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Contents CHAPTER.NO1 CHAPTER.NO 2 The Power of Beliefs paradigms What glasses do you see the world with. CARTESIAN-NEWTONIAN PARADIGM This is a model: QUANTUM-RELATIVIST PARADIGM: CHAPTER.NO 3 it is the formula for a successful business? Traini ng – what schools don'teach Business and Waves: CHAPTER.NO 4 Human Information Engineering and its applications in business What is the emanation of your company? The Transfer of Information: CHAPTER NO.5 The scientific basis of Harmonic Resonance Introduction to Quantum Physics Einstein and Planck FUNDAMENTAL CLASSIC CONCEPTS: Atom: Elementary particles: waves: Wave interference: Harmonic Resonance: Energy: The four fundamental forces of the universe:
Antimatter: Higgs' Boson: Strings: Electromagnetic waves: Scalar waves: Quantum Vacuum: The main experiments and postulates of quantum mechanics What does this have to do with me? What does this have to do with me? What does this have to do with me? What does this have to do with me? What does this have to do with me? What does this have to do with me? How consciousness evolves 1.archetypes 2.neurotransmitters dopamine: Serotonin: Endorphins: Acetylcholine: Noradrenaline: CHAPTER.NO 6 The Harmonic Resonance Envy Self sabotage Paradigm prejudices and taboos Conclusion final words
introduction life, including your business. And the good results will come in cascade, as a consequence of the incorporation and application of this knowledge. After all, what interests you are the results, right? For our part, we are committed to presenting this information to you as clearly and objectively as possible.
beating around the bush, no mincing words, straight to the point. Even a child will be able to understand what we have to show and offer. Nothing will be withheld from you. We believe that in the essence of everything lies simplicity. The human being is the one who often misses the understanding when he complicates something inherently simple. Let's make it simple then! We've included a topic called "What does this have to do with me?" in order to make the connection between science and practical life. This connection is not always clear at first glance, becausewe see new things based on the current paradigm, that is, that set of beliefs accepted by society that strongly influences our worldview. to achieve a single goal: a permanently prosperous business.
CHAPTER.NO1 whatever the size of your company or the field of activity in which your business is inserted, inevitably, it is constantly influenced by some very important factors. Didactically, we can classify them into: External factors: are those related to the reality of the world around them; facts and circumstances that are not up to you. They belong to the so-called objective reality. For example, the global political economic scenario directly influences the performance of a company, because it determines, among other things, the strength of the consumer market, the applied tax burden, interest rates, tax incentives, foreign trade rules, exchange etc.. We tend to give enormous weight to these factors, which are often fully blamed for business failures. This happens because there is a natural tendency of the human being to value, too much, the influences of the external environment. We hold the climate, governments employees and even customers and consumers accountable for the unsatisfactory results we get.. However, we know that it takes nerves of steel to keep a business thriving on such a rough terrain, with the ups and downs of a world where technology and globalization impose a frenetic pace on us. Any and all changes instantly arrive at our doorstep, requiring quick responses and a lot of creativity. The reality that surrounds us then becomes a source of much frustration because we are convinced that it has a life of its own, that is, we cannot influence it, much less change it. Deprived of any power, we can only seek adaptation to circumstances. When we overestimate the importance of external factors, we run the risk of entering a pattern of reactive behavior, that is, one in which we only try to adapt to the countless variables involved in the economic situation and to the
endless oscillations of the consumer market. The problem with reacting all the time is that there is no room for really creative actions that could promote sustained business growth. So, if we are agile and flexible enough, the business survives. But survival is very little for those who want expansion, isn't it? You know how exhausting and frustrating this whole process can be. How long can you maintain a situation like this? It is no wonder that, in our country, the vast majority of businesses close in less than five years after opening... internal factors: are those that refer to the reality of your inner universe, your worldview and how you interact with this world. They belong to the so-called subjective reality. Unlike the external factors that we have just mentioned, which are part of a reality shared by all, there is an individual reality, created by each of us. As if it were a private universe. For example, we all follow economic news from all over the world through the media. They correspond to the brute facts and have no intrinsic meaning. It's just facts. The news is the same for everyone. However, each of us can give a different interpretation to the same news. This interpretation depends on our worldview, that is, on how we see the reality around us. And the way we perceive things shapes our feelings about them and how we behave, for example, in the face of a global financial crisis. Our perception of facts is ultimately dependent on our beliefs, on what we believe so deeply as truth that we rarely dare question....
The Power of Beliefs When the mind does not believe, or doubts, it attracts “reasons” to support the disbelief. Albion Gildon: Basically, beliefs are formed by the set of information that were transmitted to us by our parents or educators, during the years of personality formation, particularly in the early childhood period. In turn, the contents transmitted to us are nothing more than interpretations of the truth of the same people who educated us. It is your own beliefs, good or not, that are instilled in us at a stage in our lives when we are totally vulnerable to the influence of authorities. This is expressed in the axiom of Neuro-Linguistic Programming that says: “The map is not the territory”. That is, a map is nothing more than the representation of a territory. Part of the beliefs is also born from the learning resulting from the experiences we have had, throughout life, in addition to the. influence that we suffer from the media, educational, scientific and religious institutions. Beliefs act as true filters and determine the way we capture the sensory stimuli that come to us and, therefore, how we perceive the world. Likewise, they guide our thoughts and feelings, which are the basis of our actions and behaviors. The latter determine the results we get in everything we do in life. What kind of thoughts and feelings do you usually have about the business world? How do you relate to people at work? How do you feel when you think about the current economic scenario?
In the face of global economic crises, can you envision business and growth opportunities or are you fearful? Is responsible for the results obtained or is in the habit of to justify yourself or blame others? The answers to these questions reveal your dominant beliefs. Some beliefs greatly limit the expression of human potential They abort talents and undermine personal and consequently business development. The big question is that, many times, people do not realize that they have limiting beliefs and, when they do, they believe that it is very difficult or even impossible to change them. All this generates feelings of helplessness, frustration and failure. An entrepreneur who experiences such feelings long enough will create the ideal conditions for his business to collapse. We will see how this happens and how it can be solved. paradigms The old adage “you are what you eat” has changed to “you are what you know”, and since your knowledge ultimately depends on what information you accept as “fact”, you are what you believe. !
What glasses do you see the world with. In a simple way, we can define the concept of paradigm as the contents of beliefs that underlie a worldview. It was the physicist Thomas S. Khun who first used the word paradigm as a scientific term, in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962). Paradigm is an accepted model of reality that conditions our perception, way of thinking, evaluating and acting, and which is culturally transmitted to new generations. To repeat: a paradigm is a model, nothing more than a way of perceiving
reality by a predominant part of society. We are usually unaware of the paradigms that guide our lives because we are not used to questioning our dominant beliefs. But the prevailing paradigm permeates all our actions, whether we know it or not. Those who share a particular paradigm accept the description of the world that is offered to them without criticizing the intimate foundations of such a description. This means that your vision is organized in such a way as to perceive only a certain set of facts. Anything that is not consistent with such a description goes unnoticed, literally, or seen as marginal. For example, if you only believe what your five senses tell you, or only value things that can be fractionated and measured, you will not believe intuition or premonition, even if this phenomenon occurs to you. If the belief is strong enough, your mind will find a way to rationally explain what happened in an attempt to invalidate the experience. Truth itself never changes; she is always the same. What change are the paradigms, the ways of interpreting reality, accepted by a group. The storyof man shows that, from time to time, the current paradigms stop serving the needs of a population, as a result of their discoveries and are gradually replaced by a more comprehensive paradigm. We only evolve from paradigm when our perceptions broaden. There are two ways to expand our perceptions: •
Through official science (through the scientific method) or
Through direct practical experiences (by the empirical method).
This means that, through scientific findings, we are accumulating new information that can change our view of the world. For example, the discovery of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.) allowed man to abandon the idea that an infectious disease was caused by evil spirits. Givesin the same way, when we have direct experiences of something in our lives, even without scientific evidence at that time, it can cause our paradigm to evolve. If we live an experience involving distance healing, we come to
see reality in a different way, even if official medicine rejects this idea. The physicist and historian of science Fritjof Capra, in his book The Turning Point, divides modern science into two great paradigms: the mechanistic (or Cartesian-Newtonian) and the systemic (or quantum-relativist).
CARTESIAN-NEWTONIAN PARADIGM This is the paradigm that was born with the advent of science as we know it today, based on experimentation or the scientific method. Structured in the discoveries of the English physicist Isaac Newton and consolidated by the ideas of René Descartes, this paradigm prevailed in the last 300 years, and still strongly influences modern society.
This is a model: •
dualistic, which divides man into body and mind, and separates man from the universe;
reductionist, because it reduces the functioning of the universe and of man only to the interactions between atoms and molecules;
mechanic, by conceiving the universe as an immense and complex clockwork mechanism,
• Materialistic, by excluding spirituality from the universe. From this perspective, life and consciousness are conceived as the result of natural processes occurring at random, without any influence from intelligent or spiritual forces. The visionThe mechanistic adopts the idea that nature is deterministically governed by mathematical laws, in contrast to the human being who has free will. The mechanistic paradigm groups together all the paradigms that accepted the world view of René Descartes, according to which the natural world is a machine that must be dominated by human intelligence and put at its service.
The physicist Amit Goswami lists the dogmas adopted by the
official science: causal determinism: the world behaves like a machine, whose behavior is predictable and determined. Continuity: all movement or all change is continuous. Jumps are not possible. location: every action of an object on another occurs through signals that propagate in space with a speed equal to or less than the speed of light (or local action). In other words, it is impossible to have a simultaneous action at a distance between two objects. Objectivity: the material world exists in a real and concrete way, regardless of whether we are looking at it, that is, it does not depend on our consciousness. reductionism: Matter, composed of atoms and their elementary particles, is the origin of everything that exists. epiphenomenalism: all subjective phenomena – like our consciousness, for example – are epiphenomena of matter, that is, secondary effects of material interactions. According to this conception, all causes flow from the bottom up, starting from the elementary particles of matter, in a simple hierarchy: •
Elementary particles form atoms,
• Atoms form molecules, •
Molecules form living cells,
Cells (in this case, neurons) make up the brain.
• The brain (in man) generates consciousness. then, secondIn this view, matter is the cause of consciousness, which arises as a mere chance of evolution.
All the modern sciences that we consider classic today are part of this line of thought: physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, sociology, medicine, economics, among others. The big question to be raised is that the mechanistic paradigm privileges individuality, struggle and competition. The crisis we are experiencing is the result of this way of seeing and interacting. It has deep roots in the submission of individuals to a scientific paradigm that fragments them to the last consequences. The Cartesian paradigm that emerged in modernity is, by definition, the paradigm of disunity. Everything is condemned to separation: body and soul, reason and emotion, subject and object, human being and nature, interiority and exteriority, me and the other, and so on. This separatist vision is what gives rise to social inequalities, misery, wars, economic crises, dictatorships, abandonment, exploitation of the underprivileged, intolerance and impunity. Therefore, it is not only science that is affected by a paradigm, but it extends to all sectors of society. QUANTUM-RELATIVIST PARADIGM: In recent years, we are gradually experiencing a paradigm shift. One of the most important causes of this transformation was that classical physics proved incapable of explaining the subatomic world. In the first three decades of the 20th century, two great revolutions emerged within science – relativistic physics and quantum physics – that completely changed our way of understanding the universe. They ended up leading, in the second half of the century, to a paradigm shift. With the advent of quantum theory, we have moved from a dualistic, reductionist and mechanistic conception of nature to a new holistic view of the world, in which mind and body, man and universe, self and the other are conceived as a unity, interrelated by through non-local quantum connections, which allow instant communication and influence between them.
We will explore the main experiments in quantum physics in Part II of the book, so that you understand the foundations of the new paradigm that is beginning to take effect. During the 20th century, we saw the birth of this new worldview and witnessed the emergence of a transdisciplinary knowledge based on sciences such as cybernetics, information theory, chaos theory, parapsychology, the new physics of quantum information, among others. However, society as a whole is in crisis. Like the crisis in physics in the 1920s, it stems from the fact that we apply concepts of an obsolete worldview – the mechanistic worldview – to all aspects of life, a model that no longer meets our needs. only when we changeour vision of the world and we incorporate the new paradigm, in all sectors of society, there can be a real social change. This process is being delayed, mainly because most scientists are reluctant to make a paradigm shift. At the beginning of the last century, when some physicists understood the result of their investigations in the domains of atomic world were perplexed and had to radically revise many of his concepts about the nature of reality. Even so, so many years after the first discoveries of quantum mechanics, most scientists refuse to revise their beliefs. On the one hand, they fear being classified as pseudoscientific, especially if they dare to include consciousness or spirituality in their equations. A scientist's great fear is that if, at a given moment, the results of his research lead him to embrace ideas beyond the limits of the prevailing paradigm, he may be viewed with suspicion by his colleagues or mistaken for a mystic. On the other hand, accepting the rules of the old game means being accepted by the scientific community, having access to funding, donations, research funds, etc.
