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Kazakh Pages [192] Year 2016
ӘЛ-ФАРАБИ атындағы ҚАЗАҚ ҰЛТТЫҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ _______________________________________________________
Алматы «Қазақ университеті» 2016
ӘОЖ 811.111(075.8) E 55 Баспаға әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті филология және әлем тілдері факультетінің Ғылыми кеңесі және Редакциялық-баспа кеңесі шешішімен ұсынылған (№1 хаттама 2 қараша 2016 жыл) Пікір жазған филология ғылымдарының кандидаты Р.К. Смагулова Құрастырушы авторлар: Ш.Б. Омарова, К.Х. Жубанова, Б.М. Саякова
О 55
English for the first year students of mechanics-mathematics faculty: оқу-әдістемелік құралы / құраст. авт.: Ш.Б. Омарова, К.Х. Жубанова, Б.М. Саякова. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2016. – 192 б. ISBN 978-601-04-2467-8 Механика-математика факультетінің студенттеріне арналған оқуәдістемелік құралы екі бөлімнен түрады: жалпы ағылшын тілі және кәсіби бағдарлы ағылшын тілін үйрету. Оқу-әдістемелік құралы кәсіби шеберлігі мен біліктілігін арттыруға бағытталған. Автордың редакциясымен шығарылды. The teaching aid is designed for the students of Mechanics-Mathematics faculty. It consists of two parts: general and English for specific purposes. The teaching aid provides grammar reference including the main grammatical aspects of the English language. It is aimed at improving skills and professional competence of the students. Publishing in authorial release.
ӘОЖ 811.111(075.8)
ISBN 978-601-04-2467-8
© Құраст. авт.: Омарова Ш.Б., Жубанова К.Х., Саякова Б.М., 2016 © Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ, 2016
INTRODUCTION (Кіріспе сабақ) Ағылшын тілі ғасырлар бойы дамып жетілген, бай тілдердің бірі. Ағылшын сөздерінің қазақ тіліндегідей лексикалық және грамматикалық, тура және ауыспалы мағыналары бар. Бұл тіл де көп мағыналы, басқа тілден енген, неологизмдер мен көнерген сөздер, мақал-мәтелдерге бай. Оның сөздік қоры дара, күрделі, біріккен, қысқарған, тіркесті, негізгі және көмекші сөздерге бөлінеді. Ағылшын тілінің ерекше грамматикалық және фонетикалық жүйесі бар. Бұл тілдің дыбыстық жүйесі, дыбыстарының сипаты мен саны біркелкі емес. Ағылшын тілінде 26 әріп бар, оның 20-сы дауыссыз, 6-уы дауысты. Осы әрібіміз 44 дыбыс береді. Кейбір дауыссыздар 2-3 түрлі болып оқылады. Екі әріптің қосындысынан туатын дыбыстар бар. Дауысты дыбыс 3-ке бөлінеді: қысқа дауысты, күрделі дауысты және созылыңқы дауысты. Транскрипциялық белгілер а) дауыстылар [i:] – ұзақ и [е] – қысқа э,е [а:] – ұзақ, созылыңқы а [о:] – ұзақ о [u:] – ұзақ у [ә] – екпінсіз ә
[i] – қысқа, ашық и [ǽ] – ашық ә [о] – қысқа, ашық о [u] – қысқа у [^] – қысқа а [ә:] – ұзақ ө
б) қосдауыстылар (дифтонгтар) | ei] – эй [iә] – иа [ai] – aй | [оu] – оу [ ai] – ай [εә] – эә [au] – ay [uә] – уа в) дауыссыздар [p] – п [b] – б [m] – м [w] – ерін дауыссызы. Әдетте дауысты дыбыстардың және Һ әріпінің алдында тұрады: well, why [f] – ф 3
[v] – в [θ] – тіс аралық с [θ] – тісаралық з [s] – c [t] – m [d] – d [n] – н [1] – л [г] – тілалды р [ς] – жұмсақ ш [3] – жұмсақ ж [tς] – ч [dЗ] – ызың дж [ŋ]–ң [h] – Һ [j] – й English alphabet (Ағылшын әліпбиі) Әріп
а ВЬ Сс Dd
[ei] [bi] [si:] [di:]
Nn Oo Pp Qq
[en] [ou] [pi:] [kju:]
Ее Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk LI Mm
[b] [ef] [dЗi:] [еitς] [ai] [d3ei] [keij [el] [em]
Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
[a:] [es] [ti:] [ju:] [vi:] ['d^blju:] [eks] [wai] [zed]
Phonetic Drills. Фонетикалық жаттығулар 1. [ǽ] cat
2. [i]
city ticket
3. [e] pen
said net bet
4. [^] but
some run foot pull
fat man fit pit
5. [u] book put
push full
6. [ә] a
under mister brother
7. [o] not
8. [i:] me
9. [u:] too
10. [a:] arm bar
farm large
11. [ә:] girl
12. [o:] tall
13. [ei] day
14. [ai] my
side find
15. [oi] boy
enjoy coin
spoil boil
16. [iә] ear
beer near tear
17. [ou] go
soap blow
spoon pool
18. [au] town cow noun blouse house now brown 5
19. [uә] plural February
20. [o:] more door four your 21. [εә] pear pair
during floor
bore hair
22. [θ] theatrethink thought thumb health birthday bath 23. [ŋ] doing
reading writing
24. [ŋk] thank
25. [ŋg] English
26. [h] he
when wish was
28. [j] year
you young
31. bad
straight bird
32. mother
33. some
34. bake
35. run
which woman window why
your yellow yesterday few usual may
fuse mute head
board bed bet barrel burn many
seem sole boot
27. [w] we
30. street
29. [ju:] unit united new
going spring
more moral memory
soap soup
36. toast table tune 37. come comb came
climb 6
butcher balm
rapid tusk
sin singer
tour till tell
corn course cure
38. [d3]
jacket just
39. [3]
40. [ς]
41. [tς]
jumper vegetable
shirt child
television shall
cabbage usual
expression Russian butcher
watch check
PART I LESSON 1 MY FAMILY Grammar: The verb to be, to have in the Present Simple Tense Exercise 1. Warm up: Read and learn A Rhyme Father, mother, sister, brother Hand in hand with one another. Exercise 2. Topical vocabulary 1. mother – ана, апа 2. father – әке 3. brother – аға 4. sister – әпке 5. aunt – тәте 6. uncle – көке 7. parents – ата-аналар 8. relatives – туысқандар 9. to work – жұмыс істеу 10. to be married – ‰йлену (тұрмыс құру) 11. to know – білу 12. to be friendly – достық қатынаста болу 13. to be fond of – жақсы көру 14. to like – ұнату 15. different – т‰рлі, әр т‰рлі 16. to learn – оқу, ‰йрену 17. education – білім 18. to take care of – қамқорлық көрсету 19. to be sure – сенімді болу 20. foreign – шетелдік 21. language – тіл 22. to be in a good mood – жақсы көңіл к‰йде болу 23. to sing – ән айту 24. to repair – жөндеу 8
25. experienced – тәжірибелі 26. scientist – ғалым 27. opinion – ой, пікір 28. knitting – тоқыма 29. upbringing – тәрбие Exercise 3. Read the text with the aim of understanding it. I am Assan Omarov. Assan is my first name and Omarov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family. First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of Biology. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good- looking woman with brown hair. She is forty – five but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim. My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty – seven. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar or piano and we sing together. My father knows all about new radio sets and likes to repair old ones. He is also handy with many things. My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films, sports. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes «soap operas». My father is fond of tennis. My mother doesn't go in for sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing. My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of me and my father. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. My farther and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy our flat. My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting. My sister Anar is twenty – four. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a joint venture company. 9
Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school. My brother Dossan is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. Three months ago he dreamed of being a pilot. I am a student. I like to learn foreign languages. I think I take after my father. I'm tall, fair-haired and even-tempered. I always try to be in a good mood. We have got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well. Exercise 4. Comprehension Check. 1. What is your first name? What is your surname? 2. How old are you? 3. When is your birthday? 4. 1s your family large? How many are you in the family? 5. Have you got any brothers or sisters? 6. What are your parents? Where do they work? How long have your parents been married? 8. Do they have much in common? 9. Do you spend a lot of time with your family? 10. What sort of things do you do together? 11. Do you go out with your parents? 12. Who runs the house in your family? 13.What are your household duties ? 14. What is your father's hobby? 15. Can you describe your mother? 16. What is your aunt (niece, nephew, uncle, grandmother)? Exercise 5. Translate into English Біз болашақ инженерміз. Мен студентпін. Ол Астаналық кәсіпкер. Олар Лондоннан келген менеджерлер. Сен менің ағамсың. Джон оның көкесі. Майкл менің жиенім. Оның әпкесі кім? Олардың мамандығы кім? Мен экономист емеспін. Аня оның ‰лкен әпкесі ме? Сіз дәрігерсіз бе әлде оқытушысыз ба? Оның жасы нешеде? Оның достары көп пе? Exercise 6. Find the words in the text, which mean: 1. pleasant to see – good-looking 10
2. well-built, athletic___________________ 3. skillful ______________ 4. to like______.___________________ 5. to clean_________________ 6. industrious___________________ 7. to run the house_____________________ 8. good-tempered_____________________ Exercise 7. Fill in the article if necessary: 1. This … pencil is blue. 2. I can see three girls. … girls are singing. 3. My friend has no … sister. 4. I have … aunt. She has … two daughters and …one son. 5. She has … ball. … ball is big. 6. I got … messsage two days ago. … message was strange. 7. Will you have … cup of tea? 8. Do you see … sun in … sky? 9. He is …doctor by… profession. 10. … butter and … cheese are made of … milk. SSW (Self Study Work) Exercise 1. Insert prepositions where necessary: My family is not large. We are six ... the family. My mother works ... college. She is teacher ... Biology. My father is a computer programmer. He works ... a factory. My father is fond... sports. 2. ... the way, do you know my sister? She works ...a joint venture company. Her children go ... a nursery school. 3. We have got a lot... relatives. My married sister lives ... her mother's-in law. Her husband helps her .. . the housework. She is very good... cooking and she is clever ... her hands Exercise 2. Write who is in relation to you: 1. your mother's brother ........ my uncle 2. yourfather's sister ................... 3. уоuг mother’s father ................... 4. your husband's mother .................. 5. your brother's daughter.................... 6. уоuг sister's son ................... 7. your daughter's son .................. 8. your husband's sister .................. 11
9. your father's brother’s children. .......... 10. your father's second wife ......... Exercise 3. Complete the sentences: 1. I ….. two brothers and a sister. 2. You ….. no English friends. 3. He ….. much work to do. 4. She …. a good engineer. 5. We .... students of the Technological University. 6. They … a lot of relatives in Astana. 7. Asan … seventeen years old 8. Asan’s sister … married and …. her own family. Exercise 4. Ask questions to the underlined words in the text «My family». Exercise 5. Read the dialogue and act it out: A. Tell me, who is that little boy? B. What boy? There? A. Yes. Who is he? What's his name? B. He is my little brother. His name is Nurlan. A. And the big girl? Who is she? B. She is my big sister. Her name is Kamila. A. Is that man, there, your father? B. That little man? Oh no. My father is that very big man standing over there. A. Oh, yes! And that woman sitting there is your mother? B. That's right! Exercise 6. Make questions with these words. Use is or are. 1. (at home/your mother) Is your mother at home? 2. (your parents /well?) Are your parents well? 3. (interesting/ your work?) _____________________ 4. (at school / your children?)_____________________ 5. (near here/the post office?)_____________________ 6. (why/you/ late?)_________________________ 12
Exercise 7. Write short answers. 1. Are you married? No, I’m not. 2. Are you a foreigner? ____________ 3. Is it very cold today?___________ 4. Are your hands dirty?___________ 5. Is it dark now? __________ 6. Are you a teacher?_____________ Exercise 8. Tell about your family, use the questions of ex. 4 as a prompt.
LESSON 2 MY HOUSE Grammar: Construction there is /there are Personal pronouns. Exercise 1. Warm up: Read and learn the rhyme. I live here, We live near, You live near, They live here, Tom lives so far That he goes in a car. Tom and Ray Live far away. Exercise 2. Topical Vocabulary 1. house – ‰й 2. private – жеке 3. entrance – кіру 4. balcony – балкон 5. floor – қабат, еден 6. convenient – қолайлы 7. central heating – орталық жылыту 8. electricity – жарық ж‰йесі 9. running water – су құбыры 10. telephone – телефон 11. flat (Am. apartment) – пәтер 12. bedroom – жатын бөлме 13. living (sitting) room – қонақ бөлмесі 14. study – оқу бөлмесі 15. kitchen – ас бөлмесі 16. furniture – жиһаз 17. table – ‰стел 18. desk – парта 19. to live – өмір с‰ру 20. to move (to) – көшу 14
21. cosy – қолайлы, ыңғайлы 22. mirror – айна 23. refrigerator – тоңазытқыш 24. wardrobe – шифоньер 25. cupboard – ыдыс қоятын жиһаз 26. carpet – палас, кілем 27. curtain – перде 28. arm-chair – кресло 29. bookshelf – кітап сөресі 30. hallstand – киім ілгіш Exercise 3. Pre-reading task. Answer the questions: 1. Where do you live? 2. Do you live in a private house or in a block of flats? 3. Is there a garden in front of your house? 4. What is there next to your house? 5. Is your house far from the bus stop? 6. What floor is your flat on? 7. What modern conveniences are there in your flat? 8. Is your flat large or small? 9. How many rooms are there in your flat? What are they? Exercise 4. Read the text «Our House». Pay attention to the construction there is/there are. I live in a new nine-storeyed block of flats in Abai street. Our house is of modern design. There's a big grocery on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping. In front of the house there is a children's playground and a small garden. We like to spend time there. Our flat is on the third floor. It is very comfortable. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms in our flat: a living room and two bedrooms. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom, a small entrance hall and two balconies (the second floor hasn't got any). Our living room is the largest in the flat. It is nicely furnished. Against the wall you can see a nice sideboard. In the corner there is a colour TV set. In the opposite corner there is a sofa and two armchairs. 15
The piano is on the right. There are two pictures above the piano. Near it there is a bookcase. We are fond of books and have plenty of them at home. On the floor we have a nice thick carpet. The curtains on the window match the walls. All this makes the room cosy. Our bedrooms are also very nice and cosy. The parents' bedroom is larger than the children's. There are two beds, a bedside table, some chairs and a wardrobe in it. There is a lovely carpet on the floor between the beds. The children's bedroom is just across the corridor on the right. Here you can see two sofa-beds where my sister and I sleep at night and have a rest in the day-time. There is also a writing-table, two chairs and some bookshelves here. We use our bedroom as a study where we do our homework. In the corner of the room there is a small table with a tape-recorder on it. We all enjoy listening to music. Our kitchen is rather large. There is a gas-stove, four stools, a refrigerator and a cupboard in which we keep cups, plates and all our dishes. The kitchen serves us as a dining-room. But when we receive guests or have our family celebrations we have the meals in the living-room. The bathroom is near the kitchen. Here we keep our toilet articles, have a bath and a shower. The entrance hall is small. There is a hall-stand and a mirror on the wall. A telephone is on a special table under the mirror. We are happy to have such a nice flat and try to keep it clean. Exercise 5. Scan the text for 1 minute to find the names of furniture pieces. Exercise 6. Complete the sentences. There is a …. in the picture. There are … in my house. There is no …..in his flat. Are there any …in the wardrobe? There are some … in the fridge. There is a … on the floor. Is there any … in the room? There isn’t any chair …. SSW (Self Study Work) Exercise 1. Describe your flat You've moved to a new flat in Astana suburb. You like it. Advise your friend to move to this district. (Speak in favour of the place). 16
Exercise 2. Discuss with your friend: – your family country house; – moving into a new flat; – buying furniture for a new flat; – a well-furnished room; – modern conveniences in your flat; – the plan of your flat. Exercise 3. Speak about the advantages or disadvantages of – your present home; – central heating; – having a country house; – having a telephone at home Exercise 4. Describe your favourite room, using there is/ there are. Exercise 5. Read the Dialogue, try to understand it without dictionary and act it out in pairs (Asan has brought his friend to his home in Astana). – That tall building is your home. I like this apartment complex. – Come in, please. Here's the elevator. Your apartment is 2. – Is it on the second floor? – Right. Are you very hungry? No, I'm not, but I would like something to drink. – The fridge is full. And there's a kitchenette in the apartment. – That's really great. I'm sure I'll use it. – There's a hall and living room here. – It's not large but it's comfortable. This sofa looks comfortable. Is there a telephone here? – There certainly is. – Oh, yes. The TV is so big. But I’m afraid I won’t have time to watch it. – And that’s your bedroom. – The bed is king size. And that’s another, portable TV. – Now let’s open a bottle of mineral water and make some sandwiches. – That’s a good idea. I’m a little bit tired, you know. 17
Exercise 6. Write and speak about your dream house. Draw its picture or scheme. Exercise 7. Read the text and do the task below. Home, sweet home. It does not matter what your home is like – a country mansion, a more modest detached or semi-detached house, a flat in a block of flats or even a room in a communal flat. Anyway, it is the place where you once move in and start to furnish and decorate it to your own taste. It becomes your second «ego». Your second «ego» is very big and disquieting if you have a house. There is enough space for everything: a hall, a kitchen with an adjacent dining room, a living room or a lounge, a couple of bedrooms and closets (storerooms), a toilet and a bathroom. You can walk slowly around the house thinking what else you can do to renovate it. In the hall, you cast a glance at the coat rack and a chest of drawers for shoes. Probably, nothing needs to be changed here. You come to the kitchen: kitchen furniture, kitchen utensils, a refrigerator (fridge) with a freezer, a dish drainer, an electric or gas cooker with an oven. Maybe, it needs a cooker hood. The dining room is lovely. There is a big dining table with chairs in the centre, a cupboard with tea sets and dinner sets. There is enough place to keep all cutlery and crockery in. You know pretty well, where things go. The spacious living room is the heart of the house. It is the place where you can have a chance to see the rest of your family. They come in the evening to sit around the coffee table in soft armchairs and on the sofa. You look at the wall units, stuffed with china, crystal and books. Some place is left for a stereo system and a TV set. A fireplace and houseplants make the living room cosy. Your bedroom is your private area though most bedrooms are alike: a single or a double bed, a wardrobe, one or two bedside tables and a dressing table. You look inside the bathroom: a sink, hot and cold taps and a bath. There is nothing to see in the toilet except a flush-toilet. 18
You are quite satisfied with what you have seen, but still doubt disturbs you: 'Is there anything to change?' Yes! The walls of the rooms should be papered, and in the bathroom and toilet – tiled! Instead of linoleum, there should be parquet floors. Instead of patterned curtains, it is better to put darker plain ones, so that they might not show the dirt. You do it all, but doubt does not leave you. Then you start moving the furniture around in the bedroom, because the dressing table blocks out the light. You are ready to give a sigh of relief, but... suddenly find out that the lounge is too crammed up with furniture. Those who live in one-room or two-room flats may feel pity for those who live in houses. They do not have such problems. At the same time, they have many privileges: central heating, running water, a refuse-chute and... nice neighbours who like to play music at midnight. Owners of small flats are happy to have small problems and they love their homes no less than those who live in threestoreyed palaces. Home, sweet home. 1. What category of owners does your family belong to? 2. Say what else one can see in a hall, a kitchen, a dining room, a lounge, a bedroom. 3. Look at the plan of a flat and decide how you would arrange it. Discuss with the classmates what you would buy to furnish it. Make use of the phrases below:
Let's ... What about putting ... What do you think of... I think we should ...
in the middle in the far end of the room in the right corner by ... in the left comer at...
Shall we ... Perhaps the best thing would be to ... Everybody puts ...
on the right on the left
beside Well, couldn't we ... near Why don't we ... (just) opposite 4. Do you have a room of your own? Is there anything special about it?
LESSON 3 University life Grammar: The Present Simple Tense. The Cardinal and Ordinal numerals Exercise 1. Warm up: Discuss the following proverbs: 1. Live and Learn 2. Experience is the best teacher Exercise 2. Topical words Currently – қазіргі кезде To be enrolled – студенттер тізімінде болу Full-time-students – к‰ндізгі бөлім студенттері Part time-students – кешкі бөлім студенттері To conduct – өткізу Course of study – оқу курсы Industrial automation – өндірістік автоматика Plastics – пластмас Machine tools – станоктар Metalworking – металл өңдеу Figure – фигура,сан Noisy – шулы, шу To chat – әңгімелесу To be equipped with – жабдықталу Up-to-date equipment – қазіргі заман жабдықтары Carry on – жалғастыру Research work – зерттеу жұмысы One-storeyed – бір қабатты Tasty – дәмді Add to your active vocabulary: classroom – дәрісхана lecture hall – лекция залы laboratory – зертхана gym (gymnasium) – спортзал semester – семестр 21
school years – оқу жылы academy – академия university – университет institute – институт faculty, college, department – факультет College of physics – физика факультеті Department, chair of … – кафедра Head of the department, chief of the department, chair (man, woman) – Кафедра меңгерушісі Substitute – орынбасар teaching instructor (TI) – оқытушы professor – профессор dean – декан Rector – ректор Teaching staff, faculty members – ұстаздар құрамы student of distant education – сырттай оқу бөлімінің студенті student of preparatory courses – дайындық бөлімінің студенті undergraduate student – жоғары курс студенті graduate student – магистратура студенті, аспирант Exercise 3. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. What is the name of your University? 2. Where is it? 3. How many floors has it? 4. What floor is the State and World languages department? 5. What languages do you study? 6. Why do you study them? 7. What faculties does your university have? 8. What is the name of your faculty? 9. What is your speciality? 10. What do you do in your free time? 11. What do you know about your teaching staff? 12. Who is your Rector? 13. How many students enter the University every year? 14. Do you think that your University is popular among youngsters? 15. Why do you think so? 22
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Our university is one of the important country’s higher institutions. It is situated on Al-farabi avenue 71, in the centre of the city. It has several buildings. The main building has 14 floors. We study such languages, as Kazakh, Russian, Englisn, German and some students study Korean, Japanese and Turkish languages. We are happy that we study here. Because the University has many modern faculties, which prepare many useful specialists for the different branches of industry. The graduate students do not have any difficulties in finding jobs. Because all specialities are in need a time. Our life is very interesting. We have students’youth organizations, dancing groups, which are very popular among youngsters. The University also has sport teams. Our football team is very strong. It takes part in many competitions and often wins. Some sportsmen of our University take part in international matches. Our teaching staff consists of about 2000 members. Professors, Doctors of Sciences, Candidates and teaching instructors are among them. Our university is closely connected with different higher institutions of our and foreign countries. Our Economics faculty is very popular. Every year about 5000 students enter the University. Its specialities are interesting and in need of time now. Our lecture halls, laboratories have up-to-date equipment. I think that I’m lucky to be a student of this University. Exercise 4. Read the text and translate the first passage. The merry-go-round of university life is something that one never forgets. It's a fascinating, fantastic, fabulous experience, irrespective of the fact whether one is a full-time or a part-time student. Who can forget the first day at the university when one turns from an applicant who has passed entrance exams into a firstyear student? I did it! I entered, I got in to the university! A solemn ceremony is in front of the university building and serious people making speeches. Hey, lad, do you happen to 23
know who they are? Who? The rector, vice-rectors, deans, subdeans... and what about those ladies? Heads of departments and senior lecturers? Okay. Some of them must be professors, some – associate or assistant professors, but, of course, all of them have high academic degrees. And where are our lecturers and tutors? Oh, how nice... The monitors hand out student membership cards, student record books and library cards – one feels like a real person. First celebrations and then days of hard work. So many classes, so many new subjects to put on the timetable! The curriculum seems to be developed especially for geniuses. Lectures, seminars and tutorials. Home preparations a real avalanche of homeworks. If one can not cope with the work load of college he or she immediately starts lagging behind. It is easier to keep pace with the programme than to catch up with it later. Everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look, diligent. First tests and examination sessions. The first successes and first failures: «I have passed!» or «He has not given me a pass!» Tears and smiles. And a longawaited vacation. The merry-go-round runs faster. Assignments, written reproductions, compositions, synopses, papers. Translations checked up and marked. «Professor, I have never played truant, I had a good excuse for missing classes». Works handed in and handed out. Reading up for exams. «No, professor, I have never cheated – no cribs. I just crammed». Junior students become senior. Still all of them are one family – undergraduates. Students' parties in the students' clab. Meeting people and parting with people. You know, Nora is going to be expelled and Dora is going to graduate with honours. Yearly essays, graduation dissertations, finals... What? A teacher's certificate? You mean, I've got a degree in English? I am happy! It is over! It is over... Is it over? Oh, no... A postgraduate course, a thesis, an oral, and a degree in Philology. The first of September. Where are the students of the faculty of foreign languages? Is it the English department? Oh, how nice... 24
Exercise 5. Say a few words about your university: say what it is called, speak about its faculties and their specializations. Exercise 6. Answer the questions. 1. Would you compare university life with a merry-go-round or with something else? 2. What do you think of the first months at the university? 3. Who is the University headed by? 4. When was your University or Academy established? 5. Were there any famous scientists, engineers, politicians, artists among the graduates of your University? 6. How many people are currently enrolled? 7. What is the most popular faculty in your univesity? Exercise 7. They say that it is a poor soldier who does not want to become a general. Name the steps of the social ladder which a student must pass to climb up to the position of the rector. Use the words from the list below, placing one word on one step. Dean, assistant lecturer, head of department, vice-rector, associate professor, assistant professor, subdean, professor. Exercise 8. Agree or disagree. a) Larger schools are better than smaller ones. b) It is impossible to enter the university if you haven’t attended preparatory courses. c) The best professors are the oldest ones. d) It is better to live in a dormitory or student’s hostel than to rent an apartment. e) Professors always know more than students and teaching instructors. S.S.W (Self Study Work) Exercise 1. Write the sentences using the verbs in the correct form. 1. The mechanic (ask, asks) us a question. 2. The pupils (like, likes) to learn English. 3. The agronomist (know, knows) English 25
very well. 4. Ann (want, wants) to write on the blackboard. 5. Kate (is, are) a good nurse. 6. Students (learn, leans) English, too. 7. We (keep, keeps) pieces of chalk in this box. 8. He (clean, cleans) the blackboard with the duster. 9. We (answer, anwers) our teacher’s questions. 10. We (read, reads) texts at our English lessons. Exercise 2. Put prepositions: at, of, in, on, with, to. 1. The teacher writes with a piece … chalk … the blackboard. 2. We go … school. 3. They learn English … school. 4. We write … the blackboard. 5. His brother work … a hospital. 6. We write … pens and pencils. 7. … our English lessons we speak, read and write. 8.pupils clean the blackboard … a duster. 9. There is only one agronomist … that farm. 10. He is the only vet … the farm. Exercise 3. Read and retell the text WE LEARN ENGLISH We learn English at school. We have three English lessons a week. At our English lessons, we speak, read and write. We read English texts and exercises. We write on the blackboard and in our exercise books. We like our English lessons/ we like to speak English. We want to know it very well. Our teacher asks us questions and we answer them. Olga Ivanovna is our teacher. She teaches us English. She is a good teacher; she speaks only English to us. Exercise 4. Ask all possible questions to the text. Exercise 5. Ask general questions. Model – They work very well. Do they work very well? He speaks English well. Does he speak well? 1. Peter’s sister works in a hospital. 2. You read English books. 3. He writes exercise books. 4. She learns French at school. 5. Kate’s brother works on a farm. 6. Ann helps her mother at home. 7. They know German very well. 8. We live far from St. Petersburg. 9. Pupils carry books in bags. 10. Kate lives near school. 26
Exercise 6. Read and translate the sentences with next words: all, at all, lazy, sing , songs. BOB AND ROSE Bob and Rose are English children. Bob is fifteen. Rose is fourteen. They are brother and sister. They go to school. Bob goes to a boy’s school and Rose goes to a girl’s school. The children’s schools are not far from home. At school Bob learns English and German. Rose learns English and French. Bob and Rose have many books at home. They have English, German and French books. Rose is a very good pupil. She always works hard. She reads many books. She always does all her exercises. She always helps her mother at home. Bob does not work hard. He does not work at all. He does not like books and he does not like school. He does not like to help his mother at home. He is a lazy boy. He only likes to sing and dance. He knows some English songs, and he likes to sing them. Exercise 7. Copy and translate the sentences with the following words. All, at all, lazy, sing, songs. Exercise 8. Give the plural forms of next nouns. A man, a girl, a boy, a woman, a song, a road, a question, a text, a piece, a week, a child, a lesson, a box, a car. Exercise 9. Translate into English. 1. Ж‰з килограмм. 2. Жиырма бес грамм. 3. ‡ш миллион тонна. 4. Ж‰здеген жәшік. 5. Мыңдаған кітап. 6. Екі ж‰з сексен бір доллар. 7. ‡ш мың теңге. Exercise 10. Write down Cardinal Numerals. 1; 11; 21: 2: 12: 20: 4: 14: 40: 6: 16: 60: 9: 19: 90; 100: 103; 300: 425; 1000; 1,015 Exercise 11. Translate into your language: 27
1. Our office is on the third floor. 2. January is the first month of the year. 3. Sunday is the seventh day of the week in our country. 4. Nick was the first in the competition. Please, count from 1 to 7. 5. Our department is on the seventh floor of our university. 6. There are 25 computers in the office.
LESSON 4 Seasons and Weather Grammar: The Degrees of Comparison Exercise 1. Warm Up! When the weather is wet We must not fret, – When the weather is cold We must not scold. When the weather is warm We must not storm, – But be thankful together Whatever the weather. Exercise 2. Topical Vocabulary: 1. awake – ояну 2. fill – толтыру 3. cut – кесу 4. harvest time – науқан кезеңі 5. orchards – жеміс бағы 6. oblige – міндеттеу 7. indoors – үй ішінде 8. out of doors – сыртта, көшеде 9. sleet – қарлы жауын 10. stream – ағыс 11. bad – нашар, жаман 12. begin – бастау 13. best of all – ең тәуірі 14. better – жақсырақ 15. brightly – ашық, жарық 16. hail – бұршақ 17. best – ең жақсы 18. weather – ауа райы 19. field – егістік 20. fruit – жеміс 29
21. ground – жер, топырақ 22. holiday – мереке 23. holidays – демалыс 24. hot – ыстық 25. which – қай, қайсы 26. cold – суық 27. wet – ылғал, дымқыл 28. cool – қоңыр салқын 29. super – керемет 30. wonderful – ғажап, таңғажайып Exercise 3. Read the text and retell it: Seasons and Weather The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring nature awakens from her long winter sleep. The trees are filled with new life, the earth is warmed by the rays of the sun, and the weather gets gradually milder. The fields and the meadows are covered with fresh green Grass. The woods and forests are filled with the songs of the birds. The sky is blue and cloudless. All night, millions of stars shine in the darkness. When summer comes the weather gets warmer still and sometime its very hot. It’s the farmer’s busy season – he works in his fields from morning till night. The grass must be cut and the hay must be made, while the storms with thunder, lightning and hail starts. Autumn brings with it the harvest – time the crops are gathered in the orchards. The days get shorter and the nights are longer. The woods turn yellow and brown, leaves begin to fall from the trees. And ground is covered with them. The sky is often grey, and often it rains. When winter comes, we are often obliged to spend more time indoors because out-of-doors it’s cold. We may get fog, sleet and frost. Pond, lakes, rivers and streams are frozen, and the roads are sometimes covered with slippery ice or deep snow. The trees are bare. Bitter north winds have stripped them off all their leaves. 30
Exercise 4. Comprehension check: 1. How many seasons are there in a year? 2. What season is your favourite one? 3. Why do you prefer this season to others? 4. What is the weather like in summer? 5. When are the days get shorter and the nights longer? 6. Which season is the hardest time for country time? 7. When is the ground white with snow? Exercise 5. Translate the first passage into your own language: Exercise 6. Speak about your favourite season of the year: Exercise 7. Underline the days, Circle the months, Put a box around the seasons. Put a wavy line under the kinds of weather: Cloudy, Monday, January, summer, hot, August, winter, wet, Tuesday, December, Spring, June, sunny, autumn, cold, Thursday, foggy, April, March, October, Wednesday, February, Friday, May, Saturday. Exercise 8. Work out the secret message and write an answer in code: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23/8/9/3/8 19/5/1/19/15/14 9/19 20/8/5 3/15/12/4/5/19/20 ? Exercise 9. Put the adverbs in brackets in the required degree of comparison: 1. Today the frost is (severe) than it was yesterday. 2. It snows (hard) this winter than it was last winter. 3. January is (cold) month of the year. 4. Which is (hot) month of the year? 5. Who is (tall) student it our group? 31
Exercise 10. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative). 1. My house is (big) than yours. 2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one. 3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read. 4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers. 5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world? 6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains. 7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer. 8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth? 9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer. 10. He was the (clever) thief of all. Exercise 11. Find a picture on the topic «Season and weather» for your discussion in class: Exercise 12. Prepare 8-10 questions which would help your fellow-students to describe the picture: 13. Match an adjective with its opposite: Which adjectives describe life in the city? Which describe life in the country? Adjective Fast Big Dirty Dangerous Noisy Modern Unfriendly Exciting Expensive
Opposite Cheap Slow Friendly Clean Quite Old Safe Boring Small
Exercise 14. Make sentences comparing life in the city and country: 32
The city is
The country is
cheaper safer noisier dirtier more expensive more exciting
than the country. than the city.
