ET Species First Interstellar Treaty Conferences; 1961 in Exeter UK & 1971 in Persepolis Iran

“At the first treaty we found out that most alien species didn’t consider us humans anything more than ‘rather dangerous

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Table of contents :
Earth Ownership W/Oceanic, Canine & Raptor Species-1st Interstellar Treaty Conference 1961. Jo Ann Richards, Pt 1
6 Upright Feline - ET Species at 2nd Interstellar Treaty Conference in Iran - Jo Ann Richards- Pt 2
Upright Canines & 7 other ET Species Meet Humans at 2nd Iran Interstellar Treaty Convention in 1971 - Part 3
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ET Species First Interstellar Treaty Conferences; 1961 in Exeter UK & 1971 in Persepolis Iran

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Earth Ownership W/Oceanic, Canine & Raptor Species-1st Interstellar Treaty Conference 1961. Jo Ann Richards, Pt 1

Merrily Milmoe at Cosmicbrilliance podcasts interviews Jo Ann Richards Merrily Hey everyone, welcome to Super Soul solutions For today's show where you will learn about the first human and extraterrestrial interstellar treaty conference that took place in Exeter, England back in 1961. In this convention and following conventions you will also hear about in future shows, human beings along with at least 100 extraterrestrial species had to scientifically prove that they were indigenous to Earth in order to maintain the right to earth as their “home” planet, a pretty big deal. My guest today is Jo Ann Richards, a journalist and executive director of the educational nonprofit Earth Defense Headquarters. Jo Ann's husband, Captain Mark Richards, US Navy and Mark's father Ellis Lloyd Richards Jr's US Air Force Major were soldiers in top level military performed intelligence operations since World War

Two. Many special operations included on-world and off-world contacts with various humanoid and non-humanoid species. So in this show, Jo Ann will share fascinating and eye-opening stories of meetings and engagements with different species, starting with a raptor Prince Naga, Draconis of the Imperial fleet, and Captain Lloyd Richards, Jr. who conspired together to bring both their indigenous species together with a goal to work in alliance and no longer be enemies. And for the picture of these Raptors, folks, think the velociraptors that you saw in the Jurassic World movie, which by the way, the Raptors themselves financed to begin to get humans used to more friendly dragons. At that convention, at least 100 species were in attendance along with the Who’s Who list of the world. The logistics, secrecy and safety were a huge deal. Imagine each species having different needs, food requirements, and many needing unique self-contained environment, especially our five sentient ocean species. Well known architect, who created the concept of geodesic dome, Buckminster Fuller, designed many of these unique environments for the convention. Richards oversaw the security for this entire conference. Gosh, talk about herding cats literally. Wait until you hear about the upright walking feline friendly and Canine species. So the list of attendees included royalty, top officials and many wellknown scientists in all areas of academic experts. So with that introduction, I welcome you, Jo Ann. Jo Ann Hi, there. How are you doing? I'm good. How are you? I'm awesome. You always are. I know. Merrily So we're going to start off today by me asking you this question. So can you describe the purpose of the first interstellar treaty convention that took place in Exeter in 1961 and some of the famous people invited from around the world? In other words, the purpose of it more or less. Jo Ann

Sure. Well, first of all, I learned that it was suggested by aliens because of the Cuban Missile Crisis and they were quite worried about us humans setting off nuclear devices in the atmosphere. And they wanted us to learn and understand that there is a broader community beyond just us humans on Earth. They warned us if we kept using nuclear devices to settle our disputes, we would destroy our own planet. They let us know, they'd been studying us for thousands of years, and they wanted to see if we could relate to each other, humans and nonhumans, as sentient beings, because most nonhumans do not see us as sentient beings, because their civilizations are so advanced. So part of the reason for that, yes, we think we're all that. I know. Merrily We’re so arrogant, right? Jo Ann I know. Well, it was it was a social experiment to see how humans would interact with the aliens because a lot of the humans that attended the conference, maybe knew about aliens, but they'd never seen them themselves. And then Mark and his English girlfriend they were seven and eight, something like that. They were two human children that were allowed to hang out with alien children who had with their parents, who were ambassadors. And so the other part of this social experiment was like, we'll see if the kids can get along with the aliens. And they had lots of committee meetings about would they let us go out in space? Would they sell us their used spacecraft? Would they be allowed to kidnap humans? Would we be allowed to maybe see how far we could go out into space? Would we be allowed to defend the Earth? So lots going on. There had been many treaties since probably the ‘30s and a lot of them had already been broken. So they were trying to establish one big treaty to see if everybody could get along, basically. The attendees, there were heads of state, so you had political leaders, you had I don't know how many royal people, but heads of state, whether they were military and political. You had UN leaders, you had lots of scientists there. I know. Carl Sagan was there, Buckminster Fuller was there. And the whole conference was authorized by President Kennedy and the British prime minister. And as you said, Mark’s dad, was asked to help organize it and he was in charge of security.

So there was lots going on and it was a fascinating time apparently. Mark loved being there. Merrily That's so cool. I just love this there. And Vice President Johnson also wasn't he there? Jo Ann Oh, that's right. Yes. President Kennedy did not attend but Vice President Johnson for President Kennedy, right. Yes. Merrily So cool. This is so cool. And of course, the kids get along great. Jo Ann It was just playing with kids. He didn't think of it as, “Oh, they're aliens who don't look like me.” Oh, he just had fun playing with the alien children. It's like this, I’ve just seen a boy. Merrily Right, which in this case, folks, there's a picture on the shout out and we'll be in the future YouTube, you'll see pictures of the species that Mark was so kind to hand draw and gave he and Jo Ann gave us permission to use the these pictures. So you'll get a sense of this show. Now, how many species attended this first convention? And where were all these species housed because they had to be hidden from the masses. Right? Jo Ann Right, the RAF was very good at keeping the civilians away from the places that they were staying. So what's interesting is there were like about 100 species that attended that first one. And the opening, closing ceremonies were held at Buckfast Abbey in a little village of Buckfast, I think it's called. I've been there. And it's like, right in the middle of town. So and I don't know how small it was back in 1961.

And again, back in 1961, England wasn't as crowded as it is now. So you could get around and they could just make it so that you didn't see stuff, and they could just close off an area and keep people out. But the Raptors that we'll talk about, they stayed at a place called Castle Drogo. So a lot of these committee meetings, lots and a lot of different meetings were held. It's all in the southern part of England. So they made use of airfields and places that were close to the ocean for the ocean going species that were going to come and for like things that were going to land in a spaceship. There's one village that has a dimensional portal, and I've been there too. And so some interdimensional species, we're going to enter through that dimensional portal. So like Devin Cornwall, I don't know how much over in Cornwall but all along the southern coast, you'd have different places because not all of the species could hang out together. Some of them didn't get along, a lot of them didn't get along, so you weren't going to have two enemy species like staying at the same place. And, but the government would just rent somebody's big manor house or a castle or whatever, and close it off to the public. And that was that, nobody will, I don't know if they ask questions. But it's just how you did it. Merrily So well in so many of those places. Like you mentioned, I looked

them up on the map and they're very isolated like that, the end of points and things like that. So right. Was the English Royal family hosting this event for the Raptors since Prince Naga Draconis’ family line comes from the British Isles? I found out on the Jurassic Coast in southern England that covers 96 miles from when they themselves walk right there, they go into this reverence of their ancestry and there's been many fossils and footprints of their kind found. So how is that allowed by the Queen and all that the connection there? Jo Ann I'm not sure that's one thing I've never asked Mark. “Why did they pick England?” But maybe it was because of that. But again, there were other species coming so it wasn't like they were catering to what the Raptors wanted. So I'll have to ask that question why they chose England for one thing, because I don't know. But like you said, Nagas line came from that southern coast area and one of the field trips that Mark and the kids took was to go down there and especially the Raptor children that were with him. They just love exploring that part and seeing where their ancestors had been from and the others. There's a lot of evidence there that dinosaurs roamed that part of the world. But I don't think the British Royal Family would say they would they hosted it. I know, Prince Philip was involved. I know. He was head of their space program. So I don't know if he was back then or not I I'm not sure when he became the head of it. But the queen, I mean, they all they all knew about this, all the heads of state obviously know about this, but I'm sure the Queen would have not attended that event. But Prince Philip was there and Prince Charles was at least at the opening ceremony, but you're never going to get him to admit that. And it was mostly organized by the military leaders, as far as I know. And Mark’s dad, Rich, was he was involved with inviting a lot of these people. So he got to talk to them and convince them that it was a really good idea for us to sit down and talk and it was a good experience. Merrily By the way, I just want the audience to be clear that Mark's father's nickname was Rich. It's not that he's rich. Jo Ann No.They called him Rich, because his last name is Richards and his

military nickname was called the Dutchman. Merrily Let me tell you, yes. It was in terms of Mark's family. Is he from Royal lineage? Because I do remember Mark stating to me once that one time he was visiting Queen Elizabeth and was sitting on her lap talking to her as a little kid, of course. So that's more thing actually? Jo Ann Well, actually, okay, that was he was with the Queen moms. So Queen Elizabeth’s mother. So I'm sure he's met the Queen. He has worked in military capacities, obviously, as an adult with Prince Philip. But he has had tea with the queen mum. So that was delightful. But marks lineage, I'm not sure about his mother's off the top of my head, but his father's lineage is his father's mom was of some high level British families. I know the last name Peacock comes to mind. And I guess that means something in England. And his dad's side was from Germany. So there's Germany was once a country of all these little Princedoms you're there's a lot of German princes all over the place. And so, Marks lineage is a German Princedom from the Rhineland area and they got defeated by the Prussian so, oh, there's a lot of them went to like, maybe the Netherlands into Belgium. So a lot of those royal families came from Mark's family was so yes, if there were still a Princedom or whatever, he would be a German Prince, technically. Merrily I know those lineages in DNA are a big deal. So how and when did Mark Richards, your husband, first meet the Raptors. And again, people think of the Jurassic World movie and which Raptors did Mark get introduced to. So kind of paint us a picture of that. Jo Ann Sure. When Mark was born in 1953, two months to the day, a contingency of Raptors came to Marin County and in the Marin water district they did like a naming blood brother type ceremony with him. Like picture the Lion King and where they raise up the kid is a baby lion who's going to be the future king. So that's what they do with Mark and he has a scar on his wrist that is from probably Nagas claw and then doing some blood brother thing. Mark's dad had met Naga the year before, because a raptor contingency in their spacecraft had had arrived at Hamilton Air Force Base in Nevada, California. So Mark's dad met him first and they started talking and have having

dealings and working together. And then Mark was born the following year. So that's when technically Mark first met Naga even though I don't think he remembers it. But who knows his memories better than mine? Officially, they met at the Exetor conference because obviously Naga was there as an ambassador for his race and two of his children, Link’a and Craig were there.

