as loyal as ever to the dogma of Islam. The party that was born close to the year 1950 under the name of Jan Sangh has gone into oblivion and unless the same is revived based upon the same old analogy, India does run a great risk of being taken over by Islamic theology in the next 100years. All Hindus organizations have to come on one common platform of Hinduism without which the concept of India as a Nation is unthinkable. In the pre partition days, Muslims constituted about 20% of the total population. At that time, the Muslims had the support in a sly, manner of the British rulers. Today, the Muslims in India can expect to be supported by almost 40 Islamic nations with Pakistan, Bangladesh and the 5th Columnists living in India to support the cause of converting India into Darul lslam. There are some very important Muslim religious parties in India that are led by important clerics of the Muslims. 'Jamaiyte Islami'and 'Jamaiyte Ulma - e - Hind' are two such organizations that have already establsihed their importance not only amongst the Muslims in India but they have even connections with the important Muslims leaders who have penetrated into other political or secular parties of India.SIMI is another such organization. Quaran divides the entire world population only in two parties. The first party as called Hajbe Allaha (party of Allaha) and the second party is called as Hajbul Shaitan. Some Muslim scholars provide an illustration of Muslim joining the Jews to set up a common political control when Mohd. in his early days was at Medina. They established a joint political command over this area, any combination of such nature runs contrary to the dictations of Islam in Quaran. Maulana Maudoodi in one of his published utterances stated that such a common political control was nothing beyond a temporary military alliance carried out for the purpose of final establishment of Muslim control in and around Mecca and Medina. This combination did not last more than 3 years until Mohd himself took over Mecca itself. Once again another Muslim cleric talking of India and the Muslims in it stated as the President of Jamaiyte Ulmae-Hind "If the Muslims in Pakistan when it comes to rule that land in accordance with the directions of the holy Quaran, not only I alone but the Muslims all over the world bless this idea and the scheme or concept as something highly auspicious". This thus is the unaltered belief of the world's MUSALMANS.
Both the above parties have been persistently saying that Islam does not consider or recognize any sort of Nationalism that is ordained by Allah. This applies to India and let the Indians be made aware of that. It is impossible'or absurd to think ever a Muslim placing his faith in any sort of secularism. The politics and the religion in Islam are unseparable. The ultimate aim of Islam is to cause total political domination of the entire world by the people owing allegiance only to Mohd and Quaran. This is unamendable now or ever hereafter. A non-believer is to be made the companion of fire to whom Allaha himself has ordained to be so punished. This is thus a clear REALITY Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madni of the Jamaiyte Ulam-e-Hind once again reassrts his faith in Islam saying "it is the most important for the Muslims in India to firmly establish the Muslim political control over India, Every Muslim must make this as his singular aim notwithstanding that Muslims may have to lay their lives and to wait for the final outcome for some more time. Allaha has already blessed the Muslims all over the world to carry out this scared task without fear and by their such attitude, fear and panic will be created amongstthe opponents of Islam. The generations of Muslims to follow are given this divine promise to enjoy the world as the gift of Allaha and if in his cause, a Muslim dies while attempting to behead the Kafirs, he will be received in SHASISHT' where Allaha promises to serve him with his divine, gifts for the service he has rendered to the cause of Islam". Once again Jamaiyte Ulam-e-Hind published their views in 1950 in the following words "From the day Islamic rule of the Moghuls ended in India, it has become and is to be considered as Darul Herd'. Repeating the same views, he further said in the years 1971, 1977 and 1979 that every memeber of Jamaiyte Ulam-e-Hind must work to bring about imposition of Muslim Islamic control of India. Muslims newspapers 'Tanjim'wrote in the name of Doctor Kichu "Muslims should expect no cooperation from the Hindus as they will always resist reimposition of Muslim rule in India". Doctor Mushir - Ul - Haq writing in a Muslim newspaper of Delhi said "But for a very small portion of land in India, Muslims are a Minority. Hence, a new political stance should be adopted to bear Islamic fruits in future". "No Muslim can isolate himself with his no belief in secularism and permit any non-Islamic domination over the Muslims. For the Muslims, Politics and religion cannot be separated.We have gone into accepting secularism in India after the departure of the British under the compulsion of circumstances. Muslims have never regarded secularism as a substitute in place of Islamic political domination. Most Ulmhas in India support the above view as a period of transition". Muslims have brought out a 3 point programme to be followed till their efforts to convert India into Darul Islam finally matures. They are: 1. Entry of Muslims in the politics of India and penetrating into Indian political parties that advocate secularism. 2. Spread of Terrorism to demoralize Indian defence forces and to combat the Indian police force as and when necessary. (This is becoming too obvious).
3. Non-cooperation with Government's announced policy of family planning. No further proofs are warranted to conclude that most criminals of all sorts who face criminal prosecution are Muslims. Such actions that have the tendency to unite Muslims as a Kaum=Nation are to be encouraged by all Muslims living in India. All Muslims should endeavour to convert as many Hindus to their faith as can be done through inducements including marrying young Hindu women to the Muslim males. While the world may note that Yoguslovia has 18% population and Bulgaria has 12% Muslim population, the former has already entered into political and social turmoil for the reason of Islamic theology. The Muslims desire to copy such like conducts of Muslims even in India. Hindus are now being pushed out of Bangladesh and lacs of such like persons are being made to settle on the IncloBangladesh borders. From there in a systemic design they are pushed out with ISI aid to the bigger cities in India. Hence, even Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and areas in the state of Assam in India are being continuously attacked by the Muslims supported by Pakistan. In this adventure, Students Islamic Movement (SIMI) has been specially found very active in the recent past. This organization has been banned by the Central Government. This organization supported by petro dollars from the Middle East and through the supply of weapons from Pakistan is already involved in creating communal riots in the cities of India. The recent Gujarat incident of riots owe its cause of burning alive the returning Ram Sevaks from Ayodhaya at Godhra to this organization that has had the support of Pakistan always. The Bombay bomb blasts of 28th August 2003 also find their roots in the SIMI. Mr. Shahbudin now in Bihar is an ex-IAS Officer. He is on record having said that the Muslims in order to protect themselves in India must not forgert their role that will bear fruits in the time away only if the present Muslims in India realize that their actions to support Islam have to be based on the present realities of Indian and world politics. In conclusion therefore, one need not any more doubt the real intention aim of Muslims in India who by their own divine ordainments cannot be ever, the followers of secularism that is no substitute for their final aim of attainment of converting India into Dalul lslam which according to them at present is Darul Herb.
CHAPTER-XII TIME FOR DECISION will R.S.S leadership listen? (by Prof. Balrai Madhok) I have recently come across a copy of Prof. Balraj Ma.hdok's one article written in the year 1988. It is pertinent to reproduce the same because it reveals a great deal that went within the Indian politics of the period of those days. A pertinent question of the main philosophy of the then Jan Sangh and how it was influenced to take certain political stands that had direct bearings on the question of the Muslim problem in India needs to be included in this book. I have therefore, reproduced almost the entire article published under the title 'Time for Decision'. Another letter written by him to the then Home Minister of India, Shri Buta Singh is also reproduced for the benefit of the readers. "Time factor and human factor play very important role in all human affairs, particularly in the political field. A mistake committed by leadership on the spur of moment often penalises a nation for centurties. (LAMHON NE KHATA KI, SADIYON NE SAZZA PAI.) For the errors of moments, centuries stood punished. A mistake committed by R.S.S. Jan Sangh leadership in 1967, has been bedeviling not only these two organizations but has also imperilled the future of Hindustan and the Hindus. The mistake and its aftermath need to be recounted for the benefit of all Nationalists in India. Prof. Balraj Madhok took over the Presidentship of Bhartiya 1 Jan Sangh in early 1966 when Shri Din Dayal Upadhyaya pleaded that Jan Sangh needed a President who had an all India image and who could also communicate with the people effectively in both Hindi and English. But he was dismayed when he was told that Upadhyaya would not be available to him as the General - Secretary because his services were needed by R.S.S. Guruji Shri Golvalkar. Jan Sangh had at that time not come of age. Formation of Swatantra party had narrowed its scope. Crushing defeat of Shri Din Dayal Upadhyaya in the bye-election of Lok Sabha from Jaunpur constituency, that had fallen vacant due to death of a Jan Sangh member, caused great sorrow within the party. While Masani, Acharya Kriplani and Ram Manohar Lohia all won their bye-elections from the Congress held seats, Jan Sangh workers saw little chance of Balraj Madhok win a Parliamentary seat from New Delhi. He goes on to state further as under: "But I had my own assessment of the stuation and vision of the future. Agreement about the adjustment of seats with Swatant.ra Party and close liaison with Arya Samaj brought about a sea change in the atmosphere. My battle cry 'Congress is going, Jan Sangh is coming' also had an electrifying effect. The results vindicated my optimism, Jan Sangh won 35 and Swantantra Party won 45 seats in then Lok Sabha. About twenty independents were also elected with our support. Thus the fourth Lok Sabha came to have a Hindu minded Nationalist and rightist block of 100 members. Communist party and P.S.P. which held second and third places in Lok Sabha. The Congress was relegated to the fourth place . Congress majority was reduced to just twenty members.
In the State Assemblies, Jan Sangh emerged as the main opposition party in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punajb, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya PPradesh and Bihar. In Rajasthan Swatantra Party had an edge over Jan Sangh and both of them had a narrow edge over the Congress Party. In the National metropolis, Delhi, Jan Sangh won six out of the seven seats in Lok Sabha and a clear majority in Delhi Metropolitan Council. In terms of votes polled, it emerged as the second party after the Congress on the National plane. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, the Socialists leader, then gave a call to all the opposition parties to come together to oust Congress from power on the basis of anti-Congressism. There were some power hungry Congress legislators in all states who were prepared to defeat and give United Legislature Parties. "Sanyukta Vidhayak Dals" (SVD) of the opposition parties, a clear edge over the Congress Assembly parties in all the states. Some power hungry leaders of Jan Sangh also fell in line with Dr.Lohia I was not in favour of this opportunists short cut to power on the negative basis. I was particularly opposed to joint fronts with Communists and Communalists which was my commitment to-the voters. But I found myself in minority in my own working committee, I, therefore, decided to resign rather than be a party to a move which I considered to be wrong on principle and doomed to failure. I clearly foresaw the fall of the S.V. D. Governments in a short time which would give new credibility and lease of life to the Congress party. My intention to resign created a flutter in the R.S.S. and Jan Sangh ranks. Shri Bala Saheb Deoras who was then the General Secretary of R.S.S., came to my residence and pressed me to stay on. I accepted his request but gave him my frank assessment about the future of S.V.D. governments and the effect of their failure on the future of Jan Sangh. This one mistake that Jan Sangh committed in 1967, marked the beginning of its decline. My worst fears proved correct. S.V. D. governments began to fall like house of cards wtihin a year. Their fall out cost Jan Sangh dear. One fall out of those ill fated S.V.D. governments was the mysterious murder of Din Dayal Upadhyaya, who had taken over presidency of Jan Sangh from me, only six weeks back, in U.P. on Feb, 10, 1968. This murder and some findings of C.B.I. about it gave Indira Gandhi a handle to blackmail some top leaders of Jan Sangh with disastrous results for the future of Jan Sangh and democracy in India. The other by product was the birth of Kranti Dal which was later renamed as Lok Dal by its founder leader Ch. Charan Singh. Leaders of U.P. Jan Sangh had brought Charan Singh out of the Congress to make him the Chief Minister of the S.V.D. Government of which Jan Sangh was the main stay. Inspite of the failure of the S.V.D. governments and return of Congress to power in the Hindi belt, its position continued to be precarious in Lok Sabha. The split in Congress Parliamentary party in 1969 reduced the ruling Congress party to a minority. The fear of being voted out of power by the combined opposition resulted in the dissolution of the fourth Lok Sabha towards the end of 1970 and fresh elections in early 1971.
There were no three like minded parties which were being escribed as reactionary, rightist-and "Patelites" by the Nehruite Congress, Socialist and Communist parties. They were Jan Sangh, Swatantra Party and Congress (O). A plan was made to forge an alliance of these three parties. They were to have a common election manifesto and were to sit as one block in Lok Sabha after the elections. But some Nehruite infiltrators in Jan Sangh and Congress (O) spilled the beans by insisting upion inclusion of Socialists in the proposed alliance to prevent its being dubbed as rightist and reactionary by Indira Gandhi. Socialists decided to come in it on the condition that the alliance will have no common manifesto and there will be no prior committmment to sit as one block in the new Lok Sabha, As a result, the national alliance was reduced to just electoral front aimed at adjustment of seats to prevent multicorner contests. In actual practice, even the adjustment of seats could not be affected all over the country. As such the name "grand alliance" given to it was a misnomer. It was neither, grand nor alliance but just an adjustment of seats which too was not carried out faithfully. The instinct of survival of different political leaders coupled with the pressure of the people who had been totally alienated by the Emergency excesses forced the political parties to merge and form Janta Party. But there were doubts about the survival of Janta Party even before it was formally launched. I well remember how Prof.Samar Guha, the Socialist leader, who was my co-detenue,, in a jail reacted to the first news about the formation of Janta Party when it reached us in Rohtak jail in December, 1976. Will this unity last, yours is a rightist party and we are the leftists? How shall we pull together, he asked. And then, without waiting for my reply added "There is no other way to get out of jail and get rid of Emergency! Let us hope that unity will last. But if it does not, we can again separate". Jan Sangh was the best organized constituent of Janta Party. R.S.S. which had been declared illegal and thousands of whose workers were rotting in jails was determined to oust Indira Gandhi. Its close links with Jan Sangh were well known. Jan Sangh leaders, therefore, could speak from a position of strength. They were able to persuade Ch. Charan Singh to give desired number of tickets to Jan Sangh nominees and deny it to some other including nyself. In return Ch, Charan Singh was assured that he would be made the Prime Minister. Just as the S.V.D of 1967 was formed on the basis of antiCongressism, Janta Party too was formed on the basis of antiIndiraism. Had Janta leaders been able to provide it a positive ideological basis, it could have survived the conspiracies of Socialists and Inidra's agents within it. There was much in common between Jan Sangh, Lok Dal and Congress (0) which together had about 240 members in Lok Sabha. All these parties were considered to be rightists. They were closer to Sardar Patel than Pt. Nehru in their thinking. Both Morarji Desai and Charan Singh had a clean image. Both were Nationalists and proud of being Hindus. But they were allergic to each other. Morarji considered Charan Singh to be only a tribal and a caste leader and not a national leader. Jan Sangh leadership could have acted as a bridge between them and made Janta
government a really Nationalist Government capable of giving a new direction to the National politics and the National policies. But Jan Sangh failed to rise to the occasion A.B.Vajpayee and Nana Deshmukh were pulling in different directions. R.S.S. leadership could not give any positive guidance to Jan Sangh group because of its lack of thought orientation. It was concerned only with the control of Jan Sangh group and through it, the Janta Party. That is why Jan Sangh, which was in a commanding position in Janta Parliament Party did not press even for implementation of Article 44 of the Comstitution pertaining to uniform laws for all citizens and abrogation of Article 370. Nor did it oppose the formation of Minorties Commision, which had become the most potent factor for further disintegration of truncated India. I treid my best to persuade members of these three parties to form a common ideological block within the Janta Party. I also suggested the formation of a "Patel Forum ", Some of the Lok Dal and Congress (0) members were agreeable but Jan Sangh members paid no heed. Since I was not a member of the Parliament, I could only sugest from outside. It is wrong to blame only Ch. Charan Singh and Raj Narain for the break up of Janta Party. The role of Socialist members was a destructive one. But the real guilty men were those who instead of acting as a bridge between Morarji Desai and Charan Singh tried to play the role of proverbial monkey in the fight between two cats. As a result, the cats and the monkey suffered alike. The only lasting tie, the real binding force, in politics is the community of thought, of ideology. Organization and power also bind but only temporarily. Janta Party had drawn up a common programme. But it had no common ideology, no common basic* thought and no common vision about the future of Hindustan. No astrologer was, therefore, required to predict its disintegration and fall. I had given two years life to Janta government in a press conference at Chandigarh in July, 1977. It lasted a couple of months more. The failure of Janta Party was basically a failure of Jan Sangh and R.S.S. Had R.S.S.and Jan Sangh leadership been thought oriented, it could have efectively influenced Janta Party and Janta government in the making of politics even without securing physical control over it. But they failed miserably. They failed even to put any of their people on any key posts outside the government which does play a role in influencing the National policies, For instance, R.S.S. Jan Sangh could not get even a single person with Hindu orientation appointed as a Governor or an ambassador. In fact even when names of some top Jan Sangh people like Barrister U. M. Tridevi, who had spent nineteen months in jail as MISA detenue, were suggested by Morarji Desasi for some key posts, they were vetoed by Jan Sangh nominees in the Government because of petty personal prejudices. Lack of thought orientation of, Jan Sangh and R.S.S. became even clearer after the disintegration of Janta Party. Instead of reemerging as Jan Sangh with its saffron flag and clear cut ideology and policies, they floated a new party under the name of Bhartiya Janta Party. It adopted the flag, ideology and slogans of Janta Party including "Gandhian Socialism" and accepted Gandhi and J.P. as its new sources of inspiration in place of Dr. Hedgewar and Dr. Mookerji. The reply of a top R.S.S. man who had become the Vice
President of B.J.P. to my question about the rational of dropping Jan Sangh ideology? Their following is comparable to clientalle of two equally qualified physicians in a locality. It is a question of prefernce and not of ideology. This approach in regard to thought and ideology lies at the root of the present confusion in R.S.S. and the drift in the B.J.R This explains the statements of R.S.S. leaders that their workers are free to join any party. How can a person committed to any ideals and ideology become a member of a party the ideals and ideology of which happen to be quite different? Those who say such things are either ignorant about the ideals and ideology of the founding fathers of R.S.S. or they have drifted away from them? They are treating R.S.S. workers as automatons who have no will and mind of their own? But they are mistaken. The rank and file of R.S.S. as also the workers of B.J.P.drawn from R.S.S. have begun to question the wisdom of such leaders and their orders. That explains why R.S.S. workers worked and voted for Shiv Sena in preference to B.J.R at Aurangabad in the recent elections held there. My purpose in narrating the events since 1967, is to refresh the memory of well wishers of Hindu cause. The train of mistakes and error that followed the initial mistake of 1967, has greatly harmed the Hindu cause and delayed the emergence of a Hindu alternative to the Congress by twenty years. Jan Sangh is accepted today even by its worst critics, would have emerged from principled approach and not followed the path of oppurtunism in 1967. Indian politics has again entered a crucial period. Congress is in shambles. The socialists and left oriented ex-Congress men and their parties have grouped themselves in Samajwadi Janta Dal (SJD). S.J. D. has joined hands with like minded regional parties to form a National Front to provide to Congress an alternative to the Congress party. A look at the 71 point programme of the Front makes it clear that it is going to be an alter ego of the Congress. It will be more pro-Muslim than the Congress so that it may attract the Muslim votes. That is why there is not only no mention of a common civil code for all citizens in it but, what is worse, it has committed itself to give a statutory status to "Minorities Commission" instead of scrapping it or replacing it with a "Human Rights Commission". Communist parties know that they can not come to power on their own. So they are going to follow the well-known Communist strategy of United Fronts. They are keeping their options open to align themselves with the Congress or the National Front at the opportune time. Since both Congress and National Front have the same political culture and same basic policies of Socialism, Secularism and nonAlignment as conceived by Pt. Nehru, the common sense can choose any of them without any qualms of conscience. Hindus are being taken for granted by all these three, the Congress, the National Front and the Communists. AIl of them are interested in maximum fragmentation of Hindu society. All of them fear Indian Nationalism which is rooted in Hinduism. All of them want to woo Muslims and other minority groups. That is why they want to keep all parties with any kind of Hindu orientation at an arms length. The leadership of B.J.P is keen to get an entry into the National Front. But Front parties do not want to take the risk of allianating
Muslim voters because of R.S.S. connection of the B.J.P. So they want to keep it out of the Front but may offer it adjustment of seats. But in view of the experience of recent by-elections, rank and file of B.J.P. is not in favour of it. Even such B.J.P. leaders who are keen to get some crumbs, may find it difficult to settle at the number of seats that the Front may offer to them. This developing situation has bewildered the rank and file of B.J.P. drawn from the R.S.S. as also many R.S.S. workers, They are becoming nostalgic about Jan Sangh and want a Hindu oriented, liberal alternative like Jan Sangh to both Congress and National Front to emerge through unification of all ex-Jan Sabghis and other Hindu oriented organisations. Most conscious Hindus want such an alternative to be created at the earliest. Circumstances are proptitious for it. The appeal of ideology of Hindu Rashtra and Hindu state, welfare economy, Nationalist foreign policy and realistic approach to problems of Pubjab, Kashmir and Sri Lanka is steadily growing all over the country. There are favourable rumblings within 8.J.P. to its President. L.K.A.dvani, in 1, which he has pleaded for taking a distinct Hindu stance instead of running after National Front. 1 too talked to Advani on the same lines. Such a Hindu alternative can grow fast and gain power on it., own to give Nationalist Hindu orientation to policies and politics of Hindustan. 1 am confident that it can get 50 to 100 seats in Lok Sabha in 1989 and come to power on its own in 1994, provided it has credible leadership and effective organisational infrastructure. Jan Sangh had built an effective infrastructure. It also had a distinct ideology and, credible leadership with clean and Hindu image. But now that infrastructure is with Bhartiya Janta Party and ideology and leadership with Bhartiya Jan Sangh rump. Some new organisations with similar ideology like Shiv Sena and Hindu Munani have also emerged in some parts of the country. They need to be brought together. The leadership, the ideology and the infrastructure must get together. This is the need of the hour. The main hurdle in the way of emergence of such a Hindu alternative is the R.S.S. leadership, which holds the key to B.J.P. The rank and file of R.S.S. want its leadership to rise to the occasion. But in view of the monolithic structure of the R.S.S. the feelings and urges of its common workers do not carry much weight. Only Sar Sangh Chalak counts. But this situation can not continue for long. Even some R. S. S. activists have begun to speak out. The R.S.S. leadership will have to pay heed to the feelings and urges of its rank and file. R.S.S. can still play a decisive and positive role positive role provided its leadership takes steps as under: (1) Makes it thought oriented instead of control oriented. (2) Gives up its hegemonious approach. It must learn to work together with like mined people in the service of the common cause. (3) Makes effective use of its levers in the B.J.P. to give it a Hindu orientation so that it may become the nucleus of the Hindu
alternative. If B.J.P. leadership refuses to listen, R.S.S. should direct organisation and individuals to create the desired Hindu alternative. (4) Realise that there is no sense in talking about Hindu consciousness and Hindu vote bank unless that consciousness is channelised for political action and a political platform is created in whose favour the Hindu vote bank may issue its cheques. The Hindus working in Congress and other opposition parties can not be trusted because they are bound by their manifestoes. (5) Give due importance to the time factor. This has become all the more important because of the fast changing political situation. An early dissolution of the present Lok Sloha cannot be ruled out. Therefore, Hindu alternative must be ready within a few months. The proposed Hindu alternative must have saffron flag, its commitment to Hindu Rashtra should be open and unequivocal and the alternative leadershp it projects must have a Hindu image and also a clean image free of corruption. Time for decision for R.S.S. leadership has come. If it fails now, it will be doing the greatest harm not only to Hinclustan and Hindus but also to itself. It would be betraying the heritage of Dr. Hedgewar and Shri Golvalkar and the trust of countries people who have toiled for decades to build up R.S.S. and its front organisations. Necessity is the mother of invention. A Hindu alternative in the form of Shiv Sena has emerged in Maharashtra inspite of R.S.S. and B.J.P. A similar phenomenon may take place in other parts of the country also inspite of R.S.S. and B.J.P. in the days to come. But it may take time and Hindus cause may suffer by default , In that case R.S.S. leadership may also become a target of attack along with B.J.P. leadership all over the country for betraying the Hindus. It is to be hoped and wished that R.S.S. leadership will wake up in time and not allow such a situation to arise. Bal Raj Madhok The challenge posed as above in 1988 is now being seen in the form of 'Muslims revised design of Mughalstan The Author' Prof. Madhok's Letter to Home Minster Shri Buta Singh regarding the holiest Hindu Temples at Ayodhava Dear Shri Buta Singhji, I am glad to know from the press that you have called a meeting of Ram Janma Bhoomi mukti Sangharsh Samiti and Babri Masjid Action Committee on August 19, to hammer out some solution.
