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English Pages 253 [256] Year 1953
Director, Lunz Biological Station, Austrian Academy of Science TRANSLATED BY
D. G. F R E Y Indiana University AND
F. E. J. F R Y University of Toronto
Original German edition published Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 1952
English translation copyright, Canada, 1953 by University of Toronto Press and printed in Canada London: Geoffrey University Press
PREFACE T H E "FUNDAMENTALS" laid down here will in no way replace the introductions to limnology (Thienemann, Brehm, Lenz, and Welch) but complement them in certain respects. The great progress which has been made in recent years in the field of the chemical and physical properties of water and the dependence of the life processes on these makes it appear desirable to take water as an environment as the central theme, and this subject occupies half the text. This method of giving an introduction to limnology seems appropriate to me, because a complete understanding of the biological phenomena in a body of water cannot be attained without a comprehensive knowledge of the environment. The section of this book on biotic communities will be useful merely as a review and as an illustration of causal relationships. It has been possible to make this section short because the works mentioned above contain much information on this subject. This book has grown out of the course in Hydrobiology which has been given at the Biological Station at Lunz for some decades. This circumstance will make it clear why the text may seem to be overburdened with examples drawn from conditions in the lakes of Lunz and from work carried on at the Lunz Station. To my old friend, my collaborator for many years at the Lunz Station, Professor V. Brehm, I owe my heartfelt thanks for many valuable suggestions. Further thanks are due Dr. F. Berger for the careful preparation of the figures, and not the least to my dear wife for the wearisome task of proof-reading.
F. R. Biological Station, Lunz, February 1940
T H E TREATMENT of the subject and arrangement of the text has not been essentially changed from the earlier edition. However certain sections have been rewritten because of the progress made in the field in the last decade. Through these changes the book has been enlarged from 167 to 232 pages and the number of illustrations increased from 39 to 51. The author is again grateful to those mentioned in the preface to the first edition for further generous help. In addition he wishes to thank also Frau Dr. T. Pleskot (Vienna) for valuable references, Fräulein M. Wimmer (Vienna) for the execution of numerous illustrations and Dr. David G. Frey (Bloomington) for his contribution of American literature. F. R. Biological Station, Lunz, Spring 1952
the large number of colleges and universities in the Englishspeaking world which offer courses in limnology or hydrobiology, there have been woefully few books available in English that could serve as suitable texts in such courses. Furthermore, especially in recent years, progress in limnology has been so rapid along certain lines that none of the texts could claim to be up to date. Shortly after the war the present translators became aware of the 1940 edition of Dr. Ruttner's book and independently began translating it for use in their respective classes in limnology. Soon realizing that this was perhaps the best book available in any language on the principles of limnology, they combined efforts so that the book might become generally available to beginning students as well as to those previously trained who had not kept abreast of new developments in the field. F. E. J. Fry is responsible for the physical and chemical half of the book, and D. G. Frey for the biological portion. The translators wish to express their gratitude to Dr. Ruttner for co-operating with them in many ways, and particularly for making the manuscript of the revised edition available for translation long before it was even set in type. This book is not just another book in limnology. It is a mature and balanced treatment of the principles of limnology, written by one of the foremost limnologists of the world, and leavened by his many years of field and laboratory experience. In fact the book is Ruttner. The translators hope that not a few readers will share their general enthusiasm for the book, and will find in it many stimulating suggestions as to the directions in which limnology will develop further. I N SPITE OF
D . G . FBEY
F. E. J .
Autumn 1952
CONTENTS Brief Table of German-English Equivalents
I Physical Properties of the Environment 1. Specific Gravity, Viscosity, Surface Tension 2. The Fate of Incident Solar Radiation (a) The distribution of radiation ( b ) The distribution of heat (c) The energy content (d) The annual temperature cycle (e) Types of stratification 3. Water Movements (a) Waves (b) Currents and eddy diffusion
7 7 11 12 21 28 32 35 40 40 46
II Dissolved Substances and Their Transformations 1. The Carbon Dioxide Cycle 2. The Oxygen Content 3. Iron and Manganese 4. Nitrogen and Phosphorus 5. Other Mineral Substances 6. Organic Matter 7. The Law of the Minimum
54 57 67 74 79 82 84 87
B. Bionc C O M M U N I T I E S I Plankton 1. Flotation in Water 2. The Composition of the Plankton 3. Spatial Distribution 4. Temporal Distribution 5. The Problem of Production
93 94 102 108 137 142 ix
I I Survey of the Other Communities of Lakes 1. 2. 3. 4.
Origin of Lakes and Arrangement of Depth The Shore Flora The Communities of the Aufwuchs The Communities of the Ooze (a) The redox potential of the sediments ( b ) The fauna of the ooze ( c ) Stratified sediments ( d ) The exchange between sediments and free water
152 152 154 158 166 175 179 182 184
I I I The Communities of Bogs
I V The Communities of Running Water
B R I E F TABLE OF GERMAN-ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS MOST OF the German terms used by Dr. Ruttner already have accepted English equivalents. A few terms were encountered, however, expressing ideas for which there are no counterpart single words in the English language. Furthermore, the German terms used in the description of the various features of bogs and also in the description of the profile of a lake bottom do not have widely used English equivalents. It was necessary, therefore, to more or less adopt words with approximately equivalent meanings, and these are listed below for the benefit of anyone wishing to refer back to the German edition of the book. The translators would be interested in learning of any English words already used for these various German terms which they have overlooked, or of any English words that would possibly be more suitable than the ones used in this translation.
Aufwuchs—Aufwuchs (the closest English equivalent is periphyton; see footnote p. 158) Austausch—eddy diffusion Benthal—benthal (as noun) or benthal zone Blanke—bog pool Bülte—bog hillock Durchflutung—inflow-outflow Eulitoral—eulittoral (as noun) or eulittoral zone Flachmoor—flatmoor Halde—slope (of a typical lake bottom profile) Hochmoor—highmoor Kampfzone—ecotone Lagg—bog moat; marginal fossa or ditch Lebensgemeinschaft—community Litoral—littoral (as noun) or littoral zone Moor—bog, moor Felagial—pelagial (as noun) or pelagial zone Profundal—profundal (as noun) or profundal zone Schlamm—ooze Schlenke—bog puddle Schweb—central plain (of a typical lake bottom profile) Schwingrase—quaking bog Sprungschicht—thermocline Sublitoral—sublittoral (as noun) or sublittoral zone Uferbank—shore terrace; littoral bench or platform
INTRODUCTION W A T E R is the basis of life. Only in resting stages such as in seeds, spores, and the like does its proportion in the structure of plants and animals fall below 50 per cent and it normally makes up 60 to 90 per cent and even more of the total weight. The living substance of the cell, the protoplasm, is a highly complicated colloid system of which the dispersion medium is water. The complete absence of water indicates death. The first life doubtless arose in water or at least in dampness, and the first organisms were aquatic; the land was first populated after further differentiation. The organisms which embarked on this course of development were only able to do so by taking with them, as it were, their original environment in their body fluids, in the blood and cell sap. The ability to retain the indispensable amount of water, or to replace repeatedly that which is lost, spells the difference between the presence and absence of life under the various climatic conditions of the wide land spaces of the earth. As can be imagined, since water is an essential element for the life of terrestrial as well as aquatic organisms so that there is scarcely a single organic function in which it does not play some part or other, it would not be incorrect to consider the whole science of life as Hydrobiology. However, in the system of the sciences this subject is rather narrowly restricted. Hydrobiology is limited to the investigation of the plant and animal associations (biocoenoses) which dwell in the aquatic biotopes. The composition of plant and animal stocks of these biocoenoses is in no way an accident. They are first of all primarily determined by geography and history. These are questions of historical plant and animal geography (Chorology). But within these limits the selection of species is primarily through the biotope, the sum of the environmental conditions which impinge upon them. Of all species which reach a given place, for example a newly created body of water, only those which find their optimum near the prevailing conditions can
succeed in the competitive warfare. Thus a "biocoenotic equilibrium" (Thienemann, 1918) is causally related to the conditions in the environment so that a species living in a given biotope remains there only so long as no substantial change takes place in the environment. If the environment changes, so also necessarily is there a displacement in the composition of the biocoenosis. On the other hand we find biotopes widely separated geographically which are equal in their ability to support very similar life associations (for example, the springs and brooks of the temperate latitudes, the thermal springs and the upland moors of all zones). The investigation of the causal relationship of the biotic communities to their environments (when environment is taken not only to mean the physical and chemical conditions but also to include that dependence which is given by the inter-association of organisms) is recognized as the sphere of interest of Ecology, and ecological considerations form, thus, a fundamental of each hydrobiological investigation. Hydrobiology is concerned with fields of science other than biology —with physics, chemistry, geology, and geography—for a comprehensive knowledge of the environment is essential to a full consideration of the subject. Thus we must in our case discuss the physical and chemical conditions in water and in waters in so far as these are important to life as well as the biological phenomena. The part of the earth's surface which is covered with water is subdivided into two very unequal zones, the oceans and the inland waters, each of which is a special field of endeavour, Oceanography serving the one and Limnology the other. Both sciences follow somewhat parallel courses, but their subjects are in many ways so different that they must differ to a certain extent in both treatment and methods. A few of the most essential differences between the two environments can be dealt with briefly, although the fact known by all, that the seas contain salt water and the inland waters generally (but not always) consist of fresh water, will not be in the foreground. The oceans which cover seven-tenths of the earth's surface are a continuum in both space and time. They have always existed since water was possible on the cooling globe of the earth and have always formed a spatially continuous unit, in spite of the great changes they have undergone in the course of the earth's history since its origin. As a consequence, the development of life in the sea has proceeded from its first beginning without ever being entirely disturbed by any catastrophe. The inland waters, on the other hand, which make up scarcely
one-fiftieth of the earth's surface, are ephemeral bodies measured by the standards of geological time. Only a few large lakes (for example, Lakes Baikal and Tanganyika) extend back beyond Quaternary times into the Tertiary. Most of them originated in the Pleistocene. Through the processes of filling and sedimentation, and through tectonic changes, the inland water surfaces disappear in an appreciably short time, and with them goes the community which populated them. Newly arisen bodies of water are seeded and repeat the fate of their predecessors. Because the continual change occasioned by these entrances and exits of biotopes can be followed only by especially adaptable organisms, the inland waters have a very restricted fauna in comparison with the sea. Further, because of the world-wide expanse of the sea, its waters are in permanent and active interchange over all zones of the earth. The sea is very little influenced by the land masses, but often, on the other hand, it determines the climate of these. In contrast, the inland waters are relatively limited enclosed bodies of water, strongly influenced by the local climates of the land masses which surround them. Because of their small extent and depth, the regular change of the physical and chemical properties and the distribution of organisms dependent on this change are compressed into a much narrower space than in the sea and are in much less measure disturbed by currents. For the investigation of the relations between living conditions and biological phenomena the inland waters are thus more easily reviewed and they are, in many respects, more suitable objects of study for the investigation of causal relationships than are the oceans in spite of the smaller variety of life in them.
