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Grammar and Vocabulary for the Real World • Dal livello A1 al livello B2 • 40 unità dedicate al Lessico • Preparazione integrata agli esami
Cambridge English: Preliminary e First
Jon Hird
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Grammar and Vocabulary for the Real World
Jon Hird Vocabulary units by Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, ��� ���, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries
©�Oxford University Press 2015
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Indice generale Introduzione ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Tempi presenti 1 B1 Present simple di be ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 B1 There is e there are ............................................................................................................................................................ Esercizi sommativi: Unità 1–2 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 B1 Present simple (forma affermativa e negativa) ...................................................................................... 4 B1 Present simple (forma interrogativa e risposte brevi) ...................................................................... 5 B1 Have got .................................................................................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 3–5 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 B1 Present continuous (forma affermativa e negativa) .......................................................................... 7 B1 Present continuous (forma interrogativa e risposte brevi) .......................................................... 8 B1 Present simple e present continuous .............................................................................................................. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 6–8 ................................................................................................................................................. 9 B1 L’imperativo ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10 B2 Verbi di stato e verbi dinamici .............................................................................................................................. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 9–10 ..............................................................................................................................................
10 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Tempi passati 11 B1 Past simple di be e there was/were .................................................................................................................... 12 B1 Past simple (forma affermativa) ........................................................................................................................... 13 B1 Past simple (forma negativa) .................................................................................................................................. 14 B1 Past simple (forma interrogativa e risposte brevi) ............................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 11–14 .............................................................................................................................................. 15 B1 Past continuous .................................................................................................................................................................. 16 B1 Past continuous e past simple, when e while ........................................................................................... 17 B1 Used to e would ................................................................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 15–17 .............................................................................................................................................. 18 B1 Present perfect (already, yet, just e still ) ...................................................................................................... 19 B1 Present perfect (ever e never) ................................................................................................................................. 20 B1 Present perfect (since e for) ..................................................................................................................................... 21 B1 Present perfect e past simple ................................................................................................................................. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 18–21 .............................................................................................................................................. 22 B2 Present perfect continuous ...................................................................................................................................... 23 B2 Present perfect continuous e present perfect simple ....................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 22–23 .............................................................................................................................................. 24 B1 Past perfect ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25 B2 Past perfect continuous .............................................................................................................................................. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 24–25 ..............................................................................................................................................
40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 70 72 74 76 78 80
Il futuro 26 B1 Present simple per il futuro ...................................................................................................................................... 82 27 B1 Present continuous per il futuro .......................................................................................................................... 84 28 B1 Be going to ............................................................................................................................................................................... 86 29 B1 Will (e shall) per il futuro ............................................................................................................................................ 88 30 B1 Will e be going to ................................................................................................................................................................ 90 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 26–30 .............................................................................................................................................. 92 31 B2 Future continuous e future perfect ................................................................................................................... 96 32 B1 Frasi al futuro con congiunzioni di tempo ................................................................................................. 98 33 B2 Was/were going to, was supposed to, would ............................................................................................ 100 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 31–33 ........................................................................................................................................... 102 Indice generale
Forma passiva 34 B1 Passivo (present simple e past simple) ....................................................................................................... 35 B2 Passivo (tutti i tempi) ................................................................................................................................................. 36 B2 Passivo (doppio complemento e soggetti impersonali) ............................................................. 37 B2 Strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi ........................................................................................................ 38 B1 Have/get something done ........................................................................................................................................ Esercizi sommativi: Unità 34–38 ...........................................................................................................................................
104 106 108 110 112 114
Verbi modali 39 B1 Can, could e be able to (abilità) .......................................................................................................................... 40 B1 Can, could e be able to (possibilità) ................................................................................................................ 41 B1 Can, could e be allowed to (permessi e divieti) .................................................................................... 42 B1 Can, could e would (richieste e offerte) ...................................................................................................... 43 B1 Must e have (got) to (obbligo) ........................................................................................................................... 44 B1 Need (necessità) .............................................................................................................................................................. 45 B1 Must, might, could e can’t (certezza e deduzione) ........................................................................... 46 B2 Bound to, sure, possible ecc. (gradi di certezza) .................................................................................. 47 B2 Will e would (supposizioni e comportamento tipico) .................................................................... 48 B1 Should, ought to, must e had better ............................................................................................................... 49 B2 Espressioni con verbi modali ............................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 39–49 ...........................................................................................................................................
118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140
Domande 50 B1 Forme interrogative ..................................................................................................................................................... 51 B1 Domande sul soggetto ............................................................................................................................................. 52 B2 Domande negative ...................................................................................................................................................... 53 B1 What’s … like? How’s … ? e What does … look like? ....................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 50–53 ........................................................................................................................................... 54 B1 Domande indirette ....................................................................................................................................................... 55 B1 Question tags .................................................................................................................................................................... 56 B2 Domande-eco ................................................................................................................................................................... 57 B1 Risposte brevi (a domande yes/no) + I think so ecc. ....................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 54–57 ...........................................................................................................................................
144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162
Strutture verbali e verbi da non confondere 58 B1 Verbi + forma in -ing ................................................................................................................................................... 59 B1 Verbi + infinito .................................................................................................................................................................. 60 B2 Verbi + forma in -ing o infinito .......................................................................................................................... 61 B2 Verbi + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing, infinito o forma base .......................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 58–61 ........................................................................................................................................... 62 B1 Preposizioni + forma in -ing ................................................................................................................................. 63 B2 Espressioni + forma in -ing .................................................................................................................................... 64 B2 Be/get used to + forma in -ing e be/get used to + sostantivo ................................................... 65 B1 Aggettivi e sostantivi + infinito .......................................................................................................................... 66 B1 Parole interrogative + infinito ............................................................................................................................. 67 B1 Infinito di scopo .............................................................................................................................................................. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 62–67 ........................................................................................................................................... 68 B1 Get ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 69 B1 Have ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 B1 Make .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 B1 Do ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 72 B1 Take ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 73 B1 Go ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Indice generale
164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 190 192 194 196 198 200
74 B1 Prefer, would prefer e would rather .................................................................................................................. 75 B1 Suggest e recommend ................................................................................................................................................. 76 B1 Verbi con doppio complemento ...................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 68–76 ...........................................................................................................................................
202 204 206 208
Discorso indiretto 77 B1 Discorso indiretto .......................................................................................................................................................... 78 B1 Discorso indiretto (domande) ............................................................................................................................ 79 B2 Verbi dichiarativi ............................................................................................................................................................. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 77–79 ...........................................................................................................................................
212 214 216 218
Periodo ipotetico 80 B1 Periodi ipotetici di tipo zero, primo tipo e imperativo ................................................................ 81 B1 Periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo .................................................................................................................. 82 B2 Periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo ........................................................................................................................... 83 B1 Wish e if only ....................................................................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 80–83 ...........................................................................................................................................
220 222 224 226 228
Sostantivi, articoli, pronomi e espressioni di quantità 84 B1 Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili ..................................................................................................... 85 B1 Plurali e partitivi .............................................................................................................................................................. 86 B1 Possessivi: ’s e the … of … ..................................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 84–86 ........................................................................................................................................... 87 B1 Articoli (a/an e the) ...................................................................................................................................................... 88 B1 Articoli (usi particolari) .............................................................................................................................................. 89 B1 Articoli (zero article e the per generalizzare) ........................................................................................ Esercizi sommativi: Unità 87–89 ........................................................................................................................................... 90 B1 Some e any ........................................................................................................................................................................... 91 B1 No, none, no one, nothing, nowhere ecc. .................................................................................................. 92 B1 Many, much, a lot of, a few, a little, more, fewer, less ecc. ......................................................... 93 B1 All, each, every e most ................................................................................................................................................ 94 B1 Both, either e neither .................................................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 90–94 ........................................................................................................................................... 95 B1 Pronomi soggetto e complemento ............................................................................................................... 96 B1 Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi .......................................................................................................................... 97 B1 Pronomi riflessivi e each other ............................................................................................................................ 98 B1 This, that, these, those ............................................................................................................................................... 99 B1 One e ones ............................................................................................................................................................................ Esercizi sommativi: Unità 95–99 ...........................................................................................................................................
232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270
Preposizioni e phrasal verbs 100 B1 Preposizioni: luogo ....................................................................................................................................................... 101 B1 Preposizioni: moto ........................................................................................................................................................ 102 B1 Preposizioni: tempo ..................................................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 100–102 ......................................................................................................................................... 103 B1 Preposizione + sostantivo ....................................................................................................................................... 104 B1 Verbi + preposizione ................................................................................................................................................... 105 B1 Verbi + complemento oggetto + preposizione ................................................................................... 106 B1 Aggettivi + preposizione ......................................................................................................................................... 107 B1 Sostantivi + preposizione ........................................................................................................................................ Esercizi sommativi: Unità 103–107 ......................................................................................................................................... 108 B1 Phrasal verbs ...................................................................................................................................................................... 109 B2 Phrasal verbs in tre parti .......................................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 108–109 .........................................................................................................................................
274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298
Indice generale
Aggettivi e avverbi 110 B1 Aggettivi ................................................................................................................................................................................ 111 B1 Aggettivi che terminano in -ed e -ing .......................................................................................................... 112 B1 Ordine degli aggettivi ............................................................................................................................................... 113 B1 Aggettivi graduabili e non-graduabili ......................................................................................................... 114 B2 Aggettivi derivati da sostantivi e verbi ........................................................................................................ 115 B1 Too e enough ...................................................................................................................................................................... 116 B1 So e such, what (a) … ................................................................................................................................................ Esercizi sommativi: Unità 110–116 ......................................................................................................................................... 117 B1 Il comparativo degli aggettivi ............................................................................................................................ 118 B1 Il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi ............................................................................................................ Esercizi sommativi: Unità 117–118 ......................................................................................................................................... 119 B1 Avverbi di modo ............................................................................................................................................................. 120 B1 Espressioni avverbiali e complementi di luogo e tempo ............................................................ 121 B1 Avverbi di frequenza ................................................................................................................................................... 122 B1 Avverbi di quantità ....................................................................................................................................................... 123 B1 Avverbi di tempo relativo ....................................................................................................................................... 124 B2 Ever e –ever .......................................................................................................................................................................... Esercizi sommativi: Unità 119–124 .........................................................................................................................................
300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 334
Costruzione delle frasi 125 B1 Frasi relative determinative .................................................................................................................................... 338 126 B2 Preposizioni nelle frasi relative ........................................................................................................................... 340 127 B2 Frasi relative ridotte ..................................................................................................................................................... 342 128 B2 Frasi relative esplicative ........................................................................................................................................... 344 129 B2 Frasi con la forma in -ing o con il participio passato ..................................................................... 346 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 125–129 ......................................................................................................................................... 348 130 B1 Coesione: sequenza ..................................................................................................................................................... 350 131 B1 Coesione: aggiunta di informazioni .............................................................................................................. 352 132 B1 Coesione: contrasto ..................................................................................................................................................... 354 133 B1 Coesione: scopo, causa e conseguenza .................................................................................................... 356 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 130–133 ......................................................................................................................................... 358 134 B2 Coesione: ellissi e sostituzione ........................................................................................................................... 360 135 B1 Coesione: risposte brevi ad affermazioni ................................................................................................. 362 136 B1 Coesione: pronomi, avverbi e sinonimi ..................................................................................................... 364 137 B2 Coesione: Actually, to be honest, anyway, well ecc. ......................................................................... 366 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 134–137 ......................................................................................................................................... 368 138 B2 Enfasi ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 370 139 B2 Frasi scisse ............................................................................................................................................................................. 372 140 B2 It supplementare ............................................................................................................................................................ 374 141 B2 Anticipazione ..................................................................................................................................................................... 376 142 B2 Inversione dopo espressioni avverbiali negative ................................................................................ 378 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 138–142 ......................................................................................................................................... 380 143 B1 Prefissi ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 382 144 B1 Suffissi ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 384 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 143–144 ......................................................................................................................................... 386
Grammar translation Esercizi di traduzione
Vocabulary 1 B1 Appearance (1) ................................................................................................................................................................ 394 2 B2 Appearance (2) ................................................................................................................................................................ 397 6
Indice generale
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B1 B2 B1 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B2 B1 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B1 B1 B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B1 B1 B2 B1 B1
Character (1) ..................................................................................................................................................................... Character (2) ..................................................................................................................................................................... Families (1) .......................................................................................................................................................................... Families (2) .......................................................................................................................................................................... Illness ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Shopping and fashion (1) ...................................................................................................................................... Shopping and fashion (2) ...................................................................................................................................... Money (1) ............................................................................................................................................................................ Money (2) ............................................................................................................................................................................ The universe ....................................................................................................................................................................... Weather and climate (1) ......................................................................................................................................... Weather and climate (2) ......................................................................................................................................... Animals and insects ..................................................................................................................................................... Food ........................................................................................................................................................................................... Transport (1) ...................................................................................................................................................................... Transport (2) ...................................................................................................................................................................... Directions .............................................................................................................................................................................. Buildings ................................................................................................................................................................................ Urban life ............................................................................................................................................................................... My town ................................................................................................................................................................................ My home ............................................................................................................................................................................... Objects .................................................................................................................................................................................... Festivals ................................................................................................................................................................................... Historical events .............................................................................................................................................................. Crime and punishment ............................................................................................................................................ Education and exams ................................................................................................................................................. Jobs ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Opinions and feelings (1) ....................................................................................................................................... Opinions and feelings (2) ....................................................................................................................................... The senses ............................................................................................................................................................................ Sleep .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Sport (1) ................................................................................................................................................................................. Sport (2) ................................................................................................................................................................................. Free time ................................................................................................................................................................................ Music (1) ............................................................................................................................................................................... Music (2) ............................................................................................................................................................................... Films ........................................................................................................................................................................................... Media .......................................................................................................................................................................................
399 401 403 405 407 409 413 414 415 416 418 420 423 425 427 431 433 435 437 439 441 443 445 447 448 450 453 457 460 461 463 464 466 470 472 473 474 476
Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 478 Appendici 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Prime strutture ................................................................................................................................................................................ 490 Regole ortografiche ..................................................................................................................................................................... 491 L’ortografia dell’inglese britannico e americano .................................................................................................... 493 Forme contratte .............................................................................................................................................................................. 493 Lettera maiuscola .......................................................................................................................................................................... 494 Strutture con aggettivi e sostantivi .................................................................................................................................. 495 Strutture verbali ............................................................................................................................................................................. 495 Phrasal verbs ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 497 It supplementare ........................................................................................................................................................................... 498 False friends (I falsi amici) ....................................................................................................................................................... 498 Verbi irregolari ................................................................................................................................................................................. 500
Indice analitico ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 501 Indice generale
Introduzione Grammar and Vocabulary for the Real World è stato scritto specificamente per gli studenti italiani. Il libro offre presentazioni linguistiche accurate ed esercitazione approfondita della grammatica e del lessico, necessari per progredire dal livello elementare a un solido livello intermedio (da ‘A1’ a ‘B2’ del Common European Framework of Reference). Inoltre aiuta gli studenti a sviluppare la conoscenza e le abilità per riuscire con successo nella vita grazie a: • Building language competence for the
real world: Le presentazioni linguistiche e l’apparato esercitativo incorporano un’ampia gamma di situazioni e contesti del mondo reale, vicini agli interessi degli studenti della scuola secondaria. Comprendono, fra l’altro, dialoghi, note informative, email, annunci e articoli su vari argomenti. È inoltre possibile personalizzare gli esercizi per rendere la lingua memorabile e significativa per la realtà degli studenti. L’obiettivo fisso sulla lingua della vita reale assicura l’apprendimento integrato di grammatica e lessico; sono state messe in evidenza le collocation più comuni e le espressioni tipiche, mentre gli elementi lessicali chiave rimandano spesso ad argomenti grammaticali correlati. • Exam success: Il materiale proposto fornisce
un esteso sostegno agli studenti che si preparano per una certificazione. I livelli delle unità sono chiaramente indicati dalle etichette ‘B1’ e ‘B2’ (le unità ‘B1’ offrono materiali anche per ripassare e consolidare gli elementi linguistici ‘A1’ e ‘A2’). Le unità sul lessico ruotano intorno ad argomenti proposti nelle certificazioni, per esempio shopping and fashion, festivals, opinion and feelings, music, sport. Gli esercizi che simulano le prove d’esame (trasformazione di frasi e cloze) sono intesi per far familiarizzare gli studenti con la tipologia del Cambridge English: Preliminary (for Schools) e First (for Schools) e aiutarli ad acquisire sicurezza. Gli Esercizi sommativi per la grammatica e gli esercizi Mettiti alla prova per il lessico offrono frequenti opportunità di ripasso e di consolidamento di 8
quanto appreso. Il Glossary in fondo al libro aiuta gli studenti a mantenersi concentrati su quello che devono ripassare, in quanto sono stati messi in evidenza gli elementi linguistici principali e il lessico previsto nel Cambridge English: Preliminary (si fa presente che non esiste un elenco di parole per l’esame Cambridge English: First). • Independent learning: Le presentazioni
linguistiche chiare e complete sono ottime per lo studio autonomo al di fuori della classe. Gli esercizi possono essere assegnati come compito a casa, per fissare quanto appreso in classe. Gli esempi e le spiegazioni dettagliate sostengono lo studente nell’apprendimento, fornendogli tutta la guida che necessita per completare gli esercizi in modo autonomo. Le registrazioni audio offrono i dialoghi che consentono allo studente di controllare le proprie risposte e di ascoltare modelli corretti di pronuncia del nuovo lessico. • Critical thinking and language awareness:
Le spiegazioni grammaticali richiamano l’attenzione sulle differenze chiave fra l’italiano e l’inglese, in particolare su strutture con difficoltà tipiche per lo studente italiano. Gli Esercizi di traduzione, da pagina 388 a pagina 393, sono stati pensati per sviluppare la consapevolezza linguistica dello studente e la sua capacità di pensare in modo critico su come un significato venga espresso diversamente in una lingua straniera.
Come è organizzato il libro? Grammar and Vocabulary for the Real World è suddiviso in sezioni chiare che aiutano lo studente a orientarsi e a trovare facilmente quello che cerca. • Le 144 unità sulla Grammatica sono
raggruppate per argomento linguistico, per esempio Tempi presenti, Verbi modali, e Aggettivi e avverbi. Queste unità presentano due pagine: quella di sinistra con una sezione di spiegazioni ed esempi, e quella di destra con gli esercizi.
• Gli Esercizi sommativi appaiono regolarmente
nel testo per aiutare lo studente a ripassare e consolidare quanto appreso nelle unità precedenti. La varietà di questi esercizi comprende cloze e trasformazione di frasi, per far familiarizzare con la tipologia di alcune prove d’esame.
= unità sulla lingua di livello B1 (comprende il ripasso dei livelli A1 e A2) = unità sulla lingua di livello B2
• Gli Esercizi di traduzione si trovano dopo
= argomento di livello B2
le unità della grammatica e offrono ulteriori opportunità di ripasso e consolidamento. • Le 40 unità sul Lessico sono suddivise in aree
tematiche. Molte unità sono ulteriormente suddivise in sezioni più piccole che presentano e fanno esercitare minori quantità di lessico per una migliore memorizzazione; l’unità su Education and Exams, per esempio, è divisa in School subjects, The education system ed Exams. Tutto il nuovo lessico è registrato per permettere allo studente di ascoltarlo ed esercitarsi nella pronuncia. • Il Glossary delle unità sul Lessico comprende la
traduzione per un controllo veloce e mette in evidenza parole chiave per aiutare nella fase di ripasso.
= spiega le differenze fra l’uso in italiano e in inglese EXAM EXAM EXAM TIP
= esercizi nel formato degli esami Cambridge English: Preliminary e First, quali trasformazione di frasi e cloze
= suggerimenti sugli usi tipici, comprese collocation di uso comune, frasi colloquiali e differenze fra l’inglese parlato e scritto = esercizi registrati da ascoltare per controllare il proprio compito, esercitarsi nella pronuncia e accedere a esempi di parlanti di madrelingua inglese
➔ Vedi unità 10
• Le Appendici in fondo al libro contengono
ulteriori informazioni quali Strutture verbali e i tipici False Friends. • L’Indice analitico chiude il libro e aiuta lo
studente e il docente a individuare in modo facile e veloce uno specifico argomento linguistico.
= rimandi a informazioni in altre unità o in appendice = richiama l’attenzione su parole importanti, spesso contiene rimandi ad argomenti grammaticali correlati
Il libro digitale interattivo Se si è scelta la confezione con il libro digitale, in fondo al testo si trova una cartolina con due codici: • uno per scaricare l’Interactive eBook • uno per accedere a due simulazioni degli esami Cambridge English: Preliminary e Cambridge English: First. L’Interactive eBook consente di svolgere le attività del libro di testo in forma interattiva e di accedere alle registrazioni audio degli esercizi di ascolto integrati. Questo strumento si presta all’uso in classe con la LIM o il computer e il proiettore e a casa per lo studio in autonomia.
Le simulazioni degli esami Cambridge English: Preliminary e Cambridge English: First consentono di familiarizzarsi con la tipologia delle prove, e di abituarsi ai tempi previsti per lo svolgimento di ciascuna.
Il sito delle Espansioni Nel sito delle Espansioni si trovano una serie di risorse in più, per ampliare l’esercitazione. Inoltre dal sito si possono scaricare le registrazioni audio in formato MP3 degli esercizi di ascolto.
Present simple di be
A Forma affermativa e negativa Affermativa
I am
I am not
I’m not
you/we/they are
you/we/they are not
you/we/they’re not o aren’t
he/she/it is
he/she/it is not
he/she/it’s not o isn’t
• Be ha tre diverse forme al present simple (am, is e are): I’m a student. Sono studente. We’re Italian. Claudia’s from Switzerland. Siamo italiani. Claudia è svizzera. Poiché i verbi inglesi hanno la stessa forma per varie persone, il pronome soggetto deve essere sempre espresso, anche quando in italiano può essere sottinteso. He’s English. È inglese. (NON Is English.) Nota che you corrisponde in italiano a tu, voi e alla forma di cortesia Lei. You are very kind. Sei molto gentile./Siete molto gentili./(Lei) È molto gentile. ➔ Vedi unità 95 per approfondimenti sui pronomi.
• Per fare la forma negativa si usa not dopo il verbo o si aggiunge al verbo la forma contratta n’t. Nota che non si usa n’t alla prima persona singolare. Alison isn’t here. Alison non c’è. It’s not expensive. Non è caro. TIP Nell’inglese parlato e scritto informale di solito si usa la forma contratta. Le forme estese si usano di
solito in contesti più formali e per dare enfasi al verbo. We are not happy with the service. Non siamo per niente soddisfatti del servizio.
B Forma interrogativa e risposte brevi Interrogativa Am I … ? Are you/we/they … ? Is he/she/it … ?
Risposte brevi Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/they aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.
Nota la struttura delle risposte brevi ‘composte’: Are you both from London? ~ I am, but Jim isn’t. Siete entrambi di Londra? ~ Io sì, ma Jim no.
• Le domande si fanno mettendo am/is/are prima del soggetto. • Può essere poco cortese rispondere a domande con risposta sì/no con un semplice Yes./No. Le risposte brevi si fanno con Yes o No seguiti dal soggetto e am/is/are (+ not se la risposta è negativa). Are you happy? ~ Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Sei contenta? ~ Sì./No. • Quando c’è un’espressione interrogativa, questa va prima di am/is/are + soggetto. What time is it? Che ora è? Where are my keys? Dove sono le mie chiavi? What’s your name? Come ti chiami? TIP Nell’inglese parlato e scritto informale si usano comunemente le forme contratte What’s … , Where’s … ecc.
Nota l’ordine delle parole nelle domande con una parola interrogativa quando nella frase affermativa il verbo è seguito da una preposizione: in italiano la domanda inizia con preposizione + parola interrogativa; in inglese la preposizione è alla fine della domanda. Where are you from? ~ I’m from Oxford. Di dove sei? ~ Sono di Oxford. (NON From where are you?) 10
Unità 1
OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere. Usa la forma affermativa e quella negativa di be. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Milan isn’t the capital city of Italy. Rome is the capital. Monaco in Italy. It in France. Milan and Genoa in the south of Italy. They in the north. The Apennines lakes. They mountains. The Italian flag red, white and blue. It red, white and green. Italy a republic. It a monarchy. The President Head of State. Cagliari in Sardinia. It in Corsica. Corsica part of France. The currency in Italy the lira. It the euro. Inter and Juventus football teams. They Italian clubs. They English clubs. Sicily off the south-east coast of Italy. It off the south-west coast. I from Switzerland. I from Italy. I Italian.
Completa la presentazione di Roberto con le forme corrette di be. Poi ascolta e controlla. Roberto Pedroni and I 1 19 years old. Italian, but I 3 from Italy. I 4 from Switzerland. I 5 originally from 6 Lugano, which an Italian-speaking city in the southeast of the country. My parents 7 from Italy, from Rome. Italian 8 my first language, but I 9 also fluent in German. And my French and English 10 too 11 bad. I a student at the University of Zurich. My course 12 easy, but the classes 13 interesting and it 14 fun most of 15 the time. All the professors excellent. I 16 interested in most sports, music and the cinema. I 17 a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi films and my favourite films 18 the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Tennis 19 my favourite sport, but I 20 very good at it. I 21 into different kinds of music, but my favourite bands 22 Gaslight Anthem and The Dropkick Murphys.
Scrivi domande e risposte su Roberto con le forme corrette di be. Scrivi risposte brevi quando necessario. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
What’s his name? name? how old? Italian? where/from? where/Lugano? what/first language? student? classes interesting? what/interested in? what/favourite films? what/favourite sport? good at tennis? what music/into? which/favourite bands?
His name’s Roberto Pedroni. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Unità 1
Grammar B1
I ▶ ’m My name 2
B1 C Uso Be è il verbo più usato in inglese. Gli usi più comuni comprendono: • identità e definizioni; He’s my cousin. È il mio cugino. What’s a ukulele? ~ It’s a musical instrument. Che cos’è un ukulele? ~ È uno strumento musicale. • nazionalità e provenienza; They’re British. Sono britannici. Where’s he from? ~ He’s from Paris. Di dov’è? ~ È di Parigi. • occupazioni; I’m a student. Sono studente. My mum’s a teacher. Mia madre è insegnante. • età; How old are you? ~ I’m 15. Quanti anni hai? ~ 15. This house is 400 years old. Questa casa ha 400 anni. • ora, giorni e date; What time is it? ~ It’s 6.30. Che ora è? ~ Sono le 18.30. What’s the date? ~ It’s 3rd June. Quanti ne abbiamo? ~ È il 3 giugno. • tempo (atmosferico) e temperature; How’s the weather? ~ It’s sunny. Che tempo fa? ~ C’è il sole. It isn’t cold. Non c’è/fa freddo. • prezzi; The shoes are €50. Le scarpe costano €50. How much is it? ~ It’s £3.50. Quanto costa/è/fa? ~ £3.50. • caratteristiche, qualità e stati; She’s friendly. È cordiale. Are you OK? ~ I’m tired. Tutto bene?/Stai bene? ~ Sono stanco. How’s your new job? ~ It’s great. Com’è/Come va il tuo nuovo lavoro? ~ Benissimo. • luoghi e posizioni. Where’s my phone? ~ It’s on the table. Dov’è il mio telefono? ~ È sul tavolo. She’s not here. She’s in Milan. Non c’è. È a Milano. Nota negli esempi le espressioni in cui al verbo be in italiano corrispondono avere, stare o fare. Memorizza i seguenti usi di be: I’m hungry. Ho fame. I’m thirsty. Ho sete. I’m cold. Ho freddo. I’m hot. Ho caldo. I’m sleepy. Ho sonno. I’m scared. Ho paura. Nota inoltre: I’m sorry. Mi dispiace./Scusa./Mi scusi. Nota che quando due inglesi si urtano involontariamente, entrambi si scusano dicendo I’m sorry, a prescindere da chi ha urtato chi. Infine nota la differenza tra I’m sorry e Excuse me. Excuse me si usa per attirare l’attenzione, non per scusarsi. A Excuse me – are you Mr Banks? Mi scusi – Lei è il signor Banks? B No, sorry, I’m not. No, mi dispiace. (NON No, excuse me, I’m not.) A Oh, sorry! Oh, mi scusi! (NON Oh, excuse me!)
Scrivi delle frasi vere per te con i suggerimenti dati. ▶
1 2 3 4 12
I/from Napoli I’m from Napoli. /I’m not from Napoli. I/16 years old it/June it/hot today my teacher/Italian
Unità 1
Leggi i brani e scrivi le domande per queste risposte.
Jay-Z is an American rapper from Brooklyn, New York City. His real name is Shawn Carter. He is married to R&B singer Beyoncé Knowles.
Maria Sharapova is a tennis player, who is also famous for modelling. She is very tall at 1.88 m. She is originally from Siberia in Russia, although her parents are from Belarus. She is now based in Florida in the United States.
Who is Jay-Z?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
He’s an American rapper. Shawn Carter. Brooklyn, New York City. Yes, he is married. To Beyoncé Knowles. She’s a tennis player and model. 1.88 metres. Siberia, in Russia. No, they’re not from Siberia. They’re from Belarus.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin are cofounders of Google. Page is from Michigan in the USA and Brin is originally from Moscow in Russia, but he is now an American citizen. They are based in California near Google’s headquarters, which is in the city of Mountain View. Today, Google is worth hundreds of billions of dollars and Page and Brin are each worth many tens of billions.
10 11
In Florida, in the USA. They are co-founders of Google. Page is from Michigan, USA, and Brin is from Moscow. In California, near Google’s HQ. It’s in Mountain View. Hundreds of billions of dollars. Tens of billions each.
12 13 14 15 16
Completa il dialogo con le parti mancanti. Poi ascolta e controlla. Tom Hi, Billy, this is my new friend, Anna. you? Anna Hi, Billy, how ▶ are Billy Hello, Anna, nice to meet you. I 1 fine, thanks! 2 that an American accent? Anna Yes, 3 ! Billy Cool! Where in the US 4 from? Anna 5 Asbury Park in New Jersey. Tom Billy, Anna 6 a singer. 7 Billy Really? What kind of music into? Anna Lots of different kinds, but mostly soul and classic rock. Billy 8 your favourite band? Anna The Rolling Stones, of course!
Are you … ? è la domanda più frequente con be. Leggi queste risposte e scrivi le domande con le parole nel riquadro. sure ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
A Are you serious? A A A A A A
hungry B B B B B B B
Yes, I am. Totally. Yes, I am. When’s dinner? Yes, I’m 100% certain. No, I’m not. Five more minutes. Yes, I’m fine, thanks. Maybe. Tell me more. Yes, it’s time for bed. Unità 1
Grammar B1
There is e there are
A Forma Singolare
There is/There’s …
There are …
There is not/There isn’t …
There are not/There aren’t …
Is there … ?
Are there … ?
Risposte brevi
Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.
Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
B Uso There is(n’t) e there are(n’t) significano (non) c’è/(non) ci sono. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. Ci sono 26 lettere nell’alfabeto inglese. Are there any free seats? ~ No, there aren’t. Ci sono posti liberi? ~ No. There’s a table, but there isn’t a chair. C’è un tavolo, ma non c’è una sedia.
C There is/are + some e any Con there is/are spesso si usano some e any. Ci sono molte regole sull’uso di some e any, ma una regola generale molto utile è che si usa: • some con sostantivi non numerabili e numerabili plurali in frasi affermative. There’s some milk in the fridge. C’è del latte in frigo. There are some good beaches near here. Ci sono delle belle spiagge qui vicino. • any con sostantivi non numerabili e numerabili plurali in frasi negative e nelle domande. There aren’t any good beaches near here. Non ci sono delle belle spiagge qui vicino. Is there any milk? C’è (del) latte? • a/an con sostantivi numerabili al singolare. ➔ Vedi unità 90 per altre regole su some e any. TIP There is e There are sono comunemente usati quando si parla di dove si trova una certa cosa.
Is there a cash machine near here? C’è un bancomat qui vicino? There are some cafés on Green Road. Ci sono dei bar in Green Road. There’s a photocopier in the library. C’è una fotocopiatrice nella biblioteca.
Osserva la figura e completa le frasi 1–6 con There is(n’t) o There are(n’t). Completa le domande 7–12 con Is there o Are there e le risposte brevi. ▶
There is
a table. a woman in the garden. some trees. any children. some coffee on the table. some birds on the fence. any dogs.
Is there
a table? Yes, there is. any water? any chairs? a magazine? any plants? any books? a cat?
1 2 3 4 5 6 ▶
7 8 9 10 11 12 14
Unità 2 copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con le forme corrette di there is/are e a(n), some o any dove necessario. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Is there a good café near here? Yes, there are some excellent ones just round the corner. sports centre here? No, , but swimming pool. And tennis courts, too. Excuse me. I think problem with the photocopier. OK. I think that someone here who can fix it. How many countries in the world? Good question. I think about 200, but I’m really not sure. I haven’t got any money. cash machine near here? Yes, bank just over there. But queue. Let’s come back later. How many teams in serie A? I think 20, but I’m not sure. Ah look, Roberto. Let’s ask him. milk? Yes. in the fridge. How much ? I think about a litre. restaurants in this street? No, in this street. But nice Indian restaurant round the corner. Oh yes, there it is, and look – free table! I’m sorry, but mistake. We had three coffees, but four on the bill. Oh, I’m very sorry.
Completa le frasi sulla stanza in cui ti trovi al momento con There is(n’t)/are(n’t) + some/any. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
There is / There isn’t
a table. a window. a bed. a computer. a TV. flowers. a desk.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
a whiteboard. bookcases. a carpet. people. books. a wardrobe. posters.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Non usare più di tre parole. ▶
1 2 3 4
The English alphabet has 26 letters. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. How many hotels does Barraton have? How many in Barraton? Are any seats free? free seats? Tom thinks a bus leaves at 3.30. Tom thinks bus at 3.30. Does the menu include any vegetarian food? Is food on the menu? No one is queuing for the pool. queue for the pool.
6 Do we have enough time for a coffee? time for a coffee? 7 The team hasn’t got one single good player. single good player in the team. 8 This house has two bathrooms. bathrooms in this house. 9 This road is always very busy. always a lot of traffic on this road. 10 This town hasn’t got many good shops. many good shops in this town. 11 Have we got enough eggs to make a cake? enough eggs to make a cake?
Unità 2
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 1–2 Present simple di be; there is/there are 1
Osserva le carte d’identità di Lauren e Sam e completa le domande e le risposte su di loro. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
What ’s her name
Her name’s How old What nationality
? Lauren Thomas. IDENTITY CARD ? Name: Lauren Thomas years old. Date of Birth: 28/08/89 ? Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA American. Occupation: teacher Marital status: single from in America? Address: 256 Ocean Drive, Long Beach, from Los Angeles. California job? a teacher. married? . address? 256 Ocean Drive, Long Beach, California.
7 A What B 8 A How B 9 A B 10 A B 11 A B 12 A B 13 A B
Scrivi frasi vere per te con i suggerimenti dati. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
I/from Milan I’m from Milan. / I’m not from Milan. I/from Sicily I/17 years old my English teacher/from the UK chemistry/interesting my friends and I/good students there/shops in my street I/good at sports my teachers/friendly I/interested in politics it/cold today my school/in the town centre there/a bus stop/opposite my school
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 1–2
IDENTITY CARD ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name: Sam Williams Date of Birth: 01/01/86 Birthplace: Rotherham, UK Occupation: actor Marital status: married Address: 120 St John’s Road, Sheffield
Completa il dialogo tra Michaela e l’impiegata dell’ufficio turistico con la forma corretta affermativa e negativa di be. Poi ascolta e controlla. there any hotels in Barraton? Michaela ▶ Are Assistant No, there 1 , I’m afraid, but there 2 several guest houses. 3 4 They all very nice. And some right in the town centre. Michaela OK. And 5 Barraton interesting? 6 there things to do? I 7 quite interested in history. Assistant Yes, Barraton 8 very interesting. There 9 two museums and there 10 11 a small castle. The castle about 600 years old. Michaela 12 the museums and castle free or 13 there an entrance fee? Assistant The museums 14 free. But there 15 an entrance fee for the castle. Michaela OK, and I 16 also interested in art. 17 there an art gallery? 18 19 20 Assistant No, there ,I afraid. But there some paintings in one of the museums. Michaela And what about food? 21 there any restaurants? Assistant Yes, there 22 some great restaurants: Italian, Chinese, Indian and, of course, traditional British. They 23 all very good. Giovanni’s, the Italian restaurant, 24 my favourite. Michaela And 25 there also a fish and chip shop? Assistant No, there 26 . Sorry. Michaela OK, never mind. Thanks for your help.
Scrivi frasi per i luoghi (1–7) sulla mappa con There’s … o There are … . 2 et a rk rm pe Su
1 s ort
sta Re
u ra
3 Royal Ba nk
Sp ay’s
1 2 3
There’s a restaurant in Mitchell Street.
7 5
i us
Mel’s Clo thes
1 fe 2 Ca
4 5 6 7
Scrivi domande con Is/Are there … e le risposte brevi. Usa le informazioni sulla mappa dell’esercizio 4. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
a restaurant/Mitchell Street? Is there a restaurant in Mitchell Street? a café/South Street? any cash machines/Mitchell Street? a supermarket/South Street? a clothes shop/Church Street? any cafés/Church Street? any trees/Mitchell Street?
Yes, there is.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 1–2
Present simple (forma affermativa e negativa)
A Forma Affermativa
I/you/we/they don’t
he/she/it doesn’t
live/want/know/ play/watch/study
• Nota che nelle frasi negative il verbo principale è alla forma base (cioè all’infinito senza il to). He doesn’t know. Non lo sa. (NON He doesn’t knows.) • A volte in contesti formali si usa la forma negativa estesa. The president does not oppose the proposal. Il presidente non si oppone alla proposta. • Si può anche usare la forma negativa estesa per dare enfasi. I do not agree with you. Non sono affatto d’accordo con te. She does not want to see him. Non vuole proprio vederlo.
B Regole ortografiche per he/she/it La maggioranza dei verbi
+ -s:
like ➔ likes
Verbi che terminano in -o, -s, -sh, -ch, -x
+ -es:
Verbi che terminano in consonante + y
-y ➔ -ies:
Verbo have
cost ➔ costs
go ➔ goes
play ➔ plays
wash ➔ washes
carry ➔ carries
mix ➔ mixes
study ➔ studies
fly ➔ flies
C Uso Il present simple si usa per parlare di qualcosa che chi parla considera permanente, tra cui: • situazioni permanenti e fatti; I live in Milan. Abito a Milano. He doesn’t speak English. Non parla inglese. • abitudini e azioni abituali; Sam usually walks to school. Sam di solito va a scuola a piedi. We have lunch at 12.30. Pranziamo alle 12.30. • stati d’animo, come pensieri, sentimenti e ciò che (non) ci piace. I think he’s Spanish. Credo che sia spagnolo. Katie doesn’t like spicy food. A Katie non piacciono i cibi speziati.
D Avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza Si usa spesso il present simple con avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza per dire quanto spesso si fa qualcosa. L’avverbio di frequenza si mette di norma prima del verbo principale. I usually do my homework on time. Di solito faccio i compiti per tempo. Chiara is occasionally late for school. Chiara qualche volta arriva a scuola in ritardo. We have English lessons twice a week. Abbiamo lezioni di inglese due volte alla settimana. ➔ Vedi unità 121 per approfondimenti sugli avverbi di frequenza.
E I do like ecc. Qualche volta per dare enfasi al verbo in frasi affermative si può usare l’ausiliare do + forma base. No cake for you because you don’t like it, right? ~ What? I do like it! Niente torta per te perché non ti piace, giusto? ~ Cosa? Sì che mi piace! I do hope the bus isn’t late. Spero proprio che l’autobus non sia in ritardo. ➔ Vedi unità 138 per modi di dare enfasi.
Unità 3
OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere. Usa i verbi nel riquadro. eat
take place
Penguins don’t live in the Arctic. They live in the Antarctic. Spiders six legs. They eight legs. The earth around the sun. The sun around the earth. The US President in the Pentagon. He or she in the White House. A vegetarian meat. Some vegetarians fish, however. The Olympic Games every two years. They every four years. The England football team at Wembley Stadium in London. It at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. 7 In Rome, it usually a lot in November, but it much in July. 8 The UK the euro. It the pound.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa la descrizione di Laura con il present simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. GENERAL: I’m Laura, I’m 17 and I ▶ live (live) at home in Sheffield with my parents and one of my sisters. My other sister 1 (live) in Manchester – she’s at university. My dad 2 (teach) science at a local school and my mum 3 (not/work). INTERESTS: My main interest is music. My music tastes 4 (vary), y and I (have) lots of different kinds of music on my MP3 player, but I generally 6 (like) music you can dance to. I 7 (not/like) rap or heavy 8 metal. I (play) y the guitar in a band. We occasionally 9 (play) y at friends’ parties, but we 10 (not/play) y for money.
Grammar B1
PLANS: I 11 (hope) to go to university next year. I 12 13 (not/know) w where, but I (want) t to study music. FREE TIME: When I 14 (not/have) any homework, I usually (meet up) with my best friend, Jen. She 16 (play) y the bass guitar in the band. We generally 17 (spend) d time listening to music, writing songs and just hanging out. 15
Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te con la forma affermativa o negativa dei verbi nel riquadro. ride ▶
1 2 3 4
I don’t ride My parents I My teacher I
a scooter. two languages. French at school. lunch at school. jeans at the weekend.
5 I 6 My aunt summer.
vegetarian food. to the beach every
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
Jim never watches horror films. 1 goes/Jane/school/always/bus/to/by. 2 eat/I/Chinese/occasionally/food.
3 Sundays/on/often/we/football/play. 4 day/computer/I/every/play/don’t/games.
Unità 3
Present simple (forma interrogativa e risposte brevi)
A Forma interrogativa Do
• Le domande al present simple si fanno con l’ausiliare do/does + soggetto + forma base del verbo. Do you play tennis? Giochi a tennis? Does she live in London? Abita a Londra? Do Jack and Diane know about the party? Jack e Diane sanno della festa? Do you have your own blog? Hai un blog tuo? ➔ Vedi unità 5 per la differenza tra have e have got. TIP Ricordati che questa struttura non si usa per be.
Are you Italian? Sei italiana? (NON Do you be Italian?) ➔ Vedi unità 1 per la forma interrogativa di be.
• L’espressione interrogativa si mette all’inizio della domanda, anche quando c’è una preposizione. Where does she live? Dove abita? When does the film start? Quando inizia il film? How often do you play tennis? Ogni quanto giochi a tennis? Who do you play tennis with? Con chi giochi a tennis? • L’avverbio di frequenza si mette di norma prima del verbo principale. What time do you usually get up? A che ora ti alzi di solito? Nota che mai corrisponde a due diversi avverbi in inglese: ever, che si usa nelle frasi affermative e interrogative, e never, che significa non … mai (ricordati che in inglese non si usano due negazioni). Do you ever go skiing? Vai mai a sciare? If you ever come to London, let me know. Se mai vieni a Londra, fammi sapere. I never eat cheese. Non mangio mai formaggio. (NON I don’t never eat cheese.) ➔ Vedi unità 121 sugli avverbi di frequenza.
B Risposte brevi Yes,
Do you live in London? ~ Yes, I do. Abiti a Londra? ~ Sì. Does she speak Italian? ~ No, she doesn’t. Parla italiano? ~ No. TIP Nota la struttura delle risposte brevi ‘composte’:
Do you like Pearl Jam? ~ I do, but Roy doesn’t. Ti piacciono i Pearl Jam? ~ A me sì, ma a Roy no.
Leggi il brano a pagina 21. Poi leggi le risposte e scrivi le domande su Dale Lester. ▶
What time does he get up?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Unità 4 copyright 2015
At 6.30. He checks his website. At about ten o’clock. The UK’s biggest celebrity photographic agency. About 800. Because his time is taken up running the business. Socializing. He lives alone. He does exercise, cooks and watches TV.
DALE LESTER, KING OF THE PAPARAZZI I get up at about 6.30. The first thing I do each day is I check my website and then I contact my offices around the world to see what’s new. I then make myself breakfast – usually bacon, eggs and toast. I generally arrive at the office at about ten o’clock. I own the UK’s biggest celebrity photographic agency and I employ about 800 paparazzi worldwide. I don’t take photos these days because my time is taken up running the business. My dad is my number one inspiration – he is 78 and he still runs a very successful business.
When I’m not at work, I love spending time at my main home in London. I live alone, but I have a dog. I take him for a walk in the park every day if I’m in London. I have houses all around the world – in St Tropez in the south of France, in Dubai, Barbados and Australia and several in the
Completa le domande e le risposte brevi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A Does she usually come to school by bike? B No, she doesn’t . She usually comes to school by bus. 1 A David? B No, . But I know his sister. 2 A at number 37? B No, . He lives at number 39. 3 A much time together? B Yes, . We spend every weekend together. ▶
UK. In the evenings I do an hour’s exercise, cook dinner and then watch TV. I usually go to bed before midnight.
4 A
you long to get to school? B No, . It takes me about half an hour. 5 A at 3 in the morning? B No, . My flight arrives at 3 in the afternoon.
Completa le domande con you e le parole nel riquadro. Poi rispondi al questionario. ever/buy or sell how much time/spend what/generally/use
how/usually/connect ever/download how often/write emails
how often/go which social networking sites/use
You and the internet ▶
How often do you go several times a day less than once a day
online each day? 1 to 2 hours
1 less than 1 hour more than 2 hours
3 research/study
things on
4 the internet? buy sell
buy and sell
5 often
2 computer
online? once a day
to the internet? smartphone
the internet for? entertainment social
7 often
music? never ? other ? never
Unità 4
Grammar B1
A big part of my work is socializing. When celebrities meet me at parties, they always want to be my friend. They know that if I like them, I won’t publish their pictures if they don’t want me to.
Have got
A Forma
Affermativa Negativa Interrogativa
have not
has not
got …
Have I/you/we/they
got … ?
Has he/she/it
• Di solito si usano le forme contratte, ma in contesti più formali si possono usare le forme estese. We have got several points to discuss at the meeeting. Abbiamo diversi punti da discutere alla riunione. • Nelle domande si possono usare parole interrogative. How many brothers has he got? Quanti fratelli ha? • Quando si usa un avverbio (also, usually, never ecc.), lo si mette tra have e got. Sam’s never got any money! Sam non ha mai soldi! I’ve also got a brother. Ho anche un fratello.
B Risposte brevi Le risposte brevi a domande sì/no (Have you got … ?) sono: Yes,
Have you got a scooter? ~ Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. Hai lo scooter? ~ Sì./No. (NON Yes, I’ve got./No, I haven’t got.)
C Uso Si usa have got per parlare di: • possesso; I’ve got a new computer. Ho un nuovo computer.
She hasn’t got a car. Non ha la macchina.
TIP Si usa have got … with me/you ecc. per dire che si ha con sé una certa cosa. Per parlare di cose che
di solito si tengono in tasca, come soldi, una penna ecc., si può usare anche on me/you ecc. Have you got your laptop with you? Hai il portatile (con te/appresso)? I haven’t got any money with/on me. Non ho soldi (in tasca)./Non ho portato soldi. • disponibilità di cose in negozi, ristoranti ecc.; Have you got this shirt in blue? Avete questa camicia in blu? • caratteristiche di qualcuno o qualcosa; She’s got long hair. Ha i capelli lunghi. • relazioni; I’ve got two sisters. Ho due sorelle. • malattie o altri problemi di salute. I’ve got a headache. Ho mal di testa.
The hotel hasn’t got a pool. L’albergo non ha la piscina.
Has Lucy got a boyfriend? Lucy ha un fidanzato? He’s got a broken leg. Ha una gamba rotta.
D Have got o have? Certe volte si può usare have come alternativa a have got, di solito in contesti più formali e specialmente nelle forme interrogative e negative. Do you have any money on you? Ti sei portato soldi? She doesn’t have a car. Non ha la macchina. ➔ Vedi unità 43 e 46 per gli usi di have got per parlare di obbligo e certezza, e unità 69 per altri usi di have.
Unità 5
OUP copyright 2015
Osserva le figure e scrivi frasi con have/has(n’t) got e le parole nel riquadro. a new laptop
curly hair
any money
toothache 2
He’s got toothache.
Leggi gli annunci e gli appunti. Scrivi le domande che dovresti fare per ottenere quelle informazioni. 3 what qualifications? room 6 a laptop bag? 8 which games? ▶ a computer Piano lessons Contact Paul on 07430778234
1 wi-fi? ▶
2 a café?
4 a website?
Has the school got a computer room?
1 2 3 4
5 experience with beginners?
7 which ope ra system? ting
9 whatware? soft
5 6 7 8 9
Completa le domande con le forme corrette di have got e with you o on you. Scrivi with/on quando entrambe le opzioni sono possibili. Poi scrivi delle risposte vere per te. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Laptop for sale (almost new)
Grammar B1
on her.
A Have you got A A A A A A
your bike with you ? your mobile ? a pen ? any money ? a laptop ? an ID card ? an iPad ?
B No, I haven’t. B B B B B B
Completa il dialogo con le forme corrette di have got. Usa il pronome you per le domande. Poi ascolta e controlla. Shop assistant Rosie Shop assistant Rosie Shop assistant Rosie Shop assistant
Can I help you? Hi. ▶ Have you got Let’s see. Yes, we 1
any mobile phone covers for this phone? . We 2 red, black and blue. 3 any in green? I don’t think so, but I’ll have a look … No, we 4 , I’m afraid. OK, I’ll get a red one then, please. Oh, and do you sell phone chargers? We 5 any here, but try our shop in the city centre. They should have some. Rosie OK, thanks. So how much for the cover? Shop assistant It’s £9.99, please. Rosie Oh no! I 6 my wallet on me! Sorry. I’ll come back later. Unità 5
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 3–5 Present simple e have got 1
Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. Usa la forma negativa per il secondo verbo. live/see work/enjoy ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
listen to/like have got/have got
I love My brother I My sister We Daniela and I Marco My parents
love/eat have got/ride
watch/play have got/use
Indian food, but I don’t eat it very often. a scooter, but he it very often. a lot of classical music, but I pop music. in a bank, but she it. a computer games system, but we it much. near each other, but we each other very often. a lot of football on TV, but he it much. an old CD player, but they many CDs.
Completa il brano con i verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla.
10 Downing Street – home to the Prime Minister entertain
Number 10 Downing Street in London is the office and official residence of the British Prime here and the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister’s staff (about 170 people) ▶ work a flat on the top floor. Number 10 is also where the Prime Minister Minister 1 2 guests at receptions, lunches and dinners.
take place
Television interviews and staff meetings usually 3 in the White Room. In the formal lunches and dinners. The Prime Minister State Dining Room, guests 4 press conferences to the world’s media here. also 5
The Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street all the time. He or she also 7 another official residence, called Chequers, in the country about 40 miles at Chequers and the from central London. Visiting world leaders occasionally 8 meetings there. Prime Minister sometimes 9
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta di have got. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
What kind of scooter have you got ? I ’ve got a Piaggio. you your phone on you? Yes, I . But I any credit left, I’m afraid. Samantha blonde hair? No, she . She brown hair. your town a sports centre? No, it . But it a swimming pool. a headache. you any paracetamol? I No, but we some aspirin, I think. Is that any good? I a new mobile phone contract. It’s only €20 a month. Sounds good. it live TV on it?
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 3–5
Completa il dialogo per le risposte con le parti mancanti. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
What time do you usually get up How Which school What time What
6 A What instrument 7 A How often 8 9 10 11
A Where A A What kind of music A
? ? ? ? school? ?
? B ? B ? any hobbies? ? any sports?
I usually get up at 7.00. I walk to school. I go to Liceo Newton in Viale Manzoni. School starts at 8.15. Yes, I do. I enjoy it very much. After school, I do my homework. I sometimes have a music lesson. I play the guitar. I generally go out with my friends two or three times a week. We usually go to a café. Yes, I have. Music and photography. I listen to rock and pop, mainly. Yes, I do. I play tennis and basketball.
Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A What exactly is the United Kingdom? Is it one country or several? (consist) of four smaller ones: England, Wales, B Well, it’s one country that ▶ consists Scotland and Northern Ireland. A And how many people live there? B I1 (think) it 2 (have) a population of about 63 million. And over 50 million of them 3 (live) in England. A And 4 (it/have) a president? B No, it doesn’t. There’s a prime minister. A But the UK 5 (have got) a queen. What 6 (she/do)? B Well, she is the head of state, but she 7 (not/make) any political decisions. She 8 (have) some important ceremonial duties and she 9 (meet) the Prime Minister every week so that she 10 (know) what is happening politically. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, you see. A What 11 (that/mean)? B It means a type of government in which the king or queen is the head of state, but ministers in government 12 (make) the laws. 13 A I see. In my country, we (have) a president, not a king or queen.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Non usare più di tre parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
There are two boys and two girls in Marco’s family. Marco has got one brother and two sisters. Marco lives in Turin. Marco in Rome. Marco wears jeans and a T-shirt every day. Marco jeans and a T-shirt. Marco’s favourite food is pizza. Marco more than any other food. Marco goes to football practice on Mondays and Thursdays. week. Marco practises football Marco wants to get his first scooter next year. Marco a scooter at the moment. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 3–5
Present continuous (forma affermativa e negativa)
A Forma Estesa Affermativa
Nota che il present continuous corrisponde spesso, ma non sempre, a stare + gerundio.
am not
’m not
is not
’s not o isn’t
are not
’re not o aren’t
Il present continuous si forma con il presente di be + forma in -ing. • Di solito si usa la forma contratta, soprattutto con i pronomi personali soggetto e i sostantivi singolari. We’re waiting for the taxi. Stiamo aspettando il taxi. She’s making a coffee. Sta facendo il caffè. • La forma estesa è generalmente usata solo in contesti più formali e per dare enfasi. Dear Mr Jones, we are contacting you to inform you that … . Gentilissimo Sig. Jones, La contattiamo per informarLa del fatto che … . You are not paying attention! Non stai affatto ascoltando! • Ci sono dei verbi che sono raramente usati alla forma continuous. Si tratta di solito di verbi che descrivono stati quali esistenza, sentimenti o possesso, come: believe credere understand capire want volere know sapere like piacere possess possedere ➔ Vedi unità 10 per i verbi di stato.
• Gli avverbi di tempo di solito si mettono prima della forma in -ing: European ministers are currently meeting in Paris. I ministri europei sono attualmente riuniti a Parigi.
B Regole ortografiche per la forma in -ing La maggioranza dei verbi
+ -ing:
Verbi che terminano in -e
– -e + ing:
Verbi che terminano in 1 vocale + 1 consonante
consonante ✕2 + ing:
play ➔ playing
work ➔ working
write ➔ writing
dance ➔ dancing
swim ➔ swimming
shop ➔ shopping
C Uso Il present continuous si usa per parlare di qualcosa che si considera temporaneo e in corso nel momento in cui si parla. In particolare: • azioni, situazioni e stati in corso al momento; He’s waiting for us outside. Ci sta aspettando fuori. She’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Ha/Indossa un paio di jeans e una maglietta. • azioni, situazioni e stati in corso in questo periodo, ma non necessariamente in questo istante; I’m reading a great book at the moment. Sto leggendo un libro molto bello al momento. She’s having driving lessons. Sta prendendo lezioni di guida. • situazioni in via di cambiamento. Your English is getting better. Il tuo inglese sta migliorando. Exams are getting more difficult. Gli esami stanno diventando più difficili. • Si può usare il present continuous anche per parlare del futuro. I’m going for a pizza with Mary tonight. Stasera vado a prendere una pizza con Mary. ➔ Vedi unità 27 per il present continuous con valore di futuro.
Unità 6
OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con il present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. I/really enjoy it it/improve ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
she/do her homework my sister/use it
Hi, is Alice in? Yes, come in. I think she’s doing her homework Where’s Peter? In the garden. How’s school? Great. Can I use your computer to check my emails? Sure, but What’s the matter?
1 2 3 4 5 6
in her bedroom.
this term. at the moment. I’ve got a terrible headache.
Can I turn the radio off? Sure. How’s John’s Italian these days? all the time. He’ll be fluent soon!
Martina and Dana aren’t talking (talk) to each other. They’ve had a fight. I (have) driving lessons, but I hope to start next month. That’s a nice dress you (wear). Where did you get it? You don’t need an umbrella today. It (rain). You never study. That’s why your English (get) better. I don’t know where Matteo is. He (sit) in his usual seat. Be quiet! The lesson (start).
Scrivi delle frasi vere per te con i suggerimenti dati. watch TV I’m not watching TV. 1 listen to music 2 wear a watch 3 rain
4 5 6 7
I/not/feel well
Completa le frasi con il present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. ▶
he/cut the grass I/not/listen to it
learn to drive study English write sit in class
Completa il brano con i verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. advance
Children born at the beginning of the 21st century have a 50–50 chance of living to be 100 years old, according to a study. Public health and sanitation ▶are improving all the time and medical technology 1 so quickly that in 2100, the average life expectancy in some parts of the world is likely to be 100. currently A vast number of scientists and institutions around the world 2 human ageing and 3 constantly for ways of increasing life expectancy. As a result, further advances in science and medicine may increase it to even more than 100. in some parts of the world The study shows that human life expectancy 4 by about 2 years every decade. And scientists 5 now to believe that there is no natural limit to ageing and that humans may one day live to be at least 200. Unità 6
Grammar B1
Present continuous (forma interrogativa e risposte brevi)
Forma Interrogativa Am I working? Are you/we/they working? Is he/she/it working?
Risposte brevi Estesa
Yes, I am. No, I am not.
’m not.
Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/they are not. aren’t o ’re not. Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it is not.
isn’t o ’s not.
• Le domande si fanno mettendo la forma corretta di be prima del soggetto. • L’espressione interrogativa si mette all’inizio della domanda, anche quando c’è una preposizione. What are you doing? Che cosa stai facendo? Why are you laughing? Perché stai ridendo? Who’s Jane talking to? Con chi sta parlando Jane? • Nell’inglese parlato e scritto informale di solito è più naturale usare le forme contratte What’s, Who’s ecc. What’s she doing? Che cosa sta facendo? Where’s Tom going? Dove sta andando Tom? • Le risposte brevi a domande sì/no al present continuous sono: Are you feeling OK? ~ Yes, I am. Ti senti bene? ~ Sì. Is it raining? ~ Yes, it is. Sta piovendo? ~ Sì. Are your friends waiting? ~ No, they’re not. I tuoi amici stanno aspettando? ~ No. • Non si usa la forma contratta nelle risposte brevi affermative. Are you talking to me? ~ Yes, I am. (NON Yes, I’m.) Dici a me? ~ Sì. TIP Si può usare la forma estesa in una risposta breve negativa per dare maggiore enfasi.
Are you just pretending to be ill? ~ No, I am not! Stai solo fingendo di essere ammalato? ~ Assolutamente no!
Scrivi due domande con le parole date e due risposte brevi per ogni figura. 1
a b 1 a b 2 a b 3 a b ▶
he/listen to music he/text on his mobile she/cook she/make a sandwich they/play table tennis they/play cards it/snow it/rain
Unità 7
OUP copyright 2015
Is he listening to music? Is he texting on his mobile?
No, he isn’t. Yes, he is.
Leggi l’esempio e scrivi dialoghi simili con le parole date. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
what/you/look for? (my keys)
What are you looking for? I’m looking for my keys. 1 what/you/listen to? (a new band) 2 where/your friends/stay? (in Hotel Roma) 3 why/you/learn English? (for my job)
4 5 6 7 8
what/your sister/study at university? (music) who/Gianluca/talk to? (his boss) what/they/talk about? (the match) where/you/go? (to the cinema) which cinema/go to? (the Odeon)
Completa le domande dell’intervistatore con le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. you/enjoy/it where/you/stay
how/the new album/go where/you/tour
how/it/go what/you/work on you/learn/an instrument
MUSICNOW’S ONE-MINUTE INTERVIEW This week: Paul Mann, lead singer of American pop group The Change. Hello, Paul. How’s it going? It’s going very well, thanks. We’re working hard at the moment, but we’re having a good time.
at the moment? Well, we’re working on our next album and we’re also touring.
5 And , here in London? Five-star luxury? Well, we’re not actually staying in a hotel, which, to be honest, makes a nice change. We’re staying in an apartment that the record company owns.
You’re the singer in the band, but I understand you also play other instruments. That’s right. I play the guitar and the piano a bit. I’m always trying to learn a new instrument.
The new album’s going very well, actually. We’re happy with about five or six songs, and we’re currently writing a few more. 3 And Just in Europe, ten or so countries, I think. We’re playing a few gigs in the UK this month. 4 Well, life on the road isn’t easy, but it’s part of the job. But on the whole, yeah, we are enjoying it, it’s fun. And we get to stay in some great hotels.
Grammar B1
right now? Yes, I’m learning the drums, actually. I’m not very good, though.
Scrivi le domande con le parole tra parentesi. Poi scrivi le risposte brevi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
A Is Rob still going out with Mary? B No, he isn’t. A B A B A B A B
(Rob/still/go out with Mary) They broke up last week. (you/feel OK) Actually, I’ve got a bit of a headache. at the moment? (it/rain) It’s just a little cloudy. (Inter/win) Arsenal are winning 2 – 0. There’s ten minutes left! (the phone/ring/again) I asked everyone to call back about the party.
Unità 7
Present simple e present continuous
A Uso • Il present simple si usa per azioni o stati considerati permanenti o stabili, come fatti, abitudini e stati d’animo (pensieri, convinzioni, sentimenti, intuizioni ecc.). • Il present continuous invece si usa per azioni considerate temporanee e in corso (o non in corso) al momento in cui si parla o in questo periodo. Sue speaks Italian and French. Sue parla italiano e francese. Harry’s speaking Italian with Marco. Harry sta parlando in italiano con Marco. It rains a lot at this time of year. Piove molto in questo periodo dell’anno. Oh, no! It’s raining! Get your umbrella. Oh, no! Piove!/Sta piovendo! Prendi l’ombrello. I generally read biographies. Di solito leggo biografie. I’m reading David Bowie’s biography at the moment. Sto leggendo la biografia di David Bowie al momento. TIP Il present simple è usato spesso con espressioni di tempo che indicano frequenza (per esempio, every
week, once a month), e il present continuous è usato spesso con espressioni che indicano un tempo presente (come at the moment, this week). I have guitar lessons once a week. Vado a lezione di chitarra una volta alla settimana. I’m having guitar lessons at the moment. Sto prendendo lezioni di chitarra in questo periodo.
B Present continuous per esprimere ripetizione Quando si parla di cose che accadono regolarmente o ripetutamente di solito si usa il present simple. Comunque, quando si vuole sottolineare la ripetitività di un’azione abituale o esprimere irritazione, si può usare il present continuous con avverbi di frequenza come always, forever e constantly. I’m always losing my keys. Sto sempre perdendo le chiavi. My sister’s forever borrowing my clothes. Mia sorella non fa che prendermi i vestiti. L’uso del present continuous per esprimere azioni ripetute spesso o l’irritazione che queste causano corrisponde in italiano alle costruzioni sta sempre a + infinito, non fa che + infinito e è sempre lì che + presente.
C Verbi di percezione I verbi di percezione (see, hear, smell, taste, feel) di solito sono usati con can per indicare qualcosa che si percepisce nel momento in cui si parla. I can smell gas. (più comune di I smell gas.) Sento odore di gas. (NON I’m smelling gas.) Can you see Peter? (più comune di Do you see Peter?) Vedi Peter? (NON Are you seeing Peter?)
Completa le frasi con il present simple o il present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. It usually rains (rain) at this time of year. Oh no! It (rain). Let’s stay at home. Look, there’s Peter! He (go) into the supermarket. We usually (go) to my grandparents twice a year. I (not/listen) to the radio very often. You can turn the radio off if you like. I (not/listen) to it. Look at the river. It (flow) really fast today. The River Po (flow) into the Adriatic Sea. What a lovely smell! What (you/cook)? (you/cook) every day? A B No, we usually (get) a takeaway meal once or twice a week. 10 Sue isn’t here at the moment. I (think) she (play) tennis with Jackie. They usually (play) on Saturday afternoons. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Unità 8
OUP copyright 2015
Osserva la figura e scrivi frasi su Paul con il present simple o il present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro e le parole date. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. do
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
He studies geography. football at his desk to music a shirt a lot of books lots of photos about 18 years old the guitar homework
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta.
According to a recent study, the generation gap ▶ C smaller and today many parents and their teenage children 1 similar interests. It 2 also common today for parents and children to spend part of their free time together. James and Helen Jones from Liverpool, UK, 3 more and more time with their teenage children and their children’s friends. ‘We 4 to cafés, concerts and even to clubs with them,’ says Helen. ‘We 5 about everything – music, TV, school, boyfriends and girlfriends. Our children are our best friends. The generation gap 6 .’ Daughter Suzy, 16, agrees: ‘We 7 the same tastes in music and fashion. Me and Mum regularly 8 each other’s clothes and make-up and Dad 9 to my music all the time. They 10 really cool.’ ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
become have are spent go talk disappear have borrow listen are
becomes has is spends goes talks disappears has borrows listens is
is becoming is having is being is spending is going is talking is definitely disappearing is having is borrowing is listening is being
are becoming are having are being are spending are going are talking are definitely disappearing are having are borrowing are listening are being
Completa le frasi con can o can’t e un verbo di percezione, feel, hear, see, smell o taste. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I can smell something burning. Turn the light on. I anything. I gas. Are you sure the cooker is off? Brrrr – it’s freezing! I my fingers. I you. Speak up! The hotel’s great and we the sea from the room. You really the garlic in this sauce. It’s delicious! A Where’s Ben? B There are too many people. I him! you the TV? Shall I turn up the volume? Unità 8
Grammar B1
Is the generation gap disappearing?
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 6–8 Present simple e present continuous 1
Completa i dialoghi con il present simple o il present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B A 2 A B A B 3 A B ▶
4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B A
Where ’s (be) Jack? (do) some homework. In his bedroom. He ’s doing Can I borrow your umbrella? Oh, 1 (it/rain)? Yes. It often 2 (rain) at this time of year. What type of books 3 (you/like) to read? 4 5 I (read) all kinds. I (not/have) a favourite type. 6 (you/read) a book at the moment? Yes, I 7 (read) a biography of Barack Obama. Your English 8 (improve) all the time. Thanks. I’ve got a great teacher at the moment. I really 9 (enjoy) learning English in her class. She 10 (make) the lessons fun. Is this seat free? No, it isn’t. I’m afraid someone 11 (sit) there. I 12 (think) there’s a free seat over there by the window, though. Unemployment 13 (go up) again! Yes. It often 14 (increase) at this time of year. I 15 (not/enjoy) this food. It’s cold and too salty. That’s a shame. My pasta 16 (taste) quite nice, actually. Can I use your computer to send a couple of emails? The internet 17 (not/work) at the moment, I’m afraid. Sorry. What 18 (you/look) for? My schoolbag. Not again! You 19 (always/lose) your bag these days.
EXAM Leggi i brani e completali con l’alternativa corretta.
PROFILE: ENRICO My name is Enrico and I’m 15 years old. I ▶ A from Ancona originally, but there is nowhere that I home. We 2 around a lot – in Italy and in other countries – because of my dad’s job. really 1 He 3 for the military. We generally 4 in the same place for very long – only two or three 5 years. At the moment, we in Vicenza. My sister, who is 17, 6 to the same school as me. 7 My brother at a local school this year, but he 8 to study medicine next year. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
come am calling move work aren’t living don’t live she is going is teaching want
am coming are calling are moving works live are living goes teach wanting
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 6–8
don’t come call don’t move working doesn’t live lives going teaches wants
am not coming calls moves does work don’t live live she goes does teach is wanting
PROFILE: ANA My name’s Ana. I’m a student at a liceo. At the moment, we 9 for exams. I generally 10 12 11 school. In my free time, I a lot of books (I a great book called No Way Out at the moment) and I 13 to play the guitar. I usually 14 quite a lot of sport, although I 15 much at the moment because of my exams. I 16 swimming a couple of times a week until 17 the exams are over. I forward to next month when I can do more.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
are studying am enjoying are reading reads am learning does don’t just goes looks
is studying enjoys reads is reading are learning am doing am not doing am just going am looking
study is enjoying read am reading do learn is doing isn’t doing is just going is looking
where/come from/originally? Where do you come from originally? where/call ‘home’? Where do you call ‘home’? where/live? which school/go to? what/do in English/at the moment? generally/like school? what/do in your free time? read/a good book/at the moment? play/a musical instrument? what kind of music/listen to? what music/listen to/at the moment? who/you/talk to most? where/you/work best?
Scrivi risposte vere per te alle domande dell’esercizio 3. ▶ ▶
studies enjoy am reading read learn do don’t do just go look
Scrivi domande con you e le parole date. ▶
I come from Perugia originally. I call Milan ‘home’. It is where I live now.
EXAM Completa il brano con un parola in ogni spazio. as a fitness instructor in a gym. I go to the gym almost 1 day – I ▶ work either to teach or to exercise. I like learning new types of exercise. 2 the moment I’m learning yoga and I’m really enjoying it. I work out at the gym probably three times 3 week, and I often 4 swimming afterwards. 5 month I’m training a bit harder because I want to do a half-marathon in a couple of months. I’m really happy because I 6 getting better. I7 exercise all the time, obviously! I need to relax and rest, too. My best friend and I go to the cinema 8 or twice a week, and we often cook nice meals together.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 6–8
A Forma Affermativa
Stop! Turn the light off. Tell David. Be serious. Park here.
Don’t stop! Don’t turn the light off. Don’t tell David. Don’t be serious. Don’t park here.
In inglese l’imperativo è l’unico modo verbale in cui di norma il soggetto non viene espresso. Nota che in inglese esiste solo una forma dell’imperativo che si usa sia per il singolare che per il plurale. Stop! Fermati!/Fermatevi!
L’imperativo è uguale alla forma base del verbo. La forma negativa si fa con don’t. • La forma estesa do not viene di norma usata in situazioni formali, come cartelli e avvisi, o per dare enfasi. Do not park in front of the gate. Vietato parcheggiare davanti al cancello. Do not tell David. Non dirlo/ditelo a David. • Per dare enfasi a un imperativo si possono anche usare always (sempre), never (mai) e don’t ever (non … mai) prima del verbo principale. Always do your best. Fai/Fate sempre del tuo/vostro meglio. Never open SPAM emails. Mai aprire una mail SPAM. Don’t ever do that again. Non ti/vi azzardare/azzardate a farlo di nuovo. • A volte con l’imperativo si può usare un soggetto. Everyone listen for a moment. Ascoltate tutti per un attimo. No one say anything. Che nessuno dica niente. You tell him. Diglielo tu.
B Uso L’imperativo si usa per dire a qualcuno di fare o di non fare qualcosa. Si può usare per: • ordini e istruzioni; Be quiet. Stai zitto./State zitti. Restart the computer. Riavvia/Riavviate il computer. Don’t touch! Non toccare!/toccate!
Nota che in inglese ci sono un certo numero di verbi che corrispondono a stare attenti, ma che si usano in situazioni specifiche e non sono intercambiabili, tra i quali: Listen! Ascoltate! (NON Be careful!) Be careful – the floor is wet. Fate attenzione – il pavimento è bagnato. Mind the step. Attenzione al gradino. Watch out! It’s full of nettles here. Stai attenta! È pieno di ortiche qui.
• consigli, suggerimenti, promemoria e avvisi; Calm down. Calmati./Calmatevi. Be careful. Fai/Fate attenzione. Don’t forget the milk. Non dimenticarti il latte. Look out! There’s a car coming. Attento! Sta arrivando una macchina.
• offerte informali, inviti e richieste; Have a biscuit. Prendi un biscotto. Come with us if you like. Vieni con noi se ti va. Don’t just stand there! Give me a hand, please. Non startene lì impalato! Dammi una mano! • auguri. Enjoy the party. Divertiti alla festa. Have a good trip. Fai buon viaggio.
Completa i seguenti consigli su come essere uno studente modello. Usa always, never o don’t ever e i verbi nel riquadro. be ▶
Always be
1 2 3 34
Unità 9
OUP copyright 2015
nice to your teacher. to your teacher. essays from the internet. asleep in class.
work 4
hard and
best. 5
your mobile phones in class.
Completa i seguenti avvisi e cartelli con i verbi nel riquadro. not/leave ▶
wait 2
here to be seated.
This email is automated. Please .
to checkout.
Completa le istruzioni con i verbi nei riquadri. not/copy/answer
sit down/be
open/turn to
Everyone sit down and please be quiet. 1 your books and page sixteen. 2 the text and the questions. 3 Please your partner’s answers. All of you 4 your answers with your partner and then the book.
5 Everyone 6 7 Please 8
turn off
Grammar B1
the questions yourselves. the answers in the back of
, please. I have an announcement. to do your homework. the room quietly. the lights and the door when you leave, please.
Completa i dialoghi con gli imperativi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. Calm down! ▶
1 2 3 4
Be quiet!
Hurry up!
The taxi’s waiting. No problem.
Don’t be silly! B B B B
Don’t tell him!
What’s that? Do you need help with the cooking? I’m not sure how to open this document. What are you waiting for?
Don’t worry!
B Cheer up! B B B OK. B
Don’t be nosey!
Did Wales beat Italy? Let’s climb that tree. Who were you with last night? HI, SUE!
Click on the Install button 9 10 11 12
Have fun!
I’m feeling really miserable. I’m really, really angry. Give me five more minutes. I’m going to Jake’s party. Sorry for being late.
Be careful! 5 6 7 8
Cheer up!
They lost 5 – 0. It’s quite high. It’s none of your business. There’s an exam in the next room. Keep off the grass
Peel the potatoes
It’s a birthday present for Pete. Yes, please. , if you don’t mind. If you want to use that program, just We can’t play football here. It says ‘
Unità 9
Verbi di stato e verbi dinamici
A Forma e uso • La maggior parte dei verbi hanno un significato dinamico, cioè descrivono qualcosa che succede o azioni. Questi verbi si possono usare di solito sia nei tempi simple che in quelli continuous. I play tennis every week. Gioco a tennis ogni settimana. Luca’s not here – he’s playing tennis. Luca non c’è – sta giocando a tennis. • Alcuni verbi hanno un significato di stato, cioè descrivono situazioni e stati. Questi verbi si usano di solito solo nei tempi simple. He’s a teacher. È insegnante. I don’t believe you. Non ti credo. (NON I’m not believing you.) I know a little Spanish. So un po’ di spagnolo. (NON I’m knowing a little Spanish.) She looks about 20. Dimostra circa vent’anni. (NON She’s looking about 20.) I love you. Ti amo. • I più comuni verbi di stato sono: esistenza
be (essere), exist (esistere)
admire (ammirare), agree (concordare), believe (credere), care (avere a cuore), depend (dipendere), expect (aspettarsi), feel (pensare), forget (dimenticare), hope (sperare), imagine (immaginare)
stati mentali
know (sapere), mean (intendere/significare), mind (prestare attenzione), realize (rendersi conto di), recognize (riconoscere), remember (ricordarsi), suppose (supporre), think (pensare), understand (capire)
need (aver bisogno di), prefer (preferire), want (volere)
hate (odiare), like (piacere), love (amare), mind (dispiacere)
belong (appartenere), have (got) (avere), own (possedere), possess (possedere)
appear (apparire), look (like) (avere l’aria/l’aspetto/dimostrare/sembrare), seem (sembrare)
come (from) (venire da), consist of (essere costituito da), contain (contenere), cost (costare), deserve (meritare), fit (essere adatto/starci), involve (comportare/implicare), measure (misurare), sound (suonare), suit (essere adatto/andare bene), weigh (pesare)
B Verbi di stato usati in tempi continuous Alcuni verbi di stato si usano a volte in tempi continuous per mostrare che si riferiscono a una situazione specifica e temporanea e non a un atteggiamento permanente. I verbi di stato più comunemente usati in questo modo comprendono: be, expect, feel, think, understand, need, want, enjoy, like, love, look (like), cost e involve. He’s usually very sensible. Di solito è una persona molto ragionevole. Ignore him – he’s just being silly. Lascialo perdere – sta solo facendo lo scemo. I love this restaurant. Mi piace molto questo ristorante. I’m loving this pasta. Mi piace molto questa pasta. I enjoy school. La scuola mi piace. I’m really enjoying school at the moment. In questo periodo la scuola mi sta davvero piacendo.
C Verbi con significato sia di stato che dinamico Alcuni verbi hanno un significato sia di stato che dinamico. I più comuni tra questi comprendono: admire, appear, be, come, feel, fit, have, look, see, smell, taste, think e weigh. It looks expensive. Sembra caro. I’m looking for my keys. Sto cercando le chiavi. She has blonde hair. Ha i capelli biondi. She’s having a guitar lesson. Ha una lezione di chitarra.
Unità 10
OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con il tempo adatto dei verbi e le parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
A Do you like (you/like) my new mobile? B Yes. I think (think) it’s pretty cool. I ’m thinking (think) of getting the same one, actually. A Who 1 (this bag/belong) to? B It 2 (look) like Tony’s. I 3 (think) it’s his. A Yes, it is. It 4 (have) his name on it. A Hello, Luke. How’s your holiday? You’re in Scotland, aren’t you? B Oh, we 5 (have) a great time! It’s such an interesting and beautiful place. We 6 (enjoy) ourselves a lot here. A It 7 (sound) wonderful. We 8 (think) of going there next year actually. A 9 (you/know) who that guy is over there? He 10 (look) out of the window. B No, I 11 (not/recognize) him. He 12 (seem) nice, though. Let’s go and say hello. A I 13 (like) your new haircut. It really 14 (suit) you. 15 B Thanks. But I (hate) it. It 16 (be) too short. A Oh, you 17 (be) silly! It 18 (look) great. 19 A (you/tell) the truth? B Yes, absolutely. A I 20 (not/believe) you.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Hi Giovanni, Isn’t it nice to be away from school? I ▶
We’re in Egypt! My family and I 2
a magical time in Sharm el Sheikh on the Red Sea.
holidays! I 1
you’re enjoying yours, too.
It 3 so beautiful here! The sea is a deep blue, and the water 4 so warm. I go 5 6 snorkelling every day. I to learn scuba diving, too, but that on my dad. He 7 it’s very safe, but actually, that’s because he 8 afraid of water. It’s frustrating, but I guess he 9 careful. Anyway, I 10 of coming back here by myself when I finish school next year. Why don’t you come with me? Antonella ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
’m loving ’m hoping ’m having ’s being ’m feeling ’m wanting ’s depending ’s thinking ’s being ’s being ’m thinking
love hope have ’s feel want depend thinks ’s ’s think
loves hopes has isn’t feels wants depends doesn’t think are isn’t thinks
’m not loving don’t hope are having isn’t being ’s feeling ’m not wanting are depending isn’t thinking are being isn’t being ’m not thinking Unità 10
Grammar B2
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 9–10 L’imperativo; verbi di stato/verbi dinamici; present simple e continuous 1
Completa i dialoghi con gli imperativi nei riquadri. calm ▶
1 2 3 4 5
be 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B 10 A B
don’t forget
don’t worry
I’ve lost my wallet. Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find it. I’m here to see Mr Smith. Please 1 a seat. I’ll tell him you’re here. 2 it’s Andy’s birthday on Friday. Yes, I know. I’ve got him a present already. Can you tell me how to get to Mr Jones’s office? 3 me. I’ll take you there. What shall we do, Miss? All of you 4 your books at page 42 and 5 I’ll never pass my exam. It’s all so difficult. 6 down. You’ll be fine. have
don’t let
exercise 3.
don’t worry
Sssh! 7 quiet. There’s an exam in the class next door. I didn’t realize. Sorry. That music’s too loud. 8 it down. OK, sorry. Everyone 9 carefully. We’re having a surprise party for Jenny on Saturday. 10 Jenny find out, OK? 11 , we won’t tell her. The taxi is waiting. 12 up! Hang on, I’ll be there in 30 seconds. Mum, I’m going to the party now. OK. 13 fun!
Osserva la mappa e completa le direzioni con le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. call me turn right
go past turn left
go straight on take the second left
To get to my house, ▶ go out of the school and 1 . 2 the sports centre and 3 at the crossroads. 4 the 5 bridge and then . 6 the path immediately after the bridge – that goes along the railway line. 7 , 8 then and my house is number 42, on the left. 9 if you get lost.
go out of turn right again school
go over don’t take
sports centre
home 42
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 9–10
Completa i dialoghi con il tempo adatto dei verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. anyone/know
1 A Who ▶ does this bag belong B Yes, I 2 come
this bag/belong
to? 1 it’s Karen’s. I 3 you/make
? seeing her with it earlier. smell
delicious! What 5 Mmm, something 4 6 Vegetable soup. All the vegetables from my sister’s garden. 7 How lovely! a lot in her garden? Yes, she does. She 8 me lots because she 9 them all. Anyway, 10 some soup? A Yes, please!
2 A B A B
3 A What 11 B I 12
? the room to see how much paint we 13 to decorate it. 14 A Oh, I . B OK, it 15 five metres by three metres. I 16 that’s about ten litres of paint – so about four big tins. One big tin 17 about £15, I think. 18 A Well, it on the type of paint. Some types are cheaper than others.
Completa i dialoghi con il tempo adatto dei verbi e le parole tra parentesi. A B 1 A B
2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B A
How many bedrooms has your house got (your house/have got)? Three. Two upstairs and there ’s (be) one downstairs. Where’s Luke? Susie 1 (look) for him. He’s in the living room. He 2 (watch) television, I 3 (think). 4 (your house/have got) a garden? Yes, a small one. But we 5 (not/use) it much. Phew! It’s hot in here! Yes, sorry. The air conditioning 6 (not/work) at the moment. We 7 (think) of going to the beach tomorrow. 8 (you/want) to come? 9 Thank you! That (sound) really nice. How 10 (I/get) to your apartment? 11 (go) down Western Avenue and 12 (take) the first right. 13 (not/touch) the walls in the dining room! We 14 (decorate) at the moment and the paint’s wet. Oh yes, it 15 (look) really nice. A big improvement. Where 16 (you/live)? On James Street. 17 (you/know) it? Yes. My friend Erica 18 (live) on James Street. She 19 (share) a house with three other people. They 20 (be) students. 21 (she/like) it there? Yes, I 22 (believe) so. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 9–10
Past simple di be e there was/were
A Forma Negativa
was not
were not
was not
Nota l’uso del past simple in queste frasi: I was born in 1998. Sono nato nel 1998. (NON I’m born in 1998.) Where were you born? Dove sei nata? (NON Where are you born?)
I was hungry. Avevo fame. You were late this morning. Stamattina eri in ritardo. It wasn’t cold. Non era freddo. Interrogativa Was I … ? Were you/we/they … ? Was he/she/it … ?
Risposte brevi Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t. Yes, you/we/they were. No, you/we/they weren’t. Yes, he/she/it was. No, he/she/it wasn’t.
Was it OK? Andava/È andato bene? Were you on time? Eri/Sei arrivata in orario? Was he right? ~ Yes, he was. Aveva/Ha avuto ragione? ~ Sì. • L’espressione interrogativa si mette all’inizio della domanda, anche quando c’è una preposizione. Where were you at 9.30? Dove eri alle 9.30? How long was the film? Quanto è durato il film? Who were you with at the cinema? Con chi eri al cinema?
B Uso Il past simple di be si usa per parlare di situazioni finite al passato. It was cold yesterday. Ieri c’era freddo. Were you at home this morning? Eri a casa stamattina? There was a good film on TV last night. C’era un bel film in TV ieri notte.
C There was/were Il past simple di there is/are è there was/were. There was a problem. C’era/C’è stato un problema. There weren’t any mistakes. Non c’erano errori. Was there a problem? C’erano/Ci sono stati problemi? ➔ Vedi unità 2 per There is/are.
Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere. Usa la forma affermativa o negativa del past simple di be. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 40
The first moon landing wasn’t in 1979. It was in 1969. Buzz Aldrin the first man on the moon. It Neil Armstrong. The 2012 Olympics in London. They in Rio. In 2002, the currency of Italy the euro. It the lira. The Beatles from Manchester. They from Liverpool. George Bush and Bill Clinton US presidents. They UK prime ministers. Rome the first capital of Italy. Turin Italy’s first capital.
Unità 11
OUP copyright 2015
Scrivi le domande con il past simple di be. Name:
Susan Taylor Cambridge, UK
Where was she born
? She was born in Cambridge. ? In 1997.
2 3
? ?
They were €4.50 each. It was €9.00.
4 5 6 7
? ? ? ?
It was in London. It was on May 2nd. We were in row 14. I was in seat 12.
Place of birth: DOB:
15 May 1997
RECEIPT late x 2 Hot choco
€4.50 €9.00
Clo l th hes Show 2013 London
Scrivi una risposta affermativa e una negativa per ciascuna domanda o frase. Usa le parole nel riquadro. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. beautiful/cold and windy impossible/easy in Madrid/in Milan ▶
brilliant/terrible on time/really late at least 100/just 5 or 6
The film was great.
4 5 6 7 8
Yes, it was. It was brilliant. No, it wasn’t. It was terrible. 1 It was a lovely day yesterday. 2 Were those girls American? 3 The food was terrible.
Were you late this morning? The exams were so difficult. Was Maria born in Italy? Were there many people at the party? There was nothing to eat at the party.
Completa i dialoghi con la forma affermativa o negativa del past simple di be. Usa anche la parola interrogativa e il pronome personale soggetto corretti. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
delicious/disgusting lots of food/nothing at all Canadian/from New York
Grammar B1
May 2nd Row 14 Seat 12
A When was A A A A A A
the meeting? you born? the problem? at the door? the film? the coffees? the flight?
B It was B B B B B B
this morning. It was very interesting. born in Italy. born in Genoa. the software. compatible. Bob and Ann. with their kids. great. really funny. cheap. €8 each! ten hours. not fun!
Completa il dialogo con le forme corrette di there was/were. Poi ascolta e controlla. Rosie Billy Rosie Billy Rosie Billy
Were there Yes, 1 And 3 Yes, 4 5
No, 6
many people at Jake’s party? .2 about 100, I reckon. Maybe more. any good music? . Lots of really good dance music. a DJ? . It was just Jake’s music.
Unità 11
Past simple (forma affermativa)
A Forma – verbi regolari • Il past simple della maggioranza dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo -ed alla forma base, ed è uguale per tutte le persone. I watched TV last night. Ieri notte ho guardato la TV. He passed all his exams. Ha passato tutti gli esami. We enjoyed the film. Il film ci è piaciuto. • Ci sono alcune eccezioni nello spelling del past simple dei verbi regolari. Verbi che terminano in consonante + -y
-y ➔ -ied:
Verbi che terminano in -e
+ -d:
Verbi monosillabici che terminano in 1 vocale + 1 consonante (tranne w, x o y)
consonante ✕2 + ed: stop ➔ stopped plan ➔ planned ma: show ➔ showed fix ➔ fixed
Verbi polisillabici che terminano in 1 vocale + 1 consonante e con sillaba finale accentata
consonante ✕2 + ed: preferred ma: enter ➔ entered
Verbi che terminano in -l
study ➔ studied
like ➔ liked
try ➔ tried
dance ➔ danced
prefer ➔
travel ➔ travelled
B Forma – verbi irregolari Molti verbi hanno una forma irregolare del past simple. ➔ Vedi pagina 500 per l’elenco completo dei verbi irregolari.
C Uso Il past simple si usa per parlare di situazioni o eventi passati e conclusi. I played tennis yesterday. Ieri ho giocato a tennis. I loved cartoons when I was a child. Quando ero piccolo mi piacevano moltissimo i cartoni animati. We had exams last week. La settimana scorsa avevamo/abbiamo avuto esami.
D Espressioni di tempo Se si usa un’espressione di tempo concluso (two hours ago, yesterday, at the weekend, last week, in 2009, when I was a child ecc.), in genere si usa il past simple. The bus left five minutes ago. L’autobus è partito cinque minuti fa. Did you go out last night? Sei uscita ieri sera? I started school in 2006. Ho iniziato ad andare a scuola nel 2006. B2
E I did enjoy ecc. Qualche volta per dare enfasi si può usare il verbo ausiliare did + forma base. I did enjoy lunch. Il pranzo mi è piaciuto proprio molto. Sam really did miss you when you were away. Sei mancata proprio molto a Sam quando sei stata via. ➔ Vedi unità 138 per approfondimenti sull’enfasi.
Scrivi il past simple dei seguenti verbi regolari. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 42
agree agreed attach chat continue decide drop
Unità 12
OUP copyright 2015
6 7 8 9 10 11
empty fix invite plan play reply
12 13 14 15 16 17
show stop talk try use cover
18 enter 19 happen 20 occur
21 offer 22 prefer 23 refer
24 regret 25 visit
Completa il cruciverba con il past simple dei seguenti verbi irregolari. 1 3
4 5
19 21
20 22
23 24
Across 2 send 3 make 7 go 8 drive 11 leave 12 lose 16 cost 17 tell 18 come 22 give 24 think 25 write
Down 1 know 2 see 3 meet 4 do 5 get 6 become 9 feel 10 sell 13 win 14 buy 15 catch 19 ring 20 hear 21 take 23 eat
Grammar B1
Completa il brano con il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Luciano Pavarotti Luciano Pavarotti was born in 1935 in Modena, Italy. From an (realize) he 1 (have) early age, people ▶ realized (begin) an exceptional singing voice and as a child he 2 singing with his father in a local church choir. (start) having singing In 1954, at the age of 19, he 3 lessons. His teacher was very impressed with Pavarotti and he 4 (offer) to teach him for free. The following year, (win) first prize in an international singing Pavarotti 5 6 (become) a professional competition in Wales, UK, and shortly after that he (make) his professional debut on 29th April 1961, and his opera singer. Pavarotti 7 (follow) two years later at the Royal Opera House in London. international debut 8 (become) one of the best and most famous Over the next four decades, Pavarotti 9 singers in the world. And in the 1990s with The Three Tenors (Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and (have) the best-selling classical album of all time. José Carreras), he 10 (give) his last performance in an opera. His last ever live In March 2004, Pavarotti 11 (be) at the 2006 Winter Olympics opening ceremony in Turin, Italy, performance 12 (sing) his signature aria Nessun Dorma from Puccini’s Turandot. where he 13 Luciano Pavarotti 14
(die) on 6th September 2007, at his home in Modena.
Unità 12
Past simple (forma negativa)
A Forma • La forma negativa del past simple dei verbi sia regolari che irregolari si fa con didn’t + forma base per tutte le persone. I didn’t go out last night. Ieri sera non sono uscito. He didn’t finish his work. Non ha finito il lavoro. We didn’t have time for lunch today. Oggi non abbiamo avuto tempo per pranzare. • A volte in situazioni formali e per dare enfasi si può usare la forma negativa estesa. I did not see the notice. Non ho proprio visto l’avviso/il cartello. I am afraid we did not receive your booking form. Purtroppo non abbiamo ricevuto il suo modulo di prenotazione. B2
B I didn’t … , but I did … TIP A volte per sottolineare il contrasto tra una negazione e un’affermazione si può usare did + forma
base nell’affermazione. I didn’t like the starter, but I did enjoy the main course. L’antipasto non mi è piaciuto, ma il piatto principale sì. I didn’t see Luke, but I did speak to him on the phone. Non ho visto Luke, però gli ho parlato per telefono. ➔ Vedi unità 138 per approfondimenti sull’enfasi.
Completa la seconda parte della frase con la forma negativa del verbo usato nella prima parte. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6
I didn’t see Roy yesterday, but Danny saw She didn’t break the vase – Mike I didn’t leave her – she We didn’t tell Michelle – you They didn’t take your book – Frankie Kelly didn’t ring the police – Jenny Jake didn’t sell his car – his wife
him last week. it. me. her. it. them. it.
Scrivi delle frasi vere per te con la forma affermativa o negativa dei verbi tra parentesi. Yesterday … ▶ I didn’t go 1 We 2 I 3 It
the second half.
Completa la seconda parte della frase con la forma affermativa del verbo usato nella prima parte. ▶
We studied French at school, but we didn’t study Italian. I saw Sue, but Pete. I enjoyed the book, but the film. We went to the gym, but swimming. She had a coffee, but anything to eat. They went to the beach, but in the sea. He played tennis, but very well. I bought a shirt, but any trousers. We watched the first half of the game, but
Unità 13
OUP copyright 2015
(go) shopping. (have) an English lesson. (play) football. (rain).
4 We 5 I 6 My parents
(eat) chocolate. (use) a computer. (go) to work.
Riscrivi le parti in corsivo in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa i verbi nel riquadro alla forma negativa. fall asleep
go out
wake up
Hi Dave, What a day! A disaster from start to finish! First, I overslept ▶ didn’t wake up and was to wake me up! Anyway, first thing late for school. My parents forgot 1 at school we had a test in English – I failed 2 ! In the afternoon, we had a football match in the Inter-School Cup and we were absolutely rubbish. As you can imagine, we lost 3 . The coach said we made no effort 4 and that we were probably the worst team, ever. In the evening, I was fed up so I stayed at home 5 . This was a mistake, because Louise and Andy decided to come round for a 6 chat. They continued talking for hours and they stayed 7 until after midnight. I don’t know how I stayed awake 8 . Anyway, how was your day? Better than mine, I hope. Steve
Leggi l’esempio e scrivi frasi simili con le parole date e did per enfatizzare il contrasto. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
go to the game/watch it on TV I didn’t go to the game, but I did watch it on TV. see Tom/speak to him on the phone go to the gym/go for a run finish my homework/do some of it snow this winter/rain a lot get any new shoes/get a new jacket pass my maths test/pass English
Grammar B1
Completa i dialoghi con il past simple dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. not/buy have
look not/want
want write
not/speak see 2
not/look not/find
see not/know 3
saw w
Unità 13
Past simple (forma interrogativa e risposte brevi)
A Forma • Le domande al past simple si formano con did + soggetto + forma base per tutte le persone. Did you play tennis? Hai giocato a tennis? Did Livia pass her driving test? Livia ha passato l’esame per la patente? TIP Ricordati che questa struttura non si usa per be.
Were you at school yesterday? Eri a scuola ieri? (NON Did you be at school yesterday?) ➔ Vedi unità 11 per la forma interrogativa del past simple di be.
• L’espressione interrogativa si mette all’inizio della domanda, anche quando c’è una preposizione. What did she do? Che cosa ha fatto? Where did I leave my keys? Dove ho lasciato le chiavi? Who did you buy this present for? Per chi hai comprato questo regalo? ➔ Vedi unità 51 per le domande sul soggetto. TIP When did you last … ? (Quando è stata l’ultima volta che … ?) è un’espressione utile.
When did you last see James? Quando è stata l’ultima volta che hai visto James?
B Risposte brevi • Le risposte brevi a domande del tipo Did you … ? sono di norma: Yes, I/she/they ecc. did.
No, I/she/they ecc. didn’t.
Did you see the film? ~ Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. Hai visto il film? ~ Sì./No. • Si può usare la risposta breve negativa estesa per dare enfasi. Did you tell anyone? ~ No, I did not! L’hai detto a qualcuno? ~ Assolutamente no!
Completa le domande con la forma interrogativa dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. come ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A Did you hear A A A A A A A A
go out
about Sam? by car? last night? your birthday? her mobile? yesterday? wet? the party? last night?
rain B B B B B B B B B
Yes, I did. It’s great news. No, we came by bus. No, I stayed at home. Yes, he sent me a birthday e-card. Yes, she did. It was behind the sofa. Yes, it didn’t stop for hours. No, we took an umbrella. Yes, we had a great time. No, they lost 2–1.
Scrivi le domande per le risposte con le informazioni su Leonardo DiCaprio. EARLY LIFE OF THE STARS: LEONARDO DICAPRIO 1974: 1988: 1991: 1993: 1994: 1997: 2005: 2009:
Unità 14
OUP copyright 2015
DiCaprio born in Los Angeles, California. He grows up here. Starts acting in TV commercials. Appears in his first film, Critters 3. Co-stars with Johnny Depp in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? Receives an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Plays the role of Jack in Titanic. Wins a Golden Globe Award for The Aviator. Buys an island near Belize to create an eco-friendly resort.
PHOTO P PH HO OTTO A/ A A/W047A /W0 W04 47 7A
Where did Leonardo grow up
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Scrivi risposte brevi vere alle domande. Se la risposta è no, scrivi l’informazione corretta con i nomi nel riquadro. Ci sono tre nomi in più. Poi ascolta e controlla. Columbus J.K. Rowling ▶ ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5
Botticelli Bill Gates
Did Steve Jobs start Apple? Yes, he did. Did Giotto paint Primavera? No, he didn’t. Botticelli painted it. Did Jill Murphy write the Harry Potter books? Did Marco Polo discover America? Did Mark Zuckerberg start Facebook? Did The Rolling Stones sing Hey Jude? Did Pippa Middleton marry Prince William? Did Galileo invent the thermometer?
out/last night/go? Did you go out last night? last night/for dinner/have/what? this morning/what time/get up? last night/watch/TV? last weekend/do/what? buy/something online/when/last?
Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.
Completa le domande con le parole nel riquadro e When did … last … . host the Olympics live on earth ▶
When did
1 2 3 4 5
The Beatles Tim Cook
Scrivi domande con you, le parole date e il past simple. Poi scrivi le risposte vere per te. ▶
Copernicus Kate Middleton
Grammar B1
In Los Angeles. In 1988. In 1991. Johnny Depp. An Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Jack. A Golden Globe Award for The Aviator. To create an eco-friendly resort.
host the World Cup walk on the moon
Italy last host the World Cup London dinosaurs humans Pavarotti an Italian
win the Tour de France perform ? ? ? ? ? ?
In 1990. In 2012. About 65 million years ago. In 1972. In 2006, at the Turin Winter Olympics. Vincenzo Nibali, in 2014.
Completa le domande con When did you last … e i verbi nel riquadro. Poi scrivi le risposte vere per te. eat ▶
1 2 3 4
A When did you last go A A A A
play to the beach? to the cinema? a computer game? to some music? a burger?
B I last went to the beach two weeks ago. B B B B Unità 14
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 11–14 Past simple; there was/there were 1
Completa il brano con il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. I ▶ got
(get) some money for my birthday last week so on Saturday I (go) shopping and 2 (buy) some new clothes – some jeans 3 (be) in a sale and they 4 (have) 30% off and a shirt. They 5 the normal price. I (save) over 50 euros. I also 6 (try) on some boots, but I 7 (not/buy) them because they 8 (not/be) very comfortable. I also 9 (take) back some gloves that 10 (be) a birthday present from my sister. They 11 (not/fit) me very well, so I 12 (exchange) them for another pair. I 13 (wear) my new jeans and shirt yesterday for the first time. I 14 (feel) good in them! 1
Completa l’articolo con il past simple dei verbi nei riquadri.
Inventions that changed the world: the cash machine appear
The world’s first cash machine ▶ appeared at a branch of Barclays Bank in north London in June 1967. The cash machine was the first and last invention of John Shepherdpossible to get money when the bank was closed. Barron. ‘In those days, it 1 2 the idea of having a machine similar to a drinks One day, I suddenly 3 cash, not drinks. It 4 a very simple idea,’ machine that explained Mr Shepherd-Barron. be
The chief executive of Barclays Bank at the time 5 the idea and 6 a contract with Mr Shepherd-Barron. The first machines immediately 7 out a maximum of £10 a time. ‘But we 8 much in those 9 enough for the weekend,’ Mr Shepherd-Barron remembers. days and that be
At the time of the invention of the cash machine, plastic cards 10 , so 11 12 paper cheques into the machines. But these customers the plastic cash card. fragile and difficult to read, so the banks 13 become
Another by-product of the cash machine was the PIN (Personal Identification Number). a six-digit number, but his wife, Caroline, Mr Shepherd-Barron originally 14 15 . ‘During breakfast one morning, she 16 four numbers was the maximum she could remember so, because of my wife, four digits 17 the world standard,’ he laughs.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 11–14
Completa il dialogo con il tempo adatto dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B A B A B
I’m thinking of selling some of my things. I need some money. Really? What are you going to sell? Oh – some of my clothes and DVDs. As many as I can! (sell) That reminds me of that guy in Australia a few years ago who ▶ sold everything he had on eBay. Why 1 (he/do) that? 2 He (want) to start a new life after he 3 4 (break) up with his wife. He (not/want) to have anything that 5 (remind) him of her. What 6 (he/sell)? Everything. His house, everything inside it, his car and his motorbike. I think he also 7 (include) a trial at his job as a sales assistant and even an introduction to his friends. And 8 (people/buy) things? 9 Yes, they (do). Apparently there 10 (be) several hundred offers. And how much money 11 (he/get)? I think he 12 (get) about $300,000. He 13 (use) some of the money to go travelling and then he 14 (buy) an island and 15 (build) himself a house there. How old 16 (he/be)? I think he 17 (be) in his early 40s at the time. Well, I don’t need to sell everything, luckily!
EXAM Completa il brano con una parola in ogni spazio. If you ask people to name a famous female pilot, many will say ‘Amelia Earhart’. Earhart ▶ was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and the first person to fly across both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. But another female pilot is much less well known. This is Geraldine Mock – the first woman to fly solo around the world. Mock made her historic flight 1 1964, 2 she was 38. She flew from west to east, over huge oceans and 3 deserts. She not have the Global Positioning System (GPS), of course, so she had to have excellent skills in navigation. Thirty days after her departure from Ohio, she returned to find herself famous. There 4 crowds of people at the airport waiting for her and they gave her a great welcome. Later, she set more aviation records, and she 5 a book about her achievements. Mock showed women that they could do things apart from raising a family. She 6 the mother of three children, but she also 7 a natural talent for flying 8 and a longing for adventure. At a time when there not many female aviators, Mock had the courage not only to learn to fly, but to set world records.
Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. Usa le forme didn’t + verbo o did + verbo per dare enfasi. go out ▶
1 2 3 4 5
I didn’t speak We I She I We
to Ben, but I did speak to his friend. all of the film, but we most of it. the first book in the series, but I the second or third. her economics exam, but she all the others. Bruce last night, but I Brad and Sheila. on Friday, but we on Saturday night. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 11–14
Past continuous
A Forma Affermativa Negativa Interrogativa
I/he/she/it was working you/we/they were working I/he/she/it wasn’t working you/we/they weren’t working Was I/he/she/it working? Were you/we/they working?
In italiano questo tempo corrisponde spesso alla costruzione imperfetto di stare + gerundio oppure all’imperfetto.
Per formare il past continuous si usa il passato di be + forma in -ing. • La forma negativa estesa di norma si usa solo in contesti formali o per dare enfasi. We were not expecting the extra charge. Non ci aspettavamo certo i costi aggiuntivi. • L’espressione interrogativa si mette all’inizio della domanda, anche quando c’è una preposizione. Why was Jane shouting? Perché Jane stava urlando? Who were you talking to at the bus stop? Con chi stavi parlando alla fermata dell’autobus?
B Risposte brevi Yes,
I/he/she/it was. you/we/they were.
I/he/she/it wasn’t. you/we/they weren’t.
Was he still waiting? ~ Yes, he was. Stava ancora aspettando? ~ Sì. Were they eating? ~ No, they weren’t. Stavano mangiando? ~ No. • Si può usare la forma estesa delle risposte brevi negative per dare enfasi. Were you cheating? ~ No, I was not! Stavi barando? ~ Assolutamente no!
C Uso Si usa il past continuous per parlare di qualcosa che era in corso in un momento passato. Questo può essere: • un momento preciso del passato; It was raining at midday. A mezzogiorno stava piovendo/pioveva. Sorry I didn’t answer the phone. I was having a shower. Scusa se non ho risposto al telefono. Mi stavo facendo una doccia. • un certo periodo nel passato. My parents met at university. They were both studying law. I miei genitori si sono conosciuti all’università. Tutti e due studiavano legge. I was working in a café for most of 2014. Per la maggior parte del 2014 stavo lavorando in un bar. • Nota che se si sa già quando l’azione era in corso, non è necessario menzionare il momento. What was she wearing? Come era vestita? Who was driving? Chi stava guidando?
Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 50
I was watching /wasn’t watching TV at 7.00 yesterday evening. (watch) We dinner at 8.00 last night. (have) At 10.00 last night, I with friends. (chat) It when I got up this morning. (rain) My parents breakfast at 7.00 this morning. (have) My best friend to school at 7.30 this morning. (walk) My classmates and I English half an hour ago. (study) In 2010, our family in the same house as now. (live) I to music a few minutes ago. (listen)
Unità 15
OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con il past continuous dei verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. talk
1 A Who ▶ were B I1 team. do
you talking to at break time? to that new student, Danny. He 2 wait
2 A I saw you last night. You 3 What 4 you for someone? B Yes, I was. I 6 James. try
me about the school football
on the corner, outside your house. ?5 you
3 A You look tired! B I am! I 7 to finish my homework all night. But the people in the flat next to us 8 music all night. I think they 9 a party and they 10 the phone or the door.
4 A B A B
It’s so cold this winter. Worse than last year, isn’t it? I 11 here then. We 12 in the UK, in Oxford. 13 Oh, what you there? My father 14 at the university for a year. He 15
6 A B A B A
some research.
5 A I saw Rob this morning. He 16 B Where 18 he A Home. He 19 sick. not/talk
Grammar B1
out of school just as I 17
Do you think we could win the World Cup this time? I’m sorry, I 20 . What did you say? I 21 about Italy’s chances in the World Cup. Well, England definitely won’t win. I 22 about England. Why don’t you listen?
Completa le domande con i verbi nel riquadro. Poi scrivi risposte brevi vere per te. have
A Were you surfing the internet last night? B Yes, I was. /No, I wasn’t. A you at 3 a.m. this morning? B A you homework at 6 p.m. last night? B A you and your family dinner at 8 p.m. last night? B A you to school at 8 a.m. this morning? B A it yesterday? B A you and your classmates attention in your last lesson? B 7 A you well last weekend? B 8 A the teacher to start the lesson when you arrived today? B ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Unità 15
Past continuous e past simple, when e while
A Uso Le differenze principali tra l’uso del past continuous e quello del past simple sono: • Il past continuous si usa per parlare di qualcosa che era in corso in un tempo passato. • Il past simple si usa per parlare di avvenimenti finiti o situazioni che appartengono al passato. I was having lunch at 1.30. Stavo pranzando alle 13.30. I had pasta for lunch. Ho mangiato pasta a pranzo. I was working in Paris this time last year. L’anno scorso in questo periodo lavoravo/stavo lavorando a Parigi. My parents met in Paris. I miei genitori si sono conosciuti a Parigi. • Il past continuous e il past simple si possono usare insieme per parlare di un’azione avvenuta nel passato mentre un’altra era in corso di svolgimento. I fell asleep while I was watching TV last night. Ieri sera mi sono addormentato mentre guardavo la TV. Someone took my bag while I wasn’t looking. Qualcuno mi ha preso la borsa mentre non stavo guardando. TIP Il past continuous e il past simple sono usati spesso in questo modo nei racconti. Il past continuous
presenta lo sfondo e il past simple gli avvenimenti. It was raining. We were driving down a lane when suddenly the car in front of us stopped. Pioveva. Stavamo guidando lungo un viottolo quando improvvisamente la macchina davanti a noi si fermò. In italiano per le azioni di sfondo in corso in un certo tempo passato si usa di norma l’imperfetto o l’imperfetto di stare + gerundio, per le azioni in primo piano si usa il passato remoto o il passato prossimo.
B When e while • Si usano when (quando) o while (mentre) per collegare frasi al past continuous e al past simple. Si può usare when sia con il past continuous che con il past simple, invece si può usare while solo con il past continuous. They met when he was working at the university. Si sono conosciuti quando lui lavorava all’università. We were still eating when he arrived. Stavamo ancora mangiando quando è arrivato. I saw Fred while I was running in the park. Ho visto Fred mentre stavo correndo nel parco. • Nota che la frase che inizia con when o while di solito può essere sia la prima che la seconda. When it started raining, we were playing tennis. Quando ha iniziato a piovere stavamo giocando a tennis. We were playing tennis when it started raining. Stavamo giocando a tennis quando ha iniziato a piovere. ➔ Vedi unità 15 per altre regole sul past continuous e unità 11–14 per altri usi del past simple.
Completa gli estratti con l’alternativa corretta. Smith quickly ▶ took / was taking the free kick while Liverpool 1organized / were organizing their defensive wall. The Liverpool players 2 ran / were running to the referee to protest, but he 3already walked / was already walking back to the centre circle. Titanic 4sailed / was sailing from Southampton to New York when it 5hit / was hitting the iceberg at 11.40 p.m. on 14th April 1912. The ship 6 carried / was carrying 2,224 passengers, of which only 711 7survived / were surviving.
Unità 16
OUP copyright 2015
… but lucky Lotto winner Jim Jones’s wife was more interested in her favourite TV show than in their good fortune. Mr Jones explains: ‘I 8listened / was listening to the radio in the kitchen when they 9announced / were announcing the winning numbers. I 10ran / was running to tell my wife, but she 11watched / was watching TV at the time and she just 12 told / was telling me to be quiet. It was only after I 13shouted / was shouting “I don’t believe it, fifty million euros” for the tenth time, she finally 14realized / was realizing what I 15said / was saying.’ Mrs Jones then …
Completa le frasi con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi nei riquadri. break
I fell 1 Ron 1 2 I3
asleep while I was watching his leg while he 2 you last night. You 4
TV last night. rugby. along Queen Street.
3 We 5
a stroll in the park when it 6 to rain. We to the café. 4 My parents first 8 when they 9 in the same school 10 about twenty years ago. They married about a year later. 7
5 Yesterday, I 11 12 14
what’s more, they 16
sit down
a quiet coffee in the café on the High Street and being alone when Kate and Dave suddenly 13 and at my table! They 15 talking for one second! And, for their drinks when they 17 !
Completa l’articolo di giornale con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Grammar B1
In July 1957, 15-year-old Paul McCartney ▶ went (go) to a garden fête at St Peter’s Church in Liverpool. John Lennon 1 (perform) at the event with his band The 2 Quarrymen. Paul (look) for a band to join at the time and a mutual friend 3 (introduce) him to John. Soon after, John 4 (invite) Paul to join The Quarrymen. On 18th October 1957, John Lennon and Paul McCartney first 5 (play) together live. The following year, John 6 (look) 7 to add a further guitarist to the band’s line-up and Paul (suggest) an old school friend, George Harrison. George 8 (join) the band in the summer of 1958. After several name changes, including Johnny and the Moondogs and Long John and the Beatles, they finally 9 (become) The Beatles in 1960. At first, the band mainly 10 (play) American rock ’n’ roll covers, but soon they 11 (write) their own songs and by the early 1960s they 12 (perform) mostly original material. The line-up of the Fab Four was complete when Ringo Starr 13 (replace) the original drummer, Pete Best, in 1962. In the same year, they 14 (release) their first single Love Me Do and ‘Beatlemania’ was born.
Unità 16
Used to e would
A Used to – forma Affermativa
I used to play the piano.
There used to be a park here.
She didn’t use to enjoy school.
There didn’t use to be so many cafés here.
Did you use to smoke?
Did there use to be a school here?
Used to è seguito dalla forma base del verbo. • Nota che used to perde la desinenza -d alla forma negativa e interrogativa. • Le risposte brevi a domande sì/no sono del tipo Yes, I did./No, we didn’t. ecc. Did your parents use to smoke? ~ No, they didn’t. I tuoi genitori fumavano? ~ No. TIP Una risposta possibile alle domande con Do you … ? è del tipo: No, but I used to.
Do you listen to pop music? ~ No, but I used to. Ascolti musica pop? ~ No, ma un tempo/prima l’ascoltavo. Does your mum work? ~ No, but she used to. Tua mamma lavora? ~ No, ma un tempo/prima sì. • Nota che used to si usa spesso con avverbi di frequenza, come always, often, usually, never ecc. Gli avverbi di frequenza di solito vanno prima di used to. I always used to walk to school when I was a kid. Andavo sempre a scuola a piedi quando ero bambino.
B Used to – uso Used to si usa per parlare di situazioni passate che non esistono più. Può essere usato per: • abitudini e routine passate I used to play football every Tuesday. (Un tempo) Giocavo/Ero solito giocare a calcio ogni martedì. We used to play computer games for hours. (Un tempo) Giocavamo ai videogiochi per ore. • stati e situazioni passate She used to have long hair. (Un tempo) Aveva i capelli lunghi. I didn’t use to like him. (Un tempo) Non mi piaceva./Mi era antipatico. • There used to be e there didn’t use to be si usano per parlare di qualcosa che (non) c’era nel passato. There used to be a shop here. (Un tempo) Qui c’era un negozio. Nota che used to + forma base corrisponde in italiano all’imperfetto o all’espressione ero solito + infinito.
• Used to e il past simple spesso possono avere un significato simile, ma used to sottolinea maggiormente il fatto che la situazione non esiste più. B2
C Would – forma e uso • Would è seguito dalla forma base del verbo. Viene spesso contratto con ’d con i pronomi soggetto. Would con il significato descritto più sotto viene usato raramente nelle forme negative o interrogative. When I was a child, we’d go to Greece on holiday every year. Quando ero bambina, andavamo in vacanza in Grecia tutti gli anni. • Nota che would si usa spesso con avverbi di frequenza, come always, often, usually, never ecc. L’avverbio di frequenza di solito va tra would e la forma base. When I was young, we’d always spend Christmas at my grandparents’ house. Quando ero giovane, passavamo sempre il Natale a casa dei miei nonni. • Si può usare would con significato simile a used to per parlare di azioni abituali o routine del passato. When I was young, I would play computer games all the time. Quando ero giovane, giocavo ai videogiochi continuamente. • A differenza di used to, comunque, would non si usa per parlare di stati o situazioni al passato. I used to love computer games. Un tempo i videogiochi mi piacevano moltissimo. (NON I would love computer games.) 54
Unità 17
OUP copyright 2015
Scrivi frasi per dire come è cambiata la strada. Usa There used to be o There didn’t use to be. Poi ascolta e controlla. BOOKSHOP
BAKERY 30 years agoBAKERY
1 2 3 4 5 6
È possibile usare sia used to che would in questo articolo, o solo used to? Cancella would quando non si può usare.
Grammar B1
a post office There used to be a post office. a park a phone box a mobile phone shop a superstore a bookshop a car park
My school days I went to school in the 1940s and 50s. School used to / would be very different then. Today, you study lots of different subjects, but then we only studied a few. Geography was my favourite subject. I also liked history and English, but I 1used to / would hate maths. We had a maths test every day! There 2used to / would be lots of rules at school. The most important rule was that we always had to stand up when another teacher came into the room. If you didn’t do this, you 3used to / would get into trouble. The school was mixed – with both boys and girls, but we 4never used to / would never play together. The boys 5used to / would play football at one end of the playground and the girls 6used to / would play at the other end. All in all, I 7used to / would enjoy school. It was hard work and the teachers 8used to / would be very strict, but we had lots of fun.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. Non usare più di tre parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
In the past, I played computer games, but I don’t now. I used to play computer games. In the past, mobile phones were enormous. Mobile phones used enormous. I often used to be late for school, but not any more. I would for school, but not any more. CDs were once very popular. CDs used popular. We always played football during our lunch break at primary school. We would during our lunch break at primary school. When I was younger, we used to visit my grandparents every weekend. When I was younger, my grandparents every weekend. Unità 17
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 15–17 Past continuous; when e while; past simple; used to e would 1
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶ This time yesterday we watched / we were watching the dolphins at the beach. 1 1I saw / I was seeing you this afternoon. 2We had / We were having lunch in Café Royal and 3 you walked / you were walking past. 2 It was raining 4when / while I woke up this morning. But I think 5it stopped / it was stopping soon after 6I got up / I was getting up. 3 Sorry 7I didn’t reply / I wasn’t replying to your text message this morning. 8I had / I was having a driving lesson. 4 A Do you play computer games? B No, but 9I was playing / I used to play them all the time when I was younger. 5 A What 10did Jenny wear / was Jenny wearing at the party? 11Did you notice / Were you noticing? B No, 12I didn’t / I wasn’t, sorry. 6 A Where 13did you learn / were you learning to speak French? B Oh, 14we used to live / we were living in Montreal in Canada. 15We lived / We used to live there for about five years, actually. 7 A What 16did you do / were you doing at midnight last night? B 17I read / I was reading in bed, actually. 18I didn’t go / I wasn’t going to sleep until about 2 a.m. It’s a great book – Life by Keith Richards. A Oh yes, 19I read / I used to read that on holiday last summer. It’s really good. 8 A What 20happened / was happening to you? B Well, 21I cycled / I was cycling into town when a car suddenly 22stopped / was stopping right in front of me. 23I crashed / I was crashing into the back of it and 24came / was coming off my bike. 25I fell / I was falling and 26broke / was breaking my arm, so I can’t cycle at all now.
La polizia sta interrogando un testimone. Completa il dialogo con il past continuous o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. (you/see) the two people? Police officer When ▶ did you see Witness Yesterday, at about 4.30. I 1 (notice) them as I 2 (walk) 3 down the High Street. They (stand) outside the post office. Police officer And 4 (you/get) a good look at them? 5 Witness Well, I (walk) quite quickly and I 6 (not/stop). But I 7 (see) them quite clearly. Police officer How old 8 (be) they, would you say? Witness They both 9 (look) in their 20s. 10 Police officer And what (they/look) like? Witness Well, he 11 (be) quite tall and he 12 (have) short dark hair. She 13 (have) long dark hair. Police officer And what 14 (they/wear)? 15 Witness He (wear) a white T-shirt and jeans, I think. And a back-to-front baseball cap. And I think she 16 (wear) a T-shirt and a skirt. Police officer And 17 (you/notice) anything else about their appearance? Witness Yeah. They 18 (carry) big bags. They 19 (look) heavy. 20 Police officer And what (they/do)? Witness He 21 (talk) on his mobile and she 22 (stand) next to him. She 23 (not/do) anything. Police officer OK. Thank you for your help.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 15–17
Completa le frasi con used to o didn’t use to e i verbi nel riquadro. be ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
listen to
get on
I used to read comics all the time when I was younger. Theresa glasses, but she wears contact lenses now. I Indian food, but I love it now. I’m a vegetarian. I meat, but I stopped when I was about 13. I classical music, but nowadays I play it a lot. When we were little, my sister and I , but we’re good friends now. We in London, but we live in Brighton now. There some small shops here, but it’s one big supermarket now.
Scrivi almeno cinque frasi con used to o didn’t use to per descrivere delle cose che facevi o non facevi.
I used to buy football magazines all the time.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta.
Fairy tale ending Pamela Bromley was born in Manchester, UK, in 1930. As a child, her favourite possession ▶ B a book of fairy tales, which she 1 every night. When Pamela was ten years old, she and her family 2 to the United States. The family took only one suitcase and Pamela 3 her precious book behind. Many years later, when Pamela was in her sixties, she 4 about what to buy as a birthday present for her eight-year-old granddaughter. As there 5 a small second-hand bookshop near to her house, Pamela 6 to go there to get her a book. She 7 in the children’s section of the bookshop when suddenly a big smile 8 on her face. On the shelf, there 9 a copy of the book of fairy tales 11 10 that she so much as a child back in the UK. And when she the book, she 12 her name and her old address inside. It was the very same copy that she had as a child! ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
were was reading used to emigrate left would think was decided looked was appearing was did love was opening was finding
was were reading were emigrating was leaving was thinking would be was deciding was looking were appearing were was loving were opening would find
there was reading was emigrating would leave were thinking used to be were deciding would look appeared would be used to love opened found
was being would read emigrated used to leave used to think were used to decide used to look would appear used to be would love used to open used to find
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 15–17
Present perfect (already, yet, just e still )
A Forma Affermativa
I’ve finished the report.
He’s gone to the gym.
Sara’s arrived.
We haven’t finished.
He hasn’t gone yet.
They haven’t arrived yet.
Has she finished?
Where have they gone?
Have they arrived?
• Il present perfect si forma con il presente di have + participio passato. • Il participio passato dei verbi regolari è uguale al past simple. I participi passati dei verbi irregolari vanno studiati a memoria. ➔ Vedi pagina 500 per l’elenco completo dei verbi irregolari. TIP Nota che non si può usare be come ausiliare del present perfect.
She hasn’t arrived yet. Non è ancora arrivata. (NON She isn’t arrived yet.) • La forma estesa si usa di norma in contesti formali e per dare enfasi. FIFA has not elected a new president. La FIFA non ha eletto un nuovo presidente. • Le risposte brevi alle domande sì/no al present perfect sono del tipo Yes, I have./No, she hasn’t. ecc. Have you finished? ~ Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. Hai finito? ~ Sì./No.
B Uso Il present perfect collega il presente e il passato. Il suo uso più comune è per parlare di un evento o una situazione del passato che ha un effetto sul presente. L’attenzione è concentrata sul presente, e i dettagli dell’evento passato (quando, come ecc.) sono di solito meno importanti. I’ve lost my keys. Ho perso le chiavi. Have you heard? Dave’s broken his leg. L’hai saputo? Dave si è rotto una gamba. • Quando si usa il present perfect non si indica quando l’evento è accaduto. I’ve bought a scooter. Ho comprato uno scooter. (NON I’ve bought a scooter last week.) • Si usa il present perfect con espressioni di tempo non concluso (today, this week ecc.). Have you seen Chiara recently? Hai visto Chiara di recente? I’ve had a great time today. Oggi mi sono divertita molto. ➔ Vedi unità 19 e 20 per altri usi del present perfect.
C Already, yet, just e still • Already corrisponde a già nelle frasi affermative e interrogative. Va quasi sempre tra have e il participio passato, ma qualche volta può anche andare alla fine della frase. I’ve already had lunch./I’ve had lunch already. Ho già pranzato. Have you already had lunch? Hai già pranzato? • Yet si usa nelle frasi negative e interrogative. Nelle frasi interrogative corrisponde a già, ma not … yet corrisponde a non … ancora. Yet va sempre alla fine della frase. Have you had lunch yet? Hai già pranzato? I haven’t had lunch yet. Non ho ancora pranzato. • Just corrisponde ad appena. I’ve just had lunch. Ho appena pranzato. • Si usa still con la forma negativa e corrisponde ad ancora. Di solito si mette tra il soggetto e have. I still haven’t found my keys. Non ho ancora trovato le mie chiavi. ➔ Vedi unità 123 per already, yet, just e still e unità 124 per gli usi di ever.
D Been e gone Si possono usare been e gone come participio passato di go, ma c’è una differenza sostanziale: been indica che si è andati in un posto e poi si è ripartiti; gone indica che si è ancora lì adesso. They’ve gone to London. Sono andati a Londra. (e sono ancora lì) They’ve been to London. Sono stati a Londra. (sono andati a Londra e poi da lì sono ripartiti) 58
Unità 18
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Completa i dialoghi con il present perfect dei verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. eat ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Where are you going? Back home. I ’ve forgotten Where’s Oliver? I think he Is your computer OK now? Yes. I What’s Leon’s new band like? I don’t know. I Is Petra going to Kate’s party? No. Kate Do you fancy some lunch? No, thanks. I
my books. home. the problem. them play. her. already see
6 A Hi, Jen. I’m afraid we’re going to be a bit late. We B No problem. There’s no hurry. 7 A you Jules just B Oh no! Why? 8 A What’s the matter? you something? B Yeah, my keys. I everywhere! you
the bus. the news? Jim and up!
Leggi la lista delle cose che Laura deve fare per la sua festa. Scrivi ciò che ha fatto e non ha fatto. Usa alreadyy e yet.
Things to do for the party: tell the neighbours send out the invitations 1 buy the drinks 2 prepare the food 3 choose the music 4 move the furniture 5 decide what to wear
Grammar B1
▶ ▶
She hasn’t told the neighbours yet. She’s already sent out the invitations.
1 2 3 4 5
Completa le risposte con just e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. arrive A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
do it
have lunch
have one
Would you like a coffee? No, thanks. I’ve just had one. Does Jennifer know about the party? Yes. Do you want something to eat? No, thanks.
leave 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B
invite her Is Sue here? No. Have you emailed Katya yet? Yes. Are Danny and Sandy here yet? Yes.
Unità 18
Present perfect (ever e never)
Uso • Il present perfect è spesso usato per parlare di esperienze di vita senza specificare quando sono accadute. Si usa il present perfect per indicare che l’esperienza ha un effetto sul presente. Have you ever been to Paris? ~ Yes, I have. Sei mai stata a Parigi? ~ Sì. Do you like Indian food? ~ I’ve never eaten it, so I don’t know. Ti piace la cucina indiana? ~ Non l’ho mai mangiata, quindi non lo so. In questo uso il present perfect corrisponde al passato prossimo italiano. Nota però che mentre l’ausiliare del passato prossimo è essere per i verbi intransitivi e avere per quelli transitivi, l’ausiliare del present perfect è sempre have. I have never been to Glasgow. Non sono mai stata a Glasgow. I have never eaten ostrich. Non ho mai mangiato struzzo.
• Per fare domande a qualcuno sulle loro esperienze si può usare Have you ever … ? (Hai/Sei mai … ?) • Le risposte brevi sono del tipo Yes, I have./No, she hasn’t. ecc. e No, never. Have you ever been to Italy? ~ Yes, I have. Sei mai stato in Italia? ~ Sì. Has Scotland ever won the World Cup? ~ No, never. La Scozia ha mai vinto i mondiali? ~ No, mai. ➔ Vedi unità 124 per gli usi di ever.
• Quando si parla di esperienze si possono usare avverbi come never (non … mai), once (una volta), twice (due volte), a few times (varie volte) e lots of times (molte volte). Never si mette tra have e il participio passato. Once, twice, a few times e lots of times vanno di solito alla fine della frase. I’ve never been to Spain. Non sono mai stata in Spagna. He’s been to the UK twice. È stato in Gran Bretagna due volte. We’ve eaten here a few times. Siamo venuti a mangiare qui varie volte. • Per parlare di esperienze si può usare This is the first/second time ecc. + present perfect. This is the first time I’ve been here. È la prima volta che vengo qui. (NON This is the first time I am here.) This is the third time we’ve stayed in this hotel. Questa è la terza volta che veniamo in questo albergo. (NON This is the third time we stay in this hotel.) Nota che in italiano l’espressione corrispondente a This is the first/second ecc. time (È la prima/seconda ecc. volta che …) è seguita dal presente indicativo.
Completa i dialoghi con il present perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B
5 A B
I’m going to Sicily next month. ▶ Have you ever been (you/ever/go) there? Yes, I 1 (go) there once. A few years ago. Welcome to Oxford. 2 (you/go) here before? No. I 3 (never/go) to the UK before actually. This is my first time. I’m reading The Lord of the Rings. 4 (you/ever/read) it? 5 No, never. But I (see) the films a few times. I think my brother 6 (read) it several times, though. We’re going to Paris at the weekend. 7 (you/ever/go) there? Yes, I have. I 8 (go) a few times. But I 9 (never/actually/ 10 stay) in Paris. My aunt and uncle live just outside Paris and we (always/ stay) with them. I was listening to a band called Nirvana last night. 11 (you/hear) of them? Yes, I have. But I 12 (never/listen) to them. I think my dad 13 (see) them in concert, actually. About 25 years ago, or something. But then again, he claims he 14 (see) just about every band I ever mention!
Unità 19
OUP copyright 2015
6 A B A 7 A B 8 A B
Scrivi domande con i verbi nel riquadro, ever e le parole date. Scrivi risposte brevi vere per te. play eat
break go
in love 1 a famous person 2 an X-ray 3 a horse 4 to Spain 5 rugby 6 to a football match 7 your ID card 8 snowboarding 9 Japanese food 10 on TV 11 a ghost 12 a bone 13 a bungee jump ▶
go meet
fall do
have go
be ride
lose see
A Have you ever fallen in love A
? ?
B Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. B
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Grammar B1
You look very familiar. 15 (we/ever/meet)? Yes, we have. Actually, I sit behind you in maths. Really? Sorry, I 16 (never/notice) you before. (you/ever/try) them? I ate snails when I was in France. 17 To be honest, I 18 (never/think) about eating snails. 19 (you/ever/go) skiing? 20 No, I haven’t, but I (always/want) to try it.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole tra parentesi in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I’ve never been to Paris before. (first) This is the first time I’ve been to Paris. This is the first time I’ve had Chinese food. (never) I before. I’ve seen this film twice already. (second) This is the this film. Is this your first visit to London? (been) Have before? This is the third time we’ve stayed in this hotel. (stayed) We twice already. This is the first time I’ve been here. (haven’t) I before. I’ve never met anyone from Scotland before. (ever) You’re the first person from Scotland This is the first time I’ve noticed her accent. (never) I her accent before. Have you ever heard this song before? (first) Is this the this song?
Unità 19
Present perfect (since e for)
A Uso • Si usa il present perfect per parlare di un’azione iniziata nel passato e che continua al presente. I’ve had this mobile for about a week. Ho questo cellulare da circa una settimana. I haven’t seen Ben since the weekend. Non vedo Ben dal fine settimana. How long have you worked there? ~ For about a year. Da quanto tempo lavori qui? ~ Da circa un anno. Nota che per indicare un’azione che è iniziata al passato e che continua al presente in italiano si usa il presente. We’ve lived here for six years. Abitiamo qui da sei anni. (NON We live here for six years.) I’ve worked in London for two years. Lavoro a Londra da due anni. (NON I work in London for two years.)
B Since e for Per indicare la durata di un’azione si usano since e for. • Since si usa per indicare il momento d’inizio di un’azione. Questo può essere un complemento di tempo (le dieci, aprile, il 2012 ecc.) o un evento (la festa, il mio compleanno ecc.). • Si usa for + periodo di tempo (due ore, sei mesi ecc.) per indicare la durata di un’azione. since
I’ve been here since 6.30. Sono qui dalle 6.30.
I’ve been here for an hour. Sono qui da un’ora.
We’ve lived in Rome since 2008. Abitiamo a Roma dal 2008.
We’ve lived in Rome for ten years. Abitiamo a Roma da dieci anni.
He’s supported Arsenal since he was seven. Tifa per l’Arsenal da quando aveva sette anni.
He’s supported Arsenal for 30 years. Tifa per l’Arsenal da 30 anni.
I haven’t seen Andrea since the party. Non vedo Andrea dalla festa.
I haven’t seen Andrea for a week. Non vedo Andrea da una settimana.
Nota che sia since che for corrispondono all’italiano da, ma non sono intercambiabili. Nota anche che non si usa from. We’ve lived here since March. Abitiamo qui da marzo. (NON We’ve lived here from March.) I’ve been here for an hour. Sono qui da un’ora. (NON I’ve been here from an hour./I’ve been here since an hour.)
C Always, never ed espressioni con all • Si può usare always + present perfect per parlare di una situazione che è sempre esistita e never + present perfect per una situazione che non è mai esistita. We’ve always lived in Milan. Abbiamo sempre vissuto a Milano. I’ve never liked punk music. Non mi è mai piaciuta la musica punk. • Si possono usare espressioni con all del tipo all morning, all day e all my life. We’ve been here all morning. È tutta la mattina che siamo qui. My grandfather’s lived here all his life. Mio nonno ha vissuto qui tutta la sua vita.
D How long … ? • Si usa How long + present perfect per chiedere da quanto tempo dura una certa azione/situazione. How long have you lived here? Da quanto tempo vivi qui? How long have they been married? Da quanto tempo sono sposati?
Unità 20
OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con since o for. ▶
1 2 3 4
I’ve known Sam since 2008. We’ve lived here ten years. I’ve played the guitar I was about 12. I haven’t seen Giorgio months. We’ve been married about fifty years.
Completa i dialoghi con il present perfect dei verbi e le parole tra parentesi. In alcuni casi dovrai aggiungaere since o for. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B A B A B 6 A B A B
5 They’ve been here 10 o’clock. 6 It hasn’t rained a few days now. 7 No one has heard from Andy his birthday. 8 I haven’t seen Gemma several weeks.
I hear Gianni is going out with Julia. Yeah, ▶ they’ve been together for about a month now (they/be/together/about a month now). Hi, Jenny. 1 (I/not/see/you/ages). How are you? I’m fine. And you? Nice car! 2 (how long/you/have/it)? For about six months. How do you know Antonella? 3 (we/be/friends/years). 4 (we/know/each other/we were at primary school). Where do you live? In Rome. Nice! 5 (you/always/live) in Rome? No, I’m from Milan originally. Oh, 6 (how long/you/be/in Rome)? 7 (I/be/here/about ten years). Would you like some chorizo? No, thanks. I don’t actually eat meat. I’m vegetarian. I didn’t know that. 8 (how long/you/be/vegetarian)? Well, 9 (I/never/eat/meat), actually. 10 (I/be/vegetarian/all my life).
Grammar B1
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole tra parentesi in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
I’m a teacher. I started teaching in 2006. (been) I ’ve been a teacher since 2006. I met Thomas when we were at elementary school and we are still friends. (friends) we were at elementary school. Thomas and I The last time it rained was about a month ago. (rained) It about a month. I play classical music. I started playing classical music a couple of years ago. (played) I a couple of years. Polly stopped doing ballet when she was twelve. (done) Polly she was twelve. I last bought a CD about two years ago. (bought) I about two years.
Unità 20
Present perfect e past simple
A Uso La differenza principale tra il present perfect e il past simple è: • Il present perfect collega il passato al presente. In particolare, descrive qualcosa che ha ancora una relazione con il presente. • Il past simple si concentra e fornisce informazioni solo sul passato. Present perfect
Past simple
I’ve lost my ID card. Ho perso la mia carta d’identità. (Non ho più la mia carta d’identità.)
I lost my ID card yesterday. Ho perso la mia carta d’identità ieri. (Potrei averla ritrovata o no.)
I’ve always played football. Ho sempre giocato a calcio.
I played football with Beckham once! Una volta ho giocato a calcio con Beckham!
I’ve lived in London for three years. Abito a Londra da tre anni.
I lived in London for three years. Ho abitato a Londra per tre anni.
• Di solito si usa il present perfect quando si danno notizie senza specificare il tempo, ma poi si usa il past simple per chiedere e dare dettagli su quando e come è successo il fatto. A Have you heard? Tom’s broken his arm. Hai saputo? Tom si è fratturato un braccio. B What happened? Che cosa è successo? A He fell out of his bedroom window. È caduto dalla finestra della sua camera. Nota che il present perfect può corrispondere in italiano al presente, al passato prossimo o al passato remoto. Verifica sempre il contesto per decidere quale tempo verbale utilizzare in inglese.
B Espressioni di tempo • Si usa il present perfect con espressioni di tempo non concluso (recently, still, since 2005, so far ecc.). I’ve been busy this week. Ho avuto molto da fare questa settimana. (NON I was busy this week.) We’ve been to London twice this year. Siamo andati a Londra due volte quest’anno. (NON We went to London twice this year.) • Si usa il past simple con espressioni di tempo concluso (two hours ago, at 10.30, in 2009). I was busy yesterday. Ho avuto molto da fare ieri. (NON I’ve been busy yesterday.) We went to London twice last year. Siamo andati a Londra due volte l’anno scorso. (NON We’ve been to London twice last year.) I saw Tom five minutes ago. Ho visto Tom cinque minuti fa. (NON I’ve seen Tom five minutes ago.) TIP It’s … since … è una struttura utile. Nota l’uso del past simple dopo since.
It’s ages since I went to a good party. Sono secoli che non vado a una bella festa. It’s months since I last saw Roberto. Sono mesi che non vedo Roberto. ➔ Vedi unità 12–14 per il past simple, unità 18–20 per il present perfect simple, e unità 120 e 123 per espressioni di tempo.
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. We went / We’ve been to Spain last year. 1 I spent / We’ve spent a lot of money recently. 2 She arrived / She’s arrived at 6.30. 3 We didn’t watch / We haven’t watched TV recently. 4 I saw / I’ve seen Anthony earlier today. 5 They got married / They’ve got married in 1996.
Unità 21
OUP copyright 2015
6 I didn’t eat / I haven’t eaten since breakfast. 7 We went / We’ve been to the cinema two weeks ago. 8 Did you have / Have you had lunch yet? 9 What did you do / have you done last night? 10 Was Jake / Has Jake been at the party on Saturday?
Completa i dialoghi con il present perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A Have you been (go) to the UK? B Well, I ’ve never been (never/go) to the UK, but I went (go) to Ireland last year. 1 1 A you (see) the Lord of the Rings films? B Yes. I 2 (see) them lots of times. I 3 (watch) them all the time when I4 (be) about twelve. 2 A I5 (lose) my mobile. 6 you (see) it? 7 8 B you (look) in the hall? I (see) it there earlier. 3 A How long 9 you (know) Peter? B We 10 (meet) when we 11 (be) at primary school. We 12 (know) each other for about ten years now. 13 4 A you (see) Gina recently? B Yes. I 14 (see) her this morning, actually. She 15 (be) here in Oxford for a meeting, but she 16 (go) back to London now. ▶
Completa l’articolo con il present perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
In the 1990s, the mobile phone ▶ was (be) a new and exciting invention. Since then, the mobile 1 (become) an important part of everyday life. And at the heart of mobile phone use is SMS text messaging. Phone companies first 2 (introduce) texting in 1995, but initially it 3 (be) possible only between people 4 on the same network. Cross-network texting (not/become) available until three years later, in 1998. Since then, texting 5 (take over) from the phone conversation as the way to communicate and today billions of text messages are sent every day. The mobile phone 6 (also/become) much more than just a phone. It is also a camera, a music player and a way to connect to the internet. And apps, which first 7 (appear) in 2009, allow users to play games and instantly obtain information about almost anything. Furthermore, the mobile phone itself 8 (become) a fashion object. It is a statement of who you are – both in the way it looks and the way it sounds. Users 9 (be able) to download personalized music ringtones for several years now. In fact, in 2006, a song based on the Crazy Frog ringtone 10 (become) a chart hit in several countries.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole tra parentesi in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. It’s ages since I last saw Ben. (for) I haven’t seen Ben for ages. 1 It’s weeks since we had any rain. (rained) It weeks. 2 When did you last go on holiday? (went) How long is it on holiday? 3 We moved to Perugia in 2008. (lived) We 2008. ▶
4 I haven’t spoken to Joanna for ages. (since) to Joanna. It’s 5 How long have you had your scooter? (buy) When your scooter? 6 I haven’t seen John for about a month. (saw) The last time about a month ago. Unità 21
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 18–21 Present perfect e past simple 1
Completa il cruciverba con il participio passato dei seguenti verbi irregolari. 1
B 2
R 4
O 5
N 10
12 13
Across 4 forget 7 eat 9 do 10 hear 12 see 13 know 17 buy 18 read 19 make
Down 1 break 2 go 3 become 5 tell 6 leave 8 take 11 run 13 keep 14 wake 15 find 16 have
Completa i dialoghi con il present perfect di un verbo adatto dell’esercizio 1. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Are you joining us for lunch? No, thanks. I ’ve already eaten . How long you Erica? Since the beginning of primary school. Are Paula and Jake still here? No, they the dog for a walk. Are you still looking for your keys? No, I them. you ever any Shakespeare? Yes, at school. It was part of the syllabus. My dad a new car. A Mercedes. Nice! Oh no! I my library card. I No problem. You can borrow mine. you the news about Harry? He Oh no! Poor Harry. you Monica recently? No, I haven’t. I think she on holiday.
Completa le frasi con since o for. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 66
We’ve lived in Rome since 2008. I’ve played the guitar I was eight years old. I haven’t been camping about two years. We’ve been outside 9 o’clock this morning. The children have been in the garden over half an hour. about three years. I’ve had English lessons I haven’t seen Paula her birthday party last month. I’ve known Jack over five years.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 18–21
it at home. his leg skiing.