While I wish good speed to your efforts, I doubt very much whether Babri fanatics will allow any rational and National solution to emerge. I have been taking interest in the question of restoration of the three holiest spots of 1000 million Hindus of the world to them since the dawn of independence in 1947. 1 had raised this matter in the Lok Sabha in 1968. 1 had then pleaded that mosques built by foreign invaders on the sites of Ram Janma Bhoomi at Ayodhya, Krishna Janma Bhoomi at Mathura and Kashi Vishanath at Varanasi after destroying the temples there be returned to Hindus and had offered on behalf of the Hindus to build new mosques for Muslims elsewhere if they so wanted. Arguments that I put forth at that time are equally valid today. I told the House that these three places have the same emotional importance for the Hindus as Kaaba at Mecca and Prophet Mohammad's mosque at Medina have for the Muslims and Church of Nativity at Bethlehem has for the Christians. But the mosques built on their sites have no such emotional importance for the Muslism. Moreover, the mosques built thereafter by the demolition of temples are in the nature of symbols and memorials of foreign invasion and foreign rule. National honour demands that they should be removed from there in the same summary manner in which statues of British ruelers have been removed after freedom. It is wrong to bring in the question of religion or legality in the matter. No court verdicts were taken before removing the statues of British rulers and changing the names of roads which were named after them. I had then particularly appealed to late Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad who was then Minister in charge of Waqfs at the centre to accept my suggestion in the interest of peace and emotional integration of the people. I was sorry that he had the Government pay no heed to my appeal and I was forced to tell him on his face that he was a rabid communalist and not a Nationalist. Furthermore, according to Islamic tradition, a mosque built at a place where idol worship had been going on for a long time is not lawful. Namaz in such mosques is prohibited. This I say on the authority of one of the greatest Isalmic scholars, Dr. Amir Ali, M.A., M. O.L., Phd who later became Dr. Amresh Arya. Fortunately, Some Muslim leaders have taken up my suggestion and supported it. For example Sayyad Abbas Rizvi, the General Secretary All India Shia Political Conference was reported in the press to have said at Lucknow on June 10, 1988, that the so called Babri mosque built on the orders of barbarian invader was a Shia mosque and that Shia tradition permits shifting of mosques from one place to the other. He had suggested that Ram Janma Bhoomi site should be restored to be Hindus and the mosque be shifted to the village Shahnawa which has a sizeable Shia population. This suggestion should be pursued. As you know I have spent all my life in the study of history. Babar and Aurangzeb were the worst of Mughals. Their comtempoary Muslims historians have written enough about their barbarism, vandalism and religious intolerance. To equate Babar
with Shri Ram the greatest son of India whom countless people worship as an Avtar of Vishnu is nothing short of treason. It is a matter which does not concern Vishva Hindu Parishad or Shri Ram Janam Bhoomi Mukti Samiti alone. It concerns all Nationalist and patriots. Indian Incleoendence will not be complete till these most repulsive symbols of foreign rule are removed. I would therefore request you and the Government of India to adopt a rational and Naional approach to this question. Any effort to appease the Babri fanatics for partisan reasons will boomrang on the ruling Congress party also. The Nation has put up with agents long enough. There is limit to tolerance of even the most tolerant people. My fear is that if Muslim fanatics persist in their anti-National demands and approach, the Nationalists, irrespective of their party affiliations may be forced to demand restoration of all temples on the sites of which mosques were built by Muslim invaders and rulers. The Jama Masjid of Delhi is one such mosque. It would be useful if we could meet and discuss the issue in detail. I will be in Delhi up to the evening of August, 19. With warm regards, Yours sincerely, Balraj Madhok president Bharitya Jan Sangh New Delhi 12.8.1988
CHAPTER - XIII NEED OF AWARENESS AMONGST THE INDIAN YOUTH I was about 11 years of age when India was partitioned. I with my family members moved from Lahore to New Delhi. I vividly recall the psychological make up of Hindus and Sikhs who decided to migrate out of that part of India which stood converted into Pakistan. There was no doubt in any one's mind that we were permanently moving into India for saving our social, cultural and religious beliefs even at the cost of giving up all that our ancestors had created for us in the form of wealth of any kind that included our lands and houses etc. Hence, there was a sense of satisfaction and further sense of internal pride that we did so for saving our religious beliefs. We chose not to convert ourselves into Muslims. It could have been the easiest recourse for all the Hindus and Sikhs who migrated to India from Pakistan to accept Islam and be part of Islamic society. Hence, we prided ourselves in sacrificing everything in the name of Hindu religion. It is therefore this singular item which is very dear to us. Hence, when we come across young Hindu girl's born after 1947 of such Hindu parents who came to Inida to save their religious views, marrying the Muslims, our blood indeed boils. It is only natural and totally logical. We have also come across some news about the distribution of some objectionable printed pamphlets in London by some committed Isalmic organisation. These pamphlets are addressed to young Muslim men to woo young Hindu girls and marry them with the idea to finally add to the number of Muslim followers in India and in the world. The author has himself read such news item in several newspapers of Mumbai. The concern of Hindus is therefore totally natural. The entire world is aware of the marriages undertaken by Hindu film actresses like Sharmila Tagora, Gauri Sharukh Khan, Sangeeta Bijlani to the Muslim spouses who have in each case converted their wives to follow the Islamic faith of their husbands. On the other hand, women like Nargis married Sunil Dutt and Wahicla Rehman married to Kamaljit not only retained their own faith always intact but in fact made their husbands convert to Islam. The same thing was also done by Madhu Bala when she married Kishore Kumar, a HIndu who chose to convert to Islam. Even the niece of the Dy. Prime Minister Mr. Advani married a Muslim contrary to much embarrassment caused to Mr. Advani and also to Hindu community. According to Mr. Khushwant Singh, a prominent journalist, if the Muslim population in India touches roughly the figure of 40% of the total population, the Indian part of the sub-continent shall see itself become another Moghul Rai. Although freedom to an individual is constitutionally available to all citizens of India regardless of gender yet it cannot be denied that the very Constitution also provides special protection to women and minorities. The society itself looks at the conduct with expected concern and cannot remain quite for too long for the unacceptable social practices adopted by the Muslims with an aim which finally has a clear political over tone. Hence, as was suggested by no less a person than Mahatama Gandhi himself that the Indian state should act to pass such laws as to prevent the matrimony not brought about because of love between the parties but to take advantage of some rules like polygamy available to the Muslims but denied to the Hindus . Hence, the latest enactment by
the Tamil Nadu Government and the Government of the MP need to be copied by other states of India as well. This will also help, maintain social balance in the Indian society. Any further demographic change in favour of Muslims shall eventually see India turn into another DARUL ISLAM. The present youth of India is unaware of the deep emotional attachment of their parents with their Hindu faith. It is not something aside that can be looked at with casualness or indifference. A nation that gives up its social and cultural habits can never survive as any respectable group of human beings. India and Hinduism are inseparable, "India without Hinduism is unthinkable" was said by Max Muller and Dr. Annie Beasant both. The world even today looks at the two divided nations of the subcontinent as Hindu India and Muslim India. Many people in the world including many learned people in the USA are unaware of the creation of Pakistant out of India's land as an independent sovereign nation. They learn their lessons in history and geography in their schools and colleges. The youth of India is duty bound to be educated in the ancientism of India and its past glory. None can escape the cu(tral and religious mix up and emerging as a grand philosophy in India for this is where the total mankind of the entire world seeks inspiration for further progress of the humanity towards better ideas that contain the welfare of the entire world. This is beautifully contained in Hindu beleif in the words "Nitprati Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina". This means we pray for the joy and pleasure of everyone. It is this which is clearly and positively lacking in the teachings of Islam. It declares for those who are termed as nonbelivers to live forever in the hell as companions of fire because of punishment given to them by Allaha for their non-belief in Islam. The worldly pleasures promised by Allaha are for only those who abandon their faiths in any other religion except the Islam. Whereas, Hinduism believes that any one may follow any path to reach the God as it pleases the seeker. On his final attainment of God, he will receive his blessedness since the scenario from the peak of any mountain all around is the same. Hinduism expresses this available freedom to any human in the words of "Sarva Dharma Sambhava". The youth of this country because of excessive materialism has lost touch with the ancient Hindu philosophy for which it is now important for the elders and the state in India. If, not in India, where else one may go to learn about the grandeur of Hindu philosophy that indtroduces Kam, Arth, Moh and Moksha? One has got to delve into the Hindu philosophy to learn the real purpose of life on earth and this is what has greatly gone into the Indian culture. None in India without this knowledge can be true Indian or a true Nationalist. Hinduism does not restrict any Hindu to learn about the other religions or even to go to the worshiping places of other faiths to seek one's guidance from divinity. Many Hindus go to Christian churches and pay their respects in the manner as is needed by the discipline in the church, Even Rama Krishna Paramhansa visited a Muslim mosque and followed offering OT 'Namaaz'as per Muslim discipline. On being questioned thereafter, he stated that even in the mosque while he was offering the 'Namaaz' in all earnestness, he witnessed Mother Kali only as he had seen her before. By visiting a Muslim mosque, he did not become any less
Hindu. This is the real essence of Hinduism, which alone can honestly acclaim as religion of freedom and secularism. This is totally absent & prevented in Islam. The present day world has come to dominate the minds of the younger population of the world. It is here that the youth of India is to be educated in the grand glory of India's past ancientism. It is here that the youth of India is to be explained the importance of culture and what it means and how it influences one's mind in building up a true Nationalistic spirit. A society that gives up or abandons or is made to shun its own rules, soon moves towards its own decay and finally it become like pieces of rubbish floating in the flowing river. No self-respect in any human being is ever possible unless its youth is built up on the basis of social and cultural values in the human mind. Hinduism alone is the most ancient faith of the people that came into being with the creation of the Universe. It is not created by any human being calling himself either a Prophet or any Son of God. It has its own well-practiced and respectfully followed rules, which form a strong foundation of Hindu way of life. Hence, it has been said Hinduism is no faith or a religion that contains any firm dogma or doctrine laid by any one. It was born with the birth of the very first Jeev Atman on the planet Earth and is therefore is already a settled Way of Life by the grace of Divinity. Can any other religion acclaim this? Social evils that crept into Hindu life have to be tackled. The present day youth has to be groomed and educated first ir the family of his birth, later within the society and through education imparted in the schools, colleges and the universities for which the responsibility is fixed upon the State. The moment State makes any entry into the life of the people, the interest of the people wanting to be protected needs control of politics in the society. It is here that the future citizens of India who are the present day youth of India require to be trained in their loyalty to the Nation, to the society and to his country but even for an individual to become a being useful to himself, he must so grow in wisdom as to give his very best to himself, to his community or society and to the country and to the world. Hindusim therefore lays strees on utmost upliftment of mind of an individual who is to be freed from all shackles of the society. Islamic society entraps an individual & this denies to him the freedom of choice & action. The Hindu youth of India have therefore a great burden of responsibility to become the most useful elements as individuals in the society and to serve with humility one and all who are the creatures of the great Almighty. The entire creation is his purpose. We come and go, as has been the rule of earth that is recognized and spoken of by the ancient sages of the Hindus. Due to scientific advancement in the world in the last 3/400 years, the word has become a small globe inhabited by the God created human beings. This includes people deciding to pay their homage to the God their Creator by following their faiths and religions. None can be higher than the other. The world iself has become one family that needs the honest care and attention. Hinduism thus advocates real secularism and concludes its message in the words.
CHAPTER XIV MUSLIM PROBLEM IN INDIA AND THE WORLD Prof. Hatington a well-known international political expert, while speaking in the world famous Haravard University in USA stated that the dogma of Islam is gradually pushing the world towards third world war. He was clear to state that the third world war shall be aided by countries that follow Buddhsirn and Hinduism. Jews also shall aid the Christain forces in this war. According to him, South east Asia or the Middle East could be the probable area over which political pressures may cause the 3 rd World War to erupt. Presently, we are witnessing the American Congress authorizing President Bush to act if necessary by waging a war on Iraq, In the recent past, after the Al-Quida Terrorists led by Osama-Bin-Laclan and Mullah Omar destroyed the two World Trade Center buildings in New York, the world saw, a greatly successful technological attack by the American forces who continue to live in Afaghanistan. While this problem in Afaghanistan is still lingering with both Osama-Bin-Ladan and Mullah Omer remaining at large, the itlarge contingents of American forces continue to live in Afaghanistan and also in Pakistan its neighbour. The American forces in the area around, lie in readiness and wait till further political orders are received by them to attack Iraq under its Peresident Sadam Hussein. It is on record that he himself issued and declared his conduct as an Islamic Jehad. It may be too early to predict the future on this issue but the world as a whole cannot be neglectful to really understand its own division in two distinct camps of Islam V/s. Non-Islam. Iraq has since been attacked with British & American forces in control. The world including India are being asked to provide their troops to act as world custodians of what was once territory of Saddarn Hussain. We in India, continue to live under fear for a possible war with Pakistan. This is all the more important as Pakistan under General Musharaf has announced state policy of Pakistan to aid an open internal dissension within Muslim majority in the state of J & K to convert itself into an open rebellion. India too cannot sit back till it is made to face the final consequence of one of its states rebelling the lawful authority of the Federation of India. None in India can accept it. Hence, in this area also, there is a threat and potential of 3rd World War beginning. This becomes all the more dangerous when we realize that both India and Pakistan are now military powers possessing atomic arsenals. It is only a day ago that the Indian Government announced withdrawal of its earlier stationed troops lined up on the International Borders of India and Pakistan. One shall have to remember that India has the 2 nd largest population of Muslims in the world next only to Indonesia. It cannot sacrifice any piece of land to be given away on the only ground that the state of J & K has Muslim majority of population and it is geographically adjacent to Pakistan. This could mean the beginning of ffie end of total Federation of India which the word ought to realize, more so when it is on record that India follows a political policy of managing the country on the basis of secularism. Our Constitution on this point is clear. Even the Law Courts have steadfastly interpreted this Constitution where Muslim minority is in no position to make any counter claim. In fact,
Governments in India have only pampered the Muslim minority which policy requires to be changed. In reality, the time has already arrived when the Hindu majority has started questioning its Governments to stop this pampering of the Muslims since it is likely to run counter productive to India's own future. There are almost 80% of the total population of Hindus in India. They cannot be neglected for too long. Some beginning has to be made by some legislation to treat every citizen in India equally and such repugnant provision like Articles 30, 44 and 370 must be abrogated to bring about an honest National integration. This is notwithstanding to any objection taken by Muslims in India on the ground of their personal rights covered under Shariat contained in Quaran. Unless this is done, the country does run the grave risk of continuing communal riots and living in disturbance instead of in peace. ' The world as a whole must note with dismay and regret the outcomes of elections recently held in Pakistan, J & K and in Iraq. The verdict of the people as erupted is clearly in defiance of the world peace. Th verdict runs in favour of Islamization of the world. How can the USA and India fail to take note of this glaring pronouncement of people own views? Indeed, it may be that the electorate has expressed their opinion in anger and because of illiteracy. But the truth is that the non-Islamic world constituted of the Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists must unite for being ready to fight, if necessary, any atomic war. This may be unvoidable. As far as India is concerned, the majority poplation of Hindus who are genuinely secularists may have to reconsider in the hour of their necessity to go back and call for some dire changes in their Constitution, for the reson of survival against the possibilities of Islamic invasion in its social and cultural spheres, India may be left to unite its population promising to it, a Hindu Rashtra. By no means, such a change implies acceptance of Hindu theocracy in place of secularism. The concept of Hindu Rashtra itself contains a liberal and secular India where minority religions can enjoy their rights to follow their own style of God worship and to prosper and feel secure within the Hindu Rashtra. Such a thing may become the need of the time in order to raise the morale of its majority population and such changes indeed go a long way to provide such kind of psychological support. The world too has to ensure that they are not finally made to succumb to the political expansionist programme of Islam. The holy book of the Muslims is absolutely clear and it unambiguously states its objective to convert the entire world into Darul Islarn, continuation with such an idea may be ruinous of the entire world. To ensure peace on earth, the world leaders are duty bound to seriously ponder over this attitude of the Muslims. A Pan Islamic programme of world conquest has got to be modified. It begins with some serious world leaders meeting and looking in the text of Muslims holy book Quaran. It requires to be examined for amendment in the hope that from within the Muslim community itself, there may arise in times to come, some important leaders and clergymen who may like to return their hitherto expressed aims to continue believing in violence. The world of today, that has come
to possess weapons of its own destruction, cannot simply afford to sit back and allow things to go against its own best interests. Elsewhere in this book, I have added a chapter containing some Ayats from the holy book of Muslim that need the people of of the world to take a special note of. The rate of advancement in technology in the last 3/400 year has been very fast and in this context the time period of 21 s' century is extremely important. Should the world care to survive and live in peace is a matter of utmost urgency that cannot be allowed to simply pass by non-action or indifference on the part of the world leaders. The time has already ripened for some concrete and immediate action including evolvment of further ideas to either destroy the world atomic arsenals or to discover and invent counter measures against the atomic threats. It is needless to emphasize that beginning in this direction can only be made on political forum of the world i.e. the present day of UNO.
