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Russian Pages [33]
И. А. Кудалина
Учебно-методическое пособие
Под редакцией проф. И. А. Горшеневой
ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА Учебно-методическая разработка "Forensic Science Center o f the Ministry o f the Interior o f the Russian Federation'"’ предназначена дня курсантов 2 курса
Учебно-методическая разработка состоит из 16 текстов по темам "Forensic Science Center” и '"Different kinds o f examinations". Все тексты снабжены упражнениями, целью которых является развитие лексико-грамматических навыков владения английским языком, а также коммуникативных навыков на основе активной лексики. Данная разработка дополнена глоссарием "Forensic science".
FORENSIC SCIENCE CENTER OF THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Unit 1: Forensic Science Center of the M inistry of the Interior of the Russian Federation. Forensic Science Center of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation is the Federal State Institution created for the purpose of organization and promotion of forensic support for the law enforcement. Core activities of the Center :
- organization o f the work of the law enforcement forensic sections, participation of the specialists in the investigative and operative activities, creating and maintaining collections and various database;
- legal regulation improvement, organization and methodological monitoring of law enforcement forensic sections in the central and regional departments;
- acting as a center of forensic knowledge and expertise;
- organization and coordination of applied scientific research.
Main stages of the development of the forensic service:
1 March, - setting up o f the first Forensic Experts Service. 1919 June, 1921
- reorganization of the Service into the Forensic-technical subdivision of the Central Criminal Investigation Department and in May, 1922 into the Scientific-Technical Section.
- setting up of the scientific-technical support sections in regional
investigation divisions.
- Forensic Scientific Research Institute was established.
- Scientific-technical sections became autonomous militia departments.
- setting up of the Operative-technical divisions which incorporated expert departments.
- creation o f independent Forensic Science Sections within the law enforcement departments.
- Forensic Science Service became a law enforcement autonomous service.
- Forensic Science Centers are set up at the Ministry of the Interior, at the Main City Law Enforcement Department and at the law enforcement departments on the territory of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
The sections of forensic examinations and research:
The sections o f forensic examinations and research conduct examinations and resarch for the central departments of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia. Forensic examinations carried out in the Center are either complex and repeated or those that demand sophisticated equipment and new methods of forensic evidence examination and cannot be performed in forensic sections o f regional and local law-enforcement forensic labs. The personnel of the Center takes part in the investigative and operative activities, carried out by the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, maintains centralized collections and databank systems. In most sections the work is conducted in several directions. The Centre also provides scientific support in the investigation of crimes.
Task 1. Read and translate the tex t
Task 2. Find English equivalents of the phrases in the text.
Экспертно-криминалистический центр МВД России (ЭКЦ МВД России) федеральное государственное учреждение экспертно - криминалистическое подразделение 2
основные направление деятельности следственные действия и оперативно - розыскные мероприятия организация и координация прикладных научных исследований совершенствование правового регулирования первое экспертное учреждение Центророзыск Научно —исследовательский институт криминалистики оперативно - технические подразделения отделы криминалистических экспертиз и исследований сложные или повторные экспертизы уникальная аппаратура новые методы исследования доказательств сотрудники центра база данных
Task 3. Render the text in Russian. Use the phrases from task 2. Task 4. Answer the questions.
1. What is Forensic Science Centre of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation? 2. Name the core activities of the Centre? 3. When was the first Forensic Experts Service established? 4. When was Forensic Scientific Research Institute set up? 5. When did Forensic Science Service become independent? 6. When were Forensic Science Centres set up? 7. What kinds of forensic examinations does the Centre handle?
Task 5. Translate into English.
Первое экспертное учреждение в России было создано I марта 1919 г., а в 2003 г. был создан ЭКЦ МВД.
2. Основными направлениями деятельности Центра являются: организация работы экспертно-криминалистических подразделений по производству 3
экспертиз и исследований, совершенствование правового регулирования, организация и координация прикладных научных исследований. 3. Сотрудники Центра принимают участие в качестве специалистов следственных
проводимых МВД России. 4. Отделы криминалистических экспертиз и исследований проводят наиболее сложные, повторные или требующие применения уникальной аппаратуры экспертизы. 5. Во многих отделах Центра работа ведётся в нескольких направлениях.
