Enterprise AIOps 9781098107284, 9781098107260

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Table of contents :
1. Demystifying AI
AI Pilot-to-Production Challenges
2. Defining the AIOps Framework
Why You Need an AIOps Framework
What Are the Benefits?
3. Responsible AI
What Is Responsible AI?
Adopting Responsible AI
Workforce Development
AI Risks and Complexities
Risk Management Processes
4. Data: Your Most Precious Asset
Data’s Role in AIOps
Data Strategy
DataOps: Operationalizing Your Data Strategy
Data Preparation Activities
AI Data Governance
5. Machine Learning (ML)
What Is an ML Model?
ML Methodologies
ML Advanced Topics
ML Life Cycle
Business Analysis
Model Development
Model Vetting
Model Operation
Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)
Scalable Training Infrastructure
Model Optimization Infrastructure
Model Deployment Infrastructure
6. The Road to AI Adoption
AI Adoption Blueprint
Establishing Clear Objectives
Measuring Outcomes and Performance
Reference Architectures
Technical Infrastructure
Development Processes
AIOps Integration
Operational Components
Component Integration
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Enterprise AIOps
 9781098107284, 9781098107260

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Booz Allen Hamilton

Enterprise AIOps A Framework for Enabling Artificial Intelligence Justin Neroda, Steve Escaravage, and Aaron Peters

Enterprise AIOps by Justin Neroda, Steve Escaravage, and Aaron Peters Copyright © 2021 O’Reilly Media Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://oreilly.com). For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or [email protected]. Acquisitions Editor: Rebecca Novack Development Editor: Virginia Wilson Production Editor: Christopher Faucher Copyeditor: nSight, Inc. Proofreader: Piper Editorial Consulting, LLC Interior Designer: David Futato Cover Designer: Randy Comer Illustrator: Kate Dullea August 2021: First Edition Revision History for the First Edition 2021-08-16: First Release

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Preface A significant transformation is underway in the marketplace. Mountains of data are being generated on a daily basis. Business operations, online transactions, vehicles and smart homes, our cell phone, and the increasing prevalence of the Internet of Things (IoT) means that data is continuously being generated and stored. This growth in data vastly outstrips growth in the supply of technical analysts as demand for their services proliferates across industries. Companies, governments, and organizations are rightly asking how they can possibly provide value from these data volumes with their existing analytical capabilities and staff while determining where they need to invest to meet this growth. When deployed effectively, Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides the necessary force multiplier, allowing organizations to generate insights not possible even a few years ago.1 AI provides organizations with the ability to process vast amounts of data by training algorithms to automate current processes, generate new insights, and then present these insights so that decision makers can act. Artificial Intelligence (AI) The ability for machines to solve problems and perform tasks that would normally require human capabilities and intelligence.

Rapid gains in computing power, inexpensive storage solutions for large volumes of data, and new research in algorithm development make AI increasingly more accessible. These three keys—processing power, data,

and algorithms—bring us to a new reality, one where AI can now meet or exceed human capability across a variety of diverse tasks. Similar to past industrial revolutions, AI’s adoption will have sweeping effects on our daily lives and work. Traditional business analytics (think Excel or basic statistical analyses) provided a historically competitive advantage to organizations in many industries. Now, companies are seeking the next wave of competitive advantage and strive for better performance in their analyses—a result that effective AI deployments can deliver. As such, artificial intelligence will change how we conduct business, introducing new efficiencies—and complexities—that we are just beginning to understand. Just as importantly, AI will fundamentally alter how you manage your teams, services, and operations. The ability of strategic leaders to anticipate and guide these long-term changes will be essential to ensuring the success of this transition and allowing their organization to remain competitive. While there is growing consensus around AI’s importance, there is a growing chasm regarding how to successfully deploy and apply artificial intelligence at an enterprise-wide scale. Many organizations are struggling with expanding, evolving, and integrating their early AI development efforts into mature, sustainable, enterprise-wide capabilities. This gap is due to the drastic increase in scope and complexity required to operationalize artificial intelligence, particularly in terms of integrating AI solutions within the larger organization. This report is for business leaders who desire to transition AI from small, pilot projects to an enterprise-wide reality. We will introduce an artificial intelligence operations (AIOps) engineering framework to assist you in overcoming these post-pilot challenges through responsibly developing AI tools, the important role of data management, team roles and responsibilities, and large-scale implementation. The insights and strategies we share come from the lessons we’ve learned working at Booz Allen Hamilton on a portfolio of over 120 AI projects across the federal government. By the end of the report, you’ll learn how to unlock the incredible potential that lies within your organization’s exponentially growing data, deriving

insights not available just a few years ago. To extract the most benefit from this report, you should understand AI’s fundamentals, its purpose, and what challenges can be solved when deploying AI-based solutions. If you’d like a quick refresher or a deeper introduction to AI, our AI primer is a great place to start.2

Acknowledgments A huge thank-you to all the individuals who collaborated with us on this report. To the following colleagues: John Larson, Kathleen Featheringham, Elizabeth Cardosa, Alex Walter-Higgins, Caleb Wharton, Sheshadri Mudiyanur, Byron Gaskin, Jeffrey Gross, Chuck Audet, Drew Farris, Drew Leety, Geoff Schaefer, David McCleary, Susan Johnston, Katrina Jacobs, Catherine Quinn, and Catherine Ordun—your insight and contributions strengthened this piece considerably.

1 While there are many, often competing, technical definitions for AI, we wanted to provide a broad, high-level definition for this report. Our definition of AI is extracted from the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence. You can view their 2021 report at their website, where they define AI on page 20. 2 Booz Allen Hamilton, The Artificial Intelligence Primer, accessed July 13, 2021.

Chapter 1. Demystifying AI A majority of analytics exist to take operational data (e.g., past/present stock prices) and provide focused insights (e.g., predicted stock prices) that inform decision making. This essential objective is the same for conventional business analytics and AI analytics and includes a range of functions (e.g., automation, augmentation, conversational AI for consumers, etc.). The key difference is how developers create the code that transforms operational data into insights. For conventional business analytics, this is a static process where the developer manually defines each logical operation the computer must take. AI analytics, via machine learning (ML), attempts to derive the necessary operations directly from the data, reducing the onus on the developer to create and update the model over time (but not eliminating the developer) and making it possible to address otherwise prohibitively sophisticated use cases (e.g., computer vision).1 Machine Learning (ML) A subset of AI, machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience and by use of data. ML algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as “training data” (defined in Chapter 5), to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so.

Beyond the initial challenge of the ML algorithm teaching an AI analytic to complete a basic task, we must ensure that it does not learn additional, undesirable behaviors that may impact its long-term sustainability (reliability, security, etc.). The ability to holistically understand the learned

behavior of an AI analytic is called explainability and will be explored in detail in the following chapters. With machine learning, computer models use experiences/historical data to make decisions by recognizing patterns in data. These experiences take several forms. For example, they could be collected by reviewing historical process data or observing current processes, or they could be generated using synthetic data. However, in many cases, practitioners must manually extract these patterns before they can be used. The sophistication of patterns and resulting operations can vary wildly based on the algorithm selected, the learning parameters used, and the way in which the training data is processed into the algorithm. Similarly, AI (to be more specific—the sub-area of deep learning) uses models, such as neural networks, to learn highly complex patterns across various data types. To summarize at a high level, AI enables computers to perceive, learn from, abstract, and act on data while automatically recognizing patterns in provided datasets.2 AI can be used for a variety of use cases—some of which you may be familiar with. A few common examples where AI can be deployed to recognize patterns include: 1. Detecting anomalous entries in a dataset (e.g., identifying fraudulent versus legitimate credit card purchases) 2. Classifying a set of pixels in an image as familiar or unfamiliar (e.g., suggesting which of your friends might be included in a photo you took on your phone) 3. Offering new suggestions for entertainment choices based on your history (e.g., Netflix, Spotify, Amazon) We can also describe what AI is not—at least not today. For example, some older sci-fi movies depict robots with the ability to have sophisticated, improvised, and fluent conversations with humans, or carry out complex actions and decisions in unexpected circumstances as people can. In fact,

we’re not at that level of AI sophistication; to get there will take significant, persistent investment to advance current AI capabilities. Currently, operational instances of AI represent what is known as narrow intelligence, or the ability to supplement human judgment for a single decision under controlled circumstances. Artificial general intelligence, in which machines can match a human’s capacity to perform multiple decisions in uncontrolled circumstances, does not exist at this point in time. While there have been recent advances to move in the direction of general intelligence,3 we are still quite far from this type of AI being seen at any meaningful scale. Figure 1-1 provides a high-level overview on what AI can and cannot do well today.

Figure 1-1. AI limitations

AI Pilot-to-Production Challenges Mature AI capabilities do not appear overnight. Rather, they require months to years of sustained, cooperative, organization-spanning efforts to achieve. Creating and maintaining buy-in across stakeholders (e.g., strategic leadership, end users, and risk managers) is a critical and essential challenge for change agents within your organizations. AI analytic pilots performed in laboratory conditions (handpicked use cases, curated data, controlled environments) are one of the best ways to create initial buy-in at modest cost. However, most analytical use cases will require organizations to graduate these pilots from a laboratory setting to a production environment in order to fully succeed with solving the analytical challenges within these selected use cases. A common mistake many organizations make is underestimating the challenge of transitioning between these environments and failing to mature their development capability in response. A few main challenges include scalability, sustainability, and coordination.

Scalability During a pilot, AI development teams can be small and simple in terms of roles and processes because they are addressing only a single use case. As AI capabilities mature and migrate from pilot to production, project volume will generally rise much more rapidly than available personnel. Particularly, analytics already in production will begin to compete for resources with new deployments (amplified by the sustainability challenges in item 2). This calls for the evolution of the development team, process, and tooling to allow individual and collective distribution of labor across multiple teams and projects. Additionally, the volume and velocity of data involved in development will increase, demanding increasingly powerful, efficient, and sophisticated training pipelines (discussed extensively in Chapter 5).

Sustainability By design, the laboratory environment limits threats to analytic sustainment to help the pilot team focus on functionality. Once in production, analytics are subject to a diverse range of issues, including operational (e.g., load variability, data drift, user error), security, legal, and ethical. Ensuring that sustainability does not compromise scalability requires evolution of development to anticipate and resolve these issues prior to release. Sustainability also benefits from coordination (see item 3) to allow key stakeholders to participate in the effort (see Chapter 3).

Coordination In a laboratory environment, the pilot team interacts with a limited number of stakeholders by design. The number of stakeholders climbs drastically as these pilots enter production, and your teams must be prepared to motivate and facilitate coordination across data owners, end users, operations staff, risk managers, and others. Coordination also helps ensure equitable and efficient distribution of labor across the organization. In addition to the three we just discussed, Table 1-1 provides a more complete list of challenges you might face when moving your AI solutions from pilots to production.

Table 1-1. AI pilots versus AI in production Challenges to Operationalizing AI AI Pilots

AI in Production

Simplified, static use case

Multistakeholder, dynamic use case

High-performance laboratory environment

Distributed legacy systems with dynamic fallback options

Openly accessible, low latency, data remains consistent

Access controlled; latency restricted; high-velocity data

Complete responsibility and control over data

Data mostly controlled by upstream stakeholders

No change or widely anticipated changes to Rapid, unexpected data drift data One-time, manual explanation for algorithm’s results

Real-time, automated explanation

AI developer does not reexamine model after pilot

AI developer continues to monitor model

No-cost shut-down, refactor

Costly shut-down, refactoring

One-off development against a single use case

Reproducible development against multiple use cases

Small team with well-defined focus and requisite skill sets

Continual training for a wide mix of experience, skill levels, and specialties

Informal, research-oriented project management

Hybrid research/development project management

Failing to mature AI capabilities to meet these challenges threatens the longterm viability of AI adoption since organizations will struggle to implement artificial intelligence in a production capacity. AI development will slow, existing analytics will remain difficult to sustain, leadership will become disillusioned with the lack of lasting mission impact, end users will lose faith, and hard conversations will ensue. Proactively addressing these challenges during the design phase results in organizations dramatically increasing the speed of adoption and impact of AI initiatives.4 In coming chapters, we’ll introduce a framework (AIOps) to address these challenges and allow your organization to maximize the impact of AI across the enterprise.

1 Aurélien Géron, Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (O’Reilly Media, 2017). 2 While there are many, often competing, technical definitions of AI, we wanted to provide a broad, high-level definition for this report. Our definition of AI is extracted from the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence. You can view their 2021 report at their website, where they define AI on page 20. 3 An example of current research and thinking in the area of artificial general intelligence that continues to evolve rapidly is David Silver, Satinder Singh, Doina Precup, and Richard S. Sutton, “Reward Is Enough”, Artificial Intelligence 299 (October 2021). 4 Mike Loukides, AI Adoption in the Enterprise (O’Reilly Media, 2021).

Chapter 2. Defining the AIOps Framework Now that we’ve outlined the challenges of moving AI deployments from pilots to production, let’s introduce a framework (see Figure 2-1) that will enable your organization to move past these challenges and operationalize AI at an enterprise scale. Our AIOps framework will focus on two primary objectives: (1) evolving the AI development process itself and (2) integrating that development process within other parts of your organization to achieve a scalable, sustainable, and coordinated AI enterprise capability. In the following section, we’ll introduce the components and functionalities you’ll need to implement for a successful AIOps deployment. Figure 2-1 demonstrates how these components are aligned and sequenced with one another to enable enterprise AIOps. AIOps The processes, strategies, and frameworks to operationalize AI to address real-world challenges and realize high-impact, enduring outcomes. AIOps combines responsible AI development, data, algorithms, and teams into an integrated, automated, and documented modular solution for development and sustainment of AI.

