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English Pages 87 [101] Year 2014
Purpose and Practices in Econo111ic Theory
C. Platt
B1.t.T .l\. types of· cons,11ne1·s etc.)) and must compute For a continuous
the average outcome 01·a r·andom dravv. dist1·ibution)
this is done using integr·als.
These appeai· less fi·equently in om· courses do, I cover· them
3. Algebra -
so "vhen they
imple distr·ibutions.
To get to a final ans,ve1· 1 we have to do a lot
of· substitution equations
lowl)' and use
eli1ni11ation to get t·1·om perhaps
and 5 ,mlmowns to a specific solution.
this mundane vvrap-up of the p1·oblem is vvhere 90% of math e1·1·orsoccU1·.
1. A Conve1·sation Virith a Math Atbei t
I don t 1nean. to ay that these at.·e t1·i,,ial, but at least )'OU
have to deal with. I, for 011e,a.in t,hankful that \Ve
don>t use t1·igonomet1·y 01· pai·tial difl'ei·ential equations in Econ
3 2. All the calculus we use i11class can be done with a handful of 1·ules about de1·i,rati,,es and integi·als. The algeb1·a is usually a matte1· of sol,,ing a couple eq,1ations and u11l{now11s: which have si1nila1·algo1·ithms. I once 1·ecei,reda student evaluation fo1·Econ 3 2 that claimed
I was dema.nding graduate-level 1nath of them. Ho\A.co1nfo1·table g1·ad school ,vould ha,,e been had \Vebeen confined to deri,,atives 1
a.nd algeb1·a! No ... 1·eal anal)rsis, topolog-y, and measure theory ai:e the tools .of graduate economics. At the inte1·mediate le,,el) "ve only bring out tl1e es ential tools. 1
But why use it at all? At this point, the math atheist ma)' 1·eto1·t 'Slll·e~ )'OU re not using the hai:dest ma.tl1 in existence - but \ivhy use any 1nath at all?''
This ai·g,1rnent aga.in.st teaching mathematically-1·igo1·ous
economics generally tal{es t'\vo angles: fu·st, math is hard, and second, math distracls
1·1·omthe ideas we 1·eall)' \ivant to study.
I concede the fi.1·stpoint. l\llath is difficult. It requi1·es abst1·act tbi11kir1g.It is easy to make little 1nistakes that tht·ow the solution off. It take
some pla1ming and perhap
ome false stai·ts a.1Jd
erased pages to figure out 110\.Vto tackle a p1·oblem. To make matters wo1·se, 1·1·omgrade
chool on, math is taught \iViih vef)'
few motivating examples.
tudents fail t•o see the usefulne s 01·
the algebra 01· calculus techniques,
o they put no effo1·t into
it. Jviost of us ( and I include my elf.) only lear·n math wl1en we absolute!)' must~ a.1Jdare not anxious to pull Olll' matl1ematical 1
For those who see an Economics Ph.D. in yolu· fut1u·e, Econ 5 0 \Vill gi,,e you an importa11t i11trod11ction to the application of gradt1ate le,rel matl1ematics to economics.
1. A Conve1:sation «rith a Ivlath Atheist
kno,vledge out of . to1·age. Howeve1·1 this onl)' establishes that using math is costl,, that it doe n t come natU1·ally. Slll·el)' '\.Vecan't dismiss the use of· math in econo1nics Oill)' on this basi ! We tnust compar·e the co ts with the benefitsi vvhich I spell out belotiv. Eve1·ything comes at a cost (i1nplicit or explicit), and usuall)', things of a g1·eate1·,,alue come at a g1·eate1·cost.
Lost in translation Then what are the benefits? the gi·ad-school-bound
F\u·the1·mo1·e, ,vill they onl)' help
student, 01· a1·e these benefits •equall)' dis-
tributecl? The ftu1da.1nental 1·eason why we use 1nathematics
in eco-
nomic is because it fo1·ces us to be logical. The Engli h language is slippe1·3r. Wor·d have multiple definitions a.nd nuances~ o ii is ha1·d to be ure that you ai:e talking about the
ame thing. Fur-
the1:mo1·e,comn1U11icating in English is sloppy. In the coUI·seo.fa11 ar·g,1ment, it i entirely po . ible to cont1·adict one'
self' \\1 ithout
noticit1g it, or 1nake a conclusion that does 11ot follow 1·rom tl1e pr·eceding con,,e1·sation. Someone could also make a t1·ue cla.im but express it in a way that is diffict1lt to follow. Ce1·ta.i11l)'you have been in an a:r·gument or debate vvhere )'OUI'opponent keeps changing the topic to avoid getting pinned down 01· 1·edefines his pre,,ious statements
as he goes, or tvvist
the meani11g of your \vords. The fi.·ustration of· Sl1ch e.>...1)eriences i enough to mal{e yotr 11ot v.1 a11t to talk to the othei· per' on at
all, and it ce1·ta.in]y do•es not facilitate any exchange of ideas. Fo1· a moment~ think of Mathernat;ics as a language of· it O\Vn. Each equa,tion makes a clai1n or· state1nent lation into English.