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a text message/sent/you/I’ve/just I’ve just sent you a text message. you/yet/your assignment/have/finished? day/indoors/we/all/been/have always/wanted/my brother/a dog/has bought/I/a present/already/have/for Giulia have/I/had/long hair/never to/Lucy/replied/me/hasn’t/still lived/here/their lives/my parents/all/have you/long/Philip/have/how/known? done/I/today/have/a lot of work haven’t/the train timetable/checked/yet/I
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A Sorry, Mum, but ▶ I broke /I’ve broken a window. B Oh dear! How 1did it happen / has it happened? A 2I accidentally kicked / I have accidentally kicked the ball at it. 2 A Hi, Rosy. 3I just finished / I’ve just finished my exam. B How 4did it go / has it gone? A 5It was / It has been OK, I think. Most of the questions 6were / have been quite easy. 3 A 7Did you ever go / Have you ever been to the USA? B Yes, 8I did / I have. 9I went / I’ve been a couple of times. I last 10went / ’ve been there three years ago. 11Did you go / Have you been there? A No, but 12we just booked / we’ve just booked a holiday there for next summer. 4 A 13I didn’t know / I haven’t known that you wore glasses. B Yes, 14I had / I’ve had them for a few months now. A 15Did you try / Have you tried contact lenses? B Yes, but 16I didn’t like / I haven’t liked them. 17They were / They have been too uncomfortable. 5 A Is James here? B No, 18he’s been / he’s gone to the library. 19He left / He has left about ten minutes ago. 6 A Has Tom come out of hospital 20yet / still? B No, but he’s 21already / just phoned to say he’ll be out tomorrow. 7 A I 22still / yet haven’t decided which course to apply for. 23I looked / I’ve looked at so many. B 24Did you talk / Have you talked to any of the teachers? Mrs Burton 25gave / ’s given me some good advice last week. A Yes, 26I did / I have. 27I’ve talked already / I’ve already talked to Mr Richardson, but I still don’t know what I want to do. 8 A 28Did you speak / Have you spoken to Jim 29still / yet? B Yes, 30I did / I have. 31I saw / I’ve seen him this morning. 32We had / We’ve had a good chat. 9 A You live in Oxford, did you say? Nice! How long 33did you live / have you lived there? B We’ve been there 34for / since about three years. 35We moved / We have moved there when my dad got a job at the car factory. Do you know Oxford? A Not really. 36I went / I’ve been there a couple of times. But 37I didn’t go / I haven’t been there 38 for / since a long time.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 18–21
Completa i brani con il present perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi.
The story of Harrods Harrods has been (be) the most famous shop in the UK for over a hundred years and today it is the third most popular tourist attraction in London (after Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament). It is the largest department store in the world and sells over 1.2 million different items. The Harrods story 1 (begin) in 1824, when a local fruit and vegetable seller called Henry Charles Harrod 2 (open) a small shop in south London. In 1849, the business 3 (move) to a new site in Knightsbridge in west London. Harrods 4 (be) in this location ever since. At first, the shop 5 (have) only one room and 6 (sell) only a few items of food, but after a few years, it 7 (expand) and 8 (start) to sell other goods as well. The store’s motto is ‘All Things for All People Everywhere’ and over the last 150 years, Harrods 9 (sell) many unusual items, including luxury cars, aeroplanes and various exotic animals. In 1967, King Zog of Albania 10 (buy) an elephant from Harrods as a gift for the president of the United States. Over the years, the shop 11 (also/sell) a lion and an alligator. It also once 12 (use) a live cobra to protect a pair of shoes with real diamonds, valued at £62,000. Henry Charles Harrod 13 (die) in 1885 and since then the shop 14 number of different owners. Qatar Holdings 15 (own) the shop since 2010.
(have) a
The story of Macy’s Macy’s
(be) one of the USA’s most successful department stores since it (open) on the corner of 14th Street and 6 th Avenue in New York City in 1858. Sales on the first day 18 (be) only $11.06, but by the end of the first full year they 19 (be) almost $90,000. Sales 20 (grow) steadily ever since and are now around $10 billion per year. 17
In 1902, the store 21 (move) to its location on Broadway and 34th Street, where it (be) ever since. In 1924, Macy’s 23 (become) the ‘World’s Largest Store’, with over 1 million square feet of retail space. The store 24 (hold) this record to this day.
In 1945, Macy’s then, it 26
(open) a store in San Francisco, its first outside New York. Since (open) stores in over 700 locations in the USA.
Completa il dialogo con una parola in ogni spazio. A Hi, Jo! How’s New York? B Hi! It’s amazing! you done a lot of sightseeing? A ▶ Have 1 B Yes, we . We only got here three days 2 , but we 3 4 lot! This is the first we’ve been here, so we want to see everything! A You’re so lucky! I’ve 5 wanted to visit New York. B I know. You’d love it here! The only bad thing is that I haven’t slept very well 6 arrived. The hotel’s quite noisy. A That’s a shame. Have you been to the Statue of Liberty 7 ? B No – we’re going there tomorrow. A Take some pictures! hundreds already! B I will! I’ve 8 A OK. Have fun! Bye! B Bye.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 18–21
seen a
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
When did you last cook dinner? (since) How long is it since you last cooked dinner? This place is very different. (changed) This a lot. I last saw James about two weeks ago. (seen) I about two weeks. It’s been months since I went to a party. (been) I a party for months. Danny and Alex aren’t here yet. (arrived) Danny and Alex yet. This is my second visit to the museum this week. (once) I’ve already this week. We haven’t heard from Katie for ages. (since) It’s Katie. We have known each other for ten years. (met) We ago. I haven’t had a haircut for three months. (last) I three months ago.
Completa le domande del quiz con il past simple o il present perfect dei verbi tra parentesi.
Dollar Quiz How long has the dollar been (the dollar/be) the official currency of the USA? When (portraits/become) standard on all US bills? Which words (be) on all US currency since 1963? Which denomination bill (have) the same design since 1955? In 1960, there (be) $177 in cash in circulation for every person living in the USA. Today, how much (that amount/increase) to? 5 How many women (ever/appear) on a US currency note? 6 When (paper notes/first/come) into circulation? 7 What (be) the denominations of the first paper notes?
1 2 3 4
10 Scrivi risposte complete alle domande dell’esercizio 9 con le parole nel riquadro. 1, 5, 25 and 50 cents in 1929 the one-dollar bill ▶
in 1862 during the American Civil War ‘In God we trust’ only one (Martha Washington)
since 1785 over $1,000 per person
The dollar has been the official currency of the USA since 1785.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 18–21
Present perfect continuous
A Forma Affermativa estesa
I have been driving all day.
Tim has been working hard recently.
Affermativa contratta
I’ve been driving all day.
Tim’s been working hard recently.
Negativa estesa
I have not been waiting very long.
The radio has not been working for ages.
Negativa contratta
I haven’t been waiting very long.
The radio hasn’t been working for ages.
Have you been waiting long?
How long has it been raining?
• Per formare il present perfect continuous si usa il presente di have + been + forma in -ing. • La forma estesa si usa solo in contesti formali e per dare enfasi. The President has been visiting troops today. Oggi il Presidente ha visitato le truppe. I have not been borrowing your clothes! Ti ho detto che non ho preso i tuoi vestiti!
B Uso Il present perfect collega il presente al passato. Di solito si usa la forma continuous per indicare che l’attività è ripetuta o protratta nel tempo, con particolare enfasi sull’azione che si sta compiendo. In particolare si usa per parlare di: • un’attività iniziata nel passato e tuttora in corso; I’ve been waiting for about an hour. È circa un’ora che aspetto. It’s been raining for days. È da giorni che non fa che piovere. He’s been going to the gym a lot recently. Ultimamente sta andando molto in palestra. • un’attività appena conclusa che ha un risultato nel presente. I’ve been driving all day. I’m exhausted. È tutto il giorno che guido. Sono esausta. You’re covered in mud! What have you been doing? Sei coperto di fango! Che cosa stavi facendo? TIP Spesso si usa il present perfect continuous per parlare di attività recenti che si svolgono a intervalli regolari.
What have you been doing lately? Che cosa stai combinando ultimamente? I’ve been studying a lot. Non faccio altro che studiare. Nota che la ripetitività e/o l’intensità indicate dal present perfect continuous in italiano sono espresse in modi molto diversi perché non esiste un tempo verbale che corrisponda esattamente al present perfect continuous.
C Espressioni di tempo Con il present perfect continuous si possono usare le stesse espressioni di tempo che si usano con il present perfect simple (for ten minutes, since 2014 ecc.). ➔ Vedi unità 18–20 per il present perfect simple, e unità 120 e 123 per espressioni di tempo.
Che cosa stavano facendo queste persone finora? Usa le parole nel riquadro e il present perfect continuous. argue
make a cake
They’ve been arguing. 70
Unità 22
OUP copyright 2015
conduct the orchestra 1
play table tennis 2
Completa le mail con il present perfect continuous dei verbi nei riquadri. not/do
go out
This is just to say ‘hi’ and to see how you are. So, what have you been doing lately? Anything interesting? As for me, I1 much, actually. I 2 at home a lot for the last couple of weeks. I’ve got my end-of-year exams next week so I 3 for them. University isn’t all late nights and parties! How’s Dave? Are you still together? Anyway, drop me a line and let me know your news. Have fun, Carolina x
I’m fine. I ’ve been studying quite a lot too – no exams, but lots of reports and assignments. As for my social life, I 4 quite a lot. And yes, Dave and I are still together. Actually, we 5 each other a lot recently – almost every day. We 6 for three months now! It must be love! Anyway, don’t work too hard and let’s meet up after your exams. Jen x
Completa i dialoghi con domande che iniziano con How long e le risposte. Usa anche for o since. Poi ascolta e controlla. A Jenny and Chris are waiting. B How long have they been waiting? A They’ve been waiting for twenty minutes. 1 A Belinda’s living in New York. B A April. 2 A It’s raining. B A this morning. ▶
go out
3 A Lilly plays the piano. B A five years. 4 A Carlos and Gabby are watching TV. B A about half an hour. 5 A I feel ill. B A I woke up.
Grammar B2
Completa le frasi con il present perfect continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. try ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
How long have John and Suzy been together? Oh, I think they ’ve been seeing each other for about six months. I didn’t know you could play the piano. Yes. I lessons recently. Do you know what’s wrong with the internet? I can’t get a connection. No, I don’t know what the problem is, but it all day. Where have you been? I to call you for the last hour. Sorry, my phone’s died. I see that Arsenal lost again. Yeah, they very well all season, actually. Have you finished your homework yet? No, not yet. I some problems with the second part. Can you help? Are you OK? You look really tired. I well recently. to see the doctor for an hour! Excuse me, we I’m sorry. She’s very busy today, but she’ll see you as soon as possible. There’s a flood warning on TV. We shouldn’t drive unless it’s an emergency. I’m not surprised. It worse all week. Unità 22
Present perfect continuous e present perfect simple
A Uso A volte la differenza di significato nell’uso del present perfect continuous e il present perfect simple è minima e in qualche situazione possono essere usate entrambe le forme. How long have you worked here?/How long have you been working here? Da quanto tempo lavori qui? Detto questo, comunque, ci sono delle differenze importanti tra il present perfect continuous e il present perfect simple. • Si usa di norma il present perfect continuous per indicare un’attività prolungata o ripetuta o per dire quanto spesso la si compie. L’enfasi è sull’azione che si sta compiendo. • Nel present perfect simple l’accento è più sul completamento e il risultato di un’azione, o su quante volte la si è compiuta, che sullo svolgimento dell’azione. Present perfect continuous
Present perfect simple
I’ve been reading the book. I’m really enjoying it. Sto leggendo il libro. Mi sta piacendo proprio molto.
I’ve read the book. It was great. Ho letto il libro. È molto bello.
We’ve been waiting for twenty minutes so far. Finora sono venti minuti che aspettiamo.
We’ve waited long enough. Let’s go. Abbiamo aspettato abbastanza. Andiamocene.
I’ve been seeing James quite a lot recently. Sto vedendo James molto spesso ultimamente.
I’ve seen James three times this week. Ho visto James tre volte questa settimana.
B Temporanea o permanente? Di solito si usa il present perfect continuous per parlare di qualcosa che si considera temporanea o a breve termine, e il present perfect simple per parlare di qualcosa che si considera permanente o a lungo termine. He’s been working there for a couple of weeks now. Sono due settimane che lavora lì. He’s worked there for thirty years. Lavora lì da trent’anni.
C Verbi di stato • I verbi di stato (be, know, like ecc.) non si usano di norma al present perfect continuous. We’ve known each other for years. Ci conosciamo da anni. (NON We’ve been knowing each other for years.) ➔ Vedi unità 10 per i verbi di stato.
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
What’s Karen doing? Her homework. She’s done / She’s been doing it since she got home from school. Paula, are you still writing that report for school? No, I’ve finished / I’ve been finishing it. Good news! Jim’s fixed / Jim’s been fixing the computer. Oh, good. I’ll send those emails then. Is there a problem with the computer? Yes. I’ve tried / I’ve been trying to fix it all morning. And I’ve still no idea what the problem is. How many times have you taken / have you been taking your driving test? Er, three times so far! I’ll pass next time, though. I’ve had / I’ve been having driving lessons three times a week for the past few weeks. A Have you seen / Have you been seeing Frederic today? Is he in college? B Yes, I have. But I haven’t spoken / I haven’t been speaking to him. I think he’s worked / he’s been working in the library for most of the day.
Unità 23
OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con le parole date due volte, una al present perfect simple e una al present perfect continuous. wait a Let’s go. We ’ve waited long enough. b We ’ve been waiting for about ten minutes so far. 1 watch the DVD a I twice. b I non-stop ever since I bought it. 2 read the paper a He for 20 minutes. b She already.
3 install those new programs all morning. a She b she yet? 4 go swimming a He’s not here. He . b He a lot recently. 5 go to the gym a I for about a year. b I a few times this year.
Completa le mail con il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Hi Diana, I’m just wondering if you have heard (hear) from Alex recently? I 1 (try) to contact him for a couple of weeks now. Do you know if he 2 (go) away?
A quick email to pick your brains. We 3 (think) about possibly going to Thailand this year, but we’re not sure. (go) there, haven’t you? Can you give us You 4 any tips or recommend any places to visit and to stay? By the you (book) your holiday way, 5 yet?
Really sorry I 6 (not/email ) you for a while, but I 7 (be ) really busy. My boss suddenly quit last week, so (be ) a bit hectic it 8 (work) 24/7 and we 9 to keep things going. Anyway, I 10 (mean) to email you for ages to invite you to our party. It’s on the 28th. Hope you can make it. By the (ask) about way, Oliver 11 (talk) you. In fact, he 12 about you since the last time you met!
Look forward to hearing from you, Yolanda
Love, Tara
Thanks, Brian
Hi Karen,
Hi Lucy,
Grammar B2
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole tra parentesi in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I started working here two weeks ago. (for) I’ve been working here for two weeks. It’s ages since I saw Larissa. (haven’t) I ages. It started raining at midday. (since) It midday. Ernesto became interested in astronomy when he was a child. (since) Ernesto has he was a child. The last time I went to the cinema was about six months ago. (been) I for about six months. He started cooking ten minutes ago. (for) ten minutes. He This is my third time in the UK. (been) I twice already. Unità 23
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 22–23 Present perfect simple, past simple e present perfect continuous 1
Completa i dialoghi con il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.
Have you seen (you/see) Fred’s new guitar? It’s really cool. Yes, I have. (never/win) a quiz. 1 I Neither have I. 2 How long (you/sunbathe)? Since midday. 3 Can you believe it? We (play) this game of chess for four hours. Four hours! 4 I (collect) stamps for years. I (collect) over 5,000 so far. B Five thousand! Amazing! 5 A What (Andy/do)? He’s covered in paint! B He (paint) his bedroom. 6 A (you/ever/go) camping? B Yes, I (go) once. But I (not/go) since. 7 A My sister (break) her favourite doll. B Oh, what a shame. (she/have) it for a long time? A Yes, she (have) it since she was little. 8 A Are you tired? You (work) hard all afternoon. B Yes, I am a bit. I (not/have) a break for three hours. I (try) to write my essay and I (only/write) three paragraphs! ▶
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I joined the library six months ago. (member) I ’ve been a member of the library for six months. We started playing the game about an hour ago. (been) We for about an hour. This is my second job interview this week. (already) I one job interview this week. I’ve been having lessons since I was about six. (first) I when I was about six. I haven’t seen this film for a long time. (ages) It’s this film. I last wore this hat three years ago. (worn) I three years. Kim started watching television at 7 o’clock. (since) Kim 7 o’clock. They became friends when they met on holiday. (been) They they met on holiday. Our coach left a minute ago, but we aren’t on it! (just) We missed our coach! Gina stayed with us in March and again in June. (twice) Gina this year.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 22–23
3 Completa i dialoghi con il present perfect simple, il present perfect continuous o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
A Have you spoken B Yes. I saw
(you/speak) to Alex recently? (see) him a couple of days ago.
1 A Sorry I’m late. How long 1 B Not long. I 2 2 A 3 B Yes, I 4
(you/wait)? (get) here about ten minutes ago.
(you/go) to the new exhibition at the gallery yet? (go) last week.
3 A How long 5 B Oh, not for long. He 6
(he/go) to keep-fit classes? (start) them about six months ago.
(open) last week. 8 (you/go) 4 A The new sports centre 7 there yet? The facilities are amazing. B No, not yet. I 9 (be) too busy. But I hope to go there at the weekend. (you/ever/go) on a cruise? 5 A 10 B No, it’s not my kind of thing. But my grandparents 11 (go) on loads. They 12 (go) on them for years now, actually. Last year, they 13 (travel) around the Caribbean for a month. And the year before, they 14 (sail) around the Greek islands. (you/enjoy) the concert last night? 6 A 15 B Oh, it was brilliant. I 16 (be) a fan of the band for years, so it 17 (be) fantastic to finally see them live. It’s the best gig I 18 (ever/go) to. 19 (you/go)? 20 A Yes, I (love) it! I 21 (see) them twice before, actually. But last night 22 (be) the best I 23 (see) them.
Completa il brano con il present perfect simple, il present perfect continuous o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
THE UK’S FAVOURITE TAKEAWAY MEAL A recent survey ▶ has shown (show) that Chinese is the UK’s favourite takeaway food. Indian food, which 1 (be) one of the UK’s official national dishes for many years, (take part) in the survey. is our second favourite takeaway. Five thousand people 2 (say) they preferred Chinese food, with only 24% preferring Indian food. 44% 3 Surprisingly, fish and chips and pizza are much less popular with only 14% and 13% of the votes. Over recent years, Chinese and Indian food 4 (become) more popular than fish and (be) previously our number one takeaway. chips, which 5 The top reason for ordering a takeaway meal is being too tired or not wanting to cook. ‘When (work) hard all day, the last thing you want to do is cook dinner,’ you 6 7 (explain) survey participant Gary Hill. ‘It’s much easier to pick up the phone and order something.’ (order) a takeaway pizza But for others, having a takeaway is a ritual. ‘We 8 every Friday night for about ten years,’ says mother-of-four Beverley Stringer. ‘It’s our end-of-theweek treat, but only if the kids 9 (be) well behaved.’
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 22–23
Past perfect
A Forma Estesa
I had finished. They had gone.
I’d finished. They’d gone.
I had not finished. They had not gone.
I hadn’t finished. They hadn’t gone.
Had you finished? Where had they gone?
Il past perfect corrisponde al trapassato prossimo italiano. Come nel caso del present perfect, nota però che mentre l’ausiliare del trapassato prossimo è essere per i verbi intransitivi e avere per quelli transitivi, l’ausiliare del past perfect è sempre had.
Il past perfect si forma con had + participio passato. La forma estesa si usa di norma con i pronomi soggetto in situazioni formali o per dare enfasi. We had expected a more professional service. Ci eravamo aspettati un servizio più professionale. I had not finished! Ma no, non avevo finito!
B Uso • Il past perfect si usa per un evento che è accaduto prima di un altro o prima di un tempo specifico del passato. Jim had left when we arrived. Jim se n’era andato quando siamo arrivati. We’d finished the work by lunchtime. Avevamo finito il lavoro prima dell’ora di pranzo. • Osserva come l’uso del past simple e del past perfect cambia il significato delle frasi seguenti: They started the meeting when we arrived. Hanno iniziato la riunione quando siamo arrivati. They’d started the meeting when we arrived. Avevano iniziato la riunione quando siamo arrivati.
C Already, just, never e always • Spesso si usa already (già) con il past perfect per sottolineare la sequenza degli eventi e just (appena) per indicare che la prima azione è avvenuta poco prima della seconda. Sarah had already left when we got there. Sarah se n’era già andata quando siamo arrivati. They’d just finished dinner when we arrived. Quando siamo arrivati avevano appena finito di cenare. • Con il past perfect si possono anche usare altri avverbi come never (mai) e always (sempre). I’d never met him before. Non l’avevo mai incontrato prima di allora. My sister had always wanted to be a doctor. Mia sorella aveva sempre voluto fare il medico. • Gli avverbi already, just, never e always di solito vanno tra had e il verbo principale. ➔ Vedi unità 121 per gli avverbi di frequenza e unità 123 per gli avverbi di tempo relativo (already e just ecc.).
Scrivi le risposte con il past perfect dei verbi e le parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
You weren’t at the party last night.
No. I’d arranged to go out. Why didn’t you join us for lunch?
(no/I/arrange/to go out) (because/I/already/eat)
Why did you throw the milk away? (because/it/go off) I thought you and Pam knew each other. (no/we/never/meet/before) Did you manage to get tickets for the match?
Unità 24
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(no/they/already/sell out)
5 A Did you see Jenny at the party? B 6 A Was yesterday your first time on a plane? B
Completa le frasi con le parole nei riquadri e il past perfect o il past simple dei verbi. die/water ▶
1 2 3 4 5
She felt I finally He The plants We I
want/already tell
sick because she ’d eaten too much chocolate. the book I wanted after I on about ten websites. his exam because he enough. because no one them. lots to talk about. We each other for months. to surprise Max with the good news, but Jim him.
already leave/get/not/see meet/only know/get
already start/get/get look/visit/just wake up
6 Sam really tired when we . I think he 7 Roberto when we to the party, so we him. 8 I was a bit late and they dinner by the time I there. I think they fed up with waiting for me! 9 My parents at university. I think they each other for about six months before they married.
Grammar B1
(no/when we got there/she/already/leave)
Completa il blog con il past simple o il past perfect dei verbi tra parentesi.
POSTED BY ROBBO: I’m thinking of taking a gap year to go travelling. But my parents say I’m too young and want me to go straight to university. Any thoughts?
POSTED BY MATTY: I took (take) a gap year after school before I went (go) to university. I ’d always wanted (always/want) to see a bit of the world, so I 1 (decide) to go travelling around South America. I 2 (be) abroad only once or twice before that, on school trips or family holidays, and I 3 (never/go) outside Europe. For the first few months of the gap year, I 4 (work) and after I 5 (save up) enough money, I finally 6 (set off ). At the airport I was suddenly very nervous and I 7 (start) to wonder if I 8 (make) the right decision. Anyway, it was ten minutes after the plane 9 (take off ) when I 10 (realize ) it was too late to change my mind and I 11 (start ) to relax. It 12 (turn out ) to be the best few months of my life. Go for it, Robbo!
Unità 24
Past perfect continuous
A Forma Estesa
I had been waiting for ages.
I’d been waiting for ages.
I had not been waiting long.
I hadn’t been waiting long.
How long had you been waiting?
Had you been waiting long?
Il past perfect continuous si forma con had been + forma in -ing. La forma estesa si usa di norma con i pronomi soggetto in situazioni formali o per dare enfasi. We had been expecting to speak to the manager, not his assistant. Ci eravamo aspettati di parlare con il manager, non con il suo assistente.
B Uso Il past perfect si usa per indicare che un evento è avvenuto prima di un altro nel passato oppure prima di un momento specifico nel passato. Si usa la forma continuous per indicare che l’attività era in corso oppure è stata ripetuta nel corso di un periodo di tempo. They’d been going out for years before they got married. Erano stati insieme per anni prima di sposarsi. We were exhausted – we’d been driving all day. Eravamo esausti. Avevamo passato il giorno a guidare. Had they been waiting long? Era da molto che aspettavano?
Completa i dialoghi con il past perfect continuous dei verbi e le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. she/cry A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B ▶
A 6 A B 7 A B
Did you hear Jen and Steve have split up? I’m not surprised. They’d been arguing for months! I hear Tom’s job interview yesterday was a disaster. Well, about it all week. I think he was probably a bit too nervous. Sarah looked a bit upset when we saw her earlier. Yes, I think , actually. I hear Juve lost 1–0 last night. Yes, a goal in the 89th minute! And really well until then.
they/expect 4 A B A B 5 A B
I hear Jane has left her job. Apparently, she just walked out one day last week. It doesn’t surprise me. about it for months. there long? About a year or so. Who won the tennis? Oh, they had to abandon the game because of rain. for about twenty minutes. It was 4–2 to Murray. Yes. I heard rain. He’s a very experienced actor, isn’t he? He is. When he got his first film role, in theatres for 10 years. Is it true that Max failed the exam? Yes. I think it was because until five in the morning.
Unità 25
OUP copyright 2015
Bea sta mostrando delle foto ad Ann. Completa i dialoghi con il past perfect continuous e le parole nel riquadro. I/walk
we/queue 2
A You look tired! B Yes, I was. I’d been studying
all night.
A Where was this? B We were waiting to see the film. since 1 o’clock. 3
A You look really fed up in this photo. B I was fed up. an hour.
11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5
A You look exhausted in this photo. all day. B I was.
Completa i commenti su questi titoli di giornale con il past perfect continuous.
Grammar B2
Kidnapped journalist felt ‘unsafe’ for weeks ▶
Apparently, that kidnapped journalist had been feeling unsafe for weeks .
Brad and Victoria lived separately for three years before they divorced 1 It says here that
Athlete Mary Jones used performanceenhancing drugs for years .
Prince Henry and Olivia dated in secret for six months
Lotto jackpot winner used the same numbers for thirty years 2 Amazing! The
3 It says here that the
4 Apparently,
Completa le frasi con il past perfect simple o il past perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. ▶ When I opened the curtains, I saw that it had been raining (rain). 1 A Why did you throw the magazine away? (read) it. B Because I 2 I was late, but luckily my friends (not/wait) long. (finish). 3 When I got to work, the meeting 4 A Why didn’t you go to the cinema with Irina and Boris? B Because I (see) the film already. (go out) with each other for five years before they got married. 5 They 6 We (play) tennis for about ten minutes when it started raining. 7 The two players (never/play) each other before they met in this year’s final. (run). 8 Tom seemed out of breath when we saw him. I think he 9 Sam (run) ten kilometres before he twisted his ankle.
Unità 25
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 24–25 Past perfect simple e past perfect continuous; past tenses 1
Completa i dialoghi con il past perfect simple o il past perfect continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. arrange sell out ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
never/go already/leave
go out wait
You were in Italy last month. Was it your first visit? Yes, I ’d never been there until last month. Why didn’t you join us for lunch? I and I wasn’t hungry. You look fed up in this photo! We were! We were really tired because we for a bus for ages. Did you see Rachel at the party? No. She by the time I got there. You didn’t come out with us last night. Why not? Oh yes, sorry. I to meet someone and I couldn’t change it. Did you manage to get a ticket for the concert? No. They by the time I tried to book one. Did you get to the meeting in time? Well, I was a little late. But luckily, they . How long after you met did you and Mum get married? We together for about three years before we got married. Where was this photo taken? At JFK Airport. I in the USA.
Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Usa il past perfect per un verbo e il past simple per l’altro. ▶
1 2 3 4
just/arrive not/start
We checked in and then we immediately went to our rooms. We went to our rooms as soon as we had checked in. We had dinner and then we went for a walk. We for a walk when we dinner. The sightseeing tour started before we arrived. The sightseeing tour when we . We had lunch after we visited the museum. We lunch when we the museum. We went to the cathedral after we went to the tourist information centre. We to the tourist information centre when we cathedral. Our friends ordered some drinks before we got to the restaurant. When we to the restaurant, our friends
to the
some drinks.
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. We were exhausted because we’d walked / we’d been walking all day. 1 Linda had worried / had been worrying about the holiday for weeks before we went. But we actually had a wonderful time. 2 They wouldn’t let me hire a car because I didn’t have my driving licence with me. I’d left / I’d been leaving it back home. ▶
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 24–25
3 The taxi left without us. I guess the driver got fed up – he’d waited / he’d been waiting for about 20 minutes. 4 I’d looked forward to / I’d been looking forward to the holiday for months, but it was an absolute disaster from start to finish. 5 Sam had to cancel his trip at the last minute. He’d forgotten / He’d been forgetting to get a visa! 6 We gave up waiting to go into the Vatican. We’d queued / We’d been queuing for about an hour without moving forward at all. 7 We’d walked / We’d been walking for about half an hour before we realized we were going in the wrong direction. 8 We had a real problem at the hotel. They had double-booked / They had been double-booking the room.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.
The Herald
21 July 1969
Man takes first steps on the moon Neil Armstrong ▶ A the first human to walk on the moon’s surface early today. The spectacular moment 1 after he 2 the ladder of the lunar module Eagle, while his colleague Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin 3 from inside the craft.
from Aldrin: ‘Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle 8 .’ tense During the landing, there 9 moments back on Earth while the controllers in Houston 10 for radio contact to be re-established with the astronauts. When they finally 11 from them, the room 12 with shouts and cheers.
The landing, in the Sea of Tranquillity six hours earlier, 4 near-perfect. The two 5 astronauts on board no difficulty in President Richard Nixon, who 13 the manoeuvring the module in the moon’s gravity events on television, 14 it as ‘one of the and the module 6 no damage during the greatest moments of our time’. landing. The very first words from the moon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
became came was descending has watched used to be have had used to suffer came landed were have waited heard erupted used to watch described
was becoming was coming had descended has been watching was being had had was suffering were coming was landing were being have been waiting was hearing was erupting has watched was describing
has become has come had been descending had watched has been had been having had suffered has come has landed has been had waited had been hearing has erupted has been watching had described
had become had come has descended watched had been were having had been suffering used to come has been landing used to be were waiting have heard had erupted had been watching has described
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 24–25
Present simple per il futuro
A Uso • Si può usare il present simple per parlare di eventi futuri riferiti a un orario o a un programma. Tomorrow’s tour begins at 8.30 a.m. and finishes at 5.30. La visita di domani inizia alle 8.30 e finisce alle 17.30. The game kicks off at 7.45 p.m. Il calcio d’inizio è alle 19.45. What time does the film start? A che ora inizia il film? • Nota che il present simple usato in questo modo di solito è accompagnato da un’indicazione di tempo precisa (at 8.30, on Friday, on 15th May ecc.).
B Be (about) to • Si può usare be + infinito per parlare di eventi futuri formali che fanno parte di un programma ufficiale. Si usa spesso anche nei servizi giornalistici per notizie e altre comunicazioni ufficiali. The President is to make an announcement tomorrow. Il Presidente farà un annuncio domani. The wedding is to take place at a secret location. Il matrimonio si terrà in un luogo segreto. • Si può usare be about + infinito per esprimere qualcosa che sta per avvenire in un futuro molto immediato. The press conference is about to begin. La conferenza stampa sta per iniziare. TIP In questo tipo di costruzione si può aggiungere just per sottolineare l’imminenza dell’evento.
The press conference is just about to begin. La conferenza stampa sta per iniziare da un momento all’altro. The shop is just about to close. Il negozio sta proprio per chiudere. • Nelle risposte brevi si può usare be (just) about to senza il verbo. Have you tidied your room? ~ No, but I’m just about to. Hai messo in ordine la tua camera? ~ No, ma sto per farlo. ➔ Vedi unità 27 per il present continuous con valore di futuro, e unità 28 e 29 per altri modi per parlare del futuro.
Una guida turistica sta spiegando l’itinerario di una gita di un giorno a Roma. Completa il discorso con un verbo adatto. Poi ascolta e controlla. TOUR ITINERARY: 9.30 10.30 13.30 14.30 17.30 18.30
collect from hotel arrive Rome, sightseeing tour lunch free time coach departs arrive at hotel
Total time spent in Rome:
7 hours
Ladies and gentlemen, I’d just like to quickly explain tomorrow’s itinerary for the day trip to Rome. The bus ▶ collects us from here at the hotel at 9.30 and we 1 in Rome at 10.30. First, there 2 a sightseeing tour until 13.30, and after that we 3 lunch. Lunch 4 from 13.30 until 14.30. After lunch, you 5 free to do what you want all afternoon. The coach 6 from Rome at 17.30 and we 7 back at the hotel at around 18.30. We 8 a total of seven hours in Rome.
Unità 26
OUP copyright 2015
Osserva le figure. Per ogni situazione scrivi una domanda con what time o when e rispondi. Usa le parole da ciascun riquadro. the flight take off
the News take place
the wedding start
your identity card
kick off
the concert
the match
start CHANNEL 1 22.0 .00 00 Ne News News
30 Questition time 3 22 A .30 B
A What time does the concert start? B It starts at 7.00.
DATE OF EXPIRY: 31-03-2025
4 A B
1 A B
You are invited to Alex & Maria’s wedding on 20 th July
DEP 08.30
2 A B
Completa le notizie giornalistiche con le forme corrette di be to e i verbi nel riquadro. be ▶
1 2 3 4
take place
The chief of police is to give a press conference this afternoon. The president announced today that there an election early next year. Teachers a one-day strike on Wednesday to protest about class sizes. The draw for the first round of Wimbledon on 25th May. st Punk band Grey Day their new album on 1 October.
Completa i dialoghi con le forme corrette di be about to e le parole nel riquadro. we/have dinner it/start raining
the bus/just/leave the lesson/start
A The lesson is about to start. Turn your mobile off. B OK. 1 A Why do you want the umbrella? B I think 2 A Mum, can I have a biscuit? B No,
the film/just/start I/just/text her
Grammar B1
5 A B
. !
3 A Jane needs to know we’re going to be late. B Yes. 4 A What’s the hurry? B We don’t want to miss it! 5 A Sssh! B Oh, sorry.
Scrivi risposte brevi con le forme corrette di be just about to. A Have you phoned Julia yet? B No, but I’m just about to. 1 A Have you posted the photos yet? B ▶
2 A Has the match started? B 3 A Have Tom and Sue left yet? B Unità 26
Present continuous per il futuro
Uso Per parlare di eventi futuri che sono già stati organizzati o stabiliti si usa il present continuous. I’m seeing Helen this evening. Stasera vedo/devo vedere Helen. We’re going for a pizza. Andiamo/Dobbiamo andare a prendere una pizza. Pete isn’t coming to the party. Pete non viene alla festa. What are you doing at the weekend? Che cosa fai questo fine settimana? • Nota che se gli eventi che sono già stati organizzati o stabiliti fanno parte di un orario ufficiale o di un programma di eventi si usa il present simple. ➔ Vedi unità 26 per il present simple con valore di futuro.
• L’espressione be going to può avere un uso e un significato simili a quelli del present continuous. Comunque di solito si usa be going to per parlare di progetti e intenzioni e non di qualcosa che è stato organizzato e stabilito. ➔ Vedi unità 28 per gli usi di be going to. TIP Di solito si usa il present continuous, specialmente are you doing, per fare domande su programmi
per il tempo libero. Are you doing anything tonight? Hai impegni/Fai qualcosa stasera? What are you doing on Saturday? Che cosa fai/devi fare sabato?
Completa le frasi con il present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. collect
come back
2.00 tennis with Sally, collect the kids from school 3.30
Anna is having a party on 1st July
3 She 4 Then, she
. .
Francesca, you’re booked on 09.25 flight to Paris tomorrow. Return flight at 18.50. e-ticket attached. . the tickets.
5 Francesca 6 She
. .
Completa i dialoghi con il present continuous dei verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. I/play
1 A What ▶ are you doing B 1 we/stay
2 A Where 2 B 3 4
A Oh, 5 84
Unità 27
OUP copyright 2015
on Wednesday? football. We play every Wednesday, remember. we/not/have for your holidays this year? to the USA for a couple of weeks, actually. with my cousin in San Francisco. What about you? a big holiday this year. Maybe a few short trips here and there.
Richard and I/go
3 A 6 for a pizza tonight. Do you fancy coming with us? B I’d love to, but 7 Lara tonight. 8 round to 9 my house at about 6.30 and then out, maybe to see a film. Do you want to come with us? for a pizza with Richard. Say ‘hi’ to Lara, though. A Thanks, but as I said, 10 we/fly
we/come back
4 A 11 B 12 A A weekend in Paris. Nice! B Well, 13 morning and 15
my cousin/get
anything at the weekend? married on Saturday. In Paris, actually. very long. 14 first thing on Sunday.
there on Saturday
Leggi la pagina dell’agenda di Nicole e completa la conversazione telefonica. Poi ascolta e controlla. FRIDAY 13TH 10.00 meet personal trainer 11.30 get my hair done 1.00 meet Keira for lunch 3.00 audition for Spielberg 5.00 collect Johnny from the studio 8.00 have dinner with Jude
SATU SA TURD RDAY AY 14T 4TH H 8.30 meet Orlando at the airport 10.00 We fly to Cannes
Grammar B1
Nicol Nicole Hello, H ll Nicole Ni l speaking. ki Angelina Hi, Nicole. It’s Angelina. Are you busy on Friday? I’ve got so much to tell you. Nicole I’m pretty busy, actually. ▶ I’m meeting my personal trainer at the gym at ten. And then, 1 at eleven-thirty. Angelina OK, how about lunch then? Nicole I’d love to, but 2 . Angelina And the afternoon? Nicole Well, 3 at three. And then at five 4 . Angelina Dinner? Nicole Sorry, but 5 . Angelina Saturday? Nicole Well, at eight-thirty 6 and then at ten 7 for the film festival. Maybe one day next week. Angelina I’ll call you. Bye.
Scrivi frasi vere sui tuoi programmi per il fine settimana. Usa la forma affermativa o negativa del present continuous. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I ’m meeting a friend. /I’m not meeting a friend (meet a friend). I (go shopping). I (play football). I (go to the cinema). I (play with friends). I (visit my friend). A friend (come round for dinner). My family and I (go out for a meal). I (stay at home) and
(do homework). Unità 27
Be going to
A Forma Affermativa
I’m going to watch TV.
She’s going to be late.
We’re going to leave now.
I’m not going to tell you.
Tom isn’t going to be there.
They’re not going to do it.
Are you going to come with us?
Is she going to buy it?
When are you going to do your homework?
• Per coniugare be going to si usa il presente di be + going to + forma base. • Spesso si preferisce non usare going to go per evitare la ripetizione di go. Si usa invece il present continuous. I’m going to bed. Ora vado a letto. (NON I’m going to go to bed.) Are you going to the gym? Hai intenzione di andare in palestra? (NON Are you going to go to the gym?) • Going to viene di norma pronunciato /ˈɡəʊɪŋ tə/.
B Uso Be going to ha due usi principali: • per parlare di intenzioni future; I’m going to get a new mobile. Ho intenzione di comprarmi un nuovo cellulare. Petra isn’t going to be at the party. Petra non ha intenzione di andare alla festa. Are you going to tell him? Hai intenzione di dirglielo? TIP I verbi che vengono usati più frequentemente con be going to per parlare di progetti e intenzioni
sono: be, have, do, get, say, take e ask. • per formulare previsioni sulla base di elementi presenti al momento in cui si parla. Look at the time! We’re going to be late. Guarda l’ora! Saremo in ritardo. It looks like it’s going to be a nice day. Sembra che oggi farà bel tempo.
C Be going to o present continuous? Di solito si usa be going to per parlare di intenzioni e il present continuous per parlare di qualcosa di già organizzato o stabilito, cioè di qualcosa che è più di una semplice intenzione. Però a volte non è chiaro se una cosa è un’intenzione o un accordo già preso. In questi casi la differenza di significato tra be going to e il present continuous è minima. I’m going to do my homework tonight./I’m doing my homework tonight. Ho intenzione di fare/Faccio i compiti stasera. TIP Anche quando si parla di qualcosa di organizzato o stabilito, di solito si usa be going to e non il
present continuous quando ci si sposta per andare a fare qualcosa, specialmente con il verbo see. We’re going to see my cousins at the weekend. Questo fine settimana andiamo a trovare i miei cugini. I’m going to see a band on Friday. Venerdì vado a vedere un gruppo (in concerto). ➔ Vedi unità 27 per il present continuous con valore di futuro.
Scrivi le risposte in modo che esprimano un’intenzione. Usa le forme corrette di be going to e le parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Have you phoned Tom? B Not yet. I’m going to do it later. Are Helena and Debbie coming with us? B Can you fix the computer yourself? B You need to look smart for the job interview. B Your scooter’s making a strange noise. B Come on – who were you with last night? B Have you seen the new X-Men film yet? B
Unità 28
OUP copyright 2015
(Not yet/I/do it later) (No./they/come later) (Maybe, but/Peter/help me) (Yes, but/I/not/wear a tie) (I know./Tony/look at it later) (I told you before./I/not/tell you) (No, but/we/see it tonight)
Leggi il promemoria di John e scrivi che cosa ha intenzione di fare. In qualche caso devi aggiungere a o his.
Saturday get a haircut 1 organize party for Sam 2 buy birthday present for Sam ▶
3 email Jane 4 tidy room 5 do history homework
6 buy new phone charger 7 call internet provider 8 pick up bicycle from repair shop
On SSaturday, O t d he’s h ’ going i to t gett a haircut.
5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4
Che cosa stanno dicendo le persone? Scrivi le loro previsioni con le forme corrette di be going to e le parole nel riquadro. drop them
be furious
I ’m going to drop them 1 It 2 I 3 My parents
! . . .
Leggi le situazioni e fai delle previsioni su ciò che accadrà in seguito. Usa le forme corrette di be going to e le parole nel riquadro. Italy/win I/not/get the job ▶
this/not/be easy she/be/so happy
we/not/get there/in time it/be/a long wait
it/be expensive we/get wet
You open the menu at a restaurant. The prices are very high.
It’s going to be expensive. 1 The score is Italy 3, Brazil 1, after 89 minutes. 2 You went to a job interview today. It was terrible. 3 You arrive at the airport in the morning. Your flight is delayed until the evening. 4 You are walking with a friend in the countryside and it starts raining. 5 You are trying to fix your computer. It’s very complicated. 6 Your train leaves in 5 minutes and you are 20 minutes away from the station. 7 Sally lost her new phone last week. You’ve just found it.
Unità 28
Grammar B1
Will (e shall) per il futuro
A Forma Affermativa
I’ll call you later.
The gym will be closed for two weeks.
I won’t tell anyone.
It won’t be easy.
Will Kate be at the party?
How long will it take to get to London?
Will si usa sempre con la forma base del verbo principale. La forma negativa di will è won’t.
B Will o’ll? • Nell’inglese parlato si usa in genere ’ll (non la forma estesa will). I’ll see you later. Ci vediamo./A più tardi. The taxi’ll be here in ten minutes. Il taxi arriva tra dieci minuti. I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed. Sono stanca. Mi sa che vado a letto. • Si usano di norma le forme estese will e will not in contesti formali o per dare enfasi. The library will close at 5.30 p.m. today. Oggi la biblioteca chiuderà alle 17.30. The president will not attend the meeting. Il presidente non sarà presente all’incontro. I will not tolerate such behaviour. Non tollererò comportamenti simili.
C Uso Will ha due usi principali per riferirsi al futuro: • per parlare di previsioni basate su sensazioni oppure su opinioni personali; I think the score will be 2–0 to Italy. Secondo me il risultato sarà 2–0 per l’Italia. I don’t think you’ll like the film. Non credo che il film ti piacerà. • per parlare di qualcosa di non pianificato. Questo può essere: – un’idea, decisione o intenzione spontanea (incluse offerte, richieste e promesse); I think I’ll have a coffee. Mi sa che mi prendo un caffè. Why don’t you come to the cinema with us tonight? ~ I’d love to. I’ll tell Max, too. Perché non vieni al cinema con noi stasera? ~ Volentieri. Lo dico anche a Max. I’ll help you if you like. Ti aiuto, se vuoi. I won’t forget. Non me ne dimenticherò. – eventi o azioni future considerate oggettivamente ovvie, certe o inevitabili. She’ll be sixteen in May. Compie/Compirà sedici anni a maggio. I’ll be at school all day tomorrow. Sono/Sarò a scuola tutto il giorno domani. TIP I (don’t) think I’ll è un’espressione comune.
I think I’ll have a mushroom pizza. Mi sa che mi prendo una pizza ai funghi. I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. Non penso che uscirò stasera. (NON I think I won’t go out tonight.)
D Shall • Si usa shall alla forma interrogativa per dare un suggerimento o per fare un’offerta. Shall we go soon? Ce ne andiamo tra poco? (NON Will we go soon?) What shall we do today? Che cosa facciamo oggi? Shall I help you? Ti aiuto? • Shall e shan’t si usano solo con I e we. • L’uso di shall/shan’t nelle frasi affermative e negative è di norma guidato dal gusto personale. I think I shall go to bed./I think I’ll go to bed. Mi sa che me ne vado a letto. We shan’t be late./We won’t be late. Non faremo/arriveremo tardi.
Unità 29
OUP copyright 2015
Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa i verbi tra parentesi e un pronome adatto. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
There’s a knock at the door. (get) I’ll get it. Your friend’s homework is difficult. (help) Someone has a message for your sister. (tell) Your scooter is blocking someone’s car. (move) The phone rings. (get) You borrowed €5 from your friend. (pay back/tomorrow) Your friend wants to speak to you. (call/this evening) Your mother is very tired. (cook/dinner) Everybody has finished eating dinner. (clear/the table)
Completa i dialoghi con will o won’t e le parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. 4 A I’ve booked a taxi. B 6 (When/it/be/here?) A 7 (It/be/here/in about 5 minutes) 5 A Did you see the weather forecast for today? B 8 (No. I hope/it/not/be/as bad as yesterday) 9 A (I/check/on the website)
1 A I’m going out. B ▶When will you be back? (When/you/be/back?) A 1 (I/back/in an hour) 2 A It’s Claudia’s birthday next week. B 2 (How old/she/be?) A 3 (I think/22) 3 A Can you call me later? B 4 (Sure./you/be/at home at 6.30?) 5 A (No./I/not be/back/until after 7)
Completa le notizie giornalistiche con will (not) e le parole nel riquadro. space tourism/be
he/not/take part
The president insists that he will not resign . 1 Travel industry experts predict that a reality by 2025. 2 a little cooler than today, with the possibility of rain later on. 3 more about the presidential election later in the programme. 4 Jones’s injury means in next week’s match against Napoli. ▶
Quali sono le tue previsioni per il futuro? Scrivi delle frasi con will o won’t e le parole date. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. it/rain tomorrow. It won’t rain tomorrow. /It’ll rain tomorrow. think/I/go out tonight. I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. /I think I’ll go out tonight. 1 it/be sunny at the weekend. 4 think/Italy/win the next World Cup. 2 I/be married by the time I’m 25. 5 think/I/live to be 100. 3 I/be a millionaire by the time I’m 30. 6 Italy/have a new president next year. ▶
Riscrivi le frasi con shall I o shall we in modo che il significato non cambi. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. Let’s go out tonight. Shall we go out tonight? 1 Do you want me to help you? 2 Let’s go for a pizza. ▶
3 Do you want us to meet at the cinema? 4 What time do you want me to call you? Unità 29
Grammar B1
Will e be going to
Uso Be going to e will possono entrambi essere usati sia per parlare di intenzioni che per fare previsioni. Comunque ci sono alcune differenze fondamentali tra le due forme: • Si usa be going to per parlare di intenzioni che si avevano già da prima del momento in cui si parla. Mr Jones wants to see you. ~ Yes, I know. I’m going to see him at 3.30 this afternoon, actually. Mr Jones vuole vederti. ~ Sì, lo so. Ci devo andare alle 15.30 questo pomeriggio, infatti. Billy is being very stubborn. ~ Yes, I know. I’m going to try and talk to him. Billy sta facendo il testardo. ~ Sì, lo so. Voglio provare a parlarci. • Si usa will per parlare di idee, decisioni o intenzioni spontanee pensate nel momento in cui si parla. Mr Jones wants to see you. ~ Really? OK, I’ll see him this afternoon, if he’s free. Mr Jones vuole vederti. ~ Davvero? OK, ci vado questo pomeriggio, se è libero. Billy is being very stubborn. ~ Is he? OK, I’ll try and talk to him, then. Billy sta facendo il testardo. ~ Davvero? OK, allora provo a parlarci. • Si usa be going to per formulare previsioni fondate su dati presenti nel momento in cui si parla. Look at the traffic. We’re going to be late. Guarda che traffico. Saremo in ritardo. Arsenal are playing well at the moment. It’s going to be a difficult game. L’Arsenal sta giocando molto bene al momento. Sarà una partita difficile. • Si usa will per fare previsioni sulla base di una sensazione o un’opinione personale. What will she think of the results? ~ She’ll probably be happy. Che cosa ne dirà dei risultati? ~ Probabilmente sarà contenta. Nota che nel parlare di previsioni be going to e will sono spesso intercambiabili.
Quali delle seguenti domande e frasi in corsivo esprimono … ? a b c d
un’intenzione o una decisione presa prima del momento in cui si parla una decisione spontanea presa al momento in cui si parla una previsione basata su dati visibili una previsione basata su impressioni o opinioni personali
Are you going to see Liverpool v Roma next week? ▶ a Yes, I am. Are you? Well, I haven’t got a ticket yet, but I’m going to try to get one. 1 Actually, a friend of my dad’s had a spare ticket. I’ll see if he’s still got it, if you like. 2 Great, thanks. Anyway, both teams are playing pretty well at the moment. Who do you think’s going to win? 3 B Liverpool, of course. I think it’ll be 2–0. 4 A No way. They’ve got some key players out with injuries, so I think it’s going to be closer than that. 5 I reckon it’ll be a draw, or maybe 2–1 to Liverpool. 6 A B A B A
Completa le risposte con will o be going to e i verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A B
How do I download the photos? Just a minute. I ’ll show (show) you. Where are you going? To the shops. I (get) some bread. Tea or coffee? I don’t mind. I (have) what you’re having. 3 A Here’s the film you wanted. (give) it back later. B Thanks, I ▶
Unità 30
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4 A Why do you want to speak to Dennis? B I (invite) him to the party. 5 A Have you got any plans for the weekend? B Yes. I (redecorate) my room. 6 A Is that someone at the door? (get) it. B Yes, I think so. I 7 A If you’re going to the shop, we need milk. B OK, I (get) some.
Completa i dialoghi con will o be going to e i verbi tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Look at all this traffic! Yes. We ’re going to be (be) very late, that’s for sure. We’re seeing the Tutankhamun exhibition tomorrow. Oh, you (love) it. It’s fantastic. Look at those clouds! Yeah, it looks like it (rain) pretty soon. It’s already midnight and we’ve still got a lot of work to do. I know. It (be) a long night. I’ve got a problem with my computer. Ask Johnny to look at it. I’m sure he (know) how to fix it. Look at the queue for the club! Oh no! It (take) at least 30 minutes to get in. I don’t think we (ever/find) my earring. It’s lost forever! Stop worrying. I’m sure we (find) it soon.
Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Completa le frasi con will o be going to e le parole nel riquadro. be sick
be back
help you
post a letter
have the calzone
I’ll have the calzone.
wash the car
Grammar B1
I think
It looks like –
in a minute.
Completa i dialoghi con will o be going to e i verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. take/be
A B 1 A B A 2 A B 3 A ▶
The train is delayed by 50 minutes. OK, I ’ll ring Tania and tell her that we ’re going to be late. Have you got any plans for tonight? Yes, I the new Russell Crowe film at the cinema. Me, too. I you there. How much longer this journey ? We there by about 6.30, I think. They’re 30 minutes late already! How much longer you for them? B Well, I another five minutes or so, and then I’m going. Unità 30
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 26–30 Present simple e continuous per il futuro; be going to; will e shall 1
Completa le frasi con le forme corrette di be to e le parole nei riquadri. appear ▶
1 2 3 4 5
The Prime Minister is to meet Police officers Energy prices Gary Parker Eversham Hospital Several movie stars
about/tidy 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B 10 A B
other EU leaders later today. extra training in crowd control. by 4% next year. to an American soccer club next season. open after supporters object to plans to close it. in a TV drama about the First World War. about/arrive
just/about/go out
Is your dog thirsty? her some water. Yes, I think she is. I Your room’s a real mess. I know. I it up. Where are you? We at Paddington. I should be home in 20 minutes. Can you help me? Sorry, I . Does Jacob know about the party? I’m not sure. I him.
Completa le notizie giornalistiche con una parola in ogni spazio. Work is ▶ about to start on the new railway station in the north of the city. The station 1 open at the end of the year. Not all local residents are pleased about it. ‘I’m worried about all the cars that are 2 to come down our street,’ Mrs Wood told me. ‘And I’m sure lots of people will park here.’
Local teenager James Adams is 3 appear on the UK’s most popular talent show. ‘I’m really pleased!’ he said. James 4 taking part in the show next month, so he has a few weeks to practise his songs. ‘I’m 5 to sing one song by Robbie Williams and another by Bruno Mars. I think the judges 6 like them.’ Good luck, James!
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 26–30
on This year’s Science Festival 7 9th March and 8 on 22nd March. It 9 going to be even bigger than last year’s festival, with even more events. Professors from the university 10 to give talks and other members of staff 11 run workshops.
The summer holidays are 12 about to start, but not all pupils are 13 to spend the time at home or at the beach. Many teenagers use the holidays to earn extra cash. For example, Hannah’s going 14 work in a supermarket for six weeks. ‘I’m working this summer to earn some money for a trip,’ she explains. ‘My friends and I 15 going to Thailand next year, so I need to start saving.’
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. 1 A Hi, Bianca. ▶ Will you do / Are you doing anything tonight? B Yeah. 1I’m going to see / I’ll see a film with Hans and Cindy. A 2What are you going to see / What will you see? B We’re not sure. 3We’re going to decide / We’re deciding when we get to the cinema. 4 We’ll meet / We’re meeting outside the ABC cinema at 7.00 if you want to come with us. A Thanks, but 5I’ll see / I’m seeing Carlo tonight. 6I’ll call / I’m calling you tomorrow. B Great. Talk to you then! 2 A I need to ask Mrs Newton something about my assignment. B I do, too. 7I’m making / I’m going to make an appointment with her for Thursday or Friday afternoon. A Are you? 8I’ll make / I’m making one with her, too, then. B Good idea. 9Are we going to / Shall we see if she’s in the staff room now? A Yes, let’s. We need to hurry. Our next lesson 10starts / will start in ten minutes. 3 A 11Are you doing / Will you do anything this weekend? B Yes, 12I’m going / I’ll go to York. A That’s nice. I like York. What 13do you do / are you doing there? B My sister lives there. 14It’s / It will be her birthday on Saturday, so 15she’ll have / she’s having a party. 16My brother will go / My brother’s going, too. A How 17are you getting / do you get there? 18Are you driving / Do you drive? B No, 19we go / we’re going by train. 20There’ll be / There’s a train on Friday afternoon. A Anyway, 21are you being / will you be back here on Sunday evening? I was thinking we could see a film or something. B I don’t think I’ll be able to, I’m afraid. 22We’ll probably get back / We probably get back late on Sunday evening. But if we’re back in time, 23I’m going to let / I’ll let you know. A OK, great. Have a good time and say ‘happy birthday’ to your sister for me. B 24I will / I’m going to.
Decidi se la previsione è fondata su dati presenti nel momento o su una sensazione o un’opinione personale. Poi completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. A B 1 A B
2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B
Look at the size of the queue! Yes, it’ll take / it’s going to take a while to get served. It’s very busy here today. I know. There are so many cars! We won’t find / We’re not going to find anywhere to park in the town centre. We’re going to see the Giotto exhibition on Friday. Oh, you’ll love / you’re going to love it. It’s amazing. That piece of scenery doesn’t look very safe, does it? Yeah, it looks like it’ll fall / it’s going to fall off the stage. Oh no! It’s started raining and I haven’t got an umbrella. Well, in that case we’ll get / we’re going to get wet then. I don’t know how to use the photocopier. Why don’t you ask Luke? Maybe he’ll be able / he’s going to be able to help you. Does the restaurant have any vegetarian dishes? I’ve no idea, but I’m sure they’ll make / they’re going to make you something if not.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 26–30
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi: present simple, present continuous, will o be going to. ▶
1 2 3 4
Tea or coffee? I don’t mind. I’ll have (have) whatever you prefer. I don’t think I’ve got your phone number. Really? OK, I 1 (give) it to you now. Have you phoned for a taxi yet? No, I haven’t. I 2 (do) it in a minute. Do you want to go out on Saturday evening? Sorry, I can’t. My grandparents 3 (come) round for dinner. Where are you going? To the shop. I 4 (get) some coffee. I think we also need some bread. OK, I 5 (get) some bread as well. Be quick. It 6 (close) in about ten minutes. Can you lend me 10 euros? Sure, here you are. Thanks. I 7 (pay) you back tomorrow. Why are you putting those old clothes on? I8 (clean) the windows. 9 I (help) you, if you like. Thanks. It’s Bella’s birthday on Friday. We’ve organized a surprise party for her. Don’t worry – I 10 (not/tell) her. But I think she 11 (go out) with her family on Friday evening. A That’s OK. The party 12 (be) on Saturday, at my house.
Leggi i dialoghi e completali con l’alternativa corretta. 1 A ▶ D anything on Friday evening? B Yes. 1 a band with Carla. They’re called The Change. Do you want to come? 2 A Great. it in my diary. 2 A There’s a documentary about the history of football on TV tonight. Tony. He’s mad about football. What time 4 on? B Oh, 3 5 A on at 7.30, I think. On Channel 5. 3 A 6 B Yes, 7
on holiday this summer? to Ireland for two weeks. We’ve rented a cottage.
. 4 A Hurry up! The film 8 9 B OK, there in one minute. 5 A Do you fancy going for a pizza this evening? with Stephanie this evening. What about tomorrow? 11 B I can’t. 10 tomorrow night. 6 A OK, tomorrow night, then. 12 B OK, that sounds great.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 26–30
at Fratelli’s at about 7?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Do you do I’m seeing I’m putting I tell is it being It’s Are you going We’ll go will start I’ll be I go out I’m not doing Will we meet
Will you do I’ll see I’ll put I’m telling is it to be It’ll be Do you go We go shall start I’m being I’ll go out I won’t do Shall we meet
Are you to do I’m to see I put I’ll tell is it It’s being Will you go We’re going starts I’m I’m going out I don’t do Are we meeting
Are you doing see I’m going to put I’m to tell shall it be It shall be Are you to go We are to go is about to start I’m to be I shall go out I’m not to do Are we going to meet
Andy sta raccontando a Liz come trascorrerà il suo anno sabbatico (gap year) prima di iniziare l’università. Completa il dialogo con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. Liz Andy Liz Andy Liz
Andy Liz Andy
Liz Andy
Liz Andy
Liz Andy
Hi, Andy. How are things? Great, but I’m very busy at the moment. I’m planning my gap year. Oh yes, I forgot you were taking a gap year. ▶ What will you do / What are you going to do? Well, 1I’m going / I go to Australia. Lucky you! My sister’s over there at the moment. 2 She’s just about to come back / She’ll come back, actually. I’m sure 3 she’s going to be able / she’ll be able to give you some tips. 4When will you go / When are you going? At the end of October. 5I’m working / I’m going to work over the summer until then to earn some money. And what 6are you going to do / do you do over there? Well, first 7I’m going to spend / I spend a couple of weeks in Sydney. I’ve got a friend who lives there, so 8I stay / I’m going to stay with him and his family. And while I’m there, 9I’ll go / I’m going to the Blue Mountains for a few days. They’re not very far from Sydney. After that, 10 I’ll travel / I’m going to travel by bus across the country to Perth. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I think 11it’ll take / it’s taking me about a month. Sounds great. Have you already booked places to stay or 12are you looking / are you going to look for places as you go? 13 I’m going to find / I’m finding somewhere once I get to each place. I don’t think 14I’ll have / I’m having any trouble – there are lots of cheap hotels. But even so, I think 15it’s being / it’s going to be a bit of an adventure. Yeah, I think 16you’ll have / you’re having a great time. And 17what do you do / what are you going to do in Perth? Well, 18I’m going to spend / I spend Christmas with my aunt and uncle, who live over there. And then 19I’ll work / I’m going to work in a hotel. The job 20starts / will start in January. And 21 I’ll also find / I’m also finding time to enjoy the Australian summer, of course. 22I’m learning / I’m going to learn to surf when I’m there. And when 23will you come back / are you coming back? In July. Just in time for the summer back here.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 26–30
Future continuous e future perfect
A Future continuous – forma Affermativa estesa
We will be driving to the airport at 3.30.
Affermativa contratta
We’ll be driving to the airport at 3.30.
Negativa estesa
We will not be using DVDs in a few years’ time.
Negativa contratta
We won’t be using DVDs in a few years’ time.
Will you be using your car this afternoon?
Il future continuous si forma con will be + forma in -ing.
B Future continuous – uso Il future continuous si usa per parlare di eventi che saranno in corso in un momento futuro. We’ll be having dinner at seven-thirty. Staremo cenando alle sette e mezza. This time tomorrow, I’ll be lying on the beach. Domani a quest’ora sarò sdraiata su una spiaggia. Will you be coming by car? Verrai in macchina? TIP Certe volte si può anche usare be going to invece di will per fare il future continuous.
I’m going to be working in Rome next week. La prossima settimana devo lavorare a Roma. ➔ Vedi unità 28 per approfondimenti su be going to.
C Future perfect – forma Affermativa estesa
We will have been here for ten years in May.
Affermativa contratta
We’ll have been here for ten years in May.
Negativa estesa
He will not have left by 6.30.
Negativa contratta
He won’t have left by 6.30.
Will you have finished the report by Friday?
Per formare il future perfect si usa will have + participio passato.
D Future perfect – uso Si usa il future perfect per parlare di un evento futuro che sarà già avvenuto prima di un certo momento nel futuro. I’ll have gone to bed when you get back. Sarò andato a dormire quando rientrerai. Next August, I’ll have worked here for one year. Il prossimo agosto avrò lavorato qui per un anno.
E By Il future continuous e il future perfect si possono usare con complementi di tempo con by (per/entro) e frasi temporali con by the time (per/entro, nel momento in cui). By the end of the 21st century, humans will be living on the moon. Entro la fine del XXI secolo, gli esseri umani vivranno/staranno vivendo sulla luna. I’ll have had three children by the time I’m 30. Avrò avuto tre figli da qui a quando compio 30 anni.
F Future perfect continuous Per mettere l’enfasi sull’attività che sarà stata compiuta si può usare la forma continuous del future perfect, ovvero will have been + forma in -ing. Quest’uso, comunque, non è comune. Next week, I’ll have been working here for two years. La prossima settimana saranno due anni che lavoro qui.
Unità 31 copyright 2015
Francesco e Rosa faranno una gita di un giorno a Oxford. Leggi il programma e scrivi frasi su ciò che staranno facendo a queste ore con le parole nel riquadro. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. travel back
9.00 At 9.00, they’ll be travelling to Oxford. 1 11.00 2 12.30 3 1.30 4 5.00 ▶
Scrivi frasi su che cosa avranno fatto Francesco e Rosa a queste ore durante la loro gita a Oxford. Usa le parole nel riquadro. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. arrive back in London finish the tour of the city set off back to London
arrive in Oxford have lunch
10.15 At 10.15, they’ll have arrived in Oxford. 1 12.15 2 1.15 3 4.15 4 6.00 ▶
8.30 – 10.00 bus to Oxford 10.00 – 12.00 tour of the city 12.00 – 1.00 lunch 1.00 – 2.00 visit Christchurch College 2.00 – 4.00 free time 4.00 – 5.30 bus to London
Leggi queste previsioni sui prossimi 100 anni e completa le frasi con il future continuous o il future perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Day-trip to Oxford Itinerary:
By 2020, everyone will be driving (drive) electric cars. By 2020, we (have) holidays on the moon. Fifty years from now, average human life-expectancy (increase) to about 100. By 2050, a man (give) birth. And by the end of the century, we routinely (grow) babies in laboratories. By 2050, humans (land) on Mars, and by the end of the century, we (start) colonizing the planet. By the end of the century, food (become) a thing of the past and we (live) entirely on pills. By the year 2100, we (make) contact with aliens and we (communicate) with them on a regular basis.
Completa i dialoghi con il future continuous o il future perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B A 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B A 6 A B
Let’s meet at 4 p.m. (study) at 4 p.m., but I ▶ ’ll have finished (finish) by 4.30. I ▶ ’ll still be studying (wait) for you at 4.30 outside school. OK, I 1 Have you finished that magazine article yet? I’d like to read it. I2 (finish) it in a minute. It’s really interesting. How long have your parents been married? Well, actually, they 3 (be) married for twenty years in August. I’ll call you this evening, say around 7 p.m. Don’t call then. We 4 (have) dinner. Call sometime after 9 p.m. We 5 (eat) by then. Enjoy your holiday. I will, thanks. In fact, this time tomorrow, we 6 (already/arrive) and I 7 (lie) on the beach without a care in the world. Well, I hope you 8 (think) of me back here in the office. Her flight was due an hour ago, so it 9 (land) by now. I checked on the website – it landed half an hour ago, so she 10 (wait) for her luggage now. Unità 31
Grammar B2
Frasi al futuro con congiunzioni di tempo
Forma • Quando ci si riferisce al futuro, dopo le congiunzioni di tempo (when, after, as soon as ecc.) normalmente si usa il present simple. I’ll phone you when I arrive. Ti telefono quando arrivo. I’ll talk to you again before I leave. Ci risentiamo prima che parta. • Si può anche usare il present continuous. I’ll read my magazine while I’m waiting. Leggerò la rivista mentre aspetto. I’ll phone you when I’m feeling better. Ti telefonerò quando mi sentirò meglio. • Si può usare anche il present perfect quando si vuole mettere in evidenza che il primo evento (in ordine cronologico) deve essere completato prima che avvenga il secondo. You can have the book when I’ve read it. Potrai prendere il libro quando l’avrò letto. Shall we go out when it’s stopped raining? Usciamo quando smette di piovere? Nota che mentre in inglese la frase temporale non può essere espressa con il futuro, in italiano si possono usare sia il presente, che stare + gerundio e il passato prossimo, ma anche il futuro e il futuro anteriore.
• La posizione della frase principale e della frase temporale è intercambiabile. Tuttavia se la prima frase è quella temporale, si mette una virgola fra le due frasi. When I know, I’ll tell you. Quando lo so, te lo dico. I’ll tell you when I know. Te lo dico quando lo so. • Le congiunzioni di tempo usate più comunemente sono: when quando before prima che/prima di while mentre until fino a as soon as non appena the moment nel momento in cui after dopo/dopo che the minute nell’istante in cui
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
the second proprio nell’istante in cui by the time da qui a/entro the next time la prossima volta
Here’s the twenty pounds you wanted to borrow. Thanks. I give / I’ll give it back the next time I see / I will see you. I might be a little late this evening. Don’t worry. We don’t eat / We won’t eat until you get / you’ll get here. Have you heard any news about Erica yet? Don’t worry. The second I hear / I’ll hear anything, I let / I’ll let you know. Can I have a copy of the photos when you have / you’ll have a moment? Sure. I email / I’ll email them to you when I get / I’ll get home. Don’t forget to call me when you arrive / you will arrive. Don’t worry. I phone / I’ll phone you as soon as we get / we will get to the hotel.
Completa le frasi con il tempo corretto dei verbi tra parentesi. I ’ll call (call ) you when I get back (get back) from my holiday. 1 I think (go) to bed when the film (finish). 2 As soon as we (decide) where to go, we (text) you. 3 Before you (go), you (give) me a hand? 4 you (give) Dan a message when you (speak) to him later? (ask) Peter about the party the next time I (see) him. 5 I 6 I (do) some work while I (wait) at the airport. ▶
Unità 32
OUP copyright 2015
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ’ll/to Jim’s house/I/text you/I/when/get I ’ll text you when I get to Jim’s house 1 home/get/I/email you/I/as soon as/’ll I 2 the film/’ll/lend you/I/I/when/get it I
Osserva l’ordine in cui avvengono queste azioni e completa le frasi con il tempo corretto dei verbi e le parole date. ▶
we make a decision
I give you my email address
I get to the hotel
he gets back
I have a spare moment
the exams are over
I see you
I tell you
As soon as we make a decision, I’ll tell you.
I leave
I call you I ask him to call you I help you I’m really happy I show you my new mobile
as soon as
the minute
. .
When when
the next time
Completa le frasi con il present simple, il present perfect o il present continuous dei verbi e le parole tra parentesi. Qualche volta due tempi sono possibili. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 let you know/I/arrive/’ll/Sam and Dave/as soon as As . 4 go/lunch/’ll/we/when/’ve/for a walk/we/had . When . 5 ask Vera/I/see her/next time/’ll/about the party/I . I . .
I’m going to watch TV when we’ve had dinner I’ll tell you the moment I’ll give you the DVD back when I’ll get something to eat while Can you give this to Bill the next time We need to leave before I’m going to mend my scooter when I’ll think of you next week while Can I look at your paper when
. (we/have dinner) . (I/hear any news) . (I/watch it) . (I/wait for the train) ? (you/see him) . (it/be too late) . (I/have the time) ! (I/lie on the beach) ? (you/read it)
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole tra parentesi in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
We’ll get to the café and then I’ll phone you. (when) I’ll phone you when we get to the café. I’ll get back home and then I’ll email you straight away. (minute) I’ll email you home. We’ll have lunch and then we’ll go for a walk. (when) We’ll go for a walk lunch. We’ll be on holiday soon and I’ll be really happy. (when) I’ll be on holiday. I need to save enough money before I can get a new computer. (until) I can’t get a enough money. We’ll decide what to do and then we’ll let you know immediately. (moment) We’ll let you know what to do.
Unità 32
Grammar B1
Was/were going to, was supposed to, would
A Was/were going to ecc. Le seguenti strutture si possono usare per parlare di azioni che si aveva intenzione di compiere o di eventi che ci si aspettava sarebbero avvenuti nel passato, ma che poi non si sono effettivamente verificati. • Was/were going to I was going to tell him, but I didn’t see him. Avevo intenzione di dirglielo, ma non l’ho visto. We were going to go for a walk, but it started raining. Stavamo per andare a fare una passeggiata, ma ha incominciato a piovere. TIP Qualche volta si può usare was/were intending to con un significato simile a was/were going to.
I was intending to tell him, but I didn’t see him. We were intending to go for a walk, but it started raining. • Was/were to si usa in genere per parlare di eventi concordati in modo formale. È frequente nei notiziari e in contesti simili. The meeting was to start at 8.30, but it was delayed. La riunione sarebbe dovuta iniziare alle 8.30, ma è stata posticipata. • Was/were supposed/meant/due to You’re late! You were supposed to be here half an hour ago. Sei in ritardo! Avresti dovuto essere qui mezz’ora fa. He wasn’t meant to know about the party, but someone told him. Non avrebbe dovuto sapere della festa, ma qualcuno gliel’ha detto. The train was due to leave at 6.30. It finally left at 7.15. Il treno sarebbe dovuto partire alle 6.30. Alla fine è partito alle 7.15. TIP Qualche volta si possono usare queste forme anche per parlare di qualcosa che si è effettivamente
verificato, per mettere in evidenza il fatto che le cose sono andate come previsto. Did the train leave early? ~ No, it was due to leave at 6.30. Il treno è partito in anticipo? ~ No, le 6.30 era l’orario previsto.
B Would Si usa would per parlare di una situazione passata che era nel futuro rispetto a un certo momento nel passato. Would di solito è usato in questo modo in contesti più formali. Formed in the late 1950s, The Beatles would eventually become the most famous pop group of all time. Formatisi verso la fine degli anni ’50, i Beatles sarebbero poi diventati il più famoso gruppo pop di tutti i tempi. Barack Obama was born in 1961 in Honolulu, and would become the USA’s first black president. Barack Obama nacque nel 1961 a Honolulu, e sarebbe poi diventato il primo presidente nero degli Stati Uniti. TIP Would go on to è un’espressione molto usata e utile.
Pelé would go on to play in four World Cups. Pelé avrebbe poi giocato in quattro campionati del mondo.
Completa le frasi con was/were going to e le parole nel riquadro. go to the concert make an omelette ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
go for a pizza not/rain
We were going to go for a pizza He I They The weather forecast said it I She
100 Unità 33 OUP copyright 2015
invite you text you
tell her
, but we went for some Indian food instead. , but there were no eggs. , but I left my mobile at home. , but the tickets had sold out. , but it’s pouring down. , but I forgot. to the party, but you didn’t answer your phone!
Scrivi le risposte con was/were going to, but e le parole nel riquadro. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. Poi ascolta e controlla. forgot ▶
too tired
started raining
too expensive
Did you go to the party?
Completa le notizie giornalistiche con was/were to e i verbi nel riquadro. meet
take place
Torrential rain put a stop to the game after twenty minutes. The game was to restart at 2.30, but at 2.25 the rain started again.
fell asleep
3 Did you stay up until midnight? 4 Did she ask him to dance? 5 Did you email me that photo?
I was going to, but I was too tired. 1 Did they go for a walk? 2 Did you buy that book?
too nervous
The two leaders in Washington, but the terrorist alert forced the location to be changed at the last minute.
The band in Paris last night, but the mysterious disappearance of singer Kurt Richards meant the show had to be cancelled.
The wedding at a secret location, but the paparazzi had been following the couple for weeks.
Completa le frasi con would e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. be
go on to become
go on to score
go on to serve
A child prodigy, Mozart would become one of the most famous composers of all time. 1 After scoring six goals in his first three games, Messi 40 goals in the season. 2 First introduced in the 1990s, text messaging the way teenagers communicate for ever. 3 After struggling financially, J.K. Rowling one of the UK’s richest people. 4 First invented in the 1920s, it another fifty years before the television became a common household item. 5 Released from prison in 1990, Nelson Mandela as the first black President of South Africa.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole tra parentesi in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
We had planned to go to the beach, but it was a bit too cold. (going) We were going to go to the beach, but it was a bit too cold. They didn’t arrive at 5.30 as expected. (supposed) They at 5.30, but they didn’t. They said the new system was going to make everything easier, but it didn’t. (meant) The new system everything easier, but it didn’t. The plan was to start the meeting at 3.30, but it was delayed. (due) The meeting at 3.30, but it was delayed. Later in life, he became a successful lawyer. (would) Later in life, lawyer. I intended to talk to him, but I didn’t get the chance. (going) I him, but I didn’t get the chance. Unità 33 101
Grammar B2
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 31–33 Future continuous e perfect; congiunzioni di tempo; was/were going to 1
Leggi il brano e completa le frasi con il future continuous o il future perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. ‘Good evening, everyone. I’m here to tell you about tomorrow’s day trip. We leave the hotel at 9 o’clock in the morning and drive to the centre of Paris. We arrive in Paris at 10 o’clock and then we have two hours at the Louvre until 12 o’clock. We then walk along the Champs Élysées for an hour and at 1 o’clock we will spend half an hour at the Arc de Triomphe. We then have lunch at the Café Étoile from 1.30 until 2.30. After this we will visit the Eiffel Tower from 3 o’clock until 5 o’clock. The coach will set off at 5 and we will arrive back at the hotel at 6 o’clock.’ ▶
1 2 3 4 5
At 9.30, we ’ll be driving (drive) to Paris. At 10.15, hopefully we (arrive) in Paris. At 11.00, we (look) round the Louvre. At 12.30, we (leave) the Louvre and we At 2.00, we (visit) the Arc de Triomphe and we (go up) the Eiffel Tower and we At 5.30, we
(walk) along the Champs Élysées. (have) lunch. (travel) back to the hotel.
Completa i brani con will, il future continuous o il future perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Future forecasts
Reality or fantasy? Here are two predictions about scientific developments over the next 500 years.
Life on Mars
The end of humans?
By the end of the century,
Scientists believe that by the middle of the current (become) so millennium, society 3 complex and so dependent on information technology that (make) most of the decisions. computers 4 (be) Eventually, the decisions themselves 5 (not/be) able to so complex that humans 6 make them at all. At this stage, computers 7 (replace) humans (be) in control and they 8 as the most advanced ‘organism’ on Earth.
we will have begun (begin) colonizing Mars and humans 1 (travel) between the two planets regularly. The (be) colonization 2 essential for the future of the human race in case of natural or man-made catastrophes on Earth. ▶
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ▶
to the festival/I/phone you/I/when/’ll/get
I’ll phone you when I get to the festival. 1 ’ll/give you/I/the magazine/I/when/read it/’ve 2 have/I/write to you/I/the moment/some free time/’ll 3 I/go on sale/let you know/’ll/tickets/as soon as 4 our exams/’re going out/we/after/’ve/for a meal/we/finished 5 see her/ask Rachel/I/the next time/’ll/about the concert/I
102 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 31–33
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta.
The future of home entertainment As the rapid evolution of digital technology continues, we ask the question ‘What is the future of home entertainment?’ By 2025, home entertainment systems ▶ C the main form of entertainment. It will be possible us, to connect our mobile devices to a control centre in the entertainment system. This 1 our devices, so that it can predict our behaviour. For example, when you 3 while we 2 it already. to listen to your favourite music, the system 4 the home entertainment experience. In the Developments in room design and furniture 5 to feel motion and have other sensory experiences such as smell and near future, we 6 a film. temperature changes while we 7 even more interactive, realistic and addictive and, by the end of the century, the Games 8 indistinct. And many people 10 boundary between the virtual world and the real world 9 a large part, if not all, of their lives in the alternative reality.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
will become will observe will use will want will predict will greatly improve will be able will watch become will have become will be living
will be becoming will be observing will be using will have wanted will be predicting will be greatly improving are able watch will be becoming will become are living
will have become will have observed are using have wanted will have predicted would greatly improve will have been able will be watching will have become become will have lived
become observes use want predicts greatly improve
can will have watched will become is becoming live
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I’m intending to buy a new mobile. (going) I ’m going to buy a new mobile. I had intended to play tennis, but it’s raining. (going) I , but it’s raining. I plan to leave home before I’m 25. (by) I’ll time I’m 25. I’ll get to the hotel and then I’ll phone you straight away. (soon) I’ll phone you to the hotel. Next Friday is our tenth wedding anniversary. (married) Next Friday, for ten years. The opening of the new sports centre was scheduled for 14th June, but it was delayed. (due) The new sports centre on 14th June, but it was delayed. The meeting was going to be this Friday, but they have postponed it. (supposed) The meeting this Friday, but they have postponed it. I’ll finish my work and then I’ll start cooking dinner. (when) I’ll start cooking dinner my work.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 31–33 103
Passivo (present simple e past simple)
A Forma Present simple
Past simple
Rolls Royce is owned by BMW.
The rooms were cleaned yesterday.
The euro isn’t used in the USA.
David wasn’t told about the meeting.
Are the rooms cleaned every day?
When were these photos taken?
• Per formare la forma passiva del present simple e del past simple si usa il present simple o il past simple di be + participio passato. • La forma negativa estesa (is not, were not ecc.) si può usare in situazioni formali e per dare enfasi. Credit cards are not accepted. Non si accettano carte di credito. I was not told about the changes. Non mi è stato detto dei cambiamenti. ➔ Vedi pagina 500 per l’elenco dei verbi irregolari.
B Uso Il passivo si usa per parlare di che cosa succede a qualcosa o qualcuno. La forma attiva invece si usa per parlare di che cosa qualcuno o qualcosa fa. Forma passiva
Forma attiva
The Mini is made in Oxford.
They make the Mini in Oxford.
My bag was stolen.
Someone stole my bag.
Arsenal were beaten by Juventus.
Juventus beat Arsenal.
• Nota che il soggetto di una frase passiva (the Mini, my bag ecc.) è il complemento oggetto della frase attiva. • Nella maggioranza dei casi si usa il passivo quando non si esprime chi o che cosa compie l’azione. Ciò avviene di norma perché la persona o l’oggetto che compie l’azione è ovvio, oppure sconosciuto, o non importante, oppure non lo si vuole specificare. Millions of emails are sent every day. Ogni giorno vengono mandati milioni di mail. My bike was stolen. La mia bici è stata rubata./Mi hanno rubato la bici. Nota che l’uso del passivo per concentrarsi sull’azione e non su chi la compie qualche volta in italiano corrisponde a una frase attiva con loro come soggetto generico sottinteso. The bank was robbed. Hanno rapinato la banca. TIP Il passivo è usato in contesti formali per descrivere procedure o esperimenti.
Safety valves are tested once a week. Le valvole di sicurezza sono controllate una volta alla settimana. The temperature was raised to boiling point. La temperatura fu portata al punto di ebollizione. • Quando si vuole specificare chi o che cosa compie l’azione si usa by. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare. ‘Romeo e Giulietta’ è stato scritto da Shakespeare. The car is powered by solar energy. La macchina è alimentata da energia solare. TIP Was/were born è un uso comune del past simple passivo.
I was born in 2005. Sono nato nel 2005. (NON I am born in 2005./I born in 2005.) Where were you born? Dove sei nata? (NON Where are you born?/Where you born?)
C Passivi con get A volte si può usare get invece di be al passivo. Si usa di norma get nell’inglese parlato informale, in particolare per eventi che non sono pianificati o sono inaspettati. I got sacked last week. Sono stato licenziato la scorsa settimana. We got stopped by the police. Siamo stati fermati dalla polizia. ➔ Vedi unità 35 per il passivo di altri tempi verbali.
104 Unità 34 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le notizie giornalistiche con la forma passiva del past simple dei verbi nel riquadro. arrest ▶
steal 2
Two hundred people were arrested during an anti-government demonstration in London yesterday.
3 1
Hollywood actress Jennifer Jones’s car from outside a supermarket in Los Angeles yesterday.
Fifty people in yesterday’s train crash.
Archaeologists now believe that the great pyramids of Egypt by slaves, but by craftsmen and farmers.
Completa il brano con la forma passiva corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
The internet as we know it today was first developed (develop) in the late 1960s to enable the US military and the US government to access each other’s computers. The first email program 1 (create) a few years later, in 1972. But the World Wide Web 2 (not/set up) until 1993 – with just 100 websites. The Web grew at a phenomenal rate, and in 1994 Pizza Hut became the first retailer to offer online ordering. Online banking and other financial services 3 (introduce) in the same year. There are now over ten billion web pages and over a hundred thousand new ones 4 (add) each week. The Google search engine 5 (launch) in 1998 and today around a billion searches 6 (make) daily. Music file sharing became widely available in 2003 and today over a million songs 7 (download) every hour. Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, 8 (launch) around the same time and today they 9 (use) by hundreds of millions of people. Whether it is for work, education or pleasure, the internet today 10 (use) almost daily by well over a billion people worldwide.
Usa le espressioni date per scrivere delle domande alla forma passiva. Poi scrivi le risposte sul quaderno con le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. in 1992 in 1997 ▶
in the 1830s in Scotland by Oxford University Press
every four years in South Africa
when/the first Harry Potter book/publish
When was the first Harry Potter book published? It was published in 1997. 1 where/the 2010 World Cup/hold 2 when/the first text message/send
3 4 5 6
in the United States
how often/the Olympics/hold when and where/the bicycle/invent in which country/‘Thanksgiving’/celebrate who/Grammar and Vocabulary for the Real World/publish
Completa le frasi con la forma passiva di get e i verbi nel riquadro. beat
not/blow down
I’m afraid a window got broken 1 Not enough rubbish 2 We didn’t win the game. In fact, we 3 Luckily, the fence
recycle at the party. . 5–1. in the storm last night. Unità 34 105
Grammar B1
A brief history of the internet
Passivo (tutti i tempi)
A Forma Si può usare la forma passiva in tutti i tempi verbali. Per formare un tempo passivo si usa be in quel tempo + participio passato.
Nota che in inglese si usa la forma continuous anche al passivo. The votes are being counted. Stanno contando i voti.
B Present e past simple Our website is updated daily. Il nostro sito web viene aggiornato quotidianamente. Credit cards are accepted here. Si accettano carte di credito. Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand. ‘Il Signore degli anelli’ è stato girato in Nuova Zelanda. We weren’t told about the meeting. Non siamo stati informati della riunione.
C Present e past continuous My car is being serviced at the moment. Stanno facendo la revisione alla mia macchina. The houses are being renovated. Stanno ristrutturando le case. The room was being cleaned when I arrived. Stavano pulendo la stanza quando sono arrivata. We were being followed. Ci stavano seguendo.
D Present e past perfect I’ve been invited to Sabrina’s party. Sono stata invitata alla festa di Sabrina. Has the computer been fixed? Il computer è stato riparato? The room had been tidied before we arrived. La stanza era stata riordinata prima che arrivassimo. The windows hadn’t been cleaned for ages. Le finestre non erano state pulite da secoli.
E Be going to/will My scooter’s going to be serviced next week. Il mio scooter sarà revisionato la prossima settimana. The new sports centre will be opened by the mayor. Il nuovo centro sportivo sarà inaugurato dal sindaco. I will not be spoken to like that! Non permetterò a nessuno di parlarmi in quel modo!
F Verbi modali The report should be submitted by Friday at the latest. La relazione dovrebbe essere presentata entro venerdì al più tardi. Flights could be cancelled because of the weather. Potrebbero essere cancellati voli per via del maltempo. Per riferirsi al passato si usa la struttura verbo modale + have been + participio passato. The report should have been submitted last Friday. La relazione avrebbe dovuto essere presentata venerdì scorso. Her flight could have been cancelled because of the weather. Il suo volo potrebbe essere stato cancellato per via del maltempo.
Riscrivi le frasi alla forma passiva. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975.
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. About 95% of all computer users use Microsoft software. about 95% of all computer users. A Vodafone employee sent the world’s first text message in 1992. in 1992. Someone is repairing my computer at the moment. at the moment. People between 14 and 25 send most text messages. between 14 and 25. You can download a lot of music for free. for free.
106 Unità 35 OUP copyright 2015
Osserva i titoli e gli annunci e completa le frasi con la forma passiva corretta.
The Cup Final has been postponed
The Eiffel Tower
is going to be demolished next year
4 Ana’s flight She’s still in London.
International moonbase to be built by 2020
Dalí painting stolen 1 A Dalí painting
flight delayed. still in London. Ana x
Eiffel Tower to be demolished next year ▶
3 The eggs must
5 An international moonbase .
20 injured in a bus crash
Oxford Museum Opened by the Queen • 28th August 2003 . 6 Oxford Museum
EXAM Leggi i brani e completali con l’alternativa corretta, attiva o passiva. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Performance halted by mobile
C during a When a mobile phone performance of The History Boys at New York’s Broadhouse Theatre last night, lead actor the scene and shouted Richard Griffiths 1 at the offending audience member ‘You 2 to turn them off by the stage manager; he 3 you it was against the law. If we hear .’ one more phone, the performance 4 The law to which Griffiths referred is a ban on using mobiles in all theatres, museums, galleries in and libraries in New York, which 5 $50. 2003. Violators of the law 6
They can play music, connect to the internet and take photographs and videos, but today’s mobile phones are simply too complicated for many older which people. In response, a new telephone 7 has none of these added extras; you can make and receive calls and nothing more. The Vodafone Simply, mainly at the over 55s, is twice the which 8 size of most of today’s mobiles and has a large screen and large buttons. Features such as battery in words rather than and signal strength 9 older users. In Japan, a by symbols, which 10 similar phone which went on sale last year became the fastest selling mobile this century.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
rings stops told told cancels passed fine introduced markets explains can confuse
is rung stopped are told is told is cancelled is passed is fined has been introduced marketed is explained can be confused
rang is stopped was told was told will cancel was passed are fined is introduced is marketed explained is confused
was rung was stopped were told were told will be cancelled were passed were fined was introduced was marketed are explained are confused Unità 35 107
Grammar B2
2 20 people
Passivo (doppio complemento e soggetti impersonali)
A Verbi con doppio complemento • Alcuni verbi possono reggere due complementi e hanno due possibili strutture: The judges awarded Jim the prize. I giudici diedero il premio a Jim. The judges awarded the prize to Jim. ➔ Vedi unità 76 per i verbi che reggono doppio complemento.
• Quando si usa la forma passiva di un verbo che regge due complementi ci sono due strutture possibili perché entrambi i complementi possono essere il soggetto. Jim was awarded the prize. The prize was awarded to Jim.
Il premio fu dato a Jim.
Everyone was offered a refund. A refund was offered to everyone.
A tutti fu offerto un rimborso.
Nota che le due possibili strutture corrispondono a un’unica struttura in italiano.
• Quando si usa la forma passiva, la struttura con la persona all’inizio della frase è normalmente la più usata (per esempio, Everyone was offered a refund), in particolare in contesti informali e nelle conversazioni. La seconda struttura (A refund was offered to everyone) di norma è usata in contesti più formali.
B Soggetto impersonale Quando si parla in generale di solito si usa la forma attiva con you, we, they o people usati come soggetto impersonale invece del passivo. Questo avviene soprattutto in situazioni informali, specialmente nelle conversazioni. Confronta gli esempi: You can buy tickets in advance. Si possono comprare i biglietti in anticipo. Tickets can be bought in advance. I biglietti possono essere comprati in anticipo. They say broccoli is good for you. Dicono che i broccoli facciano bene. Broccoli is said to be good for you. Si dice che i broccoli facciano bene. People don’t use this road much. La gente non usa molto questa strada. This road isn’t used much. Questa strada non è molto usata. Nota che spesso il soggetto impersonale inglese corrisponde in italiano al si passivante. How do you get to Trafalgar Square? Come si arriva a Trafalgar Square?
Riscrivi le frasi in due modi usando strutture passive. ▶
They awarded the 2006 FIFA Footballer of the Year to Fabio Cannavaro.
Fabio Cannavaro was awarded the 2006 FIFA Footballer of the Year. The 2006 FIFA Footballer of the Year was awarded to Fabio Cannavaro. 1 They awarded the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize to Nelson Mandela for his stand against apartheid. 2 In 2005, businessman Warren Buffet gave a $37-billion donation to an American charity. 3 The defence lawyer showed important evidence to the court. 4 The referee gave Claudio Marchisio a red card in the match against Uruguay at the 2014 World Cup. 5 They gave the 2014 Academy Award for Best Picture to 12 Years a Slave. 6 Virgin is offering a few lucky customers the opportunity to go into space.
108 Unità 36 OUP copyright 2015
Riferisci le notizie. Usa they o you. ▶
A bridge joining the UK and France is going to be built.
Contrary to popular opinion,
They are going to build a bridge joining the UK and France. 1
Contrary to popular opinion, the Great Wall of China can’t actually be seen from space.
4 Life has been discovered on Mars.
Five portions of fruit and vegetables should be eaten each day. It says here that
Seats for the first passenger trips to the moon can already be booked.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is going to be demolished next year. Oh no!
Riscrivi i titoli del giornale in due modi: (a) usando la forma passiva e (b) con they, come per riferire la notizia a qualcuno. ▶
Stolen Picasso found
a The stolen Picasso has been found. b They’ve found the stolen Picasso. 1
Gene for language learning discovered a A gene b
Military base being built on the moon
New national sports stadium to be built next year a A new b
a A military base b
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole tra parentesi in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
In the UK, seat belts must be worn at all times. (you) In the UK, you must wear a seat belt at all times. We weren’t given enough time to finish the exam. (us) They to finish the exam. Valerie Davis was awarded first prize. (to) They Valerie Davis. The red card was shown to Smith. (was) Smith card. Two litres of water should be drunk every day. (drink) You of water every day. Can tickets be booked in advance? (you) Can in advance? Unità 36 109
Grammar B2
Strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi
A Forma Esistono due principali strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi: • soggetto impersonale it + verbo passivo + that It is believed that the president will resign. È convinzione diffusa/Si pensa che il presidente darà le dimissioni. It has been claimed that life has been found on Mars. Ci sono state affermazioni secondo le quali è stata trovata vita su Marte. It is said that the new teacher will start tomorrow. Si dice che la nuova insegnante inizi domani. • soggetto + verbo passivo + infinito Depp’s latest film is said to be his best yet. Si dice che l’ultimo film di Depp sia il migliore fino ad oggi. The film is expected to break all box-office records. Ci si aspetta che il film batta tutti i record di incassi. The film star is expected not to attend/is not expected to attend the film premiere. Si dice che la star non sarà presente alla prima del film. • Nota che si possono anche usare altre forme dell’infinito. Footballer David Moody is rumoured to be dating Hollywood star Keira Kingston. Si vocifera che il calciatore David Moody faccia coppia fissa con la star di Hollywood Keira Kingston. Twenty prisoners are reported to have escaped from Bullingdon Prison last night. Secondo alcune fonti venti prigionieri sono evasi dalla prigione di Bullingdon ieri notte. Nota che in italiano non esiste una struttura corrispondente alla forma personale passiva di un verbo dichiarativo, ed entrambe le strutture inglesi corrispondono alla forma impersonale con il si passivante.
• Tra i verbi dichiarativi usati più frequentemente in questo modo si trovano: think pensare expect aspettarsi say dire assume presupporre/ritenere suppose immaginare/presupporre fear temere believe credere claim sostenere/affermare consider considerare allege presumere (qualcosa da dimostrare) report riferire/riportare rumour vociferare understand capire hope sperare know sapere suggest suggerire/proporre accept accettare recommend raccomandare • Hope, suggest e recommend sono di norma usati solo nella prima struttura: It is hoped/suggested/ recommended that. • Supposed to può avere un significato simile a quello di said to, thought to o believed to. Supposed to è usato solo nella seconda struttura. Women are supposed to be better drivers than men. Si dice che le donne siano guidatrici migliori degli uomini.
B Uso I verbi dichiarativi si usano al passivo per riferire in maniera neutrale opinioni, affermazioni, dichiarazioni ecc., fatte da altri, soprattutto nell’area del dominio pubblico. Queste strutture sono spesso (ma non solo) usate in contesti formali come i notiziari e in contesti scientifici e accademici. It is thought that the president will announce his resignation later today. Si pensa che il presidente annuncerà le sue dimissioni in giornata. It has been reported that 20 people were injured in the explosion. Secondo alcune fonti 20 persone sono state ferite nell’esplosione. The hot weather was expected to continue for several more days. Si prevedeva che il caldo sarebbe continuato ancora per parecchi giorni.
110 Unità 37 OUP copyright 2015
Sottolinea i verbi dichiarativi alla forma passiva nei seguenti brani. ▶
It is rumoured that
Prince Peter and his girlfriend have separated.
At least fifty people are believed to have been injured in yesterday’s fire at a shopping centre in Los Angeles. It is thought that the fire was started deliberately.
It is thought that the news was revealed after a close friend of the Prince accidentally sent a private email message to the wrong address.
The football world is in crisis after it was reported that one of the games at last year’s tournament was fixed. It is claimed that the referee was paid €1 million to influence the game. Football’s governing body, FIFA, is expected to release a statement later today.
Completa le notizie giornalistiche con la struttura passiva corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.
It is believed that (believe) the president is going to resign. He is expected to announce (expect/announce) his immediate resignation at a press conference later today.
Larry returns
(hope) Formula One driver Larry Hamilton will compete in next week’s Italian Grand Prix after his recent illness. The 28-year-old (say/be) desperate to get back behind the wheel after being out of action for over six weeks.
Thousands homeless The damage caused by last week’s hurricane (believe/be) much worse than expected. (now/fear) over fifty thousand homes were destroyed by the winds.
NEW WINDOWS NEXT YEAR (understand) a new Windows platform will be released by Microsoft next year. The software company (expect/reveal) the name of the operating system on its website at midnight tonight.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
They say the new James Bond film is the best ever. (supposed) The new James Bond film is supposed to be the best ever. They say the Japanese diet is good for you. (supposed) The Japanese diet for you. People say Pelé is the best footballer ever. (said) Pelé the best footballer ever. They said it’s going to rain later today. (supposed) It later today. It is expected that the president will not attend the meeting. (to) The attend the meeting. The rumour is that the boy band Eastlife is reforming. (rumoured) The boy band Eastlife reforming. People used to think the sun went round the earth. (thought) It the sun went round the earth.
Unità 37 111
Grammar B2
Have/get something done
A Forma have/get
’m having
my car
Where do you
your hair
You need to
your hair
We’re going to
the house
his bike
the other day.
Questa struttura si forma con have/get + complemento oggetto + participio passato.
In italiano questa struttura corrisponde a diverse strutture: I’ve had my hair cut. Mi sono tagliato i capelli. I’ve had my car stolen. Mi hanno rubato la macchina. I’ve had my car fixed. Ho/Mi sono fatto aggiustare la macchina.
B Uso L’espressione have something done si usa in due modi: • per dire che qualcuno fa qualcosa per noi, o che abbiamo preso accordi con qualcuno perché faccia qualcosa per noi, spesso in qualità di servizio. I have my scooter serviced every year. (Mi) Faccio revisionare lo scooter ogni anno. We’re having the house decorated at the moment. Stiamo facendo imbiancare la casa al momento. TIP In contesti informali si può anche usare get something done.
I’m going to get a key cut. Devo farmi duplicare la chiave. I get my scooter serviced every year. (Mi) Faccio revisionare lo scooter ogni anno. • per dire che ci accade qualcosa di inatteso o spiacevole. In questo caso normalmente non si usa get something done. I’ve had my passport stolen. Mi hanno rubato il passaporto.
Osserva le figure e scegli la frase corretta. 1
a They are checking their ID cards. b They are having their ID cards checked. 2
a He’s having his hair cut. b He’s cutting his hair.
112 Unità 38 OUP copyright 2015
a She’s changed her car tyres. b She’s had her car tyres changed. 4
a He’s going to clean his car. b He’s going to get his car cleaned.
Leggi questi appunti. Scrivi che cosa accadrà la prossima settimana.
Monday: new computer delivered Tuesday: broadband installed Wednesday: new TV delivered Thursday: scooter serviced Friday: oven fixed 3
1 2 3 4
On Monday, I ’m having my new computer delivered On Tuesday, I On Wednesday, we On Thursday, I On Friday, I
. . . . .
Completa i dialoghi con le forme corrette dell’espressione have/get something done e le parole nel riquadro. it/deliver our flat/break into A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B A ▶
a new one/cut their flat/break into
it/repair their computer/steal
I’m afraid I’ve lost my house key. Don’t worry. I ’ll get a new one cut this afternoon. Where’s your phone? at the shop. I’ll get it back tomorrow. It’s broken, so I was at the supermarket for over an hour today! We do our shopping online each week and to the house. Are you OK? What’s the matter? We . They stole my laptop. Oh no! Did you hear that Ian and Jane , too, last week? I think they as well. Perhaps it’s the same people.
Che cosa diresti in ciascuna situazione? Usa need to get e le parole nel riquadro. windows/clean
hard drive/check
Your friend’s windows are very dirty. You need to get your windows cleaned! 1 Your computer keeps crashing. 2 Your friend’s hair is too long and is covering his eyes. 3 You are having difficulty reading some small writing. ▶
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Someone is going to decorate the office next week. (have) We’re going to have the office decorated next week. Someone cuts my hair once a month. (get) I once a month. Someone broke into Jake’s car last night. (had) Jake last night. Stella McChristie designed my wedding dress. (had) I by Stella McChristie. I’m taking my suit to be cleaned at the dry cleaner’s. (get) I’m going at the dry cleaner’s. Someone is painting Harry’s portrait at the moment. (his) Harry at the moment. I had an eye test this morning. (eyes) this morning. I
Unità 38 113
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 34–38 Strutture passive; have/get something done 1
Scrivi domande con le parole date. ▶
When/first text message/send?
When was the first text message sent? 1 How many songs/download/every hour? 2 When/first transatlantic telephone call/make? 3 When/first satellite/launch into space? 4 Who/World Wide Web/create/by? 5 When/postage stamps/first/use? 6 How many text messages/send/every day?
Completa le risposte alle domande dell’esercizio 1 con le parole nel riquadro e by quando è necessario. make send ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
download first use
launch into space/the Soviet Union create/Tim Berners-Lee
The first text message was sent The first transatlantic telephone call Postage stamps The first satellite The World Wide Web Today, over a million songs Today, billions of text messages
send in 1992. in 1915. in 1840. in 1957. in 1990. every hour. every day.
Scrivi domande con le parole date. Poi scrivi le risposte con le parole nel riquadro. Marconi in Uruguay in 1930 ▶
every four years between AD 70 and 80
about 40 billion 1896 in China in around 200 BC
When/first modern Olympics/hold?
When were the first modern Olympics held? 1 When and where/first football World Cup/hold? 2 How often/the Olympics/hold? 3 When/the Coliseum in Rome/build? 4 How many/burgers/eat/in the USA every year? 5 When and where/paper/invent? 6 Who/the radio/invent/by?
114 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 34–38
They were first held in 1896.
Completa il brano con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.
It is widely believed that the first ever mobile phone call made / was made in the summer of 1910 when Swedish telecommunications expert and businessman Lars Ericsson and his wife were driving in the Swedish countryside. According to the story, their car broke down and they 1needed / were needed to make a phone call to ask for help. Using Ericsson’s expertise, they 2 used / were used long sticks to connect two overhead telephone wires to a telephone he had in the car and they managed to talk to a telephone operator. Help soon came and the Ericssons’ car 3 fixed / was fixed. Ericsson went on to develop the idea and 4 formed / was formed the Ericsson mobile phone company soon afterwards. However, this popular story is not true, in fact! Lars Ericsson never even owned a car. It is not known who 5 was created / created this story. The first commercial mobile phones 6appeared / were appeared in shops in the 1980s. They were very large, very heavy and very expensive and at first they 7bought / were bought almost exclusively by business executives. However, in the 1990s, mobile phones became much smaller, lighter and cheaper and very soon nearly everyone 8owned / was owned one. Text messaging 9introduced / was introduced a few years later and picture messaging 10 followed / was followed in the early 2000s. Smartphones with internet access, satellite navigation and everything else 11came out / were come out a few years later. Nowadays, billions of mobile phones 12use / are used around the world.
Completa le frasi con la forma attiva o passiva del present simple o del past simple dei verbi tra parentesi.
Google – a brief history The search engine Google began (begin) in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page, a student at Stanford University, USA.
Page research student at Stanford.
The name ‘Google’ (originate) from a misspelling of ‘googol’, which is the name of the number 10100 (one followed by a hundred zeros).
The domain name ‘Google.com’ 15th September 1997 and Google Web shortly afterwards.
The word ‘Google’ quickly and the verb ‘to Google’ in 2006.
On the Google search page, the logo (often/modify) to celebrate special occasions such as public holidays, anniversaries or major sporting events. These (call) ‘Google Doodles’.
6 7 8
Today, Google Google
(soon/join) by Sergey Brin, a close friend and also a
(register) by Page and Brin on (launch) on the World Wide (enter) into everyday language (add) to the Oxford English Dictionary
(process) billions of internet searches a day. (employ) over 40,000 people worldwide. This figure (include) thousands of software developers.
Google’s headquarters in California
(know) as ‘the Googleplex’.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 34–38 115
Completa i brani con la forma passiva corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
A winning argument
Plane lands upside down
A pizza restaurant
A pilot has escaped injury after his light aircraft landed upside down. 56-year-old Ewan Jones crash-landed yesterday in a field in north Wales. It 4 (think) that the plane was experiencing fuel problems. Mr Jones 5 (carry) from the aircraft by local farm workers and he 6 (then/take) to Wrexham Hospital with just a few cuts and bruises. A North Wales Fire Service spokesman said, ‘The pilot 7 (force) to land due to fuel problems, but he landed upside down. The pilot 8 (not/hurt) in the incident. It’s a miracle.’
has been ordered
(order) to pay New Yorker Amy Moore $15,000 after she slipped on a soft drink that was on the floor. (knock) She 1 unconscious. The restaurant owner protested against the award as the drink was on the floor because Ms Moore had thrown it at her boyfriend two minutes earlier during an argument. However, the judge said that the restaurant was also at fault because the drink should 2 (clean up) immediately. Ms Moore 3 (ban) from the restaurant for life for her ‘unacceptable public behaviour’.
Queen’s head for sale The original artwork of the Queen’s head which appears on UK stamps 9 (rediscover) over 40 years after it 10 (first/produce). The design 11 (find) by chance in a cupboard in the artist’s studio in the family home. It 12 (sell) next month in an auction and it 13 (expect) to reach at least £10,000. The image 14 (reproduce) on more than 400 billion stamps since 1968.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta.
La Gioconda ▶
La Gioconda, which C as the Mona Lisa in English, is probably the most famous painting of all time. It by Leonardo da Vinci over 500 years ago, and her image is the most copied in the history of art.
Lisa Gherardini, who 3 in Florence in 1479. She 4 about 24 years Mona Lisa 2 by old when Leonardo painted her. Her legendary and enigmatic features, especially her smile, 5 by the artist. Da Vinci 7 four years to the process of sfumato, a style of painting which 6 complete the painting. by King Francis I of France and 9 from Italy to Paris. In the early 1500s, the painting 8 to the Louvre, which was then a royal palace. In 1911, it 11 by a In 1650, the painting 10 it under his coat and walked out of the museum. Louvre employee, who simply 12 at around $1 billion. However, it 14 The Mona Lisa is believed 13 15 about six million visitors a year.
1 2 3 4
knows painted believed to be born thought she was
5 A created 6 A invented
is knowing has painted is believed was born thought to be
B are created B is invented
116 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 34–38
is known was painted believes to be were born is thought to be
C were created C was inventing
. Today, the Mona Lisa
has been known has been painted is believed to be is born is thought to have been D was created D was invented
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
took bought took moved stole hid to be valued will never sell has attracted
has taken has bought has taken was moved was stealing has hidden valued is never sold attracts
is taken has been bought was taken has moved was stolen was hidden to value will never be sold is attracted
was taken was bought has been taken has been moved was being stolen has been hidden been valued was never sold is being attracted
Completa le frasi con le parole nei riquadri. have/all my bags/search get/it/fix ▶
1 2 3 4
have/my car/service get/it/look at
have/her new bike/steal
My printer’s broken. I need to get it fixed It took ages to get through customs at the airport. I I can’t give you a lift tomorrow, I’m afraid. I There’s something wrong with my computer. I need Did you hear about poor Emily? She just two days ago.
get/your eyes/test
get/your hair/cut
as soon as I can. . . . . It was a birthday present, have/it/deliver
5 Windows wasn’t working properly on my new computer. I took it back to the shop and . 6 You can’t read anything smaller than font size 14? You need 7 We’ve just bought a new TV. We next week. 8 A Where you normally ? B I always go to Barber Jake’s on Cowley Road.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings in the 1950s. (by) The Lord of the Rings was written by J.R.R. Tolkien in the 1950s. Someone has left a bag in the waiting room. (has) A in the waiting room. You must not use your mobile phone in the museum. (used) Mobile phones in the museum. Peter Jackson directed The Lord of the Rings films. (were) The Lord of the Rings films Peter Jackson. It is expected that storms will hit the west coast tomorrow. (to) Storms the west coast tomorrow. When did Rome hold the Olympics? (held) When in Rome? Tickets can be booked online or by phone. (book) You or by phone. Someone is repairing my computer at the moment. (repaired) My at the moment. Someone might have deleted the photo by mistake. (been) The by mistake.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 34–38 117
Can, could e be able to (abilità)
A Can/could – forma Affermativa I/you/he/she/it/we/they
Negativa I/you/he/she/it/we/they
Interrogativa Can/Could
Risposte brevi Yes, No,
can/could. can’t/couldn’t.
Nota che in italiano si può usare il presente indicativo del verbo principale per parlare di saper fare qualcosa. Can you play tennis? Giochi a tennis? Nota però che can per abilità (saper fare) in italiano corrisponde spesso a sapere, ma non bisogna confonderlo con know (sapere/conoscere). Can you swim? Sai nuotare? Do you know the title of the latest Harry Potter book? Sai il titolo dell’ultimo libro di Harry Potter?
• Ricorda: can e could sono verbi modali, e come tutti i verbi modali sono invariabili per tutte le persone, invertono la posizione con il soggetto alla forma interrogativa, prendono n’t (o not) alla foma negativa e sono seguiti dalla forma base. He can swim. Sa nuotare. (NON He cans swim./He can to swim.) He can’t swim. Non sa nuotare. (NON He doesn’t can swim.) Can he swim? Sa nuotare? (NON Does he can swim?) • Per enfasi e in contesti formali si possono usare le forme negative cannot e could not. (NON can not) I’m afraid I cannot agree. Temo di non poter essere d’accordo.
B Can/could – uso • Can/can’t si usano per parlare di abilità e capacità nel presente, e could/couldn’t nel passato. My grandmother could speak five languages. Mia nonna parlava/sapeva parlare cinque lingue. • Si possono usare can’t e couldn’t anche nel senso di non riuscire a. I can’t find my keys. Non riesco a trovare/Non trovo le chiavi. I couldn’t find my keys. Non trovavo/Non riuscivo a trovare le chiavi. B2
C Be able to/manage to • Talvolta si può usare be able to al tempo adatto invece di can o could per parlare di abilità nel presente o nel passato. Comunque questo accade di solito in contesti formali. Salmon are able to swim 1,400 km to spawn. I salmoni sono in grado di fare 1.400 km per deporre le uova. • Si usa was/were able to, e non could, con il significato di riuscire a nel passato. We didn’t have a map, but we were able to find the house. Non avevamo una cartina, ma siamo riusciti a trovare la casa. (NON We didn’t have a map, but we could find the house.) • Comunque, per dire non riuscire a al passato si possono usare sia wasn’t/weren’t able to che couldn’t. We couldn’t/weren’t able to find the house. Non siamo riusciti a trovare la casa. • Per gli altri tempi e forme si usa be able to. You’ll be able to swim quite well after a few lessons. Saprai nuotare bene dopo poche lezioni. I’ve been able to ski since I was four. So sciare da quando avevo quattro anni. • Per dire che si è riusciti a fare qualcosa di difficile in una circostanza specifica si può usare manage to. I managed to get on the train just in time. Sono riuscito a salire sul treno giusto in tempo.
Scrivi frasi vere per te sulle cose che sai fare con i verbi nei riquadri. Nelle frasi 1–5 usa can o can’t e nelle frasi 6–9 usa could o couldn’t. cook ▶
I can speak English. a bike.
118 Unità 39 copyright 2015
speak 2 3
type Japanese. the piano.
4 5
pasta all’olio. fast.
6 7 8 9
English when I was ten. a musical instrument when I was six. a computer when I was five. a bike when I was two.
Completa i dialoghi con can(’t) o could(n’t) e i verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. answer 1 A B 2 A B A 3 A B A 4 A B A 5 A B A 6 A B A 7 A B A
Can you play golf? . But I’m not very good at it. Yes, ▶ I can 1 a horse? No, 2 . In fact, I’ve never been on a horse. 3 ? Yes, 4 . I go horse riding every week. You’re a good swimmer! Thanks. Apparently, 5 when I was three years old. That’s young! 6 until I was eight or nine. How fast 7 the 100 metres? In about 12 seconds. What about you? Oh, 8 quite fast when I was younger. But 9 very fast now. 10 ? No, 11 . I never learned. But I’m going to start driving lessons soon actually. 12 What about you – ? Yes, 13 . 14 when I was seventeen. How was the exam? It was OK. But 15 question 5. What about you? 16 Well, question 5 OK. But 17 questions 7 and 9 – they were too difficult. 18 I my tennis racket. Do you know where it is? Have you looked in the garden shed? Yes, I have. But I 19 it in there. ▶
Completa le frasi con le forme corrette di can o be able to e i verbi tra parentesi. A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B ▶
What qualifications do you need to work as airline cabin crew? Well, for most airlines, you need to be able to speak (speak) at least one foreign language. (you/play) a musical instrument? Well, I used to (play) the piano, but I haven’t played it for years. (you/ski)? Yes, I (ski) since I was about four. (you/see) what the problem is? Yes. But I (not/fix) it at the moment. I need to get some more tools and then I (fix) it.
Completa le frasi con could(n’t) o was/were(n’t) able to. In alcuni casi entrambi sono corretti. 1 2 3 4 5 6
fix it in the end. My computer had a problem, but I Luckily, it didn’t rain so we play tennis. find it, I’m afraid. I looked everywhere for your book, but I The train was really busy, but eventually we find two seats. I read when I was two. But I write until I was about six. get hold of her on her mobile. My mum wasn’t at home. But I Unità 39 119
Grammar B1
Can, could e be able to (possibilità)
A Can/could – forma ➔ Vedi unità 39 per la forma di can e could.
B Can/could – uso Can può essere usato per parlare di possibilità al presente, e could per possibilità al passato. Gli usi più comuni in questo senso comprendono: • per parlare di qualcosa che è possibile (o no) in una circostanza specifica. We can get a taxi to the airport. Possiamo prendere un taxi per andare in aeroporto. Can you go to the meeting? ~ No, I can’t. Can you? Puoi/Ce la fai ad andare alla riunione? ~ No. Tu? Sorry that I couldn’t go to the meeting yesterday. Scusa se non sono potuto andare alla riunione ieri. • per parlare di che cosa è generalmente o teoricamente possibile (o no). You can usually buy tickes online. Di solito si possono comprare i biglietti online. Anyone can make mistakes. Tutti possono sbagliare. At the time you could buy an album for £1. Al tempo si poteva comprare un LP per £1. • per parlare di circostanze o comportamenti tipici. It can rain a lot in Rome in November. A novembre a Roma può piovere molto. Sarah can get very jealous at times. Sarah può diventare molto gelosa a volte. Dinosaurs could weigh up to 100 tonnes. I dinosauri potevano pesare fino a 100 tonnellate. • Can/could si usa anche per dare suggerimenti nel presente. How shall we get there? ~ We could get a taxi. Come ci andiamo? ~ Possiamo/Potremmo prendere un taxi. TIP Per dare enfasi a un suggerimento si possono usare could/can always.
We could always get a taxi. Potremmo sempre prendere un taxi. You don’t like your job? You can always quit. Non ti piace il tuo lavoro? Puoi sempre lasciarlo.
C Be able to • Si può usare be able to invece di can per parlare di qualcosa che è o non è possibile in una situazione specifica. Comunque, questo avviene di solito in contesti più formali. I’m not able to attend the meeting, I’m afraid. Purtroppo temo di non poter partecipare alla riunione. • Si può anche usare be unable to. I’m unable to attend the meeting, I’m afraid. Purtroppo non mi è possibile partecipare alla riunione. • Di solito si usa was/were able to e non could per parlare di qualcosa che è stata possibile in una situazione specifica nel passato. I was able to give them a lift to the station. Ho potuto dargli un passaggio alla stazione. • Ma per parlare di qualcosa che non è stata possibile in una situazione specifica di solito si possono usare sia wasn’t/weren’t able to che couldn’t. I wasn’t able to/couldn’t give them a lift to the station. Non ho potuto dargli un passaggio alla stazione. • Per gli altri tempi e forme si usa be able to. Will you be able to go to the meeting? Ce la farai ad andare alla riunione? We might be able to book tickets in advance. Può darsi che si possano prenotare biglietti in anticipo.
Riscrivi i dialoghi sostituendo le parole in grassetto con un’espressione con can o could. Usa you quando non c’è un soggetto specificato. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
A Is it possible to get a bus to the airport?
Can you get a bus to the airport? B Yes, it’s possible. But a taxi might be better.
Yes, you can. But a taxi might be better. 1 A Is it possible for me to book tickets for the show in advance? B Yes, I think it’s possible. A OK. I’ll get two tickets for the 14th. 120 Unità 40 OUP copyright 2015
2 A B 3 A B
Completa i dialoghi con can o could e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. he/be ▶
1 2 3 4
Peter’s very nice, but he can be a little unfriendly at times. Yes, I know what you mean. What’s the weather like here in April? Quite warm, but a lot. You definitely need an umbrella! Do you enjoy teaching? Yes, but quite tiring at times. Did you know that 50°C in the Sahara desert? below freezing at night. And What was Sally like when you were children? Well, a bit bossy at times.
Osserva i dati nelle tabelle e scrivi frasi sulle massime dimensioni ecc. possibili per ciascun tipo di animale. Usa le parole nel riquadro. be as tall as
grow to
live to
run at
Grammar B1
Why wasn’t it possible for you to go out last night? Oh, my grandparents were visiting. Is it possible to get from Oxford to London by bus? Yes. It usually takes about 90 minutes. But it’s possible it takes longer if there is traffic.
Longest: snake 10 metres
Longest: 40 metres
1 Tallest: giraffe 6 metres
5 Tallest: 13 metres
2 Heaviest: elephant 5 tonnes
6 Heaviest: 100 tonnes
3 Fastest: cheetah 110 kph
7 Fastest: 60 kph
4 Oldest: tortoise 180 years ▶ ▶
Dinosaurs could grow to 40 metres.
Snakes can grow to 10 metres.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I’m afraid it isn’t possible for us to meet until after six o’clock. (we) I’m afraid we can’t meet until after six o’clock. It’s possible for cats to have up to eight kittens at a time. (can) Cats up to eight kittens at a time. Apparently, it isn’t possible to buy tickets in advance. (you) Apparently, in advance. It sometimes gets very cold at this time of year. (can) It at this time of year. Getting a new job is a possibility. (always) You job. Perhaps we can see the film tomorrow. (might) We the film tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can’t leave before seven. (unable) Unfortunately, I before seven. Unità 40 121
Can, could e be allowed to (permessi e divieti)
A Can/could – forma ➔ Vedi unità 39 per la forma di can e could.
B Can/could – uso Oltre a potere nel senso di essere capace/saper fare/essere possibile, can e could significano anche potere nel senso di essere/non essere permesso. I permessi o divieti possono essere: • regole ufficiali, norme, leggi ecc. You can take your driving test when you are 17. Si può dare l’esame per la patente a 17 anni. In the UK, women couldn’t vote until 1925. Before then only men over 21 could vote. In Gran Bretagna le donne non potevano votare fino al 1925. Prima di allora solo gli uomini di età maggiore di 21 anni potevano votare. • permessi accordati o richiesti da persone. You can leave when you’ve finished. Puoi/Potrai andartene quando hai finito. Can I go out tonight, Mum? Mamma, posso uscire stasera? We couldn’t use a dictionary for the test. Non abbiamo potuto usare il dizionario all’esame. • Per tutte le altre forme (present perfect, used to, will ecc.) si usa be able to. Women have been able to vote since 1925. Le donne possono votare dal 1925. When I started driving, you used to be able to drive without wearing a seat belt. Quando ho iniziato a guidare, si poteva guidare senza la cintura di sicurezza.
C Be allowed to Per sottolineare il fatto che si sta parlando di una regola si può usare la forma passiva be allowed to (in tutte le forme). Are you allowed to wear jeans to school? È permesso andare a scuola in jeans? I wasn’t allowed to play computer games when I was younger. Quando ero più piccolo non mi era permesso giocare con videogiochi. You won’t be allowed to get in dressed like that. Non ti faranno entrare vestito così.
Spiega il significato dei cartelli. Usa You can o You can’t e le parole nel riquadro. park here
take photos
drink the tap water
dive here 3
cycle here 4
have a picnic here 5
You can have a picnic here.
Completa il dialogo con can(’t) o could(n’t) e i verbi nei riquadri. In alcuni casi non c’è bisogno di un verbo principale. Poi ascolta e controlla. drive Anna Rosie Anna Rosie
Can you drive at the age of 16 in the UK? No, you ▶ can’t . It’s 17. What about in the USA? when you’re 16 or 17. However, you 2 a Well, in most states you 1 learner’s permit when you’re younger. In some states, you 3 one when you’re 14. 14! That’s really young. ▶
122 Unità 41 OUP copyright 2015
vote Anna Rosie Anna Rosie Anna Rosie
And what about voting? At what age 4 you in the UK? You 5 when you’re 18. That’s the same as the USA, isn’t it? Yeah, it is. And when were women allowed to vote in the USA? I think it was around 1920. Yeah, I think it was about the same time in the UK, but for the first ten years only women over . You know, there are still a few countries where women 7 . 30 6
A che età si possono legalmente fare le seguenti cose in Italia? Usa You can … when you’re … . vote You can vote when you’re 18. 1 vote to elect a senator 2 buy alcohol 3 buy cigarettes ▶
4 drive a car 5 ride a scooter 6 leave school
Riscrivi le frasi nell’esercizio 3 sul quaderno con You can’t … until you’re … .
You can’t vote until you’re 18.
Riscrivi le frasi nell’esercizio 3 sul quaderno con be allowed to.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
In Japan, you can’t vote until you’re 20. (allowed) In Japan, you are not allowed to vote until you’re 20. Apart from the goalkeeper, you can’t use your hands in football. (allowed) Apart from the goalkeeper, you your hands in football. Women weren’t allowed to compete in the first modern Olympics in 1896. (could) Women in the first modern Olympics in 1896. In New Zealand, women first voted in political elections in 1893. (able) In New Zealand, women in political elections since 1893. One day, all women in the world will be allowed to vote in political elections. (able) One day, all women in the world vote in political elections. In the USA, female school teachers couldn’t get married until after the Second World War. (allowed) In the USA, female school teachers married until after the Second World War.
Scrivi domande sul quaderno con le parole date. At school ▶ allow/use your mobile
Are you allowed to use your mobile? 1 2 3 4
can/wear jeans allow/wear jewellery allow/miss classes can/call the teachers by their first name
At home 5 can/watch TV whenever you like 6 can/choose what time you go to bed 7 can/eat whatever you want 8 people/allow/smoke
Scrivi risposte vere per te sul quaderno alle domande nell’esercizio 7. ▶
Yes, I’m allowed to use my mobile. Unità 41 123
Grammar B1
You’re allowed to vote when you’re 18./You’re not allowed to vote until you’re 18.
Can, could e would (richieste e offerte)
A Richieste • Il modo più comune di fare richieste è con can o could. In generale could è più cortese o formale di can. Can you help me for a minute? Puoi aiutarmi un minuto? Could you open the window, please? Potresti aprire la finestra, per piacere? TIP Si può usare May I … ? per essere ancora più cortesi o formali. Nota che non si dice May you … ?
May I borrow your pen? Posso prendere la tua penna? Can you help me? Puoi aiutarmi? (NON May you help me?) • Per chiedere cose o oggetti si usano Can/Could … have … ? Can I have the TV remote? Posso avere/Puoi darmi il telecomando della TV? Could I have a receipt, please? Potrei avere la ricevuta per favore? Can we have a bottle of water, please? Può portarci una bottiglia d’acqua per favore? • Per chiedere a qualcuno di fare qualcosa in modo meno diretto e quindi più cortese o formale si può usare Would/Do you mind + forma in -ing. Do you mind waiting a few minutes? Le dispiace aspettare qualche minuto? Would you mind giving this book to Jane? Ti dispiacerebbe dare questo libro a Jane? • Per chiedere il permesso di fare qualcosa si può anche usare Would/Do you mind if … ? Nota che dopo Do you mind if … ? si usa il present simple e dopo Would you mind if … ? si usa il past simple. Do you mind if I open the window? Le dispiace se apro la finestra? Would you mind if I opened the window? Le dispiacerebbe se aprissi la finestra? Nota che in inglese essere diretti nel parlare può essere considerato scortese. Espressioni che possono suonare eccessivamente formali in italiano sono la norma in inglese. Per esempio, se in un ufficio un impiegato deve far aspettare una persona, non dirà mai l’equivalente di Aspetti qui, che è un imperativo e quindi scortese per definizione, ma farà invece una richiesta: Would you mind waiting here? Le dispiacerebbe aspettare qui? (NON Wait here.)
B Offerte • I modi più comuni di offrirsi di fare qualcosa sono con Can I … ? e Shall I … ? Can I help you? Posso aiutarti?/Prego, mi dica. (in un negozio/servizio pubblico) Shall I close the window? Chiudo la finestra? • Si possono usare anche I can … e I’ll … . I can take you to the station. (Se vuoi) Posso portarti alla stazione. I’ll make the coffee. Faccio il caffè. TIP Spesso si usa if you like con I can … e I’ll … .
I can help you if you like. Se vuoi ti aiuto. I’ll make the coffee if you like. Se vuoi faccio il caffè. • Si può usare anche Let me … . Let me help you. Lascia che ti aiuti. • Per essere meno diretti e più cortesi o formali si possono usare Would you like (me to) … ? (più cortese e formale) o Do you want (me to) … ? Would you like some more coffee? Posso offrirti dell’altro caffè? Would you like me to make lunch? Vuoi che il pranzo lo prepari io? Do you want me to help you? Vuoi che ti aiuti? Nota la costruzione want/would you like + complemento oggetto + infinito, che è molto utile perché è una struttura semplice che corrisponde a una struttura molto più complessa in italiano: Do you want them to help you? Vuoi che ti aiutino? (NON Do you want that they help you?)
124 Unità 42 OUP copyright 2015
Che cosa stanno dicendo le persone? Usa Can … ? o Could … ? e le parole da ciascun riquadro. borrow
pass me
your phone
your name
the sugar
Can I have your name? Riordina le parole in modo da formare dialoghi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
like/make/Would/lunch/me/to/you/? of/That’s/very kind/you/.
Would you like me to make lunch? That’s very kind of you. me/you/help/Could/a moment/for/? course/Yes,/of/. like/help/Would/you/me/to/with your bags/you/? of/very/you/kind/That’s/. pen/your/I/Can/a few minutes/borrow/for/? course/Yes,/of/. for/a moment/mind/you/Would/waiting here/? problem/Sure,/no/. something/Can/get/I/you/to drink/? No/OK/thanks,/I’m/. like/Would/you/give/me/to/you/a lift to the train station/? you/of/very kind/That’s/.
Completa le frasi riscrivendo le richieste in modo da renderle più formali. Usa Do you mind … o Would you mind (if) … . ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Grammar B1
Can I sit here? Do you mind if I sit here Can I use your phone? Would Can you help me? Would Can I leave early today? Do Can you pick me up at my house? Would Can I close the window? Would Can you wait here for a moment? Do
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Che cosa diresti in ciascuna situazione? Usa le parole date. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Offer your friend a cup of tea. (would) Would you like a cup of tea? Offer your friend something to eat. (do) Offer your friend some chocolate. (would) Offer to help your friend. (do) Offer to give your friend a lift. (can) Offer to phone for the taxi. (shall) Offer your friend some coffee. (would) Offer to help your friend with his bags. (let) Offer to go to the supermarket. (if you like) Offer to cook dinner. (if you like) Unità 42 125
Must e have (got) to (obbligo)
A Forma • Must è un verbo modale, e come tutti i verbi modali è invariabile alla terza persona singolare, è seguito dalla forma base, aggiunge n’t (o not) per fare la forma negativa e non prende do/does/did alla forma interrogativa. He must leave. Deve andarsene. (NON He musts leave./He must to leave.) Must we leave? Dobbiamo andarcene? (NON Do we must leave?) You mustn’t do that. Non devi fare così. (NON You don’t must do that.) • Have to non è un verbo modale, e cambia forme come i verbi normali. You don’t have to leave. Non è necessario che te ne vada. He has to leave. Deve andarsene.
B Must e mustn’t – uso • Si usa must (dovere) per parlare dell’obbligo o della necessità assoluta di fare qualcosa. You must arrive on time. Devi assolutamente arrivare in orario. Arsenal must win their next game. L’Arsenal deve assolutamente vincere la prossima partita. Bisogna fare molta attenzione nell’usare you must. Poiché indica obbligo, significa dare un ordine e si può usarlo solo se si ha l’autorità necessaria, altrimenti è molto scortese o addirittura offensivo. Mr Bix, don’t forget to call your dentist. Signor Bix, deve chiamare il dentista. (NON You must call your dentist.)
• La forma negativa, mustn’t, si usa per parlare di divieti di fare qualcosa. Si può usare la forma intera must not in contesti formali e per dare enfasi alla frase. You mustn’t be late. Non devi assolutamente essere in ritardo. ➔ Vedi unità 45 e 48 per altri usi di must.
C Have (got) to – uso • Have to ha un significato molto simile a quello di must e i due verbi sono spesso intercambiabili. I must fix my computer./I have to fix my computer. Devo aggiustarmi il computer. • Ma per indicare che l’obbligo è imposto da una pressione esterna, di solito si usa have to. I have to give a presentation at school tomorrow. Devo presentare una relazione a scuola domani. Have got to è usato molto frequentemente in alternativa a have to in contesti informali, specialmente nel parlare. I’ve got to go now. Ora devo andare. TIP Di solito in cartelli e avvisi si usa must (e non have to) anche se in questi casi si tratta di normative o leggi.
Visitors must report to reception. Si pregano i visitatori di presentarsi alla ricezione.
D Don’t have to – uso La forma negativa di have to si usa per dire che non c’è l’obbligo di fare una certa cosa. We don’t have to wear a uniform at school. Non siamo obbligati a portare una divisa a scuola. Diana doesn’t have to come with us – it’s her choice. Diana può non venire con noi – sta a lei decidere. Ricorda che don’t have to e mustn’t hanno significati diversi. You don’t have to use a pencil. A pen’s OK. Non sei obbligato a usare la matita. La penna va bene. You mustn’t use a pencil. You have to use a pen. È vietato usare la matita. È obbligatorio usare la penna.
E Il passato e altre forme Per il passato e tutte le altre forme si usa have to sia per must che per have to. I had to go to Rome last week. Sono dovuto andare a Roma la scorsa settimana. We didn’t have to go to school yesterday. Non siamo dovuti andare a scuola ieri. We’ll have to catch the first train. Dovremo prendere il primo treno. I have never had to do anything like this before. Non ho mai dovuto fare niente del genere prima d’ora. 126 Unità 43 OUP copyright 2015
Scrivi una frase per riassumere ciascuna delle informazioni sul quaderno con must, mustn’t o don’t have to.
UK motoring regulations When driving a car in the UK, remember: It is the law … to have a valid driving licence 1 to have valid insurance 2 to be at least 17 years of age 3 for all passengers to wear a seatbelt ▶
It’s not compulsory … 7 to carry a first aid kit 8 to have spare light bulbs 9 to carry a high visibility vest
You must have a valid driving licence.
Spiega il significato di queste indicazioni con You have to, You mustn’t o You don’t have to e le parole nel riquadro. be at least 15 years old
take this medicine twice a day 1
pay in pounds
use mobiles here 3
£ $
You have to be at least 15 years old.
Completa i dialoghi esprimendo obblighi al presente o al passato. Usa le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. not/tell
wait for the bus
not/go to school
walk home
go to the dentist
Why weren’t you in school this morning? B I had to go to the dentist. You Fiona about the party – it’s a surprise! Don’t worry, I won’t. You were late home last night. Yes, there were no buses, so we . I saw you in the city centre yesterday. Why weren’t you at school? Oh, we yesterday. It was closed. Well, the teachers – it was a training day for them. 4 A Sorry we’re late. We . B No problem.
A 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B ▶
wear a uniform be smart 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B A 8 A B A
not/wear jeans go to school
leave our classes stay outside
on Saturdays? Yes, unfortunately. But we only have lessons until 12 o’clock. to the meeting this afternoon? No, not everyone. The fire alarm went off in school today, so we all for long? No, only about ten minutes. at your school? No, luckily – I hate uniforms. What about at your school? No, we don’t. But we and we
and wait outside.
. Unità 43 127
Grammar B1
It is against the law … 4 to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs 5 to use a mobile phone while driving 6 for under 12s to sit in the front
Need (necessità)
A Forma Need è un verbo regolare. • Si usa need per tutte le persone tranne la terza singolare, per la quale si usa needs. Il past simple è needed. I need a coffee. Ho bisogno di un caffè. She needs to leave. Deve andarsene. They needed a lift home. Avevano bisogno di un passaggio a casa. • Per le forme interrogative e negative si usa l’ausiliare do. I’m OK. I don’t need any help. Va tutto bene. Non ho bisogno d’aiuto. We didn’t need to leave until 5.30. Non siamo dovuti partire prima delle 17.30. Does the car need washing? C’è bisogno di lavare la macchina? Did you need any money? Ti servivano soldi?
B Uso Need si usa per parlare di necessità. Si usa nelle costruzioni seguenti: • need + sostantivo I need a pen. Mi serve una penna. • need + infinito We need to leave soon. Bisogna/Dobbiamo andare fra poco. • need + complemento oggetto + infinito I need you to help me. Ho bisogno che mi aiuti. Nota che need + infinito può corrispondere a dovere, che in italiano è usato per esprimere sia obbligo che necessità. Bisogna però ricordarsi che la distinzione è importante in inglese, e usare need per parlare di necessità e must/have to per parlare di obbligo. I need to buy some milk – we’ve run out. Devo comprare latte – l’abbiamo finito. I must pay this bill by the end of today. Devo pagare questa bolletta entro oggi.
C Need + forma in -ing Si usa la costruzione need + forma in -ing con un significato passivo. Your room needs tidying. La tua stanza ha bisogno di essere riordinata. The grass needs cutting. Bisogna tagliare l’erba. TIP There’s no need to … è un’espressione comune molto utile.
There’s no need to hurry – we’re not late. Non c’è bisogno di affrettarci – non siamo in ritardo. There’s no need to get any milk. We’ve got some. Non c’è bisogno di prendere latte. Ne abbiamo già. B2
D Needn’t e needn’t have • Need si comporta anche come verbo modale e alla forma negativa si può usare needn’t come alternativa a don’t/doesn’t need to. We needn’t leave until 5.30. = We don’t need to leave until 5.30. Non c’è bisogno di partire prima delle 17.30. • In certi casi si può usare needn’t have + participio passato come alternativa a didn’t need to. You needn’t have bought me a present. = You didn’t need to buy me a present. Non c’era bisogno di farmi un regalo. • Nota che needn’t have si usa solo per dire che qualcuno ha fatto qualcosa che non era necessaria. Se la cosa non necessaria non è stata fatta si usa didn’t need to. I needn’t have hurried. They hadn’t started when I arrived. Tanto valeva che non mi fossi affrettato. Non avevano iniziato quando sono arrivato. I didn’t need to hurry, so I took my time. Non c’era bisogno che mi affrettassi, quindi me la sono presa comoda. (NON I needn’t have hurried, so I took my time.) 128 Unità 44 OUP copyright 2015
Che cosa diresti in ciascuna situazione? Usa need e le parole nel riquadro. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. some sleep
a dictionary
a drink
a shower
Charles is thirsty. Charles needs a drink. 1 You’ve been playing rugby on a muddy pitch. 2 Tom is carrying some heavy boxes. 3 Suzy’s mobile phone is very old.
a new mobile
some help
some food
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta di need e i verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. be ▶ A 1 A B A 2 A B A
What’s your new phone like? It’s OK. The only thing I don’t like is that the battery every day. Is there anything I can do to help clean up? Well, the dishes . Could you do them, please? There’s a lot of black smoke coming out of my scooter. Maybe the oil . I don’t know how to do that. I’ll it to a mechanic, I guess.
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. In alcuni casi entrambe sono corrette. ▶
1 2 3 4
I to town. Do you want to come with me? Sure. What into town for? Oh, I a birthday present for Paula. She’s 16 on Friday. Have you fixed your computer? Yes, I just some software. Luckily, I it to the shop to be repaired – that’s really expensive!
change 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B A
You’re falling asleep! B Yes, I think I need to go to bed. Are you coming to the cinema with us this evening? Maybe, but I some homework first. OK, but you’ll there by 7.30. The film starts at 7.45. There isn’t going to be a PE lesson tomorrow, so you your PE kit. Great – we can go home early! Well, no – there’s going to be an extra French lesson, so you here for that.
get 3 A B A 4 A B
We didn’t need to go / needn’t have gone to school today, so I stayed at home. We didn’t need to rush / needn’t have rushed to the station. The train was late. Jane got the bus to the airport, so I didn’t need to give / needn’t have given her a lift. I forwarded the email to Christina, but I didn’t need to / needn’t have because she’d already got it. We found your house easily. We didn’t need to ask / needn’t have asked for directions at all.
Completa le frasi con There’s no need to e le parole nel riquadro. get a taxi ▶
1 2 3
tell her
There’s no need to get a taxi
worry – I can give you a lift. – everything will be OK. – she already knows. – we’re not late. Unità 44 129
Grammar B1
4 You don’t know the meaning of a word. 5 You and your friends are hungry. 6 Teresa is very tired.
Must, might, could e can’t (certezza e deduzione)
A Forma Must, might, may, could e can’t sono verbi modali, e come tutti i verbi modali sono invariabili per tutte le persone, invertono la posizione con il soggetto alla forma interrogativa, prendono n’t (o not) alla forma negativa e sono seguiti dalla forma base. He must be hungry. Dev’essere affamato. (NON He musts be hungry./He must to be hungry.) It might not rain later. Può darsi che più tardi non piova. (NON It doesn’t might rain later.) Might this be Jane’s bag? Potrebbe essere questa la borsa di Jane? (NON Does this might be Jane’s bag?)
B Must e can’t – uso Si usano must e can’t per dire che si è sicuri di qualcosa, specialmente quando si fanno deduzioni. • Si usa must (dovere) per dire che si è certi che una determinata cosa sia vera. You haven’t eaten all day. You must be hungry. Non hai mangiato in tutto il giorno. Devi avere fame. This must be the worst film I’ve ever seen. Questo è senz’altro il film peggiore che abbia mai visto. You must be tired after that long journey! Devi essere stanca dopo quel viaggio lungo! TIP In contesti informali è molto comune usare have (got) to come alternativa a must.
This has to be the worst film I’ve ever seen. You haven’t eaten all day. You have got to be hungry! • Il contrario di must è can’t, usato per dire che si è sicuri che una certa cosa non sia vera/possibile. You can’t still be hungry after two pizzas. Non è possibile che abbia ancora fame dopo due pizze. This can’t be Jake’s coat. It’s too big! Questo non può essere il cappotto di Jake. È troppo grande! TIP Esistono molte espressioni comuni ed esclamazioni in cui si usano You must/can’t be … .
You must be mad! Devi essere matto! You must be joking! Stai scherzando, vero? You can’t be serious! Non starai mica parlando sul serio? ➔ Vedi unità 47 per l’uso di verbi modali per supposizioni e comportamento tipico e unità 49 per espressioni con verbi modali.
C Might, could e may – uso • Si usano might, could e may (ma non can) quando si pensa che una certa cosa sia possibile. Usati in questo modo might e could hanno lo stesso significato. May di solito si usa in contesti più formali. It might rain later. Più tardi potrebbe piovere/può darsi che piova. (NON It can rain later.) This could be Jim’s book, but I’m not sure. Questo potrebbe essere il libro di Jim, ma non ne sono sicura. The Prime Minister may postpone his visit. È possibile che il Primo Ministro rinvii la sua visita. • Per dire che si pensa che una certa cosa potrebbe non succedere si usano might not o may not (ma non couldn’t o can’t). It might not rain later. Può darsi che più tardi non piova. (NON It couldn’t rain later. It can’t rain later.) We may not get there in time. Può darsi che non arriviamo in tempo./Potremmo non arrivare in tempo. B2
D Forma del passato La forma del passato è must, might, may, could o can’t + have + participio passato. Julie didn’t call. She must have forgotten about it. Julie non ha chiamato. Deve essersene dimenticata. John’s not here yet. He might have got lost. John non è ancora arrivato. Potrebbe essersi perso. Sara’s been gone a long time. ~ She could have stopped for petrol, maybe. Sara è uscita da un bel po’. ~ Potrebbe essersi fermata per fare benzina, forse. You can’t have seen Jim this morning. He’s in Paris at the moment. Non è possibile che abbia visto Jim stamattina. È a Parigi al momento. Nota che can’t have e couldn’t have hanno lo stesso significato.
130 Unità 45 OUP copyright 2015
Osserva la camera di Sophie. Che idea ti puoi fare di lei? Completa le frasi con She must, She might o She can’t. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
She must be interested in music. be a student. play the violin. play the piano. play in an orchestra. be learning Spanish. have a scooter. be under 14 years old.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa must, can’t, could o might (not). ▶
It’s possible we’ll be late.
We might be late. 1 I’m sure there’s a mistake. 2 It’s possible Sara won’t go to the party.
4 It’s possible that the cash machine isn’t working. It wasn’t working this morning. It wasn’t working this morning. 5 I’m sure this isn’t Harry’s coat. It’s much too small, isn’t it? It’s much too small, isn’t it?
Completa le frasi con must be o can’t be e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. he/at home A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B ▶
Shall we go to the beach? You can’t be serious! It’s freezing! I haven’t eaten since breakfast. The bill is €30. We only had tea! There’s no answer on his landline. Try his mobile.
4 A I can’t find my keys. B somewhere. You just used them. 5 A Have you ever done a bungee jump? B Me do a bungee jump? Never!
Riscrivi le risposte sul quaderno in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa il passato di must, can’t, could o might (not). Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
A Jane and Isaac are late. B Perhaps they missed the bus. (could)
1 A B 2 A B 3 A B
They could have missed the bus. They’re not answering the phone. I guess they’ve gone out. (might) Mike’s not in his office. It’s possible he went home early. (could) Tom hasn’t called me back yet. It’s possible he didn’t get your message. (might not)
4 A B 5 A B
What an amazing wedding! Yes, I imagine it cost a fortune! (must) I saw Jenny Davis this morning. It’s not possible that you saw her. (can’t) She’s in the USA at the moment. 6 A I think I’ve left my umbrella somewhere. B I expect you left it on the bus. (must) I saw you put it on the seat next to you.
Unità 45 131
Grammar B1
3 That is very probably the worst meal I’ve ever eaten.
Bound to, sure, possible ecc. (gradi di certezza)
Gradi di certezza Oltre che con verbi modali si possono esprimere diversi gradi di certezza anche in altri modi. • think (pensare/credere), expect/suppose/imagine/guess (usati tutti nel senso di immaginarsi, supporre), doubt (dubitare) I think Jenny lives on Southfield Street. Credo che Jenny abiti in Southfield Street. I expect we’ll go by car. Suppongo che andremo in macchina. I doubt it will rain this afternoon. Dubito che pioverà questo pomeriggio. TIP Per fare una supposizione negativa con think, di solito si usa I don’t think.
