Glossa in Psalmos. The Hiberno-Latin Gloss on the Psalms of Codex Palatinus Latinus 68 (Psalms 39:11-151:7)

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Glossa in Psalmos. The Hiberno-Latin Gloss on the Psalms of Codex Palatinus Latinus 68 (Psalms 39:11-151:7)

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HIBERNO-LATIN GLOSS GLOSS ON ON THE THE PSALMS PSALMS OF OF THE HIBERNO-LATIN CODEX PALATINUS PALATINOS LATINUS 68 68 CODEX (Psalms 39:11-151:7) 39:11-151:7) Critical Edition of of the the text texttogether together with with Introduction Introduction Critical and Source Analysis Analysis and Source

CITTÀ DEL DEL VATICANO VATICANO CITTA Biblioteca APOSTOLICA Vaticana VATICANA BIBLIOTECA Apostolica 1986 1986 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



Tarchnilvilí, M. M. Geschichte 185. TarchniSvili, Geschichte der der kirchlichen kirchlichen Terenzio. Codice Bembino Bembino di Terenzio. S. Il 153. Prete, S. Il Codice georgischenLiteratur. Literatur. 1955. 1955. pp. 540. georgischen 540. 1950. pp. pp. 110, 1950. 110, 55 tav. tav. /, Loenertz, R. R. J. Démétrius Cydonès, Cydonès, CorJ. Démétrius Cordi Neframmento Maffeiano Maffeian ο di G. Il frammento 154. Mercati, G. Ne- 186. Loenertz, respondance.Vol. Vol.I... I...1956. AVI, 220. 220. respondance. 1956. pp. pp. xvi, fu tratto. d'onde fu stono e stori© e la la catena dei Salmi d'onde tratto. 1950. ρρ. 1950. pp. viii, Vili, 40. 40. Bidawid, R. R. J. Les lettres 187. Bidawid, J. Les lettres du du patriarche patriarche nestorien Timothée Timothée 1er. Ier. Etude Fiorennestorien Etude critique... critique... della Badia Badia Fiorenbiblioteca della Blum, R. R. La 155. Blum, La biblioteca 1956. pp. XIII, 1956. xiii, 132 132 [45]. [43]. ti na ee ii codici codici di Antonio tina Antonio Corbineili. Corbinelli. 1951. 1951. pp. xττ, pp. XII, 190. Aly, W. De Strabonis codice rescripto, rescripto, cuius 188. Aly, W. De Strabonis codice del reliquiae in in codicibus Vat. gr. 2306 pοntífici ο del Cían, V. reliquiae codicibus Vaticanes Vaticanis Vat. 2306 156. Clan, V. Un Un illustre illustre nunzio pontificio Baldassar Castiglione. etet 2061 2061 A A servatae servatae sunt. sunt. Corollarium Corollarium adiecit adiecit Rinascimento: Baldassar Rinascimento: Castiglione. 1951. 1951. Fr. Sbordone... 1956. pp. xiv, 285, 36 tav. pp. xτ, 340. Fr. Sbordone... 1956. pp. xiv, 285, 36 tav. pp. XI, Dall'Archivio Vatic an o ... 1951. Pásztor, L. L. - Pirri, Α. Dall'Archivio L'Archivio dei dei GoGoPirri, P.P. L'Archivio 157. Mercati, A. Vaticano... 1951. 189. Pásztor, verni provvisori provvisori di di Bologna pp. VI, ντ, 119. Bologna ee delle Provincie verni delle Provincie pp. Unite del del 1831 ... 1956. 1956. pp. LXXX, 635. 635. Unite 1831 ... pp. Lxxx, alnomi degli ricerca dei nomi 158. Mercati, G. Alla ricerca degli «« alSalmi di di s. Omilie sui Salmi tri »traduttori tri traduttori nelle nelle Omilie s. 190. Santifaller, Santífaller, L. L. Quellen Quellen und und Forschungen zum Forschungen zum variazioni su su alcune Crisostomo e variazioni Giovanni Crisostomo Urkunden- und Kanzleiwesen UrkundenKanzleiwesen Papst Papst Gregors Gregors 1952.pp. pp. Vili, viii, 248, Salterio. 1952. catene del del Salterio. catene 248, 10 10 tav. VII. I. I. Teil... Teil ... 1957. pp. xxvi, 479, 25 25 tav. VII. 1957. pp. xxvi, 479, tav. Rossi, E. Il 159. Rossi, Il •Kitáb-i «Kitâb-i Dede Dede Qorqut Qorqut »s ; racconti 191. Incisa Ν. IlIl Incisa della della Rocchetta, G. -- Vían, Rocchetta, G. Vian, N. Oguz tradotti dei turchi epico - cavallereschi dei turchi Oguz tradotti epico-cavallereschi Filippo Neri. Neri. Vol. primo processo processo per per S. primo S. Filippo Vol. I.I. del ms. con •« facsimile facsimile »s del annotati con ee annotati ms. Vat. Vat. turco turco romana: 1595... Testimonianze dell'inchiesta Testimonianze dell'inchiesta romana: 1595... 102. 1952. 1952. pp. pp. 2, 102. 2, [364]. [364]. 1957. pp. pp. XXIII, 1957. xxvil, 419. 419. Porfirogenito: Pertusl, A. Α. Costantino Porfirogenito 160. Pertusi, : De De 192. Van Les «e Questions Questions de de Van Lantschoot, Lantschoot, A. A. Les thematibus. 1952. 1952.pp. pp. XV, xv, 210, 210, 3 thematibus. 3 tav. tav. pp. VIII, Théodore ► ... 1957. Théodore»... 1957. pp. Vili, 303. 303. Umbria, aa Rationes decímarum 161. Rationes decimarum Italiae. Italiae. Umbria, Π auζή Tijcotjxeixoç. Τί πovxe ίτoς. Patzes, M. M. KqitoO IpiToO xoû rov ílax^rí Testo. 1952. 1952. pp. pp. [4], cura di P. P. Sella. cura Sella. I. Testo. [4], 916. 916. 193. Patzes, Summarium. Libros Libros Librorum LX Basilícorum Basilicorum Summarium. geogr. delle diocesi. St. Hoermann Hoermann E. Seidl... Seidl... 162 - - II. Indice. Carta. II. Indice. geogr. delleetetdiocesi. XLIX-LX edid. XLIX-LX edid.Carta St. E. 1952. pp. 1952. 204. 351. 1957. pp. pp. xii, xττ, 351. pp. 204. 1957. leggende orlenMonneret de de Villard, Villard, U. U. Le leggende 163. Monneret orien- 194. Rouët Nonciatures do de Rouët de de Journel, Journel, M. M. J. J. Nonciatures 1952. pp. pp. 262. tali sui Magi evangelici. tali sui Magi evangelici. 1952. 262. de Benvenuti, Benvenuti, 17991799Vol. V: Interim de Russie. Vol. Russie. V: Interim XL, 471. 471. 1803... 1957. 1957. pp. pp. XL, 1803... card. Note Note per la Mercati, G., G., card. 164. Mercati, la storia didi alromane nei nei secoli cune biblioteche cune biblioteche romane secoli XVI-XiX. xvi-xix. 195. Petrarca, religioso »... Petrarca, F. F. Il II s« De De otio ... aa curs otio religioso cura 1952. pp. [5], 190, 9 tav. 1952. pp. [5], 190, 9 tav. 1958.pp. pp. XV, xv, 113. G. Rotondi... Rotondi... 1958. didi G. 113. Miscellanea archivistica 165. Miscellanea archivistica Angelo Angelo Mercati. Mercati. 196. Incisa Incisa della della Rocchetta, Rocchetta, G. G. - Vían, Ν. IlII Vian, N. ant. (ritr.), 1952. pp. pp. xxvii, 1952. xxvil, 462, 462, ant. (ritr.), 10 10 tav. tav. per s. Neri.Vol. Vol. II. II. primo Filippo Neri. primo processo processo per s. Filippo Testimonianze dell'inchiesta romana: 1596Testimonianze dell'inchiesta romana: 1596Nonciatures 166-169. Rouët Rοuët de 166-169. de Journel, Journel, M. M, J.J. Nonciatures 1609. xvi, 366. 366. 1609. 1958. 1958. pp. pp. XVI, de Russie de Russie d'après d'après les les documents documents authentiauthentiques. 1922-52. ques. 1922-52. voll. voli. 4. 4. latine di di abbazie abbazie calabresi calabresi Pratesi, A. A. Carte 197. Pratesi, Carte latine Aldobrandini... 1958. provenienti 1958. provenienti dall'Archivio dall'Archivio Aldobrandini... Maser, A. 170. Maier, A. Codices Codices Burghesiani Burghesiani Bibliothecae Bibliothecae pp. LV, pp. LV, 585. 585. Vaticanae. 496. Vaticanae. 1952. 1952.pp. pp. VII, vil, 496. Scritti teologici dei sec. sec. Cerulli, E. E. Scritti 198. Cerulli, teologici etiopici etiopici dei Franchi de* de' Cavalieri, Constantiniana. 171. Franchi Cavalieri, P. P. Constantiniana. Tre opuscoli dei Mikaeliti... Mikaeliti... XII-XIII. Vol. xvi-xvii. Vol. I.I. Tre opuscoli dei 1953. pp. pp. 207, 1953. 207, [1]. [1]. 1958. XXII, 331. 331. 1958. pp. pp. XXII, Geschichte der der christlichen 172. Graf, G. Geschichte christlichen araaraGraf, G. Ν. Il Il s« Messale Messale »a di di Giovanni Giovanni BuBuRessuli, N. bischen Bd. Register. Register. 1953. 1953. 199. Ressull, bíschen Literatur. Literatur. V. V. Bd. zuku. trascrizione... 1958. 1958. zuku. Riproduzione Riproduzione ee trascrizione... pp. 1, 196. 196. pp. 1, pp. pp. XIX, XIX, 407. 407. 173. Honigmann, E. Patristic Patristic Studies. Studies. 1953. 1953. pp. pp. Honígmann, E. Tavole ee indici indici generali dei volumi volumi 101101200. Tavole generali dei Vil, 255. VII. 255. Studi ee Testi»... Testi '... 1959. pp. 155. 200 1959. pp. 155. 200 di di e«Studi manoscritti turchi turchi della 174. Rossi, E. Elenco della Rossi, E. Elenco dei dei manoscritti Devreesse, R. 201. Devreesse, R. Les Les anciens anciens commenteurs commenteurs grecs grecs 1953. pp. pp. olt1, Biblioteca Vaticana. 1953. xxil, 416. 416. Biblioteca Vaticana. de l'Octateuque etet des Rois... 1959. 1959. pp. XV, de l'Octateuque des Rois... pp. xv, P. Note agiografiFranchi de' 175. Franchi de' Cavalieri, Cavalieri, P. Note agiografi208, 208, ill. ill. che. Fascicolo 9.9. 1953. 1953. pp. [5], 253. 253. pp. [5], che. Fascicolo Llorens, J. J. M. M.Capellae Capellae Sixtínae Sixtinae codices codices 176. The Haran Gawaita Gawaita and The Baptism Baptism of of 202. Llorens, The Haran an d The musicis sive manuscripti manuscripti aile siva musicis notis notis instructi instructi aile Hibil-Ziwa and commencommenHibil-Ziwa... ...translation, translation, notes notes and praelo excussi... 1960. pp. xxn, 555, tav. praelo excusai... 1960. pp. xx ττ. 555, tal. tary by E. tary by E. S. S. Drower. Drower. 1953. 1953. pp. pp. XI, x τ, 96. Facs. Facs. cardinale Luigi Luigi Lambru203. Manzini, ManzinI,L. L. M. M. Il Il cardinale Lambru177. Andreu, Le lettere Thiene. Andreu, F. F. Le lettere di di s. s. Gaetano Gaetano da da Thiene. schini. 1960... pp. pp. XXVttI, XXVIII, 686. 686. schini. 1960... 1954. xxxiv, 1954. pp. pp. xxx τν, 144, 33 tav. tal. dei sec. Cerulli, E. E. Scritti Scritti teologici Cerulli, teologici etiopici etiopici dei tec. 178. Mercati, Niccolò Franco 204. XVI-XVII. Mercati, A. A. IΙ costituti costituti di di Nicc οló Franco Vol.II. II. La La storia storia dei dei Quattro Quattro ConConXVI-SVII. Vol. (1568-1570) l'Inquisizione didi Roma, (1568-1570) dinanzi dinanzi l'Inquisizione Roma, cili ed altri opuscoli monofìsiti... 1960. pp. ed altri opuscoli monofisiti... 1960. pp. cili esistenti nell'Archivio Segreto Segreto Vatic Vaticano. esistenti nell'Archivio an o. 1955. 1955. xx, 246. xx, 246. pp. [2], 242. 242. pp. [2], Ν. IlII 205. Incisa Vian, N. Incisa della dellaRocchetta, Rocchetta,G. G. -- Vían, 179. Patzes, M. Kqitoù Tinovneixoç. Patzes, M. Kpi-ro0 toO coti nax^tí Πατζή Ρα tot5xe ιτος. primo Neri. Vol. Vol. III. per s. s. Filippo Filippo Neri. III. primo processo processo per Librorum LX Basilicorum Basilicorum summarium. Libros Librorum LX summarium. Libros Testimonianze dell'inchiesta romana: 1610. Testimonianze dell'inchiesta romana: 1610. XXXIX-XLVIII edid. St. St. Hoermann XXXIX-XLVIII edid. Hoermann et E. E. Testimonianze Urbem»:s: 1595-1599... 1595-1599... Testimonianze «extra a extra Urbem Seidl. 1955. pp. pp. XIII, xxiv, 287. 287. Seidl. 1955. 1960. 458. 1960.pp. pp. XVI, xvi, 458. 180. Baur, Initia Patrum Patrum graecorum. graecorum. Vol. Vol. I.I. 206. Laurent, Baur, C. C. Initia M.-H. Guillou, A. Le a« Liber Liber Laurent, M: Η. - Guíllou, A. Le -- A-E. A-A. 1955. 1955. pp. pp. cxiii 661. C%111 [2], [2], 661. visitationis Chalkéopoulos d'Athanase Chalké οροulos (1457(1457visitationis»s d'Athanase 181 - - Vol. Ι I. M-Q. 1955. . Vol. II. M-D. 1955. pp. xlvi, 720. pp. XLVI, 720. 1458)... 392, tav.; carta geogr. tal.; carta geogr. 1458)... 1960. 1960.pp. pp. LI, Li, 392, 182. Gullotta, G. Gli antichi cataloghi cataloghi ee ií codici Gullotta, G. Gli antichi codici Sinodi diodio 207. Silvino da Nadro, ladro, O.F.M. O.F.M. Cap., Cap., Sinodi Sellino da della Nonantola. 1955. 1955. pp. pp. della abbazia cesani Catalogo bibliografico bibliografico degli degli abbazia di di Nonantola. italiani. Catalogo cesani italiani. xxviii, 539. atti xxvut', 539. stampa (1534-1878)... (1534-1878)...1960. 1960.pp. pp. xil, xIi, 516. 516. atti aa stampa 182-bis. J. Les 208. Loenertz, J. Démétrius Cor182-bis. Ruysschaert, Ruysschaert, J. Les manuscrits manuscrita de de Tabbaye l'abbaye Loenertz, R. R. J. Démétrius Cydonès, Cydonès, Corde Nonantola. 1955. 1955. pp. 76. respondance. 1960. pp. pp. XVI, xvi, 479. 479. de Nonantola. pp. 76. respondance.Vol. Vol.ILIL_ 1960. 183. Devreesse, R. Les 209. Rossi, Devreesse, R. A. Elenco Elenco di di drammi drammi Les manuscrits manuscrits grecs grecs de de l'Ital'ItsRossi, E. E. -- Bombaci, Bombaci, A. lie méridionale. 1955. tav. religiosi (Fondo Mst. Ce-lί e méńdionale. Vaticani Ce 1955.pp. pp. 67, 67, 11 tav. religiosi persiani persiani (Fondo Mss. Vaticani rulli)... 1961. pp. pp. LX, Lx, 416. 416. rulli)... 1961. 184. Biedl, A. Zur ZurTextgeschichte Textgeschichte des dea Laertios Laertios Biedl, A. Diogenes. Exzerpt (T). 1955. pp. 210. De Maio, R. R. Alfonso Diogenes. Das Das Grosse Grosse Exzerpt De Mail, Alfonso Carafa, Carafe, cardinale cardinale di di Φ. 1955. pp. 132, ill. Napoli 132, ill. =11, 348. 348. Napoli (1540-1565)... (1540-1565)... 1961. 1961. pp. pp. xxxii, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.






HIBERNO-LATIN GLOSS THE PSALMS PSALMS OF OF THE HIBERNO-LATIN GLOSS ON ON THE CODEX PALATINUS PALATINOS LATINUS LATINUS 68 68 CODEX 39:11-151:7) (Psalms 39:11-151:7) Critical Edition of of the the text texttogether together with with Introduction Introduction Critical Source Analysis Analysis and Source

CITTÀ DEL DEL VATICANO VATICANO CITTA Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana BIBLIOTECA APOSTOLICA VATICANA 1986 1986 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

GLOSSA IN PSALMOS GLOSSA IN PSALIOS ab auctore ignoto saeculi confecta saeculi octavi confecta

critice edita edita nunc critice - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.






10 10

MARGINAL ANDINTERLINEAR INTERLINEAR MARKINGS MARKINGS AND 11 III. MARGINAL AND ANDGLOSSES GLOSSES 11 1. Marginal Marginal Citation Marks: Marks: Diple τ. 2. Marginal Source References References Marginal Source 3. Marginal of Senses Senses of of Scripture Scripture Marginal Indications Indications 0f 4. Marginal Glosses on Text Marginal Annotations Annotations and and Glosses on the Text 5. Probationes Pennae Probations Pennae 6. Interlinear Glosses Glosses and Corrections Corrections of Text Text Insertion omitted letter or or letters letters í.i. Insertion of of omitted ii. Insertion of of omitted omitted word word or or words words íi. Insertion iii. Explanatory Explanatory glosses,possibly possiblynot notintended intendedasascorrections corrections ííí. glosses, iv. Other interlinear interlinear additions additions ív. 7. Construe Marks Marks fol. 2r. i. ii. fol. 2IV. íí. 2τν. iii. fol, 22ν. 22V. iíí. fol. iv. fol. 3ir. ív. 3τ r. y. fol. 45V. fol. 45ν. 8. Transposition Signs Signs IV. LATER LATER ADDITIONS TO TO THE THE TEXT TEXT IV. ADDITIONS

17 17


19 19

GLOSSES VERNACULAR GLOSSES 1. The Old-Irish Old-Irish Glosses Glosses τ. 2. The Old-English Old-English Glosses Glosses 2.


26 26

VIL THE THE COLOPHON VII. COLOPHON 27 27 VIH. SOME CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE WORK.... 28 VIII. SOME CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF WORK 28 IX. ANALYSISOF OFTHE THEBIBLICAL BIBLICAL TEXT TEXT ... IX. ANALYSIS 30 30 1. The Basic Text of Pal. lat. 68 is Gallican τ. The Basic Text of Pal. 68 is 2. Old Old Latin Readings in Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 Latin Readings in Pal. 3. The Use of of the Hebraicum in Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 The Use in Pal. 4. Deviant Readings in 68 Deviant Readings in Pal. Pal. lat. 68 X. ANALYSIS ANALYSIS PSALMHEADINGS HEADINGS X. OFOF PSALM 1. The Biblical Psalm Headings τ. Biblical Psalm Headings 2. Special Headings Headings referring referring to David and and to to Saul Saul 2. Special to David

35 35 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Theodorean Psalm Headings Headings Theodorean Other Historical Historical Psalm Psalm Headings Headings The Columba Series Series of Psalm Psalm Headings Headings The Columba Mystical Headings from Series Series II Mystical Headings not not from Psalm Headings Headings Mentioned in in Psalm The Romani Mentioned Headings of lat. 68 68 and and of ofPsalter PsalterofofCharlemagne Charlemagne Psalm Headings of Pal. lat.

SOURCE ANALYSIS THE COMMENTARYIN INPAL. PAL. LAT. LAT. 68 68 XI. SOURCE ANALYSIS OFOF THE COMMENTARY 1. Sources Abbreviation in in Margins Margins Sources Noted Noted by Abbreviation τ. 2. Sources Abbreviation in Text Sources Mentioned MentionedininFull Full or or by by Abbreviation in the Text τ. 3. Authorities Authoritiesrevealed revealed through throughSource SourceAnalysis Analysis 3. The Julian Epitome Epitome The Julian í.i. ii. Jerome's Commentarioli Commentarioli in Psalmos in Psalmos íí. iii. Jerome's Jerome's Tractatus Psalmos Tractatus siue sine Homiliae Homiliae in Psalmos iii. iv. Jerome's Liber Liber interpretations interpretationis and and Letters Letters 30 30 and and 73 73 ív. Jerome's v. St Augustine's Augustine's Enarrationes Psalmos Enarrationes in in Psalmos vi. Eucherius Lyons Eucherius of Lyons ví. vii. Letter Letter2323"Ad "AdDardanum" Dardanum"ofofPseudo-Jerome Pseudo-Jerome víí. viii. Adamnan's Adamnan's De De locis locis sanctis Sanctis vííí. ix. Hilary, Gregory the Great, Great, Isidore Isidore of of Seville Seville Hilary, Gregory íx.


BIBLICALINTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION IN INPAL. PAL. LAT. LAT. 68 68 57 XII. BIBLICAL 57 1. The Senses Senses of Scripture Scripture τ. 2. the Historical Historical Sense Sense τ. Emphasis Emphasis on on the The Text Text interpreted interpreted of of David Davidand andhis hisContemporaries Contemporaries The í.i. Text interpreted interpreted of of the the Assyrian Assyrian Period Period ii. iii. Text Text interpreted BabylonianPeriod, Period,Exile Exileand and Return. Return. ííí. interpreted of of Babylonian 3. Double Double Historical Historical Reference Reference 4. Interpretation Interpretation of Messianic Psalms lat. 68 68 of the Messianic Psalms in in Pal. Pal. lat. 5. The The Origin Origin of of Early Early Irish Irish Historical Historical Psalm PsalmExegesis Exegesis 6. The The Origin Origin of the the Non-Messianic Non-Messianic Interpretation of of Psalms Psalms 2,2, 8, 109 8 , 44, 44, 109 7. Psalm τ118 in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 18 in 8. Treatment Gradual Psalms Psalms in Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 Treatment of of the Gradual in Pal. XIII. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION 1. The of the theManuscript Manuscript τ. The Date of 2. Date of of Original Original Composition Composition 3. Relation Relation of Present Present Manuscript Manuscript totoOriginal OriginalComposition Composition 4. Place Origin of Codex Pal. lat. 68 68 Place of of Origin of Codex Pal. lat. 5. Place Composition of 68 Place of of Composition of Original OriginalText Text of of Pal. Pal. lat. 68 6. The Gloss Stands Stands in the the Irish IrishExegetical Exegetical Tradition Tradition 7. Later History of Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 Later History of Pal. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY PRINCIPIA HUIUS HUIUS EDITIONIS EDITIONIS EDITION1S CONSPECTUS SIGLORUM ET ET ABBREVIATIONUM ABBREVIATIONUM .... EDITIONIS CONSPECTUS SIGLORUM EDITIO TEXTUS INDICES


78 78 87 87 87 91 91 313 313 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codex of the Vatican Vatican Library Library is aa glissa glossa on Codex Palatino-Latinus 68 68 of the Psalms. Psalms. Due to the the loss loss of of the the first first section section ititbegins begins imperfectly imperfectly with with Ps Ps Due 39:116: concilio multa." It ends ends with with the theapocryphal apocryphalpsalm psalm 151. 151. 39:ττ d: "... aa concilio gloss follows There are are twentytwentyThe Latin commentary or gloss followson onthe thelemma. lemma. There five glosses and five five in in Old Old English English ((11). ). All All are are written written five glosses in in Old Old Irish and as part of the text though (with two exceptions) marked off from as of the text though (with two exceptions) marked off from itit by apices. apices. We We can canpresume presume that that this thisparticular particularcodex codex was was taken taken to to Rome with with the the remainder remainder of of the thePalatine Palatinecollection collectioninin1623. 1623. Rome 1. REVIEW Review of research I. OF RESEARCH codex was wasbriefly brieflydescribed describedbyby Stevenson Junior 1886 The codex H.H. STEVENSON JUNIOR in I886 2 in the catalogue of the Palatine collection ( ). He assigned it to the in the catalogue of the Palatine collection ( 2). He assigned it to the eighth century, aa date date arrived arrivedatatafter afterconsultation consultationwith withG.G.B. B. DE de Rossi. Rossτ. Soon afterwards vernacular glosses glosses received received the attention of of Soon afterwards the vernacular the attention Old English English being being studied studied by byA.S. A.S. Napier (3) and those NAPIER (3) scholars, those in Old Old Irish Irishby byW. W.STOKES Stokes ((44). ). Both Boththese thesescholars scholars cast cast doubt doubt on on the the in Old 1

( ) See See N. Catalogue of Manuscripts containing containing Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Saxon, (1) Ν. R. R. Ker, KIR, Catalogue of Manuscripts no Oxford, 1957, 1957, no. - 388. 388. Oxford, (2) Codices Codices Palatini Bibliothecae Vaticanae Vaticanae descripti, descripti, recensuit recensuit et di(8) Palatini Latini Bibliothecae et digessit Henricus Stevenson Iunior, Rossiτ tomus I, torus I, gessit HENRICUS STEvEisON Iunior,recognovit recognovitI.E. I.B. De DE Ross Rome, 1975), p. 12; pp. pp. cxxxf. cxxxf. for for date date ofofmanuscript. manuscript. Rome, 1886 1886 (reprint (reprint 1975), p. 12; (3) A. A. S. S. Napier in The Academy Academy 35 35 (no. (no. 889, 889, May May 18, 18, 1889), 1889), 34 342; 35 (no. (no. (8) NAPIER in 2 : 35 895, June 29 1889) 1889) 449. Albert S. S. Cook, the other other hand hand in in The Academy Academy on the Cοoκ, on 8 95, June 29 449• ALBERT 36 (no. 896, 896, July July 6, 6, 1889), 1889), uf., rof., drew drew attention attention to to the theform form Edilberict Edilberictand andBerictBerict36 (no. fridi in the colophon, colophon, and and surmised surmised that the rare rare form form berict might be aa partial partial fridi in the that the might be confirmation of Stevenson's eighth-century eighth-century date. date. Napier edited the the NorNorconfirmation of Stevenson's later edited NAPI E R later thumbrian glosses glosses in his book book Old-English Glosses, chiefly chiefly unpublished unpublished (Anecdota thumbrian in his (Anecdota Old-English Glosses, Oxoniensia, xxii, xxxí, xxxi, 220. 220. Oxoniensia, Mediaeval Mediaevaland and Modern ModernSeries, Series,XI), XI), Oxford, Oxford, 1900, 1900, pp. pp. xxii, (4) W. W. STOKES Stokes in The Academy Academy 35 (no. 890, 890, May May 25, 25, 1889), 1889), 361f.; 36if.; id., in (4) 35 (no. id., in fiirvergleichende vergleichende Sprachforschung, Sprachforschung, iii. vol. 33, 33, N.F. N.F. 11(1892), 11(1892), 232-236; 232-236; Zeitschrift far - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in in Psalmos Glossa

eighth-century codex, the latter latter expressing expressing the the eighth-centurydate date assigned assignedto to the the codex, belief it was was more more probably probably from from the the ninth ninth or ortenth tenthcenturies. centuries. belief that that it Sir E. E. MAU Maunde Thompson (b), (5), and and W. W.STOKES Stokes (8), (6), assigned assigned the manusmanusΝDE THOMPSον cript to the ninth century. On the basis of language, however, the cript the ninth century. On the basis of language, however, the Old-English glosses the early earlyeighth eighth Old-English glosseswere werereckoned reckonedtotobe be no no later later than the century ('), Old Irish Irish to tobe beas asold, old,possibly, possibly, as asthe theglosses glosses ( 7 ), and those in Old of chief glossator glossator of the the Würzburg Wiirzburg Codex Codex Paulinus Paulinus (which (which are arenow now of the chief 8 assigned ca. A.D. A.D. 750) 750) (( 8). ). InInhis hismonograph monograph on on Early assigned to ca. Early Irish Irish Minuscule Script (1910) (9), W.M. W.M. LINDSAY Lindsay opted nuscule (1910) (9), optedfor foraadate date saec. saes. VIII-IX VIII-IX for the manuscript, manuscript, noting noting that the the script script and andthe theabbreviations abbreviationspoint point for to the the eighth eighth century century or to to the the beginning beginning of of the ninth ninth at at the thelatest. latest. A point point noted notedbyby Güterbock ((10 was that the the Latin Latinglosses glosses of of the the B. B. GÜTERBOCK 10)) was commentary, Old Irish Irish as as well, well, were were related related to to commentary, and and some some of of those those in in Old those of the the commentary commentary found found in in Codex Codex Ambrosianus Ambrosianus C C 301 301 inf. inf. (a' (a* those work copied by the Irish scribe Diarmait about A.D. 800). In his study work copied by the Irish scribe Diarmait about A.D. 800). In his study of of Theodore Theodore of of Mopsuestia's Mopsuestia's commentary commentary on on the thePsalms Psalms of the use made of 11 in England England and andIreland, Ireland,R.L. R.L. Ramsay ((11) ) built built on on these these earlier earlier studies studies RAMSAY and, further, remarked remarked that G. G. Mercati Mercati had had informed informed him him in in aa letter letter and, further, that the the excerpts excerpts in inthe thecatena catenawere weredrawn drawnfrom fromthe theworks worksofofHilary, Hilary, Jerome and and Theodore, Theodore, as as well well as from other commentaries commentaries on on the the Psalms. Psalms. In 1920 1920L.L.GOUGAUD Gougaud ((12 as an an eighth-century eighth-century In 12)) listed listed the manuscript as work. Kenney (1929) (1929) ((13 (14)) have nothing work. J.J.KENNEY BISCHOFF ((1954) 13)) and B. Β. Bischoff 1 954) (14

Palaeohibernicus. vol. I, ed.W. W.STOKES Stokes and andJ.J.STRACHAN, Strachan, Cambridge, Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, I, ed. Cambridge, 1901, 3, 7715. 1901, pp. pp. xiv, xiv, 3, 1 5. (5) On opinion of of Sir Sir E. Maunde A. S. S. Napier (b) On the the opinion Τηοµρ see A. NAPPER in ín The MAIJIDE Thompson, s ον, see Academy 35 (no. 785, 785, June June 29, 29, 1889), 1889), 449. 449. Academy 35 (no. (•) W. ibid., and Thes. Pal. xiv. (6) W. Stokes, StokEs, ibid., and Thes. p. xiv. Pal. I, p. (')) Thus Thus A. A. S. S. Napier, Glosses, p. xxxii. (9 NAPIER, Old-English Glosses, p. xxxii. (8) See See R. R. Thurneysen, Grammar 0f of Old Old Irish, Irish, revised and enlarged enlarged (9) THTJRNEYSEN, A Grammar revised and edition; English translation, translation, Dublin, Dublin, 1946, p. 4. 4. edition; English 1 946, p. (') Oxford, 1910, pp. pp. 67-70. 67-70. Oxford, 1910, (10) B. fiirvergleichende vergleichende Sprachforschung, Sprachforschung, 33, N.E. N.F. B. Güterbock, GÜTERBOCK, Zeitschrift fur 13(1895) 100-102. Ιοο- το2. (11) R. Ramsay, "Theodore "Theodore of Mopsuestia and Columban on the R. L. L. Rωτκsnν, of Mopsuestia and St. St. Columban on the Psalms" "Theodore of of Mopsuestia Mopsuestia in England and and Ireland", Ireland", in in Zeitschrift Psalms" and and "Theodore in England fiir celtische Philologie 8(1912), 8(1912), 421-45 421-451τ and 428 and and 352 352 for for Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68. 68. fuir and 452-497; 452-497; 428 (12) Revue (1920), 9. 9. Revue Celtique 28 28 (1920), 13 Kenney, The Sources for the the Eearly History History of of Ireland: Ireland: Ecclesiastical, Ecclesiastical, The Sources (( 12)) J.J.KENNEY, Columbia, 1929, p. 637. Columbia, 1929, 637. (14) Β. B. Bischoff, in der der Geschichte Geschichte der der lateinischen lateinischen Exegese Exegese (14) BISCHoFF, "Wendepunkte in im Frühmittelalter", Friihmittelalter", Sacris I, Stuttgart, ím 232 (= Mittelalterliche Mittelalterliche Studien Studien I, Stuttgart, Sacris Erudiri, Erudiri, 232 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Introduction Introduction


significant to to earlier earlier researches, researches, but but accept accept an aneighth-century eighth-century significant to add to manuscript. So, So, too, too, does does E.A. E.A. L Lowe οwε in his palaeographical date for the manuscript. description (15). Lowe Lowe remains remains non-committal non-committal with with regard regard description of of the codex (1b). to the thecountry countryof oforigin, origin, but butbelieves believes itit was was the the north northof ofEngland England rather rather ti Ireland ((15 ). T.A.M. T.A.M. ΒιSΗΟΠ Bishop treats of of the the manuscript manuscript in in passing, passing, than Ireland 15). in his his palaeographical palaeographical study of the theCambridge Cambridge manuscript, manuscript, Trinity Trinity in study of B. io. 10. 5 (together (together with British British Library Library Cotton Cotton Vitellius Vitellius VIII) VIII) ((16 College Β. 18), ), a codex in Anglo-Saxon minuscule the eighth eighth in Anglo-Saxon minusculefrom fromthe the first first half half of of the century and most probably, probably, in his view, view, written an Irish Irish centre centre in in century and most in his written in in an Northumbria. Bishop Bishopsees seesremarkable remarkablesimilarities similaritiesbetween between this thisCodex Codex Northumbria. and Pal. Pal. Lat. Lat. 68; 68; he heconsiders considers both both to tobe becontemporary contemporary and andassumes assumes and Pal. Lat. Lat. 68 68 isis an anAnglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon production. In his his Catalogue that Pal. production. In Catalogue of 0f 17 Manuscripts containing Anglo-Saxon Glosses (1957) ( ) N.R. Ker Manuscripts containing Anglo-Saxon Glosses (1957) (1 7) N.R. KER assigns the saec. VIII VIII to toboth bothmanuscript manuscriptand andOld-English Old-Englishglosses glosses assigns the date saec. in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68. 68. InInananessay essay(1971) (1971) on on the the Tituli Psalmorum Psalmorum of in of PseudoBede Bonifatius FISCHER Fischer (1(188) ) remarked remarked on on the theclose closerelationship relationship Bede BONIFATIUS between these the corresponding corresponding headings headings in in the theso-called so-called Psalter Psalter between these and the of Charlemagne Charlemagne (MS. 13159) and and in in the theCodex Codex of (MS.Paris, Paris, Bibl. Bibl. Nat. Nat. lat. 13159) Pal. lat. 68: 68'. InInthe thesame sameessay essayhe heexpressed expressed the the view view that thatininsome some Pal. places the exegesis exegesis of that places of the the glosses glossesin in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 is is more more radical radical than than that of Theodore 1973, in study of of the the Psalms Psalms in in the the of Theodore of of Mopsuestia. Mopsuestia. In 1973, in a study 1B early Irish Church ( ), the present writer treated briefly of the mathe present writer treated briefly of the maearly Irish Church ( 19), nuscript and noted noted the the relationship relationship between between some some of of its its glosses glosses and and nuscript those of century) so-called so-called Psalter He also also ττth century) Psalter of of Caimin. Caimin. He those of the later ((nth expressed the the text textshould shouldbe bepublished pubhshed in toto. toto. As As an expressed the view view that that the Appendix to the thesame samestudy, study, Maurice SHEEHY Sheehy published the Appendix Dr.Dr. MAURICE published the opening and closing folios of the Codex. opening closing folios of the Codex. 1966, 238; English Englishtranslation translationbyby ColmO'GRADV O'Grady in in Biblical Studies: Studies'. The The MeMe1966, p. 238; COLM τ) dieval Irish Contribution Contribution (Proceedings (Proceedings of IrishBiblical BiblicalAssociation, Association, no. of the Irish no. 1) dieval Dublin, 1976, p. p. 105. 105. Dublin, 1976, no (16) E. A. A. Lowe, Oxford, 1934, 1934, no. - 78, 7^. Louva, Codices Latini Antiquiores, Antiquiores,. vol. I, Oxford, bibliography, p. 42; and Supplement, Oxford 1971, p. [44]. p. 42; and Supplement, 1971, p. [44]• (18) T. A. M. Bishop, Bishop, "Notes Cambridge Manuscripts. Part VII: VII: PelaPela A. M. "Notes on Cambridge Manuscripts. Part gius in in Trinity Trinity College College B.10.5", the Cambridge Cambridge Bibliographical Bibliographical gius 1.'0.5", Transactions Transactions of the Society, 70"7F 72f- for Pal. lat. lat. 68. 68. Society, vol. 4, part 1τ ((1954), 1 954) , 7074; PPpp. 72f. for Pal. (") Oxford, 1957, no. 388, pp. 4576 n0. 388, 1957, ρρ. 457f. (18) B. Fischer, de Titulis Titulis psalmdrum psalmorum liber", in Festschrift Festschrift Bernhard FISCHER, "Bedae de liber ", in Bischoff, Stuttgart, 1971, pp. 90-110, esp. esp. 96f. góf. _ Bischoff, Stuttgart, 1971, ρρ. 90-110, (19) M. McNAMAττw, McNamara, "Psalter Psalter Study Study in in the the Early Early Irish Irish "Psalter Text Text and and Psalter 249; 261-264 Church (A.D. (A.D. 600-1200)", 600-1200)", in in PRIA 73^1973), 201-276, esp. esp. 219, 219, 249; 261-264 Church 73C(1973), 201-276, for ed. ed. of of fols. fols. 14 14 and and 46r. 46r. for - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

collated the manuscript for Lucas De Coxινcκ Coninck collated for his his critical critical edition edition Lucλs DE (1977) ( 977) (20) (20) of of Julian Julian of of Eclanum's Eclanum's Latin Latintranslation translation of ofTheodore Theodore of of Mopsuestia's commentary Epitome of of this this Mopsuestia's commentaryon onthe the Psalms Psalms and and of of the Epitome Latin Latin translation. translation. He He notes notes that thatthe thecompiler compilerhas hasthroughout throughout used used the Epitome, Epitome, not not the thefull fulltranslation translationitself itself—- even even in in places places where where both both are extant: extant: the theexcerpts excerptscontain containadditions additionsand andformulations formulationsproper proper are to the author of of the Epitome. Epitome. InInthe theplaces placeswhere wherethe thecompiler compiler of of the the wished to thereare arenumerous numerous wished to reproduce his source source textually textually we find that that there errors and conjectural conjectural emendations. emendations. Despite Despite this, this, however, however, the themamaerrors Epitome from from which which the the excerpts excerpts are are drawn drawn was was aamuch much nuscript of the Epitome better one one than the the text text in inthe theMilan Milan Codex, Codex, Amb Amb C C 301 301 inf. inf. The The better manuscript used by by the compiler contained, as as part part of the text manuscript used compiler contained, text itself, itself, supra lineam. linear. readings which Milan text text figure figure in margine margine or supra readings which in in the Milan MERCATI's remark remark to Ramsay Coninck also makes mention mention of of Mgr. Mgr. Mercati's Ramsay De Coninck of presence in catena of of the theinfluence influence of of Hilary, Hilary, but butvery verywisely wisely of the presence in the catena comments situation in this matter matter is is very very complex. complex. With With commentsthat that the the situation in this "most recent writers" De Coninck takes the manuscript to date most "most writers" De Coninck the manuscript to date most probably from second half of of the the eighth eighth century. century. probably from the second The completed a critical edition of the text text inin1976 1976 The present present writer completed O'NEILL and published an essay essay on on it it in in1979 1979 ((21 ). In In1981 1981 Patrick and published 81). PATRICK O'Neill published a study study of of the theobscure obscureOld-English Old-English gloss gloss brondegur (found (found at published 22 77:46) ((22)) and also also a summary summary of aa paper paper of of his his on onthe thevernacular vernacular Ps 77:46) 23 glosses of manuscript ((23). ). He He takes takes the date of of the the work work to to be be glosses of the manuscript the date early eighth eighth century century and and believes believes that the the scribe scribe of of our ourpresent present the early manuscript did not understand understand Old Old English English and and was was copying copying from from an an manuscript original which, presumably, presumably, the Old Old English English glosses glosses stood stood above above original in in which, the lines lines of of the Latin Latin text text or orininthe themargins margins ((24 ). the 24). This brief surveys takes history of of research research over over the the past pastcencenThis brief surveys takes the history (from 1886) 1886) as as 1981. 1981. InInmy myview viewtwo twomaj01 majoi studies studiesstill still tury (from as far as I

(20) Ί'heodori Theodori Mopsuesteni Juliano Aeclanensi Aeclanensi ininMopsuesteniExpositionis Expositions in Psalmos Iuliano D'Hoντ terprete latinum versae versae quae quae supersunt, supersunt, Auxiliante Maria Josepha D'Hont MARIA JOSEPHA terprete in in latinum Turnhout, 1977, edidit Lucros Lucas DE De C Coninck (CCL 87Α), 87A), Turnhout, 1977, pp. xlif. xlif. οκτκcκ (CCL (21) M. McNamara, "Ireland and Northumbria Vatican M. MCNAMARA, "Ireland and Northumbriaasasillustrated illustrated by by a Vatican Manuscript", in Thought (Fordham University), 54 54 (no. (no. 214, 1979) ,, 274-290. Manuscript", in (Fordham University), 214, 1979) 2 74-2 90. (22) Patrick English brondegur", English Studies Studies 62 (1981), 62 (τ98τ), (82) PATRICK O'Neill, O'NEILL, "Old "Old English brondegūr", English 2-4. (88) (23) Id., Id., "The "TheVernacular VernacularGlosses Glosses of ofMS. MS. Vat. Vat.Pal. Pal.6868—- Evidence Evidence for forCulCultural Links Links between between Ireland Ireland and Northumberland Northumberland in the Early Early Eighth Eighth Century", Century", of paper paper given given in in Old Newsletter 14 14 (1981), (1981), 47 47-48. abstract of Old English Newsletter -48 . (24)) Cf. Cf. art. cit., cit., English Studies, Studies, p. p. 4. 4. (24 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



remain be done done on onCodex Codex Vaticanus Vaticanus PalatinoPalatino-Latinus each of of Latinus 68, remain to be 68, each which will significant contributions with regard regard which will probabty probably have significant contributions to make with the date, date, as aswell well as asthe thecultural culturalmilieu, milieu, of ofthe thecomposition composition of of the the to the manuscript. present manuscript. The first first of of these these studies studies would would concern concern itself itself with the the codex codex as as The such, concentrating on such elements elements as the parchment, parchment, the the lining, lining, such, concentrating on such as the the ink, ink, handwriting, handwriting, punctuation, punctuation, marginal marginal notations notations such such as as diple, diple, diminuendo effect The study study of of these these diminuendo effectand and elements elements of of decoration. decoration. The and other relevant relevant details details of of the the codex codex in in the thelight lightofofwhat whatisisknown known and other of Irish qnd qnd British British calligraphy calligraphy and and book book production production during during the eighth eighth of and ninth ninth centuries centuriesshould shouldhelp helpus ussituate situatemore moreclosely closelythe thecomposition composition of the codex codex in in place place and and time. time. of The The other other study II refer refer to toisislinguistic. linguistic. This Thiswould wouldconcentrate concentrate mainly on orthography, orthography, but but would would also also examine examine questions questions of of grammar grammar mainly in so so far far as as is is permitted permitted by by the the nature nature of of this thiswork, work, which which is is in in the the main a collection collection of An important important part part main of excerpts excerpts from from other other writings. writings. An ńation of the manof in fact, fact, would would be be an an exami examination manof the grammatical study, in ner in in which which the thework work changes changes the the orthography orthography of ofthe theoriginal originalsources sources nei in keeping keeping with with aapeculiar peculiargrammatical grammatical structure. structure. in Even a cursive reading of the codex Pal. or68 reveals reveals that orEven cursive reading of the codex Pal. Lat. 68 thographically, both lemmata and and the theglosses, glosses, itit contains contains most most thographically, both in in the lemmata of of the the characteristics characteristics one one associates associates with with Hiberno-Latin Hiberno-Latin works works and and with writings of of the the early earlyMiddle Middle Ages, Ages, especially especially of of the theMerovingian Merovingian with writings period. period. Without Without in in any anyway wayaiming aiming atatbeing beingexhaustive exhaustive IIinstance instance some of these these characteristics, characteristics, as as set set out by some of by the theauthorities authoritiesininthe thefield: field: consonants, assimilation assimilation and dissimulation, dissimulation, syncope syncope and and its itsabsence, absence, in consonants, absence of of n in coiux, frequent frequent haplography haplography and and dittography, dittography, espeespeabsence cially with with regard regard to to certain certainconsonants, consonants, confusion confusion or or interchange interchange of of cially consonants {p/b, b/w consonantal, cjk c/k or qu,dlt qu,d/t,g/c,phfl), (p/b, b/w certain consonants tgjc,phlf), cc or q (in solempnitate solempnitate sempfor qu, insertion of of p between dental {in between labial labial and dental timbris, Ps 45:5). 45:5). timbris, There is also also the the frequent frequentinterchange interchangeofofcertain certainvowels; vowels; o/u, oju, a/o, There uu, u for au, au, a a¡e, eeji] (universal in aeclesia), /i; we aeclesia), u for uu, a/e, we have ae for e (universal for ii. ti. Some Someinstances instancesofofsuch suchoccurrences occurrences in in the thecodex codex may may for au, i for be due due to scribal scribal errors. errors. This Thismay maymay maybe bethe thecase caseininsome somecases casesofof be vice versa. versa. Rather the use use of of a for 0o and vice Ratherthan thanemend emendthe thetext, text,however, however, here list list these these occurrences occurrences in in Pal. Pal. Lat. 68, 68, including page reference reference of of I here the the present presentedition: edition: " Use of a FOR for o: o; arganorum 290), carda carda (50:15; 112) USE arganorum (Ps (Ps 136:2, 136:2, p. 290), - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa cohartatur (131:6,268), continua (88:22;i88), (74:9,157), medi-1 5η ) , medi cohartatur (88:22;188), dua (74:9, tubar (118;117;257), (118:117:257), multa (39:11:91), tabernacula (60:5,126), (60:5,126), ulla ulla (39:ττ;91), tabernacula tabar (138:12:294). ( 1 38 ; 1 2 2 94) • Use OF of oο for p. 254), louo-USE auersabor (Ps 1118:85: (7 1 :6; 1 47), bui FOR a; a: auersabor τ8:85; ρ• 2 54), hoc (71:6:147), raui (=laboraui) (=laboraui) (48:9:106); (142:8:300); meorum meorum (68:34; raui (48:9;το6); matutino (142:8;300); (68 :34; 143), (72:19:151), molorum molorum (39:13:91), obsolutionis (66:3; 1 43 ), mirabor (72:19;151), (39:τ3;91), obsolutionis 1135); 35 ); obsoruet το;122), operiantur operiantur (—ap—) (=ap--) (τ40:3;297), obsoruet (57: (57:10:122), (140:3:297), saluos saluos (71:13:148), sancto (133:2;287). (133:2:287). (71:13;148), -

the manuscript MANUSCRIPT ON THE II. Description DESCRIPTION on manuscript is is thus thus described described by byE.A. E.A.LoWE Lowe ((25 The manuscript 25):): "Glossa in Anglo-Saxon minuscule Foil. "Glossa in Psalmos. Psalmos. Anglo-Saxon minusculesaec. saec.VIII. VIII. Foil. 46; ca. 310 310X190 (ca. 267 267x150 40-43 long long lines. lines. Χ 190 mm. mm. (ca. Χ 150 mm.) mm.) in 40-43 46; Ruling after folding, folding, several several leaves leaves at aatime; time;single singlebounding bounding Ruling lines. Prickings in in both both margins margins guided guided ruling. ruling. Gatherings Gatherings lines. Prickings normally signed by Roman numeral numeral in in the thecentre centre normally of of tens, tens, signed by aa Roman (once on the first page), page), standstandof the the lower margin of the last page (once ing apparently Scribe's signature signature at at the theend end ing apparently over over older older marks. marks. Scribe's of the Mainpauses pauses marked marked of the MS. MS. (fol. (fol.46) 46)ininthe thescript scriptofofthe thetext. text. Main by .•.., lesser lesser pauses pauses by by the the mere mere point; point; at at the theend endof of the thePsalm Psalm :or ..— ..— isis used, used, often often repeated repeated to to fill fill out out aa line. line. Citations Citations - or marked in margin by, by , or or.,.,. .Accents Accents monosyllables. marked in the left margin ononmonosyllables. Abbreviations ofof Insular very numerous; numerous; ... tui has has Abbreviations Insular type type and and very ... tm Anglo-Saxon form form -rj- ... the Anglo-Saxon Parchment thick, Writtenin inrapid rapidand andexpert expert Parchment thick, of 0f Insular Insular type. type. Written fine minuscule. Each psalm psalm begins begins with with an anuncoloured uncoloured initial initial fine minuscule. Each of type, followed followed by by aa group groupof oflarger larger of strikingly strikingly angular Insular type, letters often in majuscule ... In the text occur vernacular letters often in majuscule ... In the text occur vernacular glosses marked oblique apices. apices. glosses marked by oblique Written by by Edilberict, Edilberict, son son of ofBerictfrid Berictfrid (fol. (fol. 46), 46), probably probably in in Written of England. England. The Thetur-symbol tur-symbol τt rf points points to to an an English English the north of scriptorium, the vernacular vernacular glosses, glosses, but but script script and and scriptorium,asas do do the decoration point Ireland. Later Later ininGermany, Germany, probably probably at at decoration point to to Ireland. Lorsch: pen-trial `CUNIBRAHT' 'CUNIBRAHT' is found on on fol. fol. 46v." 46V." Lorsch: aa pen-trial is found



( ) E. E. A. A. Lowx, Lowe, Codices Antiquiores, vol. τ, 1, Oxford, 1934, no.. 78. 7®(25) CodicesLatini Latini Antiquiores, Oxford, 1934, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



The present present text begins begins with with the the lemma and gloss gloss for Ps Ps 39:11d: 39:1 id: The "A concilio concilio multa". multa". í i. toto . lotoIsrahel Israhelpraedicabo. praeiicabo. The The first first part of the the part of commentary, and possibly also an introduction accompanying it, has commentary, and possibly also introduction accompanying has been lost. The46 46folios folios that that remain remain are are in inan anexcellent excellent state stateofofpreprebeen lost. The servation. There Thereisisa atear tearininthe theparchment parchmentfrom fromthe thetop topleft leftdownwards downwards servation. inwards on on fol. fol. 33 (S8) (26) and and aa hole hole right right through through the theparchment parchment in in and inwards 27 fol. 16 ( ). The continuity of the text in both cases makes it clear fol. 16 (87). The continuity of the text in both cases makes it clear both faults faults existed existed before before the text text was was added. added. The Thefinal finalfolio folioisis that both at the thetop topand andslightly slightlycreased creasedfurther furtherdown down( (28 ). The Theinterferinterfer28). rent at ence with indicates that that both bothtear tearand andcrease creasecame cameafter afterparchparchence with the the text indicates on. The Thetext text generalisisvery verylegible, legible,although although ment had been written on. iningeneral in a few few cases cases the ink ink has has faded faded and and the thewriting writing has hasblurred blurred (e.g. (e.g. 5r, 5r, in 29 nv)(S9). ( ). III) III.MARGINAL MarginalAND andINTERLINEAR interlinearMARKINGS markings AND and III. i. τ.

glosses GLOSSES

Marginal Citation Marks: Marks: Diple Marginal Citation

Most (i.e. outside of the introductory Most lines lines of ofthe the commentary commentary proper proper (i.e. introductory material) are are accompanied accompanied in the left-hand left-hand margin margin by bythe thefollowing following material) in the signs (3Ο): (30): ,, (a (a large large comma comma sign), sign), ., (point (point and and large large comma), comma), ...., (two (two points and large comma). comma). The The second second of of these these (., (., point point and andlarge large points and large comma) can appear singly singly or be be repeated repeated twice, twice, three threetimes timesororoccasionoccasioncomma) ally even four From fol. 191 onwards only only the the ally even four times. times. From 191 (lower (lower part) part) onwards first of single large large comma) failto tofind findan anexplaexplafirst of these these (,(, - aa single comma) occurs. occurs. IIfail nation of of the change, change, but itit may mayininsome someway waybe beconnected connected with with the the nation that the thelatter latterhalf halfofofthe themanuscript manuscripthas hasfewer fewermarginal marginalsigns signsthan than fact that earlier part. part. the earlier appears that that these these signs signs are are the the diele diple of which Isidore Isidore speaks speaks It appears {Etym., I, 21, 13, PL 82, 97B): "Diple .... hanc scriptores nostri apponunt scriptures apponunt (Etym., τ, 21, 82, 97Β): "Diele .... libris ecclesiasticorum ecclesiasticorum virorum ad separanda, separanda, vel veldemonstranda demonstranda in libris virorum ad testimonia sanctarum The diple the margin margin would would testimonia sanctarum scripturarum." scripturarum." The diele in the be placed against lemma in the text; text; two, two, three threeororfour four diele diple would be placed against a lemma indicate corresponding number ourmanuscript, manuscript, indicate the corresponding number of of lemmata. lemmata. InInour ,

(26) Below, Below, pp. 102, 102, 105. 105. (22) Below, Below, pp. 170, 173. 170, 1 73. PP. (28) Below, Below, pp. pp. 308-310. 308-310. (S9) 29 ( ) Below, Below, pp. 114, 114, 116, 148. (29) ττ6, 148. (39) They noted by by E. E.A. A. LowE, Lowe, op. op. (90) Theyare, are,presumably, presumably,the the citation citation marks marks noted cit. CLA, CLA, I, I, no. no. 78. 78. cit. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

12 12

Glossa in Glossa


however, not every lemma lemma has aa corresponding corresponding diele; diple] on more than one one however, occasion, one lemma lemma have only only aasingle single diele, diple, occasion,lines lineswith with more more than than one even in the the folios folios before before τ9r. igr. even We have of knowing knowing whether these present marginal marginal signs signs We have no way of [diple) original work work or or have have been been added added later. later. were in in the original (diele) were 2. 2.

