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English Pages [120] Year 2018
Sh. B. Omarova N. L. Lomachenko N. K. Sabyrbayeva
Almaty «Qazaq University» 2018
UDC 811.111 (075) LBC 81.2 Англ-923
Recommended by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages Editorial and Publishing Council of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Protocol №7 dated 05.07.2018) Reviewed by candidate of Philological sciences, docent A.A. Muldagalieva
Omarova Sh.B. English for students of information science and mathematics: Educational-methodical manual / Sh.B. Omarova, N.L. Lomachen ko, N.K. Sabyrbayeva. – Almaty: Qazaq University, 2018. – 120 p. ISBN 978-601-04-3613-8 The educational-methodical manual is intended for classroom activities for 1-2 year students and masters of Mechanics and Mathematics facultyand for the faculty of Information technology, specialties: Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Computer Science and Software, and it can also be used as supplementary material for self-study assignments. The manual is developed on the basis of original texts related to issues and problems of computer science and mathematics. Each section includes text and exercises for its active assimilation and processing. The lesson developed lexico-grammatical material, a series of exercises for texts and an active vocabulary. The educational-methodical manual contains original texts for additional reading. It also includes the English-language terminological dictionary for the specialty for self-study. The purpose of the training manualis to teach students to read and understand special literature, to master the terminology and to improve the skills of oral speech in the specialty. Published in authorial release.
UDC 811.111 (075) LBC 81.2 Англ-923 ISBN 978-601-04-3613-8
© Omarova Sh.B., Lomachenko N.L, Sabyrbayeva N.K.,2018 ©Al-Farabi KazNU, 2018
Lesson 1 Ex.1. Read and guess the meaning of the following words and expressions: Computer, supercomputer, electronic, device, instruction, program, technology, file, communication systems, operation, binary code, cycles per second, generation microprocessor, central processing unit. Ex.2. List of words to be acquired Read the following words properly and try to memorize them: 1. essential важный 2. available доступный 3. execute выполнять 4. to enhance усилить 5. handling обработка 6. application применение 7. discreet скрытый 8. transaction операция (деловая) 9. defense оборона 10. digital цифровой 11. to determine определять 12. storage хранение 13. source источник 14. to perform осуществлять 15. processing unit блок обработки 16. generation поколение 17. tool инструмент 18. manufacture производство 19. to enhance усилить 20. to attain достигать Ex.3. Pre-reading task a) Why can’t you imagine our modern world without computers? b) What types of computers do you know? 3
c) Can the modern world of high technology be possible without computers? Text 1 COMPUTERS Computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions called program and then carry out them. The modern world of high technology cannot be possible without computers. Different types and sizes of computers find application throughout our society. They are used for the storage and handling of data, secret governmental files, information about banking transactions and so on. Computers opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow’s weather reports. Usage of different data bases and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. There are two main types of computers, analog and digital, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital type, because this type of computer is widely used today. That is why you should know what a digital computer is. Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation: the ability to determine on or off, high voltage or low voltage or in the case of numbers – 0 or 1 or the so-called binary code. The speed at which the computer performs this simple act is called computer speed. Computer speeds are measured in Hertz or cycles per second. A computer with a “clock speed” of 2000 MHz is a fairly representative microcomputer today. It is capable of executing 2000 million discreet operations per second. Nowadays microcomputers are able to perform from 800 to over 3000 operations per second and supercomputers used in research and defense applications attain speeds of many billions of cycles per second. Except two main types of computers, analog and digital there exist eight generations of digital computers or processing units. The first generation was represented by processing unit Intel 8086. The second processing unit was represented by processing unit Intel 80826 used 4
in IBM PC AT 286. The third generation is Intel 80386, used in IBM PC AT 386. The microprocessors of the fourth generation were used in computers IBM PC AT 486. There are also central processing units of the fifth generation, used in Intel Pentium 60 and Intel Pentium 66, central processing units of the fifth generation, used in Intel Pentium 75, 90,100 and 133. Few years ago there appeared central processing units of the seventh and eighth generations. They are much more powerful and can perform from 2000 to over 3000 million operations per second. Ex.4. Comprehension check 1. What is a computer? 2. How is the set of instructions received by computer called? 3. Different types and sizes of computers found application throughout our society, didn’t they? 4. Why are computers essential tools in almost every field of research? 5. What type of the computer is widely used today? 6. Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation, isn’t it? 7. What is called computer speed? 8. How are computer speeds measured? 9. How many discreet operations can microcomputer execute per second today? 10. What generation computers are much more powerful? Ex.5. Match the words and their definitions: 1. computer 2. transaction 3. source 4. defense 5. digital 6. calorie
a) showing amounts by means of numbers b) an action of fighting against attack c) a device for storing and analyzing i nformation fed into it d) a piece of business done e) in every part, during the whole time of sth. f) all people born at about the same time 5
7. generation g) the unit for measuring the energy supplied by food 8. throughout h) a place from which sth. comes or is obtained Ex.6. Complete the following sentences as in the text 1. Computer is an electronic device that …………………………… 2. Different types and sizes of ……………………………………… 3. Computers opened up a new era ………………………………… 4. Usage of different data bases …………………………………… 5. There are two main types of computers …………………………… 6. Everything that a digital computer does ………………………… 7. Except two main types of computers …………………………… 8. Few years ago there appeared…………………………………… Ex.7. Ask as many questions as possible to the given sentences 1. The modern world of high technology cannot be possible without computers. 2. Computers are essential tools in almost every field of research 3. The speed at which the computer performs this simple act is called computer speed 4. The first generation was represented by processing unit Intel 8086. 5. Microcomputers are able to perform from 800 to over 3000 operations per second Ex.8. Translate the sentences using the following verbs: to use, to make, to be able, to derive from, to perform 1. Компьютеры используются для хранения и обработки данных, банковских операций и 2. Использование базы данных и компьютерной сети делает доступным разнообразие информационных источников. 3. В настоящее время компьютеры способны осуществлять от 800 до 3000 операций в секунду. 6
4. Тысячи английских слов произошли от латинского. 5. Существуют компьютеры гораздо мощнее, которые могут производить от 2000 до 3000 миллионов операций за секунду. Ex.9. Find and write out from the text the sentences in the Passive Voice and translate them into Russian. Ex.10. Find similar verbs in meaning: 1 to use 2 to provide 3 to handle 4 to circulate 5 to be composed 6 to aid 7 to connect 8 to derive 9 to perform 10 to determine
a) to operate b) to join c) to apply d) to supply e) to go round f) to define g) to obtain h) to consist i) to process j) to help
Ex.11. Retell the text «Computers». Use the active vocabulary.
Lesson 2 Ex.1. Read and guess the meaning of the following words and expressions: Output, mainframes, powerful, minicomputers, desktops computers, portables, keyboard Ex.2. List of words to be acquired Read the following words properly and try to memorize them: 1.device n. – прибор, устройство 2.data n. – данные 3.to process v. – обрабатывать 4.to output v. – производить 5.according to – согласно( чему-либо) 6.necessary adj. – необходимый 7.variety n. – разнообразие 8.increasing – возрастающий 9.designed (for) – предназначенный (для) 10.divided (into) – разделенный (на) 11.mainframe n. – большая ЭВМ, центральный процессор 12.powerful adj. – мощный 13.expensive adj – дорогостоящий 14.common adj – повсеместный, заурядный 15keyboard n. – клавиатура 16.originally adv. – первоначально 17.desktop computer – настольный компьютер 18.portable adj. – переносной, портативный 19.sound n. – звук 20.cheap adj. – дешевый 30.relatively adv. – относительно 31.screen n. – экран 32.indicate v. – показывать 33.to mention v. – упоминать 34.currently adv. – в данный момент 35.to develop v. – развивать 8
3. Pre- reading task a) What do you have to consider when buying a computer? b) How did the first computers look like? c) Why do most people prefer buying portable computers? Text 2 COMPUTERS AND THEIR TYPES A computer is a device that takes in data, processes them according to a program and then outputs the processed data in some necessary form. There is an increasing variety of computers of different sizes and designed for different purposes. One of the most important considerations when buying computers is deciding how it is going to be used. Computers can be divided into three broad categories: mainframe computers (mainframes), minicomputers (minis), and microcomputers (micros). Mainframes are large, powerful, expensive computers that are operated by a team of professionals and are designed to be used by many people at the same time. The most powerful mainframes are sometimes called supercomputers. Minicomputers are really cutdown mainframes and are no longer very common. The most common type of computer is the microcomputer. Microcomputers are sometimes called personal computers. The abbreviation PC was originally used for microcomputers produced by IBM Corporation, but it is now sometimes used for other types of personal computers. However, microcomputers produced by Apple Computers Incorporated are not normally referred to as PCs. There is a wide variety of microcomputers but two common types are desktop computers and portables. Desktops are small enough to sit on an office desk and are relatively cheap. They are becoming cheaper and more powerful and are often used for running multimedia programs, i.e. programs that contain some combination of text, sound, high quality graphics, animation and video. Multimedia computers need to have a sound facility and usually have a CD-ROM drive. There is an increasing variety of portable micros that can be grouped according to their size. They can usually be powered from batteries and are useful in many different situations. However, as computers get smaller, it becomes increasingly difficult to use them with 9
a keyboard. One of the reasons that notebook portables are popular is because their screens and keyboards are just big enough to use comfortably for word processing. They can also be powerful enough to be used for multimedia as computers get smaller, it becomes increasingly difficult to use them with a keyboard although there are other types that are not mentioned here and new types are currently being developed. Ex.4. Comprehension check: 1. What sort of device is a computer according to the text? 2. How many broad categories can computers be divided into? 3. How are the most powerful mainframes called sometimes? 4. Is the most common type of computer the microcomputer? 5. What was the abbreviation PC originally used for? 6. How are two common types of microcomputers called? 7. What are the main reasons that make notebook portables popular? 8. Can you name some new types of computers currently being developed? Ex.5. Give Russian or Kazakh equivalents to the following word combinations: To output the processed data, to take in data, increasing variety of computers, designed for different purposes, used by many people at the same time, small enough to sit on an office desk, relatively cheap, high quality graphics, a sound facility, screens and keyboards are just big enough, to use comfortably for word processing, new types are currently being developed Ex.6. Translate the words of the same origin and define their part of speech: Process – process – processor – processing – processed; Consider – consideration – considerable – considerate; Popular – population – popularity – populated; Govern – government- governor- governmental; Graph – graphics – graphical –graffiti; Current – concurrent – currently – currency; 10
Ex.7. Agree or disagree with these statements: 1. A computer is a device that takes in data, processes and then outputs the processed data in some form. 2. One of the most important considerations when buying computer is its price. 3. Minicomputers are really cut-down mainframes and are very common. 4. Desktops are becoming cheaper and more powerful and are often used for running multimedia programs. 5. Desktops are small enough to sit on an office desk and are expensive. 6. Portable notebooks can also be powerful enough to be used for multimedia. 7. Portable micros can not be powered from batteries. Ex.8. Transform the statements into questions and make them negative: 1. There is an increasing variety of computers of different sizesss 2. Computers can be divided into three broad categories. 3. Multimedia computers need to have a sound facility and have a CD-ROM drive. 4. Desktops are small enough to sit on an office desk and are relatively cheap. 5. As computers get smaller, it becomes difficult to use them with a keyboard. 6. Portable micros that can be grouped according to their size. 7. Microcomputers produced by Apple Computers Incorporated are not normally referred to as PCs. Ex.9. Find in the text the sentences with the Passive Voice define the tense of the verbs and translate them either in Kazakh or Russian. Ex.10. Give the summary of the text «Computers and their types». Use the active vocabulary 11
Lesson 3 Ex.1. List of Words to be acquired Read the following words properly and try to memorize them: hardware n – аппаратные средства distinct( from) – в отличие (от) to consist (of) v – состоять (из) storage n. – память, хранение human n. – человек output n. – выходные данные raw material – необработанные данные quite adv. – вполне to contain v. – содержать access n. – доступ gadgetry n – технические новинки set n. – набор, комплект to store v – хранить, запоминать although – хотя to extract v. – извлекать input n. – ввод данных thus adv. – таким образом clear-cut adj – четкий, ясный immediate adj. – немедленный store n – хранение machinery n – машины, аппарат software n. – программное обеспечение individual n – человек, физическое лицо specific adj. – конкретный, особенный sort n – вид, разновидность routine n. – установленный порядок taxation n. – налогообложение critical adj. – критический, решающий method n- прием, способ complex adj . – сложный production n. – производство, продукция obviously adv. – очевидно 12
at once adv. – немедленно, сразу sophisticated adj. – утонченный, сложный Ex.2. Read the text with the aim to understand it in detail Text 3 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Hardware is the term given to all the electronic and mechanical gadgetry which together forms a computer system, as distinct from the sets of instructions which are used to operate them. A computer system consists of three basic types of machine. First, there is that part of the system, which can perform operations as a result of instructions. This part is known as a central processor. Second, the unit used to store the raw material on which the processor is to set to work: this is known simply as a storage device, although the term memory is also used, as an analogy in human terms. Finally, there are devices (a) to place data into storage and (b) to extract the finished product from the system. These are known collectively as input devices and output devices. A computer is thus a collective noun used for a group of devices: a central processor, storage, input and output devices. In fact, the picture is not quite clear-cut as this. Central processors contain a special type of storage device known as high – speed or immediate access store. We have described the term “hardware: it refers to all the machinery, electronic or mechanical, which together makes up a computer. Programs can be produced by individual computer users to perform specific jobs in which the user alone is interested. But many types of problems are more general, and programs written to solve one instance of a general problem may be used to perform the same job for others faced with similar problems; these problems are known as software. In particular, manufacturers of computers spend large sums of money on developing this sort of software. A computer is obviously much more useful to a user if it comes with a number of ready-made programs which can be put to use at once: also the user saves the time and expense involved in working out the programs for himself. This kind of software covers a great range of programs, from quite short and simple routines (for example, the programs to work out taxation for payroll users) to large and 13
sophisticated programs (such as those for critical path method analyses used in scheduling complex production programs). Ex.3. Comprehension check: 1. What term is implied by the electronic and mechanical gadgetry of computer system? 2. How many basic types of machine does computer system consist of? 3. What operations does a central processor perform? 4. How is the unit which used to store the raw material named? 5. What is implied by input and output devices? 6. Why is a computer with a number of ready-made programs more useful? 7. What range of programs can software include? Ex.4. Agree or disagree with these statements: 1. Hardware is the term given to all the electronic and mechanical gadgetry 2. A computer system consists of six basic types of machine. 3. Storage device can perform operations as a result of instructions. 4. The unit used to store the raw material is called central processor. 5. Devices to place data into storage and to extract the finished product from the system are known as input devices and output devices. 6. Manufacturers of computers spend large sums of money on developing software. 7. Software covers a great range of programs, from quite short and simple routines to large and sophisticated programs. Ex.5. Match the words and their definitions: 1. gadget a) a small piece of equipment, especially of a new type 2. access b) putting things in a safe place until they are needed 3. sophisticated c) programs that you use to make a computer do various things 4. storage d) the right or opportunity to use or see something 5. hardware e) clever, advanced and improved 6. output f) the machines that computer system is made of 7. software g) information produced by a computer 14
Ex.6. Give Russian or Kazakh equivalents to the following word combinations: Hardware, mechanical gadgetry, raw material, input devices and output devices, storage device, to place data into storage, immediate access store, to perform the same job, a number of ready-made programs, a great range of programs Ex.7. Do you agree or disagree with the following proverbs, express your opinion: 1. Experience is the best teacher 2. Success doesn’t come easy 3. Time is a great healer 4. Practice makes perfect Ex.8. Read some of the opinions expressed by different people about the computer in modern life. Whose judgments do you agree with and why? Sue: I really enjoy using my computer. It’s so exciting. I can make new friends and chat with them on the Internet. At present I have two close friends from France and Canada. Next summer we are going to meet in Paris and spend a week together visiting museums and painting. Painting is our hobby. Besides, the Internet helps me in my studies. I can find the necessary information and ideas on the Internet and then use it in my work. Michel: I’m learning how to use the computer. It’s very important to me because I’m going to be a computer programmer. I enjoy playing computer games. It’s so exciting. Sometimes I’m lucky and sometimes I’m not, but I hate losing and try my chances again. Mr. Hay (their father): Computers offer wonderful opportunities for everybody. However young people spend too much time using computers. They don’t have time to communicate with their relatives and friends, to read, to do sports. Computers are dangerous and addictive. Mrs. Hay(their mother): I hate computers. Children sit in front of them for hours. It’s harmful for their eyes. They can’t stop playing cruel and silly games. They become nervous, angry and tired. Computers are a waste of time. Children use them only for games and don’t really learn anything. 15
Lesson 4 Ex.1. List of words to be acquired Read the following words properly and try to memorize them: 1 approximately – приблизительно 2 to employ – применять 3. primary switching component – первичный переключающий элемент 4. liquid mercury delay lines – линии задержки жидкой ртути 5. batch processing environment – функциональные средства пакетной обработки 6. reliability – надежность 7. a distributed processing environment – функциональные средства распределения обработки 8. the 4G – четвертое поколение 9. mainframes – большие компьютеры 10. optical fibers – оптические волокна 11. artificial intelligence – искусственный интеллект 12. to converse – разговаривать Text 4 GENERATIONS OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS The first generation computer systems, beginning approximately in 1950 employed vacuum tubes as the primary switching component in the processor. Memories were constructed of liquid mercury delay lines or magnetic drums (BESM-1, MINSK-1, IBM 650 are examples). The second generation systems began around the late 1950s and used transistors instead of vacuum tubes and memories were made of magnetized cores (BESM-4 and 6, MINSK-32, M-220, IBM 140 are examples). Size was reduced and reliability was improved significantly in the 2nd generation systems. The 2nd generation was primarily a batch processing environment with a single program running at one time. The third generation computers, beginning in the mid1960s introduced processors made of integrated circuits (ES -1033,-1045, M – 6000, NAIPI -3, SM-3, IMB 360and 370 are examples). The 3rd gen16
eration also introduced software technologies like Operating Systems and Data Base Management Systems. On-line systems were widely developed throughout the 3rd generation, although most processing was still batch oriented. The fourth generation was more evolutionary than revolutionary. Starting in the mid1970s, the 4th generation computer logic and memory were built almost entirely of chips which contained extremely large numbers of electronic components. The 4th generation embraces extensive integration of small and large computers together in a distributed processing environment.( The examples of the 4G computers in our country are ES1065, NAIRI-4, ELECTRONICA-60, ISKRA-1256,etc.) The 5th generation ought to become formalized by 1990s. VLSI and SLSI technologies will put mainframes on everyone’s desk. Optical fibers, videodiscs and new technologies in the research labs will be used to construct the 5th generation computer systems. Artificial intelligence techniques will be incorporated into every type of application. By the turn of the century, a computer should be able to converse rather intelligently with a person. Ex.2. Comprehension check: 1. What did the first generation computer systems employ as the primary switching component? 2 What were their memories constructed of? 3. When did the second generation systems begin? 4. How were the second generation systems different from the previous one? 5. The third generation computers have introduced processors made of integrated circuits, haven’t they? 6. The fourth generation computer was more evolutionary than revolutionary, wasn’t it? 7. Can you name the examples of the 4G computers in our country? 8. What should a computer be able to do by the turn of the century? Ex.3. Match the words and their definitions: 1. approximately a) the quality of being good and reliable 2 reliability b) fairly correct and accurate but not completely so 17
3. mainframe c) ) an international network of computers 4. telephone d) large powerful computer shared by many users 5. the Internet e) a system for sending or receiving speech over long distances Ex.4. Complete the following sentences as in the text 1. The first generation computer systems, beginning approximately in…………………………………………………………………… 2. Memories were constructed of ……………………………… 3. The second generation systems began around the late 1950s and used……….……………………………………………………… 4. The third generation computers, beginning in the mid 1960s introduced ……..……………………………………………… ……… 5. The 4th generation embraces extensive integration of ………………………….……………………………………… 6. Optical fibers, videodiscs and new technologies in the research labs…………………………………………………………… ……… Ex.5. Ask as many questions as possible to the given sentences 1. The second generation systems began around the late 1950s. 2. On-line systems were widely developed throughout the 3rd generation. 3. The fourth generation was more evolutionary than revolutionary. 4. The 4th generation embraces extensive integration of small and large computers. 5. Artificial intelligence techniques will be incorporated into every type of application. Ex.6. Match the word and its translation: Digital to simulate a sequence of operations to supply a calculator
моделировать необработанные данные цепи входные данные команда 18
raw data input data to provide to define to size to circuit to convert an instruction
определить величина цифровой обеспечивать превращать снабжать калькулятор последовательность операций
Ex.7. Translate the sentences using the words given above: 1. Калькулятор выполняет математические действия. 2. Память запоминает числа и инструкции. 3. Цифровой компьютер отличается от аналогового компьютера тем, что он работает только с числами. 4. Аналоговый компьютер – устройство, которое моделирует поведение другой системы. 5. Оператор управляет последовательностью действий, выполняемых компьютером, он вносит данные в компьютер и делает запись полученных результатов. Ex.8. Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. An analogue computer is a device 2. Store memorizes numbers and instructions 3. The human operators are replaced by automatic devices. 4. The digital computer differs from the analogue computer. 5. Calculator does mathematical operations. Ex.9. Form the plural form of the following nouns: A system, a computer, a device, a number, a circuit, a quantity, a country, a signal, an operation, a source, an instruction, a result, a hand, a datum, a phenomenon, a state, a desk, a screen, speed, mode. Ex.10. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of various generation computers 19
Ex.11. Change the sentences into the reported speech 1.Mother asked me “Did you play with your friends yesterday?” 2. The teacher asked Timur “Does your father work at a factory?” 3. The doctor asked Nick “Do you wash your face and hands every morning?” 4. “Don’t smoke in the room,” said the woman to her nephew. 5 The professor said to his assistant; “You have made great progress”.6. An unfamiliar voice said: “Is that Ospanov? I am Suleimenov. When and where can I see you?” 7. “Let’s play volleyball,” said Sholpan. “No,” said Didar. “ I hurt my hand two days ago and now I cannot play. 8.“Explain to me how to solve the problem,” said the instructor to me.9. “Don’t forget to clean your teeth” said granny to Assem. 10. “Don’t sit up late,” said the doctor to the patient. Ex.12. Make a report about the latest models of computers.