I don’t think Sam is here. Non credo che Sam ci sia./Credo che Sam non ci sia. (NON I think Sam isn’t here.) • perhaps/maybe (forse/può darsi che) Perhaps he gave you the wrong number. Può darsi che ti abbia dato il numero sbagliato. Maybe we’ll go to Greece this year. Forse andremo in Grecia quest’anno. • Possibly (può essere che), probably (probabilmente), definitely (sicuramente) Tom’s possibly going to be late. Tom potrebbe arrivare in ritardo./Può essere che Tom arrivi in ritardo. I’ll probably go out tonight. Stasera probabilmente uscirò. The game definitely starts at 3 p.m.. La partita inizia sicuramente alle 3. • it’s possible/probable/(un)likely (that) … (è possibile/probabile/(im)probabile che …) It’s possible we’ll be late. È possibile che saremo in ritardo. It’s unlikely that he’ll win a medal. È improbabile che vinca una medaglia. • be bound to (essere certo/inevitabile che), be certain/sure to (essere certi di) e be (un)likely to (essere probabile/improbabile) It’s bound to rain later. Pioverà di sicuro più tardi. They’re sure to be late. Saranno sicuramente in ritardo. The cost is likely to be about €1,000. È probabile che il costo sia circa €1.000. Nota che (un)likely si può usare in due strutture, una impersonale (it’s unlikely that …) e una personale. Confronta la costruzione personale inglese (soggetto + be likely + infinito) e quella impersonale italiana corrispondente (è probabile che + soggetto + congiuntivo): Rosie is likely to be at home now. È probabile che Rosie sia a casa adesso. They are unlikely to stay long. È improbabile che restino per molto.
• be certain/sure/positive (that) (essere sicuri/certi che) I’m sure it’ll be a nice day. Sono certo che sarà una bella giornata. Jim’s positive that you’ll like it. Jim è sicuro che ti piacerà. TIP Nota la differenza di significato tra be sure + infinito e be sure (that) + soggetto + verbo:
They’re sure to be late. Saranno sicuramente in ritardo. (Noi ci aspettiamo che siano in ritardo.) They’re sure they’ll be late. Sono sicuri che saranno in ritardo. (Loro sanno che saranno in ritardo.) TIP Nota che con be certain/sure/positive (that), si può usare not in due modi diversi con significato
diverso. Confronta le frasi seguenti: I’m sure it won’t snow later. Sono sicuro che non nevicherà più tardi. I’m not sure it will snow later. Non sono sicuro che nevicherà più tardi. ➔ Vedi unità 45 per l’uso dei modali per certezza e deduzioni e unità 47 per supposizioni.
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B A ▶
Anna’s not here – where is she? Oh, she’s bound / possible to be late – she always is! My emails to Frank aren’t being delivered. Likely / Maybe you’re using his old address. I think he changed it a few months ago. Yes, perhaps / possible I’m sending them to his old address.
132 Unità 46 OUP copyright 2015
2 A Have you seen the weather forecast for tomorrow? B No, I haven’t. But I imagine / sure that it’ll be another nice day like today. I ’m sure / ’m bound it won’t rain, anyway. Why? A Oh, some friends are visiting and we’ll probably / likely go out for the day if it’s nice. 3 A Are you going on holiday this year? B Yes. We’re likely / probably going to the UK. And you? A No plans yet, but I’m bound / sure we’ll go somewhere. 4 A I’ve got my driving test this afternoon. Wish me luck! B I’m sure / likely you’ll be fine. A I doubt / unlikely it – I’ve only had one lesson! 5 A Is the concert tonight likely / probable to be sold out? B No. I’m not sure it will. / ’m sure it won’t be. It’s a really big hall. I imagine / sure you’ll be able to get a ticket. And anyway, there’s probably / bound to be someone selling them outside the venue if you just turn up a little early. 6 A Are you going away at the weekend? B I think we aren’t / don’t think we are – My parents are so busy at the moment. What about you? A No, I’m likely / probably going to stay at home. I’ll maybe / imagine do a bit of revising for the test next week. Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi corrette. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
all the answers/know/unlikely/to/I’m/. I’m unlikely to know all the answers. to/about her new boyfriend/bound/tell everybody/Amy’s/. probably/with me/Jim/upset/is/. nice/sure/is/The weather/to/be/. is/don’t/ the correct address/I/this/think/. positive/They/they/their books/are/on this table/left/. is/Max/on the phone/his girlfriend/probably/to/. with Jake/swimming/to/definitely/go/going/I’m/.
Grammar B2
Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa le parole nei riquadri. possible ▶
1 2 3 4
It ’s likely I’ll It It It It
possibly 5 6 7 8
’m sure
go to university. get married one day. live in a different country. be a multi-millionaire one day. become famous. doubt
bound 9 10 11 12
have pasta for dinner tonight. watch TV tonight. go out tonight. go to bed before midnight. likely
It Fiorentina Italy Italy
unlikely rain tomorrow. win this year’s Serie A. qualify for the next World Cup. have a female president one day. Unità 46 133
Will e would (supposizioni e comportamento tipico)
A Forma Will può essere seguito da una forma base (do), da un infinito continuous (be doing) e da un infinito perfect (have done). He’ll be hungry. Avrà fame. They’ll be waiting. Staranno aspettando. She’ll have left by now. Ormai se ne sarà andata.
B Will – supposizioni • Si usa will + forma base o infinito continuous per parlare di supposizioni sul presente. That’ll be James at the door. Hanno bussato – dev’essere James. She will like this book. Questo libro le piacerà Hurry up! Lavinia will be waiting for us. Sbrigati! Lavinia ci starà aspettando. • Si usa will/won’t + infinito perfect per parlare di supposizioni sul passato. Helen’s plane will have landed by now, … Il volo di Helen sarà già atterrato … … but she won’t have arrived at the hotel yet. … ma lei non sarà ancora arrivata in albergo. TIP Quando ci si accorge che qualcosa non funziona bene, di solito si usa won’t start, won’t work ecc.
My scooter won’t start. Lo scooter non parte. The TV won’t turn on. Il televisore non si accende. The window won’t open. La finestra non si apre.
C Will – comportamento tipico Si usa will per parlare di comportamenti tipici o prevedibili, come le abitudini. We’ll usually watch TV after dinner. Di solito guardiamo la TV dopo cena. I’ll generally go for a run once a week. In generale vado a correre una volta alla settimana. Nota che questo uso di will è simile a quello del present simple per parlare di azioni abituali, ma si usa will per sottolineare che il comportamento è atteso o prevedibile ma non un ‘fatto’.
D Would Si può usare would come forma passata di will per parlare di comportamento tipico. We’d often eat in the garden in summer. D’estate mangiavamo spesso in giardino. As a child, I’d spend hours watching TV. Da bambino passavo ore a guardare la TV. ➔ Vedi unità 29 e 30 per will con significato futuro, unità 17 per would e used to e unità 102 e 103 per l’uso di would nei condizionali.
Completa le risposte con ’ll o won’t e le parole nel riquadro. not/be cheap ▶
1 2 3 4
be Jenny
be the postman
There’s someone at the door. It ’ll be the postman I’ll get the phone. No, I’ll get it. It I like those shoes! Me too! But they There’s some post for you. It Problem? Yes, the car
134 Unità 47 OUP copyright 2015
be a birthday card
. . . . .
Completa le supposizioni. Usa will + forma base, infinito continuous o perfect e le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. spend ▶
1 2 3 4
Sara has finally passed her driving test. That’s great! She ’ll be really happy. Julie’s in her room. Can I ask her something? Not now. She her homework. She’s got a test tomorrow. Alfie says he’s got no money. What? I gave him some yesterday. He it all at the cinema, I expect. Hurry up! Ed for us. It’s three o’clock already. OK, just coming. The dog’s barking. What’s the matter? Oh, don’t worry. There someone at the door.
forget 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B
I wanted to see Sue before she left. for the airport by now. Why don’t you text her instead? Too late! She My computer keeps crashing. That the software. There are a few problems with the upgrade. Samuel’s knocking at his front door. Why doesn’t he go in? Oh, he his keys again, I expect. I don’t think Rita’s in school. She’s not in her classroom. She to the dentist. She had an appointment at two o’clock. Patrick failed his exam again. He pleased. He studied hard for that.
Completa le risposte con le parole nel riquadro e will o would per sottolineare che le affermazioni indicano comportamenti prevedibili o tipici. Usa la forma corretta del verbo. Poi ascolta e controlla. usually/see generally/go out usually/make watch read crash generally/get ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Do you go out much? I ’ll generally go out two or three times a week. Do you use your phone to make many actual phone calls, or just text? I one or two calls a day. How long do you usually keep the same mobile phone? I a new one every year or so. Do you watch much TV? Most evenings, I it for an hour or so. Do you often see your grandparents? We them once or twice a month. Do you read comics? Not any more. But as a child, I them all the time. Computers are so reliable these days. all the time. Yes, it’s a big improvement. My first computer
Unità 47 135
Grammar B2
Should, ought to, must e had better
A Should – forma Should è un verbo modale, e quindi è invariabile per tutte le persone, inverte la posizione con il soggetto alla forma interrogativa, prende n’t (o not) alla forma negativa ed è seguito dalla forma base. He should speak to her. Dovrebbe parlarle. (NON He shoulds speak to her./He should to speak to her.) You shouldn’t smoke. Non dovresti fumare. (NON You don’t should smoke.) Should I wait here? Che cosa faccio – aspetto qui? (NON Do I should wait here?)
B Should – uso Si usano should e shouldn’t in tre modi fondamentali: • per dare/chiedere consigli e suggerimenti. You should visit Oxford when you’re in the UK. Dovresti andare a Oxford quando sei in Gran Bretagna. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets. Non dovresti mangiare così tanti dolci. Should I phone her? Cosa dici – dovrei chiamarla? • per dire che cosa si deve fare o come correggere qualcosa di sbagliato. You should take the door on the left. Devi prendere la porta a sinistra. You wrote ‘.com’. It should be ‘.co.uk’. Hai scritto ’.com’. Dovrebbe essere ‘.co.uk’. You should say ‘he goes’, not ‘he go’. Si dice ‘he goes’, non ‘he go’. B2
TIP Si usa should per dire che cosa ci si aspetta che succeda.
We should arrive at about 11.30. Dovremmo arrivare verso le 11.30. Dinner should be ready in 20 minutes. La cena dovrebbe essere pronta tra 20 minuti. B2
C Should have Si usa should have + participio passato per fare il passato di should. We got lost. We should have taken a map. Ci siamo persi. Avremmo dovuto portare una cartina. You shouldn’t have told him! Non avresti dovuto dirglielo! The door should have been locked at all times. La porta avrebbe dovuto essere chiusa a chiave a tutte le ore.
D Ought to Certe volte si può usare ought to come alternativa a should per dare consigli e suggerimenti e per dire che cosa ci si aspetta che succeda. You ought to stop smoking. Dovresti smettere di fumare. Italy ought to beat France. L’Italia dovrebbe riuscire a battere la Francia. TIP È insolito usare ought to alla forma interrogativa o negativa.
E Must Si può usare must come alternativa a should per dare consigli e suggerimenti. Must è generalmente più forte ed enfatico di should. You must see the new Russell Crowe film. Devi assolutamente andare a vedere l’ultimo film di Russell Crowe. You really must visit Oxford. Devi assolutamente visitare Oxford.
F Had better Si può usare anche had better (faresti bene/meglio a/sarebbe meglio che) in alternativa a should per dare consigli e suggerimenti. Had better è più forte ed enfatico di should. We’d better go now or we’ll miss the bus. Faremmo meglio ad andare adesso, altrimenti perderemo l’autobus. You’d better not be late. Mi raccomando/Bada a non fare tardi. Nota che had better corrisponde in italiano alle espressioni dovrei/farei bene/meglio a (+ infinito) nonché all’espressione impersonale sarebbe bene/meglio che tu/lui ecc. (+ congiuntivo). Nota inoltre che had better si usa per parlare del presente, non del passato. You’d better see a doctor about that ankle. Faresti meglio ad andare dal dottore per quella caviglia. 136 Unità 48 OUP copyright 2015
Scrivi consigli e suggerimenti sul quaderno. Usa le parole nel riquadro e quelle tra parentesi. buy her some flowers get a more powerful one go to the dentist ▶
do some revision get a part-time job go up the Eiffel Tower 4 5 6 7 8
I’ve got a headache. (should)
You should take an aspirin. 1 I’m tired. (should) 2 I’ve got no money. (should) 3 I forgot my girlfriend’s birthday! (should)
eat so much junk food go to bed take an aspirin I never have any energy. (shouldn’t) I’ve got toothache. (ought to) My computer is too slow. (ought to) We’re going to Paris at the weekend. (must) I’ve got an exam next week. (had better)
Correggi le informazioni con It should be.
at See you on 6.30, Jim ▶
€4.50 + €2.30 = €6.90
It should be ‘at’, not ‘on’.
best wish, Jon
4 http://www.uklaws.coms
Italy was unified in 1881. Garibaldi was …
I saw Jake yesturday.
Internet Explorer cannot display this webpage
Che cosa ti aspetti che succeda in ciascuna situazione? Usa should e i verbi nel riquadro. arrive
It should be hot tomorrow 1 Juventus 2 We 3 The book ▶
. . . .
24o 32o
19.00 News 19.30 The Big Match: Juventus v Chievo 21.00 1.00 Foo Footba Footb tballll hi hig ghlight ghts
Arrival time: 5.30
3 Thank you for your book order. The estimated delivery time is 3 working days.
Harry è andato a un colloquio di lavoro, ma ha fatto molti errori. Scrivi che cosa avrebbe o non avrebbe dovuto fare con should(n’t) have done. ▶
He didn’t prepare for the interview.
1 2 3 4 5 6
He should have prepared for the interview. He didn’t leave home in time. He arrived late. He hadn’t shaved. He wore jeans and a T-shirt. He didn’t wear a suit and tie. He yawned several times during the interview.
7 He didn’t ask any questions. 8 He didn’t shake the interviewer’s hand at the end.
Unità 48 137
Grammar B1
Espressioni con verbi modali
Ci sono molte espressioni che utilizzano i verbi modali. Queste espressioni sono molto colloquiali e pertanto corrispondono spesso a più di un’espressione colloquiale italiana a seconda del contesto, quindi le traduzioni date qui di seguito sono orientative.
A Espressioni con can’t Jake’s won the lottery! ~ I can’t believe it! Jake ha vinto alla lotteria! ~ Non posso crederci!
My flatmates are always arguing. I can’t stand it any more. I miei compagni di appartamento litigano sempre. Non lo sopporto più! Are you excited about going to Paris? ~ I am! I can’t wait! Sei contento di andare a Parigi? ~ Altroché! Non vedo l’ora! Jenny’s going out with Tom! ~ You can’t be serious! Jenny si è fidanzata con Tom! ~ Non starai mica parlando sul serio?/Stai scherzando? I know we’d get better seats if we got there earlier, but I can’t be bothered. Lo so che troveremmo posti migliori se ci andassimo prima, ma non ne ho voglia.
B Espressioni con couldn’t You’re late! ~ I couldn’t help it. The bus was late. Sei in ritardo! ~ Non ho potuto farci niente. L’autobus era in ritardo. What’s the capital city of Ghana? ~ I couldn’t tell you. Qual è la capitale del Ghana? ~ Non saprei. What a great film! ~ I couldn’t agree more. Che bel film! ~ Sono d’accordissimo. The football’s on the TV tonight. ~ I couldn’t care less. I hate football. Stasera c’è la partita in TV. ~ Non potrebbe importarmene di meno. Odio il calcio.
C Espressioni con must Can you lend me £1,000? ~ You must be joking! Mi puoi prestare £1.000? ~ Stai scherzando, vero? I’m going to do a bungee jump. ~ You must be mad! Ho intenzione di fare un salto con l’elastico. ~ Devi essere pazzo!
D Espressioni con might/may Since the flight has been delayed, we might as well relax. Dato che il volo è stato ritardato, tanto vale che ci rilassiamo. The party’s been cancelled ~ What? You might have/could have told me! La festa è stata cancellata. ~ Cosa? Avresti potuto dirmelo!
E Espressioni con should Liverpool lost four–nil last night. ~ I should have known. Il Liverpool ha perso quattro a zero ieri sera. ~ C’era da aspettarselo. Thanks for the lovely flowers. You shouldn’t have! Grazie per i bellissimi fiori. Non avresti dovuto! Is Karen going to be at the party tonight? ~ How should I know? Karen deve andare alla festa stasera? ~ E che cosa ne so io?
Abbina le due parti e completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. as well not/help ▶
1 2 3 4 5
stand it
told me
I have to do this work before next week. b I wear whatever I like. Actually, I’m not very hungry. They always play their music too loudly. What’s the square root of 625? You ate all the cake!
138 Unità 49 OUP copyright 2015
not/care a b c d e f
You I might as well I I Sorry, I I
that before I made dinner! do it now. Then I can relax. any more. I need some sleep! about fashion. . It was so delicious. you. I’m no good at maths.
Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. can’t be bothered might have told me ▶
1 2 3 4 5
couldn’t help it shouldn’t have
A present! That’s very kind of you, but you shouldn’t have ! I’m sorry I screamed, but you frightened me and I ! Yes, I know that if I made an effort I could be promoted, but, honestly, I . I won the lottery? Is this a joke? I ! You’ve already had dinner? You ! What am I going to do with all this food? You want to become a stuntman? You !
Completa i dialoghi con le espressioni a pagina 138 e le parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
can’t believe it must be mad
We’re going for a coffee. Do you want to come with us? (might) I might as well. I’ve got nothing else to do. I’ve got a spare ticket for the gig tonight. Do you want it? (might) I’ve just bought one! We need to finish the report by Friday. (must) We’ll never get it done by then. What a brilliant film! (couldn’t) It was absolutely fantastic! Who’s that over there? (couldn’t) I’ve never seen him before. Italy lost 4–0. (serious) Against England! Did you break the glass? (couldn’t) It just fell out of my hand, sorry. Paul’s told everyone about you and Louisa! (should) He just can’t keep a secret. Do you want a game of chess? (we/might) There’s nothing on TV. There’s some football on TV tonight. (couldn’t) I hate football. Who broke the window? (should) ? I wasn’t here at the time.
Grammar B2
Completa le risposte con le espressioni appropriate a pagina 138. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I’m going to do a parachute jump!
You must be mad! Italian food is the best in the world. I What’s the fifth biggest city in the UK? Sorry, I I’m going to swim across the Mediterranean Sea. You What happened? How did you spill your drink? I Why aren’t you doing your homework? I Hey, I’ve won €10,000 on the lottery! What? I
more. you. joking! it. Jim hit me with the ball. bothered. it! Unità 49 139
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 39– 49 Verbi modali 1
Completa le frasi con can(’t) o could(n’t) e i verbi nel riquadro. compete ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
take part
I can draw quite well, but I’m not very good at painting. Sophie’s very good at athletics. She really fast. you chess? I before I went to school. I always loved books. We swimming yesterday. The pool was closed. I the vase on the top shelf. Could you get it down for me, please? Each passenger one suitcase and a small bag on the coach. You in there. It says ‘No entry’. Women in the first Modern Olympics in 1896. However, they in the second Olympics in 1900.
Scrivi richieste o offerte con le parole tra parentesi. ▶
You want to borrow a table tennis bat. (could)
Could I borrow a table tennis bat? 1 You want to ask your friend a question. (can) 2 You want your friend to explain the rules of rugby to you. (could) 3 Your friends are playing a game. You want to join in. (could) 4 You want some help for a moment. (would/mind) 5 You want to offer to give your friend a skiing lesson. (would) 6 You want to offer to do the washing-up for your friend. (let)
Completa il dialogo con can, need to, have to e allowed. Poi ascolta e controlla. I help you? Hello, Hotel Beaumont. ▶ Can Yes, I have a few questions about the hotel. Of course. What would you like to know? Well, first, what are the check-in and check-out times? Check-in is at 2 in the afternoon and you 1 check out by 12 noon. And what are the restaurant opening hours? From 11 in the morning until midnight. And you 2 also order from the room service menu 24 hours a day. Caller And what about visitors? 3 guests have visitors? Receptionist Yes, but for security reasons guests are not 4 to have anyone in their room after 11 in the evening. Caller OK, and do I 5 pay a deposit when I make a reservation? Receptionist No, sir. You pay in full when you leave. We accept euros, pounds or US dollars. Caller OK. 6 I make a reservation? Receptionist Certainly, sir. Now, I just 7 take a few details. What dates would you like to make the booking for? Receptionist Caller Receptionist Caller Receptionist Caller Receptionist
140 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 39–49
EXAM Leggi la lettera d’invito a un colloquio e completala con l’alternativa corretta. Your interview We are delighted to invite you to an interview at 2.30 on Monday 14th February. If you can attend this appointment, you ▶ D contact us. However, if you are 1 to attend, please inform us as soon as possible so we 2 arrange another time. On the day, we will do all we 3 to make sure that the interview is on time, be required to wait for a short time. but sometimes you 4 If you fail to attend your interview, you 5 be offered another interview. you 6
contact us within seven days or
Where to go When you arrive at the university, you 7
report to the main reception.
What to bring You 8
bring your exam certificates and your ID card or passport. These be the original documents, not photocopies. If you 10 provide the conduct your interview. original documents, we may not 11 9
Getting here If you plan to come by car, please allow plenty of time for parking as spaces 12 be difficult to find and you 13 need to park some distance from in some of the streets the department’s main entrance. Parking is 14 park in the surrounding the department for up to three hours. You 15 university car park as this is for permit-holders only. Alternatively, you 16 take the number 5 bus from the city centre. This bus stops at the university main entrance. We look forward to meeting you.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
must not unable could must may can must not had better could must mustn’t can should have to certain do not have to ought to
cannot uncertain can would can will cannot should need to can don’t have to have to can should allowed do not need to should
could not impossible should can should must should not could can would are unable to need must can unlikely must not can
do not need to unlikely must could have to would may not can might might couldn’t be able to have to may impossible might not would
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 39–49 141
Completa i dialoghi con la forma affermativa o negativa del verbo modale adatto. In alcuni casi è possibile più di una soluzione. ▶
2 3 4 5 6 7
A 8 A B A B
I’ll have to go soon, I’m afraid. That’s OK. I can’t stay long either. Are you all right? You don’t look very well. I don’t feel very well, actually. I 1 concentrate in that last lesson at all. I think you 2 go home. 3 you like some more coffee? 4 No, thanks. But I have a glass of water? 5 you smoke in public buildings in Italy? No, you 6 . But you 7 until 2005. You 8 tell Fiona about the party. It’s a surprise. OK, I won’t say anything to her. Sorry I’m late. I 9 stop at a cash machine on the way here. No problem. But we really 10 leave now or we’ll be late. You haven’t eaten since breakfast. You 11 be hungry. 12 I am. I possibly have a sandwich or something, please? What’s the matter? I 13 find my door key. Have you seen it? No, I haven’t. When did you last have it? Well, it 14 be in the house somewhere. I used it to get in just five minutes ago, but I 15 remember where I put it. Well, it 16 still be in the door. Have you checked? Congratulations on winning the competition! You 17 feel really pleased. Thank you! Yes, I do. I’m very excited! You 18 written a really good story. Thank you! You 19 read it if you like.
Completa il brano con l’alternativa corretta.
Sporting superstars – Shaun White Shaun White was born in Carlsbad, California, in 1986. He was born with a heart defect and ▶ he had to have / he must have surgery at a very young age. But not even a heart problem 1can stop / could stop the young Shaun from being active. He first started snowboarding when he was six years old and almost immediately he could snowboard / he could have snowboarded as well as the adults who taught him. He had so much natural ability that 3he mustn’t practise / he didn’t have to practise hard. He started entering snowboarding competitions aged seven and he won almost every competition he entered. He turned professional when he was just 13. His competitors 4 must feel / must have felt like giving up. He won his first Olympic Gold medal at the Turin Winter Olympics in 2006. In the 2010 Winter Olympics, his score on his first run was so high that 5he didn’t need to make / he shouldn’t make a second run as nobody 6 could beat / might beat his score. 2
Shaun is also a world champion at skateboarding. He took up skateboarding so that he could remain / he could have remained active and 8could continue / could have continued to practise during the summer months.
142 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 39–49
Completa gli articoli con il tempo adatto dei verbi modali nei riquadri e i verbi tra parentesi.
Britney Lopez, an 11 grade High School student in Los Angeles, is taking her school to court. Lopez was awarded an ‘A’ grade, but she believes this ▶ should have been (be) an ‘A+’. ‘I 1 (not/believe) it when I saw my grade. The person who marked my paper 2 (be) asleep,’ says Lopez. In addition to the grade change, Lopez claims that the school 3 (not/publish) the exam results before the case was settled. Lopez is seeking $50,000 in damages.
A zoo worker who accidentally locked himself in a cage was rescued after a parrot told a colleague. Steve Jones said: ‘I didn’t have a key and I 4 (not/open) the door. The parrot 5 (realize) that I was in trouble and it copied my cries for help. If it hadn’t, I 6 (be) there all weekend.’
have to
A motorist in Dallas has been fined $250 for driving in a vehicle lane that is only for cars with two or more passengers. In the car, there was a life-size inflatable doll, instead of a passenger. The court heard that because there was only one ‘human’ in the vehicle, the car 7 (be) in a different lane. The court was also told that the mannequin 8 (burst) at any time, endangering the lives of other road users. The arresting officer also said that the driver ‘9 (try) the same trick on more than one occasion’ because he remembered seeing the same vehicle before and thinking that the passenger ‘didn’t look quite right’. As well as the fine, the driver, Jim Evans, aged 46, 10 (hand over) the doll, which at the time of the arrest was dressed in jeans, a denim jacket and a baseball cap.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
You are not allowed to smoke here. (can’t) You can’t smoke here. It’s possible it will rain later. (might) It later. Could I open the window? (mind) Would you the window? There’s no need to hurry. (have) We hurry. Someone needs to clean the windows soon. (need) The windows soon. I think it’s possible to book tickets in advance. (can) I think in advance. I’m sure Paolo will have arrived by now. (must) Paolo by now. You should go to bed if you’re tired. (ought) You if you’re tired. I think we need to order a taxi. (better) We a taxi. Which places do you recommend we visit in Milan? (should) Which in Milan? It’s not possible that you saw Federica. She wasn’t here. (can’t) You . She wasn’t here. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 39–49 143
Forme interrogative
A Present simple e past simple • La forma interrogativa di be si costruisce mettendo le forme di be (am, is, are, was, were) prima del soggetto (he, you, the film ecc.). Is he British? È britannico? Are you OK? Stai bene? How old is the film? Di quando è il film? When was the party? Quando è stata la festa? • La forma interrogativa degli altri verbi al present e past simple si costruisce con la forma adatta dell’ausiliare do (do, does, did) + soggetto + forma base. Do you play tennis? Giochi a tennis? Does Samantha live near here? Samantha vive qua vicino? Did you enjoy the film? Ti è piaciuto il film? Where does your brother work? Dove lavora tuo fratello? When did they get here? Quando sono arrivati qui?
B Altri tempi, have got, il passivo e i verbi modali Gli altri tempi, have got e il passivo hanno già un verbo ausiliare. La domanda si costruisce mettendo l’ausiliare prima del soggetto. La struttura è ausiliare (are, have, can ecc.) + soggetto + verbo principale. Are you feeling OK? Ti senti bene? Have you got a car? Hai la macchina? Was Hamlet written by Shakespeare? ‘Amleto’ è stato scritto da Shakespeare? How long have you lived here? Da quanto tempo abiti qui? Can you play tennis? Sai giocare a tennis? Would you please sit down? Vi dispiacerebbe sedervi?
C Parole interrogative • Le parole interrogative in inglese sono: What Che cosa Who Chi Which Quale/i When Quando
How Come Where Dove
Why Perché Whose Di chi
TIP Esistono delle espressioni interrogative molto utili con What e How, tra le quali:
What time A che ora What colour Di che/Che colore What kind/sort of Che tipo/sorta di How much Quanto/a How many Quanti/e
How long Per/Da quanto tempo How far A che distanza How old Che età/Quanti anni How often Ogni quanto How big/tall/high Quanto grande/alto
Nota l’ordine delle parole nelle domande con how + aggettivo: How tall are you? Quanto sei alta? How far is your school? Quanto è lontana la tua scuola? How fast is Sandy? Quanto è veloce Sandy?
• Le parole interrogative vanno all’inizio della domanda. What is it? Che cos’è? What time is it? Che ora è? Where do you live? Dove abiti? How much are the tickets? Quanto costano i biglietti? When are you leaving? Quando parti? How far is it to Hull? Quanto dista da qui a Hull? • Qualche volta si può fare la domanda usando solo la parola interrogativa. I’m going to New York. ~ When? Vado a New York. ~ Quando? Jake quit the football team. ~ Why? Jake ha lasciato la squadra di calcio. ~ Perché? ➔ Vedi unità 53–56 per altre forme interrogative.
144 Unità 50 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le domande.
THE TWO-MINUTE INTERVIEW This week – LeBron James ▶
Where were you born?
play for now? I play for Miami Heat now.
the LeBron James Family Foundation? It’s a foundation that raises money to help single-parent families in need.
your wife? We met while we were both in high school.
I was born in Akron, Ohio. 1
any brothers and sisters? No, I’m an only child.
a nickname? Yes, I have. Basketball fans call me ‘King James’.
playing basketball? I started when I was 9. My first team was the Northeast Ohio Shooting Stars.
your first NBA team? My first NBA basketball team was the Cleveland Cavaliers.
any children? Yes, I have two. They were born in 2005 and 2007.
names? LeBron James, Jr and Bryce Maximus James.
Leggi gli appunti e scrivi domande sul quaderno per ottenere maggiori informazioni.
Where is it? ?
Where? per month? 1 How much osit? 2 Need a dep
3 fully-furnished and equipped? 4 Have a garden? 5 How far from city centre?
Leggi il brano. Poi completa le domande. EVERYDAY INVENTIONS This week: correction fluid Correction fluid was invented in 1951 by a woman called Bette Nesmith Graham from Dallas, Texas. She got married very young and had a child, but she got divorced soon after that, in 1946. She had to go back to work to support herself and her son, so she got a job as a typist. It was difficult work because if a typist made a mistake on a page, they had to start again from the beginning. To solve this problem, Graham used her kitchen as a laboratory, where she developed a white liquid to ‘paint’ over her mistakes. Soon she was selling the liquid to her colleagues. In 1956, Graham started a company in her home and called her product Liquid Paper. She continued to run the business for the next 23 years. In 1979, she sold the formula and the rights to Liquid Paper for $47.5 million. Her son became even more famous than she did. He is Michael Nesmith, a member of the 1960s pop group The Monkees.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
When was correction fluid invented?
In 1951. From Dallas, Texas. In 1946. To support herself and her son. She worked as a typist. the white liquid? To paint over her typing mistakes. To her colleagues. her product? Liquid Paper. For 23 years. In 1979. For $47.5 million. Unità 50 145
Grammar B1
FOR RENT third person to share flat near city centre contact Ben 079105566739
Domande sul soggetto
A Forma e uso • Osserva la differenza tra una domanda sul soggetto di un’azione e una domanda su un complemento. Who gave Jane the CD? Chi ha dato il CD a Jane? Who did Jane give the CD to? A chi ha dato il CD Jane? • Quando si fanno domande sul soggetto di una frase, l’ordine delle parole è uguale a quello della forma affermativa, con la parola interrogativa al posto del soggetto. Interrogativa
Who gave you the book? Chi ti ha dato il libro?
Harry gave me the book. Harry mi ha dato il libro.
Who was the first US president? Chi fu il primo presidente degli USA?
George Washington was the first US president. George Washington fu il primo presidente degli USA.
Who is your English teacher? Chi è il tuo insegnante di inglese?
Ms Holmes is my English teacher. Ms Holmes è la mia insegnante di inglese.
Which countries border Spain? Quali paesi confinano con la Spagna?
France and Portugal border Spain. La Francia e il Portogallo confinano con la Spagna.
What is making that noise? Che cosa sta facendo quel rumore?
The washing machine is making that noise. La lavatrice sta facendo quel rumore.
How many people are going to the party? Quante persone andranno alla festa?
Twenty people are going to the party. Venti persone andranno alla festa.
• Nota che non si usa il verbo ausiliare do. Who gave you the book? (NON Who did give you the book?) Which countries border Spain? (NON Which countries do border Spain?) • Comunque, l’ausiliare don’t/doesn’t o didn’t è necessario per fare domande negative. Which European countries don’t use the euro? Quali paesi europei non usano l’euro? Who doesn’t want a coffee? Chi non vuole caffè? Who didn’t go to the party? Chi non è andato alla festa? TIP Who è la parola interrogativa più frequente nelle domande sul soggetto.
B Risposte brevi Le risposte brevi si formano con soggetto + be/ausiliare/modale appropriato (do, does, didn’t, can ecc.). Who wants a drink? ~ I do. Chi vuole qualcosa da bere? ~ Io. Who lives near Danielle? ~ Jenny does. Chi abita vicino a Danielle? ~ Jenny. Who made this mess? ~ We did. Sorry. Chi ha fatto questo macello? ~ Noi. Scusa. Who was last to arrive? ~ I was. Chi è arrivato per ultimo? ~ Io. Who can answer this question? ~ I can. Chi sa rispondere a questa domanda? ~ Io. Who will win the match? ~ Tim will. Chi vincerà la partita? ~ Tim. Who’s going to the concert? ~ They are. Chi deve andare al concerto? ~ Loro.
Riordina le parole in modo da formare domande. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
mess/this/made/who/? Who made this mess? with/cinema/us/who/isn’t/to/coming/the/? the/after/what/match/happened/? won/Oscar/film/year’s/which/last/? finished/the/who/test/hasn’t/? be/USA/who/of/president/the/the/next/will/? will/next year/teacher/be/who/your/?
146 Unità 51 OUP copyright 2015
Scrivi le domande di B e le risposte di A. Usa who e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. cut/my friend Petra take/I ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
drive/Anna tell/Jo
fix/Steve win/she
I heard the news about Jo and Rob. We came by car. This is a great photo. My computer’s being fixed at the moment. Do you like my new haircut? I played tennis against Martina this morning. Are you watching the football tonight?
play/Roma and Chelsea B Who told you? B B B B B B
A Jo did. A A A A A A
Completa le domande con what, who, which countries e i verbi nel riquadro. be
How much do you know about the USA and American culture? Do this quiz to find out.
America in 1492?
in the White House?
jeans in 1850?
in the Pirates of the Caribbean films?
a border with the USA?
a well-known symbol of the USA?
the USA’s first black president in 2009?
Google in 1998?
the first man on the moon?
Rispondi alle domande dell’esercizio 3 con risposte brevi e le informazioni nel riquadro. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. the bald eagle Christopher Columbus Neil Armstrong ▶
Who discovered
Barack Obama Johnny Depp Levi Strauss
Canada and Mexico the President of the USA Larry Page and Sergey Brin
Christopher Columbus did.
Scrivi le domande adatte per scoprire i dettagli mancanti. ▶
Someone phoned Harry.
Who phoned Harry? Archie found something. What did Archie find? 1 Someone lost the keys. ▶
4 Something happened to Maria. 5 Someone deleted the file. 6 I deleted something by mistake.
2 Something woke me up this morning.
7 I didn’t email some people.
3 Valentina bought something.
8 Some people didn’t help.
Unità 51 147
Grammar B1
Domande negative
A Forma Le domande negative si formano con un verbo ausiliare negativo o con una forma negativa di be. Domanda negativa
Domanda neutra
Isn’t he Spanish? Non è spagnolo?
Is he Spanish? È spagnolo?
Aren’t they going to the UK? Non vanno nella Gran Bretagna?
Are they going to the UK? Vanno nella Gran Bretagna?
Don’t you play the piano? Non suoni il piano?
Do you play the piano? Suoni il piano?
Didn’t you like the film? Non ti è piaciuto il film?
Did you like the film? Ti è piaciuto il film?
Haven’t we met before? Non ci siamo già conosciuti?
Have we met before? Ci siamo già conosciuti?
Can’t you come with us? Non puoi venire con noi?
Can you come with us? Puoi venire con noi?
Why didn’t you like it? Perché non ti è piaciuto?
Why did you like it? Perché ti è piaciuto?
B Uso Si possono usare le domande interrogative per varie ragioni. Gli usi più comuni sono: • senza una parola interrogativa: – per mostrare sorpresa o quando qualcosa non è come ci si aspettava. Don’t you like it? Non ti piace? Hasn’t she told you yet? Non te l’ha ancora detto? Wasn’t the party fun? Non è stata una bella festa? – quando ci si aspetta o spera che l’interlocutore sia d’accordo. Haven’t they already left? Non sono già partiti? Aren’t you a friend of Jill’s? Non sei un’amica di Jill? Isn’t it a lovely day? Non è una bellissima giornata? • con una parola interrogativa, per chiedere informazioni: Why didn’t you wait? Perché non hai aspettato? What don’t you like about London? Che cos’è che non ti piace di Londra? Who isn’t coming with us? Chi non deve venire con noi? TIP Why don’t we/you … ? è un’espressione utile per fare proposte e suggerimenti.
Why don’t we go by bus? Perché non andiamo in autobus? Why don’t you look for a part-time job? Perché non cerchi un lavoro part-time?
C Risposte Yes e No Per esprimere accordo con una domanda negativa si usa Yes, e si usa No per esprimere disaccordo. Didn’t you go out last night? ~ No, I stayed at home./Yes, I went to the cinema. Non sei uscita ieri sera? ~ No, sono rimasta a casa./Sì, sono andata al cinema. Aren’t you cold? ~ No, I’m fine./Yes, I’m freezing, actually. Non hai freddo? ~ No, sto bene./Sì, a dire il vero mi sto congelando.
148 Unità 52 OUP copyright 2015
Che cosa chiedi in queste situazioni per mostrare sopresa? Scrivi domande con Aren’t you … ? Poi ascolta e controlla. Your friend … ▶ doesn’t seem excited about his holiday. Aren’t you excited? 1 doesn’t seem nervous about tomorrow’s exam. 2 hasn’t eaten all day, but doesn’t seem hungry. 3 was working all night, but doesn’t seem tired. 4 passed her driving test, but doesn’t seem pleased. 5 is outside in the snow in a T-shirt, but doesn’t seem cold. Completa i dialoghi con una domanda negativa. Usa i verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. be A B A 1 A B A 2 A B A 3 A ▶
Do you want this magazine?
Don’t you want it? No. I’ve read it. Let’s say goodbye to Jane before we go. Oh, with us? No. She’s going with Marco. I don’t want anything to eat, thanks. hungry? No. I had a late lunch. Oliver only watched half the film last night. He left the cinema halfway through. B it? A No. He thought it was terrible.
4 A B A 5 A B A 6 A B A 7 A B A
I’ve just heard that Joe’s getting married! ? No. Sam just told me a minute ago. Is there a problem with the internet? ? No, it isn’t. There’s no signal. Where on earth are my keys? them yet? No. I’ve looked everywhere. What are we going to do tonight? the football on TV? Oh, I didn’t know it was on. Who’s playing?
Scrivi domande negative per chiedere conferma di informazioni che ritieni corrette. Completa le risposte alle domande con Yes o No. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶ A 1 A B 2 A 3 A 4 A B 5 A 6 A 7 A
Chris/like/rap music Doesn’t Chris like rap music? Simona/can speak/German , but she can speak some Polish. Elena and Jo/go/on holiday soon Katy/from Scotland B Martin/get/a computer for his birthday . A really cool laptop. Steve/have got/a car B Mel/have been/to Spain B Shaun/fail/his maths test B
No, he doesn’t . He hates it.
. To Spain, I think. . She’s from Ireland.
. He uses his parents’ car. . Last year, I think. . He’s really annoyed about it.
Usa le informazioni per fare delle domande sulla festa del tuo amico. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Your friend didn’t enjoy the party. Ask why. Why didn’t you enjoy the party? Some people didn’t turn up. Ask who. People didn’t dance. Ask why. They didn’t like some of the music. Ask which music. They didn’t eat the food. Ask why. Some people didn’t stay long. Ask who. Your friend isn’t having another party. Ask why. Unità 52 149
Grammar B2
What’s … like? How’s … ? e What does … look like?
A What is … like? ecc. La struttura What is/are/was/were … like? si usa per chiedere una descrizione o un’opinione generica su qualcosa o qualcuno. What’s Simon like? ~ He’s really nice. Very friendly. Com’è Simon? ~ Molto simpatico. Molto cordiale. What was the film like? ~ Excellent. The acting was superb. Com’era il film? ~ Bellissimo. Grande recitazione.
B How’s … ? ecc. Si può usare How’s/are/was/were … ? in due modi: • Si usa in modo simile a What is/was … like? per chiedere una descrizione o un’opinione generica riguardo qualcosa o qualcuno. How’s your pasta? ~ Really good. Com’è la tua pasta? ~ Buonissima. How was the film? = What was the film like? Com’era il film? How are your teachers? = What are your teachers like? Come sono i tuoi insegnanti? • Si può usare How’s/are per fare domande sulle condizioni o lo stato di benessere o di salute di qualcuno o qualcosa. How’s your new scooter? ~ Great. I love it! Come va il tuo scooter? ~ Benissimo. Mi piace molto! How’s life? ~ Not too bad. But I’m very busy at the moment. Come va (la vita)? ~ Non c’è male. Ma al momento ho moltissimo da fare. How’s Simon? Come sta Simon? How are the twins? ~ They’re fine, thanks. Come stanno i gemelli? ~ Stanno bene, grazie.
C What do/does … look like? Per chiedere una descrizione o un’opinione più specifica di qualcosa, si può usare What do/does … look/taste/sound/smell/feel like? ecc. What does Des look like? ~ He’s tall and really good-looking. Com’è Des fisicamente? ~ È alto e molto bello. What do they smell like? ~ They smell disgusting. Che odore hanno? ~ Hanno un odore schifoso. What does it taste like? ~ It’s sweet. Che sapore ha? ~ È dolce.
Scrivi le domande di A con What … like? Your friend went to a party. A What was the party like? B It was great! 1 Your friend has moved to a new school. A B It’s OK. The teachers are friendly. 2 Your friend went to New York. A B Amazing! Really exciting.
3 Your friend has bought some new boots. A B They’re black with a zip up the side. 4 Your friend has a new girlfriend. A B She’s great fun, and really friendly. 5 Your friend watched a film. A B It was really funny.
Scrivi domande con What do/does … like? e i verbi nel riquadro. look A B 1 A B 2 A B
What does it taste like? It’s a bit salty. They’re a bit like a folk band. It’s quite soft.
150 Unità 53 OUP copyright 2015
taste 3 A B It’s disgusting. Like old socks! 4 A B They’re silver and blue. 5 A B It’s delicious.
Osserva le figure e scrivi domande con How … ? e le parole nel primo riquadro. Scrivi risposte con le parole nel secondo riquadro. your new TV
your new car
hot and sunny
full of energy
A How’s the weather? B It’s hot and sunny! 1
the weather ill
your new house messy
the kids
fast and shiny
1112 1 2 10 3 9 4 8 7 6 5
Anna è appena rientrata da un viaggio in Italia. Completa le domande di Rosie con le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. what/the weather how/you Rosie Anna Rosie Anna Rosie Anna Rosie Anna Rosie Anna Rosie Anna Rosie Anna Rosie Anna Rosie Anna
how/Italy what/your hotel
how/the food what/Pisa
how/Pompeii what/it
Hi, Anna. How was Italy? Great, thanks. I had a fantastic time. Good. 1 ? It was perfect. About 30 degrees and clear blue skies every day. Nice! You stayed in Rome, didn’t you? 2 ? Oh, it’s an amazing city. There’s so much to see – the Forum, the Coliseum, the Pantheon … And 3 ? It was fine. It was in a great location – very close to the Pantheon. And 4 ? Delicious. I love Italian food, so for me it was heaven. And did you just stay in Rome? No, I went on a couple of day trips to Pisa and Pompeii. 5 ? Did you go up the Leaning Tower? Yes, I did. It’s pretty amazing. And 6 ? Interesting, I imagine? Yes, really interesting. I saw Vesuvius. Anyway, 7 ? Oh, I’m fine, thanks. Look, let’s meet up next week and have a proper chat. Yes, I’d love to, thanks! I’ll call you later!
Unità 53 151
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 50–53 Forme interrogative (1) 1
Leggi gli appunti e scrivi domande necessarie per ottenere maggiori informazioni.
WANTED Person to share flat near city centre Contact Lisa 07910 5566739
Where exactly is the flat?
how many rooms? how many people? we share the bills? can keep a pet? we cook together? have a garage?
6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5
5 6 7 8 9 10
where exactly? 1 how much per month? 2 need a deposit? 3 when room available? 4 fully-furnished and equipped?
Leggi il brano. Poi scrivi le domande per le risposte.
HISTORY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM The British Museum was founded in 1753 and was the first national public museum in the world. The main themes of the museum are human history and culture. The museum was founded to house the personal collections of Sir Hans Sloane (1660– 1753). Over his lifetime, Sloane collected more than 70,000 objects from around the world and he wanted them to be preserved after his death. So he gave the whole collection to the nation. The collection mainly consisted of books, antiquities and artworks. The British Museum opened to the public on 15th January 1759. There was no entrance fee; it was free to ‘all studious and curious persons’. It had 5,000 visitors in its first year. With the exception of two World Wars, the museum has remained open ever since. Today, the museum has nearly six million visitors a year. Entrance is still free of charge.
When was the British Museum founded?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
152 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 50–53
In 1753. Human history and culture. To house the collections of Sir Hans Sloane. More than 70,000. Books, antiquities and artworks. On 15th January 1759. No, it was free. Five thousand. Yes, it has, apart from during the two World Wars. About six million a year. Yes, it is.
Completa le domande del quiz con who e il tempo adatto dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi scegli la risposta corretta. be
FA M O U S B R I T S Who lives a the Prime Minister
in Buckingham Palace? b the King or Queen
a the Prime Minister
at number 10 Downing Street? b the King or Queen c the Mayor of London
a J.K. Rowling
the Harry Potter books? b Philip Pullman
c J.R.R. Tolkien
a The Rolling Stones
All You Need Is Love? b Elton John
c The Beatles
a Martha Taylor
the United Kingdom’s first female Prime Minister? b Mary Turner c Margaret Thatcher
a Prince Charles
Catherine Middleton in 2011? b Prince Harry c Prince William
a Tim Berners-Lee
the World Wide Web? b Tom Baker-Grey
1 2 3 4 5 6
c the Mayor of London
c Trevor Bayliss-West
Answers: 1a, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6a
Completa i dialoghi con What … like?, How … ?, What do/does … like? e le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. what/your new teacher what/her lessons 1 A B A B A B 2 A B A B
how/your holiday
How was your holiday? Great, thanks. We had a really good time.
It was OK. But it rained a bit. And 2 ? It was really nice. We had a room overlooking the sea. 3
She’s really nice. Very friendly. And 4 ? They’re really interesting and fun. I think we learn a lot in them.
what/the venue what/they sound 3 A B A B 4 A B A B A
what/your hotel how/the weather
what/he look how/the concert what/Jenny’s new boyfriend – I haven’t met him yet.
Oh, he’s really nice. Really easy to talk to. And 6 ? Well, he’s pretty good-looking, I’d say. He looks a bit like Orlando Bloom. 7 last night? It was great. The band played all my favourite songs. I don’t know them. 8 Well, they sound a bit like Pink Floyd, actually. A bit punkier, though. Mmm, sounds interesting. And 9 ? I’ve never been there. B Oh, it was really good. We had a brilliant view of the stage. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 50–53 153
Domande indirette
A Forma • Le domande indirette sono introdotte da una frase interrogativa o affermativa. Could you tell me … ? Potrebbe/Saprebbe/Potresti/Sapresti dirmi … ? Do you (happen to) know … ? Per caso sa/sai … ? Have you any idea … ? Hai un’idea di … ? Do you mind if I ask you … ? Le/Ti dispiace se le/ti chiedo … ecc. I’d like to know … Vorrei sapere … I was wondering … Mi chiedevo … • La frase introduttiva è seguita da una parola interrogativa o da if. If si usa per le domande indirette con risposta sì/no. Could you tell me where … ? Potrebbe/Saprebbe/Potresti/Sapresti dirmi dove … ? Do you know if … ? Sa/Sai se … ? Have you any idea when … ? Ha/Hai un’idea di quando … ? I was wondering if … Mi chiedevo se … TIP Si può anche usare whether invece di if nelle domande indirette.
Do you know whether Peter is going to the party? Sai se Peter abbia intenzione di andare alla festa? • La parola interrogativa o if a sua volta è seguita da soggetto + verbo. Nota che l’ordine delle parole è diverso da quello delle domande dirette e che non si usa il verbo ausiliare do. Could you tell me where the office is? Potrebbe dirmi dov’è l’ufficio? (NON Could you tell me where is the office?) Have you any idea when the bus leaves? Hai un’idea di quando parta l’autobus? (NON Have you any idea when the bus does leave?) • Si può anche usare una frase introduttiva + parola interrogativa + infinito. I was wondering where to get the bus. Mi chiedevo dove prendere l’autobus. Could you tell me what to do? Potrebbe dirmi che cosa fare? Could you tell me if the number 23 stops here? Mi può dire se il 23 fa una fermata qui? • Si può anche usare una frase interrogativa + sostantivo. Do you know his name? Sa/Sai come si chiama? Could you tell me the times of trains to York? Potrebbe dirmi gli orari dei treni per York? • Would you say … ? e Do you think … ? si usano per chiedere un’opinione e non sono seguite da un’espressione interrogativa o da if. Would you say you are/were a good student? Diresti che sei/eri un bravo studente? Do you think it’s going to rain later? Pensi che pioverà più tardi? ➔ Vedi unità 66 per le parole interrogative + infinito.
B Uso Si usano le domande indirette per due ragioni principali: • quando si vuole essere più formali o educati. Could you tell us why you’d like this job? Potrebbe dirci perché vorrebbe questo lavoro? • perché la domanda è delicata o personale e/o non si vuole mettere sotto pressione l’altra persona. Do you mind if I ask you how old you are? Ti/Le dispiace se ti/le chiedo quanti anni hai/ha?
Riscrivi le domande dirette come domande indirette sul quaderno. Usa le parole tra parentesi. ▶
When does the supermarket open? (do/know)
Do you know when the supermarket opens? 1 Is there a cash machine near here? (do/know) 2 What’s on at the cinema today? (any/idea) 3 How much are the tickets? (could/tell)
154 Unità 54 copyright 2015
4 Is the museum worth visiting? (would/say) 5 Do you want to go for a coffee? (I/wondering) 6 Where did you get your hat? (mind/ask) 7 Which hairdresser does Julie go to? (happen/know)
Riscrivi le domande nel riquadro e completa il dialogo con domande indirette. Poi ascolta e controlla. How far is Oxford from London? How long does it take to get there? When are you going? Could you recommend a place to stay? How much does the bus cost? Is Oxford any good for shopping? Is it worth visiting for a few days? Is two or three days enough? Can you go inside the university colleges?
Jackie Billy Jackie Billy Jackie Billy Jackie Billy Jackie Billy Jackie
I’m thinking of going to Oxford. Would you say it’s worth visiting for a few days ? Yes, I would. There are lots of things to see and do. OK. Do you know 1 ? Yes, you can. I think most of the colleges are open to the public. Great. And do you think 2 ? Well, the shops are OK, I suppose. You can get most things. But if you want to do some serious shopping, London isn’t far. Do you know 3 ? It’s about 50 miles. That’s about 80 kilometres. Oh, not that far. And have you any idea 4 ? By bus it takes about 90 minutes. I think there’s a bus every ten or fifteen minutes. Great, very handy. And do you happen to know 5 ? It’s not expensive. About £20 or so for a return ticket. It’s cheaper if you have a student card. OK. And do you think 6 ? Yes, I’d say two or three days is just perfect. And I was wondering 7 . I’ll ask my friend Steve – I’m sure you can stay with him. Do you know yet 8 ? Not sure. I’ll let you know as soon as I decide.
Grammar B1
Jackie Billy Jackie Billy Jackie Billy
Leggi gli appunti e completa le domande indirette necessarie per ottenere maggiori informazioni. Can you email Jim about tonight? See you at Sue’s house at 6.30
SCHOOL OF ENGLISH H Courses all year Contact 01866 406889
How muchh?? 1 When next course starts? 2 How long?
1 2 3 4 5
Computer games cons Used twice €300
6 Jim’s email address? ess? ss? 7 Where Sue lives? 8 Best way to get to Sue’s house?
3 Which model? 4 Why selling? 5 Which games included?
Could you tell me how much the courses are ? Do ? Could ? Could ? I was . Do ?
6 7 8 9 10 11
Have Do Do Do Could Could
June 17 + 18 over 30 band s
g? 9 Which bands playin 10 Where buy tickets? 11 How much? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Unità 54 155
Question tags
A Forma • Si usa una question tag dopo un’affermazione e si forma con be o un ausiliare (nello stesso tempo dell’affermazione) + pronome soggetto. Per il present e past simple si usa l’ausiliare do. • Dopo una frase affermativa si usa una question tag negativa. He’s French, isn’t he? È francese, non è vero? Anne was at the party, wasn’t she? Anne era alla festa, non è vero? You saw the film, didn’t you? Hai visto il film, no? • Dopo una frase negativa si usa una question tag affermativa. She wasn’t late, was she? Non è arrivata tardi, vero? Henrik has never been to England, has he? Henrik non è mai stato in Inghilterra, vero? You don’t like football, do you? Il calcio non ti piace, vero? • Nota le seguenti forme di question tag: – dopo I am, si usa la question tag aren’t I? I’m invited, too, aren’t I? Sono invitata anch’io, sì? – dopo Let’s, si usa la question tag shall we? Let’s go, shall we? Allora, andiamo?
Qualunque question tag corrisponde alle espressioni italiane vero?/non è vero?/sì?/no?
– con un soggetto che termina in -one o -body, si usa they nella question tag. Somebody told you, didn’t they? Qualcuno te l’ha detto, vero? No one liked the food, did they? Il cibo non è piaciuto a nessuno, vero? – con un soggetto che termina in -thing, si usa it nella question tag. Something is wrong, isn’t it? Qualcosa non va, vero? Everything was fine, wasn’t it? Andava/È andato tutto bene, non è vero?
B Uso Si usa una question tag dopo un’affermazione per invitare o indurre l’interlocutore a rispondere. • La question tag ha un’intonazione discendente (il tono della voce scende) quando ci si aspetta l’assenso dell’ascoltatore. È una bella giornata, non è vero? It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Sei stato in Grecia, non è vero? You’ve been to Greece, haven’t you? • La question tag ha un’intonazione ascendente (il tono della voce sale) quando si tratta di una vera e propria domanda. Ciò può avvenire: – perché la persona che parla non è sicura se l’affermazione sia vera. Oggi è il 15, no? It’s the 15th today, isn’t it? Sam ha la macchina, vero? Sam’s got a car, hasn’t he? – per chiedere qualcosa in maniera informale. Non avresti una penna (da prestarmi)? You haven’t got a pen, have you? Non è che potresti prestarmi €10? You couldn’t lend me €10, could you? – per mostrare disapprovazione o incredulità. You haven’t bought another new mobile, have you?
Non dirmi che hai comprato un altro cellulare!
• Si può usare una frase affermativa + question tag affermativa quando si vuole verificare o chiarire qualcosa. I can’t help you at the moment, I’m afraid. ~ Oh, you’re busy, are you? Purtroppo in questo momento non posso aiutarti. ~ Hai molto da fare, vero? Tom didn’t get here on time. ~ I see. He was late again, was he? Tom non è arrivato in orario. ~ Capisco. Era di nuovo in ritardo, vero?
156 Unità 55 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con la question tag adatta. Poi ascolta e controlla. The party was great, wasn’t it ? 1 That’s the new teacher, ? 2 You live near the park, ? 3 You’re not originally from London, ? 4 That’s not your car, ? 5 Everyone’s heard of The Beatles, 6 Freddy can play the piano,
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
on Green Road
Do you know where Samantha lives? What time does the film start? How old will Jim be next birthday? What’s the new student’s name? When did Jen and Dave start going out? Who are Italy playing in the semi-final? Are you going to Jake’s party?
not/cheap not/rain
enjoy it not/today
go somewhere else work properly
at 8.30
She lives on Green Road, doesn’t she It He It They They Me? I
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
leave before the end B B B B B B B
Wasn’t the film terrible? The hire-car was rubbish, wasn’t it? This party’s pretty boring, isn’t it? Are you ready for the maths test? I wasn’t impressed by the exhibition. I suppose the weather wasn’t too bad. The meal was quite expensive.
about two months ago
Yes. Most people Yes. Nothing I agree. Let’s Oh no! It Yes, no one Well, at least it Well, it
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Scrivi delle richieste sul quaderno con haven’t o couldn’t. Usa una question tag adatta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Completa le risposte con le parole nei riquadri e la question tag adatta. Poi ascolta e controlla. England
Roberta doesn’t speak English, We’ve met before, ? I’m invited to the party, ? Let’s go, ? We first met in 2009, ? You won’t tell anyone, ? It’s a lovely day, ?
You need to use a pen. Ask your friend if he’s got one. You haven’t got a pen, have you? You don’t know Kerry’s email address. Ask your friend if she’s got it. You need €5. Ask your friend if you could borrow it. You can’t find your keys. Ask your friend if he’s seen them. You don’t understand your homework. Ask your friend if she could help you. You haven’t got your mobile with you. Ask your friend if you could use hers.
Completa le frasi per chiarire le informazioni. Usa le parole nel riquadro e la question tag adatta. Poi ascolta e controlla. he/have got/a car A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
you/go out
The taxi will be here in a minute. Oh, you’re going out, are you It was two-nil to Liverpool last night. Oh, Steve’s here at last. Oh,
? ? ?
he/arrive 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B
you/be sick
I can’t go to school today. Oh, Jim can give you a lift home. Oh, This party’s boring. I’m off. Oh,
? ? ?
Unità 55 157
Grammar B1
A Uso e forma Le domande-eco possono essere usate per esprimere sorpresa o per chiedere chiarimenti. Ci sono cinque tipi fondamentali di domande-eco. • Si può fare una domanda-eco con una parola interrogativa. I saw Alicia yesterday. ~ Who? Ieri ho visto Alicia. ~ Chi? It’s my birthday on the 15th. ~ When? Il 15 è il mio compleanno. ~ Quando? I think this is Jack’s phone. ~ Whose? Credo che questo sia il telefono di Jack. ~ Di chi? • Si può usare la frase originale con un’espressione interrogativa al posto dell’informazione su cui si fa la domanda. I’m seeing Jane tonight. ~ You’re seeing who? Stasera vedo Jane. ~ Vedi chi? The exam’s at 9.30 on Friday. ~ It’s when on Friday? L’esame è alle 9.30 venerdì. ~ È venerdì a che ora? Tara’s quit school. ~ She’s what? Tara si è ritirata da scuola. ~ Si è cosa? • Nel caso di azioni, si può sostituire l’intera sequenza di verbo + complemento con la forma adatta di do + what. Ciò avviene di solito quando si vuole mostrare sorpresa o anche incredulità. Paolo crashed his scooter. ~ He did what? Paolo ha schiantato lo scooter. ~ Ha fatto cosa? I’ve split up with Anna. ~ You’ve done what? Ci siamo lasciati con Anna. ~ Avete fatto cosa? • Si può usare be o verbo ausiliare + pronome. David’s Canadian. ~ Is he? David è canadese. ~ Sì? I saw Larry last night. ~ Did you? Ieri sera ho visto Larry. ~ Ma va’? Tracy’s gone on holiday. ~ Has she? Tracy è andata in vacanza. ~ Ma va’? I’m not coming with you. ~ Aren’t you? Non vengo con te. ~ Davvero? ➔ Vedi unità 135 per approfondimenti sulle domande-eco.
• Si può ripetere l’informazione senza fare la forma interrogativa della frase. Leo’s broken his leg. ~ He’s broken his leg? Leo si è rotto una gamba. ~ Si è rotto una gamba? Juanita’s getting married. ~ She’s getting married? Juanita si sposa. ~ Si sposa?
B Intonazione Nelle domande-eco l’intonazione sale. Sebbene l’intonazione sia un fenomeno complesso, in generale, più sale la voce, più grande è la sorpresa. Anna ha cambiato idea. ~ Ha fatto cosa? Anna’s changed her mind. ~ She’s done what? Scusa il ritardo. Mi sono perso. ~ Ti sei perso? Sorry I’m late. I got lost. ~ You got lost? Sto studiando spagnolo. ~ Ma va’? I’m learning Spanish. ~ Are you? TIP Malgrado l’uso di whom come oggetto del verbo sia considerato ‘grammaticamente corretto’,
suona molto formale e nell’inglese parlato è di norma usato e accettabile usare who. I saw Maria last night. ~ You saw who?/You saw whom? Ieri notte ho visto Maria. ~ Hai visto chi?
Completa i dialoghi con le parole interrogative. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B A B A 1 A B A B A
I saw Danny last night.
Who? Danny, he was at the gym. Where? At the gym. The film starts at 7.30. 7.30. So let’s meet at the cinema at 7.15. At the cinema.
158 Unità 56 OUP copyright 2015
2 A B A B A 3 A B A B A B A
I think this is Petra’s bag. Petra’s. It’s the one Ann gave her, isn’t it? Ann. The bus takes about 3 hours. About 3 hours. It’s about 150 miles. About 150 miles. Tickets are £20. £20.
Scrivi le risposte con frasi intere sostituendo l’informazione su cui fai la domanda con una parola interrogativa. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
5 A This jacket is twenty years old. B A Twenty years old. It used to be my mum’s. B A My mum’s. She bought it in Paris. B A In Paris. My parents were on their honeymoon. B A On their honeymoon!
Peter’s gone to Australia.
He’s gone where? To Australia. For a month. I’ve bought a Fiat. A Fiat. It’s a great car. The tickets were €50 each. €50, plus €5 booking fee. Alex’s party’s on the 15th. The 15th. Two weeks tomorrow. I saw Jerome last weekend. Jerome. He was in the library. In the library.
Scrivi risposte che esprimono sorpresa o incredulità. Usa il tempo corretto di do + what. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. Poi ascolta e controlla. My brother’s quit his job! He’s done what? 1 Simon’s doing the washing-up! 2 My dad’s bought a motorbike! 3 I’m going to get married! ▶
Scrivi le risposte con il verbo ausiliare + il pronome. Poi ascolta e controlla. I passed all my exams! Did you? That’s fantastic. 1 My brother’s getting married! I hope he’ll be very happy. 2 I’ve bought a car! What make? 3 Danny and Sandy are going out together! I thought they didn’t like each other. ▶
4 Tom was tidying his bedroom earlier! 5 Roberto told Suzy everything! 6 I’ve crashed my parent’s car!
4 I’ve never been to Milan. You really must go. 5 My mum’s won the lottery! I don’t believe you! 6 Marta didn’t come to school today. Is she ill?
Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Leggi l’esempio e scrivi dialoghi simili. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B A 1 A B A 2 A B ▶
Dad! I fell into the river!
You fell into the river ? Yes, sorry. I’m afraid there aren’t any taxis. You’re joking. We’ll have to walk home. Sorry I can’t eat this. I’m vegetarian. ? I didn’t know that.
3 A We’re moving to Australia. B ? When? A In the summer. Just for a few months. 4 A Oh no. I’ve forgotten the keys. B ? How are we going to get in? A I know. I’ll ask our neighbour.
Unità 56 159
Grammar B2
Risposte brevi (a domande yes/no) + I think so ecc.
A Yes, I am, No, I didn’t ecc. In inglese può a volte essere poco cortese rispondere solo Yes oppure No. Di solito è meglio dare risposte brevi come Yes, I am o Yes, I did o No, she isn’t. • Si usa Yes o No + pronome soggetto + verbo ausiliare o be. Is Jane American? ~ Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. Jane è americana? ~ Sì./No. Do you like Indian food? ~ Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Ti piace la cucina indiana? ~ Sì./No. Have they finished? ~ Yes, they have./No, they haven’t. Hanno finito? ~ Sì./No. Did Julian speak to you? ~ Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. Julian ti ha parlato? ~ Sì./No. Can Suzy play the piano? ~ Yes, she can./No, she can’t. Suzy sa suonare il piano? ~ Sì./No. • Nella risposta affermativa non si usa la forma contratta, e di solito si usa un pronome per evitare di ripetere il soggetto. Are you OK? ~ Yes, I am. Va tutto/Stai bene?~ Sì. (NON Yes, I’m.) Was Eva there? ~ No, she wasn’t. C’era Eva? ~ No. (NON No, Eva wasn’t.)
B I think so, I hope not ecc. • Se non si è sicuri della risposta, si possono usare verbi come think/believe/guess/hope/expect/ suppose + so. Are they French? ~ I think so. Sono francesi? ~ Penso di sì. Is Maria coming with us? ~ I expect so. Maria viene con noi? ~ Immagino di sì. Did someone speak to Bill? ~ I hope so. Qualcuno ha parlato con Bill? ~ Spero di sì. Are they here yet? ~ I don’t think so. Sono già qui? ~ Non credo./Credo di no. Will Jack be at the party? ~ I don’t expect so. Jack sarà alla festa? ~ Non credo./Credo di no. • Per la forma negativa di hope e guess si usa not dopo il verbo. Is Maria coming with us? ~ I hope not. Maria viene con noi? ~ Spero di no. (NON I don’t hope so.) Did he leave a message? ~ I guess not. Ha lasciato un messaggio? ~ Suppongo di no. (NON I don’t guess so.) ➔ Vedi unità 134 per approfondimenti su I think so, I hope so ecc.
C I don’t know, I’ve no idea ecc. Se non si sa la risposta a una domanda, si possono usare espressioni come I don’t know (Non so), I’ve no idea (Non ho idea) e I haven’t a clue (Non ne so niente), che però può essere considerata troppo informale e scortese. What’s the new student’s name? ~ I don’t know. Come si chiama la nuova studentessa? ~ Non (lo) so. What’s the capital of Mongolia? ~ I’ve no idea. Qual è la capitale della Mongolia? ~ Non (ne) ho idea.
Scrivi le risposte brevi affermative e negative. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Scrivi le risposte brevi affermative e negative vere per te.
Does Katie speak English?
Are you tired?
Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. Is Pedro from Madrid? Do you speak English? Did Alan pass his exams? Will John be at the meeting? Was it a good film? Is there a bank near here? Have Sue and Bob arrived yet? Is Nancy coming with us? Can you speak French? Has it stopped raining?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Have you got a computer? Do you go to the gym? Is it raining? Do your parents speak English? Did you go out last night? Can you play the piano? Are you married? Have you been to the UK? Do you like cheese?
160 Unità 57 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con i verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Did you manage to fix your computer? (guess) I guess so. It’s working fine now. The meeting’s at 2.30, isn’t it? (think) Yes, . But check with Andrew. Do you think it will rain later? (expect) It always rains at this time of year. Do you think Italy will beat England in the rugby match? (think) England should win easily. Will you finish your assignment before the weekend? (hope) I want to go to the beach at the weekend. Is the lesson at the usual time? (suppose) I haven’t heard anything different. Has the football match been cancelled? (hope) I’m really looking forward to playing.
Completa le frasi con le espressioni nei riquadri. C’è un’espressione in più in ciascun riquadro. I don’t think so. ▶
I hope not.
I think so.
No, I haven’t.
Have you seen this film before? I don’t think so. It doesn’t seem very familiar. I think so. But I don’t remember it very well. No, I haven’t. This is the first time.
I guess not.
I’ve no idea.
I hope so.
Grammar B1
I hope not.
1 Isn’t Jane coming tonight? She said she had to study. I haven’t spoken to her. I really don’t like her. No, it isn’t.
I hope so.
I don’t know.
Yes, it is.
2 Is dinner ready yet? Let’s eat! I’m starving. It’ll be another 5 minutes. I don’t think so.
I hope not.
I guess so.
I hope so.
3 Are they English? I’d like to practise my English. It sounds like they’re speaking English. They’re speaking German. Yes, I am.
I don’t expect so.
I hope not.
I hope so.
4 Are you going to watch the match on Saturday? I’m going to watch it in a café. But it depends – I have to finish my homework first. I’m visiting my grandparents and they won’t want to watch it.
Unità 57 161
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 54–57 Forme interrogative (2) 1
Riscrivi le domande dirette come domande indirette. Usa le parole tra parentesi. ▶
When do the shops shut? (do/know)
Do you know when the shops shut? 1 Is there free wi-fi here? (do/know) 2 What’s on at the theatre at the moment? (have/idea) 3 Where is the bus station? (could/tell) 4 Is the gallery worth visiting? (would/say) 5 How much would a new laptop cost? (wondering)
Completa le risposte con le parole nel riquadro e una question tag (aren’t you?, aren’t they? ecc.). at 4.30 have lunch ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
£80 a night not/invited
about four months ago enjoyed it
to the swimming pool
Where are Jon and Susie going? They ’re going to the swimming pool, aren’t they Can you remember how much the hotel was? It When does the post office close? It I’m really hungry. OK, let’s When did Annie move here? She Are you coming to the party? No, I I wasn’t impressed by the exhibition. No, no one
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Alice e Jane stanno discutendo sul riscaldamento globale. Completa il dialogo con una question tag adatta. Poi ascolta e controlla. Alice So, what exactly is global warming? Jane Well, basically it’s the rise in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, ▶ isn’t it Alice But why is the earth getting warmer? It’s to do with greenhouse gases, 1 ? Jane Yeah, that’s right. As you know, the sun heats the earth, 2 ? Well, some of this heat is reflected back into space and some is naturally trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. If there are too many greenhouse gases, then too much heat gets trapped and the earth gets warmer. Alice OK, but what are these greenhouse gases? Where do they come from? Jane They’re things like carbon dioxide and methane. They come mainly from burning coal and petrol, but also from other things, too. I think fridges contain greenhouse gases as well, 3 ?
162 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 54–57
Alice OK, I see. And the main consequence of global warming will be the melting of the ice caps, 4 ? Is that right? Jane Well, yes. That’s one of the consequences. Alice And if the ice caps melt, sea levels will rise, 5 ? Jane Yes. And that means that coastal areas will flood and there’ll be all sorts of problems. Alice It’s not going to be good, 6 ? But there are lots of ways we can help reduce greenhouse gases and help stop global warming, 7 ? Jane Yes, there are lots of things you can do. You can recycle things and turn off lights. And you can always travel less by car and walk more, 8 ? Alice People knew about global warming years ago, 9 ? So why didn’t they do anything about it? Jane Good question. It’s like everything, 10 ? If people aren’t directly affected by it, they don’t see it as a problem, 11 ?
Leggi l’intervista con il celebre cuoco Jude Smith e completala con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. Interviewer Jude Interviewer Jude Interviewer Jude Interviewer Jude Interviewer Jude Interviewer Jude Interviewer Jude Interviewer Jude Interviewer Jude
Could you tell me when ▶ did you start / you started to cook? You were quite young, 1 didn’t you / weren’t you? Yes, 2 I did / I was. I was about seven when I started cooking. And your parents owned a hotel, 3did they / didn’t they? Yes, that’s right, 4 they did / did they. I used to help in the kitchen from time to time. And what 5 did you like / you liked about cooking? I just loved making food that people enjoyed. So, why do you think 6 you are / are you so successful? Good question. I’d say my success is down to luck, passion and knowledge! OK, and would you say 7fame has changed / has fame changed you? It seems to change a lot of people, 8 does it / doesn’t it? Well, 9 I don’t think so / I think so. I don’t think my personality has changed, but I’ve become a businessman. Do you mind if I ask you where 10 do you get / you get your recipes from? Most of them are my own. I sometimes borrow recipes from other chefs, but I always name them in my books. We’ve had some questions from some of our readers, and a lot of them would like to know 11do you have / if you have a favourite kind of food. Well, it changes, but at the moment it’s probably Indian food. I love spicy food. And would you say 12 you have / do you have a favourite meal? Yes, 13I have / I do. My sister’s Sunday lunch, with vegetables from the garden. You can’t get better than home-grown vegetables, 14can you / can’t you? And one final question. 15Do you ever / You ever get fed up of cooking and just go for a burger instead? Ha ha. Yes, I’ve been known to go to the local burger shop from time to time. We all need a bit of fast food occasionally, 16do we / don’t we?
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 54–57 163
Verbi + forma in -ing
Forma e uso Quando un verbo regge un altro verbo, il secondo può prendere o la forma in -ing o l’infinito. I seguenti verbi sono seguiti dalla forma in -ing: • Verbi che esprimono simpatie/antipatie/gusti personali: adore adorare/piacere moltissimo don’t mind non dispiacere/essere indifferente love amare/piacere moltissimo dislike non piacere like piacere hate odiare I love lying on the beach. Mi piace moltissimo stare sdraiata in spiaggia. I don’t like getting up early. Non mi piace alzarmi presto. I hate not being able to use my phone at school. Non sopporto non poter usare il cellulare a scuola.
(NON I hate can’t use my phone at school.) • Alcune espressioni con can’t/couldn’t: can’t face non farcela (ad affrontare) can’t help non poter evitare/fare a meno di can’t imagine non riuscire ad immaginare
can’t resist non riuscire a resistere can’t stand/can’t bear non sopportare can’t stop non riuscire a smettere
I’m exhausted. I can’t face going for a run. Sono esausta. Non ce la faccio ad andare a correre. I couldn’t help overhearing what you said. Non ho potuto fare a meno di sentire per caso quello che hai detto. • Altri verbi: admit ammettere avoid evitare (don’t) bother (non) prendersi la briga di/disturbarsi a carry on continuare/proseguire consider prendere in considerazione continue/keep (on) continuare a delay ritardare deny negare dread temere enjoy piacere/divertirsi a fancy aver voglia di feel like aver voglia di finish finire
imagine immaginare involve comportare/comprendere look forward to aspettare qualcosa con piacere mention menzionare miss sentire la mancanza di postpone/put off rinviare practise fare esercizio recommend raccomandare risk rischiare spend time/money spendere tempo/soldi stop/give up smettere suggest suggerire/proporre waste time/money sprecare tempo/soldi
The job involves being very patient. Il lavoro comporta essere molto paziente. I need to keep working hard to pass my exams. Devo continuare a lavorare duro per passare gli esami. Do you feel like going for a pizza? Ti va di andare a prendere una pizza? Peter suggests going by taxi. Peter propone di andare in taxi. Nota che non c’è una regola che dice quali verbi reggono la forma in -ing. Si devono imparare e ricordare. ➔ Vedi unità 60 per approfondimenti sulla forma in -ing. TIP Look forward to + forma in -ing è un’espressione utile. Corrisponde a espressioni diverse in italiano
a seconda del contesto. I look forward to hearing from you. Resto in attesa di un Suo riscontro. We’re really looking forward to seeing you next week. Non vediamo l’ora di vederti la prossima settimana.
164 Unità 58 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le opinioni con i verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. buy
Li Marta Karl
try on
I don’t bother with supermarkets any more. You waste too much time 7 up and down the aisles again and again. And I hate not 8 to find what I want. I do all my shopping on the internet these days. If you don’t mind 9 for your food to arrive, into a supermarket ever again! it’s the perfect way to shop. I just can’t imagine 10
Scrivi una frase per ogni figura. Usa un verbo da ciascun riquadro. can’t stop break ▶
admitted play
go 1
Sam loves playing 1 Samantha 2 It
I hate going shopping with my boyfriend. He’s useless and he has always had enough after twenty minutes. I really enjoy 1 presents for other people. That’s the best kind of shopping. shopping with my girlfriend. She always spends hours and hours I can’t bear 2 3 the same clothes again and again. And I also can’t stand 4 at the checkout. It takes forever! I think it’s always important to spend time 5 in different shops. I recommend 6 prices and quality if you can.
be able
hates play
loves run
hasn’t stopped
the drums. the vase. since yesterday.
3 Jimmy 4 Stanley 5 My sister
Grammar B1
computer games to the dentist. a lot.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa il tempo corretto dei verbi tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I’ll cook dinner tonight if you like. (not mind) I don’t mind cooking dinner tonight I read my book for two hours last night. (spend) I Alex says he might look for a new job. (consider) Alex Josh said it was him who deleted the files. (admit) Josh I wish I still lived in Florence. (miss) I really Paula thinks we should go by bus. (suggest) Paula I’m not in the mood to play tennis. (feel like) I I really can’t wait to see my friends again. (look forward to) I
. . . . . . . . Unità 58 165
Verbi + infinito
A Forma e uso • Quando un verbo regge un altro verbo, il secondo può prendere o la forma in -ing o l’infinito. I seguenti verbi sono seguiti dall’infinito: agree concordare aim mirare/puntare a appear/seem sembrare arrange organizzare ask chiedere attempt tentare di can(’t) afford (non) potersi permettere can’t wait non vedere l’ora di choose scegliere claim affermare/sostenere decide decidere
demand pretendere deserve meritare/meritarsi expect aspettarsi fail mancare (di) forget dimenticarsi help aiutare hope sperare intend intendere learn (how) imparare a manage riuscire a need aver bisogno di
offer offrire/offrirsi di plan progettare prepare preparare pretend far finta di promise promettere refuse rifiutarsi di tend avere la tendenza a threaten minacciare di volunteer offrirsi volontario per want volere would like vorrei, vorresti (ecc.)
I hope to see you later. Spero di vederti più tardi. We’re planning to leave at about 6.30. Stiamo progettando di partire verso le 6.30. What time have you arranged to meet? A che ora hai organizzato l’appuntamento? Did you manage to fix your computer? Sei riuscita ad aggiustare il computer? I tend to go to bed at about 10.30. Di solito vado a letto verso le 10.30. • Nota che la forma negativa dell’infinito si forma mettendo not prima dell’infinito. I promise not to be late. Prometto di non fare tardi. • I verbi modali non hanno l’infinito, quindi non possono seguire i verbi che reggono l’infinito. He claims to be able to play the guitar like Jimi. Sostiene di saper suonare la chitarra come Jimi. (NON He claims can play the guitar like Jimi.) She hopes to be able to arrive on time. Spera di poter arrivare puntuale. (NON She hopes can arrive on time.) They seem to be allowed to do anything they want. Sembra che gli sia permesso fare qualsiasi cosa vogliano. (NON They seem may do anything they want.) He expects to have to do overtime sometimes. Si aspetta di dover fare straordinario a volte. (NON He expects must do overtime sometimes.) Nota che non c’è una regola che dice quali verbi reggono l’infinito. Si devono imparare e ricordare. TIP Si usano seem e appear (sembrare) + infinito per fare affermazioni meno ‘assolute’ e quindi più cortesi.
Larissa seems to be upset about something. Larissa sembra dispiaciuta/seccata per qualche motivo. We appear to be lost! Si direbbe che ci siamo persi!
B Forma continuous dell’infinito e dell’infinito passato • La forma continuous dell’infinito (to be doing, to be working ecc.) dopo un altro verbo si usa per qualcosa in corso di svolgimento in un dato momento. I hope to be lying on the beach this time tomorrow. Spero di essere sdraiata sulla spiagga domani a quest’ora. The internet doesn’t seem to be working. Sembrerebbe che internet non stia funzionando. • L’infinito passato (to have done, to have stopped ecc.) si usa per qualcosa che è avvenuto nel passato. He pretended to have hurt his foot. Ha fatto finta di essersi fatto male a un piede. It appears to have stopped raining. Sembra che abbia smesso di piovere.
166 Unità 59 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con l’infinito dei verbi nel riquadro. revise study ▶
1 2 3 4 5
buy rain
meet take
have go out
become help
Tom’s offered to to help with my essay. We’ve arranged to meet after school. I can’t afford a new mobile. I need until I have more money. Suzy wants history at university and then she wants a history teacher. I’ve decided not swimming today. I’m intending for the test tomorrow. I was hoping a big party for my birthday, but my parents want for a family meal. It tends a lot at this time of year. You need your umbrella with you all the time.
Descrivi le figure con il past simple e l’infinito dei verbi nel riquadro. decide/cycle
manage/fix 3
the problem.
his homework.
He 2
save up go
to school.
to a bigger house.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa i verbi nei riquadri. offer
can’t wait
Harry says he won’t help me. Harry refuses to help me 1 I’m really looking forward to going on holiday. I 2 They think they’ll arrive at about 9.30. They
3 Were you able to get tickets for the concert? Did you ? 4 We said we could help. We . 5 I insist on speaking to the manager. I .
6 It’s important that I speak to Susanna later today. I really . 7 I won’t tell anyone – you have my word. I .
tend 8 We generally eat out once or twice a month. We . 9 I don’t think the internet is working. . The internet 10 It looks like I’ve lost my mobile. I . Unità 59 167
Grammar B1
Verbi + forma in -ing o infinito
Forma e uso Alcuni verbi possono reggere sia la forma in -ing che l’infinito. • Con start, begin e continue si può usare sia la forma in -ing che l’infinito senza alcuna differenza di significato. I started playing the drums when I was ten./I started to play the drums when I was ten. Ho iniziato a suonare la batteria quando avevo dieci anni. • Quando start, begin e continue sono in una forma continuous di solito reggono l’infinito. I’m beginning to feel better. Sto incominciando a sentirmi meglio. (NON I’m beginning feeling better.) • Per i verbi seguenti invece c’è una differenza di significato: like/hate – Like/hate + forma in -ing = mi piace/non mi piace fare qualcosa in generale. I like going to the gym. Mi piace andare in palestra. I hate doing exams. Odio fare esami. – Like/hate + infinito = preferisco/penso che qualcosa sia una buona o una cattiva idea. I like to arrive at the airport two hours before the plane leaves. Preferisco arrivare all’aeroporto due ore prima che l’aereo parta. I hate to keep people waiting. Odio far aspettare le persone. remember/forget – Remember/forget + forma in -ing = (non) avere ricordi di qualcosa avvenuta prima del ricordarsi/ dimenticarsi. Do you remember going to school for the first time? Ti ricordi la prima volta che sei andata a scuola? I’ll never forget seeing her for the first time. Non dimenticherò mai la prima volta che l’ho vista. – Remember/forget + infinito = ricordarsi/dimenticarsi di fare qualcosa. Il ricordarsi/dimenticarsi avviene prima dell’azione. Did you remember to buy the milk? Ti sei ricordato di comprare il latte? Oh no! I’ve forgotten to turn the cooker off. Oh no! Mi sono dimenticato di spegnere il fornello. try – Try + forma in -ing = fare un tentativo per vedere quali saranno i risultati, magari come esperimento o prova. I tried reloading the software, but the program still doesn’t work. Ho provato a caricare di nuovo il software, ma il programma ancora non funziona. – Try + infinito = fare uno sforzo per conseguire qualcosa. I tried to get a ticket, but they were sold out. Ho cercato di comprare un biglietto, ma era tutto esaurito. TIP Nell’inglese parlato si può usare anche try and … invece di try to … all’imperativo e con i verbi modali.
Try and be a bit earlier next time! Cerca di arrivare un po’ prima la prossima volta! I’ll try and get a ticket. Cercherò di comprare un biglietto. regret – Regret + forma in -ing = rammaricarsi/pentirsi di qualcosa fatta in precedenza. I really regret buying that mobile. It’s rubbish. Mi sono davvero pentito di aver comprato quel cellulare. È una schifezza. – Regret + infinito = rammaricarsi per qualcosa che si sta per fare. I regret to inform you that your application was not successful. Sono spiacente di informarLa che la Sua domanda di lavoro non è stata accolta. • Nota che ci sono altri verbi che possono reggere sia la forma in -ing che l’infinito con un significato differente, ma i verbi in questa unità sono i più comuni e i più utili. ➔ Vedi unità 58 e 59 per approfondimenti sui verbi seguiti dalla forma in -ing oppure l’infinito e unità 58 per approfondimenti su like, love e hate.
168 Unità 60 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing o l’infinito del verbo a seconda che si parli di un piacere in generale o di un’opinione su cosa è meglio fare. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
I always like to get I like Do you like I like I hate I like
(get) to the station at least half an hour before the train leaves. (pay) my bills as soon as they arrive. (play) computer games? (eat) five portions of fruit or vegetables every day. (go) to the dentist. (wash) my hair twice a week.
Julia ha organizzato una festa. Nell’elenco qui sotto ha indicato che cosa si è ricordata (✓) e che cosa ha dimenticato (✗) di fare. Scrivi le frasi sul quaderno con She remembered … o She forgot … .
put up the decorations ✗ 1 organize the music ✓ 2 buy the food ✗
3 buy the drinks ✓ 4 tidy the house ✗ 5 warn the neighbours ✗
remember/a lot of birthday cake
I remember eating a lot of birthday cake. 1 remember/lots of karaoke
2 will never forget/with Boris 3 don’t remember/goodbye to everyone 4 really regret/so much cake
Scrivi le risposte con try e le parole nel riquadro. Usa la forma in -ing o l’infinito. be with you at 6.30 drink a glass of water
call her instead get to a cash machine later
The remote control isn’t working properly.
change the batteries re-install it
Try changing the batteries. 1 This new software isn’t working properly.
3 Carla isn’t replying to my text messages. Why don’t you 4 I’ve got hiccups!
2 Can you give me the £30 you owe me? Yes, sorry. I’ll
5 Don’t be late. OK, I’ll
She forgot to put up the decorations.
Il giorno seguente Julia racconta che cosa è successo durante la festa. Scrivi frasi sul quaderno con le parole date e i verbi nel riquadro. dance
Grammar B2
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
Did you manage to fix your computer? No. I tried reloading / to reload the program, but it still doesn’t work. I like your new mobile! Thanks. I tried getting / to get a pink one, but they’d sold out. Does Carlo know about the party? Oh no! I forgot emailing / to email him. I must remember doing / to do it this afternoon. I really regret buying / to buy this shirt. I never wear it. Try wearing / to wear it with your new skirt. I think it will look good. What’s your secret for staying healthy? First, it’s important to eat and drink sensibly. I like drinking / to drink at least two litres of water every day. And I like eating / to eat lots of fruit and vegetables. As for exercise, I hate going / to go to the gym – it’s boring. But I do try running / to run a few kilometres each week. Unità 60 169
Verbi + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing, infinito o forma base
A Forma e uso Alcuni dei verbi che reggono la forma in -ing o l’infinito reggono anche un complemento oggetto. Per alcuni di questi verbi è obbligatorio, per altri no. Ecco alcuni dei verbi di questo tipo più usati.
B Verbo + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing • Hear, notice e see devono sempre avere un complemento oggetto. I can hear someone singing. Sento qualcuno cantare. I saw Carlos going into the supermarket. Ho visto Carlos che entrava nel supermercato. • Can’t stand, (can’t) imagine, dislike, hate, keep, (don’t) like, (don’t) mind, remember, risk e stop possono essere usati con o senza un complemento oggetto. I don’t remember you taking this photo. Non ricordo che avessi fatto questa foto. I don’t remember taking this photo. Non ricordo di aver fatto questa foto.
C Verbo + complemento oggetto + infinito • I seguenti verbi devono sempre avere un complemento oggetto: allow permettere invite invitare advise consigliare leave andarsene/partire bribe corrompere/pagare una tangente order ordinare cause causare persuade persuadere challenge sfidare remind ricordare (qc a qn) enable mettere in grado teach (how) insegnare encourage incoraggiare tell dire find trovare train istruire force costringere trust confidare/contare su help aiutare urge esortare inspire ispirare warn avvertire/ammonire I advise you to listen carefully. Ti consiglio di ascoltare attentamente. The teacher warned us not to be late. L’insegnante ci ha avvertito di non essere in ritardo. • Ask, choose, expect, help, need, want, would like/love/hate/prefer, beg (implorare) e dare (sfidare) possono essere usati con o senza un complemento oggetto. I need to go now. Devo andarmene adesso. I need someone to help me. Ho bisogno che qualcuno mi aiuti. What do you want Alex to do? Che cosa vuoi che faccia Alex? What do you want to do? Che cosa vuoi fare? TIP Nota che tra questi verbi ci sono molti verbi dichiarativi. Per esempio, advise, encourage, tell. He encouraged us to take part. Ci incoraggiò a partecipare. ➔ Vedi unità 79 per i verbi dichiarativi.
D Let, make e help • Dopo let e make si usa il complemento oggetto + forma base. My parents made me go to bed early, but they let me read for a while. I miei genitori mi facevano andare a letto presto, ma mi lasciavano leggere per un po’. My mum doesn’t let me use her tablet. Mia mamma non mi lascia usare il suo tablet. The film made me cry. Il film mi ha fatto piangere. • Si può usare anche help allo stesso modo. Tom’s going to help me do my homework. Tom mi aiuterà/mi deve aiutare a fare i compiti. Can you help me tidy up? Mi aiuti a mettere in ordine? ➔ Vedi unità 42 e 70 per approfondimenti su let e make.
170 Unità 61 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con i verbi tra parentesi, alla forma base o alla forma in -ing. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
My parents always made me do My parents only let me As a child, I hated people My parents always allowed me I always helped my parents My parents taught me My parents never made me I can’t imagine my parents My parents always tried to stop me My parents always encouraged me My parents always expected me
Scrivi frase vere per te. Usa people e i verbi nel riquadro. can’t stand ▶
1 2 3 4 5
don’t like
don’t mind
use their mobile on the bus I can’t stand people using their mobile on the bus. eat in the street chew gum all the time play loud music in public drink from a bottle talk loudly on their phones
EXAM Immagina che le seguenti cose vengano dette a te. Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
my homework. (do) at the weekend. (go out) me what to do. (tell) to bed as late as I wanted. (go) the housework. (do) positive about life. (be) my room. It was great! (tidy) young. (be) the internet so much. (use) myself. (be) to university. (go)
Steve: It’s better for me if you come on Friday. (prefer) Steve would prefer me to come on Friday. Receptionist: Wait a minute, please. (asked) The receptionist a minute. Doctor: You should do more exercise. (advised) The doctor more exercise. Francis: Would you like to join us for lunch? (invited) Francis them for lunch. Polly: It’s important that you are there by 5.30 at the latest. (needs) Polly by 5.30 at the latest. Teacher: Don’t do that. It’s dangerous. (warned) The teacher that. Danny: I bet you can’t swim across the lake. (challenged) Danny across the lake.
Scrivi frasi con It makes/made me e le parole nel riquadro. cry ▶
1 2 3 4
feel sick
want to leave
work harder
The weather in this place is awful. It makes me want to leave. The film was so sad. I failed an exam. The food is disgusting. I suddenly heard a loud bang.
Unità 61 171
Grammar B2
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 58–61 Verbi (+ complemento oggetto) + forma in -ing, infinito o forma base 1
Completa le frasi con l’infinito o la forma in -ing dei verbi tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Usa l’infinito o la forma in -ing dei verbi in corsivo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I really enjoy speaking (speak) English. I want to be (be) an English teacher. (concentrate) on science subjects at school. But I’d like I’m planning 1 2 (take) some foreign languages as well. I don’t mind 3 (do) exams. They force you 4 (learn) what you’ve done in lessons. Do you want to carry on 5 (play) cards? Or do you fancy 6 (do) something more energetic? I’m really not looking forward to 7 (go) on the school trip. I can’t stand 8 (look) round museums. Luke’s considering 9 (not/go) to university. He wants 10 (leave) school and get a job instead. My parents always encouraged me 11 (do) my best at all times. And they always taught me 12 (be) positive about life.
We’re meeting them at 8 o’clock. We’ve arranged to meet them at 8 o’clock I might look for a new job. I’m considering I’ll make lunch if you like. I don’t mind Maria wasn’t really angry. Maria was only pretending John has a habit of losing things all the time. John tends Don’t let me leave without closing the window. Can you remind me Shall I see if Joe is interested in coming skiing with us? Shall I invite Joe
. . . . . ? ?
EXAM Sara e Carrie sono in vacanza in Tailandia. Leggi la loro mail e completala con l’alternativa corretta. Today, 12.15 p.m.
Hi Jenny. Here we are in Thailand and we’re having a great time. Sorry we haven’t written much before now. We intended ▶ C in touch when we first arrived, but we’ve been really busy. Anyway, we’re having a great time here and we’ve decided 1 a little longer. We’re going to spend a few days 2 in the mountains. It’ll involve 3 about 20 miles a day – Carrie wasn’t too keen at first, but I’ve managed 4 , too! She wants 5 you that I made 6 with me, but that’s not true! After that, we’re planning 7 to one of the islands in the south. I’m sure when we get there we’ll really feel like 8 nothing for a few days – except lie on the beach, of course! Anyway, we promise 9
in touch again soon and we can’t wait 10
Lots of love, Sara and Carrie x 172 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 58–61
you again.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10
getting staying trekking us to walk persuade her coming tell her come us to go to do be seeing
to get to stay to trek walk to persuade her to come me telling her coming to go doing to be see
to getting to staying to trekking walking to persuade her coming me to tell come go us doing being to seeing
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
get stay trek to walk persuade her to come me tell her to come going do us be to see
Did you move the box? I tried to move / moving it, but it was too heavy. It’s still there. Phew, it’s hot in here. Try to open / opening the window to let some air in. I forgot to send / sending my sister a birthday card. Well, you’d better remember to do / doing it this afternoon, then, or it will be too late. I’ll never forget to see / seeing the Taj Mahal for the first time. Me too. I can remember to feel / feeling absolutely amazed as soon as I saw it. I can’t get in touch with William. Have you tried to phone / phoning him at the office? I’m always worried I’m going to miss my flight. Yes, I like to get / getting to the airport at least two hours before departure. Do you cook a lot? Yes, I really like to cook / cooking. I really regret to say / saying all those things to Susie last night. I feel terrible now. Well, I did try to stop / stopping you, but you wouldn’t listen. We regret to announce / announcing the cancellation of flight DC431. Oh no! What do we do now?
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
It would be better if you came on Friday. (prefer) I would prefer you to come on Friday. My parents don’t allow me to stay up late during the week. (let) My parents late during the week. The police forced us to empty our pockets. (made) The police our pockets. I don’t think Adam would lie to you. (imagine) I to you. I think someone is playing the piano next door. (hear) I can next door. Alex insists that it wasn’t him who broke the window. (denies) the window. Alex I haven’t eaten meat for about five years. (stopped) I about five years ago.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 58–61 173
Preposizioni + forma in -ing
Forma e uso Di solito dopo una preposizione si usa la forma in -ing. Le costruzioni possono essere le seguenti: • verbo + preposizione + forma in -ing We’re thinking of going to the beach. Stiamo pensando di andare in spiaggia. Fabio insisted on paying for the coffees. Fabio ha insistito a offrire i caffè. • aggettivo + preposizione + forma in -ing I’m fed up with waiting. Let’s go. Sono stufo di aspettare. Andiamo. Are you serious about moving to England? Hai veramente intenzione di trasferirti in Inghilterra? • sostantivo + preposizione + forma in -ing I’ve got lots of memories of living in America. Ho molti ricordi di quando vivevo in America. There was a delay in sending the package. C’è stato un ritardo nella spedizione del pacco. • by + forma in -ing, per dire come avviene qualcosa They got into the house by breaking a window. Sono entrati nella casa rompendo una finestra. The thieves escaped by stealing a car. I ladri sono riusciti a fuggire rubando una macchina. • for + forma in -ing, per dire a che cosa serve qualcosa That cloth is for cleaning the windows. Quel panno è per pulire le finestre. What’s this for? ~ It’s for charging batteries. A che cosa serve questo? ~ È per caricare le batterie. • without + forma in -ing I swam fifty lengths without stopping. Ho fatto cinquanta vasche senza fermarmi. I left the party without anybody realizing. Sono andato via dalla festa senza che nessuno se ne accorgesse. TIP Nota che con without si usano i composti con any (anybody, anything ecc.), non quelli con no
(nobody, nothing ecc.). I left the party without anybody realizing. (NON I left the party without nobody realizing.)
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa le preposizioni tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
He was late. He didn’t apologize. (for) He didn’t apologize for being late. Thomas paid for the meal. He insisted. (on) I helped him. He didn’t thank me. (for) Peter plays the drums. He’s very good. (at) He’s going to New York. He’s really excited. (about) I’m late. I’m sorry. (for) Do you want to come with us? Are you interested? (in) He’s very generous. He’s got a reputation. (for) Sam stole from the supermarket. He was arrested. (for) Jeff failed his exam. He doesn’t care. (about) He’s learnt a lot of languages. He must have a talent. (for) Wendy is waiting for Tom. She’s fed up. (with) Jim heard the news. What was his reaction? (to)
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa without. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
I translated everything. I didn’t use a dictionary. I translated everything without using a dictionary. I ran five kilometres. I didn’t stop. Olga left. She didn’t say ‘goodbye’. They won the game. They didn’t really try. Tim left the room. Nobody realized. They took the laptop. Nobody saw them.
174 Unità 62 copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi relativi ai titoli del giornale. Usa by e le parole nel riquadro. drink rainwater pretend to be security guards ▶
Woman escapes from burning building Man survives shark attack
How did he survive? By drinking rainwater. How did she escape?
Gang steal van Gogh masterpiece
How did he do it? How did they do it?
Un bambino sta chiedendo a che cosa servono questi oggetti. Scrivi le risposte con It’s for e le parole da ciascun riquadro. weigh
calculations cheese
open bottles holes
A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B ▶
A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B ▶
jump out of a window punch the shark on the nose
It’s for punching holes. What’s this for?
What’s this for?
electronic data pencils
What’s this for?
What’s this for?
papers together ingredients 4
4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
Grammar B1
What’s this for? What’s this for? What’s this for? What’s this for?
Completa i dialoghi con preposizioni e le forme corrette dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I’m thinking of going (go) to the library after school. Do you want to come? No, thanks. I’m going home. I’m so fed up (have) to do homework. Me too. I’m looking forward (have) a holiday. Do you have any memories (be) a baby? None at all. Why are you so late? It was Jim’s fault. He insisted (stop) at the shop on the way. What would be your ideal job? I’ve always liked the idea (work) with animals, so maybe a vet. Are you really serious (go) to university next year? Of course I am! But I’m thinking (change) subjects again. What’s the matter? I’m worried (miss) my train. The next one isn’t for another hour. Unità 62 175
Espressioni + forma in -ing
Forma e uso Alcune espressioni sono seguite dalla forma in -ing. Alcune delle più comuni e utili sono le seguenti. • there’s no point (in) … non ha senso …, what’s the point of … ? che senso ha … ?, what’s the use of … ? a che cosa serve … ? There’s no point waiting any longer. Let’s go. Non ha senso aspettare ancora. Andiamocene. What’s the use of learning a foreign language if you’re never going to speak it? A che cosa serve imparare una lingua straniera se non la parlerai mai? TIP La struttura what’s the point/use of … if you … ? è molto frequente.
What’s the point of having a flute if you never play it? Che senso ha avere un flauto se non lo suoni mai? • is/are (not) worth … (non) merita/(non) meritano, it’s (not) worth … (non) vale la pena … Rome is definitely worth visiting./It’s definitely worth visiting Rome. Roma merita proprio di essere visitata. Are the Harry Potter books worth reading? I libri di Harry Potter meritano/valgono la pena di essere letti? It’s not worth getting the bus. We can walk there in five minutes. Non vale la pena prendere l’autobus. Possiamo arrivarci a piedi in cinque minuti. • it’s no use … È inutile …, it’s no good … non serve (a nulla) … It’s no use talking to him. He won’t listen. È inutile parlargli. Non ascolta. It’s no good saying sorry. What you did is inexcusable. Non serve a nulla dire che ti dispiace. Non ci sono scuse per quello che hai fatto. • it’s a waste of time/money … è una perdita/uno spreco di tempo/soldi … It’s a waste of time talking to him. He never listens. È una perdita di tempo parlare con lui. Non ascolta mai. It’s a waste of money buying DVDs. È uno spreco di soldi comprare DVD. • spend time/money … spendere tempo/soldi … I spent a week writing my report. Ho passato una settimana a scrivere la mia relazione. They spent ten million euros renovating the palace. Hanno speso dieci milioni di euro per restaurare il palazzo. • have difficulty … avere/trovare difficoltà a/nel … Did you have any difficulty finding the house? Hai avuto difficoltà a trovare la casa? I’m having great difficulty fixing my computer. Sto trovando grandi difficoltà ad aggiustare il mio computer. • look forward to … non vedere l’ora di … I’m really looking forward to seeing you next week. Davvero non vedo l’ora di vederti la prossima settimana. We look forward to hearing from you. Restiamo in attesa di un Suo riscontro. TIP Di solito si usa la forma continuous, looking forward to, in contesti più informali e la forma simple, look forward to, in contesti più formali. Nota come l’espressione look forward to corrisponde a due espressioni molto diverse in italiano a seconda del contesto.
Scrivi domande adatte con What’s the point of … if you … ? A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B ▶
He’s just bought a piano, but he can’t play it.
What’s the point of buying a piano if you can’t play it? He has a swimming pool, but he never uses it. She’s bought a sports car, but she can’t drive. She has a mobile, but she never switches it on.
176 Unità 63 OUP copyright 2015
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I wrote the report. It took me a week. I spent a week writing the report I never buy a newspaper. It’s a waste of money. It’s a waste We tried to find Patrick’s house. It took us an hour. We spent We translated the song lyrics. It was difficult. We had difficulty Penny’s had cosmetic surgery. It’s cost £50,000 so far. So far, Penny’s spent The music was loud. It was very difficult to hear her voice. I had great difficulty I don’t watch TV. It’s a waste of time. It’s a waste I’m seeing Toni next week. I can’t wait. I’m really looking forward
. . . . . . . .
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
Don’t go to the gym if you don’t enjoy it. It’s a waste of time.
1 2 3 4 5 6
It’s a waste of time going to the gym if you don’t enjoy it. Don’t go out if it’s raining. There’s no point. Don’t pay to download music. It’s a waste of money. Don’t go to clubs if you don’t like dancing. There’s no point. Don’t get upset about what he said. It’s not worth it. Don’t say sorry now. It’s no use. I’m going to the dentist on Friday. I’m not looking forward to it.
Grammar B2
Completa il dialogo con le parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. Fran So, where do you recommend in London? I’m going there next month. Tom Well, for generally enjoying the atmosphere, I think Trafalgar Square ▶ ’s worth visiting (worth/visit) and it 1 (also/worth/have) a walk around Covent Garden and Soho, especially in the evening. And to get a wonderful view of the city, it 2 (definitely/worth/go) on the London Eye. And while you’re there, you really should 3 (spend some time/walk) along the banks of the Thames. Fran OK, and what about the museums and places like that? Tom Yes, they’re wonderful of course, but maybe save them for when it’s raining. There 4 (no point/be) inside on a lovely day, is there? Fran That’s true. Tom And I’d say it 5 (a waste of time and money/go) to Buckingham Palace. There’s not much to see and it’s very expensive. Fran OK. And what about going to a football match, say Chelsea or Arsenal? Is that possible? (have difficulty/get) a ticket. Tom Well, you can try, but I think you might 6 7 But it (definitely/worth/go) if you can. Fran Great, I’ll look into it. And thanks for the tips. I 8 (look forward/go). Unità 63 177
Be/get used to + forma in -ing e be/get used to + sostantivo
A Forma Osserva la costruzione be/get used to + forma in -ing. I’m used to driving on the left. Sono abituata a guidare a sinistra. I’m getting used to speaking English. Mi sto abituando a parlare in inglese. • Be/get used to possono anche essere seguiti da un sostantivo o da un pronome. Are you used to your new school? ~ Not yet, but I’m getting used to it. Sei abituata alla nuova scuola? ~ Non ancora, ma mi ci sto abituando. • Be/get used possono essere seguiti anche da un complemento + forma in -ing. Are you used to people asking you for your autograph, now that you’re famous? Ora che sei famoso, sei abituato alla gente che ti chiede un autografo?
B Uso Be used to si usa per dire che si è abituati a qualcosa. Get used to si usa per dire che ci si sta abituando a qualcosa. How’s life in England? Are you used to the weather yet? ~ Not yet, but I think I’m getting used to it! Come va la vita in Inghilterra? Ti sei abituata al clima? ~ Non ancora, ma secondo me mi ci sto abituando! TIP Le risposte più appropriate a domande del tipo Are you used to … ? sono:
Yes, I am./No, I’m not./No, but I’m getting used to it. Attenzione a non confondere be used to doing con used to do. I’m used to cycling to school. Sono abituata ad andare a scuola in bicicletta. I used to cycle to school when I lived in York. Andavo a scuola in bicicletta quando vivevo a York. ➔ Vedi unità 17 per used to do.
Di recente Laura è andata in Gran Bretagna per studiare. Scrivi a cosa è abituata Laura con be used to e le parole nel riquadro. ▶
study English at home eat sandwiches for lunch ▶
get up early pay in pounds
She isn’t used to getting up early.
1 2 3 4 5 178 Unità 64 OUP copyright 2015
cycle to school speak English at school
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di be used to o get used to e un verbo o un sostantivo. ▶
1 2 3 4
6 7
8 9
I wake up at 6.30 every morning for school. It’s not a problem. I ’m used to waking up at 6.30 every morning for school. John has just joined the swimming team. He has to swim every day and it’s quite hard for him. John every day. I’ve lived on my own for six months now. I miss my family, but it is beginning to feel normal. I on my own. Sue’s new school is very different from her old school. It’s still very strange for her. Sue yet. We’re on holiday in Korea at the moment. Eating with chopsticks was very strange at first, but now it’s OK. We with chopsticks. My new phone’s ringtone is very different from my old one. I keep forgetting it’s my phone when it rings. I the ringtone on my new phone. My dad is worried about our car trip to the UK. He’s hardly ever driven on the left. My dad on the left. I go to school by bus now because we’ve moved house. The journey is longer but it’s better now my friend is also travelling by bus. I to school by bus. Mary enjoys eating carrots now that we grow own vegetables. Mary carrots now. Sue has to wear a uniform at her new school next term. She won’t be very happy about that. Sue will a school uniform next term.
Di recente un amico si è trasferito in Italia dalla Gran Bretagna. Completa le domande con be used to o get used to per scoprire come se la passa in Italia. Poi ascolta e controlla. drive/on the right use/euros ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
the Italian weather the Italian way of life
eat/Italian food Italian TV
speak/Italian all the time
Are you getting used to the Italian way of life ? Yes, I think so. It’s quite similar to back home, actually. Are ? Yes, but I sometimes automatically want to drive on the left. Are ? Yes, I am. Every day it’s getting much easier to talk to people. Have ? Yes, but I find myself converting to pounds all the time. Are ? Yes. It’s much warmer than back in the UK. Have ? Not really. I prefer British TV, to be honest. Are ? Yes, I am. I love all Italian food. So much better than back home.
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. Darina isn’t used to living / didn’t use to live in the USA. She’s only been there for about a month. 1 Oliver’s used to living / used to live in Scotland when he was a child. 2 David’s from the UK. He isn’t used to / didn’t use to the lovely weather we have here in Sicily. 3 I’m used to cooking / used to cook for myself. I’ve lived on my own for a few years now. I quite enjoy it, actually. ▶
Unità 64 179
Grammar B2
Aggettivi e sostantivi + infinito
A Aggettivo + infinito • Alcuni aggettivi reggono l’infinito. Le costruzioni possono essere: – aggettivo + infinito Are you ready to leave? Sei pronta a partire? I’m surprised to see you here. Sono sorpresa di vederti qui. – aggettivo + for/of + complemento + infinito It’s important for you to be at the meeting. È importante che tu sia presente alla riunione. It was kind of him to help. È stato gentile da parte sua aiutare. – struttura personale/impersonale + aggettivo + infinito Alcuni aggettivi si possono usare con entrambe le strutture. It’s easy to use the camera. È facile usare la macchina fotografica. (impersonale) The camera is easy to use. La macchina fotografica è facile da usare. (personale) Is it OK to drink the water? Si può bere l’acqua? (impersonale) Is the water OK to drink? L’acqua è potabile? (personale) • Tra gli aggettivi che si usano più comunemente con entrambe le strutture ci sono: difficult difficile hard difficile/duro safe innocuo/non pericoloso easy facile (im)possible (im)possibile crazy pazzo/folle free gratis interesting interessante ➔ Vedi unità 140 per approfondimenti sulle strutture impersonali con it.
B Sostantivo + infinito L’infinito si usa con alcuni sostantivi ed espressioni. Le costruzioni possono essere: • sostantivo + infinito It’s time to go. È ora di andare. What’s the best way to get to your house? Qual è il modo migliore per arrivare a casa tua? • sostantivo + be + infinito My advice is to say nothing. Il mio consiglio è di non dire niente. The important thing is to exercise every day and to eat healthily. La cosa importante è fare moto ogni giorno e mangiare sano. • L’infinito si può usare con the first, the second, the only, the last ecc. I was the last to arrive. Sono stato l’ultimo ad arrivare. Who was the first person to walk on the Moon? Chi è stata la prima persona a camminare sulla Luna? ➔ Vedi unità 115 per gli usi dell’infinito con too e enough.
Completa le frasi con le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. great/get back home ready/leave ▶
1 2 3 4 5
important/be on time surprised/see her
impossible/hear anyone easy/use
I like your new camera. Is it easy to use ? The taxi is here. Are you ? The music was so loud in the club last night. It was I love going away, but it’s always . Don’t be late for the meeting. It’s really Can you believe that Jane was at the party last night? I was really
the best way/get to your house a big mistake/do 6 A Do you think I should tell her? B No. It would be 180 Unità 65 OUP copyright 2015
time/go the chance/talk to her that!
. .
an amazing place/live no need/phone Luisa
7 A B 8 A B 9 A B 10 A B 11 A B
Riferisci le informazioni sui cartelli con It’s e le parole nel riquadro. dangerous/swim ▶
easy/install 1
free/join 2
P FREE PARKING 1 hour only
free/park 3
Try PhotoPro software – easy installation
No membership fee
Do not swim in the river
It’s free to park for one hour. 3 4
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. The exercise was difficult to do. It was difficult to do the exercise 1 It was crazy of you to do that! You 2 The decision is hard to accept. It
Join EnglishNow.com
1 2
not safe/drink
Grammar B1
This is a photo of my grandparents’ house. Wow! What ! Did you see Carol last night? Yes, but I didn’t get . Which is ? By bus. There’s a bus stop right outside. Come on. It’s . OK, I’ll get my coat. There’s . I’ve just spoken to her. OK. What did she say?
. ! .
3 My smartphone is difficult to use. It 4 It was impossible to understand the film. The film 5 English is quite easy to understand. It
. . .
Completa le domande con le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. first team/win last person/walk ▶
1 2 3 4 5
first person/reach only British athlete/win
Who was the first person to reach
second person/walk first person/climb the South Pole?
Wasn’t it Roald Amundsen? Mount Everest? Sir Edmund Hillary in 1952. the World Cup? Wasn’t it Uruguay in 1930? five consecutive Olympic gold medals? It was rower Steve Redgrave from 1984 to 2000. on the moon? It was Buzz Aldrin, wasn’t it? Just after Neil Armstrong. on the moon? It was a guy called Gene Cernan in 1972. Unità 65 181
Parole interrogative + infinito
A Forma e uso Alcuni verbi ed espressioni possono essere seguiti da parole interrogative + infinito. Le strutture più comuni sono: • verbo + parola interrogativa + infinito I don’t know what to say. Non so che cosa dire. I can’t decide what to wear. Non riesco a decidere che cosa mettermi. Can you show me how to get to your house? Mi fai vedere come arrivare a casa tua? – I verbi che possono reggere una parola interrogativa + infinito comprendono: ask chiedere say dire choose scegliere see vedere decide decidere show (someone) far vedere (a qualcuno) discover scoprire talk about parlare di discuss discutere teach (someone) insegnare (a qualcuno) explain spiegare tell (someone) dire (a qualcuno) find out scoprire think (about) pensare (a) forget dimenticare understand capire know sapere wonder chiedersi learn imparare work out riuscire a capire remember ricordarsi worry (about) preoccuparsi (per) • espressione + parola interrogativa + infinito I’m not sure where to go. Non sono sicura di dove andare. We haven’t got a clue what to do. Non abbiamo la minima idea di che cosa fare. Have you made up your mind who to invite to the party? Ti sei deciso su chi invitare alla festa? – Le espressioni che possono reggere una parole interrogativa + infinito comprendono: I’ve no idea, I haven’t (got) a clue, I’m not sure, make up (my/your ecc.) mind. • Nota che what, which, whose, how many e how much possono essere seguiti da un sostantivo. I can’t decide which pizza to have. Non riesco a decidere che pizza prendere. I don’t know what music to put on. Non so che musica mettere. • Nota che non si usa la costruzione why + infinito. I don’t know why I have to do it. Non so/capisco perché dovrei farlo. (NON I don’t know why to do it.) TIP Si può usare l’infinito anche dopo parole che sottintendono una parola interrogativa. I don’t know the way to get to your house. = I don’t know how to get to your house. Non so la strada per arrivare a casa tua. = Non so come arrivare a casa tua.
B Whether • Si può anche usare whether + infinito dopo certi verbi ed espressioni (I can’t decide, I don’t know ecc.). I can’t decide whether to go to the party or not. Non riesco a decidere se andare alla festa o no. I’m not sure whether to invite Nicola to the party. Non sono sicura se invitare Nicola alla festa. • Nota che non si può usare if in questo modo. (NON I’m not sure if to invite Nicola to the party.)
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa parole interrogative e l’infinito del verbo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
How do I get to the train station? I don’t know. I don’t know how to get to the train station. Where do I get off the bus? I don’t remember. How do you use the photocopier? Can you show me? How do you connect to the internet? I can’t work it out. What shall I buy Carrie for her birthday? I’ve no idea. How do I say ‘Thank you’ in German? I’ve forgotten.
182 Unità 66 OUP copyright 2015
Suzy ha deciso di invitare alcune persone a cena. Completa le frasii con le parole da ciascun riquadro. how
1 2 3 4 5
what time
what music
I’ve no idea what to cook – risotto or pasta? people to arrive – seven or eight? I wonder I just can’t decide – jeans or my new dress? I don’t know – classical or pop? I can’t make up my mind Guido or not. Help! Can anyone show me an omelette?
Completa i dialoghi con le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. how/connect Chris Harry Chris Harry
Can you show me how to transfer music from my computer to my phone? I’ve got 1 no idea it. Sure. It’s quite easy. Do you know 2 your phone to your computer? There’ll be a lead that came with your phone. Yes, I’ve got that. OK. Connect your phone to the computer and then I’ll show you 3 . ▶
what/do Paula
I can’t make up my mind 4 at the weekend. I don’t know here or 6 camping with Anna and Lucy. What do you think? Well, I’m not sure 7 . What’s the weather going to be like? Maybe you should look at the weather forecast and then decide 8 or not. 5
how/organize when/have Anna Rosie Anna Rosie
who/invite whether/have
who/invite where/have
I can’t make up my mind about 9 for my birthday. I thought you were having a party! I thought about it, but I just can’t decide 10 . Just a few close friends or a 11 lot of people. Also, I really don’t know a party. I’ve never done it before. Well, before you worry about that, you need to decide 12 a party or not! it – actually on your birthday or near to your Then you need to decide 13 birthday. And of course 14 it – at your house or somewhere else. And then 15 you can think about .
Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Scrivi frasi con whether. ▶
Coffee or tea? You can’t decide which to have.
1 2 3 4 5
Go out or stay in tonight? You don’t know what to do. Do my homework or watch TV? You can’t decide what to do. To the gym or swimming? You can’t make up your mind where to go. Speak to Johnny or not? You just didn’t know what to do. Go to Paris or Berlin? You can’t decide where to go.
I can’t decide whether to have coffee or tea.
Unità 66 183
Grammar B1
Infinito di scopo
Uso L’infinito si può usare: • per indicare lo scopo o l’obiettivo di un’azione. I phoned Peter to invite him to the party. Ho chiamato Peter per invitarlo alla festa. Can I use your phone to text Sammy? Posso usare il tuo cellulare per mandare un sms a Sammy? Why are you going to the shop? ~ To get some milk. Perché stai andando al negozio? ~ Per prendere latte. To pass your exams, you need to work hard. Per passare gli esami devi lavorare sodo. TIP Spesso si usa to get quando si parla di cosa si compra in un negozio ecc.
I’m going to the supermarket to get some bread. Sto andando al supermercato a prendere pane. • per spiegare lo scopo o funzione di qualcosa. You use a mouse to operate a computer. Il mouse si usa per azionare un computer. What’s this button for? ~ It’s to turn the light on. A che cosa serve questo pulsante? ~ È per accendere la luce. Nota che non si può usare for con l’infinito. I’m going to the supermarket to buy some bread. (NON I’m going to the supermarket for buy some bread./I’m going to the supermarket for to buy some bread.) Però si può usare for + sostantivo. I’m going to the supermarket for some bread. Sto andando al supermercato per il pane.
Completa le risposte con i verbi nel riquadro. become ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
look up
Why does the teacher take a register?
To see who’s in school. Why do people in the UK take A levels? a place at university. Why do you need to see Mr Briggs? him my composition. Why are you having extra lessons in the evenings? me pass the exams. Why do you want a dictionary? the meaning of swot. Why are you going to the library? a book I reserved. Why do you want to study education at university? a teacher.
Scrivi frasi in cui spieghi che cosa stai per fare e perché. Usa le parole nel riquadro. get some milk return some books ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
get some petrol visit Janice
post a parcel take out some money
the shop I’m going to the shop to get some milk. the bank the library the hospital the garage the park the post office
184 Unità 67 OUP copyright 2015
play tennis
Scrivi le risposte con le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. borrow his camera invite us to her party ▶
1 2 3 4
5 6
buy a newspaper change some money
celebrate the end of the exams save money visit my cousins
get my bag
Why aren’t you going out this evening?
To save money. Why are you going to Brighton? They live there. Where are you going? To the shop. Why did you go back to the classroom? I left it there. Why did Maria phone? Her party? It’s not her birthday, is it? What’s the party for? Why did you go to the bank? Why did you go to Jim’s house?
Scrivi domande con Can I use … ? o Can I borrow … ? e uno scopo nel riquadro. buy a coffee look up a word
call my parents send an email
go to the shops write down a phone number post Lara’s birthday card
a stamp Can I borrow a stamp to post Lara’s birthday card? 1 your computer 4 your scooter 2 some money 5 your dictionary 3 your phone 6 a pen ▶
Abbina le parole da ciascun riquadro alle icone dello smartphone. Poi scrivi una frase per spiegare la funzione di ogni icona. look
games a phone call
a photograph the weather
at a map a video
a message on the internet
make to music
What’s this icon for? ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
It’s to look at a map. ▶
Unità 67 185
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 62–67 Espressioni + forma in -ing o infinito; be/get used to; infinito di scopo 1
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa le preposizioni tra parentesi. ▶
Susie plays basketball. She’s very good. (at)
Susie’s very good at playing basketball. 1 I passed my exam. It was because I worked hard. (by) 2 I work all the time. I’m fed up. (with) 3 Alex shouted at me. He didn’t apologize. (for) 4 I drove along the narrow road. I concentrated. (on) 5 Mateja passed all her exams. She didn’t revise for them. (without) 6 Ulrich’s very mean. He’s got a reputation. (for) 7 William ran a marathon in under three hours. He’s really proud. (of) 8 I don’t want to go to university. I’m serious. (about) 9 Erica gave me a lift to the station. She insisted. (on) 10 Tom was rude. He had no excuse. (for)
Completa i consigli per imparare meglio l’inglese. Usa i suggerimenti nel riquadro. secret/enjoy easy/learn important/read opportunity/speak most important thing/work hard ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
It’s useful to have It’s It’s It’s Take every The It’s The It’s to all your lessons!
essential/go a good idea/listen
is is
advisable/watch useful/have
a good dictionary. as many English books and magazines as possible. lots of films in English. to lots of English bands. English. learning English. English if you really want to! all the time. for you
Completa le risposte con i verbi nel riquadro. give
look up
A Why did the teacher want to see you? B To give me my test result. 1 A Why do you need to see Jamie? B him a message. ▶
186 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 62–67
2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
Why are you giving Katie flowers? thank you for helping me. Why do you want to use the computer? some emails. Why do you want the dictionary? the meaning of co-educational. Why do you want my credit card? some clothes online. Why are you going into town? Ricardo and Carlo. Why do you want to speak to Julia? her to my party.
Completa i dialoghi con l’infinito o la forma in -ing dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B A ▶
4 A B 5 A B A 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B A 10 A B 11 A B
I’ve no idea how to use (use) the interactive whiteboard. It’s no use asking (ask) me. I haven’t a clue. Do you know where 1 (go) for the exam? Yes, the main hall. It starts in five minutes so we need to hurry 2 (get) there in time. Can I use your computer 3 (check) my emails? Sure, but I’m having difficulty 4 (connect) to the internet at the moment. Did you manage to finish your essay last night? No, I didn’t. I’m finding it impossible 5 (get) all of the information I need. It might be an idea 6 (look) on ‘schoolhomework.com’. It’s a really useful website – definitely worth 7 (check out). I found lots of good information by 8 (look) on there. We’re thinking of 9 (go) for a coffee this afternoon. Do you fancy it? Thanks, but I’m meeting Oliver 10 (talk) about our assignment. Have you decided what foreign languages 11 (take) next year? Yes, I’m thinking of 12 (take) English and German. Yes, I think it’s a good idea 13 (take) English. And I think it might be interesting 14 (learn) German, too. I haven’t got a clue how 15 (mend) my bike. Do you know anything about bikes? A bit. Let’s have a look … I think it could be a matter of 16 (tighten) the chain. Let’s try that. My parents always make me do my homework as soon as I get home from school. And they always insist on 17 (check) it 18 (make) sure I’ve done it! Yeah, well, I guess it’s important 19 (do) it on time. Are you used to 20 (drive) on the left yet? I think so. But it’s sometimes easy 21 (forget) which country I’m in. I can’t do it automatically yet without 22 (think). Are you serious about 23 (sell) your guitar? 24 Yes, I never have the time (play) it any more. Well, I guess there’s no point in 25 (keep) it if you never play it. Can you tell me how 26 (get) to the train station? The easiest way is 27 (take) the number 5 bus from outside the hotel. What’s this? (get) ice off the windscreen. It’s Oh, it’s windscreen de-icer. It’s a spray for 28 better than spending ages 29 (try) to get it off by hand.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 62–67 187
12 A B A B
How’s life in Italy? Are you getting used to 30 Yes, gradually. I can speak OK, but it’s hard 31 Would it be worth 32 (have) lessons? Maybe. I’ll look into it.
(speak) Italian all the time? (understand) people a lot of the time.
Completa i brani con l’infinito o la forma in -ing dei verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. My school life eat
get up
get up
My alarm clock goes off at seven every morning. I always find it impossible ▶ to get up , so at about ten past seven my mum or dad comes in 1 me out of bed. I’m always the last in the house 2 out of bed. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to 3 early! 4 There’s never time a proper breakfast so I have a quick bite to eat and then I’m ready 5 to school. If I’m in a hurry, I’ll often leave the house without 6 anything at all. help
The school day consists of six 45-minute lessons. I’ve got my exams next month so at the moment we’re spending most of the time 7 for them. It’s hard work and to be honest I’m a bit fed up with 8 exam practice papers all the time. And I do a lot of work at home every evening. It’s sometimes hard 9 all the time, but at least there are lots of really good websites 10 you. study
If I do well in my exams, I’ll go into the sixth form for two years 11 my A levels (the 12 exams you need to get into university). I’m thinking of on science subjects, maybe biology, chemistry and physics. After the sixth form, I hope to go to university 13 one of the sciences, possibly biology. If so, I’ll be the first in my family 14 to university. have
All in all, I enjoy going to school and it’s great 15 my friends every day. Despite all the hard work, we manage to spend some time 16 fun. But I am looking forward to 17 the exams and 18 a nice long summer holiday.
Un tuo amico sta organizzando una festa. Completa i consigli con le parole nel riquadro. enjoy yourself have good music warn the neighbours ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
have food invite a lot of people invite an equal number of boys and girls
It’s important to warn the neighbours and … It’s a good idea It’s not a good idea It’s essential It isn’t necessary It’s better not The most important thing is
188 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 62–67
play games have a fancy-dress party invite your teachers . . . . . . .
Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. speaking
to speaking
to speak
It’s good to speak 1 She doesn’t have any difficulty 2 I’m getting used
to go
to going
of going
3 I don’t know whether 4 We’re thinking 5 I’m really looking forward with playing
English when you can. English. English.
to play
to Spain on holiday this year or not. to Spain on holiday this year. to Spain on holiday this year. playing
6 I’ve invited Sam round 7 I spend a lot of time 8 I’ve got a bit fed up
some computer games. computer games. computer games.
Laura sta parlando con la sua amica Jane a proposito del suo soggiorno in Gran Bretagna. Completa la conversazione con il tempo corretto di get used to e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. have all my lectures
the British way of life
the weather
the food
Jane So, are you enjoying yourself in London? Laura Yes, I am. I ▶ ’m getting used to the British way of life little by little. And my English is improving. It took me a while to 1 in English, but it’s not a problem now. Jane Great! And 2 you yet? Laura Not really. One minute it’s warm and sunny and the next minute it’s pouring with rain. Every time I go out, I need to take sunglasses and an umbrella! Jane Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure you 3 eventually! And have you been eating properly? Laura Well, I think I’m slowly 4 . It’s not too bad, actually – lots of pizza and pasta, and there are Italian restaurants everywhere!
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
They broke a window to get into the house. (by) They got into the house by breaking a window. It took me an hour to tidy my room. (spent) I my room. How do I get to the bus station? (how) Can you show me to the bus station? I did all my work and I didn’t ask for help. (without) I did for help. Is your house easy to find? (it) Is your house? Angelina doesn’t organize her work well. (bad) Angelina her work. Who left the party last? (was) Who the party? Esercizi sommativi: Unità 62–67 189
Get ha diversi significati e usi. Ecco qui di seguito alcuni dei più comuni. Nota che la maggior parte delle espressioni con get sono di solito usate in contesti informali.
A Diventare get + aggettivo Did you get wet when it rained? Ti sei bagnato quando ha piovuto? It’s getting dark. Si sta facendo buio. Are you getting ready? Vi state preparando?
B Ottenere/ricevere/prendere get + complemento oggetto Students get a 10% discount in the café. Gli studenti ricevono uno sconto del 10% al bar. I got a new bike for my birthday. Ho ricevuto una bicicletta nuova per il mio compleanno. I’m going to the shop to get some milk. Sto andando al negozio a prendere del latte. TIP Spesso si usa get per parlare di acquisti.
Did you get anything in town? ~ Yes, I got a shirt and some jeans. Hai preso niente in centro? ~ Sì, ho preso una camicia e dei jeans.
C Andare a prendere/portare get + complemento oggetto Can you get my glasses from the kitchen? Mi puoi portare gli occhiali dalla cucina? I’m going to get my coat from the car. Vado a prendere il cappotto dalla macchina.
D Andare/viaggiare/arrivare get + complemento di luogo How do you get to school? ~ I usually walk. Come vai a scuola? ~ Di solito a piedi. What time did you get home? A che ora sei arrivato a casa? TIP Get si usa anche per dire prendere mezzi di trasporto (a/the bus/train/taxi).
It’s too far to walk. Let’s get a taxi. È troppo lontano per andarci a piedi. Prendiamo un taxi.
E Iniziare get + forma in -ing Let’s get going or we’ll be late. Mettiamoci in movimento o saremo in ritardo. You tidy the room and I’ll get cooking. Tu metti a posto la stanza e io inizio a cucinare.
F Capire get + complemento oggetto/parola interrogativa I don’t get it! Non capisco! Do you get what I mean? Capisci che cosa voglio dire?
G Riuscire a/avere l’opportunità di get + infinito Did you get to see the Forum when you were in Rome? Sei riuscito a vedere il Foro quando eri a Roma? I didn’t get to talk to Jane this morning. Non sono riuscito a parlare con Jane stamattina. TIP Si possono usare anche get the opportunity/get the chance + infinito.
Did you get the opportunity to see the Forum when you were in Rome? I didn’t get the chance to speak to Jane this morning. ➔ Vedi unità 68 per gli usi di get con il passivo e unità 38 per have/get something done.
190 Unità 68 copyright 2015
Scegli il significato corretto di get. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The weather is going to get a lot worse over the next few days. receive / become / understand You can generally get things much cheaper on the internet. succeed / become / buy The earth is getting warmer every year. arrive / receive / become You can now get from London to Paris in about two hours. become / travel / succeed Due to traffic delays, many fans didn’t get to see the start of the game. succeed / start / receive Not many people get the opportunity to climb Everest. become / receive / understand The President is going to get a 50% pay increase. receive / become / start We got to the hotel at about four in the morning. become / arrive / start Sorry I’m late. I got lost on the way. become / receive / arrive How do you get to school? understand / succeed / travel What did you get for Christmas? succeed / become / receive Sam told a joke, but I didn’t get it. understand / become / succeed Come on! Let’s get going or we’ll be late. understand / start / receive
Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Usa il tempo corretto di get e le parole nel riquadro. cards/stamps
an A
1 2 3 4 5
I got an A You’d better stop. She’s I I Right. Please go and Hurry up! I’m
changed 2
the joke
Grammar B1
! . , but I
. . for PE. !
Completa i dialoghi con il tempo corretto di get e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. the bus home A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
3 A B A 4 A B
a new camera some money
more and more expensive to school a taxi
going tickets
How was your birthday? Fantastic! I got a new camera from my parents. Life all the time. Yes, some things are twice the price they were a year or so ago. How long does it take you to ? About 20 minutes if I walk. But I sometimes if it’s raining. There’s a bus stop right outside my house. Where are you going? To the cash machine to . And then I’m going to the Zodiac Club to for tonight’s gig. then. The box office closes in half an hour. You’d better you after the party last night or did you walk home? at about midnight, I think. We walked. We Unità 68 191
Have come verbo principale ha diversi significati e usi. Ecco qui di seguito alcuni dei più comuni e utili.
A Espressioni con complemento oggetto • have + pasto What time do you have breakfast? A che ora fai colazione? On Sundays we have lunch at my grandparents’. La domenica pranziamo dai miei nonni. • have + cibo e bevande I think I’ll have a mushroom pizza. Mi sa che prendo una pizza ai funghi. I’ve had three ice creams today. Ho mangiato tre gelati oggi. • have + attività quotidiane I’m tired. I’ll have a bath and then I’ll have a rest. Sono stanca. Mi faccio un bagno e poi mi riposo. My granny has a walk every morning. Mia nonna va a fare una passeggiata ogni mattina. • have + avvenimenti We had an exam yesterday morning. Abbiamo dato un esame ieri. They’ll have a meeting to decide what to do. Faranno una riunione per decidere che cosa fare. We’re having a party tonight – come along! Facciamo una festa stasera – vieni anche tu! I had a chat with Max yesterday. Ho fatto una chiacchierata con Max ieri. We haven’t had a holiday in ages. Non facciamo una vacanza da secoli. • have + esperienze positive We had a lot of fun at the party. Ci siamo divertiti molto alla festa. They had a pizza and they had a good laugh. Hanno preso una pizza e si sono fatti quattro risate. • have + esperienze negative I had a bad day at school today. Oggi ho avuto una giornataccia a scuola. Danny and Roy had an argument. Danny e Roy hanno litigato. Janey had an accident on the way home. Janey ha avuto un incidente mentre tornava a casa. TIP Have time è un’espressione utile.
Do we have time for a coffee? Abbiamo tempo per un caffè? We don’t have time to stop at the cash machine. Non abbiamo tempo di fermarci al bancomat.
B Espressioni con sostantivi derivati da verbi Si può usare have a + sostantivo derivato da un verbo. This new game is brilliant. Do you want to have a go? Il nuovo gioco è geniale. Vuoi provare? This soup is delicious. Have a taste. Questa minestra è buonissima. Assaggia. The TV isn’t working. Can you have a look at it? La TV non funziona. Puoi darci un’occhiata? How much did this mobile cost? ~ Have a guess. Quanto è costato questo cellulare? ~ Indovina.
C Offrire qualcosa Si può usare l’imperativo di have per offrire qualcosa. Please, have a seat. Prego, siediti/si sieda. Have a drink. Prenditi qualcosa da bere. Have some more cake. Prendi un’altra fetta di torta.
Nota i diversi verbi nelle espressioni corrispondenti italiane.
D Augurare qualcosa Si può usare l’imperativo have per augurare qualcosa. Have a nice day! Buona giornata! Have fun! Divertiti! Have a good trip! Fa’ buon viaggio! ➔ Vedi unità 5 e 69 per have (got) per esprimere possesso e unità 38 per have something done.
192 Unità 69 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta di have e le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. for breakfast juice and cereal ▶
1 2 3 4
for dinner pizza
a good game a rest
What do you usually have for breakfast ? have juice and cereal I usually just . Where’s Kim? In the bathroom. I think he . you in Rome last week? We had a wonderful time, thanks. It was great. How was the tennis? you ? Yes, it was a great game. But I’m exhausted – I think I’ll for a bit. What shall we this evening? Can we ? We can order it from Mario’s.
an argument
a chat
a good day
a party
5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A
Have you seen Julia recently? I haven’t actually seen her, but we What’s all that shouting? It sounds like Julie and Andy you No, I didn’t. We Michelle week? B No, she didn’t. She
a meal
a terrible day
a test
on the phone the other day. . I wish they would be quiet! at school today? , actually. for her birthday last
in maths. I
in a restaurant with a few friends.
Completa i dialoghi con have a e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. go ▶
1 2 3 4 5
a good time a shower
good trip
How’s your pizza? It looks nice. It’s delicious. Have a taste . Have you heard the new song by The Rakes? I’ve got it here on my MP3 player – do you want to I just can’t open this bottle. Here, can you OK, I’ll try. Have you seen this article about music? It’s really interesting. No, I haven’t. Can I ? How old are you? I’m not telling you. ! Bye, Mum. I’ll see you when I get back! Bye! !
? .
Scrivi sei frasi che siano vere per te su quanto hai fatto oggi usando I’ve had o I haven’t had e le parole nel riquadro. an accident a good day ▶ ▶
1 2
an argument a bad day
I’ve had lunch. I haven’t had an argument.
a burger a laugh
a coffee a maths lesson
dinner a problem
an exam a shower
fun a siesta
3 4 5 6 Unità 69 193
Grammar B1
Make ha diversi significati e usi. Ecco qui di seguito alcuni dei più comuni e utili.
A Produrre/creare • make + complemento oggetto = produrre o creare qualcosa I’ll make the coffee. Faccio il caffè. Who made this mess? Chi ha fatto questo macello? • Alcune tra le espressioni più frequenti sono: make (a meal) preparare (un pasto) make a cake/a coffee, etc. fare una torta/un caffè ecc. make a list fare una lista make a mess fare un macello make a noise fare un rumore make a plan fare un progetto/piano
Nota la differenza: Jim’s had breakfast already. Jim ha già fatto colazione. Jim’s made breakfast already. Jim ha già preparato la colazione. Nota inoltre i diversi verbi nelle espressioni corrispondenti italiane nella sezione B.
B Eseguire • make + complemento oggetto = eseguire un’azione I need to make an appointment with my doctor. Devo prendere un appuntamento col medico. I made a mistake. Ho fatto uno sbaglio. • Alcune delle espressioni più comuni sono: make the bed rifare il letto make a change fare un cambiamento make a choice fare una scelta make a comment fare un commento make a complaint fare un reclamo make a decision prendere una decisione make a difference fare differenza make an effort fare uno sforzo/impegnarsi make an exception fare un’eccezione make an excuse dare una scusa make friends fare amicizia make a fuss fare storie
make an impression farsi notare make a mistake fare un errore make money far soldi make a profit/a loss essere in profitto/perdita make an offer fare un’offerta make a phone call fare una telefonata make a point dire qualcosa degna di nota make progress fare progressi make a promise fare una promessa make a reservation fare una prenotazione make a speech fare un discorso make a suggestion fare una proposta
C Do o make? In generale, make è usato quando il fare ha un elemento creativo, mentre do è usato quando il fare è più un eseguire o un fare generico. In dettaglio, però, bisogna imparare le espressioni a memoria. I made a fantastic cake yesterday. Ieri ho fatto una torta buonissima. I did a course in photography. Ho fatto un corso di fotografia. ➔ Vedi unità 71 per gli usi di do.
D Fatto da/di be made from/of + materiale = essere fatto da/di Come regola generale, si usa from se il materiale grezzo è stato trasformato durante il processo di lavorazione e of se non lo è stato. Glass is made from sand. Il vetro è fatto dalla sabbia. The sculpture is made of ice. La scultura è (fatta) di ghiaccio.
E Causare/provocare/obbligare make + complemento oggetto + aggettivo/forma base = causare qualcosa/far fare qualcosa a qualcuno Too much chocolate makes you fat. Troppa cioccolata fa ingrassare. The book made me cry. Il libro mi ha fatto piangere. 194 Unità 70 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con il tempo corretto di make e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. an appointment an impression ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a decision lunch
a difference a noise
Scrivi frasi per spiegare di che cosa sono fatte queste cose. Usa from o of e le parole nel riquadro. eggs
Glass is made from sand 1 Jeans 2 Paper
. . .
wood 3 An omelette 4 Clouds 5 DVDs
. . .
Completa le frasi con made me e le parole nel riquadro. it/cry
my teacher/do it again
his parents/pay for it
I read a news article about world poverty – it made me think 1 The film was very sad. In fact, 2 I think that chicken was undercooked – 3 4 I broke a window at my friend’s house so 5 My essay wasn’t very good so ▶
The food was cold, the service was slow, and I didn’t like the music. Oh, stop making a fuss – the restaurant wasn’t that bad. Hello, this is the health centre. Can I help you? I’d like to to see Dr Smith, please. I’m hungry. OK, I’ll . I hear you and Jimmy had a big argument. Yes, but we again. Can I ? Why don’t we have a barbecue tonight? Sounds like a good idea. I don’t know whether to have pizza or pasta. Well, you need to . The waiter’s coming back. after class. There’s an exam in Room 5. Please don’t OK, we won’t. The new student’s got pink hair and she’s got her nose pierced! Well, she’s certainly ! I’ve got a new pair of glasses. Has it ? Yes, I can actually see now!
a fuss a suggestion
. . . when Simon fell in the river! ! .
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di make. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You’re making Have you She You’re always Can you Stop interrupting me – I’m trying to You can’t This upgrade will He has just
a mistake. your bed yet? progress in maths this year. excuses. me a cup of tea, please? a point. me do this! your computer work faster. a new album. Unità 70 195
Grammar B1
Come verbo principale do ha diversi usi. Ecco qui di seguito alcuni dei più comuni e utili.
A Fare (generico) Come verbo principale do ha il significato generico di fare nel senso di eseguire un’attività. Si usa do quando l’attività non è specificata, per esempio nelle domande e nelle frasi negative generiche. Are you doing anything tonight? Fate qualcosa stasera? We didn’t do anything last night. Non abbiamo fatto niente ieri sera. I did something stupid. Ho fatto una stupidaggine.
B Fare (mestiere) What do you do? Che lavoro fai? What does he do? ~ He’s a doctor. Che cosa fa? ~ È medico.
C Espressioni con complemento oggetto I did my best, but it wasn’t enough. Ho fatto del mio meglio ma non è stato abbastanza. Alcune delle espressioni più comuni sono: do (your) best fare del proprio meglio do (your) homework fare i compiti do (some) damage fare danni do an exam dare un esame do (some) exercise fare del moto do (some) exercises fare esercizi do (some) research fare ricerca do a course fare un corso do a favour fare un favore
D Cose che devono essere fatte Do + the/some + forma in -ing si usa spesso per cose che è necessario fare, specialmente domestiche. I’ll do the cooking if you do the washing-up. Cucino se tu lavi i piatti. Who’s going to do the shopping? Chi va a fare la spesa?
E Attività fisiche Si usa do con alcune attività fisiche come athletics/gymnastics/yoga/judo/karate ecc. My sister does yoga. Mia sorella fa yoga. Do you know anybody who does karate? Conosci qualcuno che fa karate?
F Altre espressioni • do + velocità A Formula 1 car can do 350 kph. Una macchina di Formula 1 può fare 350 km all’ora. • have/be to do (+ something/nothing) with = avere a che fare con/essere responsabile di The broken window has nothing to do with me. Non c’entro niente con la finestra rotta. The book is something to do with pirates. Il libro ha a che fare con i pirati. • will do = bastare/essere sufficiente/andare bene Just a salad will do – I’m not very hungry. Va bene solo un’insalata – Non ho molta fame. How much tip shall we leave? Will €5 do? Quanto lasciamo di mancia? Basteranno €5? ➔ Vedi unità 70 per gli usi di make e la differenza tra make e do, e unità 50 e 134 per l’uso di do come ausiliare.
