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S,q,'cntrD Scmxcn LmnARY H,MAIL : IN S'I'I'r U T'E@rSAC RE DSCI EN CE.CONI W W W . S A CR E D S CI E N C E . C O M IN USA 800-756-614r
gy BOOKSWORK TirrsEur-ruxPRrxr'rr) ii tr4AI L : I N F{J(//rll(-X-) KS W OR K.CO M
w w \u,Lltx-)Ksw{}ltK.c'or.l h r U S A 8 0 0 - 4 -li- 6 6 5 3
' BTuBATAsuua4(rtPe.rg lseg rsalciCg go firnlg aql roJ uoTlepunoJ '.ro1ca.r1q 'r(enag 'U PJeAPg
'pTaTJ sTql uT {JoA s.reart oe uT pa.rlnbaa a^eq I qcnu se nort 01 uo ssed o1 pauSTsap sI }xal aq.f, se aTqTssod Xsr{X r{oqAos{ aq? '3.rotr.ra apBlt ot{A sluapn?s 01 sluauloc r{lTn.raq1a!o1 uaalg sJeAsuB ar{X puB sluapn}s fq paqse suoTlsanb apnTcuT osTB sluaB -aTddns aqf .suossaT aq+ Jo suoT?,rod f;1.reTf, Jo alarlsnTlT ol papPB atrar qJTqA 'uoT?EPunoJ s?uauafddns 1{q paaoTToJ aJB q3TqA sraldeqc 3alq1-fluaA+ aJB eJaqfr, aql /Cq.rsart lsBT uaa18 asJno) aouapuodsa.r.roaaql uT pasn lral aql EI sTtltr . 'paAaTqcB 'tlttSl slTnsar aql lB aATTJB ol q8nolql luaA I sdals aq? TTB q8no.rql o8 TTTtt ,(aq,I, aI{+ slsAleuB qcols {ur .ro; pasn I sa.rn81gl auBst TBnlcB uB Jo Jo lsgcaroJ la11.1gur '+uapn]s suaTqold papTtord aq aq] itq Pa$olt aq o] TTIA ar[Br TTTA s?uapnls 'arn+nJ aq+ o+uT uaql 1ca[o.rd o] Aoq (l) ruraq+ ,rsaql a+BnTBAa01 &oq (p) 'ruaql alBTosT ol ltot{ (") puB aulqruoo o1 Aorl (") .sAuIuT+ puB rsadeqs 'sq18dai1s rsql8ual Jlaql auTuralag o1 ,roq (q) rsalcfa puTJ ol Aoq (") Jo s+uauaTa aql qJeal ol pauSlsaP auo 1ec11rand s sI lxal aq,l .a11e1nbala.rcl e sB pa:1nbae atrB cTlauqll.re
ldacxa scTlouleqXa! ol[
.^f11n;seeccns XT asn louuoe sa.rnEl;: 3:o asn aql uT acuala&rcJ atrog puB oTlaurqlTrB Jo agpalaou:1 poog B qlTA alenpBrS looqcs qATq XuaElllaluT ,tue ,tt1a tlooq uosge.r ou aas I .IaAaT agalioc ?s lxal B sT ,,s1srt1euy alcfg B a{ahl o} ,rofr aq; 'scTlellBls Jo qcuBrq pazTlalcads e sI s1s.t1uua a1cfc.1o 1cafqns aq,[
gcv.{gud SISITVNV flCIC
auT+ aqg, 'aTBcE pa+BnparE aq6 '?tlTqumtl,l 'ea1c.ltc .uoTlcadsul Eullunog Jo filuTq 1a8 o+ !{og '1retlr
'ealcrtc 8u1o:aaag .s+uauoduoc troPuB.I PuB 'c1po1.rad[ rqpo.rS aleredas o+ llog -s1ef1euy .sluauoduoe uopuar prrB c1po1rad, rq1tro.r8 aulquoc ol 'seTtrag 'Elsaqlsrts AoE .sa1a{c euTqEOcOl rtBA.fado:d aq; 'auTTlno paTTB+ap B--8tr3QEnu Jo etrI1 8u11ea;lc sao.roJ eq6 'slertluug alcr(3 saT.ras B Jo gTBltTmB alcrtc I e{au Of l9g
IA uossaT
A uossarl
,r.rndg.cqffiTE papnrcurrq11ugpue ,Eao11ay ":",
saSed OOa Xq paluauelddne sT prIB ao ,(q ua111.ra sa8ed OOf sBq I +xBA
's1s/t1eue alcfc .ro;; PuaJl aAorua.ro1 AoE ,suBlpatr &rllogg 'gaSs.lane 8u1aou cTJlaEoaC .s1sf1nra alcfc JoJ spuaJl a8anaaa Eulnou asn pnB a{qr 01 Aog 'suqlTr e8ol rlqde.rg 's1s/t1eua aloAc Jot uaql asn o1 Aoq puB 8uq11.re8o1 'uoIlBInqBif, 's1s.(1eue sJequnu xapul a1a,tc qI uaql aBn 01 J{oq BUB traql a{En ol Aotl 'asn o+ a8a-raae qcTl{lt .Japru ,SUe;paU rSUsaU a1.r1auoa8 rsusaq 3T+aoIqlTJB- sagarany 'uotlBTod.ralul'sl.rBqJ 'earaqc - sls,t1eue a1c.[c -rog SuttralC cllalqlTrB oT+er 'e1s.t1euc alcfl .ro; B18p aql Jo uoTlBJBda-r4 !r{cTrl 'sauTqca[.] 'sTleuqlT-rB Jo AaT^aU Sulqcaqe atros 'B+nc lroqg 'su.rel Jo uoTlIuTJac I s lcaf qne tuVtoTToJ eql sraAoa I Xr Bd .as"moJ B q3ns pBq +ou eaBq oqA e8oq1 roJ 8"I+3I1B1g ol uoTlcnpolluT uB !sc11s11B+e nt ae.rnoc B psrt aABrl or{A asogl roJ AaIAaJ B sI uoTlJas sTtlf AI--J
suossaT puB uoTlcnpoJlul
gNIT&NO faaag 'U prarpg fq
slslTu![v flclc
v sM{ os }!3f,
Page 2
Leeeon VII
Bow to treke and use the perlodtc table to reveaL the typlcal or average ahape, etrength, and tlming of tbe eycle. Eon to rotate the perlodllc table to coupeneate for trend. Uee of color lu the perlodlc table.
Leeaon VIII
Esu to use a pertodlc cycIe.
Leseon IJ(
Eow to poettlon
Leseon X
Randouls: Three vayg to nlnlmtze
Leseon XI
The effeeta of movlng aver€geg upon trendr upon randon numbers.
Leseon J(II
Devlatlone of nrrmbere fron uorrlng averageg of vartous Iengths. Eon to correct for dletortloa.
Leseon XIII
Lesson XIV
to deternrlne the lengtb
of the
the cycle. then. upoD cyclee,
Three lrays to cleflnltlze the eycle. Deflnltlzlng cycJ,es of lntegral length antl of fractlongl Deternlnlng the lengtb. calendar tlntng of a cycle. -
Leseon XV
Hotr to nahe a perlodogratr. Slne and coslne curves and bow to flt
Lessoo XVI
How to nake a sluple haruonlc analysls. Bm to nake a Uee and llnltattone of tratmontc mu1tlple harnontc analysle. an8lys1e.
Lesson lffII
How to courpute movlng Bercentages, novlDg rat!.oe, and novlnc tllfferencee. Thelr effect ugon cyclea. Eor to use thesl to detect hldclen cycles.
Lesaon XVIII
The etratght llne trencl. t{hen to uge lt A ehort cut nethorl for cotrputtDg tt.
teeson XIX
Eov to uge p€rtodle enother,
Leeson Xl(
Wetghted novlng averages. cycles.
Legsou XKI
Eotr to mke a Strelff
Leseon }C(II
Eor to deterulue the future.
Leseon XXIII
Teste for Part II
cycle ana1ysls.
to separate one cycle froo
Eow to use tbem to reveal
Esv to proJect
trcnd aud eyclee lnto
of cyelee.
constets of about tOO pages,
In ecldlltlou the IesBoBs lnelude, at approprlate standard practlce tnstructlone and eupplenental by the author ln tbe conduct of bts ot'n work.
placea, naterlal
- v-Ar Nosssl Ar - r sNos$n 'ngr-Agu CNfiU.I gll0ruf8 qI ftOH - AI I'tOSSfl q18ua1 a8arany Eu1rro91V Jo a3ToqC - T 6Ngng'ladns III
s,Jego6 .
Eo1 .ro {ooqaloN a{& - ft - SNoIISn&ISNI gCI$CVUdOWCI{V,IS SIS.ITVNV g'I3L1 U0.{
soNgtil gcvug v 9tIIAon gsn GI{vsrvH 06 ltoH - rII Nossfl suggttn$d0 gsn mrr. ' g- rr Nossgl - T-V-II NoSSgl slulllwcoT J0 gsn sH.T.
SISl.Ivl\tV flCL?
gOI,ICWA CUVqNV,trS slaaqg uoT+BTnqB&- E - SNOI$C1U.1SNI
- sl{gsnnN XggNI
N0r$nngrt SgCVUgV - SUggtnN d0 gsn - II Nossg1, T uaTeord lnoqv aTBaS olls[ lnoq! aJoI^[ B l B g Jo uoT1e 1 o d .ra 1 u 1
'E 'e 'T
: s,lNgl{flddns I Nossrt 8u11.reqg - A
- sNol.lcnu,lsNrgcltr,c\ruil(Nvq$vJ,s
SISITUNV gTCIC NI I{SH.I gsn 0J nou qNv slut/H3 I NoSSS'I B+808u1u1B+qo'S B1BCpaET^aU8u11puag 't uoT+BTJrrIroJ 8u11snfpy '€ BlBg go {11aua8ouog 'e s a u T q a B nE u l l e l n c T e C ' T
: s,tNg!{gTdans Nol&cnqou,lNl SUTTTJ- T
sNorronu&silrgcrrcvl{d quvcNv,trs
v,lvc NOr,mnqouJ,llr .i0 flW,l s,trNg.[NO3
gcv.{wal s,tNgIiloc do flwr SISIIV$IV flOlC
V tr)fVhl 0.1 I'IOH
T a8a4 slualuoc
Contents Page 2 LESSONIV ST'PPI,EMEI.ITS: The Glossary The Log Conputlng Per Cent of Trend
1. 2. 3.
TESSONV - CYELEAI{ALISIS Eow To Make a Cycle Analysle Nunbers - An Outllne A Detalled outltne S o m eB a e l c C o n c e P t s
A. B. C.
of A Sertee of
LESSONV SUPPI.EMET{IE Conblnlng CYcles Reverelng CYeIee CYeIes ln ComnodltY Futureg Cyele AnPlltudee About Problen lr
l. 2. 3. l. ,.
5 ' Indexes - 5 - The Gracluatctl Scale -7-TlmeCharts
: I.ESSONVI ST'PPLEMENTS I. 2. 3. lt. 5. 6. 7. 8. g. IO. Il. !2. 13. TESSONVII
A Short cut or Bastarcl Method of t'laklng A Tlne Chart Tlne Charte Tlure Charta, Contlnued Tlme Charta, Contlnuecl The Tlme Chart Problens Solutlon to Problena Solutlon to Problen 3 Solutlon to Problen l, Contlnued lrlaklng Tlare Charte l{ork Harder Another Tlue Chart More About How To gat Elnta of Cycles The Eosklns Ttne Chart CongtruetlnS. The Tlne Chart
- V - IIX SfiCVU$AVCIIACD'I JIO S&Cg.'rm .{0 fIgIAglI suraTqora aq6 otr, sraAsuy aq& uO sluauuloC aEe.rany Eulaoq aug uBq6, aroll "rog Bul+saJroC (sa1ctt3 panulluoC, ts:aqong uoPusg uodg pug uodg 'pua.r;, uod61ea8ereay Eulaohl Jo lraJJg aqtr
'€ 'A 'T
: srt{gl{flddns rlx Nossfl sH,l9Ng'Isoonrv
suaTqord aq6 o&' sraAsu$ aqJ' uO sluauuoC - T ,lNgl^lgTddn$IX NOS$g
'strIclc Nodn suggnnN l^looNvl{Nodn qNv 'qNgutr,NOanSgCVUgrtV EH,tr- IX NOS$IT CNIAoWd0 S[CA.d.r'.r l4gl^grld qtlv t/gl^gu - v - x Nossgl suoTqnTouoCauTJaUo1 BIB(I palTuIT'I?u1sg
T ,INgn3flddnsX NOSSflI
flICIC gH.I CNINOITISOd XI NOSSfl surallBd TuuosBeSEulPulg ' e saTqBf cTPoTradlnoqv arol{ . I
II +rad - ffiWJ CICOrugdV gsn ONVOIW{ OJ l'tOH IIIA
: grNglAigTddnsIIIA
'l,lgr^gu V rrA-A SNOSSST
BlBg lnoqv suoT?sanb a t | sJaqulnNuopuBu ' € B+B(i ,,t11eq ;o asn aqJ| ' e IJol'| slXuepnl$ € Jo uIsTcTlTrO
:SJNgl^ttrIddfls - V - IA NOSStrI
.{o slNrg rgc ol' rof, - v - rA Nossg:I
aTq,Bf rTpoTrad V AtTlBloU +noq,Varoll roJ sacTAeC auT,! EUT?,unoO scTuouuBHlnoqv erol{ seTqsg' cTgofrad TBuollcerd Eul1"reqg s a T q B &c l p o T r a d a q l d n E u T l + a S puaJJ,JoJ aleeuaduoC ol 8uy1e1og eTqB,LsTPOIJad eql uT IoToC Jo asfl a{f, lscTuour.regasg Iq6
'8 'L '9 'S 't 'E 'A 'T
: S,lNgl^lg'IddnsIIA
t a8e6 slualuoc
Contents Page I+ LESSONXII
- A - SUPPLEIIEiIT I - Reconstruetlng A Cyele Fron Its ltloving Average
More About DeflnltLztng Cyeles The Deflnltlzed 9.l5-Year Cyele In The Standard & Poor's Corporatton CornblneclIndex - A - REVrE\I, LgSSoN I - LESSoNXIII
More About Perlodograns
Brlef Table of Slnes and Coslnes A Table of Sines and Coelnes of Anglee Expressed As Percentages of Perigons Flttiag Sine-Cosine Curves
Movlng Differenees Irtoving Percenteges, Movtng Ratlosr aud Movlng Dl fferences, Contlnued Questions About Movlng Percentages and Dlffereucee The Effect of Movlng Dlfferences - THE STRAIGI{TLINE TNEND. }IEEN.TO USE ONE . ONE HOI.ITO COI,IPUTE
W , C ' Y e a t r o r n t sP a P e r Yeatnen:s AnnJlficatton
sgTclc d0 gcllv0l,fi H"Is gH[ lTods,rsg&
r{0Isot clloc I r I XA UOSSgr
I a8a6 s +uoluo c
SCIISIJV&S .tr'WJNfiri'lgTfi- I,tllVd
TTB op o+ aTqTssal lou 8T 1I
:uoTlBlndnoo ol spTe JnoJ arB areqll 'paar{ rno,( u1 lT Jo 'fl+auqlTrB Jo 1oT B eaaToAuTslertleue a1cf3
'slaaqs pue .raded 1:stiC uoTlBTnqB+ ' s T B T J a ? B Ua 3 U a I a J a U 'suolXcnJlsul acTXcBrdprBpuals .sualqo.rd SulpnIOuT rsuoesal 3ro aTqBl B sapnTcul )iooqlxal aql) {ooqlxa& :8u1no11og aql qlTn no.t {1ddne
,S .t .E ,e 'T TTTA I
'uarq -o.rd uT€ruaq+ uT par{oTTog: ssaco.rdaql Jo SulpuelsrapunuE ol 1ua1.rodu1 sT {JoA
.sacTrd arTlJard aullnor TBuoIsBcJo eql lnq rssa.rSap o+ sauTlatros rt.researau nI lI :;cols uouruoCJo xapul pauTquoCuoTleJo&roC srJood ? prepuels sT saTras sTq,tr .ea.rn813:Jo saTJas auo Jo slslClaue alcfc alalduroc B a:1uorno.( dTaq ol pauSlsap sI esrnoc aql Jo r[aTqo.rd uyeu aql puB pa.reda.rd sT TBTralEu asrnoo aq; .