Source References References Marginal Source

the left-hand left-hand margins margins we we also also find find hir fifteen fifteen times times (81) (31) and and In the 32 or thirty-four thirty-four times times ((32), ). this latter latter often often the letter h about thirty-three or accompanied by Sourceanalysis analysis accompanied byone oneorormore moredots dots(h.(h.- -.h. .h.-- .h.. .h.. -- hh ...). ...). Source indicates for hirunimus: it stands stands opposite opposite material material stands for indicates that hir stands ascribed to The letter letter h in most instances instances seems seems also inalso to inascribed to Jerome. Jerome. The dicate a source source believed believed to Jerome's, since since it often often stands stands in in the the dicate to be be Jerome's, margin opposite However, II fail fail to tounderstand understandthis thistwofold twofold margin opposite such suchtexts. texts. However, of reference reference hir and h, for for the maybe bethat thatthese these the same sameauthor. author. ItItmay form of marginal source source references the manuscript manuscript atatdifferent different marginal references were were added added to to the times by different different scholars. scholars. This Thiswould wouldalso alsohelp helptotoexplain explain two times and by occurrences marginal h opposite opposite texts which the compiler compiler (and (and texts which occurrences of of a marginal tradition he he represented) represented) seems seems to have have attributed attributed to to presumably the tradition (i.e. at at Pss Pss73-17 73-17 and and131, 131,ininsecond secondand andallegorical allegoricalexposition). exposition). Hilary (i.e. In these these two two cases cases h seems as indicating indicating hilarius. There seems to be intended as also aa few few cases cases in in which which h stands stands opposite opposite unidentified In unidentifiedtexts. texts. In are also these cases cases the letter letter may maynow nowbebemisplaced. misplaced. these While the dots dots accompanying accompanying the the h are scarcely scarcely without without purpose, purpose, While I have failed failed to identify their raison d'etre. They may have something to identify their raison d'etre. They may have something to do with with the the number number of of citations citations from from aa given given author, author, although although this this does not appear appear to to be bethe thecase case(S(333). ). does

31 ((81) ) Fols. Fols. 3r 3r (twice), (twice), 4r (three (three times), jv, nr, 22r, 23r, 23r, 23V (twice) 25 25V, ν, 7ν, zxr, ττr, 23v (twice) Ν, times), 44V, 32r, 37r; 37r; below below respectively respectively pp. 105, ιο8, 108, no, 113, 128, 128, 147, 147, 199, 199, 205, 205, 207, 207, 216, 216, III, 113, 32r, PP. 105, 245. 265. 45, 265. 2 32 ((98) ) Fols. Fols, iv, iv, 2v 2v (five (five times), times), 33V, jt, 8r 8r (twice), (twice), 88v, gr (five (five times), times), gv gv ν, 7r, ν, gr (three times), lor, τον, rov, 12v i2v (three (three times), times), 13 13V, I7r, τ8ν i8v (three (three or possibly possibly four four ν, 17r, (three times), lor, times), 19ν, igv, 24r, 24r, 25r, 25r, 29ν, 29V, 3ον, 30V, 40ν. 40V. times), (33) Α similar (33) A regarding the the purpose purpose of of the theRoman Romannumerals numerals similar problem problem exists regarding i, ií ii to to the the left left of of the the letter letter h in the the margin margin of of fol. fol. rov (heading of of Ps. Ps. 70); 70); see see p. p. 1145 τον (heading í, 45 below. below. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Introduction 3.


Marginal Indication of Senses Senses of of Scripture Scripture Marginal Indication

Occasionally the text isis indicated indicatedinin Occasionally the form form of of exegesis exegesis given given in in the the text left-hand margin. margin. Thus: Thus: hist (historia, [historia, historice historiée or historialiter), historialiter), the left-hand 38 fols. 22v (34). τ8ν i8v (twice) (twice) (35), (35). 29v 29V (36), (36). 3or 3or(S7); (37); Mor (38V) ) or or M (38ν) ((θ8) I fols. ν (S4), 39 (= Moraliter), several occurrences occurrences ((89), ). chiefly chiefly on fols. fols. 37 37v-4ir the (= Moraliter), ν-41r,) in in the second exposition Gradual Psalms. Psalms. second exposition of of the Gradual 4.

Marginal Annotations Annotations and Glosses Glosses on the Text Text Marginal on the

following glosses occur in in the the marmarThe following glossesororannotations annotations on on the the text occur 40 gins. In fol. igr, left-hand margin, at Ps 87:12 ( ), we have the regins. In fol. τ9r, left-hand margin, at Ps 87:12 ( 40), we have the re4l hironiam haec haec dicuntur. dicuntur. In fol. fol. 20v 20v (41), ( ), left left margin, margin, we we mark: per per hironiam gloss on a single single word both the thegloss gloss and andthe therelevant relevant have a gloss word of of a text, both Ps 89:5) 89:5) carrying carrying the thereference reference sign sign • • (This (This word (transeat of of Ps verse is also also heavily heavily glossed glossed interlinearly) interlinearly) ((42 ). In Infol. fol. 25r 25r aagloss gloss in in verse 43). 43 the left left margin: margin: haec omnia iuxta alligoriam conueniunt ( ), indicates a haec omnia alligoriam conueniunt (43), preference for allegorical exegesis, text's preference for allegorical exegesis,possibly possiblyover over against against the the text's mainly literal exposition of (Ps 103). fol.26r 26r mainly literal exposition of the the psalm psalm in in question question (Ps 103). InInfol. 104:28) ((44 sign over (on misit of Ps 104:28) 44)) aa marginal marginalnote, note,with withreference reference sign _l_over that this thisisisthe thefirst firstplague; plague;the theremaining remainingseven sevenplagues plaguesare are both, notes that indicated by Roman numerals in the left-hand margins of fol. 26rv, indicated Roman numerals in the left-hand margins of fol. 26r1, reference sign Theeight eight beneficia which without any reference signinintext text or or margin. margin. The follow are margin, the thefirst firstoccurrence occurrencehaving havingthe thereference reference follow are noted noted in the margin, sign j—:—1 marginal noteand andover over eduxit of of the text text (Ps (Ps104: 104: sign • overover the the marginal note 45 37) ( ). The remaining are indicated by Roman numerals ). The remaining beneficia are indicated by Roman numerals 37) (45 without any any reference reference signs. signs. Meta, with aboveit, it,occurs occurs with the the sign sign — above 34

( )) Below, Below, p. 100. p. '00. (84 (35) Below, Below, p. p. 183. 183. (35) (36) Below, Below, p. p. 234. 234. (δ9) 37 ((87 )) Below, Below, p. p. 235. 2 35. ((θ38e) ) Below, The or of oí Mor is, however, a later later addition. addition. Below,p.p.270. 270. The is, however, (39) Fols. Fols. 3ν, 3v, 9r, gr, 9ν gv (three (three times), times), lor (three times), times), τον, rov, 12ν, i2v, 17r, ryr, 18 i8vν (four (four for (three times), 22r, 22r, 29ν, 2gv, 37ν 37V (five (five times), 38r (three (three times), times), 39r 3gr (twice), (twice), 39 3gv (twice), 4οr 4or times), times), 38r ν (twice), (twice), 440V (three times), times), 44ir, 41VΝ (twice), (twice), 42r, 42 42V. ον (three (twice), τ r, 41 ν. (40) Below, Below, p. 186. 186. (41) Below, p. 192. ig2. Below, p. (42) See below, p. p. 192. ig2. See below, (43) Below, 213; see see also also below below pp. pp. 29, 2g, 58f. 58!. Below, p. p. 213; (44) Below, p. 218. 218. Below, p. 45 ((45 )) Below, Below, p. p. 21g. 219. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

46 in the left left margin margin of of fol. 28r, text (at (atPs Ps106:23) 106:23) ((46) ) without without 28r, where where the text any sign has has per meta metaforam. any sign f oram. The composite composite gloss, Latin, i. anoirdes ab ah hierïi The gloss,inin Old Old Irish Irish and Latin, hiera occurs on top right-hand right-hand margin margin of of fol. iiv, andisisprobably probably ininoccurs on the top iii, and tended to be taken as part of the text of the comment on Ps 71:10 inadtended of the text of the comment on Ps ητ:ιο omitted. A (dot; full-stop full-stop sign) sign) in the text text {duae Α note (dot; vertently omitted. (duce Arabias Arabise sunt A. anairdes .. ab ah hiru), although apparently wrongly wronglyplaced, placed, seems seems si'nt .i. anairdes although apparently indicate this this ((47 ). 47). to indicate A gloss gloss in right-hand margin margin of of fol. çr to be be intended intended Α in the right-hand 9r appears to 48 . supplying an anomission omission(48) ( ). as supplying


Probationes Probationes Pennue Pennue

What appear appear to be be pen pen trials trials appear appear in in fol. fol. 8v, 8v, thus: thus: in in the the leftleftWhat margin iv (with u), four four times times ((49 ); in lower lower margin margin i hand margin (with a v, not not aa u), 49); twice (one (one of these these probably probably aa gathering gathering number) number) and and pheb; pheb\ in leftlefttwice hand margin margin what what appears appears to be be G. hand 6.

Interlinear Glosses and Corrections of Interlinear Glosses and Corrections of Text

fols. 1-2ov 1-20V and fol. 440V glosses and and In fols. and in fol. ον occasional occasional interlinear glosses corrections of the text occur. Sometimes it is difficult to determine corrections of the occur. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether the interlinear interlinear glosses glosses are intended to to supply supply passages passages that that whether are intended have been been omitted omitted or or are are additional additional glosses. glosses. The Theinterlinear interlinearmaterial material have be classed classed as asfollows: follows: can be 50 i.í. Insertion Insertionofofomitted omittedletter letteror orletters letters ((80). ). The Theomission omissionisisgenerally generally indicated by aa dot dot between between the theletters letterswhere wherethe theomission omissionoccurs, occurs, and and indicated also after or before before (sometimes (sometimes both letter or or letters lettersadded added also both and and after) after) the letter interlinearly.

ii. Insertion of of omitted omitted word word or orwords. words. The omission omission is indicated indicated íi. in the text text by byaadot dot(.)(.)ororcolon colon(:)(:)inserted insertedbetween betweentwo twowords, words, with with in the same sign repeated before and after the inserted words. Thus: the same sign repeated before and after the inserted words. Thus: 46

( ) Below, Below, p. p. 227. 227. (48) (47) See below, pp. 2if. and App. II totoPs. Ps.71:10, 71:10, p.p.148. 148. See further further below, pp. 21f. and App. (48) See below, p. 137. 137. See below, (48) Below, Below, p. 135. 1 35. (60) Occurrences 2r (Ps. (Ps. 44:3), 44:3), 2ν 2v (Ps. (Ps. 45:5), 3v (Ps. (Ps. 48:12), 48:12), 4r (Ps, (80) Occurrences in in fols. fols. 2r 45:5), 3v 4r (Ps, V Ps τ3r1" (Ps. 49:7), 55v (Ps. 49:7). ( - 54:19; 54:I9I 55:8), ι3r i3r (Ps. (Ps. 73:20), 73:20). rS (Ps. 74; 74; heading); heading);131, X3V (Ps. (Ps.76:3). 76:3). 40V (Ps. (Ps. 129, 129, heading); heading); below, below, respectively respectively pp. pp. 99, 99, 102, 102, 106, 106, 109, 109, 117, 117, 156, 156, 159, 159. 40ν 279. 279. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



fols. i2v (Ps (Ps 73:11, 73:11, colons) colons) ((51 ), 14r 141- (Ps (Ps76:17, 76:17, dots) dots)(5(528), ), τ6ν i6v (Ps (Ps 80, 80, fols. 12v 61), 53 heading; colons) colons) (b( 3), ), 2ον 20v (Ps (Ps 89:5, 89:5, several severalglosses; glosses;dots) dots)(54) (54).. Explanatory glosses, glosses, possibly not intended intended as ascorrections. corrections. In iii. Explanatory possibly not these instances instances we have neither neither colon colon or or dot dot totoindicate indicateananomission. omission. these we have Some of the glosses in this class identify the person intended in the text, text, Some of the glosses in this class identify the in the 55 (55). e. g. fol. 7v: i. Dauid, on inmaculatum of Ps 63:5 ( ). Some are gramην: of 63:5 Some are grammatical notes, e.g. case of of aa particular particularnoun, noun,e.g. e.g. fol. 7r, yr, matical notes, e.g. giving giving the the case dati(uus} of Ps Ps 61:4 61:4 ((56 ). In In fol. i5r commentary on on dati on parieti parieti of δe). 15r the commentary 77:43 interprets in Aegipto Aegipto signa as the ten ten plagues plagues (57). (57j. The TheRoman Roman Ps 77:43 numerals í-uiií i-uiii placed placed interlinearly interlinearly over over words words in inverses verses45 45 (misit, {misit, ranumerals 58 nam) ((b8), ), 46 46 (dedit, labores), labores), 49 {missit) and 51 (percussit) number these (missit) 51 59 plagues. (We (We have have seen seen already already (( δ9) ) that that the theplagues plagues are arenumbered numbered plagues. in the the margin margin for for the theparallel parallel passage passage of of Ps Ps104.) 104.) in iv. Other Other Interlinear additions. The interlinear interlinear additions additions in in fols. fols. ív. Interlinear additions. (Ps 74:4, 74:4, 9) 9) ((60 14V (Ps (Ps 77:25) 77:25) (("), 17V (Ps 83:4) 83:4) (82) (82) and 2ον 20v (Ps (Ps ), 14v 81 ), 17V (Ps 80), 63 which may may have been absent from 89:5) ( )) are full glosses glosses which from the the copyist's copyist's 8 9:5) (B9 exemplar and added to the the present present manuscript manuscriptfrom fromsome some other othersource. source. exemplar (Ps 47:3) 47:3) (ß(644), ), i.e. inpër {—inperatiuus, if the readA gloss in fol. 3r (Ps inpē r (=inperatiuus, if the reading and expansion are correct), above fundatur and below monte of the ing expansion are correct), above f undatur and below monte of the biblical text, seems to the verb verb fundatur as imperative. (The (The biblical text, seems to take the as imperative. same interlinear gloss gloss occurs occurs again again ininf fol. 3ir,, at at Ps Ps114:7.) 114:7.) same 01. 31r 131 1 31


(51)j .DC1UW, {"'■ j,. 1 53. Below, p. (52) Below, Below, p. p. 161. 161. (68) 53 ((55) ) Below, Below, p. p. 173. 173. (54) Below, p. 192. Below, p. 192. (55) Below, Below, p. p. 130. 130. 69 (66) ( ) Below, Below, p. p. 127. 127. (97) Below, Below, p. p. 166. 166. (δ7) (ss) Below, p. 166. 166. Below, p. (53) See above, p. p. 13. 13. See above, (90) Below, Below, pp. pp. 156f. 156!. (91) Below, Below, p. p. 164. 164. (92) Below, Below, p. p. 178. 178. (68) (93)) Below, Below, p. p. 192. 192. (88 94 104; p. p. 241 for Ps Ps 114:7. (( 84)) Below, Below, p. p. 104; 241 for 114:7.

22 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

65 7. Construe Construe Marks Marks ((65) ) 7.

of Hibern Hiberno-Latin various critical critical o-Latin manuscripts are various A characteristic of signs, points, commas, commas, semicolons, semicolons, dashes, etc. placed placed signs, consisting consisting of of points, dashes, etc. over words, generally construe marks marks apparently apparently over and under words, generally in in pairs pairs — -- construe intended guide for for the the student student through through the theintricacies intricacies of of aaLatin Latin intended as as a guide text, indicating which Pal. text, indicating which words wordswent wenttogether, together,and andsuch suchlike. like. In Pal. 68 there there are arefive fivecases cases of of markings markingsor orcritical criticalsigns signson onwords, words,which which lat. 68 we construe marks. marks. These Theseare areasas follows: we may may very probably regard as construe follows: i. fol. 2r 2r (heading 44) ((66 fmem salmus salmus Dauid" Dauid" .i. A. (heading of of Ps. 44) 88):)-. "In fines! de se se ipso ipso et Salomone. Salomone. "Pro qui commotabuntur" commotabuntur" A. de exilio exilio in rerede "Pro his qui .i. de quiem. "Ad canticum pro pro dilecto". dilecto". The correspondκtellectum filis Chore canticum quiem. "Ad ii'ntellectum ing of Cod. Cod. Amb. Amb. CC 301 301 inf. inf. (fol. (fol. 64b,31-32) 64b,31-32) has two two of of these these three three ing text of 67 markings (and (and another another besides) besides) ((87 ); fmem pro pro his hisqui quicommotacommotamarkings ): "In finem buntur fdiis Chore Chore canticum canticum ad similar text in in Cod. Cod. buntur I/ filiis ad i'ntellectum". iκtellectum". A A similar Amb. C 301 inf. (fol. ioib,15-16), in the heading to Ps 79 has similar Amb. C 301 inf. (fol. 'o1ó,15-46), in the heading Ps 79 has similar markings; "In fineih psalmus psalmuspro prohis hisquiqui commota/bunturtestiritonium testimonium markings: "In finem commota/buntur assab. pro assirio". assab. pro assirio". ii. What What appears appears to to be be another anotheroccurrence occurrence of of construe construe marks marks isis 68 found in in fol. fol. 22iv (Ps 93:3-4) ( ): "IJsquequo peccatores" mag/nitudine found τν (Ps 88): "Usquequo peccatores" .i. pro mag/nitudine 93:3-4) ( doloris geminatur geminatur vox. loquenturiniquitatem".... iniquitatem".... The do/iris vox. ""Èffabuntur . abuntur etetloquentur signs may that usquequo and ej7abuntur effabuntur idea behind these signs may be be to indicate that go together. go together. iii. The signs signs found found in in the thefollowing following text textin infol. fol. 22v 96:12) ((69 22ν (Ps 96:12) 89)) may also have been been intended intended to to serve serve aasimilar similarpurpose. purpose. "LaetdMini may also "Laetá;iini iusti in in Domino" Domino" .i. A. inin? Wassis salmi. iusti assis salmi. iv. The Thesame samereason reason may may also also stand stand behind behind the the signs signs in in fol. 3ir ív. 3τr


( ) On On these these marks marks in in Hibe Hiberno-Latin manuscripts see see Martje Draak, (85) rno-Latin manuscripts MARTJE DRAAK, "Construe Marks Marks in in Hibe Hiberno-Latin Manuscripts", in in Mededelingen der koninklijke koninkhjke rno-Latin Manuscripts", Nederlandse Akademie van van Wetenschappen, afd. Letterkunde, Letterkunde, Nieuwe Nieuwe reeks, Deel Deel Nederlandse Wetenschappen, afd. 20, no. no. io, 10, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1937, 1957, PP261-282; R. in The Commentary Commentary on on the the 20, pp. 261-282; R. I.I. Best, Busr, in Psalms with with Glosses Glosses in 301 Psalms in Old-Irish Old-Irish preserved preservedininthe theAmbrosian Ambrosias Library Library (MS. CC 301 Facsimile, Dublin, Dublin, 1936, 1936, p. p. 29. inf.), Collotype Collotype Facsimile, 29. 66

( ) Below, 98! (88) Below, pp. pp. g8f. (67) The markings of this and and the thefollowing following text text ofofCod. Cod. Amb. Amb. CC301 301 inf. inf. The markings of this are reproduced in in Best's Best's collotype collotype edition. edition. are reproduced (ss) Below, p. 197. 197. Below, p. (89) Below, p. 202. Below, 202. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



113:10) ((70 ); "super misericordia üeritate" .i. per quam quam beneficus beneficus (Ps 113:10) 70): misericordia tua et iieritate" es nobis nobis et el per qüam qüam uindicas uindicas nos nos de de inimicis inimicis tuis. es v. Thesame samemay maybebetrue trueofof this other occurrenceofofsigns signsininfol. fol. v. The this other occurrence "Land ate Dominum Dominum de terra" .i. hucusque hucusque de de cáelo caelocanit cant 45v (Ps (Ps 148:7) 148:7) ((71 ): "Laudate 45ν 71): oornes" ... eios... "Drdcones et de mirabilibus mirabilibus eius..." Dr acones et omnes" et ...


Transposition Transposition Signs

What must must be be regarded regarded as as transposition transposition signs signs are are found found in in fol. ην yv 72 τ4r (Ps (Ps 63, heading: heading: De ipso ipso se) se) ((72 )) and fol. i4r (Ps 77, 77, in in heret: "populum beret: "populum tuum sicut sicut oues") (73).. nues ") (73) 9.

Omission over lemmata lemmata Omission signs over

In the the lemmata lemmatacapricious capriciousabbreviations abbreviationsfrequently frequentlyoccur, occur, indicated indicated stroke over over the letters. letters. InInthe the lemmata strokesalso alsooccur occurwhere where by a stroke lemmata strokes no word word abbreviation abbreviation is Inthese thesecases casesthe thestrokes strokesindicate indicate no is present. present. In omission of biblical text and and are are the theequivalent equivalent of of usque the omission of part part of the biblical (when occurring occurring at the the end end of ofaalemma) lemma) et reliqua of other other Medieval Medieval et reliqua or (when commentaries. IV. LATER LaterADDITIONS additions TO to IV.

the text THE TEXT

the top top margin margin of of fol. ir, above beginning of of the the present present fol. Ir, above the beginning In the (with uncertain letter stand the the words words Supras letter above above ps) dauid, dauid, text, stand Sueras ps (with possibly mistaken writing writing for for Supra Psalmos Psalmos Dauid. Dauid. In the the bottom bottom possibly a mistaken of this page, page, to the the left, left, codex legible, and below below margin of codex sancii sancti is clearly legible, this slightly slightly to the right, right, the the number number 23 23 ín in Arabic Arabic numerals. numerals. This This this to the number is the right right of of this this number is cancelled cancelledby bytwo twostrokes strokesthrough To the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, with 68 68 Palat Palat to we have have the stamp stamp of of Bibliotheca Vaticana, with we its right. right. The TheVatican VaticanPalatine Palatinecollection collection came came from from the theRhenish Rhenish its Palatinate in 1623. 1623. Our Our codex codex was was probably probably in in the the monastery monastery of of St. St. Palatinate Nazarius Lorsch, the most most prominent prominent monastery monastery in area, from from Nazarius at at Lorsch, in the area, which manuscripts in Palatine collection collection came. Poswhich most most of of the the manuscripts in the Palatine came. Possibly Nazarii once after Codex sancii of fol. ir. As Asisisevident, evident, Codex sancti once stood stood after (70) (71) (72) (73)

Below, p. 239. Below, 239. Below, 307!. Below, pp. 307f. Below, 130. Below, pp. 130. Below, 161. Below, p. 161. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

18 18

Glossa in Psalmos Glossa in

all these these entries entries in infol. fol. τi were in an an already alreadyacephalous acephalouscodex. codex. were made in (74) has noted noted that that the thecodex codex isisiningatherings gatherings normally normally of of Lowe (74) tens, signed signed by Roman numeral numeral in in the the centre centre of ofthe thelower lowermargin margin tens, by a Roman of last page; page; once once on the the first first page. page. These TheseRoman Romannumerals numerals are are of the last as follows: overearlier earliernumber); number); follows: ií (fol. (fol. 8v; 8v; written written twice, once apparently apparently over not u; 39r). ii (08\); (i8v); íií iii (28v), (28v), iiii iiii (38v), (38v), v (written (written as as v, not 39r). Since Since these these ií mark the the gatherings gatherings of ofthe thepresent presentacephalous acephaloustext textwhich whichbegins beginswith with 39: i id, it that they they do do not notbelong belong to tothe theoriginal originaleighth-(or eighth-(or Ps 39:11d, it is clear that ninth-)century text, although, as Lowe Lowe observes, observes, they are apparently apparently ninth-)century text, although, they are older marks. marks. over older aredescribed describedbyby Lindsay ((75 as "scribblings" "scribblings" in fol. fol. 46v 46V What are LINDSAY 75)) as (the different kinds. On the thetop topright rightwe wehave have (the very last page) page) are of different kinds. On in majuscule Cunibraht exaudiat to te Dñs. top left left we we have have On the the top Cunibraht exaudiat Dns. On in majuscule {Deus}) eorum palmas semper; semper] underneath this downwards downwards the numbers numbers (Deus?) eorum i-xiii (with (with u, uii, uiii, uiii, uiiii) uiiii) in Roman Roman numerals. numerals. There Thereare aresome some í-xííí u, ui, uii, resolutions of suspensions and abbreviations, abbreviations, presumably presumably those thosefound found resolutions of suspensions dicitur; dt dicit; in the codex codex itself: itself: úü uero] cs cuius (twice), dr dicitur, didicit] uero; hs hs huius] huius; cs {em added to dicit)] qre quare. There also suspensions abbreThere are also suspensions and abbredicit); qre quare. (em added viations biblical names Ethan, and and viations without without solutions. solutions. The The biblical names Eman, Eman, Ethan, occur; also also M and Modorum with peculiar Greek Greek M M of of with the peculiar Idithun occur; found in margins and of the codex. codex. There There are are as found in the the margins and text text of Moraliter as some scribblings besides, some faded faded writing writing apparently apparently some further further scribblings besides, and and some in the same hand that wrote Cunibraht. in the same hand that wrote Some of additional writing writing in infol. fol. 8v 8vhas hasalready alreadybeen beennoted noted(76). (76). Some of the additional To may now now be added added aa large large D in the upper upper left-hand left-hand margin. margin. To this may line 1τ of folio facile is is rewritten text in in rewritten over over this this word word in in the text In line of this folio possiblythis thissame samehand hand a hand hand different differentfrom fromthat thatofofthe the text. text. ItItisispossibly that has has added added Psalmus D-D in a space left vacant at at the the end end of of Ps Ps66. 66. may be be intended intended to to go gowith withthe theheading headingofofthe thefollowing following psalm. psalm. It may apossibly the same same hand has added added rri iinterlinearly interlinearly over over ffaIt isis possibly hand that has last line line of of the theglosses glosses on on Ps Ps 66, 66, without without any anyapparent apparent ciamus in the last reason. Psalmus is also also added added at the the end end of of Ps Ps54 54 (fol. (fol. 5v) 5v) in in vacant vacant Psalmus D-D is space, but It space, but undoubtedly undoubtedlyintended intendedtotogo gowith withthe theheading headingofofPsPs55. 55. It 6r). InInboth the end end of of the theheading heading of of Ps Ps 57 57 (fol. (fol. 6r). bothcases cases is also also added added at the is probably probably by added it in in fol. fol. 8v. 8v. The Thenumbers numbers i,i, it is by the the hand hand that added no (74) E. A. LOWS, Lowe, Codices Codices Latini Antiquiores, vol. I, 1934, 78Latini Anliquiores, 1934, no.- 78. 75 ( ) W. M. Lindsay, Early Irish Irish Miniscule Miniscule Script, Script, Oxford, 1910, p. 68. Oxford, 1910, p. 68. Lινnswv, Early (76) See See above, above, line line 5. 5. (75) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



ïi are written written to the left left of of h.. A.. (= (= hirunimus?) hirunimus?) in the the left left margin margin of offol. fol. ii i iv(to (tothe theheading headingofofPsPs70), 70),with withwhat whatsignificance significance if if any any IIcannot cannot iii say, unless they intended to to indicate indicate the the number number of ofcitations citationsfrom from say, unless they are intended in the the line. line. h or in

V. VernacularGLOSSES glosses V. VERNACULAR There are 25 25 Old-Irish Old-Irish Glosses Glosses in the the Codex Codex and and55Old-English Old-English There ones. While While the the Old-I Old-Irish glosses are throughout the the mamaones. ńsh glosses are distributed distributed throughout nuscript right from from the the first first folio folio (Ir) (ir) to to the thelast last(46r), (46r), three three of of the the nuscript Old-English are concentrated in the same page and in three verses Old-English are concentrated in the same and in three verses ofof same psalm psalm (Ps (Ps 77:45, 77:45, 46, 46, 47). 47). Eleven Elevenofofthe the25 25Old-Irish Old-Irish and and 33 the same of the 5 Old-English Old-English are sole glosses Two at at of are the the sole glosseson onthe the Latin Latin lemma. lemma. Two least of of the the Old-Irish Old-Irish glosses glosses seem seem to be be intentionally intentionally composite, composite, with with least Latin and and the the I.rish Irish text text not not merely merely juxtaposed juxtaposed and andindependent independent the Latin one of the other. In 9 of the Old-Irish and in one of the Old-English one of the other. In 9 of the Old-Irish and in one of the Old-English (fol. i2v, 73:14) there combination of Latin and and the the verver(fol. 12v, on on Ps Ps 73:14) there is is a combination of Latin nacular but of such could stand alone. alone. Apart Apart nacular but of such aa nature nature that either part could from one one marginal maiginal (fol. (fol. ττν, iiv, on Ps 71:10) 71:10) and and one one interlinear interlinear gloss gloss from on Ps (fol. 20V, on Ps 89:6), all the glosses in Old-Irish now form part of the (fol. 2ον, on 89:6), glosses Old-Irish now form of the of the the commentary, commentary, as as do do all all the theOld-English Old-English glosses. glosses. With With the the text of exception of Old-Irish glosses glosses (fol. (fol. 15r, ifir, on on Ps Ps77:44 77:44 and and20\0 20v on on exception of two Old-Irish 89:6 — - an gloss) the vernacular vernacular glosses glosses are are set setoff offfrom from Ps 89:6 an interlinear interlinear gloss) Latin text text by bymeans meansofofapices, apices, just justasasthe theOld-Irish Old-Irishglosses glosses are are in in the Latin the Book Book of of Armagh Armagh and andininthe theSchaffhausen Schaffhausenmanuscript manuscriptof ofAdomnan's Adomnan's Columbae, this latter latter work work written written at at Iona. Iona. Vita Columbae, Scholarly to whether whether the thevernacular vernacular Scholarly opinion opinionisis still still divided divided as as to glosses were or whether whether they theyhave have glosses werefrom fromthe the beginning beginningpart part of of the the text or been introduced introduced into from the the margins. margins. The Theevidence evidence seems seems to to been into it it from favour the former former view, view, at at least least with withregard regardtotothe thegenuinely genuinelycomposite composite glosses sole comment comment on on the theLatin Latinlemmata. lemmata. glosses and and those those which which are are the sole I. τ.

The Old-Irish Glosses Glosses ofof Pal. 68. The Old-Irish Pal. lat. lat. 68.

The 25 25 Old-Irish Old-Irish glosses, glosses, with English translation, translation, are are as as The with an English follows (77): ("):

(") Edition Edition of of the the glosses glosses with with translation translation of of the the ι12z more more difficult difficult ones ones in in (77) Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus. Palaeohibernicus. AA Collection Collection of Old-Irish Old-Irish Glosses Glosses Scholia Scholia Prose Prose and and Thesaurus - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Glossa in Psalmos Psalmos Glossa


(fol. ir). "Euge, "Euge, euge" (Ps 39:16) ait ait .í. aduerbium τ. (fol. 1. euge" (Ps 39:16) .í. .i. ait ait .i. aduerbium The Irish word (aitt) as as an adjective ait (aiti) optantis. The word ait adjective means means "pleasant, "pleasant, agreeable." It is here used as an interjection. See also gloss το agreeable." It is here used as an interjection. See also gloss no. no. 10 below. 2. (42:2).

(fol. iv). "erue "erue me" (Ps (Ps 42:1) 42:1) ba ba em (fol. em carat. carat. "It were were indeed indeed (the part) of of aa friend." friend."

"Incedο "Incedo


cor meum meum uerbum bonum", De quo quo dicit dicit "eructuauit 3. (fol. 2r). De "eructuauit cor bonum", literally .í. .i. cridescel. Vox Dauid de Salomone". Cridescel, .i. (Ps 44:2), 44:2), Vox de Salomone". Cridescel, literally means means "heart-tidings". "heart-tidings". "Dico ego (Ps 44:2) regi" (Ps 4. (fol. 2r). "Dico ego opera opera mea regi" 44:2) .í. .i. tuasilbiu. tuasilbiu. "Lingua mea calamus". means "I present, tuasilbiu means present, put putforward, forward, set setforth" forth"(78) (78)..

carnes (Ps (Ps 49:13) .í. isara 5. (fol. 4r). "Numquid manducabo manducaba carnes 49:13) .i. isara fia dom. "Imola "Imola Dei (Ps 49: fia Deo ..." (Ps 49:14)". 14)". 79). The Irish means: "I "I have The Irish gloss gloss means: have it in in my my power" power" ((79 ). .i. conuertit conuertit sermonem uero homo" (Ps (Ps 54:14) 6. (fol. 5r). "Tu uero 54:14) .i. badito. (baditos consiliarius fuit Dauid, Dauid, quasi dixisset badito. ad Achitophiel qui consiliarius 80 friom [or\ (or: frium?) frium?) (80). or baditor?) friom ( ). Part of of the the text textisisillegible illegible (ca. (ca. 23 23 mm mm of of the the entire entire Old-Irish Old-Irish gloss's gloss's 45 mm), mm), because it has been 45 because it been erased erased and and the themeaning meaning isisconsequently consequently uncertain. The uncertain. The gloss gloss itself, itself, however, however, is is clearly clearly composite, composite, the the Irish Irish being introduced quasi dixisset. being introduced by quasi dixisset. "Accedit homo homo 7ν). "scrutinio" "scrutinio" (Ps (Ps 63:7) 63:7) .i. .í. oo scrutunt. scrutunt. "Accedit 7. (fol. 7v). The Irish the only only one one the the lemma, says that that the Latin The Irish gloss, gloss, the lemma, says Latin word word


Vol. I. Biblical W.W. STOKES Verse. Vol. Biblical Glosses Glosses and andScholia, Scholia,ed. ed,byby Stokesand andJ. J.SrRACHAN, Strachan, Cambridge, 1901; reprint, Dublin, 1975, 3. Cambridge, 1901; reprint, Dublin, P. 3. 1 975, p. The regular regular form form is is with initial Cf. CDIL s. ν. do-aissilbe do-aissilbe {*to-ad-selb-). ('to-ad-selb-). The (78) Cf. s.v. THURNEvsEN (A (A Gramis the the archaic archaic form. form. According du-. The initial initial t- is According to R. R. Thurneysen du-. The the change dτ τ) the mar Old Irish, Eng. Dublin, 1946, 1946, §§ 178.2, ryS.a, p. in) change to dmar of Old Eng. trans., trans., Dublin, 0, took place A text textfrom fromabout aboutA.D. A.D. 75 750, took place about about the the end end of of the the seventh seventh century. century. A has however fiir celtische celtische Philologie Philologie 10, 1914, 36) 36) has το, 1914, however (cf. (cf. J. Pokorny, PoKoRNv, Zeitschrift Zeitschrift fflr several forms forms of of to- instead of do-. The of itself, itself, then, then, does does not prove instead of The form lo-, to-, of that this this gloss gloss of of Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 isisearly early(say (saypre-700). pre-700). that is arafie. (col. 376, 376, 31). 31). The (78) Cf. arafiaf-fie (col. The older older spelling spelling is arafie. Cf. CDIL s.v. s.v. arafia/-fie See and Thes. pp. 661, 661, 570, 570, 516 516 for for translation translation given. given. See ibid., ibid., and I, pp. Thes. Pal. I, 80 ((θ0) ) B. B. GÜTERBOCx Güterbock would .... baditos (wohl eher -tor) -tor) .a... .a... itit friom"-, friom"; wouldread: read: "" .... baditos (wohl 33, N.F. N.F. 13 (1895),102. 102. On On the cf. Zeitschrift fí{r fiir vergleichende vergleichende Sprachforschung Sprachforschung 33, 13 (1895), understanding of the Psalm Psalm as as speaking speaking of of Ahitophel, Ahitophel, see see below, below, p. p. 60, 60, note note 281. 281. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



from (o) a term term meaning meaning scruta(i)n, scmta{i)n, i.e. act of ofexaminexamini.e. "the act is derived from ing, pondering, pondering, studying, studying, meditation, meditation, thought". thought". ing, 8. (fol. 8r). "germinans" (Ps (Ps 64:11) 64:11) .i. .i. inti inti siligfes. siligfes. "Benedíces "Beneciices (fol. 8r). coronam anni" 64:12)". coronar anni" (Ps 64:12)". The Iτish Irish gloss gloss means: means: "he who who will will sow". sow". The 9.

(fol. lor), "raucae" "raucae" (Ps 68:4) 68:4) .i. truisc. truisc. "Defecerunt mei", (fol. ior). "Defecerunt oculi mei". truisc is apparently name of ofsome somedisease disease ((81 ). Θ1). truisc apparently the name

10. (fol. III). iov). "euge, euge" euge" (Ps 69:4) 69:4) .í. .i. he, he he sirson sirson sirson. sirson. Euge τo. (fol. ad indicium laetitiae pertinet". ad indicium laetitiae he (e) (e) and sirson are exclamations denoting denoting surprise surprise or or Both he are exclamations sirsa(n) glosses euge, euge of Ps 34:21 34:21 in in Cod. Cod. of Ps Sirsan sirsa(n) euge, euge amazement. Sirsan Amb. C C 301 301 inf. inf. (55 (55a 15). Amb. α 15). 11. (fol. (fol. iiv). "Reges Tarsis" (Ps 71:ro)..i. 7/:/0). .i.Tarsis TarsisWomen nomen maris maris ii. ττν). "Reges Tarsis" (Ps in Mari Mari Terreno, Terreno, et et a nomine regionis Tar sum. Nomine Nomine Tarsis Tarsis regions nominatur Tarsum. itaque litorias duae Arabiae Arabiae sunt. sunt. .i. A. itaque litorias ciuitates ciuitates uocat. uocat. "Reges "RegesArabum" Arabum" A. .i. duce ab Hierusulem. Hierusulem. "Et Saba Saba dona dona adadab Hirusalem] Hirusalem; A. .i. anoirdes ab anairdes ab ducent" .i. A. aneordes, .i. A. tus tus et et aurum. aurum. ducent" Bot anairdes mean "from south-east", the the latlatanairdes and anoirdes mean "from the the south-east", ter being being a later form. form. The Thethird thirdgloss glossisis aneordes aneordes(= (= aniardes, aniirdes, "from south-west"); the letter (e) is certain but written written over over an an is certain the south-west"); the third letter erasure(82). (82). erasure The gloss gloss "anoirdes Hierusalem" (in (in the MS MS as i.i. anoirdes anoirdes ab "anoirdes ab ab Hierusalem" hieru) top right-hand right-hand corner corner of of the the page, page, and andmay may actually on on the top hierū) is actually be intended as inserted inserted above, above, or or possibly possibly for for insertion insertion after after "nomi"nomibe intended Tarsum" ((83 ). natur Tarsum" Θ8). 81

( 1)) Cf. Cf. CDIL, CDIL, s.v. s.v. trosc. (θ (82) B. B. Güterbock, p. 102, read the manuscript manuscript as as aneordes, where GUÍTERnocx,art. art. cit., cit., p. W. Stokes could could only only read read an..rdes. (cf. Thes. Thes. Pal. I, p. p. 3, 3, note note c). In "Ad"AdW. Srοxns denda et et Corrigenda" Corrigenda" (Thes. (Thes. Pal. Pal. I, p. p. 715) 715) J. J. Srawcnnν Strachan admits admits that ansordes aneordes may be be right, right, eo being peculiar spelling spelling of of diphthongized diphthongized «; aneordes is is the the being a peculiar e; aneordes may reading accepted accepted in in CDIL. CDIL. s.v. s.v. aniar(dess), aniar{dess), col. 347.19. theintroduction introduction reading 347.19. InInthe (Thes. Pal. Pal. I, p. xiv) xiv) the the editors editors note note that thatthe theIrish Irishofofthe theglosses glosses of of Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68 (Thes. may be older older than than that thatofofthe thechief chiefglossator glossatorininthe theWlírzburg WurzburgCodex Codex(ca. (ca.A.D. A.D. 750) if aneordes the right right reading. reading. 0) if aneordes is is the 75 (83) The disturbed state state of of the the gloss gloss makes makes both both reading reading and and interpretation interpretation difficult; see see App. App. IItotothe theedition edition 71:10, below, p. 148, Güterbock (art. (art. difficult; ofof Ps.Ps. 71:10, below, p. 148, B. B. GÜTERBOCK cit., p. 102) regards aneordes, the gloss on Saba, as a mistaken repetition repetition of of anairdes, anairdes, p.302) the gloss gloss on on Arabiae. The uncertainty of of where where to to insert insertthe themarginal marginalgloss gloss The uncertainty - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Glossa in Psalmos Glossa


12. (fol. I2v). 73:6). .i. taal. "Deiecerunt earn ...". "Deiecerunt earn 12ν). "ascia" "ascia" (Ps 73:6). taal Thesame sameLatin Latinword wordininthis thisverse verseisisalso alsoglossed glossed means "adze". "adze". The taal means by tal in the the Milan Milan Commentary Commentary (Ml (Ml 92 d8, 92 dio) dio) and and Southampton Southampton d8, 92 Psalter ((84 64). 13.

(fol. I5r). 77:44) .i. dructae. "Misit 15r). "imbres" (Ps 77:44) dructae. "Misil

"" (Ps (Ps

77:45)"77:45)". No apices are are visible visible over dructae, the plural plural of of druct, "dew". No apices 14. (fol. τ6ν). i6v). "propagines" (Ps 79:12) 79:12) .i. clanda. "Ut quid distruxisti ?" (Ps (Ps 79:13). clanda means "offshoots". means "offshoots". ?"

15. (fol. 17V). stipullam" (Ps 82:14) 82:14) .i. instabiles, etrom, .í. instabiles, την). "sicut "sicut stipullam" lasomuin. "Ante ffaciem uenti ....". ....". aciem uenti The Irish Irish woids woids mean mean "light, "light,flaming/blazing". flaming/blazing". The 16. (fol. 20v). gloss over over "mane sicut sicut herba" herba" (Ps 89:6) 89:6) 2ον). interlinear gloss .i. fer i. iacintinum". .í. í. There are are no no apices apices visible visible over over the the Irish Irish word word fer, i.e. i.e. "grass". "grass". There 17. (fol. 23V). gremium" (Ps 101:4) .í. -i- brosne brosne crin. ""PerPer(Ps 101:4) 23v). "sicut gremium" cussus sum ut foenum" 101:5)". cussus sum f oenum" (Ps 101:5)". brosne crin means withered bundle bundle of offirewood". firewood". means "a withered 18. (fol. 27V). "...per desertum in tabernaculis" tabernaculis" (106:4) per desertum (106:4) -i.í. botha. 27v). "... sitientes" (Ps 106:5). 106:5). "Essurientes et sitientes" botha means means "tents". 19. (fol. 28r). "et mirabilia eius profundo" (Ps 106:24) 106:24) .í. -i- l^tern"et mirabilia eius in profundo" pestas et tranquilitas; i. tuile et aithbe. aithbe. "Dixit" (Ps 106:26)". 106:26)". et tranquilitas; aithbe means means "flood "flood et ebb". ebb". tuile et aithbe 20. (fol. 2§v). "libes (=lebes) 107:10) .í. .i. libes .i. .í. (fol. 28ν). (Ps 107:10) (=lebes) spei spei mei" (Ps fiund caire; id est coquet mihi carnes". eaire; est coquet mihi carnes". anoirdes ab The interpretation interpretation found found in in the the anoirdes ab Hierusalem Hierusalem also also complicates complicatesmatters. matters. The glosses isis probably the compiler's compiler's (or (or glossator's) glossator's) system system of ofgeogeoglosses probably connected connected with the graphy. The Theearly earlyGreek Greekand andRoman Romanwriters writersgenerally generallyhad hada atwofold twofolddivision division graphy. of Arabia: Arabia: Arabia Arabia Deserta Deserta [hè erèmos), between between Syria the Euphrates Euphrates (includ(includof (hi erêmos), Syria and the ing Petra), Petra), and and Arabia Arabia Felix Felix [he eudaimon) or the whole whole of of the the Arabian Arabian PeninPenining (hi eudaimón) or the sula. Following Following on on Ptolemy Ptolemy aa three-fold three-fold division division became became current: current: Arabia ArabiaDeDesula. serta, Arabia Arabia Felix, Felix, and and Arabia Arabia Petraea. Petraea. The TheIrish Irishscholar scholarDicuil Dicuil(fl. (fl. ca ca.. 814814serta, 825), a defective defective source, source, also also knows knows of of aa three-fold three-fold division: division: "Arabia "Arabia 825), depending on a Eudemon Phlecmea...Trogoditen Phlecmea...Trogoditen Arabiam...Vab = Nabataea) Arabia" Arabia" (Liber (Liber Eudemon Arabiam...Vab ((=Nabataea) de Orbis Terrae, Terrae, II, 5; ed. J. J. Tierney, SLH VI, Dublin, Dublin, 1967, 1967, p. p. 52). 52). de Mensura Mensura Orbis J. TIxRNEV, 5; ed. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



caire means "fair (fiund) cauldron". The same same Irish Irish cauldron". The fiund Caire means "fair Cod. Amb. C C 301 301 inf. in glosses glosses on this this same same verse, verse, word occurs twice in Cod. although not directly directly on on libes libes (afindchoriu, (afmdchoriu, Ml Ml 126016 126016 and findchοire, fmdchoire, although 85 Ml 126017) 126C17) (88), ( ). Ml 21. (fol. 29r). "nutantes" (Ps 108:10). mendiτο8:ιο). .i. fulmaini. "Et mendicent ....". cent fulmaini, the pi. of fulmain, means "fluttering, moving moving pl. adjective of rapidly". 22. (fol. 3ον). 30V). "retrorsum" (Ps 113:3) .í. .i. frituile. frituile. "Montes exul(Ps 113:3) 113:4). tauerunt" (Ps 113:4). frituile means "against Ijhe flood". means "against ξhe flood". 23. (fol. 37r). "septies die laudem laudem dixi dixi tibi" tibi" (Ps 118:164) 118:164) .i. "septies in in die antert, tert, sest, fescer, midnoct, midnoct, maten; maten; quid quod conuenit conuenit quia antert, tert, sest, noon, noon, fescer, septies in cadit iustus". iustus". septies in die cadit The Irish gloss contains the the names names of of the theseven sevenCanonical CanonicalHours: Hours: Irish gloss 86 Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Midnight, Matins ( ). Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Midnight, Matins ( 88). 24. (fol. 43ν). 43V). "Dirigatur oratio mea (Ps 140:2) 140:2) .i. sic mea oratio "Dirigatur oratio conspectu tuo tuo placida placida fiat fiat quemadmodum quemadmodum incensum incensum suauissimi suauissimiodoris odoris in conspectu fit quid quod uespere uespere per per manus manu s sacerdotis sacerdotis afferri solet; i. luib cuius /fumus ο fierri suet; emus rectus est ad caelum". reclus caelum". plant" (87). (87). luib means means "herb, "herb, plant" 25. (fol. 46r). "Et quis adnuntiauit domino meo" meo" (Ps 151:3) 151:3) .i. adnuntiauit domino et badethbir do do cinifesed cinifesed personam personam meam meam minimam". minimum". ac si dicer diceret 84

( )) See See (Θ4

Thes. pp. 134 134 and and 55 respectively. respectively. The Thelengthening lengtheningshown shown Thes. Pal. I, pp. through the doubling doubling of vowel in taal taal (found (found also also in in noon on Ps. Ps. 118:164; 118:164; through of the vowel below no. 23) is characteristic characteristic of archaic archaic IIrish texts; see see R. R. Thurneysen, A THuRNEvsEN, Α below no. 23) ńsh texts; Grammar aof. ItItisisalso alsofrequent, frequent,however, however, ininthe theWilrzburg Wurzburg Grammar of of Old Old Irish, pp. pp. 20f. glosses and glosses of Book of Armagh, Armagh, written written in in glosses and is is also also found found in in the IIrish ńsh glosses of the Book part before before A.D. A.D. 807 807 and andcompleted completed before before 846. 846. 85 ((θ6) ) Cf. findchoire, ci1. col. 138. 138. Cf. DIL s.v. findchoire, (ss) literature, see see the the or other (66)pFor other occurrences occurrencesof ofthe the canonical canonical hours hours in in Irish Irish literature, entries in CDIL and DIL under anteirt, teirt, sest, nbin, fescor, matan, maiten, entries in CDIL DIL under anteirt, teirt, sest, n όin, fescor, maiten, especially under under larmérge. iarmérge. The seven canonical canonical hours are are also also mentioned mentioned but especially The seven gloss on verse: "Matutinum, "Matutinum, Tertia, Tertia,Sexta, Sexta,Nona, Nona,Lucernaria, Lucernaria, by Alcuin in his gloss on the verse: Completorium, Divine Office Office in Church, see see ńsh Church, Completorium,Nocturnum". Nocturnum". For For the the Divine in the IIrish Gougaud, Christianity in Celtic Celtic Lands, Lands, London, 1932, 1932, pp. pp. 329-334 329-334 (P. (p. 332 332 for for L. GOIJGAUD, text of of Pa1. Pal. lat. 68), 68), and and Michael Curran, M.S.C., Antiphonary ofofBangor, Bangor, MICHAEL CURRAN, M.S.C., The Antiffhonary Irish Academic Academic Press, Press, Dublin, Dublin, 1984, 1984, esp. esp. chapter chapter 19, 19, "Cathedral "Cathedral and andMonastic Monastic Office 68 text. text. OfficeininIreland"; Ireland"; pp. pp. 248!., 248f., note note 33 33 for for Pal. Pal. lat. 68 (87) luib glosses'the tus in in Sg Sg 46a13; 46ai3; cf. cf. Thes. Thes. Pal. II, p. p. loo. 100. (Θ7) glosses-the Latin tus - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa Glossa in Psalmos

The Irish can be translated: "it "it was was natural natural for for him him that thathe heshould should The 88 discover {personam minimam)" ((88). not discover (personar meam ream minimam)" ). We have seen seenthat thatin in 1901 Stokesand andJ. J. Strachan expressed expressed We 1901 W.W. STOKES STRACHAN opinion that the the Irish Irish of of these these glosses glosses may be as old old as as that that of ofthe the the opinion chief glossator glossator of of the the Wiirzburg Wiirzburg Codex Codex Paulinus Paulinus (i.e. (i.e. ca. ca. A.D. A.D.750), 750), chief possibly older olderififGÜTERBOCK Güterbock was and possibly wasright right in in reading aneordes (in gloss no. ix 11 above), above), with with eo as aa peculiar peculiar orthography orthography for for diphthongized diphthongized e. no. The Irish glosses glosses of 68 have have not not received received much much attention attention The of Pal. Pal. lat. 68 recent years, years, but but the thescholars scholars who who have have examined examined them them from from the the in recent view of of the opinion opinion that that they they point of view of assigning assigningaa date date to to them them are of do not have have sufficient sufficient specific specific features us to to determine determinethis this( (89 features to enable us 89). 2.

The Old-English Old-English Glosses. Glosses. The following following are the the five fiveOld-English Old-English glosses glosses in inPal. lat.6868 (90): (90):

1. (fol. (fol. 12v). I2v). "Dedisti eum escam" escam" (Ps 73:14, alternative alternative explaexplax. "Dedisti eum (Ps 73:14, quod timore eius pisces ad terram Aethiopiae ueniunt. nation). i,i. eo eo quid Α ethiopiae ueniunt. Timet enim manducai unumquodque alterum, et enim et manducat unumquodqueanimal animal in in mari mari alterum, et dicunt dicunt quod quid minorihus saturantur saturantur maiores, fiscas selaes selaes fyllu, fyllu, sifu sifu selas selas uii minoribus maiores, ut ut VII fiscas sifu hronas hronas hualaes hualaes fyllu. fyllu. Spiritaliter: draconis hronaes fyllu, sifu Spiritaliter:capud capud draconis".". The Old-English (in (in this this case case Northumbrian) Northumbrian) gloss gloss isisrendered: rendered: The Old-English "seven fishes fishes are a seal's food, seven seals are a (sperm?) whale's food, are seal's food, seven seals are a (sperm?) whale's food, 91 . seven (sperm?) whales whales are are aawhale's whale'sfood" food"(91) ( ). seven (sperm?) (fol. 15r). I5r). "et ranam" (Ps 77:45) 77:45) .i. .i. frosc. frosc. "Et dedit dedit erugini (fol. The Old-English gloss is rendered as "frog". The Old-English gloss is rendered as "frog". 2. 2.