Exercise 15. Complete the conversations with the correct form of the adjectives: A. Life in the country is slower than the city life. (slow) B. Yes, the city is much faster. (fast) A. New York is __________________ London. (safe) B. No, it isn’t. New York is much ______ ______ (dangerous) A. Paris is ______ ______ Madrid. (big) B. No, it isn’t. It’s much ________. (small) A. Madrid is ______ ______ _____ Rome. (expensive) B. No, it isn’t. Madrid is much ______. (cheap) A. The buildings in Rome are_______the buildings in New York. (modern) Exercise 16. Open the brackets using the right form of adjectives: 1. Winter is (cold) season of the year. 2. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 3. Which is (long) day of the year? 4. The Alps are (high) mountains in Europe. 5. Even (long) day has an end. 6. It is one of (important) questions of our conference. 7. Your English is (good) now. 8. Who knows him (well) than you? 9. We have (little) interest in this than you. 10. Health is (good) than wealth. 11. Your son worked (well) of all. 12. Today you worked (slowly) than usually. Exercise 17. Translate the sentences: 1. This book is not so interesting as that one. 33
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black Sea.. The more you read the more you know. My brother is not as tall as you are. The earlier you get up, the more you can do. Today the wind is as strong as it was yesterday. Your room is as light as mine. John knows Russian as well as English. Mary is not so lazy as her brother. The longer the night is, the shorter the day. The less people think, the more they talk.
Exercise 18. Make up comparative and superlative forms of the listed below adjectives and adverbs: I. large, tall, long, easy, hot, big, cold, nice, bad, strong, short, wide, good, happy, high, low, busy well, little, many, far. II. Wonderful, necessary, quickly, interesting, comfortable, popular, active, famous, pleasant, beautiful, slowly, clearly Exercise 18. Read and write using as…as: 1. Mike is… tall … Pete. 2. Kate is … nice … Ann. 3. My room is … light …this one. 4. This book is … thin …that one. 5. Marat Omarov is … old … Alibek Torgaev. 6. She is … young … Asem’s sister. 7. This woman is … beautiful …that one. 8. Pete knows English … well … his friend. 9. I live …far … Kate. 10. He lives …near … our teacher. Exercise 19. Read and write using not so … as: 1. I am … tall …Pete. 2. She is …nice … Karligash. 3. My mother is … young …yours 4. The minute hand runs … fast …the second hand. 5. The mechanic lives … far … the agronomist. 6. His father is … old … Nick’s. 7. I am … thin … you.. 8. This child is … small … that one. 9. My daughter is …tall … yours. 10. Ablaikhan street is … long…Seifullin avenue. Exercise 20. Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Health and happiness are (important) than money. 2.1 prefer this armchair. It's (comfortable) than the other one. 3. The hotel was 34
surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much (expensive). 4. She is a very intelligent student. She is (intelli-gent) student in our school. 5. This hat is too small for me. I need a (big) size. 6. The station wasn't as (near) as I had expected. 7. Her illness was (serious) than we at first thought. 8. It's (funny) story I've ever heard. 9. My salary isn't so (high) as yours. 10. This furniture is too expensive for me. I would like to buy (cheap) furniture. 11. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere (quiet)? 12. He is (famous) singer in the country. 13. A big car is (expensive) to run than a small car. 14. I'm getting too old. This job is for a (young) man. 15. Children nowadays seem to be much (noisy) than they used to be. 16. You certainly look (happy) than you did yesterday. 17. When the children get a bit older they will need a (big) house. 18.1 know the exams are (difficult) time of the year for students. 19. He was much the same as I had remembered him, though he had grown (heavy) and (thickset). But his hair was even (curly) and he had a (pleasant) expression. 20. They were suspicious of us at first but eventually they became (friendly) and (relaxed). 21. Considering everything you have done for them, they ought to be (willing) to help. 22. He's one of (stupid) people I've ever met. He parked his car in (narrow) street in the village, and when another driver complained, he just got angry and awkward. In the end, a policeman came and fined him. Perhaps he'll be (careful) in future.
LESSON 5 FOOD AND MEALS Grammar: The usage of pronouns much, many, little, few, some, any, no. The Future Simple Tense: Exercise 1. Warm up: Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is. Exercise 2. Topical Vocabulary: 1. meal – тамақ 2. food – тағам 3. breakfast – таңертеңгілік ас 4. dinner – түскі ас 5. supper – кешкі ас 6. bread – нан 7. bacon and eggs – жұмыртқа қосылған шошқа төсі 8. course – тағам 9. to serve – қызмет көрсету 10. meat – ет 11. grilled – отқа қуырылған ет 12. fish – балық 13. potato – картоп 14. baked – пешке пісірілген 15. variety – сан түрлі 16. pie – бәліш 17. sweet – тәтті 18. instead of – орнына 19. pudding – пудинг 20. cheese – сыр 21. biscuits – печенье 22. water – су 23. juice – шырын 24. tea – шай 25. sugar – қант 36
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
butter – сары май cake – торт, тәтті нан jam – варенье soup – сорпа coffee – кофе mushroom – саңырауқұлақ corn-flakes – жүгері жарғағы to be hungry – қарны аш болу to be thirsty – шөлдеу cereal – ботқа canteen – асхана to have a snack – жүрек жалғау tasty – дәмді fruit – жеміс vegetables – көкөніс salt – тұз although – солай болса да beer – сыра sausage – шұжық menu – ас мәзірі hor d’oeuvres – тіске басар, салқын тамақ table d’hote – кезекші тағам roasted – қуырылған boiled – қайнатылған rissole – котлет to order – тапсырыс беру
Exercise 3. Pre-reading task: 1. Can you name some British dishes that are really good? 2. How many meals do the British usually have a day? 3. When do English people have the main meal of the day? Exercise 4. Read the text «Traditional British Food» to find the correct answers to the questions above: Although Britain has a bad reputation for food, there are some dishes that are good: meat pies, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and a wide variety of cheeses. 37
Traditionally English people have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast is served in the morning: it used to be a large meal with cereal, eggs and bacon, sausages, mushrooms and grilled tomatoes, toast and marmalade and coffee or tea. Now people do not have the time to eat so much and they usually have a bowl of cereal (corn flakes or muesli), a piece of toast with butter and marmalade and a cup of coffee or tea. Lunch (sometimes called dinner) has also become a light meal, often just a snack since today everyone is too busy to stop and have a large meal. At school, children have a two-course meal consisting of meat and vegetables followed by a pudding or fruit. Working people usually have a sandwich and a glass of fruit juice or a beer. In summer, many Londoners like to have their lunch outside in one of the many parks. The main meal of the day is dinner (sometimes called tea or supper) and the British have it between 6 and 7 pm. Traditional afternoon tea has become rare, although the British are ready for a cup of tea (a «cuppa») at any time of the day. At weekends, when they have visitors, tea is served at about 5 pm, with sandwiches, scones, cakes and, of course tea served with sugar and either milk or lemon. Exercise 5. Find the English equivalents of the following words spell and transcribe them: Екінші таңертеңгілік ас, ботқа, жүгері жарғағы, шошқа төсі, қатырма нан, мармелад, пудинг, жеміс шырыны, тиянақтап тамақтану, шұжық, мейіз қосылған тәтті нан. Exercise 6. Say if the statements are true or false: 1. Britain has a very good reputation for food. 2. Britain is famous for its wide variety of cheese, meat pies and roast beef. 3. The British have 5 meals a day. 4. Nowadays breakfast is a large meal in the UK. 5. Lunch is also a large meal in Britain. 6. The main meal of the day is dinner. 7. Traditional tea is served in the morning. 38
Exercise 7. Change the sentences. Use the Future Simple Tense according to the model: Model: My aunt often makes sweet pies.(tomorrow) -- My aunt will make sweet pies tomorrow. Her husband seldom eats fruit for dessert. (next time) Her son cooks very well. (tomorrow) I always have a snack in this canteen. (next week) We usually take table d’hote here. (next Monday) My sister is busy in the evening. (next summer) Exercise 8. Ask questions to the highlighted words: 1. Aiazhan will be busy next Thursday. 2. I shall ring you up tomorrow. 3. His sister will laugh at me. 4. The weather won’t change soon. 5. They will be back in a few minutes. Exercise 9. Give short answers to the following questions: Model: He will come tomorrow, won’t he? Yes, he will. (No, he won’t). 1.She will do it herself, won’t she? 2. The weather will be fine tomorrow, won’t it? 3. The days will get longer very soon, won’t they? 4. It will rain in the evening, won’t it? 5. Your parents will soon return from abroad, won’t they? 6. Soon she will become quite a beautiful girl, won’t she? Exercise 10. Give short answers to the following questions: Model: You will come very soon, won’t you? Yes, I shall. (No, I shan’t). 1. You will carry the box, won’t you? 2. You will like that fur, won’t you? 3. You will like fishing, won’t you? 4. You will listen to the nightingale, won’t you? 5. You will catch that butterfly for me, won’t you? 6. You will go to the skating-rink with me, won’t you? Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with much, many, a lot of. 1. There isn't... international news in the local paper. 2. In the last twenty-four hours too ... things happened. 3. There is too ... sugar in my coffee. 4. Are there ... students among your friends? 5. 1 don't 39
have ...patience with incompetence. 6. His work is well-paid but doesn't give him ... satisfaction. 7. Martin spent... time in hospital last year. 8. You'll have to work at English as ... as possible. 9. Does she have ... spare time now? 10.1 haven't... time for study and that's why I have so ... mistakes in my homework. 11. Please don't make so ... noise. Father is working. 12. There isn't ... furniture in the flat. 13. Have you got... work to do tonight? 14.1 have so ...things to do that I don't know which to do first. 15.1 haven't met... of these people. 16. He didn't earn ... money and lived in a small house. 17. How ... of these books have you read? 18. There are too ... things he can't explain. 19. There isn't... time to catch the train. 20. He didn't earn ... money and couldn't rent a big flat. 21. How ... does it cost? 22. The doctor has so ... patients that he has to work at least 12 hours a day. 23. I think there's too ... violence on television. 24. How ... progress has your country made in improving the quality of medical care? 25.1 found ... information in this book. Exercise 12. Complete the sentences with little, few, a little, a few. 1. There was very ... snow that winter. 2. When she sold her house she only took ... furniture with her and ... personal possessions. 3. Very ... people know about it. 4. John has too much money and too ... sense. 5. I'd like to ask you ... questions. 6. He's got a lot of stamps in his collection but his brother has .... 7. He worked hard but achieved .... 8. He is not sociable. He has ... friends. 9. I enjoy my life here. I have ... friends and we have a lot of fun together. 10.1 saw Tom only ... days ago. 11. There's been a shortage of water because there has been very ... rain recently. 12. Pass me the jug please. There's ... milk in my coffee. 13. She can ski... but she can't skate. 14.1 don't think he can afford it. He earns very .... 15. There's no need to hurry. We still have ... minutes left. 16. It was very cheap. It only cost... pounds. 17. I tried to help but there was ... I could do. 18. He said very ..., practically nothing in fact. 19. He's not wellknown.... have heard of him. 20.1 can't decide now. I need ... time to think it over. 21. He expected ... people, but no one came. 22. ... customers have come in and spent ... money, but on the whole trade has been rather dull 23. The group have brought very... luggage, only ... suitcases. but I'll need ... help to carry them up the stairs, because 40
some of them are heavy. 24. He is very successful even though he has very ... education. 25. Jack is usually very helpful but he had ... advice for us this time. Self Study Work (SSW) Exercise 1. Translate into English: Көп нан, аз қара нан, көп адам, көп кафелер мен мейрамханалар, көп көкөніс, көп пияз, көп тоқаш, көп салат, көп жеміс, көп ботқа, мол жарық, мол сезім, мол бақыт, көп ақша, мол су, көп жұмыс. Exercise 2. Make up sentences and translate it into Russian: There’s There’re
Is there Are there
There is There are
no not (a, an)
Soup and meat in the fridge. Sandwiches on the dinner plate. Coffee in the cup. Hard drinks in this bar. Soft drinks in the menu. Fish and onions in the menu? Sugar in my coffee? Cucumbers in this salad? Fruit for desert? Brown bread at home? Hard drinks in our restaurant. Soft drinks in our coffee. Table-cloth on the table. Menu on the table. Hors d’oeuvre in the menu. Fried chickens at McDonald’s.
Exercise 3. Put in the suitable prepositions where necessary: 1. The English usually have four meals … a day. 2. Peter’s friends always have dinner … the evening. 3. The traditional English breakfast is a meal … bacon and eggs. 4. I’d like a bowl … porridge. 5. What do you have … breakfast? 6. My sister likes potatoes done … their jackets. 41
7. I have apple-pie … hot custard. 8. May I trouble you … the salt? 9. Lunch is served … one o’clock? 10. What shall we have … dessert? Exercise 4. Complete the necessary word: 1. Moter gave me a cup of (carrot, milk). 2. Saule brought a pail of (cheese, potatoes). 3. Nurlan bought a box of (lamb, sweets) for his wife. 4. He put (sugar, salt) into the cabbage soup. 5. Do you like much (vinegar, sugar) in your tea? 6. Father always drinks coffee with (cream, pepper). 7. Will you pour me a plate of (juice, soup)? 8. I usually have fish with (honey, rice). Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences: 1. We eat meat with….2. We eat soup with… 3. We drink milk from… 4. We eat fish with… 5. We put salad on…6. We drink tea with …7. We take coffee without… Exercise 6. Put in some or any in the gaps and then act out this dialogue: Asan: Let’s go for a picnic by the river tomorrow. Samat: OK. We’ll make ….…sandwiches. What do we need? A: We haven’t got ….… bread. Can you buy……..? S: Yes, sure. What about butter? A: We’ve got…….. I’ll buy……cheese. S: OK, and is there…… orange juice in the fridge? A: No, I’ll get……… S: Do we need……. apples or cherries? A: Just ……. apples. S: Oh dear! I haven’t got …… money to buy the bread. A: Don’t worry. I’ll lend you …….. . Exercise 7. Complete these sentences. Use some or any + a suitable noun: 1. Asem has gone to the bank to get some money. 42
2. Can I have …………….. in my tea? I don’t like it black. 3. I want to light the barbecue but I haven’t got …………………. . 1. Nurlan is not happy with his chemistry exam. He knows he made …………. . 2. Can I borrow ……………… ? I need to wash my hair. 3. Sorry, but everyone has to sit on the floor. We haven’t got ………… yet. 7. Can I have …………..on my bread? I prefer strawberry jam if you have it. 8. I’ d like to know…..……about hotels in London, please. 9. There wasn’t ……………. in my village last winter so we couldn’t go skiing. Exercise 8. Write about Kazakh national food and dishes:
LESSON 6. Outstanding people Grammar: Past Simple Tense. Questions and Negatives. Exercise 1. Warm up: Work in small groups. What important dates in the 20th century can you remember? What happened in the world? What happened in your country? Make a list of events that took place in the last century, then make questions to ask the other groups? Examples: When did the first man fly into space? Who was it? When did the First World War begin/end? Exercise 2. Topical Vocabulary: 1. to be born – туылу 2. to own – иемдену 3. slave – құл 4. education – білім 5. widow – жесір 6. to fight (fought, fought) – соғысу, шайқасу 7. to be tired of – шаршау 8. politics – саясат 9. politician – саясаткер 10. chemistry – химия 11. to work hard – тыным таппай жұмыс істеу 12. to need – қажет ету 13. to be afraid of – қорқу 14. to bomb – бомбалау 15. to survive – аман қалу 16. to resign – қызмет демалысына кету 17. to be in tears – көзіне жас алу; 18. to leave (left,left) – кету, қалдырып кету 19. outstanding – атақты 20. War of Independence – тәуелсіздік үшін күрес Exercise 3. Pre-reading task: 1. Who were famous people in your country? 44
2. What were they famous for? 3. What did they do for the Motherland? Exercise 4. Work in pairs. Read the texts: George Washington (1732-1799) He was the first President of the United States. He became president in 1789, eight years after the American War of Independence His early life George was born in Virginia. His family owned a big farm and had slaves. George did not have much education. During his life, he had three jobs: he was a farmer, a soldier, and a politician. He loved the life of a farmer. He grew tobacco and owned horses. He worked hard but he also liked dancing and going to the theatre. In 1759, he married a widow called Martha Custis. They were happy together, but did not have any children. His later life He was Commander-in Chief of the army and fought the British in the War of Independence. When the war ended in 1781 he was happy to go back to the farm, but his country wanted him to be President. Finally, in 1789, he became President, and gave his name to the new capital city. He started the building of the White House, but he never lived in it. By 1797, he was tired of politics. He went back to his farm and died there two years later. Margaret Thatcher(1925-2013 ) She was the first woman prime minister in Europe. She became Prime Minister of Britain in 1979. Her early life She was born above a shop in the small English town of Grantham. Her father, Alfred Roberts, was a grocer. He worked very hard for little money. Margaret also worked hard, and she went to Oxford University, where she studied chemistry. In 1951, she married Denis Thatcher, a rich businessman. They had twins, a girl and a boy. The love of her life was politics. She did not have much time for other interests. She said she only needed four hours’ sleep a night. 45
Her later life She became a politician in 1959, leader of the Conservative Party in 1975, and Prime Minister of Britain four years after that. She had a strong personality. Many people were afraid of her, and she was called «The Iron Lady». In 1984, Irish terrorists bombed her hotel, but she survived. She was Prime Minister for eleven years. She finally resigned in 1990, but she did not want to, and she was in tears when she left 10 Downing Street. Exercise 5. Say if the sentences are true or false about your person. Correct the false ones: 1. He/ She came from a rich family. 2. He/ She loved being a politician. 3. He/ She worked hard. 4. He/ She had a lot of other interests. 5. He/ She had a good education. 6. He/ She married, but didn’t have any children. 7. He/ She was in office for eight years. 8. Finally he/ she was tired of politics and resigned. Exercise 6. Find a partner from the other group. Compare George Washington and Margaret Thatcher, using your answer: Exercise 7. Complete the questions about the other person. Then ask and answer them with your partner: I. About George Washington 1. How many jobs did he … ? 2. When did he … president ? 3. What did he … doing in his free time ? 4. Did George and Martha have any…? 5. What … he build ? 6. How long … he president? II. About Margaret Thatcher 1. What … her father’s job ? 2. When did she …Denis ? 3. How many children did they…? 46
4. How much sleep…she need? 5. When did the terrorists …her hotel? 6. How long…she Prime Minister? Self Study Work (SSW) Exercise 1. Open the brackets, putting the verb in the correct form: 1. They (to arrive) at the hotel yesterday. 2. Last week Pete (to come) home with his friends. 3. Arnur (to be) at the seaside last summer. 4. We (to have) 5. lessons the day before yesterday. 6. They (to be) in the USA 2 years ago. 7. My parents (to give) me lots of presents last year. 8. The first man (to fly) into space in 1961. 9. She (to get married) 3 months ago. 10. He (to send) some letters yesterday. Exercise 2. Write the 3 forms of the verbs. To listen, to do, to enter, to fail, to take, to let, to make, to die, to live, to cry, to sit, to drink, to earn, to fight, to dream, to write, to try, to work, to help, to say, to listen, to go, to marry, to sleep, to rise, to start, to begin, to tell. Exercise 3. Read the story about Mattie Smith , opening the brackets and filling the verbs in the Past Simple Tense: I (work) from 6.00 in the morning until 10.00 at night. Sixteen hours in the cotton fields and I only (earn) $2 a day. I sure (hate) that job but I (love) the poems in my head. I really (want) to learn to read and write. When I (be) sixteen I (marry) Hubert, and soon there (be) six children, five sons, then a daughter, Lily. Hubert (die) just before she (be born). That (be) sixty-five years ago. So I (look) after my family alone. There (be) no time for learning, but my children, they all (learn) to read and write, that (be) important to me. Exercise 4. Translate into English: 1. Менің ағам Алматыға 25 жыл бұрын келген. 2. Ол университетке өткен жылы түсті. 3. Ержан озат маман болды. 4. Кеше мен жақын досымды кездестірдім. 47
5. Олар М.Әуезов театрына қалай баруын түсіндірді. 6. Олар кеше театрда болды. 7. Мен балалық шағымды ауылда өткіздім. 8. Менің ұлым мектепті 1998 жылы бітірді. 9. Өткен аптада біз қызық хат алдық. 10. Менің қарындасым көктемде туылды. 11. Кітапханада көп студенттер болды. Exercise 5. Insert the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Past Perfect tense: 1. He (throw) away the papers after he (review) it. 2. When the plane (land), they already (arrive) at the airport. 3. When I (get) to the cinema, the film already (begin). 4. She (feel) sick after she (eat) a whole box of chocolates.. 5. The students (do ) the task well after the teacher (explain) them how to. Exercise 6. Make up a story of your own, using the following: I. A Street Incident to run across, to be out of breath, to run into somebody, to fall, to hurt oneself, by chance, a doctor, to pass by, to help, to reach home. II. Moving into a New Flat. to look forward to, as a matter of fact, as a result, to mix up, special, to look like, a dining room, a bedroom, to be fond of, lovely.
LESSON 7 HEALTH and SPORT Grammar: Real and Unreal Conditional Sentences. Modal Verbs can, may, must, should, ought to Exercise 1. Warm up: Discuss the following proverbs in group. a) Health is above wealth b) Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. c) An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Exercise 2. Topical Vocabulary 1. to allow – рұқсат ету 2. to be able – қолынан келу 3. blood – қан 4. chest – кеуде, төс 5. lung – өкпе 6. healthy – дені сау 7. to hurt – ауырту, ауыртып алу, жарақаттану 8. headache – бас ауруы 9. pressure – қысым 10. pulse – пульс 11. medicine – дәрі-дәрмек 12. pill – дәрі 13. prescription – рецепт, дәрі-дәрмек алатын қағаз 14. temperature – дене қызуы 15. X-ray – peнтген 16. to cough – жөтелу 17. to sneeze – түшкіру 18. illness – ауру 19. sore throat – тамақ ауруы, баспа 20. to fall ill – ауырып қалу 21. to recover – тәуір болу 22. patient – науқас 49
23. to breathe – дем алу 24. can – істей(жасай) алу 25. may – рұқсат 26. must – міндетті болу 27. ought to – міндетті болу 28. have to – амалсыздан істеу, істеуге тура келу 29. do sports = go in for sports – спортпен айналысу 30. to compete – жарысу 31. competition – жарыс,сайыс 32. rowing – есу 33. stadium – спорт кешені 34.boating – қайықпен жүзу, 35. sailing – желкенді спорт 35. skiing – шаңғы тебу 36. skating – коньки тебу 37. boxing – бокс 38. athletics – атлетика 39. rugby – рэгби Exercise 3. Listen to the dialogue, then read it in pairs. At the Doctor's. Doctor: You may come in. Patient: Thank you. (he coughs) D: This cough sounds very bad. You have a sore throat, don't you? P: No, I don't. I just sneeze and cough. D: I think I should listen to your chest and to your lungs. Take off your shirt. Breathe in deeply, that's all right...and once more, please. Sit down. I'm going to take your blood pressure. P: Can I put my shirt on? D: Certainly, you can. How long have you been coughing? P: For about a week. D: Did you take any medicine for it? P: No, I didn't. I want you to prescribe me something effective for my illness. 50
D: Well, I need to take your temperature. It looks like influenza. So you ought to stay in bed not to contact other people. You must take these pills 3 times a day after meal. You should drink a lot of hot milk and keep yourself warm. If you follow all my recommendations, you will recover very soon. P: Thank you, doctor. Good bye. Exercise 4. Answer the questions 1. Why did the patient visit the doctor? 2. What did the doctor ask the patient to do? 3. Did the doctor listen to his chest and lung? 4. What else did he do? 5. What illness did the patient have? 6. Why did the patient have to stay in bed? 7. In what case will the patient recover soon? Exercise 5. Translate the Real Conditional Sentences correctly. l. If he has a headache he will take medicine for it. 2. As soon as she comes home they will take medicine for it. 3. I shall go in for tennis when I grow up. 4. If she knows the diagnosis she will go to the drugstore to buy some pills. 5. We shall not begin the game until you come. Exercise 6. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form. 1. He (go) out when the weather gets warmer. 2. I shall wait for her until she (come) back from school. 3. If we don't work harder we (not pass) the examination. 4. They will write to us when they (know) our address. 5. If he doesn't take these pills, he (not recover) soon. 6. We shall have a picnic tomorrow if the weather (be) fine. 7. You (fall ill) if you don't exercise regularly. Exercise 7. Change the sentences of ex. 6 into Unreal Conditional ones. Example: 1. I would go out if the weather got warmer. 2. We would wait for her until she came back. 51
Exercise 8. Read and analyze the use of the modal verbs. 1. May I leave for a moment? Yes, you may. 2. Who can answer this question? 3. Nobody could do this work. 4. They ought to help their parents. 5. Must I take aspirin? 6. You needn't come so early. 7. I had to meet her at the airport. 8. Asel is able to explain the rule. 9. If you want to be healthy you should keep to a diet. 10. Damir is not allowed to go out until he gets well. Exercise 9. Translate into English: l. Егер дәріңді дұрыс қабылдасаң, тез тәуір боласың. 2. Арман жұмыстан келген бойда, олар кешкі астарын ішеді. 3. Ол мектепті бітірген соң, университетке түседі. 4. Егер оның уақыты жеткілікті болғанда, ол маған көмектесер еді. 5. Ол университті бітірген соң, Лондонға жұмыс істеуге кетеді. 6. Егер мен оның мекен-жайын білсем, мен оны тауып алар едім. 7. Ол ауруынан жазылғанда ғана жұмысына бара алады. Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with modal verb can or may: 1. Take your umbrella with you, it …rain today. 2. Only a person who is an expert in this field …. answer such a question. 3. I don’t think I …. be here by 9 o’clock, but I … be. 4. Let me look at your exercises. I… be able to assist you. 5. Be careful: you ….spill milk if you carry it like that. 6. Most kids ….slide on the ice perfectly. 7. You ….come in when you have taken your boots. 8. ….you see anything in this gloomy darkness? Exercise 11. Rewrite these sentences in the Past Tense: 1. It is quite clear that she must start getting ready for her exam instead of wasting time. 2. I don’t mean that you must do everything that he tells you. 3. She can translate this article without a dictionary. 52
4. We can’t wait them any longer, we must ring them up and find out what has happened. 5. They must take an exam in English.6. What must you learn by heart? 7. She must stay at home, because she doesn’t feel well. 8. Saule mustn’t work, because her friend can substitute her. SSW (Self Study Work) Exercise 1. Study the text carefully with the aim of retelling it. Sports in Britain. Sports play an important part in the life of the English people. All sports are very popular among them. The British are proud that many sports originated in their country. The national British sports are: golf, cricket, table tennis, lawn tennis, snooker, racing, darts. Football the most popular game in the world is of two kinds in Britain: association football (soccer) and rugby. Soccer played almost in all countries remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain. Rugby football originated at Rugby public school. Rugby is played by teams of 15 men with an oval ball. In this game players may carry the ball. Englishmen are fond of cricket. Cricket is played in schools, colleges, universities. Test matches with other countries are held regularly. The game is very slow. Golf, one of the popular sports in Britain, originated in Scotland. Table tennis originated in England in 1880. Wimbledon is known worldwide as the centre of lawn tennis. Englishmen like all kinds of racing. Horseracing, motorcar racing, boat racing, dog racing, donkey racing are very popular in England. The most famous boat racing in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. It first started in 1820 and has been held almost every spring since 1836. A lot of people come to watch it. Exercise 2. Comprehension Questions: 1. What kinds of football are there in Britain? 2. Where did golf come from to England? 53
3. What is the most popular English game? 4. What is Wimbledon famous for? 5. What kinds of racing do you know? 6. What is the most famous race in England? Exercise 3. Translate into English using modal verbs: 1. Кеше маған дәрігерге баруыма тура келді. 2. Біз бүгін диктант жазуымыз керек. 3. Маған қазір серуендеп келуге бола ма? 4. Ол нені жақсы істей алады? 5. Мен саған үй тазалауға көмектесе алмадым. 6. Сіз оларды ертең күтіп ала аласыз ба? 7. Саған өте абай болу керек. 8. Маратқа үйде қалуға тура келді. Exercise 4. Insert the necessary modal verbs: 1 ... .leave for a while? – Yes, you may. 2. Who . . . answer my question? 3. You....visit her, she is in the hospital. 4. He ... be very attentive at the lessons. 5. It's urgent, you.. .to do this task at once. 6... .you tell me the way to the station? Exercise 5. Learn the dialogue to act it out in pairs Doctor: Hi! I'm Dr Holmes. What's the trouble? Sue: The thing is that I fell down some steps and hurt my wrist. D: Let me see. S: Not the left wrist, the right one. D: I'll say you did. That looks pretty swollen. Let's examine. Does it hurt? S: Wow! D: Can you move it at all? S: It hurts too much! D: It may be broken or it may be badly sprained. You must have an X-ray taken, then we'll see. I'll put a cast on it. In the meantime I'll give you something for the pain. Are you allergic to any medicine? S: No 54
D: Okay, take these ones, and then go to X-ray, two doors down the hall. The nurse will help you. S: Thanks a lot. Exercise 6. TransIate into your native language: l. If I come early, I shall not be late for the lecture. 2. It would be better if you learned the oral topics. 3. As soon as he knows her address he will write to her. 4. If her child ate lots of vitamins he would be healthy. 5. They will achieve good results if they take part in the event. 6. She would win the first prize in fencing if she participated in the competition.