CHAPTER - XIV (A) ISLAM, INDIA AND BANGLADESH Balbir K. Punj, a Rajya Sabha MP has published a pertinent article under the title of 'A borderline case' in the Asian Age issue of 18th February, 2003. I have decided to include this article as a chapter in this book for the benefit of the readers. "The recent six-day stand-off at the Satgachi IndoBangla border (district Cooch Bihar, West Bengal) epitomisd the pernicious problem of infiltration threatening the demographic intergrity of India's eastern states. In the end, Bangladesh quietly took 213 standed snake-charmers after much haggling between the BSF and the Bangladesh Rifles at the ground level. Numerically, 213 gone, but an estimated 16 million still remaining seem like a ridiculous achievement, but it has its symbolic importance. Enigmatically for most, the "secularists" have maintained a studied silence over this deportation. It would have been natural for them to have branded the BJP as persecutors of minorities over this deportation at source. After all, in the past, they have facilitated the settlementof illegal infiltrators on Indian soil for petty vote bank politics. Two possible alternatives account for their quietude now. Either, internally, they have started to feel the fear psychosis, the noose around the neck getting tighter with each passing year. Or else, they have understood that the global political discourse is inalienably qoing aqainst their version of "secularism". In the days of the Congress Government, its antiinfiltration steps included en masse deportation of Buddhist Chakmas (of Chittagong hill tracts) back to the communal slaughterhouse of Banqladesh. The same party's Government had encouraged the settlement of infilitrators in Assam for vote bank motives. The communists have played the same game in neighbouring West Bengal for similar reasons. To appreciate how deep the problem of infiltration is in Assam, we can refer to a fervent appeal made by the Govenor of Assam General S.K. Sinha (Retd.), to the President in 1998. General Sinha in his report had cautioned. "Unchecked influx of Banqladeshi infiltrators maV lead to the severing of the entire land mass of the Northeast from the rest of the country, and the perceptible chanqes in Assam's demography might spur Islamic fundamentalists to work towards their cherished desiqn for a greater Bangladesh." It might be noted that between 1901 and 1991, Assam has recorded a decline in the percentage of Hindu population from 84.55 to 68.25, leading to corresponding increase in the Muslim population from 15.03 to 28.43 percent most of it after partition due to infiltration. It is fairly well published how Indira Gandhi in her disastrous second incumbency (1980-84) mishandled the Assam problem alongside the Kashmir, Punjab and the Lankan-Tamil crises. By the turn of the Eighties, Assam was seething over the problem of Bangladesh infiltrators. In 1983, in the backdrop of the tumultuous
blood letting in Assam, she called for Assembly elections in which Congress claimed victory on the basis of 20 percent voting Soon after that, the Illegal Migrants (Determinations by Tribunals) Act, 1983 (IMDT) was brought in Parliament by the Congress Government. Interestingly, this Act applies only in Assam as against the Foreigners Act, 1946 and the Citizenship Act, 1955 in the rest of India. All persons of Indian origin who came to Assam before March 25, 1971 are beyond its scope. But the most astonishing feature of the IMDT is that the onus of proving a person as an infiltrator rests with the complainant. This is in sharp contrast to the other two laws where the suspect is bound to prove his authenticity as a citizen. As if, this doesn't suffice, there are more discouraging conditions. It is conditional that the illegal migrant should be staying within three kilometres of the complainant for his complaint to be entertained. Otherwise, the Tribunal shall not take cognizance of it at all. Naturally, the law is ineffective when for miles together there are only infiltrators alone. So who will complain against whom? If the tribunal declares the suspect as an illegal migrant, he can approach the high court for further appeal. This is again in sharp contrast to the provisions in the Foreigners Act, 1946 where the verdict of the Tribunal is final and unchallengeable in any court of law. Is it not paradoxical that in the state, which bore the maximum of illegal migration, viz. Assam, the Government of the day made deportation of illegal migrants tough and practically exportation impossible? What could have been a more egregious legislation to placate the minority sentiments leading to disturbing alterations in the demographic profile of the state? On January 21 last in Kolkata, the VHP international general secretary Praveen Togadia while addressing a conference organiseed by the oirganisation's state unit spoke of the problem of '20 million Muslim Bangladesh's infiltrators posing a speaking Deshi threat to India". The day after, the RSS Sarsangchalak K.C.Sudarshan, speaking in Bengali, also delved into this issue while addressing a massive rally of the RSS in Kolkata. If reports are to be believed, the VHP-RSS is making steady inroads among the Hindu refugees who have fled Bangladesh facing religious persecution. It is true that the ranks of the Communist Party swelled because of them. But loaded with bitter memories of forcible uprooting, it is natural for them to accept the truth in Togadia's statement. After all, these Hindus driven out of Bangladesh have left everything behind. Their ancestral properties have been simply confiscated by the Bangladesh Government under the Enemy Property Confluance Emergency Provision (Repeal) (Amendment) Ordiance, 1976 and auctioned away with no Hindus being eligible~ to bid. These Hindu refugees are living in shabby conditions; not~ in the Salt Lake sumptuousness of Jyoti Basu or Ekdalia evergreen opulence of Buddhadeb 13hattacharjee, the present C. M. of Bengal Many "secularists" even while expressing genuine concern over infiltration have refused to draw any kind of distinction between "infiltrators" and "refugees". They find the terms
"infiltrators" for Muslims and "refugees" for Hindus a communally loaded classification. Although enjoying the safety net of India, they erase any reference to the history of the divided sub continent. Strangely, many of them have not only been personal witnesses to that tumultuous phase of Indian history but have also suffered it in some form. The country was divided on communal lines: Pakistan including its eastern enclave (now Bangladesh) for the Muslims, and India for the rest. Many of the well-known champions of "secularism" actually fled Pakistan with nothing more than their lives never to be accepted back again except as tourists ready to spin out top bucks. They would not have been welcome in Pakistan (Land of the Pure) even if they spoke of secularism persecution could make a living by sermonising on "secularism" in India, why could their less fortunate Hindu brethren not come here to save their lives even when divested of their property and honour? They have no alternative but to flee to "HindJ India. But can the same be said about Muslims who have their own Government in Bangladesh? Between 1947 and 1971, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan still had substantial population of Hindus in its eastern enclave. But how could Pakistain call itself the Land of the pure if infidel Hindus still continued to live on its "sacred" territory? A genocide was engineered in 1950 in which 50,000 (only a "riot" for the "secularists") especially Barisal, Dacca and Mymen-singh districts. In 1964, Ayub Khan sponsored a genocide around KhuIna, Faridpur and Dacca which claimed 60,000 Hindu lives. Their aim was also to create a fear psychosis amongst the Hindus forcing them to leave East Pakistan. Pakistan often used to be in the news in the international media for those "riots" which were actually onesided extermination of the Hindu population. If such people came to India, should they be again sent back to the slaughterhouse? Dr. Rafiq Zakaria, speaking in a recent Star News programme (February 2, 2003) from Mumbai, accepted the "religious" dimension to the Hindu exodus from Pakistan. But regarding infiltration, he rationalised that Bangladeshis were poor and entered India as much they would any other country like France, England or Germany. It is completely true that a large section of Bangladeshi Muslims infiltrate into India for economic considerations. But, it is not the complete truth. While a large number of them do come in search of greener pastures, there are other who kept its doors open to receive the poor from elsewhere? The fact is that infiltrators from Bangladesh are a threat not only to India's economy but to its security and communal peace as well. To say that the poor infiltrators will be absorbed is equivalent to saying that counterfeit mony will be legalised. Expert estimate that Bangladesh, an industrially backward, agrarion country, receives in remittance a whopping Rs. 15,000 crore or over from its "beyond border citizens". It suits Dhaka's economic interest, pleasantly, in addition to its "long-term" religious obligation of "Islamising" infidel lands. In West Bengal (home to seven million migrants), cattle smuggling across the border has assumed menacing proportions (with active blessing of the "secularists"). A few weeks ago, the BSF has seized goods including four trucks, medicines, mobile phones etc., worth over five crores and 1,032 cattle heads including 10 camels worth Rs.67 lakhs.
India and Bangladesh share a porous border stretching to 400 kms. The BSF has been carrying out fencing in sensitive zones, but surely, this is not enough. the infiltration activities assume scary significance in the light of the present 1ow-key Talibanisation" of Bangladesh. The 1947 Zia-ul-Rehman coup paved the path for Bangladesh becoming a Bengali version of Pakistan. It was legitimised by dropping the word "secularism" from its Constitution in 1988 during President Ershad's era, now under Begum Khaleda Zia's Talibanisation of Bangladesh is metamorphosing, Islam by nature is an expansonist religion and India cannot tolerate being denaturalized and denationalised from within. If the Indian state is serious about the problem, it must repeal the IMDT Act at the earliest, in order to save India's own economy & National Security.
CHAPTER-XV PROVOCATIVE AYATS IN QUARAN There are 83 Suras (chapters) in the Quaran. each has different numbers of Ayats in it. Some of the Ayats contained in Quaran are not only openly provocative towards non-Muslims but many of them are such as to openly advocate violence against those who do not profess belief in Islam. In today's world, when mankind has uplifted itself to such a level of freedom, the readers may examine some of the Ayats picked up by the author from Quaran (The Holy Quaran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali). 1. "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)......Sura IX Ayts 5" 2. "Yes who believe: Truly, the Pagans are unclean, so let them not after this year of theirs approach the sacred mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will God enrich you .....Sura IX Ayat 28". (Reference is to those who worship idols). 3. The unbelievers are unto you open enemies......Sura IVAyat 102". 4. "Ye who believe: Fight the unbeliever who gird you about. And let them find firmness in you. Know that God is with those who fear him......Sura IX Ayat 123" 5. "Those who reject our signs, we shall soon cast into the fire : As often as their skins are roasted through”......Sura IV Ayat 56". 6. "Ye who believe: Take not for your protectives your father and your brother, if they love in fidelity above faith"........Sura IX 23" 7. "And who does more wrong than one to whom are recited the signs of the Lord and who then turns away therefrom? Verily from those who transgress we shall extract (due) retribution".......Sura XXXI I Ayat 22". 8. "God has promised you many gains that ye shall acquire, and he has given you these before hand. (Reference is to Male Ganimat)” ......Sura XLVI I I Ayat 20" 9. "God has promised the hypocrites, men and women, and the rejectives of faith, the fire of hell. Therein shall they dwell. Sufficient is it forthem, for them is the curse of God and an enduring punishment.”........Sura IX Ayat 68" 10. "God hath purchased of the believers their persons and their Gods for their (in return) is the garden (of paradise) they fight in his cause, and slay and are slain.” .......Sura IX Ayat 111 ". 11. "Rouse the believers to the fight. They wil vanquish a thousand of the unbelievers for these are a people without understanding......Sura VIll Ayat65"
12. "Ye who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protector. They are but friend and protector to each other and he amongst you that turns to them is of them"......Sura V Ayat 54". 13. "For fear, the unbelievers may attack you the unbelievers are unto your open enemies ......Sura IV Ayat 101". 14. "Slacken not in following up the enmy, if you are suffering hardship, they are fuffering similar hardships, but ye have hope from God while they have none".…..Sura IV Avat 104". 15. God forgiveth not but he forgiveth whom joins other Gods with right)........Sura IV
(the sin of) joining other Gods with him he pleaseth other sins then this, one who God hath strayed far, far away (from the Ayat 116".
16. If any of your women are guilty of of lewdness, take the evidence of four witnesses from amongst you against them, and if they testify, confine them to house until death do claim them".......Sura IV Ayat 15" (Chapter on Shariat) Whereas there are yet many more Ayats that go on to speak against the non-believers in Islam. India having declared itself a secular country believes also in guarding the religious feelings of the minority communities, The Constitution of India and many laws made thereunder are specially enacted to keep the internal atmosphere within the country free of communal tensions. 1 have therefore laboured to keep away many of of the positively provocati ve Ayats to which all Muslims must owe their allegiance. Hence, while it is possible to add to the above number of 16 Ayats, material declared in Quaran as binding to the Muslims yet it may not be conducive for a non-Muslim writing this book to state more than what 1 have done. Indeed, It is possible for many critics to draw my own chosen path not to have included them in this publication for the reason that such further inclusion could cause bitterness in the society comprising of Hindus and Muslims living in India. However, since there is a common past history of the sub-continent which includes the birth of Pakistan and Bangladesh both Islamic Republics, no better reason or superior argument can be advanced for denying to Hindus, what was left of India after the creation of Pakistan on the basis os two nations theory, a Hindu Rashtra. While we still continue to live with the Muslim problem in India, there is no such problem left with Pakistan or Bangladesh. Due to a very large population in absolute numbers of Muslims deciding to live in India, does make this problem important and acute. The very integration of India afer the partition of the country invites the minds of the political thinkers to consider if under the present circumstances and with the unaltered faith and attitude of the Muslims, can India be kept united as one nation? It is particularly important when we still notice hardened Muslim's objection in not joining the singing of India's second National anthem (Vande Matram) as members of one Indian nation. Such kind of attitude does not run in favour of long term communal peace in the country Sooner or later, the country including the Muslim leadership shall have to consider if change in their present stand as far as Islam is concerned, is needed. All Indians are Indians first and Hindus and Muslims later. The other way round freedom
cannot be made available to any citizen of India for which any Government at the helm of affairs of India needs to legislate by producing appropriate National Law. This is a must or else India continues to run the risk of further balkanization on the basis of castes, regions or religions.
CHAPTER-XVI QUARAN AND THE NON-MUSLIMS In contrast to human unity and universal brotherhood, the basis of Quaran limits to Muslim fraternity and Pan Islamization of the whole world. Unlike Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, Islam forbids Muslims to ever befriend any Non-Muslim. On the contrary, the nonMuslims called Kafirs are to be shunned out of world community that eventually must only be created of the Muslims. A full reading of Quaran leaves no doubt that in the rame of religion or faith, it proceeds to take political control of the entire world called Darul Islam. Without any further doubt, Quaran creates and advocates that the believer Muslims must adopt an attitude of hatred towards the non-Muslims. Where the non-Muslims follow the path of idol worship, they are to be slain in the name of Islam. Islam advocates waging wars to spread its message which are called the Jehads. It openly advocates div ' iding the loot got out of the military victories scored over the non-Muslims as Male Ganimat. Even the women and children of the vanquished can be taken by the victorious Muslims and be considered as the gift of God given to them in exchange for the worthy cause of spreading message of Islam in the world.1slarn further permits taking even the wives of the captive soldiers of the non-Muslims as victorious rewards won by the Muslims. The marriages of soldiers of the opposite camp of the losers are rendered as legally null and void and a Muslim victor of any age can take a wife of the opposite soldier as his own wife or to use her alternatively as the Muslim victor may desire. In Ayat No. 118 of Sura 3, it has been said that a Muslim may not ever befriend another from any other religion. Although, when Islam was born in Arabia, there were no Hindus around and what is contained in Quaran is meant to point towards the Jews and Christians of those days. However, since Hindus believe in idol worship, they too are automatically rendered as the Kafirs or the hated lot of people not tolerable in any Islamic society. Muslims welcome conversion of people to Islam from other faiths. A new convert is ordained by Quaran to abandon connections with his kith and kin including fathers and brothers unless they too follow the new convert into the Islamic faith. Such are ordained is contained in Ayat No.22 of Sura 18 of Quaran. Hence, a convert to Islam must forthwith cut off all his connections with his family and get joined to Arab Nationalism, Mohd. the prophet and what he has said by way of his message contained in the holy book of Muslim called Quaran. How the same is to be implemented is further contained in the other book into which are written the Hadits. Islam ordains upon its followers to shun forever the company of the non-believers and must work to gain control of all geographical territories that can be militarily won by the Muslims. The Muslims must hold great trust in Allaha the Almighty who is always with them whenever the Muslims are waging war or Jehad against any non-Muslims. Allaha promises to the faithful Muslims pleasures of heavens of flowing rivers, great mansions and joys of beautiful maids and young boys. May be, in those days in Arabia, young male children were exploited through acts of sodomy. In Ayat No. 4 of Sura 60, Islam openly builds feelings of h al t~e d towards the Christians. Mohd. alone is the last Prophet sent by Allaha to
the earth with his last message and thereafter no further Prophet or any further message of Allaha shall ever be sent to the earth since what Allaha had to say in finality has already been said and recorded i n the holy Quaran. Quaran f u rther sanctions murder of the non-believers as per Ayat No. 191 in Sura 2. Fight to the encl till the non-believers are totally annihiliated from the surface of the earth. This according to Quaran is the real purpose of human birth. Quaran further declares to the Muslim victors to levy a special tax upon the non-believers called Jazia. This tax was levied in India upon the Hindus by the Moghul Emperor Aurangazeb. Islamic ideology is therefore a clear political plan of the Muslims to expand their existing political and geographical influence over the entire world. To achieve this aim, a Muslim is ordained to offer his life,if necessary. Should he die in following this cause he is promised to be called as a Shaheed and is promised to be received in heavens where Allaha promises him to be provided with all that he might have missed for not living on earth. Should he continue to live as a victor on earth and on beheading at least one non-believer called a Kafir, he is allowed to relish all that he loots as Male Ganimet. This is what he receives as a gift or a prize from Allaha in the doing of this task of fighting on the earth in the cause of spreading message of Allaha in the name of Islam. 1/511 of what he loots be handed over to the Khalifa or his representative on earth and the balance 4/5 th of the loot, a Muslim may enjoy as his own personal property sanctioned to him by Allaha himself. This includes the women and children of the vanquished in the war. A Muslim must never permit any idol worship, which is a sin beyond redemption as per Quaranic dictation. No vanquished be left alive or taken in as a captive. A victorious Muslims must ensure to physically destroy those who opposed him in any case of war or Jehad. As an example, it is stated in Muslim history that the people of Queraija who fought against the Muslim onslaught surrendered to the Muslims but all of them were beheaded under the orders of one Saad son of Mutad in the presence of Mohd. himself. The vviye's and children of the vanquished were taken over by Muslims as the slaves meant for serving their new Muslim masters. A loot to a Muslim victors is Halali.e. it is religiously permitted to him to use it as a gift of God delivered to him for his service in the cause of God. As per Quaran, a true Muslim should not pursue a married woman. However, he is entitled to use the wife of a losing opponent soldier as his own wife or to treat her as a slave in his own service. Mohd. himself in one of his Hadits i.e. Jild page 88 states that he himself survives only on the loot that he gets by way of military victories over the non-believers. He has further confirmed that military loot is Halal to every soldier of Islam. What Allaha has declared Halal to a Muslim cannot become Haram for its usage. In UI-Muslim Hadit NO. 4347 on Jild 3 of page 954, it has been recorded "What was won of Jews tribe Kabila Banu Nadiras the military loot was used by Mohd. himself so that from its gains he could manage the economic affairs of his own family". Further reference 1. Ayat No. 46 in 2. Ayat No. 216 in 3. Ayat No. 67 condemnation)".
is made tosura16 "(Idol worship is a great sin)". sura 2 " (Idol worship is worse than slaughter)". in sura 21 " (You and your idols deserve
4. Ayat No. 98 in sura 21 "(You and your idols shall burn in fire 5. Ayat No. 116 in sura 4 "(Allaha shall never pardon idol worship)". It is pertinent to record that Quaran directs the believers to die and/or to cause death in the name of Islam. Hence, continuing communal clashes in India is no surprise. In one of the court decisions, it was announced in Delhi in the year 1985 in a case filed by one Mr. Indersen Sharma V/s State of Delhi as under. "THE HOLY QUARAN IS A MATTER OF WORSHIP AND FAITH AND THE COURT RESPECTS IT. HOWEVER, ON GOING, THROUGH SEVERALS OF ITS AYATS, ITS ORDAINMENTS GIVEN TO ITS FOLLOWERS ARE NOT ONLY DANGEROUS BUT IN FACT PROMOTE HATRED IN THE SOCIETY. IT IS BOUND TO CREATE BITTERNESS BETWEEN THE MUSLIMS AND THE NON-MUSLIMS LIVING IN INDIA". REF IS MADE TO IPC SEC 153A SUB SECS (a) & (b). YET IT IS NOT APPLIED AGAINST MUSLIM'S HOLY BOOK. A solicitor by the name of C. M. Chopra filed a case in Calcutta High Court wherein he too brought to the notice of the court certain extremely objectionable contents of the holy book of Quaran. He also wrote and published an Article in the newspaper under the heading "Basic Theme of Quaran". The High Court after taking secular policy of Indian state, decided not to move further in this matter since its decision if ever given could result in creating communal riots between Hindus and Muslims. They too ignored even the legislated provisions by which such statement is itself a criminally punishable offence. None may have any doubt left in one's mind that most communal riots in India owe their initiation in the Muslims beginning this task first. At Godhra in Gujarat, the Muslim community took first initiative of burning the coaches of Railway train returning from Ayodhya with Hindu Kar Sevaks. In its wake, followed a chain of reaction that caused great loss of lives of the Muslims. Once again we have noticed an attack by two Muslim young men over a Hindu temple in Gandhinagar. It is therefore clearly concludable that unless Muslim problem in India was first solved by any Government at the helm of affairs, for its citizens cannot be taken for granted as a life of peace. On further analysis of the problem, an honest enquirer cannot neglect or forget that the real cause of such Muslim problem in India lies in the or clainments contained for the Muslims in their holy book of Quaran. HOW SOON SHALL OUR GOVT TAKE NOTE OF IT IS A PERFECTLY VALID QUESTION, MOST IMPORTANT TO THE HINDU COMMUNITY OF INDIA.
