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Федеральное государственное казенное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «С ИБИРСКИЙ ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ МИНИСТЕРСТВА ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ»

Т.В. Куприянчик, Н.А. Ермякина, О.А. Килина

English: Introductory Course Учебное пособие

Красноярск СибЮИ МВД России 2016

УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2англ. Рецензенты:

Н.В.Колесова, кандидат филологических наук доцент, заведующая кафедрой английского языка КГПУ им. В.П. Астафьева; М.А. Арская, кандидат филологических наук доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных и русского языков СибЮИ МВД России.

Учебное пособие подготовлено кандидатом педагогических наук доцентом Т.В. Куприянчик, кандидатом филологических наук доцентом Н.А. Ермякиной, О.А. Килиной.

Куприянчик, Т.В. English: Introductory Course : учебное пособие / Т.В. Куприянчик, Н.А. Ермякина, О.А. Килина – Красноярск: СибЮИ МВД России, 2016. – 104 с.

Учебное пособие предназначено для курсантов и студентов, изучавших английский язык в средних и средних специальных заведениях и продолжающих его изучение в вузе. Основная цель пособия – коррекция, совершенствование и развитие фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков на начальной ст упени вузовского курса иностранного языка .

© Т.В.Куприянчик, Н.А. Ермякина, О.А. Килина © Сибирский юридический институт МВД России, 2016


CONTENTS ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ........................................................................... 5 PHONETIC REFERENCE GUIDE ................................................ 8 UNIT I ......................................................................................... 21 Speaking Activities Topic: Meeting. Greetings. Saying goodbye. Introducing Yourself and Others ...................................................................... 21 Grammar Review The verb to be (Глагол to be) .................................................. 28 Construction There is / There are ........................................... 34 (Оборот There is …/ There are …) .......................................... 34 The verb to have / have got (Глагол to have / have got) ............ 35 Speaking and Reading Activities Topic: Personal information and getting to know someone ....... 39 UNIT III ...................................................................................... 43 Grammar Review: ................................................................. 43 The Article (Артикль) ............................................................ 43 The Noun (Имя существительное) ......................................... 46 The Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж) ....................... 49 The Pronoun (Местоимение) .................................................. 50 Indefinite Pronouns (Неопределенные местоимения) .............. 52 UNIT Iii ....................................................................................... 54 Grammar review The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense (Настоящее неопределенное время) ................................................................ 54 The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense (Прошедшее неопределенное время) ................................................................ 57 The Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense (Будущее неопределенное время) ................................................................ 61 The Present, Past And Future Progressive (Continuous) Tense (Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее продолженное время) .......................................................................................... 63 Reading and Speaking Activities ........................................... 66 Topic: Personal Information and getting to know someone (to be continued) ........................................................................... 66 3

UNIT IV ...................................................................................... 69 Grammar Review The Adjective (Имя прилагательное)...................................... 69 Word-Formation (Словообразование) ..................................... 73 Numerals (Числительные) ...................................................... 77 Reading and Speaking Activities About Someone’s Personality and Character ........................... 80 UNIT V ........................................................................................ 85 Prepositions (Предлоги) ......................................................... 85 Reading and Speaking Activities About my family .................................................................... 91 TIME FOR REVISION ................................................................ 95 ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ........................................................................ 100 РЕКОМЕНДУЕМАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ИНТЕРНЕТРЕСУРСЫ ................................................................................ 101


ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для обучающихся в вузе по специальностям 40.05.02 Правоохранительная деятельность, 40.05.01 Правовое обеспечение национальной безопасности и по направлению подготовки 40.03.01 Юриспруденция. Начальный этап обучения в вузе представляет собой переходно-подготовительный этап от предыдущего курса иностранного языка к основному вузовскому курсу иностранного языка. Цель пособия: 1) коррекция языковых навыков и речевых умений, сформированных у обучающихся к началу обучения в вузе, которая создала бы прочную базу для дальнейшего обучения иностранному языку, а именно: – коррекция произносительных навыков; – коррекция продуктивных и рецептивных лексических навыков; – унификация сформированных на предыдущем этапе обучения грамматических навыков; – совершенствование умений и навыков чтения; – развитие умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи общего и профессионального направления; 2) адаптация обучающихся к новым условиям, поддержание их мотивации к овладению иностранным языком в связи с профессиональной направленностью; 3) овладение новыми формами и приемами обучения иностранному языку. Таким образом, вводно-коррективный курс является комплексным по своему содержанию, так как включает в себя фонетический, грамматический, лексический материал, а также речевой материал, использующийся для формирования коммуникативных умений аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма в аспекте «Иностранный язык для общих целей». В учебном процессе учитывается следующее: – обучение произношению происходит в тесном контакте с овладением грамматическим и лексическим материалом; – фонетика и грамматика предъявляются не в виде свода правил для заучивания, а в качестве языкового материала, в процессе работы над которым у обучающихся формируются речевые умения и навыки. Исходя из целей, задач и специфики начального этапа обучения иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе, были выделены следующие принципы отбора содержания вводно-коррективного кур5

са иностранного языка: принцип дифференциации учебного материала; принцип учета межъязыковой и внутриязыковой интерференции; принцип аутентичности языкового материала и заданий для работы с ним; принцип социокультурной ориентированности; принцип профессиональной ориентированности; принцип проблемности; принцип вариативности заданий. Для повышения эффективности усвоения материала предлагается модульная структура учебного пособия, обеспечивающая избыточность заданий, а также предполагающая выбор необходимого материала для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. Этим стимулируется активное вовлечение обучающихся в процесс подбора и выбора учебного материала, методов, приемов и форм обучения, широкое использование резерва личности обучающихся, развитие у обучающихся критического мышления и рефлексивных навыков.


Dear cadets and students! You know, English is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people from different nationalities want to communicate, they commonly use English language. That is why it is usually called as “the language of communication”. Learning foreign language, particularly English, is one of the requirements of the police training nowadays. It makes the development of international police cooperation more effective than ever before. In order to develop a real cooperation between police forces in Europe and in the world, police officers should learn and use English which facilitate a better communication in fighting crime. We know you have been studying English for many years at school or at the college. Now, at the Institute, there is a new step in your studying English. There will be a professionally oriented course. The textbook “English: Introductory Course” at the first stage of this course will allow you to revise some grammar rules, learn new vocabulary, achieve certain English fluency. You can study for as long as you need, and by doing so will improve your opportunities in future academic and professional activities. So, let’s start! Set yourself up for success!




Английский алфавит с названием букв в транскрипции Название Буква Название


























[ ʤ i:]












[ ʤ ei]


['d Λ blju:]













Транскрипция В зависимости от своего положения в слове одна и та же буква может читаться как несколько разных звуков. Для того чтобы точно передать произношение слов, пользуются так называемой фонетической транскрипцией, то есть системой графических обозначений, в которой каждому звуку соответствует один определенный знак.

[i], [ai], [e], [a], [ei], [t], [ɔ], [k], [g], [d], [j], [n], [l], [m], [s], [ɔi], [h], [z], [u], [əu], [p], [v], [wai], [i:], [w], [f], [ju:], [r], [ɔ : ] 8

Необходимо запомнить значение некоторых характерных знаков:

[ə] [з:] [ŋ] [ʒ] [ʧ] [ʃ] [θ] [ð] [ Λ ] [æ]

ПРАВИЛА ЧТЕНИЯ ГЛАСНЫХ БУКВ Гласные буквы Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu передают 20 гласных звуков: – 12 монофтонгов (гласных, одинаково звучащих на всем своем протяжении): [ Λ ] cup cut, mother come [a:] art, car, art, [i:] eat, sea, bee, people heart, half [i] it, pin, English

[e] pen, bed, head, exit [ɔ] box, clock, what [æ] bad, cat, bag, apple, [ɔ:] all, or, board, black door, small

[u] look, put, could [u:] school, too, blue, fruit, fool [ə] the, a, woman, banana [з:] girl, burn, word

– 8 дифтонгов (сочетание гласных, состоящих из двух элементов): [ei ] lake, take, pay, wait, ballet [ai] like, five, sigh, height, buy [au] house, round, renown, doubt

[əu] home, no, road, sew, broken [iə] ear, here, deer, dear, fierce [ ɛ ə] air, care, mayor, prayer [uə] poor, insure, tour, moor

[ ɔ i] boy, noise, boy, lawyer

– 2 трифтонга (сочетание гласных, состоящих из трех элементов): [aiə] fire, hire, wire, lion, desire, tired, iron

[auə] hour, flower, towel, vowel, coward, power, sour


CLASSROOM ENGLISH Memorize the following classroom expressions: Let’s call the roll. – Проведем перекличку. Sit down, please. – Садитесь, пожалуйста. Why are you so late? – Почему Вы опоздали? What’s the matter? – Что случилось? May I come in (go out)? – Можно войти (выйти)? Turn off your mobiles or put them on silent, please! – Отключите свои мобильные телефоны. Don’t use your mobiles at the class! – Не пользуйтесь мобильными телефонами на занятии. We’ll start today by practicing phonetic drills. – Начнем с фонетической зарядки. Ready? Let’s start! – Готовы? Начинаем! Let’s refresh the new vocabulary. – Повторим новые слова. Listen to me first. – Сначала послушайте меня. Repeat all together after me. – Повторите хором за мной.. Read your sentence aloud. – Прочитайте вслух предложение. Think first. – Сначала подумайте! Try and guess. – Постарайтесь догадаться. Write out new words from the text. – Выпишите новые слова из текста. Find the answer in the text. – Найдите ответ в тексте. Turn the page over. – Переверните страницу. Make up sentences (questions). – Составьте предложения (вопросы). Think of sentences (situations) in which you could use the following words (phrases). – Составьте предложения (ситуации) со следующими словами (фразами). Act out the dialogue. – Инсценируйте диалог. Say it again. (Repeat it.) – Повторите. Don’t hurry. (There’s no need to hurry.) – Не спешите. Start from the very beginning. – Начните с самого начала. So much for you. That’s enough. – Достаточно. That’s right. –Правильно. Quite right / That’s quite correct – Совершенно верно. You’re making progress. (You are doing well.) – Вы делаете успехи. That’s right. – Верно. Правильно. Good. That’s good. – Хорошо, очень хорошо. That was a careless answer. – Это был непродуманный ответ. Write down your homework. –Запишите домашнее задание. Our time is up, the class is over. – Время вышло. Занятие закончено.


При произношении английских гласных важно сохранять их долготу или краткость, так как замена краткого гласного долгим может исказить значение слова: full [ful] полный – fool [fu:l] глупец; ship [ʃip] корабль – sheep [ʃi:p] овца В английском языке есть четыре типа слогов: I тип – открытый или условно-открытый слог оканчивается на гласный звук или так называемую «немую» букву е, которая не читается, а только показывает, что предшествующая ударная гласная, отделенная от «немой» одной согласной, читается так же, как называется в алфавите: be, like, go, date; II тип – закрытый слог оканчивается на согласный звук: bet, got; чтение гласных в нем необходимо запомнить; III тип – к гласной прибавляется буква – r: port, bird; IV тип – к гласной прибавляется re: fire, lure. Буква

I (открытый слог)

II (закрытый слог)

Aa [ei] Ee [i:] Ii [ai] Yy [wai] Oo [əu]

[ei] take [i:] he [ai] nice [ai] cycle [əu] rose

[æ] map [e] pen [i] sit [i] hymn [ ɔ ] pot

Uu [ju:]

[ju] music

[ ʌ ] cut

III (гласная + r или – r+согласная)

IV (гласная + r + гласная)

[a:] star [ə: ] her [ə: ] first [ə: ] Byrd [ ɔ : ] sport [ə: ] fur

[εə] Mary [iə] here [aiə] hire [aiə] tyre [ ɔ :] more [ju:] during

EXERCISES Ex. 1. Practice saying vowels in the open and closed syllables. Pan, pane, tap, tape, red, miss, mice, shin, shine, rob, robe, dot, dote, tub, tube, duck, duke, pad, pat, bad, bat, tell, tent, kid, grin, wig, bake, pale, globe, we, side, style, hole, yoke, hot, nun, hug, ruff, fume, be, go, my, gulf, shame, dense, solve, shut, smash, chip, chain, waist, bay, day, by, chop, chest, ship, shelf, shape, fish, chip, lung, die, lie, bye, join, job, tree, jest, thin, freeze, foe, pie, lymph, nymph, cab, cup, fact, fat, fatal, vat, vacant, back, bake, neck, yes, yet, agent, back, bacon, yell, typist, tax, famous, final, cell, cent, silent, as, pilot, match, mate, fate, tyrant, gent, gin, total, badge, open, bridge, moment, mob, pig, page, red, rage, sell, shell, human, pet, student, fill, file, lack, lace, music, land, mice, lake, back, bake, bike, flag, act, cage, cup, slab, shot, cap, due. ! Remember: live [liv], give [giv], ski [ski:]; do [du:], to [tu:]. 11

Ex. 2. Practice saying vowels in the III and IV types of syllables. mark, start, dark, art, arm, farm, card, park, carpet, bar, start, fare, rare, prepare, hare, parents, born, corn, torn, for, force, horse, form, fork, cord, before, score, adore, more, store deer, her, err, herb, mercy, verse, sir, birth, thirsty, circle, dirty, first, bird. tired, fire, retire, inspire, spire, burn, murder, turkey, turn, hurt, curl, cure, pure. ! Remember: are [a:] Ex. 3. Read the following words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of vowels in all types of syllables. Aa bake – back – bark – bare cake – cat – cart – care date – damp – dark – dare Ii shine – ship – shirt – shire spite – spit – sir – spire mice – miss – mirth – mire Uu mute – mud – murder – mure pudency – public – purple – pure fume – fun – furniture – fure

Ee be – best – berth – here mete – met – mercy – mere these – selfish – serve – severe Oo bone – blond – born – bore frozen – frost – fore – fort local – long – lord – lore Yy cycle – mystic – myrtle – tyre bye – system – myrmidon – byre

Ex. 4. Read the following tongue twisters: [i] Tim bit a bit of Kitty’s biscuit. [ai] Nile crocodiles have the widest smiles. [ ɒ ] John wants to watch Walter wash the dog. [u] That cook couldn’t cook if he didn’t look at a cook book. [əυ] Rose knows Joe phones Sophie, but Sophie and Joe don’t know Rose knows. [ju] We didn’t use euros in Europe a few years ago.


Funny Words English has some funny words, They give my mind the jitters. They sound the same to you and me, But are spelled with different letters. There's see and sea And be and bee It's terrible confusing! There's new and knew And through and threw. It's really not amusing! There's deer and dear And here and hear. It's horribly disturbing! There's there and their, And bare and bear. It's really most perturbing!

jitter – трепетание, нервная дрожь confusing – сбивающий с толку amusing – забавный disturbing – беспокоящий, волнующий perturbing – возмутительный


Правила чтения буквосочетаний гласных

au aw au ou

[ ɔ :] перед ght [ ɔ :]

ee ea ei ie



перед d, th, [e]

ai ay ei ey eight oo oo + k


[u:] [u]

oi oy

[ ɔ i]

ou ow


oa oe ow eu ew ue ui

[ ə u] [ju:] после r, j [u:]


author, saw, autumn, awful daughter, thought feet, sleep, bee, sea, seat, cheap, speak, mean, niece, field, piece, seize, ceiling bread, ready, weather, dead, spread rain, main, aim, raise, pay way, day, play, vein, feint, veil, grey, they, weight, eight moon, pool, too, zoo, spoon, took, book, brook boil, point, voice, noise, toy, boy, enjoy sound, loud, round, ow В некоторых словах ou читается как: [u:]: youth, group [ ʌ ]: country, cousin, young boat, road, goal, toe, floe, low due, suit, neutral, few, new, fruit, juice, Jew

ПРАВИЛА ЧТЕНИЯ СОГЛАСНЫХ БУКВ В английском языке 20 согласных букв: Bb




















Эти буквы обозначают 24 согласных звука: Звонкие: [b] big [ð] this [ ʒ ] pleasure [n] nose [w] white

[d] door [g] game [dʒ] joke [l] let [ŋ] long

[v] very [z] zoo [m] mother [r] river


Глухие: [f] face [ ʃ ] ship [t] tea

[θ] thick [h] hope

[s] summer [p] park

[k] key

[t ʃ ] chin

В произношении английских согласных звуков имеются особенности по сравнению с русским языком: – в русском языке звонкие согласные на конце слова, как правило, оглушаются: клуб [п], воз [c], брод [т]. В английском языке оглушения согласных не происходит. Замена звонкого согласного на парный глухой может привести к смешению слов: bad [bæd] плохой, но: bat [bæt] – летучая мышь mad [mæd] сумасшедший – mat [mæt] коврик – русские согласные перед некоторыми гласными смягчаются (ср. рус. мил [м’ил] – мыл [мыл]). В английском языке согласные всегда произносятся твердо.

