Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite 9780691214207

One of the greatest revolutions in mathematics occurred when Georg Cantor (1845-1918) promulgated his theory of transfin

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Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite

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GEORG CANTOR His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite

Joseph Warren Dauben


Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Copyright © 1979 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All Rights Reserved First Princeton Paperback printing, 1990 Reprinted by arrangement with the author and Harvard University Press Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dauben, Joseph Warren, 1944Georg Cantor: his mathematics and philosophy of the infinite/ Joseph Warren Dauben. p. cm. Reprint. Originally published: Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-691-08583-8 (cloth) ISBN 0-691-02447-2 (paper) 1. Set theory—History. 2. Numbers, Transfinite—History. 3. Cantor, Georg, 1845-1918. 4. Infinite. I. Title. QA248.D27 1990 511.3'22'09—dc20 90-8579 Princeton University Press books are printed on acid-free paper, and meet the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources 10 9


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Henry Adams once wrote that if Harvard College gave nothing else, it gave calm. Though some might assess Harvard's recent past somewhat differently, I am nevertheless indebted to Harvard University for six years of study, teaching, and research, made possible in part by a Harvard Graduate Prize Fellowship. I am further indebted to Harvard for providing me with a University Traveling Fellowship, and to the National Science Foundation for a dissertation grant which supported a year of archival research in Germany, Sweden, and Italy during the academic year 1970-71. Generous support from the Faculty Research Foundation of the City University of New York and a grant from the Mellon Foundation have also helped make this book possible. Of the many librarians and archivists who gave willingly of their time and help, special appreciation is due to Dr. Herta Battre of the Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR (Berlin) for her patience in guiding me through the early and perplexing adjustment to problems of German handwriting and the idiosyncrasies of individual penmanships. Similarly, I am grateful to Dr. Schippang of the Handschnftenabteilung and the Darmstaedter Sammlung of the Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin, Dahlem), and to Dr. Haenel of the Handschnftenabteilung of the Niedersachsische Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek, Gottingen, for their help and interest in my archival research. In Djiirsholm, Sweden, Dr. Lennart Carleson generously arranged accommodations for the month I spent at the Institut Mittag-Leffler, including an office in the institute, which allowed maximal use of the archive and library there. I am also grateful to the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana and to the American Academy in Rome for the use of their libraries and research facilities. In particular, I am happy to thank Janice and Norman Rosenthal of New York


City, who offered peace and quiet in Porto Ercole, where the final version of this manuscript was written. For permission to consult the documents surviving in the estate of Georg Cantor, I am pleased to acknowledge the kind cooperation of Oberstudienrat Wilhelm Stahl of Bad Godesberg, Germany. Professor Herbert Meschkowski, who was always willing to discuss matters of Cantor's life and work, offered me materials from his personal library, including two dozen letters written by the Halle mathematician Eduard Heine to H. A. Schwarz, several of which are reproduced in the appendixes. I am also grateful to Mrs. Lily Riidenberg for allowing me to examine the correspondence between her father, Hermann Minkowski, and David Hilbert, before they were made available in the edition recently published by Professor Hans Zassenhaus. Additional acknowledgment of archival and library sources used in the course of research for this book can be found at the beginning of the appendixes. In one form or another, parts of the typescript have been read by Professors Kurt-R. Biermann, the late Carl Boyer, Richard Brauer, I. Bernard Cohen, Thomas Hawkins, John Murdoch, and Imre Toth. Their comments and suggestions have helped sharpen at many points the acumen of both my expression and my exposition. For help with translation, I am especially indebted to Professor John D. Poynter, who first taught me German and who has been a continuous source of encouragement and inspiration from the time I was one of his students at Claremont. I am grateful for his help in adding precision and literacy to the English translations supplied throughout this book. Similarly, Professors John Murdoch and Judy Grabiner were the major forces guiding my preparation in the history of mathematics, and their help and encouragement define in great measure the direction and nature of my interests generally. I also owe special thanks to my two readers, Professor Erwin Hiebert of Harvard University and Professor Emeritus Dirk J. Struik of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for overseeing the general development of my doctoral dissertation ("The Early Development of Cantorian Set Theory," Harvard University, 1972), which was devoted to material comprising much of the first six chapters of this book. A major debt I shall never be able to repay belongs to Dr. Ivor GrattanGuinness, Hertfordshire, England, who has always been generous with his time, merciless with his criticisms, and indispensable with his encouragement. I appreciate in particular his continuing interest and advice and his willingness to provide me with copies of his own papers long before they were published. Equally valuable has been the advice and criticism of my colleague Professor Esther Phillips of Herbert H. Lehman College of the City University of New York. Her scrutiny of the final typescript has saved me from many an oversight or imprecision. One last expression of my appreciation must be added, one of special importance to me, and one I have made before. In 1972 I dedicated my


dissertation to Professor and Mrs. I. Bernard Cohen, to Professor Dr. and Mrs. Kurt-R. Biermann, and to Dr. and Mrs. Ivor Grattan-Guinness, for their continuing interest, support, and friendship. Over the years since leaving Harvard, my gratitude to them has only deepened, and I am happy to acknowledge their special importance to me once again. A final word to Vivian H. Breitel and to David F. Grose, who patiently followed the entire course of this book from beginning to end. That it is finally finished is due as much to their efforts as to anyone's. They proved to be indefatigable sources of inspiration, solace, and sympathy, and with boundless affection and appreciation, my ultimate thanks are to them.