is to be made here to sketch limnological investigation in its fundamentals, it follows, as was pointed out in the Introduction, that it must begin with a consideration of the environment. If this is to be discussed under the title "Water as an Environment," then it must be realized that this refers, not to water per se, but to waters in their manifold forms which produce the biotopes in question—biotopes in which the conditions for life are fixed, not by the water content alone, but by the suitability of the bottom, and the form and location of the basin, or (in running waters) of the channel. However, these factors are in general of less importance than the "hydric limitation" (Hentschel, 1923) of life in water, and we therefore first consider the peculiarities of water as an environment in contrast to the conditions under which the land (or better, aerial) organisms exist. Therefore, we shall first consider that biotope in which the "hydric limitation" finds its purest expression, the open water of the large lakes. Water has a two-fold effect on the life within it: ( 1 ) through its physical properties, as a medium in which plants and animals extend their organs and move or swim; ( 2 ) through its chemical properties, as a bearer of the nutrients which produce the organic from the inorganic through the primary production of the plant kingdom. I F AN ATTEMPT
It is these which above all most strikingly separate the environment of water from that of air. The vast differences in specific gravity, mobility, specific heat, and humidity—factors which have the greatest of influence on life—have many divergent effects on the plants and animals in the two environments. 1. Specific Gravity, Viscosity, Surface Tension The specific gravity of water is 775 times greater than that of air (at 0°C., 760 mm. Hg) and correspondingly its buoyant effect on a body within it is also greater by the same ratio. This means a con-
siderable saving to the organism in the energy required to support its own weight and makes possible the reduction of supporting tissue. A Potamogeton or Myriophyllum which raises its stems and spreads its leaves in water collapses when taken out; freshwater polyps or jellyfish become formless and motionless masses in air. The density of water in our lakes, brooks, and rivers is not quite the same in different places and at different times. Although the differences which do occur are generally small in themselves, they are nevertheless of great importance to the events in the waters under discussion. The differences in density are mostly brought about through variations in temperature and salt content. The increase in specific gravity with increase in the content of dissolved substances is shown in the following table which gives the relation in dilutions of sea water. Salt content %e (g. per litre) 0 1 2 3 10 35 (Mean for sea water)
Specific gravity (at4°C.) 1.00000 1.00085 1.00169 1.00251 1.00818 1.02822 '
It follows from these data that the specific gravity increases nearly linearly with increasing salt content. The figures given above are not strictly applicable to inland waters since these not only generally contain far less salt but also contain the salts in different proportions. However, we can estimate the change in specific gravity due to this factor with greater exactitude. The content of dissolved substances in normal inland waters (when we omit the saline ones) generally lies between 0.01 and 1.0 g/1., values of the order 0.1 to 0.5 g/1. being most common. In a single lake, spatial and temporal differences in salt content are seldom greater than 0.1 g/1. Correspondingly, variations in specific gravity arising from this cause are very small (about 0.00008, i.e. 0.08 g/1.), but these cannot be wholly disregarded, as will be shown later. The density changes which take place through changes in temperature are of much greater importance. It is well known that water occupies a special position in this respect. Its specific gravity does not increase continuously with decreasing temperature as is the case with all other substances, but reaches its maximum density at 4°C., 1 after iThis is true at normal pressure. At high pressures the temperature of maximum density is lowered. An increase in pressure of 10 atmospheres (hence about 100 m. below the surface) decreases the temperature of maximum density by about 0.1 °C. (the values of the physicists do not all agree exactly). For this reason in
which it decreases in density, at first gradually and subsequently, on freezing, suddenly. Ice is about one-twelfth lighter than water at 0°C. This special position of water among the fluids arises because its molecules tend to form swarms or aggregations as a result of their electrical properties in a manner which is dependent on temperature. While the molecules of all other liquids arrange themselves as spheres packed compactly together somewhat as peas pack in a container, water molecules take up a tetrahedral arrangement at lower temperatures (one molecule in the centre and four in the corners of a tetrahedron). This "tridymite" structure is the sole arrangement in ice. In water in the liquid state the tetrahedra are broken down into other forms of aggregation and with increasing temperature gradually pass through intermediate stages to that of spheres in the most compact arrangement as is found in other liquids. The tetrahedral arrangement takes up the greatest volume of any of these states and therefore has the lowest density, while the densely packed spheres provide the greatest density. If these processes operated alone the volume would thus decrease and the density increase on heating. However, as in any liquid, the ordinary thermal expansion takes place at the same time. The resultant of these two opposing forces is the anomalous temperature-density curve given in Figure 1. This anomalous behaviour of water is the cause of some very striking and, for life, important natural phenomena. Of these, the facts that our limnetic waters can only freeze on the surface (since water at 0°C. is less dense than water at 4 ° C . ) and that the temperature in the deeper parts of lakes is generally only a little under 4°C. in winter, are of prime importance. For these reasons, the animals and plants in the water under the ice are exposed to far smaller temperature fluctuations than are the land forms, and are not exposed at all to destroying frosts whose occurrence presents an impassable barrier to the geographic distribution of many species. Of course, there are many small shallow bodies of water which freeze to the bottom. The populating of such a biotope can only be by species which can protect themselves from the frost by the formation of resistant resting stages. In the case of some species, for example many phyllopods, winter eggs are produced which require freezing before they will develop further; this is also the case in the seeds of certain plants. very deep lakes, as for example Miinster-Str^m ( 1 9 3 2 ) has shown in Norway, temperatures below 4°C. are frequently found without the stable stratification being upset as a result. The salt content also lowers the temperature of maximum density, there being a decrease of about 0.2°C. for each increase of 1%». Thus, in sea water (35%o) the temperature of maximum density lies at — 3.52 °C. and accordingly is not reached in the liquid phase at normal pressures. (The freezing point of sea water is — 1.91°C.)
However, even apart from this anomaly, the small differences in density with changes in temperature are of very great and indeed of overwhelming importance to the course of events which take place in the waters. It can be said without exaggeration that the great processes which regulate the water and chemical economies of lakes are primarily a function of the differences in density. Because of the great importance of this relationship, variations in density between 0° and 6 Wafer
FIGURE 1. a. The dependence of the specific gravity of water and ice on temperature, b. Section of the curve between 0 and 20°C. with the density scale magnified 2 0 times and the temperature scale 5 times.
20°C. are shown in Figure lb (which has the vertical scale of la enlarged by twenty times and the horizontal one by five times). The density corresponding to any temperature can be easily ascertained from this diagram. The fact that the density changes more rapidly at higher temperatures than it does at lower ones is especially important. Thus, the change in density between 24° and 25°C. is thirty times as great as that between 4° and 5°C. The viscosity of water is a physical property that is not to be underrated. This is the cause of the frictional resistance that a fluid offers to
a moving body. The magnitude of this function is proportional to (1) the extent of the surface in contact with the water, (2) the speed, and (3) a constant depending on the temperature and the nature of the fluid. Since the influence of the salt content (thus the nature of the fluid) within the limits occurring in fresh water is only slight, we are chiefly interested in the effect of temperature. As the temperature rises the viscosity falls. It is twice as great at 0°C. as at 25°C. Hence at 25 °C. a plankton alga under conditions which are otherwise equal will sink twice as fast (see p. 98). Since the viscosity of water is about one hundred times as great as that of air, aquatic animals must overcome much greater resistance than aerial animals are required to, and the movement of a Cyclops, a mayfly larva, or the lightning dart of a trout requires powerful muscular force. The surface tension of water towards gaseous and solid bodies is an important biological factor under certain conditions. It acts at the air-water interface and forms a special biotope to be mentioned later (p. 113). It affects the organs of plants and animals in a different way according to whether they are wettable or not. Young leaves of Potamogeton and the shells of the plankton Cladocera are water repellent. Contact of the latter with the water surface is often destructive, since the water draws away from the repellent shells and the tension of the upper surface prevents the submersion of the animal. The ecological significance of the surface tension is also to be seen in the circumstance that organs with a water-repellent surface are far less frequently the substrate for foreign growths which limit movement and metabolism. Under the heading of physical properties of water are a group of phenomena causally connected with each other, whose importance to life in waters is undisputed. 2. The Fate of Incident Solar Radiation2 Solar radiation not only determines the intensity and quality of the light, the source of all life, which is available to the organisms at a given depth, but it also affects through the interplay of radiation, evaporation, and conduction the temperatures of waters with their diel and annual variations. Indirectly, radiation phenomena, together with those phenomena which result from them, affect almost all phases of organic and inorganic events, and it must be our task to concern ourselves with a thorough consideration of them. 2 The diffuse radiation from the sky and clouds is considered under this heading as well as direct sunlight.