CHAPTER-XVII ARE THERE SOLUTIONS TO MUSLIM PROBLEM? General Muslim problem, its character and basis become revealed after understanding its present anti National outlook in India. Even after the division of the country on the basis of Jinnah's two nation theory, Muslims in India refuse to accept Indian Nationalism as the supreme need for the welfare of the entire Indian society. Hence, we repeatedly find communal riots that can be said with definiteness that almost in each and every case of public riot, the underlying reason is Muslim's faith in Islam. They cannot accept Indian Nationlaism overtheir loyalty to Arab Nationalism, Mohol and the Quaran. On reading the Quaran, one cannot ever come to another conclusion except what is contained in Quaran unmistakably leads to a political expansionist programme underwritten by the Muslim philosophy in the name of religion of Islam. The Hindus of India appear to be totally failing to take note of the future consecl ' uences as a result of almost 16 to 18% of its Muslim population holding views contrary to the basis that all of them had voted in favour of creating Pakistan and dividing India into two Nations that were to come into being on Indian leadership of the Hindus also agreeing to partition the country into India and Pakistan. Admittedly, our calcultions clearly proven, having gone wrong because even the present day Muslim population living in India have not abandoned their earlier concept of Hindus and Muslims being two different Nations altogether. This warrants very little further study and should be accepted at this point of time that is almost after 50 years after Independence Hindu way of life, culture, social habits and its religious beliefs now being practiced in India, do not and cannot ever find favour even by the present day Muslims of India. At present, India is to be recognized as a Darul Herb and is tolerated by the Muslims only for the reasons of inevitability of time. Whenever in future, further demographic percentage of religious populations can be tilted more towards the Muslims, the Hindus can take it for granted that no concept of secularism or tolerance shall find any favour with the Muslim population in India. Further, India as it is already sandwiched between Bangladesh and Pakistan with further Muslim Nations behind both these countries are in the Middle East and in South East Asia. Hence, it is a matter of dire necessity that all Hindus protect themselves by its own military strength and remain watchful all the time to ensure that no significant alterations in the demographic percentages are any more allowed to be brought about. In this context, a Nation wide programme of family planning is a must. Even otherwise, it is a National necessity from the point of view of India's economic and social survival. A recent issuance of an ordinance by the Government of Tamil Nadu is one correct step in this direction to prevent any forcible religious conversion. Similar provisions also exist in Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. In continuation, the state as per its Constitutional directives must forthwith work to bring about ban on cow slaughter and also enforce one civil code for all the citizens of the country. This is opposed by the Muslims who are to be Inclianized which is the foremost security needed for the f4ture of India. Indian Hindus thus must protect themselves on the above clear apprehension.
Changes in our Constitution Similarly, the Hindus in India must ensure that some Constitutional enactments like Articles 30, 44 and 370 are undone to promote within India a sense of equality before law by disregarding taking note of any personal law of any community. Any slogan of secularism of the style presently is only hypiocratic. Pseudo secularism and multiple theocracy of tolerating minorities demands have to be dealt with iron hands of the State as a matter of its firm policy. It is now or never. People in India particularly the young Hindus must be fully educated in the history of Islam and be further introduced with the realities as contained in the Islamic philosophy. This could be a long time exercise and it is to be ensured that only a handful of Hindus in the Urban areas are not only reached but through them rest of the 80% of India living in villages is also educated. It is here that Hindu political parties are put to a special sort of work in the National interests. Urban Hindu population while interfering with the politics of the country must be awakened to the task of avoiding, giving benefit of their actions to only a small band of selfish political leaders who are out to exploit Muslim votes in their favours even at the cost of India balkanizing in future. By the present mood of Indian politics, it can be said that both the task is very urgent and it requires a thorough installation of National love in the minds of the youths of this country. In continuation of it, a programme of revised system of education in our schools, colleges and universities based on India's ancientism must be whole heartedly promoted. There has been a welcome judicial judgement of the Supreme Court of India who have lent support to such action of the present Government which requires further bolder steps in this direction notwithstanding any opposition to it from any opposite political camps. This amongst other is one main purpose of this book which should find worldwide acceptance for it truly reveals on the basis of India's history. While there has to be no forced conversion permitted, a great effort is needed at all levels to bring out the grandeur of India's ancientism and in the present world of heightened technology, advantage must be taken of electronic media and the connected machines now abundantly available for the spread of such message of India that makes her people proud of its past; and goad its people to correctly move into future by adopting India's ancient social and cultural values. Patriotic Indians are spread out all over the world and can really do a great deal by popularizing this book even amongst the foreign movies particularly in the U. S.A. Non violence or Ahmsa Parmodharam has been and continues to be India's accepted faith. Hinclutva in fact resolves around this concept only. None can have any grudge against accepting such a Nation as our National slogan. The state requires to spread this message to protect its underlying principle by not acting as cowards but to act with determination to ensure its acceptance and implementation if necessary by very strong legislative measures. This does require, as a matter of need, to strengthen the police force and also to speed up dispensation of justice in the law courts. This is singularly the most important urgent task.
Hindu Rashtra After the creation of Pakistan on the basis of religion, what argument at all survives, not to treat the remainder of India as a Hindu Rashtra? Why opposite to Pakistan, the remaining of the State was not called Hindustan? When Islamic Republics of Pakistan and Bangladesh can be created from out of what was India, where is any rational left not to have named rest of the country as Hndu Rashtra. This does not mean that Hindu Rashtra is opposed to accepting even secularism as its own state policy. No special privileges to Hindu citizens need to exist even in a Hindu Rashtra. A psychological make up of Hindu Rashtra is itself an assurance for its later political survival. The state of Hindustan as a Hindu Rashtra can live in peace under its own written Constitution that can continue to provide the needed security to the people of minority communities living in India. This characteristic is intrinsic message in the very faith or way of every Hindu's life style. In the beginning of this century, we have come to see the problems of Bosnia and Kosava in Yogoslavia. There too, uprisings on the part of Muslims, demand separate political control over geographical areas. This problem looks like the problem of J&K in India. Even in the split up of USSR, we are seeing the problem of Chechanya. Here too, the Muslims demand separate political control. The present President of Russia Mr. Putin has cautioned the entire Europe to take note of such methods adopted by the world's Pan Islamic countries. The name of Osama-Bin-Laden has surfaced once again in the Terrorism caused in the island of Bali in Indonesia. India itself has gone through a military battle with Pakistan on Kargil border. In the light of the world challenges the intelligentsia of India is called upon to seriously look at the psychological benefits that can result to the peole of India if India openly calls itself a Hindu Rashtra by the name of India i.e. Bharat or Hindustan. It has got to be done to ensure psychological boost of the 80% population of Hindus in India or Hindustan. Political Unity At the moment, any expectation of political unity blessed by most political parties in India may not appear feasible yet there is nothing lost if an idea for consideration and public debate is put before the people to seriously examine long term advantages more so of India's need to exist as one integrated Nation comprising of varieties of races, cultures, religions and regions. None can deny the benefit of political unity by giving to India's federal constituents all such powers that may work to India's own advantage. While the past history does tell us whenever central control was weak, India stood fragmented into small fiefdoms. The British and later Sardar Patel deserve to be credited for creating one India with the hope of one Indian Nation. This Nation requires to be strengthened socially, culturally, politically, economically and finally psychologically to exhibit its strength by its will to act as such.1, fail to muster any counter idea in National interests except to bind the whole of India with one common thread of its real social, cultural, and religious ethos. India without Hinduism in unthinkable. This was said by Max Muller and it was repeated by Dr. Annie Beasant. What they said is true even today. Hence, in conclusion, one can close the discussion by rejecting all notions
and ideas that oppose India being called and worked as Hindu Rashtra beginning with its name of Hindustan and others. The idea has an appearance of narrowly contained sentiments but a high quality thought in the best long term interests of India's security warrants that notwithstanding internal policy of any nature, all political parties ought to see the wisdom in this thought. It does appear a confrontation at this time, almost equal to an impossibility, yet one may not live with such thought of hopelessness because times change and in India we are great believers in destiny and divinity. The political parties forgetting their petty and immediate priorities may like to revise their ideas in National interests if not right away may be in some future time. A Hindu Rashtra is bound to earn respect on all political forums of the world. Psychologically it will work on the minds of every Indian and also on the minds of the people of the whole world. The times have undergone great changes. The youth of today at least in the Urban cities is more conscious of its own rights. It is much more conscious than ever before of the internal politics of India. All Hinclutva lovers in the name of Indian Nationlism need to unite for raising their voice to bring about as one strong force of those to whom Hindutva and Indianism are one and the same. Hinduism is not a religion or a dogma or doctrine that can be worked in isolation of Indian Nationalism. It is this singular patriotic idea that finds natural support from the Hindu way of life followed on the Indian sub-continent since time immemorial. Muslims in India can truly follow their faith towards spiritualism but must formally Inclianize themselves first by coming out of all time ARAB TRAP, Human Rights World is one family. Hindus have said so openly and steadfastly since last hundreds of years. Vasudevarn Kutumbakam' is an ancient Indian slogan. This grows out of Hindu faith which is the life style of the people who had lived on the soil of the sub-continent for thousands of years. This automatically delivers respect to all citizens of the world. This does not divide the world into any social or religious camps. It calls for dignity to the rights of the humans inhabiting the earth. In India, since there are almost 80% people of Hindu faith, it is required of them to unite and produce a strong social, cultural and political group by which humans can get the state to shoulder its responsibilities by according respect to every individual. Our Constitution has been framed keeping this as the foundation stone of its structure. Unless Hindus unite under one umbrella of Indian Nationalism, the future of the country shall remain in dol-drums. A strong Hindu India has to take into account the nuclear strength as needed today in the make up of the modern day world. To keep India amongst the advanced nations of the world, it is imperative that we remain militarily alert and self-sufficient to guard our own political interests, A nation of. 100 million people cannot be left outside the small circle of Nations making up the Security Council of the United Nations. Once a Hindu Rashtra, it will itself generate its own pressure on the countries of the
world to bring India into the Security Council as its permanent member or to keep the United Nations only representative of some vested countries of the West. This set up has to & must forthwith change. Humanity cannot advance by keeping in isolation any of its world cross sections. The time is soon ripening in the entire world to take note of the fact that Nationalism, Internationalism and humanity cannot advance unless it causes Islam to change its inner Quaranic structure. Islam cannot and does not tolerate any kind of loyalty to any Nationalism. It also rejects political concept of secularism as any desirable political phenomenon. Quaranic notion in fact has outlived its utility. What was perhaps a need in the Arab world 1500 years before is no more valid in the 21 s' century. No country in the world can any more afford to live in isolation. The USA itself has abandoned its earlier policies followed by it before the First World War and the Second World War. The present need of the world is to pay respect in all genuieness to the entire humanity. It is this idea that needs care and nourishment. It cannot be localized within the Muslim community of Islam only. It has to take care of its own professed gospel that needs to be changed by world widely pronouncing as a human necessity. Hence, the world itself has to move to cause every group of Humans on earth to dissolve its petty thoughts and to pay honest respect to the human rights. World Wealth belonqs to the people It may appear an unfeasible idea today. The world civilization survives on the availability of oil. Oil lies under the surface of the earth most of which is under the control of Islamic nations. So much so, that the recent richness of many Islamic nations of the Middle East have made them look into world politics. While they still continue to live in ignorance with illiteracy, the important men folks of these countries, of late, have started dabbling in world politics. Due to strong Quaranic faiths, their present interest in the world politics stands coupled with spread of Islamic faith. In this conduct the easily earned petro dollars by the sale of oil drilled from underneath of earth is being used to further Islamic cause. The world politics also automatically gets entangled with the newly aquired wealth of these Islamic countries. There was a time when a barrel of oil was sold at 0.70 cents per barrel whereas the recent sale price of barrel is quoted at US $53. Such steep rise in price can never let any other country depend upon the oil of the Middle East and acquire ever any kind of economic independence. India is greatly hit and is automatically affected since in order to survive, it has to import oil from these countries. To bring them at par with the rest of the world, Indians are said to constitute a very high percentage of its skilled labour and even important senior executives. The USA, Japan and Europe also greatly depend upon import of oil from the Middle East. The USA is learnt to have suspended drilling its own underground oil reserves since it would like to keep them in resrve and pay for them in the US Dollars since they can afford it for the time being. When the world reserves of oil below the ground are found to dry up, may be then, the US
will start once again drilling up oil from their own presently reserved oil fields in the state of Texas. The problem however needs to be viewed from another angle that is of worldwide interest. Should not a UN agency control the drilling of oil from below the ground and to fix its price so that humanity as a whole is not allowed to be exploited by the countries who drill the oil from underneath of their own geographical lands. A suggestion is hereby mooted to declare certain underground commodities as the properties of humanity that should be controlled internationally to the best benefit of the entire world. May be, many more minerals of great value that lie below the ground are similarly treated and controlled not by National Governments but by strong internationally controlled agencies. At present this is a food for thought for the people of the world. The present status of its control by Islamic nations causes a valid concern to the people of the world who do not desire to abandon their social, cultural and religious values under any pressure or threat including inducements made by money. The present US concern on Iraq appears to have such kind of hidden American agenda. Pan Islamic world has already declared through the utterances and conducts of leaders like OsamaBinLaden, Mullha Omer, President Sadaam of Iraq to wage a holy Islamic Jehad against the US, Israel and India where the Hindus live. It is but natural that the world takes a timely notice of such intentions of the Islamic world who in pursuit of their aims openly advocate and follow the policy of world Terrorism. The result of recent elections in Pakistan further supports the above presumption. Osama-Bin-Laden and Mullha Omer still are said to live in safety within Pakistan or within Afghanistan and are in a position as we have seen to uninterruptedly go on with their sly programmes of Islam's political expansionism. It is in today's Newspaper (11 -9-2003) that Pakistan appears to be playing Double policy in Afghanistan. In India, the leaders of 2% Christian community have openly stated their fear of how they may be expected to be treated should Islam expand to convert Darul Herb in India into Darul Islam? Hence, it does become the necessity for the Indian Nation to make political and military alliances with all such forces anywhere on the globe to face any such challenge from Islam in future. A common axis with Israel & USA is a must & the visit of Israels PIVI as reported on 10-9-2003 must be made absolute use of. It is in our National interests. It is for this important cause that no Government of India can ever yield or accept any demand of the Muslim world to barter away the state of J&K to Pakistan whose Military General or President i.e. General Musharaf has openly declared his total support in this cause to the misguided Kashimiri, Muslim rebels. This is an internal problem of India which India has to settle by keeping J&K always united with it as an integral part of India or else even to face the balkanization of the entire country. I may point out that Khuswant Singh (Ex-MP and a Journalist) in one of his published articles informed the world of what he saw as a map of future India's sub-continent hung up on the wall of the office of the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiquar Ali Bhuto. India was described
as Hindustan comprising of the states of UP, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and half of Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and part of Karnataka as Marathwada, down South states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tarnil Nadu with Andhra Pradesh as Dravid Nad and states of Bihar, Bengal and Assam as a united territory called the 'Sonar Bangala' and the small hilly states of the North East as the Nagland, Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh as the Khalsitan with present state J&K shown as a territory of Pakistan. It is this vision of the Islamists that needs to be taken note of by the people who love India and who call India as their motherland. We have thus to create both a political forum and also a military forum to meet such misadventure of the Muslims now living in Pakistan. Pakistan as our neighbour born out of our own territory is our worst enemy and none may ever under any circumstances visualize any kind of improved relations between these two countries since then birth of Pakistan is founded on its hatred towards the Hindus. No Bus Riders, Samjouta express Train or No first use atomic bomb by India shall ever change attitude of Pakistan hating India and the Hindus in DARUL HERB that INDIA IS IN FACT. With the analysis as above, the countrymen may now think as to what kind of sacrifices are needed from them and what so~f of Government they must vote for if they desire to live with the feelings of pride as a part of humanity nhabiting the globe who would desire to live in peace for the bettermment of all human lives. It is of outmost importance that every citizen of India is made to learn the realities and is informed of the real intentions of the Muslims who together constitute a common Millat and shall do anything including laying their lives in the cause of Islam. From the childhood itself, Muslim young boys are trained in the state sponsored Madrasaas (Schools) to owe allegiance to Islam as contained in its holy book of Quaran. Pakistan continues to provide lead to this conduct of the entire Islamic world. I put a word of Caution to India "Believe not one word of Pakistan" when it talks of living peacefully with its Hindu dominated neighbour i.e. Hinudstan. We in India, cannot simply sit back and allow things to happen. We must awaken to protect our future generations from such not mere possibility, but definitely promised Terrorists attacks. I shall quote a 15 1h century French Philospher by the name of Norstadams who had predicted that around the period of the beginning of the 21 sl century, the world shall see a great war fought between civilizations of Islam and Christianity. The same view is repeated by Prof. Hatington of the HARVARD University USA who is a world renowned political Pundit of international politics. Let us therefore, do the first task of educating the rest of us in India that an indifference does not promote any worthwhile cause. The people of the world shall follow without any shadow of doubt. This was so said by C.Rajagopalachari, India's last Governor General.
CHAPTER - XVIII DR. B. R. AMBEDKAR HAD VISUALIZED MUSLIM PROBLEM Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was an honest visionary. He had been one of the mebers of the British Viceroy's Council. He was also a brilliant barrister. it was he who greatly participated in drawing out India's Constitution. He was also India's first Law Minister. He wrote his views on Pakistan and he also published many of his views out of which some are quoted as under: 1. A pragmatic person should accept the reality that Muslims in India consider Hindus as Kafirs. They also believe in idol worship and hence deserve to be killed. 2. Only a courageous Hindu can state that in the event of any Muslim attack on India, even the Muslim soldiers in Indian army shall remain loyal to India. It is not improbable that the defending Muslim soldiers in Indian forces shall join the Muslim attackers. 3. It is noteworthy that no respected Muslim leader has ever condemned any Muslim guilty of an offence. On the contrary, it is on record Muslim leadership praising the Muslim law offenders and calling them as Shaheeds. 4. A Muslim woman is world's most helpless creature. 5. Although the Muslim community as they are obtained to do, calls for serious introspection. The beginning in this direction ought to be made by the Muslims themselves. 6. Veiling the women as the Muslims do has left a very bad effect on India's overall social system. Much to the contrary assumption, veil has only increased the lust in the minds of men. 7. Hindus apprehension that indeed it is impossible for the two communities to live peacefully as members of one nation is true. The same view was expressed by Mr. Jinnha. 8. Muslim politics and theocracy are inter mixed under which the Muslim teaching provide.s not the slightest trace towards good of total humanity. It separates Muslims from the rest it does not believe in secularism. 9. A matter of of great concern not only to India but may be to the whole world is that todate not even one group of enlightened Muslim has arisen to bring Islamic teachings in accordance with present times. They continue to honour an outdated philosophy that was born 1500 years before. 10. A matter of special concern worthy of taking note is that what the Muslims captured, was forcibly turned by torture, to obey unquestionably, the dicatations of Quaran said by Mohd. 11. Rena writes "Muslims detest proqress of Science". 12. Muslims design of political invasion over the non-believers rests on open usage of utmost cruelty like what we saw when dead Indian prisoner's bodies were received back from Pakistan at the time of Kargil war. The bodies were returned with the body limbs
tortured beyond human belief. Muslims continue to broadcast physical weakness of the Hindus to lift up the psychological morale of their own people. (Added by the author) 13. Muslims believe in Terrorism a sample of which is always too obvious. Muslim politics has chosen to advance its cause based on Terrorism. To create fear & terror amongst the Kafirs is one tactics of ISLAM supporting its spread. 14. In India, the Indian National Congress called a Hindu party by the Muslims has only been a failure to realize this naked truth about the barbarism of Muslims which in India is directed against the Hindus. 15. Indian National Congress has failed even by continous pampering of the Muslims to win the confidence of the Muslims, as they cannot ever believe to jointly coexist not only with Hindus but with any other non-believer in Islam. This rigidity is unamenclable now and shall ever remain so as per statements in Quaran. 16, Islamic jurisprudence cannot amend itself even with the changing times but will call upon other law systems to follow as is laid down in their holy book of Quaran. 17. Muslims consider Hindus as Kafirs and for this reason are despised being born of the hated blood belonging to Saitan. 18. It is for the Hindus to finally take a decision inspite of their repeated failures, would they still like and hope for Muslims to change or that they will take note of the reality as it exists? 19. What is wrong at all, if that memory of the Muslim invaders scoring military victories, resorted through forcible conducts of conversion of nQn-believers into Islam, loot and barbarism is kept alive? It makes the Muslims proud. 20. Let us not forget that Muslims of India being fanatics speak the similar language as was used by Hitler. This was so said by Dr. B.R.Ambedkar. Besides the above, the learned Dr. B.R. Ambeclkar also wrote many more truths as he himself saw regarding the future of Hindus in India. It was he who also supported the idea of exchange of Hindu/ Muslim population between the states of India and Pakistan. This was very strongly opposed by Maulana Abul Kalarn Azaad. It was equally opposed by Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru. The only supporters to this pragmatic suggestion were Shri Rajagopalachari and Sardar Patel, Maulana Abul Kalam Azaad has written his views in his book "India Winds Freedom" that was published in two parts the second of which was published as per his will 30 years after his death. Indeed, Maulana realized to leave behind his part of the story to the mankind when none of his contemporaries of those days would live to make any counter statement to the same. 1 leave it to the readers to understand this petty psychology of a Muslim National Leader who was also once the President of the Indian National Congress when most of the freedom struggle of India took place. Regretfully, a serious reader shall not find even his views ever favouring Indian Nationalism over the idea of Islamic domination of the world. He desired a very special
protection to the Muslims in India while never uttering one similar word for the Hindus in Pakistan. This is the true psyche of a Muslim.
