ebXML Simplified: A Guide to the New Standard for Global E Commerce [1st ed.] 9780471204756, 0471204757

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ebXML Simplified: A Guide to the New Standard for Global E Commerce [1st ed.]
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ebXML Simplified—A Guide to the New Standard for Global E-Commerce Eric Chiu John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publisher: Robert Ipsen Editor: Robert Elliott Assistant Editor: Emilie Herman Managing Editor: John Atkins New Media Editor: Brian Snapp Text Design & Composition: John Wiley Production Services Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where John Wiley & Sons, Inc., is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Readers, however, should contact the appropriate companies for more complete information regarding trademarks and registration. LEGO is a trademark or registered trademark of The LEGO Group. All rights reserved. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 2002 by Eric Chiu. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published simultaneously in Canada. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic fo rmats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 7508400, fax (978) 750-4744. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, (212) 850-6011, fax (212) 850-6008, email: . This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Chiu, Eric, 1970EbXML simplified: a guide to the new standard for global ecommerce / Eric Chiu.

p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-471-20475-7 (PAPER/WEBSITE : alk. paper) 1. Electronic commerce. 2. XML (Document markup language) 3. Web sites—Design. 4. Internet programming. I. Title. HF5548.32 .C475 2002 658.8'4—dc21 2002006570 Printed in the United States of America. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 It's a joy to dedicate this book to Maurice and Joan Chiu, who made it possible. ERIC CHIU is an independent consultant and trainer specializing in B2B systems. He has an extensive background with XML-based B2B exchanges and is a frequent speaker and writer on XML, Java, and Internet technologies. Acknowledgments An author never has enough space to acknowledge all the people who make a book possible. I will try my best to acknowledge all those who helped create this book. My first acknowledgment is to the ebXML organization, which did an incredible job of putting together this important milestone in IT development. I worked with a great team of technical reviewers, including Scott Nieman (Norstan Consulting), Mike Rawlins (Rawlins EC Consulting), Martin W. Sachs (IBM), Rik Drummond (Drummond Group, Inc.), Betty Harvey (Electronic Commerce Connection), Kurt Kanaskie (Lucent Technologies), Farrukh S. Najmi, Christopher Ferris, and Anne Thomas Manes (Sun Microsystems). Thanks to Ed Roman at the Middleware Company—the visionary for Web services—who introduced me to the publisher. I thank the great editorial team at John Wiley & Sons, Robert Elliott and Emilie Herman, for their dedication and persistence. Shannon Casey at University of Nevada-Reno reviewed drafts and provided critical feedback to make this book more readable.

Ta ble of Con t e n t s ebXML Sim plified—A Guide t o t he New St andard for Global E- Com m erce I nt roduct ion Pa r t I - Ove r vie w of e bXM L Chapt er 1 - An Over view of E- Com m erce and ebXML Chapt er 2 - Building Blocks of ebXML: EDI and XML Chapt er 3 - Web Services and ebXML Pa r t I I - e bX M L Te ch n ologie s Chapt er 4 - ebXML Technical Archit ect ure Chapt er 5 - The ebXML Business Process Model Chapt er 6 - Using Core Com ponent s Chapt er 7 - ebXML Message Services Chapt er 8 - Using t he ebXML Regist ry Service s Chapt er 9 - Trading Part ner Profiles and Agreem ent s Chapt er 10 - I m plem ent ing ebXML in t he Organizat ion Appendix A - Addit ional Resources Glossary References I ndex List of Figur es List of Tables List of List ings List of Sidebars

Introduction "There's wind, and then there's a typhoon. In this business, you always have winds. But a 10X force is a change in an element of one's business—a typhoon. Is the Internet a typhoon, or a bit of wind? Is it a force that fundamentally alters our business?" —Andrew Grove, Chairman and founder, Intel ebXML is an emerging e-commerce standard that leverages the flexibility of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) to build e-commerce infrastructure. XML is a markup language used to create data and documents for application communications and storage. The "eb" in ebXML stands for "electronic business," and the phrase is pronounced as simply "ee-bee-ex-em-el." In this book we will discuss how ebXML fundamentally changes the way information technology (IT) handles online business transactions. The ebXML standard is the result of a joint international initiative of the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) and the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). ebXML is a concerted effort to combine the best of two existing standards: electronic data interchange (EDI) and extensible markup language (XML). Prior to ebXML, members of both EDI and XML groups disagreed over details but wanted something from the other side. XML users wanted access to the EDI community's vast inventory of business semantics and standards development, and the EDI community wanted to use XML technology. Joining forces in the ebXML initiative was a win-win situation. Together they set the following goal, according to the published ebXML vision on the organization's Web site: "The vision of ebXML is to enable a global electronic marketplace where enterprises of any size and in any geographical location can meet and conduct business with each other through the exchange of XML-based messages." Why Is ebXML Important? Why are standards important in e-commerce? The following analogy should help demonstrate. When the home video industry started, movies were available in two popular formats, VHS and Beta. The VHS video format was less expensive, but the Beta offered a higher-quality format. Eventually, however, VHS won out over Beta. Why? Because VCR manufacturers adopted VHS, which—unlike Beta—was not controlled by Sony, one of their competitors. This led to a lower cost for VHS players and cassettes. People that bet on Beta lost out. Industry standards like VHS and Beta help coordinate the behavior of market players to make wise investments, whether it is a 16-year-old buying the latest Hollywood release or a videocassette player manufacturer building a multimillion-dollar production factory. The story did not end there, because today there are still more formats for movies. Today we can also purchase movies on DVD or download them as an MPEG on the Internet. New standards come into play in the marketplace, and the market players such as consumers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers decide whether the standards thrive or die. How does ebXML fit into this? Technically, ebXML is not a standard yet, but it stands a good chance of becoming an important electronic commerce standard. (See the detailed discussion on a standard versus specifications in Chapter 1). Each year billions of dollars are at stake in business-to-business (B2B) transactions. Companies large 1

and small have to invest in infrastructure to enable trading of goods and services between them. As a whole, indus try players decide on the common architecture and applications for exchanging trading information. ebXML is a uniform solution for building the e-commerce infrastructure. Instead of diverging proprietary standards, ebXML unites the competing factions under a common banner of international trade. The battleground for ebXML is the backdrop of existing standards such as electronic data interchange (EDI), as well as newer trends, such as the Internet and B2B.

Who Should Read This Book This book is intended to help technology, business, and sales professionals understand ebXML and how it can be applied to meet business requirements. The goal is to help readers quickly get a grasp on what is involved, whether your role is selling, buying, planning, or implementing a project involving ebXML. The book assumes no previous knowledge of ebXML, XML, or other programming languages, but it is helpful if you have a technical background in IT. You may or may not already be familiar with ebXML. For those just starting out, this book will give you a sound understanding of the basic concepts and principles, a look at what others are doing, and an understanding of the business and technical solutions that ebXML can address. In short, you will have the background information yo u need to ask serious questions about ebXML and to plan a project involving ebXML. For those who are more advanced in their knowledge of ebXML, the companion Web site for the book will help with mastering advanced technical topics and provide additional programming code and reference information for your project.

How the Book Is Organized There is no way one book (even one filling several volumes) could poke into every nook and cranny of an evolving area as complicated as ebXML. Even if we could lay out all the little pieces in one place, it would be obsolete within a few months. Thus, this book is designed to provide a broad overview, which while fluid, does not change nearly as quickly, so we will have a bare tree on which to hang the leaves of our own experience. It is easier to pick up the details from Web sites, trade publications, and industry conferences than it is to learn the structural overview, because few people have the time and patience to sit down and discuss it. For some of the ebXML resources, you can check out the Resources appendix. This book is divided into two major sections: Part 1 provides an overview of ebXML, including the basic foundations built on EDI and XML; Part 2 provides a detailed discussion of components of the ebXML architecture, such as business process, core components, messaging, registry, and collaboration protocol agreement and profile. Part 1: E-Commerce Basics Chapter 1 provides the business context for ebXML within e-commerce and B2B. We look at how companies can benefit from B2B. We also look at standards, why we need them, and ebXML as an emerging standard versus a set of specifications. Chapter 2 provides the technical context for ebXML within EDI and XML. What is EDI and XML? We explore basic concepts of XML such as format, namespaces, document 2

type definitions (DTDs), as well as work through some XML examples to learn how to use XML. Chapter 3 provides a technical context for ebXML within Web services, which are interactive services built using XML- and HTTP-based technologies. We define Web services and explore how to use it. Web services technology includes languages such as XML and Web services Definition Language (WSDL); protocols such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI); and enterprise XML frameworks such as the Microsoft-driven BizTalk initiative and RossettaNet. Part 2: ebXML Technologies Chapter 4 provides an overview of the ebXML architecture. First, we discuss the business and technical rationale for the overall architecture, framework, and applications. We look at the specific technical pieces such as the business process model, core components, messaging, registry, and collaboration protocol. Chapter 5 discusses the ebXML business process model. We discuss the business process model in ebXML and how to use it with some examples of documents, transactions, and collaborations. Chapter 6 looks at the core components of ebXML. We discuss the component architecture and how to use it with some examples of context and assembly rules to put together core components. Chapter 7 covers ebXML messaging. We discuss what messaging is in an ebXML context and how to use it to send messages between trading partners. Chapter 8 reviews the ebXML registry. We discuss the registry architecture and its usage with some examples of browsing and querying a registry. Chapter 9 provides an overview of the ebXML collaboration protocol. We discuss using the protocol as a handshake between partners and show this process using examples of the collaboration protocol agreement and profile. Chapter 10 shows you how to apply ebXML in your projects. We discuss how to apply the concepts in real-world situations to gather user requirements and manage stakeholder expectations. Appendixes The appendixes include listings of ebXML-related resources, references, and a glossary of ebXML terms. The glossary includes a brief explanation of ebXML technical jargon, and it could be useful for navigating through technical discussions. The lists of resources and references serve as a starting point for further research on your own.

About the Web Site The companion Web site for this book (www.wiley.com/compbooks/chiu) serves as an information resource for further investigation into ebXML. The companion Web site includes references to the ebXML specifications, sample code, demos, and discussion groups. Detailed technical topics and code examples are posted on the Web site. What language and middleware will we use? ebXML is the business rules for how two different systems talk to each other. Those systems need to be written using a specific application programming language (XML, Java, C, C++, Visual Basic, and so on), executed in a specific middleware (J2EE and COM+), and designed using a specific modeling language (UML, UMM, and UBL). For a focused presentation without technical clutter, we will use XML as the sole technical language of choice. This philosophy of XML minimalism means you do not 3

have to bother reading other books on XML or programming languages before reading this book. You will discover all you need between the two covers, and the Web site provides a more detailed reference for examples and pointers to other online resources.


Part I: Overview

of ebXML

Chapter List Chapter 1: An Overview of E-Commerce and ebXML Chapter 2: Building Blocks of ebXML: EDI and XML Chapter 3: Web Services and ebXML


Chapter 1: An Overview of E-Commerce and ebXML Overview "Historically, standards within the information technology industry have been pushed by vendors. Uniquely ebXML has been pulled by its user community." —Simon Nicholson, OASIS director and marketing strategist, Sun Microsystems In the introduction to this book, we learned that the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and electronic business XML (ebXML) standards are intended to define an e-commerce infrastructure for worldwide trading partners. In this chapter, we discuss the business context for ebXML, including different models of e-commerce, electronic trading, and related standards. We begin by defining e-commerce, and then we examine the different types of e-commerce business models.

What Is E-Commerce? Electronic commerce (e-commerce) covers a broad spectrum of online businesses, including: § Individual consumer buying collectibles on an auction site such as eBay § Real estate agents advertising representation services and listing properties § Large corporations with a multitude of products and services In the following sections, we examine why companies engage in e-commerce. We discuss the potential benefits of e-commerce and the economic value of ebXML as an e-commerce standard. The Economic Value of E-Commerce Every business is part of a value-added supply chain (value chain), with suppliers on the buy side and customers on the sell side. Cost-saving methods usually focus on the buy side of the value chain and on improving the productivity of systems and processes that interact with suppliers. Revenue-enhancing benefits usually focus on the sell side of the value chain and on improving the productivity of systems and processes that interact with customers. The benefits of e -commerce from both the buy side and sell side include: § Improved productivity. This benefit is usually measured in terms of the cost savings that result by lowering the cost of transactions. For example, a company can automate a paper-based manual process such as requisitioning by using a purchasing application on a computer. § Improved policy compliance. Policy compliance measures improve the quality and efficiency of business operations. For example, a company can set rules on specific general ledger codes that eliminate manual corrections or restrict purchasing to a list of approved vendors. § Better data for more informed decisions. Better data results in useful information for predicting future business events, such as next month's orders. More accurate data means that the company can adjust inventory levels accordingly. If the demand forecast is accurate, the company can move to a justin-time inventory solution.



§ § §


New sales channels. Establishing new channels such as a trading exc hange, a new distribution network, or direct selling can provide new revenue opportunities. New customers. Establishing a new channel may result in reaching customers that the company is not currently serving effectively. New information products. Technologies may capture data previously not available, and the packaging of this data may provide another product to sell. New services. Extending a business process may facilitate providing valueadded services, such as dispute resolution, financial settlement, logistics, and authentication. Higher customer satisfaction. By having a better and deeper relationship with customers, we can ensure happier and more loyal customers who spend more money and return more often. If the company is the easiest and simplest channel to buy from and offers rich customer value (most variety, best information on availability, highest quality, and so on), then the company has a competitive advantage. Next, we look at different categories of e-commerce, including business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B). B2B versus B2C Business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce business models describe who is the target buyer market and who is the target seller market. We will focus only on B2B and B2C, since C2C is a relatively small segment by comparison. B2B describes online transactions between one business, institution, or government agency and another. B2C describes online transactions between a business and a consumer. Examples of B2C sites include Amazon and Yahoo. Note that although for the most part major e-commerce sites fall into either B2B or B2C, they need not be mutually exclusive. Dell Computer, for example, is both a B2C and B2B site. B2C E-Commerce B2C e-commerce, also known as online retailing, offers the convenience of home shopping over the Internet or by phone, along with lower prices. The business model is based on the lower overhead costs of online sales in comparison to sales at traditional brick-and-mortar stores. A simpler form of B2C e-commerce, called brochureware, uses an online product catalog and a one -to-one selling technique. The buyers receive product information from the merchant's Web site and can then place an order with an email or phone call. From the Web site, the order is manually entered by a customer service person into back-end systems such as accounting and inventory management, rather than automatically processed by a computer system on the back end. Most retail Web sites include a product catalog, a shopping basket, and an automated payment system. Products are usually grouped into categories and displayed on the Web site. The shopping basket allows consumers to select and purchase multiple items at once. Automated payment systems accept and approve credit cards online. Many sites have customized advertising, cross-selling and up-selling promotions, and product searches. 7

Web sites such as brochureware sites that require orders to be manually entered into back-end systems are clearly inefficient. Their lack of integration can also prevent the organization from exploiting potential business opportunities. For example, a computer system that can interchange and aggregate data on a standard platform can also be used to aggregate products across multiple catalogs, create a database of customer preferences, and create effective cross-sell and up-sell promotions. A business driver for a new standard such as ebXML is to make system integration easier and automate manual processes using a standard platform. A business can handle a higher volume of transactions and reduce overhead costs by processing Web site orders in an automated way. B2B E-Commerce Dell Computer is a B2B site that has uses the Web to implement a build-to-order direct sales model to effectively reach different target audiences. While the majority of Dell's sales are to large companies, its Internet sales are much more weighted toward small businesses. The business model allows the company to reduce inventory-carrying costs and avoid the markups of resellers and distributors. Using the Web, Dell has also reduced service and support costs. Vertical B2B sites serve a specific vertical industry, such as chemicals, foods, and telecommunications. These sites focus on understanding industry practices and resolving industry constraints. This means eliminating inefficiencies that lower margins. By automating the vertical supply chains, the B2B sites succeed in making the market more efficient. Horizontal B2B sites focus on providing e-commerce capabilities that are common to all industries, such as maintenance, repair, operations procurement, sales and marketing, and human resource services. Horizontal B2B sites seek to make these processes more efficient across different industries. An intermediary aggregates data and facilitates transactions by bringing buyers and sellers together. Many B2B sites serve as intermediaries for other businesses. The intermediaries become virtual marketplaces, with multiple vendors and products, and fall into different pricing models, such as exchanges and auctions. An exchange model is a two-sided marketplace where buyers and suppliers negotiate prices, usually with a bid-and-ask system, and where prices move both up and down. These work best with easily definable products without complicated attributes, such as commodities, perishable items such as food, or intangibles such as electric power. An exchange has fluctuating market prices, and this is useful if a true market price is hard to find. The exchange model works where brokers make high margins by buying low and selling high to purchasers who don't know the original sellers. Exchanges are also known as digital exchanges, online exchanges, dynamic exchanges, and dynamic trading exchanges. An auction model lets multiple buyers bid competitively for products from individual suppliers. The auction is suitable for hard-to-move goods such as used capital equipment (forklifts) and surplus or excess inventory. Prices only move up, but buyers can buy below list prices while sellers sell for more than a liquidator pays. Auctions are becoming a feature of many markets, but some use auctions as their primary market mechanism. One example is OnSale, which has created a marketplace for the market of business surplus (that is, excess inventory and idle assets). OnSale gathers qualified buyers and sellers, facilitating transactions and increasing efficiency. Sellers save such expenses as warehousing, and surplus goods are more accurately priced. Buyers access a global supply of business surplus, benefiting from shorter sales cycles and comparable product information. 8

A hub is an intermediary that aggregates demand from small buyers to negotiate better terms with large sellers. This process can involve horizontal (operating supplies) or vertical manufacturing. The hub model is used for spot purchasing (using exchange or auction) or systematic purchasing (catalog mechanism). The horizontal purchasing hubs use horizontal logistics (UPS, for example), while the vertical purchasing hubs generally need vertical logistics (for hazardous chemicals, for example) for working with existing distributors. A new concept in B2B is business webs, as defined in the book Digital Capital (Tapscott 2000). Business webs are places where buyers and sellers come together to communicate, exchange ideas, advertise, bid in auctions, conduct transactions, and coordinate inventory. They are also known as e-hubs or electronic marketplaces. A business web can either be organized horizontally or vertically. The many-to-many connectivity made possible by the Internet enables buyers to link up with customers, suppliers, and other members of their value chain in business webs so that they can exchange information and trade products and services electronically. In B2B, whether an exchange, auction, or a vertical or horizontal hub, the opportunities to improve communications between customer and suppliers provide cost savings and sometimes revenue possibilities. Supply chain management is an effort to coordinate processes involved in producing, shipping, and distributing products, generally with large suppliers. Supply chain management (as shown in Figure 1.1) provides a foundation for the B2B interaction between the buyer and seller. The B2B business driver for a new standard such as ebXML is to make system integration easier and automate manual processes using a standard platform or shared infrastructure.

