Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Since the Bell Inequalities: Selected Reprints/Reprint Books Series No. Rb-52
0917853334, 9780917853333
Pages [878]
Year 1988
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Table of contents :
Resource Letter IQM-1 on the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics / BRYCE S. DEWITT, R. NEILL GRAHAM 1971
Resource Letter IQM-2: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics since the Bell Inequalities / L. E. BALLENTINE 1987
Quantum Mechanics Reality and Separability / F. SELLERI, G. TAROZZI 1981
Bell's theorem: Experimental Test and Implication / JOHN F. CLAUSER, ABNER SHIMONY 1978
The Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics / L. E. BALLENTINE 1970
Einstein's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics / L. E. BALLENTINE 1972
S-Matrix Interpretation of Quantum Theory / HENRY PIERCE STAPP 1971
The Copenhagen Interpretation / HENRY PIERCE STAPP 1972
Consistent Histories and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics / ROBERT B. GRIFFITHS 1984
The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics / Edited by BRYCE S. DEWITT and NEILL GRAHAM 1973
Can the Statistical Postulate of Quantum Theory Be Derived? A Critique of the Many-Universes Interpretation / L. E. BALLENTINE 1973
Quantum Theory and Cosmology / C. J. S. CLARKE 1974
How Many Worlds? / RICHARD A. HEALEY 1984
Quantum Interference and the Quantum Potential / C. PHILIPPIDIS, C. DEWDNEY, B. J. HILEY 1979
On the impossible Pilot Wave / J. S. BELL 1982
Unbroken Quantum Realism, from Microscopic to Macroscopic Levels / D. BOHM, B. J. HILEY 1985
Probability Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics / ROGER G. NEWTON 1980
Solution to Two Paradoxes in the Quantum Theory of Unstable Systems / M. BUNGE, A. J. KALNAY 1983
What is a State Vector? / ASHER PERES 1984
An Operational Interpretation of Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics / W. E. LAMB JR. 1969
The Empirical Determination of Quantum States / W. BAND, J. L. PARK 1970
A General Method of Empirical State Determination in Quantum Physics: Part II / W. BAND, J. L. PARK 1971
The Physics and the Semantics of Quantum Measurement / HENRY MARGENAU, J. L. PARK 1973
Measurement of the Wigner Function / ANTOINE ROYER 1985
Alternative to the Orthodox Interpretation of Quantum Theory / PHILIP PEARLE 1967
Insolubility of the Quantum Measurement Problem / ARTHUR FINE 1970
Is there a Quantum Measurement Problem? / P. A. MOLDAUER 1972
There is a Measurement Problem: A Comment / ARTHUR FINE 1972
Approximate Measurement in Quantum Mechanics. II / ABNER SHIMONY 1974
Quantum Measurements are Reversible / ASHER PERES 1974
Quantum Theory of Measurement Without Wave Packet Collapse / M. CINI 1983
Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be considered Complete? / A. EINSTEIN, B. PODOLSKY, N. ROSEN 1935
Quantum-Mechanical Description / HENRY MARGENAU 1936
Discussion of Experimental Proof for the Paradox of Einstein, Rosen, and Podolsky / D. BOHM, Y. AHARONOV 1957
On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox / J. S. BELL 1964
Introduction to the Hidden-Variable Question / J. S. BELL 1970
Proposed Experiment to test Local Hidden-Variable Theories / J. F. CLAUSER, M. A. HORNE, A. SHIMONY, R. A. HOLT 1969
Experimental Test of Local Hidden-Variable Theories / S. J. FREEDMAN, J. F. CLAUSER 1972
Experimental Investigation of a Polarization Correlation Anomaly / J. F. CLAUSER 1976
Experimental Test of Local Hidden-Variable Theories / E. S. FRY, R. C. THOMPSON 1976
Proposed Molecular Test of Local Hidden-Variables Theories / T. K. LO, A. SHIMONY 1981
Experimental Tests of Realistic Local Theories via Bell's Theorem / A. ASPECT, P. GRANGIER, G. ROGER 1981
Experimental Realization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedankenexperiment: A New Violation of Bell's Inequalities / A. ASPECT, P. GRANGIER, G. ROGER 1982
Experimental Test Bell's Inequalities Using Time-Varying Analyzers / A. ASPECT, J. DALIBARD, G. ROGER 1982
On Hidden Variables and Quantum Mechanical Probabilities / EUGENE P. WIGNER 1976
On Hidden Variables and Quantum Mechanical Probabilities / EUGENE P. WIGNER 1970
Cryptographic approach to hidden variables / N. HERBERT 1975
Unperformed Experiments have no Results / ASHER PERES 1978
The Quantum Theory and Reality / BERNARD D'ESPAGNAT 1979
Bringing Home the Atomic World: Quantum Mysteries for Anyone / N. D. MERMIN 1981
Is the Moon there when Nobody looks? Reality and the Quantum theory / N. D. MERMIN 1985
A Lecture Demonstration of the Incompatibility of Quantum Predictions with those of a Local Realistic Theory / G. E. STEDMAN 1985
Experimental Consequences of Objective Local Theories / J. F. CLAUSER, M. A. HORNE 1974
On the Consequences of Einstein Locality / F. SELLERI 1978
Generalized Inequalities Following from Einstein Locality / A. GARUCCIO 1978
Systematic Derivation of all the Inequalities of Einstein Locality / A. GARUCCIO, F. SELLERI 1980
Joint Distributions and Local Realism in the Higher-Spin Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment / N. D. MERMIN, G. M. SCHWARZ 1982
Bell Inequalities with a Range of Violation that does not Diminish as the Spin Becomes Arbitrarily Large / A. GARG, N. D. MERMIN 1982
Local Realism and Measured Correlations in the Spin-s Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment / A. GARG, N. D. MERMIN 1983
Some Evaluations of Bell's Inequality for Particles of Arbitrary Spin / M. OGREN 1983
Farkas's Lemma and the Nature of Reality: Statistical Implications of Quantum Correlations / A. GARG, N. D. MERMIN 1984