Introduction 1 Preludes in Analysis 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 6

The Origins of Cantorian Set Theory: Trigonometric Series, Real Numbers, and Derived Sets Denumerability and Dimension Cantor's Early Theory of Point Sets The Mathematics of Cantor's Grundlagen Cantor's Philosophy of the Infinite From the Grundlagen to the Beitrdge, 1883-1895 The Beitrdge, Part I: The Study of Simply-Ordered Sets The Beitrdge, Part II: The Study of Well-Ordered Sets The Foundations and Philosophy of Cantorian Set Theory The Paradoxes and Problems of Post-Cantorian Set Theory Epilogue: The Significance of Cantor's Personality Appendixes: Previously Unpublished Correspondence Notes Bibliography Index

30 47 77 95 120 149 169 194 219 240 271 303 315 361 385

Cantor with his wife,Vally, about 1880. In the possession of Egbert Schneider.

In re mathematica ars proponendi quaestionem pluris facienda est quam solvendi. —Georg Cantor


Georg Cantor (1845-1918), the creator of transfinite set theory, is one of the most imaginative and controversial figures in the history of mathematics. Toward the end of the nineteenth century his study of continuity and the infinite eventually forced him to depart radically from standard interpretations and use of infinity in mathematics. Because his views were unorthodox, they stimulated lively debate and at times vigorous denunciation. Leopold Kronecker considered Cantor a scientific charlatan, a renegade, a "corrupter of youth," but Bertrand Russell described him as one of the greatest intellects of the nineteenth century.1 David Hilbert believed Cantor had created a new paradise for mathematicians, though others, notably Henri Poincare, thought set theory and Cantor's transfinite numbers represented a grave mathematical malady, a perverse pathological illness that would one day be cured.2 Both in his own time and in the years since, Cantor's name has signified both controversy and schism. Ultimately, transfinite set theory has served to divide mathematicians into distant camps determined largely by their irreconcilable views of the nature of mathematics in general and of the status of the infinite in particular. Like many controversial figures in history, Cantor was often misunderstood, not only by his contemporaries, but by later biographers and historians as well. This is particularly clear from the myths which have arisen concerning his personality and his nervous breakdowns. In his own day Cantor was regarded as an eccentric, if exciting, man, who apparently stimulated interest wherever he went, particularly among younger mathematicians. But it was the mathematician and historian E.T. Bell who popularized the portrait of a man whose problems and insecurities stemmed from Freudian antagonisms with his father and whose relationship with his archrival Leopold Kronecker was exacerbated because both men were Jewish.3 In fact, Cantor was not Jewish. He was born and baptized a Lutheran and was a devout Christian during his entire life.4



Equally unreliable are Bell's assertions about Cantor's mental illness. Bell's interpretation deserves to be reevaluated not only because it has been uncritically accepted by so many mathematicians and historians, including the late Bertrand Russell, but because newly discovered evidence makes it possible to assess the nature and significance of Cantor's breakdowns more accurately and in a manner consistent with his biography and intellectual development.5 In fact, Cantor's cycles of manic depression contributed in a unique and heretofore unsuspected way to his own interpretation of the nature of transfinite set theory itself (see Chapter 12). In order to justify this revised interpretation of Cantor's personality, to explain the significance of his manic depression, and to suggest how both were intimately connected to very deep theological preoccupations which were always uppermost in Cantor's mind, it is necessary to go beyond materials currently available in print concerning his life and work. Regrettably, the unpublished documents relating to his family and career are less abundant than might be expected, considering the fact that his importance as one of the world's leading mathematicians was recognized in his own lifetime and well before his death in 1918. Nevertheless, shortly after World War I, his library was sold. Some of his papers and letters remained in the hands of his children, who continued to live in the family house on Handelstrasse in Halle, Germany (DDR). Then, during World War II, much of Cantor's literary estate was lost. Before the war, for example, there were twenty letter-books in which he had drafted his correspondence. But in 1945 Cantor's house was occupied, the family was forced to leave, and following the occupation many of Cantor's papers were missing, and only three of the twenty letter-books were to be found.6 This is particularly unfortunate, since it is largely through his correspondence that it is possible to study the evolution of Cantor's mathematical ideas before publication. Loss of the letter-books, however, is not so grave as it might be. Often the mathematicians to whom Cantor wrote kept his letters, and many of these are now preserved in various archives and private collections. It is particularly fortunate that in virtually every productive period of Cantor's career, there was at least (and usually only) one mathematician to whom he would write in detail about his work and in whom he would confide. It is doubtless a reflection on Cantor's personality that his friendships were often intense but of relatively short duration. For example, his friendship with H. A. Schwarz came to a premature end, although letters which the two exchanged in the early 1870s demonstrate that Schwarz gave Cantor a good deal of encouragement and even some fundamental techniques which were successfully applied in Cantor's earliest work on trigonometric series. Equally valuable in documenting the earliest development of Cantorian set theory are letters written by Cantor to Dedekind between 1872 and 1879. Their friendship, however, fell by the way shortly thereafter, apparently over Cantor's resentment of Dede-