". )/

(88) Thes. Pal. I, p. 33 renders renders as: For the the (8Θ) Thes. Pal. I, p. as: "reason "reasonhad hadhe henot not to to know". know". For of badethbir badethbir as "it "it was was natural", natural", see see CDIL CDIL s.v. deithbir, deithbir, col. col. 14.31-62; 14.31-62; rendering of for rendering of of cinifesed (from ro-finnadar) ro-fnnadar) as he should should not notdiscover" discover"see see as "that "that he ro-finnadar, cols. noted in in col. col. 87.18). 87.18). While While CDIL s.v. ro-finnadar, cols. 86-88 86-88 (Pal. (Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 text text noted both meanings, meanings, "to discover" and "to know" know" are are possible possible (CDIL (CDIL lic. loc. cit., cit., col. col. both "to discover" and "to 87.18), the seems to suit the the context context better. better. 87.18), the former firmer seems to suit (88) e.g. e.g. Professor Professor Brian Cuiv in a private private communication communication on the point: point: (~9) BRIAN Ó Cντν in a on the "I can can see see nothing nothing in in the theglosses glosses in in Thes. [with glosses glosses of lat. 68] 68] "I Thes. Pal. Pal. I, p. 33 [with of Pal. lat. which would determine their their date". date". which would enable enable us us to determine (90) For the the text textofofthe theOld-English Old-Englishglosses glosses see see A. A. S. S. Napier, NAPIER, Old-English Glosses unpublished, Oxford, edition, studies and translations translations Glosses chiefly unpublished, Oxford, 1900, 'goo, earlier edition, Academy, see see above, above, pp. pp. 5f. 5!. in The Academy; (81) Hron and hwael are are generally generally used used indifferently indifferently for Here, for "whale". "whale". Here, however, hron designates aa smaller smaller species species (cf. (cf. A. A. S. S. Napier, Acahowever, hron evidently designates NAPIER, The Academy 35 (no. 889, 889, May May 18, 18, 1889), 1889), 342), 342), possibly the the sperm sperm whale. whale. demy 35 (no. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



3. (fol. i5r). "Et dedit dédit erugini" erugini" (Ps 77:46). 77:46). id est est brondeguF. (fol. 15r). brοndeguī. "Et labores eorum grandine". labores eorum locustae. locustae.Et Et occidit occidit in grandine". Brondegur is an obscure obscure word word for for which which no noaccepted acceptedexplanation explanation Brondeguī is an 92 has been found found (92). ( ). ItItmay maycontain containanan erroneouscombination combination of of erroneous has been the Old-English Old-English brond brand (brand), {brand), "mildew" corruption of of erug, "mildew" and and a corruption the abbreviation abbreviation of of the Latin Latin erugini (98); (93); or of of brand, causing brond, "blight causing 94 leaves, etc. to look as though burnt", and aerugo ( ); or of brand, "blight" (94 ); brond, leaves, etc. to look as though burnt", and the Old-English Old-English egorjeagor pi. egurum), "flood, egorfeagor (dative p]. egorum), "water/sea", "flood, and the cataclysm"; brand proper gloss gloss on erugini, and egur a misplaced brond being the proper 95 one on on grandine ).. grandine ((95) one 4. (fol. I5r). "et mucus mums (=moros) {=moros) eorum" eorum" (Ps 77:47). .i. pro (Ps 77:47)..i. (fol. 15r). pro omni suit', i.i. aliquanalo aliquanâo fructus fferaci eraci arbore arborepos possuit; f ructuseius eiusalbus, albus, aliquando aliquandorufus, ru/us, aliquando tradidit grandini grandini ....". aliquando niger, niger, i.í. herutbeg. "Et tradidit In the the words words of of A.S. A.S. NAPIER Napier (96), (98), herutbeg synonymous with herutbeg is synonymous the NE NE dialect dialect "hartberry". "hartberry". heorotberge, in in the 5. (fol. 20v). "usquequo" (Ps 89:13) .i. du hiru him scaealt. scaealt. "Re(Ps 89:13) .í. nu nu du (fol. 20v). pleti sumus sumus mane mane ..." ..." (Ps 89:14) 89:14) (97). (97). rendered: "now "nowindeed indeed The Old-English Old-English (and Northumbrian) gloss is rendered: shalt". thus shalt". 98 We have have already already seen seen ((98) ) that the thescholars scholars who who examined examined the the We Old-English glosses century and and at atthe thebeginning beginning Old-English glossesatatthe the end end of of the the last century of were in agreement that could not be be later later than than the theearly early of this were in agreement that they could eighth century; that thatsome someofofthem themwere were specificallyNorthumbrian, Northumbrian, eighth century; specifically and that that the thespelling spelling of of the the proper proper names names Edilberict Edilberict and and Berictfrid Berictfrid in in and the colophon colophon bore inference to be drawn drawn the bore out out this this conclusion. conclusion. The The inference to be from this is that, that, ifif the thepresent present manuscript manuscript is is from from the the later latereighth eighth from this is


( ) On gloss see see the theearlier earlierstudies studiesofof Napier in in The Academy Academy (92) On this this gloss A.A. S. S. NAPmER 35 (no. 889, May 18, 18, 1889), 1889), 342); 342): no. no. 895 895 (June (June29, 29,1889), 1889),449: O'NEILL, En35 (no. 889, 449; P. O'Neill, glish Studies Studies 62 (1981), 2-4. 2-4. 62 (1981), glish (93) Cf. Cook, The Academy Academy 36 (no. 901, 901, August August io, 10, 1889), 1889), 89. 89. 36 (no. (92) Cf. A. A. S. S. Cοοκ, (94) Cf. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary DictionarySupplement, Supplement, Oxford, (94) Cf. T. N. Ν. Toller, TOLLER, An Anglo-Saxon 1908-1921, 104. 1908-1921, p. p. 104. (95) Cf. P. O'Neill, in English Studies Studies 62 (1981), 62 (1981), O'NEILL,"Old "Old English English BrondeguF', BrondeguÌ ', in 2-4. 2-4- 96 ((98) ) Cf. Napier, Old-English Glosses, Glosses, no. 54; Academy 36 (no. 903, 903, 36 (no. θ4; id., The Academy Cf. NAPIER, August 24, 24, 1889), 1889), 119; 119; Iikewise likewise H. H. BRADLEY, Bradley, The Academy Academy 36 (no. 905, 905, SeptemSeptem36 (no. August ber 7, 1889), 154. 154. ber 7,971889), ( ) Cf. Cf, Napier, Old-English Glosses, Glosses, no. 54. NAPIER, Old-English no. 54. (98) See p. 60. 60. See above, Ρ. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

26 26

Glossa Glossa in Psalmos

or from the the ninth ninthcentury, century,the theOld-English Old-English glosses glosses must must have have been been or from copied from from an an earlier earlier original. original. copied

VI. LAY-OUT Lay-outOFofTHE the commentary VI. COMMENTARY The exposition exposition of Each The of each each psalm psalm isis rather rather uniformly uniformly arranged. arranged. Each begins with opening words of the psalm. To the left of begins with the incipit or or opening words of the psalm. To the left of this, in the margin, there is generally a cross. (Pss. 48, 120, 121, 123, this, the margin, is generally a cross. (Pss. 48, 120, 121, 123, 150 and 151 are are exceptions.) exceptions.) The The psalms psalms are not numbered. numbered. After After 150 are not particular psalm psalm is is linked linked to to some some words words of of aa verse verse of of the incipit the particular the preceding preceding one one by the the word word heret ("). After the her et passages we (99 ). After the heret passages we have the biblical biblical psalm psalm heading. heading. Next Nextwe wegenerally generally have have aahistorical historical have 99a heading related to, Epitome of of Julian Julian ((99&). ). Someheading taken taken from, from, or or related to, the Epitome times, there isis aapsalm psalmheading heading times, together togetherwith with this, this, or or instead instead of of it, there relating the psalm to David and to his times. Next comes the mystical relating psalm David and times. Next comes the mystical series headings, almost always from Series I, i.e. the the St. St.CoCoseries of of psalm psalm headings, almost always from Series I, i.e. lumba Series. Series. Exceptions Exceptions to this this general general rule rule is is the theintroduction introduction to to lumba fifteen Gradual Gradual Psalms Psalms prefaced prefaced to the the incipit Ps. 119 119 and the the fifteen incipit of Ps. and the fact that that in inPs Ps44 44the thepsalm psalmheading headingcomes comes before before the the incipit. fact The exposition exposition follows introductory material. There isis The followson on this this introductory material. There no verse verse division. The lemma, i.e. biblical text to tobe becommented commented no division. The í.e. the biblical on, first given given (often (often in abbreviated abbreviated form) form) and then then expounded expounded in in aa on, is first gloss which may consist of anything from a single word to a long passage. gloss which may consist of a single word to a long passage. The explanatory explanatory gloss in Latin, Latin, apart apartfrom fromthe thevernacular vernacularglosses glosses The gloss is is in already noted. There isis only only one one case case of of aa lemma without without any any gloss gloss already noted. There 100 77;46) ((100) ).. The Theglosses, glosses,particularly particularlythe thebrief briefones, ones, must must be be taken taken (Ps 77:46) in conjunction conjunction with the lemmata commented form of of verbs verbs and and commented on, on, the the form cases of nouns etc. being occasionally determined by the operative cases of nouns etc. being occasionally determined by the operative word in to word in the lemma. The lemmata, generally generally brief, brief, may may be intended to recall larger context, context, as as occasionally occasionally the the expository expository gloss gloss is is not not recall the larger on the the lemma but on on adjacent adjacentbiblical biblical words. words. on

(") Abbreviated as as hêt general; as as Mit hêët in in Ps. Ps. 76 (below, p. Written Mt in general; p. 75). 75). Written 76 (below, in full full as as heret (but with stroke stroke over over er) in Ps. Ps. 91 91 (below (below p. Bernhard BiBiin (but with er) in p. 195). 195). Bernhard SCHOFF regards regards the the connection connection of of two two biblical biblical passages passages through through the thesimple simple haeret SCHIFF 20 as typically typically Irish; Irish; see see "Wendepunkte....", "Wendepunkte....", Sacris Erudivi 66 (1954), 6 (=Mit( = Mitas Sacris Erudivi ( 1 954), 206 telalterliche Studien, (English trans., trans., p. p. 84). 84). telaltevliche Studiei, vol. I,I, 1966, 1966,p.p. 2i8f. 218f. (English {»»») this work work see see below, below, pp. pp. 48-51. 48-51. (991) On On this (100) Below, p. 166. 166. Below, p. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Introduction Introduction

27 27

In Ps. Ps. 118 118 (the (the Beati, held especial regard in in ancient ancient Ireland) Ireland) held in especial each of subsections is in its its lay-out lay-outas asififititwere were each of the twenty-two subsections is treated in an independent psalm. Each has has its its own own incipit, heret, her et, headings, an independent psalm. Each 101 etc. ((101). ). The TheGradual GradualPsalms Psalms(Pss. (Pss.119-133) 119-133) have haveaaspecial specialintroducintroduction and and receive receive aa two-fold two-fold exposition, exposition, the the second second introduced introduced as as Mo102 (102). raliter Pss.119 119and and120 120this thisisisgiven givenininthe theexposition exposition of of the the raliter ( ). InInPss. relevant verses, in Pss. 1z1 121 and and 131 131 in in two two blocks blocks within within the thepsalms; psalms; relevant verses, in Pss. in the other other psalms, psalms, however, however, it is is given given at at the theend endofofeach eachpsalm, psalm,being being introduced in the text as aliter and noted in the margins as M or aliter. introduced in the as in the margins as Moraliter.

VII. The colophon VII. THE COLOPHON At the end end of of the theentire entireexposition expositionwe wehave haveaacolophon colophonwhich which isis given of the the text, text, not notset setoff offfrom fromit. it.It reads It reads as follows (103):: given as as part of as follows (103) ... per .xl. .xl. dies dies prouocabat prouocabat nos nos ad adbellum. bellum. Finit liber liber psalmorum Christo Ihesu Ihesu Domino/ Domino/ nostro. Lege Lege in pace. pace. Sicut Sicut portus portusoportunus oportunus in Christo nauigantibus its ita uorsus/ uorsus/ nouissimus nouissimus sc scribentibus. Edilberict filius Benauigantibus ńbentibus. Edilbeńct fi lius Berictfridi scripsit hanc glosam./ glosam./ Quicumque Quicumque hoc legat oret oret pro pro scripture; scriptore; ipse similiter similiter omnibus omnibus populis/ populis/ et tribubus tribubus et et unguis linguis et et uniuerso uniuerso Et ipse generi humano aeternam salutem salutem optat/ in Christo. Amen. Amen. geneń humano optat/ in Amen. Amen. Amen. This colophon colophon isis very that of of the theCambridge, Cambridge, Trinity Trinity This very similar similar to to that College manuscript B. 10. 5 (-)BL Cotton Vitellius C. VIII) (104),, College manuscript B. io. 5 (+ BL Cotton C. VIII) (104) (101) See below, pp. pp. 69f. 6gi. See further below, (102) See below, pp. pp. 70-72. 70-72. See further below, (los) (103) Below, p. 311. 311. Below, p. (104) Manuscript Bishop, Trans, ofofthe theCambridge Cambridge (104) Manuscriptdescribed describedby by T. T. A. A. M. M. B ι sηορ, Trais. Bibliographical Society Society 4 4 (1964), (1964), 70-76. The colophon colophon occurs the end end of of HeHeBibliographical 70-76. The occurs at at the brews, and on as as part partof ofthe thetext: text:" ... " ...cum cumomnibus omnibusuobis": uobis":—- (Heb. (Heb. brews, and again again runs on 13:25). Finit amen Deo Gralias: -—Sicut Finit amen Dei Gratias: Sicutportus portusoportunus oportunusnauigantibus iauigantibusita its scripscrip toribus nouuisimus uersus. uersus. A similar similar colophon colophon is is found found in in the theBurchard BurchardGospels Gospels toribus isouuisimus (MS. (Italy and and (MS. Wiirzburg, Wtlrzburg,Universitatsbibhothek, Universitätsbibliothek,, 68),saec. saec.VII-VIII VII-VIII (Italy Wearmouth-Jarrow) fol. ijov/a.; see P.P.McGURK, McGurk, Latin Latin Gospels Gospels from from A.D. 400 τ7ον/a; see Α.D. ¢oo to A.D. 800, Paris-Bruxelles, Anvers-Amsterdam, 1961, 1961, no. no. *80, pρ. pp. 75f. 75C The The to Α. D. 8οο, Paris-Bruxelles, Anvers-Amsterdam, portion with the the colophon colophon isis Italian. Italian.The The colophonreads: reads:x «Sicut Sicutnavigantibus navigantibus portion with colophon proximus est portus, sic et scriptori nouissimus novissimus versus". Othersimilar similarcolophons, colophons, versus". Other published volume of of anonymous anonymous colophons, colophons, in in Bénédictins du Bouveret, Bouveret, published in in the volume e Colophons de de manuscrits occidentaux occidentaux des des origines origines au au X XVI siècle (Spicilegii Vie siècle (Spicilegii FriburFriburColophons gensis Subsidia Subsidia 7; Suisse, 1982, 1982, pp. portus oportunus oportunus gensis 7; Fribourg, Fribourg, Suisse, pp. 505 505f.) f.)are: are: "Sicut "Sicut portus navigantibus, ita versus versusnouissimus novissimus scribentibus. scribentibus. Amen. Amen. Finit. Finit. Pax Pax legentíbus" legentibus" navigantibus, its - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

28 28

Glossa in in Psalmos Glossa

written about about the the same same time time and and most mostprobably probably ininananAnglo-Irish Anglo-Irish written centre in Northumbria. Northumbria. ItItbelongs, belongs, however, however, to to aafairly fairlycommon common centre form of colophon not specifically connected either with Ireland form colophon not specifically connected either with Ireland oror is consequently consequently not decisive decisive with regard to to the theplace place Northumbria and is of origin origin of the the manuscript. manuscript. of As noted already, already, this this colophon colophon in our present present text text was was most most As noted in our probably copied with the text from an earlier original, belonging appaprobably copied with text from an earlier original, belonging apparently to the the early early eighth eighth century. century. The Theforms formsofofthe theproper propernames names rently indicate this. The colophon colophon itself itself may may be be aa full fullcentury century older older than than indicate this. The present manuscript. manuscript. the present Edilberict was was aaNorthumbrian Northumbrian scribe. scribe. This This does does not notprove, prove, Edilbeńct however, that wrote the the work work in in Northumbria. Northumbria. He He could could have have however, that he he wrote been a Northumbrian Northumbrian scholar an Irish Irish monastery. monastery. By By been scholar resident resident in in an glosa he means the commentary commentary or or gloss gloss found found in in our ourpresent present manumanuhe means script. The Theword word scrip sit seems seems to imply that that he he was was aascribe scribe rather rather scripsit script. to imply the original original author author or orcompiler compiler of ofthe thegloss. gloss. than the

Some CHARACTERISTICS characteristics features of the work VIII. SOME FEATURES OF THE WORK The gloss gloss we consists of of aa collection collection of of excerpts excerpts from from we are studying consists different writings. this reason reason itit reveals reveals little little or ornothing nothing of ofthe the different writings. For this personality of compiler. The The nature nature of ofthe theexcerpts excerptschosen, chosen, ofof personality of the the compiler. course, may form of exegesis exegesis preferred tracourse, may show show us us the the form preferred by by him him or the tradition which From this this point point of of view view we we can say that that dition which he he represents. represents. From lat. 68 68 was was chiefly chiefly interested interested in in the thehistorical historicalinterinterthe compiler of Pal. lat. pretation of of the Psalms. Psalms. ItItis isgood, good,however, however, totoattempt attemptpass passbeyond beyond pretation the excerpts excerpts themselves themselves to the personality of the compiler. Traces to the personality of the compiler. Traces of his personal position may possibly be visible in the manner in which of personal position possibly be visible in manner in which (MS. Milano 99 sup. sup. saec. saec. 8-9, 8-9, fol. dulcis (MS. Milano Ajnb. Amb. II 99 fol. 128, 128, Bobbio); Bobbin); "Sicut "Sicut navigantibus navigantibus dulcis est portus, sit scriptori scriptori novissimus novissimus versus" versus" (V'aticano (Vaticano Regín. Regin. lat. lat.316, 316,saec. saec.7-8, 7-8, est portus, sit fol. 245); 245); "Sicut "Sicut navigantibus navigantibus optimus optimus portus, portus, ita itascriptori scriptorinovissimus novissimus versus" versus" fol. (Oxford, Bodl., misc. 148, 148, saec. saec. 9); 9); "Sicut "Sicut navig naviganti dulcis est portus, ita ita (Oxford, Bodl., Laud. Laud. misc. an ti dulcis est portus, scriptori novissimus novissimus versus" Bibl. Nat. Nat. lat. lat.6842 6842 A, A,saec. saec. 12-13, 12-13, tot 64V). scriptori versus" (Paris, (Pars, Bibi. fol. 64ν). (Information kindly Rev. Fr. Fr. François (Information kindly supplied supplied by by Rev. FRΑΝ9ΟΙs Huot, Ηuοτ, O.S.B., O.S.B., Monastère Monastère St-Benoit de de P.V., P.V.,LeLeBouveret, Bouveret,Suisse). Suisse).SeeSee further W. Wattenbach, Das St-Benoit further W. WATTENBACH, Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, 44 Auf., Auf., Graz, Graz, 1958), pp. 278-283, 278-283, With with the Greek equiequiSchriftwoesen im Mittelalter, 1 958) , PP. the Greek valent of the colophon. colophon. M. M. Maurice Haenni has kindly brought to my attenvalent of the Ηωxxκi MAURICE has kindly brought to my attention the the presence presence of of aasimilar similar colophon colophon in in the thefollowing following numbers numbers of of Colophons tion Colophons occidentaux ..., 262, 3699, 3920 3920,, 47 4784, 4915, 5527, 7098, 8376, de manuscrits manuscrits occidentaux 262, 22541, 1 5, 55 54 1, 3699, 2 7, 7098, 8376, 84, 49 12387, 12875 (?), 13323, 13940. 12387, 128 75 (?), 2 3 323, 13940. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



he disassociates disassociates himself himself from from the the historical historical exegesis exegesis of of Pss. Pss. 44 44 and and he 105 109 (102) , 109 ( ), which which interpretation interpretation he he describes describes as as inertialis inertialis historia, historia, or or historialis inhertia, inkertia, a clumsy clumsy or or foolish foolish historical historical interpretation. His historialis interpretation. His preference Augustine's allegorical allegorical exegesis exegesis may have have occasioned occasioned the the preference for Augustine's marginal gloss on Ps 103:15 103:15 (if (if it is is from from the thecompiler): compiler): haec haec omnia omnia iux:ta iuxta 106 alligariam conueniunt conueniunt ((106). ). alligoricm Certain phrases occurring occurring with with greater greateror orlesser lesserfrequency frequencythroughthroughout the gloss are apparently to be attributed to the compiler rather out the gloss are apparently be attributed to the compiler rather than to to his his sources. sources. The Themost mostfrequently frequently used used of of these these isis uassa uassa salsalmorum, in uassis uassis salmi salmi (107), (107), etc. etc. (of (of musical musical instruments instruments used used in in psalpsalmorum, mody). The The phrase phrase isissometimes sometimes found found alone, alone, but but isismore more often often acacmody). companied by such phrases as in canticis (e.g. Pss. 56:8; 67.4; 99:4) companied by such phrases as canticis (e.g. Pss. 56;8; 67.4; 99:4) 108 or in ore ore ((108). ). All Allthree threeare arefound foundininthe thegloss glosson onPs. Ps.99:2: 99:2: in in uassis uassis salmi, in ore, ore, in in canticis. canticis. salmi, Another set of of terms terms which which occurs occurs frequently frequently is is in in fili(i)s, fdi{i)s, in in neneAnother 109 ). What Whatappears appearsto tobe beaavariant variantof of this this — — in in genelogi(i)s genelogi{i)s — potibus ((109). 110 also occurs (e.g. 47:15; terms terra terra repromissionis ) occurs (e.g. 47:15;51:7; 51:7;105:23). 105:23). The terms reprοmissionis ((110) 111 (111) are also also rather rather frequently frequently encountered. encountered. As As in in other other and uindicta ( ) are commentaries, we we have have reference reference to to doctores (112) (112) and andcomparisons comparisons Irish commentaries, 113 through the term term more ((118). ). through Occasional attention points of of grammar, grammar, e.g. e.g. the theform form Occasional attention isis paid paid to points nature of of aasentence: sentence: interrogatiue interrogatine(114) (114);; of a verb: inperatiuus (44:2); (44:2); the the nature 106

( ) See below pp. pp. 99; 99; 2235. (105) Seebelow, below,pp. pp.62!; 62f.; texts texts below 35. (ice) Below, 213. (toe) Below, p. p. 213. 107 (il?) ( ) The The phrases phrases gloss gloss aa variety variety of of words words in in the the biblical biblical text text and and occur occur in in the following following places: places: Pss. 39:17; 39:17: 446:7, 56:8, 65:2,4; 67:4, 78:13, 80:3, 85:12; 94:1,6; the 6:7, 5 6: 8, 65: 2 ,4; 67:4, 7 8 : 1 3. 80:3, 85:12; 94:8,6; 16:12, 97:4, 97:4, 99:2,4; 99:2,4; 1001, 100:1, 1492. 149:2. 16:12, 108 ( ) e.g. e.g. at 107:4. at Pss. 56:10; 56:10; 85:12, 85:82, 91:2, 9τ2, 107:4. (109) xhe occurrences are: are; Pss. 43:9; 44:τ 44:18; 47:14; 48:12; 51:10; 60:7; 66:7; The occurrences Pss. 43:9; 8; 47 1 4; 48:12; 51:10; 60:7; 66:7; 79:10; 83:4,5; 84:6; 88:5; 101:19,20; 144:2,4,11; 145:10; cf. 89:1. 89:1. :9; 7910; 83:4,5; 84:6; 88:5; 101:19,20; 144:2,4,11; 771:5; 1 :5; 776:9; 6 14510; cf. (no) Occurrences Occurrences at: at: Pss. 49:12; 49:12; 5τ:7; 5^7; 58:12; 58:12; 64,5,8,10,11; 64,5,8,10,11; 66:3,5; 66:3,5; 71:8,17; 71^.17; 73:2; 75:9,io; 77:53; 77:53; 80:87; 80:17; 83:6; 83:6; 85:88; 85:11; 88:82; 88:12; 92:1; 92:1; 93:2; 95^2: 96:8; 96:1: 97:9; 97:9; τοτ:τ5; 101:15; 73: 2 ; 759,10; 93:2; 95:12; 104:23; 105:47; 114:9: 118:122; 118:122; 119:5; 119:5; 124:3. 124:3. 104:23; 10 5:47; 106:7,37; 106 :7,37; τ113:2; x3:2; 114:9; 111 ( ) Occurrences at: Pss. 57:8,10; 58:11,12; 63:7; 73:3,9,18; 74:9; 77. 77:21,35; Occurrences at: 57:8,80; 58:11,12; 63:7; 73:3,9, 18 ; 74:9; 28 ,35; 38,50,62; 79:87; 7917; 82:16,18; 82:16,18; 83:7; 83:7; 86:4; 86:4; 88:8; 88:8; 93:1; 93:23; 96:4; 98:3,8; 117:10; 117:10; 118: 118: 38,50,62; 93:τ; 93:23; 96:4; 98:3,8; 69,78,84,138. 69,78,84,138. (112) e.g. heading; 121:1; 121:1; 124:2; 124:2; 131:6,12. 131:6,12. (110) e.g. at at Pss. 118:161, 1'8:161, heading; (11s) xhe occurs rather For use use of of this this The term term occurs rather frequently frequentlyininPal. Pal. lat. lat. 68. 68. For term in Hibe Hibemo-Latin texts see seeB.B.BISCHOFF, Bischoff, art. cit., Sacris S acri s Erudiri Erudivi 66 (1954), (1954), term in rn o-Latin texts art. cit., 207 ((= = MiUelalt. Studien, I, p. 219); 219); English English trans., trans., op. op. cit., cit., p. p. 85. 85. 207 Mittelalt. Studien, I, p. (114) Occurrences at Pss. 52:5; 52:5; 59:12;72:13; 59:12:72:13: 73:1,10; 73:1,10; 76:8,9; 76:8,9; 78:5; 78:5; 88:36,47. 88:36,47. Occurrences at - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa Glossa in Psalmos

106:26); per tropum tropum (83:4); word: moyperbolice (104:8; 106:26); (83:4);the the nature nature of aa word: verb (77:70); aduerhium aduerbium (39:36); noptoton (7770); (39:36);the the subject subject and and object object of aa verb are given (cf. 109:1-3) passage explained explained e.g. e.g. are 109:1-3) or or the the construction construction of aa passage 61:12; 94:10); ita disponitur {textus) (86:1). 61:12; 94:10); disponitur (textus) IX. ΙΧ.

Analysis the BIBLICAL biblical text (115) ANALYSIS of OF THE TEXT (115)

Analysis of Psalter text of of Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68ininorder ordertotoascertain ascertain Analysis of the the Psalter whether it is is basically basically Gallicanum or Romanum (Old Latin) is rendered rendered whether (Old Latin) difficult by factors. One One isis the thebrevity brevityofofthe thelemmata, lemmata, difficult by aa variety variety of of factors. which may both the the genuine genuine Gallicanum and Romanum which may be identical in both traditions. Another Another is the the fact fact that thatthere therehas hasbeen beena amutual mutualcontacontatraditions. mination between between the the Gallican Gallicanum Romanum traditions, traditions, some some um and Romanum mination manuscripts ofof Ga versa. Then, Then, there there manuscripts Ga having having Ro Ro readings readings and and vice vice versa. the possibility possibility that in in any any given given case case the the compiler compiler of the the gloss gloss in in is the Pal. lat. 68 68 may mayhave haveborrowed borrowed aa biblical biblical text textfrom fromthe thecommentary commentary Pal. from was excerpting excerpting rather rather than than directly directly from from aa Psalter. Psalter. from which which he he was However, fact that, that, despite despite the the mutual mutual contamination, contamination, we we still still However, the the fact possess some specifically Ga and Ro readings in the manuscript trapossess some specifically Ga and Ro readings in the manuscript tradition, makes lat. 68 68possible. possible. dition, makes an an analysis analysisofof the the biblical biblicaltext text of of Pal. lat. I. τ.

The Basic Text Text of of Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 isis Gallican The Basic

There are are sufficient sufficient specifically specifically Gallican readings readings in 68 There in Pal. Pal. lat. 68 warrant the conclusion that basic text used used by by the thecompiler compiler to warrant the conclusion that the the basic was good example example in in the theopening openinglemma: lemma: We have aa good was the Gallicanum. We 114 concilio multa (Ps 39:11) ((116). ). The The Romanum Romanum has: aa synagoga synagoga multa. a concilio 73:10, 76:9 76:9 and 88:47 88:47 h glosses in fmem InPs. Ps.73:10 73:10 In Pss. 73:10, it glosses the biblical biblicaltext. text. In finem of the is written written in in full, full, but but isisabbreviated abbreviated as as inter other two two cases. cases. it is intēr in in the other (116) InInthis following critical critical editions editions have have been been used: used: Liber (116) this analysis analysis the following Liber ex recensio,ie recensione Sancti Sancii Hieronymi cum cum praejatioiibus praefationibus etet of epistula SunPsalmorum ex istula ad SunFretelam (Biblia Sacra Sacra iuxta latinar latinaraversionem versionem ad ad codicum codicum fidem niam et Fretelam idem iuxta Pii PP. PP. XII cura cura et studio studio monachorum monachorum Abbatiae Abbatiae Pontificiae Pontificiae Sancti SanctiHieronymí Hieronymi Píí Urbe Ordinis Ordinis Sancti Benedicti Benedicti edita, edita, vol. X), Rome, Rome, Vatican Vatican City, City, 1953; 1953; Dom Dom in Urbe Robert WEBER, Weber, Le Psautier Romain Romain et et les les autres autres anciens anciens Psautiers Psautiers latins latins (Col(ColROBERT Biblica Latina, Latina, vol. X). Rome-Vatican City, City, 1953; Dom Henri De lectanea Biblica X). Rome-Vatican Dong HENRI Ds 1953; Sainte-Marie, Hieronymi Psalterium Psalteriumiuxta iuxtaHebraeos Hebraeos (Collectanea SAINTE-MARIE, Sancti Hieronymi (Collectanea Biblica Latina, vol. XI), Rome-Vatican Rome-Vatican City, City, 11954. 954. (ιι (116e) ) Below, 91. The Theancient ancient Psalter Psalter of of Lyons Lyons (with (with sigl siglum for its its Below, p. p. 91. u m L for Old Latin readings) readings) has has the the reading: reading; aa Consilio multo. It isis known, known, however, however, Old Latin consilio multo. that this this Psalter Psalter has has aamixture mixtureofofOld OldLatin Latinand andVulgate Vulgatereadings. readings. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Introduction Introduction

31 31

117 Another is Ps. Ps. 107:13: salus hominis ho minis ((117) ) (Ro: (Ro: et salus et uana salus Another το7:13: quia quia uana uana salus this nature nature could could be multiplied. In In Ps. Ps. 107:10 το7:ιο hominis). Texts Texts of of this be multiplied. 118 the lemma lemma has has the thespecifically specifically Ga Gallican ) (=lebes), {=lebes), where llican libes ((118) where Ro has olla. The gloss repeats libes. Very telling, too, are the instances Very telling, too, are the instances where have only only vernacular vernacular glosses, glosses, without without anything anything in in Latin. Latin. where we we have Here there can can scarcely scarcely be be any anyquestion questionofofcommentary commentaryinfluence influenceon on Here the text-form text-form of the lemmata. lemmata. AAnumber numberofofsuch suchlemmata, lemmata,however, however, U9 , are specifically specifically Gallican, Gallican, e.g. e.g. germinans (Ps. 64:11) 64:11) ((119) ),where where Ro Ro has has 120 (120) dum exorietur; exorietur] Ps. 77:44, with with imbres ( ) (Ro (Ro pluuiales aquae); aquae)] Ps. Ps. 77:44, dur 121 101:4, w ith gremium ((121) ) (Ro (Ro in frixorio). frixorio). The vernacular vernacular glosses glosses in in ΙοΙ:4, with the above above cases cases are Old Irish. Irish. InIn89:13 89:13we wehave haveananOld-English Old-English the are in in Old 122 gloss on the Gallican Gallican reading reading usquequo ((122) ) (Ro (Ro aliquantulum). gloss on the Also very the primacy primacy of of the the Gallicanum Also very indicative indicative with with regard regard to the as the compiler's compiler's text is the the fact fact that thatononoccasion occasion we we find find the the Gallias text is lemma and glossed glossed by Ps. 77:45: 77:45: Romanur, e.g. e.g. Ps. canum used used as as a lemma by the Romanum, 123 cinomiam (Ga) glossed as as musca ) (Ro). (Ro). Likewise Likewise Ps. Ps.61:5: 61:5; cinorniar musca canina ((123) (Ga) glossed 124 (124) praetium (Ga) glossed by honorem ( ) (Ro). In Ps. 104:28 we find honorer (Ro). In Ps. 104:28 we find aa (Ga) glossed is glossed glossed by by the the Helemma glossed glossedby by Ro Ro which which in in turn is Gallicanum lemma non exacerbauit exacerbauit sermones sermones (Ga), in noua noua braicum rendering: "Et non (Ga), id id est est in enim translatione translatione non exacerbauerunt exacerbauerunt (Ro), est non fuerunt enim enim non fuerunt enim (Ro), id id est increduli uerbis Moisi" (cf. (cf. Heb) Heb)(125). (125). increduli There are about 99 instances instances in in Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68where wherethe thesame samebrief brief There are about Psalter text is is repeated repeated twice. In44ofofthese thesethe therepeated repeatedtext textisisidenidenPsalter twice. In tical in both both cases cases and in in one one of of these these four four the thetext textisisGallican, Gallican, viz. viz. tical 126 117:26: Benedictus uenturus est est ((128) ) (Ro (Ro has: has: Benedictus Benedictus qui qui Ps. 117:26: Benedictus qui qui uenturus uenit). (We shall consider consider the significance significance of these repeated repeated texts texts (We shall of these presently.) While evidence seems conclusion that that While this evidence seems sufficient sufficientto to justify justify the conclusion compiler's basic was the the Gal Gallican, is not not adequate adequate lican, it is the compiler's basic Psalter Psalter text was permit us within the Gallican Gallican family. Attimes timesthe the to permit us situate this text within family. At

p1') Below, Below, p. p. 230. 230. ("«) Below, p. 230. Below, p. 230. (h») Below, p. 132. 132. (iao) Below, p. 166. Below, p. τ66. ("i) Below, p. 207. Below, p. 20η. (188) Below, (192) Below, p. p. 1193. 93 . (i'») Below, 166. (123) Below, p. p. 166. (184) Below, (104) Below, p. p. 1127. 2 7. (126) Below, Below, p. p. 219; 219; see see also also below below p. (1fl) 32. ρ 32. (18«) 244, (126)Below, Below, p. p. 244. (il?)



3 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Glossa Glossa in Psalmos

32 32

gloss has good good Ga Gallican readings, coinciding coinciding with original as as llican readings, with Jerome's original gloss 127 reconstructed by the Benedictine editors ( ). On the other hand, reconstructed the Benedictine editors ( 127). On the other hand, however, it often goes goes with with the the tradition traditionofofinferior inferiorreadings readingsagainst against however, it often original ((128 ). On Onsome some occasions occasions it has has readings readings proper proper to to 186). Jerome's original Irish family family of of Gallicanum texts (126) (129) (the (the CI CIofofGallican Gallican manumanuthe Irish scripts). On the theother otherhand handititvery veryoften oftendisagrees disagrees with with the thepeculiar peculiar scripts). On 130 readings of of this this family family (( 180). ). ItIthas hassome somereadings readings proper proper to to the thesosoreadings called Psalter of ofCharlemagne Charlemagne (the (theQ Qof of Gallican manuscripts) (131),, called Psalter Gallican manuscripts) (131) with which which it is is closely closely related related in in the theintroductory introductorymaterial materialprefixed prefixed with 132 (132). to each each psalm psalm ( ). However, However, ititvery veryoften oftendisagrees disagrees with with the the pepeculiar readings readingsofofQ Q(133). (133). The explanation explanation of presents may be be that, that, The of what what evidence evidence the the text text presents while compiler was of the theGallican Gallican while the the compiler was working working within within the the tradition of Psalter, he does does not not appear appeartotohave havefollowed followed any anyGallican Gallicanmanuscript manuscript Psalter, or family family of He may mayeven even have have used used more more or of manuscripts manuscriptsknown knowntotous. us. He than one one Gallican Gallican text. text. 2. 2.

Old Latin Readings in lat. 68 Old Latin Readings in Pal. Pal. lat.

The presence presence of readings in Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 has hasalready already The of Old Old Latin Latin readings in Pal. been noted. doesnot notfollow followthat thatthese thesewere werealways, always, or or even even in in the the been noted. ItItdoes majority of of cases, cases, drawn somecases, cases, majority drawn directly directly from from Psalter Psalter texts. InInsome least, they they seem seem to tohave havecome comethrough throughcommentaries commentaries such such as asthe the at least, Epitome of the Enanationes Augustine. Epitome of Julian Julian or the Enarrationes of Augustine. This seems to the case case with with regard regard to toPs. Ps.104:28, 104:28, where where the the This seems to be the Romanum is used to gloss the Gallicanum and the Hehraicum in turn and the Hebraicum in Romanum is used to gloss the used to gloss gloss the Romanum. combination here seems to be be due due Romanum. The The combination here seems used to the the Julian Julian Epitome, Epitome, in in which which the the Hebraicum glosses glosses the Romanum Romanum 7

(12 ) Liher Rome: Vatican Vatican Polyglot Polyglot Press, Press, 1953. Wehave have inin(127) Liber Psalmorum, Psalmorum, Rome: 1953. We stances e.g., Pss. 50:6; 53:7; 55:5; 57:10; 60:8; 64:3. In these cases it also 10; 60:8; 64:3. these cases it also stances at, e.g., 50:6; 53:7; 55:5; 57: agrees (CI) Gallican Gallican tradition. tradition. agrees with withthe the Irish Irish (CI) 128 ( ) e.g. 48:21; 50:10; 50:10; 58:14; 58:14; 71:15 71:15 (with Ro). 46:10; 48:21; (with Ro). e.g. at Pss. 46:10; (129) e.g. 49:5; 53:9; 64:9 (with Ro), 76:11, 81:7; 87:10. 4:9 (with Ro), 76:11, 81:7; e.g. at Pss. 47:3; 47:3; 49:5; 53:9; 6 ("") e.g. 48:19; 551:3; 54:10; 55:9; 73:3; 73:3; 80:17; e.g. at Pss. 39:13; 45:3; 48:19; 39:13; 440:7; 1 3; 54 0 7; 44:3; 44:3; 45:3; 10; 55:9; 82:7; 83:6; 83:13 (twice); 85:14; 85:14; 88:21,39. 88:21,39. It also also contains contains words words omitted omitted by by CC 83:13 (twice); (the Cathach), e.g. at Pss. 47: 47:8; 51:3; 63:8; 70:3. (the Cathach), e.g. at 8; 5 1 3; 63: 8; 70:3. 131 ((139) ) e.g. e.g. at Pss. 49:2, 49: 2 , 65:4. 65:4. 132 ( ) See below, pp. 36f.; 36!.; 43 43-45. See below, -45. (133) e.g. 56:5,6; 62:10; 62:10; 7ο:2ο; 70:20; and with Q, Q, prima manu, at Pss. 40:7; e.g. at Pss. 56:5,6; 55:6; 70:9; 84:9. :9; 84:9. 55: 6; 64:3; 64:3; 70 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



where the the same same peculiar peculiar reading reading (non exacerbauerunt exacerbauerunt (134), (134), found found and where also in Codex Codex Corbeiensis) Corbeiensis) occurs. Other Ro texts have have quia exaceralso occurs. Other 135 the Julian Julian Epitome Epitome ((135) ) also also has has the the Romanum Romanum bauerunt). At Ps 77:45 the musca canina as lemma. The presence of the Old Latin reading of the the musca lemma. The presence of the Old Latin reading of 136 in Ps. Ps. 132:3 132:3 (super mοntζes> mont(es]> Sion) is to be explained explained Veronensis type in Sion) ((136)) is through the the compiler's compiler's dependence dependence on Augustine, Augustine, who who used used aa VeroVerothrough nensis-type Psalter. The same may be true of the presence of the nensis-type Psalter. The same may be true of the presence of the rare Old Old Latin Latin variant variant quoniam (for quia of Ga and Ro) of the Veroof and of the Verofound ininPs. Ps.148:5 148:5(137). (137). nensis found There are some some cases cases of repeated texts texts in inwhich whichone oneofofthe theoccuroccurThere rences is the Gallicanum and the other the Romanum. Thus, for instance, Gallicanism the Romanum. instance, Ps. 102:21 lemma we we have have the the Romanum Romanum reading Benedicite Benedicite in Ps. 102:21 in in the lemma Dominum (138) (138) whereas whereas in the the haeret to Ps. Ps. 103 103 (139) (139) this this text text appears appears Dominum itsspecifically specifically Gallican form: Benedicite Domino. Domino. The same RoRoin its The same Dominum occurs twice in Pal. lat. 68 at manum reading Benedicite Benedicite Dominum occurs twice in Pal. lat. 68 at Ps. 133:2 133:2 (140), (140), where where the the true true Gallican text has has b. b. Domino. Domino. In this In this instance, however, however, the the Romanum reading has penetrated penetrated many many infeinfeinstance, Romanum reading rior manuscripts manuscripts of the the Gallican tradition. tradition. We Wehave have33instances instances (2(2of of rior Psalms) with the the Gallican reading reading in first them within the Gradual Psalms) in the first II :I 141 occurrence (Pss. 118:49; 118:49; 119:1; 9 :125:5) ^5:5) ((141) ) and and the the Romanum Romanum reading occurrence (Pss. II :I an( in the the other other occurrence occurrence (the (the incipit in Ps. 118:49; 9 . andi in in the the in Ps. 118:49; 1'91, 142 143 (142). alternative interpretation interpretation in in125:5) 125:5) ( ). InInthethe case of 125:5 ( ) alternative case of 125:5 (143) of the the Romanum through Augustine Augustine whose whose Enarthe use of Romanum is probably through rationes (or abbreviation of of them) them) are are being being used used in in the thecontext. context. (or an abbreviation Ps. 119:4 119:4 in Pal. lat. 68 has the reading sagitae potentes acutae (144),, in Pal. 68 the reading potentes acutae (144) where the critical critical editions editions of of both both Ga and Ro read sagittae where sagittae potentis glosses on acutae. The glosses on the lemma show that that potentes is taken as plural, not as an an orthographic orthographic variant of of potentis. The reading is of the the The reading is that that of 134

( ) See L. De Coninck, cit., in in CCL, CCL, vol. 88A, p. 340, 340, 115!. (184) See ed, ed. L. DE Cοκτκ cκ, op. op. cit., 88Α, p. τ ι5f. (136) See 283, 213. 213. (133) Seeibid., ibid., p. p. 283, (wo) Below, below pp. pp. 53f. 53f. (186) Below,p.p.286 286 see see also also below (137) Below, Below, p. p. 307. 307. A gloss on Ps. 148:7 may depend depend on on the the Enarraliones. Enarrationes. Α gloss on Ps. 148:7 may (188) Below, p. 211.. 211. Below, p. (139) Below, 211. (tae) Below, p. p. 211. (140) Below, p. 287. Below, p. 287. (141) Below, (To these these we we may may add add Ps Ps Below, respectively, respectively,pp. pp.250, 250,265, 265,274. 274. (To 94:7, with Ro reading reading in in incipit of of Ps Ps 95). 95). 94:7, with Ro 142 ((gas) ) Below, 250, 265, 265, 274. 274. Below,respectively, respectively, pp. pp. 250, 143 ((las) ) Below, Below, p. 274, with with source source indication. indication. p. 274, 144 ((144) ) Below, 265. Below, p. p. 265. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

Romanum of of the manuscripts being England in the eighth eighth cencenbeing used used in in England Romanum (MSS AHNS AHNS of the critical critical editions), editions), and and also also of of the theMontpellier Montpellier tury (MSS Psalter (148). (145). ItItis isalso alsothat that Codex Sangermanensisand andCodex Codex of of thethe Codex Sangermanensis Corbeiensis of text used used and andglossed glossed by byEucheEucheCorbeiensis ofthe the Old Old Latin Latin and and is is the text 146 ). The Thepresence presence of of the the reading reading in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 may may be be due due to to rius ((146). influence from Pss.117:6 117:6 (adiutor {adiutor an influence fromthe the Roman Roman Church ChurchininBritain. Britain. InInPss. est) and 129:4 129:4 (verbum tuum) tuum) we Old Latin readings readings that that do do we have have two two Old to have havebeen beendue duetotothe theinfluence influenceofofthe thecommentaries commentariesbeing being not appear to used in the theglosses. glosses. used in would be too too much much to to conclude conclude from from all this this that thatthe thecompiler compiler It would access to aa complete complete Old Latin Psalter, Psalter, whether whether of of the thekind kindbeing being had access Roman Church Church of of Britain Britain or or elsewhere elsewhere in the the West, West, although although used in the Roman of course he may well well have have had. had. of course he may 3.

The Use Use 0/ of the the Hebraicum in in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 The

104:28 has already The occurrence of the Hebraicum as a gloss in Ps. 104:28 been noted. Itsuse useininthis thisinstance instanceisisprobably probablydue duetotothe the influence been noted. Its influence of the Epitome Epitome of Julian. The Thepresence presence of of aa Hebraicum text in in Ps. Ps. of of Julian. 147 (147) 108:4 [pro eo quid quod eis eos diligebam diligebam aduersabantur aduersabantur mihi) may be be exex(pro eo mihi) ( ) may Nosuch suchinfluence influencecan canexplain explainthe thepresence presence plained in the same manner. No of 54:20 where text {qui iudexest estab abinitio) initio)(148) (148) of the Hebraicum in Ps. 54:20 where its text (qui iudex is used to to gloss gloss Qui est ante ante saecula Ga, Ro). Ro). The The gloss gloss on on the the Qui est saecula (= (= Ga, is used 149 (149) preceding verse verse {qui fuerunt aduersum me) ( ) may also be dependent (qui aduersum me) may also be dependent on {multi enim enim fuerunt fuerunt aduersum aduersum me). me). The purpose purpose of of on the Hebraicum Hebraicum (multi 150 lemma in in Ps. Ps. 87:11 87:11 ((180) ) and and its itscorresponding corresponding gloss gloss the Hebraicum as a lemma {aut — glossed glossed as id est est non) non) is hard to to explain, explain, since since (aut gigantes gigantes — Heb. — the corresponding corresponding Gallican Old Latin) text text aut medici medici had Gallican (and (and Old had just been commented commented on. on. This evidence, evidence, limited seems to indicate that the the This limitedthough thoughitit be, be, seems to indicate compiler used aa copy copyof, of,Jerome's Jerome'srendering renderingfrom from compiler had had access access to, to, and used the Hebrew. That That he he should should have have is is not not atatall allsurprising. surprising. The Thetext text the Hebrew. (145) Ed. Glossen des des Psalters Psalters von von Mondsee Mondsee (vor (vor 788) 788) (145) Ed. F. Unterkircher, UNrERKIRCHER, Die Glossen (Montpellier, 40g), Freiburg, Schweiz, Schweiz, 11974, p. 448 448.. (Montpellier, Faculté Faculté de de Medicine Médicine Ms. 409), 974, P. (we) Instructionum Instructionum libri De Psalmdrum Psalmorum Libro ed. C. C. Woτκa, Wotke, (144) Libro LUI, LIII, ed. libri duo, duo, I, I, De in CSEL CSEL 31, 31, Prague-Vienna-Leipzig, Prague-Vienna-Leipzig, 1894, 1894, p. 100, 16-23. 16-23. in p. too, (147 Below, p.p. 231; op. cit., cit., p.p.349, 349,19-20. 147)) Below, 231;see seeed. ed.L. L. De DE Coninck, Coiiicn, op. 1 9-20. (148) Below, 117. (144) Below, p. p. 117. 149 ((144) ) Below, 117. Below, p. p. 117. (150) 186. (140)Below, Below, p. p. 186. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



was early early known known in Ireland Ireland and and seems been current current there there in in was seems to to have have been text form form before before the the Ga Gallican was written written its peculiar Irish text llican Cathach text was (about A.D. A.D. 600-630) 600-630) (151). (151). The Theevidence evidenceofofthe theHiberno-Latin Hiberno-Latin Eclogae tractatorum in Psalterium shows that it was being used in in Bible Bible study study tractatorum in Psalterium shows that was being used 162 in Irish Irish schools schools before before the theend endofofthe the eighth century ( ). eighth century (152). 4. Deviant Deviant Psalter PsalterReadings ReadingsininPal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 Together with from the the Gallicanum, Romanum and and the the Together with the the texts from Gallicanism, Romanum considered, there Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 aafew fewPsalter PsalterreadreadHebraicum just considered, there are in Pal. ings not of these three. Two Twoofofthose thosehave havetotodo dowith with ings not attested attested in any of presence of small small additions additions of of Domine in Ps. Ps. 118:72 1x8:72 (153) (153) and and et the presence in Ps. 139:11 139:11 (154). (154). One Oneisisa aslight slightdifference differenceininwording wording— — ex me scientia scientia 155 (155). me in Ps. 138:6 138:6 ( ). Two Twomore moremay mayinvolve involve aamere mere for scientia tua ex me question of orthography orthography — — consummatione Ps. question consummatione for consummationi consummationi in in Ps. 156 118:96 ((156) ) and and redemet for redemit in Ps. Ps. 135:24 135:24 (187). (157). AAfinal finalunique unique reading in Ps. 133:1 133:1 in in the the alternative alternativeinterpretation interpretation {in atris domus domus reading in Ps. (in atris 158 (168) atris domus domus Dei, as in in earlier earlier lemma) lemma) ( ) may may be be due due Domini for in atris the presence presence of of in domo Domini in the first first part of the verse. verse. The The to the in before before Hirusalem in 121:6 121:6 may be due to to aascribal scribal error. error. insertion of in X. ANALYSIS AnalysisOFofPSALM psalmHEADINGS headings X. It has has earlier earlier been been remarked remarked ((159 that the thecommentary commentary on on each each 158)) that psalm in Pal. lat. 68 is preceded by introductory material, or psalm psalm in Pal. lat. 68 is preceded by introductory material, or psalm headings, generally follows follows the thefollowing following order: order: a) the biblical biblical headings, which generally heading; b) a historical historical heading heading referring referring the psalm to to David David the psalm psalm heading; times; c) a historical heading (generally (generally Theodorean Theodorean and and drawn drawn and his times; from of Julian) referring referring the the psalm psalm to to later laterJewish Jewishhistory; history; from the Epitome of Weshall shallnow nowproceed proceedtotoanalyse analyseeacheachofofthese these d) a mystical heading. We turn. in turn. (151) See M. McNamara, in PRIA 73C (1973). 263!. PRIA 73C (1973), 263f. See M. ΜcIAMARΑ, in (isa) See M.McNAMARΑ, McNamara, ibid., 226!. See M. ibid., 226f. (153) Below, p. 252. 252. Below, p. (154) Below, Below, p. p. 296. 296. (155) Below, p. 293. 293. Below, p. (15«) Below, p. (tae) Below, p. 255. 2 55. (15») Below, Below, p. 290, in in herei heret Ps Ps 136. 136. p. 290, (isa) Below, Below, p. p. 287. 287. (i5») Above, 26. (159) Above, p. p. 26. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

i. The Biblical Biblical Psalm Psalm Headings Headings τ. Strictly speaking, speaking, the biblical psalm psalm headings, headings, being of the the Strictly the biblical being part of biblical text, They biblical text, should should be be analysed analysedas aspart part of ofthe the biblical biblicaltext text itself. itself. They separate consideration, consideration, however, however, since since in the the tradition traditionrepresented represented merit separate the gloss gloss (found (found also also in in the theso-called so-calledPsalter Psalterof of Charlemagne) by the Charlemagne) more freely freely than biblical text. Theydiffer differquite quite they are treated more than the biblical text. They often accepted texts the Gallicanum and Romanum, Romanum, and often from from the the accepted texts of the have occasionally occasionally inserted attached to tothem, them,references references have insertedinto into them, them, or attached fac it t itisisnot notalways alwayseasy easytotoascertain ascertainwhether whether to David and his his times. times. InInfact these expanded expanded headings headings of catena were were really really intended intended as as part part these of the catena of the biblical biblical text, text, as as biblical biblical headings headings proper, proper, or or as asinterpretative interpretative of expansions. Perhaps tradition in in which which they they stood stood no nosuch such expansions. Perhaps in in the the tradition distinction was made. made. distinction Some of biblical headings headings have readings identical with with those those Some of these these biblical found in one or other other of of the the two two representatives representatives of of the theIrish IrishGallican Gallican found in one tradition (i.e. (i.e. in in MSS MSS C and I), I), or or with withsome some of of those those of of the theCodex Codex AmiaAmiatradition (which a'so represents represents Irish Instancesofofthis thiscan canbe be tinus (which Irish tradition). Instances seen in headings for Pss. 42, 42, 50, 50, 71, 71, 881, 88, 1143. seen in the headings τ, 88, 43. A matter worthy worthy of of note note is is the the manner manner in inwhich which these these expanded expanded A 68 agree agree with with those those of of the theso-called so-called Psalter Psalter biblical headings headings of of Pal. Pal. lat. 68 of Charlemagne Thefollowing following examples examples of Charlemagne (sigled (sigledQQfor forits its biblical biblicaltext). text). The will illustrate this: this: will Gallicanum, ed. cr.