Unit 2: Firearms examination. P a rt-А
Firearms examination is carried out to establish that a particular object can be classified as a firearm.The section deals with the solution of the following tasks: determination of the make and model of the gun and restoration of serial numbers and other markings; determination of the manufacturing method and its mechanical condition; establishing class characteristics of a cartridge and its suitableness for firing; identification of the gun by fired bullets, cartridge casings, small shot, buck shot etc. ; determination o f the distance and direction of the shot based on the damage caused by the gun shot on various obstacles; determination of the fact that the bullet and the bullet casings belonged to one cartridge. The experts are able to establish whether or not it was the weapon used in the crime. There is also a collection of firearms and ammunition.
Task 1. Read and translate the text Task 2. Read the text and find English equivalents to the following word combinations:
баллистическая экспертиза огнестрельное оружие установить принадлежность предметов к огнестрельному оружию
определение вида и модели оружия маркировочные обозначения определение принадлежности патронов к категории боеприпасов пригодность к стрельбе идентификация оружия по выстрелянным пулям гильзы дробь картечь направление и дистанция выстрела установить было или нет данное оружие в применении коллекция оружия и боеприпасов пуля боеприпасы установление принадлежности пуль и гильз одному патрону определение способа изготовление оружия
Task 3. Translate from English into Russian:
firearm determination of the type (the make) and model o f the gun restoration cartridge bullet gun fired bullets cartridge casings small shot buck shot determination of the distance and direction of the shot damage gun shot ammunition
Task 4. Match the words with their definitions and translation.
a small piece of metal that is shot from a gun and causes serious demage to the person or thing it hits.
a layer of a substance that is used for covering something.
a small metal tube containing a bullet and a substance that will explode that you put inside a gun.
bullets, bombs etc. that can be fired from a casing.
a weapon that shoots bullets, e.g. a pistol or a rifle.
(Пуля, патрон, боеприпасы, гильза, огнестрельное оружие)
Task 5. Agree or disagree.
1. The experts determine the make and the model of the gun. 2. It is impossible to establish if the weapon was used in a crime. 3. Specialists cannot determine the distance and direction of the shot. 4. There is a collection of firearms and ammunition in the Center. 5. The aim of firearms examination is to classify a particular object as a firearm.
Firearms examination. P art - В
The Certification Laboratory of civil and service weapons and ammunition was accredited by the State Committee on standards. It conducts testing of civil and service weapons (firearms, gas, pneumatic, signal weapons) and cartridges with the aim to ascertain their conformity with the criminalistic requirments of the Ministry of the 6
Interior of Russia. The purpose of the tests is the determination of the characteristics of the specified weapon and cartridges and their conformity to the limitations determined by the forensic requirements of the Ministry of the Interior in compliance with the Federal law «About the weapons». The Certification Lab also maintains the collection of firearms and cartridge samples submitted for the certification.
Task 1. Find the English equivalents of the following word combinations.
испытательная лаборатория гражданского и служебного оружия Госстандарт России огнестрельное оружие газовое оружие пневматическое оружие сигнальное оружие патроны цель испытаний коллекция эталонных образцов оружия и патронов Федеральный закон "Об оружии" определять технические характеристики оружия и патронов
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1. What kind of testing does the laboratory conduct? 2. What is the purpose of the tests? 3. What kind of civil and service weapons do you know?
Unit 3: Vechicle technical examination.
Vechicle technical examination determines technical operating condition of a vechicle, the mechanism of the traffic accident. The experts use a number of techniques to identify and analyse evidence. For example:
diagnostic equipment for the vechicle inspection diagnostic instrument for measuring all the road parameters, dynamic and static vechicle characteristics; stereoscopic microscope; scanning electron microscope; technical endoscope; optical magnification tools; special cases for crime scene investigation; sets of microscopes; kits of special equipment; defectoscopes; sets of atlases with color coding and natural paints of real colors; X-ray detraction equipment; special equipment for examination of small-sized objects; equipment for car repairing.