'fBTraTBur asJnoJ aql troJJ laE TTTI nort sqlJTJ -trooJ raq+o aql !1xa1 aql uT punoJ aq o1 sT slsflaue a1c.tc lnoqe !rou{ 01 paau no.( lBqA Jo qIJTJ B ?noqe 1aq1 ,tes pTnon I tpuaqJJg 'TBTJalsu uno r(u q11n +T lueu 'sao8 'Ja/\oc -alddns slB JBJ se 1xal sTql asn TTsr{s I aJaqn rtresrsaJau 1T TTBqs l 'qlTus pue 88oTTa) rr.rndg ,(q sc11sTlBlg aleredas rapun ,tdoc a nof BulEras uB I '{ooqlxal e paldope aABq I tagrnoc aTql roJ ra.ro3ra:aqg, oTurouocgpuB ssauTsng sI lI .uallTrn fpea.rlB sEr{ qoTqA poo8 Eulqytue a1ec11dnp ol r4sTTooJsuaag uaaq '{ooq+xa+ lI TBoIls}lB}s poo8 {ue u1 paraAor flalenbape are sTs.tlme alcAc r{+TrtuoTlcauuoc uT lroul lsntr nof s8u1q1 aql g:o ttueo 'pueq raqlo aql uO 'Salf rtC alenTBla puB ra1a1os1 '1ca1ap o+ rroq ,tlalenbape nof noqs TTTA t{3TqA tuala gtooq Jo uoTlraTToc oq 'rtnq uec nor( {oocl ou sT araqtr, 's1s.t1eua alcr(c qlTA ltlalenbape sTBap uaql Jo auou 'laaanog .s3TlsTlBXs Jo slooqlxal poo9,tuea arB araq& 'cTlaurqlTJB puofaq paau apa"r8-qlq8Ta scT1auaql€u.(ue nou:t 01 ?ou 111n noA esJnoc 'asuas uourtroopuB JTlauqll:e t(1a"ran sI scllsTlBls sTr{T rod }red lsou aql roJ 'B+cBJ TBrTraunu Jo sassBq qlTA &r11eap Jo 1:B puB aJual3s aql sI BcTlsTlBlg (uoT]r1oe1 'sraqtrnu uoTlBn:[3:_gg Jo uoTssaccns B uT soTlBnlrnTJ cluqlltq.r ( u o 1 1 c a 1 a p a q 1 q + T A s T B a P q 3 T q A s a T 1 9 T 1 B 1 s J o q cJo u8Iq1BqxgTaiffi'Ia5
T a8e4 uoIlrnpoJluI
Introductton Page 2 r (1) (Z) 0, (4)
Conquting nachlnes (vhlch add, substract, utrltlpty, Sltde rrrles (trhlch umltlply and c[lvlde). Attdlng nachlnes (vhich ad.d.and, subt ract ). Iogarithmg.
and dlvlde) '
Iogarlthns help because they enable you to substitute addition anrl aubtracantl dlvislonr ond to eubstltute divlelon for the etrtractton for nmltlpllcation tion of roote. ( Oo not let the vord logarithar scare you. Logaritlue &re as €esy es pte. Operating a tou can loarn all yor need to hlou nbout then ln flfteen nlmrtes. gllde rule le €EBy. too.) If you do not have aceess to a conlnrtlng nachlne yotr ean get along sstlsYou v111 aot Iou rr111 need. one or the other' vlth a slld.e rule. factorily aeed both. srachine you Day wlsh to r eat or If you do not have acc€ss to a ealculatlng The i{onroe, Fricycle analysis. for borrov one. Conptoneterg are not suitable you not flntl all wtl1 but good. nachtnes, d.en, and. l.larcrrant courparrles all nake 9rlden. ig the of nake preference lly nod,els eultable for your vork. one of the I nyself $otrltt \y Rather than spencl noney on nachlne rental, hand. [hoy by opereted uhlc! are l{onroes aesk nodel so-called &ecutlve Itttle as little for as $60' can often be bou.Sht eecond'hand rul'e But, aB eald above, you do not need. a ealculatlng nactrlae. A sllde logarttlng anct rule sllde A veII dlvtcling and d.o your rmrltlplylng ulll .enough' tlllld'oyourroots'slrdarraddingnachine(oryourheedt)rrllldoyouradltlltlon and. subtractton. gllde tttle' If you d,o not have accese to a conlnrtfn€ nachlne you gggg have a any Sears If you do not have one already, Vou can.bW i pretty good one fron Instnretl'ons for Boebuck t: Conpany natl order iroo." for $3 .?5, pfut postage' gllde nrle' 0r, lf you trreh, r rrllr rena you a etudent operatl'g come gibh lt. Send ;2.00 depoalt, returnable at any tlme' get alorrg vlthout If you ere pretty good at adding arrd subtracttng you ca4 you nay Houever, a nachine rvill save lrou so tnrch tlme that an addlng nachlue. utrch how you 8ee vant to rent or borrov one. you can decide thls later trhen vork le lnvolved and borr ruch t ine it takes you. get one rrith a subtraction If you clo rent a^n adaling; nachlne, be sure to to tbe prrchaee prlce' be applieil can key, And nake a deal 8o that the rental lf , lst er, Yor declcle to buY.
tha-rtlne you trlll need for the cotlee' I r.rill eulply.you rrlth vhatwer clrart paper you ean brly it direct fron the If you vant nore paper for your ot'rn puqposes I asr asking thls conpa4r to sead GocrexBook comps,ny, Nor*ood, uassachu""tt". you rrirl ie surprtsed to see ho'tr&Dy klnds of paper are you a eatarogue. ava!IabIe.
'soTra8 a1c.tc 'lcsJ uI (.e1sf,1aue BeTJoBeETl p€Ttec saurleuos sT s1s.d1ew ',saTJes euTl TTa aJ€ ' ',ale ogrl qlTA prguJef,oc erB sas.{1eua e1c.,tc TI€ {TT€cTlc€Jd ."p1"i.C do.rc .C1.rae.c'sa.rn91g: uoTtcnpord ^d1q+uou 'sac1.rd, {co18 {TT8p 'ee-mle.radue1 aql 'etrTl Jo rePro uT .C1.rnoqaATBBaconS 'saIJaE suTl € paITBc sT BaTras ls€llnser ,uolsseccns Jaqlo .firpu rraqlo pe?rerrs e.rtl sraqurur aql uaWl u1 JelJp euo aql .'s.(bR '8.reqtrnu Jo rrT puB .en11. gio repJo uT .az1s Jo Japro u1 pa?ur.r,re eq uBc sJeqtrq[ sproA aq&) rr€ sT sraqmu Jo saTras V '1EEE6?'[I€E- slr€otu 66lfff TAEft$ffi
'€,567 --#gt
,satsraas la{rBu ttcols Jo 8aTras € pqTJ TITII nO,t pesolcus leeq8 € u0
'sa.m91g:le{r€[ )tco?s saos Jo als.d1are e1c^dce Fu1:Jau,tq, asrnoc eql 1rla18 aJoJaraql ITIA erl
srousTsi'up11 eqrpeldops a^cqr 'tuT+saraluT ;i-iilT"'lufirtl.;i::$'.:H::;
'ue1ag pa{oTJqB .ls€eq'notr reu g:o og r.Jelq?f l er{l TIB raq pTeq trctr .C1;nrqaq1 lnq t 's8u1q1 .;ro eTppTq aql uT lrBls ol 8TtaTr ., '&esgacoq E€ {mJ1:lc€ q ol uar{fi .ool .as.moo ecuepuodee&roce JoJ aq pInoqs +T pu€-EoTrots roJ deH ulapou eqf 'BT XTnf uo 'pue1?ng 'aulqspo suag ' ' . rten 8 s .C1eue.r1:o l 1 ,, 5gg1 Tq6 TTnp 'uoTt{s€; ltl.rapao uT s8u1q1 fnd oq't sI l€ trJoq BTn raqle3rpuu.r8 s ruoouTqog ualag,r .(?rr peuoTqs€J pTo eqfi ,{ooq lxel € se-J.1e1s B elTJr.r oq s.dbn onl oJre erar{J,
'asJnoc aqt uT retaT pereaoc eq o 1 'os 'nod JI ITaq ITTn r ?u1o? erc ls{tl stuTr{t of uT€l.rad .t\rd suoTlsanb .rno.( g:o auos pug .ao.rnoo eg," ltq paleaoc ?grt egl apTslno suol4senb Jensu€ ol eryatrepun louu€c 1 'es.rnoc JO 'pufqaq 'ratlaq a{l eJou srt[ 'luerl no.( 1T€ lJeT {sV 'pIno/l esTr.rJaqlo nof s€qt esJnoc tuTeq rcrJ no.Cdsa{ ol clTer{TITA suoTlsar$ eql Jo lno arotr 1a? o3 no.Cdleq TITrr suoT?sanb 'u1efu lT a^Tt I uaqn rellaq esrrtoo eql alFq ol au dleq ITTr{ suoT?sanl 'sn }o qloq. dleq ITTr.l suoTlsarti" 'puelsraptrn lou op no.f, 8o1r{t -f,u? sT eJaql JT suollsanb {B€ oS 'puTqaq nol( eatrdl pue uo of rfuu I 'dleq paeu no.f uaqA Xno rao.uauar puy '1.red .rnof, op noA g:1 'nof aos l€rll lou louu@ TT€c I 'r1od +BT8s€ uo )tJon lnor{+TA 1Tta[ns aql o1 nod rt.r.rec ol nol I]tB € lou t;rtsI lnfi '{ror.r aql op lsnu nof, 'uTelrmou e SulqrrTlc 'epTnt sa uoTlcunJ I1TA I IITI{ I 'sTE a{TT 'lTnsa.r sTr{l fuTaaTr[cc .roglXlTTTqTsuodsa.ra{t a{Bl lsnru dd 'relaRog -{Teup elcfc at1erl o1 noA qr€a I ol sT--ouTtrl pu€ s.rrpI--oaTlcaf qo T€ntnu JnO
EroTiE?-r6 'uaql AoIToJ ostseTd .sa.rlnbeJ uoTs€cco se nort o1 ual13 eq ITTI\ suoTlcn rlsuT aoTlce.rd pJ€p -Irefg 'pqa aqt u1 Xod EacTlce:d p{€prmls urB?Jec lql ur.roqs s€q acual.rad:q6
r 6 aSed uoTlcnpoJlur
Introduetlon Page 4 r
Iou vl11 proceed as follovs: The flrst
thing you vill
do rl111 be to chart the data.
(gatp arc Durnerlcal faets. The vord. ts plrrral. (tUe aingular, rarely used, nThe ls d.atrur.) Iou nwer say data !g.. . .rr lou ahlaye say "th" data sIS . ' . rr !!he vord data ls pronounced. d,ayr-tahi not alaht-tah, or datl-ah., fou w111 clrert the ilata for (f )
You want to see lf
hro reasons:
the series shous a @!.
(Trend. ls the tendency of a serles of flgrres gradually over a period of tlne. )
to lncrease or decroasc
Q ) Torr vant to dlscover the atrrproxinate Length of the cycleg yor rant study flrst.
(Qfgf_gg are osclllatlons--ups arrd d.orvns. The sord eones fron a Oreek vord neanlng clrclea eonlng aroundl agsin to the place of beglnuing, e.!., a low. fou y111 nant to etudy theee up antt d.ovn aotlong ln the hope tbat tbey trlIl be rtlythnic. ) (nfrvtUr mea.asto npeat vith neaeured tlne. )
a beat,
cones from a Greek word oeaning
heve (Ot cgtrrse, .you aro hopeful that the rtryttm wlll be so regular ancl vill of result be the cannot reasonably repeated so nary tlnes that itre re$rlarity But this gets lnto tbe cbanee. In this event you can e:rpect it to contlmre. aatter Of waluatloa, trhich trill l>e conslderecl later. ) If, in a:ry lnstanee, the rlata you ar6 stutLylng bave no trend' at once to lnrnt for cYcles,
yotl can Proceed
a 0n the other bancl tf, ag utth tbe stoclc oarket figures, the data d'o show wlth analJrsts' tbe proceed you can trend, xou have to reruove the trend before Iotr usually
remove 1t as follovs:
Flrst, vol flnd vhat the trend values are for . thuetlc arl )
each y€ar ( a uatter
of sluple
value for tbet Secontl, you flnd for each year the percent th'rt the actual of conlnrtlag natter the mereLy Is year ls of the trend varue for lhat year'(turs e f a percenta€es).
Iou nou eearch these values ad-Justect for cycles-
percentage of trend-
')t:or.\ ol
tlro11 1a3 ei.t eso .b L6.2
2r.3 3 3 .O 35.2 33.2
3r.2 3r.2 39.9 trO.B 35.It 39.2 b2,0 lo,l 38.2
3?.r 33.9 26.2 28,2 3l{.\ h3.5 ,2.3 lr9.3 l*?.o 39'5 38.3 \h.B b5.1
rBSB r88g r89o rBgr rBga rBg: I89lr
rBgl rB95 r89? rBgB IB99 19oO
rgol Lgoz 1903 l90lr
rgoS r9o5 1907 190B 1909
].gr0 rgrr I9r2 t913 rgflr 19]5 t9t6 191?
rgr8 T9I9 I92o I92r
I ndex
\3.b l{lf . h lrl+.o L2.0
\6.3 39.8 36.5 3?.8 3 5 .b 3 7. 2 \2.2 ,2.6 51.3
69.9 60.2 5 8 .B T5.L Bo.6
6r.6 6r.o 81.2 78.2 1 7. 3 79.7 ? 1 .r
6 t. \
59.9 Bo.h 72.L 5 l r. I
7\.6 67.8 58.3
L922 Lgz3
7L.5 72.9 76.9 gb.8 105.5 l.2\.9 158.3 2oo.g 158.2 9 9- 5 51.2 5 T .o 76.6 82.g ]I7.5 r1?.5 B S. 2 9\ .2 8 3 .I Bo.o 59'l*
rg21 tgzB Lgzg 1930 193r rg32 r933 Ig3h 1935 L%5 r93? I93B L939 rg\o rghr lgL2 1 9t 3 lgtr\ L9\' L)\6 1911? B 191{ 't-orr9 195o 195I
:)r2 L9r3 19r\ L955 L955
9r.9 99-8
L39.9 r23.0 rz\ .l+ .t21.li rlr6.lt
r7s,, 1 8 77 . I-89, o ?26.7
3\l ,5
These data are derivetl from three series vhlch have been spltceil and p'.lt o n a 1935-39 = LOObase to match currently
published clata'
Sources: f85tr-18?O: Clenent Burgess Index.
& Poor's Comblned Index of CommonStock Prtces, L926 = lOO. r9r8-1953:Also Standard & Poorr s Combined
rBTr-r9r?: Standsrd
Index, but f935-39 = 10O. Current monthlY data 8re publtshed 1n the 9!II9I of gfgeq! B u s l n e s s .
'nod ol dn 8T 1I .tutuultaq, aqt uroJJ srapToJ qcns gsn ol qsrr'\.deurnort '.tO 'BaTTJ T€cTlJaa uI pegn lJoB egl Jo srap1oJ ecuapuodee.r.rocol Jo BJepurq raqqo ol leTral€s Jaqlo eql ps€ ssoeset eqq IsJsu€Jt ol l{sTr.t.rteuno{ 'dn eIITJ Jepurq aql s€ 'Ialql '8q€1 xapuT plot{ Pu€ 6uoTlca8 eql ele.redes o+ .raded r{aeaq Jo preoqprttc uTql agn u€c no.{ 'rapuTq, € esn no,t gi1
suoTlcnJlsuI eaT?c€rd pJ€ptrBls
I€Tra l€lt acuaJaJag
sa 11ddng
'e 'p 'o .q .€ 's
s quatm€T6sy prrc T€TratEl t uo sseT
slJtqC atrI& 'sa1qe;, aTpoTred Jo sX:ut1C 'sa1qe6, cTpoTred sleeqs uoTl€Tnq€fi (slrsr{c euTI) sqrsr{C . 8alol{ sexepul 'c 'd ? (renutry pauTquoc 8 rJood .g pJ3pu€ls)
:snoTIOJ s€--sJopToJ .nro{ cin las Jo-Japurq
-rnorf aPT^Tpqns 'qlTn 1J31e of
'r{sTA nod 311 3.{alr paqctmd nort ol lalralq! os aq .tpaer oITJ 01 sTr{l lT lur{t IT€ Puag TTT^I ',{EA Jor{lo oruos ur ro 's-raploJ aITJ .strapuTq Eu1.r-oar{l pueuuocar I Ilsr{s I tr.rsu1p.rouT '.rapu1q 8u1.r-aerql e uT s:eded {Jo/.r.mo.d oITJ o? t{BTrdrfcu ro1
tutrTd'r SltOI&COU$SilIirClfiCtltcl (IWGi{V,IS
Introduetlon Supplenent I
and ny answer, nay be of general lnterest.