Pal Lat. Lat. 68; 68; Psalt. Psalt. Chari. Charl. (Q) (Q) Pal

(Ps. 43) 43) salmus Dauid fi nem salmus ad intellectum intellectum In fmem In fmem fi nem filiis Core ad

(Ps. (Ps. 44) 44) In finem salmus Dauid. est de de fi nem salmus his qui qui commutacommuta- In Dauid. id est In fmem fi nem pro pro his ipso et et Salomone. Pro Pro his his qui qui buntur filiis filiis Core ad ad intellectum intellectum ipso buntur commotabuntur. idid est de exilio exilio canticum pro dilecto dilecto commotabuntur. est de canticum in requiem. requiem. Ad Adintellectum intellectum fuis filis Chore dilecto, id est est Chore canticum canticum pro pro dilecto. de regno iusti. finem Dauid de de se se (Q: In fi nem salmus salmus Dauid Salomon, et et de de his his qui qui ipse et et Salomon. commutabunt de exilio in in requiem requiem commutabunt de exilio ad intellectum intellectum filiis filiis Core). ad - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

introduction Introduction

37 37

(Ps. 45) (PS. 45) salmus Dauid Dauid pro pro erumnis erumnis pro filiis filiis Core Corepro proarar- In In finem salmus In fmem finem pro Canis psalmus psalmus aa Saul. Saul. canis (Ps. (Vs. 46) 46) intellectus fills /his Core. In fmem finem pro pro filiis filiis Core psalmus In finem intellectus Core. Vox Vox Core psalmus Dauid accepto accepta rdgno. rdgno. finem psalmus psalmus Dauid (Q: In finem Dauid acaccepto regno.) regno.) cepta (Ps. 52) In finem pro pro Melch intellegentiaeIn In finem finer salmus Melch intellegentiae salmus Dauid Dauid de de Saul Saul Α bimelech intellegentiaDauid Dauid pro pro Abimelech intellegentia Dauid 0 Ama"de Ama(Q om. om. Dauid has "de (Q Dauid 1Io; ; has ch") le eh")

(Ps. (Ps- 75) 75) laudibuspsalmus psalmusAsaph Asaph In In finem finem in laudibus Infiner finemdedelaudibus laudibus salmus salmus Asaph Asaph pro uictoria Dauid et pro uictoria canticum ad Assyrios canticum Assyrios pro uictoria Dauid et pro uictoria Exechiae Ezechiae (Ps. 94) (Ps. 94)

Laus cantici David

cantici ipsi ipsi Dauid Laus cantici Dauid ueniens ueniens (to which which V V adds from in régnum regnum (to from

domus aedificabiguando domus Ps. 95: quando aedificabiPs. 95: tur). tur). (Ps. 120) Canticum Canticum graduum


Canticum gradum. gradum. Vox Vox Dauid pro Canticum erumnis erumnis Saul

Special Headings Headings referring referringtotoDavid Davidand and toto Saul Saul Special

Whereas David frequently mentioned mentioned in the biblical biblical psalm psalm Whereas David is is frequently in the , 53, 56, 58). A characheadings, Saul (Pss. 17, 17, 551, headings, Saul isis only only rarely rarely so so (Pss. 1 53, 56, 58). A characteristic of Pal. Pal. lat. 68 teristic of of the gloss gloss of 68 is is the the frequency frequency with with which which it introintroduces the the names duces names of of David David and and Saul Saul into into the theintroductory introductorymaterial, material, and headingsas as we wehave havejust just seen. seen. The and into the the very very biblical biblical psalm psalm headings The explanation of which interpreted the psalms psalms explanation of this this must must lie lie in in aa tradition trāditiοn which in question question of contemporaries. The The psalms psalms in in question question in of David David and and his contemporaries. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

generally interpreted in the the same same manner mannerin inthe theglosses glossesof ofthe thecomcomare generally mentaryitself itself(160) (160).. mentary We may may set set out out the theheadings headings ininquestion questionasasfollows: follows: We 161 162 (161), I'ux Dauid ( ). Vox (oratio) Dauid pro {de) socis (suis) ). Vox Vox Dauid Dauid Τοχ Vox (oratio) Dauid pro (de) socis (suis) ((162). 163 164 (163). (164). exilio ( ). (Vox (Vox Dauid) Dauid) pro pro erumnis erumnis (a) (a) Saul Saul ( ). (Vox (VoxDauid), Dauid), in exilio {Salmus Dauid) de Saul Saul (186 (165). Querila Dauid (166). Vox Vox Dauid Dauid (Salmus Dauid) de ). Querila Dauid pro pro Saul Saul (166). cum fugeret fugeret a facie Saulis Saulis ((167 (Salmus) Dauid Dauid de de (sua) reuersione cum 187 ). ). Vox (Salmus) (in regnum, regnum, regno) ((168 Dauid cum cum coepisset coepisset profisci ad ad terrain terrain 188). ). (Salmus) (Salmus) Dauid 169 repromissionis (189). ( ). Vox Vox Dauid Dauiddedegratulatione gratulatione post post praelium praelium contra contra repromissionis 170 Abisolonem Vox Dauid Dauid de de Abisolon filio suo (171). (171). Vox Vox Dauid Dauid de de Α bisolonem ((170). ). Vox Α bisolon filio iustis qui rap ti sunt in in Babiloniam Babiloniam (172). (172). Vox VoxDauid Dauiddedeliberatione liber atione (re(rerapti ditu) populi (173). (173). Vox Vox Dauid Dauid de degratiarum gratiarum action actione (174). (174). Vox Vox Dauid Dauid 175 176 (175). (176). or antis ( ). Vox VoxDauid Dauidad adortationem ortationem populi ( ). Vox VoxDauid Dauidhortantis hortantis orantis (177). Vox VoxDauid Dauidcommemorantis commemorantis beneficia (antiqua) ((ί178 Vox populum (177). 78). ). Vox 179 de priscis ((179). ). Vox VoxDauid DauidetetAsaph Asaphdedepersequtoribus persequtoribus Israel Israel (180). (180). Dauid de 3.

Theodorean Headings Theodorean Psalm Psalm Headings

About one one third third of of the theglosses glosses in in the thecommentary commentaryitself itselfare arederived derived 181 from the Epitome Epitome of of Julian Julian (( 161). likemanner, manner,the thechief chiefsource source of of from ). InInlike 0

) On see further further below, below, pp. pp.59f. sgf. (190) Onthis this interpretation interpretation see 1 ) Pss. 41, 61, 96, 96, 109, 109, in, ri2, 144 (laudatio Dauid), 149. 41, 50, 6τ, III, 112, (laudatio Dauid), 144 Ps. 89; cf. cf. also also Ps. Ps. 90. 90. Ps. 89; 163 Pss. Pss. 70, 70, 105. 105. 4 Pss. (184) Pss. 45, 56, 63, 68, 68, 120, 120, 140. 56, 63, 45, 5 (ι98) τ9. ) Ps. Ps. 52, 52, 58, 73, 73. τHQ(166) Ps. Ps. 42. 42. (ι87) Ps. 55. 55(168) Cf. Pss. 60, 65. 84, 84, 94, 94, 114, 115. 115. Cf. Pss. 60, 65, (ι89) ») Ps. Ps. 64. 64. «) Ps. Ps. 95 95.• 1 ) Ps. 108. τ ο8 . (173) 2)\ Ps. ττ8. 118. Cf. Pss. Pss. 80, 83, 86, 86, τ2 127, 145,, 146, 146, τ4 147. Cf. 80, 83, 7 , 135, 145 7. Ps. 74; 74; cf. cf. Ps. 148. Ps. τ48. (ι75) Cf. Ps. Ps. 142. 142. Ps. 104. 104. Ps. (177) Ps. τ150. 50. ("78) Pss. Pss. 77, 91; cf. cf. 43, 43, 79. 79. 77. 91; ') Ps. 113. (190) ») Ps. 82. 82. (181) See 51. See below, below, p. p. 5!. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


39 39

inspiration for the the historical headingsinin the the work inspiration for historical headings work is the the same same EpiEpitome, or rather the argumenta prefixed prefixed to to the exposition proper in this tome, or the argumenta exposition proper commentary. The commentary. The Epitome Epitome has hasinfluenced influenced the the headings headings in in two twoways. ways. In many cases cases the historical headings in Pal. lat. 68 68 reproduce reproduce verbatim verbatim the text 188). text of of the the Epitome Epitome ((182 ). InInother othercases, cases,however, however, the thesubstance substance of the heading heading in in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 is that of of the 68 is of the argumentum of of the the Epitome, although the wording 183). although wording is is different different ((183 ). In Insome some instances instances there there is aa mere reflection reflection ofof the the text of mere of the theEpitome. Epitome. 4.

Other Historical Historical Psalm Psalm Headings Headings Other

Together with with the historical Together historical headings headings thus far far considered, considered, there there are some others in in Pal. Pal. lat. 68 are some others 68 which which have have a bearing bearing on the the historical historical interpretation of of the the particular psalm psalm but do not interpretation not fall fall under under any any of of the the two classes thus considered. They They are areasasfollows: follows: two classes thus far considered. 18S 184)) Vox Vox Exechiae Ezechiae ((184 Vox plebis plebis (populi) {populi) ((185), ), Vox VoxMoisi Moisiconfirmantis con fir manti s 186 populum populumsuum suum(188). ( ).


The Columba Series Psalm Headings Headings The Columba Series of Psalm

The mystical Series of psalm headings in the the gloss gloss belongs in general Series I, Salmon (187). (187). to Series I, the Series Series of ofSt. St. Columba, Columba,edited editedby byDom Doi Pierre PIERRE SALMON 188 As we ), within within this, the the series series of Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 is is very very As we shall see later ((188), closely related peculiar readings readings of of the the mystical mystical headings headings in in closely related to to the peculiar the so-called so-called Psalter Charlemagne (given (given the siglum i in in Dom Dom SalSalPsalter of Charlemagne the siglum mon's edition)(189) (188). mon's edition) (182) t Pss. 40, 45, 46, 47, 53, 54, 59, 60, 62, 66 (a long text), 68, e g a (182 ) e.g. at P ss . 40 , 45, 46, 47, 53, 54, 59, 60, 62, 66 (a long text), 68, 70 (a (a long long text), text), 72, 72, too, 100,121, 121,122 122(almost (almostverbatim verbatimidentical), identical), 123 123 (almost (almost verver70 batim identical), 132, 132, 134, 138, (a very very long long text), text), 141-144. batim identical), 39 (a 1 4 1 -1 44. 1 34, 1 3 8 , 139 1 (183) e.g. 42, 69, 85, 87, 88, 88, 90, 90, 92, 92, 94, 94, 96, 102, (lea) e.g. Pss. Pss. 4 97, 98, 98, 101, III, 102, 96, 97, 2 , 64, 64. 65, 85, 87, 6 5, 69, 103, 105, 106, 108, 108, 114, 114, ττ8, 118, 126, 145-148, 150. 150. With headings 105, 106, 126, 137, 137, 145-1¢8, With regard regard to to the the headings for Pss. 137, 150 the influence ofofthe at best best faint. faint. for Pss. 1 37, 145-148, the influence the Epitome Epitomeof of Julian Julian is is at 1 45-1 48 , 150 184 ((lea) ) Pss. 76. Pss. 47, 47, 76. (188) Pss. 59, 63, 63, 124. 124. (0e") Pss. 45, 45, 446, 6, 59, 188 Ps. 90. A ((188) ) Ps. the Montepellier Montepellier Psalter Psalter notes notes on on this this psalm: psalm: Α Gloss Gloss of of the "Hapud hebreos (sic) non non habet, habet, ut Un"Hapud hebreos titutulum titutulum (sic) ut sciat sciat quia quia moses moses est" est" (ed. (ed. F. F. Umterkircher. Glossen des Psalters Psalters von von Mondsee, Mondsee, p. p. 350). 350). TERKIRCHER, Die Glossen 187 ((1eß) ) Cf. Dom PierreSALMON, Salmon, Les "Tituli Psalmorum" Psalmorum" des des manuscrits latins Dom Pierre Les "Tituli manuscrits latins (Collectanea Latina, XII), Rome-Vatican 45-74. (Collectanea Biblica Biblica Latina, Rome-VaticanCity, City, 1969, 1969, pp. pp. 45 -74. 188 ((188) ) See 44, Seebelow, below, p. p. 44, 188 (lee) ( ) Cf. P. Salmon, op.op.cit., the peculiar peculiar P. SALMON, cit.,pp. pp.3if. 31f.49. 49.Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 agrees agrees with with the headings of oí i in the following following psalms: psalms: 43, 48, 55, 62, 65. 68, 72, 73-76 (with headings in the 43, 45, 45, 4 55, 62, 65, 68, 72, 73-76 (with 8, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

40 6.

Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

Mystical Headings Mystical Headings not from from Series Series IΙ

Some of of the the mystical mystical psalm psalm headings headingsofofPal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 are are not found Some found in any representative of the St. Columba Series. Most in representative of Columba Series. Most of of the the headings headings in question, in fact, in question, in fact, are are not not found found in in any anyof ofthe thesix sixseries seriesofofheadings headings 190 some of of them them are SALMON ((190), edited by Dom edited Dom Salmon ), although although some are similar similar to to known headings known headings(191), (191). 7.

Mentioned in in Psalm Headings The Romani Mentioned Headings

mention is is made of the In three different different Psalm headings headings mention the manner manner Romani. In In all in which the particular psalm in which the psalm is interpreted interpreted by by Romani. all three cases the the word cases word is written written in in full, full, not notabbreviated. abbreviated. The Theoccurrences occurrences are as as follows: follows: (Ps. 49). Deus deorum deorum Dominus Dominus......InIn finem finer salmus (Ps. 49). Deus salmus Dauid. Dauid. De De qui uirtutem mirabilibus mundi hic salmus ad Iudeos conponitur hic salmus lúdeos conponitur qui uirtutem priore neglegentessolas solascurarent curarenthostias hostiasligalium ligalium iusionum] iusionum, in in priore neglegentes tantum direxit, ad Iudeos salmi sermonem salmo sermonem ad omnes dir exit, in praesenti pr aesenti ad lúdeos tantum e salmus secundum secundum (=Iole). Hic salmus {—Iul ). Vox de aduentu aduentu Christi. Christi. Hie Vox Spiritus de Romanos iudicio futuro Romanos de de iudicio futuro canitur. (De mirabilibus mirabilibus .... .... ad ad lúdeos Iudeos tantum) tantum) The first The first part of of this this heading heading (De is drawn for the greater part from the Julian Epitome. The mystical is drawn for the greater part from the Julian Epitome. The mystical heading seems seemsto to understand understand the the psalm heading psalm of the the first first coming coming of of Christ. Christ. disagreeswith withthis. this. Actually, The understanding The understanding of the the Romani disagrees Actually, the has nothing exceptionalabout It understanding the Romani has nothing exceptional understanding of of the (De aduentu aduentu Christi Christi propheta prophets dicit dicit et et de is found in in Series Series I (De de iudicio is that found (Vox apostolica futuro) and similar to the heading heading of of Series Series III III (Vox apostolica de seand is similar with the little cundo Christo aduentu). aduentu). It is is simply simply impossible impossible with little inforinforcundo Christo understood the mation our disposal disposal to determine determine why why the Romani understood mation at our psalm mayhave have something something to theory of of psalm in in this this way. way. ItItmay to do with aa theory τοο, ir3, 113, minor variants), 77-81, 77-81, 88, 88, 8g, 89, 92, 92, 95, 95, 97, 97, 97 (with (with minor minor variants), variants), g8, 98, roo, 114, (in headings to all all the the22 22subsections), subsections),119, 119, 120, 120, 123-125, ^3-125, 128, 128, 129, 129, 114, ir7, 117, tr8 ιι8 (in exhortant·is r4i St. Columba Columba Series), Series), 143, r43, 151 151 (with (with variant exhortantis 141 (no (no heading heading in in the St. for exoperantis). 190 ((190) ) For 40, 51:3, 5r:3, 55, 58:2, 59, ro7, 129, r29, r40, Forinstance instance in in Pss. 40, 1 40 , r45. 59. 72:1, 98, 107, 1 45. 55, 58:2, 181 ((199) ) Thus, 4t:2 (cf. III), 52 52 I, II, III), (cf. Ser Ser I, Thus,for forinstance, instance,the the headings headings in in Pss. 41:2 (cf. Ser IV), 53 (cf. Ser II, III, IV), 62 (cf. Ser II), 68 (Vox lonae (cf. Ser II), 68 (Vox Ionae Ser II, III, IV), Ser II, III, IV), 62 53 Ser III), III), 73 (Vox poprophetae de sua 73 [Vox po72 (cf. (cf. Ser (cf. Ser III), 72 sua persona persona cf. Ser I), 70 (cf. puli post uindictem crucis... cf. Ps.-Bede Ser I) 80 Christi ad PentePente80 (Vox (Vox Christi uindictem crucis... Ps.-Bede of of Ser III), 112 (cf. Ser Ser III). III). costen, cf. Ps. - Bede 93 (cf. rr2 (cf. (cf. Ser. Ser. II, III), Ps. — Bede of of Ser Ser I), 93 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



interpretation and and may may be be connected connected with with the thebiblical biblicalpsalm psalmheading, heading, interpretation which psalm in in the thegenuine genuine Gallican and Romanum Romanum tradition which for for this psalm is "Psalmus Asaph", although 68, with with other other Gallican and although Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68, "Psalmus Asaph", Romanum texts take it it as as aaPsalm PsalmofofDavid. David. Romanum texts take (Ps. 52). Dixit insipiens... fmem. Salmus Dauid de de Saul. insipiens ... In In finem. Salmus Dauid Intellegentia Dauid Abimelech. id est pro choro. choro. Vox Vox Ezechiae Ezechiae Intellegentia Dauid pro Abimelech. temporibus quae illis gesta gesta sunt. Secundum de Rabsace, et de de his temporibus quae in illis Romanos pro insidis insidis Saul occissione sacerdotum sacerdotum in Nouae Nouae Romanos Saul et occissione Vox Christi de de Tuda luda traditore. traditore. decantatur. Vox The genuine biblical psalm in the the Gallican Gallican and and The genuine biblical heading heading for for this this psalm Romanum tradition tradition is is In finem fmempro proMelech Melechintellegentiae intellegentiae(intellectus) (intellectus) Romanum tradition represented represented by Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 (and (andthe theso-called so-called Dauid. The The tradition by Pal. Psalter of of Charlemagne) Charlemagne) has has read read Salmus Dauid de de Saul into the biblical biblical Psalter heading. For Melech Pal. lat. 68 68 has has"Abimelech", "Abimelech", as as have have many many heading. For Pal. lat. other MSS. MSS. We We simply simply cannot cannot say say what what reading reading the the Psalter Psalter of of the the other Theirinterpretation, interpretation,however, however,does doesnot notfollow follow the theTheoTheoRomani had. Their dorean one one of of the the Epitome Epitome of of Julian, Julian,which which understands understands the thepsalm psalm dorean of Hezekiah and Assyrian general (cf. 2 2 Kgs Kgs 18:17, 18:17, etc.). etc.). They They of Hezekiah and the Assyrian general (cf. rather of of the theslaughter slaughter of of the thepriests priestsof ofNob Nob (Nouae) [Nouae) meninterpret it rather David's visit to the the priest priest tioned in iτ Sam, Sam, chapters 21-22. 21-22. David's visit there there and to Achimelech (called 68 and other other corrupt corrupt texts) texts) Achimelech (calledAbimelech AbimelechininPal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 subject of of the thebiblical biblical heading heading for for the thepreceding preceding psalm psalm (Ps. (Ps. 51). 51). is the subject It may may well well be be these these two two psalm psalm headings headings which which had had the the Romani opt for the the reference reference to times rather to later laterJewish Jewish for to David David and and his his times rather than to history. Their Their interpretation interpretation has has been been read read into into the thevery verybiblical biblical history. psalm heading heading of Ps. 52 52 (Salmus de Saul, Saul, Intellegentia Intellegentia ... ... pro psalm of Ps. (Salmus Dauid de Abimelech) and is also also found found in in the theexplanatory explanatory glosses glosses (e.g. (e.g. vv. vv. 1, Abimelech) and is τ, 3, 5, 5. 6, 7). 7). 3, (Ps. 54). Exaudi Deus Deus orationem orationem In fmem in in carminibus carminibus inin(Ps. 54). In finem tellectus Dauid. Honiae sacerdotis sacerdotis expidsi expulsi de de sacerdotio sacerdotio a tellectus Dauid. Vox Honiae regibus Grecorum quidam propincius propincius Honiae; Honiae] regibus Grecorumquod quod emit emit Simon Simon quidam inde Honias Honias fugit Deum ibi ibi coluit coluit iuxta iuxtamores mores Α egiptum et inde fugit in Aegiptum et Deum Hierusolimorum. Hie salmus secundum Romanos pro erumnis Hic salmus secundum Romanos pro erumnís Saul cantatur. Vox aeclesiae aeclesiae de de Christo. Christo. Saul psalm as as speaking speaking of of the thepersecution persecution of of David David interpreting the psalm In interpreting by Saul, rather than of Opias and Maccabaean times as the Theodoby Saul, than of and Maccabaean times the Theodorean tradition and the the Epitome Epitome do, do, the the Romani may once once again have have rean tradition been guided guided by the the biblical biblical heading heading of of the thepreceding preceding psalm psalm which which conconbeen - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Psalmos Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

fleets Ps. Ps. 53 53 with with the the report nects report of the the Ziphites Ziphites to Saul Saul that that David David was was hiding among them. They may even have been influenced by the hiding among them. They may even have been influenced by the mention of of David David in in the heading mention heading of of the present present psalm. psalm. The Theglosses, glosses, Romani interpretation we may interpretation with with the we may note, note, seek seek to to combine combine this this Romani Theodoreanone oneatatleast leastasasfar faras asv.v. 9. 9. From Theodorean From v. v. io 10 onwards onwards aa third form of interpretation enters, understanding the psalm form of enters, understanding the psalm of of Ahitophel's Ahitophel's counsel and and Absalom's Absalom's revolt revolt — — the the understanding of the psalm counsel psalm found found 192).). in the in the glosses glosses of of the the Montpellier Montpellier Psalter Psalter ((192 It is that the referredto to in in these texts were is obvious obvious that the Romani referred these texts were a clearly identifiable identifiablegroup groupin in the the communities in which clearly communities in which the gloss gloss of of Pal. lat. 68 or at least in Pal. 68 was was compiled, compiled, or in which which the tradition tradition ititenshrines enshrines was formed, formed, which which in in the view was view proposed proposed in this work work was was in in Columban Columban monasteries of of either either Ireland monasteries Ireland or or Northumbria. Northumbria. Who precisely preciselythese these scholars scholarswere wereisis less less easy easy to to define. Who define. The The Romani most obvious solutionwould wouldbe be to to identify identify them them with most obvious solution with the the Romani 193 of the Paschal of Paschal controversy controversy ((193). ). These Thesefrom fromabout about630 630 onwards onwards advoadvocated the of Easter. Easter. AA scholar cated the adoption adoption of of the the Roman Roman celebration celebration of scholar of the Romani is is mentioned in connection of connection with with computation computationtables tables(194) (194).. 195 CollectioCanonum Canonum Hibernensis Hibernensis ((195) The Romani are also mentioned in the Collectio ) (made at at the beginning of the eighth (made beginning of eighth century) century) and and in in the theCanons Canons of of Adamnań (196), Adamnari (196). appear to have The Romani appear have been been most most active active from from ca. ca. A.D. A.D. 620 620

192 Ed. F. Unterkircher, UNTERKIRCHER, op. op. cit., cit., pp. pp. 226-230. ((099) ) Ed. 226-230. See See also also above above p. p. 20. 20. 183 On these these Romani of ((199) ) On Paschal controversy controversy see see L. L. GouGouof the Paschal of the Paschal GAUD, Christianity London, 1932, J. Kenney, KENNEY, The Christianity in Celtic The GAUD, Celtic Lands, Lands, London, 1932, pp. pp. 185-201; 185-201; J. Sources for for the the Early Early History of New York, York, 1929, Sources of Ireland; Ireland', Ecclesiastical, Ecclesiastical, New 1929, pp. 201201216; K. Hughes, HuGHEs, The The Church in Early Irish London, 1966, 216; Church in Irish Society, Society, London, 1966, pp. 103-110. 103-110. 94 Thus,for for instance, instance, in MS. Würzburg, 61, 6 τ, in in an additional (1(194) ) Thus, MS. Wiirzburg, additional 29) attached attached to to a Hiberno-Latin Ηibernο-Latin commentary commentary we we read read that ""Mosinu folio (fol. 29) Mosinu maccu Min, Min, scriba compoter a graeco maccu scriba et abbas abbas Benncuir Benncuir primus primus Hibernensium Hibernensium compotem graeco sapiente mimar msmoraliter dedicit. Deiκde maccu Minsemon quidam sapiente aliter dedicit. Deinde Mocuoroc Mocuoroc maccu Minsemon quern quern Romani doctorem totius mundi nominabant que praefati scribaein in insola insola Romani doctorem totius nominabant alumnus alumnusque praefati scribae ne memoria memoria labelabequae quae dicitur dicitur Crannach Crannach Duin Duin Lethglaisse Lethglaisse hanc hancscientiam scientism Uteris literis fixit fixit ne retur" in Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, II, 1903, 285). Mosinu's Mosinu's retur" (See (See text text in Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, 1903, p. p. 285). in PePeÓ Cróinín Crόίnίn in obit is is variously variously given given as as A.D. A.D. 609, 609, bio, 610, 612. 612. See See now now D. D. Ó vol. i ritia. Journalofofthe theMedieval Medieval Academy Academy of of Ireland Ireland vol. 1 (1982), (1982), 281-295 281-295 ((283 ritia. Journal 28 3 for our text). for text). 195 2nd ed. ((199) ) Ed. irische Kanonsnsammlung, Kanonensammlung, 2nd ed. Ed. H. Wasserschleben, WASSERSCHLEBEN, Die Die irische Leipzig, 1885, pp. 62, Leipzig, 1885, pp. 62, 159f., 159!., 163, 163, 183, 183, 194, 194, 211, 211, 212. 212. 196 Ed. L. Bieler, Latini Hiberniae ((196) ) Ed. Penitentials (Scriptores V), BIELER, The The Irish Penitentials (Scriptures Latini Hiberniae V), Dublin, 1963, pp. pp. 178!., 254. Dublin, 1963, ι78 f., 254. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


43 43

to 670 670 or or 700. 700. They Theymay mayalso alsohave havebeen beeninvolved involved ininthe theexegetical exegetical field at at the same field same time, time, so so that that the therelic relic of ofthe thePsalm Psalminterpretation interpretation now preserved preserved in in Pal. now Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 may mayrepresent representactual actualexegetical exegetical work work that took took place place around around630-650. 630-650. 8.

Psalm Headings of Pal. Pal. lat. Psalm Headings of lat. 68 68 and and of of Psalter Psailer of of Charlemagne Charlemagne

The close close relationship that that exists exists between between the the psalm psalm headings headings in Pal. 68 and and in in the the Psalter Psalter of lat. 68 of Charlemagne has already already been been touched touched on on momore than 197). ). ItItmust than once once ((197 mustnow nowbebeexamined examinedininsomewhat somewhat greater greater detail. detail. The manuscript The manuscript referred referred to as as "The "ThePsalter PsalterofofCharlemagne" Charlemagne" (i.e. (i.e. Paris, Bibl. η95-800 in in some Paris, Bibl. Nat., Nat., lat. lat. 13159) 13159) was was written written A.D. A.D. 795-800 some concontinental centre tinental centre with with Irish Irish connections. connections. Irish Irish saints saints are areincluded included in in the litanies given in in the Psalter litanies given Psalter and and its itsillumination illumination shows shows clear clear Irish Irish influence. influence. It It has hasPsalter PsalterCollects Collects of of the the African African Series Series at the the end end ofof each psalm. On the outer margin of the manuscript a triangular each psalm. On the outer margin of the manuscript a triangularcarcartouche contains Psalm Headings (198). touche contains the the Series Series III IIIofof Psalm Headings (198). Each Each psalm psalm is preceded preceded by introductory introductory material, material, most most of of which which in passing passing in in the the preceding preceding pages. pages. The has been been mentioned mentioned in The composite composite introductions prefaced prefaced to to each each psalm psalm contains introductions contains first first of of all all the theopening opening words of the psalm, words of psalm, which which is then then often often described described as as Psalmus Psalmus Dauid. Dauid. One or more more historical historical heading heading is is then given, One or given, after which which there there generally generally comes mystical heading. heading. Occasionally Occasionally certain certain important important words words comes the the mystical of the psalm psalm are are then thenexplained. explained. of In practically practically every one one of of these these elements elements the the introductory introductory matematerial of the the so-called so-called Psalter Psalter of of Charlemagne Charlemagne is is very very closely closely related related to to rial of the corresponding material The heading heading of of Ps. Ps. 42, 42, the corresponding materialininPal. lat. 68. 68. The given below, is typical of of this this relationship. relationship. given below, is typical Pal. Lat. Lat. 68 68 Pal.

Psalter of of Charlemagne Charlemagne

In fmem De gragrafinem salmus salmus Dauid. Dauid. De tulatione reuersionis tulatione reuersionis in in regnum\ regnum; uel querila Vox Plebis plebis querila Dauid Dauidpro pro Saul. Saul. Vox Christi ad ad Pain Babilonia. Vox ΡaVox Christi ir em. Vox Voxaeclesiae. aeclesiae. trem.

In finem psalmus Psalmus Dauid. Dauid. Gratulatio Gratulatio reuertente regnum] uel queralla reuertentein in regnum; uel queralla Dauid pro Saul. Vox plebis Dauid pro Saul. Vox Plebis in Babilonia. Christi ad ad passioBabilonia. Vox Vox Christi passionem el Ecclesiae Ecclesiae ad ad Christum. Christum. nem et

(w?) -phe Pseudo-Bedan On The Pseudo -Redan Psalm Psalm Titles Titlesare are also alsorelated relatedto to both both these. these. On the entire entire question question see see B. B. Fischer, psalmorum liber", in FestFestFISCHER, "Bedae "Bedae de de titulis psalmorum liber ", in schrift Bernhard Bischoff, Bischoff, Stuttgart, 1971, pp. pp. 90-110, 90-110, esp. esp. g6f. 96!. schrift Bernhard Stuttgart, 1971, pas) xhe manuscript has has been been collated collated for for Series Series II (already (already mentioned) mentioned) The Paris Paris manuscript and III IIIby byDom DomP.P.SALMON Salmon for Psalmorum" des des manuscrits and for his his edition, edition, Les Les "Tituli Psalmorum" manuscrits latins', 98, 31. 31. latins; see see pp. pp. 98, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa in

Needless to say, there there are aredifferences differences as as well well as as resemblances resemblances between between these two texts. I Igive givesome someexamples examples of of both bothhere. here. these two texts. Both texts have have some some biblical headings proper to themthemBoth biblical psalm headings 199 . selves ( ). selves (199) With regard to the the Theodorean they The οdοrean material With regard material—- both both draw what they have of from the Epitome of numberofofinstances instances the the have of itit from the Epitome of Julian. Julian. InIna anumber material in both texts texts is is identical identical both both in in the thewording wording and and in in the theamount amount borrowed from Epitome ((200 ). InInother othercases, cases,however, however, while while the the borrowed from the Epitome 200). text carried carried by by both both isisidentical, identical,the thePsalter Psalterofof Charlemagnedraws draws Charlemagne more extensively extensively on Julian Epitome Epitome than thandoes doesPal. lat. (201).. more on the Julian 6868 (201) Evidently, Psalter of of Charlemagne Charlemagne does does not depend depend directly directly on on the the Evidently, the Psalter present or the the original original of of Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68. 68. present text or There are about about 45 45 instances instances in in which which Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68has hashistorical historical There are headings not Thirteenororsosoofofthese theseheadings headings headings not drawn drawn from from the the Epitome. Epitome. Thirteen 202 . are also also in inthe thePsalter Psalter Charlemagne ( ). of of Charlemagne (202) Mention has of the the special special headings headings of of Pal. Pal. lat. lat. Mention has already been made of 203 68 and Saul Saul ((203). ). Some Someofofthose thoseare arealso also found found in in 68 referring referring to David and 204 the Psalter Psalter of ofCharlemagne Charlemagne ((204) ) OfOf other historicalheadings headings in in thethe other historical Pal. lat. 68 which do not come under any of the above headings (8 in Pal. 68 which not come under any of the above (8 all) -—5 5ofofthem themoccur occurinin identicalwording wordingininthe thePsalter PsalterofofCharleCharleall) identical magne(205) (205).. magne The close close relationship 68 and and the thePsalter PsalterofofCharCharrelationship between between Pal. Pal. lat. 68 lemagne is the St. St.Columba Columba Series Series of ofMystical Mystical Psalm Psalm lemagne is clearer clearer still still in the headings (Series Withinthis thisSt. St.Columba ColumbaSeries, Series, as asnoted notedalready already headings (Series I). I). Within (199) Examples in Pss. Pss. 44, 49, 52. 52, 66, 66, 70, 70, 86, go, 92,, 94, 94, 95, 100, 102, 102, 139. Examples in 44, 49, 86, 9 0, 92 95, III, 1 39. Occasionally itit can doubted whether whether the the heading heading in in question question can can really reallybe be Occasionally can be be doubted classed as in Ps. Ps. 52. 52. classed as "biblical", "biblical", e.g. e.g. in (200) Instances Pss. 42, 42, 64, 64, 85, 92,, 97, 97, III, 101,103, 103, 1118 {in the the Instances are are at at Pss. 18 (in 85, 87, 8 7, 92 heading the entire entire psalm), psalm), 126, 126, 128 128 (texts (textshere heremerely merelysimilar). similar). heading to to the (201) Instances Pss. 88, 88, go, 145. Together Together with with this this ititshould should be benoted noted Instances at at Pss. 90, 145. that the the Psalter Psalterof ofCharlemagne Charlemagne occasionally occasionally has from the the Epitome Epitome of of Julian Julian that has texts texts from which any way way in in Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68, 68, e.g. e.g. atatPss. Pss.65, 65,69, 69,73, 73,74 74,, 94, 94, 96 96,, which are are not not in in any 102, faded), 1o6 106 (a (a very very long long text textfrom fromthe theEpitome), Epitome),137, 137, 102, possibly possiblyat at 105 105 (text (text faded), 146, 147, 147, 150. 150. 146, faca) The instances are: at Pss. Pss. 43, 43, 44, 44, 86, 86, 104, 115, 117, 117, 126, 126, The 13 instances are: at 104, 107, 107, in, III, 115, 129, 131, 131, 136, 136, 151. 151. 129, (203) Above, pp. 371. Above, PP. 37f. 204 ( ) Instances (following order Pss. 41 41 (similar), (similar), 1i1 in(com(comInstances (following order of of former former list) list) at at Pss. parable), 70, least in in part part parable), 70, 45, 45, 56, 56, 63 63 (Psalter (Psalter of of Charlemagne Charlemagnefaded, faded,but but same same at at least as Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68), 68), 68, 68, IZO, 120, 140, 140, 52, 52, 73, 73, 119, 119, 60, 60, 65, 65, 84, 94 (Psalt. Charl. similar as 4, 94 (Psalt. Charl. similar 8 to Pal. lat. 68), 114, 114, 115, 115, 64, 64, 108, 108, 118. 127, 145, 146, 147, 147, 148, 148. 142, 142, 104, 104, 150. 150. to lat. 68), ττ8, 127, 145, 146, (sos) They are: Pss. Pss. 47, 47, 45, 45, 46, 46, 59, 90. They are: 59. 90. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



by Dom Dom Pierre Pierre Salmon, Psalter of of Charlemagne Charlemagne has has certain certain pepeSALMON, the Psalter culiarities not found in the the other otherwitnesses witnesses (200). (206). Occasionally Occasionally the the culiarities not found Psalter of of Charlemagne Charlemagne omits omits the the St. St.Columba Columba heading heading altogether. altogether. Psalter In both both these these ways ways Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 goes goes along along with with the the Psalter: Psalter: in in the thepecpec207 (207), headings ( ), and and by byomitting omittingthe theSt.St.Columba Columbaheading heading where where uliar headings the Psalter Psalteromits omitsit it (208).. (206) This close close connection nowhere more more in in This connection between between the the two two texts isis nowhere evidence than in the headings of the twenty-two subsections of Ps. 118. evidence than the headings of the twenty-two subsections of Ps. ττ8. Both Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 and and the thePsalter PsalterofofCharlemagne Charlemagne are are unique unique not not only only Both lengthy and and composite composite headings headings to toeach eachofofthese thesesubsections subsections in having lengthy but more more so so in in that thatthese theserare rareand andcomplex complexheadings headingsare arepractically practically verbatim identical in both. both. verbatim identical One evidence on the relationship relationship between between the the two two One final final piece piece of of evidence on the that both both have have the thereferences references to to the the Romani interpretation in in texts is that the headings headings to Pss. Pss. 49, 49, 52 52 and and 54, 54, although although the the garbled garbled manner manner in in which part the heading heading of of Ps. Ps. 52 52 is is reproduced reproduced in the the Psalter Psalter of of which part of the Charlemagne the European Europeanscribe scribeof ofMS. MS. Paris. Paris. Charlemagne seems seemsto to indicate indicate that that the Bibl. lat. 13,159 13,159 failed failed to understand understand the the peculiar peculiar Irish Irish manner manner ofof Bibl. Nat. lat. 209 (206). spelling (i.e. Nouae) ( ). spelling Nob (i.e. The conclusion conclusion to be drawn from from this this evidence evidence is is that thatthe theexegetical exegetical the Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68psalm psalmheadings headings (a (atradition traditionatathome home tradition found in the in schools of Northumbria) must have been been taken taken to tothe the in schools of Ireland Ireland and and Northumbria) Continent some time before the so-called Psalter of Charlemagne was Continent some before the so-called Psalter of Charlemagne was written the dying dying years years of of the the eighth eighth century. century. How Howmuch muchearlier earlier written in the A.D. 795-800 795-800 it was was taken taken there thereremains remains to tobe bedetermined. determined. than A.D. (206)) These These are are noted noted in in the the apparatus apparatusof of P. Les "Tituli Psalmorum" (208 Ρ. Salmon, SALMON, Les "Tituli Psalmorum" des manuscrits latins. des manuscrits latins. (207) See 189 above. above. (807 See note 189 (208) e.g. 86. 87, 87, 1x5, 115, 127. 127. (208) e.g.atat Pss. Pss. 86, (208) InInthe text corresponding corresponding to to "pro... "pro... occisione (208) theheading headingfor for Ps. Ps. 52 52 the the text occisione sacerdotum inin Nouae canitur" of Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 (see (see p. p. 41 41 above) above) in in the the sacerdotum Nouae (=Nob) (=Nob) canitur" of Pal. Psalter of Charlemagne Charlemagne is: is: "pro... occisione sacerdotum nouo cantico". cantico". In In most most Psalter of "pro... occisione sacerdotum in in noun instances the the words words following following immediately immediately on on secundum secundum in the Psalter Psalterof ofCharleCharleinstances in the magne are same as lat. 68. 68. There There magne are faded faded but but can can be be presumed presumedto to be be the the same as Pal. Pal. lat. is a further further reference reference to to Romani Romani in the Psalter Psalter ofofCharCharin the the heading heading to to Ps. Ps. 73 73 in in the lemagne (not found in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68): 68): Hic Hie psalmus psalmus secundum secundum Ebre Ebre de Machalemagne found in de Machabeorum periculis dicunt (... (... text text following following on on this this faded, faded, but butfollowing following beorum periculis .... .... Romani Romani dicunt words in in part partlegible) legible) ... ... non (?) habere habere (historiam?) letwords non (?) (historian?) ex ex aduerso aduersonisi nisi in in (some (some letters illegible) illegible) ... ... tur tur transferatur. transferatur. Compare Compare the Ps. 128 128 in in the the same same ters the heading heading of of Ps. Psalter; Hic Hie psalmus psalmus secundum secundum Ebreum Ebreum pro pro commoni commonibus canituretettransfertransferPsalter: businimicis inimics canitur tur ad ad personam personam populi; cf. heading Ps. 128 128 in in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68. 68. tur heading to to Ps. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos

XI. SOURCE SourceANALYSIS analysis OF of THE the commentary in Pal. lat. 68 COMMENTARY IN PAL. LAT. XI. We axe helped to aa certain certain extent extentininthe theidentification identificationofofthe thecomcomWe are helped piler's sources sources by the source source ascriptions ascriptions given given in in abbreviated abbreviated form form in in ρiler's the margins margins (210), (210), and in abbreviated abbreviated form form or written out in full in the or in full in the itself. Both Both of of these these have have limitations limitations in they are are in in part part text itself. in that they erroneous. A further further reason reason for for caution caution in in the the use useofofthe themarginal marginal erroneous. ascriptions isis that we are are not not always always sure sure to to which which precise precise text text they they ascriptions that we are intended to refer, since many fines have more than one text, are intended refer, since many lines more than one text, or indeed whether copyists' errors errors the the ascriptions ascriptions any any longer longer stand stand indeed whether due due to copyists' opposite allcases cases the themarginal marginal and and text oppositethe the proper properfine lineoror text. text. InInall source ascription be verified verified through through source source analysis, analysis, which which reresource ascription must must be mains our chief way of identifying the works on which the compiler mains chief of identifying the works on which the compiler drew. I. Sourcesnoted notedby byabbreviation abbreviation in in margins margins Ι. Sources As already already noted, noted, these these marginal marginal source source indications indications are are h, h, hir hir As and hit. They are are identified identified as asfollows: follows: hil. They i. h opposite opposite genuine genuine works works of of Jerome. Jerome. In aa number number of of instinstances the abbreviation abbreviation h stands opposite opposite passages passages drawn from from Jerome's Jerome's ances Commentarioli in Psalmos (211). (211). InIn oneinstance instance(at(atPs. Ps.41:8) 41:8) ititstands stands one Commentarioli in Psalmos opposite aa text from from Jerome's Jerome's In In Psal. Psal. XXXX1, XXXXl,adadNeophytes. Neophytos. Once opposite (Ps. 44:8) opposite what what resembles resembles a text textfrom fromJerome's Jerome's Trac(Ps. 44:8) itit stands opposite tatus de Psalmo 44. tatus de Psalmo 44. fi. h hopposite oppositePseudo-Jerome Pseudo-Jerome Texts. Texts. In one one instance instance (Ps. (Ps.88:28) 88:28) íí. opposite aa text from from the the Epitome Epitome of of Julian, Julian, which which the thecomcomstands opposite h stands have taken taken as asaawork workofofJerome, Jerome,an anidentification identificationmade made piler appears to have throughout the Hibe Hiberno-Latin throughout rno-Latin Eclogae Eclogae tractatorum tractatorumin in Psalterium Psalterium of the 212 (212). eighth-century ( ). InInone oneinstance instance(Ps. (Ps.64:10) 64:10) (213) (213) hh stands late eighth-century opposite an unidentified text which which may be be compared compared with with Breviarium opposite an unidentified Psalmos, in Psal. Psal. 64:10. 64:10. in Psalmos, (=Hilarius) opposite opposite texts texts /rim from Augustine's Augustine's Enarrationes. Enarrationes. iii. h (=Hilarius) In two two places places (Pss. (Pss.73:13; 73:13; 131, 131, ininsecond secondand andallegorical allegoricalexposition) exposition) (sio) On On these these see see also also above, above, p. p. 12f. I2f. (211) p Pss. 66:7; 67:10; 67:13; 67:17 hir); 67:24 67:24 (in (in text texthir); hir); ss . 59:9; 66:7; 67:10; 67:13; 67:17 (in (in text text hir); 59:9; 68:5; 103:20; 109:3 109:3 ((in text hir). hir). in text 68:5; 75:6; 75:6; 81:7; 81:7; 86:3: 86:3; 102:5; 1025; 1032ο; (212) Cf. of on this M. M. ΜcΝωMωκω, McNamara, art. cit. in in PRIA PRIA73C 73C (1973), (1973), 225-227. 225-227. on this art. cit. (213) Cf. Cf. below, below, p. p. 132. 132. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



opposite texts almost almost certainly certainly dependent dependent on onAugustine's Augustine's h stands stands opposite Enarraliones in Psalmos, or abbreviation of The same same may may Enarrationes in Psalmos, or an abbreviation of them. them. The be true for for h in the margin margin at It isis likely likely that that h in these these be in the at Ps. Ps. 73:13. 73:13. It instances is stand for for Hilarius Hilarius whom whom the compiler compiler or or his his• instances is intended intended to stand 214 (214) tradition seems seems to have regarded as the author author of of the the Enarrationes Enarrationes ( ). iv. hh opposite opposite unidentified unidentified texts. texts. Together the above, above, ív. Together with with the there are are some some instances instances in have failed failed to to identify identify the the text text there in which which II have accompanying a marginal marginal source source ascription ascription h (81b). (21S). This due accompanying This may may be due fact that thatthe themarginal marginalascription ascriptionmark markhas hasbeen beenmisplaced misplaced eithei eithei to the fact in the the original original or by by aa later latercopyist. copyist. in v. hir opposite opposite texts texts from from Jerome's Jerome'sCommentarioli. Commentarioli. There are There are instancesofofthis this (216). 4 instances (m1ß). vi. hir opposite texts the Epitome Epitome of of Julian. Julian. There are hir opposite texts from from the There are six or or seven seven instances instances of of this this(ß(217 ). six 17). opposite a biblical biblical Psalter Psalter text. text. At Ps. 94:3 94:3 ((218 viii. hir hir opposite At Ps. 818)) hir stands opposite opposite aa Gallican-Romanum GzWicaxv-Romanum Psalter rendering of Ps. 95:5, 95:5, stands Psalter rendering of Ps. given gloss on on Ps. Ps. 94:3. 94:3. ItItis ispossible possible that that hir in this instance instance given as as a gloss in this was intended indicate the the preceding preceding gloss gloss which which is for for the the Epitome Epitome was intended to indicate of Julian. of viii. hir opposite opposite unidentified unidentified texts. texts. At Pss. 49:2; 49:2; 93.3 (and At Pss. 93.3 (and possibly 101; opposite unidentified the case case possibly loi; 11) ii) hir stands stands opposite unidentifiedtexts. texts. In the of Ps. Ps. Rou:mm, 101:11, texts Epitome of of Julian Julian precede precedeand andfollow. follow. of textsfrom from the the Epitome ix. hi? hil opposite opposite texts texts from from Augustine's Augustine's Enarrationes. Enarrationes. This is This is so for the the beginning beginning of of the thesecond second and andallegorical allegorical exposition exposition of of Ps. Ps. so 133 ïSS (É19). (219)- Hil Hilininthis thisinstance instancestands standsfor forHilarius, Hilarius, the thepresumed presumed author author of the Enarrationes. Enarrationes. of 2.

Sources or by by Abbreviation Abbreviation in the the Text Text Sources Mentioned Mentionedinin Full Full or

i. hir hir occurs times before before excerpts excerpts from from Jerome's Jerome's CommenCommeni. occurs five five times 220 tarioli in Psalmos Psalmos ((8S0). ). tarioli (214) See below, pp. 53-54; for texts texts see see below, below, p. p. 53, 53, n. n. 248. 248. See below, 53-54; for (215) At Pss. Pss. 44:10,11,13,15; 44:10,11,13,15; 48:8; 48:8; 64:8; 64:8; 67.6,7,18; 67.6,7,18; 70, heading; heading; 86:5; 86:5; 103:20. 103:20. (2la) At Pss. 7t5 71:5;104, 104,heading; heading; 118, At Pss. ττ8, heading; 119:1. ττ9:τ. 217 ((21?) ) At 47:14,15; 49:5; 49:22 49:22 (apparently); (apparently); 51:10; 51:10; 101:10 101:10 and and possibly possibly At Pss. 47: 1 4, 1 5; 495; 101:12 207). 101:12 (see (see below below p. 207). (218) Below, 199. (218) Below, p. p. 199. (als) (212) Below, 287. Below, p. 287. 220 ((220) ) At heading, 209:3. 109:3. AtPss. Pss. 67:17,24; 67:27,24; 68:22. 68:22. 73, heading,


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Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

221)) before hi,' occurs occurs once once (at ii. hir (at Ps. Ps. 131:10) 131:10) ((221 before aa text text from from the the Epitome of Julian. Epitome of Julian. is written in (222) iii. Hierunimus is in full full in inthe theheading headingtotoPs. Ps.104 104 (222),, where it it probably probably refers refers to to aa statement attributed where attributed to to Jerome Jerome in inaaPsalm Psalm Preface. 223) is written written out out in full Hilarius is iv. Hilarius full at at Ps. Ps. 86:1 86:1 ((223 ) in reference reference to a statement which almost certainly depends on Augustine's Enarrastatement which almost certainly depends on Augustine's Enarraor an abridgement of them, them, and and also tiones in Psalmos tiones Psalmos or abridgement of also in the the heading heading 224 with reference to a statement of Ps. 104 of 104 ((224), ), presumably presumably with reference to statement attributed attributed to Hilary Hilary in in some some Psalm Psalm Preface. Preface. is written out ν. Eucherius is v. out in infull fullinina acomment commentononPs. Ps.90:6 90:6(225) (225),, EUCHERIus' Formulae Formulaespiritalis spiritalisininand introduces and introduces some some words words from from Eucherius' tellegentiae.

Agustinus and and Grigorius Grigorius occur occur in in the the heading ví. The vi. The names names Agustinas heading to Ps. 104 104 (228). (226). The Thewords wordsattributed attributedtotothem themappear appearto tohave havebeen been drawn drawn from a Psalm from Psalm Preface Preface rather rather than thanfrom from genuine genuine works works of of theirs. theirs. 3.