3 7

kind's refusal to accept a position at the university in Halle. But by then the Swedish mathematician Gosta Mittag-Leffler had become Cantor's confidant. He was one of the first mathematicians to take an active interest in Cantor's set theory, since he had found Cantor's work essential for results of his own. More important for the future of transfinite set theory, Mittag-Leffler did all he could as editor of the journal Ada Mathematica to promote Cantor's work and through translations to help make it known outside Germany. But even this very important relationship was not to last. By 1887 Cantor had ended their professional collaboration and even refused to publish in Ada Mathematica because of Mittag-Leffler's suggestion that he not print a premature version of his general theory of order types.8 Thereafter, Cantor began to diversify his interests and included among his correspondents theologians, philosophers, and even a circle of literati interested in proving that Bacon was the true author of Shakespeare's plays. He wrote at length to students like Franz Goldscheider and to mathematicians like Felix Klein, editor of Mathematische Annalen. It was Klein who published Cantor's last major work, the Beitrdge Zur Begriindung der transfiniten Mengenlehre (1895-1897). Cantor's letters to Klein have been particularly helpful in documenting many of the philosophical and mathematical developments that occurred in this very important phase of Cantor's work, preceding publication of the Beitrdge. In addition to these, drafts of Cantor's letters to figures like Giuseppe Peano, Charles Hermite, Philip Jourdain, and Grace Chisholm Young (among others) provide valuable information as to how and why Cantor worked as he did. Until recently, no study of Cantor's life and work went beyond Adolf Fraenkel's lengthy obituary, written in 1930 for the Deutsche MathematikerVereinigung.9 Thereafter, most historians of mathematics have been content to follow Fraenkel's account, or worse, to believe the stories written by E.T. Bell, who based much of his work on Fraenkel's but with additional ill-founded embellishments of his own.10 There are two notable exceptions, however, and the research presented here owes a good deal to both. In 1967 Herbert Meschkowski published his book Probleme des Unendlichen: Werk und Leben Georg Cantors, easily the most informative guide to Cantor's life and work available since the outdated efforts of Jourdain and Fraenkel.11 Shortly thereafter, Ivor Grattan-Guinness published his discovery of a previously unknown Cantor manuscript and followed that with his article "Towards a Biography of Georg Cantor."12 The corpus of Cantor's writings, published by Zermelo in a collected edition, has been available to German readers since 1932. But English readers have for the most part been unaware of the very interesting works, in part philosophical and theological, which preceded Cantor's best known publication, his Beitrdge of 1895 and 1897, translated into English by P. E. B. Jourdain in 1915 and provided with a lengthy informative preface. As Jourdain realized, Cantor's mind was a fertile source of provocative ideas



which profoundly influenced the history of modern mathematics. As a historically minded mathematician, Jourdain exchanged a number of letters with Cantor and probed specifically the motives and origins of Cantor's set-theoretic research.13 For anyone concerned with intellectual history, in fact, the development of Cantorian set theory may be regarded as a microcosm in which the nature of the creation and development of a significant new idea of science may be studied. It provides a model that is ideal in many respects. Cantor's revolution of the mathematical infinite was created almost single-handedly, in the space of a few years. Original opposition and rejection of his work, not only by mathematicians, but by philosophers and theologians, eventually gave way to acceptance by some and to wholly new theories and domains of study undertaken by others. The eminent historian of science Alexandre Koyre liked to emphasize the difficulties in conception and philosophy that accompanied the revolutionary shift in thinking required of the Renaissance thinkers.14 Their transition in advancing from the closed world of Aristotle's universe to the infinite world of the post-Copernican era was in many respects a painful and traumatic one, but profound in its implications for the subsequent history of Western thought. The development of Cantorian set theory offers a close comparison of similar events and responses, though in another place and in another time. While none of the major participants in the modern attempt to move from a closed mathematical universe into a surprisingly and complexly infinite one was ever burned at the stake, George Cantor, in a less dramatic way, faced inquisition and repudiation at the hands of many of his contemporaries. University and Church were to weigh the evidence as carefully as any Galilean trial, and though the verdicts were never formalized, Cantor's work was given careful scrutiny and equally rigorous criticism and interpretation (see Chapter 6). It is well to remember that this book is neither the biography of a man, nor even the history of a single idea, although it does focus on the mathematics of Georg Cantor and specifically upon the background, emergence, and development of his theory of sets and transfinite numbers. Perhaps the best way to describe what I have attempted is to say that this book represents a study of the pulse, metabolism, even in part the psychodynamics of an intellectual process: the emergence of a new mathematical theory. To be sure, the history of set theory and Cantor's own work provide the major foundations for what follows, but I have attempted to go beyond names, dates, and theorems to show how and why a new scientific theory emerges, the problems it faces, and the evolution, resolution, changing assumptions necessary for its eventual acceptance into the larger body of legitimate theory. At the same time, it is a tribute to the mathematician whose mind and imagination made transfinite set theory possible, and more than possible, something very real, bearing the stamp of his own perspectives and personality. To borrow the phraseology of the critic John Ciardi, the ultimate and underlying motivation of the present analysis has