Согласные буквы, имеющие два варианта чтения Буква c [si:] g [ ʤ i:]


Положение в слове



перед e, i, y

nice, pencil, cycle

[k] [ʤ ]

в остальных случаях перед e, i, y

clean, cat, cot, cut page, gin, gypsy


в остальных случаях, также green, garden, go, в исключениях give, forgive, gun get, forget, target в начале слова, перед и see, test, caps после глухой согласной

[s] s [es] [z] [ks] x [eks] [gz]

после гласной, звонкой согласной и между гласными в конце слова и перед согласной

bees, opens, please

перед ударной гласной

exact, exam


six, text

Ex.2. Read the words. c: cat, can, face, lace, cap, cliff, cell, cent, cite, clap, cyst, clean, nice, mice, cyme, cape, candle, camp, cane, cattle, clamp, cede, slice; g: gale, page, cage, big, badge, age, stage, stag, god, glim, sage, dig, got, go, glide, glad, gene, gybe, gym, gas, gentle, gem, log, dog; Remember: give [giv], get [get]. s: sad, feeds, bells, sends, cats, lets, meets, sets, sat, bees, sleeps, spends, mends, sells, stops, is, pens, beds, plans, dolls, zest, test, sake, sand, stamps, sale, style, side, sin, less, mass, lass, miss, mess, kiss. x: exact, exist, next, box, examine, expert, mix, exert, fix.

Чтение сочетаний согласных букв

Cочетание согласных букв

sh ch tch ck th


qu kn ng nk ph wr




Любая Любая После кратких гласных После кратких гласных 1. В начале знаменательных слов и в конце слова 2. В начале местоимений, служебных слов и между гласными 1. В начале слова перед всеми гласными, кроме о 2. Перед буквой о Перед гласными В начале слова В конце слова Любая Любая В начале слова перед гласными

[ʃ] [ʧ] [ʧ] [k] [θ]

ship, scholarship chair, March match back thin, birth


that, bathe


where, when

[h] [kw] [n] [ŋ] [ŋk] [f] [r]

who queen know, knight thing, sing bank phone, photo wrong


Ex. 3. Pronounce the sounds and read the words. [ ʃ ] – shape, shame, shark, shelf, ash, brush, bush, cash, shine, shock, crash, sheriff; [ ʧ ] – chain, chair, chalk, change, chart, chase, cheap, branch, each, finch, chap, search, which; [k] – back, black, block, brick, clock, crack, kick, luck, stick; [θ], – three, cloth, thin, theme, depth, thick, fifth, sixth, tenth, teeth, theft, think, thrash, myth, month, Smith, thrice, thimble, thank, thing; [ð] – clothes, breathe, bathe, seethe, these, they, then, with, them, those, thus, this, that, the, than, their; [ŋ] – wing, bang, ding, dung, bong, bring, sing, ding-dong, morning, building, sitting, taking, bringing, ‘singing, song, long; [ŋk] – plank, bank, blank, wink, fang, pink, tank, ink, sink, think, ankle, dunk, funk, drink, lank, donkey.

Tongue Twisters She saw Sheriff’s shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure she saw Sheriff’s shoes on the sofa? Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? When you write copy You have the right to copyright the copy you write.


Ex.4. Read the following words. Neck, stack, watch, bench, match, champ, much, cash, shame, Cinderella, back, cynic, custom, the, know, making, scratch, cent, cat, tick, chemistry, cane, that, what, knapsack, phantom, path, architecture, cinnamon, why, school, wheat, breathe, girl, character, whose, technology, cedar, phonology, whale, kitchen, anarchy, cot, thinking, carry, curriculum, gipsy, thing, can, shoot, this, drinking, shop, shave, Cuba, gym, sheet, three, those, thane, bathe, bath, show, where, cut, these, when, game, whole, gum, giraffe, gun, giggle, breath, go.

Чтение буквосочетаний согласных с гласными Буквы


Положение в слове в начале слова

gu + гласная


ign ange aste

[ain] [ein ʤ ] [eist]


[ ɔ :t]




[ ʒ n]


[ ʒ ə]

в конце слова sign, design везде arrange, strange в середине и в waste, haste, taste конце слова везде sought, brought, ought в середине и в edge, bridge, конце слова dodge после гласной vision, division, decision, explosion после гласной pleasure, treasure

tion qu

[∫n] [kw]

в конце слова перед гласными


[ ɔ :l]

в ударном слоге

alk aw a+n+ согласная a + sk a + ss a + st

[ ɔ :k] [ ɔ :] [ ɑ :n]

в ударном слоге в ударном слоге в ударном слоге

[ ɑ :sk] [ ɑ :s] [ ɑ :st]

в ударном слоге в ударном слоге в ударном слоге


Примеры guess, guide, guest

revolution, option question, quite, quick salt, malt, all, always chalk, walk, talk law, saw, draw dance, glance, chance ask, mask, task class, glass, grass cast, last, past, vast



Положение в слове в ударном слоге

a + th ear+согласная eigh

[ ɑ :θ] [ ɑ :ð] [ ɜ :] [ei]

ew igh

[ju:, u:] [ai]

в ударном слоге в ударном слоге

i + ld i + nd]

[aild] [aind]

в ударном слоге в ударном слоге


в ударном слоге

o + m, n, th, v

[ə ʊ ] [au] [ʌ]


[w ɔ :]

в ударном слоге


[w ɜ :]

в ударном слоге

в ударном слоге в ударном слоге

в ударном слоге

Примеры bath, path father, rather learn, earn, early eight,weigh, weight new, dew, blew night, fight, sight, light child, mild kind, mind, find, blind slow, know, how, brown, town come, son, mother, love, some, brother want, wall, was, war work, word, world

«Немые» (непроизносимые) согласные «Немая» буква b g h gh k l w

В каких буквосочетаниях bt, bm gn whe, whi igh kn ould, alk who, wr

Примеры doubt, comb design, sign, gnome when, while, hour height, weight, fight knowledge, knife should, could, would walk, talk whose, whole, write, wrong

Ex. 5. Read the following words: gnat, foreign, knee, campaign, bomb, autumn, thumb, column, wrap, psychology, wrong, know, knock, knit, half, talk, folk, wrap, write, wrist, wretch, wry, writ, fight, light, might, night, sight, high, flight, frighten, bright, bight, blight, fright.


Exercises for control reading Ex. 1. Knife, physics, want, knight, Russian, picture, right, boy, boil, girl, measure, demonstration, party, witty, fancy, worse, cold, philosophy, dark, duck, faculty, register, reward, university, marry, narrow, bale, require, mister, minister, departure, photo, purl, knuckle, knew, keeping, war, enrich, Herb, pension, wood, ray, treasure, strong, first, reader, noise, station, writer, gun, wry, gypsy, actor, round, air, watch, flower, enslave, purge, pure, snare, smoker, tight, trainer, weakness, enlarge, brass, brightness, voice, structure, session, wash, ward, why, world, high, deny. Ex. 2. Reach, quite, class, new, whole, cold, book, silly, whom, small, silly, which, wax, hide, shy, rock, balky, tube, gypsy, gun, cheap, bottle, last, home, use, black, yet, space, few, week, vast, cell, up, chair, sooty, wild, kind, stuff, box, mind, chalk, type, fuse, ask, Balkan, pay, wake, wage, child, exact, page, yet, feud, grasp, dig, too, spoke, jump, all, witty, hair, day, call, hill, his, moon, shut, Dutch, mask, joke, role, bridge, wail, talk, who, ream, whale, wale, quick, air, exhibit, small, pole, mash, fairy, dish, pair, shoot, succeed, blindfold. Ex. 3. Yeast, big, made, type, little, did, dye, eve, mete, mole, make, feels, clay, stage, stable, stale, stands, zippy, kite, ill, mine, yoke, style, flat, date, nail, gyp, bend, bands, go, gentle, size, pencil, state, miss, fans, bits, lime, sale, doll, name, nap, nape, plate, plan, cycle, cold, gin, gob, glide, mind, idle, mystic, by, synonym, desk, lye, cliff, yell, mist, neatly, Bible, bold, gossip, badge, sold, pea, feed, cent, cede, bend, leaf, bone, deeds, sake, caps. Ex. 4. Applause, warm, won, shoreward, laud, farce, boarding, castle, cause, yawn, fasten, gauge, yore, default, clasp, speedy, speak, quaky, earn, thief, path, plant, darkness, bought, walk, wall, saucer, oarsman, quarrel, come, dust, burning, fought, daughter, dove, bore, autumn, draw, perceive, grasp, brought, caught, beat, saw, taught, hurt, heart, fought, steal, fallen, become, quantify, bask, recede, furniture, Swede, laundry, yawl, cover, palm, kneading, spoon, each, other, surname, rather, team, raw, stout, stubborn, recover, fault, ceiling, board.



Speaking Activities Meeting. Greetings. Saying Goodbye. Introducing Yourself and Others. Personal Information and getting to know someone. Grammar Review: Глагол to be (The Verb to be). Оборот There is …, There are (Construction There is …, There are ….). Глагол to have (The verb to have). At the classroom Learn the report by heart. Report: Attention! (Shun!) Comrade Teacher, group ... is ready for the English classes. All (not all) are present. Some cadets are absent. Comrade A. is ill (on duty, at work, on leave). The rest are present.

Speaking Activities Topic: Meeting. Greetings. Saying goodbye. Introducing Yourself and Others To start with … Introducing and greeting someone are the first thing we say to someone or meet someone new. You are to know how to greet, introduce, and say good bye to a person.


Topic based vocabulary Check whether you know these words and expressions. Meeting


Let’s get acquainted! Давайте познакомимся! Meet my friend …. Познакомьтесь с моим другом.... Let me introduce myself. My name Разрешите представиться. Мое is… My surname is…. имя … фамилия … Let me introduce my friend …. Позвольте представить моего друга …. Nice to meet you (pleased to meet you, Рад с вами познакомиться… glad to meet you, happy to meet Приятно с вами познакомиться. you)… It’s a pleasure to meet you. Greetings


Good morning/ good afternoon/ Good evening. Hello / Hi. Hello, how are you? How are things? How is life? How are you getting on? How are you feeling today? How are things at home? And what about you? (And you?) I’m fine, thanks / Fine, thanks / Splendid! Not too bad, thanks. The same old way. Nothing to boast about.

Доброе утро/Добрый день/Добрый вечер Здравствуйте/Привет. Привет, как поживаете? Как дела? Как жизнь? Как поживаешь? Как чувствуешь себя сегодня? Как дела дома? А как Вы? Хорошо, спасибо / Отлично Неплохо. Все по-старому. Похвалиться нечем.

Saying Goodbye


Good-bye! / Bye! Good luck! See you later/See you soon. Keep in touch.

До свидания! Пока! Удачи! До скорой встречи. (Увидимся.) Встретимся.


Special expressions 1 Excuse / Pardon (a) To get someone’s attention. (b) To get past someone who is in your way. (c) To say you are me sorry, e.g., if you stand on someone’s foot. [or: I beg your pardon.] (d) Say Excuse me (not Pardon me) before you leave the room. Excuse / Pardon To ask someone to repeat what was said. me/ I beg your pardon To wish someone success, e.g., on exams / a job Good luck! interview / a contest. Congratulations! To someone who has achieved something or had good fortune, e.g., found a job, graduated, got a raise. Also Good job! or Nice going! (informal) To someone when they sneeze. They can reply: Bless you Thank you. / Thanks. Happy birthday! / To wish someone well on their birthday / on or Happy New Year! soon after New Year’s Day (often printed or written on greeting cards).

INTRODUCING PEOPLE AND ANSWERING AN INTRODUCTION There is a range of ways to introduce yourself and people Introducing yourself

Answering an introduction Formal − Let me introduce − Pleased/glad to myself… meet you, Mr… – My name is… / I’m − How do you do, a… Mr… − May I introduce − We were looking myself. forward to see you. − We’ Neutral − Hello. I’m Ann. − Nice to meet you… − Excuse me, my − How do you do? name is… − Pleased to meet you. 1

Introducing someone

− Mr. P., I’d like to introduce you… – Allow me to introduce you Doctor H… − Let me introduce, Mr…

− Mary, I’d like you to meet our new student. − Her/his name is…

Stuart Redman. Vocabulary in Use. Intermediat e. Cambr idge Universit y Press, 2010.


Introducing yourself

Answering an introduction Informal − Hi, I’m Fred. − Hi, Fred, How are − Hello, I’m your you? cousin from Australia. − Glad to meet you, Fred. − Hi, glad to see you.

Introducing someone

− This is Fred. − Dad, meet Fred. − Oh, look. Here is Fred.

Speech practice Task 1. Read the dialogues and act your own dialogues out in pairs as in the example. 1. − Mr. Brown, let me introduce Mr. Sokolov to you. − How do you do, Mr. Sokolov? − How do you do, Mr. Brown?

2. – Mr. Brown, this is Mr. Sokolov. − I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Sokolov. − Nice to meet you too, Mr. Brown. − Nice to meet you too.

3. (At a party) R. Hello, my name is Robert. What’s your name? S. Hello, Robert. I’m Sergey. R. Nice to meet you, Sergey. S. Nice to meet you too.

4. − − − − − −

Excuse me, who are you? I’m Nick. And what are you? I’m a student (a cadet). And what about your friend? Who is he/she? What is he/she?

Task 2. Read the following dialogues. Act out the dialogue with your partner. 1. Mr.Smith: Hello, Brown. Glad to see you. How are you? Mr. Brown: Hello, John. I am fine. Thank you. Let me introduce my colleague, Mr. Chernov to you. He is a police officer from Moscow. Mr.Smith: How do you do, Mr. Chernov. Mr. Chernov: How do you do, Mr. Smith. I’m glad to meet you. Mr.Smith: Nice to meet you too. 24

2. Mr. Ford: Good morning, Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Davis: Good morning, Mr. Ford. How are you? Mr. Ford: I am very well, thank you. And you? Mrs. Davis: I am fine, thanks. Mr. Ford: Good-bye, Mrs. Davis. Nice to see you. Mrs. Davis: Nice to see you too, Mr. Ford. Good-bye.

Task 3. a) Introduce yourself to your fellow students and introduce your fellow students to your teacher of English using the information from the table above. Pattern 1. − Let me introduce myself. I’m a cadet …. I’m from …. − Let me introduce my groupmate to you. His name is Andrey. His surname is Novikov. He is from Omsk. b) Imagine you are a police officer from Russia. Introduce yourself to a foreigner in the street. Pattern 2. − Let me introduce myself. I’m a police officer, captain Ivanov. Can I help you? c) Imagine you are at the INTERPOL 1 World Congress. Introduce your colleague to the group of police officers. Pattern 3. − Let me introduce my colleague to you. Her name is Anna. Her surname is Romanova. She is from Barnaul. She is a colonel of police.


INTERPOL – International Police Organization.


Useful information List of police ranks рядовой полиции

private of police …

младший сержант полиции

junior sergeant of police (junior police sergeant) …

сержант полиции

sergeant of police (police sergeant) …

старший сержант полиции

senior sergeant of police (senior police sergeant) …

старшина полиции

sergeant-major of police …

прапорщик полиции

warrant officer of police …

старший прапорщик полиции

senior warrant officer of police …

младший лейтенант полиции

junior lieutenant of police …

лейтенант полиции

lieutenant of police …

старший лейтенант полиции

senior lieutenant of police …

капитан полиции

captain of police …

майор полиции

major of police …

подполковник полиции

lieutenant colonel of police …

полковник полиции

colonel of police …

генерал-майор полиции

Major-General of police

генерал-лейтенант полиции

Lieutenant-General of police

генерал-полковник полиции

Colonel General of police

генерал полиции

General of the Police


Grammar Review Parts of Speech a noun – существительное an adjective –прилагательное a pronoun – местоимение a verb – глагол the Possessive Case – притяжательный падеж

(Части речи) an adverb – наречие a conjunction – cоюз a preposition – предлог a sentence – предложение a numeral – числительное

Refresh your memory of the verb «to be». Use the right form of the verb «to be» in Present, Past or Future Simple. If you have difficulties, consult the table given below. 1. What... your name? – My name... Alexander Ivanov. 2. What... your address? – My address... 37 Kirova street. 3. What... your phone number? – My phone number... 916-2930. 4. Where... you from? – I... from Volgograd. 5. Now I am in Krasnoyarsk. I... a cadet 1. 6. My parents … in Rostov now. My father... a doctor, and my mother... a teacher. 7. ... your sister a doctor too? – Yes, she.... 8.... they at home now? – No, they... not, they... at work. 9. My friend... a police officer in two years. 10.... your friend a cadet? – Yes, he.... Now he … in Omsk. 11.... your father a detective 2? – Yes, he.... 12.... your brother at school yesterday? – Yes, he.... 13.... your sister at school now? – No, she... not at school. 14. We... at the Institute tomorrow. 15. It … very cold three days ago. 16. She... a student. She … at the lecture now. 17. Where... my bag. I can’t find it. 18. Where … the students now? They … in the lecture hall. They … in the gym two hours ago. And they … in the library in the afternoon. 19. They... at work today, but yesterday they … at home. 20. Olga has a brother. He... a doctor. He has a family. His family... not in Kursk, it... in Moscow.

