Great events from history. The Middle Ages, 477-1453. V.1-2 [1-2]
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Great Events from History: The Middle Ages, 477- 1453 is the second installment in the ongoing Great Events from History
Pages [1085]
Year 2005
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Table of contents :
V.1. 477-1149
Publisher’s Note
Keyword List of Contents
List of Maps and Tables
477-600 c.e.
5th or 6th century, Confucianism Arrives in Japan
484, White Huns Raid India
496, Baptism of Clovis
c. 500-1000, Rise of Swahili Cultures
c. 500-1000, Tiwanaku Civilization Flourishes in Andean Highlands
6th-8th centuries, Sogdians Dominate Central Asian Trade
February 2, 506, Alarie II Drafts the Breviaram Alarici
524, Imprisonment and Death of Boethius
529-534, Justinian’s Code Is Compiled
532-537, Building of Hagia Sophia
538-552, Buddhism Arrives in Japan
563, Silk Worms Are Smuggled to the Byzantine Empire
567-568, Sasanians and Turks Defeat the White Huns
568-571, Lombard Conquest of Italy
581, Sui Dynasty Reunifies China
590-604, Reforms of Pope Gregory the Great
593-604, Regency of Shotoku Taishi
595-665, Invention of Decimals and Negative Numbers
596-597, See of Canterbury Is Established
c. 600-950, El Tajin Is Built
601-700 c.e.
7th-early 8th centuries, Maya Build Astronomical Observatory at Palenque
7th-8th centuries, Papermaking Spreads to Korea, Japan, and Central Asia
7th-13th centuries, Mogollons Establish Agricultural Settlements
605-610, Building of the Grand Canal
606, National University Awards First Doctorate
606-647, Reign of Harsa of Kanauj
607-839, Japan Sends Embassies to China
c. 610-632, Muhammad Receives Revelations
c. 611-642, Reign of Pulakesin II
618, Founding of the Tang Dynasty
627-650, Reign of Songtsen Gampo
629-645, Pilgrimage of Xuanzang
630-668, Reign of Narasimhavarman I Mahamalla
630-711, Islam Expands Throughout North Africa
635-800, Founding of Lindisfarne and Creation of the Book of Kells
August 15-20, 636, Battle of Yarmuk
637-657, Islam Expands Throughout the Middle East
645-646, Adoption of Nengo System and Taika Reforms
652-c. 1171, Christian Nubia and Muslim Egypt Sign Treaty
668-935, Silla Unification of Korea
October 10, 680, Martyrdom of Prophet’s Grandson Husayn
682-1377, Expansion of Srivijaya
685-691, Building of the Dome of the Rock
690-705, Reign of Empress Wu
c. 700, Bow and Arrow Spread into North America
c. 700-1000, Building of Chichen Itza
c. 700-1000, Heavy Plow Helps Increase Agricultural Yields
c. 700-1100, Settlement of the South Pacific Islands
c. 700-1253, Confederation of Thai Tribes
701-800 c.e.
8th-14th centuries, Cahokia Becomes the First North American City
8th- 15th centuries, Hohokam Adapt to the Desert Southwest
701, Taiho Laws Reform Japanese Government
c. 710, Construction of the Kailasanatha Temple
April or May, 71 l,Tarik Crosses into Spain
March 9, 712, and July 1, 720, Writing of Kojiki and Nihon shoki
713-741, First Newspapers in China
726-843, Iconoclastic Controversy
729, Founding of Nanzhao
730, Rise of the Pratiharas
731, Bede Writes Ecclesiastical History of the English People
October 11,732, Battle of Tours
735, Christianity Is Introduced into Germany
740, Khazars Convert to Judaism
744-840, Uighur Turks Rule Central Asia
c. 750-1240, Rise and Fall of Ghana
751, Battle of Talas River
754, Coronation of Pepin the Short
755-763, Rebellion of An Lushan
763, Tibetans Capture Chang’an
770-810, Reign of Dharmapala
775-840, Building of Borobudur
780, Beginning of the Harem System ?
780, Rise of the Sailendra Family
781, Alcuin Becomes Adviser to Charlemagne
786-809, Reign of Harun al-Rashid
788-850, Sankara Expounds Advaita Vedanta
791, Buddhism Becomes Tibetan State Religion
792, Rise of the Samurai
June 7, 793, Norse Raid Lindisfarne Monastery
794-1185, Heian Period
c. 800, Kana Syllabary Is Developed
c. 800-1350, Mississippian Mound-Building Culture Flourishes
801-900 c.e.