QITESTIO}I: I an wonclerlng why you prefer the Frtden, vhat you thtnk of the llarchant, whether you are farnJ.Iiar with the new models of the Marcbant, and whether a 1O key or I key maehlne 1s needed? AI{SWER: I thlnk
tbe Msrchant 1s a goocl machine,
I am not fanl]lar
with the newest rroilels of any of the nachlnes.
As far as I know an I key naehlne woulcl be adequate for analysis, We have B anC 1O key Monroes end I0 liey Frldens. My preJucllce ln favor of the Friclen ls frankly on the f ollovrlng: 1. A repairman engagecl excluslvely vas the best machlne on the rnarket. 2. Fridens,
ln repairing
any work 1n cycle
a preJucllce.
ls baseil
Monroes tolcl ne tbe Frlclen
The head of an accounting departnent of a large company uhich used Monroes, ancl l.tarchants told me the Frlden was the best of the 3 machlDse.
3. Dr. Leonard Wlng, of the Founclatlon Staff, investtgated Monroes, Frlclenst and Marcbants a yeor ago and decidecl in favor of the Friden. Ee said it vas faster than the Marchant. b. e as l } y .
Conparlng Frlden and l'lonroe, I flnd
the Frlden gets out of oriler }ees
lucky 1n prlce on Frld€DBo For exaqpler the nachlne 5. I have been fairly ve bought for Dr. lllng ( second hand, of course) cost only $:a> for a 10 bank nachlne vtth fully automatlc divlslon, nultipllcation, negative nultlpllcatlon, etc. etc.
I admlt that the above le not anough to go ono ls worth.
I pase lt
on nerely
for shat
tAIX uosEa-I alatlatluB oJB sqersopoTrad ararlA .qlaral
qlBuaT aTqeIaP Fru'Jc ls t olgg\l+ suarSopoT.r,ad01 sacualaJau
aurBsaql Jo salc^o .[q pazlJalcBlBr{]
B se}8I?snTTT uB JO sluauoduoc aql usqA uaaa asTJe ,(Bu qJTI{A ,ttTnclJJTp Jaq+JnJ ,glr
aged tt66t
fe6 .ro3rs-ffi
'a1c11.r9 Puocas aq& uoJJ aEed a1Eule B
'g8-eg sa8ed rt66t qcrBl{ aol ffi lualaJJlp
sorJ uaIB+ se111I
luaJaJJTP 18 sluauoduroc ,(.r1snpuT
.traa 3:o dn apeu aJB I{1'TATBaP aA saoT;d 1eo1s Jo saxapuT aqX 18ql PqB
satcrtc luaraJJTp aABq {co+s Jo ElJos luaraJJTp 1eq1 no^( sAoqs ,,'1aryBn l?ols aqx uT sa1c./t3,,paTTBe ,lsrlJ
u1 paraaddE qf,TqA saTcTue on1 nof
':{JBT slT Aq pacnporluT saTxTxelduoc aql JO
roJ ?uTcnpo.rdar trB I Pua sTql oI
spalncas eq s'tea1e louueo '(11aua8ouo[ OIB1B aq gBc no,( 1sea1 +B Xnq. .saqo JaTTJBa JoJ sarn!1;
aq1 qlTA snoaualggoq aq 1oU '[a
JaIBT JoJ saJnETJ eq+ eaTuedlxocTBnpIATpuTJoJ uaAg JO sar;s
?Ttrc f11::ssrDa:
rs:ea.f, f1.rea aql IoJ
'palgaJc 1a'( lou salueduoc
'tTTlt f.rlsnpul
uB Jo uoTlcnpo'rd
.X?puI aql Jo s.rea't ^,t1:.laoql JOJ acualslxa uT uaae lou Jo rapul ue,tlrBTTUTS juo11r1aE puB uorsTAaTal sE qcns saTrxsnpuT Jo sorr.31J uTBxuoc 'auTl luasard aql lB
.TTIlt daury1gfo po;rad a:qErapisuoc lCuerano 8u;pualxa
xapuT uB .oldUexa lod
Tslaual ;o
'elc? snoaualouoq a^eq 01 sTqTsso'I stenge lou 8T 1I
.3TqTs8Od sB snoanvEouoq sB aq 4Bp lnort lBq} 1ue1ro([tr1 I rll
v&vo J0 r.llglxgconou Z luauaTddns
liormnqcuJNr f ain3 Z +u€-,ra..lrJr.g soll3npurluI
Introduetlon Supplorent 2
OlI IIIT'ROIIICTI Supnl ement 2 Co]'DUCT0F II{]i COURS]I In e"grver to the questlon, nDo your'ant the probleqrs trariler? trlrgler? lbout the aanc?rrone of our nore thouglrtful students trrltes, nlt ls hard for ev€n an actlve Yet by taklng one €aBy step after a,uother, each nan to seale an etgbt foot ualI. ulthln the llmlts of hls ablltty, even an ordlnary person cer cllnb a notrntaltt. It ls the Job of the lnstrlctor to e:rplaln every step go tbat the stud,ent can cover the gror:nd, snoothly and easiJy.rl I belleve this nan speaks for rnost of you andl I sheU be governed I shnll try to take you by the trand. antl lead you snoothly ana aceortlingty. careful-ly to the top of the mountain. Hotrerver, I voulcl nuchrather d.o it the other vrqy. I uould. rather nalce you I vouLd. rather you entled,the courge, skin your shins gettin,l over B-foot ualls. lrit ltke to glve you not tourlsts bur eonnanclos. Itd. like to nake you towht problems that vou1d. reogire you to th:ln!--problems that you night not be abl,e to solve. ll li.ke to make you learn the hard. tr4v. But I clonft thlnk you traat this nncl I shall borr to rrhat I think are your ttlshes. beyontl Hovenrer, lf ]'ou do cone up a,3ainst somoproblem that goes a llttle yor See lf d.ellberately. the text, rr:nernberthat it na..rhale been introduced. (fut for help!) you be to call tf caqlt, eure canlt flgtrre lt out for yourself. I call Gas115' Also, keep me posted es to your reactlon to vhat I an givlng you' aodify the material .end the problens to neet the need.e and tlesires of the naJorlty, so please be vocal. Ancl ask questlons !
g8 'sa8ed Sur,nolloJ oal aql uo suurtoporred aql lpnls no{ yr a?ueraJJIp ;o seldunxa Jaqlo {ueurJaaorsrp uBO notr 'l uel.rodur aroul sI sq?uov LZ;o alcAc atcra,\s ua slro?S 8ur ur 1r1 6C !o al c^c ade P I aC ul pvsql uour -Ja^B uB uBrll luol.rodrrrr ssal qrru Alsnore -1o sr rI alclc qtuour-gt B sr arar{l Jl s{Jo?S tuaudTnbg urBJ ur .aldruexa .ro3 'salcAc
' s 1 c o 1 g S u r u I r t p I o J U B I p B U B J. s 1 c o 1 g IBrJ4Brl turplrnl :s,rroIIoI se s)lcqs tl(lll|ll)3 J o s d n o r i t u a r a f l r p x r s I o s e s d l s u BJ o s1[nser arl] tuasa.rda.r sun.riopor.rad aq1
'sJequrel Jno 'sexa1 'oruoluy uBS 'O Jo auo Jo lcocldo3 'S 'g Aq pareda-rd sa9eraae dnort snouua ' q I J s a r l 1r , i a r a q Jo sue.rtopor:ad xIs I
arnpo.rdar r rce; sr'r1,Hrr;rTTiilrw
luaraJlTp e^Bq slco?s lusraJtIp 18r11 ar aJuBcII1utTs sTrtI .sesodrnd ?uasard Jno roJ eouacTJlrrtTs Jraql la3 o"l ropJo ur IIInJ untlt pustsr?prm ot paau ,{11ea.rtou op no,( fn{ '1.roder sTql }o uortca5 lBf,ruqrrl eqr o? J" f er 's ura. rS oporrads, poddo3 ' Jl t 8 u r 1 a r [ r a t u l u I d l e q e J o u tt u a , i n o , { ; 1 ' {l t ua 1 uI sq?uou 9g Jo aa3r lafuo.rts uaAe uB s r oreql ' e8B r3A B or ll uo 'l B g1 sbl ecl pul sq?uour9t re luad r3q?ouB sarJas eures arl? uI '{ 18ual s }qt o? eso[c { .r a,r ro 18 aA B ' i u B s a t B s T p u l 8 q 1 u o u r0 t t B l e a d rlrrrer eql s{ctrls luedun3 luaunsaAul paSeraeal 'alduexa oJ J Jo ua.rtopot.radoql ur 'os[B alcAc aart llada: Jo .luqll{r B eq ,{eua r .raqralclc rlrlrer tus?-rodur ue st eJar{l alaqa aaJnof, Jo puy 'aJuol.rodur ue pazdleps 3:oalolc r!rltrr uaeq e^Bq sa.rn8t5 aqt ur ar araql 1 n q l ',ttlq sr un.rSoporrad I Jo earnc aqt ararlr qr8ua1 a1c{c I-rare rBau ro 1B 'Ilqtnor flurleadg 'lIa[ eqt tB elBcs aql Aq ttaotls sr alclc eqr Io acus?rodur a^t?Blar aql 'rlr .r Sopor. rad aq? Jo uro?t oq eqt 1B al ers eql uo tur oqs aJB s qtS ual alc lc l uaraJJrp a{L '8alr€lI Io sarJes B u-r tuesa.rd salc{c aflnrarr snor.raa Jo ecuEl.rodun eAr?B[eJ eq? Surnorls e {1a.ranrsr up.rtoporrad y lrBrlc '0S6I ;o {uq o'r (fiil {renmf utorJ 'BFco?gtuaudTnbg urBJ pue 's1co1g IIV pac tJ d aql s no"us ll ecs rl ,l l '"r fc o?S eJntf rd rpnon 'slcqts ftndunn tuauqsaaul patnraral
tBqnaups 18 prrB 'stq?ran tuaraJJIp tBqaetDs r{r!r salclc ?uros eq? ro ,salcdc luerat -JIp af,uaprAa s{ro?s Jo sdnori ro slco?s tuareI.I!p roql lrBI aq? sr {ioloqcdsd ssBru sal ns sau s a q ? ? a { J e l u ? B r l l r i l er A }- o I c o l tutod eqt lsure?e luaunire 1n;rarrod y rr 1rI3 lE.rrl, t0 rrrx
rlrot s turr.t I l0
'i(urlrucs asolc ptrets 1ou lul eapr slr{1 'aIqEuosaal aJE 1eq1 sBapr {ueu os 'Jaranop 'IIloloqc{sd ssuru aIII Jo aJnsBaul a[qBr[eJ B sB salr€ry taIJBru {cots ldacce o l e I ' l B u o s B eJ a ? r n b a u o l s u . r a a s ? I 'se.rn8rJ acr.rd {rols Jo sarres snoauatouroq aeooqo o? InJarBc sr auo Jr Illercadsa {cerncJB laar8 q?Tn sqt8ual alcAc ?uturrotap ol alqrssod sT tl 'acuarled aqr pue arult eql sBq auo Jr 'aro;araq1 'I11enuuu sB IT3a s8 ,(1rep pue 'A11aan 'AIr.lruou a[rlBIrBAs arB Iaqr ?Bql ur sarru3r; {ueu ralo a9elua^pa 1ea.r8 I a^Eq osIB sa.rn8!J ta{Juuf Ico?S
-s rpun {1aeIlslar arr o? ,..t]^^l?r.t::;:l
-a.l prn 'at!l Io por.rxl StpI (IrTeI B ra^,o pualx? uraq?Jo auns esnecel sarrSr3: lelrEru Irol s q?In S l u rryo ,rp a l l l sA u n l B a ^B rl I 'lJor srql lnolB ur sa I ot n o l l sa ra l u ! I I IA r ! Iu l rl t t '?aIJEur lcsts aq1 ur salcr(r eq? qr!,r tpl?c?uuoc ul errqBu {reururtl -a.rd B Jo l ro a Jo IB a p p o o S B o p 01 !,1 al'lTl aql PBq I vr6l Pu8 tt6[ ur )ov Ll
le{rBnl {cots aqf q selcr] q?.rBegefl, '.
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Report for March l95l
fr I
itl 't, :lt
l t . '
t r l l t . l
'tr t t t l t t { I t "
r : ' t , t l
t ? . l l t
ri{ t t l
r i
PrtLtr!riAty ?Gitooosrrr (0rrrs' DtLrA (Al vrtctrl Flc.f. ?or arou?t oF trocrs At frotcATro, JAtr.1932 - Mrv 1950. Prrrl trorclrg ?ossrrrE cycL€g At or rcAr rrE LGtctx rrf xoltxs Ag Inotclr€o. ilort ?t{A? THI cYcLCS tu6GE5TrDOtfrtr f x p o R T A t r T L yf a o x G i o u ? r o c t o u 2 . c r { A r r ! r € ? t c . t f t t r t o t ; , o f E. s, C. Coppocxor Srx &rroxro. lrrrs. ^ x o A R € R E p F o o u c r or x R o u c r r x r s c o u R t E s v .