CHAPTER - XIX BUDDHIST FRESCOS AT BAMIYAN IN AFGHANISTAN The past history of Islam of 1400 years makes a clear pointer to its barbaric practices. I was amazed to find President Bush of the USA speaking of Islam praising its name meaning peace. He did so at the time when American Nation was put to gloom by the destruction of world's tallest buildings called the World Trade Centres at New York. May be, he had some diplomatic reasons because the conduct and history of Islam speak otherwise. Afghanistan has been spoken of as Ashwagansthan meaning home of horses in the ancient Hindu scriptures like the Rig Veda. Horses from Afghanistan have always been considered as very rare species of the animals used in the ancient wars. In the ancient times, Afghanistan was under Aryan domination. We hear Gandhari mother of the Kauravs and wife of Dhristarshtra hailing from Afghanistan whose capital was Gandhar now called Kandhar. India thus has ancient connections with this land. Afghan Airways is also named as Aryana Airlines. In the first century AD, Emperor Kanishka ruled over Afghanistan and his rule extended from North West of present India into Kashmir and upto Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh. Emperor Kansihka became a Buddhist follower and gave up his trust in human battles. It is said that it was he who had two, very impressive and tall Lord Buddha's frescos carved into rugged and dry mountains now called as Hindukush mountains. One fresco was 50 meters tall and the other was 30 meters tall. They were located at a place called Bamiyan in Afghanistan. It is only in recent past when the battle between the Russian troops and the Afghans took place that the Russians decided to bore a tunnel through the Hindukush mountains to facilitate their approach to Kabul and Kandhar from the Northern side of Afghanistan, This tunnel has provided an easy connection to the hitherto Russian territory reach Kabul and Kandhar by a shorter route with greater conenience. Contrary to a fallacious notion entertained by most Indians that the name of Hindukush mountain in Afghanistan is discovered from the earlier Hindu scriptures, it may be understood that this part of rugged and dry mountain has come to be named as Hindukush mountain only about 8 to 900 years ago when the Mongol tyrant, Taimur Lang took almost one lac Hindu prisoners who died on the way while passing through this area of mountains. It came to be called as Hindukush mountain where almost one lac Hindus died. The name of Hindukush mountain is born out of this historical tragedy. Even such a tyrant who was amongst the ancestors of the first Mughul Emperor Barbur did not touch the aforesaid Buddhist frescos. They have remained as such attracting world tourist's attention and earning for Afghanistan considerable tourism revenue. After the Russians decided to withdraw from Afghanistan, a totally Islamic Government was formed that started practicing rigid Islamic doctrine. The entire world has seen how Osama-Bin-Laden with Mullha Omer dominated this part of the world under their strict Islamic supervision. We have also seen how the women in Afghanistan and female children were treated. We have further seen that this Government called the Taliban Government took the initiative to
even challenge the USA in USA by destroying world's tallest buildings through its pre planned and trained personnel owing blind faith to Islam. The world is also aware that this Government was recognised only by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Pakistani Muslim Janta openly supported this Government in the name of Islam. We have also seen the recently announced elections results held by Pakistan. None may therefore disbelieve the Muslim's never ending faith in the gospel of Islam. Pakistan's General Parvez Musharaff has made an open declaration of his support to the cause of Islam. The Taliban Government was constantly aided and assisted by Pakistan, its dominating agency called the I.S. I. and the regular roops of Pakistani army. Thousands of Pakistani volunteers as Jehadis stand captured as prisoners of war by the US army who has now shifted most of them to their prison house in Cuba. The Taileban Government is on record exchanging almost 300 passengers on an Indian Airlines flight from Kathmandu to Delhi and taking the passengers to Kabul and demanding in lieu the release of some important Muslim terrorists held as cletinues in the Indian prisons. This Government was responsible for asking Pakistani military to help them to demolish by cannon shell bombardment, the two ancient world famous and unique historical world heritages frescos of Lord Buddha. The Pakistani Government and the Taileban Government both colluded to demolish these world famous frescos as Islam considers these carvings as the idols that cannot be tolerated by the dogma of Islam. It is learnt that the world bodies have once again decided to reconstruct them since the Tafieban Government in Afghanistan has since fallen and stands ousted with Pakistan also joining the rest of the world in derecognizing the Taileban Government. The above incident is very fresh in the minds of the world people who have now come to see the realities of Islam and how it proposed to deal with the world of future. Many concerned and advanced world historians have recorded their resentment to such attitude of the Islamic clergy because not even one of them ever raised his voice against such barbaric conduct of the Muslims under the name of Islam. It is further most regretful to record that even within India not a single Muslim ever rose to register his opposition against this world crime. On the contrary, Imam Bukhari of the Jamma Masjid of Delhi supported such despicable conduct of the Taileban Government who it is said used the Pakistani military personnel and Pakistani weapons to bring destruction to this ancient world monument that had become because of its age a world heritage property. Islam draws no difference between Hinduism & Buddhism. Even in Bangladesh particularly in the Chittagong hills, where lived in majority, Buddhists, the Islamic zealots have acted to either kill them or push them out of Bangladesh with the result, population in the reg[on has come down from 53% to 41 % of the Buddhists which fact is spoken of in the leading Newspapers of DACCA.
CHAPTER XX IMMEDIATE NEED OF HINDUS REVIVAL OF JANSANGH TEN SLOGANS Take this as a warning or CHIETAVANI (1) Pluralistic Indian Society can never make India strong. (2) You give me support - Oh Hindus, i will give you genuinely secular hinclustan. This is how SUBHASH -BOSE & TILAK WOULD have looked at India's problem of communal cancer. (3) Minorities and Hindus are both down trodden and are both very poor. We need an economic commission and not a minority commission. Both the BJP & Congress have failed even their announced political programmes. (4) Hindus are betrayed by their own leaders. What difference is made to Hindu pride? BJP and Congress have behaved the same. (5) Tail Promises: "KASAM RAM KI KHATEIN HAIN – MANDIR WAHIN BANAYIENGE"? WHRE HAS THIS PROMISE EVAPORATED? (6) Hypocrisy - Thy name is BJP, You have failed to perform. Same old thing “'KISSA KURSI KA” YOU HAVE ONLY "ZERO TO YOUR CREDIT”. (7) HOW FOOLISH TO THINK ANOTHER SARDAR PATELCAN BE CREATED BY CREATING A POST OF DY. PRIME MINISTERSHIP? (8) Unless you Hindus Rise and see the writing on the wall "HAM PAANCH HAMAARE PACCHIS" India will become Darul Islam without any war unless Hindus wake up from their slumber? It is a matter of time for which Islam awaits the most oppurtune moment. (9) A Govt. that cannot promise speedy justice to its citizens, must fall. On this account we are a failed state, already. Four Law Ministers in three years. Government of BJP refuses to even look at the suggestions made. (10) Idol Worship is worse than murder. "Lie in wait for them, to kill them brutally". THIS IS KUFR OH, HINDUS YOU ARE THEREFORE KAFIRS DESTINED TO BE THE COMPANIONS OF FIRE EVEN IN YOUR NEXT BIRTH -WAKE UPLIVE NOT IN ANY ILLUSION OR IGNORANCE. IF YOU HAVE ANY SELF PRIDE LEFT
CHAPTER XXI MESSAGE FOR THE MUSLIMS IN INDIA Mohd Kairm Chagla, ex-Chief Justice of India, ex-Education and Foreign Minister of India in one of his publications has categorically stated after analyzing the Indian history, that there is no Muslim on the surface of the Indian sub-continent in whose veins does not flow the Hindu blood. Practically, the entire Muslim population living in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are the converts from the Hindus. It should be natural for this lot of population to have developed, a sense of Indian Nationalism. Sorrily, even to date and even among the Muslim intelligentsia of the sub-continent there does not seem to have grown a spirit of one common Indian society which cannot be thought of without Hindus included in it. After the creation of Pakistan, on the basis of religious following, one could have hoped for superior evolution of society which remains badly encircled by poverty and ignorance. The Muslim society continues to revolve only around the statements contained in Quaran and follows what is laid down for them in the Hadits of Mohd. Islamic clergymen make the matters worse by holding on to totally outdated Islamic philosophy that in the changed periods of time, does require reconsideration by including and taking benefit of the development in science all over the world. None can really any more keep oneself isolated in the present world. Social, political and economic world scenario requires one singular thought to promote the best interests of the humans on earth. It is regretful to keep the world society divided on the basis of ancient religious gospels that do not any more hold rationality The Muslims require to leave everything else to the freedom available to all the human beings. Religion and belief ought to be left to the choice of the human beings who can practice and follow what they like for themselves in the terms of their future destinies or the rebirths etc. In this context, unless the Muslims themselves reconsidered amending many objectionable statements in their holy books, the world of today will only push itself into an unimaginable human conflicts that includes finishing the world civilization by mass murder of humans through attacks Dy Atom bombs. The world must play a more meaningful role both to help the Muslim and the non-Muslims As Karl Marks had said "Religion is an opiate of mankind". lndeed, it should be understood that to control and regulate the God created life on the planet earth, humans shall need to shed aside any idea of interse confrontation. With the development of science and maturity of thought through philosophy and experience, one ought to have learnt from world's past history that the humans are not divinely created to kill each other least of all for following or not following any religious gospel. Sorrily, Muslims in India being born of inheritance of India's ancientism must over take their loyalty from Arab nationalism to Indian nationalism. This is an immediate necessity for the survival of human race. The politics of local nature andlor intention to dominate others through the control of political institutions all over the world requires immediate reconsideration. An individual and his beliefs be left to him permitting hm to choose what he likes to follow for his future needs. This includes permitting him to worship in the manner he desires towards his own salvation. No group or a state or any such National or international organization be allowed to remain
active leave aside spreading hatred towards fellow humans based upon differences in the following of religions. This is a challenge to the Indian Muslims first and to the Muslims elsewhere in the world. An interesting anecdote reported in the press a few days ago is about Lady Naipaul who was born in Pakistan and is a Muslim married to the famous Lord Naipaul. She questioned a public assembly where her husband was being felicitated as a non resident successful indian.ln this very assembly, Lord Dholakia living in UK and born as a Hindu recalled how strongly ancient Indian religion of the Hindus had mingled with the toality of Indian culture. While he narrated a famous story from the Ramayana when Hanuman tore up a necklace given to him by the consort of Lord Rama with his teeth. When asked about this, he said in each pearl of the necklace, he was trying to locate Rama and Sita. Hanuman disagreed with those who ridiculed his conduct and soon tore open his own chest to show how Ram and Sita were enrished within his heart. Lord Dholakia had made a remark that he had incorporated in his coat of arms, picture of Lord Ganapati and Om embossed on it. Lord Dholakia's imagery as can be seen has a high literary quotient and relevance which in reality has no immediate religious relevance as can be clearly seen. The conduct of Lady Naipaul is exactly like that of any other Muslim living in this sub-continent. The intense reaction with relevance of the story of Hanuman proves a point of Hindutva which has become a part of indelible culture of the entire Indian society. Mrs. Naipaul had turned the Question asking if all Muslims must hereafter show belief in Ram & Hanuman. Every Muslim makes a deliberate effort to escape from it and thus justifiably, the suspicion of his loyalty towards India. Lady Naipaul's query "Do Muslim have to have Ram and Sita in their hearts to show that they belong to this land"? The public assembly was gathered to felicitate some NRI's with the award of Bharat Samaan to be offered to her husband. Every Muslim according to Quaran has to live with the belief in theology of Islam only which in fact makes some Imperial demands. Incidentally, Mrs. Naipaul is herself a converted Muslim from the Hindus. She is a Pakistani married to an Indian settled in UK. Islam is not simply a matter of conscience or any private belief available to an individual. A convert's views have to be immediately altered towards the Arab land and the Arabic language. His own past values of history including his own connections within his own family have got to be first destroyed. He has to compulsorily become a part of the total Arab story. In Islam, amongst the converts, there come to be bred an element of neurosis. It may look ironical but it is true. All Muslim converts proceed to out do even the old Muslim fanatics when it comes to exhibiting their loyalty to Islamic fraternity which is called the Millat. This is above the Nationalism or the Secularism believed if at all by any Muslim anywhere in the wolrd. Muslims on the soil of the sub-continent have been at pains to exhibit their inner and outward loyalties to the Millat by rejecting belief in Nationalism and Secularism. Hence, the state and the society of the sub-continent and particularly of India have to take note of this underlying ever surviving anti national feelings inbred in the mind of every Muslim. He is trained from childhood in the so called Madrassas to build up his personality
through religious education which is over and above all values of science put together. Indians forget that Pakistan was carved out of India and it cannot exist as a separate entity without an anti Indian or an anti Hindu stance. The Muslims are always fearing the dilution of their identity. In the name of Islam, they proceed to popularize even the Urdu language claimed by them as their own. They consider such like their attitude as a secular conduct in India but they refuse to accept that if the State proceeds to revitalize the SanakrIt language, then it is termed as both communal and an effort to impose Hinduism or Sanskrit upon them. They call it as an act of the state as an act of the Hindus and the State acting as the agent of Hinclutva. This is a tragic but pitiable state of Muslim mind where even a creative expression of Nationalistic origins is considered as an offence on the religion of Islam. It is for this reason, that the Muslims as a community with the Arab countries are still remaining intellectually barren. If religion becomes a deterrence rather than an inspiration during man's creative pursuit, the Islamic society all over the world will remain deprived of the advantages which liberalism and freedom provide to the human consciousness and capacity. Muslims alone shall have to be blamed for remaining backwards all the time. This has been the case in the past and it continues in the present and unless some important and radical changes are brought within the theology of Islam, the Islamic phobia shall continue offering confrontation to all other human thoughts. It is this view point of the Muslims which impregnates disturbance of peace on the surface of the earth including the world pushing itself rtowards its own destruction by bringing about 3 rd World War Islamic theology holds that Allah is one, eternal and formless but not attributeless. He is the only Lord of universe. He is the Creator. None can create him or equal him. Hence, Islam rejects references to statues or pictures, which are to be considered blasphemous for a true Muslim.Because of religious orclainments, a Muslim cannot put his individual personality in any real sense to utmost freedom. This is contrary to Hindu philosophy that permits absolute and limitless freedom to an individual including giving to him a freedom to carve out his own path to seek and worship his Creator. All paths desiring discovery of the divine lead to one point on the peak from where all around scenario is one and the same. This is directly in contravention of the Islamic theology whose open proclamation is that all paths other than what Islam states are false and those believing in them are following the Kufr. They are called the Kafirs. A Muslim discovering such a pursuit by any non Muslim is duty bound to use force and to behead such a person whose fault is that Allah in his mercy did not make him take birth in a Muslim family. Such a person holds the audacity to continue living as a non Muslim for whom Allah himself has fixed his penalty to kill him mercilessly. The world has advanced vey fast and it is unpredictable how shall the world of tomorrow look like say 5,000 years hence. It is utterly foolish to even think of killing another fellow being only because he decides chosing his freedom of action to worship the Divinity for his own salvation in his own settled way of life. It is here
that the Indian Muslims ought to take lead in amending and modernizing many of the Quaranic statements that admittedly breed disharmony and hatred in the human society over the globe. Unless this task is undertaken as an item of utmost priority for human survival, the world itself has to be blamed for not taking timely action in their own best interests. No clash in human society be any more permitted solely based on the statements contained in different religions. Religious gospels with the background of their philosophies be reexamined in the light of modern day advancement and what further possibility may exist in the world of tomorrow. The concept of Jehad, Crusade, Darul Herb and Darul Islam must be altogether abandoned or else the world of today will only be pushed towards its own destruction. Even the petty politics of the local nature must be converted into a problem of human society where the world as one institution must only work to promote the best interests of the human race. In India, Pakistan and Bangladesh there is a large population of Muslims from out of whom, a newer voice of good reason must arise to contain the negativism of Quaran whose many Ayats would need to be scrubbed off or modified sufficiently to bring it at par with the existing need of the world, A religion must always aim to do good to one and all. It is not something that should cause any harm or destruction. The world as one family has to reorientate its own thinking towards its better future for all the humans on earth. The Divinity gives birth to the Homo Sapiens who at the time of birth do not carry any stamp of born with any divine given religion. It is the society into which a human is born that converts hm and/or conditions him to follow any particular religious gospel or belief. Hence, the Divinity itself can be said to be totally neutral in delivering life to the human body. It is the society and/or its knowledge or ignorance that conditions a divine life in accepting or rejecting any particular religious gospel. All humans are born through the same process and grace of our one one common Creator. It cannot be different for the others. It is totally stupid to divide the human society on the basis of dichotomy of religious beliefs. Man has yet to evolve himself further in becoming the protector of his own race. How can rehious dogmas advocate against Ahmisa as a mean to resolve any human difference or conflict? This is a paradox in terms. Added to this are further clear paradoxes like a secularist Muslim. Secularism and Muslims owing faith to Quaran cannot go together. As per Quaranic dictation unless the entire world was first converted into Darul Islam, Allaha hmself does not declare peace on earth. This is clearly dividing the human society on the basis of belief in Islam or against it. Similarly, a human emotion of Nationalism is relegated to a lower pedestal when it comes to a Muslim over riding the feeling of Millat or Pan Islamization of the world. This conflict shall have to be first resolved in finality before ordinary humans can be made to understand the real nature and purpose of what we call as Human Rights. This is the latest slogan of mankind that has matured through experiences gathered in the past hundreds of centuries. This needs to be encouraged. It is here that Muslims in India can take lead by propagating feelings or Nationalism or internationalism over petty religious attachments. One does not become any smaller by becoming a world
National or a National of his country of birth. One must learn to respect this sort of universal feeling of Nationlism that should ride over his beliefs towards the abstract religious dogmas. The purpose of religion as it stood 1500 years ago is no more the same as it then was. Hence, the call of Jehad or Crusade in the name of religion is itself a contradiction in terms that calls for human slaughter to impose one's ideas ove the others. Such an attitude of hegemony must be abandoned and capacities and faculties of humans must be utilized with all world resources lying beneath the earth towards betterment of human life that cannot and should not be influenced by the diverse faiths. The faith of an individual is his peresonal choice and he be allowed all the freedom he needs to practice, follow, preach the manner of worshiping the divinity as he wishes. There is and there should not be any room of violence in such like affairs controlled by men born on earth. More so, when the world itself has come to possess, weapons of Mass Destruction. The duty is cast upon the political leaders, thinkers, clergymen and pundits of the world to educate an individual to draw maximum benefit of his capacities for bettering himself and in turn bettering the life of human race on earth, There can be no conflict or contradiction in this clear aim to be achieved by the best thinkers of the world notwithstanding they follow any religious doctrine on the surface of the earth. It includes in itself certain amount of spiritual awakening. Is this not the real purpose for which UNO itself was born? In this field of spiritualism, one has to give up petty political ambitions and to ensure that human society is synthesized into one solid strength to work for the best welfare of the only one world inhabited by all world citizens. It cannot divide the society on the basis of religious beliefs like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. They are all man created evolutions destined to live together wihtout disturbing each others freedom? What the God created in the form of creation and divided it into humans, are animals, vegetations and minerals. They are independent divine kingdoms over which man has no power to change. their characters. Man chose to salvage his own self for superior births after death on earth and for this purpose he,was provided with thoughts and ideas given to him by some world thinkers. Most of the human beings unquestionably go on following the beliefs and ideas of the family of their births without ever educating themselves in the true purpose of the life itself. With the maturity of man's mind and evolution made in the knowledge of science and spirituality, the quest of man, must, in time to come, cross even the statements made earlier for him in his religious books. Man continues to evolve and sets his own standards of actions for bettering his own life and in this Kigmarole also serves the society and the family in which he is born and in which he lives and grows. In the light of above, Muslims in India have admittedly their roots in the ancientism of India and no feeling higher than Indian Nationalism should provide to them any thought of body's salvation by divine grace. A man is born free and has his freedom to pick up his style of worshipping his Creator. No man must have any authority over the other to persuade him change his course of thought and follow any other. This is foolish and hegemonic. No human born earth
by his very nature desires to be hegemonized. A man needs his freedom as much as he needs his food to live. It is for the society as a whole that gives birth to a political system of governance that human conflicts are born. A day must come, when .human conflict must end. Indian Muslims are converts mostly from the Hindus. As they seem to presently profess their faith in Indian secularism, is to be understood and realized that they have done so after studying the history of the world and after undergoing lives experiences on the planet earth. Indian Muslims atleast a fair cross section of them seem to have gained liberal education in the Indian Schools, colleges and universities. It lies upon them to check and control by understanding the task of modifying much thought of hatred entertained by the believers against the non-believers. The concept of Kufr, Kafir, Jehad and Darul Herb or Darul Islam with alteration in the definition of Millat will have to be reconsidered for there does not appear even a reasonable alternative for the world family of humans to rise towards for its own superior state in future.