9th-14th centuries, Rise of the Touts we Kingdom
9th-15th centuries, Plains Village Culture Flourishes
802, Founding of the Khmer Empire
809, First Islamic Public Hospital
812, Paper Money First Used in China
832, Nanzhao Subjugates Pyu
834, Gypsies Expelled from Persia
838-842, Tibetan Empire Dissolves
840-846, Uighur Migrations
843, Treaty of Verdun
845, Suppression of Buddhism
Mid-9th century, Invention of Gunpowder and Guns
c. 850, Development of Slavic Alphabet
850-950, Viking Era
After 850, Foundation of Chan Chan
858, Rise of the Fujiwara Family
863, Nanzhao Captures Hanoi
864, Boris Converts to Christianity
868, First Book Printed
869-883, Zanj Revolt of African Slaves
872-973, Publication of The History of Al-Tabari
877-889, Indravarman I Conquers the Thai and the Mons
878, Alfred Defeats the Danes
890’s, Magyars Invade Italy, Saxony, and Bavaria
893, Beginning of Bulgaria’s Golden Age
901-1000 c.e.
Early 10th century, Qarakhanids Convert to Islam
10th century, Cult of Quetzalcoatl Spreads Through Mesoamerica
1 Oth-11th centuries, First Hausa State Established
907-960, Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
915, Parantaka I Conquers Pandya
918-936, Foundation of the Koryo Dynasty
927, Compilation of the Engi shiki
936, Khitans Settle Near Beijing
939-944, Reign of Ngo Quyen
c. 950, Court of Cordoba Flourishes in Spain
c. 950-1100, Rise of Madrasas
c. 950-1150, Toltecs Build Tula
August 10, 955, Otto I Defeats the Magyars
956, Oghuz Turks Migrate to Transoxiana
958-1076, Koreans Adopt the Tang Civil Service Model
960, Founding of the Song Dynasty
c. 960, Jews Settle in Bohemia
960-1279, Scholar-Official Class Flowers Under Song Dynasty
963, Foundation of the Mount Athos Monasteries
969-1171, Reign of the Fatimids
972, Building of al-Azhar Mosque
973, Foundation of the Western Calukya Dynasty
976-1025, Reign of Basil II
982, Le Dai Hanh Invades Champa
c. 985-1014, Reign of Rajaraja 1
987, Hugh Capet Is Elected to the French Throne
988, Baptism of Vladimir I
992-1054, Ghana Takes Control of Awdaghust
998-1030, Reign of Mahmud of Ghazna
c. 1000, Collapse of the Huari and Tiwanaku Civilizations
c. 1000, Footbinding Develops in Chinese Society
c. 1000, Hindi Becomes India’s Dominant Language
1001-1100 c.e.
11th century, Expansion of Sunni Islam in North Africa and Iberia
11 th-12th centuries, Building of Romanesque Cathedrals
11th-12th centuries, First European-Native American Contact
11 th-15th centuries, Development of the Ife Kingdom and Yoruba Culture
11 th-15th centuries, Great Zimbabwe Urbanism and Architecture
After 1000, Development of Miracle and Mystery Plays
c. 1001, Sei Shonagon Completes The Pillow Book
c. 1004, Murasaki Shikibu Writes The Tale of Genji
1009, Destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
1010, Firdusi Composes the Shahnamah
c. 1010, Songhai Kingdom Converts to Islam
c. 1010-1015, Avicenna Writes His Canon of Medicine
1012, Rice Is Introduced into China
April 23, 1014, Battle of Clontarf
1016, Canute Conquers England
c. 1025, Scholars at Chartres Revive Interest in the Classics
1031, Caliphate of Cordoba Falls
1040-1055, Expansion of the Seljuk Turks
c. 1045, Bi Sheng Develops Movable Earthenware Type
1048, Zirids Break from Fatimid Dynasty and Revive Sunni Islam
1054, Beginning of the Rome-Constantinople Schism
1062-1147, Almoravids Conquer Morocco and Establish the Almoravid Empire
October 14, 1066, Battle of Hastings
1069-1072, Wang Anshi Introduces Bureaucratic Reforms
August 26, 1071, Battle of Manzikert
c. 1075-1086, Hummay Founds Sefuwa Dynasty
1075-c. 1220, Emergence of Mapungubwe
1076, Almoravids Sack Kumbi
1077, Seljuk Dynasty Is Founded
1086, Domesday Survey
November, 1092-June 15, 1094, El Cid Conquers Valencia
November 27, 1095, Pope Urban II Calls the First Crusade
March 21, 1098, Foundation of the Cistercian Order
c. 1100, Arabic Numerals Are Introduced into Europe
c. 1100, Founding of Timbuktu
c. 1100, Origins of Swahili in Its Written Form
c. 1100, Rise of Courtly Love
1100-1300, European Universities Emerge
1101-1200 c.e.