Vechicle, tire marks and trace evidence examination
Vechicle, tire marks and trace evidence examination determines the direction and driving mode o f vechicles by the traces left on the road. It helps to identify the vechicle by the traces of the projecting parts of the vechicle and by the fragments of the car lights. It also helps to understand the mechanism of the traffic accident by the traces of the collision, it establishes the fact of the identification marking alteration. The experts of the section also examine the suspect car to determine if it has been used for the criminal purposes. They also can make examinations on the basis of information represented by photoimages and video recording.
Task 1. Read the text and find the English equivalents of the word combinations.
автотехническая экспертиза дорожно-транспортное происшествие транспортное средство
техническое состояние автотранспорта механизм дорожно-транспортного происшествия стереоскопический микроскоп растровый электронный микроскоп направление и режим движения автотранспорта следы столкновений технический эндоскоп приборы оптического увеличения комплекты специального оборудования и наборы атласов с кодами цветов и натуральными накрасами реальных цветов комплекты микроскопов рентгеновское оборудование оборудование для ремонта автомобиля специальное оборудование для исследования малогабаритных объектов.
Task 2. Match the parts of the phrase as they occur in the text. Translate them into Russian. tire
examination of
kits of
the collision
sets of
small-sized objects
special equipment
traces of
car lights
fragments of
scene (investigation)
Task 3. Answer the questions
1. What is the aim of vechicle technical examination? 2. What equipment is used for this examination? 3. What does vechicle, tire marks and trace evidence examination determine? 4. Do the experts examine suspect cars?
Task 4. Translate into English.
1. Автотехническая
2. Автотехническая экпертиза устанавливает механизм ДТП по следам, оставленным на проезжей части.
3. Транспортно-трасологическая экспертиза устанавливает направление
режим движения транспортных средств.
4. Экспертиза помогает идентифицировать транспортное средство по следам выступающих деталей автомобиля и осколкам осветительных приборов.
5. В экспертном центре проводятся исследования на основе информации, содержащейся на фото и видео документах.
6. Для
эндоскопы, комплекты микроскопов, смотровые чемоданы, наборы атласов с кодами цветов и накрасами реальных цветов, рентгеновское оборудование, комплекты
оборудование для ремонта автотранспорта.
Unit 4: Fingerprints examination.
The aim of this kind of examination is to identity people by their papillary ridge patterns. Fingerprints are the best known items of evidence. Latent prints left by the contact of the palmer surfaces of the hands or bare feet of a person are probably the most valuable piece of evidence at any crime scene. Laser technology, computer techniques and special photographic techniques as well as familiar chemicals and dusting methods are part of the arsenal of latent print examiners to detect finger and palm prints at the crime scene. 10
The Automated Fingerprints Identification System provides latent fingerprint searches as well as unknown deceased prints and other identification services.
Task 1. Read the text and find English equivalents of the following word combination.
дактилоскопическая экспертиза централизованная дактилоскопическая следотека (ЦДС) скрытые отпечатки самая важная часть доказательств специальные фотоприемы химические вещества и порошки папиллярные узоры
Task 2. Complete the sentences
1. The experts make fingerprints examination to identity people by... 2. Fingerprints are the best known ... 3. To detect finger and palm prints at the crime scene the experts use... 4. The Automated Fingerprints Identification System provides ...
Task 3. Match these parts of the phrase as they occur in the text. Translate them into Russian.
chemical dusting
Task 4. Answer the questions to the text
1. What is the purpose of fingerprints examination? 2. What is the value of fingerprints in the investigation? 3. What do the experts use to make examination? 4. What is the most important evidence?
Unit 5: Examination of the questioned documents, counterfeit banknotes and securities.
Examination of the questioned documents, counterfeit banknotes includes handwriting, handprinting and technical analyses. Handwriting examination is conducted in order to establish the author
and the circumstances of making the
handwritten entry. Technical forensic examination of questioned papers is made to establish the presence or absence of signs of counterfeiting and acquiring the information necessary for operative purposes. The specialists determine the type , make and the manufacturer of all the materials (paper, clue, dyes etc.) used for counterfeiting banknotes , securities and documents. The centralized library of counterfeit banknotes and documents is maintained at the section.
Taskl. Read the text and translate it into Russian. Task2. Render the text in English. Use the following phrases.
documents counterfeit banknotes handwriting handprinting presence or absence of signs of counterfeiting dyes securities manufacturing plant
Task 3. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Технико-криминалистическая
установления наличия или отсутствия
признаков подделки документов, а
также получения данных для розыска.