What differentiates a visionary from ordinary people is his or her great capacity for perception. He is someone who sees beyond forms and lays bare reality before most. While a new paradigm is not implanted for good in a society, visionaries are labeled as eccentrics or crazy, until a critical mass leads the leap of consciousness and surrenders to the relentlessness of facts. And as for you, do you allow yourself to court innovations or do you prefer to wait for consensus.
it is the formula for a successful business? I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I woke up and found that life was about serving. I acted and, see, serving became joy. Rabindranathtagore Whenever we think about opening any type of business, some prerequisites and basic necessary resources come to mind, such as: • Initial and working capital; • Specific knowledge about the business; • Knowledge of administration and sales; •
Advertising budget;
• Qualified and motivated employees; • Proper business point etc. These needs may vary slightly for different types of businesses, but generally speaking, they apply to most. Even when fully available, they are not enough to guarantee the success of the enterprise. Often, a company starts well, with all the necessary resources; settles down for a while and gradually enters into stagnation and collapse. The reality is that the vast majority of businesses don't survive for long. Those who achieve such a feat live with the specter of competition and market crises. Only a few manage to prosper continuously and increasingly in the face of the same circumstances that bring down the less prepared. What differentiates the first from the second group? Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis was one of the greatest fortunes of his time. He once said that the success of a business depends on knowing something that no one else knows. Secret information that makes your
business stand out from the rest. Even today this idea persists, even more so because we live in the Information Age. Everyone knows that there is a great advantage in having access to as much information as possible and faster. However, there are some limiting factors regarding the acquisition of information that must be considered: 1. Keeping us up to date requires high investment financial, most of the time; 2. We have a limited capacity to receive information through conventional means such as courses, books or the internet, due to the time factor; 3. There are factors that limit the total absorption and incorporation of information received by our brain. such as, for example, lack of concentration, tiredness, emotional disturbances and even our paradigm, which can block both the perception and the acceptance of new concepts. If information is not compatible with our belief system, it becomes invisible to us, as if it did not exist. It is clear thatInformation is a crucial factor in the success of a business. After all, knowledge is power. But what kind of information are we talking about, exactly? And how to overcome the limits mentioned above?
Traini ng – what schools don't teach We are reality-producing machines. We constantly create the effects of reality. If we take information from a small knowledge base, we have a small reality. If we have a broad knowledge base, we have a broad reality. For most of us, information is the objective data we have about something or someone. But the current concept of information goes much deeper than that. the scientists are
finding out thatinformation is an inherent aspect of the nature of the universe, that is, everything that exists has its own, intrinsic information. SecondErvin Laszlo “revolutionary discoveries reveal that at the roots of reality there is not only matter and energy, but also a more subtle and equally fundamental factor, a factor that we can best describe as active and effective information: “in-formation”, a term chosen by the physicist. David Bohm to refer to the process that gives “shape” to things in the universe, which allows the manifestation of all things. This is the concept we will adopt here. Information is not something forged by man. It is a subtle and instantaneous connection between things in different places in space and events at different instants in time. Such connections are termed “non-local” in the natural sciences and “transpersonal” in consciousness research. We know that: •
In-formation can be defined as the intrinsic property of the universe capable of generating order, self-organization and complexity.
Information is neither matter nor energy and is present everywhere and at all times.
It links all things (particles, atoms, molecules, organisms, galaxies as well as mind and consciousness) regardless of how far they are from each other and how much time has passed since connections were created between them.
Based on this new concept, it is easy to understand that our brain/mind can have access to a wide range of information, far beyond those transmitted by our five sense organs. The Quantum Vacuum is the “sea” of information that records the historical experience of the matter. as we will seefurther on, the void is far from empty, it is an active and physically real cosmic plenum. It carries not only light, gravitation and energy in their various forms, but also information.
We will better understand what the Quantum Vacuum is, in the second part of this book.
Business and Waves: Believing in the things you can see and touch is not really believing. Believing in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing. Everything in the universe is made up of atoms, and these, in turn, are made up of even smaller elements, subatomic particles. As has been demonstrated in countless laboratory experiments, the most basic components of matter behave simultaneously as particles (as if they were something solid, material) and as waves (something like a transmission of energy, not material). Both things at the same time. This means that everything that exists can be treated both ways, as a particle or a wave. We, the observers (it would be more appropriate to use the term participants) are the ones who choose which aspect of reality we want to work with. Ultimately, there is nothing really material. Everything is made up of waves: You could argue that you don't see waves when you look at a wall, for example. This happens because our sense organs cannot perceive the wave aspect of objects. Due to this limitation of human perception, we are conditioned to believe that all things are made of matter or particles. After all, everything we call matter seems pretty solid to us.. When we look at a chair, we have the visual illusion that it is solid and immobile. But in fact it is made up, for the most part, of empty space and is moving minimally. A movement imperceptible to the eyes, but detected by ultra-sensitive instruments. The fact that everything can be treated as a wave has profound implications and will mean that, in the near future, we will see tremendous changes in everything human beings do. This is inevitable. Fighting it will only delay the development of humanity.
When it comes to business and prosperity in general, the implications are impressive as well. It is amazing how even today, after a hundred years of scientific experiments, this knowledge is not being applied in all areas, but mainly in work, business, ventures, job interviews, finance, etc. We will see in more detail in Part II that all matter is made up of atoms. Every atom has an electromagnetic field, around you. Hence it follows that all things also formed by atoms, have their own electromagnetic field, whether objects, places, living beings, companies, everything. This field attracts to itself the same wave frequency that it emits and all this can be measured in Hertz (cycles per second). This magnetism can also be called emanation. When a person's emanation is positive, it attracts similar things and situations. If your field is emitting a negative frequency, brought on by negative thoughts, emotions or feelings, it will inevitably attract similar situations and outcomes. Likewise, if the business location has a negative magnetism, for whatever reason, the business will have problems. If this is not changed, it will only be a matter of time before the business becomes completely unviable. When we change the magnetism of the place, new customers, business opportunities, collaborators suited to our needs, etc. are immediately attracted. We make choices all the time and our choices create our reality. In this way, we can negate or posit an environment, an object, a person, that is, change the magnetism of anything according to our needs. Imagine changing all the magnetism of your company... Imagine you, your partners and your employees happy, optimistic, focused and balanced... New opportunities arising non-stop... All this is possible when using Harmonic Resonance. With this tool, a wave is transferred with a specific frequency for each situation, positively altering
the local magnetism. This is constantly reported by our customers. For example, after changing the magnetism of a professional, his practice begins to attract new clients. It is clear that this is pure physics. In Part II of the book you will find the scientific foundations that allow us to make this kind of claim. In the Middle Ages this would be treated as magic, occultism, mysticism and so on. Today, in the age of science where everyone has cell phones, radios, televisions, wireless internet, GPS, use free passes at tolls, single ticket on the Metro, etc., we normally accept that all these technological marvels are possible because they use the wave principle. However, we need to accept and expand the possibilities of applying this same principle to everything in our lives. The deliberate and conscious creation of our reality depends on accepting this indisputable fact...
Human Information Engineering and its applications in business In our universe we are on the frequency that corresponds to physical reality. But there are an infinite number of parallel realities, coexisting with us in the same room; we are just not able to tune into them. Steven Weinberg, Nobel Prize in Physics. We know that everything in the universe emanates an electromagnetic field that, in addition to energy, also carries information. This information is intrinsic to the electromagnetic field. This is, is contained in it: The September 2009 issue of Scientific American magazinepresented an article saying that the information contained in a book is still present in the ashes and smoke of the same book after it has been burned. This was just a hypothesis fifty years ago, but today, it is accepted that no information in the universe is lost. Let's repeat: no information is lost. Never. It continues to exist as a wave forever and can be retrieved, transferred and used to your advantage. Therefore, any positive information can be inserted both in a place and in the people who work there in order to attract customers and opportunities, immediately. There is synergy throughout the universe as everything emits a frequency and interacts with other frequencies. When we resonate with a certain frequency, we absorb the information of this wave with which we are resonating. This is how information is passed from one wave to another. Through constructive interference. This occurs when the peak of one wave collides with the peak of another.
Through ResonanceHarmonic, the magnetism of the company is altered by sending a specific frequency wave to that location. This wave can contain any desired information and will attract situations compatible with the frequency it was sent. A positive location attracts positive people. A thriving location attracts thriving customers and causes good deals to be closed, benefiting both parties. We've already told you that this is a win-win process. No one can lose out in a positive environment. In this way, there is no crisis that affects a business with a positive emanation. Understand that magnetic attraction always works, the same way gravity works, whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not. This is the rule, not the exception. Every business, environment or positive person has to succeed, do good business and make money. There's no way it could be any other way. The results obtained with the application of Harmonic Resonance in business prove this. In fifteen years of practical application there is not a single case that escapes the rules of electromagnetism.
What is the emanation of your company? If a man speaks or acts with bad intentions, pain will follow him. If a man speaks or acts with pure thought, happiness will follow him like a shadow that never leaves him. Everything a human being thinks affects the magnetism of the business, the place, the people, etc. This is because he emits a field with his thoughts and feelings, be they
conscious or unconscious. All the things we experience in our life – all our perceptions, feelings and thought processes have brain functions associated with them. These functions have waveform equivalents, since our brains, like other things in space and time, create
information-bearing vortices. The sum of allthoughts and feelings results in the frequency at which the individual vibrates. Its waves propagate in a vacuum and interfere with other waves emanating from others, by electromagnetism. The problem is that in our society, negative thoughts and feelings predominate. We are immersed in a huge negativity, where most people only think and talk about crises, accidents, crimes, tragedies, etc. This negativity permeates the entire planet. If someone emanates a negative wave, this wave will attract similar ones from the people and things around them, thus enhancing their negativity and having a devastating effect on life and business. On the other hand, the same happens when we emanate love, joy, happiness, progress, success and so on. Your company is under the same principles of electromagnetism. What it emanates attracts back to itself. Have you ever walked into a store or restaurant where you felt uncomfortable in some way and weren't sure why? You probably didn't consume anything there, or if you did, it will be the last time you do it... This is emanation and it makes a huge difference when choosing among the countless options on the market. It is possible to change the emanation of your business so that the consumer is attracted to try your product or service. Once you feel the good emanation, you will become a loyal customer.
The Transfer of Information: Everything must be based on a simple idea. After discovering her, she will be so irresistible, so beautiful, that we will comment among ourselves, yes, it couldn't be different. John Wheeler, physicist: Everything that we perceive through the sense organs is electromagnetic waves. For example, our eyes and ears pick up information that comes to us
through waves. light and sound, which after being captured are decoded in the brain into images and sounds, respectively. In addition to the traditional knowledge that we receive in schools, or through books, etc., we can obtain direct knowledge from people who were exponents in any area of human activity. That is, we can receive any kind of information, experience or knowledge directly from the field. information of people who have been successful in the areas of our interest. We can fully model anyone who ever lived! How is this possible? All human knowledge is stored, forever, in the form of waves. And it can be accessed and transferred, personalized. Ervin Laszlo writes in his book Science and the Akashic Field that "generations after generations of human beings have left their holographic traces in the Quantum Void, and the information in these holograms is available to be read." The meeting of two individual waves creates a spatially and temporarily coherent communication channel between the objects that emit the wave fields. Even when the wave fields contain oscillations at different frequencies, if they are in harmonic resonance (that is, if they constitute a series of two, four, eight, etc. waves per cycle, with the peaks and valleys synchronized along the series) they produce a coherent channel of communication. In this case, a path for the non-local transmission of information is created along all the different scales of organization, from the quantum to the cosmic. This is amazing because in order to have the same results that these people have in their fields, we need to think, feel and act like them. All this can be achieved through the use of Harmonic Resonance. Direct knowledge transfer is infinitely superior to trying to read people's
biography and copy their behavior. In books, we find superficial, incomplete and often distorted information about them. We can read two hundred books on Napoleon Bonaparte, but we will never know how he really thought or felt. However, his information is available on the wave of his thoughts, his feelings, his personality, which are registered in the information field of the universe. To duplicate his success, you have to be like him. Without a transfer of information, as is done in Harmonic Resonance, this is impossible. That's why this tool is radically changing the way business is done. When we receive information from a person, we also begin to feel and think accordingly. When we assimilate new informed knowledge, it is stored in our unconscious and at our disposal when we want to use it. This causes accelerated growth in every way. It changes our worldview. It expands our consciousness, because the greater the amount of information, the greater the level of complexity of an individual. We started to have the strategic vision, the courage, the leadership of a great general, for example. Or a great businessman, inventor, merchant, scientist, etc. We can have the information of great negotiators, great planners, entrepreneurs like Andrew Carnegie, for example. Writers who deciphered the laws of success like Napoleon Hill. And so on. This is a totally ethical procedure, as we are not taking possession of anything that belongs exclusively to someone. On the contrary, any information existing in the universe is available and can be freely accessed by anyone. Everything is in-formation. Everything can be accessed and transferred without any limit. It is important to point out that in doing so, we do not lose our identity. We
only add knowledge and increase our capacity, in every way. For example, those who attended three colleges have more information than those who attended just one, but that doesn't compromise their individuality or identity, does it? The same with those who speak five languages. Having more knowledge only gives you greater power of choice and response to stimuli. We cannot forget that, through Harmonic Resonance, we change our magnetism according to the information received. What kind of situations attract someone who emanates a tremendously positive wave? With big thoughts? With noble feelings? With great ideals? What kind of people does she attract? The most important thing, namely, is that all thoughts and feelingsthey can be changed, healed, resolved, released, transcended, forgiven. By changing information, everything changes in our lives and is reflected in business. We are pure information. It never hurts to repeat. What is DNA? A code! A complex set of information. And the information ofother dimensions of reality? The same thing. Everything has an atomic substrate and therefore has a field and in-formation. All information is stored in scalar waves. These waves are a product of the Quantum Vacuum, which is the underlying state of reality. From where everything emerges or is emanated. Technology is meant to be something practical, to make our lives easier. You don't have to be an electronics engineer to use a TV, or an electrical engineer to turn on a light in a room. Just push a button. The same goes for Harmonic Resonance. This is a practical book, but it presents you with all the scientific foundations on which the new paradigm is built and that allow the understanding of this powerful tool. Let's go to them!