always been an answer to the admittedly broad question, how does a theory meanl The present investigation of the ways in which the mathematics and philosophy of set theory have come to mean what they do today concentrates upon the early efforts and inspiration of one man in particular: Georg Cantor.


Preludes in Analysis

Georg Cantor's creation of transfinite set theory was an achievement of major consequence in the history of mathematics. Among his earliest papers was a series of articles that began to appear in 1870 and that dealt with a major problem concerning trigonometric series.' Functional analysis, in fact, spurred Cantor's interest in point sets and inspired his discovery of transfinite numbers. Set theory, at least in part, was produced in response to Bernhard Riemann's highly fertile investigations of trigonometric series and the related study of discontinuous functions. Interest in such functions led in a very natural way to the examination of point sets over domains of definition where discontinuities of various kinds occurred. Cantor, however, was not the first to introduce special point sets for the sake of such investigations. Dirichlet, Riemann, and to a greater extent, Lipschitz and Hankel, had all written on various aspects of the subject, especially upon sets of points for which certain functions were either discontinuous or for which questions of convergence became difficult. But it was only Cantor who systematically developed the myriad implications of point sets in general, and who produced an entirely new field of mathematical research in the process. GUSTAV PETER LEJEUNE DIRICHLET, 1805-1859 In 1829 Dirichlet, who was among the first contributors to Crelle's Journal, published an article dealing with the convergence problem of Fourier's series.2 Joseph Fourier, in his celebrated studies on the conductivity of heat, had established that arbitrarily given functions could be represented by trigonometric series with coefficients of a specified type, and subsequently these became known as Fourier series. This discovery startled mathematicians and opened a new era of research in analysis. Though Fourier brought greater rigor to his mathematics than is generally recognized, his work nevertheless

Preludes in Analysis


raised more questions than he was interested in answering or capable of solving.3 Following Fourier, A. L. Cauchy advanced results of his own, but Dirichlet was not satisfied. He was anxious to establish the theory of Fourier series with greater rigor and clarity. Cauchy, for example, had written the only article known to Dirichlet that attempted to deal with Fourier series in general terms. This had appeared in the Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris for the year 1823. Though Cauchy had to admit that he had failed with some functions for which convergence was nevertheless incontestable, Dirichlet found that certain arguments were insufficient even in cases for which Cauchy had thought his methods were successful.4 For example, although Cauchy had shown that the terms of a given series 0, he could then produce a whole number m such that for all values of n a m, the absolute value of Rn was less than e. This held, as Cantor italicized, "for all values of x."11 Since the convergence of Rn was therefore uniform, he could employ the conclusions from Weierstrass' work on uniform convergence and therefore multiply each term in (2.3) by cos n(x—t)dx. Performing the now legitimate integration from —IT to v, Cantor concluded that (2.9)

cn sin nx + dn cos nx = 0,

and consequently, that cn = 0, dn = 0. Thus it was established that a repre-



sentation of zero by a trigonometric series convergent for all values of *was possible only if all coefficients cn and dnoi the series (2.3) were identically zero. Cantor's uniqueness theorem then followed immediately: Theorem (April 1870): If a function of a real variable f(x) is given by a trigonometric series convergent for every value of x, then there is no other series of the same form which likewise converges for every value of x and represents the function f(x).12 CANTOR'S NOTIZ AND THE UNIQUENESS THEOREM FOR FINITE EXCEPTIONAL SETS Despite so impressive an achievement, this was not the end of Cantor's work on trigonometric series. In a very short time he was able to obtain several valuable refinements, and in January 1871 he published these as a short "Notiz" to his theorems of the previous year.13 First he noted that Kronecker had offered a suggestion making the uniqueness theorem independent of the March proof of the Cantor-Lebesgue theorem. By taking (2.10)

0 = d + C2 + . . . + C n + . . .

where Cn = ansin nx + bncos nx,one could substitute for x the values x = u+x and x — u—x. Adding these produced the series: (2.11)