(a) The distribution of radiation The point of departure for the consideration of relations in nature is made here from the knowledge gained by physicists in the laboratory. They have discovered that a beam of light falling on a water surface at a certain angle is in part reflected and in part penetrates the water simultaneously becoming more vertical. The proportion reflected depends on the angle of incidence (calculated from the perpendicular) and is considerable when the ray is very oblique. With an angle of incidence of 60° it is only 6 per cent; at 70°, 13.4 per cent; at 80°, 34.8 per cent. In our latitudes about 2.5 per cent of the noon sunshine in summer and 14 per cent in winter is reflected. It is evident that during the change in the altitude of the sun in the course of the day there are major alterations in the proportion of light reflected. A result of this process is, for example, that —of course only when the sun is shining—the intensity of illumination in the evening decreases more rapidly under the surface of the water than above it. The increasing path travelled by the light from the descending sun with its more rapid extinction (see below), plays an appreciable part in this more rapid darkening as does the greater reflection. The diffuse light from the sky, which according to the degree of cloudiness and the height of the sun amounts to from 8 to 100 per cent of the total radiation, strikes the water surface from all angles, and of this on the average 6 per cent is reflected. Naturally, this holds true only when the horizon is completely free. When the horizon is obscured by hills, trees, and so forth, the reflected part of the diffused light is appreciably smaller. At all but very low elevations of the sun, the spectral composition of the reflected light is substantially the same as the incident sunlight. This, of course, has often been noted, since images mirrored in the water surface are colour-true. The light which represents the fraction of the rays which penetrate the water does not pass through it unaltered; some of it is dispersed and some is absorbed and transformed into another form of energy, heat. The percentage held back in one metre we term the extinction coefficient;3 that transmitted, the transmission coefficient.4 3 That is, the part lost through absorption and diffusion. "•Mathematically expressed the intensity of light I at a given depth may be derived from the following formula:
I= where I 0 e e h
= — = —
the the the the
intensity at the surface; basis of natural logarithms; extinction coefficient; length of the light path in the water column.
These two values are by no means the same for all wave-lengths. Line DW in Figure 2 shows the percentages of the various wavelengths in the region of the visible spectrum that are transmitted through one metre of distilled water when the light falls normal to the surface. It will be seen that in the short wave-lengths the transparency is high and rather constant. At about 550 mu and up, that is in yellow, orange, and red, it decreases rapidly. Even before the infrared is reached, which is beyond the visible region at wave-lengths of 900 m/i and above (heat rays), the radiations do not penetrate to any extent through a metre thickness. On the whole about 53 per cent of the total solar radiation is absorbed and turned into heat in one metre. 100T
8 0 0 mp
80 60 40
20 O F I G U R E 2 . The transparency of a stratum of water 1 m. thick with respect to different regions of the spectrum. DW, distilled water (after James); A, Achensee (Tyrol), U, Lunzer Untersee; O, Lunzer Obersee (Lower Austria), after Sauberer; S, Skarshultsjon (South Sweden), after Aberg and Rodhe); L, Lammen.
Results of laboratory experiments cannot be applied directly to conditions in natural waters, as Aufsess showed long ago. Lakes, brooks, and springs do not contain chemically pure water but a dilute solution of inorganic and organic substances, together with suspended material of various sorts consisting of both plant and animal organisms and mineral and organic particles. All these circumstances affect the transparency of the water. The technical difficulties which attend the exact measurement of light under water kept us from more than a meagre knowledge of the radiation climate of our waters until within the last three decades or so. Even now our knowledge is in a state of flux and is far from being complete. The older investigators had to use simple methods of measurement and these are often still in use today. 13
One such method of investigation that is often employed is the determination of the depth of visibility by means of a Secchi disc. A white plate of 20 to 25 cm. diameter is lowered on a calibrated line until it just disappears. The depth thus found is the depth of visibility and gives a measure of the transparency of the water. Consideration will show that the changes which the light undergoes on its way from the surface to the disc and then back to the eye are of two sorts, absorption due to the water itself or substances dissolved in it (colour) and the scattering due to turbidity. Each condition can affect the visibility of the disc independently. In the first case for example, in the clear but dark coloured waters of a bog lake the light intensity is low at the point where the disc disappears. In the second case in the milky water of a glacier lake the water can be quite well lighted as if under a ground glass, even when there is a high level of opacity. The determination of the limit of visibility does little in this latter instance to elucidate the light conditions in the lake. Nevertheless when properly employed, this simple and portable apparatus serves as a useful means of describing waters, and the Secchi disc will long remain a limnologists' tool. The natural differences in transparency found in the waters of different lakes are very considerable. The highest values, 50 metres and more, are found in tropical and subtropical seas. However, in clear mountain lakes (Lago di Garda, Walchensee) the visibility is not infrequently 20 to 2 5 metres. In general, the white disc disappears at 10 to 15 metres in our alpine lakes, and in the lowland lakes at depths from a few decimetres to 10 metres. In the alpine lakes the transparency is generally greatest in the winter at the time of the snow cover of the drainage area and of the plankton minimum. In the Baltic lakes, because of the turbidity resulting from the winter rains, it is least at this time. People have also tried to measure the decrease in light intensity with increasing depth by lowering photographic plates and sensitized paper. Thus for example, in Lake Geneva 200 to 240 metres is the limit at which a day's exposure will produce a recognizable darkening. However, these methods give unsatisfactory results for various reasons (for example, because of differences in the sensitivity of the plates).
Birge and Juday, working on North American lakes in the decades following the First World War, should be credited as the first actually to employ exact methods to investigate the penetration of light. These investigators used sensitive thermopiles suitably arranged so they could be lowered to various depths by a cable. A galvanometer was used to measure the thermal current produced. Thermopiles have the very appreciable advantage of being equally sensitive to all wave-lengths 14
and are therefore an unsurpassed instrument for measuring total radiation. (For a description of the method consult Birge, 1922.) In Figure 8, p. 24, the results of the American investigators are shown. The transmission curve for a lake of moderate transparency (7 metres) is given as percentages of the incident light. Birge's and Juday's numerous measurements show the wide differences that are to be found in different lakes. While 47 per cent of the total radiation penetrates through 1 metre of distilled water, only 40 per cent penetrates a like distance in the most transparent of the lakes investigated, and in many cases the value drops to 5 per cent (in one, to 2 per cent). Below 1 metre the total extinction coefficient is less, since the infra-red rays are no longer present. At greater depths there is no further substantial change in the total extinction coefficient. Light which penetrates the various lakes is not only differently affected as regards the total amount passed but also in its spectral composition. The thoroughgoing work of Birge and Juday (1929-32) also illustrates this. Their data were obtained by placing filters over the thermopiles. In our consideration here we shall, however, use more recent measurements made on the alpine lakes and will begin by a few words on the method now customarily used. With the discovery of the photoelectric cell (which is also used among other things as a light meter for photography), measurement of radiation in water received a new stimulus. These photocells are more sensitive than thermopiles and can be used to greater depths, but they have the disadvantage of not covering the whole spectral range indiscriminately. Their range of sensitivity is similar to that of the human eye, therefore they give only a partial measure of the infra-red and ultra-violet. In spite of this and other short-comings, the investigations of recent years have shown that, with due regard for all sources of error, very useful results can be obtained with photocells, and light investigations both in the sea and in fresh water are almost exclusively carried out with this type of apparatus nowadays. Figure 3 shows such an instrument after O. Eckel (1935). The photocell is housed in a water-tight casing supplied with a cable. The whole is suspended from the cable which transmits the photoelectric current to a measuring instrument in the boat. Because of their sensitivity photocells are especially suitable for measuring the spectral composition of light at various depths. Filters of known transmissivity are used above the photocell. For convenience several can be arranged on a turn-table actuated by a trip-line. Results
from Lunzer Untersee are given below as an example of the change in spectral composition on passing through lake water.
F I G U R E 3 . Apparatus for measuring radiation under water, after Eckel (diagrammatic); Ph, photocell; Gl, glass cover; Fi, colour filter.
Figure 4 shows conditions in this lake on a clear summer day.5 The abscissae are again wave-lengths in m,a and the ordinates the per cent surface intensity reaching the depth in question. The surface intensity is thus always taken as 100 over the whole wave band without reference to the energy curve of solar radiation, a simplification which does not, however, essentially alter the picture. We see that the transparency of Lunzer Untersee is greatest in the green (in which it shows an important difference in transmission as compared to disstilled water, Figure 2, D W ) , and it rapidly decreases not only towards the longer wave-lengths but also towards the shorter ones. At 20 metres there is nothing but green and some yellow and only a small percentage of these; all the rest of the spectrum has disappeared. At the greatest depths of the lake there exists a green twilight which at 30 BIn cloudy weather (thus when the light is diffused) the distribution of wavelengths is not essentially different. Indeed, measurements when the sky is overcast are very useful for exact observations and were therefore especially used by Sauberer.
metres amounts in intensity (but not in spectral composition) to about full moonlight (about 1/500,000 of sunlight). In other lakes the peak of the transmission curve (cf. Figure 2, A, U, O, S, L) is sometimes shoved towards the blue (Achensee) and sometimes towards the orange (Lunzer Obersee, Skarshultsjon, Lammen). Necessarily (because of the greater absorption of the longer
F I G U R E 4. The intensity and spectral composition of light at various depths in Lunzer Untersee (transparency 8-12 m.) expressed as percentage of radiation reaching the surface, from Sauberer (summer averages at the mean elevation of the sun).
wave-lengths even in pure water) the total intensity decreases more rapidly in the "brown" lakes than in the "blue" ones. This is clearly shown in Figure 2. With these differences in transparency the light at the greater depths of different lakes varies from blue-green to brown. It can be seen, therefore, that the transmission curve is very suitable for the demonstration of the optical properties of a lake. When the curves in Figure 2, together with the results of numerous measurements in other European and North American lakes, are compared with one another, it will be seen that the greatest variation is found in the region of the short wave-lengths while the curves approach each other closely at the long wave-lengths. Thus the transmission values for the 17
shorter wave-lengths (approximately the blue region) are especially useful to characterize lakes. In all cases it is sufficient to give the transmission for three wave-lengths (400, 500 and 600 m/x) in order to provide an indication of the optical properties of a lake. As a further simplification it might be proposed that the percentage transmission for these three wave-lengths rounded off to tens might be grouped as a code number. Thus for example, the code number 476 would describe Lunzer Untersee in which the transmissions are, 400 m/i 40 per cent, 500 m/z 70 per cent, and 600 m^ 60 per cent. We now come to that light phenomenon already studied precisely by Aufsess (1903), which is also one of the most striking aspects of a lake or river to the layman, the colour of waters. The rich variety of colour which embraces shades ranging from the deep blue of the Mediterranean or one of the upper Italian lakes through the emerald green of many alpine waters to the dark brown of moorland tarns, has numerous causes, of which the selective transparency of the water in question is the most important but by no means the only one. The coloration is also influenced by the living and inanimate floating matter. It is further influenced to a lesser degree by the quality of the incident light, that is by the colour of the surrounding country (for example, green forest or bare rock) and by the colour of the sky above it. Finally—in shallow bodies of water—the colour of the bottom influences the colour of the water. A lake completely devoid of material in suspension must appear almost black when viewed from directly overhead if it is deep enough, since the light striking the surface will all be absorbed without hindrance. Such optically pure water, however, never occurs in nature. More recent investigations have shown that there will be a certain dispersion of light even in water which contains no particulate matter at all in suspension. This is the result of variations in density caused by irregularities in the motions of the molecules (the fluctuation theory of Smoluchowski-Einstein). This dispersion is nearly proportional to the fourth power of the wave-length, hence the short waves are dispersed to a much greater degree than are the long ones. Moreover, such dispersed light undergoes selective absorption towards the blue in the water before it reaches the eye as Figure 2, DW indicates. When there are suspended materials present, as is always the case, the dispersion effect is tremendously increased by reflection from them. The clearer the water the greater will be the average depth from which the dispersed light will reach the eye, and as a consequence of the greater extent of the light-filtering effect of the water, the more saturated and darker will the resulting colour appear.