Lesson 5 Ex.1. List of words to be acquired Read the following words properly and try to memorize them: 1 virus вирус 2 affect влиять 3 purpose цель 4 executable files действующие файлы 5 propagation распространение 6 havoc разрушение 7 a virus payload полезная нагрузка вируса 8 benign безопасный 9 malignant злостный 10 damage вред 11 conceal скрывать 12 intentional намеренный 13 outright bug явная программная ошибка 14 viral code вирусный код 15 corrupting program искажение программы TEXT 5 WHAT IS A COMPUTER VIRUS? A virus is a piece of software designed and written to adversely affect your computer by altering the way. It works without your knowledge or permission. In more technical terms, a virus is a segment of program code that implants itself to one of your executable files and spread systematically from one file to another. Computer viruses do not spontaneously generate. They must be written and have specific purpose. Usually a virus has two distinct functions: 1) Spreads itself from one file to another without your input or knowledge. Technically, it is known as self-replication and propagation; 2) Implements the symptom or damage planned by the perpetrator. This could include erasing a disk, corrupting your programs or just creating a havoc on your computer. Technically, this is known as the virus payload, which can be benign or malignant at the whim of the virus creator. 21
A benign virus is one that is designed to do no real damage to your computer. For example, a virus that conceals itself until some predetermined date or time and then does nothing more than display some sort of message is considered benign. A malignant virus is one that attempts to inflict malicious damage to your computer, although the damage may not be intentional. There is a significant number of viruses that cause damage due to poor programming and outright bugs in the viral code a high percentage of them are malignant. Some of the most malignant viruses will erase your entire hard disk, or delete files. A malicious virus might alter one or more of your programs so that it does not work, as it should. The infected program might terminate abnormally, write incorrect information into your documents. Some viruses are programmed specifically to damage the data on your computer by corrupting programs, deleting files, or erasing your entire hard disk. Many of the currently known Macintosh viruses are not designed to do any damage. However, because of bugs (programming errors) within the virus, an infected system may behave erratically. Ex.2. Comprehension check 1. What is a computer virus? 2. Does it work without your knowledge or permission? 3. Computer viruses do not spontaneously generate, do they? 4. What does a virus have? 5. How is a benign virus different from a malignant one? 6.Why may an infected system behave erratically? Ex.3. Agree or disagree with this statements: 1. Some of malignant viruses will erase your hard disk, or delete files. 2. Usually a virus has six distinct functions. 3. Viruses do not spontaneously generate. 4. There is a scarce number of viruses that cause damage due to poor programming. 22
5. The infected program might not terminate abnormally, write incorrect information. 6. A benign virus is one that attempts to inflict malicious damage to your computer. Ex.4. Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. Some viruses damage the data on your computer programs. 2. Number of viruses is about 55.000. 3. There is a significant number of viruses. 4. A virus is a piece of software. 5. Virus copies itself in a file. 6. Virus can copy itself into benign, middle or end of a file. Ex.5. Translate the sentences into English: 1. Вирус-это часть программного обеспечения, coзданная для того, чтобы неблагоприятно влиять на ваш компьютер, изменяя его работу без вашего ведома и согласия. 2. Вирус имеет две отличительные функции: нанесение запланированного ущерба и самораспространение. 3. Существуют безвредные вирусы и вирусы, наносящие большой ущерб компьютеру. 4. Вирусы могут повредить данные, изменить программы, удалить файлы, стереть жесткий диск. 5. Появляются новые, неизвестные типы вирусов, которые становятся все сложнее классифицировать. Ex.6. Match the word and its translation: 1. virus 2. affect 3. purpose 4. executable files 5. propagation 6. havoc
вред скрывать распространение намеренный разрушение цель 23
7. a virus payload полезная нагрузка вируса 8. benign явная программная ошибок 9. malignant действующие файлы 10. damage вирус 11. conceal влиять 12. intentional злостный 13. outright bug безопасный Ex.7. Complete the following sentences as in the text 1. A virus is a piece of software designed and __________________ 2. А virus is a segment of program code that imp________________ 3. Usually a virus has two distinct functions___________________ 4. A benign virus is one that ______________________________ 5. A malignant virus is one that attempts______________________ 7. Some of the most malignant viruses_______________________ Ex.8. Ask as many questions as possible to the given sentences: 1) A virus works without your knowledge or permission. 2) Computer viruses do not spontaneously generate. 3) Implements the symptom or damage planned by the perpetrator. 4) There is a significant number of viruses that cause damage. 5) The infected program might terminate abnormally. 6) Macintosh viruses are not designed to do any damage. Ex.9. Match the words and their definitions: 1. virus 2. to affect 3. purpose 4. damage 5. to conceal 6. intentional 7. propagation 8. benign 9. malignant
a) harm or injury b) spreading and producing more c) vicious that could cause death d) to influence someone or something e) an infectious organism too small to be seen f) why you do something or why sth. exists g) to hide something h) kind, not intending to kill anyone i) planned or determined 24
Ex.10. Change the sentences from Active Voice into Passive if it is possible 1. People use computers widely. 2. This news surprised me. 3. The leaves covered the ground. 4. Nurlan walked to the University yesterday. 5. They stayed in a three-star hotel. 6. The police arrested the wrong man because they confused the names the witness had given them. 7. Mary’s dog ran away last week. 8. People are destroying large areas of forest every day. 9. Have you received the message yet? 10. Mr. Norman will teach this class next month.11. The lawyer has suggested a new strategy. 12. In his speech the lecturer mentioned some historic dates. 13. Saule will describe all the details of the incident. 14. The council is pointing out some drawbacks in the project. Ex.11. Make a report about two distinct functions of a computer virus. Ex.12 Complete the sentences, using little / a little/ few/ a few. Would you like some porridge? “ Yes, __________, please.” “When did Mike go out?” ______________ minutes ago I can’t make a decision now . I need _______ time to think about it. I’ m going away for ______ days. Excuse me, can I ask you _____ questions? There was ___ petrol in the tank. It was empty. There were ______ people in the train, it was nearly vacant.
Lesson 6 Ex.1. Read the following words and guess their meaning: Satellite, orbit, location, electronic, model, position, information, security system, automatically, control centre, identification, insecticide, hectare, to spray, user, dispatcher, percent, chemicals Ex.2. Read the following words correctly and try to memorize them: proper – надлежащий, соответствующий equipment – оборудование highway – магистраль to mount – устанавливать vehicle – транспортное средство available – доступный console – пульт управления destination – место назначения emergency – крайняя необходимость to notify – уведомлять, извещать to track – проследить to deploy – развернуть, размещать to authorize – уполномочить, разрешать fascinating – очаровательный borer – бурильный молоток, бурав, сверло to pinpoint – точно указать, точно определить scatter – рассыпать, рассеивать sophisticated – сложный, искушенный truck – грузовик Text 6 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM Global Positioning System Twenty – four satellites, the last three of which went into orbit in 1993, make it possible for people with the proper equipment to find out exactly where they are – whether they’re 26
driving a highway, floating on a river or a lake, off in the wilderness, or on the streets of an unfamiliar city. A “transceiver” mounted on a vehicle or held in a hand picks up signals from at least three of the satellites and in less than 30 seconds, and, through triangulation, works out its own location. Developed by the U.S. Department of Defense, this global positioning system, or GPS, is now available for civilian use. Car-makers have added GPS equipment to their more expensive models. Some have electronic maps mounted on a console that pinpoint the car’s position and on the basis of that information shows the best way to reach the desired destination. Other such systems, hooked up to cellular telephones, operate as security and emergency systems. If the car is stolen, the device notifies the police, who can use the satellites to track the car’s location. Whenever the car’s air back is deployed, the device automatically dials a control center, where someone immediately calls back to the car phone to see if the help is needed. If someone says yes- or no one responds – the control center sends rescue workers to the site. And, drivers who have locked their keys inside their cars can even use a personal identification number to authorize the control center to send a signal by satellite to its exact location to open the car door. A fascinating recent use if GPS was by Jim Williams, a Cisco, Illinois, farmer, whose fields were attacked by corn borers. Before, he would have had no choice but to spray the whole 32- hectare field with insecticide. This time, however, he used aerial photographs to pinpoint the exact areas of damage. Then relying on computer-drawn maps and using signals from GPS device mounted on this tractor, he sprayed only the five hectares, scattered throughout the field, that were actually infected. He saved money and time and also ended up with fewer poisonous chemicals on his land. Among the most sophisticated users of GPS are U.S. tracking firms. Their profits depend on keeping drivers and equipment employed as efficiently as possible. In the past, dispatchers knew where a truck was only when its driver stopped at a telephone booth and called in. Now, with GPS equipment installed and operating, they know where every truck is at any given moment. From a high-tech control room at Schneider National’s headquarters, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, more than 600 employees constantly monitor the location and status of each of the company’s 12000 trucks. The control room operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Customers who want to know when a particular truck is to arrive can get a precise answer, not just 27
a guess. From the dispatcher who track exact information their location, truck drivers can receive such exact information as the closest platform or gate to which a delivery should be made – or even areas of severe weather to be avoided along the way. Knowing so much about each truck’s location helped Schneider National reduce unproductive kilometers Ex.3. Comprehension Check 1. What makes it possible to find out where they or their equipment are? 2. What is the main idea of GPS? 3. How does GPS work? 4. How could Jim William use GPS to protect his fields which were attached by corn borers? 5. Among the most sophisticated users of GPS are U. S. trucking firms, aren’t they? Why? 6. What information can the dispatcher and the truck drivers get through the GPS? 7. How did knowing about each truck’s location help Schneider National in 1995? Ex.4. Complete the sentences as in the text: 1. Global Positioning System makes it possible for people with the proper equipment to find out ______________________________. 2. A “transceiver” mounted on a vehicle or held in ______________. 3. Car- makers have added GPS equipment to __________________. 4. Other such systems, hooked up to cellular telephones ________. 5. Drivers who have locked their keys inside their cars can even use________________________________________________. 6. Among the most sophisticated users of GPS are ______________. 7. Customers who want to know when a particular truck ________. Ex.5. Define the tenses of the verbs in the following sentences 1. Car-makers have added GPS to their more expensive models. 2. Other such systems, hooked up to cellular telephones, operate as security and emergency systems. 28
3. If the car is stolen, the device notifies police, who can use the satellites to track the car’s location. 4. If someone says yes or if no one responds- the control center sends rescue workers to the site. 5. Before, he would have had no choice but to spray the whole 32-hectare field with insecticide. 6. He saved money and time and also ended up with fewer poisonous chemicals on his land. Ex.6. Find the Russian equivalents to the following English word combinations: To go into orbit, global positioning system, car makers, car’s position, cellular telephone, rescue workers, personal identification number, to save money and time, poisonous chemicals, truck-driver telephone booth, high-tech Производители автомашин, система глобального позиционирования, спасатели, выйти на орбиту, место нахождения автомашины, сохранить деньги и сэкономить время, ядовитые химикаты, телефонная кабина(будка), высокие технологии, сотовый телефон, личный идентификационный номер, водитель грузовика. Ex.7. Give a written translation of paragraph 1-2 of the text. Ex.8. Give the summary of the text. Ex.9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements, express your opinion: 1. Time is a great healer. 2. Success doesn’t come easy. 3. Power corrupts people. 4. Words have a magic power. 5. Life is not a bed of roses.
Lesson 7 Ex.1. Read and memorize the following words and their meanings: Inputting – any information or data that is sent to a computer for processing is considered input; Storing is used in the sense of storage; Processing: process is a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result; Output is an amount of something produced by a computer; Controlling: control is to order, limit or rule something or someone`s actions or behavior; Manner is the way in which something is done; Sequence is a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other; Computer is an electronic machine; Device is an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose; Operation is the fact of operating or being active. Ex.2. list of words to be acquired. Read the following words properly and try to memorize them. Intricate – сложный, запутанный Switch – переключатель, коммутатор Capable – способный Accept – принимать, допускать Supply – снабжать, поставлять Available – пригодный, полезный Initial – начальный, исходный Additional – добавочный, дополнительный Report – доклад, сообщать Capabilities – способность, одаренность Accuracy – точность, правильность Eliminated – устраненный Transmit – передавать, транслировать 30
Satellite – спутник Capacity – емкость, вместимость Retrieve – вернуть, восстановить Require – требовать, приказывать Fraction – дробь, часть, доля Allow – позволять, разрешать Cost-effective – экономически-эффективный Ex.3. Pre-reading task a) Why can`t you imagine our modern world without computers? b) What types of computers do you know? c) Can the modern world of high technology be possible without computers? Text 7 WHAT IS A COMPUTER A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one or two possible states, that is, on or off; magnetized or demagnetized. The machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters, and characters (symbols). The basic job of computers is processing of information, which is a series of operations that convert data into useful information. Thus, a computer is a device which accepts information in the form of instructions (a program) and characters (data), performs mathematical and / or logical operations on the information and then supplies results of these operations. Five basic operations are characteristic of all data processing systems: inputting, storing, processing, outputting, and controlling. They are defined as follows. Inputting is the process of entering data, which are collected facts, into a data processing system. Storing is saving data or information so that they are available for initial or for additional processing. Processing represents performing arithmetic or logical operations on data in order 31
to convert them into useful information. Outputting is the process of producing useful information, such as a printed report or visual display. Controlling is directing the manner and sequence in which all of the above operations are performed. Computer data processing systems can be designed to take advantage of four capabilities of computers. 1. Accuracy. Once data have been entered correctly into the computer component of a data processing system, the need for further manipulation by humans is eliminated, and the possibility of error is reduced. Computers, when properly programmed, are also unlikely to make computational errors. 2. Ease of communications. As soon as data is inserted, it can be transmitted wherever needed by communications networks. These may be either earth or satellite-based systems. 3. Capacity of storage. Computers are able to store vast amounts of information to organize it, and to retrieve it in ways that are far beyond the capabilities of humans. The amount of data that can be stored on devices such as magnetic discs is constantly increasing. 4. Speed The speed, at which computer data processing systems can respond, adds to their value. The response required might be a fraction Thus important objective in the design of computer data processing systems is to allow computers to do what they do best humans from routine, error-prone tasks. By using computers in a cost-effective manner, we will be better able to respond to the challenges opportunities of our post-industrial, information-dependent society. Ex.4. Comprehension check 1. What is a computer? 2. What is the basic job of computers? 3. How many basic operations are characteristic of all data processing systems? 4. What is inputting? 5. What is storing? 6. What does processing do? 7. What is outputting? 8. What is controlling? 9. How many capabilities are there in computer? 32
Ex.5. Complete the following sentences as in the text 1.A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that operate switches or _______________(magnetize tiny metal cores) 2.The machine is capable of storing and manipulating __________________ (numbers, letters, and characters (symbols) 3.Five basic operations are characteristic of all data processing systems:_________________(inputting, storing, processing, outputting, and controlling) 4.Inputting is the process of entering data, which are collected facts, into a_________________(data processing system) 5.Computers, when properly programmed, are also unlikely to make _________________(computational errors) 6.As soon as data is inserted, it can be transmitted wherever needed by________________(communications networks) 7.The amount of data that can be stored on devices such as magnetic discs is______________(constantly increasing) 8. By using computers in a cost-effective manner, we will be better able to respond to the challenges opportunities of our____________________ (post-industrial, information-dependent society) Ex.6. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of basic operations of computers Ex.7. Translate the words of the same origin and define their part of speech: То eliminate: elimination; eliminable; eliminator. To respond: respondent; response; responsible; irresponsible; responsibility; irresponsibility. To accept: accepted; acceptance; acceptable; unacceptable; acceptability; acceptor. Access’, accessible; inaccessible; accessibility; inaccessibility. Accuracy: inaccuracy; accurate; inaccurate; accurately. Manipulation: manipulate; manipulator. 33
Correctly: correct; incorrect; to correct; correction; correctional; corrective; corrector. Error: erroneous. Ex.8. Give a written translation of paragraph 1-2 of the text. Ex.9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements, express your opinion: 1. The basic job of computers is processing of information. 2. Seven basic operations are characteristic of all data processing systems. 3. Inputting is the process of entering data, which are collected facts, into a data processing system. 4. Computer data processing systems can be designed to take advantage of four capabilities of computers. 5. Computers are not able to store vast amounts of information to organize. Ex.10. Give the summary of the text.