0 = e0 = «i cos x + e2 cos 2x + ... + en cos nx + . . . ,

where en = cnsin nu + dncos nu. If u was then replaced by x, the coefficients en then coincided with the elements Cn of (2.10). Now Cantor's previously established result for (2.10) could similarly be applied to (2.11), producing en — cn sin nu + dn cos nu = 0, and consequently, cn = dn = 0. Cantor was so impressed with the technique Kronecker had suggested that he used it again, in a fourth paper on trigonometric series, to improve the argument of his first paper of March 1870 so that "it would leave nothing to be desired in the way of clearness and simplicity." 14 It is worth noting that Kronecker's interest in helping Cantor simplify his proof of the uniqueness theorem shows that the two were still on good terms during Cantor's first years at Halle. But as Cantor began to produce remarkable extensions of his uniqueness theorem, allowing infinitely many points in the domain of definition where exceptions to the representation of the function or to the convergence of the series might be permitted, Kronecker became increasingly uneasy. As Cantor began to press further, developing ideas which Kronecker thoroughly opposed, Kronecker became Cantor's earliest and most determined critic. But in 1871 he was still sufficiently interested in Cantor's work to offer friendly advice. The most significant part of the "Notiz," however, was not the simplification suggested by Kronecker.

The Origins of Cantorian Set Theory


Originally, Cantor's uniqueness theorem had required that the representation of zero by a convergent trigonometric series hold for all values of x in the function's domain of definition. By devising a simple modification of this initial assumption, however, he managed to transform certain elements of that proof into an embryonic mathematical idea, one which thenceforth grew in Cantor's mind, and which eventually led to his theory of real numbers, to the transfinite numbers, and to set theory itself. The first generalization of the uniqueness theorem, offered in the "Notiz," was in no way unconventional. As he expressed it himself, the new theorem "allows the assumptions to be modified in the following sense, that for certain values of x either the representation of zero by (2.10) or the convergence of the series is given up." 1 5 Heine had done as much in his paper on trigonometric series by permitting conditions of continuity and convergence to apply "in general." Cantor extended the validity of his uniqueness theorem by assuming the existence of an infinite sequence of values . . . , x^,xo,Xi increasing with index such that for these xn, either convergence or representation of zero by the series (2.10) was given up. The important restriction, that these xn occur in finite intervals in only finite numbers, was stressed. Returning to the Riemann function F(x) introduced in his original proof, Cantor noted that F(x) was again a linear function of the form F(x) = kvx + lv for each interval ( * „ . . . Jty+i)- He then showed that each of these must be identical over all the intervals {xv.. . x^+ x ). To do this, he took successive pairs of intervals, and hence the neighboring linear functions kvx + lv, kv+1 x + lv+1, and then applied a method Heine had already exploited in his paper "Uber trigonometrische Reihen." 16 The continuity of F(x), plus Lemma II from Riemann's Habilitationsschrift for the value xv+1 of x, gave (2.12)

F(Xv+1) = kvXv+1 + /„,

and (2.13)


=Ofor hm a = 0.17

As Cantor showed, this was only possible if kv=k^.i, lv=lv+1, and thus the identity of F(x) over all the intervals {xv . .. xv+1) was established for every v. By appealing to the same reasoning used in the earlier proof of the uniqueness theorem, the linearity of F(x), shown to be identical over all the intervals (xv .. . xp+1), led to the conclusion that cn = dn = 0. It would be tempting to suggest that this paper marked a transition in Cantor's thinking. In a certain sense it did. It was in the 1871 "Notiz" that he first considered exceptional sets. On the other hand, he was still very much at work within the established traditions of mid-nineteenth century mathematics, tinkering with theoretical tools which he had borrowed from Riemann, Heine, and