CHAPTER-XXII ISLAM IN POLITICS OF 21st CENTURY The world has entered a new Millennium i.e. 21st century. While a peep in its History is essential, today's world has also to take into account all that the modern world has inherited from the past and ~n particular from the 20th century. Period of the past is always the seed for the future. It must provide freedom to an individual who in the modern world must analyze it fully. One has to sow the superior seeds in the entire world activity. Only then can one hope for the future to blossom giving pleasing fragrance of honest purposeful and peaceful life free of struggles and tensions. I look at the world prophesy made by a 15th century French philosopher Nostradamus. He had predicted over 500 years ago that a clash between two civilizations in the beginning of 21st century would take place. He had equally well predicted in clear terms, a confrontation between Islam and Christianity tending towards the destruction of the world. He also predicted clear polarization of the world forces through dichotomy into Islam v/s. Non-Islam. the message or prediction is indeed amazing but much that it may be against our own wishes, we ought not to reject the same. Similar predictions are also contained in Vedic scriputres which describe the present world becomming morally worst in the period of present day Kali Yug. This period is a part of a greater Mahayug and lasts for 432,000 years on the earthly time's recokoning. It is in today's newspapers (13th February 2003) that the world scientists have announced thier estimation of worlds own life to 13.7 billion years. These may indeed be part of only human fantasies yet one gets filled with such like awe inspiring predictions made thousands of years before. An undeniable world division in Islam v1s. the rest of humanity, does take one to ponder over the text of a recently reported taped statement of Osama-Bin-Laden. It is he who has been responsible for attacking buildings of the World Trade Centre in New York and thereafter supporting Islamic attacks on India's Parliament buildings. He says that he would die as an Islamic martyr in the belly of the Eagle implying casuing great harm to the US, A record audio tape of the same Islamic Fundamentalist has also been reported giving his similar message in the Newspapers of 9t' September 2003. We are working a modern political governing system of Democracy that runs counter to the dictations of Islam The Islamic faith and its followers are daily growing with Terrorism and fanatic beliefs supporting it. While Osma-Bin--Laden challenges the US President Mr. Bush, he equally well also ridicules the res~ of the world of the Non-Believers included in which are the Jews, Christians, Buddhists and the Hindus. While Mr. Bush is proceeding with his plans to militarily attack an Islamic country of Iraq, whose capital city of Baghdad was once a seat of Islamic Khilafat. In particular, Abbsad dynasty ruled over this soil. They began the spread of Islam by waging bloody wars which they called the Jehads, The Islamic world extended from Indonesia in the East to Spain in the West. Osama-Bin-Laden speaks in the name of All merciful, the Allaha to rise in the name of islam to face and wage a holy war (Jehad) against the non-believers. They are the Kafirs and Allaha ordains upon the followers to finish them until they are made to obey the Islamic citations contained in the holy Quran. He says that he is
aware of "The preparations of the western crusaders to capture and loot the fortune (i.e. the oil in the Middle East) of the Muslims. The masters of WASHINGTON & TEL AVIV with the rest of puppet and treacherous supporting states are only looking up to create GREATER ISRAEL. Those who are the believers in Islam alone fight for the cause of Allah and those in the opposition support the cause of SHAITAN i.e. the Devil. God promises victory to the Muslim believers and only cruel death to the Infidels. Muslims are to hurry up with an obligation of their Islamic faith that promises his forgivenes from all sins especially the great ones. We have recognized alter fighting and defending ourselves from the American enemy that it depends upon its fighting a psychological war for the huge propoganda machine, it has. It also depends upon its heavy Air Bombing. America uses these tactics to hide its weakness which reflects its lack of courage in its own soldiers." Much more has really been said by Al-Quaida's leader OsarnaBinLaden who unabashedly advocates evil, which is yet to follow in the further destruction of men and property of the infields. In short, his message is unambiguous and clear. He directs the Muslims to fight aJehad even if it means destruction of the world through the use of atomic bombs. He has specially picked up world's special geographical area of the Nations that according to him need real Muslim entry to liberate them as he calls it. These territories are Jordon, Morrocco, Nigeria, Yemen and Pakistan. With such kind of activity openly announced by the leader of the Pan Islamic world, concern of India is not only necessary and immediate but India must also announce its support to the efforts of the USA in its own best interests. Can we in India, afford to oppose the US who in time to come, will be pushed to take note of China as well. Where do we in India stand politically, is therefore another logical question? The present world's political scenario has indeed created an immediate possibility of the 3rd World War. The allegations of the US with its strong supporters like Britian and Austrilia etc. have rebounded from the rulers of Iraq, who are the Islamic followers to call upon all Muslims in the world to join a holy war called the Jehad. The world is therefore already pushed to a point of utmost seriousness where the use of atomic bombs or similar kind of mass destruction cannot be ruled out. The moot question that simultaneously arises is, if we in India can at all succeed in keeping ourselves aloof? The answer of this question lies in the mass of humanity in India who got educated by its own Government in power? Let every citizen know as to his own duty and the consequences of a war? Another consideration that must weigh on the mind of India and other countries of the Christian world is either they succeed in totally destroying the present war machine of the Islamic world or allow things to go unchallenged until later they may again have to confront the Muslim world when it suits them more. In that event, the world shall have to accept greater destruction of itself in terms of human casualties and more material loss. Hence, by logic if at all the war becomes indispensable then it may as well be fought sooner than later. I may optimistically hope that better sense shall prevail for the world persuade the Islamic world to alter their attitude growing out of their faith following of the
Quaranic dictations in the interest of the entire humanity. It is needed of the Muslim clergy to alter some of the Ayats in their holy book of Quaran to remove hatred towards the non-believers. It is a must in the best interest of the world society i.e. the humanity overall. What they must do, must bring greater glory to the theology of Islam. It will clear many doubts in the minds of world society. The present day world and in particular, the Indian sub-continent does run the risk of another war with Pakistan who in fact is acting as the champion of the Islamic world. With the balkanization of Pakistan and Bangladesh, the people of Pakistan are always waiting to take revenge against India. As Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto, the assassinated Prime Minister of Pakistan had put on his office wall a future picture map of the sub-continent wherein, he had shown Pakistan in green as it then existed, with Punjab and Haryana as the Sikh State of Khallstan in yellow. The Hindi belt comprising of Rajasthan, Delhi, UP., M.P. and Bihar was painted saffron as Hindustan. The areas of Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat upto Nagpur as a country to be called Marathvada and down south areas comprising of southern Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Great portion of Karnataka and Kerala as the country to be named as Dravidnad. The area comprising of North Bengal with Assam and the seven small hilly areas under the control of Nagaland. Orissa, according to him was to merge by dividing it into another area called the Sonar Bangla that was to include Indian side of Bengal as well. This imagination of balkanizing India into political territories were to be further controlled through the sperior Islamic Nation of the sub-continent and through the support of populations of the local Muslims in these states. This was to be the real Pakistan. This is the real dream of the Muslims whose concept of political world invasion takes into account their dream of balkanizing the political unity of the Indian sub-continent. CAN WE IN INDIA IGNORE IT? When the above dream of the Muslims to divide the land of the entire Indian sub-continent into smaller independent and sovereign territories, comes through, it would automatically increase the hegemonic control of Islam over the entire sub-continent. The dream of one complete crescent beginning from Turkey in the West towards Iraq, Iran, the entire Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and territories mentioned above will further curve towards Malaysia and Indonesia. Who in India with a grain of sense and knowledge of History and Geography can ever sit quietly without taking note of the dreams of Islamic fundamentalists? Indeed, Hindus if they desire to protect themselves and their future and their grand old culture just cannot sit in idleness awaiting for things to happen when they can no more control it. It may therefore be important for India to politically tie itself in world politics of the 21s' century where the Islamic forces can be got weakened by joining that side of the world who oppose for any reason whatsoever, the spread of Islam. Since Pakistan openly confirms its continuous attitude of enmi towards India, the population of the sub-continent is destined to suffer. The present state of India is of its own making on acount of it5 earlier political leaders having made political blunders one after another. The past policy of timidity followed by India towards Pakistan by its own political leaders is the real cause behind it. No less a-person than Maulana Azaad openly admits that his choice to live in India rather than migrate to Muslim Pakistan was actually based on his premises that he was more needed in India for the welfare of the Muslim population left in India after the country
was partitioned in 1947. Many Punjabi and Sindhi refugees like myself born at Lahore had to migrate permanently for saving only one thing that is our love for our religion. We too, could have chosen to convert ourselves into Muslims and save all that we lost that was gathered by our ancestors. We left Pakistan. The attitude of the Muslims in India owing allegiance to Pan Islamic world has to be taken special note of. They will wait as has been said in Quaran for proper time to act determinedly to bring about the Islamic control of the Indian sub-corntinent. Where they lie in wait for time to assist them in their plans, they are advised to never cooperate with the political Governments of such geographical territories over which Islam may have to wait, as said in their holy book Quaran. Muslims must always act and demand their own rights and claims as per what is contained in the chapter of Shariat of Quaran. To substantiate my analysis, I have just to refer to a recent judgement passed by Bombay HIgh Court (A.P.Shah and Ranjana Desai JJs.) in or about the middle of the month of February, 2003 in a public interest litigation concerning the slaughter of sacrificial Goats made by Muslims on the day of Bakrid within the buildings of Co.op. Housing Societies in which Hindus and Muslims jointly live as the owners of their respective flats, although, even in the past, there have been several judgements on similar kinds of actions by the Muslims, yet the Hindus in India, have remained quiet in order to live peacefully. This principle itself is resented by the Muslims who openly acclaim to live even the social life as per ~heir personal beliefs and have put to challenge, alternative secular lstate enacted laws that run counter to their religious and social beliefs? None in India can forget how the Government led by Rajiv 'Gandhi at the center over turned the effect of the judgement pronounced by the Supreme Court in the matter of Shah Bano, a Muslim woman who admittedly failed to get what the judicial declaration pronounced for her. Hence, inspite of secularism and non discrimination on the grounds of sex, the fanatic Muslim lobby led by the Imam of Jumma Masjid in New Delhi controlled the machinery of the state not to be judicious in bringing about equality between men and women when they deal with the social practices of the Muslims. This is regrettable and being true is ironical that the state of India succumbed to the pressure of the minority Muslims to relegate even the provisions of its Constitution (Article 44Common Civil Code) only to appease the minority's demand to allow them live in accordance with outdated Islamic philosophy (Muslim personal law) as contained in the chapter of Shariatin the holy Quaran. The chapter provides unequal judicial consideration between men and women. Testimony of two women is equal to that of one man. The Quaran relegates women to a far lower status who can inherit their ancestral property in the ratio of half of what is permitted to the males. The women as was seen in Afghanistan are to remain at home and are not to take up any work outside their homes; must also dress themselves keeping all parts of their bodies in 'purdha'. Women as per Quaran are treated by the Muslim followers only as a commodity. I leave it to the readers to draw their own conclusion but I challenge any one to disprove me on the factual statement and truth, as is the real life style of the Muslims. The "Cow" which one animal alone is considered religiously worthy or worship by the Hindus is continued to be slaughtered in India. This is even contrary to Article 48 of the Constitution of India.
Such neglect of states own duties where the spirit of the written Constitution is not respected, does arouse in the Hindu minds, justifiably, anguish and anger against the state. Most of the Ministers of the Government are in fact themselves important members of the Government and they are in fact not even atheists but are said to be Hindu believers, yet have done little in the matter to protect Hindu beliefs. One wonders if not in India, after the Independence of India where else can Hindus demolish the victory monument of Invader Babar over India's defeat and reject thereupon, their own Ram Temple. This belief of the Hindus does have strong religious sentiments connected with Hindu ideas. Even Allama IqbaI who was himself a staunch Muslim called Lord Rama as 'Imame Hind'. lqbal was the writer of our famous National song. "SARE JAHAN SE ACCHAA, HINDUSTAN HAMAARA” It is ironical but true that even a Muslim person of Allama lqbal's stature enjoying National recognition settled finally to alter his own belief from Nationalism to Pan Islamization. The original line in the famous National song was "HINDI HAIN, HAM WATAN HAIN, HINDUSTAN HAMAARA” He changed this line for communal Islamic reasons, when the Ali brothers gave a call for the separate Muslim land of Pakistan. He altered the above line in his own written Poem that had already become a famous National Song that was sung by one and all. He altered this line to "MUSLIM HAI HAM, US NABHI KE, SARA JAHAN HAMARA”. One can thus notice the true hidden Islamic loyalties in the hearts of even world widely recognized Muslim leaders. They desire to convert the entire world into DARUL ISLAM. There is no compromise in this final aim of the Muslims of the world. India and the Hindus in particular must take clear note of such along side flowing anti national feelings in the minds of Indian Muslims also. The entire Muslim psyche is fed with feelings of hatred towards non-Muslims. In India, it means the Hindus who are called Kafirs and who worship idols and therefore follow Kufr. If not in Ayodhya, on the place of Hindus beliefs of Ram birth, where else can the Hindus assert themselves in the name of their social, cultural and religious beliefs? Lastly, time has now ripened when not merely the iliterate masses have woken up but even the educated and rich class of the Hindus have found their own leaders playing dirty politics to hold on to their political chairs even at the cost of majority population's religious and political beliefs. One fails to understand the shyness on the part of India's leaders not to bring about one common civil procedure code applicable to every citizen when we cry hoarse to be a secular state. This again contrary to Article 44 of the Constitution of India. Why are we pampering the Muslim minority unncessarily? The three major problems in India that have gone untackled for the last 50 or more years are 1. Ram Mandir at Ayodhya 2. Pushing out the Pakistanis from the territory of J & K. 3. Common Civil Procedure Code. Lastly, India has also to tackle with firm resolution the irritating disturbances being caused on our eastern border with the Muslim Nation of Bangladesh. This country itself
was created on the blood of the brave Indian soldiers most of who were Hindus only. In the beginning this country exhibited its gratefulness by announcing its political governance by declaring itself a securalr state. Since secularism and Islam cannot however go together, the present day Bangladesh later convered itself into an Islamic theocratic state owing loyalty to eh Millat and the Pan Islamic world. India has an obligation to constantly monitor and muster its forces to ensure that this country does not play any mischief against the best interests of India. This becomes more important when one looks at the every day reports of the BSF. India is being reminded of very serious misconducts being indulged into by that country all the time. Their activities of pushing poor Hindus and Muslims both into India is controlled by the ISI in Islamabad with an idea to finally bring about changes in percentage demography of Hindus and Muslims in India. It is note worthy that there is in the world a Muslim political organization called the "World Islamic Conference" that invites Muslims of the world in that country to become its members. India has the second largest population of the Muslims in the world next only to Indonesia. Pakistan has lesser number of Muslims than what India has. It is needless to conclude that Indian Muslims because of resistance by Pakistan are denied entry into this political body. It is because India according to the Muslims is Darul Herb and not a country that can be accepted also as a Muslim Nation, which is not governed politically by any Muslim authority. India is a secular country, which is unacceptable to Islam although the word Islam in Arabic language means PEACE.
CHAPTER - XXIII THE DILEMA OF VAJPAYEE AS MUSLIMS SEE IT Dr. Rafiq zakaria in the Asian Age issue of 2011 February, 2003 has written an arictle under the tittle "The dilema of Mr. Vajpayee". While condemning present BJP leaders like Mr.L.K.Advani and Shri Murli Manohar Joshi, he has also elaborately referred to Hindu leaders like Dr. Hedgewar, Veer Savarkar and Guru Golwalkar. The article refers to Shri Vajpayee differing even in the acceptance of the defiition of Hinclutva which according to Dr.Zakaria was first given by Veer Savarkar an erstwhile Hindu leader. To clarify the matters for Dr.Zakaria and those other Indians who may be misled by such kind of perverse Propaganda, I have first to explain to Dr. Zakaria the real definition and origin of the word of 'Hindutva'. The word Hindu as we all know it is no where referred in any ancient Hindu scripture but it was coined by some Arabs or Persians who had since ancient times, trade relations with those who had sttled along the banks of river Sind now in Pakistan. Just like Maulana Abul Kalam Azaad had stated that he lived in India instead of in Pakistan a Muslim state because he considered his action was more appropriate in the welfare of the Muslims of the sub-continent rather than ever considering the welfare of the majority community of the Hindus in India. It appears that approach even today of Dr. Zakaria and his like is very much the same which is more religion oriented than love for the ideology of secualrism as is understood generally. Dr. Ambedkar in his book "Thoughts on Pakistan" wrote that any Islamic Nation divided out of the territory of the sub-continent will first ensure the total elimination of the non-Muslims and in particular of the Hindus. In logical corollary, he suggested excahnge of Hindu Muslim population when the country was partitioned into India and Pakistan. In the last 50 years, there are practically no Hindu/Buddhists left in Pakistan and the same process is followed in the present day Bangladesh also, Writing in a newspaper from Kolkata, 'Shakti Samachar', for the oppressed minority population in that country has stated in an appeal to the United Nations and to many other heads of states of different world countries. It is said as under. "We are the oppressed and battered people of Islamised Bangladesh, bearing 5000 years old ancient cultural heritage. Despite oppression by the Islamic rulers of Bangladesh as narrated below, we have not disowned our rich heritage and philosophical repertoire, which we live and practice. This unfortunately is the only reason that we are oppressed. Our barbaric tormentors are the ruling Muslims who swear by Allah and have adopted some Arabic modes which they brutally try to impose upon us to the detriment of our existence". In the year 1946 all Muslim living in India through their representatives barring a few in the Pathan tribes and some members of the Unionist party in Punjab voted for creating Islamic Pakistan contrary to the call of the Congress led by Gandhi and Nehru to vote for one Constitution for one Nation of India. As has been said elsewhere in this book, even the Western scholars like Dr. Annie Beasant and German Philosopher Max Muller, had stated that India
without Hinduism and its ancient philosophy was unthinkable. All those who live in India must be Indians first and Hindus or Muslims later. The same view was delivered to Dr. Sayed Ahmed of Aligadh University by his American Harvard Professor when he questioned him about his Nationality. Sticking to the same old Muslim view, Dr. Sayed Ahmed could not convince the American Professor that as per his views supported by Islamic faith, he was a Muslim therefore a person of separate Nationality living in India. The readers may look into the last para of chapter VI in this book where the author has quoted Mr. Mohd. Ali Jinnah's view in which he says "No common Nationalism can ever be built by any common efforts of Hindus and Miuslims. If inspite of this clear vision before me, any effort is ever made to draw out a common Constitution for Hindus and Muslims, it will be a waste of effort. Hindu and Muslims are not merely two separate religions they are, distinctly two different social systems and to visualize Muslims in India uniting to create a common Nation is a mythical dream of some jnawakened Hindu leaders". In the light of the above, Dr. Zakaria perhaps inadvertently is towing once again a wrong proposition that can never be acceptable to the Muslims. Hence, one may compare what has been said by the Hindu leaders which is absolutely in line with what Muslims themselves have followed till today. The present blowing wind strongly is in favour of Hindutva is the late realization perhaps now dawning in the minds of the intellectuals and the higher classes which earlier on was limited within a very feeble collective Hindu voice. Reverting to explain Hindutva and its origin, Dr. Zakaria may be told that the ancient scriptures of the Hindus written thousands of years before the theology of Islam was born in Saudi Arabia, contained the explanation of the word Tatvaa which is one part of the main word used in the Hindu scriptures (Upanishads) which is called Mahatatva. It is explained as the basic principle of the creation by which existence itself came into being. While the five Panch Bhutas like Fire, Water, Air, Bhoomi and Akaash with Ahankaar and five Karam Indriyas with five Gyan Inriyas were born by the blessedness of the Almighty Creator, the creation of pluarlity of names and forms to constitute the mythical universe was based upon the principle of Mahatatvaa. It is on this account that Srishti stood created by the attack of time spirit on the mind of the human that gives rise to the very concept of Maya born from the interaction of Purusha and Prakriti. The word Tatva is taken from this ancient religious scripture and added to the word Hindu by which it only means a human being born in India and living as a Hindu which is nothing but an Indian first and any faith follower later. Muslims in India are therefore to be correctly named as Hindus being inhabitants or born on the soil of India and following the faith of Islam. Hence, Dr. Zakaria ought to have referred his question to the Muslim leaders and to the gospel of Islam and not referring to Veer Savarkar, Dr.Hedgewar or Guru Golwalkar. Referring to Mr. Vajpayee, following Nehruism and his Muslim leanings need to be understood from the statement made by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who in reply to question if he knew of any Nationalist Muslim, replied "In the divided India, he knew only one Nationalist Muslim whose name was Jawaharlal Nehru".