196 Unità 71 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta di do e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. 300 kph me a favour ▶
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
his homework any sports
my best will
a lot of damage with me
Good luck with your exam! Thanks. I’ll do my best . Could you ? Sure, what is it? Could you feed the cat tomorrow? I’m out for the day. It was an amazing storm last night! Yes, and it . I think it destroyed some houses. Have you seen the new Ferrari? I have. Apparently, it can . How was Rome? Did you ? Yes, we did a lot. The Coliseum was my favourite. Do you ? Yes. I – the 400 metres is my best event. Do you know anything about the broken window? No, I don’t. It has nothing ! Do you fancy some lunch? OK, but I’m not that hungry. A sandwich . Hello. Is Jack there? He at the moment. Can you call back when he’s finished?
Completa le domande con il tempo corretto di do. ▶
1 2 3 4
athletics much sightseeing
What are you doing I’m going out with some friends.
tonight? last night?
I went to the cinema. at the weekend? I’m going to the beach. I’m looking for my keys. I’m a journalist.
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di do o make. ▶ Two and two doesn’t always make four! 1 I need to some shopping. 2 Was it easy for you to friends when you were a teenager? 3 We some research into young people’s shopping habits. Could I ask you some questions? 4 How did you in your exam? 5 I’m going to you the best sandwich you’ve ever had. ? More? Less? 6 Do you think this amount of rice 7 I started judo last year and I’m really enjoying it. 8 Aren’t you bored? You’ve nothing at all today.
Unità 71 197
Grammar B1
Take ha diversi significati e usi. Ecco qui di seguito alcuni dei più comuni e utili.
A Portare/trasportare ecc. Si usa take + complemento oggetto + complemento di moto a luogo per indicare che si porta qualcosa o qualcuno allontanandola da dove si trovano al momento sia chi parla che chi ascolta. I took my mobile to school. Ho portato il cellulare a scuola. Can you take this DVD to Sam? Puoi portare questo DVD a Sam? Pete is taking me to the airport. Pete mi porta in aeroporto. Nota che ci sono diversi verbi che corrispondono a portare. • Quando si porta qualcosa verso chi parla o chi ascolta (anche in senso figurato) si usa bring. Come for dinner! ~ OK. What can I bring? Vieni a cena! ~ OK. Che cosa posso portare? This photo brings back memories. Questa foto mi riporta alla mente molti ricordi. • Quando si va a prendere e portare qualcosa verso chi parla e/o chi ascolta si usa fetch. Could you fetch me my glasses, please? Potresti andare a prendermi gli occhiali? • Quando si porta/trasporta qualcosa che richiede un certo sforzo fisico si usa carry. They had to carry the suitcases up the stairs. Hanno dovuto trasportare le valige su per le scale.
B Volerci/metterci (di tempo) take + espressione di tempo = volerci It takes 20 minutes to walk to school. Ci vogliono 20 minuti per arrivare a scuola a piedi. The bus takes five minutes. Il bus ci mette cinque minuti. TIP Domande con How long does it take + infinito e It takes … + infinito sono espressioni comuni e utili.
How long does it take to get to Genoa? Quanto ci vuole per arrivare a Genova? It takes about two hours to get to Genoa. Ci vogliono circa due ore per arrivare a Genova.
C Volerci (di quantità) Si usa It takes/took ecc. + quantità + infinito per parlare di quantità necessarie per fare qualcosa. It took three people to lift the box. Ci vollero tre persone per sollevare la scatola. It takes a lot of skill to make the perfect pizza. Ci vuole una grande abilità per fare la pizza perfetta.
D Accettare take + complemento oggetto = prendere/accettare Are you going to take the job? Hai intenzione di accettare il lavoro?
E Prendere mezzi di trasporto Si usa take con i mezzi di trasporto. Let’s take a taxi. Prendiamo un taxi.
Nota i diversi verbi che corrispondono a take nelle varie espressioni in italiano.
F Altre espressioni Altre espressioni utili con take + complemento oggetto sono: take (milk) in your (tea) mettere (latte) nel (tè) take place avere luogo take (medicine) prendere (medicina) take part in prendere parte a take an exam/test dare un esame/fare un test take a picture/photo fare una fotografia take a break fare una pausa take advice seguire un consiglio take control prendere/assumere il controllo take (your/his etc.) time prendersela comoda take something for granted dare qualcosa per scontato take a seat mettersi a sedere take a look dare un’occhiata take sides schierarsi take no notice non fare caso a/ignorare take to the streets scendere in piazza
198 Unità 72 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Please bring / take this letter home and give it to your parents. You can bring / take a friend to my party if you like. I have to bring / take my younger sister to school in the morning. She’s too young to go by herself. Looking at these holiday photos really brings / takes back some happy memories. Jump on the back of my scooter and I’ll bring / take you home. Bring / Take an umbrella with you if you decide to go for a walk. It might rain. Do you want me to fetch / carry your bag? It looks heavy. Can you bring / take some sandwiches for the picnic tomorrow? Could you bring / fetch Jim from school today, please?
Completa le frasi con il tempo corretto di take e le parole nel riquadro. an aspirin a photo ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a break a seat
the bus sugar
his driving test our time
the job
I’ve got a headache. I think I’ll take an aspirin . if they offered it to you? It’s good money, isn’t it? Would you Is it best to or the metro to get to your house? I’m exhausted with all this gardening. I think I’ll for a few minutes. Do you in your coffee? What an amazing sunset! I think I’ll of it. We don’t need to hurry. We can . Mr Jones will be with you in a minute. Please, over there. My dad three times before he finally passed!
Completa le seguenti notizie giornalistiche con il tempo corretto di take e le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. to another museum
to hospital
over 200 firefighters
MUSEUM BLAZE There was a fire at Oxford’s Science Museum yesterday. Firefighters quickly of the situation and damage to the building was minimized, but took control to finally extinguish the blaze. Some of the museum’s most it 1 important exhibits have been 2 were slightly injured and were 3
a team of over 100 scientists photographs
for safe-keeping. Three firefighters .
around 13 minutes samples
just over seven months
Explorer lands on Mars NASA’s Explorer Rover yesterday touched down on Mars after a 570-million-kilometre journey, which 4 . The Rover will first 5 of its surroundings, which it will then transmit back to Earth. It will then be sent instructions to investigate areas of interest and to 6 of rocks and Martian soil. It 7 for radio signals to travel between Earth and Mars and it will 8 and engineers to monitor and control the Rover at any given time.
Unità 72 199
Grammar B1
Go ha diversi significati e usi. Ecco qui di seguito alcuni dei più comuni e utili.
A Go + complemento di luogo • Go + complemento di luogo = andare da qualche parte I didn’t go to school yesterday. Non sono andato a scuola ieri. Where are you going on holiday? Dove andrete in vacanza? I’m going home. Sto andando/Vado a casa.
Go usato senza complemento significa andare/andarsene. I’m going. See you later. Io (me ne) vado. Ci vediamo.
• Esistono molte espressioni comuni che usano go col significato di andare, tra cui: go home andare a casa go to bed andare a letto go inside andare dentro/al chiuso go to school andare a scuola go on holiday andare in vacanza go to college/university andare all’università go outside andare fuori/all’aperto go to work andare al lavoro • Nota che si usa di solito come (venire) quando il parlante o l’ascoltatore è nel luogo di cui si parla. I’m not coming here again. Non ci torno più qui.
B Go and + forma base Si usa go and + forma base per parlare dello scopo per cui si va a fare qualcosa. I’ll go and check the weather forecast. Vado a vedere le previsioni meteo. Let’s go and ask Anne. Andiamo a chiedere ad Anne.
C Go + forma in -ing Si usa go + forma in -ing per parlare di andare a fare attività del tempo libero, tra cui: go camping andare in campeggio go shopping andare a fare shopping go canoeing andare in canoa go skating andare a pattinare go climbing andare a fare scalate go (water)skiing andare a fare sci (acquatico) go diving andare a fare immersioni go snowboarding andare a fare snowboard go fishing andare a pescare go (wind)surfing andare a fare (wind)surf go jogging andare a fare jogging go swimming andare a nuotare go running andare a correre go walking andare a camminare
D Go for a + sostantivo Si usa go for a + sostantivo per parlare di attività relativamente brevi e casuali. go for a jog/run andare a fare una corsa I’m going for a run. See you in an hour or so. go for a meal andare a mangiare (al ristorante, pub, ecc.) Vado a farmi una corsa. Ci vediamo tra circa un’ora go for a pizza andare a prendere una pizza. Let’s go for a walk. It’s a lovely evening. go for a swim andare a fare una nuotata Andiamo a fare una passeggiata. È una bella sera. go for a walk andare a fare una passeggiata
E Go + avverbio di modo Si usa go + avverbio per parlare del modo in cui qualcosa succede o procede. The operation went well. L’operazione è andata bene. TIP
How did … go? è una domanda frequente. How did your exam go? ~ It went OK, I think. Com’è andato l’esame? ~ È andato bene, credo.
F Cambiamenti nel comportamento Quando è seguito da un aggettivo go significa diventare (aggettivo) e si usa per descrivere un cambiamento nel comportamento. Is Max OK? He’s gone a bit quiet. Sta bene Max? Ha smesso di parlare. Jane suddenly went pale. Jane è impallidita improvvisamente.
200 Unità 73 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta di go e le parole nel riquadro. to bed mad ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
cold out
to the dentist for a pizza
on holiday to Turkey
I’ve got toothache. You should go to the dentist . What shall we do for lunch? Let’s . Did your parents ? My mum did. She studied history. Bye, Mum. I’m for the evening. OK. Don’t be back too late. Where are you going? It’s late. I’m and then I’m Which do you I on Via Novara. this summer? Are you Yes, we’re for two weeks. I’m going to do a bungee jump! Have you ? Eat your dinner before it ! OK. I’m coming.
home to university
. to?
Completa i dialoghi con go and e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. change your clothes see the doctor ▶
1 2 3 4
to Liceo Pascoli school
Grammar B1
get an umbrella lay the table
get some wash my hands
I’ve had a headache for days. I think you should go and see the doctor There’s no milk. Don’t worry. I’ll I fell in the river! I think you need to Oh, no! It’s started raining. No problem. I’ll Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Can you Sure. I’ll just
. . . . ? first.
Scrivi domande e risposte per queste situazioni. Usa How did … go? e It went … . Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
Your friend had an eye test. It was OK. A How did your eye test go? Your friend had an exam. It was fine. A Your friend had a job interview. It was really bad. A Your friend had a date. It was really good. A Your friend had an exam. It felt slow. A
B It went OK. B B B B Unità 73 201
Prefer, would prefer e would rather
Si usano prefer e would rather per parlare di preferenze.
A Prefer • Per parlare di preferenze in generale si usano prefer + sostantivo, prefer + forma in -ing o prefer + infinito. Prefer + infinito è usato meno comunemente delle altre strutture. I don’t drink much tea. I prefer coffee. Non bevo molto tè. Preferisco il caffè. I don’t like watching DVDs. I prefer going to the cinema. Non mi piace guardare DVD. Preferisco andare al cinema. I don’t like watching DVDs. I prefer to go to the cinema. Non mi piace guardare DVD. Preferisco andare al cinema. • Per esprimere un’alternativa si usa to (+ forma in -ing). I prefer coffee to tea. Preferisco il caffè al tè. I prefer going to the cinema to watching DVDs. Preferisco andare al cinema che guardare DVD.
B Would prefer • Si usano would prefer + sostantivo e would prefer + infinito per riferirsi a una situazione specifica. Non si usa would prefer + forma in -ing. Tea or coffee? ~ I’d prefer coffee, if that’s OK. Tè o caffè? ~ Preferirei il caffè, se per te è lo stesso. How shall we get there? ~ I’d prefer to go by train if it’s possible. Come ci andiamo? ~ Preferirei andarci in treno se è possibile. • Per esprimere un’alternativa si usa rather than. I’d prefer to go by train rather than by bus. Preferirei andare in treno piuttosto che in autobus.
C Would rather • Would rather + forma base ha un significato simile a would prefer + infinito. Non si usano would rather + sostantivo o would rather + forma in -ing. Would you rather go by train or by bus? ~ I’d rather go by train if it’s possible. Preferisci andare in treno o in autobus? ~ Preferirei andarci in treno se è possibile. (NON I’d rather going by train.) • Per esprimere un’alternativa si usa than. I’d rather go by train than by bus. Preferirei andare in treno piuttosto che in autobus. TIP
Nota che nella lingua parlata e nello scritto informale con un pronome personale soggetto si usa di norma la forma contratta di would (I’d prefer, we’d rather ecc.).
D I’d prefer not, I’d rather not La forma negativa si fa con not prima dell’infinito o della forma base (non con la forma negativa di would). I’d prefer not to go by bus. Preferirei non andare in autobus. (NON I wouldn’t prefer to go by bus.) I’d rather not go by bus. Preferirei non andare in autobus. (NON I wouldn’t rather go by bus.) TIP
Quando si esprimono preferenze si usano spesso espressioni come if that’s OK, if possible e if you don’t mind alla fine della frase. I’d rather get the bus if you don’t mind. Preferirei andare in autobus, se non ti dispiace.
Completa i dialoghi con prefer, would prefer o would rather e le parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
It’s a lovely day. Shall we go for a walk? I’d rather stay (rather/stay) here in the garden, actually. Do you fancy something to eat? (rather/eat) a bit later, if that’s OK. I’m not that hungry, actually. I Do you play computer games? Never. I (prefer/listen) to music or (read).
202 Unità 74 OUP copyright 2015
3 A B A 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I generally like silver jewellery more than gold. (prefer) I generally prefer silver jewellery to gold. I’d rather wear the blue tie. (prefer) I the blue tie. I generally like green olives more than black ones. (prefer) I generally black ones. I’d prefer to stay here rather than go out. (rather) I go out. Which do you like more – skiing or snowboarding? (prefer) Do snowboarding? I’d rather have coffee than tea if you don’t mind. (prefer) I tea if you don’t mind. I would prefer not to give my name on the feedback form. (rather) I my name on the feedback form. I like live concert CDs much better than studio albums. (prefer) I studio albums. How do you have your coffee? With or without sugar? (rather) your coffee with or without sugar?
Scrivi domande con you come soggetto, e risposte complete che siano vere per te sul quaderno. Nelle risposte usa to, than o rather than. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Would/rather/study English/maths? A Would you rather study English or maths? B I’d rather study English than maths. Do/prefer/watch/films at the cinema/at home? A Do you prefer watching films at the cinema or at home? B I prefer watching films at the cinema. Do/prefer/rugby/football? Would/rather/live/in the UK/the USA? Do/prefer/listen to/pop/classical music? Would/prefer/be/a famous sportsperson/a famous actor? Do/generally/prefer/read/novels/biographies? Would/rather/be/rich and ugly/poor and attractive? Unità 74 203
Grammar B1
What do you fancy for dinner – risotto or pasta? I (rather/not/have) pasta, if that’s OK. I had pasta for lunch. Oh, that’s good – I (prefer/have) risotto anyway. Do you ever go skiing? (prefer/snowboard). I don’t like skiing. I We can get to Pisa by bus or train. I (prefer/go) by bus – it’s cheaper. What do you think? To be honest, I (rather/go) by train if you don’t mind – it’s much quicker, isn’t it? How do you think your webpage is looking so far? Well, to be honest, I (prefer/have) a darker background. And I (rather/not/have) the logo on the right. Can you move it to the left? Did you email Miki about the party? Actually, I (rather/invite) her in person. I’m seeing her this evening anyway. I (prefer/not/talk) about the exam until I have the results. You’re a bit superstitious, aren’t you?
Suggest e recommend
Si possono usare suggest (suggerire, proporre) e recommend (proporre, consigliare) in diversi modi.
A Suggest/recommend + sostantivo Si può usare la struttura suggest/recommend + sostantivo. Sam suggested Café Baba for lunch. Sam ha proposto Café Baba per il pranzo. I recommend the spinach calzone. Consiglio il calzone agli spinaci.
B Suggest/recommend + verbo • In genere si usa suggest/recommend + verbo in un tempo finito (con o senza that). I suggest that we wait here. Propongo di aspettare qui. They recommend (that) you book in advance. Consigliano di prenotare in anticipo. Peter suggested (that) we meet at 6.30. Peter ha proposto che ci incontriamo alle 6.30. • Ma si può anche usare suggest/recommend + forma in -ing. I suggest waiting here. Propongo di aspettare qui. They recommend booking in advance. Consigliano di prenotare in anticipo. • Nota che non si usa la costruzione suggest/recommend + infinito. (NON I suggest to wait here.) (NON They recommended to book in advance.)
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
What shall we do today? I suggest we go to the beach. (go) What did the doctor say? He recommended that I at home today. (stay) What does the guidebook say? It suggests to the tourist information centre. It’s over there. (go) Dad, I can’t do this maths question. I suggest you your teacher tomorrow. (ask) What does the website recommend? It recommends their software. (download) What did the teacher say? She suggested that we together. (work) The play starts at 7.30, doesn’t it? in our seats by 7.15. (be) Yes, but they recommend we
Osserva le figure e scrivi i dialoghi sul quaderno. Per le domande usa le parole nel riquadro. which album/recommend which train/suggest 1
English Schools: Super High School of English Beat Street School Edinburgh School The Rayford School of English
which school/recommend what date/suggest TRAIN TIMETABLE > Cambridge Depart 1:15 2:30 2:45 3:15 4:30
A Which school do you recommend? B I recommend The Rayford School of English.
204 Unità 75 OUP copyright 2015
May Thursday
The 2nd Law (2011) The Resistance (2009)
HAARP (2008) 00 008 Black Holes es a and Revelations (2006)
Riordina le parole nel riquadro in modo da completare le risposte. Poi ascolta e controlla.
A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B
Can you get tickets for the Blues Inc concert on the night? Yes, but I suggest we get them in advance . Which dessert do you recommend? , sir. Which shoes do you think I should wear? They look smarter than the brown ones. The water’s brown. . Don’t worry. I’m not going to. Do you think it’s OK to put this blouse in with the rest of the washing? Let me see. No. . Did you ask Roberta about the bridesmaids’ bouquets? She thinks they’ll look nicer with the dresses. Did Harriet suggest what to wear for the interview? Yes. .
Leggi il post di Carmen e i commenti che ha ricevuto. Scrivi il riassunto dei commenti con le parole tra parentesi. Usa suggest/recommend + forma in -ing o suggest/recommend (that) … .
Posted by Carmen, Italy: Hi there, I’m going to Oxford in the UK. Has anyone got any suggestions or recommendations for things to do? Thanks. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Visit Magdalen and Christ Church Colleges. POSTED BY TOM Go punting on the Thames. POSTED BY BRETT Go for a drink in The Trout Inn. POSTED BY ALEX Eat in Brown’s restaurant. POSTED BY MARTA Visit Stratford-upon-Avon (where Shakespeare was born). See a band at the O2 Academy. POSTED BY MARIA Stay for at least three days. POSTED BY DAVE
Tom suggests that she visits Magdalen and Christ Church Colleges. (suggest/visit) (suggest/go) (suggest/going) (recommend/eat) (recommend/visiting) (suggest/see) (recommend/staying) Unità 75 205
Grammar B2
I/the black/wear/you/suggest/ones in advance/suggest/I/we/them/get try/you/the panna cotta/I/recommend drink/suggest/it/I/you/don’t suggested/she/I/wear/that/my/dark grey suit she/ones/the/purple and yellow/going for/suggests it/the label/recommends/separately/washing
Verbi con doppio complemento
A Forma • Per verbi con doppio complemento si intende i verbi che reggono un complemento oggetto e un complemento di termine. • Il complemento di termine è spesso una persona e il complemento oggetto è di solito una cosa. • Questo tipo di verbo ha di solito due costruzioni possibili: Verbo + persona + cosa
Verbo + cosa + to/for + persona
We bought Katie some flowers. We bought some flowers for Katie. Abbiamo comprato dei fiori per Katie. I showed Peter the photo.
I showed the photo to Peter.
Ho mostrato la foto a Peter.
Can you give me it?
Can you give it to me?
Puoi darmelo?
Nota che da un punto di vista grammaticale in inglese la persona è considerata complemento di termine (indirect object) anche quando non è preceduta da preposizione. Nota inoltre che le due strutture corrispondono a un’unica struttura in italiano.
B Uso Non ci sono regole precise su quando usare l’una o l’altra costruzione. Comunque, in generale: • quando entrambi i complementi sono pronomi o sostantivi si possono usare entrambe le costruzioni; I’ve lent Simona my car./I’ve lent my car to Simona. Ho prestato la mia macchina a Simona. • quando un complemento è un pronome e l’altro è un sostantivo, di solito si mette prima il pronome. I’ll give it to George. Lo darò a George. (NON I’ll give George it.) I’ll give you my email address. Ti do il mio indirizzo mail. (meno comune: I’ll give my email address to you.)
C To o for ? • Tra i verbi più comuni che reggono for per il complemento di termine ci sono: book prenotare cook cucinare leave lasciare buy comprare fetch andare a prendere make fare choose scegliere find trovare order ordinare TIP
pick scegliere reserve prenotare save conservare
Get è usato spesso per parlare di dare/ricevere regali. What did you get Tim for Christmas? ~ I got him a DVD. Che cosa hai preso per Tim per Natale? ~ Gli ho preso un DVD.
• Tra i verbi comuni che reggono to per il complemento di termine ci sono: award aggiudicare hand consegnare pay pagare bring portare leave lasciare (in eredità) post spedire email mandare per mail lend prestare read leggere fax mandare via fax offer offrire sell vendere feed dare da mangiare owe dovere send mandare give dare pass passare show far vedere
take portare teach insegnare text mandare per sms throw lanciare write scrivere
D Verbi plurisillabici • Con alcuni verbi plurisillabici con doppio complemento si usa in genere solo la costruzione con to/for. He explained the situation to me. Mi ha spiegato la situazione. (NON He explained me the situation.) • Tra questi verbi ci sono: announce annunciare choose scegliere deliver consegnare demonstrate dimostrare
206 Unità 76 copyright 2015
describe descrivere donate dare in donazione explain spiegare introduce presentare
mention menzionare obtain ottenere organize organizzare propose proporre
repeat ripetere report riferire say dire suggest proporre
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Completa le frasi con le due diverse costruzioni in modo che il significato non cambi, una con to/for e una senza to/for. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
a T-shirt/my boyfriend/I got/. I got my boyfriend a T-shirt. €50/me/Sara lent/. me/the sugar/can you pass/? I gave/to/my homework/the teacher/. I need to book/a taxi/my parents/for/. for/I forgot to get/my girlfriend/a birthday present/. a text message/you/I’ll send/. my old mobile/I gave/my brother/to/. my old laptop/I gave/my sister/.
Sam borrowed £20 from Oliver. Oliver lent £20 to Sam . Oliver lent Sam £20 Alexa’s present from Jack was some earrings. Jack got . Jack got Sarah’s got my camera. I’ve lent . I’ve lent Smith received the ball from Harrison. Harrison passed . Harrison passed Lucy rents an apartment from James. James rents . James rents I’ll send Erica the address by text message. I’ll text . I’ll text
. . . . . .
Riscrivi le frasi in grassetto senza to o for. In una frase, questo non è possibile. In questo caso scrivi ‘no change’. Poi ascolta e controlla. I’ve got a new mobile. Let me give my new number to you. ▶ Let me give you my new number . OK – why don’t you text your new one to me? 1 I saw you in town this morning. Did you? I was buying a birthday present for Marta. 2 I didn’t know it was her birthday. What did you get her? I got a scarf for her. 3 And I’m going to make a cake for her. 4 It’s her birthday on Saturday. 3 A Is there any pizza left? B Sorry, I gave the last slice to Bruno. 5 But if you’re hungry, I’ll make some pasta for you, if you like. 6
1 A B 2 A B A B
4 A It’s my parents’ wedding anniversary tomorrow. B Have you got anything nice for them? 7 A Yes, we’ve booked a romantic table at La Parisienne for them. 8 And we’ve got a big bouquet of flowers for them. 9 5 A If you don’t understand your homework, you should ask your teacher. B He’s already explained it to us, but I still don’t understand why they are correct. 10 6 A Did Alex send the photos of the school trip to you? 11 B Yes, he did. I’ll email a link to you. 12 Unità 76 207
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 68–76 Verbi da non confondere 1
Le espressioni nel riquadro richiedono il verbo make o do? Scrivile nella colonna corretta. an appointment a coffee/a pizza/a cake a difference your homework a noise
your best a course an exercise a list a phone call
a test/an exam breakfast/dinner/lunch some damage some exercise some research
an appointment
your best
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di make o do. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
some work a choice a decision someone a favour a speech
Do you do any sports? Do you know how to risotto? We need to the washing-up before we go. Please don’t a mess. I’ve just tidied up. Can I a suggestion? Why don’t you call her? I used to gymnastics when I was younger. Our goalkeeper a terrible mistake in our last match. The storm last night a lot of damage. Lots of people sit around all day and nothing. You need to an effort to eat healthily. Playing sport is a great way to new friends. Too much fatty food you tired. No coffee for me. Just water will , thanks.
Completa la mail con la forma corretta di make o do. Hi Toni, an English course. The lessons I’m in Oxford in the UK for four weeks and I’m doing a big are fun and we have lots of opportunities to speak in English. I think this 1 lots of grammar difference because you can practise what you learn. We also 2 a test at the end of every week and my teacher says exercises, which I like! We 3 good progress. that I’m 4 ▶
lots of new friends and we 6 I’ve 5 Saturday, there’s a trip to London. We’re going to 7 some shopping. will be time to 8
quite a lot in the evenings. Next some sightseeing and there
pasta aglio e olio for my host family. I must finish now because I promised to 9 my homework. And before that I have to 10 Write back to me and tell me your news. Love, Federica x
208 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 68–76
Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Usa la forma corretta di do, get, have, make o take e le parole nel riquadro. an argument some cleaning
a coffee a phone call
dressed a photo
some exercise some washing
a pizza ▶
He’s making a pizza.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. 1 A B A B
I’m going to ▶ take / have a cup of tea. Do you want one? Yes, please. Do you 1take / get milk and sugar? Milk, but no sugar, thanks.
2 A How did your exam 2go / get? B I think it 3went / got pretty well, actually. 3 A I 4had / got some new running shoes last week. B Oh, how often do you 5get / go running? A Two or three times a week. I run ten kilometres. It 6has / takes me about an hour. 4 A Did you 7go / get wet when it started raining? B Yes, we did! I’d forgotten to 8get / take my umbrella. 5 A What did you 9have / get for your birthday? B I 10got / took a camera from my parents. And my brother and sister 11had / took me out for lunch. I 12took / had the biggest pizza ever! 6 A How long will it 13get / take to 14go / get there? B About five minutes. 7 A B A B
Did you 15have / get fun last night? Yes, we 16had / got a great time. And what time did you 17take / get home? About midnight. We missed the last bus, so we 18took / had a taxi.
8 A Francesca’s offered me some tickets to her play, but I don’t know whether to 19get / take them or not. B Why? A Well, the last time I 20got / went to the theatre, I 21got / went really bored. I nearly fell asleep! Esercizi sommativi: Unità 68–76 209
Completa il brano con la forma corretta di do, get, go, have, make o take. Poi ascolta e controlla.
fun? Yes.That’s a good reason. But there are at least five more reasons why we should regularly 2 a go at sports.
You’ll perform better in school. up all your study time. But research shows that You perhaps think that sport will 3 part in a sporting activity 5 better in school than those who regularly 4 those who don’t. Exercise improves learning, memory and concentration, which can 6 a big difference in the classroom. You’ll learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sport teaches us valuable life skills. When you’re working with coaches and teammates to win control games and achieve goals, you’re learning how to form relationships, how to 7 of situations and how to be successful. Those skills will serve you well in your future life. It’s good for your health. you want to be fit and healthy. And the more sport you Enjoying sport 8 9 , the fitter and healthier you’ll 10 . If you 11 the effort to be fit and healthy when you are young, you’re more likely to be fit and healthy as an adult. Playing sports increases self-confidence. sports feel better about themselves. Why? It builds confidence when Those who 12 you know you can practise, improve and achieve your goals. People will respect you for this.You to meet people and 14 new friends. also 13 Exercise improves your mood. Chemicals released during exercise improve a person’s mood. So playing sports, jogging or 15 swimming can reduce stress and help you feel happier and be more positive about life.
Completa i dialoghi con le parole nel riquadro. prefer/silver prefer/go A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B
prefer/red prefer/not/wear
prefer/brown rather/have
prefer/listen rather/not/drive
Red or white? I ’d prefer red , if that’s OK with you. What sort of jewellery does Simone usually wear – silver or gold? Oh, I think she generally jewellery. How do you think your web page is looking so far? Well, to be honest, I a lighter background, so the writing is easier to read. How shall we get to Lucy and Janet’s? I if that’s OK. I’ve been driving all day. I by bus or get a taxi. Do you watch much TV? Not really. I generally to the radio in the evenings. White or brown bread? I , if that’s OK. Are you going to wear your brown or grey jacket? I a jacket at all, actually. It’s a really warm evening.
210 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 68–76
Completa il brano con l’alternativa corretta.
THE COLOUR OF FOOTBALL KITS Today, the choice of colour and design of a football kit is a very serious business. Gone are the days when a club manager could suddenly suggest ▶ changing / to change / change the team’s kit completely. This happened in the English club Leeds United in 1961, when the manager recommended 1to change / changing / change from the club’s blue and gold into the ‘inspirational’ white of Real Madrid. The colour was changed and by the early 1970s, Leeds United was the biggest football club in England. More recently, the Newcastle United manager recommended that the club 2 to change / changing / changed from black socks to white because they were ‘lucky’. However, there was no difference in the club’s results. Also, back in the 1960s, Liverpool manager Bill Shankly suggested that the team 3 to wear / wearing / wore an all-red kit, instead of the traditional white shorts and socks, as he thought the single colour looked ‘more terrifying’. And he had a point. In England, 80% of league champions wear red. And, given the choice, the England national football team always prefer 4wear / wearing / to wear their red-shirted away kit 5 to / rather than / than their first choice white one. However, of the world’s best international football teams, only Spain wears red. Brazil always 6would rather / rather / prefer their iconic yellow shirts 7to / rather than / than their blue kit, Argentina and Italy both wear blue, Germany white and Holland orange. Interestingly, orange has recently become a popular colour choice for goalkeepers. The theory is that it is a distraction for the opposition strikers. In fact, 90% of strikers say they would rather 8 face / to face / facing a goalkeeper wearing any colour other than orange.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I like football more than rugby. (prefer) I prefer football to rugby. I’d rather go by taxi. (prefer) I’d by taxi. I generally like strict teachers more than friendly ones. (prefer) I generally friendly ones. I want to stay here, not go out. (rather) I go out. You really need to spend at least two hours at the gallery. (recommend) I at least two hours at the gallery. Tom thinks we should go to Café Star for lunch. (suggested) Tom for lunch. Celia suggested going by bus. (we) Celia suggested by bus. The City Museum has received a gift of €2,000 from a local company. (given) A local company the City Museum. I got a bag from Sophie for my birthday. (me) Sophie my birthday. I’d rather wait until he arrives. (gets) I’d prefer here. I suggest ignoring them. (notice) I suggest that we of them. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 68–76 211
Discorso indiretto
A Say e tell Say e tell sono i verbi dichiarativi che corrispondono a dire e si usano per riferire ciò che qualcuno dice (o scrive). • Quando non si vuole specificare a chi è stato detto ciò che si riferisce si usa say. Se invece lo si vuole specificare si usa tell. Mr Smith said we could leave. Mr Smith ha detto che potevamo andare via. (NON Mr Smith told we could leave.) Mr Smith told us we could leave. Mr Smith ci ha detto che potevamo andare via. (NON Mr Smith said us we could leave.) I said you were ill. Ho detto che eri ammalato. I told James you were ill. Ho detto a James che eri ammalato. • Per introdurre ciò che è stato detto si può usare that oppure nessuna congiunzione. Non c’è una regola su quando usare that ed è spesso una scelta personale. She said she was going home./She said that she was going home. Ha detto che stava andando a casa.
B Cambiamento dei tempi • Nel discorso indiretto di solito il verbo dichiarativo si usa al passato (She said … , He told me … ecc.). Il verbo della frase riferita va a un tempo ‘più passato’ del tempo della frase originale: present simple ➔ past simple
present continuous ➔ past continuous
past simple/present perfect ➔ past perfect
will/can/must ➔ would/could/had to ecc.
‘I’m tired.’ ‘Sono stanca.’ ➔ She said she was tired. Ha detto che era/di essere stanca. ‘I want to be a teacher.’ ‘Voglio fare l’insegnante.’ ➔ He told me he wanted to be a teacher. Mi ha detto che voleva fare l’insegnante. ‘I’ve never been to the UK.’ ‘Non sono mai stato in Gran Bretagna.’ ➔ He told us he’d never been to the UK. (’d = had) Ci ha detto di non essere mai stato/che non era mai stato in Gran Bretagna. ‘I’ll email you later.’ ‘Ti mando una mail più tardi.’ ➔ She said she’d email me later. (’d = would) Ha detto che mi avrebbe mandato una mail più tardi. • Se il verbo della frase originale era al past perfect, il verbo della frase riferita resta al past perfect. ‘I had never seen anything like that.’ ‘Non avevo mai visto niente del genere.’ ➔ He said he had never seen anything like that. Ha detto che non aveva mai visto niente del genere. • Comunque, quando si vuole sottolineare che qualcosa è tuttora vera o importante, qualche volta si può usare lo stesso tempo del verbo della frase originale. ‘I want to be a teacher.’ ‘Voglio fare l’insegnante.’ ➔ He told me he wants to be a teacher. Mi ha detto che vuole fare l’insegnante. ‘Tom arrived on Friday.’ ‘Tom è arrivato venerdì.’ ➔ She said Tom arrived on Friday. Ha detto che Tom è arrivato venerdì. ‘We’ll be late.’ ‘Faremo tardi.’ ➔ She said they’ll be late. Ha detto che faranno tardi. • Il verbo dichiarativo può anche essere usato al presente simple (She says … , He tells me … ecc.), nel qual caso il verbo nel discorso indiretto resta allo stesso tempo del discorso diretto. ‘We’ll be late.’ ‘Faremo tardi.’ ➔ She says they’ll be late. Dice che faranno tardi. ‘I’m having a party.’ ‘Devo dare una festa.’ ➔ Jack says he’s having a party. Jack dice che deve dare una festa. ‘He lives in Paris.’ ‘Vive a Parigi.’ ➔ Lorna tells me you live in Paris. Lorna mi dice che vivi a Parigi.
C L’imperativo Per riferire un imperativo si usa l’infinito. Si usa in genere tell me/us ecc, non say. ‘Stop!’ ‘Fermatevi!’ ➔ He told us to stop. Ci ha detto di fermarci. ‘Do it again, please.’ ‘Fallo di nuovo, per favore.’ ➔ She told me to do it again. Mi ha detto di farlo di nuovo. ‘Don’t be late.’ ‘Non fare tardi.’ ➔ He told me not to be late. Mi ha detto di non fare tardi. ➔ Vedi unità 79 per altri verbi dichiarativi (offer, insist, suggest ecc).
212 Unità 77 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
‘I’m a pilot.’ ‘I’m a dentist.’ ‘I’m working in Rome.’ ‘Dave’s in the canteen.’ ‘The match has been cancelled.’ ‘My office is on the third floor.’ ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’ ‘Jack’s looking for a new job.’ ‘I’m going to be late for work.’ ‘I’m hoping to go to London next year.’ ‘I’ll be a little late for lunch.’ ‘I’ve worked here for over ten years.’ ‘I’m getting a new phone for my birthday.’ ‘Suzy’s been to New York.’ ‘It’s Jake’s birthday tomorrow.’
He said he was a pilot He told me Federica told me Sam said Harry says Mr Green told me Julia says Belinda tells me Lena told me Charles says Erica said Judith told me Alice said Boris says Sue tells me
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Riferisci quanto ha dichiarato il calciatore Wade Moody durante un dopo-partita. Usa He said … e cambia i tempi verbali. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
What did Juan say / tell? He said / told us he was going to be late. Did Roberto say / tell you what happened at the party? Yes, he said / told it was a disaster! Veronica said / told she’d be a little late today. Yes, I know. She said / told me yesterday. Samantha says / tells me it’s your birthday today! It is, but don’t say / tell anyone. I’m trying to keep it quiet. The weather forecast said / told it was going to rain later. Oh! I’ll say / tell Jenny. She’s planning to play tennis.
Riferisci le frasi con le parole date. Cambia i tempi verbali quando il verbo dichiarativo è al passato. ▶
‘It was a hard game.’ He said it had been a hard game. ‘I think England played well.’ ‘I think 2–1 is a fair result.’ ‘I’m looking forward to the semi-final against Italy.’ ‘Italy are a very good side.’ ‘I’m sure it’ll be a great game.’ ‘I’m confident England will win.’
Riferisci quello che ti è stato chiesto di fare. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
‘Sit down!’ (He/me) ‘Wait there, everyone!’ (She/us) ‘Don’t be late!‘ (Mr Jones/him) ‘Be quiet, kids!’ (Their father/them) ‘Don’t be silly!’ (She/him) ‘Go away, all of you!’ (He/them) ‘Don’t press that button!’ (She/her)
He told me to sit down.
Unità 77 213
Grammar B1
Discorso indiretto (domande)
A Uso e forma Per riferire le domande si usano verbi ed espressioni come ask (chiedere), want to know (voler sapere) e wonder (chiedere/chiedersi). He asked me what time it was. Mi ha chiesto che ora era. Darina wants to know if there’s a café near here. Darina vuole sapere se c’è un bar qui vicino. He wondered if we wanted to go for a pizza. Chiese se volessimo andare a prendere una pizza. Did you ask John what time we were meeting? Hai chiesto a John a che ora è l’appuntamento? • Quando si vuole indicare l’interlocutore si usa ask. He asked me where I lived. Mi chiese dove abitassi. (NON He wondered me where I lived.) I asked her how much it cost. Le ho chiesto quanto costasse. • Comunque, ask si può usare anche quando non si indica l’interlocutore. I asked how much it cost. Ho chiesto quanto costasse.
B Ordine delle parole L’ordine delle parole di una domanda indiretta è quello della forma affermativa (e non di quella interrogativa): il soggetto va prima del verbo e non si usa l’ausiliare do al present e past simple. Per le domande con risposta yes/no si usa if oppure whether. ‘How old is he?’ ‘Quanti anni ha?’ ➔ She wondered how old he was. Si chiese quanti anni avesse. (NON She wondered how old was he.) ‘Where do you live?’ ‘Dove abiti?’ ➔ He asked me where I lived. Mi chiese dove abitassi. (NON He asked me where did I live.) ‘Have you seen Harry?’ ‘Hai visto Harry?’ ➔ He wanted to know if I’d seen Harry. Voleva sapere se avessi visto Harry. ‘When are we meeting?’ ‘Quando ci dobbiamo vedere?’ ➔ Sam wants to know when we’re meeting. Sam vuole sapere quando ci dobbiamo vedere.
C Cambiamenti di tempo • Non esiste una regola precisa su quando cambiare o meno il tempo verbale nella domanda riferita (present tense ➔ past tense ecc.). È più comune, comunque, usare il past simple del verbo dichiarativo e cambiare il tempo della domanda indiretta. ‘Where do you go to school?’ ‘Dove vai a scuola?’ ➔ She asked me where I went to school. Mi ha chiesto dove andassi a scuola. ‘Is Alex OK?’ ‘Alex sta bene?’ ➔ He wanted to know if Alex was OK. Voleva sapere se Alex stava bene. • Comunque, quando si vuole sottolineare che qualcosa è ancora vera o importante, qualche volta si può usare lo stesso tempo del verbo della frase originale. She asked me where I go to school. Mi ha chiesto dove vado a scuola. TIP
Per riferire domande si può usare il present continuous di ask, wonder e want to know. Con queste forme non si cambia il tempo del verbo nella domanda riferita. Jim is asking what time we are meeting. Jim chiede a che ora è l’appuntamento.
D Richieste e imperativi Per riferire richieste o imperativi si usano ask o want + infinito. ‘Please don’t be late.’ ‘Per cortesia non fate tardi’. ➔ He asked us not to be late. Ci ha chiesto di non fare tardi. ‘Can you help me?’ ‘Puoi aiutarmi?’ ➔ Sam wants me to help him. Sam vuole che io lo aiuti. ‘Will you email me?’ ‘Mi mandi una mail?’ ➔ He wants me to email him. Vuole che gli mandi una mail. Per riferire una richiesta o un imperativo si può usare anche would like. ‘Wait over there, please.’ ‘Prego, aspettate lì’. ➔ She’d like us to wait over there. Vuole che aspettiamo lì.
214 Unità 78 OUP copyright 2015
Immagina di essere stato a un appuntamento al buio e di aver risposto ad alcune domande. Riferiscile a un amico con i verbi dichiarativi dati, cambiando il tempo verbale. ▶
‘What are your hobbies?’ (ask)
He/She asked me what my hobbies were. ‘I like sport, reading and music.’ (tell) I told him/her I liked sport, reading and music. 1 ‘What kind of music do you listen to?’ (want to know) ‘I listen to all kinds of music.’ (say) 2 ‘Do you have a favourite band?’ (ask) ‘It’s the Red Hot Chili Peppers.’ (tell) 3 ‘Have you ever seen them?’ (ask) ‘I’ve seen them twice.’ (tell)
Riferisci le domande con is asking, is wondering or wants to know. Usa ciascuna forma almeno una volta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Grammar B1
4 ‘Do you play computer games?’ (want to know) ‘I can’t stand them.’ (say) 5 ‘Have you got a pet?’ (wonder) ‘Yes, I’ve got a cat.’ (tell) 6 ‘Are you interested in football?’ (ask) ‘I think it’s boring.’ (tell) 7 ‘Do you want to go for a pizza?’ (ask) ‘I’m not hungry.’ (tell) 8 ‘Do you want to go on another date?’ (ask) ‘I’ll think about it.’ (say)
Alex Bella Roy Dan Kris Dave
‘What time does the party start?’ ‘What time are we meeting?’ ‘Is Alisa going to the party?’ ‘Do we need to dress up?’ ‘How are you getting there?’ ‘Am I invited?’
Alex wants to know what time the party starts.
Riferisci queste richieste che ti sono state fatte con i verbi tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
‘Stay there!’ (ask) ‘Please help me!’ (ask) ‘Will you text me later?’ (want) ‘Please don’t eat all the pizza!’ (ask) ‘Can I leave early?’ (want) ‘Don’t make a mess!’ (tell) ‘Please do Unit 99 for homework.’ (ask)
He asked me to stay there She He Billy Oscar My mum The teacher
. . . . . . .
Unità 78 215
Verbi dichiarativi
Forma I verbi dichiarativi (cioè i verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto) possono avere diverse costruzioni. • Verbo senza complemento – verbo + infinito: agree concordare ask chiedere claim affermare/sostenere
demand pretendere offer offrire/offrirsi promise promettere
refuse rifiutare/rifiutarsi threaten minacciare warn avvisare/mettere in guardia
We offered to help them. Ci siamo offerti di aiutarli. Paul promised not to be late. Paul ha promesso di non fare tardi. – verbo + forma in -ing: admit ammettere apologize for chiedere scusa per
deny negare di insist on sostenere/insistere a
mention menzionare suggest proporre
He denied breaking the window. Ha negato di aver rotto la finestra. – verbo + (that) + frase: admit ammettere agree concordare claim affermare complain lamentarsi confirm confermare
deny negare di explain spiegare insist sostenere/insistere a mention menzionare predict predire
promise promettere reveal rivelare say dire suggest proporre warn avvisare/mettere in guardia
She insisted (that) everything was OK. Ha insistito che era tutto a posto. • Verbo con complemento oggetto – verbo + complemento oggetto + infinito: advise consigliare invite invitare beg implorare order ordinare convince convincere persuade persuadere encourage incoraggiare recommend raccomandare I convinced her to buy it. L’ho convinta a comprarlo. – verbo + complemento oggetto + preposizione + forma in -ing: accuse somebody of accusare qualcuno di congratulate somebody on congratularsi con qualcuno per talk somebody into convincere qualcuno a thank somebody for ringraziare qualcuno per warn somebody against mettere in guardia qualcuno contro He thanked them for helping him. Li ha ringraziati per averlo aiutato. I talked him into coming with us. L’ho convinto a venire con noi. – verbo + complemento oggetto + (that) + frase: assure assicurare inform informare convince convincere reassure rassicurare TIP
remind ricordare tell dire urge sollecitare Nota la differenza di significato tra remember (ricordarsi) e remind (ricordare qualcosa a qualcuno): I remember the time when we lived near the beach. Mi ricordo di quando abitavamo vicino alla spiaggia. Please remind me to call Roy. Per piacere, ricordami di chiamare Roy.
remind ricordare tell dire
They convinced me (that) it was a good idea. Mi hanno convinto che fosse una buona idea. Nota che alcuni verbi possono avere più di una costruzione. He promised not to be late./He promised he wouldn’t be late. Ha promesso di non fare tardi./Ha promesso che non avrebbe fatto tardi.
➔ Vedi unità 77 e 78 per i tempi nel discorso indiretto.
• Say, tell, ask e want to know ecc. di solito introducono il discorso indiretto in maniera neutrale. Altri verbi dichiarativi (promise, warn, deny ecc.), invece, comunicano un atteggiamento specifico. He warned us not to do it. Ci avvertì di non farlo. She threatened to tell the teacher. Minacciò di dirlo all’insegnante. 216 Unità 79 OUP copyright 2015
Immagina che ti siano stati rivolti questi commenti. Riferiscili con le parole date eIo me se necessario. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5
. . . . . . . . .
I’m going for a walk. Roger’s suggested it. Roger’s suggested going for a walk. I’m going out tonight. Jim’s persuaded me. Johan won’t talk about football. He’s agreed. I’m going to take the exam. Marta’s convinced me. Pascal wouldn’t tell me. He refused. We’re going out tonight. Did Elena mention it?
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jenny reassured me that everything would be OK Danny promised Sue invited Toby denies Daniela has offered William accused Carla is complaining Tony reminded Sally encouraged
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
‘Everything will be OK. Don’t worry.’ ‘I’ll call you later. I promise.’ ‘Do you want to go with us?’ ‘I didn’t break the window.’ ‘I’ll help you with your homework.’ ‘You deleted the file, didn’t you?’ ‘I’ve been waiting for hours!’ ‘Remember to email Jim.’ ‘Go on. Speak to him!’
Gianna said she didn’t take the book. (denied) Gianna denied taking Carlo said he was sorry that he was late. (apologized) Carlo Katie said that she would do the washing-up. (offered) Katie Imelda thought we should go for a walk. (suggested) Imelda Belinda said she would definitely phone later. (promised) Belinda Emilio said Lucio broke the window. (accused) Emilio Rosalia said I should talk to the teacher. (advised) Rosalia
Grammar B2
the book. late. the washing-up. a walk. later. the window. to the teacher.
Riferisci queste citazioni famose. ▶
1 2 3 4
‘People will soon get tired of staring at a wooden box every night.’ Referring to television in 1946, film producer Darryl Zanuck predicted
that people would soon get tired of staring at a wooden box every night ‘Man will never set foot on the moon.’ In 1967, scientist Lee de Forest predicted ‘We don’t like their music.’ After rejecting The Beatles in 1962, Decca Records explained ‘I never think about the future.’ Albert Einstein once revealed ‘Everything that can be invented has been invented.’ In 1899, the US Office of Patents claimed
. . . . . Unità 79 217
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 77–79 Discorso indiretto 1
Completa le frasi con said o told. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
‘I’m a teacher.’ He said he was a teacher. ‘I work in a language school in Brighton.’ ‘I’ve been teaching for over ten years.’ ‘I’ve got a diploma in teaching English.’ ‘I enjoy meeting new people.’ ‘I can speak a little French.’ ‘I’m going on holiday to France soon.’ ‘I’ve never taught in Italy, but maybe I will one day.’ ‘I want to learn Italian.’
Riferisci le frasi. Cambia i tempi verbali. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
he wanted to join the army. she was studying law at university. us she needed a holiday. Roberto that I was going to be late. nothing to us about what happened. us not to make so much noise. me to get ready for school.
Riferisci che cosa ha detto John. Usa He said e cambia i tempi verbali. ▶
He said She Alexa I Guido She My dad
‘I’m a librarian.’ He said he was a librarian . I’m going to two festivals in the summer.’ Federica told me ‘Luke’s got flu.’ Sam says ‘Our hotel rooms have been booked.’ Harry says ‘I’m seeing Tom on Thursday.’ Julia says ‘Don’t be late home from the party.’ Mum told us ‘I’ve lived in Berlin for more than four years.’ Judith told me
‘I’m a student.’ He says he’s a student
. . . . . . .
Immagina di aver sostenuto un colloquio per un lavoro in un negozio di dischi. Riferisci le domande che ti sono state fatte e le tue risposte. Usa i tempi verbali adatti. Poi ascolta e controlla. Interviewer Why do you want to work in a music shop? You I’m really interested in music and I like meeting people. She asked me why I wanted to work in a music shop I told her that I was really interested in music and that I liked meeting people 1 Interviewer Have you worked in a shop before? You I’ve worked in a supermarket. She wanted I told
218 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 77–79
. .
. .
2 Interviewer You She asked I told 3 Interviewer You She asked I said 4 Interviewer You She wanted I told 5 Interviewer You She asked I told
. . Have you got any references from previous jobs? I can give you a reference from my job in the supermarket. . . What kind of music do you like? I don’t have a favourite kind of music. I like all kinds. . . When can you start? I’m not free next Saturday, but I can start the Saturday after that. . .
Riferisci che cosa ti hanno detto queste persone con i verbi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. apologize advise ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
How many hours can you work each weekend? I’m available on Saturday afternoons.
Karl Carla David Silvia Boris Luke Tom Daphne Mike
refuse remind
offer reassure
encourage deny congratulate … on
Sorry, but I’m not going to help you. Karl refused to help me. Your interview will be fine. Don’t worry. You really should apply for the job. Go on! I gave you the wrong information. I’m sorry. My advice is to speak to your boss. I didn’t break the plate. I’ll help you with your homework. Well done for passing your exam! Don’t forget to email the photos.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Katie said that she would help me. (offered) Katie offered to help me. Patrick thought we should book our tickets in advance. (suggested) Patrick our tickets in advance. Ralph said he didn’t eat the last piece of cake. (denied) Ralph last piece of cake. Paul promised he wouldn’t be late. (to) Paul late. Rachel said Jackie cheated in the exam. (accused) Rachel in the exam. The doctor said I should eat less fast food. (advised) The doctor less fast food. Ben said he was sorry that he’d knocked over the vase. (apologized) Ben over the vase.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 77–79 219
Periodi ipotetici di tipo zero, primo tipo e imperativo
A Uso e forma I periodi ipotetici (conditional) di tipo zero, primo tipo e imperativo sono usati per parlare di situazioni reali o possibili. Per questo motivo sono detti ‘della realtà’. Il periodo ipotetico è costituito da due frasi: quella che descrive l’ipotesi, detta if-clause, e la frase principale. • Nella if-clause di un periodo ipotetico di tipo zero, di primo tipo e imperativo si usa il presente. Di solito questo è il present simple, ma si può usare anche il present continuous. If you heat water to 100°C, it boils. Se si riscalda l’acqua a 100°C, bolle. If it rains, we’ll stay at home. Se piove, restiamo/resteremo a casa. (NON If it will rain, we’ll stay at home.) If you’re feeling ill, go to bed. Se ti senti male, vai a letto. Nota che normalmente non si usa will nella if-clause, ma lo si può usare in una if-clause per fare richieste formali e cortesi. If you’ll take a seat, Mr Orr will be here in a minute. Prego, si accomodi. Mr Orr sarà qui tra un minuto.
• Per quanto riguarda il tempo del verbo nella frase principale, dipende da cosa si vuole esprimere. – per parlare di fatti e situazioni che sono sempre vere (periodo ipotetico di tipo zero) si usa il present simple. If the ink is low, the red light flashes. Se c’è poco inchiostro, la spia rossa lampeggia. – per parlare di situazioni future possibili (periodo ipotetico del primo tipo), di solito si usa will. If I see Danny, I’ll give him your message. Se vedo Danny, gli passo il tuo messaggio. – Nota che si possono usare anche altri verbi modali (can, might ecc.) e be going to. If you’re not busy, can you help me? Se non sei impegnato, mi puoi aiutare? If we don’t hurry up, we’re going to be late. Se non ci sbrighiamo, saremo in ritardo. – per dare istruzioni, suggerimenti o consigli (periodo ipotetico imperativo), si usa l’imperativo. If you’re cold, close the window. Se hai freddo, chiudi la finestra. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. Se non ti piace, non mangiarlo. • La if-clause può andare sia all’inizio che alla fine del periodo ipotetico. Se è all’inizio, è separata dalla frase principale da una virgola. Se invece all’inizio c’è la frase principale, allora non c’è virgola. If you are hungry, get something to eat. Se hai fame, prenditi qualcosa da mangiare. Get something to eat if you are hungry. Prenditi qualcosa da mangiare se hai fame.
B Unless Unless significa a meno che non, simile a if … not. Unless you listen, you won’t understand. = If you don’t listen, you won’t understand. A meno che non ascolti, non capirai. = Se non ascolti, non capirai. We’ll go out unless it rains. = We’ll go out if it doesn’t rain. Usciremo a meno che non piova. = Usciremo se non piove.
Abbina le due metà delle frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
If water freezes, b If you’re hungry, If I work all night, If you mix red and blue, If you’re feeling tired, If it rains,
a b c d e f
get something to eat. it expands. we’ll get wet. I’ll be tired tomorrow. go to bed. you get purple.
Abbina le frasi dell’esercizio 1 al tipo di periodo ipotetico. 1 zero
220 Unità 80 OUP copyright 2015
2 primo
3 imperativo
Completa le risposte con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I’ll come to the cinema with you tonight if it’s OK. Sure, we ’ll call for (call for) you around 6.30 if you like (like). If you don’t hurry up, we’ll miss the bus. Don’t worry. We (get) a taxi if we (miss) the bus. What does it mean if the red light comes on? If the red light (be) on, it means the battery power (be) low. I’ll be amazed if Simon doesn’t pass his driving test. Well, if he (not/pass) it, he (not/be) very pleased. I’ll give you a lift to the station if you like. Thanks, but I (walk) unless it (rain). What happens if you are late for class? Our teacher’s quite cool. She usually (not/mind) if we (arrive) late. Shall we go to the beach if it’s nice at the weekend? Good idea. I (invite) Mary along if that (be) OK.
Scrivi risposte usando periodi ipotetici e le parole nel riquadro. get some bread? ▶
1 2 3 4
give him a message
phone me?
not/go out
If you see him, will you give him a message? I might see Harry later. What if it rains later? I might go to the supermarket later. The train might be delayed. The phone you want might be expensive.
Completa i periodi ipotetici imperativi con le parole da ciascun riquadro. get
a message ▶
1 2 3 4 5
not/buy it
the window
If you miss the bus, get a taxi If you’re too hot, If you’ve got no money, If you’re feeling tired, If I don’t answer the phone, If you don’t like the pasta,
a part-time job
a taxi
to bed
it . . . . . .
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Let’s go out tonight if we don’t get too much homework. (unless) Let’s go out tonight unless we get too much homework. You can’t get into the party if you don’t have an invitation. (unless) You can’t get into the party an invitation. We’ll arrive at about 5.30 unless we get delayed. (if) We’ll arrive at about 5.30 delayed. If I don’t ring you, I’ll see you in the café. (unless) I’ll see you in you. I usually walk to school unless it rains. (if) I usually walk to school rain. If it isn’t an emergency, don’t call 999. (unless) Don’t an emergency. Unità 80 221
Grammar B1
Periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo
A Uso e forma Il periodo ipotetico (conditional) di secondo tipo si usa per parlare di qualcosa di immaginario o ipotetico nel presente o nel futuro. Per questo motivo è detto ‘della possibilità’. • In inglese non esiste il congiuntivo (se non in rarissime forme), e per parlare di ipotesi possibili o immaginarie nella if-clause si usa un tempo passato. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a house. Se vincessi alla lotteria, comprerei una casa. If I had more money, I’d buy a new mobile. Se avessi più soldi, mi comprerei un nuovo cellulare. I’d get some cash if I could find a cash machine. Prenderei contanti se riuscissi a trovare un bancomat. If it wasn’t raining, I’d go for a walk. Se non stesse piovendo, andrei a fare una passeggiata. – Nota che normalmente non si usa would nella if-clause. If I had more time, I’d read a lot more. Se avessi più tempo, leggerei molto di più. (NON If I would have more time, I’d read a lot more.) • Nella frase principale si usa would(n’t) + forma base per parlare delle conseguenze immaginarie o ipotetiche della if-clause. Nell’inglese parlato would è di solito contratto in ’d. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a house. Se vincessi alla lotteria, comprerei una casa. I’d get some cash if I could find a cash machine. Prenderei contanti se riuscissi a trovare un bancomat. If it wasn’t raining, I’d go for a walk. Se non stesse piovendo, andrei a fare una passeggiata. – Nota che si possono usare anche altri verbi modali come could e might. If it wasn’t raining, we could go for a walk. Se non stesse piovendo, potremmo andare a fare una passeggiata. • La if-clause può andare sia all’inizio che alla fine del periodo ipotetico. Se è all’inizio, è separata dalla frase principale da una virgola. Se invece all’inizio c’è la frase principale, allora non c’è virgola. If I could afford it, I’d buy a new scooter. Se me lo potessi permettere, mi comprerei un nuovo scooter. I’d buy a new scooter if I could afford it. Mi comprerei un nuovo scooter se me lo potessi permettere.
B If I was/were … Nella if-clause si può usare If I/he/she/it + was oppure were. Alcuni considerano were più corretto, ma spesso si tratta solo di una scelta personale di chi parla. If I was a millionaire, I’d buy a yacht./If I were a millionaire, I’d buy a yacht. Se fossi milionario mi comprerei uno yacht. Si usa If I were you, I’d … (Se fossi in te …) per dare consigli. If I were you, I’d get a part-time job. Se fossi in te, mi troverei un lavoro part-time. I’d get a haircut if I were you. Mi taglierei i capelli se fossi in te.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa If … , would/could … . ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I want to get a new mobile, but I can’t afford it. If I could afford it, I’d get a new mobile. She isn’t going out tonight because she has to babysit. There’s no snow, so we can’t go skiing. I can’t phone Olga because I don’t know her number. We won’t go for a walk because it’s raining. I want to stay here longer, but I have to leave. It’s not possible to email you because the internet isn’t working. I can’t help you because I’m busy. She is injured, so she can’t play the final match. I want to buy the Blu-Ray set, but I haven’t got enough money. We can’t make a cake because there are no eggs.
222 Unità 81 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con il tempo corretto dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
Leggi i problemi. Scrivi dei consigli con il tempo corretto e le parole tra parentesi. ▶
2 3
(can/go) to any sports event, what ▶ would it be (it/be)? If you ▶ could go I ▶ ’d go (go) to the Rugby World Cup. What 1 (you/do) if you 2 (have) more free time? 3 If I (have) more free time, I 4 (read) a lot more. If you 5 (can/visit) any country, where 6 (you/go) and who 7 (you/go) with? I8 (go) to Australia and I 9 (go) with my friend Federico. 10 What (you/do) if you 11 (win) the lottery? If I 12 (win) over a million euros, I 13 (buy) a big house with a swimming pool. If you 14 (can/have) any car, what 15 (it/be) and what 16 colour (it/be)? I 17 (get) a black Lamborghini. If you 18 (can/have) any job, what 19 (it/be)? 20 I (be) in a world-famous rock band. If you 21 (can/spend) the day with any famous person, who 22 (it/be) and what 23 (you/do)? It 24 (be) with the actor Orlando Bloom and we 25 (spend) the day hanging out in Hollywood.
I can’t get up in the mornings and I’m often late for school. (go to bed earlier) If you went to bed earlier, you could get up earlier and you wouldn’t be late for school. I never have enough money and I can’t buy what I want. (get a part-time job) If more money and buy what you want. I never have time for breakfast or I’d be late for school. (get up earlier) If time for breakfast and late for school. My teachers get annoyed with me because my homework is often late. (organize your time better) If late and your teachers with you. I’m so unfit and I feel tired all the time. (eat healthier food) If and all the time.
Che cosa faresti in queste situazioni? Dai dei consigli iniziando con If I were you, I’d … . ▶
A friend of my parents dropped a lottery ticket at my house. It has won €100. What would you do – tell him or keep the money?
If I were you, I’d keep the money. 1 I found a wallet with €200 in it. What would you do – keep it or take it to the police? 2 I am the best at science in my class. Some classmates want to give me money to copy my homework. What would you do – accept the money or tell the teacher? 3 My boyfriend and I split up last week. He wants me to give back a ring he bought for me. What would you do – keep the ring or give it back?
Unità 81 223
Grammar B1
Periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo
A Uso e forma Il periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo si usa per parlare di qualcosa di immaginario o ipotetico nel passato ma che non è avvenuto. Per questo motivo è detto ‘dell’irrealtà’ o ‘dell’impossibilità’. • Nella if-clause si usa il past perfect. Nell’inglese parlato had è di solito contratto in ’d. If I’d seen Barry, I would have spoken to him. Se avessi visto Barry, gli avrei parlato. If we hadn’t taken a map, we would have got lost. Se non avessimo portato la cartina, ci saremmo persi. If he’d been listening, he would have known what to do. Se avesse ascoltato, avrebbe saputo cosa fare. – Nota che non si usa would nella if-clause. If I’d known, I would have told you. Se l’avessi saputo, te l’avrei detto. (NON If I would have known, I would have told you.) • Nella frase principale si usa would(n’t) have + participio passato. If we hadn’t taken a map, we would have got lost. Se non avessimo portato la cartina, ci saremmo persi. If I’d got up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the bus. Se mi fossi alzata prima, non avrei perso l’autobus. TIP
Nell’inglese parlato would è di solito contratto in ’d e have è di solito contratto in ’ve. If I’d known, I’d’ve told you. Se l’avessi saputo, te l’avrei detto. – Si possono usare anche altri verbi modali, come could have e might have. If I’d seen Peter, I could have asked him. Se avessi visto Peter, avrei potuto chiedere a lui.
• La if-clause può andare sia all’inizio che alla fine del periodo ipotetico. Se è all’inizio, è separata dalla frase principale da una virgola. Se invece all’inizio c’è la frase principale, allora non c’è virgola. If I’d seen her, I’d have said ‘hello’. Se l’avessi vista, l’avrei salutata. I’d have said ‘hello’ if I’d seen her. L’avrei salutata se l’avessi vista. • Per aggiungere enfasi a un periodo ipotetico del terzo tipo si può usare if only. If only it hadn’t been raining, we could have gone for a walk. Se solo non avesse piovuto, saremmo potuti andare a fare un passeggiata.
B Periodi ipotetici misti Quando si vuole parlare di una situazione passata che ha conseguenze nel presente, nella frase principale si usa would + forma base. If Inter had won their game last night, they’d be in first place in the league. Se l’Inter avesse vinto la partita ieri sera, sarebbe in testa alla classifica. If I’d gone to bed earlier last night, I wouldn’t be feeling so tired now. Se ieri notte fossi andata a letto prima, non mi sentirei così stanca adesso.
C Had I/we … ecc. Si può usare Had I/we … ecc. come alternativa più formale a If + past perfect. Had we known about the meeting, we would have gone to it./If we had known about the meeting, we would have gone to it. Se avessimo saputo della riunione, ci saremmo andati. Had you got here a little earlier, you wouldn’t have missed the show./If you’d got here a little earlier, you wouldn’t have missed show. Se fossi arrivato un po’ prima, non ti saresti perso lo spettacolo.
Abbina le due metà di queste citazioni famose. 1 If God had intended men to fly, 2 If I had asked my customers what they wanted, 3 If General Motors had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, a they would have said ‘a faster horse’. (Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company) b he would have given us wings. (anonymous) c we would all be driving $25-cars that got 1,000 miles per gallon. (Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft)
224 Unità 82 copyright 2015
Scrivi i riassunti sul quaderno con il periodo ipotetico per mostrare come le cose sarebbero state diverse. ▶
Isaac Newton went for a walk in an orchard. ➔ He saw an apple fall from a tree. ➔ He formulated the theory of gravity.
If Isaac Newton hadn’t gone for a walk in an orchard, he wouldn’t have seen an apple fall from a tree. If he hadn’t seen the apple fall from a tree, he wouldn’t have formulated the theory of gravity. 1 Sting got fed up with being a teacher. ➔ He left his job to form the pop group The Police. ➔ He became rich and famous. 2 Bill Gates didn’t enjoy studying law. ➔ He dropped out of university to start Microsoft. ➔ He became a billionaire by the time he was 30. 3 The crew of the Titanic didn’t see the iceberg in time. ➔ They hit it. ➔ The ship sank. ➔ Over 1,500 lives were lost. Riscrivi le frasi con il periodo ipotetico in modo che il significato non cambi. In 1–5 le situazioni e le conseguenze sono entrambe nel passato. In 6–9 le conseguenze sono nel presente. ▶
I didn’t see Thomas, so I didn’t talk to him.
1 2 3 4 5
If I’d seen Thomas, I would have talked to him. We didn’t take a map and we got lost. She passed the exam because she worked hard. I didn’t have her number, so I didn’t text her. Gabby didn’t know about the party, so she didn’t go. I missed the bus, so I was late for school.
We can’t get into the house because you lost the key.
6 7 8 9
Jack stayed up all night and he’s feeling tired now. You weren’t listening so you don’t know what to do. You’re hungry because you didn’t have breakfast. He hasn’t got any money because he spent it all on sweets.
Grammar B2
We’d be able to get into the house if you hadn’t lost the key.
Completa le frasi con il tempo corretto dei verbi dati. wet, 1 Johnny hurt his ankle when he slipped on the wet floor. If the floor hadn’t been he wouldn’t have slipped and he wouldn’t have hurt his ankle. Sally had just washed the floor because she had spilt oil on it. If Sally 1 the oil, she 2 the floor. Sally spilt the oil because Johnny accidentally knocked into her. If Johnny 3 into her, she 4 the oil. Therefore, Johnny hurt his ankle because he accidentally knocked into Sally. If Johnny 5 into Sally, he 6 his ankle. 2 Suzy met a handsome doctor, fell in love and they got married. If Suzy 7 the doctor, she 8 in love and they 9 married. She met the doctor because she went to hospital after she broke her leg on a skiing holiday. her leg, she 11 to hospital and she If she 10 12 the doctor. Therefore, she fell in love and got married because she went on a skiing holiday. If she 13 on a skiing holiday, she 14 in love and 15 married. Unità 82 225
Wish e if only
A Wish Si usa wish per dire che vorremmo che qualcosa fosse diversa da come è. • Per parlare del presente si usa wish + past simple/continuous. I wish I had more money. Vorrei avere più soldi. I wish it wasn’t raining. Vorrei che non piovesse. – Nota l’uso di wish + could per parlare del presente. I wish I could help you. Vorrei poterti aiutare. • Per parlare del passato si usa wish + past perfect. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much – I feel sick. Vorrei non aver mangiato tanto – mi sento male. I wish he’d arrived earlier. Vorrei che fosse arrivato prima. • Per dire che vorremmo che qualcosa succedesse o cambiasse nel futuro, si usa wish + would + forma base. I wish it would stop raining. Vorrei che smettesse di piovere. I wish the government would reduce unemployment. Vorrei che il governo riducesse la disoccupazione. Nota che in questa costruzione il soggetto di wish non può essere lo stesso soggetto di would. (NON I wish I would work less.) • Spesso si usa wish + would per esprimere irritazione. I wish you’d ask before you borrow my things. Vorrei che chiedessi il permesso prima di prendere le mie cose in prestito. I wish you’d listen for once! Vorrei che ascoltassi una volta tanto!
B If only • If only ha un significato e un uso simili a quelli di wish, ma è generalmente più enfatico. If only I had more money. Se solo avessi più soldi. If only I’d worked harder for my exams. Se solo avessi studiato di più per gli esami. If only you’d listen for once! Se solo ascoltassi una volta tanto! • Una frase con if only può essere la if-clause in un periodo ipotetico. If only I’d been listening, I’d know what to do. Se solo avessi ascoltato, saprei che cosa fare.
Ci sono alcune cose della sua vita che non piacciono ad Anthony. Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I live with my parents. I share a bedroom with my brother. I don’t have my own TV. I don’t have a girlfriend. I have to go to school. It rains all the time. We’re going camping next weekend.
I wish I didn’t live with my parents I wish I wish If only If only I wish I really wish
. . . . . . .
Anthony è andato a una festa di compleanno e ora rimpiange alcune delle cose che ha fatto o non ha fatto. Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I ate too much. I sang karaoke. I didn’t speak to anyone. I danced with Billy. I didn’t say ‘Happy birthday’ to Harry. I didn’t give Harry a birthday present. I didn’t say goodbye to Sue.
226 Unità 83 OUP copyright 2015
I wish I hadn’t eaten so much I wish I wish If only I wish If only I wish
. . . . . . .
Che cosa diresti per dimostrare che sei irritato? Usa I wish … would(n’t) … . ▶
Your sister never asks before she uses your phone.
1 2 3 4 5
I wish my sister would ask before she uses my phone! Your brother never tells you when someone leaves you a message. The phone won’t stop ringing. Your parents treat you like a child. Your parents embarrass you in public. Your sister borrows your MP3 player all the time.
Osserva le figure e completa i pensieri delle persone. Usa I wish e i verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. arrive ▶
I wish I had
1 2 3 go out
4 5
a car. the school bus right now. my hat and coat.
ask with her. her on a date last week, when I
had the chance.
know 7 8 9
a girlfriend. not/do
Grammar B2
study this exam right now. the answer to these questions. more before the exam.
In molti paesi del mondo esistono fontane o pozzi ‘dei desideri’, in cui tradizionalmente si getta qualcosa (come una moneta) e si esprime un desiderio. Completa i desideri con le parole date. ▶
I wish I was taller. 1
I/have/more money
6 I/my parents/give/me more freedom
I/can play/the guitar
I/not live/a city
I/not be/ill at the monent
I/not have to/go to school
I/there/be/no wars
Unità 83 227
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 80–83 Periodi ipotetici; I wish e If only 1
Abbina le due metà delle frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
If it doesn’t rain this afternoon, If the sea was a bit warmer, If the roads weren’t so icy, If it wasn’t raining, If it’s nice at the weekend, If I’d known it was going to rain, If it had snowed a bit more, If it hadn’t been so hot, If it’s cloudy and cold for days,
1 2 3 4 5 6
get a part-time job go to the dentist
take a lot of warm clothes get a new one go to bed
I’m exhausted. If I were you, I’d go to bed. I never have any money. My mobile’s about three years old. I’ve had awful toothache for three days. I really like Guido, the new student. It’s too hot on the beach. I’m going to the UK in January.
Completa le frasi con il tempo adatto dei verbi tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
we could have lunch outside. we’ll go camping. we’ll go to the beach. we could have played tennis. I’d have brought an umbrella. the skiing would be better. we could go for a swim. I get quite depressed. we could drive a bit faster.
Dai qualche buon consiglio. Inizia con If I were you, … e le parole nel riquadro. ask him to go for a pizza sit in the shade
a b c d e f g h i
I would help you move these boxes if they weren’t so heavy. (help) Would you have told me about the party if I ? (not/find out) You wouldn’t have broken it if you the instructions. (follow) If I were you, I the doctor as soon as possible. (see) I’ll have some more cake if there some. (be) I could see the stage better if I taller. (be) We the train if you don’t hurry. (miss) I think I would have noticed if anyone in the test. (cheat) Pay attention! If you you won’t know what to do. (not/listen) If we late for school, the teacher gets annoyed. (be) I the fish if I’d seen it was on the menu. (have)
Scrivi le risposte con l’imperativo condizionale e le parole da ciascun riquadro. ask it ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
close it
some clubs at school
not/buy the teacher
I’m cold. If you’re cold, close the window. I want to have more friends. I don’t understand. It’s too expensive. It’s going to rain. My room’s a mess. I don’t like the salad.
228 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 80–83
tidy an umbrella
the window
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
You can’t go to the party if you aren’t invited. (unless) You can’t go to the party unless you’re invited. We’ll go for a walk unless it’s raining this afternoon. (if) We’ll go for a walk this afternoon. I’ll arrive at about 2.30 if the train isn’t delayed. (unless) I’ll arrive at about 2.30 delayed. I’m going to go out tonight unless we get a lot of homework. (if) I’m going to go out tonight a lot of homework. I’m going to get a ticket for the gig unless they’ve sold out. (if) I’m going to get a ticket for the gig sold out. If you don’t need a lift, don’t call me. (unless) Don’t a lift. I’m really annoyed I didn’t bring an umbrella. (only) If an umbrella.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. The greenhouse effect and climate change The greenhouse effect is a natural process that prevents some of the energy we receive from the sun being sent back out into space. Greenhouse gases absorb the sun’s energy so that it stays in too cold for life. the earth’s atmosphere. If these gases ▶ C in the atmosphere, earth 1 Human activities like burning coal, oil and gas have led to an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This means that the amount of energy absorbed by the atmosphere is increasing and the earth is getting warmer. If greenhouse gas emissions 2 to grow at present rates, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere 3 catastrophic results. Unless we 4 emissions, global 5 temperatures by as much as 7°C by the end of the century. And if this 6 , it 7 many of the world’s great ecosystems (such as coral reefs and rainforests). Even if global temperatures 8 by only 2°C, it 9 that 20–30% of species could face extinction and we could face serious problems with our food, water and environment. And we will know that if we had acted, we 10 this. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
aren’t would be continues have reduce rise happens damages had risen meant could prevent
wouldn’t be will be continue had reduced rose was happening damaged will rise was meant can prevent
weren’t is will continue will have will reduce could rise will happen could damage would rise was meaning could have prevented
won’t be was would continue would have would reduce could have risen would happen can damage rose would mean were able to prevent
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 80–83 229
Completa i dialoghi con i verbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. be/make ▶
1 2 3 4
7 A B 8 A B A
can go/not/rain
be/can go
not/stay up/not/be
the lottery?
Can we leave the class now? completely finished, you . Yes. If your work I’m exhausted today. Well, if you all night playing computer games, you so tired, would you? I’m so nervous about my driving test. Oh, I if I you. You’ll be fine. If you on the school trip next week, please the meeting about it this afternoon. What time is it? At 2.15. If you busy at 2.15, to see me in my office tomorrow.
Completa questi desideri con il tempo adatto dei verbi tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I’m feeling really stressed about my exams. If I were you, I ’d make a revision plan. Hurry up! If we now, we late. OK, I’m coming. What you if you I’d buy a big house with a swimming pool and a Ferrari in the drive. I’ve got no money left. Well, if you all those magazines, you We for a walk if it . Actually, it looks like it might stop soon. There’s some blue sky over there.
be/come 5 A B 6 A B
I wish the lesson was I wish I If only I I wish I I wish I If only we If only the bell I wish we If only the teacher
(be) more interesting. (not/be) here. (not/choose) this subject. (play) football with the other boys. (do) my homework last night. (not/have to) go to school. (ring) for the end of the lesson. (can go) home. (stop) talking.
Scrivi un desiderio per ogni situazione con le parole nel riquadro. Inizia con I wish … o If only … . be/a bit more exciting stop/singing that song ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
work/harder be/more careful
not/lose my luggage weather/improve
There’s not enough snow to ski. I wish there was more snow. You’re watching a boring football match. Your friend is always singing the same song. Your holiday was a disaster because you lost your luggage. You fell off your bike and broke your arm. The weather’s terrible at the moment. You didn’t do any work and failed your exam.
230 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 80–83
be/more snow
10 Completa i brani con il tempo adatto dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
€50m jackpot unclaimed If you bought have ▶
(buy) a Euro Lottery ticket six months ago, you (have) until midnight on Friday to check if you are the lucky winner of a €50 million jackpot. There is a six-month deadline for claiming prizes and if the jackpot 1 (remain) unclaimed, the money 2 (go) to charity. The winning ticket was bought in Rome.
110 years old! The oldest man in our city is celebrating his 110th birthday today. Mr Brando believes his long life is down to not worrying and having no regrets. ‘If I 3 (can/live) 4 my life over again, I (do) everything in exactly the same way,’ he said.
Lucky dog inherits $12m fortune An American businesswoman has left all her $12 million estate to her pet dog, Trouble. The human members of Lily Holmes’s family inherited nothing at all. ‘If that 5 (be) my mother’s dying wish, then we 6 (have to) accept it,’ said her son, Robert. Trouble, and the money, will be looked after by Ms Holmes’s best friend.
Walker uses mobile as torch A walker who was lost on a Scottish mountain as darkness fell crawled five miles to safety on his hands and knees using the light from his mobile phone as a torch. Peter Cameron, 24, was wearing only a T-shirt as the temperature dropped to minus ten degrees. The area is very remote and there was no mobile phone signal. ‘If I 7 (stay) on the mountain, I 8 (freeze) to death,’ Mr Cameron said.
11 Completa le citazioni con le parole nel riquadro. didn’t ▶
1 2 3 4 5
had done
would happen
would love
would be
There are a lot of things I wish I had done , instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life. (Kurt Cobain, rock musician) Don’t wish it easier, wish you better. (Jim Rohn, businessman and author) I wish I a twin, so I would know what I’d look like without plastic surgery. (Joan Rivers, comedian) Some people want it to happen, some wish it , others make it happen. (Michael Jordan, basketball player) I wish people everybody else the way they love me. It a better world. (Muhammad Ali, boxer) Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer, but wish we . (Erica Jong, author)
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 80–83 231
Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili
I sostantivi possono essere numerabili (countable) o non numerabili (uncountable). • I sostantivi numerabili si possono contare. Hanno due forme, singolare e plurale, e si possono usare con a/an o con un numero. I’ve got three brothers and a sister. Ho tre fratelli e una sorella. Have you got a scooter? Hai uno scooter? My parents have got hundreds of CDs. I miei genitori hanno centinaia di CD. • I sostantivi non numerabili non si possono contare, e quindi non si possono usare con a/an o con un numero. Hanno una sola forma, di solito quella singolare. We need bread and milk. Ci servono pane e latte. I’ve got a lot of homework. Ho un sacco di compiti. This lasagna is really nice. Queste lasagne I love rock music. Mi piace moltissimo sono buonissime. la musica rock. Alcuni tra i sostantivi non numerabili in inglese ma numerabili in italiano sono: accommodation alloggi(o) homework compiti news notizie advice consiglio information informazioni progress progresso/i baggage/luggage bagagli(o) lasagna lasagne research ricerca, studio furniture mobili money soldi spaghetti spaghetti hair capelli music musica/musiche work lavoro Her hair is very long. I suoi capelli sono molto lunghi. They have some antique furniture. Hanno dei mobili antichi. TIP
Ricorda che oltre agli articoli ci sono degli avverbi e aggettivi che si usano solo con sostantivi numerabili (per esempio, a/an, many, a few, fewer) e altri che si usano solo con sostantivi non numerabili (per esempio, much, a little, less). Alcuni comunque possono essere usati sia con sostantivi numerabili che non numerabili (per esempio, the, no, some, any, a lot of/lots of, my, your). He made some suggestions. Ha fatto delle proposte. Are these your bags? Sono queste le tue borse? He gave some advice. Ha dato dei consigli. Is this your baggage? Sono questi i tuoi bagagli?
➔ Vedi unità 87–89, 90–92 e 96 per gli usi di the, no, some, any, a lot of e aggettivi possessivi.
• Alcuni sostantivi possono essere sia numerabili sia non numerabili, a seconda di come li si usa. Generalmente sono numerabili quando si riferiscono a un oggetto individuale, ma non numerabili quando si riferiscono a un materiale o a una sostanza o a un’idea astratta. Per esempio: Numerabile
Non numerabile
Non numerabile
a coffee un caffè
coffee il caffè
a light una luce
light la luce
a dress un vestito
dress abbigliamento
a paper un giornale
paper carta
an exercise un esercizio
exercise moto/ginnastica
a room una stanza
room posto, spazio
an experience un’esperienza
experience l’esperienza
a space uno spazio
space lo spazio cosmico
a fish un pesce
fish pesce
a sport uno sport
sport lo sport
a glass un bicchiere
glass vetro
a stone un sasso
stone la pietra
a hair un capello/pelo
hair capelli
a/the time una/la volta
time il tempo
an iron un ferro da stiro
iron ferro
a wood un bosco
wood legno
Did you buy a paper today? Hai comprato un giornale oggi? I need some paper to write an address on. Ho bisogno di carta per scriverci un indirizzo. I’ve finished the grammar exercise. Ho finito l’esercizio di grammatica. I do some exercise every day. Faccio un po’ di moto ogni giorno. Can you turn on the light? Puoi accendere la luce? What is the speed of light? Qual è la velocità della luce? My room is very small. La mia stanza è molto piccola. Is there room for me in the car? C’è posto per me nella macchina?
232 Unità 84 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei sostantivi tra parentesi. ▶ ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
We had great accommodation . We had great rooms . I’ve got lots of . I’ve got lots of . The gym had lots of fitness The gym has lots of . Sam gave me some good Anna made some excellent Filippo had some good Alicia gave me some useful The students do lots of The university does a lot of I’ve had lots of . I’ve got lots of . We ate lots of . We had some great .
. . . . . .
Leggi i dialoghi e fai il plurale dei sostantivi quando è necessario. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B A B
(accommodation) (room) (luggage) (bag) (machine) (equipment) (advice) (suggestion) (idea) (information) (test) (research) (job) (work) (spaghetti) (meal)
You’re 30 minute ▶ s late! Sorry. We were held up in traffic ▶ – . They’re doing some work ▶ – on the main road. Are you going out tonight? No. I’ve got a lot of homework 1 . Lots of maths exercise 2 . Did you ask Paola about Rome? Yes, I did. She gave me lots of useful information 3 and advice 4 . And she made 5 several suggestion about hotels to stay in. How is the new gym? Great! They’ve got lots of state-of-the-art equipment 6 and machine 7 . How was your holiday? A disaster! First, they lost all our luggage 8 at the airport and then when we finally got to our hotel, the room didn’t have any furniture 9 ! Not even a bed! Did they change your accommodation 10 ? Well, yes, they moved us to a different room. And they finally brought us all our bag 11 after two days. And we had terrible weather 12 – it rained most of the time 13 . And on top of that, someone stole my wallet with all my money 14 in it. Three hundred euro 15 . Oh dear. You did have a lot of bad luck 16 , didn’t you?
Osserva le figure. Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro, una volta come numerabile e una volta come non numerabile. ▶ ▶ wood ▶ ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
There’s a wood It’s made of wood Can I have There’s Do you have It’s made out of It needs I need to fix
over there. . ? on the floor. ? . from the sun. on my scooter.
Unità 84 233
Grammar B1
Plurali e partitivi
A Regole ortografiche La maggioranza dei sostantivi
+ -s:
car ➔ cars
I sostantivi che terminano in -s, -sh, -ch, -o, -x
+ -es:
I sostantivi che terminano in -f, -fe
-f/fe ➔ -ves:
I sostantivi che terminano in consonante + y
-y ➔ -ies:
I sostantivi che terminano in vocale + y
+ -s:
school ➔ schools
bus ➔ buses
church ➔ churches
leaf ➔ leaves city ➔ cities
life ➔ lives lorry ➔ lorries
monkey ➔ monkeys
boy ➔ boys
B Plurali irregolari • Ci sono vari plurali irregolari in inglese. Alcuni dei più comuni comprendono: series ➔ series serie child ➔ children bambino deer ➔ deer cervo foot ➔ feet piede fish ➔ fish/fishes pesce man ➔ men uomo goose ➔ geese oca person ➔ people persona mouse ➔ mice topo species ➔ species specie ox ➔ oxen bue tooth ➔ teeth dente sheep ➔ sheep pecora woman ➔ women donna • Ci sono anche alcuni sostantivi derivati dal latino che hanno il plurale irregolare. focus ➔ foci fuoco, fulcro cactus ➔ cacti cactus medium ➔ media mezzo, strumento datum ➔ data dato stadium ➔ stadia stadio ➔ Vedi pagina 491 per un elenco più dettagliato di plurali irregolari. TIP
Woman si pronuncia /ˈwʊmən/ e women si pronuncia /ˈwɪmɪn/.
C Sostantivi non numerabili terminanti in -s Alcuni sostantivi terminano in -s. Alcuni sono singolari, altri sono plurali. • Sostantivi singolari: news notizia/notiziario economics economia (disciplina di studio) maths/mathematics matematica
physics fisica athletics atletica leggera gymnastics ginnastica/ginnastica artistica
Maths is boring. La matematica è noiosa. The news is interesting. Le notizie sono interessanti. • Sostantivi plurali (senza singolare e non numerabili): binoculars binocoli jeans jeans clothes vestiti scissors forbici goods merce, beni shorts shorts/calzoncini corti
(sun)glasses occhiali (da sole) tights collant/calzamaglia trousers pantaloni
Your trousers are dirty. Hai i pantaloni sporchi. Where are my clothes? Dove sono i miei vestiti? The goods have arrived. La merce è arrivata. The scissors are on the table. Le forbici sono sul tavolo.
D Partitivi • I partitivi sono usati per esprimere quantità con i sostantivi sia numerabili che non numerabili. I bought two bottles of wine. Ho comprato due bottiglie di vino. Let me give you a piece of advice. Lascia che ti dia un consiglio. I’ve got two pairs of scissors. Ho due paia di forbici. Can you buy a carton of eggs? Puoi comprare una confezione di uova? ➔ Vedi pagina 495 per alcuni partitivi più comuni.
234 Unità 85 copyright 2015
Scrivi il plurale di questi sostantivi. ▶
1 2 3 4
beach tomato orange monkey coach
beaches 5 6 7 8
wish bus country box
9 10 11 12
shop lorry church potato
Completa il cruciverba con il plurale delle parole. 2
5 7 8
14 15 17
20 21
Across 4 knife 6 leaf 8 foot 10 species 12 woman 16 series 18 match 19 child 21 kiss 22 fish
I sostantivi in queste frasi sono singolari o plurali? Completa le frasi con is o are. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Down 1 tooth 2 city 3 person 5 sheep 7 deer 9 toy 11 chimney 13 ox 14 party 15 shoe 17 mouse 20 man
Grammar B1
These tights are Where The news His clothes Where Athletics Economics Your sunglasses Politics Maths Your shorts
too small! my trousers? very exciting. cool. the scissors? my favourite sport. my favourite subject. on the table. boring. my favourite subject at school. on your bed.
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole nel riquadro. Vedi anche pagina 495. cup bottle
bunch item
slice tin
pair loaf
piece jar
bar packet
I had a coffee and two slices of chocolate cake at the café. We bought my dad some of wine for his birthday. My grandma always has a of chocolate for us when we visit. There were several of clothing all over his bedroom floor! Do you want to share a of soup for lunch? Can you get two of bread, a small of grapes and a of strawberry jam at the supermarket? 6 I just had a of crisps and a of tea for lunch today. 7 Let me give you two of advice. 8 Have you got a of scissors I can borrow?
1 2 3 4 5
Unità 85 235
Possessivi: ’s e the … of …
A Uso e forma Si usa il genitivo sassone ’s oppure the … of … per indicare oggetti posseduti o relazioni. • Si usa in genere ’s per persone, animali ed espressioni di tempo. This is my sister’s school. Questa è la scuola di mia sorella. (NON This is the school of my sister.) Whose is this bag? ~ It’s Janet’s. Di chi è questa borsa? ~ È di Janet. (NON It is of Janet.) Jim is Tom’s brother. Jim è il fratello di Tom. (NON Jim is the brother of Tom.) I can’t find the dog’s lead. Non trovo il guinzaglio del cane. (NON I can’t find the lead of the dog.) Good luck in tomorrow’s exam! In bocca al lupo per l’esame di domani! (NON Good luck in the exam of tomorrow!) I’ve got a week’s holiday. Ho una settimana di vacanza. (NON I’ve got a week of holiday.) – Nota che se qualcosa appartiene a più di una persona si mette ’s solo dopo l’ultimo possessore. Is this Jack and Jill’s house? È questa la casa di Jack e Jill? • Si usa the … of … per gli oggetti. What’s the title of the book? Qual è il titolo del libro? Your bag is on the back seat of the car. La tua borsa è sul sedile posteriore della macchina. Our house is at the end of the road. La nostra casa è alla fine della strada. • Di solito per organizzazioni e luoghi si possono usare the … of … oppure ’s indifferentemente. Comunque, the … of … è più comune in contesti formali. He’s the Director General of the BBC./He’s the BBC’s Director General. È il Direttore Generale della BBC. What’s the population of Italy?/What’s Italy’s population? Quanti abitanti ha l’Italia? • Ci sono eccezioni alle regole di cui sopra. Per esempio, a volte si può usare the … of … per le persone, specie se il possessore è un’espressione lunga. What’s the name of the guy we met last night? Come si chiama il tizio che abbiamo incontrato ieri notte? Nota che non si usa the prima del nome proprio del possessore quando si usa ’s. This is David’s car. Questa è la macchina di David. (NON This is the David’s car.) Where is Sam’s coat? Dov’è il cappotto di Sam? (NON Where is the Sam’s coat?)
• Nota l’uso del possessivo con ‘s in espressioni come one of … friends o a friend of … . Alex is one of Sam’s friends. Alex è uno degli amici di Sam. Alex is a friend of Sam’s. Alex è un amico di Sam. ➔ Vedi unità 96 per aggettivi e pronomi possessivi e a friend of mine/one of my friends ecc.
B Negozi e altri servizi Si usa ’s (che in questo caso corrisponde a da) per diversi tipi di negozi e altri servizi e per le case delle persone. I went to the doctor’s this morning. Sono andato dal medico stamattina. I’ll see you at Roberta’s at 5.30. Ci vediamo da Roberta alle 5.30.
C Sostantivi che terminano in -s • Con un nome o sostantivo singolare che termina in -s si usa ’s. I broke Chris’s camera. Ho rotto la macchina fotografica di Chris. It’s my boss’s birthday. È il compleanno del mio capo. • Ma con un sostantivo plurale che termina in -s si usa solo l’apostrofo senza s. I borrowed my parents’ car. Ho preso in prestito la macchina dei miei genitori. I went to the teachers’ room. Sono andata in sala professori.
236 Unità 86 OUP copyright 2015
Scrivi risposte con It’s … o They’re … . Usa le parole tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Whose is this coat? (Alice) Whose house is this? (Toby and Kate) Whose are these keys? (Jess) Is this your car? (my parents) Whose is this classroom? (Mr James) Are these your bags? (Jimmy and Chris) Whose office is this? (my boss) Is this your room? (my brother) Is this your room? (my brothers)
It’s Alice’s.
. . . . . . . . .
No. No. No. No.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa le parole date e ’s o the … of … . ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
I’m looking forward to the party on Saturday. I’m looking forward to Saturday’s party Good luck in your exam on Friday! Good luck I live on this road. At the end. I live Did you read the film review in the newspaper yesterday? Did you read the film review My classroom is in this building. On the second floor. My classroom is I need a holiday for at least a month. I need The café is in this building, on the first floor. The café That film we saw last week – what’s the title? What’s That guy we met at the party – have you got his email address? Have you got Paula and Chris are having a party. Are you going? Are you going to The gig is in July – at the beginning. The gig is Alex is a friend of David’s. Alex is one One of Sue’s friends told me. A
. ! . ? . . . ? ? ? . . .
Scrivi le risposte con le parole nel riquadro. baker
Where do you go … The butcher’s. to buy meat? 1 to buy bread? 2 to see someone about a medical problem? ▶
hairdresser 3 4 5 6
to buy medicine? to buy flowers? to get your hair cut? to buy a magazine?
Unità 86 237
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 84–86 Sostantivi: numerabili/non numerabili, partitivi, possesso 1
Fai il plurale dei sostantivi. ▶
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
match monkey sheep potato
Leggi le frasi e fai il plurale quando è necessario. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
dress dresses story man tooth leaf
I spent a lot of money– at the supermarket. Over 50 euros . The dietician gave us lots of information and advice about nutrition and some great recipe and idea for meals. We need to buy lots of furniture and kitchen equipment for our new apartment. Eating too many sugary snack is bad for your skin and your hair . and do lots of exercise . You should eat healthy food Have you got any suggestion about where we can eat tonight? Are there any good restaurant near here? There has been a lot of research into healthy living. You should try to eat seven portion of fruit and vegetable every day. I’ve got loads of homework , but I want to go out with some of my friend . There’s space for luggage above the seats, so I’ll put our two bag up there. We all had great accommodation on holiday. Our room were fantastic. Susie is making a lot of progress at school. She’s done really well in all her test .
Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. Puoi usare alcune parole più volte. carton packet ▶
1 2 3 4 5
6 A B 7 A B 8 A B
cup pair
bunch piece
slice tin
bag loaf
bar jar
I’m going to have a coffee and a slice of chocolate cake. Nice! I think I’m going to have a sandwich and a bag of crisps. Can you get bread and orange juice at the shop? Sure. Anything else? I bought my dad wine for his birthday. Oh, I got my dad socks. It’s all he ever asks for! My grandma always has chocolate for us when we visit. Mine too! Do you want to share soup for lunch? Sure. What flavour? I’m going to the supermarket to get flowers for Jane. It’s her birthday. OK, can you get olive oil and strawberry jam while you’re there? Would you like tea? And I’ll open biscuits, too. Yes, please. That would be lovely. Have you got paper? I need to write something down. Sure, here. Is this big enough? How many jeans have you got? I’m not sure. Maybe four or five.
238 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 84–86
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
My mother’s / mothers’ favourite colour is blue. Is this Luke’s / Lukes’ phone? Can you see James’ / James’s coat? My foot / feet hurt in these shoes. I’ll see you at Simona’s / Simonas’ at 6.30. A lot of my parent’s / parents’ friends are musicians that they work with. The news today is /are quite worrying. Are you going to Brad and Janet’s / Brad’s and Janet’s wedding? I can’t wear my shorts because it’s / they’re dirty. I’m going to the hairdressers’ / hairdresser’s this afternoon. This is my brother’s / brothers’ room. They are twins and have always shared a room. I think physics is / are a difficult subject. Justin’s got a lot of experience / experiences, so he would find this job easy.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa l’alternativa che suona meglio: ’s/s’ o the … of … . ▶
Olga had a party on Saturday. Did you go?
Did you go to Olga’s party
on Saturday?
1 Do these sunglasses belong to Chiara? Are these 2 The café is in this building – on the first floor. The café is on 3 That cookery book you showed me – what was its title? What was 4 Thomas has some exams soon. When are they? When are 5 The film had a great twist at the end. There was a 6 Good luck in the exam on Monday. Good luck
? . ? ? . .
Completa il brano con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. Food and taste Taste is one of the traditional five ▶ sense / senses. It refers to a person’s ability to identify the flavour of 1substance / substances. This is achieved by taste buds on different 2part / parts of the tongue passing 3information / informations to the brain. In the West, experts have traditionally identified four taste 4sensation / sensations: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Sweetness is caused by 5sugar / sugars, which is vital in providing 6energy / energies for the body’s biological processes. Because of this, we have evolved to consider 7sugar’s taste / the taste of sugar to be pleasant and desirable. Bitterness, such as that found in dark 8chocolate / chocolates and caffeine, is usually a taste that 9persons / people do not immediately enjoy, but start to like over a period of time. In the East, there are traditionally two further 10taste / tastes. These are ‘piquance’ and ‘umami’. Piquance is the sensation provided by strong 11spice / spices, such as chilli. Umami is the Japanese word for ‘delicious’ and is a savoury and rich taste, such as that found in 12seafood / seafoods, Parmesan 13cheese / cheeses and 14truffle / truffles.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 84–86 239
Articoli (a/an e the)
A Forma Gli articoli sono a/an o the. Poiché non hanno distinzione di genere e numero, si usano invariati con tutti i sostantivi. a boy un ragazzo a girl una ragazza In italiano uno corrisponde sia a a/an che a the boy il ragazzo the girl la ragazza one. Si usa one come numerale, per indicare o the boys i ragazzi the girls le ragazze sottolineare la quantità specifica: the uncle lo zio the uncles gli zii He’s got one sister and two brothers. Ha una sorella the artist l’artista the artists gli artisti
B A o an? La scelta tra a o an dipende dal primo suono della parola che segue.
e due fratelli. It costs only one euro. Costa solo un euro. I had a pizza. Ho mangiato una pizza. (NON I had one pizza.)
• Si usa a prima di un suono consonantico. a car a euro a house a new computer a red dress a ship a tree a university a uniform • Si usa an prima di un suono vocalico. an apple an egg an hour an interesting book an MP3 player an onion an umbrella In posizione iniziale la lettera u si pronuncia a volte col suono consonantico /j/ (per esempio, university), e a volte col suono vocalico /ʌ/ (per esempio, umbrella). Nota inoltre che in posizione iniziale eu si pronuncia col suono consonantico /j/ (per esempio, euro). Nota infine le seguenti parole che iniziano con h muta e di conseguenza con suono vocalico: hour (ora), honour (onore), honest (onesto), heir (erede).
C Uso A/an è l’articolo indeterminativo e the è l’articolo determinativo. Esistono un certo numero di regole sull’uso di a/an e the, ma quelle fondamentali sono: • Si usa a/an quando chi parla o chi ascolta (o entrambi) non sa di quale cosa in particolare si parla. • Si usa the quando sia chi parla che chi ascolta sa di quale cosa in particolare si parla. I’ve got a car. Where’s the car? Ho una macchina. Dov’è la macchina? Can you shut down the laptop? Have you got a laptop? Hai un computer portatile? Puoi spegnere il portatile? We’re going to see the new James Bond film. We’re going to see a film. Andiamo a vedere un film. Andiamo a vedere il nuovo film di James Bond. Can you open a window? Can you open the window? Puoi aprire una finestra? Puoi aprire la finestra? • Nota che si usa a/an con un aggettivo + sostantivo numerabile quando si descrivono le caratteristiche o qualità di qualcuno o qualcosa che sia chi parla che chi ascolta conoscono. That was a great match. È stata proprio una bella partita. She’s a nice person. È una brava persona. Isn’t it a lovely day? Non è una bellissima giornata? ➔ Vedi unità 88 e 89 per approfondimenti sugli articoli.
Completa le frasi con a o an. ▶
1 2 3 4
Would you like an apple? Is there TV in the room? euro? Have you got She’s Italian teacher. Have you got MP3 player?
240 Unità 87 OUP copyright 2015
5 6 7 8 9
She’s wearing yellow dress. I haven’t got jacket. It’s old house. It takes hour to get to the airport. It was horrible experience.
Scrivi a o an. ▶
1 2
1 2
umbrella unicorn update
6 7 8
euro European country uncle
Have you got a pen? Yes, there’s one in the top drawer of the desk. Where’s Sandy? She’s in 1 garden. I think she’s cutting 2 grass. 3 I need to send email, but 4 internet connection isn’t working. There’s 5 internet café just down 6 road, if it’s urgent. Oh yes, I remember seeing it. It’s next to 7 bank, isn’t it? That’s right. It’s got 8 red and white sign outside. Did you see 9 Italy v Germany game last night? No, I didn’t. What was 10 score? 2–0 to Italy. It was 11 great game, actually. Have you got 12 scooter? Yes, two, actually. 13 Piaggio and 14 Honda. 15 I guess you prefer Piaggio. Well, no, actually. 16 Honda is much more fun to ride.
Completa queste notizie di cronaca con a/an o the.
Smelly socks
Family business
Doctors at a
hospital in London treated man yesterday after he inhaled fumes from 2 pair of 3 socks. man fell asleep while 4 socks were drying on 5 electric fire. ▶
3 4 5
Completa i dialoghi con a/an o the. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
university uniform unit
woman from Cleveland, Ohio is taking 7 furniture store to court. Barbara James, 36, is claiming $50,000 damages after she was injured when she was knocked over by 8 child who was running ‘out of control’ around the store. 9 woman 10 claims that FurnitureWorld’s staff did nothing to stop child’s behaviour. 11 spokesperson for FurnitureWorld says 12 company rejects 13 claim because 14 seven-year-old child, Toby James, is actually 15 woman’s son.
Completa il dialogo con a/an o the. Poi ascolta e controlla. Tom Receptionist Tom Receptionist Tom Receptionist Tom Receptionist Tom Receptionist Tom Receptionist
hotel near ▶ the city centre? Is ▶ the Yes, it’s five minutes’ walk from ▶ the city centre. 1 2 And does hotel have car park? Yes, there’s 3 underground car park. Does 4 price include breakfast? Yes, breakfast is included in 5 price. 6 OK, great. And is there swimming pool or 7 gym? 8 There’s gym, but we don’t have 9 swimming pool. There is 10 swimming pool nearby, though – about five minutes’ walk from 11 hotel. Does 12 hotel have wi-fi in 13 rooms? rooms. Yes, you can get it in all 14 Is there 15 charge for wi-fi? No, it’s included in 16 price.
Unità 87 241
Grammar B1
Articoli (usi particolari)
Ci sono diversi casi particolari in cui si usa a/an, the oppure nessun articolo (forma detta zero article).
A A/an Si usa a/an: • per le professioni: Simon’s a teacher. Simon è insegnante. • con alcuni disturbi medici: I’ve got a cold. Ho il raffreddore. • nelle definizioni: A whale is a kind of mammal. La balena è un tipo di mammifero. • con l’espressione What a + sostantivo numerabile: What a surprise! Che sorpresa!
B The Si usa the: • per riferirsi a una cosa unica: The sun’s hot today. Il sole è molto caldo oggi. • con play + strumento musicale: Do you play the piano? Suoni il pianoforte? • con i numeri ordinali e le date: It’s the 15th of May. È il 15 maggio. • con i superlativi: I’m the tallest in my class. Sono la più alta della classe. • con i nomi di nazioni con un elemento plurale: the Netherlands i Paesi Bassi the United Kingdom il Regno Unito • con popolazioni: The Chinese invented fireworks. I cinesi hanno inventato i fuochi artificiali. • con specifiche aree e determinati nomi geografici: the equator l’equatore the Far East l’Estremo Oriente the Tropic of Cancer il Tropico del Cancro • con catene montuose, fiumi, canali, mari, oceani e deserti: the Pacific Ocean l’oceano Pacifico the Apennines gli Appennini the Nile il Nilo • con nomi di alberghi, teatri e musei: We stayed in the Seaview. Abbiamo alloggiato al Seaview. • con i titoli di giornali: Have you ever read the Daily Mail? Hai mai letto il ‘Daily Mail’?
C Zero article Non si usano articoli: • con i titoli professionali e di cortesia: Mr Smith is here. Il signor Smith è arrivato. • con l’ora, i giorni, i mesi, gli anni e i nomi di festività: I play golf on Sundays. Gioco a golf la domenica. • con i nomi dei pasti: Breakfast is at 7.30. La colazione è alle 7.30. • con le materie scolastiche e discipline universitarie: He’s studying biology at university. Studia biologia all’università. • con i nomi di sport: Tennis is my favourite sport. Il mio sport preferito è il tennis. • con i nomi di colori: I don’t like yellow. Non mi piace il giallo. • con le percentuali: 70% of the Earth is water. Il 70% della terra è costituito da acqua. • con continenti, paesi, stati, città e paesini e le squadre sportive: Africa is really beautiful. L’Africa è veramente bella. • con i nomi di montagne: I flew over Everest. Ho sorvolato l’Everest. • con strade, parchi, piazze, palazzi, castelli, stazioni, aeroporti: I live in Green St. Abito in Green St. • con i nomi di riviste: Have you ever read Time magazine? Hai mai letto la rivista ‘Time’? • con l’esclamazione What + sostantivo plurale o non numerabile: What amazing photos! Che foto incredibili!
242 Unità 88 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con a, the o – (zero article). ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Completa questi nomi di luoghi con the o – (zero article). ▶
1 2 3 4 5
I was born in – Rome in – 1999. We usually have lunch at 1 o’clock. 75% of teenagers use internet every day. I’ve played piano since 2010. My mother is teacher. She teaches French. I’ve been to Turkey, but I’ve never been to anywhere else in Asia. Who won last football World Cup? Was it Italy? I’ve never been to Middle East. In fact, I’ve never been outside Europe. I’ve got cold. I’ve had it since Monday. We’re studying American Civil War in history this term. I played football on Sunday. I never drink coffee. It gives me headache. Which is biggest country in the world? Is it Russia? What’s ‘viper’? Is it kind of snake? K2 is in Himalayas. It’s second highest mountain in the world. Have you ever been to Saint Mark’s Square in Venice?
Europe Lake Como Alps United Kingdom Oxford Street Gatwick Airport
6 7 8 9 10 11
Mount Everest British Museum Asia Times Square Thames Central Park
12 13 14 15 16
Adriatic Sea Italy Plaza Hotel Buckingham Palace Oxford
Completa la mail con the o – (zero article).
Hi Bill, We’ve been here in ▶ the UK for two weeks now and we’re having a fantastic time. We’re in ▶ – London at the moment. We’ve been visiting the famous London sights. We’ve been to 1 Buckingham Palace, 2 Trafalgar Square, 3 Natural History Museum and we went on 4 London Eye this morning. Oh, and we went for tea at 5 Ritz Hotel yesterday. It was very nice! This afternoon, we’re going to go for a walk along 6 River Thames. Before London, we were in 7 Scotland for a week. 8 Scottish Highlands were really amazing and we walked part of the way up 9 Ben Nevis, which is 10 highest mountain in 11 UK. We’re going to 12 Brighton tomorrow for a few days. Hopefully, we’ll spend some time on the beach, but I don’t think 13 English Channel will be as warm as 14 Pacific back home in 15 California! Anyway, see you next week and hope all’s well, Jim and Pat x
Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa What a/an … ! o What … ! e le parole nel riquadro. amazing result
great idea
lovely day
It’s rained for days. What terrible weather! 1 The sun is shining. 2 You have an unexpected visitor. ▶
terrible weather
3 Your friend fails his driving test. 4 Italy beat Brazil 4–0. 5 Someone makes an excellent suggestion. Unità 88 243
Grammar B1
Articoli (zero article e the per generalizzare)
A Zero article • Non si usano articoli (forma detta zero article) quando si parla di qualcosa in senso generale. Nota le differenze tra queste frasi. In generale
Sugar is bad for you. Lo zucchero fa male.
Can you pass me the sugar? Mi passi lo zucchero?
Children love reading comics. Ai bambini piace leggere i fumetti.
The children are hungry. Let’s make dinner. I bambini hanno fame. Prepariamo la cena.
Bars usually play music. I bar spesso hanno musica.
I didn’t like the music in the bar last night. Non mi è piaciuta la musica al bar ieri notte.
• Quando si parla di qualcosa in generale in questo modo si usa o un sostantivo non numerabile o il plurale di un sostantivo numerabile. Teachers work hard. Gli insegnanti lavorano molto. Education is important. L’istruzione è importante.
B The whale, the computer ecc. • Si può usare the per fare affermazioni generali su animali, piante o invenzioni. In questo caso si usa the + sostantivo singolare. The blue whale is the biggest animal ever. La balenottera azzurra è il più grande animale che sia mai esistito. Who invented the computer? Chi ha inventato il computer? The piano is my favourite instrument. Il pianoforte è il mio strumento preferito. • Nota che questa struttura non si può usare con i sostantivi non numerabili. Who invented paper? Chi ha inventato la carta? (NON Who invented the paper?) B2
C School, university ecc. Con school, university, college, hospital, church, prison e bed a volte si usa the e a volte non si usa nessun articolo. • L’articolo si usa quando questi sostantivi sono usati per indicare i luoghi fisici. The church is beautiful. La chiesa è bella. (‘Chiesa’ indica l’edificio.) Jim’s at the university. Jim è all’università. (nei locali/uffici/aule dell’università) The book is under the bed. Il libro è sotto il letto. • L’articolo non si usa quando il sostantivo è usato per indicare l’attività associata al luogo. I go to church every Sunday. Vado in chiesa ogni domenica. (Vado a messa.) Jim’s at university. Jim è all’università. (Jim è studente universitario.) I’m going to bed. Io vado a letto. (Vado a dormire.)
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B A
I love pizza / the pizza. So do I, but pizza / the pizza I had for lunch today was terrible. Do you take sugar / the sugar in your coffee? No. Just milk / the milk, thanks. Could you pass me sugar / the sugar? Yes, sure. Would you like milk / the milk, too? What’s music / the music your sister’s listening to in her bedroom? You should know, you’re always listening to music / the music. Well, yes, but not music / the music your sister likes listening to. I prefer sixties music / the sixties music – you know, bands / the bands like Pink Floyd and The Doors.
244 Unità 89 OUP copyright 2015
4 A Do you play computer games / the computer games? B Not really. I prefer watching films / the films or reading when I have free time / the free time. What’s game / the game you’re playing at the moment? It looks quite interesting, actually. 5 A I don’t think teachers / the teachers get paid enough. B I agree. It’s a difficult job, and teachers / the teachers in our school are brilliant. 6 A As a child I used to love reading books / the books about space / the space. B Yes, I think all children / the children are interested in that. I used to be really interested in dinosaurs / the dinosaurs. Completa le frasi con the o – (zero article). ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
My brother’s studying chemistry at – university. We go to church every Sunday. He’s in prison for three years for burglary. The park is behind church. Has school got a swimming pool? I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed. Do you enjoy school? There are lots of boxes under bed. I saw Giles at hospital. He was visiting his mother. I’m going to prison to visit Larry. How long will you be in hospital after the operation?
Completa le frasi con i nomi delle invenzioni nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. bicycle paper money ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
computer mouse pasta
jeans saxophone
microscope television
A Who invented the bicycle ? B Kirkpatrick Macmillan in the 1830s. A Who invented ? B John Logie Baird in 1926. Adolphe Sax invented in 1846. A When and where was first used? B In about 900, in China. Coins were used for many years before that. Douglas Engelbart invented in 1970. It got its name because Engelbart thought it looked like the animal. A Who invented ? B Zacharias Janssen in the 1590s. were invented by Levi Strauss in 1850. A Did the Egyptians invent ? B No, it was a Chinese man called Ts’ai Lun in about 100 AD. A Does come from Italy? B No, it originated in China about 4,000 years ago.
Completa questi proverbi inglesi con le parole nel riquadro. Esistono proverbi equivalenti in italiano? actions ▶
1 2
Time is money. is the best policy. speak louder than words.
time 3 4
is thicker than water. is blind. Unità 89 245
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 87–89 Articoli 1
Completa le frasi con a/an e le parole nel riquadro. euro hotel ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
hour uniform
artist yacht
architect overnight flight
My dad’s an architect . He designs buildings. We stayed in in the centre of London. It’s raining. Have you got ? It takes about to get to the airport. Do you wear at your school? Have you got ? I need it to buy some water. We sailed around the Greek islands in . My mum’s . She paints portraits, mainly. I’m getting to San Francisco. It takes about 12 hours.
Completa i dialoghi con a/an, the o – (zero article). 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
8 A B 9 A B 10 A B
border between 1 United States and 2 Canada? How long is ▶ the 3 4 It’s 8,891 kilometres. It’s longest border in world. When was 5 aeroplane invented? At the beginning of 6 twentieth century. I think 7 first flight was made by Orville and Wilbur Wright in 8 1903. Did you go to 9 British Museum when you were in 10 London? Yes, we did. And what 11 amazing place! I love 12 museums, and that has to be one of 13 best. Excuse me. I’m looking for 14 King Street. 15 OK, turn left at crossroads and you’ll see 16 small park on your right. Take 17 second right after 18 park. That’s 19 King Street. What did you study at 20 university? I studied 21 tourism and 22 languages. When I finished, I got 23 job at 24 25 26 Hôtel Central in Paris for year. When I was 27 child, I used to love reading 28 books about 29 space travel. 30 I always wanted to be astronaut. Yes, I think all children are interested in 31 space and 32 universe, aren’t they? 33 Did you enjoy your holiday in Spain? Yes, I did, thank you. Our hotel was lovely and 34 food was delicious. We got used to eating quite late! 35 Spanish have 36 lunch in the afternoon – at about three. And they have 37 dinner at about ten at night. 38 Do you know what exchange rate for 39 euro is? I’m not sure. Why don’t you look on 40 internet? Do you play 41 musical instrument? Yes, I play 42 guitar. I’m also learning 43 drums. 44 45 We flew over Alps on plane back from 46 UK. We got a fantastic view 47 of Mont Blanc. Nice. I love looking out of 48 window in 49 planes. You see 50 world so differently.
246 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 87–89
Completa il brano con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Around the World in Eighty Days Phileas Fogg called out to his servant. ‘Passepartout! We are leaving for ▶ the / – France in ten minutes.’ Passepartout was puzzled. ‘Monsieur is going to leave 1 the / – home?’ ‘Yes,’ replied Phileas Fogg. ‘We are going around 2 the / – world.’ ‘Around 3the / – world!’ Passepartout repeated in astonishment. ‘Yes, and in 80 days,’ added 4 the / – Mr Fogg. ‘I have made 5 a / the bet with some gentlemen friends of mine. We’ll take no luggage. We’ll buy 6the / – clothes we need on the way. 7– / The train for 8 the / – Paris leaves in exactly half 9a / an hour.’ Within ten minutes, Passepartout had locked up 10a / the house and was standing with his master at 11a / the front door. Mr Fogg had 12a / – small bag by his side, which he passed to Passepartout. ‘13A / The bag contains £20,000. Take very good care of it.’ Soon 14 the / – two men were in 15a / – cab and on 16 a / the road to 17the / – Charing Cross railway station. 18 A / The cab stopped opposite 19a / the station. There was 20 a / the clock above 21 a / the main entrance, which showed 25 minutes to 9. 22 The / – two men ran across 23a / the road and into 24a / the station. Meanwhile, 25the / – five gentlemen who had made 26 a / the bet with Mr Fogg were waiting patiently on 27the / – platform. ‘Well, gentlemen,’ Mr Fogg said. ‘I shall now be on my way.’ ‘And you haven’t forgotten when you must be in 28 the / – London again?’ asked one of 29 the / – men. ‘I have exactly 80 days,’ said Mr Fogg. ‘That is, until 30the / – Saturday 31a / the 21st of 32 the / – December, 33 the / – 1872, at 34the / – quarter to nine in 35the / – evening. Goodbye, gentlemen.’ At 8.45, Phileas Fogg and his servant were sitting on 36the / – train to 37the / – Paris as it slowly moved out of 38a / the station.
Completa la biografia con a/an, the o – (zero article).
VINCENT VAN GOGH Today, Vincent van Gogh is ▶ a world-renowned artist, who painted some of 1 most famous paintings of all time. But during his lifetime he sold only one painting, and for most of his life he was unknown and very poor. Vincent van Gogh was born in 2 Netherlands on 30th March 1853. His father was 3 priest and Vincent grew up in 4 religious environment. In 1869, aged 16, van Gogh left 5 school and went to The Hague, where he worked first in 6 bookshop and then as 7 art dealer for seven years. He then spent four years living in various European countries. Finally, in 1880, he moved to 8 Brussels to study 9 art. France, where he met some of 11 greatest artists In 1886, van Gogh decided to move to 10 of 12 time, such as Monet, Pissarro and Gauguin. He became 13 obsessive painter and he often spent his money on 14 art supplies instead of 15 food. He soon started to suffer from 16 December 1888 he was taken into 17 hospital after cutting off his own depression, and in ear. In 1889, he moved to 18 asylum, and it was here that he produced some of his best-known paintings. asylum and spent 20 last few months of his life in Auvers, In May 1890, van Gogh left 19 France. On 27th July 1890, he shot himself in 21 chest with 22 hand gun. He died two days later.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 87–89 247
Some e any
A Uso e forma Si usano some e any con sostantivi non numerabili e numerabili plurali per parlare di quantità indefinite. • Si usa di norma some nelle frasi affermative e any nelle negative. Frasi affermative
Frasi negative
I’ve got some money. Ho un po’ di soldi.
I haven’t got any money. Non ho soldi.
There are some chairs here. Ci sono delle sedie qui.
There aren’t any chairs here. Non ci sono sedie qui.
• Nella forma interrogativa di solito si usa any in domande generali o ‘aperte’, ma si usa some in domande che esprimono richieste o offerte e quando la domanda presuppone yes come risposta. Domande generali o ‘aperte’
Richieste, offerte e domande con risposta attesa ‘sì’
Have we got any bread? Abbiamo pane?
Can you pass me some bread? Puoi passarmi del pane?
Did you buy any coffee? Hai comprato caffè?
Would you like some coffee? Vuoi un caffè?
Have you seen any good films recently? Hai visto qualche buon film di recente?
You look worried. Have you lost some money? Mi sembri preoccupato. Hai perso un po’ di denaro?
• Si possono usare some e any senza che siano seguiti da un sostantivo. I haven’t got any money. Can I borrow some? ~ I haven’t got any, sorry. Non ho soldi. Me ne puoi prestare? ~ Mi dispiace, non ne ho. • Some more e any more sono espressioni utili. Would you like some more cake? Vuoi dell’altra torta? That coffee was nice. Is there any more? Quel caffè era buono. Ce n’è ancora? • Any in frasi affermative significa qualsiasi, qualunque, che è il suo significato più comune. You can catch any of these buses. Puoi prendere uno qualunque di questi autobus. I love any film with Johnny Depp in it. Qualsiasi film con Johnny Depp mi piace moltissimo.
B Some of, any of Si usano some of e any of con espressioni che comprendono un articolo, un dimostrativo (per esempio, these), un possessivo (per esempio, my, David’s) o un pronome (per esempio, them, us). Do you know any of Richard’s friends? ~ Yes, I know some of them. Conosci qualcuno degli amici di Richard? ~ Sì, ne conosco qualcuno. (NON Do you know any Richard’s friends? ~ Yes, I know some them.)
C Something, anything ecc. Le regole per l’uso di some (frasi affermative, richieste, ecc.) e di any (frasi negative, domande ‘aperte’, qualsiasi in frasi affermative) valgono anche per something/anything, someone/anyone, somebody/ anybody e somewhere/anywhere. Would you like something to drink? Vuoi/Posso offrirti qualcosa da bere? We’re lost – let’s ask someone for directions. Ci siamo persi – chiediamo indicazioni a qualcuno. I can’t see anyone. Non vedo nessuno. You can sit anywhere you like. Puoi sederti dovunque ti pare. • Nota che si possono usare something, anything ecc. anche come soggetto. Someone phoned you earlier. Qualcuno ti ha chiamato prima. Anyone can learn English. Chiunque può imparare l’inglese. Anything is possible. Tutto (qualunque cosa) è possibile. Ricordati che in inglese due negazioni affermano, e nota a cosa può corrispondere anyone in italiano: Is anyone at home? C’è qualcuno/nessuno in casa? ➔ Vedi unità 95 per l’uso dei pronomi e unità 91 per le forme negative no, none, no one, nothing, nowhere ecc.
248 Unità 90 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con some o any. 1 A B 2 A B
Have you got ▶ any Yes, there’s ▶ some Have you got 1 No, there isn’t 2
milk? in the fridge. sugar? , sorry. But I can go to the shop and get
3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
Completa i dialoghi con le parole nel riquadro. Alcune parole vanno usate più di una volta. anyone
A What do you fancy to eat – Chinese, Indian, Thai? B You choose. I’m happy to eat anything . 1 A What’s the matter? B Oh, is wrong with my computer. 2 A Is snowboarding difficult? B No, can do it if they try. 3 A I think we’re lost! B OK, let’s ask to help us.
4 A Do you think Juventus will beat Barcelona tonight? B I don’t know. is possible! 5 A Do you prefer a window or an aisle seat? B I don’t mind. I’m happy to sit . 6 A phoned for you earlier. B Did they leave a message? A Yes, they said about a party next week in Oxford.
Completa il dialogo con le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. some anything
some of something
someone any of
somewhere anyone
any anything
A Are you doing ▶ anything on Saturday? B No, I’m not. Why? A I’m going for a picnic with 1 friends. There’s about ten of us. I was wondering if you wanted to come along. B Yes, I’m not doing 2 on Saturday. Where are you going? 3 A We’re going near Little Hampton, you know that village to the south – but I don’t know where exactly. 4 who Jenny knows told us about a good picnic place near the river. B OK, sounds good. It’s nice around there. Is there 5 you want me to bring? 6 A Well, you could bring to drink if you like. But you don’t need to bring 7 food. B No problem. Do I know 8 who is coming? A Well, there’s Jenny. But I don’t think you know 9 the others. Actually, I think you 10 probably met them at my birthday party last month. B OK, great. I’m looking forward to it. Unità 90 249
Grammar B1
if you like. Are there 4 good restaurants near here? 5 Yes, there are excellent ones around George Square. Would you like 6 more coffee? No, thanks. But I’d like 7 water if that’s OK. I don’t speak 8 foreign languages. Do you speak 9 Well, I can speak 10 French, but only the basics. That soup was delicious. Is there 11 more? Yes, would you like 12 ? I don’t know 13 people here. Do you know 14 15 Well, I know of Lucy’s friends, but only two or three.
No, none, no one, nothing, nowhere ecc.
A No Si può usare no + sostantivo in alternativa a not … any oppure a not … a. There’s no milk. (= There isn’t any milk.) Non c’è latte. There are no chairs. (= There aren’t any chairs). Non ci sono sedie. They’ve got no TV. (= They haven’t got a TV.) Non hanno televisore.
B None • Si usa none per riferirsi a qualcosa che è stato menzionato in precedenza. How much money have you got? ~ None. Quanti soldi hai? ~ Niente. Can I have some more cake? ~ I’m afraid there’s none left. Potrei avere altra torta? ~ Mi dispiace, ma non ne è rimasta (niente). • Si usa none of con espressioni che comprendono un articolo, un dimostrativo (per esempio, these), un possessivo (per esempio, my, David’s) o un pronome (per esempio, them, us). I saw none of my friends at the weekend. Non ho visto nessuno dei miei amici al fine settimana. (NON I saw none my friends at the weekend.)
C No one, nothing ecc. • Si possono usare no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere come alternative a not … anyone/ anybody/anything/anywhere. We saw no one. (= We didn’t see anyone.) Non abbiamo visto nessuno. What did you buy? ~ Nothing. (= I didn’t buy anything.) Che cosa hai comprato? ~ Niente. Where did you go last night? ~ Nowhere. (= I didn’t go anywhere.) Dove sei andato ieri sera? ~ Da nessuna parte. • Nota che si possono usare no one, nobody, nothing ecc. anche come soggetto di una frase. Nobody came to the meeting. Non è venuto nessuno alla riunione. Nothing changes! Non cambia mai niente! • Ma non si può usare la costruzione anyone/anybody/anything/ anywhere … not come soggetto. (NON Anybody didn’t come to the meeting.)
Per dare enfasi a una frase negativa si può usare at all (affatto, per niente, assolutamente, nemmeno un po’). I’ve got no money at all. Non ho assolutamente soldi. Did you buy anything? ~ No, nothing at all. Hai comprato qualcosa? ~ No, proprio niente. We didn’t see anyone at all. Non abbiamo visto assolutamente nessuno.
Ricordati che in inglese standard non si usa la doppia negazione: (NON Nobody didn’t come to the meeting.)
Completa le frasi con no e le parole nel riquadro. eggs bread ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
patience buses
money time
charge evidence
I can’t make a sandwich. There is no bread Sue can’t go out tonight. She has Let’s get a taxi. There are I can’t make an omelette. There are Entrance to the museum is free. There is The police can’t arrest the man. There was She’s too busy. She’s got Maria’s dad isn’t helping her. He’s got
250 Unità 91 OUP copyright 2015
. . . . . . to see you. .
Completa le frasi con no one, nothing o nowhere e la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
We organized a meeting, but no one came We went for a meal, but We took an exam, but I tried to book a hotel, but The shopping trip was a disaster. I It’s a secret. You must It’s a really boring book –
Riscrivi le frasi 1–3 nell’esercizio 2 con none of e le parole date. the participants 1 us 2 the students 3 them ▶
We organized a meeting, but none of the participants came.
Completa il dialogo con le parole nel riquadro e at all. Poi ascolta e controlla. none A B A B A B A B A B A
. (come) . (enjoy it) . (pass) . (have rooms available) . (buy) . (tell) ! (happen)
no one
How was your holiday? What did you do? Great! I did ▶ nothing at all . I just stayed by the hotel pool all week. How was the weather? Did you get any rain? No, 1 . It was really sunny and hot all week. Did you meet any interesting people? No, 2 . I wanted to be alone. Did you spend a lot of money? I spent 3 . Everything was included in the price. And where did you go sightseeing? 4 I spent the whole week by the pool. Well, it sounds like a great holiday.
Grammar B1
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
There isn’t any coffee left. (no) There ’s no coffee There weren’t any free tables in the restaurant. (no) There There are no petrol stations for miles. (any) There I didn’t say anything to Jake about the party. (nothing) I We didn’t see anyone at all on the beach. (no one) We I didn’t win anything at all in the raffle. (nothing) I We went nowhere last weekend. (anywhere) We I wanted some cake, but there wasn’t any left. (none) I wanted some cake, There aren’t any more questions in this exercise. (no) There
left. in the restaurant. for miles. about the party. on the beach. in the raffle. last weekend. left. in this exercise. Unità 91 251
Many, much, a lot of, a few, a little, more, fewer, less ecc.
A Uso • Many (molti/e) e a few (alcuni/e, un po’ ) si usano con i sostantivi numerabili. Were there many people at Mary’s? ~ No, not many. C’erano molte persone da Mary? ~ No, non molte. I’ve got a few pairs of shoes. Ho alcune paia di scarpe. • Con sostantivi non numerabili si usa much (molto) e a little (un po’). Have you got much work to do? ~ No, not much. Hai molto lavoro da fare? ~ No, non molto. There’s a little juice left. È rimasto un po’ di succo. Do you speak French? ~ A little. Parli francese? ~ Un pochino. • A lot of ha un significato simile a much e many e si usa sia per i sostantivi numerabili sia per quelli non numerabili. Come regola molto generale, si usa a lot of nelle frasi affermative e much o many in frasi negative e nelle domande. I’ve got a lot of homework tonight. Ho molti compiti stasera. We haven’t got much homework tonight. Non abbiamo molti compiti stasera. TIP
In contesti informali si possono usare anche lots of e loads of al posto di a lot of. There are lots of cafés near here. Ci sono un sacco di bar qui vicino. Romeo’s had loads of girlfriends. Romeo ha avuto un sacco di fidanzate.
B How much … ? e How many … ? Le domande con How much (quanto/a) e How many (quanti/e) sono comuni e utili. How much money have you got on you? Quanti soldi hai con te? How many people were at the party? Quante persone c’erano alla festa?
C Few e little • In genere a few e a little si usano per esprimere un fatto in maniera neutrale (senza giudizio). There were a few people at the party. C’erano poche persone alla festa. There was a little snow last night. C’è stata un po’ di neve ieri sera. • Si usano few e little (senza articolo) per esprimere un’idea negativa, come ‘meno di quanto/i ci si aspettasse’ o ‘meno di quanto/i si sperasse’. There were few people at the party. It was a bit boring. C’erano pochissime persone alla festa. Era un po’ noiosa. There’s been little snow all year. You can’t ski. C’è stata pochissima neve tutto l’anno. Non si può sciare.
D More, fewer e less More (più) si usa sia con sostantivi numerabili che non numerabili. Fewer (meno) si usa con sostantivi numerabili e less (meno) con sostantivi non numerabili. There are more students this year. Quest’anno ci sono più studenti. There’s more traffic today. Oggi c’è più traffico. There are fewer students this year. Quest’anno ci sono meno studenti. There’s less traffic today. Oggi c’è meno traffico. B2
E Only, just e very Only, just e very possono essere usati per rafforzare l’idea di quantità piccole. • Si usano only e just con a few/a little. Only a few people went to the meeting. It was disappointing. Solo poche persone sono andate alla riunione. È stato deludente. There was only a little rain this morning. C’è stata solo un pochino di pioggia stamattina. Do you speak Italian? ~ Just a little. Parli italiano? ~ Molto poco. • Si usa very con few/little (senza a). Very few people passed the test. Pochissime persone hanno superato l’esame. (= quasi nessuno) There’s been very little snow all winter. C’è stata pochissma neve tutto l’inverno. (= quasi niente) 252 Unità 92 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con (not) much, (not) many, (a) little o (a) few. Poi ascolta e controlla. A 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B ▶
Do your parents speak English? B Yes, but only a little . Would you like some coffee? Just 1 please. With 2 milk if you have some. 3 Did you spend money last night? No, 4 . Only about five pounds. Have you got 5 CDs? 6 Only . Most of my music is on my MP3 player. Did it rain where you were yesterday? Yes, but only 7 . We had just 8 light showers in the afternoon. How was the party? Terrible. Very 9 people turned up. Just four or five, I think. Are you coming out this evening? I can’t. I need to do my homework. I’ve done very 10 so far.
Completa la mail con l’alternativa corretta.
We arrived in India just ▶ a few / a little days ago. We’re going to spend 1a few / a little time here in Delhi, just 2a few/a little days, and then we’re going to go to Goa for 3a few / a little weeks to spend some time on the beach. There are so 4many / much things to see and do here in Delhi. It’s amazing. We’re spending 5a lot of / much time in cafés and restaurants just watching the world go by. And we’re eating 6a lot of / much amazing food. And it’s so cheap – you can have a full meal for just 7a few / a little rupees. Yesterday, though, we visited 8a few / a little places – the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid Mosque and 9a few / little markets. There are 10lots of / many amazing things to buy, but I haven’t spent 11 much / many money yet. The weather is perfect, although there was 12a few / a little rain this morning. I’ve taken 13a few / a little photos, which I’ll upload when I have the time.
Completa le domande con How much o How many. Completa le risposte con a lot, not much o not many. 1 2 3 4
A How many A A A A
students are there in your class? B Not many. money have you got with you? B essays have you written this term? B did your mobile phone cost? B TV do you watch each week? B
5 6 7 8
homework do you usually get? pairs of shoes have you got? coffee do you drink? countries have you been to?
Fifteen, I think. Just a couple of euros. Just one or two. Over €800. At least three hours every evening. Just two hours a week. Two or three pairs. At least five cups a day. Just two or three.
Leggi l’esempio e scrivi frasi simili confrontando Roma e Londra. Usa There is/are more … , There is less … o There are fewer … . ROME
People (million)
Cars (million) Rain (cm/year) Rain-free days (year) Sun (hours/day)
There are more people in London. There are fewer people in Rome.
1 2 3 4 Unità 92 253
Grammar B1
All, each, every e most
A All, each ed every All, each ed every hanno un significato simile ma seguono regole diverse. • All (tutto/a, tutti/e) è seguito da un sostantivo non numerabile o da uno numerabile al plurale. We drank all the orange juice. Abbiamo bevuto tutto il succo d’arancia. All cars cause pollution. Tutte le macchine causano inquinamento. • Each (ciascuno, ogni) ed every (ogni) sono seguiti da un sostantivo numerabile singolare e non possono essere seguiti da the o da un aggettivo possessivo. I checked every detail. Ho controllato ogni dettaglio. Each diamond cost a million pounds. Ciascun diamante è costato un milione di sterline. • Each ed every sono spesso intercambiabili, ma: – quando ci si riferisce solamente a due oggetti o persone, si può usare solo each (e non every); What’s on each side of the coin? Che cosa c’è su ciascun lato della moneta? – si usa di norma every per quantità molto grandi. It’s impossible to see every star in the sky. È impossibile vedere ogni stella del cielo.
B Everyone, everybody, everything ed everywhere • Si possono usare everyone, everybody, everything ed everywhere al posto di all/each + sostantivo. Everyone had a good time. (= All the people had a good time.) Tutti si sono divertiti. I passed everything. (= I passed all my exams.) Ho superato tutto. (= tutti gli esami) • Everyone, everybody, everything ed everywhere sono seguiti dal verbo alla terza persona singolare. Everyone was dancing. Tutti stavano ballando. (NON Everyone were dancing.) Everything looks beautiful. È tutto bello. Everywhere is busy. C’è un sacco di gente dappertutto. • Nota che di solito non si usa all da solo per dire everybody o everything. (NON All was dancing.) (NON I passed all.) (NON All passed the exam.) TIP
Si può usare all nel senso di ogni cosa nell’espressione all about. Frank told me all about his holiday. Frank mi ha raccontato tutto della sua vacanza.
C Most Most è seguito da un sostantivo non numerabile o da uno numerabile al plurale. I like most classical music. Mi piace la maggior parte della musica classica. Most students in Italy study English. In Italia la maggior parte degli studenti studia inglese.
D All of, each of e most of • All of, each of e most of si usano con un sostantivo non numerabile o con uno numerabile al plurale. Si usa of con espressioni che comprendono un articolo, un dimostrativo (these ecc.), un possessivo (my, David’s ecc.) o un pronome (them, us ecc.). Nota che non si usa every of. I’ve done all of the beds. Ho rifatto tutti i letti. Most of my cousins live in Scotland. La maggior parte dei miei cugini vive in Scozia. I need to speak to each of you. Ho bisogno di parlare con ognuno di voi. Most of us are taking the exam. La maggior parte di noi deve dare l’esame. • Nota che si può usare all in questo modo senza of. Ma si deve usare all of se si usa un pronome. I’ve seen all the Star Wars films./I’ve seen all of the Star Wars films. Ho visto tutti i film di ‘Star Wars’. I’ve seen all of them. Li ho visti tutti. (NON I’ve seen all them.) B2
E All All può anche voler dire tutto quello che/l’unica cosa che. All I’ve eaten today is a sandwich. L’unica cosa che ho mangiato oggi è stato un tramezzino. Did I crash the computer? All I did was turn it on. Il computer si è bloccato. È colpa mia? Non ho fatto altro che accenderlo. 254 Unità 93 OUP copyright 2015
Leggi la classifica. Poi completa le frasi con all (of ), every, most (of ) o none of. Roma Liverpool Barcelona Ajax ▶
1 2 3 4
6 6 6 6
6 4 1 0
0 0 0 0
0 2 5 6
18 12 3 0
Barcelona lost most of their games. Roma won game. Roma won their games. Roma lost their games. Liverpool won their games.
5 6 7 8
Ajax lost Ajax lost Ajax won Ajax drew
game. their games. their games. their games.
Completa i dialoghi con all, each, every, everyone, everything o everywhere. ▶
1 2 3 4
Have you found your ID card? No, and I’ve looked everywhere . Katherine Jones is the favourite for the Olympic gold medal, isn’t she? Yes, and thinks she’ll win. I think cars should be banned in city centres. I agree. In fact, cars should be banned in part of the city, not just the centre. Houses are very expensive in the UK these days. It’s not just houses. is expensive in the UK these days! You should print on side of the paper – think of the environment. True, but I can’t be bothered to put the paper back in the printer time.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. The London Eye (often just called The Eye) was opened in 2000 to celebrate the new millennium. It has become the UK’s most popular tourist attraction with over 3.5 million visitors ▶ D year. The Eye rotates at 0.26 metres per second and the capsules are designed so that 1 passenger has a 360° view of London at 2 times. During the 30-minute ‘flight’, you can see 3 London’s famous landmarks. 4 the major components of The Eye was built in a different country. The 135-metre diameter wheel was built in Holland. The 32 capsules, 5 capable of carrying 25 passengers, were made in France. The glass for the capsules and the cables were manufactured in Italy and 6 the electrical components came from the UK. Once 7 the component parts were completed, they were transported up the River Thames and The Eye was assembled piece by piece at its site next to the river. The London Eye is open 8 day except Christmas Day and the website londoneye.com contains 9 the information you need to plan your visit. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
all all each each All of every all each all all
most all of each of every Each of each of each each of all of every
each of every every most Most of each every every every each
each most all most of Every all of most all each of each of Unità 93 255
Grammar B1
Both, either e neither
A Both, either e neither Si usano both (entrambi ), either (l’uno o l’altro) e neither (nessuno dei due) quando si parla di due persone, oggetti o idee. Si usano in vari modi, ma i più comuni sono: • prima di un sostantivo Use either tablet – they both work. Usa l’uno o l’altro tablet – funzionano entrambi. I like both phones. They’re both pretty cool. Mi piacciono tutti e due i telefoni. Sono entrambi stilosi. Neither driver was injured in the accident. Nessuno dei due guidatori è rimasto ferito nell’incidente. • Comunque, se si usa un pronome soggetto both si mette dopo il pronome, non prima. Nota che both di solito segue il verbo be o un ausiliare. They both work. Funzionano entrambi. (NON Both they work.) They’re both pretty cool. Sono entrambi stilosi. We’ve both seen the film. Tutti e due abbiamo visto il film. • Both, either e neither si possono usare da soli, senza essere seguiti da un sostantivo. Tea or coffee? ~ Either. I don’t mind. Tè o caffè? ~ O l’uno o l’altro. Mi va bene comunque. Milk? Sugar? ~ Neither, thanks. Latte? Zucchero? ~ Nessuno dei due, grazie. Milk? Sugar? ~ Both, please. Latte? Zucchero? ~ Entrambi, grazie. Do you prefer beer or wine? ~ I don’t drink either. Preferisce birra o vino? ~ Non bevo né l’uno né l’altro. • Se si usano sostantivi, both è seguito da un sostantivo plurale e da un verbo e either e neither sono seguiti da un sostantivo singolare e un verbo alla terza persona singolare. Both computers are quite old. Neither computer is new. Entrambi i computer sono piuttosto vecchi. Nessuno dei due è nuovo. Both computers have outdated software. Neither computer has up-to-date software. Entrambi i computer hanno programmi obsoleti. Nessuno dei due ha programmi aggiornati.
B Both … and, either … or, neither … nor • Nota l’uso di both … and (sia … sia), either … or (o … o) e neither … nor (né … né). I like both Indian and Chinese food. Mi piace sia la cucina indiana che quella cinese. I’ll get either the red tie or the green one. Mi compro o la cravatta rossa o quella verde. Neither Bill nor Ben is coming to the party. Né Bill né Ben vengono alla festa. • Usati in questo modo both, either e neither possono essere seguiti da altre parti del discorso oltre ai sostantivi, come aggettivi e verbi. I’m both hungry and tired. Sono sia affamato che stanco. We can either have dinner or watch a film. Possiamo o cenare o guardare un film.
C Both of, either of e neither of • Si usano both of, either of e neither of con espressioni che comprendono un articolo, un dimostrativo (these ecc.), un possessivo (my, David’s ecc.) o un pronome (them, us ecc.). Si usano sempre con un sostantivo plurale. I don’t like either of the books. Non mi piace nessuno dei due libri. I’ve got both of their albums. Ho entrambi i loro album. Neither of us speaks Spanish. Nessuno di noi due parla spagnolo. I don’t like either of them. Non mi piace né l’uno né l’altro. • Nota che a volte si può usare both anche senza of. Ma occorre usare both of quando si usa un pronome complemento (them, us ecc.). I’ve read both his books./I’ve read both of his books. Ho letto entrambi i suoi libri. I’ve read both of them. Li ho letti entrambi. (NON I’ve read both them.) ➔ Vedi unità 135 per neither do I, neither can I ecc.
256 Unità 94 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con both (of ), either (of ) o neither (of ). Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A Have you got any brothers or sisters? them lives at home. They’re ▶ both B Yes, I’ve got two brothers. But ▶ neither of away at university. 2 A Still or sparkling water? B 1 – I don’t mind. A OK, I’ll put 2 them on the table and then you can choose. 3 A Are you from the USA or Canada? B 3 – I was born in Britain. But 4 my parents are American, so I’ve got their accent. They 5 have very strong accents, actually. 4 A OK, so you’ve tried on 6 dresses. Which do you prefer – the red or the blue one? B I don’t like 7 them, actually. 8 the colours suits me – they’re 9 a bit too bright, don’t you think? A Yes, I agree. And they’re 10 quite expensive as well. Leggi la tabella e completa le frasi con both … and … have o neither … nor … has. ITALY
62 m
63 m
317 m
Head of state
Head of government
prime minister
prime minister
Life expectancy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Grammar B1
Both Italy and the USA have a president. a prime minister. a monarch. a population of about 63 million. a population of over 65 million. a life expectancy of under 81. a life expectancy of over 81. the euro as its currency.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I don’t drink coffee and I don’t drink tea. (neither) I drink neither coffee nor tea. Richard lives in a flat and Tony lives in a flat. (both) Richard a flat. I didn’t see Frank and I didn’t see Fred last night. (neither) I saw last night. We can leave now or we can wait a bit longer. (either) We can a bit longer. I liked neither pair of shoes. (either) I of shoes. I didn’t buy either of the books. (neither) I the books. Kian plays the guitar and he plays the piano. (both) Kian the piano. Unità 94 257
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 90–94 Some, any e altre espressioni di quantità 1
Completa i dialoghi con le parole nel riquadro. Puoi usare alcune parole più volte. some A B A 1 A B 2 A B ▶
3 A B 4 A B A B 5 A B A 6 A B A B A 7 A B
I’m looking for something to wear to Kerry’s party tonight. Have you found anything ? No, not yet. Have you got 1 posters on the walls in your bedroom? No, I haven’t got 2 at all on my walls. Have you got 3 Beatles songs on your iPod? No, I haven’t got 4 by The Beatles. I’ve got 5 Rolling Stones songs though. We haven’t got 6 tests this week, have we? No, I don’t think so. We’ve got 7 next week, though. I need to do 8 revision this weekend! We haven’t got 9 milk. I’ll go to the shop to get 10 . 11 OK. Can you get fruit while you’re there? 12 apples and bananas. Sure. 13 else? Let me see. Ah, yes. Can you get 14 bread, too? And 15 cheese? 16 I wish we lived else. I don’t like it here. Where do you want to move to? I don’t mind. 17 told me that Cardiff was a good place to live, but 18 would be better than here. Can I have 19 to eat, please? I haven’t had 20 since breakfast. You must be starving! Would you like 21 pasta? Oh, yes, please – 22 . I don’t mind. 23 What about pasta with of this tomato sauce? Great, thanks. Has 24 seen my glasses? They must be 25 here, but I can’t find them 26 . Sorry, I haven’t noticed 27 glasses.