Figure 2-1. AIOps framework

This AIOps framework provides you with the basis to move AI from pilots to production. It is composed of several key components that are integrated to deliver AI solutions that meet requirements of specific use cases, operate in production environments, and can be updated rapidly to address changing conditions. We’ll discuss each of these components throughout the report. These primary components are: Mission engineering It is critical for organizations to define and validate if AI is applicable to the use case(s) they want to solve through the deployment of AI. Successful mission engineering will allow organizations to bring AI to the enterprise responsibly with real mission outcomes. We’ll cover this more in Chapter 6. Responsible AI with human-centered design To operationalize AI, you’ll need to focus on responsible AI to ensure the AI solutions, when deployed, will meet performance required and adhere to organization standards and core values. We’ll discuss this further in Chapter 3. Data engineering and data operations (DataOps) Locating the data required and developing repeatable data pipelines to increase value of data and make it available across the enterprise. The operationalization of data engineering and management is known as “DataOps,” which allows the rest of your downstream pipeline to reap the benefits (e.g., more accurate AI/ML training) of better data availability and quality. See Chapter 4 for more detail. ML engineering and ML operations (MLOps) Development of advanced algorithms using supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, deep learning, etc. as required to support complex decision making. This process includes both science and art but provides

a structured process for training models from data and maintaining configuration management of those models. Operationalizing ML through MLOps allows you to deploy your ML models into production environments and sustain them. We’ll cover this more in Chapter 5. Systems engineering and DevSecOps Application of a structured framework for integration, documentation, and automation to develop, deploy, and monitor software and system solutions across your organization. Development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) integrates critical components of security and focuses on operationalizing the applications you’ll develop through software and systems engineering. A strong DevSecOps1 framework is necessary to embed your AI analytics into existing or new software solutions. We’ll discuss more in Chapter 6. Reliability engineering It is important for your organization and teams to establish clear objectives for AI solutions that are focused and realistic with quantitative definitive measures of success. You’ll need a repeatable and scalable approach to monitor the success of your AI deployments. We’ll also provide this framework in Chapter 6. Integration of the “Ops” Our AIOps framework will embed components of the other “ops” discussed above (DataOps, MLOps, DevSecOps) that you’ll need to successfully operationalize AI at the enterprise level. We’ll discuss the details of each ops in its corresponding chapter (e.g., Chapter 4 will include information specific to DataOps). Then, in the final chapter (Chapter 6), we’ll describe the specific components you’ll need to take from each ops as you build your AIOps framework. Infrastructure and cybersecurity engineering

A strong technical architecture and cybersecurity policies to protect your data and AI applications are critical for the long-term success of operationalizing AI. Although cybersecurity is an important part of your AIOps framework, it is not the focus of this report.2 Instead, we simply want to point out that this is a fundamental prerequisite to a strong enterprise AIOps framework. We will discuss standing up and selecting infrastructures in some detail within Chapter 4. Operational feedback loop(s) Feedback and learning is one of the most essential pieces of your AIOps framework. Your teams must be able to monitor data, models, applications, and processes to evaluate if changes are required throughout their life cycle. It is important that your AIOps framework allows teams across your organization to both share feedback with each other and allow their tools and processes to learn and improve from such feedback. We’ll discuss this process in Chapter 6. AI team A cross-functional, integrated team results in holistic AI/ML solutions that leverage the expertise of the individual members and results in bestin-class solutions. There are many key players that will enable your organization to operationalize AI effectively. Instead of setting aside one chapter or section to talk through these key players, we’ll introduce each where it makes the most logical sense (e.g., Chapter 4 will introduce the chief data officer).

Why You Need an AIOps Framework As the technical barriers to AI continue to fall, an increasing number of organizations are initiating AI pilots, building prototypes, and attempting to move them into production. This leads to short-term triumphs as the pilots show potential through minimally viable products (MVPs) but long-term

frustrations as teams encounter unexpected challenges when attempting to promote these pilots into production and embed them across their enterprise. These challenges provide a very real danger of trapping the organization in an endless cycle of fixing symptoms rather than addressing the underlying structural issues. The potential result is an exhaustion of resources (both funding and goodwill) and the ultimate failure of many AI efforts, not because they lacked merit but because the organization did not plan for and incentivize operationalizing them. An example of such a situation is developing an AI solution but not accounting for the end user’s education and training needs, leading to the failure of the end user to adopt the solution at all. While time will continue to solve and reduce the technical barriers to AI, the challenges of embedding AI across the enterprise and moving from pilots to production will not get easier simply by playing the waiting game. On the contrary, if organizations do not begin investing in standing up a framework to deploy AI at scale, they risk missing out on the ever-increasing benefits that AI has to offer. Enterprise AI adoption efforts are often fragile, lack unconditional leadership support, and challenge entrenched processes and interests. Early operational setbacks can mean the difference between long-term success and failure, making preventative steps essential. Some of the challenges and decisions you might face when deploying AI at scale are: Ensuring business problems with greatest benefit-to-risk trade-off are prioritized Minimizing the cost and rework for AI integration activities Minimizing continuity of business risks Ensuring maintainability of resulting AI capabilities, solutions, and systems Optimal use of talent within your AI teams

To increase the likelihood of success when navigating the challenges and decisions above, it is important to take a step back and establish a structure that will enable your organization for success. Adopting an AIOps framework can increase the outlook for your enterprise to successfully deploy AI while ensuring critical ethics, security, and privacy components are prioritized early in the development life cycle. AIOps-driven approaches enable AI models to be deployed across your larger enterprise. Roles and responsibilities are distributed to appropriate teams and key players so each subject matter expert can focus within their domain. While our AIOps framework will enable your organization to build the important foundation required for operationalizing AI, we’re not claiming it will allow you to entirely avoid the growing pains of bringing AI analytics to production. Ultimately, organizations are unique in ways no framework can be expected to anticipate and must tweak these frameworks to meet the complex needs of their specific missions. However, proceeding without standing up an AIOps framework might decrease the likelihood of success as you begin the journey of operationalizing AI for the enterprise.

What Are the Benefits? In Chapter 1, we discussed some of the benefits that AI can bring to your organization and data science teams through specific use cases and applications. In that chapter, we showed that AI can help to solve specific challenges on a case-by-case basis. For example, an AI model might allow your social media team to make recommendations to your customers based on their previous engagements with your organization. However, without an AIOps framework, these individual AI solutions may fail over time and may not be scalable across your organization. While AI can help you solve specific challenges, you’ll need an enterprise-wide framework to ensure these individual solutions have the support they need to succeed and to enable all your teams and key players to reap the benefits that AI has to offer.

In short, if AI enables your individual teams to solve complex problems, AIOps enables your entire organization to take advantage of this problemsolving capability and ensures individual AI analytical solutions have a higher chance for success. Here are a few specific examples of AIOps’ benefits. First, AIOps enables your organization to capture AI’s value proposition. Most industry leaders are beginning to appreciate the important role AI can play. These leaders recognize AI solutions create an opportunity to generate additional value by solving problems that were previously unsolvable using traditional business analytics. A comparison to value-recognition can be made to the early internet’s development. As dial-up began to transition to always-connected internet, organizations were just starting to understand the value that networked personal computers could offer to their growth and success. However, it was the internet’s widespread adoption that enabled personal computing benefits to grow exponentially. Organizations could share data with each other and across their teams in near real time, collect data from millions of interconnected sensors, and provide solutions and products to a global audience. Similarly, AIOps adoption will enable your teams to begin realizing the full potential artificial intelligence has to offer, helping to move AI projects from compartmented development to a full-scale enterprise capability. Second, AIOps will create more efficient teams based on agile principles and more efficient resource utilization within your organization. A common mistake organizations make today is asking team members to step outside of their technical areas of expertise (e.g., asking a data scientist to help stand up the production environment and configure IT rules within the system). AIOps ensures roles and responsibilities are effectively distributed across your organization. Each practitioner can focus on their area of expertise while simultaneously working within an enterprise model that allows each AI development life cycle piece to work in tandem with one another. When

done correctly, your organization will begin to see higher efficiency and better results within and across your teams. For example, data scientists work on tuning AI models while enabling your systems engineers and administrators to design and maintain the IT infrastructure necessary to deploy those models at scale. A strong AIOps foundation embeds key responsible AI fundamentals early in the development process. AIOps can also bring many technical benefits to your organization, such as: Reducing the maintenance burden for each individual analyst in a way that maximizes your subject matter experts’ productivity and satisfaction (a benefit of DevSecOps, too) The ability to rapidly deploy preconfigured AIOps pipelines across a range of environments Automating the model tracking, versioning, and monitoring process throughout development, testing, and fielding of AI models Meeting ever-changing and expanding regulatory requirements, especially in the field of AI, by ensuring compliance of your AI solutions3 The ability to monitor and execute automated processes to automatically retrain and redeploy models to maintain accuracy Collecting consistent and comprehensive metadata across training pipelines to increase explainability4 and repeatability Automating the development process for data ingest, decreasing the time to develop and deploy while increasing consistency and quality

Explainability (XAI) The ability for people to understand AI results, directly tying inputs to consistent results. This is in contrast to “black box” results, where even a data scientist cannot explain how an AI process arrived at a specific decision based on given inputs.

By embracing an AIOps framework, you can rapidly develop solutions for your organization to adopt, build, and deploy AI solutions at scale.

1 While it is important to have a strong DevSecOps framework as part of your AIOps framework, this report won’t spend too much detail discussing DevSecOps. For a thorough overview, we recommend the O’Reilly report DevOpsSec. 2 For further reading on cybersecurity, see Essential Cybersecurity Science (O’Reilly). 3 For a more detailed look at the ever-changing regulations within AI, see the following Harvard Business Review article from April 2021: “New AI Regulations Are Coming. Is Your Organization Ready?”. 4 Ian Sample, “Computer Says No: Why Making AIs Fair, Accountable and Transparent Is Crucial”, The Guardian, November 5, 2017.

Chapter 3. Responsible AI As noted in Chapter 1, sustaining AI in production involves coordination with a variety of key stakeholders (e.g., end users, risk managers) to ensure it is accountable to their interests. Additionally, sustainable AI development should seek to automate this coordination to minimize the burden on the developer and ensure that both the stakeholder and developer share the responsibility. It becomes increasingly important to prioritize building systems in a responsible manner as you operationalize AI to solve problems at an enterprise scale. Failure to do so can lead to unanticipated risks, implications, and consequences for your organization. Today’s responsible AI conversation highlights issues that tend to land companies on a newspaper’s front page. But these broad conversations fail to offer specific recommendations for addressing underlying responsibility challenges. Adding to the challenge is that there are no easily defined metrics for measurement of responsible AI. To build this foundation, developers, managers, and senior leaders alike should understand their unique role and contributions to this process. In short, accountability for responsible AI belongs to everyone in the organization. This is being further demonstrated by the introduction of more guidance, including the recent release by the US deputy secretary of defense, “Implementing Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Defense.”1 The memo included provisions for implementing and assessing the DoD responsible AI ecosystem to provide leadership, governance, and oversight. Additionally, there are many non-DoD regulations being discussed in the private sector. A quick web search2 will reveal many of the new responsible AI practices.

What Is Responsible AI? Responsible AI involves more than just “bias,” “fairness,” and other modern-day catchphrases. These concepts are important, but they merely represent an AI system’s characteristics. These characteristics are neither good nor bad on their own. As a result, assessing whether or not an AI system is responsible requires situational context. Who will use the system and how will they use it? How is the system likely to impact the environment it’s deployed in? Were models trained using appropriate datasets that fully encompass the intended operating environment? Thinking about responsible AI from the beginning in the design phase all the way through to implementation and monitoring is critical. It is not a one and done but rather a core aspect that needs to always be at the forefront focusing on the elements that make up responsible AI—adoption, ethics, and the workforce. Plainly put, responsible AI is the combination of AI adoption, AI ethics, and workforce development for AI project needs. Responsible AI becomes meaningful when considering how an artificial intelligence system impacts people. The “who” question is critical. In other words, responsible AI needs a focus—whether that’s an individual, a group or class of people, or an entire society. But responsible AI also needs a source of authority or moral compass. That can be an organization’s shared values and principles or a society’s norms and cultural practices. It is only then that we can address, for example, what a “fair” AI system is and for whom and why we consider the implications to be fair in the first place. Those values need to be embedded into the governance structure with the proper controls and measures to validate execution. This governance structure, including controls and metrics, should be agreed upon at an organizational level and not on a per project basis. Creating responsible AI requires specific tools and a supporting governance process to meaningfully balance the benefit-to-risk trade-offs. These are foundational elements required to put your responsible AI principles and values into practice. Implementation is key, and there are several considerations to keep in mind as you begin that journey:

You need to remain vigilant regarding possible bias or harm to key users/stakeholders. Expressing this possibility can help identify problems with an algorithm’s development, deployment, implementation, reuse, and output. Development stages should provide opportunities to question outcomes and address biases identified at any stage. AI system, creators, owners, and risk managers should be held responsible for adverse outcomes of AI. Furthermore, it is important to distribute responsibility appropriately and avoid the common pitfall of blaming the nearest human operator for complex system errors. An algorithm’s decisions that affect endpoint stakeholders should be explainable and understood in a way that is consistent with your project’s acceptable risk levels; some use cases require much more explainability and understanding than others. Records and metadata should be maintained to ensure results can be adjusted and future stakeholders can be aware if adverse outcomes or actions occur. All data, and provenance and lineage of that data, used to train a model or system should remain available in a descriptive form and continually updated with changes/uses. This will enable others to explore potential bias involving the data gathering process, a critical step to help identify and categorize a model’s originally intended use. Developers should utilize rigorous validation and testing methods associated with the intended use case/outcomes and documented alongside results. Routine testing should probe for any adverse outcomes that may appear after deploying an AI-based solution. Developers should ensure that traceability and accountability are captured and stored by the AI system to hold relevant parties responsible for adverse outcomes. Successful adoption means prioritizing responsible use early in the process. As algorithms proliferate, we are more likely to see very real ethical

challenges. Your teams charged with developing enterprise AI systems may have to forgo ML use cases and technologies that do not achieve standards of responsible use. Lives are often at stake, especially when these algorithms are defending critical infrastructure or utilities from cyberattack, so we must ensure our solutions are implementing techniques that properly address the ethical challenges that arise. Prioritizing considerations like fair outcomes, clear lines of accountability when things go wrong, and transparency into how the AI system itself was built and how it operates will ensure these tools are used in a manner consistent with your organization values. Furthermore, these prioritizations will help proactively mitigate ethical risks before they arise. A third benefit is increased governance for the data, algorithm development, and AI system controls and measures.