1 2

cadet [kə'det] – курсант, кадет detect ive [dɪ'tektɪv] – детектив, сыщик


The verb to be (Глагол to be )

+ – ? +




Present Simple I am … (I’m_ I am not (I’m not …) Am I …? You We are … They You We are not … They (aren’t) you …? Are we …? they …? He She is … It He She It

is not …


he …? she …? it …?


Past Simple was …



was not … (wasn’t)

Future Simple will be …


Was I … You We were … They You We were not … They you … Were we … they … He She was … It

Will You We They You We They

He She It

was not …

He She It


he … she … it …

He She It


Example sentences: I’m 17. I am a cadet. Am I right or wrong? I’m not right.

Example sentences: Sorry, I was mistaken. No, I wasn’t late.

We are students. They aren’t from Moscow. Are you from Kursk?

We were busy. No, they were tired. Were you late?

He is a police officer. She isn’t a lawyer. Is it so important?

She was in London two years ago. Was he on duty? No, he wasn’t on duty.



will not (won’t) be … I be … will be …

will not be … (won’t be …) you be … we be … they be … will be … will not be … (won’t be …) he be …? she be …? it be …?

Example sentences: I will be a police officer. I won’t be here tomorrow.

They will be here in not time. Will you be a lawyer?

He will be a police officer. She won’t be a lawyer. Will it be cold tomorrow?

Do you remember question words and types of questions in English? Question words Who? Whom? Whose? What? What kind of?

Person (кто) Person (кого, кому) Possession (чей) Specific things, object (что, какой)


Choice, alternative (чей, который) Position, place (где) Time, occasion, moment (когда) Reason, explanation (почему, зачем) Way, manner, form

Where? When?

Why? How? How many? How much? How often? How old?


Who is that man? Whom did you see? Whose is that coat? What is it? What kind of music do you like? Which laptop is yours? Where do you live? When did he come?

Why are you late? How does it work? How many disks do you have? How much money do you have? How often do you work? How old is your father?

Types of questions − the verb «to be» General questions (yes or no questions) Am I right? Is he/she a cadet? Are they students? Alternative questions Am I right or wrong? Is he Spanish or Italian? Are you/ they at home or at work?


Special questions (wh – questions) Who are you? What are you? Why are you late? Tag questions I am right, aren’t I? I am not late, am I? He/she is far from here, isn’t he/she? He isn’t married, is he? You/we/they are good at English, aren’t you/we/they?

A: B: A: B: A: B:

Ex 1. Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue with am, am not, is, is not, are, are not. Act out your own dialogue on the analogy. A: … you from Moscow? B: No, I …. I … from St. Petersburg. And where … you from? I … from Irkutsk. … Ann from Irkutsk too? No, she …. She … from Kursk. … Pavel and Anna from Kursk too? No, they …. They … from Novosibirsk. You see, our cadets … from different cities of Russia, …

they? A.

Yes, you … right.

Ex. 2. Work in pairs. Complete the sentences using question words How old, Who, What, Why, How. 1. … … you? – I’m Anna Smirnova. 2. … … he? – He is a cadet. 3. … … his job? – He is a police officer. 4. … … you? – Not bad, thanks. 5. … … she? – She is 17. 6. … … your mother like? – She is beautiful and very clever. 7. … … you late? – My watch is wrong.

Start refreshing and expanding your vocabulary ! Remember the following «be» set expressions: to to to to

be be be be

absent present (at) on duty on leave

to to to to to

be be be be be

for … (smth) against (of) right wrong afraid of …(smb, smth)

отсутствовать присутствовать (на …) дежурить, быть в наряде быть в отпуске, быть в увольнении быть за быть против быть правым ошибаться, быть неправым бояться 30

to be bad at … to be to be to to to to to to to to to to to

be be be be be be be be be be be

to be to be to be to be to be to be to be to be to be … to be

to be to be

не иметь способности к чемулибо good at … иметь способности к чему-либо to blame for … быть в ответе за что-либо, быть виновным disappointed разочароваться satisfied with … быть удовлетворенным born родиться married быть женатым, быть замужем busy (with) быть занятым famous for … быть известным, славиться fond of … нравиться, любить keen on (страстно) увлекаться чем-либо interested in … интересоваться чем-либо hungry/ thirsty испытывать голод, жажду in находиться дома, внутри помещения out находиться вне дома mistaken ошибаться late (for …) опаздывать on holiday быть в отпуске, на каникулах ready (for …) быть готовым (к …) proud of … гордиться tired уставать responsible for … быть ответственным за … shocked by… / surprised at быть потрясенным / удивленным чем-либо sorry for smb / about smth сожалеть о ком-либо, сочувствовать кому-либо, сожалеть о чемлибо sure (of …) быть уверенным (в …) welcome быть желанным (званым гостем)

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences paying attention to the «be» set expressions. 1. He is angry with you. 2. My brother is good at History, but he is extremely bad at Math. 3. I am shocked at your behavior. 4. We are responsible for her. 5. She is famous for her stories. 6. He is not to blame for breaking the window. 7. I am so sorry for him. 8. You are late for the train. 9. She is ready for the trip. 10. I am interested in classical music.11. Children are afraid of spiders. 12. We are against 31

of this rule. 13. He is proud of his results in sport. 14. My sister is fond of cooking. 15. They are sure of their rightness. 16. They are tired of him. 17. The teacher is disappointed with your results. 18. I’m not hungry, I’m thirsty. 19. What are you particularly good at? 20. Are you ready for the lesson? 21. I’m afraid, you are mistaken. 22. Mathematics is of great importance. 23. Is she in? – No, she is out. Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with the following «be» set expressions in the correct form: be glad, be ill, be late, be angry, be hungry, be in the office, be tired, be careful, be good at, be sure, be on a business trip. 1. Let’s meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. Don’t …! 2. My brother has got a high temperature. I think he …. 3. I can do nothing at all. I had a lot of work today. Oh, I …. 4. You know he is going to get married. …? 5. Peter is shouting at Mary. He is … today. 6. … your boss … again?What time … he … tomorrow? I need to send a fax. 7. Ann is a hard working pupil, she … languages. 8. … crossing the street! The traffic is heavy. 9. I …. I want to have a bite. 10. I … to see you! How are you? Ex. 5. Work in pairs. Make up short dialogues using the appropriate form of the verb «to be» in Present Simple. Example: Jane / a singer? – No, / a doctor. – Is Jane a singer? – No, she is not a singer. She is a doctor. 1. George / from France? – No, / from Scotland. 2. His name / Peter? – No, / Paul. 3. Julie and Helen / sisters? – No, / friends. 4. George and Michael Jones / from Spain? – No, / from Italy. 5. You / at home? – No, / in the office. 6. His car / white? – No, / black. 7. Denis/ a teacher? – No, / a doctor. 8. Your dog / black? – No, / brown. Ex. 6. Complete the sentences using the verb «to be» in the correct form and one of the question words below. Where Why

Who How much

What What colour

How How old

1. A: ………. my notebook? B: On the table. 2. A: ………. the time, please? B: Half past nine. 3. A: ………. you now? B: Much better, thanks. 32

4. A: ………. the holiday photographs? B: In the handbag. 5. A: ………. that clock? B: One hundred years. 6. A: ………. your new shoes? B: Black. 7. A: ………. Alex happy today? B: Because it’s his birthday. 8. A: ………. Maria from? B: Germany, I think. 9. A: ………. these jeans? B: They are 400 rubles. 10. A: ……. that man in the car? B: My brother. Ex.7. Use the correct form of the verb «be» in the Past Simple. 1. The weather … terrible yesterday. It … cold and dark and we … tired. 2. The lecture … interesting. 3. They … on duty yesterday. 4. There … many books on the table. 5. The room … clean. 6. «When … your exam?» «It … two days ago.» 7. She … tired. 8. We … in the classroom. 9. His parents … at work 10. I … in Great Britain last summer holiday. My sister … with me. We … in Manchester. She … very happy. I … happy, too. 11. «We … happy to see you yesterday.» «And I … happy to see you too». 12. « … you at home at 9?» «No, I … at work». Ex. 8. Fill in am, is, are or was, were. 1. Last year I … in New York. 2. Marry … very happy today. 3. My friends … late because they didn’t get up early. 4. I … a student. I study well. 5. It … dark. I couldn’t see anyone in the street. 6. My parents … police officers. They still work. 7. He learnt to swim when he … six. 8. There … a meeting two days ago. 9. When I met Olga last year, she … a student. 10. My brother … a policeman now. 11. Alexander and Vadim … my friends when I lived in Kursk. 12. I’m a cadet. My mother and father … proud of me. 13. We.... on duty today. 14. I.... sure he will come in time. 15. The lesson.... over and you.... free. Ex. 9. Put the verb «to be» in the Present, Past or Future Simplе. 1. My mother … a teacher when she was young. 2. He … a pupil twenty years ago. 3. I … a doctor when I grow up. 4. My sister … not … at home tomorrow. She … at school. 5. … your father at work yesterday? 6. My sister … ill last week. She … not ill now. 7. Yesterday we … at the theatre. 8. Where … your mother now? – She … in the kitchen. 9. Where … you yesterday? – I … at the cinema. 10. When I come home tomorrow, all my family … at home. 11. …you … at the Institute tomorrow? – Yes I …. 12. When my granny … young, she … an actress. 1. My friend … in Moscow now. 15. He … in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 16. Where … your books now? –They … in my bag. 33

Construction There is / There are (Оборот There is …/ There are … ) Оборот there is/there are употребляется в тех случаях, когда говорящий сообщает, что в каком-то определенном месте имеется или отсутствует какой-то предмет или лицо, о котором ранее не говорилось. There is a lamp on the table. There are three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in our flat.

There There

There There

is/was is/was are/were is/was isn’t/wasn’t isn’t/wasn’t aren’t/ were not isn’t/wasn’t

Is Are


+ a table happiness two tables much happiness – a table any happiness two tables much happiness ? a table any tables

in in in in

the her the her

room. eyes. room. eyes.

in in in in

the her the her

room. eyes. room. eyes.

in the room? in the room?

Special questions What / Who How many mistakes How much money



are/were is/was


in the room? in his sentence? in your purse?

Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. There will be many guests here tonight. 2. There is not enough time to do it. 3. There is a large park not far from the University. 4. Is there a telephone in your room? 5. There was much snow last year. 6. There are four people in our family. 7. There will be a spacious gym in front of our house. 8. Are there many windows in this building? 9. There were two spelling mistakes in her dictation. Ex. 2. a) Complete the sentences with There is/There are. 1. … someone at the door. 2. … four people in my family. 3. … a lot of students absent today. 4.... three cadets from your group on duty today. 5. … nobody in the room now. 6. …a letter on the table 34

for you.7. … a policewoman over there. 8. … one window and a door in the classroom. 9. …several beautiful parks in our city. 10. …only one door in the room. 11. … two large windows in the office. b) Work in pairs. Ask your partner special questions to the sentences above.

The verb to have / have got (Глагол to have / have got ) Refresh your memory of the verb «to have» … Use the correct form of the verb «to have». If you have difficulties, consult the table given below. 1. I … a comfortable flat. 2. Nick … many friends. 3. They … a lot of flowers in their garden last year. 4. She … long hair. 5. They … a good time at the party last week. 6. I …some English books. 7. He … a good collection of computer games. 8. We … a nice house. 8. My brother … a new car. When do they usually … lunch?

To have / have got Обе конструкции в английском языке означают «иметь», «обладать». Можно использовать любую форму, хотя в разговорной речи have got встречается чаще!!! Глагол have got не имеет форм будущего и прошедшего времени, то есть употребляется только в настоящем, образует вопросительную и отрицательную форму без вспомогательного глагола do/does. Present Simple



I You We They I You We They

Past Simple

I have (got) … You We They I have not You (got)… We (haven’t) They

Future Simple

I had … You We They I had not … You (didn’t have) We … They


will have …

will not have … (won’t have)


Present Simple I (got)? you (got) …? Have we (got)...? they (got) …?

Past Simple



+ -



He She It He She It

I have …? you have …? we have …? they have …?

He has / has got She … It He has not … She It he (got)…? Has she)got)…? it (got) …? Did he have … Does she have … it have …

I have …? you have …? we have …? they have …?

Future Simple


He She It did not have … He (didn’t have) … She It had …

he have … she have … it have…


I have …? you have …? we have …? they have …?

will have … will not (won’t))have …

he have …? she have …? it have …?

Types of questions – the verb «to have»

General questions (yes or no questions) Have you got a new laptop? Do you have breakfast at 8? Has your friend got any brothers or sisters? Alternative questions Have you got a large or small family? Do you have a large or small family? Has she got a new or an old car?


Special questions (wh – questions) What have you got in your bag? Why has he got so many problems? How much money do they have?

Tag questions You have a lot of friends, haven’t you? They haven’t got any problems, have they? He has got a large family, hasn’t he? Your sister hasn’t a lot of friends, has she?

Start building and expanding your vocabulary ! Remember the following «have» set expressions: to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

have have have have have have have have have have have have have have have have have have have have have have

breakfast lunch dinner supper tea coffee a meal a drink a smoke a smile a rest a bath a shower a walk a holiday a party a good time a cold a headache a toothache a chat a look at

завтракать обедать обедать ужинать пить чай пить кофе поесть выпить покурить улыбнуться отдохнуть принять ванну принять душ погулять провести отпуск (каникулы) устроить вечер хорошо провести время простыть испытывать головную боль испытывать зубную боль поболтать взглянуть на…

Обратите внимание! Вопросительная и отрицательная формы перечисленных выше словосочетаний образуется только с помощью вспомогательных глаголов: What time does Ann have lunch? Did you have a walk yesterday?

