Head & Neck Muscles

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Head & Neck Muscles

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Head and Neck: Muscle Charts


Muscles of facial expression, mastication and middle ear

Epicranial group



Frontal belly (frontalis): Skin of eyebrow, Muscles of forehead



Frontal belly: Temporal branches of facial nerve (CN VII)

Frontal belly: Elevates eyebrows, Wrinkles skin of forehead

Occipital belly: Posterior auricular nerve (branch of facial nerve (CN VII))

Occipital belly: Retracts scalp

Occipitofrontalis Occipital belly (occipitalis): (Lateral 2/3 of) Superior nuchal line


Auricular muscles

Epicranial aponeurosis

Temporal branches of facial nerve (CN VII)

Tenses fascia of temporal region, Assists with movement of auricle

Auricular group





Auricularis anterior

Temporal fascia/ Epicranial aponeurosis

Spine of helix

Auricularis superior

Epicranial aponeurosis

Superior surface of auricle

Auricularis posterior

Mastoid process of temporal bone

Ponticulus of conchal eminence

Posterior auricular nerve (branch of facial nerve (CN VII))

Draws auricle posteriorly

Orbital group





Draws auricle anteriorly Temporal branches of facial nerve (CN VII) Draws auricle superiorly

Orbital part: Closes eyelids tightly Orbicularis oculi

Nasal part of frontal bone, Frontal process of maxilla, Medial palpebral ligament, Lacrimal bone

Skin of orbital region, Lateral palpebral ligament, Superior and inferior tarsi

Temporal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve (CN VII)

Palpebral part: Closes eyelids gently Lacrimal part: Compresses lacrimal sac

Medial end of superciliary arches, Fibers of orbicularis oculi muscle

Skin above middle of supraorbital margin

Depressor supercilii

Medial angle of orbit

Skin of medial end of eyebrow and glabella

Nasal group




Skin of glabella,

Temporal, lower

Fibres of frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle

zygomatic or buccal branches of facial nerve (CN VII)

Corrugator supercilii


Nasal bone, (Superior part of ) Lateral nasal cartilage

Alar part: Frontal process of maxilla (superior to lateral incisor) Nasalis Transverse part: Maxilla (superolateral to incisive fossa)

Creates vertical wrinkles over glabella Temporal branches of facial nerve (CN VII)

Alar part: Skin of ala; Transverse part: Merges with counterpart at dorsum of nose

Buccal branch of facial nerve (CN VII)

Depresses medial portion of eyebrow, Moves skin of glabella

Function Depresses medial end of eyebrow, Wrinkles skin of glabella

Alar part: Depresses ala laterally, Dilates nostrils Transverse part: Wrinkles skin of dorsum of nose

Lateral crus of major Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

Frontal process of maxilla

alar cartilage, Blends with fibres of levator labii superioris and orbicularis oris muscles

Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve (CN VII)

Elevates and everts upper lip and nasal ala

Oral group



Orbicularis oris

Medial aspects of maxilla and mandible, Perioral skin and muscles, Modiolus

Skin and mucous membrane of lips


(External lateral surface of) Alveolar process of maxilla, Buccinator ridge of mandible, Pterygomandibular raphe


Function Closes mouth, Compresses and protrudes lips

Buccal branch of facial nerve (CN VII) Compresses cheek against molar teeth

Modiolus, Blends with muscles of upper lip

Zygomaticus major

(Posterior part of ) Lateral aspect of zygomatic bone

Zygomaticus minor

(Anterior part of) Lateral aspect of zygomatic bone

Blends with muscles of upper lip (medial to zygomaticus major muscle)

Levator labii superioris

Zygomatic process of maxilla, Maxillary process of zygomatic bone

Blends with muscles of upper lip


Parotid fascia, Buccal skin, Zygomatic bone (variable)

Buccal branch of facial nerve (CN VII)

Extends angle of mouth laterally

Canine fossa of maxilla

Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve (CN VII)

Elevates angle of mouth

Buccal and mandibular branches of facial nerve (CN VII)

Depresses angle of mouth

Levator anguli oris

Elevates and everts angle of mouth

Modiolus Mental tubercle and

Depressor anguli oris

Depressor labii inferioris

oblique line of mandible (continuous with platysma muscle) Oblique line of mandible (continuous with platysma muscle)

Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve

Elevates upper lip, Exposes maxillary teeth

(CN VII) Elevates and everts upper lip, Exposes maxillary teeth

Skin and submucosa of lower lip

Depresses lower lip inferolaterally Mandibular branch of facial nerve (CN VII)