Adopting Responsible AI The first step is to identify clear objectives for using artificial intelligence. What do you want AI to do for your organization? Are there a few narrowly defined use cases AI can address? Is your organization planning a broader AI-driven transformation? Like any technology adoption, having clear objectives—what you want AI to do and for whom—is critical. In addition, there are key elements to support adoption over the long term: designing AI for specific mission and business outcomes, creating and implementing an AI governance structure (e.g., organizational AI risk matrix framework), defining the organizational structure and roles needed to support AI, and creating a culture of continuous learning and engagement to build understanding and trust (e.g., working groups, leadership advisory committees, etc.). The most critical aspect of AI adoption is trust, and trust is rooted in control. Users are generally apprehensive about ceding any control to an algorithm. Understanding how an AI system works—why it produces the decisions or outputs that it does—and providing some control regarding outcomes are key elements to building trust, especially during early adoption.

This can take any number of forms, from allowing a user to adjust social media newsfeed parameters to granting users ultimate decision rights over a system’s recommendations. In fact, one great strength of AI is the reduction of overhead needed to act on user feedback. We can use this strength to our advantage by incorporating low-overhead user feedback mechanisms to build user trust. Ultimately, most users may not exercise the user control and freedom (usability heuristic) available to them; it may simply be enough to know they have access to control.3 Next is building your organization’s AI cultural readiness. Communicate your organization’s objectives clearly while providing employees a voice in the conversation. Address concerns in an open and transparent way, specifying how AI will affect them and how the organization is going to manage the change. Addressing concerns about artificial intelligence, while reinforcing AI as a tool to help make their lives easier, helps create adoption with the belief that it is being used responsibly. Organizations must also make AI real and understandable for key decision makers. It’s critical they understand where AI’s use is appropriate to deliver against business goals and an organization’s broader mission. This empowers leaders to pick and prioritize the right projects, have realistic expectations for end results, and better understand what’s needed to drive AI adoption throughout their organizations. Successful AI adoption also requires the right mix of talent. However, this doesn’t mean creating a monolithic team of data scientists and computer science PhDs. It is critical that your team include roles focused on engagement and education of AI concepts. All employees—including at each leadership level—need to be AI knowledgeable. Upskilling your workforce should be a core strategic component. To accelerate this process, it is helpful to ensure new hires for key roles have this AI baseline.

Ethics Responsibly developing and adopting AI requires holistic management— from guiding principles all the way through system implementation. Precisely

for this reason, we consider ethics to be a foundational element for responsible AI. There are five main considerations when integrating ethics: 1. Ensure you understand how AI systems will impact your organization’s stakeholders in specific and tangible ways. This assessment should include routinely considering the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental impacts across different stakeholders over time. This analysis should inform how you design and build models and select datasets to achieve desired results. 2. Build meaningfully diverse and inclusive development teams. Include members with different backgrounds, skills, and thinking styles. Your team’s collective experience and insights will reduce unconscious bias, identify potential unintended consequences, and better reflect stakeholders’ wide-ranging values and concerns. 3. Develop mechanisms for data provenance and audibility to verify your AI systems are operating as intended. If something goes wrong, data tracing and auditability mechanisms will help uncover data or concept drift or potentially expose upstream/downstream data issues. However, this will not necessarily capture issues in generalization; therefore, there may be a need for broader consideration of confounding/missing data and/or inappropriate method selections. Clear accountability mechanisms can help reduce ethical concerns, so it is critical to transparently account for the results. Your teams should understand that they are accountable for the actions, outputs, and impact of their models. 4. Stay informed regarding AI technical developments. Because this field of study is changing rapidly, tools used to design and implement ethical systems have limited shelf lives. Your model’s sophistication will often outpace your ethical tools, increasing the probability something will go wrong and reducing your ability to fix it if it does. Maintaining awareness of AI technical developments

and implementing controls and measures to monitor can help you mitigate risk and protect your organization from unintended consequences. 5. Design your systems with specific applications and use cases in mind. Assessing the “fairness” of a model requires context and specificity. AI systems should be fair, but fair to whom? And in what way? Fairness is a laudable goal but becomes useful only when applied to a specific situation. Something that may be a fair outcome for someone in one situation could be deemed totally unfair in another situation.

Workforce Development Critical workforce roles span organizational and project team levels. For example, executives are accountable for setting an organization’s vision, goals, and fundamental values. They hold ultimate responsibility for navigating complex business questions surrounding possible ethical impacts when introducing AI into their organizations. Whether made up of executives or frontline employees, a responsible AI development team’s composition will vary from project to project based upon specific needs. Nevertheless, there are common functions critical to any project’s success. AI-specific technical talent may be foremost in your mind, but other considerations are equally important. Responsibly developing AI requires a well-integrated, cross-functional team. End users, subject matter experts, technical staff, and other functional staff need to work collaboratively throughout the product development life cycle. Non-AI-specific staff should have a baseline technical understanding so they can successfully communicate their insights to the technical team. Similarly, AI staff should consider ethics an ever-present responsibility and have full understanding of and appreciation for intended use and desired outcomes. End users and subject matter experts provide organizational and use-casespecific context. By providing input from the beginning through the full

development life cycle, these employees help ensure the AI project remains clearly tied to your organization’s mission and business needs. Additionally, by incorporating end user perspectives throughout planning and development, the AI model is more likely to meet user needs and, accordingly, more likely to be adopted. Finally, end users also play a fundamental role in providing key insights into human-machine teaming. Despite any specific roles assigned during a project’s life cycle, everyone bears responsibility when considering ethical outcomes throughout planning and development.

AI Risks and Complexities AI risks and complexities apply during every phase of the AIOps life cycle. For example, there are systems that are more human centric (e.g., credit card score) versus ones that are machine centric (e.g., valve monitoring of a factory machine). One significant risk is a failure to meet ethical standards. This failure can lead to AI potentially harming people, property, or the environment. Oftentimes, it is difficult or impossible for organizations to predict the longterm consequences and impacts of a new technology on society. For example, pollution was not an early concern tied to widespread automobile use. This type of blind spot applies to AI solutions as well. A major subset of ethical risk is training data containing unidentified bias. This bias can lead to models that produce inaccurate results. This may occur when teams fail to incorporate diverse input from a range of technical and nontechnical stakeholders during model development and training, resulting in a system with embedded, unconscious bias. A common reason for use of biased datasets is a development team using datasets simply because they are available without consideration of whether the dataset reflects the real world. An example of unconscious bias in production is when banking financial algorithms approve fewer and smaller loans to women than to men with equivalent credit scores and income simply because that pattern existed

in historical data. Historical trends uncovered that women would need to earn 30% more than men to be approved for equivalent sized loans.4 In addition, there are unique risks and complexities that are introduced through the use of AI for autonomous, disconnected systems. These systems take many forms that include aerial, ground, and manufacturing. When these systems are operating autonomously, the operator may not be able to intervene to override the algorithms. Therefore, this must be taken into account in the AI model design and testing process to reduce these risks. Creating a feedback loop is critical because model outputs begin to affect the conditions within which the model operates. Original conditions that existed when training the model no longer exist due to the model’s own influence within the environment. AI solutions are highly sensitive to data inputs and may produce inaccurate results without highlighting an error if the data types or assumptions change unexpectedly. In real-world settings, AI solutions are vulnerable to security attack, data spillage, or a loss of privacy, the same as with other computer-based technologies. Attacks can come from internal or external sources. In many cases, they can even be avoidable—for example, improper access credentials in development and production environments. Continuous, sophisticated, adversarial attacks can occur on all components of the technology stack, associated datasets, and enabling infrastructure. Technology Stack A set of technologies—such as software products and programming languages—an organization uses to build applications.

A lack of governance strategies and processes for AI-based operations can lead to vulnerable systems. Additionally, due to data aggregation and broader use, there is an increased risk that sensitive data spillage can occur, inadvertently granting access to unauthorized users. However, when crafting governance processes, use caution. Overly bureaucratic governance

processes can mean delays in new model deployment, resulting in further inaccurate predictions. While using AI does not inherently make a solution riskier, there are several unique aspects that complicate the risk assessment process. These are some of the unique aspects: Data is processed at speeds far faster than traditional analytical processes. Decisions made by AI are likely to apply at a previously unimaginable scale. Complicated algorithms may limit transparency and challenge human understanding. Autonomous or self-learning systems may lead to unintended outcomes. Organizational analytic and data maturity can have disproportionate impacts. End users may blindly trust products, assuming developers accounted for all risks. While not a comprehensive list, Table 3-1 outlines approaches to risk mitigation that are enabled through AIOps adoption.

Table 3-1. Risk mitigation facilitated by a reference architecture AI complexity Speed

Mitigation options Advanced monitoring for data, concept, mode Strategic alerting to enable human intervention


Application monitoring and versioning to ensure consistent rigor to include tracking model and data drift when scaling to additional environments/clients Application testing during model development Local testing using a data science notebook; model vetting during preproduction; outcome tracking and pedigree Use of data limits, infrastructure limits, and automated approvals to prevent unwanted scaling


Track end-to-end data delivery (including training datasets); model development; model testing and deployment to include configuration management over time Comprehensive concept overview for operationalized model, including hardware usage and software versions used

Unintended outcomes or consequences

Evaluation of model usefulness and validity at preestablished time intervals and after discovery of unintended outcomes

Organizational analytics and data maturity

Develop reference architectures that provide baseline capability, accelerating maturity and enterprise understanding Establish an educational series that increases employee awareness and understanding of AI concepts Create defined roles for critical AI functions, including roles focused on engagement and education of AI concepts

AI complexity Blind trust

Mitigation options Create education-based initiatives to decrease users’ blind trust in AI systems and increase their understanding of AI concepts Ability to reproduce the system code for all components Develop functionality to introduce known false positive and false negative data for model assurance testing While outside this report’s scope, teams should work closely with clients to scope work in a way that addresses blind spots. This includes working with subject matter experts to better assess risk and prescribe feedback loops to allow for proactive monitoring and decision-making.

Adopting an AIOps framework provides a consistent process to help mitigate risks, especially when you consider risks from the outset and incorporate controls into your scope of work.

Risk Management Processes AI risk management business processes involve five main steps: (1) identifying risk, (2) quantifying impact, (3) developing monitoring and mitigation plans, (4) escalation, and (5) updating solutions. The overall process is shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. Risk management process

Identifying risk involves assessing AI system performance, data integrity, model transparency, solution security, and any real-world constraints imposed on the use case. You should always actively look out for bias in the data, whether or not the AI system is appropriately using the models and data, whether or not hacking and security are a concern for the specific AI solution, and whether or not your proposed solution is feasible and tractable given the available resources. Once risks are identified, it’s time to quantify the impact. Quantifying impact is the process of identifying and assigning a value to the likelihood, impact, and tolerance of each risk based on (1) the validity of the model or system output, (2) user adoption and acceptance, and (3) organization security and reputation. When quantifying impact, you should examine potential magnitude and scale. The next step is to develop a monitoring and mitigation plan. There are many considerations for such a plan, but primary among them is an approach for periodically reevaluating identified risks. Data monitoring includes the need to track historical trends in data to identify significant deviations from those trends. These deviations may indicate underlying changes in processes and thus may result in reduced model accuracy, indicating a need to retrain the model. Once the monitoring plans are in place, it’s important to understand what to do if there is a discrepancy. Escalation is a key step in any risk management plan—calculating the expected impacts of any risk not fully addressed or mitigated. If a risk meets preestablished criteria for escalation, teams must then notify key stakeholders so they can consider and take action. You can then engage expert AI reach-back support as necessary to address identified issues. Once the risk mitigation occurs, the AI solution is revalidated and redeployed. At this point, you would also update the list of identified risks and monitoring/mitigation plans as necessary.

1 US Department of Defense, “Implementing Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Defense”, May 26, 2021. 2 See Google AI’s Responsible AI practices. 3 Maria Rosala, “User Control and Freedom (Usability Heuristic #3)”, Nielsen Norman Group, November 28, 2020. 4 See the Harvard Business Review article from November 2020: “AI Can Make Bank Loans More Fair”.

Chapter 4. Data: Your Most Precious Asset When it comes to your organization’s data, you can’t manage what you don’t see, and you certainly can’t protect what you aren’t tracking. AI relies on large volumes of historical data and advanced ML methods to generate insights. Data is the starting point for AI development. It’s critical you establish data management as a fundamental competency, ensuring your teams have the tools needed to properly handle and curate data. The amount of data available today is exploding as organizations continue to accumulate information at an exponential rate. This growth complicates our ability to understand what data exists, where it exists, who can use it, and how it can be used to generate better outcomes. It’s critical that your organization find and develop the technologies, implement appropriate policies, and help train employees to adapt to the changing data-centric environment.