Figure 1.1: B2B interaction between buyer and seller.

Building B2B Systems Integration is a buzzword in IT systems. How do we make different applications or components of the same application work together? Most companies, large and small, have a hodgepodge of different systems built at different times from different vendors. The Internet and World Wide Web have only made it harder to keep up, as now the common expectation is that the companies can and will interface their systems to customers and suppliers. Using their Web storefronts, companies can communicate with back-end operational systems for fulfillment and customer interaction. In certain B2B models, such as the public online exchange, new technologies may also mean opening up the business model to rivals and competitors. Exchanges enable buyers and sellers to meet new actors and compare prices. In the past, buyers and sellers within the energy industry have negotiated prices and conditions informally, such as at impromptu meetings at industry conferences. It has gathered suppliers and 9

service providers from all over the world to take part in its online exchange, where the participating actors buy and sell energy on a spot market. Another e-commerce model that has emerged is software enablers, who provide vertical and horizontal B2B with an effective technical infrastructure. An application service provider (ASP) provides outsourced hosting services for applications, which allows companies to rent rather than buy applications and services, such as auctions, exchanges, and catalog aggregation. ASPs are often not tied to any one application, plugging a feature of one application into a marketplace when appropriate and using another feature from another vendor elsewhere. Many application software vendors are moving to an ASP hosting model to add revenue opportunities. ASPs provide information publishing tools, catalog software, transactional capabilities, payment services, and customer relationship management functionality, among other services. B2B exchanges may be an extension of enterprise software or service companies (such as procurement software or IT outsourcing services). In this case the company frequently offers software solutions, such as procurement software, enabling users to conduct purchases more efficiently. Along with providing software products, the companies operate their own Web sites, which provide transaction capabilities and content services, such as industry news and reports, and Internet portals that bring together vendors using a standard format for reading and posting transactions. In large companies, enterprise application integration (EAI) is used to integrate applications among multiple enterprises. In certain industries, such as retail, transportation, and distribution, companies typically need to integrate supply chains tied to fulfillment, shipping, and other internal systems. A back-end system is an enterprise system that handles order processing, inventory, and receivables management for both buyers and suppliers. A B2C or B2C Web site may link to a back-end financial system to process purchases, and an inventory management system may be used to maintain products in stock. An enterprise resource planning (ERP) application is a complex application used by large enterprises to manage inventory and integrate business processes across multiple divisions and organizational boundaries. The ERP system is often the application backbone in many large enterprises. To deploy an online trading platform, companies must often integrate new technologies with the back-end systems, which can include mainframe or ERP applications. Many B2B initiatives focus on extending legacy ERP systems, such as purchasing and order entry, to wider audiences inside the enterprise (such as e-procurement) or outside the enterprise (such as digital storefronts). These technologies are a natural evolution of ERP solutions (purchasing and order entry), and much of the value in these B2B systems lies in unlocking and extending the value in existing ERP implementations. Middleware is the integration software that ties together different software platforms and exchanges content and transaction information between companies. Popular middleware platforms include the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) from Sun Microsystems, Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) from Object Management Group, and .NET framework from Microsoft. Vendors have been fighting for ownership of middleware platforms and communication between distributed applications: UNIX vendors pushed the CORBA, while Microsoft backers rallied behind another interoperable technology, the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM). Middleware applications can translates messages and transactions into specific formats and integrate data flow from departments such as purchasing, ERP, accounts payable/receivable, and financial reporting. Middleware enables linkage between multiple value chains and the formation of new e-commerce infrastructure. The right middleware can enable companies to rapidly deploy transactional or process 10

interactions. As shown in Figure 1.2, middleware systems provide users with a simplified view of highly complex and technical e-commerce support infrastructure.

Figure 1.2: How services are provided to users by middleware systems. An aspect of e-commerce deals with how to exchange data between businesses. A variety of techniques, employing both proprietary and public standards, have been used to manage B2B e-commerce. These methods include developing e-commerce applications and application programming interfaces. Developing Applications and Application Programming Interfaces Interoperability is a major theme in a distributed environment. How do we get proprietary applications from different vendors to talk to one another for B2B interchange? (These include both proprietary applications that are developed in-house as well as shrink-wrapped, off-the-shelf commercial applications.) One solution is to define a document interchange format, which is a set of rules for representing documents for the purpose of interchange. Companies can choose to use the proprietary applications of their trading partner to solve such interchange problems. Rather than building application connectors and other programming plumbing to communicate with the trading partner, they roll out a single proprietary application platform to all partners. However, this creates other problems—increased cost, complexity, and missed business opportunities. It is difficult to design integrated internal systems that will work with multiple businesses. Adding new trading partners is costly, since the proprietary application has to be rolled out to all partners. Additional manual data entry work is required because of duplicate data inside each trading partner's operational systems. A solution to this problem is using an open system approach to provide a standard interface, using techniques such as an application programming interface to integrate data from different sources within the enterprise. An application programming interface (API) allows usage of specific data or functions in a computer system or application. The data or functions can then be used for writing custom programs that tie into the original program or for modifying the original program. The API per se is just a programming interface; it requires developers to write code to support the desired API functionality. A proprietary API is owned and developed by a 11

company, such as Microsoft's DirectX on Windows, as opposed to a public standard API such as Common Gateway Interface (CGI) on the Web. Trading partners who want to exchange data can use this API to develop connector code. However, there is a learning curve associated with any API. A new set of APIs is needed for each trading system. The connection mechanism between the companies may create security problems and consume a large amount of system resources. Another requirement is that data sent through the API has to be converted into a new format. Proprietary solutions for data and document interchange formats have to be decoded in certain ways. They involve communication with other companies a priori, extensive documentation, coding efforts, and reinvention of tools for transmission. This makes a standard language like XML attractive. Using XML for messaging formats is often easier than designing proprietary formats, and it saves time and resources that would otherwise have been invested in developing and promoting nonstandard formats. Web Services Current trends in e-commerce are creating enormous opportunities and pressures for automation of business processes across business boundaries. These include the need to truly realize the potential and promise of e-commerce by creating virtual enterprises—that is, networks of applications that automate business processes across enterprise boundaries. One area of convergence between application-to-application communication, Internet, and XML is Web services. A Web service is an application service based on the XML carried over the World Wide Web's Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP). Web services are used to communicate between applications. In this conte xt, application service refers to an application built as a component that fits into other application services. The idea is to leverage the advantages of the Web as a platform applied to the set of dynamic services, not just to static information. Modern computer technology and new practices, such as advances in object-oriented technology, have changed the rules of the game. In designing systems, we are not tied to static implementations such as software builds, compilers, or mapping tools, and we can move easily to a dynamic and real-time environment. For example, a large retail chain might use Web services to integrate its supply chain. Using Web services for such a project is a good idea, since these services eliminate custom APIs. Web services give smaller companies incentive to participate in supply chains because interfaces built according to Web services standards can be used to interact with a multitude of partners. If an 800-pound gorilla wants its partners to build the supply chain services, the partner company can leverage its development effort by using the same interface with other customers. Many major vendors have focused on the need for application communication in B2B. In 2000, Microsoft introduced their .NET initiative to enable the delivery of software over the Web. Microsoft is staking its future, and billion dollar investments on the .NET business model. Based on the Web service platform, the .NET model will allow applications to talk to each other using the XML format. Within IT departments, software developers are using tools such as Microsoft Visual Studio to create Web services applications that communicate across a wide area network (WAN). A version of the Microsoft developer product called Visual Studio.NET allows the developer to create Web services using Visual Basic tools. Other Microsoft products, including SQL Server and Exchange Server, allow system administrators to use Web services to communicate with other applications. (See Chapter 3 for more information on Web services technologies.)


WEB SERVICES HELPS COMPANY REACH CUSTOMERS "Right now, the Web is mostly person-to-person, but both our clients and third parties want to gain access to each other, system-to-system," says Tim Hiltenberg, chief technology strategist at Hewitt Associates LLC, a Lincolnshire, Illinois, human resources company. Using a strategy based on B2B technology, Hewitt is working to make life easier for its customers. Hewitt provides employee benefits information, such as 401 (k) balances and transactions, to its 250 business customers and their 15 million employees. Hewitt is building its own portal to aggregate all employee benefits information for each client company. Web services will provide the standard application interface to support whatever type of technology is in use at customer sites. The middleware consists of Java servlets, which are server-side programs written in the Java programming language. The middleware resides on the server at Hewitt and contains the business logic for application tasks such as selecting a mutual fund in a retirement portfolio. The company also will be able to give customers easier access to applications provided by third parties such as investment advisers. Source: McDougall, 2001.

Electronic Trading and Interchange The modern economy depends on moving products and services between businesses that add incremental value to the product or service, or electronic trading. The broader concept of computer communications between businesses is referred to as electronic interchange or electronic exchange, as in electronic data interchange. In this context, a trading partner refers to a business involved in electronic trading; typically in a transaction there are two or more trading partners. Trillions of dollars of transactions take place between businesses each year, most involving paper purchase orders, invoices, and receipts. Electronic trading accounts for a small percentage of all transactions, but it will continue to grow over time as the cost of computer systems decreases while processing power increases. Trading systems allow people to track large amounts of data needed for optimum process efficiencies, which keeps costs down and productivity up. Computers also make it easier for companies to link up with other companies, since an automated system requires fewer people to maintain it over time and eliminates tedious jobs such as manual data processing. An industry standard for electronic trading is Electronic Data Interchange, which is challenged by new technical standards such as Extensible Markup Language. In the next section, we will compare and contrast these two standards and how they can work together. EDI versus XML B2B application integration isn't new. For some time now, it has bridged the gap between legacy IT infrastructures and emerging B2B collaboration frameworks and allows the IT infrastructure to provide greater adaptability to the business of the enterprise and easier management of constantly evolving business processes. There are two important enabling technologies: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). EDI was launched in the 1970s as a standard for high-volume online transactions between large companies and their most significant trading partners. One EDI-based trading system and proprietary network used for transmitting EDI transactions is called the value-added network (VAN). EDI was the first of many attempts to create a standard way for businesses to communicate over a network. While successful in certain industries, EDI has proved too complex and costly for most. 13

XML is a more recent invention for exchanging information between computer systems. XML is a markup language used to create smart data and documents for applications. XML coexists with the popular Web formatting language HTML. HTML tells us how the data should look, but XML tells us what it means. XML enables complex linking (using XPointer and XLink) and allows users to define their own elements (using a document type definition or schema). It also provides a style sheet for formatting documents (using XSL). XML and EDI are not exclusive choices. Some systems provide an EDI-to-XML bridge for supporting both EDI-capable and Web-based systems. A newer standard such as ebXML incorporates as part of its design solution some borrowed ideas from both EDI and XML. (We will discuss XML and EDI further in Chapter 2.) Internet standards such as XML and ebXML offer businesses the opportunity to build an interoperable e-commerce infrastructure. In a computer system, ebXML specifies the business rules for how two different systems talk to each other. Those systems need to be written using a specific application programming language (such as XML, Java, C, C++, or Visual Basic), executed in a specific middleware (like J2EE or COM+), and designed using a specific modeling language (UML). To model B2B business processes, an abstract computer modeling language such as UML or the XML language-specific Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is used. BPML is an XML-based meta language for modeling, deploying, and managing business processes such as order management, customer care, demand planning, product development, and strategic outsourcing.

Electronic Trading Standards The Internet has created opportunities in strengthening the value chain between businesses and between the customers and suppliers. However, because of a lack of standards for application communications at the strategic framework level, coordinating activities between players can be problematic. In early e-commerce initiatives, the heavy lifting in defining e-commerce communication between companies has been left to the individual companies and their internal development teams. An elegant solution to the difficult problem of coordinating large and small industry players is to use public standards. To be effective, the standard must be adopted by a critical mass of players, be able to meet the requirements of many applications, and be simple enough to implement in a reasonable time period. What Is a Standard? A standard is an effort to create widespread use of specific protocols and formats to allow software from different vendors to interoperate, ofte n within a vertical industry. Standards bodies or initiatives often work more slowly than entrepreneurial companies in setting up interoperable terms of trade. A standard is important in an industry where important and complex investment decisions are made independently, but need to be coordinated. For example, compare the lemonade stand business with the computer chip business. As a child, I had a lemonade stand in front of my house. I bought lemons from a farmer (buy side) and sold lemonade to people that passed by (sell side). I would go to a local farm, buy a bushel of lemons. I would clean the lemons and make lemonade by pressing the lemons and adding sugar and water. The business was very simple, but I still had business conventions on buying, selling, and production.


There was no need for standards in the lemonade stand business. This is a cottage industry, and each individual operator had his or her way of doing things. This worked fine because the scope and scale of operations were limited to a small geographical area and a few people. I did not need an automated system to keep track of sales, logistics, or inventory. That would have been overkill and would have added dramatically to my overhead. On the opposite end of the scale, a large corporation is often interested in business and technical standards in its industry. A standard provides the center of gravity for industry players to orient themselves and coordinate investment decisions. Planning an integrated computer chip production factory that costs billions of dollars involves deciding whether it will produce chips to design specifications from Intel, such as the popular Pentium processor, or its rival AMD. This decision will also impact the factory's suppliers and customers. Hence, because of the greater scope and scale of operations in certain industries, such as technology, automotive production, and commercial transportation, we need public standards for the coordinated planning of independent operators for investment decisions regarding shared infrastructure. In e-commerce this infrastructure may account for billions and ultimately trillions of dollars in trading volume. How can a standard such as ebXML add value? Assume we adopt a new standard, either a business process standard such as ISO 9000 or a technical standard such as ebXML. If we have new customers or suppliers that use the standard, then we do not need to invest in additional nonstandard infrastructure to support that organization (in theory, at least). This may help create new opportunities to cut costs from the bottom line by coordinating investment decisions between supplier and customers. ebXML focuses on coordinating systems between companies so they can communicate more effectively. With ebXML as a standard, a company can leverage its one-time investment in both IT and business infrastructure over a larger volume of e-commerce transactions over a longer period of time. Standard versus Specification There is a distinction between a standard and a specification. A technical specification defines how a technology should work (methods) and should not work (constraints). By contrast, a standard is a collective agreement by industry players on a set of technical principles often captured in a specification. A standard organization helps promote wide use of specific standards so software and systems from different vendors can interoperate. To be a de jure standard, a standard body such as the International Standard Organization (ISO) has to endorse the technology and its specification. This can be a long and tedious process. In practice, technologies may become a de facto standard by the fact that they are in use by most of the important players in the industry. This can occur with or without an official endorsement from a standard organization. For example, the Windows architecture is owned by Microsoft, who can design to its own specifications based on marketing requirements. Since Windows is the desktop operating system on over 90 percent of PCs, we can safely say it is a de facto standard, regardless of the opinions that certain standard bodies may have to the contrary. Open Standards versus Proprietary Standards The open standard (also known as a vendor-neutral standard) in the computer system context is based on a set of technical specifications for protocols and systems that is jointly created by many companies or industries. An example of an open standard in recording media is the VHS format for videocassettes. The basic idea of openness is that software specifications are publicly available and a single vendor does not own the 15

architectural design for the software solution. By contrast, a proprietary system is based on a set of technical specifications owned by a single vendor and relies on the system and protocol design of the vendor. Windows is an example of a proprietary system, since it is the computer architecture owned by Microsoft. There are some standard initiatives backed by specific companies, such as BizTalk (Microsoft). These quasi-proprietary standards are attempts to provide some type of standard interface from proprietary applications and platforms (such as Windows) to other systems. BizTalk is a set of guidelines for how to publish schemes in XML and how to use XML messages to easily integrate software programs together in order to allow extended business transactions. BizTalk consists of a message framework and repository for schema written for that framework, as well as a server product from Microsoft. This initiative leverages existing industry data models, solutions, and application infrastructure and adapts them for electronic commerce through the use of XML. Building systems based on open standards, as opposed to single-vendor solutions, ensures both stability and a larger base of potential trading partners supporti ng the infrastructure. ebXML is an open standard for electronic trading, and it uses an open process for soliciting input into the specifications, which has pluses and minuses. On one hand, the open process draws in the best ideas from different places into a broad, overarching vision that applies across industries for how to communicate between businesses. On the other hand, the democratic process of decision making in the ebXML committee organization may take a lot longer, compared to defining a proprietary standard where ultimate authority resides in a designated few within the organization.