llhar al I this addsup ro is that the traders in dif l'erent kinds of stock do not all l' ehav e th e s a rn w a y a t th e s a n e ti me. I r r ot h e r s o rd s , s to c k p ri c e s w o ul d seem not t o Le a n i n d e x o f n rrt p s y c h o l ogy. The most that one can say is llrat the prices of gr or r p s o l ' s to c k s m a y re p re s e n t the i ntellectual and emotional attitudes of the t r ader s in th o s e p a rti c u l a r F ro u p s. A gain , i t m i g h t re a -s o n a l ,l yl ,e s upposed that cyeles in the prices of stocks of e o m p a n i e so r f i r o u p s o f c o m p a n i e sc o r r e s pondedto the cycles in the profiLs of those conpanies. Fut people who have studied the suLjecc tell me that stock p r i c e s v a r y m u c hm o r e d i r e c t l y v i t h t h e sales thatr with the earnings of tlre cofli-
panies irrvolved. I therefore imagine ttrat w e h a v e l r e r e a n o t h e r e x a m p l eo f s o r n e t h i n g thaL " ougi l t " to Ie so, Lut i s not. From the alove olservaLions I assume tha0 che cycles w€ iirrd in the prices of s tocks rn di l'leren t companiesand di t feren t indusbries prolaLly corresponds to the c y c l e s o f t h e r r l r r o f c l r o s ec o m p a n i e so r i ndustri es, Ltt I do not know thi s. f r n a k e t h e s e c o r n m e n t sc h i e f l y t o p r o vide suBgestions for future lines of research that you rnay {ind fnritful. For present purposes w hac i s i mportant i s the fact that di fferent ki nds of srocks show di fferent cycl es, or the same cycl es with different amplitudes,or wirh diff e r e n t t i m i n g . E e c a u s eo I t h i s f a c t a n y
[n.Jare3 ,(1 epBrusAettlE esJnof Jo s r l uaut - l s n f p a s l q l ' ' 1 6 I S u r r n p a p e r ux e p u r a q l u r a i u e q c c r ?s B J p a q t r o J p a l s nf p B e r e . $ se.rnflr; sauof-,iql aqt Ir pernpa.r {lttari ar1 plnon ecualarttp stql f rr1 'x+uI sauof-noq aql puB xaPul salaq) eqr uasaleq 8! esua -ralJIp ?satearS arll .stxapur lrloul ?saq aq? Jo aeJql uaealal secu?ralttp aql noA s,noqs 'rllrpll lr cl S.llrrrtcl uoJt uorss tru -u'o? Belao3 aqt Jo uorssruuad q?!r pecnp - o.rda.rs r '?, '8!f arM sr;crq.trt .iTf 'xaPul sa[ nr)) aql asn of uole lcep ar{l pasnec ,{11rar lerl? lcBJ .ra?181srtll sB/tll[ 'x3Pu[ sal,ilo] aq? ur A1re1n'iar o.rou pur ll.rralc arqr readds salc{c aqt Io auoctsoeI tB,uoIlIppB uI .r '83xaPul uroux IIeil Io ulsr3tlrr],, ,a.roqr o1 paJJ3TaJ Pet?r?ua uo!?cas I uT r.IrPEI IrOls-uourD0lloal aql ur PaurslrDJ ars qJrqa Io euos 'suoseal Io JaquntrB rof xaPul uotssrrluloc salaoc eql esoqc I r r P r I s eI r l l - . 3 3 t ! l r 0 3 f q I 'Pr".f,lor tf$[ A.renuBfrlort s q l m u A q a l q u l r B A B . s 1 a r . r 1 s n p u l, A - d x e p -uI uorssrurDc salmc ?rl? uo sBn IJoa arll .Io r.red -ra1aa-riaqf ?ruf ,s[Brr?unpul Eauof aoo aql uo {ro^r euos prp I ra,|JB|lt{3o?s aq1 ur sa1c,(c a q l s s r P n l s { u r u I I o 'Irrulu4 1 -rrd pur llcltfclorr lltrru r! ;r gqlacql ,q plnoqr rrrrl Ilru Irrr rpErlrf qrlqr rfpEl PrllqEcr I uc {rcr lsv.aaorlB o? parJ.Ja.r {trauatouorl Io ),lcBI}o eielue^pe -s.tp arlt taslJo Al.reeu tou saop aSetuerpe
s T q 1 . r a A a , n o l l' p a z r r u r u r r u s n q l p u e t a s l J o Alrred aJE sarJtsnput Ienpl^rpur prrasarusd -'rloc [8npl^IpuI Jo suoIlErJBa IvruapI'Je e{l xspuT uB rl3fis ur ?eql l JBI aqt s r a3vlue,rpe sHL .slco.rs IIB Io xapur lr.ramil B q1I,l tttr1."O ur alBluBAPB Surlesuadrnc ,(l lerrrerl e sr ararfl ptrerl rayf o eq1 uO 'palnpot? ur i ura,1 A uet suor aJe saf ust slns 1r ^ r e u q r r r l , $o l u T p l n b r I J o 1 s a B J o s r s l l e u e 01 snoieIBrl Iof,tiuarlf, I aIBur o1 Surlrl sr sarras s qrns az{1eue oL .au!1 t{f .saJr{c IIB aJn?f,rd aqr olur iurunc 1u.raJ -I Ip a^Brl {eru qclqa .Io autos rslcols nau rFIa a1 plnoc xapuT qsraao e(lf ur salclc e r l l P a s n I u o f , / r r o r la e s d I r s u s u B f n o A 'U{bI uBql Jeqlrnt ou o8 sar.rlsnprr! aql Jo Jleq l1r1llno.; { t B , l ' xaPuI scr?s11 B?s PJePUPIS-uOrsSrtutuo3 sa[no3 eq1 oluI paJnpoJ?ut 3J3 slcola Io spuII snorre^ aql Jq sacrrd qrrrla roJ sel?p a$ snoqs qsrtlJil selBrcossv pu8 pJt selrq) parJIV Iq Irrrprl lr0lS-uqnf3 rlolf lJBrlJ e ( .3r4 se .iolaq acnpo-rdar I 'IlrauaSounq s T r { t r r o l n o q s o J . 'ratr8l alrlll B ro Jo {cet
J e r I J B e a [ ' t ' t I I e : l u r u p c s e l c A o ? u r E So r l l r o 'salcAc u a r a J t I Ip 11 pezrJalJererlr a1 Auru rlf,Irfi sleqs--3urrl o? e!T? u/oJt pappB uaaq aAsq sa lllsnPul f r r a uf o s r f J o ? s l s q l l J B f eq? 01 anp sr .(trauadounq Jo IoBI sIqL tlsturi
orto1 I ou rrltrtlv
I rUrH
:lt .l S
.snoareiotoq sB papru?e-r aq ?oulrc alorlri s sB la{JEur {Jols eql Jo ror^Bqsl aq? flurluasardar sa.rrfiry Io sar.las tuol oioirrxol
IS6I qcrB6 roJ trod"U -
I I t a
forlfarch l95I
rtt 3r(xt3 rrot6riAt3 triao^o' urn[t{9
a tsc(Lt^fa(o('5 J{rY|ctS t s|a?ric Ano 5,nPlnt Dt.tG a rr..E |rto ltrtttc.-|r5.t((r,|I.oi
3 Fl
E= rF G
I I a !t
3fctt lloaor. ft1.ror'r srsiIeuB alcric ur spuaJl aBe:a.le Suraour asn ,,{IIeJauat,, norCfBqf pTes 'papua uado sJaffeu o^{t tJaI a^eq I uoTlTsodxa a^oqe aql uI I
aBe6 rrossarl
LeesouIII P*e I ASsl€ologn!. In adcl'lllon to atu(ytng rr,Vele Analysie: The ltovlng Averag6r d.ownto rC. lhe Usp of thc llovlng Averags trt Cycle .AnalXeis. tr read the folf oviag assJ.gunant ln Spun: cbapter
chepter 15:
Pa€e zrj
through the ftrst
par€€raph on pege zgg.
Page 320 through the flrgt
paragrepb on pa€o 3zS.
Pa€e 327, ilOraphlc versus llatbeoatleal liethodg,n thqu€b seeond llne oD page 331+. $ote tbat tbe advantages and dlsacvantages of the novlng ayerago refcr to thelr uso ln cleterulning eecular trend, aot to thelr uee for cleternining eycl,ee. . Pa€e 351, rrsunnar.y,tt d.or.rnto nProblengn on paga 3Sj. Pfoblanrg l. Io further your stock rnarket study please novr co4ute a centcrcd 9-year lovlng avGre€s of the logs of the lncler. If you have access to a co4nrtlng nachlne uee the short-+ut nethr,'- :" 1 post your ansvrer ln Colrrnn C. Ii yonr-bve only a4 eddfng nachlne end. a slide rule post the novlag totale lnto Cohrnn C., port tlg of each of these totals lnto the next column ancl call lt Colum Cr (io te rcad C prlue). Eead Colunns C and Cr aecurately. f,ote thg,t ln eonlnrtlng e 9-year arltluetle novlng everage of the logs of the d,ata yor bavs ectually eouputed a 9-year geonetrlc noving av€ra€6 of tbe data tbogclves. Conelder the flrst teru of ymrr novlng avere€e: Hben yor aild.ed the uluc logg together lt vas aquivalent to nultlplylag all nine tuder values togetber. tfhen yotr illvided. the eun of these logs lt vas the egulvaleut of taklng tbe nlnth root of the produet of all theee numbers. 2. Nor plot on a sheet of }'t':r ; 17n arithetlc of tbe ttock narket ilata (S. & p. C. A. ,--Cbart.^j).
polylrurpole pepor the logr
3. llow plot, on the sane chart, uslng the Bamescaleg, the ceatered 9{eer uovlag erora€e of the loga of the d.ata. Plot the novlng average by neans of a 'broken llne. Do not s€nd this
chert in yet.
I r.rill ealL for lt
Ew long dld. lt
take you to study thls
Eon long atld tt
take you to trork Problen 1?
Ilesson fY.
legson and the aaelgnnent? Probleng 2 and. 3?
tg0t $ilIds '0t
H>UVflSilU il1>A d@
9t' 'IJoA iraN'1u
1 J u , 1, r r . r t r
'su1cn3 rr Apn'ls .xlt JoJ uotl cpurru.lt.,r! 'AV | | o t t u ! t u . r t1 l t r t l . r l I U l I . r . r l J J l l ( r A f , t r . r q f [rll..l 1s'tli llrt)r 'rlJca s a l u o J a l n u t ( ' J a . r A e r { r ' Q r s t s o J r l . , J E r s q i i } I J A J J o I t l t l J i l ( f l ' . r l I t , | i l ( r l l ' ! | t . r > ,l l t \ 5i,'lr rJe
nnlrrrlurf5 lrlrtrlr3 F. -u.!rs 'lltplttflfg rlollh ro?tu!{l llr-? lolnp ltarcS
'Ar111o? IITr.l 4I .sleacloJ '{aai'. 'ar3 'elo3:aroql .9uo1 a loqrl olld salcfc s{aen 9Z seql uralqed eq6 'uo plftt 08 rtE aql € p€aqg peqcuT efi.q TIT4 1T eo1c.(c $ auo? Btq 1T aulTt 31aer.r .se1c.f,c ortl uI solc.fc .f"ll oarql uT gj 1' pcaqo pa-{ouT o.duq TITr.l 1T ,a1c.rtc raci :i9an Z' trq peaqp seqcuT alcAo :leoA-Z'5 artl lcqt oaJa8qo TTT'|trlol .do1 aql Jal$a s4ealt uoltoq 9'Z eotroc '{aer'l puocag eq& lllolloq aqt snTBA a sYq alcjc Pr1ooos Jo 't)uoces eq,[ eql uT 9zo'z Jo do1 l€ anTa4 € Bctl Ptl'e SuoI e4aen 7'$ sT e1c^Cc
'5 Ptm tt uoTlTsocluaenlaq .rte6JTeq sTI€J (516't enT€^) elcltc aql Jo rlolloq TEnlc? aq[ leedar pur
596'r 996't 9oo'z iza'z 9oo'z
onTol alcfg
I n €, z r ,
ssTql o:ITI soot 1I 'Ilanurluoc
r se o??d A uosseT
t rydrqoJd
Leseon V Paae 36 Problen J. 0n xrlrlay, Septenber 10, L95l+, Eethleheo Steel closert at ?6 518, 0n ftonday' Scptenber l3th it closed. at 79. Inte4polete cloeing priees for September llth arrdlSeptember 12tb.
Problen 5.
Conbrne the follor*lrrg:
A trendl rYhieh etarts
et 2.000 ancl lncrsasea .OOJ per yoar, and
A 4 year eycle rith an anplttude of / OO1 atarting at cregt, cycle valuee ,v111 be 2.001 , 2.@0, L.ng, 2.0@, end repeat. PIot the result
on arithnetic
In otbcr uorcls
Hm Iong d.ld rt take you to study tbe leaeon? [ow long did. tt
take you to rork
the probloa?
Is the lesson uaterial clear? If aot, untlerllae geutences tbat rrere ftard to rrnderstand..
ln retl the phraees or
Do you r'lant more problens? Do you rant
barder problens?
Pleese keep us postecl ln regard to all theee natters urtb eech leeeon' 8o th&t ve can regulate the corrrge to suit your needg and d,eeires.
OEZ IO sl1 seu11 5 sauTl 9Z uT 4€dtter IITA ureffa4
'u1ete a I T J A a g u a r d ' . l e o 1 a q o u s r s T t { l J I i,r ul 9 u r 9Z uT tBsd.sI TITrd e{cA3
i'e o'5
S'51c7-c-ut.qoci[ ;38€J .Iaq?ou€ e{tlf
'leeda.r IIIr.t 'elortc Jer{?o '06T s1'airba saull 5 9Z uoT1auTqlroceql eloJaq g{eeA Jo raqurnu aql '9 ET rolcBJ raqlo ar{& '22 sT Erol@J aql Jo oug '8u1uu1taq oqt Jo q13ue1 aq1 -Io-lqTod aql IoJ 6{ae'1 eql ol Ptmol€ lat ol t, ualqo.rcl t:1 alcac {eart'-Z'9 'e1c,fc aq1 3:o q13ua1 -JTaBliYTBSg leedi.r ol TT;oi se4.rlt rT aulrl aql ?nq. gz ser1el ll aql lou sT rolca; eq1 elcdc T€uoTlce:;; eql JoJ +€.11ildacra.ai:I€e a.{t 6I sseco.rd' ar{{ .r{l3uel T€uoTlcBJJ Jo salcrtc 8ura1oau1 suorl}cuTqlroc aa€q nort ueqt't'i'ro11 's1eeda.r uoT,€ulquoc ar{l aroJaq sllluctr 8T a{si IITri rT .d1SnO;aqg -3uo1 sr{luo8 BT ptlB 'g 'Z saTc^c al'rTqlroc- assc Jaqlou€ aiPl 'ro pasn aq iTTrl e1c.dc qc€a saulTI
( 5r
slenbatT rl u . . rl , 0 f Jq. paPTATP 0TZ
( tz s l e n b a O T
( 0 eslenba
.IIOc:.d€{ TTT1{ sTlil l€rql ouo la(lufitu l{lucltr Ial.I'? aulTl +SJTJ aqq 3t sTt{,tr '3u1uu13aq Jo 1u1od aq1 1€ aq. TiT''l salc'lic aqX T:€ l{tuou '{+TIZ ott? lV
'O1iZsier.ba L eauTl Z sauT+5 sauTl €. r o ' ( Z s a u r l L ) s a u r T. (+Z o a u t x 5 ) : : " T t e ro 'tfT EauITl0T saul? e 'arreq en sru{6 :A uosserlJo'i1 a?eCuo .3u1uu13aqJo actld atil oi'u1eiil plo9rs ouo" 1uo111sod; o+ uoTtruTquocsgl Jo.,:pellnDe.r aulTl aqr eq. ITTr'i sq15ue1ot{l Jo aICrTlInI!souruoc ar€ salc{o ue{ri Jo spolred saao er€ salc.rtcaql puit paurquoc ls€al aq+ l.rt*
gau dleq no.riueg 'd1qsuo1x€Teraseqd au€s eql of punoJ€ euoc 01 saTcdce.IoutJo or,ll JoJ parlnbal aur+ ;o q1tua1 aq? Xno e:n313:ol ulaas l rnec I
snoTlssrs swlClc ei{IltrIaloc I lqeualtidng
n llossgl 1 a8e4 luaualcidng I uossal
L e E s o nv Supplenent I PeBe 2
fupplernenttnq thls
ansuer. on. etudent urlt es :
Pnobt atn: Deterntne the secondart eycleg thst of d,lfferent lengt'hs are conblned.
are generatecl uben tvo regular
Bul e (frol o3le.tronlce):
frequency arc conblnedl tvo nenr frequencles Vben tuo slpalg of cllfferent e^re generat et13 slgnals (a) a frequency cqr:nl to the sun of tbe two orlglnal signals. (t) tuo origlnal the of dlffersnee e freErency cqual to the
(Note that
e l$-nonth eycle bag a frequoney of Llt+ eycle per nonth)
A [-nonth cycle conblned wlth a 6-aontb cyclc rtll
a cycle havlnq the frequenc" of I l4 I Ll6 = 5lt2 vhlch neans 5 cyclce !n 12 nopths or a Z,4-nonth cycle' (U) ianlng the frequeney of lftr - t 16= LltZ "'"y"f" nealts a l2-nonth cYc1e. vhich (")
Srnrbrly a conblnatlon of 4 arld tponth eycles u111 generate a 2g-rnontlr cyele antt a 2.Z-lnoDth $ lZOl cycle. Conbinatlon of S ancl 6-nonth eycleg vtll and.e Z,7-nonth (rr/lo) cYcre.