Bright colours are found in turbid waters, because of the small average depth of reflection. Thus, for example, we can see why the dark green colour of a clear alpine lake changes to a bright luminous "sea green" after a flood that has discharged a fine argillaceous silt into it. The particles suspended in the water are, however, not all colourless (clay, silica, carbonate); to a large degree they are pigmented, particularly in the case of phytoplankton which have green, yellow, and also occasionally red pigments. Coloured light is reflected from these particles, and combined with the filtering effect of the water produces a mixed colour in which now this and now that component predominates. We shall speak further on the express subject of the relation of vegetation to colour in water in the chapter on plankton; it is sufficient here merely to recognize the influence of this factor. The actual filter effect, that is, the selective transparency of water which, as indicated above, can be seen as colour in deep lakes only as the result of the dispersion of light, is influenced by the dissolved substances and especially by those which are coloured. Pure water in thick strata is blue as has been pointed out. Brown humus materials are always brought into our waters from the soil, from decomposing leaves, and from surrounding bogs, and these bring about according to their proportion a shift of the original colour towards green, yellow, and brown. Bog waters, which as a rule have the greatest admixture of these materials, appear appreciably yellow even in samples, and in thicker strata occasionally dark brown. In many cases lake water in a glass vessel displays no appreciable colour when viewed by the eye, and samples can scarcely be distinguished from distilled water. However, the transmission curves will be greatly affected by the slightest trace of humic substances which strongly absorb the short wave-lengths of light. The differences in the courses of the curves (Figure 2 ) and in the code numbers spoken of above are largely due to differences in humus content. On the other hand the colourless mineral components in solution have no appreciable effect on the position of the transmission curve. The so called Forel-Ule colour scale which has standards in 21 steps from blue to brown made from solutions of cuprammonium sulphate, potassium chromate, and cobalt ammonium sulphate, is used for describing the colour of lakes. The colours seen in deep waters within the reflection of a dark screen, or simply in the shadow of a boat, can be compared with these. In the case of water samples, the colour under conditions of transmitted light is usually determined as outlined in Standard Methods (1946) by comparison with dilutions of the following standard solution: 1.245 g.
potassium chloroplatinate (equivalent to 0.5 g. Pt) and 1 g. crystalline cobalt chloride with 100 cc. HC1 in 1 litre of distilled water. A content of 1 mg. platinum per litre is taken as the unit of colour. Ohle (1934) employed methyl orange as a standard. These determinations are especially important in the investigation of waters with higher humus contents.
From what has been said it can be seen that a blue colour can arise only in the absence of appreciable amounts of humic materials and of coloured materials in suspension such as phytoplankton. Therefore, only a water poor in organic productivity can be blue: "Blau ist die Wiistenfarbe des Meeres" (Schiitt). Just as the tropical seas with a low production of plankton (for all their multiplicity of species) are deep blue, so the inland waters are the bluer the smaller the amount of free floating organisms they contain. On the other hand, waters with a high plankton content are always from yellow-green to yellow in colour. Observation of the colour of a water thus offers a certain criterion for estimating its productivity provided that the influence of humic material can be excluded.6 The true, or perhaps more properly, specific colour of a water must be sharply distinguished from its apparent colour which is derived not only from the inherent properties of the water itself but is also affected by the surroundings. Thus in shallow waters, white sand below particularly brightens the colour tone; and a coloured bottom (for example green or brown plants) will, together with the selective transparency, give rise to a mixed colour depending on the depth. The surrounding terrain will also have a further effect through its wooded heights or coloured rocks which can change the spectral composition of the incident light. Finally, the varying composition of the sky reflection, which changes with the time of day and with the degree of cloud cover, should be mentioned. The phenomenon of surface reflection is not the least factor in influencing the colour of a body of water. Even the darkest tarn can appear blue in the distance when it mirrors a cloudless sky. Under certain circumstances it can be important to investigate the transparency of rather restricted strata of water at any given depth of a lake independent of the incident sunlight. For this reason Wilier (1936) measured the turbidity of water samples by means of a photoelectric cell. For measurement in a lake itself the transparency meter originally constructed by Petterson and remodelled by Sauberer (1938) for limnological investigation 6Waters of particularly high calcium content (for example, brooks in chalk hills) are frequently characterized by a striking blue-green colour. This phenomenon is caused by the dissolved lime coagulating the humus colloids and in this way bringing out the true (blue) colour of water.
is useful. An electric light of constant luminosity housed in a water-tight container provides an almost parallel beam of light which falls on a photocell placed one metre away. The resulting photoelectric current which is proportional to the transparency of water traversed by the light path is in turn led to a galvanometer in the boat. Such measurements, which can now also be carried out by day with a type of apparatus recently developed by Aberg and Rodhe (1942), are especially useful for the observation of locally limited turbidity. Thus, Figure 5 shows the effect of a sharp stratification of phytoplankton on the transparency of the water.
4 6
8 10 12
Transparency in %
^ | |
Transparency Temperature
| ^^^
1 I
Individuals per cc. (thousands) 1 b 9 16 25 36 ¡,9
-1 I \
1 1
1 1
Total number Ochrobium
> s
Temp. C.
FIGURE 5. Transparency and distribution of plankton in Lunzer Obersee, 25 February 1938. The plankton maximum at 11 m. was chiefly due to the iron bacterium (Ochrobium tectum).
A part of the incident light is scattered in all directions by the material in suspension. The proportion of this diffuse radiation, the side light and the bottom light, increases with depth or with turbidity. Thus the bottom light at one metre in the clear Lunzersee amounts to 1 per cent of the light reaching a horizontal surface from above, while in the turbid Leopoldsteinersee (near Eisenerz in Styria) it amounts to 9 per cent. Anyone interested will find a further discussion of radiation conditions in inland waters in Sauberer and Ruttner (1941). (b)
The distribution of heat
Up to now we have considered only that portion of radiation which decreases constantly in intensity and changes in quality as it penetrates the waters. Of just as great importance for life are the effects of the radiation that is absorbed by the water. The former provides the light climate at a given depth and hence determines the conditions for the assimilation of carbon dioxide by green plants. The fraction absorbed in the water produces heat, the most important regulator 21
of living processes. The temperature relations also control the stratification of the water mass and the currents of a lake basin indirectly through changes in the density of water. We can, therefore, designate the thermal relations as the pivotal •point of every limnological investigation. The specific heat—by which is meant the amount of heat which must be transmitted to a unit weight of a substance in order to increase its temperature 1°C.—is one of the most independent environmental factors and we can therefore dispose of it quickly. It is sufficient to say that water has a specific heat which is surpassed by only a few substances, for example, liquid hydrogen (3.4) or liquid ammonia (1.23). The specific heats of the common constituents of the earth's crust, for example, most rocks, amount to only 0.2 as compared to 1.0 for water. However, water has such a high specific heat only when in a fluid state; the specific heat of ice is only 0.5. The special position that water holds in this respect contributes not the least to its outstanding suitability as an environment. The climate in water is much more equable than on land. Variations in temperature take place only very gradually, and the extremes between day and night and the changes in the course of the seasons are relatively small. Water temperatures are usually measured with a mercury thermometer. Simple thermometers are obviously suitable only for determining surface temperatures; for observations at greater depths special apparatus must be employed of which two types are in use: the sampler thermometer and the reversing thermometer. The method using the sampler thermometer depends on the high specific heat of water which allows a moderate amount of water to be brought up through strata of different temperatures without undergoing any appreciable change. A simple form of the sampler thermometer is the so-called Meyer sampler bottle which the worker can make for himself (Figure 6). It is weighted with lead or stones, lowered with the stopper in place, and opened at the desired depth by a jerk on the cord. When it is brought up the thermometer is inserted through the neck and the temperature taken. In a modification of this sampler the thermometer is placed inside. Because of the increase in hydrostatic pressure with depth, such a sampler can be used only down to about 50 m. Apparatus in which the sampling chamber remains open while it is being lowered (for example, a glass cylinder which can be closed top and bottom by ground-in plugs) and through which the water can pass without hindrance, has a wider range of usefulness. The sampler is closed at the desired depth by dropping a messenger. An apparatus of this type which has been 22
used for many years at the Biological Station at Lunz is shown in Figure 7. The mercury well, in which the thermometer graduated to 0.1°C. is placed, is protected by an insulating covering, a precaution which even at high external temperatures permits an accuracy of 0.01 °C. This sampler was used (during the German Sunda limnological expedition) down to 430 m. and is also suitable for taking water samples for chemical and plankton investigations. It therefore has the advantage that temperature distribution,
perature measurement. Fa, messenger; Th, thermometer; Hii, mercury well; Ha, petcock.
chemical analysis, and an appreciable part of the biological investigations can all be carried out with the same sample. This is especially important in the determination of causal relationships where a sharp stratification exists (see p. 21). The reversing thermometer is mounted in a metal case which can turn over. After being left about five minutes at the required depth it is released by a messenger which allows the case to rotate through 180 degrees. The rotation breaks the mercury column at an ingeniously fashioned constriction and it travels to the other, now lower, end of the thermometer which bears
the graduations. Temperatures encountered later can have but little effect on the length of the mercury column, and even this source of error oan be completely removed through the "column correction." The reversing thermometer is almost universally used in oceanography; limnologists, however, often prefer a sampler thermometer. For certain investigations, especially when a continuous temperature record is concerned or the temperature is required at points every few centimetres, a thermocouple or a resistance thermometer can be employed to advantage; the construction of these will not be gone into here. Turning now to a consideration of thermal conditions of waters and especially in lakes we must first seek to establish the decisive factors. Radiation (SJ
-1 L.