2. Целью
установление типа, марки, предприятия изготовителя материалов (бумаги, клея, красящих веществ), использованных для изготовления поддельных денежных билетов, ценных бумаг и документов.
3. Почерковедческая экспертиза проводится в целях установления исполнителя и обстоятельств выполнения рукописных текстов.
Unit 6: P ortrait examination
Portrait examination is carried out to identify a person by the characteristic features of his appearance. It is performed for operative and investigative purposes. The information used can be represented
by photoimages, videorecording, compact
disks, molds and masks. Composite portraits (identi-kit pictures) are complied by the experts on the basis of information provided by the witness. The experts use all the achievements of psychology, habitoscopy, antropology as well as modern computer technology. Some of the new techniques are highly effective.
Task 1. Read the text and translate i t Task2. Render the text in Russian. Use the phrases.
портретная экспертиза субъективный портрет очевидец 13
психология габитоскопия антропология маска современные компьютерные технологии слепок
Task3. Translate into English.
1. Портретная экспертиза - это одно из сложнейших видов криминалистических исследований. 2. Работа по изготовлению субъективных портретов (фотороботов) проводится специалистами на основе анализа мысленного образа разыскиваемого лица, сложившегося у очевидца. 3. При создании субъективных портретов используются знания психологии, габитоскопии,
Task 4. Speak on portrait examination. Use the phrases:
to identify a person composite portrait photoimages and videorecording witness psychology habitoscopy antropolody
Unit 7: Minerals examination.
Minerals examination establishes the nature of mineralogical objects, determines if they can be classified as precious stones and if there are traces of 14
metalization and other features indicating that they have been used in jewelry.lt also estimates the price of precious stones. The equipment used in the section: refractometer polarizing microscope microscope diamond detector dichroscope X-ray fluorescent analyzer
Task 1. Read the text and translate it into Russian. Task 2. Find the English equivalents of the following phrases.
минералогическая (геммологическая) экспертиза драгоценные камни бриллиант следы металлизации ювелирные изделия стоимость драгоценных камней дихроскоп рефрактометр рентгенофлуорисцентный анализатор природа камней полярископ
Task 2. Complete the sentences.
1. Minerals examination establishes ... 2. The specialists use highly effective techniques in their work. For example,... 3. This examination helps to estimate ...
Unit 8: Forensic soil and botanic examination
Forensic soil examination is carries out with the aim of establishing the facts of human or some object's presence at the crime scene. The experts use morphological analysis (the nature of bedding, color granulometric contents,examination of natural formations etc.), physical-chemical methods of determining acidity, carbonate formation,
absorption-reflection spectra biochemical
methods (measuring qualitive and quantative content of microorganisms). Botanic examination has the purpose of determining the nature of plant objects, their type (group classification) and the source of plant particles origin. The section analyses objects of plant origin used in manufacturing consumer goods (e.g. tobacco goods). The anatomic morphological, microscope and X-ray fluorescence analysis methods are used.
Task 1. Read the text and translate it into Russian. Task 2. Find the English equivalents of the phrases.
почвоведческая экспертиза природа наслоений анатомо-морфологический анализ исследование природных образований физико - химические методы определения степени карбонатности и кислотности качественный состав и количественное содержание микроорганизмов биохимические методы спектр поглощения и отражения природа растительных объектов источник происхождения растительных частиц изделия массового производства
Task 3. Match these parts of the phrase as they occur in the text. Translate them into Russian.
the nature of
reflection spectra
methods of
content of microorganisms
plant particle origin
determining acidity
qualitive and quantative
of bedding
the source of
Task 3. Answer the questions.
1. What is the aim of forensic soil examination? 2. What does the morphological analysis mean? 3. What does microbiological method include? 4. What other methods do the experts use for soil examination? 5. What is the purpose of botanic examination?
Unit 10: Medical forensic examination
Main types of medical forensic examination are the reconstruction of the face from the scull-computer reconstruction of the face with the representation of the main characteristic features; the identification examination (It embraces the whole complex of methods used depending on the material evidence submitted, photopictures, medical documents, radiographs etc.).The aim is the identification of dead bodies(including skeletal and mummified bodies). The examination of scull yields information on the sex, race type and appearance. Software programs are widely used for the examination.