'Hindutva' therefore is a real Aryan philosophy, which can never be neglected or equaled with any other dogma, doctrine or religious message or sermon. Who can deny Savarkar's quotation "Muslims are alien to the basic Indian Nationalism. They have chosen to grow out of their intense religiosity and the theological concept of the state which according to them is ordained by Allaha to be under the political control of the Muslims called the Darul Islam". Indeed, as Dr. Zakaria himself writes that the Islam divides the human world into two groups only i.e. the Muslims land and the enemy land. All larids which are either inhabited entirely by the Muslims are Muslim land. To any other land, no faithful Muslim is allowed to bear any loyalty. Their land is far off in Arabia. Consequently, it is logical to conclude looking at their out look of foreign connection that their love for India as their motherland is but a handmade to thej,r love for their holy land outside of India. Therefore, what the Hindu leaders including the present leaders of the Hindus have stated is based upon not their own drawn out inferences but is based upon strong assertion of Muslinis themselves never being able to absorb themselves into one common strong Indian Nation, Veer Savarkar, Dr. Hedgewar and Guru Golwalkar based their views to protect Hindus in India from continuing political world invasion by Muslims. This book is written by its author with his analytical mind of a LAWYER. Mr. Vajpayee has had to make some political compromises in order to strive for peace in India and should he fail or succeed in his efforts, the warning given by Dr. Zakaria that NDA partners will soon pack off their bags, makes no other sense but from it one can successfully conclude that indeed the wind is now blowing strongly in favour of Hindutva and the wind is soon going to become an uncontrollable storm and it is important for any honest Nationlist Muslim to act as genuine honest Indian first and Islamic followers owing allegiance to the land in Arabia later. All those born on the soil of India are equal partners vide the promise made by the Indian Nation majority of whom are Hindus and all are equal and protected under the solemn promise of the Constitution. Let no misguided attacks be made by the minorities in the grab of creating any sort of phobia because Hindutva by its very nature is the lover of humanity that states "Nitprati Sarve Shavantu Sukhina. This means we pray for the joy and pleasures of everyone. Hinclutva further assures freedom untold to everyone and expresses this in the words of “Sarva Dharma Sambhava".
CHAPTER XXIV INDIAN MUSLIMS CALL FOR MUGHALSTAN FROM OUT OF INDIA Prof. K.M. Talreja in his issued fortnightly publication RASHITRYA CHETNA from New Delhi states as under, “Islam, (as we know), does not believe in Secularism, Democracy & Nationalism. It abhores recognition of Non Muslims equal to the Muslims. There can thus be no COMMON CIVIL CODE applicable to all citizens in a society that forbids taking within itself members believing in any faith other than Islam. Those who do not owe untold faith & allegiance to Islam are Kafirs, who as per Quaranic instructions must either be converted or beheaded for following KUFR. Anything other than what the holy Quran says is the definition KUFR. Islam further believes in Gods will as expressed in Quaran in the Arabic language. Any language other than Arabic is called AJMI (i.e. tongueless). SYED ABDUL BUKHARI stated in the year 1986, in one Friday NAMAAZ. "SECULARISM HAS NO PLACE IN ISLAM. PROPOGATION OF ISLAM IS THE FIRST DUTY OF MUSLIMS. MUSLIM YOUTHS WILL PROPOGATE ISLAM WITH SWORDS HELD IN THEIR HANDS.” General Zia-ul-Haq, the late Pakistani president said "ISLAM CAN NEVER BE SECULAR I REMEMBER THIS MUCH." DR, ALI MOHD. NAQVI follower of Deoband School of Islamic ideology has said in this book "ISLAM & NATIONALISM" "NATIONALISM IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH ISLAM. THE QUARAN HAS REJECTED THE BASIS OF NATIONALISM. THE CONCEPT OF A MULSIM IS AS ABSURD AS CAPITALIST MARXIST. WHEN THE ISLAM EXPANDS, NATIONALISM IS DESTROYED, AND VVHEN GROWS, ISLAM IS ANNIHILIATED."
The Muslims within India after 1947 have recommended a plan of action for all Muslims in India to use following 10 methods for immediate implementation: 1. Convert Hindus by every mean to embrace Islam. 2. By polygamy. God himself divinely allows you this. 3. By thwarting any family planning programme. 4. Infiltrate into India from all directions to grow fast as servants of Allaha. 5. Form Muslim majority geo-political areas within India. 6. Force Mass expulsion of Hindus when they come close to being a religious minority. 7. Jehad is the duty of every Muslim. Be Allahas own soldiers to fight & kill those who oppose his diction as said in Quran. 8. Let no non believer dare settle where you have come into close majority. 9. Abduct women of Hindus to breed out of them your children. Hindu abducted woman are delivered to you as MALE GANIMAT. 10. Attack the foundation of Hindu culture in India, their temples and their books. They will then automatically follow Allaha's ordainmnet and convert to ISLAM. Know thus, that India is under attack of ISLAM. MUGHALSTAN "AMAR UJALA" published from New Delhi in its October 6th, 2001 issue has published a proposed map of MUGHALSTAN on its front page. it includes KANDHAR, SIND, BALUCHISTAN, NWFP, J&K, UP, HIMACHAL PRADESH, DELHI HARIYANA, UTTRANCHAL, ASSAM & BANGALADESH. Its propounder is ABDUS SALAM who is the supremo of HIZBE! MUGHALSTAN. He is working with an announced programme to create within India.a new sovereign Nation of DALITSTAN. He has called OSAMA-BIN-LADEN as Muslim's MESSIHA who shall be the patron of MUGHALSTAN. Log on to website www.Dalistan.orq/muqhalstan to see for your self the map of Mughalstan which website5said to be run by some Dalistan organization. Hindus in India may therefore assess for themselves what lies in store for them unless they unite as is being attempted by Dr. Praveen Tagadia, The International Genl. Secy of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.
CHAPTER-XXV KASHMIR PROBLEM FROM ISLAMIC ANGLE India & Pakistan were born as two free nations on 15th August 1947. India drew up its constitution on 26th Nov. 1950. Although it had been completed on this date yet for the reasons of political necessities, it was formally adopted 2 months later i.e. on 26th January 1950 which is our Republic day. Pakistan had already planned its aggression on the soil of J&K by invading the State on 22 nd October 1947. Because of this aggression by Pakistan, the entire Hindu population in the state of J&K stood greatly turmoiled including for their physical safety. There were over 600 princely states in India & Pakistan. Sardar Patel succeeded in integrating over 500 such states into the Indian Union. As per Mount-batten plan of June 3rd 1947, the princely states were given options to become federal constitutrents of India. This was conditioned on the borders of the princely states either touching Pakistan or India. The princely states of Qualat and Bahawalpur merged into Pakistan &the state of J&K who had its borders touch both Indian & Pakistan could enter into either India or Pakistan. Maharaja Hari Singh of J&K was all the time waiting to find out how the Rad-cliff award would be finally drawn up, on the basis of the dividing line between India and Pakistan. On its declaration on the 1 5th August 1947 Maharaja Hari Singh finally singed his memorandum of accession to India after waiting for about 2 months i.e. after the date of Independence of India i.e. 15th August 1947. On this day India was accorded a dominion status within the British Empire. The real reason of creating India & Pakistan as two independent nations had its roots in the religious belief of the Muslims who spoke through their leader Mohd. Ali Jinnah that Hindus & Muslims of the Indian sub-continent were distincly two different Nations, politically, socially culturally & religiously. The religion of Muslims i.e. Islam drew up an unambiguous line confirming that Hindu and Muslims could not live together under one common Constitution. Jinnah called the Congress leaders including Mahatma Gandhi & Jawaharlal Nehru as fools believing in the concept of secularism, which could never be acceptable to any Muslim Nation. Any Nation that is controlled and worked on Quranic principles is called 'DARUL ISLAM'and all those in opposition of it are termed as 'DARUL HERB'. Muslims by their faith and birth blieving in Millat must ever be ready to lay their lives to convert the entire world into 'DARUL ISLAM'. This is the sacred duty of a Muslim who must join a Jihad (a holy war) to fight such a war against those whom Muslims call as the non-believers i.e. the KAFIRS. Kashmir had in fact already become a Muslim majority state since 11th century A.D. It was therefore naturally a territory to the converted into'DARUL ISLAM & that could not be allowed to be politically governed by any non-muslim. The Maharaja of the state was a Dogra-Hindu. He and his ancestors had ruled over this land for almost 200 years but could not be accepted to continue their governance more so when the Muslims in India had in fact succeeded in dividing the sub-continent itself into India & Pakistan on the
basis of Hidu & Muslims religious communties. It was the business of Hindu India to become either a Hindu state or to remairy as a secular state for which Muslims in Pakistan had no concern left what-so-ever. Strangely, the history itself records that it was Jinnah himself who offered to a Hindu Maharaja of Jodhpur with his majority Hindu population state to merge into Pakistan. Mr. Jinnah was agreeable it sign a blank paper on behalf of Pakistan. This is a fact of history from were the hypocracy of Jinnah stands unabashedly proven & fully revealed. The same principle is not applied to J&K by the Muslims of Pakistan, which argument merits to be noted by the whole world. On 22nd Oct. 1947 Jinnah on the belief that the local Muslims in Srinagar shall rise and support the Pakistanis, Jinnha actually attacked J&K state saying that some local Kabayalies of the N.W.F.P. state in Pakistan had risen in support of their Muslim brethren. They could not tolerate any political control by a non Mulslim Hindu ruler of J&K. No political control over Muslims could ever be acceptable to any Muslim as per Quranic dictations. On 26th Oct. 1 947, Maharaja officially & finally acceded to India by lawfully signing the legal instrument of Accession. This action was actually no different but the very same that was followed by all other princely states, both in India & Pakistan. On the signing of above legal agreement, the borders of India and borders of J&K merged into each other and it became the duty of the Indian Government at New Delhi to defend its own borders with Pakistan. India thus reacted by sending her troops to Srinagar to check the Pakistani invasion on the soil of J&K, which in fact had by then become the soil of India itself. On J&K deciding to acceed to India, the Indian troops advanced to push back Pakistani invaders. As per General Thimaya's idea, it was really another 8 days military job left to push out all Pakistani aggressors. However, a cease fire was ordered since India under its leader Jawaharlal Nehru had taken its complaint to a newly born world forum called the United Nations. Pakistan thus has no legal case at all and the matter really should have been taken to the World Court at Hague but believing in the words of Sheikh Abdullah, the first Prime Minister of J&K, after its merger in India, Nehru acting on the persuasion of Mount-batten' decided to make a complaint to the newly born ‘UNO'. This was a monumental political blunder for which the entire country of India is still paying its price."For the errors of moments, Centuries stood PUNISHED". Nehru disregarding the views of Sardar Patel and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar India's first Law minister made the biggest political blunder for whose actions the country as said is still suffering and has already spent over Rs.1.5 Lacs Crs., in the state of J&K alone. This has come out of the pockets of Indians only. Can such a situation be any more tolerated. Prof. Balraj Madhok has taken this issue with another VHP supporter to the Supreme Court of India, In order to please Sheikh Abdullah, Nehru persuaded the Constituent Assembly of India to include in India's Constitution Article 370
by which the state of J&K and Sheikh Abdullah were temporarily offereda highly pampered status which was totally discriminatory when compared to the treatment India gave to its other 500 princely states who too had merged into India. It was said that it was purely a temporary and transitional measure which was needed to tie over some urgent political demands of Sheikh Abdullah whose own mnd in fact was to convert the Srinagar valley as his own private Fiefdom. While both Sardar Patel and Dr. Ambedkar were able to see through this game of Sheikh Abdullah, Nehru adopted a blind vision and as the time by gone has itself proven, Abdullah betrayed his confidence. Abdullah had finally to be jailed for his conduct of treason and for his deeds of sedition against India. The word "Temporary" is nowhere defined in the Indian Constitution. Therefore the state of Kashmir born & recorded at Sr. No. 15 in schedule 1 of the Constitution has been declared as an integral part of India. This sordid situation is now before in the Supreme Court of India by an Indian citizen. More than 1 lac of Indian people have already lost their lives. Four military wars in 50 years have also been fought between India & Pakistan. Pakistan itself has broken in two countries which are Bangladesh & Pakistan. While Pakistan has fully succeded in converting its own territory into 'DARUL ISLAM' by killing and driving awaythe left over Hindus and other religious minorities. India continues to live with its chronic and cancerous pain of communalism with over 16 Crs. of Muslims still living in India in the total population of 100 crores. They are as usd to treated alike as Indian Citizens. With the passage of 50 years time, India & Pakistan have now both emerged as states that live in utmost enmity with each other and both possess atomic bombs. Unlike before, unless India succeeds in finally getting Pakistan cleansed off its possessed atom bombs, there is going to continue a state of war between India & Pakistan. In the event of another military conflict, atomic bombs may also be used by both countries. Hence, we in India need utmost caution & a contigency plan of National Security. With the world scenario also having undergone great changes in the last 50 years, America is the only super pover left. It has already undertaken the task of driving away the Taliban Government from Afghanistan and in the recent past by attacking Iraq on the expectation of disocovering some hidden mass destruction weapons, America has already caputred IRAQ. While nothing has been found in Iraq, America may as well now also look into Pakistan and carry out this holy task in Pakistan. It was one of the only two Governments that had recognized the Taliban Government of Afghanistan. Musharraff too has agreed that OSAMA-BIN-LADEN is alive & may be in Pakistan or Afghanistan. With the evaporation of Russia as the second world force, India & USA who are the believers in Democracy, rule of law and co-existence may as well now politically unite to secure the safety of the entire world and the welfare of the people of the whole world. Both countries need to protect human rights. it must be clearly announced that the world cannot any more be divided since it is one family of the humans which the Indian ancestors and thinkers had called"as the "VASUDEVAM KUTUMBKAM" This was so said in India over 2000 years ago.
With the recent visit of the Israeli PM Mr. SHARAON to India, it is imortant that a new alliance of sginificance emerges uniting USA, INDIA & ISRAEL to act in defence of world Civilization & protect its freedom & human dignity. Such possible ensuing polarization appears inevitable.
CHAPTER-XXVI BELIEF IN FUNDAMENTAL ISLAMIZATION On 25th August 2003, two serous Bomb-blasts took place at Mumbai in which 49 people were killed and over 150 persons were injured. Why at all this bomb blasts took place is the pertinent question posed not only to the people of Mumbai but also to the people and Govertnment of Maharashtra and india and furhter to the people of the entire world Fundamentalists? Indeed, this is an act of Terrorism in which surprisingly for the first time, we find even the present Government of Pakistan also condemned it. The whole world ought to be justly concerned but the underlying reason of resorting to Terrorism killing only the innocent people including women and children, cannot be just an act of a mad man or a group of persons putting forth their self obsessed cause. In this book, the author has quoted Brig. Mallik's book the Quaranic Concept of war in chapter VII on Islamic Jehad or Terrorism wherein he writes that terrorism is a weapon in the hands of Jehadis who have to impress the world of their cause to convert it into Darul Islam. Through Terrorism, the non-believers in Islam are to be terrified and demoralized by using Terrorism as a weapon as a prelude to world becoming totally Islamic and termed as Darul Islam. As stated before the foreword to his book was provided by the then President of Pakistan General Zia-ul-Haq who himself was a military Dictator. The present President of Pakistan who too is a military dictator having ousted the civilian Government in Pakistan has openly expressed his support for any Jehad fought by the believers anywhere on the globe. Hence the sudden act of condemnation of recent Mumbai bomb blasts by Pakistan does arouse justifiably suspicion in the minds of world's political watchers. Can such a statement indeed grow out of genuine sincerity from the mind of a fundamental Muslim Dictator beloning to the cadre of military ? No elected Govt. in Pakistan as per democratic norms has ever lasted its full tenure. What is going on in India including in its troubled state of J&K and elsewhere in Israel, Indoenisia, Phillipines and even within Pakistan itself, must raise the concern of the entire world to meet this challenge posed to the entire world by Islamic terrorists who believe in Islamic fundamentalism. To me a war between the Islamic fundamentalists and those who do not accept it, is a MUST. Not only one can look back to the prediction of a French Philosopher Nostradamis made in 15th Century, one can also read Prof. Hattington's analysis with declaration of world itself polarizing into two camps in order to fight a decisive war once and for all. A WAR BETWEEN TWO CIVILIZATIONS. This book has brought out through analytical appraisal of the past world history and the conduct of the Islamic fundamentalists who organize themselve to wage a war which they call as Jehad. According to them, it is a holy ordained task of promoting the message contained in the holy book of the Muslims which they reverently call as "QUIRAN SHARIEF'. Hence the world's political and religious leaders must immediately look into the real cause of terrorism that clearly finds its roots in the Islamic philosophy contained in the holy Quran. It is this question which is posed to the whole world that must unite to finally create a way out of it that must include
if necessary, facing a war, that may be thrust by the believers upon the non-believers.