prodluce a 3O-uonth cycle
rselclc lo 6iiTil[5' trorJ peluTrde.r qfucl
.glTriareq notr ?tras ?ureq s1 O96t raqtrocaq 9u1e:eaea o1 prnter uT feTralaE T€trollTppy
'e1a.fc luauoduoo reqlo eql Jo eqt no^( e^P TITA uollalnduoc 8Tt{il 'euo €ETil sepou ueeAlaq seaaA Jo reqsnE erp ooTet fq (6 defe Iq peuplqo ss) pol.red clpou.Ce eql ecTAl epT^Tg '9
'ee1ctrc lueuoduoc eql Jo eql rc.C eaTt 1TTA uollelndtcoc BTtl[ 'eso Fn=fd sapou uearr1sq sea€A Jo euo Jo qfuel raqurut aql eoTeq.6q (f, dale .6q peuplqo 8") polrad clpou.Cs eql eoTal epTaql 'ft 'oAl trq pol.red crpoc{a eql JIdTlTrril
'polred o1pou.6s
eql 'e 'I 'epou ol epoq @rJ rr"ds eEIl eq1 notr salt IITA ernpco.rd sTrtg, q€uet I .Z (lr!e$dde) eepg eq1 trq euo dets .Cq pouTelqo sea€A Jo Joqtrnueq1 f,1dlllrqt
'e cnld q cn8 lreu eql ol (cpou eql) qTTEBAf,aql eraqA emld aelc{c
aql Jo qfuel
euo qorJ BeaEAeql lunoC
:snoTIoJ Ba lT pelaerc e^€r{ .6eurqcpln eq+ euTluralop uro nod elcAc tule.raaar e puTJ notr ueqtr
.!FE?[ e selclo oAl reqletol tuTtroc ar{l EorJ turllneer q13uer1s Jo 'ee1c^6c on1 eql go luellTtrreluT eq+ TTBo s+tTcTBAtd !6JFtt FIFEF. eql paITBo sI d5qeuo1l€fer eouqd eEBs eql ol ptrnofit eut)c 01 selcAc oAl roJ porlnbe.r eqTl eq6, 'acJea 'enol prrlB sTTsc ecTA JoI soTlcefo.rd eql sJeqA etroc 8lserc ?sr{l puTJ .rtg€er f,lloegred TITI nof, uo11a1ndrcc rnof, Jo JT€rt puocos eql oluo e1cf,o')peFl.f rreaemg '3uo1 B lceford no.8 s{seA ;1 I'5 aq, ol 1T pETJ TTTA no.6 peleero no.C seTrel eql Jo JTEtt ltrlJ eql JeAo qoTl8slqEoc eql Jo qltsel e1c.8o eqt euTur.relep no.c JT,gT1€q[.6t5T:i5|@{9eA-f.5BPot€9IcuoT1BgTqtroceq1.pec11oue^a[xtu noJ eV 'ee1atrc:petsz.5 pqa -0.5 euTqsoc ol nol pe{BB I sosseT Jo t tr Tqord
'i: .ffiffiiu1.* (?:::H": Tffi:5Tlo; I,::,Iil:"1;":l#'3;.' :i3 ffi
.eeaqd;:o qc€e q8"n trTTocl+mrd eelc.dc eq1 '1rnbe err sepnlTldlr :1aql JT lno or3 se1af,c aql EoqA'ITlnn Beorgrcep uaql epnlrldrnr eq6 .rnnTrBs ? lE 8T 1T eETl goTrIA .f,11rrc ere eelo.dc eq1 1Tlun BesrerosT sollauTqtroc eql Jo cpnlilerre 18 rreqlelol ettl Jeqlo qcae qlln ereqd olqT raeolc pun JesoTc qet salcfo T€er oAl eqt .v
-6lnpp iffddf
'1T elaorc 01 pesTq@c qcF{A salc.Cc oql
sr{€uer agl ueeAloq
Jo eE'ffi t erq e1cf,c gule.reaer er[l, .E-fffi ts-TEiiiffi B'ro EE[d EtrE"i6ii
a 8a lrAoIDI 8T lsttA olul eufquoc Aeql rerntlg eql ?qB ouo 13 lueeead e.re eq15ue1 elet pel€IeJ
3to BeTres srss aql g.t esTl eE€o .61eeo1c a:o se1cf,c o1l seq1q
$gmro o[rslxg^ElE Z lueoelddng 4 $OSSAT
T st€d lueualddng JI sosserl
UD t00 80
lm 80
of Fycer
A rcrlcr
roTtD8 ttcte€t
lov!'DE Noracc
er tb!
120 100
80 120 100 $ : 12C
rhca thc lcattb lit *"lr 3ct fiettcr utrtrl' rtDc m thc thc Ir of tbc mvtng l"crlSt lr thc (UlPPcu:ta"t'-thtt tba of lc4tb t37cr thc lo4pr,fttll' rovlo6 r".r.al 3gtr pUric (rortltc tlom)' rrcepcls fa r"iili
Lf.'t;"JT":s ;?i?H if"i;5';:tr'.'ff .T,
-IIoa! Il nn rr trqr-00'Io Iq enr euca'ttttr! rn rro9 ttr tltrsl I Blcgt Ip.^t. o nf. .^fr rprrrrgt otp prrr 0'I 1o apnollb ur t11!r ler. Ylrlr-SI a{n rralr V e^rrg +dOlfC;r 'I 't!J .rq?Er P olrrrE Put tnrrgl 6 ro porrad orgoalr IInt rlan ro, ra.tr oult no.gl
r.q rrce g r of
rr odog-53'lgt
ES-Rcport for
3 E t D
l O
fL . !L
gg aa 'e go . I lf L ,
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o '9a o
d! Fi ,.|. o
ii! ! rt 88 . a
-! a€
e3 rr3' NN €€
r.a iaa
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o € ' ,H
t'r t'r' .e L O
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.'rt - . 4.d d o !!
g s |l r E
..l -1 rl ..1 r, T,{ JoJ )tool '+Ou OP nol Jo EEEtg prre t1!T.t Jo gIEf'F Jo uroJ oc{l uT JI,SIT sessal(rxi, acJoJ s- r{cn8 ,/[ uossat uT ?:?TE Jo sa&rng sIioTJ€a sql Ol ocueJeJeJ 4e eas rruc nozi sV .s.Jfc.{rc Ja,{lo ^q pus Jeq?oIrB IO ?JOs ouo JO uoll€TJtrA tuoplrul .iq aq, riEtu;T.[irirgr{f paJrlCsqo .buTsr,iJJO -ap .[1.re1nla.r pue Fuls€eJcuT ATJ€IrEaJ racJoJ clpoTlaq burzrJJspur,l,rtTntaJ iiIlcaJ -.rac[ e rtq pol?erc aq pTnoA 1€.{1 lcaJJa aql sT JoJ :lurrrool oro no^ buT.tl aq,i 'aguasuou sT s.Trjaq .o+fi .5 a qcns uo qltuaT elc^c bulqsll{elsg J o p a p T 4 T p r , Q q s s a u i l l aq pTnoA o o a .ofcric a.tl uT Eloarls tlrror.foQ octi€:;srp 5lEGltrtr aq6 g:tg-J!t[? Zf-51T Jo gttual aqt8Tq1?uafofc.crca{11Eq1rure1aoluilrreffiutPaJn1cIGa6oi{1a)iIIs,+usAi,Jo SeTIOg € Orie'+.{CTI{AslETluaTCB Polou zrQ SvTPn''.s OfCoC uaes OAEr{ .Jeits,rieg I 'aStlO$ UOIiIUOC ^J?lUaUIprIJ AIuO uI UT.{J; .BT€a.Ie,,UT rfi-ffi qsua tael OOZ 113lurllsJ a{4 slaor'+s of s.,[? sno{s qor.ir.t scuTl ug:,toJrl u1 e q l I q u a a t S s t s o T l r i r q e q o . l c i 3 : o u o f f c . r f , o . r , r -l c s r J o c a . t t y u c r ' . , 3 o J o0z 6T;ulcaos Z 3!u4 IA uousi)T
Lesron YI Parp 3
Inspeetlon Countlnc lntenralg Thrurband.pencll Oradrrnted,geale T}e Ttrre Cbart , InrDae,tlnn & A licnnr g[ 9fJ.trnp lilntr OI Cy"J. &qtrelb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5,
Ths caslest vqv to ftnd. rttythrn ln the r4r srrd dotmg of a surve ir by rirgrle inapectlon' ![htr nethod taksg a llttle practlce but ln aany lnetaacel, I flntl lt adco-uato. If you look at Currs I tn Flr?. 2 (legeon V) lt shoulit be pcrfcetly clear to you by lnspectlon that the curvc fluctrrateg ln a rhythn about 8 nontbr long. Thc !at!s eycls rhoulil bc alnogt cqually apparent ln Curre G 1n the lano ftgure. llhe log Curvc (rt) of El:.-Jtr of thle lcaaon rqlroduccd Cu:re O of r'lt. z . (lerroo Y).- Selor lt (E) 1r the rans cunc vltb a pencll llnc to rhou uhat the tralncd eyc lces lmedlatsly. It ls roncttneo easler to loo!: for lovs onlx, aB tn Tlq. 1l+Curve C, or for bleha only ar ln F1:. lll Cspc D, As thlg eutJect le so trportant let ug loolr at lore cxarnoles. Trg. L5 sl'ovs Cunc 5 of rlt, 2 (LceeonV) as tt ls and,ae thc tratnid cya rocr It, elther fron looktnq fron lorr to lorr enrl fron hlqh to hlEh, Ecrcaftcr, to sayo lpace, I rhell ghor uhat thc cyc rees lorr to lov !t, hl8b to hlp,h. Iou rhnrld. ree-Itze borercr thst the cyclc analyrt ulll looh at cvcry eurrc froo loth polntr of vlcu a! ln F1:. Ilt anit llg. LS. Iou ean often cce ccncrel rhythna ln thc lanc cunc at thc lanc tlne. 31,?. 16 lg a tyrthetlc cutre nradeqp of s 9-year ctrile and a lpy-ear cycle ln conblnatt,on, fou ean lool: st elther eyelc at :rour ogrtlon, d.leregardlng the otbcr. ltbc ccparatton le very ealy trhcn one eycle lg ge,veral tiner e,s long as the oth€r.. l.trin the connonent rhythng arc of noic noarly the sane lcn3th, E! tn Cunc A of tr'lq.'L?, thc seoahtlon'lE-norc d,lfficu.It, tut ulth a llttlc practlcc lt tg not too hard. clther. Cnrroe D, C, anrt D tn Flq. l? ehov thc thrcc dlfferent rhytbe vhlch thc traluedl oye sees csatly ln thls sunc. Seelnq d.lffcrcnt cyclae ln thc rarno surre 1o aonethiug ll!:c foeuelng-your Gycs on dlffercnt obJeete ln the ramc vleu. Eold. your hand ln front of yorr nnd fosus oa lti the other sld.e of th€ roon le blurred.. Socus on the rrlnd,oucurteln; yout hand }ccornesblurred. Poeus on the vlev gtrt the wlndov; both tbc hand antt crrrtata becoac 'I3 blurrect . ts the rane uhcn yor look et one rhytbe aad.gut other rhythns out of your oycrr &r tt verc. Fll. L? ls lnteregtinq for another rensorl. Ig ls nrde q) gurely of randon rnrnhcrs. Tho obgenrod rhytlurs arc pGrfectly "q^1 tut they arc not !.ltl1jllcani. Thev v111 not contlmre. They ere horreror nonrlv ag re.nlar as the rtrythr ln Ourvc '; ln trit. 2, aira rnrch nore rerrlrr tlull the rhvthdr ln Csac C ln 81q. 2, wbere, la both tnataneao, ve lorov tbc rWtba ls elgriflcant, bocausc lt la thcre by conrtructloa,
.buo1 s'{Tun zT tlsql oJou salc^c Jo 8'ruT.{buTltat ur InJqIoq 1I punoJ AIaJ€J .€l€p ^61.rve{u1 Eofcrrc JEaA-g JO '-5 t-t '-e '-z ro €?1'p i.l'{?uottl uT 6alc^c e^€g I ' u ttsp lf'sfuQu uT ' Z t 6 puTJ o1 burcrllq of osn Jo sT lt qtuor!-g ro .-9.-t ']uoT 6Q[uR rra] Balcdc qXuoul-Ot J9 -9f ro -OZ Sutput; JoJ esn UC 3;o sT Polilut't sqfi realor.C .sT ol tcracre gasn aq touuac lSaibttU 1JOqE ltr{l e.d1UO gJB qcTr{A Eafc/rc iuTlunoc Jo pot{giru eqfi, ({:rnorr ol qrnorl ro) loaJc ol lserc ulorJ sTBa.reluT 't!troJuoo /.Triau luoul-@ Sitg fidf qI Uf--€arrl,c Jnor'r Jo sunop puB scn snoTrua a{? .{cl{&l q'Jt-{f tru'ttTTE{trtr td fdlm 'op o? i'sTAJi ol sralled aatftfoc.or Jr'TntoI AllceJrau ai{t PUTJ ()1 ijulr-Jf strl' oJ, e$B an lai{ri Joeueueg .ebuaqc Jo altr uT suoT'luTrta o?ul salcAc st'r.roJswJl r{otr(nt 'aicAc Jeuoqs e ro rsac.ro3 uoPtrBr Jo lInsar aql puaJl rofpma ealo-o rei.qol Jo .ecmccTJrrrlro ou aacq saAlasuaql Jo Eturo{3oI{C sT Jaqtrnu eg€q tsrT; Ino.d JT .aca1d.raq1os€uo el6ud'sa1cr.c aql TT€ JoJ qbnoqa apll. ?ou 8T ratitci aql JI
.uo os pu8 '(II x Z) t i58I) 54ATprT.{xrno/. '(I1 ''t L581.) gygf aq Ploon rac(uou dstq puoces JnoA '/,58I sl raqunu as€q IDJTJ Jrror.,ptre 1:eqc au!? .Itoa II u€ tUtlUU e.rt '.raquilu acuq 1EJTJ rnoA trui{1 J'd?..Tq.q&'ual sfca'c auo ET Jor.tlrru no.( alcit;Iera ro4 'JI sTt{g, '.rar{unu asuq Puocos Jno/i ina lr{i'TJ a,-{'+o1 sloP oi{'+ lIUu ai{l uasAiag 'seTJeg Jnoa Jo .paluuri rroI Jaqurnuasr:q atn, asn Plnoc no^ 'laaerrog 'e587 tuluurtaq oql o1 .rolrci '+J€{C aul'i € }uJ'ii€u e'I€ eq.{,1$auJou pTRor.tJaqunu as€q lsJT} .norl 85'rjt uI sil€19 'elritrcxe JOI '€'i.IrP.rno.dJo:ruT.:u1!at1 a.{t aJoJaq qluorl nod qcr.tn Jo oAJnc aqq, JT 'Jequnu auaq lsrrJ IO JEa{ Ar{t JO lequmu sq,. AITsnsn 8T raqurnu ao€q tsrTJ aq,T, 'a'I) lJsT aq1 LIorJ ac€cr6prlc{1 a.{1 osn rno6 roJ leiop p.r[ .? pu7 eqi saar.rleq .salcac Inoji Jo sJaquou es€q ai{{ ie'+ua slop eql uaal\|eq sTI'l!-IaluT ot.{l u1
'Baclnslsul lsou UT seull rnoJ pJ€P(r€l8 gql o1 riaarl lssq, ..rsaa/io{ .I ueae Jo tZ Jo '1lepo1 ..rs rio{ Jerlerftt eq1 nof ealg JIoBIT .dq ue13;o TITr.r l$eqc aETl aql 'ITcJ oTucg pelarpe.r? eql pu€ ,FuTqrmql 'uollpedsul uaqr{ 1g{l 1.r€t{c euTl eqt Jo se?eluraape 'J€n sTr{l peeco.rd o1 elqTssots.Cenla lou 6T lT '.roaerrog 1ea:? eql Jo auo sr lI 'peu[r8c8 ueaq psq pel8eJolsT 6raA I iicrnr{ ur sqqFuel etpA Jo aFue.r eJTlua eql TTlun uoTqsEJ slql uT peeco.rd plnon 1 '1rvt1c otall .sr1itue1 reqlo lsrTJ An esn'uoTlTpp€ Jo sluTrt la? ol ,tal ol 'pue eTccs pelsnpc.rt pue qurnql f,q uptu {cmas plnorr f elcitc puoces .On 1eg o,tr -ErrEeT€cs palqrp€€
.e1c.Cc reqlotr€ roJ rtooT ol lJrls uorll pTnoA I lrnr{c atrIl f,q. pTnoa I tssq, sE ur.top peuuld e1o.{c tsJTJ sql 1oE 5u1aug
'ee.m?1g; e{t uI ltrese.rd oq oslg lq8Tu qcTqr{ eqltuel Jeqlo Jo sa1c.6c ;io BtroTlee9he 1ag pgroc I JT eee ol prTql put rqlFual pelccTpuT ar{l Jo JtTplIe^ eql ol 8? ecuepTAs T€uoTlTpps 1e3 o1 puooag 'leaTJ 'sTr{l op plnoA 'e1q1seod eqX sa elcltc ss.Cllcere Jo qleuaT oql 1eF o1 'qp3uaf pelecTpuT eql eull € oIFu plnord E6i[f 'eT€cs pelwrpe.rt lrsqc Jo I I eql roJ a Jq dn panrl '5qqunu11 Xq elcfc BnoTAqo eTqTssod lseq eq1 lee lsout lTJ '6 uaTqord o^Ios of lrsls pTnott I troq notr per.roqs plnor.r I I I lueorelddng u1
ctrll{I,L,lo.c-€ ! tglEoud oi[ tIOI,roTos g luauelddng IA I0SSSI I e8ed C gnauaiddag it. uosse[
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LessonVI Supplement Page I
Lissol! vI SupplementP IIAXII{GTIIIE CH.{TTSVOIU(HARDER Tbere are nar\Y\ays in vhich you can nake tine ch$t are }istail belotr.