Task 1. Read the text and translate it into Russian. Task 2. Find the English equivalents of the word combinations.
медико-криминалистическая экспертиза основные виды экспертных исследований идентификация личности по неопознанным трупам череп
расовый тип внешность фотоснимки медицинские документы рентгенограммы отсутствие информации о личности погибшего
Task3. Complete the sentences.
1. The aim of medical-forensic examination is ... 2. The examination of the skull yields ... 3. Main types of this kind of examination are ...
Task 4. Translate into English.
1. Медико-криминалистическая экспертиза решает вопросы идентификации личности по неопознанным трупам в состоянии сильно выраженных посмертных изменений (скелетированные, мумифицированные и. т. д.) 2. Одни
прижизненного облика (реконструкция лица) по черепу. В ходе данного исследования определяют пол, расовый тип, признаки внешности. 3. Идентификационное
включает в себя
различных методов.
Unit 11; Food products examination
The purpose of food products examination is to determine the brand (type) , quality of food products, conformity with the existing standards and concentration of chemically harmful substances. The examination of alcoholic products stands apart.. The experts determine the kind o f spirit o f which the product is made, particular manufacturer and the conformity with the brand and safity requirements.
Task 1. Match the phrases.
А: наименование продукции качество продуктов питания соответствие требованиям стандарта химически вредные вещества исследование ликероводочной продукции вид спирта производитель требования безопасности
В: safity requirements the kind of spirit the brand (type) of food products manufacture quality of food products chemically harmful substances the examination o f alcoholic products conformity with the standards
Task 2. Complete the sentences.
1. The purpose of the food products examination .... 19
2. The examination of alcoholic products ... 3. The experts of the Center make ...
Task3. Speak on food products examination.
Unit 12: Technical explosion and fires examination.
Technical explosion examination determines whether the material, substance or an object can be characterized as explosive substance, explosive device or ammunition, the nature of the explosion etc. Blasting camera, mobile explosive-technical laboratory, containers for safe transportation and storing of highly explosive objects, X-ray instruments, X-ray fluorescent analyzer and micro X-ray spectral analyzer are used in the section. The examination is made to investigate different kinds of criminal explosions as well as illicit explosive substance trafficking. Technical examination of fires establishes the origin of the fire, its causes and circumstances.The experts have a wide range of experience in a fire- scene examination.
Task 1. Read the text and translate the phrases into English.
взрывотехническая экспертиза пожарно-техническая экспертиза взрывчатое вещество взрывное устройство боеприпасы природа взрывов взрывная камера контейнеры для безопасной транспортировки и хранения взрывоопасных объектов передвижная взрывотехническая лаборатория рентгенофлуоресцентный и микрорентгеноспектральный анализатор 20
очаг возгорания обстоятельства возникновения пожара причины возгорания
Task 2. Speak on the two types of examinations.
Unit 13: Forensic-economic examination
Forensic-economic examination has already proved its importance in many complex enterprise crime investigations. The experts of this section make book accounting examination, tax examination, financial-analytical examination and financial credit examination. The objects of the examination are accounting documents^waybills, invoices, payment orders etc.), initial documents(contracts, written correspondence,bookkeeping and tax records registers, license) and other documents.
Task 1. Read the text and find the English equivalents of the following phrases.
судебно-экономическая экспертиза бухгалтерская экспертиза финансово кредитная экспертиза налоговая экспертиза финансово-аналитическая экспертиза накладные платежные поручения счета-фактуры договора регистры бухгалтерского и налогового учета лицензии
Task 2. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What kinds of examinations are made in this section? 2. What objects do the experts examine? 3. What does the term 'accounting documents' mean? 4. What do initial documents include?
Unit 14: Phototecnical examination. Video recording examination.
Phototecnical examination has the aim of objects' identification by their photographic images with the determination of the conditions of making shots, photomaterials' processing, identification of materials and laboratory equipment by the traces on the negatives and positives and determinations of the type and make of the suspect film; the detection of retouching and montage signs by methods developed by the section. Technical examination aims at the detection of the signs of montage on video recording; the establishing of the recording's authenticity; the identification of the video recordings and video equipment; the determination of the format, regime and conditions of video recordings.