CHAPTER-XXVII PSEUDO SECULARISTS IN INDIA In this book under chapter 14(A), I have included an article written by Mr. Balbir Punj, a member of Rajya Sabha. That article appeared in the 18th Feburary 2003 issue of the Asian Age. It dealt with India, Islam and Bangladesh. Once again in the 16th September 2003 issue of the same paper, Balbir Punj has written an article under the title of "TERROR'S POCOMPANY". The same being pertinent is included by me as Chapter XXVII in this book which is expected shortly to be brought out in print. The Hindi version of the book having already been printed does not carry this chapter. Balbir Punj reproduces some utterances of Pakistan's past President Mr. ZMfiquar - Ali - Bhutto who came to India to get 93,000 Pakistani soldiers released who had surrendered to India at the time of Bangladesh war in 1971. Bhutto said "We shall wage a Jihad for the cause of Islam, not only in Pakistan but any where in the world, ff required --- If Muslims blood has been mercilessly shed in India, you cannotjust wring your hands. If atrocities are being committed on the Muslims in the Middle East, you will have to do something about it. If the people's party had been in power and ff there had been a people's go vernment in Pakistan, it would not have allowed India to get away with the killings of Muslims in Ahmedabad." This statement was made in April 1970 and is reported in a book by Stanley Wolpert under the title 'Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan. His life and times.' Punj further says, "Every time the country is stalked by a terrorist strike or a communal riot, the out of job secularists see the tragedy as yet another opportunity to paint their favourite whipping boy, the Sangh Parivar, black. Recent Mumbai blasts which left over 40 people dead and more than 100 injured, they have been prompt enough to describe the incident as a retributive strike, with just a statutory Warning in fine print that all terrorism is bad. Are they thus raising a red herring to allow a safe passage to the real culprits?" It is not that they are never caught on wrong foot. Some 3 years ago they were prompt enough to label the bomb outside some churches in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh as the handiwork of the Sangh Parivar. But when the role of an ISI out fit, DEENDAR - E - ANJUMAN, came to light they immediately retreated in a huff without tendering an apology. Recently Mrs. Teesta Javed Seetalvad of communalism combat went to resettle Qutubuddin Ansari of Ahmedabad riots had provided a photo opportunity for the "secularists". His "rehabilitation" was no less an opportunity for them to hog the limelight. But how many faces from the three Iakh plus Kashmiri Pandits who have been displaced from the Kashmir Valley have ever been displayed? Has the West Bengal government extended special admission to a single Kashmiri Hindu student in a college or a professional institute? Qutubuddin Ansari would probably be just one more tailor in the Metiaburz area of Kolkata. In fact, he might leave Kolkata to return to Ahmedabad. After all, "rightist" Ahemclabad's economy is booming and Marxist
"secularists" could be subsidized. Meanwhile, in the wake of Mumbai's twin blasts or the arrest of the Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists, Teesta Javed Seetalvad is nowhere to be seen. If "secular" logic is applied, there would be no limit to the number of revenge attacks. It could be a 'fidayeen' attack on Ahmedabad's Akshardham Temple, the second on Jammu's Raghunath Temple, the murder of Haren Pandya, the isolated detonations in Mumabai, the attacks on Vaishno Devi piligrims, and now the twin blasts in Mumbai! By that logic, the bagful of explosives that were discovered at New Delhi, railway station, and more remarkably, the catalysmic blasts plotted around Connaught Place, the ones that were foiled by the timely intervention of the police - an act that involved the arrest of five Jaish-e-Mohammed activists from Bulandshahar district of Uttar Pradesh - can also be justified as acts of revenge intended! The "secularists" view suffers from multiple flaws. First, they tend to absolve Pakistan of all responsibilities. So the establishment in Pakistan and a section of the Indian "secularists" often end up speaking the same language. Both try to legitimize terror in India saying it's a result of the alienation experienced by Indian Muslims was it alienation that prompted Dawood Ibrahim to seek an entry in Mumbai's underworld where he marginalised the Muslims like Kairm Lala but worked with Hindus like Chhota Rajan till the day they fell out over the Mumbai riots? Dawood masterminded the Mumbai serial blasts of 1993 and later flew to Karachi where he found a cosy nest in the Defence Oficers Housing Colony, two blocks away from Pervez Musharraf's own residence. He then got a Pakistani citizenship under the name lqbal Seth in January 2002. And how can one explain the fact that Haren Pandya's assassination was plotted by "alienated Muslims", not in Ahmedabad, but in Karachi? How can all acts of Islamic terrorism in the post-Gujarat riot phase be attributed to the "original sin' of the Sangh Parivar? Is it not a fact that most terrorists are Muslims, although most Muslims are not terrorists? In fact, many Muslisms are victims of terrorism unleashed by radical Islam. In India while the most Muslims prefer to live in peace with their felow citizens, there are strands among them who are always in a battle gear against all those who do not share their world view. And this trit of tolerance provides a cementing bond between radical Islam and the Marxists who provide intellectual inputs to the"secular" cabal in India. What the "secualrists" are trying to do is to legitimize wellplotted acts of revenge involving Kalashnikovs and RDX. According to intelligence agency nearly 5,000 Indian Muslims have recieved trainings in the Jihadi camps of Pakistan and Afghanistan in recent times. The main recruiting ground are the Hyderabad region, western UP and Assam. They often are the perfect gloves for the Pakistanhand in terrorism. All this has nothing to do with the Gujarat riots. Following the breaking away of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), Pakistan has been carrying out a relentless proxy war against India through ISI sponsored terrorism in Punjab (1980-92), Kashmir and elsewhere with or without local help. When Deputy Prime minister L.K. Advani visited the bomb blast site at Mumbai's Zaveri Bazaar, he spoke about the involvement of the
Pakistan based Lashkar-e-Tayyaba in the attacks. He also appealed to Pakistan, if its intention of peace-making was honest, to hand over the terrorists mentioned in the "Wanted - 20" list, except Ejaz Pathan (involved in the 1993 blasts) who has been extradited to India by the UAE. It was quite a sane remark on the part of Advani to bail out the local Muslims, averting the possibility of Hindu backlash. But the "secularists" will have none of this. They abosIved Pakistan, put the blame on Indian Muslims, who, according to the "secularists" have been forced to take to arms to avenge the Gujarat injustice perpetrated by the Sangh Parivar. The "secularists" were obviously waiting for action-reaction." Fortunately, people saw through their design, and the country remained peaceful, much to the discomfort of the "secularists". 300 Kgs of RDX is again reported to have been found in possession of some Pakistani Muslim living slyly in Delhi. The Mumbai police has solved the Mumbai twin blasts case and also that of the Ghatkoper blast of July 26 with the arrest of four persons including two women from one family - Syed Mohammed Hanif, 42; his wife Syed Fahmida Mohammad Hanif, 32-1 and daughter Syed Farheen Mohammad Hanif, 18; as well as Aeshad Shafique Mohammad Ansari, 27. Hanif who originally hailed from Mangalore (Karnataka) worked as an electrician in Hotel Hilton of Dubai where the entire plan for the blast was hatched. One Zahid Ahmed financed the entire project. The recurrence of Dubai in connection to terroris, from Dawood Ibrahim to Aftab Ansari, may be more than coincidental. This also indicates the level at which the Islamic extremist conspiracy is going on in the Dubai-Mummbai-Karachi axis. It is too simple to attribute everthing to Gujarat. It is like saying that had Gujarat not happened these blasts would not have happened. These blasts are going to occur because the motive is larger. Secondly, the revenge argument, not without its paradoxes, is a double-edged weapon. If this string of violence could be ascrined to Gujarat why shouldn't then Gujarat be ascribed to Godhara? But here the "secular" double standard is quite egregious, which actually provoked the Gujarat riots last year. With fumes still bellowing out of the burnt coach of Sabarmati Express, the "secularists" led by the Communists, instead of sympathizing with the victims started blaming them for their own fate. Even if the "secularists" could not nurse their wounds, they need not have rubbed salt in them. Some leaped a step ahead by associating the Godhra carnage with the Ram Janmabhoomi movement although the victims were innocent women and children. Will the "secularists" explain what was the provocation for the Moplah riots in 1920 during the height of the Khilafat and the Noncooperation Movements? What was the provocation for the Great Calcutta Killings of 1946? What was the provocation for Noakhali or Multan? What were the provocations for 9/11 or Bali bombings? I'll give you the answer. There are Muslims of Various hues, ranging from the Sufis to the Wahabis. Some Muslims abhor the very notion of living as equal with those who do not subscribe to their brand of Islam. They are indoctrinated to gladly embrace death while undertaking the holy duty of killing those who do not subscribe to their interpretation of Islam, both Muslims and non-Muslims. Militant Islam's war against the West and Israel is certainly more pronounced. India is seen as a Hindu country, the roadblock towards
the attainment of a pan-Islamic empire from the Middle East and Central Asia to South East Asia. Hence, the dance of death in India. Too much is being made of the fact that those involved in the clean acts of terrorism in India include clean professionally qualified, highly placed Muslims. This effectively puts to rest the "secular" myth that terrorism flows out of poverty and educational backwardness. Had it been from poor Ethiopia and not opulent Saudi Arabia. Islamic terrorism is independent of the size of beard or education. Osama bin Laden is a mechanical engineer, clean-shaven Omar Sheikh attended the London School of Economics, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, the Hamam chief, is a paediatrician. And above all, we cannot forget the clean-shaven Jihadi socialist Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who wanted a thousand year Jihad with India. It is war against the civil society and it is evident on which side the "secularists" are? The above aticle should convince any reasonable person of the true attitude of the Muslims in India who really may never be expected to adopt secularism as their style of life. This is on account of very clean interpretation of the contents of holy Quran. It is now for the Indian society to take such measures as they may consider proper to protect their own life styles and the social and cultural values which they cherish and have come to posses them from their ancestors since time immemorial. UNLESS THE FUNDAMENTAL ATTITUDE CIVILIZATIONS IS INEVITABLE?
GURU TEG BAHADUR THE 9TH SIKH GURU BEHEADED FOR REFUSING TO EMBRACE ISLAM BALIDAN DIWAS NOV. 11, 1675 INDEED, the entire population of India, particularly its 80% Hindu population greatly owe to the community of SIKHS, led by their ten most reverend leaders called the GURUS. They being from its founder GURU NANAK and end with the 10th GURU GOVIND SINGH son of the GURU TEG BAHADUR. They were GURU NANAK, GURU ANGAD DEVE, GURU RAM DAS, GURU AMARDAS, GURU ARJUN DEV, GURU HARI KISHAN, GURU HARI RAI, GURU HAR GOVIND, GURU TEG BHAHADUR AND LAST GOVIND SINGHJI MAHARAJ. They covered a period of about 240 years. In the cause of Hinduism and refusal to convert to Islam, GURU TEG BAHADUR with his three loyal comrades namely Bhai Matidas, Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Dayal Das were barbarously killed in Delhi on Nov. 11, 1675. It is now time, that the Hindu/Sikh Junja of present day rises to seek inspiration from their most ideal example of sacrifice. AURANGZEB, a Sunni Muslim Zealot failed in his persistent efforts to convert SIKHISM in India to Islam. The 9th GURU was arrested first at SIRHIND in Punjab. He was then led to Delhi in a specially manufactured iron cage to exhibit the strength of the barbarous MOGHULS and to humiliate the 9th GURU of his utmost eminence and public appeal. Every adopted cruel method failed to contain SIKHISM, which in reality is an off shoot of Hinduism itself. In the holy ADIGRANTH of Sikhs, names of RAM AND HARI are found written on each of its pages. The holiest of SIKH shrines is 'DARBAR SAHIB' at Amritsar. Its earliest name was AMRIT SAROVAR. There are two more temples called the HARI MANDIR and the AKAAL THAKAT temples also located within its precincts. The SIKH GURUS had them constructed to propagate the DIVINE message of India's ancient philosophy of the VEDAS and the Upanishads. It is found in Punjabi language also called as the GURUMUKHI. The 9th GURU and his three comrades were offered a choice to convert to Islam and save their lives. Bhai Mati Das was tied between two legs andhands and he was was cut into two with a saw blade used in the cutting of wooden logs. This was done after AURANGZEB had publicly pronounced his obnoxious evil plan and barbarous action through public 'DHANDORA' that the 9th GURU of Hindu/Sikhs known as their PIR with his comrades, namely Mati Das, Sati Das and Dayal Das would be killed so that NO Hindu/Sikh ever dare to meet the challenge of ISLAM. Bhai Dayal Das was boiled to death in a cauldron of hot water when GURU TEG BAHADUR imprisoned in the near Kotwali building, now adjacent to the present day SHEESH GANJ GURDWARA, was ordered to watch the cruelty of Islam. He was being frightened so that he might on seeing this barbarism, decide to change his stand and agree to convert to Islam. The GURU gave the supreme sacrifice of his earthly body. Bhai Sati Das was roasted alive with cotton wrapped around his body. These order were made personally by Aurangzeb who put not merely his thumb impression but imprinted the order by imprint of whole of his left palm. This was called his SHAHI FIRMAN.
It is time that, we the people of India in reverence to this great sacrifice (Quarbani) of GURU TEG BAHADUR, BHAI MATI DAS, BHAI SATI DAS and BHAI DAYAL DAS now remember the great GURU by observing 11th Nov. of each year with a holiday calling it a National message of unity or 'BALIDAN DIWAS'. India's diverse people shall be united together into one strong nation, for which the 9th GURU was beheaded by the followers of ISLAM. If the Prime Minister Mr. V. P. Singh could on the 15th August announce a holiday for the birth of Mohammad (PBUH), why not the great Guru be worshiped born in India? The Islamic followers were really only invaders and looters, the Sikhs, followers of the Guru and his predecessor be honoured? Why our the very first SIKH Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh cannot declare 11th November of each year, a National Holiday? The Sikh population mostly settled in Punjab are the true and real fighting arms of the entire Indian nation. This is a fact of history. Our present chief of Army staff is also a brilliant Sikh representative. They continued to remain unmatched in their excellence of chivalry and true Nationalism. The 9th GURU was a monument of Indian unity. Before him the eight Gurus beginning with GURU NANAK (the founder of Sikhism) were great human souls who propagated the ancient Indian message of belief of God. They believed in SAT SANGH and Hari Kirtan for obtaining MOksha and going across over the repeated cycle of birth and death on this earth. This is clearly a Vedic thought and hence there is really no difference between the Hindus and the Sikhs. The 9th Guru has gone into history as a great Martyr with his son Guru Govind Singh also following him in the true tradition of the ten Great Gurus of the Sikhs. Let it never be forgotten that not only the 9th GURU was killed in Hindu cause but also his son GURU GOVIND SINGH and his four sons also i.e. the grandsons of the 9th GURU were also sacrificed. Here is, therefore an example of unparalleled sacrifice of three consecutive generations not written anywhere else in the medieval Indian history. No such wonderful example is contained in the world history. Our country can never forget the ten Sikh Gurus, each one of who worked in the cause of Hinduism. The entire Indian national owes so much debt to the Sikhs and their ten Gurus. The medieval hisotry records when Babar invaded India in 1526, even he paid obeisance to Baba Nanak. He was living in Multan at that time as a wordly detached soul with only few of his followers. Nanak was the first Guru who started SIKH faith. By word 'SIKH' is meant a pupil or a disciple of Guru Nanak. The ten Gurus heave greatly contributed in the writing of SIKH's holy book called the ADI GRANTH. In this book, there was additional writings of Saints like Kabir and Namdev and many more. The 10 Sikh GURUS have contributed in the make up of what is now a days called as GRANTH SAHEB. GURU TEG BAHADUR also has entered his own message in this holy book. The original name of Guru Teg Bahadur was TAYAG MAL. This name was changed by his father the 8th Guru since Guru Teg Bahadur had displayed great valour in the victory of the forces of Sikhs against the Moghuls. There were four such battles fought in the hills of Punjab for which reason the picked up lowly people from amongst the Hindus were converted into brave Sikh soldiers whose past history keeps on providing inspiration to the Indian nation even today. The SIKH GURUS have greatly suffered of severe cruelties at the hands of not only Aurangzeb but were also very barbarously treated by other Moghul Emperors except perhaps
Akbar. His son Jehagir however imprisoned and later killed another SIKH GURU by the name of ARJUN DEV. He called the Sikhs as the enemies of Islam meant to be slaughtered. After Guru Nanak and Guru Angaddevji, there were further Gurus namely Amar Das and Ram Das. Guru Ram Das created the present day city of Amritsar (originally called the Amrit Sarovar). In addition to the main Darbar Saheb there are two more holy temples within the precincts of the holy Darbar Saheb called the Hari Mandir and the Akaal Thakat. Due to persistent and severe torture by the Moghul Emperors, SIKH GURUS like GURU HAR GOVIND began converting troubled Hindus mostly of low class into great soldiers with their names as 'SINGHS' meaning the Lions. The 10th GURU GOVIND SINGHJI Maharaj son of Guru Teg Bahadur set up grand chapters of Sikh history of the medieval period. His singular contribution as a great national leader of India and his continuously sufferings have no other example anywhere else in the world history. The SIKHS because of their Guru's leadership created a grand military force. Guru Teg Bahadur the 9th Guru founded the city of Anandpur Saheb in place of an earlier village by the name Nanak Chaki. He erected a magnificent Gurudwara which is one of the holiest Sikh shrines worshipped and visited by millions of people from all over the world to express their gratitude and to pay truly homage to this great leader of learning and other warefare. The 10th Guru was a literary personality who mastered Persian, Sanskrit, Gurumukhi and Braj Bhasa. Besides being a grand military general he was scholar trained as such by his father the great 9th Guru namely Guru Teg Bahadur. The historians have recorded Guru Teg Bahadur deeply entrenched in the message of Baba Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. He was possessed of very admirable personal personal qualities like of which hardly any other religious saints possessed. The Guru on being apporached by some Kashmiri Pandits decided to travel to Delhi and meet Emperor Aurangzeb, fully realising that such a visit would eventually end in his own death. To further this cause, his young son Guru Govind Singh who was just 9 years old encouraged his own father to take up the cause of Kashmiri Hindus regardless of the consequences. The very spirit of valour and chivarly is therefore visible to any human being. India and her people therefore owe to the Sikhs and their Gurus never retractable debt. Aurangzeb is on record breaking Hindu Temples and buildings Mosques on their places. The present day Mosques in Mathura and another Mosque next to Shiv Mandir in Varansi are the living examples of Moghul Emperor's brutalities. In addition to Ram Mandri (demolished by Babar) at Ayodhaya, the VHP is demanding conversions of these Mosques to be reverted to original Hindu temples. It is a matter of fact that Muslims in the name of Islam carried out unimaginable carnage, loot and plunder and further dishonouring of Hindu women always humiliating Hinduism and all those who were not the followers of Islam. This practice of Muslims began in Saudi Arabia almost 1400 years ago and is continuing to date with increased brutality. It is said and believed by them that their holy book
'Quran' dictates them in the name of Mohammed (PBUH), the Prophet, to kill the Non-Muslims called the Kafirs wherever Muslims may find them. The present day bomb blasts all over the world killing the innocents are an Islamic conduct being carried out by the fanatic Al-Queida organisation centered in Pakistan. The entire world has become aware of it, which needs India to take particular note of. There are innumerable holy Ayats in the holy book of Muslims calling upon to exhibit their harshness unabashedly without any regret and in the name of Islam. While involved in the gospel of the God, the 9th Guru was arrested for the first time in 1665 along with his comrades, who were Bhai Sati Das, Bhai Mati Das and Bhai Dayal Das. All of them were brutally tortured so that they get frightened of Islam and for saving their lives, they would agree to convert. However they were persons of different mettle. They loved their country, its people and their own chosen faith in which the Divine gave birth to them. The accepted torture and death but did not yield to the Islamic pressure. The Guru thus chose his own moment of death by becoming martyr of Hinduism. Bhai Mati Das was sawed into two pieces by the use of saw, used for cutting wooden logs with his hands and feed tied. Bhai Sati Das the younger brother was put alive in the vessel containing boiling water and Bhai Dayal Das was wrapped in cotton and burnt. The 9th Guru was made to watch this shameful drama with the Emperor calling upon him to change his faith and embrace Islam. He shined as a sun while Hinduism was undergoing eclipse under the growing Islamic tyranny. All the three above named comrades were put to torture followed by cruel death. The bare facts of torture shall put any civilization to shame. Islam was seen in its darkest halo frame of total fanatism surrounded by barbarism of the cruelest form. Sikhism became the cause of Hinduism's survivor. Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Mati Das were real brothers and had been sent to Delhi by the 9th Guru before he was himself sent encaged in an iron cage manufactured specially for the purpose for the world at large to see. The death of the 9th guru came about with his head served from his body by the storke of the sword used for the purpose by the slaughter Jalaliddin. The historian provide varying accounts as to what happened to the head and body of the Guru which is said by the Moghul historians that it remained on the spot for four days without any member of the public coming foward to pick it up. However, some Sikh historians have written different tales claiming that one Bhai Jaita and Bhai Lakhi picked up the slaughtered body and carried it confidentially to Anandpur Saheb. The slaughter took place on 11th Nov. 1675 when the Guru who knew about his own fate and life and was not frightened seeing the cruel and barbarous manner of torture by which three more of Guru's comrades were done to death. They were Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Dayal Das. It is said that Guru's served body was taken to Anandpur Saheb by bullock cart through long passage of 500 miles from Delhi. Bhai Jaita had eight sons and one daughter. All converted to Sikhism in 1699. Bhai Jaita unfolded the blanket in which the severed body had been carried and it was put inside the house of Bhai Jaita at Anandpur. He thereafter set purposefully, his own house on fire by using every kind of available wood in the form of furniture before the Moghul soldiers could find them out.
It is necessary that some more details of how some ordinary men chose to pick up the served body of the Guru and take it away without any Moghul soldier watching them is recorded. It is said that a storm came on that day and as per plan two persons namely Bhai Lakhi and Bhai Jaita carried away body of the Guru as per details below: 1. He (Bhai Jaita) tied the head in a sheet, fastened it on his back and covered his back and covered his body in an old, dirty blanket. he made straight for Anandpur on road to Sonipat. Nanu and Uda kept his company at a distance. Jaita carried the head. Nanu and Uda served as his escorts. One walked ahead and the other behind within sight of Jaita. They followed the path through fields and bushes, greetings Hindus by Ram and Muslims by Salaam. From Karnal they took the pathway to Pehowa and Ambala. They reached "Kartarpur" on the afternoon of Tuesday, 16th November, 1675. They covered 320 kms. in five days. 2. Lakhi put the body at the suitable place and piled all the wood, wooden articles, clothes, available in house, heaped up cotton on it and then set fire to the house to avoid detection. In the morning the entire staff at Kotwali was horrified at the disappearance of the Guru's head and body. The Police was immediately put on alert, and a thorough search was made everywhere. Some horsemen rushed along the road of Sonipat making enquiries from passers by. Another gang of policemen hurried to Rakab Ganj. They found Lakhi's house reduced to ashes and inmates bewailing and crying, so they returned. LET US REMEMBER AND THANK THE BRAVE SIKHS AND ALSO REMEMBER WHAT ALL THE 9TH GURU TEG BAHADUR DID FOR INDIA AND HER PEOPLE WHO LIVE TODAY WITH UNFORGETFUL GRATITUDE TO GURU TEG BAHADUR AND HIS SON GURU GOVIND SINGHJI MAHARAJ. THEY GAVE THEIR LIVES BECAUSE HINDUISM SHOULD SURVIVE. Date: 29th August, 2006 R. V. Bhasin Advocate Supreme Court