Authorities revealed Authorities revealed through through Source Source Analysis Analysis

Analysis reveals reveals that that the i.í. The TheJulian JulianEpitome. Epitome. Analysis the chief chief source source used by by the was the the work used the compiler compiler was work that has has already already in in these these pages pages been often often referred referredto to as as the the Julian or the Epitome been Julian Epitome, Epitome, or Epitome of of Julian, i.e. i.e. the abbreviated on the Psalms lian, abbreviated commentary commentary on Psalms based based on on Julian Julian of Eclanum's translation of the commentary of Theodore of Mopsueof Eclanum's of the commentary of Theodore of Mopsue). This stia (227 (227). Thiswork workisispreserved preservedprincipally principallyin inthe theMilan MilanCodex Codex Amb. Amb. we have have aa Latin Latin commentary C 301 301inf. inf. In C Inthis thiscodex, codex, fols. fols. I4ai-i46d34, 14a1-146d34, we on the Psalter exegesis. It on Psalter with with Theodorean Theodorean exegesis. It has hasbeen beenestablished established by by VACCARI in in particular, scholars, by Mgr. Mgr. R. R.DEIREESSE Devreesse and A. Vaccari particular, scholars, and and by and A. that this this commentary commentary is is actually actually composite. composite. InInfols. fols.14a1 i4ai- -39d22 39d22 we we have a full have full Latin Latin translation translation (by (by Julian JulianofofEclanum) Eclanum) of ofTheodore's Theodore's (221) Below, p. 282. 282. Below, p. (222) Below, 216. Below, p. 216. (223) Below, 182. Below, p. 182. (224) Below, 216. Below, p. p. 216. pas) Below, p. 194. (226) Below, p. 194. 2 ((226) 2«) Below, 216. Below, p. p. 216. 227 ((827 )) Ed. Ed. Lucros Lucas DE De Coninck, auxiliante Maria Maria J0SEPHA Josepha D'Hont, Theodori Coiiucx, auxiliante D'Hoir, Theodori Mopsaesteni in Psalmos Tuli ano Aeclanensi Aeclanensi interprete latinum Iuliano interprete in in latinum Mopsuesteni Expositionis Expositions in in versae 78A) Turnhout, 1977; reviewby byM.M.MCNAMARA McNamara in (CCL 78 Α)i; Turnhout, versere quae quae supersunt supersunt (CCL 1977; review Irish Theological Theological Quarterly Quarterly 46 (1979), 305-308. 305-308. 46 (1979), - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


49 49

τ6:ττα. At fol. fol. 39d23, Greek commentary commentary on on Ps. Ps. 1:1 39d23, at at Ps. Greek 1:1 - 16:11a. Ps. 16:11a, 16:11a, the form of exegesis changes abruptly and without the reader form of exegesis changes abruptly without the reader being being notified. notified. From From there there to to the the end end ofofthe thecommentary commentary we we no no longer longer have the full have full translation, translation, but but instead instead aabriefer briefer treatment treatmentof ofthe thesubject, subject, an abbreviation which isis based based on on Julian's Julian's translation translation but is an abbreviation or Epitome which is not by Julian not Julian himself. himself. It It isisnatural naturaltotopresume presume that that this thisEpitome Epitome once covered coveredthe the entire entire Psalter. Psalter. The once The first first portion portion of of itit apparently apparently got lost and and was was replaced replaced in in the thetradition traditionrepresented representedby byCodex CodexAmb. Amb. C eoa eoa inf. C inf. by by the the full fulltranslation translationofofTheodore. Theodore. While the fullest text of While the of the theEpitome Epitomeisisfound foundininthe theMilan MilanCodex, Codex, we have have excerpts from it it in we excerpts from in aanumber numberofofworks: works: the theHiberno-Latin Hiberno-Latin 228 Eclogae tractatorumin in Psalterium (2nd half half of Eclogue tractatorum Psalterium (2nd of 8th 8th century) century) ((228), ), the the introduction to the the Psalter Psalterin in the theone-volume one-volume Hiberno-Latin Hiberno-Latin commentary commentary on the on the entire entire Bible Bible designated designated "Das "Das Bibelwerk" Bibelwerk" (late (late 8th 8thcentury) century) BISCHOFF, in in the by Dr. by Dr. Bernhard Bernhard Bischoff, the Irish Irish Double Double Psalter Psalter of of Rouen Rouen in a Dublin (MS (MS Rouen, Bibi. Bibl. mun. mun. 24 24 [Α.4τ]) [A.41]) (ioth (10th century), century), in Dublin fragfragι8) from a sister Codex of this, ment (MS TCD H 33 18) from ment (MS Trinity College, College, TCD Codex in a fragment fragment of of Ps. Ps.13:6,7 13:6,7inina acodex codex(Oxford, (Oxford,Bodl. Bodl.826 826[S.[S.C.C.2715]) 2715]) written in Normandy in the the 11th nth century century and andin inour ourcodex, codex, Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68. 68. Together with these we may also include the evidence of the introductory introductory of Pseudo-Bede and in the material Psalmorum of Pseudo-Bede and the so-called so-called material in in the Tituli Psalmorum Psalter of of Charlemagne. Charlemagne. From Ps. 16: 16:11b onwards all these these works works are are witness witness of of one one and and From Ps. ττ b onwards Epitome. Texts Eclogaetractatorum tractatorumininPsalPsalthe same same Epitome. Texts from from this in the the Eclogue hir, in his. and in "Das Bibelwerk" terium are his. and Bibelwerk" under the are introduced as hir, rubric Ilosepus. ose pus. to the thecorresponding corresponding commentary commentary on on Pss. Pss. i:i-i6:iia τ:τ -τ6:ττα With regard to in these same tradition divides On the the one one hand hand in these same texts, texts, the the tradition divides into into two. two. On we have the Milan Milan Codex, Codex, Amb C 301 301 inf. the Eclogue we Amb C inf, and the Eclogae tractatorum tractatorum 229 in Psalterium Psalterium (introduced his) ((289). ). with full translation translation hir. in his) (introduced as hir. with the full of Theodore's commentary. On the theother otherhand handwe we have have the the Psalter Psalter of of of Theodore's commentary. On Rouen and "Das Bibelwerk". Bibelwerk". In In the the former former of of these these we have not notaasingle single trace of the the Theodorean Theodorean commentary commentaryininthe theglosses glossesbefore before Ps. Ps. 16:11b (230), τ6:ττ b (230), although is extensively extensively used The same same is is although itit is usedfrom fromthere thereininthe the end. end. The true of "Das "Das Bibelwerk": Bibelwerk": the the excerpts excerpts under under the the rubric rubric losepus true of Iosepus for for (228) See M. McNamara, cit., in in PRIA 73C MCNAMAR Α, art. 73C (1973), (1973), 227; 227; excerpts from See M. art. cit., the Eclogae edited M. Sheehy, 286-290. edited ibid., ibid., by M. SHERRY, pp. pp. 286-290. (229) See cit. ininpreceding preceding note. note. See loc. lic. cit. (230) writer, op. op. cit., cit., PRIA (280)AsAsalready alreadynoted notedby bythe the present present writer, PRIA 73C 1 973), 73C ((1973), 240, De CConinck, pp. xlii-xliv. xlii-xliv. 240, and and amply amply demonstrated demonstrated by by L. L. Df οκτκcκ, op. op. cit., cit., pp. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

psalms before Ps. Ps. 16:11b (231)) are are identical identical with with those those of of the the Psalter Psalter ιό :iib (231 psalms before of Rouen, Thesame, same, ititwould would of Rouen, in in so so far far as as these these latter latter are are decipherable. decipherable. The true for for the the Psalms Psalms 1-16 1-16 in the the Tituli Psalmorum of PseudoTituli Psalmorum appear, holds true the so-called so-called Psalter Psalter of of Charlemagne: Charlemagne: these these so so far faras ascan canbe be Bede and in the correspond to to the the headings headingsand andthe theglosses glosses of of the thecorrespondcorrespondascertained, correspond ing section section of of the thePsalter Psalterofof Rouen (232).. ing Rouen (232) 1 (23 ) The 4-17 under the rubric rubric losepus losepus (231) Theexcerpts excerptsinin"Das "Das Bibelwerk" Bibelwerk" for for Pss. Pss. 4-17 under the as follows follows (citations (citations from from the the Paris ParisMS. MS. Bibl. lat. 11561): 11561): "IOS. "IOS. íííí. iiii. are as Bibi. Nat. lat. 'Irascimini et et nolite nolite peccare' peccare' (Ps. 4:5). 4:5). id est in uos uos ipsos ipsos furorem furorem conuertite, conuertite, quia 'Ιrαscimini nana idols idola dilexistis. dilexistis. 'Et 'Et nolite nolite peccare'. peccare'. id est Dei potentia" (some (some letters — — apapuana parently IOS IOS — — stroked stroked out out after after this) this) (fol. 56V, IOSEPUS. 561, col. 2,28) — — "uiiii. IOSEPUS. parently cil. 2,28) 'Periitmemoria memoria eorum eorum cum cum sonitu sonitu et et Dominus' Dominas' (Ps. 9:7). 9:7). id est sicut sonitus sonitus aliquis aliquis 'Penit cito eertransit pertransit aures ita memoria memoria peccatorum peccatorum obliuioni ohliuioni tradetur" tradetur" (fol. cito sures audientium audientium its 57r, col. Anidentical identicalgloss gloss on on Ps. Ps. 9:7 9:7 ís is to to be be found found in in the the Psalter Psalterof ofRouen Rouen 57r, col. 2,11). 2,11). An (p. 15, 15, last gloss, gloss, left margin). margin). – - In In "Das "DasBibelwerk" Bibelwerk" fol. 57V, col. 1, 57v, col. ι, 12-29 12-29 we (p. series of of . glosses 15-17, i.e. i.e. on Pss. Pss. 154, 15:4,16:4, 16:4, 16:14, 16:14, have aa series glosses from losepus Iosepus on Pss. 15-17. 17:26; The first first two two of ofthese these(before (beforePs. Ps.16:1 16:11b), 17:26; 17:46. 17:46. The τ b), also in the Rouen Psalter (pp. 27 27 and 29), 29), are are not not from from the thecommentary commentary found found ininCod. Cod. Amb. Amb. CC 301 301 inf. inf. (pp. Those on passages passages after after 16:11b are either either identical identical with texts texts from from the the Epitome Epitome Those τ6: τ τb are or to be be compared compared with Thetext textofof"Das "DasBibelwerk", Bibelwerk", fol. 57V, 571, col. cil. 1, ι, or with them. them. The reads: "IOSEPUS. "IOSEPUS. 'Non congregaba conuenticula reads: 'Non congregabo conuenticula eorum eorum de de sanguinibus' (Ps. 15:4). 1 54). id est non ibi conuenticula collegam collegam υbi ubi cotidie cotidie sanguinis ne Ut ie id sanguins effusio e ff usi ο exercetur. exercetur. ''Ut ¡oquatur os meum opera 16:4). id est ut nullo timore coactus coactus in homihomiopera hominum' (Ps. 16:4). loquatur in operibus operibus eorum. eorum. id est in idolis, idolis, confidam, confi dam, quorum quorum spes spes uana uana est. XVI. nibus uel in 'Domine a Baucis paucis de terra diuide diuide eos' eos' (Ps. 16:14). id est disperge malos 'Domine de terra (Ps. 16:14). disperge eos eis malos a paucis suppliciis (3rd ií interi.). 'Saturatis 'Saturatis pαucis sanctus. 'De absconditis' (16:14). id est supplicias filii' (Ps. 16:14). 16:14). id est hoc illos puni, puni, ut ut neque filiis Barcas, parcas, filai' neque ipsis filiis hoc uult uult dicere: dicere: Ita Its illos interi.). XVII. XVII. IOSEPUS. IOSEPUS. 'Cum 'Cum sanato sanctus eris' eras' resed reple miseriis sanito sanctus miserais (3rd (3rd ií interi.). 17:26). Mitis sis sis bonis bonis et seuerus seuerus ma malis; 'filii alieni alieni mentili mentiti sunt suit mihi' liqua (Ps. (Ps. 57:26). l s; 'filai 17:46). id est metu necessitate conpulsi, uelle nisi seruire". seruire". (Ps. 17:46). metu et necessitate conpulsi, dixerunt dixerunt nihil nihil uelle 6 For gloss gloss 20 20 and and 30 30 on Ps. Ps. 16:14 16:14 cf. the the Epitome, Epitome, lui ed. L. Dx De Coνiνcκ, Coninck, p. 88, 88, For iule,, ed. 22.26; 17:26, ibid., i45f. (on 17:27), on 17:46, ibid., p. p. 97, 97, 22.26; on on Ps. Ps. 17:26, ibid., p. p. 95. 95. 145f. (on Ps. Ps. 17:27), on Ps. Ps. 17:46, 2 2 belwerk" under the rubric 35. The The remaining remaining texts texts of of "Das "Das Bi Bibelwerk" rubric "ΙοseBus" "losepus" 23434-235from the Epitome. Epitome. They Theyare areasasfollows: follows;Ps. Ps.20:13 20:13 (fol. 58r1), 58rl), Ps. 28:5,7 28:5,7 are all from 38:7 (fol. 59r1), 59rl), Ps. 44:2 (fol. 5911), 59vl). Ps. 5911), Ps. Ps. 50:6,7 (fol. 58vl), 5811), Ps. Ps. 38:7 Ps. 47:9,10 (fol. 59vl), Ps. 59:8 59:8 (fol. 6or2), 61:12 (fol. όοrΖ), 6or2), Ps. Ps. 63:7, 63:7, 67:5 67:5 (fol. (fob óovi), όονι), (fol. 59V2), 5912), Ps. 6orτ), Ps. 61:12 Ps. 73:5,12,15 73:5,12,15 (fol. 6iri-2), Ps. 75:11 75:11 (fol. 6ir2), 86 (fol. 6111-2), 6ivi-2), Ps. Ps. 77:20 77:20 Ps. 6ι r Ι -2), Ps. 61r2), Ps. 86 (fol. 62T2). 62r2). (232) The Tituli Bedae are published in in PL PL 93, 93, 477 477-1104. For the the manu manu-(E82) The Tituli Bedae -1104. For are published scripts see see B. B. FISCHER Fischer in Festschrift Bischoff, 1971, 90-110, esp. esp. 1971, pp. 90-110, scripts Festschrift Bernhard Bischoff, 2 45. op. cit., esp. οκτκ cκ, op. 95-97Forthe thePsalter PsalterofofRouen, Rouen, see see Dx De CConinck, esp. p. p. xliii, xliii, n. n. 245. 95 - 97. For The historical print The historicalsections sectionsofofthis thisPsalter's Psalter'sTituli Titulihave haveyet yettotobe bepublished. published. I' print some of vrith the the corresponding corresponding texts texts of of the theso-called so-called Psalter Psalter some of them here, here, together with of Charlemagne: Charlemagne: Ps. (only partly partlylegible legibleininphotocopies photocopiesfrom froma amicrofilm) microfilm) of Ps. I (only docet quae merces merces bona bona opera.... opera.... elide et de loseph sepelibit lose ph posse posse intelligi intelligi qui corpus Domini sepelibit - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


51 51

In his ονινc κ In his critical critical edition edition of of Julian's Julian's commentary, commentary, L. L. DE De C Coninck had shown that the material in in Pal. Pal. lat. 68 had shown that the Theodorean Theodorean material 68 came came to to the the 233 compiler through through the Epitome compiler Epitome ((233) ), not notthrough throughthe thefuller fuller translation. translation. The same scholar has has studied studied the the quality quality of of the the text The same scholar text of of the theEpitome Epitome used by by the compiler used the compiler. compiler. He Henotes notesthat thatthe the compilermakes makesnumerous numerous mistakes and conjectural corrections in in the places mistakes and conjectural corrections places where where he he intends intends to transcribe transcribe his his source source textually. textually.Nonetheless, Nonetheless,DeDeConinck Coninckbelieves believes that at at the thebasis basisofofthe thecompiler's compiler's excerpts excerpts there there lies lies aamanuscript manuscript much more more exact exact than that much that of ofCodex Codex Amb Amb CC 301 301 inf. inf.,, one one which which concontained some which in in the Milan are found margine tained some readings readings which Milan Codex Codex are found in in margine supra lineam. linear. or supra About in Pal. Pal. lat. 68 About a third of of the Latin Latin glosses glosses in 68 are are from from the EpiEpitome. In fact there are only two or three psalms in the gloss which tome. In fact there are only two or three psalms in the gloss which have from it (Pss. ι60; cf. cf. Ps. Ps. 98). 98). The have not borrowed borrowed something something from (Pss. 96, 96, 160; The amount borrowed varies from from aa brief brief text or amount borrowed varies or two two (Pss. (Pss.82:2; 82:2; 86:3, 86:3, 14; 14; ι τ6, heading 124:7; 133:1; 135:8) 135:8)to topractically practically the entirety 116, 124:7; 133:1; entiretyof ofthe theglosses glosses (in Pss. (in Pss. 137-139). 137-139)The ascriptionwithin within the the text text itself The source source ascription itself indicates indicates that the the compiler believedthis this commentary commentaryto to be be a work compiler believed work of of Jerome, Jerome, since since aa hir. The The marginal source text from from it it in in Ps. Ps. 131:10 131:10 is is introduced introduced as as hir. source confirm this, this, at least ascriptions hir and h confirm least as as far far as asthe thetransmission transmission history of of the the text text is is concerned. concerned. The The fact fact that that a text history text from from it at at Ps. Ps. 86:4 carries carries the marginal shows that that the tradition 86:4 marginal ascription ascription hist shows tradition was was aware of the the nature aware of nature of of its exposition. exposition. In In both both these these points, points, II may may note again, of Pal. Pal. lat. 68 Eclogae tractatorum tractatorum note again, the gloss gloss of 68 agrees agrees with with the the Eclogae in Psalterium of the late Psalterium of late eighth eighth century century where where this thiscommentary commentary is is described as as hir. in his. described hir. in his. 234 íí. Jerome's Jerome's Commentarioli in Psalmos ii. Commentarioli in Psalmos ((234). ). The Thecompiler compiler of of the gloss copy of of this this work. work. Source Sourceanalysis analysis gloss must must have have had had access access to to a copy 235 reveals he used used itit rather ratherextensively extensively ((233), ). especially especially in view of reveals that he in view of the

ad spectacula..." spectacula..."......= =Ps. Ps. — Bede; Psalter Psalter of et de de his qui ad - Bede; of Charlemagne Charlemagne illegible. illegible. " Οrαt Dauid Dominum -—Ps. (in left-hand left-hand margin): margin): "Oral Dominum pro pro dolosis dolosis cogitationibus cogitationibus Ps.IX IX (in filii sui gratias gratias aagens gens quod eas non sequeretur sequeretur effectus\ ens non e$ectus; uel uel Ezech(ias) Ezech(ias) de de interritu interritu filii of Ps. Ps. —Bede). Bede). The Psalter exercitu" (= (=Tituli assirii exercitu" Tituli Psalmorum Psalmorum of Psalter of of Charlemagne: Charlemagne: est Deum gratiasquae gratiasquaeDeus Deus redredinscribitur: Pro Pro ocultis ocultis Absalom. Absalon. Depraecatus Depraecatus est Ita inscribitur: (?) eos eis afjectus potentine Deo proibente non secutus sit. Siue affectus potentiae proibente non secutus sit. Siue persona persona didit quod (?) Deo qui qui tanta tanta in populum molestus est. est. Vox Vox Ezechiae ostenditur gratias populum Dei molestus Ezechiae ostenditur gratias agentis Deo Ezechiae (lege: ecclesiaet) ecclesiae?) dicentis dicentis laudes laudes Deo. (233) L. De op. cit. cit. p. p. xlii. xlii. Coiiicx, op. DE Coninck, (234) Ed. G. Morin, CCL, vol. vol. 72, 72, 177-245. MORII, in in CCL, 1 77-2 45. Ed. G. 235 ((EJ5)) Texts Texts occur occur in in glosses glosses on on Pss. Pss. 40: 40:11, 41 heading, 43:7, 44: 44:1,1 , 50:6, 55 ττ, 41 5o:6, 55 heading, 43:7, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in in Psalmos Glossa

brevity of the the Commentar ioli and and the the number number of of psalms psalms which which they they brevity of Commentarioli leave The compiler compiler also also knew work of of leave without without any any comment. comment. The knew itit as as aa work Jerome, citing it as as h and hir. He also appears as an an Jerome, He also appears to to have have known known it it as independent work, of aa larger larger one one (such (such as as the the Breviarium independent work, not not as as part of in Psalmos) Psalmos) which was later to to become. become. This Thiswe wecan candeduce deducefrom from which it it was use made made of in the the heading heading to to Ps. Ps. 72, 72, in in which which Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68cites cites the use of it in relevant section section of of the the Commentarioli and goes goes on on (as the Commenthe relevant Commentarioli do) comment on of v. v. η. 7. Pal. lat. 68 68 then thengives gives glosses glosses tarioli do) to comment on part of Pal. lat. on vv. I-7 1-7 from from other other sources, sources, citing citing another text text from from the the Commenon Commentarioli for v. 7η (236), (236). for v. 237 iii. Jerome's Homiliae in Psalmos ((237 ). A text ííí. Jerome's Tractatus Tractatus sine siue Homiliae in Psalmos A text introduced in the the comment comment on on Ps. Ps.83:2 83:2 as ascoming coming from from Jerome Jerome (Hiru{Hiruintroduced 238 nimus ait) ait) ((238) ) seems seems to to depend depend on on the the Tractatus Tractatus in Psalmos. Psalmos. The nimus same already referred referred to in in the the heading heading to to Ps. Ps.41 41 (239). (239). AAgloss gloss same text text is already on Ps. 132:1 132:1 also also seems seems to depend depend on the the Tractatus, as do some some other other on glosses. A A major major difficulty difficulty in in identifying identifying texts from from the the Tractatus is glosses. there is is no no verbatim verbatim citation citation from The Tracthat there from them them in in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68. 68. The tatus, which are homiletic and verbose, do not lend themselves to which are homiletic and verbose, do lend themselves to verbatim citations. citations. verbatim 241 iv. interpretationis (240) (240) and and Letters Letters 30 30 and and 73 y3 ((241). ). ív. Jerome's Jerome's Liber interpretationis Since Adamnan probably has has access access to to aacopy copyof ofJerome's Jerome's Since Adamnan of of Iona very probably interpretationis hebraicorum hebraicorum nominum (242), (242). we we may may presume presume that that Liber interpretationis author of of aa work work like like that thatunder underconsideration consideration (which (which appears appears to to the author have originated originated in same milieu) milieu) would would also access to aa have in the same also have have has access copy. There Thereisisa apossibility possibilitythat that it influenced glossesonon 103 (243) copy. it influenced glosses Ps.Ps. 103 (243)

heading, 57:4,7,9, 57:4,7,9, 558:7, 59:9, 61:12, 61:12, 66:7, 66:7,67:10,14,15,17,24,26,34; 67:10,14,15,17,24,26,34; 68 68:14,15,22,24, heading, : 1 4, 1 5, 22 , 24, 8 :7, 59:9, 11 , 96:10, 26, 76:11,19, 76:11,19, 82:7, 81:7, 83:7, 83:7, 86:4,5, 86:4,5, 88:16, 88:16, 89:9, 89:9, 95: 95:11, 96:10, 102:5, 102:5, 103:20,26, 103:20,26, 304; 104; 26, heading, 108:6, 108:6, 109:3; 109:3; no: 112 heading, heading, 113:24, 113:24, 115:11,15, 115:11,15, ιιΙ: heading, m ιιι heading, 112 117:27. 119 heading to Gradual Gradual Pss.), Pss.), 1; 122; heading, heading, 119 heading (introduction to ι; 122; 117:27, 118 ιι8 heading, 411 the second exposition of this psalm), 138:7-8, 133:3, I134:7, heading, 2,3,4,7, 2,3,4,7, ((in 34;7. I136 36 heading, th® second exposition of this psalm), 138:7-8, 143:3, 144; heading. The The extent extent if If the borrowing is all the the clearer clearer when when we we recall recall 144; heading. that Jerome Jerome has has no no Commentarioli 23 Psalms: Psalms: Pss. Pss. 42, 42, 45 45-46. 49, 552-54, Commei$arioli on on 23 that -46, 49, 2-54, 556, 6, 60, 63, 69-70, 991, 127, 129-130, 129-130, 137, 137, 141-142, 141-142, 147-150. 147-150. 60, 1 , 127, 63, 69-70, (ase) Below, 149. (238) Below, p. p. 149. (237) Ed. G. Morin, CCL, vol. vol, 78. Ed. G. MORA, in CCL, (ass) Below, p. 178. 178. Below, p. (m») 93!. (339)Below, Below, pp. PP. 93f. (m») Ed. P. DE De Lagarde, CCL, vol. Ed. P;.;; LAGARDE,in in CCL, νο1. 72. (241) Ed. I, Hilberg, in in CSEL, CSEL, vols. 54 54 and and 55• 55. I. HILBERG, (242) See Meehan, Adamnan's Delocos locis sanwtis, Sanctis, Dublin, Dublin, 1958, 1958, p. 13. 13. See D. lEERAN, Adamnan's De (243) See below, pp. 212, 212, 214. 214. See below, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



244 ). The however, may have been been only only The influence, influence,ifif any, any, however, may have and 127 ((244), indirect. The The same same may may have have heen been the the case case with with regard regard to toJerome's Jerome's indirect. Letters nos. nos. 30 73 -- the the former former on on the the meaning meaning of of the the letters lettersof of Letters 30 and and 73 245 the Hebrew Hebrew alphabet, which which may have have been been used used in inPs. Ps.118 118( (2 45), ), the latter on Melchizedek, Melchizedek, which have influenced influenced aa gloss gloss on on Ps. Ps. latter on which may may have 109:4 (246). 109:4 (246), 247 v. St.St.Augustine's Augustine'sEnarrationes Enarrationes in in Psalmos Psalmos ((247). ). St. Augustine Augustine Ν. is mentioned by name (Agustinus) with regard to the explanation of is mentioned name (Agustinus) with regard the explanation of Ps. 104: 104: Secundum Secundum Agustinum "Alleluia", "Saluum "Saluumme me/ac fac Alleluia in Ps. Agustinum "Alleluia", Domine", however, is of Hosanna, Hosanna, not not of ofAlleluia Alleluia Domine ", This This however, is the explanation of and is drawn drawn from from some some Psalm Psalm Preface, Preface, rather than from from aa work work of of and rather than Augustine. Source analysis the compiler compiler has has made made extensive extensive Source analysis does does reveal reveal that that the of Augustine's Augustine's Enarrationes Psalmos (248), (248), or or possibly possibly an abbreabbreuse of Enarrationes in in Psalmos viation of them them ((249 ). Dependence Dependence on on the the Enarrationes Enarrationes is clearest clearest in in viation 249). second exposition exposition which gloss gives gives for for the the Gradual Gradual Psalms Psalms the second which the the gloss (Pss. 119-133). Nowhere do we we have aa direct direct citation citation from from the the Enar(Pss. 119-133). Nowhere rationes in the gloss. gloss. They Theyare, are,ininany anycase, case,generally generallytoo toolengthy lengthyfor for this. The Theprobable probableuse use of of the the Enarrationes Enarrationes is the theology theology this. is indicated by the and terminology of passages in question. From From probability probability we we and terminology of the the passages in question. pass practically practically to certainty in in the thegloss gloss on onPs. Ps.132:3 132:3 (250): (2S0): "Sicut "Sicut ros ros pass to certainty

Hermon". id id est lumen exalt(ta')tum interpraetatur, supernam Herrin". lumen exalt (ta>tum interpraetatur, supernam gratiam gratiam Christi significat. significai. "Super montes) mon(tes)> Sion", id est aeclesiam. Christi Sion". id of Herrin Hermon as lumen exaltatum exaltatum is is that The peculiar interpretation of

251 given by Augustine in his his comment comment on on the thepassage passage ((251). ). Even Eventhough though given


( ) See 277. (244) Seebelow, below, p. 277. 245 ((246) ) See 245-263. Seebelow, below, pp. 245-263. (246) See See below, below, p. p. 234. (946) 2 34. (zot) (247) Ed. E. Dekkers Eraipont, in CCL, CCL, vols. 38-40. Ed. E. and J. J. Fιwιροντ, DEKKERS and 248 ( ) AsAsindicated source analysis analysis ofofPss. Pss,50:6;52, 50:6:52,heading: heading:57:5;73: 57:5:73: (948) indicatedin in the the source heading, 2,12,14,15,13-14 2,12,14,15,13-14 2nd exposition (below (below pp. pp. 1i54f.); 74:9; 77:5.34,37: heading, znd exposition 54f.); 74:9: 775,34,37; 86:1,3,5: 87: 87: heading; heading; 103:4,15,19;118; 103:4,15,19:118; heading, heading, 118:17 118:17 heading heading (p. (p.247); 247);119:4, 119:4, 86:1,3,5; 6 and in the the second second exposition exposition of of the the Gradual Gradual Psalms: Psahns; 120 120 (p. 266),121 266),121 (pp. (pp. 2672676 and in 269), 122 122 (pp. 2701.), 123 (pp. 2711.),124 (p. 274), 125 (p. 273) 126 (pp. 275!), 127 126 275f.), 269), 270f.), 123 271f.),124 2 73) (pp. (pp. (PP. (P. 2 74), 12 5 (p. (pp. 277f.), 277Í.), 128 128 (p. (p. 279),129 279),129 (p. 280),130 (Ρ. (p. 281),131 281),131 (PP. (pp. 281f.), 28if.), 1132 (pp. 283283(pp. 32 (PP. (P. 280),130 285), 7,io; 135:4; 135:4; 148:11. 148:11. 28 34:4,5, 7,10; 5), 134:4,5, 1249 ((849) ) IfIfananabbreviation that of of Prosper Prosperof ofAquitaine, Aquitaine, abbreviationwas wasused, used,itit was was not not that his Expositio Psalmorum (PL 51, 277-426). 277-426). his Ex/ositio Psalmdrum (PL 51, (aso) Below, Below, p. 286; Ed. Ed. Dekkers CCL vol. vol. 40, 1933, I-9 1-9 40, p. p. 1933, p. 286; DEKKERS and and Fraipont, ΠαατΠοwτΡ, CCL (no. 11). (no. ii). (251) ibid, no. II, 11, 6-8. 6-8. ibid. 1933, 1933, no. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

Augustine says got his his interpretation interpretation ah Ulani (i.e. Augustine says that that he got ab his his qui illam (i.e. the 252 (252), linguam nονerunt noverunt ( ), it it is explanation I have have failed failed to to Hebrew) linguam is an explanation find in any other other interpreter interpreter on on the thePsalms. Psalms. The Theclassical classicalinterpreinterprefind in any 253 of Herman given by by Jerome Jerome ((253), ). Hilary Hilary (254) (254),, tation of Hermon (or (or Ermon), Ermon), that given 255 Cassiodorus ((255), ), is is anathema, anathema tristitiae, tristitiae, anathema anathema anathema, damnatio damnatio anathema moeroris. The dependence of 68 on on Augustine Augustine isis rendered rendered The dependence of Pal. Pal. lat. 68 moerοris. more probable the reading reading super mont(es) montres) or mont(em) mont [em] Sio Sion. more probable still still by the κ. montes is the reading reading of ofAugustine; Augustine; super montem montem that of the the Super montes is the that of Veronensis and Mozarabic. The The Gallicanum and the Romanum Veronensis and the the Mozarabic. Romanum and the have in (monte, [monte, montem) montem) instead of of super. both have Nowhere work is any any of of these these texts textsascribed ascribedtotoAugustine. Augustine. Nowhere in in the the work As already already noted, noted, on on one one occasion occasion within commentary one one of of the the As within the commentary texts (Ps. (Ps. 86:1) 86:1) is is ascribed ascribed to to Hilarius (the name written in full), while Hilarius (the written in full), while another has hil written opposite itit in the margin margin (Ps. (Ps. 133:1). 133:1). ItItseems seems written opposite that the the compiler compiler believed believed that that the thework workfrom fromwhich whichhe hewas wasexcerptexcerpting was was by Hilary. Hilary. ing 25a vi. Eucherius Lyons ((256). ). Eucherius Eucheriusisismentioned mentioned by by name name in in Eucherius of Lyons gloss on on Ps. Ps. 90:6: 90:6: demonio Eucherius (written in full) full) a gloss demonio meridiano. meridiano. Eucherius (written in a demonio manifesto. The from Eucherius' Eucherius' Formula Formula spiritalis demonio manifesto. The text isis from spiritalis 257 intellegentiae ((257). ). The Thesame samework workprobably probablyinfluenced influenced other otherglosses glosses 258 (258). the work work ( ). The Thecompiler compileralso also knew knew and and used used Eucherius' Eucherius' other other in the duo. He citation from from Book Book 1τ at Ps. Ps. work, Instructionum libri duo. He has aa citation rom 102:5 an< I ffrom Book Ps. 661-10. gloss on 79:4 seems seems to to τ-το. A 102:5 and Book11ii at Ps. A gloss on Ps. 79:4 depend in Book Book 1. depend τ.

vii. Letter Letter 23 23 "Ad "AdDardanum" Dardanum" ii of Pseudo-Jerome. The The work work Pseudo-Jerome. Dardanum": "De "Dediversis diversisgeneribus generibus musicorum", musicorum", printed headed "Ad Dardanum": 259 in Migne ) as as no. no. 23 23 of of the thespurious spurious letters lettersof ofSt. St.Jerome, Jerome,isisconsidconsidin ligne ((258) (252) ibid. ibid. Yet Yet in in his his Enarratio 12) on Ps. 42:7 41:7 he he understands understands difdif(Sb2) Enarratio (no. (no. 12) on Ps. ferently: "Hermoniim "Herjnoniim anathematio anathematio interpretatur" interpretatur" (CCL (CCL 338, 469, 30). Similarly Similarly ferently: 8, 4 6 9, 30). in the the Enarratio auteminterpretatur interpretaturAnathema Anathema in Enarratio (no. (no. 13) 13) on on Ps. Ps. 88:12 88:12 "Hermon "Herrin autem (CCL 39, 39, 1228, 1228, 1111-12). eius" (CCL τ2). (253) ¿¿J inter, heb. heb. nom. 86, 93, 93, 119); 119): Comm. Comm. in Ps. 1323 132:3 Lib, inter, nom. (CCL in Ps. (CCL 72, 72, pp. pp. 86, (CCL 240); Tract, 78, 281.177-178). 281.177-178). (CCL 72, 240); Tract. in loc. (CCL (CCL 78, (254) Tractatus Ps. 132:3 132:3 (ed. (ed. A. A. Zingerle, in Ps. ZINGERLE, CSEL Tractatus in CSEL 22, 22, 689.9-10). 689.9- το). («s) Ed. M. Adriaen, Magni Aurelii Cassiodori expositio, loc. CCL 98. Ed. M. ADRuAEN, Magnι Aurelii Cassiodori expositie, in in loc. CCL 98, in Ps. 132:2). 132:2). in Ps. (26«) Ed. C. WOTKE, Wotke, CSEL, CSEL, vol. 31. (sae) Ed. C. vol. 32. S57 ((297)) Ed. Ed. WOTKE, Wotke, op. 31, 7. 7. op.cit., cit., p. p. 31, ("») E.g. Ps. 120:1, 120:1, 125:6. 125:6. (age) E.g. Ps. Ps. Ps. (26») ed. I, 1846, cols. 213-215 (ed. (ed. 2, cols. 219-223). 219-223). (259)PL PL 30, 30, ed. τ, 1846, cols. 213-215 2, 1865, 1865, cols. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


55 55

ered by modern ered modern scholars scholars to be be aacomposition composition of of the theCarolingian Carolingian age. age. It has has even even been been tentatively tentativelyascribed ascribed totoRabanus RabanasMaurus Maurus(A.D. (A.D.776776260 261 85 6) ((280), has aa rich LAMBERT ((281 lists 856) ). ItIt has rich manuscript manuscript tradition: tradition: B. B. Lambert )) lists 6τ manuscripts, the oldest being of the ninth century. 61 manuscripts, the oldest being of ninth century. Irish evidence has aa direct direct bearing bearing on on the the date and Irish evidence has and the the presumed presumed authorship of of this this work. work. There authorship There is is aa long long citation citation from from itit (agreeing (agreeing verbatim with the the text text printed in ligne) verbatim with printed in Migne) in in the theSt. St.Gall Gallmanuscript manuscript of Eclogae tractatorum tractatoruminin Psalterium Psalterium (late (late 8th century), of the Irish Irish Eclogue century), concontaining a description of the organ, and carrying AG. (presumably Agudescription of the organ, and carrying AG. (presumably Agu262 as marginal stinus) as marginal ascription ascription ((262). ). Substantially Substantially the the same same text text on on the the organ organ is is found found in in the the Irish Irish"Bibelwerk" "Bibelwerk" (likewise (likewise late late 8th 8th cencen2a3 ńbed'to ORIG. ńgen (MS. tury) ((263), ), where where it is is asc ascribed'to ORIG. presumably presumably O Origen (MS. Clm 14267, This evidence evidence tells authorship Clm 14267,fol. fol.34r-v) 34r-v). This tells against Rabanus' authorship of date of of composition. composition. The of the work work and and the the presumed presumed Carolingian Carolingian date The same letter is the in Pal. lat. same the source source of of some some of the glosses glosses in lat. 68 68 (Pss. (Pss. 80:3, 80:3, 107:2, 150:3,4),aafact fact which which obliges obligesus usto to push push the date of 107:2, 150:3,4), of composition composition back further still. still. back 264 Adamnan's De viii. Adamnan's De locis loéis sanctis Sanctis ((264). ). This This work work by by the the man man who was of Iona Iona in in679 679 was was composed composed about who was to to become become the the ninth abbot of 683-686. 683-686. The The account account ititprovides provides of ofArculf's Arculf's description description of of Jerusalem Jerusalem seems to source for for aa variant variant explanation explanation of of Ps. Ps. 45:5 in Pal. Pal. seems to be be the source 45:5 in 68. The Thetexts texts follows (265):: lat. 68. areare as as follows (266)

Pal. 68 Pal. lat. 68

De Locis sanctis Sanctis /, De Locis I, 1,8-10. ι,8-ι0.

Aliter: "F lumini s inpetus". id id est est in Aliter: "Fluminis solempnitate semptimbris concuinaconcuinasolempnitate

Diuersarum Diuersarum gentium undique sindique prope grope innumera multitudo duodecimo duodecimo die die innumera multitude

(zee) Cf. E. (2«°) Dekkers, Clavis Latinorum, 2nd ed.. 1961, E. DEKKERS, Clovis Patrum Patrum Latinorum, 2nd ed., τ96τ, no. no. 633 6 33 (p. 145), 145),who whorefers referstotoR.R. Hammerstein's opinion f. Musikwissenschaft Musikwissenschaft (p. HAMMERSTEIN's opinion (in (in Archiv Archiv f. I 15, pp. 117-134) that it Η. Robbins ROBBINS BITTER5. 1959, 1959, PP^7-134) that it was was the the work work of ofRabanus. Rabanus. H. Bittermann, earlier text (cf. MANN,however, however,believes believesthat thatRabanus Rabanusmerely merely copied copied an an earlier (cf. "The "The Organ in the Early Early Middle Middle Ages", Ages", Speculum 390-410, esp. 39 398f.). Organ in the 1 929), 390Speculum 4, 4, ((1929), 4Το, esp. 8f.). 261 ((lei) ) B. B.LAMBERT, Lambert, Bibliotheca manuscripta (Instrumenta Bibliotheca Hieronymiana Hieronymiana manuscripts (Instrumenta PaΡatristica IV), tome tome lilA, IIIA,Steenbruge Steenbruge— - The The Hague, Hague, 1970, 1970, no. no. 323, p. 108. tristica IV), ρ. ιο8. (2«2) 261, p.p.148. This section section is is missing missing in in (212)MS. MS.St. St.Gall, Gall,Stifsbibliothek Stifsbibliothek 261, 148. This the Munich Munich MS. (Clm 14715, fol. ir-56v) of the Eclogue. the MS. (Clm 14715, τ r-56ν) 0f the Eclogae. (2«3) MS. Clm 14276, fol. "Wendepunkte,..", Sacris Sacris Erudivi (tea) Clm 14276, fol. 34r-v. 34r-ν. In In "Wendepunkte...", Erudiri 66 (1954), 22g = p. 235 235 (Eng. (Eng. trans., trans., p.p.102), 102), Dr. Dr. Bischoff Bischoff draws draws = MittStud MittStud I, I, p. (1954), 229 attention to this this noteworthy noteworthy description description of of the the organ, organ, without without identifying identifying the the attention to source. pai) jjd Meehan, Dublin, 1956. 1956. (264) Ed.D D. lEER ΑN, Dublin, (265) Eel. Meehan, pp.pp.40,40,24-37; below, p. p. 102. 102. (t(e) Ed. MEEHAN, 24-37;Pal. lat. 68, 68, below, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa Glossa in Psalmos

(?) urbs a multis et et plateae plateae eius tur (?) eius equorum stercore] equorum stercore;etet dehinc dehinc pluiae pluiae magnae fiunt, de monte monte Sion Sion magnae fiunt, etet de torrens erumpit erumpit qui qui mundat mundat ciuitaciuitatorren tem] sic aduentus Christi mundauit tem; sic aduentus aeclesiam gentium. aeclesiam

mensis Septembris Septembris anniuersario anniuersario mensis more in in Hierusolimis Hierusolimis conuenire conuenire more solet ad commercia motuis uenditiouenditiosolet linde nibus et emtionibus peragenda. peragenda. Unde fieri necesse est ut per per aliquot aliquot dies dies eadem hospita hospita ciuitate ciuitate diuersodiuersoin eadem hospitentur turbae turbae populorum; populorum] rum hospitentur quorum plurima camelorum et equorum asinorumque asinorumque numerositas numerositas nec nec non et boum bourn masculorum, musculorum, diuersadiuersanon et rum uectores uectores rerum, per per illas illas polipolitanas plateas plateas stercorum stercorum abhominaabhominatanas tiones propriorum propriorum passim passim sternat, sternit, tiones quorum nidor herentum herentum non mediomedioquorum criter ciuibus ciuibus inuehit inuehit molestiam, molestiam, criter quae et et ambulandi ambulandi ininpeditionem quae peditionem praebent. Mirum dictu, post diem praebent. Mirum dictu, post memoratarum recessionis recessionis cum supra memoratarum diuersis turmarum turmarum iumentis iumentis nocte node diuersis subséquente inmensa cosubsequente tinmensa pluuiarum pluuiarum conubibus effusa super super eaneanpia de nubi bus e§usa dem discendit discendit ciuitatem, ciuitatem, quae quae totas totas dem abstergens abhominabiles abstergens abhominabiles de de plateis plateis sordes ablutam sordes ablutam ab ab inmunditiis fieri cam. facit cam.

I have have failed failed to find find amy amy other other text textoutside outside of of De locis locis sanctis Sanctis on cleansing of of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, nor have the editors such a cleansing editors of of the the work work indicated indicated any. ix. Hilary, Gregory Gregory the the Great, Great, Isidore of of Seville. Seville. Hilary and and GreGreíx. gory are are mentioned by name. name. IIhave gory mentioned by havefailed failed totofind findany anyevidence evidence of of the use use of of their their works works in in the the gloss, gloss, including including in in this this Paterius' Paterius'collection collection of the biblical biblical texts The author author does does not not appear appear to to have have of texts of of Gregory. Gregory. The had access to them. them. The access to Thesame sameholds holds true truefor forthe theworks worksof ofIsidore Isidoreof of Seville. Seville. The The gloss gloss does does have aa number number of of etymologies etymologies but not not one one of of these seems seems to be be derived derived from from Isidore Isidore (260) (266).. these (26«) The sources sources of of the the etymologies etymologies used used (when (when identifiable) identifiable) can can be be seen seen (ß 86 ) The in the the apparatus apparatus totothe theindividual individualoccurrences: occurrences: saltirium, citharam, citharam, timpanum timpanum in - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



XII.BIBLICAL BiblicalINTERPRETATION interpretation in Pal. LAT. lat. 68 XII. IN PAL. I. Ι.

TheSenses SensesofofScripture Scripture The

On one occasion occasion (on 44:2) mention gloss of of aa On one (on Ps. Ps. 44:2) mention is is made made in in the gloss three-fold sense of Scripture, Elsewhere, however, we have a two-fold three-fold sense of Scripture, Elsewhere, however, we have a two-fold schema, in with another, another,variously variously schema, in which which the the historical sense in in contrasted contrasted with called moral or or allegorical allegorical - all all three three apparently apparentlymeaning meaning called the spiritual, moral the same same thing thing in in this thiswork. work. We We havethe thethree-fold three-foldsense sense ininaagloss gloss have on Ps. Ps.44:2266a: 44:2 266a: Haec quae quae sequntur sequntur conueniunt conueniunt Salamoni S al amoni historialiter, Haec et Christo Christo spiritaliter et sancto s aneto moraliter. et i This is explanation of of these three senses senses in the thefourfourThis is very very close close to to the the explanation fold sense forth in in the the Old-Irish Treatise of the the Psalter. Psalter. "The fold sense as as set set forth Old-Irish Treatise first story refers refers to to......Solomon, Solomon, the the siens (spiritual sense) to Christ Christ ... ... first (spiritual sense) the morality morality to every every saint" saint" ((267 Theonly onlyterm termused usedtotodesignate designate the 287). ). The historical sense, sense, or literal interpretation, interpretation, of of aapassage passage isis historia, the historical or literal most often used used adverbially adverbially as as historialiter. some texts historialiter most historialiter. In some is with spiritaliter, spiritaliter, either explicitly or more more often often implicitly. implicitly. is contrasted with on Ps. Ps. 109:3: 109:3: "ante id est est ante ante Saul. Saul. Spiritaliter Thus on "ante luciferum". id Spíritaliter haec 268 Christo Hirunimus dicit dicit ((266). ). The Thewords words introduce introduce aa Christo conueniunt, conueniunt, ut ut Hirunimus text from from Jerome's Jerome's Commentar ioli, and text implicitly implicitly takes takes the the Commentarioli, and the text sensee of numberofofglosses glosses of the biblical biblical passage passageto to refer refer to to Saul. Saul. AAnumber literal sen


(Ps. 150:3, 150:3, 80:3, 80:3, 107:2), 107:2), Alleluia (Ps. 104:1), 104:1), aquila 102:5), aspis (Ps. 57:5), (Ps. aquila (Ps. 102:5), (Ps. 575), basiliscus (Ps. = Behomoth) and and Leviathan Leviathan(Ps. (Ps.103:26), 103:26), bruchus, (Ps. 90:13), 90:13), Beboth Beboth ((=Behomoth) eruchus (Ps. 104:34), ceruus (Ps. 41:2), 41:2), cinomia (Ps. 77:45), cuturnix (Ps. 104:40), 104:40), 77:45), cuturnix 10434), ceruus draco (Ps. 148:7), 148:7), erinacius (Ps. 103:18), 103:18), hirodius (Ps. 203:27), 103:17), leo (Ps. 57:7, 990: draco (Ps. 57:7, 0: 13, 103:21), 103:21), necticorax (Ps. 101:7), 101:7), passer (Ps. 123:7), 123:7), pellicanus (Ps. 101:7), 101:7), ranae 23, ranse 104:30), scinifes (Ps. 104:31), 104:31), turtur (Ps. 83:4), 83:4), marus (Ps. 77:47), 77:47), ramnus ramnus (Ps. 104:30), murus (Ps. (Ps. 57:10), 57:10), crystallum (Ps. 147:17), topazion (Ps. 118:127), angelus angelus et spiritus (Ps. 147:17), (Ps. 118:127), (Ps. (Ps. 103:4), 103:4), dedrachma (Ps. 61:10), 61:10), deplois (Ps. 108:29), 108:29), Deuteronomium 118: (Ps. Deuteronomium (Ps. ττ8: 32), oleum (Ps. 108:24), 108:24), saraphin 103:4), tabula (Ps. 118:25), 118:25), melch 52, retch (Ps. (Ps. 52, saraphin (Ps. 103:4), heading). No Nosingle singlesource source seems seems to to have havebeen beenfollowed followed by by the thecompiler compiler for forhis his heading). etymologies. (266a) Below, 99. (266a) Below, p. P. 99. (267 Ed. Kuio Kuno MEYER, Meyer, Hibernica Hibernica Minora, Minora, being being dá Fragment Fragment ofof an 287)) Ed. an OldIrish Treatise Treatise on on the the Psalter Psalter (Anecdota Oxoniensia, Oxoniensia, Mediaeval and Modern Modern Series, Series, Irish part VIII), VIII),Oxford, Oxford, 1894, 1894, lines lines 312-320, 312-320, pp. pp. 3of. Sof. (288) see below, p. p. 234. of Pal. Pal. lat. introduces aa passage passage 68 introduces lat. 68 (268) See below, 234.This This text text of from Jerome's Jerome's Commentarioli Psal., although connection of Jerome's text text although the connection of Jerome's from Commentarioli in in Psal., with the the allegorical allegorical (spiritual) In with (spiritual)interpretation interpretationofofthe thepsalm psalmisishard hardto to see. see. In any event, event, Jerome Jerome understood understood the the psalm psalm as as aadirect directprophecy prophecy of ofChrist. Christ. any - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa Glossa in Psalmos

269 in Pal. Pai. lat. lat. 68 68 are areintroduced introduced as as spiritaliter ). In Inthe theheading heading to to spiritaliter ((289). in 113, the mystical mystical heading heading from from the the St. St.Columba Columba series series is is introduced introduced Ps. 113, as spiritaliter, spiritaliter, the earlier heading (presumably (presumably taken as as the the literal literalone) one) being taken as Vox Dauid de priscis. being taken as Vox Dauid de priscis. of spiritaliter gloss often term allagoricae, spiritaliter the Instead of the gloss often uses uses the term allagοricae, with no no apparent apparentdifference difference in inmeaning, meaning, e.g. e.g. "cum habitantibus habitantibus Cedar". Cedar". filiorum Sarrae Sarrae uxoris uxoris liberae liberae contra contra filios (Ps. 119:6). Haec est uox uox filiorum filins

ancellae\ allagoricae, filiorum aeclesiae aeclesiae contra contra Agar ancellae; allagoricae,id id est haec est uox filiorum filios sinagorae. Ps. ι119:7; his qui oderunt oderunt pacem" filins sinsgorae. Or Or again on Ps. 19:7; "cum his pacer" ... ... et ssocis ... (citing JulianEpitome); Epitome); allagoricae: id est cum cum Saul et οcis eius ... (citing the Julian allagoricae: non sufficit apud aeclesiam aeclesiam habere pacem habentibus, habentibus, sed cum su icit spud haberepacem pacer cum cum pacer his qui oderunt desiderai ut sit pacifica. The has M, oderunt pacem pacer desiderat The margin margin here has which stands for for moraliter, the moral moral sense sense being the equivalent equivalent of of the the which spiritual compiler. In Ina agloss glosson onPs. Ps.131:1 131:1 allagoricae spiritual for for the the compiler. allagoricae is is contrasted with with iuxta historiam. "Memento "Memento Domine Dauid" ... ... Quidem Quidem hunc iuxta historiar. hunt salmum Dauid Dauid regi regi conuenire conuenire secundum historiam ri an dicunt... secundum histo dicunt ... Allagoricae a . autem salmuscoaptatur coaptatur {2M a) ). sutem Christo hie hic salmus (269 of spiritalitér spiritaliter or allagoricae The term moraliter is used often instead of allagoricae thus described described is is often often contrasted contrastedwith withthe thehistorical historical The interpretation thus understanding, e. g. Ps. 86:4 (abbreviated as Mor) introducing understanding, e. g. Ps. 86:4 (abbreviated as introducing aa text from Jerome, which follows follows on excerpt for for the theEpitome, Epitome,described describedinin from on a excerpt the margin margin as hist (i.e. historialiter). second occurrence occurrence in in historialiter). We We have aa second text alone alone (abbreviated (abbreviated again again as as Mor) at Ps. Ps. 119:1. ι τ9: τ. Occasionally 270 moraliter is and margins margins ((270), ), abbreviated abbreviated as as M.; is written written in in boith boith text and at other other times times M (once Mor, but -or later) in margins with another term later) another term 271 such ( ) In Inaafew fewinstances instances we we have have M (moraliter) [moraliter) such as aliter in in text (271). the margins margins without without any anycorresponding correspondingterm termininthe the text (272).. in the text (272) of the theoccurrences occurrences of of Morsliter Moraliter in Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 shows shows that, A study of from the the gloss gloss on on Ps. Ps. 44:2, 44:2, the the compiler compiler uses uses the the term term as asthe theequiequiapart from (««») e.g. 44:10. II, 11, 13; 13:64:10, 64:10, 66:7; 66:7; 67:13, 67:13, 18, 31; 73: 73:12, 13-17; 75:6; 75:6; (tea) e.g. Pss. Pss. 44:10, 12 , 13-17; τ 8 , 31; 112:9. 112:9. pesa) Below (Ps 119:6-7), 119:6-7), 281 (Ps 131:1). 131:1). (200a) Belowrespectively respectivelypp. pp. 266 266 (Ps 281 (Ps (270) As in fol. (p. 106), 106), lor Ps. 67:31) 67:31) (p. (p. 740), 140), fol. fol. 18ν i8v (at (at Ps. Ps. As in fol. 3v 3v (p. for (at (at Ps. 86:4, p. p. 183), 183), fol. 22r (at Ps. Ps. 95:7, 95:7, p. p. 207), 201), fol. 37V Ps. 119:4, 119:4, p. p. 265), 265), fol. 86:4, 22r (at 37ν ((at at Ps. 38r (at (at Ps. Ps. 121:2, 121:2, second second exposition, exposition, p. p. 268), 268), fol. 42r 42r (at (at Ps. Ps. 134:7, 134:7, p. p. 288). 288). 38r (on) with text at atPss. Pss.81:7; 81:7; and andespecially especially in in the thesecond second exposition exposition With aliter aliter in in text of Pss. 121 122, 123 123 (twice), (twice), 124, 124, 126, 126, 127, 127, 128, 128, 130, 130, 131, 131, 132, 132, of Pss. 121 (twice) (twice) fol. 381, 38r, 122, I 133, in text at 33. 136; 136; with allagoricae in atPss. Pss. 119:4, 119:4, 6; 6; with with spiritaliter in in text at at Ps. Ps. 67:26. 67:26. (272) As Pss. 67:7, 67:7, 17, 32; 68:22; Ps. 70 heading; 73:13; 86:4 (twice), 1 7, 24, As at at Pss. 2 4, 32; 68:22; Ps. 70 heading; 73:73; 86:4 (twice), 5 (twice); (twice); 709:3; 109:3; 129: 129: heading, heading, 6. 6. 5 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


59 59

valent of spiritaliter This is is the older older use use of of morsliter moraliter spiritaliter or allagoricae. allagoricae. This 273 (878). (or of its equivalent tropologice) ( ). (or its equivalent 2. 2.