Ex.1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb «to have (got)» в Present Simple or Past Simple. 1. We usually … six lectures a week, but last week we … eight lectures. 2. Last winter was very cold. We … a lot of snow. 3. My brother … holidays in summer, but he … holidays in autumn last year. 4. They … a cottage in the country two years ago. 5. The tourists … a long journey. They were very tired. 37

6. Kate … a funny dog. Its name is Spot. 7. Their room is light. It … three windows. 8. I am happy because I … a lot of friends. 9. It was summer. I … a lot of free time. 10. Ann and Bess were at work yesterday. They … a lot of work. 11. Nick is a hunter. He … two dogs. Ex. 2. Work in pairs. Make up questions to the following answers. 1)...... a video? – Yes, I have. 2)...... a key? – No, Mike hasn‘t got the key. 3)...... a pencil? – Yes, I have got a pencil. 4)...... tickets? – No, they haven‘t. 5)......? – No, Stephan hasn‘t got a car. 6)......? – Yes, I do. I have breakfast in the morning. 7)......? – No, we don‘t have lunch at 2 o‘clock. 8)......? – No, we haven‘t got a radio. 9).....? – No, she hasn‘t got a computer. 10)......? – Yes, they have got a garden near the house. 11)...... she …… a sister? – No, she...... 12)...... you...... a telephone? – Yes, I...... Ex. 3. Use the verb «to have» in the Present, Past or Future Simple. 1. Yesterday we... a lecture on history and group 1203... a lecture on mathematics. 2. Tomorrow I... an English lesson, my friend... an English lesson too. 3. At the end of each term students usually... four or five exams. Last January we... five exams. This summer our group... five exams too. 4. My mother always... much work to do. 5. My parents usually... little free time. 6. Each faculty of our Institute... a scientific laboratory. These laboratories... modern equipment. 7. I hope all our graduates... interesting work in the future. 8.... you got enough time to discuss this question with me? 9. How many English lessons... you... last week? – We... three lessons. 10.... you got anything new to tell me? 11. We... a good time next weekend. 12. ... we... a lecture tomorrow? – No, we.... We... no lectures tomorrow. Ex. 4. Use «to be» or «to have» in the Present Simple Tense. 1. You... welcome. 2. The bus-stop... far from my house. 3. It... 10 o’clock now. 4. Ann and Mary... friends. 5. He... out. 6. She... a nice flat. 7. My friends... a little child. She... four. 8. They... a big car. It... red. 9. How... you? 10. She... no time. 11. They... a small cottage. It... far away. 12. What country... she from? 13. We... well. 14. How many children... they? 15. My sister... at home now. 16. How old... 38

Olga? 17. He... bad habits. 18. How far... it from here? 19. It... easy to ask her about it. 20. It... not good of her to say so. 21. She... two mistakes in the test. Her mistakes... bad. 22. They... glad to see her. 23. It... a rainy day... he an umbrella with him? Ex. 5. Put in a suitable affirmative or negative form of «be» or «have». Helen (1) … fourteen. She (2) … at a very nice school; she (3) … interested in the lessons – there (4) … only two teachers that she doesn’t like – and she (5) … got lots of friends. (Two years ago she (6) … at a different school; the lessons (7) … very good, and she (8) … many friends, so she (9) … very happy). The school (10) … twenty km from Helen’s house, so she gets up early. She (11) … a quick wash and then she (12) … breakfast – cereal and fruit juice if she (13) … hungry. There (14) … a school bus, but if it (15) … very cold, her mother takes her by car. In the evenings she (16) … school work; she (17) … much difficulty with this, so she usually finishes quickly. Then she (18) … supper. At ten o’clock she (19) … a bath and goes to bed. On Saturdays and Sundays she gets up at 12 o’clock, (20) … a quick lunch and goes straight to her computer games. Ex.6. Make up questions using the correct forms of the verbs to be, to have. Model: Your brother/young. Is your brother young? 1. Jane/brothers. 2. George/nine years old. 3. Mrs. Brown/a large family. 4. Your sister/pretty. 5. Why/they/absent. 6. Where/Betty/now. 7. They/relatives/here. 8. It / the right answer. 9. Your neighbour / any pets. 10. They / any problems / with your parents. 11. Why / it / great / to have a brother or a sister. 12. You / an only child / in the family.

Speaking and Reading Activities Topic: Personal information and getting to know someone To start with … When you want to speak to someone and get to know the person better then you have to start a conversation. You will have to say something about yourself and get to know things in return. Remember! Self-introductions should be short and conversational. 39


a) Imagine you are going to be an exchange student in the program of academic mobility. So, you should fill in the Register form. Name ________________ Your major ___________ Age _________________ Home address__________ Date of birth __________ Telephone number______ Place of birth __________ E-mail _______________ Nationality ____________ b) Tell about yourself using the information from the Register form. My name is … I am … …

Task 2. Study the table, complete it and make stories according to the example. Name


1. Harry Smith


Nationality/ Country from Canada


2. Ed Simons 3. Nick Snow 4. Masha Smirnova 5. Patrick Simpson 6. Helen Black

25 17 12 28

the USA Scotland Russian/ Moscow French/Paris

doctor student cadet detective


Boston/ America


7. You 8. Your friend 9. Your sister/ brother

… … …

… … …

… … …


Hobby/ Favourite sport hand-in-hand fighting reading/football music/golf judo/swimming swimming/ playing chess playing the piano/ watching TV … … …

Example: Harry Smith is 32 years old. He is from Canada. He is a policeman. His favourite sports are judo and tennis. 40

Task 3. a) Imagine that you are to make the PowerPoint presentation «My group and me». So, interview at least 3 of your group-mates, fill in the chart and use the information for preparing the text for the presentation. Remember the questions you are to ask for filling the chart: 1. How old are you? 2. When were you born? 3. Where are you from? 4. … … Name/ surname

Age Birthday

Where from

Address, phone number, e-mail

Hobbies and interests / favourite sport

Plans for the future

b) Will you present orally some of your group-mates’ personal profile?

Task 4. Read the text and tell about your group, please Make sure you know the meaning of the following words: well-built, quiet, hard-working, polite, intelligent, be on time. Use the dictionary to check. Write important new words in your vocabulary. My class Hello. My name is Denis Palov. I’m Russian. I’m from Ussuriisk, Russia. I study English. I’m 18. Now I’m in London. The students in my English class are very nice and interesting. Nicole is French. She is from Paris, France. She is 17. She is pretty and she is keen on dance. Hans is German. He is from Berlin, Germany. He is 22. He is strong and well-built. He is a good sportsman. Den is Chinese. He is from Beijing, China. He is short and thin and he is very clever. He is 20. His hobbies are reading and computer games.


Mr. and Mrs. Osaka are Japanese. They are from Tokyo, Japan. They are married. They are quiet and hard-working and very polite. They are interested in classical music.

Mr. Clark is our teacher. He is British. He is from London. Mr. Clark is tall. He is intelligent. He is very busy and he is always ready to help. We had a class of Mr. Clark yesterday. Nicole was absent. She was in hospital. Hans was absent from class too. He was at the dentist. I was late for the class and I was very sorry. Was Mr. Clark glad? No, he wasn’t. He was angry. I’m sure all my friends will be present at class tomorrow. They won’t be late. They will be on time. They will be ready for the class. Will Mr. Clark be glad? Of course, he will. 1

Task 5. a) Read the text about the student from Oxford. How do you do. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bill. My surname is Anderson. I am a student. I am British. I am 20. I am not married (I am single). I am from Oxford. I was born there. I was born on the 7 th of July, 1996. Oxford is an old English city. There are many colleges in it. I am fond of classical music. I am interested in foreign languages. My hobby is travelling. Now I am in London. I am here on holiday. b) Make up your own story answering the following questions: Who are you? What are you? What nationality are you? How old are you? Where are you from? Where and when were you born? What are you fond of? What are you interested in? Let me introduce myself. My name is …. My surname is …. I’m … (years old). I’m … (nationality). I’m from …. I was born on … in …. So, … is my birthplace (place of birth). Now I … in …. I’m a …. I fond of …. I’m interested in …. 1

The students in my English class.flv. URL: https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=8Qvq51cNBlA.


UNIT III Grammar Review: Артикль (The Article). Имя существительное (The Noun). Притяжательный падеж (The Possessive Case). Местоимение (The Pronoun).

The Article (Артикль) В английском языке два артикля – неопределенный (a/an) и определенный (the). Артикль является признаком существительного и ставится или непосредственно перед существительным, или перед определяющим его прилагательным. Неопределенный артикль (a, an) может употребляться только с существительными в единственном числе, так как он происходит от числительного one (один): This is a pen. – Это ручка. НО: These are pens. – Это ручки. Когда неопределенный артикль встречается в тексте, это значит, что вводится какая-то новая информация или предмет причисляется к определенному классу предметов, например: I see a man. – Я вижу (какого-то) человека. НО: I know the man. – Я знаю (этого) человека. Определенный артикль (the) употребляется с существительными как в единственном, так и в множественном числе, так как он происходит от указательных местоимений this (этот) – these (эти), that (тот) – those (те). Он употребляется в тех случаях, когда собеседнику ясно, что речь идет именно о данном предмете: I have a pen. THE pen is black. – У меня есть ручка. (Эта) ручка черная. Oпределенный артикль используется с названиями океанов, рек, морей, заливов, озер во мн. числе гор (горных цепей), пустынь

Определенный артикль Пример не используется с названиями озер в ед. числе Lake Baikal Lake Huron


the Black Sea the Pacific Ocean the Persian Gulf the Great Lakes the Himalayan гор (вершин) Mountains the Cordilleras


Mount Everest Mount Elbrus

Oпределенный артикль используется с названиями обозначениями предметов единственными в своем роде: землей, луной, солнцем школ, учебных заведений

Определенный артикль Пример не используется с названиями планет, созвезMars, Jupiter, дий Cassiopeia

Пример the earth the moon the sun

the University of Columbia the college of Medicine официальными the Russian Fedназваниями гоeration сударств the United States некоторых обthe Urals ластей и районов the Caucasus the Far-East the Crimea исторических the Constitution, документов the Peace Treaty национальностей the Indians the English

школ, учебных заведений, начинающихся с собственных имен географическими названиями стран континентов

California University, Cooper’s Art School Russia France Spain Europe North America

видов спорта

football, tennis, judo freedom, happiness

aбстрактными понятиями

Remember some set expressions: The Indefinite Article It’s a pity It’s a pleasure It’s a shame in a hurry As a result to have a good time to be at a loss a number of a lot of

The Definite Article to tell the truth it is out of the question to play the piano (the violin) to keep the house on the whole the other day on the one hand / on the other hand


The «Zero Article» at present from time to time from morning till night from beginning to end at night to go to school = to be a pupil to leave school = to finish studies by chance by mistake by sea, by air, by land

by name to go to bed to go home to be in prison to have lunch (dinner, supper) to go to work = to work to take care to take measures in trouble by heart

Ex. 1. Put in a/an or the. Sometimes you don't need either word – you leave it blank. Examples: We went to the most expensive restaurant in town. Do you want to watch – television this evening? Last night we went out for a meal in a restaurant. 1. I wrote my name at... top of the page. 2.... moon goes round... earth every 27 days. 3. The Soviet Union was... first country to send a man into... space. 4. Did you see the film on... television or at... cinema? 5. After... lunch, we went for a walk by... sea. 6. I'm not very hungry. I had... big breakfast. 7. John was... only person I talked to at the party. 8. Tim lives in... small village in... country. 9. Peru is... country in South America... capital is Lima. 10. I never listen to... radio. In fact I haven't got... radio. 11. It was... beautiful day... sun shone brightly in... sky. 12. I've invited Tom to... dinner next Wednesday. 13. What is... highest mountain in... world? 14. We don't go to... theater very much these days. In fact, in... town where we live there isn't... theater. 15. It was a long voyage. We were at... sea for four weeks. 16. I prefer swimming in... sea to swimming in pools. 17. Can you turn... television down, please? It's a bit loud. Ex. 2. Put the articles where necessary. … Atlantic Ocean, … Philippines, … Norway, … China, … United Kingdom, … Baikal, … British Isles, … Africa, … Japan, … Indian Ocean, … English Channel, … South of … Spain, … Red Sea, … United Arab Emirates, …Volga, … Canary,...West India, … Northern Ireland, … Europe.


The Noun (Имя существительное) МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ № Правило п/п 1 Большинство английских существительных во множественном числе имеют суффикс -s, который произносится как [s] после глухих согласных и как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных 2 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -o, -s, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, образуют множественное число путем прибавления es к форме единственного числа; суффикс -es произносится как [-(i)z] К существительным, оканчивающимся в единственном числе на -y с предшествующей согласной, во множественном числе прибавляется суффикс -es, причем -y меняется на -iЕсли перед -y стоит гласная буква, то -y не изменяется Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -fe, при образовании множественного числа меняют -fна -v- перед суффиксом -s [-z] Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -ff, а также некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f, -fe, во множественном числе имеют суффикс –s [-s]


book – books [-s] pen – pens [-z]

box – boxes match – matches

library –libraries

day– days knife– knives [ naivz ] cliff– cliffs, chief – chiefs, roof – roofs, safe– safes

Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных a man a woman a child a foot a tooth a mouse a postman a sheep fish a phenomenon


мужчина женщина ребенок нога зуб мышь почтальон овца рыба явление анализ


men women children feet teeth mice postmen sheep fish phenomena


Существительные, употребляющиеся в единственном числе и согласующиеся с глаголом в единственном числе названия наук дисциплин


учебных mathematics/maths, physics, economics, electronics, politics Ex. Mathematics is my favourite subject. названия видов спорта и игр, athletics (атлетика), gymnastics (гимнаоканчивающихся на -s стика), billiards (бильярд), darts (дротики), dominoes (домино), draughts (шашки). Ex. Darts is my favourite game. названия болезней, оканчи- mumps (свинка), measles (корь). вающихся на -s The mumps is an infectious disease. словосочетания, обозначаю- ten hundred pounds, two years, six kilomeщие период времени, рас- ters. стояние, сумму денег Ex. Six kilometers is a long way to walk. названия стран, организаций The United Nations is an international orв форме множественного ganization. числа: Только в форме единственного числа употребляются следующие слова: This information is very useful.  advice – совет, советы  information – информация, The news is good! John has passed the exam! сведения  progress – успех. успехи No news is good news. (proverb)  knowledge – знание, знания  money – деньги My money was stolen.  hair – волосы  news – новость, новости  barracks – казарма

Существительные, употребляющиеся во множественном числе и согласующиеся с глаголом во множественном числе названия предметов, есть парные части


которых binoculars (бинокль), glasses (очки), scales (весы), scissors (ножницы) Ex. My glasses are very expensive. названия предметов одежды, jeans (джинсы), shorts (шорты), pyимеющие парные детали jamas (пижама), tights (колготки), pants (штаны), trousers (брюки) Ex. Jeans are comfortable clothes. некоторые термины "делового goods (товары), contents (содержаанглийского" ние), clothes (одежда), proceeds (выручка), wages (заработная плата), riches (богатство) Ex. Our clothes need repairing.


Слово police − полиция в английском языке всегда употребляется в значении множественного числа (как группа людей). The police have powers to arrest you anywhere and at any time. The police are still looking for the criminal. The words policeman or policewoman can be singular or plural, for example: The policeman is asking questions. Three policewomen are coming.

Ex. 1. Write down the following nouns in plural: a shop, a box, a star, a king, a baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato, a secretary, a crowd, the airport, a theatre, the tornado, the tragedy. Ex. 2. What is the correct plural of the word? 1. The (student) … are doing the exercise right now. 2. The (woman) … over there want to meet you. 3. My (child) … hate eating pasta. 4. I am ill. My (foot) … hurt. 5. He cleans his (tooth) … three times a day. 6. The (fish) … I bought is in the fridge. 7. They are sending some (man) … to bring the piano. 8. Most (houswife) … work more than ten hours a day at home. 9. Where did she put the (knife) …? On the (shelf) … 10. (Goose) … like water. 11. (Piano) … are expensive. 12. Some (policeman) … came to arrest him. Ex. 3. Choose the right variant. 1. Gymnastics … (is/are) my favourite sport. 2. The trousers you bought for me … (don’t fit/doesn’t fit) me. 3. The police … (is/are) to interview two men about the robbery last week. 4. Physics … (was/were) my best subject at school. 5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine … (aren’t/is) sharp enough. 6. Fortunately the news … (was/weren’t) as bad as we expected. 7. Three days … (isn’t/aren’t) long enough for a good holiday. 8. I can't find my binoculars. Do you know where … (they are/it is)? 9. Do you think the people … (are/is) happy with the government? 10. … (Does/Do) the police know how the accident happened? 11. I don't like very hot weather. Thirty degrees … (is/are) too warm for me. 12. Twenty thousand pounds … (was/were) stolen in the robbery. 13. Do you think the police … (is/are) well-paid? 48

The Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж) Основные значения: принадлежность, обладание чем-то, описание (с одушевленными именами существительными). Притяжательный падеж образуется путем прибавления суффикса «- ’ s» к существительным в единственном числе, а также к тем существительным во множественном числе, которые образуют его не по правилам, например: boy ’ s, girl ’ s, men ’ s, children ’ s, и отвечает на вопрос «чей». Апостроф «- ’ » прибавляется к существительным во множественном числе: officers ’ uniform, workers’ place. Единственное число -’s a boy’s toy a girl’s dress an actress’s life a woman’s magazine Burn’(s) poems

Множественное число -’s -’s boys’ toys children’s shop girls’ dresses men’s hobbies actresses’ lives women’s magazines lawyers’ duties sheep’s wool the Romanovs’ family deer’s horns tree Неодушевленные существительные, как правило, передают значение принадлежности при помощи сочетания of + существительное the roof of the house the cover of the book the end of the story the back of the chair

Неодушевленные имена существительные, которые употребляются в притяжательном падеже 1. Слова moon, sun, Earth, world, the moon’s surface, the sun’s rays, country, river, ocean, city, town the Earth’s population, the world’s history, the river’s bed, the city’s museums 2. Названия стран, городов, меся- England’s traditions, Moscow’s цев, дней недели streets, July’s heat, Tuesday’s meeting, London’s double-deckers 3. Меры времени и расстояния a moment’s silence, two miles’ drive, an hour’s sleep, a fortnight’s holiday, a day’s wait Примечание. В посвящениях притяжательный падеж не употребляется: the Pushkin Monument, the Kennedy Centre, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Tate Gallery


Ex. 5. Read and translate the following word combinations: my friend's name, his daughter's name, her friend's brother, Peter's family, the students' room, his parents' flat, my sister's pen, the girls' teacher, Pushkin's poems, Nell's portrait, my father's things, the children's room, Ann’s glasses. Ex.6. Use the Possessive Case. Model: The flat of my sister is in Gorky Street. – My sister's flat is in Gorky Street. 1. What is the name of the boy? 2. Our teacher likes to read poems by Pushkin very much. 3. This is the portrait of my little sister. 4. Don't take the things of your father. 5. The room of the children is rather small. 6. The books of your sons are on the table. 7. What is the wife of your brother? 8. The daughter of your friend is a teacher.