And I think Link’a was like a young teen at that time. And Craig was probably a little younger, or they might, Chris, he's always told me they were like some from the same collection of eggs. So they might have been the same age. So they were a few years older than Mark and Mark and Titania were taken to Drogo Castle where they the Raptors were staying. And I've been there. It's a castle, but it's not a medieval castle. Some British guy who opened a big grocery store chain in England built his home as a castle, so it was his private home. Anyway, you park and you walk across this huge lawn. And so Mark remembers walking across this huge lawn and sees his dad with Naga coming across the lawn. So okay, his dad's coming toward him

with the dinosaur and then these other these two younger dinosaurs are coming up to their dad and being very curious. And so his dad gives them permission to go over and meet the humans. And I love the story because Mark and Link’a met. And they have very sharp claws. So she tucked her claws under into her like her palm. And they said hello to each other basically. And they did kind of a fist bumping thing, because otherwise you can't really shake hands, or you might get hurt. And then they like to sniff us or sniff whoever to get the scent and if they really like you, they might lick you to show them show everybody that they're friends and that kind of stuff. So Mark has fond memories of that meeting and that was the beginning of them becoming friends. And he went on to do military missions with Craig, and Princess Link’a has gone on to be, she's now the Empress of their race. So fascinating. Just we could talk about Raptors for hours. Merrily Yes, I know we could. We I mean, think about that Mark was the childhood playmate, right, with the Empress now of their entire race. Jo Ann And then like I said, they went on, they went on several field trips, well, different meetings, they went to some of the meetings, but they mostly were going on field trips and being taught by, oh, I think there were probably some raptor sorceresses who were there, at least one like chaperones, you had really cool chaperones, who were teaching you about science and about space, as you're going to these field trips, and the kids are telling him it's like, yes, we've known you humans have been out going out in space for years. And because we had we'd been going to space since the ‘50s. So it's pretty remarkable how much they knew about us. Merrily Oh, yes. And one of the amazing things about is up to this point, if I have this right, Jo Ann, there was a little like, it's very hard for the little ones because they're used they were used to eating us as food. And this was one first time they met a human where they weren't allowed to. Jo Ann Like oh, do I lick you because I'm telling everybody you're my lunch or because I want to be friends with you. Yes, and it's interesting because Mark said at the castle and again I've been to the castle so I

can envision these things. There's a big there's a grand dining room and off the dining room is a lovely like patio area. And they had a big banquet or a huge big dinner where they're probably going to have a meeting that night, who knows exactly, but anyway, they had a dinner but they had to have the humans eat indoors and the Raptors had to go outdoors because all they eat is live food, and it gets pretty messy, so most humans really don't want to watch that. Raptor children have unlimited energy to their life. They're constantly crazy. Merrily Yes, they love to run and they're pretty amazing. It's an amazing species. And as Jo Ann said, Mark had mentioned that the raptors, even the ones like Nagas, who no longer wanted to eat every human they found, were not yet allies at the time of this convention, particularly. We're talking about the race in 1961, kind of shaky comrades right? Jo Ann Right. I mean, they had started to become our allies back after because that's why Naga had gone to Hamilton Air Force Base and met with Rich and other military leaders, because the Empress at the time was Naga’s grandmother, but she was aging, and she was grooming her daughter, Naga’s mom to become the Empress. So the mom had sent Naga there as an ambassador, because they felt it was time to start seeing if they could work with the humans and Empress Link’a now still feels it's in their best interest to work with us. And so they started that ally relationship back in the early ‘50s. And so it probably wasn't perfected, obviously, by 1961. They've always looked at us like pets. They agree that we're sentient beings, but again, all these other species are so much more advanced and older than our civilization, it's amazing why they would. They obviously don't see us as equals, which is fine. They're older and wiser. Merrily Well, and first, many, most of the people listening have been miseducated in thinking that dinosaurs were stupid and little brains and all this stuff. So I know somewhere in their minds, they're going “How did these beings even communicate” and Naga, being an Ambassador, he's a very amazing being and being an ambassador, he was willing to have surgeries, you want to talk about that, so they

get a sense for that? Jo Ann Oh sure, the more elite of them, they definitely have some kind of caste system, but the more elite of their species and I don't know exactly at what age but they do, they are allowed to have, it's like a total of four surgeries on their voice boxes and their vocal cords, so that they can speak human languages. I think Mark said Naga could speak, I don't know, 14 to 16 different languages. But I mean, Mark can speak Raptor. And it's, it's amazing, it's very interesting to listen to. And it's very guttural and hissy, kind of like German. So they can speak German really well, but they can speak lots of different human languages. And so by the time Mark met them he might have been able to, the children that were there might have had some of the operations if not all of them. But also one thing we learned from this conference is that many of the species if they couldn't communicate through voice, and a lot of them couldn't with each other, but they would either they would use the greys as translators, or a lot of species have what we call elementals, or fairy beings with them, even from space and everybody's elementals would talk to each other, and they would translate that way, so amazing. Merrily Right, plus a few AIs plus those that are telepathic or psyonics plus translator devices, right? Jo Ann Right, oh, yes and Mark came across a little AI creature, that became, I guess you can say friends with him. And then there were elementals around. And when Mark was with the children, I mean, they didn't use the Grays, but they had elementals and they could use telepathy to talk to each other and it was amazing. The adults were really amazed at how well the children got along and Titania with her magical gifts and Link’a having the same types of magical gifts, so they can interdimensionally shift pretty quickly and nobody would see where the children had gone. It was amazing. So yes, the children just had no problem getting along and communicating with each other. Merrily Most children don't Yes, human children most down until they've been deconditioned. So, right. What do you think the Raptors think about as humans, especially at first, it wasn't very flattering was it?

And I think too like you said, they used to eat humans on a regular basis and once Mark’s dad started working with Naga, he was teaching him that eating us on a regular basis was not a good idea. So he really helped institute that practice that they stopped eating us. And what was I going to say? What did they think of us? Jo Ann They think of us as pets. And I think they do acknowledge that we are sentient beings, but they think we're silly, because we're using machinery. And it's funny, because they don't necessarily invent a lot of technology, they'll borrow or steal a lot of technology, but they're very technologically advanced. But so they're not happy that we have fouled the earth and taken such poor care of it, because this is their homeworld. So, while they're willing to work with us, they're not happy with us that we've done such a poor job of stewardship over our planet, because it was lush and jungly when they were here, and they would like to see it that way again, but that doesn't mean they want to kill us all off and take over or make us their slaves, but it's interesting, they're willing to work with us, but they don't see us as equals by any means as far as I know. Merrily Well said, by the way, Jo Ann. I know that they originally thought that humans foul up their own nests, which they found stupid and disgusting. Like you said, and that we cause so much overcrowding and pollution much like the oceanic species hate us for. And also the Raptors I remember Mark saying they think way ahead, like advanced hosts too, right? And they keep their tech off planet, so they keep their connection to nature for the most part is that with you found, Jo Ann They're very ecologically sound and when they're building a base here on Earth they don't build buildings, everything's underground, and they're doing everything naturally and slowly so I don't know exactly how they do that, but if they need to manufacture something they do it off planet. Now I would say that heir custom had been to kidnap people here and there but they're not mass kidnappers like other species are and sometimes Naga would have a harem of lots of females of lots of different species, so that was just their custom. They're not necessarily monogamous, so I'm going to get into that in a minute.

Merrily I think Mark stated If I remember this right said he said for our new “Dragon friends”, not a day thought regarding humans, not being able to smell properly marked species is being low on the evolutionary ladder, and not being sadly cheated on the developmental scale. Jo Ann I forgot any of that? Yes, Well, it's some of the some of the funny things like you and I know, it's like they do like to have a lot of fun. So, and the raptors, they have bases here on the planet. Nobody interacts openly with civilians, but they do have bases here. But they do like to have fun and they like nice things, so they'll commandeer a shopping mall late at night in Tokyo, for example, or doesn't always be Tokyo, but you can go shopping, and they'll go to Las Vegas or Macau late at night and go gambling but a lot of species go gambling. So it's not just the raptors, a lot of species love to go gambling. And the wonderful thing and I didn't pull it up anywhere. But one of the things I love about them for as dangerous as they look, they're some of the most spiritual beings that I've ever heard about because you've probably heard me give the quote but a raptor Senator at the conference we'll talk about in another interview. He gave the most beautiful quote about their connection to the universe and how everything is infinite and wonderful and one with each other, even if you can't see each other, even if you can't hear, but their connection to the universe is so far beyond where I'm at. It's just, it's just amazing. And you wonder, I just sit in awe and I pretty much cry every time I read that quote to an audience. It's just amazing how spiritual they are, I've had people ask me, they're not religious, definitely not religious, but they're very spiritual. And it's, it's amazing. And they love Mother Earth. Merrily Yes, they're like one with it like, exactly believe in oneness and respect for nature. Rather, well, you know, about family fornication, food and fun. They're big on family, let me tell you yes, they have harems. Jo Ann They have lots of offspring, but they believe in education, and they believe in discipline. And you don't embarrass your parents, or you might get pulled up by your tail and thrown out the window or banged against the wall because they're tough. And if you're tough enough,

you'll survive that. And if you weren't, oh well, you weren't tough enough. But they're highly educated, and they have poets and writers and scientists, and you've heard Mark describe, they do these elaborate operas that go on for hours. And the hero in some of those are mentioned? Yes, they're heroic. Both the females and the males go into the military. And so it's not like the military is only a male thing, because you've got some female heroes and warriors in the military and, and I don't know that it's demanded or expected of them, but they do, they do fight along with the men or the males and, and they're built for running. So they're constantly running and staying in shape and hunting. And their sense of smell is amazing, as you've mentioned, ours is not. They can run at 45 miles per hour for 20 minutes. Merrily Yes the cutest things if I can share this. Okay, people, y'all got to get this vision going. Okay like David Bowie's Let's Dance, Dance. Well, Mark says all the Raptor females get together and do line dancing to that. Jo Ann Oh, yes. It's very seductive, apparently. I've often teased him, okay, well, who's line dancing for you? But yes, if I ever hear that song, that just starts going through my head. And, yes, they have a good time. And people ask me, Well, how do they use a computer? Or how do they control a ship? It’s all mind based? It's mind-to-computer assisted. Yes, they're talking to the computer or they're thinking to the computer or to the spaceship. They're not typing things with their claws. And in a fun thing like, people think I'm silly when I start talking about this too, but like, the females love to paint their claws, they don't have elaborate manicures. They get all these little designs painted on their claws. It's I love the fun side stuff just to hear about them. They're still our ally. They love jewelry. They love silks. They don't like to wear clothes. They prefer to run around naked but they do love the accessories. They love the accessories. So the bigger thing too is like they are still our allies. I don't want to use the dark side of anything, but there are enemies that come here. They're still helping us fight the enemies that nobody can really talk about. Yes, they are. So one of the unusual qualities of the Nagas is they can't be psionically controlled by the other side. You can't really

mind control them or takeover. They're very strong. Yes. Okay. Merrily I’ll have you described just a few more species because whizzing through this, I want you to explain to people because they're probably trying to figure out like the dinosaurs and the descendant. The unusual thing that occurred, okay, where the Raptors, Naga and the fleet all left exploring the black hole to accumulate energy and then came back. Can you explain that to them? Jo Ann Well, yes, and it's funny, because you remember some of that. I don't remember that part of it, but Mark got into a long, long explanations of this and the science kind of goes over my head. But in a simple, simple, very simplified version in a nutshell, many, many Raptors have left the planet millions of years ago to colonize space, and they've done a wonderful job of that. But somewhere out there, they kind of got stuck in this time displacement thing at the event horizon. And I'm doing a poor job of explaining it. He's probably written it down somewhere that took chapters to explain it, but they thought they'd only been gone from Earth, maybe a few 100 years, or maybe a few 1000 years. They had been gone for millions of years. When they came back and saw that we were not rodents any longer. I think we were probably more like rodents when they were here before, but and we we're people, and we were kind of running things and, and stuff that really did shock them. Now on, I guess the good side, is they have a very elaborate and widespread Empire out in space. So it's not like they just terraformed one planet out there. They've got planets and moons and yada, yada, yada. They've pretty much got a huge territory out there. So, while they were gone, or at some point 65 million plus years ago, a big asteroid hit the Yucatan Peninsula and pretty much wiped out everything here on the planet. Their cousin species, which was very similar to a Naga species, another kind of Raptor very similar species. They had a base on Mars, there was a base on the Moon, some of them lived underground, some of them survived all that. And they evolved into what we call now the Reptoids. So they're basically kind of cousins. They're distantly related to the raptors, they're their enemies. And they look more evolved, more humanoid they walk upright, they don't have a tail, but they still have three toes and claws, and they can bite you and chew on you and tear you apart type of stuff. They are our

enemies. They are the Raptors, enemies. They are very involved with terrorism and ISIS and all the other nasty things that are going on in the planet right now. Yes, and African bases. And folks, there's a picture that will be on our YouTube and on those of you that receive the shout out of what this place looks like. So the Reptoids basically looked down at the Raptors, because the Reptoids see themselves as having million years more evolutionary advancement than the Raptors and so there's this kind of, like war going on between them. And their agendas are different they want to enslave us they want to take over. They still argue that they should be in charge of the planet. And there have been other operations that Mark and his dad have been on, where they had a plan in place to start taking over the planet, and it got squashed. But again recently they are involved with current events and terrorism attacks and all the rest, a weird attack at a mall shopping mall. And you don't really see pictures of the perpetrators, but the Reptoids have been behind it. They're very capable of mind control and they're very involved with mass kidnappings or kidnappings in general and lots of people going missing and could be introducing viruses for all we know. So the Reptoids are not our friends. Merrily So give just a couple really, really brief descriptions of other species that attended like or how about the…. Jo Ann I was going to say, because I know we're already almost running out of time. There was one of Mark's other childhood friends that he made there was called a Gastrocell. He was one unit of a communal community who had come. I'm there like with a message. And as a single unit, he looks like this beautiful blue oily balloon, and just a beautiful creature and they had to encase him in a bubble and then feed him, like feed methane and ammonia through a tube into the bubble so that he could, that's what he ate. Now, when they're together as in their community, they look like clouds. So that was pretty cool. Mark had talked to him through telepathy, and Mark and Titania and some of the others they would go astral traveling at night when they were supposed to be sleeping. And you'll see that they would go as a group. And Mark got to meet like other members of his

community, because they were either vacationing or they were just hanging out, like near Jupiter or Saturn or whatever. So they had some lovely astral traveling journey. So they arrived at the conference, their ambassadors arrived at the conference through that portal I was talking about. There's a keep left from a castle in a village that's not far from where Buckfast Abbey is, and I've been there and you can feel the vortex energy there. It's amazing. Anyway, that's how they arrived through that vortex. There were lots of humanoid types there and the Oceanics, he was fascinated with them. So you have one species, if you've ever seen the movie, The Abyss, those lovely creatures that you could kind of see through.