LESSON 8 TRAVELLING AROUND THE WORLD Grammar: Participle 2. The Passive Voice. Word-formation: Suffix of the noun -er, -or. Exercise 1. Warm up. Discuss the proverb «Every country has its customs, many countries have so many customs». Exercise 2. Topical vocabulary 1. means of communication – байланыс құралы 2. to travel – саяхат жасау 3. to use – пайдалану 4. ticket – билет 5. various – түрлі 6. underground – метро 7. to appear – пайда болу 8. journey – саяхат 9. waiting room – күту залы 10. suitcase – шабадан, жол сандық 11. luggage – жүк 12. to catch a train – пойызға үлгеру 13. passenger – жолаушы 14. to hurry – асығу 15. to queue up – кезекте тұру 16. to register – тіркеу 17. single (ticket) – жеке билет,бару билеті 18. return (ticket) – қайту билеті 19. route – маршрут 20. restaurant – мейрамхана 21. carriage – вагон 22. compartment – купе 23. to be crowded – толы болу 24. to pack – орау 25. customs regulations – кеден ережесі 26. boarding pass – отырғызу талоны 56
27. Departures – кету 28. Arrivals – келу 29. to miss the train – пойызға кешігу 30. airplane – ұшақ 31. seat – орын 32. fare – жол ақысы 33. speed – жылдамдық 34. altitude – биіктік 35. on board the plane – ұшақ бортында 36. stewardess – стюардесса 37. Fasten the seat belts – белдіктеріңізді тағыңыздар 38. Voyage – теңіз саяхаты Exercise 3. Pre-reading task 1. What means of communication do people in your country widely use? 2. How did men travel many years ago? 3. What ways of travelling are popular with Londoners? Exercise 4. Study the text «Means of Communication». Every year many people from different countries travel all over the world. For most of them making journeys and trips is important. Many people like to travel by air, as it is the fastest way of travelling. Those who prefer travelling by plane must be at the airport two hours before departure time. They must register the tickets, weigh in and register the luggage. Each passenger is given a boarding-pass, which is shown, to the flight attendant on board. Customs regulations are almost the same in all countries. Some people like to travel by train because if you do not hurry you will be able to look at passing villages, forests and fields through the windows of your compartment. Passengers have to remember the number of the carriage and the seat and arrive at the platform in advance. Nowadays many people enjoy travelling by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast as they like. They can stop when and where they want, more than that they don’t have to queue up to buy the tickets. Do you know what means of communications Londoners 57
use? Londoners use the underground railway. They call it «the tube». London’s underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863. Londoners also use buses. The first bus route was opened in London in 1904.Today there are hundreds of routes there. London’s buses are double-deckers. Londoners do not use trams, though it was in London where the first trams appeared. And now it is one of the biggest cities where there are no trams. The last tram left the streets of London many years ago. People living in the capital of Britain often use cars. When Londoners leave the town, they use trains, ships or airplanes. So British people make voyages more often than other nations. Exercise 5. Comprehension check. 1. Why do many people prefer travelling by air? 2. What will you have to do if you travel by plane? 3. Customs regulations are almost the same in all countries, aren’t they? 4. What other means of communication do travelers enjoy? 5. Can you speak about the advantages of going by train? 6. Why do a lot of people enjoy travelling by car? 7. How do most Londoners travel? 8. What is «tube»? 9. When was the first underground opened in London? 10. Where do not men use trams at all? 11. Do Londoners travel by ship? Exercise 6. Say if the statements true or false 1. Travelling is an essential part of many people’s life. 2. All means of communication appeared in the old times. 3. Many people like travelling by air though it’s not cheap. 4. Passengers on board the ship mustn’t fasten their seatbelts. 5. Only few people travel by train and tram in our country. 6. Londoners don’t use trams at all. Exercise 7. Pay attention to the word-building. Use the model to form nouns from the following words. Translate them. 58
Model: London +er = Londoner. to travel +er = traveler To teach, to tell, to receive, to move, to learn, to drive, to go, to support, to paint, to clean, to play, to make, to do, to found, to buy, to sell, to farm, to speak, to copy, to come, to mine, to wash, to visit. Exercise 8. Scan the text to find either synonyms or antonyms of: fast – flight-attendant – leave – to disappear – few – trip – to line up –
Different – To book – Road – To be fond of – Journey by sea – Essential – Underground –
Exercise 9. Give the 3 forms of the verbs: To come, to see, to arrive, to enter, to meet, to reserve, to show, to know, to buy, to go, to have, to spend, to leave, to remember, to catch, to feel, to take. Exercise 10. Change the sentences using the Passive Voice and translate them. Example: a) Londoners do not use trams. Trams are not used by Londoners. b) People do not buy tickets in advance. c) A lot of travelers spend holidays at the seaside. d) As a rule the British leave their houses during vacation. e) Some men do not take much luggage. f) Passengers show the boarding pass to the flight attendant Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps, mind the Passive Voice and tense. 1. This printer… connected to a computer. 2. New buses … brought in Kazakhstan last year. 3. The fax message … received yesterday. 4. Many seats … reserved every day. 59
5. This paper … shown the next week. 6. The documents … translated tomorrow. Exercise 12. Translate into English, using the Passive Voice. Билеттер вокзал маңайының кез келген жерінде сатылады. Ұшақта темекі шегуге тыйым салынады. Жүктерді кеденде тексереді және тіркейді. Отырғызу талоны стюардессаға көрсетіледі. Егер ауа райы нашар болса, ұшу уақыты өзгертіледі. Қазір Лондонда трамвайлар қолданылмайды. Британияда адамдар теңіз саяхатын жиі жасайды. Exercise 13. Read the dialogues, give the headlines and act them out in pairs. Dialogue 1. Passenger: I want a ticket to Shimkent, please. Which train must I take? Clerk: If I were you, I should take the 8.35 train. P: Do I have to change anywhere? C: No, no change, it’s a through train. P: Thank you. A ticket to Shimkent, please. C: Single or return? P: Return please, first class. C: Here you are. P: Thank you. Can you tell me, what time the train leaves? C: You’ll have to hurry if you want to register your luggage. P: Thanks. (he hurried away) Dialogue 2. Arman: Hi, Marat. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been, old boy? Marat: I’ve just come from Astana A: Have you really? What were you doing there? M: Oh, it was just a business trip. A: Did you fly there? M: Yes, I did . And it was very exciting. A: Where did you get your ticket? 60
M: I went to the Air Company office and fixed up everything in a few minutes. Then I came home, packed my things and got ready for the trip. A: Do you feel nervous or afraid? M: Not a bit. Just excited. A: How long were you up? M: About three hours. A: Was it very expensive? M: Rather. But it saved me a lot of time. SELF STUDY WORK. (SSW) Exercise 1. Make up your own dialogues using the following words and expressions. a) A ticket to, to take a train, to change, single, return, if I were you, carriage, to be due to arrive, attendant, to while away the time. b) Airport, plane, to take off, to have one’s luggage weighed and registered, stewardess, fasten the seatbelts, to be airsick, to go through customs, to be overweight. Exercise 3. Imagine that you are on a holiday in a foreign country. Choose a place and write a postcard to some friends at home. Exercise 4. Study the text in order to retell it. TRAVELLING BY AIR Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air, as it is the fastest means of travelling. Here are some hints on air travel that may be helpful. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and an hour before on domestic flights as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport formalities. Passengers must register their tickets, weigh in and register the luggage. Most airlines have at least two classes of travel, first class and economy class, which is cheaper. Each passenger of more than 61
two years of age has free luggage allowance. Generally, this limit is 20 kg for economy class passengers and 30 kg for first class passengers. Excess luggage must be paid for except for some articles that can be carried free of charge. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to-the flight attendant when boarding the plane. Watch the electric sign flashes when you are on board. When the «Fasten Seat Belts» sign goes on, do it promptly, and also obey the «No Smoking» signal. Do not forget your personal effects when leaving the plane. Landing formalities and customs regulations are more or less the same in all countries. When these formalities have been completed, the passenger goes to Customs for an examination of his luggage. As a rule personal belongings may be brought in duty free. If the traveler has nothing to declare he may just go through the «green» section of the Customs. In some cases the Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection it sometimes happens that a passenger's luggage is carefully gone through to prevent smuggling. Exercise 5. Imagine you are one of the crew. Try to make the similar announcement. Make use of the given material. «Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Captain Brown and his crew welcome you abroad Viva Air flight 435 to Malaga. We are now flying at height of 9,000m. Our speed is approximately 9,600 km an hour. We will land in Malaga in five hours. The temperature in Malaga is now +32 °C. Our stewards and flight attendants will serve lunch and beverages in half an hour. Exercise 6. Answer the questions. 1. What information is usually given to the passengers on board a plane? . 2.What services does a stewardess offer them? 3. At what speed and altitude do modern aircrafts fly? 13. On what flights do they serve meals? 14. When do students and schoolchildren pay. reduced prices for tickets? 15. Is travelling by air more expensive than railway travel? 16. What are advantages and disadvantages of air travelling? 62
Exercise 7. Find in the dialogues the English equivalents for the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own. Жолаушыларға қамқорлық көрсету, белдікті буыну, құлақ ауыру, орнын көрсету, әуе шұңқырына түсу, уақытты үнемдеу, ұшу, жүкті өлшетіп тіркеу,артық салмақ. Exercise 8. Ask your fellow students. ...if she has ever travelled by plane ...how she liked it ...if she was nervous when flying for the first time ...if she gets tickets for a plane beforehand ...if she travels at half fare ...how long it takes her to get from Astana to her native place ...if her flight was ever put back …why it was put back ...by how long it was put back ...if she likes to sit at the porthole (window) ...what one can see if visibility is good (poor) ...who looks after passengers on board a plane ...what information passengers get about the flight …if she ever wanted to become a stewardess' ...what features of character a stewardess must have in her opinion. ...if air crashes are often nowadays ...if flying is more dangerous than railway travel ...if it is more expensive than railway travel Exercise 9. Answer the following questions according to the pattern. Pattern: Would you (rather) like to sit at the pilot's cabin or at the window? – I don't mind it either way. (I'd rather sit at the window. I want to look through the porthole) 1. Would you like to go by plane or by train? 2. Would you like to go to the airport by the Metro or by a special passenger bus? 3. Would you like to book your ticket beforehand or on the day of the departure? 4. Would you like to take this bag with you or have it stored in the luggage hold? 5. Would you like to do the shopping 63
now or after classes? 6. Would you like to visit him today or on Sunday? 7. Would you like to speak to the Dean now or after the meeting? Exercise 10. What will you do if: you want to fly to your native place when you have holidays; your flight is put back by half an hour; you want to have something to read on board a plane; you are afraid of getting airsick; «No smoking» and «Fasten your belts» are lighted up; your flight is called (announced); your luggage is overweight; you want to take your brief-case with you; you missed your plane; you came to see your friend off but her flight is put back; you want to send a telegram from the airport; you want to know when the plane from Almaty arrives; you want to know why the plane from Moscow is late. Exercise 11. What will you say if you want to know: at what speed the plane is flying; what is the temperature overboard; when the plane is due to Astana; why the plane is late; why the airport doesn't take planes; if you can take your camera with you; where you can get a snack; if you can take the seat at the window; if your fellow passenger is travelling for the first time; how long you will be up; if smoking is allowed on board the plane; if the stewardess can get you some medicine for your airsickness; why you must fasten your safety-belt.
LESSON 9 VISITING LONDON Grammar: The Sequence of Tenses. The Present Perfect Tense. The Usage of Articles with Geographical Names. Exercise 1. Warm up. Explain the meaning of the proverb «When in Rome, do as the Romans do». Exercise 2. Topical vocabulary 1. to recognize – тану 2. to show (showed, shown) – көрсету 3. welcome – қош келдіңіздер 4. to drive (drove, driven) – көлік жүргізу 5. map – карта (жағрафиялық) 6. guide – 1) гид 2) жолсерік 7. to admire – тандану, сүйсіну 8. places of interest – қызықты жерлер 9. financial – қаржы, қаржылы 10. political – саяси 11. all over the world – бүкіл дүние жүзінде 12. to advise – кеңес беру 13. unfortunately – өкінішке орай 14. reasonable – ақылға қонатын 15. Europe – Еуропа 16. famous (for) – әйгілі, атақты 17. the Tower of London – Лондон Мұнарасы (Тауэрі) 18. the National Gallery – Ұлттық Галерея 19. Buckingham Palace – Букингем Сарайы 20. capital – астана 21. treasure – қазына 22. the Thames – Темза өзені 23. ancient – көне 24. century – ғасыр 25. population – халық 26. the West End – Уэст-энд (Лондонның батыс бөлігі) 65
27. the East End – Ист-Енд (Лондонның шығыс бөлігі) 28. Westminster Abbey – Весминстер Шіркеуі 29. to crown – тәж кигізу 30. the Houses of Parliament – Парламент Үйі 31. St. Paul’s Cathedral – Әулие Паул шіркеуі 32. to bury – жерлеу 33. to divide – бөлу 34. the House of Commons – Қауымдар Палатасы 35. the House of Lords – Лордтар Палатасы 36. to get used to – үйреніп қалу 37. to be tired – шаршау 38. to forget (forgot, forgotten) – ұмыту 39. to seem – көріну 40. unusual – ерекше 41. Heathrow – Хитроу әуежайы 42. to book – алдын ала тапсырыс беру 43. dock – док (порттағы кеме жөндейтін жер) 44. expensive – қымбат 45. to go sightseeing – көрікті жерлерді тамашалау Exercise 3. Pre-reading task. 1. Have you ever been to London? 2. Do you have a friend who has already been to London? 3. What do you think is unusual for foreign tourists there? Exercise 4. Read the dialogue and try to understand it without a dictionary. Brian Smith, Rich’s British friend, is meeting Marat at Heathrow. --- Hello, Brian..I recognized you at once. Rich showed me your picture. --- Hello, Marat. Welcome to London. Nice to see you. --- Nice to see you too. --- Did you have a good flight? --- Yes, I did. Thank you. Rich is sending you this letter and his regards. --- Oh, thank you.. How is he getting on? --- He’s quite well. Though busy, of course. Working a lot. 66
Very much like him. Where are we going to? To my car. I’ll drive you to the hotel. I’ve booked you a room in Central London. It’s a bed- and- breakfast accomodation. ----Thank you, Brian. That’s just what I need. I hope it’s not too expensive. --- Staying in London needn’t be expensive. It’s reasonable. And I live very near your hotel. --- That’s great. --- But unfortunately I can’t join you at day time . I’m only free in the evening. --- That’s OK. Is there a regular tour of the city? --- Oh yes, lot’s of them. I advise you to buy a special ticket «London Explorer». --- Is it a one-day ticket? --- It’s a three- day ticket. It’s for the red buses and the «tube». --- And I’ll need a map and a guidebook. --- You can buy it at the Tourist Information Centre near Victoria Station. --- I’d love to see the Houses of Parliament and the Tower of London. Look where you’re going. Sorry, I’ve forgotten they drive on the left side of the road. It seems so unusual. . --- Right, I felt very much the same at the Continent. But you’ll get used to it very quickly. Exercise 5. Read the dialogue again to find if the following statements are true or false. a) Marat recognized Brian at once. b) Richard didn’t send any letter to Brian. c) Rich is very busy, he works a lot. d) Brian has booked a room for Marat in Central London. e) There aren’t any regular tours around London. F) Brian advised Marat to buy a one-day ticket. G) Marat would like to see only the Tower of London. h) Left side driving is usual for Brian. 67
Exercise 6. Do you remember the rule of Sequence of Tenses? Follow the pattern, use this rule in practice. Pattern: 1)
Rich is sending you this letter. (was) He told Brian that Rich was sending him this letter. 2) I’ve booked you a room. (had) He said that he had booked a room for Marat. 3) I recognized you at once. (had) He said that he had recognized him at once 1. Rich is sending you this letter. (was) 2. I have booked you a room. (had) 3. I recognized you at once. (had) 4. Rich is very busy. (was) 5. I have only a couple of days in London. (had) 6. I haven’ t been to London before. (hadn’t ) 7. I felt very much on the Continent. (had) Pattern 1: Are you tired after the flight? (was) He asked if Marat was tired. 4. Are you very tired? (was) 5. Is he very busy? (was) 6. Are we going by car? (were) 4. Do you like London? (liked) 5. Would you like to see the Tower? (would like) 6. Did you feel the same on the Continent? (had felt) 7. Have you booked a room? (had bought) Pattern 2: 1) How did you come to London? He asked how I had come to London. 2) Why is Rich so busy? He asked why Rich was so busy. 1. – How did you come to London? (had come) 2. – Why is Rich so busy? (was) 3. – Where are we going? (were) 4. – Where is the hotel? (was) 5. – What kind of hotel is it? (was) 6. – Why can't you walk with me? (couldn't) 68
7. – What do you need the map for? (needed) 8. – When will you drive me to the hotel? (would drive) Exercise 7. Memorize the phrase in the dialogue: «Бұл оның қылығына келеді». Try to say it following the given pattern . Pattern: Rich is working a lot. It's so like him. It's very much like him. 1. Rich is working a lot. 2. Jane is always buying new things. 3. George is borrowing money from his friends (қарыз алу). 4. Grandma is travelling in Europe. 5. The Greens are giving parties every night. 6. She is spending much time cooking. 7. The boys are playing football. Exercise 8. Say, please in English: «Бізге керегі де осы еді». Use the given pattern. Pattern: – I like this car. It's big and modern. – It's just what we want. 1. I like this car. It's big and modern. 2. I like this apartment. It's light and clean. 3. I like this camera. It's easy to use. 4. I like this garden. It's beautiful. 5. I like this pair of shoes. They are comfortable aad not at all expensive. 6. I like this place. It's quiet and clean. Exercise 9. Complete the sentences using the adjectives. Check yourself. Pattern: Staying in London needn't be expensive. 1. Staying in London needn't be ... . a. expensive 2. Driving a cap needn't be ... . b. tiring 3. Eating out needn't be ... . s. dangerous 4. Travelling from country to country needn't be ... . d. boring 5. Reading books needn't be ... . e. shocking 6. Getting the news needn't be ... . 69
Exercise 10. Use the phrase: «You’ll get used to it» in the following situations. Pattern: This room is too small. – You'll get used to it. 1. This room is too small. 2. Driving on the left side of the road came as a surprise to me. 3. I can't remember about the ground floor. 4. The neighbours are very noisy. 5. The taxi is too expensive. 6. This vegetable tastes strange. Exercise 11. Read the text, open the brackets putting the verbs in the correct form. Check yourself according to the key. Read it again and retell it. Marat (to recognize) Brian at once. He (to come up) to him and (to greet) him. Rich (to send) him a letter. Marat (to give) the letter to Brian. Brian (to have) a car. He (to drive) Marat to the hotel. The hotel (to be) in Central London. Unfortunately Brian (can not) join Marat at daytime. But he (to be able) to join him in the evening. They (to be going) to the pub that evening. Marat (to want) very much to see the sights. He (to need) a map and guidebook. Brian (to advise) Marat to buy London Explorer. It (to be) a ticket for three days in London. But you (must not) use it on the fourth day. It (to be) not valid. Marat (to thank) Brian for his help and advice. Brian (to hurry) to his office. Key: recognized, came up, greeted, was sending, gave, had, drove, was, could not, was not able to, were going, wanted, needed, advised, was, didn’t have to, would not be, thanked, hurried. Exercise 12. Translate into English: 1. Марат Брайанды бірден таныды. 2. Брайанның көлігі болды. 3. Марат көрікті жерлерді көргісі келіп еді. 4. Брайан онымен бірге бара алмады. 5. Бірақ ол кешкісін онымен кездесе алды. 6. Маратқа карта мен жолсерік керек болды. 70
Exercise 13. Fill in the definite article if it is necessary a) …Astana is in …North of … Kazakhstan. b) …Atlantic Ocean separates …Europe from …America. c) I have friends in …UK and …USA. d) …Thames is…most famous river in …England. e) The war in …Persian Gulf was very short. f) They like to spend their holidays in …Crimea or at …Dead Sea. g) The climbers have managed to conquer …Everest. h) …Altai,…Alps and…Alatau attract a lot of tourists every year. i) …Issyk-Kul is situated in … Republic of …Kirgyzstan. j) …Almaty is …southern capital of … Republic of Kazakhstan. Exercise 14. Listen to the text with the aim of retelling it. «London» London is one of the largest cities in the world and the biggest city in Europe. It is known for its places of interest, such as The Tower of London, National Gallery, the British Museum, and Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Nelson’s Column and others. A lot of tourists from all over the world come to London to admire its art treasures. London is the capital of Great Britain. As it is situated on the river Thames, not far from the sea, it is an important sea port. London is an ancient city, founded by Romans twenty centuries ago. Its population is about eight million people. London consists of four parts: the West End, the East End, the City and Westminster. The city is the financial and the business centre of the country. There are a lot of banks and offices there. Westminster is an administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British government, is situated here. The building is very beautiful with its two towers and a big clock called Big Ben. Westminster Abbey is situated opposite the Houses of Parliament. All British kings and queens are crowned here. Many outstanding English people were buried here, among them Kipling, Darwin, Dickens, Newton. The West End is the richest part of London with 71
fine houses, wide streets, parks, concert halls, famous museums and theatres, fashionable shops and restaurants. Tower Bridge is over the river Thames. .From here you can see the Tower of London. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. Now it is a museum where you can find a lot of interesting collections. The East End is the industrial part of London. Here you can find the Port, the docks, plants and factories. Self Study Work (SSW) Exercise 1. Fill in the definite article if it is necessary a) …Karadanda is in …North of … Kazakhstan. b) …Strait of Dover separates …Europe from …Great Britain. c) She has a lot of relatives and friends in …Canada and …USA. d) …Dunai is…most famous river in …Hungary. d) The war in …Persian Gulf was very dangerous. e) They like to spend their vacation at …shores of …Pacific Ocean f) The tourists managed to reach …the foot of …Tyan-Shan. g) …Ishim and…Baikal attract a lot of tourists every summe h) …Astana is …northern capital of … Republic of … Kazakhstan. Exercise 2. Put the verbs in the brackets in the Present Perfect Tense a) She (to be) never to England. b) I (to buy) just a map and a guide of London. c) We (to read) already the guide of New York d) Marat (to visit) the British Museum this week. e) Brian (to found) his firm recently. f) They (to meet) a lot of tourists near the Houses of Parliament. g) He (to see) already the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. Exercise 3. Ask all types of questions to the sentences of ex. 2. (above) Exercise 4. Translate into English: 72
а) Лондонның қандай көрікті жерлерін араладыңыз? b) Олар Британ Мұражайын аралап қойды. c) Біз әлі Ұлттық Галереяны көрген жоқпыз. d) Брайан Маратқа бөлме дайындап қойғанын айтты. i) Джон Қазахстаннан сыйлықтар алып келмегеніне өкінді. Exercise 5. Translate into Russian: a) He thought that the British Museum had impressed them very much. b) Romans had founded London by the first century. c) They will have finished school by next July. d) I shall have studied the map of London before I come to England. e) She had not bought the guidebook by last Friday. f) We shan’t have finished the project by the end of this month. g) Brian had come to the airport before Marat arrived in London. Exercise 6. Translate the following itinerary ЛОНДОН. Жахангерлерге (туристер) арналған саяхат жоспары. Саяхаттың ұзақтығы – 8 күн Құны – 895 $ Саяхат құнына кіреді: --- әуе билеті --- әуежайда күту-шығарып салу --- медициналық сақтандыру полисі --- Тюссо Мұражайына, Вестминстер Шіркеуіне, Гринвич Теңіз Мұражайына кіру билеті, Саяхат жоспары: 1 күн – Жахангерлерді Хитроу әуежайында фирма өкілі Гэтвик көлікпен күтіп алады. Оларды жанұяларға орналастыру. 2 күн – Жанұяда демалыс өткізу. 3 күн – Келіскен жерде топпен 8.30-да кездесу. Лондонға күн бойына саяхат жасау: Вестминстер Шіркеуіне, Парламент Үйіне, Букингем Сарайына, Әулие Джеймс саяжайында тамақтану. 4 күн – Топпен 8.30-да кездесу. Лондонға саяхат: Тюссо Мұражайы, Тейт Галереясы 73
5 күн – Топпен 8.30-да кездесу. Қайықпен Вестминстерден Гринвичке дейін қыдыру. Гринвич Теңіз Мұражайын аралау. 6 күн – Топпен 8.30-да кездесу. Лондонға күн бойына саяхат жасау: Ұлттық Галерея, Трафальгар алаңы. 7 күн – Топпен 8.30-да кездесу. Лондонға күн бойына саяхат жасау: Британ Мұражайы, Oxford Street-пен серуендеу. 8 күн – Әуежайға жеткізу. Отанына қайтару Жолыңыз болсын! Exercise 7. Practice the dialogue. AIRPORT RESERVATIONS Travel agent: Can I help you? B: I want to fly to London next week. I'd like to make reservations for a roundtrip ticket. T.A: What day are you planning to leave for London? В: On the 12th of March. T: There are three flights to London on that day at 10 a..m ., at 8.30 and 9 p.m. Do you have any preference about the time of the day? B: I'd rather leave at 9 p.m I want to get to London early in the morning. T.A.: I can make a reservation for a TWA flight. Are you going to travel class or economy? B: I prefer economy. How much will it be? Т.A: 440 dollars. В:Are meals and refreshments served on the flight? T. A: Yes, they are. B: What's the flying time? T. A: Six hours. , B: What's the London airport we'll arrive at? T. A.: Heathrow Airport. How many days are you planning to stay in London? B: Seven days. . T.A.: When would you like to fly home from London? B: March 22nd. T. A.:A11 right. Your name and address? B: Boris Brown, 64-42 99th Street, Rego-Parte, NewYork 11374. 74
T.A: And your telephone number? В: (718) 439-7286. T.A.: Will you pay by credit card? B: Yes, by Master Card. Number... Valid until January 15, 1993. When can I get my tickets? T.A.: You'll have them 2 days before your departure. Exercise 8. Make up your own dialogue or a story about visiting Astana. Exercise 9. Choose the correct article a, an, the if necessary. 1) -- Pacific is the largest ocean. 2) --_Asia is the biggest 3) -- Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 4) -- Rhine is the river in Europe 5) -- Andes are mountains in South America . 6) -- Bahamars are group of islands near Florida. 7) -- Karaganda is one of the cities of Kazakhstan. 8) -- USA ranks the first in producing some goods 9) -- Great Britain is a multinational country. 10)-- Switzerland is famous for its watch Exercise 10. Fill in the correct form. 1) I’m looking for Sarah. Where – she –? a) have /go b) has/gone d) had/gone e) is going. 2) I know that man but I – name. a) forgot b) have forgotten c) has forgotten d) has been forgetting 3) She thought that he – already – for America a) leaves b) left c) has left d) had left e) is leaving 4) Can I take this magazine? – you – reading it? a) has/finished b) had/finished c) have/finish d) have finished 5) He – just – in our city had arrived b) have arrived c) is arriving d) was arriving 6) I was fond of – when I was a child. a) read b) to read c) reading d) having read. 17) I can’t help – there. a) going b) to go c) had gone d) was going 75
18) They insisted on – this project a) to finish b) finished c) finishing d) has finish 19) They decided to give up --a) to smoke b) smoked c) had smoked d) smoking 20) Don’t you mind his – the car? a) drived b) having drived c) driving d) is driving. 21) Arman travels a lot . He -- many countries has visited b) visited c) have visited d) have been visited 22) I’ m ready now. I --- already --- my work. complete b) is completing c) have completed d) completed 23) When Dad came , the kids --- already ---. had slept b) are sleeping c) have slept d) have been sleeping 24) My friend is a writer. He --- ---- many novels. wrote b) was writing c) is writing d) has written
LESSON 10 Shops and shopping. Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns. Pronouns: Some, any, no. Polite requests. Exercise 1. Warm up Discuss the proverb «An apple a day keeps the doctor away» Exercise 2. Topical vocabulary 1. market – базар 2. marketing – маркетинг 3. priсe – құны 4. meat – ет 5. fish department – балық сататын бөлім 6. milk department – сүт тағамдары бөлімі 7. vegetable department – көкөніс бөлімі 8. clothes – department-киімдер бөлімі 9. chemists – дәріхана 10. a shoe department – аяқ киім бөлімі 11. food – тамақ 12. fish – балық 13. tea – шай 14. coffee – кофе 15. white coffee – сүт қосылған кофе 16. brown bread – қара нан 17. sandwich – сэндвич 18. clothes – киімдер 19. jumper – жемпір 20. blouse – жейде 21. trousers – шалбар 22. shop-assistant – сатушы 23. customer – сатып алушы 24. changing – room-киім киіп көретін орын 25. cashdesk – касса 26. cashier – кассир 77
27. size – мөлшер,көлем 28. selection – таңдау 29. to try on – өлшеп көру, киіп көру Exercise 3. Answer the following questions. 1. What food should you use to be healthy? 2. What kind of juices do you know? 3. What’s your favourite fruit, drink, vegetable? 4. Do you like to go to a clothes department? 5. What do you like to buy there? Exercise 4. Reading: Dialogue «Going Shopping» B = Barry, MP = Miss Pott MP. Good morning. Can I help you? B. I’d like some orange juice, please. MP. Er…. Sorry. There’s apple juice, but no orange juice B. What’s that then? Isn’t that orange juice? MP. Oh, yes. So it is! My eyes! Here you are. MP. Sorry, I sold the last bottle two minutes ago. B. Oh, dear! What about some coffee? MP. Yes, here you are. B. Thanks. That’s orange juice, coffee…er…and…er…a kilo of apples, please. MP. I don’t sell apples. B. That’s strange. What about cheese. Can I have some cheese? MP. I don’t sell cheese either. B. You don’t sell cheese! That’s amazing. Now I want some pizza, do you? MP. Oh, yes, I do. What would you like? Pizza with mushrooms, pizza with cheese and ham, pizza with sausage, or pizza with tomatoes, please ? B. Wow! Can I have …er…some pizza with cheese and tomatoes, please? MP. Oh! Sorry. I forgot. Usually, I have pizza, but not on Thursdays. Today is Thursday, isn’t it? B. Yes, it is. Mmm…OK…er…OK, forget the pizza 78
What about bread ? MP. Yes, you are right. B. Pardon? MP. You are right. There isn’t any bread B. Tell me. Do you do a lot of business? MP. Oh! Yes, sir. This shop is open 24 hours. B. What do people buy? MP. All the things you see. B. Mmmm. OK. That’s all for me. How much? MP. That’s 5.60 pounds, please. B. Thank you. Good bye. MP. Good bye, sir. See you again, soon. B. I don’t think so. ( and he asks himself : What does miss Pott have in her shop? Exercise 5. Use some, any, not much, not many Example: There’s some yoghurt. There aren’t any carrots. There isn’t much coffee There aren’t many eggs. Exercise 6. Ask and answer questions about what is there in the shop with a partner. Examples: Are there any eggs? – Yes, there are some, but there aren’t many. – Is there any coffee? – Yes, there is some, but there isn’t much Exercise 7. Write out countable and uncountable nouns in 2 columns Exercise 8. Look at Barry’s shopping list. Listen and tick () the things he buys. Why doesn’t he buy the other things? TНINGS TO BUY Milk pizza orange juice cheese Coffee read apples eggs 79
Exercise 9. why.