vork hariler '
SoIDeof theD
l.Doublothobarshavln€doutleorlriPleyourstanclarilclcaraparr.Louger cycles are thus often sugge"ted. (See Lesson VI, p'rge 1l') use 2. :lhere you bave but a forr re1:eti'tions of a cycle it often helps to ag uell' bars not only for hii:hs anil for lovs but for uEraril anil ilovruraril crosgings IuseblueanilgreenforthBatlditional.bars.uherlyouilothlgxluhavgfour].inog line6 to average' across the titne chart instaaal of tlro. ThiE giTes you for:r slope Sonetines this helPs. cyclea ' 3. Tirne charts often enr-ble you to notice reveraing V-A.) of reversing cycles see Lesson
(!or a illscussion
length Plottcil on a €riil tt'ice or threa tin68 aa (See lesEoa YI' laea I3') oit"n illuminatingi """ chlrt of one len4th hi'ats 5. TinaDy cones the Batter of getting tron a time yet bsen fully covere'l' of cycles of otber leDriths. This subjettt has not perhaps
4. Cycles of a particul3r long as the particulcr t en..lth
su€gest6 the possibility .luf, tendency for bars to cranl uphi'l)' or dormhi'tI another cycle. Ior lnstance refer to ths tine chart lllustrate't of LessonVI.
by tho blue lrint'
pase 35
feds fron llote first of all the ilrastic drop off ( tovartl the rlght) of the the botton belov lines later c olunng ? the red. bar 3t nonth lf9 to ttte rett bai four of the qrid at Position 4r0. The pencil line falls off Connect these tr'ro bars l,ith a light pencll line' 2l lines in ri colunns, suggesti'ng a longth of 2) | 273 28 l/4 noaths' ilovcontinuethepencillineuprrariltotheleftuDlilitcutEtheto!ofthe griat (about a quarter of the vay int,o posltion 289)' l i o n t h n u t n b e r 2 8 g a t t h e t o p o f t h e ? l h c o l u n n i s t h e s a n e a s n o n t h n u l b eald r2S9 your llDe utrn'ard at thg botto'n of the 6th c olunn-. Therefore yo\r can continue (23 lines in itt" 6ttt colum, using the san€ sloPe to the left fron the t"ft"t-"i into the vay quertsr the top of the gri't about e 0 colunns) ' Your line,riff "ut position rePreseDting tlronth 1?&. It nill.run froo posltion Slnilr-rly you can extend your line to the lie'ht' poaition 5I9 519 at the bottoo' ancl a3ain fron 40& at the top dormvard t;-;;"i;io" at the top dornr'raril to -t,osition 6Jl' at the botton'
'glaql oJoT(rXA 01 PaJrnbal Selnuru llJlra ''leJ aq? 'sa1c,tc IcuoTlTpp€ alqtssod oX sanl" JaJJo pJ36l Jo fqlaor.r TtB oJB f,rr{t.f11ens1 'pa1iet1lsoAuT -u/rop ro pJ€Ilct, rm.r o1 sr.lol .ro/pue sq?1[ go salcuopue 1 TTE xc€J uI rq p1.,oo zT6 qluour oq ;.ez qluor! trorJ qt$i aq? Jo adols p'rendn aq1 .fi1re11u19
e rt.r1 arl lcql
slso8Fna 4J
'lr?qc auTl t{tuot!-6/e 9Z 'TTa/l .,t1:te; slTJ srs€q sTql uo ur uA€rp euTT V
('sse1 suunloc 'suuntoc olll )ic€q Jcq 855 t{1uotu rno.f 1as 06l lunoc nof adols aql lae 01 ocuag o1 e^sq plnor.t no.d paqrJcsep lros aql JO auTI altUts ouo {q s:cq ottl o6al{? laauuoc -suurntoc Lr ?a3 TTIr.r no.,f 855 JaoJunuqluoul suIl3lUOC qCrlll'l of eJaf.r nod JI ,laaar.ro11 uunToc ar{l ol gtT Jaqumu g?qou suT€luoc qcTl{r.ruunloc aql uoJJ lunoc nof ;1) 'suulnloc 6 uf suoTlrsod 11 sT 6Tqil,, .uumtoc .rad suotqrsod 6/z 6 go 'suimloc 5t u't sauTI 9I f eZ f gt dTIs o? a4Bt{ Plno/'r pu€ 'pTr' auTI € r{cns -lseq oq ptnol gg5 raqunu qluoru l€ rr,'(t eql ol ulta','€ u/'loP 'g5I Jequllru r{luolll q?no-rq1 u€r lct{l ssorag ."tro ,pTd, aql Jo uo??oq eql ol ur-rop . 'l$l{.alTnb ?ou sT osTe X! ?;t{1 sIIottB ouTI sTtll SulnutluoC scieqre4 oql
tt,tr 'Lzi uoT?rsoc o1 Bts uoT?rsod uoJJ auII € 5 uT sauTl gI Jo aclols e sraqauTI sT 'JoJre pu€ 'ssa;i s 'qqTr.r 1r€ls ot uru TI,I T€TJ1 .[q paaco.rcl ?srTJ flrqs I le 'tunocc? a1-e1 TTTn lct{l oluT s4aensur.rop cTls€.rp asaql Jo ffiqT' ffi roJJo pul IErJl aql puTJ cTlauqlTJe aT4lTT € Jo asn aql {q:o
ouTt llau Il Jo adols rtq -roq11a 'r'io11
'JJo 'daa1s s ? u1II€J aseql Jo JaL{lIa s r o o 1 1 I '5I9 qluoril 01 qFno.rql o3 lou soop auTI 11cuad lq?TI Ino lnq 955 qfuou ruoJJ ptt€ 8IZ qluou 01 g5I qruou uoJJ sJ€q pal aql Jo JJo s?ur11e3: aJIr aJaql lcql /u c aloll
Z a3e4 6 luaualdring IA
Lesson V[ Suppl ernent I0 Page I
L'1SS0}!VI Supplement 10 A,'O{f}-r:R T Il rI CllART searce-'except
ec&use tiure cbarts aro rather
fevr cycle analysts trho knotr about thern--I think
of the
rn the frles
you vill
be rnterested
see a tine chart of the 9.18 nonth cycle in the ton uriles of the Canadia^n paciflc
Thrs trrne chart r.ras nad.eby G. lieredith
of that eompany. It
Rountreer Chief
is reproduced from Cvc1es for June, 1951'
page 216. of actual ton miles,
The time clrart is of the deviations for
seasonal variations, Tou trill
note that,
from their
p-nonth moving avera€e'
to sirrplify
the presentation, tir. Rountree nade
a 9-uonth tiloe chart instead of a 9.2alloued the bars to faII
or 9.18-nonth tirne chart'
to the right
and fitted.
Ee then
a 9.l8-rnonth }lne
to then, Iou r,rill also note that, duetion,
b e c a u s e color r.ras not available
had' somo of the usual time chart conventions ln regard. to color
to be violated.. rt To fill Fou-ndation
uP the back of for
1951, reprinted.
page I aro reprodlucing for you the
StudY of Cycles lnd.ex of Rarlroad Stoek P r i c e s ,
frosr CYcleq for
il I
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FOUNI'ATION FOR TTIESTUIIYOF CTCLES' IltltlEx oF ttAILlroAL sTOCt(pttIcEs, lgSl-l95l O construet an index of railroad commonstock prices srritable for cycle a n a l y s i s r e p r o c e e d e da s f o l l o r s : As the besis of this index we used the fol lo*ing aource raterial: (l ) For the period l83l-1F70 we used the Cleveland Trust C,cnpanylndex of Fail Stock Prices; (21 for laTl-1q38 re used rhe Standard and Poor's Corporation Index of Railroad Stak Prices as extended Lachrard by AIfred Corles IIJ and Associates and puLlished hy c h e ma s I n d e x P - 3 i n t h e i r l , o n k C o r r m o n Strcl ladrrrt; and (3) for the period l9fo-1a51 re used the Standard and Pmr's Corporation Railroad Stock Index as published in the Survey of Current ltusirrcss.
As the Standard and Poor's Corporation Index is nq hased on lq35-39=100, Lut vas f o r r n e r l y l . , a s e do n l a 2 6 ' 1 0 0 , a n d s s t h e Cleveland Trust C,anpanyIndex differs frcrn the Cwles Index, adjustmnts rere medeas f ol I o,r's: l$l-Ia?0, x I.lda l 8 7 l - l Q J R ,x 2 - e a 3 lei9-1q51, x 1.000 The values of the new index, thus derived, ere given l;elo,. You can keep this index up to dgce frqn year to year or month to nronth or even from reek to *eek frqn the Survey of Curr"nD llusiness.
I T A B L E T x t F o u r r o ^ r l o x F o i t H r S r u o v o r C v c t e s l r o e x o f R A t L R o A oS r o c x P R t c g s . t 8 3 t . l 9 5 t . YE^" l83f t? 33 3{ 35 36 37 38 39 1840 4t .2 ag 11 4s f6 47 .8 .9 lSso
lrogr 55.0 57.8 75.6 69.1 93.0 89.3 60.3 s3.2 48.9 12.1 39.2 29.O 36.0 57.5 s5.8 59.O 64.0 57.8 60.8 67.0
r85t 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1850 61 62 63 64 65 65 67 68 69 t87o
74.3 83.5 85.t 89.e 6t.l 56.7 48.9 r1.4 ro.t 48.r 11.3 56.7 97.6 tt? 6 96.9 t00.0 935 1il.5 ll7 .2 1t5.3
t87r 72 73 71 75 76 77 7g 79 1880 El 8? 83 84 85 g6 87 S8 89 l89O
rt5.5 t2t.6 il6.0 109.7 106.5 97.3 74.6 8t,r tO0.7 130.3 157.0 t1r.2 t4t.4 l 18 I | t4 7 13{ 3 138.5 1279 127 2 t2?.9
f69r 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1900 Ol 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 l9l0
123.2 r34.i tt1.7 104.9 107.6 lol.2 106.0 tt9.2 |tl7.5 t50.9 202.7 230.0 2OO.4 199 6 258 0 275 9 2276 22A1 281 I 266./t
rgtt t2 13 l.t 15 t6 t7 lS t9 t920 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 t93O
262.7 265.9 23E.9 222.0 213.8 229.7 2 0 1. 7 t8r.6 t85.3 t69.2 163.3 t92.2 tgO.O 202.7 236 6 26{ 3 3l/tE 3396 3E9 3 3 3 0 .I
t93t 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1940 /01 .2 ,t3 .1 45 46 17 .6 49 t95O 5 I
1 9 f. 6 69.8 99.7 tO9 7 89.9 135.3 130.3 69.0 71.7 7l I 70.6 66.1 gB.7 lol 0 t36 9 143.0 105.3 ll48 96.6 tl6-7 1 4 8 8
Ytrn f93f 32 33 3r 35 36 37 38 39 t940 1t 12 a3 al t5 a5 17 a8 {9 f950 5t
g!-El. 2.086 1 . 6 7| 1.649 f .9t0 |.8.2 2.O35 2.O37 1.788 1.649 f .857 r.865 1.819 . | .977 .2. O33 .2.165 .2 . lEa . 2.051 .2.086 .2.O19 .2.096 .2.202
D ev t e r t o i l s o r r H E L o G s o F t x t
2 T A B L E l r o e x o r R r r L R o A oS r o c x P r r c g s ( g x o r x I l t r A a L € | r m v r l
rRor{ ll{€|R
Y rr n YE^r locs !9,9!. leen .2.039 lEsl l E 3| 2.t23 t87r .2 .050 2.l6a t2 52 72 . 2 . 1 6 t 2 . 1 6 2 53 7t 33 . 2 . 2.65 3r I t8 71 5/t r.991 55 3s . 2 . 2 1 1 75 ' 2 . 1 7 5 1 . 9 5 0 5 6 36 76 . 8 7 I | 37 , 2 . 0 1 7 57 77 .Et8 3E . t . 9 8 6 78 58 . 7 6I 59 39 . | . 9 4 6 79 1860 . 82 6 1880 t.g7B ItttO t.779 6t al | .8t13 8t | .879 t2 | .?08 62 82 2.fO6 63 83 r.799 t3 2.158 6rt 84 a1 t .996 45 65 r.99t 2.Al 85 a6 65 2.O79 86 2.O21 07 2.036 67 2.O57 a7 c8 2.100 18 2.015 68 2 . 106 59 89 a9 2.o39 1890 t87O 2 . O 8| t8 50 2.083 . FRor{I I I E A R B I T N A R Y C X T T A P O L A T € DV A L U € S 3
f9.Y€AR xovt'| c AY€IAG€
Loes 2.057 2 057 2.026 f .997 .979 ,937 .at5 .8.15 ,937 2. ot7 2.125 2.q7 2.076 2.O@ 1.984 2 . O 5| 2.057 2.O17 2 .010 2 . ol o ?LOTtEO t x
Yeet t9 il t2 .9.5 t3 93 . 8 95 14 94 15 .E 9 3 95 . 8 5| 16 96 . 85 5 t7 97 . 8 93 l8 98 19 .973 99 1920 , 9 65 r 900 2.O75 2l 0l 22 2.il5 02 23 2.035 o3 21 Orf 2.0t5 25 o5 2. 'o9 OG 26 2. t22 o7 27 2.O20 2E 08 2.Oro 29 o9 2 ,O97 t9f0 19 3 0 2.67 F t c . I . P ^ G E S 12./25 Yt^ R
t89l 92
Lqcs t.994 ?.o?5
g,Gs 2 .065 2.O79 2.O33 2.002 t.99t 2.026 | .966 1.913 r.9r8 r.E69 f .8.9 | .927 t.951 t.99? 2.O9 2 . t,fg 2.231 2 .271 2 .3s6 2 ,30.