*0 I.
10 20
730 V -r: a «> v O
1. VIII. 1918
60 70
t—r i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i o 2 h 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22*c Temperature ( 1 )
FIGUHE 8. The distribution of total radiation (S) and temperature ( T ) . After Birge and Juday.
The largest source of heat is solar radiation. Heat is taken up to by far the greatest degree directly through absorption by the water and to a lesser degree through the transfer of heat from the air or from the bottom. This indirect heating plays an important role only in the case of ground water and springs. The terrestrial heat of our earth is the sole factor determining the temperature of hot springs and certain volcanic lakes. Finally, under certain circumstances the condensation of water vapour at the water surface can furnish important quantities of heat.
The loss of heat from waters takes place to the greatest degree through radiation, with further losses through evaporation and through conduction to the air and the bottom. Finally, the volume of water flowing through the lake, which in general carries away the topmost water strata and therefore brings about a considerable loss of heat, is of great influence on the thermal economy. If, as stated above, the heating of a lake is chiefly the result of solar radiation, we must expect that the distribution of heat in a water basin completely undisturbed by other influences would correspond to the absorption of these radiations given on pages 12f.; that is, the temperature of this hypothetical lake must decrease very sharply from the surface downward. Such a state in no way approaches the normal summer condition of a lake, as the temperature curve ( T ) of Seneca Lake in North America in Figure 8 shows. This lake is used as an example because simultaneous measurements of the absorption of radiation (S) were available, so that the results can be shown in the same figure. We can see immediately that within the upper 10 metres, in which 99 per cent of the total radiation was absorbed, there was no appreciable difference in temperature. A rapid drop in temperature begins rather suddenly just below 12 metres and then the gradient (that is, the temperature difference per metre) decreases again below 20 metres and is almost inappreciable at the greatest depths. This form of temperature curve, by which the water mass is partitioned into three parts differing in their thermal conditions, is characteristic of the midsummer state of almost all lakes, although considerable differences will be shown from one example to another in the sharpness of expression and the extent of the individual strata. Following E. Richter (1891) who made thoroughgoing observations and descriptions of these phenomena in Worthersee (Carinthia), the zone of the sharp drop in temperature is designated as the Sprungschicht in Germany. It is termed the thermocline in America, and the discontinuity layer in England. More recently the term metalimnion has been adopted for this zone.7 The water mass overlying the thermocline and showing slight or no thermal stratification is called the epilimnion. The layer that extends from the thermocline to the bottom of the lake is called the hypolimnion. How does this remarkable distribution of heat, which differs so greatly from the absorption curve, come about? We know that during 7 In conformity with ordinary American usage, we are adhering to the term thermocline throughout the translation.
the winter the water mass of a lake in temperate latitudes possesses a temperature of no more than 4°C. Thus it is evident that even very deep strata, to which solar radiation can penetrate only to a minimal degree, gain an appreciable increment of heat in summer. It is selfevident that wherever radiation is absorbed there is a heating of the water. Where heat cannot be given off to the air, as is the case at greater depths, it may be accumulated and, as Ricker (1937) has shown, lead to a sensible rise in temperature, even if the amount of energy absorbed is very small. However, the distribution of heat cannot arise from the simple absorption of radiant energy, as is made clear by the temperature curve given above. There must therefore be some force at work which sends the water warmed at the surface to the lower depths. As a matter of fact, Birge and Juday (1919) have established by careful calculations for the example of Seneca Lake given above, that the heating of the individual water strata through the direct absorption of solar energy amounted only to 10 to 12 per cent of the total distribution of heat. The energy which distributes heat in a lake is derived chiefly from the wind, as has been shown by the researches of Wedderburn, Birge, Schmidt, and others. The wind pushes water particles lying on the surface and generates a current, the speed of which is dependent on the strength of the wind. When it reaches the shore, the moving water mass is deflected by the resistance of the colder and therefore heavier quiet deeper strata. The result is a current in the opposite direction in the stratum just below the surface. Such currents produce turbulent eddies as we shall see later, which lead to a vertical interchange of water particles, and so to a partial or complete intermixing. The interchange (known as eddy diffusion) is the greater and carried on to greater depths the greater the speed of the currents and thus the stronger the wind and the smaller the differences in water density in the lake. Accordingly, the transport of heat is most effective at times when the temperature difference between surface and bottom is still not great. It is therefore especially effective in the spring. With the progressive accumulation of heat and increasing differences in density, mixing can take place only to lesser depths. A boundary is thus formed between the turbulent surface stratum and the quiet water masses underlying it, so that with further heating of the former the temperature drop between the two must continue to become more and more marked. The thermocline thus indicates the limit of the mixing currents which are derived from the surface. 26
These then are the processes of prime importance in determining the form of the temperature curve. An observer can easily be pursuaded of the influence of wind-generated currents if temperature measurements are made on two sunny days, one calm and the other windy. Owing to the manner in which the radiation is absorbed, a marked warming of the surface with a sharp drop directly below will be found when it is calm. When it is windy, a more or less uniform heating of the whole epilimnion will go on throughout the day. The equalization of the temperature of the epilimnion is not brought about solely by wind-generated currents. The cooling of the water surface by evaporation, and also by radiation and conduction during the night and in cold weather, plays an important part. Since the heat waves are absorbed by water to a very much greater extent than they are by air, the surface temperature of our lakes is often considerably above the mean air temperature in summer and fall. A lake, therefore, imparts—at night and on cloudy days—important amounts of heat to its surroundings. The cooled and hence heavier water particles sink down from the surface until they reach a stratum of the same temperature or density. In this way convection currents are set up which likewise bring about an intermixing of greater or less extent. Obviously these vertical cooling currents can affect the form of the temperature curve only through the breakdown of stratification (paring it off, as it were, from the top downwards). They can never bring about a transfer of heat to the deeper strata. This vertical circulation is especially effective in late summer in completely equalizing the temperature of the epilimnion, and in conjunction with it there is usually set up an especially steep thermocline (gradients of 3°C. per metre are not unusual; cf. Figure 10). The thermocline is of special importance not only in the mechanics of currents and mixing but also in connection with the biota in a lake. It divides the water mass into two regions characterized by fundamental differences. The epilimnion, remaining under the influence of the atmosphere through the turbulent currents which are created by every wind, is kept in motion, and any stratification set up in it can be only transitory. The individual water particles travel between the surface and the thermocline through the many levels, as do also the passively floating forms, of which the phytoplankton are of particular interest. On the other hand, movements in the thermocline and the hypolimnion—if they occur at all—occur predominantly within the one level; permanent vertical translocations of water particles take place
only to a minor degree. Above all, the thermocline acts as a barrier between the upper and the lower regions and prevents contact of the hypolimnial water and of the organisms suspended in it (in so far as they are not capable of independent movement) with the surface, that is, with the air, and (when the depth is great enough) bars them from the use of light. ( c ) The energy content A consideration of the energy content imparted by the temperature and density stratification cannot be avoided in view of the transcendent importance of temperature in almost all hydrographic and biological problems in a lake. It is often only by such a consideration that an understanding can be gained of the phenomena which are observed. Therefore, we shall briefly touch on the most important views in this field of investigation. Each body of water possesses a certain heat content; thus it has a store of heat which it can impart to its surroundings on cooling to 0°C. This increment of heat at a temperature of t°C. is equal to the amount of heat in calories which must have been transferred to the water mass to heat it from 0°C. to i°C. Since the specific heat of water is unity, the calculation is extremely simple. We first take a column of water from the surface to the bottom and by multiplying its volume in m3, dm3, or cm3 by its mean temperature in degrees C. obtain the heat content in ton, kilogram, or gram calories (if we use 0°C. as the base temperature). If our water column is so taken as to have a cross section of 1 m 2 , the product of the depth in metres by the mean temperature in centigrade gives the heat content directly in ton calories, since the volume of each metre of depth is one cubic metre. The mean temperature can be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the temperatures of the individual metre strata or it can be determined graphically (by planimeter from a temperature curve plotted on rectangular coordinates). If we wish to determine the heat content of a whole lake the calculation is somewhat more troublesome. We must then take into account the diminution of volume with depth, because the lower strata make a smaller contribution to the total heat content than do the upper ones. From a bottom-contour map of a lake obtained by sounding, we can get the area of whatever contours are desired and find the volume of each metre stratum. These fractional volumes are multiplied by the corresponding mean temperature for each metre and the products summed to obtain the total heat content of the lake. There is a graphical method, introduced by W. Schmidt (1915), whereby this calculation can be performed rapidly and conveniently.
