High-Energy Ion-Atom Collisions: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on High-Energy Ion-Atom Collisions Held in Debrecen, Hungary, August 3–5, 1987
0387187324, 9780387187327
These proceedings give fundamental information on the collision mechanisms of ions and atoms at relatively high energies
Table of contents : Welcome by D. Berényi....Pages 1-1 Opening Address by D. Kiss....Pages 2-2 Electronic processes in energetic ion-atom collisions....Pages 3-36 Remarks on the present status of SCA calculations....Pages 39-63 Classical treatments of the L-shell ionization probability at zero impact parameter....Pages 64-83 Finite-basis-set expansion method for inner-shell ionization in ion-atom collisions....Pages 84-93 A modified ECPSSR theory for light-ion induced K-shell ionization....Pages 94-102 K-shell ionization by 3 He ions....Pages 103-106 Vacancy sharing between the L-subshells of Th under heavy ion impact....Pages 107-112 Inner shell ionization accompanying 40 Ar + 51 V fusion reaction....Pages 113-118 Theories of electron capture in ion-atom collisions....Pages 121-127 Structure due to electron correlation effects in the energy dependence of high-energy ion-atom electron capture cross sections....Pages 128-135 Are some rydberg states formed by post-target electron capture?....Pages 136-144 Electron capture from K and L shells in several kinds of atoms by 72, 62 and 52 MeV 3 He 2+ beams....Pages 145-154 A QED approach to one electron charge transfer in ion atom collisions....Pages 155-165 Coherence effects in slow ion-atom collisions....Pages 169-184 Photon angular distributions of the relativistic radiative electron capture....Pages 185-196 Angular distribution of the neon K-Auger satellites in heavy ion-atom collisions....Pages 197-203 Role of the magnetic quadrupole radiation in L 3 -subshell alignment studies....Pages 204-210 Integral and differential alignment of the M-shell vacancies in ion-atom collisions....Pages 211-219 The angular distribution of the KL-LL 2,3 L 2,3 satellite Auger transitions in Ne....Pages 220-225 Studies of forward electron ejection from gaseous targets....Pages 229-244 Three-body coulomb continuum and ionization by ion impact....Pages 245-261 Electron emission at small angles in H + -He collision....Pages 262-267 Collision induced autoionisation of 2.0 – 2.4 MeV Ar + and O + ions....Pages 268-276 Scattering of cusp-electrons in ion-atom collisions....Pages 277-285 Angular distributions of electrons emitted in proton — Helium collisions....Pages 286-294 Instrumental effects in measurements of electron distributions induced by atomic collisions....Pages 295-299 Collisional electron detachment of H ~ : A connection to the three-particle coulomb problem....Pages 300-304 Excited states population of fast heavy ions at the exit of gazeous and solid targets....Pages 307-321 Solid-state effects in electron ejection by charged particles....Pages 322-343 Transport theory for convoy electrons and Rydberg electrons in solids....Pages 344-361 Non-equilibrium convoy electron production in coincidence with outgoing projectile charge states....Pages 362-373 Valence compton profiles of Ag and Au by inelastic proton-electron scattering....Pages 374-381 Molecular fragmentation in heavy ion collisions....Pages 382-393 Two-electron processes in ion-atom collisions — experiment....Pages 397-414 Two electron processes in atomic collisions....Pages 415-431 Partial adiabaticity and scattering correlation in multiple ionization induced by high energy projectiles....Pages 432-436 The cross section scaling for ionization of hydrogen and helium by multicharged ions....Pages 437-446 Several manifestations of pauli correlations in energetic ion-atom collisions....Pages 447-460 Information on the Structure of heavy few-electron ions....Pages 463-478 Multiple ionization and multiple vacancy production in heavy-ion - Ne collisions — an experimental study....Pages 479-487 Multiple ionization by energetic heavy ion collisions — an evidence of the innershell electron transfer in highly charged recoil ion production....Pages 488-491 X-ray emission following close heavy ion-atom collisions....Pages 492-499 Non-binomial distribution of palladium K α L n X-ray satellites emitted after excitation by 16 O ions....Pages 500-506 Storage rings for investigation of ion-atom collisions....Pages 509-525 Laser multicharge ion source of the dubna synchrophasotron....Pages 526-528 Beams of relativistic nuclei at the dubna synchrophasotron....Pages 529-532 Concluding remarks....Pages 533-534