Schwarz. Like his theorems published in 1870, the conclusions Cantor reached in 1871 were notable contributions to the mathematical literature of his time, but they were primarily achieved through previously available results. By April 1872, however, he had produced some important innovations which grew directly out of the more general uniqueness theorem of 1871. The "Notiz," however, was only the beginning: "This extension of the theorem is by no means the last," wrote Cantor. "I have succeeded infindingan equally rigorous but much broader extension which I shall communicate when I have an opportunity to do so." 1 8 The opportunity was not long in coming. CANTOR'S REVIEW OF HANKEL'S UNIVERSITATSPROGRAMM Early in 1871 Cantor published a review of Hankel's Tubingen Universitdtsprogramm of 1870. Cantor told readers of the Deutsches Zentralblatt that he was particularly impressed with the author's "principle of the condensation of singularities."19 Coupled with the fact that Hankel's work was stimulated by Riemann's Habilitationsschrift on trigonometric series, Hankel's method of creating functions which were discontinuous on all rational points of a given domain of definition must have stimulated Cantor's imagination. It may have been Hankel's memoir, in fact, which prompted Cantor to search for certain novel condensations of singular points distributed in such a way that he might extend the results of his uniqueness theorem beyond merely finite numbers of exceptional points. With Hankel's method of the condensation of singularities in mind, Cantor's "Notiz" provided both a point of departure and a valuable guide to the possible argument that a deeper proof of the uniqueness theorem might follow. Working with Riemann's function F{x), Cantor had already shown that it had to be identical over two intervals separated by a singularity x0. Finitely many such singularities in a given interval (a,/8)posed no additional difficulty, but what might happen if an infinite number of such exceptional points xv were allowed in (a,/3)? The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem ensured there was at least one condensation point in any neighborhood of which an infinite number of the singular points xv were to be found. Suppose there were only one such accumulation point x in (a,f$). Considering only the interval (a,x), any proper subinterval (s,t) could contain only a finite number of the exceptional points xv, otherwise there would have been another condensation point in (s,t), contrary to the assumption that x was the only point of condensation in all of (a,/?). For all intervals (s,t) however, and their strictly finite number of singularities xv, Cantor's result from the "Notiz" ensured that F(x) was linear and identical over each one. Since F(x) was also continuous, and since the end-points s and tmight be brought arbitrarily close to (a, x), it was possible to conclude that F(x) was also linear over (a, x). The same argument was clearly true if a finite number of such condensation points JC0, *i\ • • •> *n were admitted. Thus it

The Origins of Cantorian Set Theory


was possible to establish Cantor's uniqueness theorem even for infinitely many points of exception, so long as they were distributed in this specified way. Moreover, there was no reason to stop with only a finite number of such points of condensation *„'. If there were infinitely many of these distributed in (a ,/3), then again the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem ensured there would be at least one condensation point of the infinitely many *„'. Suppose there were only one such accumulation point, denoted x. It would then follow, as before, that only a finite number of the points *,,' could occur in any sub-interval (s,t) of (a ,x"). But F(x) was linear over such intervals, as previously demonstrated. By letting the endpoints s and t approach a,x"as nearly as one liked, it was a direct conclusion that F(x) must be linear over (a,x"). The argument was easily extended any finite number of times, to higher and higher levels of condensations of condensation points of singularities. But technical difficulties intervened. The idea was one thing; making it work was quite another. How could Cantor describe such a procedure in a clear and rigorous way? How might he disentangle the various levels of singularities condensed one atop another? Given such complex point sets, how was it possible to identify their elements and to distinguish one from another in a mathematically precise manner? The only satisfactory solution was to proceed arithmetically, but Cantor discovered that to do so required a rigorous theory of real numbers. This in turn raised the difficulty of relating the arithmetic continuum of real numbers with the geometric continuum of points on a line. Thus before any significant extension of his uniqueness theorem was possible, there were a number of fundamental problems that had to be resolved. CANTOR'S THEORY OF IRRATIONAL NUMBERS The first section of Cantor's paper of 1872 was devoted to the real numbers, in particular to the irrationals. In a paper published somewhat later, he stressed explicitly the objections he had to previous attempts to define irrational numbers in, terms of infinite series. Here there would be a logical error, since the definition of the sum tav would first be won by equating it with the finished number b, necessarily defined beforehand. I believe that this logical error, first avoided by Weierstrass, was earlier committed quite generally, and was not noticed because it belongs to those rare cases in which real errors can cause no significant harm in calculations.20 Thus Cantor set himself the task of developing a satisfactory theory of the irrationals which in no way presupposed their existence. He followed Weierstrass in beginning with the rational numbers.21 The set of all rationals {A), including zero, thus provided a foundation for all further concepts of



number. Cantor then was explicit that whenever he spoke of a numerical quantity in any further sense he did so above all in terms of infinite sequences of rational numbers {an}: Definition: The infinite sequence (2.14)

alt a 2 , . . . , an,


is said to be a fundamental sequence if there exists an integer N such that for any positive, rational value of e, | an+m — a n | < e,for whatever m and for all n > N.™ If a sequence {an} satisfied this condition, then Cantor said that "the sequence (2.14) has a definite limit b."2i This had a very special meaning for Cantor and must be taken as a convention to express, not that the sequence {an} actually had the limit b, or that b was presupposed as the limit, but merely that with each such sequence {an} a definite symbol a was associated with it. 24 At this point in his exposition Cantor was explicit in using the word "symbol" (Zeichen) to describe the status of b. He then defined the order relations between the fundamental sequences as follows: If {an}was associated with b, {an} with b', then if for all n greater than some arbitrarily large N, an — an'was given intrinsically with the set P