The Pronoun (Местоимение) Личные местоимения

имен. деж I (я)

па- объект. падеж me (меня, мне) he (он) him (его, ему) she (она) her (ее, ей) it (для не- it (этого, одуш. этому) предметов) we (мы) us (нас, нам) you (вы/ you (вас, ты) вам) they (они) them (их, им)

Притяжательные местоимения

Возвратные фор- местоимения

определ. форма my (мой)

абс. ма mine (мой)


his (его)

his (его)


her (ее) hers(ее) herself its (его, ее) its (его, itself ее) our (наш)

ours (наш)


your (ваш)

yours (ваш) theirs (их)


their (их)



Ex. 1. Use personal or possessive pronoun. 1. The girls are here,... came early. 2. When Roger saw Ann... spoke to.... 3. The boss left an hour ago. I didn't see.... 4. Sam met Ann at the entrance,... showed... the pictures. 5. The Browns have moved into a new flat.... gave...... new address, so I can visit.... 6. Jane is... sister.... is older than... am. 7. Thank... for the book... gave...,... is very interesting. 8. ... flat is on the third floor,... windows face the sea. 9. I invite... to a party at... place... hope... will bring... husband with.... 10. ... like to visit... friends who live not far from... house. 11. Mary and... cousin are spending... holidays in Brighton... have both visited before. 12. Bill takes... guitar lesson on Monday.... is the only day... is free after college. Ex. 2.Fill in the gaps with one of the pronouns in brackets. 1. Does... like this film? (they, she, her, we) 2. I’m sure I know... (he, his, its, him) 3. Is that... car? (you, yours, your, him) 4. Is it their car? – No,... is yellow. (their, them, its, theirs) 5. A few months ago I met an old friend of... (my, me, mine, him) 6. He rang Mary and invited... to dinner. (she, it, her, hers) 7. My father is fat,... weighs over fifteen stone. (she, him, he, his) 8. John showed.... the book. (his, it, its, him) 9. Can you give.... some more cake? (his, my, me, mine) 10. If you see Tom and Jane, give... my love. (they, their, it, them) Ex. 3. Complete the sentences according the model. Model: She wants to see me but I don’t want to see her. 1. I want to see him but.... doesn’t want to see..... 2. They want to see me but.... don’t want to see..... 3. We want to see them but.... don’t want to see..... 4. She wants to see him but.... doesn’t want to see..... 5. They want to see her but.... doesn’t want to see..... 6. I want to see them but.... don’t want to see..... 7. He wants to see us but.... don’t want to see..... Ex. 4. Choose the right pronoun to complete the sentences: «mе», «you», «him», «her», «it», «us», «them». 1. She gave... the book and asked to return... to... next week. 2. Are you going to invite... to your party? She is such a bore! 3. My parents are coming to see... on Saturday. I like to spend my weekend with.... 4. I didn't like the film. I don't want to speak about.... 5. We'll be very happy if you go on a trip with.... 6. Don't ask... this question. I don't know how to answer.... 7. If she doesn't arrive tomorrow send... a telegram. 8. I'm sorry to trouble..., but I want... to do... a favour. 9. Let's not wait for..., they are always late. 10. Do you want... to do it for...? I don't mind… 51

Indefinite Pronouns (Неопределенные местоимения) Утвердит. предложения some something что-то что-нибудь somebody someone кто-то, кто-нибудь somewhere где-то, гденибудь

Вопросительные предложения any anything что-то что-нибудь anybody anyone кто-то, любой anywhere где-то, гденибудь

Отрицательные предложения not … any no not…any nothing ничего ничего

Все типы предложений every everything все

(not) … anybody anyone никто (not)…anywhere нигде

everybody everyone все

nobody no one никто

nowhere everywhere нигде, везде, поникуда всюду

Ex.5. Read and translate: 1. Somebody wants to see you. 2. Anyone will do it for you, only ask. 3. It is clear that something has happened. 4. I have nothing important to tell you. 5. Some people can look busy doing nothing. 6. Did anyone phone me while I was out? 7. Is there anything in the box? – There is nothing there. 8. Is there anybody at home? 9. I know nothing about it. 10. Nobody has told me to come. 11. You can find this book anywhere. 12. She must go somewhere for rest. 13. Anybody can do it. 14. If you find anything interesting in this magazine, show it to me, please. 15. Nobody knows their address. 16. Everything will be so as it must be. 17. We must silently add «As far as I know» to everything we say. Ex.6. Choose the right pronoun. 1. Do you have (some, any) work to do? 2. Give me the newspaper, please. I've got (some, any) time to read it now. 3. My son has (some, any) French books at home. 4. I haven't got (some, any) questions. 5. Please, bring me (some, any) chalk. 6. (Some, any) children don't like to play football. 7. Have you got (some, any) friends here? 8. Have you (some, any) money about you? 9. I don't think we've got (some, any) time to discuss it. 10. Please, take (some, any) magazine you like. 11. Do you learn (some, any) foreign languages? 12.1 didn't get (some, any) letters yesterday. 13. There isn't (some, any) paper on the desk. 14. She was ready to get (some, any) job. 52


This is the story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Ex. 7. Use «some», «any», «every», «no» or their compounds. 1. It is so dark here. I can't see …. 2.... must do their own work. 3. You can ask him... question, he will answer it. 4. Do we have... milk? – No, we don't have..., go and buy..., please. 5. I see him in the library... day. 6. We have lunch at... time between 1 and 2. 7. Has... happened? 8. I am going to tell you... interesting. 9. We had... to eat the whole day and got hungry. 10. The party was dull, there were... interesting people. 11.... must be on time for classes. 12. I'm afraid... can understand what he's speaking about. 13. Can you give me... money? 14. If... happens let me know. 15. There is... light, there is hardly... in the house. 16. They want to spend their summer holidays... in the South. 17. She felt unhappy, she had... to speak to,... to do. 18. I need... to help me with the translation. 19. Are you going... for the weekend? Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with the necessary pronouns (some, any, anything, something, everybody, everything, no etc.): I haven’t got ___ money with me. 2. I’m sorry but I didn’t have ___ time to translate the text. 3. He never makes ___ mistakes. 4. Nick says he has ___ English magazines. 5. There was ___ in the street at that time. 6. Have you passed ___ exams? 7. Unfortunately, I have ___ friends in Kiev. 8. Did he tell you ___ about the meeting? 9. She went ___ last night. 10. Sorry, but I can do ___ for you. 11. There were __ newspapers on the table. 12. Have you taken__ books from the library? 13. I think you have___ news. 14. I have never met him___ 15. He told me__ about it. 16. I know__ phoned her yesterday.


UNIT III Grammar review: Времена английского глагола (English verb tenses): The Present, Past, Future Simple (Indefinite). The Present, Past, Future Progressive (Continuous)

Speaking Activities: Personal information and getting to know someone (to be continued) Grammar review The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense (Настоящее неопределенное время) The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense. Настоящее простое время употребляется чтобы выразить регулярное, обычное действие, которое происходит постоянно, периодически повторяется; используется при описании последовательности событий, не указывая на их продолжительность или завершенность, для выражения регулярных, повторяющихся действию. Маркеры времени: often always sometimes from time to time never

часто всегда иногда время от времени

usually generally seldom rarely

обычно вообще, как правило редко редко, нечасто, изредка


as a rule

как правило

Present Simple (Indefinite) + I You We They

V (verb) … read … study …

I You We They

He She It

V+s… reads … studies …

He She It

– do not V … (don’t …) read study does not V… (doesn’t)


? (Wh)_ I Do you we they (Wh)_ he Does she it

V… (read, go)

V… (read, go)

Example sentences: I speak English very well. – I don`t speak English very well. – Do you speak English very well? He studies at the Law Institute. – He doesn`t study at the Law Institute. – Does he study at the Law Institute?

Types of questions – Present Simple

General questions (yes or no questions)

Special questions (wh – questions)

Do you study at the Law Institute? Yes, I do. Does he drive to work? No, he doesn’t.

Where do they study? How many classes do you have every day? What does he do?

Alternative questions

Tag questions

Do you work or study? Do they study at the Law Institute or at the University? Does he go to work by bus or by car?

You study at the Law Institute, don’t you? They don’t speak Chinese, do they? Your father works as a police officer, doesn’t he? She doesn’t like classical music, does she?

Ex. 1. Put the verb into the correct form Example: He (to specialize) in English. – He specializes in English. 1. She (not/ to work) as a doctor, she is a student. 2. A policeman usually (to stop) cars in the street. 3. The Sun (to rise) in the East. 4. My elder brother (to learn) English. 5. It often (to rain) in England. 6. He (not/ to want) to become a detective. 7. We (not/ to have) much time. 8. She never (do) her homework.9. My friend (speak) English very well. 10. He (want) to become a police office.


A poem to enjoy: Habits Bob gets up at 6 o’clock. He never wakes up late. He always gets up early. He never sleeps till 8. He always drinks his coffee black. He never uses cream. He rarely has a sleepless night. He never has a dream. He does his breakfast dishes, Then puts them on the shelf, Walks around the kitchen Humming to himself. Ex. 2. Work in pairs. Put questions to the italicized words (it may be more than one question).

Example: Her aunt lives in London. – Where does her aunt live? 1. My father works in the police department, he is a detective. 2. My sister is a student, she studies at the University. 3. We usually read periodicals in the library. 4. My aunt teaches Law. 5. I play computer games after classes. 6. Her parents always give her useful advice. 7. He often visits his parents. Ex. 3. Work in pairs. Make up questions to the following sentences. 1)........................ The film starts at half past seven. 2)........................ No, I don‘t go to the Institute by bus. 3)........................ They watch TV every evening. 4)....................... Dave plays computer games in the evening. 5)....................... George sometimes helps his mother. 6)........................ Mr. Wong is from China. 7)........................ Linda speaks English very well. 8)........................ No, I don‘t know her telephone number. 9)........................ I usually have breakfast at half past seven. 12)........................ No, I don‘t like classical music. 13)........................ Tom Becker is a tennis player. 14)........................ In summer we usually go to the seaside. 56

Ex. 5. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. Jack often (be) late. 2. Mary and John often (go) to the pictures. 3. Mike never (be) home at this time of the day. 4. Betty sometimes (phone) me. 5. They sometimes (be) at the seaside in summer. 6. Alice usually (be) at home at 9 p.m. 7. Ann often (come, not) to see us. 8. Jane always (visit) her parents in summer. 9. James often (watch, not) TV. 10. Donald (know, not) French, he (speak) English.

The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense (Прошедшее неопределенное время) Past Simple Tense/Прошедшее простое время употребляется: 1. Для выражения действия, имевшего место в прошлом. 2. Для выражения ряда последовательных действий, происходивших одно за другим в прошлом. Маркеры времени: yesterday – вчера the day before yesterday – позавчера last year (month, week) – в прошлом году (месяце, на прошлой неделе), ago (2 days ago, 3 years ago) – тому назад in 2014 Past Simple образуется: − для правильных глаголов путем прибавления во всех лицах окончания -ed к форме инфинитива (для всех лиц), которое произносится [d] после гласных и звонких согласных звуков, [t] после глухих согласных звуков, [id] после d и t; − для неправильных глаголов – форма прошедшего времени (Past Simple) для всех лиц (did, came, took).


+ I You We They He She It

V-ed /V 2 * lived came went

Past Simple (Indefinite) – I You We They He She It


I you did not V (Wh)_ we … Did they (didn’t live, he come, go she …) it

V… (live, come, go …)

* V-ed – Past Simple правильных глаголов V 2 – Past Simple (2 форма) неправильных глаголов

Example sentences We translated the text two days ago. We didn’t translate the text two days ago. Did we translate the text two days ago? What did we translate two days ago? Who translated the text two days ago? Ann got a good mark yesterday. Ann didn’t get a good mark yesterday. Did Ann get a good mark yesterday? When did Ann get a good mark?

Types of questions- Past Simple

General questions (yes or no questions)

Special questions (wh – questions)

Did you visit your friends yesterday? Did our cadets play football last week? Alternative questions

When did you finish school? Who do they see yesterday? Where did she go on holiday? Tag questions

Did you come late or early last night? Did he get up at 7 or at 7.30 yesterday?

You e-mailed him yesterday, didn’t you? He didn’t work in police, did he?


Ex. 1. a) Look at these irregular forms: give − gave have − had get up − got up eat − ate drink – drank

go – went sit − sat come − came write − wrote run– ran

Use the verbs above to complete these sentences. 1. I wrote... a few letters yesterday. 2. He … at six o'clock this morning. 3 They … home late last night. 4. She … a headache yesterday. 5. I was hungry so I … some bread and cheese. 6. They came into my office and … down. 7. We … some water. 8. I was late so I … to work. 9. She … abroad last week. 10. They … him some money. b) buy catch choose come do drink eat

Write the past simple of these irregular verbs: bought

forget give go know make put read

see sit speak take tell think understand

Put the verbs into the Past Simple. 1. I … some new clothes last week. (buy) 2. What time … last night? (they come) 3. I … his question. (not understand) 4. I … he was wrong. (think) 5. … a lot at the party? (you eat) 6. I … the bus this morning. (not catch) 7. I … my keys yesterday. (forget) 8. … you about the meeting? (they tell) 9. Peter … the washing-up last night. (do) 10. They … anything at the disco. (not drink) 11. I … your suitcase in your bedroom. (put) 12. We … it was your birthday. (not know) 13. … to the office yesterday? (you go) 14. They … her a present when she left. (give) 15. We … their letters. (read) Ex. 2. Complete the newspaper story about a fire. Put the verbs in the Past Simple. Two people (>) died (die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They (1)… (be) Herbert and Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire (2 … (start) at 3.20 am. A neighbour, Mr Aziz, (3)… (see) the flames and (4) … (call) the fire brigade. He also 59

(5)… (try) to get into the house and rescue his neighbours, but the heat (6)… (be) too great. The fire brigade (7) (arrive) in five minutes. Twenty fire-fighters (8) … (fight) the fire and finally (9)… (bring) it under control. Two fire-fighters (10)…(enter) the burning building but (11)… (find) the couple dead.

Ex.3. Work in pairs. Answer the questions using words in brackets. а) e.g. – I got up at 7 today. − And yesterday? (at 6) − I got up at 6 yesterday. 1. Robert became a police officer. And his brother? (a doctor). 2. I did my homework yesterday evening. And Ann? (two days ago). 3. Alec went to work by bus. And John? (by taxi). 4. We had breakfast at 8 today. And yesterday? (at 7). 5. He left the office at 6 today. And last Tuesday? (at 7). 6. I woke up at 6 yesterday. And the day before yesterday? (at 7). 7. We ate fish for supper. And for breakfast? (meat). 8. We spent our day off in town. And you? (in the country). 9. He slept till 8 today. And yesterday? (till 9). 10. She took two books in the library last week. And this week? (three books). 11. Mr. White taught us English two years ago. And Mrs. Smith? (Spanish). b) e.g. – When did you go to St. Petersburg? (last year) – I went to St. Petersburg last year. 1. When did you speak to the teacher? (on Friday). 2. When did they take the exam? (a week ago). 3. When did your mother have a holiday? (in autumn). 4. When did it rain last? (on Tuesday). 5. When did you see your friend? (last week). 6. When did they buy the car? (two months ago). 7. When did the train leave? (an hour ago). 8. When did Olga do her homework? (yesterday evening). 9. When did they have dinner? (two hours ago). 10. When did you get the e-mail? (last night). 11. When did you lose your umbrella? (the day before yesterday?