' s a 6 s e J ? o . r de s J n o c a q l s€ palcarroc aq IITr't lcaJap 3Tq,tr 'J€aIc f1al11ua aq 01 .6\ogals ool BT pasoTcua euTTlno eq+ JT paqrnlslp qftual
.raxeert 1€ pal€arl 'fn;asn
aq lou o0
'asJnoo aql uT JalcI
aq. ITTr.l pauoTlsau spotttaul aql Jo d,relt ?T puTJ no.d adoq f
-puaB re puB pacnporda.r 11 3u1arq alolaraql
'r{+TAalaq no.f, o1 tT 9uT tra I
'sd1eq saurTtatuos
s?Ior.r Jeqlo uT SuTttl aunts aq1 ?u1rt\as 'f,eMrre PsV' 'I€Trol€ut
aI+lTT ? e^er{ saop 1T re.aar'roq'as-rnoc aq+ uT saceld Jaqlo uT ptr€ IA uosseT Jo y uoTlcas uI PI€o el€q I lel{rt sleade.r ssaT ro erou 1I '056T raqolcg prs O56f raqtraf&S .rog:E'6SX$ u1 palurrd sluTg lsC ol nog' poTtBc aIcIlJB
s€A eIcTlJ€
sTI{6, ,,'sa1c-8C Jo
u€ olornr I o3s slsaf, T€raAeS
SGTCIC .t0 S,U{IH ,lltO O,l ,'l0H ,IOO{V gUOtl IT luaualddng II
1 a?e6 TT luauelddng IA uossaT
In Two Parts T o m a k ea c y c l e a n a l y s i s o l a s e r i e s o f fi6lures, You must do four things: First you m,rstget a hint of a cycle that may l'e present. Second, You must find out aII you cRnabout this cycle. Third, You must @ n r et o a n o p i n i o n i n r e g a r d L o t l r e s i 3 nificance of the cycle and accept iL as e pro[ab]. reality, or reJect it as probably dre to randontl'orces. Fourtlr, You tnust see if tlere isa hint of another cycle presenL, ord if So, you ntust go llrrorrlh the same s t e p s a l l o v . ' t a 6 1 a i n .T h i s p r o c e s s n r u s t b e c o r t L i t , u e du n t i I a l I t h e i m p o r t a n t c y c I e s present have been discovered, studied, d r a r a c c e r i z e d , a n d e v a l u a L e d .Y o u h a v e n o w completedyour cycle analYsis. If, following your analysis, you adjust the original figures for the cqnl'ined efTecu of all tlre accepted cycles, the renrainder will be a cqnl,ination of the Erend and the sporadic or non-cyclic fluctuatiore ( includiitg in this category the unimportanL cycles, if any). To these figures you can fit a trend which vou can project cith due 'wrap' tlrediscovered caution. You can then and accepted cycles around this trend eo drow what will happen, except for noncyclic [luctuatiotts, if the trend and cycles continue as delermilred. You will recall that your first. srep is to get a hirrt of the cycles that may Le Fesent. llow do you do this? At che Institute held a! Foundation tleadquarters from June Sth to June l0tlr, E discussed fifteen of the ways in which this can te done. We also discussed types of nrachines that have been found useful in tion. minimizing conrputa la
An outline of this part of the workof dre Insgiuute follws: HOSITO GET HINTS OF CYCLES TTIAT MAY BE PRESENT IN A SERIES OF FIGI.IRES Gaphic l,lechods l. 2. 3. 1,
Simpleinspeccion Quick count Graduatedrule Timechart analysis
Computatiqr a I ltletlrods 5. Linited data 6. Autocorrelation 7. Relauives: (a) simple; (b) complex f . i4oving averages 9. Section moving average: (a) simple; (b) weighted 10. Eliminaticn of trend: (a) by ccnparison of the data with their moving averages; (L) hy other nEans 11. Comparison of one moving sverage with another .12. Periodic tables 13. llarmonicanalysis: (a) simple, and (b) multiple 14. Adjusc for cycles already found 15. Dr. NorLert Wiener's methods ltbchines l. 2. 3. 1.
Optical machines illechanical machines Electrical nr.ochines hrnch card and taLulating machines
It may prove of value to You if outline is expanded.
sales aql 'teaA lsBI ;o ArenuBC Jo salBs aqr tl?ra.real sTql Jo lrenuPf Jo EaIEs 'alduexa JoJ) 'Ae,*e eJuef"l. erfl turreduoc -u -slp PexIJ ar'.rnc aq? uo sltlrod ro lulcd Jaqtous q'tTA aaJnc aql uo lurod rlf,ea Jo uosrrsduroc a aAloaur si(e,r1e saAt?uIaU 'parpn?s 8uT*l satras arl? J o a r r r l e tl arn uodn 'tltulr.t I IP 0ulrotu sprradap asn ol tlslttg 0u1rou PaIIEc palIef, Jatllo aq? 'lr!rlurtrrd aJaqL auo'saAIlsIa.r J o s p l l r l o , r t 1a J e Jrl't sr larIaJ -r.^ltrlor .Io tlor'lelttdtttoc 'L o t u l g a l c A c t l r l ) P r q 8 u r " r r 1o r A c n a t g 'euerPtq 'I?6 t uI 'rrolguruooIfI ,{1 Jo ssard BTdI f,urrd aq1 paqsTlqnd 'st,te11'I PIorBll Iq !rlrrS.utlt ltll uf uollBIerr@ rlruouot! lo llrllluv - o t n B ; o u o r l d t J c s a P a 1 a 1 d u r c cA l r r u ; B 1 d uBc noA 'JlosrT qlIf aArnr BJo tprle[aJJ@ 'uo;1r aq1 Alararu sueau {f,Iqn l.rrut '9 PorllautJaqlouv 'aurllrp IBrras - ol n.
sIt{? Jo adocs aql puo,(aq sr sAen raqlo 'sden u r r a l l l o asar{l Jo 'luarulBeJl V Pag snr{1 - rraA aq l(ltuanbasqns lsnul P"uIallo stul{ atl 'sa^e'i Jo rlulq Surlaas sr turod sTt{1 ?s lurop ere a^t IIe ler{t raquaual 'suorlro?srp sa?eaJJ porlleu atll esrnoJ 1nq 'suorsnrcuoc arll salBPr s^ur aJoJararll I0 I puB sanls^ eql sfrorsTP satjas aq1 Jo uorl -JolsIP qcns r(ue 1erll panfl.re a(l uec ?[ 'aIIf,aP (Jaq1o aru)s ro) tl?ulu a{l Jo anTe^ aql 01 de.rre rlf,Ba ut saua.rlxa atll I I B Surcnpar A1r.rel1T.IJB pue u,iop pue dn $otl sa^ou aqt Eurluer saAf oAuT potllau er[L '8ur>1aas a1 r(eu euo qctll,il JoJ a1o{c atlt ()1 uollIPPB ul salcIc ;o auorl -Btrr.lupc Jo Jo 'sacroy upprrBJ Jo llnsal aql {lrressacau oJB apnlrr€eur 1ea-r9 Io suorlBnl -cnu crparods lerll ,(-roarlr eql uo e?BP aql Io suor?EnlJnU aArssacxa Burf,npal saAIoA -ur poqlau, slrll 'porltrur tlrp p.llutl I arll sl I Bf, aq qolqa ?roJtaO Jo zlJell rrolu{o1; , i , ' 1u o r ? u a ? l e { r u o 1 r q t n o r r l a u o s r s p o t l l a u l 'S I s u o 1 1 e l n d u o c a r l t J o ? s a l d r u rs e t l l
s o o H r S nl v N o I l v l n d l I O f , 'sporltax rarllo l(1 ParsaS -8ns sa1c,(c aql Io AlrrulnBa-r eql lcarlr 01 len allenle^ Aral e osle sT 1J 'a^oqE
sPolllaur,(1 Patsa88ns se tloll g pua 'Z'I -cadsur alduns A,1 sun1l,{r1-ra{1 aotls 1ou saoP sarntg ar;? Jo lrerlr E uarpr sunlr{q.t Jo s-lurtl la8 ol Aen 1sa,1 Pue lsarsaa aql sr ?J8llJ ':eaA lssI aurTI surlsoll arl'l PuItll Arl o1 'U 'oN urlaIIn$ uotlBpuno{ arll A'1 panssl ur ,(llnJ Patlreldxa sr Poqlaut Ier!urlral c l u tI E a { e u P U B s J a ( l sIrtl 'r ltIlrut lrltlt '] -runu ucds:sa[ f, arlf a?nrluoc uef, noA 's,r\oI prre srl8rtl tllo1 JoI )'looI c)1 i,.rlls ril'i)^o'lc P e u u l t s P o l l ' l o l t te r l " l . l o 'lur1l s u t ll'{llJ JJrll ra 4,1 ttotluAJJs'ilo otlucso sTtll J o s l l r t r l a r r t ) f t l d l r o I I I A P o t l l a u' l J B l l J ' . r a d e d J o o l ) e ' ua ( l t r e J s J a I n J a s a r [ L arl'l rtodtr tl'tJoJ Prte {)etl uaql tc€TqPI1e sq?Ft JoJ sPeJ Eesn sul)tsog : B/|IoITOJ8€ eJ€ nort o1 paqr.Icsop
,asoddns a{r n"i;:il3-;::3"f"1"fl;:tJl*ti;; suT)rso'u as u.rra{ceET& r ,p1non
.J}l 'lT padolaaap acuTa s€t{ pur 1T PaluoauT suT{8oE'r}l 4rr3rr tou pTnoa suT{EoU ss f,t+c€Ie lJ€rtc aqTl eql lou e1 nort ol Paq,TJcBePI 1€qA esn€ceq ulrq{C euT;, suptsoHr eq1 no.f o1 paqTrcsap I trsqc aqTl eql II?c 1ou pTp I Il uossaT uI
.arl ol uoTtua^uT sTr{t paT€a.aer eq raa-f, ttcTl{n uT '9e6t 'erlqsdueg ,te11'uo1u1:1clogpur JttC ol Jolrd aulletros uoTtua^uT slq ap€q eE 'q'l f,q. palueauT g€A 1.rst{c aqTl eqil} )tJoL r.€t{ Jo 1lft}tlnsuoc a 'su1>1soguTdstt3
gU,[ iltrruc f,Hl,trSIID{SOE Yt .'uauelddng IA NOSSST
f a8e4 -< luaun lddng t I/I uosssT
LessonVI, Supplement13
The Time Chart (r:rtlter lf you arc pellornringcyclr analyslsrn:rnually lhan by conrputer)arrolheruseful deviceyou cen use lo Inspectdatr for evidenceof cyclesis lhe linre charl.f irtre periods(lenjtlrs) chaltrrnaylevcrlpossible ln addition.the lime chart will give an indicationof phase.but lt will not verify the velidity of tlre cyclc. nor reverl its precisermplitude or shape.lf r possiblecycle is irrdicated, rdditional rnrlysis must follow. Tht tirnechartwasirrvenled hy Mr. ('h:rpinlloskinsof New llarrrpthe Instituleof Trend Researclr of llopkirrtorr, slrire. The time cltrrl is r dirgrarrtof lrighsand lows sel up irr suchr wry aslo giveyou lrirrlsof rhythnrsthrt ntaybe prerent In your time series.lt is a most inrporlantndjunclfor cyelc anrlysis.lt dependsfor its uscfulrress upon an objectlvemethodfor delernrinirrg lhe "highs" and "lows" fol any given wrve hngtlr bcing souglrt.The lirne chart itself is then melely r nrctlrodof dirgrammingthesehighsand lows In such ! wey rs lo thlow light upon the lenglh and eonsisteneyof the rhythm or rhythmsthat nraybe preserrlin the figures. The efficaeyof the tinre charl leclrniqrre depcndsupon the eoncepl of clerrspan:il is necessaryto undelstand clerrsprnbeforcrttemptin3time charls. Flrst, the definitlon: clcarspanir r nrrnrbcrgivin3 the dislrncetnelsuredin time unils fiom r point In tinregoing beek to the prior point where.for risingvalues.llrereis a vrlue equol lo or h[her lhan lhe vrlue at the starling poini: for falllng values,clearspanis lhe distance(in tirne unils) brck to the point whele lhele occuti r valueas low osoT lower llran the valuert the startint point. Note that elearspanis a nuntberlhat counts rrnitsof tlme. lf r drtr point is rbove the immediatelyprlor dala polnl, clerrspanansw?r3 the question:llow long hasit been slnee the drta were lhat h[h? You count brck 3tl many lime unlts until you bump into a valueashigh asor higher thrn the one you stuted with. What is courrledis lhe time unltg,rnd the tnswet is lhat it hasbcenso ntenyweeks.or monthl. or whalever.sincethere occulledr valueas high (or h[her thrn] the one beingertmined.
Considerihe followingscriesof datapoints.
TimePeriod Number
Data (i,e.:value)
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
t02 90 98 9l 96 98 t0t 93
numberfor the valueat position6 is 2. The clearsnan Thevalueat posltion6 is 98, andthe valueis up fiom the unlil youreachthe previous one.Youcountbacktwoplaces value theclealsprn With position. rising e lhe third 98 at is a blackvalue,and is obtainedby countingbrck until you reacha valueos highas or higherthan lhe valueat r highervalue. means the starlin3point.A bhck clealspan position 7 is r black5, value al the for l0l The clearspan the l0l rt position lherebeingfive time peliodsbetween 7 rnd the 102at positionl. Whenthe valueof the datapoint is downfiom thepre' viousone, the clearspan is rcd or minus.A led or minus lor the meansr lowervalue.Thus,tlreclearspan clearspan vatueof 93 rt position8 ls led or mlnus3, therebcing threetime periodsbetweenthe 93 at position8 rnd the 4. 9l rt position is countedand notedbesidethe databeing Clearspan studicd;the time chart is then plotted from the clerrspannumbels. The timechartcanalsobe plotteddirectfylroma chart [itst counting o[ the figuresbeingstudied.The technique, numberspf r stliesof figures, and noting tlre clearspan then makinga time chart(or maklngthe timechartfiom tlre plottingof lhe tigures)canbc usedat anystagein the data, canbe rppliedto theorig,lnal The lechnique analysis. data,for example. or lo detrended the for recording The time chartis r 3rid constructed
S3nlI 3AlJ O3rV3d3U :llCAO llUll-g
lli; iiii l l t .
iit l r r
:li; ui trli: *ri ilr:lj,ri iilii r,1 *4 t1 ta
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r' r' s
('rtI) i t F
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r s r l+ + +l
0 u
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('rtA) cl ll 1 h
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C l
rq pllloJ l! turru 1
llluJ Jo txeu aql 1o (ura1 oraz to) essqalll s; uo11;|ada! 'a;rfu arll urrellsel atgl Jo rroltlladaralll u! lctu aloN 'lleql arullc eluul ol elatll1r[a (',(rtc;po1ndB pallaqcl a^!J esn g1.ax1 ?rll Jo suo11;ladar 'AlsnonulluoJplle Alcslrard s; urqlArpu rlrng) ,{11erguqrrl ,irai.r-'uollgnllslBaP!us tu;aq'apAl aqyltlolaq pal1o;ds1 alerlsnll!ol a^oqe pasn a;r{c ulal-xls aql uedsrealc 'gogrrdpaunssBaln Jo acuasatdatlt tulpaqc lo1 Polllatll uBuo paseqilnpall)se Ettls1-1 r^tiorfq6 uBs! polradpauttrsse 'raplsuoJ ol P!lB^aru Pa{Jar1ltu;aq polradatll Jo alllpatlrs 'aroJaratll 'luar)uJnss! aql uo s/nol pua sqtlrl aqt Aluo st! 'alnParysrr! uo slu;od tultt'tttl at;l lserl apnl;1drue J! -uaassurnl atlf Jo aluosalllq!llrlol 1elriq-ruaql Jo ll8 lou 'srxll)eP plnoqi 11'sarntg etlt u! pauleluors1 a1l,{r B Jl s^\ol prrnst1Et11 bL, t.tri tullcuriuratsfurodEurulnlalc 0s9
ost 006 fi)t Osl 000'l 006 00t 00r 00t fnt n 9 fi)s fr)9 fnl fn8 OOt (nl
rr tc' +31 +ll c F L' sl ( ttl+7 +l
uudsteatr anFA Bluo
undTiial.l an1c1 P()rrad ilull.