And anyway, that's kind of what like these, the Nereaids are like, and they live in, I don't know what part of the ocean but they live deep in the ocean and they're interdimensional beings and when they want to come to the surface or even on land they have to take the body of some recently deceased being. So like they might if they want to come on land, they might take over a body of a child that just drowned or somebody, but also they can shape shift I guess so like, if you want to see a mermaid out on the ocean, they could make you think they're you're looking at a mermaid.

So they're pretty cool and it's because that's like kind of like where the concept of King Neptune came from. So the girl of the young girl of that species her father was like the leader the king or whatever. But she took on the body of like a recently drowned little girl and they fed her oatmeal until she got used to eating, but she was lovely. And they became, one of the friends. And then the other oceanic there's a species that looks like dolphins, they're called polymorphs. There's an octopus like species that doesn't like us. But I guess the Octopoids are not necessarily an octopus.

There's like a giant squid like thing. And there's also one that Mark became good friends with, they look like a lobster. But when they have to wear a BioSuit to be on earth, then it's like a walking crab. So but it had web fins and everything. But like you mentioned, they have

to create different environments for some of these beings so they could attend the meetings. So they had to build elaborate tanks, and they had to be aware of like, what kinds of things each species needed for food, the logistics of this conference must have been a nightmare. Or look at it. But you had to know which species do we need to keep apart? And what do we need to feed that one? And what do we need to feed that one, It was amazing. That just was amazing. So that’s just some of them. Merrily And that's a great, great description, by the way. Jo Ann So yes, also like you said there were there were other and we won't go into a lot of detail. But you had some Sasquatch there who were like, hired as bodyguards for certain beings. You had several humanoids. And there were several gray species there. So lots of species and Mark learned that the scariest looking ones were usually the most friendly. Merrily Yes, yes. So what about the merchants and traders of the galaxy?

Jo Ann Oh, the Canisons, but we call them Canonians. And it's funny because I know they were there because it was approved for them after the conference to build a base in Australia. They're basically this lovely hound dogs species that are just simply merchants. They've been interacting with humans on the planet for thousands of years. They love to help us they would love right now to be our friends and openly interact with us because they're business people. They would love more clients, but right now, they have this huge base somewhere in Australia. And they export goodies. They export chocolate, and bling and jewelry and, and whatever out to space because the different species just love it. So they're making big bucks. However the interchange works, but they're getting rich off of us somehow. So that's pretty clear, very ambitious. Yes. And I'm sure there were some Cats there. In the parts that I've read, he didn't really talk about those, but I hear more about them, like in the next conference. But just lots of different species. And he was fascinated. I know he hung out and watched all the species enter for the opening ceremonies. And then he and Titania and the other children hung out in one of the balconies in this big Abbey, the main cathedral which is probably not as big as a cathedral but it's a pretty big church sanctuary building. So they were hanging out in the balcony watching the opening ceremonies. And I think the opening ceremonies were held at midnight. It was pretty amazing. Merrily The human reaction, no sleep, no anything and no one on it, but the uninvited show up.

Jo Ann Well, I know two things like when one night when there's a small military Castle, like at the near the entrance of the bay near Dartmouth, and there's a military academy there and Torkeya? is nearby. Anyway, I've been there. So they're going to have a meeting there one night. And Mark and the kids, at least Mark and Titania. I'm not sure who all was there. But it might have been all the kids for all I know. There was a Fawn that showed up. And the fawns are like, the Satyr, half deer, half goat and half human, like you see from the movie of Narnia. That sort of reminds me of a cloning experiment of the Reptoids, that I wouldn't say it went bad or anything, but so they were not considered a sentient being. So they were not invited to the conference and they were not happy about that. And also, at the Dartmouth castle an outlawed group of Mantids came to have a meeting with Rich and Naga and stuff. So they weren't really invited either. Maybe other Mantids were technically

invited, but this outlawed group weren't, but they were actually the good guys. And that's how Mark got to know some Mantid beings because of the Princess. Yes, he loved her face. He was fascinated with her jaw, her big jaw. Oh, yes, had a crush on her. Merrily No pun intended, because that could happen one second. Mantid, could you guys think six foot tall Mantid insectoids, just so you get a sense of it? Exactly. I feel bad for that Fawn.

Jo Ann I know, I know. And I'm not sure if they ended up letting his father go to the conference, I'd have to look back at all the notes. But the kid was nice. And they have a name for him. But I can't remember what it was. He had a name, but Mark mentioned it. I just don't remember what it is off the top of my head. Merrily So I can't tell you how many pages of Mark's material that Jo Ann and I have read. So or I'm amazed that we're remembering any of this right? I mean, you're talking tens of thousands. Jo Ann Yes, and Merrily has kindly come over to my house and she has

spent hours helping me scan this stuff so that now it's available digitally. So thank you for all those hours. Merrily Of course, I was selfish. I wanted to know. I mean, Mark writes about 600-800 pages per one day at a treaty. Jo Ann This exit treaty report is only 1200 pages or 2000. The Iran conference is thousands of pages and I don't think he ever finished it. So I know you wanted me to talk about the outcome of this treaty. There's two things I take away from it. And as I said before, the Canonians were allowed to establish a base in Australia. So that's pretty cool. And they're looking forward to the day when we can openly have commerce with them. Now the big thing that I keep mentioning is that open communication between civilians and ETs or aliens or nonhumans was banned for 50 years then in 1961. And then there was a mini conference in 2011, when Princess Kate and William from England got married. So right after that there was another mini conference or a big meeting in Paris, and they renewed that part of the treaty. Still, they're going to keep banning it for another 50 years. So you have projects like SETI, who are the government's front saying, “oh, yes, we're going to try and establish contact,” and the military has been in contact with the species forever, for a long time. And still, like we can all get in trouble. Pardon me? Merrily That's a good point to explain to people because they had the first big treaty in 1961. So then next we're going to part two. We're going to talk about the one in Persepolis, Iran where you get all the important people showing up at the Shah of Iran's birthday. Jo Ann Yes, it was the 2500 year anniversary of the Monarchy. So they put on an elaborate several day party. But, right, under the guise of that you've got all these meetings going on, and species trying to sabotage the conference, that was amazing. But it's interesting, because the aliens have been coming here for a long time. And our political leaders have been meeting with them since the 30s, and 40s, but in a lot of those treaties they had to keep trying,

because a lot of those treaties have already been broken. And even at the Exeter conference, you had people making side deals with each other, elite groups, the beginning of the New World Order stuff, you had all these groups making side deals and making their own deals with the aliens and even now, and over the years you had all these countries, who are going to make different deals with different alien groups. And Russia might work with this race, and now they're working with this race. And China might be working with this race this year, and another race later. So different deals, and have been going on for years. And it's amazing, and a very complex issue. But it is where they are. The good news is there are species who do want to communicate with us and do want to get along with us. So there's a lot of people who don't want that to happen. Merrily Well, we're cleaning house, and this is what I wanted the civilians to do, even though I'm a civilian folks, but all you people out there to just start realizing that all this has been going on under your feet, and you will never understand political or any other things until you get the whole big picture of this. So I know it's probably a lot, but it's a really fun, amazing subject. And also the Falklands war in 1981. We didn't have a treaty because it was actually an ET war. So people were very occupied with that. And then I remember Mark was saying we don't really do the big kind of what you were mentioning, the big trade deals anymore because of the satellites. It's pretty hard to like, do things anymore with all the surveillance of everything. Jo Ann You have all these meetings. So the Kyoto Treaty conference was another one of these many conferences, like when you have these G something economic summits you can be sure there's probably aliens there too having these meetings and stuff. And I think when we talked about the Iran conference, there's a timeline of things. And there was a timeline set for setting a date for disclosure which was 2001 when they thought they might just set a date. And obviously, a bunch of us are trying to move that up. Merrily Yes, exactly. So, thank you so much, Jo Ann. So will you please

share, you just wrote a new book. Oh, you are right. So at the head of the Earth Defense headquarters, so share with people about that and where they can get information from. Jo Ann Well Earth Defense headquarters has two websites and So that's that and I've just written a book that will very soon be printed called Midlife Magic that is basically my memoir on how I had a normal childhood and I got married a million times and then how I got into the world of weird as I call it, the magic and the paranormal and elementals and space stuff and just how my life has totally changed since I met Mark, and went down this wonderful rabbit hole to learn about all these awesome topics. So that's what that's about. And that should be available shortly. And I do have an author page on Facebook, and it's on my LinkedIn. And you can just go on Facebook and pull up my name. And I keep posting stuff about it so you can get on my mailing list of things so you'll know exactly when it's going to be out. But it should be out very shortly. It's very, very exciting.

Merrily So Jo Ann is two separate words, Richards. Yes. And they'll find you that way. If they're saying you are want to let the audience know, the listeners know, at this point in time, in history, any advice, anything that comes out for you? Jo Ann I think don't live in fear. I always say that you don't live in fear. Some of the stuff we teach with this stuff is scary. But you and I are on the same page, we like to talk about the culture and what the species are like, because I think there needs to be a day where we're all working and walking around together and having tea together. And I can't wait till I have my property where they can just all come and land and have tea. So I look forward to positive. It's like Men in Black. I love the idea of having a positive relationship. But I have read through Mark's reports that it is very possible for us to get along with them. And we have so much to learn by different from different species. It's just amazing. Merrily And it's going on underneath people's noses. So that's why if people become a way and work through it. It’s just like people here that are blessed and have the opportunity to travel, they're going to be less biased, less fearful, less scared of the news. So we need to get on with it because we used to be a galactic civilization. And we're moving back there, folks. So join us in two weeks for part two, when we will talk about the second convention that was held in Persepolis, Iran in 1971 with some amazing stories, and oh my god, we could just talk into midnight, couldn't we? Jo Ann I really appreciate you so much. Jo Ann Thanks for having me Merrily. Merrily lives at Jo Ann has digital files of the conferences for sale at: $25 for partially completed volume

6 Upright Feline - ET Species at 2nd Interstellar Treaty Conference in Iran - Jo Ann Richards- Pt 2 6 Upright Feline & other ET Species attend 2nd Interstellar Treaty Conference in Iran with Jo Ann Richards - Part 2 Merrily: Welcome, everyone. I'm glad you joined us today for part two, where our guest, Jo Ann Richards, will fill you in on who, where and what occurred at the Second Extraterrestrial and Human Interstellar Treaty Conference that took place in Persepolis, Iran, in 1971. And just like in 1961. So if you don't know what I'm talking about, go back and watch part one to catch up. We humans had to come with enough scientific evidence to prove that we had indeed an indigenous ancestry on earth and were not created by several of the non-humanoid species who wanted to take credit for, “creating humans”. We were largely helped by Contessa Leona, a scholar and archaeologist of the upright feline humanoid species for all you cat lovers out there, and that species is called the Panthera Eternals. So on my shout out in the news for the sole radio page, you will find a stone glyph depicting this race that was very involved with Egypt for a long time, as well as an actual photo of political and economic experts and dignitaries at the opening celebration. The Persepolis convention of October 12th through 16 in 1971 had as its “cover story” unclothed the 2500 year celebration of Iran's monarchy by Cyrus The Great. One purpose of this ET and Human Treaty convention was to demonstrate Iran's long, impressive history and to showcase its contemporary advancements under Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who was the current Shah of Iran at the time.