Elevates, everts and


Incisive fossa of mandible

Skin of chin (Mentolabial sulcus)

Muscle of middle ear






Pyramidal eminence of tympanic cavity

Neck of stapes

Nerve to stapedius muscle (of facial nerve (CN VII))

Dampens vibrations passed to cochlea via oval window

Handle of malleus

Nerve to medial pterygoid muscle (of mandibular nerve (CN V3))

Tensor tympani

Cartilaginous part of auditory tube, Greater wing of sphenoid bone, Petrous part of temporal bone (semicanal for tensor tympani muscle)

protudes lower lip, Wrinkles skin of chin

Pulls handle of malleus medially, Tenses tympanic membrane

Muscles of mastication





Temporal fossa (up to inferior temporal line), Temporal fascia

Apex and medial surface of coronoid process of mandible

Deep temporal branches (of mandibular nerve (CN V3))

Lateral surface of ramus and angle of mandible

Masseteric nerve (of mandibular nerve (CN V3))

Function Anterior fibres: Elevates mandible Posterior part: Retracts mandible

Superficial part: Maxillary


process of zygomatic bone, Inferior border of zygomatic arch (anterior 2/3’s) Deep part: Deep/inferior

Elevates and protrudes mandible

surface of zygomatic arch (posterior 1/3)

Lateral pterygoid

Superior head:

Superior head: Joint

Bilateral contraction -

Infratemporal crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone Inferior head: Lateral surface of lateral

capsule of temporomandibular joint

Protrudes and depresses mandible, Stabilizes condylar head during closure; Unilateral contraction -

pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone

condyloid process of mandible

Medial movement (rotation) of mandible

Medial surface of ramus and angle of mandible

Bilateral contraction Elevates and protrudes mandible Unilateral contractionMedial movement (rotation) of mandible

Inferior head: Pterygoid fovea on neck of

Lateral pterygoid nerve (of mandibular nerve (CN V3))

Superficial part:

Medial pterygoid

Tuberosity of maxilla, Pyramidal process of palatine bone; Deep part: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone

Medial pterygoid nerve (of mandibular nerve (CN V3))

Muscles of orbit

Extraocular muscles of eye





Levator palpebrae superioris

Lesser wing of sphenoid bone

Superior tarsal plate, Skin of upper eyelid

Oculomotor nerve (CN III)

Elevates superior eyelid

Abducens nerve (CN VI)

Abducts eyeball

Lateral rectus Medial rectus Superior rectus

Adducts eyeball Common tendinous ring (Anulus of Zinn)

Anterior half of eyeball (posterior to corneoscleral junction)

Elevates, adducts, internally rotates eyeball Oculomotor nerve (CN III)

Inferior rectus

Externally rotates eyeball Inferolateral aspect of

Inferior oblique

Depresses, adducts,

Orbital surface of maxilla

Abducts, elevates, Externally rotates eyeball

eyeball (deep to lateral rectus muscle) Superolateral aspect of

Superior oblique

Body of sphenoid bone

eyeball (deep to rectus superior, via trochlea orbitae)

Trochlear nerve (CN IV)

Abducts, depresses, internally rotates eyeball

Muscles of tongue

Intrinsic tongue muscles



Superior longitudinal muscle

Submucosa of posterior tongue, Lingual septum

Apex/Anterolateral margins of tongue

Inferior longitudinal muscle

Root of tongue, Body of hyoid bone


Retracts and broadens tongue, Elevates apex of tongue Retracts and broadens

Apex of tongue

Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)

Transverse muscle

Lingual septum

Vertical muscle

Root of tongue, Genioglossus muscle


tongue, Lowers apex of tongue

Lateral margin of

Narrows and elongates



Lingual aponeurosis

Broadens and elongates tongue

Extrinsic tongue muscles




Superior mental spine of mandible

Entire length of dorsum of tongue/ Lingual aponeurosis, Body of hyoid bone

Bilateral contraction Depresses and protrudes tongue; Unilateral contraction Deviates tongue contralaterally


Body and greater horn of hyoid bone

Inferior/Ventral parts of lateral tongue

Depresses and retracts tongue


Anterolateral aspect of styloid process (of temporal bone), Stylomandibular ligament

Longitudinal part: Blends with inferior longitudinal muscle


Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)