Lesson 8 Ex.1. list of words to be acquired. Read the following words properly and try to memorize them. Functional units – функциональные блоки, устройства, модули hardware [‘hcudwes] – аппаратное обеспечение; аппаратура; оборудование software� [’��������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� softwca�������������������������������������� ] – программное обеспечение; программные средства associated documentation – соответствующая документация available [a’veibbl] – доступный; имеющийся в наличии at the appropriate time – в нужное время arithmetic-logical unit – арифметико-логическое устройство control unit – блок управления, системный блок to issue commands [‘isju: ko’mamdz] – выдавать команды set of instructions – пакет команд pulse – no-pulse – (есть) импульс – холостой импульс discrete quantities [dis’krkt ‘kwontitiz] – дискретные величины to simulate on-going processes – моделировать непрерывные процессы Text 8 FUNCTIONAL UNITS OF COMPUTERS It is necessary to distinguish hardware and software in any computer. The input, storage, processing and control devices are hardware. Not visible in a computer is the software – the set of computer programs, procedures and associated documentation that make possible the effective operation of the computer system. As we know, all computer operations can be grouped into five functional categories. The method in which these functional categories are related to one another represents the functional organization of a computer. So, the five major functional units of a computer are: 1) Input – to insert outside information into the machine; 2) Storage or memory – to store information and make it available at the appropriate time; 35
3) Arithmetic-logical unit – to perform the calculations; 4) Output – to remove data from the machine to the outside world and 5) Control unit – to cause all parts of a computer to act as a team. Figure shows how the five functional units of the computer act together. A complete set of instructions and data are usually fed through the input equipment to the memory where they are stored. Each instruction is then fed to the control unit. The control unit interprets the instructions and issues commands to the other functional units to cause operations to be performed on the data. Arithmetic operations are performed in the arithmetic-logical unit, and the results are then fed back to the memory. Information may be fed from either the arithmetic unit or the memory through the output equipment to the outside world. The five units of the computer must communicate with each other. They can do this by means of a machine language which uses a code composed of combinations of electric pulses. These pulse combinations are usually represented by zeros and ones, where the one may be a pulse and the zero – a no-pulse. Numbers are communicated between one unit and another by means of these one-zero or pulse-no-pulse combinations. The input has the additional job of converting the information fed in by the operator into machine language. In other words, it translates from our language into the pulse – no-pulse combinations understandable to the computer. The output’s additional job is converting the pulse – no-pulse combinations into a form understandable to us, such as a printed report. The two basic types of computers are analog and digital. Analog computers simulate physical systems. They operate on the basis of analogy to the process that is being studied. Analog computers are used in applications that require continuous measurement and control. Digital computers deal with discrete quantities. They count rather than measure and use numbers instead of analogues physical quantities to simulate ongoing processes. Ex.2. Comprehension check 1. What are hardware and software of computers? 2. What represents the functional organization of a computer? 3. What is the function of the input device? 4. What does memory serve for? 36
5. What is the task of the arithmetic-logical unit? 6. What is the function of the output? 7. What is the main purpose of the control unit? 8. How do all units of the computer communicate with each other? 9. What is the difference between analog and digital computers? 10. What is a hybrid computer? Ex.3. Give Russian or Kazakh equivalents to the following word combinations: Functional units; to distinguish hardware and software; associated documentation; a set of computer programs; a digital computer; to be related to one another; to receive a broad view; input; storage; arithmetic-logical unit; control unit; output; to insert outside information ; to store information; to make information available at the appropriate time; to perform the calculations; to remove data from the machine to the outside world; to cause all parts of a computer to act as a team; to feed a complete set of instructions; to interpret the instructions and issue commands; to cause operations to be performed; to feed back to the memory; to communicate with each other; by means of a machine language; combinations of electric pulses; pulse – no-pulse combinations; in other words; to convert into an understandable form; to simulate physical processes; to require continuous measurement. Ex.4. Agree or disagree with these statements 1. The input, storage, processing and control devices are software. 2. All computer operations can be grouped into three functional categories. 3. The five units of the computer must communicate with each other. 4. The four basic types of computers are analog and digital. 5. Analog computers are used in applications that require continuous measurement and control. 6. The input has the additional job of converting the information. Ex.5. Change the sentences into the reported speech A.1. “Is Ann still at home?” What did he ask? 2. “Where can I find Paul?” What did he want to know? 3. “How long are you going to stay 37
here?” What did that man ask you? 4. “At what time does the show begin?” What did he want to know? 5. “May I keep your book till Sunday?” What did Tom ask you? 6. “Have they lost their documents?” What did he want to know? 7. “Are you leaving today?” What did he ask? B.1. “Did you enjoy the concert yesterday?” What did Bill want to know? 2. “Were you seriously ill?” What did she ask? 3. “Who gave Nick the money?” What did father want to know? 4. “Why did you not ring us up before eight?” What did she ask? 5. “Who did Harry go to the seaside with?” What did she ask? 6. “Where were you when I rang you up?” What did she want to know? 7. “Have you ever been to England?” What did you ask her? С. 1. “When will the train arrive?” What did she ask you? 2. “Will the train arrive in time?” What did she want to know? 3. “Will you still be working at 5 tomorrow?” What did he ask? 4. “When will the film be on?” What did he ask? 5. “Will you have read the book by Monday?” What did he want to know? 6. “How long will Mike stay in Moscow?” What did he want to know? 7. “Will you be through with your work in an hour?” What did he ask? Ex.6. Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. Arithmetic operations are performed in the arithmetic-logical unit. 2. These pulse combinations are usually represented by zeros and ones. 3. The output’s additional job is converting the pulse. 4. Analog computers simulate physical systems. 5. Digital computers deal with discrete quantities. 6. The control unit interprets the instructions and issues commands to the other functional units to cause operations to be performed on the data. Ex.7. Find in the text the sentences with the Passive Voice define the tense of the verbs and translate them either in Kazakh or Russian Ex.8. Retell the text «Functional units of computers». Use the active vocabulary. 38
Lesson 9 Ex.1. list of words to be acquired. Read the following words properly and try to memorize them. Central processing unit (CPU) – центральный процессор (ЦП) interchangeably [pnts’tjeinclpbli] – взаимозаменяемым образом precisely [pri’saisli] – точно internal memory – внутренняя память; внутреннее ЗУ input-output port – порт ввода-вывода control unit (CU) [kan’troul ‘jurnit] – устройство управления arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) – арифметико-логическое устройство step-by-step operations – пошаговые операции on the other hand – с другой стороны exponentiation [ekspa’nenteisn] – возведение в степень call for – требовать; предусматривать to load [‘loud] – загружать; выполнять загрузку Text 9 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT It is well known in computer science that the words ‘computer’ and ‘processor’ are used interchangeably. Speaking more precisely, ‘computer’ refers to the central processing unit (CPU) together with an internal memory. The internal memory, control and processing components make up the heart of the computer system. Manufacturers design the CPU to control and carry out basic instructions for their particular computer. The CPU coordinates all the activities of the various components of the computer. It determines which operations should be carried out and in what order. The CPU controls the operation of the entire system by issuing commands to other parts of the system and by acting on responses. When required it reads information from the memory, interprets instructions, performs operations on the data according to the instructions, writes the results back into the memory and moves information between memory levels or through the input-output ports. In digital computers the CPU can be divided into two functional units called the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU). 39
These two units are made up of electronic circuits with millions of switches that can be in one of two states, either on or off. The function of the CU within the central processor is to transmit coordinating control signals and commands. The control unit is that pan of the computer that directs the sequence of step-by-step operations of the system, selects instructions and data from memory, interprets the program instructions, and controls the flow between main storage and the arithmetic-logic unit. The ALU, on the other hand, is that pan of the computer in which the actual arithmetic operations, namely, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation, called for in the instructions, are performed. Programs and the data on which the CU and the ALU operate, must be in internal memory in order to be processed. Thus, if located in secondary memory, devices, such as disks or tapes, programs and data are first loaded into internal memory. Ex.2. Comprehension check 1.What words in computer science are used interchangeably and why? 2. What components make up the heart of the computer system? 3. What is the function of the CPU? 4. In what way does the CPU con-the operation of the whole system? 5. Name the sequence of operations the CPU performs (use five verbs). 6. What are the CPU functional units made of? 7. What is the function of the CU? 8. Where are data processed? Ex.3. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian word combinations: Функциональная организация; аппаратное обеспечение ком пьютера; программное обеспечение; устройство ввода; запоми нающее устройство; блок управления; соответствующая докумен тация; действия компьютера; связывать друг с другом; вводить информацию извне; делать информацию доступной; выполнять вычисления; выводить информацию; блок управления; выдавать команды; заставлять выполнять команды; выходное устройство; 40
связываться друг с другом; комбинация электрических импульсов; холостой импульс; импульсы, распознаваемые компьютером; аналоговые и цифровые компьютеры; непрерывные измерения; дискретные величины; скорее считают, чем измеряют; компьютеры смешанного типа. Центральный процессор; взаимозаменяемые слова; внутренняя память (запоминающее устройство – ЗУ); осуществлять основные команды; координировать действия различных блоков; подавать команды; при необходимости; считывать информацию из ЗУ; арифметико-логическое устройство; электрические цепи с переключателями; два положения: включено или выключено; направлять последовательность пошаговых операций; толковать команды; с другой стороны; выполнять сложение, вычитание, умножение, деление, возведение в степень; находиться во вторичной памяти; загружаться во внутреннюю память. Ex.4. Read and translate the following words correctly and try to memorize them: Computer: analog computer; digital computer; hybrid computer; all purpose computer; general-purpose computer; fifth-generation computer; game computer; handheld computer; mobile computer; notebook computer; pocket computer; portable computer. Unit: unit of memory; unit of data; unit of measurement; arithmetic-logic unit; central processing unit; computing unit; control unit; functional unit; input unit; output unit; network unit; Function: arithmetic function; checking function; complex function; computer function; continuous function; conversion function; distribution function; encoding function; logical function; numeric function; output function; program function; software function; support function; utility function; variable function. Control: access control; coding control; distance / remote control; error control; execution control; hardware control; input/output control, memory control; power control; production control; program control; rate control; self-acting control; software control; system control. Storage: available storage; buffer storage; computer storage; data storage; magnetic disk storage; magnetic tape storage; input storage; intermediate storage; internal storage; laser storage; main storage; pri41
mary storage; secondary storage; sequential-access storage; variable storage; virtual storage. Ex.5. Translate the words of the same origin and define their part of speech: Verbs: relate, employ, insert, perform, remove, operate, show, interpret, select, issue, use, receive, perform, cause, feed; print, make, compute, connect, execute, take away, require, act, convert, carry out, demand, permit, demonstrate, choose, transmit, type, store, get, calcu late, proceed, continue, keep, allow. Nouns: response, unit, component, computation, storage, gate, amount, digit, element, memory, instruction, device, equipment, con nection, circuit, order, command, information, relation, quantity, an swer, calculation, number, data. Adjectives: broad, complete, each, appropriate, every, basic, essential, digital, original, full, wide, initial, major, large, numerical, common, necessary, usual, important, general, great. Ex.6. Find in the text the sentences with the Passive Voice define the tense of the verbs and translate them either in Kazakh or Russian Ex.7. Transform the following statements into questions and make them negative: 1. The CPU controls the operation of the entire system by issuing commands to other parts of the system 2. In digital computers the CPU can be divided into two functional units called the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU). 3. These two units are made up of electronic circuits with millions of switches. 4. The control unit is that pan of the computer that directs the sequence of step-by-step operations of the system. 5. Programs and the data on which the CU and the ALU operate, must be in internal memory in order to be processed. 6. The CU controls the flow between main storage and the arithmetic-logic unit. Ex.8. Give the summary of the text. 42
Lesson 10 Ex.1. list of words to be acquired. Read the following words properly and try to memorize them. authorized – санкционированный integrity – целостность authentication – идентификация availability – доступность confidentiality – конфиденциальность vulnerable – уязвимый expanded – расширенный detectable – обнаруживаемый nonrepudiation – отказ legitimately – законно remediation – рекультивация maintain – поддерживать, содержать Text 10 THE TERM “COMPUTER SECURITY” The term “computer security” is used very frequently, but the content of a computer is vulnerable to several risks unless the computer is connected to other computers to form a network. As the use of computer networks, especially the Internet, has become widely spread, the concept of computer security has expanded to signify issues relating to the networked use of computers and their resources. The major technical areas of computer security are usually rep storage devices resented by the initials CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authentication or Availability. Confidentiality means that information cannot be accessed by unauthorized parties. Confidentiality is also known as secrecy or privacy; breaches of confidentiality range from the embarrassing to the disastrous. Integrity means that information is protected against unauthorized changes that are not detectable to authorized users; many incidents of hacking compromise the integrity of databases and other resources. Authentication means that the users are those persons who they claim to be. Availability means that resources are accessible by authorized parties; “denial of 43
service” attacks, which are sometimes the topic of national news, are attacks against availability. Other important factors of computer security professionals call the access control and nonrepudiation. Maintaining access control means not only that users can access only those resources and services to which they are entitled, but also that they are not denied resources that they legitimately can expect to access. Nonrepudiation implies that a person who sends a message cannot deny that he sent it and, on the contrary, that a person who has received a message cannot deny that he received it. In addition to these technical aspects, the conceptual reach of computer security is broad and multisided. Computer security touches draws from disciplines as ethics and risk analysis, and is concerned with topics such as computer crime; the prevention, detection, and remediation of attacks; and identity and anonymity in cyberspace. While confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity are the most important concerns of a computer security manager, privacy is perhaps the most important aspect of computer security for everyday Internet users. Although these people may feel that they have nothing to hide when they are registering with an Internet site or service, privacy on the Internet is about protecting one’s personal information, even if the information does not seem sensitive. Because of the ease with which information in electronic format can be shared among companies, and because small pieces of related information from different sources can be easily linked together to form a composite of, for example, a person’s information seeking habits, it is now very important that individuals are able to maintain control over what information is collected about them, how it is used, who may use it, and what purpose it is used for. Ex.2. Comprehension check 1. What is the term of computer security? 2. Which are the major technical areas of computer security? 3. What do confidentiality, integrity, and authentication mean in terms of PC security? 4. What is nonrepudiation? 5. What disciplines does the term concern? 6. What is the most important aspect of computer security nowadays? 7. What is protected while surfing the internet? 44
Ex.3. Match the words and their meanings: Vulnerable Authentication Integrity Nonrepudiation confidentiality availability access control
секретность, конфиденциальность строгое выполнение обязательств уязвимый, ранимый доступность, наличие цельность данных, неприкосновенность установление соответствия оригиналу контроль доступа
Ex.4. Agree or disagree with these statements 1. The major technical areas of computer security are usually rep storage devices. 2. Authentication means that the users are those persons who they claim to be. 3. 1Availability means that resources are accessible by authorized parties. 4. Other important factors of computer security professionals call the access control and nonrepudiation. 5. The conceptual reach of computer security is broad and multisided. 6. Privacy is perhaps the most important aspect of computer security for everyday Internet users. 7. Computer security touches draws from disciplines as ethics and risk analysis. Ex.5. Complete the following sentences as in the text 1. The term “computer security” is used very frequently, but content…………………….. ………………………………… 2. The major technical areas of computer security are usually…………………………………………………………………… 3. Confidentiality is also known as……………………………… 4. Integrity means that information is protected………………… 5. Availability means that resources are………………………… 6. Nonrepudiation implies that………………………………… the
7. While confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity are the most important concerns of a computer security manager,…………………… 8. A person’s information seeking habits, it is now very important……………………………………………………………… Ex.6. Translate the sentences using the words given above: 1. Термин «компьютерная безопасность» используется довольно часто. 2. Основные технические сферы компьютерной безопасности можно представить аббревиатурой CIA. 3. Конфиденциальность подразумевает, что информация не может быть доступна неизвестным сторонам. 4. Цельность значит, что информация защищена от изменения неопознанными лицами. 5. Доступность значит, что ресурсами могут пользоваться любые лица. 6. В целом термин «компьютерная безопасность» довольно широк и многосторонен. 7. Отдельным пользователям очень важно поддерживать контроль над их личной информацией. 8. Важно знать, кто, с какой целью и как использует информацию о личностях пользователей. Ex.7. Make up sentences using the words. 1. cannot, that, by, information, parties, means, be, confidentiality, unauthorized, unauthorized. 2. of, networks, the, especially, computer, has, use, become, the, spread, internet, widely. 3. important, other, of, factors, computer, professionals, the, security, access, call, and, control, nonrepudiation. 4. is, perhaps, users, the, aspect, of, computer, for, important, privacy, internet, most, security. Ex.8. Give the summary of the text «Basic operations of arithmetic». Use the active vocabulary 46
Lesson 11 Ex.1. Read and guess the meaning of the following words and expressions: numeration n, system ['sistim] n, represent [,repri'zent] v, combination n, base [beis] n, v, sentence n, equal ['i:kwəl] a, plus n, minus n, sum [sΛm] n, basic ['beisik] a, arithmetic n, multiplication n, multiply v, multiplier ['mΛltiplaiə] n, result [ri'zΛlt]n, v, product ['prodəkt]n, expression n, check n, v, contain v. Ex.2. List of words to be acquired Read the following words properly and try to memorize them: number n число, количество; v перечислять numeral цифра, символ, число add [ǽd] складывать addend [ə'dend] слагаемое summand слагаемое inverse обратный subtract [səb'trǽkt] вычитать minuend ['minjuənd] меньшаемое use [ju:s] n применение, использование digit цифра vary ['vέəri] меняться, изменяться as 1. как, в качестве; 2. когда value n величина, значение; и ценить thus таким образом sign [sain] n знак; v подписывать quotient частное zero ноль remainder остаток whenever [wən'evə] когда бы ни, всегда subtrahend ['sΛbtrəhend] вычитаемое difference ['difərəns] разность symbol ['simbəl] символ, знак multiplicand [mΛltipli'kǽnd] множимое 47
division [di'vi3ən] деление divide [di'vaid] делить . dividend ['dividənd] делимое divisor [di'vaizə] делитель except [ik'sept] кроме, за исключением meaningless бессмысленный factor n сомножитель; v разложить на множители Ex.3. Match the word and its translation: и так далее система счисления особым образом арабская система многократно, часто позиционная система разрядов одно и то же способ представить себе из вышесказанного целое число раз остаток, оставшаяся часть проверить деление, пользуясь умножением and so on numeration system in a special way Hindu-Arabic system over and over again place-value system one and the same a way of thinking of from the above a whole number of times a part... left over check division by using multiplication 48
Text 11 BASIC OPERATIONS OF ARITHMETIC Numbers and numerals are everywhere. We cannot live a day without numerals. On this page you will see number names and numerals. The number names are: zero, one, two, three, four and so on1. And here are the corresponding numerals: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. In a numeration system2 numerals are used to represent numbers, and the numerals are grouped in a special way3. The numbers used in our numeration system are called digits. In our Hindu-Arabic system'1 we use only ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to represent any number. We use the same ten digits over and over again5 in a place-value system6 whose base is ten. One and the same7 number could be represented in various ways. For example, take 3. It can be represented as the sum of the numbers 2 and 1 or the difference between the numbers 8 and 5 and so on. A very simple way to say that each of the numerals names the same number is to write an equation – a mathematical sentence that has an equal sign (=) between these numerals. For example, the sum of the numbers 3 and 4 equals the sum of the numbers 5 and 2. In this case we say: three plus four (3+4) is equal to five plus two (5+2). One more example of an equation is as follows: the difference between numbers 3 and 1 equals the difference between numbers 6 and 4. That is three minus one (3-1) equals six minus four (6-4). Another example of an equation is 3+5=8. In this case you have three numbers. Here you add 3 and 5 and get 8 as a result. 3 and 5 are addends (or summands) and 8 is the sum. There is also a plus (+) sign and a sign of equality (=). They are mathematical symbols. Now let us turn to the basic operations of arithmetic. There are four basic operations that you all know. They are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In arithmetic an operation is a way of thinking of8 two numbers and getting one number. We were just considering an operation of addition. An equation like 7-2=5 represents an operation of subtraction. Here seven is the minuend and two is the subtrahend. As a result of the operation you get five. It is the difference, as you remember from the above9. We may say that subtraction is the inverse operation of addition since 5+2=7 and 7-2=5. 49
The same might be said about division and multiplication, which are also inverse operations. In multiplication there is a number that must be multiplied. It is the multiplicand. There is also a multiplier. It is the number by which we multiply. When we are multiplying the multiplicand by the multiplier we get the product as a result. When two or more numbers are multiplied, each of them is called a factor. In the expression five multiplied by two (5x2), the 5 and the 2 will be factors. The multiplicand and the multiplier are names for factors. In the operation of division there is a number that is divided and it is called the dividend; the number by which we divide is called the divisor. When we are dividing the dividend by the divisor we get the quotient. But suppose you are dividing 10 by 3. In this case the divisor will not be contained a whole number of times10 in the dividend. You will get a part of the dividend left over11. This part is called the remainder. In our case the remainder will be 1. Since multiplication and division are inverse operations you may' check division by using multiplication12. Ex.4. Comprehension check 1. Can people live without numerals? 2. How many digits do we use in our Hindu-Arabic system of numeration? 3. Is a base five-system used in modern computers? 4. Is subtraction an inverse operation of division? 5. Is addition an inverse operation of multiplication? 6. Are subtraction and addition inverse operations? 7. Are division and multiplication inverse operations? 8. Is the product the result of subtraction? 9. Is the difference the result of division? 10. Will there be a remainder if you divide 36 by 6? 11. Will there be a remainder if you divide 31 by 7? 12. How many basic operations of arithmetic do you know? Ex.5. Agree or disagree with this statements: Example: In our Hindu-Arabic numeration system we use 5 digits. No, we don't. We use 10 digits. 50