So my guest, Jo Ann Richards, is a journalist and executive director of Earth Defense Headquarters. Her husband, Captain Mark Richards, U.S. Navy and his father, Ellis Lloyd Richards, Junior Air Force Major, were both soldiers in a top level military space command that performed intelligence operations since World War Two. Many special ops included onworld and offworld contact with multiple humanoid and non-humanoid species that are and have been ever present throughout our galaxy and universe. Both Richards oversaw security for the first and the second conference. So today Jo Ann will introduce nine new mostly non-humanoid species and you will hear amazing stories of what occurred there and including several sabotage attempts on attendees lives like portals opening up. So with that introduction. Welcome back, Jo Ann. Hi, how are you? Jo Ann: I'm good. Merrily: Yay! Good, good, good. Well, happy to have you here. So, Jo Ann, for having me start with you, please share the purpose for our audience the purpose, goals and agendas for this Second Human Interstellar Treaty Convention. Jo Ann: Sure. Well, as you mentioned, the 1961 conference in Exeter, England, this conference was basically an extension of that. And the ETs wanted us to prove that we were indigenous to Earth and I'm going to

read a quote about that in just a minute. But they also wanted to assess our development as sentient beings, because definitely back in 1961, most of the alien species did not think of us as sentient because their civilizations were so far advanced than we are. But they wanted to see if we had grown more and could prove that we could be part of the galactic community. And because we're not as advanced as the other races, we don't have definitely a lot of things to offer them in their eyes. So they held the conference as kind of a favor to us, and they're worried because we like to weaponize everything and they would rather they don't see us as having completed advancements and they're worried about our consciousness and spirituality and they wanted us to understand the concept of collective alignment, to really get along, to see if we're really able to get along with non-humans. So that being said, Mark had written in his very long report about this conference, and I think this relates to the talking about that we were indigenous to Earth, he said, “I started to get the idea at that point we seem to be constantly defending ourselves against the charges that we weren't a natural species, but we're either a lab creation or so enhanced that it was hard to suggest that natural selection and normal evolution would have gotten our species to this point. If we could show that there may have been a few outside attempts and enhancement, but most of them had died out or not mixed enough into the general gene pool to mess with our natural evolution, we could still hope to stand as a natural species and thus hold the victory that Earth belonged to us. We could make quite an argument for that train of thought and had carried the day in 1961 at the exit conference.”

Merrily: And those are from Mark’s exact words, right? Jo Ann: Yes. Merrily: So that's kind of sums it up and is very humbling for us humans at the time. I could imagine thinking we were the only creatures and the best in the universe, right? Jo Ann: That's what we think. But we're not as we know. Merrily: Yes. I remember Mark telling me that there were way back then in 1971, there were three important reasons for life and space that the humans on Earth still failed to grasp. One: Water is commonplace, not rare, which, of course, they're discovering. Two: Life, is more versatile than humans believed. And three: planets with life are the rule, not the exception. So there you go. That's this show. So very good sharing that. What dignitaries that people may recognize attended? Do you remember that from talking with him and writing. Jo Ann: Well, Yes, And I've done a talk on this at least once and had to pull it together and there's a lot of this information because it was a

public party, it is on the internet, but there were many political leaders and I'm only going to name one, but some of them are the vice president at the time, Spiro Agnew was there. There were presidents of countries, including Yugoslavia, Brazil, Austria, Pakistan, various African countries. The prime ministers of France, South Korea and Italy were there. One of the cardinals from the Vatican was there. And there were numerous royal figures, including Prince Philip and his daughter, Princess Anne of England, the King and Queen of Belgium, the King of Norway, the King and Queen of Greece, Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco.

Those are just a sampling of the high level dignitaries and world leaders that were there. It's quite amazing. Merrily: Wow. Yes. Okay, then. Now we're out in Persepolis, which is like a huge historical desert. So what buildings were these meetings held in. Give us give us samples of that. Jo Ann: Well, the public party and all that, they built huge tents. So this was all underground. And if you go on online, you can see some really wonderful pictures of the city that they created. Now, the committee

meetings for the conference were all held underground somewhere in that vicinity. I couldn't point to a picture and say, okay, and if you went straight underground from here. But the conference meetings with the aliens were all underground. But above ground you had this amazing tent city. It was also called the Golden City. And Mark said it was really cool to be there because you had these prefabricated little luxury apartments that looked like tents, but they weren't really tents. But inside they were big and they were just luxurious. They probably had bathrooms and everything inside them. And he just said they were fabulous on the outside. Persian rugs inside. So I'm sure it was just beautiful. They were arranged in a star pattern. There was a big fountain in the middle of all these tents. They had a number of trees flown in from France, and they planted them right here in the desert. So they wanted to recreate what Persepolis could have looked like way back when. And it took ten years to build the tent city and get ready for the conference. So what people need to understand is these conferences are not organized in the day. The one before it was 1961 and this is ten years later, mostly because it takes a long time to organize it and get everybody invited and figure out the logistics and where you're going to have people and non-people. And how do you keep people from not seeing that, from not seeing the non-people anyway? And the Shah of Iran was the host at the time and he had to learn how to say hello to hundreds of different aliens, even if it was just one or two words. But he had to learn, He had to learn that perfectly.

And the food was catered by Maxim's of Paris. It closed its restaurant for two weeks in order to provide the fancy food. And a company called Lanvin designed the uniforms of the Imperial household. They used Mercedes-Benz limousines to chauffeur guests. Dinnerware was created by Limoges. So, I mean, this was a highfalutin party. And again, if you go online, the pictures and it's all this is all formalwear and black tie and the pictures are just amazing, especially of like the banquet and things like that. So everybody's dressed up in their formalwear and it's really all there, jewelry and all that jazz. So it's pretty cool to see pictures of that. Merrily: I can't even imagine the number of agents and security that it would take for something like that. It's just unbelievable. Jo Ann: And hear your husband and his dad are in charge of that. Well, Mark's dad was in charge by then. Mark was a young adult and he was part of the security team. So I wouldn't say Mark say he was partly in charge, but he was he was part of the UN security forces. Merrily: Right. And at that, he was actually putting out a lot of fires. Jo Ann: Right. There were lots and again, the report and you've seen the report and it's not even it was never totally finished. But the report is thousands of pages long. And there's each part is a thousand pages, and

there's probably six parts that just get you to the first day of the conference. So exactly. It's an amazing because he includes all this history and science and, and stuff. It's just pretty amazing what, what he and all the people, biographies of people that were involved. And he wants to give everybody the full picture of who was there and what was going on. And there was a lot that went on before the conference started. So fun stuff and not so fun stuff. Merrily: Yes. And if people are interested in reading this and folks, it's really worth it. Whether you enjoy military history, regular history, or just want to find out the truth that you haven't been told, you know? I personally enjoy the cultures, the different species, what makes them tick, what their genders are, what's our relationships? That's my love. And I think that's one of your loves, too, Jo Ann, isn't it? Exactly. Kind of, Yes. So where can they get that? Where can they buy that? Jo Ann: They can order it on the website So there's a product page and then basically you just email me my emails on the website. You can tell me what you want. I'll send you a PayPal invoice and it's all sent electronically so you can read it on screen or you can print out the thousands of pages, it’s up to you. But thankfully I have it in PDF form and you can just read it at your leisure on the screen or print out a few pages at a time. Merrily: Right. Okay. So thank you. How many species attended this conference? And then can you describe them to our audience? Kind of like what they look like and what their agendas were. Jo Ann: I can. Well, at the 1961 conference, there were about 100 species. By the time of this 1971 conference, there were at least 200 species that attended. The word had gotten out and more species wanted to attend and there were several species who didn't attend for whatever reason. So just some of them came. You mentioned Contessa Leona, and she's not humanoid. She looks human, kind of, if you see her walking towards you. But she's full on cat as far as I can tell. But she's called Panthera Eternis and she's bipedal. She does walk upright. I'm sure she can walk on all fours as well, but she does walk upright. Her species, I'm not sure where they're from, but they're explorers and scientists and artists.

And she is an archaeologist and she loves to come to Earth to see where on Earth different spaces that her species specifically has visited. So she really loves that. And she'll do a lot of archaeological digs. And I know one of the digs she did before the conference was in Egypt, but specifically related to this conference, her job was to find evidence of who created humans because there were nine species at this conference that we're all saying, well, we did. We should be God of the earth. We know, we did it. And it was just this big argument. So she decided she would find the proof. And speaking of this, like, I don't know exactly what proof she found, because I know that's one of your questions later. But I don't know what proof she found because the report hasn't been sent. Mark got delayed in finishing the report so I haven't gotten to the point where I read what specific proof she found. But she did find proof that we may be slightly enhanced, but that was to help us thrive. We are not created by any one other species. We've been here a long, long time. But anyway, Contessa Leona is, it's hard for her to make human sounds. She communicates through ESP. She can communicate easily with other animal species.

The sounds and smells created by a human body are offensive to her. She's got a photographic memory and she's just amazing. And her mate, Cadillac, he is kick ass and at some point after this conference, he was killed in battle. They will defend themselves and they're good at it, but they they're not aggressive and they're not out to hurt the humans and things like that. Mark just thinks she's wonderful. And that's one of the ones I want to have tea with because she's still alive. Merrily: Yes. And folks, again, I have a stone glyph of her kind in ancient Egypt.

Jo Ann: Well, the picture I have is like a little carving, and it's called Lion Man found in a cave in southern Germany. So that's the one I use in my presentation. So maybe you have an additional one. The point is, Mark has said if somebody's way, way back then hundreds or thousands of years ago, you usually are only going to carve what you see. So you probably wouldn't have carved a big cat or a stone cat if you hadn't seen a big cat walking around. So I just love that. Yes, because you can't relate or struggle through history with relating to something

that they don't even know exists, because the brain doesn't have a previous pattern for it, right? So it gets as close as it can, but it usually puts it in a human form or interpretation. We talked last time about the Canonians and the picture I have makes them look like they're a hound dog. I don't know if they're that much. I don't know how Hound Doggy they look. But anyway, the description of them doesn't make them sound like a hound dog. Merrily: Yes, on my shout out that I send my email list and also in the further YouTubes and also on the News for the Soul page, there is a picture of a Canonian that gives credit to, which is pretty close to what they look like because they have smaller ears than the hound dog. Yes, so people can get a sense of it there. Jo Ann: So cool. Yes. Who would you like me to talk about next? The war Beatles. Merrily: How about clicker, the war Beatle?

Jo Ann: Well, the war Beatles are a cool Beatle species. They have a caste system. And how big you are relates to where you fall in the realm of things. And they're a hive like society. So they have six legs, they're like insects, they have biting mouthparts. Their front wings are modified to form horny wing covers and the full grown queen is the size of a five ton truck. Merrily: Oh my God, Yes, they're huge. Jo Ann: The queen is huge. The prince or a warrior would be the size of a half-ton pickup truck. So that's probably like clicker. The drones and the maids are the size of a compact car. Now they're so heavy that they don't fly and they expend a lot of energy and most of them don't fly much, but most of the dronesVand the maids can't fly at all. Now, what's interesting is the image I use for clicker comes from some online video game with a character in there called Clicker. Hmm, I wonder where

they got that name. Merrily: Let's let people know Jo Ann about the video games, how that's part of disclosure and they've had actual super soldiers in there. They used actual names and all of that. Jo Ann: So I don't know a lot of details behind that. But I do find it's interesting and I used to glimpse at the games that my grandchild would play and it's like, oh, look at what you're fighting and things like that. Well, one interesting thing about clicker is and hopefully we'll get to the story is, again, they're warriors but I don't think they go around looking for a fight. But if they have to defend themselves, they can belch superheated plasma out of their throat. Think dragon. Merrily: Oh, that's wild. Do they come from a dragon ancestry? That's wild. Jo Ann: I don't know. It just reminds me of the dragons breathing fire. But the warrior class, I don't know if they all can, but the warrior class, they can belch hot plasma at you to cut you down to size or get rid of you. Merrily: It actually puts a hole in you. Yes. Whoa.