Task 1. Read the text and find the English equivalents of the phrases.
фототехническая экспертиза видеотехническая экспертиза идентификация объектов по их фотоизображениям обработка фотоматериалов условия съемки негативы и позитивы признаки монтажа и ретуши тип и марка пленки установление подлинности видеозаписи признаки монтажа и копирования 22
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1. What is the aim of phototechnical examination? 2. What can you say about videorecording examination?
Unit 15: Biological examination of body fluids and tissues.
Biological examination of body fluids and tissues is carried out for diagnostic and identification purposes.The major function of the section is to identify biological materials. The objects o f the examination are the traces of blood,saliva,sweat,hair,fragment of body tissues and odor traces collected from the dangerous crime scene.The DNA profiling can identify an individual from a specimen of blood, hair roots or tissue. The biological objects examination is performed by routine forensic methods, by DNA typing and the method of odor traces biodetection. In their work the experts use a series of microscopes,centrifuges, refrigerating machinery, dryin cabinet, devices for electrophoresis, amplificators and equipment for reserch of DNA, biodetectors(special!y trained dogs), testing odor samples and devices for collecting and preparing of odor traces.
Taskl. Render the text in Russian using the following word-combinations
диагностические цели и идентификационные цели следы крови, слюны, пота фрагменты тканей тела человека запаховые следы традиционные методы исследований криминалистический анализ ДНК (генотипоскопия) биодетекция запаховых следов человека исследовать объекты биологического происхождения 23
эталонные запаховые пробы биодетекторы амплификаторы и оборудование для исследования ДНК центрифуга холодильное оборудование сушильный шкаф установить личность по образцам крови, волос и тканей человека
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1. What is the purpose of biological examination? 2. What is the value of DNA profiling? 3. What equipment is used in this section? 4. What objects do the specialists examine?
Task 3. Match these parts of the phrase as they occur in the text. Translate them into Russian.
forensic methods
traces of
fragments of
of blood, hair roots and tissue
body tissuies
odor traces
biological material
to identify
a specimen
blood, saliva and sweat
Task 4. Speak on biological examination. The phrases from Task Э can help you. Task 5. Translate into English.
1. Биологическая экспертиза тканей и выделений человека производится в диагностических и идентификационных целях по следам крови, слюны, пота, волосам, фрагментам тканей человека, запаховым следам, изымаемым с места преступления. 2. Основной задачей этого отдела является идентификация биологических материалов. 3. Для проведения экспертизы используются традиционные методы исследования, биодетекция запаховых следов и генотипоскопия.
Unit 16: Examination of computer-related crime evidence
Examination of computer-related crime evidence is one of the new criminalistic specialities. The experts of the Center examine system units, hard and removable discsprinters submitted as evidence in cases of fraud, illegal commercial and banking activities, counterfeit banknotes and organized crime.The aim is getting evidence in cases involving the use o f computers for criminal purpose.The tasks set before the experts are to give general characteristic of the soft and hardware and information technology, forensic identification of the systems, diagnostics of hacking.
Task 1. Translate into Russian.
computer - related crime new criminalistic speciality hard disc removable disc printer the use of computers for criminal purpose hacking 25
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1. What is computer - related crime evidence? 2. What objects do the experts examine?
G EN ER A L TASKS T ask 1. M atch the kinds o f exam inations w ith the translation.
1. firearms examination 2.vechicle technical examination 3.fmgerprints examination 4.medical
forensic examination
5.examination o f computer related crime evidence 6.biological
examination o f body fluids and tissues
7.forensic economic examination 8.phototechnical examination 9.examination 10.portrait
o f the questioned documents, counterfeit banknotes and securities examination
11 .botanic examination 12.forensic soil examination 13.food
products examination
14.technical explosion examination 15.technical examination o f fires 16.
technical examination o f video recordings
17.minerals examination
1.минералогическая (геммологическая) экспертиза 2.
почвоведческая экспертиза
3.ботаническая экспертиза 4.медико-криминалистическая экспертиза 5.взрывотехническая
6.пожарно-техническая экспертиза 7.фототехническая 8.