:s,nolloJsE lq 't 't'u 'c '1 :itto; slurJl 'tuadrl p l n o , $u u d s r e a pe r ; 1 Pue'i 'rldtuuxr alqlssod at;1 tll!,tt 1s11dru1s xgs a;r,(r u eulnssV 'P)^lo^tl! lrolll Jlllll c uorlu.tlsuoluJPJlll tlels ll!^1 a^r ltlq 'spat.'lotd arrroJJqsaplr Jlll lrurlJ fllltl Jtll uo lroi$ alll sV 'qttual cgquqordalll Jrl alsur!lsa uc a;ttdtttot ol tttt,t Jlqnu) ll!^1 l r u r l JJ u U l t r l t ' r ; t i r t t l r t l l o l r u a u s ! l l l q ' l J l : t l J a l l l ! l ) l l l s u r l t t r r a lr u n t s J t l t l o t t s ! p o t r c d r r l t J l ' p r l t u l l t l u u u d s r u a l l prrpul:ls lllu lll!^1 slrtprl tttltttttl alll Jo sllBP alll sB l! JJllaP!^J Art)llJ lrJ^Jr lp^r lr:tl.) )tltll Jtll porlrd lrill Jo 'porrad lttl:flr.) s )t.)ell)ol 1ts s! lcttlloJ Pltlt V Bp:p Jrlt 11 'pJlr:ls s1ctut:3Jlll tl.)ltlA\llt!Ar sallll tlluttl cllf a.l0Jselll 'altlpallt:isl! ol trttpro.rru''Jf J'Arr)l 'r;trr1 ',tul1 'r1t;r1 1tl a.)ttatltlJJ()Jo atllll Jtll sPloJlr lrcW 'ut:dstn.r;.rpttfPlluls )urlt all.l. lllU Jo srlt;t1 Iq PJAolltu pur: pJpJ.)ld oq tsnur l! puu ttndstnrlr PtrPllcl$ llnJ U!,tt 'ttudsturlJ ^r()l lsar$olarlt Jg lsillll ,rrol y PrsPtlBlslllu Jtl ptlu PJPJJaTdrq lstltll Ptlc ucdstuap ptup srrrolAq Pa^r(|lJtU -ur:tsllnj rltlrrrr;31r;lsarltrr;llll )q lsrrur r18I1v '$lllllotlt t) Jq ol ^\t)l Jt) rlt;q r r(U ircsse sl l,rt:tl) Jlult Jrll lt() PJlt)u -lau lllll(ttlt'l Jltl!l Jll.l.'lll:tl.') ur:dsrr:Jl.) I B lJllllstlt)J Pllttrtr 'slrtll Jlll I)Jtl.) ()l ItuA a1.r{.rtltu(}tll-i I u Jo I11;1t;1ssod
Ll 9l sl hl tl fl ll 0l 6 8 L () s F u 7 I
..'pll:p1n:lsllll.l..s! rJqlllllll r: rl.lts'(iJ(ltutlu ppt) lll: s; pol-r.rrlJlll Jl r)qlllllll rrudsrr:c1:r lJ,nof lxJu Jtll lrll r).r1.),ltt,ttltt,ttl lttttt,rl ,tt1l.fo t1tlht,t1ttlt u'ltBtp cAl:tl lstull ,tlol l() r1E1t1 .lpq ra4 1o.fit uuls.ttt,rl.r.z, J u r ! l c r l t u { r p r l J l u c J q ( f . 1 . ' p J l ) J r l . )i l r l l q p o l r c t l 1 1 t , ( q 'PJl(lu J! paulurrJlJpsl tl:rl.) Jtutt clll lo JltlP)tl.lsp;t1t alll 'lr0tl.l flll!l tl.)1ll^\JirtJrill.).)(tllJtll Jrl .rrrp rtll s! l! Puu alll ll() pJlr)u Jl: slut.td ittgttrttl sA\ttl Ptll: st1t1t1,(1ttg
floJria atllu
lalllotlusl alJll :aldutuxa 'S l.rnlqu sgunds -rurlJarll'p surlErrgsB anlu^s otu! drrtrtqttoAutlrq sr.rr:1d
Err;cqr:tt:pJrlt Jo sla^Jl PtlB lllattlJAolll alll Aq prttgtutalop t u l a q u u t l s t l : l ; . Jr t l f p r t u ' l r l : l l . ) a l t l l l J t l l J t ) P t l l l J d J r l l , ( q ur)urtr.) Pll:Pltl:lr lllli Jrll rll ttr!prolJu pJl)elas pJrlsrl(lr:l:iJ S u r l q s / n u l p u l : s r l i r r l r t l l ' s ^ l o l ; l r r r :l r l i p ; P J f . ) a l $ J r Dt . l l : P
To checkif ihere is r 6-lermcycle.a 6-lermlirrrechnrt is constructcd.There ere six vertical positions.l'he first position in each column is zelo to that column and lhe posltionsgoingdown arc l, 2, 3, 4, 5. or 6 plecesafter. Going down the fourth column. the one headedby 18, l8 is the drte of the zeropositionor basefor lhat colurnn. The first positionbelow l8 marksthe l9tlr time slot; thc sixth positionbelowmarksthe 24th time slot.
llowever.crestsand troughsate more correctlyentered successivelyt the completechalt follows.Crestsareenteted as black lines, troughsas red lineswherecolor is possible. Hele a brokenline is uscdto denotelows.
F i g . 4 : A 6 . T E R MT I M E C H A R T O F A 6 . T E R MC Y C L E
F i s . 2 : A 6 . T E R MT I M E C H A R T G R I D The first high(crest)in the 6-ternrcycleoccursat time position4. On a 6-term time clrart, a higlr or low must havea clearspan of at least3 to be entered.The first high occurs rt time position4, and hasa clearspan of 3. lt is firllowed by r full standardclearspanlow, and can lherefore be enteredon the time clrart at position4, four placesafter 0 in the first colunrn.The secondhfh alsoqualifiesunder the rules-aclerrspan of at least3. end lowsof full standard clearspan beforeand after;it canbe enteredat position10, four placcsafler 6 in the sccondcolumn. The crestswould all be enteredasshownbelow.
The first entry on the cltart is a low at positionone. you cannot be sureit'is a low-no dataoccurling Because are placedaroundit on the beforethat point-parenthesis chartandan etrow noted. As mentionedabove,highsand lows are enteredsucces' sively.Althoughthe resulthereis two horizontallincs,the lines evenluatedonly as each separateentry was made; entriesjust happento connect. the scparate The horizontalline on the Gtetm tirne chart indicates the possiblepresenceol' a 6'term cycle; fulther analysis of the cycle,and to is necessaryto verify the significanc? lt is obvious, obtain a descriptionof its characterirtics. however, that you could reach a conclusionabout the timing (phase)of the cycle frorn the above time chart. Note lhat the clearspanis written to the right under situation eachentry as lhe entry is made.In a complicaled notation can be helpful. this The time chart can be plotted from elthel the clearspan numbers,or the chart of the data. When the chart is is checkedvisuallyesshownin the following used,clearspan enlargedsectionof our 6-termcycle. (See figure 5.) Our example is as regular a cycle as it is possibleto find. Unlessyou ate unusuallyperceptiveor are makinga | 2-monthtime chart of a monthly weatherseries,or department store sales,or agriculturalplices,it would of coursebc unusualto draw r time chart with the barsgoing horizontallywith suchprecision. ANOTHER EXAIUPLE
The following tabulationrecordsthe warmestmonth of the year at San Franciscofor the years l93l-1940. The month numbersare also noted, rs the time chart k lct uP
dols 065 I J.X3N.08s [tlo)rxrltla).oml)rNlrNlud0rs l j rrNr'((tooo'+( 08soroD 09s n'(A)sxl:(oe)gvrrNludoss (,t)tNl=n.t!l'loPs Itlq'=.\r31 ots 08soroc ocs
astN'lsg'llJ0p lrnsla'looslJ lmsla'lotlsH'lorltc hllo0[ =lx)8NJJEO0z ((100(r+(x)t.nt'x).fix)t)rNt ((rrn'+(x)tttl-x)r0ol ).tttt=tx)vNJ JEool s r a q u n N u o d s ro a l ) rol
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n'(.l)gtu'At'(I ll o)gNr rNlud ms ( ltlC)rxl=rtlr3-l o(ri (,r,)trul=n J.3108, .[3-lorF It +llct-='t ots Ngttroclt+tlc :ll o1)?
'sasAluucalrAl ttllttltrlrad arg nol( Arclq;; rntlA 1o lred 11 aqPl'lotlssr'qtu|lul|luoluP|0PuBls)l|I.s|)qtt|||ut|ltlotu 'ut:dsrt::1r irrllrrdruoJ loj ptlrPurfs Jo ll()flBlllqul u Pllu iusit.rr.l .lrsvt rrlf rpnlrttl rltrtoru sttll s3!r!Prrrldu lt11
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'sraqtunu tlluotlt srtotllt!luor tulslt
Nvdsuv3l3ouvoNvrs]]ni goJ NOfrSldSNl lvnsln
'6tl gNltt/IOHS IUVH3 :9
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l'l Ol C=f UOJ O(rl
olt o.[o9081 o 9 uN a H t o > l r l J c0l r l 09i NallI0=-l Jl 0el l-f=f 1.1'l051 f lxaN otl
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'trlTtrogeu € aauTlaurossT 1I plTr't rl1ru1nc11.rzdoJ€ suopuBr cql 'uoeu tuTloa 3 8a poot 81, lou sI selpall:ulrou E ao'.e-.lsslsTtll uI
'selcAo . 3t{I si.lluoE 1I'g PaFcTpuT t uT tqluot8 ,2.6 "{PuoI o{l uT t{.. aql 'tL'Z uolllsod ll uollTso(i TtI lE Puocat Jlrxf 5t. BT o:'cddTls er{I '. rdi o1 ocualaJeE JTsq lsl aql uT q..T.{ eqt suolllsori Po.{loutsTiil 1t.{1 3Ao.[30t ZI a>cal X uo83e1
Leseon X Pane 13 2, llo rlles as to tho best r.rey of nnnlprlrtlon e:rn.be given beealtge the rclntlonghtp betr'reen the eyclne ancl ranCone ctlffer fron gerles to aerles and wen fron It lg, therefore, clear thst the natter of eycle to eycle vitl,ln a einqle gorles. posltlotllno cycle ls cul nrt and. not a $.lgDc,n , Iou ore not;ret far enou:h alonl1n'the courae to enable you. to exerclse this Pa.rtlculnrly, you needl to naster at loast a forthconlng art to the best aclvanrtage. ':rerlod-lc tabl.e bolerson on nwln.i: arrera,qesandl arrother fortheonln I lesnon'on the fore you er:r have'the prlnclplea fulLy ln rnlntt. Fotre;ver, I have trletl to nake then as elean as I can, bceed on vhat you nov knotl. Cgn!:'lrrrloryl I have trled to enlarqe your horlzons reqard.lnq ths problenn of posltlonlng thc I have tlone thle bv dwotlnl a legson to the gubJcct of nlnlnizing randons, cycle. It ls not as alrlole as lt nay seetn' Posltloninl be done accurately. a cyclo eannot Therefot6-l,
Alrrayg keep your fln*cre
crossed ae to the aecuracy of your cycle poeltlon-
lng. Z. In gcneral, as gtstect ln I'cgson lX, uoe utrtnardland d.or'mttardcrOseln4e to nlonBtt of lat antt Znd hnlveo of your perlocllc tablc. Iocate'rhl,3hen anrl ). ord.ir'to
In qeneral, do not bother to overlap sectlons of your periodle beiluec rcndons . .
b. In genera! do n6t uge fancy nwin: etr€raies, guch as novinf, netliarre and ucl...hted norln€ Everages, to anooth the wera'?€B of the halvee of yor.rr perlodlc tebleg. . periitttc table by a 5, In scneral, do snooth averaqcs of eneh aeetlon of a novlng a?eraqe about a thlrd or e hnlf of the leaeth of the cycle, dspeniling upon ln the wernq€8 tend to cone l/J ar tlz eyclc lntenarg' rhether the lrrenrlrrlties
(uBerupeTJTpol.t) aTqefi oTBoTrod itluoll-g ' T ' i - I
gt: elq,B,f, Jo uoTlBtrrums . L? .8T.{
" t .l t I
.t... l'" I
0Tol0 0l
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o eo 7ot o ol
L e s s o nX Page 15
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Summation of Tnble 37
I Lionth Tnble ! Ltnolted Data
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Lessonx ?age L?
L:lSSoiix Prohl enc
Problar 1. lry a 5-north novlnq aver*..e of the 8vorfl.?cF of the va,rio.ts cohl!|ns of .ach h&u of controrl'cd 'ta'tlr Irooted into llabre 3ll' l'!1"1' 1t the lgn:t'i' t'f evele lnillcateil by thls Rethoat Problco 2. ?osltlon each balf of cach of the perloillc tabler courtutril ar lrart of Lessoag VII o l VIII usin;i ths nsthoils tlleeosseil ln Lcscon X. Iletemtne tlrGor-oarevith regulte bbtaincil frot! tiDo clj,'rt analTJts ittcatett cycle lcnqth, anil you prorlous jrosl tlorrltt ?. Probleo 3. llelre lev periotllc half of eech aev tab1e.
tables of the lnillcateal }.n?tha enfr rsporrtlotr Ra-iletenrlne each cycl e lenqth.
'slql sralot xlx uossaT 'uoIlTPpB aql uT p3lEsIETTa ET qlfuaT &r1ra3:ra1u1 3ql 1Bql {en e qcns uI .TqBl aTpogsd 'gsaco:d 9uo1 a s1 sTql lng 'uT rnoif ppe o1 'alqlssotl Jr tra1cTnb 3I 1T pue talen tulqJnlgTp aq?' aaoE pelsoralul are r,o,t qfuai aq1 roJ B13P arll aulEexa-al pue -OI IBJ nol .rOJ 8UT{OoTeIA no/t auo aql o} asoTJ seAsA ela araql lBql 8I uoTsnJ -uoc aql roJ uoeaar laqlous tuoasal 3ltt1 Jo lcafqns aql lou a1 11 q8noq11y 'suopuBr taTqrnl aelcard -sTp Ium pal€uTETfa iaBrl nof aEnB3.q tqlsTl puB qltuaT aql Jo uoTlTuIJop 'i.ror 'sarrleq /tq -Iq31 no,{ aa1! TTIA s Tq,[ 'qlaraT p313.TpuTaql {oaqr-ar pue " no.t ts1;u11 rnort nolaq PuB a^oqB sanIBA aql fIs JJo perlraqc 8Ul'rag aql ppe-eJ ..TqBl aql ppB-ar nol u.qA as.ql roJ OoB'T esn no,t aTqel eql uo 008'T noTaq g'Trlue i(uB ert ar.ql JI 'aTqq aql ppB-ar no{ u.qA seTrlua 1eu181'tooq+ Jo pBllsul '(apn111dnc ooa'? aen nol OOZ'Ze^oqB aTq8l 3q1 uo saTrlqa .tua a:a sJeqx JI uaa19 aq1 icrltf) ooz'o snuTo PuB snlil o1 .Tqsl .ql uo Blep aql ITEIT no/c uaq;, 'aABn 3q1 Jo toOT'O snuTu pue snld aq 01 spnlTT'brE aql TnoqB aq, 01 ETql auness no{ apn11lfne - ' t.tuelsuT rog ircqruTTard agl ErTl puB aTqBl JB.rt-tT'6 aq+ PpB nort Jr 61Bp aql TTB IIaTI
'sIxB eq+ J,loToqpus a^oq8 ePnITTaIIBleql erTAl ('1 eTqEl aql uo no,{ 'apnlT1ihs ulegac B uallt 'qrlqr u1 poqlau aql sT sTq,f
.aABIraql roJ apn?ITdEgua^I8 B .cluo sarqnssBqcTqA poql u aql asn 01 lsasTA sT 1T BxBPPalTutI Eulsn uI . elBp '1 uossal uT paulefdxa sv 'lTnsar 'ql aql tuTlTsTT ,tq pelguTuTTaeq ugt eseql go uolslca:tl eql qlTA SsTraJrsluT arB q3TqAsqopuBr ITpalqnoPun aJB ar'qJ 'uoTleanb eql €i ;o ?ot B tultf;/i Jo lroliuT lno IIE tT )iro,rrnotr I! r611ao. \.Jftr 1! ulcal ltTri no.6 lnq sIq? Jo :Ie no; TIo:r p:B uriop lls plnoo I 'EaIo{o .p(aJl Jo spuT{ luersJJTp pur Jo spulti luoJeJilp . sJaqunu uroprnrrJo sput:i lugreJJlp uodn slcaJJe luaJaJJIp a,r.q ,riaqq lLql ptrs qg?uai .rraqg uo*rr lr:ipuodep slcaJJo luEre -IJ a^1r,1aetrrraaB luriorl 1et11 lrrTor, slql qe {€s lqlltj| I uollcurJoJul rnoa JoI .ql8uel rlue ,puall uo(rn , sreRunu uop'l€r uo!.n qlrsal Jo selc.fc uoon puB .duB Jo sae8Jo.aEtul^oril Jo ?caJJa aqq .Ju"6I lstru nof ,EI ?at{S . sraqrnu Jo safraa ,{rp uo