A poem to enjoy: Saturday Morning First I called my mother. We talked for an hour. Then I played tennis, went home and took a shower. I went to the kitchen, made a cup of tea, Took out my English book and studied carefully. I finished all my homework without a mistake Then I decided to take a little break. I sat down for a minute to watch TV, Fell asleep and woke up at three. Ex.4. Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions. e.g. – Mary bought a lot of things. (what). – What did she buy? 1. I paid a lot for the computer. (how much). 2. We often went to the cinema last month. (how often). 3. Jack said something about the accident. (what). 4. We had dinner early today. (what time). 5. Mary took somebody’s notebook by mistake. (whose notebook).6. I last met Peter in January. (where). 7. Mike left early. (what time). 8. I found my umbrella. (where). 9. I read several books in in summer. (what books). 10. We began the work early (when).

The Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense (Будущее неопределенное время) Будущее простое время/Future Simple Tense употребляется для выражения однократного или повторного действия, которое произойдет в будущем. Маркеры времени: tomorrow – завтра next month (year) – в следуюthe day after tomorrow послезавтра щем месяце (году) tonight – сегодня вечером in two days – через два дня next week – на следующей неделе in a month – через месяц next year – в следующем году 61

I You We They He She It

Future Simple (Indefinite) + – I You will V … We will not V (Wh)_ (will come, They … Will go) He (won’t) She It

? I you we they he she it

V… (come, go)

Ex. 1. Read and translate. 1. If everything is all right, my son will graduate from the Law Institute next year. 2. I won’t do what you want unless you do what I asked you to. 3. When you leave the room, please, make us a sign and we’ll follow you. 4. We won’t have dinner until father comes back from work. 5. As soon as John gets a good job he will get married. 6. Before I go to the party I will call you. 7. I’ll come and see you after I finish my work, if I finish it at all. Ex. 2. Make these sentences negative. 1. Bill will graduate from the University next. 2. There will be a dance at the end of the party. 3. I will do what you want. 4. James will sing a comic song. 5. We will make you a sign. 6. They will have a meeting tonight. Ex. 3. Make these sentences interrogative. 1. He will get a good job after graduating from the University. 2. There will be a party at the Browns. 3. She will go to the party. 4. They will open the shop a bit later than usual. 5. We will have an English class tomorrow. 6. All the students will be busy at that time. 7. I will arrive in London the day after tomorrow. Ex. 4. Work in pairs. Put the following questions and answer them. 1. At what time will your working day begin tomorrow? 2. Will your day begin early or late tomorrow? 3. When will you have breakfast? 4. Where will you go right after breakfast? 5. How will you get to the University? 6. How long will it take you to get there? 7. Whom will you see when you get there? 8. At what time will you have lunch? 9. When will you finish your work? 10. Will you read, write and speak English during your English class? 11. What will you ask your teacher to do if you don’t understand anything? 12. Where will you go after classes? 13. Will you be free or busy at the week-end? 62

The Present, Past And Future Progressive (Continuous) Tense (Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее продолженное время) Время Present Progressive Tense (Present Continuous Tense) – это настоящее длительное время. Данное время употребляется в тех случаях, когда речь идет о таком действии, которое длится на протяжении какого-то времени в конкретный момент речи. Маркеры времени: now (сейчас), at the (present) moment (в данный (настоящий) момент). Ex.:"Hello! What are you doing?" – "Hello! I am watching TV." Время Past Progressive Tense (Past Continuous Tense) – это прошедшее длительное время. Данное время употребляется в тех случаях, когда речь идет о действии, которое длилось определенный промежуток времени в прошлом. Маркеры времени: all day long yesterday, from 2 to 5 yesterday, at 4 o’clock yesterday, when something happened. Ex.: I was reading a book when John came. Время Future Progressive Tense (Future Continuous Tense) – это будущее длительное время. Данное время употребляется в тех случаях, когда речь идет о действии, которое длится определенный период времени в будущем. Маркеры времени: all day long tomorrow, from 2 to 5, tomorrow, at 4 o’clock tomorrow, …when something happens (…когда чтото произойдет, то есть когда присутствует придаточное времени). Ex.: I will be preparing for my exam all day long tomorrow. Запомните! С глаголами состояния времена группы Present, Past and Future Progressive (Continuous) не употребляются: to like to love to hate

to want to feel to see

to think to hear to know

to understand to remember to believe

Для выражения намерения совершить действие или уверенности в его совершении в будущем очень часто употребляется Present Continuous от глагола to go – I am (he is и т. д.) going – в сочетании с инфинитивом. I am going имеет в этом случае значение собираюсь, намерен: I am going to learn French next year. Не is going to spend his holiday in the Crimea. 63


Ex. 1. What is happening at the moment? Write true sentences. Model: I / wash / my hair – I’m not washing my hair. 1. 2. 3. 4.

she / study / English I / sit / on a chair I / learn / English I / listen / to the radio

5. 6. 7. 8.

the sun / shine I / have coffee it / rain I / wear / sneakers

9. He / smoke / a cigarette 10. I / read / a newspaper 11. it / rain 12. we / write / a dictation

Ex. 2. Open the brackets using the verb in the Present, Past or Future Progressive. 1. What you … (do) in my office yesterday? 2. Listen! Who … (sing) in the next room? 3. She … (wear) a red coat when I saw her. 4. They … (take) their driving test next Monday. 5. I dropped my wallet when I … (get) on the bus. 6. Bob … (feel) much better today. 7. The kids … (watch) cartoons in their room now. 8. I … (study) Japanese online from 7 till 8 tomorrow evening. 9. I’m afraid she … (sleep) in ten minutes. 10. Take an umbrella. It … (rain). Ex. 3. Choose the correct form of the verb – Present Simple or Present Progressive. 1. Richard is working / works in his office at the moment. 2. Do you play / are you playing football today? 3. Only his mother thinks / is thinking he’s intelligent. 4. I like / am liking to travel by plane rather than train. 5. How many languages ……… (do you speak / are you speaking)? 6. It is seeming / seems they go / are going to be late again. 7. Ann is hating / hates this holiday. 8. «Can you help me for a minute?» «I’m sorry, I ……… (work / am working)». 9. As you see / are seeing, I am reading / read a magazine. 10. «What time ……… (do you get up / are you getting up)? «At seven o’clock, usually». 11. «What ……… (do you do / are you doing)? «I am watching a new video». 12. I usually ……… (work / am working) on Saturdays. Ex. 4. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Progressive or Past Simple. Model: When we...went... (go) out, it...was raining... (rain). 1. She.......... (get) up early this morning. She.......... (wash),.......... (dress) and then she............ (have) breakfast. 2............. you (watch) television when I............ (phone) you? 3. Peter wasn’t at home when I went to see her. He............ (work). 4. 65

We............ (meet) Ann at the party. She...... (wear) a yellow dress. 5. The boys............ (break) a window when they............ (play) football. 6. I was late but my friends........... (wait) for me when I............ (arrive). 7. We...... (get) up at 7 o’clock. The sun...... (shine), so we....... (go) for a walk. 8. He............ (not / drive) fast when the accident............ (happen). 9. Ann............ (not / go) to work yesterday. She was ill. 10. «What............ (you / do) at 9.30 on Sunday evening?» «I............ (watch) a film in the cinema.» 11. «What...... (you / do) on Saturday evening?» «I went to the cinema».

Reading and Speaking Activities Topic: Personal Information and getting to know someone (to be continued) Topic based vocabulary Check whether you know these words and expressions. Use the dictionary to find meanings of those ones you don’t know. Add them in your Vocabulary. name/surname (first name/last What is your name? What is your surname? name) When were you born? to be born I was born on July 13 th 1996. My sister’s birthday is on January birthday (date of birth) 7 th 1998. Where are you from? to be from My friends are from Rostov. I come from Russia. to come from He finished school in 2014. to finish school I entered the Law Institute in to enter the Institute 2015. I am a student. a student I’m a cadet. My parents are proud a cadet of me. My brother is a first- year student. a first-year student / Amer. freshman быть на первом/втором курсе to be in the first/ second year 66

a major (Amer.)

law to study law law student Law Institute the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (the MIA of Russia) the General Administration for Drug Control of the MIA of the Russian Federation.

A major is a main academic discipline someone studies at the Institute or University. What is your major? My major is Law. Do you study Law or Economics? We study law at the Institute. I’m a law student. I study at the Law Institute. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is the government executive body. The General Administration for Drug Control is one of the departments in the structure of the MIA of Russia. I’m a cadet of Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (SLI of Russia) I’m a future police officer. police officer/policeman/ policewoman I’m a future narcotics officer. narcotics police officer

Task 1. a) Make up your own affirmative and negative sentences using the following words and word combinations. To finish school, to enter the institute, a first-year student, a cadet, law student, Law Institute, police officer, policeman, policewoman, narcotics police officer. b) Working in groups of 3-4 brainstorm a list of questions (Present, Past and Future Simple) using words and word expressions given above. Remember grammar rules asking different questions. Compare your lists of questions. Task 2. a) Tell about your attitude to: сlassical music, poetry, politics, history, art, TV, cooking, computing, dancing, discos, philosophy, English lessons, reading books, being with friends, theatre, video, maths, computer games, etc.. 67

Use the following expressions: I really enjoy … I’m not interested in … I’m extremely interested in … I don’t like … I’d like to know more about … I hate … I don’t know anything about … I think … is waste of time. I want to learn something about I used to think … was boring, but then I got interested in it. b) Tell about your favourite free time  go to the cinema  play video games. /go to the movies.  play a musical  watch TV instrument  spend time with  listen to music family  exercise and play a  go out with friends sport /hang out with  read novels, short friends. stories, crime fiction,  surf the internet romance, etc.  write (poetry, novels, letters, short stories, etc.)

activities  go to cultural locations and events  go shopping  cook  study something  art and crafts  gardening  go to the park

Task 3. a) Remember filling in the Register form …. Will you add some more important information about yourself? Answer the following questions using topically based vocabulary. Where are you from? When did you finish school? What subjects were you good at when you were a pupil? Where are you now? Why are you here? What Institute did you enter? What year are you in? Why did you enter our Institute? Was it your dream? What is your major at the Institute? What are your likes and dislikes? What are your fovourite free tine activities? What is your future profession? Where are you going to work? What department will you work in? b) Ask your partner the same questions and use this information in the oral or PowerPoint Presentation about your group. 68


Grammar Review: Имя прилагательное (The Adjective). Словообразование (Word-Formation). Числительные (Numerals). Reading and Speaking Activities: About one’s Personality and Character

Grammar Review The Adjective (Имя прилагательное) Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs) Способ образования (Way of for mat ion) 1. Односложные прилагательные -er, -est -er, -est 2. Двусложные прилагательные more, most 3. Более 2-х слогов more, most 4. От разных основ

Положит. (Posit ive)

Сравнительная (Comparat ive)

Превосходная (Super lat ive)

Прилагательные (Adjectives) old older oldest wise wiser wisest hard harder hardest fast faster fastest busy busier busiest pretty prettier prettiest famous more famous most famous pleasant more pleasant most pleasant important beautiful

more important more beautiful

most important most beautiful

good bad far little many

better worse farther/ further less more

the best worst farthest/ furthest least most

З а п о м н и т е: Возможны двойные степени сравнения


Способ образования (Way of for mat ion) - er, -est or more,

most angry, handsome, narrow, pleasant, polite, simple, quiet

more, most Односложные -er, -est от разных основ

Положит. (Posit ive)

Сравнительная (Comparat ive)

cleverer clever more clever friendly more gentle friendlier more friendly Наречия (Adverbs) carefully more carefully slowly more slowly fast faster hard harder well better badly worse far farther/ further

Превосходная (Super lat ive)

cleverest most clever most gentle friendliest most friendly most carefully most slowly fastest hardest best worst farthest/ furthest

Союзы, употребляющиеся при сравнении than – чем as... as – такой же... как not so... as – не такой... как the (more)..., the (better) – чем (больше)..., тем (лучше) The more you read English, the better you understand it. The better is your knowledge, the better are results of your work.

Ex. 1. Form the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives. 1. Large, tall, long, easy, hot, big, cold, nice, bad, strong, short, wide, good, happy, high, low, busy, little, many, far. 2. Wonderful, necessary, quickly, interesting, comfortable, popular, active, famous, pleasant, beautiful, early. Ex. 2. Open the brackets. 1. Who knows him (well) than you? 2. Which is (long) day of the year? 3. July is the (busy) month for cadets. It is an examination period. 4. He is the (good) student in the group. 5. Even (long) day has an end. 6. It is one of (important) questions of our conference. 7. Your English is (good) now. 8. Winter is (cold) season of the year. 9. That was the (bad) news I ever heard. 10. Health is (good) than wealth. 11. Viktor worked (well) of all. He reads English now (good) than a week ago. 12. Health and happiness are... (important) money.


Better late than never, but better never late. Say well is good, do well is better. Those do least who speak most. East or West home is best. It’s better to see once than to hear twice.

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps in the following dialogue. Practice it with your partner. Make up similar dialogues. Jane: My friend Mark has got very good ideas. Mr. Better: That‘s nothing. I have got..............ideas than all your friends. Tim: Look. Isn‘t that a beautiful budgie*? Mr. Better: Oh, my budgie is...............than that. Sally: My grandfather is very old. He‘s 85. Mr. Better: My grandfather is 90. So he is.............than your grandfather. Peter: I‘ve got a new watch. It‘s very expensive. Mr. Better: I‘ve got an old Japanese pocket watch**. It is …….. Mike: My hobby is interesting. I collect old stamps. Mr. Better: I collect old cars, you know. So my hobby is ……….. Anne: I‘ve got a very clever dog. He brings me newspapers. Mr. Better: My dog reads. So he is……………... * budgie – волнистый попугайчик ** pocket watch – карманные часы

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English. 1. а) Я знаю интересную историю. б) Он знает более интересную историю. в) Она знает самую интересную историю. 2. а) Ее работа очень важна. б) Его работа важнее. в) Моя работа самая важная.


3. а) Он хороший инженер. б) Он более хороший инженер. в) Он самый лучший инженер. 4. а) У него большая квартира. б) Их квартира больше. в) Bаша квартира самая большая. Ex. 6. Complete the sentences. a) use a comparative: 1. You’re not very tall. Your brother is …. 2. Olga doesn’t work very hard. I work …. 3. My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is …. 4. Oleg’s idea wasn’t very good. My idea is …. 5. It isn’t very warm today. It was …. 7. Today people aren’t very polite. In the past they were …. b) use a superlative: Model: This building is very old. –It’s the oldest building in the town. 1. It is a very happy day. It’s … of my life. 2. It is a very good film. It’s … I’ve ever seen. 3. She is a very popular singer. She is … in our country. 4. It is a very bad mistake. It is … I’ve ever made. 5. It is a very cold day. It’s … of the year. 6. He is a very interesting person. He’s … I’ve ever met.

A poem to enjoy: Mutual admiration She thinks he’s the best. She thinks She thinks he’s the greatest. he’s the most remarkable man She thinks In the whole wide world, he’s the smartest man in the In the whole wide world. world. He thinks He thinks she’s the nicest. she’s the most wonderful woman He thinks she’s the brightest. In the whole wide world, He thinks she’s the kindest In the whole wide world. woman in the world.