1. The base of the binary system is ten. 2. Addition is the inverse operation of multiplication. 3. The decimal system of numeration uses-only five digits. 4. The use of parentheses is not important in the following expression 20x30+10:2-5+16. 5. When no parentheses are used in a mathematical sentence it means that first you must add and subtract and then multiply and divide. 6. If you are going to add 5, 7, and 10 the order of the operations is very important. 7. Any operation is called a binary operation when it is applied to only three numbers at a time. 8. In the operation of multiplication the order in which three factors are multiplied is important. Ex.6. Complete the following sentences as in the text: 1. The number names are:______________________________. 2. In a numeration system2 numerals are used_________________. 3. We use the same ten digits over and over again______________. 4. A very simple way to say that each of the numerals names___. 5. There are four basic operations:________________________. 6. In arithmetic an operation is____________________________. 7. In the operation of division there is______________________. Ex.7. Find in the text the sentences with the Passive Voice define the tense of the verbs and translate them either in Kazakh or Russian. Ex.8. Disagree with each one of the statements below and give correct variants. Example: T . We can get this book everywhere, (in the library). St.: We cannot get this book everywhere. We can get it in the library. 1. In the Hindu-Arabic numeration system we use five digits, (ten). 2. The result of multiplication is called the difference, (product). 3. We get the sum as a result of subtraction, (addition). 4. Addition and multiplication are inverse operations, (addition and subtraction). 5. Division and subtraction are inverse operations, (division and multiplication). 6. As a result of this operation he found the sum. 51
(the product). 7. She usually solves a lot of equations while doing her homework, (very few). 8. You are placing the plus sign between these numerals, (minus). 9. They were speaking about the new system, (the old method). 10. The remainder equals 5. (nine).11.This expression is meaningless, (meaningful). Ex.9. Answer the questions Example: T: What are you doing? (divide 10 by 2) St: I am dividing ten by two. 1. What is he doing? (find the value). 2. What are the students writing? (another equation). 3. What were they talking about? (base two numeration system). 4. What symbols are you using? (mathematical symbols). 5. Were you adding these numerals? (multiplying). 6. Were you subtracting 5 from 15? (divide). 7, Are you writing down the addends? (the sum). 8. Will he be dividing 20 by 4? (add). 9. Is it a combination of three digits? (four). 10.Do they use a base five numeration system in computers? (a base two).11.Are you trying to find the quotient? (remainder). 12. Can you find the minuend in this way? (the subtrahend). Ex.10. Give the summary of the text «Basic operations of arithmetic». Use the active vocabulary
Lesson 12 Ex.1. Read and guess the meaning of the following words and expressions: equality [i:'kwoliti] n, reflexive [ri'fleksiv] a, symmetric [si'metrik] a, transitive ['trəǽnzitiv] a, opposite ['opəzit] a, correct [kə'rekt] a, incorrect [inkə'rekt] a, essential a, inequality [ini:'kwoliti] n, false [fo:ls] a, express [iks'pres] v. Ex.2. List of words to be acquired Read the following words properly and try to memorize them: decide [di'said] решать member ['membə] член part [pa:t] n часть; adj делить whether f'weðə] ли (союз) relation отношение conventional привычный, общепринятый relate [ri'leit] относить (к) satisfy ['sǽtisfai] удовлетворять while [wail] в то время как, между тем feature черта, свойство involve [in'volv] включать в себя; влечь за собой, вовлекать either [ aiðə] 1. любой (из); 2. либо determine [di'tə:min] определять direct [di'rekt] а прямой; v направлять «concise [kən'sais] сжатый understanding [/\ndəstǽndiŋ] понимание understand (understood) понимать replace [ri'pleis] замещать, заменять, выводить merely ['miəli] просто, только include [in'klu:d] включать even ['i:vən] даже choose (chose, chosen) выбирать wrong [roŋ] а ошибочный be wrong ошибаться constantly ['konstəntli] постоянно respect [ris'pekt] n 1. отношение; 2. уважение 53
draw [dro:] (drew [dru:], drawn [dro:n]) 1. чертить рисовать; 2. тянуть, namely именно Ex.3. Match the word and its translation: you will remember either true or false to decide whether closed sentence is we check to see there is nothing incorrect about writing in other words
вы, по-видимому, помните либо истинное, либо ложное a чтобы решить, является ли замкнутое выражение мы проверяем, чтобы убедиться вовсе не ошибочно написать иными словами
Ex.4. Pre-reading task 1. What is an equation? 2. Is it always incorrect to write a false mathematical sentence? 3. Which basic axiom does the relation a=a satisfy? 4. Does the sign of non-equality tell you which numeral names the greater or the lesser of the two numbers? Text 12 ABOUT MATHEMATICAL SENTENCES In all branches of mathematics you need to write many sentences about numbers. For example, you may be asked to write an arithmetic sentence that includes two numerals which may name the same number or even different numbers. Suppose that for your sentence you choose the numerals 8 and 11–3 which name the same number. You can denote this by writing the following arithmetic sentence, which is true: 8=11-3. Suppose that you choose the numerals 9+6 and 13 for your sen tence. If you use the equal sign (==) between the numerals you will get the following sentence 9+6=13. But do 9+6 and 13 both name the same number? Is 9+6=13 a true sentence? Why or why not? You will remember1 that the symbol of equality (=) in an arithmetic sentence is used to mean is equal to. Another symbol that is the 54
symbol of non-equality is used to mean is not equal to. When an equal sign (=) is replaced by a non-equal sign, the opposite meaning is implied. Thus the following sentence is read: nine plus six is not equal to thirteen. Is it a true sentence? Why or why not? An important feature about a sentence involving numerals is that is either true or false2, but not both. A mathematical sentence that is either true or false, but not both is called a closed sentence. To decide whether a closed sentence3 containing an equal sign (=) is true or false, we check to s~ that both elements, or expressions, of the sentence name the san~ number. To decide whether a closed sentence containing a non-equal sign (=) is true or false, we check to see that both elements do ~: name the same number. As a matter of fact, there is nothing incorrect or wrong about writing5 a false sentence; in fact, in some mathematical proofs it I essential that you write false sentences. The important thing is that you must be able to determine whether arithmetic sentences are true or false. Using mathematical symbols, we are constantly building a language. In many respects it is more concise and direct than everyday language. But if we are going to use this mathematical language correctly we must have a very good understanding of the meaning of each symbol used. You already know that drawing a short line across the = sign (equality sign) we change it to non-equality sign. The non-equality symbol implies either of the two things, namely: is greater than or is less than. In other words6, the sign of non-equality merely tells us that the numerals 3+4 and 6 name differed numbers; it does not tell us which numeral names the greater or the lesser of the two umbers. If we are interested to know which of the two numerals is greater, we use the conventional symbols meaning less than (). These are inequality symbols or ordering symbols because the indicate order of numbers. If you want to say that six is less than seven, you will write it in the following way: 65. The signs which express equality or inequality (=,>, means greater than. 9. This mathematical sign implies the opposite meaning. 10. These features are considered essential. 11. In mathematics it is possible to write a false sentence. 12. Everyone who is concerned with mathematics must have a good understanding of the meaning of each symbol. 13. The symbol of nonequality implies either greater than or less than. 14. These are ordering symbols because they indicate the order of numbers. Ex.9. Give the summary of the text About mathematical sentences. Use the active vocabulary
Lesson 13 Ex.1. Read and guess the meaning of the following words and expression diagram ['daiəgrǽm] n, separate ['seprit] a [sepsreit] v, decimal ['desiməl], indefinitely [in'definitli], procedure п, situation, introduce [intrə'dju:s] v, algorithm ['olgəriðəm], placement ['pleisment], vertical ['və:tikəl], standard ['stǽndəd] n, a, identity [ai'dentiti]. Ex.2. List of words to be acquired Read the following words properly and try to memorize them: far 1. далеко; 2. далекий appropriate [ə'proupriit] соответствующий correspond ['koris'pond] 1. соответствовать; 2. переписываться hour ['аuə] час affect [ə'fekt] воздействов agreement [a'gri:mənt] cor сие namely ['neimli] а именно full [ful] полный careful ['kέəful] тщательный, внимательный comma ['кomə] запятая point [paint] точка left левый skip пропускать repeat [ri'pi:t] повторять pattern ['pǽtən] схема, образец observe [əb'zə:v] 1. наблюдать; 2. соблюдать lie [lai] (lay [lei], lain [lein]) лежать keep (kept) держать, хранить align [əlain] располагать на одной линии care] забота step шаг 58
Ex.3. Match the word and its translation: over and over again may prove helpful to the left (right) of at the right of just as well take care of in full agreement with this keeps each digit as appropriate налево (направо) от справа точно так же (зд.) охватить, предусмотреть в полном соответствии с это удерживает каждую цифру ка1к полагается Text 13 DECIMAL NUMERALS In our numeration system we use ten numerals called digits. These digits are used over and over again1 in various combinations. Suppose, you have been given numerals 1, 2, 3 and have been asked to write all possible combinations of these digits. You may write 123, 132, 213 and so on. The position in which each digit is written affects its value. How many digits are in the numeral 7086? How many place value positions does it have? The diagram below may prove helpful2. A comma separates each group or period. To read 529, 248, 650, 396, you must say: five hundred twenty-nine billion, two hundred fortyeight million, six hundred fifty thousand, three hundred ninety-six.
Ones period Hundreds Tens Ones
Thousands period Hundredthousands Ten-thousands One-thousand
Millions period Hundred millions Ten-millions One-million
Hundred billions Ten-billions One-billion
Billions period
But suppose you have been given a numeral 587.9 where 9 has been separated from 587 by a point, but not by a comma. The numeral 587 names a whole number. The sign (.) is called a decimal point. All digits to the left of3 the decimal point represent whole numbers. All digits to the right of the decimal point represent fractional parts of 1, The place-value position at the right4 of the ones place is called tenths. You obtain a tenth by dividing 1 by 10. Such numerals like 687.9 are called decimals. You read .2 as two tenths. To read .0054 you skip two zeroes and say fifty four ten thousandths. Decimals like .666..., or .242424..., are called repeating decimals. In a repeating decimal the same numeral or the same set of numerals is repeated over and over again indefinitely. In our development of rational numbers we have named them by fractional numerals. We know that rational numerals can just as we. be named by decimal numerals. As you might expect, calculations with decimal numerals give the same results as calculations with I corresponding fractional numerals. Before performing addition with fractional numerals, the fractions must have a common denominator. This is also true of decimal numerals. When multiplying with fractions, we find the product of the numerators and the product of denominators. The same procedure is used in multiplication with decimals. Division of numbers in decimal form is more difficult to lean because there is no such simple pattern as has been observed for multiplication. Yet, we can introduce a procedure that reduces all decimal division situations to one standard situation, namely the situation where the divisor is an integer. If we do so we shall see that exists a simple algorithm that will take care of6 all possible division cases. In operating with decimal numbers you will see that the arithmetic of numbers in decimal form is in full agreement with7 the arithmetic of numbers, in fractional form. You only have to use your knowledge of fractional numbers. Take addition, for example. Each step of addition in fraction form has a corresponding step in decimal form. 60
Suppose you are to find the sum of, say, .26 and 2.18. You can change the decimal numerals, if necessary, so that they denote a common denominator. We may write .26=.260 or 2.18=2.180. Then we add the numbers just as we have added integers and denote the common denominator in the sum by proper placement of the decimal point. Ex.4. Comprehension check 1. How many numerals are used in our numeration system? 2 What does a comma separate? 3. What kind of numbers do all the digits to the left of the decimal number represent? 4. Can you give an ехаmple of a repeating decimal? 5. Can rational numbers be named by decimal numerals? 6. Why is it more difficult to learn division in decimal form? 7. Has each step of addition in fractional form a corresponding step in decimal form? 8. Why is it unnecessary to write .26 as .260? Ex.5. Change the following sentences according to the model. Example: Т: They have studied this period, (he). St.: He has not studied this period. 1. She has drawn the diagram. (I). 2.1 found the whole procedure complicated, (she). 3. She was able to obtain the full program, (they). 4. I repeated the new text over and over again, (he). 5. He has been introduced to that foreign scientist, (they). 6. He always keeps his word. (she). 7 She considered each step carefully, (you). 8. He tried to observe the instruction (they). 9. We followed the appropriate procedure, (they). 10. This boy has been separated from his mother, (his sister). Ex.6. Ask questions to find out the details. Write down your questions. 1. Each step of the process has been carefully studied, (by whom) 2. The general pattern has been observed, (in what way). 3. The comma and the point have been properly placed, (where). 4. The new procedure has already been introduced, (by whom). 5. All the points been placed on the left and on the right of the straight line, (why). 6.The 61
necessary information has just been obtained, (what kind of) 7.The whole material has already been learned by the students. (how) 8. All the digits have been aligned as appropriate, (what). 9. We have been trying to obtain the diagram since Monday, (why). 10. The scientists have been studying the situation, (for how long). 11.He has been carefully observing the procedure for a long time, (in way). 12. They have been testing the new system over and over for a month, (why). Ex.7. Translate these sentences. Mind the use of the verb "to have". His diagram has certain advantages. He has already spoken about these advantages. He has to discuss them again with his assistants. He has been asked to speak about the disadvantages of this procedure. The researchers had certain difficulties. They had to overcome these difficulties. They said that the head of their lab had been informed about these difficulties. c)They have to introduce an appropriate procedure. Every step has been carefully considered. They have to observe carefully the general pattern of their research. They have been trying to come to a certain agreement. They have some differences of opinion. Ex.8. Write the following in English. 1. Эти числа использованы в различных комбинациях. 2 Диаграмма оказалась полезной. 3. Запятая отделяет периоды. 4. Этот знак называют десятичной точкой. 5. Если мы разделим 1 на 10, то получим одну десятую. 6. Периодические дроби введены сегодня на уроке. 7. Рациональные числа могут быть выражены в десятичных дробях. 8. Покажите мне диаграмму. 9. Где схема? 10. Эту дробь нельзя сократить. 11. Отдели запятой эти три цифры. 12. Нам пришлось изменить процедуру. 13. Они получили нужную информацию? 14. Он сказал, что они уже обсудили ситуацию. 15. Она согласилась прийти? Ex.9. Give the summary of the text «Decimal numerals». Use the active vocabulary 62
Supplementary Reading Networks It is common to connect computers to form a network. This is usually done by connecting cables to an electronic board called a network interface card (NIC) in each computer. Networks make communication between users possible and allow software and hardware to be shared. They also make it possible to maintain and control a large number of computers. A network that is connected over a small area-e.g. one building is called a local area network (LAN), and a network connected over a large area, e.g. different buildings, different cities or even different countries, is known as a wide area network (WAN).The most common network arrangement is known as a client/server system. The main computers that provide a service on the network are called servers, and the other computers that use the services are called clients The physical arrangement of the network is known as the network topology. Three common topologies are known as star, ring, and bus. A star topology has each computer individually connected to a central hub. The hub may be the main server computer, but is more often is an electronic device that is used to connect all the computers together. A ring topology has all the computers connected in a closed loop, and a bus topology has all the computers connected to a main cable that is terminated at each end. A mesh topology, where every computer is connected to every other computer, is not commonly used. Most networks use a mixture of topologies since each arrangement has its own advantages and disadvantages. Passwords are commonly used to restrict access to a network and keep the system secure. Each user of a network is given an account name and password, which determine what services are made available to them. Passwords are supposed to prevent unauthorized users or hackers, from breaking into the system, so they must not be easy for outsiders to guess. At the same time, they should not be too difficult for the user to remember. Ideally they should have a minimum of six characters, and be composed of a mixture of capital and small letters, numbers, and symbols. Certain symbols must be avoided because they have special meaning in computer systems. It is better not use 63
the words in the dictionary or proper names, since some hackers use special computer programs which automatically try all the words and combinations of words in a computerized dictionary to try to discover or crack other users’ passwords. It is also useful to change passwords frequently. Distant Learning Students have always had to come to where the teachers. Now technology can take the teacher to the student. In recent years, more and more university systems in the United States have been adding distance learning to their traditional classroom instruction. Dick Hezel of Hezel Associates, an educational consulting firm in Syracuse, New York, estimates that today 60 percent of U.S. colleges and universities offer courses at a distance, up from 10 percent a decade ago. In the most common form of distant learning, satellite and cable wires send images of instructors, as they are teaching, to groups of students gathered in front of television sets at widely scattered sites, often local high schools. Each site is connected by telephone lines – rooted for the most part through loudspeakers- to the instructors, so that any student anywhere can ask a question or take part in a discussion, and the instructor’s comment can be heard by all. Instructors, too, are freed from having to teach only from a desk in front of a room. Professor William Blomquist, chairman of the political science department at Indiana University – Purdue University in Indianapolis, decided to teach a course in state government from the Senate Chamber of the Indiana Statehouse while the legislature was in recess. He took advantage of the location to invite state officials, including the chief justice of the state Supreme Court and the state treasurer, to participate in the course as guest lecturers. Most helpful to students are distance learning systems, like the University of Maine’ Education Network that offer degree programs. Nearly 4,000 students in Maine, studying at more than100distancelearning sites across the state, are currently enrolled in courses that lead to seven associate degrees, five bachelor degrees, four master degrees and one certificate of advanced studies. Coordinators at each of the sites organize the classrooms, give out and receive the assignment, 64
and administer examinations. If students prefer, they can receive about 20 percent of the courses in their own homes, through agreements between the network and cable television companies. Maine’s Education Network appeals in particular to students in remote rural areas and to adults for whom jobs, children, and other responsibilities make going off to a traditional college or university impossible. “Our students absolutely love this system” says George Connick, president of the Education Network.” For many of them this is the only way they have of getting an education. It’s this or not at all” And he has found there is no loss in quality of instruction. “Studies consistently show us that students in these classes do just as students in the exact same class at one of the universities-sometimes better.’ Personal computing In 1952 a major computing company took a decision to get out of the business of making mainframe computers. They believed that there was only market for four mainframes in the whole world. That company was IBM. The following year they reversed their decision. In 1980, IBM decided that there was a market for 250,000 PCs, so they set up a special team to develop the first IBM PC. It went on sale in 1981 and set a world – wide standard for IBM – compatibility which, over the next ten years, was only seriously challenged by one other company Apple Computers. Since then, over seventy million Pcs made by IBM and other manufacturers have been sold. Over this period, PCs have become commodity items. Since IBM made the design non- proprietary, anyone can make them. The history of multi-billion dollar PC industry has been one of the mistakes. Xerox Corporation funded the initial research on personal computers in their Polo Alto laboratory in California. However, the company failed to capitalize on this work, and the ideas that they put together went into operating system developed for Apple’s computers. This was a graphical interface: using a mouse, the user clicks on icons which represent the function to be performed. The first IBM PC was developed using existing available electrical components. With IBM’s badge on the box it became the standard 65
machine for large corporations to purchase. When IBM was looking for an operating system, they went initially to Digital Research, who were market leaders in command – based operating systems (these are operating systems in which the users type in commands to perform a function). When the collaboration between IBM and Digital Research failed, IBM turned to Bill Gates, then 25 years old, to write their operating system. Bill Gates founded Microsoft on the basis of the development of MS\DOS, the initial operating system, DR\DOS, and it is considered by many people to be a better product than Microsoft’s. However, without an endorsement from IBM, it has become a minor player in the market. Novell, the leaders in PC networking, now own Digital Research, so things may change. The original IBM PC had minimum of 16K of memory, but this could be upgraded to512K if necessary, and ran with processor speed of 4.77MHz. Ten years later, in 1991, IBM was making PCs with 16 Mb, running with the processor speed of 33MHz. The cost of buying the hardware has come down considerably as the machines have become commodity items. Large companies are considering running major applications on PC’s, something which, ten years ago, no one would have believed possible of a PC. In contrast, many computers in people’s home are just used to play computer games. General features of operating system An operating system is a master control program which controls the functions of the computer system as a whole and the running of application programs. All computers do not use the same operating systems. It is therefore important to assess the operating system used on a particular model before initial commitment because some software is only designed to run under the control of specific operating systems. Some operating systems are adopted as industry standards and these are the one which should be evaluated because they normally have a good software base. The reason for this is that software houses are willing to expand recourses on the development of application packages for machines functioning under the control of an operating system which is widely used. The cost of software is likely to be 66
lower in such circumstances as the development costs are spread over a greater number of users, both actual and potential. Mainframe computers usually process several application programs concurrently, switching from one to the other, for the purpose of increasing processing productivity. This is known as multiprogramming (multi-tasking in the context of microcomputers), which requires a powerful operating system incorporating work scheduling facilities to control the switching between programs. This entails reading in data for one program while the processor is performing computations on another and printing out results on yet another. In multi- user environments an operating system is required to control terminal operations on a shared a it, for instance. The first user is allocated control to write to a record (or file in some instances) and other users are denied access until the record is updated and unlocked. An operating system is stored on disk and has to be booted into the internal memory (RAM) where it must reside throughout processing so that commands are instantly available. The operating system commands may exceed the internal memory capacity of the computer in which case only that portion of the OS which is frequently used is retained internally other models being read in form disk as required. Many microcomputers function under the control of a disk operating system known as DOS. Is your home computer a target? Is your home computer a popular target for computer robbers? Why? It is so, because intruders want what you have stored there. The look for the numbers of your credit cards, bank account information, and anything else they can find. By stealing that information, all thefts can use your money buying themselves goods and services. But they need not only the money- related information. These thefts also want your computer; it means your hard disk space, your fast processor, and your internet connection. They use resources to attack other computers on the Internet. In fact the more computers an intruder uses, the harder it is for law enforcement to find out where the attack is really coming from. If they can’t be found, they can’t be stopped, and they can’t be prosecuted and imprisoned. 67