Why ebXML? Standards are necessary to promote transparent communications across the many systems operating in the enterprise. Most information technology environments are heterogeneous, rather than homogeneous. This means that the environment is made up of hardware, software, and other components that may not be standard and represent a variety of standards, products, and vendors, rather than an enterprise view with accepted standards. Standards are important in providing the rules via which information technology products interact. They are needed to ensure that systems can communicate, which is essential in an evolving network-centric strategy. Standards such as network protocols and interfaces between applications allow systems on a variety of hardware, and even operating system platforms, to share information and data. ebXML addresses some of the technical problems in implementing B2B systems with traditional EDI standards. In an interview between the author and Scott Nieman, a technical expert involved with both the ebXML and X12 initiatives, we concluded that some key reasons based on research by UN/CEFACT and X12 for low rates of EDI deployment include: § The EDI standards, such as EDIFACT and X12, are ambiguous. They were designed to be as generic as possible so that they can be applied to all vertical industry needs and individual company needs. Each company must create an implementation guide to provide context for their usage of the standard. While the intent was that EDI would be the standard format for B2B, the end result is a myriad of differing formats. § The business case expressed in terms of the EDI business process usage and improvement was not published with the standards. Therefore, EDI users, 16

managers, and developers are often confused about how the EDI standards apply to their business process. § The ambiguity of these formats and lack of process information have led to excess trading partner negotiation that consumed over 70 percent of the implementation time. § The EDI standards were based on technical capabilities of mainframe systems from over 30 years ago, and data processing was batch-oriented and scheduled, compared to the interactive processing ability and vast processing power common today. Many e-commerce standards today are based on XML, which provides a flexible way to describe product specifications or business terms. Many businesses are implementing XML solutions based on the technical specifications issued by the W3C and the XMLbased business standards of various XML groups. These businesses require a mechanism and migration path for accommodating legacy EDI solutions based on accredited standards and XML solutions already in progress or implemented. Companies like IBM, Sun, Microsoft, and CommerceOne that have major stakes in online transactions are driving to push standardized B2B transaction formats. Some relevant electronic trading standards efforts to help different industries communicate online with each other include Microsoft's BizTalk, Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) by the industry association CommerceNet, and RosettaNet by the computer manufacturing industry. ebXML may converge with some other standards; for example, Microsoft may introduce ebXML features and compatibility into the BizTalk framework and the associated BizTalk products based on user demand. One drawback to the competing commercial solutions available compared to a public standard such as ebXML is that the proprietary solutions usually lack widespread support from the business verticals. As standards are widely adopted, companies will better manage portfolios of B2B capabilities and interface with third parties with limited resources and short technology life cycles. Many industry players will use the industry standard communication languages and protocols, such as XML and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), as well as transaction definition frameworks, such as ebXML, RosettaNet, and BizTalk. See Chapter 4 for further discussion of ebXML architecture compared with BizTalk and RossettaNet. BEFORE EBXML: A BRIEF HISTORY OF B2B E-COMMERCE STANDARDS In this sidebar, we discuss a bit of history on relevant standard initiatives in the last decade (1990 to 2000). ebXML was the end result of pioneering efforts at merging the Internet, XML, and EDI that converged with major industry efforts to create public standards in e-commerce. Early efforts in combining the EDI standard with modern technology introduced creative innovations but did not reach critical mass in most industries. An early initiative combining the Internet and EDI was Open-EDI. The standard EDI model is based on a closed model of interaction, in which the trading partners are linked through a secure and trusted connection. Each party in the relationship must have detailed knowledge about the other. Open-EDI reduced the tight coupling required between business partners, since the closed model is too restrictive for Internet-based applications. Another early model in combining XML and EDI is called XML/EDI, an idea pioneered by David R. Webber, which drew industry attention to the need to combine the aging EDI infrastructure with the technical benefits of XML. Many of the good ideas and solutions in XML/EDI and other forerunners would be later 17

incorporated into ebXML, and these early models provided significant contributions to the ebXML specifications. Compared to EDI, XML is more adaptable and easier to use, but the flexibility and lack of constraints in XML has its drawbacks. A major problem was the splintering of XML into different communities of interest, each with its own dialect of the XML language. These efforts by independents lack widespread cohesive support and critical mass. One industry observer commented: "I'm a big supporter of XML, but XML is fragmenting into multiple standards as we speak. The fragmentation of the standards is going to seriously retard the adoption of those standards into B2B environments. We have associations like RosettaNet promoting one version of XML. We have the World Wide Web Consortium promoting its own version. Commerce One is promoting its own version. Ariba is promoting its own version." Industry-specific initiatives such as RossettaNet introduced important technical innovations but failed to attract participants outside the semiconductor industry. A proprietary standard such as Microsoft BizTalk has its advocates among companies using a Windows -based platform with its early-to-market implementation and cohesive architecture, but it lacks uniform support among companies with heterogeneous systems or systems primarily based on non-Windows platform, such as UNIX or mainframes. From the flowe ring of ideas during the last decade, ebXML emerged as the dominate solution by major standards organizations to address the need for combining modern techniques in XML with EDI and to provide public standards in growth areas in e-commerce, such as Interne t-based B2B exchanges. Early in 1999, members of the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), as a committee called Techniques and Methodologies Working Group (TMWG), made recommendations for a new standard work based on XML. They convinced the group to approach an international technology business consortium called Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) for the formation of ebXML. The primary authors of the recommendation were Scott Nieman, who is also the vice chair of Strategic Implementation Task Group in X12, and Bob Glushko of CommerceOne, with Mike Adcock as a contributor. In September 1999, UN/CEFACT and OASIS announced they were joining forces to produce a global XML framework for electronic business. More than 120 companies and standards bodies participated in the ebXML initiative. After 18 months, at the May 2001 meeting in Vienna, more than 1,000 participants ratified the first generation of ebXML and began delivering the infrastructure. At this ratification meeting a proof-of-concept demonstration was shown where more than two dozen companies and organizations implemented ebXML. Based on ebXML standards, a sample supply chain information environment was built using ebXML architecture. It proved ebXML standards are relatively easy to work with. On May 11, 2001, UN/CEFACT and OASIS signed a new memorandum of agreement for continuing the ebXML work. The agreement assigned the infrastructure component to OASIS (transport, registry/repository, and collaborative profile protocol). UN/CEFACT kept the business components (business process and core components).


ebXML Players and Politics As mentioned in the sidebar, the direct sponsors of ebXML are UN/CEFACT and OASIS. In addition, standards bodies involved in ebXML include National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). OASIS is a nonprofit, international consortium that creates interoperable industry specifications based on public standards such as XML and SGML, as well as others that are related to structured information processing. OASIS, founded in 1993 under the name SGML Open, was originally a consortium of software vendors and customers devoted to developing guidelines for interoperability among SGML products. It has more than 170 organizational members, including the world's leading technology firms. UN/CEFACT is a United Nations group set up in 1996 to respond to new technological developments and to officially recognize the contributions made by experts. The United Nations also produces the EDI standard called UN/EDIFACT. UN/CEFACT has a memorandum of understanding with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) that the work efforts each organization produces may be fast-tracked through each other's processes. ISO is an organization of national standards bodies from various countries established to promote the development of standards to facilitate international exchange of goods and services and to develop cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity. The W3C develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential as a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. ebXML supporters include a large number of industrial, shipping, banking, and other general-interest companies, as well as key technology companies. Members of the Global Commerce Initiative (GCI) plan to use ebXML as the backbone of their new data exchange standard for B2B trade in the consumer goods industry. ebXML will provide the technical infrastructure for the Global Commerce Internet Protocol, a set of recommendations governing the management of data for Internet communication and other B2B interactions. The GCI members include 40 major manufacturers and retailers as well as 8 trade associations, which in total represent 850,000 companies around the world. Also included are exchanges such as Transora, the Worldwide Retail Exchange, and GlobalNetXchange. The UCC has made major contributions to the GCI effort in ebXML to quickly standardize Internet trading in the consumer products industry with the first in a series of electronic commerce standards. The UCC is an organization founded to administer the Universal Product Code (UPC), the standard barcode that can be read and interpreted by a computer, commonly used to mark the price of items in stores. The UCC has extended its role to establishing and promoting global multi-industry standards for product identification, business processes, and electronic communications. Its electronic communication standards are geared to enhancing supply chain management. ebXML is designed through a collaborative and open process with no barriers to entry. With the open development process, anyone can become involved in the definition of ebXML specifications—in theory, at least. Actual participation in the specification development process is fairly time-consuming and tedious. Certain e-commerce initiatives in specific industries involved with ebXML, such as automotive and transportation, are also open to individuals or companies involved in that particular industry. 19

Arguments for and against ebXML To make a rational decision on whether or not ebXML is right for your organization, we need to examine some of the arguments for and against ebXML. The standards promote migration to enterprise solutions with reduced complexity and support. The establishment and governance of enterprise standards require a constant balancing between too much control and not enough. Standards are both beneficial and detrimental, depending on the perspective of the user. The standards must provide the right amount of flexibility so that the business is not constrained. Klaus-Dieter Naujok, chairman of the ebXML Initiative, and Ralph Berwanger, vice chairman at the American National Standards Institute's Accredited Standards Committee X12, two of the men who helped manage the ebXML effort, offer the following arguments in favor of ebXML (Naujok 2001): § "The strongest argument for using the specifications is that they are built upon established technology." ebXML uses proven technology as the baseline for all specifications. This did not require inventing new protocols. The ebXML design leveraged from as much existing technology as possible, including the W3C's XML Schema, XML Linking Language, and the XML Signature Syntax and Processing specification. § Another argument for ebXML is that "the user and vendor communities are being provided with a set of specifications that have been proven to work." During multiple public demonstrations from many companies, the proof of concept trials proved that the ebXML architecture could work and interoperate with other systems. The trials included the entire ebXML infrastructure working end-to-end, ebXML system components that can talk with other components in a network, and components from multiple vendors integrated as a single user-driven solution. § The last argument for ebXML is that "the infrastructure is the only open, out-of-the-box, standards-based solution available and ready for use." ebXML uses open technology based on XML and is independent of the underlying transport protocol, such as HTTP. The ebXML solution allows traditional Electronic Data Interchange, XML-based or proprietary payloads to be sent between businesses and partners using common or different vocabularies. The arguments against ebXML are: § It's expensive and time-consuming to implement. Many businesses have extensive EDI architectures and character sets based on accredited EDI standards. They need to be able to interoperate between these existing solutions and new systems based on ebXML. They also need to account for the costs of building and maintaining the new ebXML systems. Companies are in business to make money, and the return on investment is uncertain at this point. § ebXML is a risky investment. Naujok states, "implementing version 1 of anything can be risky. Prudent consumers wait while the foolhardy dive in to find undocumented features. Why should either the vendor or user communities implement the first generation of the ebXML specifications?" Unless there is a good business reason, such as a major customer downstream or a major supplier upstream in the supply chain using ebXML, a standalone business may not have sufficient cause to move to the ebXML standard. ebXML is not a cure-all for business problems, but it addresses many of the issues in building electronic trading systems, especially with communicating between proprietary applications and systems in a heterogeneous environment. 20

Summary E-commerce covers a broad spectrum of online businesses, from the individual consumer buying collectibles on an auction site such as eBay to real estate agents listing properties and advertising representation services to large corporations with a multitude of products and services. The general categories of e-commerce business models are business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and consumerto-consumer (C2C). A standard is an effort to create widespread use of specific protocols and formats to allow software from different vendors to interoperate, often within a vertical industry. Many e-commerce standards today are based on XML, which provides a flexible way to describe product specifications or business terms. Electronic business XML (ebXML) is an emerging e-commerce standard for electronic trading between companies. It consists of a set of specifications developed by standards bodies to set guidelines on building e-commerce software that complies with the standard. The typical large e-commerce system integration project will require a common language such as Extensible Markup Language (XML) and a public standard such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), RossettaNet, ebXML, or a popular proprietary equivalent such as Microsoft's BizTalk. In the next chapter, we dive into the technical details regarding two technologies important for understanding ebXML—XML and EDI. XML is a markup language used to create smart data and documents for applications. EDI is a standard, often used for high-volume online transactions between large companies and their trading partners.


Chapter 2: Building Blocks of ebXML: EDI and XML Overview "Without cooperation from industry leaders and XML standards initiatives, it will be difficult to adopt XML broadly across the industry. When the promise for standards is put forth, customers change their expectations. They expect commonality." —John Rymer, pressident of Upstream Consulting, a business strategy consulting firm In this chapter, we will describe the technical foundation of ebXML by presenting the ecommerce transaction standards for EDI, XML, and ebXML. The grandfather of all ecommerce transaction standards is EDI, from which ebXML borrows its ideas for business requirements. XML provides a foundation as a standard language for ecommerce, and ebXML is the latest proposed B2B standard for business transactions between trading partners.

Electronic Data Interchange Information exchange between companies often involves trading transactions between customers and suppliers. A common standard is important to building electronic data interchange (EDI) systems in the supply chain. For example, a retailer stocks products from many suppliers, direct or through wholesalers. The retailer sends orders every day on printed output from a computer. The orders are sorted and distributed to its suppliers. The retailer can benefit from better service and lower costs in electronic data interchange. The quicker delivery and overall greater accuracy in ordering mean better service from suppliers. Improved logistics results in lower storage and warehousing costs. The retailer approaches a major supplier, and together they set up a computer-to-computer data interchange application using a standard of their own design for the system. This can also be extended to other information requirements, such as inventory management and logistics planning. Since it would benefit both of them to increase the number of trading partners using the system, they will want to make similar arrangements with other retailers and other suppliers. If there were no common standard involved, a shared agreement on standards has to be made for every data exchange link. For instance, with 10 trading partners, there could be 10 different in-house standards. Of course, the situation would become even more complex with more trading partners. Many factors would come into play, such as the technical experience or the business clout of a particular company, as well as differences in business processes and conventions across industries. This would result in disagreements, delays, and higher costs. The power of a common standard for electronic data interchange is important for keeping cost and complexity under control. (See Figure 2.1.)