The scientific basis of Harmonic Resonance Miracles are difficult to accept. As we abandon our conception of cause and effect [...] our basic ideas about nature are threatened [...] and pure physics pushed into the realm of metaphysics. But most young physicists accepted this challenge and struggled to keep up with the mechanics. quantum, while growing up. Eugene P. Wigner, Nobel Prize in Physics in,1963. To understand how Harmonic Resonance works, you must know the scientific principles on which it is based. For this, we will present some fundamental concepts about: Quantum physics: archetypes and: Neurotransmitters: This knowledge will ensure that you understand not only Harmonic Resonance, but also how you create your own reality. Unfortunately, most scientists, including physicists themselves, are reluctant to share these findings with laypeople, for two fundamental reasons. Partly out of scientific arrogance. They appropriate knowledge, even mocking attempts to apply laboratory findings other than the one dictated by themselves. That is, we can use quantum physics for technological purposes (cell phones, GPS, transistors, etc.) and military purposes (nuclear and electromagnetic weapons). But they turn up their noses and do not authorize us to extrapolate scientific findings to the field of philosophy, spirituality, much less to apply them in a way that empowers the common citizen. On the other hand, the discoveries in the field of quantum physics are so
spectacular and impactful that they force scientists themselves to review their conception of the nature of reality and the profound implications that come from this change. We know that even for a scientist, who should have an open mind to the new, it can be very uncomfortable to have his structures shaken. Leaving a paradigm takes courage and a price that many are unwilling to pay. Therefore, it is easier to turn the page on a controversial subject than to take a risk. Little do they know that, on the ruins of a collapsed castle, a fabulous skyscraper can rise... We believe that science should serve everyone, without distinction. Ordinary people have the right to know the information that follows, to reflect and reach their own conclusions. Without it, they will walk limp around the world, at the mercy of the winds blown by the dominant power, which is very interested in our ignorance.
Introduction to Quantum Physics A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but because its opponents end up dying and a new generation is created. familiar with her. Behind the complicated mathematics that translates to quantum physics, there are simple principles. Initially,can be viewed with reservations by those who have not yet incorporated the new paradigm. Trying to understand quantum mechanics using the Newtonian way of thinking is what causes so much discussion and incredulity on the part of materialists. However, once these principles are understood, there is a change in vision and in the way of acting in the world. The favorable results come as a consequence of the incorporation of these principles. That is, understanding is not enough, it is necessary to apply.
That's when knowledge turns into wisdom. The word “physics” (from the Greek physis) means nature. Therefore, Physics is the science that studies natural phenomena. There are several branches of Physics. Among them, we are interested in mechanics, which studies all types of movement. Quantum mechanics is a modern branch of physics that emerged as an attempt to explain nature at its most fundamental; studies the basic constituents of matter, what the universe is made of. The term quantum was applied to science for the first time by the German physicist Max Planck in 1900; It is a Latin word meaning quantity. When the famous English scientist Isaac Newton published, in 1687, the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, he laid the foundations for a vision of the universe that would guide science for the following centuries. This discipline, conventionally called classical or Newtonian physics, is based on the so-called determinism: the idea that the world is a determined machine, with a mechanism similar to that of a clock. If we know the initial conditions of an object, such as position and velocity, we can mathematically determine its behavior. Determinism was the pinnacle of scientific thinking, grounded in Newton's mathematics, Aristotle's philosophy, and Galileo Galilei's experimentation. The fundamental elements of the Newtonian world were material particles. Newton conceived of them as small, solid, indestructible objects, from which all matter was constituted. These particles interacted and moved in space and time, these also considered as immutable and absolute entities.
Einstein and Planck Time is by no means what it appears to be. It does not flow in a single direction, and the future exists simultaneously with the past.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, classical physics and scientific determinism reigned supreme, when two revolutionary theories shook their foundations. Albert Einstein, German physicist (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921) with his Theory of Relativity challenged the foundations of classical physics by proposing that the only constant in the universe is the speed of light. Thus, time and space, which were absolute quantities in Newtonian equations, became relative. According to the Theory of Relativity, space is not just three-dimensional (consisting of height, length and depth) and time does not constitute an isolated entity (it is not independent, and does not run from the past towards the future). Both are intimately linked, forming a continuumfour-dimensional, the “space-time”. Einstein also discovered that the mass of a body is nothing more than a form of energy. Even an object at rest has energy stored in its mass and the relationship between the two is given by the famous equation E=mc2, where E is energy, m mass, c the speed of light (300 thousand kilometers per second). Just as Einstein overturned Newtonian certainties, when applied to great distances and speeds, the results of research by German physicist Max Planck (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918) questioned classical physics in the extremely small world of atomic particles. At a meeting of the German Physical Society on December 14, 1900, Max Planck presented his paper on the Theory of the Energy Distribution Law of the Normal Spectrum. This article would be the beginning of a great revolution in physics and this date is considered as the birth of Quantum Physics. Planck, with his study of blackbody radiation, discovered that the energy of thermal radiation is not emitted continuously, as previously thought, but in the form of “energy packets”. With that, he opened the doors of science to a completely new view of the universe and reality.
Quantum Physics was born, although only later, a quarter of a century later, the theory would be refined by exponents such as Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heinsenberg, Niels Bohr, John Von Neumann, Paul Dirac, Wolfang Pauli, Max Born, Louis de Broglie, Richard Feynman among others.
FUNDAMENTAL CLASSIC CONCEPTS: Quantum mechanics is the theory that describes the behavior of matter on the scale of the “very small”, that is, it is the physics of elementary components of matter such as molecules, atoms and subatomic particles. To advance in quantum physics, we first need to know some classical concepts that will be very useful to us further on: Particle: corresponds to an object that has mass and is extremely small, like a tiny marble. We tend to imagine that large bodies are composed of an immense number of these particles. This is a concept with which we are very familiar because we deal daily with objects endowed with mass and which occupy a certain region of space. We were taught to reason like this, influenced by the Newtonian-Cartesian paradigm. Wave: corresponds to the transmission of energy in a material (eg water) or non-material (eg vacuum) medium. A very simple example of wave motion is the oscillations of the water surface of a swimming pool. If we move our hand over this surface, we will observe a ripple moving away equally in all directions from the point where the surface was disturbed. Well, until the end of the 19th century, the idea prevailed that everything was made up of particles whose motion was faithfully described by Newtonian mechanics. What happened in the first quarter of the 20th century was that a certain set of experiments presented conflicting results with this distinction that was made between the behavior of a wave and a particle. We will see each of them and their implications for our lives throughout the book. The word “quantum” (from the Latin quantum) means quantity. This term came to be used after the realization that electromagnetic waves (for example,
light) can be explained as an emission of energy packets (called quanta, plural of quantum). QUANTUM WEIRD: Quantum mechanics is a part of physics that some call non-intuitive. This means that many of its findings and postulates seem to contradict common sense about how we perceive reality. For example, the wave-particle duality, which we will see later, says that the smallest parts of matter behave either as particles or as waves, depending on the observer's choice. This statement may seem strange, but it is what happens in the real world. Nature's behavior is not strange; it is man who seeks to frame the observed reality in his way of understanding the world (or paradigm). Our everyday life takes place on a macroscopic scale. We deal with objects that we can see without the aid of lenses or atomic microscopes. Quantum physics deals with tremendously small things, molecules, atoms and subatomic particles. What is strange to people is that, in everyday life, we realize that waves are very different from solid objects. How could something be a wave and a particle at the same time?
TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATION: Withoutquantum mechanics would not have many of the technological benefits that we are used to today. Examples: the CD player, the remote control of TVs, lasers, transistors, magnetic resonance imaging machines in hospitals, the microcomputer, cell phones, GPS, single Metro ticket, free toll passes, etc. All so-called high-tech devices could only be designed because we know quantum mechanics. More than providing us with comfort and time, through cutting-edge technology, quantum mechanics, with its new conceptualization of matter and its intriguing postulates, has generated debates not only in the field of exact sciences, but also in philosophy, thus provoking a great intellectual revolution in the 20th century. BASIC CONCEPTS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS: Atom: The ideaof atom is probably one of the most primitive in physics.
Man's incessant search to understand the constitution of the universe has led philosophers and researchers, each one intheir time and with their particular instruments, to investigate the most intimate constitution of matter. Philosophers use speculation and pure reason, while researchers use accumulated scientific knowledge and laboratory equipment. The first attempt to understand how matter was constituted is credited to the Greek philosopher Democritus (460 - 370 B.C). He assumed that all things were made up of small material parts with the following attributes: invisible, indivisible, eternal and immutable. These minimal constituent units of matter, Democritus called atoms, a term of Greek origin, which means indivisible. The name atom was suitable until the beginning of the 20th century, when Einstein was able to demonstrate that it was possible to divide an atom into even smaller portions and obtain a large amount of energy. Atomic energy
was then discovered, which has been used as a source of energy by several countries today. On the other hand, we must not forget that it is the same energy used in making atomic bombs.
Elementary particles: The ancient Greeks imagined the atom as something rigid and solid. However, already in the 19th century, several physicists and chemists were trying to explain the atom as being made up of other even smaller particles. Thus, little by little, elementary particles appear on the scientific scene: protons, neutrons and electrons. The atomic model best known to us is the one in which the atom is composed of a compact and heavy nucleus, formed by protons and neutrons, where practically all its mass is concentrated. This is surrounded by a cloud of light particles called electrons, rotating in specific orbits, like planets around the Sun. The nucleus of an atom consists of heavy particles: protons, which have a positive electrical charge, and neutrons, which have no charge. Around the nucleus, we find electrons, which have negative electrical charges. There are many theories about the atomic structure of matter. Currently, the quantum mechanical model is the most accepted to define the atomic structure. DuringFor some time, physicists believed that protons, neutrons and electrons were the true “atoms” of the Greeks, that is, the smallest parts of matter. But in 1968, high-tech experiments revealed that protons and neutrons are made up of three even smaller particles called quarks. waves: The propagation wave is calledenergy from one point to another, without transporting matter. A well-known example is electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, light waves, X-rays. Wave interference:
When two or more waves meet, the result of this meeting is the sum or annulment of the effects that each wave would produce alone at that point. Interference between waves can be constructive (when energy increases) or destructive (when energy decreases). Harmonic Resonance: When a vibrating system is subjected to a periodic series of impulses whose frequency coincides with the frequency system, the amplitude of its oscillations grows gradually, as the energy received is being stored. One of the most important aspects of waves is that they encode and carry information. When two waves are in phase (in sync), the combined amplitude of the waves is greater than each individual amplitude. The signal gets stronger. This amounts to an impression or exchange of information, called constructive interference. After they collide, each wave starts to contain information about the other, in the form of energy coding, in addition to the other information it already contained. Interference patterns correspond to a constant accumulation of information, and waves have an infinite storage capacity. Energy: This is one of the most used words today, but difficult to conceptualize. For physicists, energy is the property of a system that allows it to do work. Work, in this case, can be understood as moving an object, heating a liquid, etc. Therefore, to do any kind of work, we need energy. By the principle of conservation of energy, it cannot be created or destroyed, but only transformed into another type of energy. Therefore, the total quantity of a system is always the same. Examples of types of energy: kinetic, potential, thermal, electromagnetic, nuclear, etc.
The four fundamental forces of the universe: In physics, strength is the ability to exert influence on something. In the universe, we know four fundamental types, namely: gravitational force: responsible for keeping us in orbit around the Sun and with feet on the Earth. electromagnetic force: responsible for the comforts of modern life such as lights, computers, televisions, telephone, etc. The electrical charge of a particle determines the intensity with which it can exert or undergo electromagnetism. strong nuclear force: is responsible for keeping the quarks trapped inside the protons and neutrons and keeping the protons and neutrons themselves compressed inside the atomic nucleus. Therefore, it is responsible for maintaining the stability of the core. When released, it causes the effects seen in the explosion of atomic bombs. weak strength: is responsible for the radioactive disintegration of chemical elements such as uranium and cobalt. Antimatter: Every elementary particle has an antiparticle that corresponds to it as a pair – with equal mass but opposite it in other respects, such as electrical charge. For example, the electron (negative charge) has as its counterpart, the positron (with the same mass but positive charge). Whencome into contact, matter and antimatter can annihilate each other, producing pure energy. Higgs' Boson: It is a theoretically predicted particle that would provide mass to all others in the universe. For decades, scientists have been building ever-larger particle accelerators to find it. Strings:
According to String Theory or Superstrings, atomic particles (protons, electrons, neutrons, quarks) are made up of one-dimensional strings that vibrate in resonant patterns, like a string on a musical instrument. The properties we observe in different particles are reflections of the different ways in which a string can vibrate. Just as the strings of a violin have resonant frequencies that vibrate in a special way – and which our ears perceive as musical notes and their harmonic tones – so too do the loops of string theory. However, instead of producing musical notes, the types of vibration emitted by the strings give way to particles whose masses and force charges are determined by the oscillatory pattern. of the rope. So the electron is a string that vibrates one way, the quark is a string that vibrates the other way, and so on. The same idea also applies to the forces of nature. Force particles are also associated with string vibration patterns. Secondthis theory, everything that exists, all matter and all forces, are unified under the same principle of the microscopic oscillations of the strings - the "notes" that the strings play. Electromagnetic waves: They are formed by changing electric and magnetic fields. They are transverse waves, that is, the fields are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. They propagate in a vacuum with a speed of 300,000 km/s (speed of light). They can propagate in a material medium with a speed lower than that obtained in a vacuum. The electromagnetic spectrum comprises radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. These waves differ only in the frequency and length of their waves. Scalar waves:
In his book Symphony of Energetics, Salvatore de Salvo talks about scalar waves: “They are longitudinal, superluminal waves, that is, their speed is greater than the speed of light and their action is instantaneous. They carry information as patterns of vibrating energy in the quantum vacuum. Scalar waves are permanently exchanged between all the nuclei of the universe, and the vacuum is really a seething cauldron of scalar radiation. This cauldron creates the virtual particles and the flow of these particles from the vacuum itself. The understanding of scalar electromagnetism will allow man to manipulate, at the same time, space and hyperspace (or quantum vacuum). In this way, instantaneous communication systems, hyperspace travel systems, techniques for materializing and dematerializing and, in general, techniques and systems by all considered impossible, except for science fiction, become possible. Everything that has existed, exists or will exist has its individual scalar structure that constitutes something like its “fingerprint”. And since this structure is spatio-temporal, it will encompass all the events of the object's past history and keep them strictly identical (in the form of an eternal record of everything in the universe). Quantum Vacuum: The Quantum Vacuum is not empty, as you might think. It is, yes, permeated by an incredible amount of primordial energy and that exists as a temporary manifestation of the virtual particles. This means that vacuum energy is bound as non-integrated energy and is therefore undetectable by our current instruments. The small particles that appear out of nowhere are spontaneously created and disappear back into nothingness, being spontaneously annihilated almost instantly. This happens so quickly that it is impossible to individually detect these small particles and their energies, because the time they become real is so short. Therefore, these floating ghost particles are called
virtual particles. (Energetic Symphony, 2008) The Quantum Vacuum is also called the Zero Point Field, because fluctuations in the field are still detectable at temperatures of absolute zero, the most basic possible energy state, in which all matter has been removed and supposedly nothing is left to perform any movement. The Quantum Vacuum is the sea of virtual energy, from which everything emerges. We can identify in him the foundation, the source that generates all things. Modern theoretical physics has placed our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context. It has shifted our gaze from what is visible – the particles – to the underlying entity, the field. The presence of matter is simply a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place. We can consider matter as being constituted by regions of space in which the field is extremely intense. So there is no matter, really. The countryside is the only reality. If all matterThe world's subatomic wave is constantly interacting with this ground state energy field, the subatomic waves of the Field are all the time recording a record of the shape of everything. By preceding and recording all wavelengths and all frequencies, the Quantum Vacuum is a record of everything that ever was, is or will be. (The Field, 2002) The main experiments and postulates of quantum mechanics The most exciting expression to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka" (I found it!), but "Strange..." Isaac Asimov: The great news is that, in quantum physics, all objects are represented not as determinate things, but as waves of possibilities. However, when we measure them or we observe, we never see possibilities; we see a real event. This is the effect of the observer or consciousness.