Why do criminals pay attention to home computers? Home computers are typically not very secure and are easy to break into. When combined with high speed Internet connections that are always turned on, they can quickly find and then attack home computers. While thefts also attack home computers connected to the Internet through dial-in connections, high-speed connections (cable modems and DSL modems) are a favorite target. No matter how a home computer is connected to the Internet, attacks of such people are often successful. Many home computer owners don’t realize that they need to pay attention to computer security. In the same way that you are responsible for having insurance when you drive a car, you also need to be responsible for your home computer’s security. The purpose is to keep computer robbers and their programs off your computer. How do they break into your computer? In some cases, they send you an e-mail with a virus. When you read such e-mail you activate the virus, creating an opening that use to enter or access your computer. In other cases, they take advantage of a defect or weakness In one of your computer’s programs a – vulnerability – to gain access. Once they are on your computer, they often install new programs that let them continue using your computer – even after you closed all the holes they used to get into your computer in the first place. These backdoors are usually cleverly disguised so that they blend in with the other programs running on your computer. The first computers The word “computer” used to mean a person, not a machine. In the nineteenth century, builders and technicians needed to know the answers to very difficult calculations in order to do their work. They did not have the time to do these calculations themselves, so they bought books of answers. The people who did the calculation and wrote the books were called computers. In the 1820s, a British mathematician called Charles Babbage invented a machine that did very difficult calculations automatically. He called his machine a Difference Engine. He began to build his machine, but he did not finish it because he had a better idea. (Bab68
bage never finished anything – he always had a better idea and started working on something new!) In fact, more than a hundred and fifty years later, some technicians from the Science Museum in London build Babbage’s Difference Engine. It is still in the museum today. The machine weighs about three tons, and it is nearly two meters tall and three meters wide. And it works: in the early 1990s, it did a calculation and gave the right answer – 31 digits long! Babbage did not finish making the Difference Engine because he started work on a machine called an Analytical Engine. The Analytical Engine could do more: for example, it had a kind of memory. This meant that it was possible to write programs for it, building on each answer and doing more and more difficult calculations. For this reason, the Analytical Engine is often seen as the first real computer. However Babbage never finished building this machine either! A woman called Ada Lovelace worked with Babbage. She was the daughter of Lord Byron, a famous English writer. Most people did not understand Babbage’s ideas, but Ada did, because she was an excellent mathematician. She knew that she could do extraordinary calculations with the Analytical Machine, and she wrote a program for it. Although the machine was never built, Ada Lovelace was still the first computer programmer in the world. In 1979, a modern computer programming language was named ADA. Babbage’s ideas were ahead of their time. Slowly, over the next one hundred years, inventors began to build better calculating machines. One of the best inventors of the 1930s was German called Konrad Zuse. In 1938, he built his first machine, the Z1, in his parents’ living room in Berlin. His later machines, the Z3 and Z4, were like modern computers in many ways. They used only two digits (0 and 1) to do all calculations. Also, Zuse wrote programs for his machines by making holes in old cinema films. When he could read the programs and do very long and difficult calculations. The history of the PC In 1957, IBM made a computer called the 610 Auto-Point. They said that it was the first personal computer. But it was not like the com69
puters that millions of people have in their homes today. It was large and expensive (55,000 dollars). It was called a personal computer, or PC, because it only needed one person to work it. The first real PCs were not made until seventeen years later. The first computer (like Colossus) was too big, heavy and expensive to have in your home. But in the 1960s, technicians found a way to make computer chips with thousands of very small transistors on them. In 1971, Intel made a computer chip called the 4004, which had 2,250transistors. Three years later, they made the 8080, a better and a faster chip with 5,000 transistors. An American inventor called Ed Roberts used the Intel 8080 chip to make one of the first PCs. He called his PC the Altair 8800. (The name comes from the television program Star Trek.) When you bought an Altair 8800, you got a box of parts that you put together at home to make your PC. It cost less than 400 dollars, and Ed Roberts sold 2,000 in the first year. The personal computer was on its way. In 1976, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs started the Apple Computer Company. In 1977, their second computer, the Apple 2, appeared. It was popular, and the company made 700,000 dollars that year. The next year, the company made 7 million dollars! Personal computers were here to stay. IBM made their first home computer in 1981. And the Time magazine ‘person of the year’ for 1982 was not a person at all – it was the PC. In the 1980s, the market for home computers grew very quickly. There were very many different computer companies, and each company used its own operating system. The C-64, made by Commodore Computers, was the most successful – and in fact, the C-64 is still the best- selling home computer in history. Other successful companies were Atari, Amiga, Amstrad, and Acorn. Some companies like Dell and Compaq, did not use their own operating systems; they made ‘IBM compatible’ computers. This meant that they used the same operating system and the same software as an IBM PC. IBM compatible computers were more successful than the other kinds of PC, and today nearly all PCs are IBM compatible. Apple is the only famous computer company which still uses its own operating system. In 1998, it started selling the iMac, a computer that looked very different from other PCs at that time. People chose the iMac because they thought it looked good in their homes. Since 1998, the company has made other new computers that have changed people’s ideas about PC. 70
Digital computers There are two fundamentally different types of computers: analog and digital. The former type solve problems by using continuously, changing data such as voltage. In current usage, the term "computer" usually refers to high-speed digital computers. These computers are playing an increasing role in all branches of the economy. Digital computers based on manipulating discrete binary digits (1s and 0s). They are generally more effective than analog computers for four principal reasons: they are faster; they are not so susceptible to signal interference; they can transfer huge data bases more accurately; and their coded binary data are easier to store and retrieve than the analog signals. For all their apparent complexity, digital computers are considered to be simple machines. Digital computers are able to recognize only two states in each of its millions of switches, "on" or "off", or high voltage or low voltage. By assigning binary numbers to their states, 1 for "on" and 0 for "off", and linking many switches together, a computer can represent any type of data from numbers to letters and musical notes. It is this process of recognizing signals that is known as digitization. The real power of a computer depends on the speed with which it checks switches per second. The more switches a computer checks in each cycle, the more data it can recognize at one time and the faster it can operate, each switch being called a binary digit or bit. A digital computer is a complex system of four functionally different elements: 1) the central processing unit (CPU), 2) input devices, 3) memory-storage devices called disk drives, 4) output devices. These physical parts and all their physical components are called hardware. The powers of computers are greatly on the characteristics of memory-storage devices. Most digital computers store data both internally, in what is called main memory, and externally, on auxiliary storage units. As a computer processes data and instructions, it temporarily stores information internally on special memory microchips. Auxiliary storage units supplement the main memory when programs are too large and they also offer a more reliable method for storing data. There exist different kinds of auxiliary storage devices, removable magnetic disks being the most widely used. They can store up to 100 megabytes of data on one disk, a byte being known as the basic unit of data storage. 71
Output devices let the user see the results of the computer's data processing. Being the most commonly used output device, the monitor accepts video signals from a computer and shows different kinds of information such as text, formulas and graphics on its screen. With the help of various printers information stored in one of the computer's memory systems can be easily printed on paper in a desired number of copies. Programs, also called software, are detailed sequences of instructions that direct the computer hardware to perform useful operations. Computer crimes More and more, the operations of our businesses, governments, and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories. Anyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap substantial re wards. Even worse, a number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment. These facts have not been lost on criminals or would-be criminals. A recent Stanford Research Institute study of computer abuse was based on 160 case histories, which probably are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. After all, we only know about the unsuccessful crimes. How many successful ones have gone undetected is anybody's guess. Here are a few areas in which computer criminals have found the pickings all too easy. Banking. All but the smallest banks now keep their accounts on computer files. Someone who knows how to change the numbers in the files can transfer funds at will. For instance, one programmer was caught having the computer transfer funds from other people's accounts to his wife's checking account. Often, tradition ally trained auditors don't know enough about the workings of computers to catch what is taking place right under their noses. Business. A company that uses computers extensively offers many opportunities to both dishonest employees and clever outsiders. For instance, a thief can have the computer ship the company's products to addresses of his own choosing. Or he can have it issue checks to him or his confederates for imaginary supplies or services. People have been caught doing both. 72
Credit Cards. There is a trend toward using cards similar to credit cards to gain access to funds through cash-dispensing terminals. Yet, in the past, organized crime has used stolen or counterfeit credit cards to finance its operations. Banks that offer after-hours or remote banking through cash-dispensing terminals may find themselves unwillingly subsidizing organized crime. Theft of Information. Much personal information about individuals is now stored in computer files. An unauthorized person with access to this information could use it for blackmail. Also, confidential information about a company's products or operations can be stolen and sold to unscrupulous competitors. (One attempt at the latter came to light when the competitor turned out to be scrupulous and turned in the people who were trying to sell him stolen information.) Software Theft. The software for a computer system is often more expensive than the hardware. Yet this expensive software is all too easy to copy. Crooked computer experts have devised a variety of tricks for getting these expensive programs printed out, punched on cards, recorded on tape, or otherwise delivered into their hands. Personal computing In 1952 a major computing company took a decision to get out of the business of making mainframe computers. They believed that there was only market for four mainframes in the whole world. That company was IBM. The following year they reversed their decision. In 1980, IBM decided that there was a market for 250,000 PCs, so they set up a special team to develop the first IBM PC. It went on sale in 1981 and set a world – wide standard for IBM – compatibility which, over the next ten years, was only seriously challenged by one other company Apple Computers. Since then, over seventy million Pcs made by IBM and other manufacturers have been sold. Over this period, PCs have become commodity items. Since IBM made the design non- proprietary, anyone can make them. The history of multi-billion dollar PC industry has been one of the mistakes. Xerox Corporation funded the initial research on personal computers in their Polo Alto laboratory in California. However, the com73
pany failed to capitalize on this work, and the ideas that they put together went into operating system developed for Apple’s computers. This was a graphical interface: using a mouse, the user clicks on icons which represent the function to be performed. The first IBM PC was developed using existing available electrical components. With IBM’s badge on the box it became the standard machine for large corporations to purchase. When IBM was looking for an operating system, they went initially to Digital Research, who were market leaders in command – based operating systems (these are operating systems in which the users type in commands to perform a function). When the collaboration between IBM and Digital Research failed, IBM turned to Bill Gates, then 25 years old, to write their operating system. Bill Gates founded Microsoft on the basis of the development of MS\DOS, the initial operating system, DR\DOS, and it is considered by many people to be a better product than Microsoft’s. However, without an endorsement from IBM, it has become a minor player in the market. Novell, the leaders in PC networking, now own Digital Research, so things may change. The original IBM PC had minimum of 16K of memory, but this could be upgraded to512K if necessary, and ran with processor speed of 4.77MHz. Ten years later, in 1991, IBM was making PCs with 16 Mb, running with the processor speed of 33MHz. The cost of buying the hardware has come down considerably as the machines have become commodity items. Types of Software A computer to complete a job requires more than just the actual equipment or hardware we see and touch. It requires Software – programs for directing the operation of a computer or electronic data. Software is the final computer system component. These computer programs instruct the hardware how to conduct processing. The computer is merely a general-purpose machine which requires specific software to perform a given task. Computers can input, calculate, compare, and output data as information. Software determines the order in which these operations are performed. Programs usually 74
fall in one of two categories: system software and applications software. System software controls standard internal computer activities. An operating system, for example, is a collection of system programs that aid in the operation of a computer regardless of the application software being used. When a computer is first turned on, one of the systems programs is booted or loaded into the computer’s memory. This software contains information about memory capacity, the model of the processor, the disk drives to be used, and more. Once the system software is loaded, the applications software can be brought in. System programs are designed for the specific pieces of hardware. These programs are called drivers and coordinate peripheral hardware and computer activities. User needs to install a specific driver in order to activate a peripheral device. For example, if you intend to buy a printer or a scanner you need to worry in advance about the driver program which, though, commonly goes along with your device. By installing the driver you «teach» your mainboard to «understand» the newly attached part. Applications software satisfies your specific need. The developers of application software rely mostly on mar keting research strategies trying to do their best to attract more users (buyers) to their software. As the productivity of the hardware has increased greatly in recent years, the programmers nowadays tend to include as much as possible in one program to make software inter face look more attractive to the user. These class of programs is the most numerous and perspective from the marketing point of view. Data communication within and between computers systems is handled by system software. Communications software transfers data from one computer system to another. These programs usually provide users with data security and error checking along with physically transferring data between the two computer's memories. During the past five years the developing electronic network communication has stimulated more and more companies to produce various communication software, such as Web-Browsers for Internet. Cisco Systems Cisco Systems, Inc. is a leading supplier of communications and computer networking products, systems, and services. The company's product 75
line includes routers, switches, remote access devices, protocol translators, Internet services devices, and networking and network management software, all of which link together geographically dispersed local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and the Internet itself. Cisco serves three main market segments: large organizations, including corporations, government entities, utilities, and educational institutions; service providers, including Internet service providers, telephone and cable companies, and providers of wireless communications; and small and medium-sized businesses whose needs include operating networks, connecting to the Internet, and connecting with business partners. Cisco operates globally, deriving roughly 44 percent of its sales from overseas business. Cisco Systems was founded in December 1984 in Menlo Park, California, by a husband and wife team from Stanford University, Leonard Bosack and Sandra Lerner. Bosack was the manager of the computer science department's laboratory, and Lerner oversaw the computers at the graduate school of business. At Stanford, Bosack devised a way to connect the two local area networks in the respective departments where he and his wife worked, 500 yards across campus. Lerner and Bosack initially tried to sell the internet-working technology that Bosack had developed to existing computer companies, but none were interested. They then decided to start their own business, Cisco Systems, based on this technology. The future of the internet Everywhere we go, we hear about the Internet. It’s on television, in magazines, newspapers, and in schools. One might think that this network of millions of computers around the globe is as fast and captivating as television, but with more and more users logging on everyday and staying on longer and longer, this «Information Superhighway» could be perhaps more correctly referred to as an expressway of big city centre at rush hour. It is estimated that thirty five to forty million users currently are on the Internet. According to a recent statistics, an average Internet call lasts five times as longer as the average regular telephone call. 10 percent of the Internet calls last 6 hours or longer. This can cause overload 76
and, in turn, cause telephone network to fail. The local network was designed for short calls which you make and then hang up, but Internet calls often occupy a line for hours. With so many users in the Internet and their number is growing by 200 percent annually, it certainly provides new challenges for the telephone companies. The Internet, up to the beginning of the 90s, was used only to read a different text. Then in the early 90’s, a way was made to see pictures and listen to a sound on the Internet. This breakthrough made the Internet to be most demanded means of communication, data saving and transporting. However, today’s net is much more than just pictures, text, and sound. The Internet is now filled with voice massages, video conferencing and video games. With voice massages, users can talk over the Internet for the price of the local phone call. Nowadays we no longer have to own a computer to access the Internet. Now, devices such as Web TV allow our television to browse the Web and use Electronic Mail. Cellular phones are now also dialing up the Internet to provide E-mail and answering machine services. The telephone network was not designed and built to handle these sorts of things. Many telephone companies are spending enormous amounts of money to upgrade the telephone lines. K. Kao and G. Hockman were the first to come up with the idea of using fiber optic cables, as opposed to copper wire, to carry telephone signals. Fiber optics uses pulses of light to transmit binary code, such as that used in computers and other electronic devices. As a result the amount of bandwidth is incredibly raised. Another solution for the problem is fast modems which satisfy the need for speed. By accessing the Net through the coaxial cable that provides television to our homes, the speed can be increased 1,000 fold. However, the cable system was built to only send information one way. In other words, they can send stuff to us, but we can’t send anything back, if there is no modem available. Faster ways of connecting to the Internet may sound like a solution to the problem, but, just as new lanes on highways attract more cars, a faster Internet could attract many times more users, making it even slower than before. То help solve the problem of Internet clogs, Internet providers are trying new ways of pricing for customers. So, in business time any connection to Net cost more than your connection in the night. 77
Computer mouse A computer mouse is an input device that is most often used with a personal computer. Moving a mouse along a flat surface can move the on-screen cursor to different items on the screen. Items can be moved or selected by pressing the mouse buttons called clicking It is called a computer mouse because of the wire that connects the mouse to the computer. The people who designed the first computer mice thought that it looked like the tail on a mouse. Today, many computer mice use wireless technology and have no wire. In 1964 Douglas Engelbart (1925-2013) a researcher at Stanford Research Institute and wanted to find a way to make using computers easier. In those days, computers were large and expensive. Using them was very hard because everything had to be typed in by hand and there was no way to alter things if you made a mistake. After studying and designing for a long time, Engelbart succeeded in inventing an input device which he named 'XY index'. At first, it needed two hands to use, but it was changed so that only one hand was needed to use it. This model was more like the mouse that we use today. Xerox Palo Alto Research introduced a GUI in 1981, using a mouse. The mouse was used with Macintosh of Apple Inc. when it came out in 1984. Microsoft Windows also used the mouse when it came out, so over time (поэтому с течением времени) computer mice became used with many computers. Modern mice have three buttons: left button, right button, scroll button. On most computers, the user can move the mouse to move the cursor in the same direction. To choose something that is on the screen, the user can move the cursor to it and "click" the left mouse button. The right mouse button is used to open menus that are different depending on where the cursor is. The other mouse buttons can do different things, depending on the software. Most mice have two buttons to click.(Most mice also have a "scroll wheel – a small wheel found between the two main mouse buttons. The user can move the wheel back and forth to (scroll" through things like a website or folder. "Scrolling" means moving the words or pictures up or down on the screen, so another part of the page comes into view. The wheel can also be pressed, to click it like another button. 78
Сomputer keyboard Keyboard is an input device. In computing, a computer keyboard is a typewriter- style device, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches. Following the decline of punch cards and paper tape, interaction via teleprinter-style keyboards became the main input device for computers. Keyboard appeared in 1863 already the ancestor of all modern printing machines. Americans invented it Lehto Christopher Scholes and Samuel Soule, characteristically, both - the former printing A keyboard typically has characters engraved or printed on the keys and each press of a key typically corresponds to a single written symbol. However, to produce some symbols requires pressing and holding several keys simultaneously or in sequence. While most keyboard keys produce letters, numbers or signs (characters), other keys or simultaneous key presses can produce actions or execute computer commands. Despite the development of alternative input devices, such as the mouse, touchscreen, pen devices, character recognition and voice recognition , the keyboard remains the most commonly used device for direct (human) input of alphanumeric data into computers. In normal usage, the keyboard is used as a text entry interface to type text and numbers into a word processor, text editor or other programs. In a modern computer, the interpretation of key presses is generally left to the software. A computer keyboard distinguishes each physical key from every other and reports all key presses to the controlling software. Keyboards are also used for computer gaming, either with regular keyboards or by using keyboards with special gaming features, which can expedite frequently used keystroke combinations. A keyboard is also used to give commands to the operating system of a computer, such as Windows’ Control-Alt- Delete combination, which brings up a task window or shuts down the machine. A command-line interface is a type of user interface operated entirely through a keyboard, or another device doing the job of one. Computer security Computer security is an application of information security to both theoretical and actual computer systems. For sake of simplic79
ity, issues regarding privacy should be handled under the subject of information privacy rights. For the purpose of this article, Computer security is a branch of computer science that addresses enforcement of “secure” behavior on the operation of computers. The definition of “secure” varies by application, and is typically defined implicitly or explicitly by a security policy that addresses confidentiality, integrity and availability (see CIA Triad) of electronic information that is processed by or stored on computer systems. The traditional approach is to create a trusted security kernel that exploits special-purpose hardware mechanisms in the microprocessor to constrain the operating system and the application programs to conform to the security policy. These systems can isolate processes and data to specifier domains and restrict access and privileges of users. This approach avoids trusting most of the operating system and applications. In addition to restricting actions to a secure subset, a secure system should still permit authorized users to carry out legitimate and useful tasks. It might be possible to secure a computer against misuse using extreme measures: “The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards– and even then I have my doubts.” Eugene H. Spafford, director of the Purdue Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security. It is important to distinguish the techniques used to increase a system’s security from the issue of that system’s security status. In particular, systems which contain fundamental flaws in their security designs cannot be made secure without compromising their usability. Most computer systems cannot be made secure even after the application of extensive “computer security” measures. Furthermore, if they are made secure, functionality and ease of use often decreases. Computer security can also be seen as a subfield of security engineering, which looks at broader security issues in addition to computer security.