Figure 2.1: Common data standards for exchange in the supply chain. Before the World Wide Web, e-commerce and EDI—the standard electronic format for transaction processing—were thought to be one and the same. EDI originated from the business and technical requirements of government agencies and large companies to automate trading transactions with each supplier. In many cases, electronic transactions resulted in reduced manual effort while improving quality of services. The industry adopted EDI as a solution to automate handling of high-volume, low monetary value freight transactions. These transactions required significant manual effort to process, and computer automation provided time and cost savings. In the 1970s, the Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC) developed the initial standard transaction sets for the air, motor, rail, or ocean transportation business. The transportation industry led in usage of standard EDI transaction sets to conduct business electronically. By switchi ng millions of transactions from paper to EDI processing, carriers and shippers were more efficient in their operations. Defining and handling multiple proprietary formats for each business became a cost barrier for electronic transactions. Industry agreements in the EDI standard reduced this cost of electronic infrastructure. The standard EDI transaction sets were developed with specific documents, such as invoices, purchase orders, and acknowledgments. These industry dynamics in the transportation industry led to growth in EDI throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and the growth was facilitated by the EDI standards from the TDCC. In the early 1980s, deregulation of the transportation industry in the United States broadened the appeal of EDI for major shippers. This created pricing pressure, as shippers would negotiate their own pricing and payment terms with carriers. Carriers had to compete on price and quality of service, which led to a strong economic incentive to create databases of actual transportation costs and shipping patterns. Such databases enabled shippers to negotiate favorable rates and arrange cost-effective carrier selections. EDI usage by major carriers was a cheap and easy solution to the logistics problem. Hence, the industry dynamics created incentives for using EDI by both the carriers and shippers, setting the trend for other industries to follow, such as manufacturing, distribution, and retail. EDI Technologies Modern EDI technology is largely associated with the software for formatting electronic messages, data, and forms among computers, as well as with proprietary EDI network services. Trading partners often conduct business using a private network maintained by an EDI service provider. The proprietary EDI network that sends and stores EDI messages is called a value-added network (VAN), which typically charges monthly usage fees based on the volume of the transmissions sent through the network. The trading partners in an EDI transaction must agree on the exact content of each document exchanged. Custom translation software is needed to convert a native format used by a company to the EDI format. 23

EDI messages are composed of segments, and each segment is made up of data elements. A data element reflects the semantics of an equivalent unit of data in a user application. Each data element can be either single or it can be a composite of several elements. The actual terminology varies according to the different EDI standards. With a specific EDI standard such as EDIFACT, the basic parts are (1) data elements, (2) segments, (3) messages, and (4) syntax. This is analogous to the basic parts of English language as (1) words, (2) sentences, (3) paragraphs/chapters, and (4) grammar. In sum, EDI data elements (words) are put together into segments (sente nces), which are grouped into messages (paragraphs/chapters) following rules set by syntax (grammar). The syntax ensures that the order and structure of the data elements make sense by the use of particular rules and special characters, analogous to rules of grammar, where we use commas, periods, spacing, and so on. The core EDI standards at this time are the ANSI X12 standard and the EDIFACT standard from UN/CEFACT. Both the X12 and EDIFACT standards are similar in concept, but differ in their implementation. ANSI X1 The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a standards association in the United States, developed the X12 EDI standard. In the early 1990s, the TDCC standards were incorporated into X12 and endorsed by the ANSI X12 Standards Committee. As the primary format used by many American companies, X12 is a commonly used data format for cross-industry business transactions. However, the standard is only a standard to the extent that it is adopted. Many industries support specific parts of the X12 standard and have created industry-specific guidelines for simplified syntax. Without industry-specific guidelines, companies using X12 have to use the complex X12 format and syntax rules.


The Automobile Industry Action Group (AIAG) National Retail Merchants Association (NRMA) Voluntary Interindustry Communication Standard (VICS) Chemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX) Electronics Industry Data Exchange (EIDX) Petroleum Industry Data Exchange (PIDX) Metals Alumi num Association (MAA) The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) The American Paper Institute (API) The National Office Products Association (NOPA) The Wholesalers Stationers Association (WSA)

X12 standard is a structured, positional format. A positional format depends on data elements located in certain positions within a document relative to other data elements. X12 focuses on documents rather than business processes. EDIFACT EDIFACT was developed as a combination of X12 and European standards known as "Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange." EDIFACT is an international standard 24

endorsed by ISO and developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The major differences between X12 and EDIFACT are due to the different data requirements for international trade versus domestic trade. The EDIFACT format is relatively less structured than X12, and it is not a positional format. EDIFACT transaction sets are more flexible and usable than X12. An EDIFACT message covers a specific business process, which is associated with a specific paper document. Each trading partner in a transaction can process the message segments. Using the business process from the message, the company can engage in ecommerce transactions. Business and Technical Issues with EDI The business issues with EDI include the following: § EDI has not penetrated far into the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) markets. This is mainly due to the high cost of doing EDI and the technical complexity involved. Small and medium-size companies can often communicate electronically and send documents. However, thinking that actual costs will outweigh the potential benefits, many have avoided the investment in EDI. Some efforts in large companies have fallen short because they cannot convert the last quarter fraction of their trading partners to EDI. § The application and business process reengineering are expensive if the technology and business processes on either side of the EDI transaction did not keep pace with the technical changes. Many EDI efforts are not fully automated and require dedicated support staff. On the receiving end, too many companies simply send their incoming EDI transactions to the printer while traditional manual processes remain unchanged.

THE MYTH OF EDI STANDARDS There is no single EDI standard. The EDIFACT and X12 standards are only guidelines, and the standards reflect a superset of all vertical industry needs and individual company needs. Each company must create an implementation guide for its usage context of the standard. Although EDI was intended to be a standard format for B2B, the end result is a collection of different formats. The ambiguity of these formats and lack of process information lead to excessive trading partner negotiation. Most trading partners have developed and documented their own interpretations of the standard and expected other trading partners to comply. Disputes are decided in favor of the partner with the most business clout in the relationship (usually a large customer). The end result is that suppliers typically have to maintain some unique code for every trading partner. §

Competitors in a particular industry may not completely endorse EDI standards. To survive in a competitive environment, companies have an incentive to differentiate and create proprietary advantages, rather than provide commodity products and services based on a standard. Competitors tend to seek opportunities to differentiate themselves from their peers, which naturally causes deviation from any industry standard. 25

The technical issues with EDI include: § EDI standards are technically obsolete, since they are based on previous generations of technology. When EDI was first established, product life cycles were measured in years or decades rather than weeks or months, and the pace of change in technology was relatively slow. In a competitive environment, companies must launch new products and services at a tremendous rate in certain industries, with products that often only last for a few weeks or months in the market. § Manual and inefficient processing activities exist in many EDI implementations. EDI focused on automating the flow of information between trading partners, but remaining manual transactions have been the most complex and require the most effort to process. Dedicated EDI staff may have to translate information from its native format to standard EDI. § EDI is typically implemented using a proprietary closed network, such as a value-added network, rather than the open public Internet. EDI using the Internet is becoming more prevalent and far more economical than traditional methods of transmitting EDI transactions either directly or through a VAN. Sending EDI information is usually more involved and more expensive than comparable Internet communication, such as sending email. Businesses that want to exchange data through an open channel such as the Internet need open standards and open technologies on which to build Internet applications. Since the business requirements for ebXML are partly derived from EDI, it helps to understand the business background for EDI. The next topic, XML, is much more significant as a technical foundation for ebXML. XML presents some technical advantages over EDI. For example, the XML data structure is extensible and the transmission cost is less over a public Internet-based network. In addition, the XML model is open to changes and is flexible for supporting dynamic business processes.

Extensible Markup Language How do we convert information from the intuitive format for people to use to a logical format for computers to process? We can use a particular computer format such as XML to convert the information in the real world to an understandable stream of information stored on computer systems. It provides a solid set of logical structures with labels. Labels and structures provide recognized information that computers can use to convert input into internal structures for additional processing. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a powerful publishing, data storage, and application and document interchange format—similar to HTML. A critical difference between the two languages is that the XML allows the content provider to define new markup tags for describing data and applications, whereas HTML has a fixed set of markup tags for presentation. XML can be extracted, manipulated, and formatted to the requirements of a target audience or publishing media. XML has spread through many fields of science and into many industries, from manufacturing to transportation to retail. The strength of XML is its ability to store labeled information, and these labels (also known as markup tags or elements) can be created to represent different kinds of information. In XML, a set of labels for information in a particular domain is called a vocabulary. By using a standard vocabulary, various applications on different networks and computers can share a common understanding of the XML document contents. 26

Information stored in a vendor proprietary format can be opened using the XML structured format that labels its contents in plain text. XML provides a set of tools for users to move closer to personalized vocabularies. The granddaddy of XML is the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which became an ISO standard in 1986. SGML originated at IBM, which wa nted a means of describing document content to publish the same content in different formats. A document markup language, such as SGML, allows content providers to separate the logical content from the presentation. Both XML and HTML are subsets of SGML. XML allows the content provider to define meta data using markup tags for application messages or document content. For example, XML labels the attributes of a book as price, quantity, title, author, and ISBN. By contrast, HTML labels everything by format, such as paragraph, table, and font. XML is a complementary technology to HTML, not a replacement. (See Figure 2.2 for the relationship between these three languages.)

Figure 2.2: Relationship between SGML, XML, and HTML There are two requirements for application and document exchange on the Internet: § Meta data is data about data. Meta data describes what a piece of information is. For example, "book" is meta data about ebXML Simplified. Meta data makes it possible to find data and tag data with an explicit description. In addition, the parties exchanging information have to explicitly agree on the overall structure and usage context of the meta data. In B2B ecommerce, meta data should be used with a shared context to fully express its meaning. For example, the meta data "price" attached to "100" may mean euros for one company, U.S. dollars for another company, and Canadian dollars for yet another. 27


Shared context is a formal description of the rules meta data must follow. A shared context applies to a particular type of document and serves as an agreement between the sender and the recipient of the document. The sender agrees that the document conforms to the shared context. The recipient agrees to interpret the document according to the shared context. In B2B e-commerce, two companies would agree to a shared context for documents being exchanged so both parties have a common understanding of semantics. For example, an order can have one or more line items; each line item has a SKU, a unit price, and a quantity; and unit price is a number with two decimal places and represents U.S. dollars.

Both SGML and HTML have drawbacks for defining meta data on the Internet. SGML is complex and is not suitable for automated processing of large volumes of Internet documents. HTML lacks flexibility and is confined to a set of markup tags specific to Web page layout. Beginning in July 1996, a W3C working group worked on a simplified subset of SGML for use on the Web. Their goal was to find a subset of SGML that was simple to understand but expressive enoug h to meet the requirement for shared context on the Internet. The W3C released the XML 1.0 specification on February 1998. The XML language is defined by the W3C specification for XML with two parts, one for XML documents and one for XML document type definitions. The first part defines how to use tagged markup in an XML document to indicate the meaning of data. The second part defines how to define the structure for a class of XML documents using document type definitions. XML is part of a larger paradigm of Internet documents where XML serves as the foundation. This document paradigm includes related domain-specific standards, such as ebXML for B2B e-commerce and supply chain management, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for Web services, and so on. This paradigm also includes generic technical standards such as hypertext links (XLink) and page layout (XSL). Figure 2.3 shows the architecture of XML with these related standards. This is a modular design that allows us a choice of what to use for a particular application.


Figure 2.3: The XML paradigm includes a number of related standards. Structure of the XML Document The XML approach to meta data and shared context is based on using markup tags to indicate meta data and document type definitions for shared context. A tag in a document markup language is the meta data attached to an element that defines what the element content is. For example, to indicate that ebXML Simplified is a book, we can write ebXML Simplified. At the application level, XML documents are containers for information. The primary container holds information and more containers, each of which may in turn contain more information and more containers. These named containers form hierarchical structures, representing an XML document tree, as shown in Figure 2.4 . This creates a flexible and powerful framework for storing and exchanging information. XML document type definitions are sets of rules describing the XML document. The parties using or exchanging an XML document can validate using a document type definition that their copies of XML documents follow the same common rules.


Figure 2.4: XML document tree. The true power of XML to improve business processes comes when multiple documents all use the same public data format. A single software application can process the set of documents, and a single screen layout can display them. If the format is publicly available, then anyone can generate a document that can be processed by the software or displayed in the screen layout. At the document level, XML uses labels to represent what the information is, not what it looks like. XML uses descriptive tag names (also known as elements in XML) to refer to information, which includes memos, database tables, poetry, program structures, invoices, and so forth. For example, we can use tags to describe the relevant parts of a business document or a purchase order: document content here . . order contents here . . Comments in XML file are declared the same way as comments in HTML, using for a closing tag. Following is an example:


ebXML Simplified This is a book about ebXML

Document Type Definition A document type definition (DTD) specifies the elements, attributes, entities (special or legal characters), and rules for creating one document or a set of documents using XML, HTML, or another SGML-related markup language. Analogous to the Rosetta 32

stone for archaeologists, the DTD is written with a special syntax for element and attribute declarations that sets the rules for the structure of an XML document. Anyone can access the DTD, interpret the rules, and process the document. An XML document can use a DTD either inline or externally with an uniform resource locator (URL), such as this fictitious example, http://www.ebxml.org/samples/test.dtd . DTDs provide a range of flexibility, with such features as optional and repeatable content models. Software called a parser checks the XML document to make sure that it conforms to the rules set by the DTD for that document. The process of checking the document by the parser is called validation. A particular XML is valid if it obeys all the rules of its DTD, as well as the criteria for well-formed documents. In the software life cycle, a DTD serves as a blueprint during two important phases. During the design phase, using a DTD, the application will produce documents that conform to the DTD. Other applications using the DTD can process those documents. During the execution phase, the XML parser verifies that a document conforms to the DTD, so the processing application knows the document has a valid structure for its content. In sum, the DTD is a contract between the supplier and the consumer of the document. DTDs give document designers control over both the structure of document elements and the rules that elements and attributes must follow. This allows designers to create DTDs for different applications, including supply management systems and database integration tools. As DTDs grow larger and more complex, it makes sense to break them into smaller chunks. Developers fragment DTDs to allow reuse of smaller portions, to make the DTD easier to manage and work with, or to divide responsibility among a number of users. XML parsers combine all the modules when it is time to process the document, knitting together parts that may come from disparate sources all over the Internet. The document type declaration (also known as the DOCTYPE declaration) connects the document to meta data describing the document structure and its content, called a grammar. This information may be included directly within the document type declaration or included by reference to an external resource containing declarations or both. All the declarations contained within or referenced by the document type declaration form the DTD. Code Listing 2.2 is the DTD from Code Listing 2.1. The DTD declares the list of elements, which are item, book, and description. The DTD also declares the attributes for the book element, which are title, author, and ISBN. To define the DTD, a document designer starts with the root element. After the root element, the designer moves to the subelements of the root elements. Next, the designer moves to the subelements of those elements, continuing until there are only leaf elements that have data content or are empty. Code Listing 2.2: A sample book DTD.


Element Structure Each element declaration begins with < ! ELEMENT and ends with >. It contains the element name and a content model surrounded by parentheses. A content model is the description of the content of an element, including subelements, connectors, and character data. A DTD specifies the allowable subelements, such as the following declaration to indicate that there are two subelements in the item root element, which are book and description. The asterisk (*) at the book element is an occurrence indicator. The symbol means that the book attribute is both optional and repeatable. If an XML document was created based on the DTD, the book attribute may appear once, several times, or not all.

An occurrence indicator, such as *, ?, or +, is used to define how often an element occurs. The default is exactly 1 if the element appears without an occurrence indicator. * is 0 or more times, ? is 0 or 1, and + is 1 or more times. For elements with data content, a DTD specifies the type of data it may contain, such as the following declaration to indicate that the book element contains parsed character data:

For elements with no content, a DTD specifies an empty content model, such as the following declaration to indicate that the description element is empty:

In sum, there are four types of allowable content in XML: § Data content. These elements contain only data. To define this structure, the element declaration specifies a content model of PCDATA, such as . § Element content. These elements contain only other elements. To define this structure, the element declaration specifies a content model that lists the element names, separated by commas. This list is in sequential order, such as . § Empty. These elements contain neither elements nor data. To define this structure, the element declaration uses the keyword EMPTY as the content model, such as . § Mixed content. These elements contain both data and other elements. To indicate this structure, the element declaration specifies a content model that includes #PCDATA to indicate that data content is allowed. The element names indicate that elements of these types are allowed.