Let's understand how scientists reached these conclusions, understanding the main experiments and postulates: DOUBLE SPLIT EXPERIMENT: First performed in 1805 by Thomas Young. Imagine that a wave impinges on an opaque screen where there are two slits. When the wave hits the screen, it passes through both slits. Each of the slits then becomes the source of a new wave movement, that is, a new wave appears in each slit. These two new waves meet and interfere with each other. In some regions they add up and in others they cancel each other out, which is explained by the phenomenon of wave interference. Now placing a second screen, far from the first, where we will detect the intensity of the wave that hits it, we can observe as a result a figure that alternates fringes with maximum and minimum wave intensity. This is called the interference figure or pattern. Let's now repeat the same experiment with the difference that, instead of waves, we focus particles on the first screen. As if we were shooting marbles over the bulkhead. What happens in this new situation is the presence of two distinct concentrations of particles reaching the second screen. This would be the result expected by classical physics. However, when this experiment is carried out with particles such as electrons or photons (quantum objects), the unexpected occurs: a wave interference figure is formed on the second screen. Even stranger is the repetition of this same experiment with just one particle. It passes through the first bulkhead and hits the second at just one point. Let us, then, repeat this same experience an enormous number of times. The result is that in each experiment the detection point on the second screen is different. However, superimposing all the results obtained in the second screens of each experiment, we obtain, again, the same interference figure as in the previous figure! Thus, even talking about just one particle, we are forced to associate it with a
wave so that we can account for the wave characteristic present in our example. PerOn the other hand, we must relate this wave to the probability of finding the particle at a certain point in space in order to understand the results of a single experiment with only one particle. The results of this experiment defined the basic principle of quantum physics, the principle of wave-particle duality, which determines that atomic particles can behave both as material bodies and as waves. This experiment has already been carried out using, instead of subatomic particles, molecules with more than 100 atoms (much larger objects) and the result was the same. OtherAn intriguing fact occurs when we try to determine which slit the particle passed through. To resolve this issue, we can proceed by closing one of the slits to make sure that it has passed through the other slit. Another surprise: the interference figure is destroyed, leaving only a well-localized concentration of particles, that of those passing through the open slit! Therefore, when we set up an experiment that evidences the corpuscular character of matter, we completely destroyed its wave character, that is, the opposite of the case with the two open slits. This fact defines the principle of complementarity. This is because the wave and corpuscular natures of the electron cannot be simultaneously determined. The attempt to determine one makes the determination of the other unfeasible.
Depending on how they are examined (or observed), particles can behave like particles or like waves. A particle is an independent, solid object with a specific location in space. Waves, on the other hand, are not solid and are not in one place, but scattered. In the wave state, electrons and photons (particles of light) have no precise location, they exist as “probability waves”. In the particle state, this wave “collapses” producing a solid object, located in space and time. Thus, the difference lies in the observation or measurement. Electrons that are not measured or observed behave like waves. Subjected to observation, they “collapse” into particles and can be observed. Electron waves are probability waves. The wave aspect of a single quantum object is transcendent, so we never see it manifest. When we locate the electron, by discovering which slit it has passed through, we reveal its particle appearance. In cases where we do not locate it, ignoring the crack through which it passed, we reveal its wave aspect. Thus, an electron passes through both slits at the same time! Even when the photon has already passed through the first screen, before it is recorded as passed (whether particle or wave) and a change is made to the slit(s), it will reflect the final state of the slit(s) . This is what has been called a delayed-choice experiment. (proposed by John Wheeler). Photons respond instantly and retroactively to our delayed option. The photon behaves as we want, even if it has already passed through the slit(s). This means that the observer's consciousness is intertwined with the photon's consciousness. That's right, the photon also has consciousness! THE WAVY STATE OF MATTER: When we study elementary particles, the building blocks of atoms – protons, electrons and neutrons – we usually tend to think and imagine them as solid, hard, compact balls. However, Louis de Broglie, a French physicist (Nobel
Prize in Physics in 1929) presented in 1924 to the Faculty of Science in Paris a revolutionary theory which proposed the existence of what he called matter waves. At first, the physicists of the time did not take these ideas very seriously, as there was no experimental data to support them. However, it was Albert Einstein who noticed the validity and importance of this theory, drawing the attention of the scientific community of the time to it. Louis de Broglie's hypothesis was that behaviorwave-particle duality of electromagnetic radiation also applied to matter. Just as a photon (particle of light) has associated with it a light wave that governs its movement, so a material particle, such as the electron, eg. it would also have associated with it a wave of matter that governs its motion. Therefore, we can see that all matter, even with a solid particle appearance, has a vibrational, undulating structure, to which we can give characteristics such as frequency and wavelength. What does this have to do with me? The Double Slit experiment and Louis de Broglie's theory of matter waves reveal that everything that exists. in the universe it behaves like a particle and a wave at the same time. It depends on the observer's choice which of the two aspects will be manifested. This means that we can choose which face of reality we want to work with. Ultimately it is consciousness that chooses. As everything has a wave aspect, it follows that everything there emits a frequency, which can be measured in Hertz. For example, a book emits a wave with its own frequency, which carries all the information contained in the “particle book” (or in the solid book). Therefore, one can read the book or receive the wave of the book through Harmonic Resonance. No matter what form, the information contained in it will be received by you and stored at the atomic level of your organism.
This is true of anything in the universe, for everything is in-formation. Any course, subject, textbook, skill, thought, feeling, emotion, people, archetypes, events, past, present and future, etc. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: It consists of a statement of quantum mechanics, initially formulated in 1927, by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932), which says that we cannot measure simultaneously the position and the momentum (velocity) of a particle. At the quantum level, whenever you measure one property, such as velocity, it is not possible to have a precise measure of others, such as position. No matter how subtle or advanced the technology, it is impossible to penetrate in the veil that covers accuracy. The more we focus on one property, the more the measurement of the other gets lost in uncertainty. In the atomic world, if we can accurately determine the initial conditions of motion, we cannot accurately determine the future behavior of a system. Instead of making deterministic predictions, we can just state the possible outcomes of an observation, giving the relative probabilities of its occurrence. Quantum mechanics is a calculus of probabilities that allows us to analyze the probability of each possibility in a given dynamic situation. Probability breeds uncertainty. We can no longer know the whereabouts of an object with certainty. The motion of quantum objects is always surrounded by uncertainty. What does this have to do with me? The Heisenberg uncertainty principle proves that uncertainty is the nature of the universe. Nothing is predetermined. Everything is open and subject to construction, creation and transformation, because nature has plasticity. Reality is totally formable. We can mold it according to our desires. SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT: It is a thought experiment proposed by the Austrian physicist Erwin
Schrödinger (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933) in the mid-1920s. A hypothetical cat is placed in a sealed box. Inside the box is a device that contains a radioactive core and a vial of poisonous gas. When the core decays, it emits a particle that triggers the device, which breaks the vial and kills the cat. We don't know for sure if this will happen or not and when. This happens randomly inside the box. After a certain time, the probability of each occurrence is 50/50. Time passes. The device kicks in. What will have happened to the cat? Will he be alive or dead? “According to quantum mechanics, the nucleus of the radioactive atom is described as a mixture of states: decayed nucleus” and “non-decayed nucleus”. However, when the box is opened, the experimenter sees only one of the alternatives: “dead cat/fallen core” or a “living cat/unfallen core”. The question is: howknow when the system stops being a mixture of two states and becomes just one or the other. Just as the electron is both a particle and a wave until our observation makes it appear as one or the other, Schrödinger's cat is both dead and alive until we observe it. It is the act of observation that causes the cat's wave function to collapse and make it appear alive or dead.. Quantum objects exist as a superposition of possibilities until our observation causes the reality of potentiality, generating a real and localized event among the many possible events. According to the interpretation of the Parallel Universes of the American physicist Hugh Everett, both states exist superimposed in universesparallels. When the observer opens the box, he leads the observed reality to one of the universes only. Matter waves are waves of possibility. They are described by mathematical functions called Schrödinger “wave functions”. An object is just that, in the beginning, a mathematical entity of a wave function. The act of choosing consciousness is what gives substance to
mathematical forms, depending on what we choose. To collapse a wave means to make something manifest. Schrödinger tried to interpret his wave functions by saying that everything in nature could be considered as waves of something, matter also being a wavelike manifestation, as the waves of the sea are material waves. All we can say is that the wave function that describes a quantum object contains the potentialities of that object. A sea of infinite possibilities. The act of observation causes the wave function to materialize into an aspect. The object “perceives” our intention and responds by updating itself in what we intend to detect. The experimenter, the photon and the devices used are somehow interconnected, and the reality that emerges when the experiment is carried out is the result of these interconnections. What does this have to do with me? The universe presents itself as an ocean of infinite possibilities. Everything you want to be, have or do is, in ultimately expressed by a mathematical equation called a wave function. When you choose what you want, you collapse this wave function, turning what was just possible into something probable. Your consciousness determines and allows the material manifestation of the various quantum options at your disposal. Therefore, you create your own reality in any sector of your life. The business you envision already exists in possibility. When you actually choose that you want to live that reality, it ends up manifesting, sooner or later, because you've collapsed the related wave function. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT: The principle of locality, established by classical physics, states that all communication between objects must happen through local signals, signals that have a speed limit. Einstein established this speed limit as the speed of light itself (the immense but finite speed of 300,000 kilometers per second). Thus, this principle of locality, a limitation imposed by Einsteinian thought,
excludes instantaneous communication at a distance. However,it is known experimentally that quantum objects, when properly correlated, influence each other in a non-local way, that is, without exchanging signals through space and instantaneously, without a finite time elapses. Therefore, correlated quantum objects are interconnected in a dimension that transcends time and space. Nonlocality implies transcendence. Physicist David Bohm sought to find a practical way to correlate electrons, that is, a way to experimentally confirm the non-locality of the collapse of the wave function of quantum objects. We can use the spin parameter (angular momentum) of the electron as an arrow pointing up or down. Bohm suggested that we can make two electrons collide in such a way that, after their collision, they would be correlated, in the sense that the spin arrows of both would point away from each other. We say that – in this case – the two electrons would be in a singlet state or correlated in their polarization. This was demonstrated in an experiment carried out by French physicist Alain Aspect in 1982. He used this type of correlation for a pair of photons in order to confirm that there is an influence, without exchange of signs between the two, in spacetime. He confirmed that the measurement performed on a single photon affects its correlated partner, without any exchange of signals between them. We can interpret Aspect's experiment in order to integrate consciousness as an integral part: it is the fact that we observe that it inherently produces the collapse of the wave function of one of the correlated photons, forcing them to assume a certain polarization. The partner photon wavefunction also immediately collapses. According to Amit Goswami, a consciousness that can instantly produce the collapse of the wave function of a photon at a distance will have to be in itself non-local or transcendent (interdimensional).
Instead of postulating thatIf there are superluminous signals (faster than the speed of light in a vacuum), we can postulate that nonlocality is a phenomenon of consciousness and is an essential aspect of the collapse of the wave function of the correlated system. This experiment leads us to build the thesis that there is a deep interaction between consciousness and matter. What does this have to do with me? Everything in the universe is interconnected, from atoms, through living beings to the most distant galaxies. This is because, everything emerges from the same field, the Quantum Vacuum, and through it remains connected. All things influence each other because they are eternally entangled in the matrix of reality. In this way, we can influence events, situations or people, in the same way that we can be affected by them. In business, this becomes clear when we perceive the pernicious influences arising either from the physical structure of the company (the location itself), or from negative collaborators (partners, employees or suppliers) or even from malicious competition. Knowing this, we can change the game of influences in our favor, eliminating negativity and implementing positive conditions that will provide the sustained growth of the business and of all the people involved. QUANTUM ZENO EFFECT: The quantum Zeno effect occurs when observation of a system prevents it from changing state, whereas if no one were watching it would. It has been demonstrated in the laboratory that the act of observing an atom of a radioactive element, without interruption, makes, with it staying in that state forever, without the normally expected nuclear decay taking place. There is no transition to other states. The observer freezes
reality and prevents the transformations that could occur. It is as if we were heating water in a pan. If we leave the pot covered, without observing the water, it boils after 5 minutes. But if, every ten seconds, we quickly lift the lid to see if it has boiled, it takes a much longer time to boil. What happens is that our observation interferes with the system and alters its evolution. The key to understanding the quantum Zeno effect is to remember that with every observation or measurement, a quantum wave collapse occurs. The systems in question involve a slow transition from one state to another. By constantly observing a system, it causes constant collapses to the initial state, and it never completes the transition to another state. What does this have to do with me? When you want something like, for example, a thriving business, you should just want and feel that you have already achieved your goal. That is, you must believe that the envisioned business already exists and is thriving unceasingly, without a trace of doubt on your part. Doubt paralyzes the process of manifestation. Just drop what you want. Let what you have already created in wave form manifest in the form of matter. If you insistently check that the results are coming, you produce the Zeno effect, "freezing" what you wanted, delaying or preventing it from manifesting. BOHR'S ATOM AND THE QUANTUM LEAP: In 1913, the Danish physicist Niels Bohr (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922) proposed a model for the hydrogen atom, the lightest chemical element in the periodic table and whose structure was apparently the simplest. The model postulated the existence of stable orbits for electrons around the nucleus, quantized, that is, only absorbing (or emitting) energy in sufficient quantity to jump to another higher (or lower) energy level. That is, energy did not exist in continuous quantities, but in “packets”, or quantized.