itself. Following the one-to-one mapping described in 1878 between lines and planes, he was able to reiterate the fact that the powers of point sets in general, whatever their dimension, could be fully determined in terms of powers predicated of linear point sets alone. This attempt to determine powers offered difficulties equal to those met in trying to determine well-defined sets. As problematic as it might be to identify the elements of such sets, the question of a set's power, once it was known to be well-defined, could be even more frustrating. Powers might be "internally determined," but Cantor had earlier met great difficulty in demonstrating the nondenumerability of the real numbers R. Nevertheless, the concept of power was a great unifier: If we only keep mathematics in mind and leave aside for now other conceptual areas, the theory of aggregates in the interpretation given here embraces arithmetic, function theory and geometry. It joins them in terms of the concept of power to a higher unity. Thus continuity and discontinuity find themselves considered from the same point of view, measured by the same standard.24 The suggestion was straightforward. Not only did Cantor seem to have applications of set theory already in mind, but he also hinted that the underlying secret of such applications was to be found in the concept of power.25 He was clearly convinced that set theory somehow lay, necessarily, at the very foundations of mathematics. In the attempt to separate further the essential characteristics of the discrete from the continuous, it was natural for Cantor to focus his attention upon the application of powers to infinite sets. The smallest sets, which were also infinite, constituted the class of denumerable sets. The study of denumerability, then, rested upon two easy theorems: Theorem I: Every infinite part of a denumerable set constitutes an infinitely denumerable set.26 Theorem II: Given a finite or denumerably infinite set of sets (£),(£•'), (£"), . . . , each of which is denumerable, then the union of all elements of (£), (£')> (£"), . . . is likewise a denumerable set.27 Having presented these basic elements, Cantor was prepared to develop the major result of the article. His conclusions were more than surprising. They embodied the first major indications of his hopes and expectations for the future applications of his new theory. As a step in that direction, he offered a simple, extremely important theorem: Theorem: In an n-dimensional, infinite, continuous space A let an infinite number of n-dimensional, continuous sub-domains (a) be defined,

Early Theory of Point Sets


disjoint and contiguous at most on their boundaries; then the aggregate (a) of such sub-domains is always denumerable.28 Much of the theorem's simplicity was its forthrightness. Few assumptions were required. None was made concerning either the partition or the total space itself. The subsets (a) could be taken as arbitrarily small. The only necessary stipulation insisted that each subset (a) have definite volume and that two such subsets overlap, at most, only on boundaries.29 The proof was elegant in its line of reason. In mapping the space AN by reciprocal radius vectors onto a unit n-sphere BN, every subset (a) of A had a counterpart (b) in B. If the collection (b) were countable, then so was (a). The subsets (b) of B could be denumerably ordered in a direct way according to size. Given any number y, the number of subsets {b) exceeding y in volume was necessarily finite, since the volume30 of B itself was necessarily n+l

less than -=^


^—. In such a sequence, the smaller subsets {b) would fol-

low the larger, diminishing without limit. Once proved in general, the specific cases were impressive. For n = 1 the result was essential for any further development of set theory. Though no examples were immediately forthcoming, Cantor did stress the implications of his conclusion: for any collection of separate intervals (a,/8) coinciding at most on their endpoints, defined on an infinite straight line, the collection was necessarily countable.31 For n = 2, however, the implications were similarly far-reaching, implying the denumerability of any set of separate surfaces in two dimensions. For the plane he suggested that the theorem had important applications in the theory of complex variables.32 Cantor saved the most remarkable corollary for last. For n = 3, and the corresponding space of natural phenomena, he could advocate the outlines of an entirely new mechanics.33 The ramifications were striking and represented the first direct extension of his set theory to considerations that were not strictly mathematical. He used the new result to question the standard interpretations and explanations of the continuity of space and the mechanics devised to describe phenomena of the physical world. Putting his theorem of 1874 to good use, Cantor was able to argue that continuous motion was possible in discontinuous spaces. He demonstrated this conclusion specifically for the case n = 2, the plane. Considering any denumerable point set {M) everywhere-dense in a continuous domain A, Cantor introduced the domain % = A-M. 21 for example might be the space of all points defined by n -tuples of transcendental real numbers, that is, the space of "real" n-tuples excepting those defined by algebraic numbers. For any two points N,N' in 31, Cantor claimed that a



continuous line /'could be given joining N,N', and lying entirely within 31. To show this, he first assumed that N,N' was joined by any line / in A. There could then be, at most, countably many elements win (M)on /. This meant that one could take an arbitrary, finite number of points Nn on / that were not elements of A. He then claimed that given such points AW1; N^, ... ,NnN', these could be connected by lines entirely in SI. The proof, for NNlt rested on the fact that given the set of all circular arcs passing through NNlt their centers were given by points gn falling on a single straight line. Since there were only countably many points of (Af) that could fall on such arcs, by denoting each such arc by its center point pv, there had to be at least one center point TJ determining a circular arc joining NN-y but encountering no point of (Af). Not only did this arc give a line /'joining NNU one lying entirely in 31, but it did even more: "After all, with the same resources it would be possible to connect the points TV and N' by a continuously running line given by a unique analytic rule and completely contained in the domain SI."34 The fact that such a continuous line could be defined in such a discontinuous space as SI by means of a single, unique analytic expression provoked some serious speculation. Cantor expressed his own opinion: belief in the continuity of space was generally based upon the evidence of continuous motion. Having shown that continuous motion was conceivable even in discontinuous spaces, he called for new research proceeding under alternative assumptions. Indirectly, similar criticisms concerning the traditionally assumed continuity of space had already been made a decade earlier by both Cantor and Dedekind. Cantor's axiom correlating the arithmetic and geometric domains underscored his inability to prove that an arithmetically determined point of the real line identified a physically real point of geometric space.35 The designation was purely arbitrary, as Cantor had argued in 1872. Ten years later he put it even more emphatically. In general there was no inner constraint for thinking of every point given by coordinates of real numbers x,y,z as actually belonging to three-dimensional space. The assumption, he insisted, "must be regarded as a free act of our mental constructive activity. The hypothesis of the continuity of space is therefore nothing but the assumption, arbitrary in itself, of the complete, one-to-one correspondence between the 3-dimensional purely arithmetic continuum (x,y,z) and the space underlying the world of phenomena [Erscheinungswelt]."36