In addition to these basic content models, DTD designers may use special characters, such as ?, *, +, to encode rules about the number of subelements that an element may contain. These cardinality rules use the following syntax: § 0 or 1. The ? character indicates an optional subelement. For example, this declaration defines that a book must have one title, may or may not have one description, then must have one ISBN: < ! ELEMENT book (title, description?, isbn)>. § 0 or more. The * character indicates a subelement that may appear one or more times. For example, this declaration defines that a chapter may have none or one or more paragraphs: < ! ELEMENT chapter (paragraph*)>. § 1 or more. The + character indicates a subelement that must appear at least once. For example, this declaration defines that a paragraph may have one or more line numbers: < ! ELEMENT paragraph (linenum+)>. § Enumerated alternatives. A list of subelements separated by vertical bars (|), called pipe symbols, indicates that the element must contain one or the subelements in the list. For example, this declaration defines that category must be either fiction, nonfiction, or other: < ! ELEMENT category (fiction | nonfiction | other)>. Content providers can combine different rules in the same element declaration, using parentheses to group subelements together. For example, the following element declaration defines a chapter element that has (1) an optional name, (2) one or more blocks that includes one paragraph subelement, one or more linenum subelements, and none or more column subelements, and (3) either version or updated subelement:

Attribute Rules For elements with attributes, a DTD specifies the list of allowable attributes, such as this set of three attributes for a payment element:

Attributes enhance the meaning of element content by providing meta data to elements. DTDs include syntax for defining the rules that attributes must follow. The attribution declaration begins with . There are four parts in an attribute declaration: § Element type. After the ATTLIST keyword, the declaration specifies the element to which the list applies. § Attribute name. The rule for each attribute in the list appears on a new line. The first part of the rule is the attribute name. § Attribute type. After the attribute name, the type specification appears. For example, for character values, the type specification is CDATA. § Default value. After the attribute type, the document designer must specify the default value for the attribute. There are several options, including #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED, and #FIXED. A value in quotation 35

marks indicates an attribute with a default value. If the document does assign it a value, the XML processor will automatically assign it the default value. The #REQUIRED keyword indicates that every document must explicitly assign a value to the attribute. #IMPLIED indicates that a document does not have to assign a value to the attribute; the XML parser will process it even if no value was assigned. #FIXED indicates a fixed or constant value. After the #FIXED keyword, there is an attribute value in quotation marks, which is the value assigned to the attribute in the document. XML inherited DTDs from SGML. Some shortcomings were also inherited: (1) The syntax of a DTD is different from XML, requiring the document writer to learn yet another notation and (2) there is no way to specify data types and data formats to automatically map to programming languages. XML schemas with the corresponding XML syntax are an alternative to DTDs. DTDs, Schemas, and Namespaces DTDs and schema are two different ways of defining meta data for an XML document. XML schemas are more expressive than DTDs. For some content providers, schemas are the preferred way of specifying XML content models. The XML schema standard was developed to improve on DTD limitations and create a method to specify XML documents in XML, including standard predefined and user-specific data types. The name, content model, attributes, and subelements define the XML element. In XML schemas, the content model of elements is limited to a set of simple and complex content types. An XML document adhering to a schema can have elements that match the defined types. A number of simple types are predefined in the specification, such as string, integer, and decimal. A simple type cannot contain elements or attributes in its value, whereas complex types can specify element nesting and associations of attributes with an element. In addition to DTDs and schemas, a way to manage the vocabula ry for different business groups in XML is namespaces. A namespace creates the unique identifier for an XML vocabulary. A set of elements and attributes is associated with a namespace to make the attributes unique. We can avoid naming collisions by associating the vocabulary with a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which includes the familiar Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and Uniform Resource Number (URN). An application could include sets of objects that apply to particular namespaces. The applications can use those objects any time the namespace is encountered in a document. XML applications can parse documents and pass off the results to the appropriate application based on the namespace URI. A way to present an XML document in different forms with the business vocabulary unchanged is to use transformations. Building more flexible systems means planning workflow from input to internal structures to output that adapts to different requirements and business scenarios. The XML applications may be able to create new and different workflow. The key is to express syntax in context in ways that are easy and intuitive for people. This requires breaking down business processes into workflow modeled as XML. Using transformation tools, companies can create the critical information paths to model business processes. By treating the schema as tools for describing structures rather than tools for making structures conform, developers can create systems that adapt to changing circumstances rather than ones that address a particular set of requirements at the beginning of the design process.


While XML has created an unprecedented success for universal data transfer, its flexibility is both a blessing and a curse. The universal appeal of XML has to be harnessed with DTDs, allowing interchange partners to agree on a common vocabulary. Since a single DTD is not enough for most tasks, interchange partners have to agree on a whole set of XML vocabularies. The excitement during the first wave of electronic commerce dissipated once incompatible profiles with different XML standards and dialects became commonplace. In an effort to catalyze B2B e-commerce, certain industry forums position themselves as clearinghouses. They provide the frameworks for certain industries and business processes to find and exchange schemas. XML is useful for exchanging data between heterogeneous systems. However, the power of industry-wide schemas is in B2B, with communicating systems belonging to different organizations. The foundations of standards such as ebXML rest on the open content model and usage of DTDs, schemas, and namespaces in XML. For example, if a retailer wants to buy widgets from a distributor over the Internet, the trading partners have to describe their products and business processes in a similar way. The companies will have to share a single dictionary of business vocabulary about every part of the widget business. Using the repository of XML semantics, including tags, DTDs schemas, and namespaces, the end result is a standardization of B2B exchanges based on shared dictionaries of business terms. XML Standards Instead of arguing over the technical jargon, with a standard business language (such as an XML standard) we can focus on introducing products to our business partners. This has been a critical aspect of getting information into and out of computers. The key is balancing the formal vocabulary in order to extend the vocabulary as needed in a less constrained approach. Standards also limit how XML can be applied and used. XML provides a foundation grammar for the structure and labels for information. The basic structure in XML is a system for helping applications comprehend the meaning of a document as a standard across organizations and processes. An XML standard involves an extensive amount of work on providing practical implementations and technical specifications to enable the development of open, interoperable e-business interactions. This work focuses on utilizing the W3C XML syntax and the Internet as the underpinning technologies. Many critical elements are not set in stone, such as message and document descriptions and XML-based business vocabularies for the majority of industries. The rising stars of XML standardization are the converging XML initiatives for Web services, such as SOAP WSDL and UDDI. Web services deal with the subject of XML service APIs. (See Chapter 3.)

ebXML: Convergence of EDI and XML EDI integrated with B2B communities can provide end-to-end services that cover the supply chain and purchasing cycle. The merger of EDI with XML will allow Web-based data sources to be handled by EDI dictionaries. Order entry, purchasing, procurement, and other applications that are built on top of EDI will use the Web as a delivery mechanism.


The Internet platform is widely popular with both large and small players. Internet-based e-commerce can provide rich media support, aggregated information, and speedy installation. Though the Internet has been successful with standardization of low-level communication protocols and data exchange languages, such as HTTP, HTML, and XML, it has yet to produce a consensus across industries on high-level frameworks. The great hope and hype for the IT community is that ebXML bridges the gaps between these existing areas. The merger of the business requirements of EDI and the technical functionality of XML resulted in ebXML. ebXML was created to make it fundamentally easier to enable integration across industries and between business systems, regardless of platform, operating system, or underlying technology. One of the goals of the ebXML initiative is to build common industry standards for exchanging information and promote adoption of XML as an open standard data format. According to the ebXML initiative, "ebXML is an evolutionary change from EDI to XML technologies. It opens a migration path from EDI and developing XML standards, while providing support for multi-lingual, national, and international trade requirements. As a pragmatic compromise between XML-centric and EDI-centric worldviews, it combines ideas from both into an open integration framework. Within this cross-industry framework, EDI investments in business processes can be preserved in an architecture that leverages the technical capabilities of XML" (from ebxml.org Web site).

Summary B2B e-commerce systems have to integrate supply chain management and serve as the bridge in communication between businesses. The Internet has been successful as a medium for conducting business, and computer systems among different businesses often have to communicate over the Internet. ebXML addresses some of the technical problems in implementing B2B systems with traditional EDI standards. Because of the high costs of the infrastructure, EDI usage is limited primarily to large companies and their suppliers. The inability to bring up smaller trading partners on EDI has sidetracked the EDI efforts of large organizations. The available computer technology at the time EDI was developed was more expensive and less advanced than today. A focus of EDI was the development of standard transaction sets. The core EDI standards are the ANSI X12 standard and the EDIFACT standard. XML may revolutionize network-oriented applications, especially in the area of data interchange, as it is both: § Flexible. XML not only contains data pertaining to transactions; it also contains tags describing data structure, identifying what the data is and what it is for. § Portable. XML documents can be used on different platforms without major changes. XML has the potential to be the universal language for Internet-based commerce. It can be applied to both informal, ad hoc trading as well as to highly formal, structured B2B exchanges. The market opportunity for ebXML is the possibility of closer system and process integration and lower cost of shared infrastructure between trading partners. Higher efficiency in the supply chain and new markets open to e-commerce would be major wins for ebXML as a leading XML-centric solution and standard. In the next chapter, we discuss ebXML in the context of Web services, which involves using XML standards on the World Wide Web. 38

Chapter 3: Web Services and ebXML Overview "Web services ... are self-contained, self-describing, modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web. Web services perform functions, which can be anything from simple requests to complicated business processes.... Once a Web service is deployed, other applications and other Web services can discover and invoke the deployed service." —IBM developerWorks.com The Web—along with a few other platform services—can create fully functional application services over the World Wide Web protocol (HTTP). The Web is the best candidate for the role of universal information distributor, given its simplicity of access and widespread use. These so-called Web services do not comprise a monolithic all-or-nothing system, but an alphabet soup of smaller technologies that are easy to integrate into other technologies. For instance, Paul Roth, chief technology officer of CommerceQuest, a system integrator, thinks "most businesses will adopt Web services technology in small bites, since applications can be built piece by piece; you don't have to eat the whole watermelon to achieve some benefit." In B2B e-commerce, a major problem is the complexity of dealing with multiple partners with multiple applications and formats. A potential solution is the integration of XML and Web services into e-commerce transactions. Many vendors already support XML. In addition, the major vendors are ready with their support for the Web services model. HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and Sun Microsystems have publicly announced support for Web services technologies. The necessary standards are coming together, and major vendors are rallying behind them. Web services have the potential to help companies save money and generate revenue. Some companies have found ways to market their Web services software externally, while others use the technology to boost sales and customer relationships by building more effective Web sites. In this chapter, we will discuss the technical underpinnings of ebXML, and, in particular, examine SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL.

What Are Web Services? The idea of Web services is to leverage the advantages of the Web as a platform to apply it to the services themselves, not just to static information. The services refer to component services that can be used to build larger application services. At the core, the basic Web service platform is XML and HTTP. HTTP is the ubiquitous protocol behind Web sites on the Internet. Using HTTP in an application makes it possible to work around security issues like firewalls, and technical issues such as different sockets listening on different ports. XML provides the common foundation language for application messaging. By combining XML with other specialized languages, we can express complex interactions between clients and services or between components of a composite service. The XML message is converted to a middleware request, and the results are converted back to XML. The complex 39

programming and processing are hidden behind the simple facade of a manageable Web server. WHERE WEB SERVICES IS FINDING APPLICATIONS According to a recent Jupiter survey, 53 percent of companies that plan to deploy Web services will do so to interact with existing suppliers and partners. Only 16 percent of U.S. companies will use Web services technology in the next year to discover and interact with new partners. "Despite the enormous potential of Web services, the technology will find its early uses in the humdrum role of tying together an enterprise's internal applications." —David Schatsky, research director at Jupiter Media Metrix An example of a Web service is the authentication functions offered on the Web by Microsoft Passport. The Hotmail.com email service can leverage the user authentication service in the Passport site instead of developing its own. Other examples of component services are currency conversion, language translation, shipping, and claims processing. Many large scale Web-based application services like the Yahoo portal services or Amazon bookstore services can be broken down into separate individual Web services as granular, reusable building blocks that can be used for building more Web sites. The applications built to Web services standards should talk to each other automatically. These applications can be written as software components that can be housed in an application on a local network or on the Internet, and they are accessible by other network applications. As Web sites come to depend on other Web services, they will require support for server-to-server and application-to-application communication. The following sections provide a brief overview of each of these platform elements. While vendors try to present the emerging Web services platform as a consistent whole, it is closer to a jigsaw collection of technologies in development. The technical functionality in Web services includes open messaging, search, and registry protocols. They enable programmers to build software components that can automatically seek out and interact with other components built to the same standards. These protocols based on XML provide the skeleton for the Web services platform, such as access, identification, and invocation, as shown in Figure 3.1 .


Figure 3.1: Web services model. The basic Web services platform is based on XML plus HTTP, with higher-level service protocols such as SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. For additional features like security and transactions, we also need XAML, SAML, and XKMS technologies. These standards and others for security, authentication, and connection management are still evolving. § Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). This protocol is a format for Internet messaging (remote invocation). § Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI). This specification is used for building online directories UDDI (directory service). UDDI is a set of protocols and APIs used to discover where Web services are located and to create a directory of services. § Web Services Description Language (WSDL). This language is used for expression of service characteristics. Both proprietary and standard methods exist for authentication and connection management. However, because the common denominator is XML, all technologies can integrate into Web services in a platform-neutral manner. The additional services include platform support services such as discovery, transactions, security, and authentication: § Transaction Authority Markup Language (XAML). This language is for Web-based business transactions, which support complex Web transactions involving multiple Web services. XAML is a standard that enables the coordination and processing of online transactions in XML Web services. § Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). This language is for security, access control, and authentication in an XML-based model, developed as an open standard initiative sponsored by OASIS. § XML Key Management Specification (XKMS). This specification defines XML support for authentication and registration involving Microsoft and VeriSign. 41

WEB SERVICES AND TRANSACTIONS "Companies are beginning the process of exposing and combining their services on the Internet. As these Web services interactions mature, the need to ensure that the integrity of their customers' transactions becomes more important. With broad industry support, efforts such as XAML could make all the difference between a robust and orderly Net marketplace and one where buyers and sellers spend most of their time resolving fouled transactions offline." —David Smith, vice president and research area director at Gartner Group

How Web Services Works An example of how Web services works is a fitness company that provides membership services through a portal built on Web services technology. Registered users will be able to log on and create schedules, plan workouts, and chart their fitness progress. The company offers a Web service-based application to manage membership that it developed for internal use with others in the fitness and related industries. The company will spin off the unit that developed the application into a subsidiary. The company would not have to develop all the applications in-house; instead, it will partner with vendors that specialize in various pieces. The company will use a scheduling tool created by a third-party application service provider, which develops time management and interactive scheduling software. When a registered member initiates the scheduling application on the portal, the action triggers a hyperlink via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to the secure page of the scheduling application. The Web sites exchange certificates to verify each other's identity, and the member's information is passed from the application service provider back to the fitness portal via a SOAP interface. The reuse of Web services functionality cuts development time. By building standard interfaces to existing and new systems, each department can access data in other departmental databases without custom programming on an application-by-application basis. SOAP defines the standard application interfaces, and WSDL describes how to access the data. Based on the Web services architecture, a company can integrate the supply chain by leveraging legacy ERP systems. For example, a trucking company uses an application to route the job orders from a legacy order management system. The subcontractors use a Web browser to view and bid for the jobs. The subcontractors are needed to haul loads for which the trucking company lacks capacity or local presence. The Java application runs on a Java application server, which supports SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL. The company uses Web services to give customers visibility into the inventory management system so the customers can make better decisions about inventory replenishment. In the fragmented middleware world, interoperable technologies such as Web services provide a façade for programmatic access to the application service on different platforms and systems. The simple interface hides the complex, vendor-specific implementation in the middleware. In the client/server application architecture, the application access consists of (1) service request handling, such as a listener, and (2) a façade that exposes the operations supported by the business logic, such as an API. The business logic itself is implemented by a middleware platform. The primary components in a service-oriented architecture are application services. A service is a collection of business or application logic that can be accessed via a messaging protocol such as SOAP, which provides a standard way to couple together software components. This is useful when system changes or upgrades are needed. 42

Using Web services for database access rather than hard-coded logic adds flexibility into the database application design. The database client application needs to know less information, such as how to send and receive SOAP messages and parse the XML encoded data within each message. The database client needs to decode only the XML data stream and deal with SOAP messages. All other aspects of the database deployment are hidden when both sides have deployed Web services front ends using SOAP and WSDL. The same database client can be modified to connect to other databases by modifying the XML data stream and SOAP message handlers. The modifications become relatively easy, compared with alternative methods of developing application-specific interfaces. The Web service architecture is resilient in the face of system changes, partly due to the loose coupling of application design. Using Web services, the switch between different databases on different platforms would only involve a few changes in a database client. From the perspective of database client, access to the database service—for example, from a Microsoft SQL Server database running on Windows 2000 Advanced Server to an Oracle database on Solaris from Sun Microsystems— would be a straightforward exchange of SOAP messages. It's been possible to build similar service-oriented architectures for some time, but because no universally common standards have existed. Several previous approaches have been tried to create distributed applications, such as (1) Microsoft's Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), (2) Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI), and (3) custom message-passing interfaces running over HTTP. Unlike Web services, none of these approaches offer a platform-independent, standardized method of accessing services. SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, and XML are interoperable, platform-neutral standards. Hence, Web services are not dependent on specific aspects of middleware platforms such as Sun's Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) or Microsoft's .NET framework. Companies can use multiple middleware platforms and applications from different vendors, such as Java 2 Enterprise Edition and .NET. Web services enable applications to communicate together without regard to the development platform or tools. This means that Web service applications built using J2EE and .NET will be able to interoperate using standard protocols. In addition, a supply chain management system can support transactions using a Web service protocol such as XAML. Should one of these services fail to commit its operation, XAML allows the manufacturer to send its requirements to other Web services to cancel, compensate, or find alternative actions. XAML is an XML-based standard that will help businesses expose transactional capabilities through their Web services, and to mix and match calls to multiple Web services. XAML will enable companies engaging in B2B transactions to integrate and leverage existing transaction systems, as well as participate in new types of transactions. These interactions are called business Web transaction processing (BWTP). Online transaction processing (OLTP) is based on internal systems, but BWTP transactions may invoke low-level Web services from multiple organizations on the Web. For example, a manufacturer may need to electronically purchase a direct material, such as a chemical product, to produce its finished goods. As the company selects the product from an electronic marketplace, it will also specify the required terms of the purchase, such as shipping availability and delivery options, payment financing, casualty insurance, and governmental compliance for safe transport. All of these interrelated requirements must be satisfied prior to a purchase transaction being finalized. This requires coordinated processing of transaction-supporting Web services 43

between the chemical provider's inventory system and external services supplying shipping insurance, financing, and transport. There are benefits to building Web services on a middleware platform, such as Sun's Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) or Microsoft's .NET framework. SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, and XML are the core standards needed to develop Web services. But development of a multiple-tier, enterprise-class service architecture requires a programming language platform that includes a component object model, application/server technology, portability across various platforms, and well-defined APIs for capabilities such as database access.