Write about a shop you like to visit and
Exercise 10. Learn to ask polite requests Example: Could you show me the way to school, please? Would you like some coffee ? Exercise 11. Match the questions and responses. Would you like some more Black, no sugar, please. carrots? Could you pass the salt, please? Yes, of course. I’m glad you like it. Could I have a glass of water, Yes, please. They are please? delicious. Does anybody want more desert? Yes, of course. Here you are Do you want fizzy or still? No, of course not. We have a dishwasher How would you like your coffee? This is delicious! Can you give me the recipe? Do you want to help with the washing – up? Exercise 12. Translate into English: 1. Мұнда біреу бар ма? 2. Бақшада ешкім жоқ. 3. Біздің бөлмеде біреу бар ма? 4. Дәрісханада біреу бар. 5. Онда ешкім жоқ. 6. Бақшада біреу бар ма? 7. Үстелде бір нәрсе бар ма? – Жоқ. Онда ештеңе жоқ. 8. Сөмкеде бір нәрсе бар. 9. Бұл кітапта қызық нәрсе бар ма? 10. Қабырғада әлдебір суреттер бар ма? – Иә, онда бірнешеуі бар.11. Бастықтың бөлмесінде біреу бар ма? – Жоқ, онда ешкім жоқ. 12. Біздің кітапханада ағылшын тілінде әлдебір кітаптар бар.13. Біздің кітапханада неміс тілінде әлдебір кітаптар бар ма? 14. Менің досым маған еш нәрсе айтқысы келмейді. 15. Мен демалысты Қара теңіз жағалауының бір жерінде өткізгім келеді. 16. Егер аш болсаңыз, тоңазытқыштан бірдеңе іздеп көріңіз. 17. Бізге саяхатыңыз туралы барлығын айтып беріңізші. 18. Оған ешкім көмектеспеді. 80
Exercise 13. Look at the way we write and say prices in British and American English. Practise saying them. British English Written Spoken ₤1 a pound 50p fifty pence ₤1.99 one pound ninety-nine ₤16.40 sixteen pounds forty
American English Written Spoken $1 a dollar 50ć fifty cents 25ć a quarter 10ć a dime
Exercise 14. Choose Would/Do you like…? Or I/I’d like … to complete the conversations. 1. Would you like Do you like a cigarette? No, thanks. I don’t smoke. 2. Do you like Would you like your teacher? Yes. She’s very nice. 3. Do you like Would you like a drink? Yes, please/ Some Coke, please. 4. Can I help you? Yes, I like a book of stamps, please. Yes, I’d like 5. What sports do you do? Well, I’d like swimming very much. Well, I like 6. Excuse me, are you ready to order? Yes, I like Yes, I’d like a steak, please. Exercise 15. Make conversations in these places with a partner. Use the ideas to help you 1 in a clothes shop 81
a shirt/tie What size are you? small/medium/large too small/ too big I’ll have it, please I’ll have them, than 2 in a chemist’s conditioner shaving foam deodorant stomach ache sore throat 3 in a café a black/white coffee an espresso/a cappuccino a pot of tea a sparkling/still mineral water a piece of chocolate cake 4 in a post office some stamps First or second class? a letter/postcard to Japan send this parcel to Mexico buy some envelopes S.S.W.(Self Study Work) Exercise 1. Complete these requests with Can / could I…?or Can/ could you…? 1.______________________ have a cheese sandwich, please? 2 ______________________tell me the time, please? 3.______________________take me to school? 4.______________________ see the menu, please? 5______________________ lend me some money, please? 6.______________________ help me with my homework, please? 7._____________________ borrow your dictionary, please? 82
Exercise 2. Read the text: My Uncle’s a Shopkeeper. My uncle’s a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by the river Thames near Oxford. The shop sells a lot of things: bread, milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapersAlmost everything! It is also a village post office. The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice-cream on their way home from school. My uncle doesn’t often leave the village. He hasn’t got a car, so once а month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at a Grand Hotel with some friends. He is one of the happiest man I know. Exercise 3. Answer the questions: 1. What is my uncle? 2. Where is his shop? 3. What does his shop sell? 4. What do the children buy in his shop? 5. Is he one of the happiest man? Exercise 4. Retell the text to your partner. Exercise 5. Check your grammar. Complete the sentences. Use some or any + a suitable noun. Asem has gone to the bank to get some money. 1) Can I have _________ in my tea ? I don’t like it black. 2) I want to light the barbecue but I haven’t got ________________. 3) Nurlan is not happy with his chemistry exam. He knows he made____________. 4) Can I borrow____________________ I need to wash my hair. 5) Sorry, but everyone has to sit on the floor. We haven’t got__________yet 6) Can I have_____________on my bread? I prefer strawberry jam if you have it. 83
7) I’ d like ____________about hotels in London, please. 8) There wasn’t_____________in my village last winter so we couldn’t go skiing Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with correct words something, someone, somewhere. Some + thing/body any + one/body every + where 1) «Did you meet____________nice at the party?» «Yes. I met_________who knows you! 2) «Ouch! There’s________ in my eye!» Let me look. No I can’t see_________ 3) ‘Let’s go___________hot for our holidays. «But we can’t go ___________ that’s ‘ expensive». 4) I’m so unhappy____________ loves me. I know _____________ who loves you.Me. 5) I lost my glasses. I looked ___________ , but I couldn’t find them. 6) I’m bored, I want_______________interesting to read, or__________interesting to talk to, or ___________ interesting to go. 8) It was a great party. _______________ loved it. Exercise 7. 1. Complete the conversations with the correct Social expressions I’m sorry, Excuse me, of course, Pardon A ----------! Can I get past? B ----------? A Can I get past, please? B ---------. I didn’t hear you. Yes,-----------. A Thanks a lot. 2. That’s I hear A B A C
right Oh, what a pity Congratulations Never mind you’re going to get married soon. ! , next July. July 21. Can you come to the wedding? ! That’s when we’re away on holiday. . We’ll send you some wedding cake. 84
A That’s very kind. 3. Hurry up all right Oh, dear Just a minute I haven’t a clue. A ----------- ! Look at the time! ----------- , or we’ll miss the train. B ---------- ! I can’t find my umbrella. Do you know where it is? A --------- . But you won’t need it. It’s a lovely day. Just look at the sky! B Oh ,--------. Let’s go, then. 4. Good luck See you later Same to you Good idea What about you No, of course not. A ---------- in your exam! B ---------- . I hope we both pass. A Did you go out last night? B ----------- .I went to bed early. A Me, too ------- after the exam. Let’s go for a drink. B -------------
LESSON 11 Describing a person (Character and appearance) Grammar. Comparatives and Superlatives. Synonyms and antonyms. Directions. Exercise 1. Think of someone in your family. Write 3 sentences about them. Why did you choose that person? Did you write about their character, appearance or both? Topical vocabulary Decent әдепті Intelligent ақылды Persistent қажымас Straightforward тікмінезді Reasonable ақылды pleasant тартымды, әдемі Conscientious ұяты бар Reserved тұйық Reliable сенімді Smart қабілетті Kind ақкөңіл Cheerful көңілді Nice мейірімді Open-hearted ақжарқын Wise ақылды Shy ұялшақ Bright қабілетті Brave батыл Calm байсалды Gifted дарынды Communicable тілтапқыш Faithful сенімді Fair әділ 86
Indecent Silly Stupid Foolish Weak-willed Lying
әдепсіз ақымақ ақымақ ақымақ еріксіз, әлсіз өтірікші
Blockheaded Immoral Dishonest Nasty Naughty Bad Vulgar Unreliable Crafty Rude Dull Malicious Impudent Sly Selfish Naivie Narrow minded
топас, ессіз әдепсіз арам ұсқынсыз тыңдамайтын жаман көргенсіз сенімсіз айлакер дөрекі топас ашулы арсыз қу өзімшіл аңқау шектеулі
Frank Just Diligent Generous Noble Honest Industrious Punctual Resolute Strong-willed Tactful Well-bred Witty Purposeful
ашық әділ жайлы кеңпейілді жігерлі адал пейнеткөш нақты, дәл берік ерікті инабатты тәртіпті өте ақылды мақсатты
Bore Ill-bread Irritable Jealous azy Mean Nervous Light minded Stringy Touchy Nuisance Liar Coward
мылжың тәрбиесіз ашуланшақ қызғаншақ жалқау пасық күйгелек жеңілтек іші тар өкпелегіш ыңылдақ өтірікші қорқақ
Exercise 3. Read the text with the aim of understanding. ENGLISH CHARACTER One of the most striking features of English life is the selfdiscipline and courtesy of people of all classes. There is little noisy behaviour, and practically no loud disputing in the street. People do not rush excitedly for seats in buses or trains, but take their seats in queues at bus stops in a quiet and orderly manner. Englishmen are naturally polite and are never tired in saying «Thank you», «I’m sorry», «Beg your pardon». If you follow anyone who is entering a building or a room, he will hold a door open for you. Many foreigners have commented on a remarkable politeness of the English people. English people do not like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations, and ordinary people seem to remain good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties. The Englishman does not like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress or speech. Sometimes he conceals his knowledge: a linguist, for example, may not mention his understanding of a foreigner’s language. The Englishmen prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats, because he does not wish his doing to be overlooked by his neighbours. «An Englishman’s house is his castle». 87
Many Englishmen help their wives at home in many ways. They clean the windows on Saturday afternoon; they often wash up the dishes after supper in the evening. Sunday is a very quiet day in London. All the shops are closed, and so are the theatres and most of the cinemas. Londoners like to get out of town on Sundays. The sea is not far – only fifty or sixty miles away and people like to go down to the sea in summer or somewhere to the country for skiing in winter. AMERICAN CHARACTER American society seems to be much more informal than the British and in some ways, is characterized by less social distinction. Students do not rise when а teacher enters the room. One does not always address a person by his title, such as «Major» or «General» or «Doctor» in the case of a holder of a Doctor of Philosophy Degree. The respectful «Sir» is not always used in the northern or western parts of the country. However it is best to use a person title when first meeting him/her and then allow the person to tell you how he/she wishes to be called. They use first names when calling each other clap on the back, joke and are much freer in speech, which is more slangy than the conventional British English. You will often hear the word «Hi» (a form of greeting among friends) used instead of usual «Hello», and «Howdy» instead of «How do you do?» Those who don’t easily show these signs of friendship are called «snooty» or «snobbish». In contrast, people who show such simple signs of friendship, рarticularly to their own economic and social inferiors are praised as «regular guys», or as «truly democratic». As a description of character, democratic is generally used to signify that a person of high social or economic status acts in such a way that his or her inferiors are not reminded of their inferiority. Yet, in spite of all the informality, Americans, even in the way they address each other, show consciousness of social distinction. For example, one is likely to use somewhat more formal language when talking to superiors. While the informal «Hello» is an 88
acceptable greeting from employee, to employer, the employee is more apt to say «Hello, Mr. Ferguson», while the employer may reply «Hello, Jim». Southerners make a point of saying «Yes, sir,» or «Yes, Ma’am,» or «No, sir,’ or «No, Ma’am,» when talking to an older person or a person in a position of authority. While this is good form all over the United States, «Yes, Mr. Weston» or «No, Mrs. Baker» is somewhat more common in a similar situation in the North or West. Certain other forms of politeness are observed on social occasions. Women may wear hats in church, in restaurants, and often when attending luncheons in public places and other public social functions except those take place in the evening. Men who do wear hats ordinarily remove them in elevators, churches, restaurants, private homes, business offices- in fact, in most public situations when they wish to show respect. Exercise 4. Read the story and tell about the student. I was born on the 25th of April 1986 in Minsk. At the age of 7 I went to school. I studied at the same school for 11 years. At school, I got the qualification of a guide and last January I finished an additional two-year course of English. All these things were interesting to me. About a month ago I passed my final exams at school. My marks were excellent in all the subjects and I got a golden medal. We had a wonderful farewell party at the end I said good-bye to my teachers and classmates. I had asked myself many times what I wanted to do when I left school. A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. Then I realized that my strongest desire was to continue specializing in humanities and learn foreign languages in particular. Now a few words about my character and interests. My friends say that I am sociable, honest, helpful and cheerful. But my parents and my teachers sometimes say that I am not hard-working enough, and that sometimes I am stubborn and hard to deal with, but I don’t think I am. I often lose my temper but never have a grudge against anybody. My favourite occupation is playing the guitar, reading and going to the theatre. I am fond of sport as well. 89
Exercise 5. Write a story about yourself. Use the articles where it necessary. 1….Volga is … longest river in … Europe. 2. …History and … Literature were … my favourite subjects at … school. 3. What is … nearest way to … Drama theatre? 4. … butter and … cheese are made of … milk. 5. Usually I get up at … 7 o’ clock in … morning. 6. … Rostov is situated on … Don. 7. Will you have … cup of … tea? 8. What … good friend you are! 9. We shall go to … cinema … next week together with … Petrovs. 10. This is … book, … book is very interesting. 11. Do you see … sun in … sky today? 12. He is … engineer by … profession. Exercise 6. Translate into Russian. Explain the use of definite and indefinite articles: Last week I met my friend. He was with a young girl. The girl was a student of our Academy. 2. This is a pencil. The pencil is red. 3. She is a teacher. She is our teacher of English. 4. It is a lake. The lake is deep. It is one of the deepest lake of the world. 5. There are many flowers in your garden. The flowers are beautiful. 6. Did you write a plane? Give me your plane, please. Is this plane effective? 7. The Black sea is in the South of the Russia. 8. This is Mike. He works as an engineer. Mike is a highly qualified engineer. 9. There are some schools in our street. The schools are new. 10. Gagarin was the first cosmonaut of the world. 11. In summer the sky is blue and the sun shines brightly. 12. The Petrovs are very friendly. 13. This is Ann’s book. I don’t like such books. 14. Winter begins in December. Exercise 7. Describe a person in your family. Write answers to questions 1-6 about him /her. 1. Think of someone in your family. 2. How is this person related to you 3. Why are you choosing this person? 4. What is he/she like? 5. What does he/she look like? 7. What does he/she like to do? 8. Read your sentences to the rest of the class. 90
Physical appearance Character Habits Exercise 8. Not very tolerant in paragraph 2 is a polite way of saying intolerant. Make polite forms of these words. Rude, boring, cheap, ugly, cruel, stupid use your sentences from exercise 1 to write a similar description of one of your relatives. Include: – your relation to him/her – your opinion of him/her – physical description – his/her character, habits, likes and dislikes Exercise 9. Read the description of Emily Morgan. Write the words and phrases used to describe her on the chart. Emily Morgan, My Aunt Of all my relatives, I like my Aunt Emily the best. She is my mother’s youngest sister. She has never married and she lives all alone in a small village near Bath. She is in her late fifties, but she is still quite young in spirit. She has a fair complexion, curly grey hair, and deep blue eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice about her is her warm, friendly smile. Her face is a little lined now, but I think she is still rather attractive. She is the kind of person you can always go to you have a problem. Aunt Emily likes reading and gardening, and she likes to take her dog, Buster, for long walks in the park. She is a very active person. Either she is making something or mending something or doing something to help others. She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village. She is extremely generous, but not very tolerant of people who do not agree with her. I hope that I am as contented as she is when I am her age. 91
Exercise 10. Character adjectives. Do the personality quiz to discover what type of person you are. Write Y for Yes, N for No, and S for sometimes. What type of person are you? 1. Are usually smiling and happy? 2. Do you enjoy the company of other people? 3. Do you find it difficult to meet new people? 4. Do you have definite plans for your future career? 5. Does your mood change often and suddenly for no reason? 6. Do you notice other people’s feelings? 7. Do you think the future will be good? 8. Can your friends depend on you? 9. Is your room often a mess? 10. Do you get annoyed if you have to wait for anyone or anything? 11. Do you put off until tomorrow what you could do today? 12. Do you work hard? 13. Do you keep your feelings and ideas to yourself? 14. Do you often give presents? 15. Do you talk a lot? 16. Are you usually calm and not worried by things? Exercise 11. Work with a partner. Ask your partner to do the quiz about you. Compare your ideas and your partner’s ideas about you. Are they the same or different? 1. Match these adjectives with the questions in the quiz. □ Reliable □ lazy □ Optimistic □ generous □ Sociable □ moody □ Talkative □ hardworking □ Reserved □ easygoing □ Shy □ untidy □ Impatient □ cheerful □ Ambitious □ sensitive 2. Which adjectives describe you? Which adjectives describe positive qualities and which describe negative? Which describe both? 92
3. Write the opposite of the adjectives in exercise 3. Remember that the prefixes in- and un- can sometimes be used to make negatives. Which of the adjectives can use these? 4. Describe someone in the class to your partner, but don’t say who it is. Can your partner guess who it is? Exercise 12. Read the description of Mrs. Snell and Steve. Mrs. Snell I’ve got a new neighbour. He moved in a few weeks ago. He’s got a job, because I see him leaving the house every morning and then coming home in the evening. He’s a builder, I think. He wears jeans and a T-shirt, so it can’t be a very good job. Sometimes he comes home late. I’ve never spoken to him. When he sees me, he says hello, but I don’t answer back because nobody has introduced us. How can I speak to him? His girlfriend is living with him. I know it’s not unusual these days, but I still don’t like it, boys and girls living together and not married. It’s such a small flat. I don’t how two people can live there. He had a party last week. Forty people! The noise! It went on until two in the morning/ he said sorry the next day, but it was a bit late by then. I didn’t sleep all night. Oh, there’s the door. I can see him now. He’s going out with his girlfriend. I wonder what they’re doing tonight. Having a good time, going to the pub, probably. Steve I moved into this flat a few weeks ago, and I’m really enjoying living here. There’s only one bedroom, and at the moment my sister is staying with me because she’s looking for a job. I work in advertising. It’s hard work, and the hours are really long, but I like it. And it’s well paid. The office is really relaxed. No one wears a suit or a tie. The only thing I don’t like about this flat is one of the neighbours, Mrs. Snell, I think her name is. She’s really strange. She 93
never speaks to anyone. I always say hello to her, and ‘are you all right?’ and ‘What a lovely day today!’, but she never says a word. Maybe she doesn’t like young people. I had a party a few days ago. It really wasn’t very noisy. About ten of us were here until 11.00 and then we went out to a club. When I saw Mrs. Snell the next day, I said I hoped there wasn’t too much noise, but as usual she didn’t say anything. Funny lady. This evening my sister and I are going to visit a friend of ours who’s in hospital, and then we’re going out for a Chinese meal. Exercise 13. Answer the questions: 1. When did Steve move into his new flat? 2. Is it a large flat? 3. What’s his job? Is it a good job? 4. Does he work long hours? 5. What does he wear for work? 6. Who is staying with Steve at the moment? 7. What time did Steve’s party end? 8. How many people came to the party? 9. What is Steve doing tonight? 10. Why doesn’t Mrs. Snell want to speak to Steve?
PART II Text 1 Computer system A computer system is a collection of components that work together to process data. The purpose of a computer system is to make it as easy as possible for you to use a computer to solve problems. A functioning computer system combines hardware elements with software elements. The hardware elements are the mechanical devices in the system, the machinery and the electronics that perform physical functions. The software elements are the programs written for the system; these programs perform logical and mathematical operations and provide a means for you to control the system. Documentation includes the manuals and listings that tell you how to use the hardware and software. Collectively these components provide a complete computer system: system hardware + system software + system documentation = computer system. Usually, a computer system requires these basic hardware items: the computer, which performs all data processing; a terminal device, used like a typewriter for two-way communication between the user and the system; and a storage medium for storing programs and data. Computer systems that provide (or use) have a magnate device, because the magnate device is an industry – standard storage device. Peripheral devices are classified as input/output (I/O) devices since the functions they perform provide information (input) to the computer, accept information (output) from the computer, or do both. Line printers are output devices because they perform only output operations. Terminals and storage devices are input/output devices because they perform both input and output operations. System software is an organized set of supplied programs that effectively transform the system hardware components into usable tools. These programs include operations, functions, and routines that make it easier for you to use the hardware to solve problems and produce results. 95
For example, some system programs store and retrieve data are among the various peripheral devices. Others perform difficult or lengthy mathematical calculations. Some programs allow you to create, edit, and process application programs of your own. System software always includes operating systems, which is the «intelligence» of the computer system. Usually the system software includes one or several language processors. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
List of words: a collection of components – компоненттерін жинағы to process data – деректерді өңдеу combine – біріктіру hardware elements – аппараттық элементтері devices – құрылғылар perform – орындау provide a means – қамтамасыз құралдары require – талап ету basic hardware items – негізгі аппараттық тармақтар data processing – деректерді өңдеу a typewriter – жазу машинкасы a storage medium – сақтау орта Line printers – принтерлер желісі usable tools – жарамды құралдары retrieve data – деректерді шығарып алу edit – өңдеу
II. Comprehension check: 1. What is a computer system? 2. How many elements does a computer system have? 3. The software elements are the programs written for the system, aren’t they? 4. What kind of components does a computer system provide? 5. Why does computer system have a magnate device? 6. How are peripheral devices classified? 7. What is the software system? 8. What makes easier for you to use hardware to solve problems and produce results? 9. What is there among the various peripheral devices? 96
III. Match the words and their definitions: 1. software 2. hardware 3. peripheral devices 4. storage devices 5. line printers 6. computer system 7. system software
a) the mechanical devices in the system b) includes operating systems, which is the «intelligence» of the computer system c) input/output devices because they perform both input and output operations. d) are classified as input/output (I/O) devices e) provide (or use) have a magnate device, because the magnate device is an industry standard storage device. f) output devices because they perform only output operations. g) the programs written for the system
IV. Complete the following sentences as in the text: 1. The purpose of a computer system is to make it as easy as …. 2. A functioning computer system combines…. 3. The software elements are the programs written for the system; these programs perform…. 4. A computer system requires these basic hardware items….. 5. Computer systems that provide (or use) have a magnate device…. 6. These programs include…. 7. System software always includes operating systems…. V. Find the following English word-combinations to the Kazakh equivalents: 1. стандартты сақтау құрылғысы 2. жинақта берілген бағдарламалар 3. толыққанды компьютерлік жүйесі 4. ақпарат қамтамасыз ету орындау (кірісі) 5. Құжаттама нұсқауларды және тізімдерді қамтиды 6. бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету элементтері 7. шеттік құрылғылары 97
8. кіріс / шығыс (I / O) құрылғылар, 9. ақпарат қабылдайды (шығару) 10. екі жақты байланыс. a) the peripheral devices, b) the supplied programs, c) standard storage device, d) input/output (I/O) devices, e) accept information (output), f) provide information input, g) two-way communication, h) a complete computer system, i) documentation includes the manuals and listings, g) the software elements VI. Ask as many questions as possible to the given sentences: 1. The CPU is the nerve centre of any computer since it coordinates and controls the activities of all the other units 2. Our engineers want the complex problems to be solved by computers. 3. Information has to be in the form of digits or characters for a digital computer to perform reasonable operations. 4. The instruction register is the part of the instruction decoder in which the address of current instruction is stored. 5. The speed of the computer may be found by measuring the time which is required for it to transmit one word out of the memory to where it will be used. 6. The third generation computers also introduced system software technologies like Operating Systems and Data Base Management Systems. 7. The microcomputers were the first computers to use a single microprocessor chip as the processor. VII. Arrange synonyms in pairs and translate them : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
speed peripheral to control to write to do to receive to accept
a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
to take in information unit command to get to record rate
8. instruction 9. section 10. data
h) to make i) auxiliary j) to handle
VIII. Translate the sentences into your language using the following verbs: (to combine, to perform, to accept, to be, to retrieve) 1. Жұмыс істеп тұрған компьютерлік жүйе бағдарламалық және аппараттық құралының элементтерін біріктіреді 2. Бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету элементтері жүйесі үшін жазбаша түрдегі бағдарламалар болып есептеледі. 3. Енгізу блогы ақпараты сырттан алатын компьютердің бір бөлігі болып табылады. 4. Қосымша құрылғылары, кіріс / шығыс құрылғылар болып табылады, себебі олар кіріс және шығыс операцияларын орындайды. 5. Жүйелік бағдарламалық құрал, үнемі компьютерлік жүйені қамтиды, операциялық жүйенің «миы» болып табылады. IX. Find and write out the text sentences in the Passive Voice and translate them into Kazakh: X. Retell the text «Computer system». Use the active vocabulary. Text 2 Types of Software A computer to complete a job requires more than just the actual equipment or hardware we see and touch. It requires Software – programs for directing the operation of a computer or electronic data. Software is the final computer system component. These computer programs instruct the hardware how to conduct processing. The computer is merely a general-purpose machine which requires specific software to perform a given task. Computers can input, calculate, compare, and output data as information. Software determines the order in 99
which these operations are performed. Programs usually fall in one of two categories: system software and applications software. System software controls standard internal computer activities. An operating system, for example, is a collection of system programs that aid in the operation of a computer regardless of the application software being used. When a computer is first turned on, one of the systems programs is booted or loaded into the computers memory. This software contains information about memory capacity, the model of the processor, the disk drives to be used, and more. Once the system software is loaded, the applications software can be brought in. System programs are designed for the specific pieces of hardware. These programs are called drivers and coordinate peripheral hardware and computer activities. User needs to install a specific driver in order to activate a peripheral device. For example, if you intend to buy a printer or a scanner you need to worry in advance about the driver program which, though, commonly goes along with your device. By installing the driver you «teach» your mainboard to «understand» the newly attached part. Applications software satisfies your specific need. The developers of application software rely mostly on marketing research strategies trying to do their best to attract more users (buyers) to their software. As the productivity of the hardware has increased greatly in recent years, the programmers nowadays tend to include as much as possible in one program to make software interface look more attractive to the user. These class of programs is the most numerous and perspective from the marketing point of view. Data communication within and between computers systems is handled by system software. Communications software transfers data from one computer system to another. These programs usually provide users with data security and error checking along with physically transferring data between the two computer's memories. During the past five years the developing electronic network communication has stimulated more and more companies to produce various communication software, such as Web-Browsers for Internet. І. List of words: 1. specific – ерекше, айрықша 100
2. to boot – жүктеу 3. to check – тексеру, қарау 4. to complete – аяқтау 5. to conduct – өткізу, жүргізу 6. to develop – дамыту, қүрастыру, жасау 7. to direct – бағыттау 8. to handle – басқару, бақылау 9. to install – орнату 10. to provide with – қамтамасыз ету 11. to require – талап ету 12. to secure – да қамтамасыз ету 13. to transfer – аудару, ауыстыру, жіберу 14.Web-browser – веб-шолғыш (пайдаланушының жаһандық электронды желінсін Интернет арқылы ақпаратты іздеу және шығарып алуға мүмкіндік беретін бағдарлама) 15. mainboard – жүйелік ақы ІІ. Comprehension check: 1. What is software? 2. In what two basic groups could software (programs) be divided? 3. What does the system software control? 4. Is an operating system – a system software or application software? 5. What is a «driver»? 6. What is application software? 7. What is application software used for? 8. What is the tendency in application software market in the recent years? 9. What does the communication software provide? ІІІ. Agree or disagree with these statements: 1. The computer is not merely a general-purpose machine which requires specific software to perform a given task. 2. Computers can input, calculate, compare, and output data as information. 3. Programs usually fall in two or more categories: system software and applications software. 101
4. This software contains instruction about memory capacity, the model of the processor, the disk drives to be used, and more. 5. System programs are not designed for the specific pieces of hardware. 6. Communications software can not transfer data from one computer system to another. ІV. Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. A computer to complete a job requires more than just the actual equipment or hardware we see and touch. 2. Computers can input, calculate, compare, and output data as information. 3. Software determines the order in which these operations are performed. 4. System programs are designed for the specific pieces of hardware. 5. These class of programs is the most numerous and perspective from the marketing point of view. 6. Communications software transfers data from one computer system to another. I. Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary: 1. Компьютерлік бағдарламалар аппараттық құралдарды қалай өңдеу үшін нүсқау береді. 2. Компьютерлер есептеу, салыстыру және ақпарат ретінде шығыс деректерін енгізе алады. 3. Қолданбалы программалық қамсыздандыру әзірлеушілері ең алдымен нарықтық зерттеу стратегиясына сүйене отырып өздерінің бағдарламалық қамтамасына көп пайдаланушыларды (клиенттерді) тарту үшін қолдан келгеннің бәрін істеуге тырысады. 4. Осы бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету классы маркетинг тұрғысынан ең көп және келешегі бар болып табылады. 5. Қолданбалы бағдарламалық қамсыздандыру сіздің нақты қажеттіліктерінізді қанағаттандырады. 102
6. Байланыс бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету деректерді бір компьютер жүйесінен басқаға аударады. II. Match the word and its translation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
aid – to attach – control – developer – equipment – general-purpose – internal – memory capacity –
9. regard – 10. regardless – 11. security –
a) қауіпсіздік b) бақылау c) тіркеу ,бекіту, коса бер d) жабдық e) әзірлеуші f) қарамастан, үйтсе де h) ішкі i) қатысты, байланысты, ескере отырып j) жад сыйымдылығы k) жалпы максат l) көмек
III. Complete the following sentences as in the text: 1. An operating system, for example, is a collection of system programs ….. 2. A computer to complete a job requires more than ….. 3. When a computer is first turned on, one of the systems programs ….. 4. These programs usually provide users with data security and error …. 5. If you intend to buy a printer or a scanner you need to worry in advance about the driver program ….. 6. Once the system software is loaded, the applications software ….. 7. Programs usually fall in one of two categories: system software ….. IV. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Specify your answer using the text: 103
1. Computer programs only instruct hardware how to handle data storage. 2. System software controls internal computer activities. 3. System software is very dependable on the type of application software being used. 4. The information about memory capacity, the model of the processor and disk drives are unavailable for system software. 5. The driver is a special device usually used by car drivers for Floppy-disk driving. 6. It is very reasonable to ask for a driver when you buy a new piece of hardware. 7. Software developers tend to make their products very small and with poor interface to save computer resources. 8. Communication software is in great demand now because of the new advances in communication technologies. 9. Application software is merely a general-purpose instrument. 10. Web-browsers is the class of software for electronic communication through the network. V. Find and write out the text sentences in the Passive Voice and translate them into Kazakh: VI. Retell the text «Types of Software». Use the active vocabulary. Text 3 Cisco Systems Cisco Systems, Inc. is a leading supplier of communications and computer networking products, systems, and services. The company's product line includes routers, switches, remote access devices, protocol translators, Internet services devices, and networking and network management software, all of which link together geographically dispersed local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and the Internet itself. Cisco serves three main market segments: large organizations, including corporations, government entities, utilities, and educational institutions; service providers, including Internet service providers, 104
telephone and cable companies, and providers of wireless communications; and small and medium-sized businesses whose needs include operating networks, connecting to the Internet, and connecting with business partners. Cisco operates globally, deriving roughly 44 percent of its sales from overseas business. Cisco Systems was founded in December 1984 in Menlo Park, California, by a husband and wife team from Stanford University, Leonard Bosack and Sandra Lerner. Bosack was the manager of the computer science department's laboratory, and Lerner oversaw the computers at the graduate school of business. At Stanford, Bosack devised a way to connect the two local area networks in the respective departments where he and his wife worked, 500 yards across campus. Lerner and Bosack initially tried to sell the internet-working technology that Bosack had developed to existing computer companies, but none were interested. They then decided to start their own business, Cisco Systems, based on this technology. I. List of words: 1. a leading supplier – жетекші жеткізуші 2. communication – байланыс 3. networking products – желілік өнімдері 4. to include – қамту, қосу 5. routers – маршрутизаторлар 6. switches – қосқыштар 7. remote access devices – қашықтан кіру құрылғылар 8. protocol translators – хаттама аудармашылар 9. network management software – желілік басқарудың бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету 10. link – байланыс 11. dispersed – бытырап 12. local area networks (LANs) – жергілікті желілер (LAN), 13. three main market – үш негізгі нарық 14. government entities – мемлекеттік органдар 15. utilities – коммуналдық қызметтер 16. educational institutions – оқу орындары 17. service providers – қызмет жеткізушілері 105
II. Comprehension check: 1. What is Cisco Systems? 2. What does the company's product line include? 3. How many three main market segments does Cisco serve? 4. How does Cisco globally operate? 5. When was Cisco Systems founded? 6. Who was the manager of the computer science department's laboratory? 7. What did Lerner and Bosack initially try to sell? III. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Specify your answer using the text: 1. Cisco Systems, Inc. is a leading supplier of telecommunications. 2. Cisco serves three main market segments. 3. Cisco operates globally, deriving roughly 47 percent of its sales from overseas business. 4. Cisco Systems was founded in December 1986 in Menlo Park, California by himself. 5. At California, Bosack devised a way to connect the two local area networks in the respective departments where he and his wife worked, 500 yards across campus. 6. Lerner and Bosack initially tried to buy the internet-working technology that Bosack had developed to existing computer companies, but none were interested. 7. Then they decided to start their own business, Cisco Systems, based on this technology. IV. Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. An information technology is a good vehicle for the argument. 2. The Internet has become commercialized with private and public companies offering access to it. 3. One of the most exciting new areas of computer research is virtual reality. 4. The software for a computer system is often more expensive than the hardware. 106
5. Much personal information about individuals is now stored in computer files. 6. The mathematical tables of the nineteenth century were full of mistakes. 7. Virtual reality techniques have been used to make a 3Dmodel of the planet. 8. Computer technology has opened a variety of opportunities for people who are creative risk-takers. V. Match the word and its translation: 1. Internet service providers – a) шағын және орта бизнес 2. telephone and cable companies – b) сымсыз байланысын жеткізушілері 3. providers of wireless communications – c) телефон және кабельдік компаниялар 4. small and medium-sized businesses – d) Интернет-жеткізушілері 5. medium-sized businesses – e) барған сайын 6. increasingly – f) пайда болу 7. appear – g) орта бизнес 8. in the consumer marketplace – h) жетекшілік 9. oversaw – i) тұтынушылық нарықта 10. to devise – j) тиісті бөлімдеріндеk 11. in the respective department – k) ойлап табу VI. Choose the third form of the given verbs: took, takes, take, taken, thought, think, thinks, arrive, arrives, arrived, did, do, does, done, speaks, speak, spoken, spoke, see, saw, sees, seen, was, is, am, been, were, writes, wrote, write, written, has, had, have, receives, received, receive, expresses, express, expressed. VII. Arrange antonyms in pairs and translate them: 1. inside – a) to the right 2. addition – b) simple 3. multiplication – c) outside 107
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
to the left – small – at the right – to add – binary – north – subtraction –
d) e) f) g) h) i) g)
division complex to subtract at the left south blank big
VIII. Find and write out the text sentences in the Passive Voice and translate them into Kazakh: IX. Translate the following sentences with the emphatic construction «It is (was)… that (who, which, when)…» 1. It is electrical engineering that deals with all kinds of electrical instruments and devices. 2. It was invention of the computer that revolutionized the thinking process. 3. It was in 1944 when the first automatic computer appeared and began to operate. 4. It is an input unit that accepts information from outside the computer. 5. It was B. Pascal who invented the fist mechanical computer. 6. It is in industrial technology and scientific development that electronic devices contributed greatly. 7. It was Norbert Wiener who was considered to be the father of cybernetics. X. Retell the text «Cisco Systems». Use the active vocabulary. Text 4 Linux Linux is a Unix-like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system (OS) assembled under the model of free and opensource software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on 5 October 1991 by Linus Torvalds. The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy. Linux was originally developed as a free operating system for personal computers based on the Intel x86 architecture, but has since 108
been ported to more computer hardware platforms than any other operating system. Thanks to its dominance on smartphones, Android, which is built on top of the Linux kernel, has the largest installed base of all general-purpose operating systems. Linux, in its original form, is also the leading operating system on servers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers and virtually all fastest supercomputers, but is used on only around 1.6% of desktop computers with Linux-based Chrome OS taking about 5% of the overall and nearly 20% of the sub-$300 notebook sales. Linux also runs on embedded systems, which are devices whose operating system is typically built into the firmware and is highly tailored to the system; this includes smartphones and tablet computers running Android and other Linux derivatives, TiVo and similar DVR devices, network routers, facility automation controls, televisions, video game consoles, and smartwatches. The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open-source software collaboration. The underlying source code may be used, modified and distributed – commercially or noncommercially – by anyone under the terms of its respective licenses, such as the GNU General Public License. Typically, Linux is packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution, for both desktop and server use. Some of the popular mainstream Linux distributions are Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, openSUSE, Arch Linux and Gentoo, together with commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server distributions. Linux distributions include the Linux kernel, supporting utilities and libraries, and usually a large amount of application software to fulfill the distribution's intended use. Distributions oriented toward desktop use typically include a windowing system, such as X11, Mir or a Wayland implementation, and an accompanying desktop environment, such as GNOME or the KDE Software Compilation; some distributions may also include a less resource-intensive desktop, such as LXDE or Xfce. Distributions intended to run on servers may omit all graphical environments from the standard install, and instead include other software to set up and operate a solution stack such as LAMP. Because Linux is freely redistributable, anyone may create a distribution for any intended use. 109
I. List of words: 1. compliant – үйлесімді, стандартына сәйкес 2. assembled – жиналған 3. Linux kernel – Linux ядросы 4. Originally – алғашқыда 5. dominance on smartphones – смартфондарда үстемдік 6. virtually – іс жүзінде 7. the overall and nearly – жалпы және шамамен 8. firmware – аппараттық-бағдарламалық құрал 9. derivatives – туынды 10. video game consoles – ойын тіреуіштерін 11. development – жоба, зерттеме 12. modified and distributed – түрлендірілген және үлестірілген 13. under the terms – шарттарына сәйкес, шарттары бойынша 14. desktop – жұмыс үстелі 15. mainstream – баршаға қол жетімді 16. utilities – коммуналдық 17. to fulfill – орындау 18. to intend – ниеттену 19. to include – кірістіру, қамту 20. implementation – іске асыру 21. accompanying – сүйемелдеу 22. compilation – жинағы 23. to omit – түсіру үшін 24. to install – орнату 25. to set up – орнату 26. stack – жинағы, үйме, үйінді 27. redistributable – таратылатын II. Comprehension check: 1. What is Linux? 2. When did the Linux kernel first release? 3. What was originally developed as a free operating system? 4. Is the development of Linux one of the most prominent examples of free and open-source software collaboration? 5. What do Linux distributions include? 6. What servers did distributions intend to run on? 7. Can anyone create a distribution for any intended use? 110
III. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Specify your answer using the text: 1. The defining component of Linux is an operating system first released on 5 October 1990 by Linus Thorvads. 2. The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe Linux kernel, which has led to some controversy. 3. Linux was developed as a free operating system for personal computers based on the Intel x-86 architecture. 4. Linux also runs on single systems, which are devices whose operating system is typically built into the firmware and is highly tailored to the system 5. The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open-source software collaboration. 6. Linux is known as a Linux distribution, for both desktop and server use. 7. Linux distributions include the Linux kernel, supporting utilities and libraries, and usually a large amount of application software to fulfill the distribution's intended use. 8. Linux is freely redistributable; anyone can create a distribution for any intended use. IV. Memorize the following definitions: 1. Computers can deal with different kinds of problems if they are given the right instructions for what to do. Instructions are first written in one of the high-level languages, e.g. FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, PL/I, PASCAL, BASIC, or C. 2. FORTRAN acronym for FORmula TRANslation. This language is used for solving scientific and mathematical problems. It consists of algebraic formula and English phrases. It was first introduced in the United States in 1954. 3. COBOL acronym for Common Business-Oriented Language. This language is used for commercial purposes. COBOL, which is written using English statements, deals with problems that do not involve a lot of mathematical calculations. It was first introduced in 1959. 4. ALGOL acronym for ALGOrithmic Language. Originally called IAL., which means International Algebraic Language. It is 111