Bohr also stated that the moment at which an electron jumps from one orbit to another cannot be determined. It's a matter of probability. Furthermore, when an electron jumps from one atomic orbit to a lower one, it emits a discrete amount of light energy (photon). It does this discontinuously, without passing through the intervening space between orbits. That is, he disappears from one place and appears in another, instantly. This discontinuous motion was called a quantum leap. What does this have to do with me? According to Indian physicist Amit Goswami, our thoughts are quantum objects. They also widen in possibilities, becoming overlays of many possible thoughts when we are not paying attention to them. Creative thoughts are “born” through quantum leaps, coming from a transcendent dimension. As we plunge into this unknown world, as in a quantum leap of the ordinary mind, we find the Archetypes that form the essence of creative work. Archetypes are the primordial ideas of everything that exists.With Harmonic Resonance, you can transfer. directly any desired Archetype, exponentiating, Thus, the creativity and capacity of the entrepreneur and his collaborators. Consciousness is the creative element of the universe. Without her, nothing would arise The intriguing findings of quantum physics undoubtedly lead to questions about the nature of reality and the role of consciousness in creating it. The idea that human consciousness would cause the collapse (or manifestation) of a particle emerged in the 1930s, at a time when some considered the emergence of a scientific revolution in biology and psychology as imminent, as had happened in physics. Hungarian mathematician John Von Neumann (1932) was the first to bring consciousness into physics by claiming that consciousness chooses the actually experienced event from among all the quantum possibilities represented by an object.
In the 1970s, physicist Fred Alan Wolf popularized von Neumann's idea with the motto "we create our own reality". Physicist Amit Goswami defends the idea that human consciousness can influence the probabilities of the quantum world. Quantum waves are waves of possibility in transcendent potentiality, and they need consciousness to reduce the possibility to a reality by collapsing the wave function, which is done by exercising your freedom of choice. Awarenesswould be the agent that causes the objects' wave function to collapse. Furthermore, Amit proposes the philosophy of Monist Idealism, according to which consciousness is the foundation of the universe and not matter. Both the world of matter and that of mental phenomena, such as thought, are created by consciousness. In addition to the visible world, expressed through matter and mind, idealism postulates the existence of a transcendent, archetypal world, composed of ideas, as the origin of material and mental phenomena. Consciousness, therefore, is the one and final reality. According to him, everything is an expression of consciousness. Being alive, plastic and perpetually self-renewing, it expresses itself in a continuum of layers from the most ethereal and abstract, pure consciousness, through all the subtle and most substantial levels (particles, photons, atoms, molecules, cells, etc.) even the most solid matter. In this continuum, everything is connected and related. Everything is a single consciousness, manifesting at different frequencies, vibratory levels or densities. Another important scientific work for the understanding of consciousness is that of Ilya Prigogyne (Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977). Through his Theory of Dissipative Structures, he demonstrated that new structures can emerge from chaos, generating order. This type of organization occurs in open systems and generates dissipative structures that are created
and maintained through energy exchanges with the environment, in nonequilibrium conditions (chaos). In these self-organizing processes that occur, for example, in living beings, the more complex the dissipative structure, the more information is needed to maintain its interconnections, consequently making it more vulnerable to internal fluctuations, which means a greater potential for instability and instability. of possibilities for reorganization. According to Prigogyne, “old patterns interact with each other in new ways and establish new connections. The parts are reorganized into a new whole. The system reaches a higher order.” This explains what happens to consciousness. The more information, the higher the level of complexity, the higher the level of consciousness. That's why Harmonic Resonance is a tool for expanding consciousness, since it transfers to man an unlimited amount of information, generating increasing levels of complexity and consciousness.
How consciousness evolves What was life? Nobody knew. She was no doubt aware of herself since she began to exist; however, she did not know, that she was. (ThomasMann (The Magic Mountain) Initially, there is a primordial atom, which is part of the Quantum Vacuum. This atom is also known as the individualized divine spark. This spark has no differentiation in relation to the Void, as the two are the same thing. For this reason, there is no possibility for the spark to experience the infinite possibilities. For this to occur, it must be encapsulated and there must be an obscuration of its level of consciousness. It “forgets” where it came from and begins its slow process of evolution. Evolution occurs due to the addition of information arising from experiences in the various dimensions of reality. Every friction causes an increase in information and, therefore, increases the
complexity of consciousness. At this point in evolution, self-awareness does not yet exist. This is what happens in the case of minerals. With the passing ofeons the amount of information increases and that spark starts to experience reality like a vegetable. Hence progress is faster, because the frictions and vicissitudes of the plant world are enormous. Then we have the insects with their very fast life, providing the experience of trillions of lives for the spark. At this stage, there is a large increase in information. Next come animals with a formed instinct and a more advanced emotional level. There are already glimmers of reason, depending on the species and the faster evolution of each spark. This complexity then reaches pre-human levels. Then comes the first experience as a human being, with a rudimentary conscience. A man appears who is almost all instinct, standing a little above the brute beasts. It can feed itself, reproduce itself, it can work in simple functions. He has an undeveloped intellect. It adds a lot of information to each life and its complexity increases a lot. Sometimes exponentially, depending on the influences that are acting on it. It still totally depends on the surroundings. He has a life of vicissitudes, such as wars, hunger, diseases; desperately struggling to survive, he doesn't understand what he's doing here, why he came or where he's going. It is subject to all the manipulations of those who are already a little more aware of reality. These too are at an elemental level, but they have evolved through force and violence. So consider it normal. They think it works that way and persist in that paradigm. In this way the friction increases exponentially to those with less information. They are the ones who suffer the most. It makes them think, because pain is a great source of information. There would be no need to be like that, for love is the greatest source of information there is. But this is still far from being understood by those who evolve through violence. Over the millennia, the increase in information is such that, inevitably, there is a quantum leap, as Ilya Prigogine explained. Either evolve or decay.
When the spark opts for growth, it begins to exponentiate its consciousness. Head towards becoming a great scientist,great leader, a genius, an avatar. And so on. This processitself is slow, but can be exponentially accelerated with the use of Harmonic Resonance. We can transfer information in an unlimited way, providing constant exponentiation of consciousness. What would take millennia can be done in a lifetime. It should be noted that each exponentiation increases the capacity of complexity and, therefore, increases the capacity to exponentiate. There is a dizzying increase in the complexity of consciousness, providing an increase in productive and creative capacity without limits. A total view of the forest and the tree. After adding all the experience acquired after so long, the spark has the same capacity and complexity as the original Field. Then this spark that was unified with the Quantum Vacuum starts to collaborate with the exponentiation process of the other sparks in evolution. At that point, the spark is pure love, creativity, pleasure, contemplation and continual ecstasy. 1. archetypes I have no need to believe, in God. I know him! Archetypes are the primordial ideas, as Plato claimed. what did he mean with this? Which are the first energies or emanations present before the physical manifestation of something. The ideal. The model. The Perfect Being. Like everything in the universe, Archetypes also have a atomic foundation. There are, physically speaking. Archetypes belong to another dimension of reality.
To understand how this work works, it must be Of course, the substrate of everything that exists is atomic. Furthermore,when it is understood that electromagnetic and scalar waves act in all dimensions, it is understood that every type of manifestation or phenomenon is understood. before anyIf anything arises in our universe, it must have an archetypal design. Archetypes are living, conscious energies that express themselves in our world. They are symbols that provoke feelings when we see them, hear them or perceive them, whether consciously or unconsciously. There are numerous definitions for Archetypes and each of them shows an aspect of the truth. Archetypes can be shapes, sounds, gestures, symbols, behaviors, attitudes, situations, smells, touches, personalities, etc. The easiest way to understand them is by looking at the result they produce. For example, it is possible to carry out tests on a person's brain chemistry and functioning before and after being stimulated by Archetypes. Surely the tests will show the effects of that Archetype on neurotransmitters and activation of specific brain areas. One of the main characteristics of Archetypes is to induce living beings to feel emotions. Antonio Damásio in his book “The Error of Descartes”, makes it very clear that men are programmed to react to certain stimuli, which are processed by the limbic system. This is what is called a primary emotion. This is a way of talking about Archetypes in terms of neurology. The full range of emotions can be induced using the correct Archetype. Your resultsfor human beings they can be positive or negative, strong or weak.
It is clear that each person evaluates what is positive or negative depending on their interests, which does not prevent there being objectively something that can be classified as positive or negative.
Positive results are effects that demonstrate growth, prosperity, fulfillment, health, joy, love, etc. Negative outcomes are: depression, poverty, illness, suicide, addiction, death, misery, unemployment, separation, etc. Today, there are several technical resources to measure the effects of Archetypes: electroencephalogram, positron emission tomography, functional magnetic resonance imaging and laboratory tests to measure the levels of neurotransmitters and hormones. With these tests, it is possible to know with great precision the effect that a certain Archetype causes in the human being. When a person sees, hears or perceives an Archetype, certain neurotransmitters and hormones are produced by their body, generating emotions, then feelings and provoking behaviors. This has tremendous implications, because the person has no idea what influence he is receiving from that Archetype. Even more so when the perception is unconscious. Evidently,the person will rationalize his behavior, creating n excuses or reasons to justify them. When the Archetype is associated with a certain product, inevitably, she will associate those emotions and feelings with the product in question. This is called neuroassociation. All the perception that occurred at a given moment will be stored together. When we see a positive Archetype next to a product, we immediately have an emotional reaction and we associate this response with the product. For example: a half-naked woman near a product will make our total physiological reaction is also associated with the product. What a naked man or woman feels is engraved in our brain along with the brand, symbol or image of the product. There are many personality to a personality are experiencing an consumer.
ways to create neuroassociations. Why do ads fix a certain certain product so much? So that all the qualities of that associated with the product. That personality may be Archetype and thus will have a tremendous effect on the
That sells and that's why they pay the artist, sportsman or personality so much. When deciding between one product and another, the consumer chooses to purchase that product to which he associates a pleasant emotion. The Archetypesthey are powerful or not, positive or negative, strong or weak. They provoke emotional, sentimental and behavioral reactions. It is perfectly possible to predict the behavior of a group of people in relation to a certain Archetype. This reaction will be the result of averaging the reactions of all people exposed to it. The important thing is that you understand this potential and power so that you can benefit from these discoveries. People want practical results, and at the end of the day, this is the best method to gauge whether something works or not. Archetypes provoke a response at the deepest unconscious level, bringing up feelings, emotions, primordial behaviors, stored deep in the human mind.
People must be aware of this fact and of the profound power that lies at the heart of Archetypes. This is not a toy for children, as the possibilities for manipulating feelings and behaviors are immeasurable. Using Archetypes is using unlimited power. Hence the importance of understanding its operation. For example, changing the type of Archetype a person sees can profoundly change their personality, worldview, feelings and behaviors, reaction to events, strength, personal power, health, sexual attraction, etc. Finally, the person can be stimulated to any type of feeling and emotion, both positive and negative. Add to that the possibility of being unconsciously stimulated. All possibilities are open, for health and for sickness, for addiction or not, for poverty or wealth, and so on. There are Archetypes for all types of feelings, just knowing which one to use to obtain the desired results. When defining the logo of a company, we are doingfundamental to the success or otherwise of the enterprise. The use of a poorly defined logo will cause a lot of problems and damage to the company, and can lead to its bankruptcy. Often these issues are not properly analyzed by those who decide this. Numerous students describe situations in which, after attending my lecture on Archetypes and Marketing, they changed the logo of the company that started to grow immediately. I guarantee that you have seen many times gigantic companies change their logo, colors, slogans for no apparent reason and witha certain frequency, which shows the trial and error in defining the company symbols;this when it's not too late. It is worth repeating that symbols and Archetypes are extremely powerful in defining and inducing feelings and behaviors. See what a brand is worth. There are several brands that are worth billions of dollars!
How much does it cost the company to place a sign with its ad around the soccer field at a World Cup? They are seen in a final by billions of people. How much did it cost per person? It's a good investment if it's a correctly defined Archetype and a bad one if it's not. Did you know that when a goal happens, players sometimes run in celebration and pass eleven different boards? Imagine that the sensation of the goal is being associated with the brands that viewers are seeing. The same thing happens when a certain symbol is projected on the screen when a goal happens. There are numerous possibilities in this field. The metaphors andArchetypes are the best way to pass on knowledge to someone and that is why they have been used since time immemorial. It is known that a picture is worth a thousand words, so it is much easier to use an Archetype as an example, than to explain it in detail. Before we look at some of the meanings of Archetypes let's look at how people use them in their normal conversations. Here we will see that people intuitively know their meaning (since they are stored in the unconscious personal and collective). Examples: I saw a cat (a cute boy). He fell like a duck (sucker). He is a fox (smart). He is a banana (who pass backwards). He is a rat (a thief). Eagle eyes (see opportunities). Hats off (recognizing the value of another). YIN/YANG When you understand the concept of energy, of positive-negative polarization, you can understand an extremely important concept for success in any area. This is Yin/Yang. Terms from Chinese philosophy
that characterize two opposing but complementary forces. Yang is the positive polarityand Yin the negative. No context of good or bad. Only positive or negative charge. Usually men are more Yang and womenmore Yin. The ideal is that they are balanced, that is, that the man is yin and yang fifty-fifty and the woman is the same. This is a concept that transcends the issue of gender or When two people unite mentally, physically or emotionally, a Yin/Yang field is created. This field immediately begins to attract energies similar to it. If the couple or partners are in harmony and are complementary, this field grows a lot and expands without ceasing attracting success in everything they do. Mainly in business. I see this systematically with the clients I serve. When you move or createIn a Yin/Yang field, business immediately prospers. When this field is not formed, there is a problem, because there is no monopole in nature. We have to have a Yin/Yang energy to attract in a balanced way. This is why happy couples evolve and the opposite does not, as it violates the laws of the universe. And the universe always seeks balance. For people to have this balanced field within them, it will still take some time. So that they are Yin and Yang at the same time in a balanced way. A strong and sensitive man. A sensitive and strong woman. Typically, we see that this rarely occurs. Otherwise, humanity would not be where it is and with the problems it has. Another tricky situation is when we have a weak Yang person with a strong Yin. In this case the Yin person carries the other on his back, as they say. The opposite is also true. Ideally, the two should be strong and balanced. Through the transfer of correct information by Harmonic Resonance, it is possible to implement the strong and balanced Yin and Yang poles in the same person.