Jo Ann: Yes. Another one that was there that fascinates me is called a Vaporwisp. And they are another communal like being. So I don't know

what they would look like if it was just one unit. But as a unit they look like a cloud. And an image I have in my presentations is at the time of the Pitt conference.. If you remember us talking about Prince Naga, who's a raptor, he was meeting with a Viperwisp ambassador in some building in Italy because Naga was interested in building or starting some kind of hospital or medical facility where different species could be to be treated. And it would be right off of a right off of Venice. Anyway, the Vaporwisp is really cool, but what I love about them is that they understand the fabric and science of time. They're like quantum experts and their exits on dark matter and they can interact with it. And so a lot of equipment used by our human scientists in the early 21st century was developed using information from them and from a military report I will quote, “While the Vaporwisp looks to be a little more than a two meter long cloud of smoke, they are, in fact, close to being a truly quantum creature in that they seem to be able to feed off dark energy and in the moments of panic or need can slide between dimensions.” Now, I had an interesting experience pre-COVID. I used to be part of a group that meets with a person who acts as a channeling medium, and we would bring in different deceased people or other non-human entities and just have an educational conversation, a meeting with them. And so one of the times this this being like a representative of this group, came in and we're talking and I like to sit next to where the medium sits. And then the energy was so strong and that really helps me confirm that, validate that there's somebody coming through here. And we're talking because the hosts of the meeting called this being a different name than I know “You really sound like what I know is the Vaporwisp.” And he goes, “Yes, we go by that name, too and yes, we know your husband.” I was like, It was pretty cool. But anyway, he explained more about their species, which is what you and I love. They have emotions of love and compassion. They're extremely curious. They never war with each other. They see each other as equals. They have five sexes. Their first space travel was 50 million years ago. They love to tinker with things. The connection to source is their focus. They can get a black hole to cooperate, whatever that means. They're always on the lookout. Yes, I know. They're always on the lookout for aligned energy. They're from far outside our galaxy, and they believe that human consciousness has to change. So that was so cool for me to be able to sit right next to the entity coming through our channeling person. And it's just beautiful, strong

energy. It was fabulous. Merrily: It was a lovely story. Jo Ann: Yes. And it's really nice when I can have the experience. And it's not just me repeating what Mark has reported to us. So it's another level of validation for me. I love it. Another interesting creature that wasn't necessarily at the exit conference or we didn't I never heard about it was something called a Flatlander. And these are one dimensional. They're from a one dimensional world. And together the only way they can visit our world is to work together as a group. And they communicate through ESP. They are very friendly. They have no self-ownership, they are not greedy. They operate with the communal mind and they actually helped later with one of the problems that were happening, like right as the conference was going to be happening. So they helped us with that. But it's interesting, the image I have from that, it almost looks like and I've never seen The Matrix, but it kind of reminds me of that kind of image and it's like an almost like a net, but they can, they can form shapes and things like that. So it's just there's so many different kinds of species out there that who would know. Who would think of that? So that was pretty cool. Then let's see, who else do we have? There's many oceanic species that live here in our oceans, and there's oceanic type species that live in space. And there were two such species that came. But I don't really have any details on them, so I've got to have more conversations with who I was talking to about that. Merrily: We've only covered the ones that were on Earth. Right. And a lot of those came back to the second conference. Right. So you're saying these are two new ones that live in space? Jo Ann: Yes. Some of those some of those ones from the exit conference did come to the Pitt conference. But there were apparently some that don't live on earth that came from space because there are planets and other places where it's very watery. And where are my notes in that one? I have to tell you about this one. Trust me, if you could see my desk right now. I talked to Mark's dad. You Mark's dad is deceased. And I'm not ashamed to say I talked to dead people or live people. They are alive. They're just not in this realm at the moment. But we

have conversations regularly, and he's been, because I can't readily talk to Mark. I mean, Mark and I used to have weekly conversations like this, and I can't do that because I can't see him face to face, hardly ever, at the moment. But anyway, Mark's dad was telling me about a species called the Thelarians or the Telarians from somewhere in the Andromeda area. They're not Andromedans. But anyway, and he said they're like a stalk of celery with eyes, and they're very water based and they love water. And he said, If you can remember the movie Abyss, where the creature just kind of like, leans over, but it's like this big, like an appendage of water, like leaning over to, like, kiss that person or touch that person. It's kind of like that. But he said they were really cool. He really liked them. And there were some. Yes, it's amazing. He said there were some ETs from a Sagittarius cluster, but he didn't really give me a lot of information about that. So those were those were some highlights.

Merrily: Of course, we always have Flyer who is an artificial intelligence, right? Jo Ann: Flyer. I almost forgot about him because Mark met him at the exit conference. And what's interesting about Flyer is he can add things to his exterior. So I don't know how big he is now, but his size can grow because he'll just go around and he'll find things that interest him and he can add them to his exterior being. And he's pretty amazing. He's definitely a friendly, helpful AI. He's not somebody with a negative agenda towards us and Merrily: Tell them how to tell the people how they're used as translators, etc., etc. at the conferences. Jo Ann: Well, I can't remember if Flyer was used as a translator. You tend to remember different details than I do, which is great because that helps us both fill in the gaps. But I know elementals, the fairy realm. The elementals are often used as translators. I can't remember if Flyer could have been it, I'm sure they do use AI for translations. And then the Grays are often used as translators. So I don't remember if flyer was being used as a translator. But he did go and spy on what people say. I want to be the fly on the wall in that room. Flyer could go around and pick up bits of information of different people's conversations and go report it back to Mark and his friends, Mark and his dad so that was pretty cool. And that's similar to the elementals, the difference being I seem to remember just a little side story here. It's only one sentence is that key another shall we just say negative or regressive species have their own artificial intelligence robot flying around and so Flyer went over there and disconnected him. Persepolis, as far as I know as well as many places on the earth and it's what many of the “ wars” going direct stuff are about is a lot about stargates opening, closing, controlling them all these ancient places, right? So I'm just filling that in for the audience. So Persepolis has a stargate and also other portals were opening up. Merrily: So do you want to tell us a couple portal stories? Jo Ann: I don't ever remember Mark saying anything about there being a bunch of portals at Persepolis, but apparently their work because his dad did confirm that there's two or three and I'm sure I don't know which species used which ones I couldn't tell you where at Persepolis, they were. He said the spacebased oceanics that came definitely came through a specific portal. And again, I don't really know what they look

like. And the other portal story I have is when there was a major death threats going or there was a major death threat planned to wipe out the conference, if not the whole Earth. That was happening right at the beginning of the conference. So that involved a portal. I don't know if you want that story now or later. Merrily: Yes, go ahead and share the news. This was the neutron bomb? Jo Ann: The neutron bomb during that would have taken the entire planet out. So that's an important story to share. So one night before, I think was the day or so before the conference and one night Mark was he called a dream walking you can call it astral traveling, he spied a ship in the Andromeda galaxy that was waiting to launch a probe. It would be a worm generating torpedo that swallowed a neutron star and it was hurled towards Earth. And it took them till the next day to get to it. So you had all these security personnel at the conference had to scramble so human and nonhuman were scrambling to their ships. Mark got a cool raptor ship that he's going to fly. And his first mate or whatever you want to call it named Lucky as a raptor. And what's cool is the Flatlanders just basically come through the nose of the ship to help them because they can help them. So lots of things going on the there's an active portals at Gobekli Tepe of Turkey. So there's a portal there, the elementals have the ability to open the portals, so they were going to open the portals, and then the Canonians were going to open a Stargate, which you could use and then you would attach a wormhole to the portal and open the Stargate and it would be big enough for the interceptors to go through. And you've got a lot of background security things happening and whatever. And what's interesting is at the time the military knew so much more about space and what was out there than obviously they were going to let on to us. There were already bases on Mars at the time. And those had important tracking stations so you could tell exactly where this bomb was going or coming. And so there was there were a lot of things going on. And from the report, it said the desert came alive with numerous ships, the majority were Raptor moon storms made of programmable matter so they could change shape and form as needed. Their primary role was a flying interceptor. Marks Raptor buddy Lucky would be his Raptor engineering officer. The cockpit was full of wonderful advanced technology, and his ship was customized for a proven pilot to find it. So imagine that the males are all getting ready. And the Raptors do use females in their military missions and whatever.

But okay, so primarily, the males are going up to their toys and their ships, and they're going to go take care of things. A lot of the women including Titania, they're in their tents or whatever upset because their men are leaving, and in comes the Flatlanders, and they're consoling the women. And they offered to help. And so they were able to help with wormholes and, and things like that. So they could take themselves and enter Mark’s ship. So that was pretty cool. So this whole adventure of dealing with the neutron bomb, so that it doesn't decimate the planet. You're dealing with wormholes and wormhole technology, and how do you navigate that? And then what do you do with the bomb when you get to it? And how do you travel in a wormhole? In which directions do you go and thankfully, and I don't know how many species have advanced technology and understand wormhole travel. The raptors are really good at it. They're not going to share it with us, but they're very familiar with using wormholes and dimensional tubes. Well, what was interesting is, and this is what gets me because I'm reading about my husband doing this stuff, they're in their ships, and they have to go through the portal that the elementals in the Canonians are holding, and basically your ships are in air and then they go like straight down, because the portal is just a few feet above the surface of the Earth, nose down, just like you're going to dive into the dirt, basically. And of course they don't crash, they go through the portal and they go to where they have to go. And you think your husband is going to just smash his ship, like into the dirt. But of course, that doesn't happen. And so with the help of the Flatlanders, and the elementals, and the Canonians and all the aliens, of course, it was a success, and they were able to divert the neutron bombs that went out a different wormhole, and unfortunately, it probably blew something else up. But Earth was saved, and the conference was able to take place. So I mean, it's just, that's just the stuff out of movies as far as I'm concerned. Merrily: Well, Yes, and this is considered a kamikaze suicide mission remark. People have to realize that this kind of neutron bomb, a lot of species are not allowed to use, it's considered a major romp room for obvious reasons that puts holes in space and destroys, blah, blah, blah. So, Yes. And what I would like people to realize is this kind of stuff is going on forever across history during their entire lifetimes in the

background, and while we're going twiddle dee through life. Jo Ann: I tell people they're species who don't like us. But it's interesting, because a few years later, Mark is involved with another mission out in space they're defending the planet, and I know people think I'm joking about this stuff, but it's like, this is 1976 while this mission in space is happening to defend the planet and all of humanity, I'm participating in a church Dance Festival on Earth, with no clue that there's this space battle going on. So, people, we don't understand what the military and our space allies have done to save our butts many times in the higher Secret Space Forces. Merrily: So that'll probably send us to part three with more stories, because I think there's just so much fun if you want to, I think we might have room for one quick one. So instead of the buzzers should be talking about the Raptor egg hatching? Or what do you think? Jo Ann: Oh, sure. Yes, we can save the buzzers for next time. And thank you for pulling the code out for me. So we can go into the details about this later. But one of the logistical issues was, what do you do before the conference with all the families of the delegates and the ambassadors who come to the conference? So Prince Naga is a Raptor. He's got a harem of many female mates and lots of children and what do you do with them? How do you entertain them? Where do you keep them? So they were lodged at different manor houses, different castles around England and entertained and Mark’s partner, girlfriend, whatever, whatever you want to call Titania and her sisters, one of their responsibilities was to basically entertain and host this Raptor harem and it's interesting because at one place they were staying suddenly you're Sudeley castle, and I didn't look up exactly where in England it is probably in the Cotswolds I think as well. Okay. Anyway, and so I guess while they were there, you had had some eggs that were going to be hatched and in your shout out images, you've included that image.

And it's the sweetest image of seeing little Raptors being hatched. And so it was that image that people can see. Yes, he's really good. So from Mark's report, it says it had not been an easy weekend, especially when an entire clutch of raptor eggs had started to hatch, unable to build a fully protected nest quickly enough. The older females had thought it best to take the eggs to a stall in the nearby stables when the time came. The heaters they brought almost set the hay on fire, but the rest of after cleaning quickly went well enough. That's great. You're having a birthday and you've got to keep things from catching on fire and the Raptor children, who knows, they're probably running around all excited. The big problem was to keep all of the young female Have Raptors away from the eggs until they were fully hatched. Female raptors are natural mothers and even in three year olds, this instinct is so strong that even in their training, which is you must not help the baby fight its way out of the egg, it must do it on its own to be strong, it gets forgotten and they will try to help even though you're not supposed to. And the younger males, the problem is trying to keep them from eating the babies when they're born. So the little females could get quite nasty. The little gangs of sisters can even turn an older Raptor male around if they were aggressive enough. Over the ages, Raptor females have

learned to be very aggressive.