used for mathematical and scientific purposes. ALGOL was first introduced in Europe in 1960. 5. PL.I Programming Language I. Developed in 1964 to combine features of COBOL and ALGOL. Consequently, it is used for data processing as well as scientific applications. 6. BASIC acronym for Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Developed in 1965 at Dartmouth College in the United States for use by students who require a simple language to begin programming. 7. C developed in the 1970s to support the UNIX operating system. C is a highly portable general-purpose language. V. Match the word and its translation: A. a) компьютерлік операциялық жүйе (ОЖ), b) бастапқы ашық бағдарламалық құрал, c) дамыту және тарату, d) Linux кейбір келіспеушілікке алып келеді, e) бастапқы – ашық бағдарламалық құрал, f) тегін операциялық жүйе ретінде әзірленген, g) Intel x86 сәулет негізделген, h) жалпы мақсаттағы операциялық жүйелер, i) жетекші операциялық жүйе, j) барлық шапшаң суперкомпьютер, k) Linux, сондай-ақ орнатылған жүйелермен жұмыс істейді, l) жоғары жүйесіне бейімделген, m) бастап ашық қы – ашық ынтымақтастық бағдарламалық құрал, n) негізінде жатқан бастапқы коды, o) қолданбалы бағдарламалық қамтамасыз етудің үлкен көлемі, p) кем ресурс қарқынды жұмыс үстеліне, q) жұмыс үстеліне бағдарланған. B. open-source software –, oriented toward desktop –, Linux has led to some controversy –, computer operating system (OS) –, open-source software –, development and distribution –, developed as a free operating system –, based on the Intel x86 architecture –, all fastest supercomputers –, general-purpose operating systems –, the leading operating system –, open-source software collaboration –, less resource-intensive desktop –, Linux also runs on embedded systems –, highly tailored to the system –, a large amount of application software –, the underlying source code –, VI. Complete the following sentences as in the text: 1. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released…. . 112
2. The Free Software Foundation uses the name…. . 3. Linux also runs on embedded systems, which are devices whose operating system is…. . 4. Linux is packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution…. . 5. Linux distributions include the Linux kernel, supporting utilities and libraries….. . 6. Desktop typically includes a windowing system, such as X11, Mir or a Wayland implementation…. . 7. Linux is a Unix-like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system (OS) assembled under the model…. . VII. Match the words and their definitions: 1. virus checking program a) a common boundary between two system, devices, or programs 2. systems program b) the code actually executed by the computer, not easily readable by the programmer 3. compiler – c) a program which convert source program into machine code. 4. machine code d) a program written for a particular type of hardware. 5. microchip e) the principal operating part of a computer, consisting of the arithmetic unit and the control unit 6. operating system f) a semiconductor device used to build the hardware of a computer 7. hardware g) something that transmits a computer virus 8. interface h) a program that is used to detect the presence of a virus in memory or disk 9. infector i) the computer equipment and its peripherals 10. central processing unit g) the set of program that jointly control the system resources and the processes using those resources on a computer. 113
VIII. Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. Memory unit is a part of computer which stores information. 2. The memory access time is the time required to transmit one computer word out of the memory to where it will be used. 3. The capacity of computer memory is the quantity of data that the memory unit can hold. 4. Input unit is a section of the computer which accepts information from outside the computer. 5. Output is device or devices which put out information of the computer. 6. The instruction register is the part of the instruction decoder in which the address of current instruction is stored. 7. Information is a set of marks or signs that have meaning. IX. Find and write out the text sentences in the Passive Voice and translate them into Kazakh: X. Retell the text «Linux». Use the active vocabulary. Text 5 Computers Computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions called program and then carry out them. The modern world of high technology can not be possible without computers. Different types and sizes of computers find application throughout our society. They are used for the storage and handling of data, secret governmental files, information about banking transactions and so on. Computers opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow’s weather reports. Usage of different data bases and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. There are two main types of computers, analog and digital, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital 114
type, because this type of computer is widely used today. That is why you should know what a digital computer is. Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation: the ability to determine on or off, high voltage or low voltage or in the case of numbers – 0 or 1 or the so-called binary code. The speed at which the computer performs this simple act is called computer speed. Computer speeds are measured in Hertz or cycles per second. A computer with a «clock speed» of 2000 MHz is a fairly representative microcomputer today. It is capable of executing 2000 million discreet operations per second. Nowadays microcomputers are able to perform from 800 to over 3000 operations per second and supercomputers used in research and defense applications attain speeds of many billions of cycles per second. Except two main types of computers, analog and digital there exist eight generations of digital computers or processing units. The first generation was represented by processing unit Intel 8086. The second processing unit was represented by processing unit Intel 80826 used in IBM PC AT 286. The third generation is Intel 80386, used in IBM PC AT 386. The microprocessors of the fourth generation were used in computers IBM PC AT 486. There are also central processing units of the fifth generation, used in Intel Pentium 60 and Intel Pentium 66, central processing units of the fifth generation, used in Intel Pentium 75, 90,100 and 133. Few years ago there appeared central processing units of the seventh and eighth generations. They are much more powerful and can perform from 2000 to over 3000 million operations per second. 1) List of words 1. essential 2. available 3. execute 4. to enhance 5. handling 6. application 7. discreet 8. transaction 9. defense 10. digital
маңызды қол жетімді орындау күшейту өңдеу қолданыс жасырын іскерлік операция қорғаныс сандық 115
11. to determine 12. storage 13. source 14. perform 15. processing unit 16. generation
анықтау сақтау дерек көзі жүзеге асыру есептеу құрылғысы буын
2) Comprehension check 1. What is a computer? 2. How is the set of instructions received by computer called? 3. Can the modern world of high technology be possible without computers? 4. Different types and sizes of computers found application throughout our society, didn’t they? 5. Why are computers essential tools in almost every field of research? 6. What type of the computer is widely used today? 7. Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation, isn’t it? 8. What is called computer speed? 9. How are computer speeds measured? 10. How many discreet operations per second can microcomputer execute today? 11.What generation computers are much more powerful? 3) Match the words and their definitions: 1. computer a) showing amounts by means of numbers 2. transaction b) an action of fighting against attack 3. source c) a device for storing and analyzing information fed into it 4. defense d) a piece of business done 5. digital e) in every part, during the whole time of smth. 6. calorie f) all people born at about the same time 7. generation g) the unit for measuring the energy supplied by food 8. throughout h) a place from which smth. comes or is obtained 116
4) Complete the following sentences as in the text 1. Computer is an electronic device that ………………………… 2. Different types and sizes of ……………………………….…. 3. Computers opened up a new era ……………………………… 4. Usage of different data bases ………………………………… 5. There are two main types of computers ……………………… 6. Everything that a digital computer does ……………………… 7. Except two main types of computers ………………………… 8. Few years ago there appeared…………………………………. 5) Ask as many questions as possible to the given sentences 1. The modern world of high technology can not be possible without computers. 2. Computers are essential tools in almost every field of research. 3. The speed at which the computer performs this simple act is called computer speed. 4. The first generation was represented by processing unit Intel 8086. 5. Microcomputers are able to perform from 800 to over 3000 operations per second. 6) Translate the sentences into English using the following verbs: to use, to make, to be able, to derive from, to perform 1. Компьютерлер мәліметтерді сақтау және өңдеу үшін, банктік операцияларды жүзеге асыру үшін пайдаланылады. 2. База мәліметтері мен компьютер желілерін қолдану арқылы біз әртүрлі ақпараттың көздеріне қол жеткіземіз. 3. Бүгінгі таңдағы компьютерлер секундына 800-ден 3000-ға дейінгі операцияларды жүзеге асыра алатын қабілетке ие. 4. Мыңдаған ағылшын сөздері латын тілінен шыққан. 5. Секундына 2000-нан 3000 миллионға дейінгі операцияларды жүзеге асыра алатын әжептәуір мықты компьютерлер тобы бар. 7) Find and write out the text sentences in the Passive Voice and translate them into Russian. 117
8) Find similar verbs in meaning: 1. to use 2. to provide 3. to handle 4. to circulate 5. to be composed 6. to aid 7. to connect 8. to derive 9. to perform 10. to determine
a) to operate b) to join c) to apply d) to supply e) to go round f) to define g) to obtain h) to consist i) to process j) to help
9) Read some of the opinions expressed by different people about the computer in modern life. Whose judgments do you agree with and why? Sue: I really enjoy using my computer. It’s so exciting. I can make new friends and chat with them on the Internet. At present I have two close friends from France and Canada. Next summer we are going to meet in Paris and spend a week together visiting museums and painting. Painting is our hobby. Besides, the Internet helps me in my studies. I can find the necessary information and ideas on the Internet and then use it in my work. Michel: I’m learning how to use the computer. It’s very important to me because I’m going to be a computer programmer. I enjoy playing computer games. It’s so exciting. Sometimes I’m lucky and sometimes I’m not, but I hate losing and try my chances again. Mr Hay (their father): Computers offer wonderful opportunities for everybody. However young people spend too much time using computers. They don’t have time to communicate with their relatives and friends, to read, to do sports. Computers are dangerous and addictive. Mrs Hay(their mother): I hate computers. Children sit in front of them for hours. It’s harmful for their eyes. They can’t stop playing cruel and silly games. They become nervous, angry and tired. Computers are a waste of time. Children use them only for games and don’t really learn anything. 10) Retell the text «Computers». Use the active vocabulary. 118
Text 6 Generations of Computer Systems The first generation computer systems, beginning approximately in 1950 employed vacuum tubes as the primary switching component in the processor. Memories were constructed of liquid mercury delay lines or magnetic drums (BESM-1, MINSK-1, IBM 650 are examples). The second generation systems began around the late 1950s and used transistors instead of vacuum tubes and memories were made of magnetized cores (BESM-4 and 6, MINSK-32, M-220, IBM 140 are examples). Size was reduced and reliability was improved significantly in the 2nd generation systems. The 2nd generation was primarily a batch processing environment with a single program running at one time. The third generation computers, beginning in the mid 1960s introduced processors made of integrated circuits (ES -1033,-1045, M – 6000, NAIPI -3, SM-3, IMB 360and 370 are examples). The 3rd generation also introduced software technologies like Operating Systems and Data Base Management Systems. On-line systems were widely developed throughout the 3rd generation, although most processing was still batch oriented. The fourth generation was more evolutionary than revolutionary. Starting in the mid 1970s, the 4th generation computer logic and memory were built almost entirely of chips which contained extremely large numbers of electronic components. The 4th generation embraces extensive integration of small and large computers together in a distributed processing environment (The examples of the 4G computers in our country are ES-1065, NAIRI-4, ELECTRONICA-60, ISKRA1256, etc.). The 5th generation ought to become formalized by 1990s. VLSI and SLSI technologies will put mainframes on everyone’s desk. Optical fibers, videodiscs and new technologies in the research labs will be used to construct the 5th generation computer systems. Artificial intelligence techniques will be incorporated into every type of application. By the turn of the century, a computer should be able to converse rather intelligently with a person. 119
1) List of words 1. approximately – шамамен 2. to employ – қолдану 3. primary switching component – алғашқы ауыстырылған элемент 4. liquid mercury delay lines – сұйық сынаптың тоқтау сызығы 5. batch processing environment – пакеттік өңдеудің функционалдық әдісі 6. reliability – сенімділік 7. a distributed processing environment – өңдеудің функционалдық қоршауы 8. the 4G – төртінші буын 9. mainframes – үлкен компьютерлер 10. optical fibres – оптикалық талшықтар 11. artificial intelligence – жасанды парасат 12. to converse – сөйлесу 2) Comprehension check 1. What did the first generation computer systems employ as the primary switching component? 2. What were their memories constructed of? 3. When did the second generation systems begin? 4. How were the second generation systems different from the previous one? 5. The third generation computers introduced processors made of integrated circuits, didn’t they? 6. The fourth generation computer was more evolutionary than revolutionary, wasn’t it? 7. Can you name the examples of the 4G computers in our country? 8. What should a computer be able to do by the turn of the century? 3) Match the words and their definitions: 1. approximately a) the quality of being good and reliable 2. reliability b) fairly correct and accurate but not completely so 3. mainframe c) an international network of computers 4. telephone d) large powerful computer shared by many users 120
5. the Internet
e) a system for sending or receiving speech over long distances
4) Complete the following sentences as in the text 1. The first generation computer systems, beginning approximately in ………… 2. Memories were constructed of ……………. 3. The second generation systems began around the late 1950s and used ……….. 4.The third generation computers, beginning in the mid 1960s ……… 5.The 4th generation embraces extensive integration of ……………………… 6. Optical fibers, videodiscs and new technologies in the research labs….. 5) Ask as many questions as possible to the given sentences 1. The second generation systems began around the late 1950s. 2. On-line systems were widely developed throughout the 3rd generation. 3. The fourth generation was more evolutionary than revolutionary. 4. The 4th generation embraces extensive integration of computers. 5. Artificial intelligence techniques will be incorporated into every application. 6) Match the word and its translation: Digital a) моделировать to simulate b)необработанные данные a sequence of operations c) цепи to supply d) входные данные a calculator e) команда raw data f) определить input data g) величина to provide h) цифровой to define i) обеспечивать size j) превращать circuits k) снабжать 121
to convert an instruction
l) калькулятор m) последовательность операций
7) Translate the sentences into English, using the words given above: 1. Калькулятор математикалық амалдарды жүзеге асырады. 2. Компьютер жадында сандар мен инструкциялар сақталады. 3. Сандық компьютердің аналогты компьютерден айырмашылығы оның сандармен жұмыс жасауында. 4. Аналогты компьютер құрылғысы басқа жүйенің іс әрекетін пішіндейді. 5. Оператор компьютермен орындалатын әрекеттер тізбегін басқарып, компьютерге мәліметтер шығарады және алынған нәтижелерден жазба жасаумен айналысады. 8) Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. The second generation systems began around the late 1950s. 2. On-line systems were widely developed throughout the 3rd generation 3. The human operators are replaced by automatic devices. 4. The digital computer differs from the analogue computer. 5. Calculator does mathematical operations. 9) Form the plural form of the following nouns: A system, a computer, a device, a number, a circuit, a quantity, a country, a signal, an operation, a source, an instruction, a result, a hand, a datum, a phenomenon, a state, a desk, a screen, speed, mode. 10) Speak about advantages and disadvantages of various generation computers 11) Change the sentences into the reported speech: 1. Mother asked me «Did you play with your friends yesterday?» 2. The teacher asked Timur «Does your father work at a factory? 122
3. The doctor asked Nick» Do you wash your face and hands every morning? 4. «Don’t smoke in the room», said the woman to her nephew. 5. The professor said to isassistant; «You have made great progress». 6. An unfamiliar voice said: «Is that Ospanov? I am Suleimenov. When and where can I see you?» 7. «Let’s play volleyball», said Sholpan. «No», said Didar. «I hurt my hand two days ago and now I cannot play». 8. «Explain to me how to solve the problem», said the instructor to me. 9. «Don’t forget to clean your teeth», said granny to Assem. 10. «Don’t sit up late», said the doctor to the patient. 12) Make a report about the latest models of computers. Text 7 What Is a Computer Virus? A virus is a piece of software designed and written to adversely affect your computer by altering the way. It works without your knowledge or permission. In more technical terms, a virus is a segment of program code that implants itself to one of your executable files and spread systematically from one file to another. Computer viruses do not spontaneously generate. They must be written and have specific purpose. Usually a virus has two distinct functions: 1) Spreads itself from one file to another without your input or knowledge. Technically, it is known as self-replication and propagation; 2) Implements the symptom or damage planned by the perpetrator. This could include erasing a disk, corrupting your programs or just creating a havoc on your computer. Technically, this is known as the virus payload, which can be benign or malignant at the whim of the virus creator. A benign virus is one that is designed to do no real damage to your computer. For example, a virus that conceals itself until some predetermined date or time and then does nothing more than display some sort of message is considered benign. A malignant virus is one that attempts to inflict malicious damage to your computer, although the damage may not be intentional. There is a 123
significant number of viruses that cause damage due to poor programming and outright bugs in the viral code, and a high percentage of them are malignant. Some of the most malignant viruses will erase your entire hard disk, or delete files. A malicious virus might alter one or more of your programs so that it does not work, as it should. The infected program might terminate abnormally, write incorrect information into your documents. Some viruses are programmed specifically to damage the data on your computer by corrupting programs, deleting files, or erasing your entire hard disk. Many of the currently known Macintosh viruses are not designed to do any damage. However, because of bugs (programming errors) within the virus, an infected system may behave erratically. 1) List of words 1. virus 2. affect 3. purpose 4. executable files 5. propagation 6. havoc 7. a virus payload 8. benign 9. malignant 10. damage 11. conceal 12. intentional 13. outright bug 14. viral code 15. corrupting program
вирус әсер ету мақсат әрекеттегі файл таралу жою вирустың жағымды жүктемесі қауіпсіз залалы вирус зиян жасыру әдейі анық программалық қателік вирустық код программаның бұрмалануы
2) Comprehension check 1. What is a computer virus? 2. Does it work without your knowledge or permission? 3. Computer viruses do not spontaneously generate, do they? 4. What two distinct functions does a virus have? 5. How is a benign virus different from a malignant one? 6. Why may an infected system behave erratically? 124
3) Agree or disagree with these statements: 1. Some of malignant viruses will erase your hard disk, or delete files. 2. Usually a virus has six distinct functions. 3. Viruses do not spontaneously generate. 4. There is a scarce number of viruses that cause damage due to poor programming. 5. The infected program might not terminate abnormally, write incorrect information. 6. A benign virus is one that attempts to inflict malicious damage to your computer. 4) Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. Some viruses damage the data on your computer programs. 2. Number of viruses is about 55.000. 3. There is a significant number of viruses. 4. A virus is a piece of software. 5. Virus copies itself in a file. 6. Virus can copy itself into benign, middle or end of a file. 5) Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary: 1. Вирус – бұл бағдарламалық қамтамасыз етудің бір бөлігі. Вирус сіздің жеке компьютеріңізге зиянды әрекет жасау үшін және оның жұмысын сіздің бақылауыңызсыз және рұқсатыңызсыз өзгерту үшін ойлап табылған. 2. Вирустың бірінен бірі өзгеше екі функциясы болады. Олар алдын-ала жоспарланған зиянды әрекет жасау және өздігінен таралу әрекеті. 3. Вирустардың қатарында компьютерге залалы жоқ вирустар және де компьютерге үлкен зиян тигізетін вирустар да болды. 4. Вирустар мәліметтерге зақым келтіріп, бағдарламаларды өзгертіп, қажетті файлдарды өшіріп, қатты дискіні жоюы ықтимал. 5. Бүгінгі таңда вирустардың жаңа және бізге белгісіз типтері көптеп шығуда, уақыт өте келе оларды жүйелеу қиындық туғызуда. 125
6) Match the word and its translation: 1. virus a) зиян 2. affect b) жасыру 3. purpose c) таралу 4. executable files d) вирустың жүктемесі 5. propagation e) жою 6. havoc f) мақсат 7. a virus g) анық программалық қателік 8. benign h) вирус 9. malignant i) әсер ету 10. damage j) әдейі 11. conceal k) әрекеттегі файл 12. intentional l) залалы 13. outright bug m) қауіпсіз Complete the following sentences as in the text 1. A virus is a piece of software designed and _______________ 2. А virus is a segment of program code that ________________ 3. Usually a virus has two distinct functions_________________ 4. A benign virus is one that _____________________________ 5. A malignant virus is one that attempts____________________ 7. Some of the most malignant viruses_____________________ 7) Ask as many questions as possible to the given sentences 1) A virus works without your knowledge or permission. 2) Computer viruses do not spontaneously generate. 3) Implements the symptom or damage planned by the perpetrator. 4) There is a significant number of viruses that cause damage. 5) The infected program might terminate abnormally. 6) Macintosh viruses are not designed to do any damage. 8) Match the words and their definitions: 1. virus a) harm or injury 2. to affect b) kind, not intending to kill anyone 3. purpose c) planned or determined 4. damage d) to influence someone or something 126
5. to conceal 6. intentional 7. propagation 8. benign
e) an infectious organism too small to be seen f) why you do something or why sth. exists g) to hide something h) spreading and producing more
9) Change the sentences from Active into Passive if possible 1. People use computers widely. 2. This news surprised me. 3. The leaves covered the ground. 4. Nurlan visited to the University yesterday. 5. They stayed in a three-star hotel. 6. The police arrested the wrong man because they confused the names the witness had given them. 7. Mary’s dog ran away last week. 8. People are destroying large areas of forest every day. 9. Have you received the message yet? 10. Mr. Norman will teach this class next month. 11. The lawyer has suggested a new strategy. 12. In his speech, the lecturer mentioned some historic dates. 13. Saule will describe all the details of the incident. 14. The council is pointing out some drawbacks in the project. 10) Complete the sentences, using little / a little/ few/ a few. 1. Would you like some porridge? «Yes, __________, please». 2. «When did Mike go out?» ______________ minutes ago 3. I can’t make a decision now. I need _______ time to think about it. 4. I’m going away for ______ days. 5. Excuse me, can I ask you _____ questions? 6. There was ___ petrol in the tank. It was empty. 7. There were ______ people in the train, it was nearly vacant. 11) Do you agree or disagree with the following statements, express your opinion: 1. Time is a great healer 2. Success doesn’t come easy 3. Power corrupts people. 4. Words have a magic power 5. Life is not a bed of roses 6. No pain, no gain 127
12) Make a report about two distinct functions of a computer virus. Text 8 Computer as it is The word «computer» comes from a Latin word which means to count. A computer is really a very special kind of a machine. Initially, the computer was designed as a tool to manipulate numbers and thus to solve arithmetic problems. Although designed originally for arithmetic purposes at present it is applicable for a great the variety of tasks. Nowadays computers are considered to be complicated machines for doing arithmetic and logic. The computer may be stated to have become an important and powerful tool for collecting, recording, analyzing, and distributing tremendous masses of information. Viewed in the contemporary scene and historical perspective the computer stimulates man. Indeed two visible characteristics of man are his intelligence and his ability to perform in and control his environment. Significantly, man’s attempt to understand the phenomena of intelligence, control and power has led to simulations of his brain, of himself and of organizational and group structures in which he often finds himself. Surely, there are similarities with human brain, but there exist one important difference. Despite all its accomplishments, the socalled electronic brain must be programmed by a human brain. As already stated, originally computers were used only for doing calculations. Today it would be difficult to find any task that called for the processing of large amounts of information that is not performed by a computer. In science computers digest and analyze masses of measurement, such as the sequential positions and velocities of a spacecraft and solve extraordinary long and complex mathematical problems, such as the trajectory of the spacecraft. In commerce they record and process inventories, purchases, bills, payrolls, bank deposits and the like, and keep track of ongoing business transactions. In industry they monitor and control 128
manufacturing processes. In government they keep statistics and analyze economic information. A computer system can perform millions of operations per second. In the mid WSO’s the average speed of main – memory was about 10 ms, in the mid – 1960’s 1ms, in the mid – 1970’s a tenth to a hundredth of a microsecond and in the mid – 1980’s it largely increased. 1) List of words 1. initially 2. purpose 3. visible 4. applicable 5. accomplishment 6. intelligence 7. environment 8. measurement 9. velocity 10. complicated 11. contemporary 12. distribute 13. tremendous 14. phenomena 15. accomplishment 16. perform
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
алғашқы рет мақсат көзге көрінетін қолданалатын жетістік ақыл қоршаған орта өлшем жылдамдық күрделі кәзіргі тарату үлкен құбылыстар жетістік іске асыру
2) Comprehension check 1. What language does the word «computer» come from? 2. What kind of tool was the computer initially designed as? 3. What things can computers do nowadays? 4. Where has man’s attempt to understand the phenomena of intelligence, control and power led to? 5. How are computers used in science and commerce? 6. In what way are computers employed in industry? 7. How many operations can computer system perform per second? 3) Agree or disagree with these statements: 1. The word «computer» comes from a Latin word which means to think. 129
2. Computer is applicable for a great the variety of tasks. 3. Two visible characteristics of man are his intelligence and his ability to control his environment. 4. The so-called electronic brain must be programmed by a human brain. 5. Originally computers were used not only for doing calculations. 6. In commerce computers digest and analyze masses of measurement. 4) Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. A computer is really a very special kind of a machine. 2. Nowadays computers are considered to be complicated machines. 3. Man’s attempt to understand intelligence has led to simulations of his brain 4. The so-called electronic brain must be programmed by a human brain. 5. In industry they monitor and control manufacturing processes. 6. A computer system can perform millions of operations per second. 5) Complete the following sentences as in the text 1. The word «computer» comes from a Latin word which________ 2. Initially, the computer was designed as a tool to ___________ 3.Viewed in the contemporary scene and historical perspective_______ 4.The computer may be stated to have become __________ 5 .Today it would be difficult to find any task _________ 6. In science computers digest and analyze ____________ 7. In commerce they record and process ____________ 8. In government they keep statistics and ______________ 6) Match the word and its translation: 1. initially a) ақыл 2. tremendous b) қоршаған орта 3. visible c) күрделі 130
4. applicable 5. contemporary 6. measurement 7. environment 8. intelligence 9. velocity 10. complicated 11. accomplishment 12. distribute 13. purpose
d) өлшем e) кәзіргі f) қолданалатын g) үлкен h) алғашқы рет i) жетістік j) көзге көрінетін k) жылдамдық l) мақсат m) тарату
7) Work with a partner. Ask him or her and complete the test with his/her answers. Find your ideal occupation 1. Which of these do you like? (only tick the ones your partner likes) A working with tools and machines B solving science or maths problems C creating things D helping people E offering a professional service to people F organizing numbers and records 2. Do you see yourself as: A practical? B scientific? C creative and original? D friendly and helpful? E energetic and sociable F well-organized? 3. Which of these don’t you like? (only tick the ones your partner doesn’t like) A social activities? B selling to people or persuading people ? C doing the same thing every day? D using tools or machines? E observing and analyzing? F breaking from routine? 131
Results of your ideal occupation test If you selected mostly… As, you are a Realisitic personality type. Your ideal job would be something working with tools, machines or animals. Jobs in your category include: pilot, plumber, engineer and agricultural worker. Bs, you are an Investigative personality type. Your ideal job would be working out mathematical or scientific problems. Jobs in your category include: dentist, mathematician, family doctor and computer programmer. Cs, you are an Artistic personality type. Your ideal job would be working in drama, dance, music or creative writing. Jobs in your category include: actor, photographer, designer, architect, singer and writer. Ds, you are a Social personality type. Your ideal job would be helping, nursing or teaching people. Jobs in your category include: priest, social worker, librarian, nurse and teacher. Es, you are an Enterprising personality type. Your ideal job would be leading people or helping to sell things or ideas. Jobs in your category include: lawyer, politician, salesperson, estate agent, and flight attendant. Fs, you are a Conventional personality type. Your ideal job would be working with numbers, records and machines. Jobs in your category include: accountant, banker, receptionist, secretary and computer operator. It’s very normal to have an equal number in two categories. This means that your options are wider and you can choose from both categories. 8) Match the words and their definitions: 1. initially 2. purpose 3. visible 4. applicable 5. accomplishment 6. intelligence 7. environment
a) why you do something b) the air, land, and water that surround us c) at the beginning d) existing or happening at the same time e) relating to a person or situation f) when you succeed in doing something g) the speed at which something moves 132
8. measurement 9. velocity 10. complicated 11. contemporary
h) the process of judging the size and shape of smth. i) the ability to learn and think about things j) difficult to understand k) able to be seen
9) Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets either in the Present Simple or in Present Continuous. 1. The girl in the picture (play) the guitar. 2. My dog is not angry. He is kind and (not bite) 3. You can turn off the radio. We (not listen) to it. 4. I (need ) to go to the bank. I (not have ) any money. Asem is quite shy. She ( not talk) much. 5. What you (do) here? Who you (wait) for? 6. How are you getting on with the book? At the moment I (read) chapter four. 7. Frank (collect) stamps in his spare time. It’s his hobby. 8. The airline currently (sell) half-price tickets to Korea, but for one month only. 10) Write questions in the Present Continuous or Present Simple. Example: A What are you eating? (you /eat) B A cheese sandwich 1 A Where _____________ lunch today?(you/have) B At home. My mum’s making pasta. 2 A What ____________ he do? B He’s an accountant. 3 A _____________this weekend? (you/go away) B No, we’re staying here. 4 A _______________ to eat out tonight?(you/want) B Yes, that would be nice .Where shall we go? 5 A What ___________? (she/ cook) B I don’t know , but it smells good. 11) Retell the text «Computer as it is». 133
Text 1 Mathematics The sources of our mathematical science can be traced to the cultures of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Our knowledge, however, of its origin should not be considered as sufficiently accurate. There are indications that Egyptian mathematics may have been strongly influenced by the Babylonians who at present are believed to have made the first real mathematical discoveries. A large Babylonian collection had been known previously to contain a considerable number of tablets of unusual type. Recent investigations revealed them to the mathematical tablets and texts and thus a key to their reading had been found. Through this source we have gained an intimate knowledge both of Babylonian mathematics and of its role in society. The tablets cover the period from two thousand to two hundred years before our era, but even the oldest of them contain methods of such an advanced nature that one can safely place their origin a considerably earlier period. The tablets give calculations of areas and volumes as practical problems to arise in connections with land surveying and construction, digging dikes or building walls. Other problems give rules to be followed for the division of land. Our knowledge of ancient Egyptian mathematics is derived mainly from an ancient papyrus which dates back to 1700 before our era seems to be a handbook copied from earlier texts. That mathematics even then was considered a difficult matter that may be suggested by the title of the papyrus: «Directions for obtaining knowledge of all obscure things». In addition there exist various fragments of other mathematical documents. To make mathematics into a science has been the privilege of the Greeks. They created a systematic mathematical theory upon axioms and developed means of logical deductions in the form of proof. Alexandria became the centre of science in the Greek world and it was here that Euclid wrote his famous «Elements» to become a classical work in geometry about 300 before our era. Euclid’s «Elements» consist of thirteen books but only some of them are 134
believed to be Euclid’s original creation. At least three or four similar texts are known to have existed, but Euclid’s extraordinary ability immediately made his work most important in Greek mathematics. Even in his own lifetime Euclid was known. «Elements» must not be considered as an encyclopedia of Greek mathematics at that time. Even Euclid himself refers to theorems considered to be well known but not included in the book .They must have been created by unknown mathematicians. 1) List of Words 1. source 2. to be traced to 3. ancient 4. to consider 5. origin 6. sufficiently 7. Egypt 8. Mathematics 9. volume 10. to be influenced(by) 11. to make discovery 12. numbers and tablets 13. investigation 14. calculations 15. accurate 16. knowledge 17. survey 19. division 20. digging dikes 21. obscure 22. science 23. proof 23. means 24. to develop 25. Euclid 26. creation 27. to exist
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
бастау, бұлақ алып келеді ежелгі қарастыру шаққан жері жеткілікті Египет математика көлемі, мөлшері ақпалында болу жаңалық ашу сандармен кестелер зерттеу есептеу нақты білім шолу, түсірілім бөлғіш арық қазу түсініксіз ғылым дәлелдеме құрал, амал қурап шығару Евклид жасалған болу, өмір сүру 135
28. unknown 29. to include 30. to derive 31. indication 32. thus
– – – – –
белгісіз іске қосу алып шығу көрсеткіш осылайша
2) Answer the questions on the content of the text 1. Where can the sources of mathematical science be traced to? 2. Who is believed to have made the first real mathematical discoveries? 3. How have we gained an intimate knowledge both of Babylonian mathematics and of its role in society? 4. What calculations do tablets give in connections with land surveying construction and digging dikes? 5. Where is our knowledge of ancient Egyptian mathematics derived from? 6. What does title of the papyrus suggest? 7. Whose privilege was to make mathematics into a science and why? 8. When and where did Euclid write his famous classical work in geometry «Elements»? 9. How many books does Euclid’s «Elements» consist of? 10. Why are only some of them believed to be Euclid’s original creation? 3) Complete the sentences according to the text 1. The sources of our mathematical science can be traced to_____________________. 2. There are indications that Egyptian mathematics may have been strongly ________________. 3. A large Babylonian collection had been known previously ____________________________. 4. Recent investigations revealed them to the mathematical tablets________________________. 136
5. The tablets cover the period from two thousand to two hundred years before our era, but ___________________________________. 6. The tablets give calculations of areas and volumes as ______________________________. 7. Our knowledge of ancient Egyptian mathematics is derived mainly from________________. 8. That mathematics even then was considered a difficult matter that___________________. 9. They created a systematic mathematical theory upon axioms and______________________. 10. Alexandria became the centre of science in the Greek world and it was________________. 11. At least three or four similar texts are known to have existed, but Euclid’s ______________. 12. Even Euclid himself refers to theorems considered_________________________________. 4) Match the words and with their definitions systematic divisionindication integers plane proof paradox axiom
a) how many times one number goes into another number b) a sign showing that something, exists or is likely to be true c) whole numbers, both positive and negative including zero d) a flat two-dimensional surface with infinite width and length e) a statement that appears to contradict itself that seems impossible f) a fact or information that shows that something exists or is true g) done using a fixed and organized plan h) a self-evident and universally accepted proposition without proof
5) Ask questions to the bold words 137
1. Our knowledge of ancient Egyptian mathematics is derived mainly from an ancient papyrus. 2. In addition there exist various fragments of other mathematical documents. 3. The tablets cover the period from two thousand to two hundred years before our era. 4. Recent investigations revealed them to the mathematical tablets and texts. 5. Through this source we have gained an intimate knowledge of Babylonian mathematics. 6. They created a systematic mathematical theory upon axioms 7. These theorems must have been created by unknown mathematicians. 6) Put in the missing prepositions 1. The sources __ our mathematical science can be traced ___ the cultures ____ ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. 2. There are indications that Egyptian mathematics may have been strongly influenced ____ the Babylonians. 3. ________ this source we have gained an intimate knowledge both ___Babylonian mathematics and of its role ____society. 4. The tablets give calculations __ areas and volumes as practical problems to arise in connections ____ land surveying and construction, digging dikes or building walls. 5. Other problems give rules to be followed ___ the division ___ land. 6. Our knowledge __ancient Egyptian mathematics is derived mainly ______ an ancient papyrus. 7. ____ addition there exist various fragments __ other mathematical documents. 8. They created a systematic mathematical theory ___ axioms and developed means ___ logical deductions ___ the form ___ proof. 9. Euclid’s «Elements» consist ___ thirteen books but only some ___ them are believed to be Euclid’s original creation. 10. Even Euclid himself refers ___ theorems considered to be well known but not included ___ the book. 7) Arrange the words according to the parts of speech (Noun,Verb, Adjective, Adverb) Mathematical, mathematician, mathematics, consider, consideration, considerable, coincide, coincidence, accuracy, accurately, accurate, 138
create, creation, creative, derive, derivation, derivative, add, addition, additional, analyze, analysis, analytical, analogy, scientific, science, scientist, origin, original, originate, originally, divide, division, devisable, count, countless, accountant, accountancy 8) Do some practice Problem 1 For i = −1, what is the sum (7 + 3i) + (−8 + 9i)? A) −1 + 12i B) −1 − 6i C) 15 + 12i D) 15 − 6i Problem 2 On Saturday afternoon, Arman sent m text messages each hour for 5 hours, and Saken sent p text messages each hour for 4 hours. Which of the following represents the total number of messages sent by Arman and Saken on Saturday afternoon? A) 9mp B) 20mp C) 5m + 4p D) 4m + 5p
GRAMMAR REFERENCE Қазақ тіліндегідей ағылшын сөздері білдіретін мағынасына, түрлену тұлғасына, койылатын сұрағына, сөйлемде атқаратын қызметіне қарай сөз таптарына топтасады: зат eciм – Noun, сын eciм – Adjective, сан eciм – Numeral, есімдік – Pronoun, етістік – Verb, т.б. Зат eciм 1. Зат есімдер жіктелмейді, сондықтан сөйлемде өз бетімен баяндауыш болмайды. Зат есімдер саналатын (countable) және саналмайтын (uncountable) болып екі топқа бөлінеді. Бipірінші топқа «бала, дәптер, сиыр» секілді, алдында eceптік сан есімдер қоюға болатын сөздер жатады. Мысалы, 3 көйлек, 10 дәптер. Екінші топқа «май, кант, мұнай, махаббат» секілді, санауға келмейтін сөздер жатады. 3. Ағылшын зат есімдері септелмейді 4. Оларға көпше түрінде «S» жалғауынан басқа жалғаулар жалғанбайды, яғни барлық, зат есімдер тек қана 6ip септікте болады Common Case – жалпы ceптік, оны қазақ, тіліндегі Атау септігі деуге болады: жалғаусыз, тү6ipi өзгермейді, Ескерту: Қазақ жалқы зат есімдерін ағылшын әріптерімен жазамыз. Екпінді қазақ тіліміздегідей соңғы буынға түсіреміз, Мысалы: Жібек – Zhi'bek, Сымбат – Sym' bat, Хамит – Kha'mit, Құнанбай – Kunan'bai Зат eciмнің көпше түрі 1) Зат есімнің көпше түpi негізінде «S» жалғауы арқылы жасалады. Мысалы: a girl – girls[z], a desk – desks[s], яғни ұяң дыбыстан кейін [z], қатаң дыбыстан кейін [s] болып оқылады. 2) Егер зат есімдер s, ss, x, sh, ch дыбыстарына аяқталса, көпше түрінде es [іz], қосылады: a bush – bushes, a match – matches, a glass – glasses; 3) Зат есімдердің аяғында тұрған f, fe – v дыбысына өзгереді және es [z] қосылады, мысалы: a leaf – leaves; wife – wives, wolf – wolves, т.б. 4) «у» әріпі «i»-ға өзгереді және es [z] қосылады, мысалы: a baby – babies, a story – stories, study – studies, lady – ladies, т.б. 140
5) «о» әріпіне аяқталған сөздерге «es» қосылады: a hero – heroes, potato – potatoes, tomato – tomatoes, т.б. Бipaқ a photo – photos, a piano – pianos. 6) Keй6ip зат есімдер ерте замандағы көпше түрін сақтап қалған, оларды жаттап алу керек: a child – children, an ox – oxen, a mouse – mice, a man – men, a woman – women, a tooth – teeth, a goose – geese; 7) Кейбір зат есімдер тек қана жекеше түрде, немесе тек қана көпше түрде қолданылады: sheep – sheep (қой-қойлар), fish – fish (балық-балықтар), money – ақша, sugar – қант, butter – май, salt – тұз, air – ауа, love – махаббат, trousers – шалбар,glasses – көзілдірік, scissors – қайшы , gloves – қолғап т.б. Артикль Ағылшын зат есімнің біздің тілдегі зат есімнен елеулі айырмашылығы – Артикль – article ('a:tikl) – ол көмекші сөз, зат есімнің алдында тұрады және екпінсіз оқылады. Артикльдің 2 түрі бар: 1. Белгісіздік артиклі (indefinite article) – «а» [ә] – саналатын, жалпы жеке түрдегі зат есімдердің алдында қолданылады. Ағылшын тілінің даму тарихына сүйенсек, ол «аnе – оnе» деген , яғни «6ip» деген сөзден шыққан. Олай болса көптің белгісіз, қайсысы болса да, 6ipeyін бідіреді. Мысалы: 6ip кітап – a book, 6ip қалам – a pen, әйтeyip 6ip әйел – a woman, 6ip бала – a boy; егер зат eciм дауысты дыбыстан басталса, белгісіздік артиклі an болады. Мысалы: an apple – алма, an egg – жұмыртқа, an e'raser – өшіргіш, т.б. 2. Бeлгiлiлiк aртиклі ('definite article) «the» [бә] – «theos – this» – яғни «мынау» есімдігінен шыққан, олай болса белгілі затты білдіреді де зат есімдердің жекеше, көпше түрлерінің алдында қолданылады. Мысалы: the boy – белгілі бала, the mother – ана. Ескерту: 1. артикльдерге екпін түспейді. 2. зат есімнің алдында есімдік немесе есептік сан eciмi тұрса, артикль қолданылмайды. Мысалы: eкі қыз – two girls, менің кітабым – my book, бес рет – five times; 141
3. артикль адамдар, қала, ауыл, ел аттарының алдына қойылмайды. Мысалы: Almaty – Алматы, Kazakhstan – Қазақстан, London – Лондон, Great Britain – Ұлы Британия, 6ipaқ the USA – АҚШ; 4. өзен, көл, теңіз, мұхит, таулардың аттары және 6ip отбасын түгелдей әңгіме қылсақ, мысалы: Тойбаевтар десек, белгілілік артиклімен қолданылады.Мысалы: the Syrdarya, the Volga, the Pacific Ocean – Тынық мұхит, the Urals – Орал таулары, the Zhandosovs – Жандосовтар. Тәуелсіз есімдіктер 1-ші түрі This is my book. This is your book. This is her book. This is his book. This is our book. This is their book.