Evidently, an entrepreneur with this balance will attract great opportunities, according to the laws of electromagnetism. Archetypes can be classified by the results they generate. NEGATIVE AND/OR WEAK ARCHETYPES: It is those that inhibit the production of neurotransmitters that give the feeling of power and happiness. induce illness, depression, melancholy, sadness, immune system depression, poverty, unemployment, suicide, death, separation, self-sabotage, etc. Some examples of negative and/or weak use: Bare, twisted tree: loneliness/ lack of life. Banana: is the person who has no personality, everyone makes a fool of. Cigarette: sexuality. Skulls, bones, monsters, death, pirate flags, ghosts, monsters, etc., are extremely negative, inducing self-destructive behavior. Terrible in terms of endorphins. They are the most powerful Archetypes on the negative side. Attention should also be paid to their correlates, such as: earthquakes, tidal waves, kidnappings, murders, conflicts, wars, crimes of passion, sensationalism, disasters, in short, everything related to death and destruction. It will provoke conformism, passivity, negativism, preventing analytical thinking. Rabbit: Extreme fertility, sexuality, easy target for predators. Elephant: Workhorse, excessive weight, lack of agility and depression. Ant: works too much, no individuality, easy prey. Chicken: Breeds without ceasing, easy prey. Monkey: Weak to imitating, talking too much, stealing, agitation. Parrot and its variations: Very weak, imitator, talks a lot, easy prey. Duck: Extremely weak symbol, used as a reference of weakness, talking a lot,
being passed over easily, sucker, etc. Penguin: Excessive slowness, easy prey, a cold one. Rats: Restlessness, disease, devil, evil, thief, have always been considered among the worst possible symbols, very low self-esteem, dishonesty, causes discomfort as soon as it is seen, etc. Toad: Witchcraft, hallucination, voluptuousness, avarice, fecundity, swamp. Turtle: Excessiveslowness, does not produce, delays, slowly, almost stopping. Cow: Beef animal, pulling plow, workhorse, sacrifice. POSITIVE AND/OR STRONG ARCHETYPES: They are those that induce the production of neurotransmitters that generate the feeling of power and happiness. produce growth,development, power, selfesteem, achievement, money, prosperity, employment, health, union, happiness, pleasure, etc. Some examples of positive and/or strong use: Eagle, hawk, hawk, owl: Produce dopamine. They are the most powerful Archetypes there are. They cause very high self-esteem, prosperity, growth, achievement, wisdom, power, etc. The emotional impact of these Archetypes should never be underestimated. They provoke the overcoming of any challenge, loss, struggle, etc. Indispensable to win in life. It is the symbol of presidents, businessmen, champions, leaders, ancient and modern empires, etc. Countless cases are reported about increased earnings, job offers, new opportunities arising after starting to use these symbols. They are extremely strong and should be used with discretion. All people exposed to the Archetype will perceive its effects, that is, they will start to grow, evolve, produce more, etc. It is the archetype of the Alpha Male and the Dominant Female.
Elk: Great prosperity, much firmness and decision, fertility. Anchor: Support, constancy, guarantee in difficulties, hope, soothing. Bow: Vital power, strength, flexibility, intention, dynamism. Rainbow: Union of opposites, rise of consciousness, colors activate the respective chakras. Destiny, vision, hope. Tree: Very important symbol of life and prosperity. Protection, life, abundance, growth. It brings about the union between people. It encourages relationships. Powerful symbol to induce states of consciousness. Car: sexuality, power, penetration, sex, any emotion can be associated with a car, depending on how it looks. Of course, no car can have all the emotions associated with it. Aquarius: Causes calm and relaxation by inducing alpha brain waves. Libra: Balance, justice, decision. Whale: Peace, tranquility, harmony, relaxation, love, relationship. Cake: birth, sexuality, reward. Butterfly: Transmutation, change, rebirth, liberation, lightness. Compass:Direction, orientation, determines fate, precision, rigor, impartiality. Box: Somethingthat protects, hidden truth, secret, uterus. Chalice: Fate, abundance, opulence, relationships, sharing the same belief, in cosmic terms from which the inextinguishable vital energy flows. Kangaroo: Motherhood, strength, speed, combativeness. Dog: Friendship, protection. Helmet: Power, defense, potency, unassailable.
Oak: Strength, virility, perseverance, great power of relationship, protection, victory. Horse: High self-confidence. Speed, decision, independence. It is the symbol of managers and directors. Flame: Regeneration, purification, rebirth, sexuality, expansion of consciousness, divinity, one of the four primordial elements, faith, defense, light. Hat: Power, authority, idea, thought, value. Cigar: sexuality, virility, power, potency. Horn: Strength, power, virility, fertility, masculine, activity. Circle: Unity, sexuality, absolute, deity, perfection, enlightenment, infinity, protection, soul. Beehive: Expressive, industry, work, organization, production. Shells: Femininity, generation, female sexual organ, phallic symbol, fertility, birth. Cornucopia: Horn, opulence, wealth, phallic. Crown: Power, authoritymorals, honesty, honor, victory, respectability. Raven: Intelligence, predator. Crystal:Purity,transparency,clarity,archie inknowledge, union. Crocodile: Power, patience, determination, assimilation. Cube: Solidity, stability, firmness, solidity, security, complete. Gourd: receive, permanence.
Dice: Luck, unpredictability, fortune, fate. Ladder: Spiritual ascent or descent into the unconscious. Shield: Defense, protection, aid, protection. Sphere: Universe, totality, earth, excellence, prime, complete. Sword: Strength, courage, power, phallic, decision, separation, self-esteem, self-confidence. Mirror: Knowing, self-knowledge, conscience,imagination, creativity, magic. Star: Luck, aspiration, destiny, divinity, humanity, cardinal points, cooperation. Knife: Masculine power, decision, ward off, defend, decide. Fairies: pleasant, security. Horseshoe: Linked to the horse, it represents good luck and self confidence. Iron: Durability,strength, robustness, inexorable, implacable, inflexible. Arrow: Vital power, strength, decision, intention, phallic, dynamism. Flowers: Success, harmony, prosperity, calm, peace, relaxation, possibilities. Forest:The person's life, the conscious and unconscious mind, life, sociability. Source: Unconscious, generation of life, return, abundance, knowledge, beginning and life. Fruit: Maturity, achievement, development, life, abundance, prosperity, success. Fork: Feed, devour, power. Cats: independence, intuition, self-esteem. Refrigerator: security / food
reserve. Dolphins: Sociable, courage, intelligence, movement, joie de vivre. Ideal for meeting places, parties, etc. Do not put in the workplace.
Grain: Abundance, wealth, prosperity, possibility, death and life, seed. Hera: Friendship, fidelity, sensuality, femininity, growth, abundance. Hero: one who gives security, comfort, control, survives, commands, lives, governs. Iris: Mirror, window, opening, possibility, potential, truth. Garden: Ideal place, pleasant, imagination, femininity, rest, relaxation, hope, achievement, creativity. Jewels: Power, wealth, knowledge, treasure, royalty, nobility. Lake: unconscious, magic, femininity, opening,depth. Lizard: Less powerful than crocodile. Lamp: Light, wisdom, foresight, intelligence, prudence, linked to the divine, spirituality, choice, knowledge. Spear: Power, phallic, masculine, direction, decision, courage. Fan: Protection, nobility, set. Leopard: Action, determination, speed, haughtiness, strength, fertility. East: Where the sun rises/awakening, rebirth, new opportunities, life. Lemon: Life, purity, protection, incisive, penetrating, cutting, defense, cleansing. Lily: Light, phallic, prosperity, life and death. Book: Totality, Ego, Knowledge, Power, Set, Rule, Destiny, Law, Possibility, Closing, Opening, Self-Esteem. Otter: Guide, cunning, quickness, life, femininity, happiness, distraction, pleasure.
Lotus: Spirituality, purity, life, wholeness, rebirth, creation, harmony, development, purity, tranquility, ascension. Moon: Fertility, sexuality, femininity, unconscious, fecundity, receptivity, softness.
Struggle: sexuality, sadism, virility, costumes, great attraction to the female audience (females admire the alpha male). Glove: Right, nobility, royalty, purity, defense, power. Apple: Fertility, flavor, world, choice, knowledge, affection. Machado: Strength, power, decision, openness, worship, justice, separation. Mother: love, children, gratitude, reward, sexuality. Hammer: Power, strength, decision, reason, modeling. Corn: Prosperity, wealth, growth, wealth. Mountains, valleys and clouds: it causes a greater relationship between people. Firmness, durability. Spiritual ascent, impassivity, hiding, realization, revelation, ideal. Great for shops, restaurants etc. Ship: Creativity, adventure, joy, courage, protection, mental, adaptation. Cloud: Relaxation, femininity, fecundity, transformation. Obelisk: Cult, power, phallic, direction, link. Eye: Spirit, vision, activity, future, inner vision, divinity, wide vision, perception, vigilance, omnipresence, wisdom, penetration, magic, protection. Ear: Communication, remembrance, memory, perception, inspiration, wisdom, choice, phallic. Orchid: Luck, wealth, protection, sumptuous, luxury, brilliance. Gold: intelligence,light, eternity, perfection, knowledge, purification,
prosperity and wealth. Egg: Fecundity, sexuality, life, procreation, wholeness, beginning, birth, abundance, possibility, potential, perfection. Words: depending on the meaning of the words we will have the physiological response. Palm tree: Victory, eternity, flexibility, life, joy, peace. Panther: Action, voluptuousness, sensuality,self esteem. Bird: Denotes the person's personality. Soul, immortality, destiny, life force, evolution, creativity. Foot: Will, advance, take charge, win, phallic, humility,movement. Stone: Eternal, immutable, concentrated strength, protection. Feather: Power, wings, social position, agile, slender, veracity, graceful, tenuous, light, soft, delicate. Pillar: Solidity, strength, support, firmness, phallic. Pine Cone: Fertility, happiness, fortune. Pine: Fertility, life, energy, growth. Plants: Unity, sociability, transmutation, life, change. Gate: Passage, hidden secret, prohibition, invitation and revelation. Puma: Speed, strength, self-esteem, subtle, works alone. Square: Matter, terrestrial, human, reality. Fox: Transformation, dissimulation, cunning, wise. Network: Contact with the unconscious, collect, catch, fish, snare, ingenuity, artifice, deception, deception, stratagem, trapdoor.
Grass: Humility, peace, obedience, subordination, dependence, docility. Rowing: Action, decision, flexibility, phallic, direction. Rhombo: Sexual, phallic. Pink: Love, sympathy, romance, relief, activates the heart chakra, secret, complexity. Clothing: self-approval, self-esteem. Rua: New experiences, contacts, living, life. Soap: Work, dedication. Salt: Strength, protection, purification, firm. Seed: grain, life and death, fertility, growth, prosperity. Evergreen: Protection, life, prosperity, growth, eternity. Serpent: Protection, soul, change, phallic, energy, life, libido, intelligence, self-renewal, universe. sex: alltype of association between sex and a product will create a physiological response towards the product. It means power and strength in the male case and receptivity in the female case. Bell: Called, causes anxiety. Sun: Light, intelligence, life, fertility, resurrection, warmth, justice, power. Tattoo: virility, rebellion, experience, potency, virility, strength. Storm: transmutation ,change, intervention, cleaning. Earth: Mother, uterus, life, nourishment, balance. Bowl: Sexual, phallic, reception, permanence. Tiger: Strength, ferocity, protector, effort, provokes action, very strong effect. Nor should it be used without discretion.
