First Contact

The Space Marines of the UWS Expeditionary Force are about to find out that humans are not alone in the galaxy. Their ac

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XFOR - First Contact

A Savage Worlds Adventure! John Steve

XFOR Marines are trained to handle any situation. A strange signal from the “belt” will test that theory...

Credits 1

XFOR - First Contact Credits Cover and interior pages by Lord Zsezse Works. Characters created using (Jeffrey Gordon) Maps created with DUNGEONFOG CL ( Space Marine art by GM's ART (Matthew Richmond) at Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art Copyright Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games

“Honor the Corp!” First Contact 2020 John Steve. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only. Any electronic distribution of this document is strictly forbidden. This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Credits 2

XFOR - First Contact XFOR You are the Corp! You’re a space marine in the United Worlds of Sol Expeditionary Force, more commonly called XFOR. You do the dirty work needed to keep peace in the solar system and beyond the belt. You fight the pirates and smugglers looking to make a quick score off the hard working people scattered across the worlds. You take down the fledgling planetary kingpin looking to make a name for himself or the terror group trying to send a message to the MegaCorps. You’re also the poor bastards that patrol the outer reaches of the system looking for, well...anything! You spend weeks of mind numbing patrol duty with only your small crew to talk to. You train, play various holo-games or old fashioned cards. Then you train some more. You pray for action...any action!

What’s really going on… A small crew of Rodin smugglers has been chased through an ancient wormhole by a Krill bounty hunter (Tenko Rutha). Because of their hasty navigation through the wormhole, the Rodins find themselves thrown into an unknown system around an unknown star...Sol. Their engines damaged and the gate drive system out of alignment, the Rodin crew were forced to land on a nearby asteroid until repairs could be made. Unfortunately the Rodin’s escape will be short lived. The bounty hunter has followed the Rodin’s ion signature and has managed to open the wormhole to the Sol system. He’s closing in on his prey! This is where the UWS Condor’s crew comes into play. They will arrive ahead of the bounty hunter to the asteroid the Rodin ship has landed on. What happens from this point is based heavily on the group’s decisions on how to handle the situation. The amount of time left before the Rodin finish their repairs and the bounty hunter arriving on the scene is a GM call...a narrative appropriate decision!

The Mission Tense Negotiations While on patrol, the UWS Condor receives an urgent call from the science station Elbis IV deep within the Kuiper Belt. They claim to have intercepted a strange coded signal from a nearby planetoid. The frequency and interval appears to be an emergency beacon but the message just keeps repeating “Let us deal”. The Elbis IV administrator has asked the UWS Condor to investigate and are registering a finders fee on anything of value if a salvage operation is required ACTION! Finally...something to fight the boredom! The ship is a flurry of movement as everyone prepares for battle stations. It’s a small ship with moderate weapons. But it’s fast and agile and designed for long duration patrols. This is the XFOR scout ship “Condor”...and she’s headed for action!

Remember...this should be a powerful and tense moment since the humans have never encountered an alien species before! Seeing what appears to be bipedal Ratmen should be a jarring and surreal encounter. Considering that the Rodin’s have never had dealings with humans, they won’t know what the Marine’s intentions are and will react in a defensive stance. When Tenko arrives in the middle of the initial “negotiations” all bets are off as to what happens next. The arrival of yet another alien adds to the stress for the Marines. The Rodins will appeal to the Marines for assistance. Tenko will try to warn off the humans at first but won’t put up with direct interference in the apprehension of his Rodin smugglers. He will appeal to the Marines as an agent of the Krill Empire and then take care of his business! If the Marines decide to ask for orders or backup, it’ll take at least an hour or two before they get a response from a higher command. The nearest Naval vessel is a good 17 hours away so the Marines are on their own. The nearby Elbis IV science station could send a small security force (4-5) to assist but it’s a 3-4 hour trip for them...assuming they’ll even let go of their stations security force.

The Mission 3

XFOR - First Contact The Bounty Hunter Krill stand between 5-6’ tall and have skin tones ranging from green to blue.

Tenko is very good at what he does. He’s a tireless and cunning hunter when on the scent of his prey. His ship is a grade better than the Rodin vessel and a few grades above the UWS Condor’s technology. His ship’s stealth ability makes him very difficult (-4) to see or track if he wants to stay hidden. His weapons are also superior should the Rodin or Condor engage him in combat. But Tenko isn’t here to engage in a costly ship-to-ship combat, especially with a species he knows nothing about. He’s here to bring in a band of Rodin smugglers! He’ll make observations and when the time is right attempt to capture the Rodin crew and ship. If the humans get in the way he’ll try to do as little damage as possible but he’ll use lethal force if necessary. Tenko’s crew consists of several robots that act as both crew and posse when going after a bounty. Any info gained on the humans will go back to the Krill Intelligence Bureau...for a standard fee. WC Tenko Rutha (Krill)

Tenko’s Security Bots (x5)

Ranging in height of 5-6', Krill skin tones are blue to green. Krill personalities vary as greatly as do humans but tend to be haughty when dealing with non-Krill species.