2-ші (абсалютті)түрі It is mine. It is yours. It is hers. It is his. It is ours. It is theirs.
1-ші түрі сөйлемде тек анықтауыш қана болады. 2-ші түрі абсалютті деп аталады, себебі зат есімсіз дара түрде қолданылады. Ол сөйлемде бастауыш, толықтауыш, анықтауыш, баяндауыш қызметін атқарады.Бұл есімдіктердің алдында да соңынан да артикль қойылмайды. Мысалы: 1) This is my book. Yours is in your bag (Сенікі сөмкеңде). 2) I have no pen. Give me yours (Маған өзіңдікін берші). 3) She is a friend of mine. Ол менің досым. 4) This pen is yours . Мына қалам сенікі. Possessive case (тәуелдік септік) Зат есімдер түрленеді. Оны ағылшындар «тәуелдік септік» – Possessive Case деп атайды, яғни ағылшын тіліндегі екінші септік Possessive Case – 6ip заттьң 6ip адамға тәуелді, біреудің меншігі екенін білдіреді. Ол зат eciмгe 's (апостроф және s) 142
белгісі қосылуы арқылы жасалады. Мысалы: Bolat's book – Болаттың кітабы, the girl's brother – кыздың ағасы. Ескерту: 1. Егер зат eciм «S''-қа аяқталса, онда тек апостроф белгісі ғана қойылады. Мысалы: мұғалімдердің сабақтары – teachers' lessons, достарымның әпкелері – my friends' sisters; 2. Жансыз зат есімдер Possessive Case-те колданбайды. Ережеден тыс тек қана уақыт, жыл мерзімін білдіретін сөздер. Мысалы: кешегі хабар – yesterday's news, eкi күндік саяхат – а 2 days' travel; 20 minites' work – 20 минуттық жұмыс,т.б. 3. Зат eciм 6ip топ адамдарға тәуелді болса, апостроф соңғы мүшеге жалғанады. Мысалы: Айгүл мен Мараттың ұлы – Aigul and Marat's son, Айзада мен Нұрланның қызы – Aizada and Nurlan's daughter. 4. Егер зат eciм жанды және жансыз 2 түбірден жасалған болса, мысалы: mother-in-law заң арқылы ана болған, яғни «ене», тәуелдік жалғау жанды түбірге қосылады. Мысалы: my mother's-in-law bed – менің енемнің төсегі. 5. Егер тәуелденіп тұрған зат есім бұрын алдыңғы сөйлемде аталған болса, онда соңғы сөйлемде оны қайталамай, тек апостроф белгісін қоямыз. 6. Possessive Case-ті келесі қысқартулармен шатастырмау керек: He’s reading now (he is reading now) – Ол қазір оқып отыр; немесе: She’s got a brother (she has got a brother) – Оның ағасы бар. Prepositions – Демеуліктер Қазақ сөйлемінде сөздер атау септігінен басқа септктердің 6ipiндe тұрып қолданылады ғой. Ендеше ағылшындар септіктердің, мысалы, қазақ тіліндегі ілік, барыс, жатыс, көмектес септіктердің функциясын қалай көрсетеді екен? Ағылшын есімдерінің септік категориясы жоқ болғандықтан бұл грамматикалық байланысты Preposition деген сөз табы білдіреді. Бұл топқа кіретін сөздер сөйлемнен тыс тұрса ешқандай мағына бермейді, сондықтан оларды сөйлемде тұрған орнына қарай, басқа сөздерге байланысына қарай қазақ тіліндегі септіктердің жалғаулары, кейде үстеулер арқылы аударамыз. Қазақ тілінде мұндай сөз 143
табы жоқ болғандықтан, оны демеуліктер деп атайды.. Оларға екпін ешқашан түспейді. а) Ағылшын тілінде ілік септіктің мағынасын OF [әv] деген демеулік білдіреді. Мысалы: есіктің тұтқасы – the hand of the door, иттің басы – the head of the dog.. б) Барыс ceптікті – to [tә] демеулігі білдіріеді, мысалы: to the post-office – байланыс бөліміне, to the house – үйге, to the hospital – емханаға, to Arman – Арманға. в) Көмектес септікті with демеулігі білдіреді. Мысалы: анаммен – with my mother, өзінің кітаптарымен – with his (her) books, Айжан мен Зейнептің заттарымен – with Aizhan and Zeynep’s things, т.б. г) Жатыс септікті in демеулігі білдіреді. Мысалы: in the room – бөлмеде, in the yard аулада, т.б. Сан eciм 1. Ағылшын сан есімдері ceптeлмeйдi де жіктелмейді де, сондықтан сөйлемде өз бетімен баяндауыш бола алмайды. 2.3ат eciмнің, алдында есептік сан eciм тұрса, оған міндетті түрде – көптік жалғауы қосылады. Мысалы: бес оқушы – five pupils, тоғыз бала – nine boys. 3. Сан есімдер How many? – неше, қанша? деген сұраққа жауап береда. 4. 13-тен 19-ға дейінгі сан есімдерге -teen жұрнағы жалғанады. thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen Ескерту: а) 13 және 15 сандарындағы 3 пен 5-тің (three, five) жазылуы мен айтылуы өзгереді (thirteen , fifteen); б) teen- жұрнағына екпін түседі. 5. Ондық сандарына «-ty» жұрнағы жалғанады: 20-twenty, 30-thirty, 40-forty, 50-fifty, 60-sixty, 70-seventy, 80-eighty, 90-ninety Ескерту: екпін тек қана түбірге түседі. 6. 100 және 1000 сандарының алдында басқа есептік сан eciмi тұрса, көптік жалғауы қосылмайды. Мысалы: 500 – five hundred, 4000 – four thousand. 7. 3010 сияқты жүздігі жоқ санды былай оқимыз: three thousand and ten. 8. Жылдарды былай 2 саннан бөліп оқимыз: 1917 жыл – nineteen seventeen, 1986 жыл – nineteen eighty six., т.б. Бipaқ: 144
2003 жыл – two thousand and three, 1900 жыл – nineteen hundred – болады. 9. «жыл» деген сөзді айтпаймыз. 10. Телефон нөмірлері былай оқылады, мысалы: 43-75-39 – four-three-seven-five-three-nine, яғни әр санды бөлек оқимыз. Ескерту: а) егер екі 6ipiінші немесе екі соңғы сандар бірдей болса, онда double деген сөзді қолданамыз. Мысалы: 4417 – double four one seven, немесе 3477 – three four double seven – дейміз. б) Ал екі бірдей сан ортасында тұрса, double деген сөзді қолданбаймыз: 439962 – four-three-nine-nine-six-two деп бөлек оқимыз. в) Ноль санын [ou] деп оқимыз: 40-99-11 four-ou-ninenine-double one. Реттік сан есім Реттік сандар Which? – нешінші?, қаншасыншы? – деген сұрақтарға жауап береді. Реттік сан есімнің жасалу жолы былай: 1) санның алдына the белгілілік артиклін қоямыз, есептік санның түбipiнe th жұрнағын қосамыз. Мысалы: төртінші – the fourth, он алтыншы – the sixteenth, бесінші – the fifth, т.с.с. 2) 6ipaқ, 6ipінші – the first, екінші – the second, үшінші – the third болады. 3) ал ондықтарда «у» әpiпi «ie»-ге ауысады, мысалы: жиырмасыншы – the twentieth, the thirtieth, the fiftieth, т.с.с. 4) Егер сан күрделі болса, онда «th» жұрнағын екінші санға жалғаймыз, мысалы: жиырма екінші – the twenty second, жетпіс алтыншы – the seventy sixth. Етістік Сөз таптарының ішіндегі ең негізгісі, өте қажеттісі – етістік, себебі ол заттың қимылын, іс-әрекетін, күй-жайын білдіреді; онсыз сөйлем болмайды. Ағылшын тілі етістігінің грамматикалық категорияларының қиыны – шақ пен рай. Бұлар екі тілде де бар болғанымен, сәйкес келмейді, айырмашылығы мол. 1. Ағылшын етістіктерінің төрт формасы бар. Олардың негізгі грамматикалық функциясы етістіктің шақ, рай категория145
ларын жасау және сөйлемде тұрлаулы я тұрлаусыз мүше болу. Ағылшын етістігінің І-ші формасын қазақ тіліндегі тұйық етістік деуімізге болады. Салыстырыңыздар: ойнау, бару, айту, болу, иелену, істеу ағылшынша tо рlау, tо gо, tо sау, to bе, tо hаvе, to dо болады, яғни қазақ тілінде тұйық етістік «у»-ға аяқталады, ағылшын тілінде алдында «tо» демеулігі тұрады. 2. Ағылшын етістіктері тәуелденбейді, көптелмейді, септелмейді. Олар тіпті жіктелмейді деуге болады, өйткені сөйлемде негізгі етістікке тек ауыспалы осы шақта ғана үшінші жақ жекеше түрде «s» жалғауы қoсылады. 3. Біздің тілде баяндауыш кез келген сөз табынан жасала берсе, ағылшын тілінде баяндауыш тек қана етістіктен жасалуға тиісті. Сондықтан сөйлемде ешқандай іс-әрекет болмаған кезде, яғни негізгі етістік (бару, өсу, көру) жоқ кезінде, мысалы: «Марат жиырма бесте, ол – инженер» секілді сөйлемді айтқанда, ағылшындар көмекші етістік арқылы күрделі баяндауыш жасайды. Көмекші етістіктер Көмекші етістіктер үшеу – tо bе, tо hаvе, to do. Олар сөйлемде күрделі баяндауыш құрамында тұрғандықтан, лексикалық мағынасынан айырылады да қазақ тіліне аударылмайды, бірақ жіктеледі. To have То have [hæv] (иелену) көмекші етістігінің ауыспалы осы шақта жіктелуі: I have a \ book. – Менде кітап бар. = Менің кітабым бар. You have a \ball. – Сізде доп бар. = Сіздің добыңыз бар. Не (she) has a \cat. – Онда мысық бар. = Оның мысығы бар. We have a\daughter. – Біздің қызымыз бар. You have 'many\books. – Сіздерде көп кітап бар. They have \parents. – Олардың әке-шешесі бар. Белгісіздік eciмдігі Ағылшын тілінде зат eciмнің алдында міндетті түрде артикль немесе есімдік тұруы керек. Зат есімнің алдында көптеген жағдайларда сындық белгіні және сан мөлшерін белгісіз етіп жорамалдап, тұспалдап көрсету мәнін білдіріп тұратын белгісіздік есімдіктері тұрады. Олар: 6ipey – somebody, кейбipey – anybody, 146
бірдеме – something (сөздіктерде қысқартып smth – деп жазылады), бір нәрсе – anything, ештеңе – nothing, ешкім – nobody. Олар көпше түрде қолданбайды, сондықтан сөйлемнің баяндауышы жекеше түрде болады. Сөйлем Ағылшын сөйлемінде сөздердің тәртібі тікелей, тура болуы керек, яғни сөйлем негізгі ойдың қазығы – бастауыщтан басталады, екінші орында міндетті түрде баяддауыш тұрады, сонан соң толықтауыш, пысықтауыштар келеді. Анықтауыштар анықтайтын сөздің алдында тұрады. Ұмытпаңыздар: сөйлемдегі сөздердің тура тәртібі дегеніміз – 12 34 Бастауыш – баяндауыш – толықтауыш – пысықтауыш, яғни сөйлем атау септікте тұрған сөзден басталады. Сөйлемнің алдында тек қана бүкіл сөйлемге қатысы бар мезгіл пысықтауыштың («таңертең, өткен жылы») тұруы мүмкін. Сөйлемнің оқылуы, интонация Ағылшын тілінде сөйлемнің айтылу мәнері, яғни оның интонациясы маңызды роль атқарады: ол сөйлемнің түрін хабарлы, сұраулы, лепті; толық, аяқталмағанын білдіруімен қатар сөйлеушінің әңгімелесіп тұрған адамға қарым-қатынасын, көңілін білдіреді. Сондықтан ағылшын сөйлемі 2 түрлі сарынмен (тонмен) айтылады.. Бірінші тон, әйтпесе Fallіng tоnе деп аталады – бірінші екпінді буыннан бастап, соңғы екпінді буынға дейін дауыс ырғағы бірте-бірте төмендейді де, соңғы екпінді буында кенет үзіледі (Fall – құлау), оның соңында тұрған екпінсіз буындар бәсең айтылады. Дауыс ырғағының төмен түсуі айтылған ойдың 1) аяқталғанын, 2) шешімді, өзгермейтінін, 3) сөйлеушінің ашуын, ренішін, қатты қуанышын білдіреді. Сондықтан бұл сарынмен хабарлы сөйлемдер, арнаулы сұрақтар, қуаныш және бұйрықтар айтылады. Екінші тон – Rising tone – сөйлемнің басы жоғарыдағыдай айтылып, соңғы екпінді буында дауыс ырғағы жоғары көтері147
леді (rise – көтерілу); егер оның соңында екпінсіз буындар болса, онда соңғы екпінді буын қатты айтылады да, дауыс ырғағы екпінсіз буындар арқылы көтеріледі. Бұл сарын айтылып жатқан ойдың 1) аяқталмағанын, 2) үзілді-кесілді емес екенін, 3) анық еместігін, 4) сөйлеушінің кішіпейілділігін білдіреді. Сондықтан бұл сарынмен жалпы сұрақтар, өкініштер, өтініштер, күмән, болжаулар айтылады. Ағылшын сөйлемінде екпін тек қана негізгі мағыналы сөздерге түседі. Артикльдерге, есімдіктерге, көмекші етістіктерге, шылауларға, демеуліктерге екпін түспейді. Хабарлы сөйлем. То be – көмекші етістігі Сөйлемнің баяндауышының құрамында міндетті түрде етістік болуы керек. Олай болса, «Марат алпыста (сан есім)», «Мен – мұғаліммін (зат есім)», «Сәуле – ақылды (сын есім)» секілді сөйлемдерді ағылшын тілінде айту үшін біз «То be» көмекші етістігін ауыспалы осы шақта жіктелуін алып, хабарлы сөйлем жасаймыз. To be I am a techer – Мен мұғаліммін We аrе teachers – Біз мұғалімдерміз You are a teacher – Сіз мұғалімсіз Үоu аrе teachers – Сіздер мұғалімсіздер Не(she) іs а teacher – Ол мұғалім Тhеу аrе tеасhеrs – Олар мұғалімдер Ағылшындар сөйлегенде екпін түспейтін, көмекші сөздерді бірін-біріне қосып, кейде қысқартып оқиды. Қысқарту белгісі жазуда ['] былай апостроф арқылы жасалады, ал транскрипцияда белгіленбейді. Мысалы: Іt іs а = Іt's а Не іs = Не’s Wе аrе = Wе'rе [іt iz ә] = [іts ә] [hі iz ] = [hiz] [wi а:] = [wir] Сұраулы сөйлем. Жалпы сұрақ Сұраулы сөйлемде көмекші баяндауышпен бастауыштың орнын алмастырамыз, жалпы сұрақты дауыс ырғағын көтеру арқылы айтамыз. Мысалы: It is my \ house. – 'Is it my / house? – Yes, it \ is. 148
You are a \ student. – 'Are you a / student? – \Yes, I am Ескерту: 1) Аударғанда ма, ме, ба, бе, па, пе, шылауларын қолданамыз. Мысалы: Is it good? – Жақсы ма?; 1) қазақ тіліндегідей қысқа жауапта «иә» дей салуға болмайды; 2) міндетті түрде. аударылмаса да жауапта бастауыш-баяндауыш болуы керек: \Yes, I \ am.; 3) Жалпы сұраққа және оған берген қысқа жауапта көмекші етістікке екпін түседі. Болымсыз сөйлем Көмекші етістіктен кейін «not» болымсыздық шылауын кою арқылы жасалады: It is 'not my \house. – Бұл менің үйім емес. My house is 'not \big. – Менің үйім үлкен емес. 'Is my house \big? – Менің үйім үлкен бе? No, it is \ not. – Жоқ, үлкен емес. She is my \sister. She is 'not my \friend. 'Is she my /friend? \No, she is \not. It is a ‘black\dog. It 'isn't \white. 'Is it a /white dog? \No, it \isn’t. Ескерту: қысқа жауапта екпін көмекші етістіктен not шылауына ауысады Сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлем Сұраулы сөйлемде бастауыш пен көмекші етістіктің орындары ауыстырылады, болымсыз сөйлемде көмекші етістіктен кейін not шылауы тұрады. Мысалы: Have you a son? – Yes, I have (No, I haven't) Сіздің ұлыңыз бар ма? – Иә, бар (Жоқ) Have you an English book? – No, I have no English book. Сізде ағылшын тілінде кітап бар ма? – Жоқ, ешқандай ағылшын кітабы жоқ. Ескерту: 1) Егер толықтауыш зат eciм болса, болымсыздык шылауы «not» емес, «nо» болады, одан кейін ешқандай артикль колданбайды; 2) Көбінесе to have етістігімен жалпы сұрақ койғанда белгісіздік «а» артиклінің орнына белгісіздік есімдік «any» қолда149
нылады. Оның мағынасы «6ipey, қандай болса да...». Мысалы: Have you any friends? – Достарың бар ма? Ал оған қысқа жауап бергенде, «some» (6ipaз, бірен-сараң) есімдігін қолданамыз. Мысалы: 'Have you any /pencils? – \Yes, I \have some. \No,I \haven't any; 3) Бұл есімдіктерге екпін түспейді, олар аударылмайды, 6ipaқ белгісіздікті білдіpy үшін міндетті түрде қолданылады; 4) any – сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде, ал some – болымды сөйлемдерде қолданылады. Арнаулы сұрақ Арнаулы сұрақты қойғанда келесі орын тәртібі сақталуы керек: 1 – сұраулы есімдік 2 – баяндауыш (көмекші етістік) 3 – бастауыш 4 – қалған сөйлем мүшелері Who are you? – I am Arman (Сен кімсің?) What are you? – I am a pupil (Мамандығың не? Не істейсің?) How are you? – I am fine (Қалың қалай?) How old are you? – I am nine (Жасың нешеде?) What is it? – It is a room. (Мынау не?) What is your name? – My name is Ben (Атың кім?) What city is it? – Ол кандай (кай) кала? (аты) What kind of pupil is he? – Ол қандай оқушы? What colour car is that? – (Ана машинаның түci қандай?) Whose book is it? – (Мынау кімнің кітабы?) Why are you sad? – (Ciз неге көңілсізсіз?) Альтернативті (таңдамалы) сұрақ Мүмкін болған 2 ұйғарымның бipін ғана таңдауға арналған сұрақ; қазақ тілінде «әлде», «немесе» арқылы жасалады. Мысалы: Мынау көйлек пе әлде жейде ме? – Бұл жейде. Is it a dress or a shirt? – It's a shirt. Бұл сұрақ 2 синтагмаға бөлініп оқылады, 6ipінші синтагманы дауыс ырғағын көтеріп, ал екінші синтагманы дауыс ырғағын төмен түcipiп оқимыз. Мысалы: 150
'Is it a /city | or a town? 'Is this ' pen /red or \black? /teacher | or a \student?