12th century, Coins Are Minted on the Swahili Coast
12th century, Trading Center of Kilwa Kisiwani Founded
12th century, Wang Chongyang Founds Quanzhen Daoism
12th-14th centuries, Social and Political Impact of Leprosy
1115, Foundation of the Jin Dynasty
c. 1120, Order of the Knights Templar Is Founded
1127-1130, Creation of the Kingdom of Sicily
1130, Birth of Zhu Xi
1130, Karakitai Empire Established
1136, Hildegard von Bingen Becomes Abbess
1145, Kim Pu-sik Writes Samguk Sagi
c. 1145, Prester John Myth Sweeps Across Europe
1147-1149, Second Crusade
V.2. c. 1150-May 29, 1453. Indexes
Keyword List of Contents
List of Maps and Tables
1101-1200 c.E. (continued)
c. 1150, Moors Transmit Classical Philosophy and Medicine to Europe
c. 1150, Refinements in Banking
1150, Venetian Merchants Dominate Trade with the East
c. 1150-1200, Development of Gothic Architecture
c. 1150-1200, Rise of the Hansa Merchant Union
1152, Frederick Barbarossa Is Elected King of Germany
1153, Jin Move Their Capital to Beijing
1154-1204, Angevin Empire Is Established
1155, Charter of Lorris Is Written
September 17, 1156, Austria Emerges as a National Entity
1156-1192, Minamoto Yoritomo Becomes Shogun
1167, Foundation of the Nemanjid Dynasty
1169-1172, Normans Invade Ireland
December 29, 1170, Murder of Thomas Becket
1175, Honen Shönin Founds Pure Land Buddhism
c. 1175, Waldensian Excommunications Usher in Protestant Movement
c. 1180, Chrétien de Troyes Writes Perceval
c. 1181-1221, Lalibela Founds the Christian Capital of Ethiopia
1189-1192, Third Crusade
1190, Moses Maimonides Writes The Guide of the Perplexed
c. 1190-1279, Ma-Xia School of Painting Flourishes
1193, Turkish Raiders Destroy Buddhist University at Nalanda
1196-1258, Ch’oe Family Takes Power in Korea
c. 1200, Common-Law Tradition Emerges in England
c. 1200, Fairs of Champagne
c. 1200, Scientific Cattle Breeding Developed
c. 1200-1230, Manco Capac Founds the Inca State
1201-1300 c.E.
13th century, Ndiadiane N’diaye Founds the Wolof Empire
1204, Genghis Khan Founds Mongol Empire
1204, Knights of the Fourth Crusade Capture Constantinople
1206-1210, Qut al-Dïn Aybak Establishes the Delhi Sultanate
April 16, 1209, Founding of the Franciscans
1209-1229, Albigensian Crusade
1212, Children’s Crusade
July 27, 1214, Battle of Bouvines
June 15, 1215, Signing of the Magna Carta
November 11-30, 1215, Fourth Lateran Council
1217-1221, Fifth Crusade
1219-1333, Höjö Family Dominates Shoguns, Rules Japan
1221-1259, Mai Dunama Dibbalemi Expands Kanem Empire
1225, Tran Thai Tong Establishes Tran Dynasty
1225-1231, Jaläl al-Dïn Expands the Khwärizmian Empire
1227-1230, Frederick II Leads the Sixth Crusade
1228-1231, Teutonic Knights Bring Baltic Region Under Catholic Control
1230, Unification of Castile and Leon
1230’s-1255, Reign of Sundiata of Mali
1233, Papal Inquisition
1236-1240, Reign of Raziya
July 15, 1240, Alexander Nevsky Defends Novgorod from Swedish Invaders
1248-1254, Failure of the Seventh Crusade
Late 13th century, Maoris Hunt Moa to Extinction
c. 1250, Improvements in Shipbuilding and Navigation
c. 1250-1300, Homosexuality Criminalized and Subject to Death Penalty
1258, Provisions of Oxford Are Established
1259, Mangrai Founds the Kingdom of Lan Na
September 3, 1260, Battle of Ain Jälüt
c. 1265-1273, Thomas Aquinas Compiles the Summa Theologica
1270-1285, Yekuno Amlak Founds the Solomonid Dynasty
1271-1295, Travels of Marco Polo
1273, Sufi Order of Mawlawiyah Is Established
1275, First Mechanical Clock
1275, Nestorian Archbishopric Is Founded in Beijing
c. 1275, The Zohar Is Transcribed
1285, Statute of Winchester
1290-1306, Jews Are Expelled from England, France, and Southern Italy
April, 1291, Fall of Acre
1295, Model Parliament
1295, Ramkhamhaeng Conquers the Mekong and Menam Valleys
1299, cAlä"-ud-Din Muhammad Khalji Conquers Gujarat
1301-1400 c.E.