Security bots are typically humanoid in structure and carry various types of handheld weaponry. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Piloting d8, Repair d6, Shooting d8, Survival d6

Pace: 6 ; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (3)

Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (3)

Unarmed Strike: Str+d4

Edges: Calculating, Combat Reflexes, Level Headed, Streetwise

Gear: Stun Gun 5/10/20 — ROF 1 Shots 12, or Laser Pistol 15/30/60 2d6 ROF 1 Shots: 50

Hindrances: Driven (Major) Gear: Body Armor (+3), Blaster Pistol 12/24/48 2d6+2 1 100 — 1 $300, Stun Grenade (x2), Handcuffs (x4)

Special Abilities: Armor +3, Sensor Suite: +2 Notice vs sound, motion, chemicals, radiation, and electrical fields up to 100 yards distant. Note: Will not attack with lethal force unless Tenko orders it.

The Mission 4

XFOR - First Contact The Rodin Standing about 4’ tall and covered in a short fur, Rodin are curious and notoriously greedy. They tend to make decisions based on their best chance of gaining something of value. They aren’t cowards but prefer “dealing” with their opponent over combat (Tenko doesn’t deal).

WC Wootan (Rodin Captain) Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Piloting d8, Repair d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d8, Thievery d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (3)

In their current situation, getting the ship (Calica) repaired and escaping Tenko is priority one. After their ship sensors revealed a rudimentary technology within the system, they sent out an emergency beacon in hopes of either gaining assistance or possibly making a lucrative (albeit illegal) deal with the primitives within the system. Becoming short-term allies with the humans is certainly possible, especially once they learn that Tenko has arrived in the system. If all else fails the Rodin's will ask for asylum and protection from the “Assassin Tenko”, even offering alien technologies as a payment to enhance the human species! The alliance with the humans will only last as long as the Rodin deem it necessary or profitable.

Hindrances: Greedy, Curious, Wanted Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes, Gravitic Acclimation Gear: Armored spacesuit (+3), power cutlass (Str+d6+2, AP 2), blaster rifle (Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8+2, ROF 1, AP 2).

Rodin Crewman (x3) Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Piloting d6, Repair d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Thievery d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1) Hindrances: Greedy, Curious Edges: Gravitic Acclimation Gear: Spacesuit (+1), cutlass (Str+d6), blaster pistol (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+2, ROF 1, AP 2).

The Mission 5

XFOR - First Contact GM Notes United Worlds of Sol (UWS) Although “dystopian” is too harsh a word for the Sol system situation, the Mega Corporations (Mega’s) of the world are perhaps the true power behind the world governments. They are given a “consultation” seat at the UWS Council meetings and few decisions are made without their input. Interstellar travel has become fairly routine between Earth, Mars and the various orbital and mining stations throughout the system. Mars has been carved up into regions governed by the US, China, Russian and Euro governments, all Prime members of the UWS Council. The Kuiper Belt has become a major resource for the UWS and also its biggest pain in the neck. Between pirates, smugglers and terrorists, the UWS Marines stay busy keeping a semblance of order throughout the system. Like the colonies of old Earth, the larger mining operations struggle with workers seeking independence from the UWS and their “Mega Masters”. Communication Both the Rodin and Krill have computer systems that can analyze the radio signals within the Sol system and very quickly decipher numerous languages used by the humans. From that point forward, communication with the humans will not be an obstacle as each carry small comm units with translators. The Krill Empire Spanning thousands of systems, the Krill Empire is a monarchy ruled by ancient bloodlines. The Krill are the dominant species but only make up a small percentage of the species it governs. Even as large as the Krill empire is, it only covers approximately 10% of the known galaxy. The Krill rule with trade dominance and if necessary, military might. They believe in “Krill” law and order and crush anyone or anything that poses a threat to their rule. Today, most systems understand that the Krill are generally a better option than the generational wars that preceded their rise to power. Billions were lost over a millennia of war and strife.