which has s01ne tra.n.s-
The beautiful thing about mathematics
that it is p1·ecise and il1controve1·tible. Mathematical
1. A Conve1·sation Virith a Math Atbei t
ai·e well defined,
o tl1at eve1·yone t1·ained in Nlathematic
common tinder tanding
has a
as to the meaning of a particular· equa-
tion. 11Io1·ei1npo1·tantly, Math is relentles ly logical. If t,vo equations contradict
one ano·ther· a
on tr·ying to olve the problem
will find out that the1·e is no solution· the,y ca11not simultaneously be Lr·ue. Thi
it impo ..ible to hide logical inconsistencies.
If' someones equation ( tatement)
only holru t1·t1esome of the
time ( e.g. under· certa.in as timptions) be
tated or el e the equation is false.
f1·om sneaking in 11evvassumptions Thi
tho e a s11mptions must Thi
p1·event s01neo11e
i11the middle of an ai·gument.
also expo es the false analogy, where a true concept for· one
ituation is u ed to justify a f"alse conclusion for distil1ct ci1·cumstances.
It i also easier to find common grou11d while peaking Mathematics.
clairns that these tvvo equations can be com-
bined to form a third equation,
anyone else ~·ith mathematical
t1·aining can ,,erif) 1 for· themsel\res if thi impossible
is true.
This mal this hard wo1·k \vith math will gi,,e you relative!)' rare talent -
which; as
higher· f'uture
alar·y. How is math co1111.ectedto analytical
know; allo\.v you to command
thinl 'Is
include the ti 1ne and
1·equit·ed or· 1·eader· of the model, which incomplexity,
and specialized n1ath used in the
The benefits depend on hovv novel 01· stu:p1·ising the 1·e-
st1lts are, a11d l1ow illu1ninati11g tl1e inte1·11almecl1anic;;1nsa1·e.
In ho1·t, no one get
high ma1·k for proving
at the same time, elaborate Balanced
the obviou ·
con1ple:xity i not an end in it elf·.
omevvhe1·e be·tvvee11these, theor)' has a 1.1nique 1·ole to
pla)'· If' e,,e1· that 1·ole eems t1·i,rial or it1·elevant,. pe1·hap we just sent tl1e \v1·011gmodel to ca1-ve out that 1·ole.
Theory in Pmctice 1. List tht·ee standards
a theo1·etical model.
by ,vhich
judge the lL.~ef'ulnessof
Explain each (in a entence or two),
1·efe1·ring to one of the models f1·om class as an exa.mple. 2. A friend fr·om anothe1· discipline signed a.n eq·uation that describe ho,v doe
that mathematical
the 1·eal -vvo1·ld?' Give
once told me
{You de-
a result you vvanted; but
model pr·ove anytlling
3. Suppo e congre s is contemplating
a dt·amatic policy change
fo1·,vhich the1·e is little data. D•esc1·ibe ho,v economist ate a counte1·factual p1·ecliction of its efl·ect.
An)' theo1·etical claim boils dovvn to an if-then tateme11t. If specified assumptions
hold, then a specified 1·esult always occurs.
The cla.i1n must be justified in a mathen1atical
pr·oof de1non-
trating ho\v those assumptions inevitabl)' lead to that co11clusion. But notice that the proof only co1mect the path bet,vee11 assumptions
and 1·esult. It does not (and cannot) p1·ove that
the assumptions ai·e co1·1·ect. As fai· as the math is concerned, the stai·ting poi11t is unquestioned
it consequences ar·e
exa.rni11ed. Tllis pr·ocedure i excellent at establishing the logic behind one's thi11king. Done properly~ the proof
"'ill be
easil)' ve1·ified b)' anyone mathe1natical1)' tr·ained. If a11y cont1·0,,e1·s)' re1nai11S,it ca11 only 1·est in the a..ssumptions used. And ho,v do vve adjudicate tlia,t contest? What makes an as.c;111nption acceptable? 1
A natliral inclination is to ask '·Is the assumption 1·ealistic?