So Lady Elizabeth Ashcombe is the wife of the owner of the castle. And she had been granted the honor of watching the hatching and taking part in a group hum to assure and welcome the babies into the world. So there's a lot of time spent sitting on the eggs before they're born and humming to them and really having a connection with them before they're born. And it's a huge honor for those babies to be allowed to be born on Earth because that is their mother world. To add to the excitement came the added good news that all the eggs hatched and seemed to be exceptionally healthy babies. God help you if you are born a runt. You're usually killed if you're a runt. This was a good omen for the Raptors. It was powerful sorcery and they do have their sorceresses. The entire outlook of her guests interested Elizabeth Lady Ashcombe including their outlook on humans. She was interested in the questions concerning consciousness and souls of creatures like the Raptors. For much of the afternoon she had been enchanted and occasionally held back laughter at the charmingly a little Raptor female was translating in English to her what the other female rappers were singing softly to the eggs. Oh, isn't that cute? Or they were singing to the eggs about all the

things they've seen around the Cotswolds. And the longer she was around them, the more she realized how advanced they were. At first, it was all too easy to pass the big dinosaurs off as some sort of half wild, clever predator that wasn't at all bright and by human standards seems a little childish. But she learned that the basic idea of consciousness may not be the same for all intelligent species. Consciousness was frequently argued by a number of alien cultures, each suggesting its own brand of consciousness was the only real form that mattered. They felt as if a creature like a human could not enter easily interact with Oceanics from its own world, or slightly out of standard accepted time phase. Did that mean that those creatures, the humans, were not fully conscious of their surroundings? The quality of consciousness became another argument of importance in treaty negotiations. Merrily: Oh my god. So we're going to have to do part three with more stories. But I would love you to answer this. We were talking about the Raptors. And, by the way, that last story came from the first treaty convention, but it was so beautiful that I wanted to include that. And we were talking about the quality of consciousness became another argument of importance in treaty negotiations. Like it's happening on Earth right now, where people are realizing more and more and more the quality of consciousness, consciousness-assisted technology, and that science and spirituality are exactly ended up being married. So with that in mind, with the quality of consciousness in mind, our Raptor friends who by the way, folks live to 400 to 500 years old, have an esteemed Senator named Maca, who eloquently expressed the Raptor spiritual beliefs. So Jo Ann, you want to share that? Jo Ann: I do and Senator Maca, who is still alive. He was 300 years old at the time of this conference. And he gave an eloquent speech at the conference and part of his speech is this passage that I love: “The galaxy's great spiritual thinkers from every sentient species have taught the wisdom of seeing beyond any appearance of lack or limitation because they recognize the natural perfection at the heart of all life. They saw the greatest possibilities. They knew that wholeness, beauty, peace and harmony were always present and would express if recognized and embodied. These spiritual masters saw their world with eyes of wonder and awe, even if they had no eyes. They teach us that each of us lack for nothing. Each of us is part of the universe so abundant that it is impossible to count or comprehend the reach and

richness of it. Infinite means never ending, never ceasing, always replenished, always greater and more beyond imagining. You have access to the infinite. Your nature is part of the Divine and the Divine is ever giving, ever pouring forth of anything and everything that is needed. The universe would not exist if it were not a self-sustaining and continuously expanding universe, a system. Each sentient life is part of this system and you partake of this nature and composition, like the water that makes up most of the human body, the infinite abundance of the universe is inherent in and as you. There can be no separation or a cancelling out, a defeating of both would have happened and nothing would exist.” I love that. Merrily: Beautiful. Oh, boy, well, may we all remain open and humbled by the brilliance and many other species and extend ourselves with higher wisdom. And my wish is embracing all races of humans as one, as well as respect even if you don't initially like them all ET species as unique creations of oneness. So going forward with this attitude, will literally open doors to that which is and has always been your birthright, which is to become once again, a conscious member of our extended galactic community with universal life forms. So Jo Ann and I are sharing this with you today so that your brains continue to expand into greater knowingness and you open your heart to a life of awe and wonder resting fearless in the truth of your being as an infinite, immortal creator. So that's my input. So Jo Ann, do you want to share again, your contact and a little bit about your new book? Where can people reach you? Jo Ann: Sure, okay for my nonprofit Earth Defense headquarters, the website is My new book is now out on the market. It's called Midlife Magic. It is my memoir, my childhood, my marriages, how I met my husband and how I got into all these cool topics about magic and UFOs and aliens and the paranormal and the elementals and it's on many ebook sites. So if you just Google Midlife Magic by Jo Ann Richards, if what you want is an ebook there's several sites that are selling it. I have ordered a box of books so that I'm taking pre-orders you can email me at [email protected] If you want to order it that way and soon enough the print books are being now offered to retailers to pick up and carry. We have birthed a book. Merrily: Oh, boy, that was a good feeling. Yes, and maybe easier than birthing hundreds of clutches of eggs.

Jo Ann: True, but I'll tell you this, it took me, I thought this would wouldn't take long at all, but it's definitely taken almost a full two years from writing. The writing didn't take that long but the getting it all edited and tweaked and fine-tuned and learning about the nuances of self-publishing. And no wonder people try to hold out for a publisher It's crazy but people are already ordering from me so it's very exciting and I'm very proud of my new baby. Merrily: Before we close Jo Ann, I just want to know, of course, Maca’s close that you shared in his speech gives people a huge sense and boy I have certainly learned because I used to be extremely judgmental and still can be and boy have an eye with first appearances so if you want to go see what these Raptors look like go watch Jurassic World, which is really movie about Mark but it's really over simplified. And it is not depicting how brilliant the Raptors are. So it's always a good reminder whether we're dealing with other humans. The other thing is I just recently talked to a super soldier. And I said there were certain things coming down that I already have warned in previous shows that may be happening. And when you're facing a predator that may be used to, shall we say, eating you or having you for lunch, what is the most important thing to do and he shared with what I got in a dream. He said the most is to learn to master your fear, but the most important is not talk to the other beings, but telepathize, in other words, send the messages in your brain, that you have highest respect for the species, and you are grateful and honor them. And he any said that will be what keeps you alive. Not always, or whatever. And I thought it's a good reminder. Jo Ann: Right, because the other the other point is from the exit conference, Mark learned that some of the scariest looking beings are the friendliest. The other thing is, if you don't know how to say, “Hello, how are you? I want to be your friend”, you could start a galactic war, because you might talk to them, and you've totally insulted them. So I love that thought about just communicating to them telepathically, as best you can because otherwise, you could say the wrong thing. And you think you're saying “hello, I'm a friendly being”, but you're telling them they're a stupid cuckoo head for showing up on Earth instead. Merrily: Exactly, exactly. And so everyone can telepathize. You send pictures, is basically how you do it, because these advanced species are psionic. So everybody, I think what we're going to do is do a part three in two weeks, if you're willing to do that, Jo Ann and we will finish up some of the key stories and some fun, okay, more things. And those of you who are interested, please contact Earth Defense Headquarters and

order this online, because it's just amazing documentation and incredible information, and share with your family and kids. And remember also, when kids are first introduced to other species, which was exemplified by Mark and Titania introduced to the Raptors and the Mantids, They had no fear and got along fine. So right, it's the adults that are the problem. So anyway, that’s all I will say. Jo Ann: Oh, I was just going to say really quickly, I don't think the Pitt report is listed on my product lists on website because like most of those I used to just mail out but they're too big to print and mail. But you can't they can be ordered and they're all digital. So you just definitely have to email me and say that's what you want. And then we go from there. Merrily: So we're out of time. So thank you for joining us and all shows are available, and also will be in my archives and supersouls YouTube channel. So until two weeks onward and upward friends take care. Thank you Merrily lives at Jo Ann has digital files of the conferences for sale at: $25 for partially completed volume

Upright Canines & 7 other ET Species Meet Humans at 2nd Iran Interstellar Treaty Convention in 1971 - Part 3 Merrily: Welcome everyone to part three with guest, Jo Ann Richards, who will be sharing more amazing stories that occurred with humans and extraterrestrials at the interstellar treaty convention in Persepolis, Iran in 1971. You will hear about one of my favorite fantastic cat species that flies is that they first met at a convention in Vesta and owl wait until Jo Ann tells you all about that. Jo Ann is a journalist and executive director of Earth Defense Force Headquarters. Her husband, Captain Mark Richards, US Navy and his father, Ellis Lloyd Richards, Jr, Air Force Major were soldiers in a top level military Space Command that performed intelligent operations since World War Two. Many special operations included on-world and off-world contact with multiple humanoid and nonhumanoid species that are and have ever been present throughout our solar system, galaxy and universe. They oversaw security as hundreds of human dignitaries and 200 ET species at this Persepolis treaty convention. To give you an idea of what Mark's father with young Mark's help, of course, had to organize orchestrate and protect. Here's a brief description in Mark’s own words, “The best security organizations in the world came to protect the location and the on-world and off-world guests that would be there. IS had over 100 agents embedded in the Imperial Household and the another 100 agents among the private bodyguards of guests, plus another 40 are mingling with the troops of the Iranian security men. The Persepolis Iran location was picked because it was isolated. And this can be tightly guarded to protect many of the Earth's leaders, and important other off-world dignitaries.” So hopefully, most of you have listened to part one and two, and thus have been introduced to some of our galactic off-world and on-world ET species. Those on my email list have already received the shout out that has pictures of the species, many of which Jo Ann's husband Mark drew himself, and I'm very appreciative of receiving those. Please feel free to go to my SuperSoulSolutions Youtube channel where I have worked long and hard to include many drawings, pictures and actual photos for you all to see as you rewatch parts 1, 2, and 3. So with that, welcome back, Jo Ann. Jo Ann: Thank you happy to be here.

Merrily: Oh, I'm so glad. So we didn't get a chance in the end of part two, to discuss the outcome the important outcomes for us humans, that resulted from the Persepolis are what we short cut by the word conference ET meetings. So would you like to share those outcomes with our audience?

Jo Ann: Sure, I'll share what I know because as we've said before, I don't have the full report, because Mark never has had time to finish it. But anyway, it was made really clear to us that we need to reach a certain level of conscious development in order to be part of the galactic community. As I've mentioned, in the other two parts, most off-world species did not see humans, at least in those earlier years, as sentient beings, because there are civilizations are so much older and more advanced than we are. It's important to know that every species has something to offer. So they were still they were willing to give us a chance and see if we could continue to develop. And the majority of those attending didn't want to give up on us. And one of the major outcomes that I always remember is that we were ordered not to go back into space. So I think our last moon mission was 1972. And I think that the astronaut, I remember who wrote a book about this, and I met him was Gene Cernan. That was 1972. And I believe it was the Reptoids, who told us not to go back. But it could have been a number of species who

just jointly agreed to tell us not to go back. And then of course, the ban for no open communication between civilians and non-human species was still in place. So that started in 1961 and was in place for 50 years and then it's renewed so that's definitely still in place. So there's those are the major things that I take away from the conference at this point. Merrily: Well, those were all major and especially it makes sense. For anyone who's been following about, “oh, why didn't we go to the moon” or “why have we gone back” and while and as some of the super soldiers on my show have talked about, well, there's Mantids on the moon and Draco's were on the moon and insectoids were on the moon. So, yes, I guess we weren't back then. Jo Ann: And by 1971, we knew that there were numerous nonhuman species that had bases on the Dark Side of the Moon that we just never see. And they didn't want us going there. They weren't real happy. I think we went to the moon in the first place. But so a large a large part of the major discussion on one of the committee meetings that was really important was that they wanted to know what our intentions were. And they wanted us to treat the moon well, because it's full of resources. So there was a big concern among the alien species about what would happen if we continued to go out into space, and go to the moon? So humans have so much drama, and they really didn't want us taking all our drama out into space? Merrily: What do you mean, they have their own drama. You believe the attitude of Let's play plant our American flag, hahaha like, we're going to own the moon it's the best approach. Jo Ann: I'm sure if we went to the dark side, we see lots of flags flying Merrily: That's for sure, just for the humans to understand, because they're very confused about how this could be kept secret for so long and part of that will be understanding late going through some of the radio shows and understanding how advanced the scientific technology is for all the species and how they can cloak themselves, etc, etc, etc. Jo Ann: It also speaks to there are many species who do want like disclosure and stuff and who do want to work with us. So it's not that everybody doesn't want to work with us. There's many that want to start interacting with us. So we just have to be good neighbors. Merrily: That is a really important point. Oh, okay. Yes. So, let's, we