The Parts of Web Services Today four core standards for Web services exist: XML, SOAP, WSDL, and the UDDI protocol. These comprise the basic capabilities necessary to build the discrete elements of a services-oriented architecture. In a distributed architecture, the uniform way of exchanging information as XML encoded data is to use SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. Sending messages as plain XML has advantages in terms of ensuring interoperability in a heterogeneous computing platform and architecture. In the middleware design, this means trading off the costs of parsing and serializing XML to scale distributed computing on networks. Simple Object Access Protocol Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a messaging protocol based on XML and HTTP that is used as an application wrapper for middleware software to send messages across a network. SOAP lets services collaborate with each other over a network. For those that want to get information from the source, there is a W3C note submission on SOAP at http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/. This W3C document is fairly long and technical. Submitted in 2000 to the W3C by IBM, Microsoft, UserLand, and DevelopMentor, the development of SOAP is managed by the XML Protocols Working Group in W3C. RPC or Messaging? Remote Procedural Call (RPC) services and the messaging services are the two primary application communication models. In an RPC model, a client invokes a remote procedure on a server, then receives a response. In a small set of servers and clients that performs tasks remotely, RPC is generally easier to set up for the simple technical requirements involving specific business functions on request. In larger systems that are exchanging data for general application communications, building messaging capabilities provides a more generic and scalable approach. There are two way of using SOAP, based on RPC or messages: § In a communication application invoking remote procedures with XML and SOAP as the format using HTTP as the underlying communication protocol. Using an RPC service and an RPC client to invoke the remote procedure calls on the RPC server allows better error handling and passing of complex types across the network. § In a communication application that uses messages to transmit information between a client and server. This setup means the client does not have to know about a particular method on a server. Messages allow packages of data to be passed between systems using a distributed model. 44

A SOAP message is like an actual letter. The typical letter is sent in a paper envelope with postage and sender and recipient addresses. Likewise, a SOAP message has an envelope with recipient and sender information, and the content of the message is called the SOAP payload. In addition to the SOAP enve lope is a set of encoding rules and a means of interaction between request and response. (See Figure 3.2 .)

Figure 3.2: The SOAP message process. The SOAP Envelope The SOAP envelope has information about the SOAP payload. This includes information relating to the recipient and sender, as well as details about the message itself. For example, the header of the SOAP envelope can specify how to process the message. Before an application processes a message, the application can get overall information about a message, including how to process and interpret the message (if at all). A typical SOAP message can also include the encoding style, which assists the recipient in interpreting the message. In Code Listing 3.1, the SOAP encoding in the envelope allows an application to determine whether it can read the contents (within the body elements). The application uses the value of the encoding style attribute. The SOAP namespace (xmlns:SOAP) allows the message and the SOAP message server to work together based on the same version of SOAP. Code Listing 3.1: The encoding is specified with the SOAP envelope.

. . . the body of the SOAP message contains the actual message information

Encoding SOAP allows the user to define data types simply. XML schemas can be used to specify new data types, and those new types can be represented in XML as part of a SOAP payload. By logically describing the data type in an XML schema, we can encode it into a SOAP message. Request/Response and Invocation SOAP has an invocation (or call) process, with defined formats for fault responses, errors, and returned results from the call. The SOAP call allows us to set the target of the call, the method to invoke, the encoding style, the parameters, and so on. Every SOAP RPC call involves the following basic steps: 1. Create the call. 2. Set the URI of the SOAP message. 3. Specify the method to invoke. 4. Specify the encoding. 5. Add any parameters to the call. 6. Connect to the SOAP service. 7. Receive and interpret the response. ebXML and SOAP The ebXML messaging service is a framework based on SOAP, MIME, and XML. A complete message, referred to as the message package, is a MIME multipart/related object. MIME types are used throughout to describe all of the contents of the message package. The message package contains two principal parts, the SOAP message container and payload containers. The SOAP message contains the ebXML SOAP extension elements routing information, trading partner information, message identification, and delivery semantics information. The payload is optional and can contain any type of information that is to be exchanged between parties. In ebXML messaging, the ebXML specification claims SOAP is used independently of HTTP, and SOAP may be used over alternative protocols such as the Send Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). (See Chapter 7 for further details.) Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM) was originally defined to provide a Java-centric API for B2B messaging systems, of which ebXML was the prime candidate. The focus of JAXM has also evolved to embrace SOAP. JAXM is more closely related to the other J2EE specifications than to other XML technologies. For example, JAXM uses other Java standards, such as Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI) for naming lookup. JAXM was not intended to be solely for the use of ebXML, but ebXML became the Web services framework model under JAXM. Message passing over SOAP is not necessarily a complete solution, since SOAP is missing some key features required for e-business, primarily in the areas of security and authentication. 46

Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration As mentioned earlier in the chapter, the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) Service provides a standard way for applications to find Web services using directories. The UDDI initiative was begun by Ariba, IBM, and Microsoft in September 2000 to create a standard registry for companies to make their Web services known over the Internet. The goal is to create a standard framework for service-oriented B2B interactions and to integrate business services using the concept of standard registry services. The UDDI concept is similar to a telephone book used for online applications. Overall, the UDDI focuses on providing businesses with a common mechanism to publish Web service information on the Internet using the XML- and SOAP-based WSDL. The UDDI model focuses on middleware connectivity. It uses XML to describe the systems that companies use to interact with one another. UDDI stores information about corporate integration profiles and capabilities in a shared directory. Other companies can access this UDDI directory as the XML standard interface. In internal systems using UDDI, the discovery role of UDDI is not as critical as the basic directory services. Many sites developing Web services are working on private UDDI registries that also can be used by their trusted partners. UDDI will be most valuable on the public Internet, where there are potentially thousands of Web services available and the ability to search for Web services on a global scale will become critical. Version 2 of the UDDI specification adds support for multiple languages, improved searching capabilities, and support for more complex hierarchical business organization descriptions. The services are organized to provide business functionality similar to an online phone book. The UDDI registry system contains three types of information: § Yellow Pages. These are categories of business served by each listed company. Yellow pages will categorize companies according to U.S. government and United Nations standard industry codes, and by geographical location. § White Pages. These are listings of companies, together with contact information and business identifier numbers. White pages let companies register their names and the key services they provide. They also allow other companies to search the directory by company name. § Green Pages. These are for service deployment requirements, such as information on how to do B2B interactions with each listed company, including business processes and data format information. Green pages let companies interact with other companies listed in the registry. UDDI is layered over SOAP and assumes that requests and responses are UDDI objects sent as SOAP messages. Using a UDDI interface, businesses connect to application services provided by external business partners. A UDDI registry has two kinds of clients: businesses that want to publish a service (and its usage interfaces) and clients who want to obtain services and run programs on the server side. Code Listing 3.2 is an example of using UDDI to query and retrieve information about a company (MyCompany) and its services. When placed inside the body of the SOAP envelope, this query returns information about MyCompany. Code Listing 3.2: This is used inside a SOAP envelope to retrieve information about MyCompany. 47

MyCompany As shown in Code Listing 3.3, the result of this simple query is XML formatted information about MyCompany under the element and its services under the element. This includes information about the UDDI service itself. Code Listing 3.3: The query result is a listing of elements registered for MyCompany.








§ (required). This element identifies the trading partner with a unique string. The values can be UCC/EAN assigned company codes, DUNS numbers (as shown in the following code snippet), or specific industry identifiers, such as carrier codes in air travel or company codes in publishing. 123456789 § (required). This is a reference using the XLink syntax to Internet accessible information about the trading partner. The value can be a registry or other Internet resources, such as the company Web site, as in the following code snippet:

§ (required). This element describes the business processes supported by the company, as well as its roles in the processes. The ebXML business process specification defines the trading partner roles in the business process. An example of the collaboration role syntax is:


uri:example.com/services/buyerServ ice

§ (required). This element defines digital certificates used by the trading partner for nonrepudiation or authentication. This includes an ID for each certificate and data that describes the certificate, as defined by the XML Digital Signature specification. An example of the certificate syntax is:

. . .



(required). This element defines transport and message protocols that the trading partner supports. A delivery channel has one transport tag, one document exchange tag, and one characteristics tag with security details. An example of the delivery channel syntax is:

§ (required). This element describes the details of the messaging transport protocols, such as HTTP, SMTP, and FTP. This tag has the protocols for sending and receiving, an endpoint for the trading partner address as the message recipient (such as http://foo.com/handler in the following example), and security information for each specific way of transport. The overall structure of the transport tag is shown in this code snippet:









(required). This element defines the characteristics of the messaging services used by the trading partner to exchange documents. This tag includes subelements for message encoding, reliable messaging properties, nonrepudiation to verify the sender identity by a digital signature, digital envelope for message encryption, and namespace extensions. The overall structure of the document exchange tag is as follows:






Summary XML and application middleware are the key capabilities to enabling dynamic business process integration. One missing piece of the B2B e-commerce puzzle was a standard system-level document for the IT terms and conditions. A collaboration protocol originated from an IBM innovation called the trading partner agreement and its associated markup language. Trading partner agreement (TPA) defines the rules of engagement between entities engaging in e-business. The Trading Partner Agreement Markup Language (tpaML) streamlines the process of establishing electronic trading relationships; a process with earlier technologies could take weeks or months. TPA text documents define B2B interchanges based on EDI. IBM has submitted a draft of tpaML to the ebXML initiative for standardization. A standard language for system agreements is a key element of interoperability between the B2B servers of different vendors. ebXML has adopted the term collaboration protocol agreement (CPA) to serve similar system-level functions as the paper-based TPA. The collaboration protocol profile (CPP) describes what a partner can do at the system level. These capabilities include the supported business process and communication protocols and the security requirements for the message exchanges. The exchange of information between two parties requires each party to know the supported business collaborations of the other party, the other party role in the business collaboration, and the technology details about how the other party sends and receives messages. The CPP describes the company system capabilities for e-business transactions, such as the supported transport, security, and messaging protocols. A CPA is a document enforcing a trading relationship between two parties. The rules for the tags or the semantics can be defined in the DTD or XML schema. The CPA represents the intersection of the CPPs of the trading partners involved in the data interchange and any additional information based on mutual agreement. The CPA contains the messaging service interface requirements and details about the mutually agreed upon business processes. The CPA and CPP can be stored in and retrieved from a registry. Having the CPA and CPP in a registry is not a mandatory part of the CPA and CPP creation process, but it is an expected part of ebXML software design. The CPA/CPP specification covers the general tasks and issues in creating a CPA from two CPPs. However, it does not 178

specify an actual algorithm, which leaves the implementation details to software vendors and application developers. The ebXML system functionality includes submitting and retrieving the CPA in the registry, routing messages to their destinations, sequencing rules, business document generation and parsing, security, conversation management, logging, and recovery. Two partners have agreed on a CPA to define how they will interact, but they can choose how to implement the business system. A business system supports many scenarios through the adoption of these open standards.


Chapter 10: Implementing ebXML in the Organization Overview "ebXML is a complement to EDI, not a competitor. We want to bring the benefits of EDI to companies with fewer than 1,000 people that don't have access to EDI." —Bill Smith, President of OASIS The ebXML initiative was founded with the mission statement: "To provide an open XML-based infrastructure enabling the global use of electronic business information in an interoperable, secure and consistent manner by all parties." You may be a customer who wants to use ebXML to establish a relationship with one or more suppliers. Or you are a supplier who wants to use ebXML for a competitive edge. Perhaps you are a supplier with customers who want you to adopt ebXML. This chapter summarizes the business case for ebXML and provides an overview of the process for an ebXML project. We address how to adopt a business strategy based on ebXML and how to use ebXML as a technology platform for enabling business exchanges.

Why ebXML? The ebXML value proposition is that it provides the business semantics management and the standard technical infrastructure for communication between businesses. Industry standards, both de facto and de jure, are always a compromise that requires consensus. EDI, the main data interchange standard, has been in existence for several decades, and will not disappear overnight. Why not? First, the large investment in EDI has to be recovered. EDI also offers important insights for the development of new e-commerce frameworks, as it still proves to be valuable in business and technical contexts. By viewing XML as a substitute for EDI, we are discounting the experience built up in the past decades and may have to relearn the lessons of the past. Rather than the radical position "EDI is dead, long live XML," a more moderate attitude may be to view ebXML as the new EDI from the same organization that produced EDIFACT. Although we may build from scratch on the technology side, the underlying business processes may not have changed. The experience built up in EDI should be taken into account. According to Peter Jordan, a member of the Global Commerce Initiative (GCI) Board of Directors, "By implementing ebXML as part of our infrastructure, GCI takes advantage of the excellent development work that's being accomplished to streamline many EDI processes and remove waste and redundancy from supply chains." But what lessons should be learned from EDI when designing new ebXML-based architectures? Here are a few: § Legacy EDI systems requirements should be used as input for setting design goals for ebXML-based systems. We want to retain the goals achieved in EDI and improve upon them. § Data exchanges should be predictable. We may want to do business with minimal prior negotiation with another company. We should identify any possible constraints and put them into the schema. The ebXML registry and repositories are the schemas for message formats and are stored for common access. § Unique identifications for data should be used to track the business transactions. As we discuss later in this chapter, namespaces are very helpful for this purpose. 180

§ Common,

interchangeable data elements, such as simple items like a date or an address, should be used to interoperate among different industries. This is addressed in the ebXML core components. § Both parties should acknowledge everything at any time to ensure the state of a transaction. For example, as in ebXML transport mechanisms, there is a difference between sending a receipt acknowledgment and confirming that the received document is understood. § Redesign business processes and avoid manual processing. An interesting lesson to be learned from EDI history is that significant productivity gains are not achieved by simply pulling the automation trigger. We should ask if and how we can improve the electronic versions of paper documents. Electronic should still apply to the transaction processing inside company boundaries. In many companies, incoming EDI data is printed and keyed into other systems. In this respect, ebXML is designed for both external and internal systems. § Security is much more important in an open Internet environment than in closed VAN-based systems. This issue should be addressed in the foundations. It is not something to add at the end. In the ebXML framework, many of its principles are based on EDI, such as the OpenEDI Reference Model. ebXML has special attention for small companies, which currently cannot afford to build an EDI solution. The goal in ebXML is a data interchange system that has the similar or improved features, but without the drawbacks of EDI. In addition to ebXML, new foundational technologies enable interbusiness integration in enterprise business processes. Before the Web and Internet, for software vendors to interoperate in cross-network application services was a major challenge. HTTP, SMTP, and TCP/IP standardized lower-level transport protocols for communication. The Web uses HTTP running on TCP/IP. In 1994, TCP/IP was a mature standard as the Web was introduced into the mainstream. Now HTTP is widely adapted as a universal business standard. HTML is primarily the information access and display layer. HTML tags describe the look and feel of the document, and a Web browser can figure out how to present the document. When using a presentation markup language such as HTML, much of the structure and meaning of the underlying data is lost. Enterprise applications still need a shared messaging, data encapsulation, and meta data standard that provides "80 percent of the benefit of SGML with 20 percent of the effort." As the standard for application-to-application communication, XML is platformindependent and is used for data description in message-passing protocols. XML officially became a standard in February 1998, when the W3C announced that XML 1.0 had reached draft recommendation status and was suitable for deployment in applications. Using meta data in XML, we recognized that the information in a Web site contains data, not just plain text without context. Shared Context and Semantics Management for XML XML has been viewed as a kind of semantic magic for interoperability, as the lingua franca to enable Web services. XML-based Web services communicate over standard Web protocols using XML interfaces and XML messages, which any application can interpret. This singular view may be flawed. XML provides the primitives for describing larger concepts, and it works by allowing an unlimited number of semantic concepts to be encoded using those primitives. The ability to parse content in XML does not mean universally usable semantics. Any XML parser can declare an XML document structurally valid. This does not mean the recipient will understand the contents of the XML document. XML allows businesses or developer groups to share data if they agree 181