But by that sta11dai·d, eve1·,ymodel fails. Even the most v,rellaccepted models make
i1nplil'ying as umptions that are laugh-
able ( e.g. fu·ms know p1·ecisely 1nar·ket demand or one another· cost function, corh~lllner ii1stantaneously know all prices and utilit)' from 1
combination of goods etc). As put by the
We give the e claims different names: theorem or proposition a.re \1Sed interchangeabl)' for the important clain1S, ,vhile lemma is used for an intermediate (but other1,vise 11ninteresting) step.
7. A -st1n1eResponsibly
LaUI·eate Finn Kydland and Ed Prescott,
~To c1·iticize
a model because it is a.n ab t1·action is foolish: all models ai·e necessa1·il)' abst,1·actions.
In othe1· \.vords, the model is a model -
a si1nplification -
not a literal depiction of tl1e real ,vo1·ld. Without tho e simplifications, we \Vould be 1111ableto make any conclusions about beha,,ior. A the old adage goes) '' o ass11mptions, no theo1·ems.~' We even if acrificing realism,
need some context in which to operate 01· else vve can
a)' nothing about that envit·onment.
as \ve obse1·ved in Chapte1· 6, sometimes a simpler model is mo1·e info1·mative than a complex one, because it eleg-antly highlights the mecha.nisms at work ,vhich would othe1·wise be obscured by othe1· bells and whistles.
The ''As If'' Analogy Econo1nists ar,e tjrpically \re1·y upf"ront abo11t the assumptions their 1nodels, but one
hould not 1nistal;, I a1n 1·eal1)'sum1nai·izing my intro pection about my •O\vn expe1·ience, as in) I can t thitlk of a time that I pla.yed the game ,vhen my patience 1·an out. 1 That effective!)' r·eturns to the empu·ical ai·g11ment: does the model Alte1·nati,,ely my statement
p1·edictions beai· out il1 practice?
could be t1·anslaled a , I don t ee
hot\l disco11nti11gcould make a diffe1·ence il1 playing the game. 1'
7. A -st1n1eResponsibly
-.. . • ,,. .,•'
~ ~ --..._
0 --..._
0 ., I).
Howe,rer·, if Px = I
and tl1e ove1·all claim is still tr·ue.
A. Logic dictates that ...
Tl1us to p1·ove an or claim you only have to p1·0·\1eone of its subpart
to be t1·t1e;)'OU need not \Vor·r·yabout whether both
hold 01· not. To disp1·0,,e an or clai1n
would have to shovv
that both su bpai·ts ai·e false.
If-then • Disp1·ove an if- then claim by showing that the condition holds and the consequence fails. • P1·ove an if- then clai 1n by howing that either the condition fails or· the conseque11ce holds.
For those ,vho ha,,en t studied logic, the conditional operator,
if-then, i a bit tricky because 01·theu· 11arrow scope. In addition, the sa.1neclai111can be stated using a number of difl'e1·ent English wo1·ds. But fi1·st, let us set up an exa1nple Lo use thi·oughot1t.
• Claim P: The outcome of a model is Pai:eto efficient. 1 • Claim T: The outcome
•Of a
model is technicall)' efficient. 2
Jote that these claims may be t1·ue 01·false, depending on which model "ve conside1·. Suppose I make the cla.i1n: !If a models outcome is Par·eto efficient 1 the11 it is also technically efficient 1' (that is, :11·P, then T.; ). The scope of this clai1n is limited to times when P is t1·ue; it has no bite othei·wise. For i11Stance if the model is a competitive market with exte1·nalities 1 the outcome will never be Pai·eto efficient. Still, the outcome may or 1nay not be technically ef'ficient 1
tl1at depends 011,vhethe1· the externali ty only affects
1tleaning, it is not possible to increase the utilit)' of one person without reducing the t1tilit)r of another. 2 :£\lleaning, it is not possible to increase production of one good ,,rithout reducing proclt1ction of another.
A. Logic dictates lhat ...
6 utility of diJ:ectly impact
the p1·oduction technolog)'· But he1·e~
the kicker: when Pis 1·a1se,it doesn't matter what happens to T.
In that case we ay the claim 'If P then T i vacuo11.slyt1·ue. The conditional clai1n actually has some bite when its co11clition (P) is true. For e:xan1ple, in a pe1·fecily co1npetiti,,e 1na1.-l