АНГЛО-РУССКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ А ability – способность, возможность above-mentioned – вышеупомянутый abroad – за рубежом absorb – впитывать, поглощать absorption – всасывание, впитывание, поглощение accelerate – ускорять(ся) accelerator – ускоритель accept – принимать, допускать accident – сбой, отказ; авария; несчастный случай accomplish – завершать, заканчивать; выполнять accommodate – вмещать, размещать accompany – сопровождать according to – в соответствии с account – счет; учитывать, подсчитывать accumulate – накапливать, суммировать, собирать accumulation – накопление, суммирование accuracy – точность, правильность, четкость accurate – точный, правильный accurately – точно accuse – обвинять accusation – обвинение achieve – достигать, завершать achievement – достижение acid – кислота nucleonic - нуклеиновая кислота acquaint – знакомить acquaintance – знакомство make… – познакомиться acquire – приобретать, получать across – сквозь, через, поперек action – поступок; действие; воздействие reciprocal - взаимодействие actual – действительный, фактический actually – в действительности actuate – воздействовать; приводить в действие actuation – срабатывание (устройства); приведение в действие actuator – привод; исполнительный механизм adapt – приспосабливать; прилаживать; переделывать add – складывать; суммировать; добавлять addition – сложение; добавление in ~ to – в дополнение к; помимо adjust – приспосабливать; регулировать administration – управление
admission – доступ; вход admit – принимать; допускать adopt – принимать; усваивать adult – взрослый advance – продвигать(ся); продвижение; успех advantage – преимущество; достоинство; выгода advocate – отстаивать, поддерживать; пропагандировать agent – фактор; вещество; действующая сила aid – помощь; помогать aids – вспомогательные средства; приспособления aim – цель to ~ guns – наводить орудия на цель aircraft – летательный аппарат; самолет alarm – тревога; страх; смятение align – выравнивать, выстраивать в линию; выпрямлять alter – (из)менять(ся) although – хотя; несмотря на то, что always – всегда amber – янтарь amplification – усиление amplifier – усилитель amplify – усиливать(ся) amount – количество; величина; составлять; насчитывать ancient – древний;античный annihilation – уничтожение; истребление; упразднение anniversary – годовщина anti-aircraft – противовоздушный, зенитный ~ guns – зенитные орудия aperture – отверстие apparently – явно; очевидно appear – появляться; возникать; оказываться appearance – появление; вид appetizer – закуска application – приложение; применение; употребление apply – применять(ся); использовать appoint – назначать appreciate – оценивать apprentice – ученик, подмастерье approach – подход; метод; приближаться; подходить appropriate – подходящий; соответствующий; свойственный arc – дуга; арка argue – спорить; обсуждать; убеждать armature – якорь arrange��������������������������������������������������������������� – размещать; устанавливать; монтировать ���������������������� arrangement����������� – размещение; расположение; устройство artificial – искусственный ~ intelligence – искусственный интеллект as – как; так как
as far back as (1991) – еще в 1991 г. as concerns – что касается as well as – а также assemble – собирать; монтировать assembly – сборка; монтаж; агрегат; узел; блок assist – помогать assistance – помощь assume – принимать; допускать assure – убеждать; уверять; обеспечивать; гарантировать at rest – в покое attempt – попытка attend – посещать attention – внимание attract – привлекать; притягивать ~ attention – привлекать внимание attraction – притяжение available – доступный; имеющийся (в наличии) award – награждать; награда aware – сознающий; осведомленный be ~ of – сознавать; понимать В base – основание; основа; база; основываться, базироваться basic – основной basically – в основном battle – битва, сражение beam – луч, пучок лучей; излучать bearing – подшипник ball ~ шариковый подшипник roll ~ подшипник валка beauty – красота because – потому что; так как -of – из-за, вследствие before – раньше, прежде; перед, до; прежде чем -long – скоро, вскоре long – задолго до behavior – поведение, манеры; режим (работы) believe – верить, полагать, считать belong – принадлежать, относиться benefit – благо; выгода; польза beverage – напиток beyond – вне; сверх; выше; за (пределами) binary – двоичный bind (bound) – связывать; притягивать body – тело; корпус; кузов; учреждение; орган boil – кипеть, кипятить bond – связь, соединение bookbinder – переплетчик both ... and – и...и; как ... так и boundary – граница; пограничный brainy – умный, мозговитый, способный
brake – тормоз branch – ветвь; отрасль; раздел bravery – храбрость; смелость break (broke, broken) – ломать; разрушать; прерывать brilliant – блестящий brittleness – ломкость, хрупкость broad – широкий; просторный broadcast – передавать (сообщение); ретранслировать; вещание browse – просматривать (содержимое) browser – программа просмотра; окно просмотра browsing – просмотр, web… – просмотр информационной сети burn – сжигать, гореть С cable – кабель, трос, канат calculate – вычислять, рассчитывать calculation – вычисление calculator – калькулятор, вычислительное устройство call – вызов; обращение; вызывать; называть so-called – так называемый cam – кулачок can (could) – мочь, уметь, быть в состоянии cancel – отменять; аннулировать; отмена candle – свеча capability – способность; возможность capacitance – емкость; емкостное сопротивление capacitor – конденсатор capacity – вместимость; емкость; способность: мощность; производи тельность capture – захватывать; улавливать; собирать (данные) carbon – углерод; угольный электрод carriage – суппорт, каретка, шасси, рама carry out – выполнять; проводить casting – литье, отливка cause – заставлять; вынуждать; быть причиной; причина; основание cavity – полость~ resonator – объемный резонатор celebrated – знаменитый, прославленный cell – элемент; секция; отсек fiiel – топливный бак cellular – сотовый; сотовый телефон conductor – проводник confine – ограничивать confront – ставить перед; сталкиваться connect – соединять; связывать connection – связь; соединение
conquer – завоевывать; покорять; подчинять conquest – завоевание; покорение consequence – (по)следствие; вывод; заключение consider – рассматривать; полагать; считать; учитывать considerable – значительный; важный considering – относительно; учитывая; принимая во внимание consist of – состоять из console – консоль; пульт constant – постоянная (величина) constantly – постоянно; часто constitute – составлять; учреждать consume – потреблять; расходовать consumer – потребитель; абонент consumption – потребление; расход contain – содержать; вмещать contamination – загрязнение; порча; заражение contemporary – современный continue – продолжать contribute – содействовать; способствовать control – управлять; регулировать controller – регулятор convenient – удобный; подходящий; пригодный conventional – обычный; традиционный; общепринятый conversation – разговор; беседа convert – преобразовывать converter – преобразователь; конвертор conversion – преобразование convey – передавать; сообщать convince – убеждать; уверять cooperation – сотрудничество; совместные действия copper – медь; медный core – сердечник; суть; основная часть correct – верный; правильный; исправлять corrode – разъедать, подвергаться коррозии cost – цена, стоимость; стоить council – совет country-man – соотечественник couple – пара; соединять; спаривать coupling – соединение, сцепление courage – храбрость, смелость cover – охватывать; покрывать crack – трещина; щель crankshaft – коленчатый вал create – создавать; формировать creative – творческий; созидательный
crew – экипаж; команда crisps – чипсы cross slide – поперечный суппорт curiosity – любопытство; любознательность current������������������������������������������������������������������ – электрический ток alternating���������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ~ переменный ток continuous������ ���������������� ~ постоянный ток direct ~ постоянный ток curved – кривой, искривленный customer – потребитель; клиент cybernetics – кибернетика cycle – цикл; период D damage – повреждать; наносить вред, ущерб danger – опасность; угроза dangerous – опасный; рискованный date back – восходить, относиться data – данные, информация database – база данных deal with – иметь дело с; работать decay – распад; разрушение decide – решать; принимать решение decision – решение; заключение make ~ принимать решение decisive – решительный; убедительный decoder – дешифратор decrease – уменьшать; снижать; уменьшение; снижение dedication – посвящение; преданность deduce – проследить; установить; преобразовать degree – степень, градус defense – оборона, защита define – определять; обозначать; задавать definite – определенный; точный; ясный deformable – деформируемый delay – задержка, запаздывание; задерживаться delayed – задержанный, отсроченный deliberate – преднамеренный; умышленный delicious – вкусный delight – восхищать(ся); удовольствие; наслаждение deliver – доставлять; передавать demand – требовать; запрашивать; требование demodulate – демодулировать denote – значить, обозначать density – плотность, густота packing ~ плотность упаковки depend – зависеть, полагаться на dependence – зависимость deploy – разворачивать; устанавливать deployment – развертывание; установка deposit – наносить, напылять
descent – спускаться, сходить ~ from – передаваться по наследству describe – описывать, изображать description – описание design – проектирование; конструирование; разработка application ~ проектирование прикладных программ database ~ создание базы данных software ~ проектирование программного обеспечения structural ~ строительное проектирование designation – (пред)назначение, цель desirability – желательность despite – несмотря на destroy – разрушать destructive – разрушительный, пагубный destructiveness – разрушительность, пагубность detect – обнаруживать, выявлять detection – обнаружение, выявление detector – датчик; средство обнаружения determine – определять device – прибор, устройство; аппарат devote – посвящать differ – различать(ся), отличать difference – отличие, различие; разница different – разный; другой, непохожий difficulty – трудность digit – цифра; разряд (числа); знак binary ~ двоичная цифра diligence – прилежание; усердие; старание diligently – прилежно; старательно dimension – размер; измерение direct – направлять; управлять; прямой direction – направление; руководство; указание dirt – грязь, сор discharge – разряд; разгрузка; выхлоп discovery – открытие; обнаружение; выявление discrete – дискретный, отдельный dishonest – нечестный, недобросовестный disinterested – бескорыстный, беспристрастный disperse – рассеивать, разбрасывать, распространять displace – перемещать; смещать displacement – смещение, сдвиг, перемещение display – дисплей, устройство отображения; показывать disposal – расположение; размещение have at one’s ~ иметь в распоряжении disseminate – распространять dissemination – распространение distinct – отдельный; особый; отличительный distinction – различение; распознавание; различие
distinctly – ясно; отчетливо; определенно distinctive – отличительный, характерный distinguish – различать, отличаться decoder – дешифратор decrease – уменьшать; снижать; уменьшение; снижение dedication – посвящение; преданность deduce – проследить; установить; преобразовать degree – степень, градус defense – оборона, защита define – определять; обозначать; задавать definite – определенный; точный; ясный deformable – деформируемый delay – задержка, запаздывание; задерживаться delayed – задержанный, отсроченный deliberate – преднамеренный; умышленный delicious – вкусный delight – восхищать(ся); удовольствие; наслаждение deliver – доставлять; передавать demand – требовать; запрашивать; требование demodulate – демодул ировать denote – значить, обозначать density – плотность, густота packing ~ плотность упаковки depend – зависеть, полагаться на dependence – зависимость deploy – разворачивать; устанавливать deployment – развертывание; установка deposit – наносить, напылять descent – спускаться, сходить ~ from – передаваться по наследству describe – описывать, изображать description – описание design – проектирование; конструирование; разработка application ~ проектирование прикладных программ database ~ создание базы данных software ~ проектирование программного обеспечения structural – строительное проектирование designation – (пред)назначение, цель desirability – желательность despite – несмотря на destroy – разрушать destructive – разрушительный, пагубный destructiveness – разрушительность, пагубность detect – обнаруживать, выявлять detection – обнаружение, выявление detector – датчик; средство обнаружения
determine – определять device – прибор, устройство; аппарат devote – посвящать differ – различать(ся), отличать difference – отличие, различие; разница different – разный; другой, непохожий difficulty – трудность digit – цифра; разряд (числа); знак binary ~ двоичная цифра diligence – прилежание; усердие; старание diligently – прилежно; старательно dimension – размер; измерение direct – направлять; управлять; прямой direction – направление; руководство; указание dirt – грязь, сор discharge – разряд; разгрузка; выхлоп discovery – открытие; обнаружение; выявление discrete – дискретный, отдельный dishonest – нечестный, недобросовестный disinterested – бескорыстный, беспристрастный disperse – рассеивать, разбрасывать, распространять displace – перемещать; смещать displacement – смещение, сдвиг, перемещение display – дисплей, устройство отображения; показывать disposal – расположение; размещение have at one’s ~ иметь в распоряжении disseminate – распространять dissemination – распространение distinct – отдельный; особый; отличительный distinction – различение; распознавание; различие distinctly – ясно; отчетливо; определенно distinctive – отличительный, характерный distinguish – различать, отличаться distinguishable – различимый distinguising – отличительный; характерный; распознавание distribute – распределять; распространять; классифицировать distribution – распределение; распространение diverge – расходиться; отклоняться divergence – расходимость; отклонение divergent – отклоняющийся divide – делить, разделять domestically – в домашней жизни drafting – проектирование dramatically – чрезвычайно draw – рисовать, чертить dream – мечта; мечтать; воображать
drive – водить; приводить в действие droplet – капелька drug – лекарство; медикамент ductility – вязкость; текучесть due to – благодаря durability – прочность; стойкость; долговечность during – в течение, в продолжение; во время duty – обязанность, долг; работа, режим работы dwarf – гном, карлик dynamics – динамика Е early – ранний; древний earphones – наушники ease – легкость, удобство (использования) easy – легкий; непринужденный; спокойный effect – действовать; оказывать воздействие, влияние efficiency – эффективность; коэффициент полезного действия elasticity – эластичность, упругость eliminate – устранять; удалять; отменять; ликвидировать elimination – устранение; отмена embody – воплощать; олицетворять; заключать в себе embrace – охватывать; включать (в себя); содержать emerge – появляться, выходить emergence – выход, появление emergency – авария, чрезвычайная ситуация emission – эмиссия; испускание; излучение; выброс emphasis – значение; особое внимание; выделение employ – использовать, употреблять; нанимать на службу employment – применение; служба, занятость employee – служащий empty – пустой, незанятый encoder – кодирующее устройство, шифратор encompass – окружать; заключать; охватывать encourage – ободрять; поддерживать; поощрять endure – выносить, терпеть; длиться, продолжаться enemy – враг, противник energize – активизировать; подавать напряжение; питать engine – машина, двигатель engineer – инженер; придумывать, изобретать, создавать engineering –техника, машиностроение civil ~ гражданское строительство electrical ~ электротехника mechanical ~ машиностроение nuclear ~ ядерная техника
power – энергетика radio – радиотехника structural ~ строительная техника enjoy – получать удовольствие, наслаждаться ~ popularity – пользоваться популярностью enormous – огромный, громадный enough – достаточный; довольно, достаточно ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать enter – входить; поступать entertainment – развлечения, увеселения entire – целый; полный; весь entirely – целиком; полностью entitle – называть, озаглавливать entity – сущность; существо environment – окружение, окружающая среда envisage – рассматривать (вопрос) equal – равный; одинаковый equality – равенство equation – уравнение differential ~ дифференциальное уравнение equilibrium – равновесие equip – снаряжать, оборудовать equipment – оборудование; оснащение; техника industrial ~ промышленное оборудование errand boy – рассыльный; мальчик на побегушках eraser – ластик, резинка erect – воздвигать; сооружать; создавать error – ошибка, отказ, сбой; погрешность escape – истекать; ускользать especially – особенно; главным образом essence – суть; сущность; существо essential – важный, существенный, значительный, неотъемлемый establish – основывать, учреждать; устанавливать establishment – основание, введение; учреждение, заведение evaluate – оценивать; выражать в числах evolve – развивать(ся); усовершенствовать; разрабатывать exact – точный, верный exactly – точно; совершенно; как раз exaggerate – преувеличивать; излишне подчеркивать example – пример; образец exceed – превышать, превосходить exceeding – безмерный, чрезвычайный exceedingly – чрезвычайно except – исключать; за исключением; кроме exception – исключение; исключительная ситуация
exceptional – исключительный exchange – обмен; замена; обменивать exert – оказывать давление; вызывать напряжение exist – существовать existence – существование expand – расширять(ся); увеличивать; наращивать (возможности) expansion – расширение, увеличение coefficient of ~ коэффициент расширения expensive – дорогостоящий explain – объяснять, толковать explanation – объяснение, пояснение, толкование explode – взрывать explosion – взрыв exploration – исследование, развертка (изображения) explore – исследовать; обследовать exponentiation – возведение в степень expression – выражение; представление extend – расширять; удлинять extension – расширение; дополнение; external – внешний; наружный extremely – чрезвычайно; крайне; очень F fabricate – изготовлять fabrication – изготовление; производство fail – сбой, отказ, повреждение; выходить из строя failure – поломка; отказ; неисправность fatique ~ усталостное разрушение ultimate ~ окончательная поломка fall (fell, fallen) – падать; опускаться familiar – знакомый; близкий famous – выдающийся, знаменитый fast – быстрый, быстро fatality – рок; обреченность fault – ошибка, неисправность, дефект, отказ, сбой faultless – безотказный; исправный feasible – возможный, вероятный feasibility – возможность feature – черта, свойство feed (fed) – вводить; подавать; питать; подача; ввод - forward – прямая связь feedback – обратная связь fibre – волокно, нить fiction – вымысел, выдумка science ~ научная фантастика fictional – вымышленный fidelity – верность воспроизведения
field – область, сфера деятельности; поле действия fight (fought) – сражаться; драться; борьба figure out – вычислять; понимать; постигать fill – наполнять(ся); заполнять fire – запускать, выстреливать; увольнять fission – расщепление, деление (атомного ядра) flight – полет flow (flew, flown) – течь, литься; поток; ход выполнения (программы) fluid – жидкость fluid mechanics – гидромеханика follow – следовать; следить following – следующий; последующий in the ~ way – следующим образом force – сила; принуждать; заставлять; форсировать electromotive ~ электродвижущая сила foretell – предсказывать forging – ковка form – создавать, формировать former – бывший, предшествующий the ~ первый (из двух) found – основывать, обосновывать foundation – основа, основание founder – основатель; учредитель fraction – доля; часть; дробь frame – система координат; рама, станина; создавать; составлять reference ~ система отсчета frequency – частота ~ modulation – частота модуляции friction – трение; фрикционная муфта from now on – отныне, с этих пор front-rank – передовой, первоклассный fuel – топливо ~ system – система питания ~ consumption – расход топлива functionality – (функциональные) возможности; набор средств fuse – предохранитель fusion – плавка, расплавление; синтез G gain – выгода, выигрыш; получать, приобретать, выигрывать, извлекать пользу gap – щель, зазор gaseous – газообразный, газовый gasoline – бензин, газолин gear – прибор, механизм, зубчатая передача running ~ ходовая часть steering – рулевое управление
general – общий, всеобщий in ~ вообще generate – генерировать, производить, вырабатывать generation – выработка; создание; поколение get along – ладить; уживаться giant – гигант, великан, исполин give (gave, given) – давать, отдавать, передавать ~ birth – породить goal – цель, задача goldsmith – золотых дел мастер, ювелир gourment ['guamei] – гурман govern – управлять; регулировать; направлять governance – управление, власть; руководство government – правительство; управление graduate – заканчивать (учебу); градуировать, калибровать greatful – благодарный gravity – притяжение, тяготение, сила тяжести specific ~ удельный вес grease – смазка; смазывать grinding – шлифовка, полировка guidance – руководство; наведение (орудия на цель) - system – система наведения fire control ~ система управления огнем under the ~ под руководством guide – руководить, направлять; гид, проводник Н handle – обращаться; иметь дело с hardly – вряд ли, едва hardware – аппаратное обеспечение; аппаратура harmful – вредный, пагубный head – голова; возглавлять health – здоровье heavy – тяжелый, трудный; сильный hence – следовательно, поэтому; отсюда, по этой причине heritage – наследство; наследие hierarchy – иерархия hip implant – протез (имплантант) бедра hide (hid, hidden) – прятать, скрывать historian – историк hollow – пустой, полый; пустота; полость honour – честь, слава; почитать, чтить; удостаивать honourable – почетный, уважаемый human – человеческий, свойственный человеку being – человек, человеческое существо related – связанный с человеком independent – не связанный с человеком humidity – сырость, влажность; влага however – однако, тем не менее