on the data semantics. It enables data interoperability, but by itself it does not create semantic interoperability. Web services have defined a layered stack built on top of XML to provide coordination and address shared semantics. One example is WSDL, which provides a way to describe the simple aspects of a Web service such as data types, and operations supported by the service, called bindings. Web services by itself does not create a framework in which any two arbitrary applications can interact, because XML does not provide shared languages, merely shared alphabets. The Web services stack pushes this shared semantics problem into higher and higher layers without solving it. Applications operate in a problem domain with narrow semantics. The Web model can be extended into the application domain by implementing it in areas where broad agreement on what and how to communicate already exists. Web services are likely to work best in areas with predefined methods and vocabularies, where the recipient can be counted on to decode the message. A standard Web service example is stock price retrieval. It is simple and obvious, but not generally representative of real- world problems. Stock prices exist in an extremely constrained world. There is a canonical list of company-to-ticker-symbol mappings, and the types of data are well defined. The stock quote example illustrates Web service technology without solving the problem of shared context, because the coordination has been established in advance. How can you create interoperability between two parties who have never interacted with one another before without defining in advance the vocabulary they will use to communicate? The vision of Web services as a framework for automated interactions does not address the shared context and coordination issues. A proprietary solution from a single vendor lacks the cross-industry consensus and support to be really open and interoperable. This issue of shared context must be solved using a public standards-based solution. ebXML is a bridge between these islands of semantics. ebXML built a technical architecture based on providing standard semantics for data interchange. The foundation for e-business includes a shared semantic registry, such as the ebXML registry. ebXML has a shared vocabulary and terminology library that serve as a commercial semantics framework. This semantic framework is a set of shared XML vocabularies and the process for defining actual message structures and definitions. This allows applications using ebXML to interoperate among different business systems in commerce. There are several pieces to this semantic framework: a model about the business process and information models, common business processes, and a set of reusable business logic. ebXML has a discovery mechanism that allows enterprises to find each other and agree to become trading partners. They can use a shared repository for business process models and related message structures—a new set of standard vocabularies to represent all the components of shared context and to define open, vendor-neutral Web services to support the infrastructure. Without standards or conventions for representing this context, every site maintains information in a proprietary format. With shared context, the vision of transparent, dynamic interaction of widely distributed, heterogeneous Web services can be a reality. Standard Technical Infrastructure Multiple standards for the universal means to connect business applications over a network have been proposed, including Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), UNIX Remote Procedure Call (RPC), and Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI). All of them exist today with their own user bases, but each has failed to gain a broad constituency. CORBA was limited 182

to mostly UNIX systems vendors. DCOM, a Microsoft technology, was predominately Windows based. UNIX RPC, which refers to several flavors of technologies that are available on UNIX systems, was never widely deployed outside the UNIX space. Java RMI technology from Sun is a recent addition, but it may be limited on Windows platforms because of Microsoft's break with Java. These technologies typically did not gain significant market share and critical mass in market momentum, and they do not address data interchange specifically. The ebXML architecture provides a way to define business processes based on standard patterns and interoperable Web services for the entire e-business relationship. The architecture includes standardized data infrastructure, semantic framework, and shared discovery. This infrastructure uses a standard message transport mechanism with defined interface, packaging rules, and reliable delivery and security. The infrastructure acts as a business service interface that handles incoming and outgoing messages. The architecture develops business messages based on core components to register and discover business process sequences with related message exchanges, to define company profiles, to define trading partner agreements, and to exchange messages using a uniform message transport layer. The architecture supports discovery of a new trading partner and facilitates a working relationship with the technical capabilities of that trading partner, including the business process description, business messages, communications services, and trading-partner-specific extensions to standard process and message standards. The architecture supports identification and downloading of available software components that comply with the business process and messages. It also supports a legal agreement that describes the collaboration between the two parties. The ebXML architecture is overlaid on top of the foundation of commonly used Internet protocols and languages, such as HTTP, HTML, XML, SMTP, TCP/IP, and so on. The architecture can protect investments and avoid proprietary lock-in via a standards-based architecture and hardware, operating system, and programming language neutrality.

Moving from Theory to Practice It is no secret that "business" people and "systems" people have been in conflict for decades. Reasons for this include differences in knowledge, culture, professional interests and goals, and the alienation that simple physical separation between groups can produce. As an open XML-based framework, ebXML can fundamentally change the nature of the relationship between business and systems people. The ebXML solution enables businesses to improve collaboration with customers, partners, and suppliers by reducing integration time and expense, compared to existing EAI and B2B solutions. It can result in reduced inventory and transaction costs and improved supply chain efficiency. It can increase revenue via expanded distribution channels and short time-to-market for new value-added services, by enabling public discovery of existing assets. It can enhance customer service levels by allowing customers and trading partner access to core systems. In addition, the ebXML solution can generate new revenue opportunities through creation of private trading networks. Managing Workflow ebXML can be used within the enterprise as well as between companies, as illustrated in the example in this section. Companies can use the critical-information-path approach to model business processes. A workflow-centric approach in ebXML can use different vocabularies identified by XML namespaces. Middleware tools are used to convert or filter information from one format to another. 183

The key is to express syntax in ways that are easy and intuitive for people in that work context. This means breaking down business processes into workflow models using XML and ebXML semantics. Each business process can use its own business vocabulary to describe its transactions. Role-based vocabulary allows people to create descriptions of the information they work with that fit their perception of the information. Shipping clerks have a different perspective on information than accountants, while executives have their own perspective. According to his role, a person views detailed information based on a consistent description of his part of the transaction. For example, a shipping clerk does not need to see credit card information to ship orders, and an executive does not need to read through thousands of orders for different parts to understand the sales figures for a given day. Namespaces identify these vocabularies, or users can keep track of the origins of messages to interpret for their vocabularies. For example, a customer placing an order for goods can send an initial request using an ebXML message with this payload:


John Doe 123 Easy Street Gotham City New York 00000-0000 [email protected]

If an automated processor receiving this order has missing or invalid information for the order, such as billing information, it can send an email to the customer to request the information. By storing information about previous transactions, a processor can build maps for converting various external formats to its internal formats. The warehouse receives from the processor an ebXML message with this payload:

Joe Doe 123 Easy Street Gotham City New York 00000-0000


The warehouse would retrieve, package, and ship the item. The purchasing department for the company would be informed of the change in inventory with an ebXML message with this payload to update the inventory database:

The warehouse would send a message to accounting to update the accounting system, using an ebXML message with this payload:

The accounting system would use the order information to bill the customer's account, using an ebXML message with this payload:

Joe Doe 123 Easy Street Gotham City New York 00000-0000


After accounts receivable billed the customer, it can send an ebXML message to the accounting and sales systems to update the financial and sales reports. This can grow into a significant web of information flow, using different ways to describe information. Each business process can use its own business vocabulary to describe its transactions. Middleware can be used to connect different systems, while hiding the complexity of interactions behind a simplified interface. For example, a sales database application asks a sales force automation application to retrieve that table from a marketing database. Using XML, the sales force automation application contacts the customer relationship management application to request the table. The customer relationship management application that receives the request changes into a form appropriate to the marketing database, retrieves the table, and sends the data as XML to the sales force automation application making the request. The application interprets the XML and passes it to the requesting database. Using this approach, the database developers on both sides need only communicate with the middleware. The middleware will convert the request and responses from XML, without having to communicate in 185

proprietary database protocols. The same approach can be used with a variety of different applications, between client and server, as well as peer-to-peer. Service Provider Model ebXML can be used between enterprises as a service provider model on top of Web services, as illustrated in the example in this section. A service provider model involves a Web service that can understand context and can share that context with other services. It produces dynamic results based on who, what, when, where, and why it was called. It can quickly respond to changing market conditions and customer preferences by using loosely coupled modular services. This is a part of the next generation of networks, a "semantic Web" (the name comes from Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web) where machines talk intelligently with other machines to solve problems. Several technologies have come along, including Web services and the Resource Description Framework (RDF), an XML-based way to integrate information from different sources. Common understanding is an important building block. For machines to work with each other, they need a common set of words (vocabularies) and rules. Machines will need to grasp relationships the way humans do. The Web has already given us the potential for universal access to information. Web information is simply displayed on screens, using HTML that tells a computer how to show what a server computer is sending out to another machine. What we need to do is devise ways to help machines understand what they're displaying. They can work with each other to process that information for the benefit of the people using the computers. We are not inventing relational models for data, or query systems, or rule-based systems. We are just allowing them to work together in a decentralized system, without a human having to custom-craft every connection. Who will own the vocabularies? Who will build and maintain them? There is potential for lock-in and monopolization if certain sets of words become popular but proprietary. Industry consortia can create the vocabularies embodied as core components or other semantic constructs. The vocabularies will have to be linked to each other, or put together in ways that machines can subsequently understand so that the machines can answer questions across disciplines and industries. When we try to connect the various data-handling applications in a company, there is a certain overlap between two systems that creates manual work involving a lot of rekeying and associated errors. This can mean custom programming by a lot of consultants. If all the applications use XML, we only have to handle XML data, not the full range of internal formats in which data used to be stored and transferred. This means that some of the application glue can be constructed using XML tools such as XSLT, the transformation language. To take a query on an XML document, add in some constraints from another document—we can't just merge two queries. Instead, we need to move up a thin layer of interoperability. The relational language for data on the Net is called RDF. XML is made up of elements and attributes that tell you only about how things are written into the file. RDF data is made up of statements where each statement expresses the value of one property. The information from each application is output in RDF. Any query can run over any selection of this data. Filters can be written very simply, as well as converters to extract and calculate the data you need. This is input to the applications that need it. For example, suppose in an order fulfillment process a customer has ordered different items. At the time of the order, we promised the customer that the goods would be shipped within 2 days. The Web service places the order with your contract suppliers. Procurement determines that there is a supply constraint on one of the items that will 186

prevent you from shipping the entire order. A Web service can determine a course of action by considering the customer profile and past history. It would consider the impact to the bottom line of expediting the missing components or changing factory work orders. The service may consider other parameters, such as cost of inventory, cost of space, estimated shipping charges, and expected delivery times. The service might send an inquiry to the customer using an ebXML message, voice response message, fax, or some other delivery as defined in the customer profile.

ebXML Project Life Cycle The ebXML project life cycle covers three major stages: planning, pilot, and implementation. Each can been separated into several major activities, as described in the following sections: § Planning. In this stage, we plan the ebXML program and prepare the organization to adopt it. § Pilot. This is an initial step to get the ebXML program into operation with a pilot program for a small group of key trading partners. § Implementation. In this stage, we establish a complete continuing ebXML program. Planning The main purpose of the planning stage is to understand the investment in people, hardware, software, and processes to maximize cost savings and other benefits. Business and technical issues in the planning stage include training of both management and employees, adapting to the cultural change from a traditional paperbased operation to an electronic process, upgrading and revising business systems to integrate ebXML, and working in partnership with other trading partners. The network potentially may involve hundreds of other businesses, all at differing stages of ebXML development and knowledge. The functional business manager should take the lead role in defining the business specifications for the new systems. The IT manager evaluates the work required and assigns the design and development tasks to a team of IT analysts and developers. A project champion, such as a project manager (a so-called ebXML "guru"), should be responsible for working with stakeholders to identify the project goals and respond to users' needs. The right person will have the skills and attitude to address the full range of business and technical issues. This requires a unique combination of knowledge, experience, and leadership ability. The project manager should be empowered to operate across functional areas, to participate in industry action groups, and to set strategies and deadlines for the project. The project should have executive sponsorship at the highest levels. This ensures that functional managers fully participate in the ebXML project. In addition to the overall project manager, a steering committee should be formed to represent operational groups that will be affected by the project. These representatives must have direct input into the planning process. At an early stage, it is vital to set goals for the ebXML project, such as reducing internal costs, reducing lead time between order and receipt of goods and parts, and reducing errors in orders and shipments. These benefits are achieved over the long run as business processes are modified. There are indirect benefits to be gained in the process of integrating more closely with trading partners. The definition of objectives should also include definition of project scope. This is a useful approach given that most businesses will constantly be changing and upgrading 187

the businesses with ebXML and related technologies. Another important set of early planning decisions is deciding on the selection of information systems and technologies. The ebXML system should be compatible with the existing and planned business systems. Find out what EDI, Internet, and ebXML standards are used in the industry, particularly by potential trading partners. Joining an industry group involved in ebXML can help you learn about common standards in your industry. By taking an active role in the standards-setting process, you can also ensure that your needs are met. Another early step is to train the trainers—that is, train project leaders on the system fundamentals including self-instruction, literature, and practice on the actual system screens. In addition, a group of IT analysts should be tasked with assessment and recommendation of solutions to the implementation team. This begins with the assessment of the company's capabilities in communications, operations, and processes. Internally, data from trading partners has to be sent to various locations through an internal network. Externally, communications need support linkage with a synchronous or asynchronous protocol and sufficient bandwidth for the anticipated data traffic. The IT analysts should prepare a time and cost estimate for the additional capacity and plan to incorporate them prior to initial pilot testing. The assessment should include the impact that ebXML will have on the operational processes. Using the projected volumes and number of trading partner transactions, the operational capacity required should be estimated in sample scenarios based on such factors as computer storage and processing capacity, bandwidth connection with external trading partners, staffing levels, and operational time. Many companies find that the additional workload and responsibilities of handling and controlling multiple data transmissions from and to multiple trading partners in an ebXML environment decrease operational efficiency. A third-party service can serve as a communications intermediary. The IT analysts prepare a list of pros and cons of working with trading partners directly or through a third party. If the recommendation is for the use of a third party, the recommendation list should include business and technical requirements and issues. This can be included in the request for a proposal to be sent to potential third-party service providers. Responses to the requirements and issues will help the implementation team evaluate candidates. The costs of an ebXML project include labor as well as hardware and software. Also included are travel expenses to attend industry meetings, as well as costs associated with site visits to trading partners and training tools such as seminars and subscriptions. One of the first steps in the planning phase is collecting information from users. This information is used to develop standard formats to meet the needs of all users within the affected organizations. Collecting input from a l rge numbers of users in multiple organizations can be difficult, often more politically than technically so. Not all users may care about the project, and they may not freely cooperate. It may take a team of people to make the necessary contacts, and team members themselves may have different perspectives on the project. Surveys may not be enough to collect the materials needed for interchange requirements. Interchange in one area may depend on another area. Surveying isolated user groups may not capture the dependencies. People may also be inadvertently excluded from the survey, but in fact have requirements for using the structures. A good place to begin is with existing interchange standards, such as the ebXML specifications. Standards can provide the stable bedrock for the technical constraints of the project. 188

The interchange standards are designed for information between legacy systems and applications and modeling the input and output of these systems. The focus here should be on the flow of information rather than the demands of particular users. Using platform-specific vocabularies on a project that involves multiple platforms may not work. Focus instead on the collective, rather than specifics. Describe the data—not the way it is represented in a particular document presentation, database table, or application structure. An important first step is to have project participants agree on names for things. Then the participants can plan out the structure using those names, along with more precise descriptions of the contents. Finding a common vocabulary keeps a project from getting stuck in the particular visions of its varying participants and encourages participants to compromise with each other. By creating different views of the same information for each audience, we can use XML to resolve any remaining conflicts. For instance, this meta data could be made available as explanations of data fields to end users, which would de facto turn the schema into a data dictionary. Though end users are not supposed to understand the schema language itself, the language syntax should be application-readable. STANDARDS VERSUS FLEXIBILITY XML provides a foundation grammar for the structure as well as labels for information. The basic structure in XML is a system for helping applications comprehend the meaning of a document as a standard across organizations and processes. Standardization has been a critical aspect of getting information into and out of computers. It is used to convert the blizzard of information in the real world to an understandable stream of information stored on computer systems. Information modeling involves converting information from the intuitive format that people use to a logical format that computers can manage and process. Critical tools for reducing information into computer formats include creating unique identifiers, assigning structures, and reducing ambiguity. Computers with limited memory and processing power are limited in their capacity to understand natural languages. XML can provide a key set of tools so that users can move closer to role-based vocabularies without the requirements of natural language processing. XML provides a solid set of structures that computers can recognize. Labels and structures provide recognized information that computers can use to convert input into internal structures for additional processing. The easiest applications to write are those built to handle a single set of labels and structures. However, this is not useful when working with a different set of structures. DTDs provide a limited range of flexibility, with features like optional and repeatable content models. Building more flexible systems means planning workflow from input to internal structures to output that adapts to different requirements and business scenarios. In some cases, the application itself may be able to create new and different workflow, sometimes with human help. In a B2B context, schemas communicate the structure of our documents to business partners. This puts even bigger pressure on their readability, both to humans and computers. The ideal of a truly self-explanatory information model should be attained as closely as possible.