If we divide the heat content thus obtained by the volume of the lake, we obtain the true mean temperature. If we divide by the surface area, on the other hand, we obtain a number that is of importance for the heat balance. It gives the average heat content in the water below one square metre of the surface. Changes in this value during the course of the year show what amounts of heat—either gains or losses—pass through a unit area of the surface in a given length of time. The winter temperature of lakes in the Alps is, in general, if we exclude the uppermost layer, not far from 4°C. (the temperature of maximum density). It is much better, therefore, to take the winter temperature (instead of 0°C.) as the base temperature in the determination of the heat content, and in this way obtain the amount of heat which the lake has accumulated, or the gain in heat, since the winter. The calorific energy which the heat content of a lake represents is very considerable. Thus in the relatively small Lunzer Untersee (surface area 0.68 km2, volume 13.6 X 10® m3) the minimum heat content in winter is 40 X 10® ton-calories and the summer maximum is about 160 X 10® ton~ calories. The heat gain, and correspondingly the amount of heat given up during the cooling from summer to winter, is therefore about 120 X 10® ton-calories or equivalent to that released by the combustion of 15,000 tons of high-grade coal. From this example, it can be understood that large lakes (for example, Lake Constance) are able to influence the local climate appreciably while cooling. The heat content is not the only form of energy of importance to us which enters a lake stratified with respect to temperature and water density. In many respects the content of mechanical energy is still more important. We shall first disregard the kinetic energy which is incorporated in water masses in motion and concern ourselves solely with the potential energy present in a lake in which lighter water lies over denser. In such a lake, as W. Schmidt (1915) has pointed out, a stable system is present which is not able to perform work and can only be upset by the introduction of new energy. We are thus speaking of "potential energy" in a sense which is opposite to the way the term is most generally used, for the characteristic of stability is just the loss of potential energy in contrast to other possible states (Schmidt). E. A. Birge (1916) first demonstrated the exact determination of the amount of energy that must be expended to produce a given stratification in a lake. It is the sum of the work performed by the wind in driving the water from the surface to the various strata at summer temperatures against the resistance of an equal column of water at 4°'C. (the spring temperature). From other assumptions, W. Schmidt arrived at the following conclusions independent of Birge. While Birge calculated the work which
was necessary to bring about the summer distribution of temperature starting from a homothermal condition at 4°C., Schmidt determined the expenditure of energy necessary to upset an existing stratification or to bring it to a state where the whole water mass would have taken on the mean temperature by mixing. Schmidt termed this expenditure of energy the stability of stratification. The idea of stability is of special importance to the limnologist. It gives a value for the resistance which a given state of stratification is able to oppose to the stirring effect of the wind and thus also a value for the degree to which the hypolimnion of a lake is shut off. Since the centre of gravity of a stratified body of water lies lower than that of an unstratified one (because denser layers are below) we can define stability as the work required to raise the centre of gravity an amount corresponding to its displacement downward from its original position. This
h D1 Z)2
FIGURE 9. Diagram for calculating stability. For explanation see text.
is equivalent to lifting the weight of the whole lake by a distance equal to the difference between the two centres of gravity. This elevation then offers a suitable means of calculating the stability. If the centre of gravity of a lake in a stratified state lies at a depth of s metres, and in an unstratified state at s0 metres, and if we put the weight equal to the volume, V (since the specific gravity of water is always very near to unity) then the stability is S = (, - s0) • V. Let us now derive from this simple proposition a formula useful under all conditions. This extension of the formula is dealt with by W. Schmidt who also gives instructions for determining the stability graphically. The method is also to be found in O. Eckel (1950). For our purpose it will be sufficient if we, by making an extremely simple assumption (which in nature would scarcely be realized), establish a formula that will permit us to appreciate the fundamental laws of stability. Let us assume that our lake basin has
perfectly perpendicular walls and that the temperature stratification in this column of water is such that at a given depth z there is a sudden change in temperature with completely uniform temperatures t1 and i 2 with densities Dx and D 2 existing above and below (Figure 9 ) . The centre of gravity s0 (in the mixed state) lies at depth h, the total depth of the basin being 2h. It is clear that in the establishment of equilibrium by mixing, the excess weight in the part below the temperature change must be lifted to the level of the centre of gravity s0. This excess is (D 2 — D x ) multiplied by the height 8 of the lower colder stratum, thus multiplied by (2h — z), and the elevation amounts to z/2. We therefore obtain the stability as S = (D 2 — D J • ( 2 h - z ) • | • From this formula it can be seen that the stability is dependent on the density differences in a given stratification. Since the density difference D 2 — D1 is appreciably greater at higher temperatures than it is at lower ones (cf. p. 10) it is understandable that there is only a small degree of stability at the commencement of the spring warming and that at this time important amounts of heat are easily transported to the depths by windgenerated currents. Further it is clear that tropical lakes in which only small differences in temperature between surface and bottom occur (eg., surface 28-30°C.; bottom, 24-26°C.) can nevertheless attain very large stability values. 9 We can further see from our formula that under otherwise equal conditions the stability first increases with the descent of the thermocline (thus with increasing z), reaches the highest values when the thermocline is at the level of the centre of gravity s0 (z = h), and as the thermocline proceeds to greater depths decreases again towards zero (z = 2 h ) . This is in harmony with the phenomenon that when the thermocline lies high, as frequently occurs with marked warming of the surface in spring, it does so only for a brief time and quickly disappears or is driven deeper, whereas the deep lying thermoclines of summer often remain unchanged in position for month-long periods. In autumn, on the other hand, the breakdown of stratification occurs faster the deeper the thermocline has been driven, as soon as it has passed below the centre of gravity. If it is desired to calculate the stability of stratification of an entire lake by Schmidt's method the volume in relation to depth must be considered as well as the heat content. As an example of the order of magnitude of such total stabilities the con8 In
the example here the height is equivalent to the volume. an illustration of these relations let us take the stability values for Altausseersee (the east Alps) and for Ranu Klindungan (east Java). The observations for these lakes give very similar temperature curves except for the absolute levels of temperature—in Altausseersee: epilimnion 12.2°C., hypolimnion 5.2°C. (difference 7.0°C.); in Ranu Klindungan: 31.4°C. and 26.2°C. (difference 5.2°C). The sharp thermocline in both cases lay between 5 and 10 m. The stability between 0 and 40 m. depth amounted to 60 kgm. per square metre of surface in Altausseersee. In Ranu Klindungan it was (in spite of the smaller temperature difference) 190 kgm. 9 As
ditions in tiny Lunzersee may be taken again: values of 30 X 10® kgm. are frequently obtained for it in midsummer; this is the work required to raise thirty 10-ton cars 100 m. It is perhaps not superfluous to add that in inland waters the stratification of layers of different density and the resulting stability is not always due to temperature differences. A difference in salt content can also produce a similar phenomenon. This is frequently the case in brackish waters, and in these the stability due to the salt content can supersede that due to the stratification of temperature. Hutchinson (1937) has investigated such cases in his studies on limnology of landlocked lakes in desert regions and has given them a thorough mathematical treatment. However, even in pure fresh water the universally occurring differences in concentration of dissolved substances can by no means be disregarded (meromictic lakes cf. p. 36). (d) The annual temperature cycle After this fundamental orientation, we can now come nearer to a consideration of the annual cycle of temperature in a lake. It has already been mentioned several times that a lake in the temperate zone is, in general, uniformly at the temperature of maximum density (4°C.) from top to bottom at a certain time in the spring. In this state the stability is equal to zero. Wind-generated currents can proceed through it without hindrance and set the whole water mass of the lake in motion with consequent thorough intermixing. This is the time of the spring turnover. The duration of this period depends on weather conditions. Usually it is short, since surface warming generally sets in rapidly after the removal of the ice cover. However, as is pointed out above, the stability is slight at the beginning of the warming period because of the low water temperatures which prevail and because the thermal gradient is confined to the uppermost strata. Any stratification that arises is destroyed by mixing with the onset of even a relatively weak wind. These circumstances lead to a gradual, more or less uniform, warming of the water mass to a considerable depth, occasionally right to the bottom. This is especially the case in lakes exposed to the wind, as for example those in the lowlands of north Germany or in Finland where total circulation by no means stops at the beginning of the warming period and a considerable rise in the temperature of the lower strata is the general rule. In sheltered situations, on the other hand, or when the break-up is immediately followed by a calm warm period, the stability brought about by the rapid warming of the upper 32
strata quickly becomes so great that a thorough mixing by the wind is no longer possible. The lake then almost without change enters the state of summer stagnation. Under certain circumstances the vernal mixing can be so incomplete that conditions in the depths can remain as they were throughout the winter. Meteorological conditions immediately after the break-up of a lake are therefore of the greatest importance in determining the temperature of the deeper strata. If the surface warming is rapid with no extended period of circulation, then the bottom temperature of the lake will be in the neighbourhood of 4°C. throughout the summer. However, if changeable windy weather prevails in the spring the whole water mass of the lake will be gradually warmed to the bottom before a resistant stratification can be formed. In consequence the bottom temperature of a particular lake will not be at all the same in different years. In Lunzer Untersee the variations observed up to the present have been about two centigrade degrees. At the beginning of the summer stagnation, the thermocline does not by any means have the sharply expressed characteristic form shown in Figure 8. The active transfer of heat at this time generally produces a gentle gradient near the surface; only later does the temperature curve assume the typical midsummer form under the influence of variations in heating, cooling, and mixing by the wind. The concomitant approach of the thermocline to the centre of gravity also brings about an increase in stability (see p. 31). Consequently, stronger and stronger winds are required in order to displace the thermocline still further downward. Finally a state of equilibrium is reached in which the position of the thermocline remains almost constant, and changes in thermal conditions in the epilimnion no longer take place. With the autumn cooling, or in other words when the loss in heat is greater than the intake, the breakdown of thermal stratification begins. The position of the thermocline remains unchanged at the beginning of this process. However, with the reduction of the temperature difference the stability of the stratification is reduced, and the time soon comes when a wind of normal strength (actually the current generated by it) can overcome the resistance of the thermocline and a progressive incorporation of its water mass and later of those masses underlying it can follow. This process is called the autumnal partial circulation. While the thermocline sinks down further and further during this process and the temperature difference becomes less and less, the
steepness of the gradient becomes greater and greater—especially at the beginning of the mixing process. This partial circulation leads gradually to a uniform temperature in the whole water mass (homothermy) and with it to the end of the stability (cf. the temperature curve in figure 37b). The currents can pass unhindered to all depths and the lake enters the state of the fall turnover. The level of the uniform temperature displayed by all strata at the beginning of this stage depends on various circumstances but in particular on the depth of the lake. It should be remembered that a vertical transfer of heat takes place in the mixing processes brought about by the wind. We can therefore expect a sudden rise in the bottom temperature in late autumn, in one particular case (Lunzer Untersee) from 4.5° to 6°C. If the lake is very deep, however, this transfer of heat cannot raise the temperature of the extensive hypolimnion to any appreciable degree above its springtime level. The duration of the fall turnover depends on meteorological conditions as well as on the depth of the lake. The greater the mass of water to be cooled, the longer the cooling process will continue. In the large and deep lakes of the Alps, therefore, the state of circulation usually continues through the whole winter and hence these lakes seldom freeze. In shallower basins, however, the whole volume of water from top to bottom is sooner or later cooled to 4°C., the temperature of maximum density. A further loss of heat is limited to the uppermost strata since the cooled water particles are then lighter than those which lie under them. As soon as the temperature reaches 4°C. a single cold calm night can lead to the formation of a sheet of ice. Since, however, the difference in density of water between 0°C. and 4°C. is slight (see Figure 1) and the gradient lies just below the surface, only a minimum of stability is set up by this winter stratification and a very gentle wind is sufficient to break it down. For that reason it can often be observed that the cooling of the whole water mass proceeds further, to about 3°C. and less, before—with the intervention of calm conditions—the ice seal finally comes. The temperature prevailing at that time will be maintained throughout the winter at least in the deeper strata. The winter temperature of a lake is thus governed, as is the summer temperature of the hypolimnion, by the meteorological conditions which prevail immediately before stratification becomes stabilized. Since the cold water lies over the warmer in winter the stratification then is called inverse as opposed to the direct stratification of summer. 34
The ice cover protects the lake from forces impinging on its surface, in particular from the effect of the wind. After its formation a permanent stratification can be set up which begins with 0°C. immediately under the ice, and displaying a sharp rise, reaches the temperature of the deeper strata in a short distance. This state, which exists only under conditions of ice cover, is termed the winter stagnation (cf. the temperature curves in Figures 5 and 37c). (e) Types of stratification Very frequently the temperature stratification during the stagnation periods does not offer the simple picture sketched above. Variations from the norm occur which are caused both by meteorological conditions and by the individual characteristics of the lake. In summer it is often found that not only is a thermocline developed but also there are two or more regions where the temperature drops steeply. Such conditions are brought about through alternations of periods of warming with periods of extensive mixing. When a period of fine spring weather rapidly increases the temperature of the upper Temperature
in two adjacent lakes.