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B
A 2 A B A 3 A B 4 A B
I haven’t got much / many money. Can I borrow some? I’m afraid I’ve only got a little / a few on me. I can lend you ten euros, but that’s all. Have you still got any CDs? Yes, but not 1 much / many. I sold most of them and kept just 2 a little / a few that I still like. How about you? Have you got any? No, 3 any / none at all. Is your new flat furnished? Not really. I think there’s 4 a little / a few furniture. Oh, we’ve got 5 a little / a few things you can have if you like. There’s not 6 much / many – a table and 7 a little / a few chairs, I think. I haven’t got 8 much / many homework to do tonight. I think I’ll go out later. Lucky you! I’ve got 9 a little / a lot of maths homework. It’s going to take me all evening. What did you do yesterday? 10 None. / Nothing. I had a rest because I’d been really busy 11 all / each week. I’d been out 12 most / every night!
258 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 90–94
5 A B 6 A B A B 7 A B A B 8 A B
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hurry up! We haven’t got 13 much / many time! OK, I’ll just be 14 a little / a few minutes. Did you take 15 much / many photos when you were on holiday? No, not 16 much / many. Just 17 a little / a few of the hotel and the beach. And how was the weather? Well, we had 18 a little / a few rain on a couple of days, but 19 most / most of the time it was lovely and sunny. Who did you know at the party? 20 No one / Anyone. 21 No one / None of my friends went. It wasn’t a very good party. 22 Most / Most of people left quite early, and I left at about 11. Where did you go then? 23 Anywhere / Nowhere. I just went home. How was your dance class this week? It was great, thanks! 24 More / All people came and 25 everyone / anyone was really friendly.
There’s no wine left. (any) There isn’t any wine left. I’d like to study art, and I’d like to study history. (both) I’d like to study history. I didn’t know all the people at the meeting. (knew) I at the meeting. Sara passed every one of her exams. (all) Sara exams. I think all the rooms have wi-fi. (every) I think wi-fi. I felt lonely because all my friends were away. (everyone) I felt lonely because away. I’ve only got a little money on me. (much) I on me. There are no cafés near here. (any) There near here.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Non usare più di tre parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Kirsty is clever, and her sister is, too. Kirsty and her sister are both clever. Kirsty doesn’t play basketball or badminton. Kirsty plays badminton. Kirsty has two close friends, but she hasn’t seen them for a week. Kirsty hasn’t seen her close friends for a week. Kirsty hasn’t got any important exams this year. Kirsty’s got this year. All Kirsty’s relatives play a musical instrument. Everyone in Kirsty’s family a musical instrument. Kirsty’s taught herself to play the guitar. lessons. Kirsty hasn’t had
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 90–94 259
Pronomi soggetto e complemento
A Forma Pronomi soggetto
Pronomi complemento
Nota che you corrisponde ai pronomi italiani tu, voi e Lei/Loro (usati come forma di cortesia). Are you Irish? Tu sei irlandese?/Voi sieti irlandesi?/Lei è irlandese?/Loro sono irlandesi?
B Uso • I pronomi personali soggetto vanno sempre prima del verbo. I pronomi personali complemento vanno sempre dopo il verbo. I know her. La conosco. (NON Her know.) She knows me. Mi conosce. (NON Me knows.) Do you know them? Li conosci? They don’t want it. Non lo vogliono. He explains it to us. Ce lo spiega lui. (NON Explains us it.) • I pronomi soggetto non possono mai essere sottintesi e i pronomi complemento non possono essere attaccati al verbo. We’re Italian. Siamo italiani. (NON Are Italian.) I play the guitar in a band. Suono la chitarra in un gruppo. (NON Play the guitar in a band.) I want to phone him. Voglio chiamarlo. Give it to her. Daglielo. Nota che si dice I’m … quando ci si presenta, ma non quando ci si identifica. Ci si identifica dicendo It’s/This is … . This is Roy. ~ Hi, Roy, it’s Steve. Is Max there? Questo è Roy. ~ Ciao, Roy, sono Steve. C’è Max? (NON Who are you? ~ Hi, Roy, I’m Steve.)
• Nota che si usano le forme del pronome di terza persona plurale (they, them) per riferirsi a una persona il cui genere non è specificato. Someone phoned you earlier. ~ Did they leave a message? Qualcuno ha chiamato per te prima. ~ Ha lasciato un messaggio? Work with a partner and ask them three questions. Write down their answers. Lavora con un compagno/ una compagna e fagli/falle tre domande. Scrivi le sue risposte.
C Risposte brevi • Alle domande che iniziano con Who … ? (Chi … ?) di solito si risponde con risposte brevi usando il pronome personale soggetto e l’ausiliare. Who’s coming for lunch? ~ I am. Chi viene a pranzo? ~ Io. (NON Who’s coming for lunch? ~ I.) Who wants more pasta? ~ They do. Chi vuole altra pasta? ~ Loro. Who’s there? ~ We are. Chi è? ~ Noi. Who broke the plate? ~ I did. Chi ha rotto il piatto? ~ Io. TIP
Comunque, in inglese informale parlato certe volte si può usare il pronome personale complemento come risposta breve, oppure It’s/It was + pronome complemento. Who’s coming for lunch? ~ Me. Who’s there? ~ It’s us. Who broke the plate? ~ It was me. Who wants more pasta? ~ Them.
260 Unità 95 OUP copyright 2015
Abbina le figure alle frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Completa i dialoghi con il pronome corretto. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
She’s giving it to him. a He’s giving them to her. They’re giving it to him. He’s giving it to her. They’re giving them to them. She’s giving them to him.
I see my grandparents a lot. I see them two or three times a week. Do they live near you ? This is Daniela. I work with 1 . Pleased to meet 2 , Daniela. We’re lost. Can 3 help 4 ? 5 Of course. Where are going? Give 6 your number and I’ll phone 7 this evening. 8 ’s 07988675422. Where are Harry and William? I need to talk to 9 . I think 10 ’re in the garden. I don’t understand. Can 11 help 12 ? Of course I can. What don’t 13 understand? 14 ’s John’s birthday. Have 15 got a present for 16 Yes, I have. This is my friend Sue. 17 ’m in the same class as 18 . I know. 19 ’ve already met. Where are my keys? 20 can’t find 21 . 22 23 ’re in the kitchen, think.
Grammar B1
Completa le risposte sostituendo i nomi con pronomi e dicendo che è successo il contrario di quello che dice la domanda. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Did Isabella phone Mr Smith? Did Carlo email Anna? Does Simona like Johnny? Did Alicia and David invite you and Roberto? Are you and Bill staying with Ann and Greta? Did the boys take the dog for a walk? Do you work for Karen? Did you get the magazine for your sister? Did Erica bring Andrew to the party?
No, he phoned her No, Actually, No, they didn’t. No, Actually, No, No, It was the other way round:
. . . . ! . . .
Riscrivi le risposte con un pronome complemento per renderle più colloquiali. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Who’s going to drive? Who broke the window? Who tidied up? Who made this mess? Who’s making that noise? Who won the game?
I’m going to drive. Me He broke the window. It was I tidied up. They made the mess. It was She’s making that noise. It’s We won the game, 3–0.
. . . . . , 3–0.
Unità 95 261
Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi
A Forma Aggettivi possessivi
Pronomi possessivi
Nota che in italiano gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi hanno la stessa forma, ma l’inglese distingue tra i due gruppi.
B Uso Nota che mentre in italiano gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi concordano in genere e numero con la cosa posseduta, in inglese sono invariabili per numero e concordano col genere del possessore. This is Mary and that’s her brother. Questa è Mary e quello è suo fratello. This is Amy and those are her brothers. Questa è Amy e quelli sono i suoi fratelli. Whose shoes are these? ~ They’re mine. Di chi sono queste scarpe? ~ Sono mie. Whose book is this? ~ It’s mine. Di chi è questo libro? ~ È mio. Nota inoltre che in inglese di solito si usa l’aggettivo possessivo prima dei nomi delle parti del corpo. She’s washing her hair. Si sta lavando i capelli. (NON She’s washing herself the hair.)
• L’aggettivo si usa sempre prima del nome. Il pronome possessivo si usa da solo. It’s my bag. È la mia borsa. The bag’s mine. La borsa è mia. It’s mine. È (la) mia. Is this your coat? Questo è il tuo cappotto? Is this coat yours? Questo cappotto è tuo? Is this yours? È (il) tuo? • Gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi non sono mai preceduti da un articolo. My house is near here. La mia casa è qui vicino. (NON The my house is near here.) Here are the tickets. ~ Which is mine? Ecco i biglietti. ~ Qual è il mio? (NON Which is the mine?/Which is the my?) TIP
Its è l’aggettivo possessivo. It’s è la forma contratta di it is e di it has. The dog has broken its leg. Il cane si è rotto una zampa. It’s a nice day. È una bella giornata. It’s got a garden. Ha un giardino.
C A friend of mine/one of my friends ecc. I possessivi (compreso il genitivo sassone) non possono essere preceduti da articoli, dimostrativi (this, that ecc.), espressioni di quantità (much, many, some, any, no ecc.) e numerali. Si usano invece due costruzioni con of: • espressione di quantità + of + aggettivo possessivo + sostantivo; Julia is one of my friends. Julia è una mia amica. (NOT Julia is one/a my friend.) I met some of her friends. Ho conosciuto alcuni suoi amici. (NOT I met some her friends.) • articolo/dismostrativo/espressione di quantità/numerale + sostantivo + of + pronome possessivo; Julia is a friend of mine. I met some friends of hers. Those friends of mine are going to the cinema. Quei miei amici devono andare al cinema. (NOT Those my friends are going to the cinema. NOT Those of my friends are going to the cinema.) 262 Unità 96 OUP copyright 2015
Riscrivi le frasi con un pronome possessivo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
This car’s mine. Are these tickets ours? This book is hers. Is this magazine yours? This house is ours. Are these children theirs?
6 7 8 9 10
This is her dictionary. Is this their car? Are these our seats? This isn’t my mobile. These aren’t our coats.
6 7 8 9 10
This bag is his. Are these glasses yours? This laptop is mine. Those coats aren’t theirs. That bag isn’t hers.
This is my car.
Completa i dialoghi con l’aggettivo o il pronome possessivo adatto. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B
This bag is mine.
Riscrivi le frasi con un aggettivo possessivo. ▶
This is my bag. Is this your pen? This is his scooter. Are these your shoes? This is our taxi. That’s my scooter.
Do you know the Smiths? husband. Well, I know Mrs Smith, but I don’t know ▶ her 1 I saw Enrico in a Ferrari this morning. Is it ? No. It’s 2 dad’s. Is this Patricia’s scarf? No, it isn’t 3 .4 scarf is black and white. But Jack was looking for a scarf earlier. 5 It might be . Is this mobile 6 ? No, it isn’t. 7 is black. Joanna has a silver one like that. Perhaps it’s 8 . Oxford is probably most famous for 9 university. Yeah. And 10 terrible football team! Excuse me. I think you’re sitting in the wrong seats. These are 11 . Perhaps those over there are 12 . Oh, sorry. Ah yes, you’re right. Those are 13 seats.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Suzy is one of my friends from university. (friend) Suzy is a friend of mine Sonia is a classmate of hers, I think. (classmates) Sonia These seats are ours, aren’t they? (our) These Bruno Mars is a hero of mine. (one) Bruno Mars Are these your keys or Claudio’s? (yours) Are William is one of our old neighbours from Milan. (of) William is an These are their bags, aren’t they? (theirs) These
from university. , I think. , aren’t they? heroes. or Claudio’s? from Milan. , aren’t they?
Unità 96 263
Grammar B1
Pronomi riflessivi e each other
A Forma Pronomi soggetto
Pronomi riflessivi
Nota che molti verbi che sono riflessivi in italiano non lo sono in inglese. Per esempio: abituarsi a get used to perdersi get lost accorgersi realize preoccuparsi worry addormentarsi fall asleep prepararsi get ready alzarsi get up ricordarsi remember decidersi make up your mind rilassarsi relax dimenticarsi forget sedersi sit down innamorarsi di fall in love with sposarsi get married lamentarsi complain svegliarsi wake up lavarsi i denti brush your teeth vestirsi get dressed
B Uso I pronomi riflessivi si usano in diversi modi. Gli usi più comuni sono: • come complemento di un verbo riflessivo (verbo in cui il soggetto e complemento sono lo stesso). I’ve hurt myself. Mi sono fatto male. We really enjoyed ourselves at the party. Ci siamo davvero divertiti alla festa. Tom paid for himself. Tom pagò per sé. – Solo pochi verbi reggono il pronome riflessivo in questo modo. Alcuni dei più comuni sono: behave oneself comportarsi bene hurt oneself farsi male blame oneself incolparsi introduce oneself presentarsi dress oneself vestirsi (senza aiuto) pay for oneself pagare la propria parte enjoy oneself divertirsi teach oneself imparare da soli help oneself servirsi (da soli) weigh oneself pesarsi TIP
I pronomi riflessivi si usano spesso con verbi che descrivono ferite, lesioni ecc. come: burn bruciare hurt far male cut tagliare injure far male, ferire hit colpire scratch graffiare He cut himself while he was chopping vegetables. Si è tagliato mentre tagliava le verdure. I scratched myself on a rose bush. Mi sono graffiato con una pianta di rose.
• dopo un complemento per sottolineare chi ha compiuto l’azione. I fixed the computer myself. Ho aggiustato il computer io stesso. I’m not telling him – tell him yourself. Non ho intenzione di dirglielo – diglielo tu stesso. • dopo un sostantivo o un pronome per sottolineare il sostantivo. I got a letter from the president himself. Ho ricevuto una lettera dal presidente stesso.
C Each other • Si usano each other o each other’s quando l’azione è reciproca. The students helped each other with their homework. Gli studenti si aiutarono a vicenda a fare i compiti. They wrote down each other’s phone numbers. Scrissero i numeri telefonici l’uno dell’altro. • Nota la differenza di significato tra each other e themselves/ourselves. Zoe and Evie bought each other a book. Zoe ed Evie si sono regalate un libro a vicenda. Zoe and Evie bought themselves a book. Zoe ed Evie si sono comprate un libro (a testa).
264 Unità 97 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le risposte con le parole tra parentesi e un pronome riflessivo. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Is someone decorating your house for you? No. We ’re doing it ourselves . (do it) Did Paul take his scooter to the garage? No, he didn’t. He . (repair it) Who taught her to play the guitar? No one. She . (teach) I’m hungry. Can I have a biscuit, please? Of course. . (help) Did Harry pay for your pizzas? No, he didn’t. We . (pay for them) Do you want some help installing the software? No, thanks. I think I . (can do it) Did they get the food from a catering company? No. They . (make everything) How was the party? Great. We really . (enjoy) I’m really so sorry about the window. It wasn’t your fault. Please . (not/blame) I love your wedding dress. Who designed it? Thanks. I . (design) What’s the matter? I didn’t realize the pan handle was hot and I
. (burn)
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che siano più naturali con each other. ▶
Brad fell out of love with Jen, and Jen fell out of love with Brad.
1 2 3 4 5
Bill doesn’t like Tom, and Tom doesn’t like Bill. I email her every day, and she emails me every day. I bought a book for Jo, and she bought one for me. I got his email address, and he got my email address. Do you know Johnny, and does Johnny know you?
Brad and Jen fell out of love with each other.
Completa le frasi con each other, themselves o ourselves. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lucy and I really enjoyed ourselves at the party. at the park. The children really enjoyed At Christmas, people buy presents. Alicia and I don’t see very often these days. We didn’t let Peter pay for our tickets – we paid for them . Carla and Belinda had a big argument. They’re not speaking to Children learn to dress when they are about four years old. Do the bride and groom give a ring when they get married? A Did the kids behave ? B Yes, they looked after
very well.
Completa le frasi con le parole tra parentesi e un pronome riflessivo per enfasi. The service was terrible and I asked to speak to the manager himself/herself . (the manager) 1 The guests were received at Buckingham Palace by . (the prince) 2 At the end of the ceremony I shook hands with . (the president) 3 Everyone in court was shocked, including . (the judge) ▶
Unità 97 265
Grammar B2
This, that, these, those
A Uso e forma Si usano this (questo/a) e these (questi/e) per riferirsi a cose o persone vicine a chi parla in termini di spazio o tempo, e that (quello/a) e those (quei/quelli/e) per persone o cose più lontane da chi parla. • This e that si usano con sostantivi non numerabili o numerabili singolari. This is my car. Questa è la mia macchina. That’s Frank’s car. Quella è la macchina di Frank. • These e those si usano con sostantivi numerabili plurali. These are my books. Questi sono i miei libri. Those are your books. Quelli sono i tuoi libri. • Si possono usare this, that, these e those con o senza un sostantivo. This pizza is delicious./This is a delicious pizza. Questa pizza è deliziosa./Questa è una pizza deliziosa. This is delicious. Questo/a è delizioso/a. Whose are these shoes? Di chi sono queste scarpe? Whose are these? Di chi sono queste/i? Are these your shoes? Sono queste le tue scarpe? Nota che in inglese this, that, these e those sono invariabili rispetto al genere dei sostantivi. This is my brother. Questo è mio fratello. This is my sister. Questa è mia sorella. Who are those boys? Chi sono quei ragazzi? Who are those girls? Chi sono quelle ragazze?
B This year, this morning, this weekend, these days ecc. • Si usano le espressioni this week/month/year per riferirsi alla settimana/mese/anno in corso. Have you seen Roberto this week? Hai visto Roberto questa settimana? It’s Simona’s birthday later this month. Più avanti questo mese è il compleanno di Simona. • Si usano this morning/afternoon/evening per riferirsi a parti della giornata in corso. We had a test at school this morning. Stamattina a scuola abbiamo fatto un compito in classe. I saw Jack this afternoon. Ho visto Jack questo pomeriggio. • Si usa this Friday/July/weekend ecc. per riferirsi al venerdì/luglio/fine settimana che viene. I’m going to a party this Friday. Questo venerdì devo andare a una festa. Are you going to London this weekend? Vai a Londra questo fine settimana? • Si usa these days per riferirsi al tempo presente in generale. Life is very expensive these days. La vita costa molto di questi tempi. I don’t see Francesco much these days. Non vedo Francesco molto spesso in questo periodo. TIP
Si può usare this is … quando si presenta qualcuno e quando ci si presenta al telefono. This is my friend Jane. ~ Nice to meet you, Jane. Questa è la mia amica Jane. ~ Piacere. Hello. Smart Electrics. ~ Hello. This is Bill Smith. Can I speak to Joe Page, please? Smart Electrics, buongiorno. ~ Buongiorno. Sono Bill Smith. Potrei parlare con Joe Page, per cortesia?
Scrivi this o these. ▶
1 2 3 4
266 Unità 98 OUP copyright 2015
coat coats music children shoes
5 6 7 8
information traffic coffee coffees
Scrivi that o those. ▶
table tables money bread shirts
1 2 3 4
homework students person people
Completa quello che stanno dicendo le persone con this, that, these o those e le parole nel riquadro. phone
cake 1
Whose are these shoes ? 1 is delicious. 2 was delicious.
5 6 7 8
shoes 2
keys 3
3 Whose is ? 4 Are your 5 Do you know who
? belong to?
Completa i dialoghi con this, that, these o those. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A ▶
B 3 A B 4 A B A 5 A
6 7 8 9 10
Are you wearing your brother’s T-shirt? No, this is my T-shirt. Do you see much of Valerie 1 days? Not really. But I’m seeing her 2 weekend, actually. 3 town has changed a lot since I was last here. There was a playground over there where 4 shops are now. Yes. And there used to be a park at the end of the road where 5 big supermarket is. Are 6 football boots here yours? 7 No, mine are by the door. Can you pass me 8 bag, please? Sure. 9 bag here? No, not 10 one. 11 ’s Harry’s. The blue one next to it. 12 Did you notice red trainers in 13 skateboard shop we went into yesterday? Yes, I did. They were cool. Well, I went back 14 morning and bought them! 15 Do you like perfume? Mmm, yes. You smell really nice. Are you going to Marco’s party 16 Friday? No. I’m not invited. I hardly ever see Marco 17 days. 18 weather is amazing, isn’t it? Yes, we’re going to the beach 19 afternoon, actually. Do you want to come with us? Harry, 20 is Eva. Have you met before? No, we haven’t. Pleased to meet you, Eva. Hello. Hello. 21 is Victoria Evans. Is 22 David Bradley? Yes, it is. Hi, Victoria. Unità 98 267
Grammar B1
One e ones
A Uso e forma Si usano one e ones al posto di un sostantivo numerabile che è stato menzionato in precedenza. I haven’t got a pen. Have you got one? Non ho penna. Ne hai una? Is there a bank near here? ~ Yes, there’s one round the corner. C’è una banca qui vicino? ~ Sì, ce n’è una dietro l’angolo. I didn’t buy the black boots. I bought the brown ones. Non ho comprato gli stivali neri. Ho comprato quelli marroni. Nota che questa (e non that + aggettivo) è la costruzione corrispondente a quello + aggettivo. Which bag is yours? ~ The red one. Qual è la tua borsa? ~ Quella rossa. (NON That red.)
B Which one, this one, any one, either one, the one ecc. Di solito si usano one e ones quando si parla di alternative o di scelte. In particolare: • con this, that, each, every, any, either, another ecc. Do you want this one or that one? ~ I don’t mind. Either one is fine. Vuoi questo o quello? ~ Fa lo stesso. Vanno bene sia l’uno che l’altro. We ate in several restaurants and every one was great. Abbiamo mangiato in diversi ristoranti e ognuno era ottimo. Which bus do we catch? ~ Any one. They all go to the city centre. Che autobus prendiamo? ~ Uno qualsiasi. Vanno tutti in centro. Don’t lose the key. We haven’t got another one. Non perdere la chiave. Non ne abbiamo altre/un’altra. • dopo which; There are several coats. Which one is yours? Ci sono diversi cappotti. Qual è il tuo? I couldn’t answer a few questions. ~ Which ones? Non ho saputo rispondere ad alcune domande. ~ A quali? – Di solito one e ones si possono anche omettere in queste strutture, tranne che dopo every. Do you want this or that? I don’t mind. Either is fine. Vuoi questo o quello? ~ Fa lo stesso. Vanno bene sia l’uno che l’altro. There are several coats. Which is yours? Ci sono diversi cappotti. Qual è il tuo? I have all his albums and every one is great. Ho tutti i suoi album e ognuno è bellissimo. (NON and every is great.) • dopo un aggettivo; My scooter is the silver one. Il mio scooter è quello grigio metallizzato. (NON My scooter is the silver.) My bag’s the small one. La mia borsa è quella piccola. • nell’espressione the one(s); Which hotel are you staying in? ~ The one in East Street. In quale albergo stai? ~ In quello in East Street.
C It o one? It si riferisce a una cosa specifica. One e ones a una cosa in generale. If you’re not using your pen, can I borrow it? Se non stai usando la penna, me la puoi prestare? I haven’t got a pen. Can I borrow one? Non ho penna. Me ne puoi prestare una?
Riscrivi le risposte sul quaderno in modo che siano più naturali con one o ones. ▶
A Did you get a new mobile? B No. I didn’t see a mobile that I liked.
No. I didn’t see one that I liked. 1 A B 2 A B
Can you lend me a pen? Sorry. I haven’t got a pen. Did you buy the black gloves? No. I got the blue gloves.
268 Unità 99 OUP copyright 2015
3 A B 4 A B 5 A B
Would you like a coffee? No, thanks. I’ve just had a coffee. Is there a supermarket near here? Yes. There’s a supermarket over there. Are these photos recent? No. They’re old photos.
6 A B 7 A B A 8 A B A
Scrivi le risposte nei dialoghi con le parole tra parentesi e one o ones. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The blue one. Which trainers are yours? (black and yellow) . Is there a post office near here? (in Broom Street) Yes. . Which sandwich do you want – ham or cheese? (either) I don’t mind. Is this a new handbag? (old) No. . Did you manage to sell your old CDs? (every) Yes. . Can I borrow an umbrella? (haven’t got) Sorry, but . Which tie do you want – blue, red or green? (any) It doesn’t matter. Which café shall we go to? (the first/we come to) How about ?
Completa i dialoghi con one e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. any ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Which shirt did you buy? (blue)
Grammar B1
Which bar did you go to? The bar on Queen Street. Which is Francesca’s house? It’s either this house or that house. Oh yes. I think it’s this house. The house with the blue door. Can you pass me my coat? Which coat’s yours? The stripy coat or the checked coat? The checked coat.
Are all the apartments the same? No. Each one is different when you get inside. Do you want a different chair? No. is fine, thanks. Do I get the number 23 or the number 26 bus to get to the town centre? They both go to the town centre. I don’t fancy either of these films. No. looks very interesting. Which newspaper shall I buy? You choose. Did you look in all the rooms? Yes. In . I’ve bought that scooter. Oh. ? we saw in the paper yesterday.
In quali delle risposte dell’esercizio 3 si può omettere one? Riscrivile sul quaderno senza usare one. ▶
Each is different when you get inside. Unità 99 269
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 95–99 Pronomi; aggettivi e pronomi possessivi; pronomi riflessivi e each other 1
Completa i dialoghi con l’aggettivo possessivo o il pronome possessivo corretto. ▶
1 2 3
4 5
Completa i dialoghi con il pronome riflessivo corretto. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A
B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B
Is your house number 42? No, ours is number 52. Do you know Andrew Jones? brother, Billy. No, but I know Is this Susie and John’s house? No, this door’s green. door is blue. Whose is this camera? It’s . I bought it last week. It’s the same as , isn’t it? Yes, exactly the same. I’m really pleased with it. Is this Anna’s backpack? No, is blue. But Jamie’s got a black one like that. Maybe it’s Have you seen shoes? I can’t find them. There are some shoes under the table. Are they ? No, they’re not . They’re Alison’s. are black and grey. Can I borrow bike to cycle into town? Sure, I’m not using it. But what’s wrong with ? Oh, it’s got a flat tyre.
Who helped you with your homework? No one. I did it myself . Let me introduce : I’m Giuseppe. Nice to meet you, Giuseppe. Yesterday my grandfather fell over and hurt the shops. Oh dear! I hope he’s all right now. Where did you buy the tiramisù? It’s delicious. I didn’t buy it. I made it . I’m really sorry about breaking the dish. Don’t blame . It wasn’t your fault. Did you have a good time camping? Yes, we really enjoyed . It was great. Who decorated Carla and Jimmy’s apartment? They did it . No one did it for them.
while he was coming back from
Completa i dialoghi con un pronome (we, him, myself, ours ecc.) o un aggettivo possessivo o dimostrativo (my, her, mine, theirs ecc.). Poi ascolta e controlla. A Have you seen my shoes? I left them by the front door. B Yes, I think they ’re still there. 1 A Can you help 1 ? I can’t find 2 earrings – the ones Guido gave 3 . I want to wear 4 tonight. B No, I haven’t seen 5 , sorry. 2 A Tina’s wearing 6 new dress. 7 looks amazing! 8 9 B Yes, does. The colour really suits , doesn’t it? 3 A Did 10 mum choose that shirt for 11 ? B No, I chose it 12 . What’s wrong with 13 ?
270 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 95–99
4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B A 8 A B C 9 A B 10 A B
Is this Jenny’s phone? No, it’s 14 . I got it for 15 birthday last week. 16 17 Do have to wear a uniform at school? ’re not allowed to wear jeans or jewellery. No, but 18 Are these Cathy and Danny’s bags? No, they’ve put 19 in their car already. Those are Ben’s. I saw 20 put them there a few minutes ago. What a lovely kitchen! Who designed 21 ? We designed it 22 . Really! Maybe you can design 23 when we get our own apartment. Are these Juliette’s glasses? 24 might be 25 , but I’m not sure. There she is – I’ll ask 26 . Hey, Juliette, are these 27 glasses? No, 28 ’re not 29 . Ask Eduardo – 30 might be 31 . I saw Helena driving a BMW this morning. Is it 32 ? No, she can’t afford a BMW! It’s 33 parents’. Who taught Susie to play the guitar? I don’t think she ever had lessons. I think she taught 34 .
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
A Are you using my laptop? B No, this / that is mine. Yours is over there, on the table.
1 A Do you see Valerie these / those days? B No, not really, but I’m seeing her this / that weekend, actually. She and his / her boyfriend have invited me to dinner. 2 A Hello. Let me introduce you to a friend of my / mine. Katie, this / that is Sam. B Pleased to meet you, Sam. 3 A Are these / those football boots here your / yours? B No, mine are these / those over there by the door. 4 A Could you pass me this / that bag, please? B Sure. This / That one next to me here? A No, not this / that one. The blue one next to it. 5 A Did you notice these / those red trainers in this / that skateboard shop we went into yesterday? B Yes, I did. They were cool. A Well, I went back this / that morning and bought them! 6 A Do you like this / that perfume? B Mmm, yes. You smell really nice. Was it a present from someone? A No, I bought it myself / mine. 7 A I think everyone enjoyed them / themselves last night, don’t you? B Yes, I do. Jack and Adam, and that friend of their / theirs – Vicky – really had a good time. A Yes. I loved this / that song she sang. I’d never heard it / him before. 8 A I’ve been offered two jobs! B Wow! That / This is amazing! Which one are you going to take? A I don’t know yet. Either / Every one would be great.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 95–99 271
Scrivi risposte alle domande con le parole tra parentesi e one o ones. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Which bag did you get? (green)
The green one. Which shoes are yours? (red and white) Is there a cash machine near here? (round the corner) Yes. Which colour pen do you want – blue or black? (either) It doesn’t matter. Is that a new phone? (old) No. Which café shall we go to? (nearest) Could I borrow a pen? (haven’t got) Sorry, but Which flavour do you want – chocolate, vanilla or strawberry? (any) I don’t mind at all. I love your boots! (Joey bought me) Thanks. They’re
Completa l’intervista con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Fa ash hio on Fiive Min nuttess Singer Katy Timms gave us an insight into her / hers personal style when 1 her / she called in for a chat at 2 ours / our office.
What are you wearing right now? Well, 3 that / this denim jacket I’m wearing isn’t actually 4 my / mine. I borrowed 5 one / it from a friend. We’re always borrowing stuff from 6 ourselves / each other. The T-shirt I’m wearing is 7hers / her, too. What’s your fashion philosophy? I think it’s good to buy clothes that express 8your / yourself, and so 9 your / yours clothes will change as you change. What I like today, I probably won’t like tomorrow. I’ll probably look back at 10 me / myself and think ‘What was 11 this / that? What on earth was I wearing?’
Do you go to fashion shows? Yes, I go quite often. 12 Mine / My boyfriend is a model and I usually go with 13him / himself. Fashion shows are more 14 him / his scene than 15 mine / my, but I have fun. Have you got a favourite dress? I’ve got a list of favourites, but I really love the 16 it / one that Nina Laporte designed for 17 myself / me for the Oscars last year. 18 One / It was fluorescent green with yellow dots! She’s 19 my / mine favourite designer. I love all 20 hers / her stuff. What’s your dream wedding dress? I’d probably design it 21 me / myself and ask Nina to give it 22 hers / her special touch.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. Are these keys yours or Claudio’s? (your) Are these your keys 1 Susie is one of my friends from university. (mine) Susie is 2 These are our seats, aren’t they? (ours) These seats
272 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 95–99
or Claudio’s? from university. , aren’t they?
3 Sara doesn’t like Enrico, and Enrico doesn’t like Sara. (each) Sara and Enrico other. 4 No one helped me to clean the room this morning. (myself) I this morning. 5 Richard is a friend of ours from Rome. (our) Richard from Rome. 6 Which car is theirs? (their) Which car? 7 That’s her camera, isn’t it? (hers) That , isn’t it? 8 I wear my sister’s clothes and she wears my clothes all the time. (each) My sister and I all the time.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. Goodbye, Mum A young man was shopping in a supermarket when he noticed that a woman was following ▶ B . The man moved from aisle to aisle to try to avoid 1 , but the woman always followed him. She was looking at 2 sadly. When the man had finished shopping, he found 3 behind the woman in a long checkout queue. 4 trolley was completely full. After a few minutes, the woman spoke. ‘I’m sorry for following you,’ she said, ‘but you look exactly like 5 son. He died a month ago. 6 is where he used to do 7 shopping and I thought for a moment that you were his ghost.’ Tears appeared in the woman’s eyes. The young man felt very sorry for 8 and they chatted to 9 for a few minutes. As the woman got to the checkout, she asked, ‘As I leave the supermarket, will you say “Goodbye, Mum” to 10 ? I know it may seem strange, but it will make me feel so much better.’ The young man thought for a moment and agreed to 11 request. The woman gave 12 a tearful smile, waved and picked up 13 heavy bags. ‘Goodbye, Mum!’ he said as she walked out of the supermarket. The man was thinking about what had happened when the cashier told him that his bill was £150. ‘There must be a mistake. I’ve only spent about 20,’ the young man said. ‘Yes,’ replied the cashier, ‘but 14 mother said that you are paying for 15 , too!’ ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
he she he he One me This her she them me her he hers my she
him her him his She my That him herself themselves my hers him her his its
himself herself himself him Her mine These he her they mine their his our your hers
his hers his himself Hers I It his hers each other I its himself his her herself
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 95–99 273
Preposizioni: luogo
A Le principali preposizioni di luogo Le preposizioni di stato in luogo si usano per indicare dove si trova qualcuno/ qualcosa. Le frasi da 1 a 15 indicano le principali preposizioni di luogo.
N e w s a g e n t ’s
Osserva la figura e nota la differenza tra le preposizioni che corrispondono a di fronte: il parcheggio di biciclette è in front of the school, e il posteggio dei taxi è opposite the school.
1 The school is between a newsagent’s and a supermarket. (tra/fra) 2 There’s a taxi rank opposite the school. (di fronte) 3 There are some bike racks outside/in front of the school. (fuori da/ di fronte a/davanti a) 4 There are some students inside the school. (dentro) 5 There’s a bus stop near (to) the school. (vicino a) 6 There are some people at the bus stop. (a)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
The teacher is behind the desk. (dietro) There’s a poster on the wall. (su) There’s a laptop on the desk. (sopra/su) There’s a whiteboard next to/by the window. (vicino/accanto a) The light is above/over the desk. (sopra) There’s a bag under/below the desk. (sotto) A student is in front of the teacher’s desk. (davanti) There are some books on top of the filing cabinet. (sopra) There are some students in the classroom. (in/dentro)
B At
Nota la differenza tra le preposizioni che corrispondono a su/sopra: on e on top of = sopra con contatto, over e above = sopra/al di sopra senza contatto. Nota che una preposizione inglese può corrispondere a diverse preposizioni italiane e viceversa. Per esempio, a: I live in London. Abito a Londra. The bank is on the right. La banca è a destra. Tim is at school right now. Tim è a scuola adesso. Nota che in inglese non esiste un equivalente alla combinazione di preposizione + articolo in italiano. at the cinema al cinema
Si usa at: • nelle espressioni at home, at school, at work; I’ll be at home all evening. Sarò a casa tutta la sera. I won’t be at school tomorrow. Non sarò a scuola domani. • in riferimento a eventi (feste, concerti, conferenze ecc.) e posti dove hanno luogo eventi o attività specifici (palestra, cinema, ristorante ecc.). We met at a party. Ci siamo conosciuti a una festa. Let’s meet at the cinema. Troviamoci al cinema. TIP
Il modo migliore per imparare come si usano le preposizioni di luogo è imparare le regole generali e poi prendere nota di tutti gli usi specifici quando li si sente/legge. We sat at the back of the bus. Ci siamo seduti in fondo all’autobus. It’s on the corner of James Street and Bow Street. È all’angolo tra James Street e Bow Street.
274 Unità 100 OUP copyright 2015
Osserva la stanza e completa le frasi con le preposizioni di luogo corrette. There’s a bird outside the window. 1 There are five people the restaurant. 2 The girl is standing a chair. 3 The waiter is standing the girl. 4 The family is sitting the table. 5 There are some flowers a vase the table. 6 There’s some bread the vase and the glasses. 7 There’s a mirror the wall. ▶
EXAM Leggi la mail e completala con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. Here I am ▶ A New York. I’m staying 1 Greenwich Village. The hotel is 2 the end of a little road 3 Mercer Street and Thompson Street. It’s quite 4 Union Square, which is about five minutes’ walk away. My room is 5 the third floor and I’ve got a great view of the street 6 . There are lots of cafés, restaurants and shops 7 here. In fact, there’s a fantastic Italian restaurant on the other side of the street. It’s called Luigi’s. And there’s a great little café 8 Luigi’s. I think they’re owned by the same person, actually. The café’s got some tables and chairs outside on the terrace and it’s a great place to sit and watch the world go by – if it’s not raining, of course! And if it is raining, it’s pretty cool 9 , with lots of interesting art 10 the walls and books to read. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
in at under by near at above in on in at
at on at in next on below between next to opposite in
on in in between opposite near on by at in front of on
next between on on on in by near by inside above
Completa i dialoghi con le preposizioni di luogo corrette. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B
Where did you see Colin? At the gym. Where does Sam live? Oxford. Is Milan Rome? No, they’re about 300 miles apart. Where’s Latvia? It’s one of the Baltic States. It’s Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south. 4 A Where’s your apartment? B It’s the second floor the end of the corridor. ▶
5 A There’s an interesting article about your school the newspaper. It’s page three. B I’ll get the paper. I think it’s the kitchen table. 6 A Where’s your house? B It’s Southfield Road, number 42. It’s the bottom of the hill, the left. 7 A Where’s the bike shop? B It’s the corner of Regent Street and Aston Street. Unità 100 275
Grammar B1
Preposizioni: moto
A Le principali preposizioni di moto
The rabbit’s route from (da) A to (a) B The rabbit came out of (fuori da) the hole, went across (attraverso/da una parte all’altra) the road, over (sopra con o senza contatto) the fence, round/around (intorno) the tree, through (attraverso) the gate, along (lungo) the river, past (oltre) the fisherman, under (sotto) the bridge, up (su) the hill, down (giù) the hill and into (in) the hole.
B To • Si usa in genere to per indicare la destinazione. I usually walk to school. Di solito vado a scuola a piedi. I’m going to the supermarket. Sto andando al supermercato. • Ma si dice: I’m going home. Sto andando a casa. (NON I’m going to home.)
C Into, out of, onto e off • Out of indica il movimento in senso opposto a into. He pushed me into the river. Mi ha spinto dentro il fiume. A snake came out of the river. Un serpente venne fuori dal fiume.
Nota la differenza tra across (attraverso uno spazio aperto) e through (attraverso una soglia o uno spazio chiuso, come un tunnel, ma anche uno spazio aperto in cui si entra, come un parco o una nazione). Nota la differenza tra from (da un punto qualsiasi), out of (da un luogo chiuso verso l’esterno) e off (da un luogo su cui si è, con movimento opposto a onto). He’s coming from London tomorrow. Arriva da Londra domani. He came out of the shop. È uscito dal negozio. He got off his bike. È sceso dalla bici.
• Off indica il movimento in senso opposto a onto. I kicked the ball onto the roof. Ho calciato il pallone sul tetto. The wind blew the ball off the roof. Il vento ha fatto cadere il pallone dal tetto.
D Get into the car, get onto the bus ecc. • Si usa get into e get out of per macchine, taxi e piccole imbarcazioni (barca a remi, canoa ecc.). Get into the car. Sali/Entra in macchina. Where do we get out of the taxi? Dove scendiamo dal taxi? • Si usa get onto e get off per autobus, pullman, treno, aereo, grandi imbarcazioni (nave ecc.), bicicletta, scooter, motocicletta e cavallo. Get onto the scooter. Sali sullo scooter. Where do we get off the bus? Dove scendiamo dall’autobus? TIP
In situazioni informali si possono usare in e on (preposizioni di stato) al posto di into e onto. Get in the car. Sali/Entra in macchina. Get on the scooter. Sali sullo scooter.
276 Unità 101 OUP copyright 2015
Osserva la mappa e completa la descrizione del tragitto di Paola da casa a scuola con le preposizioni di moto corrette. Poi ascolta e controlla. I go ▶ out of my house, turn left and walk 1 the corner. I go 2 the shops and I then turn left 3 the gate and 4 the park. I walk 5 the park. I then go 6 the bridge and I walk 7 the river bank for a short distance. I then go 8 the road, 9 the railway bridge, 10 11 the corner and the hill, which is quite tiring. I then turn left 12 Green Street and the school is on the left. I take the same route in reverse to come back 13 school 14 my house. Sometimes in the morning I take the bus to school. I get 15 the bus near my house and get 16 the bus outside the shops near the school. Completa i brani con le preposizioni di moto corrette. Italy. We drove 1 London 2 Bari. Last summer we went ▶ to 3 4 We went France and Switzerland and the east coast of Italy. We went 5 Greece for our holidays last year. It was amazing when we flew 6 the Alps. We then hired a car at Athens airport and drove 7 Athens 8 the south of Greece. It was exciting when we drove 9 the bridge that goes 10 the Corinth Canal. The canal was about 100 metres below us. We went 11 a small island in the north of England called Holy Island. When the tide is low, you can drive 12 the island 13 a narrow road. The island is very small: you can walk all the way 14 it in a few hours. It’s my favourite place in England.
Completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette. You can get from London to Paris in just over two hours by train. 1 A base jumper is someone who jumps 1 high buildings with a parachute. 2 In 1875, Matthew Webb was the first person to swim 2 the English Channel. He went 3 England 4 France. 3 The first person to sail 5 the world single-handedly was Joshua Slocum in 1895. 4 In the Monaco Grand Prix, the cars go 6 the famous tunnel at over 250 kph. 5 Fell-running is a sport where people run 7 and 8 hills. 6 The world’s longest scheduled flight is 9 New York 10 Singapore. The 11 flight goes the North Pole, Siberia and China. 7 People used to think that the sun went 12 the earth. 8 Route 101 runs 13 the west coast of the USA for 1,500 miles 14 Los Angeles 15 Olympia. It goes 16 the states of California, Oregon and Washington. 9 The Channel Tunnel, which goes 17 the English Channel, is 50 kilometres in length and links Britain and France. 10 In 2012, Mike Hall cycled 18 the world in 91 days and 18 hours. He got 19 his bike in Greenwich, London, on 18th February and rode 20 Europe 21 22 Turkey. He then travelled India, Australia, New Zealand and the United States before returning 23 Europe and cycling back 24 his starting point in Greenwich. He got 25 his bike for the last time on 4th June. ▶
Unità 101 277
Grammar B1
Preposizioni: tempo
A At, on, in • Si usa at per le ore, i periodi, le vacanze e nelle espressioni at the moment, at the weekend e at night. The bus leaves at 6 o’clock. L’autobus parte alle 6. I’ll see you at Christmas. Ci vediamo a Natale. What are you doing at the weekend? Che cosa fai questo fine settimana? • Si usa on per i giorni e per le date. The party’s on Friday. La festa è venerdì. Suzy’s birthday is on 28th May. Il compleanno di Suzy è il 28 maggio. Kim was born on New Year’s Day. Kim è nata il primo dell’anno. • Si usa in per periodi di tempo più lunghi, come mesi, anni, secoli e stagioni. My birthday is in June. Il mio compleanno è a giugno. We got married in 1998. Ci siamo sposati nel 1998. Life was hard in the 1800s. La vita era dura nell’800. It gets very cold in winter. Fa molto freddo in inverno. – Si usa in anche per le parti del giorno. Ma si usa on se si specifica anche il giorno. The exam’s in the afternoon. L’esame è di pomeriggio. The exam’s on Tuesday afternoon. L’esame è martedì pomeriggio. – Si usa in anche per dire quanto tempo ci vuole per fare qualcosa. This pasta cooks in ten minutes. Questa pasta cuoce in dieci minuti. – Si usa in anche per dire tra quanto tempo qualcosa avverrà. The film starts in ten minutes. Il film inizia fra dieci minuti. TIP
In a minute e in a moment sono espressioni utili per dire tra poco. Can you help me? ~ Sure. In a minute. Mi puoi aiutare? ~ Certo. Tra un attimo. I’ll be with you in a moment. Un attimo e sono da te.
Nota che in inglese non esiste un equivalente alla combinazione di preposizione + articolo che si può fare in italiano. in the morning al mattino/ di mattina in the afternoon nel/di pomeriggio
B For Si usa for per parlare della durata di qualcosa. We’re going on holiday for two weeks. Andiamo in vacanza per due settimane. You are at school for six hours each day. Sei a scuola per sei ore ogni giorno. ➔ Vedi anche unità 20.
C From … to/until … • Si usano from … to/until per dire da quando a quando una certa cosa succede. I work from 8.30 to 5.00. Lavoro dalle 8.30 alle 5.00. • From e until possono anche essere usati da soli. I usually watch TV from about 7.30 in the evening. Di solito guardo la TV più o meno dalle 7.30 di sera. You can stay up until midnight. Puoi stare alzato fino a mezzanotte.
D Between … and … Between … and … corrispondono a tra … e … . I usually go to bed between 10.30 and midnight. Di solito vado a letto tra le 22.30 e mezzanotte.
E By Si usa by per dire entro/non più tardi di. I need to finish my work by Friday at the latest. Ho bisogno di finire il mio lavoro entro venerdì al più tardi.
278 Unità 102 OUP copyright 2015
Completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro. four o’clock Saturday Christmas Day
five minutes 15th April my birthday
half past three August 2012
the afternoon winter 8.45
Thursday afternoon Christmas the weekend
four o’clock
Completa le frasi con le preposizioni di tempo corrette. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Riscrivi le frasi con in. ▶
1 2 3 4
My birthday is in July. My birthday is 15th July. I was born 2002. I usually get up 7.15, but I get up later the weekend. I usually watch TV the evening. I have a class Monday morning. I go to school 8.00 2.00. It’s my brother’s birthday Wednesday. The weather is usually very hot summer. In Italy, you have to go to school nine years. The shop is open 8.30 5.30 every day. I need to finish my homework Friday at the latest. I usually get up 9.00 and 10.00 on Sunday morning. I don’t like driving night. I’ll be ready a minute. Could you wait a few minutes, please?
Grammar B1
It’s now 10.30. The lesson finishes at 10.45. The lesson finishes in fifteen minutes. It’s now 10th October. My birthday is on 15th October. It’s now 18th July. The football season starts on 18th August. It’s now 10 o’clock. You need to be at the airport at 1 o’clock. It’s the beginning of the 21st century. What will life be like at the beginning of the 22nd century?
Completa le frasi con le date nel riquadro e la preposizione corretta. 1896 1969 ▶
1 2 3 4 5
2nd June, 1946 367 years
4th July 1939
2.56 a.m./21st July, 1969
American Independence Day is on 4th July Italy became a republic . The first modern Olympic Games were held in Greece The Second World War lasted Humans first walked on the moon There were then six manned moon landings The Romans ruled Britain .
. . to 1945. . and 1972.
Unità 102 279
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 100–102 Preposizioni: luogo, moto, tempo 1
Completa il brano con le preposizioni corrette. the town centre – you can walk there 1 15 minutes. Our house is quite ▶ near If you don’t want to walk, you can get the bus 2 the main bus station in town. Get 3 the bus 4 the first stop after the university. There’s a petrol station 5 the left. Walk 6 it and soon you’ll see my road – Southfield Road. Our house is number 32, which is 7 the end of the road. There’s a big tree next to it and there is a big fish pond 8 the front garden. There is a big park at the back of our house that I can see when I look 9 my bedroom window. I often meet my friends there 10 summer. To get there, I just go 11 a path that is 12 our house and our neighbour’s, and go 13 a small gate into the park. I usually meet my friends 14 the café and have a drink 15 there. Sometimes we go the fountain and throw money 16 it and 17 make a wish. Sometimes we climb to the top of the hill and look down at the town below.
Completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
School starts at 7.45 and finishes at 2.30 in the afternoon. th My birthday is July, the 24 . I was born 1998. The post office isn’t open yet. It opens five minutes, 8.30. It says you can only park here an hour the daytime. But there’s unlimited parking the evening and the weekend. The castle was built the 1600s, I think. It’s only open to visitors the morning 12 o’clock. The shopping centre’s been here about ten years, I think. It’s open every day, even Christmas Day. I usually work 9.00 5.30, Monday Friday, and I sometimes work the evening, too. Sometimes I don’t get home before 10 or 11 night. And I sometimes work Saturdays, too.
Completa i dialoghi con le preposizioni di stato in luogo, moto a luogo o di tempo. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A Did you get wet when it started raining? the park, so we stood 1 B Not really. We were ▶ in 2 about ten minutes.
a tree. It only rained
the museum? I’ll be arriving by train. 2 A How do I get 3 B You can walk there 4 the train station. Go 5 the main entrance of the station and walk down the road until you get 6 some traffic lights. Turn left there and then you’ll see the museum 7 the right. It’s directly 8 a big church on the other side of the road. There’s a sign 9 the wall that says ‘City Museum’. You can’t miss it. 3 A Can you tell me where Mr Smith’s office is? B Yes. It’s on the third floor. You can take the lift or go 10 11 the third floor, turn left and Mr Smith’s office is 12
280 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 100–102
the stairs. When you get the right.
4 A Are you going on holiday next year? B Yes, we’re going 13 America 14 August. We’re going 15 three weeks. We’re going to spend a week 16 New York and then we’re flying 17 San Francisco. We’re hiring a car and we’re going to drive 18 San Francisco 19 Las Vegas. A Nice. We went there a few years ago – 20 2009, I think. I was about ten. But we 21 22 just stayed Florida two weeks.
Completa la mail con le preposizioni corrette.
Hi Carlo, I’m having a really good time here ▶ C England. I’m 1 Bournemouth, which is the south coast. I’m doing an English course 3 a language school. We have lessons 4 9.30 5 12.30 and 6 the afternoon we visit places or do sports. 7 Yesterday, we went a park and played football against another school. We won! 2
the centre of Bournemouth 9 the sea – you can walk there The school is 8 10 about ten minutes. The school has students who come 11 lots of different countries and we are all 12 14 and 16 years old. The lessons are really fun and I am learning a lot. the language school. I I am staying with an English family, and every day I walk 13 go 14 a road that is close to the sea for about a kilometre and then 15 a park that goes 16 the sea 17 the town centre. It’s a really nice walk. Anyway, I have to go now because we have a lesson 18
five minutes.
Please email me back soon. Ciao, Salvatore ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
on at on in at at on at on behind from for in at through through from at from
at to for at in on at on at near to from at for along over for to at
in in from on from until in in in next for in from in across along in in in
to on to to for between to to to in front of in to between to over onto to across to
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 100–102 281
Preposizione + sostantivo
A Preposizione + sostantivo Ci sono molte espressioni formate da preposizione + sostantivo. Ecco alcune delle più comuni e utili. on + sostantivo
out of + sostantivo
on foot a piedi on holiday in vacanza on the phone al telefono on purpose di proposito/apposta on strike in sciopero on television/the radio in televisione/alla radio
out of date obsoleto out of luck sfortunato (in una circostanza specifica) out of order fuori servizio out of work disoccupato
in + sostantivo in advance in anticipo in cash in contanti in fashion di moda in a hurry di fretta
by + sostantivo by car/bus in macchina/autobus by accident per errore
for + sostantivo for breakfast/lunch a colazione/pranzo (go) for a drink/for a walk (andare) a bere qualcosa/ fare una passeggiata for Christmas per Natale for sale in vendita
up to + sostantivo up to date aggiornato
under + sostantivo under control sotto controllo
B At the end, in the end At the end (of) e in the end corrispondono entrambi a alla fine. Però c’è una differenza importante. • At the end (of) indica semplicemente la posizione di qualcosa. We’re going on holiday at the end of July. Andiamo in vacanza alla fine di luglio. They scored a penalty at the end of the game. Hanno segnato un rigore alla fine della partita. • In the end indica che sono successe cose prima di arrivare a quel punto. We got lost, but we found the house in the end. Ci siamo persi, ma alla fine abbiamo trovato la casa. At first, we wanted to go to France, but in the end we decided to go to Italy. Dapprima volevamo andare in Francia, ma alla fine abbiamo deciso di andare in Italia.
C On the way, in the way • On the way significa durante il tragitto/sulla strada per. Shall we call at your house on the way to school? Passiamo da casa tua mentre andiamo a scuola? • In the way significa che ostruisce. I can’t see. There are too many people in the way. Non riesco a vedere. Ci sono troppe persone in mezzo. TIP
Si può dire on my way, on his way ecc., per dire che qualcuno è in viaggio: Jack’s just phoned. He says he’s on his way. Jack ha chiamato. Ha detto che sta arrivando.
D On time, in time • On time significa puntuale/in orario. The train left exactly on time. Il treno è partito puntualissimo. I hope the bus is on time today. Spero che l’autobus sia in orario oggi. • In time significa in tempo. Il contrario è too late (troppo tardi ). Did you get to the shop in time? ~ No, it was already closed. Siete arrivati al negozio in tempo? ~ No, era già chiuso. TIP
Si può usare just in time per dire giusto in tempo. We got to the station just in time. They were closing the train doors. Siamo arrivati alla stazione giusto in tempo. Stavano chiudendo le porte del treno.
282 Unità 103 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2
3 4 5 6
Completa i dialoghi con le preposizioni corrette. Poi ascolta e controlla. A A A A A A A A B 8 A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Did you come here by / in bus? No, I came by / in train. Sorry we’re late. First, the bus didn’t leave in / on time and then it broke down in / on the way. You should have come by / in car. Where’s Alice? She’s gone for / to a walk by the river. Well, lunch will be ready in five minutes. I hope she gets back in / on time. Is the Arsenal game in / on TV tonight? Let me check. Er, no, you’re out of / under luck, I’m afraid. They’re showing the Chelsea game. Have you decided where to go in / on holiday? Well, we thought about England, or Ireland, but at / in the end we decided to go to France. How do you get to school? By / On foot. But if I’m in / on a hurry, I go by / on bike. Did Harry delete the photograph in / on purpose? Well, he said he did it by / in accident.
How much are the tickets? B €15 in advance or €20 on the night. Did you pay cash? B No, credit card. What did you have lunch today? B I was a hurry, so I just had a sandwich. Where’s Harry? B He’s in the living room, the phone. What on earth are we going to do? B Don’t panic. Everything is control. Where’s Teresa? B She’s just phoned. She’s her way. Is that a new bike? B Quite new. I got it Christmas from my mum and dad. Apparently there are now over five million people work. Yes, I heard that the radio this morning. I’m just going to get a coffee from the machine. B It’s order, I’m afraid.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Is it quicker to drive or take the train? (car) Is it quicker to go by car or take the train? Don’t be late for the interview. (time) You must for the interview. The final scene of the film was fantastic. (end) the film was fantastic. The scene This price list is out of date, I’m afraid. (date) This price list isn’t , I’m afraid. The Smiths are selling their house, aren’t they? (sale) The Smiths’ house , isn’t it? Over a million people haven’t got a job at the moment. (work) Over a million people at the moment. The drinks machine isn’t working at the moment. (order) The drinks machine at the moment. I’ve no idea what clothes are fashionable at the moment. (fashion) at the moment. I’ve no idea what The workers have stopped working to demand a pay rise. (strike) The workers to demand a pay rise. Unità 103 283
Grammar B1
Verbi + preposizione
A Verbo + preposizione Alcuni verbi sono usati con una preposizione. Ecco alcuni tra i più utili. apologize to/for I apologized to her for being late. Le ho chiesto scusa per essere stato in ritardo. apply for I’ve applied for a new job. Ho fatto domanda per un nuovo lavoro. ask for Did you ask for a clean knife? Hai chiesto un coltello pulito? believe in Do you believe in love at first sight? Credi nell’amore a prima vista? belong to Who does this belong to? A chi appartiene questo? complain about/to He complained to the manager about the service. Si è lamentato del servizio col gestore. concentrate on I need to concentrate on my work. Ho bisogno di concentrarmi sul lavoro. depend on We may go out. It depends on the weather. Forse usciamo. Dipende dal tempo. dream about I dreamt about you last night! Ieri notte ti ho sognato/ho fatto un sogno su di te! dream of I dream of being a billionaire one day. Sogno di diventare miliardario un giorno. happen to What happened to you? Che cosa ti è successo? hear about Did you hear about Matt’s party? Hai sentito della festa di Matt? hear from Have you heard from Peter recently? Hai sentito Peter ultimamente? hear of I’ve never heard of this band. Non ho mai sentito parlare di questo gruppo. listen to Sssh! I’m listening to the radio. Fai silenzio! Sto ascoltando la radio. live on He lives on burgers and cola! Vive di hamburger e cola! look after Can you look after my cat? Puoi badare al mio gatto? look/stare at What are you looking at? Che cosa guardi? look for What are you looking for? Che cosa cerchi? pay for I’ll pay for lunch. Il pranzo lo pago io. play for I play for the school football team. Gioco a calcio nella squadra della scuola. rely on You can always rely on me. Puoi sempre contare su di me. speak/talk to Did you speak/talk to Harry last night? Hai parlato con Harry ieri sera? think about/of I’m thinking of buying this DVD. Sto pensando di comprare questo DVD. travel/run/fly at The train travels at about 200 km/h. Il treno viaggia a circa 200 km all’ora. wait for I’m waiting for the taxi. Sto aspettando il taxi. write to Did you write to Alex? Hai scritto ad Alex? TIP Nota che si dice write to, ma non si usa una preposizione con i verbi phone, call, ring, email e text. I’ll write to you soon. Ti scrivo presto. I’ll call you tomorrow. Ti chiamo domani. I’ll email Jim later. Dopo mando una mail a Jim.
B Verbo + preposizione + forma in -ing Dopo verbo + preposizione si usa la forma in -ing del verbo. He apologized for being late. Si scusò per essere in ritardo. I’m thinking of buying a car. Sto pensando di comprare una macchina. ➔ Vedi unità 105 e 106 per l’uso delle preposizioni + forma in -ing.
Che preposizione reggono i verbi nel riquadro? Scrivili nella colonna corretta. apply live to
284 Unità 104 OUP copyright 2015
ask pay
belong rely
concentrate talk for
depend wait on
happen write
Completa i dialoghi con i verbi seguiti dalle preposizioni dell’esercizio 1. Usa ciascun verbo + preposizione una volta soltanto. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Was Karen at the party? Yes. I saw her, but I didn’t talk to her. Who does this bag ? Is it yours? No. I think it’s Riccardo’s. Be quiet! I the radio. Sorry! Are we still going to the beach at the weekend? Maybe. It the weather. I’m fed up with my job. Why don’t you a new one? My hotel room is very small. And it’s cold. You should a different one. What you? You’re soaking wet! I forgot my umbrella. There’s a lot of poverty in the world. Yes. Some people have to just a few dollars a day. Aunty Jane has sent me £20 for my birthday. Make sure you her to say thank you. I’ll lunch. You paid last time. Thank you. That’s very kind of you. Tom’s very reliable. Yes, you can always him. We need to leave now. OK, you go ahead and I’ll John. He’s almost ready, I think. Please don’t disturb me. I need to my project. Sorry!
Questi verbi reggono una preposizione diversa a seconda del contesto. Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3
Grammar B1
Have you heard from/of a group called The Changelings? No, I haven’t. What kind of music do they play? Did you complain to/about the waiter to/about the service? Yes, we did. And he apologized to/for us to/for the terrible food, as well. Have you heard the news of/about Penelope? No. In fact, I haven’t heard of/from Penelope for ages. No emails, no phone calls, nothing. What are you looking at/for? Have you lost something? Yes. My keys. Are you blind? They’re there. You’re looking right for/at them! I had a strange dream last night. What did you dream of/about? I dreamt I was living on the moon!
Completa le domande con le preposizioni corrette. ▶
1 2 3 4
Do you belong to any clubs? ghosts? Do you believe What did you dream last night? Which band do you dream meeting? How much money do you live a week?
5 6 7 8
Who pays your school books? What kind of music do you listen ? Which of your friends can you most rely Do you play any sports teams? Unità 104 285
Verbi + complemento oggetto + preposizione
A Verbo + complemento oggetto + preposizione Alcuni verbi seguono la costruzione verbo + complemento oggetto + preposizione. Ecco alcuni tra i più utili. accuse someone of He accused us of cheating. Ci ha accusato di imbrogliare. arrest someone for The police arrested him for theft. La polizia l’ha arrestato per furto. ask someone for He asked us for some money. Ci ha chiesto dei soldi. blame someone for They blamed Jim for the accident. Hanno incolpato Jim dell’incidente. borrow something from I borrowed €20 from Jim. Ho preso in prestito €20 da Jim. congratulate someone on She congratulated Sam on his victory. Si è congratulata con Sam per la vittoria. cut/divide/separate something into Cut the pizza into four pieces. Taglia la pizza in quattro. do something about There’s nothing I can do about it. Non posso farci niente. explain something to Can you explain the rules to me? Mi puoi spiegare le regole? invite someone to I didn’t invite Scott to the party. Non ho invitato Scott alla festa. lend something to I lent my scooter to Tim. Ho prestato il mio scooter a Tim. prefer something to I prefer tea to coffee. Preferisco il tè al caffè. prevent someone/thing from The bar prevents you from falling. La sbarra ti impedisce di cadere. protect someone/thing from The spray protects you from insects. Lo spray ti protegge dagli insetti. provide someone with They provide us with support. Ci forniscono assistenza. remind someone about Please remind me about the milk. Ricordami di comprare latte. remind someone of This house reminds me of my granny. Questa casa mi ricorda mia nonna. share something with He shared his lunch with me. Ha diviso il suo pranzo con me. spend something on I spend all my money on music. Spendo tutti i miei soldi in musica. suspect someone of She suspects him of lying. Sospetta che lui dica bugie. tell someone about Who told you about the party? Chi ti ha detto della festa? thank someone for She thanked him for all his help. Lo ringraziò per tutto l’aiuto. throw something at He threw a stone at the wolf. Lanciò una pietra contro il lupo. throw/pass something to He threw the keys to me. Mi lanciò le chiavi. translate something from/into I translated it from Russian into English. L’ho tradotto dal russo all’inglese. warn someone about He warned us about cheating. Ci ha avvertito di non imbrogliare. Nota la differenza tra remind about (ricordare a qualcuno di qualcosa che deve ancora accadere) e remind of (ricordare a qualcuno qualcosa del passato). Nota anche la differenza tra remember e remind. Remember si usa per parlare di ricordi che si hanno e di cose che ci si ricorda, remind significa ricordarsi di qualcosa in risposta a uno stimolo esterno. Of course I remember you. Certo che mi ricordo di te. You remind me of your mother. Mi ricordi tua madre. TIP
Nota che si può usare ask senza complemento di termine. We asked for a clean glass. Abbiamo chiesto un bicchiere pulito.
B Verbo + oggetto + preposizione + forma in -ing La costruzione verbo + oggetto + preposizione regge la forma in -ing, non l’infinito. He accused me of stealing the money. Mi accusò di aver rubato i soldi. (NON He accused me of to have stolen the money.) The storm prevented them from leaving. La tempesta gli ha impedito di partire. (NON The storm prevented them from to leave.)
286 Unità 105 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Can you pass this dictionary to Daniela? A Have you got your own bedroom? B No. I share one my brother. A Do you have to buy your own books for school? B No. The school provides us them. A Do you know how to play this game? B No. Can you explain the rules us? A What do you spend most money ? B Food and drink, I imagine. A Sorry we’re late. We waited for ages for a bus. B I should have warned you that. A Do you like football? B It’s OK, but I prefer rugby football. A What’s this? B It’s a parasol. It’s like an umbrella, but it protects you the sun. A There are too many of us for one taxi. B Yes. Let’s separate two groups. A Who won the tennis? B The rain prevented them finishing the game. A Have you thanked Aunt Greta your present? B Yes. I emailed her last night. A We need to do something the garden. It’s a terrible mess. B I agree. Let’s spend some time it at the weekend.
Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Completa le frasi con le parole da ciascun riquadro e la preposizione corretta. borrow €20
translate the ball
lend the cake 1
She’s passing the ball to
the letter 2
Grammar B1
She’s receiving the ball from 1 Tom’s Dan’s ▶
number 4.
2 She’s
number 7. Dan. Tom.
She’s 3 She’s She’s
Italian. six pieces. her friends.
Riferisci queste frasi con le parole tra parentesi e una preposizione. Sam 1 Jim 2 Paul 3 Jane
‘Peter caused the accident.’ (blamed) Sam blamed Peter for causing the accident. ‘You broke the window, Henry.’ (accused) ‘Maria, do you want to come to my party?’ (invited) ‘I hear you passed your driving test, Katie. Well done.’ (congratulated)
4 Yuko 5 Alex
‘I like baseball more than football.’ (prefers) ‘When I hear this song, I always think about my holiday last summer.’ (reminds) This song reminds ‘Don’t forget about the washing-up, Violetta.’ (reminded)
6 Silvia 7 8 9 10
Francis Debbie Fred Lucy
‘I think Harry stole the money.’ (suspects) ‘Thanks, Oliver. Your help is appreciated.’ (thanked) ‘Be careful of the dog, John.’ (warned) ‘Can you give me some advice, Chiara?’ (asked) Unità 105 287
Aggettivi + preposizione
Alcuni aggettivi sono seguiti da una preposizione. Ecco alcuni tra i più utili.
A Aggettivi che descrivono un atteggiamento o un sentimento (be) afraid/frightened/scared of avere paura di (be) ashamed of vergognarsi di bored/fed up with annoiato/stufo di disappointed in/with deluso da enthusiastic about entusiasta di excited about contentissimo di interested in interessato a keen on entusiasta di optimistic/pessimistic about ottimista/pessimista verso
pleased with/about molto contento di proud of orgoglioso di realistic about realistico verso sorry about/for spiacente per/di sure about sicuro di surprised by sorpreso da upset about molto dispiaciuto per worried/nervous about preoccupato per
B Altri aggettivi covered in ricoperto di different from diverso da equivalent/equal to equivalente a famous/well known for noto per full of pieno di
married/engaged to sposato/fidanzato con responsible for responsabile di short of a corto di similar to simile a typical of tipico da parte di
C Good, bad, excellent ecc. Gli aggettivi che esprimono gradi di abilità (good, bad, excellent, brilliant, useless, OK, not bad ecc.) reggono la preposizione at. Anna’s brilliant at tennis. Anna è bravissima a tennis. Are you any good at skiing? Sei bravo a sciare?
D Angry, annoyed, furious • Si può usare la costruzione angry/annoyed/furious + with + (qualcuno) + for + (qualcosa). I’m angry with Steve for not waiting for me. Sono arrabbiato con Steve per non avermi aspettato. • Oppure si può usare la costruzione angry/annoyed/furious + about (qualcosa). I’m annoyed about failing the exam. Sono seccato per non aver superato l’esame.
E Aggettivo + to/of + (qualcuno) • Si possono usare aggettivi come nice (simpatico), kind (gentile), friendly (cordiale), good (buono, gentile), generous (generoso), mean (cattivo, perfido), rude (maleducato, sgarbato), (im)polite (maleducato/beneducato) con la preposizione to + (qualcuno) per dire nei confronti di (qualcuno). The waiter was rude to me. Il cameriere è stato sgarbato con me. Our teacher is always very nice to us. La nostra insegnante è sempre molto gentile con noi. • Si possono usare aggettivi come nice, kind, friendly, good, generous, greedy (avido), mean, stupid (stupido), sensible (ragionevole), rude, (im)polite, unfair (ingiusto) con la preposizione of + (qualcuno) per dire da parte di (qualcuno). Thanks for the present. It’s very kind of you and very generous of you as well. Grazie per il regalo. È molto gentile da parte tua e anche molto generoso. TIP
Per dire che cosa ha fatto la persona che è stata kind, good, stupid ecc. si usa l’infinito. It’s good of you to help me. È gentile da parte tua aiutarmi. It was rude of you to leave without saying goodbye. È stato scortese da parte tua andartene senza salutare.
F Aggettivo + preposizione + forma in -ing Quando si usa un verbo dopo un aggettivo + preposizione si usa la forma in -ing. I’m fed up with waiting. Sono stufo di aspettare. (NON I’m fed up with to wait.) 288 Unità 106 OUP copyright 2015
Che preposizione reggono gli aggettivi nel riquadro? Scrivili nella colonna corretta. afraid fed up similar about
allergic full sure of
bad good surprised to
bored interested typical by
covered married upset
enthusiastic OK worried with
equivalent optimistic
excited proud
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Inizia con la seconda frase. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
You ignored them all evening. It was rude. It was rude of you to ignore them all evening. You helped me. It was very kind. You ate all the biscuits. It was greedy. Katie gave Sara €50 for her birthday. It was very generous. You jumped in the river. It was stupid. Natalie remembered my birthday. It was nice.
Completa i dialoghi con gli aggettivi + preposizioni a pagina 288. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Are you e xcited about your holiday? Yes, I can’t wait. What have you been doing? You’re c paint! We’ve been decorating Jake’s bedroom. I’m n my exam. Relax, you’ll be fine. Stop worrying! Have you heard? Tom Sharpe’s getting m Jenny’s sister! Married? They’ve only known each other a few weeks! My son has just got his black belt in judo. I imagine you’re very p him. I hate aeroplanes. I’ve always been a flying. You’ll be OK. Everything will be fine. How many litres is a gallon e ? I think a gallon is about 4.5 litres. Do you play a musical instrument? I play the guitar, but I’m pretty b it. I’m b this book. I’m going to stop reading it. Oh, I quite enjoyed it, actually. Are you s growing a moustache? Well, no, I’m not certain. But I can shave it off if I don’t like it, can’t I? I hear Steve’s got a new job. Yes, he’s r the regional sales team – over a hundred people. What was the party like last night? It was great. It was f university students celebrating the end of their exams. A Doesn’t Joe look like his dad? B Yes. They’re quite s each other in terms of personality, too.
Unità 106 289
Grammar B1
Sostantivi + preposizione
A Sostantivo + preposizione Alcuni sostantivi sono spesso seguiti da una preposizione. Ecco alcuni tra i più utili. The advantage of this course is that you can do it online. Il vantaggio di questo corso è che lo si può fare online. answer to What’s the answer to question 2? Qual è la risposta alla domanda 2? attack on This is an attack on our rights. Questo è un attacco contro i nostri diritti. attitude to/towards I don’t like your attitude towards me. Non mi piace il tuo atteggiamento nei miei confronti. cause of What was the cause of the accident? Qual è stata la causa dell’incidente? chance of There’s a good chance of rain later. C’è una buona possibilità di pioggia più tardi. damage to Did you do any damage to the car? Hai fatto danni alla macchina? difference between There’s no difference between the two. Non ci sono differenze tra i due. difficulty with I’m having difficulty with my computer. Ho dei problemi col mio computer. experience of She has a lot of experience of travel. Ha molta esperienza di viaggio. invitation to Did you get an invitation to Amy’s party? Hai ricevuto l’invito alla festa di Amy? matter with What’s the matter with you? You look worried. Che cos’hai? Sembri preoccupato. mixture of It’s a mixture of old and new styles. È un misto di stili vecchi e nuovi. opinion of What’s your opinion of Jim? Qual è la tua opinione su Jim? photograph/picture of Here’s a photograph of my brother. Ecco una fotografia di mio fratello. price of A big problem in many countries is the rising price of food. Un problema grave in molti paesi è il crescente prezzo del cibo. reaction to What was his reaction to the news? Qual è stata la sua reazione alla notizia? reason for There’s no reason for worrying. Non c’è motivo di preoccuparsi. relationship with I have a great relationship with Tim. Ho un ottimo rapporto con Tim. research into He did some research into internet use. Ha fatto una ricerca sull’uso dell’Internet. respect for I have a lot of respect for my teacher. Ho molta stima della mia insegnante. room for Is there room for me in the car? C’è posto per me nella macchina? solution/answer to Do you have a solution to the problem? Hai una soluzione al problema? trouble/problems with I’m having trouble with maths. Ho problemi con la matematica. advantage of
B Desire, need ecc. + for Desire (desiderio), need (bisogno), demand (richiesta), wish (desiderio), hope (speranza) e request (richiesta) reggono for. There is a great need for more public transport in the city. C’è molto bisogno di più trasporti pubblici nella città. There is a great demand for real democracy. C’è una grande richiesta di democrazia vera.
C Connection, link ecc. Parole che indicano rapporti tra persone/cose, come connection (collegamento/legame), link (collegamento), contrast (contrasto/differenza), relationship (rapporto), contact (contatto), problem (problema), trouble (problema/guai) reggono with se si tratta di una cosa o persona, o between se si parla di due o più cose/persone. Crime has a connection with poverty. Il crimine ha un legame con la povertà. There’s a connection between crime and poverty. C’è un legame tra il crimine e la povertà.
D Increase, decrease ecc. I sostantivi che indicano cambiamento come increase (aumento), decrease (diminuzione), rise (rialzo), fall (caduta) reggono in, of, from e to. Last year, there was an increase in unemployment of 1.5%. The increase was from 4.0% to 5.5%. Lo scorso anno c’è stato un aumento della disoccupazione dell’1,5%. L’aumento è stato dal 4,0% al 5,5%. 290 Unità 107 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B ▶
2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
I need a lift. Have you got room for / of one more in the car? Yes, I think we can fit you in. What’s the difference between / of these phones? One has a 20 GB memory and the other has 40 GB. The advantage of / with a bigger memory is that you can store more photos, videos and songs. I’m doing some research into / of the effects of greenhouse gases on our environment. Oh, really? So what’s your opinion to / of the new electric cars? What’s the answer of / to question 3? I’m not sure. I’m having difficulty for / with question 3, actually. Have you had much experience for / of working in a shop? Yes, I have. And I feel that I’ve always had a good relationship to / with the customers. There has been a massive fall in / on CD sales in the last few years. Yes, I think there’s been a decrease at / of about 80% since 2005. There’s been a lot of strong reaction of / to the latest rise in / of student fees. Yes, they’ve gone up with / by 10%, haven’t they? There’s been a lot of trouble with / between students and local residents recently. There’s been a big increase in / of complaints about noisy student parties, and so on. Yes, people should have more respect for / to each other.
Completa i titoli di giornale con le preposizioni corrette. ▶
We need a solution to global warming, says US President
life on Mars is a fake
Islamic leader receives Vatican invitation
wheels was cause Problems train crash, says report
Poverty main reason crime increase
Attack damage
airport causes three planes
missing mountaineers fades
Completa le frasi con le parole da ciascun riquadro e la preposizione corretta. the answers the price
a connection the increase/a rise
an invitation trouble
a photo
my computer the Coliseum the questions petrol global temperature/over 1°C Sam and Anna’s wedding
your height
▶ The answer key shows you the answers to the questions . 1 We’ve got . They’re getting married in July. 2 I need for my project on famous sights in Rome. I’ll get one from the internet. 3 Have you seen ? It’s gone up by over 20 pence a litre! We’d better start going by bus a bit more. 4 I’ve just read a news article that says there’s and how long you live. It says taller people generally live longer than short people. from 1900 to 2000. There’s been 5 This graph shows . 6 I’m having . Can you have a look at it for me? I think it might be that new photo software I installed the other day.
Unità 107 291
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 103–107 Espressioni con preposizioni 1
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B A 2 A B 3 A B A 4 A B A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B A 8 A B 9 A B
What are you listening ▶ at / to ? It’s the new Monkeys album. The Monkeys? I’ve never heard 1from / of them! Sorry we’re late. We waited for ages 2 of / for a bus. I should’ve warned you 3 about / for that. You can never rely 4 on / of the buses here. Do you want to go 5 for / to a walk at the weekend? Well, it depends 6 of / on the weather. OK, we can check the weather forecast 7 in / on the internet. What’s happened 8at / to you? You’re covered 9 in / of mud! Fabio and I have been playing rugby in the park. I didn’t know you were interested 10in / of rugby. Didn’t you? I much prefer it 11of / to football. And Fabio plays 12 for / to the school team. He’s really good 13at / in it. Did you delete those photos? Yes, sorry. I pressed the wrong button 14by / in mistake. I didn’t do it 15on / in purpose. Are you more similar 16with / to your mother or your father? I’d say 17in / on general I’m much more like my mother. I’m quite different 18with / from my father, actually. Do you prefer reading or watching films? Well, I like both. But 19on / in the whole, I’d say I prefer a good book. What about you? I prefer films, I think. I can get bored 20with / from a book quite quickly. So, have you decided where you’re going 21on / to holiday? Well, we thought 22of / to going to Spain, but 23in / at the end we decided to go to Portugal. I’m a bit short 24 with / of money. Can I owe you the money for the taxi? Don’t worry. I’ll pay 25for / about the taxi. Your house is 26in / on the way to mine, anyway.
Completa le informazioni con le preposizioni corrette.
Alaska used to belong to
1 The Harry Potter books have been translated
more than 72 languages.
2 Americans spend over $100 billion
fast food every year.
3 The Amazon rainforest provides the earth
more than 20% of its oxygen.
4 A fruitarian is someone who lives entirely fruitarians in the world.
fruit and seeds. There are several million
5 48% of Americans believe
6 China and Russia both share their border
14 countries.
7 Light travels about 300,000 km per second. One light year is equivalent about 10,000,000,000,000 km. 8 Termites work faster if they listen 9 The chance
rock music.
winning the EuroMillions Lottery is 1 in 76 million.
10 The cheetah, the world’s fastest animal, can run
292 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 103–107
over 100 kph.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. Visit London London is the capital of the United Kingdom and is one of the most multicultural cities in the world. At first, visitors are struck by the large size of London. However, travelling around the city ▶ C bus or underground – and even on the river – is easy. It can be helpful to plan your journey 1 advance using the Transport for London website, and also to buy a Travelcard so that you don’t spend a lot 2 transport. London is world-famous 3 its tourist sites, 4 which are a fascinating mixture monuments, historic buildings, world-class museums, galleries and shops. Most of these attractions are located around the central area and are easily reached 5 foot. Londoners are very friendly people and are always enthusiastic 6 helping you, so you can always ask someone 7 help if you get lost. London also has a number of lively entertainment areas, such as Knightsbridge and Soho, which are full 8 bars, theatres, restaurants and buzzing nightlife. When you add London’s history and royal traditions to what the city offers, it is easy to see why Londoners are proud 9 their city, even though they complain 10 it at times! ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
in on to at in by to for for to at
with in for of for on for with with at about
by at in for with with in of in of in
of by on from of of about to of for to
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
They are selling their car, I think. (sale) Their car is for sale , I think. Sam borrowed £10 from Jenny. (lent) Jenny Sam. Flying makes me very nervous. (afraid) I flying. I think this is Maria’s bag. (belongs) I think Maria. Everyone thought Eric broke the window. (blamed) Everyone the window. Has Peter been in touch with you recently? (heard) Have you recently? The coffee machine hasn’t been working for weeks. (order) The coffee machine has for weeks. Please be punctual for the meeting. (time) Please arrive meeting Can you fit another person in the car? (room) in the car? Is there
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 103–107 293
Phrasal verbs
Un phrasal verb è un verbo + particella (on, in, off, up ecc.) il cui significato è dato dalla combinazione di verbo e particella e non è lo stesso del significato separato del verbo e della particella. The machine broke down. (= The machine stopped working.) La macchina ha avuto un guasto. She takes after her mother. (= She has a similar personality to her mother.) È come sua madre. I came across an old photo. (= I found an old photo by accident.) Ho trovato per caso una vecchia foto. ➔ Vedi pagina 497 per un ulteriore elenco di phrasal verbs.
A Verbo + particella (senza oggetto) Questi phrasal verbs sono intransitivi (non reggono un complemento oggetto). We set off at 6.30. Ci siamo messi in viaggio alle 6.30. come/go back ritornare get up alzarsi go off suonare (per esempio la sveglia) B2
hang out passare tempo meet up incontrarsi set off mettersi in viaggio
speed up accelerare turn up venire, arrivare
B Verbo + complemento oggetto + particella (separabile) Questi phrasal verbs sono transitivi (reggono un complemento oggetto). Il complemento va quasi sempre tra il verbo e la particella. Turn the light off. Spegni la luce. Throw the boxes away. Butta via le scatole. Turn it off. Spegnila. Throw them away. Buttale via. Comunque, se il complemento è un sostantivo, può anche andare dopo la particella. Turn off the light. Throw away the boxes. Se il complemento è un pronome, non può andare dopo la particella. (NON Turn off it.) (NON Throw away them.) TIP
Di solito il complemento va dopo la particella se è lungo. I threw away the boxes that Tom’s new computer came in. Ho buttato le scatole in cui è arrivato il nuovo computer di Tom. (NON I threw the boxes that Tom’s new computer came in away.) back up corroborare/sostenere, fare copie call off cancellare fill in/out riempire/compilare give up rinunciare/smettere hand in consegnare look up cercare in un elenco make up inventare/fabbricare put off posporre, ritardare
put on mettersi/indossare sort out sistemare/organizzare/risolvere switch/turn/put off spegnere throw away buttare via tidy/clear up mettere in ordine try on misurare/provare indumenti turn down respingere, abbassare wake up svegliare
C Verbo + particella + complemento oggetto (non separabile) Questi phrasal verbs sono transitivi (reggono un complemento oggetto) ma il complemento va sempre dopo la particella. Look after the children. Bada ai bambini. (NON Look the children after.) Look after them. Badaci. (NON Look them after.) deal with avere a che fare con, gestire do without fare a meno di get over superare/guarire look after badare a/prendersi cura di TIP
look into investigare run/bump into incontrare per caso run/go after inseguire
Nota che alcuni phrasal verbs possono essere sia transitivi che intransitivi con un significato diverso. I turned up the volume. Ho alzato il volume. Only three people turned up for the meeting. Solo tre persone si sono presentate alla riunione. I took off my coat. Mi sono tolto il cappotto. The plane took off. L’aereo è decollato.
294 Unità 108 OUP copyright 2015
Completa il brano con i phrasal verbs nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. get up
go off
hang out
meet up
put on
put on
set off
wake up
My day at 7.30. I lie in bed for a few minutes and then I I usually ▶ wake up when my alarm clock 1 3 2 and my school uniform. I have breakfast and then I usually 4 for school with a few at about 8.15. After school, I do my homework. I then usually go to the park and 5 and listen to music. Then it’s back home for dinner at about seven friends. We generally just 6 some music and chat to friends online. o’clock. After dinner, I generally watch TV or 7
Riscrivi le parti in grassetto in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa una parola da ciascun riquadro. call
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
She is very similar to her mother. She takes after her mother. They’ve cancelled the meeting. The children invented a new game. I’ll investigate the cost of hiring a car for the weekend. Ronaldo recovered from his injury quickly. I need to find the meaning of this word in the dictionary. Why don’t you wear the shirt for a short time to see if it suits you?
Grammar B1
Jane stopped smoking a few years ago. I don’t work with customers in my job. Only two candidates arrived for their interviews. The match has been postponed until next week. Can you complete this form, please? You should always save your data on another hard drive.
Completa le risposte con i phrasal verbs tra parentesi e un pronome al posto del sostantivo. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
What shall I do with my jacket? Give it to me. I’ll hang it up for you. (hang up) The music’s too loud. OK. I’ll . (turn down) Do you want to keep these old socks? No, I want to . (throw away) Do you always wear your glasses? Yes, all the time. I can’t . (do without) There’s a problem with the computer. I’m busy. Can you ? (sort out) What does ‘gig’ mean? I don’t know. in the dictionary. (look up) I’ve got a cold. I feel terrible. Oh, I’m sure you’ll in a day or two. (get over) Unità 108 295
Phrasal verbs in tre parti
Uso e forma • Un phrasal verb in tre parti è formato da verbo + particella + particella (on, up, with, to ecc.). The printer has run out of ink. La stampante ha finito l’inchiostro. How do you put up with that noise? Come fai a sopportare quel rumore? • I phrasal verbs sono molto colloquiali e pertanto corrispondono spesso a più di un’espressione colloquiale italiana a seconda del contesto, quindi le traduzioni date qui di seguito sono orientative. carry on with I’ll have a coffee and then carry on with my homework. Mi prendo un caffè e poi proseguo con i compiti. catch up with I need to catch up with the work I missed when I was ill. Devo mettermi in pari con tutto il lavoro che ho perso quando ero ammalata. come down with I think I’m coming down with a cold. Mi sa che mi sono preso un raffreddore. come up with We need to come up with a plan. Dobbiamo escogitare un piano. cut down on I really should cut down on the amount of sugar I eat. Dovrei veramente ridurre la quantità di zucchero che mangio. do away with We should do away with out-of-date laws. Dovremmo eliminare le leggi antiquate. drop out of Sam’s dropped out of university. Sam si è ritirato dall’università. face up to You need to face up to the fact that she doesn’t like you. Devi accettare il fatto che non le piaci. fall back on He’s got lots of friends he can fall back on if he needs help. Ha un sacco di amici a cui si può appoggiare se ha bisogno di aiuto. feel up to I’m tired. I don’t feel up to going out tonight. Sono stanca. Non me la sento di uscire stasera. get away with The referee didn’t see the foul, and the player got away with it. L’arbitro non ha visto il fallo, e il giocatore l’ha passata liscia. get back to I’ll get back to you as soon as I hear any news. Ti faccio sapere appena ho notizie. get on with I get on really well with my parents. Vado molto d’accordo con i miei genitori. get on with Stop wasting time – get on with your work. Smettila di perdere tempo – mettiti a lavorare. get round to Will you ever get round to fixing the gate? Pensi che troverai mai il tempo di aggiustare il cancello? get through to I can’t get through to Alice. Her phone may be off. Non riesco a contattare Alice. Deve avere il telefono spento. keep up with It’s important to keep up with the latest trends. È importante tenersi al passo con le ultime tendenze. look forward to I’m really looking forward to the party. Non vedo l’ora di essere alla festa. look up to I’ve always looked up to my grandparents. Ho sempre ammirato miei nonni. make up for Winning the cup will make up for finishing third in the league. Vincere la coppa compenserà il fatto che siamo finiti terzi nel campionato. put up with I can’t put up with their behaviour any more. Non posso più tollerare il loro comportamento. run out of I need to finish now. I’ve run out of time. Devo finire adesso. Non c’è più tempo. stand up for It’s important to stand up for what you believe in. È importante difendere quello in cui si crede. • I phrasal verbs in tre parti sono transitivi e reggono un complemento oggetto. Il complemento va sempre dopo la seconda particella. He dropped out of university after one semester. Si è ritirato dall’università dopo un semestre. I’ll get back to you tomorrow. Ti faccio sapere domani. • Si possono usare alcuni phrasal verbs in tre parti senza la seconda particella + complemento quando si vogliono evitare le ripetizioni. He didn’t like university, so he dropped out. Non gli piaceva l’università, e allora si è ritirato. There’s no more ink. It’s run out. Non c’è più inchiostro. È finito.
296 Unità 109 copyright 2015
Completa la mail con la forma corretta dei phrasal verbs nel riquadro. catch up with get back from
come down with get back to
come up with look forward to
feel up to get round to
Hi Thomas, ▶ all your news. I’m sorry It was good to run into you the other day and to catch up with writing to you before now. And it’s such a shame that you’ve I haven’t 1 2 a terrible cold just before your weekend away in Rome! I can understand that it, but I’m sure you’ll have a great time. you don’t 3 a date to meet up when you 5 your Anyway, let’s try and 4 holiday. Perhaps we can go for a meal or something. I’ll check my diary and 6 seeing you again. you in the next few days. I 7 Love, Amanda x
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei phrasal verbs nel riquadro. get on with ▶
1 2 3 4 5
do away with
feel up to
get on with
run out of
I don’t think she gets on with her sister. They’re always arguing. I wasn’t well this morning, so I didn’t going to school. I patience with you. Turn down the music! My school the strict uniform rules. Now we can wear what we want. I need my packing. The taxi will be here soon. You should your fear of heights and do the bungee jump.
Sostituisci le espressioni in grassetto con uno dei phrasal verbs a pagina 296. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
face up to
I think I’m getting coming down with a cold. I really should reduce the amount of fast food I eat. I’ll tell you in a day or two. Do you have a good relationship with your neighbours? The music from next door is driving me mad! I can’t tolerate it any longer! After lunch, I need to continue with my work. We must finish the lesson now. We don’t have any more time. Many criminals don’t get caught for their crimes. I quit university and got a job instead. Winning gold in the 200 metres compensates for finishing fourth in the 100 metres. Jim has got lots of friends he can rely on if he needs to. I’ve always respected and admired my grandparents. We can help the environment by reducing unnecessary packaging. You have to change your mobile every two months to be up-to-date with the latest technology. I’ve no idea what they will think of next.
Elimina le parole superflue per evitare le ripetizioni e rendere le frasi più naturali. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
You can’t have milk in your coffee, I’m afraid. We’ve run out of milk. I’ve been trying to phone Lucy all morning, but I can’t get through to Lucy. My brother and I are always arguing. We don’t get on with each other most of the time. I never know what’s in or out of fashion. I just can’t keep up with fashion these days. I missed a lot of work when I was on holiday. Now I need to catch up with the work I missed. I drink too much coffee. I really should cut down on coffee. Unità 109 297
Grammar B2
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 108–109 Phrasal verbs 1
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
What does ‘gig’ mean? I don’t know. Look it up / Look up it in the dictionary. I can’t hear the TV. Turn it up / Turn up it. Here’s the remote. What are you doing with your dog while you’re away on holiday? My aunt and uncle are going to look it after / look after it. This jacket is lovely, isn’t it? Yes, it’s beautiful. Why don’t you try it on / try on it? I’m sorry to hear you failed your exam. Oh, don’t worry. I’ll get it over / get over it! When’s the deadline for the geography homework? You need to hand it in / hand in it by Friday. Look, John’s forgotten his keys. I’ll go him after / go after him. He only left a minute ago. What’s the best way to get from London to Bournemouth? I’ll look it into / look into it for you and let you know. Do you still wear these old shoes? No, I don’t. Throw them away / Throw away them.
Completa i brani con i phrasal verbs nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla.
get on with
get up
put off
look forward to
I work at home, which is a small one-bedroom flat. My ‘office’ is right next to my bed, so the first thing I do when I ▶ get up my computer. I generally just is 1 have a coffee for breakfast. I usually 2 the day ahead and I generally find it easy to 3 my work – I’ll often find myself writing before I’ve even got dressed. But sometimes, when I’m not feeling so inspired, I tend to 4 the writing by doing jobs round the house or going to the shops.
make up for
come up with
turn off
carry on with
meet up
get back to
I have some very good, productive days and some not so good days. Sometimes it’s really difficult to 5 ideas and I’ll spend a long time writing very little. But at other times the ideas just flow, and that 6 the bad days and the time spent staring at a blank computer screen for hours on end. I try to take a break in the middle of the day, and I’ll often 7 with a friend for a coffee or for lunch. Or I’ll sometimes go for a swim or a run. It’s important to get out of the flat at least once a day. And when I get back home, I’m usually refreshed and ready to 8 work. I generally have dinner between seven and eight, and I’ll often 9 my work for 10 an hour or two after dinner. It’s rare that I’ll my computer before ten at night.
298 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 108–109
Sostituisci le parole in grassetto con la forma corretta dei phrasal verbs nel riquadro. drop out of run out of ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
put up with look forward to
catch up with keep up with
get away with make up for
get on with
Too many criminals don’t get caught for get away with their crimes. I quit university because I wasn’t enjoying my course. We have got no more shampoo. We need to buy some more. We often have to tolerate rude passengers on the flights. I generally have a good relationship with my neighbours. It’s important to be up-to-date with the latest academic research and developments. The lovely weather in the second week of our holiday compensated for the rain in the first week. I always wait impatiently for the school holidays. Last week, I had a few days off school because I was ill. I need to get up-to-date with the work I missed.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
They left for the airport at about 9.30. (set) They set off for the airport at about 9.30. I met Francesco by chance in the city centre yesterday. (ran) I in the city centre yesterday. I found some old photos by chance the other day. (across) I the other day. The game has been postponed until next week. (off) The game until next week. They’ve cancelled the meeting. (off) They the meeting. I’ve got no ideas left, I’m afraid. (run) I’ve , I’m afraid. I still haven’t found time to mend my bike. (got) I still mending my bike. Billy left university at the end of the first year. (dropped) Billy at the end of the first year. I’m really excited about going on holiday. (forward) I’m really on holiday. I spend a lot of time helping customers with their problems. (dealing) I spend a lot of customers’ problems. Two students arrived late for their exam. (turned) Two students their exam. We need to solve this problem immediately. (sort) We need to immediately. Could you please write your details on this application form? (fill) Could you please on this application form?
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 108–109 299
A Uso e forma Gli aggettivi danno informazioni sui sostantivi. Si usano: • prima del sostantivo; She’s got blonde hair. Ha i capelli biondi. (NON She’s got hair blonde.) It’s an interesting book. È un libro interessante. (NON It’s a book interesting.) • dopo i verbi be, become, get, look, feel, smell, sound e taste. My computer is old. Il mio computer è vecchio. You look tired. Hai l’aria stanca. It sounds interesting. Sembra/Suona interessante. TIP Spesso si usa get + aggettivo per dire diventare.
I’m getting hungry. Sto cominciando ad avere fame. Hurry up. It’s getting late. Sbrigati. Si sta facendo tardi. We got lost. Ci siamo persi. ➔ Vedi unità 68 per gli usi di get.
Nota che in inglese gli aggettivi sono invariabili per genere e numero. Where is my white jumper? Dov’è il mio maglione bianco? Where are my white shoes? Dove sono le mie scarpe bianche?
B Is your teacher nice? ecc. L’aggettivo si mette dopo il sostantivo o il pronome in domande sulle caratteristiche di quel sostantivo o pronome. Are your shoes comfortable? Sono comode le tue scarpe? Were they expensive? Le hai pagate molto? Was the exhibition interesting? La mostra era interessante?
C Asleep, alone, ill ecc. Nota che ci sono alcuni aggettivi che si usano solo dopo un verbo e non prima di un sostantivo. Alcuni dei più comuni sono: afraid che ha paura pleased contento alive vivo ready pronto alone solo/da solo sure sicuro asleep addormentato upset seccato, alterato, sconvolto awake sveglio well in buona salute, a posto content soddisfatto She’s alone. È sola. (NON She’s an alone person.) The children are asleep. I bambini sono addormentati. (NON They are asleep children.)
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
We saw a film. It was brilliant. We saw a brilliant film. My dad’s got a CD player. It’s old-fashioned. I made a mistake. It was embarrassing. We went to a restaurant at the weekend. It was fantastic. Sara was wearing a dress last night. It was beautiful. We stayed in a cottage. It was old. They live in an apartment. It’s tiny. Romeo’s got a Ferrari. It’s red. I met a girl last night. She’s really nice.
300 Unità 110 copyright 2015
Scrivi domande con l’aggettivo tra parentesi e le forme corrette di be. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
(interesting) (new) (easy) (OK ) (ready) (far) (tired) (expensive)
? (it/good) How was your holiday? ▶ Was it good ▶ It was OK , I suppose. (it/OK) And how was your hotel? 1 ? (it/nice) No. 2 . (the room/small) Oh dear. And 3 ? (the beach/nice) No. 4 . We stayed by the pool. (the beach/crowded) And 5 ? (the local sights/interesting) No. 6 . (they/boring) And the weather? 7 ? (it/hot) No. 8 all the time. (it/cold and cloudy) And the local food? 9 ? (it/tasty) No. 10 . We all got ill. (the food/awful) Oh dear. But 11 ? (the local people/friendly) No. 12 . (they/very unfriendly) Oh well. 13 to be back home? (it/good) No. 14 . I have to go back to school tomorrow. (it/terrible)
Completa le frasi con le forme corrette di get e gli aggettivi nel riquadro. angry ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Was it interesting
Completa il dialogo con le parole tra parentesi e le forme corrette di be. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B
How was the exhibition? I like your shoes. How was your exam? You saw Jake and George today. We need to leave now. Where’s the cinema? Why did you go to bed early? How was the restaurant?
Grammar B1
I’m getting hungry . I think I’ll make some lunch. Hurry up. It . It’ll be dark soon. He when I told him I’d broken the window. We didn’t take a map and we . Did you when it started raining? I didn’t finish the run. I after about five kilometres.
Elimina l’aggettivo che non si può usare prima di un sostantivo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Well / Healthy people are generally happier. We saw a tired / an asleep lion at the zoo. There were lots of alive / dead trees in the forest. The lonely / alone child had no one to play with. The pleased / happy teacher congratulated the students. The frightened / afraid mouse ran away.
Unità 110 301
Aggettivi che terminano in -ed e -ing
Uso e forma Il participio passato e la forma in -ing di molti verbi possono essere usati come aggettivi. • Gli aggettivi terminanti in -ed di solito descrivono come ci si sente. I was surprised. Fui sorpreso. We’re bored. Siamo annoiati. He’s tired. È stanco. • Gli aggettivi terminanti in -ing di solito descrivono la cosa o la persona che causa il modo in cui ci si sente. The news was surprising. La notizia fu sorprendente. The film is boring. Il film è noioso. It’s tiring work. È un lavoro stancante. • Alcuni aggettivi derivati da verbi possono avere sia la forma in -ed sia quella in -ing. Tra questi ci sono: Verbi
Aggettivi (-ed)
Aggettivi (-ing)
amaze sbalordire
amazed sbalordito
amazing sbalorditivo
amuse divertire
amused divertito
amusing divertente
annoy infastidire
annoyed infastidito
annoying fastidioso
astonish stupire
astonished sorpreso
astonishing sorprendente
bore annoiare
bored annoiato
boring noioso
confuse confondere
confused confuso
confusing poco chiaro
depress deprimere
depressed depresso
depressing deprimente
disappoint deludere
disappointed deluso
disappointing deludente
embarrass imbarazzare
embarrassed imbarazzato
embarrassing imbarazzante
excite emozionare
excited emozionato
exciting emozionante
exhaust esaurire
exhausted esausto
exhausting sfiancante
fascinate affascinare
fascinated affascinato
fascinating affascinante
frighten spaventare
frightened spaventato
frightening spaventoso
horrify inorridire
horrified inorridito
horrifying sconvolgente
interest interessare
interested interessato
interesting interessante
invigorate rinvigorire
invigorated rinvigorito
invigorating corroborante
please accontentare
pleased contento
pleasing gradevole
relax rilassare
relaxed rilassato
relaxing rilassante
satisfy soddisfare
satisfied soddisfatto
satisfying soddisfacente
shock scioccare
shocked scioccato
shocking scioccante
surprise sorprendere
surprised sorpreso
surprising sorprendente
terrify atterrire
terrified atterrito
terrifying terrificante
thrill elettrizzare
thrilled elettrizzato
thrilling elettrizzante
tire stancare
tired stanco
tiring stancante
worry preoccupare
worried preoccupato
worrying preoccupante
➔ Vedi unità 6 per le regole ortografiche della forma in -ing e unità 12 per le regole ortografiche del passato dei verbi regolari.
302 Unità 111 copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi terminanti in -ed e -ing. ▶
1 disappoint 2 embarrass 3 bore 4 terrify
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 A B 9 A B 10 A B
The family was tired . The journey had been very tiring . The class was upset when they got results. The teacher was , too. Bill felt when he didn’t know the answer. It was when his brother answered the question. The new TV series was quite . We were all . The film last night was . Everyone in the audience was .
How was the exhibition? It was fascinating (fascinate). You should go and see it. It’s been raining for days now. Yes. This weather is very (depress) at the moment. What’s the new student like? He’s very (interest). You should talk to him. How was the game last night? Really (excite). We won 3–2. I hear you got selected for the regional football team. Thanks. I was completely (shock), to be honest. Have you heard the news? It’s (shock), isn’t it? Yes. And it’s very (worry) as well, I think. How was the tennis? Really (tire). I’m (exhaust). Do you want to come to the England v Italy game with us? No, thanks. I’m not (interest) in rugby. I find it (bore), to be honest. How was the skiing today? (amaze). Some of the black runs were (terrify), actually. How was the new restaurant? Very (disappoint). The food was (disgust), actually. You must be really (please) with your exam results. I am. I’m (thrill ), actually. But Jenny failed one of hers. She’s really (disappoint).
Immagina che ti siano successe queste cose. Scrivi una frase con I was … e l’altra con It was … e le forme corrette delle parole tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You forgot someone’s name. (embarrass) You failed an exam. (disappoint) You saw a ghost. (frighten) You won the competition. (please) You met your all-time hero. (thrill) You ran 20 kilometres. (exhaust) You watched a horror film. (terrify) You had unexpected news. (surprise) You did a bungee jump. (excite)
I was embarrassed.
It was embarrassing.
Unità 111 303
Grammar B1
Ordine degli aggettivi
A Uso e forma Quando si usa più di un aggettivo per descrivere qualcosa, gli aggettivi seguono un ordine fisso. • Gli aggettivi di ‘opinione’ vanno prima di quelli che si riferiscono a ‘fatti’. It’s a lovely sunny day. È una bellissima giornata di sole. (NON It’s a sunny lovely day.) She’s got amazing red hair. Ha bellissimi capelli rossi. (NON She’s got red amazing hair.) • Gli aggettivi che si riferiscono a ‘fatti’ vanno di norma nel seguente ordine: dimensioni ➔ età ➔ forma ➔ colore ➔ origine/nazionalità ➔ materiale He’s got big brown eyes. Ha enormi occhi castani. (dimensioni ➔ colore) We watched an old Italian film. Abbiamo guardato un vecchio film italiano. (età ➔ origine) She was wearing a long red silk dress. Indossava un vestito di seta lungo rosso. (dimensioni ➔ colore ➔ materiale) • Gli aggettivi relativi a grandezza e lunghezza (big grande, small piccolo, long lungo, short corto/basso ecc.) di norma vanno prima degli aggettivi relativi alla forma e all’ampiezza (square quadrato, round rotondo/circolare, wide largo/ampio, narrow stretto ecc.). It’s a tall narrow building. È un palazzo alto e stretto. The room has a big round bed. La stanza ha un grande letto circolare. TIP Nota che non esiste una regola generale sull’uso della virgola tra gli aggettivi ed è considerato
accettabile sia usarla sia non usarla. It’s a beautiful sunny day./It’s a beautiful, sunny day.
B Sostantivi usati per classificazioni Alcuni sostantivi funzionano come aggettivi e classificano l’esatto tipo di cosa alla quale ci riferiamo. Vanno immediatamente prima del sostantivo. Where are the wine glasses? Dove sono i bicchieri da vino? Maria runs a successful software company. Maria ha un’azienda di software che sta andando molto bene. He’s got an amazing red sports car. Ha un’incredibile macchina sportiva rossa. I’ve lost my wedding ring. Ho perso la mia fede matrimoniale.
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
What will the weather be like tomorrow? Well, the forecast says it will be a horrible wet day / wet horrible day. Which is your coat? It’s the woollen white jacket / white woollen jacket on the chair. Which is your car? It’s the red small one / small red one over there. Where exactly is your school? It’s that big old grey / grey old big building next to the centre sports / sports centre. Who are those people? The girl with long blonde hair / blonde long hair is Jenny, and the guy wearing the Roma football shirt / football Roma shirt is Andy. Where do your grandparents live? They live in a little beautiful village / beautiful little village not far from Oxford. Which one is your boyfriend? He’s the guy over there with the long leather brown jacket / brown leather long jacket / long brown leather jacket and the big black moustache / black big moustache. How was your holiday? Great, thanks. We stayed in a wonderful little family-run hotel / little wonderful family-run hotel right next to the beach. And we had blue clear beautiful skies / beautiful clear blue skies every day.
304 Unità 112 OUP copyright 2015
8 A What’s Harry’s house like? B Incredible! It’s a stone big old house / big stone old house / big old stone house and they’ve got an amazing 25-metre outdoor swimming pool / a 25-metre outdoor amazing swimming pool / an amazing 25-metre swimming outdoor pool in the garden. Apparently, they have these really brilliant all-night parties / all-night really brilliant parties there in the summer. Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi con gli aggettivi nell’ordine corretto. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
It’s a metal box. It’s big. It’s a big metal box. We sat under an enormous tree. It was old. We had terrible weather last week. It was rainy. We had a meal last night. It was lovely. We went to a pizza restaurant. It was fantastic. It was little. Sara was wearing a dress. It was long. It was black. It was beautiful. We visited a temple. It was Buddhist. It was wonderful. It was 10th century. He’s bought a sports car. It’s Italian. It’s red. It’s very expensive. I stayed in a beach hut. It was wooden. It was lovely. It was little.
Completa le descrizioni con gli aggettivi nei riquadri. orange short
dark big
motorcycle cotton
▶ dark He’s got ▶ short 2 He’s wearing a trousers. He’s sitting on a 5 he’s holding a 7
short dark
green pink
white grey
white shiny
hair and a 1 shirt and 4 6
leather woollen
Grammar B1
scooter, and helmet.
long white
long-sleeved light-brown
She’s got 9
hair. She’s wearing a 14 dress over a 13 15 16 shirt. She’s also wearing a hat and 17 18 boots. 11
Completa il dialogo con gli aggettivi corretti tra parentesi. Elimina l’aggettivo superfluo. Poi ascolta e controlla. A I was at Giovanni’s yesterday. Italian (Italian/delicious/new) restaurant? How was the food? B Is that the ▶ new A It was good. I had some pasta with a 1 (cream and mushroom/round/ really tasty) sauce, and some 2 (chocolate/short/delicious) cake. B Sounds nice. A And I met some 3 (new/interesting/long) people, too – the Mancinis. They’re a really 4 (Australian/wide/nice) family who have just moved here. Their daughter Katia is my age. She wants to work in fashion. She was wearing a 5 (silk/blue/wooden/beautiful) dress. B Why have they moved here? A Katia’s dad is an architect. He’s designing a 6 (new/high-rise/long) office (stone/old/soft) house block in the town. But they’re also restoring that 7 in our village. They’re going to live there. B Oh, yes. The one at the end of that 8 (little/tall/quiet) road, next to the church? A Yes. That’s right. Unità 112 305
Aggettivi graduabili e non graduabili
A Aggettivi graduabili Si possono usare la maggior parte degli aggettivi con espressioni avverbiali che indicano diversi gradi di intensità, come a little, quite, very ed extremely. I’m tired. Sono stanco. I’m quite tired. Sono piuttosto stanco. I’m very tired. Sono molto stanco/stanchissimo. I’m extremely tired. Sono estremamente stanco.
B Aggettivi non graduabili • Il significato di alcuni aggettivi non ammette gradi intermedi di intensità. Per intensificare un aggettivo non graduabile si usano absolutely, totally e completely (ma non very, quite ecc.). I’m exhausted. Sono esausto. I’m absolutely exhausted. Sono assolutamente esausto. I’m completely exhausted. Sono completamente esausto. (NON I’m a little exhausted.) TIP Ricordati che non si usano absolutely, totally e completely con aggettivi graduabili.
(NON I’m absolutely tired.) • Si può usare really sia con aggettivi graduabili sia con aggettivi non graduabili. He was really angry. Era veramente arrabbiato. He was really furious. Era veramente infuriato. ➔ Vedi unità 122 per altri usi di really.
C Equivalenti Questo è un elenco di aggettivi graduabili con i loro equivalenti non graduabili, più enfatici. Aggettivi graduabili
Aggettivi non graduabili
angry arrabbiato attractive attraente busy/crowded affollato clean pulito cold freddo dirty sporco frightened/scared spaventato funny divertente hot caldo hungry affamato important importante interesting interessante pleased contento tasty buono (di sapore) tired stanco wet bagnato
furious furioso/furibondo gorgeous/beautiful stupendo/bello packed gremito spotless pulitissimo freezing/frozen gelato filthy lercio/sudicio terrified atterrito hilarious da morire dal ridere boiling bollente starving che muore di fame vital/essential vitale/essenziale fascinating avvincente/affascinante thrilled elettrizzato delicious delizioso exhausted esausto soaking/soaked fradicio
TIP Nota che molti aggettivi non graduabili non hanno un diretto equivalente graduabile, e viceversa.
The film was very enjoyable. Il film era molto carino. It’s absolutely perfect. È assolutamente perfetto. The story is totally false. La storia è completamente falsa.
D Good, bad, big, small Good, bad, big e small hanno una serie di equivalenti non graduabili. Ecco un elenco dei più comuni.
good: amazing, awesome, brilliant, excellent, fantastic, incredible, superb, wonderful bad: appalling, atrocious, awful, dreadful, rubbish, terrible big: enormous, gigantic, huge, massive small: microscopic, minuscule, minute, tiny
306 Unità 113 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
How was your holiday? Absolutely good / brilliant . We had a great time. It’s absolutely important / vital that you are on time for the exam. Don’t worry. I won’t be late. Did you enjoy the film? Yes, it was very good / fantastic. Absolutely funny / hilarious. How’s your pizza? Very tasty / delicious. And yours? Absolutely tasty / delicious. How was the beach yesterday? Was it very busy / packed? Completely busy / packed. And it was absolutely hot / boiling. You cycled here all the way from Oxford! You must be very tired / exhausted. I’m absolutely tired / exhausted, actually! What absolutely good / wonderful weather we’re having! Yes, it is. It’s always very hot / boiling here in July. How was the party? Not very good / excellent. The music was absolutely bad / terrible. Were there many people at the lecture? Yes, the room was absolutely crowded / packed. And the lecture was very interesting / fascinating, actually.
Completa la mail con l’alternativa corretta.
Hey Joe, ▶
It’s a big shame you missed the party last night. It was very / absolutely brilliant. David’s house is 1 very / absolutely enormous with a 2really / completely big garden. And their swimming pool is 3very / totally awesome. And the food was 4very / absolutely delicious. Unfortunately the weather was 5very / absolutely awful. It started to rain and we got 6very / completely soaked, so we had to have the party inside. It got 7 a little / absolutely crowded, which was a shame. I met David’s sister. She’s 8very / absolutely attractive, 9 very / absolutely gorgeous, in fact. And she’s 10really / absolutely interesting to talk to. See you soon! Jimi
Completa le risposte con l’aggettivo non graduabile corretto. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Was it big? Big? It was enormous! Was the film funny? Yes, Was the kitchen clean? Yes, Was she angry? Angry? Was the bus crowded? Yes, Was it hot? Hot?
. . ! . !
6 A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B 10 A B
I hear he was really pleased. Yes, . Was the museum interesting? Yes, , actually. Were you frightened? Frightened? ! Are you hungry? , actually! Is it important? . Yes,
Unità 113 307
Grammar B1
Aggettivi derivati da sostantivi e verbi
A Suffissi Si possono formare aggettivi da alcuni sostantivi e verbi aggiungendo un suffisso. Alcuni dei modi più comuni sono: • sostantivo + -y/-ful/-ous/-ish/-able a cloudy sky un cielo nuvoloso a colourful dress un vestito molto colorato a dangerous situation una situazione pericolosa childish behaviour comportamento infantile a knowledgeable person una persona bene informata/competente • sostantivo + -less a cloudless sky un cielo senza nuvole a windowless room una stanza senza finestre a hopeless situation una situazione senza speranza • verbo + -ive/-able an impressive building un edificio imponente a talkative person una persona loquace a likeable person una persona piacevole
B -able o -ible? • -ible è un’alternativa meno comune di -able. Non esiste una regola che dica quale aggettivo finisca in -ible e quale in -able e occorre impararli uno per uno. It’s accessible. È accessibile. It’s irresistible. È irresistibile. It’s doable. È fattibile. • Nota che esistono alcune forme irregolari: It’s reputable. (= It has a good reputation.) È rispettabile. It’s inexplicable. (= You can’t explain it.) È inspiegabile. It’s (in)destructible. (= You can(’t) destroy it.) È (in)distruttibile. It’s (in)defensible. (= You can(’t) defend it.) È (in)difendibile. It’s (il)legible. (= You can(’t) read it.) È (il)leggibile. (Esiste anche unreadable, ma significa talmente brutto da non meritare di essere letto.) It’s (in)audible. (= You can(’t) hear it.) È (in)udibile. It’s (in)visible. (= You can(’t) see it.) È (in)visibile. It’s (in)edible. (= You can(’t) eat it.) È (im)mangiabile.
C Prefissi negativi Si possono spesso usare prefissi negativi con gli aggettivi derivati da sostantivi e verbi, in particolare con aggettivi che terminano in -able/-ible e -ive. • I prefissi negativi più comuni che vengono usati in questo modo sono un- e in-. unstoppable inarrestabile invisible invisibile inactive inattivo • Si usa in genere il- per le parole che iniziano con l, im- per le parole che iniziano con m e p, e ir- per le parole che iniziano con r. Nota che ci sono eccezioni a questa regola, per esempio unremarkable (ordinario, mediocre). illegal illegale immature immaturo impossible impossibile irregular irregolare ➔ Vedi unità 143 e 144 per l’uso dei prefissi e suffissi.
308 Unità 114 OUP copyright 2015
Completa la seconda frase con un aggettivo derivato dal sostantivo o dal verbo nella prima frase in modo che il significato non cambi. The building has no soul. The building is soulless . 1 His clothes have lots of colours. His clothes are . 2 There are lots of clouds. It is very . 3 The school impressed me. The school is .
Completa il brano con aggettivi derivati dalle parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.
FOUR DAYS IN SARDINIA ����������� I woke up, opened the window and I looked up at the beautiful ▶ cloudless (cloud) blue sky. I was in Sardinia in July and I was staying with a family in a1 (colour) old villa with a red roof, yellow walls and an 2 (impress) green door. The villa was surrounded by vineyards and 3 (dust) narrow tracks for as far as the eye could see. It was 4 (possible) to imagine a more beautiful place. The home-cooked food was really 5 (taste). It was the best I have ever tasted, and possibly ever will. The grandmother, who was in her nineties, was an extremely 6 (talk) old lady and we
chatted all day long. In her younger days, she had been unusually 7 (adventure) and had travelled all over the world, studied in America and had met many 8 (fame) people, including two presidents. Not surprisingly, she was also very 9 (knowledge) and she had an answer to all my questions. She told me the secret of old age was to be 10 (act) in body and mind at all times. Her enthusiasm for life was truly 11 (remark). After four days, it was time to leave and I waved goodbye to one of the most 12 (enjoy) and 13 (memory) times of my life. We have kept in touch. The old lady is now a hundred and five.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa l’aggettivo che termina in -able or -ible derivato dal sostantivo o dal verbo in ciascuna frase. In alcuni casi devi aggiungere un prefisso negativo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
4 There is no hope. . It’s 5 Her mood changes a lot. She is very . 6 Smoking causes harm. Smoking is . 7 This country has a lot of mountains. This country is .
It’s unpredictable. You can’t predict it. You can download them. You can’t explain it. You can’t see it. It has a good reputation. He has a lot of knowledge.
6 7 8 9 10 11
You can’t stop it. You can’t cure it. You can’t read it. You can’t hear it. You can eat it. You can’t destroy it.
Riscrivi le frasi modificando l’aggettivo in modo che significhi l’opposto. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
This risotto is very tasty. This risotto is tasteless. This looks like an active website. She was very mature for her age. It’s a rather remarkable building. That was a very rational decision. That’s a plausible explanation. The obstruction is moveable. His behaviour is responsible. The idea is practical. The argument is logical. Unità 114 309
Grammar B2
Too e enough
A Too Per dire troppo, too si usa nei modi seguenti: • too + aggettivo I’m too cold. Ho troppo freddo. The restaurant is too expensive. Il ristorante è troppo caro. • too much/many + sostantivo I’ve got too much homework. Ho troppi compiti. There are too many cars on the roads. Ci sono troppe macchine in circolazione. • Nota che too non è mai seguito da un sostantivo. (NON I’ve got too homework.) (NON There are too cars on the roads.) • Si usa too many + sostantivo numerabile e too much + sostantivo non numerabile.
B Enough Enough significa abbastanza/a sufficienza e si usa nei modi seguenti: • aggettivo + enough This soup is not hot enough. Questa minestra non è calda abbastanza. (NON This soup is not enough hot.) Your room is tidy enough. La tua stanza è sufficientemente in ordine. (NON Your room is enough tidy.) • enough + sostantivo I haven’t got enough money. Non ho abbastanza soldi. (NON I haven’t got money enough.) Have you got enough ice cream? Would you like some more? Hai abbastanza gelato? Ne vuoi dell’altro? (NON Have you got ice cream enough?)
C Too e enough + infinito o for Si possono usare too e enough con l’infinito o for. You’re too young to get married. Sei troppo giovane per sposarti. There are too many rules to learn! Ci sono troppe regole da imparare! The sea isn’t warm enough to go swimming. Il mare non è caldo abbastanza da fare il bagno. Have we got enough time for a coffee? Abbiamo tempo (sufficiente) per un caffè?
D Too e enough con avverbi Too va prima di un avverbio e enough va dopo un avverbio. He answered too slowly. Rispose troppo lentamente. You didn’t work quickly enough. Non hai lavorato veloce abbastanza. TIP I’ve had enough (of) (ne ho abbastanza (di)) è un’espressione utile e comune.
I can’t do any more work today – I’ve had enough! Non posso più lavorare oggi – ne ho abbastanza! I’ve had enough of this terrible weather! Ne ho abbastanza di questo tempo terribile! Nota che quando è seguito da un verbo have enough of regge la forma in -ing. Sara’s had enough of being a waitress. Sara ne ha abbastanza di fare la cameriera.
Completa le frasi con too o enough. Why aren’t you going out tonight? ▶
I’m too
1 I’ve got many things to do.
310 Unità 115 OUP copyright 2015
I’ll get home late.
I haven’t got money.
I won’t get home early .
I don’t feel well .
I’ll be tired.
Completa i dialoghi con too (much/many) o enough e le parole tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
What does this flashing light mean on my printer? It means that there isn’t enough ink to print the document. (ink) Do we have for a coffee? (time) Yes, I think so. Are you ? Shall I close the window? (warm) I’m fine, thanks. The new Change album is brilliant, isn’t it? Yes, it is. But I’ve listened to it . I’m starting to get a bit bored with it! (times) Are you going out tonight? No. I’ve got to do this evening. I’m also to go out. (work/tired) Did you buy that new computer game? No, I didn’t. It was . I didn’t have . (expensive/money) You can’t watch this film. It’s an 18 certificate. You’re . (young) That’s not fair. Lots of my friends have seen it and they’re not ! (old) Can I join you on the sofa? There’s not . It’s only for two people. (room/big) Did you get into the school rugby team? No, I wasn’t really . They said I was and not . (good/small/fast)
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa too o enough e le parole tra parentesi. ▶
2 3
You must be 18 to join the gym. I’m 17. (young) I’m too young to join the gym . 7 I don’t want to go to bed. It’s only 9 o’clock. (early) It’s . It’s €5 for a coffee. I’ve got €3. (money) 8 I haven’t got . Five people can go in the taxi. There are six 9 of us. (people) There are . You need to be 16 to ride a scooter. I’m 15. 10 (old) I’m . I earn €400 a week. I can’t live on my own. 11 (money) I don’t . 12 I want to go swimming, but the sea is cold. (warm) The sea .
I want to go out tonight, but I don’t feel well. (ill) I’m . I can’t help you. I need to leave now. (time) I haven’t got . I can’t go out tonight. I have a lot of homework. (homework) I’ve got . I need to be better to get into the school hockey team. (good) I’m not . Her answer needed to be quicker. (slowly) She answered . His explanation needed to be simpler. (simply) He didn’t .
Le seguenti situazioni non ti soddisfano. Scrivi delle frasi con have enough of. You play computer games all the time. I’ve had enough of playing computer games. 1 You eat pizza every day.
3 You’re always revising for exams.
2 The weather has been awful for days.
5 You never have any money.
4 School food has become boring.
Unità 115 311
Grammar B1
So e such, what (a) …
A So/such + aggettivi/sostantivi Si usano so e such per dare enfasi ad aggettivi e sostantivi. • Si usa so + aggettivo. The film was so bad. Il film era pessimo. The weather is so amazing. Il tempo è talmente incredibile. They were so interesting. Erano veramente interessanti. • Si usa such + (aggettivo) + sostantivo. It was such a bad film. It’s such amazing weather. They were such interesting people. It’s such a pity that you missed the party. È proprio un peccato che ti sia perso la festa. Her second album was such a success. Il suo secondo album è stato un grande successo. • Nota che si usa such a con un sostantivo numerabile e such (senza a) con un sostantivo non numerabile o plurale.
B So many/much/few/little … , such a lot of … • Si usa so many/few + sostantivo plurale e so much/little + sostantivo non numerabile. I took so many photos. Ho fatto moltissime foto. He has so few friends. Ha così pochi amici. I spent so much money. Ho speso talmente tanti soldi. We’ve got so little time. Abbiamo così poco tempo. • Si usa such a lot of + sostantivo plurale o non numerabile. I took such a lot of photos. I spent such a lot of money. • Nota che generalmente non c’è differenza di significato tra so much/many … e such a lot of … .
C So/such … that … • So/such … that … (talmente … che …) è una struttura che si usa per parlare di una situazione e delle sue conseguenze. There were so many people at the party that we couldn’t move. C’era talmente tanta gente alla festa che non c’era spazio per muoversi. It was such a nice day that we went to the beach. Era una giornata talmente bella che siamo andati in spiaggia. • Nota che è possibile anche omettere that. He was so shocked he couldn’t speak. Era in tale stato di shock da non riuscire a parlare.
D So + avverbio So si può usare anche con gli avverbi. Invece non si può usare such in questo modo. He speaks so quickly. Parla in modo talmente veloce. She left so suddenly that no one realized. Se n’è andata così all’improvviso che non se n’è accorto nessuno.
E What (a) … ! • What (a) … si usa come esclamazione. Si usa what a con un sostantivo numerabile e what (senza a) con un sostantivo non numerabile o plurale. What a great lesson! Che splendida lezione! What nice people! Che persone simpatiche! • What (a) … si può usare anche senza aggettivo. What a view! Che vista! What luck! Che fortuna! 312 Unità 116 OUP copyright 2015
Riscrivi le frasi con so o such per dare enfasi all’aggettivo o al sostantivo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
It was a lovely day. It was such a lovely day. It was hot. It was a beautiful beach. The sea was warm. There were many people. We had a lot of fun. It was a great day.
Completa i dialoghi con so o such per dare enfasi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A B
3 A B 4 A B A 5 A B 6 A B
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi con so/such … that … in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
How was your game of tennis? Really tiring. I’m so exhausted. No Way Out is 1 a brilliant film. Have you seen it? No, I haven’t, but I’ve heard it’s good. How was your weekend in Rome? Great, thanks. It’s 2 an amazing city, isn’t it? There’s 3 much history everywhere and 4 many things to see and do. I took 5 a lot of photos. I think she should win the competition. Yes, she plays 6 beautifully. The meal we had last night was 7 expensive. We spent 8 a lot of money. But was it any good? Amazing! I’ve never eaten 9 delicious food. There are 10 many people out of work and 11 few jobs these days. Yes, it’s 12 a shame, especially for young people. It’s 13 a nuisance that the train’s delayed. We’re going to be late. Don’t make 14 a fuss. We still have enough time.
It was a nice day. We went for a walk. It was such a nice day that we went for a walk. I was tired. I went to bed at 9 o’clock. They are a popular band. Tickets sold out in minutes. The film was bad. I walked out after half an hour. The exam was difficult. Only three students passed. I’ve got a lot of clothes. I can never decide what to wear. Ms Jones is a great teacher. I enjoy all her lessons. It was cold. I thought I was going to freeze! He makes few mistakes when he speaks Italian. People think he’s from Italy.
Scrivi quello che si dice in queste situazioni con What (a) … ! ▶
1 2 3 4 5
You stayed in a hotel. It was great. What a great hotel! You saw a film. It was brilliant. The weather is terrible. The view is amazing. You went to a party. It was boring. You are eating some pasta. It’s delicious.
Unità 116 313
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 110–116 Aggettivi; too e enough; so e such; what (a) … ! 1
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ▶
sounds/TV programme/the/interesting/really
The TV programme sounds really interesting. 1 the/reasonable/prices/were/? 2 happy/looks/Eva/really 3 ’s/baby/asleep/the 4 suit/smart/’s/a/Jack/wearing/grey 5 exercises/enough/challenging/maths/are/the/? 6 lazy/Tom/exams/too/’s/to/his/pass 7 so/my/dad’s/embarrassing/is/mobile 8 always/you/have/had/a/such/diet/healthy/?
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B A 6 A B A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B
How was the film? It was very ▶ good / fantastic. Absolutely 1funny / hilarious. Are you 2interesting / interested in football? No. I think it’s really 3boring / bored. Is Cara the one with 4dark long / long dark hair? Yes. She’s a 5sports journalist / journalist sports. What 6a beautiful / really beautiful painting! Isn’t it lovely? I like the 7wooden old / old wooden houses near the 8port fishing / fishing port. How’s your pizza? Very 9tasty / delicious. And yours? Absolutely 10tasty / delicious. It was 11so / such a nice day yesterday, wasn’t it? Yes. We went to the beach, actually. It was 12so / such hot. Was it busy? Completely 13crowded / packed. Did you buy that 14computer game new / new computer game? No, it was 15too expensive / too much expensive. I didn’t have 16enough money / money enough. Are you 17enough warm / warm enough? Shall I close the window? Well, I am quite 18cold / freezing, actually. You can’t watch this film. It’s an 18 certificate. You’re 19too young / too much young. Oh, that’s 20so / such unfair! All my friends have seen it. They all say it’s absolutely 21good / brilliant. 10 A We felt 22 so / such 23 frightened / frightening during that big storm. B I know. It was 24 terrified / terrifying. There was 25 so much / so many rain! I got 26 very / totally soaked in just a minute!
314 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 110–116
Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Usa un aggettivo formato dal sostantivo o dal verbo nella prima frase. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
There are a lot of clouds today. It’s very cloudy today. She has a lot of knowledge about politics. She’s very about politics. She likes jewellery that has lots of colours. She likes jewellery. He behaves like a child at times. He’s very at times. The place has no soul. It’s a place. People generally really like her. She’s a very person.
6 He’s sometimes such a fool, isn’t he? , isn’t he? He’s sometimes so 7 She talks a lot. She’s very . 8 You really can’t predict his behaviour at times. His behaviour is so at times. 9 He always likes to have adventures. He’s a very person. 10 You can’t see it with the naked eye. It’s to the naked eye.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Hi Olivia, I’m having ▶ D time here on the south coast of France. We’re staying in 1 with 3 every about five minutes’ walk from the beach. The weather is 2 4 in the middle of the afternoon, day and it’s lovely and warm. It sometimes gets though, and we have to be careful in the sun. It’s 5 . We generally get up quite late, have a lazy breakfast and then go down to restaurants and the food here is 7 . the beach for the day. There are some 6 It’s a 8 interesting area, so we’ve hired a car and in the afternoons we’re doing villages in the hills and it’s 10 for walking. a bit of exploring. There are 9 You’d love it here. Anyway, must go. Will write again soon. Hope you’re having fun! Gemma x
A a really amazed
B a very amazing
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
10 A
a hotel old lovely completely good blue cloudless skies too much hot so an easygoing place little great fish absolutely delicious completely so much beautiful little really great
a lovely old hotel absolutely good skies cloudless blue too hot such an easy-going place great little fish very delicious so so beautiful little
B very great
C an absolutely amazed C a hotel lovely old C very perfect C cloudless blue skies C absolutely hot C a such easygoing place C little fish great C absolutely tasty C too C so many beautiful little C great really
D an absolutely amazing D an old lovely hotel D absolutely perfect D cloudless skies blue D hot too much D a place so easy-going D great fish little D extremely delicious D really D such a beautiful little D absolutely good
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 110–116 315
Il comparativo degli aggettivi
A Forma Il comparativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi si forma aggiungendo la desinenza -er o usando more. • -er si aggiunge agli aggettivi monosillabici. small ➔ smaller quick ➔ quicker cheap ➔ cheaper It’s quicker by train. È più veloce con il treno. This room is smaller. Questa stanza è più piccola. – Agli aggettivi che terminano in -e si aggiunge solo -r, quelli che terminano in vocale + una consonante raddoppiano la consonante finale, e la -y finale preceduta da consonante cambia in -i. nice ➔ nicer big ➔ bigger easy ➔ easier • Con aggettivi di due o più sillabe, in genere si usa more. famous ➔ more famous expensive ➔ more expensive Property is more expensive in the UK. Gli immobili sono più cari in Gran Bretagna. • Comunque, con alcuni aggettivi bisillabici si può anche usare -er. narrow ➔ more narrow/narrower gentle ➔ more gentle/gentler
simple ➔ more simple/simpler
• Con aggettivi bisillabici che terminano in -y si usa in genere -ier, ma a volte si può anche usare more. friendly ➔ friendlier/more friendly funny ➔ funnier/more funny • Questi sono alcuni comparativi di maggioranza irregolari: good ➔ better bad ➔ worse far ➔ farther/further • Nota che non si usa more con -er o con le forme irregolari. (NON It’s more quicker by train.) (NON It’s more worse.) • Il comparativo di minoranza si forma con less + aggettivo. Property is less expensive in Italy. Gli immobili sono meno cari in Italia.
B Secondo termine di paragone • Nei comparativi di maggioranza e minoranza si usa l’aggettivo + than. Pete’s taller than me. Pete è più alto di me. • Nei comparativi di uguaglianza si usa (not) as + aggettivo + as. I’m as tall as my dad. Sono alto come/quanto mio padre. I’m not as tall as Pete. Non sono alto come/quanto Pete.
C A little, a lot, much, twice, ten times ecc. Si usano a little, a lot, much, twice, ten times ecc. per fare confronti più precisi. • Le espressioni seguenti si usano con i comparativi di maggioranza e minoranza. Nota che non si usa very. a little/a bit un po’ a lot molto far di gran lunga slightly leggermente much molto 300 metres/€10, etc. 300 metri/€10 ecc. The train is far more expensive than the bus. Il treno è di gran lunga più caro dell’autobus. The weather is much nicer today. Il tempo è molto più bello oggi. (NON The weather is very nicer today.) This shirt is €10 cheaper. Questa maglietta costa €10 in meno. This problem is a lot less common in the UK. Questo problema è molto meno comune in Gran Bretagna. This is a much better result than the previous one. Questo è un risultato molto migliore del precedente. • Twice (il doppio/due volte) si usa con as (… as) e three times, ten times ecc. si usano con tutti i comparativi. This mobile is twice as expensive as that one. Questo cellulare costa il doppio di quell’altro. This building is twice as high. Questo palazzo è alto due volte tanto. This mobile is three times more expensive than that one. Questo cellulare costa il triplo di quell’altro. This building is three times higher. Questo palazzo è tre volte più alto.
316 Unità 117 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con il comparativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Your mobile is quite cool, but mine is cooler . Today’s lesson was interesting, but yesterday’s was I’m pretty good at computer games, but my friend Luigi is My last exam results were bad, but these are much Paris is quite far from here, but London is . Platinum is expensive, but gold is a little . The last exercise was easy, but this one is much
. . .
Alcune statistiche riportano i seguenti dati. Leggi la tabella e completa il brano con le parole tra parentesi e than o (not) as (… as). Poi ascolta e controlla. Area Coastline Total population
301,000 km2 7,600 km 62 million
248,500 km2 14,400 km 63 million
Urban population World wealth rank Life expectancy
69% 30th 83
90% 21st 81
Completa le frasi con il comparativo degli aggettivi nel riquadro e than e (not) as … as. big ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Grammar B1
The table shows that Italy is ▶ bigger than (big) the UK. It’s actually 1 (about 20%/ big). However, the UK has a 2 (much/long coastline) Italy. In fact, the UK’s coastline is almost 3 (twice/long). Even though the country is 4 (big), the population 5 6 of Italy is (big) that of the UK; the population of the UK is (slightly/ high) at 63 million compared with 62 million for Italy. The table also shows that the UK has a 7 (much/great) urban population than Italy. In the UK, 90% of people live in urban areas, but the figure for Italy is just 69%. The table also shows that the UK is 8 (wealthy) Italy. Italy is ranked 30th in the world and the UK is 9 (nine places/high) at 21st. However, life expectancy in the UK is 10 (high) in Italy. Average life expectancy in Italy is 11 (slightly/high) at 83 years compared to 81 years in the UK.
The Amazon 6,400 km/The Nile 6,550 km The Nile is longer than the Amazon . The Amazon isn’t as long as the Nile The Matterhorn 4,477 m/Everest 8,848 m Everest . The Matterhorn Football over 200 million participants/Rugby over 2 million participants Rugby . Football Prince Harry born 1984/Prince William born 1982 Prince Harry . Prince William Heathrow Airport 1,288 planes per day/JFK Airport 1,100 planes per day JFK . Heathrow 2 USA 9.6 million km /India 3.2 million km2 The USA . India
. . . . . .
Riscrivi le frasi dell’esercizio 3 con le parole nel riquadro. about twice
two years
three times
The Nile is a little longer than the Amazon . . 1 Everest 2 Football .
a little
a little
3 Prince William 4 Heathrow 5 The USA
. . .
Unità 117 317
Il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi
A Forma Il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi si forma aggiungendo -est o usando most. Prima di un superlativo si usa sempre the. • -est si aggiunge agli aggettivi monosillabici. small ➔ the smallest quick ➔ the quickest cheap ➔ the cheapest Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. La Città del Vaticano è la nazione più piccola del mondo. – Agli aggettivi che terminano in -e si aggiunge solo -st, quelli che terminano in vocale + una consonante raddoppiano la consonante finale, e la -y finale preceduta da consonante cambia in -i. nice ➔ the nicest big ➔ the biggest easy ➔ the easiest • Con aggettivi di due o più sillabe in genere si usa most. famous ➔ the most famous expensive ➔ the most expensive Moscow is the most expensive city in the world. Mosca è la città più cara del mondo. • Comunque con alcuni aggettivi bisillabici si può anche usare -est. narrow ➔ the most narrow/the narrowest gentle ➔ the most gentle/the gentlest simple ➔ the most simple/the simplest • Con aggettivi bisillabici che terminano in -y si usa in genere -iest, ma a volte si può anche usare most. friendly ➔ the friendliest/the most friendly sunny ➔ the sunniest/the most sunny • Questi sono alcuni superlativi di maggioranza irregolari: good ➔ the best bad ➔ the worst far ➔ the farthest/the furthest • Nota che non si usa most con -est o con le forme irregolari. (NON It’s the most biggest.) (NON It’s the most best.) • Il superlativo relativo di minoranza si forma con the least + aggettivo. The XD1 is the least popular model in the range. L’XD1 è il modello meno venduto della gamma.
B By far Si può aggiungere enfasi a un superlativo relativo usando by far (di gran lunga). Russia is by far the biggest country. La Russia è di gran lunga la nazione più grande.
C My oldest … , this year’s biggest … , the second … ecc. Oltre a the si possono usare anche dimostrativi e possessivi, come my, this, this year’s, the school’s ecc. e gli ordinali come the second, the tenth ecc. Paolo is my best friend. Paolo è il mio migliore amico. This year’s biggest film was Space Wars. Il film di maggiore successo di quest’anno è stato ‘Guerre Spaziali’. I’m the second oldest in my class. Sono il secondo in ordine d’età nella mia classe.
Completa i dialoghi con il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4
Are you a fan of The Beatles? Absolutely. They are the greatest band ever! (great) What was Prague like? I’d say it’s city I’ve ever been to. (beautiful) Thomas never does any work. I agree. In fact, he must be person I know. (lazy) How was your meal last night? Terrible. By far meal I’ve ever eaten. (bad) How was the party? Brilliant. It was party ever! (good)
318 Unità 118 OUP copyright 2015
5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
Did you know that Sheffield FC is football club in the world? (old) No, I didn’t. What’s the best way to get to your house? By bus. It’s way and probably also . (cheap/quick) How many planets are there in the solar system? Eight. Mercury is to the Sun and Neptune is . (near/far)
Completa il brano con il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. annoying
British popular music records Elvis Presley is by far ▶ the most successful music star of all time in Britain. The singer, who died in 1977, had a total of 2,463 weeks in the UK single and album charts. The second 1 act is The Beatles with 1,749 weeks in the charts, followed closely by Queen with 1,725. Elvis has also had the most Number One UK singles with 21. He also holds the record for time between first and last Number One, currently 47 years and six months, from June 1957 to February 2005. 2
Grammar B1
chart-topper is Louis Armstrong, who was 68 when What A Wonderful World reached Number One in 1968, and Jimmy Osmond, with his song Long Haired Lover from Liverpool, is 4 person to top the charts, aged just 9 years and 8 months.
pop song In a separate survey, The Birdie Song from 1981 was voted the UK’s 5 ever and Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, which was the Christmas Number One twice in 1975 and 1991, was voted 6 .
Completa il quiz con la forma corretta delle parole nel riquadro. Sai rispondere alle domande? which/big who/long-serving
what/common what/popular
Which is the biggest US state?
1 a the Mississippi a Johnson
river in the USA? b the Colorado
c the Missouri
family name in the USA? b Smith c Jones
c Texas
a American football
spectator sport in the USA? b baseball c basketball
a Harry S Truman
US president? b George Washington
3 4
b Alaska
a California
Answer the questions and win a holiday in the USA!
which/long which/visit
c Franklin D Roosevelt
public tourist attraction in the USA? a the Empire State Building b Las Vegas Strip c Times Square
Answers: 1 c
Unità 118 319
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 117–118 Il comparativo e il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi 1
Completa le frasi con la forma comparativa o superlativa degli aggettivi nei riquadri. bad ▶
1 2 3 4
The train’s quite expensive, so shall we go by bus as it’s cheaper ? You’re late. I expected you to be here . I’d say Florence is city I’ve ever been to. That was meal I’ve ever had. I’m never going there again. You made a few silly mistakes. Try to be a bit next time.
crowded 5 6 7 8 9 10
. Today’s exam was quite difficult. Yesterday’s was much I think Revolver is by far Beatles album. It’s a classic. That was film I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t stop laughing. I’ve become much since I started going to the gym regularly. There are too many people here. Let’s find somewhere a little . It’s a shame you live so far away. It would be great if you lived a bit
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A Which is ▶ bigger / the biggest – Sicily or Sardinia? B I think Sicily is slightly bigger 1as / than Sardinia. And I think these two are 2bigger / the biggest islands in the Mediterranean. 2 A Which is 3higher / the highest – Gran Paradiso or Monte Cristallo? B Oh, Monte Cristallo isn’t 4higher / as high as Gran Paradiso. Gran Paradiso is 5highest / the highest mountain in Italy – well, of the mountains which are entirely in Italy. Gran Paradiso is over 4,000 metres, whereas Monte Cristallo is about 3,200 metres, I think. A OK, so Gran Paradiso is much 6higher / more high. I didn’t know that. 3 A Did you know that Mont Blanc is a really dangerous mountain? B Really? Even more dangerous 7as / than Mount Everest? Surely climbing Mont Blanc isn’t 8 as dangerous / as dangerous as climbing Mount Everest? A Well, apparently, there are many more deaths on Mont Blanc each year than on Everest. 4 A Which is 9longer / the longest – the Rhine or the Danube? B The Danube. In fact, it’s about twice 10longer than / as long as the Rhine. It’s over 2,500 kilometres long and the Rhine is about 1,230 kilometres. However, the Volga, in Russia, is over 1,000 kilometres 11longer than / as long as the Danube.
Completa il brano con la forma comparativa o superlativa degli aggettivi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla. The wines of Italy There are many wine-growing regions in Italy, but here is a selection of some of ▶ the most well-known (well-known). The Latium region around Rome is perhaps 1 (good) region in Italy 2 for white wines. (famous) of the Latium wines is probably Frascati, which is known as ‘the wine of the popes and the people’.
320 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 117–118
Some of Italy’s 3 (large) and 4 vineyards lie among the hills of the Tuscany region of Italy. Italy’s 5 (famous) red wine, Chianti, is produced in Tuscany.
