Dr Jaime Dy-Liacco : Cure diabetes in 5 minutes ? Raw eggs + Cayenne Pepper + Salt

Dr Jaime Dy-Liacco : Cure diabetes in 5 minutes ? Raw eggs + Cayenne Pepper + Salt Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco, Doctor of Metab

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Manila Bulletin · 6 Jan 2018
Red siling labuyo (cayenne pepper) has a wide range of health bene�ts. It is used as a herbal supplement aside from being a popular spice known for its powerful and �ery taste. Capsaicin is the ingredient in cayenne pep- per which has pain-relieving properties.
There is a book titled “The Power of Natural Healing” published in 2017 by Jaime (Jimmy to his friends) E. Dy-Liacco, the Bicolano practitioner of natural healing. Jimmy devoted a chapter of his book to explain how red siling labuyo and raw eggs can keep one healthy.
Earlier in March, 2015, I wrote a 3-part article about Jimmy Dy-Liacco and his entry into the world of natural healing. I remember asking Jimmy in 2015 whether the medical practitioners consider him a threat and com- petitor. Jimmy’s spontaneous reply was: “I don’t think so. I do not do medical procedures like chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery. I just advocate a change in the diet of the sick person. It’s food I promote, not drug.”
Let me quote Jimmy’s report in his book on the health bene�ts of red siling labuyo and raw eggs. (The whole Chapter is reproduced herein with the permission of Jimmy) The report is as follows: “Red siling labuyo & raw fertilized eggs will normalize blood circulation, blood pressure, blood sugar, albumin/ globulin ratio, en- ergize every single cell of the body, and keep cholesterol normal all the time if taken daily for life with the 15 glasses of water, 3 teaspoons salt, and 6 ripe uncooked saba bananas.
“Cut up very �ne 6 big (2”) or 12 small (1”) silis and mix them in a cup with 2 raw eggs and 1⁄2 teaspoon of sea salt. Swallow quickly. The raw eggs and salt will minimize the burning sensation of the silis.
“The silis strengthen the pumping action of the heart and shoots blood to all the cells, delivering the nutri- tion, oxygen, and fresh water daily to all the cells. The silis actually do the work of the heart and allows the heart if defective to rest and heal.
“How red siling labuyo & raw eggs can keep you healthy
“To normalize blood circulation, blood pressure, blood sugar, energize the whole body, and keep cholesterol normal all the time, take the sili/egg/salt mixture 3x a day.
“To reverse stroke paralysis, take the mixture every 2 hours 6 x a day until the paralysis is gone and body motions are fully restored.
“To pull a person out of coma, give the mixture every 2 hours round the clock until the person is fully recov- ered. To able to give the mixture, an NGT or a stomach peg will be needed, and the liquid form of the silis (Cayenne Concentrate from the US) will be needed.
“To stop a heart attack or a stroke in process, crush 12 big or 24 small silis in a cup of warm water and drink it right away. It will stop the attack or the stroke. Eat 2 saba bananas right before or right after to avoid getting a stomach ache.
“The raw eggs energize every single cell of the body, especially the heart, because they are very rich in the fu- els ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and CoQ10 which the mitochondria (inner core of each cell) burns to ener- gize the cells. They are also very rich in PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone), a co-enzyme that generates new mitochondria to replace the mitochondria that dried up and died o� from chronic dehydration.
“The raw eggs will �ll you up with super nutrition, because they are the most complete food, with all the vi- tamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, fats, carbohydrates that the body needs. God made them that way be- cause a living being will grow in the egg and will need all the nutrition that it can get.
“The raw eggs will keep your cholesterol normal all the time. If cholesterol is high, just 2 raw eggs at break- fast will bring it down to normal in 10 minutes. Cooked eggs will raise cholesterol, because the cooking wipes out the Vitamin B3 which if de�cient causes cholesterol to rise.
“The raw eggs will keep the albumin/ globulin ratio at the healthy ratio of 2/1, because they are very rich in natural albumin. If the ratio drops and reverses 1⁄2 to 1, the body dies in 2 hours. You’re A/G ratio has dropped to x.x/1. Six raw eggs daily will take it up back up to the healthy ratio in 2 days.
“Don’t let people scare you from taking raw eggs by telling you raw eggs have salmonella, and you have to cook them to kill the salmonella. Tell them the Japanese have been eating raw eggs every day for centuries,

and there is no salmonella problem in Japan. The salmonella problem is in America, and Americans eat cooked eggs, not raw eggs.”
By the way, Jimmy is the only doctor of metabolic medicine in the Philippines. He got his degree in 2001 when he was seventy (70) years old from the College of Metabolic Medicine in Kansas where he was personally trained by Dr. William Donald Kelly, the founder of the College. He is also board certi�ed as a naturopath practitioner by the Philippine Institute of Traditional & Alternative Health Care of the Department of Health. He likes to introduce himself as a “quack doctor” because he does not use any pharmaceutical drugs.
Have a joyful day! (For comments/ reactions please send to Ms. Villafuerte’s email: villafuerte_nelly@ ya- hoo.com)
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Dr Jaime Dy-Liacco : Cure diabetes in 5 minutes ?  Raw eggs + Cayenne Pepper + Salt

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Cu­ra­tive? Manila Bulletin · 6 Jan 2018