strata and then stormy weather with strong winds and cold sets in, the shallow thermocline is driven down to a substantial depth—just as it is in the autumnal partial circulation. A new warming period can then lead to the formation of a second thermocline overlying the first. This process can obviously be repeated and it is possible to infer the thermal history of a lake since the last total circulation from an observation of the temperature curve.
Special forms of stratification can also be brought about by the extent of inflow-outflow relations and by the form, size, and position of the lake basin. Large flows of water through a lake generate turbulence in it, especially in the stratum where the inflowing and generally colder water levels out—that is, in the region of the thermocline. As a result the thermocline increases greatly in extent and does not have as steep a temperature gradient. This phenomenon is particularly observable in lakes which are expansions of large rivers. (In Figure 10 the temperature curve for Hallstáttersee, an expansion of the Traun, is compared with that for Altausseersee which has but little flow through it and in consequence exhibits an especially sharp thermocline. ) The influence of the surface area is such that, in general, large lakes with their greater turbulence resulting from the extensive surface have deeper lying thermoclines than do small lakes; but the influence of size can be cancelled by the situation of the lake or by its orientation in relation to the direction of the prevailing winds. In small sheltered ponds very extreme temperature stratifications can be observed which in their form and divisions are identical with those of lakes, but in which the depth relations can be completely expressed in a few decimetres. Temperature
IO 12 I
I L_
1U 16 18 '
ZO 22 'C I I I I I I
10 715
Uimener Maar 8. Vili. 1911
» «i O 25 30 35
11. Temperature stratification in a meromictic lake. After Thienemaan.
In general each lake—when the average summer stagnation is considered—has its own individual temperature curve which is the resultant of the effects on the water of the climate, of the lake's situation, form and size, and of the volume of flow through it. 36
In many lakes peculiar stratification phenomena are found which are not understandable at the first glance. It is not altogether rare to find a considerable increase in temperature at a certain depth in the hypolimnion below a perfectly normal temperature curve in the upper strata. A very good example, the temperature curve of Ulmener Maar taken from Thienemann's (1915) observations, is reproduced here (Figure 11). This apparent paradox is explained by an equally marked stratification of the salt content. The salinity amounted to 185 mg. per litre in the upper and to about 500 mg. per litre in the deeper strata. The increase in density brought about by this difference in concentration is several times greater than the decrease brought about by a temperature rise from 5.4° to 7.2°C. This density gradient brings about a considerable stability which prevents a complete turnover at the time when total circulation would normally occur. The salinity and the higher temperature in the deep waters of the volcanic Ulmener Maar are brought about by springs which empty into the lake. Similar and even more extreme cases are found in the volcanic regions of Indonesia where temperatures up to 91 °C. have been measured in the depths of crater lakes while the surface strata display temperatures near that of the air. The difference in solute concentration need not be quite as great as in the example of Ulmener Maar cited above in order to make stratification possible in spite of the temperature rise below. As was outlined on page 8 a salt content of 1 g/1. increases the specific gravity by about 0.0008. The difference in density attendant on a change in temperature of from 4° to 5°C. amounts to 0.000008. To compensate this difference in density thus requires an increase in salt concentration of only 10 mg/1. It is not at all rare to find lakeseven in the Alps—in which the difference in concentration between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion is several times this amount.10 If such a basin is sufficiently deep and sheltered, stabilities can be set up in this manner that can prevent a fall turnover. Circulation in such lakes extends only to a certain depth and for that reason they are 10 An example may demonstrate this. On June 24, 1933, Krottensee (upper Austria) had a temperature of 4.6°C. and a salt content (as measured by its electric conductivity) of 218 mg/1. at a depth of 20 m., and at 40 m. a temperature of 5.0 °C. and a salt content of 264 mg/1. On the basis of temperature the density at 20 m. would have been 0.999997 and at 40 m. 0.999992; thus the stratification was apparently unstable. When, however, the salt content is taken into consideration, the actual density at 20 m. amounts to 1.000182 and at 40 m. to 1.000217; the stratification is therefore entirely stable.
termed meromictic, following Findenegg's (1935) terminology, in contrast to the normal holomictic lakes. The water mass which does not take part in the annual turnovers has been termed the monimolimnion by Findenegg and the expression chemocline has been employed by Hutchinson (1937) for the stratum containing the concentration gradient. The latter author has given special consideration to stability relations in meromictic lakes. The continuously stagnant (or renewed in the course of years by gradual interchange) hypolimnion of these lakes usually shows a slight rise in temperature of a few tenths of a degree which can be due to a variety of causes. In many cases the lake bottom, the temperature of which at the altitudes in question nearly equals the mean air temperature, is the source of heat. In others again it is the seepage of ground water or perhaps also the heat of combustion of oxidized organic substances. In this connection should also be mentioned the well-known Transylvanian salt lakes in which a highly concentrated salt solution (24 per cent!) is overlain by a shallower sheet of fresh water. In these lakes at depths of from about 1 to 3 metres temperatures up to 56 °C. are reached. The radiant energy of the sun is stored within the saline layer since the release of the heat at the surface cannot take place because of the impossibility of circulation. Our considerations of the temperature stratification of lakes up to this point have concerned only regions which display a regular alternation of summer and winter. How do those waters behave which lie outside the temperate zones of our earth? We have seen that essentially our lakes conserve the winter temperatures in their depths throughout the summer. Only the anomalous expansion of water (the density maximum being at 4°C.) prevents the temperature of the hypolimnion from being still lower. In a climate where the air temperature does not fall below 4°C. for any considerable length of time there can naturally be very little cooling of the waters below this temperature. In lakes in such latitudes there is no inverse stratification and the temperatures of the depths will show a higher value than do ours. For example even Lago di Garda in which the temperature of the depths is about 7°C. is such a lake. The closer we approach the tropics the less will be the annual variation both of air and of water temperature and hence the smaller also the difference between surface and bottom. In the equable climates of tropical regions we must expect high bottom temperatures, for these can scarcely be less than the mean temperature of the coldest time of 38
the year. Accordingly, the low-lying lakes of Indonesia for example, have temperatures of about 26°C. in the hypolimnion down to their greatest depths. The monthly mean of the surface temperature in a given instance varied between 26° and 29°C. and thus is only a little higher than the profundal temperature. At higher altitudes these relationships change only in that the temperatures of all the strata are lower. Thus in Lake Titicaca, which lies at an altitude of 3800 metres, surface temperatures between 10.1° and 12.5°C., and bottom temperatures between 9.4° and 11.4°C., have been found. The characteristic feature of tropical lakes is therefore not high surface temperatures but the slight seasonal variation in temperature and the small difference between those at the surface and those at the bottom. Otherwise the temperature curves for tropical lakes (Figure 17) display exactly the same principles of stratification that we have recognized for temperate lakes. In spite of the temperature differences, the stability is scarcely less than in lakes of our latitudes (see p. 31) because of the rapid change of density at the high temperatures at which these differences occur. Another phenomenon also arises from the property of the density of water just mentioned. In the tropics a given degree of cooling releases much more active convection currents than it does in the lakes of the temperate latitudes at the time of the fall turnover. In the latter, with their commonly lower temperatures and therefore less excess density, the speed of the descending currents can only be small—indeed in the neighbourhood of 4°C. it is almost infinitesimal. On the other hand, the slightest cooling in a tropical lake sets up convection currents which soon affect the warm hypolimnion also if this state continues, and must quickly lead to a turnover in the lake without the necessity of any wind action. Since the annual variation in temperature is very slight in the true tropics, turnovers in the lakes there are not confined to certain seasons as they are in our regions. Turnovers can occur repeatedly at short intervals of time when periods of cooling quickly follow each other. On the other hand, after an exceptional cooling period with its depression of the temperature of the lower strata, none may occur again perhaps for years. Only in those places where rainy seasons alternate with markedly dry ones characterized by intense radiation, as for example in the east monsoon region of Java, do turnovers occur at regular seasons. There they are associated with the dry season. In the Arctic and in high mountain regions there is another type of lake which contrasts with the tropical lakes. This type is frozen
throughout almost the entire year and does not reach a stable condition of direct stratification by warming in the short time it is ice free. The state of these lakes thus varies between winter stagnation and total circulation; their surface temperatures rise only a little if any above 4°C. Forel (1901) was the first to propose a generally accepted classification of the lakes of the world according to their thermal conditions. He distinguished between three types: (1) Temperate lakes which displayed a regular alternation of periods of stagnation accompanied by direct or inverse stratification with intervening periods of total circulation; (2) Tropical lakes which have a continuous direct stratification and whose temperature therefore never sinks below 4°C.; (3) Polar lakes with temperatures below 4°C. and inverse stratification. Forel's tropical type, in the light of the results of limnological investigations in recent decades, is probably somewhat too broad. According to the definition given, numerous lakes in the Alps belong to it, such as Lago di Garda and other upper Italian lakes, which in spite of a lack of inverse stratification in winter are nearer in every respect to the temperate type than to the true tropical one. It is probably more appropriate to designate as tropical lakes only those which lie within the tropics and whose temperatures vary but slightly throughout the year, so that only relatively slight differences between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion occur. All other lakes which are never inversely stratified, and which are similar in their annual cycle of temperature to the temperate type, might be grouped together as (4) Subtropical lakes. 3. Water Movements Since the movements within the water mass of a lake which are of importance to limnologists depend largely on temperature or density stratification for their effect, a brief discussion of them might have been included in the thermal section. We can distinguish between rhythmic and arhythmic water movements. To the first belong the travelling and standing waves, to the latter currents of various kinds. (a) Waves The best known of all water movements, the travelling surface waves, are of only subordinate interest to us in our considerations, for their effect is limited to the uppermost strata and they therefore take no part in the displacement of the more extensive masses. If we observe an object floating on the water surface which is being moved by a wave, a cork for instance, we see that it rises and falls in a nearly circular path (an orbit) so that after the completion of the wave cycle it is returned to its original position again. Like the cork the 40