Emphasis on the the Historical Historical Sense Sense Emphasis on

Throughout the entire entire gloss gloss the emphasis emphasis is is laid laid on on the thehistorical historical Throughout or literal sense sense of psalms, í.e. i.e. the the interpretation interpretationwhich whichsees sees them themas as of the psalms, primarily speaking or of of later laterOld OldTestament Testament primarily speaking of of events events of of David's day or Jewish Thetradition traditionwhich whichthe thegloss glossenshrines enshrines isis aware aware that that Jewish history. history. The the manner manner of of viewing viewing the the psalms psalms found found in in the thework workwe wenow now this is the call the Julian Julian Epitome, Epitome, the the source source it it uses uses principally principally and to to which which itit call occasionally refers "the historical historical commentary", commentary", historialiter (274). historialiter (874). occasionally refers as as "the The gloss gloss can also interpret the the psalms psalms of of Christ Christ and andofofChristian Christianlife life The can also but is is aware aware that thatthis thisisisthe thespiritual, spiritual, allegorical, moral, (tropologica!) allegorical, moral, (tropologícal) 27S ). This Thisisisthe theAntiochene Antiocheneand andTheodorean Theodorean manner manner of of interpretation ((275). interpreting the Yet it it would would be be inexact inexact to say say that that the theinininterpreting the psalms. psalms. Yet terpretation of of the the gloss gloss is is Theodorean, Theodorean, since since itit lays laysfar farmore moreemphasis emphasis on the Psalms Psalms of of David David and and his histimes timesthan thanTheodore Theodoredoes. does. on interpreting the The following is the nature of the historical interpretation of the The following is the of the historical interpretation of the gloss: i. The Thetext textinterpreted interpreted ofofDavid Davidand andhishis contempories. The bulk bulk i. contempories. of historical interpretations interpretations in in the thegloss gloss concerns concerns David David and and his his of the historical contempories: Samuel (40:12; 109:1 (bis) 3,4; 118: 105, 114); Saul (sevSαmuel (40:12; 1Ο9:τ (bis) 118: 105, 114); eral references) references) ((276 ); Saul cum cum semini semini suo suo (39:15); (39:15): Saul et et domum domum (do(do878); (273) St. uses the the term term tropologia in in the sense sense of of alle(273) St. Jerome, Jerome, for for instance, instance, uses goria', Penna, Principi Principi e carattere carattere dell'esegesi Gerolamo, Rome, 1950, 1950, dell'esegesi di di s. Gerolamo, goria; see A. Α. PENNA. p. 116; also H. de Lubac, Exégèse médiévale, prem. partie, II, pp. 551-55. 1 16; H. DE LTJBAC, médiévale, pp. 55 prem. 1-55. Ρ. (271)) In In the themargins margins at atPss. Pss.44:13 44:13and and86:4, 86:4,through throughthe theabbreviation abbreviation hist. (874 This same abbreviation is found in the the margins margins at at Ps. Ps. το9:3, 109:3, 5 to indicate aa "histo"historical" interpretation Thetext textofof109:3 109:3introduces introducesthe thehistohistorical" interpretationin in the the commentary. commentary. The rical interpretation interpretation as as iuxta historians. historiam. The The exegesis exegesis of Ps. Ps. 44 44 isisdescribed described thus: thus; rical Haec quae sequntur sequntur conueniunt conueniunt Salomon Salomon historialiter, historialiter, et Christo spiritaliter, spiritaliter, et Haec quae sancto moraliter" (below This"historical" "historical"interpretation interpretation in in the theheading heading sancto (below p. p. 99). 99). This of Ps. Ps, 44 44 isis described described as as inertialis end of Ps. Ps. 109 109 (below (below p. p. 2235) and at the end of inerlialis historia and 35) as historialis designating the the literal literalunderstanding understanding Otherwise, the the terms designating historialis inhertia. inhertia. Otherwise, of the text text are are not not given. given. of the (275) Thus 109:3 on on the the words words ante luciferum (109:3) (109:3) interpreted interpreted first first (272) Thusat at Ps. Ps. 109:3 as "Spiritaliter haec Christo Christo conueniunt ut Hirunimus dicit". Spi Spi-Hirunimus dicit". as ante ante Saul'. Saul: "Spiritaliter ritaliter also introduces glosses in Pss. Pss. 44: 44:10, 13; 64:10; 64:10; 66:7; 66:7; 67:7, 67:7, 13, 13, 18, 31; το, 11, II, 13; ι8, 3!; ritaliter also introduces glosses in 73:12, 1313-16; 75:6; 112:9. 112:9. The terms terms moraliter and and allagoricae allagoricae in in the text text (listed (listed 73:12, τ6; 75:6; above, 271) serve serve the the same same purpose. purpose. Likewise Likewise the theterm term aliter, in general. general. above, note note 27!) (276) Pss. 40, 40, heading; heading; 41:10; 41:10; 43:8; 43:8; 49:3; 49:3: 51:3, 51:3, 99 (twice); (twice); 52, 52, heading, heading, 1; 54:4, (ale) τ; 54:4, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Psalmos Glossa in Psalmos Glossa


pro erumnis (heading of of 54, 54, 63, mus) eius (42:1; 52:6; mus) eius (42:1; 52:6; 58:6); 58:6); pro erumnis Saul Saul (heading 63, 277 Saul et (96:10); Saul Saul cum 120, 140); 120, 140); Saul et Abisolon Abisolon (96:10); cum socis socis (suis) (suis) ((277) ) 278 montes Giluae (on death of Saul) ( 278); David (several (several texts); (several montes (on of Saul) ( ); David (several 279 280 (several references) Agag ); David David cum references) ((279 ); cum socis socis suis suis (several references) ((280 );); A gag 281 (109:1 written written as (many references) A bisolon (109:1 as Achab); Achab); Achitophel (many references) (( 281); ); Abisolon 282 (several references) Iob (i.e. (several references) ((282); ); Doec Doec (i.e. (i.e. 51:8; 51:8; 52:2); 52:2); lob (i.e. Joab, Joab, 59: 59:8; 8; Nouae (i.e. Nob), sacerdotes in '08:6, 8, ii); Abimelech (heading 52); 108:6, 8, 11); Abimelech (heading 52); Nouae (i.e. Nob), sacerdotes in (143:16, 171, 171, heading); Philistini (41:11; 52 52 heading; 52:5); Golia (143:16, Philistini (53:5); (41:11; 52:5); Golia (53:5); Sephei (53:5). Text interpreted 0/ the A second íí. Text ii. interpreted of the Assyrian Assyrian Period. Period. A second numerous numerous group of of references referencesininthe the gloss glossisistoto Hezekiah Hezekiahand andhis hisage. age. They group They are are 283 (mentioned relatively often) Asse/i/ri (mentioned as follows: Assefifri often) ((283); ); Rasin (45 (45 heading); 284 Ezechia(s) (many Sennacheríb {sencarib) (sencarib) (45:10; (45:10; 79:14: 79:14; Ezechia(s) (many references) references) ((284 );); Sennacherib 139:2, 12). 139:2, 12).

ííi. iii.

Text interpreted 0/ Babylonian Babylonian Period, Period, Exile Exile and Return. Text interpreted of Return.

The The

11 ; 58:2; 58:2; 63:7, 63:7, 11; II; 64:5; heading, 5, 5, 8; 6 4:5; 65:9; 23; 73, 1 3, 24; 65:9; 7 0 :4, 23; 13. 24; 55, 55. heading, 8; 562, 56:2. 4; 4; 57: 57:11; 70:4, 73, heading; 85:2; 85:2; 92:4; 96:5; 1077; 107:7; 1091 109:1 (twice), (twice), 3;3; 114:3, 114:3, 4; 117:5; 118:23, 118:23, 46, 46, 51, 51, 4; 1175; 92:4; 96:5; 69, 86, 69, 86, 98, 98, III, no,121, 121,150, 150,161; 161;119, 119,heading, heading,2,2,3;3;138:2; 138:2;139:11f.; 139:111.; 146:2. 146:2. 10; 62:20; p") 40:3, 6, 8; 53:5, 7, 9; 55: 55: 55: 55:1°: 62:10; 6θ3, 65:3, 12; 12; 123:2; 123:2; 140:10; 140:10; 146:6. 146:6. :3, 6, 8 ; 53:5, 7, 9; (Y77) 40 See also also index index s.v. s.v. "" Saul." See Saul." ("9 53:7; 55: 55:8; 62:10; 63:9, 10. (278)Pss. Pss. 39:15, 39:15, 53:7; 8; 62:10; 63:9, το. (879) 40:2, (8'») 40:2, 14 14 (twice); (twice); 41:7, 41:7, 8; 42, heading; heading; 44: 44:8; 47:5; 49:3, 49:3, 7, 7, 23:54:4,14; 8; 42, 2 3; 54:4,14; 8; 475; τ; 60:7; heading; 64:5; 64:5; 67:7; 67:7; 6g, 1 τ; 58:2; heading, 2; 56:4; 57:11; 60:7; 62:12; 62:12; 63, 63, heading; 69, heading; heading; 56 :4; 57 το7:τ3; 108, heading; 109:1, ιο9:τ, 2; 2; 118:28, 122; 119:5; 1195; 126, 71:2; 73, heading; 101:1; 101:1; 107:13; 108, heading; 118:28, 122; 126, 71:2; 73, heading; 142, heading; heading; 143:3; 146:6. See See also also index index s.v. s.v. " Dauid" Dauid." heading; 142, 143:3; 146:6. (aso) p 52:7; 59:6; 59:6; 63:11; 63:11; 67:4; 67:4:89, heading (Oratio pro socis); socis): 101:14 ss 52:7; Pss. 89, heading 101:4 (Oratio Dauid Dauid pro (Dauid pro socis socis dicit); dicit): 107:7; 118:165 (mihi (Dauid pro pro se se et pro 107:7; 114:6 (ego (ego et et sodi socii mei): mei); 118:165 (mihi e socis meis): See also also index index s.v. s.v. "" Dauid"; Dauid"; p. p. 333 below. meis); 131, 131, heading. heading. See 333 below. (osi) p 40:10, 54:10, 54:10, 10, 14,22; 108:8,31; 108:8,31; 118:8,31, 118:8,31, 51, 51, 98. 98. In the glosses glosses ss 40:10, Pss. το, 14,22; In the of the Montpellier MontpellierPsalter Psalter(ed.(ed. F. Unterkircher), allallthese 118 of the F. UNrERKIRRCHERR), thesepsalms psalms (Ps. 118 excepted) revolt of of Ahitophel, Ahitophel, who who isisgenerally generallylinked linked excepted) are are interpreted interpreted of of the revolt with Absalom. See See also also index index sv. s.v. "" Architophel." Architophel." with Absalom. (282) p 40:10; 54:22, 54:22, 24; 92:4; 95, 95, heading: heading; 96:3, 96:3, 5, 5, io; 10; το8, 108, ss. 40:10; Pss. 24; 69: 69: heading; heading; 92:4; heading, 2, 9, 3τ; 31; 114:4; 114:4; 118:23, 118:23, 51, 69, 86, 86, 98, 98, no, 113, 121, 121, 122, 161; τ, 6, 9, 51, 69, III, 113, 122, 150, 150, 161; 142: Of these these only only Pss. Pss. 118 142 are of Absalom Absalom in 142:heading. heading. Of ττ8 and and 142 are interpreted interpreted of in the the Montpellier Montpellier Psalter. 2 ((288) ") Pss. 40:3; 45, heading; 47:5; 47:5; 51:8; 51:8; 52:1, 52:1, 6; 6; 7ο:4; 70:4; 74:7, 74:7, 9; 75:4, 6; 6; 82, 82. Pss. 40:3; 9; 75:4, 45, heading; heading; 85, heading, heading, 9; 9; 86:4; 86:4; 105:41; 105:41; 114:4; 114:4; 139, 139, heading; heading; 141, 141, heading; heading; 143, 143, heading; 85, heading, τ ~. heading, 15. (884) 53, heading; heading; 60:7; 60:7; 64, 64, heading; heading; (284)Pss. Pss.40, 40,heading, heading,2,2,4, 4, 6, 6, 8; 8; 52; 52: heading; heading; 53, 75, 76, heading; heading; 85, 85, heading; heading; go, 90, heading, heading, 16; 16; 116:1; 116:1; 139, 139, heading; heading; 141, 141, 75, heading; heading; 76, heading; 142, heading; heading; 143, 143, heading. heading. heading; 142, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



references are as asfollows: follows: Babilonia (several (several references) references) ((285 ); Caldei references 285); 286 references) (( 288); ); Nabocodonosor (79:14; 118:46); 118:46); exilium exilium (118:54, (many references) 86, 107); 107); captiui and captiuitas (mentioned (mentioned some Ps. 118 118 86, some 13 13 times times in Ps. in 132 132 heading) heading) (287); (28'); Susanna Susanna et et senes senes (118:100); tres and in (118:100); Daniel (et (et tres pueri) (118:23; Pss. 97, 97, 113, 113, 130); 130); reuersio reuersio de Babilonia (118:23; headings headings of Pss. de Babilonia (in headings 17 Pss. and also also possibly possibly in in those those of of102 102 and and114); 114); Persi, Persi, (in headings of of 17 (105:47; 106:3; 106:3; 136:8; 136:8: 144:10); 144:10); Cyrus Cyrus(73:5; (73:5;136:8); 136:8); Medii (104:47; 106:3; 106:3: (105:47; 142:10); Darius (73:5); (73:5); Zerubbabel Zerubbabel(146:2); (146:2); post reuersionem reuersionem (133:1). 142:10); iv. interpreted of Maccabean Maccabean Period. Period. The references to the the ív. Text interpreted The references Maccabean period are are as asfollows: follows: Machabei (relatively (relatively frequently) frequently)(288), (288), Maccabean Greci (73:3, (73:3, 8, io, 10, 22; 22; 74:7), (107:7; 1108, 6, 9, 9, 74:7), Antiochus (107:7; ο8, heading, heading, vv. vv. 6, 31), Demetrius (73:3); (73:3); Honias Honias (54, (54, heading); heading); Simon Simon (54:4, (54:4, 13, 13, 23, 24). 31), 23, 24). The psalms really interpreted of of Maccabean Maccabean times are are only only Pss. Pss. 43, 43, 54, 54, The psalms 73, το8. 108. There references to Roman Roman times times in inaafew fewpassages: passages: Ro73, There are references 108:6,11) Caesar Caesar (48:12) (48:12) Titus Titusand andVespasianus Vespasianus(79:14). (79:14). mani (106:3; (106:3; 108:6,11)


Double Historical Reference Reference Double Historical

The analysis analysis carried carried out in in the the preceding preceding section section shows shows that that the the The compiler's primary primary interest interest of of the the tradition tradition compiler's primaryinterest, interest,or or the the primary represents, was in interpreting the the Psalms Psalms of of David Davidand andhis hiscontemcontemhe represents, pories. Together Together with with this this the thewere werealso alsointerpreted interpreted ofoflater laterJewish Jewish poríes. history. A peculiar to to the thegloss gloss isisaadouble doubleororalternative, alternative,referenreferenA feature peculiar ce of the same same psalm, seeing and his his time time and/or and/or to to ce seeing itit to refer to David and Jewish history, history,e.g. e.g.Hezekiah, Hezekiah,Assyrians, Assyrians,Babylon, Babylon,Maccabees. Maccabees. later Jewish That his his double double reference reference was seriously seriously intended the fact fact intended is clear from the that itit isisfound found both bothininthe theheadings headingsand andininthe thecommentary commentaryproper. proper. by some some examples; examples; (Ps. (Ps.40) 40) "Salmus David". Dauid". Pro Pro erumnis erumnis To illustrate by a Saul. Vox VoxEzechiae Ezechiae ... ... "qui "quiintellegit" intellegit" (v. 2). id est David Dauid uel uel Ezechias Ezechias ... (zas)) Pss. pss 42, ^2, heading; heading; $9, 59, heading; heading; 65, 65, heading; heading; 66, 66. heading; heading; 70, 70,heading, heading, (285 9; 72:1; 73, 73, heading; heading; ττ8; 118; 28, 28, 54, 54, 9; 72:τ; heading; 92:1; 92:1; 94, 94, heading; heading; 100, loo, heading; heading; 101, iii, heading; 81 (heading to to subsection); subsection); 123:2; 123:2; 136, 136, heading, heading, 8; 8; 144, 144, heading, heading, 20; 20; 1145:9. 8τ (heading 45.9. (286) Pss. 74:7; 10 105:41, 47; 106:3; 106:3; 108:6; 108:6; 117:22; 117:22; 118:51, 118:51, 69, 69. 95, 95,96, 101, III, no, (288) Pss. 74:7; 96, τοτ, 5:41 , 47; in, 113, 113, 115, 115, 121, 121, 122, 122, 137 137 ((heading to subsection), subsection), 150 150 (heading (heading to to subsection), subsection), τττ, heading to 161; 123:5; 123:5; 130:1 130:1 (Caldea); (Caldea); 135:24; 135:24; 136:8. 136:8. 55, 161; 1155, (as?)) Ps. ps 118:107, 118:107, 1116, 117, 133, 145 (heading), 153 (heading) 154, 161 (ßΘ7 τ6, 1ι7, 1 33, 143, 1 43, 1 45 (heading), 153 (heading) 154, 161 (heading), 166, 166, 169 169 (heading), (heading), 174, 174, 176. 176. Ex persona captiuorum occurs 9 titi(heading), ρersoµ a caρtiuorum occurs about about 9 mes in same psalm, psalm, in headings at vv. 33, 33, 441, 49, 57, 73, 145, 153, 161, 169. mes in the the same in headings at vv. 53, 161, 169. , 49, 57, 73, 1 45, 1 1 (288) inInheadings Pss. 446, 58, 59, 68, 82, 107, 108, and 118:33; also in Pss(288) headings to to Pss. 6, 58 , 59, 68, 82, 107, το8, and 118:33; also in Pss. 43:10, 12, 12, 18; 18; 78:4; 78:4; 107:7. 107:7. 43:10, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Psalmos Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

"inimicorum eius" (v. (v. 3). id est Saul Saul et sociorum eius; uel uel Assiriorum. "inimicorum sociorum eius; regno. Vox Vox Ezechiae ... "Quoniam ecce reges" reges" (Ps. 7) 47) Vox Vox Dauid Dauidaccepto accepta regno. "Quoniam ecce (v. 5). id est Assiriorum Assiriorum satrapae; satrapae;uel uel reges regesterrae terraeIsrael Israeladuersus aduersusDauid. Dauid. (v. "conuenerunt in anum". id est aduersus Dauid uel Ezechiam. "conuenerunt in unum". aduersus Dauid Ezechiam. 4.

Interpretationofofthe theMessianic MessianicPsalms PsalmsininPal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 Interpretation

As is well known, Theodore Theodore regarded only four psalms as As well known, as messianic messianic in the strict in strict sense, sense, i.e. i.e. as as direct direct prophecies prophecies of of Christ. Christ. These Thesewere were Pss. Pss. 2,8, 44, 44, 109 109(289 (289) . Theother otherpsalms psalmsunderstood understood of of Christ in the 2,8, ). The the New New TeTestament he did not regard as directly messianic. The New Testament stament he did not regard as directly messianic. The New Testament use of or use use of them would would be through through accomodation, accomodation, or use by reason reason of of sisimilarity of of circumstances. circumstances. In milarity In view view of of the the stress stress on on the thehistorical historical exeexegesis of ofPal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 we weare arenot notunduly unduly surprised surprisedto to find fmdthat that it it understands gesis this latter group of "messianic" psalms primarily as historical, latter group of "messianic" psalms primarily as historical, referring referring to David's David's day day or or to tolater laterJewish Jewishhistory, history, and andonly onlysecondarily secondarily and and allagoricae to to Christ. allagoricae Christ. Thus Thus in in the the interpretation interpretation of of Ps. Ps. 67, 67, 68, 68, 71, 71, '08, 117 108, 117 and and 131. 131. What is is surprising surprising is the the gloss's gloss's "historical", "historical", non-messianic, non-messianic, interinterpretation of of the two pretation two psalms psalms (Ps. (Ps. 44 44 and and 109) 109) taken taken by by Theodore Theodore as as messianic. In In both messianic. both cases cases the the compiler compiler appears appears to be betransmitting transmitting interpretation which which he he has inherited, but a non-messianic non-messianic interpretation but with withwhich which he is personally he personally unhappy. Ps. 44 is interpreted in in heading heading and and glosses glosses of of David David and and Solomon. Solomon. the psalm psalm the the authority In so so understanding understanding the authority of of Jerome, Jerome, in his his interinterpretation of (290). pretation ofEcclesiastes, Ecclesiastes,could couldheheinvoked invoked (290). No such such authority authority could ne invoked with regard regard to Ps. No could ne invoked with Ps. 109, 109, the the New Testament Testament messianic messianicpsalm psalmpar par excellence. excellence. In In the New the gloss gloss this this psalm interpreted of Samuel. The The "Lord" "Lord" addressed addressed in in psalm is is interpreted of Saul Saul and and Samuel. (2ê») Although not Theodore, this this interinternot mentioned mentioned as as aa distinct distinct group group by by Theodore, (8θ9) Although pretation found for individual psalms pretation is found for the individual psalms in in his his commentary commentary and and in in the other Antiochene some scholars scholars to Diodorus Diodorus of of Tarsus. Tarsus. Antiochene commentary commentaryattributed attributed by by some Theodore'steacher. teacher. The Cos µ λ Theodore's The four four are are explicitly explicitly noted noted by by Cosmas Indicopleustes s INDICOPLEUSTES in his Cosmographia Cosmographic Christiana Christiana V, V, 123-134, published A.D. in 123-134, published A.D. 551; in ed. ed. WANDA Wanda 551; ín vol. 159, 159, Paris, Paris, 1970, Wolska-Conus, 1970, pp. 182-195 182-195 WoL.sxA-Coκus, vol. II, Sources Chrétiennes, Chrétiennes, vol. (Greek withFrench Frenchtrans.); trans,);English Englishtrans. trans, J. W. McCrindle, The (Greek text text with in in J. W. MCCRINDL.E, The Christian Christian Topography Egyptian Monk, Monk, (The Society, 98), 98), London, Topographyof of Cosmas, Cismas, an Egyptian (The Milkuyt Milkuyt Society, 1897, situation in in the the commentary commentary attributed attributed totoDiodorus Diodorus 1897,pp. pp. 187-194. 187-194. For the situation see Jean-Marie Olivier, Psalmos. I.Ι. see JEλν-Μλaιx OLIVIER, ed., Diodori Diodori Tarsensis Tarsensis Commentarii Cοmmentarii in in Psalmos. Commentarii Commentarii in in Psalmos Psalmos I-L (CCH (CCH 6), 6), Turnhout-Leuven, Turnhout-Leuven, 1980, 1980, pp. pp. Ixxxiv-lxxxv. lxxxiv-lxxxv. («»«) Eccles. 1:1 (ed. M. M. Adriaen, CCL, 72, 72, 250). 250). (290) jIn n Eccles. in CCL, 1:1 (ed. ADRIAEN, in - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



v. i. is Samuel; Samuel; "ante lucifenim" is interpreted as as ante "ante luciferum" is interpreted ante Saul. Only Ν. Ι. is spiritual sense sense (spiritaliter) particular text text understood understood of of in aa spiritual (spiritaliter) is is this particular 291 (291) Christ: Spiritaliter haec Christo connueniunt ut Hirunimus ait... ( ) Spiritaliter haec ait ... This non-messianic commentary and and twice twice non-messianic interpretation interpretation is is twice twice in in the commentary 292 in the the margins margins designated designated as as "historical", "historical", hist, (historialiter) ((S92). ). hist. (historialiter) In what appears appears to to be be aapersonal personalcomment, comment, however, however, in in both bothpsalms psalms the compiler rejects the "historical" interpretation in favour of the the the compiler rejects the "historical" interpretation in favour of messianic one. Thus in in Ps. Ps. 44: 44: Totus hie salmus refertur refertur ad Christum ... messianic one. Thus Titus hic 293 licet Salomonem inertialis inertialis historia historia refertur ((898); ); or as phrased phrased at the the licet ad Salomonem end of the the comment comment on on Ps. Ps. 109; Totus his his salmus salmus de de Christo canitur, ιο9: Titus end licet historialem inhertiam (MS. in hertiam) hertiam) in in eo eo contexunt, contexunt, ut ostenlicet alii alií historialem 294 dimus ((294) ). Due to the the acephalous acephalous nature natureof ofthe themanuscript manuscriptwhich whichbegins begins only only Due with Ps. 39, 39, we we cannot cannot be be entirely entirely certain certain how how the thegloss gloss interpreted interpreted with However,ininview viewof ofthe theclose close relationship relationship of of Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 Pss. 22 and 8. However, with Psalter of of Charlemagne, Charlemagne, we reasonably sure the with the Psalter we can can be be reasonably sure that the exegesis was Psalterof ofCharlemagne, Charlemagne, exegesis was non-messianic non-messianicas as isis the the case case in the Psalter likewise in the Tituli Psalmorum of of Pseudo-Bede Psalter Tituli Psalmdrum and likewise Pseudo-Bede and and in in the Psalter of Rouen, Rouen, all three three of of which which present present the thesame sametradition traditionofofexegesis exegesis of with regard With regard regard to to Ps. Ps. 2, 2, the heading heading in in the with regard to to these these psalms. psalms. With Psalmorum of Pseudo-Bede reads: reads: Tituli Psalmorum of Pseudo-Bede Generalem Dauid quod regno regno sibi Generalem Dauid querimoniam querimoniam facit facit ad Deum, quid desuper dato, inviderent, communem communem ad ad desuper dato, et gentes et populi Israel Israel inviderent, omium correctionem correctionem dirigens dirigens (PL 93, 93, 489C). 489C). ...

The heading heading in in the thePsalter PsalterofofCharlemagne Charlemagnereads:. reads: The Hie psalmus Vox sociorum sociorum Dauid Dauid iurgentium iurgentium quid quod gentes Hic psalmus Dauid. Vox Absalon persecute persecuti suet sunt David. David. Vel Vel vox voxEzechiae Ezechiae (MS: (MS; Ecclesiae) et Absalon de Assiris. The marginal glosses glosses on in the the Hebraicum of of the Rouen Rouen on this psalm in 295 are difficult difficult to Theinterlinear interlinear ones, ones, however, however, are are Psalter (( 895)) are to read. read. The keeping with the the headings headings just just given. given. "Gentes" of glossed as in keeping of v. τ1 is glossed Philistini] "tribus" (v. x) som; "aduersum "aduersum Christum Christum Philistini; "tribus" τ) as Abisolon Abisolon cum socis; (v. 2) 2) as as omnis omnis rex Christus dicitur] 6) as as Hieeius" (v. rex Christus dicitur; "super "super Sion" (v. (v. 6) 291 ((391) ) See p. 234. See below, below, p. 2 34. (asa) Below, pp. 234f. 234Í. Below, pp. (293) Below, p. 99. 99. Below, p. (294)) Below, p. 235. 235. (S94 Below, p. (295) Pp. 2, (295) Pp. 2, 4. 4.

5 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

rusalesn quia quia Abisolon Abisolon quaerit; "ego hodie hodie genui te" te" (v. (v. 7) η) as as in in die rusaient quaerit; "ego die elecelectionis in regnum. tionis regnum. Curiously enough, enough, the glosses (296), Curiously glosses of ofthe theMontpellier MontpellierPsalter Psalter (296), otherwise given given to to messianic interpretation, contain contain a dual otherwise messianic interpretation, dual interpreinterpreeither referring referringitit to to Christ Christ or or to David, tation for Ps. Ps. 2: either David, the latter latter apapparently being taken as the "historical" meaning. Thus, on v. τ: parently being taken as the "historical" meaning. Thus, on v. 1: "Psalmus David. . . :In In hoc psalmo continetur ma"Psalmus Dauid. Quare Quare fremuerunt" fremuerunt" . ...: hoc psalmo continetur ma297 de xpo et 2: "Adste"Adstenifeste de et de de dauid dauid secundum secundum hystoriam hystoriam ((297). ). On On v. v. 2: autem in in persona dauid, terunt reges regesterrae terrae...": ...":SiSi in in persona personaxpi xpi autem terunt persona dauid, mani f estum est, est, quia multae gentes aduersus aduersus dominum dominum et et aduersus manifestum aduersus xpm 298 On v. v. 7: eius dauid, quia omnis omnis unctus η: "" ... ego ... ego eius dauid, quia unctus xps appelabatur appelabatur ((298) ). _On hodie genui te": te ": Si hodie Si ex ex persona persona dauid, dauid, quando quando dedit dédit ei ei dominus dominas potestatem potestatem 299 . super ornes omnes gentes gentes ((299) ). In the the heading heading for for Ps. Ps. 88 in inthe thePsalter PsalterofofCharlemagne Charlemagne we we read, read, "Saul in monte Gelboe": Gelboe":In In quo quo admiratur admiratur profeta pro/eta after reference to "Saul after aa reference (lege: mundi mundi molem) Dei potentiam per quam gubernat cunctam cunctam animalem (lege: molem) gratiasque agit agit qui (sic. MS) tantas tantas omnis memoriam dignatus est. est. gratiasque memoriam habere habere dignatus This heading heading seems seemstoto be be aa corruption of the the one This corruption of one found found in in the the of Pseudo-Bede Tituli of Pseudo-Bede (PL (PL 93, 93, 526D): 526D): potentiam, per per quam Admiratur propheta Dei potentiam, quam gubernat gubernat cunctam cunctam Admiratur prophets agit quod mundi roter, molem, gratiasque gratiasque agit tantus creator creator hominis memoquid tantas hominis memoriam sit habere habere dignatus dignatus est. riam sit The same reading occurs occurs in in the the Psalter of in the the glosThe same reading of Rouen Rouen and and in glosses on on the correspondingtotothis thisheading. heading. In In both, ses the psalm psalm itself itself corresponding both, the psalm interpreted throughout throughout as hymn of of praise praise on on divine divine propropsalm is is interpreted as a hymn vidence (200), (300). The question which which arises arises from from all this this evidence evidence is is how how explain explain The question the origin origin of of this this historical historical interpretation, interpretation, and andlikewise likewise the thenon-mesnon-messianic of Pss. Pss. 2, 8, Church. sianic interpretation of 8, 44 44 and and 109 109 in in the the early early Irish I ńsh Church. 5.

The Origin of Early Irish Irish Historical Historical Psalm Psalm Exegesis Exegesis The Origin 0/ Early

Codex one of of many ńsh CodexPal. Pal. lat. lat. 68, 68, although although the the earliest, earliest, is is but but one many IIrish compositions the Psalms. Psalms. compositionsstressing stressingthe the historical historical interpretation interpretation of of the (296) (398)Ed Ed. p F. Unterkircher, UNTERKIRCHER, op. op. cit. cit. pp. pp. 75-77. 7 5 -77. (®") Ibid., p. 75. Π. 75. (298) Ibid., 75. Ibid., p. Π. 75. (299) Ibid., Ibid., p. p. 76. 76. (300) L. de Coninck in Theodori Mopsuesteni Mopsuesteni Expositionis Published by DE Cοκτκεκ in Theodori Expositionis in in (800) Published by L. Psalmos ... supersunt, CCL 88A, p. xliii, note note 245. 245. ... quae quae supersunt, CCL 88Α, p. xliii . - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


65 65

In fact, In fact, this this was was the the predominant predominant tradition tradition of of interpretation interpretation in the the 301 Irish schools from the beginning down to the twelfth century (301). Irish schools from the beginning down to the twelfth century ( ). workson on the the Psalms We find find it it ín We in two two Hiberno-Latin Hiberno-Latin works Psalms from from the late late Eclogaetractatorum tractatoruminin Psalterium Psalterium and and in in "Das Bieighth eighth century: century: the the Eclogue Bibelwerk",particularly particularlyininthe theformer. former. It It is Old-Irish belwerk", is found found in in the the Old-Irish and (naturally) Treatise on on the Treatise the Psalter, Psalter, and (naturally) in in the theAmbrosian Ambrosian codex codex (Cod. (Cod. Amb. C 301 inf.) with the Latin translation of Theodore's commentary Amb. C 301 inf.) with Latin translation of Theodore's commentary and the Epitome and Epitome of of Julian, Julian, together together with with the the Irish Irish glosses glosses on on both both translation and Epitome. Epitome. It translation and It isisfound found in in the theglosses glosses in in the the Psalter Psalter of of Southampton from the the eleventh eleventh century century and and in the Southampton from the glosses glosses of the the sosocalled Psalter Psalter of of Caimin Caimin from from about about 1100. iioo. The called Theemphasis emphasisisisevidenced evidenced by the central place which which the the Julian Epitome enjoyed in Irish tradition tradition from about And together from about 700-1200. And together with with the the historical historical commentary commentary which is is the the Julian Epitome there must also which also have circulated in the early early Irish Church on the Irish Church another another "historical" "historical" commentary commentary on the Psalms Psalms found found τ:τ-ι6:ττ in in one one branch of the transmission the glosses glosses on Pss. Pss. 1:1-16:11 transmission of of the the in the Julian Epitome. The central role of this historical approach to the Julian Epitome. The central role of this historical approach the Psalms is is also Psalms also manifested manifested by by the thespecial special "historical" "historical" psalm psalm headings headings found in the Tituli Bedae and in the found Bedae and the so-called so-called Psalter Psalter of of Charlemagne. Charlemagne. This stress on the historical of the the Psalms This stress on historical understanding understanding of Psalms may be be in some way associated associated with with the special some way special Irish interest in in the the Old Old TestaTestament seventh century interest that that has has left left its its ment in in the seventh century and and later, later, an an interest imprint in Canonical Canonical Collections, Collections, liturgy, liturgy, and andsome someother otherways ways (302). imprint in (302). may have have been been helped helped by by the the presence presence of of at at least leasttwo twohistorical historical It may commentaries schools, viz. Epitome of the commentariesinin the the Irish schools, viz. the the Epitome ofJulian Julian and and the commentary known glosses on Pss. 1-16 1-16 in branch of of commentary known through through the glosses on Pss. in one branch the Epitome Epitome transmission. transmission. And And together together with with these these itit isispossible possible that that the glosses glosses of of the the Montpellier Montpellier Psalter Psalter were were in in some some way way associated associated with Ireland. with Ireland. The existence of Antiochene Antiochene exegesis exegesis of Theodorean kind kind in in The existence of the Theodorean Ireland can be be explained explained through through the the presence presence there there of of the theEpitome Epitome of of Ireland Julian and and at at least least of of part partofofthe theLatin Latintranslation translationofofTheodore's Theodore'scomcommentary. This,however, however, only only explains explains part part of of the evidence. evidence. Theodore Theodore mentary. This, it would would appear, interpreted interpreted only only 19 19 psalms psalms as referring referring to David David and and 301 ((201) ) See Early Irish Irish See M. M. McNamara, Mc Νλµλτw, "Psalter "Psalter Text Text and asid Psalter Psalter Study Study in in the Early Church (A.D. 600-1200)", 600-1200)", PRIA PRIA 63C 63C (1973) (1973) 201-298, 201-298, esp. esp. 255-257. Church (A.D. 2 55- 2 57. (302) see Raymond zum Einfluss Einfluss des (303)On Onthis this see RAYMUND Kotxje, KorTJE, Studien Studien zum des Alten Alten TestTestamentes auf Recht Rechi und und Liturgie Liturgie des 2, ed. 2, amentes des friihen Mittelalters Mittelalters (6.-8. (6.-8. Jahrhundert), Jahrhundert), ed. Bonner Historische Forschungen, 23), Bonn, 1970. 1970. Bonner Historische Forschungen, 23), Bonn, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in in Psalmos Glossa

30 $). his limes, times, much much less Irish tradition tradition does does ((303 ). The The origin origin of of his less than than the Irish the greater interest in in the the Davidic Davidic interpretation interpretation in in Ireland Ireland awaits awaits an an explanation. may be be related related to to the theinterpretation interpretation found found in in the the explanation. It may glosses of the Montpellier Psalter. It is not at all clear however, that glosses of the Montpellier Psalter. is not at all clear however, that this work work has has Irish Irish connections. connections. Within Within Irish Irish tradition tradition the theDavidic Davidic this interpretation may have have been been promoted promoted by bysome somespecial special group, group, such such interpretation Psalms 52 52 and and 54 54 ((304 as the Romani whom we have seen defending it for Psalms 304)). This particular emphasis, emphasis, in may have have originated originated within within the the Irish Irish This in fact, fact, may schools themselves. schools is also also possible possible that that the thedual dualform formofof"historical" "historical"exegesis exegesis — — It is interpreting a psalm both of David's time and later Jewish history — interpreting a psalm of David's time and later Jewish history — originated in We find find itit ininsuch suchIrish Irishsources sources as as Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68 originated in Ireland. Ireland. We and the the so-called so-called Psalter of of Charlemagne. Charlemagne. ItItisisalso alsooccasionally occasionally enenand countered in the glosses glosses of of the the Montpellier Montpellier Psalter Psalter –- which which may may be be countered in the connected with Irish tradition. connected with Irish tradition. Such interpretative tradition tradition Such exegetical exegetical activity, activity, coupled coupled with with an interpretative double historical historical reference reference for the the same same psalm psalm in inthe theIrish Irishschools schools on the double of the seventh seventh century, century, might might explain explain the peculiar peculiar Irish Irish theory theory of of aa of four-fold sense two-fold historical It isis four-fold senseofofScripture Scripture-– with with a two-fold historical sense. sense. It scheme which which we we find formulated formulated in in the the Old-Irish Old-Irish Treatise Treatise on the the the scheme Psalter from the early ninth ninth century, century, and and in inthe theHiberno-Latin Hiberno-Latin "Bib"BibPsalter from the early elwerk" from from the late late eighth. eighth. elwerk" The four-fold four-fold sense explained in the the Old-Irish Treatise on The sense isis thus thus explained Old-Irish Treatise the Psalter (lines 312ff) 312ÎÏ)(305) (305):: the Psalter There are four things things that are are necessary necessary in in the the psalms, psalms, to to wit, wit, There are four the story (cétna [cétna stoiy) stoir) and the second story (stoiy {stoir tdnaise) tánaise) the the first story the second sense (siens, [siens, i.e. spiritual meaning) meaning) and the morality (morolus). (morolus). sense i.e. spiritual and the refers to David and and to to Solomon, Solomon, and to to the theaboveaboveThe first story refers (303) por Theodore's Theodore's division division of of the the Psalms Psalms see see F. F. BABTRGEN Baethgen in Zeitschrift 03 ) For ($ in Zeitschrift fiir die die Altestamentliche Altestamentliche Wissenschaft Wissenschaft 66 (1886), (1886), 270f., 270!., R. R.L.L.RAMSAY Ramsay in in Zeitschrift fíir filr celtische Philologie 88 (1912), (1912), 436f., 436!, R. DEVREESSE, Devreesse, Essai sur sur Théodore Théodore de fuir de Mop141). Vatican, For the the distribution distribution in in the the Ansueste (Studi (Studi ee Testi Testi 141), Vatican, 1948, 1948,p.p.70. 70. For Antiochene commentary reckoned reckoned by some some as as the the work work of of Diodorus Diodorus of of Tarsus, Tarsus, see see tioche ne commentary Jean-Marie OLIVIER, Olivier, ed.. Diodori Tarsensis Tarsensis Commentarii, Commentarii, vol. I, Commentarii Commentarii JEAN-MARIE ed., Diodori

Psalmos Ι-L I-L (CCG Ixxx-lxxxv, p. p. lxxxívIxxxivin Psalmos (CCG6), 6), Turnhout-Leuven, Turnhout-Leuven, 1980, 1980,pp. pp. lxxx-lxxxv, Ixxxv for for Davidic Davidic Psalms: Psalms: in headings of the commentary commentary itself itself 18 18psalms psalms lxxxv in the headings of the are regarded as being being composed composed about David: Pss. Pss. 3, 3, 6, 6, 7,7, το, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, II, 12, τ6, 17, 21, 3, 67, 69, 71, 119, 1 , 35. 37.304338, 35, 37, 8 63, 6 67, 69, 71, 119, 13939. ( ) See above, pp. 41f. 41 f. See above, (sos) Ed. Ed. Kuno Kuno MEYER' Meyer, op: op. cit. cit. (note (note 267 267 above), above), pp. pp. 30f. 30Í. . - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



mentioned persons, Saul to to Absalom Absalom (Abisolon) (Abisolon) to the the perpermentioned persons, to to Saul secutors besides. The second Hezekiah, to the the people, people, secutors besides. The second story to Hezekiah, to the the Maccabees. Maccabees. The The sense (siens) (refers) (refers) to Christ, to the the to Christ, earthly and and the the heavenly heavenly Church. Church. The The morality (refers) (refers) to earthly every saint. saint. every A application of of this schema schema in in the the OldA difficulty difficulty arises arises from from the the application Treatise itself, understanding of of the the first first psalm, psalm, where where both both Irish Treatise itself, in in the understanding first and and second second stories stories are areunderstood understoodofofDavid's David'sown own day (306). first day (306). The primary primary story story of of the the psalms psalms refers refers to to the thetime timeofofDavid, David, The the second second to to Chusai Chusai Arachites Arachites (iesu irechitis: v. 1. hissu hissu the (iesu irechitis: v. 1. was who who did not abandon abandon him in in the the time time of of ireichidis). He He it was persecution, though though every every one one (else) (else) abandoned abandoned him. him. the persecution, The somewhat somewhat uncertain of the the Old-Irish Treatise Treatise is clarified clarified The uncertain text of by aa Latin Latin passage passage in in the the Introduction Introduction to to the thePsalter Psalterinin"Das "DasBibelBibelwerk", work known known to be be extremely extremely closely closely related the Old-Irish werk", a work related to the the Paris Paris manuscript manuscript of of the thework work the therelevant relevantsection section Treatise. In the as follows follows ((307 ); reads as 807): "Beatus uir uir qui non Dauid HILAR. "Beatus non abiit". Prima historia ad ad Dauid abiit in inconsilio Consilio sociorum, sociorum, qui uoluerunt occidere occidere pertinet, qui non abut in spelunca, spelunca, quando quando Dauid Dauid dixit: dixit'. "Non "Noncontinguat continguat mihi mihi, ut ut Saul in mittam in Christum Christum Domini" Domini" (cf. τi Sam. 26:9,11). 26:9,11). "Beamittam manum in tus", reliqua. ad Chusai Chusai Arachitam Arachitam pertinet, pertinet, reliqua. Secunda historia ad 308 qui non exiit in consilium Absalon et Achitòfel ( ). qui uoluerunt non in Absalon et Achitofel ( 808), exire quando fugit occidere eum, quousque quousque Chusai exire post post Dauid Dauid quando /agit and occidere dissipami eorum (cf. 22 Sam. 15:22, 15:22, 37; 16:16; 18; 18; 17:5, 17:5, dissipauit consilium eirum 37; 16:16; 5, 6, 7. 8, 14, 15, esp 15:34, 17:14). 5, 7, 8, 14, 1 5, eSP 15:34, 17 14) • ,

Although of the the Old-Irish Treatise Treatise is thereby clarified, clarified, the Although the the text of problem remains, if we take it that the second historical meaning of aa problem remains, if we take that the second historical meaning of psalm should Jewish history history after after David David and and his histimes. times. psalm should refer refer it it to Jewish

(306) Cf. cf. K. cit., pp. pp. 36f.; 366: X4,18: 14,18.(308) K. Meyer, MEYER, op. op. cit., 307 ((80?) ) MS. Bibl. Nat. Nat. Lat. Lat. 11561, fol. 56V1. The Thecorresponding corresponding text text MS. Paris, Bibi. fol. 5611. from the Munich Munich MS., MS., Staatsbib Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14276, 14276, fol. loor has been been edited edited from liothek, Clm ioor has Pádraig Ó Néill, its HibernoHibernoby PADRAIG NY1LL,"The "TheOld-Irish Old-IrishTreatise Treatiseon onthe the Psalter Psalter and its Latin Background", Background", Eriu (1979), 148-164, 148-164, at at 161. 161. Latin Eriu 30 30 (1979), (308) ItItisis worth Rouen Psalter Psalter aagloss glosson on"non "non sic sic impii" impii" (308) worth noting noting that that in the Rouen of Ps. Ps. 1:4 1:4 reads: reads: id et Abisolon Abisolon et et omnes (p. 22 of of MS.). MS.). id est est Agitofel Agitofel et imites impii impii (p. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in in Psalmos Psalmos Glissa

The explanation explanation of that the thefourfourThe of the the anomaly anomaly may may lie lie in in the the fact that fold sense sense as given in the the theoretical theoretical section section of of the the Old-Irish Old-Irish Treatise Treatise fold as given was not worked through implications. The The basic basic was not worked through with with regard regard to to its implications. belief may textcould couldhave havemore morethan thanone onehistorical historical belief may have have been been that aa text meaning.


2, 8, 44, 109 log The Origin of the the Non-Messianic Interpretation of Psalms 2,

the question question of of the thehistorical historicalsense sense of of scripscripWe may now pass from the in general general in in Ireland Ireland to tothe thenon-messianic non-messianic interpretation interpretation of of Psalms Psalms ture in 2, 8, 8, 44, 44, and and 109 109 and reason for maybe bethat thatsome someold old 2, and the the reason for this. this. ItItmay tradition of of interpretation interpretation lies lies behind behindthe thenon-messianic non-messianic interpretation interpretation of Psalm Psalm 8. 8. We We should should not not forget forget that thatthe theinterpretation interpretationwe wefind find of the glosses glosses of the Rouen Rouen Psalter Psalter does does represent represent the thebasic basicmeaning meaning in the of the psalm. psalm. This Thisunderstanding understanding of of the thepsalm psalmmay mayhave haveoriginated originated of outside of Ireland and have come to the island with the commentary outside of Ireland have come the island with the commentary was adopted adopted to to replace replace the the lost lost section section of of the theEpitome Epitome of ofJulian Julian that was i:i-i6:iia). same may of Ps. Ps. 2. 2. I have, have, however, however, (Ps. 1:1-16:1 τα). The The same may be be true of failed to find find any any Christian Christian evidence evidence of of either either interpretation interpretation outside outside failed of Ireland except with regard to Ps. 2 if the glosses of the Montof Ireland except with regard to Fs. 2 the glosses of the Mont309 pellier Psalter are regarded as non-Irish ( ). With regard to Ps. 44, pellier are regarded as non-Irish ( 9Ó9). With regard to Ps. 44, tradition would would Jiave .have Jerome's Jerome's interpretation interpretation of of Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes to to later tradition go on. on. There Thereseems seems to tohave havebeen beennonoChristian Christiantradition, tradition,however, however, go which interpreted 109 of of any any other other than thanChrist. Christ. which interpreted Ps. Ps. 109 It isis quite quitepossible possible that thatthe thenon-messianic non-messianic interpretation interpretation of of all all four psalms Irish schools. schools. We We know know of of the the Irish Irish four psalms originated originatedinin the the Irish scholars' strong emphasis emphasis on historical interpretation interpretation of of the thepsalms, psalms, scholars' on the historical and how how they sought sought to understand understand them them in in their their Jewish Jewish Old Old TestaTestaand ment setting. setting. They Theymay maywell wellhave havehad hadnonoscruple scrupleofofdoing doing the thesame same ment for the four psalms which alone the Antiochene tradition regarded as for four psalms which alone the Antiochene tradition regarded as prophecies of The basis basis of of the the actual actualinterpretation interpretationwhich which they they prophecies of Christ. Christ. The gave to these these psalms psalms may may have havebeen beenfound foundininreferences referencesinin tradition tradition gave (in the Theodorean Theodorean tradition for instance) instance) on on the the manner manner in inwhich which (in tradition for traditioninterpreted interpretedthem them (310). Jewish tradition (310). (sos) See 24-26) thinks the ($09) Seeabove, above,pp. pp.63C 63f.Unterkircher Unterkírcher (op. (op. cit., cit., pp. pp. 24-26) thinks that that the origins of work may have have been been connected connected with with Ireland. Ireland. origins of the work (sìo) pPs. messianically in before the theChriChris 22was (310) wasalready alreadyinterpreted interpreted messianically in Judaism Judaism before stian era era (e.g. (e.g. the the Psalms of of Solomon, Solomon, in in Qumran). Qumran). Theodore, Theodore, however, however, reports reports stian Jewish interpretation interpretation understanding understanding itit to tospeak speakofofZerubbabel ZerubbabelororDavid David (Ar{Ara Jewish gumentum totoPs. De Coninck, CCL 78 78A, 10). Theodore Theodorealso also notes notes gumenlum Ps. 2, 2, ed. ed. L. L. DR Coiiicx, CCL Α, p. io). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


69 69

In any any event, event, this this particular particular manner manner of ofinterpreting interpreting the thePsalms Psalms seems to We seems to have have been been well well established establishedininIreland Irelandby by A.D. A.D. 700 700or orso. so. We find it 68, the Tituli Psalmorum of Pseudo-Bede and the find it in Pal. lat. 68, Tituli Psa!morum of Pseudo-Bede and in the so-called Psalter of Charlemagne Charlemagne -—allallindependent By so-called Psalter of independentofofone oneanother. another. By the time the gloss gloss in Pal. lat. 68 was put together it was well established in Pal. lat. 68 was put together it was well established to the the liking liking of of the the compiler compiler himself. himself. Nonetheless, Nonetheless, itit persisted persisted and not to is found found again again in in the theglosses glosses of of the thetenth-century tenth-centuryRouen RouenDouble Double and is Psalter. 7. Psalm 118 Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 7. Psalm ιι8 in Pal. While is not not clear clear how how Theodore Theodore interpreted interpreted Ps. Ps. 118, probττ8, he probWhile it is ably understood understood itit to refer to the the exiles exiles in in Babylon. Babylon. The The Epitome Epitome ably to refer of Julian has aa lengthy lengthy introduction introduction to to the thePsalm Psalmin inwhich which ititisisclearly clearly of as speaking speaking of of the theBabylonian Babylonian captivity: captivity: Ea quae quae in in Babilone Babilone taken as gesta sunt psalmo psalmo praesenti praesenti. argumento argumento sunt sunt... (311) InIn1919 1919 L. L. MaΙλgesta sunt ... (311) 312 ries ((S12) ) published published a Greek Greek preface preface to this this Psalm Psalm which which he hebelieves believes RRΙEs was the work work of Diodorus Diodorus of The author author of of this thisPreface Preface ininwas of Tarsus. Tarsus. The terprets the psalm psalm as as spoken spoken by the exiles exiles in Babylonia Babylonia and is in part part and is very similar similar to the the argumentum argumentum of of this this psalm psalm in in the theEpitome. Epitome. very comparison with lengthy preface, preface, the the comment comment on on Ps. Ps. 118 ττ8 In comparison with the lengthy Epitome is justone onethird thirdlonger longerthan thanthe thecomcomin the Epitome is extremely extremely brief brief-just on the the preceding preceding psalm psalm which which has has only only 29 versus the ment on versus as as against the 176 of Ps. 118. Some verses are glossed together in just a few lines 176 of ττ8. Some verses are glossed together in a few lines (e.g. i-5a,5b-8a, 5b-8a, 33a-39a, 33a-39a, 50b-56). 5ob-56). Verses Verses 89 96 (all (all the the Lamed (e.g.-5a, 89 to 96 section) get merely 8 words and from from 89 89 onwards onwards the the comment comment is is practpractsection)

that the the Jews Jews interpreted interpreted Ps. Ps. 44(45) 44(45) of of Salomon Salomon and andhis hiswife wife(ed. (ed.R.R.DEIREESSE, Devreesse, that Le commentaire de Théodore de de Mopsueste Mopsueste sur les Psaumes Psaumes (I-LXXX), (I-LXXX), 1939, pp. 277f.). While While this this information information is is not reproduced reproduced in in the the Epitome Epitome of of Julian, Julian, aa 277f.). similar was given given by by Jerome Jerome ininhis hiscommentary commentaryon onEcclesiastes Ecclesiastes similar interpretation interpretation was 1:1 (ed. (ed. CCL CCL 72, 72, 250). 250). The TheTheodorean Theodoreancommentary commentary on on Ps. Ps. 109 109 transmitted transmittedinin i:i Epitome of of Julian (ed. (ed. Ds De Co Coninck, 351Í.) records the the Jewish Jewish opinions opinions νινcκ, pp. 35 τ f.) records the Epitome which psalm of of Abraham's Abraham's servant servant or orofofDavid Davidhimself. himself. which understood understood the the psalm (311) Ed. De Coninck, p. 362. 362. Ed. DE Coiiicx, p. ττ8 (312) In Recherches de Science Science Religieuse 9 (1919) (1919) 7979-101; Ps. 118 τοτ; preface preface to Ps. in pp. 98-iii. 98-101.The The Diodoran authorship alsodefended defendedininthe thedefinitive definitiveedition edition ín Diodoran authorship is is also of this this commentary, commentary,ed.ed.JEAN-MARIE Jean-Marie Olivier, Diodori Tarsensis Tarsensis Commentarii Commentarii in OLIVIER, Diodori Psalmos. I.I. Comm. Comm. in Psal. I-L, 1980. The Argumentum Argumentum of Epitome (ed. (ed. of the Epitome Psalmos. in Psal. 1980. The De Cοκτκεκ, Coninck, p. 362, I-II) i-n) should should be becompared compared with withthe the"Diodorean" "Diodorean"Preface, Preface, p. 362, Ds ed. L. MARIis, Mariés, art. cit., cit., p.p.98, 98,21-24; 21-24; I00 6-11. Preτοο,. 6-1 τ. English English translation of the Preed. face, with introduction, in in Milltown Studies Studies (Dublin), no. io 10 (1982), (1982), 66-75; 66-75; 76-86. 76-86. face, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Glossa in Psalmos Psalmos Glossa


existent. The ically non non existent. The Epitome Epitome in in its its present present form form gives gives the the imimically pression of not representing representing the theoriginal originalabbreviation abbreviation( (313 ). pression of not 813). contrast with comment on Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 is is In contrast with this this the the comment on Pss. Pss. 118 '18 in in Pal. artistically arranged. Each subsection subsection is is prefaced prefaced by ititown ownspecial special arranged. Each headings comment itself is is much much more more complete complete than than the theEpiEpiheadings and and the comment tome. tome. ItItoccasionally occasionally has has texts textsfrom from the theEpitome, Epitome, but butfor forthe thegreater greater part itit has has aafuller fullercommentary, commentary, and andone onewhich which isis in inkeeping keeping with with the the heading Epitome's understanding understanding the of the theexiles exiles in in BaBaheading of of the the Epitome's the text of bylon. bylon. This This fuller fuller commentary commentary of of Ps. Ps. 118 also found found in the the leftleftττ8 is is also 314 hand marginal marginal glosses glosses of the the so-called so-called Psalter Psalter ofofCaimin Caimin ((314), ). written written in Ireland Ireland about about 1100. noo. The The Psalter PsalterofofCharlemagne Charlemagne has has the thesame same in lay-out and"the and the same same introductions introductions to the the subsections subsections as Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68. 68. lay-out It appears, appears, then, then, that thatPal. lat.6868conserves conservesaatradition traditionofofexegesis exegesison on texts. Ps. ii8 found in few other texts. ττ8 found 8.