Retracts and elevates lateral aspects of tongue

Oblique part: Blends with hyoglossus muscle


Palatine aponeurosis of soft palate

Lateral margins of tongue, Blends with intrinsic muscles of tongue

Vagus nerve (CN X) (via branches of pharyngeal plexus)

Elevates root of tongue, Constricts isthmus of fauces

Muscles of pharynx & soft palate Pharyngeal constrictors

Origin Pterygoid hamulus,

Superior pharyngeal constrictor

Pterygomandibular raphe, Posterior end of mylohyoid line of mandible


Inferior pharyngeal constrictor

Stylohyoid ligament, Greater and lesser horn of hyoid bone

Thyropharyngeal part: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage

raphe, Blends with superior and inferior pharyngeal constrictors

Thyropharyngeal part: Median pharyngeal raphe Cricopharyngeal part:

Cricopharyngeal part: Cricoid cartilage


Pharyngeal tubercle on basilar part of occipital bone Median pharyngeal

Middle pharyngeal constrictor


Blends inferiorly with circular esophageal fibres

Branches of pharyngeal plexus (CN X)

Both parts: Branches of pharyngeal plexus (CN X) Cricopharyngeal part: also receives branches of external and/or recurrent laryngeal branches of vagus nerve (CN X)

Constricts wall of pharynx during swallowing

Pharyngeal and palatine muscles (cont’d)



Posterior border of hard palate, Palatine aponeurosis

thyroid cartilage, Blends with contralateral palatopharyngeus muscle

Inferior/cartilaginous part of auditory (Eustachian) tube

Blends with palatopharyngeus muscle

Medial base of styloid process of temporal bone

Blends with pharyngeal constrictors, Lateral glossoepiglottic fold, Posterior border of thyroid cartilage



Posterior border of



Petrous part of temporal Levator veli palatini

bone, Inferior/cartilaginous part of auditory tube Scaphoid fossa of pterygoid

Tensor veli palatini

process, Spine of sphenoid bone, Membranous wall of auditory tube

Palatine aponeurosis

Branches of pharyngeal plexus (CN X)


Elevates pharynx superiorly, anteriorly and medially (shortening it to swallow) Elevates pharynx, Opens auditory tube during swallowing

Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)

Elevates pharynx and larynx

Pharyngeal plexus (CN X)

Elevates soft palate (during swallowing)

Nerve to medial

Tenses palatine aponeurosis;

pterygoid (of Mandibular nerve (CN V3))

Opens pharyngeal opening of auditory tube (during swallowing)

Laryngeal muscles

Intrinsic muscles



Anterolateral part of cricoid cartilage


Posterior surface of


cricoid lamina

Lateral cricoarytenoid Transverse arytenoid

Oblique part: inferior horn


of thyroid cartilage

laryngeal nerve (of superior laryngeal nerve (CN X))

Straight part: Inferior margin of thyroid cartilage

process of opposite arytenoid cartilage Apex of contralateral arytenoid cartilage Aryepiglottic fold, Lateral border of epiglottis

and adjacent cricothyroid ligament

Anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage

Lateral surface of vocal Vocalis

Thyroepiglottic muscle

Adducts and shortens vocal folds

muscular process of arytenoid cartilage

Angle of thyroid cartilage

Draws thyroid cartilage anteroinferiorly, Lengthens and tenses vocal ligament (for high pitch sound)

folds, Opens glottis

Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage

Lateral border of muscular

Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage


Abducts and lengthens vocal

Lateral border and




Arch of cricoid cartilage

Oblique arytenoid Aryepiglottic


Inferior laryngeal nerve (of recurrent laryngeal nerve (CN X))

Adducts arytenoid cartilages, Acts as a sphincter on laryngeal inlet

Draws arytenoid cartilages anteriorly, Relaxes vocal ligament (for low pitch sound) Relaxes posterior vocal

processes of arytenoid cartilage

Ipsilateral vocal ligament

ligament, Maintains tension of anterior vocal ligament

Angle of thyroid cartilage

Lateral aspect of epiglottis

Widens laryngeal inlet

Anterior & lateral neck muscles

Suprahyoid muscles



Mylohyoid line of mandible


Inferior mental spine (Inferior genial tubercle)


Mylohyoid raphe, Body of hyoid bone

Body of hyoid bone Stylohyoid

Styloid process of temporal bone



Nerve to mylohyoid (of inferior alveolar nerve (CN V3)

Forms floor of oral cavity, Elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth, Depresses mandible

Anterior ramus of spinal nerve C1 (via hypoglossal nerve)

Elevates and draws hyoid bone anteriorly

Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve (CN VII)