water particles also have only an oscillatory motion without undergoing any permanent translocation. The impulse for this oscillation arises from some force, perhaps the impact of an object or the force of the wind, which makes the water particles depart from their state of equilibrium. Acted on by the force of gravity, they then seek to regain their original position. The movement must be such that neighbouring particles will move in the same manner one after the other. This results in a travelling wave the cross section of which is termed a cycloid, that is, the path described by a point on the rim of a wheel rolling over a plane surface. We shall go no further into the fundamental theory of wave motion which has been particularly developed in oceanography but will refer the reader to the works of Forel, Aufsess, Thorade, and Defant. We are interested here solely in the question to what depth the surface waves in our lakes will have an influence. Deeper particles will obviously be affected by the oscillation, although the diameter of the circles which the particles will describe decreases rapidly with depth. A simple relation has been established for this decrease. For every increase in depth of one-ninth the wave-length (the distance between two peaks) the amplitude decreases by one-half. At a depth which is equal to the wave-length the amplitude is, therefore, less than 1/500 of that observed on the surface. The height of waves (surface amplitude) does not bear any fixed relation to their length. However, on the average, according to Forel, it is about 1/20 of the wave-length. At a wave-length of 18 m. (which approaches the maximum observed in Lake Geneva) and with a height of about 1 m., the amplitude ol oscillation of a water particle at a depth of 4 m. ( 2 / 9 of the wavelength) is 25 cm. according to the relation given above, at 8 m. ( 4 / 9 ) it is 6.25 cm. and at 18 m. not quite 2 mm. Waves of such a size occur only on exceptional occasions except in very large lakes. The much smaller waves which are usual in basins of small and moderate size will not be appreciable even at minor depths. These considerations, however, hold only for deep water. In shallows, if the depth is much less than the wave-length, the extent of motion of the water particles is approximately the same throughout from the surface to the bottom and is rather like a to and fro movement of the whole water mass (Defant, 1929). The average depth to which wave action is effective is important in the littoral zone of lakes since sedimentation of the beaches is prevented above this depth. Thus the marl banks on the steep sides of 41
the alpine lakes do not increase in height above a certain point. Their almost level surface lies at a depth which is dependent on the extent of the wave action. In Lunzer Untersee, for example, this is at about one metre. Standing waves. Standing waves cause much greater displacements than do the travelling ones and are therefore much more important in limnology. In the latter, the water particles all move through the same
FIGURE 12. Limnograph records of standing waves (seiches). A, in Stamberger See (period of oscillation 25 min., from Aufsess); B, in Lunzer Untersee (period somewhat over 3 min.). the phase of all particles is the same but the extent of the movements is different. At the nodal points no vertical movement takes place at all while at the loops it reaches a maximum. The processes which enter into play in these oscillations can be easily demonstrated by a model in which we set water containing suspended particles of some sort to swinging from end to end in a trough. If the experiment is correctly performed, the water surface will oscillate about a horizontal line lying at the middle, the node line. At this latter place, no vertical movements occur, while at the two ends, the loops, the water rises and falls at a rate dependent on the length and depth of the vessel. Simultaneously the floating particles below the node line will be seen to move to and fro horizontally with the same rhythm, since of course the water which is drawn to one side by the sloping surface must flow over to it from the other. If the vessel is very long in relation to its depth, movements of considerable extent take place under the node line even with small amplitudes at the ends. The speed of the horizontal movements is greatest at the nodal point and gradually decreases to zero at the ends of the vessel. The standing wave in our experiment was uninodal. We can, however, generate binodal standing waves if we exert a rhythmically varying pressure
on the surface in the middle of the vessel. A complete loop will arise in the middle, there being also two half loops at the ends as in the first experiment. Plurinodal waves can also be observed. Finally we distinguish between longitudinal and transverse standing waves according to whether the oscillation is about the transverse or longitudinal axis of the trough. In a rectangular vessel with a plane bottom the formula first calculated by Merian for the period t (the duration of the to and fro movement in a uninodal oscillation) can be reduced to: t = 2l/y/gh, in which I is the length of the vessel, h the depth of water, and g the acceleration due to gravity. If the vessel is not rectangular in cross section and the bottom is not plane, quite complicated equations, which we shall not enter into here, take the place of this formula (see Forel, Aufsess, Halbfass, Defant). However, since in larger lakes the average depth is very small in proportion to the length, the simple formula gives a good approximation of the correct result. These standing waves are a phenomenon which occurs in all lakes, but only in large basins is the periodic rise and fall of the water surface extensive enough to be evident without the employment of measuring instruments. The fishermen on our largest lakes have known of them since antiquity and the scientific name for them, "seiches," originated at Lake Geneva (according to Forel it comes perhaps from the French séche since shallows at the margin are left dry with the subsidence of the water). The most extensive seiche observed in Europe up to now, with an amplitude of 1.87 m., was also recorded in Lake Geneva, October 3, 1841. As a rule, however, the extent of these oscillations of the lake surface is far below this maximum. As an example may be cited the series of seiches (March 1891) given by Forel for the same lake which lasted for 7/2 days and consisted of 147 oscillations with a period of 73 min. and an amplitude which sank gradually from 20 to 7 cm. In order to make exact observations on such seiches in smaller lakes a recording level gauge (limnograph) is used. Figure 12 shows limnograph records for Starnberger See (Würmsee) and for Lunzer Untersee. Since in addition to the uninodal longitudinal oscillation in lakes bi- and multinodal as well as transverse oscillations which are superimposed on the fundamental almost always occur, the curves sketched by a limnograph are at times quite complicated. The period of a seiche has a characteristic magnitude for each lake as follows from the formula given above. For example, the longitudinal fundamental is 73 min. in Lake Geneva; in Lake Constance, 56; Lago di Garda, 43; Attersee, 32; Grundlsee, 9.5; Altausseersee, 5.3. The dependence of the period of oscillation on water depth is displayed especially well in Lake Balaton which is about as long as Lake Geneva but has a mean depth of only 3 m. and has a period of oscillation of about 10 to 12 hours. Compli-
cated lake basins divided into arms and bays display numerous irregularities in their seiches. Thus an individual arm can have oscillations that are independent of the main basin. The force which generates standing waves is excess pressure on part of the water surface. This pressure can be exerted by local barometric variations, by wind, or by a rain shower which is limited to part of a lake. The energy required is relatively small. For example in Wiirmsee (which has a period of oscillation of 25 min.) a rain limited to half the lake which had a precipitation of 2 mm. in an hour according to the calculations of Emden set up an oscillation with an amplitude of 25 mm. (cited from Halbfass, 1923). Standing waves are not limited to the surface, that is, solely to the boundary between water and air only; they occur also within the mass of fluid (without being in evidence as surface movements) if there are two or more overlying strata of different densities. To distinguish these from the surface seiches discussed above, they are called internal seiches. We can again begin by studying the phenomenon experimentally. A coloured salt solution containing some suspended particles is introduced by a tube into the bottom of a glass trough, for instance, an aquarium not quite half full of water. As long as it is in a state of rest, the colourless water lies on the approximately equal amount of salt water in a more or less sharply marked plane. Standing waves are then generated by tilting the vessel or by applying pressure at one end. Both the surface and the bottom layer are set in oscillation, each, however, independently of the other in amplitude and period. While the rapid to and fro motion of the surface dies away in a short time, the slower oscillation of the bottom stratum continues long after the water surface has come to rest. If we introduce a weaker salt solution, thus one of lesser density, into a second vessel as the bottom stratum we shall find that its oscillation is still slower than that of the solution in the first. Thus the period of oscillation is evidently dependent on differences in density of the two strata in association.11 The formula established by Watson for the period t of uninodal internal waves in vessels of rectangular cross section is:
n Recently Mortimer (1950) has recommended a system of three fluid strata (water, phenol, dilute glycerol) for the study of internal seiches.
where I is again the length of the basin, the height of the lower heavier stratum, h2 that of the upper one, d]_ and d2 the corresponding densities, g the acceleration due to gravity. The dependence on the difference in density between the two fluid strata as well as on their heights can be found from this formula. We see further that the formula given on page 43 is only a special case in which the density of the upper medium d2 (in that case the air) is very small in comparison with that of the lower (water dj = 1) and can, therefore, be neglected.
From what is said above, we must expect internal seiches in our lakes in the boundary layer between the lighter water of the epilimnion and the heavier water of the hypolimnion. When such oscillations appear, the thermocline swings up and down about one or more nodal lines with a period established by the conditions. This phenomenon can therefore be conveniently followed by temperature measurements taken at short intervals of time, simultaneously where possible, at two or more diametrically opposite places in the lake. It is evident that the thermocline is scarcely ever completely still but rather that the same temperature can be found now deeper and now shallower. For this reason these standing waves were first called "temperature seiches." Depth ( m j