Data’s Role in AIOps An AI project’s success depends on data readiness (e.g., is the data cleansed in a standard format? is incomplete data removed/filled? etc.) both for training AI models and operationalizing AI capabilities. Data readiness for AI can be measured through the key drivers of availability, accessibility,1 timeliness, accuracy,2 usability,3 form, quality,4 provenance,5 and security.6

Accuracy The degree to which data correctly describes the “real world” object or event being described. Usability A measure of how reliable the data is. Data that is messy, is missing substantial records, is difficult to ingest, or is otherwise prohibitive would be less usable. Provenance Provenance of a resource is a record that describes entities and processes involved in producing and delivering or otherwise influencing that resource. Provenance provides a critical foundation for assessing authenticity, enabling trust, and allowing reproducibility. Provenance assertions are a form of contextual metadata and can themselves become important records with their own provenance. Security How safe the data is from loss or unwanted manipulation.

Managing data as an asset can help your organization address these challenges and support AI needs through a multilayered approach to data readiness. A holistic approach will help drive data readiness across all dimensions of data as follows: A data strategy aligns data capabilities with AI needs and establishes effective data management and data usage practices tailored to AI needs. DataOps processes optimize workflows for automated data ingest, processing, and storage to help keep up with data needs at scale.

Standardized methods enable data ingest, transformation, validation, and preparation. Data governance expedites value and spans compliance, risk, and regulation related to data (including privacy, security, and access controls). Responsible data policies specify access rights, “right to see” authorizations, ethical principles, and acceptable applications for data usage across the organization.

Data Strategy Moving from piloting to operationalizing AI requires a strategy to help align data capabilities with AI needs. This is your first step to achieving a scalable and repeatable AI model development process and operationalizing AI. A data strategy is essential to realizing AI goals and scaling value creation through the following areas of focus: Identifying AI data needs and gaps to include the practical or legal constraints to usage of data Identifying ways to acquire/collect data to fill gaps and identify nontraditional data sources for added insights and integrating this data into existing data environments Creating a centralized vision to align data capabilities with needs of AI projects Aligning data management, transformation, quality, and governance functions toward building up and scaling AI capabilities Enabling a consistent view of data-related capabilities so they can evolve with AI needs Defining concrete actions, trade-offs, and metrics to help assess and prepare data capabilities

Tracking data lineage, provenance, and quality to aid AI transparency and explainability Your data strategy needs to answer the following questions in the AI context: What challenges might AI solve for your organization where traditional analytics has fallen short? How will the strategy put the organization on a path to realizing the goals? What concrete steps can help implement the strategy? What actual impacts can be tied to the strategy? How will aligning resources with the strategy support the mission and scale value creation? While the path data takes between phases will differ for every organization, the data strategy development approach in Table 4-1 organizes data strategy development and implementation into four phases that are useful as a template for most organizations.

Table 4-1. Suggested data strategy development phases Phase Identify

Actions Identify data your organization creates, collects, or is otherwise able to access to train AI models and scale AI needs. Identify how data moves through the enterprise and how it aligns with AI data needs. Identify gaps in data availability and potential ways to acquire/collect data. Identify nontraditional data sources, which can offer indirect insights.


Assess your current data capabilities and evaluate data gaps: Evaluate data gaps, sources to fill the gaps, and alternatives in cases where there is availability or practical and/or legal constraints to acquiring or using the data. Conduct scorecard assessment of your current data capabilities against key drivers of AI data readiness: availability, accessibility, timeliness, accuracy, usability, form, quality, provenance, and security. Leverage assessment criteria in the scorecard to measure how the organization stacks up on people, processes, tools and technology, and culture needed.


Define the data strategy that will help your organization address AI needs and get the most value out of data: Review results of scorecard assessment to determine your organization’s priority needs. Define data principles on which the organization agrees to operate for data use and management. Align these with analytics/AI opportunities to prioritize goals and define subsequent objectives.

Phase Implement

Actions Implement data strategy and supporting plans to help you get the most value out of your data: Develop an implementation plan, allocate resources, define KPIs, and develop a change management plan. Execute on data strategy-driven initiatives, regularly evaluating outcomes.

As part of strategy development, AI decision makers should work to ensure active participation from data owners, business stakeholders, chief information officers, and chief data officers. This will help the strategy reflect a holistic view regarding data and its applicable use cases within your organization.

DataOps: Operationalizing Your Data Strategy DataOps is the methodology to operationalize your data strategy to deliver data at scale for enterprise AI needs. Gartner defines DataOps as a collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration, and automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers across an organization.7 Supporting AI data needs at scale requires senior management focus. Leaders can ensure successful strategy execution and prevent data “siloing” within individual business units. Table 4-2 lists some of the key players and teams you should include in your organization as you begin to build your data strategy.

Table 4-2. Key players in DataOps Key player Chief data officer

DataOps role The chief data officer’s role is part data strategist and adviser, part steward for improving data quality, part evangelist for data sharing, part technologist, and part developer of new data products.a

Enterprise Develop mechanisms that communicate, share, and reinforce the value of data information across the organization. Establish policies and procedures of governing and management (EIM) managing data assets using repeatable processes and frameworks. Ensure data group is treated as a strategic asset. Cross-functional teams

Business unit leads


DataOps practitioners who enable a culture of cross-functional ownership, repeatable processes, and continuous delivery of data capabilities with a variety of industry-leading technologies and tools. Leadership or designated representative of operating units or business functions who create/source and manage their data.

“Open Data Policy—Managing Information as an Asset”, Project Open Data, accessed July 20, 2021.

The chief data officer provides an anchor point for alignment. This person is also responsible for chartering enterprise information management groups to standardize and scale data management across the organization. Together, these groups develop mechanisms to communicate, share, and reinforce data’s value across the organization. The goal is to change staff behavior so data is treated as a strategic asset. These data advocates work together with cross-functional DataOps teams and business unit leads to serve as essential catalysts for achieving a data-driven organization. There are several ways leadership and key players can support the data strategy: Integrate data sources in proportion with business and mission goals. Make re-creatable data environments to support AI transparency and explainability.

Monitor DataOps health to provide valuable direction and adjust operations. Data tools and pipelines support your organization’s AI growth and related capabilities. The following principles offer practical ways to keep up with evolving needs: Target an evolutionary data architecture Data architectures must be designed with flexibility and adaptability in mind to evolve at the rapid pace of innovation. Maintaining the proper design abstraction allows for the component replaceability necessary to keep up with AI’s rapid evolution. Architect data pipelines for scale and flexibility Similar to the overall data architecture, designing data pipelines for scale and flexibility at the beginning of your project is far more efficient than attempting to scale at subsequent stages of growth. Institute API interfaces as the building blocks for data sharing An application programming interface (API) defines how to push or pull data during a data exchange. APIs help bridge data silos and break them down into more usable parts.

Data Preparation Activities Taking your data strategy from concept to reality requires data preparation activities to feed the appropriate information into your AI application. This section outlines important considerations and shares practical tips for data ingest, transformation, and validation.

Ingest Ingest enables raw data from multiple sources to be combined into a single source for an AI model’s data pipeline. Data ingest can support structured

and nonstructured data sources, such as databases, documents, web services, and electronic data interchanges. While it is preferable to ingest raw data in as close to its original form as possible, actual decisions are a function of cost, storage, and organizational maturity. This is especially true of applications in genomics, signal data, and finance, where ingesting data in raw form may quickly overwhelm processing capacity. When data is subsequently analyzed and transformed further down the pipeline, it’s important to know what the original data looked like to better understand a model’s results. There are two data ingestion designs to choose from: batch and streaming. While this is a decidedly technical issue, the key factor in choosing between the two types is “data freshness,” or latency, and whether there is a need to process the most recent data available in near real time. A batch architecture is designed to periodically ingest discrete batches of data and then push them through a series of data action components as part of a one-time processing step. These results are then available for use in your application or ML layer. Alternatively, it can serve as the basis for another data flow pipeline. Using a batch architecture is the simplest and most common approach to ingesting large amounts of data and is sufficient for most use cases where quantity is more important than freshness and timely delivery of data. Batch architectures are also better suited for training data models, which tend to be compute intensive and rely on a training dataset that is relatively stable without much variation in the short term. As an example, batch data ingestion is useful in training a tumor detection model where a large volume of annotated medical imaging data is fed through a complex algorithm to detect tumor patterns. A streaming architecture, on the other hand, is designed to ingest a live data stream as it occurs. Unlike batch architectures, streaming architectures are primarily focused on providing near real-time updates about the data being streamed in real time through the system (e.g., notifying a user that their bank transaction has posted). Streaming architectures are also more common in

inference where operational data is fed through trained models for insights. Streaming architectures are useful in cases where the most recent data needs to be analyzed and acted upon in a timely manner. As an example, streaming is useful in cybersecurity applications due to the need for quick identification of a threat, minimizing the damage that can be caused in a short amount of time. It should be noted that it is common for an organization to utilize a batch architecture in training AI models while adopting a streaming architecture for operationalizing trained models. Hybrid approaches, such as Lambda architectures, incorporate both batch and stream processing methods into a single deployment. A Kappa architecture pattern, on the other hand, seeks to eliminate the batch layer altogether to reduce complexity. In a Kappa architecture, all data is processed through stream processing methods.8

Transformation To prepare and deliver ingested data to AI applications, it needs to go through varying degrees of preparation to arrive at the application’s target format. Data transformation has additional value outside of just getting data into a preferred format for executing AI. Transforms can also be used to adapt data into formats accepted by a wide variety of other data capabilities with minimal effort. This minimizes extra work to recreate or transform data manually as your needs change. To standardize and simplify transformation steps, it is useful to classify them into two types of transforms: static and dynamic. Static transforms take an input and always produce the same output. These are often the most straightforward to implement and apply. Static transforms are especially useful when custom or one-off logic needs to be applied to inbound data. For instance, when migrating to a new data structure, it may be useful to add logic to transform information from the old to the new format. Dynamic transforms, on the other hand, add flexibility to data transforms to account for potential changes in needs along the way. In this situation, a generic data transform option is used to align inputs with the desired output

types. The dynamic transform then applies the appropriate transform. Multiple inputs can be fed into a single data transform to produce consistent output, simplifying the overarching data flow. If teams subsequently encounter an issue, the dynamic transform approach can make corrections easier by allowing a configuration update, rather than a full release, to resolve the issue. Highly configurable, dynamic transforms can be widely applied and reused easily. They can also help discover a range of other potential data actions that can be reached by describing the potential output types for a given input type. AI-specific preprocessing: Beyond standard data transformations, realworld applications of AI methods often involve overcoming significant challenges, such as limited data availability, to build and train models. Several AI-specific techniques are used to address some of these challenges. Examples of AI-specific preprocessing methods include data augmentation, which is an umbrella term for a suite of techniques to enhance the size and quality of training datasets so they can be used to build better models.9 Augmentation is commonly used in image classification or pattern detection applications when dealing with a limited dataset, such as in medical imaging. Commonly used augmentation techniques include basic image manipulations (flip, rotate, scale, crop, and translate).

Validation Although validation is another heavily technical concept, a broad understanding will help you create and implement your data strategy. In short, your AI application’s machine learning algorithms require data validation steps to ensure data quality, usefulness, and accuracy. Validation increases confidence that the data being consumed is clean and ready for use by ensuring it meets minimum expectations. Data validation can be broken down into three substages: (1) structural conformance, (2) expectation conformance, and (3) advanced conformance, where each substage is dependent upon the previous substage (Table 4-3). Teams should evaluate errors discovered during conformance checks at any

stage in case there are downstream impacts that must be addressed before data is made available to support AI needs. Table 4-3. Data validation stages Expectation conformance

Advanced conformance

A primary check to ensure data is well formed before attempting to validate the meaning of the individual data elements/across data elements. Validating against the value of the data is not a part of data structure validations.

Ensure that values within the data fall within anticipated parameters.

Aggregated functions of the data can be considered covering two or more fields and are validated in relation to each other.

Fields in the dataset match a set of expected columns. Number of records meets the expected range.

Type: Each field or attribute may be validated against the expected data type.

Structural conformance Description


Cross validation: Each field or attribute may be validated in relation to another field or Uniqueness: Each attribute, typically in field may have the same instance uniqueness. (e.g., row, object). Requiredness: Aggregate Whether a field or functions: When attribute must have there is an a value. expectation of a Sets and ranges: function of values for a field, rather Each field may be validated against the than an expectation sets and ranges of of values, it may be validated against values. that function. Format matching: Each field may be validated against an expected pattern.

AI Data Governance Data governance provides oversight for organizations, processes, and procedures to facilitate successful data strategy implementation. AI requires

holistic data governance, focused not only on creating a structure to regulate the storage, handling, and responsible use of data but also to facilitate maximizing data’s overall usefulness. An effective governance process ensures that subject matter experts—along with other technical, business, and regulatory compliance stakeholders— provide guidance to align efforts and meet your organization’s enterprisewide strategic goals. Data governance priorities include: Creating policies and procedures tailored to support data needs for AI at enterprise scale Addressing data acquisition policies and procedures to include legal processes, agreements, and data brokers/data services Empowering key stakeholders to facilitate and lead your organization’s data governance Developing data security plans and data privacy policies in accordance with appropriate regulatory frameworks (e.g., Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA], Federal Information Security Modernization Act [FISMA], European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR], etc.) Prioritizing metadata management to ensure compliance and troubleshooting support

1 For definitions on data availability and accessibility, see the University of Delaware’s page on managing data availability. 2 “Accuracy” term definition comes from a CDC report on data quality. Further definitions of timeliness can also be found in this report. 3 For further discussion on data usability’s importance for AI, see An important aspect of big data: Data usability” by J. Li and X. Lui. 4 Further definitions of quality can be found in this article from DataCleaner.org.