Treatment Treatment of of the the Gradual GradualPsalms Psalmsinin Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68

the Hebrew Hebrew Text Text each each of of the thepsalms psalmsininPss. Pss.119-133 119-133 have have as as In the heading Sir la-ma'alot, ma'alot". It is is now now accepted accepted .ir la ma`alot, "a song song for for the ma`alot". that the the ma`alot ma'alot in question question were were the caravans caravans or or the thepilgrimages pilgrimages to to Jerusalem. Before this this explanation explanation came came to be be accepted accepted four four or orfive five Jerusalem. Before theories meaning of the Latin Latin heading heading Canticum Graduum (and theories on on the meaning of its Greek equivalent in in the Septuagint) were current. current. Most of Greek equivalent Septuagint) were Mostof ofthese these already existed existed ininPatristic Patristic times (315).. times (315) One was the Gradual Gradual Psalms Psalms were were "Songs "Songs of of the the Stairs" Stairs" oror One was that the "of the Steps", Steps", intended intended to to be be sung sung by byLevites Levites on onthe thefifteen fifteensteps steps "of that led led from from the Court Court of the Israelites Israelites to that of of the the Women. Women. This This -

(aia) The Epitome, however, however, provides argumentum for for Ps. Ps. 118 the (sis) The Epitome, provides the the argumentum ττ8 in in the Hiberno-Latin Eclogue Eclogas tractatorum tractatorumin in Psalterium Psalterium (MS., (MS., Munich, Munich, Staatsbibliothek, Staatsbibliothek, 53ν ((almost almost verbatim as ed. L. DE ονινcκ, p. 362, ι - ττ). Clm Iule, ed. CIm 14715, 14715, fol. 53V as lui®, De C Coninck, 362, 1-11). The Rouen on the other hand, The Rouen Psalter, Psalter, pp. pp. 251-271) 251-271) on hand, does does not not use use the theEpitome Epitome Ps. 118. left-hand margin margin and and interlinear interlinear glosses glosses are, are, instead, instead, at all for Ps. ττ8. All All the left-hand from Cassiodorus, Cassiodorus, although although glosses from the the Epitome are glosses from are resumed resumed again again at atPs. Ps.119. 119. (314) MS. the Franciscan Franciscan Library, Library,Ddn DúnMhuire, Mhuire,Killiney, Killiney,Co. Co.Dublin. Dublin. ($14) MS. A A iτ at at the McNamara, art. cit., cit., in in PRIA 73C See M. McIAMARΑ, 73C ((1973), τ973), 245-249. 2 45-2 49. (sis) For see F. F. Hockey, graduum. (315) Foraabrief briefhistory history of of interpretation interpretation see HockEv, "Cantica "Cantica graduum. τ, The Gradual Gradual Psalms Psalms in Patristic Patristic Tradition", Tradition", Studia Patristica vol. το, 10, part I, The Studia Patristica Texte und und Untersuchungen F. L. L. Cross, pp. 355 355-359. ((= =Texte Untersuchτ}ngen 107) 107) ed. ed. F. CROSS, Berlin 1970, 1 970, Pp. - 359. Augustin et les des Montées", in Revue Revue d'AscéHenri Rondet, RONDET, "Saint Augustin Montées ", in d'Ascéles Psaumes des de Mystique, Mystique, 41 (1965), (1965), 3-18. 3-18. tique et de - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

introduction Introduction

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explanation isis found found as as an (Aliter) in in the Epitome explanation an alternative alternative one one [Aliter) Epitome (Ps. and also also in in Pal. Pal. lat. 68 (Ps. 120); 120); and 68 in in the the heading heading to to Ps. Ps.119. 119. Another opinion opinion (and (and quite quite compatible with the former) was that Another compatible with former) was the Hebrew referred to to the Hebrew word word referred the return return of of the theJews Jewsfrom fromBabylon. Babylon. This was was the manner in which This which these psalms psalms (with (with the the exception exception of of Ps. Ps. 119) were understood understood in the 81e) and by by the author 119) were the Antiochene Antiochene school school ((316 ) and of the Epitome 817)) (except of Epitome ((317 (except that Pss. Pss. 120 and 130 130 are understood principally of cipally of the the exile). exile). A writers, was was that A third opinion, opinion, very very common common among among Christian Christian writers, these psalms psalms speak speak of of the the gradual these gradual ascent ascent of of the Christian Christian or or the the soul soul to God. in Pal. to God. We We fmd find this this understanding understanding of of the psalms psalms in Pal. lat. 68 68 in in a text Ps.Ps. 119 (318). text borrowed borrowed from from Jerome Jeromeininthe theheading headingtoto 119 (318). The Tituli Psalmorum of Pseudo-Bede Psalmorum of Pseudo-Bede (PL 83, 83, 1084-1092) 1084-1092) are are heavily dependent on on the the Epitome heavily dependent Epitome for for all all the theGradual Gradual Psalms, Psalms, with with For the greater the exception exception of of Ps. Ps. 121. For greater part partthey theymerely merelyreproduce reproduce Thesame sameisistrue, true,but buttotoa alesser lesserextent, extent,ofofthe theso-called so-calledPsalter Psalter its text. The of Charlemagne. Charlemagne. Matters are different differentininthis thisregard regardininPal. Pal. lat. lat. 68. 68. More Matters are More than than in in any other other section, section, the tradition in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 isiscaught caught between between the the any the tradition "historical" spiritual interpretations. interpretations. A A peculiar peculiar feature feature of of the the "historical" and and spiritual treatment of these these psalms for the greater part they they psalms in in the the gloss gloss isis that that for are given a complete complete additional additional spiritual one that that are given spiritual interpretation interpretation-- one appears to have have been been evolved evolved by the the compiler compiler in in the thecourse course of of the thecomcomposition InPs: Ps.119 119the thesecond secondspiritual spiritualinterpretation interpretation isisgiven given position itself. itself. In within the comment comment on on individual individual verses: verses: vv. 1,4 1,4 (introduced (introduced as as mowithin moraliter in both cases cases and also also with M in 4), and and in in 6-7 6-7 (in(inraliter in margin margin at at v. 4), troduced in in both both cases cases as as allagoricae margin). troduced in the text in allagoricae with with M in in the margin). Likewise 120 (vv. (vv. 1, 3, 6) 6) with rubric aliter and M Likewise in in Ps. Ps. 120 τ, 3, with the rubric aliter in in text text and M (i.e. moraliter) in alternative, spiritual, spiritual, interinter(i.e. moraliter) in the the margin. margin. In 121 121 the alternative, pretation is is given given in in two two blocks blocks (vv. (vv. 2-4 2-4 and and5-9; 5-9; likewise likewise in in 131) 131) while while in the other other psalms psalms it comes comes entirely at the the end end of of the theother otherexposition. exposition. 319 This spiritual spiritual exposition, exposition, as already noted noted ((819), ). is is heavily heavily dedeThis as already

(316) See L. RAMSAY Ramsay ininart. (1912), 437; Antiochene InInSee W. L. art.cit. cit. ZCP ZCP 88 (1912), 437; the Antiochene troduction published published by by L. L. MARuis, Mariés, art. RSR 99 (1919), (1919), 85; 85; also alsoJ.J.M. M. Olivier, troduction art. cit., cit., RSR OLIVIER, op. cit.. Diodori Tarsensis Commentarii in Psalmos, pp. ed. op. cit., Diodori Tarse Ιsis Comme κtarii its pp. Ixxxi-lxxxii, lxxxi-lxxxíi, and and in in ed. of Greek Greek prologue, prologue, ibid., 5. ibid., p. p. 5. (317) Ed. L. De op. cit., cit., pp. pp. 3365-377. Ed. L. DR Coninck, Coiiicx, op. 65-377. (313) See below, p. p. 264. 264. ' See below, 313 ((3") ) Above, pp. 53f. 53f. Above, PP. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

pendent on on Augustine's Augustine's Enarrationes, Enarrationes, although Augustine's Augustine's own own words words are rarely used. used. are rarely the historical historical exposition exposition no no particular particularline lineseems seemstotobebefollowed. followed. In the The catena does does not not dwell dwell much, much, either either in inthe theheadings headingsoror.actual actualcomcomthe Antiochene Antiochene exegesis exegesis referring the Bab Babmentary, on the referring these these psalms to the ylonian captivity and the return. In the introduction to the entire ylonian captivity and the return. In the introduction to the entire group the psalms psalms are said to refer refer to to David's David's trials trials from from Saul Saul (Dauid group are said erumnis Saul). Saul). This the headings headings of of Pss. Pss. 120 and in erumnis This phrase phrase recurs recurs in in the 128 (with pro erumnis), erumnis), but only only after after the theAntiochene Antiochene headings. In 128 headings. In headings and and glosses glosses of of seven seven of of the the psalms psalms (Pss. (Pss. 121, 122, 123, the headings 121, 122, 127, 128, 128, 132) 132) reference captivity and and return. return. 126, 127, referenceisismade madeto to the the captivity Theie are are no no historical historical references references in in the theheadings headingsor orglosses glossesof ofPss. Pss. 125, There 130, or the 129, 130, or 133 133 and and dependence dependenceon onthe the Epitome Epitome isis very very slim slim in the gloss's tieatment the Gradual Gradual Psalms. Psalms. The The Epitome Epitome becomes becomes aa gloss's treatment of of the major source source again 136. In Inthese these psalms, psalms, then, then, both both in in major again only only in in Ps. 136. the inclusion inclusion of of the thespiritual spiritual the reduction of Theodorean Theodorean material and the exposition, Pal. 68 is different different from from the remainder of of the the comcomexposition, Pal. lat. lat. 68 the remainder mentary. Future research research may may reveal reveal the the reason reason for for the thechange change of of the themanner manner Future of exposition followed 68 for for these these psalms. psalms. of exposition followedby by Pal. Pal. lat. 68 -


The Date of the the Manuscript Manuscript The Date

After almost almost a century century of of interest interest in in Codex Codex Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68, 68, we we are are After still exact date date of of its its transcription. transcription. In Inthe thefirst first still uncertain uncertain as as to to the the exact description of the themanuscript manuscriptinin 1886, H. Stevenson Jr., description 1886, byby H. STEVENSON JR., after consultation with G.B. G.B. DE De ROSSI, Rossi, assigned assigned it to to the theeighth eighthcentury. century. consultation This dating was was soon soon contested by by some some scholars scholars who preferred aa ninthninthcentury date. Làter Latera avirtual virtual consensusemerged emergedon onan aneighth-century eighth-century century consensus origin. 2.

Date of Original Original Composition Composition Date

We seem more solid date of of the the We seem to to be on more solid ground ground with with regard regard to to the date original composition. vernacular glosses glosses and the forms forms original composition.Both Both the the vernacular and the of the names names Edilberict Edilberict and and Berictfrid Berictfrid in in the thecolophon colophon indicate indicate an an of - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



early eighth-century date date ((320 ). The Thesource sourceanalysis analysis itself itself agrees agrees with with early eighth-century θ20). this, since since the the latest latest work work used used seems seems to tobebeAdamnan's Adamnan's De locis this, De locis 321 Sanctis ((321), ), which which was was most most probably probablycomposed composed ca. ca. A.D. A.D.683-686. 683-686. sanctis 3.

Relation of Present Present Manuscript Manuscript to to Original Original Composition Composition Relation

Although the manuscript appears be younger younger than than the the Although the present present manuscript appears to be original both the thecolophon colophon original composition, composition, itit seems seems to to reproduce faithfully both and glosses of original work, While and the glosses of the the original work, or or one one very very close close to to it. it. While Edilberict scribe rather than than the thecompiler compiler of of the the Edilberict would would appear appear to to be be a scribe original ofhis hisfather fatherindicate indicate original gloss, gloss,the the forms formsof ofhis his name name and and that of that he he wrote wrote early early in in the theeighth-century, eighth-century, and andsome some of of the thevernacular vernacular glosses, assigned to the the same sameperiod. period. glosses, on on philological philologicalgrounds, grounds,are are to be assigned appears that that most mostififnot notall, all,ofofthe the vernacularglosses glossesformed formed part part It appears vernacular of original composition, composition, and insertions into the the text text of the original and are are not not later insertions from the margins. What we have in Cod. Pal. lat. 68, then, seems to from the margins. What we have in Cod. Pal. lat. 68, then, seems to be work originally originally compiled compiled ca A.D. 700, 700, and and transcribed transcribed by by EdilEdilbe aa work ca A.D. berict early in in the the eighth eighth century. century. This Thishas hasbeen beenrecopied recopied atatleast least berict early more once together together with withthe thecolophon colophonand andvernacular vernacularglosses. glosses. more than once additions were were made textininthe thecourse courseofofits itstransmission transmission What additions made to the text maybe bethat thatpart partatatleast leastofofthe theleft-hand left-handmarginal marginal is difficult difficultto tosay. say. ItItmay source annotation, possibly the diple, diple, are are later lateradditions additionsand andeven even source annotation, and possibly from different different periods periods and and scholars. scholars. from 4.

Place Origin of Codex Pal. lat. 68 68 Place of of Origin of Codex Pal. lat.

We are of uncertainty uncertainty with with regard regard to tothe thescriptorium scriptorium We are also also in in a state of which our present codex codex was While aa case case could could still still in which our present was transcribed. transcribed. While be made out for for aa scriptorium scriptorium in in Ireland, Ireland,aanumber numberofofscholars scholarsbelieve believe be was rather ratherininNorthumbria. Northumbria. that itit was 5.

Place Composition of Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 Place of of Composition of Original Original Text Text of of Pal.

The vernacular Irish Irish and and Northumbrian Northumbrian glosses, glosses, and and the thename name The vernacular of Northumbrian scribe scribe Edilberict, Edilberict, seem the work work of the Northumbrian seem to to indicate indicate that the originated area where where there there were were both both Irish Irish and andNorthumbrian Northumbrian originated in in an area scholars i.e. Iieland or or Northumbria Northumbria and and most most probably probably in in scholars i.e. either either in in Ireland

(sao) sSee p. 6. 6. ee above, above, p. 21 (» ) See See above, above, pp. pp. 55f. 551. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Psalmos Glossa

one of parruchia Columbae. From Bede one of the the monastic monastic schools schools of the the parruchia Columbae. From Bede ńsh (Iona) presence in Northumbria we know know of of the the IIrish Northumbria and we and of of the thepresence presence of English scholarsinin the the IIrish ńsh schools down through through the of English (Anglian) (Anglian) scholars schools down 322 (322). seventh century ( ). The seventh Theanalysis analysis of of the thecontents contents of of the thework work reinreinforces this conclusion. forces conclusion. 6.

The Gloss stands in in the The Gloss stands the Irish Irish Exegetical Exegetical Tradition Tradition

The sources used, the exegetical The sources used, exegetical emphases emphases and and certain certain "Irish "Irish symptoms" indicate indicate that the symptoms" the gloss gloss on the Psalms Psalms in in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 belongs belongs to the Irish ńsh-Northumbrian) tradition tradition of exegesis, which in to Irish (and (and IIrish-Northumbrian) exegesis, which these points is distinct these distinct from from the the European Europeanand andfrom fromthe theexegesis exegesis of ofthe the Roman Church in Britain. Roman Church Britain. About one one third third of the About the commentary commentary material material is is drawn drawn from from the the Epitome of of Julian's Epitome Julian's translation translation of of Theodore Theodore of of Mopsuestia. Mopsuestia. With With the exception exception of of one one small smallfragment fragmentininMS. MS.Bodley Bodley826 826(S.C. (S.C.2715), 2715), copied in in Normandy copied Normandy in the the eleventh eleventh century, century, both boththe thefull fulltranslation translation of Theodore's commentaryand and the the Epitome of Theodore's commentary Epitome have have been been transmitted transmitted solely sources (Cod. (Cod. Amb. Cod. Taurinensis Taurinensis solely through through Irish Irish sources Amb. CC 301 301 inf.; íf.; Cod. τ, fase. Univ. 68; Eclogae Univ. F. F. iv. I, fasc. 5-6; 5-6; Pal. Pal. lat. 68; Eclogaetraclatorum tractatorumin in Psalterium) Psalterium; the "Bibelwerk"; "Bibelwerk"; the Double Double Psalter Psalter of of Rouen Rouen and andthe thecorresponding corresponding Dublin that can canpresumably presumably be beconnected connected with with Dublin fragment) fragment) and in works that Northumbria and and Ireland Ireland such such as as the Tituli Psalmdrum of PseudoNorthumbria the Tituli Psalmorum of 323 Bede the so-called so-called Psalter PsalterofofCharlemagne Charlemagne ((θ28 ).). If we had only only Bede and the If we the evidence evidence of Latin glosses glosses for the the cultural cultural setting setting of ofthe thework, work, of the Latin we The Irish Irish and and Northumbrian Northumbrian we would wouldthink think of ofthe the early early Irish Irish schools. schools. The glosses Epitome of of glossesconfirm confirmthe theevidence evidencedrawn drawnfrom fromthe the use use of of the Epitome Julian. Together we have in in the thegloss gloss some some other otherrare raresources sources Together with with this this we used also in other other Hiberno-Latin Hiberno-Latin exegetical exegetical works, works, e.g. Letter Letter23 23 "Ad used also "Ad 324 (324). Dardanum" of Pseudo-Jerome ( ). To this we may add the almost Dardanum" of Pseudo-Jerome To this we may add the almost 325 certain of Adamnan's Adamnan's De locis sanctis Sanctis ((325). ). certain use of De locis To this evidence evidence we we may add add the the presence presence in in the the gloss gloss of of certain certain Ti this (328) See ecclesiastica gentis 27; ed. ed.C.C.PL.uMMPlum3, 5, See Bede, BEDE, Historia Historic ecclesiastics gentisAnglorum AnglorumIII, III, 3, 5, 27; mer, 1896, vol. pp. 131f.; I3if.; 135-138, See also also Bedae temMER,Oxford, Oxford, 1896, νο1. I, I, pp. 135-138,192. 192. See Bedae opera opera de de temporibus C. W. W. Jones, poribus ed. ed. C. JONES, Cambridge, Cambridge,Mass., Mass.,1943, 1943, III. (323) See 43-45. See above, above, pp. pp. 43 -45. 324 ((234) ) See 54!. Seeabove, above, pp. pp. 54f. (326) See above, above, pp. pp. 55f. 55Í. (22 ) See - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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"Irish symptoms", symptoms", i.e. i.e. themes, themes, terms, terms,expressions, expressions, etc., etc.,characteristic characteristic works either either in in themselves themselves or orininthe thefrequency frequencyofoftheir their use (326).. of Irish works use (326) As examples in Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68we wemay mayinstance instance As examples of of such such "Irish "Irish symptoms" in the stylized stylized connection connection of one psalm psalm (or (or subsection subsection of of Ps. Ps. 118) 118) with with of one 327 328 the preceding preceding one one through through haeret ((927), ), comparison comparison through through more ((328), ), the theme of the triple triple martyrdom martyrdom ((329 ), expressions such as as lex naturae, 829), literae (980). (330). To Tothese thesewe we may mayadd addthe theexplicit explicitemphasis emphasis on on the the lex literae historical sense made between between it and and the the historical sense of of scripture scripture and and the the contrast made spiritual sense. sense. This explicit mention mention of of the the RoThis evidence evidence isis made made stronger stronger by by the explicit 331 mani ((991), ), who who were were evidently evidently an an identifiable identifiable group the tradition tradition group in in the which this is natural natural to to see see in in these these the the to which this commentary commentaryisisheir. heir. It is the seventh-century seventh-century Irish Irish Church. Church. Romani of of the 7. TheSignificance Significance of of the the Gloss Gloss in Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 7. The 68 is is aa text textofofa acertain certainsignificance significancefor foraavavaThe gloss gloss in in Pal. Pal. lat. 68 riety of reasons. reasons. One One reason reason is is that, that,coming coming as as ititmost mostprobably probablydoes does from ca. ca. A.D. A.D. 700, 700, it it isis aarelatively relativelyearly earlycomposition composition by byIrish Irisheccleecclefrom siastical While most most of of its its patristic patristic texts textsare areelsewhere elsewhere siastical standards. standards. While known, the evidence it provides provides still still merits meritsconsideration consideration — - at least least known, the evidence for history of of transmission transmission of question. With With regard regard for the history of the the texts texts in in question. to the Epitome Epitome of of Julian, the the text textof of Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68isisprobably probablythe theoldest oldest we possess in many many instances instances its itsreadings readingsare areinferior, inferior, we possess and, and, even even though in is of of importance importance as evidence evidence for of this this text textininone oneline lineofof it is for the the state of transmission alsoof ofimportance importance that thatalready already transmissionat at about about A.D. A,D. 700. 700. ItItisisalso that time time the theEpitome Epitomewas wasregarded regarded as asaawork workofofJerome. Jerome. by that gloss is existence of of Letter Letter 23 23 "Ad DarDarThe gloss is evidence evidence for for the early existence Pseudo-Jerome, thus indicating indicating aa pre-Carolingian pre-Carolingian date date for for danum" of of Pseudo-Jerome, 332 work ((382). ). The Thetext text whichcoincides coincideswith withthe theGospel GospelofofPseudoPseudothis work which

(326) On in Hibern Hiberno-Latin exegetical texts texts see see (sae) Onsuch such"Irish "Irish symptoms" symptoms" in ο-Latin exegetical Erudir i 6 (1954), 202-211 = Mittelal"Wendepunkte...", Sacris Sacris Erudiri (1954), 202-211 I, pp. pp. 217-222; pp. 83-88. 83-88. terliche Studien I, 217-222; Eng. trans, trans. pp. (327) cf. Bischoff, art. cit. Sacris Sacris Erudiri, Erudiri, p. 206 = (32?) Cf. B. B. BISCHOFF, art. cit. p. 206 = Mitt. Mitt. Studien, Studien, pp. pp. 2i8f; Eng. trans., p. 85. 85. 238f; trans., p. (328) cf. 207 (219); (219); Eng. trans. 85. 85. (328) Cf.B. B. Bischoff, BISCHoFF,art. art.cit., cit., p. p. 207 Eng. trans. (32») xnIngloss in Apparatus Apparatus II, II, below, below, p. p. loo. 100. (dap) glosstotoPs. Ps.44:9. 44:9. See See note note 19 ig in (ss») iIn gloss to Ps. 148:6. 148:6. See See note note 99 inin Apparatus Apparatus II; II;below, below, p.p.307. 307. n gloss to Ps. (331) See See above, above, pp. pp. 440-43. 0-43. (332) gee above, pp. pp. 54f. 546 See above, B. BIscHoFF, Bischoff, B. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Glossa

333 seems to to argue argue for for aa pre-8 pre-8oo for this this apocryphal apocryphal Matthew ((333)) seems οο date for work. Ofmuch muchmore moreimportance, importance,however, however, isisthe theevidence evidence which which the the work. Of gloss life and scholarship scholarship of seventh and and eighth-century eighth-century gloss provides provides for for the the life schools in The existence existence of of both both Old-Irish Old-Irish schools in Ireland Ireland and and Northumbria. Northumbria. The Old-English (Northumbrian) (Northumbrian) glosses indicate the the and Old-English glosses would would seem seem to to indicate presence of in the thesame sameschool school and and the thesponsponpresence of scholars scholars of of both both traditions in taneous use of both languages languages in study of of the thebiblical biblical text. text. taneous use of in the study The gloss is of major importance for a knowledge of the manner The gloss is major importance for a knowledge of the manner which the Psalms Psalms were were taught and and studied studied ininIrish Irishschools schools about about in which the year year A.D. A.D. 700. 700. What Whatisismore moresignificant, significant, however, however, is the the is that the gloss seems exegetical activity that was wasalready already gloss seemsto to represent representaa native native exegetical activity that mature and even even old. old. ItItcould couldwell wellrepresent representthe theexegetical exegeticalactivity activity mature of the Irish Irish and andNorthumbrian Northumbrian schools schools of of the themid-seventh mid-seventhcentury. century. of the Mention of views of the the Romani would An Mention of the views would fit fit in in well wellwith withthis. this. An exegesis of with its its two-fold two-fold historical historicalreference reference analysis of the exegesis of the work, with of the psalms psalms and and its itsspecial specialunderstanding understandingofofthe theMessianic Messianic Psalms, Psalms, of indicates that we we are are in in the thepresence presence here here of ofaafairly fairlywell wellthought-out thought-out indicates system of of exegesis. exegesis. And And since sincethe thecompiler compileronon two occasions (3344)) system two occasions (SS expresses himself interpretation, he is is most most probprobexpresses himselfillillatat ease ease with with the the interpretation, ably the transmitter transmitter of of aatradition traditionwhich which was was older older than thanhis hisown own day. day. ably It would would be be informative informative if if we we could could identify identify the theschools schools in inwhich which this crative crative exegetical exegetical activity Theindications indications are are this activity was was carried carried out. out. The they were were of of the the panuchia Columba in Northumbria Northumbria and and that they parruchia of of St. Columba Ireland, and possibly possibly also also in Iona. Iona. Ireland, The psalm interpretation of Pal. lat. lat. 68 68 is is but but part partof ofaalarger largersystem system interpretation of Pal. of interpretation, interpretation, one other related related texts texts such such as asthe the of one found found again again in in other glosses Double Psalter of Rouen, Rouen, the the "Bi "Bibelwerk", glosses of of the the Double Psalter of belwerk", the Tituli Pseudo-Bede and the glosses glosses of of the the so-called so-called Psalter Psalter of of Psalmorum of of Pseudo-Bede and the Charlemagne. This all all represents represents aa rather ratherself-contained self-contained system system that that Charlemagne. could only As well well as as could only have have been been worked workedout out over over aa period period of of time. time. As having been transmitted in the schools of Ireland and Northumbria, having been transmitted in the schools of Ireland and Northumbria, system itself itself may may have have been been thought thought out out there. there. the system


Later History Pal. lat. 68 Later History of 0/ Pa1. lat. 68

There would like the gloss gloss now now There are many things we would like to to know know about about the found in the the acephalous acephalous manuscriptum manuscriptum unicum unicum of Pal. lat. Did found of Pal. lat. 68. 68. Did (333) in gloss to to Ps. Ps. 148:7, 148:7, below, below, p. p. 308. 308. In gloss (334) p 44 and and ιο9; jog; see above, p. p. 63. 63. Pss. ss 44 see above, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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more than one copy of of it once more than one copy once circulate? circulate? Was Was ititused usedininthe theschools schools of Northumbria alone? those of Ireland alone? How did did itit of Northumbria alone? Or Or of of those of Ireland alone? How find Wasititread readon onthe theContinent, Continent, or orcopied copied find its its way way to to the the Continent? Continent? Was there? Did Did ititininany any way influenceother othercontinental continentalwritings? writings? there? way influence To most of these We can canpresume presume To most of these questions questions we we have have no no answers. answers. We copy of of the thework work circulated circulated in in Ireland. Ireland. This Thisseems seemsindicated indicated that aa copy the evidence evidence of of the theglosses glosses of of the theso-called so-calledPsalter PsalterofofCaimin, Caimin,written written by the in Ireland, and probably probably at Clonmacnois, Clonmacnois, about All that that in Ireland, aboutA.D. A.D.ixoo. iioo. All now of the text text of of Ps. Ps. 118 glosses ττ8 and glosses now exists exists of of this this Psalter Psalter is is a portion of on it. Most Mostofofthe theglosses glosses in in the the left-hand left-hand margins margins of of the themanuscript manuscript on coincide of Pal. Pal. lat. lat. 68, 68, aaremarkable remarkable coincidealmost almostverbatim verbatimwith withthe the text text of coincidence glosses of of the the latter latter coincidencegiven giventhe the very very special special nature nature of of the glosses on this seemsclear clear from from this this that thateither either aasister sister on this particular particular psalm. psalm. ItItseems copy of 68 or or aa text textvery verysimilar similar to toit, it,continued continued to tocirculate circulate copy of Pal. Pal. lat. 68 certain places places in in Ireland Ireland four four hundred hundred years years after afterthe thecomposition composition in certain of the the original. original. of What was was the history history of of our our present present text text of of Pal. Pal. lat. lat.68 68before before itit What was the Continent Continent and and after after itit was was taken takenthere thereisisdifficult difficult to to was taken taken to the say. exegeticalapproach approachwould would probably probably not not have have appealed appealed to to the the say. ItsItsexegetical 335 prevailing Continental Continental mentality ((335) ) and and may may have have lain lain unused unused in aa prevailing until taken taken to toRome Rome in in1623, 1623, where where it it again again lay lay ununPalatinate library until noticed for two hundred and and fifty fifty years years before before being being brought brought to to noticed for over over two the attention attentionof ofscholars scholars by byH. H.STEVENSON Stevenson Jr., is aawork work JR.,inin1886. 1886. It is that merits merits attention attention today todayasasa awitness witnesstotohidden hiddentrends_ trends in in the the inter interpretation the Psalter Psalter in inthe theEarly EarlyMiddle MiddleAges. Ages. pretation of the -

(335) On of interest interestininAntiochene Antiocheneexegesis exegesisseesee Smalley, (335) OnWestern Western lack lack of B. B. SMALLEV, The Study Study of of the the Bible Bibleininthe theMiddle MiddleAges, Ages, 1952 Oxford, 11983), p. 19. 19. 1952 (3rd (3rd ed., Oxford, The 983), P. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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PRINCIPIA HUIUS HUIUS EDITIONIS EDITIONIS PRINCIPIA Intentio in lucem lucem edere glossam glossam super ab auctore auctore super psalmos psalmos prout Prout ab Intentio nostra est est in ipso confecta confecta est. est. ipso Generatim, marginales in in ipsum textum editionis editionis Generatim, glossae glossae interlineares interlineares et marginales incorporantur. incorporantur. Abbreviationes et et suspensiones suspensiones sub sjlentiο sjlentio solvuntur, nisi textus textus requirit requirit Abbreviationes solvuntur, nisi notentur, quod fit speciatim quoad quoad ipsum textum biblicum. biblicum. ut notentur, fit speciatim In Apparatu Apparatu priori priori relatio relatio codicis codicis ad editibnem notstur. notatur. Lectio codicis codicis datur In ad editibnem in hoc hoc Apparatu. Apparatu. in In Apparatu altero fontes et alise aliae annotationes dantur In Apparatu fontes commentarli notantur, notantur, et annotations dantur ad intellegentiam intellegentiam textus textus requísitae requisitae aut utiles. ad CONSPECTUS SIGLORUM ABBREVIATIONUM CONSPECTUS SIGLORUM ET ABBREVIATIONUM In textu in text"

vocabula désignât quae quae codicis codicis lectioni lectioni addenda addenda censui. censui. vocabula designat vocabula designat désignât quae addita sunt editíoni, edition!, locis locis ubi in in codice signum omissionis datur. omissionis vocabula in codice ob defectum defectum membranae membranae di1cilia difficilia vocabula includunt includunt quae in lectu sunt. sunt. lectu

f{ )} (( ))


Codex Ambrosianus C 3301 4a-39d (cum (cum version versione latina latina — — aa inf., foil. fill. 4a-39d Codex Ambrosianus C οτ inf., luliano Aeclanensi Aeclanensi facta — — pa partis Comentarii Theodori Theodori in in Psalmos). Iulian0 rt ís Comentańi Codex Univ. F. F. iv. iv. i, 1, fasc. fase. 5-6 5-6 (fragmenta (fragmentaeiusdem). eiusdem). B Codex Taurinensis Taurinensis Univ. A® Codex inf.,fill. foil.39d-146x, 39d-i46a,cum cumEpitome EpitomeCommenCommenAe οτ íf., Codex Ambrosianus Ambrosianus C 3301 tarii Iulianí luliani Aeclanensis Aeclanensis (ca. (ca. A.D. A.D.800-850). 800-850). taril A®+ Codex Codex Ambrosianus Ambrosianus C 3301 quoad lectionem lectionem quae quae in in codice codice legeinf., quoad A+ Ae+ οτ inf., batur priusquam ipse sc scriptor earn aliquo aliquo modo modo mutaret. mutaret. ńptor earn batur pńusquam A*A®* Codex Codex Ambrosianus Ambrosianus C C 3301 inf., quoad quoad lectionem lectionem quam quam ipse ipse scriptor scriptor A*Ae• οτ inf., corrigendo induxít. induxit. corrigendo Caimin Psalterium Psalterium sic dictum S. S. Caimin, Caimin, pro pa parte (ca. externs (ca. Caímin rt e Ps. 118 τ 18 tantum extans A.D. 1100). Extat Bibliotheca Patrum Co. Dublin, ι roo). Extort Portrum S. Francisci, Francisca, Killiney, Co. Hibemia (MS. (MS. A.I.). Hibernia Α. I.). Mon Psalterium glossatum glossatum in Cod. Montís Montis Pessulani, Med. 409 409 (ante (ante in Cod. Pessulaní, Fac. Fac. Med. A.D. 788). 788). Editus F. Unterkircher. A.D. Editus aa F. UNTERKIRCHER. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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Glossa in Psalmos Glossa


Materia introductoria introductoria textui textui psalmorum psalmorujn préfixa (i.e. Tituli, Tituli, etc.) etc.) in in prefixa (i.e. Cod. Parisiensi, Parisiensi, Bibi. Bibl. Nat. Nat. Lat. 13159 (Psalterium sic sic dictum dictum Caroli Caroli Cod. 13159 (Psalterium Magni) (A.D. (A.D. 795-800). 795-800). Magni) Excerpta EpitomesIuliani lulianiAeclanensis Aeclanensis ininCod. Cod. Rotomagensi Rotomagensi Bibi. Bibl. Publ., Pubi., Excerpts Epitomes 24 (A.41). 24 (A.41). Codex Palatino-Latinus Codex Vaticanus Vaticanus PalatinoLatinus 68.



Enarr Enarr

Bedae Tituli Bedoe Tituli Psal Bischoff

CCL CDIL CSEL Devreesse, Le Commentaire DIE DIL Eucher, Sucher, Formulae, Instruct. Ga

gl. hib. heb. Heb

S. Amhrosius cxviii, ed. A. Α. PetscheAmbrosius Expositio Expositi ο psalmi cxviii, PErscHEnig, CSEL voi. Vindoboniae, 1913, 3-512. 11G, vol. 62, 62, Vindoboniae, 12 1 9 1 3, 3-5 . Analecta Bollandiana. Apparatus. G. AscoLI, Ascoli, Il codice codice irlandese irlandese dell'Ambrosiana dell'Ambrosiana in ArG. Ar chivio glottologico glottologico italiano 5 5 (1878) (1878) 1-6'0. 1-610. chivio Sancii Aurelii Augustini Augustini Enarrationes Enarrationes in in Psalmos, ed. Sancti E. Dekkers J.FRAIPONT, Fraipont, CCL, 38-40, Turnholti, DEKKERS et J. CCL, voli. voll. 38-40, Turnholte, 1966. (Paginatio voli.). (Paginatin continua continua in in 33 volt.). 1966. Opus De titulis psalmdrum psalmorum perperam Bedae De titulis Bedoe ascriptum; ed. Migne,PL PL93, 93,477-1098. 477-1098. ed. in ligne, "Wendepunkte in der der Geschichte Geschichte der der lalaB. Bischoff, BISCHoFF, "Wendepunkte Frühmittelater" in in Sacris Erudiri teinischen Exegese im Friihrníttelater" 66 (1954), (1954), 189-281; 189-281; ed. ed. emendata emendata in Mittelalterliche Mittelalterliche 1967, pp. pp.205-273; 205-273; versio anglíca versie anglica Studien 1, τ, Stuttgart, 1967, in Biblical Studies: The The Medieval Medieval Irish IrishContribution, Contribution, ed. Biblical Studies: M. McNλµλιλ, McNamara, Dublin, 1976, pp. pp. 73-164. 73-164. M. Dublin, 1976, Corpus Christianorum. Series Series Latina. Latina. Corpus Christianorum. Contributions toto aa Dictionary Dictionary of the Irish Irish Language, Language, Contributions of the Dublin 1939-1974. 1 939-1 974. Corpus Scriptorum Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Latinorum. Corpus Devreesse, Le Commentaire Commentaire de Thé Théodore οdοre de Mopsueste R. DEIREEssE, les Psaumes (I-LXXX), (Studi e Testi 93), Città del del sur les Psaumes (I-LXXX), Vaticano, Vatic ano, 1939. 1 939. Dictionary of the Irish Irish Language, Language, Dublin, 1913-1957. 1913-1957. Dictionary of the Sancii Eucherii Eucherii Lugdunensis Lugdunensis Formulae Formulae spiritalis spiritalis intelleintelleSancti gentiae, Instructionum duo ... ... ed. G. G. WOTKE, Wotke, CSEL, gentiae, Instructionum libri duo 31, Pragae PragaeVindibonae Vindibonae Lipsiae, Lipsiae, 1894. 1894. vol. 31, Versie Psalmdrum sic dicta Gallicana; Gallicanum; Versio Psalmorum sic Gallicana; ed. ed. Liber Psalmdrum Psalmorum ex recensione recensione Sancti Sancii Hieronymi Hieronymi cum cum Liber praefalionihus etet Epistula Sunniam etetFretelam Fretelam praefationibus Epistula Ad Sunniam (Biblia Sacra Latinam Vulgatam Vulgatam Versionem Versionem ad ad (Biblia Sacra iuxta Latinam Codicum Codicum fidem), fidem), Romae, Romae, 11953. 953. glossa glossa hibernica. Hebraicum; versio versio hieronymiana hieronymiana Psalmdrum Psalmorum sic dicta sic dicta Hebraicum; Sancti Hieronymi Hebraicum Hebraicum aut Iuxta Iuxta Hebraeos; Hebraeos; ed.: ed.: Sancii Hieronymi Edition critique Psalterium Iuxta Hebraeos. Hebraeos. Edition critique par par Dom Dom Psalterium Henri ux de Sainte-Marie Latina Henri SAINTE-MARIE (Collectanea (Collectanea Biblica Biblica Latina vol. XI), Roma — - Città Città del del Vaticano, Vaticano, 1954. 1954. νο1. XI), Roma - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

huius editionis editions Principia huius

89 89


Hieronymus. Sancti Hieronymi Sancii Hieronymi Presbyters PresbyteriCommentarioli CommentarioliininPsalmos, Psalmos, ed. G. 72, Turnholti, ed. G. MoRIi, Morin, CCL CCL vol. 72, Turnholti, 1969. 1969. Heb. S. Hieronymi Heb. quaest quaest S. Hieronymi Presbyters PresbyteriHebraicae Hebraicasquaestiones quaestionesininlibro libro vol. 72 in Gen. 72 Turnholti, Gen. Geneseos, ed. P. P. DR DeLAGARDE, Lagarde, CCL CCL vol. Turnholti, 1969, pp. 1-56. 1969, PP. 1-56. Eist. Santo Eusebis ed. I.I.HILBERG, Sancii Eusebii Hieronymi Hieronymi Epistolae, Epistolae, ed. Hilberg, Epist. CSEL, voli. voll. 54, CSEL, 54, 55, 55,5656Pragae, Pragae,Vindiboniae, Vindiboniae, Lipsiae, Lipsiae, 1910, 1912, 1910, 1912, 1913. 1913. interpretations hebraicorum Lib. inter. inter. S. Hieronymi HieronymiPresbyters Presbyteri Liber interpretationis hebraicorum heb. CCL72, 72,Turnholti, Turnholti, 1969, nominum, ed. P. P. DE DeLAGARDE, Lagarde, CCL heb. nom. nom. -161 . pp. 57-161. pp. 57 Tract. S. Hieronymi Hier Tract. S. Hieronymi Presbyters Presbyteri Tractatus Tractatus sue siveHomiliae Homiliaeinin ed. G. 78, Turnholti, Psalmos, ed. G. MORII, Morin, CCL CCL vol. 78, Turnholti, 1968. 1968. Ps.-Her. Brei. Pseudo-Hieronymus, Breviarium Breuiarium in Psalmos, ed. PL PL 26, Ps.-Hier. Brev. in in Psalmos, ed. 26, 821-1270 (871-1346). Psal. 821-1270 (871-1346). Exp. IV. Expositio IV RePs.-Hier. Exp. IV. Pseudo-Hieronymus, Expositio IVEvangeliorum, Evangeliorum, Reτ, ed. ed. PL PL 3 08). censio i, 30, 351-590 (549-608). Ενν. Evv. 0, 35 1-590 (549-6 Ps.-Her. Ef, 23 ad Epistola 23 23 Ad Ps.-Hier. Ep ad Pseudo-Hieronymus, Epistola Ad Dardanum. Dardanum. De De a Dardanum ed. PL 30, 30, ed. 213-215 Dardanum diversis generibus generibusmusicorum, musicorum, ed. ed. I1a, , 213-215 ed. 2a, ed. 2a, 219-223. 219-223. Hilar Tractatus Tractatus S. Hilarii Hilarii Episcopi EpiscopiPictaviensis PictaviensisTractatus Tractatussuper superPsalmos, Psalmos, Α. Zingerle, ZINGERLE,CSEL CSEL voi. vol. 22, 22, Pragae, ed. A. Pragae, Vmdobonae, Vindobonae, Lipsiae, 1891. Lipsiae, 1891. i.l.l. inter lineas, í. inter lineas. in margine. in marg. in margine. marg. Iule Iule Epitome versionis versionis Theodori Theodori aa luliano factae, uti Epitome uti editae: editae: Theodori Mopsuesteni Mopsuesteni Expositions . Iuliano Theodori ExpositionisininPsalmos Psalmos luliano Aeclanensi interprets Aeclanensi interprete ininlatinum latinumversae versaequae quaesupersunt, super sunt, auxiliante Maria D'Hoir edidit edidit Lucas Lucas DE auxiliante Maria Josepha Josepha D'Hont De Coiiicx, CCL Coninck, CCL vol. 88A, 1977. 88Α, Turnholti, Turnholti, 1977. Ml Μl Glossa (Mediolanensi) Amb. Glissa hibernica hibernica in in Cod. Cod. (Mediolanensi) Amb. C C 301 301 inf. (sequuntur columnae et et glossae). glossae). fol, et columnae (sequuntur numeri fol. OIT ed. K. Meyer, HiAn Old Old Irish IrishTreatise Treatiseononthe thePsalter; Psalter; ed. Meyer, Hibeing a Fragment of bernica Minora, being of an an Old-Irish Old-IrishTreatise Treatise (Anecdota Oxoniensia, Mediaeval and Moon the the Psalter on Psalter (Anecdota Modern Oxford, 1894. 1894. dern Series, Series, Part Part VIII), Oxford, Mon ed. Unterkircher ` Glossae Un Mon ed. Unterkircher Glossae Psalterii Psalterii in in Cod. Cod. Montis Monts Pessulani, Pessulani, ed. ed. F. F. Unterkircher, Glossen des Psalters Psaltersvon vonMondsee Mondsee (ver (vor TERKIRCHER, Die Glossen Fride Médicine 788). [Montpellier, Faculté de Médicine Ms. Ms. 409), 409), Fri788). (Montpellier, bourg, Schweiz, 1974. 1974. bourg, Schweiz, PRIA Proceedings of the Proceedings the Royal Royal Irish IrishAcademy. Academy. Caimin Psalter Caimin Videas "Caimin". Videas sub "Caimín". "Tituli Salmon, Les "Tituli manuscrits Les "Tituli P. Salmon, Les "Tituli Psalmorum" Psalmorum" des des manuscrits P. SALµον, Psalmorum" Psalmorum" latins, (Collectanea Biblica - Città li ca Latina XII), Rome — (Collectánea Bib del Vaticano, 1957. del Vaticano, 1 957. Ro Antiqua versio latina Psalmorum, Psalmorum, etiam etiam Vetus Latina Vetus Latina Antiqua versio noncupata; éd.: Le Psautier Romain Romain et les anciens les autres anciens noncupata; ed.: Comm - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa Glossa in Psalmos Psautiers Latins. Edition Edition critique critique par par Dom Dom Robert Robert Psautiers Weber WEBER


Thes. Pal. Pai. Thes. Vg VL ZCP

(Collectanea Latina, vol. X) Roma (Collectanea Biblica Biblica Latina, X) Roma Città del del Vaticano, Vaticano, 1953. 1 953. Scriptores Scriptures Latini Hibemiae. Hiberniae. Titulorum Psalmorum Psalmorum Series III...) ...) a P. P.SALMON Salmon Titulorum Series (I, (I, II, III in lucem lucem editae. editae. Palaeohibernicus, voli. 11,ed. ed. W. W. Stokes Thesaurus Palaeohßbernicus, voll τ1 et ii, STOKES et J. Strachan, Cambridge, 1901, 1901, 1903; 1903; reimpressio, reimpressio, STRACHAN, Cambridge, Dublin, 1975. 1 975. Vulgata. Vetus Latina. Latina. Vetus celtische Philologie. (i r celtische Zeitschrift ffiir —



wish to to express express my my gratitude gratitudetotoAlfons Allons(now (nowCardinal) Cardinal) Stickler, Stickler, S.D.B., S.D.B., I wish who as as Prefect Prefectofofthe theBiblioteca BibliotecaApostolica ApostolicaVaticana Vaticanakindly kindlygranted grantedpermission permission who for the publication publication of of this this manuscript. manuscript. I especially I especiallywish wishtotothank thankhim himfor forhavhavfor ing accepted accepted it it for for inclusion inclusion in in the theseries series Studi ee Testi Testi of the Vatican Vatican Library. Library. ing am also also deeply deeply grateful grateful totoLeonard LeonardE.E.Boyle, Boyle,O.P., O.P.,his hissuccessor successorasasPrePreI am fect the Vatican Vatican Library, Library, for for attending attendingtotothis thisedition's edition'sfinal finalstages stagesthrough through fect of the the press, press, and and for for his hisextremely extremelyuseful useful and andwelcome welcome criticisms criticisms and and observatobservations. also wish wish to to express express my my thanks thanks totoothers otherswho whohave havebeen been involved involved in in vavaI also rious ways edition, especially especially Professor Professor Maurice Maurice Sheehy Sheehy of of University University rious ways in in this edition, College, Dublin, Malcolm Parkes of of Keble Keble College, College, Oxford, Oxford, and and the the staff staff of of College, Dublin, Dr Dr Malcolm National Library Library of of Ireland, Ireland, Dublin. Dublin. the National MMcN MIcΙ Dublin 10.1.1986 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Α CONCILIO MULTA." ΜULTΑ.4 id id est toto Israhel Israhel praedicabo. 11. A praedicabo. MERE. causar molorum tlicit. ET ΕT 13. INIQUITATES MEAE. id est est causam molorum bb dicit. NON POTUI POTUI UT UT UIDEREM. id est adtollere faciem NON UIDEREM. id est 11 adtollere faciem atque oculus oculos elivare nequiui pro magnitudine pudoris; pudońs;11 uel more fumi fumi oculos oculus excecat. elivare 22 adfligentium me me multiplex infinitusque MULTIPLICATISUNT, SUIT. id est adfligentium MULTIPLICATI infinitusque sunt et innunumerus.22 SUPER SUPER CAPILLOS. CAPILLOS, id est quia quia capilí capili fragiles fragiles sunt innumerabiles, ita inimicí. ΕT COR merabiles, inimici. ET COR MEUM. MEUM. id est est uirtus uirtus mea. mea. DEREDERELIQUIT LIQUIT ME. ME. id est est pro pro timore. omnia id est est3 sit tibi haec haec uoluntas uoluntas ut omnia 14. CONPLACEAT {TIBI} id sit tibi 33 quae me adflίgunt οluas. adfligunt aduersa aduersa dis disoluas. CONFUNDANTUR ET REUERIANTUR. id est Saul cum 15. CONFUNDANTUR « ET REUERIANTUR. id est Saul semine semine suo, suo, ut in inmontibus montibusGiluae Giluaefactum factumest. est.CONUERTANTUR CONUERTANTUR QUI UOLUNT UOLUNT RETRORSUM.d RETRORSUM.d id est44 pro pudore intueri non audeant.44 QUI MALA. id est ΜΙΗΙ as. MIHI MALA, est dolum dolum et et insidi insidias. 16. QUI DICUNT MIHI. ΜΙΗΙ. id est 55 qui in uocem laetitiae meis aduer5 EUGE EUGE. EUGE. id id est este6 ait ait, ait,e6 id id est est aduerbium aduerbium optantis. sis sís erumpunt. erumρunt.b EUGE EXULTENT. id id est est ore. id est in 17. EXULTENT, ore. ET LAETENTUR. LAETENTUR. id in uassis uassis SUPER TE OMNES. id est ego et socíí mei. QUI salmi. socii mei. QUI QUERUNT QUERUNT 'e sal mi. SUPER TE. id id est 77 in in virtuvi rt uid est est in in oratione. oratione. MAGNIFICETUR MAGNIFICETUR DOMINUS. id 7 tibus, cultu et TUUM. id id est est adiuοrum. 7 SALUTARE tibus, et honore honore cunct cunctorum. SALUTARE TUUM. adiutorium. id est cibo et 18. MENDICUS SUM. id uestimento. PAUPER, et uestimento. PAUPER. id est in uiris. ET PROTECTOR PROTECTOR MEUS, in uińs. MEUS. id id est este8 quia ipse semper semper auxiliatus auxílíatus null a dilatione est, nulla inpedente.88 dilatione inpedente. α «cf. cf.

1-1 ι-ι

το Introd. supra supra p. io


b ci. g cf. supra supra p. p. 9




d retroF retror

ι quer «que?