экспертиза баллистическая экспертиза
9.дактилоскопическая экспертиза 10.
автотехнич еская экспертиза
1 [.экспертиза документов, денежных знаков и ценных бумаг 12.видеотехническая экспертиза 13.портретная
14.судебно-экономическая экспертиза 15.компьтерно-техническая экспертиза 16.экспертиза пищевых продуктов 17.
T ask 2.
биологическая экспертиза тканей и выделений человека
I : W h a t kind o f exam ination will be m ade if it is necessary
1. to establish the presence or absence o f signs o f counterfeiting 2. to identfy a person by the characteristic features o f his appearance 3. to determine the quality o f food products 4. to determine the nature o f plant objects 5. to identify dead bodies 6. to establish whether or not it was the weapon used in the crime
7. to identify biological materials 8. to determine the nature o f explosion 9. to establish the origin o f the fire
II: W h at kind of exam ination will be m ade 1. in a case o f fire 2. in a case o f hacking 3. in a case o f a traffic accident 4. in a case o f determination o f retouching and montage signs
T ask 3. Circle the odd w ord out and nam e the kind of examination. 1. ammunition 2. collision 3. fingerprints
firearms accident
catridge tyremarks
6. minerals
precious stones
hard disc
8. DNA profiling 9. shot
5. identi-kit picture
7. hacking
latent prints papillary ridge patterns
4. securities counterfeit banknotes
T ask 4. A nsw er the questions. 1. What is Forensic Science Center o f the Ministry of the Interior of Russia.? 2. When was the Center established? 3. What was it created for? 4. What kinds o f examinations does the Center make? 5. Do the experts take part in the investigative and operative activities carried
by the Ministry o f the Interior o f Russia?
6. When was the first Forensic Experts Service set up. When do the specialists celebrate their professional holiday?
T ask 5. Speak on the m ain stages of the developm ent of the forensic service in o u r country. T ask 6. R en d er th e text in English.
ЭКЦ МВД России находится в Москве . Он был создан в 2003 году. А первое экспертное учреждение при Центророзыске было создано 1 марта 1919 года, поэтому свой профессиональный праздник экспертыкриминалисты отмечают 1 марта. Отделы ЭКЦ осуществляют работу по всем существующим в настоящее время направлениям экспертной деятельности и проводят экспертизы и исследования для Центрального аппарата МВД России. Для ОВД республик,краев и областей проводятся следующие экспертизы и исследования: повторные, наиболее сложные, требующие применения уникальной аппаратуры или разработки новых методик исследования вещественных доказательств. В ЭКЦ МВД России функционирует научно-исследовательская лаборатория. Научно-исследовательская деятельность традиционна для экспертно-криминалистической службы ОВД и берет свое начало от образованного в 1945 году Научно-исследовательского института криминалистики. Для производства экспертиз и исследований используется современное аналитическое оборудование. В Центре ведется централизованный экспертно-криминалистический учет. Коллектив Центра состоит из профессионально подготовленных сотрудников, имеющих практический экспертный опыт и реализующих его как в научно-исследовательской работе, так и при производстве экспертиз и проведения занятий по повышению квалификации экспертов.
body fluids
выделения человека
counterfeit documents
поддельные документы
composite portrait (identi-kit picture)
композиционный портрет
deoxuribonucleaic acid (DNA)
дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота
DNA profiling
анализ ДНК
красящие вещества
explosive device
взрывное устройство
explosive substance
взрывчатое вещество
огнестрельное оружие
отпечатки пальцев
forensic science
огнестрельное оружие
взлом компьютерных сетей
hard disc
жесткий диск
latent prints
скрытые следы
odor traces
запаховые следы
palm prints
следы ладоней
palm skin design
рисунок кожи на ладони
palmer surface
поверхность ладони
papillary ridge pattern
рисунок папиллярного края
payment order
платёжные поручения
removable disc
съёмный диск
small shot
buck shot
крупная дробь, картечь
компьютерные программы
tire mark
следы шин
транспортное средство
civil weapon
гражданское оружие
service weapon
служебное оружие
gas weapon
газовое оружие
signal weapon
сигнальное оружие