started to introduce the species called the giant war beetles, Yes, we love them, the queen. Yes. So clicker, and I know you have a lot of information on that so people can go back to part two to listen. And what would you like to share? Because I'm sure there's at least one fascinating story about clicker the war beetle. Jo Ann: Right. And, well, again, the war beetles they have a caste system and they're an insect species. But the smallest one is like the size of a probably a Volkswagen Beetle car and the Queen could be the size of like a five ton truck are no fun. So they vary in size and they don't really fly. But they've got they do have wings if they don't really fly they one of the caste is a war Beetle, so they're there and it's not like they're violent and going around starting wars and everything but they can defend themselves and they can defend against enemies, if needed be and one of my favorite stories was we talked about the cat species with Contessa Leona. They look like Panthers and they walk upright. And so Clicker was working before the conference started. Clicker was working with Contessa Leona at one of her digs. The war beetles can be very dangerous, but they cannot be corrupted. They can dig like high speed bulldozers and we can see they're thinking and they're smart and they're very zen like so they do have a spiritual belief system so that's cool, but it's one of my favorite stories is at the site there were 12 quadruped robots that started to attack. Check them off. And clickers team was able to destroy them quickly in less than a minute or about 60 seconds because they can belch ike heated plasma from their throats. Think of it, think of a dragon spewing fire out of its throat. They can belch heated plasma out of their throats and the enemy's done in 60 seconds. So that was just the other story I wanted to share with you. Merrily: Oh my goodness, do we know who sent the robots? Which group? Jo Ann: I don't know who sent the robots. Yes, but they definitely weren’t wanted. Okay, so what Contessa was looking for was proof that we were indigenous, or whoever. There were nine species coming to the conference, who all said that they created humans and they said they wanted to be the God of this planet and rule the planet, and Contessa Leona's job before the conference was to go around and find evidence that basically we were indigenous, that basically none of those species created us. Various species, perhaps enhanced us so that we'd be able to thrive on this planet. But she did find evidence that no one of them created us. Merrily: Now, I promised everyone that we would talk about the four-

foot giant bee buzzers and how, okay, the attendees live during the convention. And it's such an amazing story. So if you want to share that, I would love that. Jo Ann: And what is delightful is I did have a little chat with Titania, who was there, and she would have been an early 20s by them. And, and she had her oldest child was like a baby at the time. Anyway, but it was her task and one of her sisters, at least one of her sisters, and they were entertaining and hosting several of the Raptor families that perhaps the male Raptors were attending as delegates to the conference. So she had charge of, well supposedly charged, it was her job to entertain them and move them around to different locations if that was needed, but they were at one place called the Sudeley castle. And, and there was this attack on them. And what was interesting I asked her and the thing to know is she is deceased. And I talked to her through a channeling medium. So it's all very exciting for me, but you have to get somebody else's perspective that was there besides just listening to my husband talk about it, even though he has her diaries, so that's pretty cool. Anyway. But she said she felt really helpless. Because imagine these centipede creatures coming to attack but what was interesting is and it's funny because like I said her job was to take care of the Raptors, especially the little raptor children and, and they thought it was really funny that humans would be able to take care of them. And they come out of their eggs, learning how to defend themselves pretty much. And their bodyguards were always in the background and the Raptors are so smart, and they can take care of themselves very well. But this was basically to give the moms a break so they could go shopping, or at least get away from their kids for a little while, because moms no matter what species they are, just need a break. So what's interesting is the young Raptors, they can smell their enemy long before it ever gets there. And the centipede creatures have sent out some scouts and the young male Raptors, saw this, the scout, and was kind of following it. And they've got like 100 legs, not the Raptors that the centipede and 30 feet long. Yes, they're huge. They're here, like for size, a horse size and like 1000 pounds and this centipede gets up to the building and the Raptors, the children, the male Raptors, that we're following it. They were so excited to play heroes, and they jumped through the windows into the castle where maybe people were having dinner or just enjoying the evening, whatever. And they set off the alarm that these creatures

were coming to attack them, and the centipede would have been brought there by themselves. They couldn't I don't think they could do travel through wormholes, and I don't know if they have so I don't know. where they came from and I don't know who brought them there but somebody else brought them there. And like I said, the males were very sensitive to them and they felt a vortex open up and then they found out this scout was coming and they could smell the enemies. And it was huge. But now the interesting thing is and we're going to find out about the big cool buzzer bee things. The centipedes, which were called assassinapedes, were ancient enemies of the buzzers. So I didn't know that. And the centipedes were a big delicacy to the buzzer, so they didn't mind helping us. And at one point, the Raptors had helped the buzzers at some point these giant bee four foot tall buzzers are a giant like a giant honey bee. So the centipedes are these amazing killing machines. They have poison. And they can like grab you and poison you. There. They have a natural force field and this with these fat, they have fangs. And I'm not describing him as well as Titania, but they've got things they hate everything. They're used to their natural planet is heavier than Earth. So it was it was really interesting. Anyway, so a bunch of them were going to be coming. And their plan was to attack and kill everybody. They're also covered with a hard armor. And so what was what was interesting is the buzzers happened to be at another nearby castle because they were setting up some kind of lightning or something. Yes, they were setting up a satellite system or something. And we can get to that in another page. But they must have sensed the call or and they knew about some rogue spaceships that had landed. So they were on the alert. Anyway, they get to Sudeley castle and they were able to, like grab ahold of the centipede and disrupt their energetic field somehow. And basically just because they had this like electric force field, and they could it took two of them to kill them. But they would somehow like disrupt their energy force field and then kill them. Amazing. So let's not show without reading the long pages. Right, right. Merrily: Mark said they all burn in pain immediately. And the whole thing was over. super quick. So yes, evidently these giant buzzers have a history of being able to manipulate you should it look like lightning going through the air, kind of. Jo Ann: I would have thought okay to insects you got dinner or your friend and you just go at it, but it was the whole it was a whole energy field type thing. That was so like the lightning does play into that it

was it was more the energetics that they were disrupting. that amazed me. And one thing that Titania was saying, and it's probably in again, because Mark was using Titania’s diaries when he wrote his report, but she was saying it was so cute because the Raptors, the young Raptor males formed this defensive like circle around the women and the children. It was really interesting to get her perspective on that whole thing.

Merrily: Evidently that was the first time Mark said they had heard about that the buzzers existed but no one ever knew about them. And they just showed up and have chips and time right display like a power right. And then I guess we were able to work out a treaty afterwards to with them. Jo Ann: And the other thing she as a witch had tried to use her magic and her ability for mind control and spells on the centipede things and I think she even had a gun with her but none of that was going to work on them. And so then like you've already said probably the buzzers, and they look like a honeybee. They're over four feet tall or about four feet tall. They've got two strong back legs, two toes on each foot and two fingers on each hand or pong. They're covered with a soft black fur with yellow stripes to show that show their family and their bloodline so, so that's pretty cool. Merrily: Like something out of Disneyland.

Jo Ann: Yes, and that was it. It does look like a Disney character. So yes, it was pretty funny, but that was kind of horrendous. It was just terrifying. Thankfully, the buzzers were superior to the assassinapedes, and the Prince of the buzzers, Prince Red Black, and there's a string of numbers. He and Titania hit it off instantly. So that was pretty cool. He was very fascinated with this female and her magic and her scent and all that cool stuff. So, yes, that was what I love about these reports. They're so full of extra stuff I would just think of okay, just tell me what happened at the conference. But like I said before, they're like us. The report starts probably like two weeks before the conference on everything that was going on before and who's all involved and all that stuff. So amazing. Jo Ann: Exactly. It is, and so we probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the giant buzzers, because Titania, who's from a royal witch line and was, shall we say, a partner of Mark at the time. And so she was trained in all kinds of abilities and she had a dagger and all her abilities, just like you said, didn't work. And in less than a minute. this thing is writing in pain and dead. And the correlation, a little bit, is that super soldier, Captain Randy Cramer said that he was actually really scared when he would meet the assassinapedes, that some of the groups, which I won't mention, use them as bioengineered pets. Yes, a watchdog and he had to go to a meeting once and that watchdog was sleeping outside. Evidently they can rear way up and then they just come down on you with an open mouth. It's almost like those in that doom movie with the sandworms . Anyway, there's a correlation. I love having correlations from different people who don't know each other. Merrily: Thank you for that. That's fascinating. And let's talk about this wasn't so much at the Pitt conference. But I believe that they're one of my favorite species, and they're, they're the cat species. So do you want to talk about them? Jo Ann: Sure you the filosofi. Yes, in August of 1978. Mark, and our space fleet was called out to go into space. There was going to be some kind of alien conference out on the asteroid Vesta, I don't know much about what the plans were for the conference, because the whole incident took a different turn on his way to the conference. And Mark was commanding one of our big battleship space cruiser things. And on his way his ship encountered this wonderful new species, it was actually a first contact with this cat species. And just like in I

imagine on in the Star Trek TV show or the movies, this face comes on the screen of his in his command bridge, whatever you want to call up his command area. And if this cat and they're like, I don't know, seven or nine feet tall, they have lovely fur that they like to like go to the salon and dye into different colors and patterns and things. And they have some kind of wing that just comes out from under, if they raise their arm. It's like there's a wing in there. And it becomes a whole wing. And then they have some kind of like mustache. He said, not necessarily a mustache, but a kind of like a mustache above their lip.

But they communicate telepathically. They sing in this beautiful humming singing tone. And they're very, very good at ESP. And they can do like a mind meld a thing like Spock does on Star Trek. And anyway, they're very friendly. Mark and several of his team were able to go into their world. Their world is like a giant Dyson Sphere, I guess for lack of another thing, but and so they interacted and met them and they had some

experiences in the sphere. And then when Mark came back from that mission brought at least four of them with him. One is named Scarlet. And they became ambassadors here because somewhere in the southern hemisphere, there's, we'll just say an island that has several embassies for several species and that's where they live. And so I've never met them yet. I can't wait to meet them sometime. But obviously they were not at either of these two conferences that we've talked about so far, but I wouldn't be surprised if they've been at some later conferences. They sound delightful. Merrily: They do sound delightful and I'm trying to remember some of the things he might have added to that. I just love that they paint fur with different colors. Jo Ann: One of them even had her fur dyed in like a paisley pattern. And I think Scarlett, they call her Scarlett, because her fur was red, but I just love it. It sounds so cool. Like the Raptors, we talked about the Raptors, especially the females they love to have their, their claws painted, and have little designs painted on them and stuff. Merrily: So there you go. We think we think tattoos are a new thing. Right. Everybody decorates and sells? Right, exactly. He said they're carnivorous and they're very, very friendly and playful. And also the Secretary General wrote a report verifying their first contact with him, like you said on November 1 1979, and presented it to the UN. And they were known, just like you said, to fly. I got that image of those bats that have those wings kind of thing that they spread out with the orange, but they fly, they have their senses of hearing, smell and eyesight are really acute. And they believed that they had a radar ability as well as infrared vision. And they had these long tails that had motion centers on either side. And they use their tips to train your late prey when flying. And they also used it for a sexual mating ritual. So and they did count and didn't. Am I remembering this right? Were they able to tone and sound in a way that harmonized everything? Jo Ann: It could have been? Merrily: I have this thing that one of the, shall we say, more mischievous, lethal groups of ETs came across them. And they discovered through the sound that they were able to make and then no fear that they were dealing with a sentient species. Because a lot of species started off arrogant, like we did here on earth thinking we were the most sentient. So, for some reason, I have that memory.