Ankle: Decision, crossroads, vital. Triangle: Power, light, magic, strength, wisdom, beauty, divinity. Throne: Greatness, glory, power, wisdom, authority. Unicorn: Power, phallic, transparency, sincerity, healing.Bear: Power, unconscious action, strength, determined, firm. resistant, Grapes: Abundance, life, rebirth, knowledge, prosperity, joy. Candle: Light, sexuality, protection, request, guidance, faith. Wine: sociability, root, earth, home. Volcano: prosperity, growth, death and rebirth, cycle. APPLICATIONS OF ARCHETYPES IN BUSINESS As everything is information, it is evident that this can be used specifically in business. Harmonic Resonance can transfer technical knowledge on any matters of interest to your. company, experiences in certain areas, personalities that have excelled in their area of activity, (mental, emotional, or the entire consciousness), a certain skill, power over any subject, will, determination, personal energy, etc. Some of the numerous possibilities for using this information in the business sector: Acceptance of others' success Actions Management Time management and priority setting Manage stressful situations
Managing conflict at work High productivity and excellence in any activity Debt repayment Financial Analyst Retirement and Planning Joy Archetype Ambition Archetype. Money Attraction Archetype Self-Confidence ArchetypeArchetype of SelfEsteem Archetype of Charity Archetype of Courage. Successful Entrepreneur Archetype Fame Archetype Archetype of Strength Archetype of Fortune Archetype of Oratory. Wealth Archetype Sociability Archetype Vitality Archetype Decision Archetype Travel Archetype Diplomat Archetype Entrepreneur Archetype Negotiator Archetype. Positive Thinking Archetype Power Archetype. Beginning Archetype Business Success Archetype Treasure Archetype Yang ArchetypeYin Archetype. The Art of Overcoming Conflicts with Superiors Money Attraction in Business Magnetic Attraction and Sexual Attraction Magnetic Attraction in Business. Database Banks and Finance Banker. Leading professional teams in business Business Communication Successful Communicator Career Advisor Investment Advisor Builder Civil Builder Tax Consultant investment advisor, Financial and business advisor. Quality Control Creativity, Cultivate initiative in employees Achieve goals,
Defense against the negativity of others in their business Delegate attributions and powers, Director Economist Entrepreneur Interviewer, Job Interviews Venture Capital Specialist, Market psychology expert Wall Street expert, Speculator growth curve specialist, Business Spirituality Stimulating New Ideas and Inventions Career Executive, Public speaking Talking on the phone, Speak and sell with ease Finance, Funds. Genius to work in the markets Stress Management Time Management, Application Fund Manager Success Manager. Successful business man Import and export Initiative and motivation. Internet Business Instinct, Investor in Equities Investor in Acquisitions Investor in Commodities Investor in Derivatives Investor in Mutual Funds Investor in options market Investor in futures market Gold investor Treasury Bond Investor Reading and writing memos Unleash your cognitive and intellectual capacity Leader and motivator foreign languages books Marketing Personal Marketing meditation for business. Fear of Presentations and Public Speaking Fears. memory in business Multidimensional Mind in Business Metaphysics
Metaphysics to act in business Trading Multidimensional levels New ideas and brainstorming Worker Speaker Multidimensional Thinking professional thinking. Literary characters, novels, films, theater, etc. Unlimited person Personally assertive and strong Retirement plans Mind power in business Zen power in business Pleasure making money Service delivery Data processing Word processing Procrastination. Project your personal image Project an aura of success Advertising. Receptionist Public Relations Restaurant Health. Insurance Secretary Sixth Business Sense Powerful Business Dreams Career Stress. Super learning Overcome Supervisor talents.
Tactics and Strategies in Business Sales World vision, Superior business view Creative visualization in business. These are just a few of the infinite possibilities among, the ones that best suit your business. 2. neurotransmitters Nothing in life is to be feared, only understood. Now it's time to understand more to fear less. Marie Curie Neurotransmitters are chemicals made by neurons to inhibit or stimulate other nerve cells. It is now believed that there are 100 billion neurons in the human being.
These substances trigger emotions, feelings and behaviors. We can create the emotion we want in ourselves or in others by stimulating the creation of certain neurotransmitters. the possibilitiesare infinite when you know the chemistry of emotions. The potential for producing neurotransmitters is variable and therefore the stimuli are extremely important. The production of neurotransmitters by a person is related to the Archetype that he is experiencing. Changing the Archetype immediately changes the neurotransmitters (type, quantity produced or assimilation). As the brain produces neurotransmitters at a certain rate, the time of exposure to the stimulus is of paramount importance. Stimuli, such as associative images or neuroassociations, provoke the reaction of the brain's reward circuit, causing each time it is stimulated, there is a reinforcement of the circuit and so on. That's why the consumer needs to see an ad at least six times. How Dr. Eric J. Nestler has demonstrated repeated exposure to a stimulus causes a change in brain architecture and chemistry. The important thing is to understand that what we feel depends on which neurotransmitter is being produced, in what amount and at what time. When we biochemically understand human behavior, we can regulate it. Certain Archetypes induce the production of certain neurotransmitters and these, in turn, induce corresponding feelings and behaviors. This is the explanation of how Archetypes control our feelings and behavior. In reality the thing is more complex than that, but for the purpose of practical understanding it is enough. This is a biochemical explanation of the process. There are other ways to explain the action of Archetypes, but since people want scientific proof, they can get, these tests analyzing the production of neurotransmitters. This is why marketing works; for this he sells; that's why movies make fabulous profits, music does the same, voters vote and it's possible to completely control human behavior.
There are several neurotransmitters, but the most important are: dopamine: It generates pleasure, joy, strength, ecstasy, euphoria, power, sexuality, confidence, a feeling of being able to face any challenge. Stimulates the love of father and mother. It is stimulating for some parts and inhibiting for others. Indispensable for motor action, willpower, joy and well-being. Every time a person receives a positive, strong, pleasant stimulus, etc., his brain generates this substance, which gives the feeling of happiness, of being at ease with life, in flux with the universe and all the feelings resulting from it. Low levels of dopamine generate insecurity, inferiority, etc. It is an extremely potent neurotransmitter. Its lack is devastating to the general state of happiness and personal strength. His presence brings a sense of total control of the situation, of being able to face any challenge, any enemy, any problem. This is the basic neurotransmitter of the Alpha Male or the Dominant Female. The May/2004 edition of the Harvard Business Review Latin America magazine features an article about top executives, highlighting that 70% of them are Alpha. Therefore, an entrepreneur or executive who wants to succeed needs to have adequate and continuous levels of circulating dopamine. Serotonin: It is stimulating for one part of the brain and inhibiting for others. Relieves depression, anxiety and sleep aid. It acts in the control of pain, mood and causes sleep. Emotional stability. Extremely important in terms of feeling happy. Suicides are low in serotonin. Controls anxiety, provides serenity, calm and optimism. With serotonin you are happy and at peace with the world. Using the correct Archetype you will have more serotonin and therefore be happier.
In this way we can regulate the emotional state of any population, regulating the exposure it has to certain Archetypes. Serotonin is one of the main neurotransmitters, substances whose actions contribute to virtually every aspect of cognition and behavior. One of the effects of serotonin in primates is the inhibition of aggressive behavior. Endorphins: They are extremely important for feelings of happiness, euphoria, ecstasy, relaxation and general well-being. It has analgesic properties, acts as a sedative, relieving pain. It is closely linked to the existence of dopamine levels in the body. It causes a generalized feeling of pleasure, greatly relieving depression. Controls the body's response to stress by regulating the release of hormones. The production of endorphins is related to good and positive things, decreasing in relation to negative stimuli. If we receive positive stimuli, we will produce more endorphins. They provide comfort, being the most potent of the brain morphines. Strengthens immunity, reinforces memory, improves mood, increases patience, inner calm, decreases psychological stress, delays aging. Indispensable for the immune system. Hence the reason why depressed people get sick more easily. Acetylcholine: It's stimulating. It controls the functioning of numerous organs, movements, memory, concentration, sexual activity and emotions. Controls the release of the hormone by the pituitary, involved in learning. Noradrenaline: It's stimulating. Increases attention level, improves memory. Relieves depression. From what has been explained above and from the extensive bibliography on the subject, it is clear that our behavior is also regulated by the presence or not of certain neurotransmitters.
In this way, any stimulus that causes its release or delays its absorption will have an extremely significant effect on human emotions, feelings and behaviors. The Archetypescan induce all this. With Harmonic Resonance you can quickly regulate the levels of these substances in the body...
The Harmonic Resonance The ultimate aim of the quest will be neither escape nor ecstasy for oneself, but the conquest of wisdom and power to serve. to others. JosephCampbell We saw that everything that exists is a wave. In the Quantum Vacuum is recorded all the information that ever existed, exists and will exist. Like a great universal library. This information encompasses things like books, documents, courses, any kind of knowledge, personal experiences, memories, feelings, skills, thoughts, emotions, archetypes, dimensions, times, universes, etc. Everything that exists is pure in-formation. This information can be used in a personalized way, whether at an individual or business level, to accelerate its growth and evolution. We choose what information we want, how and when to use it. INFORMATION CONSULTANCY: This is a service that allows the client, after a careful evaluation, to receive all the information required and necessary for their most complete personal or business development. Throughout the process, a detailed monitoring of the evolution of results is carried out, followed by strategic planning and transfer of new information, until reaching the level of excellence. CUSTOMIZATION OF INFORMATION: To achieve the best results, information is transferred individually. This means that the consultancy is fully personalized. both in the analysis of objectives and in the information received.
HOW IT WORKS IN PRACTICE: We can use various means to port the information. One of the options is to use a CD containing all the information requested by the user, hidden by a mask (eg the sound of ocean waves). As the information is contained in electromagnetic waves of certain frequencies and in scalar waves, it does not emit any sound. Nothing needs to be heard. Therefore, you must put the CD to work, with the volume of the device set to zero. As the wave is in all places at the same time, no no need to stay close to the device that plays the CD. you can stay at any distance, including leaving home, traveling to any part of the world, because the wave captures you wherever you are. This means that only one second per day is spent with this method. Just press the "play" key and you're done. You can take care of life that the information will be reaching you or your company. This must be done only once a day. The process should never be repeated. The information is absorbed at the atomic level of the person and gradually integrated into the mind and body through cell receptors. After a month, an adjustment must be made to the frequencies according to personal evolution; further requests for information can be made. This must happen for at least six months. This is because, every six months, there is an important qualitative leap in all personal aspects. Until you reach a state of expanded consciousness. WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE PROCESS: During the first months, there is a cleaning of all the contents that impede the person's progress, at the same time that the requested information is assimilated. This is a period of great transformations, as there is a change in attitude towards life. It moves from negative to positive.
A lot of things start to get right and to be resolved. What was stopped walks. Negative people leave and new people with positive frequencies arrive. Personal emanation is activated and we draw attention wherever we are. In this period, everything that no longer serves us must be left behind. It takes off after about six months, although after the third month the change is already very noticeable. In the seventh month, there is a huge leap in attitude and level of consciousness. This accelerates, month by month, and significant jumps happen every six months. Until you reach a point of immense expanded consciousness, of heightened awareness, when you perceive what you had never perceived. The conditioning is undone, step by step, and we are free. The ability to analyze any situation expands, enabling us to solve problems with ease, security and centeredness. This magnetic, mental and emotional shift will allow the person to attract everything they desire. From the first time the CD is used, it will already be being extremely potentiated. Gradually, the person will change their paradigm and clean everything that impedes their progress. The knowledge or information is stored in the subconscious and unconscious, and little by little will be assimilated and transformed to be used in practical life. The process is very fast and can be adjusted in numerous ways according to personal needs. As soon as the individual changes level, it is necessary to readjust the frequencies according to the new situation and the information required. We change all the time and we must continually adjust everything. It is common for people to ask for more knowledge, skills, etc., as they understand the possibilities of the process. As consciousness expands, so does the level of requests. As it is a quantum wave that is captured by the person, change is inevitable, as knowledge is already part of the person due to the phenomenon of
constructive interference. Change is continuousand cumulative. In the beginning, the perception of change is immediate because everything that was stopped starts to move. Over time, it continues subtly and efficiently. Progressively grow: •
The ability to analyze and self-perception,
The physical, mental and emotional disposition,
• centering and balance, •
self-confidence and self-esteem,
• self-mastery, • The focus on results. As final results: • We left the comfort zone, • We shift to a non-restrictive paradigm, • We clean the traumas and blockages, • We overcome taboos and prejudices, • We eliminate self-sabotage, • We eliminate the previous conditionings, • We free our personality, • We express the Self. The person begins to change his worldview and realize that his mind creates his reality and that he attracts everything he wants: people, businesses and opportunities, with immense personal magnetism. First, inner transformations occur, and then the outer ones, inevitably. That's
why, when you do work like this, things take a different turn. moving awaythe person's magnetism, it starts to attract new opportunities, businesses, relationships, sales, jobs, etc. Because, in short, everything depends on the magnetism that the person emanates from his thoughts and feelings. And this is possible to change. We have cases of entrepreneurs who were completely paralyzed in business and who, in two months, resumed all activities, customers, businesses, profits, etc. As they say, everything went through a person's life, when energy, information and personal magnetism changed. The possibilities of this work are endless because we can work with any knowledge and information we want. That is, there is no limit to the growth of the individual. As everything is infinite, new knowledge, skills, etc. can be added each month, according to the person's ability to absorb a certain amount of information. The only limitation is the person's willingness to process the information. Knowledge is infinite in every way, be it mental,emotional, spiritual, etc. It's just a matter of how much a person wants to develop. Free will always prevails! PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF PROF. HÉLIO COUTO I have done all kinds of experiments with frequencies to evaluate their results, for more than a decade; what was feasible to be done, in what quantity, what kind of knowledge, the quality of the result, etc. All possibilities have been tested. I experienced all kinds of knowledge, skill, potential, situation, etc. I did this lab on myself so that I could assess the potential of the tool. This research continues, but what has already been discovered is infinite in terms of possibilities. WHAT CAN DELAY THE PROCESS:
All beings are born and receive the most diverse imprints and conditioning. This becomes part of the personality and limits its development in every way. It is possible to resolve this by clearing these imprints and conditionings. A new In-formation is transferred and a new potential is opened. Some of the most common causes of delay in the process: Envy This is a highly destructive feeling for the one who emits it. There is a lack of something, because if there is envy, it is because the person thinks that the other is better or has something that he does not have. Everything that emanates returns to the one who emanated it, through the principle of electromagnetism. Therefore, we need to resolve this and transform ourselves into centered and balanced people, who trust their own potential. Self sabotage This happens when,after a period of growth, the person reaches a boundary where limiting programming is. There is usually fear of growth and success. So we see people who start and start over many times; always showing a behavioral pattern of failure and self-destruction. People who create a limit to growth, a well-defined boundary; it could be a certain salary, personal happiness or business success. We can overcome self-sabotage by changing the information that has been placed on us and generated restrictive beliefs. And we can consciously program ourselves for continued success and evolution. comfort zone This is another widespread problem. As growth is something natural in the universe, as soon as it is stimulated, in a short time, a person will have to leave the comfort zone in which he lives and grow unlimitedly. With that, you get everything you want. It is a fundamental requirement for the person who wants to succeed in any field to leave the accommodation zone behind. It is also possible to change this attitude of reluctance to leave the comfort
zone by implanting the information we want for our success. Paradigm As we saw earlier, a paradigm is the belief system in which a person lives. It was implanted from birth and starts to condition the person's entire life. They are limiting beliefs that prevent your evolution. Like all information, it can be exchanged for other information of your best interest. With Resonance it is easy for the person to perceive these limiting beliefs and replace them.