Red sil­ing labuyo (cayenne pep­per) has a wide range of health ben­e­fits. It is used as a herbal sup­ple­ment aside from be­ing a pop­ul­ ar spice known for its pow­er­ful and fiery taste. Cap­saicin is the in­gre­di­ent in cayenne pep­per which has pain-re­liev­ing prop­er­ties. There is a book ti­tled “The Power of Nat­u­ral Heal­ing” pub­lished in 2017 by Jaime (Jimmy to his friends) E. Dy-Li­acco, the Bi­colano prac­ti­tioner of nat­u­ral heal­ing. Jimmy de­voted a chap­ter of his book to ex­plain how red sil­ing labuyo and raw eggs can keep one healthy. Ear­lier in March, 2015, I wrote a 3-part ar­ti­cle about Jimmy Dy-Li­acco and his en­try into the world of nat­u­ral heal­ing. I re­mem­ber ask­ing Jimmy in 2015 whether the med­i­cal prac­ti­tion­ers con­sider him a threat and com­peti­tor. Jimmy’s spon­ta­neous re­ply was: “I don’t think so. I do not do med­i­cal pro­ce­dures like chemo­ther­apy, ra­di­a­tion, and/or surgery. I just ad­vo­cate a change in the diet of the sick per­son. It’s food I pro­mote, not drug.” Let me quote Jimmy’s re­port in his book on the health ben­e­fits of red sil­ing labuyo and raw eggs. (The whole Chap­ter is re­pro­duced herein with the per­mis­sion of Jimmy) The re­port is as fol­lows: “Red sil­ing labuyo & raw fer­til­ized eggs will nor­mal­ize blood circulation, blood pres­sure, blood sugar, al­bu­min/ glob­u­lin ra­tio, en­er­gize ev­ery sin­gle cell of the body, and keep choles­terol nor­mal all the time if taken daily for life with the 15 glasses of wa­ter, 3 tea­spoons salt, and 6 ripe un­cooked saba bananas. “Cut up very fine 6 big (2”) or 12 small (1”) silis and mix them in a cup with 2 raw eggs and ½ tea­spoon of sea salt. Swal­low quickly. The raw eggs and salt will min­i­mize the burning sen­sa­tion of the silis. “The silis strengthen the pump­ing ac­tion of the heart and shoots blood to all the cells, de­liv­er­ing the nu­tri­tion, oxy­gen, and fresh wa­ter daily to all the cells. The silis ac­tu­ally do the work of the heart and al­lows the heart if de­fec­tive to rest and heal. “How red sil­ing labuyo & raw eggs can keep you healthy “To nor­mal­ize blood circulation, blood pres­sure, blood sugar, en­er­gize the whole body, and keep choles­terol nor­mal all the time, take the sili/egg/salt mix­ture 3x a day. “To re­verse stroke paral­y­sis, take the mix­ture ev­ery 2 hours 6 x a day un­til the paral­y­sis is gone and body mo­tions are fully re­stored. “To pull a per­son out of coma, give the mix­ture ev­ery 2 hours round the clock un­til the per­son is fully re­cov­ered. To able to give the mix­ture, an NGT or a stom­ach peg will be needed, and the liq­uid form of the silis (Cayenne Con­cen­trate from the US) will be needed. “To stop a heart at­tack or a stroke in process, crush 12 big or 24 small silis in a cup of warm wa­ter and drink it right away. It will stop the at­tack or the stroke. Eat 2 saba bananas right be­fore or right after to avoid get­ting a stom­ach ache. “The raw eggs en­er­gize ev­ery sin­gle cell of the body, es­pe­cially the heart, be­cause they are very rich in the fu­els ATP (adeno­sine triphos­phate) and CoQ10 which the mi­to­chon­dria (in­ner core of each cell) burns to en­er­gize the cells. They are also very rich in PQQ (pyrrolo­quino­line quinone), a co-en­zyme that gen­er­ates new mi­to­chon­dria to re­place the mi­to­chon­dria that dried up and died off from chronic de­hy­dra­tion. “The raw eggs will fill you up with su­per nu­tri­tion, be­cause they are the most com­plete food, with all the vi­ta­mins, min­er­als, amino acids, pro­tein, fats, car­bo­hy­drates that the body needs. God made them that way be­cause a liv­ing be­ing will grow in the egg and will need all the nu­tri­tion that it can get. “The raw eggs will keep your choles­terol nor­mal all the time. If choles­terol is high, just 2 raw eggs at break­fast will bring it down to nor­mal in 10 min­utes. Cooked eggs will raise choles­terol, be­cause the cook­ing wipes out the Vi­ta­min B3 which if de­fi­cient causes choles­terol to rise. “The raw eggs will keep the al­bu­min/ glob­u­lin ra­tio at the healthy ra­tio of 2/1, be­cause they are very rich in nat­ur­ al al­bu­min. If the ra­tio drops and re­verses ½ to 1, the body dies in 2 hours. You’re A/G ra­tio has dropped to x.x/1. Six raw eggs daily will take it up back up to the healthy ra­tio in 2 days. “Don’t let peo­ple scare you from tak­ing raw eggs by telling you raw eggs have sal­mo­nella, and you have to cook them to kill the sal­mo­nella. Tell them the Ja­panese have been eat­ing raw eggs ev­ery day for cen­turies,

and there is no sal­mo­nella prob­lem in Ja­pan. The sal­mo­nella prob­lem is in Amer­ica, and Amer­i­cans eat cooked eggs, not raw eggs.” By the way, Jimmy is the only doc­tor of meta­bolic medicine in the Philip­pines. He got his de­gree in 2001 when he was seventy (70) years old from the Col­lege of Meta­bolic Medicine in Kansas where he was per­son­ally trained by Dr. Wil­liam Don­ald Kelly, the founder of the Col­lege. He is also board cer­ti­fied as a natur­opath prac­ti­tioner by the Philip­pine In­sti­tute of Tra­di­tional & Al­ter­na­tive Health Care of the De­part­ment of Health. He likes to in­tro­duce him­self as a “quack doc­tor” be­cause he does not use any phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal drugs. Have a joy­ful day! (For com­ments/ re­ac­tions please send to Ms. Villafuerte’s email: vil­la­fuerte_nelly@ ya­hoo.com)