5 “Provenance” term definition comes from W2C Incubator Group Report, Provenance XG Final Report, December 8, 2010. 6 For further information on data security, see Gartner’s definition. 7 “DataOps”, Gartner, accessed July 20, 2021. 8 For further reading on Kappa and Lambda architectures, see Iman Samizadeh’s article on TowardsDataScience. 9 Shorten, C., Khoshgoftaar, T.M. “A Survey on Image Data Augmentation for Deep Learning.” J Big Data 6, 60 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-019-0197-0

Chapter 5. Machine Learning (ML) AI relies on large volumes of historical data and advanced ML methods to generate insights. In the last chapter, we focused on data’s importance to your organization’s success when implementing AI. If data is the fuel that powers your AI applications, then ML is its engine. The previous two chapters discuss how to coordinate AI analytic development with DataOps and key stakeholders, such as data owners and risk managers. This section will discuss AI development itself and how its tooling and process can evolve toward a more sustainable, scalable, and coordinated capability. When considering how ML fits within the wider AI domain, it’s important to first understand the data analytics spectrum. Figure 5-1 illustrates the differentiation between conventional statistical analysis (i.e., forensic analytics, which examines past and present phenomena) and anticipatory analytics (i.e., forward-looking analysis).

Figure 5-1. Complexity versus explainability for analyses

Each analytic approach is associated with specific challenges, with more advanced approaches providing the decision support and cognitive analysis typically associated with robust AI capabilities. A key distinction is the interplay between complexity and explainability. In most cases, forensic analysis is far less complex and more explainable than anticipatory analytics, which is rapidly becoming incredibly complex and far more difficult to explain and can lead to lower explainability. That being said, industry continues to invest heavily and advance the capabilities to explain these complex models. In practice, ML often serves as the primary mechanism driving AI capabilities, leveraging data at an enterprise-wide scale to build and validate complex models. Managing complexity and explainability, as discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, is a key design consideration with ML (that guides decisions like training algorithm, parameters, etc.). Then again, many of the most popular AI applications we are beginning to see in our daily lives—smart assistants, real-time object tracking, and self-

driving cars, to name a few—are powered by ML, neural networks, and deep learning capabilities that are more difficult to explain and manage. Neural network A series of algorithms that attempt to identify underlying relationships in a set of data by using a process that mimics the way the human brain operates. Deep learning A specialized collection of machine learning approaches leveraging neural networks to enable AI capabilities such as computer vision and natural language processing.

In this section, we introduce the concept of an ML model and distinct ML frameworks to address specific data structures and analytic objectives. This section isn’t intended to be a functional “how-to” for ML, but a solid working knowledge will help you better lead AI adoption within your organization.

What Is an ML Model? Business analytics, often referred to as simply “analytics,” are business rules encoded into software by an analyst or developer that subsequently converts data into useful insights to inform decision making. By comparison, ML models use learning algorithms to generate business rules using prepared training data.

Training data An initial, usually large, dataset used to teach a ML model to be predictive or to learn a desired task. This may include inputs (raw data) and outputs (labels) or unlabeled data.

For supervised and reinforcement learning techniques, these learned rules are encoded in a special file known as a model. Because they are designed to be written and interpreted by machines, these models are much harder to read (explain) than business analytics. Unlike conventional analytics, the act of feeding user data into the analytic and producing insights is known as inference. Updating ML analytics is accomplished with some combination of the original training data, new/updated data, and the trained model. Traditionally, organizations treat ML models as black boxes where only their inputs and outputs required explanation. For all the reasons described in Chapter 3, mature organizations are abandoning this black box approach in favor of explainable outcomes.1 From a leadership standpoint, this shift toward explainability will continue to change how results are documented in the short term and overall design processes in the long term. ML models are also unique in that similar models and data can produce radically different results. Identical source code is compiled into identical applications, but identical training data produces a variety of models, depending on training parameters. Since it is difficult to predict the best configuration in advance, it is often best practice to train with many different configurations and then compare performance for each of the results during training. This is especially true for more sophisticated ML approaches, such as neural networks, and accounts for part of these techniques’ reputation for large computational and data storage overhead. Additionally, even the smallest changes to training data can produce meaningful changes to the end result.

These trends result in the potential for hundreds or even thousands of individual ML model versions. Only a small number will be operational, but many (or all, depending on your goals) are worth preserving to provide additional insight into the training process. You should choose how much data and the number of models you’d like to retain based on how explainable the analysis must be and how tightly you can control the operational and training data inputs. As with any other form of software, it is important for ML models to be documented, tested, and version-controlled to help the team maintain knowledge of its structure and functionality. Unlike conventional analytics, it’s not possible to break up, document, or independently test a model’s internal structure. Instead, we must rely on surrounding documentation, testing, and metadata. While not entirely unique to ML analytics, metadata plays a much larger role in describing a model’s behavior than it does with normal (or classic) software. MLOps (discussed in “Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)”) can help with this documentation, testing, and version control. DataOps provides the data pipelines to develop and train ML models. Then, MLOps provides an integrated and automated process with a documented CI/CD process to integrate these models into larger software applications that leverage said models using DevSecOps. This approach ensures resulting software applications that utilize integrated models are secure and that data scientists or software engineers can rapidly update the software and models as required. These combined frameworks allow data science practitioners to continuously refine models and their overall approach to analytics.

ML Methodologies Much like selecting the right tool for a given job, it’s important to understand the algorithms supporting our analytic efforts. Particularly in the case of ML, we use these underlying processes to characterize and define each unique ML approach. By understanding these techniques, we can address any assumptions and identify appropriate performance evaluation metrics.

Understanding these techniques also enables us to consider a model’s ability to generalize (i.e., ability to apply each model to sets of unfamiliar data) when putting models into a production environment, and to better monitor and improve our overall design choices. Supervised learning is perhaps the most often discussed example of ML. With this technique, algorithms are used to analyze numeric or labelled data (e.g., input-output pairs, tagged images, or other closely associated information). Common applications include regression models used for predicting continuous numeric values (e.g., stock prices) and classification models used for predicting categorical (e.g., file is/not malicious) class labels from operational data features. Supervised ML breaks data into input (called “features”) and outputs (known as “labels” for classification and “targets” for regression) and attempts to predict the latter from the former. Supervised learning’s key benefit is that it enables us to focus the analytic model on a specific task for high accuracy, precision, and recall.2 This makes supervised learning the most practical technique for most operational use cases.

Accuracy The ability for ML models to produce exact versus approximate results. It measures how close your model came to correctly predicting all true positives and true negatives. Precision A measure of confidence for your ML model. Precision is calculated by dividing the total number of true positives by (true positives + false positives). In other words, for all of the data that your model predicted to be a “positive,” what proportion of these were actually positives? Recall A measure of classification performance for your ML model. Recall (also known as sensitivity or “true positive rate”) is calculated by dividing the total number of true positives by (true positives + false negatives). In other words, for all observations that are actually positive, what proportion of observations did your model correctly predict to be “positive”?

Supervised learning’s operational success has resulted in additional research and development into explainability and sustainability, currently far in advance of other ML techniques. The key distinction between supervised learning and other ML approaches centers on the optimization of the model through the process of training its weights (i.e., learned parameters), as depicted in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2. Supervised ML process

With supervised learning, labeled input data is fed into the algorithm to train the model, where it refines the algorithm’s “weighting” by testing against specified criteria. The process used to refine a model is rooted in statistical cross-validation, where data is divided into two random subsets—one to train the model, the other to test its performance. Although the specifics get incredibly technical very quickly, the bottom line is this: once sufficiently trained, we can refine and improve deployed models by reengineering training data features and retraining the model as necessary while monitoring its behavior throughout the ML life cycle. A second ML technique, unsupervised learning, trains a model directly from patterns present in data rather than the input-output approach found in other types of ML. The key advantage with unsupervised algorithms is its capacity for finding patterns not known to the developer beforehand, presenting new avenues of exploration. This approach’s downside is that these algorithms generally find a high volume of patterns in production data, with no focused

way of knowing which patterns are valuable to a particular use case apart from abstract data-fit metadata. Additionally, unsupervised learning approaches are inherently less explainable than supervised models, as they usually leverage training data lacking a specified classification or inputoutput relationship between features. This high-level process is depicted in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3. Unsupervised ML process

While unsupervised learning techniques are certainly used as stand-alone approaches to modeling (e.g., anomaly detection and data clustering), we regularly leverage these techniques in tandem with supervised processes to simplify the problem space or gain additional insight into our data through exploratory analysis. A third technique is reinforcement learning, which provides a novel approach to training models within a specified environment. While there are similarities with supervised learning (e.g., optimization around a relevant penalty or reward metric), reinforcement learning takes a distinct approach to model refinement. Approaches such as Q-learning allow so-called “agents” (i.e., software bots) to interact directly with their environment (physically, virtually, or both) to refine its behavior with a goal of iterating toward a specified objective. The underlying algorithms, including support vector machines (SVM) and neural networks (defined later in this section),

generate a model to dictate the agent’s behavior and continue to update based on increased experience within the environment. Additionally, this technique is considered to be more explainable than a purely unsupervised approach. During a reinforcement learning process, we incrementally feed training data into a model, producing a result evaluated by a reward function, and then provide the model with feedback in the form of the results of the reward function that is combined with subsequent training data to continually refine the model parameters. As shown in Figure 5-4, the reinforcement learning process begins with users establishing goals, which become the primary objectives for the ML algorithm. When we initialize this process, the agent is completely ignorant of the rules of the experiment, necessitating multiple training runs before it can improve its performance. As the agent’s model continues to update based on reward feedback from the environment, it continually refines its performance, learning from previous successful approaches while deemphasizing less useful tactics. This approach initially gained notoriety through the application to games like chess, AlphaGo, and Starcraft, where, after execution of significant training, the models were able to outperform expert human players at these games.

Figure 5-4. Reinforcement ML process

As shown in Figure 5-4, the reinforcement learning process begins with users establishing goals, which become the primary objectives for the ML algorithm. When we initialize this process, the agent is completely ignorant of the rules of the game, necessitating multiple training runs before it can improve its performance. As the agent’s model continues to update based on reward feedback from the environment, it continually refines its performance, learning from previous successful approaches while deemphasizing less useful tactics. This approach initially gained notoriety through the application to games like chess, AlphaGo, and Starcraft, where, after execution of

significant training, the models were able to outperform expert human players at these games. The primary issue with reinforcement learning is that not all use cases allow for good reward functions, and reward functions may be more difficult to explain than training data for a given use case. Despite its more obscure processing, reinforcement learning provides spectacular results when employed in use cases that provide appropriate and measurable reward functions, such as with robotics and video games. Another benefit of reinforcement learning is that it can produce structured training data to support model development for applications where training data does not currently exist. Neural networks are an ML implementation that uses layered network architectures (i.e., neurons and weights) to perform a specific function, passing inputs through the network’s layers to calculate an output of interest. While neural networks also leverage statistical methods to evaluate a given input, they are unique in that their inner processes are largely nonlinear abstractions of conventional calculations. A neural network contains a collection of parameters, known as weights and biases, trained to optimize its outputs based on a given criteria. While neural networks continue to grow in complexity and layers of abstraction, in every instance the network’s architecture determines its function. On their own, neural networks do not specify the method used to train them. They are capable of following the supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning paradigms interchangeably. For example, the convolutional neural network in Figure 5-5 can ingest machine-readable images, training the algorithm to assess latent patterns and relationships among encoded pixels, and then classify the image with a given degree of certainty.

Figure 5-5. Neural network example

Developing a neural network’s structure is a difficult and expensive design process. To minimize this expense in time and effort, organizations often tailor existing neural networks for a specific application by starting with the structural information and regenerating weighting information from different training data. This process, called transfer learning, is the most approachable way for many organizations to use pretrained neural networks and leverage the extensive training previously executed for similar applications. As previously mentioned, models are updated in one of several ways, depending on the learning technique. In some use cases, it is not desirable to reload all of the training data that were initially used to create a model to update a model. In this situation, an online learning technique can be used to allow training data to be incrementally added to the model without having to retrain from scratch. An even more extreme version of this is distributed/federated learning. Recent developments in so-called “edge” technologies, such as widely used

mobile phones and other IoT devices, enable ML development using distributed—or remote—architectures. Distributed learning with edge devices occurs in parallel: training occurs in multiple online locations at the same time, before merging results to combine their overall knowledge. Distributed learning’s key advantage is the ability to enable the model to be configured for inference and training on low-powered edge devices while combining significant amounts of information globally in a single model. The disadvantage of edge learning is that the learning process is increasingly dynamic, complex, and difficult to curate. This environment can create complex scenarios that are extremely difficult to predict, detect, and correct in real time to combine that distributed learning into a valid global model. Examining the architecture outlined in Figure 5-6, distributed learning’s first step involves pushing a pretrained “pseudo model” to edge devices from a central hub. Once on the edge device, this initial model is refined by available data at the edge, performing inference and training updates on the local device. After these edge-based models are sufficiently trained and updated, we aggregate them at a central hub, versioning the models for eventual redeployment to edge devices. The central hub orchestrates these iterative improvements by using an MLOps approach to monitor model performance.