Word-Formation (Словообразование) В современном английском языке существуют четыре основных способа словообразования. 1. Префиксация – образование слова при помощи префикса (приставки): recycle, misunderstand, coexistence, disarmament. 2. Суффиксация – образование слова при помощи суффикса: darkness, friendship, politician, legalize. 3. Сложение основ: courtroom, earth quake, time – table, driving license. 4. Конверсия – переход слов из одной части речи в другую. Наиболее широко распространена способность выступать в двух функциях у существительного и глагола, например: state – 1) государство, состояние и 2) заявлять, излагать, judge – 1) судья и 2) судить, claim – 1) требование, судебный иск и 2) претендовать, заявлять, force – 1) сила и 2) заставлять, rule – 1) правило, норма и 2) управлять, постановлять. Словообразовательные приставки являются, в основном, универсальными и служат для образования различных частей речи. Наиболее распространенными являются: anticocounterdisun-/ in-/ il-/ im-/ irmismultioverpostretransunder-

antiwar, antidrug coexistence, cooperation counteraction disarmament, disagree untrue, insincerely, impossible, illegal, irregular misunderstanding, misrepresent multinational, multiply overcome postwar, postgraduate reconstruct, reformation transnational, transform undercover, underground

Количество словообразовательных суффиксов значительно больше количества приставок. Наиболее многочисленными из них являются суффиксы, используемые для образования существительных. 73

Наиболее употребительные суффиксы существительных -er, -ar, -or -eer/ -ier -ant, -ent -ee

a law – a lawyer, to rob – a robber, an office – an officer an auction – an auctioneer, an engine – an engineer to inform – informant, to claim – claimant, to solve – solvent to employ – employee, to train – trainee

-ist, -ian

science – a scientist, music – a musician


happy – happiness, kind – kindness


a child – childhood, a man – manhood


nation – nationalism, hero – heroism


free – freedom, official – officialdom


a friend – friendship, leader – leadership


a host – a hostess, an actor – an actress


to clean – cleaning, to manufacture – manufacturing

-(a)tion/ -ion

to form – formation, to direct – direction, to confuse – confusion, translate – translation


to decide – decision, to suspend – suspension


to pass – a passage, to marry – marriage


to refuse – refusal, to propose – a proposal

-ance/ -ence

to annoy – annoyance, tolerant – tolerance, to prefer – preference, obedient – obedience


to amuse – amusement, to move – movement


to analyse – analysis


to depart – departure, to press – pressure


to grow – growth, strong – strength


to perjure – perjury, difficult – difficulty


fluent – fluency


popular – popularity, royal – royalty, major – majority, responsible – responsibility, cruel – cruelty


Наиболее употребительные суффиксы прилагательных criminal, judicial, comfortable, notable useless, careless beautiful, harmful famous, mysterious efficient, important lucky, funny attractive, repressive lovely, reddish, selfish dramatic; aristocratic

-al/-ial -able -less -ful -ous -ent/-ant -y -ive -ly -ish -ic

Суффиксы наречий quick – quickly, careful – carefully otherwise

-ly -wise

Суффиксы глаголов -(i)fy -en -ize(ise) -ate

purify, classify, modify shorten, fasten modernize, popularize, terrorize, advise indicate, concentrate

Ex.1. Read and translate: a) inaccurate, inartistic, inattentive, incapable, incomplete, inefficient, inexpensive, informal, indirect; b) illegal, illogical; immobile, immortal, immoral, impossible, imperfect, impatient; irregular, irresponsible, irrespective; с) unfair, unkind, unjust, untrue, uncertain, unclean, unloving, uncomfortable, uncultured, unsafe, unreal, unofficial, unpleasant, unnecessary. Ex.2. Read and translate the following nouns: fatality, publicity, ability, legality, originality, formality, finality, criminality, absurdity, hostility. Ex.3. Form nouns from the given words. consult the dictionary if necessary. E.g. to forge (подделывать) + er = forger useful (полезный) + ness = usefulness action (действие) in +... = inaction 75

polite (вежливый); to dispute (оспорить); to arrest (арестовать); to challenge (бросать вызов); to hear (слышать); to perform (выполнять); to represent (представлять); to assist (помогать); to differ (отличаться); to accuse (обвинять); to deal (иметь дело, заниматься), to investigate (расследовать) Ex.4. Read and translate: slowly, readily, softly, attentively, weakly, strongly, comfortably, timely, daily, weekly, usually, rarely, badly, early. Ex.5. Make a noun according to the model. Model: One who is listening – a listener one who reads; one who defends; one who advises; one whose occupation is to sing; one whose occupation is to write (books); one whose occupation is to produce (films); one whose occupation is to inspect; one whose occupation is to detect; one whose occupation is to construct; one whose occupation is to edit. Ex.6. Read and translate adjectives and name the nouns they are made from: а) rainy, sunny, chalky, watery, icy, naughty, silky, foggy, wavy, sandy, milky; b) communicative, creative, imitative, regulative, illustrative, demonstrative, alternative, responsive, offensive, decisive; Ex.7. Read and translate adjectives: a) colonial, verbal, industrial, divisional, criminal, formal, original, territorial; b) tactical, musical, political, clinical, fanatical, epical; с) periodic, poetic, pessimistic, synonymic, aristocratic, journalistic, mystic, magnetic.


Numerals (Числительные) Числительное – часть речи, которая обозначает количество предметов или порядок предметов при счете. В соответствии с этим числительные делятся на количественные и порядковые. Количественные числительные Количественные числительные от 1 до 12 простые. Они не имеют специальных окончаний. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

– – – – – – –

zero/oh one two three four five six

7 – seven 8 – eight 9 – nine 10 – ten 11 – eleven 12 – twelve

Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 оканчиваются на teen. 13 14 15 16

– – – –

thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen

Количественные оканчиваются на -ty. 20 – twenty 30 – thirty 40 – forty 50 – fifty 60 – sixty 70 – seventy 80 – eighty 90 – ninety

17 – seventeen 18 – eighteen 19 – nineteen


обозначающие 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98


– – – – – – – –

twenty-one thirty-two forty-three fifty-four sixty-five seventy-six eighty-seven ninety-eight


100 101 105 200 300 410

– – – – – –

Многозначные количественные числительные a/ one hundred 1000 – a/ one thousand a/ one hundred and one 1001 – a/ one thousand and one a/ one hundred and five 2350 – two thousand three huntwo hundred dred and fifty three hundred 1000000 – a/one million four hundred and ten 1000000000 – a/ one milliard (a billion – амер.)

В предложении количественные числительные стоят перед существительными. Существительное в этом случае обычно не имеет артикля: There are twenty five cadets in our group. N.B! В английском языке для обозначения дат, номеров домов, квартир, комнат, автобусов, страниц книги и т.п. обычно употребляются количественные числительные. Числительные в этом случае стоят после определяемого слова. Open the book at page 25. «... page fifteen» Group 41 is ready for the lesson. «Group forty-one...» Обратите внимание также на употребление количественных числительных при обозначении номеров телефонов. Каждая цифра телефонного номера произносится отдельно. Цифра 0 читается как буква О [oυ]: My telephone number is 204-73-95. «... is two-o-four-seventhree-nine-five» Порядковые числительные Порядковые числительные (за исключением первых трех) образуются путем прибавления суффикса –th и употребляются с определенным артиклем: 1 – 12 1-й 2-й 3-й 4-й 5-й 6-й 7-й 8-й 9-й

– – – – – – – – –

(the) first (the) second (the) third (the) fourth (the) fifth (the) sixth (the) seventh (the) eighth (the) ninth

13 – 19 13-й 14-й 15-й 16-й 17-й 18-й 19-й

(the) (the) (the) (the) (the) (the) (the)

thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth


20 – … 20-й (the) twentieth 30-й (the) thirtieth 40-й (the) fortieth 50-й (the) fiftieth 60-й (the) sixtieth 70-й (the) seventieth 80-й (the) eightieth 90-й (the) ninetieth 100-й (the) hundredth

1 – 12

13 – 19

10-й – (the) tenth

20 – … 200-й (the) two hundredth 1000-й (the) thousandth 1000000-й (the) millionth

11-й – (the) eleventh 12-й – (the) twelfth

Обозначение времени Время дня 6.00 – It's six o'clock/It's six/Six. 9.00 – It's nine a.m. = ante meridiem, i.e. before midday (до полудня) 10.00 – It's ten p.m. = post meridiem, i.e. after midday (после полудня) 7.30 – half past seven/seven thirty 7.15 – (a) quarter past (амер. after) seven/seven fifteen 7.45 – (a) quarter to eight/seven forty-five 8.20 – twenty (minutes) past eight/eight twenty 8.55 – five (minutes) to nine/ eight fifty-five 15.09 – fifteen oh nine Века, годы и даты 2600 B.C. (two thousand six hundred Before Christ) – до Христа, до нашей эры A.D. 100 = one hundred Anno Domini – нашей эры 1900 – nineteen hundred 1905 – nineteen oh five/nineteen hundred and five 2000 – the year two thousand in 1969 – in nineteen sixty-nine on the 5 th August 1943 – (on) the fifth of August nineteen fortythree / (on) August the fifth nineteen forty-three (амер.)

Ex.1. Read and write the numerals in numbers: one hundred twenty-five; a hundred and four; one thousand two hundred and fifty; three hundred and sixtyeight; five thousand and forty-nine; one million four hundred thousand three hundred and seventy-one; the fiftyfourth; the nine hundred and ninety-ninth; fifteen thousand two hundred and thirty-six.


Ex.2. Read the dates: 1628, 1800, 1861, 1736, 1962, 1995, 2013; 2 nd February 1956; May 9 th , 1945; April 5 th , 1974; 24 th December, 2012; November 20 th, 1913; January 31 st , 2003; July 17 th , 1918, 4 th August 1428; March 29 th 1996. Ex.3. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the numerals. 1. Pope Gregory XIII introduced Gregorian calendar in the 16 th century. 2. At midnight on 31 st December, bells will ring out around the world to welcome the New Year. 3. Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14 th of February. 4. The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted on December 12, 1993. 5. Women were not admitted to Oxford and Cambridge almost till the 20 th century. 6. W. A. Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. 7. World War II. began on September 1, 1939. 8. Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States. It falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. 9. April 1 st is known throughout English speaking world as All Fools' Day.

Reading and Speaking Activities About Someone’s Personality and Character To start with … Everyone has their own unique traits that make them who they are. Everyone is different in many different ways and there is nothing wrong with that. When we ask 'What is he/she like?' we are asking about his/her personality/character.


Topic based vocabulary Check whether you know these words and expressions. Use the dictionary to find meanings of those ones you don’t know. Add these words to your Vocabulary. warmhearted faithful envious smooth-tongued boastful frank kind smart dull lazy; idle; lazy-bone modest shy cheerful polite rude talented stubborn

a brilliant student a chatter-box brave independent industrious calm cheerful inventive naughty honest attentive intelligent friendly honest arrogant calm careless

daring absent-minded ambitious bright bore blockhead cunning cruel decent greedy weak-willed confident hardworking sociable patient nervous envious

Ex 1. Read and translate example sentences. What is he/she like? 1 He is friendly and dependable. He is interesting and amusing. He is smart and honest. He also has a good sense of humor. I like him. She is careless and lazy. You can't depend on her. She is serious, organized, hard-working, and tough. She is a nice clever girl. He is old, sick, and lonely. His character is terrible. He is hostile and bad-tempered. He doesn't have many friends. She is knowledgeable and broad-minded, and she likes to help young people.




Ex. 2. Complete the sentences using an appropriate adjective from the vocabulary list 1. He’s kind and ………………………. He cares about others. 2. She always tells the truth. She’s the most ……………………… person I know. 3. Don’t be ………………………. You can’t leave without saying goodbye! 4. You should be ……………………… with children. They need time to do things. 5. Tom is not only helpful, but he’s also ………………………. He often gives us presents. 6. Even in difficult situations, mother tries to stay ………………………. 7. I’m always ……………………… before a test. I feel worried no matter how hard I have studied. Ex. 2. Choose an adjective from the vocabulary list to describe the people below People who… are... 1. don’t like spending money 2. don’t talk about their abilities and achievements 3. are happy and smile a lot 4. don’t consider how their actions affect others 5. don’t talk easily to somebody they don’t know 6. don’t like working or making an effort

Reading and Speaking Activities Task 1. Discuss in groups: Which five of the character traits from vocabulary list above do you like most in a friend? Which do you dislike most?


Task 2. Read this poem. A perfect creature Clever, merry, active, Charming and attractive Beautiful and modest Reliable and honest Talented and kind With a brilliant mind, Very smart and wise, With delightful eyes. Careful, hardworking, Only business talking, In short, she is a treasure, To meet her is a pleasure. You see, the girl is a treasure. And what about you? Task 3. I’m a Special Person 1 You’re special! How? Circle at least 10 and up to 15 characteristics that reflect the kind of person You think you are: Adventurous Aggressive Artistic Capable Caring Creative Decisive Determined Energetic

Friendly Good Listener Honest Independent Kind Leader Self-disciplined

Self-starter Sense of Humor Sensitive Serious Sincere Strong Tolerant Trusting

Optimistic Organized Patient Quiet Reliable Responsible Selfconfident Warm

Which are your «Top Six» or favorites? 1. … 2. … 3. …

http://oregoncis.uoregon.edu/pdf/curriculum/ im_a_special_person_ms.pdf.


Which 3 characteristics will you improve upon during this academic year? 1. … 2. … 3. … You’re unique!

A poem to enjoy: Like Me! Sometimes I wish I was someone else, but mostly I’m glad I’m ME! We all have our likes and differences as everyone can see. Some of us like to hurry. Some like to take our time. Some spend all their money. Some save every dime. Some are good at English. Some are good at math. Some of us like showers. Some prefer the bath. Some of us are quiet. Some of us are loud. Some of us like to be alone. Some of us like a crowd. Some of us are tall. Some of us are short. Some like to play an instrument. Some like to play a sport. Some of us are black or brown, And some of us are white. Some of us leave the light on when we go to bed at night. All of us are special As everyone can see. You like you, and I like you, but also I like ME!


Task 4. Read this short text. Be ready to tell about your friend My best friend is... She is pretty, frank and kind. She is neither dull nor lazy, she is inventive but at the same time she is modest. It's a pity, she is not a brilliant pupil, but she always tries her best to get good knowledge. She is not a chatter-box or a lazy-bone. And what I like most of all is that she is always full of interesting ideas and believes in good future.

UNIT V Grammar Review: Предлоги (Prepositions) Reading and Speaking Activities: About my family.

Prepositions (Предлоги) Между английскими и русскими предлогами нет полного соответствия. Нужно помнить, что один и тот же предлог на русский язык может переводиться по-разному: Не is at the window. – Он у окна. She sat at the table. – Она сидела за столом. I get up at 7 o'clock. – Я встаю в 7 часов. My sister works at the Institute. – Моя сестра работает в институте. All laughed at him. – Все смеялись над ним. И наоборот: одному и тому же предлогу в русском языке могут соответствовать различные английские предлоги: Он посмотрел на меня. – Не looked at me. Она поедет на юг. – She will go to the South. Он жил на Севере. – Не lived in the North. Я поеду туда на неделю. I shall go there for a week. Многие предлоги в английском языке имеют не одно, а несколько значений. Во многих случаях употребление предлога зависит от предшествующего слова (глагола, прилагательного или существительного).


Наиболее употребительные предлоги английского языка Предлог at



1. Местоположение (на, при, у, at the door; at the conferв определенной точке) ence; 2. Время (часы)



at 2 o’clock; в словосочетаниях: at school/ college/ university, at work, at home, at the top of, at the bottom of, at sea, at the station/ airport, at the seaside, at Christmas (Easter), at the weekand, at the moment, at present, at dawn, at noon/ at lunchtime, at night, at midnight и др.;



на) in the middle, in the sea, in the sky, in bed, in hospital, N.B. Предлог in употребляется, in prison, in a newspaper/ если подчеркивается нахожде- magazine/ book, in a picние внутри зданий, напр., It ture/ photo, in a street, in was very hot in the cinema (In- the world, in the country, in side the building.) the lesson, in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, in an Сравните! My friends are at the hour/ a minute, in a week/ cinema. few days month/ year и др; in Stratford, in Rom, Russia, in Europe;


2. Время (месяцы, годы); через in March/ January, in win(о времени) ter/ spring/ autumn, in 20014, in the 21 s t century; on

1. Местоположение (на гори- on the table, on the wall; зонтальной и вертикальной поверхности) 2. Время (дни недели, даты) on Monday, on New Year’s Day, on 3 rd of July, on Friday morning, on a hot day; 3. В некоторых словосочетаниях

устойчивых on the right/ left, on a platform/ page/ screen/ island/




Примеры beach, on a map, on a farm, on the first/ second floor, on a chair (НО: in an armchair), on/ at the corner of the street (НО: in the corner of a room), on foot (НО: by car/ bus/ train/ taxi/ plane/ boat) N.B. В случае наличия артикля (a, an, the), притяжательных местоимений (your, my, his) перед существительным или если существительное стоит в притяжательном падеже, то: on the train/ the plane, in a taxi/ your car/ Richard’s car, on the eight o’clock bus;

4. По (вопросам, проблеме) from


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

1. Направление, происхождение from Moscow, from the ta(от, из) ble 2. Время (с, от)

from 7 o’clock; from time to time;

3. Причина (из-за, по причине)

deaths from accidents;

1. Направление (в, на)

the road to London; to go to school; 15 miles to the south of Manchester; face to face;

2. Время (до какого-то момента) from 10 p.m. to 3 p.m.; 3. Соответствует падежу since till

дательному a message to the friend;

Время (от, с какого-то момента) since July, since 9 o’clock, since then; Время (до, до какого-то момента)

till Friday, till midnight;






1. Направление (внутрь) 2. Изменение состояния (на)


Направление (на, ность чего-либо)


into the office; from Russian into English;

поверх- to put smth onto the table.