21 8-8 ibid., ibid., Lucas De Coninck, '■» Lucws DE Coiiicx, p. 187,71-72. τ87,71 -7 τ. 8-2 ibid., ibid., p. p. 187,73-74. 4-8 α α gl. hib.; p. 187,77-78. *■* ibid., gl. hib.; 4-4ibid., ibid., p. 187,83-84. τ87,83-84. ibid., p. 187,87-88. τ87,87-88. τ87,77 -78. 88 ait = 8 pleasant 8-8 ibid., p. 187,96-97, τ87,96-97, cum ι susait—* lui®, 187,89-90. - ibid., Qleasant »ft. Iule, p. 287,89-90. cum «suspende »* (uti etiam in R) loco loco 8« inpedente ». ». pende (uti etiap' in R)

lui®,e, ed. Ιυ1 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Psalmos Glossa


BEATUS QUI QUI INTELLEGIT. Domine aa ad ad adiuuandum.a IN BEATUS INTELLEGIT. Heret Heret Domine adiuuandum.a 11 IN 22 2 33 ΙD. Pro erumnis SALMUS DAU Vox Ezechiae Ezechiae de FINEM SALMUS DAUID. erumnis aa Saul.2 Saul. Vox infirmitate et curatione ńs qualiter qualiter latentes infirmitate curatione eius eius atque atqueoccassione occassione lango langoris 4 Vox Ch ri sti de passione passione et et Iuda οre.4 inimici eius eius detecti detecti sunt.33 44 Vox inimici Christi luda tradit traditore. 55 Vox Vox aeclesiae in tribulatiοne.3 aeclesiae in tribulatione.5 Dauid uel IN DIE QUI INTELLEGIT. 2. QUI INTELLEGIT. id est est sícut sicut Dauid uel Ezechias. Ezechias. IN ín tempore discriminum suorum Dei Dei auxilio auxilio protegetur. pr οtegetur.a6 MALA. id est 68 in discńminum suorum MALA, m al o. ET CONSERUET EUM. EUM. id est ET UIUΙFICET EUM. id id 3. CONSERUET est a malo. UIUIFICET EUM. est in multis est multis diebus. diebus. ET ET BEATUM. BEATUM. id est diuitem. ET NON NON TRADAT TRADAT non patietur eum eorum EUM. id id est 77 non EUM. eum inimicis inimicis suis subieci subieci et arbitrio eorum EIUS. id est Saul et et sociorum potestatique permitti. permitti.77 INIMICORUM INIMICORUM EIUS. est Saul sociorum eius; uel Assińorum. eius; Assiriorum. 4. DOMINUS OPEl OPEM FERAI EERAT ILLI. ILLI. id id est est 88 ut contigit contigit Ezechiae Ezechiae eius exemplo cunctis similiter et sub eius exemple cunctis similiter mentis meritis non non dificulter dificulter eueniet. eueniet.88 9 STRATUM EIUS EIUS UERSASTI. id est 9 ita uelociter STRATUM UERSASTI. id uelociter egrotationem egrotationem eius eius 9 strati conuersío. 9 soluisti conuersio. soluisti quam quam cita est MISSERERE MEI. MEI. id id est in infirmitate ANIMAI. 5. MISSERERE infirmitate mea. mea. SANA SANA ANIMAM. id est est per per sanitatem sanitatem animae animae sanabitur sanabiturcorpus. corpus. MEI DIXERUNT MALA MALA {MIMI}, {MIRI). id id est Saul Saul et 6. INIMICI socii INIMΙCI MEI et socii lο sub infirmitatis uexatione discrimine eius; uel inimici Ezechiae; 10 constieius; discrimine constiii QUANDO MORIETUR. id id est haec tutus inimicis inimicis meis meis fui 10 QUANDO MORIETUR. haec 11 m al a: 11 quando priuabitur privabitur a luce luce et et in aeterna obliuia sunt mala: obliuia trudetur.1111 7. ET SI SI INGREDIEBATUR INGREDIEBATUR reliqua. reliqua. id est 12 iacentem; 12 uisitare uísitare iacentem; 12 id est quilibet quilibet amicorum amicorum 12 si si firmus firmus an an infirmus infirmas esser. essem. URNE UANE LOid est LOcc 13 QUEBATUR. est 13 fictis uerbis consulationem simulabant. QUEBATUR. id est uerbis consulationem simulabant. 13 13 INIQUITATEM SIBI. dolum. SIRI. id id est dolum. a α-αt

Ps. 69:2 -' etadiuuandum; cf. Ps. 69:2


Ps. 39 39:14. :τ4.

b gladio; cf. Âpp. Ά ρρ. II 11



' f(i)ocis


' Pa (i.e. (i.e. MS MS Paris. Bibl. Nat. lat. 13159: 13159: Psalterium sic $-$ sic dictum dictum 3 3 4-4 ' -4 Series Caroli Magni). lui®, p. 188,2-4; 188,2-4; ccf. f- etiam Pa. Series I; ed. Salα--, Iule, Pa. ed. P. P. SALmon, Les «κ Tituli Psalmorum manuscrits latins, Roma -- Città iii, Les latins, Roma del Vaticano, Vaticano, Psalmdrum »ι des manuscrits Città del I1 957 , ρ . 60. 3δ -σ Pa: «κ Vox Vox Christi Christi de de luda; Iuda; aeciesia in 957> P- 6°. -3 Cf. Ci. Pa: aeclesia in persecutione persecutione ».ι. 66 83 - Iul lui®,e, p. 188,10-11. '-'ibid., 189,18-19. A® ibid., p. p. 189,18-19. 8-- e ibid., ibid., p. p. 189,20-22. τ89,2 0-22. Ae 6-a τ88,τ0- τι. 9-9 ibid., p. (ed. AscoLI, Ascoli, p. 235): '"ibid., p. 2 35 ): «κ continguit »;ι; R: R: «κ contegit contegit ».ι . p. 189,24-25. τ89,24-25. 11-11 ιο - ιο ibid., p. ιι- ιι ibid., 10-10 189,33-34. Ae (ed. ASCOLI, Ascoli, p. p. 236): 236): «gaudo». 189, p. 189, p. 189,33-34. κ gaud() ι. ibid., p. 1312 1313 11 37-38. ibid., p. 190, 39-40, cum « quilibet inimicorum ». ibid., p. 190, ibid., 37-38. cum κ quilibet inimicorum ι. 12-19 39-40, p. 190,41-42, cum uerbis simulabant simulabant[consolabant] [consolabant]consolationem consolation em ».ι. p. 190,41-42, κ fictis uerbis cum «fictis 1 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Textus Editio Textus


14 8. EGREDIEBATUR FORAS, íd id est est 14 si diceret diceret eadem eadem quae quae EGREDIEBATUR FORAS. ac si coram tegebatur ficte ficte seperatim seperatim loquibatur loquibaturliberius: liberius:14 quando morie14 quando miríe15 16 16 sussurat non non audet audet palam palam lοqui. loqui.16 SUSSURABANT. id est 16 qui sussurat tur. 1δ SUSSURABANT. MEL id id est est Saul cum socis; socis; uel inimici inimici Ezechiae. Ezechiae. Saul cum INI ΜICI MEI. OMNES INIMICI 9. NUMQUID est 17 somni ením enim instar NUMQUID QUI QUI DORMIT DORMIT reliqua. reliqua. id est 17 somni 17 est Deo curante grauis grauis infirmitas. infirmitas.17 10. ETENIM HOMO HOMO PACIS PACIS MERE MEAE reliqua. reliqua. id est est Abisolon Abisolon uel uel amicus quilibet. id est estAchitophel Achitophel uel uel amicus amicus amicus quilibet. QUI QUI EDEBAT EDEBAT PANES, PAIES. id quilibet; si Christum Iudas ludas Charíotham Chariotham intellegimus. intellegimus. quilibet; si ad Christum 11. ET RESUSCITA ME. dormitatione; ET ET RETRIBUAM RETRIBUAM ME. id est aa dormitatione; EIS. id est sicut mihi reddiderunt. EIS. id est sicut mihi reddiderunt. 12. QUONIAM regem sicut sicut promisisti promisisti UOLUISTI ME. ME. id id est est in regem QUON ΙAM UOLUISTI in uisionibus uisionibus Samuelis. Samuelis. QUONIAM QUONIAM NON GAUDEBIT.d id est 18 in NON GAUDEBIT.d id est 18 si 18 amoueris causas causas quibus quibus insultare putauerunt inimici. inimici. 18 amoueris 19 innοεentiam 13. PROPTER INNOCENTIAM. INNOCENTIAM. id est est 19 innocentiam uocat uocat nulnulpuras omnibus omnibus amicitias amicitias exhibere. exhibere.19 19 lum ledere et puras 14. BENEDICTOS est qui qui talis talia praestit inuocanti. inuocanti. BENED ΙCTUS DOMINUS. id est FIAT, id est uox familiae familiae Dauid Dauid consummationem consummationem salmi uidentes. FIAT FIAT. 20 Aliter: uox Dauíd Dauid cum sensiret Ebrio scribitur scribitur Aliter: sensíret spiritum recedere. 2 0 In Ebrio 20 Amen Amen, est uere uere uel uel fidelitur. fidelitur. 20 Amen Amen, id est

XLI QUEMADMODUM. Heret Tu autem Domine Domine misserere misserere mei. mei.11 IΝ IN FINEM QUEMADMODUM. a 22 INTELLECTUS FILIS CHORE, id est crucis.' crucis. Hie aliquid dilicile INTELLECTUS FILIS CHORE. Hic aliquíd 6b dificile uidetur ut hunc salmum salmum filii eo habetur FUEFUEuídetur filii Chore Chorecantarent, cantarent, dum dum in in eo RUNT M~HI MIHI LACRIMAE LACRIMAE MEAE DIE AC AC NOCΤE,e NOCTE,8 et cum cum RUNT MEEE PANES DIE d c d cog οg a

coniec: codex; codex; cuF; cf. App. App. II II cur; cf. ' comet:

b b

aliquidificile; dd glia alia manu manu i.l. b--b aliquidíficile;

super ui super uí

m u ibid., ibid., p. 190,45-47, cum cum «Ν tegebant », e« separati », «e conloquebantur conloquebantur s,», uti uti in 14-14 in p. 190,45-47, tegebant *, separati r, 15 16-16 1α R Ps. 40:6. 40:6. ^-16 cf. Ιnle, lui®, p. 190,48-49. 190,48-49. Ps. etiam ι« separati »α habet. R etiam 17-17 ibid., p. 590,53-54. 1818 19-19 ibid., p. "-"ibid., 190,53-54. "-"ibid., ""ibid., p. 191,75-77. τ9 1 ,75 - 77• ibid., p. 191,74-75. τ9τ,74 - 75• V habet «α exhibere uti in A et Β B (ed. DE De Coiiicx, Coninck, p. 191,33; 191,33; ed. ed. R. DEIREESSE, Devreesse, exhibere »s uti A® (ed. AscoLI, Ascoli, p. 238): 238): «e adhiadhiLe commentaire..., 2θ9, 1 2 1 3 R: «• exercere exercere »; ► ; Ae comme κtaire..., p. p. 259,12-13); 20 20 Υ0--2Λ HIER., bere Hier., Commentarioli Commentarioli in lic., loc., ed. G. MORIi, Morin, CCL CCL 72, 208,6-8. 72, p. 208,6-8. be re ». ►. 1 2 2 Cf. Bedae Ps. 40:11. Bedae Tituli Tituli Psalmorum Psalmorum (PL 93,706): filii 1 Ps. 4ο:ττ. 93 ,706): «Filii ! Fílíi Chore ... filíi 3 crucis».χ . 41:4. crucis i Ps. Ps. 4 τ:4. Ae. A®.


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Glossa in in Psalmos Psalmos Glossa

alibi dicitur44 numquam numquam cantauerunt cantauerunt filii filii Chore Chore aliquid aliquid ttriste; et ita ita ńste;44 et alibi dicitur sanatur filií filii Chore, Chore, id est est filii filiicaluariae, caluariae,59 ac ac sisi dixisset: dixisset: conueniens conueniens est est sanatur ńbus decaluantur. salmus apostolis apostolis et martiribus quiaapersequto fol. hic salmus martiribus qui persequtoribus decaluantur. // fol. iv iv hic 69 QUEMADMODUM CERUUS. CERUUS. Ceruus Ceruus hunc morem habere habere hunc mirera 2. QUEMADMODUM uidetur, qui ad poma poma edenda edenda ueníens ueniens inuenit inuenit ueninum ueninum aa serpente serpente super super uídetur, euomitum, et ipse poma desiderans desiderans cum his ueninum ueninum recipit, recipit, et in in ea euomitum, se illud sentiens uelociter ad fontes currit ut ante serpentem aquam se illud sentiens uelociter ad fontes currit ut ante serpentera aquam ńus gustauerit et et sanctus sanatus fueńt fuerit et et serpens serpens deρeńat;e deperiat;6 si autem serpens serpens pprius gustaueńt 7 aquam gustauerit gustauerit ceruus ceruus pe peribit. Dauid.77 e8 Vox Chństi.8 Christi.8 99 Vox ńbit. 7 Vox Dauíd. aquam sancii desiderantis babtismi gratiam gratiam c desiderantis uitiorum uítiorum uenenum uenenum excutere excutere per babtismi santi 9 d et faciem Dei Dei uídere. uidere. 9 Ceruus Ceruus grece,d grece, cornutus cornutus latine;' latine;" ceros ceros grece,i grece/ et fadem cornu latine dicitur. dicitur. cornu 10 inexplebiliter pascebar 4. LACRIMAE MEAE PANES. PANES, id id est est 10 pascebar LACRIΜAE MEEE 10 10 lacrimis in instar instar ρanis. panis. UBI UBI EST EST DEUS DEUS TUUS. TUUS. id id est est ab abinímicis inimicis lacrimis 11 disperationem mihi inferentibus inferentibus 11 in quo glońaris gloriaris et cui confidere in quo disperationem míhi 11 solebas. 11 ANIMAI MEAl). 5. ET EFFUDΙ EFFUDI {IN {IN ME ME ANIMAM MEAM}.ididest estreuertit reuertit in in me me anima mea. mea. IN IN LOCUM LOCUM TABERNACOLI. TABERNACULI. id est est inincastellum castellum erga anima tabernaculum. EXULTATIONIS. est in incanticis. canticis. ET ETCONFESSIOCONFESSIOtabernaculum. EXULTATIINIS. id est NIS SINUS SONUS EPULANTIS. EPULANTIS. id id est est similis similis eńt erit sinus sonus poster noster soni epulanet laetantium. laetantium. tium et 6. QUARE ANIMA, id est estrationabilis rationabilis intellectus intellectus QUARE TRISTIS TRISTIS ES ES ANIMA. carnis aloquitur; in tabernaculum. tabernaculum. uoluntatem Garnis aloquítur;idid est est non ibimus tristes in 19 ac UULTUS. id est ADHUC. id est est gratias agam. SALUTARE UULTUS. est 12 ac si si ADHUC. 1ß diceret mereto in eum eum spera anima sg quia ipse est qui qui largitur largitur salutem. 18 c° ad finem lineae; νocem gratiam lineae\ linea linea brevior brevioralíís; aliis; rasura uidetur videturQost post vocem ee lit 1āϊ 1/gg gS anina


d d g,


Hier., In In Psal. Psal. XXXXI, XXXXI, ad NeoQhytos, Neophytos, ed. G. MORTI, Morin, CCL CCL 78,542, 78,542, Cf. HIER.,

78,9 5 - 96,ς- τ5 (citat. ed. G. MORII, Morin, CCL CCL 78,95-96,5-15 (citât, ο6 Cf. Hier., Psal. XXXXI, HIER., In Psal. infra, ininVV ad 83; 2; 2; cf. infra infra p. p. 178). XXXXI, τ 78). infra_ ad Ps. Ps. 83; íd., Epist. CCL 78,95,11; 78,95, τ1; id., CCL 78 78,542,5-9; id., Tract., in in Psal. Epist. Psal. LXXXIII, LXXXIII, ed. CCL ed. CCL , 542 , 5-9; id., 9-ο Cf. HIER., 78, p. Psal. XXXXI. 65, n. n. 4, 4, ed. CSEL 64, 621. Hier., In In Psal. XXXXI, ed. CCL 78, 6τ1. 6ς, Comm. in 542.14-19; CXL, ed. CCL CCL 78, 78, p. 307,170-175; 307.170-175; id., id., Comm. 542.14 - 1 9; id.. íd., Tract, Tract. in Psal. CXL, CSEL 6ς, Hieremiam τ4:5, 14:5, ed. S. REITER, Reiter, CCL CCL 74 74,, p. p. 138; 138; íd., id., Etist. Epist. 13,8, 13,8, ed. CSEL 65, Hieremiam 7' 7 regnum 8.». gratulatíone reuertentem Psalmus Dauid 187. "-7 Cf. Pa: Dauid de gratulatione reuertentem in regnum p. 187. Ρα : «4 Psalmus 8 8 89-98 Ρα : «Ν Vox baptismum vox vox Christi Christi est 1.». Cf. Ser. IΙ et Pa: .. 8-8 Cf. Ser. I: Ι : «ο Ante baptísmum 1010 ιο - ιο lui®, -το. uolunt peruenire peruenire ad praesentíam praesentiam Dei ο.». 192,19-20. Iuls, p. 192,τ9 perfectorum qui uolunt II-11 12-12 10-12 ibid., p. 192,44-45. 11-11 192,25-26. 192,44-45. -τ6. ibid., p. 192,25

Psal. LXXXIII, LXXXIII, ιI-2; -2; id.. id., Tract, Tract. in Psal. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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13 quando rursus anima ΜE IPSUM reliqua. reliqua. id est 13 anima mea desidesi7. AD ME ac reminiscentia reminiscentia se se ipsa ípsa turbabat. turbabat. 13 13 PROPTEREA PROPTEREA derio patriae terrenae terrene ac (ERO TUI}. TUI). id íd est 14 commemoratione commemoratione montis montis et fluminis MEMOR {ERO est 14 fluminis 14 uel totam terram terram repromisionis repromisionis ostendit; ostendit;14 uel quia quia in in exilio exilio fuit fuit Dauid Dauid imita Iordanen. EΤ HERMON A MONTE Herrin MODICO. id id est iuxta lordanen. ET HERMON MONTE MODICO, est Hermon mons Dauid in exilio mons modicus modicus iuxta Iordanen lordanen ubi Dauid exilio habitabat. 16 turmae militum ABISSUM reliqua. reliqua. id est 15 8. ABISUS ABISSUM militum et magnus magnus h exercitus inuit super super me; 15 uel exercitus alís alis copiis copiis h conuocatis conuocatis in auxilium auxilium íi inruit me;15 uel eius flumina 'í fluebant fluebant quando fiebat sub torrentis aquarum trans caput eius fiebat iuxta íuxta Mare et uoces uoces eorum eorum Dauid audebat; audebat; uel uel quando fiebat Mare Mortuum Mortuum uocat Iordanen; uel de de transmigration quod uocat lordanen; uel transmigrai ione Israhel: Israhel: id est est tribus tribus kk Iuda ΙSSUS. id est humida luda inuocat inuocat X X tribus tribus Israhel; Israhel; uel uel AB ABISSUS. húmida sunt semper semper liens in speloncis perforatis ut ut fiant uestimenta mea mea fiens speloncis perforatis fiant mm caterectae. SpiSpi16 lex legem.1e ritaliter: ritaliter; 16 legem.16 6 9. IN DIE MANDAUIT MANDAUIT DOMINUS MISERICORDIAM"» ". id 11 DIE MISERICORDIAM+*biS. id est est quando in die non poterunt in in eum eum peccare. IN NOCTE. id est quando in die IN NOCTE. quando canticum citharae. citharae. Aliter: Aliter: MISERICORDIAM*bis MISERICORDIAMm6ls IN id audiebat canticum IN DIE. DIE. id M est reuersionís reuersionis in in regnum. regnum. ET ETIN INNOCTE NOCTE{CANTICUM} {CANTICUM} * id id est *n trifaciat me 6e pro reddenda liberbulationis. Aliter: IN NOCTE. id est17 17 nox nix faciat iate uel liberatione 0° gratulari. APUD ME ORATIO DEO. tate uel liberatione gratularí.17 17 APUD ΜE ORAΤΙO id est est qui qui DEO. id meam gubernat. gubernat. SUSCEPTOR SUSCEPTOR MEUS. MEUS, id id est est PΡ in firmitateT uitam meam in firmitate.p 10. QUARE ME. id est est hucusque hucusque reliquisti reliquisti me me in QUARE OBLITUS OBLITUS ES ES ME. manus Saul. Saul. INCEDO. INCEDO, id est est orationi. orationi. manus 11. DUM DUM CONFRINGUNTUR OSSA, OSSA. id id est est ut ossa sacerdotum sacerdotum in 18 19 ια 19 Νο 20 s0-90 "cf. Num. 3:6-7, 12-38; 12-38; Deut. Deut. 10:18 ' HIER., Hier., Comm., Comm., in loc., p. cf. Nu m. 3:6-7, ιο:ι8 etc. 21 e 22 22 92-29 Hier., 214,8-15. Iul . p. 247,102. 247,102. p. 214,16-20, 214,16-20, cum 214.8-15. HIER., Comm., lic., p. 81 yule, Comm., in loc., 22 22 cit. iτ Cor. 13:9. - cf. cf. HIER., Hier., Comm., Coww., in loc., p. 214, 20-24, 20-24, cum cum cit. cit. 1τ Cor. 23-23 p. 214, 21 24 " -HIER., Hier., Comm., loc.,pp. pp.214-214,26-29. 214-214,26-29. 3:2. Comm., in lic., 19 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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CURRUS DEI. DEI. id est 18. CURRUS est tribus tribus»s luda. MILIEUS, id Iuda. X X MILIBUS. id est est X X tńbuss Israhel praeter praeter se se et tribum tribus» Israhel tribum Leui Leui quae quae seruiuit seruiuit Deo; Deo; aliter aliter CURRUS uel tabernaculum. RUS DEI. DEI. id id est est arca uel tabernaculum. DECIM DECIM MILIBUS. MILIEUS, id id est est X mílía sacerdotum. MILIA L ΑΕΤΑΝΤIUM. id est XII milia sacerdotum. MILIA LAETANTIUM. id XII tribus tribus Israhel. Israhel. Ht Spiritaliter: CURRUS CURRUS DEL DEI. id ri stus. X MILIBUS. Spiritaliter: id est Ch Christus. MILIEUS, id est V Villi ΙI ΙΙ H' familiae caeli terme. DOMINUS familiae caeli et et decima terrae. EIS IN IN SINA SINA {IN {IN DOMINUS IN IN EIS 25 SΑΝCΤΟ}.25 ac in eis ac ttriumphat SANCTO}. ac sisidiceret: diceret: Dominus in eis inuechitur inuechitur ac ńumphat qui in Sina 25 uel ut fuit qui Sina sancto sancto monte monte conspectus conspectus est; est;28 fuit in in Sina Sina sic sic nunc nunc u ín . id id est pro d habundantia effussionís effussionis dicitur. IN CIRCUITU CIRCUITU HIRUSALEM.d HIRUSALEM. id id est est dicitur. IN erga Hirusalem/ NON ERAT QUI SEPELIRET. id est est pro pro paupauHirusalem.e ET ET NON QUI SEPELIRET. citate uiuentium multitudine mortuorum. mortuorum. uiuentium et multitudine 4. FACTI SUMUS OBPROPRIUM id est est in in 38 MachaFACTI SUMUS OBPROPRIUM UICINIS. UICINIS. id beorum personam conuenit, quando finitimae gentes calamitatibus calamitatibus finitimae gentes eorum exprobrabant; tamquam tamquam indifensi, indifensi, tamquam tamquam sine sine causa causamomoeorum exprobrabant; rientes, insultauerunt insultauerunt finitimae, finitimae, quod nihil nobis bellandam calacalarientes, quod nihil nobis ad bellandam mitatem tua cultura profuerit.53 SUBSANNATIO. SUBSANNATIO. id id est est in in abscondito. abscondito. mitatem ET INLUSIO. INLUSIO. id est est in in palam. palam. HIS HIS QUI QUI IN INCIRCUITU. CIRCUITU. id id est est PhiPhilistini et Moab Moab et et Ammon Ammon et etalenígenae. alenigenae. 5. IN FINEM. id est interrogatiue./ interrogatiue./ ACCENDITUR ACCENDITUR UELUT UELUT id est IGNIS, id est est urit urit alacriter. alacriter. ZELUS ZELUS TUUS. TUUS. id id est est nos nos adorantes adorantes idula idula IGNIS. zelaturus sg hh es. 6. EFFUNDE. est pro pro habundantia. habundantia. IN IN GENTES. GENTES, id id est est in in EFFUNDE. id est Grecos. ET NOMEN. non ut ut nos nos sg qui nomen Grecos. ET IN REGNA QUAE NOM EN. id est non inuocabimus. tuum inuocabimus. 7. QUIA COMMEDERUNT JACOB. IACOB. id est est more more canum. canum. ET LOQUIA COMMEDERUNT LO est Israhel. Israhel. DESOLAUERUNT. DESOLAUERUNT. id id est est dístruxerunt. distruxerunt. CUM sg EIUS. EIUS. id est 8. NE MEMINERIS MEMINERIS INIQUITATUM INIQUITATUM NOSTRARUM. NOSTRARUM. id est quas quas id est fecimus ante captiuitatem. captiuitatem. CITO ANTICIPENT NOS MISERICORMISERICORfecimus ANTICIPENT NOS DIAE.* id est est oportunum oportunum eńt erit nobis nobis nunc. nunc. DIΑΕ.i a a i.1.-, omissio notata notata per i.l.; omissio per punctum punctum

ter; videas 76:9 teT; videos ad ad Ps. Ps. 76:9 h zelatur (foramen) h zelatur (foramen) rus 1

Ps. 77:70. Ps. 77:7 0 . 24-25,26-29. 24- 25,26-29. 1

2 2 $-$






hirlt ft inÍnb pos e sang sang d hirusl hirusl e hin Sg foramen membrana ad dexteram horum horum vocabulorum vocabulorum foramen in in membrana ad dexteram »4 mi misg

e cf. Iul 286,2-5. Ιυ1@,, p. p. 286,2 -5.

3-3 σ- σ

Ser. I. I.

4-4 4-4

Pa. Pa.


e-e Ιυ1@, lui®, p. 287,

1 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Editio Textus Textus


6 NOS DEUS, acsisidiceret: diceret: tu tuadiuua adiuuaqui quifuisti fuisti ADIUUA NOS DEUS. id est ac 9. ADIUUA

semper auctor.6 PROPTER PROPTER GLORIAM GLORIAM NOMINIS. NOMINIS. id id est est quia quia semper salutis salutis auctor.e populus Dei NOMEN TUUM. Deus populus Dei uocamur. uocamur. PROPTER PROPTER NOMEN TUUM.idid est est quia Deus salutaris es. salutarís es. 11. GEMITUS CONPEDITORUM. id est est quia quia in in captiuitatem captiuitatem GEMITUS CONPEDITORUM. ducti sunt. sunt. SECUNDUM SECUNDUM MAGNITUDINEM MAGNITUDINEM BRACHI id est est ducti BRACHI TUI. TUI. id 7 gloriossa claraque claraque sit sit nostra redemptio, redemptio, quam tua 7 tam tam gloríossa quam magna magna est est tua POSSEDE FILI FILIOS MORTIEICATORUM. id est est qui qui initio ΟS MORTIFICATORUM. potentia. 77 POSSEDE captiuitatis ocisi ocisi sunt. sunt. captiuitatis 12. ET REDDE UICINIS UICINIS NOSTRIS NOSTRIS SEPTUPLUM. SEPTUPLUM. id id est est gengentibus quae cum Grecis ad nos uenerunt. SEPTUPLUM. id est quia Grecis ad nos uenerunt. SEPTUPLUM. id est quia tibus quae dicitur: qui occident occident i Cain Cain septuplum septuplum puniatur. puniatur*8 13. NOS non ut ut ílli. illi. IN NOS AUTEM AUTEM POPULUS POPULUS TUUS. id est non ΙN GENEGENE RATIONEM.ft id ut: generatie generatio uenit et generatio id est uice gentium, ut: generatie uadit. uadit.s9 RAΤΙOΝΕΜ.k ADNUNTIABIMUS. id est est in in uassis uassis salmi. ADNUNTIABIMUS.

LXXIX QUI REGIS REGIS ISRAHEL. ISRAHEL. Heret Heret Nos autem autem populus populus tuus. tuus.11 IN IN FINEM QUI PRO HIS HIS QUI QUICOIMOTABUNTUR COMMOTABUNTUR SALMUS SALMUS ASSAPH. ASSAPH. De De infirinfirPRO mitate in in adiutorium. adiutorium. Vox Vox Dauid Dauid ex ex persona persona commemorantium commemorantium beneficia Vox apostulorum apostulorum de Christo ad Patrem. Patrem.22 de Christo Dei. 22 Vox 2. IOSEPH. est per perIoseph losephtotum totumpopulum populumuoluit uoluitintellegi. intellegi. IOSEPH. id est SUPER CHIRUPHIN. id est uicinus es nobis qui in archa inter hiruSUPER CHIRUPHIN. íd est uicinus nobis qui archa inter hirusedes. phin sedes. 3. CORAM EFFRAIM. partetotum totumsignificatur significatura quia EFFRAIM. id id est aa parte a quia germanus loseph Benjamin Beniamin erat. EXCITA EXCITA POTENTIAM POTENTIAM 1 IN IN FINEM CANTICUM Dauid et Assaph Assaph de de persequtoribus persequtoribus Israhel, Israhel,ididest estAssiríos, Assirios,Sinus, Siros, Moab, Moab, 2 33 Ammon, Caldeos, Philistins.$ Hic salmus salmus in in persona persona Machabeorum Ammon, Caldeos, Philistinos. Machabeorum Vox aeclesiae ad Domínum inscribitur.33 44 Vox aeclesiae ad Dominum de de Iudeis ludeis.44 DEUS QUIS QUIS SIMILIS SIMILIS ERIT FRIT TIBI, TIBI. id est non est. NE 2. DEUS NE TACEAS. TACEAS. id est est ab id est est uenire uenire in in adiutorium adiutorium meum. meum. NEQUE NEQUE CONPESCARIS. CONPESCARIS. id inimicis adolantibus. inimicis HODERUNT TE TE EXTOLERUNT. id id est est35 qui qui fuerunt fuerunt 3. ET QUI QUI HODERUNT ante subiecti subiecti in plebem plehem tuam tuam aduersum aduersum te te cogitauerunt cogitauerunt consilium. consilium*5 4. SUPER POPULUM POPULUM TUUM TUUM MALIGNAUERUNT. MALIGNAUERUNT. id est est super Israhel malum rai um consilium omnia,c inquid, inquid iniid est 77 omnia/ Israhel consilium machinantur;e machinantur;6 id ini,

a a a α

pupil ss i.l. i.l.


b i.l.) i.l.; omissio omissio Qer per punctum notata notata cC omne; App. II II b extol orne; cf. Af,',.


56- 5α 1

HIER., Comm., p. p. 220,5-8, Hier., 220,5-8, citando citando Gen. Gen. 3:22. 3:22. 22-22 33 p. 323. 64 cf. vv. 7-9 mira; Mon. Mon. (ed. UNTERKIRCHER), p. Ps. 81:8. 8r:8. cf. vv. 7-9 infra; (ed. Unterkircher), 323. - cf. 44 3-3 I. 6-6 ρ. 294,15 Ultima pars citations lui®, 294,2-9. - Ser. I. lui®, Iule, p. p. 294,2-9. 4-4 Iule, p. 294,15-16. τ6. Ultima pars citationis v. 4a, a, in Α e* ««uersa praebet in lui® adhibitum. «aduersum « aduersumM: »: A®* uersa praebet textum textur Ro v. Iule ut lemma adhibitum. vid., et moza); Αe* «« uel uersute »• (lectio Cod. Vat. Vat. lat. 5359, [S. Zenonis], Zenonís], ut ut vid., uice *; »; A®* (lectio Cod. moza); 5359, [S. lectio codd. 8S (Corbeiensís: ««aduersus (Corbeiensis: Petropol. F. F. v. v. I,I,n. n. 5), 5), aa (Sangallensis (Sangallensis aduersus te»: te a: lectio I 395) et et moza. 6 cf. Cod. Veron.: machinauerunt. moz". Cod. Veron.: machinauerunt. 1395) 1 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Editto Textus Edilio

177 177

quitate aduersum nos facere quítate plena sunt quae quae dd aduersum tacere decreuerunt. decreuerunt.'7 ADUERADUER88 quod pro SUS SANCTOS TUIS. id est sanctos Iudeos, pro legum SUS SANCTOS TUOS. est sanctos lúdeos, eo eo quod legum obseruatione est uero obseruatione essent essent soliciti; soliciti; quod est uero eorum eorum consilium consilium sequens sequens uorsus uorsus ostendit. ostendit.88 DIXERUNT UENITE. UENITE. id est 5. DIXERUNT est consiliati consiliati sunt; sunt; haec haec est est pax pax e iniquorum: semper coerere coerere e aduersus sanctos. DISPERDAMUS DISPERDAMUS EOS iniquorum: aduersus sanctos. EIS DE GENTE. DE GENTE, id est est ut ut non non sit sit gens. gens. QUONIAM COGITAUERUNT. COGITAUERUNT. id est banc hanc cogitationem. UNlA6. QUONIAM UNIANIMITER. id est in animo. SIMUL. SIMUL. id est in congregatione. ADUERSUS TESTAMENTUM TUUM. id est est 9pacta, TESTAMENTUM TUUM. pacta,quae quaeinter interse se inierunt, inierunt, in in tuum magis quam in nost rum hodium firmauerunt. magis quam nostrum firmauerunt.99 est domicilia domicilia sua sua ad ad nostram 7. TABERNACULA IDUMEORUM. id est uastationem fecerunt. uastationem fecerunt. AGGARENI. AGGARENI. id id est ciuitas ciuitas uel uel pleps. pleps. ALIENIGENAE. id est 8. ALIENIGENAE. est Philistini. Philistini." CUM HABITANTIBUS 10 CUM HABITANTIΒUS TIRUM. id est TIRUM. est quia quia inter inter Philist e Iule,, p. p. inf. (11126c16; (MI126C16; 126C17; 126017; Thes. Thes. Pal. 107. Iul Ps. 107. Pal. I, 429) 429) ad eundem eundem versum Ps. 1010 1111 ιι- ιι cf. ιο ιο cf. Rom. 348,39-40. ibid., p. 349,46-47: « ... cassa praesidia,., ». Rom. 5:5. cassa praesidia... ο. , 34 9,4647 : π ... 39 348 -4ο 1 22 π Hic psalmus psalmus (canitur?) 107:13. 9-2 cf. (in quantum quantum legi (canitur?) Pa (in legi potest): «Hic ι Ps. 107:13. cf. Pa (lege: Acitofel nu nu (?....) (?....) erupas erupas (lege; (....) Abisolon filii sui sui et et Acitofel cum fugisset Dauid a facie (....) dauid erumnas?) Unterkircher, p. 4ο5; π« Dictus est aa dauid p. 405; Dictus est est ο; Mon., ed. UNTERKIRCHER, erumnas?) passus est»; 3 3 Pa; cf. cf. contra eos qui aduersum eum insurrexerunt insurrexerunt et contra acitofel et contra acitofel ».α. $-9 Pa; aduersum eum e Iul 349,2-8, Iule,, p. 4-4 Pa. ρ • 34,2-8. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Edilio Textus Textus Editio


NE TACUERIS. TACUERIS. id est est Dauid Dauid uel uelIudas ludasMachabeus Machabeus dicit. dicit. QUIA QUIA OS OS ΝΕ PECCATORIS. est Abisolon. Abisolon. ΕΤ ET DOLOSI. DOLOSI, id est est Agitophel. Agitophel. PECCATORIS. id est 3. CIRCUIERUNT ΜΕ. ME. id est est quando nitebantur me me expraemere expraemere exilium uel uel in mortem. ME est sine sine causa. causa. in exilium ΜΕ GRATIS, GRATIS. id est 4. PRO PRO EO EO UT UT ME {DETRAHEBANT MIMI}, ΜΕ DILEGERINT {DETRAHEBANT ΜΙΗΙ}. 55 eo quod eis eos diligebam diligebam aduersabantur aduersabantur mihi. mihi.55 EGO EGO AUTEM AUTEM id est pro eo ORABAM. id est est 68 non intentus reddere reddere eis eis malum malum pro pro malo, diuinum ORABAM. non intentus auxilium.66 tantum depraecabar auxilium. 5. ET POSSUERUNT POSSUERUNT ADUERSUS ADUERSUS.®a id id est est bina bonaaame me illis illis facta facta mihi ma malis. ET ODIUM ODIUM PRO PRO DILECTIONS DILECTIONE MEA. MEA. id est est reddiderunt mihi l s. ET oderunt dilexi eis. eos. oderunt me me et dilexi 6. SUPER SUM. EUM. id est est Abisolonem. Abisolonem. PECCATOREM. PECCATOREM. id id est est Ioab; Ioab; Antiochum regem regem iniqum iniqum Caldeorum Caldeorum uel uel Romanorum. Romanorum. DIADIAuel super Antiochum BULUS bb STET A DEXTRIS. id id est est diabulus diabulus bb consiliator consiliator eius fuit. fuit. A DEXTRΙS. 7 bb Diabulus grecum uocabulum est est quid quod interpraetatur creminator. creminator.77 grecum uocabulum 7. CUM IUDICATUR. IUDICATUR. id est est in in bello. EXEAT CONDEMNATUS. EXEAT CONDEMNATUS. id est non non cum uictoria sed cum pudore. ET ORAΤΙΟ ORATIO EIUS cC FIAT IN PECCATUMA id est estmis mosest estpeccatoribus peccatoribus rogare desiderium desiderium suum suum PECCATUM.d id malum; inde fertur in peccatum. Aliter: ORATIO EIUS. id est luda malum; índe in peccatum. Aliter: ORA ΤΙO EΙUS. est suda e 8 Scariothes;0 8 cum enim peniteret laqueo laqueo se se suspendit. suspendit.88 Scaríothes enim proditionis proditionis eum peniteret 8. FIANT EIUS PAUCI. PAUCI. id id est: est: uiri uirisanguinum sanguinum et et doli non FIANT DIES EIUS dimediabunt.9 ET EPISCOPATUM EIUS. est príncipatum principatum eius. eius. dimediabunt.e ET EPISCOPATUM EIUS. id est ACCIPIET ALTER, est Ioab loabpro proAchitophel, Achitophel, uel uelSalamon Salamonpro proAbiAbiACCIPIET ALTER. id est solon. 9. FIANT EIUS ORFANI, id est est Abisolonis Abisolonis /i uel Antiochi. Antiochi. FIANT FILII FILII E ΙUS ORFANI. 10 ET 10. MUTANTES. NOTANTES, id est est fulmaini. ET MENDΙCENT. MENDICENT. id est est non non f ulmaini. 10 substantiam. E EIECIANTUR habiant substantiam. Ι ECIANTUR DE HABITATIONIBUS.s ΗΑΒΙΤΑΤΙΟΝΙBUS.g id id est instabiles sint et exules. exules. instabiles sint et 11. SCRUTETUR FENERATOR {0INEM {OMNEMSUBSTANTIAM SUBSTANTIAM SCRUTETUR FENERATOR EIUS.} id est retríbutor retributor mali sui, Ioab et et rex rexRomanorum. Romanorum. EIUS.} id est sui, Ioab IN INTERITUM. INTERITUM. id id est est in in mortem. IN GENERATIONE GENERATIONE 13. IN id est est in in se se uno, fiant nati post se. se. UNA DELEATUR, DELEATUR. id uno, tantum non fiant αa aduér adueF ex uu

bb diab diab


u i.l. i.l. u

d d pec pec


e scar" scar

/t abisol abisol

h corr. gS habí; haba; h Corr.

6_6 σ- σ

6 6 6-6 lui®, Heb., loc., citatum citatum in in Iule, lui®, p.p. 349, 349,19-20, dicit6.». Ιυ1e, Heb., ad ad lic., Hebraeus dicit τ9 -2ο, ut κ« Hebraeus 6-6 Hier., p. 349,21-22. Hier., Comm., p. 231,232, 2-4. ibid., p. 232,4-5. • 349,21-22. 232,4ς. τ -7 Hixa., Comm., p. 231,232, 2-4. HIBR., ibid., Ρ Ρ. 9 10 6 Ps. Ps. 54:24. 54:24. hib.: «« fíuttering, fluttering, moving rapidly rapidly»;r, cf. DIL, s.v. fulumain, 10 gl. s.v. fulumain, gl. hib.: col. 488,22-25, col. 488,22-25. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Glossa in Psalmos Glossa


IN MEMORIAM REDIAT INIQUITAS 14. IN MEMORIAM REDIAT INIQUITAS PATRUM. PATRUM. id est est ut: 11 d 11 uisitabo iniquitatem potrum in filios. ET PECCATUM d MATRIS uisitabo iniquitatem patrum filios. ET PECCATUM MATRIS EIUS NON EIUS NON DELEATUR. DELEATUR, id est est ueniat ueniat super super eum eum peccatum peccatum matris matris eius. eius. DOMINUM SEMPER, SEMPER. id id est non 15. FIANT CONTRA CONTRA DOMINUM non sint sint plaplah cabiles Domina. ET DISPERIAT. h id est Deus.h DE TERRA. id cabiles Domino. id Deus.* DE TERRA, id est generatione finita. PRO EO NON EST RECORDATUS. id est 16. PRO EO QUOD NON RECORDATUS. id est hoc hoc est est non fecit non fecit missericordiam missericordiam mecum. mecum. grandis culpa 17. ET PERSECUTUS PERSECUTES EST HOMINEM. HOMINEM, id est 12 "grandis 1 i est et inmitis tirannus qui statum, 1 quem misserari i debuit, inpugnauit.12 18 CORDE. id est timore Dei. Dei. ET CONPUNCTUM CONPUNCTUM CORDE, est timore ET DILEXIT ET UENIET EI. id id est 18. ET DILEXIT MALEDICTIONEM MALEDICTIONEM ET UENIET EI. est opera dilexit dilexit pro quibus maledici meruit, mala opera quibus maledici maledictio mercis mercis meruit, et maledictio facti sui erit. facti erit. ET ETNOLUIT NOLUITBENEDICTIONEM. BENEDICTIONEM. id est est ut per per bina bona Τ INDUIT MALEDICTIONEM. opera benediceretur. R ET MALEDICTIONEM. id est ambietur ex orni omni parte suplicio, suplicio, ut uestimento. uestimento. ET ETINTRAUIT INTRAUITSICUT SICUTAQUA. AQUA, 13 18 non tantum extrinsecus 13 cruciatibus id est est ut ut 13 cruciatibus circumdaretur, circumdaretur, sed sed austeritas penarum penarum intraret in OLEUM IN IN OSSIBUS. austeritas in eum. eum. ET ET SICUT SICUT OLEUM OSSIBUS. 14 medullas quoque eius 14 aqua id est est 14 medullas quoque eius peruadenda peruadenda dolońbus doloribus indicat; indicat;14 aqua enim nisi usque usque ossa; medullam pepeenim non non intrat nisi ossa; oleum autem auteur usque usque ad medullam netrai. netrat. 16 ut FIAT EI SICUT SICUT UESTIMENTUM. id est nulla pars pars 19. FIAT UESTIMENTUM. id est " ut nulla 15 eius suplicio sit. 1ó //// ET SICUT QUA SEMPER SEMPER PRAEfol. 29ν fol. 29v eius suplicio libera sit. SICUT ZONA ZONA QUA 16 non rimise kk sed 16 CINGITUR. adfligatur.16 CINGITUR. id id est 16 sed stricte adfligatur. 20. HOC DETRACHUNT. id est "17 haec HOC OPUS OPUS FORUM EORUM QUI QUI DETRACHUNT. haec est est retributio 17 eorum. 17 eorum. 21. PROPTER NOMEN TUUM. est misericors. misericors. PROPTER NOMEN TUUM. id id est 22. QUIA substantia. ET PAUPER. PAUPER, id est QUIA EGENUS. EGENUS. id est in substantia. est in in uiris. COR MEUM MEUM CONTURBATUM. uiris. ET COR CONTURBATUM. id id est est pro pro timore timore pessimorum pessimorum hominum. 23. SICUT UMBRA est UMBRA CUM CUM DECLINAT DECLINAI ABLATUS ABLATUS SUM. SUM. id id est 18 sicut périt aut conuertitur umbra superante et flexo sole, ita tanta 18 sicut perit umbra superante et flexo sole, tanta hh -hh

- i.l. i.!.

ií,cf. statm; cf. App. App. II II

i+missencoTdia.;cf. missericordia; cf. App. Al* II


dimise, pp. II cf. AΑρρ. II dimise; cf.


12 12 1313 11 Exod. 20:5 ια-- ια lui®, ια- ια ibid., [visitans). 20:5 (visitais). Iule, p. ibid., p. ρ . 350,68-70. 35 0,68 - 7 0. ρ . 350,61-63. 350,6τ -63. 4 12 15 15 1813 15_15 ια- ια ibid., iια-" ια ibid., p. 350,71-72. - ibid., p. 350,73-74. 350,76-77. p. 350,76-77. 350, 71 - 72 . ibid., p. p. 350,73 -74• 1717 1818 e 17-17 Heb.; cf. lui", p. 350, cf. Iul η8 - 8ο ubi «κ Hebraeus cf. Iule, 35 0, 78-80 Hebraeus »α citatur. citatur. 18-18 cf. Ιιι1e,, p. p. 351,87-89. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Edilio Textus Textus Edítío


18 facilitate ablatus 18 sum de regno uel uita. uita. EXCUSSUS EXCUSSUS SUM SICUT sum 19 LOCUSTAE. id est est 19 stationis stationis incertae incertae factus factus sum, sum,19 ut locusta locusta guguLOCUSTAS. 19 ut bernatur. 24. PROPTER OLEUM, est sine sine oleo oleo infirmata est; oleum OLEUM. id est enim satiamentum corporis, refectio laboris, solacium dolońs. doloris. enim satiamentum corporis, refectio labo ńs, solacium 20 25. UIDERUNT UIDERUNT ME ME ET ET MOUERUNT. MOUERUNT. id est est 20 conuersationem 20 maligne optantes suplicia suplicia mea. mea.20 uitae meae mese stupentes stupentes et et m aligne optantes 26. ADIUUA DOMINE, id tu enim enim fortior fortiores esex exomnibus. omnibus. ADIUUA ME ME DOMINE. id est tu SALUUM FAC ME. id id est est de demanu manuinimicorum. inimicorum.SECUNDUM SECUNDUM MISMISSALUUM FAC ME. SERICORDIAM TUAM. id est non secundum merita mea. SERICORDIAM TUAI. est non secundum 27. ET SCIENT SCIENT QUIA QUIA MANUS TUA TUA HAEC. HAEC. id est est 21 21 agnoscent 21 operis tui sit sit nostra difensio. ET TU TU DOMINE DOMINE FECISTI FECISTI omnes quia quia opens difensiο. 21 ET id est est quae quae rego. rego. EA. id 28. MALEDICENT inimici. ET TU BENEDICES. BENEDICES. MALEDICENT ILEI, ILLI. id est mihi inímici. id est est mihi. mihi. SERUUS SERUUS {ΑUΤΕΜ {AUTEM TUUS} LAETABITUR. id est est tua tua TUUS} uirtute defensus. uirtute defensus. 29. PUDORE. PUDORE, id id est est opeńat operiat eis eos confussio confussio quasi quasi uestimentum. uestimentum. SICUT DEPLOIDE. est 22 uestis enim enim duplex duplex est quo quo induantur induantur SICUT DEPLOIDE. id id est 22 uestis pastores, ut dicitur: omne uestimentum quo dupliciter induamur depastores, dicitur: orane uestimentum quo dupliciter induamur de22 22 ploidis nuncupari potest; ac si dixisset:'" operiantur maledictione ploidis nuncupari potest; ac si dixisset:m operiantur maledictione duplici. 30. NIMIS ORE MEO. MEO. id est est laudabo laudabo eum eum pro promultis multisbeneficis beneficis NIMIS IN ORE eius. ET IN MEDIO MULTORUM LAUDABO SUM. EUM. id id est est multar multam eius. ET IN MULTORUM LAUDABO gratiarum actionem actionem sub multorum multorum conspectu conspectu ei ei defferre defferre curabo. curabo. 31. UT SALUAM FACERET FACERET A A PERSEQUΕNTIBUS. PERSEQUENTIBUS. id est UT SALUAI id est n Abisolon uel uel Atiochus. A Pa. Pa. Iule, τ τ8:64. 69 Ps. 118:64. Ρ • 364,74-75. σ$ Ps.



36 56 5 846

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Glossa in Psalmos Psalmos Glossa

62 saeculi degentium degentium qui qui in aduersis prοbantur.6161 62 ΤΕΤΗ, bonum bonum ininsaeculi aduersis0° probantur. TETH, 62 63 63 terpraetatur,e2 quod buie huic capitulo capitulo conuenit conuenit in in quo quo ait: ait: B ΟΝΙΤΑΤΕΜ terpraetatur, BONITATEM FECISTΙ CUM SERUO TUO, et et BOΝΙΤΑΤΕΜ ΕΤ DISCIPLINAM, DISCIPLINAΜ, FECISTI BONITATEM ET BONUM MIMI MIRI DOMINE DOMINELEX LEX ORIS IRIS TU Ι. 883 Inde rogat profeta ex profeta ex et BONUM TUI.« persona captiuorum captiuorum post tribulationes Domini inuenire. inueníre. persona tribulationes bonitatem bonitatem Domini SECUNDUMUERBUM UERBUMTUUM. id est quod quod promissisti promissisti ad ad 65. SECUNDUM quod semini Abracham, quod semini eius eius misericordiam misericordiam faceres. faceres. ΒΟΝIΤΑΤΕΜ. id id est ut ΕΤ DISCIPLINAM. DISCIPLINAI. 66. BONITATEM. ut missericors missericors fiam. fiam. ET ΕΤ SCIENTΙ id est est ut sciam id est est ut utcorregam corregam mores mores mens. meos. ET SCIENTIAM. sciam manda tua. QUIA ΙS CREDIDI. CRED ΙDI. id id est quod quod tu tu mandasti. mandasti. da1. lui®, p. 385,13-15. «6-6^ ibid., p. 385,16. - ibid., pp. pp. 385385«herb, 6-6 Iule, -15. 385,τ6. Ρ • 385,τ3 88 1010 ι Ps. 1139:9. 39 :9.


1111 „-ii

- ibid., ibid., p. 386,20 386,20-21. Θ-6 -2 τ.

«-i 386,24. «-«ibid., ibid., p. 386,24.

ιο- ιο ibid., ibid., p. 386, 386,

1212 lI -12 ibid. 386,28-29. ibid.,, p. p. 386,30-32, cum; ««Non ibid., p. 386,28-29. Non solum 386,30-32, cum: de me oppresso non glorientur... ». de me ι.

26-27. 26-τ7. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Glossa in Psalmos Psalmos Glossa

13 sicut terra crassa crassa et et SICUT CRASSITUDO CRASSITUDOTERRAE. TERRAS. id est 13 7. SICUT sicut sole siccata os suum aperit, ita proxíma perditio nobis inminere cupit, sole siccata os suum aperit, ita próxima perditio nobis inminere cupit, 18 DISIPATI SUIT OSSA OSSA NOSTRA NOSTRA quae nos quae nos deuoratos deuoratos susciperet. susciperet.13 DISIPATI SUNT 14 conterruerunt ossa SECUS INFERNUM. INFERNUM. id id est cοnterruerunt ossa SECUS est a apeccatoribus; peccatoribus; 14 iamque in mortem labebunda;14 14 id nostra iamque id est est in in auxilium auxilium et et persequpersequtionem. QUIA AD AD TE DOMINE OCULI MEI. MEI. id id est 15 bis his 8. QUIA DOMINE DOMINE DOMINE OCULI est 15 mau scircumdantibus circumdantibusme, me,unum unum auxilium auxiliummihi mihi fuit fuit ut ut te malis te me me adiuuanadiuuanMEAM. id id est est 15 NON tem aspicerent aspicerent oculi oculi mei. mei.15 NON AUFERAS AUFERAS AΝΙΜΑΜ ANIMAM MEAM. 16 18 16 ne hostium permitatur. 16 ne anima anima mea mea in in manus hostium doli. A A LAQUEO. 9. CUSTODI LAQUEO, id est est doli. ministri 17 ipsi ipsi putius CADENT IN IN RETIACULO. 10. CADENT RETIACULO. id est est 17 putius ministri 17 est Dei. PECCATORES. capiantur. 17 EIUS. id deceptions in suo rete deceptionis suo EIUS. id est Dei. PECCATORES. qui EGO. id id est 18 qui sodi eius. eius. SINGULARITER SUM EGO. id est est Saul et socii SINGULARITER SUM est 18 18 18 solus sine solus sine ullo humano humano praesidio praesidio insidis insidis euadam. euadam.


SALMUS DAUID DAUID CUM CUM me a laqueo.' UOCE MEA. UOCE MEA. Heret Heret Custodi me laqueo.1 SALMUS 2 Necnon formatur in eo oratio Ezechiae 2 ΕSSΕΤ IN SPELONCΙS. ESSET SPELONCIS. Necnon formatur in oratio Ezechiae in in Vox Christi obsiditionis Assiriorum angustia obsiditionis Assiriorum Dominum dipraecantis.2 dipraecantis.2 33 Vox Christi ad Patrem. ad Patrem.33 MEA {AD {AD DOMINUM}. DOMINUM}.ididest est diligentia díligentia orationis orationis du2. UOCE MEA plicat "erba. plicai uerba. tanta habunhabunEFFUNDO {IN {IN CONSPECTU EIUS}. id id est 44 tanta 3. EFFUNDO CONSPECTU EIUS}. 4 mese ut similitudinem dantia suplicationis suplicationis meae similitudinem effussionis effussionis habeat. 4 exemplum uocat. uocat. LAbonum exemplum IN UTA 4. IN UIA HAC. HAC. id est est uiam uiam hic hie bonum MIRI. id est QUEUM MIHI. est insidias. insidias. fideles ut ut puAD DEXTERAM. DEXTERAM. id est CONS ΙDERABAM AD 5. CONSIDERABAM est ad fideles 5 conspexí sperans auxíliantes ME. id est 5 conspexi sperans auxiliantes tabam. QUI QUI COGNOSCERET COGNOSCERET ME. pr oA ME. ME. id id est est 68 proPERII FUGA ee quíbus quibus multos multos proditores proditores offendi.b offendi.5 PERIT FUGA A pris socis socis proditus hoste conclussus conclussus euadere euadere non possum, possum, et nullum nullum proditus et hoste inueni corde conpateretur conpateretur mihi. mihi.86 inueni qui corde 1313 13-13 ibid., in AeR cupit α. cum: «υ coepit »ι► uti in AeR (cepit); (cepit); V: V: 4«cupit». ibid., p. 386,33-35, 386.33-35, cum: 15 15 1613 164ό ibid., 16-15 ibid., p. p. 386,40. ibid., p. 386, ibid., p. 386,36-37. 386,36-37. - ibid., 386, 38-39. 38-39. 386,40. 1313 18-18 ibid., ibid., p. 386, ibid., p. 386,44-45. 386, 46-47. 46-47. Ρ• 386.44-45, 1 22-2 3 e 3λ-σ 3 44 e το. - Iule, Iul , p. 386,1-5; Pa. Pa. - Iul 386,9-10. ι Ps. 140:9. τ4ο:9. p. 386,1-5; Ρα. 4-4 Iule,, p. ρ. 386,98-6 ibid., Ρ. p. 387,τ8387,18-19. ibid., p. 387,20-21.τ. τ9. Ρ. 387,20-2 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

1414 ι4- ι4 17 17-1 "17τ -5 564

Editio Textus Edilio

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CLAMMAUI AD AD TE TΕ DOMINE, DOMINE. id id est 77 ad unicum unicum praesidium praesidium 6. CLAMMAUI 7 confugi IN TERRA coniugi aa quo quo semper semper sperauí speraui auxílium. auxilium. 7 PORTIO PORTIO MEA MEA IN TERRA 8 sum UIUENTIUM. id est 8 ex acculis terrae eius quam elegisti, UIUENTIUM. id ex acculis terrae eius quam elegisti, et et fusti cui bina promisisti, semine illius iusti cui omnia omnia bona promisisti,88 id id est est Abracham. Abracham. A A PERSEQUENTIBUS ME. id est 9 quia 7. LIBERA PERSEQUENTIBUS ME. est «quia uides uides inruentibus inruentibus non non posse resistere.99 10 educ ANIMAI. id est EDUC DE CUSTODIA ANIMAM. educ me me de carcar8. EDUC est i» 10 10 AD CONFITENDUM obsessions quia quia nimis cere obsessionis nimis coartatus coaitatus sum. sum. AD CONFITENDUM 11 per h NOMINI. oc confitebor 11 ΜΕ EXPECTANT. id est NOMINI, id est quia quia "per hoc confitebor tibi. tibi." ME EXPECTANT, id est 12 12 in me omnes tui sectores spectant, quos quis per me fiducia uel uel sectores spectant, me uel uel fiducia 12 difidentia capiet. capiet.12 CXLII

DOMINE EXAUDI ΑURIBUS 4 Heret Clammaui ad ad te DOMINE EXAUDI aa AURIBUS.® Heret Clammaui te Domine.' Domine.1 SALMUS SUUS ABIAB'SALMUS DAUID CUM PERSEQUERETUR FILIUS SUUS 2 2 33 SOLON. 2 Vox Vox Dauid Similiter ex ex persona Dauid Dominum Dominum orantis.2 orantis. Similiter persona EzeEzechiae oratio oratio formata est qui οrauerat.33 chiae qui in in obsiditione obsiditione hostium hostium Dominum Dominum orauerat. 44 Vox ri sti ad Vox Ch Christi ad Patrem. Patrem.44 DOMINE EXAUDI, EXAUDI. id est corde ad ad te clammantem 1. DOMINE est 55 contrito corde clammantem 5 exaudi.ó exaudi. ( CUM SERUO ET NON SERUO TUO}, id est 2. ET NON INTRES INTRES IN IUDICIO IUDICIO {CUM TUO). id non habeo habeo quicquam iustitiae quod me me defendat• quia si quia si 68 accesseris, accesseris, non iustitiae quod defendat.66 ( IN CONSPECTU id est est ut QUIA NON TUO). id QUIA NON IUSTIFICABITUR IUSTIFICABITUR {IN CONSPECTU TUO}, Omnis homo sis iustus dicitur: Omnis homo mendax, mendax,77 88 cum sis iustus et et benignus. benignus.88 QUIA PERSECUTUS PERSECUTUS EST INIMICUS ΑΝΙΜΑΜ. *b id id est Abi3. QUIA INIMICUS ANIMAM. 6 9 meum non non intres; intres; si si enim solon; iudicium me