Figure 5-6. Distributed learning example

ML Advanced Topics Having discussed conventional ML modeling approaches and their considerations, we should pause a moment to examine emerging frontiers. These specialized applications leverage complex algorithms that combine and further abstract ML approaches. Each of the following approaches enables more mature AI capability. However, as with all techniques, we recommend you choose cautiously when considering the wider implications of interpretability and explainability. Due to the complex architecture within these techniques, we are generally unable to “open the black box” of these models, often forcing us to verify their reliability in development and production environments.3 One of the most impactful developments in ML over the last several decades is deep learning, a collection of methods leveraging multilayered “deep” neural networks to perform highly specialized tasks. Use cases include image classification, machine translation, and speech recognition. In practice, deep learning takes advantage of multiple ML methodologies (e.g., applying unsupervised approaches to transform data as the input for neural networks) to engineer features and improve model performance. These complex models enable AI by leveraging large quantities of data to train and refine parameters of deep neural networks, whose specific architecture enables performance able to exceed human capabilities. As with any ML approach, the underlying structure of the algorithm dictates the functional benefit of its specialized task, underscoring the need to consider responsible implementation, resource requirements, and interpretability of complex deep learning models. Natural language processing is a broad field containing both manual approaches and AI applications to analyze natural language data. Enabling machines to parse textual data is a critical component of natural language processing, without which we could not ingest data necessary to train the model. Traditionally, challenges are rooted in the subjectivity of human

language and difficulty achieving semantic generalization, particularly when working with jargon or translating between structurally dissimilar languages.4 Fortunately, recent research5 provides novel approaches to encapsulating language, necessitating more robust benchmarking metrics as performance improves. Current natural language processing applications span document classification, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, neural machine translation, speech recognition, and more. As this field continues to mature, you can anticipate increasingly novel applications to promote automated language understanding.

ML Life Cycle Operationalizing ML consists of four primary phases: business analysis, model development, model vetting, and model operation (e.g., monitoring your model in production). Executing these components with common approaches, practices, and understanding allows an organization to scale ML applications while reducing time-to-market business value of AI systems. To achieve this common understanding, it helps to decompose each component into its respective activities and discuss the methodologies, approaches, and opportunities presented by each, as illustrated in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7. ML life cycle

Business Analysis Business units are increasingly investing in or identifying ML techniques as areas for potential growth. These business units are looking to leverage data and discover patterns to drive efficiency and enable better-informed decision making. A successful machine learning project analyzes business objectives to reveal significant factors influencing outcomes for machine learning deliverables. This step is critical to ensure your machine learning projects produce the right answers, ones that directly address the business problem you originally set out to solve. You should collaborate closely with subject matter experts and end users to better understand how they perform their activities in the current environment. Interviews and consultation performed at this stage will help you to better understand the business problem that needs to be addressed, the goal to be met, any applicable constraints or dependencies, and the desired outcome. A project plan should then be developed that defines how machine learning will address business goals. It’s important for all stakeholders to agree on the criteria that specify how results should be measured and what constitutes success from a business perspective. Assumptions should be documented to help guide the subsequent model development process during the next phase. All steps should be defined, including project details about scope, duration, required resources, inputs, outputs, and dependencies.

Model Development Developing ML for business use requires incremental steps (outline in Figure 5-8). Because this development process involves scoping the problem, conducting experiments, reviewing results, and refining the approach, it’s difficult to depict in a straightforward fashion. While each of the five steps may occur at various times, their contribution to the overall process remains consistent.

Figure 5-8. Model development steps

Once the project objectives are set and the business problem is understood, an exploratory analysis is necessary to identify and collect all relevant data and assess their ability to meet the intended business purpose. This process is designed to create a comprehensive view of the available data and use analytic techniques to explore important relationships in the data. Exploratory analysis also serves to identify deficiencies in the data that may prevent the model from meeting the intended business purpose. Data exploration analyzes the data we have available and also informs the type of data needed to develop a useful model. The data preparation stage transforms data to be used with ML algorithms. You’ll want to check for issues such as missing information, duplicate/invalid data, or imbalanced data. This stage also includes techniques to help prepare data, including: removing duplicate/invalid records from the dataset; addressing class imbalance (when the total number of a class of data [positive] is far less than the total number

of another class of data [negative]); enrichment using additional data sources; and selecting data features and executing feature engineering (to include combining multiple features for additional training benefits). This process is designed to help determine the required input variables when developing a predictive model. Your subject matter experts are invaluable during this phase of model development. Model training begins once data is prepared. In this step, training and validation data is used to compute the model parameters that optimize performance. Prior to initializing the model training process, it is necessary to define the model to be trained and its corresponding configurations. A general process for model training can typically be used across different algorithms. For most types of ML, the general training procedure begins by randomly initializing the model and its associated parameters. This model is then trained using data to fine-tune it, generating and comparing predictions for each entry in the training dataset. Using these predictions, the model training computes error and other performance metrics between model prediction and ground truth for each entry (e.g., case, record, image). The computed error, often referred to as “loss,” is then used to adjust model parameters to optimize for desired metrics. The training script will continue to loop through the aforementioned steps until it achieves the desired performance or until the maximum number of training steps has been reached. The next step, model versioning, is crucial to ensure a workflow is explainable and can be replicated. In this step, models are versioned based on the data used for training, selected specifications (e.g., learning rate, batch size, number of epochs),6 and the resulting output. An identifier should be assigned to each model to provide context. Versioning enables your team to track model lineage and pedigree, which will improve results as your project progresses. Here are some items we recommend tracking during your development efforts: software used to train and run the model; development environment; model architecture; training data used; model parameters; and the artifacts

collected during training, such as reports and log files. This process should be standardized and conducted for each model training event with parameters stored in a common repository. The final step in development, model validation, is vetting a model’s training by using a validation dataset to determine if any additional performance adjustments are necessary. It’s important that this validation dataset not include any data used in the model training stage to ensure validation metrics are fully independent from the training procedure. In the validation stage, the model you’ve created is used to make predictions for every entry in the test dataset. Prediction error and other model performance metrics are calculated to ensure observed model performance meets user-defined requirements before deploying the model.

Model Vetting The next step in the ML life cycle is to vet your model, as shown in Figure 59. Vetting a trained ML model is a crucial, yet underappreciated, step in the path to operationalizing machine learning. Rigorous model vetting enables the local data science team to discover costly bugs and correct them while still in a low-risk environment. Once vetting is executed locally, it is then replicated in the production environment. Deploying properly working models will build organizational trust, not only in the deployed system but in AI projects as a whole.

Figure 5-9. Model vetting steps

Trained models that meet initial performance requirements are deployed for testing to a production-like environment for a rigorous test and evaluation stage. This step involves conducting computational and performance testing to ensure the model meets requirements. For the sake of consistency, deploying a model to the test environment should parallel the steps taken to deploy a model to an actual production environment. Your development team should work closely with subject matter experts and functional users to ensure the test environment mirrors actual production. Similar to model development stages, it is important to verify results. This step ensures model performance is in line with expectations and has not suffered from performance degradation. It’s important to note that, based on our experience, most preproduction model issues are discovered during this step. As noted previously, it’s crucial that the data sent to the model during this stage be representative of the data the model will analyze while in a production environment.

Part of the results verification process is exploring how the model handles malformed or otherwise improper data. The model should be able to handle improper data and ensure that important data is not lost, an appropriate error notification is sent to the software development team, and the model remains functional after encountering the error. Result tracking is critical to ensure your model is effectively reviewed and audited. The ability to store and review historical model output allows subject matter experts and functional users to conduct periodic reviews, ensuring the model is making acceptable and appropriate predictions. The final step, staging for deployment, prepares the model to be moved to the production environment. Once the model is deployed to the production environment, the model is considered “live” and will be available to all authorized end users and systems. Data scientists, software engineers, and all appropriate experts should be consulted to ensure the model is deployed in a manner that matches expectations in the production environment.

Model Operation The operationalizing ML workflow’s ultimate goal is the successful deployment and smooth operation of a well-functioning model. The ideal model provides end users with predictions when requested in a timely manner, performs automatic monitoring of model performance and usage, and notifies people of relevant model activity through reporting and alert mechanisms. In short, a successful deployment means that your ML application performs as expected and alerts you when your attention is needed. Model operations (shown in Figure 5-10) will allow you to meet these needs.

Figure 5-10. Model operation steps

The first step in operationalizing a model is deploying the model to the production environment and verifying that the model has been successfully transferred and no issues exist with running the model in the intended environment. The deployment verification is typically done by closely monitoring the model immediately after deployment to ensure it’s receiving, analyzing, and returning appropriate data. This step also involves verifying input data formatting is correct and analyzing output for correctness to ensure that no model performance degradation has occurred. These tests are best performed on the production hosting environment by the software engineering team immediately after deployment. The operation step involves executing the model when required. During this step, the software engineering team must ensure all aspects of the deployed model are working as intended. Any system issues should be fixed based on their order of importance to ensure the model continues to operate as intended. This process typically requires using regularly scheduled automated tests of the system, validating model responsiveness, ensuring models are being retrained when necessary, and verifying that models are resilient against ingesting malformed or improper data. These events result in

system alerts to request human inspection when necessary and a support request system that allows end users to submit help tickets. Smooth operation of a deployed model requires robust monitoring capabilities. A deployed monitoring system should be able to track model input and output, capture any warning or error message produced by the software environment, compute anomalous model activity (e.g., drift detection analysis, adversarial AI attacks detection), and forward all relevant information to the system’s reporting and alerting interfaces. Effective monitoring of a deployed system requires several component systems to operate together seamlessly. This is best done by automating as much of the system as possible. Given the speed and scale at which many AI systems operate, it is insufficient to rely solely on human monitoring and analysis to capture all necessary details in a timely fashion. As such, automated monitoring tasks are required for desired monitoring activity and set to run as needed. All results of these automated monitoring tasks are reported and sent as an alert, when deemed necessary. Reporting allows for human inspection of the deployed model. The speed and scale at which many AI systems operate may make it impractical for a human to review model performance in real time. However, automated reporting at regular time intervals will enable users to verify the system is working as intended. It is also possible for these reports to be used by other automated systems to monitor the deployed model. These reports are examined using visually engaging formats such as a dashboard, spreadsheet, or document to provide user insights. Alerting modules are responsible for creating real-time notifications about the deployed system’s status. These notifications are meant to either signal people for immediate system review or to create micro-reports to be included in automated system logs. Events that require alert notifications are initially flagged by the model monitoring module. These flagged events are received by the alerting module, where the alerts are drafted based on prewritten notification templates. These notifications are then sent out via a messaging service to the recipient. Based on requirements, notifications can

be sent as text messages, emails, Slack messages, app push notifications, or automated phone calls.

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Early in the history of software development, innovations in tooling, automation, and process optimization were focused almost exclusively on efficient delivery of new functionality. DevOps, and later DevSecOps, established frameworks that introduced similar innovations to balance functionality against priorities like automation, reliability, distributed development, and security. As reviewed in this ML section, there are many steps to the design, training, testing, deployment, and monitoring of ML models. In many cases, these steps are executed manually. However, this greatly reduces the ability to scale the model development process. MLOps7 provides a potential solution to this problem through integration and automation to allow for increased efficiencies in the development and training of ML models. MLOps is similar to DevSecOps, with some unique differences (e.g., use of production data for model training, rapid iterations of models, accounting for bias, need for continuous monitoring) that you must consider. Organizations today are primarily prioritizing the development of AI models and not the process used to develop those models. Through the integration of these manual processes using the rapidly expanding open source and commercial solutions, MLOps will allow an organization to scale their AI development pipelines to meet future demand and operate at the enterprise level.

Scalable Training Infrastructure AI model training currently requires larger training datasets (e.g., streaming, IoT), an increasing number of modeling approaches (e.g., supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement learning), and more complex models (e.g., deep learning) composed of larger numbers of training parameters. With this growth, we see an increasing need for more robust and scalable training

infrastructures. This infrastructure requires additional automation to evaluate the range of required models while collecting training results for comparisons across model versions and approaches. MLOps combines more traditional DevSecOps techniques like continuous build systems, distributed processing, and “As a Service” (AaS) infrastructure with ML-specific approaches like model bias, model training, hardware acceleration (e.g., distributed processing, GPUs), model optimization infrastructure (see next paragraph), and model monitoring. Through this process, models are developed more quickly and follow standard processes with detailed documentation of the results.

Model Optimization Infrastructure In the early days of ML, models were typically trained individually and infrequently (weekly, monthly) due to hardware constraints and immature optimization techniques. Today, we have the operational requirements and the computational resources to train models more frequently (daily, hourly, continuously) and in large batches (10s to 100s) using scalable training infrastructures, modern optimization techniques, and scalable computing infrastructure. In addition, teams are increasingly deploying AI models to a range of edge-hosting environments. If models are to operate effectively in these edge environments, you must optimize them to operate on those lower capacity hardware configurations. MLOps can help developers by integrating with scalable training infrastructure and coordinating the accumulation, storage, and comparison of trained models. Additionally, centralized storage and analysis of models can provide valuable insights into model development over time, providing an approach to evaluate model and data drift. This standard process also supports optimization of trained models based on the target hosting environment to ensure models can effectively operate in production. In the longer term, these model optimization repositories may also play an

important role in explainability considerations, given the metadata collected as part of this process.