We must always consider that we are an electromagnetic field and we attract everything we think and feel. Consciously and unconsciously. Therefore, we attract the results that come from our beliefs. One can perceive a person's paradigm in several ways: How does she dress? How does she feed? What's up? How do you express yourself bodily? What do you read? What do you buy? What are the deepest thoughts? What are the underlying feelings? How do you behave? How does it work? What are you studying? How to talk with friends, colleagues, boss,relationships? Have sex or make love? How do you treat the woman? How do you treat your husband? How do you treat your children? How do you plan the future? How do you drive the car? Where do you travel? How do you treat relatives? What do you say to your children? What is your world view? How do you self-sabotage? What are your prejudices? What do you think of the past? And the future? Do you live in the present? How do you react to betrayals by friends, partners, etc.? Are you looking for “horse horn”? How is this person's perception of reality? Can you let go of what no longer serves you?
Looking to understand how the universe works? All these feelings, thoughts, behaviors, etc., attract waves with similar frequencies to us. Therefore, we attract what we emanate. Travel accidents are an exception to the rule. prejudices and taboos They are also contents implanted in us during childhood. It is necessary to review all this to understand that the results we have are the result of everything we think and feel. Any form of intolerance limits our growth. We can change all that with new information through Harmonic Resonance. Once this cleaning is done, a new avenue of continuous opportunities will open for us.
Conclusion We can choose to retreat toward security or advance toward growth. The choice for growth has to be made over and over again. And the fear has to be overcome every moment, Recalling: Everything in the universe has an atomic foundation. Every atom has an electromagnetic field. Every atom emits a wave. Every wave carries information. No information is lost. All dimensions (frequencies) co-exist in the same place. Nobody changes the radio to tune in to another station. Just change to the frequency you want to access. In the same way, all dimensions are in the same place. They are only in octaves above or below ours. Information on these dimensions is also available. Just expand the way of seeing the world a little and it is easy to understand the tremendous possibilities that exist, or as they say, the infinite possibilities of this tool.
During the ten years of practical research, before starting to publicize the method, Professor Hélio Couto was able to access countless information about people, events, situations, through the space/time continuum. All this information was accessed and assimilated by him to feel, in practice, its effects on both mental and emotional levels. In relation to the people accessed, one can experience their worldview, their capacity, their thoughts, their feelings, their desires, the whole personality or parts of it, as one wishes. We can access any piece of information. Thus, we enrich our consciousness with countless knowledge and experiences, without limits of space, time and dimension. Since everything belongs to a single field. As we add new information to our field, our ability to assimilate it also increases dramatically. Reasoning and intuition are enhanced. We now have a comprehensive view of reality. Our capacity for analysis and synthesis is progressively increasing. And so, we come to want more and more, following the rhythm of uninterrupted evolution of the universe. It is extremely pleasant to grow and evolve in every way. Experiencing what has already been experienced by others, adding a new information or personality to our own. Never losing our individuality, just growing in awareness, without ceasing. Considering that our feelings are the products of neurotransmitters, it is evident that it is possible to manipulate what we feel in any way we want. In a way that ends suffering. Pain and suffering can be transmuted, resolved and released. As everything is energy and every energy has an address, a feeling or pain has an address. In this place, the atoms of this feeling are emanating a certain frequency. This frequency is creating or preventing the creation of the neurotransmitters that interest us. The energy of these atoms can be released so that they no longer emit the negative frequency. In this way, only the
positive thoughts and feelings that generate serotonin, endorphin, dopamine, etc., which make us happy, joyful, courageous, creative, loving, proactive etc. It is clear that, with the transfer of information, we canresolve and release negative energy whatever it may be. As a result, we can be extremely positive, joyful, and whatever else will bring us the success we desire. Added to the correct thoughts that we access, we have a perfect set. We are finally captains of our life. We're in charge. We think what we want to think. We feel what we want to feel. We can fully fulfill ourselves. And that, without limit. Another spectacular possibility is to access the information of the Archetypes, which are the primordial intelligences of the universe, conscious and super-intelligent energies. However, they are also information, like everything else. There are Archetypes for every imaginable area and activity. Literally for everything. This too can be transferred and assimilated. In this way, we can have unprecedented growth in every way. each assimilationcauses a quantum leap in consciousness, in the degree of happiness, in the ability to perform, of analysis and synthesis, in productivity, etc. As there are Archetypes for all types of knowledge, there are no limits at all for those who want to grow and evolve. Since it is consciousness that causes the wave function to collapse, that chooses among infinite possibilities and turns them into probabilities, the possibilities of manifestation in reality are practically infinite. Evidently, this unlimited growth it isconditioned to work with the positive side of the universe. For there comes a time when, in order to understand how universal laws work and manifest what one wants, a consciousness with the ability to understand a transcendental or metaphysics physics is necessary. In this way the universe
protects itself. Only those who have a certain level of consciousness can understand how all this works. Pure question of conscience. Forin order to use the full potential of a tool such as Harmonic Resonance, a total paradigm shift is needed. An opening of worldview to understand that we are in a universe of infinite possibilities. A universe in which everything is a wave. Pure energy. Pure consciousness. And that this consciousness manifests the mass as a frequency reducer, because in its essence the wave is scalar. Therefore, the first time something appears as a mass is with the Higgs Boson or the Superstring (these are two theories). Hence the quarks, the protons,
neutrons, electrons, molecules, cells, organs and beings. All organic and inorganic matter. Since, at the origin, there is no mass, but only a infinite wave, it can manifest in infinite ways. It is for this reason that reality can be manipulated the way one wants or understands. This is why the expansion of consciousness is critical. Because without it it is impossible to understand a concept like this. This knowledge is totally outside the existing paradigm in scientific terms, but it is a natural evolution of everything that has been discovered until today. The point is that one must never stop searching and never stop in the search for the truth. And for that we cannot be tied to any restrictive paradigm or comfort zone. In any business, the application of With big goals. Who loves challenges. Attracting opportunities without ceasing. Beating your own records, because no one better than ourselves to challenge ResonanceHarmonica is a success. Because, as it is popularly said, “doors open” when working with magnetic energy. Imagine an entrepreneur who does not have mental and emotional barriers that hinder his productivity. Focused on results. ourselves to the maximum. In this way, opportunities appear without ceasing and the degree of efficiency is so great that nothing is lost. It starts to delegate to people who are also committed to success and achievement. We emphasize that it is possible to create an energy field favorable to everyone's success, in a win-win attitude. this is allpossible because there is the Successful Entrepreneur Archetype. To succeed in business, you need to think and feel like agreat businessman. And it's not that simple. It is not enough to have the intellectual knowledge of the business, it is necessary to have the emotional knowledge of a great entrepreneur. This is not in books or courses. However, this information exists and is available. How could there not be success if it is possible to exchange all the energy of the company? Only through tremendous self-
sabotage would that happen. The Resonanceis for those people who really want success and are committed to their goals. Importantly, being in “flow” is vital to business success. This “flow” can also be deployed and developed. Let's look at some hypothetical cases. Suppose you develop an innovative or revolutionary product and you want to bring it to market. Only with the right thoughts and feelings (the right frequency) will this be possible. You have to go through personal transformation until you get to the exact level where the frequency attracts it. If there is even the slightest resistance to the process, it will suffer considerable delays until this is resolved. It cannot be stressed enough that everything we emanate, whether mental or emotional, inevitably comes back to us. There is an electromagnetic field that guarantees this. sometimes changeThe types of thoughts and feelings take time and it takes calm and patience to reach the perfect level. Any attempt to "fix" the process will be disastrous and a pure waste of time. The truth of frequency will come out sooner or later. That's why it's necessary to do real, honest and true work for the results to happen. Realizing reality is not an easy and simple thing. Suppose you already have a large company with thousands of employees and salespeople. It is possible to increase your sales in an accelerated and consistent rhythm, acting on the magnetism and competence of the employees. In order to conquer new market shares, it is necessary that the emanating frequency does not suffer great oscillations. in the business worldmagnetism reigns supreme. Everything is a sale and every sale is magnetic.
Another advantage is being able to maximize the use of other tools such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Coaching. When modeling someone and approaching the productivity of the modeled, there is always a part without modeling. We model according to the information we have about the model, but the awareness, the mental and the emotional are lacking. This is information that can be transferred, making the modeling perfect. The advance in productivity is impressive, as evidenced by the cases in which we were hired to work on the personal development of entrepreneurs and executives. To have the full benefit of this, it is necessary to expand the personal paradigm, as it is what prevents us from growing as much as possible. What you believe is possible is your limit. In practice there is no limit, but people's beliefs limit the possibilities for them. When you expand what you believe in, there are no more limits for you. The same is true of what you are reading now. Does he believe or think it's madness or science fiction? If you don't believe it, you won't use the potential reported here. Those who do not doubt, bring a list of what they want and start receiving what they asked for. Remember that, ultimately, the universe respects what you believe in and will not do anything by force. he will wait for you have the necessary experiences to change what you believe for yourself. The universe is absolutely congruent with theirthoughts and feelings. For those who want accelerated growth, it caters and provides the means to acquire that growth. So, are you ready to experience a new reality and new results? final words Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, our greatest fear is that we are
too powerful. It is our light, not our darkness, that scares us the most. In view of everything that we have already explained here and considering the experiments that were not explained in this book, but which are in the book “Harmonic Resonance”, it is clear that it is possible to manipulate reality the way we want. Reality is totally formable. It is the result of the sumof successive collapses of the wave function caused by our choices, which transform the infinite possibilities that exist into waves of probability that then spread across the universe. That is, we choose and create the reality we want. The wave of possibility travels from the past to the future and returns to the past. This happens all the time. Depending on our beliefs (paradigm), trauma, taboos, prejudices, comfort zone, self-sabotage, negative feelings, etc. a choice can become a concrete reality in our lives or not. These limiting factors represent our resistance, delaying or preventing our desires from manifesting. The place where the company is installed has polarized energy (positive or negative). This polarization interferes with the course of business, because the electromagnetic/scalar field emanating from it attracts similar energies. That is, a negative location attracts negative people and situations. Is it clear that the environment can also be made negative through the emanation of other people? We hear stories of companies that do not prosper, where everything goes wrong, where difficulties are numerous and beyond any rational control. Everyone knows this kind of situation, because it is normal in our society. But energy can be manipulated from one pole to the other. When the place is cleaned and transformed for the positive, the same happens. Businesses thrive anyway. It is evident that all employees involved in the business also influence it. Bad service from a receptionist or operator causes considerable damage to the business. Imagine, then, if this happens to sellers.
The main issue to be worked on is the entrepreneur's mind and feelings. For he is his own business. At the moment, we are far short of the progress and prosperity that we could have as a society because of the issues mentioned above. And we're paying a high price for not knowing the laws of quantum mechanics and not applying them in business. The first company to lead this change will be unbeatable in its segment. The profits will be immense, because creativity flows directly from the Quantum Void into consciousness. An entrepreneur aware of this will know how to capture such information. You will let that incessant current flow freely, which is constantly trying to reach consciousness, but which is impeded by the negative and limiting thoughts and feelings that normally permeate human minds. As you can transfer any information you want, there are practically no limits to progress, in any area. All existing knowledge(and in quantum mechanics there is no difference between past, present or future) is available to anyone who wants it. Therefore, professional qualification can be infinitely enhanced. Imagine the scope of this if applied strategically in a company. Freed from any emotional ties, we can apply reason and intuition to their fullest. This will allow for a major breakthrough in the future. The day will come when intuition will be the main research tool. When everyone has understood that the Quantum Vacuum is an infinite source of energy and information. All inventions come directly from him. Just access it and let the information we need come to light. Likewise, the current scientific method will not be the most important factor in backing up the findings. This trial and error method is very costly for humanity. Theories are created daily, and soon they are replaced by new theories, incessantly. Isn't it smarter to go straight to the source and get what you need?
Technological and scientific growth will be unimaginable for today's people, when the possibilities already available in the Quantum Vacuum are taken advantage of. In fact, a plenum overflowing with creativity. At first, it may seem like science fiction what is explained here, but it is pure science. However, a science occult to the general public. Only very few interested parties have access to it. Always remember that knowledge is power. And in this case it is absolute power, because the Void is absolute. To understand what has been explained here, it is necessary to jump from a paradigm. A true quantum leap is necessary to envision the infinite possibilities of applying Harmonic Resonance in business. And this is not as difficult as it may seem. The main mistake that a person makes is trying to understand quantum mechanics through the view of classical mechanics. Hence it speaks of “quantum oddities”. It's weird only for those who still don't understand. We have ten-year-old customers who already understand. It is purely a matter of level of consciousness. Consciousness is a process that increases complexity according to the degree of information it receives. The more information, the more complex that consciousness. It expands until the moment when it becomes self-aware. And the long process of understanding the. reality we call “enlightenment”. when a human being When you reach this point, you truly become a co-creator. In potential we all are, but in practice this is still a long way from happening. we knowthat this happened to the great enlightened ones who have passed through this planet. But what if we had enlightened entrepreneurs, enlightened salespeople, enlightened sportsmen, etc.? An enlightened entrepreneur would be an inexhaustible source of growth and
wealth. His company would reach a level of indescribable excellence, outside the current standards. What is preventing entrepreneurs and companies from applying this knowledge? It's been a hundred years of quantum mechanics. A century! And today, it is no longer a theory. Ninety percent of our technology is based on it. And what about the rest? And the other possible applications? How much longer will it take before entrepreneurs wake up to this endless source of growth? So that they opt for evolution, for infinite progress for themselves and for society.....