July 27, 1302, Battle of Bapheus
November 18, 1302, Boniface VIII Issues the Bull Unam Sanctam
1305-1417, Avignon Papacy and the Great Schism
c. 1306-1320, Dante Writes The Divine Comedy
c. 1310-1350, William of Ockham Attacks Thomist Ideas
June 23-24, 1314, Battle of Bannockburn
November 15, 1315, Swiss Victory at Morgarten over Habsburg Forces
c. 1320, Origins of the Bubonic Plague
1323-1326, Champa Wins Independence from Dai Viet
August 1, 1323-August 23, 1328, Peasants’ Revolt in Flanders
July 2, 1324, Lady Alice Kyteler Is Found Guilty of Witchcraft
1324-1325, Mansa Müsä’s Pilgrimage to Mecca Sparks Interest in Mali Empire
1325-1355, Travels of Ibn Battûtah
1325-1519, Aztecs Build Tenochtitlân
1328-1350, Flowering of Late Medieval Physics
November, 1330, Basarab Defeats the Hungarians
1333, Kilwa Kisiwani Begins Economic and Historical Decline
1336-1392, Yoshino Civil Wars
1337-1453, Hundred Years’War
1340, Al-TJmari Writes a History of Africa
August 26, 1346, Battle of Crécy
1347, Alä-ud-Din Bahman Shäh Founds the Bahmanï Sultanate
1347-1352, Invasion of the Black Death in Europe
May 20, 1347-October 8, 1354, Cola di Rienzo Leads Popular Uprising in Rome
1350, Ramathibodi I Creates First Thai Legal System
c. 1350-1400, Petrarch and Boccaccio Recover Classical Texts
January 10, 1356, and December 25, 1356, Golden Bull
c. 1360-1440, Kan’ami and Zeami Perfect Nô Drama
1366, Statute of Kilkenny
1368, Establishment of the Ming Dynasty
1368, Tibet Gains Independence from Mongols
1373-1410, Jean Froissart Compiles His Chronicles
1377, Ibn Khaldün Completes His Muqaddimah
1377-1378, Condemnation of John Wyclif
c. 1380, Compilation of the Wise Sayings of Lal Ded
September 8, 1380, Battle of Kulikovo
May-June, 1381, Peasants’ Revolt in England
1381-1405, Tamerlane’s Conquests
1382-1395, Reign of Sthitimalla
c. 1387, Chinese Create the Eight-Legged Essay
1387-1400, Chaucer Writes The Canterbury Tales
June 28, 1389, Turkish Conquest of Serbia
c. 1392, Foundation of the Gelugpa Order
July, 1392, Establishment of the Yi Dynasty
1397, Publication of the Laws of Great Ming
June 17, 1397, Kalmar Union Is Formed
1399-1404, Tamerlane Builds the Bibi Khanum Mosque
1400-1500, Foundation of the West African States of Benin
1401-1453 c.E.
1403-1407, Yonglo Dadian Encyclopedia Is Compiled
1405-1433, Zheng He’s Naval Expeditions
July 15, 1410, Battle of Tannenberg
c. 1410-1440, Florentine School of Art Emerges
1414-1418, Council of Constance
July 6, 1415, Martyrdom of Jan Hus
1415-1460, Prince Henry the Navigator Promotes Portuguese Exploration
1428, Le Loi Establishes Later Le Dynasty
May 4-8, 1429, Joan of Arc’s Relief of Orléans
1440, Donation of Constantine Is Exposed
1442-1456, Janos Hunyadi Defends Hungary Against the Ottomans
1444-1446, Albanian Chieftains Unite Under Prince Skanderbeg
c. 1450, Gutenberg Pioneers the Printing Press
1453, English Are Driven from France
May 29, 1453, Fall of Constantinople
Time Line
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