Model Deployment Infrastructure For many AI teams, deploying a completed model to operational infrastructure for use by its intended end user can represent a significant technical and process challenge. This is because AI teams often lack the indepth software development, system administration, and network engineering knowledge to deploy such systems. AI development teams can benefit from defining standardized, automated deployment workflows for their ML models using standard automated deployment applications (e.g., Jenkins, Ansible). These pipelines can be developed with direct contributions from subject matter experts in software development and system administrators as part of the integrated AI development team. This approach ensures that deployments meet organizational requirements and minimize the burden placed on the AI development team while decreasing time to execute initial and retraining deployments. O’Reilly has additional resources you can explore to learn more about MLOps, including Introducing MLOps and Practical MLOps. Operationalizing ML capabilities within your organization requires practitioners with very specific skill sets. Table 5-1 lists some of these roles alongside elements to keep in mind as you staff your AI team.

Table 5-1. Key technical ML roles Key player Data scientist/AI developer

Elements to keep in mind as you staff your AI team Data scientists tend to be default actors during AI development. This is less a concern during the pilot stage but can become problematic when a system enters operations. One reason to create and staff specialized positions like data engineers and ethical/policy advisers is to allow data scientists to remain focused on development. Most data scientists are involved in both manual and AI-based analytics, although some data scientists prefer to specialize in AI. Specific subdisciplines like neural networks often call for specialized experience.

Subject matter experts

Due to the rarity and novelty of AI development skills, most organizations are forced to look externally for talent. This leads to a situation where employees understand AI development but lack familiarity with the organization and its data, processes, and challenges. While a quality data scientist can eventually reverse engineer this information through observation, documentation, code, and data, it is far more cost-effective to involve a subject matter expert. While subject matter experts deliver much of their value in informing the functionality of the AI system, they are also a source of valuable information and feedback on operational considerations such as security and policy.

End users

Every AI development system exists to address a use case. Typically, that boils down to a critical decision in an important business process. The person making that decision is the end user. All software systems should pursue feedback from their end users to inform future functionality. AI adds a layer to that relationship by making it possible for structured feedback from the end user to become part of the training data that writes the business logic. End users are often the first and last line of defense when a system decides to misbehave. Helping end users develop intuition around a model’s effective business logic is important to making them more effective in this role.

1 See the report “In Gartner’s 2020 Hype Cycle, Explainable AI Leaps Ahead” on the dramatic increase in demand for Explainable AI. 2 For a definition of accuracy, precision, and recall, see Hands-On Machine Learning for Cybersecurity (Packt). 3 While there have been recent developments to help expose the interworking of these black box models to improve explainability, a significant challenge of explainability remains when considering some of these more complex deep learning models. 4 “Daily Archives”, SAS Institute, May 6, 2015. 5 “3 NLP Trends Prime for Improvement in the New Year”, Inside Big Data, Jan 3, 2021. 6 For more information on these specifications, see this TowardsDataScience article. 7 In this report, we are defining “MLOps” as “machine learning operations.” However, we recognize that there is an emerging definition of MLOps to mean “model operations.” When we’re discussing MLOps in this report, we’re focusing on the operationalization of machine learning, whereas model ops may focus on a broader universe. For additional reading on this topic, see Gartner’s definition of ModelOps or the Forbes article “ModelOps Is Just The Beginning Of Enterprise AI”.

Chapter 6. The Road to AI Adoption In previous chapters, we introduced the critical components organizations should integrate and coordinate across their teams to leverage AIOps and begin developing a robust enterprise AI capability. This chapter outlines an AI Adoption Blueprint to guide the integration of those primary components into an end-to-end technical solution. Using this holistic blueprint, your organization can integrate these solutions across multiple enterprise workstreams, transitioning AI from prototypes into impactful solutions by considering the people, processes, and technologies necessary to customize and scale AI for your organization.

AI Adoption Blueprint As you begin to adopt AI, it’s crucial to understand that no organization can succeed in a single day. Instead, anticipate a process defined by trial and error using ongoing feedback from stakeholders across your organization. This section provides an overview of the AI Adoption Blueprint and its components, establishing the foundations for this journey to promote incremental advancement toward a robust AI capability. The most effective and sustainable approaches to operationalizing AI solutions are diligence and mindfulness for associated risks. Thanks in part to AI’s rising popularity, organizations often seek “AI magic” for their programs before taking their unique AIOps considerations into account. And while an organization can move quickly when adopting AI solutions, it’s risky to rush AI development without proper planning in place. Failure to think through all considerations around AIOps creates risks for your teams to develop unreliable AI solutions the workforce will neither

embrace nor use, ultimately limiting organizational adoption of AI. Particularly in the case of large corporations or government entities, this failure could result in potentially devastating consequences impacting society and critical resources. The AI Adoption Blueprint will enable you to address these concerns through the use of AIOps and develop mitigation strategies to avoid such a pitfall. First, you should consider responsible AI’s far-reaching concerns when promoting holistic AI creation, as depicted in Figure 6-1. These elements outline the primary considerations surrounding responsible AI adoption and provide a useful starting point to understanding the AI Adoption Blueprint.

Figure 6-1. Holistic view of responsible AI

To prepare your workforce to embrace AI, skilled technical teams are not enough. Introducing AI into your organization can upend a traditional work environment and responsibilities. Leaders who prepare their workforces to operate in their modified roles will prevent talent skill gaps, expedite successful adoption, and, most importantly, prepare all staff members to play a role in developing responsible AI. Where an AI team must build AI responsibly, end users must use AI responsibly. End users must receive training on appropriate uses for the applications, including how to understand and interpret outputs, the appropriate degree of human oversight, and key risks. Incorporating these responsible AI considerations into our AIOps approach, let’s now examine the AI Adoption Blueprint in Figure 6-2. This blueprint consolidates the AIOps framework elements detailed throughout this report, with AIOps Integration serving as a mechanism to incorporate organizational requirements to design, develop, and sustain an enterprise AI capability. We will discuss AIOps Integration and Digital Architecture in more detail later in this chapter, so let’s begin with an overview of familiar topics from the AIOps framework: Responsible AI Discussed in Chapter 3, centers on establishing trust, building cultural readiness, supporting workforce strategy, and prioritizing ethics early in the AI adoption process. Data engineering Discussed in Chapter 4, considers data as a strategic asset and helps ensure data readiness for AI, both for training AI models and to scale AI capabilities. Your teams can leverage DataOps to enact your enterprise data strategy to promote secure, democratized access to essential data that fuels AI solutions. Analytic frameworks

Leverage ML and specialized analytic approaches that drive AI capabilities and deliver value through data-driven insight. This element involves MLOps to develop and manage complex models throughout their life cycle.

Figure 6-2. AI Adoption Blueprint

While each element of the blueprint is a valid stand-alone concern, you must integrate these components before reaping AI’s full benefit. In the following sections, we identify critical first steps to integrate these elements into your unique solution, starting with clear articulation of your AI capability’s desired end state.

Establishing Clear Objectives Using the AI Adoption Blueprint to guide our questioning, you can begin identifying your goals for development. Before addressing specific implementation concerns, it’s critical to establish clear objectives and outcomes at the onset. This lays the groundwork for stakeholders to better evaluate return on investment resulting from the AI model. In this section, we first define project success criteria, identifying AIOps components that enable individual AI projects to succeed. By applying hard-won experience to the overall AIOps framework, you encourage successful AI adoption at the enterprise level. After defining objectives and identifying factors that contribute to successful outcomes, you can leverage AIOps criteria to evaluate your AI capability and performance. Table 6-1 outlines 10 ideal observations that encourage successful enterprise AI adoption.

Table 6-1. Top ten leading indicators for AI project success Leading indicator

Ideal observation

Data readiness

Accessible, high-quality, catalogued datasets

Infrastructure readiness

Flexible, scalable, secure environments and tools

Organizational readiness

Forward-leaning, transparent, well-led organization

Analytic technique

Literature- and experience-backed processes and methods

Leadership and stakeholder buy-in Executive sponsorship, end-user buy-in and adoption Clearly defined business problem

Well-defined scope and ROI value proposition

Project team expertise

Expert, diverse team blending tech and nontech skills

Project team cohesion

Consistent, united, committed project team

Agile project management

Iterative, feedback-centric management approach

Informed project schedule

Ambitious but practical schedule

Highlighting some key considerations in more detail: Data Typically the number one determinant of success or failure for a given project. Many organizations struggle to capture, organize, and make available the most important data used to drive decision making. Organizations with formal data strategies have higher success rates. Infrastructure readiness Also a strong contributing factor to success, giving organizations that have standardized and invested in analytic enclaves and platforms an advantage when operationalizing AI. Analytic techniques These are critical to an organization’s success or failure. Many times, traditional analytic methods are sufficient. But there are times when more cutting-edge methods, like deep learning, are crucial to success. For example, natural language processing and computer vision methods are

achieving incredible success, while newer methods like reinforcement learning are still in their infancy. While the above factors generally apply to all AI projects, we recognize that every organization is unique. It’s important to identify, track, and socialize the factors that influence the success of AI across your enterprise. Holding AI executive visioning sessions can help to develop objectives and goals as the guiding principles for your AI strategy. This ensures your organization can rapidly transition prototypes to enterprise AI solutions that meet operational requirements and deliver against organizational priorities. As you begin to plan new AI projects within your organization, there are a few exploratory questions you can ask during your project reviews to help predict the success of that project: 1. “Is project leadership actively involved in the project, and do they understand and support the objectives?” 2. “Do we have the appropriate mix of skills, training, and experience on the project team?” 3. “What delays are we anticipating in the first 90 days of the project?” 4. “What is the anticipated, or actual, retention of key project resources? What are the contingency plans?” 5. “How will the team coordinate their efforts throughout the project?” 6. “What are the key objectives and success criteria for the project, and how achievable are they?” These questions will help you identify and collect critical pieces of information to determine whether your AI project is ready to begin its journey. Think back to the 10 criteria we outlined above. Are the answers you’re receiving painting a picture that these 10 criteria will be met? Are you beginning to realize the ideal observations defined in Table 6-1? If so, you can feel confident your AI project is on the right track.

Conversely, if you implement AI without a clear vision, you’ll be unable to tie back any success AI brings to your organization’s goals. Without this knowledge, your organization could fail to recognize AI’s added value. Moving forward with ideas lacking clear value will undercut future AI efforts and hinder additional resource investments. As you develop early objectives to track the success of your individual AI projects and the enterprise AIOps capability, keep in mind the following tips: Your objectives will depend on where your organization is in its AI journey. Objectives that drive implementation at early stages of implementation will need to focus as much on vetting ideas and educating members of the organization as they do on developing key elements—the people skills, infrastructure, repeatable and integrated solutions—for successful AI. Focus on objectives that you can easily measure. Focus on new capabilities that address something the organization cannot do today instead of reinventing existing or legacy capabilities. This makes it easier to demonstrate value added to the organization’s capabilities. The objectives need to align with risk tolerance, responsible AI principles, data asset availability, and talent requirements. We recommend four steps for establishing general objectives as you begin to deploy AIOps: 1. Set a clear vision for your organization’s AI capability, starting with a clearly defined vision and business objectives. Your organization can use these to recognize what its current capabilities are, identify the outcomes you want to achieve, and place these within the context of your broader strategic plan. Your vision and business objectives will then inform your strategic plan that rolls out AI capabilities incrementally, with a focus of continual improvement of AIOps, while keeping the mission of the organization clearly in mind.

2. Begin to articulate and report on clear goals tied to outcomes to further underscore the connection between AI and the organization’s mission. You can use the outcomes we suggest in the next section, for example, to structure your reports. 3. Identify employees and leadership who have already bought into an AI culture to serve as champions for your AIOps launch—these individuals can lead early AI pilot projects and showcase the resulting value to their peers. 4. Establish short-term, technically feasible projects with clear parameters for success to demonstrate value. These quick wins will help build active buy-in, especially when championed by the champions you identified in step three.

Measuring Outcomes and Performance Performance measurements and benchmarks help your organization evaluate AI deployment and assist in quantifying AI’s added value. These measures will determine the outcomes and relative performance for each AI initiative. They can also help you determine or refactor priorities and adjust the approach when warranted. Whenever possible, organizations should standardize these metrics across AI projects and integrate into your AIOps development and sustainment process. This ensures projects are calculating metrics on a regular basis, tracking them in a central repository, and reporting regularly for continuous monitoring and improvement of AI project impact. Transparency and feedback are key to continuous learning and improvement, which are important determinants of success. AIOps metrics can serve this purpose through continuous monitoring of the process and automated alerts/actions to react to the data collected. You should also calibrate your selected tracking metrics to their respective AI applications. For example, AI supporting high-risk processes might require additional precision, risk reviews, and performance verification beyond typical benchmarks.

In each of our previous AI Adoption Blueprint themes, we discussed success criteria relevant to each component of AIOps. When establishing the metrics that you will begin measuring to track success of your new AI capability, we recommend tying these metrics back to the important lessons we’ve covered throughout this report. Here are our recommendations for the metrics you should track organized by their alignment to the AI Adoption Blueprint (and corresponding chapter): Metrics Related to Responsible AI (Chapter 3) 1. Acceptable Performance: actual accuracy of model versus required accuracy (some models may have a higher acceptable margin of error, for example) 2. Bias: watch for any bias that may have been introduced in the model training process1 3. Necessary approvals: ensure your team has received any approvals that might be needed for certain datasets 4. Repeatability: ability to recreate the results of model training or inference based on data collected throughout the AIOps process 5. Resilience: susceptibility of the model to compromise through adversarial influence Metrics Related to Data Engineering (Chapter 4) 1. Data readiness: indicators to track readiness of a dataset as input to AI models 2. Data quality and data drift: qualitative and quantitative metrics to measure data quality and potential early indicators of change in data profile driving drift 3. Data security and privacy: qualitative and quantitative metrics that can be used as indicators of data security and privacy

4. Data transparency:2 metadata and metrics can help improve model explainability Metrics Related to ML Models (Chapter 5) 1. Accuracy, precision, recall: quantitative performance of model decisions 2. Throughput: increase in throughput of data processed by model compared to baseline 3. Speed of decision: time it takes model to provide answer in many cases compared to baseline process timeline for decision making 4. Capacity: ability of model inference to meet number of user requests and delay in providing those requests 5. Usage: given the target user base, what percentage are using the solution and how that changes over time Ideally, you want your AIOps capability to enable the success at an enterprise-wide scale. Therefore, if your AIOps framework is successful, you will begin to see improvements to these metrics throughout a project’s life cycle. As a reminder, this will remain an iterative process, using feedback from these criteria and stakeholder engagement to track and guide the development of your AI capability and continued advancement of the sophistication of AIOps implementations.