To the north and east of Tuscany, the Emilia-Romagna region is known as the producer of some of Italy’s 6 (wonderful) food. And the wines here are equally good. The world-famous Lambrusco is from this region. 7
(far) north, near Italy’s border with France, is the high-altitude region of Piedmont. This area is famous for red wines which are generally 8 (rich) and 9 (complex) in flavour than the wines from the south. In contrast, the wines produced in the hot landscapes of Campania, around Naples in southern Italy, are generally 10 (strong) and 11 (powerful) 12 than those grown in the (gentle) climate of the north.
Completa queste informazioni sportive con la forma corretta degli aggettivi tra parentesi.
Sporting g rec cord ds
The world’s most popular non-competitive sport is swimming. It is marginally more . (popular) popular than cycling, which is the second most popular
Suleiman Nashnush is professional sportsman ever. When he represented Libya at basketball in 1962, he was 2.45 metres tall. This is ten centimetres person North Korean basketball star Ri Myong-hun, who at one time was in the world. (tall)
sportsman ever is Sumo wrestler ‘Tiny’ Manny Yarbrough. In 2014, he weighed 323 kg. (heavy)
than anyone has ever run in a single In 1997, Yiannis Kouros of Greece ran day. He covered 300 km in 24 hours at an average speed of 12.5 kph. (far)
man in the world is Usain Bolt, who ran 44.7 kph when he set the 100 m his previous record, world record of 9.58 seconds in 2009. This is 0.8 kph achieved at the 2008 Olympics. (fast)
sport is powerboat racing. Statistically, it is five times motor racing. (dangerous)
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Non usare più di tre parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
There is no city in the world more beautiful than Prague. Prague is the most beautiful city in the world. The UK is not as hot as Italy. Italy the UK. Japanese food is healthier than Chinese food. Chinese food is than Japanese food. No place on earth is as dry as the Atacama Desert. The Atacama Desert is place on earth. Pedro is much lazier than the other students in his class. Pedro is by far in his class. A city holiday is usually not as relaxing as a beach holiday. A beach holiday is usually a city holiday. The exhibition was less interesting than I imagined. I imagined. The exhibition was not
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 117–118 321
Avverbi di modo
A Forma • La maggior parte degli avverbi di modo si forma aggiungendo -ly a un aggettivo. slow ➔ slowly dangerous ➔ dangerously bad ➔ badly • Comunque, ci sono diverse forme a seconda di come termina l’aggettivo. easy ➔ easily -y ➔ -ily terrible ➔ terribly -le ➔ -ly automatic ➔ automatically -ic ➔ -ically • Ci sono alcune forme irregolari. good ➔ well fast ➔ fast hard ➔ hard early ➔ early late ➔ late He played well. Ha giocato/suonato bene. He’s driving fast. Sta guidando veloce. I worked hard. Ho lavorato duro. We arrived early/late. Siamo arrivati presto/tardi. TIP Nota che esiste la forma hardly, ma non è l’avverbio derivato dall’aggettivo hard: non significa
duramente, ma a stento, a malapena. I’m so tired I can hardly stand. Sono così stanca che mi reggo in piedi a malapena. She hardly ever sees him. Non lo vede quasi mai.
B Uso Gli avverbi di modo si usano per descrivere un’azione. Esprimono il modo in cui qualcuno fa qualcosa o il modo in cui accade qualcosa. He ran quickly. Corse velocemente. I did my work carefully. Ho fatto il mio lavoro attentamente. It rained steadily. Ha piovuto ininterrottamente.
C Posizione nella frase • Di solito gli avverbi di modo vanno dopo il verbo e il complemento. They left suddenly. Se ne andarono all’improvviso. He opened the door slowly. Aprì la porta lentamente. • Nota, comunque, che alcuni avverbi di modo possono andare prima del verbo, soprattutto se il complemento è lungo. They suddenly left. Se ne andarono all’improvviso. You’ll easily pass the exam. Supererai l’esame con facilità. He slowly opened the door of the room at the end of the corridor. Aprì lentamente la porta della stanza alla fine del corridoio. • Per effetti drammatici narrativi è anche possibile mettere l’avverbio all’inizio della frase. Suddenly, they left. Slowly he opened the door of the room at the end of the corridor. • I verbi di modo irregolari (well, fast ecc.) non vanno mai prima del verbo.
Nota che in inglese gli avverbi di modo non vanno mai tra il verbo e il complemento, come invece capita in italiano. She speaks Spanish well. Parla bene lo spagnolo. (NON She speaks well Spanish.)
D Comparativi e superlativi degli avverbi di modo • Si usa more e the most + avverbio. Si possono usare anche less e the least. Can you drive more slowly? Puoi andare/guidare più lentamente? Jim speaks the most fluently. Jim è quello che parla nel modo più scorrevole. Can you speak less quickly? Puoi parlare meno velocemente? • Si usa -er e the … -est per gli avverbi irregolari, per esempio early ➔ earlier/the earliest, late ➔ later/the latest, fast ➔ faster/the fastest, far ➔ further/the furthest, well ➔ better/the best, badly ➔ worse/the worst. We played well, but the other team played better. Abbiamo giocato bene, ma l’altra squadra ha giocato meglio. We arrived earlier than everyone else. Arrivammo prima di chiunque altro. We arrived the earliest. Arrivammo per primi. 322 Unità 119 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta delle parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. stop/sudden A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B
speak/it/more/fluent 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B
not/hear/you/very good
this afternoon. . Can you speak up? . . than me.
read/the questions/careful
Do you speak English? I can understand most things, but I wish I could Do you have any advice for the exam next week? Just remember to What’s wrong with the team captain? I don’t know. He
. . than usual today.
Completa le istruzioni con i verbi nel primo riquadro e un avverbio derivato da un aggettivo nel secondo riquadro. drive
careful ▶
Did you see the weather forecast for today? Yes. They think it’ ll rain heavily What did you say? I OK, I’ll try to What’s happened to the TV? I don’t know. It just You play chess really well. Thanks, but I think you
walk slow
Grammar B1
thorough 3
seatbelts .
. 4
Use CAPITAL letters and . … dish and Then heat …
Riscrivi le frasi con l’avverbio derivato dall’aggettivo in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
He’s a good tennis player. She’s a terrible singer. I’m a very slow reader. She’s a very good skier. It will be an easy win for Arsenal. There was a considerable improvement in the weather. Her spoken English is really good. Is she a hard worker? We had a late finish last night. His writing is very untidy. She’s a really fast typist.
He plays tennis well She I She Arsenal The weather She Does she We He She can
. . . . . . . ? . . .
Unità 119 323
Espressioni avverbiali e complementi di luogo e tempo
A Espressioni avverbiali e complementi di luogo Le espressioni avverbiali e i complementi di luogo indicano il luogo dove avviene qualcosa. Comprendono parole ed espressioni come: outside fuori at the cinema al cinema here/there qui/lì from school da scuola everywhere dappertutto on the table sul tavolo in London a Londra north of the city a nord della città ➔ Vedi unità 100 sull’uso delle preposizioni di luogo.
B Espressioni avverbiali e complementi di tempo Le espressioni avverbiali e i complementi di tempo indicano quando o per quanto tempo accade qualcosa. Comprendono parole ed espressioni come: yesterday ieri at night di notte tomorrow domani in July a luglio at the moment al momento in 2016 nel 2016 at 6 o’clock alle 6 for two hours per due ore on Friday venerdì since June da giugno in the morning di mattina when I was a child quando ero bambino ➔ Vedi unità 102 sull’uso delle preposizioni di tempo.
C Posizione nella frase • Le espressioni di luogo e di tempo di solito vanno dopo il verbo e il complemento oggetto. I saw Pedro at the gym. Ho visto Pedro in palestra. (NON I at the gym saw Pedro./I saw at the gym Pedro.) We’re leaving tomorrow. Partiamo domani. We have lunch at 12.30. Pranziamo alle 12.30. • Comunque, certe volte si possono mettere le espressioni di tempo e di luogo all’inizio della frase, di solito quando si fa un elenco o un confronto con qualcos’altro. At 12.30, we have lunch and then we have lessons until 2.30. Alle 12.30 pranziamo e poi abbiamo lezioni fino alle 14.30. They drive on the right in the USA, but in Australia, they drive on the left. Negli USA si guida a destra, ma in Australia si guida a sinistra. TIP Se l’espressione di tempo o di luogo è all’inizio della frase, è sempre seguita da una virgola.
In 2012, we moved to Scotland. Nel 2012 ci siamo trasferiti in Scozia. • Quando si indicano sia luogo che tempo, la posizione delle espressioni dipende dal verbo. – con i verbi che hanno un forte collegamento con il concetto di luogo (go, come, arrive, stay, live ecc.) di solito si indica il luogo prima del tempo. I went to London at the weekend. Sono andata a Londra al fine settimana. (NON I went at the weekend to London.) We’ve lived here for years. Abitiamo qui da anni. (NON We’ve lived for years here.) Pedro was at the gym on Friday. Pedro era in palestra venerdì. (NON Pedro was on Friday at the gym.) – con i verbi che non hanno un collegamento altrettanto forte con il concetto di luogo (see, meet, speak ecc.) si mette prima la parte che si vuole sottolineare. Have you seen Tom recently? ~ Yes, I saw him on Friday at the gym./Yes, I saw him at the gym on Friday. Hai visto Tom di recente? ~ Sì, l’ho visto venerdì in palestra./Sì, l’ho visto in palestra venerdì. • Quando ci sono due espressioni di tempo, normalmente si possono mettere in qualunque ordine, ma di solito si mette per prima quella che nel contesto si considera la più importante. We arrived at 6.30 yesterday. Siamo arrivati alle 6.30 ieri. We arrived yesterday at 6.30. Siamo arrivati ieri alle 6.30. ➔ Vedi unità 123 per gli avverbi di tempo relativo already, yet, just, recently, still e soon.
324 Unità 120 OUP copyright 2015
Completa il dialogo con le espressioni avverbiali nei riquadri. at home
to London
at the weekend
on Sunday
A What did you do ▶ at the weekend ? B I went 1 on Saturday and 2 in a restaurant in Soho
in the afternoon
, I stayed 3 on a sightseeing tour
A What did you do 4 ? 5 B We went in the morning and 6 7 In the evening, we had dinner . at about midnight
on Sunday
A Did you stay 8 overnight? B No, we caught the bus back to Cambridge 9 about two in the morning. A And did you do anything 11 B No, I got up late and had a lazy day 12
in London , we did some shopping.
in the garden . We got 10
? .
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. Non iniziare le frasi con un’espressione avverbiale. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
after school/we/to the park/’re going We’re going to the park after school. in the USA/lived/Stephanie/for two years 6 at school/was/I/all day yesterday study/we/on Tuesdays and Thursdays/English 7 at 2.30/at the bus station/let’s/meet this semester/economics/am studying/I 8 to school/get the bus/when it’s raining/I to school/I/five days a week/go 9 we/every year/in the same hotel/stay at 7.55/arrived/this morning/I/at school 10 Peter/in town/I/saw/on Saturday
Completa i dialoghi con l’espressione avverbiale tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A B A B 2 A B A 3 A B 4 A B A 5 A B
– did you do ▶ last night ? (last night) What ▶ – Nothing. I ▶ stayed ▶ at home . (at home) Oh, I thought you were meeting Jenny . (last night) I was too tired. In fact, I went at about 9 o’clock . (to bed) I saw Andrew . (yesterday) I haven’t seen Andrew . How is he? (for ages) He’s fine. He got a new job and moved to London. (six months ago) How long have you lived ? (in Bristol) We’ve been for about ten years . (there) We moved there . (when I was six) I saw a great band . They’re called Electric Star. (the other day) Yes, I saw them , actually. Where did you see them? (a few months ago) They were on Friday . (at the club) Can you give me a lift tomorrow afternoon? (to the train station) Sorry, but I’m not tomorrow afternoon . (here) to my parents’ . (for the day) I’m going
Unità 120 325
Grammar B1
Avverbi di frequenza
A Uso e forma
più frequente
Questi avverbi si usano per dire con quale frequenza si fa o accade qualcosa. • I principali avverbi di frequenza sono: always sempre often/frequently spesso/frequentemente/di frequente usually/normally/generally di solito/normalmente/generalmente sometimes a volte occasionally occasionalmente/ogni tanto/non molto spesso rarely raramente hardly ever quasi mai never mai I occasionally drink coffee. Bevo caffè solo ogni tanto. It hardly ever snows here. Qui non nevica quasi mai. ➔ Vedi unità 124 per gli usi di ever.
Ricorda che sia ever che never corrispondono a mai, ma hanno due usi diversi: ever si usa nelle domande e in frasi con un elemento negativo, never corrisponde a non … mai e non si usa in frasi negative. I hardly ever drink coffee. Non bevo caffè quasi mai. (NON I don’t hardly ever drink coffee.) Don’t you ever do that again. Non ti azzardare a farlo mai più. (NON Don’t you never do that again.) Do you ever see Mary these days? Vedi mai Mary di questi tempi? I never drink coffee. Non bevo mai caffè. (NON I don’t never drink coffee.)
• Si usano anche espressioni avverbiali come: every day ogni giorno on Tuesdays, etc. il/di/tutti i martedì ecc. once a week una volta alla settimana every other week una settimana sì e una no every two months ogni due mesi twice a year due volte all’anno I check my emails every day. Controllo le mie mail ogni giorno. I go swimming two or three times a week. Vado a nuotare due o tre volte alla settimana. The Olympics are every four years. Le Olimpiadi sono ogni quattro anni. TIP From time to time e all the time sono espressioni comuni e utili.
I see my cousins from time to time. Ogni tanto vedo le mie cugine. I download music all the time. Scarico musica da internet spessissimo. • Always e usually/normally/generally si possono usare insieme ad altre espressioni di frequenza. I normally go to the gym three times a week. Normalmente vado in palestra tre volte alla settimana. I usually walk to school. Di solito vado a scuola a piedi. (sottinteso ‘ogni giorno’)
B Posizione degli avverbi di frequenza Gli avverbi di frequenza in genere vanno: • prima del verbo principale; I occasionally play tennis. Ogni tanto gioco a tennis. (NON I play occasionally tennis.) I often buy a newspaper. Spesso compro un giornale. (NON I buy often a newspaper.) • dopo be. I’m often in bed by 10 p.m. Spesso sono a letto entro le 22. (NON I often am in bed by 10 o’clock.) • Nota che occasionally, sometimes, usually, normally e generally si possono mettere anche all’inizio o alla fine della frase. Sometimes, it rains for days./It rains for days sometimes. Certe volte piove per giorni. • Le espressioni avverbiali in genere vanno alla fine della frase. I go to the dentist once a year. Vado dal dentista una volta all’anno. (NON I once a year go to the dentist.)
C How often … ? How many times … ? Per fare domande sulla frequenza si usano How often … ? (Ogni quanto … ?) e How many times a day/ week/month/year … ? (Quante volte al giorno/alla settimana/al mese/all’anno … ?). How often do you study English? Ogni quanto studi inglese? How many times a week do you play tennis? Quante volte alla settimana giochi a tennis?
326 Unità 121 copyright 2015
Completa il brano eliminando le espressioni avverbiali nella posizione sbagliata. Poi ascolta e controlla.
A day in my life I ▶normally get up normally at about 7 o’clock, have a quick shower and then I get dressed. I 1always am always hungry in the morning, so I have a big breakfast. I then set off for school; I 2usually walk usually, but 3sometimes I go sometimes on my bike. I 4normally am normally at school by 8.30. School finishes at 3.30 and I 5usually get usually home from school at about 4 o’clock. We 6every day have homework every day and I do this before dinner. After dinner, I 7usually go online usually for an hour or so, chat with friends, watch videos and download some new music. I’ll 8sometimes watch sometimes TV if there’s anything interesting on. I 9once or twice a week go to a friend’s house once or twice a week and 10occasionally we go out occasionally to the cinema or something. I 11generally go generally to bed at about 10.30 and read for a while. I 12always am always asleep by midnight.
Riscrivi le frasi aggiungendo le espressioni avverbiali tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I go swimming. (two or three times a week) I go swimming two or three times a week. I eat meat. (never) I am asleep before midnight. (normally) I play computer games. (all the time) I listen to the radio. (hardly ever) I am late for school. (occasionally) I change my passwords. (every six months) I watch TV. (normally/every day) I check my emails and messages. (usually/several times a day) I do about two hours homework. (generally/each day) We go on holiday. (normally/twice a year)
Scrivi domande con How often … ? . Poi scrivi risposte complete con le espressioni nel riquadro. every fifth of a second every four years ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
usually/twice a year every four years
a leap year Haley’s Comet/appear the Olympic Games a baby born in the world snow/in the Maldives the Athletics World Championships total solar eclipse/occur
every two years every 76 years
How often is a leap year?
It’s every four years.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa un avverbio o un’espressione avverbiale di frequenza. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
go to the cinema get my hair cut be late for school play football wear make-up send a text message go skiing
I usually go to the cinema once or twice a month.
Unità 121 327
Grammar B1
Avverbi di quantità
Gli avverbi di quantità si usano per intensificare o attenuare aggettivi, avverbi o verbi.
A Very, really e so • Very (molto), really (davvero/veramente) e so (così/talmente) sono gli avverbi di quantità più comuni e si usano per modificare aggettivi e avverbi. My teacher’s very nice. Il mio insegnante è molto simpatico. Brrr! It’s so cold. Brrr! Fa così freddo. I did really badly in my exam. Sono andato davvero male all’esame. • Really si usa anche per modificare verbi. I really enjoyed the film. Mi è davvero piaciuto il film.
B Extremely, incredibly ecc. Altri avverbi di quantità comuni che si possono usare con aggettivi e avverbi comprendono extremely (estremamente), incredibly e unbelievably (incredibilmente). The exam was incredibly difficult. L’esame era incredibilmente difficile. I did extremely badly in the exam. Sono andato malissimo/estremamente male all’esame. TIP Ricordati che non si usano avverbi che indicano gradi di intensità con aggettivi non graduabili, e non si
usano avverbi che indicano estremi con aggettivi graduabili. (NON I’m very exhausted.) (NON I’m absolutely tired.) ➔ Vedi unità 113 per gli aggettivi graduabili/non graduabili e gli avverbi che si possono usare.
C Not very, a little, a bit e slightly Not very (non molto), a little/a bit (un poco/pochino) e slightly (leggermente) sono gli avverbi di quantità più comuni usati per attenuare, e si usano con gli aggettivi. I’m not very happy with the result. Non sono molto contento del risultato. I’m a little confused. Sono un po’ confuso.
D Quite e fairly • Quite e fairly significano un po’ più di a little, ma meno di very, e si usano con aggettivi e avverbi. The film was quite good. Il film era piuttosto bello. He played fairly well. Ha giocato abbastanza bene. • Si può usare quite anche con verbi. I quite like ballet. Mi piace parecchio il balletto.
E A lot, a little, (not) very much e so much A lot (molto), a little (un po’), (not) very much ((non) moltissimo) e so much (talmente/così tanto) si usano con i verbi. I like Indian food a lot. Mi piace molto il cibo indiano. I didn’t enjoy the film very much. Il film non mi è piaciuto moltissimo.
F Posizione degli avverbi di quantità • Di solito si mettono gli avverbi di quantità immediatamente prima della parola che modificano. It’s very beautiful. È molto bello. We enjoyed the party very much. La festa ci è piaciuta molto. • A lot, very much e so much di solito vanno dopo il verbo e il complemento oggetto. I like playing tennis a lot. Mi piace molto giocare a tennis. (NON I like a lot playing tennis.) • Comunque very much può anche andare prima del verbo. (NON tra verbo e complemento oggetto) We very much enjoyed the party. (NON We enjoyed very much the party.) ➔ Vedi unità 116 per so e such, what (a) … !
328 Unità 122 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con gli avverbi tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
How was the game? It was OK. We played quite well . (quite) Phew! It is hot today. (so) Yeah, it is hot , isn’t it? 35 degrees, I think. (incredibly) Thank you for my birthday present . (so much) Don’t mention it. You are welcome . (very) I am exhausted . I’ve been working since 6 o’clock this morning. (totally) I know how you feel. I have had a long day, too. (quite) I enjoyed the film last night. (really) Did you? I thought it was boring , actually. (a bit) I thought the restaurant last night was good . (very) Yes, but it was expensive . (unbelievably) I am hot . Can I open the window? (a little) Sure, but it doesn’t open easily . (very) I am feeling nervous about my driving test. (so) Well, it’s probably a good thing to be nervous . You’ll be fine. (a little) Do you like Italian food? Yes, I like Italian food . (a lot) Good. I know a good Italian restaurant we can go to. (really) It is near . About ten minutes’ walk. (quite)
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
The party wasn’t very good, I’m afraid. (much) I didn’t enjoy the party very much , I’m afraid. I enjoyed the film a lot. (really) I the film. She likes classical music a little. (quite) She music. I really missed my friends when we moved. (a lot) I when we moved. We very much look forward to seeing you. (really) We to seeing you. I’m about 75 per cent sure this is his house. (fairly) I his house. I can swim only a little. (very) I good at swimming.
Riscrivi le frasi con (not) very, really, quite, a lot ecc. in modo che siano vere per te. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I’m hungry. My hair is short. I like rock music. I’m good at chess. I’m interested in football. I enjoy studying. I can type fast. I’m good at sports. I’m cool!
I’m quite hungry.
Unità 122 329
Grammar B1
Avverbi di tempo relativo
A Uso e forma Already, yet, just, recently, still e soon si usano per parlare di tempo relativo (non di tempo specifico). • Si usa already per parlare di qualcosa che è già accaduto. Sam has already left. Sam se n’è già andato. Have you already had lunch? Hai già pranzato? • Si usa yet per parlare di qualcosa che non è ancora avvenuto, ma che ci si aspetta che succeda. Sam hasn’t left yet. Sam non se n’è ancora andato. Have you had lunch yet? Hai già pranzato? • Si usa just per dire che qualcosa è appena successo. Si usa con il present perfect e con il past simple. Sam has just left. Sam se n’è appena andato. Alex just phoned. Alex ha appena telefonato. • Si usa recently per dire che qualcosa è successo di recente o è iniziato nel passato ed è ancora in corso. Sam has recently left. Sam se n’è andato poco tempo fa. I’ve been working hard recently. Ultimamente sto lavorando moltissimo. TIP Not yet e Not recently sono risposte brevi molto utili.
Have you phoned Jack? ~ Not yet. Hai chiamato Jack? ~ Non ancora. Have you seen Tony? ~ Not recently. Hai visto Tony? ~ Non di recente. • Si usa still per dire che una situazione è ancora in corso. It’s still raining. Sta ancora piovendo. We still haven’t finished our work. Non abbiamo ancora finito il lavoro. • Si usa soon per dire che qualcosa succederà tra breve. Sam is leaving soon. Sam sta per andarsene/se ne andrà tra poco. I’ll speak to you soon. Ci sentiamo presto. TIP Si usano spesso already, yet, just e recently con il present perfect. ➔ Vedi unità 18 e 19 per l’uso degli avverbi di tempo relativo con il present perfect.
B Posizione nella frase • Di solito already, still, just e recently vanno immediatamente prima del verbo principale. I’ve already eaten. Ho già mangiato. Bill’s just arrived. Bill è appena arrivato. We’re still waiting. Stiamo ancora aspettando. They recently got married. Si sono sposati da poco. • Però vanno dopo be. I’m still tired. Sono ancora stanca. He’s already late. È già in ritardo. • Already e recently possono anche andare alla fine della frase. I’ve eaten already. Ho già mangiato. Have you seen Karen recently? Hai visto Karen recentemente? • Di solito soon e yet vanno alla fine della frase. The taxi will be here soon. Il taxi sarà qui tra poco. We haven’t had lunch yet. Non abbiamo ancora pranzato. Have they arrived yet? Sono già arrivati? • Si usa soon prima del verbo principale. The taxi will soon be here. Il taxi sarà qui tra poco. It will soon be spring. Tra poco sarà primavera. • Si possono usare soon e yet prima dell’infinito in contesti più formali. They are soon to make an announcement. Faranno presto un annuncio ufficiale. He is yet to give us an answer. Deve ancora darci una risposta.
330 Unità 123 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con gli avverbi nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. yet ▶
A Has the taxi arrived yet ? B No, we’re still waiting. I’m sure it’ll be here soon
1 A Is Sue B No. She’s already
still here? gone to post a letter. But I think she’ll be back
A B A B 1 A B 2 A B
Is Peter back? (yet) No. He’s on holiday. (still )
Is Peter back yet? No. He’s still on holiday. Have you had lunch? (already) Yes, but I’m hungry. (still ) Have you seen Jimmy? (recently) I’ve seen him in the library, actually. (just)
3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B
Are you waiting for Harry to call? (still ) No. He’s phoned. (just) Have you phoned Lena? (yet) No, but I’ll do it. (soon) I think I’ll get a new mobile. (soon) Oh. I’ve bought a new one. (just) Will you ring for a taxi? (soon) I’ve booked one. (already)
Completa i dialoghi con Not yet o Not recently. A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
got a new job. She hasn’t started
Riscrivi i dialoghi con le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
got up!
3 A Have you seen Lucy ? B Yes, I saw her yesterday, actually. She’s it , though.
2 A Where are you? The lecture’s started. B I’m at home. I overslept. I’ve only just
Have you had lunch today? Not yet. It’s at 1.30. Have you passed your driving test? I’m only 15. Have you seen Sara? I last saw her about two or three weeks ago.
3 A Have you had dinner? B We’re eating at about 8.30. 4 A Have you had exams at school? B , but we had some a few weeks ago. 5 A Have you had your maths exam? It’s next Monday. B
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. Toni hasn’t finished his work yet. (still) Toni still hasn’t finished his work. 1 Have you had lunch yet? (already) Have lunch? 2 Juliette went home a short time ago. (just) home. Juliette 3 The recent weather’s been great. (recently) The weather . ▶
4 It hasn’t stopped raining yet, I’m afraid. (still) It , I’m afraid. 5 I saw the film before. (already) I’ve film. 6 Have you finished watching TV? (still) watching TV? Are 7 I still haven’t sent the email – sorry. (yet) I haven’t – sorry. Unità 123 331
Grammar B1
Ever e -ever
A Ever Ever corrisponde a espressioni diverse a seconda del contesto, ma l’idea fondamentale è ‘l’intero arco di tempo’ (o della vita di un individuo o del mondo), come nell’espressione the best player ever (il miglior giocatore di tutti i tempi). Si usa per dare enfasi. È usato in modi diversi, ma i più comuni sono: • ever + verbo L’uso più comune di ever è in affermazioni con un elemento negativo e in domande, e di solito va prima del verbo principale. Have you ever been to Australia? Sei mai stata in Australia? No one will ever swim across the Atlantic. Nessuno farà mai la traversata dell’Atlantico a nuoto. I only ever drink wine with a meal. Bevo vino soltanto durante i pasti. • Ever si usa anche in frasi con un superlativo o the first/last/only ecc. This is the best party I’ve ever been to! Questa è la festa migliore a cui sia mai andata! This is the first time I’ve ever eaten Chinese food. È la prima volta che ho mai mangiato cibo cinese. Kathryn Bigelow is the only woman ever to have won the Oscar for best director. Kathryn Bigelow è l’unica donna ad aver mai vinto l’Oscar per la miglior regìa. • Si può usare un superlativo + ever. Si può usare anche the first/last ecc. + ever. This is the best party ever! Questa è la festa migliore di tutti i tempi! That was the worst exam ever! È stato il peggior esame di tutti i tempi! Pavarotti’s last ever concert was at the Turin Winter Olympics. L’ultimo concerto in assoluto di Pavarotti è stato alle Olimpiadi invernali di Torino. • comparativo + than ever The competition is closer than ever. La gara è più serrata che mai. I love you more than ever. Ti amo più che mai. More people than ever have their own websites. Ci sono più persone che mai che hanno il proprio sito web. TIP Nota che spesso si usa ever con il present perfect, specialmente nelle domande del tipo Have you
ever … ? (Hai mai … ?). ➔ Vedi unità 19 per ever e il present perfect.
B Altre espressioni con ever • ever since (sin da quando) Può essere seguito dal past simple o, se le situazioni nelle due frasi sono tuttora vere, con il present perfect. I’ve loved Orlando Bloom ever since I saw The Lord of the Rings films. Orlando Bloom mi piace moltissimo sin da quando ho visto la trilogia del ‘Signore degli Anelli’. Jo and I have been friends ever since I’ve been working here. Jo e io siamo amici sin da quando lavoro qui. • If ever … If ever you need help, just ask./If you ever need help, just ask. Se avessi mai bisogno di aiuto, chiedi./Se mai avessi bisogno di aiuto, chiedi.
C -ever • Si può aggiungere -ever come suffisso a parole interrogative: whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever/whomever e however. Il significato è non importa cosa/dove/quando ecc. Whenever I go to Brighton, I always visit my cousins. Ogni volta che vado a Brighton, vado sempre a trovare i miei cugini. You can invite who(m)ever you like to your party. Puoi invitare chiunque tu voglia alla tua festa. • Spesso si usano i composti whatever, whenever ecc. alla fine di un elenco. I don’t mind where we go for a walk – the park, the river, wherever. Non mi importa dove andiamo a fare una passeggiata – al parco, al fiume, dovunque. The internet is great for shopping, gaming, downloading music and whatever. Internet è favoloso per fare shopping, per giocare, per scaricare musica eccetera. 332 Unità 124 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con ever nella posizione corretta per dare enfasi. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B A B
Completa le frasi con il composto di una parola interrogativa + ever. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
When did the World Cup start? – – The first ever World Cup was in Uruguay in 1930. How was the concert last night? Great – much better than I imagined it would be. Where do you live? Milan. We moved there in 2002 and we’ve lived there since. Where did you go last night? To Club Habana. Have you been there? Do you think we will make contact with aliens? Yes, I’m sure we will one day. If you’re in Italy , you must come and stay with us. Thanks, I will. Have you been to that new Moroccan restaurant? Oh, we only eat Italian food when we go out! Brr! It’s freezing! Yes. They say this winter is going to be the coldest . What’s your favourite TV programme? Well, it’s not on TV these days, but The Sopranos. Did you watch it? Yeah, I did. I thought the last episode was brilliant. I think it’s one of the best TV shows .
That’s the new student – Billy, Bobby, or whatever his name is. You can sit you like – these chairs are all free. My computer always crashes I try to download movies. I don’t mind what we eat – Chinese, Indian, Italian, . You can use the computer you like. You don’t need to ask. I don’t care who wins – Italy, Brazil, France, . We’ve got no plans – we can do you’d like to do. You can invite you like to your party. I go, I try to learn a few words of the language.
Riscrivi le frasi aggiungendo ever o than ever per dare enfasi. ▶
The river sometimes gets high, but now it’s higher.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Last year’s Serie A was the closest. Today, there are more people shopping online. According to research, fewer teenagers are starting smoking. The Change’s latest album is their best. If you’re in Oxford again, we must meet up. Last night’s episode of Friends was the last. If you need any help, let me know. Scientists are nearer to finding a cure for the common cold.
The river sometimes gets high, but now it’s higher than ever.
Unità 124 333
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 119–124 Avverbi 1
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ▶
you/at the bus station/’ll/meet/I
I’ll meet you at the bus station. 1 usually/to school/cycle/I 2 quickly/arrived/the ambulance/really 3 slowly/is/the traffic/very/moving 4 we/every year/in the same hotel/stay 5 I/got/this morning/to school/at 7.40 6 very much/use/I/don’t/my laptop/these days 7 just/a new motorbike/bought/has/Harry 8 never/to the UK/I/been/have 9 we/yet/this year/haven’t/on holiday/been 10 breaking down/is/my scooter/these days/always
Completa il brano con le parole nei riquadri.
Reader’s travel highlight. This week, Paul Watson there
since I was about ten
a few years ago
I’ve been travelling ▶ since I was about ten and I’ve travelled to some 1 nice places. But my favourite trip was to New York. I went 2 with my girlfriend 3 . It was at the beginning of our relationship and it was, for me, the best holiday I’ve 4 had. in New York
around Manhattan
up the Empire State Building
Our hotel room was 5 luxurious and it had a wonderful view of Central Park. I can 6 picture the scene. New York is, of course, a modern, vibrant city, but it’s ; we also got great history and culture. We did the usual things that you do 7 walked 8 , visited a few museums and, of course, we also went 9 . definitely
since then
near Fifth Avenue 10
every night
We ate in a different restaurant and had some amazing food. One night, we went to a fantastic little Italian restaurant and had the best meal I think I’ve 11 had. It was located 12 , although I don’t know what its name is and don’t think I . could find it 13 I’ve been to New York a few times 14 and 15 I’ve been, I’ve had a 16 the most memorable. great time. But that time with my girlfriend was 334 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 119–124
3 Completa l’oroscopo cinese con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Chinese astrology In Chinese astrology, each year is represented by an animal and people born in that year have the characteristics of that animal. RAT 1996, 2008 You are ▶ very / a lot determined and ambitious. You work 1hard / hardly at all times and you 2make carefully decisions / make decisions carefully. OX 1997, 2009 You are 3very / a lot dependable and you 4keep always / always keep your word. You are 5 sometimes too serious / too serious sometimes about life. TIGER 1998, 2010 You 6extremely are / are extremely self-confident. You 7 make decisions quickly / make quickly decisions and they 8 usually are / are usually the right decisions. RABBIT 1999, 2011 You 9generally are / are generally quiet and calm. You are sensitive and you 10often worry / worry often about other people.
DRAGON 1988, 2000 You are a 11very much / very lucky person and you are 12generally very / very generally successful at whatever you do.
MONKEY 1992, 2004 You love parties and you 19 always are / are always looking for fun. You 20don’t take life seriously / don’t take seriously life.
SNAKE 1989, 2001 You are lively and energetic. However, you can 13get sometimes / sometimes get 14quickly angry / angry quickly.
ROOSTER 1993, 2005 You 21really / very love to be the centre of attention. You 22smartly dress / dress smartly and you like to look 23 good at all times / at all times good.
HORSE 1990, 2002 You are sociable and you make 15friends easily / easily friends. However, you 16 quite can be / can be quite unconfident at times. SHEEP 1991, 2003 You are considerate and you 17 always think / think always before you act. However, 18 you think sometimes / sometimes you think about things too much.
DOG 1994, 2006 You have strong opinions and 24always you fight / you always fight for what you believe in. PIG 1995, 2007 You are 25extremely polite in all situations / in all situations extremely polite. You are a 26 much / very popular person.
Riferisci quanto ha detto Susie. Scrivi frasi complete con gli avverbi usati nelle sue risposte. ▶
‘Have you been to the USA?’ ‘Yes, twice.’
She’s been to the USA twice. 1 ‘Have you been to Spain?’ ‘Once.’ 2 ‘ Do you walk to school?’ ‘Normally.’ 3 ‘Are you ever late for school?’ ‘Occasionally.’ 4 ‘Do you ever play computer games?’ ‘Sometimes.’ 5 ‘Are you good at maths?’ ‘No, not very.’ 6 ‘Do you speak French?’ ‘A bit.’
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 119–124 335
7 ‘Do you like reading?’ ‘Yes, a lot.’ 8 ‘Can you snowboard?’ ‘Yes, quite well.‘ 9 ‘Can you play the piano?’ ‘Yes, badly.’ 10 ‘Have you decided what to do when you leave school?’ ‘No, not yet.’
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A What ▶ at the weekend did you do / did you do at the weekend ? B I went 1to London on Saturday / on Saturday to London. And on Sunday, 2at home I stayed / I stayed at home. A What 3did you do in London / in London did you do? B Well, 4I’d never been to London before / I’d been never before to London, so 5in the morning we went on a sightseeing tour / we in the morning went on a sightseeing tour and 6we in the afternoon did some shopping / we did some shopping in the afternoon. A Sounds fun! B Yes, it was 7a really great day / a day really great. And then 8we had in the evening dinner in a nice restaurant / in the evening we had dinner in a nice restaurant. 2 A How was your flight? B It was 9absolutely terrible / terrible absolutely. 10Don’t ever fly / Don’t fly ever with FlyTours! The cabin crew were 11very rude / rude very, the food was the worst 12I ever have eaten / I have ever eaten, we arrived 13over two hours late / late over two hours and 14I was waiting still for my bags / I was still waiting for my bags an hour after we landed. A That’s a shame. 15I’ve flown often / I’ve often flown with FlyTours and 16they have always been / they always have been fine. B Well, 17I’m never flying / I never am flying with them again, that’s for sure!
Riscrivi le frasi della biografia aggiungendo le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. Quando c’è più di un avverbio, usali nell’ordine dato. ▶
Keira Christina Knightley was born on 26th March 1985. (in London)
Keira Christina Knightley was born in London on 26th March 1985. 1 She started acting and she appeared in theatre productions while she was at primary school. (at the age of six, regularly, still)
2 She first appeared on TV in 1993 and her first film role was in Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace. (when she was seven, in 1999)
336 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 119–124
3 Her first major film role was in the popular British film Bend It Like Beckham. (hugely, in 2002)
4 The filming of Bend It Like Beckham was difficult because of the rigorous football training she did. (very, extremely, every day)
5 The success of the film opened the door for her into Hollywood. (quickly)
6 After her role in the successful Pirates of the Caribbean films, she found herself part of the Hollywood A-list. (enormously, suddenly)
7 As well as acting, she does modelling work. She has also been voted one of the most attractive movie stars. (sometimes, ever)
8 She got married to musician James Righton and the couple lives in London. Keira watches her favourite football team West Ham United. (in 2013, currently, whenever possible)
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
There has been a sharp decrease in unemployment this year. (sharply) Unemployment has decreased sharply this year. I get the bus to school most of the time. (usually) I to school. I enjoyed the film a lot. (really) I the film. The party wasn’t very good, I’m afraid. (much) I didn’t enjoy , I’m afraid. Toni hasn’t finished his work yet. (still) Toni his work. Have you had lunch yet? (already) Have lunch? Juliette sent me a text message a minute ago. (just) Juliette me a text message. I think it will be an easy win for Arsenal tonight. (easily) I think Arsenal tonight. The taxi was late this morning. (arrived) The taxi this morning. My grandma’s a very careful driver most of the time. (drives) My grandma most of the time. The embassy is quite near here. (not very) from here. The embassy
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 119–124 337
Frasi relative determinative
A La frase relativa • Quando due frasi hanno un elemento (soggetto o complemento) in comune, di solito si evita la ripetizione unendo le due frasi e trasformandone una in frase relativa, in cui il pronome relativo sostituisce l’elemento in comune. This is the DVD. My friend mentioned it. ➔ This is the DVD that my friend mentioned. Questo è il DVD. Il mio amico l’ha menzionato. ➔ Questo è il DVD che il mio amico ha menzionato. I read the book on holiday. It’s brilliant. ➔ The book that I read on holiday is brilliant. Ho letto il libro in vacanza. È bellissimo. ➔ Il libro che ho letto in vacanza è bellissimo. Attenzione a non mantenere l’elemento sostituito dal pronome relativo nella frase relativa. (NON The book that I read on holiday it was brilliant.) (NON This is the DVD that my friend mentioned it.) • Una frase relativa determinativa dà informazioni che identificano esattamente la persona o l’oggetto di cui stiamo parlando. La frase relativa viene immediatamente dopo questa persona o quest’oggetto. Where’s the book that you gave me? Dov’è il libro che mi hai dato? That’s the man who helped us. Quello è l’uomo che ci ha aiutato. A zoologist is someone who studies animals. Uno zoologo è una persona che studia gli animali.
B Pronomi relativi I pronomi relativi (who, which, whose e that) si mettono all’inizio della frase relativa. • Si usano who o that per le persone e which o that per oggetti e animali. That è usato più comunemente in contesti informali, come l’inglese parlato. Is that the guy who we met yesterday? Quello è il tizio che abbiamo incontrato ieri? The people that live next door are really friendly. Le persone che vivono qui a fianco sono molto cordiali. Where’s the DVD which Sue lent me? Dov’è il DVD che mi ha prestato Sue? What’s the name of the film that we saw last week? Come si intitola il film che abbiamo visto la settimana scorsa? • Whose si usa per esprimere possesso, ed è sempre seguito da un sostantivo. That’s the guy whose car was stolen. Quello è il tizio a cui hanno rubato la macchina/la cui macchina/la macchina del quale è stata rubata.
C Omissione del pronome relativo Si possono omettere who, which o that quando la parola che segue è soggetto (you, we, I, Sue ecc.). L’omissione di who, which o that è molto comune nell’inglese parlato. Where’s the book that you gave me?/Where’s the book you gave me? Is that the guy who we met yesterday?/Is that the guy we met yesterday? That’s the man who helped us. (NON That’s the man helped us.)
D Who o whom? Whom si usa qualche volta come alternativa più formale a who ed è seguito da un soggetto. Where is the person whom/who I saw earlier? Dov’è la persona che ho visto prima? Where is the person who phoned earlier? Dov’è la persona che ha telefonato prima? (NON Where is the person whom phoned earlier?)
E Where e when Si possono usare gli avverbi where e when in un modo analogo ai pronomi relativi. Nota che where e when non possono mai essere omessi. This is the church where we got married. Questa è la chiesa in cui/dove ci siamo sposati. Is this the hotel where we stayed last year? È questo l’albergo dove siamo stati l’anno scorso? Christmas is a time when families get together. Natale è un momento in cui le famiglie si riuniscono.
338 Unità 125 OUP copyright 2015
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi con un pronome relativo in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This is my friend. I was talking about him yesterday. This is my friend who I was talking about yesterday We saw a film. It was terrible. The film that we saw was terrible This is the club. I first met Ann here. This is We saw a film last night. It was brilliant. The film There’s that boy. I borrowed his book. There’s A guy asked me to dance. He was very nice. The guy I bought this DVD. It doesn’t work. This DVD An omnivore is an animal. It eats both meat and plants. An omnivore Easter is a festival. At Easter, people eat chocolate eggs. Easter
. . . . . . . . .
Completa il brano con i pronomi relativi corretti. Se un pronome relativo può essere omesso, non scriverlo. Poi ascolta e controlla.
My favourite restaurant Giovanni’s, Oxford – we go to most is Giovanni’s in Oxford. Whenever Our favourite restaurant and the restaurant ▶
we decide to go out for a meal, it’s always the first place 1 my kids want to go. It’s got a simple menu of delicious pizzas and pasta. Every time I go there, I think I should be a bit more adventurous and have something 2 I haven’t had before, but I always end up having the same thing – spinach and gorgonzola pizza. The man 3 owns the restaurant, Martin, is an old friend of mine, so we’re always made to feel especially welcome. But all the people 4 work there are very friendly and welcoming. It’s the thing 5 makes the place special. And the music 6 they play is music 7 Martin and I used to listen to years ago, so that makes it even more special. The old Italian couple 8 used to own the restaurant still live upstairs. I think they keep an eye on the place to make sure their tradition lives on. It’s certainly a tradition 9 we don’t want to change.
Completa i dialoghi con le informazioni nel riquadro. Puoi omettere il pronome relativo quando serve per rendere più naturale la frase. You ordered it online. You borrowed it last week. A B A 1 A B A 2 A B A ▶
We got married there! I found his wallet.
Here’s the book. Which book?
The book you wanted to borrow. The DVD has arrived. Which DVD? Can I have that £20 back? Which £20?
3 A B A 4 A B A 5 A B A
You wanted to borrow it. They live near Naples. Look. There’s the church. Which church? There’s that guy. Which guy? I’m going to visit my cousins. Which cousins?
Unità 125 339
Grammar B1
Preposizioni nelle frasi relative
• Quando un verbo regge una preposizione (look for, speak to ecc.) in genere la preposizione si mette alla fine della frase relativa. Are these the keys that you’re looking for? Sono queste le chiavi che stai cercando? The holiday you were thinking about is too expensive. La vacanza alla quale stavi pensando costa troppo. The person you spoke to is the manager. La persona con la quale hai parlato è il manager. • Comunque, nell’inglese più formale si può anche mettere la preposizione prima del pronome relativo which e whom, ma non prima di that e who. The person to whom you spoke is the manager. La persona con la quale hai parlato è il manager. There are many things for which I am grateful. Ci sono molte cose per le quali sono grato. • Ricordati che in certi casi si può omettere il pronome relativo. The person (whom) you spoke to is the manager. • Comunque, se si mette la preposizione prima del pronome relativo, il pronome relativo non può essere omesso. (NON The person to you spoke is the manager.) TIP To whom it may concern (A chi di competenza) è un modo classico di iniziare una lettera formale
quando non si conosce il destinatario. To whom it may concern: We are writing to inform you that … A chi di competenza: Le scriviamo per informarLa del …
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa una frase relativa con una preposizione finale. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
We stayed in a hotel, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the hotel we stayed in I applied for a job, but I didn’t get it. I didn’t get We went to a restaurant. I really liked it. I really liked I was telling you about this book. Here it is. Here’s the book You were looking at a photo. Have you still got it? Have you still got Paul is talking to those men. Who are they? Who are You were listening to a song last night. What was it? What was
Riscrivi le frasi con una frase relativa per renderle più naturali. A What are these photos? B It’s that party. I went to it last weekend. That’s the party I went to last weekend . 1 A Who’s that with Ellie? B She’s going out with that guy at the moment. That’s the guy . 2 A And who’s the guy in the sunglasses? B I work with him. He’s someone .
340 Unità 126 OUP copyright 2015
. . . . ? ? ?
3 A He’s talking to a girl. Who is she? Who’s the girl ? B I used to go to school with her. She’s someone . 4 A Tom’s dancing with a girl. Who is she? Who’s the girl ? B I told you about that girl. Tom danced with her all night. That’s the girl . She’s the one . EXAM Completa la seconda frase in modo che il significato non cambi. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I grew up in a small town which is by the sea. The small town I grew up in is by the sea. We went on a cruise, which was in the Aegean. The cruise the Aegean. The download has just finished. You were waiting for it. The download has just finished. I know nothing about astrology, I’m afraid. Astrology is something , I’m afraid. We stayed in a hotel which was too far from the sea. The was too far from the sea. Karen was talking to a boy who seemed very nice. The boy seemed very nice. I was looking for a book, which was on the bookshelf all the time. The was on the bookshelf all the time.
Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. by which time To whom ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
for which with whom
in which to whom
in which with which
The Life of Pi is a film in which the real stars are the special effects. My starter finally arrived after one hour, all my dining companions were already eating their main course. The robbers stole a car, they made their escape. There are a number of people I must say a big, big thank you. The Harry Potter stories are the books J.K. Rowling is best known. She immediately knew he was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life. The fangs contain poison, the snake kills its prey. it may concern, we are writing to inform you that …
Abbina le frasi dell’esercizio 4 alla fonte da cui sono tratte. a b c d
An Oscar acceptance speech A film review A news report A romantic novel
e f g h
A nature book An author biography A formal letter A letter of complaint
Unità 126 341
Grammar B2
Frasi relative ridotte
A Uso e forma Quando un pronome relativo è seguito dal verbo be si può omettere be + pronome relativo. Questo può avvenire: • con tempi continuous; Jane’s the girl talking to Pete. (= Jane is the girl who is talking to Pete.) Jane è la ragazza che sta parlando con Pete. • con il passivo; The money stolen in the robbery was never found. (= The money which was stolen in the robbery was never found.) I soldi (che erano stati) rubati nella rapina non furono mai trovati. • con aggettivi ed espressioni con preposizioni. They interviewed some of the workers on strike. (= They interviewed some of the workers who were on strike.) Hanno intervistato alcuni dei lavoratori (che erano) in sciopero.
B Forma in -ing • Si può anche usare la forma in -ing al posto di un pronome relativo + present simple quando si parla di un fatto, uno stato, o una situazione permanente. The people living next door are very friendly. (= The people who live next door are very friendly.) Le persone (che abitano) a fianco sono molto cordiali. We stayed in a room overlooking the beach. (= We stayed in a room which overlooks the beach.) Avevamo una camera che dava sulla spiaggia. • Non si usa la forma in -ing in questo modo per parlare di un’azione singola e completata. The lion which escaped is extremely dangerous. Il leone che è scappato è estremamente pericoloso. (NON The lion escaping is extremely dangerous.)
C There is/are Si usano spesso le frasi relative ridotte con There is/are. There are six of us going to the gig. (= There are six of us who are going to the gig.) Sei di noi vanno al concerto. TIP Spesso si usano le frasi relative ridotte quando si descrivono cose.
He’s wearing a black baseball cap covered in silver stars. Indossa un cappello da baseball nero coperto di stelle argentate. It’s a statue of a woman holding a torch standing in New York Harbour. È la statua di una donna che regge una fiaccola e che si trova nel porto di New York.
Ci sono sette frasi relative ridotte in questo brano. Sottolinea le restanti sei.
Too many students A report put together by an organization called ‘No More Students’ states that in some cities there are too many university students living in residential and family areas. It says that the number of students is becoming a big problem. In documents presented to the Department of Education, the organization claims that the number of homes rented by students in residential and family areas has increased dramatically. They claim it is, in most cases, above the limit set by the local authorities. ‘No More Students’ has spent several months investigating houses registered as student homes. A spokesperson said, ‘There are thousands more students living outside the university campuses than there should be. The students have lots of noisy parties and play loud music at night. It is a big problem.’
Che cosa è stato omesso (who are, which are, which was o which were) in ciascuna delle frasi relative ridotte dell’esercizio 1? Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno.
342 Unità 127 OUP copyright 2015
Riscrivi le frasi con le frasi relative ridotte. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
All the people who were injured in the accident have now left hospital.
All the people injured in the accident have now left hospital. The Canaletto painting which was stolen last week has been found. Bags that are left unattended will be removed. Whose is the coffee which is on the kitchen table? Anyone who finishes in the top three gets a medal. Who’s the girl who is eating the ice cream over there? We stayed in a hotel which overlooked the main square. Students who are going on the school trip need to be at school at 6.30. Who’s the girl who is standing next to the door? There are five students in my school who study Russian. There’s a car which is parked in front of the gates.
Completa le descrizioni con le frasi relative ridotte e le informazioni nel riquadro. It’s in Red Square in Moscow. It overlooks Rio de Janeiro. It leans to one side. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
It stands next to the Yamuna river in Agra, India. She’s holding a torch. It stands in New York Harbour. It’s high in the Andes in Peru. It was discovered in 1908.
The Statue of Liberty is a statue of a woman holding a torch standing in New York Harbour The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a 12th-century bell tower St Basil’s cathedral is a multi-coloured cathedral Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Christ The Taj Mahal is a domed tomb Macchu Picchu is a ruined city
. . . . . .
Trasforma le frasi relative in corsivo in frasi relative ridotte. Usa la forma in -ing o un participio passato. Poi ascolta e controlla.
News in brief According to a survey, women ▶ who steal stealing chips from their husband’s or boyfriend’s plate is the most common cause of arguments between couples ▶ who are eating out eating out . Three university students have been evicted from their house after the people 1who live next door complained that they made too much noise while watching football on TV. to be a police officer to get into a football match for A man 2who pretended the match free was arrested after other police officers 3who were watching noticed that his hat was made of plastic. He had bought it in a fancy-dress shop. from a London museum more than ten years A painting 4which was ‘stolen’ ago has been found in the museum storeroom only a few metres away. The painting, 5which at £5 million, was found by builders during renovation work. A is valued at the museum at the time has been security guard 6who was working arrested. A British woman 7who has been obsessed child has started a company 8which imports
with Dracula since she was a coffins from Transylvania.
Unità 127 343
Grammar B2
Frasi relative esplicative
A Uso e forma • Si usa una frase relativa esplicativa per dare informazioni aggiuntive, non essenziali, sulla persona o cosa di cui si parla. La frase relativa esplicativa segue immediatamente il sostantivo a cui si riferisce. He lives in Witney, which is not far from Oxford. Abita a Witney, che non è lontano da Oxford. Redgrave, who won five Olympic gold medals, retired in 2004. Redgrave, che ha vinto cinque medaglie d’oro alle Olimpiadi, si è ritirato nel 2004. Obama, whose father was from Kenya, became the USA’s first black president. Obama, il cui padre era kenyota, divenne il primo presidente nero degli USA. • Si può anche usare la frase relativa esplicativa con which per fare commenti sull’intera frase che la precede. I missed the bus, which was annoying. Ho perso l’autobus, che è stata una seccatura. • Si separa sempre una frase relativa esplicativa dalla frase principale per mezzo di una virgola. • Normalmente non si può omettere il pronome relativo in una frase relativa esplicativa. (NON This is David, you met last month.) TIP Nota che le frasi relative esplicative sono usate più di frequente nello scritto e in altri contesti più
formali. Comunque le frasi relative esplicative che commentano sull’intera frase che le precede sono molto comuni anche nell’inglese parlato.
B Pronomi relativi • All’inizio di una frase relativa esplicativa si usa un pronome relativo. Si usano who per le persone, which per gli animali o le cose e whose per indicare possesso. The actor Jim Smith, who won three Oscars, has died. L’attore Jim Smith, che vinse tre Oscar, è morto. Smith was born in 1932 in Los Angeles, which is home to the Oscars. Smith nacque nel 1932 a Los Angeles, che è la patria degli Oscar. Smith, whose career lasted five decades, is best known for his action movies. Smith, la cui carriera è durata cinquant’anni, è noto soprattutto per i suoi film d’azione. • Nelle frasi relative esplicative non si deve mai usare that. (NON Smith was born in 1932 in Los Angeles, that is home to the Oscars.) • Si possono usare anche where e which is where. Witney, where he lives, is not far from Oxford. Witney, dove abita, è non lontano da Oxford. We visited York, which is where I was born. Siamo andati a York, che è dove sono nato.
C Who o whom? Si usa whom certe volte come alternativa più formale a who quando è seguito da un soggetto. David Jenkins, whom/who you met last month, will be the new sales manager. David Jenkins, che hai incontrato il mese scorso, sarà il nuovo direttore delle vendite.
D Frasi relative esplicative ridotte • A volte si possono omettere who/which + be (is, was ecc.) in frasi relative esplicative. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is the world’s most expensive city. (= Moscow, which is the capital of Russia, is the world’s most expensive city.) Mosca, (che è) la capitale della Russia, è la città più cara del mondo. • Si può usare la forma in -ing al posto di un pronome relativo + verbo quando la frase relativa presenta qualcosa come il risultato di qualcos’altro. In 2006, a lorry driver won $235 million on the lottery, making him one of the USA’s richest people overnight. (= In 2006, a lorry driver won $235 million on the lottery, which made him one of the USA’s richest people overnight.) Nel 2006 un autista di camion vinse $235 milioni alla lotteria, cosa che ha fatto di lui una delle persone più ricche degli USA da un giorno all’altro.
344 Unità 128 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con frasi relative esplicative che commentano sull’intera frase precedente. Usa le parole nel riquadro. It’s very cheap. It gets on my nerves. It was very kind of her. It was a relief. It meant I had to get a taxi. It’s where I went to school. It’s a total disaster. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I found the missing file, which was a relief My parents live in Milton Keynes, I failed all my exams, I missed the last bus, My brother’s always playing rap music, The meal only cost €10, Mary offered to help,
. . . . . . .
Trasforma le due frasi in una frase relativa esplicativa. Ricordati di usare la virgola. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
Argentinosaurus is the largest land animal that ever lived. Its name means ‘Argentina lizard’.
Argentinosaurus, whose name means ‘Argentina lizard’, is the largest land animal that ever lived. 1 The dinosaur was 40 m long and weighed over 100 tonnes. It lived about 95 million years ago. 2 It was a herbivore. Being a herbivore meant it had to spend 95 per cent of the time eating.
6 Elton John shot to fame in the early 1970s. His real name is Reginald Dwight. 7 He has sold over 200 million albums. Selling over 200 million albums makes him one of the most successful rock musicians ever. 8 Elton is an excellent musician and singer. He studied at the Royal Academy of Music. 9 The Royal Academy of Music is the UK’s most prestigious music college. Many famous musicians also studied here. 10 Much of Elton’s success is due to his partnership with Bernie Taupin. Bernie Taupin writes the lyrics for all of Elton’s songs.
Trasforma le frasi in frasi relative esplicative ridotte, omettendo il pronome relativo + be o sostituendo il pronome relativo + verbo con la forma in -ing. ▶
Parts of the country have seen 30 centimetres of snow, which has caused chaos on the roads.
Parts of the country have seen 30 centimetres of snow, causing chaos on the roads. 1 The Empire State Building, which is New York’s most popular tourist attraction, was built in the 1930s. 2 Torrential rain hit last night’s rugby international, which resulted in the match being abandoned. 3 London, which was host to the 2012 Games, is the only city to hold the Olympics three times. 4 The music was incredibly loud, which made it difficult to hear anyone speak. 5 There was high demand for the concert tickets, which caused the website to crash.
Unità 128 345
Grammar B2
3 Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It has a diameter of 143,000 km. 4 Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. It has a diameter of just 4,900 km. 5 Pluto used to be the smallest planet. Pluto was demoted as a planet in 2006.
Frasi con la forma in -ing o con il participio passato
A Forma in -ing – tempo e sequenza • Si usa la forma in -ing quando due cose avvengono contemporaneamente. Danny’s in the kitchen making lunch. Danny è in cucina che prepara il pranzo. I hurt my knee playing basketball. Mi sono fatto male al ginocchio giocando a basket. I fell asleep watching TV last night. Ieri notte mi sono addormentato guardando la TV. Everyone ran screaming from the building. Tutti corsero fuori dall’edificio urlando. • Dopo verbi di percezione (see, watch, hear, smell ecc.) e alcuni altri verbi (keep, leave ecc.) si usa la costruzione verbo + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing. I saw Jim waiting for a bus. Ho visto Jim che aspettava l’autobus. Can you hear someone playing the drums? Senti anche tu qualcuno che suona la batteria? Mr Smith kept me waiting for hours. Il signor Smith mi ha fatto aspettare per ore. I went to bed and left them chatting. Sono andato a letto e li ho lasciati che chiacchieravano. • In contesti più formali si può usare la forma in -ing dopo espressioni di tempo come before, after, since, while e when. Before taking the pills, read the leaflet. Prima di prendere le pastiglie, leggere il foglietto illustrativo. You must wear a helmet when skiing. Quando si scia bisogna indossare un casco. He’s been unemployed since leaving university. È disoccupato da quando ha finito l’università. – Nella lingua informale parlata dopo un’espressione di tempo è più comune usare una frase con soggetto + verbo. Before you take the pills, read the leaflet.
B Forma in -ing – motivo, risultato e condizione In contesti più formali si può usare la forma in -ing nei seguenti modi: • per esprimere un motivo. La frase con la forma in -ing di solito va all’inizio. Feeling unwell, Lara went to bed. Non sentendosi bene, Lara andò a letto. Needing a break, she went for a walk. Avendo bisogno di una pausa, andò a fare una passeggiata. Not having a map, we got lost. Non avendo una cartina, ci siamo persi. – per sottolineare il fatto che un’azione avviene prima di un’altra si usa having + participio passato. Having lost all their last five games, the Blues dropped to tenth in the table. Avendo perso tutte le ultime cinque partite, i Blu sono scesi al decimo posto in classifica. • per esprimere un risultato. La frase con la forma in -ing di solito va alla fine. Murphy played really well, winning 6–3, 6–2. Murphy ha giocato veramente bene, vincendo 6–3, 6–2. Rain fell for three days, causing flooding to hundreds of houses. Ha piovuto per tre giorni, causando l’allagamento di centinaia di case. • per esprimere una condizione necessaria affinché qualcosa succeda. We’ll arrive at 6.30, assuming the traffic is OK. Arriveremo alle 18.30, sempre che il traffico non sia pesante. Weather permitting, the match will resume at 2.30. Tempo permettendo, la partita ricomincerà alle 14.30.
C Participio passato In contesti formali si possono usare frasi con il participio passato con un significato passivo. Vanno all’inizio della frase. Woken by the explosion, Jo ran out of the house. Svegliata dall’esplosione, Jo uscì dalla casa di corsa. Held every four years, the Olympics are the world’s biggest sporting event. Tenute ogni quattro anni, le Olimpiadi sono il più grande evento sportivo del mondo.
346 Unità 129 OUP copyright 2015
Scrivi le risposte con la forma in -ing e le parole date. ▶
Where’s Giuseppe? in his bedroom/do his homework
He’s in his bedroom doing his homework. 1 What happened to you? break my arm/ski
6 Where’s Julia? in the kitchen/make a coffee
2 Where’s Bruno? outside/fix his scooter
7 Why didn’t you go out last night? fall asleep/watch TV
3 Which one is Daniela? next to the door/wear a blue dress
8 Have you seen Sue recently? see/her/drive to work/yesterday Yes. 9 What’s the matter? can smell/something/burn Can you?
4 What’s Elena doing? on the phone/talk to her mum
5 Where are Kath and Fiona? in the living room/watch TV
Completa i brani con le parole nei riquadri e la forma in -ing. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Before They Were Famous before/become
Tom Cruise became a Hollywood A-list star almost overnight ▶ after appearing in the film Top Gun in 1986. Known today for his support for the Church of Scientology as much as for his acting, Cruise an actor, he had contemplated has always been spiritually-inclined; in fact 1 a year studying theology. becoming a priest 2
as a schoolteacher in the north of England in the mid-1970s, Gordon Sumner his job and decided to follow his dream of becoming a professional musician. 4 5 to London, he formed the rock band The Police. He became known as ‘Sting’ on stage. as he regularly wore a bee-like black and yellow shirt 6
Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing o un participio passato. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Because we don’t know the area, we got lost. Not knowing the area , we got lost. Because you’re an EU citizen, you don’t need a visa for Italy. , you don’t need a visa for Italy. We finished our work, so we were allowed to leave early. , we were allowed to leave early. I haven’t met her before, so I don’t know what she’s like. , I don’t know what she’s like. Barcelona played really well and they won 3–1. Barcelona played really well, . There were winds of over 100 mph and this caused damage to dozens of houses. There were winds of over 100 mph, . Amsterdam is built on a network of canals, and is known as the Venice of the North. , Amsterdam is built on a network of canals. , Amsterdam is known as the Venice of the North. Unità 129 347
Grammar B2
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 125–129 Frasi relative; frasi con la forma in -ing/il participio passato 1
Completa il brano con un pronome relativo dov’è necessario.
Who is the greatest ever sportsman or woman? Post your suggestions below: The greatest sportsmen or women are those who dominate their sport for the longest. Tennis player Martina Navratilova, 1 won Wimbledon a record nine times in 12 years, is a contender. But the greatest sportsperson 2 the world has ever seen is the British rower Steve Redgrave, 3 won five gold medals in successive Olympics and 4 record will never be repeated. Posted by Jim, UK ▶
It’s not about winning medals, 5 it’s about impact. And the sportsman 6 the Brazilian football legend Pelé.
simply depends on how you perform on the day, has had the greatest global impact ever is Posted by Vincenzo, Italy
In my opinion, it’s impossible to choose the greatest sportsman or woman ever. It is impossible to compare athletes competing in different sports 7 require totally different skills. Posted by Ulrich, Germany
My choice is not an individual, but a team of individuals. The greatest sportsmen of all time are the Liverpool 2005 European Cup Final team, 8 determination to win when they were losing three-nil is an inspiration to everyone. It was the greatest team performance 9 you will ever see. Posted by Barry, Liverpool, UK The moments 10 something ‘out-of-this-world’ happens are the greatest moments in sport. The 100 metres final in the 2008 Olympic Games, 11 Usain Bolt ran 9.69 seconds, is the most ‘out-of-this-world’ moment of them all, 12 makes him the greatest sportsman ever. And he went on to run even faster after that. Posted by Sam, New York
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi con il pronome relativo tra parentesi. ▶
This is the café. We went to it last week. (that)
This is the café that we went to last week. 1 Where are the apples? I bought them this morning. (which) 2 Diwali is a Hindu festival. People celebrate the victory of good over evil. (when) 3 Did you like the photo of you? The one Diana posted online. (that) 4 A delicatessen is a shop. You can buy unusual foreign foods there. (where) 5 Is that your friend? He lives in Sheffield. (who) 6 There’s the guy. We went to his barbecue last weekend. (whose) 7 Is this the hotel? We stayed in it last year. (that) 8 What’s the name of the man? We spoke to him. (who)
348 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 125–129
Leggi le frasi che hai completato nell’esercizio 2. Metti tra parentesi i pronomi relativi superflui.
This is the café (that) we went to last week.
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi con una frase relativa. Dove non ce n’è bisogno? ▶
The Virgin Galactic spaceship was financed by Paul Allen. He was one of the founders of Microsoft.
The Virgin Galactic spaceship was financed by Paul Allen, who was one of the founders of Microsoft. 1 During take-off, you listen to David Bowie’s hit Space Oddity. It was originally recorded in 1969 at the time of the first moon landing. 2 The highlight of the trip is the three minutes of weightlessness. You will experience this when you are in true space. 3 There are two astronaut pilots. They will be happy to answer all your questions. 4 You will have a unique experience. This experience is literally out of this world. 5 Each trip costs over US$250,000. It lasts three hours.
Riscrivi le frasi senza le frasi relative. ▶
There’s a café which serves vegetarian food in the next street.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Who’s the girl who is playing the guitar? That money which was stolen from the office has been found. Can I speak to the person who is in charge? The couple who live next door are both doctors. The house has a lovely, big kitchen which opens into the garden. Are there many students who are taking this exam?
There’s a café serving vegetarian food in the next street.
Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi di B mettendo il secondo verbo nella forma in -ing. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
Where are you? I’m in a café. I’m talking to Ryan.
I’m in a café talking to Ryan. Is Lucy away at the moment? Yes, she’s in London. She’s doing a drama course. Are you busy? No, I’m at home. I’m watching a film. Shall I fill in this application form? Before you fill it in, write your rough answers on another piece of paper. Do you know where David is? I saw him five minutes ago. He was going into the library. Do you think you’ll come to the festival with us this year? On the assumption that we have enough money, we’ll come. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 125–129 349
Coesione: sequenza
A First, then ecc. Le più comuni espressioni che indicano sequenza sono first (prima), then (poi), next (subito dopo), finally (infine) e after/before that (dopo/prima che).
Nota che finally corrisponde a infine/alla fine. L’espressione corrispondente a Finalmente! è At (long) last!
• Quando si elencano eventi, di solito si mettono le espressioni di sequenza all’inizio della frase. I get up at 7.30. First, I get dressed, and after that I have breakfast. Then I’m ready to go out. Mi alzo alle 7.30. Prima mi vesto e dopo faccio colazione. Poi sono pronto a uscire./ Mi alzo alle 7.30. Prima mi vesto e dopo faccio colazione. E poi sono pronto per uscire. • Qualche volta si possono anche mettere le espressioni di sequenza prima del verbo (ma dopo be). After/Before that di solito non vanno in questa posizione. I get up at 7.30. I first get dressed and I then have breakfast. I am then ready to go out. • Le espressioni di sequenza possono andare anche alla fine dalla frase, specialmente in contesti più informali, ma finally di solito non va in questa posizione. I’ll meet you at the park, but I need to get changed first. Ci vediamo al parco, ma prima mi devo cambiare. I’ve got a meeting at 12. I’ll call you after that. Ho una riunione alle 12. Ti chiamo subito dopo. (NON I’ve got a meeting at 12. I’ll call you finally.) • Le espressioni di sequenza di solito vanno alla fine di frasi negative e interrogative. I can’t decide what to do next. Non riesco a decidere la prossima cosa da fare. What should we do first? Che cosa dobbiamo fare per prima cosa?
B Before, after, while e when • Si usa before (prima), after (dopo), while (mentre) e when (quando) con soggetto + verbo. Before you leave, can you turn off the lights? Prima di andartene puoi spegnere le luci? Let’s get a coffee while we’re waiting. Andiamo a prenderci un caffè mentre aspettiamo. • After e before si possono usare anche con un sostantivo. I’ll see you before your exam. Ci vediamo prima del tuo esame. We’re going to the beach after school. Abbiamo intenzione di andare in spiaggia dopo la scuola. TIP In contesti più formali si può usare la struttura before, after, while e when + forma in -ing. ➔ Vedi unità 129 per le frasi con la forma in -ing.
C Beforehand e afterwards • Beforehand (prima/all’inizio) e afterwards (in seguito) si usano all’inizio o alla fine di una frase. I’ll call you, but I’ll email you beforehand. Ti chiamo, ma ti mando una mail prima. He said no, but afterwards he changed his mind. Ha detto di no, ma dopo ha cambiato idea. • Beforehand/afterwards non sono mai seguiti da un complemento o da soggetto + verbo. (NON I’ll see you beforehand your exam.) (NON Beforehand you leave, can you turn off the lights?)
D Firstly, secondly, lastly Si usano in genere firstly, secondly ecc. (prima/all’inizio, in un secondo momento) e lastly/finally (infine) in contesti piuttosto formali come relazioni e presentazioni. Si mettono di solito all’inizio della frase. Firstly, I’d like to tell you a little about myself, secondly about my studies and lastly about the results of my current research. Prima di tutto, vorrei dirvi qualcosa di me; poi dei miei studi e infine dei risultati della mia attuale ricerca.
E At first, in the end Si usano at first (all’inizio/dapprima) e in the end (alla fine) per parlare di un atteggiamento o di una situazione che si sono evoluti nel tempo. Di solito vanno all’inizio o alla fine della frase. At first, I got lost, but got there in the end. All’inizio mi sono perso, ma alla fine ci sono arrivato. ➔ Vedi unità 103 per la differenza tra at the end e in the end.
350 Unità 130 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le istruzioni con le parole nei riquadri. after that
At the airport At the airport, you ▶ first check in any bags you have. 1 , you go through passport control and into the departure lounge to wait for your flight to depart. 2 you are waiting, you may want to do some duty-free shopping. after that
Sending an email 3 , you need to open the email application. You 4 click ‘Create email’ and write your email. 5 , you write the ‘subject’ of the email and enter the address of the person you are sending it to. 6 you send the email, it is a good idea to re-read it and check it. 7 , click ‘Send’. after that
Using a cash machine 8 , put your card into the machine and enter your PIN. , select the service you want. To withdraw money, select ‘Cash’. You 10 enter the amount you want to withdraw. 11 , remove your card and take your money. 9
Riscrivi le frasi aggiungendo le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. In alcuni casi è possibile più di una soluzione. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
I’m going to do my homework and I’m going to watch TV. (after that)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Go past the shops and take the second left. (then) You moved to Rome last year? Where did you live? (before that) We got lost, but we found the house. (at first/in the end) OK, we’ve been to the museum. Where shall we go? (next) We went for a meal and we went to a club. (afterwards) Close the program, shut down the computer and restart it. (first/then/then) I’m going to talk about the courses we offer. I’ll tell you about our English courses in more detail and I’ll answer any questions you have. We will have a short coffee break and there’ll be another presentation. (first/secondly/lastly/after that/then)
Completa il brano con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.
MAN TURNS PAPERCLIP INTO HOUSE In 2005, Canadian Kyle MacDonald set up a website and offered a red paperclip to be exchanged for something bigger and better. ▶ Then / After / Afterwards exactly one year and fourteen exchanges, he had traded the paperclip for a house. He 1at first / first / firstly exchanged the paperclip for a fish-shaped pen. He 2after / after that / then exchanged the pen for a doorknob. 3Next / After / Afterwards came a camping stove and 4after / afterwards / while four further exchanges, he had a snowmobile. 5When / After / After that, his exchanges got more substantial, and included a van, an afternoon with rock star Alice Cooper and a role in a Hollywood movie. 6Finally /
In the end / After, he traded the movie role for a house in the town of Kipling in Saskatchewan province, Canada. ‘7First / At first / Firstly, I thought it was impossible,’ MacDonald said, ‘but as time went on, I began to think it was actually possible, especially 8while / afterwards / after all the media interest. It was a lot of effort, but 9 after / then / in the end it was worth it.’ 10
Before / Beforehand / At first he began his red paperclip mission, MacDonald delivered pizzas for a living. But 11after / afterwards / next, he became a minor celebrity for a short time and best-selling author of the book One Red Paperclip.
Unità 130 351
Grammar B2
I’m going to do my homework and after that I’m going to watch TV.
Coesione: aggiunta di informazioni
A And, also, as well, too Le espressioni più comunemente usate per introdurre informazioni aggiuntive sono and (congiunzione e), also, as well e too (anche). Si usano too e as well di solito in contesti informali e nel parlare. • And va prima dell’informazione aggiuntiva. I like coffee and tea. Mi piacciono il tè e il caffè. There’s a bus at 6.30 and there’s a train at 6.45. C’è un autobus alle 6.30 e un treno alle 6.45. • Also va più comunemente prima del verbo principale nell’informazione aggiuntiva o dopo be. I usually listen to rock music. But I also like jazz. Di solito ascolto musica rock. Ma mi piace anche il jazz. Tim’s brilliant at tennis. He’s also good at rugby. Tim è bravissimo a tennis. È anche bravo a rugby. – Comunque also può anche andare all’inizio o alla fine della seconda frase. Can you email Tom? Also, will you phone Sarah?/Can you email Tom? Will you phone Sarah also? Puoi mandare una mail a Tom? E puoi anche chiamare Sarah? • Too e as well vanno dopo l’informazione aggiuntiva. I mostly listen to rock music. But I like jazz, too. Tim’s brilliant at tennis. He’s good at rugby as well.
B As well as Si usa as well as (oltre a) con un sostantivo o con la forma in -ing. As well as the guitar and the piano, he also plays the drums. Oltre alla chitarra e il pianoforte, suona anche la batteria. As well as being handsome, he’s also very rich. Oltre ad essere bello, è anche ricchissimo.
C In addition, moreover, furthermore ecc. In contesti più formali, specialmente scritti, si possono usare anche in addition/additionally, moreover e furthermore (tutti corrispondenti a inoltre/in aggiunta/per di più). Queste espressioni di solito vanno prima dell’informazione supplementare. The tickets are €45. In addition, there is a €10 service charge. I biglietti costano €45, con in aggiunta €10 di prevendita. The defendant arrived late at the hearing. Furthermore, he refused to answer any questions. L’imputato arrivò all’udienza in ritardo. Inoltre si rifiutò di rispondere a qualsiasi domanda. The project was impractical. Moreover, it was too expensive. Il progetto era poco funzionale. Inoltre era troppo costoso.
D On top of that Si può usare on top of that (per giunta) sia in contesti formali che informali per sottolineare un ultimo punto definitivo. Di solito si usa quando ci si lamenta di qualcosa. The hotel room was dirty and cold. And on top of that, the shower didn’t work. La camera in albergo era sporca e fredda, e per giunta la doccia non funzionava.
E Besides Si usa besides (d’altronde/inoltre/oltretutto) per introdurre il punto che taglia la testa al toro. I don’t want to go for a walk, and besides, it’s raining. Non ho voglia di andare a fare una passeggiata, e oltretutto sta piovendo. I won’t phone him. And besides, he never answers the phone. Non intendo chiamarlo. E comunque tanto non risponde mai al telefono. TIP Nota che si può anche usare and insieme alle espressioni elencate più sopra.
I play the piano and I play the guitar as well. Suono il pianoforte e suono anche la chitarra. Sally didn’t arrive. And moreover, she didn’t phone to let me know. Sally non è arrivata. E per di più non mi ha chiamato per avvertirmi.
352 Unità 131 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. She speaks French, German and she also / as well / too speaks Spanish. Our neighbours are very unfriendly. And they’re as well / too / also very noisy. She plays the piano too / as well as / as well the violin. I love jazz. I as well / too / also quite like classical music. Tony’s very clever, but he can as well / too / also be lazy, furthermore / too / besides. As well / As well as / Also playing the guitar and piano, Alex is too / also / as well a brilliant drummer. 6 Andrew’s very bossy also / as well / and he’s often really rude, as well as / and / too. 7 There is an exam at the end of the course. Besides / In addition / As well as, there are two pieces of assessed coursework. 8 Wearing a seat belt in a car may save your life. Too / Moreover / As well, you have to wear one by law. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Completa i dialoghi con le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Are you going to the beach this afternoon? Yes. And Larissa’s coming as well . (as well) Are you going to the cinema tonight? Yes. And we’re going for a pizza, . (too) It’s going to be cold this weekend. Yes. I think it’s going to snow . (as well) I’ll email the party photos to Simona. OK. Can you email them to Joanna? (also) You’re having tiramisù ice cream ? (as well as) Yes. I’m hungry! Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes, French. And I can speak a little German, . (too) I understand you are not happy with the service. No, we’re not. We waited over an hour for our food, it was cold when it finally arrived and it wasn’t what we ordered . (moreover) A How was your flight? B Terrible. It was delayed by two hours, the food was disgusting and they lost our luggage . (on top of that)
Grammar B2
Riscrivi e unisci le frasi con le parole tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
She speaks French. And she can speak a little Spanish. (also) She speaks French and she can also speak a little Spanish Jenny’s going to the party. And I think Chiara’s going. (too) Jenny’s going to the party I don’t want to go to the beach. And it’s freezing cold. (besides) I don’t want to go to the beach. I know you play football. Do you play rugby? (as well) I know you play football. I don’t want to email him. He never checks his emails. (besides) I don’t want to email him. He’s good looking. He’s very rich! (also) He’s good looking. He’s got a car and he’s got a scooter. (as well as) He’s got a car
. . .
. Unità 131 353
Coesione: contrasto
Le espressioni più usate per esprimere contrasto comprendono:
A But, though • But (ma) è il modo più comune per indicare contrasto, e si mette tra le due idee che si vogliono contrastare, o continuando la frase di solito dopo una virgola, o iniziando una nuova frase dopo un punto fermo. We wanted to play tennis, but it was raining. Volevamo giocare a tennis, ma stava piovendo. It rained heavily. But it soon stopped. Ha piovuto a dirotto. Ma ha smesso presto. • Though (però) è comune nell’inglese parlato, e di solito va dopo la seconda frase. We wanted to play tennis. It was raining though. Volevamo giocare a tennis. Però stava piovendo.
B However e nevertheless • However (comunque) solitamente è usato in contesti più formali. Può andare all’inizio della seconda frase (seguito da una virgola), nel mezzo (tra due virgole), o alla fine. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. However, it isn’t the capital. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. It isn’t, however, the capital. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. It isn’t the capital, however. Sidney è la città più grande dell’Australia. Comunque, non è la capitale. – Non si usa however per collegare due idee in un’unica frase. (NON Sydney is the biggest city in Australia, however, it isn’t the capital.) • Si può anche usare nevertheless (nondimeno, ciononostante) in maniera simile. It rained every day on holiday. Nevertheless, we had a good time. Ha piovuto ogni giorno in vacanza. Ciononostante ci siamo divertiti.
C Yet Yet (tuttavia/eppure) di solito è usato in contesti più formali. Mette in risalto il fatto che qualcosa è sorprendente o inaspettato, e va tra le due idee che mette a contrasto. He’s a teacher, yet he drives a Ferrari. È insegnante, eppure ha una Ferrari.
D Despite, even though ecc. Despite/in spite of (malgrado/a dispetto di/nonostante), even though e although (benché, anche se) si usano all’inizio della frase o tra le idee che mettono a contrasto. • Despite/in spite of si usano con una forma in -ing o un sostantivo. They played tennis in spite of the rain. Hanno giocato a tennis nonostante la pioggia. Despite being injured, Smith won a medal. Pur essendo infortunato, Smith ha vinto una medaglia. • Even though e although sono seguiti da un soggetto + verbo. They played tennis even though it was raining. Hanno giocato a tennis benché stesse piovendo. Although he was injured, Smith won a medal. Benché fosse infortunato, Smith ha vinto una medaglia. • Si può usare anche despite the fact that seguito da un soggetto + verbo. Despite the fact that he was injured, Smith won a medal. A dispetto del fatto che fosse infortunato, Smith ha vinto una medaglia.
E Whereas, while Whereas e while (mentre) mettono a contrasto idee che non sono in contraddizione tra loro. Possono andare sia prima della prima idea che della seconda. I have flexible working hours, whereas most people work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ho un orario di lavoro flessibile, mentre invece la maggior parte delle persone lavora dalle 9 alle 17.00. Whereas most people work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., I have flexible working hours. While most people work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., I have flexible working hours.
354 Unità 132 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
2 3
The USA has 5 per cent of the world’s population. It, however / yet, uses 25 per cent of the world’s electricity. Tea is the most popular drink in the UK, however / whereas in most other European countries it’s coffee. The film was nominated for six Oscars, whereas / yet it won only one. Tomorrow morning will be warm and sunny. There will, however / yet, be some rain in the afternoon. Whereas / However nine out of ten people hit by a car at 40 mph will die, nine out of ten people hit at 20 mph will survive. About 40 per cent of Italians speak a foreign language, while / however the figure for the UK is about 30 per cent. Smith injured his foot after only 20 minutes of the game. Whereas / Nevertheless, he continued to play until half-time.
Leggi i risultati dell’inchiesta su alcune differenze tra uomini e donne e completali con un’espressione di contrasto, however, yet, whereas o despite. Teenage boys generally have a lot of friends, whereas teenage girls have fewer, but closer friends. 1 Fewer teenagers are starting to smoke nowadays. , the number of teenage girls starting to smoke is increasing. 2 girls generally talk more than boys when they are young, by their teenage years there is no significant difference. 3 making fewer motor insurance claims than men, women have three times as many minor collisions. ▶
7 George Branston is a multi-millionaire. Despite / However, he drives a fifteen-yearold car. 8 Birmingham City won three of their four final games of the season. They could not escape relegation, yet / however. 9 It was a tiring game, and despite / even though Jones played well, he finally lost 3–6, 7–5, 6–4. 10 Profits have increased, despite / even though the fact that sales have fallen. 11 In spite of / Although it measured 8.9 on the Richter Scale, the earthquake did very little damage to buildings. 12 In the 2005 Champions League final, Liverpool beat AC Milan, despite / even though being 3–0 down at half-time. 13 The concert was sold out in spite of / although the high prices. 14 The anti-smoking law was passed despite / even though only 35 per cent voted in favour.
4 As many teenage girls as boys own a computer, , surprisingly, teenage boys spend twice as much time surfing the internet. 5 American women eat around 100 burgers a year, American men eat about 300. 6 The average weight of a man’s brain is 1kg. A woman’s brain, , weighs only 0.7 kg on average.
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa le parole tra parentesi. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
She loves playing the guitar. She’s not very good, though. (but)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
She loves playing the guitar, but she’s not very good. I looked everywhere for my car keys, but I couldn’t find them. (though) Although he knew the road was flooded, he tried to drive through it. (despite) In the UK you drive on the left side of the road. In Italy, however, you drive on the right. (whereas) He called her despite the fact that she had asked him not to. (even though) Not many people were at the party, but we had a great time all the same. (nevertheless) He failed the exam in spite of working very hard for it. (although) I buy a lotto ticket every week, but I’ve never won anything. (however) She didn’t do much work for her exams. She passed them all, however. (yet) Unità 132 355
Grammar B2
Coesione: scopo, causa e conseguenza
A Scopo • Per esprimere scopo/finalità si può usare l’infinito. In contesti più formali si può usare anche in order to (per/in modo da/al fine di) + forma base. I’m going to the shop to get some bread. Sto andando al negozio per prendere del pane. He left his job in order to be a full-time writer. Ha lasciato il lavoro al fine di fare lo scrittore a tempo pieno. ➔ Vedi unità 67 per altri modi di usare l’infinito per esprimere scopo e per l’uso di for.
• For (a/per) si usa con un sostantivo. I’m going to the shop for some bread. Sto andando al negozio per (prendere) del pane. • Si possono usare so (così) o so that (in modo che/così che). Take your mobile so I can phone you. Portati il cellulare così ti posso chiamare. Use the sat-nav so that you don’t get lost. Usa il navigatore satellitare in modo da non perderti. • In case (in caso) si usa per parlare di possibili eventualità. Take the sat-nav in case you get lost. Prendi il navigatore satellitare in caso tu ti perda. I’ll get my umbrella in case it rains. Mi porto l’ombrello nel caso piova.
Nota che for può essere seguito dalla forma in -ing per descrivere l’uso di qualcosa e non può essere seguito né dall’infinito né dalla forma base. What’s this for? ~ It’s for peeling potatoes. A che cosa serve questo? ~ A pelare le patate. (NON It’s for to peel potatoes./It’s for peel potatoes.) Nota inoltre che for + forma in -ing non può essere usato per parlare dello scopo per cui si fa qualcosa. (NON I’m going to the shop for getting some bread.)
B Causa • Because (perché) è il modo più comune per introdurre la ragione per cui si fa qualcosa, ed è seguito da soggetto + verbo. Se la ragione è un sostantivo, si usa because of. We went inside because it started raining. Siamo andati dentro perché ha iniziato a piovere. We went inside because of the rain. Siamo andati dentro a causa/per via della pioggia. • Si possono usare anche as e since (siccome/dal momento che/dato che) + soggetto + verbo. Let’s get some lunch as/since we’re all hungry. Andiamo a pranzo dato che abbiamo tutti fame. • Se la ragione è un sostantivo, in contesti più formali si possono usare due to e owing to (a causa di/ per via di) e (as) a result of ((come) risultato di). Due to the weather, all flights have been cancelled. Per via del maltempo, tutti i voli sono stati cancellati. Global warming occurs as a result of pollution. Il riscaldamento globale si verifica come risultato dell’inquinamento.
C Conseguenza • Si può usare so (così) per parlare di una conseguenza. Nota che le frasi sono separate da una virgola. It started raining, so we went inside. Iniziò a piovere, così siamo andati dentro. TIP Ricordati che so that esprime scopo, non conseguenza (vedi sopra).
(NON It started raining, so that we went inside.) • Di solito, si usano therefore (perciò), consequently (quindi), as a result (pertanto) e as a consequence (di conseguenza) in contesti più formali. The pitch is icy. Therefore, the game is cancelled. C’è ghiaccio sul campo. Quindi la partita è rinviata. He failed two exams and as a result he was not accepted at university. Non ha passato due esami e pertanto non è stato accettato all’università. • In that case (in tal caso) e then (allora) si usano in contesti più informali e nella lingua parlata. In that case può andare sia all’inizio che alla fine della frase, mentre then di solito va alla fine. You’re tired? In that case, let’s go home. Sei stanco? In tal caso, andiamo a casa. There’s no milk? I’ll get some, then. Non c’è latte? Allora lo compro.
356 Unità 133 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con to, so (that), in case o because e le parole nel riquadro. I need to return some books he can join a band check my emails get a coffee I missed the bus ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I didn’t have lunch because I wasn’t hungry He’s going to the supermarket He’s learning the guitar We’re going to Luigi’s Café Can I use your computer I was late for work Take a warm coat Take an umbrella I’m going to the library
. . . . ? . . . .
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. I’m going to the shop to get some milk. (for) I’m going to the shop for some milk. 1 We abandoned the picnic because it started raining. (so) It started raining, the picnic. 2 Take your phone because I might need to phone you. (in case) Take your phone phone you. ▶
I wasn’t hungry get some milk you don’t get cold it rains
3 The game was cancelled due to the ice. (because of) The game the ice. 4 It was getting dark, so we went home. (as) We went dark. 5 You have no money? We need a cash machine, then. (case) You have no money? a cash machine.
Completa i brani con le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. KEY MOMENTS This week, we look at life-changing decisions made by J.K. Rowling, Bill Gates and Ben Johnson.
in order to
owing to
As a single mother in the mid-1990s, J.K. Rowling couldn’t afford to heat her home, ▶ so she used to go to a nearby café 1 keep warm. It was here that she started to write her first Harry Potter book and 2 the huge success of this, and the other books in the Harry Potter series, she is now one of the richest women in the world.
as a result
so that
Bill Gates didn’t enjoy studying law at Harvard. He 3 decided to quit university he could devote all his time to his newly-formed software company, Microsoft. 5 , he went on to become a billionaire by the time he was 30 and, at one time, the richest person in the world. 4
as a result of
In 1988, Ben Johnson won the Olympic 100 metres gold medal. A failed drug test, however, showed that he had achieved his world record time of 9.79 seconds, not 6 superhuman effort, but 7 he had been taking anabolic steroids. 8 , he lost the gold medal and was banned for life.
Unità 133 357
Grammar B2
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 130–133 Coesione (1) 1
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
We had a wonderful evening. At first / First / Firstly, we went for a meal and lastly / next / then we went to the theatre. Our new history teacher is really good. Firstly / First / At first, I thought she was a bit serious and boring, however / but / despite her lessons are actually really interesting. Even though / Despite / Whereas the film won three Oscars, we thought it was really dull, because / so that / so we stopped watching it after only half an hour. Andrew’s very bossy also / as well / and he’s really rude, in the end / and / too. My brother’s generally very clever and intelligent, whereas / yet / despite he can be really stupid as well / moreover / and at times. My hairdresser’s appointment is at 2.30, so that / so / as a result let’s meet for a coffee then / after that / next. Say 3.30? You should go to bed early so that / in order to / as a result you’re not tired in the morning. And pack all your bags this evening so / so that / because you won’t have much time when you get up.
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Gre eatt in nve entio onss – th he lig ght bullb Contrary to popular belief, Thomas Edison did not actually invent the light bulb. He did, B , improve upon an existing idea. In the late 1800s, electric lighting was not new, 1 up to that time the light lasted only a few minutes. It was 2 dangerous. 3 , in 1879, Edison produced a light bulb which burned for over ten hours. 4 , Edison’s invention was safe enough for use in the home. 5 , Edison’s light bulb became very successful. 6
the success of his electric light, Edison was able to start various electric companies. 7 , all these companies were very successful, 8 in 1889, 9 competition from other companies, Edison’s companies were combined to form Edison General Electric. 10
the use of ‘Edison’ in the company title, he never controlled this company. And in 1892, ‘Edison’ was dropped from the name. The company became simply General Electric, which today remains one of the biggest companies in the world.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
whereas despite as well Although As well As a result Because First but because Even though
however even though as well as Despite Too Because Owing to Firstly however so Despite
358 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 130–133
but whereas too Whereas In addition Because of For At first next due to Though
even though but also However As well as Owing to So that Then afterwards in order to Whereas
Completa il brano con le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Famous eccentrics despite
so that
Whereas for most people Christmas comes once a year, British eccentric Andy Parks has celebrated Christmas with a turkey dinner and a Christmas present to himself every day for the last officially changed his name to Mr Christmas. 15 years. Mr Parks has 1 ▶
owning a house, Argentinian housewife Claudia Cano spent the whole of 2005 living in a nest she had built in a tree in her garden. ‘I’ve always been jealous of the freedom birds have, 3 I thought I’d try living like one,’ she said. American businessman Brian Hughes regularly used to throw glass ‘jewels’ onto the pavement outside having lunch 5 he could amuse himself watching his favourite café 4 passers-by rushing to pick them up. A lucky passer-by in Wales in 2006 became £700 richer 6 free money?’ threw £20,000 into the air. ‘I did it 7 the world,’ the man said.
a man shouting ‘Who wants I wanted to bring a little happiness to
In his later years, the eccentric and hypochondriac film producer Howard Hughes permanently he rarely saw them. kept several doctors and nurses at his home on large salaries, 8
Aggiungi le parole corrette per unire le frasi. In alcuni casi è possibile più di una soluzione. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
We went for a walk despite the rain. Take your umbrella it rains later. he worked really hard, he failed his maths exam. the bad weather, all today’s football matches have been cancelled. The exhibition was very disappointing, we only stayed for about half an hour. my mum likes classical music and opera, my dad prefers heavy rock. The test was really difficult. , all the students passed. Sam’s very kind, but he can be unreliable, . On Friday mornings, we have maths and we have biology. lunch, it’s English and history.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
In order to stay healthy, I eat lots of fruit. (so) I eat lots of fruit, so I stay healthy. We stayed at home because the weather was awful. (so) The weather at home. Our street is close to the town centre, but it’s very quiet. (despite) Our street is very quiet the town centre. She never revises, but she always does well in exams. (even) She always does well in exams revises. It was raining, so the game was called off. (due) The game was rain. The bad traffic meant they didn’t arrive in time. (because) bad traffic. They didn’t arrive Take some money for a taxi as you might miss the last bus. (case) Take some money for a taxi the last bus. Esercizi sommativi: Unità 130–133 359
Coesione: ellissi e sostituzione
A Ellissi • Un’ellissi è l’omissione di parole. È più frequente con verbi, sostantivi e pronomi. I enjoyed the film, but Andy didn’t enjoy the film. Il film mi è piaciuto, ma ad Andy no. I didn’t go out because I didn’t want to go out. Non sono uscita perché non ho voluto. I haven’t got a car, but my brother has got a car. Io non ho la macchina, ma mio fratello sì. I can’t ski, but my sister can ski. Io non so sciare, ma mia sorella sì. I’ll come with you, but I’ll not come with you today. Verrò con te, ma non oggi. I’ve been to Argentina and I’ve been to Brazil. Sono stato in Argentina e in Brasile. She came to the party, but she left the party early. È venuta alla festa, ma se n’è andata presto. TIP L’ellissi spesso si fa dopo congiunzioni come and, but e because.
• In conversazione e nello scritto informale a volte si possono omettere il verbo o il soggetto + verbo all’inizio di una frase. Is Everything OK? Tutto bene? Have you Found your keys? Trovate le chiavi? I’m Sorry about that. Scusa! Are you Hungry? Fame? When are you going? ~ We’re going on Tuesday. Quando andate? ~ Martedì.
B Sostituzione Nella sostituzione si usano le forme appropriate di do, so o one/ones al posto di altre parole. • Si può sostituire un’espressione verbale con la forma appropriata di do. I don’t like opera, but my parents do. (do = like opera) A me non piace l’opera lirica, ma ai miei genitori sì. David arrived ten minutes before I did. (did = arrived) David è arrivato dieci minuti prima di me. Can I ask you a question? ~ Please, do. Posso farti una domanda? ~ Certo. • Si usa so in sostituzione di una frase. Gli usi più comuni sono: – if so Do you like figs? If so, try these. (so = you like figs) Ti piacciono i fichi? Se sì, prova questi. – think so, expect so, hope so ecc. Is Tim here? ~ I think so. (so = he’s here) C’è Tim? ~ Penso di sì. (NON I think yes.) Per la forma negativa si usa la forma affermativa del verbo + not con i verbi be afraid, assume, guess, hope, presume e suspect. Is Tim here? ~ I’m afraid not. C’è Tim? ~ Temo di no. (NON I’m not afraid so./I’m afraid no.) Is it going to rain? ~ I hope not. Pioverà? Spero di no. (NON I don’t hope so./I hope no.) Si usa la forma negativa + so con believe, expect, imagine e think. Is the train delayed? ~ I don’t think so. Il treno è in ritardo? ~ Penso di no. (NON I think no.) – So do I, So have we ecc. I’m hungry. ~ So am I. Ho fame. ~ Anch’io. ➔ Vedi unità 135 per gli usi di so do I, so have we ecc.
• Si può usare anche la forma adatta di do + so, solitamente in contesti più formali e solo per parlare di azioni volontarie o intenzionali. We’ll get married one day, but we’re not going to do so just yet. Un giorno ci sposeremo, ma non ancora. • Si possono usare one o ones per sostituire sostantivi numerabili quando ci si riferisce a uno fra tanti. I’m going to get a coffee. Would you like one? (one = a coffee) Vado a farmi un caffè. Ne vuoi? Do you prefer the red shoes or the black ones? (ones = shoes) Preferisci le scarpe rosse o quelle nere? – Nota che per sostituire sostantivi non numerabili si usano some o any. There’s no milk. I’ll go and get some. (some = milk) Non c’è latte. Vado a comprarne. – Si usano pronomi (it, them ecc.) al posto di sostantivi quando ci si riferisce a qualcosa di specifico. I’ve lost my shoes. Have you seen them? (them = my shoes) Ho perso le scarpe. Le hai viste? ➔ Vedi unità 97 per gli usi dei pronomi, unità 99 per gli usi di one/ones e unità 136 per pronomi e avverbi.
360 Unità 134 OUP copyright 2015
Elimina le parole superflue per evitare le ripetizioni. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Elimina le parole superflue nelle risposte. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Are you going to the meeting? I’m possibly going to the meeting. I’m not sure. How are you? I’m fine, thanks. And how are you? When are you going to Bari? We’re going to Bari on Friday. Are you going out tonight? I’m possibly going out tonight. I’ll call you. Where are you going? I’m going to the shops. I’m going to the shops to get some bread. Where have you been? You’re late! I’m sorry. The bus was late.
Scrivi le parole che sono state sostituite dalle parole in grassetto. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I want to go out tonight, but I can’t go out tonight. I’ve never been to the USA, but I’d like to go to the USA. My brother’s got a scooter, but I haven’t got a scooter. I’ve been to Spain and I’ve been to Portugal. My friends went to the beach yesterday, but I didn’t go to the beach. I’d love to come to the cinema with you, but I can’t come to the cinema with you. I saw Catalina and I saw Angela at the supermarket this morning. I’m going to get a new mobile, but I’m not going to get a new mobile just yet. I’m taking the IELTS exam, but Ester isn’t taking the IELTS exam. I haven’t got Sam’s email address, but I think Dora has got Sam’s email address. I didn’t go swimming because I didn’t want to go swimming. I can’t speak Italian, but my brother can speak Italian. I want to go out tonight, but I can’t go out tonight because I’m too busy. My mum’s got three brothers and sisters and my dad’s got four brothers and sisters. I asked Frank to come with us, but he doesn’t want to come with us.
Grammar B2
likes rap I don’t like rap, but my boyfriend does. Tom left about ten minutes before I did. Most of my friends don’t like school, but I do. I once ate a vegetarian burger, but I’ll never do so again. Boris promised he’d call this afternoon, but he hasn’t done so yet. A Are you going out tonight? B I don’t think so. A Is it going to rain later today? B I hope not.
Riscrivi la seconda frase con one o ones per evitare la ripetizione del sostantivo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
A Do you like these sunglasses?
B Not really. I prefer the silver sunglasses. Not really. I prefer the silver ones. I haven’t got a laptop. Have you got a laptop? Can you pass me my gloves? They’re the red gloves. I need a pen. Have you got a pen? A Can you pass me my shoes? B Which shoes are yours? A I need a new phone. B Have you seen a phone you like? We’ll meet you in Brown’s Café. It’s the café next to the park. Unità 134 361
Coesione: risposte brevi ad affermazioni
A Esprimere interesse – domande brevi • Si può rispondere ad affermazioni con una domanda breve come Are you? Isn’t she? Did they? per indicare che si è interessati a ciò che dice l’interlocutore e portare avanti la conversazione. I saw Tim at the weekend. ~ Did you? How is he? Ho visto Tim al fine settimana. ~ Davvero? E come sta? Tracy’s lost her ID card. ~ Oh, has she? Has she reported it? Tracy ha perso la carta d’identità. ~ Ma va? E ha fatto la denuncia? • Si usa be o un verbo ausiliare + pronome. Per il present e il past simple si usa l’ausiliare do. I’m exhausted. ~ Are you? Sono stremata. ~ Davvero?/Ma va?/Veramente? Dave’s playing tennis. ~ Is he? Dave sta giocando a tennis. ~ Davvero?/Ma va?/Veramente? I’ve bought a new computer. ~ Have you? Ho comprato un nuovo computer. ~ Davvero?/Ma va?/ Veramente? Sam ate the biscuits. ~ Did he? Sam ha mangiato i biscotti. ~ Davvero? Maria didn’t pass her exam. ~ Didn’t she? Maria non ha passato l’esame. ~ Davvero?/Ma va?/ Veramente? • L’intonazione è molto importante. L’intonazione deve essere ascendente sul pronome. I’m tired. ~ Are you?
B Esprimere accordo – So am I, neither did I ecc. • Per indicare accordo con un’affermazione si può dire So am I/Neither did I ecc. I love skiing. ~ So do I. Adoro sciare. ~ Anch’io. I’m having karate lessons. ~ So is Tom. Sto andando a lezioni di karate. ~ Anche Tom. I don’t like spicy food. ~ Neither do I. Non mi piace la roba da mangiare speziata. ~ Neanche a me. • Si usano So/Neither + be/ausiliare + soggetto. Si usa so per esprimere accordo con una frase affermativa e neither con una frase negativa. Accordo con frase affermativa
Accordo con frase negativa
I’m tired. ~ So am I. Sono stanca. ~ Anch’io.
I’m not tired. ~ Neither am I. Non sono stanca. ~ Neanch’io.
I’ve finished! ~ So have I. Ho finito! ~ Anch’io.
I haven’t finished! ~ Neither have I. Non ho finito! ~ Neanch’io.
I went out last night. ~ So did we. Ieri sera sono uscito. ~ Anche noi.
I didn’t go out last night. ~ Neither did we. Ieri sera non sono uscito. ~ Neanche noi.
– Si può usare anche nor invece di neither. I don’t like it. ~ Nor do I. Non mi piace. ~ Neanche a me. TIP Si possono usare anche Me too e Me neither ecc. invece di So do I/Neither do I ecc. Quest’uso
è più frequente in conversazioni informali. I love Indian food. ~ Me too. Mi piace molto la cucina indiana. ~ Anche a me. I’m tired. ~ Me too. Sono stanca. ~ Anch’io. I haven’t finished my homework. ~ Me neither. Non ho finito i compiti. ~ Neanch’io.
C Esprimere disaccordo – risposte brevi Per indicare disaccordo con un’affermazione si può usare soggetto + be/verbo ausiliare (+ not). I’m cold. ~ I’m not. Ho freddo. ~ Io no. I love Chinese food. ~ I don’t. Adoro la cucina cinese. ~ Io no. I’m not tired. ~ I am. Non sono stanco. ~ Io sì. I don’t like rap music. ~ I do. Non mi piace il rap. ~ A me sì.
362 Unità 135 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con le risposte brevi Are you?, Did they? ecc. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
I’m tired. I’ve got a new computer. It’s raining. I’m sorry, Dave’s not here. There’s a message for you. I didn’t go out last night after all. I saw Billy last night. We’re going to Thailand this year. Harry’s moved school. Sara’s got a new scooter. I can’t go to Jim’s party. The film was rubbish. I won’t be in school tomorrow. I’m not feeling too well. Suzy and Steve haven’t arrived yet.
B Are you? B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
You should go to bed. What make is it? Never mind, we’ll go out later. I’ll catch him later then. Who’s it from? What did you do then? How is he? Whereabouts? Why? Another Piaggio? What a pity. That’s a shame. Why? What’s the matter? I wonder where they are.
Completa i dialoghi. Nel primo caso usa So o Neither per esprimere consenso, nel secondo caso usa be o l’ausiliare adatto per esprimere dissenso. Poi ascolta a controlla. ▶
I don’t like reality TV.
Neither do I. I do. I’m hungry.
It’s so boring these days. It’s brilliant. Why don’t we go for a pizza? I’ve just had lunch.
I’ve never been to Ireland. I went to Dublin two years ago. But I’d really like to one day. I need to finish my assignment tonight. I can’t do it at any other time. The teacher gave me an extra week to finish it. I watched TV for most of the evening last night. Did you watch that documentary about the Olympics? There was nothing on worth watching. I can’t type quickly, at all. I’m really slow. I just use one finger. I went on a really good typing course a few years ago.
Completa i dialoghi con So o Neither e le parole nel riquadro per esprimere consenso. Poi ascolta a controlla. Tom Cruise the Swiss A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B ▶
Fabio Cannavaro ostriches
Bill Gates the United States
The British drive on the left.
So do the Australians. The actor Orlando Bloom is dyslexic. The British don’t use the euro. Antonio Cassano played for Real Madrid.
the Australians
4 A Mexico have never won the football World Cup. B 5 A Michael Dell dropped out of university. B 6 A Penguins can’t fly. B Unità 135 363
Grammar B1
Coesione: pronomi, avverbi e sinonimi
A Pronomi e avverbi Sia nel parlare che nello scrivere si ha spesso bisogno di fare riferimento a qualcosa che è già stato menzionato. Per evitare di ripetere la stessa parola, di solito si usano pronomi (he, it, them, one ecc.) e avverbi (there, then ecc.). I saw Jim this morning. He was in the supermarket. Stamattina ho visto Jim. Era al supermercato. I need a pen. Have you got one? Mi serve una penna. Ne hai una? I went to London yesterday. I got there early and I had a great day. Sono andata a Londra ieri. Ci sono arrivata presto e ho passato una bella giornata. I’ll be back home at 6.30. Call me then. Sarò a casa alle 18.30. Chiamami allora.
B Sinonimi In contesti più formali, specialmente nello scritto e in testi più lunghi, si possono usare anche sinonimi e altre parole correlate per evitare di ripetere la stessa parola. Google is the world’s most popular search engine. The company was set up in 1998. Google è il motore di ricerca più usato. L’azienda fu creata nel 1998. We were attacked by a shark. The creature swam into our boat three times. Siamo stati attaccati da uno squalo. La creatura si è lanciata contro la nostra barca tre volte. B2
C Anticipazione Si possono usare pronomi e sinonimi anche per anticipare qualcosa che non è stato ancora menzionato. Questo accade più di frequente nella scrittura, come in articoli di giornale o nella scrittura creativa. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was moving towards us. I suddenly realized this creature was a snake. Poi vidi qualcosa con la coda dell’occhio. Si muoveva verso di noi. Improvvisamente mi resi conto che questa creatura era un serpente. ➔ Vedi unità 99 per gli usi di one/ones e unità 95 per gli usi dei pronomi.
Completa le frasi con il pronome o l’avverbio corretto riferito alle parole in corsivo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Harriet and Joe are going to be late. They missed the bus. I’ve been at the gym. I saw Leo . My lesson finishes at 10.30. Call me . I saw Harriet this morning. was talking to Hugo. Do you know Brunella’s mobile number? I need to call . We went to that new café yesterday. was great. Let’s meet at your house. I’ll see you at 6.30. I need a cloth. Have you got ? I’ll be busy until 5.30. But I’ll call you . Have you got Mike’s email address? I need to send some photos. I don’t remember 1999. I wasn’t even born . You want your coat? Which is ? You’ve lost your shoes? I’m afraid I haven’t seen . In a posting on personal website, BBC boss John Smith announced he would resign. After living for thirty years, the city finally felt like home.
364 Unità 136 OUP copyright 2015
Leggi il brano sulle password. A che cosa si riferiscono le parole in corsivo?
How secure is your passw word?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
passwords people Forgetting your password computer users passwords internet security experts your personal information your computer password computer users computers
problems passwords Basing your password on familiar things computer hackers computer users computer users a word the word rule you and your friends passwords
Completa le notizie con sinonimi delle parole in corsivo. Usa le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta a controlla. the animal the group the clubs the creature the officers the 2,000-year-old amphitheatre the work of art the newly-elected Prime Minister ▶
A Picasso painting has been stolen from the Musée D’Orsay in Paris. The work of art is valued at €50 million.
1 Fifty policemen have been injured during a
demonstration. were trying to prevent protesters from entering the grounds of Buckingham Palace. 2 This year’s Champions League final will
be between Liverpool and AC Milan. have met before on six occasions. 3 Rome’s most popular tourist destination is the
Coliseum. million visitors each year.
has about four
4 The Beatles have once again been voted the
greatest band of all time by readers of ‘Music International’ magazine. received almost double the votes of The Rolling Stones, who were in second place. 5 A tiger has escaped from Chicago Zoo.
was last seen strolling through a shopping centre as panicking shoppers ran for their lives. The public has been warned not to approach and to report any sightings to the police. 6 In his first speech to the nation,
declared that the fight against terrorism was the number one priority. Unità 136 365
Grammar B1
Coesione: actually, to be honest, anyway, well ecc.
A Uso Sia nel parlare che nello scrivere si usano spesso parole o espressioni che servono a collegarsi alla frase precedente e segnalare che si sta per contraddire la frase precedente, o cambiare argomento, o fare un esempio ecc. Alcune delle espressioni più comuni sono: • per contraddire; It’s expensive. ~ Actually/On the contrary, I think it’s quite cheap. È caro. ~ A dire il vero, a me sembra che costi poco. I’m not French. I’m Swiss, actually. Non sono francese. Di fatto sono svizzero. – Nota che si usa on the contrary per dire che è vero il contrario di ciò che è stato detto nella frase precedente, mentre si usa actually per dire che qualcosa è diversa da quanto detto nella frase precedente, ma non necessariamente l’opposto. On the contrary va all’inizio della frase, e actually di solito può andare sia all’inizio che alla fine. • per dare sostegno a un’affermazione; Let’s walk to the station. ~ Good idea. After all, it’s a lovely day. Andiamo alla stazione a piedi.~ Buona idea. Dopotutto, è una bella giornata. • per focalizzare e riassumere; Do I enjoy studying? Basically/In a word/In general/On the whole/All in all, yes. Se mi piace studiare? Sostanzialmente/In una parola/In generale/Nel complesso/Tutto sommato, sì. • per sottolineare quello che si pensa; We’re visiting my cousins this afternoon. To be honest, I don’t want to go. Questo pomeriggio andiamo a far visita ai miei cugini. A dire la verità, non voglio andarci. • per cambiare argomento. I’ve got my driving test next week. By the way, did Samantha pass her driving test? La prossima settimana ho l’esame per la patente. A proposito, Samantha ha passato l’esame per la patente? The music at the party was great! ~ Talking of music, have you heard the new Hawks album? Grande musica alla festa! ~ A proposito di musica, hai sentito il nuovo album di Hawks?
B Anyway Anyway (comunque/tuttavia/ad ogni modo) è molto frequente in conversazione e si usa: • per tornare all’argomento principale; Anyway, what were you saying about Harry? Comunque, che cosa stavi dicendo di Harry? • per dare sostegno a qualcosa detta in precedenza; I’m too tired to go out. Anyway, there’s a good film on TV. Sono troppo stanco per uscire. Comunque, c’è un bel film in televisione. • per indicare che si vuole terminare una conversazione. Anyway, I must go. I need to make a phone call. Comunque, devo andare. Devo fare una telefonata.
C Well • Qualche volta si usa well (be’/bene/insomma) in conversazione per mostrare che si è pensato a qualcosa. You want to have a party? Well, OK, why not? Vuoi dare una festa? Be’, OK, perché no? Well, that was a disaster! Be’, che bel disastro! • Si usa well anche per correggere o cambiare qualcosa che si è detto. There were thousands of people. Well, hundreds anyway. C’erano migliaia di persone. Insomma, comunque centinaia. ➔ Vedi anche unità 131 per aggiunta di informazioni, unità 132 per esprimere contrasto e unità 133 per esprimere scopo, causa e conseguenza.
366 Unità 137 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i dialoghi con le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. after all
by the way
1 A Mum, can I buy that new Fifa game? B ▶ Well , it’s a lot of money. 1 , you had a new game only last week. A Please, Mum. Everyone’s got it. B 2 , OK then. 3 , it’s your money, I suppose. anyway
talking of
4 A I hear Jane failed her exam. B Well, she never did make much effort. A That’s not fair. She worked really hard, 10 . 11 , how come she failed? B A 12 , the exam was incredibly difficult. A lot of people failed it. 13 , you’re not exactly Einstein yourself!
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. A B 1 A B
2 A B 3 A B 4 A B A B
3 A How was your holiday? B 7 , terrible. It rained every single day. A 8 , England in April – what do you expect? B True. 9 , are you going away this year? actually
2 A Have you heard the news about Tony? B Oh, 4 Tony, he asked me to give you this DVD. A Oh, thanks. It’s a film he recorded for me. , what news? B 5 A 6 , he’s going to be kicked out of school! He was caught cheating in the exam yesterday.
in a word
How was your interview? All in all / Anyway, OK, I think. Where are you from – Australia? No, I’m from New Zealand, 1actually / to be honest. 2Well / By the way, I was born in New Zealand, but I grew up in lots of different places. It’s my sister’s birthday today. Oh, say happy birthday to her. And 3in a word / talking of birthdays, do you know it’s Paola’s sixteenth next week? I think Ernesto’s new haircut looks really strange! I see what you mean, but 4to be honest / by the way I quite like it 5all in all / actually. How was the exam? I’m not too sure, 6anyway / basically. There were a few questions that I couldn’t answer, but 7 on the whole / talking of exams I think I did OK. I’m sure you did fine. Oh, 8all in all / by the way, we’re all going out for a pizza after the exams next Friday. Do you fancy it? 9 Well, / By the way, yes I’d love to, thanks.
Completa i dialoghi con actually e le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. can’t stand it A B 1 A B 2 A B ▶
Is he American?
No, he’s Canadian, actually. Are you Spanish?
not invited 3 A Did Lola pass her driving test? B 4 A Are you going to Matteo’s party? B
Great music, isn’t it?
Unità 137 367
Grammar B2
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 134 –137 Coesione (2) 1
Elimina le parole superflue per evitare le ripetizioni. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sostituisci le parole in grassetto in modo da rendere le risposte più naturali. Usa one(s), so o le forme corrette di do. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
I went out last night, but Roberto didn’t go out last night. My friends are going out tonight, but I’m not going out tonight. My brothers can snowboard, but I can’t snowboard. I haven’t got any money, but I think Erica has some money. Is Max here? He wasn’t here ten minutes ago. Simon was going to come with us, but he decided not to come with us. My mum’s got one brother and my dad’s got two brothers. I really liked the restaurant, but Jamie didn’t like the restaurant. I didn’t watch the film because I didn’t want to watch the film.
Do you like science fiction? Not really, but my brother likes science fiction does I’m going to get a new computer. What’s the matter with your old computer ? Are you going to Jenny’s party? Not sure, but I hope I’m going to Jenny’s party Did you email the photos to Jack? No, but I think Carlo emailed the photos to Jack Do you like these earrings? I prefer the smaller earrings . Is the exam at 9 o’clock? Yes, I think the exam is at 9 o’clock . Do you live near David? No, but Paula and Emily live near David .
. .
EXAM Leggi il brano e completalo con l’alternativa corretta. Attitudes to marriage and family – Carmen and John, both 25 After university, a lot of our friends went travelling for a year before they started work, but we . Our friends who decided ▶ B . We got jobs and bought a house as soon as we were 1 2 3 didn’t buy a house when we are now unable to afford . And some of them who did go travelling are now wishing they 4 . But, on the other hand, perhaps we should have seen a bit more of the world when we had the chance 5 . We plan to marry and have children, but we don’t want 6 just yet. We’d like to wait until we are in our 30s. We’ll be ready 7 ! ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
not able to so did ones hadn’t to have to do so there
not to able to do did do so one hadn’t so – so yet
368 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 134–137
not to do so able did do some so hadn’t to do to do then
not so able to buy did any hadn’t so done so – now
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I’ve got a new phone. Sara’s bought a bicycle. It’s going to rain later. I’m not hungry. My sister lives in Venice. I passed the exam! I never drink coffee. Tom doesn’t like spicy food.
Have you? Has it? Does it? So am I. Does it? So did I! Do you? I do.
Has it? Has she? Is it? Are you? Does she? So am I! Neither do I. So do I.
Did you? Is she? So do I. Aren’t you? Is she? Did it? So do I. Do you?
Completa i dialoghi con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. A B 1 A B
2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B
How was the exam? All in all / After all / Anyway, it was fine, thanks. Come on, let’s go out for dinner tonight. Oh, I really don’t want to. And on the contrary / anyway / all in all, there’s a football match on TV I want to watch. Where in France are you from? I’m from Switzerland, anyway / actually / on the contrary. I saw Jimmy at the party last night. Oh, did you? And after all / talking of / by the way parties, I’m having one next month. How is your new job going? Anyway / On the contrary / All in all, it’s going really well, thanks. Oh, anyway / well / by the way, did you get an interview for that job you applied for? Why did Mr Jones want to see you this morning? Basically / After all / Anyway, he told me that I need to work harder. What do you think of Jenny’s new boyfriend? To be honest / After all / Anyway, I’m not so keen on him. Are you getting Max a birthday present? Well / By the way / Talking of, I suppose I should. After all / By the way / Anyway, he got me something for my birthday.
Completa i brani con i sinonimi nel riquadro delle parole in grassetto. the band the teenager ▶
the ceremony the tournament
the demonstrators the university town
Over 10,000 people today protested in the centre of London against government cuts to education. The demonstrators were mainly teachers from across the country.
1 A 19-year-old man was arrested today for driving through the centre of New York at over 100 miles an hour. said he did it for a bet. 2 Oxford is the UK’s second most visited city. visitors each year.
has around 10 million
3 Veteran punks The Change have announced a 50-date world tour to coincide with the release last performed live over three years ago. of their new album. 4 The first ever football World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930. won by the host nation, who beat Argentina 4–2 in the final.
5 The wedding of Hollywood star Jenny Bradway and tennis ace Andy Brown took place in Los was attended by over 1,000 guests. Angeles today.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 134–137 369
A Enfasi a sostantivi Si può dare enfasi a sostantivi usando certi aggettivi. The meeting was a total disaster. La riunione è stata un disastro totale. It was a complete waste of money. È stato un completo spreco di soldi. The whole day was fantastic. L’intera giornata è stata fantastica. We got to the very top of the mountain. Siamo arrivati proprio in cima alla montagna. TIP Si usa the very per sottolineare estremi come the very top (proprio in cima), the very first (il
primissimo), the very end (proprio alla fine).
B Enfasi ad aggettivi • Si può dare enfasi ad aggettivi usando certi avverbi. The film was really good. Il film era ottimo. The view was just amazing. La vista era semplicemente incredibile. The exam was so difficult. L’esame è stato così/talmente difficile. This pasta is absolutely delicious. Questa pasta è assolutamente squisita. TIP In contesti molto informali si può usare dead per dare enfasi a un aggettivo.
I was dead lucky to get a ticket. Sono stato stra-fortunato a trovare un biglietto. • Per dare enfasi ad aggettivi comparativi si usano much, a lot, far e even. Rugby is much more exciting than football. Il rugby è molto più emozionante del calcio. The party was even better than I’d imagined. La festa è stata persino migliore di come mi aspettassi. • Per dare enfasi ad aggettivi superlativi si usano the single, by far, simply ed easily. That was the single best day of my life. È stato il giorno migliore della mia vita in assoluto. He’s by far the richest person in Italy. È di gran lunga la persona più ricca d’Italia. He is simply the best player in the world. È semplicemente il miglior giocatore del mondo.
C Enfasi a verbi ed espressioni verbali Per dare enfasi a verbi ed espressioni verbali si usano alcuni avverbi. I really like it. Mi piace davvero tanto. I’m so looking forward to the party. Non vedo proprio l’ora di essere alla festa. I just couldn’t believe it. Non riuscivo proprio a crederci. She didn’t even say thank you! Non ha neanche ringraziato!
D Enfasi in generale Alcune espressioni vengono usate per dare enfasi in generale a ciò che si dice. We didn’t see anyone at all. Non abbiamo visto assolutamente nessuno. The whole day was fantastic from start to finish. L’intera giornata è stata fantastica dall’inizio alla fine. It’s without doubt the best option. Senza dubbio è la scelta migliore.
E Enfasi con do/did • Si può usare il verbo ausiliare do o did per dare enfasi, soprattutto quando si fa un confronto, si contraddice qualcosa o si parla di fatti o eventi inaspettati. The weather was bad, but we did have a good time. Il tempo era brutto, ma di fatto ci siamo divertiti. I do agree with you, believe me. Sono d’accordissimo con te, credimi. I did enjoy that lesson. La lezione mi è proprio piaciuta. • Per i verbi che hanno già un ausiliare si può dare enfasi sottolineando l’ausiliare, sia con l’intonazione, sia usando la forma estesa. It’s difficult, but I am trying. È difficile, ma mi sto davvero impegnando. ➔ Vedi anche unità 113 per aggettivi graduabili/non graduabili, unità 114 per accrescere l’enfasi di aggettivi e unità 117 per accrescere l’enfasi di aggettivi comparativi.
370 Unità 138 OUP copyright 2015
Completa i commenti ai titoli di giornale con What a/an … e le parole nel riquadro. dreadful mistake ▶
terrible disaster
total idiot
30,000 killed in earthquake
unbelievable escape
Man jumps into lion enclosure at zoo
What a terrible disaster!
Newborn babies given to wrong mothers
Riscrivi le frasi con le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta e nell’ordine dato. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
This pasta is delicious. Better than last time. (absolutely/even)
1 2 3 4 5 6
This pasta is absolutely delicious. Even better than last time. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The view from the top of the hill was incredible. (just/simply) I’m confident we’ll win the tournament. (a hundred per cent/whole) We were in a rush. We didn’t have time to say goodbye. (total/even) The film was fantastic. The scene at the end was stunning. (absolutely/very/just) We had a great day. The beach was quiet. We didn’t see anyone for hours. (really/so/at all) The holiday was great. It was the best holiday I’ve had. (whole/from start to finish/by far/ever)
Completa i dialoghi con le parole tra parentesi nell’ordine dato. Poi ascolta e controlla.
by far
A The Rolling Stones are the greatest band ever. (by far)
B What? Better than The Beatles? (even) 1 A I’m certain that one day we’ll find life on Mars. (a hundred per cent) B Rubbish! There’s no evidence. (absolutely/at all) 2 A I wish I could play the piano. (do) B Well, have some lessons. You’re musical. So I think you’d learn quickly. (pretty/really) 3 A The World Cup is the world’s biggest sporting event. (easily) B What? Bigger than the Olympics? (even) 4 A I’m going to Paris for the weekend. I’m looking forward to it. (so) B Well, it’s the most beautiful city in Europe. And if you go up the Eiffel Tower, make sure you go to the top. The view is amazing. (by far/very/just) 5 A I’ve just watched a clip of Usain Bolt in the 100-metre final. He flew down the track. (just) B Yes, it is incredible. He dominated the race, and he wasn’t out of breath. They say it was the most amazing race. (really/totally/from start to finish/even/ever)
Unità 138 371
Grammar B2
Man survives fall from aeroplane after landing in snow
Frasi scisse
A Uso Le frasi scisse si usano per mettere in evidenza qualcosa che si sta dicendo. Una frase scissa inizia con un’espressione particolare che concentra l’attenzione sull’informazione importante. Confronta le frasi seguenti: Frasi scisse
Frasi non scisse
It wasn’t me who broke the window. Non sono stato io a rompere la finestra.
I didn’t break the window. Non ho rotto la finestra.
What I need is a holiday. Quello di cui ho bisogno è una vacanza.
I need a holiday. Ho bisogno di una vacanza.
B Forma Le principali forme delle frasi scisse sono: • It is/was … that/who/when/where … It’s the colour that I don’t like. È il colore che non mi piace. It was Paola who phoned, not Marta. È stata Paola a telefonare/che ha telefonato, non Marta. Is it Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives? È a Buckingham Palace che vive la Regina? It wasn’t Anna who told me. It was Julia. Non è stata Anna a dirmelo. È stata Julia. • What … is/was … What I don’t like is the colour. Quello che non mi piace è il colore. What surprised me was how easy it was. Quello che mi ha sorpreso è stato quanto fosse facile. • The thing/place/person ecc. … is/was … The thing I don’t like is the colour. La cosa che non mi piace è il colore. The person you need to speak to is Mr Williams. La persona con cui devi parlare è il signor Williams. TIP Si può usare anche un soggetto ‘complesso’ + is/was per sottolineare quello che si sta dicendo.
The most important thing is being happy. La cosa più importante è essere felici. My most treasured possession is my mobile. La cosa che mi è più preziosa è il mio cellulare. The main problem is money. Il problema principale sono i soldi.
Riscrivi le risposte in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
A Did John tell you? B No. Vince told me. No. It was Vince who told me . A Do you know what’s wrong with the computer? B The software’s causing the problems. . It’s A Work, work, work and more work! B We need a holiday. What we . A I can’t stand all the reality TV shows. B Yeah. I can’t understand why they are so popular. Yeah. The thing I . A Did Alice tell Susie about the party? B No. Alice didn’t tell her. . No. It
372 Unità 139 OUP copyright 2015
5 A How’s school? B School’s OK. I don’t like getting up in the mornings. School’s OK. It’s . 6 A It’s an amazing thing, the internet! B Yeah. I just don’t understand how it works. Yeah. What I . 7 A Is there anyone who can help me? B You should speak to Jim. The person you . 8 A Vladimir Popovic is worth tens of billions of dollars. B Yeah. I’d like to know how he became so rich. . Yeah. The thing I’d
Scrivi i dialoghi. Inizia le domande con Is/Was it e le risposte con No, it is/was. Usa le parole nel riquadro. Poi ascolta e controlla. 2001 Mark Zuckerberg ▶
1 2 3 4
Paul McCartney/wrote Imagine A Was it Paul McCartney who wrote ‘Imagine’? B No, it was John Lennon. Donatello/painted La Gioconda A B C.S. Lewis/wrote The Lord of the Rings A B The Prime Minister/lives in Buckingham Palace A B 2005/the Twin Towers were attacked A B
I didn’t break the glass. (me) It wasn’t me who broke the glass. I really like the colour. (is) What the colour. You need to see Professor Jones. (person) The is Professor Jones. The price really surprised me. (was) What the price. What worries me is not knowing the dangers. (that) It’s not me.
John Lennon the White House
Johnny Depp
5 South Africa/hosted the 2014 World Cup A B 6 the Pentagon/the US president lives A B 7 Brad Pitt/starred in Pirates of the Caribbean A B 8 Sergey Brin/started Facebook A B
5 I don’t like the design. (thing) The the design. 6 David told me, not John. (who) It , not John. 7 I don’t understand why he’s so popular. (is) What I he’s so popular. 8 Did you first meet in Milan? (it) Was first met?
Scrivi frasi con le parole nel riquadro. Usa I o my. my electric guitar learn/new things ▶
1 2 3 4 5
da Vinci the Queen
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
Brazil J.R.R. Tolkien
the USA Nelson Mandela the culture and the history
a person/really admire a place/really want to visit favourite possession one thing/love about Italy earliest memory what/like about school
go/on holiday to Greece
A person I really admire is Nelson Mandela.
Ora riscrivi le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Scrivi le risposte sul quaderno. ▶
A person I really admire is Barack Obama.
Unità 139 373
Grammar B2
It supplementare
A Uso e forma Quando il soggetto di una frase è un’altra frase, si usa it come soggetto impersonale supplementare per evitare di usare una frase lunga e complessa come soggetto. It’s a shame that you have to leave. È un peccato che debba andartene. (NON That you have to leave is a shame.) It doesn’t matter what time you arrive. Non importa a che ora arrivi. (NON What time you arrive doesn’t matter.) Alcune espressioni utili e frequenti che usano it come soggetto impersonale comprendono: • It + verbo + complemento It doesn’t matter if you fail the exam. Non importa se non passi l’esame. It makes no difference who comes with us. Non fa differenza chi viene con noi. It annoys me when people do that. Mi infastidisce quando la gente fa così. It depends on the weather. Dipende da che tempo fa. • It’s/It was + sostantivo o aggettivo – It’s/It was + sostantivo o aggettivo + (that) + soggetto + verbo It’s obvious (that) we’re going to miss the train. È ovvio che perderemo il treno. It was my fault (that) we got lost. È stata colpa mia che ci siamo persi. It’s a miracle (that) they survived the crash. È un miracolo che siano sopravvissuti allo schianto. – It’s/It was/will + sostantivo o aggettivo + infinito It’s time to go. È ora di andare. It was a pleasure to meet you. È stato un/Mi ha fatto piacere conoscerti. It’s important to do your best. È importante fare del proprio meglio. It will be good to see you. Sarà bello vederti. TIP Nota che si possono usare alcuni di questi sostantivi e aggettivi sia con that che con l’infinito.
It’s essential that we arrive on time. È essenziale che arriviamo puntuali. It’s essential to arrive on time. È essenziale arrivare puntuali.
B I like it when … ecc. Si può usare un it supplementare anche come complemento oggetto, di solito con verbi che indicano preferenze, come like, love, don’t mind e hate. I love it when it’s sunny. Mi piace molto quando c’è il sole. I hate it when people drop litter. Non lo sopporto quando la gente butta cartaccia in strada.
C It’s 5 o’clock, It’s 10 kilometres, It’s raining ecc. Si usa it come soggetto impersonale in molte espressioni di uso comune per parlare di ore, date, distanze e il tempo. What time is it? ~ It’s 3 o’clock. Che ora è? ~ Sono le tre. How far is it to Genoa? ~ It’s about 30 kilometres. Quant’è da qui a Genova? ~ Sono circa 30 chilometri. How long does it take to get to the station? ~ It takes about half an hour. Quanto ci vuole ad arrivare alla stazione? ~ Ci vuole circa mezz’ora. Is it snowing? ~ No, it isn’t. But it’s very cold. Sta nevicando? ~ No, ma fa molto freddo.
D It’s €20 to … ecc. Si usa it per parlare di quanto costa fare qualcosa. How much is it to get into the museum? ~ It’s free, actually. Quanto costa entrare al museo? ~ È gratis. How much does it cost to sell something on eBay? Quanto costa vendere qualcosa su eBay?
374 Unità 140 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi con It o It’s e le parole nei riquadri. Poi ascolta e controlla. a mistake ▶
makes no difference
It’s a shame
doesn’t matter
5 6 7 8
9 A B 10 A B 11 A B 12 A B
my fault
doesn’t matter
a pleasure
getting dark
Do you want a blue or a black pen? . Either is OK. Thanks for a great evening. Dinner was delicious. . We’ll do it again soon. Can we stay a little longer? No, . We’d better go home. to go by bus or train? Train, I’d say. half the time.
Leggi gli appunti e scrivi frasi con It … to go by … e le parole tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
not surprising
the car won’t start. I left the lights on all night. when restaurants allow people to smoke at the tables. to learn English if you make the effort. if you fail an exam, but to do your best.
a shame
that you can’t come to the party. You’ll be missed! you’re hungry. You haven’t eaten since breakfast! to think you can pass your exams without working hard. that your mobile is ‘uncool’. You’re not getting a new one. that James likes you. He never stops texting you!
1 2 3 4 annoys me
It’s €35 to go by taxi.
(€35) (cheaper) (takes two hours) (much quicker) (more convenient) (more relaxing) (makes sense)
To airport Bus: €12, journey time 2 hours, station 15 minutes’ walk from terminal Taxi: €35, journey time 30 minutes, direct to terminal
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
We need to go home now. (time) It ’s time to go home now. I was happy to see Jo at the weekend. (good) It Jo at the weekend. What’s the distance to Milan from here? (far) How to Milan from here? He’s so clever. I’m not surprised he got 100 per cent. (wonder) It he got 100 per cent. He’s so clever. You should try the local food when you visit a foreign country. (idea) It try the local food when you visit a foreign country. Solar energy will probably be more popular in the future. (likely) solar energy will be more popular. In the future, How long is the journey to Rome? (take) How long get to Rome? Unità 140 375
Grammar B2
A Uso L’anticipazione è una struttura in cui si inizia una frase con qualcosa di diverso dal soggetto. Si fa di solito per concentrare l’attenzione o sottolineare l’informazione che si anticipa.
B Anticipazione con espressioni avverbiali • La forma più frequente di anticipazione è un’espressione avverbiale all’inizio della frase. On the whole, I agree with you. Nel complesso, sono d’accordo con te. Usually, the computer works fine. Di solito il computer funziona bene. Luckily, no one was injured. Fortunatamente nessuno si fece male. Last night, what did you do? Ieri notte che cos’hai fatto? At the meeting, what did Alex say? Alla riunione, che cosa ha detto Alex? Finally, we found the house. Alla fine, abbiamo trovato la casa. • Tra gli avverbi che più frequentemente vanno all’inizio della frase ci sono: – gli avverbi che introducono un commento o un punto di vista specifico; Presumably, all flights will be cancelled. Presumibilmente, tutti i voli saranno cancellati. Financially, the decision makes no sense. Da un punto di vista finanziario, la decisione è priva di senso. Generally, I agree with you. In generale, sono d’accordo con te. – gli avverbi di luogo o di tempo; At school today, there was a fire in the library. Oggi a scuola c’è stato un incendio in biblioteca. Tomorrow we’re going to the beach. Domani andiamo in spiaggia. – gli avverbi di modo. Si usano in contesti più formali, specialmente letterari. Slowly, he opened the door. Lentamente aprì la porta. Suddenly, James started to speak. Improvvisamente James iniziò a parlare. ➔ Vedi unità 119 per gli avverbi di modo.
• Un modo molto usato di anticipare nel parlare è iniziare la frase con avverbi come here, there, first, then, next, now. I verbi usati più frequentemente in questa struttura sono be, come e go. Here’s the taxi. Ecco il taxi. Here comes the rain. Ecco (che arriva) la pioggia. There goes the train. Ecco, il treno è partito. Now comes the difficult part. Ora viene la parte difficile. – Nota che quando si usa questa struttura, si mette il verbo prima del soggetto, ma non se il soggetto è un pronome. Here comes the rain. (NON Here the rain comes.) Here it comes. Ecco che arriva. (NON Here comes it.) • In contesti più formali, soprattutto nella scrittura, si può usare l’anticipazione per creare enfasi. Down came the rain. Giù venne la pioggia. Gone are the long summer evenings. Finite sono le lunghe serate estive. In the corner was a small door. Nell’angolo c’era una porticina. – Nota che, come più sopra, il verbo va prima del soggetto, ma non se il soggetto è un pronome. In the corner was a small door. (NON In the corner a small door was.) Through the door we went. Per la porta passammo. (NON Through the door went we.)
C Anticipazione con una frase complemento Verbi come assume, think, imagine e believe reggono una frase. Questa frase complemento si può mettere all’inizio. The party’s on Friday, I think. La festa è venerdì, mi sembra. TIP L’esclamazione What (a) … ! è un esempio di anticipazione.
What a mess they made! Che macello hanno combinato! What big eyes you have! Che occhi grandi che hai!
376 Unità 141 OUP copyright 2015
Riscrivi le frasi sul quaderno usando una forma d’anticipazione. ▶
I agree with you in general.
1 2 3 4
In general, I agree with you. He usually gets to work at 8.30. Who did you speak to at the party? Everyone passed the exam, thankfully. I think Dave’s gone to Rome.
I imagine they’ll be stuck in traffic. The holiday was great, all in all. I believe Jane’s gone home. They stood up and left suddenly. Who are Juventus playing next week? The door opened very slowly.
Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa Here (…) comes … o There (…) goes … . the bus
the rain
the taxi
the train
Here comes the taxi.
1 2 3 A Where’s Karen? B Ah, look.
5 6 7 8 9 10
4 A Where’s Rover? B next field. 5
– into the
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The beach was now deserted. The crowds of holidaymakers were gone. The beach was now deserted. Gone were the crowds of holidaymakers . The president stepped onto the podium to make his speech. Onto . The children ran out of the classroom. ‘Hooray, the exams are over,’ they shouted. . ‘Hooray, the exams are over,’ they shouted. Out The referee gave a penalty. Harris stepped up to make the score 2–2. The referee gave a penalty. Up . I have two more exams. Biology is next and geography comes after that. I had two more exams. Next . I took my seat. An old lady was sitting next to me. She seemed nervous. I took my seat. Sitting . She seemed nervous. Popovic was leading 6–3, 4–2 when the rain came down and play was abandoned. Popovic was leading 6–3, 4–2 when down . The days when as children we played from morning until night without a care in the world are long gone. . Long
Unità 141 377
Grammar B2
Inversione dopo espressioni avverbiali negative
A Uso e forma • In contesti più formali si può iniziare una frase con un’espressione avverbiale negativa o limitativa come Never … , Not only … , Only when … ecc. per dare enfasi. Confronta le frasi seguenti: Espressioni avverbiali negative iniziali
Ordine delle parole ‘neutrale’
Never before have I been so in love. Mai prima d’ora sono stato così innamorato.
I’ve never been so in love before. Non sono mai stato così innamorato prima d’ora.
Not a word did he say to anyone. Neanche una parola disse ad alcuno.
He didn’t say a word to anyone. Non disse una parola a nessuno.
Not for a moment did we expect such a response. Neanche per un momento ci aspettavamo una simile reazione.
We didn’t expect for a moment such a response. Non ci aspettavamo neanche per un momento una simile reazione.
• Quando si inizia una frase con un’espressione avverbiale negativa o limitativa il soggetto va dopo be o l’ausiliare, con lo stesso ordine delle parole della forma interrogativa. Espressioni avverbiali negative iniziali
Ordine delle parole ‘neutrale’
Never before have I been so in love.
I’ve never been so in love before.
Not a word did he say to anyone.
He didn’t say a word to anyone.
Not for a moment did we expect such a response.
We didn’t expect for a moment such a response.
TIP Nota che per il present e il past simple, in cui non c’è ausiliare, si usa do.
Hardly ever do we see such an amazing sight. Rarissimamente ci capita di vedere una vista così incredibile.
B Espressioni Ci sono diverse espressioni che si possono usare in questo modo. Ecco qui di seguito alcune delle più comuni: • Not a Not a sound did we hear for hours. Neanche un rumore abbiamo sentito per ore.
• Under no circumstances, On no account On no account must this door be opened. Per nessuna ragione si deve aprire questa porta.
• Not until, Not before, Not for Not until the gold medal was round her neck did she realize what she had achieved. Fino a che non ebbe la medaglia d’oro al collo non si rese conto di che cosa era riuscita a fare. Not for a minute did I think he would leave. Neanche per un attimo ho pensato che se ne sarebbe andato.
• At no time At no time did I break my promises. In nessun momento ho infranto le mie promesse.
• Not only … , but Not only is he rich, but he’s also extremely good-looking. Non solo è ricco, ma è anche bellissimo. • Never, Never before, Never again Never (before) have I seen such beauty. Mai prima d’ora ho visto tale bellezza. • No sooner … than No sooner had we set off than the bus broke down. Non appena siamo partiti l’autobus ha avuto un guasto.
378 Unità 142 OUP copyright 2015
• Only when, Only after, Only if, Only by Only when I saw her again did I realize how beautiful she was. Solo quando la rividi mi resi conto di quanto fosse bella. Only by cutting down on extra expenses, can our company avoid being in debt. Soltanto riducendo le spese aggiuntive questa azienda può evitare di indebitarsi. • Little, Rarely, Seldom, Hardly ever Little do they realize what is going to happen next. Non si rendono minimamente conto di che cosa sta per succedere. Rarely do we see a game as exciting as this year’s final. Raramente ci capita di vedere una partita tanto emozionante come la finale di quest’anno.
Leggi questi estratti da articoli di giornale. Cerchia le espressioni avverbiali negative o limitative e sottolinea le inversioni di soggetto e verbo. ▶
Never before in publishing has there been a phenomenon like the Harry Potter series.
1 Not only did Real Madrid win the league title, they also conceded only twelve goals all season. 2 The escaped prisoner is extremely dangerous and under no circumstances should he be approached by the public.
1 2 3 4 5 6
before/never/I/have/heard/such nonsense Never before have I heard such nonsense. a word/not/say/he/did/to anyone at/time/no/was/offered/I/a refund see/do/rarely/we/a talented player/such a minute/for/I/not/expect/did/to win only/not/you/were/late,/but/didn’t/you/apologize sooner/no/we/left/had/the house/it/than/to rain/started
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 Not only did Redgrave compete in five successive Olympic Games between 1984 and 2000, but he won the gold medal each time. Only once in a generation do you get such a talented individual.
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. Inizia con l’espressione avverbiale negativa. ▶
3 The temperature reached 30ºC on ten occasions. Never before has the UK experienced such weather.
They didn’t see a single person for hours. Not a single person did they see for hours . ‘I will never again tell you my secrets,’ cried Mary. ‘Never again ,’ cried Mary. The old man only occasionally gets visitors. Only occasionally . ‘I have never seen such a beautiful sight,’ said Alice. ‘Never ,’ said Alice. We had just set off when the car broke down. No sooner . ‘I shall forgive you only if you apologize immediately,’ said Anna. ‘Only if ,’ said Anna. ‘I didn’t lie to the nation at any time,’ said the president. ‘At no time ,’ said the president.
Grammar B2
Completa queste famose citazioni con le parole nel riquadro. Never
Not only
Only by
Only if
Not only
do I knock them out, I pick the round. (Muhammad Ali, boxer) you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain. (Richard Nixon, US president) 2 have I seen destruction, panic and fear on this massive scale. (Jo Bonner, US politician, talking about Hurricane Katrina in 2005) 3 do great beauty and great virtue dwell together. (Petrarch, Italian poet) taking great risks can great results be achieved. (Xerxes, Persian king) 4
Unità 142 379
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 138–142 Enfasi; it supplementare 1
Riscrivi le frasi con le parole tra parentesi dove danno enfasi. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
It was the best moment of my life. (single, entire)
It was the single best moment of my entire life. 1 She’s the most talented singer in the competition. (whole) 2 Smartphones are cheaper than when they came out. (much, first) 3 The day was a disaster. (whole, total, from start to finish) 4 There’s no chance of aliens visiting the earth. (absolutely, at all) 5 It took us a long time to get to the top of the hill, but it was worth it. The views were stunning. (really, very, really, absolutely) 6 It was a shock. I had no idea what my friends had been planning. (complete, at all) 7 I like science-fiction films, but that one the other night was bad. (do, so) 8 Jack suddenly left without telling anyone. He didn’t say goodbye. (just, even)
Riscrivi le parole in modo che il significato non cambi. Inizia con it. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Passing my exam was a miracle. It was a miracle that I passed my exam. Getting lost was my fault. Who you speak to makes no difference. People jumping the queue annoys me. Arriving before midnight is unlikely. Smoking in public buildings is against the law. Going by bus is much cheaper. Doing some exercise every day is a good idea. Getting into the museum is free.