'Are you a
A disjunctive question (Бөлшекті сұрақ) A disjunctive question – өте қысқа сұрақ, ол әдетте болымды, болымсыз жай хабарлы сөйлемге тіркесіп, соның мазмұнын айқындайды. Ол сөйлемнің көмекші eтістігі және бастауыштың қайталануы арқылы жасалады. Егер сөйлем болымды болса, онда сұрақ болымсыз түрде болады. Мысалы: You are ready, aren't you? Ал егер сөйлем болымсыз болса, онда сұрақ болымды турде болады. Мысалы: You are not ready, are you? Мұндай сұрақты оқығанда, сөйлемді 2 синтагмаға бөліп оқимыз. Бірінші синтагма, яғни хабарлы сөйлем, дауыс ырғағы төмен түсу (Falling tone) арқылы оқылады, ал екінші синтагма, сұрак белгісі – дауыс ырғағы көтерілуі (Rising tone) арқылы оқылады. Мысалы:1) You are 'not a \Russian, /are you? – \Oh, \nо. I'm a Ka\zakh (Cіз орыс емессіз ғой? – Жоқ , қазақпын). 2) Your friend has a nice flat, hasn’t he? – \ Yes, he \has.(Сіздің досыңыздың әдемі пәтері бар, солай ма?) Disjunctive questions-ді қазақшаға аударғанда «ғой, қой, -ау, -еу» шылауларын, «ә, cipә, солай» сияқты оқшау сөздерді, «болар, шығар, қайтеді білемін» көмекші сөздерін қолданамыз. Мысалы: 1) Тhis is his aim, isn't it? – Оныц мақсаты осы болар? Of course, it is. – Әрине. 2) Karagandy is bigger than Aktobe, izn't it? – Қарағанды Ақтөбеден үлкен болды-ау? No doubt, it is. – Оған күмән жоқ (күмәнсіз, солай). Мұндай сұраққа жауап 1-ші бөлікке, яғни хабарлы сөйлемге байланысты болады: егер ол болымды болса, жауап та болымды түрде болады, ал егер ол болымсыз болса, онда жауап та болымсыз болады. Мысалы: 1) You are a student, aren't you? – Yes, I am. 2) You are not tired, are you? – No, I'm not. Қаратпа сөздің оқылуы Іс-әрекет бipeyгe арналып, сөйлемде қаратпа сөз болса, оның оқылуы сөйлемдегі орнына байланысты болады. Сөйлемнің басында ғана тұрған қаратпа сөз екпінмен айтылады. Мысалы: 151
'Aibek, go to the \shop. – Айбек, дукенге бар. Қаратпа сөз сөйлемнің ортасында, аяғында тұрса, екпінсіз болады. Мысалы: 'Go to \school, Talgat. – Мектепке бар, Талгат. Ескерту: 1) Әдетте «go» етістігі «to» демеулігімен қолданылады, ce6e6i ол барыс септігін білдіреді. Бipaқ, «Go home»-дa «to» қолданылмайды, ce6e6i «home» деген сөз «ғимарат» емес «жанұя» деген ұғымды білдіреді. Мысалы: ' Go \home, Talgat. – Үйіңе бар, Талгат. 2) «Go to school»-да «school»-дың алдында артикль жоқ, ceбeбi «мектепке бар» дегенде, біз «ғимарат»-ты сөз қылып тұрған жоқпыз, «оқы» деген мағына білдіреміз, сол секілді «go to bed» – ұйықтау, «go to hospital» – емханаға жатып емделу. Ағылшын тілінде бұйрықты сөйлемді өтінішке, кішіпейіл сөйлемге айналдыру үшін «Please» [pli:z] – «өтінемін, тәңір жарылқасын» деген сөз қосылады. Ол сөйлемнің басында тұрса екпінді, ал аяғында тұрса екпінсіз оқылады. Мысалы: 'Please 'give me a \ chair. – Орындық беріңізші. 'Give me a 'sheet of \ paper, please. – Бip парақ (бет) қағаз беріңізші Introductory there is..., there are... Белгілі жерде біреудің, бip заттың бар екенін баяндағымыз келсе, сөйлемді осы сөз тipкecтepiмeн бастаймыз. Тіркестегі There – «кipicпe There» деп аталады, ce6e6i ол сөйлемнің негізгі ойы – бастауышқа сілтеп тұрады, яғни оның лексикалық мағынасы жойылып, тек қана грамматикалық мағынада тұрғандықтан, ол аударылмайды. Мысалы: 1. There is a table in the room. – Бөлмеде үстел бар. 2. There are many boys in the yard. – Аулада көп ұлдар бар. 3. There is much sugar in the sugar-basin. – Қант салғышта көп қант бар. 4. There is little bread at home. – Үйде нан аз. 5. There are eight books in the bookease. – Кітап шкафында сегіз кітап бар. 6. There are five pencils on the table. – Үстелдің үстінде бес қаламсап бар. 152
7. There are some children in the yard. – Аулада бipaз балалар бар. Ескерту: l) Ocы тіркесте алдында тұрған сөз «r» әріпіне аяқталып, келесі сөз дауысты дыбыстан басталғандықтан екі сөз қосылып айтылады да «r» әpiпi [r] болып оқылады. Сондықтан «r» әріпін осы жағдайда байланыстырушы – linking «r» дейміз. Мысалы: 1. There is no girl in my group, There are – бар, т.с.с. 2. Introductory There is ... There are-мен басталатын сөйлемдер қазақ тіліне аударғанда мекен пысықтауыштан басталады. Болымсыз сейлемдер «nо», әйтпесе «not any», «isn't any» арқылы жасалады, артикль түсіп қалады: There is no table in the room. – Бөлмеде үстел жоқ. There are not any boys in the yard. – Аулада ешқандай ұлдар жоқ. There is not much sugar in the sugar-basin. – Қант сауытта қант көп емес. There is not any bread at home. – үйде нан жоқ;. There are not any books iri the book ease. – Кітап шкафында ешқандай кітап жоқ. There are nоt any pencils on the table. – Үстел үстінде ешқандай қарындаш жоқ. There are no children in the yard. – Аулада ешқандай балалар жок;. Тhere is / there are тіркесінің Сұраулы сөйлемдерінде көмекші етістік to be, яғни is, are сөйлем алдына қойылады, мысалы: ‘Is there a /table in the room? – \Yes, there \іs. ( \ No, there \isn't. 'Are there /many boys in the yard? – \ Yes, there \ are. (\No, there are \not.) Сын eciм мен үстеудің шырайлары Ағылшын тіліндегі сын есімдер көптелмейді, септелмейді, жіктелмейді. Ағылшын үстеулерінің көбі сын eciм түбіріне қосылған «-lу» жұрнағы арқылы жасалады. Мысалы: quickly – тез. Сын eciм мен үстеудің үш түрлі шырайлары бар: жай, салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі 153
Жай шырайдың 2 Tүpi бар. Мысалы: 1. Менің пәтерім үптелген. – 1. Менің пәтерім сенікіндей үптелген. – My flat is comfortable. My flat is as comfortable as yours. 2. Оның көйлегі ұзын. – 2. Оның көйлегі менікіндей ұзын. – Her dress is long. Her dress is as long as mine. 3. Қанат ақылды. – 3. Қанат әкесі секілді ақылды – Kanat is clever. Kanat is as clever as his father. 4. Балхаш үлкен көл. – 4. Бipaқ ол Арал көліней үлкен емес. Lake Balkhash is large. But it is not as large аs Lake Aral. 5. Алманың шашы қысқа. 5. Оның шашының ұзындығы Сәуленікіндей емес. Alma's hair is short. It is not the same length as Saule's. Ескерту: Бұл сөйлемдерде біз сапаның теңдігін as…as…; the same... as; not so ... as – шылаулары арқылы көрсеттік. Салыстырмалы жəне күшейтпелі шырайлардың жасалу жолдары: 1. Бір немесе екі буыннан тұратын сын есімдер мен үстеулер: Жай шырай салыстырмалы шырай күшейтпелі шырай er – жұрнағы арқылы Clean
міндетті түрде the және est – жұрнағы арқылы the cleanest
the smallest
the narrowest
the cleverest
Slow, slowly slower
the slowest 154
2. Жақсы, жаман, аз, көп – деген сын есімдердің және үстеулердің шырайлары түбірімен өзгереді: good, well bad, badly little many (саналатын зат есімдермен) much (саналмайтын зат есімдермен)
Better Worse less
the best the worst the least
the most
3. Кейбір екі буыннан тұратын және үштен көп буыннан кұралған сын есімдердің шырайлары More/less және the most /the least сөздері арқылы жасалады. active Correctly interesting
active more (less) correctly interesting
active the most correctly (the least) interesting
4. Екі мағынасы бар сын есімдердің шырайлары 2 түрлі болады. old-far- ecкi көне алыс арғы, кейінгі
older elder farther further
the the
oldest eldest farthest furthest
Ескерту: 1) Бip буынды сын ecімдердің аяғында тұрған дауыссыз дыбысты түбірдің оқылуы өзгермеуі үшін оны екеу қыламыз. Мысалы: big – bigger – the biggest; 2) түбірдің аяғында тұрған «у» әpiпi «i» әріпіне өзгереді. Мысалы: busy – busier* – the busiest
Болымсыз түрдегі бұйрықтар Болымсыз бұйрықтар көмекші етістік «do» және «not» болымсыздық шылауы арқылы жасалады. Мысалы: Go home. – Do not go home. (Don't go home), Come to me. – Do not come to me (Don't come to me). Ескерту: 1. Көмекші етістік аударылмайды, оған екпін түспейді, бipaқ ол «not»-пен 6ipге айтылғанда, «not»-тың екпіні соған ауысады. 2. Бұйрықты сөйлемдердің аяғында леп белгісі қойылмайды. Қосарланған шылаулар Ағылшын тілінде қосарланып келетін шылаулар көп. Солардың 6ipi: ... either ... or; болымсыз түpi – ... neither ...nor. Олардың мағынасын мына мысалдардан түсінуге болады: 1) Her mother is either a teacher or a doctor. – Оның анасы я мұғалім, я дәрігер. 2) This is either Sholpan or Balkiya. – Бұл не Шолпан не болмаса Балқия. 3) His father is either 45 or 50. – Оның әкесі не 45-те не 50-де. Енді осы сөйлемдердің болымсыз түрлерін берейік: 1) Her mother is neither a teacher nor a doctor. She is an engineer. – Оның анасы мұғалім де, дәрігер де емес. Ол – инженер. 2)This is neither Sholpan nor Balkiya. It is Zhanar. – Бұл Шолпан да, Балқия да емес. Ол – Жанар. 3)His father is neither 45 nor 50. Не is only 40. – Оның әкесі 45-те де 50-де де емес. Ол тек қана 40-та. Postlogues-демеуліктер Keйбip демеуліктер етістіктің мағынасын өзгертеді, сондықтан оларға екпін түседі. Ағылшындар оларды «Preposition» емес «Postlogue» деп атайды. Мысалы: write down – бірдеңені жазып алу (ұмытпау үшін); put on – үстіне кию; go up (down) – ...бойлап жоғары (төмен), look for – іздеу, look about – жан-жаққа қарау, come in – кіру, ену, speak up – қорықпай ашылып сөйлеу, run into – кездесіп қалу, соғысып қалу (маңдаймен, т.б.) және басқалары. Бағыт-бағдар предлогтары: to, from, into, out of, off, away To go to – бір жаққа бару (жүру) 156
To come to – бір жаққа бару (жүру) To go (come) in – ішке кіру, ену To come (go) out – бір жақтан шығу (тысқа) To go (come) from – бір жақтан келу To go (come) into – ішке кіру, бір жаққа ену To go (come) out of – бір жақтан шығу (тысқа) To go away (off) to – бір жаққа кету To be away – үйде болмау, жоқ болу To take off – алып тастау Come into the room – Кіріңіз (ішке)! Go out – Шығыңыз (бөлмеден)! Go out of the room – Шығыңыз (бөлмеден)! Бірақ(предлогсыз): To go (ome) home – үйге қайту (оралу) The passive voice Қазақ тіліндегідей ағылшын тілінде де етістіктің eтіс категориясы бар. Оны олар Voice деп атайды. Бірақ қазақ тілінде eтic категориясы бесеу болса, ағылшын тілінде екеу. Бұл eтic категориясы екі тілде әр түрлі екенін, мағынасы бойынша сәйкес бола қоймайтндығын білдіреді. Ағылшын тілінде Passive Voice казак, тілімен салыстырғанда сирек қолданылады. Бұл грамматикалық құбылыс көбінесе ғылым, техника, өнеркәсіп, ауылшаруашылық саласында кездеседі, ce6e6i мұнда 6iз үшін маңызды нәрсе ic-әрекеттердің өзі, ал оны кім icтеп жатқаны бізге керексіз. Мысалы: Жыл сайын талай мың машиналар жасап шығарылады. Ал күндeлiктi әдеби тілде 6iз, әрине, іс-әрекет иесін айтамыз, 6iз үшін ic-әрекеттің өзі де, оны орындаушы да маңызды, яғни күндeлiктi сөйлескенде Active Voice-ты қолданамыз. Ағылшын тіліндегі Voice категориясы ic-әрекетпен субъекті жэне объекті арасындағы қарым-қатынасты білдіреді. Active Voice – сөйлемдегі ic-әрекетті субъект, яғни бастауыш өзі icтeгенін бiлдipeдi, субъект ic-әрекетте белсенді болады, ағылшынша «active». Мысалы: 1. Dariga reads books everyday, (the Present Indefinite Active Voice). 157
2. She is reading now. (the Present Continuous Active Voice) 3. She has already read 10 books, (the Present Perfect Active Voice). 4. She will read tomorrow too. (the Future Indefinite Active Voice). 5. She read this story yesterday, (the Past Indefinite Active Voice). The Passive Voice-та сөйлемнің субъекті, яғни баяндауышы іс-әрекетті өзі істеген жок, яғни енжар, белсенді емес болады; ағылшынша айтканда «passive» болады. Қазақ тілінде оны ырықсыз eтic деуге болады; ic-әрекет субъектіге емес объектіге катысты болады. Сондықтан ағылшын сөйлеміндегі бастауышты аударғанда оны толықтауыш ретінде қолданамыз. The Passive Voice – жіктеліп, керекті шаққа қойылатын to be көмекші eтicтiгi және нeгiзгi етістіктің III формасы – the Past Participle арқылы жасалады: to be + III form. The Present Indefinite Passive (am, is, are + III form) I am often invited to the cinema. – Meні киноға жиі шақырады. I am told to go to the shop. – Маған дүкенге бар деді (Meні дүкенге жұмсады) Не is given an interesting book. – Оған кызық кітап берілді. The chair is broken. – Орындық сынған. We are given much homework. – Бізге көп тапсырма берілді. You are wanted at the dean's. – Сізді деканатқа шақырып жатыр. Our students are taught 2 foreign languages. – Біздің студенттерге 2 шетел тілін оқытады. The Past Indefinite Passive (was, were + III form) 1) I was invited to the theatre yesterday. – Meні кеше театрға шақырды. 2) He was given much attention when he was a child. – Бала кезінде оған көп көңіл бөлінетін. 3) English was taught with this textbook. – Ағылшын тілін осы оқулықпен оқытқан. 4) These girls were badly spoken. – Мына қыздар туралы көптеген жаман пікір айтылады. 158
5) Our University was founded in 1934. – Біздің Университетіміздің тасы 1934 жылы қаланды. The Future Indefinite Passive (shall, will be + III form) 1. This lecture will be read next year. – Бұл лекция келесі жылы оқылады. 2. The lost book will be found. – Жоғалған кітап табылады. 3. I shall be introduced to many teachers of other universities. – Мені басқа университеттердің көптеген мұғалімдерімен таныстырады. 4. When shall we be shown our new flat? – Бізге жаңа үйімізді қашан көрсетеді? 5. Permission may be given to you as soon as he comes. – Ол келісімен сізге рұқсат берілуі мүмкін. The Present Continuous and Past Continuous Passive (be being + III form) Созылыңқы ic-әрекеттер the Passive Voice-та тек осы екі шақта қолданылады. Жасалу жолы:to be көмекші етістігі Present немесе Past Continuous-та + негізгі етістіктің III формасы: to be being + III form. Мысалы: 1. The letter is being written now. – Қазір хат жазылып жатыр. 2. The letter was being written yesterday at 5 o'clock. – Хат жазылып жатқан еді. 3. Powerful machines are being created. – Қуатты машиналар жасалып жатыр. 4. Powerful machines were being created. – Қуатты машиналар жасалып жатқан болатын. 5. They are being made fun of. – Оларды күлкіге көтеріп жатыр. 6. They were being made fun of when I entered. – Мен кіргенде оларды күлкіге көтеріп жатқан еді(келемеждеп жатқан еді). Ескерту: Passive Voice-та ic-әрекет бастауыштан толықтауышқа бағытталып тұрғандықтан, ағылшын сөйлемінде ол аталмайды. Бірақ іс-әрекетті кім істегенін айтқыңыз келсе, алдына «by» немесе «with» демеулігін қоясыз. Мысалы: 1. The vase has been broken by Alan. 2. The meat was cnt with a sharp knife 159
Indirect speech (Төлеу сөз) Біз біреудің айтқан пікірін, өтінішін, кеңесін, бұйрығын, яғни төл сөзін төлеу сөзге айналдырып айтуға тиістіміз. Ол үшін ағылшын тілінде арнайы ережелер бар: А. Егер төл сөз бұйрықтан, өтініштен тұрса, оны төлеу сөзге айналдырғанда бұйрық райда тұрған eтicтіктi тұйьқ етістік қыламыз. Мысалы: 1. The teacher says: «Read louder, Asan». – The teacher asks Asan to read louder. 2. Aset says to the dog: «Sit stil! Don't bark». Aset commands the dog to sit stil and not to bark. 3. Alma to her mother: «Please give me a chocolate». – Alma requests her mother to give her a chocolate. Есіңізде болсын: төл сөзде автор сөзі ылғи «say» – «айту» болса, төлеу сөзде say-дің орнына төл сөздің коммуникативтк мағынасын беретін басқа етістік колдану керек. Жоғарғы сөйлемдерде say-дің орнына ask – өтіну, сұрау; command – бұйрық беру; request – сыпайы, жалынып өтіну деген етістіктер қолданылды. Төл сөзді төлеу сөзге айналдыру деген ағылшын тілінЪде to re'port болады, ал төл сөздің коммуникативтік мағынасын беріп тұрған етістіктерді «re'poring verbs» деп атаймыз. Өтініш, бұйрық, кеңес, сақтандыру мағынасын білдіретін Reporting Verbs-дер: to order, to command, to ask, to beg, to advise, to warn, to request. Ескерту: Төл сөздегі каратпа сөз төлеу сөзде толықгауышқа айналады. Мысалы: Mother to Nurseit: «Be careful in the street, Nurseit». – Mother warns Nurseit to be careful in the street. – Анасы Нұрсейітті көшеде абайлап жүруін ескертеді. Б. Жалпы, немесе альтернативті сұрақтардан тұратын төл сөзді төлеу сөзбен айтқанда, ол толықтауыш бағыныңқыға айналады; оны басыңқы сөйлемге if немесе whether деген шылаулар арқылы жалғастырамыз, екеуінің мағынасы бірдей, қазақ тіліне аударғанда сұраулы ма, ме, ба, бе, па, пе – демеуліктері мағынасын береді. Төл сөзіміз жалпы сұрақ болғандықтан қолданатын етістіктеріміз келесі: to ask, to be interested, to want to know, to be eager to know. Мысалы: 1. «Are you from Karagandy?» – Bolat asks if Madina is from Karagandy (Болат Мадинаның Қарағандылық па екенін сұрады). 160
2. Are you here on holiday or on business? – Bolat is interested whether she is here on business or on holiday (Болат оньң мұнда жұмыс бабымен әлде демалысқа келгенін 6iлгісі келді. 3. Will you join me and see our University? – Bolat invites her to join him and see his University (Болат оны езінің университетін көруге шақырды). 4. Are going to stay here long? – Bolat is eager to know if she is going to stay here long. – (Болат оның мұнда көп уақыт болар ма екенін білгісі келіп тұр). 5. The mother asked Arman: «Do you want an ice-cream?» – The mother asked Arman if he wanted an ice-cream. (Мамасы Арманнан балмұздақ жегісі келеді ме деп сұрады). Ескерту: Егер автор сөзінің баяндауышы өткен шақта болса Sequence of Tenses ережесін сақтау керек. В. 1) Төл сөз хабарлы сөйлем болса, оны төлеу сөзге айналдырғанда коммуникативтік мағынасына қарай неше түрлі етістіктер қолданылады, олар to tell, answer, wonder, belief, add, be sure, understand, realize, find out, know, remind smb, remark, deny, promise, assure smb, inform, declare, explain to smb, confess, complain, think, warn smb, decide, boast, suppose – бұларды жатқа біліп, to say етістігінің орнына колдану керек. 2) Басыңқы сөйлемнің баяндауышы өткен шақта болса, Sequence of Tenses ережесі бойынша бағыныңқы сөйлемдегі мезгіл пысықтауыштар және сілтеу eciмдіктері төмендегідей өзгереді: this – that, these – those, now – then, ago – before, here – there, today – that day, yesterday – the day before, tomorrow – the next day, last year – the year before, next year – the next year. 3) Бағыныңқы сөйлем басыңқы сөйлемге that шылауы арқылы қосылады. Мысалы: 1. Не says: «I shall come by all means». He says that he will come by all means. – Ол қандай жағдай болса да міндетті түрде келетінін айтты 2. They said: 'They will come tomorrow». They promised that they would come the next day. – Олар келсі күні келуге уәде берді. Г. Төл сөз арнаулы сұрақ болса, ол төлеу сөзде бағыныңқы толықтауыш сөйлеміне айналып, басыңкы сөйлемге сұрау eciмдігі арқылы жалғасады. Қолданылатын етістіктер – to ask, to 161
want, to know, to be interested, т.б. «сұрау» мағынасын білдіретін етістіктер болады; егер олар өткен шақта болса, Sequence of Tenses epeжеciн орындауды ұмытпаңыз. Мысалы: 1. They say: «What are you doing here?» They ask what I am doing here. 2. He says: «Which of you can translate this article into English?» He asks which of us can translate this article into English. 3. She said: «Where does your brother live?» She asked where my brother lived. 4. She said to me: «When do they have their dinner. She asked me when they had their dinner. The Sequence of Tenses Ағылшын тілінде сабақтас құрмалас сөйлемдерде баяндауыштардың шақ қиысуы – the Sequence of Tenses – деген ереже бар. Бұл ереже бойынша басыңқы сөйлемнің баяндауышы өткен шақта – the Past Indefinite-те болса, онда бағыныңқы сөйлемнің баяндауышы соған сәйкес болуы керек, яғни өткен шақтардың бip түрінде болуы тиіс. Әдетте the Sequence of Tenses бағыныңқы толықтауыш сөйлемдерде қолданылады. Eciмізге ағылшын өткен шақтарын түсіретін болсақ, (the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect) бағыныңқы сөйлемнің баяндауышы осы шақтардың бірінде тұруы керек. The Sequence of Tenses ережесіне тек әлемге әйгілі шындық, кұбылыстарға ақиқат сипаттама беретін бағыныңқы сөйлемдер ғана бағынбайды. Мысалы: The teacher said there are 4 seasons in a year. Бұл сабақтас кұрмалас сөйлемде бағыныңқы толықтауыш сөйлем – әлемге әйгілі ақиқат, оны калай айтса да, ол Осы шақта – the Present Indefinite-те қалады. The Sequence of Tenses ережелері келесі: А) Егер бағыныңқы сөйлемнің ic-әрекеті басыңқы сөйлемнің ic-әрекетімен 6ip мезгілде болса, онда оның баяндауышын The Past Indefinite-ке қоямыз. Мысалы:1) I didn't know you lived here. – Мен сіздің осында тұратыныңызды білмедім. 2) Не was sure that the children were in the country. – Ол балалардың ауылда екеніне сенді. 3) The doctor reminded us that morning exercises strengthen one's health. – Дәрігер таңғы дене шынықтыру жаттығулары адамның денсаулығын күшейтетінін eciмізге түcipді. 4) I said I 162
wanted to write them at home. – Мен оларға хатты үйде жазғым келгенін айттым. Ескерту: Модаль eтістіктерінің II [өткен шақ] формасы болса, сол форманы қабылдайды. Мысалы: 1) Ол өзі мұны істей алмайтынын айтты. – Не said be couldn't do it. 2). Анасы баласына мұны icтеген жөн болады дед|. – The mother told her son that he should do it. Ал must етістігінің II формасы жоқ. екені белгілі. а) Егер must – сөйлемде міндет мағынасын білдіріп тұрса, осы формада қалады. Мысалы: The Minister of Education said that all children must go to school when they are 6. – Білім министрлігі барлық балалар алтыға толғанда мектепке баруға міндетті деді. Б) Егер must міндетке қажеттілік мағынасын білдірсе, to have to «мәжбүр болу» модаль етістігінің ІІ-ші формасы had-ті қолданамыз, мысалы: Ол әжесі ауырып жақандықтан қалуға мәжбүр болатынын білді. – He knew he had to stay because his granny was ill. Б) Егер бағыныңқы сөйлемнің ic-әрекеті басыңқы сөйлемнің ic-әрекетінен бұрын болса, онда the PAST PERFECTшағын қолданамыз, мысалы: Мен Әнуардың Қытайға кеткенін естідім. Айман өзінің баласын қатты сағынғанын жасырмады. В) Егер бағыныңқы сөйлемнің ic-әрекеті басыңқы сөйлемдегі біткен ic-әрекеттен кеін істелсе,онда the Future -in – the Past деген шақты қолданамыз. Бұл шақ тек қана осындай іс-әрекетті білдіреді, яғни басыңқы сөйлемдегі біткен іс-әрекетпен салыстырғанда келер шақта болатын ic-әрекет. Мысалы: 1. I didn't know that you would come so soon. – Сенің соншалықты тез келетініңді білген жоқпын. 2. Не wanted to know what time I should be back home. – Ол менің үйге қашан келетінімді білгісі келді. 3. She was afraid that the weather would be bad. – Ол aya райы жаман болады деп қорықты. 4. We thought that there would be much snow in the mountains. – Біз тауда көп қар болатын шығар деп ойладық. Г) Егер бағыныңқы сөйлемнің ic-әрекеті аяқталмай, болып жатқан ic-әрекет болса, онда the Past Continuous шағын қолданамыз. 163
Мысалы: 1. When he entered the room he saw that Mother was crying. – Ол бөлмеге кіргенде, анасының жылап отырғанын көрді. 2. І thought he was waiting for me. – Ол мені әлі күтіп тұр деп ойладым. 3. I was sure that you were sleeping. – Мен сенің ұйықтап жататыныңа сендім. The Future indefinite tense The Future Indefinite Tense – ic-әрекет сөйлеп тұрған уақыттан кейін нақтылы, eш6ip күмәнсіз болатындығын білдіреді, яғни қазақ тіліндегі ауыспалы келер шақ болады. The Future Indefinite Tense – модаль етістіктерінің ішіндегі көмекші eтістік функциясын орындайтын Shall (І, we) және Will (he, she, it, they, you) арқылы жасалады, «to» демеулігі түсіп қалады. The Future Indefinite-тің мезгіл пысықтауыштары келесі: tomorrow – ертең, in a week (month, year, hour) – бip аптадан (айдан, жылдан, сағаттан) кейін, in 2030 – 2030 жылы, next month (week, Monday, year) – келесі айда (аптада, Дүйсенбіде, жылы). Мысалы: 1) І shall graduate from the University in 3 years. – Мен университетті үш жылдан кейін бтіремін. 2) Marat and Erkin will marry in 2007. – Марат пен Еркін 2007 жылы үйленеді. 3) Не will travel around India next year. – Ол Индияға келесі жылы саяхатқа барады. Ағылшын тілінде the Future Indefinite Tense тек қана басыңқы сөйлемде колданылады. Бағыныңқы сөйлемде the Future Indefinite-тің орнына: 1) the Present Indefinite қолданылады, егер ic-әрекеттің орындалуы анық болмаса. Мысалы: а) I shall come to you if I have time. – Мен саған келемін, егер уақытым болса. б) Не will do it when he comes. – Ол оны келгеннен кейін істейді 2) the Present Perfect егер ic-әрекет міндетті түрде орындалса, мысалы: а) Don’t play chess until you have done your work. –Жұмысыңды бітірмей, шахмат ойнама. б) I shall give you my book after I have read it – Мен саған кітабымды оқып болған соң беремін. Ескерту: The Future Indefinite Tense – егер басыңқы сөйлемнің баяндауышы келер шақта болмаса. тек қана бағыныңкы толықтауыш сөйлемде қолданылады. Мысалы: 1. Мен ойынның қызық я қызықты емес болатынын білмеймін. – І don't know if 164
the play will be interesting. 2. Ол eкeyi қашан үйленетінін білгім келеді – I wonder when they will marry. The Future Continuous Tense болашақта белгілі мезгілде (ертең) болып жататын ic-әрекетті білдіреді. The Future Continuous былай жасалады: shall/ will + be + негізгі етістік + ing. Мысалы: 1. What shall we be doing tomorrow? 2. I shall be working. 3. She will be dancing. 4. They will be working hard. 5. Rakhim will not be working, I'm sure. Белгілі мезгіл сөйлемде: a) the Present Indefinite-те тұрған болатын ic-әрекет: I am sure when you drop in at her place she will be having a wonderful time out of doors; б) мезгіл пысықтауыштар – «at 3 o'clock at this time tomorrow» – It is snowing, there is much show on the ground and I'm sure I shall be enjoying myself in the mountains tomorrow at this time; с) асыға күткен, болжап қойған ic-әрекет: The weather is changing for the better. The river has frozen over. There is a lot of snow in the woods. I hope that during our winter holidays we shall be skating on the ice and skiing in the woods. The Future Perfect Tense болашақта белгілі мезгілге дейін анық бітетін, орындалатын ic-әрекетті білдіреді. Бұл шақ көмекші to have етістігі + Future Іdefinite + Past Participle (негізгі етістіктің ІІІ формасы) арқылы жасалады. Болатын белгілі мезгілді мынадай пысықтауыштар: by that time, by the first of July, by 7 o'clock tomorrow, by the end of the next year немесе басқа болатын ic-әрекет білдіреді. Мысалы: 1.Tomorrow by 5 o'clock he will have received my letter. Ертең, сағат 5-ке дейін ол менің хатымды алады. 2. By the end of the week I shall have written my report. Аптаның аяғына дейін мен баяндамамды жазып боламын. 3. When you have finished this book you will have learnt many new English words. Сен бұл кітапты оқып бітіргенше көптеген ағылшын сөздерін жаттап аласың. 4. If you ring me up after 10 o'clock I shall have settled this problem with the dean. Eгep сіз маған сағат 10-нан кейін телефон соқсаңыз, мен бұл мәселені деканмен шешіп қоямын. 165
The Present Indefinite Tense The Present Indefinite Tense – ауыспалы осы шақ. – қазақ тіліндегідей ic-әрекеттің бұрыннан болып келе жатқанын, осы кездерде болып жүргенін, немесе әдетке, дағдыға, кәсіпке, заттың бойына сіңген қасиетке айналғанын білдіреді. Шақтың атындағы Indefinite деген сөзіне назар аударсақ, «белгісіз» деген, яғни ic-әрекеттің болатын мезгілі белгісіз екенін білеміз. Сондықтан бұл шактың сөйлемдегі мезгіл көрсеткіштері келесі: usually – әдетте; sometimes – кейде, анда-санда; often – жиі, always – ылғи; never – ешқашан; everyday (morning, year, summer, week) – күнде (таңертең, әр жылда, жазда, аптада); once a week (month, year) – аптасына (айына, жыльша) 6ip рет. The Present Indefinite Tense – негізгі етістіктің I формасынан жасалады: 1) 'tо» демеулігін алып тастаймыз; 2) Жіктейміз, яғни ІІІ жақ жекеше түрде түбіріне «S» жұрнағын қосамыз. Мысалы: I work at a shop everyday. You work at a shop everyday. He (she,it) works at a shop everyday. Көпше түрде: We (You,They) work at a shop everyday. Ескерту: Егер етістік «о» әріпіне аяқталса, ІІІ жақ жекеше түрде түбіріне «es» жалғанады. Мысалы: to go – бару, goes [gouz] – (ол)барады; to do – icтey, does [d/Vz] – (ол) істейді The Past Indefinite Tense The Past Indefinite негізгі етістіктің екінші формасынан жасалады. Бұл шақ ic-әрекет, қимыл сөйлеп тұрған мезгілден бұрын біткенін білдіреді. Мезгіл көрсеткіштері төмендегідей: yesterday – кеше, ago-бұрын, the day before – арғы күні, in 1998 – 1998 жылы (in May – мамыр айында, in summer – жазда), last winter (day, year) – бұлардың барлығы уақыты белгісіз өткен мезгіл, яғни қазақ тілінде – жедел өткен шақ. Мысалы: Arman played football yesterday. – Кеше Арман футбол ойнады. Nariman was born in 1996. – Нариман 1996 жылы туылды. When were you born? – сіз қашан туылдыңыз? My father returned 166
from Astana a week ago. – Менің әкем осыдан 6ip апта бұрын Астанадан келді. The Past Indefinite-тің сұраулы және болымсыз түрлері to do көмекші етістігінің ІІ формасы, яғни did аркылы жасалады. Мысалы: My father returned from Astana a week ago. 1. Did my father return from Astana a week ago? – Yes, he did. / No, he didn't. 2. My father did not return a week ago. Енді «My father returned from Astana a week ago» деген сөйлемнің әр мүшесіне сұрақ койып, қысқаша жауап берейік: 1. Who returned from Astana? – My father did. 2. What did my father do? – He returned. 3. Where did he rettirn from? – He returned from Astana. 4. When did he return? – He returned a week ago. Ескерту: Егер сұрақ бастауышқа қойылса, көмекші етістік did қолданылмайды. Мысалы: Who opened the door? Who closed the window? The Past Perfect Tense 1. THE PAST PERFECT TENSE – to have көмекші етістігінің ІІ формасы, яғни ІІ формасы had және негізгі етістіктің III формасы (the Past Participle) арқылы жасалады. Ол белгілі өткен мезгілден бұрын болтан ic-әрекетті білдіреді. Мезгіл көрсеткіштері: 1) bу-демеулігі, 2) басқа 6iткен іс-әрекет. Мысалы: 1. I had done the translation by last Monday. – Мен аударманы өткен дүйсенбіге дейін жасағанмын. 2. Alma had visited all her friends by the end of her school vacation. – Алма мектептегі демалысы аяқталғанша барльқ достарына барып шыққан. 3. The Isaevs had hidden themselves in the barn before it began to rain. – Исаевтар жаңбыр басталмай бидай қоймасына тығылған.. 4. I saw he hadn't written a single sentence. – Мен оның еш 6ip де сөйлем жазбағанын байқадым. 5. When Erbol's Kokshetau friends arrived in Almaty, he had already planned what to do and where to take them. – Ерболдың Көкшетаулық достары Алматыға келгенше, ол олармен не істейтінін, қайда апаратынын әлдеқашан жоспарлап қойған. 167