Reference Architectures Throughout this report, we introduced building blocks to help your teams repeatedly create the necessary infrastructure and subsequently deploy scalable AI solutions. Combined, these building blocks result in a reference architecture, a framework to visualize interrelated capabilities and components required to operationalize and deliver AI. Reference architectures are also a central component needed to inform the required technical infrastructure and related development processes (i.e.,

implementing DevSecOps3 on the technical infrastructure as a component of the wider AIOps framework). DevSecOps Based on DevOps (a set of processes and techniques devoted to increasing the efficiency of communication and coordination between developers and operations staff), DevSecOps expands this relationship further to include security and the need to make systems robust against intentional meddling by a motivated adversary.

Every organization’s implementation of the reference architecture will be different, but the fundamental components remain the same (Figure 6-3). A reference architecture serves as the gold standard for your teams to quickly deploy their own AI models and applications. By establishing a reference architecture, your organization can then produce real-world solutions (solution baselines) from an abstract framework. These solution baselines correspond to your organization’s specific use cases and result in a common framework of reusable components that comply with a common architecture that results in increased efficiency and scalability of your enterprise AI capability.

Figure 6-3. Reference architecture

To support a comprehensive reference architecture, you must also consider digital architecture decisions, including both infrastructure and development processes, to evolve your AI capability from prototype to a deployed solution. Your digital architecture choices should support all components of your reference architecture and AIOps framework, including interfaces with end users, data platforms, and analytic technologies. Taking these interconnected elements into account, the following are some high-level considerations surrounding these digital architecture components to develop a coordinated, scalable, and sustainable AI capability.

Technical Infrastructure By its very nature, AI model training can be computationally intensive and often requires a large amount of power. The type of hardware used to train deep learning models of simple/moderate complexity are dedicated instances or small/medium clusters powered by graphic processor units (GPU) or a combination of CPUs and GPUs. High performance computing (HPC) environments can be optimized with GPUs and parallel distributed file systems for more complex models involving high-dimensional datasets.

Development Processes DevSecOps provides a standardized process, containing frameworks to organize development efforts, including collaboration across technical teams and uniform documentation of the capability throughout its life cycle. During development, this process and associated tools are critical to allow crossfunctional teams to efficiently develop and test AI models. Once deployed, we also consider the long-term sustainment of the AI capability, such as continuous integration, delivery, and evaluation of the capability’s impact on the organization (based on defined performance outcomes).

AIOps Integration

Now that we understand the holistic concerns from the AI Adoption Blueprint, including establishing objectives and performance measure, it’s time to consider the approach and process to integrate elements that operationalize AI. To achieve these desired outcomes, we must consider AIOps’ component processes—specifically DataOps, MLOps, and DevSecOps— including their interrelation and dependencies across people, process, and technology. First, we’ll outline these considerations and their implementation before delving deeper into integrating these processes from a more technical perspective.

Operational Components AI capabilities are designed (and expected) to deliver value when deployed to support business processes. Doing so means teams must integrate AI capabilities into systems that historically support business processes. Given the exponential rise in system complexity, scaling and sustaining AI requires a holistic view of processes and dependencies—and a structured engineering approach—to translate a portfolio of AI models into deployed operational capabilities. Figure 6-4 defines this view as the core components you should include and integrate across your organization to enable successful AI deployments.

Figure 6-4. AIOps components

As outlined in Figure 6-4, DataOps, MLOps, and DevSecOps comprise the AIOps core operational components that should be customized for your organization’s particular use case. Considered AIOps collectively, the integration of these approaches focuses on translating organizational requirements into data and analytic processes through a combination of: Developing integrated automation pipelines that span from data ingest and process through model training to subsequent AI model deployment Updating AI models integrated into systems and business processes as needed to ensure they remain up to date and relevant, not static Continuously integrating and deploying processes across data, model, and development structures with feedback loops incorporated to drive process improvement Metadata collection process across all phases supporting model explainability When considering our approach to incorporating these operational frameworks, we should reiterate the alignment of DataOps, MLOps, and DevSecOps in the wider AIOps framework. We will use these working definitions when describing the integration of components in the next section. A holistic approach to AIOps integration contains the following processes: 1. Leverage an iterative DataOps process to create data pipelines, democratize access, and monitor and automate processes to meet strategic data requirements to enable an AI capability. 2. Incorporate MLOps to adjust model implementations to better determine the approach best suited for given operational requirements; MLOps focuses on automated training, deployment, monitoring, and management of ML models.

3. Implement DevSecOps to orchestrate broader software application development that supports rapid integration of ML models and deployment to target hosting environments. As discussed earlier, DevSecOps adds a critical security element to established DevOps processes and practices. From the enterprise perspective, AIOps components exist as part of the larger ecosystem of mission-critical systems that support organizational goals. Given the complexity and rapidly evolving nature of mission-critical systems, it’s important to adhere to best practices for integrating AI capabilities tailored to specific organizational requirements. As with other mission-critical systems, AI systems need to be secured through a comprehensive enterprise security approach where all security best practices apply. Overall, the approach allows for integrated and iterative development of solutions using a standard process that is scalable and repeatable across AI solution requirements. This is done while having full visibility across the process, thanks to the help of metadata, which is collected within a centralized data platform. In the following section, we will apply the AI Adoption Blueprint to address the integration of these essential components of the AIOps framework.

Component Integration Designing and developing an enterprise AI capability requires development in the individual AIOps components plus upstream and downstream coordination to enable these components to support each other synergistically. As described in detail throughout this report and the AI Adoption Blueprint, we consider several interconnected elements when on the road to holistic AIOps integration: responsible AI to guide the workforce on this journey, data engineering to fuel analytic processes; analytic frameworks to derive value and insight from data; meeting technical requirements and sustained deployment through digital architecture.

Recall that the AI Adoption Blueprint defined AIOps integration as the responsible integration of DataOps, DevSecOps, and MLOps to design, develop, and sustain an AI capability. Pipeline integration between the AIOps components is crucial to operationalizing and sustaining your enterprise AI system. Both DevSecOps and DataOps are complex disciplines that exist independently of AIOps but require unique consideration when they are applied to AI model development. When implementing MLOps, many organizations focus solely on model development and do not invest the time required to mature other processes around ML model development, a path that often leads to AI systems producing suboptimal results and failing to address business needs. There are a few considerations you should keep in mind when designing the operational pipelines necessary to integrate components of the enterprise AI system. In Table 6-2, we outline these interrelated considerations for AIOps by mapping linkages between elements from the AI Adoption Blueprint and questions to examine their interdependencies.

Table 6-2. AIOps integration Responsible AI

Data engineering

Responsible AI

Incorporation of risk evaluation and management concerns surrounding responsible workforce AI adoption.

Data engineering

Does your data strategy account for responsible governance and policy? Does your DataOps process enable secure, democratized access?

Enterprise data strategy implemented through DataOps to prepare and utilize data as a critical asset.

Analytic frameworks

What are the risks associated with interpreting and implementing ML algorithms? What is the value derived from these analytics?

Is your data readily available and prepared for sustained analysis? Is data appropriately managed and versioned to enable advanced analytics?

Analytic frameworks

Implementation of advanced analytics and ML frameworks through MLOps.

Digital architecture

Responsible AI Digital architecture

Does your digital infrastructure align to risk management and technical requirements? Are your development processes clearly documented from prototype to production?

Data engineering

Analytic frameworks

Digital architecture

Are there established data pipelines between storage systems and development environments? Does your infrastructure support automation to reliably move data from a development to production environment?

Do the outcomes of your analytic processes and development practices correspond to specific organizational objectives? Do you have standardized metrics to evaluate the impact of your AI capability?

Modular reference architecture a required techn infrastructure enable compo integrations an DevSecOps.

After understanding the connections between the components of AIOps and planning the implementation-specific design of your pipelines, it is finally time to build and deploy the pipelines. Your implementation-specific designs should now be translated into technology-specific builds that best align to your immediate business needs and team expertise. Keep in mind that integrating AIOps components should be treated with the same rigor as the building of the components themselves. In fact, we should approach these interconnections as components themselves! As with other software solutions, your development team should be writing tests to ensure these pipelines are compliant and reliable. This verification must be thorough and informed by subject matter experts to ensure all nuances are considered. Pipelines should be maintained as rigorously as the rest of the enterprise AI system and should receive regular updates to ensure the system continuously adheres to AI best practices. This report has provided an in-depth review of the range of aspects that are required to allow organizations to continually advance their enterprise AI capabilities through the application of AIOps and all the associated supporting factors. Each of these aspects cannot be addressed individually.

Instead, organizations must view them as an integrated set of capabilities that advance their ability to build successful and impactful AI solutions.

1 For further reading on how to detect bias in your model, see this article from TowardsDataScience. 2 Steve Sirich, “Data Privacy in the Age of Privacy Protection”, Forbes, May 25, 2020. 3 For further reading, see Jim Bird’s 2016 report DevSecOps (O’Reilly Media).

Conclusion This report’s objective was to provide insights into how an organization can progress from applying AI in a controlled lab environment to advancing the organization to an enterprise AI capability. As outlined, there are many factors that must be addressed to make this transition successful (scoping of AI projects, measuring success, embedding responsible AI, integration of the ops, monitoring AI model performance, and pursuing continuous improvement). Today, we are at the point of maximum hype and potential associated with AI. If organizations are not able to move AI models to production and realize the potential return on those investments, AI solutions are in danger of decreased adoption and longer horizons until organizations experience the full value AI can provide as a transformation capability. Through the application of the approaches and frameworks outlined in this report, an organization can leverage lessons learned to reduce time and risk in making AI an enterprise capability for their organization. In many cases, organizations focus on one or a small number of these aspects, leading to challenges in establishing and scaling enterprise AI. Each area outlined in this report must be given attention and resources, must be integrated, and must be iteratively enhanced to realize the full potential of enterprise AI. It is also critical to keep in mind that each topic needs to be improved iteratively, especially in light of the state of rapid technology development and AI research. New tools and capabilities are continually being developed that advance the state of the art in each of these areas, so AIOps should be a continuous journey and not a “one and done” process. If organizations utilize these AIOps approaches and frameworks, they are well positioned to rapidly move to operationalizing AI at the enterprise level. They can become an organization that rapidly develops and improves their AI solutions in alignment with responsible AI principles and organizational vision and goals. Those resulting solutions can enable organizations to realize the expected potential of AI—a transformational capability spanning industries—and begin to see a true, quantitative return on their investment.

About the Authors Justin Neroda leads strategic investment efforts to apply artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital solutions, and advanced analytics for defense and intelligence clients. His expertise includes operationalizing AI solutions across a portfolio of ongoing AI projects. Justin also has more than 20 years of experience managing analysts and developers to execute a broad range of modeling, simulation, visualization, and analytical tasks for the DoD. Justin holds an M.B.A. in management information systems from George Mason University and a B.S. in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech. Steve Escaravage leads Booz Allen’s analytics practice and AI services business, assisting clients with the operational integration of data science, machine learning, and AI solutions. As a leader in Booz Allen’s strategic innovation initiatives, Steve also leads the firm’s investments in data science, machine learning, and AI. He holds an M.S. in operations research from George Mason University and a B.A. in mathematics from Rutgers University. Aaron Peters is a leader for Booz Allen’s AIOps capability, building frameworks and tools that enable clients to deploy their AI capabilities more effectively into production. During his time at Booz Allen, Aaron has led projects delivering data science solutions to health and civil clients. Aaron’s educational background is rooted in his B.S. in computer science from Purdue University, where he focused specifically in software engineering, data management, and data engineering.

1. Preface a. Acknowledgments 2. 1. Demystifying AI a. AI Pilot-to-Production Challenges i. Scalability ii. Sustainability iii. Coordination 3. 2. Defining the AIOps Framework a. Why You Need an AIOps Framework b. What Are the Benefits? 4. 3. Responsible AI a. What Is Responsible AI? b. Adopting Responsible AI c. Ethics d. Workforce Development e. AI Risks and Complexities f. Risk Management Processes 5. 4. Data: Your Most Precious Asset a. Data’s Role in AIOps b. Data Strategy c. DataOps: Operationalizing Your Data Strategy d. Data Preparation Activities

i. Ingest ii. Transformation iii. Validation iv. AI Data Governance 6. 5. Machine Learning (ML) a. What Is an ML Model? b. ML Methodologies c. ML Advanced Topics d. ML Life Cycle i. Business Analysis ii. Model Development iii. Model Vetting iv. Model Operation e. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) i. Scalable Training Infrastructure ii. Model Optimization Infrastructure iii. Model Deployment Infrastructure 7. 6. The Road to AI Adoption a. AI Adoption Blueprint b. Establishing Clear Objectives c. Measuring Outcomes and Performance d. Reference Architectures

i. Technical Infrastructure ii. Development Processes e. AIOps Integration i. Operational Components ii. Component Integration 8. Conclusion