hydrogen – водород I icebreaker – ледокол identity – идентичность; подлинность idle run – холостой ход ignition – зажигание, воспламенение in accordance with – согласно, в соответствии с image -изображение; формат visual ~ наглядное изображение imagine – воображать, представлять себе immediate – немедленный; неотложный imperfection – несовершенство; недостаток, дефект impetus – побуждение, толчок, импульс, стимул implement – выполнять; осуществлять implementation – реализация; осуществление; разработка; внедрение implication – вовлечение; причастность imply – заключать в себе; подразумевать; значить importance – важность, значение be of ~ иметь значение important – важный, значительный impose – налагать, накладывать; задавать (правила) impress upon – прилагать impressive – впечатляющий, выразительный improve – улучшать; совершенствовать; уточнять (данные) improvement – улучшение, усовершенствование in addition to – в дополнение к incandescent lamp – лампа накаливания incapable – неспособный in connection with – в связи с incorporate – включать; содержать; встраивать; внедрять increase – увеличивать, возрастать; повышение, увеличение incredible – невероятный, неправдоподобный independent – независимый; самостоятельный induce – вызывать; побуждать; наводить, индуцировать inductance – индуктивность induction – индукция ~ coil – катушка индуктивности include – включать, содержать influence – влияние, воздействие; оказывать влияние information – информация, данные; сведения availability ~ информация о наличии bookkeeping / service ~ служебная информация extra ~ дополнительная информация free ~ бесплатная информация help ~ справочная информация up-to-date ~ обновленная, свежая информация
initial – исходный; первоначальный inject – вносить; вводить inner – внутренний input – ввод; входное устройство; вводить inquire – спрашивать, узнавать, наводить справки inscribe – вписывать, вырезать; начертать inscription – надпись; краткое посвящение insert – вводить; включать; вставлять insertion – введение; включение; вставка inspiration – вдохновение; стимулирование inspire – вдохновлять; воодушевлять in spite of – несмотря на install – устанавливать; монтировать installation – установка; размещение; монтаж instantly – немедленно; тотчас instead of – вместо ч.-л. instruction – команда; указание insulate – изолировать insulation – изоляция; обособление insulator – изолятор; изоляционный материал insurance – страхование intake system – система включения integrate – интегрировать; объединять integrated circuit (IC) – интегральная схема large-scale ~ большая ИС medium-scale ~ средняя ИС microwave ~ микроволновая ИС small-scale ~ малая ИС integration – интеграция; объединение intelligence – информация, сведения; ум, интеллект intelligible – понятный, вразумительный interact – взаимодействовать interaction – взаимодействие; взаимосвязь resulting ~ возникающее взаимодействие interactive – интерактивный, диалоговый interactively – в режиме диалога interactivity – интерактивность; взаимодействие interchangeable – взаимозаменяемый; равнозначный interconnection – соединение; связь interface – интерфейс; место стыковки; сопряжение input – интерфейс ввода internal – внутренний ~ memory – внутреннее запоминающее устройство interoperation – взаимодействие; совместная работа interrupt – прерывать intersection – пересечение intervention – вмешательство
intricate – запуганный, сложный introduce – вводить; представлять, знакомить introduction – введение; предисловие; представление invent – изобретать; выдумывать; сочинять invention – изобретение; выдумка inventor – изобретатель investigate – исследовать; расследовать investigation – исследование investment – вложение; вклад invisible – невидимый involve – включать; вовлекать; вызывать irrespective of – независимо от island – остров issue – выпускать, издавать; выходить ~ commands – подавать команды J join – соединение; соединять junction – узел; соединение; стык journey – путешествие justify – оправдывать; доказывать; обосновывать К keep (kept) – держать; хранить; удерживать key – клавиша; кнопка; переключатель; ключ; шпонка ~ concept – ключевое понятие delete ~ клавиша удаления end ~ клавиша перехода в конец enter ~ клавиша ввода escape ~ клавиша выхода insert ~ клавиша вставки shift ~ клавиша переключения регистров keyboard – клавиатура; клавишный knock out – выбивать know (knew, known) – знать; уметь knowledge – знания; осведомленность know-how – технология; методика; знания; приемы; жаре, ноу-хау L lack – недостаток; нехватка land – земля; высаживаться; приземляться language – язык all-purpose / general-purpose – универсальный язык high / low-level ~ язык высокого / низкого уровня programming ~ язык программирования lathe – токарный станок latter – недавний; последний
the ~ последний (из двух) launch – запуск; запускать launcher – пусковая установка law – закон; право; юриспруденция lay foundation – заложить основу lead (led) – вести; приводить leave (left) – покинуть; оставить; уехать length – длина level – уровень; степень; мера; выравнивать lever – рычаг light – свет; легкий lightning – молния ~ flash – вспышка молнии – conductor – молниеотвод lightweight – легкий, легковесный like – подобно, похоже; подобный, похожий; нравиться, любить likelihood – вероятность limitation – ограничение liquid – жидкость; жидкий literal – буквальный, дословный; буквенный literacy – грамотность literate – грамотный, образованный load – нагрузка loading capacity – емкостная нагрузка locate – размещать(ся); определять местоположение location – местоположение; ячейка (памяти); узел (сети) lock(up) – запирать; затвор long-lasted – с длительным сроком службы long-lived – долговечный loom over – нависнуть loop – петля; виток; контур; цикл closed ~ замкнутый контур open ~ разомкнутый контур lose (lost) – терять, лишаться; упустить; проигрывать loss – потеря; затраты loudspeaker – громкоговоритель low – низкий lower – понижать; уменьшать lubrication – смазка, смазывание М machine – машина, станок broaching ~ протяжная машина drilling ~ сверлильный станок milling ~ фрезерный станок planing – строгальный станок sewing ~ швейная машина
shaping ~ поперечно-строгальный станок machine building – машиностроение machine-tool – станок machinery – машинное оборудование magnetize – намагничивать mainframe – большая ЭВМ; основной, главный mainly – главным образом; большей частью maintain – обслуживать; содержать; эксплуатировать maintenance – техобслуживание; эксплуатация; ремонт make (made) – делать; заставлять mammal – млекопитающее manage – управлять; организовывать management – управление; регулирование; организация data - работа с данными manipulate – управлять; манипулировать; обрабатывать manipulation – управление; работа; обработка; преобразование mankind – человечество man-made – искусственный manual – ручной; руководство; справочник manufacture – изготовлять; производить; разрабатывать marble – мрамор; мраморный match – подходить; соответствовать matter – вещество; материя; сущность; вопрос; дело maxim – принцип; правило поведения mean (meant) – означать; подразумевать; иметь в виду means – средство; способ by ~ of – путем, посредством, с помощью meanwhile – между тем; временем measure – измерять; мера; критерий mechanize – механизировать mechanic – механик, техник mechanics – механика ~ of fluids – гидромеханика applied ~ прикладная механика classical ~ классическая механика quantum - квантовая механика structural - строительная механика theoretical ~ теоретическая механика medium – среда; носитель; средство; способ storage ~ носитель запоминающего устройства meet (met) – встречать; удовлетворять (условию); соответствовать ~ requirements – удовлетворять потребности memory – память, запоминающее устройство primary ~ первичная память menace – угроза, опасность; угрожать mental – умственный; мысленный
mention – упоминать; ссыпаться на merely – просто; только message – сообщение; запрос; посылать сообщение milk shake – молочный коктейль mind – ум, разум; мнение, взгляд mine – рудник, шахта; мина mining – горное дело minute – крошечный; Минута mirror – зеркало - galvanometer – зеркальный гальванометр missile – ракета, снаряд mode – способ; метод; режим modest – скромный; сдержанный modify – модифицировать; изменять; преобразовывать modulation envelope – огибающая модуляция moisture – влажность, сырость ~ content – содержимое влаги monitor – следить; наблюдать; контролировать; монитор, дисплей monochromatic – одноцветный monochromaticity – одноцветность monstrous – чудовищный moon of Jupiter – спутник Юпитера moreover – сверх того, более того motion – движение move – ход, движение; двигать(ся); перемещать; переходить movement – движение, перемещение multiplication – умножение; усиление multiply – умножать; усиливать; увеличивать multi-stage – многоступенчатый multitask – многоцелевой mutual – обоюдный, взаимный N narrow – узкий neither – ни один, никто nor – ни ... ни ... network – сеть; схема; контур neurology – неврология nevertheless – несмотря на; однако; тем не менее nobleman – дворянин noise – помехи, шумы additive ~ аддитивные (дополнительные) помехи notion – понятие; идея; мнение; точка зрения nourishing – питательный novel – роман; новый, неизведанный nozzle – сопло exhaust ~ выхлопное сопло nuclear – ядерный nucleus – центр; атомное ядро
number – число; количество; цифра numerically – в числовом отношении numerous – многочисленный О objective – цель; целевая функция; требование observation – наблюдение; отслеживание observe – наблюдать; следить; соблюдать obtain – получать; достигать obvious – очевидный; явный; ясный occur – происходить; случаться offer – предложение; предлагать oil – масло; нефть once – один раз; однократно at ~ сразу; одновременно; вместе с те operate – работать; действовать; функционировать operating – работающий; действующий operation – работа; действие put into ~ вводить в действие opportunity – возможность opposite – противоположный; обратный orbit the earth – облететь Землю origin – источник; происхождение original – подлинник, оригинал; первоначальный originate – происходить; возникать; брать начало oscillate – колебать(ся) oscillation – колебание; генерация oscillator – генератор oscillatory circuit – колебательный контур otherwise – иначе, в противном случае outbreak – (внезапное) начало; взрыв; вспышка outline – обрисовывать в общих чертах; наметить outer – внешний; наружный output – вывод; выход; устройство вывода; выводить outstanding – выдающийся, знаменитый overcome – преодолеть; побороть overtake – догнать, наверстать; овладевать overtime – сверхурочно; передержать owe – быть обязанным owing to – по причине, вследствие, благодаря oxygen – кислород Р participation – участие, соучастие particle – частица; крупица particular – специфический, особый, конкретный particularity – особенность; специфика
particularly – в особенности path – путь, траектория patient – больной, пациент pave way – проложить путь peace – мир, тишина peaceful – мирный, спокойный peasant – крестьянин; крестьянский pellet – бак, контейнер penetrate – проникать; проходить; пропитывать perfect – совершенный, идеальный; совершенствовать, улучшать perfectly – совершенно, вполне, отлично perform – выполнять; осуществлять; действовать performance – (рабочая) характеристика; производительность; быстро действие; режим работы permanent – постоянный; неизменный; долговременный petrol – бензин phenomenon – явление photocell – фотоэлемент psychology – психология physician – врач, доктор physicist – физик pick up – собирать, улавливать piece – кусочек, кристалл piercing – проколка отверстий, пробивка pipeline – конвейер - processor – конвейерный процессор piston – поршень plane – плоскость; самолет plaque – дощечка с надписью; почетный знак plasticity – пластичность, гибкость point – точка; пункт; суть; смысл ~ of junction – точка соединения ~ of view – точка зрения pointer – указатель polite – вежливый, любезный, благовоспитанный pollution – загрязнение possess – обладать; владеть possibility – возможность, вероятность possible – возможный, вероятный potential – потенциал, напряжение; возможность poverty – нищета, бедность power – сила; мощь; энергия; приводить в действие; вращать powder – порох; порошок precede – предшествовать precise – точный; аккуратный; тщательный; подробный precisely – точно; именно; совершенно верно precision – точность; меткость
predecessor – предшественник; предок predict – предсказывать; прогнозировать prepare – подготавливать; составлять presence – наличие; присутствие pressure – давление prevent – предотвращать; предохранять; препятствовать previous – предыдущий; предшествующий primarily – главным образом, прежде всего principal – главный, основной print – печатать; отпечаток; след probability – вероятность; правдоподобие process – процесс, обработка; обрабатывать (данные) processor – процессор; программа обработки produce – производить; вырабатывать production – производство; выработка productivity – производительность prominent – выдающийся, известный promise – обещать, уверять; обещание proof – доказательство propel – двигать, приводить в движение propellant – (ракетное) топливо propeller – двигатель ~ shaft drive – карданная передача propulsion – движение вперед; двигатель; силовая установка proper – правильный; подходящий; свойственный properly – правильно; должным образом; как следует property – свойство; качество; pi. параметры; характеристика proportional – пропорциональный directly - прямо пропорциональный inversely ~ обратно пропорциональный propose – предлагать; предполагать prove – доказывать; удостоверять publish – издавать; печатать pull – тяга; натяжение pulley – шкив, блок, ворот drive ~ ведущий шкив pump – насос; качать, перекачивать punched card – перфокарта pure – чистый; отчетливый; безупречный purify – очищать(ся) purification – очищение, очистка purity – чистота purpose – цель; (пред)назначение general ~ универсальный push – толкать; продвигать ~ boundaries – расширять границы Q quality – качество; свойство; характеристика qualitative – качественный
quantitative – количественный quantity – количество R race – мчаться, состязаться в скорости rain cats and dogs – лить как из ведра raise – поднимать, повышать; увеличивать; повышение random – случайный; произвольный - access – произвольный доступ range – диапазон; область; интервал rapid – быстрый, скорый rasterization – представление в виде растра rate – темп; степень; коэффициент; скорость r ather – скорее, предпочтительно, охотнее ray – луч; радиус; излучать reach – достигать; доезжать до, доходить realize – понимать; представлять себе; осуществлять reason – причина; разум, рассудок reasonable – (благо)разумный; приемлемый receive – принимать; получать receiver – приемное устройство; приемник broadcast - радиовещательный приемник reception – получение; прием receiving coil – принимающая катушка recently – недавно; на днях reciprocate – двигаться взад и вперед; иметь возвратно-поступательное движение recognize – узнавать, признавать; распознавать recognition – узнавание; распознавание record – запись; регистрация; записывать; регистрировать recover – восстанавливать rectification – выпрямление (тока); (радио) детектирование rectifier – выпрямитель; детектор reduce – уменьшать; сокращать; понижать reduction – уменьшение; сокращение; понижение reel – катушка; бобина; барабан re-entry – возвращение refer – ссылаться; говорить о; иметь отношение, относиться reference frame – система отсчета refine – очищать; повышать качество; усовершенствовать reflect – отражать, отображать reflection – отражение, отображение refuse – отказывать; отвергать; отрицать ~ admission – отказать в приеме regain – вновь приобрести; снова достичь regard – учет; принятие во внимание; считать, рассматривать in ~ to – что касается; в отношении
without ~ не учитывая; без учета regardless – невзирая на; не считаясь с reinforce – усиливать; укреплять reject – отвергать, отклонять relate – устанавливать отношения, связывать related – смежный; (взаимо)связанный; относящийся relation – отношение; соотношение; зависимость; связь relationship – отношение; связь relatively – относительно relay – реле; передавать, транслировать release – высвобождать; выпускать relevance – уместность relevant – уместный; относящийся к делу reliability – надежность; прочность; достоверность reliable – надежный relieve – освобождать; облегчать remain – оставлять; оставаться remarkable – замечательный remember – помнить; вспоминать remote – дистанционный; удаленный remove – удалять; устранять; убирать renewable – возобновляемый; восстанавливаемый renowned – известный, знаменитый, прославленный repel – отталкивать; отвергать; отклонять replace – заменять; замещать; сменять represent – представлять representative – представительный reproduce – воспроизводить; делать копию; восстанавливать reproduction – воспроизведение; репродукция require – требовать; нуждаться requirement – требование; потребность ����������������������������������������������������������������������� meet������������������������������������������������������������������� ~ удовлетворять потребности research������������������������������ �������������������������������������� – исследование; изучение; исследовать resistance – сопротивление; противодействие; устойчивость respect – уважение; почтение; отношение; уважать with ~ to – по отношению к respond – реагировать; отвечать response – отклик; реакция; ответ responsibility – ответственность; обязательства sense of ~ чувство ответственности responsible – ответственный result – результат; следствие; итог ~ from – возникать из-за ч.-л. -in – приводить к ч.-л. resulting – итоговый, суммарный, приводящий к retard – замедлять; тормозить; задерживать; отставать
retrieve – извлекать; выбирать (данные); восстанавливать (файлы) reverse – возвращать, двигать в обратном направлении; обратный ход ride – езда; поездка; полет rigid – твердый; жесткий; устойчивый ring – кольцо; обруч; хомут piston ~ поршневое кольцо rise – поднимать(ся) road – путь; дорога rocketry – ракетостроение rod – стержень, брус; шатун rolling – прокатка, прокатывание rotary – вращательный; ротационный rotate – вращать(ся) rotation – вращение; чередование route – маршрут; путь; направлять; адресовать; соединять routing – маршрутизация; схема соединений rub – тереть, натирать rule – правило; править ruinous – разрушительный run out – истекать, вытекать; истощить запас run program – запускать программу S saddle – салазки; суппорт safe – безопасный; надежный safety – безопасность; надежность satellite – спутник saturate – насыщать; пропитывать saturation – насыщение save – сохранять; сберегать scale – шкала; масштаб scan – просмотр; сканирование; развертка; просматривать scanner – сканер; устройство оптического считывания bar-code ~ устройство считывания штрих-кода scatter – разбрасывать; рассеивать science – наука; теория scientific – научный scientist – ученый scores – десятки; множество screw – винт, болт, шуруп, червяк; привинчивать search – поиск; исследование searchlight – прожектор secure – безопасный; защищенный securely – надежно; безопасно security – безопасность; сохранность; защита seek – искать; пытаться; поиск
select – выбирать; отбирать; выделять (на экране) selectivity – избирательность self-taught – самоучка, выучившийся самостоятельно self-determination – самоопределение semiconductor – полупроводник sense – чувство; сознание in а ~ в известном смысле in general ~ в общем смысле sensitive – чувствительный sensitivity – чувствительность sequence – последовательность serve – служить; обслуживать service – обслуживание; услуги; сервис servomechanism – сервомеханизм, следящая система set of rules – набор правил shaft – вал; ось; шпиндель; штырь; рукоятка; ручка shape – форма; вид; очертание; вид; конфигурация share – делить, разделять; совместно использовать shift – сдвигать; переключать; переводить shipbuilding – кораблестроение shower – ливень, проливной дождь sick – больной significance – значение, важность significant – значительный, важный, существенный signify – значить, означать silent – молчаливый silicon – кремний silver – серебро similar – подобный, похожий similarity – сходство, подобие similarly – подобным образом; так же simple – простой, элементарный simplicity – простота; простодушие; наивность simplify – упрощать simulate – моделировать; имитировать simultaneously – одновременно single – один; единственный single-phase – однофазный size – размер; величина; объем skill – мастерство; умение; ловкость slide up and down – скользить вверх и вниз slightly – слегка; немного slow down – замедлять slushing – антикоррозийная смазка smash – разбивать (вдребезги) small-dimensioned – малогабаритный
software – программное обеспечение solar – солнечный solid – твердое тело; твердый solid-state – твердотельный; в твердотельном состоянии solution – решение, разрешение (вопроса) solve – решать, разрешать (проблему); находить выход soon – скоро; вскоре; быстро as ~ as – как только; не позже source – источник; исходное устройство; исток spacecraft – космический летательный аппарат specific heat – удельная теплоемкость specified load – расчетная нагрузка shower – ливень, проливной дождь sick – больной significance – значение, важность significant – значительный, важный, существенный signify – значить, означать silent – молчаливый silicon – кремний silver – серебро similar – подобный, похожий similarity – сходство, подобие similarly – подобным образом; так же simple – простой, элементарный simplicity – простота; простодушие; наивность simplify – упрощать simulate – моделировать; имитировать simultaneously – одновременно single – один; единственный single-phase – однофазный size – размер; величина; объем skill – мастерство; умение; ловкость slide up and down – скользить вверх и вниз slightly – слегка; немного slow down – замедлять slushing – антикоррозийная смазка smash – разбивать (вдребезги) small-dimensioned – малогабаритный software – программное обеспечение solar – солнечный solid – твердое тело; твердый solid-state – твердотельный; в твердотельном состоянии solution – решение, разрешение (вопроса) solve – решать, разрешать (проблему); находить выход soon – скоро; вскоре; быстро as ~ as – как только; не позже source – источник; исходное устройство; исток spacecraft – космический летательный аппарат