Imperial Law The Krill Empire has strict rules governing “First Contact” situations. Unless you are designated as an official ambassador of the Krill, it is unlawful to conduct negotiations with a previously unknown species. The transfer of technology to a lower tech level species is dealt with harshly. Both the Rodin crew and Tenko are fully aware of these strict laws. Neither has any real intention of becoming entangled with the humans any longer than necessary (although the Rodins are always weighing the risk-vs-reward). NOTE: After this random incursion, It’s only a matter of time before a Krill fleet is sent to the Sol system to bring the humans into the empire. Space Travel Most modern ships within the Krill empire travel using fusion powered impulse drives within a solar system (many older technologies are still used as well). Upgraded and approved vessels also utilize a “gate drive” to access the ancient network of wormholes to travel the vast distances between the stars. Commercial and government vessels allow travel to other worlds for those without a ship...if they can afford it. No one fully understands the ancient species who built the gate system (simply called the Ancients) and no one knows how many of the gates remain left to be discovered.The known gates and their locations are strictly controlled by the Krill government. The Sol gate is a new discovery! Crazy Robot! During the gate jump the Rodins’ maintenance robot “Tak-Tak” went berserk, its AI scrambled. Since that time it sees all biological creatures as a threat to its new Robot empire! The Rodins have managed to secure it within their armory...for now. Tak-Tak should escape at a very delicate moment in the negotiations! Use the same stats as Tenko’s robots but uncontrolled and completely lethal!

The Mission 6

XFOR - First Contact The Rodin’s Calica

UWS Condor

Size: 8, Handling 0, Top Speed: 650, Toughness: 25(6), Crew: 5, Remaining Mods: 1, Mods: AMCM, Fuel Pods x2, Sensor Suite (Planetary), Targeting System, Artificial Intelligence, Gate Drive, Mercantile, Atmospheric, Speed

Size: 8, Handling +1, Top Speed: 600, Toughness: 27(8), Crew: 9, Remaining Mods: 1

Standard Weapons: Auto Cannons, Light x2 Range: 50/100/200 Damage: 2d12 ROF: 4 Shots: 100, Notes: AP 4, HW, Reaction Fire. Up to 20mm rounds

Standard Weapons: Auto Cannons, Medium x2 Range: 50/100/200 Damage: 3d8 ROF: 3 Shots: 100 Notes: AP 6, HW. Covers 21 to 30mm rounds.

Tenko's Star Dart Size: 8, Handling +1, Top Speed: 700, Toughness: 25(6), Crew: 5, Remaining Mods: 1 Mods: AMCM, Atmospheric, Deflector Screens, Gate Drive, Fuel Pods, Missile Launcher, Sensor Suite (Planetary), Speed x2, Targeting System Standard Weapons: Auto Cannons, Medium Range: 50/100/200 Damage: 3d8 ROF: 3 Shots: 100 Notes: AP 6, HW. Covers 21 to 30mm rounds. A full reload costs $400. Missile, Light x12 Range: 200/400/800 Damage: 6d6 ROF: 1 Shots: 1 Notes: AP 8, HW, SBT. Linked Weapons: Lasers, Light x2 Range: 150/300/600 Damage: 2d10 ROF: 1 Shots: 100 Notes: AP 5, HW, Reaction Fire.

Mods: AMCM, Fuel Pods x2, Missile Launcher, Sensor Suite (Planetary), Targeting System, Garage/Hangar, Crew Space, Armor

Missile, Light x12 x2 Range: 200/400/800 Damage: 6d6 ROF: 1 Shots: 1 Notes: AP 8, HW, SBT. Linked Weapons: Lasers, Light x2 Damage: 150/300/600 Damage: 2d10 ROF: 1 Shots: 100, Notes: AP 5, HW, Reaction Fire. Note: The Condor uses a small shuttle to reach the surface of a planet with an atmosphere. Since the asteroid doesn’t have an atmosphere, landing the Condor directly on the surface is possible. Blackbird Shuttle Size: 6, Handling +2, Top Speed: 750, Toughness: 20(5), Crew: 5 Mods: Atmospheric, Crew Space, Sensor Suite (Planetary), AMCM, Electromagnetic Shielding, Fuel Pods x2, Speed Fixed Weapons: Cannons, Small x2 Range: 50/100/200 Damage: 3d10 ROF: 1 Shots: 50, Notes: AP 10, HW, MBT. Up to 40mm.

The Mission 7

XFOR - First Contact

The Marines 8

XFOR - First Contact

The Marines 9

XFOR - First Contact

The Marines 10

XFOR - First Contact

The Marines 11

XFOR - First Contact

The Marines 12

XFOR - First Contact

UWS Condor 13

XFOR - First Contact

UWS Condor 14

XFOR - First Contact

The Calica 15

XFOR - First Contact

The Calica 16

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The Calica 17

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The Star Dart 18

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The Star Dart 19