Elevates and draws hyoid bone posteriorly

Anterior belly: Nerve Anterior belly: Digastric fossa of mandible Digastric Posterior belly: Mastoid notch of temporal bone

Intermediate digastric tendon (Body of hyoid bone)

to mylohyoid (of inferior alveolar nerve) (CN V3) Posterior belly: Digastric branch of facial nerve (CN VII)

Depresses mandible, Elevates hyoid bone during swallowing and speaking

Infrahyoid muscles





Posterior surface of manubrium of sternum, Costal cartilage of rib 1

Oblique line of thyroid cartilage

Depresses larynx


Manubrium of sternum, Medial end of clavicle

Inferior border of body of hyoid bone

Depresses hyoid bone (from elevated position)

Inferior belly: Superior border of scapula (near suprascapular notch)

Inferior belly: intermediate tendon of omohyoid muscle

Superior belly: intermediate tendon of

Superior belly: Body of hyoid bone

Anterior rami of spinal nerves C1-C3 (via ansa cervicalis)


Depresses and draws hyoid bone posteriorly


omohyoid muscle


Oblique line of thyroid cartilage

Inferior border of body and greater horn of hyoid bone

Anterior ramus of spinal nerve C1 (via hypoglossal nerve)

Depresses hyoid bone, Elevates larynx

Other neck muscles




Function Bilateral contraction -

Scalenus anterior (Anterior scalene)

Anterior tubercle of transverse processes of vertebrae C3-C6

Scalene tubercle and superior border of rib 1 (anterior to subclavian groove)

Neck flexion Anterior rami of spinal nerves C4-C6

Unilateral contraction Neck lateral flexion (ipsilateral), Neck rotation (contralateral), Elevates rib 1

Scalenus medius (Middle scalene)

Scalenus posterior (Posterior scalene)

Rectus capitis anterior

Rectus capitis lateralis

Posterior tubercles of

Superior border of rib 1

transverse processes of vertebrae C3-C7

(posterior to subclavian groove)

Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of vertebrae C5-C7 Anterior surface of lateral mass and transverse process of atlas Superior surface of transverse process of atlas

External surface of rib 2

Anterior rami of spinal nerves C3-C8

Anterior rami of spinal nerves C6-C8

Inferior surface of basilar part of occipital bone

Inferior surface of jugular process of occipital bone

Neck lateral flexion, Elevates rib 1 Neck lateral flexion, Elevates rib 2

Atlantooccipital joint: Head flexion Anterior rami of spinal nerves C1, C2

Unilateral contraction Atlantooccipital joint: Head lateral flexion (ipsilateral), Stabilises joint

Other muscles






Skin/Fascia of infra- and supraclavicular regions

Lower border of mandible, Skin of buccal/cheek region, Lower lip, Modiolus, Orbicularis oris muscle

Cervical branch of facial nerve (CN VII)

Depresses mandible and angle of mouth, Tenses skin of lower face and anterior neck

Sternal head: Superoanterior surface of manubrium of sternum Sternocleidomastoid Clavicular head: Superior surface of medial third of clavicle

Longus capitis

Lateral surface of mastoid process of temporal bone, Lateral half of superior nuchal line of occipital bone

Basilar part of occipital bone

Superior part: Anterior

Superior part: Anterior

tubercles of transverse processes of vertebrae C3-C5

tubercle of vertebra C1

Intermediate part: Anterior

(Longus cervicis)

surface of bodies of vertebrae C5-T3 Inferior part: Anterior surface of bodies of vertebrae T1-T3

Anterior rami of spinal nerves C2-C3

Sternoclavicular joint: Elevation of clavicle and manubrium of sternum Unilateral contraction Cervical spine: Neck ipsilateral flexion, Neck contralateral rotation

Anterior tubercles of transverse processes of C3-C6

Longus colli

Accessory nerve (CN XI),

Bilateral contraction Atlantooccipital joint/ Superior cervical spine: Head/Neck extension; Inferior cervical vertebrae: Neck flexion;

Anterior rami of spinal nerves C1-C3

Intermediate part: Anterior surface of bodies of vertebrae

Anterior rami of


spinal nerves C2-C6

Inferior part: Anterior tubercles of transverse processes of vertebrae C5-C6

Bilateral contraction Head flexion Ipsilateral contraction Head rotation (ipsilateral)

Bilateral contraction Neck flexion, Neck lateral flexion (ipsilateral) Unilateral contraction Neck contralateral rotation

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