And the other thing you're saying about the Dyson Sphere? Yes, the thing about that is they said, how they described it is the most unusual thing about that planet or sphere they lived in is they said literally everything else in creation revolved around their sphere. Jo Ann: That sphere stays there. It's not like it's the center of the universe or anything. But everything moves past it, because it just stays in one spot. So it's not orbiting anything. It just stays wherever it is and that's interesting. I don't remember any reports about them interacting with other species. So, but yes, they just sound fascinating to me and like I've said many times here on your show, and on an every other shows, like I would just love to have a big tea party with some of my favorite species, we all just hang out in the valley. Merrily: Now we know where the Mad Hatter and Alice all came from right. Okay and by the way countless details and many facts are found in the writings of Mark that we will tell you where to get towards the end of the show. I've read all of them so far, and now that we've kind of given hot to the cat species, we got to be fair, and talk a little bit more about our upright canine friends. The Canonians. So do you want to talk about Mona Beastia and Storm Paw a little bit? Are there any stories you know about them? Jo Ann: You're so good, you bring to mind several things that I tend to forget. I do know that the Canonians it's funny because they're the way it spells it makes it look like it's Canisian, I don't know. But Mark always calls them Canonians. So I guess the s in the middle is silent, but I don't know, that's just what he says. But Mona or Mona Beastia was their ambassador when he met their species. And like we said last time, or at the Exeter thing. They're a merchant species, they want nothing more to do than just buy and sell between different species. That's their whole thing. They're not trying to kidnap people and they're not trying to take over the planet, they would love for humans to be their customers. But that's not possible at this moment. They were allowed at the 1961 conference to establish a base somewhere in Australia, which is their base and they have a huge fleet from which they export bling and commodities to space. The other species out there love chocolate and Rolex watches and jewelry, and beautiful silks and things like that. So that's really cool. Mona in true dog fashion, she's got lots of little pups. And I believe her Storm Paw who's not a pup, he's longer he was a young pup the time of the 1971 conference, but I don't know if he's in charge of the

whole fleet. He might be in charge of the whole fleet at this point or in charge of one of their fleets, but he's definitely in charge of a major portion. He's an important part of their outfit or their business, but they basically are just business people. But they've been friends of humans on Earth for thousands of years. And they've got great medical knowledge. And they're our allies. They're fanatics about their food. They like only fresh food. They don't like anything that's processed. And so that's one of the reasons why they wanted a base in our solar system. But the other thing is our planet is situated in such a great location in our galaxy, for other beings coming and going. So we're in a great spot. And so they wanted a base so they could expand their trade opportunities. So the little pups, the dogs love to study the sky. So in the Canonians telescopes were traded to the Australian Government, and they liked to help all of the humans at the conference. There's one story I do remember. I think, when Mark first met little Storm Paw, Storm Paw was had come out of the restroom that he was using. I think he had toilet paper tracking. I think of these spaces as I don't want to be so arrogant as to call them people. But to me, they just don't look like us. But we're all equal. We're all just people for lack of a better word. We're being beings. Yes, we're all beings. To quote, Mr. Rogers, I guess it's “won't you be my neighbor,” I just want to be friends with the ones who want to be friends with us. And the dogs definitely want to be friends with us. So why not? But what I love too, about a lot of these species is education is really important to them. They love educating their young, and they love teaching them how to communicate with the humans and how to get along with other species, and how to be good ambassadors for their own species. So we could learn a lot from them. Merrily: Yes, and they're big on science, too, I think. Yes, that was a specialty. He ended up studying our sun because he was concerned about it. And now look what's happening solar flares and all kinds of things. So that's kind of interesting. Jo Ann: I’m sure Australia's glad to have them there, wherever they are. Yes, I know that there I'll just put there somewhere close to the Aborigines. And when the first human they met, there was an aborigine which I consider one of the really original humans on the planet. And of course, the Aborigines have rock art all over the place of all these species, just like many places do. And the Aborigines

didn't even think anything of it. They just said hi to each other. It's a good place to have their base on the Outback, because you don't have many curious tourists cruising around there Well, they're really sophisticated. They can just do so many things. They have two languages. Evidently, they speak in a mathematical bark system, and all kinds of different things. So we love it. Merrily: And it's funny, too. I've never heard of Mona’s husband. I don't know if she has one mate, or two or three. All I ever hear about is Mona and the kids. Jo Ann: Yes. Her name is Mona Beastia, by the way. Merrily: Yes, I don't know if they're monogamous or if they have a different mate for every litter of pups, or whatever. But another thing I'll have to ask, I guess. Jo Ann: Yes, I know. There's, there's so much when you're studying those. They also I think I mentioned this in part one, or we, we both mentioned this, but just so you get a sense of them. And again, there's for you to look at is I think they're over six feet tall and walking, and you already described 200 pounds frame, and they actually will wear brown silk hooded cloaks to cover their face, and they're able to get some cars into a building, without most people noticing, because we know why everyone's like got their eyes down looking at their cell phones. Merrily: And so many species are like that there are a lot of species who will cloak I mean, not cloak themselves as in making themselves invisible, but they'll wear a cape or a hooded outfit or whatever. And sometimes just for fun, different species pre COVID when there were comic cons, and Star Trek conventions, and all these cool conventions, where everybody was dressing up, many species could go to these things, and everybody just thought they had the best costumes. And it was actually they were just being themselves. Yes, but a lot of them will wear some kind of hooded cloak, so that you can't tell. And again, like even I'm Contessa Leanna, when she's walking towards you, especially if she's got a hooded thing on she looks rather human until you get up close and see the fur. But right. Yes, it's fascinating. Jo Ann: It is, and I know their nose, this particular species, their nose is only four to six inches. So from their eye socket, so it's not like they got a huge long nose. Right? Right. So be easy to do. Go to Las Vegas.

Merrily: Oh yes, they love to gamble. So, what, other things are there? Didn't you mention to me that there was a terrestrial interference occurring in one of the Galactic committee meetings? Jo Ann: I did. And I got this information. Well, yes, I got this information from Mark's dad. And he said that the committee meeting was called Terrestrial Interference in the Galactic Community. It lasted one and a half days, I think most committee meetings were only one day, but it was so well attended, it lasted one and a half days. And again, the nonhumans by 1971, we were traveling to the moon. I mean, we've been traveling to space into the moon since the 50s, if not a little earlier, but so they were well aware of our presence. But now that we were going to the moon regularly, like I mentioned, they want to know, what was our intention? What are we planning to do next? Were are we going to treat the moon well, because it's full of resources and space itself is full of resources. So are we going to stop at the moon? Or are we going to horn in on other species mining operations on other planets and asteroids and things like that? And again, as you and I've said, there were many species who had bases on the moon.

So it's like were we just going to go wreak havoc when we got there? And most people have, well, I don't know most people. There have been pictures shown like one of our early moon landings where the far sand dune or whatever it is it's been cropped off because there was somebodies ships in there. But there's so much upheaval here. And we have so much drama on our planet, they really don't want that out there. They have enough. They didn't want us exporting our division, because we're not a unified species here on this planet, and they just don't want us bringing that out there. But something must be shifting, because all of a sudden, we're talking about having moon missions again. So, again, there are beings who want disclosure, and who want interaction with the humans? I have no idea if the government's going to come through with disclosure like I think it was supposed to be this week. Who knows, I don't know.

Also, I was going to share a little bit. I know I mentioned a species called the Celerians from somewhere in the Andromeda area. They have a unique energy. They look like a big stalk of celery with eyes. And you had found an interesting image of what you thought might be one and it was yellow. Well, that looks that looks pretty cool. They love water. They smell like lemons. They're 7 to 9 feet tall. They don't sit at all, but they don't bend and sit like we would do. They get drunk if they drink like soda or caffeine drinks. I don't think they drink alcohol at all. They’ll drunk just on caffeine. Merrily: Well I get drunk = on caffeine. Caffeine is a drug, actually, because remember, the judge would get would get wired and kind of drunk on Orange Crush. Remember that? Jo Ann: I love that. But then kind of like in the movie Abyss, it's like, to me, it looks like Mercury, but like they can form themselves. And like, like, it looks like a big appendage of water. But it reminds me of Mercury. And just like come forward to you. They can extend themselves just this contained thing of water, and like kiss you or touch you or whatever. And they seem very friendly. So that's pretty cool. But I'd like to know more about them. I don't know a lot about them, but I've never heard about them before. So that's really that was really cool. They are really I was really interested in them.

Merrily: Oh, yes. And I included a picture from the Abyss in the YouTube probably got 50 pictures in there for people. So yes, love it, that is one of my favorites. So maybe we'll finish. Take a couple of minutes and explain. Didn't Titania have a fun time entertaining some of the young Raptors with her magical abilities that you're going to talk about? Jo Ann: Yes, I forgot to ask her how much magic was involved. But again, it was she and at least one of her sisters. It might have been more she had several sisters. They played hostess, to several of the alien groups and especially the Raptors. And you would have to find different places around England and they were mostly staying in southern England, like in the Cotswolds and whatever. You'd have to rent somebody's manor house or somebody’s castle and keep the public out. No public viewing today. But it's funny because she said young male Raptors are very, like aggressive and busy. They're like the little boys they're running around and using lots of energy. And so she had to keep him from hurting each other. That and she had a baby at the time, her Mark's son was a baby or a toddler. I don't know how old he was, but I think it was just a baby. And like one of the females Her name was Roccat. And she was four at the time, she was very interested in this human baby. And now Roccat obviously is grown and she's an important figure in the Raptors that work here on Earth. So it's pretty cool that Mark has known her all these years. But what's interesting as you have to be careful when the Raptors are like renting your house, because they've just so much damage and they don't mean to but you'll be lucky if you have any furniture leftover. And then they'll eat the wrong things and they love ice cream and Orange Crush will they'll get into the freezer and eat all your ice cream. And then they stay up all night and vomit all over them. And they had pet Triceratops so they were training their Triceratops and they love to play games. And they loved apparently they loved learning. So that was cool. They're highly educated. But Titania and her she reported that the young Raptors love to learn about the humans, they love to learn about our love for machines. They, they enjoy our TV, but they see no reason to invent the TV or build it. So like, they like to borrow technology from other species. If somebody else has got something that's cool, don't just borrow it, steal it, whatever. And now it's theirs. Merrily: We've become known as the engineers of the solar system at this point. We can remake and yes, so we came, we've come way up in most species estimations, because we almost raised our tech abilities to equal if not more, and we can back engineer anything, and

we can produce it very fast. So we have a lot of treaties going for that. So that's really helped us move kind of more equal back into the Galactic Family. Jo Ann: A lot of the treaties are deals with how much technology can we trade with you and for what So we, the humans, at least, a lot of us have a great relationship with the Raptor empire and they are our friends. And Titania loved being around them. And I know, Mark has loved being around them. I mean, Titania was so comfortable with them, she allowed them to be around her baby. And so yes, it's just really cool. Merrily: Well, thanks for sharing. I mean, boy, we could, we could have stories till midnight, but thank you so much. Jo Ann, for sharing yours. It's great. And where can people go to buy on the disk to learn more about these conventions and different things and different battles and different species? Because I've heard we're at least in active trade with over 900 species to this day. So and you all have a new book, don't you? Jo Ann: I do. So the nonprofit that has all these cool species reports about space, and all that good stuff. Is Earth Defense headquarters, the two websites are That has a video of one of my talks and information about the organization. The other one is And that has a list of the different reports. And if these depict reports on there, I'll need to add them and I apologize, but they are available, pretty much everything I have is available as a PDF so that I can send it electronically. Because we haven't been going to conferences. So it's not like I make a bunch of copies and have them sitting around and mailing them. And a lot of people from not outside the United States love the report. So it's easy to send them a PDF. They're very reasonably priced. Yes. So my new book is called Midlife Magic. And it is about my transformative journey from like being a middle class suburbanite to being an active Mormon for over 30 years and marrying, and then how I met my current husband, and how he introduced me to these wonderful fields of UFOs. And space and magic and Kryptos, I think it's a magic and I was already into the paranormal, but I got more into it after he and I met because of some of the places I was going to and some of the people I was meeting. So if you want a signed copy people can email me at [email protected] or it's on Amazon and Barnes and Noble if you just want a print, copy and don't want it signed, but if you get it from me, it's $15, including

shipping and if you get it from the other places, it's $9.99. So it's very reasonably priced, too. Merrily: Okay, well, thank you, Jo Ann. I'll certainly have you back for more fun, and in two weeks, I will have a wonderful guest Elena Danaan born in France and a graduate in archaeology at the Lourve University and worked for 20 years as a field archaeologist in Egypt, and she is also a direct emissary of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and came here as an awakener or to help and guide humanity to reconnect with their true nature and power and to embrace our sovereignty. I always pronounce that wrong sovereignty in this time of great awakening on Earth, Elena is in direct contact with her protector commander Thor Han Eredyon on a fifth dimensional Pleiadian, who is one of thousands of benevolent members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. And she will be discussing current updates on what is happening in what is often referred to as Earth Liberation, which is happening now and guide you to the next level of consciousness evolution, so that we can once again enter the larger galactic family as equal beings, free and knowing no fears or limits, which is our true self. So when you have a chance, go back to SuperSoulSolutions, YouTube to see the pictures, places and species that we've been talking about, and share those with your families and friends, because we're eventually going to be meeting all of them. And it is time that we humans remember who we are and why we came here. So thanks so much, Jo Ann. And thanks for listeners and for joining us. Jo Ann: You're welcome and you've done a great job of putting it all together with the audio and the pictures for your YouTubes that amazing lots of hours of work. So well done. Merrily: Well. My sister Allison gets credit for that. Jo Ann: But I know but yes, it's like you're a great team. And it's the end result is wonderful. Thank you. Okay until next time. Merrily lives at Jo Ann has digital files of the conferences for sale at: $25 for partially completed volume