1. Время (перед, до) 2. Местонахождение (перед, в)

before our era; before him, before the jury;


Время (после)

after a few minutes, after you


1. О (относительно)

about drugs;

2. Место (около, вокруг, приблизительно)

about the town;


3. Время (около, приблизительно) about 2 p.m., about noon; for




1. Время (в течение конкретно указанного (в днях, годах) периода времени)

for 2 days(months, years);

2. Цель (на)

to go for a walk;

3. Для

a present for you;

4. За

punishment for crimes;

Время (в течение периода вре- during the weekend; мени, выраженного существительным) 1. Соответствует родительному all the students of the group, падежу (чего? кого?) millions of dollars, at the time of a crime; 2. О (ком-либо, чем-либо) think of smbd(smth) 1. Соответствует творительному падежу (чем?)


2. С, вместе

to have problems drugs; to go for a walk with friends; with pleasure





Предлог without by




without a license

1. Соответствует творительно- designed by the famous arму падежу (кем?) chitect; a short story by Charles Dckens; 2. При помощи, посредством, by phone; by train(bus); by на means; by heart; 3. Место (возле, рядом)

by the window;

4. Время (к какому-то моменту) by 3 p.m. between

Местоположение (между 2-мя the distance between two объектами) cars;


Местоположение (между сколькими предметами объектами)


Кроме (за исключением тех, кто all countries except Russia присутствует)


Кроме (помимо, по количеству 5 cadets besides me больше присутствующих)


below out behind

не- among young people; или

1. Над, выше, более

over the table;

2. Через

over 5 million dollars

3. За, в, в течение (период времени)

all over the world; over the last six years

Ниже, под

Below zero

Снаружи, вне, из, за пределами

to get out the car

За, сзади, позади

behind curtains; behind bars;


УПРАЖНЕНИЯ Ex. 1. Read and translate word combinations: a) at Nick’s house; at our club; in London; in the room; under the bed; under the car; on her table; on this knife; near the road; near our Institute; above your head; above him. b) on Monday; on business; on the one (other) hand; in the morning; in Russian; in winter; in the street; in the sky; at the lesson; at the end; at school; under the strange circumstances. Ex. 2. Read and translate the following sentences, mind the prepositions. 1. I usually play football at the weekends. 2. I like to look at the stars at night. 3. Do you often go out in the evening? 4. I got up at 8 o’clock this morning.5. She is leaving next Monday. 6. Daniel was born in 1990. 7. My brother will be 17 in two days. 8. Mike is starting a new job at the end of July. 9. There’s somebody at the bus stop. 10. I read about the accident in the newspaper. 11. Helen is studying law at the University. 12. Will you be at home tomorrow afternoon? 13. There is a big table in the middle of the room. 14. Were there many people at the concert last night? 15. Next year we hope to go to Germany to visit some friends. 16. My house is very near here. It’s just round the corner. 17. Sarah didn’t go to work yesterday. So, she wasn’t at work yesterday. 18. Do you like travelling by train? 19. Why did you go home early last night? 20. We watched the news on the television. Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with prepositions: on, in, by, about, at, for, from, to, of. 1. I go … the Institute … foot, but yesterday I went … bus. 2. «Crime and Punishment» is written … Dostoyevsky. 3. The banks close … 7 o’clock … the evening. 4. Bye, see you … Wednesday! 5. She got married … the age …22. 6. My friend lives … Rokossovsky street. 7. Are you good … foreign languages? 8. He works … 8.30 a.m. … 17.30 p.m. 9. My birthday is … the first … March. 10. What happened … the end? 11. He is … court … the moment. 12. There is a good film … the cinema. 13. I’ll be waiting for you … the bus stop. 14. She is afraid … travelling … airplane. 15. There’s a photograph … the criminal … the morning paper. 16. The bank robbery was committed … Saturday. 17. The police asked him several questions … his stolen car. 18. We arrived exactly … time. 19. We have English classes two times … a week. 90

Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions: at, on, after, of, about, from. 1. His two sons are... the University and his daughter is... school. 2. My father is... home now. 3. She tells us... her new work. 4. We are going to see our grandparents... Sunday. 5. Tom and Bill are going to play chess... classes. 6. Write the sentence... the blackboard. 7. A police officer looked curiously … him as he walked past. 8. … 15th … July is my brother's birthday. 9. I'm going skiing again … January. 10. Susan studies, and … the same time works full time. 11. There will be many new inventions … the next century. 12. Helen was already manager … a supermarket … the age of twenty. 13. I expect to graduate … the Institute … the year 2019. Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions. 1. My sister is fond … music. She plays … the piano very well. 2. They are proud... their children. 3. Where are you going … holiday? – I don’t know exactly. 4. I entered … the university two years ago, so I’m … my 3 rd year now. 5. My friend and I are … the same age and we have much … common. We are fond … sports and we play … football. 6. My friend is coming to stay... me... the weekend.7. Are you fond … reading? 8. He suddenly felt sorry... her. 9. He’ll be waiting … you … seven … the evening.10. He dreamed... a quiet evening … home. 11. It is illegal to drive a car … a license. 12. Will you turn... the radio? I’d like to listen … the news. The robbers broke … the bank … night. 13. He lived … a town... the sea. 14. I’ll be very busy … the beginning … July. I’ll be taking my exams.

Reading and Speaking Activities About my family Topic based vocabulary Make sure that you know these words. Use the dictionary to find meanings of those ones you don’t know. Add these words to your Vocabulary.

to consist of … parents father

Family brother sister grandmother (ласк. gran91

Relatives close distant aunt

mother wife husband children daughter son twins sibling

Family nie) grandfather (ласк. granddad) grandparents grandchildren granddaughter grandson grand-grandmother grand-grandfather

Relatives uncle cousin niece nephew stepmother stepfather half-sister half-brother son-in-law daughter –in-law mother-in-law father-in-law

Task 1. Family relations. Complete the sentences with words from Vocabulary list 1. My mother's sister's daughter is my __________. 2. My brother's son is my __________ and his daughter is my _____________. I'm their __________ (male) or _______(female) 3. My mother and father are divorced. My father's second wife is my ___________ and her daughter by her first husband is my _________________. My father and his second wife then have another child. She is my ________-________. 4. My father's father is my ________________ and my father's mother is my _________. 5. My mother's mother's mother is my _____ ____________. Task 2. Work in pairs. Write on a piece of paper the first names of five people in your family. Give a piece of paper to your partner. Ask and answer these questions about the people. Who /? How old /? What / do? Where / live? Example: Who is Peter? – He’s my nephew, my sister’s son. He is a schoolboy. He lives in Chelyabinsk.


Task 3. Read the dialogues and act your own dialogues out in pairs as in the example. Dialogue 1 – How many people are there in your family? − There are four people in my family. – Who are they? – They are my mother, my father, my brother and me. Dialogue 1 – How many people are there in your family? – There are a lot of people in my family. I am not sure how many. There are maybe twenty people. – Who are they? – They are my parents, grandparents,, my two brothers and my two sisters, my uncle and his wife and their two children. Then next door is my other uncle and his wife and his wife’s parents and his four children. That makes about twenty people. Task 4. Read these two texts. You may use them as the basis for your own story about your family. My family My name is Olga. My surname is Petrova. I would like to represent my family and parents. Actually my family isn’t large. My family consists of three persons: my father, mother and sister. My father's name is Denis. He is 41 years, but he looks muсh younger. My dad is well-educated and well-read. His hobby is football. He is fond of it. My mother’s name is Anna. She is 39. She is a good-looking, blond woman. I really adore her sense of humor. She is a housewife. It takes her much time and power to take care of our home. Her hobby is gardening. She can spend long hours in her spare time in our garden. I enjoy spending time with my family very much. We often go for walks. As for me I am a student. I am 17. I can say that I'm friendly, kind, generous and honest. I have my own likes and dislikes.


My Family I am Alexey Vlasov. I am 16. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family. We have got a lot of relatives. First of all, some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She works at the University. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-five but she looks much younger. My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-seven. My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of all of us. She is very good at cooking. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy up our flat. My grandmother is retired. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting. My sister Olga is twenty-four. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as a doctor. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school. My brother Denis is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. I want to become a police officer. I have many friends. They are very good and we like to spend our time together. We do everything what is interesting for a teenager – talk, dance, listen to music. I'm happy to have nice friends and a good family. I hope that my dreams will come true. Task 4. Get organized. Use this outline to talk about you and your family in an organized fashion. − Number of members in your family: father, mother, sister, etc. − Parents: name, age, brief description. − Brothers, sisters, ages, jobs − Pets: types, names, brief description − Living situation: Parents together/separated/ divorced/ remarried? − Other close relatives: grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. − Family activities together: TV? Movies? Theatre? Vacations? Excursions? − Conclusion? Your feelings/opinion about your family – ideal? 94

Time for revision

Remember!!! Revision is the key to unlock super success. Be ready to answer the following questions: 1. What is your name (surname, patronymic)? 2. When is your birthday? 3. Where were you born? 4. How old are you? 5. Are you married? 6. Have you got a family of your own? 7. Is your family large or small? 8. How many persons does it consist of? 9. What relations do you have in your family? 10.What are your parents? 11.How long have your parents been married? 12.Do they have much in common? 13.What is your father’s hobby? 14.Can you describe your mother? 15.Who do you most take after, your mother or your father? 16.Who are you like in character? 17.Who do you look like? 18.Are you the only child in the family? 19.Is your sister (brother) younger or older than you? 20.What is your sister’s (brother’s) occupation? 21.Can you describe your sister’s (brother’s) appearance and character? 22.Who runs the house in your family? 23.What are your household duties? 24.Do you help your mother to keep the house? 25.Have you got grandparents? 26.Have you got any other close relatives? What about your distant relatives? 27.Do you often see them? 28.Where do you live? 29.Do you spend your week-ends together with your parents? 30.Do you work or study? Where? 31.How well did you do at school? 32.When did you leave school? 33.Do you like to read? Who is your favorite writer? 34.Do you go in for sport? 35.What are you fond of? 95

Ask your groupmates:  when s(he) was born;  where s(he) is from;  when s(he) entered the University;  if s(he) works much or little at the University;  if s(he) has got brothers or sisters;  how old they are;  how his (her) mother looks like;  if s(he) lives together with his (her) parents or in a hostel;  if s(he) spends much time with his (her) relatives.


Appendix Таблица неправильных глаголов английского языка Infinitive

Past Simple

Past Participle
















дуть, выдыхать




ломать, разбивать, разрушать




приносить, привозить, лять




строить, сооружать




купить, покупать




ловить, поймать, схватить




выбирать, избирать




приходить, подходить




стоить, обходиться




резать, разрезать




иметь дело, распределять




делать, выполнять




рисовать, чертить








ездить, подвозить, водить (авто)




есть, кушать, поедать








чувствовать, ощущать




драться, сражаться, воевать




находить, обнаруживать, заставать






forbad/forbade forbidden

запрещать, не позволять




Past Simple

Past Participle




забывать о (чем-либо)








получать, добираться




дать, подать, дарить




идти, двигаться




расти, вырастать




иметь, обладать




слышать, услышать




прятать, скрывать




ударять, поражать




держать, удерживать, задерживать




ранить, причинять боль, ушибить




хранить, сохранять, поддерживать




знать, разбираться




класть, положить, покрывать




покидать, уходить, уезжать, оставлять




позволять, разрешать








терять, лишаться, утрачивать




делать, создавать, изготавливать




значить, иметь в виду




встречать, знакомиться







Past Simple

Past Participle




платить, ваться




ставить, помещать, класть




читать, прочитать




звенеть, звонить




восходить, вставать, подниматься




бежать, бегать




говорить, сказать, произносить








продавать, торговать




посылать, отправлять, отсылать




устанавливать, задавать, назначать







shown/showed показывать




закрывать, запирать




петь, напевать




сидеть, садиться








говорить, разговаривать




тратить, (время)








воровать, красть




плавать, плыть




брать, хватать, взять




учить, обучать








думать, мыслить, размышлять

understand understood understood



понимать, постигать





Past Simple

Past Participle




просыпаться, будить




победить, выиграть




писать, записывать

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Вводно-коррективный курс на начальном этапе обучения иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе является органической частью всего вузовского курса обучения иностранным языком и в то же время его фундаментом. Поэтому данный этап требует детальной разработки как в плане отбора минимума учебного материала, так и в плане выбора методических приемов, позволяющих увеличить активность всех обучающихся в условиях коллективной работы. Вводно-коррективный курс эффективно решает задачи коррекции и совершенствования речевых навыков и умений курсантов и студентов 1 курса, если реализуется в комплексе упражнений, разработанном с учетом поэтапности формирования навыков. Методически и научно обоснованные содержание и организация вводно-коррективного курса на начальном этапе обучения иностранному языку в вузе МВД позволят скорректировать основные языковые (фонетические и грамматические) навыки, приобретенные курсантами и студентами на предыдущей ступени обучения (общеобразовательная школа, средняя ступень профессионального образования), а также будут способствовать совершенствованию навыков профессионального общения на иностранном языке у будущих сотрудников полиции.


РЕКОМЕНДУЕМАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ИНТЕРНЕТ-РЕСУРСЫ 1. Английский язык : вводно-коррективный курс для курсантов 1 курса : в 2 ч. [Электронный ресурс] / сост. Т. В. Чичерина; сост. Н. Ф. Жучкова. – Орел: Орловский юридический институт МВД России (ОрЮИ МВД России), 2008. – Ч. 1. 2. Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей : учебник [Электронный ресурс] / сост. Н.А. Беседина, В.Д. Земляков, И.Н. Навроцкая ; под ред. Н.А. Беседина. – Белгородский юридический институт МВД России (БелЮИ МВД России), 2008. − URL: http://sibserv/library/0031343.pdf. 3. Арская, М.А. Английский язык: тесты по грамматике / М.А. Арская [и др.]. – Красноярск: Сибирский юридический институт МВД России, 2004. – 50 с. 4. Нестерчук, Г.В. English for Law Students by Correspondence = Английский для студентов-юристов / Г.В. Нестерчук, Л.М. Калилец. – Мн.: Новое знание, 2002. 5. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка / сост. М.А. Арская [и др.]. – Красноярск: Сибирский юридический институт МВД России, 2006. – 84 с. 6. http://www.activeenglish.ru/category/geo/topics. 7. http://www.englishforeveryone.org/PDFs/personal%20infor mation%20dialogue.pdf. 8. http://lang.mipt.ru/english/eng_low_interm/learnmat1sem1prom/phonetics . 9. http://englishclub.narod.ru/grammar/grammar_1_4.htm . 10. http://myefe.ru/past-tenses/past-simple-tense.html . 11. http://www.englishelp.ru/learn-english/6-grammar. 12. http://www.serge-amel.narod.ru/DO/Spravochnik/project /p9aa1.html . 13. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_introduce_about_ yourself_in_a_classroom#ixzz1xSvXYjPJ . 14. Personal Introduction http://biology.umm.ac.id/files/file/ UNIT%201%20OK.pdf. 15. Speak English with us! : учебное пособие для студентов 1-2 курсов неязыковых специальностей университетов/ Амурский государственный ун-т. − Благовещенск, 1999. 16. Краткий справочник по грамматике английского языка. – URL: http://www.serge-flamel.narod.ru/DO/Spravochnik/project /p27aa1.html. 17. Phonics − Phonemic Awareness – Spelling. – URL: http://www.kinderkorner.com/me.html . 101



19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

http://www.britishcouncil.org . http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/usa . http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio . http://lingualeo.ru . www.native-english.ru . http://www.study.ru . www.englishclub.com . http://www.englishexercises.org . www.english4u.com . http://franklang.ru. http://www.booksshouldbefree.com. http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog . http://www.usingenglish.com .

html .


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Вне плана издания

Татьяна Владимировна Куприянчик, Наталья Александровна Ермякина, Ольга Анатольевна Килина

English: Introductory Course Учебное пособие

Подписано в печать 01.09.2016 Формат Р 60х84. Бумага типографская. Гарнит ура Times. Печать офсетная. Уч. изд. листов 3,42 (6,5 усл.печ.л.). Тираж 80 экз. Заказ ________.

Научно-исследовательский и редакционно-издательский отдел. Сибирский юридический инстит ут МВД России. 660131, г. Красноярск, ул. Рокоссовского, 20.

Отпечатано в типографии СибЮИ МВД России. 660050, г. Красноярск, ул. Кут узова, 6.