specific heat – удельная теплоемкость specified load – расчетная нагрузка subsequent – последующий; дальнейший subsequently – в дальнейшем; затем; впоследствии substance – материя; вещество succeed – преуспевать; выдвинуться; иметь успех success – успех, удача successful – успешный, удачный; преуспевающий successor – преемник, наследник such as – такой, как; как например sufficient – достаточный sufficiently – достаточно, в достаточной степени suggest – предлагать, предполагать suit – подходить, приспосабливать; набор, комплект summarize – суммировать, подводить итог superiority – превосходство supply – подача; питание; поставлять, снабжать power – источник питания support – поддержка; обеспечение; подавать; обеспечивать suppose – полагать, предполагать surface – поверхность surpass – превосходить, превышать surround – окружать, обступать surrounding – близлежащий, соседний; окружающий suspension – подвеска; подвешивание front ~ передняя подвеска rear ~ задняя подвеска switch – переключать; коммутатор switchgear – распределительное устройство syrup – напиток Т tail – хвост; оконечность take (took, taken) – брать, взять; принимать (вид, значение) into account – учитывать; принимать во внимание ~ place – происходить, состояться target – цель, мишень teach (taught) – учить, обучать teacher’s training institute – педагогический институт team – команда; группа technique – метод, способ; техника; оборудование common ~ общепринятая методика computing ~ вычислительная техника hardware – методы аппаратного решения modelling ~ методы моделирования programming ~ методика программирования software ~ методы программного решения technology – техника; технология telecommunication – техническая организация дальней связи
term – термин; семестр in terms of – на языке; с точки зрения terminal – терминал; конец; зажим, вывод data ~ терминал сети передачи данных tension – напряжение; натяжение; упругость therefore – поэтому, следовательно, вот почему thickness – плотность; толщина through – через, сквозь; по причине, вследствие; насквозь, совершенно throughout – через; по всему throttle – дроссель thrust – тяга; осевое давление; нажим thunderstorm – гроза thus – так; таким образом; поэтому tide – прилив; поток; течение tolerance – допуск; терпимость, толерантность total – общий; полный; весь; целый; совокупный tough – крепкий, стойкий, упругий, жесткий track – след; направляющее приспособление; следить traffic – транспорт - �������������������������������������������������������������������������� flow���������������������������������������������������������������������� – поток транспорта �������������������������������������������������� transfer������������������������������������������ – передавать, переносить; передача; переход transformer – трансформатор transition – переход; перемещение; превращение; модификация transmission – передача; пересылка; пропускание transmit – передавать; посылать; пропускать transmitter – передатчик; датчик; преобразователь transparency – прозрачность transparent – прозрачный; незаметный; очевидный treat – обращаться; лечить technique – метод, способ; техника; оборудование common ~ общепринятая методика computing ~ вычислительная техника hardware - методы аппаратного решения modelling ~ методы моделирования programming ~ методика программирования software ~ методы программного решения technology – техника; технология telecommunication – техническая организация дальней связи term – термин; семестр in terms of – на языке; с точки зрения terminal – терминал; конец; зажим, вывод data ~ терминал сети передачи данных tension – напряжение; натяжение; упругость therefore – поэтому, следовательно, вот почему thickness – плотность; толщина through – через, сквозь; по причине, вследствие; насквозь, совершенно throughout – через; по всему
throttle – дроссель thrust – тяга; осевое давление; нажим thunderstorm – гроза thus – так; таким образом; поэтому tide – прилив; поток; течение tolerance – допуск; терпимость, толерантность total – общий; полный; весь; целый; совокупный tough – крепкий, стойкий, упругий, жесткий track – след; направляющее приспособление; следить traffic – транспорт - �������������������������������������������������������������������������� flow���������������������������������������������������������������������� – поток транспорта �������������������������������������������������� transfer������������������������������������������ – передавать, переносить; передача; переход transformer – трансформатор transition – переход; перемещение; превращение; модификация transmission – передача; пересылка; пропускание transmit – передавать; посылать; пропускать transmitter – передатчик; датчик; преобразователь transparency – прозрачность transparent – прозрачный; незаметный; очевидный treat – обращаться; лечить treatment – обращение; обработка; лечение tremendous – огромный, громадный tributary – приток; подчиненный, второстепенный - station – подстанция trip – поездка; полет truly – искренне; верно; поистине; точно tube – трубка; лампа vacuum ~ электронная лампа tune – настраивать; приспосабливать; налаживать turn – оборот, поворот, виток; вращать, поворачивать in its ~ в свою очередь tyre – шина, покрышка; обод колеса U undergo (underwent, undergone) – подвергаться; испытывать; переносить understand (understood) – понимать unfair – несправедливый; нечестный unfavourable – неблагоприятный unfortunately – к сожалению; к несчастью unique – уникальный; отличный от других; особенный unison – унисон, согласие unit – единица; блок, устройство; модуль ~ of memory – блок памяти, запоминающее устройство arithmetic ~ арифметическое устройство central-processing – центральный процессор control ~ устройство управления input-output ~ блок ввода-вывода unite – соединяться, объединяться
universal – всеобщий, универсальный Universe – вселенная unload – разгружать, выгружать; удалять из памяти unprecedented – беспрецедентный unstable – неустойчивый; изменчивый; нестойкий unsuitable – неподходящий; непригодный upset – расстраивать; огорчать usage – употребление use – употреблять, применять; польза, толк useful – полезный, пригодный user – пользователь utilization – использование, утилизация utilize – использовать, утилизировать У valuable – ценный; полезный value – значение; величина; значимость vaporize – испарять variety – разнообразие, разновидность; ряд; множество various – различный, разнообразный vary – менять(ся), изменять(ся); разнообразить vast – огромный, громадный vehicle – летательный аппарат velocity – скорость Venus – Венера vessel – сосуд (бак, котел) versatile – универсальный, разносторонний; многофункциональный vice versa – наоборот vicinity – окрестность; соседство; близость view – рассматривать; вид, взгляд; кругозор in ~ of – ввиду; учитывая, принимая во внимание point of ~ точка зрения virtual – виртуальный; нереальный; несуществующий visible – видимый; явный; очевидный visualize – рассматривать; обозревать voice wave – голосовая волна voltage – (электрическое) напряжение W wafer – пластина; подложка warfare – война, военные действия conduct ~ вести войну watercraft – средство передвижения на воде waveguide – волновод weapon – оружие nuclear – ядерное оружие wearproof – износоустойчивый
weather – погода weigh – взвешивать; весить weight – вес; тяжесть; груз weightlessness – невесомость welding – сварка; сваривание well – хорошо; как следует; ну as ~ кроме того, вдобавок; а также well-built – хорошо сложенный; крепкий wet – мокрый, влажный; дождливый ~ through – промокнуть до костей get – to the skin – промокнуть до костей whatever – какой бы ни; любой; что бы ни wheel – колесо; штурвал ~ gear – зубчатое колесо ~ worm – червячное колесо whereas – тогда, как wherever – где бы ни; куда бы ни width – ширина; пролет; расстояние win (won) – побеждать; выигрывать winner – победитель; лауреат; призер winding – обмотка primary – первичная обмотка secondary – вторичная обмотка wireless – радио; радиоприемник; беспроволочный wiring – электропроводка withdraw – удалять; убирать; вынимать without – без; без того, чтобы; вне; за it goes ~ saying – само собой разумеется withstand (withstood) – выдержать; противостоять witness – свидетельствовать; свидетель; очевидец wonder – удивление, изумление; чудо wonderful – удивительный, замечательный work out – разрабатывать workpiece – деталь world-wide – всемирный (об информационной сети) X X-ray – рентгеновы лучи; рентгеновский X-shaped – крестообразный Y yet – тем не менее; все же; еще yield – выход (результатов); выпуск; выдача; выдавать Z zero – нуль; нулевой; обнулять zone – зона; область; полоса
СОКРАШЕНИЯ И УСЛОВНЫЕ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ (С ЭЛЕМЕНТАМИ ТОЛКОВАНИЯ) А ACS – atomatic control system – автоматизированная система управления (АСУ) AFM – atomic force microscope – атомно-силовой микроскоп ALD – atomic layer deposition – осаждение атомного слоя ALU – arithmetic-logical unit – арифметико-логическое устройство (блок центрального процессора, который выполняет все действия микропроцессора на основе математических и логических операций) APL – A Programmable language – высокоуровневый язык программирования AU – arithmetic unit – арифметическое устройство В BASIC – (сокр. от Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) – простой в употреблении язык программирования высокого уровня, разработанный в 1964 г. С CD – compact-disk – компакт-диск CDD – compact-disk drive – дисковод для компакт-дисков CD-ROM – compact disk, read only memory – неперезаписываемый компакт-диск CMOS – complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor – комплементарная структура металл-оксид-полупроводник (носитель КМОП-памяти) COBOL������������������������������������������������������������ – ��������������������������������������������������������� Common��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� Business������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������� Oriented��������������������������������� �������������������������������� Language������������������������ – Кобол – Всеобщий бизнес-ориентированный язык (язык программирования высокого уровня, специально разработанный для бизнес-приложений в 1964 г.) CPU – central processing unit – центральный процессор (ЦП) CRT – cathode-ray tube – электронно-лучевая трубка (дисплея) CU – control unit – устройство управления D DB – database – база данных DEL – delete – символ удаления DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid – дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота DOS – disk operating system – дисковая операционная система DVD – digital video disk – цифровой видеодиск E ECC – error-correction code – код с исправлением ошибок EDI – electronic data interchange – электронный обмен данными EDP – electronic data processing – электронная обработка данных ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator – электронно числовой интегратор и калькулятор EPROM – erasable programmable read-only memory – стираемое програм мируемое постоянное запоминающее устройство (ППЗУ)
F FDD – floppy-disk drive – дисковод для гибких дисков FORTRAN – сокр. от formular translation – Фортран (первый компилирую щий язык программирования высокого уровня, ориентированный на решение задач математического характера) G GB, Gb – gigabyte – гигабайт Gc – gigacycle – гигацикл GP – general purpose – общего назначения H HD – high density – высокая плотность HDD – hard-disk drive – дисковод для жесткого диска Hi-Fi – high fidelity – высоконадежный; с высокой точностью воспроиз ведения HF – high frequency – высокочастотный HW, hw – hardware – аппаратура; оборудование; аппаратные средства I IAB – Internet Activities Board – Управляющий совет по вопросам дея тельности Internet IBM – International Business Machine – фирма по производству компью теров 1C – integrated circuit – интегральная схема I/O – input/output – устройство ввода-вывода Intel – самая большая в мире корпорация по производству микропроцес соров (США) Internet – Intercontinental Network – система соединенных компьютерных сетей мирового масштаба IP – Internet Protocol – протокол маршрутизации ISOC – Internet Society – Общество Internet IT – information technology – информационная техника / технология К КВ, Kbyte – килобайт К/В, KBD, kbd – keyboard – клавиатура Кс – kilocycle – килоцикл KHz – kilohertz – КГц, килогерц L LAN – local-area network – локальная сеть LCD – liquid-crystal display – жидкокристаллический дисплей LSI – large-scale integration – высокий уровень интеграции
М MB, Mb – megabyte – мегабайт М/В – motherboard – материнская плата МВБ – molecular beam epitaxy – устройство молекулярного луча МСВ – memory control block – блок управления памятью MEMS – microelectro-mechanical system – микроэлектромеханическая система MIS – management information system – управленческая информационная система MMCD – Multimedia Compact Disk – мультимедийный компакт-диск МР – microprocessor – микропроцессор MPU – microprocessor unit – микропроцессорное устройство MS DOS – Microsoft Disk Operational System – стандартная операционная система для IBM и IBM-совместимых компьютеров, рассчитанная на одного пользователя MSI – medium-scale integrated circuit – средняя интегральная схема N NEMS – nanoelectro-mechanical system – наноэлектромеханическая система NetBIOS – Network Basic Input/Output System – ������������������������� базовая������������������ система���������� ����������������� ввода���� ��������� -��� вывода сети О OCR – optical character reader – оптическое устройство считывания (рас познавания) знаков OR – ИЛИ (логическая операция) OS – operating system – операционная система Р PC – personal computer – персональный компьютер PFM – pulse-frequency modulation – частотно-импульсная модуляция PIF – program information file – информационный файл программы PILOT – сокр. от Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching – авторизован ный�������������������������������������������������������������������� язык��������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� для����������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� машинного������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� обучения���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ , разработанный������������������������� �������������������������������������� Дж���������������������� ������������������������ . Старквезером �������������������� в Калифорнийском Университете в 1968 г. PL – Programming Language PL – язык программирования PROLOG – PROgramming in LOGic – язык программирования высокого уровня, используемый в исследованиях, связанных с искусственным интеллектом PROM – programmable read-only memory – программированное постоянное запоминающее устройство R RAM – random-access memory – оперативное запоминающее устройство r.c. – remote control – дистанционное управление r.mt. – reverse motion – обратное движение ROM – read-only memory – постоянное запоминающее устройство
RTG – Radioisotop Thermoelectric Generator – радиоизотопный термо электрический генератор R/W – read/write – чтение – запись S SATAN – Sequrity Administrator Tool for Analysing Networks – программа, предназначенная для оценки состояния безопасности компьютера или локальной сети, подключенной к Internet SNOBOL���������������������������������������������������������� – String������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� -������������������������������������������������ Oriented���������������������������������������� Symbolic������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� Language���������������������� ������������������������������ – язык программирования высокого уровня, ориентированный на обработку символьных после довательностей SOM – start of message – начало сообщения SP – space character – символ пробела SSI – small-scale integration – интеграция малого уровня STM – scanning tunneling microscope – сканирующий туннельный микроскоп Т TCP – IVansmission Control Protocol – транспортный протокол TF – time factor – коэффициент времени Ttirbo Pascal – быстродействующий компилятор для языка Pascal (1984 г.) U ULSI – ultralarge-scale integration – интеграция ультравысокого уровня UNIX – операционная система, используемая во многих компьютерах (от персональных до мэйнфреймов) UPS – uninterrupted power supply – бесперебойный источник питания V VDT – visual display terminal – видеотерминал v.f. – video frequency – видеочастота v.f. – velocity factor – коэффициент скорости VLSI – very large-scale integration – интеграция сверхвысокого уровня VR – virtual�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� reality������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������� – виртуальная реальность v��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� .�������������������������������������� r������������������������������������� . – voltage�������������������������� ��������������������������������� regulator���������������� ������������������������� – регулятор напряжения W WAN – wide-area network – глобальная сеть WWW – World Wide Web – Всемирная информационная сеть
CONTENT Lesson 1 .............................................................................................3 Lesson 2..............................................................................................8 Lesson 3.............................................................................................12 Lesson 4.............................................................................................16 Lesson 5.............................................................................................21 Lesson 6.............................................................................................26 Lesson 7.............................................................................................30 Lesson 8.............................................................................................35 Lesson 9.............................................................................................39 Lesson 10...........................................................................................43 Lesson 11...........................................................................................47 Lesson 12...........................................................................................53 SUPPLEMENTARY READING....................................................63 ENGLISH-RUSSIAN DICTIONARY.......................................... 81
Еducational issue
Sholpan Bekmuratovna Omarova Nataliya Leonidovna Lomachenko Nazigul Kusainovna Sabyrbayeva ENGLISH FOR STUDENTS OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS Educational-methodical manual
Typesetting and cover design U. Moldasheva Cover design used photos from sites www. artedigitalcristiano.blogspot.com
IB №12273
Signed for publishing 20.09.2018. Format 60x84 1/16. Offset paper. Digital printing. Volume 7,5 printer’s sheet. 120 copies. Order №6004. Publishing house «Qazaq University» Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KazNU, 71 Al-Farabi, 050040, Almaty Printed in the printing office of the «Qazaq University» publishing house.
«ҚАЗАҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ» баспа үйінің жаңа кітаптары
Үмбетaев Мүбәрәк. Сүйінбaйтaну: оқу құрaлы. – Aлмaты: Қaзaқ университеті, 2018. – 290 б. ISBN 978-601-04-3511-7 Қaзaқ хaлқының ұлы aқыны, өлең сөздің пірі Сүйінбaй Aрон ұлының дүниеге келгеніне 2015 жылы 200 жыл толды. Осы aйтулы мерейтой құрметіне орaй дaңқты aқынның әдеби көркем шығaрмaлары жaнжaқты толық қaрaстырылып, ег жейтегжейлі тaлдaнғaн оқу құрaлын ұсынып отырмыз. Өйт кені республикaмыздың бaрлық гумaнитaрлық бaғыттaғы университеттері мен педaгогикaлық институттaрының фило логия фaкультеттерінде ХІХ ғaсыр әдебиетінің тaрихы бойыншa Сүйінбaй aқынның ғұмырнaмaсы мен әдеби мұрa лaры және «Сүйінбaйтaну» aтты aрнaулы курс оқытылып келеді. Сондaйaқ жaлпы білім беретін он бір жылдық ортa мектептердің де әдебиет пәндеріне aрнaлғaн оқу бaғдaрлa мaлaры мен оқулықтaрынa Сүйінбaй Aронұлының өмірі мен шығaрмaшылығы енгізілген. Кітапта жыр дүлдүлі Сүйінбaйғa қaтысты тыңнaн тaбылғaн әдеби тaрихи деректер, ел aузындa жүрген әрaлуaн әпсaнaaңыздaр мен естеліктер бүгінгі көзқaрaс тұрғысынaн екшелді. Ұсынылып отырғaн бұл оқу құрaлы университеттер мен педaго гикaлық институттaрдың бaкaлaврлaрынa, мaгистрaнттaрғa, ортa мектептің қaзaқ әдебиеті пәні мұғaлімдеріне және көп шілік оқырмaн қaуымғa aрнaлғaн. Salkhanova Z.Kh., Tapanova S.E. The language and style of mass media: educational manual / Z.Kh. Salkhanova, S.E. Tapanova. – Almaty: Qazaq University, 2018. – 171 p. ISBN 978-601-04-3558-2 It is shown general information about style and language of educational methodology of press. The ability of making sense in newspaper materials’ differentiating and style’s peculiarities. As well as language they look through the structure of the style. This studying book for students of journalism faculty are devoted to the students of universities and masters.
Кітаптарды сатып алу үшін «Қазақ университеті» баспа үйінің маркетинг және сату бөліміне хабарласу керек. Байланыс тел: 8(727) 3773411. E-mail: [email protected], cайт: www.read.kz, www.magkaznu.com