Pilot Ideally, the pilot program should be set up with a half dozen trading partners and should be scheduled with a specified duration of three to six months. Solicit the support of the trading partners identified as key participants in the program. A key person should be the pilot lead, who is responsible for administration of the pilot plan and for tracking progress. As tasks are completed successfully, the pilot lead updates the project status and records any issues as comments attached to the task. The pilot plan structure contains all of the steps or tasks needed to set up, test, and evaluate the hardware, communications, software, and process with each trading partner involved. Milestones are defined as a group of associated pilot tasks with a specified partner. For example, a milestone can be to "interpret and process invoice transaction from trading partner into the receiving invoice processing application" or to "test in parallel processing transaction with trading partner in both manual process and automated processes." At the end of the scheduled duration period, the pilot can be evaluated to determine its success or failure. If successful, the milestones achieved so far should be converted into a phased production implementation. Additional steps and phases should be added as necessary. Predefined success criteria and schedules for the pilot program help maintain project momentum. Conformance testing uses a large set of documents for extensive processing to determine whether the system is going to work. The size of the set of test documents depends on the size and complexity of the document structures. The set should always include both documents that should work and those that should not. Testing failures and their impact on receiving applications is critical. Not everyone will send documents that conform precisely to the standard. Testing the tools that generate XML in the specified format is also important. To test the XML generation application, we have to build validating applications that check generated documents against the constraints in the specification, including the DTD. The testing process generates different types of results. This may require changes in the XML generators or receivers. This may also suggest that the specification needs to be changed, perhaps clarified to remove ambiguities or loosened to support more possibilities. With real-world implementations, it will be easier to refine the document structures. Implementation A major part of the implementation program will be to encourage trading partners to do business electronically via ebXML. Working with trading partners to develop new business practices helps ensure support for ebXML. Some techniques for implementing ebXML programs are as follows: § A marketing program to promote ebXML adoption for trading partners. For example, a company prepared a presentation that explained how ebXML would work, what the hardware and software requirements would be, and what benefits the partners would expect to realize from using trading with ebXML infrastructure. § Using the current systems in place, work with trading partners to leverage current investment and build cost-effective systems for messaging and translation. § To schedule its implementation rollout, one company encouraged trading partners to commit to implementation deadlines. § Another company selected trading partners to attend a marketing seminar on ebXML. The executive responsibility for purchasing worked with 190

§ § §

purchasing account representatives to educate and inform the sales staff in trading partners' organization. The CEO was a visible advocate of ebXML, both within the company and outside to trading partners. A company offered incentives to trading partners for signing up, such as a favorable partner status. Another company made follow-ups by phone, mail, and meetings. Potential trading partners often face inertia and require extensive follow-up to help them understand benefits clearly.

Once the system is in place and working, the goal is to extend it to more trading partners. Many suppliers are looking for opportunities to improve business relationships with their customers and may already have e-commerce systems in place. The key is working with your trading partners. Industry conferences are an excellent forum for communicating with potential trading partners If you adopt ebXML simply as a technology to be handled by technical specialists, you've lost of sight of the most important principle behind ebXML: that it is not just a technology, but a new way of doing business. Even if you adopt ebXML, you will lose ground to competitors who see the technology as a way to improve their entire operations and build strong new relationships with their business partners. A way to frame the business strategy is to show how ebXML provides a competitive edge. ebXML is not just a technology to improve efficiency and productivity; it can be used to form a central part of your business strategy for B2B transactions, including time-to-market, relationship building, and fostering standard practices. § ebXML is a way to do business in an environment that places a premium on speed. § ebXML is a way to develop relationships with customers and suppliers that turns all of you into parts of an organic whole, pursuing common goals, rather than individual businesses each pursuing its own objectives. § ebXML can become the way to renew standard business practices to take full advantage of current technology. When a product vendor implements its ebXML system, it usually is not just a response to the technology, but to market needs for better service to its customers and lower cost of transactions. For example, a record company implements an ebXML system to ensure every outlet has the right number of Britney Spears' new album when it is released, in order to better track the sales and inventory of CDs in retailers such as Wal-Mart. The product mix at each store can be varied to match customer preferences and to minimize costs of holding inventory or returned goods. When a participating store sells a pair of Britney Spears CDs, a barcode is scanned at the register. The customer, the price, quantity, the title selection, and sales volume are recorded in the store's system, and the information is sent by an ebXML messaging system to the record label, which can ship additional supplies to match customer preferences. The advantage to the retailer is that there is always a good selection on the shelves. The tracking of customer preference and adjusting selection of popular titles in the store can increase sales dramatically, and the retailer can operate with smaller inventories and lower overhead. The record label has placed itself in a position of active partnership with its retail outlets. The system provides a means to improve sales and customer service. A major challenge to a trading program in ebXML is ensuring the cooperation of trading partners. The partners may have issues with the technology, the costs, or the business reorganization needed. Some examples of incentives for joining the trading community 191

are improving operations, reducing inventory costs, and improving efficiency by automating labor-intensive tasks. A large corporation with numerous small trading partners can subsidize the investment required, or partner with an application service provider that can convert the initial cost into an incrementally small subscription fee. This is a proactive approach that can help expand the trading community. Using incentives and subsidies to encourage trading helps a large company to improve its efficiency, and in the long term, justify the investment via cost savings and revenue increases.

Summary The EDI development process and standardization took many years, and it is unlikely that standards for a more complicated and complete set of transactions would emerge overnight. Revolutions tend to evolve, with long-term commitment winning out over short-term fervor. For something as big as the Internet, it would take many years for all the implications to work themselves through the economy. The time-consuming route to integrating e-commerce with the core business is a valuable business proposition. Slower integration allows businesses to see what customers are doing across all channels. ebXML can bring many benefits, but the payoff may be long term. Expectations have to be in line with reality. And ebXML is not just a technical matter involving only the IT organization The value proposition of ebXML is that it provides the consistent business semantics and the standard technical infrastructure for exchanges between businesses. Bringing the right people together in the implementation process can be the difference between success and failure. The functional areas, application software, communications, legal, and trading partner representatives must all be involved in the implementation process to develop a complete business and technical specifications. A pilot plan takes the project from the implementation phase to production. Online trading with a half dozen partners is a milestone, but building a trading community with most of the potential trading partners is the final goal in realizing the full potential of ebXML.


Appendix A: Additional Resources ebXML Resources The official ebXML Web site www.ebxml.org OASIS www.oasis-open.org/ Web Services Architect—Articles—An Introduction to ebXML www.webservicesarchitect.com/content/articles/irani02.asp developerWorks—XML—Understanding ebXML www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-ebxml/index.html ebXML—A Critical Analysis www.metronet.com/~rawlins/ebXML0.html

XML-based EDI Resources ANSI ASC X12 www.x12.org/ DISA www.disa.org/ European Committee for Standardization's Information Society Standardization System (CEN/ISSS) European XML/EDI Pilot Project www.cenorm.be/isss/workshop/ec/xmledi/isss-xml.html EEMA EDI/EC Work Group EDIFACT-based XML/EDI effort www.edi-tie.com/edifact/xml-edi.htm Common Business Library (CBL)—developed by Veo Systems (acquired by Commerce One) www.veosystems.com/ www.cbl.org/ Commerce XML (cXML)—jointly developed by Sterling Commerce and Ariba Systems www.cxml.org/ BizTalk—Microsoft's B2B framework www.biztalk.org Open Applications Group—A consortium developing XML standards for integrating MRP and intra-enterprise applications www.openapplications.org/index.htm RosettaNet www.rosettanet.org/ W3C XML Group www.w3.org/XML XML/EDI Group www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/5815 CommerceNet's XML/EDI Task Force www.commerce.net/services/portfolios/edi/xml-edi/index.html OO-EDI and XML (TMWG discussion paper) ftp://www.eccnet.com/pub/xmledi/Uml-xml.htm TMWG report to UN/ECE/CEFACT on XML and EDI www.unece.org/trade/untdid/download/99cpl6.pdf Microsoft Web Workshop on XML http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/xml/default.asp


e-Commerce Resources Open Business on the Internet www.openbuy.org Open Trading Protocol (OTP) www.otp.org

Web Services Resources Brief History of SOAP http://xml.com/pub/a/2001/04/04/soap.html Sun's white paper on Web services http://java.sun.com/xml/webservices.pdf


References Books, Articles, and White Papers Barton, J., S. Thatte, and H. Nielsen. "SOAP Messages with Attachments." October 9, 2000. www.w3.org/TR/SOAP-attachments Box, D., D. Ehnebuske, G. Kakivaya, A. Layman, H. Nielsen, S. Thatte, N. Mendelsohn, and D. Winer. "Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) v1.1." W3C Note. May 8, 2000. www.w3.org/TR/SOAP "Business Process Analysis Worksheet and Guidelines." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/bpWS.pdf "Business Process and Business Information Analysis Overview." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/bpOVER.pdf "Catalogue of Conte xt Drivers." Version 1.04. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ccDRIV.pdf "Collaboration-Protocol Profile and Agreement Specification." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Specification. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebCCP.pdf "Context and Reusability of Core Components." Version 1.04. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001.www.ebxml.org/specs/ebCNTXT.pdf "Core Component and Business Process Document Overview." Version 1.05. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ccOVER.pdf "Core Components Specification Documentation." Version 1.8. February 2002. www.ebtwg.org/projects/documentation/core/CoreComponentsTSl.80.pdf "Core Component Structure." Version 1.04. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ccSTRUCT.pdf "Core Components Dictionary." Version 1.04. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ccDICT.pdf "Core Components Discovery and Analysis." Version 1.04., ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebCCDA.pdf "Database Language SQL—Part 4: Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM)." ISO/IEC 90754:1996. "DCE 128-Bit Universal Unique Identifier." www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009629399/apdxa.htm#tagcjh_20; www.opengroup.org/publications/catalog/c706.htm; www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml "Document Assembly & Context Rules." Version 1.04. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebCCDOC.pdf


"ebXML Business Process Specification Schema." Version 1.01. ebXML Technical Specification. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebBPSS.pdf "ebXML Catalog of Common Business Processes." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/bpPROC.pdf "ebXML Glossary." Version 0.99. ebXML Technical Reference. May 2001. ww.ebxml.org/specs/ebGLOSS.pdf "ebXML Messaging Service Specification." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Specification. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebMS.pdf "ebXML Registry Information Model." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Specification. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebRIM.pdf "ebXML Registry Services Specification." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Specification. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebRS.pdf "ebXML Requirements." Version 1.06. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. ww.ebxml.org/specs/ebREQ.pdf "ebXML Technical Architecture Risk Assessment." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/secRISK.pdf "ebXML Technical Architecture Specification." Version 1.04. ebXML Technical Specification. February 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebTA.pdf "E-Commerce and Simple Negotiation Patterns." Version 1.0. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/bpPATT.pdf Frier, A., P. Karlton, and P. Kocher. "The SSL 3.0 Protocol." Netscape Communications Corp. November 18, 1996. "Guide to the Core Components Dictionary." Version 1.04. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ccCTLG.pdf Hoffman, P. "SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over TLS." January 1999. "ISO 11179 Information Model." a6064c68525690e0065f913?OpenDocument "Joint W3C/IETF XML-Signature Syntax and Processing Specification." www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-xmldsig-core-20001031/1871 Leyland, Valerie. Electronic Data Interchange: A Management View. 1994. Prentice Hall. McDougall, Paul. "Decoding Web Services." Information Week. October 1, 2001. "Naming Convention for Core Components." Version 1.04. ebXML Technical Report. May 2001. www.ebxml.org/specs/ebCCNAM.pdf


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2045. "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies." N. Freed and N. Borenstein. November 1996. 2046. "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types." N. Freed and N. Borenstein. November 1996. 2068. "Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP/1.1." R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, and T. Berners-Lee. January 1997. www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2068/rfc2068 2246. "The TLS Protocol." Version 1.0. Dierks, T. and C. Allen. January 1999. 2277. "IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages." Edited by H. Alvestrand. 1998. www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc2277.html 2278. "IANA Charset Registration Procedures." Edited by N. Freed and J. Postel. 1998. www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc2278.html 2279. "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646." F. Yergeau. January 1998. www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2279.txt 2311. "S/MIME Version 2 Message Specification." S. Dusse, P. Hoffman, B. Ramsdell, L. Lundblade, L. Repka. March 1998. 2312. "S/MIME Version 2 Certificate Handling." S. Dusse, P. Hoffman, B. Ramsdell, and J. Weinstein. March 1998. 2616. "Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP/1.1." R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, and T. Berners-Lee. June 1999. 2387. "The MIME Multipart/Related Content-Type." E. Levinson. August 1998. 2392. "Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators." E. Levinson. August 1998. 2396. "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax." T. Berners-Lee. August 1998. 2402. "IP Authentication Header." S. Kent and R. Atkinson. November 1998. 2554. "SMTP Service Extension for Authentication." J. Myers. March 1999. 2617. "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication." J. Franks, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, S. Lawrence, A. Leach, E. Luotonen, and L. Stewart. June 1999. www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html 2633. "S/MIME Version 3 Message Specification." Edited by B. Ramsdell. June 1999. 2817. "Upgrading to TLS within HTTP/1.1." R. Khare and S. Lawrence. May 2000. www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2817.html 2818. "HTTP Over TLS." E. Rescorla. May 2000. 3023. "XML Media Types." Edited by M. Murata, S. St. Laurent, and D. Kohn. January 2001. ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc3023.txt 198

List of Figures Chapter 1: An Overview of E-Commerce and ebXML Figure 1.1: B2B interaction between buyer and seller. Figure 1.2: How services are provided to users by middleware systems. Chapter 2: Building Blocks of ebXML: EDI and XML Figure 2.1: Common data standards for exchange in the supply chain. Figure 2.2: Relationship between SGML, XML, and HTML Figure 2.3: The XML paradigm inc ludes a number of related standards. Figure 2.4: XML document tree. Chapter 3: Web Services and ebXML Figure 3.1: Web services model. Figure 3.2: The SOAP message process. Chapter 4: ebXML Technical Architecture Figure 4.1: ebXML is a unifying architecture for different B2B areas. Adapted from "ebXML Business Process Specification Schema." Figure 4.2: Business Operational View. Figure 4.3: Functional Service View. Figure 4.4: The ebXML architecture is made up of frameworks. Adapted from "ebXML Business Process Specification Schema." Chapter 5: The ebXML Business Process Model Figure 5.1: Business scenarios (use cases) are mapped to collaborations between trading partners, which are groupings of business transactions. Figure 5.2: The relationship between business process, collaboration profile, and core components in ebXML. Figure 5.3: The document flow and business signals between two parties and their sequence within a transaction. Figure 5.4: The choreography includes concepts such as start state, completion state, activities, synchronizations, transitions between activities, and guards on the transitions. Figure 5.5: The states for creating a purchase order. Chapter 6: Using Core Components Figure 6.1: Relating core components, context, and aggregated components. Figure 6.2: Flowchart showing how to use core components. Chapter 7: ebXML Message Services Figure 7.1: Example of Basic SOAP message structure. Adapted from SOAP v1.1 Specification (www.w3.org/TR/SOAP) Figure 7.2: A sample SOAP architecture. Figure 7.3: Relationship between ebXML message service handler components. Figure 7.4: The General structure and composition of an ebXML message. Chapter 8: Using the ebXML Registry Services Figure 8.1: Meta data is stored in a registry for shared semantic discovery. Figure 8.2: The registry as a software stack of services. Figure 8.3: The registry as a software service pyramid. Figure 8.4: A company can submit objects and query objects in a registry. Figure 8.5: A sample classification for places. Figure 8.6: Life cycle of a repository item. Chapter 9: Trading Partner Profiles and Agreements Figure 9.1: Overview of the collaboration protocol and CPP/CPA within the ebXML architecture.


List of Tables Chapter 6: Using Core Components Table 6.1: Core Components for a Sample Purchase Order Table 6.2: Context Applied to a Sample Purchase Order Table 6.3: Geopolitical Context Applied to a Sample Purchase Order Chapter 8: Using the ebXML Registry Services Table 8.1: Registry Interface and Methods


List of Listings Chapter 2: Building Blocks of ebXML: EDI and XML Code Listing 2.1: The structure of a sample XML document for a book. Code Listing 2.2: A sample book DTD. Chapter 3: Web Services and ebXML Code Listing 3.1: The encoding is specified with the SOAP envelope. Code Listing 3.2: This is used inside a SOAP envelope to retrieve information about MyCompany. Code Listing 3.3: The query result is a listing of and elements registered for MyCompany. Chapter 5: The ebXML Business Process Model Code Listing 5.1: This new order is initiated by the buyer and responded to by the seller. Code Listing 5.2: The fulfillment transactions are initiated by the buyer and responded to by the seller. Code Listing 5.3: This collaboration happens with customer, retailer, and drop ship vendor playing buyer and seller roles at different points in the transactions. Source: "ebXML Business Process Specification Schema." May 2001 Code Listing 5.4: Business transaction with requesting and responding business activity and attached purchase order documents for purchase order and acknowledgment. Code Listing 5.5: Delivery notification transaction with a requesting and responding business document flow. Code Listing 5.6: A transaction with a request that requires both receipt and acceptance acknowledgment, and the response that requires receipt acknowledgment. Code Listing 5.7: A business transaction for a purchase order, with attached documents. Coding Listing 5.8: Fulfillment collaboration shows use of transitions between states. Chapter 6: Using Core Components Code Listing 6.1: Context rules for a purchase order. Code Listing 6.2: Document assembly for a purchase order. Chapter 9: Trading Partner Profiles and Agreements Code Listing 9.1: Overall structure of the ebXML collaboration protocol agreement. Code Listing 9.2: Overall structure of the collaboration protocol profile.