Completa i brani con l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. Yesterday was a ▶ total / very disaster 1from start to finish / by far. Nothing went right 2 simply / at all. 3 It / Was snowed all day and 4 did / it took me hours to get to college in the morning and 5by far / even longer to get home again. And it was 6so / absolutely cold! I couldn’t feel my toes by the time I got home. I 7did / do hate 8the thing / it when 9so / it gets really cold. The 10 single / really best concert I’ve been to is 11at all / without doubt the one where I saw Linkin Park. 12 It / I wasn’t easy to get tickets as they sold out 13really / just quickly. I was 14complete / so lucky to get one. My seat wasn’t good, though – it was at the 15very / total back of the arena and a long way from the stage. Anyway, the concert was brilliant – the music, the atmosphere, the light show. 16It / What amazed me was how good the songs sounded live. Some of them were 17 even / so better than on the albums. The 18whole / single event was fantastic.
380 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 138–142
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Devi usare un minimo di due e un massimo di cinque parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
We didn’t make the mess in the kitchen. (us) It wasn’t us who made the mess in the kitchen. I really love dancing. (is) What I dancing. Look! Lucia is coming. (here) Look! Lucia. Oh no! The bus is leaving! (there) Oh no! bus! We had just left when the car broke down. (sooner) No the car broke down. Doing your best at all times is important. (to) It your best at all times. Jones won the gold medal, not Smith. (who) It the gold medal, not Smith. I don’t understand why it costs so much. (is) What I don’t so much. I hate getting up early at weekends. (is) One thing early at weekends. You mustn’t speak during the exam under any circumstances. (no) Under during the exam. Susanna might know. (person) The Susanna. I won’t lend her any clothes in future! (again) Never any clothes! He left the stage only after a ten-minute standing ovation. (did) Only after a ten-minute standing ovation
the stage.
Riordina le parole in corsivo in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2
3 4 5
England international Steven Lampton went down, but referee John Jones was not impressed and play continued. Down went England international Steven Lampton , but referee John Jones was not impressed and play continued. The rain came down and everyone hurriedly ran indoors. and everyone hurriedly ran indoors. Ten minutes after everyone else had crossed the finish line, the last few runners appeared round the corner. , ten minutes after everyone else had crossed the finish line. He sat comfortably in his armchair. His dog Milly lay at his feet. He sat comfortably in his armchair. A group of dancers ran onto the stage, followed by Madonna herself. , followed by Madonna herself. The days when we all watched television together are gone.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 138–142 381
A Prefissi negativi I prefissi si usano per modificare il significato di una parola. Esistono diversi prefissi che si usano per formare una parola che sia l’opposto o la negazione della parola a cui si aggiungono. Non esistono regole precise che specifichino il prefisso negativo da usare con le diverse parole, quindi bisogna impararli uno per uno. Ecco alcuni esempi: ununcomfortable scomodo/a disagio; unusual insolito; unzip aprire la cerniera, estrarre file elettronici compressi ininvisible invisibile; independent indipendente; inexperienced inesperto/principiante ilillegal illegale; illogical illogico/incoerente; illegible illeggibile imimmature immaturo; impossible impossibile; imbalance squilibrio irirresponsible irresponsabile; irregular irregolare; irrational irrazionale disdishonest disonesto; disagree dissentire/non essere d’accordo; disadvantage svantaggio dedefriend togliere l’amicizia; de-ice togliere il ghiaccio; defrost scongelare nonnon-stop senza pause; non-alcoholic analcolico; non-EU extracomunitario TIP Di solito, ma non sempre, si usa il- come prefisso negativo per parole che iniziano con l, im-
per parole che iniziano con m, b e p, e ir- per parole che iniziano con r.
B Altri prefissi Ci sono vari altri prefissi che si possono usare. antianticlockwise in senso antiorario; anti-war contro la guerra coco-operation cooperazione; co-pilot co-pilota em-/en- empower dare il potere; enlarge allargare interinternational internazionale; interdepartmental interdipartimentale miniminibus pulmino; mini-tournament mini-torneo mismiscalculate sbagliare il calcolo; mistranslate tradurre male multimulticoloured multicolore; multimillionaire multimilionario overoverweight sovrappeso; overlook non notare postpost-war dopoguerra; postgraduate studi/studente di master/dottorato/laurea specialistica preprearranged pre-organizzato; pre-school scuola materna/prescolare propro-nuclear pro-energia nucleare; pro-democracy pro-democrazia rerenew rinnovare; reorder ordinare di nuovo semisemi-final semifinale; semicircle semicerchio supersuper-rich super-ricco; supermarket supermercato underunderpaid sottopagato; underweight sottopeso TIP Nota che non ci sono regole precise per stabilire quando si usa il trattino fra il prefisso e
la parola a cui è aggiunto e quando diventa una parola unica. Per certe parole esistono entrambe le versioni (per esempio, co-operate/cooperate, de-ice/deice). Per impararle bisogna controllare su un dizionario.
Completa i titoli di giornale con i prefissi nei riquadri. anti ▶
1 2 3 4
20 per cent of teenagers are over weight 100 arrested in -war demonstration Teenage entrepreneur was millionaire by 16 United reach -final Six injured in school bus crash
382 Unità 143 OUP copyright 2015
5 -rich? Only if you have $10 billion 6 20-year-old murder -examined by police 7 -match fighting between fans delays kick-off 8 -faith marriages at all time high co
9 Plans to 10 11 ‘
large Eurozone put on hold -pilot and captain have fight in 747 cockpit paid and worked,’ claim nurses
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa i prefissi anti-, mis-, pre- o re-. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
The software is already installed on the computer. The software is pre-installed on the computer . You need to start the computer again. You need to . The games are already loaded onto the computer. The games are . You need some software to protect against viruses. You need some . You need to install the program again. You need to . I typed the email address incorrectly. I .
Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa un prefisso negativo. Poi ascolta e controlla. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How is your hotel room? It’s not comfortable. It’s uncomfortable. Why didn’t Sue get the job? In a word, she isn’t experienced. Can I smoke in public buildings? No. It’s not legal in the UK. I think it’s a good idea. I don’t agree, I’m afraid. You seem surprised by the news. I am. It wasn’t expected. Can you delay the meeting until next week? It’s not possible, I’m afraid. I lied about my exam result. Sorry. I’m disappointed – that was not honest. Do all past tenses in English end in -ed? No. Some verbs are not regular. What’s Zena like? She’s not friendly at times. The report says we made only £50 profit. We made more than that – it’s not accurate. Do you have to change planes from Tokyo to London? No, it doesn’t stop. Unità 143 383
Grammar B1
A Uso e forma I suffissi trasformano una parte del discorso in un’altra parte del discorso, per esempio un sostantivo in aggettivo, un verbo in sostantivo ecc. Non esistono regole precise che specifichino quali suffissi si possono aggiungere a quali parole. Ecco alcuni dei più comuni: happy ➔ happiness intelligent ➔ intelligence
B Suffissi che formano sostantivi -er/-or -ist -ant/-ent -ian/-an -ee -ess -ness -ment -tion/-sion -ation/-ition -ence/-ance -ty/-ity/-iety -ism
teacher insegnante; driver guidatore/autista; actor attore; director direttore scientist scienziato; guitarist chitarrista; journalist giornalista accountant ragioniere; attendant addetto; student studente politician persona eletta a carica pubblica; Italian italiano; republican repubblicano employee impiegato; trainee tirocinante/apprendista; interviewee persona intervistata actress attrice; hostess padrona di casa; lioness leonessa happiness felicità; illness malattia; politeness buona educazione employment occupazione/impiego; argument discussione/litigio, ragionamento production produzione; discussion discussione; decision decisione invitation invito; competition competizione; opposition opposizione intelligence intelligenza; preference preferenza; insurance assicurazione certainty certezza; community comunità; variety varietà terrorism terrorismo; vegetarianism vegetarianismo
TIP Talvolta bisogna modificare la fine di una parola quando le si aggiunge un suffisso.
C Suffissi che formano aggettivi -able/-ible -ive -y -ish -ous -ly -ic -ful -less -al -ing
valuable prezioso; enjoyable gradevole; comfortable comodo, a proprio agio attractive attraente; informative istruttivo; protective protettivo sunny di sole/soleggiato; tricky complicato; angry arrabbiato childish infantile; stylish elegante/stiloso adventurous avventuroso; religious religioso; spacious spazioso friendly cordiale/alla mano; lively vivace romantic romantico; dramatic drammatico/incredibile/marcato; scientific scientifico useful utile; meaningful pieno di significato; successful riuscito useless inutile; meaningless privo di significato; hopeless senza speranza coastal costiero; professional professionale; criminal criminale tiring stancante; amazing incredibile/stupefacente; surprising sorprendente
D Suffissi che formano verbi -ise/-ize -en -ify/-fy -ate
legalize legalizzare; standardize standardizzare; terrorize terrorizzare lighten alleggerire, schiarire; widen allargare; lengthen allungare justify giustificare; clarify chiarire; glorify glorificare complicate complicare; anticipate aspettarsi, prevedere; discriminate distinguere, discriminare
TIP Di solito sia la terminazione -ise che -ize sono accettabili per molte parole (legalise/legalize,
specialise/specialize ecc.). Ma alcune parole terminano sempre o con -ise o con -ize (exercise, surprise, prize ecc.). (NON exercize, surprize, prise)
E Suffissi che formano avverbi -ly/-ally
slowly lentamente; suddenly improvvisamente; automatically automaticamente
➔ Vedi unità 111 sulla formazione di aggettivi che terminano in -ed e -ing, unità 114 sulla formazione di aggettivi da sostantivi e verbi e unità 119 sugli avverbi di modo.
384 Unità 144 OUP copyright 2015
Completa le frasi aggiungendo un suffisso alle parole nel riquadro. act politics
assist present
custom science
guitar vote
He’s a scientist
a She’s a shop b She serves
. .
a She’s a b He’s her
direct sing
. .
a He’s an b She’s the
. .
a She’s a TV b He’s an
. .
a She’s a b They’re
. .
Completa le parole con il suffisso corretto. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1 A How was the concert? ! The best gig I’ve ever been to. They played all my favourite B ▶ Unbelievable songs and the band, especially the 1drum , was 2amaz . 3 2 A Romeo didn’t remember my birthday again. He’s so forget . Totally 4 use , actually! B Well, Brad gave me a dozen red roses for my birthday. He’s really 5roman at times. 3 A Two–nil down, one player sent off, ten minutes to go. It’s 6hope ! B It’s not over yet. Anything’s possible. We could have a 7drama final few minutes. 4 A The website’s good, very 8inform , but it’s a bit 9trick to navigate. 10 B OK, I’ll simpl it. A And I do like the background colour, but it’s a bit too dark. Can you 11light it?
Completa gli estratti da articoli di giornale con parole derivate da quelle nel riquadro. happy
▶ The US president believes that terrorism is the world’s biggest threat. 1 Mobile phone company Drechsler is to move its facility to China. 2 Hollywood star Tom Smith has died after a year-long . 3 A five-year study has revealed that contrary to popular opinion money can actually buy . 4 In the UK, it’s time for voters as day finally arrives. 5 The Platinia, the world’s first solar-powered supercar, is , and … and yours for just $2 million.
Unità 144 385
Grammar B1
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 143–144 Prefissi e suffissi 1
Aggiungi il prefisso corretto in modo che la frase abbia un significato contrario. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Non usare più di tre parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The chair was comfortable. The chair was uncomfortable. The weather is usual for this time of year. Your argument is logical. The star is visible without a telescope. She’s very mature. I agree with you. It’s an advantage to be tall. The drink was alcoholic. That was very honest of you. She’s very experienced. The hotel is popular. They are very friendly. His behaviour was responsible.
The text was translated incorrectly in places. The text was mistranslated in places. I need to order my files again. I need to my files. The final price was not calculated correctly. They price. We booked the tickets in advance. We tickets. He wore a shirt with lots of colours. He wore shirt. They should have paid me 50 euros more. I by 50 euros. I’ve started the computer again three times. I’ve three times. The shop assistant charged me too much. The shop assistant me. There was a demonstration against the government. There was an demonstration.
EXAM Completa la seconda frase con le parole date in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Non usare più di tre parole. A lot of people are unemployed here. There is a lot of unemployment here. 1 She plays the guitar in a band. She’s in a band. 2 They couldn’t decide what to do about the problem. They couldn’t make about the problem. 3 This painting has a lot of value. This is painting.
386 Esercizi sommativi: Unità 143–144
4 He behaves very much like a child at times. His behaviour at times. 5 There is a lot of space in the back of the car. It is very in the back of the car. 6 There was a lot of sun today. It was today. 7 Some people want to make smoking in public legal again. Some people want to in public again. 8 They are going to make the road wider. They are going to road.
Completa le frasi con le parole formate da quelle tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
It was a horrible rainy day. (rain) He’s a very man. (attract) The company has over a thousand . (employ) Did you get an to Susie’s party? (invite) Her clothes are always very chic and . (style) Adam has lent me his laptop for a few weeks. (generous) Sadly, he died after a long . (ill) What a shock! This is totally . (expect) Could you what you mean, please? I don’t understand. (clear) The hotel was next to a beautiful beach. (sand) My passport has expired. I need to it. (new) Hong Kong became from the UK in 1997. (depend) Was it a flight, or did you change planes on the way? (stop) Sorry, I what you said. I do apologize. (understand) I answered his question , without stopping to think. (automatic) My essay is too long, so I need to it. (short) You made several mistakes in the test. (care) I’m not a very person. (religion) It’s to drive without wearing a seatbelt. (legal) Many people are because they never exercise. (weight) food is the best in the world. (Italy)
Completa i brani con le parole formate da quelle tra parentesi. 1 The travel company Walking the World offers walking holidays in over 50 countries. (travel) of all ages and all levels of 1 There is something for ▶ travellers 2 (fit). The destinations include tours of (history) cities, walks along 3 (coast) pathways and in 4 (beauty) countryside, and for the 5 more (adventure), there are mountain-walking expeditions. All the holidays are led by a 6 (knowledge) and 7 (friend) guide. 2 The British agent James Bond is a 8 (fiction) character created by 9 (write) Ian Fleming. Since the first novel in 1953, there has been a great deal of interest in the James Bond phenomenon. Most 10 (research) agree that James Bond is a version of Ian Fleming himself. Both Fleming and Bond attended Eton College, they (appear), had similar food and drink 12 had the same physical 11 (prefer) and wore similar clothes. They both also had similar careers in the Royal Navy.
Esercizi sommativi: Unità 143–144 387
Esercizi di traduzione UNITÀ 1–2 Present simple di be, there is e there are 1 ▶ Di dov’è Paul? ~ È canadese. Where is Paul from? – He’s Canadian/from Canada. 1 Che tempo fa a York? ~ C’è il sole, ma ho 5 Quanto ne abbiamo oggi? freddo. 6 C’è un sacco di gente alla spiaggia. 2 Mi scusi. Lei è il signor Weinberg? 7 Quanto sei alto? 3 Ho molta fame. C’è pane? 8 Questa chiesa è antica. ~ Quanto è antica? 4 Non ci sono bambini nel parco. UNITÀ 3–5 Present simple e have got 2 ▶ Ogni quanto andate in piscina? How often do you go to the swimming pool? 1 Ha gli occhi azzurri. 5 Ti piacciono queste scarpe? ~ A me sì, ma a 2 Con chi vai in vacanza di solito? Carla no. 3 Hai una moneta da un euro? ~ No, mi 6 Di solito vado a scuola a piedi. dispiace, non ho il portafogli. 7 Amy e Tim non hanno figli. 4 Vai mai a teatro? ~ No, mai. Non mi piace. Tu? 8 Non guardo mai film dell’orrore. UNITÀ 6–8 Present simple e present continuous 3 ▶ Che cosa ci fai qui? What are you doing here? 1 Non ti sento, c’è molto rumore. 2 State pranzando? 3 Che cosa fai? ~ Preparo la cena. Perché me lo chiedi? 4 Non mi sento bene. Me ne vado a casa.
5 6 7 8
Stasera vado al cinema con Roy. Andate alla festa domani? ~ Io sì, ma Bea no. Che cosa fai? ~ Faccio il giornalista. Jim non fa che interrompermi. È molto fastidioso.
UNITÀ 9–10 L’imperativo, present simple e continuous, verbi di stato e verbi dinamici 4 ▶ Smettetela con quel chiasso! Mi state facendo impazzire! Stop that noise! You’re driving me insane! 1 State zitti e attenti. 5 Credi ai fantasmi? 2 Stai attenta quando attraversi la strada. 6 Non dirgli della festa – è una sorpresa. 3 Questa camicia ti sta proprio bene. 7 Che cosa ne pensi della mia idea? 4 Kate, ti sto parlando. Vieni qui e rispondimi. UNITÀ 11–14 Past simple 5 ▶ Dopo la partita ero esausto. I was exhausted after the match. 1 Jim è stato molto gentile. 5 Quando è nato il bambino? 2 Con chi sei andato al cinema? 6 Quando è stata l’ultima volta che hai 3 Siete stati molto fortunati – l’esame era molto comprato un CD? facile. 7 C’era molta gente alla festa? 4 Ho visto Jim e Tina. Non sembravano contenti. 8 Hai visto la partita in TV ieri sera? ~ No. UNITÀ 15–17 Past continuous e past simple, when e while, used to e would 6 ▶ Stavano cenando quando è arrivato. They were having dinner when he arrived. 1 Vai spesso al cinema? ~ No, ma un tempo sì. 5 Il cellulare ha squillato mentre guidavo e non 2 Che cosa stavi facendo quando ti ho visto? ho risposto. 3 Un tempo questo fiume non era così 6 Al tempo studiavo inglese all’università. inquinato. 7 Io e mio fratello litigavamo molto da piccoli. 4 Stavo attraversando la strada quando un 8 Stavamo parlando di lui quando ci ha ciclista mi è venuto addosso. interrotto. UNITÀ 18–21 Present perfect (e past simple) 7 ▶ Da quanto tempo abiti qui? How long have you lived here? 1 Siamo andati a Oxford almeno venti volte – la 2 Emily ha rotto un bicchiere. conosciamo bene. 3 Ho giocato a basket per dieci anni. 388
Esercizi di traduzione
4 Dov’è Gianni? ~ È uscito. 5 Questa è la prima volta che vedo Psycho. ~ Non l’hai mai visto prima d’ora? È un classico!
6 Sei mai stata in California? 7 Lo conosco da quando eravamo bambini. 8 Jim è andato a Londra e torna domani.
UNITÀ 22–23 Present perfect e present perfect continuous 8 ▶ Sembri in forma! Stai andando in palestra? You look fit! Have you been going to the gym? 1 Hai letto questo libro? ~ Ci sto provando, ma 5 Non vedo Anna da secoli – che cosa sta non ho mai tempo. combinando di questi tempi? 2 I bambini sono molto sudati perché hanno 6 È tutto il giorno che studio per l’esame. giocato a pallone nel parco. 7 Ascolta, stavo pensando – perché non 3 Sei sporchissimo! Che cosa stavi facendo? andiamo a prenderci una pizza? 4 Rhianna non mi è mai piaciuta. 8 Guarda che cosa hai fatto! Che macello! UNITÀ 24–25 Past perfect e past perfect continuous 9 ▶ Quando ho visto Joe, Bill gli aveva già raccontato. 1 Rosie non aveva mai suonato in un gruppo 5 prima di allora. 6 2 Erano giorni che cercavo di contattare Max. 3 Quando i soccorritori l’hanno trovato non 7 mangiava da una settimana. 4 Quando siamo arrivati il film era già iniziato.
When I saw Joe, Bill had already told him. Non avevo mai mangiato sushi. Quando sono diventati famosi erano già tre anni che suonavano insieme. Avevano cercato di aggiustare la macchina per ore.
UNITÀ 26–30 Present simple, present continuous, be going to e will per il futuro 10 ▶ Il tuo volo parte alle 8.45. Your flight is at 8.45. 1 I saldi iniziano martedì. 5 Che cosa pensi che dirà Paul? 2 Isaac viene a cena domani. 6 Domani andiamo a trovare Sam in Galles. 3 Jenny è triste. Secondo me sta per piangere. 7 Lucy e io andiamo al cinema stasera. 4 La prossima settimana andiamo in Grecia. 8 Mi sa che mi prendo un caffè. UNITÀ 31–33 Future continuous e perfect, congiunzioni di tempo, was/were going to ecc. 11 ▶ Entro la fine del XXI secolo gli esseri umani staranno vivendo su altri pianeti. By the end of the 21st century, humans will be living on other planets. 1 Marzo prossimo sarà un’anno che vivo qui. 6 Quando arriverai vedrai i danni alla macchina. 2 Pensi che staranno cenando? 7 Al tempo nessuno pensava che sarebbe 3 Faccio una telefonata mentre aspetto. diventato famoso. 4 Jim avrà pensato che fosse uno scherzo. 8 La partita sarebbe dovuta iniziare alle 16.00, 5 Non ti potrò scrivere fino a che Sam non avrà ma l’arbitro era in ritardo. aggiustato il computer. UNITÀ 34–38 Strutture passive, have/got something done Quando due costruzioni sono possibili, usale entrambe. 12 ▶ Gli hanno dato il premio. He was awarded the prize./The prize was awarded to him. ▶ Stanno aggiustando la palizzata. The fence is being mended. 1 Il volo è stato cancellato. 9 Molti record sono stati infranti in queste 2 Gli hanno dato un computer nuovo. Olimpiadi. 3 Il libro non è stato ancora pubblicato. 10 Il documentario sarà trasmesso stanotte. 4 Ormai avranno arrestato i ladri. 11 Si dice che il direttore sia furibondo. 5 Stanno facendo molti progressi nella ricerca 12 Ci hanno avvertito di non fare tardi. sul cancro. 13 Hanno svaligiato la casa di Harry. 6 Ieri stavano girando un film in centro. 14 Gli hanno chiesto perché non avesse detto la 7 Il Presidente Obama è stato eletto nel 2008. verità. 8 I risultati degli esami avrebbero dovuto essere 15 Come si accende questo tablet? già stati annunciati. 16 Si è fatta revisionare la macchina la settimana scorsa.
Esercizi di traduzione
UNITÀ 39–44 Verbi modali (1) 13 ▶ Per poter comprare alcolici bisogna avere 18 anni. 1 Bill non parla italiano. 10 2 Ce la fai ad arrivare in orario? 3 Sapete sciare? 11 4 Spero che potremo intervistare il presidente. 12 5 Vuoi che chiuda la finestra? 6 Jim non risponde al telefono. ~ Potrebbe 13 essere addormentato. 7 Potresti passarmi l’insalata, per favore? 14 8 Sam sa essere molto antipatico a volte. 9 Le dispiace se mi siedo qui? 15
You must be 18 to be able to buy alcohol. Ho dovuto comprare un tablet perché mi hanno rubato il portatile. Jo deve venire a prendermi dal dottore. Non dovete usare il vocabolario durante l’esame. In Italia si deve avere la patente con sé quando si guida. Per iscriversi si deve presentare (hand in) domanda scritta. Non dimenticarti che devi comprare pane.
UNITÀ 45–49 Verbi modali (2) ▶ Devi avere fame. Ti preparo un tramezzino? You must be hungry. Shall I make you a sandwich? 1 Non sono molto amico di Ben. Non lo reggo. 5 Non puoi aver visto Paul in centro ieri sera 2 Avresti dovuto pensare prima di parlare. Ora perché era con me al cinema. sei nei guai. 6 Dovrei chiamare Billy, ma non ne ho voglia. 3 Faresti meglio a farti controllare l’olio – la spia 7 Può darsi che Jim abbia ragione. (the red light) è accesa. 8 Non dovresti mangiare tutto quel cioccolato. 4 È probabile che Emma arrivi in ritardo. (due 9 Il film è bellissimo – devi andare a vederlo! costruzioni possibili) 10 Invitiamo anche James? ~ Ma sì.
UNITÀ 50–53 Domande sul soggetto, domande negative, What’s … like ecc. 15 ▶ Di dove sei? Where are you from? 1 Chi ti ha dato il libro? 6 Hai il numero di Jim? 2 A chi hai dato il libro? 7 Chi non vuole gelato? 3 Non volevi una pizza? Perché sei andata al 8 Chi vincerà la Coppa del Mondo? ristorante indiano? 9 Com’è la tua nuova allenatrice? ~ È molto 4 Quanto dista Londra da Leeds? simpatica. 5 Com’è la spiaggia? ~ Bellissima. 10 Com’è il fidanzato di Ellie fisicamente? UNITÀ 54–57 Domande indirette, question tags, domande eco, risposte brevi 16 ▶ Mi sa dire se quest’autobus ferma ad Oxford? Can you tell me if this bus stops in Oxford? 1 Sai da dove si passa per andare da Harry? 5 Sono arrivati in ritardo, non è vero? 2 Sei la sorella di Joe, vero? 6 Billy non ha ancora chiamato, vero? 3 Non è che può aiutarmi a trovare la taglia più 7 Carl è caduto da un albero! ~ È caduto da piccola? cosa? 4 Pensi che domani farà bel tempo? ~ Spero di sì. 8 Il volo è atterrato? ~ Penso di sì. UNITÀ 58–61 Verbi + forma in -ing, infinito o forma base 17 ▶ Hai voglia di andare a fare una passeggiata? Do you feel like going for a walk? 1 Se non stai attento rischi di cadere. 5 Harry ha smesso di fumare. 2 Sono sicuro che ti chiederà di fargli vedere le 6 Julia si fermò per parlare con me. foto. 7 Ha bisogno che qualcuno le aggiusti il 3 Ho fatto finta di non vederlo. computer. 4 Ti sei ricordato di chiamare Anna? 8 Hai sentito qualcuno bussare alla porta? UNITÀ 62–67 Espressioni + forma in -ing o infinito, be/get used to, infinito di scopo 18 ▶ Pensava di poter passare l’esame imbrogliando. He thought he could pass the exam by cheating. 1 Stiamo pensando di trasferirci a New York. 6 La guida vi spiegherà dove andare. 2 Se ne sono andati dal ristorante senza pagare. 7 Ho fatto una torta per festeggiare il 3 Siamo qui per cercare di aiutarti. compleanno di Rosie. 4 Ha chiesto scusa per essere stato maleducato. 8 Non sono abituato a mangiare piccante. 5 Il film merita di essere visto. 9 Non vedo l’ora di vedere Sue. 390
Esercizi di traduzione
10 Un tempo guardavo film dell’orrore, ma ora non mi piacciono più. 11 Mi sto abituando a usare le lenti a contatto (contact lenses). Sono comodissime.
12 Questo cellulare è facilissimo da usare. 13 Paul è sempre il primo a lamentarsi. 14 Non so che cosa farci.
UNITÀ 68–76 Verbi da non confondere, verbi con doppio complemento ▶ Che cosa hai preso per Emily? ~ Una maglietta molto bellina. Spero che le piaccia.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
What did you get for Emily? – A very nice T-shirt. I hope she likes it. Tè o caffè? ~ Preferirei caffè. Tea or coffee? – I’d prefer coffee. Non ho fatto nessun errore. 9 Abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio per aiutare. Non ha capito la barzelletta. 10 Hai fatto molte foto allo zoo? A che ora arriverete in albergo? 11 Preferisco giocare a basket che guardarlo in TV. Ci vuole molta pazienza a giocare a scacchi. 12 Che cosa suggerisci di fare? Andiamo a farci una nuotata? 13 Ti ho conservato una fetta di torta. Vuoi pranzare? ~ No, ho già mangiato. 14 Dobbiamo organizzare la festa per Dave. Dovrai prendere una decisione prima o poi. 15 Il postino ha consegnato questo pacco per Jo. Scusa, ora non ho tempo di parlare. Ti 16 Amy ti ha menzionato il suo nuovo fidanzato chiamo dopo. ieri?
UNITÀ 77–79 Discorso indiretto 20 ▶ Ha detto che era stanca. She said she was tired. 1 Johnny mi ha detto che aveva molta paura. 2 Hanno detto che sarebbero arrivati verso le 17.00. 3 Lucy ha detto a Jane che potrebbe dover studiare fino a tardi. 4 Katie mi ha ricordato di spedire la lettera.
5 Billy mi ha chiesto se avessi visto Harry. 6 Non avevi detto che non avevi mai mangiato cinese prima di allora? 7 Max l’ha implorata di perdonarlo. 8 Ho detto ai ragazzi che dovevano mettere in ordine la stanza.
UNITÀ 80–83 Periodi ipotetici, I wish e If only 21 ▶ Se si riscalda l’acqua a 100°C, bolle. If you heat water to 100°C, it boils. 1 Tom le avrebbe prestato i soldi se avesse 5 Vorrei essere in vacanza. saputo che ne aveva bisogno. 6 Se venissi alla festa ti divertiresti. 2 Se vieni alla festa ti diverti. 7 Se fossi in te, non ne parlerei con Steve. 3 Vorrei non aver sprecato tutto quel tempo. 8 Jim ti avrebbe aiutato, se gliel’avessi chiesto. 4 Andrei alla partita di Sue se non dovessi 9 Se fossi venuta alla festa ti saresti divertita. studiare. 10 Vorrei non dover dare l’esame. UNITÀ 84–89 Sostantivi e articoli 22 ▶ Hai già prenotato dove stare? Have you already booked your accommodation? 1 La Russia è il paese più grande del mondo. 6 Certe volte la gente fa cose strane. 2 C’è posto per queste sciarpe nei tuoi bagagli? 7 La luce viaggia a circa 1,080 chilometri all’ora. 3 La capitale dell’Irlanda è Dublino. 8 Questi soldi sono di James? 4 Non so che cosa fare. Hai consigli da darmi? 9 Il Torino ha perso contro il Napoli ieri. 5 Sally è una delle tre sorelle di Paul. UNITÀ 90–94 Some, any, no, a few, little, less, every, both, ecc. 23 ▶ Hai visto Simon o Julie? ~ Non ho visto nessuno dei due. Non c’erano. 1 2 3 4 5
Did you see Simon or Julie? – I saw neither. They weren’t there. Vuoi altre lasagne? 6 Dovresti mangiare meno cioccolato. Un po’ di amici mi hanno chiesto come stavi. 7 Non so niente della festa. Com’è andata? Non abbiamo latte. 8 È rimasto un pochino di gelato – qualcuno lo C’è formaggio o ne devo comprare? vuole? Hai letto qualcuno dei libri di Carl? ~ Li ho 9 Jane ha fatto meno errori di me. letti entrambi – ne ha scritto solo due. 10 Tutti sanno che è innamorato di te.
Esercizi di traduzione
UNITÀ 95–99 Pronomi, aggettivi e pronomi possessivi, pronomi riflessivi, this, that, one ecc. 24 ▶ Dammelo. È mio. Give it to me. It’s mine. 1 Pronto? ~ Buongiorno, sono Amy. Potrei 5 Qual è Ben? ~ Quello alto con gli occhiali. parlare con Tina, per cortesia? 6 Ed, la cena è pronta – vai a lavarti le mani! 2 Jim abita con i suoi genitori e sua sorella. 7 Certe volte mi sveglio di notte e non riesco a 3 Quale di queste penne è la tua? ~ Quella blu. riaddormentarmi. 4 La mia macchina è in officina. ~ Non fa 8 Chi sono quelle ragazze e perché stanno niente, prendiamo la mia. prendendo quei CD dalla tua borsa? UNITÀ 100–102 Preposizioni: luogo, moto e tempo 25 ▶ Troviamoci fuori dal cinema alle 19.00. Let’s meet outside the cinema at 7.00. 1 Se passi sopra il ponte lo zoo è alla tua destra. 5 Il parco è dall’altra parte della strada. 2 L’aereo ha sorvolato La Manica. 6 La chiesa è sulla collina, di fronte alla scuola. 3 Passa per quel cancello e gira a destra – la 7 Ho incominciato a suonare il piano nel 2010. palestra è a sinistra in fondo alla strada. Le lezioni erano di lunedì. 4 Devo vedere John tra mezz’ora. UNITÀ 103–107 Preposizione + sostantivo, verbo/aggettivo + sostantivo + preposizione, verbo + complemento oggetto + preposizione 26 ▶ Rick è al telefono con i vigili del fuoco perché c’è una macchina in fiamme qui fuori.
Rick is on the phone to the fire brigade because there’s a car on fire outside. 4 Aiuto! Sono caduto nel fiume. 5 Dave sta facendo una ricerca sull’effetto dei colori sull’umore della gente. 6 L’hanno accusato di aver mentito. 7 Sally è sposata con Andy.
1 Mi piace la maglietta blu. ~ Ti è andata bene! Questa è l’ultima che abbiamo. 2 Che cos’hai che non va? Sembri alterata. 3 Avevamo deciso di andare a Parigi, ma alla fine siamo rimasti a casa.
UNITÀ 108–109 Phrasal verbs 27 ▶ Ho appena scoperto che Jim non si è presentato al colloquio. Ha buttato via un’altra opportunità.
I’ve just found out that Jim didn’t turn up at the job interview. He’s thrown another opportunity away. 4 Siamo rimasti senza uova. Le abbiamo usate tutte per fare la torta. 5 Non ce la faccio a tenere il passo con lui. Sta sempre escogitando nuove idee. 6 Carl sta venendo a prenderci ora. Sbrigati!
1 Quando sei in vacanza chi bada al tuo gatto? 2 Per fare domanda devi compilare questo modulo e consegnarlo alla segretaria. 3 Non ho più intenzione di sopportare le bugie di Tim. Questa volta non la passa liscia.
UNITÀ 110–118 Aggettivi 28 ▶ Sono comode quelle scarpe? ~ Sì. Invece gli stivali neri sono scomodissimi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Are those shoes comfortable? – Yes, they are. But the black boots are very uncomfortable. Questo cappotto è più bello dell’altro ma costa troppo. This coat is nicer than the other, but it’s too expensive. I miei vicini hanno un gatto nero enorme. 9 Il portiere è spesso il giocatore più alto della Si sta facendo tardi e sto cominciando a squadra. essere piuttosto stanca. 10 Ieri c’era più caldo di oggi. Non ci vedo dalla fame – è pronto il pranzo? 11 Questa valigia e troppo grande. Mi sto annoiando. Il film è veramente noioso. 12 Se passo da lì ci metto tre volte tanto ad È un vecchio film di guerra in bianco e nero. arrivare. Gino ha una macchina sportiva italiana nuova 13 Pelé è di gran lunga il miglior calciatore di rossa – credo che sia una Ferrari! tutti i tempi. C’è troppo traffico in questa città. 14 Questo computer costa il doppio di quello. Questo caffè non è forte abbastanza.
Esercizi di traduzione
UNITÀ 119–124 Avverbi 29 ▶ Carla fa sempre tutto con molta calma. Carla always does everything very calmly. 1 Hanno giocato estremamente male – la loro 5 Rallenta – stai andando troppo veloce. prestazione peggiore di tutti i tempi. 6 Tom suona molto bene la chitarra. 2 Bob non è molto loquace. Non parla quasi 7 Di notte quella strada è molto tranquilla. Ogni mai. volta che ci passo non c’è mai nessuno. 3 Mi piacciono molto i film di Batman. 8 Lizzy non è ancora arrivata. La sto ancora 4 Peter è già partito. L’ho appena visto salire sul aspettando. taxi. UNITÀ 125–129 Frasi relative 30 ▶ È questo il libro che cercavi? Is this the book (that) you were looking for? 1 Jo continua a piangere, il che è molto irritante. 5 Sara mi ha lasciato usare il suo cellulare, il che 2 Chi è la ragazza con cui stavi parlando? è stato molto gentile da parte sua. 3 Sidney, che è la città più grande dell’Australia, 6 Jim, che è mio cugino, è il portiere nella non è la capitale. nostra squadra di calcio. 4 Quello è l’uomo che ha consegnato la lettera. 7 Ho visto Dan che parlava con Sue alla festa. UNITÀ 130–133 Coesione (1) 31 ▶ Il film inizia alle 20.30, quindi magari possiamo andare a prenderci qualcosa da mangiare prima.
The film starts at 8.30, so perhaps we could go and have something to eat beforehand. 6 Steve non arriverà prima delle 10. ~ In tal caso, iniziamo senza di lui. 7 Dammi il tuo numero di cellulare, così poi ti chiamo. 8 Non capisco: non ha nessun talento, eppure è molto famoso. 9 Siamo andati a correre nel parco anche se stava piovendo. 10 Dato che dobbiamo aspettare, tanto vale che ci rilassiamo.
1 A che cosa serve questo pulsante? ~ È per spegnere l’antifurto (alarm). 2 Prima ho fatto i compiti, poi ho giocato a basket, e alla fine ho preso una pizza. 3 Il treno era in ritardo, e oltretutto ha piovuto tutto il giorno. Quindi ho avuto una giornataccia. 4 Non ho voglia di uscire. E comunque tra poco inizia un film che voglio vedere. 5 Jim ha molti amici nonostante sia molto arrogante.
UNITÀ 134–137 Coesione (2) 32 ▶ David ha imparato a guidare prima di me. David learnt how to drive before I did. 1 Non mi sento tanto bene. ~ Davvero? 5 Sarete qui tutti e due domani? ~ Io no, ma 2 Posso sedermi qui? ~ Prego, certo. Steve sì. 3 Non sopporto Justin Bieber. ~ Neanch’io. 6 Jack e Sue non si parlano più. ~ Ma va’? 4 A Carla non è piaciuta la torta. ~ A me sì. 7 York mi piace. Ci vado spesso e sto da amici. UNITÀ 138–144 Enfasi, frasi scisse ecc., prefissi e suffissi 33 ▶ Perché non me l’hai detto prima? ~ Ma sì che te l’ho detto, ma non stavi ascoltando! ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Why didn’t you tell me before? – I did tell you, but you weren’t listening! Oh, no! Ecco la pioggia! Oh, no! Here comes the rain! L’esame è stato ancora più difficile di quanto 6 La ragione per cui Nick va male agli esami è mi aspettassi. che non studia abbastanza. La cosa che mi ha fatto più piacere è stata 7 Quello di cui ho bisogno ora è una vacanza. l’accoglienza così calorosa. 8 È stato qui che si è svolta una delle battaglie Il concerto è stato un disastro totale dall’inizio più importanti della guerra. alla fine. 9 L’autista della corriera era molto arrabbiato. È un vero peccato che non possiate venire alla 10 Qualcuno sa dov’è Tim? Ah, eccolo! festa. 11 Nel complesso, sono contenta del risultato. Non sono stato io a dire a Sam dell’incidente. 12 È stata una decisione irrazionale.
Esercizi di traduzione
Appearance (1)
A General description How tall is he?
Vocabulary B1
He’s 175 cm (tall).
average height
(very) good-looking. (very) attractive.
beautiful. (very) attractive.
Le frasi sono vere (True) o false (False)? Scrivi T o F. ▶
If you are overweight, you aren’t slim.
1 Average height means not tall and not short. 2 Attractive and good-looking mean the same. 3 You can say a man is good-looking or beautiful. 4 If someone is fat, they are overweight. 5 The answer to ‘How much does he weigh?’ is ‘200 cm’. 6 ‘How tall are you?’ is correct. 7 It is polite to call someone fat and ugly. 8 Thin and slim mean the same, but thin is more positive.
1 2 3 4 5 6
average weight
He’s She’s
not very attractive.
thin, fat, ugly
• Thin means slim, but slim is more positive. • It isn’t polite to tell someone they are fat. It is more polite to say they are overweight. • The opposite of beautiful/ good-looking is ugly, but it isn’t polite to tell someone they’re ugly.
Completa i dialoghi. Riscrivi le parti in corsivo in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
She weighs about 60 kg.
How much does she weigh?
Is he attractive? ~ Yes, he’s good-looking She’s not tall or short, really. ~ No, she’s average Are the two brothers attractive? ~ Yes, they’re both Is she quite thin? ~ Yes, she’s very He’s about average weight. ~ Yes, he Is he overweight? ~ Yes, he’s a bit Is she very attractive? ~ Yes, she’s
. . . . 75 kg. . .
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole di sopra e osserva le figure. Ricordi le parole? Appearance (1)
OUP copyright 2015
B Hair and eyes How long?
What colour?
What kind?
blonde short
straight light brown
She’s got
dark brown
grey long
brown eyes green eyes blue eyes
a beard
a moustache
Vocabulary B1
He’s got
Elimina l’aggettivo in più. ▶
She’s got long, dark brown, black hair. (or She’s got long, dark brown, black hair.)
1 I’ve got medium-length, short, curly hair. 2 Her hair is short, blonde, light brown and wavy. 3 My sister’s hair is short, long, and curly. 4 My brother’s got short, grey, black hair and a moustache. 5 My father’s got a beard and long, wavy, straight hair.
Completa le domande. (Scriverai le risposte nell’esercizio 6.) ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Is your hair brown? Is it dark brown or light brown? Is your hair long, m -l , or s ? What colour is it: bl , bl , br , or g ? Is your hair st ,w , or c ? Have you got a b or a m ? Have you got br eyes?
ABOUT YOU No, it’s blonde.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte all’esercizio 5. Poi descriviti a un altro studente, se possibile. I’ve got long, dark hair and…
Appearance (1)
C How old are they? Age
18 months; before they can walk
a baby
10 or 11
about 17
about 45
a teenager OR a young person plural young people
teens (13
early twenties (20 23) mid-thirties (34 36) late fifties (57 59)
Abbina le persone (1–8) alle età (a–i). me (45) d 1 my wife (38)
Vocabulary B1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
my son (6 months) my daughter (7) my brother (47) my nephew (14) my aunt (63) my father (79) my niece (21)
a elderly b c d e f g h i
in her late thirties a teenager in my mid-forties ✓ a baby in her early sixties an adult middle-aged a child
ABOUT YOU Scrivi i nomi dei membri della tua famiglia o descrivili a un altro studente. a baby Marcus (my sister’s son) 1 a young person 2 a middle-aged person 3 someone in his/her twenties
4 5 6 7
an elderly woman an elderly man a baby someone in his/her fifties
Mettiti alla prova. Copri la colonna 2 della tabella. Osserva la colonna con le età. Ricordi le parole e le espressioni?
10 Leggi la descrizione. Chi cerca la polizia, X o Y? The man we are looking for is in his mid-thirties. He is slim, with dark brown curly hair and a moustache. If you see him, please ring the police on 0088 997 4422.
11 Descrivi l’altro uomo. Usa la descrizione dell’esercizio 10 per aiutarti. The other man is
about 17)
a middle-aged person
Other phrases for age
an elderly man or woman (more polite than old)
in his her in my his her
a child plural children
an adult
Appearance (1)
Appearance (2)
A Male appearance 2
3 1
He’s got thick eyebrows2 and stubble3. He’s dark-skinned4. OPP light- OR pale-skinned. 5
He’s tall and skinny, but he’s in good shape.
He’s got broad shoulders1 and is well built.
He’s quite plump, with a fattish face.
He’s going bald OR He’s losing his hair OR His hair’s receding.
He’s clean-shaven and bald5. He has a scar6 on his head.
male Men and boys are male, women and girls are female (a person’s sex is male or female). well built with a solid, strong body. SYN stocky. skinny very thin, but not in an attractive way.
Riscrivi ciascuna parola con la lettera mancante. ▶
skinny skiny 1 eyebows
3 sca 4 brod shoulders
2 fatish
5 subble
6 clean-shave 7 in good sape
Le coppie di parole hanno lo stesso significato (Same) o diverso (Different)? Scrivi S o D. ▶
in good/bad shape in good/bad physical condition. plump quite fat, in a nice way. fattish quite fat. (See spotlight, next page.) clean-shaven without a beard or moustache.
fattish | plump
5 dark-skinned | pale-skinned
1 skinny | dark-skinned 2 in good shape | in good condition
6 stubble | a scar 7 pale-skinned | light-skinned
3 go bald | be bald 4 stocky | well built
8 He’s losing his hair. | His hair’s receding. 9 male | female
Completa le domande. (Scriverai le risposte nell’esercizio 4.) ABOUT YOUR FAMILY
In your family … 1 who’s in good s 2 who’s going b 3 who’s c 4 who’s got broad s
? ? -shaven? ?
5 who’s well b 6 who’s sk 7 who’s dark-s
? ?
8 who’s got a s
on their body?
ABOUT YOUR FAMILY Scrivi le risposte all’esercizio 3 o fai le domande a un altro studente.
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le frasi di sopra e osserva le figura. Ricordi le descrizioni? Appearance (2)
OUP copyright 2015
Vocabulary V B1 B2
B Female appearance
This is my mother at 27 when she was pregnant; in fact, she was expecting me. She had a pretty, roundish face with beautiful smooth skin and long hair.
Here’s Mum now; she looks tanned. She’s still slim with a good figure. Her appearance hasn’t changed much, but she’s got a few wrinkles1, she’s going grey, and her hair’s much shorter and neater. She wears contact lenses, and you can’t tell that she’s nearly 60.
The suffix -ish is used with some adjectives to mean ‘quite’. A roundish face is a face which is quite round. Also: tallish, youngish, fattish, etc.
Glossary Vocabulary B2
be pregnant • SYN be expecting a baby. • attractive and nice to look at (used pretty especially about girls or young women). • with a completely flat surface. smooth OPP rough. • Your skin covers your body. skin tanned • having brown skin after spending time in the sun. tan N. • thin in an attractive way. SYN slender. slim
Le frasi sono vere (True) o false (False)? Scrivi T o F. ▶
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6
If your hair is neat, it’s tidy. T Contact lenses are the same as glasses. Skin can be rough or smooth. A tallish person is very tall. A pregnant woman has just had a baby.
5 6 7 8
You get tanned sitting in the sun. Everyone has a good figure. You often use ‘pretty’ to describe a man. Your hair can go white or grey.
Completa le frasi. ▶
• the shape of a woman’s body. figure appearance • the way sb looks. go grey • become grey-haired or white-haired. OR white • tidy and carefully arranged. neat contact lenses • small round pieces of plastic you wear in your eyes to help you see better. • know or guess sth. tell sth
Does she wear contact lenses ? Her has gone grey, and it’s completely changed her . She’s still very slim, so you can’t she’s a baby in July. I’m feeling so old these days – look at these around my eyes! My baby’s skin is so to touch, but my hands are really . . She’s got a beautiful figure: she’s tall and You can she’s been on holiday – she’s got a lovely .
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole nel glossario e leggi le definizioni. Ricordi le parole? Appearance (2)
Character (1)
A What’s he/she like? Example
The students in my class are all really friendly; it’s great.
happy to meet and talk to other people OPP unfriendly
He visited me a lot in hospital, which was really kind.
warm, friendly and always wanting to help other people
I met Colin on holiday and he’s a really nice guy.
kind and friendly (a very important word in spoken English) SYN pleasant OPP horrible
I love Karen; she’s great fun.
something or someone that makes you happy
John makes me laugh – he’s just a really funny man.
making you laugh
My parents are very relaxed: they don’t get angry if I’m late.
Tom is very clever – the best student in our class.
able to learn and understand very quickly SYN intelligent OPP stupid
She’s quiet, but she can be funny.
someone who is quiet doesn’t say very much
I like our teacher but she’s very serious.
someone who is serious thinks a lot and doesn’t laugh very much
Completa le parole. ▶
4 n
1 f
5 cl
2 q
6 f
3 r
7 la
e r y h
Vocabulary B1
What’s … like?
We use this question to find out more about someone or something. What’s Jack like? ~ He’s very nice. NOT He’s like very nice. What was the film like? ~ Great! ➔ Vedi unità 53, p.150 per What’s… like?
Rispondi alle domande. What’s… ▶ a synonym for nice? pleasant 1 the opposite of friendly? 2 a synonym for clever? 3 the opposite of nice? 4 the opposite of clever?
5 6 7 8
What do you call someone who… likes meeting and talking to people? friendly makes you laugh? thinks a lot and doesn’t laugh a lot? is usually calm? always wants to help others?
Completa i dialoghi. ? ~ He’s nice, but he’s very 1 What’s Alex like 2 What Ana’s parents like? ~ Well, her mother’s great much. But her father doesn’t like people very much – he’s really 3 was your grandmother like? ~ She was very everyone. And she was too. She went to university.
. He doesn’t laugh much. ; I like her very . – she always helped
Character (1) OUP copyright 2015
B We like each other
each other
Glossary on my own alone OR without other people be complete opposites be very different shy If you’re shy, you can’t talk easily to people you don’t know.
sociable friendly and liking to talk to people sporty liking sport and good at it share a flat live in the same flat as another person
organized An organized person plans things well.
tidy A tidy person likes everything to be in the right place. OPP untidy
lazy A lazy person doesn’t like working. OPP
Vocabulary B1
Gemma: “I met Sophie at university. I was on my own, and she came up and talked to me; she’s like that. What’s interesting is that we’re complete opposites. She’s very happy to meet new people, but I’m really shy; she’s very sociable, I’m quiet; she’s sporty, and I’m not. But it wasn’t important. We became friends and shared a flat for two years. I’m very organized and did most of the housework. Sophie’s not very tidy, and she can be lazy around the house. But she’s a great cook and a really nice person.”
Really is important in spoken English. It means ‘very’ and you can use it before most adjectives. I’m in a really nice class. She was really horrible to me. ➔ Vedi unità 122, p.328 per really e avverbi di quantita.
Trova e scrivi altri quattro esempi di really + aggettivo da pagina 399. ▶
really kind
Rileggi il brano. Le frasi sono vere (True) o false (False)? Scrivi T o F. Sophie likes sport. T 1 Gemma was alone when she met Sophie. ▶
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gemma and Sophie are very different. Sophie likes meeting new people. They lived together at university. Gemma’s sociable. Sophie’s very unfriendly. Sophie’s untidy. Gemma doesn’t plan things.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. What are you like? Are you … 1 sporty or not sporty? 2 a very relaxed person? 3 usually tidy or untidy?
Character (1)
4 lazy or hardworking? 5 quiet or very sociable? 6 a very organized person?
Character (2)
Talking about character How I see myself
How others see me
Dan (33) ‘I’m ambitious, selfconfident, and generous. I’m also very impatient.’
‘Some people really like me; others think I’m arrogant and maybe aggressive.’
Kaz (18) ‘I’m always cheerful, I’m easy-going, and I’ve got lots of energy.’
‘My parents don’t think I’m very responsible; my friends just think I’m crazy.’
Giles (45) ‘I see myself as honest, hard-working, and generally tolerant.’
‘Other people probably think I’m a bit dull, without much sense of humour.’
crazy, mad, stupid
Vocabulary B2
Crazy INF and mad mean ‘not sensible or practical; a bit stupid’. Both words can describe a person or an action or idea, but the meaning is not always negative. They can describe someone who is a bit out of control but just wants to enjoy life. Stupid is always negative.
Glossary see sb as sth ambitious
• imagine or think of sb in a particular way. • having a strong desire to do well or be successful. OPP unambitious. ambition N. self-confident • feeling sure about your own ability. OPP insecure. generous • happy to give more money and help than is usual. OPP mean. generosity N. impatient • not able to stay calm and wait for sth/sb. OPP patient. patience N. arrogant • thinking you are better than other people. OPP modest. arrogance N. aggressive • likely to fight or argue. aggression N. cheerful • feeling happy. • relaxed and not worried by what other people do. easy-going energy • the ability to be very active without getting tired. energetic ADJ. • able to act sensibly and intelligently. OPP irresponsible. responsible • always telling the truth. OPP dishonest. honesty N. honest • able to work with effort and for a long time. OPP lazy. hard-working • able to accept ideas you don’t agree with. OPP intolerant. tolerance N. tolerant • boring. dull sense of humour • the ability to laugh at things and see when sth is funny.
Le frasi sono positive (P), negative (N) o entrambi (Both)? ▶
She’s very cheerful. P
He’s very ambitious. B 1 He’s very arrogant. 2 They’re a bit dull. 3 Both boys are very honest. ▶
4 My boss is very tolerant. 5 6 7 8
She’s so modest. He’s very self-confident. Karen is so mean. My brother is absolutely mad. Character (2)
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Riscrivi le parole con l’ortografia corretta.
honest onest 1 energie 2 responsable
3 generos 4 cheerfull 5 energetik
Abbina le definizioni (1–8) alle parole (a–i). ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
feeling sure about your own ability c boring likely to fight or argue thinking you are better than others always telling the truth ability to laugh at things feeling happy unhappy to give money or help people able to accept ideas you don’t agree with
patient honest responsible lazy generous ambitious self-confident ▶
Vocabulary B2
ADJECTIVE ambitious honest tolerant aggressive arrogant generous patient
If you disagree with Matthew, he can get a bit aggressive . My brother’s a bit irresponsible and does some c things; but he’s OK. Chiara’s a good person to share a flat with: she’s very e -g . I like Stefano; he’s got a great s of h . Alex is a fantastic musician, but very few people realize this because he’s so m Since Katy got a new job and a boyfriend, she’s become more s -c My brother’s lazy, but my sisters have always been very h -w . I don’t think young Andy is r enough to drive a car. Andrea has so much e ; she’s always doing something.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4 5 6
aggressive cheerful self-confident ✓ tolerant sense of humour dull arrogant honest mean
Completa le frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a b c d e f g h i
Completa le tabelle. ADJECTIVE
6 agressive 7 patiente 8 tolarant
Are you ambitious? If so, in what way? Would you say you’re hard-working or a bit lazy? Are you intolerant of anything? If so, what? When do you get impatient? How do you see yourself? Write three adjectives. Which two qualities do you think are the most important: honesty, patience, tolerance, or generosity?
Character (2)
. .
Families (1)
A Family tree = Elsie Damon’s grandmother
Luke his brother
Maggie his mother
Paul his uncle
Karen his sister
James his cousin
All the people here are Damon’s relatives. Luke is Dave and Maggie’s son. Karen is Dave and Maggie’s daughter. Maggie is Dave’s wife. Dave is Maggie’s husband. Elsie and Alf are Maggie’s parents (= mother and father).
Jane his aunt
Jessica his cousin
Dave is Paul’s brother-in-law. Jane is Maggie’s sister-in-law. James is Maggie’s nephew. Karen is Paul’s niece. Luke is Elsie’s grandson. Jessica is Elsie’s granddaughter.
Completa le frasi sulla famiglia di Damon. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
Vocabulary B1
Dave his father
Alf his grandfather
Paul is Elsie and Alf’s son. Maggie is Elsie’s Luke is Paul’s Jessica is Maggie’s Maggie is Jane’s Karen is Jessica’s
6 7 8 9 10
Paul is Jane’s Elsie is Jessica’s Paul is Luke’s Maggie is Jessica’s James, Maggie, and Alf are Damon’s
6 7 8 9 10 11
MALE brother-in-law grandfather grandson cousin parent uncle
Completa le tabelle. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
MALE father brother husband nephew relative son
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole maschili dell’esercizio 2. Leggi le parole femminili. Ricordi le parole maschili?
ABOUT YOU Disegna il tuo albero genealogico. Scrivi i nomi e brother, sister, uncle ecc. Families (1)
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B Family history
My parents got married 25 years ago. Two years later, my brother, Luke, was born. Then I was born a year after that. I’ve also got a sister, Karen, who is two years younger than me, so there are five of us in my family. Luke’s got a girlfriend, Sue, and they live in a small flat. Karen and I still live with our mum and dad. We spend a lot of time together.
get married become husband and wife (get divorced stop being husband and wife) be born start your life have got have there are five of us NOT we are five girlfriend/boyfriend see picture below mum INF mother dad INF father spend time with someone be with someone and do things with them together with each other
How old are you?
Damon is 22 (years old). NOT He has 22 (years). His brother is older than him. He’s 23. His sister is younger than him. She’s 20. Alf’s the oldest in the family. Karen’s the youngest in the family. ➔ Vedi unità 117 e 118, pp.316–318 per il comparativo e
il superlativo degli aggettivi.
Vocabulary B1
Le frasi sono vere (True) o false (False)? Scrivi T o F. ▶
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
Luke’s mum has two sons. Damon is Sue’s boyfriend. There are four in Damon’s family. Karen is the youngest in the family. Damon and Karen are often together.
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Damon is Luke’s older brother. Damon’s parents are divorced. Damon was born after Luke. Luke is younger than Karen. Luke and Sue live together.
his / divorced / are / parents His parents are divorced. born / I / 1989 / in / was spend / of / together / we / lot / time / a older / my / than / girlfriend / me / is in / six / my / of / are / family / there / us the / family / I / youngest / in / my / am brother / younger / ’ve got / sister / an / older / and / a / I
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 How many people are there in your family? 2 When were you born? 3 Have you got any brothers and sisters? If yes, are they older or younger than you? 4 In your family, who do you spend a lot of time with? 5 Do you all live together?
Families (1)
Families (2)
A Family relationships Bill Clinton’s father died before he was born. His mother, Virginia, had to find a way to support Bill, so she studied nursing, and Bill was brought up by his grandparents. When Bill was four, his mother married Roger Clinton, who became Bill’s stepfather. Roger and Virginia had a son called Roger, who is Bill Clinton’s half-brother.
Marilyn Monroe was an only child from a single-parent family, but she lived with foster parents until she was seven, and then she was adopted by her mother’s best friend. She got married at sixteen, and she got divorced three times.
only child a child with no brothers or sisters. single parent a mother or father who looks after their children alone. foster parent sb who looks after another person’s child in their home for a time. adopt a child take sb’s child into your family and legally make them your child. get divorced legally end your marriage. SYN get a divorce.
Completa le parole. step 1 an o 2 h ▶
support sb help someone live by giving them money, food, or a home. bring sb up look after a child and teach them how to live. stepfather a man who has married your mother but is not your father (related words: stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister). half-brother, half-sister a brother or sister who has either the same mother or the same father as you.
mother child -sister
3 f 4 s 5 get
parents father orced
6 7 8
ad s br
a child parent somebody up
Leggi le frasi. Hanno lo stesso significato (Same) o diverso (Different)? Scrivi S o D. She’s a single parent. | She’s a foster parent. D 1 He’s an only child. | He hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. 2 He’s my half-brother. | He’s my stepbrother. ▶
3 4 5 6
He’s my stepson. | He’s my wife’s son by her first marriage. She was adopted as a baby. | She lived with foster parents as a baby. She’s my half-sister. | She’s my mother’s sister. Our uncle supported us. | Our uncle brought us up.
Completa le domande. 1 Where were you b up? 2 Have you got any brothers or sisters, or are you an o 3 Do you have any h -brothers or -sisters?
4 Do you know anyone who is a s parent? If so, who? 5 Do you know anyone who has recently got d ?
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte all’esercizio 3 o fai le domande a un altro studente. Families (2)
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Vocabulary B2
B Family history I’m related to a member of the royal family. We have ancestors who were Russian immigrants. They emigrated from Russia to Britain in the nineteenth century. I’m from London, but previous generations of my family lived in Malta. Some of my relatives were originally from China. I look like my grandmother, but I take after my father. We’re both very lazy!
Vocabulary B2
be related to sb member royal ancestor immigrant emigrate from . . . to . . . previous generation originally look like sb take after sb
• • • • • • • • • • •
be in the same family as sb. relative N. SYN relation. a person who is in a group such as a family or a club. relating to a king or queen (see picture). a person in your family who lived a long time ago. a person who comes to a foreign country to live there. leave your country in order to live in another. happening before the one you are talking about. all the people in a family born at about the same time. in the beginning, before other things happened. have the same appearance as sb. be like an older member of your family.
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
Our ancestors were immigrants / members.
1 She’s one of my ancestors / relatives; she was born in 1880. 2 Janet looks like / takes after her daughter. 3 My ancestors emigrated / related to Australia a century ago. 4 Are your relations / immigrants from Italy? 5 I’m originally / previously from Rome: that’s where I was born. 6 He’s married to a member / generation of the royal family.
Completa le domande. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
What do you know about your ancestors ? Are you r to anyone famous? Do you think it’s important for a country to have a r family? Do you know anyone who’s met a king or q ? Where do/did the p generations of your family live? Which m of your family do you look l ? Do you take a your mother or your father? How?
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte all’esercizio 6 o fai le domande a un altro studente.
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le definizioni nel glossario e leggi le parole. Ricordi i significati?
Families (2)
A Common problems I’ve got…
What’s the matter? I don’t feel well.
a temperature
a cold
a pain in my leg also my leg hurts
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
I’m / ’ve got a temperature.
7 He’s got flu / a flu?
1 My back pain / hurts.
8 Is / Has she got a temperature?
2 I feel / ’ve got a cold.
9 I hurt / ’ve got a pain in my eye.
3 He doesn’t feel / be well.
10 Is / Has she got a temperature?
4 I feel / ’ve got toothache.
11 She is / ’s got a sore throat.
5 Do you feel / be sick?
12 I don’t feel / haven’t got a cough.
6 My knee feels / hurts.
a sore throat
I feel sick
be ill/sick
Ill means ‘not well’. Rafa’s not here today; he’s ill. Be sick usually means to bring up food from your stomach (also vomit). If you feel sick, you think you are going to be sick.
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a cough
I had to stand up for ten hours; now I’ve got backache . She has always smoked a lot, and now she’s got a bad He’s got a – look, it’s 39 degrees. I walked 20 kilometres today, and my feet . What’s the ? You look terrible. ~ I don’t feel I ate too much at lunch and now I’ve got . My little boy had four ice creams and now he feels I’ve got a temperature and a terrible headache. I think I’ve got I can’t eat anything; I’ve got a sore .
. . .
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole di sopra e osserva le figure. Ricordi le parole?
Illness OUP copyright 2015
Vocabulary B1
a headache
B What should I do? You should go and see your GP.
I don’t feel very well. I’ve got a temperature.
You should go to the chemist’s. You should stay in bed for a day or two. You should go and lie down for a while.
go and see go to, visit GP (General Practitioner) family doctor chemist’s shop where you get medicine (also pharmacy) lie down
You use should when you tell people what you think is the best thing for them to do. Should is used for giving advice. I feel terrible. ~ You should go to bed. You shouldn’t go to work today.
should + verb
Vocabulary B1
➔ Vedi unità 48, p.136 per gli usi di should.
for a while for a short time stay in bed go to bed and not get up for a day or two for a short time (not more than three days)
Elimina la parola in più. ▶
I don’t feel me very well.
5 Go to bed for a day or two days.
1 You should to go to the chemist’s.
6 You should go and to see your doctor.
2 Go and lie you down for a while.
7 You shouldn’t don’t go to work today.
3 Go and see your GP doctor.
8 Lie down for the a while.
4 Stay in the bed and don’t do anything.
Scrivi dei consigli con should e le parole tra parentesi. I’ve got a cold. (chemist’s) You should go to the chemist’s. 1 I’ve got backache. (lie) 2 My ear hurts. (pharmacy) ▶
3 I’ve got a sore throat, a cough and a temperature. (stay) 4 I feel sick. (while) 5 I’ve got flu. (GP) 408
Shopping and fashion (1)
A Accessories
a pair of some
a pair of some
1 2 3 4 5 6
trousers trainers scarf jeans sandals glove scarf
trainers boots umbrella socks glasses watch belt
jeans gloves tie shoes hat hat jeans
Are these your boots? Is this your boot? ▶ Her glasses are nice. – 1 Give me the socks. 2 Where are my tights? 3 I’ve got two pairs of sandals.
tights spotlight
Plural nouns
Trousers, jeans, tights, clothes and (sun) glasses are always plural. They take a plural verb form. These trousers are very nice. NOT This trouser is very nice. My jeans were cheap.
4 5 6 7 8
Do you like my new trousers? She’s wearing my scarves. Where are my gloves? The jeans cost €20. I don’t like these sunglasses.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4 5
Riscrivi le frasi alla forma singolare, se possibile. ▶
Elimina la parola sbagliata in ciascun gruppo. ▶
Vocabulary B1
What are you wearing today? What clothes do you wear at the weekend? Do you wear trainers a lot? If you don’t, what do you wear? Do you wear glasses or sunglasses? Why? How often do you wear: a hat? a scarf? a watch?
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole di sopra e nomina le cose nelle figure. Shopping and fashion (1)
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B Describing clothes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
long short cheap expensive smart casual small/little large/big uncomfortable comfortable tight loose
2 3
9 7
I like it – it’s really nice/lovely.
Osserva le figure e descrivi l’abbigliamento.
Vocabulary B1
1 2 3 4
I don’t like it – it’s horrible/awful.
a cheap as c a s c
tie skirt shoes handbag clothes
5 6 7 8
a l an e s a l
T-shirt tie clothes skirt
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
My handbag is very large / small, so I put lots in it.
1 I like these trainers, but they’re very comfortable / uncomfortable. 2 I’ve got some really nice / horrible boots. I wear them a lot. 3 At the weekend, I usually wear casual / smart clothes. 4 I haven’t got much money, so I don’t wear cheap / expensive clothes. 5 He‘s only seven years old, so just buy him a small / large T-shirt. 6 You need your long / short coat today; it’s really cold. 7 If you are going to the gym, it’s better to wear tight / loose clothes. 8 That suit is awful / lovely – you must buy it.
Scrivi il contrario delle parole sottolineate. You need a large belt. small 1 She’s wearing a long coat. 2 Are those boots comfortable? 3 We can wear smart clothes. ▶
4 Was the belt very cheap? 5 She doesn’t want tight trousers. 6 Does this look nice?
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole di sopra e nomina gli aggettivi e i capi d’abbigliamento nelle figure. Shopping and fashion (1)
C Talking about size Questions
Problems with size
What size are you? What size do you take?
I’m a (size) 12. I take size 40. small/medium/large
It’s They’re It doesn’t They don’t
the wrong size. fit.
It’s too long. customer
They’re too big. shop assistant
Completa le frasi.
are you? 1 What ▶ size ~ I’m 14. 2 Is she small, , or large? 3 I’m sorry, this shirt is the size. 4 Does this jumper ? ~ No, it’s tight for me. 5 What size do you ? ~ Small. 6 I like the trousers but they don’t they’re long.
too and very
There is a difference in meaning between too and very. Her coat is very long. (It’s OK.) Her coat is too long. (It’s not OK.) These trousers are very tight, but I’m going to buy them. These boots are too tight; I can’t wear them. ;
➔ Vedi unità 115, p.310 per too e enough.
10 Osserva le figure. Descrivi il problema.
The jacket’s too short.
3 Shopping and fashion (1)
Vocabulary B1
D In a shop
A shop assistant (SA) and a customer (C) are talking. SA C SA C
Do you need any help? Yes, I’m looking for a smart, black skirt. What size do you take? I’m a 12.
Oh, this is lovely. Can I try it on? Yes, sure. The changing room is over there.
Oh, no, it’s too tight. Here’s a size 14.
That looks really nice. Thanks. Yes, it’s fine. I think I’ll take it. Where do I pay? The cash desk is at the front.
How would you like to pay? By credit card. That’s fine. Thank you.
Do you need any help? also Can I help you? I’m looking for = I want try something on put something on to see if the size is right changing room a place where you try something on That looks (really nice) = I think it’s (really nice) on you pay give money for something cash desk the place where you pay credit card e.g. Visa, American Express
I’ll take it/I’ll leave it
When you decide to buy something in a shop, you say ‘I’ll take it/them’. NOT I take it/I buy it. If you decide not to buy something, you say ‘(No), I’ll leave it/them, thanks’. ➔ Vedi unità 30, p.90 per gli usi di will.
Vocabulary B1
11 Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
help / can / I / you / ? Can I help you? I / where / pay / do / ? thanks / no / I’ll / it / leave changing / where’s / excuse me / the / room / ? dress / can / on / this / try / I / ? pair / I’m / of / looking / trousers / for / a help / you / need / do / any / ?
12 Completa le frasi con l’ultima parola. What size do you take 1 Can I try these
5 Excuse me. Where’s the changing
2 Pay at the cash 3 I like these. I’ll take 4 I’d like to pay by credit
? . . .
6 Do you need any 7 Oh, that looks 8 How would you like to
13 ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Do you like shopping for clothes? How often do you buy clothes? What was the last thing you bought? Do you always know what you’re looking for? Do you always try clothes on? How do you usually pay?
Shopping and fashion (1)
? . You must buy it. ?
Shopping and fashion (2)
for fashion
ashion expert Alyson Walsh says that every stylish woman should have a ‘capsule wardrobe’ – a timeless collection of clothes for every occasion. This includes: a little black dress, the perfect jeans, leather handbag, a fine wool jumper, white shirt, kneelength skirt, etc. Being stylish is about what suits you and your figure. Here are three golden rules:
• Spend as much as possible on the basics (your capsule wardrobe) and don’t worry too much about fashionable clothes – you probably won’t wear them after one season. • Choose neutral colours: black, cream, white, and dark blue. Neutrals look elegant, and are versatile and easy to match. Just think of Armani fashions, year after year. • A simple outfit can be transformed with the latest fashion accessory, e.g. a belt.
Glossary stylish
• attractive and fashionable.
• If something suits you, it looks
• the shape of the body,
• popular at the present time.
• (of a colour) not strong or
elegant versatile match
• attractive and well designed. • having many different uses. • look good with something else.
• a set of clothes that you wear
transform sth
• change sth completely, usually
latest accessory
• new or very recent. • sth you wear or carry that goes
style N. good on you. especially that of a woman. OPP
bright. neutral N.
matching ADJ. together. in a positive way.
with your clothes, e.g. a bag.
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
It’s a very versatile / fashionable jacket – I can wear it on different occasions.
1 You should buy that blouse; it suits / matches your skirt. 2 She wore a very unfashionable / stylish jacket – it looked awful. 3 I need to get a new figure / outfit for my brother’s wedding. 4 This coat is the latest / neutral fashion, but I don’t particularly like the style / figure. 5 I think that dress really matches / suits you. 6 My mother’s got a versatile / very good figure. 7 You can make a simple dress look great with the right outfits / accessories. 8 I always wear neutral / bright colours, but they can be a bit boring.
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
She can wear tight jeans because she has such a good figure . I bought some pink shoes and a handbag; they look great together. I’d love to be like Mary; she looks so whatever she wears. I want a pair of those trousers; they’re the fashion. She never wears red – it doesn’t her. Black is very because you can wear it with almost anything. the way she looks. She’s got a new hairstyle and it completely Expensive such as bags and belts can have a big effect on how you look. I really like her new because it all works well together. Shopping and fashion (2)
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Vocabulary B2
Three golden rules
Money (1)
Money in shops
Glossary cost PT cost How much does it cost? = How much is it? €9 each = €9 for one €27 altogether = €27 for everything change the money you get back if you give the assistant more than something cost debit card If you use a debit card, the money comes out of your bank account (where you put money in and take it out). PIN = Personal Identification Number (also PIN number)
1 4
2 5
Vocabulary B1
You are in a shop and decide to buy three CDs. They cost €9 each, which is €27 altogether. You can pay in cash1 (notes2 and coins3): for example, you give the shop assistant €30, and he gives you €3 change. You can also pay by credit card4. The assistant puts your card in a machine and asks you to enter5 (or put in) your PIN. You can also pay by debit card or cheque6. At the end, he gives you your CDs and a receipt7.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
€5.30 five euros thirty or five thirty NOT five euros and thirty £10.99 ten pounds ninety-nine OR ten ninety-nine a ten pound/euro note NOT a ten pounds/ euros note
Can I pay for cheque? Can I pay by cheque? The dictionary cost me eight euros and fifty. Could you put your PIN, please? She paid for the dress of cash. I’ve only got a 50 pounds note. They’re €6 for each. Have you got a bank count? Three books. That’s €42 together. The pen cost £3.20. I gave the shop assistant £5 and she gave me £1.80 money.
Completa i dialoghi. A B A B
I’d like this watch, please. Fine. How would you like to pay? . By debit ▶ card Thanks. Could you 1 your 2 , please?… Thank you. Here’s your watch and your 3 . A Thank you. 414
Correggi gli errori. ▶
Money (1)
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C Hi. How much do these peaches 4 ? D They’re 50 cents 5 . C I’ll have six, please, and a melon. D Thank you. That’s €4.30 6 C I’m sorry, I’ve only got a €50 7 . D That’s OK. I’ve got lots of 8
I’m not very good with money
aria Costas was an ordinary working mum without much income until she won over €3m on the lottery and became a very wealthy woman. She immediately bought a house worth €1m, a car that cost a fortune, and jewellery valued at €250,000. Unfortunately, the house was a waste of money. She owned it for six months, never lived there, then had to sell it for much less than she paid for it. Maria also wasted huge amounts of money on designer clothes and foreign holidays, and within eighteen months she was completely broke. Now she owes the bank over €5,000, and has credit card debts as well.
1 2 3 4 5 6
How did Maria become wealthy? How much was her new house worth? What was her jewellery valued at? How long did she own her new house? Why was the house a waste of money? How much does she owe the bank? Does she have any other debts?
She won the lottery.
Riscrivi le frasi con le parole in maiuscolo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
• the money you earn from work, plus any other money you receive. wealthy • rich. SYN well off. • If a flat is worth €3m, you could sell worth it for €3m (that is the value). cost a fortune • be very expensive. value sth at sth • decide what sth is worth, or what you could sell it for. waste of money • a bad use of money. • If you own sth, it is yours; it belongs own sth to you. huge • very large. SYN massive. amount • a quantity of sth; a sum of money. • INF having no money. broke owe sb sth • have to pay money to sb for sth they have done or given. debt • an amount of money that you owe sb. income
Copri l’articolo e rispondi alle domande. ▶
Vocabulary B2
Money (2)
My boss has a lot of money. WEALTHY My boss is very wealthy. It’s a very large house. HUGE The house is worth £2,000,000. VALUE Dona hasn’t got any money. BROKE The flat doesn’t belong to me. OWN Her shoes were very expensive. FORTUNE Sara has debts of €5,000. OWE
Completa le frasi. The watch went wrong after two months; it was a waste 1 My uncle won a huge of money, so he’s very 2 I haven’t got any money; I’m completely . 3 It’s a nice flat, but it isn’t half a million euros. ▶
of money. off now.
4 It’s an absolutely school: there are about 2,500 students. 5 He’s got a day job and an evening job, so he has a good . Money (2) OUP copyright 2015
The universe
A The universe • The moon1 is a satellite of the earth2; in other words, it circles around the earth. This takes approximately 28 days. • The earth revolves around the sun every 365 days. • The sun3 is a star, but seems much larger than other stars4 because it is so close to the earth. Light from the sun takes approximately eight minutes to reach the earth. • Nine planets5 revolve around the sun. We call the sun and all its planets the solar system. • Seventy-five years ago, sending rockets6 into space seemed farfetched, but now it is a fact of life and we have gained considerable knowledge of the earth’s satellite and our solar system.
4 Venus
Vocabulary B2
Glossary universe the whole of space and everything in it, including the planets and stars. satellite an object that moves round a bigger object in space. in other words used for saying sth in a different way. circle sth go round sth in a circle. SYN revolve around sth. approximately about. SYN roughly. reach sth arrive at a place. space the area beyond the earth round the planets and stars. far-fetched not easy to believe because it is very improbable. gain sth get more and more of sth useful, such as knowledge or experience. knowledge what you know and understand about sth.
Elimina la parola sbagliata in ciascuna frase. Poi scrivi la parola corretta. The sun circles the earth. moon 1 The planets are in the solar space. 2 The earth revolves around the moon. 3 The sun is a planet. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Man first walked on the sun in 1969. Venus is a star. We can send planes into space. The stars are part of the earth.
Completa le frasi. ▶
4 5 6 7
There are billions of stars in the universe . Is it important to send rockets into ? The earth revolves around the sun: in other , earth is a planet in our solar system. The Venus Express rocket took five months to the planet Venus. The idea of human life on Mars is far. We have a lot of knowledge about the solar system in recent years. The earth around the sun every 365 days. My of space is very limited. I’d like to learn more about it. The moon is a of the earth.
Mettiti alla prova. Copri il brano e nomina le cosa nella figura. The universe
OUP copyright 2015
B Scientific exploration
Why go to Mars?
Scientists have already sent satellites to explore the surface of Mars, and carried out experiments to see if they can discover any signs of life. So far, they haven’t found any, but an analysis of rocks from Mars has confirmed that they were created by the presence of water and wind. In other words, life could have existed in the past.
• a person who studies the physical world. science N. scientific ADJ. satellite • a piece of electronic equipment that is sent into space and moves around. explore sth • travel round a place in order to learn about it. exploration N. carry out sth • do and complete a task. experiment • a scientific test done in order to learn sth. • a careful study of sth in order to explain it. analyse V. analysis confirm sth • say or show that sth is true or definite. confirmation N. • If sth exists, it is present in the real world. existence N. exist
discover or invent?
If you discover something, you learn about or find something for the first time. discovery N. If you invent something, you create something that didn’t exist before. invention N. They’ve discovered a new planet. Who invented the telescope?
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole in maiuscolo. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
There was an experiment / exploration to test the levels of sugar in the blood. These animals only explore / exist in South America – nowhere else. They’re going to explore / analyse the area to see what they can find. The discovery / invention of the electric light bulb changed people’s lives. Scientists have carried out / confirmed experiments on animals. Who invented / discovered the life-saving drug penicillin? We’ve got the data, so now we need to analyse / explore it.
Vocabulary B2
invention Television was an incredible . There’s a report from a group of . The of penicillin was of major importance. of the results. We’re waiting for There will be an of the findings in the laboratory. The 60s and 70s were an exciting period for space . Humans are always looking for the of new life forms.
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4
The police discovered drugs inside his shoes. At the moment there is no evidence that life on Mars. They left camp and went to the countryside to see what they could find. With the use of , TV can show news from anywhere in the world. Scientists believe they will have to out further experiments.
5 I don’t know who first the camera. Do you? 6 We knew he was ill, but the doctors have now
that it’s serious. The universe
Weather and climate (1)
A What’s the weather like? Adjectives
It’s sunny.
The sun’s shining.
It’s cloudy.
It’s wet.
It’s raining.
rain U
It’s windy.
The wind’s blowing. PT blew
It’s icy.
ice U
It’s foggy.
fog U
Vocabulary B1
It’s snowing.
Abbina le frasi sulla sinistra (1–9) a quelle sulla destra (a–j). ▶
a of cloud today. b it foggy outside?
2 The wind
c isn’t raining.
3 It isn’t
d cold this morning. ✓
4 The sun
e snow on the roads.
5 Is
f rain a lot here.
6 There’s a bit
g the weather like?
7 There’s a lot of
h very windy.
8 It doesn’t
i blew my hat off.
9 What’s
j is shining.
a lot (of)/a bit (of)
a lot of/a bit of + noun We had a lot of rain. There’s a bit of fog. ➔ Vedi unità 92, p.252 per a lot of + sostantivo.
verb + a lot/a bit It snowed a lot. It’s raining a bit. a bit + adjective It’s a bit foggy today. It was a bit windy. ➔ Vedi unità 122, p.328 per a bit/a lot
usati come avverbi di quantità.
Completa le frasi con la parola corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 It
snow U
There was a lot of ice. It isn’t raining. Is the sun shining? We often have snow. She doesn’t like fog. It was very windy on Friday. There are no clouds.
It was very icy There’s no Is it It often She doesn’t like There was a lot of It isn’t
. . ? . weather. on Friday. .
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole nella tabella e osserva le figure. Com’è il tempo? Weather and climate (1)
OUP copyright 2015
B Wet and dry weather
Glossary lightning
A storm
In my country, the weather in spring is very changeable. It can be pleasant and dry, but we often have showers. It can get hot in the summer for two or three months, and in the cities it is often humid, especially before a storm. It’s cooler on the coast, where there is usually a sea breeze. In autumn, we get some heavy rain, perhaps with thunder and lightning. In winter, it can be dry, sunny and freezing, or grey and damp.
changeable changing a lot pleasant nice dry OPP wet shower a short period of rain hot OPP cold humid warm, wet and uncomfortable storm see picture breeze a light, pleasant wind cool not hot or warm, but pleasant heavy rain a lot of rain thunder the loud noise of a storm lightning see picture freezing very, very cold damp cold and a bit wet
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
Humid weather is very pleasant / uncomfortable.
1 There was a bit of sunshine between the showers / lightning.
Vocabulary B1
2 Do you like watching the lightning / thunder when it’s stormy? 3 The air in the Sahara Desert is dry / humid, and it’s very hot / cool at midday. 4 Showers usually last a few hours / minutes. 5 In cold, wet weather, your clothes feel damp / humid. 6 By the sea you get a nice breeze / wind.
Completa le frasi con le parole tra parentesi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
It’s wet outside. (rain) It’s raining outside. It rained a lot last night. (heavy) There was It was warm and damp yesterday. (humid) It There was a bit of rain in the afternoon. (shower) There The weather changes a lot. (changeable) The weather It isn’t wet today. (dry) It We had heavy rain and thunder. (storm) We had
ABOUT YOUR REGION Riscrivi le frasi in modo che siano vere per la tua regione. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
We often have storms in July. We never have storms in July. We have a lot of showers in the spring. In winter it’s always freezing at night. The weather is always the same in the summer. We sometimes have heavy rain for 24 hours. It often snows in the winter. Our winters are usually dry. We often have thunder and lightning. It is usually hot and dry in summer. Weather and climate (1)
Weather and climate (2)
A The weather Word/Phrase
pour (with rain)
It’s pouring outside!
rain heavily.
soaking wet SYN soaked
It was pouring with rain and I got soaking wet.
extremely wet.
drizzle V, N
It was drizzling when I left the office.
rain lightly, with very small drops.
Vocabulary B2
Did you see the rainbow?
bitterly cold
It’s bitterly cold today.
extremely cold.
It gets chilly in the evening.
a little too cold to be comfortable.
It’s been a very mild winter.
warmer than usual for the time of year.
I hate this heatwave!
a period of unusually hot weather.
muggy SYN humid
It’s really muggy today.
warm and damp in an unpleasant way.
mist N misty ADJ
You get a lot of mist in the mornings in autumn.
thin cloud near the ground which is difficult to see through (not as thick as fog).
frost N frosty ADJ
There was a frost last night; there’s ice on the car.
the weather condition when the temperature is below 0°C and ice forms on windows, the ground, etc.
breeze N breezy ADJ
It’s hot today, but there’s a lovely breeze.
a light wind.
There were gales last night.
a strong wind.
Scegli l’alternativa corretta. ▶
Which is colder?
✓ a chilly day
a mild day
1 Which is stronger?
a gale
a breeze
2 Which is colder?
a breezy morning
a frosty morning
3 Which is warmer?
a muggy evening
a chilly evening
4 Which means more water?
It poured for an hour.
It drizzled for an hour.
5 Which is harder to see through?
6 Which means more water?
I got wet.
I got soaked.
Completa i brani. with rain. We didn’t have an umbrella, While we were out, it suddenly started to ▶ pour so we got 1 s wet. When the rain stopped, the sun came out and we could see a 2 r . It wasn’t cold; in fact, it was quite a 3 m day for November. 4 5 She woke up. It was b cold, and she noticed the f on the windows. By midday, though, the temperature had gone up. As she left the house, she felt a few 6 d of rain on her head, then it 7 d for the rest of the day. Last summer was unusually hot; we had a 8 h was incredibly 9 m and unpleasant at night
Weather and climate (2)
OUP copyright 2015
which lasted for several weeks, and it
B Climate change spotlight
OUR ENVIRONMENT Global warming is the gradual increase in the average temperature of the earth’s1 atmosphere, and is caused by harmful gases. Many environmentalists believe that most of this pollution is the result of human activities. Here are some of the effects: • As the ice at the poles2 melts, sea levels could rise by almost a metre in the next century.
effect N, affect V
An effect is a change which is caused by something. What are the effects of global warming? To affect something means to make it change in a particular way. Climate change will affect all our lives (= will make our lives change).
• There will be more extreme and unpredictable weather, e.g. heatwaves or floods.
• The earth will become even warmer because the rainforests3 are disappearing. • Famine and disease will spread, and this will especially affect people in poor countries. 2
Vocabulary B2
Glossary climate
(the) environment
gradual the atmosphere harmful gas pollution
• the normal weather conditions of a particular region. • the natural world; the air, land, and water in which people, plants, and animals live (an environmentalist is sb who studies the environment). • happening slowly over a long period of time. gradually ADV. • the gases around the earth, planets, etc. • causing damage, injury, or illness. harm sth/sb V. • a substance like air, e.g. oxygen and hydrogen. • dirty and dangerous gases, chemicals, etc. that harm the environment. pollute V.
human melt
rise extreme unpredictable
disappear famine disease spread
• connected with people. • If you heat ice, it melts: it changes from a solid to a liquid. • increase; go higher. rise N. OPP fall V, N. • much hotter, colder, or more violent than usual. • If sth is unpredictable, you can’t say how it will change in the future. OPP predictable. predict V. • stop existing. SYN vanish. • A famine is when there is not enough food in a country. • illness in people, animals, or plants. • affect more and more people or things.
Weather and climate (2)
Completa le parole. ▶
h u m a n
1 pr
2 dis 3 f
5 atmo
ear m
6 env
7 p
ere ro
nt n
8 l
9 d
d se
10 c l
11 g r
t l
Buono (Good) o cattivo (Bad)? Scrivi G o B. ▶
4 h
This gas won’t harm anyone. G
1 Some kinds of animals are vanishing.
5 The weather is less extreme.
2 The flood water is falling.
6 The earth’s temperature is rising.
3 Famine is spreading.
7 The ice at the poles is gradually melting.
4 This liquid is harmful.
8 The river is polluted.
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
Ice is a solid / liquid.
1 How does the situation effect / affect you? 2 It’s all very predictable / unpredictable: you never know what’s going to happen. 3 My brother studies the environment / an environmentalist. 4 Global warming is caused by people / human activity.
Vocabulary B2
5 Eat your ice cream quickly – it’s spreading / melting. 6 Water is a liquid / gas. 7 The rainforest is gradually disappearing / melting. 8 There are harmful gases in the atmosphere / effect.
Completa le frasi. ▶
The earth is gradually
1 We had a lot of e I think it’s all part of c
getting warmer. weather last year: a long heatwave and gales in the autumn. change.
2 If you freeze water, it changes from a l 3 The beach was p
that there will be a r
the sea birds and animals. in sea levels in the future.
warming, some kinds of plants and animals are d
6 Certain diseases s 7 P
with oil, which seriously a
4 Environmentalists p 5 With g
to a s
has a very h
from person to person very quickly. effect on the environment.
8 After many months without rain, there is a real danger of f
very fast.
in this part of Africa.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 How worried are you about global warming? 2 Which human activities do you think are harming the environment most? 3 What kind of pollution is common in your region?
Weather and climate (2)
Animals and insects
A Creatures great and small: wild animals and insects tail trunk
whale beak
spots leopard
Glossary creature a living thing such as an animal, bird, fish or insect. wild living in natural conditions; not looked after by people. insect a small animal with six legs, one or two pairs of wings, and a body in three parts.
Riscrivi ciascuna parola con la lettera mancante. tier 1 lepard 2 elepant 3 eale ▶
grilla wale sider nake
8 sark 9 money
Completa le risposte. Which animal … has wings? fly b ,m 1 has a tail? l t ,c 2 is an insect? f ▶
4 5 6 7
,e ,m ,b
, ,m
3 4 5 6 7
has thick fur? g ,b has a trunk? e has stripes? t has spots? l has a beak and feathers? e
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole e osserva le figure. Ricordi i nomi degli animali? Animals and insects
OUP copyright 2015
Vocabulary B2
B Unusual facts about animals
Snakes There are about 2,600 different kinds of snake. About 400 are poisonous, but more are harmless. In size, they vary enormously: the smallest are 12 centimetres long, the biggest are up to 10 metres and weigh 250 kilos. Snakes don’t need energy from food (the sun heats their bodies), so they can survive for months without eating.
Vocabulary B2
The average lifespan of a shark is about 25 years but some can live to be 100. They are unusual in that they have no bones in their body, and large sharks may have up to 4,000 teeth. They are very dangerous when they hunt, but only a few attack humans: more people die from bee stings than from shark attacks.
poisonous producing a dangerous substance (poison) that can kill or harm you. harmless not causing damage, injury, or illness. OPP harmful. harm N, V. vary (of a group) be different from each other. up to used when saying the most an amount can be. weigh have a certain weight N, which is how heavy sth is. survive continue to live in a difficult situation. survival N. average normal or typical. lifespan the time that sth is likely to live (for people, we say life expectancy). bone hunt sth go after sth to catch and kill it. attack sb/sth try to hurt sb/sth by using physical force. attack N. sting a sudden pain caused by poison sent into the skin. sting V.
Le frasi sono vere (True) o false (False)? Scrivi T o F. The average lifespan of a snake is 25 years. F 1 Most snakes are poisonous. 2 Most sharks are harmless to humans. 3 Some snakes are longer than ten metres. ▶
Rispondi alle domande. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
both Is attack a noun or a verb, or can it be both? What is the noun from the verb survive? If animals have a lifespan, what do people have? Life What is the noun from the verb weigh? What is the adjective from poison? What are the two adjectives from the noun harm?
Leggi le frasi sugli animali. Poi completa le parole. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 424
4 Snakes can be as heavy as 250 kilos. 5 Sharks have bones in their body. 6 Sharks sting when they attack.
The average lifespan of most bees is 30 to 35 days. Some snakes can s for almost a year without food. Nobody knows the a lifespan of a snake, but in zoos they can reach 30. People h sharks for their meat and skin, but also for sport. . Over 100 people a year die from a bee or wasp s Snakes can grow u to ten metres long. The size of sharks can v from the size of your hand to the size of a bus. Animals and insects
A Fruit, vegetables and herbs 1
1 spinach 2 leek
3 raspberries 4 grapefruits
3 celery 4 broccoli
5 avocado 6 figs
5 stone
5 chickpeas 6 fennel
7 coconut 8 passion fruits
7 artichoke 8 asparagus
9 papaya 10 pomegranates
9 sweetcorn 10 beetroot
herbs: 1 parsley 2 mint
1 leek
2 spinach
artichoke mint
3 celery
4 fig
spinach R artichoke
5 stone
Riordina le lettere in modo da formare i nomi della frutta. BARSERPY 1 MULP ▶
Di solito queste verdure vengono cotte (Cooked). Quali si possono mangiare anche crude (Raw)? Scrivi C o R. ▶
Elimina la parola sbagliata in ciascun gruppo. ▶
3 basil 4 thyme 5 rosemary
Vocabulary B2
1 plums 2 apricots
ABOUT YOUR REGION Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. Do people eat these things in your region? Yes. / Yes, but not much. / No. papaya plums asparagus
coconut basil artichoke
raspberries parsley
passion fruit chickpeas
Food OUP copyright 2015
B Meat, fish and seafood
4 12
Vocabulary B2
16 6
1 veal (meat from a calf, which is a young cow) 2 calf’s liver 3 kidney 4 duck 5 rabbit
dck 1 caf 2 loster 3 abbit
trout cod sea bass carp salmon oyster
12 13 14 15 16
4 5 6 7
squd kiney trot oster
8 9 10 11
live val sea bas musels
squid lobster crab clams mussels
12 samon
ABOUT YOU AND YOUR REGION Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 Which meat do people eat most: veal, rabbit or duck? 2 Which fish do people eat most: cod, carp or salmon? 3 Which seafood do people eat most: crab, clams or mussels? 4 Are there any kinds of seafood above that you never eat? Why? 5 Are there any kinds of meat above that you never eat? Why? 6 Are there any kinds of fish above that you never eat? Why?
Riscrivi ciascuna parola con la lettera mancante. ▶
6 7 8 9 10 11
Transport (1)
A Bus vocabulary Bus routes 24 and 16
Vocabulary B1
Timetable Monday to Saturday Bus 24 every 10 minutes Bus 16 every 12 minutes 2 minutes from stop to stop
Excuse me, which bus do I get to the park?
The 16.
Does the 24 go to the railway station?
No, it doesn’t.
Does the 24 stop near the bank?
Yes, it does.
Does the 16 stop outside the park?
Yes, it does.
How often does the 16 run?
Every 12 minutes.
How many stops is it to the park?
Which is the last stop for the 24?
The bus station.
Where do I get off for the cinema?
At the next stop.
How long does it take to the bus station?
It takes about ten minutes.
excuse me We say excuse me when we start talking to someone we don’t know. get a bus, train, etc. travel on a bus, train, etc. (also take) go travel near outside
How long? = How much time? How long does it take (to get) to the station? ~ It takes about 10 minutes. ~ It doesn’t take long. = It takes a short time.
How long does it take?
➔ Vedi unità 72, p.198 per gli usi di take.
run travel on a route (bus, train) every (12 minutes) e.g. at 1.00, 1.12, 1.24, etc. (bus) stop the place where you get on or off a bus last stop the bus stop at the end of the route
get off leave the bus OPP get on next stop the first stop after now Transport (1)
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Riordina le parole in modo da formare domande. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
near / bank / stop / does / the 24 / the / ? Does the 24 stop near the bank? stops / many / to / how / it / railway station / is / the / ? school / me / bus / which / excuse / get / I / to / do / the / ? take / long / how / does / to / railway station / it / the / ? post office / the 24 / does / outside / stop / the / ? off / do / get / I / where / cinema / for / the / ? park / the 24 / does / to / go / the / ? often / run / does / the 24 / how / ? which / stop / last / is / for / the 16 / the / ?
Rispondi alle domande dell’esercizio 1 con le informazioni sugli autobus a pagina 427. Ricordati che ti trovi al museo. ▶
Yes, it does
1 2 3 4
. . . minutes. .
5 6 7 8
stop. . minutes. .
Completa il brano con le informazioni sulla cartina degli autobus a pagina 427.
Vocabulary B1
routes : the 24 and the 16. For the 24, the first There are two bus ▶ 1 is the museum, and the 2 stop is the cinema; the 3 4 stop is the bus station, where everybody has to the bus. The 5 6 16 starts at the museum too, but it to the railway station. The 7 9 tells you how often the buses . The 24 bus 8 ten minutes. It 10 two minutes to get from the school to the park.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Is there a bus stop near your house? If yes, where is it exactly? Which buses stop there? How often do they run? Do you often get the bus? If yes, where to? How many stops is it? How long does it take?
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le risposte a pagina 427 e osserva il percorso degli autobus. Poi rispondi alle domande.
Transport (1)
B Train vocabulary timetable
train carriage
wait for a train
miss a train OPP catch a train
get/take a train travel by train the 12 o’clock train the train that leaves at 12.00 journey when you travel from A to B fare money you pay to travel a fast train OPP a slow train (railway) station a place where trains stop and people get on and off
Last has different meanings: 1 final The last train leaves at 11.30 p.m. = There are no trains after 11.30 p.m. 2 most recent My last train journey was two weeks ago.
Rispondi alle domande. What’s another verb for get a train? take a train 1 What’s the opposite of a fast train? 2 What’s the opposite of get on the train? ▶
3 4 5 6
What’s the opposite of miss a train? What’s another way of saying the train that leaves at 7? What do you sit on in a train? Where do you catch a train?
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4
We can get the 7.45 train . How much was the train ? Our seats are in the second . Sorry I’m late. I the train to Zug. We can a train.
5 The train is at 12.00 p.m. 6 We for the train in the café. 7 Have a look at the . I think there’s a train to London at 6.15. 8 It’s a long from Lisbon to Paris.
Transport (1)
Vocabulary B1
get on a train OPP get off a train
C Buying a ticket
It’s now 9.30. A passenger (P) is talking to someone at the ticket office (O) at Bristol Station.
passenger a person travelling or going to travel in a train, bus, car, etc. ticket office the place where you buy tickets in a station single or single ticket a ticket for a journey from A to B (A return is a ticket for a journey from A to B, and from B back to A.) next The next train is the first one after now. change trains get off one train and get on another direct A journey is direct if you don’t need to change trains. get to arrive at or in OPP leave platform the part of the station where you get on and off the train
A single to Cardiff, please. That’s £10, please. Right, and when’s the next train? There’s one at 10.07. Fine. Do I have to change? No, it’s direct. That’s good. And when does it get to Cardiff? 10.56. OK. And which platform is it? Platform 6. Right, thanks.
Completa le domande con le parole nel riquadro.
Vocabulary B1
If you book a seat (in advance), you buy a ticket days or weeks before you travel, with a seat number on the ticket. In a hotel, you can book a room (in advance), and in a restaurant you can book a table. You can also say reserve a seat or room or table.
Which platform is it 1 Can I book in 2 Do you want a single or 3 Is the train
is it ✓ ? ? ? ?
book something in advance
4 5 6 7
When do we get to Where’s the ticket When’s the next Can I reserve a
seat ? ? ? ?
Osserva l’orario ferroviario e completa il brano. Platform
London Paddington
9.08 9.18
I’m going from Cheltenham to London tomorrow. There isn’t a ▶ direct
train, so I have to at Kemble. The train Cheltenham at 8.35 from 3 2, and it 4 to Kemble at 9.08. Then I have to catch the 9.18, which gets 5 London Paddington at 10.40. A 6 ticket costs 7 £22, but I can get a return for £40 if I book in . 1
10 ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 When was your last train journey? 2 Where did you go, and why? 3 What was the fare? 4 Did you book in advance? 5 Was it direct, or did you have to change trains? 430
Transport (1)
Transport (2)
A Trains and planes
‘I wanted to leave at 8.30, but my day return was only valid after 9.30.’ ‘The train was due at 9.42 but it didn’t get in until 10.25.’ ‘I was late because they cancelled my train without warning.’ ‘The flight from Heathrow was delayed, so I missed my connecting flight to Palermo.’ ‘My brother was meant to pick me up at the airport, but he didn’t turn up.’
trouble (doing sth/with sth) a situation that causes a problem. get/be held up If you get held up or are held up, sth has caused you to be late. SYN be delayed. day return a ticket to travel to a place and back again on the same day. valid acceptable and able to be used. due expected to arrive or happen. get in (usually of a train or coach see picture) arrive. cancel sth decide that sth that has been planned will not happen. warning information that sth bad may happen. connecting flight a flight that leaves soon after another one arrives. meant to do sth If sb is or was meant to do sth, they have been asked to do it. pick sb/sth up go to a place and collect sb/sth (usually in a car). turn up arrive or appear (often used in the negative).
Leggi le notizie. Sono buone (Good) o cattive (Bad)? Scrivi G o B. I got my connecting flight. G 1 The train was cancelled. 2 The train’s due in a minute. 3 They didn’t turn up. ▶
4 5 6 7
This ticket is still valid. I couldn’t get a day return. They didn’t get held up. We were delayed.
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
My husband was meant to meet me, but he didn’t turn up. They’ve just said the train is in five minutes, so that’s good. The plane to Madrid was late, so I missed my flight to Malaga. We had a lot of at the border: we were for two hours. Passengers arrived late because the train company two trains this morning. I was to meet them at the station, but I got up in the traffic. What time does your train in? He’s gone to the airport to them up. There was no that trains might be cancelled.
Transport (2) OUP copyright 2015
Vocabulary B2
‘We had trouble getting to the airport because we got held up in traffic.’
B On the roads
Glossary Hi Sammy We’ve just got back from a little trip to Spain. We stayed overnight in Malaga, then hired a car and drove up to Seville, stopping off at Osuna on the way. We loved Seville – you really must go there. We also went down to Cadiz, via Jerez, but the journey was a nightmare! We got stuck in a traffic jam for hours, and when we finally ended up on the outskirts of Cadiz, there was more heavy traffic because of the rush hour. Still, it was nice when we got there. We went to . . .
The way is the route or direction that you need to take to get somewhere. Is this the way to the bank? I went the wrong way and got lost. We stopped on the way to Scotland. I saw him on my way to school.
Vocabulary B2
Abbina le parole da ciascun riquadro in modo da formare frasi. heavy ✓ rush hire traffic the wrong stop get end on ▶
trip a journey to a place and back again, for business or pleasure, often for a short period of time (e.g. a day trip, a business trip). overnight for one night. hire a car pay to use a car for a short time. SYN rent a car. stop off stop during a journey to do sth. via going through a place (to get to another place). nightmare INF an experience that is very unpleasant. get/be stuck be unable to move easily. traffic jam a long line of cars moving very slowly. end up find yourself in a place or situation you didn’t plan. the outskirts (PL N) The outer part of a town or city is called the outskirts. heavy traffic a lot of cars on the road at a particular time. the rush hour the time when a lot of people are travelling to and from work.
off way traffic ✓ stuck up a car hour the way jam
heavy traffic
Completa le definizioni. The outer part of a town or city is the outskirts 1 A journey to a place and then back again is a 2 A long line of cars moving slowly is a 3 If you stay somewhere for one night, you stay ▶
. . . .
4 To pay to use a car for a short time is to it. 5 A very unpleasant experience is a . It also means ‘a bad dream’. 6 If you go through Birmingham to get to London, you go Birmingham.
Completa le domande.
1 Have you or your family ever a car? If so, when and why? 2 On long journeys, do you want to get from A to B as quickly as possible, or do you like to off somewhere on the ? 3 Do you often get in traffic? 4 Do you ever go on day ? If so, where to?
6 432
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte all’esercizio 5 o fai le domande a un altro studente. Transport (2)
How do I get to…? Excuse me. How do I get to the river from here? Excuse me. Do you know the way to the railway station? Excuse me. Is there a hotel near here? spotlight
Go, turn, keep, take
We often use the imperative of these verbs to give directions: Go straight on, turn left, just keep going, take the second turning.
Go straight on. OR Just keep going. It’s about ten minutes.
Vocabulary B1
➔ Vedi unità 9 p.34 per l’uso dell’imperativo.
Go along here and take the second turning on the left.
Go along here and turn left. The bookshop is opposite the Hotel Plaza.
It’s the third turning on the right. There’s a cinema on the corner.
Thanks very much.
Turn right at the café, then left into Abbey Road, and the bank is on your right. Directions OUP copyright 2015
Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4
turn / and / go / right / here / along Go along here and turn right. excuse / I / get / do / bank / the / me / how/ to / ? here / left / along / and / turn / go bank / me / near / there / is / a / excuse / here / ? the / turning / it’s / right / on / the / third way / the / excuse / to / know / me / do / bank / the / you / ? left / Road / into / Foster / turn
left or right Turn Take the second Thanks very On the Excuse
. . . . .
5 6 7 8
Keep Go straight Go along Do you know the
. . . ?
Osserva le cartine. Poi completa i dialoghi. CINEMA
2 A
. How do I 1
on, and it’s the second… no, the on the 4 . . X
Vocabulary B1
me 1 A Excuse ▶ the cinema from here? B OK. Go 2 third 3 A Thanks very 5 B You’re welcome. 6
me. Is there a post office here? 8 B Yes. Go here and 9 the second 10 on the 11 The post office is 12 the bank. 13 A very much. B That’s OK. No problem.
to the
Bonham Hotel? No, I’m sorry, I don’t. OK. Thanks… Excuse me. Do you know the Bonham Hotel? Yes. 15 left 16 Frith Street 17 and the hotel is on the next on your 18 . Thanks very much. Not at all.
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole a pagina 433 e osserva le cartine. Ricordi le direzioni?
3 A Excuse me. Do you know the 14
House features A substantial and impressive semi-detached house full of original features, and just a short walk from the town centre. Inside, the hall leads to two spacious reception rooms and an enormous kitchen. Upstairs there are four bedrooms and two bathrooms on the first and second floors, with a narrow staircase to a further bedroom in the attic. There is also a basement which could be converted into a separate one-bedroom flat, and a cellar currently used to store things.
chimney roof
Outside, the house has pretty shutters either side of the front windows. There is a lawn at the front, and a drive provides plenty of parking. There is also a small walled garden at the back.
Glossary • large and/or strong. • (of a building) large and very good to look at. • joined to one other house, forming a pair of houses. • existing from the time when sth was first made or done. • an important part of sth, and often a part that you notice. • If sth leads to a place, you can go along it to that place. • large, and having a lot of space. • very large. SYN huge. OPP tiny. • a set of stairs. • the space or room under the roof of a house. • a room or part of a building that is partly or completely
below ground level. convert sth into sth • change sth from one form or use to another. separate • not connected or together. cellar • an underground room without windows, where things are often kept. currently • at the moment (NOT actually). store sth • keep sth in a place for future use. storage N. lawn • an area of grass in a park or garden. drive • a wide path for cars that leads to the front door of a house. walled • If a garden or other area is walled, it has a wall around it (a wall is usually made of brick1 or stone2).
passage, corridor, hall A passage is a long, narrow way with walls on both sides that leads somewhere, e.g. an underground passage. A corridor is a passage in a large building or on a train. A hall is a room or small passage just inside the entrance to a house. 1
Riscrivi le parole con l’ortografia corretta. starcase 1 impresive 2 kellar ▶
3 seperate 4 attick 5 basemant
6 spaceious 7 currantly 8 featur Buildings
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Vocabulary B2
substantial impressive semi-detached original feature lead spacious enormous staircase attic basement
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Riscrivi le parti in corsivo in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
The flat is substantial / impressive, but not very attractive. I’m on the ground floor and my sister lives downstairs in the cellar / basement. There were no seats on the train, so I had to stand in the hall / corridor. There’s a very wide hall / corridor in our flat. He parked his car in the attic / drive. Just after the newsagent’s, there’s a little passage / hall that leads to the High Street. We’ve got a small field / lawn in the garden where we sit in the summer.
There’s a large living room. spacious The living room is absolutely huge. Where do you keep your garden furniture in the winter? They’ve got a very small garden. There’s a very elegant set of stairs up to the first floor. The back door goes into the garden. We could change that room into a bathroom.
Completa il brano.
Vocabulary B2
six-bedroom house. It’s a 1930s semiMy brother has just bought a very ▶ substantial 1 d house, and 2 c it is in terrible condition, but it will be very nice when he has done some work on it. As you approach it, there’s a long 3 d up to the front door, 4 with enough space for about three cars. Inside, the hall l to the living room, dining room, and kitchen, and from the kitchen there are stairs down to a 5 c where they plan 6 7 to s wine and other things. At the back there’s a h garden, big enough for a football pitch, and around the garden there’s a high stone 8 w . There are two garages, and they might 9 c one into a study.
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 436
lawn At the back, there’s a garden with a huge . One of the main of the building is the beautiful windows. Can you see the smoke coming out of the ? It’s an old house and it still has the windows and fireplaces. There’s a big cupboard in the hall which is useful for . to finish the low wall at the front. I need about 100 I’ll have to go up on the to repair the chimney.
Have you got shutters at your windows? If so, are they on the outside or inside? Have you got a garden with a lawn? If so, what do you use it for? Is there an attic in your building? If so, what’s in it? Have you got a basement or cellar? If so, what are they used for? Is there a drive outside your building? Would you describe any rooms in your home as spacious or tiny?
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le definizioni nel glossario a pagina 435 e leggi le parole. Ricordi i significati? Buildings
Urban life
A The inner city
Glossary multi-storey car park pavement filthy subway
beg hurry graffiti litter whistle inner city depressing wonder
• the part of the road where people walk. • very dirty. • a tunnel that goes under a road or railway so people can walk to the other side. • ask for food or money. • move or do sth quickly. SYN rush. • pictures or writing on a wall in a public place (often humorous or political). • paper and rubbish that is dropped and left on the ground in a public place. • make a musical sound with your lips nearly closed. • the part of a large city which is near the centre and often poor. • making you feel sad and without hope. • ask yourself questions about sth.
Riscrivi le parole con l’ortografia corretta. hury 1 fillthy 2 liter ▶
• a large car park with several floors.
hurry 3 pavment 4 whisle
5 grafiti 6 deppresing
Completa le definizioni.
poor inner city = parts of a city, near the centre 1 filthy = very 2 rush = move or do something 3 pavement = place where people ▶
5 multi-storey = with several 6 beg = ask for or 7 whistle = make a sound with your nearly closed 8 graffiti =
on a wall in a public place
4 litter = paper dropped on the
Completa le frasi con una parola adatta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
whistle . My dog comes back to me when I I hate people who drop in the street. Why can’t they put it in a bin? It’s a dangerous road, so use the to get to the other side. Leila says that someone in our class is getting married. I who it is. You’ve got lots of time – you don’t need to to get the train. off the walls in the subway. Two men were cleaning the The street was filthy and it was pouring with rain. It was very .
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole nel glossario e leggi le definizioni. Ricordi le parole? Urban life
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Vocabulary B2
I parked in the multi-storey car park and went the rest of the way on foot. The street lights had just come on, and I could see the pavements were filthy. At the entrance to the subway, there was an old guy begging for money. I gave him something and hurried on down. There was the usual graffiti all over the walls, and litter everywhere. I came up the other side and passed a man who was whistling quite cheerfully, but I found this part of the inner city so depressing that I wondered if my decision to walk had been a good idea.
B In a suburb The area where I live is ideal. It’s a suburb not far from the centre and it’s quite lively, but there’s still a feeling of space, and my block of flats is surrounded by trees. It’s also a handy place to live because there are good local shops, and a bus service that gets me into the centre in 15 to 20 minutes. The only disadvantage is that with the growth in the population, it’s gradually becoming more built-up than it used to be, which is a shame.
Vocabulary B2
1 2 3 4 5 6
centre. S The ideal / perfect place to live. A mountainous area / region. We need more growth / space. It was a pity / shame.
5 6 7 8
A handy / lively area. It’s a commercial district / area. It’s a real disadvantage / drawback. It’s a large space / suburb.
There used to be lots of space, but now it’s a really built-up area. I live in a about two kilometres from the centre. Unfortunately, the whole area is by factories, which is a . There are a few shops just round the corner. It’s very because it’s close to my children’s school and the place where I work. It’s a nice area with great shops; the only is that the bus service is terrible. We’ve found our house: it has absolutely everything we want.
ABOUT YOUR AREA Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4
The word area can be used for part of a town, country, or the world. A region is part of a country or the world, e.g. a desert region. A district is part of a town or country, often with special qualities, e.g. the financial district. A part is often used when we are talking about a town, e.g. a lovely part of the city.
Completa le frasi con una parola adatta. ▶
area, region, district, part
suburb an area outside the centre of a town, where a lot of people live. ideal perfect; the best possible. lively full of interest, and with things to do. space a place or area that is empty and not used. surrounded by sth If a building is surrounded by sth, that thing is all around it. handy INF located near to things you need. SYN convenient. local located in the area where you live. disadvantage a situation or thing that is not good or causes problems. SYN drawback. OPP advantage. Leggi le frasi. Le parole in corsivo hanno lo stesso significato (Same) o diverso (Different)? growth an increase in size or number. built-up with a lot of buildings. Scrivi S o D. a shame a fact or situation that makes you feel ▶ One of the suburbs / areas outside the disappointed. SYN a pity.
1 2 3 4
Is your area built-up, or is there a feeling of space? What is your home surrounded by? Is it a handy place to live for you? What are the disadvantages? Urban life
My town
A Buildings and places in a town
cathedral (for Christians)
church (for Christians)
temple (e.g. for Hindus and Buddhists)
mosque (for Muslims)
Vocabulary B1
building e.g. shop, church, castle NOT square, park, etc.
Riscrivi le parole con l’ortografia corretta. museom 1 brige 2 scuare 3 castel ▶
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
catedral parque musque bilding
We can use place as a general word for a town, part of a town, a hotel, etc. Prague is a nice place. The Ritz is a great place to stay. ➔ Vedi unità 87, p.240 per gli usi dell’articolo.
My sister got married in our little church . I think Buddhists use that . The is the best place to see the river. The is the cheapest place to buy food. You can learn about the history of the town in the local . You can see children playing in the from my hotel window. There is a of Nelson Mandela in the main . The and are both open to visitors from 10 until 5.
8 The square is a nice
4 5 6 7
to sit and watch people.
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole e nomina le cose nelle figure. My town
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B Facts It’s a
big/large medium-sized small
city town village
in the north-east of Poland 50 km west of Moscow on the coast on a river North
South-east South
interesting facts
Vocabulary B1
over about just under
famous for its cathedral modern industrial
It has
lots of historic buildings
Glossary fact a piece of true information size how big or small something is city a very large town, e.g. 2 million people town smaller than a city, e.g. 30,000 people village smaller than a town, e.g. 1,000 people, and in the countryside. location the place where something is, e.g. 50 km from Rome population the number of people who live in a place over 1 mile more than 1 mile OPP under just under a little under (also just over) modern of the present OPP old industrial having a lot of industry, e.g. making cars or steel historic important in history
Completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro. in the north-east ✓ on the coast famous for historic buildings over two million an industrial town just under 50,000 on the River Tiber a small village south-west of the capital about 3,000 a large city a medium-sized town
Interesting facts
in the north-east
Completa il brano su Torino. , 140 km south-west 1 Milan, Turin is a large ▶ city 2 the north-west 3 Italy. It is 4 the River Po and three 5 6 other rivers. The is just one million (in fact, it is 909,000). It is 7 an city: the car makers, Fiat, are based here, for example, but it also has many 8 buildings, including palaces and castles.
ABOUT YOUR TOWN Scrivi una descrizione simile per il luogo in cui vivi.
My town
My home
A Flats I live in a block of flats near the town centre, in an area called Montpellier. I really like the flat, and my neighbour, Simon, is very friendly.
13 12 Miki
Ferdy 11
1 (on) the top floor 2 (on) the second floor 3 (on) the first floor 4 (on) the ground floor 5 garden 6 steps 7 (in) the basement 8 rubbish U 9 front door 10 stairs 11 lift 12 flat 13 balcony
1 2 3 4
John Lucy
Vocabulary B1
9 Anna
8 6
Helen lives on the second floor. T John and Lucy live on the ground floor. Miki lives on the top floor. Anna lives on the first floor. They put their rubbish in the lift.
5 6 7 8 9
Simon lives in the basement. Ferdy’s flat has got a balcony. Rob’s flat has got a garden. The steps are at the front door. Ferdy needs to use the stairs or lift.
6 7 8 9
g s n b
Completa le parole. ▶
1 2 3 4
l i b b g f
f t
5 s
Le frasi sono vere (True) o false (False)? Scrivi T o F. ▶
t k of f d f t d s
s r r
10 t
n s r y n c
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole e nomina le cose nella figura. My home
OUP copyright 2015
B Houses
modern of the present time OPP old view what you see from the house utility room a room where you do the washing, ironing, etc. upstairs
1 2
Modern family house in this quiet village with lovely views of the countryside. Large living room1, dining room2, study3, modern kitchen4 and utility room. Upstairs there are four good-sized bedrooms5 and a family bathroom6. Outside there is a large garden, a garage, and further parking for two cars.
Vocabulary B1
Trova la fine di ciascuna parola. studyviewmodernlivingroomtoiletkitchenhomeparking diningroomupstairsbedroomutilityroombathroom
Completa i brani.
OPP downstairs outside not in a house or other building OPP inside garage a building where you park your car parking U a place where you can park (leave) your car
flat, house and home
A flat is a number of rooms on one floor of a building. A house is a building with rooms on two or more floors. Home is where you live (in a flat or a house).
room, dining room, I live in a ▶ modern house – it’s only four years old. It’s got a 1 2 kitchen, two bedrooms and a . It’s in the town centre, and from the living room I’ve only got a 3 of the railway station, which isn’t very nice. I leave my car on the street because I don’t have a 4 , but it’s got a small 5 , so I can eat 6 when it’s warm. My brother’s got a house in a village near me, and from the house he’s got fantastic of the countryside. Downstairs there’s a living room, dining room, large 8 and a 9 where my brother works. 10 there are four 11 12 and two , so there’s lots of space when I visit with friends. There’s also 13 for two cars, and a large garden. In the summer they eat 14 all the time. 7
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Do you live in a house or a flat? If it’s a flat, which floor are you on? Have you got a garden? If so, how big is it? What’s the view? Is it nice? Have you got parking? What rooms have you got in your home?
My home
A What’s it made of?
a woollen blanket / a blanket made of wool
a wax candle
a silver candlestick
a steel pipe
a concrete bridge
Completa le frasi con la parola più logica. ▶
a table made of wood / wool
1 a rubber boot / book 2 a concrete / cardboard wall 3 a rubber ladder / tyre 4 a wooden / woollen sweater 5 a wooden / silver fence
plastic toys
a metal ladder
a gold medal
iron railings
a cardboard box
a wooden fence / a fence made of wood
Noun + noun
Sometimes we use a noun with another noun to say what things are made of, what they are for, etc. A rubber tyre is a tyre made of rubber; a letter box is a box for letters. ➔ Vedi unità 112, p.304 per sostantivi usati per classificazioni.
6 a silver / woollen medal 7 a wax / wooden candlestick 8 a plastic / concrete toy 9 wax / gold earrings 10 a plastic blanket / pipe 11 concrete / metal railings
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
A sweater is often made of w ool . Jewellery is usually made of s or g Toys are usually made of w or p Bathroom and kitchen pipes are usually made of p A ladder is usually made of w or m A box can be made of p ,w A bridge can be made of i ,s
. . or m . or c or c
. . . Objects
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Vocabulary B2
a rubber tyre
B Shapes and lines Shapes
Vocabulary B2
round, circular
Completa le parole. ▶
strai g h t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
poin L-sha cur rectan verti circu ro
spotlight 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
cir trian horizon squ paral diam s -shaped
A diagonal line connects opposite corners in a square. 1 An egg is . 2 A computer screen is usually 3 A DVD is .
You can describe the shape of things using shape or -shaped: a card in the shape of a heart a swimming pool in the shape of a leaf an L-shaped room = a room in the shape of the letter L a diamond-shaped buckle a star-shaped button ➔ Vedi unità 112, p.304 per l’ordine degli aggettivi.
shape, -shaped
Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. square round oval triangular
4 5 6 7 8
The box your CD comes in is A shape with three sides is A knife is at the end. A ball has a surface. A ruler is , not curved.
. .
Descrivi le figure. ▶
a heart-shaped cushion / a cushion in the shape of a heart
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole nella tabella e osserva le forme e le linee. Ricordi le parole? Objects
Celebrating around the world CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL, JAPAN
The event takes place every August in Buñol, Spain. People come from all over the world to participate in this huge social occasion, which includes music, parades, dancing, and fireworks. The main event is a tomato fight in which 100 tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown in the streets. Trucks bring the tomatoes into the town, and the fight begins; it ends after exactly one hour. No one is very sure how or why this festival started!
THE RIO CARNIVAL (‘CARNAVAL’) One of the most spectacular entertainments in the world, Carnival is a wild four-day celebration of music, dance, and food and drink, all over Rio. The event means a lot to the people from the poorest neighbourhoods, who spend months in preparation. It is an opportunity for the whole community to go out and have fun together. It ends with the Samba Parade, for which the performers dress up in the most striking costumes.
festival, carnival, parade
A festival is a day or days when people celebrate something, often a religious event. A carnival is like a festival with people dancing and playing music in the streets. A parade is an organized event in which people move (parade V) through the streets, often on special vehicles, wearing costumes (special clothes), and playing music.
Glossary participate (in sth) occasion fireworks ton throw sth blossom approach sb/sth light sth up contest spectacular entertainment
• become part of an activity. SYN take part in sth. • a time when sth happens. • objects that burn or explode in the sky with colours and noise. • a unit for measuring weight in Britain (one ton = 1,016 kilograms). • use your hand and arm to send an object through the air. • a flower or mass of flowers especially on fruit trees in spring. • come nearer to sb/sth. • make sth bright with light. SYN illuminate sth. • a competition to see who is the best (e.g. a beauty contest). • very impressive; large, beautiful, and often with lots of colour. • an activity that people enjoy watching and listening to, e.g. theatre, film, music
wild mean a lot to sb neighbourhood community have fun dress up striking
• exciting and enjoyable. • be very important to sb. • an area of a town and the people who live there. • all the people who live in an area or town. • enjoy yourself. • put on special clothes either for fun or for a formal event. • very attractive in a way that causes people to notice.
(the people who entertain you are entertainers).
Festivals OUP copyright 2015
Vocabulary B2
Cherry blossom is the national flower of Japan. And as spring approaches, people make special trips to various viewing sites to see the first signs of the cherry trees in flower. The trees are sometimes lit up at night. The festival includes all sorts of delicious food, games, rides, parades, folk music, religious ceremonies, and a beauty contest.
Trova l’errore di ortografia in ciascuna frase. Poi riscrivi la parola corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Abbina le frasi sulla sinistra (1–8) a quelle sulla destra (a–i). ▶
Vocabulary B2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The trees are covered in e Fireworks The crowd threw The festival means Everyone just wants to have People dress up in Lots of people want to There is even a beauty It was a very wild
a b c d e f g h i
contest. flowers at the entertainers. lit up the night sky. fun together. blossom. ✓ take part in the event. occasion. a lot to the community. special costumes.
Riscrivi le parti in corsivo in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
community The event is really designed to serve the local comunity. It was really amazing to see the trees iluminated at night. Carneval takes place once a year, usually during the holiday season. As we aproached the centre, we saw that the entertainment had started. It was a really espectacular evening, which we will never forget. The fastival takes place every three years. The display of firewerks was absolutely amazing. They picked tuns of grapes. Spring is the time when people make special trips to see the trees in blossum.
fun We had a good time watching the carnival parade. How many people took part in the event? We were going to a party so we decided to put on special clothes for it. The church is usually lit up at night. She was wearing a very attractive and unusual dress. It’s a great time because everyone goes onto the streets. The festival is an important event in the local area where I live.
Completa le domande.
1 2 3 4 5
What is your favourite f or c ? Do people p through the streets as a part of it? Do you have other kinds of e during it? Have you ever t p in a parade? If so, what did you do? Have you ever d u in a special costume for a festival? If so, what did you wear? 6 Are there any special o when you have f at night? 7 Do these different events m a lot to you personally? 8 Would you like to p in any of the festivals on page 445? Which one(s) and why?
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte all’esercizio 4 o fai le domande a un altro studente.
Historical events
Dates from history Event
William of Normandy invaded invade enter a country with an army to attack and take England and then defeated control of it. invasion N. King Harold in a battle. defeat sb win a battle, vote, game, etc. against sb.
William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus.
discover sth find sth that nobody has found before. discovery N.
The Russian Revolution
revolution action taken by a large group of people to change the government, often using violence.
Turkey became a republic.
republic a country with no king or queen.
India gained independence / became independent.
gain independence become free from control by another country. independent ADJ.
The European Common Market was established.
establish sth start or create an organization or system. establishment N.
Prince Juan Carlos became king of Spain.
prince the son or grandson of a king or queen (a daughter is a princess).
President Sadat of Egypt was assassinated.
president the leader of a country with no king or queen. assassinate sb kill a famous person, often for political reasons. assassination N.
Attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan.
attempt the act of trying to do sth difficult (often without success). attempt to do sth V.
Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
release sb allow sb to be free. release N.
Copri la tabella di sopra. Poi abbina i verbi (1–5) alle definizioni (a–f). Scrivi i sostantivi formati dai verbi. Verb ▶
discover c
a kill a famous person
1 release
b enter another country with an army and attack it
2 assassinate
c find something that nobody has found before ✓
3 establish
d try to do something, often without success
4 invade
e start or create an organization
5 attempt
f allow somebody to be free
Cerca di completare le frasi che riguardano avvenimenti nella storia del mondo. 1 2 3 4
President Kennedy was American forces In 1981 there was an Argentina gained
in 1963. the British at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. to assassinate Pope John Paul II. in 1816 and Brazil became in 1822.
Historical events OUP copyright 2015
Vocabulary B2
Crime and punishment
A What is crime? Crime is activity which is against the law: for example, if you steal someone’s property, you are committing a crime and breaking the law. Some offences are only minor, e.g. illegal parking; but for more serious and especially violent crimes, e.g. killing or attacking someone, a person could go to prison for a long time. spotlight
against the law
• against the rules of a country. SYN illegal.
steal sth PT stole PP stolen property
• take sth belonging to sb else without
commit a crime break the law offence
• do sth illegal. • do sth illegal/against the law. OPP obey the law. • an illegal activity. SYN crime. (The person is
minor violent kill sb attack sb go to prison
• not important. OPP serious. • using force to hurt sb physically. violence N. • make sb die. • start fighting or hurting sb. • go to a place where criminals have to stay after
• sth that belongs to you (e.g. a computer, jewellery).
an offender / a criminal.)
The noun crime can be countable and uncountable. There are many victims of violent crime (U). It is a crime (C) to avoid paying tax.
Vocabulary B2
committing a crime. SYN go to jail.
Cerchia soltanto i verbi. offenceminorkillviolentlawstealcrimeprisoncommitillegal seriousattackcriminaloffendobey
Le coppie di parole hanno lo stesso significato (Same) o diverso (Different)? Scrivi S o D. ▶
1 2 3 4
steal | take something belonging to someone without permission S illegal | against the law 5 criminal | offender an offence | a crime 6 commit a crime | break the law legal | illegal 7 prison | jail kill someone | attack someone 8 minor crime | serious crime
Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. Usa la forma corretta dei verbi. violent ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 448
go ✓
went She did something terrible, and I heard that she to prison. There is a lot of in the centre of town at night. A group of boys the man, but fortunately he wasn’t badly hurt. The young man my bike and sold it in the market. was stolen from several houses in the street last night. It was a very crime; several people had to go to hospital. He committed a crime, and he’ll probably go to for a long time. the law. I’ve never He parked in the wrong place; it was only a offence, but it’s still the law.
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le definizioni nel glossario e leggi le parole. Ricordi i significati? Crime and punishment
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B Types of crime Crime
The crime of …
… taking something which belongs to someone else without permission.
He steals cars and sells them.
… stealing from a person or place, often using violence.
They were planning to rob the bank.
… entering a building illegally and stealing things from it.
They broke into the house and stole some jewellery.
… stealing things from a shop. She stole a skirt from the supermarket. shoplifter
… attacking someone in a public place in order to steal from them.
… hurting someone physically. He assaulted/attacked 1 a man. He stabbed1 him.
… killing someone He murdered his neighbour. deliberately (= you wanted or Why did he shoot2 him? planned to do it)
steal and rob
You steal money or things, but you rob a person or place. Someone has stolen my bike. Thieves stole €2,000 from the shop. I was robbed at the football match. They robbed the museum last night.
Elimina la parola sbagliata in ciascun gruppo. 3 Shooting, assaulting, stabbing and breaking ▶ Thieves, robbers, murderers and burglars all into are all ways of attacking people physically. steal property. 1 Rob, steal, murder and attacker are all verbs.
4 Mugging, assault, shoplifting and murder are all acts of violence.
2 Theft, mug, robbery and assault are all crimes.
5 Mugger, shoplifter, thief and burglary are all criminals.
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
stole The thief $1,000. Two robbers into the museum and three paintings. A guard tried to stop them, but one robber had a knife and him in the chest. The driver killed a man, but it wasn’t murder, because he didn’t do it . Someone me on the way home last night. He had a gun and said he would me if I didn’t give him money and my mobile phone. It was horrible. He will be in prison for the rest of his life for his wife. He bought a gun and her while she was asleep. A broke into our house and took our jewellery and cameras. The three men that bank because it was in a very quiet area.
Mettiti alla prova. Osserva i crimini e copri le altre tre colonne. Ricordi i significati e i verbi? Crime and punishment
Vocabulary B2
He mugged people for their money late at night.
Education and exams
A School subjects
design and technology
Vocabulary B1
Chemistry, physics, biology, etc. are school subjects. I(C)T = information (communication) technology PE = physical education RE = religious education
modern languages
be good at something
If you are good at something, you do it well. If you are terrible at it, you do it very badly. I’m (quite) good at languages. I’m terrible at maths. ➔ Vedi unità 106, p.288 per good, bad, ecc. + at.
Completa le parole.
a rt 1 h st ry 2 g gr ph ▶
3 b l g 4 d s gn 5 ph s cs
Beethoven, jazz music 1 football, gym 2 computers 3 Shakespeare
4 5 6 7
Spanish, German church, mosque C02, H20 Picasso, Monet
ABOUT YOU Scegli l’alternativa corretta. Poi completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. 1 2 3 4 5
Scrivi il nome di una materia scolastica. ▶
6 m th 7 m s c 8 l t r t
At school, I’m / I was good at I’m / I was quite good at I’m / I was terrible at We don’t / didn’t study The subject I like / liked most is / was
. . . . .
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole e osserva le figure. Ricordi i nomi delle materie scolastiche? Education and exams
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B The education system Education in England and Wales You can … start nursery school at 3
go to secondary school at 11 ▶ go to primary school at 5 ▶ (state school or private school) ▶
stay at school until 18
go to university
leave school at 16 ▶
go to college
get a job
get a job
Some pupils (= schoolchildren up to the age of 16) wear a uniform.
Metti le frasi del racconto in ordine. a b c d e f g h i j
at (the age of) …
Children go to school at 5 (OR at the age of 5). = Children go to primary school when they are five (years old).
Completa le domande ma non scrivere le risposte. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
where he learnt to read and write. He stayed there until he was 16, When Tom was three, and then he went to college. After that, he went to secondary school. He left college when he was 18 At the age of five, he started nursery school. he went to primary school, and got a job in a bank.
start school go to a new school for the first time state school a school where education is free OPP private school stay at school go to school for a period of time (also continue at school) until up to that time (‘I was there until 3.00,’ means ‘after 3.00, I went away.’) college place where you can study after you leave school leave school stop going to school get a job find a job uniform special clothes that children wear in a school
At what age do children go to nursery school? When do they s primary school? Do they usually wear a u at primary school? When do p start s school? When can they l school and g a job? Do they go to st schools, pr schools, or both?
Scrivi le risposte all’esercizio 6 o fai le domande a un altro studente.
Education and exams
Vocabulary B1
C Exams
Glossary When I was at secondary school, I went to all the lessons and did my homework, but I didn’t work very hard. So, when I took exams at 16, my results weren’t fantastic. I passed six, which was good, but I failed maths. My worst result was physics – I got a grade E, which was terrible. After that, I went to a sixth form college where I worked hard and did well. I passed all my exams at 18 and went to university. That’s where I am now.
exam (examination)
An exam is an important test at the end of a period of study. take an exam = sit down and write your answers in the exam pass an exam = take an exam and do well, e.g. grade A or 85% fail an exam = take an exam and do badly, e.g. grade D or 35%
Osserva i voti di Rafael e rispondi alle domande.
Vocabulary B1
1 2 3 4 5 6
lesson a period of time (about an hour) in school when you are learning something do homework U do work the teacher has given you to do at home (NOT homeworks) work hard work a lot result what you get in an exam, e.g. 80%, A, or 8/10 (the) worst superlative of bad OPP (the) best superlative of good grade you get a grade (e.g. A or B) or a mark (e.g. 15/20) in an exam do well be good at something and get better at it OPP do badly
7 How many exams did he take? Did he take an exam in chemistry? How many did he pass? How many did he fail? What was his best grade? What was his worst grade? What did he get in English?
Exam Grade French B IT C Geography B Biology A English C History B Physics E Maths D
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
Six out of ten isn’t a very good mark . I have to an English exam tomorrow. Did you your homework last night? Paula did very in her German exam; she got a I got my exam yesterday. I passed all of them. Andre is very unhappy at the moment. He’s doing he an important maths exam. Maths is my subject. I’m terrible at it.
10 ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 How long are/were your lessons at school? 2 Do/Did you work hard at school most of the time? 3 At what age will/did you take important exams? 4 How many will/did you take? 5 Will/Did you pass all of them? 452
A, B, C – pass D, E – fail
Education and exams
A. at school, and last week
A What do you do? What do you do?
What’s your job? I’m …
a/an with jobs
We use a/an when we say what people’s jobs are. He’s a builder. NOT He’s builder. She’s a teacher and he’s an engineer.
a police officer
a shop assistant
a builder
a businessman/ businesswoman
a nurse
a teacher
a secretary
a hairdresser
a chef
a dentist
a soldier
a cleaner
a vet
a pilot
a lorry driver also a train/bus/taxi driver
Vocabulary B1
➔ Vedi unità 87, p.240 per gli usi dell’articolo.
Are you self-employed?
working for yourself, not for a company
I’m unemployed, but I’m looking for a job.
with no job, but wanting to work
My grandfather is retired now.
= My grandfather has stopped work because he is over 65.
housewife OR househusband
She’s a housewife now, but she was a lawyer.
a woman or a man who looks after the house and family and doesn’t go out to work
Who’s the boss in this company?
a person who tells people what to do in their jobs Jobs
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Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
The most important person in the company is the boss / hairdresser.
1 A police officer / vet works with dogs and cats. 2 A shop assistant / dentist sells things. 3 A housewife / nurse works in a hospital. 4 Retired people are usually young / old. 5 An unemployed person has / hasn’t got a job. 6 A businesswoman / soldier can be self-employed. 7 A businessman usually has a secretary / househusband. 8 A pilot / dentist looks after people’s teeth. 9 A lorry driver / chef works in a kitchen. 10 A builder / cleaner works outdoors a lot.
Riscrivi le parole con l’ortografia corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4
Vocabulary B1
5 6 7 8 9
polis officer retaired bilder lory driver cleener
10 houswife 11 self-emploied 12 solder
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
teecher teacher bisnessman shop asistant airdresser secretairy
Does she stay at home with the children? ~ Yes, she’s a housewife. Could she cut my hair? ~ Yes, she’s Does he work for Alitalia? ~ Yes, he’s Has she got a job? ~ No, she’s Does he tell people what to do? ~ Yes, he’s She’s seventy – has she got a job? ~ No, she’s Does he work for other people? ~ No, he’s Does she work with students? ~ Yes, she’s Does he work in that restaurant? ~ Yes, he’s
ABOUT YOU Pensa alla tua famiglia e alle persone che conosci. Scrivi i loro nomi se fanno i lavori che seguono. ▶ ▶ ▶
1 2 3 4
a nurse my friend Christina I don’t know anyone who’s a vet. a vet a soldier Mr Rossi a secretary a chef a hairdresser someone who is unemployed
5 someone who is retired 6 7 8 9
a teacher a pilot a dentist a businessman or woman
10 a boss
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole a pagina 453 e osserva le figure. Ricordi i mestieri? Poi copri le parole e gli esempi nella tabella e leggi i significati. Ricordi le parole? Jobs
B Basic information Where does he work? He works in … an office
a factory
a hospital
Who does she work for? She works for
a car company, e.g. Toyota an airline, e.g. Cathay Pacific
What hours does he work? He’s got
a full-time job, e.g. 40 hours a week a part-time job, e.g. 15 hours a week
He works
long hours, e.g. 12 hours a day from nine to five
How much does she earn?
Glossary earn receive money for the work that you do salary money you receive every month for the work that you do wages money you receive every week for the work that you do low If you earn low wages, you earn less than is normal. OPP high
Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. office an American airline she work hours a day long hours ✓ earn much job ten to six a factory ▶
1 2 3 4 5
He works long hours She works ten I work in He works in an Who do you How much
. 6 . 7 . 8 ? 9 ? 10 ?
work for does he earn
Where does She works for She doesn’t It’s a full-time I work from
? . . . .
Completa il brano. . She only works 1 -time – My sister’s a nurse in our local ▶ hospital 2 3 about 15 hours week – and she doesn’t much money. 4 Nurses in our country generally get wages. Her husband is a doctor, and he works very long 5 – sometimes 14 hours a 6 . He earns about 7 8 $90,000 a which is a very high in our country.
ABOUT YOU Se hai un lavoro, rispondi alle domande. Se no, chiedi a qualcuno con un lavoro. 1 2 3 4
What’s your job? Who do you work for? Where do you work? How many hours do you work?
Vocabulary B1
She earns a lot. Her salary is $80,000 a year. He doesn’t earn very much. He gets low wages.
C What do you have to do? 1
Daniel Alessi, architect 1
I design buildings , but I also have to:
I only work part-time now. I have to:
• meet2 clients and discuss problems with them • go to meetings3 with colleagues • write reports
• • • •
I spend a lot of time talking to people.
I spend a lot of time answering the phone!
Spend time doing something
Vocabulary B1
Spend time means to do something for a period of time: I spend a lot of time working and travelling. I spent a week writing the report. ➔ Vedi unità 63, p.176 per spend time + forma in -ing.
Eliane Sotano, secretary
Sei delle seguenti frasi contengono errori. Trovali e correggili. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I spent a day to meet clients. meeting He does a lot of phone calls. I have a meet this afternoon. She spends a lot of time type. She designs offices. Could you organizate a meeting? I wrote the report last night. We discussed about our problems. I answered to the phone.
make phone calls4 send letters, faxes and emails organize meetings for my boss type5 reports
Glossary have to do something must do something client a person who pays an architect, lawyer, etc. for his or her work and help discuss something talk about something NOT discuss about something colleague a person who works with you report a piece of writing giving information about work you have done send You write a letter, then you send it to the person. organize If you organize a meeting, you find a time and a place when everybody can go to it. answer the phone pick up the phone when it rings and speak
10 Completa il brano. I have a really interesting new job in the office of a language school. It’s a ▶ full- time job and I work from nine to five. I 1 new students when they arrive at the 2 school, and of course, I the phone and 3 letters and emails. I 4 a lot of time 5 phone calls to help students who don’t speak much English. I really like my other 6 in the office – they’re very friendly, and if 7 I have any problems we can them. I also 8 meetings for my boss with important 9 from other countries. Sometimes, I 10 go to meetings with her. It’s a nice place to work. 456
Opinions and feelings (1)
A Love it or hate it? 1
I love football.
I like it.
I think it’s OK.
I don’t like it.
I really like it.
I quite like it.
I don’t like it very much.
I hate football.
like/love/hate + -ing
After like, love, and hate, use a noun, a pronoun, or -ing form. football. playing football. I like/love/hate I like/love/hate it. learning English. ➔ Vedi unità 58, p.164 per love, like, hate ecc. + forma in -ing.
A chi piace di più, A o B? A quite likes coffee. B really likes coffee.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A doesn’t like studying. B thinks studying is OK. A likes chocolate. B loves chocolate. A really likes sport. B thinks it’s OK. A doesn’t like shopping very much. B doesn’t like shopping. A hates pop music. B doesn’t like pop music very much. A really likes tea. B quite likes tea.
likes coffee more. (A likes coffee less.) likes studying less. likes chocolate more. likes sport more. likes shopping less. likes pop music less. likes tea more.
Correggi gli errori. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Do you like watching tennis?
Do you like watch tennis? I hate it chocolate. They don’t like to doing homework very much. He doesn’t like very much speaking English. I like quite shopping. She doesn’t like drive. I think tennis OK. I like really going out with friends. She loves watch sport.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o parla con un altro studente. 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I
watching TV.
5 I
cleaning the house.
studying English. driving. shopping for clothes.
6 I 7 I 8 I
writing emails. talking on the phone. going to the cinema. Opinions and feelings (1)
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Vocabulary B1
B It’s my favourite thing
Glossary wonderful/fantastic very good fun If something is fun it makes you happy. favourite Your favourite thing or person is the one you like most. enjoy doing something If you enjoy doing something, you like it a lot and it makes you happy. (The adjective is enjoyable.) boring OPP interesting prefer … to … like someone or something more than another person or thing be keen on something like or be interested in something
meetpeopleweb.com Name
Mirko Zitec
I work for a TV company. It’s a wonderful job – I love it.
I’m learning to play the guitar. It’s good fun and my teacher’s fantastic fantastic.
My favourite sport is tennis, but I also enjoy playing football.
TV/cinema I don’t watch TV – it’s very boring, but I’m interested in old films from the 1960s. I prefer old films to modern ones, in fact. Music
I think modern art is interesting means ‘I’m interested in modern art’. NOT I’m interesting in modern art.
I’m very keen on jazz; I go to a club every Friday.
➔ Vedi unità 111, p.302 per gli aggettivi che
finiscono in -ed/-ing.
Usa le parole dalle colonne 1, 2 e 3 per scrivere altre otto frasi.
Vocabulary B1 5
It’s ✓
not interested
the party
city. ✓
watching TV.
film is ‘Tootsie’.
on tennis?
He’s a
a wonderful ✓
in politics.
you keen
prefers reading
good fun?
a boring
to writing.
It’s a wonderful city.
Completa le domande con le parole nel riquadro. Rispondi alle domande o fai le domande a un altro studente. interesting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 458
Do you think flying is enjoyable ? Is learning English good ? Do you meat to fish? What’s your city? Are you in sport? Are you on classical music? Do you walking in the countryside? Do you think history is ? Opinions and feelings (1)
enjoyable ✓
C Agree or disagree
He wants our opinion of the course. I thought it was a very funny book. What do you think of London? I like this dress. What do you think? Max said the course was a waste of money.