2. THE PAST PERFECT TENSE – басқа өткен кезеңде біткен ic-әрекеттен бұрын бітіп қалған ic-әрекетті білдіреді. Мысалы: 1. Aziz had hardly introduced his friend to me when I recognized him. – Азиз маған досын таныстырып болғанша, мен оны eciмe түсірдім (таниды екенмін). 2. Some 10 minutes had no sooner passed when it stopped raining and the sun appeared in the sky again. – 10 минуттай уақыт өткені сол ак, жаңбыр басылып, аспанда күн шыға келді. 3. Hardly my Mother had laid the table when she heard the telephone rang.-Анам дастарханды жайғаны сол ғана еді, телефон шырылдады. 3. THE PAST PERFECT TENSE — аяқталмаған (Continuous) шақтарда колданбайтын етістіктермен белгілі өткен мезгілде басталып, осы уақытқа дейін болып, әлі де болып жатқан ісәрекетті білдіреді.Мысалы: 1. Maira told she had lived in Atyrau for 5 years. – Майра Атырауда 5 жыл бойы тұрып жатқанын айтты. 2. Ainur said she hadn't seen Dastan since last month. – Айнұр Дастанды өткен айдан 6epi көрмегенін айтты. 3. Rustem told he hadn't gone to his grand-mother since he finished school. – Рүстем әжесіне мектеп бітіргелі бармағанын айтты. The Past Continuous Tense өткен кезеңнің белгілі мезгілінде болып жатқан ic-әрекетті білдіреді. Бұл шақтың көрсеткіштері: – yesterday at... o'clock, when ..., while ..., between ... and ..., from ... till... – болады. Бұл шақ the Past Indefinite-те жіктелетін to be көмекші eтістігі және негізгі етістіктің IV формасы – the Present Participle-дан жасалады, яғни: was(were) + Present Simple +ing. Мысалы: 1) І was reading a book yesterday at 7 o'clock, - Мен кеше сағат жетіде кітап кітап оқып отырғанмын. 2) My parents were having dinner when he came. – Ол келгенде, менің әке-шешем тамақ iшіп жатқан. 3) My brother was doing his home work while I was washing the floor. – Мен еден жуып жатқан кезде, інім сабақтарын орындап отырған.. The Present Perfect Tense Бұл шақтың атындағы терминдерді талдасақ, Perfect дегеніміз ic-әрекеттің, қимылдың сөйлеп тұрған уақыттан әлдеқайда бұрын, ертеде болып өткенін білдіреді, ал Present дегеніміз – сол 168
ic-әрекеттің бітіп қана қоймай, оның ой салмағы, түйіні казіргі нәтижесінде екенін білдіреді. 1. Яғни, the Present Perfect Tense – қазақ тіліндегі айғақты өткен шақтың бұрынғы түpi деп атауға болады. The Present Perfect Tense – ауыспалы осы шақта жіктелетін to have көмекші eтістігі және негізгі етістіктің III формасы – the Past Participle – арқылы жасалады. Бұл шақтың мезгіл көрсеткіштері: already – әлдеқашан, recently – жақында, жақын арада, this year (month, morning, т.б.) – осы жылы (айда, таңертең, т.б.), today – бүгін, yet – әлі, just – жаңа ғана, never – ешқашан, ever – бip уақьггта, күндердің күнінде, қашан болса да, әйтеуір, 6ip кезде; lately – соңғы кезде, жақын арада. Мысалы: 1. Іhave already read this book. – Мен бұл кітапты оқығанмын (мазмұнын білемін). 2. Have you translated the article? – Мақаланы аударып қойдың ба? (нәтижесі кәне, көрсет). No, I haven't yet. – Жоқ, әлі (аударған жоқпын). 3. Не has written a letter to his mother. – Ол анасына хат жазып қойған (яғни, анасы оның жағдайын біледі). 4. Who has broken the window? – Терезені кім сындырды? (терезе сынықтары жерде жатыр). Жоғарыдағы 4 сөйлемде the Present Perfect біткен, 6ipaқ нәтижесі арқылы сөйлеп тұрған мезгілмен байланысты іс-әрекетті білдіріп тұр. The Past Participle Past Participle сөйлемде дара тұрып, баяндауыш бола алмайды. Ол the Present Participle, яғни етістіктің IV формасы секілді, сөйлемде анықтауыш мүше болады. Мысалы: to say – said – айтқан, to go – gone (барған), to write – written (жазған), to be – been (болған), to do – done (істеген). The Past Participle – қазақ тіліндегі көсемшеге ұксас келеді. Ол анықтайтын сөздің алдында да артында да тұруы ықтимал. Modal Verbs Can, may, must, Need, ought, shall, will, dare – модаль eтістіктері болып аталады. Олар іс-әрекет немесе оның күйін білдірмейді. Олардың мағынасы – сөйлеушінің сөйлемдегі ic-әрекетке немесе оның күіне деген көзқарасын білдіреді (Яғни, сөй169
леушінің сөйлемдегі ой жөнінде пікірi қандай – мақұлдай ма, күдіктене ме, болжау айта ма, әлде анық сенімдік білдіре ме). Олай болса, олар, әрине, дара тұрып сөйлемнің баяндауышы бола алмайды, олар ылғи жанында тұрған тұйық етістікпен бірігіп баяндауыш болады.. Модальдік етістіктерді әдетте кемшілігі бар етістіктер деп атайды, ce6e6i олар: 1) Тұйық етістікке қосылғанда, оның 'tо» – демеулігі түсіп қалады. Мысалы: I саn read, I must go, I may go, бipaқ: I want to go, I like to read; 2) Олар жіктелмейді: I can, He can; She must, I must; 3) Сұраулы болымсыз формаларын жасауда өздері қолданылады, ешқандай көмекші етістіктер керек емес. Мысалы: Can I read? I can not read. What must I do? Must I go?; 4) Олар бұйрықты сөйлемдерде қолданылмайды: 5) Іc-әрекеттің шақ категориясын білдірмейді, яғни грамматикалық мағынасы жоқ, тек қана лексикалық мағынасы мәнді, сондықтан негізгі етістіктің 4 формасы болса, бұларда көбінесе 6ip форма бар: must, need, can – I форма, Ought – II форма, ал екі формасы да бар modal verbs-дердің (can – could, shall – should, may – might) айырмашылығы өткен шақтан гөpi сөздің лексикалық мағынасында. SHALL модаль етістігінің мағынасы: 1) жалпы сұрақта іске байланысты нұсқау, жөн-жоба сұрау. Мысалы: Shall I fetch some chalk? – Бор әкелейін бе? Shall we copy out the text? – Мәтінді көшіріп алайық па? Shall she ring you up? – Cаған ол телефон соқсын ба? Shall they leave the window open? – Терезені ашық қалдырсын ба? 2) Хабарлы сөйлемде уәде немесе ескерту мағынасын білдіреді: Мысалы: You shall get all the necessary books tomorrow. – Керек кітаптарыңды ертең аласың. Don't sit in the draught, you shall catch cold. – Желдің өтінде отырма, суық тиеді. 3) Shall-дің II формасы Should – «кеңес, ақыл» мағынасын білдіреді. 170
Мысалы: You should attend your lessons regularly. – Сабақтарыңа үнмі баруың керек. Не should work hard at matiaematics. – Ол математика пәніне бар ынтасын салып, оқығаны жөн. You should speak to your son and ask him to behave. – Балаңызбен тәртібі туралы сөйлескеніңіз жөн болады. WILL 1) Іc-әрекетке сөйлеушінің еркін, қалауын, ықтиярын білдіреді. Мысалы: I will punish you. – Мен сені жазалаймын. I will never speak to him. – Мен онымен ешқашан сөйлеспеймін. 2) Сөйлеушінің анық бшмейтінін, болжап тұрғанын білдіреді. Мысалы: This will the Museum you want, I think. – Cаған керек мұражай осы болар. I think he will be 2 hours late. – Меніңше, ол 2 сағатқа кешігеді. 3) Жалпы сұрақта will және оның екінші формасы would кішіпейіл өтінішті білдіреді. Айырмашылығы – екіншісі біріншісінен сыпайылау, сондықтан оған please деген сөзді қоспаған жөн. Мысалы: Will you wait a moment? – Біраз тоса тұрыңызшы. Will you tell us your name, please. – Атыңызды айтыңызшы. Would you have a cup of tea? – Шайға келіңіз. Would you keep these books for me? – Маған мына кітаптарды қалдырыңызшы (сақтай тұрыңызшы). 4) would – өткен мезгілде жиі орындалған, әдет болған ісәрекетті білдіреді. Мысалы: When a child he would play football the whole day. – Бала кезінде ол күні бойы футбол ойнайтын. When young I would attend all the theatres and cinemas. – Жас кезімде театр, кинодан қалмайтынмын. When he was a pupil, my brother would take an active part in every sports competition. – Мектепте оқушы болғанында, менің ағам әр спорт сайысына қатысатын. MUST жанында тұрған етістікке жағдайға, міндетке байланысты қажеттілік мағынасын жүктейді, ал болымсыз сөйлемде тыйым салады. Мысалы: 171
1. You must go to school every day. – Сен сабақтарыңа күнде баруға тиістісің. 2. You must not shout here, your granny is sleeping, she is ill. – Сен бұл жерде шуылдамауың керек, әжең ұйықтап жатыр, ол ауыру. 3. You must see your parents more often.They miss you. – Сендер ата-аналарыңа жиірек баруға тиістісіңдер, олар сендерді сағынады. 4. Must we attend classes regularly? – Of course, you must. – Біз семинарларға үнемі қатысуға тиістіміз бе? Әрине, міндеттісіңдер. OUGHT модаль етістігінің тек қана осы формасы бар, екінші өткен форма болып саналады. Сондықтан әдетте сөйлем өткен шақта аударылады. Басқа модаль етістіктерінен айырмашылығы – ылғи «to» демеулігімен қолданылады. Болымсыз түрі – ought not=oughtn't қажеттілік, міндеттілік мағынасын білдіреді: Мысалы: 1. сапалы, моральдық міндет, борыш, қажеттілік, кеңес: а) I ought to help her. – Мен оған көмектесуге міндетті едім. б) You oughtn't to punish the child – Баланы жазалауға хақыңыз жоқ еді. 2. кінә, сөгіс айту: a) You ought to have written to your mother that you can't come home. – Сен өзіңнің үйге келе алмайтының туралы анаңа жазуың керек еді. (ал сен жазбадың). b) She ought not to have stopped her work halfway. – Ол жұмысын жарты жолда тастап кетпеуі керек еді. 3. ықтималдық: a) The telegram ought to reach him within 2 hours. – Ол телеграмманы ею сагаттьщ шамасында алатын шығар. б) According to my calculation the distance ought to be about twenty miles. – Менің санауымша қашықтық 20 шақырым шамасында болар. NEED «Қажеттілік, міндеттілік» мағынасын білдіреді: I need а саr. – Маған машина алу қажет. I need harry up – Маған асығу керек. Need I tell you all the truth? – Менің сізге барлық шындықты айтуым қажет пе? Ескерту: 1. Need модаль етістігінің негізгі лексикалық мағынасы да бар – «керек ету, керек болу». Бұл мағынасы «айту, 172
бару, т.б.» жай етістіктер секілді дара қолданылып, сөйлемнің баяндауышы болады. Мысалы: I need a dictionary. Осы лексикалық мағынасының әсерінен ағылшын грамматикасында Need модаль етістігінің болымсыз және сұраулы формаларының жоғарыда айтылған жасалу жолдарымен қатар екінші жолы да сақталған, яғни «do» көмекші eтістігі арқылы. Мысалы: Do I need to say more to you? – No, you don't need to repeat any word. What do you need? Мұндай жағдайда оған жанында тұрған негізгі етістіктің алдындағы «to» демеулігі сақталатынына көңіл аударыңыздар. CAN «қабілет» мағынасын білдіреді: 1) физикалық әр түрлі қабілет (күші, дене шынығуы). Мысалы: 1) I can carry this bag – Мен бұл сөмкені көтере аламын. 2) I cannot carry this suitcase, it is very heavy. Ескерту: болымсыз түрде 6ipгe жазылады. 2) ақыл, ой кабілеті: I can speak English, but I can't speak Chinese, it is very difficult. – Мен ағылшын тілінде сөйлей аламын, ал қытайша сөйлей алмаймын, ол өте қиын. 3) жағдайға байланысты мумкіншілік. You can take this book in the library. – Ciз бұл кітапты кітапханадан ала аласыз (яғни алуға жағдай бар). 4) болымсыз және сұраулы түрде сөйлеушінің айтылып тұрған ойға күмәнін білдіреді. Мысалы: It cannot be true. – Бұл шындық болуы мүмкін емес; Can this be a mistake? – Бұл қате шығар? 5) Саn-нің екінші формасы – could – а) жалпы сұрақтарға өте кішіпейілділік, сыпайылық мағынасын береді. Мысалы: 1. Could you give me your book? – Кітабыңызды маған 6epiңізші. 2. Could you close the door? – Өтінемін, eciкті жабыңызшы. б) арнаулы сұрақтарда сөйлеушінің айтылып тұрған ойға сенбейтінін, күмәнданатынын білдіреді: 1. Who could believe it? – Кім бұған сенеді ?; 2. Who could say such things about him? Nonsense! – Кім ол туралы бұлай айтады ? Бос сөз! TheComplex object Ағылшын тілінде үміттену, жек көру, қалау, бағындыру, жариялау мағынасын беретін етістіктерден кейін Compex Object 173
– күрделі толықтауыш қолданылады. Ол осы етістіктерден кейін тұрады да зат eciм немесе есімдік және тұйық етістіктен жасалады. Кейде қазақ тіліне аударғанда бағыныңқы толықтауыш сөйлем болады. Мысалы: 1) І want you to wash the floor. – Мен сенің еден жууыңды қалап тұрмын (Маған сенің еден жуғаның керек). 2) What do you want me to do? – Ciз менің не iстеуімді қалап тұрсыз? 3) She expects them to come early. – Ол оларды ерте келеді деп үміттенеді. 4) Your mother expects you to become a good man. – Анаң сені жақсы адам болады деп үміттенеді. 5) She hears somebody opening the door. – Ол біреудің eciк ашып жатқанын естіп тұр. 6) She hates Aidar to laugh at her friends. – Ол Айдардың оның достарына күлгенін жақтырмайды.: Ескерту: 1) То see, to hear етістіктерінен кейін Complex Object-те «to» демеулігі қолданылмайды. 2) Егер ic-әрекет аяқталмай, болып жатқан болса, олардан кейін етістіктің тұйық формасының орнына IV-шi, the Present Participle – формасы қолданылады, мысалы: I see my friend coming to me. – Мен досымның маған келе жатқанын көріп тұрмын. The Present Participle Біз ағылшын етістігінің 1-ші формасын қазақ тіліндіегі тұйық етістікке тең деп алдық. Тhe Present Participle – етістіктің төртінші формасы болады. Ол тұйық етістіктің түбіріне «іng» жұрнағын қосу арқылы жасалады. Алдында тұрған «to» демеулігі түсіп қалады. Мысалы: to do – doing (icтеy – icтeп жатқан), to play – playing (ойнау – ойнап жатқан), to go – going (бару – бара жатқан), to give – giving (беру – бepiп тұрған), to get – getting (aлy – алып жатқан). Ескерту: 1. Егер eтicтік «е» әріпіне аяқталса (take, make), ол «ing» қосқанда түсіп қалады: taking – алып тұрған (алу), making – icтеп тұрған; 2. Екпінді жабық буындағы дауысты дыбыстың оқылуын өзгертпеу үшін түбіріндегі дауыссыз дыбысты екеу қыламыз, жабық етеміз. Мысалы: to forget – forgetting (ұмыту – ұмытып тұрған), to beg – begging (қайыр сұрау, қиылып өтіну – қайыр сұрап жүрген, қиылып өтініп тұрған). 174
Мағынасына қарап the Present Participle-ды қазақ тіліндегі етістіктің көсемше түpi деуге болады.. Ол ағылшын сөйлемінде дара тұрып айтылғанда баяндауыш болмайды, анықтауыш мүше болады. Мысалы: A begging man – қайыр сұрап тұрған адам. Ол анықтап тұрған сөздің алдында да, соңында да тұрады. The Present Continuous Tense Нақ осы шақ – қазақ тіліндегідей ic-әрекеттің дәл сөйлеу кезінде болып жатқандығын білдіреді. Ол көмекші етістік to be және the Present Participle, яғни негізгі етістіктің IV формасы арқылы жасалады. То be етістігін осы шақта жіктейміз. Мысалы: «Мен жазып отырмын» деген сөйлемнің жіктелуі: І am We You are writing. You аre writing. He (she, it) is They Байқаған боларсыздар, етістіктің төртінші формасын баяндауышқа айналдыру үшін біз оның алдына жіктелетін көмекші етістікті қойдық; онсыз ол баяндауыш болмайды. Салыстырыңыздар: 1) I am explaining the rule now. – Мен ереже түсіндіріп тұрмын. 2) The woman explaining the rule is our English teacher. – Ереже түсіндіріп тұрған әйел – біздің ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі. Болымсыз түрін жасағанда көмекші етістік пен негізгі етістіктің ортасына «not» болымсыздық шылауын қоямыз. Мысалы: I am not playing footbal now. Ал сұракқ қойған кезде көмекші етістік пен негізгі етістіктің орнын алмастырамыз: 1) Am I explaining the rule? Yes, I am. 2) Are you explaining the rule or listening to it? – You are listening to it. What am I doing? – I am explaining the rule.
APPENDIX 1. Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper. – Ертеңгі үміт жақсы, ал кешкісі жаман. 2. After death a doctor. – Дәрігер өлген соң жетеді. = Өрт сөнгенде, суға кетті. 3. As like as chalk and cheese. – Арасы жер мен көктей. 4. Every man's meat. – Бәріне 6ip тамақ 5. One man, no man. – Жалғыздың үні шықпас 6. A light purse is a heavy curse. – Ең жаманы – ақшаның жоқтығы. 7. Art is long, life is short. – Өнер мәңгі, өмір қысқа. 8. They are hand and glove. – Қол мен қолғаптай тату-тәтті. 9. Two heads are better than one. – Бip бастан екеу жақсы. 10. A friend in need is a friend indeed. – Достар қиыншылықта танылады. 11. A little pot is soon hot. – Ақымақтың ашуын келтіру оңай. 12. A drop in the bucket. – Дарияға тамған тамшыдай. 13. A storm in a tea-cup. – Түймедейді түйедей қылады. 14. A hungry belly has no ears. – Аш тамағым – тыныш кұлағым. 15. Bad news has wings. – Жаман хабар тез жетеді. 16. Every man has his hobby-horse. – Әркімнің өз үйреншікті ici бар. 17. Every cloud has a silver lining. – Әр бұлттың кумістей жиегі бар. 18. When pigs fly. – Шаян ысқырғанда. 19. So many men, so many minds. – Қанша адам болса, сонша ой. 20. Business before pleasure. – Әуелі ic, сонан соң ойьн-сауық. 21. As merry as a cricket. – Шырылдауық шегірткедей көңілді. 22. Custom is a second nature. – Әдет – екінші мінез. 23. As neat as a new pen. – Қардай аппақ. 24. Neither here nor there. – He онда емес, не мұнда емес. 25. Every dog has his day. – Әр иттің де өз күні болады. 26. Every bullet has its billet. – Әр оқтың жететін нысаны бар. 27. Neither fish nor meat. – Не Балық емес,не ет емес. 28. Every country has its customs. – Әр елдің өз әдет-ғұрпы бар. 176
29. Neither rhyme nor reason. – Жөн-жосықсыз. 30. Look before you leap. – Секірмес бұрын, көріп ал. 31. First catch your hare, then cook it. – Алдымен қояныңды ұстап ал, сонан соң куырасың 32. Don't trouble trouble you, until trouble troubles you. – Үрей сенің мазаңды алмай тұрғанда, оның мазасын сен алма. 33. Strike while the iron is hot. – Teмірді қызған кезде соқ. 34. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. – Тойғаныңша же, ішкенде шамаңды біліп іш. 35. Promise little, but do much. – Аз уәде бepiп, көп icтe. 36. Debt is the worst kind of poverty. – Кедейліктің ең жаманы – қарыз болу. 37. Better late than never. – Ештен кеш жақсы. 38. A good name is better than riches. – Байлықтан жақсы атақ артық. 39. A hard nut to crack. – Жаңғақ тіске емес. 40. Out of sight, out of mind. – Көзден тайды, ойдан кетті. 41. Good health is above wealth. – Жақсы денсаулық байлықтан да қымбат. 42. There is no smoke without fire. – Отсыз түтін болмайды. 43. There is no rose without a thorn. – Тікенексіз раушан гүлі жоқ. 44. There is no place like home. – Өз үйім, өрен төсегім. 45. Where mere is a will, there is a way. – Ықылас бар жерде, жол да бар. 46. There are more ways to the wood than one. – Орманға 6ip ғана жол апармайды. 47. There is no sweet without some sweat. – Ащыны татпай, тәтті жоқ. 48. There is no use crying over split milk. – Қолдан шыққанның бәрі шығын. 49. Everything is good in its season. – Әр нәрсе өз кезегімен. 50. A word is enough to the wise. – Ақылдыға бip сөз де жеткілікті. 51. Cut your coat according to your cloth. – Көрпеңе карап көсіл. 52. To be head over ears in debt. – Қарызы бастан асады. 53. To be up to the ears in love. – Өлердей ғашық. 177
54. He that is full of himself is very empty. – Аузымен орақ орғанға шебер. 55. Every man is an architect of his own fortune. – Әркім өз бақытына ие. 56. East or west, home is best. – Өз үйім, өлең төсегім = Туған жер – алтын бесік. 57. A good beginning is half the battle. – Жақсы бастама – шайқастың жартысы. 58. Deeds, not words. – Сөз емес, ic керек. 59. Poverty is no sin. – Кедейлік – күнә емес. 60. Blood is thicker than water. – Қан судан кою. 61. Brevity is the soul of wit. – Қысқа-нұсқа, Қысқалықтапқырлықтың белгісі 62. Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. – Тышқаннан құтылу үшін үйіңді өртеме. 63. Better a glorious death than a shameful life. – Масқаралық өмірден даңқты өлім жақсы. 64. An idle brain is the devil's workshop. – Мисыз бас – шайтанның шеберханасы. 65. The more haste, the less speed. – Асыққан сайтанның ісі. 66. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. – Бәрі іс жүзінде тексеріледі 67. The fat is m the fire. – Болар ic болды, бояуы сіңді. 68. Necessity is the mother of invention. – Мұқтаждық нанды жеуді де үйретеді 69. As the tree, so the fruit. – Ағаш қандай болса, жемісі де сондай. 70. A good beginning makes a good ending. – Әділ істің соңы игі. 71. All is well that ends well. – Жақсы біткеннің бәрi жақсы. 72. First think, then speak. – Айтпас бұрын ойлан. 73. Better to do well than to say well. – Жақсы сөйлегеннен жақсы істеген артық. 74. A great ship asks deep waters. – Үлкен кемеге ұзақ сапар. 75. A watched pot never boils. – Қазанның қайнауын күтсең, қайнамас. 76. Live and learn. – Үйрен де жирен. 178
77. Four eyes see more than two. – Eкi көзден төрт көз көбірек көреді. 78. What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. – Жүректегіні тіл жеткізеді. 79. When angry, count a hundred. – Ашуланғанда жүзге дейін сана. 80. One good turn deserves another. – Жақсы қылық өзге қылықтарға әсер етеді. 81. No pains, no gains. – Еңбексіз табыс жоқ. 82. Make hay while the sun shines. – Темірді қызған кезде соқ. 83. When in Rome, do as Romans do. – Римде болсаң, римдіктерше icтe. 84. A man can die but once. – Адам 6ip рет қана өледі.= Eкі өлім болмайды. 85. The leopard cannot chаnge its spots. – Қабылан дақтарынан айырыла алмайды. 86. You cannot catch old birds with chaff. – Kәрі торғай топанға алданбас 87. False friends are worse than open enemies. – Өтірікші дос жаудан жаман. 88. It is never too late to learn. – Үйренуге ешқашан кеш емес. 89. Good health is above wealth. – Жақсы денсауылық байлықтан да қымбат. 90. No living man all things can. – Ешкім барлық icкe шебер бола алмайды. 91. When the cat is away, the mice will play. – Мысық болмаса, тышқандар ойнақтайды. 92. One today is worth two tomorrow. – Бүгін алмасаң, ертең екі есе қымбаттайды. 93. Speech is silver, but silence is gold. – Kөп сөз көмір, аз сөз алтын. 94. The rotten apple injures its neighbours. – Шіріген алма қасындағыларын да құртады. 95. Nothing venture, nothing have. – Қасқырдан қорыққан тоғайға бармас. 100. Who has never tasted bitter, knows nothing about sweet. – Ащыны татпаған адам, тәттінің не екенін білмейді. 179
101. Easier said than done. – Істегеннен айтқан оңай. 102. First come, first served. – Кешіккенге мұжылған сүйек. 103. The least said the soonest mended. – Неғұрлым аз сөйлесең, соғұрлым тез аяқтайсың. 104. Soon learnt, soon forgotten. – Асығып оқылған, тез ұмытылады. 105. Lost time is never found. – Жоғалтқан уақытты ешқашан қайтара алмайсың. 106. Once bitten twice shy. – Шошыған қарға бұтадан да қорқады. 107. Handsome is as handsome does. – Сұлу өнегелі қылығымен сұлу. 108. He that never climbed, never fell. – Биікке құлшынбаған құламайды да. 109. Не that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. – Алма жегің келсе, ағашқа шық. 110. New brooms sweep clean. – Жаңа сыпырғы таза сыпырады. 111. Many words will not fill a bushel. – Сөзбен тоң тікпейсің. 112. Many words hurt more than swords. – Сөз қылыштан өткір. 113. Ill-gotten gains never prosper. – Арам жолмен тапқан пайда игілікке аспайды. 114. If you run after two hares you will catch neither. – Eкi кеменің басын ұстаған суға кетеді. 115. If the sky falls, we shall catch larks. – Аспан жерге құласа, бозторғайды ұстар едік. 116. If the cap fits you, wear it. – Бөрік саған жарасса, киіп ал. 117. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. – Ic жақсы болсын десең, өзің істе. 118. Who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl. – Қасқырмен жүрген ұли бастайды. = Кіммен жүрсең, содан үлгі аласың. 119. Hawks will not pick hawks' eyes out. – Қарға қарғаның көзін шұқымайды. 120. None so deaf as those who won't hear. – Тыңдағысы келмегеннен асқан керең жоқ. 180
121. A bird may be known by its song. – Кұсты әнінен тануға болады. 122. A stitch in time saves nine. – Уақытында қолға алсаң, көп еңбегің сақталады. 123. A mother is the holiest thing alive. – Дүниеде анадан қымбат ештеңе жоқ. 124. A woman's work is never done. – Әйелдің жұмысы бітпейді. 125. After dinner comes the reckoning. – Ішкен асты ақтау керек. 126. As you sow you shall mow. – He ексең, соны орасың. 127. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. – Жаман жұмысшы кұралдарымен ұрысады. 128. A barking dog does not bite. – Қабаған ит тістемейді = Қорқақ ит үреген болады. 129. Much ado about nothing. – Кішкене нәрседен үлкен шу. 130. Be slow to promise and quick to perform. – Уәде беруге емес, орындауға асық. 131. A good friend is as the sun in winter. – Жақсы дос қысқы күндегі шуаққа тең. 132. A friend is easier lost than found. – Дос болу достан айырылудан әлде қайда қиын. 133. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. – Әркімге дос болған, ешкімнің досы емес. 134. A friend is never known till a man has need. – Қиын жағдайға кезікпей, досыңның қандай екенін білмейсің. 135. Before you make a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him. – Жан қияр дос болу үшін талай сыннан өту керек. 136. Rome was not built in a day. – Рим 6ip күнде салынған жоқ. 137. Well begun is half done. – Жақсы бастама – істің жартысы. 138. A good deed is never lost. – Жақсылық ешқашан ұмытылмайды. 139. What can't be cured must be endured. – Емсіз ауруға шыдау керек. 181
140. What is done cannot be undone. – Қазанға салынған қайта қапқа түспейді. 141. Never pur off till tomorrow what can be done today. – Бүгін icтей алатынды, ешқашан ертеңге қалдырма. 142. If you do good, good will be done to you. – Жақсылығың кайтады. 143. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. – Білімге жұмсаған ақша текке кетпес
Зат есім жасайтын жұрнақтар Жұрнақ
footage, postage
revival, arrival
Mexican, American
allowance, assistance, convenience
informant, assistant
dictionary, vocabulary
-ation/-tion/-sion/-ion -cide
examination, information, conclusion suicide
kingdom, freedom, boredom
trainee, payee, refugee
reader, teenager, doctor
scenery, fishery, bakery
Japanese, journalese
lioness, stewardess
mouthful, teaspoonful
brotherhood, childhood
librarian, Russian
lyrics, athletics, gymastics 183
dancing, parking, cleaning
Journalism, humanism, Americanism
Journalist, pianist, fascist
Reality, safety, royalty
booklet, inlet, piglet.
basement, movement
halfling, duckling, hireling
happiness, friendliness
Humanoid, asteroid
penmanship, friendship
gangster, youngster
failure, closure
Етістік жасайтын жұрнақтар Жұрнақ
-en, en(кейбір түбірлердің алдында немесе соңында тұрады) -fy
blacken, sadden; enrich, enlarge
organize, computerize, dramatize separate, stimulate
identify, terrify, beautify
Сын еciмдер жасайтын жұрнақтар Жұрнақ
fashionable, eatable, possible
verbal, moral, illegal
-an (ian)
Russian, Mexican, Indian
different, frequent, pleasant
contemporary, secondary, satisfactory
passionate, approximate, appropriate
aged, gifted, talented
Chinese, Burmese
thankful, harmful, useful
poetic, cubic, citric
moving, disturbing, digusting 185
English, bluish
active, constructive, sensitive
harmless, useless, homeless
cowardly, motherly
industrious, generous, delicious
westward, downward
healthy, easy, lucky
Латын тілінен енген жұрнақтар: dis-, im-, in- Бұл жұрнақтар көбіне болымсыз мағына береді (қарсы, жою, т.б.) im-, in-: 1) Енгізу, ендіру, әсер ету – мағынасын береді (implant, import, infuse т.б.) 2) Қарсылық, қарама-қарсы мағынасын береді (improper, inactive, inapplicable) Германдық ип- жұрнағы ип- көбіне болымсыз мағына береді: unbind unclose unfix uncountable unformed т.б Бұрыс етістіктердің тiзiмi Infinitive
Past Indefinite Participle П
to be
was, were
to beat to become
beat became
beaten become
ұру,соғу болу, айналу
to begin
to blow to break to bring
blew broke brought
blown broken brought
Ұрлау Сындыру Әкелу
to build
Құру, салу (үй)
to burn
жану, күю
to buy
Сатып алу
to catch
to choose to come
chose came
chosen come
Таңдау Келу
to cost to cut
cost cut
cost cut
тұру (ақша) Кесу
to do to draw . to drink to drive to eat
did drew drank drove ate
done drawn drunk driven eaten
to fall
Icтey сурет салу Ішу Жүргізу (көлік айдау) тамақ ішу, жеу Құлау
to fell
сезу, сезіну
to fight
to find
to fly
to forget to get to give to go to grow to have to hear to hide to hold to keep
forgot got gave went grew had heard hid held kept
forgotten got given gone grown had heard hidden held kept
Ұмыту алу, айналу Беру жүру, бару өcipy, өcy Иелену Есту тығу, тығылу ұстау, өткізу ұстау, сақтау
to know to lead to learn to leave to lend to let to light to lose to make to mean to meet to put to read to ring
knew led learnt, learned left lent let lit lost made meant met put read rng
known led learnt, learned left lent let lit lost made meant met put read rang
to run
Білу жетектеу, үйрену, білу қалдыру, Қарызға беру мүмкіндік жағу, жарық б Жоғалту icтey, жасау мағына беру, Кездесу қою, салу Оқу сылдырлау, телефон соғу Жүгіру
to say to see to sell to send to set to shine to show to shut to sing to sit to sleep to speak to spend to stand to sweep to swim to take to teach
said saw sold sent set shone showed shut sang sat slept spoke spent stood swept swam took taught
said seen sold sent set shone shown shut sung sat slept spoken spent stood swept swum taken taught
Айту Көру Сату Жіберу, орнату, қою Жарқырау Көрсету Жабу өлең айту Отыру Ұйықтау Сөйлеу өткізу (уақыт) Тұру Сыпыру Жүзу Алу оқыту, үйрету
to tell to think to throw to understand to upset to win to write
told thought threw understood upset won wrote
told thought thrown understood upset won written
айту, әңгімелеу Ойлау Лақтыру Түсіну ренжу, ренжіту Жеңу Жазу
CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................ 3 Part I Lesson 1. My Family The verb to be, to have in the Present Simple. Articles. .................................. 8 Lesson 2. My House Construction there is/ there are. The Personal Pronouns. ......................................................... 14 Lesson 3. University life The Present Simple Tense. The Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals. ..................................... 21 Lesson 4. Seasons and Weather The Degrees of Comparison of the Adjectives. .......................................... 29 Lesson 5. Food and Meals. Pronouns many, much, little, few, some, any, no. The Future Simple Tense. ...................................................... 36 Lesson 6. Outstanding People The Past Simple Tense. Questions and Negatives The Irregular Verbs. The 4 Forms of the Verbs. ................... 44 Lesson 7. Health and Sport. Real and Unreal Conditional Sentences. Modal Verbs can, may, must, should, ought to. ..................... 49 Lesson 8. Travelling Around the World Participle 2. The Passive Voice. The suffix – er, or. .............. 56 Lesson 9. Visiting London. The Present Perfect Tense. The Sequence of Tenses. The Usage of Articles with the Geographical Names ............ 65 Lesson 10. Shops and Shopping Countable and Uncountable Nouns. ....................................... 77 Lesson 11. Describing People Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech ................................... 86 Part II Text 1. Computer system ....................................................... 95 Text 2. Types of software ....................................................... 99 Text 3. Cisco systems ............................................................. 104 Text 4. Linux .......................................................................... 108 190
Text 5. Computers .................................................................. 114 Text 6. Generations of Computer Systems ............................. 119 Text 7. What Is a Computer Virus? ........................................ 123 Text 8. Computer as it is ........................................................ 128 Text 9. Mathematics ............................................................... 134 Grammar Reference ............................................................... 140 Appendix ................................................................................ 176
Оқу бaсылымы
ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF MECHANICS-MATHEMATICS FACULTY Оқу-әдістемелік құралы Құрастырушы авторлар: Омарова Шолпан Бекмуратовна Жубанова Куляш Харезмовна Саякова Бахытжан Муратбековна Компьютерде беттеген және мұқабасын безендірген Қ. Өмірбекова Мұқабаны безендіруде сурет www.lab-biomed.ru сайтынан алынды.
ИБ №10156
Басуға 08.11.2016 жылы қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х84 1/16. Көлемі 12,0 б.т. Офсетті қағаз. Сандық басылым. Тапсырыс №5148. Таралымы 100 дана. Бағасы келісімді. Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетінің «Қазақ университеті» баспа үйі. 050040, Алматы қаласы, әл-Фараби даңғылы, 71. «Қазақ университеті» баспа үйі баспаханасында басылды