Continuity thus seemed little more than a free act of the mind, constructed intellectually but by no means guaranteed as actually conforming to the reality of phenomenological space. Cantor was explicit on this point. The hypothesis of the continuity of space was entirely arbitrary. To the sentences quoted above Cantor added a footnote stressing the importance of strictly arithmetic conceptualization in mathematics.37 In particular, both Cantor and Dedekind, and subsequently Lipschitz, had striven for a theory

Early Theory of Point Sets


of number wholly independent of any geometric content or intuition.38 Such purely arithmetic treatments of both number and the theory of sets had been undeservedly misjudged, Cantor felt. In particular, authors like Paul du BoisReymond and Giulio Vivanti, who believed in the applicability of a theory of actual infinitesimals in mathematics, had failed to heed the evidence of purely arithmetic considerations, or so Cantor argued.39 The infinitely small, as an existing, absolute quantity, was utterly inadmissible to Cantor's way of thinking . This entire issue became a subject for heated debate a decade later when he engaged the Italian mathematician Veronese in a polemical exchange of letters and articles.40 But in 1882 the problem was relegated to a note, and Cantor's objections to infinitesimals were left unexplained, at least temporarily. The closing paragraph of the paper of 1882 presented additional provocative conjectures. The mind, Cantor argued, could as easily abstract from individual points of space, even if their distribution were everywhere-dense, in order to deal conceptually with spaces like 21. The possibility of continuous motion in such spaces immediately raised additional questions. He advocated that a revised mechanics be considered, under the hypothesis of a space with properties much like those of %. Such a study, he suggested, might possibly lead to new revelations and produce a better understanding of the true grounds upon which the assumption was made that space was everywhere continuous.41 Just as he had earlier faulted mathematicians for depending too heavily upon unreliable intuitions in the matter of dimension, he did the same in criticizing mathematical physicists for assumptions they had made concerning the continuity of space.42 Intuition, as he had learned, was a poor guide in rigorous mathematics. Thus one could not hope to learn much about the continuum from geometry. Instead, reliance had to be placed upon purely arithmetic results. His article of 1882, despite its concentration upon point sets of various dimensions, nevertheless shared a common interest with the other papers in the series on linear point sets. It, too, was pressing on toward an imagined, expected solution to the problem uppermost in Cantor's mind: what was the identifying nature of continuity? THE PAPER OF 1883: THE NEW SET THEORY AND ANALYSIS Cantor published a fourth paper on linear point sets in 1883. This was the last to appear before publication of the Grundlagen, and it was devoted primarily to applications of his recent set theoretic conclusions to questions in the theory of functions.43 The paper also added more examples to the growing stockpile of point set decompositions which later figured prominently in his attempts to provide a satisfactory characterization of continua. Though he continued to improve his understanding of discrete versus continuous sets, no real breakthrough had yet been made. None even seemed to be in sight. To facilitate the treatment of set decompositions, he replaced his earlier



notation P = {Pi,Pi,Pz, . . } for disjoint sums by P = Pi + P2 + P3+ Thus, for QQP, R = P-Q and P = Q + R could be handled simply in the context of addition and subtraction. Furthermore, he introduced explicit terminology for sets containing none of their limit points. Such sets, where ® (Q,Q') = 0, were denoted isolated sets. 44 Though it would certainly have been appropriate, he said nothing about the empty set, nor did he attempt to distinguish between a zero and a set containing no elements. Given any set P, an isolated set Q resulted by simply removing % (P,P) from P. Thus Q = P - ® (P,P'). Consequently P = Q + $> (P,P'). The formula offered some immediate insights. Clearly, any set P could be considered as the disjoint sum of an isolated set Q and any set that was a divisor of P'. Since P{V)CP\ Piv) - P(v+1 'was always isolated. Two decompositions were of special importance: />' = (p'-p") + (P"-pm) + . .. + (/> P' = (P'-P") + . . . + (/JO-D-pO-)) + . . . + />