Riordina le parole e aggiungine un’altra in modo da formare frasi. ▶
very / I / good / it’s
I think it’s very good. 1 do / it / think / what / you / ? 2 you / agree / I 3 don’t / very / I / good / it’s 4 waste / it / money / a / was 5 I / like / personally / didn’t
~ Yes, I agree. ~ Well, I don’t think it’s very good. ~ I agree with you. I loved it. ~ Personally, I don’t like big cities. ~ I’m not sure. I think I prefer the other one. ~ I disagree. I thought it was great.
Glossary think PT thought have an opinion about something excellent very good agree with someone have the same opinion as someone NOT I’m agree OPP disagree opinion what you think about something I don’t think it’s very good NOT I think it’s not very good personally You can use personally to introduce your opinion. I’m not sure You can use I’m not sure to disagree politely. prefer like one thing more than another a waste of money a bad way to use money (also a waste of time)
6 one / I / other / prefer
Completa i dialoghi. ▶
1 2 3 4
I like this. ~ Yes, I agree . I love this colour. What do you of it? ~ , I don’t like it very much. Pete likes it. What’s your ? ~ Yes, I with him. I think it’s great. What did you think her idea? ~ Personally, I didn’t it was very good. I like her new flat. ~ I’m not ; it’s a bit small. I think I her old one.
ABOUT YOU Sei d’accordo? Scrivi la tua opinione o chiedi a un altro studente che cosa ne pensa. 1 I think people watch too much TV. 2 Smoking’s bad for you. 3 I think football’s boring. 4 Money makes you happy. 5 Public transport in my country is excellent. Opinions and feelings (1)
Vocabulary B1
I think the school is excellent.
Opinions and feelings (2)
He was thrilled to win and he kissed1 the cup.
very happy and excited. SYN delighted.
I lost his keys: he was absolutely furious.
very angry.
I was astonished to hear he was married.
very surprised. SYN amazed.
Vocabulary B2
heartbroken She was heartbroken when her father died.
very sad and emotionally upset.
I was terrified when the plane took off.
very frightened. SYN scared stiff INF.
You look very miserable. What’s wrong?
unhappy and depressed. SYN fed up INF.
I felt very proud when my book was published. pleased about sth you or other people have done.
My boyfriend is jealous when I’m with other boys. I’ve always been jealous of Tom; everyone likes him.
1 angry or sad because you’re afraid of losing sb’s love. 2 angry or sad because sb has sth you don’t have. SYN envious.
He was anxious before he went into hospital.
worried and afraid.
Sally was very upset because no one spoke to her.
sad and angry because of sth that has happened.
Completa le parole. amazed 1 anx 2 fur 3 ast
4 thr 5 broken 6 scared 7 ki
➔ Vedi unità 113, p.306 per gli aggettivi graduabili e non graduabili.
worried 1 thrilled
2 fed up 3 scared stiff
4 astonished 5 envious
ABOUT YOU Come ti sentiresti in queste situazioni? Scrivi le risposte con le parole nella tabella o chiedi a un altro studente. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 460
Use absolutely before extreme adjectives, e.g. furious, astonished, heartbroken, terrified. Use very before degree adjectives, e.g. miserable, jealous, anxious, upset. I was absolutely amazed. (NOT very amazed.) They were very proud. (NOT absolutely proud.)
Scrivi sinonimi. ▶
absolutely and very
Someone hits your car because they were driving badly. You’ve just passed an important exam. Your lovely old dog has just died. A man walks up to you in the street and holds a knife to your face. You see someone you don’t know kissing your boyfriend/girlfriend. You have been chosen to make a speech at an important event. You are going somewhere by plane and you don’t like flying. Opinions and feelings (2)
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I’d be furious.
The senses
Look¹ carefully, and you can see the bridge over the river. From here it looks² very small. We watched TV for an hour. He appears¹ to be very happy. A dog appeared² from behind a tree. The children stared at the man with the long red hair.
look¹ turn your eyes to sth and pay attention to it. see know or notice sth using your eyes. look² seem from what you can see. watch sth look at sth for some time to see what happens. appear¹ seem. appear² If sth appears, you suddenly begin to see it. OPP disappear. stare at sb/sth look at sb/sth for a long time without moving your eyes.
Jay always notices what I’m wearing. He’s very observant. He glanced at me and smiled. A I can hear something. B It sounds like a child crying.
notice sth see sth and be aware of it. observant good at noticing things. glance at sb/sth look quickly at sb/sth. hear sth receive sounds with your ears without trying. sound like sth make a noise that is like sth.
She listens to the radio a lot. I overheard them in the bank. I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said.
listen pay attention to sth you hear, often for a long time. overhear sb hear other people’s conversation by accident. catch sth hear or understand what sb is saying; usually used when you don’t hear or understand sth.
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Can you hear / listen to that noise? Did you notice / watch the colour of her eyes? I can’t see / look at anything from here. Don’t look / watch behind you. How long did you see / watch TV for? I glanced at / stared Julia. I see / can see something in your eye. I overheard / caught a funny story on the bus. What can you listen / hear?
can + sense verbs
We don’t use see, hear, smell, or taste in the continuous tenses; we often use can (as in the examples above). I can see two boats in this photo. (NOT I see or I’m seeing two boats.) ➔ Vedi unità 8, p.30 per i verbi di percezione.
Completa le frasi con una parola adatta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
noticed When I told them, I that they both looked very surprised. She said her name but I’m afraid I didn’t what it was. I hear a bird singing. It like a blackbird. Why is that man at me? Have I done something wrong? I spoke to him about the exam. He doesn’t to be nervous. Did you see Nadia last night? I thought she ill. I at my watch and realized it was time to go.
7 Sally always notices if I change my hairstyle. She’s very 8 A minute ago she was here, then she
. . I don’t know where she is now. The senses
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Vocabulary B2
A Seeing and hearing
B Smelling, tasting, and touching Word
smell sth smell like sth stink INF flavour
I can smell lunch … … it smells like fish. This towel stinks. I must wash it. They sell 30 flavours of ice cream.
taste salty
Try this wine. It tastes very strange. The soup is very salty.
bland touch sth feel feel like sth press sth
This cheese is quite bland. When I touched the back wall … … it felt a bit damp (= a little wet).
notice or recognize sth using your nose. have a smell like the smell of sth / sth else. have a horrible smell. the sensation of sth in your mouth (e.g. a chocolate/strawberry flavour). have a particular flavour. having the taste of or containing a lot of salt. without much flavour. put your fingers on sth. give a sensation of or like sth when touched (e.g. it feels hot, it feels like wood). put your hand or finger on sth firmly. take sth with a sudden movement. touch sb/sth quickly with your hands or feet. move your hand firmly backwards and forwards over the surface of sth.
grab sth tap sb/sth rub sth
Vocabulary B2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Most cities such as London have a traffic problem. like This blanket has a horrible smell. My towel still feels a little wet. The soup is without much flavour. The film was similar to his others. I put my hand on the radiator and it felt cold. She moved her hand firmly over her leg.
Like can mean ‘similar to’ and it can mean ‘such as’: This flower smells like honey. (The flower has a smell similar to that of honey.) Some people like Maggie live alone. (Maggie is one example.) ➔ Vedi unità 53, p.150 per gli usi di like.
Completa le frasi. ▶
I rubbed the book with a soft cloth to get the dirt off.
Riscrivi le parti in sottolineate con una sola parola in modo che il significato non cambi. ▶
If you press that button, you get a ticket. He grabbed my mobile and ran off. Someone tapped me on the arm.
You don’t need salt. It’s already very salty . The persimmon is a strange fruit. It looks a tomato but doesn’t taste They were both their feet to the music. the button if you want the receptionist to come. Be careful – don’t the door. The paint is still wet. He me on the shoulder and asked me to move my head. The policeman the thief’s arm and pushed him to the ground. When I came downstairs, I could the steak frying; it was wonderful. You had ice cream, didn’t you? What did you have? ~ Strawberry, but it didn’t like strawberry.
Mettiti alla prova. Copri gli esempi e le definizioni e leggi le parole. Ricordi i significati? The senses
Before, during and after sleep
BEFORE: You feel sleepy, start yawning1, and decide to go to bed. You might put on pyjamas2 or a nightie3, perhaps set the alarm4, and then get into bed. Soon, if you’re lucky, you fall asleep. DURING: When you’re asleep, you have dreams5 and possibly nightmares. Some people snore6; at this point they’re fast asleep. AFTER: 7.30 a.m. The alarm goes off. It might wake you up, or you might be wide awake already. People without an alarm might oversleep, others might decide to have a lie-in.
sleepy tired and ready to go to sleep. fall asleep start sleeping. SYN go to sleep. asleep sleeping. nightmare a bad dream. fast asleep sleeping deeply. SYN in a deep sleep. OPP wide awake. go off ring or make a noise. wake sb up make sb stop sleeping. oversleep sleep longer than you should or want. have a lie-in INF stay in bed later than usual.
Riscrivi le parti sottolineate in modo che il significato non cambi. I felt ▶ tired, so I went to bed quite early last night. I went to sleep without a problem and very soon I was in a deep sleep. Unfortunately, in the middle of the night, I had a bad dream which woke me up. After that, I was awake for ages and didn’t fall asleep again until about half past four, so when the alarm rang just after seven, I didn’t hear it and I carried on sleeping. When I finally woke up, I felt terrible.
Vocabulary B2
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa le frasi. 1 2 3 4 5
asleep . Do you want me to Barry’s still in bed and he’s fast ▶ I felt really , so I went to bed. I forgot to my alarm last night, and I’m afraid I I don’t have to get up early tomorrow, so I think I’ll have a It was after midnight but I still felt wide .
6 I felt really tired – I couldn’t stop 7 My husband wears red
. in bed and
him up? this morning. .
so loudly that he keeps me awake. Sleep
OUP copyright 2015
Sport (1)
A Games game
ice hockey
= special things you need for the game
= the number of points or goals you have
1–0 one nil 2–1 two one OR two goals to one goal
rugby ball
10–6 ten six OR ten points to six 3–2 three two OR three goals to two stick
15–10 fifteen points to ten
net racket tennis ball
6–3 six three OR six games to three 6–2 is one set in tennis
60–44 sixty points to forty-four
Vocabulary B1
Abbina le parole per trovare sport, luoghi, attrezzature e punteggi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
tennis basket hockey
ice nil ball
You score goals in basketball. Sticks and rackets are equipment. You have a net in tennis and volleyball. You score points in ice hockey. You play football on a court. You play ice hockey with rackets. You play volleyball on a court. You score points in rugby. You play rugby with a puck.
You score points in basketball.
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 464
pitch ball ✓ three
Le frasi sono vere (True) o false (False)? Scrivi T o F. Poi correggi le frasi false. ▶
volley ✓ football racket
I need to get a new tennis racket . I watched a fantastic of ice hockey on TV last night. People who play are usually very tall. It was six to four to Federer in the second What was the football ? ~ It was three The football is next to the tennis . Sport (1)
OUP copyright 2015
. (3–0).
B Football League table played won Cagliari 1
Torino 1
Lazio 3
Livorno 1
Palermo 3
AS Roma 3
Sampdoria 1 Parma 2 Treviso 1
Fiorentina 3
Played Friday:
AC Milan 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
goals against
9 4 5
63 75 61
22 27 26
81 76 71
On Friday, AC Milan won their important match against Inter Milan. Khaladze scored the only goal in the 70th minute. This means they are still top of the table but now lead Inter by five points. On Saturday, Cagliari could
Shevchenko did two goals. scored Lazio have a play next Saturday. Inter are playing with Parma. AC Milan are number one of the table. Treviso lost 3–1 with Fiorentina. Parma beated Sampdoria. Milan win their game last week. Palermo draw with AS Roma. Lazio won Livorno 3–1.
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
24 24 22
goals for
Correggi le parole in grassetto. ▶
Inter Milan 0
AC Milan 34 Inter Milan 34 AS Roma 34
drawn lost
They scored in the second half . It’s an important next week. We are playing Valencia. Seville 1–2 to Barcelona. Bilbao 2–2 Villareal. It was 0 – 0 at half. On Sunday Espanyol Real Betis 2–1. Ronaldinho the goal. We our last match 4–1. They were 1–0 at half-time. What was the final ?
ABOUT YOU Leggi i risultati di calcio in un giornale sportivo. Scrivi i risultati finali e chi ha segnato i gol. ▶
1 6 7
only draw their match with Torino. At Palermo, Roma were leading 3–0 at half-time, but Palermo came back in the second half to make the final score 3–3. Lazio beat Livorno 3–1, while Treviso lost 3–1 to Fiorentina.
Glossary match a game between two teams, e.g. Parma and Lazio against One player or team plays against another player or team. score get a goal or points in a game top of the table/league number one in the table/league lead be in front of others in a game or sport half-time a period of rest between the first and second half first half/second half The game is in two halves. (Each half is 45 minutes long.) final score the number of goals at the end of a game, e.g. 3–2
Irregular verbs
win PT won We won 2–1 against Sampdoria. beat someone PT beat We beat Sampdoria 2–1. draw with someone PT drew PP drawn We drew 3–3 with Roma. lose to someone PT lost We lost 1–0 to Milan. ➔ Vedi l’appendice a pagina 500.
Bayern Munich beat Borussia Dortmund 1-0. Pizarro scored in the 34th minute.
Sport (1)
Vocabulary B1
Sport (2)
A People
Vocabulary B2
referee ref INF (see picture)
The referee gave out five yellow cards.
the official person in control in some sports (in tennis this is an umpire).
linesman (see picture)
The linesman put his flag1 up for offside, but I think he was wrong.
José Mourinho has been manager of Porto and Chelsea. lsea
the person in control of a football team (also coach in some countries).
Andy Murray has a new tennis coach.
a person who gives practical teaching to make sb better in a sport.
Fabio Cannavaro was the Italian captain in the 2006 World Cup.
the player who is leader of the team.
Spectators ran onto the pitch (= the area where the game is played).
people who watch a game (also the crowd).
Many football supporters travel all over Europe to see their team.
commentator I thought the commentator was talking rubbish.
football 1 golf 2 athletics 3 boxing
4 5 6 7
motor racing rugby skiing gymnastics
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
1 2 3 4 5
people who regularly watch a team play. fans. support V. a person who describes a game on TV or the radio.
Copri il riquadro Spotlight e completa l’elenco di persone. ▶
a person who helps the referee in some sports. SYN referee’s assistant.
Suffix -er and player
We usually add -er or player to a noun or verb for the person who does a sport: golfer, swimmer, skier, racing driver, boxer, tennis player, rugby player. But: athletics/athlete, gymnastics/gymnast.
They have a special manage / coach to improve their fitness. The captain / manager wears an armband during the game. The referee / umpire gave him a red card. I lead / support Real Madrid, and go to most of their home games. In the men’s singles final at Wimbledon, they had a Portuguese referee / umpire. There were 40,000 in the ground, of which about 5,000 were Arsenal spectators / supporters.
Completa il brano. got a red card in the second half ‘There was trouble at last week’s game. Our ▶ captain for arguing with the 1 r , and then the other team scored a goal in the last minute, although the 2 l had his 3 f up for offside. Even the 4 c on the radio thought it was offside, but the ref gave the goal. At the end of the match, some 5 f who were in the 6 c then ran onto the 7 p , and the referee had to have a police escort. In the press conference after the game, our 8 m was still very angry.’
Sport (2)
OUP copyright 2015
B Places
The Camp Nou Stadium, the ground of Barcelona football club, is the largest stadium in Europe with a capacity of 99,350 spectators. Hockenheim is a motor-racing circuit where the German Grand Prix sometimes takes place. One lap of the track is 4.574 km. The Centre Court at Wimbledon is famous worldwide. Now they have constructed the new roof, the All England Championship won’t be interrupted because of rain. A standard Olympic swimming pool is 50 metres long, 25 metres wide, and has a minimum depth of two metres.
long, wide, deep
Long, wide and deep can describe measurements. The pool is 50 metres long. = The length of the pool is 50 metres. The pool is 25 metres wide. = The width of the pool is 25 metres. The pool is 2 metres deep. = The depth of the pool is 2 metres.
2m 50m 25m
swimming pool
Completa le frasi.
all over the world Worldwide means 1 The noun from long is 2 A synonym for circuit is
3 The noun from wide is
court a place where tennis, basketball, or badminton are played. worldwide everywhere in the world. SYN all over the world. construct sth build or make sth. construction N. championship a competition to find the best player or team in a sport. interrupt sth stop the progress of sth for a short period of time. standard normal; average. minimum smallest possible or smallest allowed. OPP maximum.
Vocabulary B2
stadium a large structure where people sit and watch sport. ground an area of land where a game is played and people watch. club A football club is the team, the management, and the ground. capacity the amount or number that a space or container will hold. circuit an area of land, often in a circle, where a race takes place. SYN track. lap one journey around a track.
. .
4 The opposite of minimum is 5 The noun from deep is
. .
. .
6 The noun from construct is 7 One journey round a track is a
. .
Completa le frasi. is planning to c a new football s , with a 1 Liverpool Football ▶ Club c of over 60,000. 2 The Chinese Grand Prix is raced over 56 l of the Shanghai International C . It’s the most expensive t ever c , costing $240m. 3 The French Open Tennis C at Roland Garros is famous w as the only one of the four major tournaments that is played on clay c s. 4 Unfortunately we don’t have a s Olympic swimming p . The one we use for competitions is only 25 metres l and 15 metres w . The m d is one metre, and the m is two metres. Sport (2)
C The Olympics 1
take place (used about a meeting or an event) happen. competition a situation in which two or more people are trying to win sth or be better than sb (a person trying to win is a competitor). compete V. competitive ADJ. race a competition to see who is fastest or best, or who wins. take part in sth join with other people in an activity. SYN participate. medal a piece of metal given to an athlete who comes 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. professional a person who plays a sport for money as their job. OPP amateur.
✸ The first games took place in 776 BC, with one
competition, a race of about 192 metres. ✸ The first modern Olympics took place in 1896
with 241 competitors taking part in nine sports: athletics1, cycling2, fencing3, gymnastics4, weightlifting5, shooting6, swimming, tennis, and wrestling7. By 2004, there were over 11,000 people competing in 28 sports.
A record is the best performance in something, especially sport. She holds the record for the long jump. (She has the record.) He broke the record in the 100 metres. (He set a new record.)
✸ Swimmer Michael Phelps holds the record for
the most Olympic medals (22). ✸ Boxing is now the only Olympic sport where
Vocabulary B2
professionals are not allowed to compete.
Completa le parole per descrivere gli sport. shooting 1 gym ▶
2 weight 3 fen
It’s a long race / medal. ▶ It was a hard race / competition. 1 How many people took place / took part? 2 Anyone can take part / participate.
1 2 3 4 5 6
6 wre
3 4 5 6
He broke the record / competition. The race takes place / takes part on Tuesday. Did she win a race / medal? Does she hold / carry the record?
Completa le frasi. ▶
4 cyc 5 ath
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. Entrambi le alternative potrebbero essere corrette. ▶
part How many sportsmen and women took in the last Olympics? The 2016 Olympics will place in Rio de Janeiro. It’s hard for poor countries to against rich countries in certain events. An American swimmer holds the for the most Olympic medals won. There are a few Olympic amateurs, but now most of the are . The marathon (just over 42 km) is the longest on foot at the Olympics. My uncle won a silver in the shooting at the 2012 Olympics.
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole e osserva le figure. Sai dire gli sport?
Sport (2)
D Winners and losers In a very one-sided contest, Roger Federer defeated Andy Roddick 6-4, 6-0, 6-2 in the semi-final of the Australian Tennis Open to go through to his tenth grand slam final. Federer won the first set quite easily, then broke Roddick’s resistance in the second with some brilliant tennis. Afterwards, Roddick was very critical of his own performance, but praised his opponent for some outstanding tennis. Federer is now clearly the favourite to take his third Australian Open, and tenth grand slam overall. This would put him just one behind Rod Laver, a tremendous achievement for someone who is only 25.
As a verb, to defeat sb means to be stronger or better than somebody in a game, fight, etc. SYN beat sb. Italy defeated Wales 2–0 in the last match they played. As a noun, a defeat is an occasion when you don’t win something. We won our first match, then followed it with three defeats.
Glossary • • • • • • • • • • • • •
If a game is one-sided, one person or team is much better than the other. an activity between two players or teams to see who is best. one of two games to decide who plays in the final. the last game or match in a competition. the action of trying to stop sth happening or stop sb doing sth. resist V. very good, clever, or skilful. SYN outstanding. saying what is wrong with sth/sb. criticize sth/sb V. the way in which sb plays or does sth. perform V. say that sb/sth is very good. praise N. a person who plays against you in a sport or competition. the person or team who is expected to win. OPP outsider. including everything; in total. a thing that you have done successfully through hard work or skill. achieve sth V.
Vocabulary B2
one-sided contest semi-final final resistance brilliant critical of sth/sb performance praise sb/sth opponent favourite overall achievement
10 Completa le frasi. The noun related to perform is performance . 4 The noun related to praise is 1 The noun related to achieve is . 5 Outstanding is a synonym for 2 The verb related to critical is . 6 An outsider is the opposite of a 3 The noun related to resist is . 7 Beat sb is the same as ▶
. . . .
11 Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6
We were defeated in the semi-final, which was very disappointing. Nadal won the match in the end, but it was a great between them. He was the winner in 1998, 2003, and again in 2008, so that’s three titles . Bjorn Borg won Wimbledon five times, which is a fantastic . He was the , so we expected him to win, but it was a very onecontest. Tiger Woods aims for perfection and is always very of his own performance. Who will her be in the final? ~ I don’t know. It depends on the other -final.
12 Mettiti alla prova. Copri le definizioni nel glossario e leggi le parole. Ricordi i significati?
Sport (2)
Free time
A Common activities I go …
I play …
I do some … I do (quite) a lot of …
I collect things (e.g. stamps).
table tennis
flower arranging
I watch TV and DVDs.
to the cinema
computer games
I spend time with friends.
to the gym
the guitar
drawing and painting
I make my own clothes.
Vocabulary B1 1
What do you do in your free time?
Sei in grado di fare queste attività in casa? O devi farle in un altro luogo? watch TV ▶ go to the gym 1 go fishing ▶
inside another place
2 do a lot of cooking 3 do flower arranging
4 do some drawing 5 go camping 6 play cards 7 do a lot of travelling 8 play computer games
Completa le frasi con go, play, do, collect o spend. ▶
1 2 3 4
play I never cards. Do you often to the cinema? My brother old clocks. I’d like to the guitar. She a lot of cooking.
5 6 7 8 9
Do you Do you They She She
table tennis? time with your family? skiing every February. quite a lot of travelling in spring. all her own dresses.
ABOUT YOU Osserva à la tabella. Scrivi Yes accanto alle attività che fai ora. Poi segna le attività che vorresti fare (✓) e le attività che non ti interessano (✗).
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole e osserva le figure. Ricordi i nomi delle attività?
Free time
OUP copyright 2015
B Hobbies
ussian people have many hobbies. Older people enjoy gardening, fishing, and repairing cars. For younger people, there are various clubs in school where children can learn many activities. Popular hobbies include sport, playing musical instruments, computers, listening to music, cooking, and collecting different things.
Alexandra: “I like listening to rock and classical music. I also like playing football with my friends. But my favourite hobby is shooting (you can see me in the photo), and I’m quite good at it.”
“I have many hobbies: cooking, reading, drawing, and singing in the shower. My favourite is drawing. It’s wonderful to see pictures appearing on paper.”
“I play the guitar, and I can sing Russian and English songs. I’m good at swimming, snowboarding and skiing. I also like travelling very much.”
hobby PLURAL hobbies an activity that you like doing in your free time gardening working in your garden repair cars make cars work when they have a problem various (places) a number of different (places) club a group of people who do something together popular If something is popular, many people like it. musical instrument a thing used for playing music, e.g. a guitar listen to something
classical music e.g. music by Bach and Mozart (NOT classic music) read
sing Robbie Williams is a singer. He sings songs.
Le frasi sono vere (True) o false (False)? Correggi le frasi false. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vocabulary B1
Favourite hobbies in Russia
False. She likes rock music. Alexandra doesn’t like rock music. Older people enjoy gardening. Playing a musical instrument isn’t popular in Russia. Dima plays the piano. Veronica’s favourite hobby is reading. Dima has various hobbies. Veronica’s quite good at shooting. Veronica dances in the shower. Younger people like repairing cars.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4 5 6
What’s your favourite hobby? What hobbies are popular with older people? What hobbies are popular with younger people? What classical music do you listen to? Can you play a musical instrument? If so, what? Are you a good singer? Free time
Music (1)
Pop and rock Arctic Monkeys are a four-piece band from Sheffield, England. They first became well known in 2004 when people were able to download their music from the internet. Their first two singles went to number 1 in the UK singles chart in 2005, and their first album, ‘Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not’, sold over 350,000 copies in its first week. The group are: Alex Turner, who is the lead singer and plays the guitar, Jamie Cook and Nick O’Malley, who both play the guitar, and Matthew Helder, who is the drummer and also sings.
Vocabulary B1
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Glossary band e.g. Coldplay, Franz Ferdinand, U2 (also group) well known SYN famous be able to If you are able to do something, you can do it. OPP unable download music copy music from the internet onto a computer, MP3 player, etc. single one song on a CD number 1 the single that sells the most in one week the singles chart the list of pop music singles that sell the most in one week album a number of songs, usually about 10, on a CD lead singer the most important singer
guitar Paul McCartney plays the . Another word for a band is a . The most important singer is the singer. Someone who plays the drums is the . A CD with one song on it is a . A CD with about ten songs on it is an . The is the list of singles that sell most in a week. The Beatles first became well in the 1960s. You can music from the internet.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 2 3 4 5 6
There are four / five people in the band. They first became well known in 2004 / 2005. People were able / unable to download music in 2004. Their first two / three singles went to number 1. Their first single / album sold over 350,000 copies in the first week. Alex Turner / Jamie Cook is the lead singer. Matthew Helder plays the guitar / drums.
Completa le frasi. ▶
Leggi il brano. Poi completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
Who’s your favourite group? Who’s in the band, and what instruments do they play? When did they first become well known? What’s the name of one of their singles? What’s the name of one of their albums? What’s your favourite song by this band? Music (1)
OUP copyright 2015
Music (2)
Musical instruments and musicians
1 trumpet
2 saxophone
3 flute
4 organ
5 keyboard
6 piano
7 violin
8 cello
9 guitar
Franz Lizst was a composer but also a great pianist. Chris Martin is the lead singer and main songwriter in the rock band Coldplay. Mark Elder is the conductor of the Hallé Orchestra. spotlight
The suffix -ist
We often use this suffix for the person who plays a particular instrument, e.g. guitarist, violinist, pianist, saxophonist, cellist, organist. But we say trumpeter, drummer, and usually keyboard player. The word for a flute player is flautist: note the change in spelling. ➔ Vedi unità 144, p.384 per l’uso dei suffissi.
Completa le parole per gli strumenti musicali. Poi scrivi la persona che li suona.
pianist pi a n o / 1 vi / 2 or / 3 tr / ▶
musical instrument a thing that is used for playing music. musician a person who plays a musical instrument. composer a person who writes music. compose V. lead singer the main singer in a band. songwriter a person who writes the words and music for a song. band a number of people who play music together. SYN group. conductor the person in an orchestra who directs the musicians. orchestra a large group of musicians who play music together.
4 5 6 7
gu sax ce fl
/ / / /
Completa le frasi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
They both play in a rock band . My brother plays the violin in an o . Noel Gallagher plays the g in the rock b his brother Liam is the l singer. Do you play a musical i ? I don’t like modern c such as Bartók and Stockhausen. Paul Simon sings and plays the guitar but is most famous as a s Mike’s playing guitar, but who is the keyboard p ? There are five in the band and they’re all good m . Sir Georg Solti was the c of several wonderful orchestras.
‘Oasis’, and
Music (2) OUP copyright 2015
Vocabulary B2
A Describing films
A thriller is often exciting.
A comedy is funny.
A war film is often violent.
A love story is romantic.
An action film is exciting.
Vocabulary B1
A horror film is frightening.
rwa lmif war 1 rillerht 2 moyecd 3 tanico ifml
A cartoon is often funny.
4 onacrot 5 vole rosty 6 rohror limf
Abbina gli aggettivi (1–5) ai generi di film (a–f). ▶
an exciting d 1 a romantic 2 a frightening 3 a violent
a war film b comedy c love story d action film ✓
4 a funny 5 an exciting
e thriller f horror film
Descrivi ciascuna figura con un aggettivo.
What kind of film is it? ~ It’s a thriller. What kind of music do you like? ~ Rock music.
Riordina le lettere in modo da formare generi di film. ▶
What kind of … ?
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole. Ricordi i generi di film in alto alla pagina.
OUP copyright 2015
B What’s on?
Mercedes (M) and Enrique (E) are talking. M What’s on at the cinema? E There’s a film on called Rumor Has It. M Mmm. What kind of movie is it? E It’s a romantic comedy. It’s about a woman and her relationship with her boyfriend and family. It’s had good reviews. M OK. Who’s in it? E Er, it stars Kevin Costner and Jennifer Aniston. M Oh, I like Kevin Costner – he’s a good actor. Who’s the director? E Rob Reiner. He made When Harry Met Sally. M Right. And where’s it on? E The Odeon. M OK. Let’s go and see it.
What’s on? = ‘What film can we see?’ cinema a place where you see films movie a film It’s about … = The subject is … review an opinion of a film in a newspaper or on the radio, TV or internet star be one of the main actors in a film (The person is a star.) actor e.g. Kevin Costner or Jennifer Aniston (A female actor can also be called an actress.) director person who makes a film, e.g. Steven Spielberg Where’s it on? = ‘Where can we see it?’ see a film at the cinema (NOT watch a film at the cinema)
Completa il dialogo.
What’s on
at the cinema? A film called The Constant Gardener. Oh, what 1 of film is it? It’s a thriller. What’s it 2 ? I’m not sure, but it’s had good 3 . A Oh, and who’s 4 it?
B It 5 Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weiss. A They’re both good 6 . Who’s the 7 ? B A Brazilian called Fernando Meirelles. A OK. And where’s it 8 ? B At the ABC cinema. A Let’s go and 9 it. B Fine.
ABOUT YOU Scrivi le risposte o fai le domande a un altro studente. 1 What kind of films do you like? 2 What was the last film you saw? 3 Where was it on? 4 Who are the stars of the film? 5 Who’s the director? 6 What’s it about? Films
Vocabulary B1
A What is the media?
Vocabulary B1
The media often write about famous people.
TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet
Do you read women’s magazines?
Something you can buy every week or month, often with stories and coloured photos e.g. Time, Hola.
What’s your opinion of the events?
what you think about something
Journalists report the news from all over the world.
give information on the news; the person is a reporter (= journalist)
The Olympic Games is a very big event.
something important that happens. It can be good or bad.
Fortunately, nobody died in the accident.
stop living
The two countries were at war for ten years.
If a country is at war, it is fighting with another country; when a war ends, there is peace.
The tsunami was a terrible disaster.
something very bad that happens, often when a lot of people die
celebrity (plural celebrities)
There were a lot of celebrities at the first night of the film.
famous person, usually from TV, film or sport
advertisement (also advert)
There are too many adverts on TV and in the papers.
text, picture or short film which tries to sell you something
Le coppie di frasi hanno lo stesso significato (Same) o diverso (Different)? Scrivi S o D. ▶
What do the media say about him?
What does the advert say about him?
1 There is peace between the two countries. There is war between the two countries.
2 What’s your opinion of the news?
What do you think of the news?
3 It was a great event.
It was a great advertisement.
4 He is reporting from Seoul.
He is giving the news from Seoul.
5 I read it in an article.
I read it in an advertisement.
6 She’s a TV celebrity.
She’s on TV a lot.
7 Where did he live?
Where did he die?
Completa il brano con la forma corretta delle parole nella tabella.
media is TV, radio, newspapers, 1 , and the internet. The media on important 3 from around the world; for example, 4 like 5 the Asian tsunami, or between different countries. As well as reporting the news, the media give their 6 of events round the world. And reporters also like to write about 7 such as Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie. The ▶
3 476
Mettiti alla prova. Copri le parole e gli esempi e leggi le definizioni. Ricordi le parole? Media
OUP copyright 2015
B Your media
Media questionnaire
a b c d
What do you listen to on the radio? a b c d
the news music programmes the weather forecast nothing much
Do you believe what you read or hear in the news?
yes, all of it yes, most of it yes, some of it no, none of it
watch, see, listen, hear
We watch TV, but we see or watch a programme. We listen to the radio, but we hear or listen to a programme.
See – / to the film.
5 See the programme / article on TV.
1 Read an article on / in the paper.
6 Did you hear – / to the sports results?
2 Let’s listen to the / a news.
7 I heard all – / of it on / in the radio.
3 Watch a programme in / on TV.
8 Don’t believe / listen what you see.
4 Find – / out what has happened.
9 I watched most – / of it.
Completa i dialoghi. ▶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the news soaps films nothing much
Completa le frasi con l’alternativa corretta. ▶
to find out what has happened because it has interesting articles for the sports results for the business news
What do you watch on TV? a b c d
a b c d
newspaper e.g. The Times, The Herald Tribune, Le Monde (also paper) find out get information or facts happen take place, e.g. ‘We don’t know what will happen tomorrow.’ article a piece of writing in a paper or magazine on TV/on the radio NOT in TV/in the radio, but in the paper the news a TV or radio programme about important things happening in the world soap a story on TV two or three times a week about the lives and problems of a group of people nothing much nothing important programme a TV or radio show, e.g. the news weather forecast a description of the weather for the next few days believe think that something is true all = 100%, most = 80–95%, some = 30–50%, none = 0%
Why do you read a newspaper?
Vocabulary B1
read all I always a paper at the weekend. ~ But do you read of it? Did you TV last night? ~ Yes, I a programme about dogs. I read the story but I don’t it’s true. ~ No, of it is true. It’s all false. Have you heard the ? ~ No, what’s ? Did you to the radio this morning? ~ Yes, I the 8 o’clock news. What’s in the this morning? ~ I don’t know; I never buy one. Have you seen the weather ? ~ Yes, it’s going to rain. What did you on TV? ~ Oh, nothing .
ABOUT YOU Rileggi il questionario. Segna (✓) le tue risposte o scrivi un’altra risposta. Fai le domande a un altro studente. Media
Appendici 1 Prime strutture Indichiamo alcune delle strutture di base della grammatica inglese con alcune delle differenze fondamentali tra l’inglese e l’italiano.
A Analisi grammaticale Le unità didattiche utilizzano la terminologia grammaticale solitamente usata per descrivere l’italiano. Le seguenti note aggiuntive presentano termini usati più comunemente nei dizionari e nelle liste di vocaboli inglesi. • Le seguenti frasi esemplificano la principale classificazione di parole. The articolo article
lessons sostantivo noun
are verbo verb
always avverbio adverb
interesting aggettivo adjective
and congiunzione conjunction
I pronome pronoun
really avverbio adverb
enjoy verbo verb
them. pronome pronoun
• Nota che l’inglese utilizza anche il termine determiner, che comprende articoli, numerali, dimostrativi, aggettivi e pronomi possessivi, espressioni di quantità (some, any, much, every ecc.) e il genitivo sassone. Per esempio: My
aggettivo possessivo
verbo principale
main verb
Nota che non si possono usare gli articoli prima di altri determiners: My school is new. La mia scuola è nuova. (NON The my school is new). Every student passed the exam. Tutti gli studenti hanno passato l’esame. (NON The every student …) • Nota inoltre i seguenti termini: noun: sostantivo phrase: indica una parte della proposizione, non una proposizione intera, e corrisponde al termine ‘locuzione’. Per esempio: only child, complete opposites, my next door neighbour sono noun phrases; got married e lose my hair sono verb phrases. Non confondere phrase con ‘frase’, e non confondere verb phrase con phrasal verb! clause: proposizione, che può essere sia principale che subordinata
B Analisi logica Le seguenti frasi esemplificano la principale classificazione italiana della struttura della frase. Carl’s friend
has bought
a new computer
from the shop
in Cowley Road.
complemento oggetto
complemento di provenienza
complemento di stato in luogo
Nota che però l’inglese distingue solo tra direct object (complemento oggetto) e indirect object (complemento di termine). Le altre parti del discorso che in italiano sono classificate come complementi, in inglese sono definite prepositional phrases (espressioni con preposizione) o adverbials (espressioni avverbiali). Per esempio: When
in my twenties,
just outside Paris
for two years.
prepositional phrase
place adverbial
time adverbial
490 Appendici OUP copyright 2015
2 Regole ortografiche A Il plurale dei sostantivi • La maggior parte dei sostantivi forma il plurale aggiungendo -s. book ➔ books car ➔ cars house ➔ houses student ➔ students • I sostantivi che terminano in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch e -x aggiungono -es. bus ➔ buses church ➔ churches dish ➔ dishes box ➔ boxes
glass ➔ glasses
• Alcuni sostantivi che terminano in -o aggiungono -es. potato ➔ potatoes tomato ➔ tomatoes hero ➔ heroes Ma la maggior parte dei sostantivi che terminano in -o aggiungono -s. kilo ➔ kilos photo ➔ photos piano ➔ pianos radio ➔ radios studio ➔ studios zoo ➔ zoos • I sostantivi che terminano in -f e -fe sostituiscono -f o -fe con -ves. leaf ➔ leaves life ➔ lives knife ➔ knives • I sostantivi che terminano in consonante + y sostituiscono la y con -ies. country ➔ countries factory ➔ factories lorry ➔ lorries city ➔ cities
story ➔ stories
Ma i sostantivi che terminano in vocale + y aggiungono soltanto -s. chimney ➔ chimneys key ➔ keys monkey ➔ monkeys • Alcuni sostantivi formano il plurale in modo del tutto irregolare. woman ➔ women child ➔ children man ➔ men person ➔ people tooth ➔ teeth foot ➔ feet fish ➔ fish (o fishes) goose ➔ geese mouse ➔ mice ox ➔ oxen species ➔ species series ➔ series appendix ➔ appendices cactus ➔ cacti
crisis ➔ crises deer ➔ deer sheep ➔ sheep stadium ➔ stadia
B La terza persona singolare del present simple • La terza persona singolare (he, she, it) della maggior parte dei verbi al present simple (forma affermativa) aggiunge -s alla forma base. ask ➔ asks cost ➔ costs like ➔ likes see ➔ sees • I verbi che terminano in -o, -s, -sh, -ch e -x aggiungono -es. go ➔ goes miss ➔ misses mix ➔ mixes do ➔ does
teach ➔ teaches
wash ➔ washes
• I verbi che terminano in consonante + y sostituiscono la y con -ies. fly ➔ flies study ➔ studies try ➔ tries carry ➔ carries Ma i verbi che terminano in vocale + y aggiungono soltanto -s. play ➔ plays say ➔ says
C Il past simple -d/-ed • Il past simple della maggior parte dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo -ed alla forma base. ask ➔ asked miss ➔ missed wash ➔ washed work ➔ worked • I verbi regolari che terminano in -e aggiungono soltanto -d. arrive ➔ arrived continue ➔ continued save ➔ saved
Appendici 491
• I verbi regolari che terminano in consonante + y sostituiscono la y con -ied. marry ➔ married study ➔ studied try ➔ tried Ma i verbi regolari che terminano in vocale + y aggiungono soltanto -ed. play ➔ played pray ➔ prayed • Spesso si raddoppia la consonante finale prima di -ed. Vedi sezione F.
D La forma in -ing • La maggior parte dei verbi aggiunge -ing alla forma base. ask ➔ asking carry ➔ carrying play ➔ playing watch ➔ watching • I verbi che terminano in -e eliminano la -e. arrive ➔ arriving continue ➔ continuing
make ➔ making
save ➔ saving
Ma i verbi che terminano in -ee aggiungono -ing senza modifiche. agree ➔ agreeing see ➔ seeing • I verbi che terminano in -ie sostituiscono -ie con -ying. die ➔ dying lie ➔ lying • Spesso si raddoppia la consonante finale prima di -ing. Vedi sezione F.
E Il comparativo e il superlativo degli aggettivi monosillabici e bisillabici (-er e -est) • La maggior parte degli aggettivi aggiunge -er e -est. fast ➔ faster / fastest old ➔ older / oldest • Gli aggettivi che terminano in -e aggiungono -r e -st. late ➔ later / latest nice ➔ nicer / nicest • Gli aggettivi che terminano in consonante + y sostituiscono la y con -ier e -iest. busy ➔ busier / busiest lucky ➔ luckier / luckiest • Spesso si raddoppia la consonante finale prima di -er o -est. Vedi sezione F.
F Il raddoppio consonantico • I monosillabi che terminano in consonante + vocale + consonante raddoppiano la consonante prima di aggiungere -ed, -ing, -er, -est, -y. plan ➔ planned stop ➔ stopped get ➔ getting run ➔ runner big ➔ bigger hot ➔ hottest sun ➔ sunny Le uniche eccezioni sono w, x e y, che non si raddoppiano. show ➔ showed view ➔ viewer fix ➔ fixed stay ➔ stayed • I bisillabi in genere raddoppiano la consonante solo quando la sillaba finale è accentata. begin ➔ beginning occur ➔ occurred prefer ➔ preferred Se l’accento non cade sull’ultima sillaba, non si raddoppia la consonante. happen ➔ happened offer ➔ offered open ➔ opened L’unica eccezione è la lettera l, che si raddoppia nell’inglese britannico. cancel ➔ cancelling travel ➔ travelled
492 Appendici
3 L’ortografia dell’inglese britannico e americano Nella maggior parte dei casi non ci sono differenze nell’ortografia dell’inglese britannico e dell’inglese americano. Ci sono tuttavia delle eccezioni. Le principali sono elencate qui di seguito. britannico
license (sostantivo)
licenza, permesso
licence (sostantivo)
sapore, aroma
vicino (di casa)
voce, pettegolezzo
(kilo-/centi-/ milli-)metre
(kilo-/centi-/ milli-)meter
(chilo-/centi-/ milli-)metro
piano (di un edificio)
-ll o -l? In genere si usa -ll nell’inglese britannico e -l nell’inglese americano. cancelled/cancellation
digitato/digitare (di numero telefonico)
4 Forme contratte Nell’inglese parlato e nei testi scritti informali si possono usare forme contratte. Come succede con gli articoli in italiano, una parte di una parola viene sostituita dall’apostrofo.
A Forme affermative contratte di be e dei verbi ausiliari Forma contratta
Forma estesa
I’m Italian.
I’m working.
He’s British.
She’s got long hair.
You’re late.
We’re learning English.
I’ve got a new car.
We’ve been to the park.
I’ll see you tonight.
We’ll arrive at 7.30.
They’d already left when I arrived.
I’d like to go.
Appendici 493
Si usano alcune di queste forme: • dopo le parole interrogative Where’s my bag? (’s = is) What’s happened? (’s = has) When’s the exam? (’s = is) Who’ll be there? (’ll = will) Who’d like a drink? (’d = would)
• dopo that/there/here That’s a good idea. (’s = is) There’s a party tonight. (’s = is) There’ll be lots of food. (’ll = will) Here’s the bus. (’s = is) • dopo i pronomi, i sostantivi e i nomi propri The new school’s open. (’s = is) Jenny’s just got married. (’s = has)
B Forme negative contratte di be e dei verbi ausiliari Forma Forma contratta estesa
Forma Forma contratta estesa
’m not
am not
I’m not feeling very well.
had not
is not
He isn’t here. It isn’t raining.
I hadn’t finished lunch when you arrived.
will not
are not
You aren’t listening. They aren’t ready.
I won’t be late. She won’t help me.
would not
do not
I don’t like coffee. We don’t want to go.
If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.
does not
Sam doesn’t like football. It doesn’t work.
I can’t speak French. He can’t drive.
could not
did not
I didn’t see you last night. They didn’t win.
I couldn’t find my keys this morning.
should not
You shouldn’t smoke.
have not
I haven’t got a car. They haven’t finished.
must not
You mustn’t be late.
has not
She hasn’t got a pen. It hasn’t rained for days.
Nota che non esiste la forma contratta I amn’t, e che ci sono due forme contratte per is not e are not. He isn’t here./He’s not here. (= He is not here.) We aren’t ready./We’re not ready. (= We are not ready.)
5 Lettera maiuscola Alcune delle regole sull’uso della lettera maiuscola in inglese sono elencate qui di seguito. • Il pronome soggetto I è sempre maiuscolo. David and I went to the cinema. Si usa la lettera maiuscola: • all’inizio di una frase; My brother lives in Rome. He’s a teacher. • con i nomi propri di persona, di luogo geografico, lingue, organizzazioni, compagnie, aggettivi di nazionalità; My name is Roberto. I live in Rome. My favourite team is Juventus. My sister works for the United Nations. She speaks Italian and English. • nei titoli di film e di pubblicazioni; My favourite film is The Lord of the Rings. I read Time magazine every week. • con i giorni della settimana, i mesi, le ricorrenze religiose e nazionali, i periodi storici; Today is Friday. My birthday is in April. I love Christmas. We’re studying the Middle Ages at school. • con le lettere che formano una sigla. My sister works for the UN. I watch the BBC. 494 Appendici
6 Strutture con aggettivi e sostantivi A Aggettivi che reggono l’infinito ➔ Vedi unità 65 per le strutture che si possono usare. Ecco un elenco di aggettivi di uso frequente che reggono l’infinito. amazed
preoccupato, impaziente
che si vergogna
sicuro, al sicuro, innocuo
deciso (a)
alterato, sconvolto, triste
disposto, disponibile
B Sostantivi che reggono l’infinito ➔ Vedi unità 65 per le strutture che si possono usare. Ecco un elenco di sostantivi di uso frequente che reggono l’infinito. chance
occasione, opportunità
occasione, opportunità
tempo, ora
C Partitivi ➔ Vedi unità 85 per i partitivi. I partitivi sono espressioni usate per indicare quantità con i sostantivi sia numerabili che non numerabili. Alcuni tra i partitivi più comuni comprendono: a loaf of (bread)
una pagnotta
a bar of (soap/chocolate)
una barretta di (sapone/cioccolato)
a slice of (cake/bread)
una fetta di (torta/pane)
a bunch of (grapes/bananas/flowers/keys)
un grappolo di (uva)/casco di (banane)/mazzo di (fiori/chiavi)
a tin/can of (paint/beans/tomatoes/beer/soup)
una lattina di (tinta/fagioli/pelati/birra/minestra)
a tube of (toothpaste/glue/tomato purée)
un tubetto di (dentifricio/colla/concentrato di pomodoro)
a bottle of (wine/oil/milk)
una bottiglia di (vino/olio/latte)
a pair of (socks/trousers/shoes/scissors/sunglasses)
un paio di (calze/pantaloni/scarpe/forbici/occhiali da sole)
a carton of (milk/orange juice/eggs)
una confezione di (latte/succo d’arancia/uova)
an item of (furniture/news/clothing)
un mobile/una notizia/un capo d’abbigliamento
a bag of (sugar/apples/rice/crisps)
una busta di (zucchero/mele/riso/patatine croccanti)
a piece of information/advice/wood/paper
un’informazione/un consiglio/un pezzo di legno/carta
a jar of (coffee/jam/honey/olives)
un barattolo di (caffè/marmellata/miele/olive)
a pint of (beer/milk)
una pinta di (birra/latte)
a packet of (biscuits/crisps/sweets/cigarettes)
un pacchetto di (biscotti/patatine croccanti/caramelle/sigarette)
a cup of (coffee/tea)
una tazza di (caffè/tè)
Appendici 495
7 Strutture verbali Ecco un elenco di strutture verbali di uso frequente.
A Verbi + forma in -ing ➔ Vedi unità 58 I verbi più comuni che reggono la forma in -ing comprendono: admit
look forward to
aspettare qualcosa con piacere
non piacere
amare/piacere moltissimo
(don’t) bother
(non) prendersi la briga di/disturbarsi a
don’t mind
non dispiacere/essere indifferente
can’t face
non farcela (ad affrontare)
sentire la mancanza di
can’t help
non poter evitare/fare a meno di
piacere/divertirsi a
postpone/ put off
can’t imagine
non riuscire ad immaginare
aver voglia di
fare esercizio
can’t resist
non riuscire a resistere
feel like
aver voglia di
can’t stand
non sopportare
can’t stop
non riuscire a smettere
spend/waste time/money
spendere/sprecare tempo/denaro
carry on
stop/give up
prendere in considerazione
comportare/ comprendere
keep (on)
continuare (a)
B Verbi + complemento oggetto + -ing ➔ Vedi unità 61 I verbi più comuni che reggono un complemento oggetto e la forma in -ing comprendono: can’t stand
non sopportare
continuare a
non gradire
(don’t) like
(non) piacere
(don’t) mind
(non) dispiacere
(can’t) imagine
(non riuscire a) immaginare
C Verbi + infinito ➔ Vedi unità 59 I verbi più comuni che reggono l’infinito comprendono: agree
mirare/puntare a
far finta di
mancare di, non riuscire a
rifiutarsi di
tentare di
avere la tendenza a
can(’t) afford (non) potersi permettere
minacciare di
can’t wait
non vedere l’ora di
learn (how)
imparare a
offrirsi volotario per
riuscire a
aver bisogno di
would like
vorrei, vorresti (ecc.)
offrire/offrirsi di
496 Appendici
D Verbi + complemento oggetto + infinito ➔ Vedi unità 61 I verbi più comuni che reggono un complemento oggetto e l’infinito comprendono: advise allow ask beg bribe
consigliare permettere chiedere implorare corrompere/pagare una tangente cause causare challenge sfidare choose scegliere dare sfidare enable mettere in grado
encourage incoraggiare expect aspettarsi force costringere help aiutare inspire ispirare
remind teach (how) tell train trust
ricordare (qualcosa a qualcuno) insegnare dire istruire confidare/contare su
invite leave need order persuade
urge want warn
esortare volere avvertire/ammonire
invitare andarsene/partire/lasciare aver bisogno di ordinare persuadere
8 Phrasal verbs A Particella (senza complemento oggetto) ➔ Vedi unità 108 Ecco un elenco di phrasal verbs intransitivi (non reggono un complemento oggetto): break down carry on come/go back fall down fall out
rompersi continuare ritornare cadere a terra litigare
get back
log on/in connettersi a un turn up computer/sito web, ecc. alzarsi meet up incontrarsi wake up esplodere, per es. una bomba save up mettere soldi da parte suonare, per es. la sveglia sell out esaurire un articolo in vendita andare a male, per es. cibo set off mettersi in viaggio
get up go off go off go off
go out grow up hang out hurry up line up
uscire di casa crescere passare tempo affrettarsi mettersi/stare in fila
show off speak up speed up take off take over
darsi arie parlare ad alta voce accelerare decollare subentrare/prendere il controllo venire, arrivare svegliarsi
B Phrasal verbs + complemento oggetto + particella (separabile) ➔ Vedi unità 108 Ecco un elenco di phrasal verbs che reggono un complemento oggetto. Di solito il complemento va dopo la particella se è lungo. back up blow up
corroborare/ hang up sostenere, fare copie gonfiare/far esplodere let down
bring up call back call off
menzionare, allevare richiamare cancellare
cross out do up fill in/out
eliminare/cancellare ristrutturare riempire/compilare
find out scoprire give back restituire give up
hand in
look up make up pick up
appendere/sospendere/ chiudere una telefonata abbandonare/deludere
cercare in un elenco inventare/fabbricare raccogliere, andare a prendere in macchina put away mettere via/conservare put off posporre, ritardare put on mettersi/indossare put on shut down sort out
switch/turn/ put on switch/turn/ put off take off throw away tidy/clear up try on turn up turn down
mettere per es. un CD use up chiudere un’attività, wake up spegnere sistemare/organizzare/ work out risolvere
accendere spegnere togliersi (di indumenti) buttare via mettere in ordine misurare/provare indumenti alzare per es. il volume respingere, abbassare per es. il volume esaurire/finire/usare fino in fondo svegliare risolvere
Appendici 497
C Phrasal verbs + particella + complemento oggetto (non separabile) ➔ Vedi unità 108 Questi phrasal verbs sono transitivi (reggono un complemento oggetto) ma il complemento va sempre dopo la particella. deal with
avere a che fare con, gestire
look into
do without
fare a meno di
run/go after
get over
run/bump into
incontrare per caso
look after
badare a/prendersi cura di
9 It supplementare ➔ Vedi unità 140 Ecco un elenco di espressioni che usano it come soggetto impersonale + be + sostantivo/aggettivo seguito da una frase: it is/was a miracle (that)
è (stato) un miracolo (che)
it is/was a shame/pity (that) è (stato) un peccato (che)
it is/was clear/obvious (that)
è/era ovvio/chiaro (che)
it is/was important (that)
è/era importante (che)
it is/was my fault (that)
è (stata) colpa mia (che/se) it is/was essential (that)
è/era essenziale (che)
it is/was no wonder (that)
non c’è da meravigliarsi (se) it is/was good (that)
è (stato) bello/un bene (che)
it is/was (un)likely (that)
è/era (im)probabile (che)
it is/was (not) surprising (that) (non) c’è/era da sorprendersi (se)
it is/was (not) true (that)
(non) è/era vero (che)
it is/was time(that)
è/era ora (che)
Ecco un elenco di espressioni che usano it come soggetto impersonale + be + sostantivo/aggettivo seguito dall’infinito: it is/was a good idea to
è (stata) una buona idea
it is/was essential to
è/era essenziale
it is/was a mistake to
è (stato) un errore
it is/was good to
è (stato) bello/un bene
it is/was a (good) opportunity to
è/era una (buona) occasione
it is/was illegal/against the law to
è/era illegale/contro la legge
it is/was a pleasure to
è (stato) un piacere
it is/was important to
è/era importante
it is/was a shame/pity to
è (stato) un peccato
it is/was (un)likely to
è/era (im)probabile
it is/was time to
è/era l’ora di
it is/was (im)possible to
è/era (im)possibile
it is/was crazy/stupid to
è (stato) una pazzìa/ stupido
it is/was silly to
è/era una scemenza
it is/was difficult/hard to
è (stato) difficile/duro
it is/was too late/early
è/era troppo presto/tardi
it is/was (not) easy to
(non) è (stato) facile
it is/was better/cheaper/ quicker
è/era meglio/meno costoso/ più veloce
10 False friends I falsi amici (false friends) sono parole inglesi che assomigliano a parole italiane ma hanno significati diversi. Inglese
effettivo, reale, vero
present, current
at present, now
notice, warning
to annoy
disturbare, dar fastidio, infastidire
to bore
seccato, irritato, infastidito
lite, discussione
subject, topic
to arrange
organizzare, combinare
to manage, to get by
498 Appendici
to attend
assistere, frequentare
to wait for, expect
good, clever
macchina fotografica, telecamera
hot, warm
comprehensive esauriente, onnicomprensivo
understanding, inclusive (di prezzi/costi), sympathetic
fiducia, sicurezza di sé
to demand
pretendere, esigere
to ask
good manners
finale, ultimo
alla fine, infine, prima o poi
if necessary, in case
to fail
non riuscire a/mancare di
fallire (di ditta)
to go bankrupt
lezione universitaria
bookshop, bookcase (mobile)
abitante del luogo
premises, room
warehouse, store room
infelice, depresso
wretched, poor
sostenere/fare la manutenzione
to keep
teso, preoccupato
in a bad mood, bad-tempered, irritable
short story
to occur
accadere, verificarsi
to be needed
oil, petroleum
relatives, relations
espressione, locuzione
discorso, conferenza
to pretend
to demand, to claim
to realize
rendersi conto
to fulfil, to carry out
to recover
riprendersi, guarire, recuperare
to admit to hospital, to give shelter to
maleducato, scortese
ragionevole, sensato, di buon senso sensibile
to support
sostenere, mantenere, fare il tifo
to endure, to bear
comprensivo, compassionevole, solidale, partecipe
nice, pleasant, friendly
meraviglioso, fantastico
terrifying, dreadful
Appendici 499
11 Verbi irregolari forma base
participio passato
forma base
participio passato
battere diventare iniziare mordere soffiare rompere portare costruire bruciare comprare acchiappare scegliere venire costare tagliare scavare fare disegnare, tirare
leave lend let lose make mean meet pay put read ring run say see sell send shine show
dreamed/ dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen
drink drive eat fall
dreamed/ dreamt drank drove ate fell
learned/ learnt left lent let lost made meant met paid put read rung run said seen sold sent shone shown/ showed shut
beaten become begun bitten blown broken brought built burnt bought caught chosen come cost cut dug done drawn
learned/ learnt left lent let lost made meant met paid put read rang ran said saw sold sent shone showed
beat become begin bite blow break bring build burn buy catch choose come cost cut dig do draw
beat became began bit blew broke brought built burnt bought caught chose came cost cut dug did drew
bere guidare mangiare cadere
sing sit sleep smell
felt fought
felt fought
find fly forget forgive get
found flew forgot forgave got
spend stand steal sweep swim
sung sat slept smelled/ smelt spoken spelled/ spelt spent stood stolen swept swum
cantare sedersi dormire sentire (odore), odorare
feel fight
sang sat slept smelled/ smelt spoke spelled/ spelt spent stood stole swept swam
give go grow have hear hide
gave went grew had heard hid
take teach tear tell think throw
took taught tore told thought threw
taken taught torn told thought thrown
prendere insegnare strappare dire pensare lanciare
hit hold
hit held
hurt keep know
hurt kept knew
500 Appendici
sentirsi, percepire combattere, litigare found trovare flown volare forgotten dimenticare forgiven perdonare got ottenere, prendere, arrivare given dare gone, been andare grown crescere, coltivare had avere heard sentire (udire) hidden nascondere, nascondersi hit colpire held reggere/tenere in mano hurt far male, farsi male kept tenere, mantenere known conoscere, sapere
speak spell
lasciare, partire prestare permettere, consentire perdere fare voler dire, significare incontrare pagare mettere leggere squillare correre dire vedere vendere mandare splendere far vedere chiudere
parlare compitare, scandire spendere alzarsi, essere in piedi rubare spazzare nuotare
understand understood understood capire wake woke woken svegliare wear win write
wore won wrote
worn won written
indossare vincere scrivere
Indice analitico L’indice analitico si riferisce ai punti grammaticali presentati nelle unità 1-144 (pp.10-385). I numeri indicati si riferiscono alle unità, non alle pagine. Abbreviazioni: sb = somebody, sth. = something.
A a bit avverbio di quantità 122 con il comparativo 117 a few 92 a few times 19 a (friend) of mine 96 a little 92 aggettivi graduabili 113 avverbio di quantità 122 con il comparativo 117 a lot a lot of/lots of/loads of 92 avverbio di quantità 122 con il comparativo 117 a/an 87 sostantivi numerabili 84 usi particolari 88 abilità 39 able vedi be able to above, preposizione di luogo 100 absolutely, aggettivi non graduabili 113 enfasi 138 accept, strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is accepted) 37 accommodation, non numerabile in inglese 84 accuse … of, verbi dichiarativi 79 across, preposizione di moto 101 actually, per contraddire 137 additionally, aggiunta di informazioni 131 admit + forma in -ing (admit doing) 58 verbi dichiarativi 79 advice, non numerabile in inglese 84 advise + complemento oggetto + infinito (advise sb to do sth.) 61 verbi dichiarativi 79 afford, + infinito (afford to do sth.) 59 afraid, aggettivo + preposizione (afraid of ) 106 so/not 134 after congiunzione di tempo 32 espressione di sequenza 130
after all, per dare sostegno a un’affermazione 137 after that, espressione di sequenza 130 afterwards, espressione di sequenza 130 aggettivi 110–114 + enough (hot enough) 115 + for/of + complemento + infinito (important for you to be/kind of him to help) 65 + infinito (ready to leave) 65 + preposizione (interested in) 106 + preposizione + forma in -ing (fed up with waiting) 62, 106 + to/of (qualcuno) 106 che si usano solo dopo un verbo 110 che terminano in -ed e -ing (bored, boring) 111 comparativo di maggioranza (more famous) 117 comparativo di minoranza (less expensive) 117 derivati da sostantivi e verbi 114 get + aggettivo (get hungry) 110 graduabili e non graduabili 113 sostantivi usati per classificazioni 112 ordine degli aggettivi 112 so + aggettivo (so bad) 116 such + aggettivo + sostantivo (such a bad film) 116 superlativo relativo di maggioranza (the most famous) 118 superlativo relativo di minoranza (the least popular) 118 too + aggettivo (too expensive) 115 aggettivi possessivi 96 aggiunta di informazioni, coesione 131 agree + infinito (agree to do) 59 verbi dichiarativi 79 aim, + infinito (aim to do) 59 all 93 + periodo di tempo (all my life) 20
all in all, per focalizzare e riassumere 137 allege, strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is alleged) 37 allow, + complemento oggetto + infinito (allow sb to do) 61 allowed vedi be allowed to along, preposizione di moto 101 already avverbio di tempo relativo 123 con il past perfect 24 con il present perfect 18 also, aggiunta di informazioni 131 although, per esprimere contrasto 132 always, avverbio di frequenza 121 con il past perfect 24 con il present perfect 20 con l’imperativo 9 am 1 and, aggiunta di informazioni 131 angry, aggettivo + preposizione (angry with sb for sth.)/(angry about sth.) 106 annoyed, aggettivo + preposizione (annoyed with sb for sth.)/ (annoyed about sth.) 106 anticipazione, coesione 136, 141 antipatie, verbi che esprimono 58 any 90 + sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili 2, 90 one 99 sostituzione 134 anybody/anyone/anything/ anywhere 90, 91 anyway, coesione 137 apologize for, verbi dichiarativi 79 appear, + infinito (appear to be) 59 are 1 aren’t I? 55 around, preposizione di moto 101 arrange, + infinito (arrange to meet) 59 articoli 87 the per generalizzare 89 usi particolari 88 zero article 88, 89 as, per esprimere causa 133 as … as, e than 117 as a consequence, per esprimere conseguenza 133
Indice analitico OUP copyright 2015
as a result, per esprimere conseguenza 133 as a result of, per esprimere causa 133 as soon as, congiunzione di tempo 32 as well, aggiunta di informazioni 131 as well as, + sostantivo/forma in -ing 131 ashamed, aggettivo + preposizione (ashamed of) 106 ask + infinito (ask to leave) 59 parola interrogativa + infinito (ask sb how to do) 66 verbi dichiarativi 79 assume, strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is assumed) 37 so/not 134 assure, verbi dichiarativi 79 at preposizione di luogo 100 preposizione di tempo 102 at all 91 enfasi 138 at first, espressione di sequenza 130 at no time, inversione 142 at the end 103 attempt, + infinito (attempt to do) 59 auguri, 9 con have 69 ausiliari vedi be; do; have; verbi modali avoid, + forma in -ing (avoid doing) 58 avverbi coesione 136 con too e enough 115 comparativi 119 di frequenza 3, 121 di luogo 120 di modo 119 di quantità 122 di tempo 120 di tempo relativo 123 so + avverbio 116 superlativi 119 avvisi 9 award, sth. to sb 76
B bad aggettivo + preposizione (bad at) 106 aggettivi graduabili e non graduabili 113 502
Indice analitico
baggage, non numerabile in inglese 84 basically, per focalizzare e riassumere 137 be + forma in -ing 6 + infinito 26 + participio passato 34, 35 forma interrogativa 1, 50 past continuous 15 past simple 11 present continuous 6, 7 present simple 1 be able to abilità 39 permessi e divieti 41 possibilità 40 be about, + infinito (is about to begin) 26 be allowed to 41 be going to e will 30 o present continuous 27, 28 passivo 35 per il futuro 28 be unable to impossibilità 40 be used to, + forma in -ing/ sostantivo 64 because (of), per esprimere causa 133 bed, espressione senza articolo 89 been, e gone 18 before congiunzione di tempo 32 espressione di sequenza 130 before that, espressione di sequenza 130 beforehand, espressione di sequenza 130 beg + complemento oggetto + infinito (beg sb to do sth.) 61 verbi dichiarativi 79 begin, + forma in -ing o infinito (begin doing/to do) 60 behave oneself 97 behind, preposizione di luogo 100 believe non usato al present continuous 6 so 57 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is believed) 37 below, preposizione di luogo 100 besides, per introdurre un punto a supporto di una decisione 131
between, preposizione di luogo 100 between … and, preposizione di tempo 102 big, aggettivi graduabili e non graduabili 113 blame oneself 97 book, sth for sb 76 bored, aggettivo + preposizione (bored with) 106 born 11, 34 both, either e neither 94 bound to, gradi di certezza 46 bribe, + complemento oggetto + infinito (bribe sb to do sth.) 61 brilliant, aggettivo + preposizione (brilliant at) 106 bring, sth. to sb 76 e take 72 burn (oneself) 97 but, per esprimere contrasto 132 buy, sth. for sb 76 by + forma in -ing 62 con il future continuous 31 con il future perfect 31 con il passivo 34 preposizione di luogo 100 preposizione di tempo 102 by far 118 enfasi 138 by the time, congiunzione di tempo 31, 32 by the way, per cambiare argomento 137
C cambiamento dei tempi, discorso indiretto 77, 78 can con i verbi di percezione 8 can, could e be allowed to, permessi e divieti 41 can, could e be able to abilità 39 possibilità 40 can’t e must 45 espressioni con can’t 49, 58 can(’t) afford, + infinito (can afford to go) 59 can’t imagine, + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (can’t imagine doing) 61 can’t stand, + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (can’t stand doing) 61
can’t wait, + infinito (can’t wait to go) 59 carry, e take 72 on, + forma in -ing (carry on doing) 58 causa, coesione 133 cause, + complemento oggetto + infinito (cause sb to do) 61 certain that, certain to, gradi di certezza 46 certezza 45, 46 challenge, + complemento oggetto + infinito (challenge sb to do sth.) 61 choose + complemento oggetto + infinito (choose sb to do sth.) 61 + infinito (choose to do) 59 + parola interrogativa + infinito (choose what to do) 66 sth. for sb 76 church, espressione senza articolo 89 claim + infinito (claim to do) 59 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is claimed) 37 verbi dichiarativi 79 coesione aggiunta di informazioni 131 avverbi 136 collegamenti tra frasi 137 contrasto 132 ellissi e sostituzione 134 pronomi 136 risposte brevi ad affermazioni 135 scopo, causa e conseguenza 133 sequenza 130 sinonimi 136 college, espressione senza articolo 89 come, e go 73 comparativo di aggettivi 117 di avverbi 119 complain, verbi dichiarativi 79 complemento, anticipazione della frase 141 complete, enfasi 138 completely, aggettivi non graduabili 113 comportamento tipico con can/could 40 con will/would 47 confirm, verbi dichiarativi 79 congiunzioni di tempo
con il present simple in frasi al futuro 32 congratulate … on, verbi dichiarativi 79 collegamenti tra frasi, coesione 137 conditional vedi periodo ipotetico conseguenza, coesione 133 consequently, per esprimere conseguenza 133 consider + forma in -ing (consider doing) 58 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is considered) 37 consigli if I were you 81 imperativo 9 should, ought to, must e had better 48 contrasto, coesione 133 continue + forma in -ing (continue doing) 58 + forma in -ing o infinito (continue doing/to do) 60 convince, verbi dichiarativi 79 cook, sth. for sb 76 could abilità 39 possibilità 40 certezza e deduzione 45 permessi e divieti 41 couldn’t, espressioni con couldn’t 49, 58 covered, aggettivo + preposizione (covered in) 106 crazy, + infinito (crazy to do) 65 cut (oneself) 97
D dare, + complemento oggetto + infinito (dare sb to do sth.) 61 dead, enfasi 138 decide + infinito (decide to do) 59 + parola interrogativa + infinito (decide what to wear) 66 decisioni spontanee 29, 30 deduzione 45 definitely, gradi di certezza 46 delay, + forma in -ing (delay doing) 58 demand + infinito (demand to see) 59 verbi dichiarativi 79 deny + forma in -ing (deny doing) 58
verbi dichiarativi 79 deserve, + infinito (deserve to do) 59 despite, per esprimere contrasto 132 did, enfasi 12, 13, 14, 138 different, aggettivo + preposizione (different from) 106 difficult, + infinito (difficult to do) 65 disappointed, aggettivo + preposizione (disappointed in/ with) 106 discorso indiretto 77 domande 78 verbi dichiarativi 79 discover, + parola interrogativa + infinito (discover how to do) 66 discuss, + parola interrogativa + infinito (discuss what to do) 66 dislike, + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (dislike sb doing sth.) 61 divieti 41, 43 do enfasi 3, 138 forma interrogativa 50 o make 70 sostituzione 134 significati e usi 71 do you mind? + if per permessi 42 + forma in -ing per richieste 42 do you think?, per chiedere un’opinione 54 do you want (me to)?, per offerte 42 domande any o some 90 brevi per esprimere interesse 135 discorso indiretto 78 indirette 54, 78 negative 51, 52 sul soggetto 51 domande-eco 56 don’t believe/expect/imagine/ think so 134 don’t bother, + forma in -ing (don’t bother doing) 58 don’t have to 43 e mustn’t 43 don’t mind, + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (don’t mind sb doing) 61 don’t need to 44 don’t think, gradi di certezza 46 doppia negazione 4, 91
Indice analitico
doppio complemento 36 verbi 76 doubt, gradi di certezza 46 down, preposizione di moto 101 dread, + forma in -ing (dread doing) 58 dress oneself 97 due to 33 per esprimere causa 133
E each 93 each other 97 easily, enfasi 138 easy, + infinito (easy to do) 65 either, neither e both 94 either one 99 ellissi, coesione 134 email, sth. to sb 76 enable, + complemento oggetto + infinito (enable sb to do sth.) 61 encourage + complemento oggetto + infinito (encourage sb to do sth.) 61 verbi dichiarativi 79 enfasi 138 at all 91 can/could + always 40 cannot/could not 39 future perfect continuous 31 if only 82, 83 imperativo 9 must not 43 passivo 34 past continuous 15 past perfect 24 past perfect continuous 25 past simple 12, 13, 14 present continuous 6, 7 present perfect continuous 22, 23 present simple 1, 3 will 29 engaged, aggettivo + preposizione (engaged to sb) 106 enjoy + forma in -ing (enjoy doing) 58 oneself 97 enough, e too 115 enthusiastic, aggettivo + preposizione (enthusiastic about) 106 equal/equivalent, aggettivo + preposizione (equal/equivalent to) 106 espressioni, + forma in -ing 63 con verbi modali 49 504
Indice analitico
di frequenza 3, 121 di luogo 120 di tempo 120 di tempo non concluso con il present perfect 18 espressioni avverbiali anticipazione della frase 141 negative, inversione 142 even, enfasi 138 even though, per esprimere contrasto 132 ever con comparativo + than (closer than ever) 124 con il present perfect 19 con superlativo (the best party ever) 124 con the first, last ecc. 124 don’t ever 9 e -ever 124 e never 4 ever since 124 every 93 every day/every two months ecc., espressione di frequenza 121 everybody, everyone, everything ed everywhere 93 excellent, aggettivo + preposizione (excellent at) 106 excited, aggettivo + preposizione (excited about) 106 expect + complemento oggetto + infinito (expect sb to do sth.) 61 + infinito (expect to do) 59 gradi di certezza 46 so 57, 134 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is expected) 37 explain + parola interrogativa + infinito (explain how to do) 66 verbi dichiarativi 79 extremely, avverbio di quantità 122 aggettivi graduabili 113
F fail, + infinito (fail to do) 59 fairly, avverbio di quantità 122 famous, aggettivo + preposizione (famous for) 106 fancy, + forma in -ing (fancy doing) 58 far, enfasi 138 con il comparativo 117 fax, sth. to sb 76
fear, strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is feared) 37 fed up, aggettivo + preposizione (fed up with) 106 feed, sth. to sb 76 feel like, + forma in -ing (feel like doing) 58 fetch, sth. for sb 76 e take 72 few, e little 92 fewer, e less e more 92 finally, espressione di sequenza 130 find + complemento oggetto + infinito (find sb to do sth.) 61 sth. for sb 76 find out, + parola interrogativa + infinito (find out how to do) 66 finish, + forma in -ing (finish doing) 58 first/firstly, espressione di sequenza 130 first/second time ecc., + present perfect 19 for + forma in -ing 62, 133 + sostantivo 67 con il present perfect 20 con too e enough 115 per esprimere scopo 133 preposizione di tempo 102 force, + complemento oggetto + infinito (force sb to do sth.) 61 forget + infinito (forget to do) 59 + parola interrogativa + infinito (forget how to do) 66 forma in -ing frasi con la forma in -ing, motivo, risultato e condizione 129 frasi con la forma in -ing, tempo e sequenza 129 in sostituzione di pronome relativo + present simple 127 regole ortografiche per la forma in -ing 6 forma interrogativa be 1 con espressioni di sequenza 130 need 44 past simple 14 present continuous 7 present simple 4 present simple e past simple 50 vedi anche i singoli tempi verbali, i modali e le altre strutture verbali
forma negativa be 1 con espressioni di sequenza 130 past simple 13 present continuous 6 present simple 3 vedi anche i singoli tempi verbali, i modalie le altre strutture verbali forme interrogative 50 frasi al futuro (I’ll phone you when I get there.) 32 frasi con il participio passato 129 frasi relative determinative 125 esplicative 128 esplicative ridotte 128 ridotte 127 frasi scisse 139 free, + infinito (free to do) 65 frequently, avverbio di frequenza 121 frequenza avverbi 3, 17, 121 espressioni 3, 8,121 frightened, aggettivo + preposizione (frightened of) 106 from preposizione di moto 101 preposizione di tempo 102 from … to/until, preposizione di tempo 102 from start to finish, enfasi 138 from time to time, espressione di frequenza 121 full, aggettivo + preposizione (full of) 106 furious, aggettivo + preposizione (furious with sb for sth.)/(furious about sth.) 106 furniture, non numerabile in inglese 84 furthermore, aggiunta di informazioni 131 future continuous 31 future perfect 31 continuous 31 futuro vedi be going to; frasi al futuro; future continuous; future perfect; present simple; present continuous; shall; will
G generally, avverbio di frequenza 121 genitivo sassone 86
get + aggettivo (get hungry) 110 al passivo 34 significati e usi 67, 68 get in/into 101 get off 101 get on/onto 101 get out of 101 get something done 38 get, sb sth. for + occasione/evento 76 get used to, + forma in -ing/ sostantivo 64 give, sth to sb 76 give up, + forma in -ing (give up doing) 58 go, significati e usi 73 going to vedi be going to gone, e been 18 good aggettivo + preposizione (good at) 106 aggettivi graduabili e non graduabili 113 guess gradi di certezza 46 so/not 57, 134 gusti personali, verbi che esprimono 58
H had better 48 had I/we 82 had enough (of) 115 hair, non numerabile in inglese 84 hand, sth. to sb 76 hard, + infinito (hard to do) 65 e hardly 119 hardly ever, avverbio di frequenza 121 inversione 142 hate + forma in -ing o infinito (hate doing/to do) 60 + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (hate sb doing) 61 have ausiliare del present perfect 18, 19 ausiliare del present perfect continuous 22 con can/could per chiedere cose/oggetti 42 o have got 5 significati e usi 69 have difficulty, + forma in -ing 63 have a go/guess/look/taste 69 have got 5, 50
have something done 38 have (got) to 43, 45 having, + participio passato (having done) 129 he 95, 97 hear, + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (hear sb singing) 61 help + complemento oggetto + forma base (help sb do sth.) 61 + complemento oggetto + infinito (help sb to do sth.) 61 + infinito (help to do) 59 oneself 97 her 95, 96 here, anticipazione 141 hers 96 herself 97 him 95 himself 97 his 96 hit (oneself) 97 homework, non numerabile in inglese 84 hope + infinito (hope to do sth.) 59 so/not 57, 134 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is hoped) 37 hospital, espressione senza articolo 89 how? 50 how’s/are/was/were … ? 53 how big/far/high/long/old/tall? 50 how long does it take? 72 how long?, + present perfect (how long have you done…?) 20 how many times a day/month/ week/year? 121 how many? 50, 51, 92 how much? 50, 92 how often? 50, 121 however, per esprimere contrasto 132 hurt (oneself) 97
I I 95, 97 identificarsi, it’s/this is 95, 98 I’d prefer not/rather not 74 I like/love/don’t mind/hate it when … 140 I’m not sure, + parola interrogativa + infinito 66 I (don’t) think I’ll 29 I don’t know/I’ve no idea/I haven’t got a clue 57 + parola interrogativa + infinito 66 Indice analitico
if in domande indirette 54 omissione 82 periodo ipotetico di primo tipo 80 periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo 81 periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo 82 periodo ipotetico di tipo zero 80 periodo ipotetico imperativo 80 if ever 124 if I was/were 81 if only 83 periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo 82 if possible/if that’s OK/if you don’t mind 74 if so 134 imagine + forma in -ing (imagine doing) 58 gradi di certezza 46 imperativo (turn left/don’t touch) 9 discorso indiretto 77, 78 periodo ipotetico 80 impossible, + infinito (impossible to do) 65 in preposizione di luogo 100 preposizione di tempo 102 in addition, aggiunta di informazioni 131 in a word, per focalizzare e riassumere 137 in case, per esprimere scopo 133 in the end, espressione di sequenza 130 in front of, preposizione di luogo 100 in general, per focalizzare e riassumere 137 in order to, per esprimere scopo 133 in spite of, per esprimere contrasto 132 in that case, per esprimere conseguenza 133 in the end 103 in the way 103 in time 103 incredibly, avverbio di quantità 122
Indice analitico
infinito aggettivi e sostantivi + infinito (ready to leave/time to go) 65 con too e enough 115 di scopo 67, 133 forma continua 37, 59 parola interrogativa + infinito (what to say) 66 passato 37, 59 inform, verbi dichiarativi 79 information, non numerabile in inglese 84 injure (oneself) 97 inside, preposizione di luogo 100 insist on, verbi dichiarativi 79 inspire, + complemento oggetto + infinito (inspire sb to do sth.) 61 intend, + infinito (intend to do) 59 intending to 33 intenzioni, be going to 27, 28 interested, aggettivo + preposizione (interested in) 106 interesting, + infinito (interesting to do) 65 into, preposizione di moto 101 intonazione per esprimere interesse con domande brevi 135 question tags 55 domande-eco 56 introduce oneself 97 inversione, dopo espressioni avverbiali negative 142 invite + complemento oggetto + infinito (invite sb to do sth.) 61 verbi dichiarativi 79 inviti 9 involve, + forma in -ing (involve doing) 58 is 1 istruzioni 9 it 95, 97 + verbo + complemento 140 + verbo passivo + that (it is believed that) 37 o one 99 supplementare 140 it, + verbo + complemento (it annoys me/it depends on the weather) 140 it’s, per identificarsi 95 it’s five o’clock/ten kilometers/ raining 140 it’s … since …, + past simple 21 it’s/it was, + sostantivo/aggettivo + (that) + soggetto + verbo 140
it’s/it was, + sostantivo/aggettivo + infinito 140 it’s no good/use, + forma in -ing 63 it’s (not) worth, + forma in -ing 63 it’s/(un)likely/possible/probable that, gradi di certezza 46 it’s a waste of money/time, + forma in -ing 63 its e it’s 96 itself 97
J just avverbio di tempo relativo 123 con a few/a little 92 con be about to 26 con il past perfect 24 con il present perfect 18 enfasi 138
K keen, aggettivo + preposizione (keen on) 106 keep (on) + forma in -ing (keep on doing) 58 + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (keep sb waiting) 61, 129 know + parola interrogativa + infinito (know what to do) 66 non usato al present continuous 6 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is known) 37
L lasagna, non numerabile in inglese 84 lastly, espressione di sequenza 130 learn + infinito (learn to do) 59 + parola interrogativa + infinito (learn how to do) 66 least, con il superlativo relativo 118, 119 leave, sth. for/to sb 76 + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (leave sb doing sth.) 129 + complemento oggetto + infinito (leave sb to do sth.) 61 lend, sth. to sb 76 less con il comparativo 117, 119
e more e fewer 92 let, + complemento oggetto + forma base (let sb do) 61 let me, offerte 42 let’s go, shall we? 55 like + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (like sb doing sth.) 61 + forma in -ing o infinito (like doing/to do ) 60 look like 53 non usato al present continuous 6 what is …like? 53 likely to, gradi di certezza 46 little e few 92 inversione 142 loads of 92 look forward to, + forma in -ing 58, 63 lots of 92 lots of times 19 luckily, anticipazione 141
M make + complemento oggetto + aggettivo (make sb angry) 70 + complemento oggetto + forma base (make sb do sth.) 61, 70 o do 70 significati e usi 70 sth. for sb 76 make up your mind, + parola interrogativa + infinito 66 manage, + infinito (manage to do) 59 + infinito, abilità nel passato 39 many 92 how many 50, 51, 92 married, aggettivo + preposizione (married to) 106 may certezza e deduzione 45 espressioni con may 49 may I?, per richieste 42 maybe, gradi di certezza 46 me 95 me neither 135 me too 135 meant to 33 mention + forma in -ing (mention doing) 58
verbi dichiarativi 79 might certezza e deduzione 45 espressioni con might 49 mind + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (mind sb doing sth.) 61 + forma in -ing (mind doing) 58 mine 96 miss, + forma in -ing (miss doing) 58 modali vedi verbi modali money, non numerabile in inglese 84 more e fewer e less 92 con il comparativo 117, 119 moreover, aggiunta di informazioni 131 most 93 con il superlativo relativo 118, 119 much 92 con il comparativo 117 enfasi 138 how much 50, 92 music, non numerabile in inglese 84 must 48 e can’t 45 e mustn’t 43 espressioni con must 49 mustn’t, e don’t have to 43 my 96 myself 97
N near (to), preposizione di luogo 100 necessità 44 need 44 + complemento oggetto + infinito (need sb to do sth.) 61 + forma in -ing 44 + infinito (need to do) 59 needn’t, e needn’t have 44 negozi 86 neither, either e both 94 per esprimere accordo 135 nervous, aggettivo + preposizione (nervous about) 106 never avverbio di frequenza 121 con il past perfect 24 con il present perfect 19, 20 con l’imperativo 9 e ever 4
inversione 142 never again/before, inversione 142 nevertheless, per esprimere contrasto 132 news, non numerabile in inglese 84 next, espressione di sequenza 130 next to, preposizione di luogo 100 no, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere ecc. 91 no one 91 no sooner … than, inversione 142 none 91 nor, per esprimere accordo 135 normally, avverbio di frequenza 121 not a/not before/not for/not only … but/not until, inversione 142 not bad, aggettivo + preposizione (not bad at) 106 not very/not very much, avverbi di quantità 122 nothing 91 notice, + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (notice sb doing sth.) 61 now, anticipazione 141 nowhere 91
O obbligo 43 occasionally, avverbio di frequenza 121 off, preposizione di moto 101 offer, sth. to sb 76 + infinito (offer to do) 59 verbi dichiarativi 79 offerte 9, 29, 42, 69 some, something 90 omissione del pronome relativo 125, 126 di if 82 di pronomi, sostantivi e verbi, ellissi 134 often, avverbio di frequenza 121 OK, aggettivo + preposizione (OK at) 106 on preposizione di luogo 100 preposizione di tempo 102 on the contrary, per contraddire 137 on Tuesdays ecc., espressione di frequenza 121 on no account, inversione 142 on the way 103 on time 103 on top of, preposizione di luogo 100 Indice analitico
on top of that, per sottolineare un ultimo punto 131 on the whole anticipazione 141 per focalizzare e riassumere 137 once 19 once a week ecc., espressione di frequenza 121 -one/-body, question tags 55 one e ones 99 o a/an 87 one/ones, sostituzione 134 one of my (friends) 96 only, con a few e a little 92 only after/by//if/when, inversione 142 onto, preposizione di moto 101 opposite, preposizione di luogo 100 orari, present simple 26, 27 order + complemento oggetto + infinito (order sb to do sth.) 61 sth. for sb 76 verbi dichiarativi 79 ordine della subordinata, periodo ipotetico 80, 81, 82 ordine delle parole discorso indiretto 78 in domande con how 50 in domande indirette 54 ordini 9 ought to 48 our 96 ours 96 ourselves 97 out of, preposizione di moto 101 outside, preposizione di luogo 100 over preposizione di luogo 100 preposizione di moto 101 owe, sth. to sb 76 owing to, per esprimere causa 133
P parole interrogative 50 + infinito (I don’t know what to say.) 66 in domande indirette 54 participio passato have/get something done 38 having + participio passato (having done) 129 nel passato di verbi modali 45, 48 nel passivo 34, 35 nel past perfect 24 nel present perfect 18 508
Indice analitico
partitivi 85 pass, sth. to sb 76 passato verbi modali 45 vedi past continuous; participio passato; past perfect; past simple passivo 34, 35 be allowed to 41 con get 34 doppio complemento 36 forma interrogativa 50 present simple e past simple 34 verbi modali 35 soggetto impersonale 36 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi 37 verbi con doppio complemento 36 past, preposizione di moto 101 past continuous 15 e past simple 16 dopo wish 83 passivo 35 past perfect 24 continuous 25 dopo wish 83 e past simple 24 passivo 35 past simple be 11 dopo wish 83 e past continuous 16 e past perfect 24 e present perfect 21 forma affermativa 12 forma interrogativa 14 forma negativa 13 passivo 34, 35 regole ortografiche per il past simple dei verbi regolari 12 risposte brevi 14 pay, sth. to sb 76 for oneself 97 people, come soggetto impersonale 36 perhaps, gradi di certezza 46 periodo ipotetico di primo tipo 80 di secondo tipo 81 di terzo tipo 82 di tipo zero 80 imperativo 80 periodi ipotetici misti 82 permessi 41 persuade + complemento oggetto + infinito (persuade sb to do sth.) 61
verbi dichiarativi 79 phrasal verbs 108, 109 pick, sth. for sb 76 plan, + infinito (plan to do) 59 plurali 85 positive that, gradi di certezza 46 possess, non usato al present continuous 6 possessivi ’s e the … of 86 a (friend) of mine/one of my (friends) 96 aggettivi e pronomi 96 possibilità 40 possible, + infinito (possible to do) 65 possibly, gradi di certezza 46 post, sth. to sb 76 postpone, + forma in -ing (postpone doing) 58 practise, + forma in -ing (practise doing) 58 predict, verbi dichiarativi 79 prefer 74 preferenze 74 prefissi 143 negativi 114 prepare, + infinito (prepare to do) 59 preposizioni + forma in -ing 62 + sostantivo (on television) 103 aggettivo + preposizione (full of) 106 in domande con parola interrogativa 1, 4, 7, 11 14, 15 in frasi relative 126 luogo 100 moto 101 sostantivo + preposizione (reason for) 107 tempo 102 verbo + complemento oggetto + preposizione (accuse sb) 105 verbo + oggetto + preposizione + forma in -ing (accuse sb of doing) 105 verbo + preposizione (think of) 104 present continuous con avverbi di tempo 6 forma affermativa 6 forma interrogativa 7 forma negativa 6 in frasi al futuro 32 o be going to 27, 28 o present simple 8 passivo 35
per esprimere ripetizione/ irritazione 8 per il futuro 6, 27, 28 risposte brevi 7 uso 6, 8 verbi di stato usati alla forma continuous 10 present perfect attività/azione permanente o temporanea 23 con since e for 20 continuous 22 continuous e present perfect simple 23 e past simple 21 effetti sul presente 18 esperienze di vita 19 in frasi al futuro 32 passivo 35 simple e present perfect continuous 23 present simple be 1 forma affermativa 3 forma interrogativa 4 forma negativa 3 in frasi al futuro 32 o present continuous 8 passivo 34, 35 per il futuro 26 regole ortografiche per he/she/ it 3 risposte brevi 4 uso 3, 8 verbi di stato e verbi dinamici 10 presente vedi present simple; present continuous presume, so/not 134 pretend, + infinito (pretend to do) 59 previsioni be going to 28, 30 will 29, 30 prison, espressione senza articolo 89 probably, gradi di certezza 46 procedure 34 progetti, be going to 27 programmi 26, 27 progress, non numerabile in inglese 84 promemoria 9 promesse 29 promise + infinito (promise to do) 59 verbi dichiarativi 79
pronomi coesione 136 complemento 95 possessivi 96 relativi 125 riflessivi 97 soggetto 95 sostituzione 134 pronuncia di going to 28 di eu, h e u 87 di woman/women 85 proposte vedi suggerimenti 52 proud, aggettivo + preposizione (proud of) 106 put off, + forma in -ing (put off doing) 58
Q question tags 55 quite, avverbio di quantità 122 aggettivi graduabili 113
R rarely avverbio di frequenza 121 inversione 142 rather than 74 read, sth. to sb 76 really avverbio di quantità 122 con aggettivi graduabili e non graduabili 113 enfasi 138 reassure, verbi dichiarativi 79 recently avverbio di tempo relativo 123 con il present perfect 18 recommend + espressione verbale (recommend we do sth.) 75 + forma in -ing (recommend doing) 58, 75 + sostantivo (recommend the spinach calzone) 75 verbi dichiarativi 79 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is recommended) 37 refuse + infinito (refuse to do) 59 verbi dichiarativi 79 regole ortografiche per la forma in -ing 6 per he/she/it 3 per il past simple dei verbi regolari 12 per il plurale dei sostantivi 85
regret, + forma in -ing o infinito (regret doing/to do) 60 remember + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (remember sb doing sth.) 61 + forma in -ing o infinito (remember doing/to do) 60 + parola interrogativa + infinito (remember how to do sth.) 66 e remind 79 remind + complemento oggetto + infinito (remind sb to do sth.) 61 verbi dichiarativi 79 report, strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is reported) 37 research, non numerabile in inglese 84 reserve, sth. for sb 76 responsible, aggettivo + preposizione (responsible for) 106 reveal, verbi dichiarativi 79 richieste 9, 29, 42, 78 some, something 90 risk + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (can’t risk sb doing sth.) 61 + forma in -ing (risk doing) 58 risposte brevi a domande con Who 95 a domande sul soggetto 51 a domande yes/no 57 ad affermazioni 135 composte 1, 4 con be 1 con be about to 26 con have got 5 con il past continuous 15 con il past simple 14 con il present continuous 7 con il present simple 4 per esprimere disaccordo 135 risposte, yes e no 52 round, preposizione di moto 101 rumour, strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is rumoured) 37
S safe, + infinito (safe to do) 65 save, sth. for sb 76 say + parola interrogativa + infinito (say how to do) 66 e tell 77 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is said) 37 Indice analitico
verbi dichiarativi 79 scared, aggettivo + preposizione (scared of) 106 school, espressione senza articolo 89 scratch (oneself) 97 scopo, coesione 133 secondly, espressione di sequenza 130 see + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (see sb doing sth.) 61 + parola interrogativa + infinito (see how to do) 66 I’m going to see 28 seem, + infinito (seem to be) 59 seldom, inversione 142 sell, sth. to sb 76 send, sth. to sb 76 sequenza, coesione 130 shall, per il futuro 29 she 95, 97 short, aggettivo + preposizione (short of) 106 should 48 espressioni con should 49 show someone + parola interrogativa + infinito (show sb how to do) 66 sth. to sb 76 si passivante 36, 37 similar, aggettivo + preposizione (similar to) 106 simpatie, verbi che esprimono 58 simple past vedi past simple simply, enfasi 138 since con il past simple 21 con il present perfect 20 per esprimere causa 133 single, enfasi 138 sinonimi, coesione 135 slightly, avverbio di quantità 122 con il comparativo 117 small, aggettivi graduabili e non graduabili 113 so avverbio di quantità 122 e such 116 enfasi 138 per esprimere accordo 135 per esprimere conseguenza 133 sostituzione 134 think so ecc. 57 so am I, neither did I ecc. 135
Indice analitico
so many/much/few/little, + sostantivo 116 so much, avverbio di quantità 122 so (that), per esprimere scopo 133 so/such, + aggettivi/sostantivi (so bad/such amazing weather) 116 so/such … that (such a nice day that) 116 soggetto impersonale 36, 37, 140 some 90 + sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili 2, 90 sostituzione 134 somebody/someone/something/ somewhere 90 sometimes, avverbio di frequenza 121 soon, avverbio di tempo relativo 123 sorry aggettivo + preposizione (sorry about/for) 106 e excuse me 1 sostantivo + be + infinito 65 + infinito 65 + preposizione 107 + preposizione + forma in -ing (delay in sending) 62 con enough + sostantivo (enough money) 115 con so many /few (so many/few friends) 1116 con so much/little (so much/little money) 1116 con such a lot of (such a lot of money/photos) 116 con too much/many (too much homework/too many cars) 115 sostantivi che terminano in -s 86 con such 116 non numerabili terminanti in -s 85 numerabili e non numerabili 84 plurali irregolari 85 usati per classificazioni 112 sostituzione, coesione 134 spaghetti, non numerabile in inglese 84 spend money/time, + forma in -ing 58, 63 start, + forma in -ing o infinito (start doing/to do) 60 still avverbio di tempo relativo 123 con il present perfect 18
stop + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing (stop sb doing) 61 + forma in -ing (stop doing) 58 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi 37 such, e so 116 suffissi 114, 124, 144 suggerimenti 9, 29, 40, 48, 52 suggest + espressione verbale (suggest we do sth.) 75 + forma in -ing (suggest doing) 58, 75 + sostantivo (suggest Café Baba) 75 verbi dichiarativi 79 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is suggested) 37 superlativo di aggettivi 118 di avverbi 119 suppose, gradi di certezza 46 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is supposed to) 37 supposed to 33 supposizioni 47 sure, aggettivo + preposizione (sure about) 106 sure that, sure to, gradi di certezza 46 suspect, so/not 134
T take significati e usi 72 sth. to sb 76 talk … into, verbi dichiarativi 79 talk about, + parola interrogativa + infinito (talk about what to do) 66 talking of, per cambiare argomento 137 teach + complemento oggetto + (how) + infinito (teach sb how to do) 61 oneself 97 someone + parola interrogativa + infinito (teach sb what to do) 66 sth. to sb 76 tell + complemento oggetto + infinito (tell sb to do) 61 discorso indiretto 77
someone + parola interrogativa + infinito (tell sb where to go) 66 verbi dichiarativi 79 tempi verbali cambiamento dei tempi nel discorso indiretto 77, 78 i tempi passati 11–16; 24–25 i tempi presenti 1–8 i tempi futuri 26–31 il present perfect 18–23 tempo, espressioni 12, 21, 22 tend, + infinito (tend to do) 59 text, sth. to sb 76 than, e as … as 117 con would rather 74 thank … for, verbi dichiarativi 79 that 98 pronome relativo 125 the 87 con il superlativo relativo 118 per generalizzare 89 usi particolari 88 the first/last ecc., + infinito (the last to arrive) 65 the minute/moment/next/second time, congiunzioni di tempo 32 the one 99 the very, enfasi 138 the way, e how 66 their 96 theirs 96 them 95 themselves 97 then espressione di sequenza 130 per esprimere conseguenza 133 there, anticipazione 141 there is/are 2 in frasi relative ridotte 127 there was/were 11 therefore, per esprimere conseguenza 133 there’s no need to 44 there’s no point, + forma in -ing 63 these 98 they 95, 97 come soggetto impersonale 36 -thing, question tags 55 think gradi di certezza 46 I (don’t) think I’ll 29 so 57, 134 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is thought) 37 think about, + parola interrogativa + infinito (think about what to do) 66
this is, per identificarsi 95, 98 this morning, this year, this weekend, these days ecc. 98 this one 99 this, that, these, those 98 this week, con il present perfect 18 though, per esprimere contrasto 132 threaten, verbi dichiarativi 79 threaten, + infinito (threaten to do) 59 through, preposizione di moto 101 throw, sth. to sb 76 to, preposizione di moto 101 to be honest, per sottolineare il proprio pensiero 137 to whom it may concern 126 today, con il present perfect 18 too, e enough 115 aggiunta di informazioni 131 too much/many, + sostantivo 115 total, enfasi 138 totally, aggettivi non graduabili 113 train, + complemento oggetto + infinito (train sb to do sth.) 61 trust, + complemento oggetto + infinito (trust sb to do sth.) 61 try, + forma in -ing o infinito (try doing/to do) 60 try and/try to 60 twice 19 twice a week/a year ecc., espressione di frequenza 121 twice as … as (twice as expensive as that one) 117 typical, aggettivo + preposizione (typical of) 106
U unbelievably, avverbio di quantità 122 under preposizione di luogo 100 preposizione di moto 101 under no circumstances, inversione 142 understand non usato al present continuous 6 strutture passive dei verbi dichiarativi (it is understood) 37 + parola interrogativa + infinito (understand how to do) 66 university, espressione senza articolo 89
unless 80 unlikely to, gradi di certezza 46 until congiunzione di tempo 32 preposizione di tempo 102 up, preposizione di moto 101 upset, aggettivo + preposizione (upset about) 106 urge + complemento oggetto + infinito (urge sb to do sth.) 61 verbi dichiarativi 79 us 95 used to 17 useless, aggettivo + preposizione (useless at) 106 usually, avverbio di frequenza 121 anticipazione 141
V verbi + forma in -ing o infinito 60 ausiliari vedi be; do; have; verbi modali con doppio complemento 36, 76 con significato di stato e dinamico 10 con to o for 76 di percezione 8, 129 di stato 10, 23 di stato usati in tempi continuous 10 dichiarativi 37, 79 dinamici 10 forma interrogativa vedi forme interrogative imperativo 9 irregolari 12 phrasal verbs 108, 109 plurisillabici con doppio complemento (explain the situation to me) 76 regolari 12 verbi modali + have been + participio passato 35 can 39, 40, 41, 42 could 39, 40, 41, 42 forma interrogativa 50 espressioni con verbi modali 49 must 43 must, might, could e can’t 45 need, needed e don’t need to 44 passivo 35 periodo ipotetico 80, 81, 82 should, ought to, must e had better 48 Indice analitico
will 47 would 42, 47 verbo + complemento oggetto + forma in –ing, infinito o forma base 61 + complemento oggetto + preposizione (accuse sb of) 105 + forma in -ing (like doing) 58 + infinito (hope to see) 59 + parola interrogativa + infinito (know what to do) 66 + preposizione (listen to) 104 + preposizione + forma in -ing (insist on paying) 62, 104 vedi anche verbi; verbi modali very aggettivi graduabili 113 avverbio di quantità 122 con few/little 92 very much, avverbio di quantità 122 virgola 32, 80, 81, 82, 112, 120, 128, 132, 133 volunteer, + infinito (volunteer to do) 59
W want + complemento oggetto + infinito (want sb to do sth.) 61 + infinito (want to do) 59 non usato al present continuous 6 warn + complemento oggetto + infinito (warn sb not to do sth.) 61 verbi dichiarativi 79 was/were going to 33 was/were to 33 waste money/time, + forma in -ing 58 we 95, 97 come soggetto impersonale 36 weigh oneself 97 well, coesione 137 well known, aggettivo + preposizione (well known for) 106 what (a), + (aggettivo) sostantivo (what nice people) 116 anticipazione (what big eyes you have) 141 what do/does … look like? 53 what is/are/was/were … like? 53 what?, 50, 51, 53 512
Indice analitico
what colour/kind/sort/time? 50 whatever, whenever ecc. 124 when congiunzione di tempo 32 e while 16 espressione di sequenza 130 pronome relativo 125 when? 50 where e when 125 pronome relativo 125, 128 where? 50 whereas, per esprimere contrasto 132 whether + infinito 66 in domande indirette 54 whether e if, discorso indiretto 78 which, pronome relativo 125, 128 which is where, pronome relativo 128 which one 99 which? 50, 51 while congiunzione di tempo 32 e when 16 espressione di sequenza 130 per esprimere contrasto 132 who e whom 56 o whom 125, 128 pronome relativo 125, 128 who? 50, 51 whole, enfasi 138 whom, pronome relativo 125 whose, pronome relativo 125, 128 whose? 50, 86 why? 50 why don’t we…? 52 will e be going to 30 passivo 35 per il futuro 29 per supposizioni sul presente 47 will/won’t have, + participio passato per supposizioni sul passato 47 wish 83 without + forma in -ing (without knowing) 62 anybody, anything ecc. (without anyone knowing) 62 without doubt, enfasi 138 wonder, + parola interrogativa + infinito (wonder what to do) 66 won’t open/start/work 47
work, non numerabile in inglese 84 work out, + parola interrogativa + infinito (work out what to do) 66 worried, aggettivo + preposizione (worried about) 106 worry about, + parola interrogativa + infinito (worried about how to do) 66 worth, + forma in forma in -ing 63 would azioni abituali nel passato 17, 47 dopo wish 83 futuro nel passato 33 periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo 81 periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo 82 richieste e offerte 42 would like, + infinito (would like to do) 59 would like/love/hate/prefer, + complemento oggetto + infinito (would like sb to do sth.) 61 would prefer; + infinito/sostantivo 74 would rather, + forma base 74 would you like (me to)?, per offerte 42 would you mind? + if per permessi 42 + forma in -ing per richieste 42 would you say?, per chiedere un’opinione 54 write, sth. to sb 76
Y yet avverbio di tempo relativo 123 con il present perfect 18 per esprimere contrasto 132 you 95, 97 come soggetto impersonale 36 your 96 yours 96 yourself, yourselves 97
Z zero article 88, 89
Glossary The words in the glossary refer to the key words from the vocabulary units. Abbreviations: (prep) = preposition (n) = noun (adj) = adjective (pron) = pronoun (n pl) = noun (plural) (adv) = adverb (v) = verb (phr) = phrase (conj) = conjunction (phr v) = phrasal verb (det) = determiner Words marked in blue in this list are from the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) vocabulary list. in this list are from the Oxford3000™ wordlist. These words have been Words marked with a key symbol carefully selected by a group of language experts and experienced teachers because of their importance and usefulness in everyday conversation and writing. For example, words from the list make up about 90% of a normal conversation. If you study these words well, they will help you to understand and communicate in English. You can find the complete Oxford3000™ list and more information at: http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/wordlist/english/oxford3000/ 1 Appearance (1) adult (n) adulto attractive (adj) attraente average (adj) media baby (n) neonato beard (n) barba beautiful (adj) bello black (adj) nero blonde (adj) biondo brown (adj) castano child (n) bambino children (n) bambini colour (n) colore curly (adj) riccio dark (adj) scuro elderly (adj) anziano fat (adj) grasso good-looking (adj) bello grey (adj) grigio have got (v) avere height (n) altezza how long (is) (adv) quanto(è) lungo how much (adv) quanto in (my) twenties (phr) avere tra 20 e 30 anni d’età late (fifties) (adj) tra 57 e 59 anni d’età length (n) lunghezza light (adj) chiaro long (adj) lungo medium-length (adj) di lunghezza media middle-aged (adj) di mezza età moustache (n) baffi 478
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much (det, adv) molto overweight (adj) sovrappeso person (n) persona short (adj) corto/basso slim (adj) magro, snello straight (adj) liscio tall (adj) alto teenager (n) adolescente in (my) teens (n) avere fra 13 e 17 anni d’età thin (adj) magrolino ugly (adj) brutto wavy (adj) ondulato, mosso weigh (v) pesare weight (n) peso young (adj) giovane 2 Appearance (2) appearance (n) aspetto bald (adj) calvo broad shoulders (n) spalle larghe clean-shaven (adj) ben rasato/senza barba, baffi, mosca, pizzo contact lenses (n) lenti a contatto dark-skinned (adj) scuro di pelle expect a baby/child (v) aspettare un bambino eyebrows (n) sopracciglia fattish (adj) grassoccio female (adj) femmina figure (n) fisico/linea
go bald (v) diventare calvo go grey (v) diventare grigio go white (v) diventare bianco hair (n) capelli in bad shape (phr) in pessima forma in good shape (phr) in buona forma lenses (n pl) lenti light-skinned (adj) chiaro di pelle lose your hair (v) perdere i capelli male (adj) maschio neat (adj) ordinato pale-skinned (adj) di colorito pallido plump (adj) grassoccio pregnant (adj) incinta pretty (adj) bello receding (adj) che si stanno diradando rough (adj) ruvido roundish (adj) tondeggiante scar (n) cicatrice sex (n) sesso shape (n) forma shoulder (n) spalla skin (n) pelle skinny (adj) molto magro slender (adj) snello slim (adj) magro, snello smooth (adj) liscio stocky (adj) tarchiato stubble (n) barba di qualche giorno
tallish (adj) abbastanza alto tan (n) abbronzatura tanned (adj) abbronzato tell (v) capire, intuire well built (adj) ben piazzato wrinkles (n pl) rughe youngish (adj) piuttosto giovane 3 Character (1) clever (adj) intelligente complete opposites (n) l’opposto l’uno dell’altro friendly (adj) cordiale, simpatico fun (adj) simpatico, divertente funny (adj) divertente, spiritoso hard-working (adj) che lavora/si impegna molto horrible (adj) molto antipatico intelligent (adj) intelligente kind (adj) gentile laugh (v) ridere lazy (adj) pigro like (prep) come nice (adj) bello, carino, simpatico on my own (phr) per conto mio opposites (n pl) opposti organized (adj) organizzato own (pron) proprio pleasant (adj) piacevole quiet (adj) taciturno really (adv) davvero relaxed (adj) rilassato serious (adj) serio share (v) condividere shy (adj) timido sociable (adj) socievole sporty (adj) sportivo stupid (adj) stupido tidy (adj) ordinato unfriendly (adj) ostile, antipatico untidy (adj) disordinato 4 Character (2) aggression (n) aggressività aggressive (adj) aggressivo ambition (n) ambizione ambitious (adj) ambizioso arrogance (n) arroganza arrogant (adj) arrogante
cheerful (adj) allegro crazy (adj) matto dishonest (adj) disonesto dull (adj) noioso easy-going (adj) alla mano, rilassato energetic (adj) pieno di energia energy (n) energia generosity (n) generosità generous (adj) generoso hard-working (adj) che lavora/si impegna molto honest (adj) onesto honesty (n) onestà humour (n) umorismo impatient (adj) impaziente insecure (adj) insicuro intolerant (adj) intollerante irresponsible (adj) irresponsabile lazy (adj) pigro mad (adj) pazzo mean (adj) tirchio, avaro modest (adj) modesto patience (n) pazienza patient (adj) paziente responsible (adj) responsabile see sb as (v) considerare (qlc) self-confident (adj) sicuro di sé sense of humour (n) senso dell’umorismo stupid (adj) stupido tolerance (n) tolleranza tolerant (adj) tollerante unambitious (adj) non ambizioso 5 Families (1) aunt (n) zia born (v) nato boyfriend (n) fidanzato, ragazzo brother (n) fratello brother-in-law (n) cognato cousin (n) cugino/a dad (n) papà daughter (n) figlia family tree (n) albero genealogico father (n) padre get divorced (v) divorziare get married (v) sposarsi
girlfriend (n) fidanzata, ragazza granddaughter (n) nipote femmina di nonni grandfather (n) nonno grandmother (n) nonna grandson (n) nipote maschio di nonni have got (v) avere how old (adv) che età, quanti anni husband (n) marito married (adj) sposato mother (n) madre mum (n) mamma nephew (n) nipote maschio di zii niece (n) nipote femmina di zii old (adj) vecchio parents (n pl) genitori relative (n) parente sister (n) sorella sister-in-law (n) cognata son (n) figlio (maschio) spend (time) (v) passare (tempo) together (adv) insieme tree (n) albero uncle (n) zio (maschio) wife (n) moglie 6 Families (2) adopt (v) adottare ancestor (n) antenato bring sb up (phr v) allevare, crescere emigrate (v) emigrare foster parent (n) genitori in affidamento generation (n) generazione get divorced/a divorce (v) divorziare half-brother (n) fratellastro (con un genitore in comune) half-sister (n) sorellastra (con un genitore in comune) immigrant (n) immigrante king (n) re look like (phr v) assomigliare member (n) membro only child (n) figlio/a unico/a originally (adv) originariamente Glossary
previous (adj) precedente queen (n) regina related (adj) imparentato relation (n) parentela relative (n) parente royal (n) reale, regale single parent (n) genitore single stepbrother (n) fratellastro (figlio del proprio patrigno/ matrigna) stepdaughter (n) figliastra (figlia del proprio marito/ moglie) stepfather (n) patrigno stepmother (n) matrigna stepsister (n) sorellastra (figlia del proprio patrigno/ matrigna) stepson (n) figliastro (figlio del proprio marito/moglie) support (v) (= help) sostenere, mantenere take after (phr v) assomigliare a un parente più anziano 7 Illness backache (n) mal di schiena bed (n) letto chemist (n) farmacista chemist’s (n) farmacia cold (n) raffreddore cough (n) tosse feel (v) sentirsi flu (n) influenza for a while (phr) per un po’ di tempo go and see (v) andare a farsi visitare GP (general practitioner) (n) medico di famiglia headache (n) mal di testa hurt (v) far male (be/feel) ill (adj) (stare/ sentirsi) male leg (n) gamba lie down (phr v) sdraiarsi matter as in What’s the matter? (n) problema, cosa che non va pain (n) dolore pharmacy (n) farmacia
should (v) dovresti, dovrebbe ecc. (be/feel) sick (adj) stare per vomitare/ vomitare sore (adj) che fa male, dolorante stay in bed (v) restare a letto stomach-ache (n) mal di stomaco temperature (n) temperatura, febbre throat (n) gola toothache (n) mal di denti well (= not ill) (adj) bene 8 Shopping and fashion (1) awful (adj) bruttissimo belt (n) cintura big (adj) grande boots (n pl) stivali can (= be able to) (v) potere cash desk (n) cassa casual (adj) informale changing room (n) camerino cheap (adj) poco costoso comfortable (adj) comodo credit card (n) carta di credito customer (n) cliente expensive (adj) caro, costoso fit (v) essere della misura giusta glasses (n pl) occhiali gloves (n pl) guanti handbag (n) borsa (da donna) hat (n) cappello help (v) aiutare horrible (adj) orribile I’ll leave it/them (phr) Non lo/li prendo jeans (n pl) jeans large (adj) grande little (adj) piccolo long (adj) lungo look (v) essere (di aspetto) loose (adj) largo, abbondante (non attillato) lovely (adj) molto bello medium (= size) (adj) (taglia) media nice (adj) carino pair (n) paio pay (v) pagare purple (adj) viola sandals (n pl) sandali
scarf (n) sciarpa shoe (n) scarpa shop assistant (n) commesso short (adj) corto size (n) taglia skirt (n) gonna small (adj) piccolo smart (adj) elegante (ma non troppo formale) sock (n) calzino sunglasses (n) occhiali da sole take (v) prendere take as in What size do you take? (v) essere (di taglia) tie (n) cravatta tight (adj) stretto/attillato tights (n pl) collant/ calzamaglia too (adv) troppo trainers (n pl) scarpe da tennis/ginnastica/corsa trousers (n pl) pantaloni try on (phr v) provare, misurare umbrella (n) ombrello uncomfortable (adj) scomodo watch (n) orologio da polso wrong (adj) sbagliato 9 Shopping and fashion (2) accessory (n) accessorio elegant (adj) elegante fashionable (adj) di moda figure (n) fisico latest (adj) ultimo match (v) stare bene in abbinamento con neutral (adj) neutro outfit (n) tenuta (di abbigliamento) style (in fashion) (n) stile stylish (adj) stiloso suit (v) stare bene a (qlc) transform (v) trasformare versatile (adj) versatile 10 Money (1) account (n) conto altogether (adv) in tutto bank account (n) conto in banca cash (n) contante change (n) resto
cheque (n) assegno coin (n) moneta cost (v) costare credit card (n) carta di credito debit card (n) bancomat each (det, pron) ciascuno enter (v) inserire, digitare notes (n) banconote number as in PIN number (n) numero PIN (personal identification number) (n) PIN (numero di identificazione personale) put in (phr v) inserire, digitare receipt (n) ricevuta 11 Money (2) amount (n) somma belong (v) appartenere broke (adj) al verde cost a fortune (v) costare un patrimonio debt (n) debito huge (adj) enorme income (n) reddito massive (adj) enorme owe (v) dovere (qualcosa a qualcuno) own (v) possedere value (v) valutare waste of money (n) spreco di soldi wealthy (adj) ricco well off (adj) ricco worth (adj) che vale (+ cifra) 12 The universe analyse (v) analizzare analysis (n) analisi approximately (adv) approssimativamente carry out (phr v) condurre circle (v) ruotare intorno a confirm (v) confermare confirmation (n) conferma discover (v) scoprire discovery (n) scoperta earth (n) terra exist (v) esistere existence (n) esistenza experiment (n) esperimento exploration (n) esplorazione explore (v) esplorare
far-fetched (adj) inverosimile gain (v) ottenere, acquisire in other words (phr) in altre parole invent (v) inventare invention (n) invenzione knowledge (n) conoscenza moon (n) luna planet (n) pianeta reach (v) raggiungere revolve (v) ruotare intorno a rocket (n) razzo, missile roughly (adv) all’incirca satellite (n) satellite science (n) scienza scientific scientifico scientist (n) scienziato solar system (n) sistema solare space (= area round planets) (n) lo spazio star (n) stella sun (n) sole system as in solar system (n) sistema universe (n) universo 13 Weather and climate (1) bit as in a bit, a bit of (n) po’, poco blow (v) soffiare breeze (n) brezza changeable (adj) variabile cloud (n) nuvola cloudy (adj) nuvoloso cold (adj) freddo cool (adj) fresco damp (adj) umido dry (adj) secco, non piovoso fog (n) nebbia foggy (adj) con nebbia, nebbioso freezing (adj) freddissimo, da congelarsi have got (v) avere heavy (adj) pesante hot (adj) caldo humid (adj) umido ice (n) ghiaccio icy (adj) gelato lightning (n) lampo lot as in a lot, a lot of (n) molto pleasant (adj) piacevole rain (n) pioggia
shower (n) acquazzone, scroscio di pioggia snow (n) neve storm (n) temporale sun (n) sole sunny (adj) di sole sunshine (n) sole, di sole thunder (n) tuono wet (adj) piovoso what che cosa wind (n) vento windy (adj) ventoso, con/di vento 14 Weather and climate (2) affect (v) influire su atmosphere (n) atmosfera bitterly cold (adj) freddissimo breeze (n) brezza breezy (adj) con brezza, ventilato chilly (adj) freddino climate (n) clima disappear (v) scomparire disease (n) malattia drizzle (v, n) piovigginare, pioggerella drop (of rain) (n) goccia effect (n) effetto environment (n) ambiente environmentalist (n) ambientalista extreme (adj) estremo fall (v, n) diminuire, diminuzione famine (n) carestia frost (n) gelata frosty (adj) con patina di ghiaccio gale (n) bufera di vento, ventate fortissime gas (= e.g. oxygen) (n) gas global warming (n) riscaldamento globale gradual (adj) graduale gradually (adv) gradatamente harm (n) danno harmful (adj) dannoso heatwave (n) ondata di caldo human (n) umano humid (adj) umido liquid (n) liquido melt (v) sciogliersi, liquefarsi
mild (adj) mite mist (n) foschia misty (adj) con foschia muggy (adj) caldo-umido, appiccicoso pole (n) polo pollute (v) inquinare pollution (n) inquinamento pour (v) piovere a dirotto pouring (adj) (pioggia) scrosciante predict (v) predire predictable (adj) prevedibile rainbow (n) arcobaleno rainforest (n) foresta pluviale rise (v, n) aumentare, aumento soaked (adj) fradicio soaking wet (adj) bagnato fradicio solid (adj) solido spread (v) diffondersi unpredictable (adj) imprevedibile vanish (v) svanire 15 Animals and insects attack (v, n) attaccare, attacco average (adj, n) media beak (n) becco bear (n) orso bee (n) ape bone (n) osso camel (n) cammello creature (n) creatura, essere eagle (n) aquila elephant (n) elefante feathers (n pl) piume, penne fly (n) mosca fur (n) pelliccia gorilla (n) gorilla harm (n) danno harmful (adj) dannoso harmless (adj) innocuo hunt (v) cacciare insect (n) insetto leopard (n) leopardo life expectancy (n) aspettativa di vita lifespan (n) durata della vita lion (n) leone monkey (n) scimmia mosquito (n) zanzara poison (n) veleno
poisonous (adj) velenoso shark (n) squalo snake (n) serpente spider (n) ragno spots (n pl) macchie sting (v, n) pungere, puntura stripe (n) striscia survival (n) sopravvivenza survive (v) sopravvivere tail (n) coda tiger (n) tigre trunk (n) proboscide up to (phr) fino a un massimo di vary (v) variare weigh (v) pesare weight (n) peso whale (n) balena wild (= living in natural conditions) (adj) selvatico, selvaggio wing (n) ala 16 Food apricot (n) albicocca artichoke (n) carciofo asparagus (n) asparagi avocado (n) avocado basil (n) basilico beetroot (n) barbabietola broccoli (n) broccoli calf (n) vitello calf’s liver (n) fegato di vitello carp (n) carpa celery (n) sedano chickpeas (n pl) ceci clam (n) vongola coconut (n) noce di cocco cod (n) merluzzo crab (n) granchio duck (n) anatra fennel (n) finocchio fig (n) fico grapefruit (n) pompelmo herbs (n pl) erbe aromatiche, aromi kidney (n) rene leek (n) porro liver (n) fegato lobster (n) aragosta mint (n) menta mussel (n) cozza oyster (n) ostrica
papaya (n) papaia parsley (n) prezzemolo passion fruit (n) frutto della passione plum (n) susina, prugna pomegranate (n) melagrana rabbit (n) coniglio raspberry (n) lampone rosemary (n) rosmarino salmon (n) salmone sea bass (n) branzino, spigola shell (n) guscio spinach (n) spinaci squid (n) calamaro stone (n) nocciolo sweetcorn (n) granturco, mais thyme (n) timo trout (n) trota veal (n) carne di vitello 17 Transport (1) accident (n) incidente book (v) prenotare bus (n) autobus bus stop (n) fermata dell’autobus carriage (n) vagone catch (v) prendere, acchiappare change (v) cambiare direct (adj) diretto every (det) ogni excuse me (phr) mi scusi fare (n) prezzo del biglietto fast (adj) treno che fa poche fermate get (= arrive) (v) arrivare get (= travel by) (v) prendere get off (v) scendere get on (v) salire how long (adv) quanto tempo in advance (phr) in anticipo journey (n) viaggio, tragitto last (adj) ultimo last stop (n) capolinea leave (of a train) (v) partire long (adj) lungo miss (v) perdere near (prep) vicino a next (of a train) (adj) prossimo next stop (n) prossima fermata
o’clock (adv) (all’ora) precisa the 12 o’clock train (phr) il treno delle 12 order as in out of order (n) servizio outside (prep) fuori da passenger (n) passeggero platform (n) binario queue here (v) fare la fila qui reserve (v) riservare return (n) biglietto di andata e ritorno ring (of a bell) (v) suonare route (n) percorso run (v) passare seat (n) posto a sedere single (= ticket) (n) biglietto di sola andata slow (adj) treno che fa molte fermate stop as in bus stop, last stop (n) fermata take (v) prendere ticket (n) biglietto ticket office (n) biglietteria timetable (n) orario (di arrivi e partenze) train (n) treno wait (v) aspettare 18 Transport (2) business trip (n) viaggio per lavoro cancel (v) cancellare coach (= vehicle) (n) corriera connecting flight (n) coincidenza aerea day return (n) biglietto di andata e ritorno entro 24 ore day trip (n) viaggio di un giorno delayed (adj) in ritardo due (= expected) (adj) atteso end up (v) (andare a) finire, arrivare get held up (v) restare bloccati get in (v) arrivare get stuck (v) restare incastrati/ bloccati heavy traffic (n) traffico intenso held up (adj) bloccato
hire a car (v) noleggiare una macchina was meant to (v) avrebbe dovuto nightmare (n) incubo on my way (phr) mentre andavo on the way (phr) durante il viaggio outskirts (n pl) periferia overnight (adj) per una notte pick up (v) andare a prendere rent (v) noleggiare rush hour (n) ora di punta stop off (v) fare tappa stuck (adj) incastrato/bloccato the outskirts (n pl) la periferia traffic jam (n) ingorgo di traffico trip (n) viaggio breve trouble (n) problemi turn up (v) arrivare, farsi vedere valid (adj) valido warning (n) avvertenza way as in on my/the way (n) viaggio 19 Directions along (prep) lungo, dritto corner (n) angolo excuse me (phr) mi scusi get (v) arrivare go (v) andare just (keep going) (adv) basta (che) keep going (v) continuare (ad andare) dritto kilometres (n pl) chilometri know (v) sapere left (adv, n) sinistra opposite (prep) di fronte (dalla’altra parte della strada) railway station (n) stazione ferroviaria right (adv, n) destra straight as in straight on (adv) dritto take (the first turning) (v) prendere thanks (n) grazie turning (n) svolta way (n) come arrivare
20 Buildings attic (n) mansarda basement (n) (semi-)interrato brick (n) mattone cellar (n) cantina chimney (n) fumaiolo convert (v) convertire corridor (n) corridoio currently (adv) attualmente drive (n) vialetto di accesso al garage o all’ingresso della casa enormous (adj) enorme feature (n) caratteristica hall (n) ingresso, anticamera huge (adj) enorme impressive (adj) imponente lawn (n) prato lead (v) portare a original (adj) originario passage (n) corridoio, andito stretto roof (n) tetto semi-detached (adj) bi-familiare separate (adj) separato shutters (n pl) persiane spacious (adj) ampio, spazioso staircase (n) rampa di scale stone (n) pietra storage (n) spazio per conservare cose non in uso store (v) conservare substantial (adj) grande tiny (adj) piccolissimo wall (n) muro walled (adj) cinto da mura 21 Urban life advantage (n) vantaggio area (n) area, quartiere beg (v) mendicare built-up (adj) altamente edificato convenient (adj) conveniente depressing (adj) deprimente disadvantage (n) svantaggio district (n) quartiere drawback (n) svantaggio filthy (adj) sporchissimi graffiti (n) graffiti growth (n) crescita, aumento handy (adj) comodo
hurry (v, n) affrettarsi, fretta ideal (adj) ideale inner city (n) bassifondi del centro litter (n) spazzatura, rifiuti, cartacce lively (adj) vivace local (adj) negozi indipendenti, non parte di catene multi-storey car park (n) parcheggio multipiano part (n) parte pavement (n) marciapiede pity (n) peccato region (n) regione, area rush (v, n) affrettarsi, sfrecciare; di punta shame (n) peccato space (n) spazio suburb (n) periferia, sobborgo subway (= path under a road/railway) (n) sottopassaggio surrounded by (v) circondato whistle (v) fischiettare wonder (v) chiedersi 22 My town bridge (n) ponte building (n) fabbricato, palazzo castle (n) castello cathedral (n) cattedrale church (n) chiesa city (n) città east (adj, n) est fact (n) fatto historic (adj) storico industrial (adj) industriale interesting (adj) interessante just over (phr) poco più di just under (phr) poco meno di location (n) posizione market (n) mercato medium-sized (adj) di grandezza media mile (n) miglio modern (adj) moderno mosque (n) moschea museum (n) museo north (adj, n) nord north-east (adj, n) nord-est north-west (adj, n) nord-ovest on a river (phr) su un fiume
on the coast (phr) sulla costa over (prep) più di palace (n) reggia, palazzo imponente park (n) parco place (n) posto population (n) popolazione size (n) dimensione south (adj, n) sud south-east (adj, n) sud-est south-west (adj, n) sud-ovest square (n) piazza statue (n) statua temple (n) tempio town (n) cittadina under (prep) meno di village (n) paesino west (adj, n) ovest 23 My home balcony (n) balcone basement (n) (semi-)interrato bathroom (n) bagno bedroom (n) camera da letto block of flats (n) palazzo, palazzina centre as in town centre (n) centro dining room (n) camera da pranzo door (n) porta downstairs (adv) piano di sotto flat (n) appartamento floor (n) piano front door (n) portone garage (n) garage garden (n) giardino ground floor (n) piano terra home (n) abitazione in cui si vive house (n) casa (fabbricato) inside (adv) dentro kitchen (n) cucina lift (n) ascensore living room (n) soggiorno modern (adj) moderno neighbours (n pl) vicini di casa on the first floor (phr) al primo piano outside (adv) fuori park (v) parco parking (n) parcheggio
rubbish (n) spazzatura, rifiuti domestici stairs (n pl) scale steps (n pl) gradini study (n) studio top (n) ultimo, più alto town centre (n) centro città upstairs (adv) al piano di sopra utility room (n) stanzino views (n pl) vedute 24 Objects blanket (n) coperta box (n) scatola bridge (n) ponte candle (n) candela candlestick (n) candeliere cardboard (n) cartone circle (n) cerchio circular (adj) circolare concrete (n) calcestruzzo curved (adj) curvo diagonal (adj) diagonale fence (n) palizzata gold (adj, n) oro horizontal (adj) orizzontale iron (n) ferro ladder (n) scala a pioli letter box (n) cassetta della posta/delle lettere medal (n) medaglia metal (n) metallo oval (adj, n) ovale parallel (adj) parallelo pipe (n) tubo plastic (n) plastica point (= shape) (n) punta pointed (adj) appuntito railings (n pl) ringhiera, inferriata rectangle (n) rettangolo rectangular (adj) rettangolare round (adj) tondo, rotondo rubber (n) gomma shape (n) forma -shaped a forma di silver (n) argento square (adj, n) quadrato steel (n) acciaio straight (adj) dritto toy (n) giocattolo triangle (n) triangolo triangular (adj) triangolare
tyre (n) copertone, pneumatico vertical (adj) verticale wax (n) cera wood (n) legno wooden (adj) di legno wool (n) lana woollen (adj) di lana 25 Festivals approach (v) avvicinarsi beauty contest (n) concorso di bellezza blossom (n) fiore (di albero da frutto) carnival (n) carnevale community (n) comunità (del quartiere o città) contest (n) concorso, gara costume (n) costume dress up (phr v) travestirsi entertainer (n) intrattenittore entertainment (n) intrattenimento festival (n) festival fireworks (n pl) fuochi artificiali have fun (v) divertirsi illuminate (v) illuminare light sth up (phr v) illuminare mean a lot (v) essere importante, significare molto neighbourhood (n) quartiere occasion (n) evento parade (n) parata participate (v) partecipare spectacular (adj) spettacolare striking (adj) eclatante take part in (phr v) partecipare a throw (v) lanciare ton (n) tonnellata wild (n) scatenato 26 Historical events assassinate (v) assassinare assassination (n) assassinio attempt (v, n) tentare, tentativo defeat (v) sconfiggere discover (v) scoprire discovery (n) scoperta establish (v) fondare establishment (n) fondazione
gain (v) ottenere independence (n) indipendenza independent (adj) indipendente invade (v) invadere invasion (n) invasione president (n) presidente prince (n) principe princess (n) principessa release (v, n) rilasciare, rilascio republic (n) repubblica revolution (n) rivoluzione 27 Crime and punishment against the law (phr) illegale, contro la legge assault (v, n) aggredire/ assalire, aggressione attack (v) attacco, aggressione attacker (n) assalitore break into (phr v) entrare scassinando la serratura break the law (v) infrangere la legge burglar (n) ladro di appartamento burglary (n) furto di appartamento commit a crime (v) commettere un delitto crime (n) delitto, crimine criminal (n) criminale go to jail (v) andare in prigione go to prison (v) andare in prigione illegal (adj) illegale jail (n) prigione kill (v) uccidere law (n) legge legal (adj) legale minor (adj) minore mug (v) aggredire (in strada) per rapina mugger (n) rapinatore (di persone) mugging (n) scippo violento murder (v, n) uccidere, omicidio murderer (n) omicida obey the law (v) ubbidire la legge
offence (n) reato offender (n) delinquente, reo prison (n) prigione property (n) beni, proprietà rob (v) rapinare (luoghi, persone) robber (n) rapinatore robbery (n) rapina shoot (v) sparare shoplifter (n) taccheggiatore (che ruba dai negozi) shoplifting (n) taccheggio stab (v) accoltellare steal (v) rubare theft (n) furto thief (n) ladro violence (n) violenza violent (adj) violento 28 Education and exams art (n) arte e immagine badly as in do badly (adv) male best (adj) il migliore biology (n) biologia chemistry (n) chimica college (n) istituto di istruzione successiva alla scuola secondaria continue (at school) (v) continuare design and technology (n) progettazione e tecnologia do (homework) (v) fare do well (v) andare bene exams (n pl) esami fail an exam (v) non passare un esame geography (n) geografia get (v) prendere get a grade (v) prendere un voto (in lettere) go to primary school (v) andare alle elementari good at something (adj) bravo in grade (n) voto (in lettere: A, B, ecc) hard (adv) duro history (n) storia homework (n) compiti a casa
ICT (information communication technology) (n) Tecnologia dell’informazione e della comunicazione IT (information technology) (n) Tecnologia dell’informazione job (n) lavoro, impiego leave school (v) finire/lasciare la scuola lesson (n) lezione literature (n) letteratura mark (n) voto (in cifre) maths (mathematics) (n) matematica modern languages (n) lingue (straniere) music (n) musica nursery school (n) asilo pass an exam (v) passare un esame PE (physical education) (n) educazione fisica physics (n) fisica primary school (n) scuola elementare private school (n) scuola privata pupil (n) alunno RE (religious education) (n) educazione alle religioni results (n pl) risultati school (n) scuola secondary school (n) scuola secondaria start (v) iniziare state school (n) scuola pubblica stay at school (v) restare a/ continuare la scuola subject (n) materia take an exam (v) dare un esame terrible (adj) terribile uniform (n) uniforme university (n) università until (conj, prep) fino a well (adj) bene work (v) lavorare, studiare worst (adj) il peggiore
29 Jobs airline (n) compagnia aerea answer the phone (v) rispondere a boss (n) capo builder (n) muratore building (n) costruzioni, fabbricati bus driver (n) autista di autobus businessman (n) uomo d’affari, imprenditore businesswoman (n) donna d’affari, imprenditore chef (n) chef cleaner (n) persona che fa le pulizia client (n) cliente colleague (n) collega company (n) azienda day (n) giorno dentist (n) dentista design (v) progettare discuss (v) discutere driver (n) autista earn (v) guadagnare factory (n) fabbrica from (= time) (prep) dalle full-time (adj) a tempo pieno hairdresser (n) parrucchiere/a have to (v) dovere high (adj) alto hospital (n) ospedale hours (n pl) ore househusband (n) casalingo housewife (n) casalinga how much (adv) quanto long hours (n pl) molte ore lorry driver (n) autista di camion low as in low wages (adj) basso make (v) fare meet (v) fare incontri/riunioni meeting (n) riunione nurse (n) infermiere/a officer as in police officer (n) agente organize (v) organizzare part-time (adj) part time, a tempo parziale phone call (n) telefonata pilot (n) pilota
police officer (n) agente di polizia report (n) relazione, verbale retired (adj) in pensione salary (n) stipendio mensile secretary (n) segretaria self-employed (adj) lavoratore autonomo send (v) mandare shop assistant (n) commesso/a soldier (n) soldato spend (time) (v) passare tempo taxi driver (n) tassista teacher (n) insegnante train driver (n) guidatore di treni type (v) scrivere al computer unemployed (adj) disoccupato vet (n) veterinario wages (n pl) paga settimanale week (n) settimana work (v) lavorare year (n) anno 30 Opinions and feelings (1) agree, agree with someone (v) essere d’accordo boring (adj) noioso disagree (v) non essere d’accordo enjoy (v) piacere molto, divertirsi a enjoyable (adj) gradevole, bello excellent (adj) splendido fantastic (adj) fantastico, meraviglioso favourite (adj) preferito fun (adj, n) divertente, divertimento hate (v) odiare interested (adj) interessato interesting (adj) interessante keen as in keen on something (adj) molto interessato, entusiasta like (v) piacere love (v) piacere moltissimo opinion (n) opinione personally (adv) per come la vedo io, per quanto mi riguarda
prefer (v) preferire quite (adv) abbastanza really (adv) molto, davvero sure (adj) sicuro think (v) pensare very (adv) molto waste (n) perdita wonderful (adj) meraviglioso 31 Opinions and feelings (2) absolutely (adv) assolutamente, completamente amazed (adj) stupito, molto sorpreso anxious (adj) preoccupato, in ansia astonished (adj) molto sorpreso delighted (adj) contentissimo envious (adj) invidioso fed up (adj) stufo furious (adj) furibondo, furioso heartbroken (adj) affranto, distrutto, col cuore spezzato jealous (adj) geloso (possessivo, invidioso) miserable (adj) infelice proud (adj) orgoglioso scared stiff (adj) paralizzato dalla paura stiff as in scared stiff (adj) rigido, paralizzato terrified (adj) terrorizzato thrilled (adj) felicissimo very (adv) molto 32 The senses appear (v) apparire bland (adj) insipido can (see, hear, ecc.) (v) riuscire a (vedere, sentire, ecc.) catch (= hear/understand) (v) afferrare, comprendere damp (adj) umido disappear (v) scomparire it feels (hot) (phr) lo sento (caldo) flavour (n) gusto glance (v) dare un’occhiata veloce grab (v) afferrare hear (v) sentire (udire) like ( = similar to) (prep) di like (prep) come
listen (v) ascoltare look (v) guardare/sembrare notice (v) notare observant (adj) attento, dotato di spirito di osservazione overhear (v) sentire (udire) per caso press (v) premere rub (v) strofinare salty (adj) salato see (with your eyes) (v) vedere smell (v) sentire odore/avere odore sound like (phr v) sembrare (di un suono/rumore) stare (v) fissare (con lo sguardo) stink (v) puzzare tap (v) dare un colpetto taste (v) avere sapore touch (v) toccare watch (v) guardare (per un perido di tempo) 33 Sleep alarm (n) sveglia (orologio) asleep (adj) addormentato awake as in wide awake (adj) sveglio deep sleep (n) sonno profondo dream (n) sogno fall asleep (v) addormentarsi fast asleep (phr) profondamente addormentato go off (= ring) (v) suonare, trillare go to sleep (v) andare a dormire have a lie-in (v) restare a letto dopo essersi svegliati in a deep sleep (phr) profondamente addormentato nightie (n) camicia da notte nightmare (= bad dream) (n) incubo oversleep (v) non svegliarsi in tempo pyjamas (n pl) pigiama set the alarm (v) mettere la sveglia sleep (v, n) dormire, sonno
sleepy (adj) assonnato snore (v) russare wake (v) svegliare wake sb up (phr v) svegliare (qualcuno) wide awake (adj) sveglissimo yawn (v) sbadigliare 34 Sport (1) against (prep) contro ball (n) palla basket (n) canestro basketball (n) pallacanestro beat (v) battere court (n) campo (da tennis, pallacanestro e pallavolo) draw (v) pareggiare equipment (n) attrezzatura final score (n) risultato/ punteggio finale first half (n) primo tempo football (n) calcio, pallone da calcio game (n) gioco/sport, partita goal (n) porta half (n) tempo half-time (n) intervallo tra primo e secondo tempo hockey as in ice hockey (n) hockey ice hockey (n) hockey su ghiaccio lead (v) essere in testa league (n) campionato lose (v) perdere match (n) partita net (n) rete nil (n) a zero pitch (n) campo (di calcio e rugby) place (n) luogo points (n pl) punti puck (n) disco (per hockey) racket (n) racchetta rink (n) campo da hockey su ghiaccio rugby (n) rugby score (v, n) segnare, punteggio set (n) set stick (n) mazza (da hockey) table (n) classifica team (n) squadra tennis (n) tennis Glossary
time as in half-time (n) tempo top (n) cima volleyball (n) pallavolo win (v) vincere 35 Sport (2) all over the world (phr) in tutto il mondo athlete (n) atleta athletics (n) atletica leggera boxer (n) pugile capacity (n) capacità, capienza captain (n) capitano championship (n) campionato circuit (n) circuito club (n) società sportiva coach (= person) (n) allenatore commentator (n) cronista construct (v) costruire construction (n) costruzione court (for tennis, badminton, etc.) (n) campo (da pallacanestro, pallavolo, tennis e badminton) crowd (n) folla deep (adj) profondo defeat (v, n) sconfiggere, sconfitta depth (n) profondità fan (n) tifoso flag (n) bandierina footballer (n) calciatore golfer (n) giocatore di golf ground (n) terreno, campo sportivo gymnast (n) ginnasta gymnastics (n) ginnastica (artistica) interrupt (v) interrompere lap (n) giro (di pista) length (n) lunghezza linesman (n) guardalinee long (adj) lungo manager (n) allenatore maximum (n) massimo medal (n) medaglia minimum (n) minimo participate (v) partecipare pitch (n) campo (di calcio e rugby) pool (n) piscina
racing driver (n) pilota automobilistico/motociclistico ref (n) arbitro referee (n) arbitro referee’s assistant (n) assistente di gara/dell’arbitro/ guardalinee rugby player (n) giocatore di rugby skier (n) sciatore spectators (n pl) spettatori stadium (n) stadio standard (n) normale, standard support (v) tifare per, sostenere supporters (n pl) tifosi, sostenitori swimmer (n) nuotatore swimming pool (n) piscina tennis player (n) tennista track (n) pista umpire (n) arbitro wide (adj) largo width (n) larghezza worldwide (n) in tutto il mondo 36 Free time camping (n) campeggiare cards (n pl) carte cinema (n) cinema classical (adj) classico collect (v) collezionare computer game (n) videogioco cooking (n) cucina drawing (n) disegno fishing (n) pesca flower arranging (n) composizione di fiori gardening (n) giardinaggio go (v) andare guitar (n) chitarra gym (n) palestra hobby (n) hobby, passatempo instrument as in musical instrument (n) strumento listen to (v) ascoltare music (n) musica musical (adj) musicale play (v) suonare (strumento), giocare popular popolare
read (v) leggere repair (v) riparare, aggiustare shooting (n) tiro a segno sing (v) cantare singer (n) cantante skiing (n) sci song (n) canzone spend (time) (v) passare table tennis (n) ping-pong, tennistavolo tennis (n) tennistavolo travelling (n) viaggiare various (adj) vario watch (v) guardare 37 Music (1) able (adj) in grado album (n) album band (n) gruppo musicale download (v) scaricare drummer (n) batterista drums (n pl) batteria famous (adj) famoso group (n) gruppo guitar (n) chitarra lead singer (n) cantante number 1 (in the singles chart) (n) numero 1 (nella classifica dei singoli) singer (n) cantante single (n) singolo singles chart (n) classifica dei singoli unable (adj) impossibilitato a, non in grado di well known (adj) ben noto 38 Music (2) band (n) gruppo musicale cellist (n) violoncellista cello (n) violoncello compose (v) comporre composer (n) compositore conductor (n) direttore d’orchestra drummer (n) batterista flautist (n) flautista flute (n) flauto group (n) gruppo guitar (n) chitarra guitarist (n) chitarrista instrument (n) strumento keyboard (n) tastiere
keyboard player (n) tastierista lead singer (n) cantante musical instrument (n) strumento musicale musician (n) musicista orchestra (n) orchestra organ (n) organo organist (n) organista pianist (n) pianista piano (n) pianoforte saxophone (n) sassofono saxophonist (n) sassofonista songwriter (n) autore di canzoni trumpet (n) tromba trumpeter (n) trombettista violin (n) violino violinist (n) violinista 39 Films about (= the subject is) (prep) su action (n) azione actor (n) attore actress (n) attrice cartoon (n) cartone animato cinema (n) cinema comedy (n) commedia director (n) regista exciting (adj) emozionante film (n) film frightening (adj) che fa paura funny (adj) che fa ridere horror (n) dell’orrore love story (n) storia d’amore movie (n) film on as in What’s on? (prep) stanno dando review (n) recensione romantic (adj) romantico see (= watch) (v) vedere star (n) star, interprete principale story (n) storia thriller (n) thriller violent (adj) violento war film (n) film di guerra what kind … ? (phr) che genere … ? what’s on? (phr) cosa danno/ c’è who’s in it? (phr) con chi è?
40 Media advert (n) pubblicità advertisement (n) pubblicità all (det, pron) tutto article (n) articolo believe (v) credere celebrity (n) persona famosa die (v) morire disaster (n) disastro event (n) evento, avvenimento find out (phr v) scoprire forecast as in weather forecast (n) previsioni del tempo happen (v) succedere hear (v) sentire (udire) in the paper (phr) sul giornale listen to (v) ascoltare magazine (n) rivista media (n) mezzi di comunicazione most (det, pron) la maggior parte news (n) il telegiornale newspaper (n) quotidiano none (det, pron) niente nothing much (phr) non molto on TV/on the radio (phr) in TV/alla radio opinion (n) opinione paper (n) giornale peace (n) pace programme (n) programma radio (n) radio report (v) riferire reporter (n) giornalista see (v) guardare/vedere soap (n) soap opera, telenovela some (det, pron) un po’ the news (n) il telegiornale TV (n) TV war (n) guerra watch (v) guardare weather forecast (n) previsioni del tempo